> Bat With Benefits > by dunno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Feral Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a slightly foggy night with a bright full moon hanging in the sky, as the cyan pegasus flew high above the outer edges of Applejack's orchard. Rainbow Dash knew that Fluttershy, or Flutterbat as Rarity had named her earlier, was somewhere around in the area. So she had her gaze set over the dense treetops. A shadow could be seen flying from one apple tree to another in the far distance. "Aha!" the cyan pegasus exclaimed as she flew even faster in that very direction. Rainbow would soon catch up. The bat was quite fast, but not as fast as herself, obviously. If she understood the situation correctly, then Twilight's spell to fend off the fruit bats had somehow backfired on her childhood friend Fluttershy, turning her into some sort of vampony. 'Pretty rad, not gonna lie,' Rainbow thought, despite the serious situation. They had all tried to calm the bat down and converse with their friend but she would always act like a wild animal towards them, hissing, and baring her fangs in a clear warning to keep their distance. Pinkie had been very afraid, despite Applejack assuring everypony that vampire bats, in fact, don't drink pony blood. One could only hope the farm pony was correct in the assumption that it was the same for their yellow friend. Rainbow wondered if Pinkie might have had a premonition due to her Pinkie-Sense that made her act the way she did... She shook her head at the thought. Fluttershy would never hurt anypony. And neither would Rainbow or the rest hurt her in turn, no matter what the circumstances may be. They were best friends to the core. During the commotion earlier, Fluttershy had managed to get away, making the rest of the main six go looking for her once more. Since there was no imminent danger, as even Twilight assured them, it made sense to split up to cover more ground faster. As the only one next to Twilight who could fly, it was her job to scout her friend from the air. Once found, they could bring the mirrors in position for the transformation spell to be cast, as Twilight had laid out the plan to them earlier. Of course, Rainbow was worried about her dear friend. But she couldn't shake the thought that she also looked kinda, well... hot the way she was now as a vampony. The ears, the fangs, her wild mane... so awesome! Rainbow's head slowly became a similar red as the apples below her in the trees. She had always had a bit of a thing for her shy friend, but seeing her like that... assertive and dominant, like the feral animal she had become... Acting purely on natural instincts... It really made her senses go wild and a shiver went down her body, making her lose height in the air for a moment. It seemed as if Fluttershy had become a lot more muscular as well, maybe even more so than herself. Previously, it had only taken a single flap of her strong leathery wings to ward off Rainbow when she was trying to convince Fluttershy to stop acting. And that was while hanging upside down from a tree branch, no less! Not a small feat against the best flyer in Equestria, Rainbow thought dreamily, her nether regions slowly catching up on her lewd thoughts. It didn't take much more fantasizing for Rainbow to become as wet as a mare could become at that age, dripping a constant small trail of likely skittle-flavored juices down to the ground. Her wings slowly became stiff and immobile as a wingboner made itself noticeable. 'Damn it! I'm such a bucking idiot!' Rainbow thought at the realization and switched to gliding. She had become too unstable to fly and decided it would be safer to land before she couldn't control herself anymore from the excitement and crashed into a tree or something. That would have been super embarrassing. As she was on all four hooves on the grassy ground, she immediately noticed her friend not far from her in the trees. Fluttershy was hanging upside down again, with her pink tail wrapped around a branch. Her eyes closed, almost as if she was taking a nap. "Fluttershy! Hey! It's me, your best pal, remember?" Rainbow called up to her. The bat opened her eyes and hissed down to the ground before letting go of the branch, now flying in the air, all while never letting Rainbow out of her sight. For an eerie moment, it stayed that way, making Rainbow feel like prey, as the flying bat watched her silently from up in the air, tilting her head from one side to the other as she looked down. "Fluttershy..? Do you recognize me?" Rainbow asked unsurely. With speed, Rainbow would not have thought possible, her childhood friend nosedived down to the ground, only to flare up just before impact and come to a halt, snout to snout, right before her. "WOAH, easy there!" Rainbow exclaimed, visibly startled by the sudden movement. Fluttershy closed her eyes and sniffed the air around Rainbow, slowly walking around her. Rainbow tried to turn her front around with her, but the bat held one of her leathery wings tight around Rainbow's back to stop her from doing so. "Fluttershy...? What are you..?" Rainbow froze as she suddenly felt the warm breath of her friend on her marehood come close. Too close. Rainbow freed herself from the leathery wing to face her friend face to face. "What the buck, Flutters! What are you thinking? You are not yourself!" Fluttershy hissed right at her, little droplets of salvia falling on Rainbow's face, before she stept back, almost as if she was ashamed of what she had tried. The bat looked down to the ground with teared-up eyes. The sight reminded Rainbow immediately of the shy Fluttershy. "Wait, are you still yourself in there, Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked, a bit nervous about the situation and the possibilities. "Is this what you truly want?" The bat only gave her a tense look in return as she stepped closer again. Rainbow didn't move a muscle. Even as Fluttershy booped her nose with her own. Was this really okay? Sweat accumulated around Rainbow's forehead, and the fur of her hind legs was completely soaked by this point. She felt her own instincts take over as she licked her childhood friend's snout once to give her consent. Fluttershy's eyes went wide for a brief moment, only to become little dots again as she looked at Rainbow with untold desire. They both closed their eyes and connected their mouths sideways with each other. Fluttershy's tongue was unnaturally long and flexible. Rainbow couldn't help but giggle as she felt it playfully tickle along her gums. The taste of fresh apples flooded Rainbow's throat and instantly reminded her of her partner. Her saliva tasted just like Applejack's marejuices did. She took it all in eagerly. Rainbow needed more and freed herself again from her friend. Fluttershy looked at her questionably with a sideways tilted head. But then realized that Rainbow had only stopped to turn around and lift her rump up for her to go further. Fluttershy dug into the buffet that was Rainbow's lovely tight back. Moaning filled the area as the long tongue of the bat did its magic. "Oh. My. God." Was the only thing Rainbow managed to say as she had her head in the grass, hooves around her snout to dampen the moaning. Suddenly, the cyan pegasus felt something rather cold on her pussy. "What the?" Rainbow looked back at her friend, who was trying to shove an apple into her. "Wow, Fluttershy! What the hell?! That's too big for me!" The bat did not answer, but screeched into her marehood with her echolocation instead, "REEEEEEEEEEE" Rainbow could feel the vibrations and her love tunnel widen in response. "AAaaHHhhh, OohooH, HOLY SHIT! FLUTTERSHY!" The apple slit in effortlessly during that little trick. And Fluttershy made sure it got in all the way with her left hoof until it hit a stop. Rainbow was a mess and couldn't do more than moan, "Ahhh, ahh, ahh!" But the bat wasn't done. Fluttershy followed the apple with her snout and wrapped her tongue around it, having full control over its position inside Rainbow. Rainbow could feel the foreign object inside, encased in that slippery tongue of her bat friend. The feeling was indescribable. Fluttershy started moving the apple back and forth with her tongue. She had to also hold up Rainbow's back with her hooves while doing so, as Rainbow had no further control over her body from the sensation she had to comprehend and was just like pudding in her friend's hooves. Rainbow squirted in her friend's face multiple times during the whole process, but there was no shame. This had been the best she had ever felt before, and she came loudly and without restraint the moment Fluttershy pulled out the apple with a loud slopping sound as it passed her tight entrance again. The bat indulged in the scent of the apple before she bit into it with her fangs, draining it fully from its sweet juices before throwing it away in a high arc, like a boss. Rainbow was down on the grass, all four hooves spread, huffing as she felt Fluttershy slowly get on top of her, almost as if she was mounting her. "Flutter...shy?" Rainbow asked barely audible as she had lost all strength. Fluttershy brought Rainbow's front in an upright position, her bat wings holding her tight to her fluff, licking the neck of the cyan pegasus clean. "Fluttershy?!" Rainbow asked again, this time more energetic as she looked to the side into her friend's eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Slowly, without losing eye contact, Fluttershy dug her fangs into Rainbow's neck. Rainbow felt the sharp fangs pierce her skin, and the formerly unknown sensation of a living being sucking her blood out, gently. "AAhhhAAAH, BUCK!" Rainbow exclaimed loudly in surprise and had to look away. "It hurts! IT HURTS! Rainbow could feel Fluttershy slowly pulling back, but she didn't want her to. "NO! ...don't stop... Please... FINISH!" Rainbow indulged in the sensation of her friend draining some more of her blood and climaxed a second time. Soon after she became unconscious from all the blood loss. It was still night as a different apple pony shook the cyan pegasus awake between the trees. "Huh?" Rainbow asked dazedly. "Applejack, is that you?" "Hey there, you are finally awake... Looks like ya had a mighty interestin' night!" Applejack determined. "We were lookin' all over for ya. Glad you left me that scent trail to find you." Rainbow blushed fiercely as she stood up. "What about Fluttershy, where is she?" "Fluttershy's back to normal, says she doesn't remember a thing," Applejack answered, one of her eyebrows raised. "Twilight's spell worked fine." Rainbow noticed the strange look she gave her. "Why are you looking at me like that, Aj?" "Anything you'd like to tell me, partner?" Applejack looked at her expectantly. A strange feeling washed over Rainbow, and she ran her tongue over her teeth to confirm that a fang had popped out. "Actually, I might be able to show you instead..." Rainbow answered, a dumb grin forming on her face.