Unseen Hope

by NnoDragonEclipse

First published

The war against Equestria is failing. The Changelings are losing hope. Is there any hope for the tide of war to turn? Is there anyling to deliver hope?

Spartan III Theodore-G172 Wyvern-Two
Status: MIA
Last deployment: Reach, Orbital Defense Platform Power Station Delta
Mission: Defend ODP Power Station Delta from Covenant Ground forces
Mission Status: Unsuccessful
Equipment: Modified SPI-ES Armor, BR55 battle rifle.
Wyvern Team status: MIA
With the fall of reach many Spartans were active in the beginning and end of the defense. Many lost their lives in the hope of saving the planet. They failed.

The Changeling hive launched a desperate attack on Canterlot to save themselves from extinction. It failed. With the whole world now knowing about them they have no choice but fight for their very survival. Outmatch and outnumbered, they have no hope of survival. They fight for precious land to give the hive more time for an effective solution or war ending strategy that will save them. With Equestria hell bent of the destruction of the hive this seems unlikely. All seems hopeless. They need something to deliver them hope.

Mission Failed, Redeployment in Progress

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The sounds of gunshots ripped through the void to meet their final foe. Flashes of bright hot plasma returned fired in mass volumes. There was no stopping the unseen horrors that awaited me in death. I could see a marine's chest and armor pieces melted due a plasma pistol shot. I think his name was Gerald, a young seventeen-year-old draftee to fight in war for our survival. He knew nothing but war in his lifetime, all he saw was planet after planet burned and turned to glass. I'm not much better. I grew up much the same, but I was given a choice to get revenge on the bastards who murdered my family, who killed billions for their own sick religion. He didn't. He never had the choice.

I can already see the Covenant get closer to the power station. Their attempt to destroy the station to shut down the Orbital Defense Platform above. Bastards did this to many planets before and they're about to do it to Reach, the military backbone of the UNSC. I can hardly lift my arm with my pistol to get a few potshots in before they destroyed it. I should have listened to the lab boys on the protection part of the Mjolnir power suit rather than prefer the stealth SPI. It had stronger shields and better armor plating. Though I didn't need protection when I thought the planet was safe. How naive to think that with how ruthless the Covenant are.

I can already tell that the planet is about to fall, and it has hardly begun. I heard the fleet in orbit is one of the largest in the Covenant navy, led by their most competent commander. We had a hard time winning in space in the first place but with that commander we have no chance. I even heard the Spooks back at ONI were scared of him and I thought they weren't scared of anything. Once Reach falls, we have very little time left and time is our greatest resource that we have.

I hate everything they stand for. They think they are rightest for serving they're gods by exterminating us. I will not let that happen even till my dying breath. I will get up; I will fight back to give us just a little more time. My body and armor are failing me. I won't let that stop me. These plasma burns won't hold me down. I'm a Spartan, the best of the best of the UNSC's military. We are the demons that the Covenants fears. We haunt their nightmares and battlefields. Spartans never die and I won't die here. I WILL make them pay.

Getting up burns even with the augmentations I was given. The Covenant is getting closer. The ODSTs and the marines won't last much longer than me. I don't even see my team, my family. They did their job; we all make that one-way trip someday. I hear the panic over the radio, there is no coordination with this defense, everything happened so fast. I'm surprised that we were able to get here before the Covenant owned the sky. Not much ammo is left in my pistol, and I expect that there is not much left for anyone.

With pistol in hand, I won't let them destroy this facility. The ODP must stay active. Raising my arm to restart the fight. I began to run towards the right to a dead marine. He has the ammo I need and a rifle. The problem, the Covenant are quickly over running the position. The solution is to kill as many of them as possible. If the Covenant want to destroy humanity, they will pay for it in blood.

The barricade was almost overrun with only a few lizards brain grunts and they're split lip captain right next to my target. The poor bastards never knew what happened to them. The gas breathers went down first with a few quick shots to the head. The captain barely had time to look my direction before I was close enough to draw my knife and stab him right in the neck. With him down I get to cover where my next objective was.

Private Leo was his name. He was another young kid. He probably had a family too. You did well, I just wished you could have gone home to your family, to see them one last time. The covenant never gave anyone of us the chance to do so. Quickly grabbing his rifle and ammo I checked myself for damage. Armor plates fried so no active camo and same with the shields. Don't even have enough power for them even if I did. I had an assault rifle with three mags, a magnum with five and a blade. I have enough to take down a few of them. I look back to towards the brave soldiers who kept the defense strong. What brave men and women, if they only they could win. To go home and see their families, to go back and have their own families.

I won't forgive the Covenant for what they have done. For all the lives they have destroyed. They have created hell and they will die in the hell they created. Quickly getting up and stabbing a grunt that just so happened to jump the barricade. Lucky for me. Quickly looking over to take the rest on. Moving to close the distance between us, I've always love seeing they're looks of hate and fear. Switching targets one by one, reloading and stabbing was the order of the battlefield and Spartans are the master of it. Each Spartan worth hundreds of them. They went down fast, faster than some of them to react.

Though once they wised up to me, they focused fire on me. They got a few shots in, but I won't go down to them, I'll go down on my own terms. Duck, fire, reposition, fire, stab, reload, stab, and kill. They call us demons and monsters. They have no idea how right they are. I'm quickly running low on ammo, I never had enough to kill them all and they just keep coming. Our boys up there need help, they need this platform to survive. They won't last long against those carriers without it. An elite dropped plasma rifle; I think he has a present for me. How generous of him. Quickly picking it up I restarted my crusade against them.

There was just too many of them. Bolts of plasma and rifle rounds fired never changed the battlefield from its forgone conclusion. The Covenant swarmed the station with no regard to their lives. All of them fighting for their holy war of extermination. The bodies of their fallen stomped over as if they never mattered. My broken body failing to keep them away. The elites wised up and now focused on the lone spartan. I can't hold them off, never could. I trained for stealth and infiltration not defending a lost cause. Sword elite at seven o'clock, I must watch him on motion sensor while I deal with his buddies. Stab, fire, dodge, shoot, reposition and kill. All of it is just pattern I mastered though training. Their blood rained onto the ground.

Incoming contact seven o'clock fast and closing. Ducking under the swung energy blade. Damn I knew this bastard was going to be a pain in my ass. Turning around to return fire almost led me to a blade straight into my jaw. This was no regular elite; it was an ultra, one of the best. Fuck you, I'll take you down too. Dodging his blade and other plasma bolts was difficult. Some bolts landed and I'm surprised that my body was still working after all the abuse it has taken. I'm getting slower, it's getting harder to move. This led me to get shot more often slowing me down more. This elite ultra is getting on my nerves I need to take him done now. I began to change my tactics from dodging to rushing him catching him off guard. This small slip up in his guard allowed me to get within stabbing range. Two quick stabs right into his right leg and one into his chest.

He did not let my actions go unpunished though; He stabbed me right through the chest and slid the blade up to cut off my left arm. A devesating blow to even a spartan. I'll take him with me though, quickly stabbing him with my knife right into his neck over and over again. I even shoved it right up his throat straight into his brain. He won't live for long, and neither would I. I fell to the ground unable to pick myself back up. That fucker got me good. I don't know If I'll live to see the fear fade from his eyes.

An elite with golden armor showed his ugly head, an elite general. Taking him out is now my new priority. I can't get up. I have one grenade, one that could change this battle's conclusion. Arming and throwing the grenade towards the one who ordered this attack. He dodged out of the way and got to cover before it blew, taking some of his men out. I got his attention now.

He ignited his energy sword, ha his honor will be his downfall. He got close enough to where he was standing right above me. He lifts his arm to strike the final blow. Too bad he fell into my trap. The last thing he saw was my power pack overloading, killing him.

It is said that you gain peace in death. I would have to say they are full of shit. I still feel the bitter hatred of the Covenant, a boiling hatred to kill them all. If that is so I have ended up in hell. Good, I'll get a second chance to kill them all once again. I would expect hell to be different. All I see is skyscraping mountain to my right and a never-ending dessert to my left.

I even see my helmet H.U.D. I thought I blew up the battery, how do I even have power. Thinking of the command to do a full suit diagnostic and activating it should tell men how much of the suit still survives. I'm not suspecting much. Getting up to check the area for dangers only ended up with some balance issues. That's new, I never had any balance issues before. It is even uncomfortable to stand up normally.

I looked down to check why. I was thinking I had some cybernetics but what I got was strange. My hands and feet were replaced with fat, stubby legs. Huh, that's new. Did the spooks somehow recover my body and get my brain into a computer before it died. I never expected to be turned into an AI. I would think I would get to choose what I looked like rather than them choosing it for me. I could be wrong as I never cared for the subject. I could be drugged too and hallucinating. Both are possible but highly unlikely. There was no chance of recovery and I distinctly remember having my arm cut off. Good the diagnostics are down, program read diagnostics.

User Status: functional, Unknown configuration.

SPI-ES armor: fully operational.

Active camo: operational, on standby.

Energy shields: operational, on standby

Energy cell power level: 99%

Location: Unknown

Mission: Unknown

Recommendations: Return to UNSC military installation for redeployment.

That is concerning, how is my armor not damaged and how does it not know where it is. There must be some signal for it to determine where it is. Even if from a damaged satellite, it should be able to determine where I am. I couldn't have left Reach. Unkown configurations of the status of the user, I have never seen that before. At least everything is still functioning for the most part. I need to get a better look at myself. taking off my helmet was harder and easier than expected. Easier due to somehow being able to grip it without having fingers but harder due to something on my head. It wouldn't allow me to take the helmet straight up, I had to angle it up to slide it along something long. Every time I hit this pole on my head it gave a slight sting.

I eventually got the black helmet off and used the golden visor to look upon myself. What I saw was different than what I expected. It had large lizard like eyes and a long holey horn. I could tell that my skin or whatever it is now is completely black. I had two large fangs on my new muzzle. I had stringy green hair on my head that was longer than it should have been. My ears were much like animal pointy ears. I looked down towards my body an found my tail scraping the ground. I also even see weird coverings on my back that weren't there before. Huh, that's new.

I'll figure it out later, first I need to find some shelter or a UNSC outpost soon. ONI would have a field day with my current condition. My best option is to scale the mountain to get a better view of my surrounding. Quickly reapplying the helmet, this time faster due to now knowing of my new horn and began my long trek up. Walking upright was a challenge but not impossible. I gave myself another look over. I seem to be an equine of some sort. Like one of the ones used in some of the early wars back on earth. I could try walking like one of them.

Taking a short walk in this orientation was unusual but I'll get used to it. Spartans are supposed to adapt to changing situations on the field and this is no different. It even feels natural to an extent. The journey was slow to the top, some of it because of my inexperience on walking on all fours but most cause by how steep this mountain is. It is almost a complete drop-off at some points. The view up here would give me some help in locating myself or any UNSC forces in the area.

The two sides of the sheer cliffs were complete opposites. While one was a dead everlasting desert the other was an ambush waiting to happen lush forest. Both routes were terrible for finding any forces. The desert could hold a UNSC shipyard or have nothing in it at all and the forest could hold a hidden bunker. There might be a chance for Reach if they haven't glassed this part of it yet. I don't even see any Covenant vessels or fighters. Wait what's that? Smoke rising out of the forest.

That means someone is out there, what a bunch of idiots, even if the Covenant are not in the direct vicinity doesn't mean they can't see it. I have to warn them before they ever get the chance or if I failed, kill all those who dared entered UNSC territory. Both Militaries know not to light fires in case of being seen, these must be civilians running. Let's hope I get to them before they do.

Contact Unknown, Recon Advised

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Don't the civies know that the Covenant will kill them once you find them. Idiots. I may be less than optimal at the moment, but I have a duty to protect them. Of course, the civies don't listen to anything told to them, living in their own paradises away from them and never fighting against them. They are the one who have brought the Covenant right on our own intergalactic doorstep. The damn cowards.

Marking the smoke for easier navigation in the forest I set out to save the dumb cowards. Getting the mountain was easier than getting up at points. I was able to slide down much of it but had to be careful of the sudden drops. The sun was getting low, if they were smart, they should have let the fire burn out. Civilians don't know how brutal the Covenant can be, how many lost their lives in vain attempt of defense for more time. The ignorant fools. I still have three-point-six kilometers out from their last know location, hopefully they are still there, or they're dead.

The forest had thick enough foliage to be hidden from the air and thick enough that the dying light does not pass through. What a great place to hide. The problem is that it is flammable, a problem when one side has super-heated plasma. Even if the Covenant didn't spot them, the fire they started could be seen or even burn down the entire forest thus negating the point of being in a forest. Not to mention that you could get lost if you're not a good navigator.

If they were heading toward the mountain, it might have been a good plan with cave providing shelter. Careful not to disturb branches as to give away my position and keeping my eye on the motion sensor for threats, I began my trek towards them. Most animals that even got near were scared off, not many wanting to risk it. The birds from high above were curious and chirping, good I need them to stay calm here. It was dark enough here that if any regular marine or ODST were here wouldn't be able to see without their equipment but due to my augmentations I could, so I kept my equipment off to save power and to not store up heat.

My black armor will keep me camouflage in this mess, I never understood why my brothers and sisters had such vibrant colors, your armor is meant to keep you safe not to get you spotted and shot. Movement up ahead, ten o'clock, twenty-five meters, multiple targets. Shit, the Covenant are moving towards the civies, moving to intercept. Moving as quiet and silently so to not tip them off that they are now the hunted and not the hunters, I got closer. Twenty meters, fifteen, ten. I can hear them quietly shuffle towards their target. With a thought I enable active camouflage and my visor to get a better look at my new targets.

What do I have here? Ten equines in muted green armor with mud plastered all over them though that didn't hide the fact very well that they came in many different shades of a rainbow. It would be funny if they didn't have serious looks and spears in their hoofs. They are definitely military though if left in the medieval past with a mix of modern. The leader in front tells the others to spread out with a hoof and does a circular motion. The others spread out to surround an area, a trap to encircle an unknown enemy no doubt.

I look to see what is in the middle and found five more equine but this time they were different. They had much the same as I with their large fangs, holed horn and black like chitin surface layer but had some major differences. One of them was that their eyes with insectoid, like what you would see on some flies back on earth, and they had thin almost transparent wings that could have never get them off the ground. They even had holes in their legs which doesn't look good for strength. There were two standing guard with spears and their armor was minimalist at best with it only covering the front of their chest and head with an opening in the front.

Two alien species never discovered, and they're still stuck in medieval stage of technological development. This would be a scientific marvel back home but right now it is a problem. I don't remember any papers saying we discover an unknown alien race anywhere back home, though I could be wrong as most of my time was killing other alien bastards. The good news is that I'm not on Reach, the bad is that I'm nowhere never UNSC space to be picked up to return to the fight. Guess my only choice is to see how this ambush works out for the green equines.

Actually, let's even the field, picking up a stick I snapped it as loud as I could. Everything stopped for a second before the black insects quickly started to set up a defensive line. It was no use as the next all of the eighteen green colorful equines flooding springing the trap. Even with a second of warning the insects never stood the chance. An upside is that it looks like all were captured, if a little bruised. Honestly not too bad of a defense for the warning they were given but defiantly needs improvement.

After securing their new prisoners, what I believe to be their commanding officer, a dark blue and yellow maned equine, turns and questions, "Which one of you damn idiots snapped the branch, if you did that a few seconds earlier, we could of have a blood bath on our hooves. We need them alive not dead you morons! Hey greenie if you ever do that again this spear will go so far up your flank because I know my highly trained men did not make a simple mistake as a snapping branch, understand?"

"YES SIR!" this so-called greenie responded. Huh, they speak English, how convenient. I pick up another branch for later and start to circle them, they must be some type of trained professionals to operate in this environment. For now, let's see what happens to see if I need to get involved.

The officer goes up to one of the insects and pulls off the muzzle preventing them from speaking. This only brings tears into its eyes.

"Hello little bug, my name is Captain Breaking Point, you will tell me what I need to know as this is not a negotiation. I won't result in torture if I get my way, though if I don't you could say I would bring you to your breaking point, understood?" captain Breaking Point spoke sinisterly. The insect through the sobbing nodded, I don't think that one is a soldier at all. What the hell were those soldiers with civies, are they some sort of VIP? Either way I don't have enough information to do off of.

"Good, don't want a little accident to happen to this little bug now would we. Now back to business, how did the invasion get past our defenses?" the captain questioned.

"I don't know, I-I-I wasn't in Canterlot. I'm just a nymph mother. I don't know please!" the feminine voice pleaded.

"What do you think boys because I think we caught a liar, a trait found in all of the Changeling race. Now tell me the truth little bug. I won't ask again."

"Please I don't know, I only take care of the little ones, please don't hurt me."

"Maybe this little bug needs some encouragement, greenie get me my favorite knife," The captain ordered. The greenie looks like he is about to throw up. I don't like where this is going. He was even hesitant to give the captain his knife. "So little bug, I suppose you had this coming."

He drew closer, the changeling started squirming as an attempt to get away, begging for him not to do it.


All things stopped; the only sound was the sobbing of the changeling. "Greenie, that better not be you."

"No Sir!"

"Then who the hell did it, if any of you did it, I will personally send you back to basic!" all of his men confirmed that they didn't snap anything. It then hit them like a brick. "Soldiers defensive line zero eight bravo."

They all moved into a tight circle surrounding their captives. It won't help them. *snap* No response though they turned in that direction.

"You're not very stealthy bug. We know you're here." I considered not responding. I picked up another branch.

"That was not the point, the lady obviously doesn't know how they got past, I stopped you from torturing her for your own sick pleasure," I won't let him do something evil without a purpose. This may not be my fight, but I know good from evil when I see it.

"That's all? Well, you succeeded. Now what? We let the love-suckers go and cause problems later. No! They will pay for what they did to Canterlot."

"What happened in this Canterlot is not my problem. I won't stop you from bringing justice unto those who deserve it, but I won't let those bring injustice onto this land."

"Ahh, a philosopher. We're saved boys from all the injustice brought onto this land by talking. It must have saved Canterlot too!" his words dripping with sarcasm. Just back down idiot, you can't win this one.

"That 'bug' is a civilian, she took no part in any military operation. The only thing she looks capable of with how thin she looks is move small amounts of equipment. Now back off, I won't give you a second warning."

"Says the coward in the shadows, I want to know how you would make us 'pay' as even if you're a merc we outnumber you and train professionals. You are interfering with official Equestrian operation, now I want you to think about what you're doing before you get yourself killed. You understand? Final warning."

I did warn them. There are eighteen in total, the one in the middle is the commander, three guarding the prisoners and the others surrounding them in a defensive line. Easy enough, just take out the commander and the whole structure tumbles over. Tossing a branch to create a distraction to move in closer. It didn't quite work as intended as only a few turned to defend from that direction while the others held their composure. They're trained decently.

First one was a piece of cake, I was at the tip of his spear, and he didn't even know I was there. A quick move to disarm and then immobilize knocked him out of the fight. Next was the same with a winged female, she never stood a chance.

"Flash Point, target has an invisibility spell! Use a flash spell to overload the spell matrix!" the commander yelled to one of his subordinates. Unable to react in time this 'flash spell' was cast and overloaded my active camo, revealing me. Both sides were surprised by this new reality, I was confused by how they were able to achieve this feat with their level of technology and they were confused by a being twice the size of them in full black armor.

The confusion didn't last long. "Target the joints, there is less armor there!"

Now revealed, the soldiers moved to surround me. One by one they would take small stabs and feints towards me. Each time they would loss one of their own until there were only the ones defending the prisoners. The commander looked horrified by, if I was lethal, the massacre he witnessed "I recommend you stand down commander, no one else need to get hurt today. Let the prisoners go and your men will survive."

"You made your point; these love suckers are yours. Know that Equestria will remember this defiance," the commander finally agreed. Releasing the prisoners from their bonds and pointed towards me. I can feel the hate he had for them, "Get out of here before I change my mind."

I ushered the now released prisoners towards the mountains to find some sort of shelter in a cave. The female had been injured enough that she had to be help. I made sure they were quiet enough so that we were not followed. Finding a cave, I made sure it was safe and deep enough to sufficiently hide them. I made sure they were comfortable here and began to keep watch.

One of them got curious, the female who I saved, "Who are you, what are you?"

Slowly taking off my helmet to have them feel safer, I started to speak, "I am Spartan G-172, my name is Theo."

My appearance seemed to shock them and with a sign of hope, all they could say was, "You're a noble class."

Objective Achieved, Redeployment Imminent

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Noble Class? I'll ask later. One of the soldiers didn't speak up, he looks important with his armor covering more of his body than the other, not only that he had an elegant sword as a backup to his spear. He was just staring, though with what emotion he had I couldn't tell due to his compound eyes, with half squinted eyes.

"What hive are you from, you are not of Crystal blood nor of the Obsidian bloodline. What does your Monarch want?" He asked with a hint of hostility in it. How close are they insects back home as this could be taken in different ways. I need more information.

"My leader wants nothing from you. I'm from the UNSC, or more accurately ONI," I told them to the extent that I'm allowed to. That confused them further. The commanding officer looked for his peers to see if they could confirm if they knew anything, all he got were blanks stares and confusion.

"Well Noble Theo of the ONI hive of the UNSC bloodline, we must thank you for your help. I am Private first-class Millipede, a worker of the Cystal hive of the Obsidian Bloodline. We have been fleeing the Equestrian Army for two weeks and in dire need of resupply and medical attention. I have a medic who can manage to stabilize everyling but we would be without protection during this time. I must ask you for help before you head back to your hive," he sounded dejected at that last statement.

"I understand your plight and will help, but all of you must hurry. They know we are in hiding and will try to seek us out. We will rest here only for a short time but then we must move right away, understood," I told him.

"Understood sir," he responds. He moves to the other side of the entrance as I put back on my helmet. "May I ask something? Why are you out of your hive? Nobles aren't known to be out in the field."

"You will only get limited answers and I'll ask something in return; I have a duty to my people to serve and die if necessary to protect them," I responded, "Where is your commanding officer?"

"We got separated after the blast, I gathered this group and moved to the rally point in the southern desert. We managed to avoid most of Equestria's forces until now. Next question, where are you from? I didn't know of any UNSC bloodlines anywhere near Equestria. The only one that was near us were the Ruby bloodlines in the griffin isles, but that was before the Griffonian republican/monarchist civil war. We lost the entire bloodline in that war," he said solemnly.

Should I tell him? Reach stands no chance against the covenant. It will fall like every other Planet before it. They glassed every single one of them since Harvest. Once I return to UNSC space I'll avenge in the name of Reach. "I'm from Reach, a place very far from here. It no longer exists."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I guess we lost another bloodline that we didn't even know about. Seven bloodlines lost within fifty years, now eight. I guess the web master, Arachnid, has chosen not to help us in our time of need," he said sadly. I turn to look at the others. The one I guess is the medic was applying green globs of spit onto the wounds of the other soldier that then hardened to form a flexible resin that seal the wound.

"My 'bloodline' isn't dead just yet, we still have more to protect, and we must never stray from our duty. How many other bloodlines still exist?" I asked.

"Two, if you consider the Zebafrican bloodline but most don't due to its fragmented state and structure, each hive acts independently of another. If we don't only one, us the Obsidian bloodline. We lost hives all across Equestria that the only one truly left standing is the capital, The Enkindled Spring. Made right after the Obsidian wars with Equestria over One thousand years ago. I guess I get to see it now after all this time, just wish it was under different circumstances. It was my dream once, now it is a nightmare waiting to happen," he said.

"I see, what was this Obsidian wars? You said it was against Equestria," I noted.

"The Obsidian wars started over a thousand years ago for some unknown reason, all that is known that Queen Obsidian fought for seven years against Equestria and lost everything. The only thing to survive was then young princess Chrysalis, who just lost her mother, when she commanded her hive to flee instead of fighting. The capital at the time Obsidia, the greatest city known to anyling, was sacked and destroyed. The Enkindled Spring was made in honor of Queen Obsidia and her fallen hives. It was also made to show the bloodline endured! That Queen Chrysalis is still alive! It is even said to rival the beauty of Obsidia! Now I don't even know if it will survive the war unscathed," he remarked gloomily. He then started slowly, "How was Reach, I mean before it fell."

"Everything you could hope for, beauty to rival the stars and the military backbone of the UNSC, all turned to ash," I said, "Been that way since Harvest."

"Harvest? Is that another hive?"

"In a way, yes."

"I'm sorry, I believe Queen Chrysalis will take you in, though food supplies will be tight."

"Consider it being thought of, but no. I must return to the UNSC. I must do anything in my power to return and fight even if it is certain death."

"Why? Is it not better to hide away? We changeling know what happens when we are revealed. We are stomped on like the bugs they see us as. We are nothing but mindless drones to them. If they think us as 'individuals' and give us sanctuary, they discriminate against us to the point where lynch mobs are a common practice. Whoever is attacking you won't stop until you're gone. Might as well make them think that by disappearing, it will be better for the bloodline of the UNSC if you did," Millipede stated. He is starting to tick me off with this defeatist crap. Doesn't he know the only viable option that when faced with extinction, ever alternative is downright preferable if not necessary.

"NO! In the face of extinction, we have an undeniable right to defend ourselves, every option will be considered, and every option is on the table. Right now, our options are to fight like hell and give the Covenant one hell of a bloody nose! Hell, I would even destroy every damn settlement, ship and factory if I had the chance! So no, private first-class Millipede, I won't stand back as this Covenant destroys everything I know and everything my brothers and sisters died for! To many have already died for this cause, what is one more to the growing pile!" I downright yelled at him. That made him back up against the wall. He looked downright terrified. When did I get so close to him? With that I turned around and moved to the other side of the cave opening to keep watch, "Have the medic check you for wounds to get stitch up. We move at moonrise."
Captain Breaking point

Damn it all to Tartarus. I had those damn bugs in my procession. They were mine! Then I had a damn merc disable my men and free them for "justice," yeah, those bugs don't deserve justice after what they did to Canterlot. Canterlot is my home and they defiled it.

"Captain Breaking point, colonel Quick Spear has responded quickly to our request for backup, sir," lieutenant Flash point said. The foal did just as he was told yet still went down in one, a broken nose and bruised ribs, who was that merc?

"Understood lieutenant, tell colonel Quick Spear to come in for debrief then get your flank to private Mending Hooves for medical care," I responded.

"Sir, yes sir," with that the lieutenant got out of my tent and the colonel, a unicorn, with his second, a pegasus, took his place. With a quick salute as a tradition, we got back to business.

"Captain Breaking Point, I am colonel Quick spear and my second is first lieutenant Spear Thrust. I received some dragon mail from General Sword Strike himself saying that some changelings got you well and I want to know how," the colonel commanded.

"Colonel Quick Spear, there five known changelings and an unknown attacker who we believe is a mercenary due to having training in combat illusions spells and an unknown armor. We manage to surround and capture the five changelings but the one merc got us good. He engaged us in close combat with an invisibility spell active and it didn't shatter when he hit one of my men which tells us about his proficiency with this type of magic. I had one of my men use a flash spell to overload the spell matrix to reveal him. We tried to surround and pin him down but each time we tried to strike he disable one or two of my men in quick success, so I called a retreat before he could harm or kill any more of my men. He used nonlethal tactic to disable and not kill, sir," I said to debrief him. The colonel sat there think for a bit on the situation.

"Huh, interesting, now tell me what he looked like," the colonel demanded.

"He was as tall as her majesty Princess Luna and as well built as lieutenant colonel Brute Will. His armor covered his entire body, so we weren't able to see what he looks like, but we know he has a horn. His armor was black as the night's sky and his helmet had a golden visor on it. He had two black armor pieces on his back, but we can't confirm if he has wings or if they are a protective cape. He wielded no weapons, but his hooves dented armor and broke many ribs with one strike to each of my men, sir," I responded.

"Huh, most interesting, he almost sounds like General Sword Strike; but anyways your men that are capable will join mine in a search and capture mission," the colonel commanded.

"Sir, I would recommend against that. The merc has top of the line training to take down my men. Not only that he did it by himself without any support. He is a dangerous individual," I warned.

"Don't worry, I don't want to fight him directly. What I want to do is talk him down and if he is a Changeling, I'll see if he is a reformer and get him a free pass to Mount Aris under the protection of Queen Novo. Then he won't be our problem anymore."
Profile Report Captain Breaking Point

To her Majesty,

Princess Celestia

Name: Breaking Point
Species: pony
Tribe: Earth Pony
Coat: Dark blue
Mane: light yellow
Birthplace: Canterlot regional Hospital
DOB: 2/29/974 CLE
Highschool: Canterlot High School
Rank: Captain
Joined: 10/17/993 CLE; Joined the guard right after high school
Status: Active as of 4/13/1 RE/1001 CE

The captain is a patriot to be sure but with the attack on his home city he has become erratic and prejudice. He has lost his honor as a guardian of the people and violated the holy tenant that every guard must follow. The only reason as of today he is still in active duty is that he is an effective commander and trained his men in jungle warfare. We need him as the Changelings flee south into the jungles. I recommend after we retrained our forces in jungle warfare, we take him from active service until this war is over. I recommend training our men as soon as possible before he loses his honor any further, for if he does, I doubt he will be able to regain it.


General Sword Strike

Strategic Retreat, Target Spotted

View Online

I sat in silence as Millipede got patched up. I just can't believe how close I was to losing it. Suit, administer the damn smoothers now!

I can't go berserk on these guys; I can't lose it here. It was just some little comment that set me off. I got so close to him and angry enough to kill him. It would have been like what happened to Jacob. You need to stay calm while the drug works its magic, I don't need a blue-on-blue incident. Suit show reserves of the smoothers.
95% remaining, last dose was five minutes ago taking 5%; It will last nine days before next dose is required.

Thank God, if he exists, that I stocked up on it. I don't want to enter that side ever again. I need to do something productive to get my mind off it. There is much but to keep my eyes on the field of trees for anything moving. This Equestria can show up any minute now and we'll be trapped.

Sneaking a glance back at the group I notice something strange. The medic's horn was lit up green and an object lit up with the same color was floating beside him. That might explain how the spears were being held aloft during our trek and in the fight before that. If they say I'm the same species as them this could be a very useful ability to have when you have no fingers. ONI would love to figure out how it works. Damn spooks.

I'll try some exercises to see if I can do it, but I still need to focus on the object and not focus on a pointless task.

"Umm, great noble Theo sir," the medic called timidly, "We need more time for our wounds to settle, if we move anytime soon, they will reopen and cause more harm. Please can we stay here longer for their safety?"

I thought about it for a little bit before giving my answer, "No, we must move under the cover of darkness when the enemy is still recovering. They know we are hiding just not where we are at. I will keep you hidden until we reach the rally point, after that you are on your own. Equestria must not find you if you are to survive, correct?"

"Yes sir, but it doesn't matter if we get sick and die on the way there," she started.

"It does as the longer we stay here the higher the chances they will find us here, we lower the chances of the happening by moving under the cover of night and hiding in the day. If this was an ideal situation, I would agree with you, but this is not so then we must follow protocol," I stated. She nodded in response and moved back to support the others. The sun just needs to go down and then we'll move, after that I don't know what I'll do. I need to find the nearest recognizable star and put up a radio beacon. I just hope there will be anyone to pick it up.


Waiting till night was mostly uneventful. Only twice did I require the others to go to the back and keep quiet. Equestrian patrols are searching the area for us. What seemed odd was that I mostly saw pegasi, that is what private Millipede called them. What surprised me was how small their wings were, their wings should have been too small to fly with how much thrust they should have been producing. Another thing ONI would like to get their hands on.

Imagine having small scale biological anti-grav instead of large ship anti-grav we use. They would make armor feel like nothing and fly around without the use of the jetpack. What a funny image, a spartan with bird like wings. I wouldn't be surprised if ONI started something along those lines if they had the technology, I wouldn't put it past them.

With night vision turned on and keep a close eye on my motion tracker I head out of cave to do some recon. This seemed to freak out the civies but with one quick look in their direction shut them up before they could reveal our position. Taking a look around, I saw no signs of Equestrian patrols or any signs of movement other than my own. This might be our only chance before they descend upon us. I must return and get them moving or lose our chance of escape.

"The coast is clear for now, but it won't be if we stay any longer than we already have. I need to know where we are going so that I could take point," I asked. This startled the civies, but Private Millipede got right to work ordering the others to pack up. It wasn't long before we were ready to move.

"We need to head west along the mountains towards the canyon, we must head into it and find a certain cave that I can point out, it connects to the underground web way. This underground group of caves will lead us northwest towards one of the last remaining hives. That is our rally point, we just took the long way round to divert Equestrian forces south," Private Millipede stated. A tactic the Insurgency used, I noted.

"This is that plan, I'll take point. I will have a light on at the back of my helmet for you to follow, you have to follow quickly if we are to make it to safety. Private Millipede, I need an estimated distance to the canyon," I asked.

"I don't know, but we're close. If we hurry, we could make it by daybreak," Millipede stated. Closer than expected.

"Good, we won't stop. We will make it there by daybreak. After that you must make it to this hive as fast as you can."

"YES SIR," they all stated.

"Now let's move out, stay close," I turn on the one light on my helmet and start to move west. Our progress was slow with some of them injured. We had to stop due to movement up ahead, but it was only small animals causing it. It was oddly quiet, no patrols flew or walked past. I have a suspicion that they are setting up a trap somewhere. If I had to guess, the canyon, we are surely not the only ones heading there so we got to be ready.

I can already see the sun start to rise in the horizon behind us and no canyon in front, there are no places that look like good enough to provide cover. We are going to have to speed up if we are to make it. I can tell they are not going to be happy about that. "We need to move now! We have no choices right now but to hoof it there as fast as we can!"

With that the pace quicken. The canyon was not too far off, and things were starting to get strange. There was no more wildlife and too quiet. We were being stalked and there was nothing we could do about it right now right in the open. My motion tracker was starting to go off with nothing in sight. It couldn't have been the others as I already marked them as allies. This is reminding me of how cloaked elites fought. Always stalking in the shadows and only engaging when they know they have the upper hand.

"We need to keep moving, we can't stop here," if we stop, they strike. The canyon was now in sight. Equestrian air patrols were high up in the sky on the other side heading towards us. They most likely spotted us, "Equestrian air patrols twelve o'clock high!"

If they weren't motivated to move, they are now. We managed to get into the canyon before they reached us, but they didn't descend to attack just circled above, alerting others to our position, "Millipede where is the Cave?! We need to get there immediately!"

"It's one hundred and fifty meters in on the right, the one with the tri pyramids of rocks out front!" Millipede said with huff and puffs in between. Spotting the cave, I direct the others towards it. We are so close, just a few more meters. We came to a dead stop as a green coat and blue maned Unicorn in gold and red armor stepped out of the cave. We're too late.

"If you haven't already figured it out, you have been followed since the Chestnut fields. I am Colonel Quick Spear, your soon to be captor. I would like to congratulate you on getting this far but you are not the first ones to get caught here. Surrender now and you will not be harmed. I know you don't believe me since you had a run in with captain Breaking Point, but he is no longer in command of this operation by royal decree," colonel Quick Spear stated, "I see the merc is still with you, good I wanted to ask some questions, if that is alright by ya. One of them is, are you a Changeling?"

I didn't respond, I lowered myself into a fighting position with even my wings flaring. The others were too tired out to be much help in this fight. Private Millipede did his best to stay standing with his spear held aloft.

"Well from the looks of it you're either an Alicorn, which is unlikely or you're a Changeling royal or something with how big you are. Listen here you now have two choices, or three if you want to fight but I don't recommend that. You can either surrender to us or you can accept amnesty for your crimes and be escorted to the Manehattan processing center where you would be shipped Mount Aris for the duration of the war being closely monitored but free to roam. This is entirely your choice, chose wisely," the colonel warned.

No one moved at first. Then the medic starts to drag the injured soldier that collapsed over to him, "He is in dire need of medical attention, if we are to save his life, we are to act fast. Please, I surrender and all the stuff. I'm not a soldier, I'm a doctor and I need to save my patient!"

"Of course, we'll accept this request. Men! We need a medic down here asap! We're going to need your expertise on Changeling biology if we are to save him. Understood?" the colonel asked. He got a nod from her. A group of pegasi came down to pick the two up with a few staying behind to cover the colonel, "Any pony else?"

The remaining civies moved over to him and were quickly escorted out of the area, leaving me with private Millipede. He seems to have enough resolve to fight. The colonel was displeased by this fact, "Your defiance won't help you here, you weren't the first to try to fight and probably won't be the last. None of them made it out alive. We have offered you leniency, all you have to do is surrender your equipment and come with us. There is no need for bloodshed today."

"I can't do that; Protocol dictates I am not to surrender or give up my gear under any circumstances. If you would let the private and I through, you get a chance to live to see another day," I said coldly. He did not like my answer.

"Final chance before things get bloody," he said as he drew a two bladed sword out of its sheath with his magic. It was oddly familiar, looking like an elite energy sword with two blades coming out of the hilt. The dividing line between it had a large connecter to help stabilize it but still had the gap. The other soldiers around him either had spears or the standard sword. Why does he have an elite sword design? That is another question for later. Right now, I might just have to kill the elite sympathizer. I moved closer to Millipede.

"You need to run for the cave, you can't handle anyone in your current condition. I can deal with them, just get as deep as you can in the cave," I whispered to him. I have a plan, not a very good one but a plan. he just nodded once. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone knew what would happen next but none initiated the fight. It was a stalemate until one side decided to act upon the upcoming bloodbath.

I decided to take the first action by throwing a rock into the colonel's face, with a quick flick of his blade he blocked it from hitting. By the time he moved his blade back into a defensive position I was already upon him. I strike his blade to disarm him and try to strike again this time his body. He saw this coming and dodged. He pulled out his knife and stabbed at one of my leg joints. He missed but he is no beginner. He quickly moved away to avoid being crushed under my hooves.

His men on the other hand, swarmed in from above and behind trying to catch me off guard. When one attacked, another defended him from my counterattack. Even with this strategy, I still managed to hit many with them going down in one hit. One by one their numbers dwindle. They needed to change strategy.

They soon started to box me in and restrict my movement, making it impossible to defend against their onslaught. I have to move towards to cave entrance and execute my plan. I just hope Millipede got far enough in. Running as fast as I can towards the cave while avoiding swings and thrusts. Quickly identifying a structural weak point in the cave entrance, I slammed my full weight into the wall cracking it. I wanted the entrance to collapse but what I got was worse. What I got was a small landslide. I began sprinting as far down the tunnel as I could.

As I was running, I saw Millipede running as fast as he could. I moved to intercept and tackle him to the ground to shield him. It took a little bit for the dust to settle.

"That was your plan, are you trying to kill us?!" Millipede yelled.

"They are not capable of following us now, as long as the tunnels have splits, we should be safe," I responded.

"That's not the point, you could have killed us with that stunt!" he screamed.

"We are still alive, aren't we? We need to focus on getting out of here now, so focus," I stated. He did not like that but quickly focused on navigating. He lit up his horn for light, as did I on my helmet. He seemed confused by that action but didn't say anything.

"Well, when you not trying to kill me, you seem to be capable of fending for yourself. Quickly follow me, you were correct about the splits. I know the way, just don't ever do that again," he stated.

"Any and all actions must be considered for survival," I said.


To my faithful General Sword Strike

I would like to remind you that Equestria is in a delicate situation within and on our borders. Escalating this war to what the Changeling's would see as a war of survival would be dangerous and could cause the delicate truce that we have with the United Griffonian Republics to shatter. The UGR has been looking for any weaknesses in our defense since 991 CLE after the Equestrian-Griffonian war. I will not let this conflict get out of hoof and cause an even wider conflict. We need to have these Changelings think that we can help them, and captain Breaking Point is causing what little trust we have vanish with his commanding over the Frogfoot Jungle.

We need them to think surrendering is a better option than fighting. They rely on us for food, so it is tempting them to be sure but with him torturing them due to prejudice, he would've been court-martialed right now if it was in my hooves. I will NOT make the mistake of a thousand years ago. YOU are to relieve him of duty IMMEDIATELY or you will face consequences.

I WILL not let more of my little ponies be dragged into another war one right after another. IF our circumstances were different and we didn't have enemies clawing at the gates, I would have brought the whole might of Equestria down on them but right now I have Griffonian Warhawks and the Storm Kingdom seeing a potential opening to catch us off guard while we are looking at another. If both were to work together, we would be helpless to stop them. I have already sent diplomats to the Hippogriffs, Minotaurs, Deer, Kirin and, hopefully soon, the Changelings to help maintain peace throughout the land.

I will tell you about my feelings on changelings though. I don't trust them, not since the battle of Gaskin heights a thousand years ago but I willing to start anew with them if they are willing. I only want them eliminated as a threat so they could never threaten Equestria's people ever again. Their Leader, who my informants have told me the name is Queen Chrysalis, needs to be brought to kneel. I WILL not make the same mistake twice.

The presence of this new Changeling does have some cause for concern. Colonel Quick Spear has told me about some of the traits and abilities that he has that he learned from Breaking Point. In the larger picture he cannot change to tide of war against us, just be a major thorn in our side. My recommendation is to try to entice him with amnesty and get him out of the picture entirely.

It all relies on your actions here and now, will you see Equestria be defeated because you decided that it would be better to keep a prejudice captain or have a chance at victory even if it causes pain in the short term. You HAVE your orders. Follow them.

Her Royal Highness, The Everlasting Sun

Princess Celestia

The Silent Hall, unit needs some Mandatory fun

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We were still walking after an hour, and I was getting concerned for Millipede. He started smiling and laughing as if this was a joke. It has gotten to the point where he has to lean against the wall to stop himself from falling over. I don't know what is happening to him, I've seen some marines act this way from time to time. I think some call it shell shocked, I never understood it. He got so bad to where I had to shove him against the wall. He didn't calm down for a while.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. My life has been one sick joke since the beginning. I mean I was hatched in an Arachnid damn famine, with the entire bloodline under threat of extinction. I wasn't supposed to be a soldier, I was hatched to an infiltrator line. Not only that we just face one of Equestria's finest and survived! Colonel Quick Spear is a damn legend. You're lucky you caught him off guard," Millipede stated. I just let him talk, some people need to talk.

"I mean what the Tartarus are we supposed to do? We have a famine, political instability and now a full fledge war against our food source. We're so bucked. We would be forgotten as we all die and noling would even care! I just so sick of fighting; I just wish it would end. Why can't thing make any sense? Why do we have to fight?" He looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"I don't know, I can't give you an answer. Some say we have to fight because we have to others say because we chose to. I was given the choice to fight, and I took it but from what I hear you never did. I have seen many just like you, they never had the choice to fight just told they have too. If you're asking what I think you're asking the wrong person," I told him. His soul looked crushed. He held his head in his front hooves, silently shaking.

"What is the point, if the rumors are true the changeling race would disappear in the next ten years. Why was I even hatched to suffer on this bucking plane of existence! I still have magic running through my veins but why should I even live on when there is nothing but misery, I saw my family line starve before I was even of age! I should have just stayed there and have him kill me, so I don't have to suffer any longer!" Millipede screamed out. I have to shut down this train of thought before it gets out of hand. I gave him a light slap to the face; I hopefully pulled it enough to not kill him.

"Now listen to me! Those thoughts won't help you here. Who gives a damn that you 'hatched' into suffering, many others have, and you won't be that last. Know this I was born into a dying race against impossible odds stacked against us with no hope of survival, yet I still fight. Noone ever gets out of their 'suffering' by rolling over and letting it happen. Your heart still beats doesn't it, that is enough reason to fight. It gives you enough reason to fight as life in of itself is a good enough reason fight is it not?" I said as I took off my helmet to look him strait in the eye. His eyes never reached mine as I stared into his watery eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't. What am I supposed to do? Why do you even care, you said it yourself that this isn't your war so what is the point? You said you didn't want to get involved but then go on telling me I should fight. How about you fight for your own damn race! Arachnid damn as you don't bucking care about anything else except your own damn bloodline," never did I wanted to slam my hoof into him so bad as I did now.

"You watch your damn mouth before you lose it, from what I hear you still have time to negotiate with them, my race's first contact with the Covenant was one of extermination. They offered you amnesty, that is more than every single person ever got where I come from. They never had a choice like the others."

"You have no idea what's going on do you!? Well let me give you a run down. During of the Griffin civil war one side asked to be give some food supplies to help their war-ravaged country and you know what the Equestrians did, they sat back and watched. The official statement was that the food would have been used to support the war effort, but we had infiltrators there to know the exact reasons why they declined. They said why should we help them, they're our greatest enemy and all of them are blood becks that have not shred of decency. We changelings have always been made to look like boogeymen to them, what makes this time different from sixty years ago other than time. Nothing!" He screamed. I didn't know what to say so I held my tongue.

He started to whisper, "We probably won't even die of hunger or the Equestrians. The damn reformers are going to cause a damn civil war. The invasion wasn't even supposed to happen. It was only meant to replace half the population of Canterlot for a year. We would have podded and taken their lives for that time, after we would have given it back right after, but that damn purple unicorn ruined it. After that we had to hurry and take as much as we can before we were eventually thrown out of Equestria's capitol. That operation should have feed us for a decade or two. Now I bet it has been a net negative."

"I'm sorry, I just need to think. I have some rations to help stem off the growing hunger, here you should have one. It should keep any of the holes you have from growing while keeping your magic topped off," he said handing me a pink vial. I looked at the holes that were in his legs, they were big enough to cause some problems if it was cause by hunger. I pushed the vial back to him.

"I don't need anything right now and from the looks of it you do. Don't resist, I won't budge on this. I can take care of myself, but you don't seem to be in any good shape to be even moving," I remarked. He nodded once and took the rations down with one gulp. I can tell it help him calm down as his entire body went into a relaxed state. He even grew a goofy smile.

"Thanks, I don't have many rations left. We still have a long way to walk to even get to the nearest hive. I'm sorry," He stated.

"It's fine, you're not the first I seen break down and won't be the last. Lead the way to this 'hive' of yours," I said as I gestured him forward. One thing stuck in my mind as we began walking again. He asked why I cared. I don't think I can answer the question. Why do I care, it's not like I belong here. Why am I pushing him forward when I should be getting home. Why do I care?


Dear Princess Celestia

Before you get mad at me, I will have to say I did visit a changeling prisoner camp against your recommendations. I also did talk to them. I know you don't want me talking to or about them, but I couldn't resist. I need to know why. Why would they do what they did. After what I learned I can't hate them, not really. What I learned is disheartening. Their entire bodies are made of magic. They rely on it. Their bodies have to have magic, or they will die.

This may not be a problem for Equestrians as we can produce our own magic and don't rely on magic as much as they do. On the other hoof, Changelings can't naturally produce magic at all, so they steal it from our emotions. If they don't have enough their bodies start eating itself, hence the holes in their legs. This means they are all starving, even their queen. From what I heard there isn't much food left for them since the Griffonian Republican Revolution of 943 CLE when troubles and terror swept across the nation. They fundamentally rely on us, so when we have wars and scares their population starve and when we prosper, their population grows alongside us with healthy hearts.

They had a massive population boom when we did in 921 CLE as both species hit a golden age of prosperity, but when the republican revolution arrived there was a massive shortage. With a massive increase in their population, their love reserves couldn't keep up. I know they have had strict rationing from what I hear but I don't think they are producing a surplus unlike we are. I don't know how to help them; I just know we have to do something.

We aren't the only ones with instability. I learned this information by captain Chitin, of the 482nd infiltration brigade, who claims to be a reformer. The reformers are very much like the Sunset Republicans but with a few minor differences. One of them being that they don't want to get rid of the monarch but have a parliament run alongside the monarchy to keep its power in check. This isn't a small group either, it is said to be around a fifth of their population and is growing.

This could become a difficult situation as placating one side can provoke the other into civil war. Their monarchs and drones are already at each other's throats with the monarchists and reformers. This could be a repeat of the Griffonian Republican Revolution and we know what happened when we didn't support one side or the other. Not to mention the Griffons probably will get involved, saying they're saviors but only getting involve causing us to waste resources on the Changelings instead of the upcoming war effort.

I asked why they didn't ask for assistance, and they stated history. They don't know the true reasons why were the Obsidian War with Equestria. I have found no references to this war or even its outcomes, but it has a major effect on how they view us. One of the things the Monarchists and Reformers agree on is to avoid all confrontation with us. That means no trade or negotiations with us. They state the Griffonian Republican Revolution, Republic of Griffonia-Equestria war of 987 CLE, the Golden wars of South Equestria, the Minotaur-Equestria war of 873 CLE, the 11th Kingdom of Griffonia-Equestria war of 902 CLE and more as the main driving factors to avoid talking to us. While I am no history expert, I know what happened after these wars to tell you they won't like the prospect of being exploited or subjugated. One of the Changelings stated that personal feeling from the Queen of the Bloodline, Queen Chrysalis, has against you. It is said she was hatched several years before the Obsidian war, so she has a personal vendetta against you.

We have many difficult problems ahead of us. I heard Shiny is having a meeting with you and his mentor general Sword Strike. He has had a hard time forgiving the changelings for the invasion, can you please silently redeploy or dismiss him from active duty. I am his wife and I worry about him. I can see the hatred in his eyes, he won't forgive them. He hasn't forgiven the Griffons when Dusk light was killed in combat in 991 CLE. He can't look past his anger and will push it onto his enemies. He is a good soldier, but he isn't infallible. I urge you to consider my request.

Your Niece

Princess of Love,
Mi Amore Cadenza

P.S. I still hate how official this has to sound Aunty, but I have Written Script at my back yelling at me write like this, please don't tell him I'm writing behind his back. Can you hurry up the meeting so I can cuddle my husband, nothing more I swear, probably. I really miss him. Plus, he still owes me a honeymoon, so if you need to kick his flank out of the 'command center' so I can rush to pick him up.

Love Cadance

P.S.S Please don't yell at me for not following your orders when I arrive. I did it for a good cause. Also how is Luna doing? I know she has been having a problem with adapting to the current day. Can you also send a message to Twilight, mostly ask about her day and send me the details. I hardly talk to her anymore and I miss her. Maybe try too subtly ask if she is interested in any pony; have you looked at her romance novel collection, she needs to find some pony. Don't tell her I know about it though, she not very good at hiding them.

Again Love Cadance

For your information your highness this is Written Script.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza has written out of line in the last few sentences. I will watch more diligently from now o-_-_-

Please get rid of him

I will continue to improve her writing ability.

Your faithful servant

Written Script

The Las Pegasus Hive, The Descent

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"We should be getting close to Las Pegasus. I recommend you brace yourself for the depravity. They are called the dying hive of lust for a reason," Millipede stated. I wonder why are they dying?

"Why are they dying, if what you said were true most of your people would be in the same starved state," I commented.

"Buck no, somelings want to live their life of peaceful bliss as their lives are slowly fading away from lust. If you get a good look at them you'll see they have no holes, and it isn't because they have a stable love source, it's because of lust," Millipede stated with disgust.

"What does that have to do with anything? From what I gathered we eat emotions?" I half asked and stated.

"OH, you sweet summer child, how don't you know about the difference between them?" He asked.

"I was not made to process food just to fight a losing war, so information that doesn't pertain to my job was irrelevant," I stated coldly. Millipede shot me a look of disapproval.

"Your queen must be really desperate if she made a noble just to fight, I can already tell your no ordinary noble, you must have been pumped with so much love when you were in your egg with how big you are," he noted, "Anyway, we can't eat lust. If we eat it, it kills us slowly. It tricks your body into thinking it's love, so your body won't eat itself, but it provides no magic. Basically, you starve without holes all over your body."

"Doesn't seem too bad."

"For the first few minutes you'll feel the best blissful feeling ever but after you'll feel even more depraved as you'll still feel your magic drain. It is also addictive and the more you take the more it blocks you mind from functioning. In the end even if you eat true love, the amount of lust they ate will make them unable to process that love into any type of magic eventually killing you. This is why we call them lust slaves," he said, "I hate this place, be ready to see addicts laying on the ground."

We start to come across an opening to massive underground cavern. It had pillars that were cover in green luminescent slime. On the ground floor were what would be seen as early urbanization with wood and some newer with what looked like concrete. In cracks there was the same green slime. This place was lit by it from how much of it there is.

In stark contrast to the well-lit cavern were the people. The changelings here either looked on the brink of starvation or laying down laughing. I went up to one of the laughing changelings to see if she was okay, I tried giving her a nudge to see if she'd respond, she didn't.

"She's already dead, she's been on lust for too long that her body is shutting down. Even giving her love now won't save her. There is nothing you can do for her," Millipede said solemnly. I kept my eyes on her as we walked off, I could see her start to spasm. She wasn't the only one like that, there were dozen on our walk through the streets. Each and every one of them looked on the verge of death.

"Why haven't they done anything to stop this?" I asked.

"Why do you even care? Didn't you say this isn't your war, these changelings thought the same. To escape starvation and the war they use lust as an escape. They tried to stop the trade but failed miserably," Millipede stated, "Hurry this way to the garrison. I hate walking these streets."

The more we walked the more depressing the sights. What should have been grand buildings built by some great artisans were run down husk of their former selves. Building with broken glass, streets littered with cracks and garbage. The best way to describe it were some of the old photos of ghettos.

"What happened here to have everything look like this?" I asked.

"What do you expect, these lings gave up. There is nothing we can do if they aren't willing to do anything about it. The only people who care is the garrison, but they are too few to do anything about it. For now, they have to live in the hell hole they created, where no hope can fester and grow," Millipede stated, "Come on, let's make it to the garrison, commander of the 101st Pegasus airborne division will be waiting there."


"Changelings served the Equestrian military before this fiasco began, it is tradition for us to adopt our food sources customs and serve them so that we don't starve. Well before Canterlot," Millipede stated. For the rest of the walk, it was silent. During the walk, I picked up the attention of the civilian population. I guess they don't see a spartan every day. It almost reminds me of the looks of the people back home would give me. Except these eyes only carried curiosity and not hope. There was no hope in their eyes just an empty void of despair.

Back home, when people saw a spartan they saw a savior; here they only see a new person thrown into the slaughter. What happened to all of them? Why do I care? These aren't my people. My people are being slaughtered while I just sit here on this backwater planet. Even then their face draws me in, I've seen those faces before. I've seen them on the marines I've fought with, those looks of hopelessness, but they still fight on even if it is pointless.


A loud bell rung out interrupting my thoughts. The entire city seemed to hold its breath at the sound of it. Everything stopped.


At the second bell, everyone was now listening. It was as if time stopped to listen.


The third set off a riot, there was screaming and a stampede of people trying to get away. Something big was happening if a bell caused this riot.

Millipede started running, I almost lost him with everyone getting in the way, almost. I got a good look at him as I ran right beside him, he had a look of fearful resolve. If something got him spooked, it must be bad. The streets were now filled with fleeing civilian, all of them panicking and trying to flee west for some reason. It almost reminds of how cities looked like when the Covenant just showed up right above them. Pure chaos.

Along the way we met up with a group of soldiers that were heading east, I had to stop Millipede from getting trampled. From the looks of it they were well armed, with armor that cover most of their chest and neck while still allowing for mobility. They were armed with swords, spears and what looked like early matchlock muskets.

"I'm private first-class Millipede of the 212nd infantry division, what is the situation," Millipede demand to one of the soldiers. One stopped to address Millipede, but the squad just moved on without him, they must be in a hurry.

"The city is under attack! Report to the garrison for assignment and get equipped. We're about to get hit hard," The soldier said in a hurry before running to catch up with his squad. This seems too familiar, the panic and the desperation. His words only seemed to quicken Millipede pace towards this garrison.

The garrison was swarmed with troops going in and out. Some flying some on foot, but all of them had one thing in common, they were all in a hurry. Many of them going in without any equipment and coming out in full armor. This was a surprise attack if they weren't prepared for it. I can already hear cannon fire coming from the east. they've already engaged the enemy.

We got stuck in line for resupply, it was the calm before the storm. I got some weird looks from soldiers as they passed by. We eventually managed to reach one of the quartermasters.

"Rank, name, and job," the quartermaster demanded.

"Private first-class Millipede of the 212nd infantry division as logistics. I'm here to see commander Keratin as I have a delegate from another hive," Millipede stated.

"So that fat sack off junk over there is the delegate, he doesn't look like much. Go through the door on the left and get the buck out the way, somelings have to go to war. NEXT!" the quartermaster yelled out. We did as we were told and moved towards the door. It led us to a room pack with high-ranking officials and officers all packed into an auditorium. they were drawing up defensive lines and issuing order to lower ranking officers who would then give them to the troops. It was all chaos, it seemed no one knew how Equestria found them and now they're struggling to form a cohesive defense.

Millipede led me through a sea of officers and officials, towards the back that had map of what look like the entire city. There were three older looking changelings looking over it, moving some red and blue pieces. Millipede moved to interrupt the one with a deep scare across his flank.

"Soldier, now it not the time to buck around. If you have something important just say it," the commanders said.

"Private first-class Millipede reporting for duty, I have a delegate from another hive. Noble Theo of the UNSC bloodline," Millipede saluted. Keratin gave me one glance before addressing Millipede.

"You seem to have bad bucking timing, now is not the time for trade deals. It is a time for action," Keratin stated, with that he turned to me, "Well you're wearing armor and look strong enough to wield a weapon. Here take my sword and defend the damn train station in the west. I don't care if you are not from here, your only chance to get out of here alive is that train. I have the general of the Equestrian military right at my doorstep right now, so I don't want to hear it."

He drew his sword with his magic and hovered it over to me. I tried to pick it up with my magic, but I failed so I wrapped my hoof around it and locked it onto my back. The commander gave me curious look.


This sent panic throughout command, talks of the first line falling were running rampant.

"Buck, we're out numbered five to one. Private Millipede here is a letter meant for Queen Chrysalis, you are to deliver it to her with the delegate," Keratin demanded handing the letter to Millipede.

"Yes sir, come now we have to move to the train station west of here," Millipede stated to me. I passed by soldiers gearing up for the upcoming battle ahead, all of them with stoic faces I've seen before. The mask of the scared who must commit the ultimate sacrifice for a lost cause. Marines sent into their deaths to defend as many civilians as they can before they fall. Godspeed to them.

We ran through an armory, picking up some guns before running out and heading west. The road we littered with those who were trampled. There is nothing we could do for them now.


"Shit, the second line is down," Millipede stated, "They're falling to fast."

We passed a line of soldiers setting up cannons yelling out, "Civilians are to move into the train station and get ready to be loading into a train car. All belongings must be left behind, I repeat all belongings must stay behind. Soldiers report to the captain at the tent."

Following his advice, we headed to the captain's tent. Looks like he was giving orders to other soldiers. His voice we gruff and strained from use. "You two, stop standing there and tell me your damn jobs!

"Ugh, logistics captain but," Millipede started.

"Don't care what you have to say, you go into the damn train station and load up the civilians," the captain interrupted, "Now you in the black armor, what is your job?"

"Frontline Infantry, sir," I responded.

"Good, you have a musket so go to the front and get in the defensive line. Now do your damn jobs," the captain demanded.

"Yes sir!" both of us responded. I started to make the way towards the frontline.


"Third line down, the fourth has engaged!" someone shouted. I got in line with the others. I only got one glance before they returned looking forward with their weapons drawn. The view was not looking great either, the sky was filled with smoke as the city burned. The constant drum of cannon fired was heard throughout the city, with it only get louder. At this pace the city will fall soon.

Looking at the soldiers beside me I see the same stoic faces of the determined, these faces had one spark that the others didn't. They had hope that their sacrifice has meaning. So few but still strong. They will hold the line for as long as possible.

Just then a group of our soldier appeared. They were beaten and injured. The yelled out, "The Fourth has fallen, the fourth has fallen! They're coming!"

The shots of cannon fire started to rain upon the buildings next us. Splinters of wood and glass flying and impaling a few. I even felt a few pelts all across my armor. Moans of pain sounded out from the few who were hit by the debris. Medics rushed to stitch up their wounds, but some were already too far gone.

But for the few who still stood, they stood tall. They will hold. I will hold with them, for if I don't, we will surely fail. We will hold.

An Overheard Conversation

"Aunty! Before you say anything, I would like to say that it was a very productive conversation and a deep look into their society. We have to help them, if what they say is true, they are on the brink of extinction."

"Cadance, *sigh*, I already know of their situation. What do you think our programs are for? We are already doing everything we can for them but most of the time they reject our help on principle. Remember they do not trust us. I am partly to blame for our current predicament as I am the reason their queen hates us."

"But why, what did you do that their queen can't forgive? From what I heard you have done nothing to them in a thousand years after the troubled times where we were invaded from all our neighbors."

"Cadance, the politics from a thousand years ago were very different from what they are today. What we would call genocide today was a very popular strategy that all commanders used to great effect, Equestria is no exception. That's not to say the Changelings did any better, they did the same on many occasions, one of them includes the Whinney Town Massacre. I believe if those events were the only things that we have to be angry at each other, our anger would have faded, but it is not."

"What is more atrocious than genocide? How can something like genocide not be the cause for anger?"

"The 'murder' of a love one can cut deep into the soul Cadance. I have reason to believe I killed the Queen's mother when she was very young. She was from what they call the Obsidian Hive. It is tradition for the bloodline to name themselves after their monarch, so why is the bloodline not named the Chrysalis Bloodline. From what we know they broke tradition to honor their former monarch, queen Obsidian. I Killed queen Obsidian in the hive they called Obsidia. While I have no proof, I believe she kept the formers monarch's name to honor her."

"Why do you keep saying monarch? Aren't they like ants, with a queen and things."

"That is what you got from that?

"Well no but I don't want to talk about this war anymore. All this talk of war and genocide is making me queasy."

"Fair enough, to answer your question, the reason why I say monarch is because Changelings technically are hermaphrodites. They are like clownfish; they are born one sex but can change to other if necessary or on a whim. This is due to their shapeshifting nature. They could breed and produce other creature's offspring if needed, though they will be locked in their transformation for the time needed to carry them, for a pony it is eleven months but for a griffin it is nine."

"That's interesting, how come I didn't notice this?"

"Well, I'm currently reading a report on their biology from one of their doctors that was captured. They are designed to be almost perfect in every way imaginable. When they transform, they physically become that object; so, no turning into inanimate objects as they will no longer be sentient. The only that can distinguish them from us is their magic core. It can't change no matter the transformation, so if they become an alicorn they won't have the magic to back it up. Their ability with magic is the exact same throughout all transformations."

"Can I read it? You could say it's for 'research' purposes."

"There is a copy right here. Don't get to many ideas, they are still our enemy, not to mention you are married."

"How dare you? I would never cheat on my husband; but in all seriousness, you know I'm not the princess of lust. I hate when people see love and think lust, I don't even have sex all that often. Love is so much different than just sex. There are so many different types of love. It is hard to explain all of them, but I can understand all of them."

"You know you're easy to tease, speaking of love, I know you lied to me somewhat to get prince Shining Armor out of the 'command center,' he can forgive others just not the griffins."

"I know that, but if there is one thing I know about my Shiny it is that he is a workaholic sometimes and doesn't know when he should take a break. It was more of a half-truth, he hasn't forgiven their queen or king or monarch, buck it I don't care, Chrysalis for ruining our wedding. Though imagine what she could do in the bedroom."

"OH Cadance, I thought you weren't the princess of lust. I must call a doctor; you must be sick if you aren't acting like yourself. Wait no you're a changeling in disguise."

"Yes, I'm here to cuddle every princess Forever and nothing can stop me from all the snuggles I will get."

*knock* *knock*

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Ah, general Sword Strike I'm glad you're here. We were talking about your apprentice Shiny Armor."

"I still can't believe the damn blockhead now outranks me or even how he married a princess, though this doesn't mean I won't terrorize him with early morning training. You don't what his skills to go waste now would you princess."

"No he is a fine stallion."

"I'm right here you know, and I'll have you know I found him. He isn't a blockhead just stubborn."

"As I said, he is a blockhead."

"So general, what do you have to report?"

"The hive in Trottingham has been taken over after the siege. We are now hearing reports of a Downfall contingency, we are currently preparing for anything as we are in the dark on what this plan is."

"Okay, now shifting topics. Did you send that letter to Twilight? I have to know if she is looking at somepony."

"Princess Cadance, this report is important. Don't be foalish, it doesn't fit a princess."

"Well I'm Sorry but this war doesn't fit right with me. I just want it to end, all this fighting is making me sick."

"Believe me princess, I am trying to bring this war to a quick and decisive end."

"Moving on, Twilight's nonexistent love life."


"What we both know she can barely talk to any stallion without embarrassing herself, what I'm asking is who is she looking at. I may have to work some magic to make the any match to work."

"Her letter didn't point to anypony."

"Let me see it."

"I have it right here."

*Shuffling of paper*

"Why does she have to be so difficult?"

"From my experience with her, I thought she was a lesbian."

"I thought the same."

"What? No. She isn't a lesbian."

"Are you sure? I mean have you seen the way she looks at mares. I think she has a thing with Fluttershy if I'm not mistaken."

"No, she would have a thing for the rainbow one, uhh, Rainbow Dash! I've personally seen the way they act around each other, there is no way they aren't dating."

"No, AppleJack and Rainbow Dash are in a relationship."

"What the buck are you two talking about?"

"I'm guessing what relationships the elements would get in. The general and I get into these types of conversations sometimes. It passes the time with some malarkey."

"That's fine but you have each and every one of them wrong, well except Fluttershy, but she has the hots for Rainbow Dash. Twilight is looking for a stallion, that I can assure you. I would know as I have read all of her self-written explicit material books. Most of them involve stallions."

"Why? Wait, you said most."

"I'll do anything if I could get her to date at least somepony. The other part is not something you want to read, specifically you."

"Fine, be that way. So, I pegged Fluttershy right."

"Yes, she has the hots for her childhood friend but is too shy to say anything, but Rainbow sees her as her sister so that is a problem for her. You could guess who Rainbow likes, because most of them include blue and yellow in an airshow."

"Understandable, from what I read about her she practically saw them as gods as a foal, now after growing up she probably would have romantic inclinations towards them."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Princess Celestia must have a talk. While you can listen to us Princess Cadance you wouldn't want to hear what I have to say. I recommend you step out for a minute."

"Fine, but aunty we will continue this talk later. I love you!"

"I love you too Cadance."


"What do you have to report, my faithful general."

"I gave you the good news about Trottingham but now is the bad news. From what we just learned, there is a hive in every major population center in all of Equestria."

"So there is no one strike that will bring them the heil."

"I never said that, but right now we don't know. It might work if we find their capitol, which they call 'The Enkindled Spring,' but none of them seem so willing to give up its location."

"Even with all the defectors?"

"They told me to buck off. From what I can gather, the capitol is a sacred place where even the most disloyal among them won't give up. They say it is either a fortress like no other or a safety line for the entire race."

"I guess it is out of the picture for now?"

"For now yes, but I have more grim news, it seems that the terrorists known as the Sunset republicans are taking advantage of our weakened state to gain resources and support. The worst news is that their leader, Sunset Shimmer, has appeared once more."

"How can that be, I killed her. She should be dead."

"I thought the same, so I had my men dig up her body and do a mana core scan. What we thought was an error with our initial scans was actually a changeling. She had a body double."

"So then she knew of the changelings before Canterlot."

"Yes, I think she may even have an alliance with their queen."

"Are you sure?"

"No, it is just a suspicion."

"If it is true, what do we do."

"The same thing we did the first time, burn them out."


"I have an operation that I want you to look at, this is the reason I sent away Princess Cadance. She would do everything in her power to stop it if she knew about it."


"Are you sure this is the only way? This can't be the only way."

"It is the only way to drag them out of their holes"

"But this torch and burn strategy won't give us any favors. They will never trust us if we do this."

"I know, the only other way is to start a civil war in the bloodline. If that happens, more blood will be spilled. No, this plan while extreme will end this war in months rather than decades."

"You know I have trusted your judgement ever since you saved the kingdom from the republicans and then the Griffins. We are currently in a three-way war, not to mention on how the changelings supported us during the last war."

"Trust me once more, I could get operation Cinder to work if I had your permission."

"May Faust damn me to Tartarus for all the sins I have committed, I will greenlight this, but I want you to keep civilian casualties at a minimum, if not I will terminate this operation immediately."


"Before you go, I would like to know how you are able to make those twin magic blades."

"Secrets are meant to be hidden."

"Does that metal focus on your hip do anything or is it for directional movement?"

"I'll give you a hint, both to a degree. I hope you had a good day Princess Celestia."

*Click* *Thud*

"Faust help me for I have sinned once more."

The Last Desperate Defense of the Las Pegasus Hive, A Burning Hatred

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The aftermath of the artillery barrage was devastating, many were wounded. Not a single soldier was left unfazed, they were either terrified as someone standing right next to them were either wounded or dead. The air was still and silent, not even the guns were firing.

"Stallions form up! Pikes defend the musket men! Hold fire until my command!" the captain yelled out. Good he was still standing, and at least be competent enough to give orders under pressure, "Shields form up on the pikemen, Half power!"

A wall of green flame erupted in front of the pikemen. It soon died down to a green translucent barrier that almost looked like glass from where I'm standing behind this pikeman. It looked so fragile, almost like any touch could shatter it.

The silence was unnerving. If this was the Covenant, they wouldn't have let up on the artillery fire. Something was wrong here. One of the changelings from the forward lines survived and is now telling the captain of what we were facing, and I so happen to overhear it, "Sir they have an impenetrable shield that even our artillery can't pierce, from what we can tell it allows slow moving objects through while fast moving objects are stopped. We tried to do a cavalry charge, but they just stick they're flamethrowers through the shield and blast our entire charge. We can't hold, we need to run and blow the tunnels now!"

"Like Tartarus, look at the train station behind us, do you see all those civilians' eyes. They never signed up for a death sentence, we did. We have to hold for them if noling else. They have families, the next generation to hold the mantel of securing our future. We are already dead, but we will be reborn into legends," the captain quickly change his attention to give a speech, "You hear that, we are now dead! Through battle we be reborn like phoenixes, we will be reborn through all the blood we will spill! So, hear me now my phoenixes, do not fear the coming battle for it has already been decided by our Goddess Arachnid! She knows we can't win but she has given us the strength to give the civilian enough time to escape the coming hellfire."

"We MUST stand where our brothers and sisters have fallen! Our legend will be told of the few who stood up to the many! The ones who defied all logic and beat back all those who defy us, the ones who destroyed our homes, our families and our lives! They must go no further! They will destroy no more! We WILL hold not for glory or patriotism but for those we rely on us. For those who can't fight for themselves, for those we love and for the future of our race. Ready your spirits and weapons, get set for the worst fighting we will see in our lives. In the end it will be THEM who bash their heads against a stonewall!"

A rousing speech in a time of need, every other soldier looks ready to die when before they looked ready to run. Not the best speech I heard but good enough for them. I ready my matchlock musket, it's funny how they adapted early weapons to fit their bodies. Instead of a small trigger it had on large lever that you can pull with your hoof. Convenient for me but when I look around every other soldier is using their damn magic. I need to learn how to do that. I still have one burning question, why? Why help them? This is their fault for getting into this war. I don't even know why I stand here apart of the line.

I've seen the evacuations of planets and the Glassings of those very planets, not many make it out. This was different but similar. The city is burning as all who live try to flee. I've seen this very scene too many times. Yet this was different, they aren't my people and they got themselves into this war. From the looks of it, it isn't going well. If this is all they have to stand up to these Equestrians, then they won't last long. A few hundred men and five artillery pieces won't break this siege. It won't give them enough time. The only thing that can buy this group time is me, the only spartan here. I was created to give time to the UNSC, why not those who need it.

This isn't my mission, but to hell with it. I find a way how once I get these civies out of here, no matter the cost. I won't let what happened to any of my worlds happen to them. Just this once, I'll probably piss off ONI.

A pegasus appeared all alone into our firing path without a care in the world. He was a blue furred with a flowing red mane; his armor was red with yellow accents almost looking like fire. He had what looked like a bunch of pipes around his body that ending in a nozzle, I'm guessing that is a flamethrower. He had a sword on the other side with a enlarge handle. This is either a Messager or their leader, either way it is not looking good.

"You already know who I am but to those who don't, I am colonel Firestorm of the 867th dragon's breath brigade. I am the savior of Manehatten as I broke the long-drawn-out siege on the city and drove the griffins back to Trottingham. I Offer you the same deal I offered every other line, surrender now or be destroyed. You can't win this. No more blood must be spilled over a lost cause," he said with perfect conviction. He even held out a hoof as if we'll shake it. I had my gun pointed right at his head which was awkward with only one hoof. I'll have to try to shoot on my hind legs with both my front hooves holding the gun.

I wasn't the only with the idea, others had their guns pointed right at him. As I look around the soldiers once stern conviction was now fading, it seems like this fellow is well known by them. The captain was the first to speak, "I would kindly like to decline your offer, but buck off."

With that captain shot right at the colonel, missing. This got that pesky pegasus to back off behind cover before flying off. That is one way to say fuck off, still I probably would have done the same thing but without missing. There was no backing down now. Why do I have to get myself into do or die situation every time I deploy. I mean it's my job, but I really don't like being in the thick of it, I prefer the side lines picking off high value targets. Damn this makes me wish that I had any of my guns, all I have is the commander's sword and this musket.

"Incoming!" with that the whistle of falling artillery fell upon us. Each and every one of them barreling through any obstacle only stopping once they hit the green barrier. What looks as fragile as glass held against the immense power of this artillery. The artillery caused splashes of white waves everywhere it hit. It was memorizing and terrifying that these low-tech equines have found a way for energy shields to exist, ONI will absolutely love to study this and find a way to weaponize it. Hey that is one more point to helping them, if I could gain their trust, they might help the war effort against the covenant not with manpower or material but with this 'magic.'

It wasn't long before the first of the Equestrian line appeared. They had the same idea with an energy field, but it was blue, or would call it a magic shield? Their entire line was behind it slowly advancing, with the shield moving with them. If shields work like the Covenants, they will have to lower the shields to fire giving us an opening.

"Artillery! Forward positions, fire on my command!" the captain commanded. With his command soldiers moved to let the cannons go forward out into the field from the protection of the shield. So that's how they fight back. "FIRE!"

Even behind the shield the shockwave from the cannons could still be felt. The blue shield only shimmered with a quick flash of light before return to its natural state, the attack did nothing. "Cannons back! First line forward! Prepare to fire on my command!"

My line moved up out of the shield while the cannons moved back into the safety of the shield to reload. "READY," our guns were now down pointed right at their shield, "AIM," everyone braced for the upcoming order, "FIRE," the hail of bullets flew across the field in a blink eye. When they hit, nothing happened to the shield but a flash of white, same as the cannons.

"First line back! Second line forward! Third prepare!" we did as he commanded, I fell back to reload which was difficult with only hooves but not entirely impossible as it may first seem, though I was probably the slowest in my line. The second line did as they were told and their attack had the same effect as our, nothing. "Second back! Third forward! Fire"

Over and over again we fired upon the shield intermixing musket and cannon fire, but it was useless. They didn't respond to our attacks just keep moving forward behind the safety of their shield. "Second line back! Third line fix bayonets! Third and pike move to intercept and break their lines, target the unicorns to bring down that shield for the cannons!"

With that the third and the pikemen moved to the front, from what I know of history I knew what came next. Even the captain stood in the line, "May our goddess and our queen guide our blades to victory. For ARACHNID!"

"FOR ARACHNID!" with that they charged to cross the field. The Equestrians stopped their march forward and this time responded to our attack. Their first line stuck their barrels through the shield and fired their first volley. Our pikemen responded by putting up a shield in front of their charging units to block the incoming fire, it worked but those temporary shields cracked severely just like glass. Our charge was getting closer, the Equestrians fired another volley this time shattering some of the shields hitting some of the charging men. This didn't deter the others.

They were getting so close, close enough where the Equestria would have been worried, but they looked eager. Then I saw it, little nozzles sticking out of the shield, the flamethrowers like the soldier warned. There was nothing I could do to warn them. The line was engulfed in flame in a blink of an eye. At first, I thought they would hold with their shields, but it was not to be. Where there once was over a hundred men bravely charging now lay the screaming remains of the few unlucky enough to survive. The ones untouched were shot where they stood before they could retreat, and the ones who still charged forward into the shield were hopelessly outnumbered to make a difference.

I can feel the fear from the changelings around me, I've felt the same way with the covenant many times but just like them I stood tall. The Equestrians took their newfound advantage to stick their cannons barrels out their shield. They didn't fire in a volley but one at a time. Their first shot only caused a shimmering in the shield. The second shot cause it to crack, white crooked lines sprawled across the entire shield. The third shot, causing more. The fourth shot was the straw that broke the camel's back. The shattering of the shield sent crooked shards flying, though doing no damage.

Now with no protection, the Equestrian to complete advantage, firing volley after volley right into the unprotected masses that awaited. I saw the changeling standing right next to me go down and several others followed. Panic started to settle in, I've seen the faces of the hopeless many times before the planet was glassed. The faces that showed how hopeless they thought this situation was. I hate seeing this, the fear, the panic and the lost hope. I've already been shot enough times for my shield to break but I still stood my ground, right where the others were fleeing. I would stand where the others have fallen.

I was running before I knew it, but not back where all the others were fleeing to but forward towards the Equestrian lines. I've dropped my musket to run faster, ignoring all the bullets striking my armor and shields. The Equestrian took notice and took aim at me, too bad they won't get the chance to kill me. Round after round hit my armor preventing my armor's shield from recharging and denting my armor but that didn't deter my charge. I can see the smirks of some of the Equestrians as a drew closer, they won't have them for long.

I can already some of the nozzles for the upcoming attack, good I need that cover. With a burst of flame, the field was set alight. My vision was obscured by the that flames that now engulfed me, the alarms in my suit going off telling to get out. I march forward with all my might to cross the now narrow distance, sliding the last few meters to slow down enough to cross the shield wall. I was right in front of the flame trooper, I grabbed him a lifted him into the air and threw him down onto his back, shattering his spine. He never stood a chance.

The confusion from the Equestrian soldiers behind and beside him was evident, they won't get the chance to recover. I quickly found the trigger mechanism to the flamethrower and started to wield it against them. Their faces went from confusion to horror to what is about to happen, the burning flame itching to be released. Nothing stopped me from releasing hellfire onto their lines. The rush of fire screamed out the nozzle. The screams were terrifying. I dropped the entire tank into the line.

The sight of half burnt corpses was not a good sight to see, and for those who managed to survive their screams of pain would scare those who dare come near. Dropping the now useless weapon I looked around the field to see that now every Equestrian has their eyes on me, full of terror. Good, keep your eyes on me and not the others. Time is what I was built for and that is what I'll give them.

I pull my sword off my back and charge strait into their lines. While I may not be good with a sword in my hoof, but I made up for it with my strength and speed. While some were able to block my first strike, none survived the second. I keep striking where their armor was the weakest, with them doing the same.

I targeted the unicorns like the captain suggested before his untimely death. The shield stayed active, where is the damn projector. Damn, the artillery is still firing upon the changelings; time to change tactics, target the artillery then the shield projectors the shield is useless if they can't fire back.

Fighting through the horde of men that stood in my way, I slowly made my way towards those cannons. If I am able to destroy their artillery support, the changelings might be able to reconsolidate their forces. I was nearing the cannons; I can see the cannoneers start to panic as I drew near, killing their colleagues with swift strikes to the neck. Some even abandoned their positions and ran, but most stayed to keep fire shot after shot into the changelings.

I soon reached them I killed those who stayed, they won't be able to fire upon any others anymore. I went up to the tip of the barrel of the cannon and punch it as hard as I can. I dented the metal just enough where you can no longer load any cannonballs in effectively disabling it, though my hand, or hoof in this case, tingled from the impact. I still had four more to go.

Stab, slash, dodge, slash, dodge, cut. It is the same dance from before. Nothing will change for me; I was made for war and will probably die in war. Just like the Spartans of old, growing old was rare and a sign of respect. My brothers and sister fought till their death and so will I. Dodge, cut, slash, stab, dodge.

The training that the Equestrian received were no match for a spartan, even if I was handicapped by my new body. The cannons fell in quick succession, each one being disabled. The Equestrians artillery is down, and their infantry was mostly focused on me providing enough leeway to reorganize. I just hope it is enough.

Fast moving object moving from five o-clock fast, too fast. I was struck by a fast-moving object shattering what was left of my shields. I barely was able to dodge just enough to where he didn't strike my neck. I did get a good look at the culprit. It was the blue furred and red maned colonel. He struck again with very quick slashes that were only defected by my armored hoof. If I didn't have enhance senses, he would have crippled me with these strikes.

He flew to fast for me to effectively counterattack, this is a problem. I was surrounded unable to bring my full attention onto one target. There is to many. They are adapting and changing tactics to hinder any movement I can make. I'm a wolverine stuck in his den, angry and deadly but trapped. I was surrounded with no way out and being hit from all sides. that damn pesky colonel is getting on my nerves with his quick dives.

They never stepped down the pressure, no mattered how many went down before them. They were filled with hatred and will have their revenge, and they might just get it if it weren't for the sudden backup I received. With a fired volley right into the grouped-up Equestrians at close range, they never stood a chance. I had some shot hit me, but my armor protected me from this sudden surprise. It seems the Equestrian were too focused on me to notice the changelings crossing the barrier.

The colonel and his men had to retreat due to the sudden charge. The clash of soldiers was downright haunting, screams of the fallen and the dying. Where I was able to make quick decisive blows to mitigate their suffering this clash didn't allow for something so generous to happen. At least a stable front line was formed and one of changelings was able to get some orders to me.

"Get to the train station, we're leaving! NOW! MEN FALL BACK TO THE TRAIN STATION!" he was able to order before he was shot straight through the throat. His men took his orders and retreat with me following behind provide cover from the incoming volleys. I left the changeling behind, there was nothing I could do for him as he drowned in his own blood.

I was interrupted in my retreat by a pesky pegasus, that damn Firestorm. He won't let me go without a fight, alright without you men your dead. I began running towards the station as a distraction for him, if I pegged him correctly, he should try to attack me when he thinks I'm vulnerable. Right as I planned it, I saw him swooping down to strike, he became predictable. I quickly dodged and throw him into the ground shattering his wing. He is nothing without his speed.

I was on him in a matter of seconds, but even with his wing shattered he was fast on his hooves quickly dodging and shooting short burst of flames in my direction. He did this to blind my vision to get away but what he doesn't know about is the motion tracker, he won't get away that easily. Chasing through the fire and the flames, I was on him in an instant. I was slowly corralling him towards the train station, away from his men and his only lifeline.

It was obvious he was better with the sword as he was able to flick my sword out of my grip pretty easily but what he didn't have in his favor was heavy armor and the strength to back it up. I charged and tackled him to disarm him, but this wriggly bastard somehow got free. I could see the panic his face, crippled and alone in an unfavorable fight. Even with his doubts he still fought as hard as he could to stay alive and free from my grasp and he might get it if he drags this on for longer. The men have already loaded into the train cars on their way out. I have to finish this now.

Closing the distance, I baited him into striking. Once he did, I knock the sword as hard as I can into the ground and picked up the colonel. He tried to get free from my grasp, but I ended up throwing him through the station's wall. He tried to get up, but his hind legs wouldn't move. It seems I paralyzed him. I went through the newfound hole I created to capture the colonel; he looks up at the crew cabin loaded with soldier and civilian with squinted eyes. He turns to me, I know what he'll do, and I wish he didn't. He pulled the trigger on his flamethrower, blast massive flames out of the nozzle.

The flame went wide missing the cabin entirely as a blade was stick straight through his next, throwing his now limp body to the side. I my horn arch for the first time. I went over to inspect the remnants of what remained, what was once a proud pegasus laid a crippled and defeat colonel with his own sword in his neck. I don't know how his sword was thrown or who did it, but I'll take it. Retrieving his sword and holstering it on my back I began to make a break for it as the train began its final departure.

"Hurry Theo!" it was Millipede. He held out his hoof I as drew closer to the ever-increasing speed of the train. I don't think he really thought that though all the way as I'll bet, I'll drag him down rather than him pulling me up, but I like the sentiment. I jumped on bending the rail of the caboose as I use it to get on. "You can run fast. Hurry let's get inside before the-"

He didn't have time before the demolitionists blew the tunnel preventing them from chasing us. Shrapnel flew everywhere, I used my body as a shield to cover Millipede as I had the shields and armor to withstand it, he did not. Good thing I did as within a matter of seconds my shield broke, and I was forcefully pushed towards the ground from the impact. I looked around after everything settle, it seems we didn't get derailed. It damages the caboose only minorly.

"I will take you up on your offer to go inside, after you," I motioned towards the now shredded door.

"Who know you were a gentlestallion too? Well thank you," Millipede said on his way in. I follow in quick succession. If there was any talk in the cabin before now there wasn't now, everyone's eyes were on me. Soldiers and the few remaining civilians' eyes held something that they didn't have before, hope.

A Spy's message

Report to S.R.L Sunset Sh.

Equestrian forces destroyed most of the Las Pegasus Hive, small forces are holding out but will be destroyed with general Sword Strike on the scene. He is doing everything in his power to destroy any resistance, a tactic he used during the end of the Equestrian republican revolution. If we do not stop him, he will destroy any hope of resistance against the tyranny of the sun.

Unknown Changeling in unknown armor appeared to give the general a bloody nose. It not only killed colonel Firestorm, but also held off an entire army. Recommend recon on this changeling, if at all possible, bring into the fold. It is a skilled warrior and has decent skills with magic, a boon if it becomes an ally.

Some even say after this event was told to the general, he flipped. From what I can gather he ignited his magical twin blades and cut his desk in half. This is his first true taste of defeat since 990 at the battle of Trottingham. Celestia was not happy about his conduct, the yelling match could be heard from within the castle and the rumors spread like wildfire all around Canterlot. No pony knows what was said but he looked determined.

Some of the changeling reformers are siding with Equestria due to their mutual hatred of the reigning monarch Chrysalis, though this is the extreme faction among them. Even with the same beliefs on government they will not be allies as they hate us due to our 'responsibility' in their decline. On the other hoof, the monarchists will be more willing to find allies to even survive the upcoming war.

The only question is what the monarch Chrysalis will do. We know she hates Princess Celestia. She might even side with us as she was more moderate with the reformers and even letting them get some of what they asked for. They have a semi parliament that gives advice to the monarch on actions, ironically, they were the ones who advocated for the Canterlot invasion. I recommend contact with the reigning monarch Chrysalis.

Your servant,


A plea

My old mentor general Dragonfly

It may be hard to believe but I need your help. My honor has been tarnished by these changelings. They have started to use your tactics to maximize damage to critical infrastructure with minor casualties. They are using tactics that wouldn't be out of place out of the Equestrian Civil War.

I have other bad news, the Sunset Republicans were not destroyed during the civil war as we believed and Sunset Shimmer is thought to be alive, your life's work to protect the nation from those radicals has not been complete. I hate to pull you out of retirement, but Equestria needs you once again general.

Your apprentice,

General Sword Strike


Co. Ph.

Queen Chrysalis has been injured and is currently undergoing treatment by the Counsil, though I don't trust them with their track record, but we have to listen to the 'civilian' government on military matters. This message is secret as I don't think they have the Bloodlines best interest in mind, from what I hear they are selling us out to the Equestrians. I have no proof on the matter, but I will not let this stand. I also believe they are holding our Queen hostage; I don't know how but if they are, heads will roll.

It seems the current general is looking for advice from general Dragonfly, this could bring a great boon for us. I will update you with our next operation.

Goddess Arachnid guide you

G. D.

Reverence, The Old Days

View Online

Everyone's full attention was on me, they all saw what I did. They see me just like the marines saw every spartan, a walking legend. Can't blame them for thinking so, I held the equestrian army at bay as they evacuated. I held my head high and walked forward following Millipede. Never once did any conversation start up or did their eyes avert their attention.

Reverent silence is what they gave to me as I walked by. The soldier's eyes showed respect for what I have done while the civvies' showed hope, something they haven't had in a long time. Even as we exited the caboose to one of the of the other passenger cars.

This car wasn't much better in terms of conversations. They whispered among themselves, much like the marines did every time a spartan appeared on the battlefield. The marines knew something bad was about to happen, but they had us spartans to get them through. Funny how many of them died think we could save them. We were always too low in number to have that big of an impact on the war's outcome, no matter how hard we tried. The poor bastards.

Millipede lead me to an open spot on the wall, it seems they took out all the car's seats to cram as many as possible in here before they blew the tunnel. Everyone gave us space as we settle down against the wall. Taking my helmet off, I laid my head against the wall to get some shut eye. I heard whispers coming from the people around me, talks of phoenixes and heroes. What a bunch of rubbish, there is no such things as heroes just those who took their own lives into their hands.

"It might do you some good if you relaxed when trying to fall asleep, Arachnid knows you need it more than us," Millipede stated. Doesn't he know we were just in an engagement, even if all seems quiet doesn't mean we can let our guard down.

"It would help if everyone would pay attention to their surroundings instead of believing we are out of a combat situation," I responded.

"You must be fun at parties."

"Never been to one."

"What? How? Everyling has to have been to one in their lifetimes. It certainly helps with morale in this day and age."

"Never had the chance too. Even if I did, I wouldn't go. It would be a waste of my time, something that is growing more precious every day as we lose more of it."

I heard Millipede shuffle at that statement. He wanted to ask something. I opened my eyes to look at him and said, "Spit it out or forever hold your peace."

"It's really nothing. I just wanted to know what your how your home was like, you speak of it as if it's doomed but yet you want to go back. I lost my home at Baltimare, I don't know if my family survived. I was away when it crumbled due to riots and a surprise invasion from the Equestrians. I.." he trailed off from there.

"I never really had a home in the traditional sense, my home is classified. From what I know it still stands, hell some of my friends are still training there. I got deployed early to some small engagements before heading to Reach. I had a family once, they never made it out the first time, but I have a new family that I forged with my comrades back 'home'," I told him. I'm pretty sure ONI doesn't want me to talk about Onyx.

"You didn't say what it was like."

"I really couldn't tell you. I never got to see it, mostly because I was selected for training after forty-four," I started before I got cut off.

"After forty-four! You must have some of the best training if you had nearly sixty years of training!"

"What no! It's 2552 AD/CE."

"OH, well it is 1001 Common or 1 reunion if you go by Equestrian standards."

"Why are there two different names for the eras?"

"Well, there is three. You have Celestial Era, Common Era and then Reunion Era. The Celestial Era was when Celestia took full control of the Equestrian government after a hideous revolution. Reunion Era is when the sister of Celestia came back from being possessed by Nightmare Moon. The Common Era is just those two Eras thrown together to not confuse the foals. What does your eras mean?" Millipede asked.

"Depends on who you ask. AD is after death; this is for a religious figure who died long ago. CE is a more neutral title, meaning Common Era. But if you go to other places, they will have completely different years for them. The reason for it being 2552 CE is because the military needed to standardize so everyone knows what they are talking about," I told him.

"I guess that would be helpful, the Changelings have a completely messed up system of how dates are run. Officially it is 2293 FS, or Fallen Star, named after the star that fell from the sky and gave birth to the Obsidian Empire. It was called Enkindled Spring, the namesake of the capitol today. Noling actually uses it though as the Equestrian system bleed into ours. You only hear very old nobles even use it, like the ones nearing five hundred years old, any younger they refuse to use it," Millipede Stated. Did he just say nobles could live to near five hundred years old? Interesting, "Sorry I cut you off, I was confused for a second on dates. It is an interesting topic but not the one I asked for."

"I can't tell you much as even I don't know much about it. To me it felt like a staging ground for the upcoming conflict nothing more or less. It got me prepared for the hard journey ahead."

"Everyling should at least have a home to back too after any day is over. It is sad that you never had the chance to have that," Millipede said solemnly, "So why do you want to go back?"

"If I leave, who won't? If the best of the best quits who is there to carry the torch for the others behind them. I must lead by example if others are to take my place. Even if dying is the outcome," I stated. Millipede pondered on my answer for a moment. It seems he got his answer. My gaze wandered to everyone around me, seeing smiling faces of those who survived.

"You know we could use to torch wielder right now," Millipede stated.

"I do not know enough about this conflict to get involved."

"Aren't you already involved?"

"In a way yes, but it won't stay that way," I stated as I looked around. The faces of those who survived burning into my brain.

"You saw what they had, they don't care enough about changeling life even if they preach that all life is a virtue. They broke an agreement that outlawed some weapons of war to be used. One of them is flamethrowers as in 992 CLE under the Trottingham agreement J.A.L 132, it outlaws the use of flamethrowers as weapons of war. This agreement was signed by Celestia herself. Yet you saw them use them back in Las Pegasus. They act in bad faith," Millipede stated.

"Weren't you the one who said to me that this war was started because you invaded this Canterlot," I countered. That pissed him off.

"Then why in Tartarus did you get involved? You know Equestria will now hunt you down till the end of your days as you not only killed dozens if not hundreds of them but one their beloved 'heroes' of the Republican Wars. They are herd creatures by heart, this is what makes them dangerous. Even if the entire country is at war with itself, they somehow find a way to unite against the world and not only stop the threat but destroy any chance that it will ever become a threat again," Millipede was now fuming, "Do you not know what happened to the Minotaurs. When they rose up to challenge Equestria they were attacked first and devastated. Magically salting the earth so that just enough food for ten million Minotaurs to live off of. You want to know how many Minotaurs there were. Thirty-three million."

"I'm not even done; the Golden Wars were fought with Saddle Arabia for vast amount of gold and then annexed them; no trade agreement just war to fill their insatiable need for comfort. The worst one of all is those damn Solar bombs dropped on Griffinstone and Featherburg. These bombs were so large that they engulf the entire city in what seemed to be a second sun," he stated. I looked into his eyes, his blue compound eyes for a hint of deception. He believes everything he has said. The question is he a reliable source of information.

"I would keep your voice down Millipede. We aren't the only ones on this train," I stated. Those who weren't staring were now.

"You didn't answer my question silver eyes. Why did you get involved? Why do you even care?" He demanded. Do I have silver eyes? That's new. I stood up and stared down at him. He shivered as I stood over him, at least he has enough back bone to stand up against a spartan. He gulped as I stood their staring him down.

"I've seen my fair share of civilians running in terror from an overwhelming threat, many of them didn't survive. If you want to know why I did it, just know I did it because that is exactly what it looked like was happening. I did it for them and no one else. Because I was saved by a spartan just like me as I escaped my first home. You could say I returned the favor," I stated flatly. "Now where are we going?"

He backed down after that and sat down. He looked dejected by my answer, "We are heading to Vanhoover where we will meet up with Commander Pharynx. After that I guess is when we head our separate ways."

I stood there for a moment before I sat back down to get some rest, "I do believe that will be the case."

The Old Guard

General Dragonfly

Damn that young whippersnapper, doesn't he know I'm in the middle of something? I was forcibly retired from the Equestrian Military, I don't need to be dragged back in. This damn train ride isn't helping, I remember eighty years ago when we had to walk on hoof to go where we wanted to go not sit in comfort. I miss the good old days where the pony express was the best way to messages across the damn country, those days were simpler. Now all these young ones complain about how hard their lives are, well back in my day...

"Arriving at Canterlot station!"

Turn that damn thing down, with all these loud noises they'll make the next generation defter than they already are.

"Sir, our stop is coming up soon," the damn nurse Celestia assigned me said. Doesn't she know I can take care of myself. I don't need help at home, and I don't need it to get to the damn train station. Why did she even assign a nurse to accompany me for this trip, she isn't my mother.

"I know, I know hold your teats," the look she gave me was priceless, "I would have flown here if you didn't make me sit in this damn murder box."

"Sir, you can't fly because of your condition, your wings are not as young as they once were, and a train is not a murder box it is a convenient mode of transportation."

"Then why does it tend to be attacked or derailed so often? You foals see something new and shiny at adopt it without a second thought on how much harm it can do to you. Just like the terrible noise you make called 'music.'"

The nurse rolled her eyes in response, ha one more point towards me. My wife would be impressed with how much I got these foals to roll their eyes. At least this one respects her elders, not just blowing past our struggles and lessons like its old history. This one would make a good citizen one day. I got up to follow the young nurse out of the train. The station was full of potential assassins waiting to kill me, if they even knew who I was to begin with, which is a high possibility on one front.

I found the ponies who called me here. Ponies I really didn't want to see right now. The rookie who took my place, a golden furred and dark purple maned unicorn, and the Princess who fired me, a white and rainbow maned Alicorn. It seems that the rookie isn't wearing his golden armor with bright yellow lines flowing through it almost like lava today. He loved showing it off.

"I hope the trip was adequate for somepony of your position, my dear general Dragonfly," Celestia stated. I gave a short snort at her. She fired me and she wants decency, good luck trying. I'm too stubborn to back down until I get my apology.

"Why did you call me here rookie, I had more important things to do than be an advisor to a rookie who can't do his job right," I stated bluntly. Made them both mad in one fell swoop, I should get bonus points for that.

"General Dragonfly, as you know from my letter I gave you, there has been a dramatic change in the current situation. Not only are there reports of republican activity coming from major city center the war has taken on a new dimension, one we couldn't predict. This is not for the pubic to hear, if you would follow us to the carriage," Sword Strike said. Fine, I didn't want to be here in the first place. I have family relying on me back home, so I got to get back to them as soon as possible. I gave a quick nod of confirmation, "Okay, right this way General."

Celestia turned to the nurse and said, "We got him from here, thank you. You are dismissed."

With that the nurse gave a short bow and walked away. Damn it Celestia. Again? I turned to Celestia and flatly said, "You know sending smile agents to spy on me won't raise my opinion of you any higher than it already is."

Celestia pause for a second as she probably didn't expect me to notice the signals they were giving off. Amateurs.

"How did you know?" She asked, clearly confused.

"I didn't until you paused," I lied straight through my teeth. I won't tell them how just to piss her off more. She deserves it for forcibly retiring me.

"I know you're lying. I've known you long enough to tell when you do. You tend to lie to much for your own benefit though," Celestia stated as we walked. Well, she got me on that one, "You've still yet to tell me most of the hidden secrets you've kept hidden from me all these years. Ever since yelling at me in the training grounds all those years ago."

"You know it was your fault for going into an active exercise disguised as a pegasus out of uniform. You broke protocol," I stated. I remember this, one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life once she revealed herself.

"Even after I revealed myself, you yelled at me for breaking the rule of conduct laws for royalty laws, you were dumb and brave enough to quote my own laws back at me. Never had I seen a captain so stubborn and scared out of his mind at the same time," Celestia stated with a smirk on her face.

"A captain can't back down under any circumstances, especially in front of other enlisted," I said. It seems the rookie is chuckling. I was tempted to wipe that smirk right off his face, but the rook quickly changes his composer when he saw my stare and walks us down the street. Canterlot was still as beautiful as the last time I saw it. The white and golden walls of the streets and houses were always breathtaking even after seeing for dozens of years. Pity that it was attacked again.

"General, Princess. We arrived," the rookie said as we approached a gold and white carriage. Celestia never knew how to keep a low profile, one day this will bite her in the flank. The Rookie help me up first, damn these old legs, and then Celestia came in after showing off her flank with her bright sun on it. The rookie followed soon after showing a tiny bit of his cutiemark, it was a large hollow circle with an oval in-between with two lines above and below the oval. it also had two orbiting circles on opposites sides of each other on the outside of the hollowed circle.

"You know my dear Dragonfly, if you stared at my flank any longer, I would think you were unfaithful to your wife. though I can't blame you, every foal dreams of it," Celestia teased. You won't get me this time.

"Nah you have the fifth best flank in Equestria right now. Cadance has a better-rounded flank, even Luna after her thousand years fast has a good, rounded plot; they come in at fourth and third respectively. My wife has the second best but nocreature can beat the royale from my youth, you know her," I said coolly. I shocked the rookie with this statement, it seems he wasn't ready for this talk.

"Blueblood's great grandmother, Silverblood? I guess I could see it, she did have quite the flank, but I still don't think it rivals mine," Celestia stated defensively. Sure, she can think that if she wants, "Your wife might not like you saying there is a royal with a better flank than her though, she might get jealous."

"Don't worry too much about that, remember the day I got sent to the hospital for all those splinters, that was the day she found out, she threw a chair at me so hard it shattered," I said gloomily. I got a chuckle out of both of them. If only they knew the power of my wife, they wouldn't be chuckling, "Now enough talk, let's get down to business. I'm quite busy right now."

"With what my dear, bingo?" Celestia teased. I want to slap that mare right now.

"I'm not that senile yet you over bloated swan," I shot back. The rookie cleared his throat loudly to catch both of our attention.

"We now know Sunset Shimmer is alive. We manage to study her corpse and find out that it was a changeling that was buried. This changeling was different though from the ones we are currently facing. This one while have a mainly black carapace, it had hints of what believe to be a deep purple instead of the blueish green ones we are used too. We don't know what this currently means but speculation is at an all-time high," The rookie told me.

"I thought you didn't need my help anymore?" I questioned.

"My dear, we have a traitor amongst us. They go by the name BB; we needed an outside force to expose this threat and get rid of them. We believe they have high level access, but we aren't sure on this subject. There are too many candidates to safely have an audit without any corruption, this is where your skills come in my dear," Celestia said, "Your skills with anti-insurgency will be key in taking out this republican traitor."

"If I do this, you better give me an apology for firing me," I said.

"You were getting too old for the battlefield, you needed to step down so others can take your place," Celestia said.

"That is not why you did it blockhead; you did so I won't be killed. For a being as old as you are, you still fear death," I responded.

"If an apology is what you want then fine, I won't ruin our friendship anymore. Deal?" Celestia asked sheepishly.


Hive Commander

Commander Pharynx

There has been an increase of Equestria forces in the north-east near Manehatten and the griffin border. Recommend additional forces deploy to Manehatten because they could be attempting to set siege to our hive in the city.

Captain Pupa


Captain Pupa

You are to hold Manehatten for as long as possible, we have redeployed forces your way so you should expect them to come through the underground railroad. We can't lose Manehatten, it is our industrial heartland. If we lose it, we have no chance for victory.

I have Informed the General of Manehatten's predicament, and he has agreed with my assessment. He has declared we commence a second operation to pull forces off the Manehatten front, to help with the defense.

I just got information that General Sword Strike has pulled his colonels back to Canterlot, this is a great boon to us as they will likely not to commence their Manehatten offensive until they are back on the field. It seems one of the six heroes of the republican wars has died, colonel Firestorm. Shore up your defenses and prepare for a long siege.

May Arachnid guide you,

Commander Pharynx

The Earth Villa

The beginning of what is known as republicanism started around two thousand years ago in what is considered to be the tribal era with the Earth Pony Republic after the Grogarian Era. This Structure of system was quite inefficient and bloated, only rich landowners and those of prominent status were able to become senators. The Chanceler was just a figurehead that could generally get nothing done on their own without the senate's approval.

In the beginning it is said that it was efficient enough to run a few settlements but by the time of the first Hearth's Warming it was horribly outdated and gridlocked. Some problems would never be fixed, and those problems would grow to devastate the population.

They never had good relations with the other tribes, calling their natural abilities an afront to Gaia, nature itself. Funny that they named themselves after their god with ponies strapped to the end of it, Gaia Ponies. Though this was changed when the ponies changed their language to distance themselves from the occupying pegasi, now the name is Earth Ponies.

Out of all the tribal governments, theirs was the most inefficient and corrupt, nothing could get done and those who had money bought themselves positions of power. But out of this system brought ingenuity, problems that couldn't be solved by the government was solved by the people. These ponies could find you fifty-one ways to crack a nut and will probably find more. This helped offset the power of the Unicorns and Pegasi to an extent. They became the first merchants establishing what would be the first hints of modern-day trade and mercantilism.

Those who got rich through trade, bought their children a seat at their senate. They abused their power over government to make the first corporation state. They abused their power over the growth of the food supply to make the Armada and the 'Kingdom' of Unicornia pay high taxes and there was nothing they could truly do about it.

While the state got rich it is widely considered a failed state with how much corruption was created, causing problems today with Earth Ponies not trusting any government official even after a thousand years of stable governance. It was thought to be the first true republic to ever exist, an example of why republicanism is ultimately a failure of a system.

The Earth Ponies are distrustful towards their own government but have the ingenuity to potential form their own state if need be. I wouldn't expect them to break away from Celestia's grip so soon though, as while they don't trust the government, they trust Celestia with almost religious ferocity. With them being the largest tribe in Equestria they could be a formidable enemy. The stubborn Ponies would be a hard nut to crack but if they did the entire system would go down with it.


Wraiths of the Past

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"Get Down!" someone yelled as a plasma mortar flew overhead. I knew the sound and dove for cover as the plasma rained down exploding and killing those who couldn't get away. Damn Covenant got Wraiths pointed right at us. Wait Covenant? Where am I? Am I human?

I looked down to confirm what I saw. I was human again, in a burning city. The fate of many in this war. It looked vaguely familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Where were the quadrupeds? Was what I saw just a dream? A hallucination by the drugs pumping through me? Screams of the wounded brought me back to reality, there soldiers in need of help. I even have my weapons, though my squad is nowhere in sight.

Jumping over the barrier right into an advancing grunt, with one quick slash with my blade he was dead. When did I get a sword? Doesn't matter focus. six shots right into the elite's head brought down his shield and another one downed him, that will get the cowardly grunts to back off and give us time. One by one their numbers dwindled; I forgot how fun it is to kill these bastards. Forgot?

I made a bloody path strait towards the UNSC forces currently pinned down. The crowd seemed to vanish as I killed them. With the last one died for now I made my way to the commanding officer. The remaining soldiers of this unit was starring starry eye at me, can't blame them.

"A spartan! Here! God blessed us!"

"No way, a spartan!"

"We might get off this rock alive!"

I heard these types of comments only two times before, on reach and on assassination mission. If I didn't accept the spooks offer, I would be just like them in a few years, wouldn't I? Focus, mission first and nothing else.

"Status report," I said to the commander.

"Spartans! Hell must have come up from the depths if you're here. We have wraiths taking cover by the fallen bridge, none of our scorpions or rockets can hit them. Artillery isn't responding, and air support is locked in a losing battle over the sky. We're on our own down here while everything is tied up right now," the commander reported.

"Well, wouldn't be the first time we were sent on a suicide mission, I think this is the second," responded a male voice over my shoulder. A very familiar voice.

"Second! Theo and I been on three!" spoke a new and feminine voice.

"It would help if he didn't put me in the med-bay in the first place," respond the first. I turned around to face them.

"You know Theo has a justice complex, right? You shouldn't have tried to leave those marines behind," the second said. I saw two other Spartans in distinctive SPI armor, one blue with a teal secondary and the other purple with a dark green secondary. The armor of my friends, my family.

"I know, all I said is this justice crap will get us killed," said the blue spartan, Jacob.

"You're here!?" I said to them.

"Why wouldn't we be? You know the mission, now stop dillydallying and take out those damn wraiths," said the purple spartan, Sarah.

"Yes sir!" Jacob and I spoke. Right then a flood of plasma started flying, damn them they can't just let one reunion go on for a little longer. Well, I have a mission to do. Waiting for slight opening in the wall of plasma, I jumped out right into the line of fire and got a few shots in before they targeted me but by then it was already too late as a grenade was right at their feet. Goodbye fuckers. The blast shredded them like paper. I heard gunshots coming from my squad as they covered my advance.

Grunts and elites went down as each of us covered the other as we made our advance across the elevated bridge. Plasma barriers were put up for them to have some cover on this bridge. With the only things as cover here on the bridge being broken cars and bodies, I guess they had the right idea. We were just now nearing the crest of the bridge with the dead and fallen behind us. The four of us could see the wraiths from here. Four? Who was this guy? They wore what looked like Mk4 Mjolnir painted a dark green. Wait a second, why are my teammates now in dark green camos.

"Stop staring and get back to work," Sarah ordered me.

"Right!" I acknowledged. Time to kill these bastards. Grenades prepped and ready for the next phase of our plan. We advanced killing every bastard that got in our way.


I planted a grenade right into the heart of the last wraith before jumping off the back and running as the thing melted down and exploded. Wait how did I get here? Looking around hundreds of Covenant bodies lay. I looked at my now changed gloves. It was dark green and similar to the Mk4 Mjolnir gloves. How? They were black SPI just a second ago.

"Captain you alright?" asked one of my squad members.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll go down when the Covenant falls," I said.

"Damn right!" responded another. I don't recognize any of them. Where is my squad, who are these three?

"Let's get moving, once the Covenant know about us, they'll send everything have at us, let's not make it so easy for them," I ordered. What am I doing?

"Yes sir!" They responded. We began moving but everything felt like a blur, engagements went by in a blink of an eye and the streets were blurry. What's happening to me? A scream brought me back to reality, one that belong to a child. With no hesitation I sprinted as fast as I could to them, these damn bastards have taken enough from anyone they won't take another. There in the alley, two elites just ran in chasing something or someone. Rounding the corner, I spotted a young kid with his back against a trash can as two elites stalked forward.

One even had an energy sword raised. Not this time, with knife in hand and a pistol in the other I charged, stabbing one right in the neck and firing round after round into the other. One managed to look my way before his shield fell and was kill by my rounds. The bodies fell limb on the ground before the boy could blink.

The boy was crying, scared at what he just experience. He cowered closer to the corner as I drew near. To calm the boy, I took of my helmet to show he I was indeed human.

"Hey kid, it's your lucky day. The names Felix. I'm a spartan," his head flicked up, good, "Where are your parents?"

He looked at the ground again. I got a good look at him, his olive skin had bruises and cuts all over. This kid was lucky enough to survive this long.

"You know kid, I was once like you," that got him to look back up, "At your age, I was in the same position as you, though slightly different than you, I never had a hero to save me. It's part of the reason I became who I am, the other was umm let's just say out of my control. Right now, the best thing we can do though is to be the hero others need in their time of need. I know you heard of the legends of us Spartans, so please trust me. I'll get you out of here."

The kid looked up at me with his piecing blue eyes that were filled with tears. He gave a slight nod.

"Captain, you stupid bastard, you're going to get yourself killed running off like that!" yelled one of my squad mates. I turned to look at them to see the commotion.

"We have a plus one now let's to the evacuation site! Everyone gets off this rock if I still have a say in it!" I ordered.

"Sir that's not our mission!" one of them yelled.

"To hell with the mission, the civilians are our main priority," I yelled back.

"Yes sir!"

Turning back to the boy to tell him to get ready to move I saw a new spartan, one in black SPI armor. He looked right at me.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!" said Millipede before he had a blade right next to his neck. It was covered in a teal green light and floated in mid-air. How?


The blade fell back to the ground. People now had an interest with the new commotion. Blowing air through my equine nose, I spoke, "Next time don't jump a spartan or you could have been sliced to bits."

"Uh, Understood," Millipede said nervously before continuing, "We're minutes away from Vanhoover. The guard are probably not going to be so happy to see you. I just warning you, the 551st Strike Brigade doesn't mess around. They act like their commander, so be prepared for a little jostling."

"Understood," I said. Another version of the same dream. This time from his perspective. It has been a while since the last one though. I remember going through the video files trying to find any information on what happened to them. Never found anything concrete but I know ONI listed them as M.I.A. Opening a pouch on my belt I pulled out a souvenir he gave me before I rocketed away. Has it been that long? Did ONI do the same thing to me as them? I guess I'll never know at this point, left on some backwater planet that does even have the simplest of communication equipment.

"You okay? You were tossing and turning in your sleep," Millipede asked. What do you think? My team and family are fighting the covenant and I'm stuck on a vacation on a planet with talking horses. Hell Sarah is still on Rea... SARAH! Nothing I can do now while I'm here. Fuck.

"I'm fully functional, I'm a spartan after all," I responded. I don't feel that way. Move on and be the hero others need, that is what he said to me before my planet was glassed. Before he went missing. Get a hold of yourself, this isn't time to take pity on your life, get moving and get things done. You are a spartan, the best of the best. A weapon to be pointed at the enemy, to kill anything that gets in the way of your objective.

You are a spartan, act like it.

Tribal Armada

The early days of the armada was made after the Grogarian era, after the defeat of the devil known as Grogar. It started with peaceful intentions in mind, to keep any other devil from taking power over their race. They became highly militaristic and religious to an extreme degree, their primary god being Ares the god of war. They would declare holy wars often, sometimes multiple at once due to their safety above the clouds.

They treated the 'ground pounders' about the same way they treated the ground they walked on, with disgust and resentment. The only problem, they needed the earth ponies for food and the Unicorns refused to bow down, being as stubborn to hold back the armada for one hundred and fifty years. That did not deter the pegasi from taking control of most of the governments and creating puppet states.

Funnily enough the Armada was the most efficient government structure in the tribal era as it didn't rely on bloodlines but merit. This meritocracy was so prevalent, that even today the pegasi are a competitive bunch. The best of the best was produced and earned their place among them. It was even said that a pegasus named Windshear was capable of achieving Mach 3 at an altitude far higher than any has ever flown before but not for long with the lack of oxygen.

Everything was going well for them, until the discovery of the early Griffin Kingdom with King Grover the third in charge. King Grover III was as militaristic as the pegasi and soon overwhelmed them. With their safety above the clouds shattered, the puppets states broke away weaking the empire. Many reforms were taken to fight off the new threat, but the empire would never be the same. In these reforms we saw the first tribal senate with all of the tribes gathered, forming the Confederation of the Tribes. Some consider this to be a republic, but others dispute this claim.

With the Griffins suppressed, the Armada changed to be more open with the other tribes, relying on them more but never trusting them. This would go on well into the Union Era, with many problems and wars. The pegasi still carry the legacy of the Armada, with one third of their population in the military and another third in the clergy. This makes up around forty-four percent of the military and fifty-eight percent of the clergy. It is to note that they are the smallest tribe in Equestria at twenty-eight percent.

The pegasi are stubborn and won't change their ways unless they are forced to and that requires a lot of force. Something we don't have. We can't even start a revolution as they see their alicorns as the daughters their god, changed to Faust after the unification and occupation by the unicorns during that age. If they retreat, Equestria's will to fight will die with them.