Kamen rider wizard: Canterlot's Hope

by Kamen rider accel

First published

The phantoms want to drown those in despair who have potential to become a mage and make phantom but there is hope as a ring wizard will stop them.

Flash Sentry thought that he will never get to help the girls in any magic problem and was seemed useless but soon he is given a duty that is dangerous and he can only do it. Watch as he becomes the final hope of the world.


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It was night at Canterlot there were less people going on the street and less cars. The people are minding there own business and going on about there day.
We zoom in to see a shorter boy with a medium build, similarly light complexion, and spiky blue hair. He wore a pair of jeans, a white shirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of sneakers with lightning bolts on the sides. An emblem resembling a blue shield with a yellow lightning bolt was on his sleeve. He is flash sentry student of Canterlot and for now on what his doing is that he is walking to an empty park where only the street lights are on. He was feeling down of two reasons. One he was feeling useless of not being able to help others and feeling like a side character of some show. And second cause he had no magic or power.

The reason he wants to help others with magic is cause his school Canterlot high where multiple magic incident happened and 6 girls had gained magic powers and use them to stop magic threats just last week on there field trip at Camp Everfree, a certain group of students defeated the Camp’s Director who had been corrupted by said magic and turned into a force of nature named Gaea Everfree. Since then, the Rainbooms had obtained a set of geodes that enabled them to perform magical feats, such as animal communication, super strength, diamond shields, mind reading, telekinesis, super speed, even turning sugary confections into explosives.

…knowing a particular party planner, it was best not to question that last power.

Seeing that flash felt excited but also deep down he felt left out.

" Dang it..... Why am I thinking that" he said to him self" magic is the Rainbooms thing, beside it's not like I could even use it without turning evil and getting blasted by the Rainbooms rainbow beam."

He was feeling down but didn't notice a person coming towards him.he looked like a man in a suit. He looked at Flash before smirking as if he found pray. "You'll be a perfect sacrifice for the Sabbath, Gate," he said before his eyes glowed and Flash then lost consciousness.

When Flash woke up he found himself at a rocky shore as he looked around and saw other people just as confused he was wondering how they got here. It was then that Flash looked up and saw the moon beginning to cover the sun as Flash didn't know why but he felt something dark about it. It was then that he understood why as he felt his heart beginning to hurt in ways he never thought possible as when he looked at his skin he saw purple cracks in it as he thought he was going to die.

Flash looked and he wasn't the only one suffering this as they were gaining purple cracks on their bodies before they exploded into dust and in their place were monstrous creatures.

The feel of fear sank to Flash Core, seeing the horror before him, hearing people dying scream silent and replace with a dreaded roar that he could focus his thoughts. The feeling of dying was just too much and as he was about to give up the last of his hope... something object drop from his personal.

Flash look at it and it was the SDAT player that was smash that most likely broken beyond repair, but the other things he saw was a small chain locket, a last parting gift from his father. The lock was open by the fall and inside was a faded image of him as a baby as he was being hold by his mother who face was scratch out. Then him as a kid and being held up by his dad. Those were the good memories he had.

A tear came to Flash's eye, as just like the small photo his memory was faded about his Father, as all he could remember laugher and joy and a small voice that Flash remember very well, that voice of his Father as he was saying

"Flash, our little hope."

"da...Dad." Flash said as cracks all around him still continued to spread around him. As Flash looked at the locket some more as he now notices small writing on the side, something he never notices before.

'Hikari Kibou'

Kanjis of 'light' and 'hope' [meaning, "The light of hope"] to the image itself of his mother and father holding him in the photo and the words on the side, saying, Flash was his Family's hope just as the word in his mind said to him.

Flash then felt a pair of draconic wings rip out from his back but he didn't let that stop him as he chose to stand up as he reached his hand for the sky as if his dad was reaching out to him. "I... I won't... No I REFUSE TO DIE!" he yelled knowing that his mother's hope was inside as the creature that was trying to get out of him was now having trouble getting out as Flash had to keep going and force the creature back into his body.

It was soon that the Eclipse was beginning to end and with it Flash's pain as the young boy knew he was going to make it. And with every bit of strength he had in him the eclipse ended and he forced whatever was trying to get out of his body back into the depths of wherever it came from. It was then that Flash blacked out as he could hear the roars of the monsters now brought into the world as he soon fell asleep.

When Flash came too he found himself still at the shore but this time black flakes of what he assumed was ash were flying about. Flash then checked his face and saw he was still him but he could feel something was different he just couldn't put his finger on it. It was then that a creature that resembled a lizard began sneaking up on Flash as it knew Flash was the only survivor of this. Flash didn't noticed until he turned around and the lizard like monster was about to pounce.

Flash was scared he couldn't even let out a scream as soon a gold circle appeared and protected flash from the creatures attack just when it attacked causing it to be sent flying back forcing it to escape. Flash was surprised that magic circle thing appeared out of nowhere and defended him. "Wha...?" he asked as he didn't know what just happened exactly.

Soon a light shine behind Flash as he turn, he soon saw it and a person standing there with person in his arms. Flash was surprise at this for one, the person was wearing something he couldn't explain even if he wanted to, with the rings on the side, the belt with the hand symbol on it and lastly a little girl in his arms.

As Flash looked at the stranger in the face the stanger started to speak as he said, "You've held on to hope at the face of despair and survived, you gained the potential to become a wizard." Flash was surprise by this stranger who said he has a potential to be something, something that he dreamed of but he had one question.

"Wait.... Are you.... Are you from equestria" Flash asked the stanger who looked at him and said" no my dear child, I am not, I know about equestria but my magic is different from there's and let's just say my magic is more superior then there's, but if used wrong it can be very very deadly for others"

Flash heard this and was surprised and shocked. Magic stronger then equestrian magic.

"Wait you said I have the potential to become a wizard" he asked the stranger the man nodded as he place down the girl in his arms down gently and said, "Yes, it is the only way to fight the phantoms that you saw before." Flash was surprise at that but another question he then wanted to ask was, "and these phantoms are?"

The stranger looked at Flash and said, "Are those who lost their hope and gave in to despair then died." That sends a cold shiver to Flash but he knew he didn't become one of them as the stranger went on, "those who gave into despair become a phantom… but those who keep hold of hope has a great ability born inside of them, you boy, you have a gift to be a wizard."

As then Flash eyes froze, not in fear but in something that he never felt before, something he didn't know he had before, the strong will of hope but then his mind to start to think and said, "What if I can't be a well wizard… what if I screw up?"

The stranger looks at Flash once again and said, "Boy? What is your name?" a Shinji looked at the man and said, "Flash… Flash Sentry." The man nodded and said, "Flash, tell me this, if you didn't help on to your hope then why hold to it at all? What was your reason to live?"

To Flash, that shock him, deep down to his heart the feeling to hold on to something as the image of his dad flashes in his mind he said, "I-…I wanted to protect my Dad's memory, my dad's hope." Shinji started as he raised a fist to his face and said, "To not forget about him, to know as long as I am alive, I think… no I know Dad would smile to see him light has not gone out."

The man nodded and asked, "And what is his light?" as the moment was silent Flash put down his fist and looked at the man and said, "I am, and always would be his and my family's light. To see them smile again I wanted… needed to live to be his and there final hope."

A light shine in Flash to know what he wanted and the man under the mask smiled and said, "Well said." Soon a magic circle appeared before the man as he pulled out, a belt like his and a red ring. "Hold on to that hope and grow strong, as I know you would be a great wizard, but I have one request."

Flash looked the man and said, "What is it?"

The man looked at the girl he put down and said, "Watch over her, care for her, and be good to her." As Flash looks at the girl around his sister age with white skin and long hair he nodded and said, "I will." Soon the man toss the belt and the ring to Flash and soon vanish but said as his voice whisper like the wind ,"good luck Ring Wizard."

And thus this is how Flash Sentry journey begins and how he becomes the worlds and the people final hope.

Sa Showtime Da

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Weeks later
At Canterlot high the minority of students were at lunch and we're eather discussing about there they or any other news. But two teens were seen sitting together at an alone table eating there lunch.

The first was a tall male with a strong build. His long green hair was tucked under a black beanie, and was garbed in a pair of jeans, a red t-shirt, a brown vest, and a pair of black wristbands. On his vest was a button of the recycling symbol.

The second was the shortest of the three. He had short grayish hair and a pale violet skin tone. He was dressed in a pair of slacks, white suspenders, and a yellow sweater. A dark badge depicting an atomic symbol was pinned over his left pectoral. His black eyes were hidden by a pair of taped, black glasses.

As you can see both have a sad look on there faces and we're just eating there lunch without saying a word to each other.

Watching them were 7 girls who were sitting at a table not far from there. They are known as the Canterlot rising band known as the Rainbooms. These 6 girls also know for being heroes of this school and saving them from equestrian magic. They also help saved others from the being controlled by equestrian magic.
Right now these girls are seeing those two boys down. It's making them sad.

"Man I can't see them like this" the beacon hair girl said.

"Yeah those two haven't been the same since flash went missing." Said a violet skin girl with glasses and hair tied to a bun.

"Yeah, just where the hey will he vanished to" said a yellow skin girl who was wearing a cowboy hat.

The topic today there talking about is the missing student flash sentry who was a band member of flash drive and a student of Canterlot high, but last weak he went missing. His friends were worried when flash hasn't shown up to school so they went to his house and saw he wasn't there and so was his little sister scootaloo, both vanished from there like they were never there. His friends asked the Rainbooms for help but they also couldn't find anything of where he went.

The Rainbooms than thought of telling the police to find him but like there result: nothing. So for now the Rainbooms will try to use there magic to see where he went.

"I'm also worried about Scott." A blue skin multi colour rainbow hair girl said."Her friends also miss her and Like micro and sandelwood those two aren't the same."

"I know y'all apple bloom even went out a full city search for her but we stopped her before she could get hurt." Said the yellow skin girl.

"Well how's your brother, has he any luck Twilight" the rainbow hair girl said to to now named twilight.

She shook her head" sadly no, he once said he was close to finding them but later said it's a dud and is still trying, sorry rainbow dash"

"I don't get it what can cause those to to just suddenly vanish like that out of thin air." Rainbow dash said.

"You don't think something bad had happened to both of them, sunset" said a girl with pink hair.

"Don't worry darling I hope we can find them sweetie bell has also looked full down because of her friend no there." A white skin purple hair girl said to her

" I asked princess twilight to come and help us find them, she said yes when I told that flash and his sister went missing." Sunset told her.

The only one who wasn't talking was the pink skin and pink hair girl who was looking at her phone with interest.

"Pinkie what are you seeing. Did you find anything about flash" Rainbow asked her friends turned to her.

"No sorry, I actually found something awesome " pinkie said showing her phone to her friends.

They look and see a blur picture of a person they couldn't make out of who he is or what his wearing. But they could see him riding a motor cycle. On the title of the page read.
'Kamen rider in Canterlot'

"Kamen...rider" Twilight read trying to see the image well " who's that"

Rainbow was the one to answer that " only the awesome and more amazing heroes in history, and don't tell this to anyone but there even amazing then me" she told her friends who looked at there rainbow hair friend with wide eyes. She never admit some is better than her except if some one earns it. Hearing her admit it like this now they were interested.

"Really, wow didn't know you'll ever say that" twilight said.

" I draw the line when it comes to the riders and the super Sentai.
Both heroes fight for justice and peace and saved the world many times as I even can count" rainbow said in excitement like a full fangirl like scootaloo is to her.

"Really, that kind of hard to believe I never heard about them." Sunset said.

"Of course there real. There all over the news just a few years ago there was a incident at futto city and the last month there was a space robot attack. They were stopped by the Kamen riders " pinkie pie said.

" And also you mostly Weren't paying attention to the news that time and mostly at the friendship game." Rainbow said. Which sunset remember that some students were talking about a incident at a city where they saw a guy in a traffic light type armor. She shook her head to erase that thought and asked her friend.
" How will that help us."

"Well since there is a rider hear we can ask him about our friend and beside I really want to meet this rider and see what he can do" pinkie said excited to meet one of the riders in real life.

Before her friends could ask her more the bell rang meaning that break is over. They have to ask after school.

After school the Rainbooms stayed behind for there friend from another world, flash friends were with them aswell. When sunset told them about meeting twilight to help find flash they wanted in on it. They will do anything to find there friend.

The Rainbooms and the boys are waiting patiently at the statue where the portal is. Just when the group fell silent, the portal shimmered and a familiar figure stumbled through. She resembled Twilight Sparkle in very way. However, her hair fell freely and she lacked the wide rimmed glasses. Her attire was also different. She wore a blue blouse, purple skirt, and purple boots. Around her neck was an ornament that resembled a six-pointed, magenta star.This was Princess Twilight from Equestria.

"Twilight" the Rainbooms said and hugged her even swi twi. The boys stayed behind but soon the magic portal shimmer again getting there attention soon came out another person who is male who is exactly like flash his wearing a black pant and a vest which was showing half of his white shirt.

He try to stand up but soon fall" wow... How do you walk in these feen" he said while standing up trying to balance him self.

"There called feet flash" twilight told her boyfriend.

"Wait you flash pony counterpart what are you doing hear" Micro chip asked seeing his friend doubleganger.

"Well when twilight told me my other self went missing with his sister I wanted to help, beside I can't leave her behind" he said pointing at the pony version twilight.

"And want does that mean mister" Twilight said putting her hands on her hips and playfully looking serious.

" Ah ahhh nothing nothing at all" flash said not getting the joke.

There friends laughed at there antics,

"So you to are dating " the human twilight asked her counterpart.

"Well you can say that" she said while hiding her left hand from them. Pony flash knew that what she was doing and wanted to surprise them.

"So let's save the reunion later, for now we need to find my counterpart and his sister" Pony flash said.

The others nodded."so can you take us to there house so we can see where to begin." Pony twilight said

They all then left school and start to walk to flash house. Wile they were going they didn't notice a shadowy figure watching them from behind the school wall. He was seeing the Rainbooms go and mostly had his eyes on the young rainbow hair girl.

When the gang reach there they were lead inside by Micro and sandalwood. When they went inside they saw the furniture there and everything else and even the photos and even the tv was there.

"Hah.... This place has all it's furniture and all, it didn't even got ran sacked, I'm surprised it's like a ghost house" rainbow dash said looking around.

Pony flash was looking at a photo of this version flash and saw him standing with a orange skin girl with lavender hair. A women in white skin and hair tied in a bun and an older version of flash just with a beard. He smiled at that.

"We know we even were surprised seeing all this hear " sandalwood said.

"Ok so let's start then" Pony twilight said. Her friends and boyfriend back away as she then closed her eyes and when she opened them her eyes were glowing. She was then seeing Some color lines showing each individual color and seeing where to they are for some reason flash color wasn't seen but a orange color was seen leading out." I can't see flash color but I can see scootaloo color, this way" she said while running out side. The others fallowing her finally a clue to where flash may be.

Unnoticed to them the same dark figure was fallowing them.

When they were walking down the road they reached an warehouse. The others thought why would flash be hear but soon went inside and saw it was a supply ware house there were supplies of construction but there was no flash or scootaloo.

" I don't understand they should be hear. I can see the color ending hear" Pony twilight said. She was confused her color reading never got her wronged before.

"Well we should atleast check to see" Pony Flash said the others nodded and we're about to check when suddenly a voice was heard.

"You won't need to check anymore" they heard and saw a man in his 20 with black skin red messy hair and red eyes.

"Um who are you mister" Fluttershy asked nicely. But pinkie senses ached and we're telling her to run away from this 'man'.
The others also got on guard.

"You won't need to know me, well you be dead soon anyway" he said shocking the others. He surprised them more when his skin start to change and he turned into a monster.He was blue, with red and white shoulder and chest armor, a tail, and his head had two giant horns that gave him the appearance of a bull. His face didn't have a visible mouth, and his eyes were small and orange.

The Rainbooms and the boys and the pony twilight and flash were surprised.
He then made a fire ball and throw at them. The others ran for cover.

"What the hay, what is this guy" apple jack yelled ducking from another fire ball thrown at them.

"I never seen him in equestria before" pony twilight said. The bull monster stopped and looked at her." Equestria" he said in a deeper voice and scoff at that. " Don't lumb me with yours stupid world, we are the phantoms and our magic is superior then any of that equestrian magic. The fools who use them can't even use them to the fullest."

"What did you say?!" Rainbow said" I show you who's magic worse you over grown bull" she ran at him. Twilight remember the name phantoms and remember celestia telling her that there dangerous and there magic is deadly.

"Rainbow wa.." but it was to late when rainbow ran to hit him she lost her speed and soon fall in the ground with a grunt.
"What the what happened to my magic" she asked but looked up and see the bull phantom looking at her. He then grab her by the throat and lift her up.

"You're powerless against me," he said he began to choke her. Rainbow struggled to breath as she tried to pry his hand off her, but when she realized that it was futile.

"Rainbow!!!" Her friends were about to help when suddenly some stone type monster with horns appear behind them and grab them.

"What the let us go" pony flash yelled as the others struggle to break free. Micro and sandalwood were running from them and they throw any objects at them from coming closer.

The bull phantom was busy with rainbow
"now drown in despair and give birth to a phantom"

Rainbow was almost losing air when suddenly the sound of bike was heard and then it ram through the wall. The person driving the bike soon knocked back some ghouls and drive stopped. The bull phantom stopped choking rainbow as she breath and saw who it was the others also saw. A teen wearing a blue pants, with black vest which showed his white shirt underneath. He was wearing a helmet so the others couldn't see who it was. But soon he took the helmet off and the others we're surprised. It was The human version Flash Sentry who they were looking for and now his standing there Infront of the bull phantom.
He was holding a gun and then fired three shots at the phantom. He quickly put rainbow Infront as human shield but the bullet change course and hit the phantom instead."AHH" he let her go and fall back. Rainbow took the opportunity to run back. The ghouls holding the others and who were chasing micro and sandalwood stopped and looked at the boy.

"Silver bullet? Are you a Wizard?" As the bull creature ask the boy with the gun
swi twi said, "A wizard?" silently so did the others as they were free from the ghouls holding.

"I've track you down phantom, now its Show time." As Flash said as he pointed the gun at the bull phantom and fire.

As the phantom started to run around it throw ordered the ghouls to attack him. Flash said as he started to fight them as they came at him.

*Insert Life is Showtime

As Flash was fighting he shot the Ghouls in between his kicks as he was taking care of them one by one. The Phantom was after Rainbow as she was most likely a Gate so she was now under his protection. As they fought Flash ducked and weaved pass their attacks while shooting his gun at them doing more damage to them.

They tried to use their spears on Flash but he grabbed a handful of them before forcing the spears to the floor before shooting again. As he wasn't going to let the Phantom get away. The enemy Ghouls were soon defeated as Flash glared at the evil Phantom.

*end music

The others those who knew flash well we're surprised by his new skills.
"Ok since when can he do that, is my version a fighter" pony flash asked the others as they shake there heads in denial.

"Dammit I'll take you on myself you damn Ring Mage," the Phantom said before Flash brought his right hand which had a ring with a hand symbol on it to his belt buckle that had the same symbol.


The others heard from flash as a belt formed around his waist. Flash switched the Hand Author to the left hand.


His belt began to chant a song the others were surprised by this. Flash brought his left hand up that had a ruby ring on it as he brought his right hand over the ruby ring.

"Henshin!" he invoke as he brought the visor of the ring down before touching it over the hand Author.

"FLAME! PLEASE!" it began as Flash reached out to his left summoning a red mystic circle. "HI! HI! HI, HI, HI!" the belt said as the circle came over Flash changing his form. Flash was now endowed with what most would call a jewel suit as the chest as the helmet seem to be made out of a ruby gem same with the chest plate, as he now had a black coat with a red interior and red design on it. He was still holding the gun as the Rainbooms his friends and the pony versions were shocked.

"Now, it's Showtime," wizard said as he held his gun at the ready as the Bull charged at the young wizard. Wizard fire a few shot but the Bull phantom took them head and about to crash into him… until turn his gun into a sword, dogged at the last moment and landed a few hits as the phantom cry in pain.

As the phantom turn around trying to get a hit on the wizard, but he keep dogging and strike with his sword as the phantom started to get worn down. "Damn you wizard!" as the phantom yelled soon he use the last hand full of ghouls he had and throw them.

"More ghouls, great." As Wizard said in an irritated tone as he charged at the ghoul as he slash a few and doges there attacks. The phantom escaped as he made a run for it and vanish from the site.

As Wizard just about had enough, he lifts the "thumb" on the hand attack to the sword as it started to chant, "Come on a Slash, Shake Hands! Come on a Slash, Shake Hands!" then Wizard brought the ruby wizard ring to the hand. "Flame! Slash Strike! HI, HI, HI! HI, HI, HI!" And then Wizard did a 360 turn to all the ghouls as a flame erupted from the blade itself and he cut through all of them, destroying the ghouls in an infernal flames.

Wizard looked around and saw the Phantom got away which meant it would wait for a better chance to attack. Wizard let out a sigh of frustration after he had went through the trouble of locating that Phantom only for it to get away. Wizard then powered down as his armor disappeared leaving Flash in his place.

Flash then walked to his friends who were dumbstruck surprised. They got out of it when they saw flash come to them.

"Hey guys how's it been" He said casually.

They ran to him and start to bomber him with questions.

"Don't hey guys me, where were you all this week"

"How can you use magic?!"

"What was that thing and what does he mean fall in to despair?"

Flash was getting bomber with more question but soon he held up his hands and made them shut up.

"Guys I cant answer you questions here" flash told them.

"Why not?" Micro asked.

"I tell you all everything when we're at a safe place." Flash told them."fallow me"

The others looked at each other unsure what to do but they all did and fallow. Flash grabbed his bike. He put his hand on his belt.

"Connect Please"

A magic circle appear and flash put his bike in it then it disappeared. The teens again felt surprised of flash using magic.
He looked at them and said" come on" he then start to walk the others fallow hoping for answers.

An old abandoned mansion comes into view and before long bull phantom enters the building and looks up a stair case and bows it's head.

" Master Phoenix. "

The one minotaur addressed as Phoenix was one of the leading Phantoms. However, he was fairly humanoid, like a red and golden knight with a large gold plume on his head with other details like a bird. After giving a scoff he jumps from his spot and lands in front of the lower phantom.

" You mind explaining how you managed to screw up so badly, after making all that noise with those ghouls? " He asked before assuming a human form. He was now a man in his early thirties with grey skin hair that was a both red and black a little bit of scruff and wore a lot of red clothing with a black shirt underneath that had it's sleeves torn off. " Eh? "

" The Ring mage user interfered with my plans. " Minotaur explained.

" So it's Wizard, eh? " An intelligent female voice spoke up. She had a shapely body with an upper black uniform like armor with purple outlines giving her the appearance of a general. She had only a bit of appearance of a human with her lower face color white bearing red lip stick while the rest of her face was covered in a large helmet covered in what seemed to be purple like gems while her eyes were covered by a black visor. Now what obviously made her stand out, were snakes coming out from underneath her helmet like hair. This was another one of the commanding Phantoms, Medusa.

" Mistress Medusa. " Minotaur bowed his head acknowledging her presence.

" Our mission as Phantoms is to make the Gates lose all hope, so that new phantoms can be born. " She said before adorning her own human form just like phoenix. She was an attractive woman with long Green hair with green wearing a black shirt covered in blue fabric. " So that Wiseman will once again hold the sabbat. "

" I understand. " Minotaur bowed.

" If you do, then forget about the magic clown and get to work on the Gate already! "

" Yes, sir. However, before I go...There is one last thing I must inform both of you. "

" Oh? Go on. " Phoenix said almost sounding very intrigued and curious to know what the lower phantom had to tell them.

" None of those people I was targeting were Gates except for one. But I know where to find not just one, but plenty. "

This perked up Medusa's interest. " Where? "

Flash arrived at a shop with the others behind him. They were thinking why will flash be hear.

"I'm back, and I got a gate with me. And you never gonna guess who it is Scotts"
Flash said while entering. The others fallow him in and see the store is well design and a bit of home feeling.

"Welcome back" an elderly man in his 30 with white skin and black messy hair said from his work table. He then went back on making a ring. The other saw his work and think he's the one who made the rings for flash.

"Welcome back bro" said a young voice as a girl came out from the kitchen. She had orange skin, short, magenta hair, and purple eyes. She wore a dark-grey hoodie with a blue shirt underneath. She had on a pair of green shorts and a pair of dark-grey boots with blue socks.

When rainbow saw her she rushed in high speed as hugged her" Scott. Oh thank God your ok"

"Rainbow dash" scootaloo said in surprise while returning the hug. She was soon put down."where were you Scott your friends and I was worried for you"

"Sorry about that I really wanted to say that I'm ok but I had to move with flash that time and we were out of town." She said to her idol.

"Hey where rei" Human Flash asked her sister.

"Oh she's just checking her ball" she said to him." Hey rei we got gests"

"Coming" the others heard a young girls voice as she came out of the other room. They saw a little girl same age as scootaloo. She was wearing a red blouse and had white skin and black hair reaching till her back.

She then looked at the gests and then saw two same people.

"Flash oni-chan, why are there two of the same people, one like her and other like you." She asked in gentle voice.

"Oni-chan!!!" The others asked in bewilderment he has two sisters. And she speaks neighponese.

"I explain it later rei, first I gonna clear things out with them. So can you two get some refreshments for our guests"

"Sure/Hi" both girls left.

Flash then sat on the couch and then told the others to sit. They all sat down pinkie and Rainbow sat on the ground.

"So what do you wanna ask first"

"Well where were you all these days, you haven't come to school and weren't at home. We thought something happened to you." Sandalwood ask.

"Well let's just say something happened the past week and because of that now I'm fighting for the people lives."

"Wait what happened?" Flash pony self asked him.

"Well, I tell you that later first thing first I gonna clear the phantom case."

"Yeah that thing was gonna kill me itlf you hadn't shown up. And my magic suddenly had vanished. What happened that time."
Rainbow asked the ring mage.

"That rainbow is know as a phantom. And what I'm about to tell you will shock you but you all gonna remain calm." The others looked at each other and then looked back at ring mage and nodded." The phantom have the ability to neglect magic of others, you have seen it. But a phantoms are mostly born from those who have potential to become a mage."

"Wait your saying that the phantoms are people" Fluttershy said the others were horrified to hear this.

"Well no the phantom are not humans. See once a person falls in to despair he dies and gives birth to a phantom. The one who I was fighting was already dead. This is the phantom born from the person." He explains to them just as scootaloo and rei got back with refreshments and put them on the table.

"Ok so your fighting these monsters for about weeks." Sunset asked.

" Well no I started to fight them 2 weeks ago I had training that time."

"Training by who" pony twilight asked

"The white Wizard." He told them.

"White Wizard?" They said in union

Flash nodded and said." He's my mentor. He trained me to be the best so I could fight the phantoms"

Rainbow heard that "Cool can we meet him"

He shook his head" unfortunately no he is traveling mostly but he come by and gives me advise some times."

"Yeah I also had to travel with flash so I could be safe and we did had to take care of rei here. And man he had some tuff training." Scott said remembering her travel with her brother.

"Wait what's your relationship with the girl why did she called you oni-chan" rarity asked seeing the girl who then hid behind Scott after rarity asked about her.

"I will tell that later. But for now rainbow you gonna have to Stay hear."

"What why?" She asked him her friends also want the answer.

"The phantom was targeting you meaning your the gate and if you fall in despair the phantom will be born. The phantoms want to turn all people in to them so they can rule the world. That's why" the others were shocked to hear this.

"But I have practice this Evening and my team is waiting."

"Come in rainbow it can be a slumber party we can all have beside we will give you company." Pinkie said she wanted a party with her friends.

"Wait how do you find these phantoms" Sunset asked. Then all off them heard a squeak and saw a little metal bird with a ring on his chest come in to view and fly around rei and Scott.

"Oh my god, it's so cute" Fluttershy looked at the bird.

"What the hey is that" the farmer asked.

"That's my friend is Garuda, he's what you say Is my companion and I also have three more." He said as he took out a blue ring and scanned it on his belt.

Unicorn please
A plastic sprue appear and then disappear leaving small metal pieces flash put the ring in one part the parts formed together and made a tiny blue unicorn. The he took out a yellow ring and did the same.
Cracken please
Then he put the ring in the middle piece and an tiny yellow octopus Appear.

They start to play with each other. The others were surprised.

"Hey the unicorn looks like Trixie" Pony flash said and twilight had to agree. The unicorn looked at her and then jumped on her lap then on her shoulder and then nuzzles her face.

"Heh he likes you" Flash said." But anyway these will be in charge of keeping an eye on phantoms, they may be small but they sure pack a punch. Any way enjoy I gotta check on something." He stood up and went up stairs. Scott and rei following him.

While the others were busy playing with the helpers Swi twi looked at where flash left and thought he was hiding something, something painful.

The next day

Rainbow and her friends and micro and sandalwood were with them. Twilight and flash told they were going back to ask celestia about the phantoms so they said they will be back. Garuda was fallowing them.

Rainbow is sitting on a bench and soon took out a picture of her young self and a man next to her he had blue skin and had black and blue hair.

"Who's that dash" pinkie asked." My uncle Luke, he was the reason I started to play football. And other sports. But soon he past away in my 12 birthday." She said in a sad toon.

"Oh darling it's ok we're here for you." Rarity said comforting her.

"Yeah beside your good at every sports so he must be proud of you" sandalwood said but non of them notice Garuda going back.

" So this is your hope" the teens saw bull phantom standing behind a tree the revealing him self. The others got in to battle posting even if there magic doesn't work they will still fight. Micro and sandalwood took a safe cover behind a tree. The phantom simply just stood there he saw they trying to fight him but it's futile. He ran in fast speed and grab the photo from rainbows hand.

"Hey give that back." Rainbow shouted in rage but the phantom tore it in half."No!" She then soon feel a pain in her chest and fall down. Her friends ran to her. They saw some purple cracks start to form on her chest.

"Yes, die in despair and give birth to a phantom rainbow da...."

As if on cue, Wizard came out of nowhere, ramming his bike into Minotauros and knocking him away. The Phantom tumbled from the impact, and Wizard came to a stop. He raised his left hand above his head, and drew in all of the fire, making it converge onto his ring as it absorbed the flames.

"Wizard!" Minotauros growled, as Wizard pushed and pulled the levers on the side of his belt, changing the left hand to a right hand. He removed the ring he was wearing on his right, and replaced it with a different one. He covered his belt with his hand.

"Connect, Please."

A glyph appeared next to Wizard, and he reached into it, pulling out his gun. "I'm going to kindly ask you to stop, or else this will get messy," he said, pointing the gun at Minotauros. "And I've already cleaned up your fire."

"Get out of my way!" Minotauros screamed, pulling out his halberd and rushing Wizard. He fired his gun, making Minotauros stagger back. He unfolded his gun into its sword form, and charged Minotauros. He slashed at the Phantom, dodging Minotauros's thrusts with his sword and free hand. Minotauros swept at his legs, but Wizard leaped over the halberd, landing a kick against Minotauros's broken horn, making the Phantom grunt in pain.

" Flash hurry we don't have much time" sunset yelled.

"If you're going to kill me, I'm making sure that you'll die with me!" Minotauros shouted. Their weapons clashed with each strike, before the two thrusted them towards each other. Wizard's sword proved to the stronger of the weapons, as when his blade connected with the point of Minotauros's halberd, the polearm shattered, and Wizard stabbed the Phantom square in the chest, though Minotauros was strong enough that it didn't go through him. He held his chest in pain, and growled, "You bastard!"

Frustrated, Minotauros began seeing red and charged at Wizard, head pointed at him. The vigilante attempted to block the attack with his sword, but Minotauros's strength while charging was surprisingly strong. Minotauros lifted his head up, flinging Wizard into the air, though he quickly recovered and landed on his feet.

"Well, if you want to make this a contest of strength-" Wizard said, as he pulled off his left ring. He placed it onto the holster, and pulled off a ring with a square-shaped citrine stone, and placed it on his middle finger. He flipped the levers on his belt, shifting the right hand into a left one before touching it with his left hand. "- I suppose I should oblige."

"Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin! Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin! Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin!"

Wizard pointed his left hand at the ground, and a glyph formed underneath him. As it rose over him, the red of his suit was replaced with yellow, and his helmet's round red visor turned into a square yellow visor. "Land, Please! Sha-Sha-Sha-Shake, Sha-Sha-Sha-Shake! Sha-Sha-Sha, Shake!"

The girls and the boys saw this and once again we're surprised."wait he can change forms." Sunset said" More like elements" pinkie said.

"Dammit... so you can change Elements like I've heard," Minotauros growled. He lowered his head, and charged at Wizard, who calmly swapped his right hand's ring with another one.

"Pretty much," he answered, as he shifted his belt's hand to the right and placed his over it. "Defend, Please."

Wizard pointed his hand to the ground, as another glyph formed. Before Minotauros hit him, a stone wall grew out of the ground. He slammed into it, and found himself stuck in it. He struggled to free himself, but Wizard took this opportunity to kick him in the chin. The force of kick broke the stone wall, and sent the Phantom soaring into the air. Minotauros flew high up, allowing Wizard the chance to chance his left ring once again, this time for a triangular emerald one. He flipped the levers once again.

"Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin! Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin! Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin!"

He swiped his left hand over his belt, and raised it over his head. Another glyph formed over him, and he jumped through it. The yellow of his suit was exchanged for green, and his helmet's square yellow visor became a triangular green one. "Hurricane, Please! Fly, fly! Fly fly fly fly!"

" Ok now his green but I say the armor does look fitting on him" rarity said seeing the desine.

Wizard soared in the air, flying by Minotauros and slashing him with his sword multiple times. The Phantom cried as he helplessly flailed around, unable to defend himself from the attacks. Minotauros landed on the ground, writhing in pain as Wizard landed on his feet. He pulled off his emerald ring, and placed his ruby ring back on. He flipped his belt's levers twice, shifting it to a left hand before returning it to be a right hand.

"Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin! Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin! Shabadoobie, Touch to Henshin!"

Wizard placed his hand onto his belt, and pointed his arm to the side, a glyph forming at his fingertips that slid over him, returning him back to his red form. "Flame, Please! Hot! Hot! Hot hot hot!"

As Minotauros struggled to stand up, Wizard flipped his belt's levers again, and pulled off his current ring. He took out a new one, this ring having a carved image of a foot covered in a dragon-like flame. "Lupachi Magic, Touch to Go! Lupachi Magic, Touch to Go!"

"This is the finale," Wizard said, placing his right hand onto his belt.

"Very Nice! Kick Strike! Amaziiiiing!"

A glyph appeared underneath him, as he moved the right side of his waistcoat out of the way, letting fire engulf his right foot. He began to cartwheel towards Minotauros, leaping into the air. He pointed his foot at the Phantom, another glyph forming in front of him. He passed through it, launching him towards Minotauros and striking him in the chest with his right foot. Minotauros was knocked backwards, screaming as a glyph formed around him, and exploded into a fiery cloud. The fiery cloud then reversed into itself, taking in all of the smoke and debris it had kicked up with Minotauros's destruction, and vanished.

"Alright, that's one problem taken cared of," Wizard said, as he rushed over to Rainbow and knelled down. He flipped his belt's switches twice, activating its casting ability. "Now, to help you."

"It's gonna be alright, Rainbow," Wizard said, as he pulled out another ring. It appeared similar to the other rings he had used on his right hand, though this one had bands that resembled his helmet's face like his left rings.

He slipped the ring onto her right hand, and placed it over his belt. "Because I'm never letting anyone suffer like this again."

"Engage, Please."

Rainbow fell to her side unconscious as a glyph formed above her. Wizard stood up, and floated over her, before going through the glyph and disappearing.
The others were surprised where did he went.

Inside Rainbow's Underworld

Wizard flew down the purple tunnel of light, as a glyph appeared below him. He fell through it, and found himself in Rainbow's Underworld. It was of the park that they were in, and he saw a young child playing with her uncle.

"So this is her Underworld... that must be her," Wizard said, as he watched the two of them play. All of a sudden, purple cracks formed in front of him, and a giant insectoid monster burst through, shattering a part of the Underworld. It flew right by him, and began ramming itself everywhere, leaving purple cracks wherever it crashed against.

"If I was a gambling man, I'd say that's her Inner Phantom," Wizard said, as he pushed the levers on his belt twice. "Lupachi Magic, Touch to Go! Lupachi Magic, Touch to Go!"

He replaced his right ring again, this time it had an engraving of a winged dragon on it. Wizard swiped his hand over his belt. "Dragorise, Please."

A giant glyph appeared in the sky, and a silver-and gold horned dragon with a red gem on its forehead appeared. As soon as it fully materialized, the dragon went and attacked Rainbow's Inner Phantom, though it turned around and slammed against Wizard, knocking the magician off his feet as it flew into the sky and away from them.

"Dammit, do we have to do this song and dance every time I summon you in an Underworld!?" Wizard grumbled, replacing his ring with the Connect Ring. He pushed the levers up and down, activating its casting ability as he placed his right hand on it. "Obey me, Dragon!"

"Connect, Please."

A glyph opened near him, and Wizard pulled his Machine Winger into the Underworld, climbing onto it and driving off towards the rampaging dragon. It slammed against the 'walls' of the Underworld more and more, until it spotted Wizard driving towards it. The dragon roared as it soared towards the magic motorcyclist. He didn't slow down for a second, and reared onto his back wheel, and jumped. The Machine Winger split apart over Dragon, and attached to its back, becoming another pair of wings. The dragon tried to resist Wizard's control, but submitted to it as Wizard made it flew towards Rainbow's Inner Phantom. The Inner Phantom fired a blast of purple fire towards the two. Dragon aerial rolled out of the way, and returned the attack with its own stream of red fire. Both of them dodged the flames of the other, before colliding against one another and began grappling each other. They collided against the Underworld, cracking more and more of it, before they released each other from their grasps.

As wizard turn around the dragon for another pass, he lift the thumb on the WizaSwordGun hand as it started to chant, "COME ON A SLASH, SHAKE HANDS!" then Wizard brought the ruby wizard ring to the hand. "Flame! Slash Strike! HI, HI, HI! HI, HI, HI!".

Three flaming glyphs formed around Wizard's sword, creating a small pillar of fire. Wizard and the dragon charged towards Rainbow's Inner Phantom, as he held his sword in both hands. The Inner Phantom roared as it charged towards Wizard and Dragon as well. He steadied himself and held his sword above his head, and Dragon flew slightly lower. Wizard's sword slashed through the Inner Phantom's body, splitting into two as a glyph formed around it, and exploded.

"And that takes care of that," Wizard said, as a glyph appeared around him and Dragon.

Back in the real world Rainbow's cracks vanished and soon she regained consciousness. She then saw her friends looking at her.

"Rainbow" they hugged her in relief she was ok. Flash de henshin and soon his friends ran to him.

"Dude you were totes amazing out there flash." Sandalwood said" yeah you literally blow that phantom away in to ashes." Micro said.

"It's nothing, but any way I think this is yours rainbow" flash said walking to her when she got up he handed her the photo which the phantom ripped all good as new. She was speechless of seeing this.
"Flash...... Thank you!" She said hugging him which caught him in surprise. But he accepted it. After the hug flash said" ok now that your free from the phantom I want you all to come back tomorrow back at the store, cause tomorrow I will explain how this happened ok" the other then nodded. So flash was about to leave when twilight called him" wait flash" he stopped and looked at her." Thank you again for saving my friends life." He smiled and said.

"No problem." He start his bike and drove off. While he was going he didn't notice a small three headed hound dog watching him from behind a tree. He is just like the helpers flash has. The dog soon left off to it's master.

Tomorrow will be the day when the Rainbooms and his friends will find out the truth of how he became a wizard.