Accidental Marriage: Year one

by Triple Studios

First published

Anon asked simply for sugar. Said sugar unintentionally and accidentally turn into a marriage proposal.

Seven years before the events of the fateful Summer Sun Celebration, Anon asked simply for sugar. Said sugar unintentionally and accidentally turned into a marriage proposal. Intertwining him and the Sun horse as husband and wife. Should he correct this misunderstanding or just roll with it?

Cover Art by - JetXPegasus

Will contain bits of gore/violence

Featured: 11/20/2022

Featured: 11/24/2022

Featured: 12/1/2022 Third featured?! Wow! Thank you! 🙏 :raritystarry: :twilightsmile:

Featured: 12/15/2022 Fourth featured?! Thank you so much! 🙏 :raritystarry: :pinkiehappy:

Featured: 12/22/2022

Featured: 3/22/2023

CH.1 - Simple but Unintentional

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Wheels bumped over the tracks, metal clanking together as the train stopped at a station. Smoke billowed up from the engine as it idled, and in the rear of the train a stallion earth pony opened the door and stepped out. He was welcomed by the warm breeze that swept through his mane, and he inhaled deeply, relishing the smell of summer in the air.

Soon after he stepped out, passengers of ponies exited out the other side as well. Parents called out to their children, or to each other if they were close enough. The air filled with excited chatter as children rushed out, only for adults to gently grab them as they tried to dart off.

The engineer’s eyes darted to the bench in front of him, where a man sat. His hat shadowed his face, obscuring the rest of his features. He wore a black zippered hoodie, along with blue jeans and worn out brown boots, and his arms crossed in front of him.

Next to him was a unicorn mare, her bright red mane tied back in twin tails that hung past her waist. She wore a maid’s uniform under a black dress with white flowers on the hem; she also sported a yellow bow in her mane. Her coated fur was a light shade of tan, and her eyes of leafy green showed experience beyond her years.

The man looked up to meet the engineer’s eyes.

“Well it’s about time.” The Man said in the same tone that every pony knew him for, gruff yet soft all at once. “You know I hate waiting, especially when it involves that damn locomotive.”

“Sorry sir. Had trouble keeping track of time while I was doing work.” The engineer shrugged as the man stood up from his seat, brushing non existent dust from his pants. He starts up towards the train with his maid following suit before the engineer raised one hoof. “Where to sir?”

“Canterlot,” he replied as he boarded the train.

The engineer nodded and headed towards the back of the train. Out blow the horn, signaling the beginning of the long journey towards their destination, and the crowd moved aside as the doors began to slide shut. The train roared forward, pulling away from the station. Once the last passenger entered, the whistle blew again, and the engine picked up speed.

The ride was silent, save for the sound of wind whipping past and the rumbling of the engines. New passengers took their seats, most of them falling asleep within seconds. Couple’s held hooves, sitting together close enough that their feet brushed. Others leaned against each other, sleeping peacefully. Children chattered amongst themselves happily, their faces lit up with excitement.

Business ponies took advantage of the quiet to speak to their partners. Their voices were loud and cheerful, and their tails swayed behind them. When they weren’t talking they worked on their business deals, making sure everything went smoothly.

Salesponies spoke quietly, discussing how their clients had received their orders that morning. Their conversations were usually lighthearted and pleasant, but occasionally a couple of them would argue, only to be quickly claimed by the train staff. Business ponies had their own discussions too, but they rarely ever got upset, much less angry.

And finally there were two new visitors. The man had his hands in his pockets, the hood of his hoodie still pulled low over his head. It was difficult to tell anything about him with that hood covering his face, but it almost felt like he was hiding under a rock. His gaze seemed glued to the floor, his shoulders hunched into himself. He kept glancing around, scanning the compartment.

His companion followed closely behind him, carrying a large backpack strapped to her back. She too stared ahead of them, staring straight ahead, her ponytail swaying with every step she took. The two of them took their seats, leaving a spot between them open for the new arrivals. A suited stallion unicorn walked in first, with a suitcase behind him. He glanced around the train car, smiling sheepishly at each pony he met. He settled for an empty seat across from where the man sat.

Once both were seated, the door slid shut behind them and the train continued on its way. It rattled loudly as it ran over bumps and dips, shaking the occupants inside with the force of the movement. The man leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his folded hands.

The suited stallion watched him for several minutes before speaking. “Hello sir. You wouldn’t happen to be Anonymous, the Eternal Servant of Alicorns? Would you?”

Anonymous turned at him questioningly. “What gave me away?”

The unicorn shrugged. “The rumors, for starters. I heard from some ponies that you were immortal or something like that. Is it true?”

“It is.” The man replied bluntly.

“Really now? That’s interesting… then if you don’t mind me asking, how exactly did you become immortal? That kind of thing is only alicorn worthy, you know. They aren’t that easy to come by.”

Anon smirked at the stallion. “Would you believe me that it was the works of aliens?”

The stallion shook his head. “Not really.” He paused to think. “Though why a bunch of aliens would want to give you immortality, I’m not entirely sure.”

Anon snorted. “Fair point.”

“But still,” The stallion continued, “Does it not bother you? I mean, it has to be boring and suffering to live forever.”

Anon crossed his arms. Looking up at the ceiling, he thought for a moment before responding. “Well, when you’ve been living for nine-hundred and ninety three years, nothing seems terribly interesting anymore. You also learn a lot of things from those nine hundred and ninety three years.” He shifted on his seat. “For example, I learned how much of a douchebag some leaders can get. They can be extremely cruel and controlling, and I think that the reason they rule their kingdom so harshly is because they have absolutely no regard for anyone else’s opinion. Not even when they are right.” He shook his head. “They’re just horrible.”

The other stallion hummed. “That sounds rather unfortunate though, wouldn’t you agree?”

Anon laughed humorlessly. “Unfortunately, yes.”

The Stallion nodded sagely. “I suppose it’s no surprise, given what we deal with everyday. And I do appreciate your honesty. Most ponies tend to play coy around here, and they certainly won’t admit when they’re wrong.”

Anon smiled wryly. “Yeah, they probably wouldn’t.”

“Anyways,” The stallion continued. “We’re almost close to our destination, so I have one more question to ask.”

“Okay. What is it?”

“You’ve been around for so long, just how old are you?”

“Hmm, let’s see,” Anon pondered. “When I first arrived here I was in my thirties, but now that I’m older I’d say I’m around one thousand and thirty one years old, give or take a few centuries.”

“One thousand and thirty one?!” The Unicorn stallion exclaimed, shock clear in his voice.

“Yeah. So?”

The stallion sighed. “Wow, wow, that’s old. Really old.”

Anon rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know. I’m old, you don’t have to rub it in.”

The Unicorn stallion laughed nervously. “Right, sorry!”

The train jerked slightly as it stopped at another station. People filed out of their cars, taking their luggage and bags and heading towards the exits. Some walked slowly as they talked to their companions, others hurried along. Some of them walked quickly as they made their way to the exit, the rest slowed down to walk more leisurely. Fillies ran past everyone, trying to reach the front of the line. Older ponies were slower, shuffling through the lines with a slight limp.

Anon and his companion followed the flow of ponies off the train. They exited the station, and the Unicorn stallion looked around. “Well, I guess this is where we part ways Mr Anonymous.”

Anonymous nodded as they stood face to face. “Yep.”

The Stallion nodded as well before turning away. “Nice meeting you Anon. I hope I see you again soon.”

“Likewise.” Anon said as the Unicorn walked off.

Anon stared off into the distance, watching as he left. Both him and the unicorn maid turned, stepping out of the station and starting forward through the busy streets. The air outside the station felt clean and a bit crisp as they walked out into Celestia’s bright sunlight. Sunshine basked the towers of Canterlot Castle, bringing in the sunny morning. A gentle breeze carried across the castle grounds, causing all the bushes in vases to dance along the ground.

Ponies passed the duo, going about their usual morning routines. Some laughed and chatted amongst themselves. Many of the ponies walked past with small carts full of fresh produce, flowers and plants ready to be picked later that morning. Others rushed past with items of all descriptions. Mannequins, dresses, suits, accessories, and other items filled the small cart.

Turning a corner, the two walked under an archway. Passing by small buildings set into the sides, approaching the double doors that marked the entrance. The guards on either side of the doors nodded at them and opened it for them to enter.

They walked down on the carpet through the entrance hall, the doors swung closed behind them.

“Welcome back you two.”

Anon and his maid looked up. Standing on the second floor, smiling down at them, stood a familiar pony. A tall light-pink coated alicorn mare with a striped rainbow hued mane that flowed in the solar winds with sparkles around, she possessed beautiful light grayish-magenta, wore a golden crown with a rhombus purple gem in the heart of the crown, her nape wrapped by a golden necklace with a purple gem planted on the middle base, and wears golden hoof shoes. Her flank plastered with the sun as a cutie mark.

To most of her subjects, she’s the wise and graceful Princess who raises the sun and moon. Bringing prosperity to our fair kingdom. To her prodigy Sunset Shimmer, she is a teacher who enjoys sharing ancient history and magic. To the rulers of other nations she is a shrewd diplomat and skillful negotiator, to Princess Cadence she’s an aunt, and to Shining Armor she’s a military commander. And to Anon… she is a dear friend, someone who he trusts completely and whom he feels he owes everything to:

Princess Celestia.

She smiles warmly as she descends from her high perch. Walking down the stairs until she stands before them.

“I take that your journey went well and you’ve delivered my message to the other kingdoms?”

The unicorn bowed low. “As per your instructions milady, we have delivered the crystal as requested.”

Celestia nodded. “Good work.” She glanced at Anon. “And what about Anon?” She grinned knowingly. “Did he freeze?”

The unicorn grinned broadly in return. “Like a baby deer in a spot light.”

Celestia and the maid giggled lightly, causing Anon to shake his head at the two unamused. He looked at his companion. “Are you done?”

The unicorn maid winked at the Princess before turning and starting to her left. Leaving Celestia and Anon alone.

“So,” Celestia started as she approached her friend.

Anon nodded at her. “Yes?”

Celestia jerked her head towards the stairs. “Care to walk with me?”

“After you.” He motioned his hand in the direction of the staircase, following after her obediently.

Together they chatted down the carpeted hallway. Passing by numerous stained glass windows depicting various past events throughout the ages. All of these events were painted with such colorful colors that each painting captured something different from the previous.

Yes, he had to admit, it was nice being at home. He missed it through his travels. What he didn’t miss though was the daily meetings with the rulership committees. It was tiring sometimes watching Celestia dealing with them, having to listen to their arguments. But the last one wasn’t too bad.

The last time he was here, the meeting with the rulership committee seemed fairly interesting. They were interested in Princes Celestia’s opinion regarding how the castle should improve its image, and if it should become a more popular place for the lower classes to visit, and in general, the whole process was quite interesting, which was something he never expected. In hindsight he realized that if he would actually go to the meetings he would get bored. They never lasted too long. Most of the leaders were boring, stuck up, and downright rude. And as much as it frustrated him, he didn’t dare bring up the subject. He wanted to stay as respectful as possible for Celestia’s sake, and as much as it irritated him, he stayed patient.

In any case he didn’t expect to learn much information, but it turned out that most of the stuff that Celestia told them were things that he already knew. However, there was one part that surprised him. One of the members of the council asked whether or not the rumors are true or false.

Apparently, there are rumors going about that in seven years time Nightmare Moon will return one day. Anon didn’t hear any details, but judging by the tone of the voice of the speaker he got the impression that they believe this to be true, especially given the amount of information that she was given in such a brief time.

He was curious as to who caused such a rumor to surface, however, he decided to ignore that curiosity.

“So Solar Cake. How’s your day been?” Anon asked casually, turning to Celestia.

Celestia chuckled lightly. She was not amused by his nickname for her. “Quite eventful.” She replied, giving him a coy smile. “I see you still haven’t gotten over your nicknames for me.”

“What can I say? I find them amusing.” He shrugged. “Besides, they seem to fit you well.”

Celestia grinned cheekily. “Oh really? Do tell.”

Anon laughed lightly. “Yeah sure. Why not just start with your butt, and go from there.”

A blush dusted Celestia’s cheeks as she laughed softly. She cupped Anon’s jaw in her hoof and smirked at him. “One more joke about my butt… I will wreck your world.” She warned playfully. Anon snorted, but kept quiet.

“Jokes aside,” Celestia continued after composing herself. “Before you arrived, I passed Sunset’s tower not too long ago. She successfully passed her mid-term test.” She paused briefly. “She did so with flying colors. She’s very good with her magic. She’s getting pretty fast with her studies and she’s almost done with her teleportation magic lessons. Of course, she made a few errors. No pony gets it right at the first go. But she seems to be getting much better with it everyday.”

“I see.” Anon said. “Least she won’t be blowing a hole in the castle walls anymore. Like she did the first time.”

Celestia turned to Anon and frowned slightly. “I was hoping you weren’t still on about that. She was but a filly when we first found her, you know.”

Anon rubbed the back of his nape awkwardly. “Of course, sorry. My mistake.”

Celestia smiled sweetly. “It’s fine.”

Continuing down they hall the turned to a corner. Pushing gently past a set of glass double doors, the two entered into a garden. Small flowers and herbs scattered across the grass. The sky above a cloudless blue with white fluffy clouds. Sunlight beamed down onto them, lighting the green plants around. A small pond sat just to the side. A bench sat against the wall next to the entrance.

Anon and Celestia both went over to said bench. Sitting down together as sunlight bathed them.

“How did it go with the Yaks? Have they come to some agreement yet?” She inquired curiously.

Anon shrugged. “Not exactly.”

Celestia slightly frowned. “Please enlighten me, what has happened this time around?”

“Well, the Yaks aren’t too happy. That’s for sure. Despite the other tribe being the same race as them, they still hate each other. Had I not been there they probably would’ve started a war against each other and that would’ve been messy. Especially since the other tribe is still trying to rebuild themselves and regain some strength. Other Yak tribes didn’t really care about their alliance though, and they were just worried about getting caught in the middle of a conflict. So, peace between the Yak tribes is still rather shaky and strained. They aren’t close either because the Yak tribes aren’t fond of outsiders, especially any potential invaders. But they’re also not ready to go to war over petty issues like that, especially with the new threat looming over us all. So instead of going all the way to the other tribe to make peace, they’re waiting for the other tribe to do it.”

Celestia sighed. “That’s unfortunate.”

“Yeah.” Anon agreed. “It’s a real headache. Not that the other tribe isn’t smart enough to negotiate their own peace treaty. Just that they’re scared. Scared that the tribe will go off the rails and attack them again. Even though they don’t want war with the other Yak tribe, the fact remains that the other tribe’s power is growing exponentially. They aren’t afraid of a fight, they’re not afraid of using violence, and they are afraid of losing to another tribe in power. So, while their leader may agree on peace terms for the time being, there is nothing stopping him from trying to use force again once the opportunity arises.”

Celestia gave him a pensive look. “Do you think they will accept this peaceful deal then?”

Anon shook his head. “No. They’re stubborn like that. Which is something I’ve learned quickly. But I’ve grown used to it over the past years, especially when it comes to this tribe. They’re not the first stubborn people I’ve encountered.”

He wasn’t wrong. For as long as Anon had lived over the years he has witnessed many races fighting among themselves. There were times where conflicts could have been avoided. It took patience to handle the situation. To handle each kingdom individually and work towards peace with them, knowing that the other kingdoms couldn’t possibly tolerate the war. It took patience to watch as each kingdom worked with each other until one kingdom succeeded in gaining complete control over the others. That took patience and patience only. And patience was a commodity that no ruler wanted to spend unless they were willing to compromise and work towards the same goal.

“True. We’ll have to watch them carefully in the future, even if they do accept.” Celestia said thoughtfully.

“Yeah.” Anon nodded.

“Well then, shall we move onto the next topic?” She asked, glancing at the clock and then back at Anon.

“Sure.” He responded nonchalantly. He placed his cup onto the table before leaning back slightly.

“Right,” Celestia began, “Have you been focusing on improving your magic lately? And if you have, are you able to use any percentage of it without hurting yourself?” She asked.

Anon blinked a few times before looking away. “I’ve been practicing. And I mean, I used to practice magic all the time before coming here. I’ve definitely practiced a fair share now. But, um, I’m still unable to use it at a-hundred percent. For now I can only use it, like, at five—to six percent? But, you see, it takes some concentration to maintain it and I just don’t have the patience to wait that long. So I haven’t really been keeping track of how far my magic has gone since I started using it regularly.”

Celestia gave him an understanding look. “I see. That sounds like quite a predicament. But I’m sure in time you’ll be able to achieve full control over your magic. Just take it slowly okay? Practice as often as you need to.” She reassured.

Anon sighed deeply. “Yeah. Yeah you’re right. Thank you…” He trailed off, thinking about what she said.

After a while of silence Celestia stood up, stretching her legs. “Well, I better head back and continue my duties. The Galloping Gala will be starting tonight, I do hope to see you there, Anon.” She said in a kind voice before turning and starting towards the doors.

When she made her way towards the doors, Anon stood up and called. “Hey wait a minute! Do you mind if I could borrow sugar?” Hands shoved in pockets. He glance to the ground. “I’ve used the last pound for my coffe during my stay at the Yak’s village. And the delivery won’t be here until next Monday so I thought, if you don’t mind, that I could borrow some of yours, if that’s cool.”

Celestia halted in her tracks with her back facing Anonymous. Silence eroded through the garden after her footsteps had stopped. A second passed. Then a third. She still stood there without moving, her face still facing the entrance. Anon was confused. After waiting for almost ten minutes for her to answer, he couldn’t help but ask. “Uh… are you okay? Did I say something?”

The same silence reigned once again before Celestia finally reacted and turned her head slowly towards Anon. Anon blinked rapidly, noticing her expression for the first time. She looked shocked. But said shock faded and was replaced with a light that illuminated her face accompanied by a wide smile.

Anon’s mouth opened but his words died inside his throat as soon as his eyes landed on hers. They were glowing with happiness. He didn’t have time to react when she leapt towards him wrapping both her arms and legs around him in a bear hug.

“Eeeeeee! Oh Anon, of course I’ll marry you!” She squealed happily, causing Anon to nearly choke as she tightened her grip on him even more.

“Wh-What?!” Anon coughed out before struggling to breathe, the pressure of her body making the process difficult and uncomfortable. Immediately Celestia released him from her aggressive embrace succeeding Anon to breathe normally. Anon was now panting heavily. He wiped a trickle of sweat from his forehead.

“Oh I have to tell my mom, no wait she’s no longer with us. Oh then I’ll tell Starswill instead! Mother of me, we should plan the wedding! Oh you must wear white! Or red. Maybe pink would suit you best, is that what you prefer?” She babbled.

A sudden warmth spread throughout Anon’s body, bringing a small blush on his cheeks. His ears slightly flushed. “Uhhhhhh I… Uh... W… What?”

Celestia hummed tapping her hoof to her chin. “Hmm… maybe white should suffice for now… I have lots of white dresses… but maybe we should get you another pair so they match.” She mumbled as she thought for a moment. “Ah, but that could also look terrible on you. White doesn’t go very well with black either. Black is usually reserved for ponies with dark hair. Well maybe we can get you brown hair… maybe gray… No wait, you’re bald so that wouldn’t do. You still prefer black perhaps? It matches your eyes wonderfully! Blue suits you perfectly.” She kept going without stopping, oblivious to Anon’s state of flustered confusion and the fact that he could hardly keep up. Her words continued to flow, making them almost impossible to understand.

His brain delayed catching up with what was happening. Anon stared at her blankly, not believing what he was hearing. He raised a finger to say something and tried saying her name repeatedly, yet she never seemed to hear him.

“Um… Ce-Celestia…?”

The joyful alicorn clapped her hooves together. “It is settled then! The wedding ceremony will be held tonight at the Grand Galloping Gala! We’ll have plenty of time to find you a suit. I promise. Oh oh, this is perfect!” Celestia cheered, completely unaware of how close she was to getting lost in her world again.

“Wedding..? Tonight..?” Anon finally managed to utter in response, bewildered.

Celestia nodded vigorously. “Yes. Tonight is going to be the most important day in our lives, so let’s celebrate it properly. And we’re going to have a lot of fun too!”

Rolling her body around she starts towards the door. “We have to go and organize the decorations first. Follow me, we’re going to do that together.”

Anon remained frozen in place for a few seconds, staring into space. After several seconds passed he slowly stood up and walked over towards the door.

I… I just, Anon thought, trying to process everything that just happened, I just wanted to borrow sugar… How did this happen?

Shrouded in a purple aura the scarlet crystal hovered gently, floating inside a glass dome with an empty space around it. It pulsated steadily as light and air swirled through the air and within its confines, creating soft ripples that created patterns of color within the blackness of the void.

At the center was a large orb, pulsing with the same energy the crystal emitted. A figure stood next to it, one arm reaching out into the dark mass that held no discernible form. It was difficult to make out any features on this one’s face but what looked like a cape of red and white covered their entire body. They were standing completely still, waiting for something to happen to the sphere.

The figure reached down and picked up the glowing orb. It turned over in their claws, examining it intently. The orb seemed to glow brighter as they turned it. The light from above shined directly onto the orb, allowing the figure standing behind it to see its contents.

The figure smiled wickedly, a grin stretching across their face. A glint appeared in their eyes as they raised the glowing object up towards them. A deep grinding chuckle echoed throughout the room as the figure stared intently at their instrument of power.

“Soon…” The voice trailed off, sounding eerily calm even though it was so loud. The figure watched the orb illuminate faintly, the energy emanating from it giving it a blue hue. “The time will come… just wait a little longer…”

CH.2 - Start of a New Era

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The aroma of darkened flowers and butter pancakes filled the kitchen, mingling with the delicious smell of bacon frying in the background. Maids bustled around the small kitchen preparing for the morning events; cleaning up breakfast dishes, putting out clean clothes, placing platters full of various foods in the dining room, and arranging silverware, napkins, plates, and cutlery neatly. All while keeping an eye on the inhabitants in the other room enjoying breakfast together.

Anon and Sunset sat facing one another at the dining table. Their feet rested inches apart on either side of the chair. He was wearing his usual black hoodie with jeans and sneakers.

Sunset lights up her horn flipping to the next page of her book.

“So, let me get this straight…” she paused briefly as she flipped through the last few pages. “You and her were just chatting in the garden, then you unintentionally and accidentally proposed to her by asking simply for sugar for your tea, and she accepted without a second thought…”

Anon nodded.

“Did no pony tell you the history of the sugar phrase?” inquired Sunset.

Anon shook his head.

“It started in the early eleven-thousands, way before Celestia was born. Many stallions use this phrase to propose to their mares. They would ask for sugar in exchange for the perfect proposal, and many times ponies would fall for the trap, believing it was sincere and sweet words. Eventually, the phrase became so popular that every single pony would use it. Even King Sombra’s great, great grandfather himself used the phrase.”

“Yeah, but here’s the thing, what happened wasn’t a sincere proposal, i wasn’t aware of this stupid phrase until now, and even then I didn’t know what it meant exactly,” responded Anon.

“Ah yes, the ‘sweet talk’ trick…” said Sunset sarcastically.

“Okay, tell me this. If this phrase has been around for so long, why haven’t I learned about it? For God’s sake I’ve read through all the laws and rules of ancient Equestria history, but none of them mention this phrase!” exclaimed Anon. “I can’t imagine Ponyville not being covered in these old, useless, and unnecessary historical records!”

“I know right…” replied Sunset, flipping another page. “Well, there’s no guarantee that it won’t be used anymore. it is widely accepted that it is supposed to be used only once, and in the case of a proposal to a maiden,” answered Sunset confidently. “However, a lot of folks still believe the old phrase is nothing but a joke and it’s never been used for anything serious. In fact, in my opinion, if it were a proposal like the one you just made, I don’t think it would be taken seriously. That’s because many of the proposals that have been made were very vague and unclear. They wouldn't really tell anyone what the offer would be until they've received the consent of the maiden themselves, which makes them all seem fake.”

“Oh really? How do you figure that out?” asked Anon curiously.

“A couple reasons,” replied Sunset. “First, although a proposal may have some form of ambiguity and ambiguous wording, there are always a good number of important details contained within the wording. This makes it very easy to see whether a proposal is genuine or not. For example, the phrasing itself gives the intended impression: ‘i want to marry you,’ when the actual intent is clear. Another thing is the meaning behind the phrase. It doesn't take much intelligence to deduce that this phrase refers to ‘marriage’ or ‘courtship’ but, again, the wording is ambiguous and unclear. Therefore, it is very likely someone would misinterpret such phrases as being genuine. For instance, say this: ‘I want to marry you,’ the intent will be understood by anyone who knows how to recognize the underlying meaning of the word ‘marry’, but most ponies would not realize its true implication. This is why it’s important to clarify the meaning of the phrase beforehoof.”

“Wow…” Anon remarked, impressed by Sunset’s theory. “So wait, if I ask her for pepper, would that be asking for a divorce?”

“Yes.” Replied Sunset flatly.

“Let me guess. It’s because some crazy pony named Pepper decided to try taking over the world by forcing every marriage to become illegal, or something like that?”

“No. It’s because Princess Celestia is allergic to pepper.”

Anon blinked, surprised by that response. “…Oh.” He shook his head, removing the thought of Celestia sneezing pepper out of his mind. “Anyway, can this sugar phrase be removed?”

“It can. I don’t even know why you’re asking me this, you’re gonna be a prince soon. You can remove it if you so willed.” Replied Sunset.

Anon blinked. “Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that.”

Sunset sighed. “If I’ve answered all your questions, now you answer mine. Where’s Celestia? I thought she’d be joining us during breakfast?”

“She isn’t,” replied Anon. “She’s busy getting everything prepared for the Gala wedding.”

“Here’s your pancakes, your master.” A maid chimed into the conversation as she approached with a tray full of freshly baked pancakes, topped with strawberries and whipped cream. The two maids placed down the stack between Anon and Sunset then bowed, before exiting the room once again.

“Thank you!” Anon called after her. The maids waved at Anon from behind as she shut the door. “You know, it’s gonna be a while for me to get used to being called Prince Anon,” said Anon laughing a bit.

Sunset just shrugged her shoulders. “You’ll probably have to do it eventually anyway. Especially since the maids and butlers have high respect for you.”

“What does that mean? I’m not that special,” commented Anon.

“Surely they wouldn’t be able to call you ‘Anonymous, the Eternal Servant of Alicorns, the Right Hand of the Sun and Moon, the Guardian of Canterlot Castle and the King of Butlers and Maids,’ without knowing you personally,” stated Sunset.

“But, I’m just Anon. You can say that. Besides, why would I need any more titles than what I already have?”

“Well, technically you don’t have to use all that extra stuff for your position,” countered Sunset.

“Huh? Why?”

“Because it’s what everypony expects from you. I think it shows how high esteem ponies in Canterlot hold for you. Now if you excuse me, I need to go finish my studies and help the Princess.”

“Alright, alright, whatever floats your boat Sun Butt,” joked Anon, causing Sunset to roll her eyes, leaving him to resume eating his breakfast in silence.

Anon took in a deep breath, the fresh air surrounding him filling his lungs. He watched as Celestia paced the length of the large room in front of him. She glanced at him occasionally as she spoke, seeming to realize she wasn't the only one who was nervous. He noticed the way her lips were trembling, the twitching of her eye lashes, the rapidity of her pulse, her hooves tapping against the ground and her eyes looking anywhere but in front of her. She was nervous too.

That was obvious. The whole reason Anon decided to attend Celestia's Gala was because he knew how much trouble her maids had trying to organize things here for their wedding. He figured the mares might appreciate a helping hand, considering he knew exactly how much work that would entail. But of course some of the maids wouldn't want him to come along because then everypony would assume he was a part of the problem, which was clearly untrue. It's not like he'd done anything wrong.

So he stayed behind and simply helped out when needed. Which was actually pretty useful given that one particular maid didn't know how to organize things herself, which both him and Celestia found out pretty quickly.

The problem started two days ago. While the mares didn’t mind, the stallion butlers weren't exactly thrilled about the idea of having him help them with organizing the party, so Celestia made them agree to letting him come. So now, three days later, Anon was finally able to start helping with the preparations for their wedding.

He had gotten dressed earlier today and put on clean clothes. Now he followed Celestia closely, trying to remain quiet despite wanting to interrupt her stream of thought or speak up. He just couldn't believe it: he’s getting married… to Celestia! His best friend! All due to a simple request of sugar. He couldn't even begin to think about what all this meant for him or how to deal with everything that would come next.

How did it come to this? He never meant for this to happen! All he asked for was to borrow sugar! That was literally all he came here for. He never intended for all this to happen, especially because it was only going to become worse from now on! This was bound to end badly. Sure he’s happy for her right now, truly he is! But in reality? His heart is screaming ‘what the hell?!’ At the moment he’s not sure whether he’s happy for Celestia or upset because of how this all occurred.

They reached the dining hall and began setting up chairs for those already there. Most of them already greeted them before going back to talking or eating. Others were taking advantage of the opportunity to chat amongst themselves quietly while the others were busy serving drinks. Once everypony had their food and cups in front of them, Celestia sat down in the nearest chair to Anon.

Anon followed suit. He glanced around nervously. There were so many ponies here. More than any other galas he had ever attended. It seems that Celestia's invitation attracted everyone from Equestria. The amount of ponies attending the event was surprising.

There were a few of the usual guests here. Some of them recognized Anon right away from the past. Many of them greeted him warmly; congratulating him on his upcoming marriage, wishing him luck in his upcoming courtship of Celestia. Anon waved politely back at them, still slightly nervous of how the ponies around him treated him. He hadn't spoken a word since arriving at Celestia's manor. He didn't feel comfortable speaking with anypony right now.

Especially those he noticed behind some groups of ponies that were giving him nasty looks. A few of them were glaring daggers at him, their jaws clenched tight while their nostrils flared. Some of them were whispering to each other while their hooves were shaking in fury. Some of them just glared intensely, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight. One of them even spat some words in his direction before moving away, their expression hardening further when they caught a glimpse of Celestia sitting beside him.

But as hurtful as these slanders were, he heard worse, so he did his best to shrug it off. He had no doubt they were just jealous of his relationship with Celestia.

They probably didn’t like being overshadowed by her and he certainly didn't care. He wasn't really bothered by this anyway. Celestia had chosen him to be her mate. She was happy. He wasn't going to ruin that.


He blinked and refocused on his companion. “Hm?”

Celestia was looking at him concernedly. “Are you alright?”

He chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his nape. “Yeah, I’m good. Just a little nervous is all.” He answered truthfully, giving her a reassuring smile to show that it was nothing more than a joke.

She gave a soft chuckle and patted his arm affectionately. “Well don’t be shy. You'll do great. After all, wasn’t it not you who said and I quote, 'If it makes you smile, then it must be worth it'?”

Anon smiled. “I guess you're right. Still, it's a bit embarrassing being here after everything. I mean, I’ve never been invited to any type of event before, nevermind the largest one in history.”

Celestia gave him another encouraging pat. “You’ve definitely done well in the last month. Everyone has grown extremely fond of you and now everypony wants to get to know you better. Trust me, you'll fit in very easily.”

Anon looked away for a second. “I hope so…”

A couple hours passed and the crowd had mostly dispersed. Not quite everyone left though. Everypony was waiting outside of the dining hall for the grand entrance ceremony. An assortment of different types of ponies were scattered in the large courtyard, sitting cross legged or leaning against various trees. Their attention was focused solely on the doors leading to the main dining hall where everything was currently taking place. Several of the attendees were chatting excitedly amongst themselves. Occasionally someone would glance inside and send a quick message of concern to the rest of their friends, who responded immediately without question.

“Hey.” An unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke, startling Anon.

He turned his head and stared curiously at the newcomer. Standing before him was a light pink coat alicorn mare. Their striped candy mane wrapped in a ponytail. Her flank plastered with the crystal heart as a cutie mark, and her purple eyes glowed like embers while her lips curled to a warm smile.

It didn’t take two seconds for Anon to recognize her. “Oh, hey Cadance. Nice seeing you here.”

“Likewise,” she replied. “How are you, uncle?”

“U..Uncle?” Anon repeated incredulously. How did this alicorn manage to call him that and be so casual about it at the same time? “I'm fine... Why calling me uncle all of a sudden?” He asked curiously.

Cadance giggled. “Because silly, you’re marrying my auntie. We’re practically family now. And I can’t help calling you Uncle since you’ve always taken care of me.”

She sounded a bit teasing, and her expression seemed genuinely happy about this, so Anon couldn’t help chuckling.

“Not only that, I’ve always wanted to have an Uncle.” She continued, resting a hoof on the base of her heart. “Especially one like you Uncle Anon.”

Anon’s heart skipped a beat at that. He really wasn’t sure what to say to that, but eventually managed a small laugh and looked over towards the floor. “Well, this is gonna take getting used to.”

Cadance nodded seriously. “Yes, it will.”


Anon and Cadance turned to where Sunset called from a distance, motioning her hoof over towards her and a few maids standing to her side.

“Coming!” Cadance called back, turning to face Anon again. Winked at him playfully before trotting towards her family.

Anon watched them go. He sighed and leaned back against a tree, staring up at the sky. He didn't understand it. Why did Celestia decide to marry him all of a sudden? He had always been content being just a friend. He'd even considered settling down when he was in his thirties, but in the end it was just too late. He had only been twenty and had still been learning how to manage things on Equestria.

Was it that she always had a liking to him that he was clueless about? Was that why she rejected every pony else who confessed? And maybe even hid these feelings from him all these years? All these questions flew at him like arrows that couldn't stop until they hit their mark. No matter how many times he thought about the possibility, he couldn't find an answer. Perhaps it's just too difficult for him to accept it. He knew she was his true love and he accepted that fact perfectly. But he just couldn't believe he was the one that she would choose for a future mate.

Anon shook his head, this was no time busying himself with these thoughts. “Might as well put on my suit while I’m at it…” He muttered to himself quietly and stood up. Once dressed in his formal attire, he walked off towards the dressing rooms located inside the Great Hall.

Anon found the nearest door and opened it. Inside there was a rack full of neatly folded suits. On top was a large mirror covered by a light blue cloth. He grabbed the fabric and removed the cover, revealing a beautiful white suit. It consisted of a simple, short sleeved white shirt and black trousers. The waistcoat and vest appeared to be of some sort of velvet material. There were also several silver buttons which lined the sides and along the collar. To complete the look, however, there was another piece of clothing hanging on one of the racks beside the clothes; a matching set consisting of a royal blue jacket and cream colored shorts. The jackets and the shorts were both made entirely of fabric that resembled the color of the sky, while the jacket itself had a silver lining. As he picked up the jacket, the softness of the fabric made it seem lighter than it actually was. It was almost like an artificial, synthetic version of clouds.

As Anon continued to inspect the items, he noticed that each article of clothing had its own unique style which included embroidery, designs, stitching, and patterns. Most importantly to him, they appeared to be designed to complement his body. Although this wasn’t the case with the shorts or jacket. In particular, the jacket was made out of fabric that seemed to resemble leaves. This was a feature that the outfits didn't quite possess. While some garments possessed a leaf design, others seemed to have a leaf theme, depending upon where they were made. Some had vines, trees, flowers, and even insects painted onto them.

One item in particular caught Anon's eyes: the shirts and ties, which all had different shades of green and blue, ranging from a rich, earthy hue to a silvery white, which contrasted strongly with the rest of their counterparts. His eyes trailed down to the shoes as he held them. Each shoe had a similar pattern that resembled stars.

The color scheme of each shoe also varied depending on the region of Canterlot, although they all had some sort of emblem sewn into the back of the shoes.

Anon frowned slightly, wondering if this was a coincidence or perhaps an intentionally chosen choice by Celestia herself. Or maybe the reason she chose this outfit was to reflect that of Moonstone. He remembered how the dress Luna wore had a very specific pattern. However, this had a very specific meaning as well, having a star motif on its back. It was a small detail that he remembered so clearly, though he had yet to discover its significance.

With a puzzled expression , he turned his attention back to the suits hanging on the racks around him. He then proceeded to examine each piece of apparel, taking note of their designations and their unique colors, shapes and styles. After finishing his examination, he turned his attention back to the suits that were hanging in front of him. He began to inspect everything one by one.

There were four of them. Four suits that looked completely identical. Two were identical to one another, resembling each other closely but there was only one similarity between the two, besides the design. Each of them had a gemstone sewed into the middle of the chest. This gemstone was a bright orange coloured diamond embedded into a deep red leather belt with a silver buckle. The same symbol as the one sewn onto the suit that he currently wore hung from the buckle as well.

Anon looked at the gemstones sewn onto each of the suits. Then, he reached forward to feel them. Sure enough, these gems were the exact same shape. They had almost felt like real gems to touch before he realized that they weren’t. “This is the most interesting piece of jewelry I’ve seen.” He mumbled as he examined them. “How peculiar...” He muttered. “I wonder what that emblem means…”

Right hand brought up stroking his chin. His eyes darted from each suit to the next, studying them intently and deciding which one to wear. Anon nodded his head, deciding his decision . He took one of the suits from the rack and stepped closer to the mirror. With one quick movement, he threw the coat over himself, zipping it closed and fastening the buttons. The jacket was rather huge on his frame, reaching almost past the knees. It was almost as big as his uniform.

Looking at the reflection of the suit in the mirror, he could tell instantly that it suited him and fitted him rather nicely. As for the suit itself, it was a good fit. It was definitely comfortable to wear. It was also easy to move in and it didn’t make it awkward for him to walk or run.

After checking himself out in the mirror, he smiled. “It looks great.” He said softly. “I think I'll take it.”

Turning around he started towards the door. Suddenly, the door burst open and someone barged in. Anon stopped walking, turned to see who entered.

A guard approached him quickly, snapping into a salute. “Pardon me Milord, it is almost time for the ceremony to begin.” He started calmly.

Anon nodded shortly as he walked past the guard, moving to the entrance.

“Okay…” Anon breathes quietly to himself. “This will be fun.”

Anon stood in the altar that had just been decorated for the wedding. He shifted uncomfortably. “What am I doing here…” He mumbled looking away uneasily. He glanced at everyone around him.

Everyone was seated on the bleachers surrounding the altar. He recognized some faces, especially those of the royal family from faraway kingdoms; the princesses, princes, knights, guards, etc. He didn’t pay much mind to them because he was sure the royals were going to be there.

He turned his gaze downwards again and stared at the stone altar which sat at the end of the aisle. It wasn’t too large nor was it too small. It had a plain white surface with a black background which seemed to glow under the candlelight.

Suddenly, the piano swelled into the air, grabbing Anon and everypony’s attention. From where he stood he watched in awe as Celestia slowly walked down the aisle towards Anon between the crowd. She wore a white dress that flowed gracefully behind her. The skirt of the dress was decorated in intricate designs of purple and pink flowers, while the sleeves and bottom hem were adorned with golden sequins. Her mane flowed gracefully down to her lower back, framing her face beautifully, accentuating her delicate features, while she drew nearer.

The music died down as she finally came to a halt right in front of him. The music was not too loud nor too soft. Its melody echoed throughout the entire area and lingered through the entire hall. Everyone seemed mesmerized as they gazed upon the beautiful scene of Celestia approaching him.

Once up front, Celestia handed her flowers to Sunset who then proceeded to place them into a basket. She turned to look at Anon smiling at him warmly before turning around to walk back to her place. Celestia took another step forward until she was only an inch away from him.

One step before Celestia and Anon, the stallion cleared his throat. “Mares and gentle-colts, we’ve gathered here today to witness our beloved ruler and Princess, Princess Celestia and her number one butler Mr. Anonymous. We are gathered to celebrate this union of love between this couple and mark their commitment to each other. If the couples have written their vows. Please speak them now.”

Anon could feel a lump forming in his throat as he looked back at Celestia. “Here we go…” Anon said in a shaky voice. “Um, I don't want to drag this too long. But if I have a say, I will make three promises. First and foremost. As I have always done all these years, I promise to always be by your side. Second. I promise to do everything I could to make you happy, because you deserve happiness. Lastly, I promise to never give up on you, no matter what life throws at us. So, uh, yeah.” An awkward chuckle escaped Anon’s lips whilst rubbing the awkwardness off his nape.

Celestia smiled brightly at Anon and placed her hoof at the base of her heart. “Anon,” she began, “my beloved husband, as well as my best friend. You have changed me for the better in more ways than one. I can remember how difficult it was to trust anyone else after meeting you, but when we first met…I realized that someone who I thought I knew so well had unknowingly become something different altogether. For me, you became the man I wanted to spend my whole life with. No matter what happens, you will never leave my sight or my heart. And to ensure this, I promise to always hold your hand and stand beside you.” Celestia reached over and grabbed Anon’s hand in her hooves giving it a squeeze. “Now and forevermore.”

“You may now kiss the bride,” announced the stallion.

Oh boy, this was what Anon was nervous about the most. He gently folded back her veil allowing their noses to brush against one another. He couldn’t help but stare into her lavender eyes which he found himself losing focus in whenever he saw them. He leaned in closer towards Celestia until his forehead pressed against her horn, and their lips met. His lips moved slowly with hers, and Anon was barely aware of the cheering around them.

After their lips parted, Anon gave Celestia another quick peck on her muzzle. They both giggled at the fact that the people around them cheered.

“I pronounce you, husband and wife, mares and gentle-colts, allow me to honorably introduce you to the two intertwined rulers, Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous,” said the stallion grandly.

Celestia and Anonymous turned to face the cheering crowd and walked through them. Anon’s hand subconsciously gripped Celestia’s hoof tightly as they passed by, while his brain processed the permitted title.

Damn… so I’m king now, huh? He thought to himself, well shit.

CH.3 - The Precipice of War

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Celestia stood out on the tower’s balcony. Gazing up at the starry night sky above her. Her white dress flowed gracefully in the wind. The moon shined bright overhead as her mane flew wildly in the gentle breeze. She sighed in contentment and closed her eyes. “Everything is going to change from here on in. Everything.” She murmured.

Indeed, things were certainly beginning to change. There was no doubt about that. There hadn’t been a prince in Equestria since the reign of her father, and even during that time, there were many nobles who believed there to be royalty remaining despite all evidence showing otherwise. They claimed that they were descendants of the original royal family, and yet, they denied any claim to that throne. In their minds, the only royalty they would acknowledge was their own.

And to keep that pretense alive, and to prevent further dissension among themselves they kept it secret.

As she stared at said moon shining high up in the sky, she couldn't help herself but notice its beauty as it glittered brightly in the distance like a magnificent diamond embedded in the night sky. It was so breathtaking that it filled her soul with warmth. Just seeing such a beautiful sight, memories played within her mind as she recalled the times she and Luna would soar into the sky together to watch the stars in silence.

Even though they were still children, she could recall how they felt free up there without having to worry about anything. Those moments were precious memories of her childhood.

And those were just the ones she allowed herself to remember. Not the ones of her being consumed by darkness and evil. Not the ones where she lost her friend. No, not those...they were far too painful for her to think about.

“Celestia?” Anon called from behind her.
She turned around, slightly startled. The surprise faded after recognizing the voice belonging to her now-wedded husband.

“Hello sunshine,” Celestia smiled warmly, taking his hand gently in her hoof. “I was wondering what kept you from coming.”

Anon rubbed the back of his nape. “Yeah, sorry about that. I got caught up trying to stop two Royal guards fighting over sandwich toppings, apparently they had forgotten to grab lunch and one happened to have one, know…” he chuckled bashfully, scratching his neck. “It took me a while, but they eventually stopped their fighting. So, um, anyways…” He held out her bouquet to her, which she gratefully accepted. She lit up her horn taking said bouquet in her magic and levitated it to her side.

"Thank you sunshine." She replied, giving him an affectionate kiss on his lips. Anon's cheeks flushed red and Celestia noticed.

“So, um…might telling me why we’re up here anyway?” Anon inquired curiously.

“Well, sunshine, as much as I would love for the two of us to be away from here and maybe go on our first honeymoon with no politics, business, or anything of that sort to attend to; I’m afraid that’s gonna have to wait.” Celestia enters her room with Anon following suit. She sets the bouquet down, before sitting beside Anon.

“Anon, it goes without saying that you are Canterlot’s prince now. And that means, like me, you have certain duties that come with the position.” She explained, closing her eyes for a moment before continuing. “It also means you carry a heavy burden upon your shoulders. A burden that was passed on to my father, and his father before him and all the way through many generations.”

Anon’s expression shifted slightly, becoming serious and attentive.

“You’re not just the new Prince of Equestria; you are now its protector.” Celestia continued. “You are charged with the protection of our subjects of Equestria against anyone who would wish to harm them or cause trouble in the future.”

“I see…” Anon looked down at the ground in deep thought. He looked back up at her and nodded. “I understand. Anything else?”

Celestia’s eyes opened fully, looking back at him. “Yes actually. Do you remember our last discussion about the Yaks? About whether they would accept a peace treaty or not?”

“U-huh.” Anon replied, nodding once more.

“Well, after everypony left the party I got a letter from them today. A letter which specifically requested our presence tomorrow morning, at their village, to discuss terms regarding the peace treaty.” She explained. “The tribe leader heavily emphasized that he and the other leaders wanted to put this matter behind them as soon as possible.” She paused momentarily. “Of course, that’s if we can convince the ones that yearn for war that it’s in their best interests to do so.” She added.

“Well, given our history with the Yaks, I guess I shouldn’t expect any different.” Anon responded thoughtfully.

“That doesn’t mean we should ignore the chance to resolve this peacefully, but it does mean that we should be prepared should any Yaks attempt something rash against the tribes..” She finished.

Anon hummed in agreement. “Right.” He paused. “So I’m guessing I’ll be paying them a visit again, huh?”

Celestia smiled softly. “No. You and I will visit them together. And of course, Sunset, Cadance, and Shining will be joining us as well.” Her smile broadened considerably as Anon blinked in surprise at this information.

“Wait, really?” He asked incredulously.

“Yes, really.” She confirmed. “Since we’ll be dealing with more than one Yak tribe, we will need a helping hoof from them. After all, Cadance wishes to spend time with me and you, while Shining Armor will accompany her as her bodyguard, and Sunset will get to learn a bit or two from the Yaks.”

Anon raised a brow at this. “You sure it’s a good idea to bring Sunset with us?” He asked.

“Whatever do you mean?” Celestia questioned, confused.

“Well, I don’t know about you but when Sunset’s buttons are pressed she tends to lose her temper.” Anon pointed out. “Like that one time when she nearly burned down Blue Blood’s mansion because he used her studying book as a bridge to walk over mud.”

Celestia’s eyes darted away uncomfortably, thinking back to that incident. Indeed, Sunset did get a little riled up sometimes, and often times she would shout at anypony when annoyed. Especially at those who she considered to be beneath her. Though, at the end of the day, that wasn’t particularly fair given the fact that they were simply asking if she wanted to hangout together. Which is still something her prodigy lacks.

“I’m well aware of her temper sunshine. I know she can be quite fiery when angered.” Celestia stated firmly. “But you let me worry about her, alright?”

Anon nodded reluctantly. “Alright. I just hope the Yaks won’t be too much of a pain in the butt once we arrive at their village.”

Celestia giggled faintly. “Don’t worry, I have hope it’ll all go well.”

With this she placed her hoof tenderly around his shoulder and pulled him closer. As she leaned towards him he returned her affection in kind wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Her horn gently pressed against his forehead. She gazed lovingly down at him as his arms embraced her, holding her tightly.

Oh how she waited so long to do this. To be able to feel his embrace. To be able to hold him. Being able to feel his warm body pressed against her, and she could practically feel his heart racing in anticipation.

A warmth flooded her senses at the mere thought of feeling more of his warmth against her own body. She could feel a slight tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach causing her heart to beat faster than ever. It felt incredible, as if everything was rushing at her all at once. She was filled with such happiness, a feeling she’d never experienced before. It was almost overwhelming, yet at the same time, comforting somehow.

She loved her sunshine. Loved him dearly.
She didn’t think she would ever get tired of looking into his eyes, nor of feeling his gentle touches and kisses against her. It was addicting, and she found herself constantly craving for more. She wished to be enveloped in his arms forever. Even though their honeymoon had to be halted due to their responsibilities and the matter at hand. A matter they would deal with tomorrow. For now, she relished the feeling that was right at the surface of her consciousness.

“You alright Solar Cake?” Anon whispered softly. Celestia smiled warmly before placing a delicate kiss against his cheek. His heart instantly swelled within his chest, both with elation and adoration. He couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at the gesture.

“Yes sunshine,” She murmured fondly. “I am just…so happy.”

Snowflakes gently drifted down from the sky above, dancing gracefully amongst the air currents. Massive mountains stood tall in front of them, their snow caps glistening with an icy sheen under the sunlight. The snow slowly made its way to the ground, covering the roads with a soft white carpet which contrasted greatly from the previous dark gray that covered the landscape.

Anon walked straight through the snowy road, stepping carefully onto its soft surface with Celestia to his side, Cadance following alongside Shining Armor, Sunset Shimmer walking close behind, and both Celestia and Anon’s royal guards flanking the procession behind. They kept a keen eye on the surroundings to ensure there weren’t any hidden ambushes or threats waiting for them along the way.

Though as far as they knew, nobody knew their location. Not even their foes, as Celestia was sure to point out. That was why she insisted on being escorted by their guards instead of having them travel ahead of her in a wagon. So that if they ran into trouble, she wouldn’t have to wait until the end of the journey to come and find them.

“So how close are we?” Shining Armor asked as he scanned the surrounding area for any sign of life or danger.

“Hmm we should be approaching the village.” Anon remarked as he took a glance at their surroundings. “When we get there though, you guys leave the talking to me and Celestia; don’t interrupt unless absolutely necessary.”

Shining Armor and the royal guards gave a curt nod. “Understood sir.” They chorused respectfully.

“Any heads up we should be expecting?” Cadance asked.

“Well the main village Yakyakistan is fine but the other two are both dramatic and…weird.” Anon replied as his expression soured slightly.

“Really? Weird how?” Shining Armor raised an eyebrow curiously as he glanced towards Anon.

“You’ll know when you get there.” Anon answered dismissively before turning his attention forward again. He slowed his pace considerably walking to Celestia’s side, while Cadance walked on Celestia’s right.

Ahead were three paths that split to three different directions; one forward, another to their right, and the third to their left. Celestia took a moment to look over all three of the paths briefly before turning to Cadance.

“Cadance, you and Shining go to your left, Sunset you take right, me, Anon, and the guards will go forward.” She instructed as she pointed toward the path in question. “Once you get to the village, try your best to reason with them and maybe convince them to make a truce with the Yakyakistan and the Bakyaki.”

“You can count on us auntie.” Cadance replied happily, giving Celestia a wink as she started down the left path with Shining Armor following closely behind her.

Celestia watched the pair depart with a small smile before turning to her prodigy. “Sunset, the Bakyaki’s are very hostile to outsiders. If they asked, tell them that I sent you with no ill intentions.”

Sunset nodded in understanding. “Got it, Princess.” She said solemnly. She starts past Celestia towards the right path.

Anon’s arms crossed, watching Sunset trotted further down the path then called out. “Good luck!”

“I don’t need luck!” Sunset shot back defensively, making her way farther down the path.

“Whatever you say, Sun Butt.” Anon responded cheekily before smirking. He turned his gaze toward the princess beside him. “Ready, Solar Cake?”

“Of course.” Celestia replied with a smile. “Let us proceed.”

The two continued onward, their footsteps muffled by the snow beneath. Soon enough they approached a giant wooden wall that circled around the entirety of the village. The walls rose up about fifteen feet high, torches lining either side of the wall. A massive, double door gate made of heavy oak stood tall as they drew closer. Upon approach, jumping over the wall three Yaks dressed in heavy armor landed before them. They stood rigidly at attention, holding spears and shields upright before bowing their heads in reverence to Princess Celestia and Anon.

Celestia gently flicked her hoof at them. “As you were.” Celestia commanded. Instantly, the three armored Yaks straightened back up staring up at both Celestia and Anon.

“I was hoping you would come, Princess Celestia and of course, you too Prince Anonymous.” The largest spoke up. His voice was gruff yet gentle as he spoke. He had a large black beard wrapped in a bun, and looked to be a bit older than the rest of his comrades. “Our people as well as our leader has been expecting you.”

“Thank you for welcoming us.” Celestia replied politely.

“We are honored to have you here, and congratulations on you two’s marriage. We wish you two the best.” The second Yak besides the largest spoke next. This one had silver hair that trace over his eyes like two thick braids. Adorned in ornate golden earrings. Unlike the others, he seemed younger with his face still bearing traces of youth.

The largest yak turned, looking up at the wall. “Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous are here. Open the gates!” Slowly the giant double doors creaked open, allowing the two of them to pass in. The Royal Guards followed close behind.

Inside the village were big huts made entirely out of wood with intricate carvings decorating their surfaces. At the heart of said village a fireplace roared merrily, sending flames licking upwards, dancing off of some of the larger logs stacked around it. A few Yaks sat about the fire, chatting amicably with each other, all save one who wore a rather grim expression. He was sitting near the fire, leaning against a nearby log as he stared broodingly into the roaring flame. Torches lined next to the fireplace. Others sat close to huts or against the wall.

Celestia and Anon followed the largest yak towards a hut bigger then most other structures within the village. The Yak opened up the door, revealing a spacious room decorated in blue with a huge table filled with food. All eyes turned towards them as the three entered.

A female yak sat seated at the head of the table, a plate filled with grass in front of her. Her horns decorated with gold rings, a crown sitting atop her brown mane of hair. Long white fur hung low to her belly. Her eyes shone with wisdom as she gazed at the two who entered the hut. Beside her sat several other Yak leaders that were also seated. Several other Yaks stood guard in various places throughout the room. Some leaned against walls, some knelt on the floor, but all held the same tense posture.

Anon slightly bowed his head respectfully. “Greetings leader of the Yakyakistan Tribe. Your hospitality is appreciated.”

The Yak Chief nodded. “It is our honor to host Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous of Canterlot. Please, sit.”

“Thank you.” Celestia chimed in as she strode over to the table, taking her place directly across from the chief. Anon followed behind and sat next to Celestia. “How are things here in Yakyakistan? The other tribes hadn’t come back to attack again have they?”

The chief shook her head and smiled warmly. “No Princess, they haven’t. However, there has indeed been a growing tension between the other tribes. And not just because of the potential war brewing between the Bakyaki and Gekyaku tribe.”

She glanced over toward Anon before continuing.

“There have been numerous incidents in the past months where various members of our tribe have disappeared without a trace. Many of our people have even begun to suspect foul play in their disappearance. As such, we do everything in our power to maintain peace among the other tribes while trying to determine what has occurred with these disappearances.”

Anon frowned deeply at this information. “Have there been any results? Anything at all?”

The chief shook her head sadly. “Nothing yet.”

“If I have to guess, the Bakyaki’s still have a grudge against the Gekyakus.” Celestia said thoughtfully.

The chief nodded. “Indeed they do.” She stated quietly as she picked up a cup of water and drank it slowly, keeping eye contact with Celestia the entire time. Finally she set the cup down. “I fear it may be the case; however, we cannot ignore the possibility that something terrible may have happened to us and the Gekyakus. In fact, they seem to think that as well.” She paused momentarily before continuing, “What stirred up the Bakyaki and Gekyaku’s grudge against one another, we do not know. All we know is that something happened and we now stand at the precipice of war.”

Anon nodded silently.

War, he thought to himself, a word he heard more times than he could count.

For two years Equestria had been in harmonized peace without the fear or worry of another war breaking out. Just the thought alone brought back a sense of dread deep inside of him, something he wasn’t quite sure if it had ever completely faded away since the end of the last war. It wasn’t exactly the sort of thing that you could fully forget or ignore…even after two thousand years had passed.

But sometimes, his mind kept drifting back to the first Equestrian world war. Specifically to one particular incident. One battle where an army of Minotaur soldiers invaded Equestria…a fight so vicious it almost destroyed the entire kingdom in one single battle. That battle had nearly cost the lives of dozens of thousands of ponies. It had torn a hole through every part of the land; leaving nothing left to salvage or rebuild. Every member of Equestria suffered horrific losses. Many ponies lost limbs. Others had injuries that ranged from severe burns to serious internal damage. But all ended up being alive as a result of that battle.

His mind stained the memories of it in vivid detail. Including both Celestia and her sister’s faces, as well as all of the blood that splattered upon the ground and the remains of ponies. To this day, she still blames herself for not being there in time. There had never been an event of that scale since that night, nor had he seen anything like it happen ever again.

“Well, not to worry,” Celestia began softly, placing a hoof on the chief’s shoulder reassuringly, “We will resolve this situation together. So you and your people can rest at ease knowing we are going to do everything possible to stop whatever it is that is causing those mysterious disappearances. As well as fixing the tides between the two tribes.”

The chief nodded solemnly, giving Celestia a soft smile. “Of course. Are you perhaps planning on heading over there next?”

Anon waved his hand dismissively. “Nope. Our friends along with my niece are already on route. They should be arriving there shortly.” He said simply.

At this, the chief looked thoughtful, a look of concern and uncertainty etched across her features. “Then I suppose our next step is to make preparations for both their arrivals.” She remarked. The chief turned away from Celestia and Anon. Resting her chin on her hoof in thought.

Oh dear, the chief thought to herself, for their sake, I hope trouble doesn’t await them.

Cadance and Shining Armor walked through a single file. Their hoove-steps muffled by the snow covered path, which stretched endlessly ahead of them. The trees grew further apart in the distance, allowing little rays of sunlight to shine through the gaps. Bright patches of green littered the area where there wasn’t snow or ice.

Despite that, they continued to trample their way forward through the snow. Shining’s armor clanking loudly against the ground. His helmet was pulled low over his eyes, shielding them from the harsh wind. His cape fluttered behind him, billowing out behind him as he marched forward. Cadance’s cloak was pulled tightly around her body, her arms tucked tightly into her cape to keep herself warm.

Cadance gazed out towards the horizon ahead, watching as the forest became less dense the farther they went. Small streams trickled here and there, creating miniature rivers that flowed between small hills in the ground. Soon the path began to curve around a bend. Looking at Shining, Cadance saw that he seemed to have reached the same conclusion as her. With a nod he continued to march onward, moving forward at a steady pace as they approached the clearing.

Shining glances at Cadance as they walked. His heart skipped a beat when he caught sight of her face. The bright morning sun shining above reflected off of her smooth pink fur, making it appear as though there was a faint glow coming from beneath the surface. Though her eyes and ears remained hidden from view she seemed ethereal in his eyes, glowing as if bathed in a warm light. A wave of calm washed over him as he stared at her. Her eyes flickered at him and caught his gaze.

Shining turned away immediately, hoping that Cadance hadn’t noticed what happened. The image of her smile flashed across his mind and he felt heat rise to his face.

Focus Shining, focus, he thought to himself, trying to quell his feelings. You don’t want to get distracted. This is no time to gawk at your crush.

They continued to walk forward in relative silence. Shining’s mind raced as he thought about their current predicament. He had no idea how long he had been wandering aimlessly through the snowy wilderness, and he knew he was likely getting closer to their objective.

Shining cleared his throat and turned to Cadance. “So when we get there, do you want me to do the talking or should I let you?” He asked, glancing over at her.

Cadance turned her gaze towards him. “I’ll talk to them. Auntie has prepared me for things like this before. Plus, this should be a good time to test-“

“Are you kidding me?!”

Cadance’s words were interrupted abruptly as they came to a sudden halt in the middle of the path, the snow crunching loudly under their hooves. Shining stopped and whipped around as quickly as he could, looking at the source of the voice.

From afar, two big Yaks glared at each other with bared teeth, their bodies crouched defensively. Both of them had thick brown manes that drape down over their backs. Both Yaks had identical gray coats with dark brown stripes running down the length of their bodies. Large, black horns protruded from their heads, pointing forward at a sharp angle. The Yaks themselves stood roughly six inches taller than average ponies and their bodies appeared to be twice as heavy. From the moment they had spotted them, they’d shouted furiously at each other.

“I told you sharing is caring so stop being so stubborn!” The gray yak to the left spat angrily, his grey fur beginning to bristle with anger as he glared menacingly at the gray yak standing before him.

The gray yak glared back at him furiously. “And I told you to stop touching my food without asking first; but noooooo! You just had to grab mine and eat it right in front of me. It’s not fair!” The grey yak replied indignantly.

“How could I know you ate mine?! And don’t you even try denying it. I remember that you grabbed it right away.”

“That wasn’t even me you twat of a fool! I swear I didn’t put any grass in there.”

“Yes you did and I remember that too! If you’re gonna lie then maybe you should start doing some actual work instead of mooching off of everyone else.”

“Excuse you! I am doing plenty of work. And unlike you, I actually earn my own share of food! What have you been doing anyway? You’ve spent more time sleeping these past few weeks than working.”

Shining and Cadance watched in silence as the pair argued in front of them, neither one willing to be the first to interrupt the argument. Nor do they two know how to react once it started. In all honesty, Shining wanted nothing more than to just continue forward and not be subjected to their bickering. However, Cadance held a much different opinion; a part of her wanted to stop this before it escalated beyond control and got them hurt.

Eventually, Cadance took a slow step forward, breaking the tense silence by clearing her throat in order to gain the attention of the arguing yaks. Her expression was stern but sympathetic as she spoke to them, a gentle smile adorning her muzzle. “Excuse me.” She began gently.

The gray yak to the left glanced sideways at her, glaring fiercely with contempt. “What do you want? Can’t you see we’re busy?” He growled.

The gray yak to the right glance at her, raising an eyebrow. “Who are you? In case you haven’t noticed you’ve stepped into our territory.”

Cadance nodded politely. “My name is Princess Cadance: Princess of Love. I was sent here by my auntie, Princess Celestia. We have to cross here because we have some important business with the chief of the Gekyaku village.”

The gray yak to the right blinked in surprise. “Really? That’s our village.”

Cadance nodded once again. “Then could you two be kind enough to lead us there?”

“Wait,” the yak to the left interjected. “You’re Princess Cadance?”

“Why yes, I am.”

The gray yak clicked his tongue. “I thought you’d be bigger,” he commented bluntly.

“Brother!” The left yak’s sibling scolded, elbowing his brother hard in the ribs. The left yak flinched but kept his eyes firmly on Cadance. “Forgive my brother Princess, he means well,” he said, his tone apologetic. Both him and his brother bowed slightly in greeting to Cadance. “My name is Kecleon. This is my twin brother Riven. By your request, we shall take you to our village to meet our chief. Please follow us.” Kecleon finished, taking several steps forward.

Cadance nodded at both of them before following along closely after as they made their way out of the snow blanketed forest, following the path along the bridge, past more trees, quickly approaching the village of which Kecleon had spoken. As they neared the village, Shining could see a group of guards standing outside of the main gate, their armor polished and shiny. They were positioned in pairs, spears held close to their bodies. Shining scanned around them quickly, searching for any sign of activity among the guards. None. Everything appeared quiet, peaceful even. The guards were the only thing blocking the entrance.

“Here we are Princess,” Kecleon said as they approached the gate, leading them up into the guard towers that lined the top of the village’s walls. Two guards sat atop the gates.

Kecleon looked up at the tower guard sitting inside. “We have visitors, they wished to meet the chieftain,” he announced, glancing back over at Cadance and Shining.

The two guards rose from their posts and stood at attention, awaiting instructions. “Bring them inside.” One of the guards called out, his tone flat and emotionless. The giant double door gates slowly swung open, revealing two guard yaks pushing said doors from the other side.

Kecleon stepped through first followed by Riven, Shining, and then Cadance. Riven glanced around in astonishment at the village. His large gray ears swayed as the wind blew against them, lifting his hair in tendrils and sweeping it across his forehead.

Inside the village, everything was coated in snow. A layer of snow covered the ground and all the huts' roofs. Many yaks were scattered throughout the village. Some were engaged in their various activities. Some were tending to fires, cooking pots hung over the flames, preparing meals while others were simply relaxing by the fire or conversing quietly amongst themselves. Some were playing games or dancing; but most simply sat peacefully, watching the flickering flames.

Cadance and Shining Armor followed Kecleon and Riven towards a giant hut behind a few smaller ones. Riven lifted a hoof to knock on the door. When no response was given, he knocked harder and repeated his action twice, his voice still flat and emotionless. Still no response was received from inside the hut.

“Hmm… let’s come back later. Maybe the chieftain has retired to bed after the day’s work.” Riven suggested as they turned around. However, before they could go very far, a sudden shout rang through the village.

“Who is't dares to waketh me from mine own slumbering retirement?!” The booming voice startled the four. The door swung open to reveal a tall and broad yak standing in the doorway, towering over the small yaks gathered before him and radiating a deep malevolent aura as his long gray fur bristled with wrath, his dark brown pupils fixed dangerously upon the intruders. The yak's lips curled downward into a fierce scowl at the sight of them.

“Chieftain!” Kecleon and Riven gasped in shock.

The yak continued to glare ferociously at the intruder. “Speak now you whelps and give me an explanation as to why you have dared to interrupt my slumber. For if you speak not truth to me, then your punishment will be dire indeed.” The yak said threateningly.

Kecleon gulped nervously, gauging at Riven beside him as they tried to figure out what to say. “Well…” He began. “We have brought two ponies from Canterlot who wish to speak to you; specifically Princess Cadance. She wishes to speak with you of an important matter that must be discussed in private. Would it be alright if we allowed them inside to talk?” Kecleon asked, glancing anxiously between the yak leader and Riven.

The leader’s dark eyes narrowed as he eyed Cadance suspiciously. “Hmm… Princess Cadance thee sayeth? Hmm… v'ry well,” he finally relented. The yak leader gestured for Riven and Kecleon to head inside as his head snapped to Cadance and Shining Armor. “I nev'r bethought Princess Celestia wouldst hath sent h'r niece to handleth the job herself. Thou art most welcome."

The yak rolled around. His back facing Cadance and Shining. “Cometh. Alloweth us seeth what imp'rtance discussion thee has't hath brought forth in our midst.” With that, the yak walked inside, followed by Cadance and Shining Armor before the door slammed shut behind them.

CH.4 - The Cloaked Stallion

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The room was dark, save for two torches burning on either end of the wall opposite where the yak leaders had been sitting. The entire room smelled faintly like hay and dirt, with just a hint of cinnamon mixed within. A giant mat stretched out over the dirt floor, resting on the thick pile of hay beneath it, and blankets neatly folded against the wall. The room had also been decorated with paintings, tapestries, and wooden sculptures hanging proudly on both sides of the stone walls, providing light to the entire hut.

Kecleon and Riven sat themselves down upon the mat, motioning for Cadance and Shining Armor to sit next to them. Shining Armor and Cadance complied, sitting themselves down on the rug on either side of their new hosts.

The yak chief spoke first. “Alloweth me to introduceth myself. My nameth is Dukai, Chief of the Gekyaaku tribe,” the yak said. “Mind telling me what hath brought thee to my village?”

Cadance smiled kindly. “Well, we came here because we wish to discuss an urgent matter with you. One that resolves the issue between you and the Bayaki tribe.” Cadance paused briefly. “In order for peace to be reestablished between both your tribes, it would please us greatly if the treaty between your tribe and the Bayaki can be signed soon. If possible, we would like to meet with you immediately, so we can present you with a treaty,” she explained patiently.

Dukai’s eyes narrowed. “The Bayaki…” Dukai spoke. “Those embarrassment of yaks. Why shouldst i maketh peace with those impudent mongrels. Those gents has't no honn'r nor wisdom.”

“And,” Cadance added, “it would be most beneficial if they did not attack your village which could potentially lead to war. At least not until you and yours have met and signed such a treaty.”

Dukai glared hard at her for a moment. Then, his gaze softened a bit.

Shining Armor cleared his throat before speaking. “You seem troubled. May I ask what exactly lead you and the Bayaki tribe to have such a grudge against each other?” Shining questioned.

“The truth of thine question maketh my heart heavy… but since it hath to do with you, then I'll tell ye. We and the bayaki tribe w'ren’t at each moment trivial with each oth'r. But then one day, we learn'd that those gents did want to maketh m're room f'r themselves, to stretcheth their t'rrit'ry across the landeth, taking our home with it and maketh it their owneth. That angered us,” Dukai growled, clenching his jaws tightly together and baring his teeth angrily.

“It is unfortunate that we happened to run afoul of these yaks,” Kecleon added. “But perhaps now we may come to terms with their presence. We don’t want to lose our land but we don’t want to go to war either; we just wish to live in peace with both tribes just as we are with the Yakyakistans.”

“Aye. And it appears, that is exactly where these jerks are planning to invade," Riven interjected. "They've got plans to invade, but they can't get 'round the mountain range that lies west of this place." He explained.

Cadance stared thoughtfully into the distance. Her expression shifted momentarily into worry, but quickly vanished once more.

Dukai sighed. His eyes closed and his nostrils flared. “What shall be done about it?" He demanded.

Cadance smiled serenely once more. “There won’t be any fighting if you and the Bayakis agree to the conditions laid out,” she responded calmly, her tone even. “First, there needs to be peace with both tribes before it goes any further. You as well as the other tribe must be willing to make that peace, however difficult it will be to accomplish. Second, all disputes between the tribes need to be resolved peacefully by the representatives appointed by the yaks. Finally, the representatives must discuss the problems between the two tribes fully without prejudice towards each other. These are all conditions we can offer to both tribes.” She looked around the group. “We all agree?” She asked. When she received nods from all three of the yaks, she nodded back. “Then it seems we’ve found ourselves an agreement,” she concluded.

“Princess?” Riven questioned, raising an eyebrow.


“What if they don’t agree? What if it doesn’t work?”

Cadance smiled. “We’ll find out when it happens. All we can do is have hope.”

Each step of Sunset’s hoof was muffled by the deep snow that covered the land. The cold wind howling through her ears gave her a sense of comfort, while her eyes gazed up at the clear blue sky. Snow clung to her hooves, making it almost impossible to see where she was putting her hoof. The trail continued to follow a long winding path, leading toward a dense forest filled with pine trees. It took her a little longer than usual to reach the bottom of the slope.

As Sunset emerged from under the canopy of trees, she caught sight of a clearing ahead. She began slowly moving forward until she reached a small open area. In the middle of this clearing stood a single tree surrounded by large boulders. The rock formations formed a circle surrounding the tree, forming a perfect ring. Ancient markings adorned each of the rocks, symbols that Sunset couldn’t decipher.

She scanned the clearing, looking for movement, and noticed something strange among the trees. As she moved closer to investigate, she realized that some of the trees appeared hollow, while others were missing branches. There were numerous marks scattered throughout the clearing – some clearly visible, and others hidden underneath a thick layer of snow. They were obviously recent.

Sunset studied the markings carefully. Some of them resembled the symbol found on the map that led from the Saddle Arabia to the village, and she wondered what they represented. She had learned that the symbol used on that map was an ancient tribal sign. However, as far as she knew, it hadn’t been used in a-thousand years. She wasn’t sure whether it would translate to these markings or not.

Suddenly, a branch snapped somewhere behind her.

Instinctually she spun around, searching for the culprit. She didn’t have to search long. A figure broke through the undergrowth, stepping into the clearing. They wore a dark cloak with matching fur boots, which made their footsteps sound louder than they probably should have. As they stepped through the clearing, the figure stopped next to the tree. Their cloak swished along the ground behind them, revealing what appeared to be a leather armor covering their torso and legs.

Sunset hid behind a nearby tree. She peered cautiously over the trunk, watching them approaching the center of the ring of boulders and began walking towards the tree, pausing after every ten steps. Sunset observed them drawn nearer to the tree, their steps seemingly never faltering.

Once they finally reached the very center of the circle, the figure pulled off its hood, allowing Sunset to catch a glimpse of who it was.

A balding white coated earth pony stallion stood in the circle, staring silently at the tree. Weird markings covered his face. Some were geometric patterns and symbols she had never seen before. The markings themselves seemed to flow along his coat, disappearing behind his cloak. His eyes glowed a pale green as he stared at the tree. He didn’t move. Sunset was unsure what he was waiting for. It was only moments later that the stallion spoke.

“Master… Can you hear me?” He spoke in a deep yet soothing voice. His eyes remained fixed upon the tree.

Sunset was puzzled. She watched him intently; trying to understand what was going on. Is he talking to the tree?

“Master, I have accomplished my mission,” the stallion continued, “I have brought you what you have asked of me. It was rather difficult I may say but I managed to retrieve the orb you requested. It should help the situation greatly…”

The tree let out a sudden groan that echoed through the clearing. A gust of wind suddenly blew, making it feel colder than usual. The temperature dropped slightly too rapidly as it started to freeze the air. The stallion nodded to himself, still gazing upon the tree.

“Yes, yes, I know Master… I know,” the stallion paused. “But please don’t be angry with me. I did what you asked me to do. But things got out of hoof with the last one. Forgive me. I beg of you. Let me try again. Please.”

The tree swayed slowly, shaking slightly. The stallion flinched a little, though he stood tall. He didn’t look away from the tree.

“I… I won’t fail you again. But if you’ll hear it, I have news that you’ll find quite intriguing. After some studying, I have discovered an interesting thing that I believe would prove extremely beneficial to your cause. If we were to proceed as per plan, I believe it would allow our enemies to fall to ruin and you could easily rise to prominence,” the stallion spoke confidently.

The tree didn’t reply, merely rocking slightly from side to side.

“I found a way to release Nightmare Moon early from her prison.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes a bit. “Nightmare Moon…” She echoed, her gaze turning sharp. She recognized the name immediately. She recalled her time spent in her room when she read the story of the two sisters. One of the sisters was called Luna.

“Yes Master! But in order for this to work I need more time to find the fifth orb. It has become necessary that I travel to the Everfeee forest in order to recover the first orb. This is imperative.”

Still the tree said nothing, only swaying gently.

“Master please don’t be angry, I am so sorry. I will return as soon as possible. Do not concern yourself with my failure. You know I will succeed in retrieving the orb and returning to you. I must go now so I bid you farewell. May our meeting be pleasant.”

He bowed his head briefly before reaching the hood of his cloak and pulling it over his head. Once he was completely covered, he turned, passing the ring of boulders, walked over to the edge of the clearing and started forward, disappearing behind the trees. Leaving Sunset alone to ponder what she just heard.

CH.5 - Dreams and Apologies

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Sunset stands before the giant double doors, gazing up at the intricate carved carving of the totem animal. Said double doors slowly swung open, releasing the warm light that streamed in. Sunset looks around her, surveying the interior of the massive village, taking note of the huts scattered in front of her. She can make out several yaks seated around various fires and hear a few yaks laughing together. At the center, there is a large rectangular table, upon which sits several bowls and cups. She walks up to the table and glances inside. On it are many dishes, including herbs, water, and lichens.

‘I don’t see what Princess Celestia was worried about. This place looks like a fairy tale,’ Sunset thinks to herself. She takes a seat at the round table, placing her saddlebag down on the bench next to her, before turning her attention back to the food on the tables, wondering what exactly it is. As she looks at the wooden spoon and forks, a deep voice calls out to her.

“So, what is someone such as you doing in our village?”

Sunset turns her head to see a big black yak standing next to her, resting his chin atop one of the empty chairs. He wears a black fur cloak lined in red, with a golden emblem sewed onto the left breast of his garment. His horns extended upward on both sides of his head. Despite being quite old, he doesn't seem to be as frail as most. Instead his appearance shows how much strength he possesses within his body.

Sunset smiles slightly as she says “Good evening sir. My name is Sunset Shimmer,” she gestures to herself. “Would you happen to be the chieftain of this village?”

The yak nods. “That would indeed be me. My name is Ojo Yaksha. Now state your business, why have you come into our village.”

“Well,” Sunset begins, shifting in her seat, “I was sent here by Princess Celestia herself, to discuss an urgent matter with you. Resolving an issue between you and the Geyaku tribe.” Sunset paused briefly. “It would be wise if the treaty between your tribe and the Geyaku can be renewed as soon as possible.”

Ojo Yaksha scoffed. He leaned closer to Sunset. “My tribe isn’t interested in the alliance that you speak of Miss. In fact, I can assure you, it is no business of yours, nor of hers. We would like nothing better than to remain free and independent of the other tribes. And if we wish to keep it that way, well, then we will have to fight.”

Sunset sighed. “Yaksha, we all do respect, but that’s not gonna solve anything. I came here to ensure you and the Geyaku tribe could make peace with each other without starting a potential war that could ruin many lives and unborn millions to come.”

Ojo Yaksha laughed darkly. “And what makes you think our tribe could ever be able to settle things peacefully? The Geyakus made their choice when they refused to move out of their land and let me take it over for my people, and myself. That’s why we have these mountain ranges, to strengthen our hold on this territory. To make space for more huts, to build more warriors, to build weapons for ourselves to defend our lands and protect our people. We do not need any alliance nor a peace treaty to those who are beneath us, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset took a deep breath. She knew the chances of success were slim and if things went south, it wasn’t looking good for her. But still, she had to try. It was her job to bring them to the Yakyakistans, where both the Geyakus, Cadance, Shining, Anon, and Princess Celestia will be waiting. And that’s if Shining and Cadance manage to convince the Geyakus to come to a peaceable conclusion.

Sunset stood from her chair, placing her hooves against its wooden surface. Her gaze never left the chieftain. Before she could open her mouth though, a rock flew through the air and hit him right in the face, breaking his smile. He threw both hooves to his face, holding his head in grimacing pain. “Who dares to interrupt our conversation!” He shouted.

“Ojo, you jerk!”

Sunset looked over her shoulder to see a female yak, almost as big as Ojo, coming towards her and standing by her side. Sunset could see a slight resemblance between this female yak and the chieftain, except for her facial features, which showed her age. Her fur was a lighter shade of brown, with only the tips of her ears visible. While most of the other female yaks had brown or even orange hair, this female had jet black locks. A gold star hair pin rested in the middle of her forehead, while her blue eyes sparkled like rubies.

“Emmet, what on earth were you thinking throwing rocks at your mate?!” Ojo shouted. Emmet glared at Ojo and stomped her hoof on the ground.

“What am I doing?” Emmet gritted her teeth. “What were you doing sleeping with some other female yaks?!” She demanded.

Ojo's eyes widened, taken aback. “W… What are you talking about? I haven’t slept with anyone!”

“Really now!? Then who was the home wrecker that was laying in bed with you in my dream? Who else has been staying with you? Huh?!”

Ojo blinked rapidly. A brief delay ensued, followed by his breath choking. “You… You dreamed about me sleeping with another yak?” He stammers. Sunset turned her head at Emmet who was just as dumbfounded as Ojo was.

“Yes!” Emmet replied, close enough to him now to shove a hoof into his chest. “And you were enjoying it, weren’t you? You enjoyed making love to other women, didn’t you!?”

Ojo’s hoof whipped up and wrapped around hers. “Emmet, all of that was just a dream—JUST a dream!” Ojo tried to reason, grabbing his wife’s arms and lowering himself to her eye level. “What you saw in your dream is not me, Emmet. Not at all.”

Emmet’s glare remained firm as she shook her head. “I know what I saw, Ojo, and you know what I saw!”

A sigh fell from Ojo’s lips. “We can talk about all this later,” he says, glancing behind him. “I’m in the middle somethi—”

“No!” Emmet shouts, pushing Ojo away from her. “We are talking about this now!” She sat on her rump while folding her hooves. Turning her head away from him in disappointment. “And If you really wanna make it up to me, you can start by saying you’re sorry.”

Ojo and Sunset stared at Emmet as if she grew three heads. “Pardon me?” Ojo finally says, his tone laced with disbelief.

Emmet turns to look back at Ojo. “You heard me, you no good cheating pig! Say you’re sorry and I’ll forgive you!”

Ojo and Sunset were utterly perplexed, specifically Sunset. Never had she ever seen anyone so upset over seeing their loved one in a dream mingling with another female; especially when it’s their mate.

“She can’t be serious.” Sunset whispered to herself.

“Are you trying to tell me,” Ojo begins. “That in order to make up for my sins that you claimed to have seen, in YOUR dream, you want me to say I'm sorry?”

Emmet nodded vigorously. “That’s exactly what I said, so go ahead!” She shouted, pointing a hoof at Ojo’s nose.

Sunset glanced at Ojo, bewildered and wondering what he was going to say.

Ojo inhaled deeply. After exhaling slowly he replied. “I’m sorry for having cheated.” He said in a low voice, before continuing. “I promise I won’t do such a thing like that in the real world, and in your dreams.”

“And?” Emmet asked, urging him to continue.

“And I promise I won’t think about other female yak’s except you, and only you,” Ojo finished.

Emmet smiles brightly, giving Ojo a big hug. The chieftain grunted, but allowed Emmet to squeeze him tightly. “You’re forgiven, my beloved.” She declared. She pulled away from the embrace and clasped her hooves together. “Oh, I almost forgot. I almost have your present ready for you. It should be done by nighttime.”

Ojo raised a brow. “My present? What did you bring me?”

“The same thing as last year, Ojo.” Emmet assured him, smiling softly.

“What? Is it the same blanket you made for me all the time or the thing you always do at night with your mou-” Ojo tried to ask only to have Emmet quickly shove her hooves into his mouth, giving a loud ‘SHHHH’.

“Not in front of our guests.” Emmet hushed. Ojo chuckled awkwardly, scratching his cheek.

“Right. Right. Sorry.” He replied, clearing his throat. His eyes darted back to Sunset, who was staring back at him. “Now, back on topic: like I have established earlier, if they’re not going to give me their land then I have no qualms with taking it by force.”

Sunset tried to protest but Ojo raised a hoof up at her. “But, I may come to terms with this peace treaty under one condition.” Sunset narrowed her eyes at him. “In exchange that you duel our champion.”

Sunset blinked her eyes, confused. “That’s it?” She asked.

Ojo nodded. “Yes, that’s it.”

Sunset’s lips curled into a smirk. “That’s all?” She asked. Ojo gave her a nod again. “Well then,” she began. “You got yourself a deal.” She turns to her right, darting her eyes from one yak to another. “So, which one of these yaks is your champion?”

Ojo chuckled, returning a smirk of his own. “You see Sunset, that’s the best part. Our champion is not a yak,” he replied. “He’s a mountain dragon.”

Once again her brain had a brief delay as she processed what he had just told her. The word dragon progressively sunk in her head until it took hold. Her entire body felt as if it was frozen, unable to move an inch as her eyes widened in shock. And in this shocking state, she could only mutter one word.


CH.6 - Ace of a Shimmer

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Sunset stood at the center of the wood-made stadium. In front of her stood a crowd of five hundred or so yaks, each sporting a different color. They were all seated in a semicircle facing Sunset, each yak staring intently at the unicorn who held their attention. All of them watched her patiently as she continued to fidget nervously. Her hooves tapped against the floor with every step as her gaze darted between each yak in turn.

“Okay Sunset, just stay calm. You got this. You got this…” She murmured to herself, nodding her head to herself repeatedly in anticipation. “Come on. Dragons are scary, sure, but they’re not as smart or well skilled as you are… You got this, Sunset… Just stay focused… Stay relaxed…” Sunset breathed out through her nostrils and attempted to settle down. Her eyes glanced back behind her. The door behind her had already closed shut by the time Sunset had noticed it. Now all she could hear were the sounds of her own breaths echoing throughout the arena, along with the quiet murmurs that came from some of the audience.

“This is crazy…” One yak spoke. “She’s actually gonna face the champion?”

Another yak added. “Doesn’t make sense… Why would she want to take on that kind of challenge when she might not stand a chance?”

Another chimed in. “Yeah, why does she have to fight someone who can rival her in strength? There’s no way this will work.”

“Why does she have to fight it anyway? Doesn’t she know how vicious these things are?” Another yak asks, earning a few nods in response.

“Maybe she knows all too well.” A yak suggested. “After all, we’ve been fighting these things for years…” Another chorus of grunts and whistles followed suit. Even more whispers and murmurs spread across the amphitheater.

But it was all silence when the beat of drums sounded from the other end of the stadium. The crowd immediately rose from their seats, their eyes widening with excitement. As the beats grew closer and closer, many began to sway their bodies, rocking to the sound of the music. The crowd began to shout, their voices bouncing off the walls of the stadium. Emmet watched the crowd as she sat beside Ojo with his hooves folded, listening to the cheering from all around.

The drums continued to grow louder and louder as the song finally reached its crescendo. The crowd began to erupt in cheers as the drumming gradually turned into pounding feet. Then came a sudden burst of applause. Everyone was standing with their hooves on the top of their heads in sheer joy and amazement.

Ojo stood up from his seat and at the same time the crowd’s cheering as well as the music died down, making way for the Ojo’s voice to be heard. He raised one hoof and commanded his guards.

“Release the Dragon!” He ordered.
Slowly the doors of the arena opened, grabbing everyone and Sunset’s attention. A large claw emerged from the opening, planting itself onto the ground. A large shadow then began to climb out, until it finally appeared on the stage.

It was a massive, black scaled beast. Its scales shimmered in the light, while its red snake-like eyes stared straight at Sunset. Its horns glistened in the sun, looking much more impressive up close. It had wings of shimmering purple scales that covered half its massive body. Its legs ended in powerful long talons, with huge curved horns sticking out from the top of its head. It had a wide snout and a pointed tail. Its jaws hung open, revealing rows upon rows of sharp teeth, and as it moved forward towards Sunset, the crowd gasped in unison, with the exception of a single yak in the front row.

Sunset was rooted to the spot; she wasn’t even able to react or avert her eyes, despite her best efforts.

Standing up on its two legs, the dragon spread its wings wide, causing several yaks to stumble backwards in shock. It let out an ear-shattering roar that reverberated throughout the entire arena. The noise was enough to make most of the yaks cry out in surprise.

Ojo points his hoof at Sunset. “Sunset Shimmer, here are the ways for you to win.” He moves said hoof away from Sunset and pointed at a purple gem wrapped around the Dragon’s tail. “You must shatter that gem in order to defeat your opponent. Do that, and there will be victory.” His eyes then shifted towards the Dragon. “Heed my warning though, this big fellow is not to be underestimated. I’d be cautious if I were you.”

Sunset stares up at the dragon as she gets into a stance, narrowing her eyes. She knew what she was facing, and she refused to fail now. The dragon growled at her as smoke billowed from its nose. Sticks beat hard on drums once again to announce the start of their match. The moment the drummers begin their next rhythm, the crowd erupts again in cheers and yells, while holding banners and signs as their hearts race in anticipation.

Ojo raises his hoof above his head. Glancing between Sunset and the Dragon, he drops said hoof. “Begin.”

Sunset charged at the Dragon, her horn glowing bright orange. She took aim at the Dragon’s eye before bringing her horn down quickly. The dragon didn't seem phased at the blow, but instead retaliated in kind by inhaling all the fire it held up inside its belly until it shot a hot torrent of flames out his mouth. Sunset barely managed to dodge the onslaught, landing on the ground in front of her. The crowd went wild; many were jumping up and down in delight while others clapped in appreciation for the show of power and ferocity displayed.

Sunset quickly regained her balance and looked up at the dragon again. Taking another look at the Dragon, she readied her horn once more, another layer of an orange aura shrouded said horn as electricity sparked and crackled all around it. Aiming at the ground below her, shooting one beam. The beam morphs into a fog that spreads out over the entire field.

The dragon swiveled its head, searching for the pony that had disappeared in the mist. When it found nothing, it let out a loud bellow, stomping the ground angrily. It blinked, and rolled its body around. It felt grim satisfaction when its attack met its mark and it heard her yelped as she was pinned against the wall.

The Dragon roared as it prepared another blast of flames. However, just as it was about to release it, it suddenly felt pain explode in its left socket as a magical beam struck it directly. It staggered backward, momentarily blinded as the dragon brought one claw up to rub the burning area. After regaining his vision, the dragon glared back at the source, only to realize that its prey was gone. Looking straight, it finds Sunset not too far from where she had stood before.

Her horn lights up again, the ground quaking violently beneath her, as she subconsciously brought up giant rocks in her magic from the ground and launched them at the dragon. It dodged each rock effortlessly, as it slowly spread its wings wide and gave one flap, shooting a gust of wind at Sunset. Sunset immediately lit up her horn to create an orange magical bubble around herself before the wind blew threw her. The bubble held on for several seconds. Once the wind ceased, the bubble faded along with the aura on her horn.

Sunset took a few steps back, looking up at the dragon with narrowed eyes. ‘Okay, this big guy’s the real deal…’ She thought to herself. Her eyes darted from its tail to its eyes. ‘If I hadn’t created that shield, the pressure of that wind alone would have knocked me out of the stadium; I doubt my barrier would’ve lasted long after that attack either.’ She bit her lip in thought. ‘I’m in trouble though, no doubt about it. This thing’s got brute strength especially with that tail. I definitely need to watch out for that one, that’s gonna cause great damage on its own. And those claws…. That’s something else entirely… They look pretty sturdy; like they could easily tear through stone. I bet I’d be crushed in seconds without my barriers…’ She thought. A grin then crossed her features as she realized an idea.

The dragon let loose another roar, which caught Sunset off guard as it shot a torrent of flames at her. Instantly, she weaves herself out of the way and takes off running towards the dragon. Her horn lights up and in a flash, doubles of herself sped up to her side. The clones ran alongside the real Sunset, who had begun to run towards the Dragon.

One clone stopped to the dragon’s right side. Sticking her tongue out, the other clone stuck out hers. The dragon turned its head to the right and saw them, bringing up one claw to swipe one away. The clone jumped over said swipe and landed on the dragon’s wrist. The dragon tried pulling back the limb, but the clone’s horn lit up. A magical rope formed from the air and quickly wrapped around the dragon’s wrist tightly, trapping the arm underneath the rope. It struggled to pull back the arm, but it didn’t budge.

The second clone ran towards the dragon’s side and latched onto its left wrist. Performing the same maneuver, the other clone pulled the dragon’s claw in that exact same way, causing the dragon to lose its grip on that arm. With their combined effort, they successfully immobilized the dragon. The dragon shook its head and thrashed about trying to free both its arms, but it couldn’t move any farther than it already was.

Sunset rushes behind the dragon. Her horn lighting up once again, she fired at the dragon’s head. Sunset smirked in satisfaction as the beam hit its mark square in its head. The beam exploded into a gust of cyan colored smoke, which filled the dragon’s vision.

The dragon’s eyes oddly and suddenly grew heavy. It shook its head once more, trying to clear its eyes, but to no avail. The dragon swayed dangerously on its feet for a brief moment, before slowly falling onto its back. It let out a weak roar before closing its eyes and falling unconscious. In a slow rhythm it’s chest rose and fell of each breath. The crowd watched in awe as the dragon laid unmoving on the ground.

It was quiet for a couple moments, with nobody making a sound. Then the crowd began to cheer wildly as they applauded and whistled. Ojo raised his hoof for silence. “This is a first… Usually it takes our champion a little more time to go all out.”

Sunset walked up to her clones. The trio raised their hooves up and clapped their hands together. Smiling to them warmly, she gave them a nod. The two clones grinned at her before poofing out of existence. Sunset then moved in closer towards the Dragon and shot a magical beam at the gem wrapped around its tail. The gem shattered upon contact.

She rolled her body around, looking up at Ojo. “I believe I win.” A satisfied grin appeared on Sunset’s face.

CH.7 - Sudden Burst

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A large hourglass slowly flips over its side of the clock, particles of sand trickling down and into the bottom. Its motion is slow but steady as the small grains are carried through the air in a perfect circle. Celestia passes by said glass before climbing up the swirling stairs, reaching for the top. She makes her way towards the balcony overlooking the silhouettes of the mighty mountains.

The sun just at the base of the sky, casting a deep orange glow on the land below it. Its rays stretch outwards to reach the city below them, illuminating the buildings and people that reside there. The shadows cast by the massive stone pillars stretch long across the roads and streets, making a path between each building. Ponies walk through their own paths, hooves clicking loudly against the cobblestone road. Few ponies walk around carrying baskets and buckets filled with supplies. The town is filled with life and excitement; everypony living out their day to fullest. It is an absolute sight to behold.

Celestia takes note of this, the corners of her lips turning upwards in a gentle smile. The scene has always been like this; lively and vibrant no matter which season it is. This will be something to remember. Celestia stares back at the sun as it was slowly setting just above the mountains.

Celestia hummed quietly to herself; today’s task was a success. During her time with Anon, her faithful student Sunset Shimmer, along with Cadance and Shining Armor. They managed to convince both the Bayaki and the Geyaku tribe not only to establish peace among themselves, but to prevent a war from erupting between them. It has been a great accomplishment.

It wasn’t easy at first, they were hesitant at first about agreeing to join the peaceful negotiations. But in the end, all they wanted was to keep the peace amongst their tribes. And if the treaty between said tribes could keep the tribes united as well, then it was worth it. It was all worth it.

Celestia sighed in disappointment as she looked back at the sunset one last time. The sunset reminded her of somepony, who she wishes she should’ve been more understanding. She shook her head lightly. Today has been…a rather eventful day so far, Celestia thought to herself. After they had returned from the Yakyakistan tribe, Celestia couldn’t help but notice that her prodigy, Sunset Shimmer, had been acting a bit aloof lately.

And what happened not too long ago confirmed her suspicions.

Her suspicions were stirred when she first saw Sunset’s future behind the mirror: A alicorn version of Sunset, starring forward with cold soulless eyes. Her wings were spread open, giving off an aura of evil that made Celestia’s heart sink slightly. She thanked the stars that her student didn’t see the full picture of her future self, because if she did, there would definitely be trouble. Celestia was hoping Sunset would let it be and move on. But the unicorn was persistent.

It didn’t take long before Sunset began researching any information about the mirror. All behind her back, of course. Celestia closed her eyes In saddening disappointment. She thought she saw compassion and sincerity in Sunset when she first took her in as her prodigy, but the more Celestia learned about her student, the more she realized that Sunset hid colors that could easily betray her true nature. She had never known Sunset was capable of being ambitious and selfish.

Celestia’s horn lit up bright yellow, signaling the beginning of another night. She closed her eyes once again as the sun descended behind the mountains and allowed room for the moon to illuminate the sky. Stars dotted the sky like specks of glitter sprinkled on a piece of cloth, sparkling brightly. The stars were shining brighter than ever before tonight. Celestia found the scenery beautiful. She could hardly believe she had the privilege of seeing such beauty every single day.

Celestia glanced down to the ground. This is wrong—what she did was wrong of her. The day Anon asked her for sugar, deep down she knew what he meant; what he actually wanted was a simple sugar for his coffee. But instead of just accepting the request, she accepted it in a different alternative. By the old equestrian law she took the opportunity by accepting it not as a request but as a marriage proposal. One that intertwined him and her as Prince and Princess.

On one hoof she was happy to finally be with the man she loved ever since he appeared in Equestria. On the other hoof, she felt guilty that she did against his will and despite knowing full well of what Anon actually meant she ignored it. Celestia didn’t even bother to hear him when he tried to correct her while she was busy spouting about preparations for the wedding.

“Mother of me…” Celestia murmured, closing her eyes once again. She remembered the look of shock in Anon’s face that day as they left the garden together. She definitely needs to discuss this with her sunshine when the time is ripe.

Celestia rolled her body around and exited the balcony. Her hooves made a quiet tap against the hard floor as she walked back towards the spiraling stairs.

Crickets played music from the grass of Canterlot. Anon could feel himself falling into the piece of the moment, floating on the surface of time where nothing ever happened. There was no other place like this place, no one but him and the stars shining down, the air kissing his skin, and the night sky that stretched forever above. The sound of the crickets became the only thing he could hear, not the constant noises on the main street of Canterlot, with its bustling ponies and tourists. He crosses his arms, closing his eyes.

He distracted himself with thoughts of his childhood, before everything had changed. His father would often take him to a quiet, secluded spot by the river, and they would sit side by side on a boat and fish together. It wasn’t a big deal, as long as they didn’t stay there too long, or his mother wouldn’t worry. Sometimes he would come back with a little fish for his dinner. But that night in particular felt like an eternity away. As if it never existed.

His mind wanders. He thinks of his family, of home, of his childhood. His thoughts stray to how things are going with them now that he’s no longer in that world anymore. Anon ran his fingers up his bald head and exhaled. He couldn’t imagine what they’re feeling right now. They were all probably devastated to hear about his disappearance. He just hoped they weren’t blaming themselves too much. He knew that his family loved him, after all.

Anon shook his head in amusement. Though he often never voice his opinions, but he believe Sunset had a made a mistake by allowing herself to be a bit blinded with her overconfidence. Anon understood that overconfidence, especially when one is young and has an easy life. But being blinded by too much confidence wasn’t something Anon approved of, and definitely not from Sunset.

What she said earlier to Celestia echoed in his head. ‘This is the biggest mistake you’ll make in your entire life.’ The first thing he noticed when he looked into her eyes before the guards escorted her out of the library was how loathing she held for Celestia. That look in her eyes; that expression of complete and utter hate; was something Anon was familiar with. He’s seen that look millennia of times in the eyes of those who hold grudges against anyone.

Anon opened his eyes and lifted his head up. The moon reflected off the clear water on the lake and cast a silver glow onto his green face, illuminating his tired features. The crickets chirped even louder than usual, their loud chattering drowning out any sound of the world around him. Anon rubbed his temples. He should go to bed, Celestia might be waiting for him. And he should probably talk to Sunset tomorrow when he has the chance.

Anon stood up and dusted his pants before making his way down the carpeted hallway. He was still exhausted from traveling so far away from Canterlot in his own chariot. But as he stride slowly down the hall, he stopped in his tracks, surprised.

Three royal unicorn guards laid on the floor, parts of their armor were dotted by burnt marks and small holes. A few feet away from them, lay another guard, a white Pegasus, his spear lying next to him, covered in burns. Anon approached the fallen guards cautiously. He bent down and checked their pulses. They were still alive, though unconscious. One of them stirred awake, slightly lifting their heads, turning their gazes at Anon.

“Your…majesty..” the guard stammered, his eyes were glazed over with pain. He must have been hit several times. Anon placed his hand gently on the stallion’s shoulder.

“Hey, hey, don’t talk man. What happened here?” he asked softly, but sternly.

The guard tried to answer but couldn’t muster more than a hoarse noise. An uneasy feeling was creeping into Anon’s stomach. He took his finger and pressed down on the guard’s throat, checking his pulse. It was steady. He sighed in relief.

Somewhere to his right there was a faint thump. Anon glanced to see from ten feet away, the double doors were slightly opened, specifically the door to the right. There was movement coming from inside the room, an intruder maybe...a ghost Anon shook his head. Now was not the time to joke around. Anon turned back to the injured guard, whose breathing had begun to become more regular. Anon kneeled down beside him.

“Stay here buddy,” he whispered, his eyes darting towards the doorway again. Slowly, as to not make a sound, Anon got up, and crept closer, trying to peer through the crack of the door. All he saw was dark. He stepped inside the room and squinted into the darkness, trying to make out anything. The air was still, and smelled of old books. Slowly, Anon moved further into the room, taking note of all the different artifacts that lay scattered around the room. Some of them were familiar to him: a large black mirror, carved with a dragon holding a book; a tall shelf full of books, stacked neatly from top to bottom.

Then laid the ancient artifact: an oval shaped mirror stood at the center of the room, connected to said mirror was a two step staircase leading up towards the rippled glass portal.

Anon blinked, when he saw a familiar unicorn standing on the second step. It was Sunset. She gazed upon the Mirror, and a wide smirk spread across her lips. Right hoof raised, she gently touched the glass. Said hoof was halfway phasing through the barrier, but then she stopped, as if contemplating what to do. Then her head lowered. She looked almost guilty.

“Sunset?” Anon asked aloud, a brow arched questioningly. He took a few steps towards Sunset.

Sunset’s head shot upward, her mouth fell open. But she didn’t turn to face him. Stared into the Mirror instead while her ears twitched with every step Anon took.

“What are you doing here? Celestia said this room is off limits, no one’s supposed to be here.” He said as he drew nearer. He was about half way towards her. Sunset didn’t respond, which made Anon a bit concerned. “Hello? Earth to Sunbutt?”

She didn’t react at all. Her cyan eyes remained fixed into the mirror. Suddenly, she turned to face Anon, staring at him without blinking. She smiled at him. A malicious smile.

Suddenly, Sunset’s horn lit up and was shrouded in a bright red aura. Anon cocked his head back, alarmed and startled. In one swift motion, Sunset swung her head back and thrust her horn forward. A red magical wave struck Anon in the chest, sending him flying through a wall. Said wall exploded by impact as Anon had no opportunity to straighten himself out and regain control.

He slammed through another wall, chunks of marble scattering everywhere. He groaned in pain, his body ached and burned. Anon bursted through another wall, finding himself outside of the castle and flying over the towers of Canterlot. The night air brushed past his cheeks, cooling his burning face. Wind whipped in his face, and he could barely see where he was going. Gravity wrenched Anon’s limbs and body downwards, causing him to lose the balance he managed to keep, and drop straight down to the earth.

He landed hard on his back, landing on the grass and rolling a few meters along the ground. He rolled into an archway of bushes, stopping only inches from crushing some flowers underneath him. He let out an exclamation of shock, his breath catching in his throat. He quickly pushed himself to his feet. Blood dripped out of the cut on the bridge of his nose, staining his burnt shirt with red liquid.He wiped it away with the back of his hand.

In a cyan flash Sunset had appeared behind him, her horn pointed at him, a triumphant grin plastered on her face.

Anon stood still for a moment, his eyes blinking rapidly and his expression went from shock to confusion…to anger.

“First, OW! Second!” He points at the burnt part of his shirt, the fabric hanging loosely from his revealing chest. “You just burned my favorite shirt. Third, what the hell was that?!”

Sunset smirked wickedly. “Oh calm down Anon, you’ll live. Besides, you can regenerate.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that I lost a good shirt! What the heck did you do that for?! Why would you suddenly attack me like that?” He shouted angrily.

“Well, you were in the way of my goal. My road to greatness.” She turned away, her nose raised up, and her hoof in the air as if she was posing for a photoshoot. “Where I could become powerful of all magical spells as well as being the best princess there is.” Her lips curled into a smirk again.
“In an alternate world.”

Anon’s eyes blinked. Alternate world?

Sunset continued, her smirk growing wider now, “But in order for my vision to be fulfilled….I need to remove the one obstacle that is standing between me and that mirror. You,” she turned around and faced Anon once again, her smirk becoming devilish. “So I figured I’d get you out of my way, just as I had demonstrated back there.” She shrugged nonchalantly, her grin widening. Her horn lit up again and the air grew hot around it whilst slowly stalking towards him. “And, since you’re still not that good with your handling of magical spells, dealing with you will be a piece of cake.”

As Sunset drew nearer, Anon could only utter one word under his breath.
