And yet you've made up your mind...

by Abyssi amentiae

First published

Princess Celestia has lost, Equestria is completely at the mercy of Nightmare Moon, everyone is afraid of her without exception, except for one person...

This little story is about how a mere mortal man remained the only one who is not afraid of Nightmare Moon and openly shows it. And he's the only one Nightmare Moon can't punish.

And again you couldn't... Part 1

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Night moonlight illuminates the streets of Canterlot. It hadn't been more than a year since the Princess of the Day had fallen. Together with her, "That" Equestria that was with her reign fell. Now Equestria is ruled by Nightmare Moon. Her power is absolute and undivided for all 120%, as Rainbow Dash once said. Now, instead of the usual fear due to legends and fairy tales that somewhere on the Moon there is a real Monster with the name "Nightmare Moon", horror and endless fear among ponies now rule. The "Monster" still really descended from the Moon to Equestria, and not for one night, for a "Night of Nightmares".

When all the Equestria ponies found out that Princess Celestia was overthrown by Nightmare Moon and now she will be in her place... Then the whole Equestria fell into a numbing horror and fear. There will be no more of their beloved Princess, no more of Their Equestria. But only a few thought about it. And then, mostly they were a few griffins, minotaurs and hippogriffs. Almost the absolute majority of ponies were in shock.

News of the return of the "Ancient Evil" was coming by leaps and bounds even outside Equus. This news also shocked all those who were not residents of Equestria, albeit for some other reasons. For many, there was one, the most important question - "What will happen next?".

But back to Equestria. Old Equestria has fallen. In its place there is a new Equestria Nightmare Moon. With new rules of life, with new foundations and traditions. But all the fear that mortal beings experienced did not cancel out all the foundations and norms of life that were under Celestia. This caused numerous indignation of the new ruler of Equestria.

Nightmare Moon was incredibly angry about this situation and fell into confusion. But the most important thing was something else. Nightmare Moon was


And many understood this, many saw it, many felt it in their lives. Some of which were ragged by death. Fortunately for many, a fairly quick death.

But do not think that non-lethal punishments at the behest of Nightmare Moon were more beautiful. Numerous personal punishments, for many, were worse than a quick death. There will always be a moment in Fluttershy's life when she was ordered to kill some of her animals as punishment. And she did it. Otherwise, death would have taken them all by order of Nightmare Moon.

The reign of Nightmare Moon was tough, sometimes even cruel. She herself was not very tempted to kill someone, especially massively. But on the other hand, there was plenty of rigidity in "educational measures", although it could not achieve what was happening in death camps and similar places.

And these few circumstances, such as, for example, almost zero mortality during the change of the ruler-monarch, greatly surprised Human. Yes, yes, you heard right - Human. After even a month, seeing most types of punishment (of all types of severity), a person could not understand how this could be. "Shouldn't Nightmare Moon be a Real, Real Evil?" - the Man sometimes thought. After all, how can it be that when a monarch like Celestia is replaced, mass deaths do not occur, not even counted in just hundreds, but in a couple of dozen lives.

It is worth noting that the existence of Human in this world was for him the same surprise and shock as the arrival of Nightmare Moon to power for ponies. But many ponies and non-ponies didn't really care if there was a Human or not. Until he became the only one who couldn't be punished by Nightmare Moon herself. Not by word, not by deed.

It was the human figure that was the only monolithic contrast in all Equestria. At least in most of it. He was not afraid of Nightmare Moon and her admirers, he mocked in satirical allegories at Nightmare Moon, at ponies, at everyone and everything. Sometimes it happened that his satire was used as real facts in the courts, because his words reflected that real reality, which many did not like, but reality.

At the same time, Human allowed himself not only satire, but also more explicit free actions that no one in Equestria would have done, well, except for a maddened reasonable. What is only worth remembering the short prose written by Human, where he literally mocks all those who considered the tales of Nightmare Moon to be just fairy tales for children, but also ironically expressed in poetic form about the weakness of Nightmare Moon, when the old foundations of society were preserved even under the force of fear of her.

But I suggest returning to the topic of the Nightmare Moon narrative. We will still have time to talk about Human.

During the first months of Nightmare Moon's reign, there were absolutely a lot of mistakes, some were due to ignorance, some due to changes in society, the reasons for mistakes in actions were caused by numerous reasons and facts. But. This power was strengthened and improved (quite often with the help of Human), and along with this, control over those who were seized by fear of her and her power. We can say that Equestria has undergone changes, some were impressive, and some were only minor moments, but Equestria has not changed in essence. Nightmare Moon did not know how to break the rod set by Celestia without starting more aggressive and violent actions. Sometimes, once or twice a month, she thought for a moment - "Is it worth changing that rod? Maybe I should replace Celestia with myself, but in the way I want?".

Such rare thoughts caused burning hatred and malice, they caused enough to kill their devoted admirer one day, and for a Person to write an ironic satirical story the next day. Nightmare Moon hated his antics, such statements in her address and in the address of her fans. Yes, even many ironic (with a significant part of black satire) words about day ponies did not really like her (but she could not help but note that most of his words were so accurate that sometimes she herself thought that in his homeland they were just used to telling the truth in this form). But she didn't stop him. Nightmare Moon just couldn't punish him. She knew why, but she almost desperately didn't want to think about it. But the Man often reminded her of this (with his constant antics), because of which she many times wanted to punish him with a simple punishment, but later, she longed to personally execute him. And every time Nightmare Moon was ready to make a punishment (from a simple reprimand to the death penalty), she could not utter a word. After the "that" case...

Nightmare Moon perfectly remembers that early evening when she again could not stand his next satire. That time, he ridiculed everyone too much. Already in those days, she often began to summon him to the palace to punish him, but she could not carry out the punishment. Rage and hatred overwhelmed her mind and feelings for Human in those moments, as in other similar cases. Until he abruptly changed his behavior from satiric-mocking to tired, less emotional than before (Nightmare Moon and many others do not understand how his race is able to distinguish the emotions of other people, since for ponies and others, his face almost did not express distinct emotions even in his satirical the manner of behavior), with a distinctly sad voice and saying: "How much more beautiful are you when hatred and anger with malice are exalted in your behavior. Why should I see in my life an even more beautiful sight than you when you are not in anger?".

When Nightmare Moon realized what she had heard, her inner world cracked. It was small in size, but this crack went everywhere. Nightmare Moon was shocked then, she didn't understand what was happening. She was shackled by fear.

A sufficient amount of time has passed since that incident, during which several more times she called Human to the palace to punish. But at the same time suppressing emotions in advance, if they crossed the line that could not be crossed according to the Nightmare Moon. She couldn't forget "those" words of his. She couldn't forget the tone of his voice in those moments. "That" case, more and more often forced her to remember the crack that Human had left in her. Nightmare Moon didn't know how to act. Is it necessary to act at all?..

And today, on this ill-fated night, the Nightmarish Moon finally decided to think about what to do with "Him". The decision was made. In the middle of this day, the Nightmarish Moon will finally solve the "Human Question".

But the Nightmare Moon has no idea what awaits her this afternoon...

And again you couldn't... Part 2

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The beginning of summer. Chilly. Several huge light clouds are floating high in the sky. A weak wind blows from the north. Beautiful weather. This opinion is held by Human.

Human has been living in this world for more than six months. For more than six months he can't decide. Which way to choose? Should I try to get immortality or not? And if you go for immortality, then in what way? Uncertainty.

All his conscious life he lived in uncertainty. He chose this path himself. He suffered because of this, but continued to live it, he believed that by living this way, he would be able to choose the path that would lead him to infinity. This is partly what happened. He found himself in the world of little ponies. In that variation of it, where there is a big enough chance to be able to find infinity and immortality. Isn't this his only chance now to choose a certain path in order to eventually get everything? Perhaps.

- It's a pity that such weather is so rare here... - Human's voice didn't express anything in particular, except a little sadness.

- Maybe when I have infinity, I will be able to fully experience that short moment again, which was in about the same weather at home. - Human rose from the still cool ground, on which green grass has already reappeared.

At the moment, Human was on one of the many mountain hills near Canterlot and the Canterlot Mountain Range, one of the highest on this continent. He was dressed in his favorite casual clothes - a natural white silk shirt and blue pants with two gray shoes.

For many, it was strange that Human constantly and everywhere wears such clothes. Like heat or frost. The strongest wind or a complete calm. Icy freshness or terrible stuffiness. In these clothes, he went everywhere, except in very cold weather, wearing his gray-ash long coat or a double-breasted greatcoat of the same color. But Human didn't care about their opinions. They were slaves to their own fear and their illusions. "Can the likes of them have a right over me? No," he thought so himself.

- Sir Human. You have a letter from Her... - almost noiselessly, a batpony landed behind the Human.

- I'm a little busy, but for Her sake, I can spare the time. Give me the letter. - Human stopped looking at the sun and calmly turned in the direction where the batpony familiar to him in the rank of senior lieutenant had just appeared and who was now handing him a letter.

When Human took the letter with his right hand, the wind suddenly hit the two of them with a strong gust. Batpony was blown a little to the side and almost fell on his side, but thanks to military endurance, he was able to level his position. Human almost didn't stir. This situation amused him (the fact that the wind almost blew away the batpony, he didn't care) and he smiled a little mockingly.

After a couple of seconds, the wind gusts decreased their strength, but they were impressive. This gust of cold wind from the mountains gave him an energy that reminded him of Earth. Human smiled ironically and let out a couple of laughs, not quite wanting to understand why he wanted to do this. Although in the back of his mind he knew the answer.

Turning his gaze to the letter handed to him from batpony, Human only grinned even harder. "It seems that my time of being more or less healthy (psyche and mind) is running out faster and will soon end. How funny, besides, that this time, our Moon Pony, decided to do something serious." - flashed through the thoughts of a man.

And this thought did not just appear to him. It was all about the letter. It was completely different from almost all the ones she sent him. Only a couple of times she sent similar letters. The letter itself, or rather the envelope, inspired all weak-willed reasonable with horror and fear. The envelope was of a dark blue tint, on which there were numerous different patterns, some of them were his own authorship. For example, it was a drawing of a two-headed dead eagle, similar to the Byzantine one, which was pretty battered and at the same time holding a Lunar Crescent in its right paw and an alicorn skull in its left (it was not particularly surprising for Human to learn that the alicorn skull differs from all other skulls of all three pony races).

At the moment of looking at the symbol he invented (a dead two-headed eagle), Human remembered the reaction of the Nightmare Moon and some ponies and batponies close to her. That late evening there was a small and short meeting, where they discussed possible changes in the work of postal services. He prepared himself in advance and from his wounded heart offered a lot of ideas, almost all were accepted. Many then protested about my proposals, but the Nightmare Moon and the old gryphon Ichthym supported him. The griffin burst into tears at the sight of the dead two-headed Byzantine eagle (and seeing several other similar works) and later after the meeting thanked him for the fact that he had never seen so much respect for the imperial griffin heritage, even among the griffins themselves. Alicorn also liked the gloominess of some of the works and the subtly harmonious fit of her and her symbol into the works, later also thanking for the work done.

Deciding not to go further into the memories of personally helping the Nightmare Moon to rule, Human opened the envelope, which was sealed with the Moon Pony's mark - a crescent moon. The writing paper, as in previous cases, was of high quality - no roughness and stains. Actually, the text itself was written at the same level of calligraphy, although Human liked the printed text more.

While Human was busy reading and thinking about the text itself, his friend batpony was trying to cope with the mountain wind. Still, although the ponies (and batponies) weighed a significant amount and their center of gravity was low, due to the personal characteristics of this batpony, he weighed an order of magnitude less than his relatives and had a body shape that gives a better flight and planning, which is why he was suffering now.

A couple of minutes have passed since reading the letter, and during all this time (a couple of minutes), Human has only become more convinced that the time... While batpony continued to fight the wind.

- Stop pretending to be who knows what. - Human knew the features of the batpony, but believed that they were not so critical that he could see what he was seeing now.

- Sorry, but I can't do without weights ... - hearing a dissatisfied voice, batpony tried to justify himself.

- Stop pretending to be who knows what. - Human knew the features of the batpony, but believed that they were not so critical that he could see what he was seeing now.

- Sorry, but I can't do without weights ... - hearing a dissatisfied voice, batpony tried to justify himself.

Standing on the very top of the hill, holding an open letter from Her in His right hand and an envelope in His left, Human was indignant. He did not like some of the frivolity of these inhabitants of this world. Maybe he just takes a lot of things seriously? Maybe. But now the man was not up to it. Time...

- I planned to spend the whole day in the hills. - the man began to speak and immediately continued. - But my plans will have to change.

- I don't quite understand what you're driving at, sir. - batpony was able to catch the understatement and discontent no longer in his own direction in the voice of Human.

- This is the letter. - Human picked up the letter written by the Nightmare Moon. - Changed my plans. That's why I need you to tell the Dark Star that I'll be in town in an hour.

- In an hour?.. - batpony knew that Mr. Human can move fast, but not that fast. But when he saw a rather convincing look at himself, he corrected himself. - That's right, Sir! You'll be in town in an hour!

- Great, and now fly already. - the man said softly with a slight fatigue, but he was heard.

- Roger that. - batpony nodded and stopped resisting the wind, because of which he was immediately able to rise into the sky and fly towards Canterlot.

As soon as the batpony flew away from him by more than half a kilometer, Human sighed heavily, not for the first time in these days, remembering his native Land... After reading and comprehending the letter from Her, he clearly understood that everything. Time...

- Eh... I wouldn't say that I didn't expect such an outcome. But still... - Human brought the letter to his eyes to read it again. - I wonder if she has any doubts that I know that she wants to solve the fact of my existence once and for all?

At the same moment, the wind increased its pressure, now blowing away the man. But at the same time, this force was not enough to bend the will and the decision of a person to stand under the pressure of the wind no matter what, so that the wind could not force him to move.

This situation made the man laugh again, only this time louder. After a few seconds of laughter, Human found it all rather ironic, which is why he began to laugh even harder. Because of the power of laughter, the man knelt down and put his right hand with a letter to his heart, which gradually began to hurt more and more from laughter.

As soon as the batpony flew away from him by more than half a kilometer, Human sighed heavily, not for the first time in these days, remembering his native Land... After reading and comprehending the letter from Her, he clearly understood that everything. Time...

- Eh... I wouldn't say that I didn't expect such an outcome. But still... - Human brought the letter to his eyes to read it again. - I wonder if she has any doubts that I know that she wants to solve the fact of my existence once and for all?

At the same moment, the wind increased its pressure, now blowing away the man. But at the same time, this force was not enough to bend the will and the decision of a person to stand under the pressure of the wind no matter what, so that the wind could not force him to move.

This situation made the man laugh again, only this time louder. After a few seconds of laughter, Human found it all rather ironic, which is why he began to laugh even harder. Because of the power of laughter, the man knelt down and put his right hand with a letter to his heart, which gradually began to hurt more and more from laughter.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha... hah... - the man began to breathe heavily, thin and viscous saliva from his mouth began to hang and try to fly away because of the wind. - God, it's good that you're dead. Ha-ha-ha... - Human burst out laughing again, only now completely different. If the pony could hear that laugh now, he would be seriously scared. - And you don't see... Ah-h (heavy half-sigh)... All this damn satire... Hy-y-y-x (coughing heavy sigh)... You can't see and can't imagine how beautiful She is in her grimace and look of anger and malice...


- Why are you so beautiful?..