Rocket To Insanity : Twilight’s Revenge

by BenPictures1

First published

The Rocket To Insanity saga finally comes to an end.

The Rocket To Insanity saga finally comes to an end.

A week after the loss of her friends, Twilight is released from the hospital. She finds it difficult to readjust to her life, Spike and Derpy both try to help her, but to no avail. Princess Luna is determined to find out the truth about what happened that fateful night, what she finds enrages her.


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Twilight had returned to Ponyville, she had been cleared for release from the hospital. It had been a week since she lost all her friends. getting off the train, she made her way to Golden Oaks. Spike was waiting for her. “Hey Twilight.” Twilight ignored him and walked upstairs. “Come on Twilight, please, I can help.”

Twilight turned around and snarled. “Can you? Can you bring my friends back? No, you can’t.” Spike stepped back, frightened at her sudden outburst, normally Twilight would try to comfort Spike, but she didn’t care this time, nothing mattered anymore. “Just... leave me alone.” She went up to her desk and started crying, eventually falling asleep.

When she woke up, she saw that her element was sitting in front of her, Spike must’ve placed it there in attempt to remind her of the good days.
Twilight picked it up, this damned thing, it had ruined her life, she never asked for any of this. She walked out onto the balcony, holding her element. “I’m done with this.” She threw her element off the balcony, where it hit the ground, shattering into pieces.

The next few days weren’t any better, Twilight still felt awful, she had failed Rainbow, she had failed her friends. Spike did his best to try to make her feel better, but no matter how much he tried, nothing worked. Despite this, he never gave up on her. He still took care of the library, organizing the shelves, dusting, and mopping, Derpy would occasionally come over to help, they both hoped the Twilight they knew and loved would be back one day.

Twilight sat down at her table, she had agreed to meet with Spike and Derpy at the food court for lunch. Ponies around her would occasionally give her looks. Spike and Derpy finally arrived and sat down at in their chairs.

“Twilight, I know you’re depressed but you can’t keep isolating yourself.” Derpy said sympathetically. She reached into her saddlebag, pulled out the shattered remains of Twilight’s element and placed them on the table. “I found these on the ground, tell me you didn’t.”

“I did, so what?” Twilight said angrily. “Sometimes you just need to give up.” She put her head down. “I just want to live a normal life now, I want nothing to do with friendship anymore.”

“I’m glad that murderer is dead.” Twilight turned to see Bon Bon chatting with Lyra. “Good riddance to bad rubbish!”

“What did you say?” Twilight asked angrily.

“I said I’m glad Rainbow is dead.”

“Bon Bon, don’t.” Lyra said cautiously.

Bon Bon ignored her “You’re not defending a murderer, are you?”.

Enraged, Twilight grabbed Bon Bon with her magic and slammed her on the ground. “That ‘murderer’ was my best friend!!” Twilight was about to blast Bon Bon with her magic but Derpy and Spike grabbed her.

“It’s not worth it!!” Spike yelled.

Derpy helped Bon Bon get up. “Sorry about that, Lyra.”

Lyra shook her head. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, I warned her, and she didn’t listen.”

Twilight growled at Spike “The Twilight you knew and loved is dead, she died in that cave.” She shoved him to the ground and walked to her house. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten you were the one who wrote to Celestia.”

Twilight laid in her bed, the sun had just set, bringing an end to another rotten day, she was about to fall asleep when she heard somepony call her name, she looked to see who called her name. “Princess Luna?! What are you doing here?”

“I have been watching your dreams, I figured it is time I helped.” Luna explained. “How did Rainbow Dash really die?”

“Why does it matter to you?”

“Going by your dreams, I am starting to assume my sister was not telling the truth. I was told Rainbow tried to attack her, forcing her to use lethal force, but I want to hear your side of the story.”

“Fine.” Twilight told Luna what had really happened that night, how she had cured Rainbow, who had been infected with a fear toxin, how Celestia executed her in cold blood, despite her not being a threat. Luna grew more and more angry.

“So you are telling me Rainbow had been infected with a fear toxin, causing her to lose her sanity?” Twilight nodded. “And my sister executed her despite her being blind and defenseless?” Twilight nodded again. “I see, it is time I confronted my sister about this, but before I go, I have to ask you something.”

“Ask away.”

“What made you decide to save Rainbow? She had just killed two of your friends.”

“Because I know she would’ve done the same for me.”

“That is very selfless and brave of you.” Luna said, she disappeared in a white flash.

Twilight laid back down, thinking about her conversation with Luna, thinking about how she lost all of her friends, eventually she reached a conclusion. Celestia had to die.


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Twilight walked down the stairs, Spike was sitting on the couch, reading. “Hey Spike, I have to run a few errands, I’ll be back soon.” She hugged him, “You’re the best assistant I could ever have.”

Spike looked confused “Uh…okay? Thanks..I guess..” before he could say anything else, Twilight walked out the front door. He shrugged and went back to reading.
“Just Twilight being Twilight.” He thought to himself, he realized that Twilight had acted like her old self again, and smiled.


Twilight walked to the train station, she felt guilty about lying to Spike, but that didn’t matter now, all that mattered was putting an end to this madness once and for all.

Arriving at the station, she paid the ticket taker and waited for the train to arrive. A few minutes later she was getting on board, the train was mostly empty. As they pulled away from the station she looked out the window. This would probably be her last time seeing Ponyville, she knew she had little to no chance but didn’t care. “Thanks…for everything.”, she said quietly, remembering all the fond memories she had.

“What brings you here so late?” The passenger sitting across from her asked.

Twilight looked at the pony, she was a white pegasus with a red mane and tail, and had blue, purple, and red markings on her wings. “I have a meeting in Canterlot.”

“Hey, you’re Twilight Sparkle, aren’t you?” the pegasus asked.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“I have a friend that’s a huge fan of you.”

“That’s nice to hear.” Twilight smiled.


Celestia was finished with all her meetings for the day and was about to head to her chambers, when Luna approached her. “Hello sister.”

“It is time we talked.” Luna said angrily.

“Talk about what exactly?” Celestia asked.

“About Rainbow Dash, you told me she tried to attack you, that is not what Twilight told me.”

“Well, she is right.”

Luna was shocked “You executed a defenseless pegasus? Who was incapable of harming anypony?”

“Luna, you must understand, she had killed five ponies-“

“She deserved a fair trial! We are not the judge, jury, or executioner! You are also supposed to consult with me before taking such a drastic action.”

“What will you do about it?” Celestia sneered.

“I am asking you to step down.” Luna said sternly. “You are obviously incapable of ruling.”

“You know I won’t do that.”

“I am asking you again, step down, or I will make you step down.” Both Celestia and Luna knew this wouldn’t end well.


“Very well then, Princess Celestia, you are under arrest.”

Celestia fired at Luna hitting her in the chest, knocking her back.
Celestia walked up to Luna, “We can talk this out.” Luna punched her in the jaw, causing Celestia to stumble back. Luna spun around and kicked her with her hind legs.
Celestia retaliated by pinning Luna onto the floor, Luna blasted her in the chest, knocking the white alicorn off of her.

Luna ripped the curtains off of the wall using her magic and wrapped them around Celestia’s neck, choking her. Celestia blasted a hole in them and charged at Luna, only to be knocked back by Luna projecting a shield, she fell to the ground. Luna walked up to her. “I am sorry sister, but this can end no other way.” As she prepared to call in the royal guards, Celestia stabbed her.


Twilight felt a chill down her spine as she entered the castle courtyard, could she really kill her former mentor? Should she turn back and go home? No, she made it this far, there was no turning back now. She thought of Rainbow Dash, her closest friend, how she was executed in cold blood. She thought of Rarity and Fluttershy, how they both made the ultimate sacrifice, which ended up being in vain, she thought of Pinkie and Applejack, how confused and frightened they both were in their last moments. Finally, she thought of herself, how she lost those she cared the most about. “This is for you, this is for all of you.”

As she walked through the hallways, she ran into Cadence. “Twilight? Why are you here?” The pink alicorn asked.

Twilight looked at her. “I’m here to kill Celestia.”

Cadence gasped “Why would you do such a thing?”
Twilight told her about the events of the past few weeks, Cadence became more and more shocked. “I understand, but I can’t let you do this.”

Twilight growled “Please don’t make me hurt you.” Before either of them could do anything else, There was a large blast from the throne room. Both ponies were knocked off their hooves. Twilight helped Cadence up. “Please, just let me do this. If she’s willing to kill Rainbow Dash, who had helped save Equestria several times, what makes you think she won't kill again?”

Cadence relented “Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked sympathetically.

“Just…go.” Twilight said sadly, “You have a loving husband, a long life left to live…..I have nothing.” She ran towards the throne room.


Luna gasped, she fell to the ground in shock. After catching her breath, she began crawling, trying to get away from her sister. Celestia walked over her, and prepared to finish her off.

Celestia felt something hit her in the back of the head , she turned around to see Twilight.

“CELESTIA!!” Twilight screamed in rage, she ran towards Celestia, firing at her. Celestia kept attempting to blast her, only for the lavender unicorn to keep dodging. She punched Celestia in the face, knocking her to the floor.

Twilight was relentless in her attacks, she kept kicking and punching Celestia, she wanted her dead, she saw that her hooves were bleeding, but simply didn’t care, the only thing that mattered now was getting her revenge.

“ENOUGH!!” Celestia yelled as her eyes turned white. Twilight was sent flying back, a few seconds later Twilight stood back up and rubbed her head, she saw Luna lying on the ground, unsure if she was dead or unconscious.
“Stand down, this is your last warning” Celestia said firmly. Stomping her hoof on the floor.

Twilight looked at Celestia, eyes burning with rage, “Never.” She charged at Celestia.

“You leave me no choice, then.” said Celestia, aiming her horn at Twilight, she fired a beam of magic at the unicorn. The beam hit Twilight, knocking her back against the wall.
Celestia realizing what she had done cried out in horror. She ran over to Twilight, but it was too late.

As Twilight lay dying, she thought back to when she got her cutie mark, how Celestia offered to be her mentor, how excited she was back then. “Thank…you…” she said weakly as she closed her eyes, succumbing to her injuries. She smiled knowing she would be with her friends soon.

Twilight Sparkle was dead, and with her death the Element Bearers were no more. Celestia cradled the lavender unicorn’s lifeless form, tears running down her face.


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Twilight opened her eyes. Standing above her, was Rainbow Dash. She lept up from the ground and hugged her tightly.
“Rainbow is that you? I’ve missed you so much!”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Yes Twi, it’s me”. She began to tear up.

Twilight paused, “What’s going on?! I’m really confused right now.”

Rainbow giggled. “I think you should explain this to Twi.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Twilight turned around to see Luna.
“When I brought you here, Rainbow and I agreed we should both be here to welcome you .”

“And where is ‘here’. Exactly?”

“This is the afterlife.”

Twilight was even more confused. “Wait, I don’t get it, like at all.”

Luna smiled softly. “It is my duty to guide our subjects into the next life.”

Rainbow looked at Twilight “She led me here as well.”

“So what now?” Twilight asked Luna.

“I have to go now, but Rainbow can show you around. I will visit every now and then to check in on you.” she began to walk towards a portal.

“Wait!” Yelled Twilight. Luna turned to look at her. “Tell Spike I love him, and I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye to him.”

Luna nodded “I will.” She walked through the portal.

Rainbow smiled at Twilight. “Come on Twi, there’s a couple of ponies waiting for you.”

“The others, they’re here too?”

“Yes, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are all here.”, The two mares hugged each other. “You mean everything to me.”

Twilight looked around. The sky was a color she had never seen, the best she describe it would be a greenish purple. Rolling hills stretched on for miles, indigo mountains were on the horizon, everything felt peaceful.
“The nightmare, it’s finally over.” she sighed in relief. She was finally reunited with Rainbow Dash, her closest and most dearest friend.
“Hey didn’t you say Applejack and the others were here?”

“Oh yeah, let’s go!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

“Lead the way!” The two ponies began their journey. Twilight didn’t know what exactly would happen next, but she was with her friends, and that’s all that mattered.