A Dragon's New Home

by Mister E-Nonymous

First published

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

After the events that happened just outside of Las Vegas, Aaron and Smolder return for a new adventure back in the real world. This time, they've moved into a new house that has room for the entire family to come and visit. It even has a guest room for Smolder to stay in. And it would let Smolder hide the portal to Equestria in it whenever she and Aaron can go there or for their friends to come and visit them.

But then they started going to their new school, which wasn't like any other school. Not everything was gonna go their way in their school. Especially with all the unfair rules that were put into the school. So they're gonna have to try and bare it. Or try to figure out what was going on in the school.

This story will have some voting in some chapters. Only one choice per vote.


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A Dragon's New Home


Somewhere in a dark room, Aaron and Smolder, who were in their dragon forms, were tied up back to back in some chairs, and blindfolds over their eyes.

"Aaron?" Smolder asked.

"Smolder?" Aaron asked. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Smolder said. She then tried shaking out of the chair. "Why are we even tied up?"

"Hello?!" Aaron called out. "Is anyone there?!" Just then, a bunch of men in protective suits came in and surrounded the two dragons. One of the men walked up to the two and took off the blindfolds. Aaron and Smolder looked towards the man, who had a helmet on.

"Alright, you two," the guard said. "Time to extract your DNA and see what you're made of." One other guard was snickering.

"I can't do this!" the other guard said, laughing. Then the guards took off their protective suits, revealing lab coats. They were scientists for the US Government. One of them untied the two dragons.

"Shoulda known," Aaron said. "I guess it's that time, huh?"

"That's right," the scientist said. "It's that time again." The scientist then got out a couple of needles and rubber bands. "Alright, you two, we're just gonna get your blood drawn and we'll get you home."

"I just hope I get an update on my test results," Smolder said. "Aaron's starting school in two weeks."

"Actually, you'll be starting school soon," another scientist said. "We've got your test results. You've got a 96% on the test. You'll be able to start school with Aaron at the same school he attends."

"Sweet!" Smolder said. "I still need to get the proper school supplies."

"Of course," the scientist said, finishing up the blood drawing. "And of course, we are done."

"Ooh... good," Smolder said.

"Well, we should order a Lyft," Aaron said. "Aunt Marissa wants us to get back to the hotel room before sunset."

"Don't worry about it," the scientist said. "Your aunt called and told us to take you two home. C'mon." They escorted the two dragons out of the room. "Oh, and before you two step outside, you might wanna..." Aaron and Smolder then looked at each other.

"Oh, right," Smolder said. She and Aaron then transformed into their human forms. "Whoa. Still a little woozy."

"It happens," the scientist said. "Now, c'mon. Let's take you two home." They escorted the two out of the building.

Aaron and Smolder were in the back seat of an SUV. Smolder was behind the driver and Aaron was on the passenger side. He then noticed something.

"Hey, you missed that turn," Aaron said. Smolder then looked out the passenger side window.

"Hey, you're right," Smolder said. "The hotel is that way."

"Oh, we're not heading to the hotel," the driver said. "We're dropping you off somewhere where your aunt wanted to meet you. We'll be there in a few minutes." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other confused. Eventually, they pulled up to a house that had two front doors, and two garage doors.

"What is this place?" Smolder asked.

"This is where Marissa Blazer wanted you two to be dropped off," the driver said. "She's inside right now. Go on in." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other in confusion. Then they got out of the SUV and walked up to the house. Aaron walked to the door and knocked on it. Then the door opened, but no one was behind it.

"Hello?!" Aaron called out. "Is someone there?!" He then noticed something moving. He didn't get a clear look. "Okay, someone's in there." They started walking into the house and went around a flight of stairs, and they were surprised at who was around the staircase. It was their five friends, who all shouted out...


Gallus, Sandbar, Ocellus, Silverstream and Yona were all there, wearing party hats. Aaron and Smolder were surprised to see their friends from Equestria were there.

"What is going on?" Aaron asked.

"Aaron, Smolder," came Marissa's voice. The two looked up the stairs to see Marissa coming down the stairs. "It's a moving-in party. We're living here now."

"Seriously?" Smolder asked. "What about the hotel room?"

"The owner of the hotel asked for us to move out and paid us handsomely to move out," Marissa said. "With that, and with how much my company had made since the performance in Las Vegas, I bought this house and now we live here. For the past week, I've been hiring a few movers to move in the stuff we had before moving here into this house. Even put in furniture for family, and guests. We even got some furniture for Smolder in that apartment over in that room."

Smolder looked towards the door that Marissa was pointing at. She transformed back into her dragon form and went towards the door. She opened the door and saw a furnished guest house. She walked in and saw a 44 inch TV on a wall with an entertainment center below it, and a sofa across from it. She saw a kitchen with an electric stove with a small microwave, a dishwasher, a sink with a dish rack, and a refrigerator with a water and ice dispenser.

"Wow," Smolder said. "This place is amazing." She was joined by her friends, Aaron and Marissa.

"Yeah," Ocellus said. "And we can come here whenever we get a break from our jobs back in Equestria."

"And we can all have a sleepover here when we get time off from work or from Royal Guard Training," Gallus said. "Kinda like old times."

"We've only been roommates with Aaron for four months," Sandbar said.

"There's also a pool in the back," Marissa said. "Silverstream, I recommend not going into the pool as a sea creature. Chlorine is very harmful to sea creatures."

"Really?" Silverstream asked. She then thought of something. "Oh, so that's why Starlight confiscated my seashell when we went to the huge swimming pool that day."

"Who do you think told her?" Aaron asked.

"That makes sense," Sandbar said. "So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well, I was thinking of getting us some pizza," Marissa said. "But it'd make more sense for us to go out to an arcade and eat out. We're going to a Dave and Buster's for dinner and all of you can play some arcade games. Which means, all of you have to put on your special medallions."

Gallus, Silverstream, Sandbar and Yona had put their medallions on. Although, Yona had help from Aaron and Smolder to put the medallion around her neck.

"Yona thanks Yona's friends," Yona said.

"No problem, Yona," Aaron said. "Now, let's see you all in your human forms." Gallus, Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream nodded. They tapped their medallions and they all became human.

Gallus and Sandbar were at Aaron's height. Gallus's hair was blonde with blue tips, was wearing a blue varsity jacket with yellow sleeves, a shirt that matched his chest as a griffon, dark blue jeans, and blue running shoes.

Sandbar's hair was really light brown, but his hair was dyed to match his real hair color. He had a t-shirt that matched his coat color and some cyan swim trunks with his cutie mark on them. And he was also wearing brown flip flops.

Silverstream and Yona were 2-3 inches taller than Smolder in her human form. Silverstream had her signature hair style, but the roots were very light blonde hair. She was wearing a t-shirt that was the same color as her coat, and a skirt and a pair of shoes that were the same color as her claws. She was also wearing her magic shell.

Yona's hair was the same. Although, she was wearing a shirt that was the same color as her undercoat, a scarf that was the same color as the blanket she always wore, shorts the same color as her overcoat, and shoes the same color as her horns.

Ocellus then shapeshifted into a human girl. She had blonde hair with pink hair dye, a shirt that matched her exoskeleton, a skirt that matched her wing covers, knee socks that matched her wings, and shoes that matched her skirt. She was also two inches shorter than Smolder in human form.

"Wow," Smolder said. "You guys look awesome!"

"I agree," Marissa said. "Well, I hope you're all ready to go."

"Oh, we're ready," Yona said. "I'm also glad you invited us, Miss Blazer." Everyone there just looked at Yona in surprise.

"Yona, you just spoke clearly," Aaron said. "How did that happen?"

"I asked Princess Twilight to adjust my medallion so I can talk clearly and not to confuse the other humans of this world," Yona said. "In case Rarity's teaching on me how to speak the way you all do wasn't enough."

"That was actually a last minute addition she did last night," Gallus said. "She wrote a letter to me to ask Princess Twilight to do it before we left for this world."

"Good call," Marissa said. "Alright, all of you. Let's head on out and get going. Oh, and Dave and Busters serve some meat items. If you're not comfortable with eating meat, just go for the vegan menu."

"Yes, ma'am," Sandbar, Silverstream, Yona and Ocellus said in unison. Then they all looked at Gallus.

"Griffons eat meat," Gallus said. "You all didn't know that?"

"It's true," Aaron said. "I saw him once in a while at a restaurant sitting in a spot that had griffon friendly foods. I saw him eating a steak."

"I was surprised they served that stuff in Ponyville," Gallus said. Then the two of them fist bumped after Aaron transformed back into his human form.

Smolder transformed back into her human form as well and said, "Well, we should get going." Then all of them headed out. They got into the car, and Aaron and Smolder had to explain how to put on their seat belts. Eventually, they got them on, and they all were about to head out. Marissa was in the driver's seat while Aaron was in the passenger seat. In the back seat, Smolder was sitting behind Aaron, Ocellus was in the middle, and Silverstream was on the passenger side. And in the third row seating, Yona was behind Smolder, Sandbar was in the middle, and Gallus was behind Silverstream. Eventually, Marissa started the car, put it in drive, and drove off, heading for their destination.

Chapter 1: Dave and Buster's, and a Police Officer

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Chapter 1: Dave and Buster's, and a Police Officer

Marissa pulled up into the parking lot of Dave and Buster's. Aaron, Marissa and the Young 6 got out of the car, of course Aaron and Marissa had to help get Gallus, Sandbar and Yona out of the 3rd row. They all walked into the building and the Young 6 were all amazed by the games there.

"Whoa," Gallus said. "This place... is awesome."

"Alright, kids," Marissa said. "Before you all go play, we're gonna have to have dinner first. Let's go over and find a booth so we can order some food."

"I've never seen anything like this in Equestria," Ocellus said. "I wish I could get something that reminds me of this place."

"You're in luck," Aaron said. "This place has prizes that you can win. You'll just have to have a certain amount of digital tickets in order to get them."

"Wow," Smolder said. "This arcade is way more advanced than the arcade back in Ponyville."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "C'mon. Let's get to our table." Then the eight of them headed for the eating area. A waitress escorted them to a table that could hold all eight of them.

Marissa then pulled out her phone to scan the QR Code on the table so they would look at the menu so they could order. Aaron and Marissa explained how it worked. Eventually, they all got their food. Aaron got an All American Cheeseburger with bacon added, Smolder got chicken strips, Gallus got some Parmesan Chicken, Marissa got the Original Wings, and the rest of the group had a plain vegetarian salad.

"Is it really a good idea for you to be eating chicken, Gallus?" Marissa asked. "Aren't griffons part eagle?"

"Meh, it's mostly because of the lions in the griffons," Gallus said. He then looked towards Aaron. "So, when do you and Smolder start school here."

"In a couple weeks," Aaron answered.

"Same with me and Royal Guard training," Gallus said. "I still can't believe you convinced Princess Twilight to let me try out for Royal Guard Training."

"Well, you should've seen yourself in the series finale of the show," Aaron said. "You made it big."

"I've seen it," Smolder said. "You're gonna be great." She then thought of something. "Also, rewatching the series, in one of the Equestria Girls specials, Forgotten Friendship, guess who I saw outside of the city of Canterlot." She then looked at a certain friend of hers. "Sandbar."

"Seriously?" Aaron, Gallus, Yona, Silverstream, Ocellus and Marissa asked. They all looked at Sandbar.

"Well, I did visit some family up at Canterlot," Sandbar said. "I was visiting them before Princess Twilight started the School of Friendship."

"That makes sense," Aaron said.

"So, what are you looking forward to in your new school?" Ocellus asked.

"Well, for me, I'm personally looking forward into getting into the Basketball team," Aaron said. "I've been wanting to be on a basketball team for a long time."

"Well... there are basketball arcade games here at Dave and Buster's," Marissa said. "After you finish, you should play some to get some practice in."

"She's right, dude," Sandbar said. "Might as well get some practice in."

"Alright," Marissa said. "Let's get you some game cards. No more than fifty bucks for both of you, Aaron and..." She then looked around. "...Samantha."

"Samantha? What kind of name is that?" Gallus asked.

"It's a cover name for me when I'm here," Smolder said. "Samantha Drake. According to everyone, I'm the daughter of an old friend of Marissa and she's watching me as my parents are out of the country."

"Huh," Yona said. "Well, if you're now half human, I guess that makes sense."

"Still find it weird that you're talking normal, Yona," Aaron said.

"I'm having the same feeling from up in my head," Yona said.

"Okay," Aaron said. "So how do those medallions work?"

"According to Princess Twilight, they're supposed to keep whoever wears them in the form that fits this world," Ocellus said. "And since this world is very much different from the world that Sunset Shimmer lives, Twilight has made adjustments to blend in with the people of this world."

"Alright, so should we be playing some games in this awesome arcade?" Gallus asked. Then they all got out of their seats and headed for the arcade area.

Aaron, Sandbar and Gallus were at one game. It was a basketball themed Connect 4 arcade game. Aaron and Gallus were playing it and Sandbar was watching.

"Good throw," Gallus said after Aaron took a shot. "But now it's my turn." Gallus threw his ball and it went in, preventing Aaron from connecting four.

"Ohoh... Good one," Aaron said. "Now it's my turn." He then took another throw and he got into a slot, and got three red balls aligned in a diagonal.

"Ooh... good one," Gallus said. "Now it's my turn to ruin your streak." He then threw the ball into the slot next to the slot where Aaron threw his ball, but instead of blocking the three balls, it gave Aaron the opportunity to connect four. "Uh oh. I didn't think that through."

Aaron then threw a ball into the same spot and it aligned with the other three balls. Aaron then said, "Connect four." Aaron and Gallus high fived.

"Nice job, dude," Gallus said.

"Okay, my turn," Sandbar said. Aaron then tapped his Dave & Buster's card against the card scanner and then Aaron and Sandbar picked up a ball. Aaron took the first shot and he got it into the center hoop. "Okay, my turn." He then took the shot, but instead of going into the hoop, it bounced off the back and headed back towards Sandbar, hit him in the forehead, and he fell back.

"Oh, that's not good," Gallus said. He then snapped his fingers in front of Sandbar's face, which the Earth Pony turned human was out cold. "Oh, he's not getting up soon."

Later, the group were all in the car heading back to the new house. Sandbar was still unconscious, but he was coming to. He groaned as he was waking up.

"What happened?" Sandbar asked.

"You knocked yourself out when you threw the ball," Gallus said.

"Everyone was recording you being knocked out," Aaron said. Smolder brought out her phone and showed the video.

"There's already over 5,000 views," Smolder said, showing Sandbar the video. Sandbar went wide-eyed at that.

"No creature tell anyone about this back in Equestria," Sandbar said.

"No promises," Gallus said. "I've got Royal Guard Training."

"Aaron and I wouldn't be able to," Smolder said. "I'm staying here with him, remember?"

"Right," Sandbar said.

Yona turned around and then she saw something behind the car and said, "Hey, look. A car with flashing red and blue lights." Marissa saw the car in the side view mirror and behind her car was a police car with its lights flashing and the siren going off.

"No!" Marissa said. She then pulled over and the police car followed.

"What's happening?" Gallus asked.

"If we're being pulled over, it means that Marissa did something wrong," Aaron said. "What did you do?"

"I don't know," Marissa said. She then reached into her purse after she rolled down the window. The police officer walked up to the driver's door as Marissa started talking to him. "Officer, I wasn't speeding, and if I was, I have a good explanation. You see, I..." Marissa turned to see the officer, and she was holding her wallet, and her Florida Driver's License.

"You know, driving without a license is illegal," the police officer said.

Marissa scoffed and said, "Seriously?" She then sighed. "Sir, I didn't mean to leave my wallet at Dave & Buster's. I just had to take my nephew's friend to the car, and I had completely forgotten about my wallet."

"Well, just be careful where you leave it," the officer said. He then got a good look at Marissa. "So, Miss Blazer, you live around here?"

"Yes, actually, my nephew and I actually moved here in May," Marissa answered. "I've started my own fashion company here in Orlando. Plus, it would give my nephew a new place to grow after having a hard time growing up in Chicago."

"Does... your nephew... have a father figure?" the police officer asked.

"Actually, no," Marissa answered. "My brother in law sometimes helps out whenever he comes and visits us and teaches Aaron to grow up a man. But he has work back in New York and doesn't come over as much."

"Well, perhaps I can help," the police officer said.

"What do you mean?" Marissa asked. Ocellus leaned forward.

"I think he's gonna ask you out," Ocellus said.

"She's right," the police officer said. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Marissa smiled and said, "Well, I would love to. When?"

"This Saturday," the police officer said.

"Well, I guess I can leave Aaron alone with Samantha at home for a couple hours," Marissa said. "Anyway, I should get going, Officer..." She then noticed the officer's name tag. "...Daniels."

"Please, call me Liam," the officer said. He then handed Marissa back her wallet, and his phone number. "Text me your address and I'll come pick you up. I'll see you there and then."

"Okay," Marissa said. Officer Daniels then started walking back towards his police car and then Marissa started driving off.

"Dude!" Gallus said. "Your aunt has a date with a police officer!"

"At least he can help you with understanding the law," Ocellus said.

"Well, let's get you home," Marissa said. "Gallus, Sandbar, you two will be sleeping with Aaron in his new bedroom."

"Oh, cool!" Sandbar said. "We're roommates again!"

"And Smolder, you'll be having three roommates," Marissa said. "Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream."

"Wait, what about the portal?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, where's the portal?" Smolder asked.

"Oh, it's actually in the hall closet of Smolder's apartment," Marissa said. "Luckily, Ocellus helped me out on setting it up and she carefully kept it from being damaged."

"I was really careful on keeping it safe," Ocellus said. She then shapeshifted into Smolder's human form. "Even if I had to be a double of Smolder in human form."

"Wow," Smolder said. "Well, at least the connection isn't totally lost to us."

Later, the girls were in Smolder's apartment. Smolder was checking out her new bedroom. Her bedroom had a bed with a white frame and red bed sheets, a bedside table next to a computer desk, a back door that led to the pool area, and a closet that had all of Smolder's human clothes. Smolder was in her dragon form.

"Well, at least I have a room for myself," Smolder said. She then smirked. "Or I can just sneak over into Aaron's room when Marissa is out."

"I heard that!" Marissa's voice came from the living room of Smolder's apartment. Smolder then groaned and walked out of her room and into the living room. Silverstream, Ocellus and Yona, who weren't in human form anymore, were watching. Marissa was taking off the couch cushions, and pulled a bed out of the couch. "Okay, who wants the sofa bed? Ocellus or Silverstream?"

"Why not Yona?" Yona asked.

"Because I don't think this thing can handle the weight of a yak," Marissa said.

"Yona guesses that makes sense," Yona said.

"I'll take it," Silverstream said. She then got into the sofa bed and laid down in it. Marissa then handed Silverstream some pillows and a blanket. Ocellus and Yona were each sleeping in sleeping bags, and Ocellus was having to sleep on an air mattress."

"Why isn't Yona sleeping on an air mattress?" Smolder asked.

"They didn't have any in her size, and the ones they had wouldn't be able to hold her weight," Marissa said. "Alright, girls. Breakfast will be at eight. See you in the morning."

"Good night, Miss Blazer," the four of them said. Marissa then went out of Smolder's apartment and into the other one that she shares with Aaron. She walked upstairs to see Gallus and Sandbar brushing their teeth in the bathroom upstairs, just outside of Aaron's room. Aaron was putting on his pajamas.

"Alright, boys," Marissa said. "Breakfast at eight."

"Okay, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said. Gallus and Sandbar finished brushing their teeth and headed into Aaron's room. Gallus used his tail to close the door.

"So, you and Smolder doing okay here?" Gallus asked.

"Yeah," Aaron answered. "Even though it's only been a month since we've taken down Ragnarok. That was one heck of an adventure."

"True dat, dude," Sandbar said. "I still can't believe that Smolder is staying in this world to stay with you."

"Even if she has to attend a school here with you," Gallus said.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "So, Gallus, have you and Silverstream made any plans to keep in touch and stay in a relationship?"

"Actually, we have," Gallus answered. "Silverstream and I are gonna write to each other so we would plan out our date nights. Thanks for getting us together, man."

"No problem, Gallus," Aaron responded. "Basically, you're one of my best friends. Even if we are from different dimensions."

"True," Sandbar said. "Best bros?" He extended a hoof out for a hoof bump.

"Best bros," Aaron said, getting ready to pound it with his fist.

"Yeah," Gallus said. Then the three of them bumped each other's hands/talons/hooves together. Then they eventually headed off to bed. Aaron got into his bed as Gallus and Sandbar got into their sleeping bags, and went off to sleep the night away.

Chapter 2: First Day of a New School

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Chapter 2: First Day of a New School

Aaron was getting ready for the first day at his new school. As he got dressed, a book was vibrating on his computer desk. The book had a griffon's head on it, along with Aaron's dragon head. Aaron walked over to it and opened it up.

"Hey, Aaron!" Gallus said. "I heard you and Smolder are gonna start your first day at your new school."

"Gallus?" Aaron asked. "What are you doing with the communication book that's powering the portal?"

"Oh, no," Gallus said. "I asked Princess Twilight to make another pair of communication books so I can still communicate with you from Canterlot. I mailed the one you had to Sandbar and had him put it in your bedroom."

"Cool," Aaron said. "So, you're starting Royal Guard Training today?"

"That's right," Gallus answered. "I'm starting Royal Guard Training. Hopefully, I can get some time off when we're needed." Just then, the sound of a door opening came from the book.

"Alright, Gallus," came Princess Twilight's voice. "Your first day of training starts in 2 hours."

"Is that Princess Twilight?" Aaron asked. He then saw Twilight coming into the picture in the book.

"Oh, hi, Aaron," Twilight said. "Gallus told me and Spike that you moved into a new house."

"That's right," Aaron said. "One with a lot more space, and even a guest house for Smolder to live in that's connected to this house."

"That's amazing," Twilight said. "I might just have to come by and see it for myself someday. And... Garble might come by to check on his sister to see how she's adjusting."

"Figures," Aaron said. He then noticed the time. "Well, I gotta get ready for school."

"Oh, right," Twilight said. "I'll just let you get ready. I've got a country to run. Talk to you some other time." She then closed the book on her and Gallus's side. Aaron then closed his book.

"Aaron, are you ready for school?" Marissa asked from the door.

"Almost, aunt Marissa," Aaron said. Marissa then entered the room. "I see you've gotten that new book so you can communicate with Gallus."

"You knew?" Aaron asked.

"That's right," Marissa said. "Well, now that you and Smolder are starting a new school, you two are gonna have to know this. I'm gonna be working until four today, so you might have to call for a Lyft home."

"Okay," Aaron said. He then grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs.

When they were downstairs, Marissa had three plates of pancakes on the table.

"Aaron, can you tell Smolder that breakfast is ready?" Marissa asked. "We have to leave in half an hour."

"Alright," Aaron said. He then headed for the door that led to Smolder's house and he knocked on the door. The door opened and revealed Smolder, in dragon form, wearing her nightgown, and still sleepy.

"What is it?" Smolder asked.

"Smolder, what are you doing?" Aaron asked. "We've got school today, and we're leaving in 30 minutes." That made Smolder fully wake up. She then slammed the door. A few seconds later, she came through the door, in human form, wearing the first outfit she wore when she first arrived on Earth.

"Sorry," Smolder said. "Ocellus was talking with me all night and I guess I lost track of time."

"Okay, Smolder," Marissa said. "I'm gonna set some ground rules. In bed by ten on school nights, got it?"

Smolder sighed and said, "Fine. But what about when we're all out and we're not home by then?"

"Then you'll head for bed immediately," Marissa answered. "And if you need to bathe, you can take one immediately, or wait until morning before breakfast."

"Alright," Smolder said. She then sat at the table next to Aaron. Then the two of them started eating their pancakes. Eventually, they finished up, took their plates to the sink, washed them off, and then they headed out to the car.

Marissa pulled up to the curb of a middle school. Summer Valley Middle School. And the mascot of the school was a red dragon. Smolder snickered.

"A red dragon," Smolder said. "Just like my brother."

"Well, this is it," Aaron said. "Let's head on in." Then the two of them started walking towards the front entrance of the school. When they were walking towards the school, there was a man in his forties in a three-piece suit, and he was holding a bunch of balls. Soccer balls, basketballs, footballs, even volley balls.

"Welcome, students," the man said. "Welcome to Summer Valley Middle School." He then noticed Aaron and Smolder walking towards the door. "Excuse me, you two. What are your names?"

"Aaron Blazer," Aaron responded.

Smolder sighed and said, "Samantha Drake."

"Well, Miss Drake, I'm afraid that hair dye is not allowed," the man said.

"Hair dye?" Smolder asked, getting angry. Aaron then put his hands on Smolder's shoulders.

"It's okay, Samantha," Aaron said. "It's not your fault you were born with mostly purple hair."

"Oh," the man said. "She was born with that hair color?" He then sighed. "Well, that is clearly a loophole to rule thirty-two of the Code of Conduct to this school."

"Code of Conduct?" Aaron asked. Both him and Smolder were confused.

The man sighed, dropped all the balls in his hands, and then pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a book. He then said, "You clearly didn't receive these." He then handed the book to Aaron. "Read rule number 32 aloud."

Aaron opened the book and looked at rule 32. He then read it aloud. "'Any kind of hair dye is not to be allowed on school property.' Dude, doesn't this seem a little far fetched. It is our lives and our choice."

"Dude?" the man asked. "That's Principal O'Reilly to you. Rule number one, 'Always respect the principal, or any of the faculty, and address them as sir or madam.' Never forget that." He then pulled another book out and handed it to Smolder. "You two, memorize all these rules and live them."

Smolder groaned and took the book. Then she and Aaron headed inside. As they were inside, all the students were walking next to the lockers, leaving the middle of the hallway open.

Smolder was looking at all the students as she was walking in front of Aaron. She then asked, "What happened to this school? It's not like the other schools in the movies or TV shows."

"Well, there was one movie that's like this," Aaron said. "Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life. The rules here are like the rules in the movie. Check this out. 'No balls or any sports equipment on school grounds anytime.' Seriously? Why?"

"That explains why he was hogging all the balls outside," Smolder said. She then opened her backpack and pulled out her class schedule. "Looks like my first class is in room 203."

Aaron checked his schedule and said, "Same here. And it starts in..." He then checked his Smart Watch. "One minute." Then a warning bell went off. Then all of the students quickly scurried to their classes. Aaron and Smolder headed up the stairs and were about to enter their class, but they were stopped.

"Halt!" came a woman's voice. Aaron and Smolder looked towards the woman walking up to them. She was large, and was wearing a gold business shirt, a black skirt, clear black leggings and black high heeled shoes. "And where do you two think you're going?"

"To class before..." Aaron was soon interrupted as the bell rang. "Great. You just made us late on the first day of school."

"Well, you two wouldn't be getting detention if you had gotten here sooner," the woman said.

"Detention," Smolder said, angrily. "That's not fair! You were preventing us from getting to class! You're the one who's disrespecting us!"

"How dare you...?!" the woman said. Just then, the door opened, revealing a man with short, curly brown hair and a five o'clock shadow. He was wearing a plaid button up shirt and khakis.

"What's going on here?" the man asked.

"This doesn't concern you, Mister O'Connell," the woman said.

"Vice Principal Nettles, I think you're over reacting," Mister O'Connell said. "You do this to every student on the first day of school here for 10 years. It's unnecessary for you to give them detention for being late to class because you held them up."

Vice Principal Nettles then thought about that. She then remembered every time someone was late on the first day of school. She then sighed and said, "Just this once. If I catch either one of you disobeying the rules, you're gonna have detention until you graduate." She then walked away. Aaron and Smolder turned to look at the teacher.

"Sorry about that," Mister O'Connell said. "C'mon, let's get you two inside and start the class." Then Aaron, Smolder and Mister O'Connell walked into the classroom. "Sorry about that, class. Vice Principal Nettles has been giving our two new students a hard time on the first day." He then thought of something. "I'm sorry, I never got your names."

"Aaron Blazer," Aaron answered.

"Samantha Drake," Smolder answered as well.

"Well, Aaron and Samantha, welcome to Summer Valley Middle School," Mister O'Connell said. "Go ahead and take an open seat."

"Thank you, sir," Smolder said.

"Oh, you don't have to call me sir," Mister O'Connell politely said. "It makes me feel old, and I'm only 31 years old."

"O... kay," Smolder said. She then sat in an empty seat, which Aaron was to her right.

"Alright, class," Mister O'Connell. "Welcome back to a new year at Summer Valley Middle School. And, like usual, the principal wants all of us to focus on our school work and no distractions like sports or art. Lame, I know. I know how you feel."

"No sports or arts of any kind?" Aaron asked. "What about Phys Ed?"

"I'm afraid... due to budget cuts years ago, the principal had to make such... drastic cuts," Mister O'Connell said. "All the other students have been trying to raise the funding back ever since it still happened, but it all wasn't enough."

"Dude, that's just wrong," Smolder said.

"Hey, I know how you feel, girl," a student sitting to Smolder's left said. He was a scrawny black kid wearing a T-Shirt with no logo, and blue jeans. "Hi. I'm Paul. You want a piece of this?" He then tried flexing some muscles.

Smolder rolled her eyes and said, "I have a boyfriend."

"That's what they all say," Paul said.

"Hey," Aaron said. "Stop trying to hit on my girlfriend." All of the other students all went ooh at the news.

"Well, I was going to ask everyone to do a thousand word essay on what they did over the summer, but I have to ask, how did you two meet?" Mister O'Connell asked.

Aaron and Smolder looked at each other. Aaron then said, "Well, we met... over the summer."

"Yeah," Smolder said. "Aaron and I met when he moved here. That was until my mom had to leave me with his aunt to do some work out of the country and..."

Later, all of the students were in the assembly hall, which used to be a gymnasium. Principal O'Reilly was on a stage making announcements to all the students.

"Welcome, students, to a new year at Summer Valley Middle School," the principal announced. "Now, you're all aware that at this school, we only focus on one thing, strengthening our minds. And for years, we've been doing that ever since budget cuts have been made due to the school funding being so low for the past ten years since I took over this school. But don't worry, we can get one step closer to getting our funding back. How? By keeping our minds strong and preparing ourselves... for this years State Testings! Yaaaay!" He cheered, but all the students weren't too keen on what he said.

"Seriously?" Smolder asked. "What has your aunt gotten us into?"

"I don't know," Aaron said. "We're gonna have to tell her about this when we get home."

"Alright, students, lunch is about to start," the principal announced. "And it's our duty to show the state that we're the most highly educated school, and we want to make the other school see our results and say... Dang." Just then, a young Asian man appeared on the stage instantly.

"You called?" the Asian man asked. Everyone else in the room, including Aaron and Smolder, screamed.

"I really should watch what I say," the principal said. Then the lunch bell rang. "Alright, everyone. Head on to the cafeteria and eat your lunch." Then everyone stood up and headed out of there.

Later in the cafeteria, everyone was in line for their lunch. Aaron and Smolder were in line. Aaron was talking with one of the other students in his class.

"What was up with that janitor?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, that's just Dang," Paul said.

"You called?" Dang said, appearing next to the students in line, making all of them yell in shock.

"Where did you come from?" Smolder asked.

"Originally, Vietnam," Dang said. "I once was a janitor at a High School elsewhere in this country. I didn't really finish high school, so I took my last class there before graduating and moving on to college. Then I graduated college and I came here, cleaning up any mess the students left. Although, it was odd that the school budget had been cut for some reason."

"Boy, guess things used to be good here," Smolder said.

"Wait until you see the food," Paul said.

When they got to the area where they were getting their food, one of the lunch ladies put a blob of gray gunk onto Smolder's plate. Smolder let out a sound of disgust seeing what was put on her plate.

"What is this stuff?" Smolder asked.

"Mystery meat," the lunch lady said. "Served every school day since the school's budget went down."

"Guess we'll have to bring in our own lunches," Smolder said.

"I don't think so," Paul said. "Check out rule number 44 in the code of conduct." Smolder then pulled out the rule book and she read it.

"'Rule number 44: No outside food allowed on school grounds'?"

"Seriously?" Aaron asked. "No outside food? That's not fair."

"I know, right?" Paul asked. "And do you know what else? No one is even allowed to have any activities to do to pass time on school grounds."

"We've got to find out what's going on," Aaron said. His phone then buzzed. He pulled out his phone and read a text from his aunt. "Guess my aunt's new boyfriend is coming to pick us up after school."

"Guess that'll be some news," Smolder said. Eventually, they went back towards a table. "I just hope that this school will get back to how it went." She, Aaron and Paul took a bite from the mystery meat. They then spat out the meat in disgust. "Oh my gosh! That tasted awful!"

"That tasted even worse than last year!" Paul said.

"This wasn't the first time you've had this?!" Aaron asked.

"This school stinks," Smolder said. "Dang."

"You called?" Dang asked, appearing next to the table, making everyone around the table scream.

"Seriously, how does he do that?" Smolder asked.

"It's a very complicated trick," Dang said, sitting on the table. "It took me years to perfect it." Aaron then took his plate and dumped the mystery meat into the nearby trash can.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Paul asked.

"Meh, I'm sure when he gets home, he'll get something from the fridge at home and eat it," Smolder said. She then took another bite and then spat it back onto the plate. "Worst... lunch... ever." She then got up and did the same as what Aaron did. Dump the remaining meat into the trash can.

Chapter 3: First Week at the Worst School in Florida

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Chapter 3: First Week at the Worst School in Florida

Aaron and Smolder were waiting on a bench for their ride. Aaron was working on his homework and Smolder was sitting on the bench, her arms crossed.

"This school sucks more than when Twilight wanted the School of Friendship to follow the rules of the EEA when it first opened," Smolder said.

"It was just the first day," Aaron said. "Sure, the food's not so good, but we can always report it to the President. He can get us in touch with the Secretary of Education and they'll send someone here to check it out."

"I don't know if they'll come immediately," Smolder said. "I heard that things like this would take time until something conclusive."

"Where did you hear that?" Aaron asked.

"I overheard it from that cop that's dating your aunt," Smolder said. "Speaking of which, here he comes in his police car." The two saw the police car coming up to the curb.

"Alright, you two," Liam said. "Aaron, your aunt asked me to pick you two up. Get in." Aaron and Smolder headed for the car after Aaron put his stuff into his backpack. Aaron and Smolder then got into the car and they drove off. "Alright, kids. Your aunt Marissa isn't going to be home until dinner, so I'm watching you until she gets home."

"You're not gonna be like those boyfriends of a single parent and be like sending the kids to military schools for bad kids, are you?" Smolder asked.

"No," Liam said. "Besides, I'm not gonna be a bad adult like in those movies. Or your birth father. Yes, your aunt told me about how you ended up with her. I still can't believe your father never wanted you."

"I understood it," Aaron said. "I still can't believe my dad wanted me gone." He then sighed. "I just hope I don't end up like him."

"I can assure that nothing bad is going to happen," Liam said.

Aaron and Smolder were in Smolder's apartment, working on their homework. Both of them were in dragon form. Smolder was getting angry about the messed up day from the worst day of school. Smolder then blew smoke from her nose.

"Whoa, Smolder," Aaron said. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry," Smolder said. "I'm just really upset at these rules that are in this book." She pulled the rule book from her backpack and opened it to a page. "Check this out. 'Rule 44: Any art work on school property is considered vandalism and all art supplies must be confiscated and destroyed'."

"What?!" Aaron said, taking the rule book. He then read what else was on that rule. "'If it's art supplies or any art on a computer, it'll all be taken away and thrown into a...' bucket of acid. Wait a minute." Aaron then changed back into his human form and headed outside. There, he saw Liam washing his police car in the driveway connected to Smolder's apartment. "Hey, Liam."

"Yes?" Liam asked.

"I'm reading these rules from my school," Aaron said. "And these rules seem to be a little... unfair."

"Let me see them," Liam said. Aaron then gave Liam the rule book. Liam checked out the rule book's rules. "Huh. Some of these rules are really unfair. In fact, I believe some of them are illegal."

"So, are you gonna check it out?" Aaron said.

"I might as well," Liam said. "I'll find out what's going on down there. I'll see what dirt I can find on him."

Friday afternoon, after school, Liam was getting out of the car, and walked up to Aaron.

"Well, I found no dirt on him," Liam said. "And everyone who saw me come out of his office all ran away in fear. And I don't understand why."

"Because you came out of the office without pants on," Aaron said. Liam looked down and saw that he's only in his police uniform top, belt and holster, shoes, and boxers. He then yelped and got back in his car.

"I'm just gonna... head back to the school and pick up my pants," Liam said. He then started his car and drove out of the driveway. Aaron then went into the house and there was Ocellus helping Smolder with her homework.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "All of this homework is too much. Even for the first week of school."

"I know, right?" Smolder asked. "It's really hard jamming so much knowledge into one head." She then pinched her snout, like she was getting a migraine. "I need a break."

"Whoa, Smolder," Aaron said. "You and Ocellus need to be careful when Liam's around. He almost came in."

"Guess we need to be more careful when your aunt's boyfriend comes over," Smolder said. "I heard his car leave. Why?"

"Apparently, he left the school without his pants," Aaron said. Smolder and Ocellus laughed.

"Seriously?" Ocellus asked. "How did that happen?"

"I have no idea," Aaron said. "Hopefully, one day, everything in this school of ours will go back to how it was before."

"I hope so," Smolder said. "Because these rules... stink."

"I agree with Smolder," Ocellus said, taking the rule book in her hooves. "These rules are almost like when we first attended the School of Friendship before Neighsay shut it down."

"Well, it was those bylaws of the EEA that Twilight was trying to follow that the school got shut down in the first place," Aaron said. "I'm gonna work on my homework."

Then Aaron started heading upstairs into his room. He got his books and started working on his homework.

Later that night, Aaron was asleep in his bed. But as he was asleep in his bed, the door was quietly opening. A figure in a cloak walked into Aaron's room and grabbed the rule book of Aaron and Smolder's school.

The figure snuck out of the house and headed out into the city, heading towards Aaron and Smolder's school. The figure then arrived there and it started reading the rule book.

The figure looked around the place and saw a window leading to the basement. The figure opened it and saw Dang sleeping on a cot in the basement, just under the window. The figure then jumped over Dang and headed for the door.

The figure then went into the principal's office and checked out the computer. The figure turned it on and saw that it needed a password to get in. The figure saw that the password was on a Post-It note on the screen saying that the password was PASSWORD. The cloaked figure scoffed and typed in the password. The figure then saw something. It was all the funding from the school and seeing the true reason why the funding was so low.

It was the afternoon of that Saturday. Marissa took Aaron and Smolder to a miniature golf course. Aaron was taking his turn on the fifteenth hole. Both him and Smolder were in human form. Aaron then took his shot and the golf ball headed for the hole, but the ball went off the rim of the hole.

"It's okay, Aaron," Marissa said. "So you've missed your par on that hole. It'll still get you a -1 on the card."

"Which is embarrassing since Smolder has gotten all hole-in-ones since we started," Aaron said. Smolder smirked like she did when she burnt Gallus's textbook.

"How did you get all holes-in-ones in this game?" Marissa asked, looking at Smolder.

"We had a similar game like this in the Dragon Lands," Smolder said. "Well, you've got to finish up." Aaron then groaned and headed for his ball. He then took the shot and got the Bogey.

"This was not my best," Aaron said. "I should stick to basketball."

"Oh, speaking of which, I've ordered a basketball hoop and backboard, and I have to go pick it up," Marissa said. "Your uncle Jerry might want to help set it up."

"Hopefully I can at least be 0 or in the negatives when I reach the final hole," Aaron said. Just then, his phone started ringing. He pulled out his phone and saw it was Liam Daniels. "Why is Liam calling me?" He then answered it. "Hello?"

"Aaron, you and Samantha better come down to your school," Liam said through the phone. "Something has come up revealing the real reason why the school funding is down."

Later, the three of them drove up to the school, seeing that the entire school was covered in graffiti, had posters all over the outside walls saying that the Principal was a liar, and the windows had purple slime covering the inside.

"What happened here?" Smolder asked.

Liam walked up to the three holding something in his hand. He then said, "You're about to find out." Just then, a Lamborghini pulled up and parked next to Marissa's car.

"What happened to my school?!" Principal O'Reilly asked angrily. He then looked down at Aaron and Smolder. "Did you two do this?!" He motioned a hand towards all the vandalism. "You two are expelled."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! This wasn't us," Aaron said.

"Yeah, we don't stoop that low unless it's a good cause," Smolder said. "And this wasn't our doing."

"Oh, don't you dare lie to me," Principal O'Reilly said. "You two have been nothing but trouble since you came here."

"Oh, really?" Liam asked. "I don't really think it was these two. But whoever did... left this on the door." He revealed a piece of paper showing something. "It seems to be most of the school funding being transferred... to your bank account."

"That would explain the Lamborghini," Aaron said.

"You've been embezzling from the school for years ever since you became principal here," Liam said. "You've also cut the funding from all of the extra curriculars and the sports and spent all the money just to pay for a mansion for you to live in." He then turned Principal O'Reilly around and started putting the handcuffs on the principal's wrists. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

"You can't do this to me!" Principal O'Reilly said. "All that money is mine to do with! Let me go!" Liam was pulling him towards the police car. Smolder ran over to the back door of the police car and opened it up. Principal O'Reilly was then shoved into the car. "This isn't over. Vice Principal Nettles will get me out." He then looked towards his right and saw Vice Principal Nettles in the back seat with him.

"I told you this was a bad idea," Vice Principal Nettles said.

"Oh, shut up," Principal O'Reilly said.

At home, Aaron and Smolder were watching the local news. Both were in Dragon form.

"It seems that the principal and vice principal of a middle school, Summer Valley Middle School, have both been arrested for embezzling. And the school board will be hiring a new principal to replace Principal Sherman O'Reilly, and for a week, the school will be closed."

Just then, the TV was shut off. Aaron and Smolder looked and saw Marissa holding the remote. Marissa then said, "Alright, you two. Bed time."

"Well, at least we won't be going to school on Monday," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "I can't believe that the Principal was behind the school funding being low. Dang." Just then, there was a knocking at the door. Aaron and Smolder quickly changed into their human forms as Marissa walked towards the front door. She opened it, and on the other side of the door was Dang.

"You called?!" Dang asked.

"Who are you?" Marissa asked.

"Aunt Marissa, that's Dang," Aaron said. "He's a really... gifted janitor."

"I wouldn't call it a gift," Dang said. He then appeared on the couch, laying on it. "I learned this trick from my master in Vietnam." Aaron, Smolder and Marissa screamed at Dang being on the couch in an instant. "Although, I wonder why everyone screams when I do that trick."

"Maybe when you say your own name, you'll understand," Smolder said.

"Why would I do that?" Dang asked. "I'd be insulted, but dang..."

"I called?" Dang's voice came from the kitchen area, making Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Dang, who was still on the couch, scream. The Dang in the kitchen was cleaning the kitchen counter and smiling.

"Okay, I see your point," Dang said. "Well, I'll see you a week after Monday."

"Alright," Marissa said, walking towards the door. "You should head on..." She turned around before opening the door to look at Dang, but he was gone. "How does he do that?"

"I swear, he's almost like Pinkie Pie," Smolder said. Just then, Dang returned.

"I almost forgot," Dang said, making Aaron, Smolder and Marissa scream again. "After Principal O'Reilly and Vice Principal Nettles were arrested, I started cleaning the school. And I found this." He then showed them a long, blue feather with a yellow tip. "Strange. I've seen a lot of strange birds in Vietnam, but I've never seen a bird with this color. But, since you two have been good at the school, I thought you two should have it. Well, I gotta go." He then vanished.

Aaron then inspected the feather. He and Smolder then looked at each other and said in unison, "Gallus."

"Well, he was a good friend to you two," Marissa said.

"Yes, I was," came Gallus's voice. The three of them looked towards the stairs and saw Gallus, in Griffon form, coming down. "I wanted to surprise you guys with a visit and breakfast, but..." He then yawned. "I've been up... all night... messing up the school, and exposing the Principal and Vice Principal for embezzling from the school."

"You sly griffon," Aaron said, changing back into his dragon form. He flew over to Gallus, got the griffon in a head lock, and noogied Gallus's head. "You've actually just saved our school."

"But that doesn't change anything yet," Marissa said. "All the money was still stolen. It'll be a matter of time before the school gets up and running to its original state."

"She's right about that," Gallus said. "I bet even Princess Twilight will agree." He then yawned.

"We'll think about it some other time," Marissa said. "Right now, you three, bed. Gallus, you don't mind sleeping on the couch, do you?"

"Meh, it's just one night," Gallus said, heading for the couch. "Any soft thing is better than where I was living in Griffonstone. I bet I can..." He then passed out on the couch, snoring.

"Wow, he was really tired," Aaron said. Then Aaron started going upstairs. Smolder then went to her apartment and changed into her dragon form before closing the door. Marissa then turned off the lights downstairs, and then followed Aaron upstairs, heading to her bedroom.

Chapter 4: Garble Visits

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Chapter 4: Garble Visits

Aaron and Smolder were playing on the Pool Table that they won from the game show they competed in. Smolder was about to take her turn. Smolder was in her dragon form.

"So you think we'll have a new principal soon?" Smolder asked.

"Hopefully," Aaron said. "Hopefully this one will get rid of all those unfair rules."

"I know, right?" Smolder asked. "It was already the first week of school and former Principal O'Reilly tried expelling us. Right before he got arrested."

"Liam told me that before he was arrested for embezzling, he's also been rigging the state tests since he started," Aaron said. He then walked away. "I'll be right back." He then put his pool cue on the holder. Smolder rolled her eyes. She then took her shot and she hit the cue ball and it headed towards the orange striped ball and it went into the corner pocket.

"Yes!" Smolder said.

"Nice shot," came a voice from behind her. She turned around and there was her older brother, Garble. "Hey, sis!"

"Gar-Gar?!" Smolder asked. She then dropped her pool cue and ran up to Garble and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't visit my sister?" Garble asked. He then noogied Smolder.

"Gar-Gar! Stop it!" Smolder said, laughing. Just then, Aaron came out of the bathroom and saw the two.

"Whoa! Garble?" Aaron asked. "What brings you here?"

"I thought I'd pay my sister a surprise visit," Garble said. "I thought you two would be in school and surprise you when you got home."

"Yeah, school is temporarily closed," Aaron said.

"Both the Principal and Vice Principal were arrested for embezzling and rigging state tests for years," Smolder said.

"Whoa," Garble said. "Okay. That's nuts."

"You know it," Aaron said. He then changed into his dragon form.

"Still can't get used to you two changing forms like that," Garble said. "I know that dragons don't really exist in this world, but this is still kinda freaky."

"Meh, we're getting used to it," Smolder said. "But unless we're here in the house, in private somewhere, or in Equestria, we'll have to be human."

"Huh," Garble said. "Kinda weird." He then looked at Aaron. "And I still can't believe my little sister is dating a human turned dragon, who became a legend to the Dragon Lands by the way."

"A legend?" Aaron asked. "All I did was get up to his size and threw him at an upcoming nuclear missile that was aimed right towards us."

"Yeah, but dude, that was awesome," Garble said, patting Aaron's back, knocking him down to the floor. "Whoops. Sorry."

"I still can't believe that the two of you are related," Aaron said.

"What do you mean?" Smolder asked.

"Ever since you started attending the School of Friendship, you've never actually said your brother's name until you, Spike and Fluttershy all headed towards the Dragon Lands together," Aaron said.

"Really?" Smolder asked. She then thought of something. She was remembering all the times she was talking about Garble, but never said his name around the Mane 6 or Spike. She then smacked her head and said, "Guess I really should've said something sooner, huh?"

"No wonder Spike was surprised when he found out that day," Garble said.

"I guess that was on me," Smolder said. Just then, they heard a car pulling up. Aaron and Smolder flew over to a window that was over the staircase and they saw Marissa's car pulling up. "Looks like your aunt is home, Aaron."

"His aunt?" Garble asked. "What happened to his parents?"

Aaron landed and transformed back into his human form and Smolder explained, "Aaron's father didn't want kids. Aaron's mother left him with her sister the same night Aaron's father killed her. Then he was killed by police officers he wanted to kill so there wouldn't be any witnesses."

"Wow," Garble said. "Good mother, awful father. At least Aaron wasn't taken to Equestria when he was a hatchling."

"He wouldn't even know where he came from," Smolder said. "Or immediately drained of life from Ragnarok."

"Good point," Garble said. He then hovered over to the window and saw both Aaron and Marissa getting something out of the back of the car. "What is that they're bringing out of that thing?"

"Must be something for that sport that Aaron wants to play," Smolder said. She then noticed that Garble wasn't wearing a medallion. "Where's that medallion you're supposed to wear? The one that makes you blend in while you're here?"

"Oh, they didn't have one prepared for me," Garble said.

"They had one in Yona's neck size," Smolder said. "It'll fit you."

"Oh, well, I..." Garble said, trying to come up with an excuse.

"You didn't find any, did you?" Smolder asked.

"I didn't even know about them until now," Garble said. Smolder groaned and face-palmed. She then headed downstairs.

Aaron was setting up the Basketball backboard in the living room. Luckily, the backboard came with the proper tools to set it up. Smolder and Garble came in from Smolder's apartment, both in human form. Garble was wearing a red and yellow striped shirt, dark red pants, and red and black shoes.

"I see you're setting up that thing," Smolder said. "What do you call it again?"

"It's a basketball backboard," Aaron said. "Might as well get some practice in time for Basketball season at school."

"Good thinking," Garble said. "Better stay fit."

"Oh, yeah, I remember this," Smolder said. "It's that sport that was being played in the movie, Hatching Pete. Although, where are you gonna hang this?"

Then Marissa came downstairs, saying, "The basketball hoop and backboard will be set up over the garage. The garage that's connected to our part of the house, not Smolder's part."

"Well there's a lot more room on your driveway than mine," Smolder said. "Well, who are we gonna get to set it up?"

"I'll find someone," Marissa said. "I'm sure it'll take some time. Well, until then, who's hungry?"

"What's cookin'?" Garble asked.

"Sorry about my brother, Marissa," Smolder said. "He's usually... I'm gonna stop myself there."

"He's been rough in every episode he was in until we found out he was a closet beat poet," Aaron said.

"You told him?" Garble asked, looking at Smolder, angrily.

"I didn't have to," Smolder said. "Nearly every adventure that Twilight and her friends had were on a TV show. It was the day that you helped save the dragon eggs with your beat poetry that changed your appearance in the show."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Garble said. "But, I'm still upset that someone like him knows about my secret beat poetry." He then smirked. "And I bet he'll be interested in you..."

"He already knows of it, too," Smolder said.

"Oh, really?" Garble asked. Smolder nodded. "Dang it."

That evening, a couple of pizza boxes from Marco's Pizza were placed on the kitchen table. One was a meat lover's, and one was plain cheese. Aaron and Smolder reached for the meat lover's pizza.

"You're seriously eating that?" Garble asked, looking at his sister.

"Well, I kinda have to," Smolder said. "When I came here with Aaron, both our DNA got mixed up. Making both of us half-human, half-dragon. So that means, I have to eat meat."

"Guess that makes sense," Garble said.

"So, how are things back in the Dragon Lands?" Smolder asked.

"Pretty good, actually," Garble said. "Especially with the dragons making a statue of him." Garble pointed a claw at Aaron.

"Seriously?" Aaron asked. "They're making a statue of me in the Dragon Lands?"

"Dude, you're now a legend," Garble said. "You saved both our worlds from this world's government, and vanquished Ragnarok the Reaper on the same day."

"I'm surprised that Aaron became that famous in the Dragon Lands," Marissa said. "Even though he hasn't been there before." She then looked towards Aaron and Smolder. "You haven't been to the Dragon Lands, have you?"

"Not really," Aaron said.

"I was actually thinking of showing him the Dragon Lands before Twilight and Starswirl had come up with a way to get Aaron back here," Smolder said.

"Well, I don't know if it's safe for you to be in a place full of lava," Marissa said.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Garble said. "Dragons are able to go into pools of lava like it's a hot tub."

"Oh, right," Marissa said. "I forgot about that. Well, all of you, eat up." She then noticed that Garble had brought some gems from Equestria with him. "Are those... jewels?"

"Gems, actually," Garble said. "Dragons can bite into them like rock candy." He then looked towards Aaron. "Have you tried eating gems while you were in Equestria?"

"Actually, yeah," Aaron said. "Smolder actually brought me some gemstones to try when I was there. They actually tasted like candy."

"Right?" Smolder asked. "To those who are dragons, when you taste a gemstone, it'll make the gemstones taste like fruit candy. Kinda like those Skittles candy."

"Well, I guess it's been nice seeing you again, Smolder," Garble said. "But, I've gotta head on home." Garble took a couple slices of cheese pizza and put them on a paper plate.

"You're not staying the night?" Smolder asked.

"Nah, I've got work to do tomorrow," Garble said. "I just wanted to see how well my little sister is doing here." He then tapped the medallion and changed back into his real self. "It might be a while since I'll see you. Bye." He then headed out of the kitchen area, headed into Smolder's apartment, and went through the mirror.

"I'm surprised he came all this way just to see you," Aaron said.

"Me, too," Smolder said. She then sighed. "Kinda wish he'd stay longer though."

"Guess it's hard being away from your family like that," Aaron said. "I understand why you took some days off from school to visit him."

"Yeah, well, at least Spike and Fluttershy went there to help out with him being down," Smolder said.

"And that was Fluttershy's first time in the Dragon Lands," Aaron said. "And she used to be afraid of the bigger dragons."

"Well, I'm gonna go find someone to set up that basketball hoop," Marissa said. "Hopefully, I can find someone on the internet that's close by."

Eventually, the three of them finished their pizza. The slices they didn't finish, they put in the refrigerator. Well, Smolder took some slices to her fridge in her apartment. Eventually, they all went to bed. Soon, the two young human-dragon hybrids will be back in school as soon as they get a new principal.

Chapter 5: The Harlem Globetrotters

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Chapter 5: The Harlem Globetrotters

Aaron was practicing some basketball skills on the newly installed basketball hoop and backboard that's over the garage connected to his and his aunt's part of the house. Smolder came out of her apartment, along with Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus and Yona, all of them in human form.

"Hey, Aaron," Sandbar said.

Aaron looked towards the group and smiled. "Hey, guys. What are you all doing here?"

"Gallus told us about what happened at your school," Silverstream said. "We thought we'd come and see how you're doing."

"Well, Smolder and I are doing fine," Aaron said. "I'm just getting some practice in before basketball season starts." He then shot the basketball and it went into the hoop. What they didn't see was a bus pulling up.

"Nice shot," Gallus said as the ball headed for him. "Mind if I take in some shots?"

"Go for it," Aaron said. Gallus then took the shot. The ball went off the backboard and started spiraling across the rim. But then the ball went out of the rim, and headed towards Sandbar. But then a black man in a basketball uniform that had red, white, blue and yellow jumped over Sandbar and took the ball. The jersey the man was wearing had the words Harlem Globetrotters, and the number 5 on it.


"'Sup, little guys," the man in the jersey said. "Mind if we get in on the action, too?" He then passed the ball to another guy in a uniform that was like his, except he had the number 32. "Comin' to you, Jet."

"Thanks, Bulldog," said the player with the number 32 on his jersey, going by the name, Jet. He then started dribbling the ball. Gallus then tried getting the ball.

"Who said you can come in and take our ball?" Gallus said, trying to take the ball. Jet then threw the ball up and balanced it on his back.

"I don't have the ball," Jet said. "You got the ball, Bulldog?" He then passed the ball to Bulldog, who caught it and started spinning it on his finger.

"Nope, I don't have it," Bulldog responded. "How 'bout you, Spider?" He then tossed the ball towards the basket, but another black man with another uniform similar to the other two was standing on top of the garage. His number was 42.

"Slam dunk, coming in!" the man known as Spider said before jumping off and slam dunking the ball into the basket.

"Okay... that was cool," Gallus said.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "These guys are amazing."

"I've never seen anything like that," Yona said.

"No way!" Aaron said. "They're the Harlem Globetrotters!"

"Nice of us to see a fan," Bulldog said. "Especially when we came into his driveway."

"Oh, yeah, I heard of these guys," Sandbar said. "These guys are famous performers on the basketball court. They usually face off against a team called the Washington Generals. They haven't won a game against the Globetrotters for over fifty years."

"You've done your research," Bulldog said.

"Actually, I've looked you up," Aaron said. Just then, his phone started ringing. He checked the caller and saw it was his aunt. He then answered it. "Hey, Aunt Marissa. Oh, you are not going to believe who's at the house." He waited a while until after Marissa asked who Aaron was talking about. "Three of the Harlem Globetrotters. No I am not kidding."

Later, Aaron, the Young 6, Marissa and the three Harlem Globetrotters were all in the kitchen area, all having spaghetti. The Globetrotters were enjoying the meal.

"Nothing beats hunger like a good, home-cooked meal," Spider said.

"You said it, Spider," Bulldog said.

"So, what brings you Globetrotters to Orlando?" Marissa asked.

"Well, we've been working so hard on our yearly tours, we've decided to take a break for two weeks," Bulldog said. "Although, the Washington Generals couldn't be any happier that we were taking a break."

"Yeah, they didn't want to be embarrassed again," Jet said. "Although, it would be nice to help out with any place that needs help with raising money."

"Speaking of which," Smolder said. "Marissa, did you get a call from the school about trying to raise funding and how much it needs to get back on track?"

"I have," Marissa said. "But it's not going to be good. There have been many donations that the school has got back. But for the school to be back up to its former glory is to gain another... fifty thousand dollars."

"Fifty thousand dollars?" Silverstream asked. "How's the school going to get that kind of money?"

"It's not gonna be easy," Aaron said. "It might not be as easy as it might be."

"Perhaps we can help," Bulldog said. "We can host a scrimmage game to raise money for your school."

"Yeah, but... who are we gonna play?" Spider asked. Marissa looked at Aaron and the Young 6 and smirked. The seven of them then got the same idea.

"I think we can do something like that," Aaron said. He then changed into his dragon form.

"Whoa!" Bulldog said, standing up from his seat. Spider and Jet pointed their forks towards Aaron. "Okay. Miss Blazer, I think your spaghetti is making us hallucinate."

"Oh, you're not hallucinating," Marissa said. "My nephew just changed into a dragon. His friends here aren't really from this world. Remember the incident outside of Las Vegas during the summer?"

"Oh, I know of that," Spider said. "You're the dragon that threw that other dragon at that nuke."

"That's right," Aaron said. "And these guys... are my friends." Then the Young Six changed into their real forms.

"No... way!" Bulldog said. "You're all characters from the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." He then got an idea. "Oh, I getcha! If we play a basketball game with these guys, that'll surely draw a crowd in. And that crowd will bring in lots of money to help save the school."

"Oh, yeah," Gallus said. "We're famous in this world. People would pay big money to watch a game with us."

"But there's one problem," Smolder said. "We don't know how to play Basketball."

"I do," Aaron said. "But since it's gonna be a game, you all are gonna have to play."

"I can teach you guys to play," Jet said.

"Really, Jet?" Bulldog asked.

"Of course," Jet said. "Although, with most of them flying, it'll give them an unfair advantage."

"I might have to ask Princess Twilight about that," Gallus said. "In the meantime, how do we play basketball?"

"Well, we're gonna need a basketball court to show you all the basics," Jet said. "Bulldog, why not get some of our other teammates a call and tell 'em we've got a special game to play?"

"You got it, Jet," Bulldog said, pulling out his cell phone.

"This'll be something nobody wants to miss," Aaron said, the Young 6 nodding.

The next day, Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus walked into a local community center, where they'll be practicing basketball. Jet walked up to the five. All of them were in human form.

"So, this is the whole team who's playing, huh?" Jet asked.

"Yeah, Yona and Sandbar went back to Equestria to talk with Princess Twilight about something," Smolder asked. "Besides..." She then changed back into her dragon form and unfolded her wings. "We might cheat by having these."

"Look at what we got here," came a woman's voice. The group looked towards the voice and saw a black woman wearing a Harlem Globetrotter's jersey and shorts, the number on the jersey being number 18. She was walking over with a black man, also wearing a Globetrotter's jersey and shorts, with the number 11 on it. "We're actually playing against characters from an animated TV show."

"Hey, it's TNT Lister and Cheese Chisholm," Aaron said.

"I thought we could practice your game," Jet said. "Aaron, you said you've played basketball before?"

"That's right," Aaron said. "I've always wanted to actually play in an official basketball game, but I never got the chance to play."

"Let's see what you got," Jet said. He then tossed a Harlem Globetrotter's Game Ball and Aaron started dribbling the ball. "TNT, you wanna give him a little pressure?"

"You got it, Jet," TNT said, getting into a defensive position.

"Okay here's how it goes," Jet said. "When you have the ball, you have to keep bouncing the ball whenever you move. You carry the ball while moving, you'll be travelling, and the other team gets the ball. If you stopped bouncing the ball, you cannot bounce it again. Or else you'll be double dribbling and the other team will get the ball. You also have to stay inside the large rectangle. If the ball goes out of the rectangle, it's out of bounds, and the ball goes to the opposing team of the last player who touched it. And lastly, when you bring the ball to the side of the court with the basket you're supposed to score in, you cannot bring the ball back across the half-court. It's called backcourting, which will be another way for the opposing team to get the ball."

"Okay, so that's the rules, huh?" Gallus asked. "Sounds simple enough."

"Of course, there are also the fouls," Jet said. "Personal, flagrant and technical. Personal fouls are given if you are grabbing and pushing your opponent. Flagrant is when you make violent contact or dangerous, non-basketball plays. And technical fouls are caused when a player is yelling at the ref or another player unsportsmanlike. So, whenever you're being fouled on by an opponent, you'll get a chance to throw one or two shots, depending if you make a basket or not. Aaron, why not show them a foul shot?"

"Alright," Aaron said. He then walked towards the foul line.

The Globetrotters there set up for a foul shot with Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus. On Aaron's right side, from closest to furthest was Smolder, TNT and Ocellus. On the left, Gallus, Cheese and Silverstream. The Equestrians were in their normal forms. Jet had the ball ready.

"Whenever you're making the shot, you cannot cross the line," Jet said, explaining to the Equestrians. "And whenever you're on the outside lines, you cannot cross the line until the ball hits the rim or the backboard of the last foul shot. That's when you go for the ball if the shooter misses. Each foul shot made is worth one point."

"One point?" Smolder asked. "Do we get points from shooting from certain areas?"

"That's right, dragon girl," Jet said. "You only get one point from foul shots made. Whenever a foul is no longer in motion, you'll be able to make two points..." He then pointed at the long, circular line around the basket. "...within this line. Any shot made from beyond that line is a three-point shot."

"Cool," Gallus said.

"Yeah, but we're the Globetrotters," Cheese said. "Sometimes, we go further than just three-point shots. Aaron, hand Jet the ball." Aaron then passed the ball to Jet, who took it. They all watched where Jet was taking the ball.

"Here's a four-point shot," Jet said. He then took the shot and it went into the basket.

"Whoa," Ocellus said. "That's awesome."

"The Globetrotters always wanna show off their skills," Aaron said. "How about we move onto offensive and defensive positions?"

"Good thinking," Jet said. "Whenever you're on offense, you'll only have a short amount of time inside this box." He pointed at the rectangle under the basket. "If you go how much time in the box, the ball goes to the other team."

"Okay, so we can't be in the box for a certain amount of time with the ball," Silverstream said. "Gotcha."

"And as for your positions, you're gonna have to come up with your own positions on your own," Jet said. "As long as you get your proper positions, you'll be fine."

At Aaron and Smolder's home, Marissa, along with Rarity, were taking the measurements for Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus for their basketball uniforms and jerseys. Rainbow Dash was there as well, checking the rules of basketball.

"Wow," Rainbow Dash said. "These are interesting rules to this game."

"Indeed," Rarity said, measuring Gallus. "But this is one game that must bring a lot of money to save the school that Aaron and Smolder now attend."

"Why was the school in trouble in the first place?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It turns out that the Principal and Vice Principal were embezzling from the school for years," Aaron said. "Gallus was the one who got them busted by sneaking into the school."

"I still can't believe we're doing this," Marissa said, sewing a jersey with Silverstream's name on the back, which had wing holes and the number 17 on the back. "This is actually the first time that I've been making clothes for creatures that are usually mythical here."

"Aaron told us that you used to work for a company that sold dog clothes and the owner didn't want you to leave," Ocellus said.

"She was the worst boss I have ever had," Marissa said. "But no matter. Blazing Fashion is gonna make it big."

"Blazing Fashion?" Rarity asked. "Is that the name of your fashion line?"

"Well, it makes sense since it's similar to my last name," Marissa said.

Rarity thought about it and said, "Oh, I guess I see your point. And I'm guessing you're making different types of clothing in your company?"

"Oh, yes," Marissa said. "Casual, athletic and formal."

"Speaking of which," Rarity said. She then pulled out something from a bag she brought. "Smolder, I thought you'd like a memento of something you did during your days at the School of Friendship." She levitated Smolder's old cheerleading outfit.

"My cheerleading outfit?" Smolder asked.

"I still can't believe you had that, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, none of the new dragon students were the same size as Smolder is," Rarity said.

"So, when's the big game?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Just then, the news came on the TV, and everyone watched.

"This just in, the Harlem Globetrotters are going to have a five-on-five game with characters you would not believe." Then an image of Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus appeared on the screen. "That's right, folks. The Harlem Globetrotters are going to face four of the Young 6 from the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and the jade dragon that saved both our world and their world from an evil dragon. You better get your tickets soon, because this game is going to happen this Saturday night."

"Saturday night, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, we got two days until then."

"That's right, darling," Rarity said. "So we better get this done as soon as possible."

"Well, the people of this world don't know that Aaron here is the jade dragon," Smolder said. "So we can't put his name on the back of his jersey."

"Way ahead of you," Marissa said, holding up a jersey. All the jerseys were purple with light blue outlines, and white letters and numbers. The back of Aaron's jersey had the number 1 on it, and the words, JADE FURY, over the number."

"Whoa," Aaron said. "Jade Fury. I guess that'll work."

"Alright, all the measurements are done," Rarity said. "I hope you're all ready for that game this Saturday."

"Well, our friends will be coming in to see this game," Rainbow Dash said. "Sandbar will be handling your hydration and towel needs."

"Well, we better call it a night," Marissa said, looking at the clock.

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Luckily, I got some time off of Royal Guard training for this basketball game."

"Let's head up, Gallus," Aaron said.

"Alright," Gallus said. Then they headed over to where they were going to sleep. Except for Rainbow Dash and Rarity. They headed back to Equestria.

At Amway Center on Saturday night, a lot of people showed up. A lot of people were wearing Harlem Globetrotter memorabilia and some had some MLP G4 Merchandise.

In one box, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were looking down at the court. They couldn't hear what was going on out there. Just then, a woman walked into the room.

"It might be better to watch with the Television on," the woman said, turning on the TV with a remote. The five ponies and young drake looked towards the voice and there stood five women. These five women voiced the Mane 6 and Spike; Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St Germain and Cathy Weseluck.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm certain you all know that there's a show based on your adventures," Tara Strong said. "My name is Tara Strong. And I voice one certain known character in the show. In fact, we all are in the show."

"Indeed," Andrea Libman said. "I play two of the main characters, which you all are. Rainbow Dash is also one of the main characters."

"Because we all are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony," Twilight said.

"And it was when Twilight was assigned to look over the Summer Sun Celebration that Nightmare Moon returned that was the series premiere," Rarity said. "The six of us, along with Spike, are the main characters."

"That's right," Tabitha St Germain said. She then used the voice of Rarity. "After all, we all we know you almost as much as you know each other."

"My goodness!" Rarity said, covering her mouth in shock. "You voice me in the show?!" She then remembered the cast. "You're Tabitha St Germain."

"That's right," Tabitha said. "I also voice other characters in the show. Mostly recurring characters. Such as Mrs Cake, Pound Cake, Princess Luna, even Flurry Heart."

"WHAT?!" Twilight asked. "You voiced my niece?!"

"She was only in a few episodes," Tabitha said. "You should check out Andrea."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked. "Who does she voice?"

"Well for one thing," Andrea said. She then changed her voice. "Hey, everypony! Who's ready to party?!"

Pinkie Pie gasped and asked, "You play me?!" She then thought of something. "And Fluttershy?!"

"So, I see you've seen the whole cast," Ashleigh Ball said. Then she changed her voice. "Kinda makes you feel a little more surprise in your voice."

"Hoowee," Applejack said. "She must be Ashleigh Ball, the voice o' me and Rainbow Dash."

"Sure am, sugarcube," Ashleigh said.

Twilight then looked towards the last two actresses and asked, "And I'm guessing you two play me and Spike?" Tara and Cathy nodded.

"Why is my voice actor a woman?" Spike asked.

"It's very hard finding certain young actors to play someone like you," Cathy Weseluck said, using her Spike voice.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," Spike said. "Hearing it from my own voice." Just then, the lights went out over the court. The group looked out onto the court from the glass as the Television announced something.

"And now, everyone, the main event! The Harlem Globetrotters... versus... the Equestria Uniters!" An image of the Harlem Globetrotters and Aaron, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus and Silverstream appeared on the screen.

On the court, Aaron, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus and Silverstream walked towards the Harlem Globetrotters, who were all five of the Globetrotters they met. Bulldog, Spider, Jet, TNT and Cheese. They all shook hands, hooves and claws with each other.

"Good luck out there," Bulldog said.

"This is for my school," Aaron said. "Let's make it good." The two nodded and went back to their sitting areas.

"Okay, you all," Rainbow Dash said. "Win or lose, let's make this a great game."

"First half, we'll be shooting at the basket over there," Aaron said, pointing at the basket on the side where the Globetrotters were sitting. "Second half, this basket." He pointed towards the basket close to them. "Four quarters, one game, and a lot of people wanting to see this."

"Oh, I almost forgot," Rainbow Dash said. She then pulled out a small sack. "Twilight made these for all of you." She then pulled out a medallion. "These medallions are able to cancel your flight. Basically, you won't be able to even unfold your wings."

"Good," Aaron said. "It'll give us a fair game with the Harlem Globetrotters. Although, we're gonna have to watch out for Spider."

"Why do they call him Spider?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then looked towards the Globetrotters and was surprised at something. "Oh, never mind. Figured it out." They all looked towards where Rainbow was looking and they saw Spider sitting on the basketball hoop on the other side of the court.

"Okay, now he's just showing off," Gallus said.

"Silverstream, you're the tallest," Aaron said. "You're jumping for the ball."

"I won't let you down," Silverstream said. Then a referee blew his whistle. That was their cue to head out to the center of the court. Silverstream then got in the circle in the middle of the court with the referee and Bulldog.

"Good luck, Silverstream," Bulldog said.

"You, too," Silverstream said. The referee held the ball out and the two tapped the ball. Then the referee tossed it up into the air and the two players jumped. Silverstream then tried hitting the ball towards one of her teammates, but Bulldog got the upper hand and smacked the ball towards TNT. TNT dribbled the ball towards the basket, which Smolder tried getting on the defense against her, but TNT passed the ball towards Cheese, who took the ball and dunked it into the basket.

"Whoo!" Cheese called out. "That's how it's done!"

Smolder got a little angry and said, "Oh, it's on."

Time had passed in the game and the first half was coming to an end with the Globetrotters ahead, 62-28. Ocellus had the ball and she sat on her flanks, but she was being blocked by Bulldog and Jet. She then passed the ball towards Aaron, who took it. TNT and Bulldog tried running towards him, but he took the shot from behind the three-point line, it going in right before Spider could even grab onto the hoop and climb up it. Then the buzzer went off, signalling half-time. The ref took the ball and both teams went back to their seats.

"Okay," Rainbow Dash said. "That was an interesting first half. Especially on that last shot, Aaron. I can't believe you made that shot on this court."

"Dragon's are stronger than humans," Aaron said. "Even Smolder found that out on her first day here."

"It's true," Smolder said, tilting her head and nodding. Sandbar handed towels off to his friends, along with some drinking bottles.

"I still can't believe how many people showed up to this game," Ocellus said.

"A lot of people are fans of the show," Aaron said. He then saw a bunch of fans coming closer to them. Some of them were asking for autographs, some were wanting to hug them.

"Wow," Smolder said. "They really love us."

"Excuse me," one teenage girl said. "Is it cool if we get a picture with these guys?" She then handed Aaron her phone.

"Of course," Aaron said. "Would you like Yona in on this?" The teenage girl nodded. "Hey, Yona! Come in for a picture!" Then Yona came out of the tunnel and got in a line with the rest of the Young 6. "Okay, everyone." Aaron got out a stylus and turned on the girl's phone and put it in camera mode. "Smile." All of them smiled and Aaron took their picture. He then handed the girl the photo. Aaron then went over towards the merchandising area. One of the men working the area saw Aaron coming up to him. "How are we doing?"

"Pretty good," the man said. "We're only short another 2,000 dollars, but with how much we're selling, I think we're gonna make it."

"That's good," Aaron said. He then turned around and Twilight Sparkle teleported in front of him. "Whoa! You almost made me change into my human self."

"Sorry," Twilight said. Then the two started walking towards the other side of the court. "I still can't believe how well you guys are doing. Even though you got half their score on the board."

"We've just about gotten the school saved," Aaron said. "We're just gonna finish this game, give out more autographs, and we'll be done."

"At least you guys are doing this for a good cause," Twilight said. "I bet you're getting more fame in this game than when we've all taken on Ragnarok."

"That was for my home and my friends," Aaron said. "This is for a good cause." He then noticed the clock. "Time for us to get back on the court." Twilight nodded and teleported away.

The game continued until the fourth quarter. There were 20 seconds left on the clock, and the Harlem Globetrotters had 100 points while Aaron and the others were down by five. The group were all in their final time-out.

"Okay, you all," Rainbow Dash said. "Down by five, but we're gonna have to make this game count. We've made a comeback in the second half, but hey, it's not about winning or losing."

"Still, I wanna try and make this a win," Gallus said. "Is it possible to do a six point shot?"

"The Globetrotters have tried, but they don't always make it," Aaron said. He then saw the score. "But the best thing we can do is make a 4 point shot. If we make it, at least we'll lose with style."

"True dat," Rainbow Dash said. "Hooves and claws in." Then they all put their hooves and claws in. "Friendship on three. One, two, three..."

"Friendship!" the six of them called out. Then the players all went out to the court. Smolder was holding the ball on the other side of the court, away from their basket, with Aaron getting ready to intercept. She then passed the ball to Aaron and the two headed down the court. Bulldog and Cheese were up front, getting ready to block the two coming down. Aaron then passed the ball towards Gallus who took it and bounced the ball. Spider tried getting the ball, but Gallus passed the ball towards Ocellus, who faked a shot, which TNT fell for. Ocellus then passed the ball to Silverstream, who then passed it to Smolder, and then passed it back towards Aaron, who was near the half court line. He then shot the ball, heading towards the basket. The ball hit the backboard, went towards the rim, and spun around like a top just as the buzzer went off.

The ball kept spinning in the rim. Everyone was watching until the ball went into the basket. The referee blew his whistle. Then all of the players started celebrating, and the crowd joined in.

"That... was awesome!" Gallus said.

"You said it, Gallus," Spider said. Then all of them came together and put their hands, hooves and claws in.

"I can't believe you did that," Jet said.

"You kidding?" Aaron said. "Now that's how you lose a basketball game." Then all of them laughed.

Later that night, Aaron and the Young 6 were all asleep in the living room of Aaron and Marissa's apartment, too tired to even get to Aaron's room or Smolder's apartment.

Marissa smiled at that, went over towards Aaron, who was still in dragon form, and kissed him goodnight. She then said, "You did great, Aaron." She then headed towards the stairs. "Your school's budget is back on track. Enjoy your sleep." She then went upstairs so she could go to sleep.

Chapter 6: Back to School

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Chapter 6: Back to School

Marissa was dropping off Aaron and Smolder at their school, which was back in session. Aaron and Smolder were in their human form. As they went in, everyone got an announcement.

"All students, report to the gymnasium," a woman's voice came on the PA system.

"Sounds like we're getting an assembly," Aaron said.

"Hopefully things are gonna be better for us," Smolder said.

All of the students went into the newly remade gymnasium. Some men were setting up some basketball hoops. There were bleachers spread out and all of the students were sitting in them. Aaron, Smolder and Paul were sitting next to each other as a woman walked towards a podium.

"Welcome back, students," the woman said. "I am your new assigned Principal, Principal Smith. Now that the school budget is back as it should be, we will be reopening all the extra curriculars, including the sports teams, the arts, even the school clubs. We're even getting rid of that horrible meat they're serving in the cafeteria." All of the students cheered, including Aaron and Smolder.

"Finally, some decent food," Smolder said.

"Well, to start off this school, we'll be serving pizza in the cafeteria," Principal Smith said. All of the students cheered again. "For your extra curriculars, you're gonna have to sign up on the clipboards in the hallway after lunch. So everyone, head on to your home room classes, and then we'll get everyone their PE clothing passed out to them as you all head out to the buses or transportation home." Then all the students headed out of the gymnasium, heading towards their classrooms.

Aaron and Smolder were eating their lunch in the cafeteria, along with all the other students. All of them had big smiles on their faces, happy that they're finally getting a good meal.

"This is way better than the mystery meat they used to serve," Paul said.

"Anything's better than the mystery meat they served," Aaron said.

"So, what are you thinking of doing for extra curriculars?" Smolder asked.

"We'll have to see what they have," Aaron said. "After we finish eating of course." They continued eating their food.

After they finished their lunch, they headed into the hallway, seeing a bunch of other students gathering up around an area with clipboards that had sign up sheets for extra curriculars. There were different curriculars to choose from. When Aaron and Smolder made it to the end, they saw that a bunch of curriculars were full.

"Dang," Smolder said. "All the good ones are taken."

"Well, there is drama," Aaron said.

"Drama?" Smolder asked. "What's drama?"

"Basically, we get to set up a stage or costumes, or even perform in front of people," Aaron said.

"Oh, I get it!" Smolder said. "Just like that certain play back in..." Aaron then covered Smolder's mouth before she could say where she came from in front of the other students. Aaron then uncovered her mouth after she realized it. "...back in... my old school." She then nodded and said, "Alright, let's see what they're gonna do." Then the two of them started signing their names onto the sheet. Smolder almost wrote her real name after she wrote the S in her name. She then continued with writing Samantha Drake.

"So, now that we're done, we might as well head on over to class," Aaron said. "Perhaps we should head on over to the computer lab until class starts."

Smolder smiled at that until the PA system went off. The new Principal announced, "Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's Office. I repeat, Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's office."

Aaron and Smolder looked towards each other in confusion. They then walked towards the Principal's office. They eventually made it and went into the Principal's Office. There, Principal Smith was waiting for the two.

"I assume why both of you were called here?" Principal Smith asked.

"Actually, we were wondering," Aaron said.

"Well, Aaron Blazer, I just want to say that..." Principal Smith started talking, but then she gave off a sigh. "Okay, here's the deal. It would seem that the one who provides the sports uniforms for the school teams have been run out of business two years ago. So, we're gonna need your mother's..." She then saw the school file on Aaron's record. "Oh. My apologies. Your aunt's help."

"You want me to get her to help with making sports uniforms?" Aaron asked. "Why?"

"Well... she was involved with these, isn't she?" Principal Smith asked, bringing out a photo of Aaron, Smolder and their friends playing basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters.

"How did you know that?" Aaron asked.

"Well, I may have had connections with the Secretary of Education, who's in cahoots with the President of the United States of America, and has told me that two Equestrian Dragons are students of this school," Principal Smith said, pulling out government files with both pictures of Aaron and Smolder, in human and dragon forms. Aaron and Smolder were giving off surprised looks.

"Oh, uh..." Smolder said, trying to come up with an excuse. "The thing is..."

"It's okay," Principal Smith said. "I understand that you two want to keep your true forms a secret."

"Actually, this is my true form," Aaron said. "I was born human."

"Really?" Principal Smith asked. She then looked back at the windows behind her and she closed the curtains. "Alright then, show me the dragons." Aaron gave a smirk while Smolder just rolled her eyes. Then the two of them transformed into their dragon forms. But their dragon density was too much for the chairs, making them break and the two dragons falling to the floor.

"Guess we're heavier than we thought in dragon form," Smolder groaned.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Principal Smith said. "Those chairs have been broken before you two got here. The last Principal thought that anything broken should be fixed, not replaced."

"Wow," Smolder said. "Talk about a cheap guy."

"I know, right?" Principal Smith asked. "Luckily, we have enough money in the budget to replace the broken furniture. Anyway, you mind calling your aunt about this proposition?"

"Alright," Aaron said before he and Smolder changed back into their human forms. Aaron then pulled out his cell phone. He then called his Aunt Marissa. Lucky for them, she answered. "Hey, Aunt Marissa, the new principal wants to make a proposition with you." He then put the phone on speaker. "Alright, Aunt Marissa, you're on speaker."

"Well, okay, what's this proposition?" Marissa's voice came from Aaron's cell phone.

"Well, Miss Blazer," Principal Smith said, "I would appreciate it if you would design the school some uniforms for our school's sports."

"Oh, really?" Marissa asked from the phone. "Well, I guess I can do that. We can talk... logistics if you join us for dinner tonight."

"Oh, boy," Aaron said. "This is gonna be a long day."

"I heard that, Aaron," Marissa's voice came from the phone. "You're still on speaker."

"I guess I'll see you tonight," Principal Smith said. "See you then." Aaron then hung up the phone. "Well, you two better get to class." Aaron and Smolder nodded. They then looked at the clock and saw it was one minute to class.

"Might we get a couple passes?" Aaron asked. Principal Smith looked at the clock and went wide eyed. She then pulled some passes out of the desk drawer and signed them. She then handed them to Aaron and Smolder and then the two headed to class.

Back at home, Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Principal Smith were all having a home cooked meal. They were eating some spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic bread. Smolder was in dragon form.

"Well, I'm sure that my company will get as many jerseys, shorts and pants for your school's athletes as soon as possible," Marissa said.

"Thank you for this, Miss Blazer," Principal Smith said. "I would deeply appreciate it if you do this for the school."

"Of course," Marissa said. She then looked towards Aaron and Smolder. "So, did anything else happen in school today?"

"Well, Aaron and I signed up for drama class for the autumn season," Smolder said.

"Ooh, that's good," Principal Smith said. "I've seen a lot of schools put so much effort into the plays they put on production. So, I'm glad that you two would want to get into that. We'll see what the school will put up for production here."

"Well, I guess we'll have to see," Marissa said. "As long as these two don't transform into dragons on stage."

"Yeah, that would be surprising," Smolder said. "I just hope whatever the play we're doing isn't too hard. After all, I was in a school play with Princess Celestia before she and her sister retired."

"I've seen the episode, but I don't think you've had any lines," Aaron said.

"Oh, I didn't," Smolder said. "But I hope this time, I actually say some words."

"Oh, I believe you will," Principal Smith said. "Oh, and when you read your lines, I think it's best if you try to not act all tough. A lot of girl characters aren't like that in school plays."

"Oh, you mean like this?" Smolder asked. She then cleared her throat and made her voice sound sweeter. "Excuse me, Principal Smith. Can you pass the bread?"

"Of course," Principal Smith said, passing the bread bowl towards Smolder. She took it and put it on her plate.

"Using that tea party voice, huh?" Aaron asked.

"Only for plays only," Smolder said, using her regular voice. "If any of our friends, besides Ocellus, ask, we tell them it took a lot of practice for the play. That is if our friends from Equestria come to watch."

"Suuuuure," Aaron said, sarcastically. That made Smolder give a scolding look towards Aaron. She then smirked.

"You're always a handful, Blazer," Smolder said.

"So, how did you two meet?" Principal Smith asked.

"Well, it's like this," Smolder said. "I found Aaron in the Everfree Forest, as a dragon. Apparently, he made a wish to actually have friends, and he somehow ended up in Equestria. I found him, and took him to the School of Friendship."

"I was camping in the caves underneath the School for a month there," Aaron said. "The faculty and Smolder's friends were wondering what she was up to. They said that she was falling asleep in class."

"She was sneaking out pass curfew to take care of you and learn more about this world as much as you could tell her?" Principal Smith asked.

"For the entire month of staying under the school," Aaron said. "But then Smolder's friends, and most of the founders of the school had followed her down to where she was hiding me and... well, let's just say I took classes there for almost half a semester."

"Well, hopefully you learned as much as you could at a school that teaches you friendship," Marissa said.

"It helped that he had six great tutors," Smolder said, smirking. Just then, a cell phone started beeping. Principal Smith pulled out her phone from her purse.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to see you all later," Principal Smith said. "I have better make sure the janitor isn't overworking himself." Smolder then changed back into her human form. "Why'd you change into your human form?"

"Because I don't want the janitor to freak out when he sees me in my dragon form when one of us says his name," Smolder said.

"And why would he do that?" Principal Smith asked. "What's wrong with saying 'Dang'?"

"You called?" came Dang's voice. They all looked towards the kitchen and saw Dang on the other side of the kitchen counter. Then Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Principal Smith all screamed.

"How did he do that?" Principal Smith asked.

"It's either super speed or teleportation, all with great hearing," Aaron said. "It's gotta be one of the two."

"He makes a good theory," Dang said, walking up to the table. "Sometimes, I wonder how I get to certain places so fast myself. Even in space."

"You went up to space without a rocket?" Aaron asked.

"It was one time," Dang said. "Don't even get me started on how I ended up in a virtual world."

"I'm surprised he hasn't found himself in another dimension," Smolder said, leaning towards Aaron, making him nod in agreement.

"Well, we should get going," Principal Smith said. "C'mon, Da..." She then looked around and saw that Dang was no longer in the house. "Seriously, how does he do that?" Then she headed for the door.

"Well, I hope you two are ready for some drama," Marissa said. "Smolder, you might be put on making clothes for the school play."

"Meh, wouldn't be the first time I made a dress for class," Smolder said.

"The first dress you made was still smoking," Aaron said.

"Oh, you saw that in the show?" Smolder asked. She then sighed. "Oh, well. Hopefully things will look up."

Chapter 7: Spa Day

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Chapter 7: Spa Day

Aaron and Smolder were in Smolder's apartment, watching MLP G5. They just finished watching the first Chapter of Make Your Mark, and Smolder smirked and slightly shook her head after seeing the baby dragon.

"Yeah, right," Smolder said. "Like a dragon hatchling in Equestria would be born with wings."

"We don't know how far in the future this is since the battle for Equestria," Aaron said. "That's what I'm calling the battle with Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis."

"Huh, that's actually a good name," Smolder said. "But still, that is not when a dragon gets its wings." She then looked at Aaron. "I mean, you're actually lucky to get your wings without going through the molt."

"Luckily, Spike had a loving family that loved him no matter what," Aaron said. "No amount of stone scales, fire bursts, volume shifts or nasty smell would let Twilight kick him out of the family."

"Right," Smolder said. "He was raised by ponies his whole life." She then went wide eyed at what came on the screen. "Who is that?!" Aaron looked at the screen and went wide eyed.

"Whoa," Aaron said. "There's a new alicorn?"

"Hopefully, she's not from before we were born," Smolder said.

"If she was... I think we'll have to have a talk with Princess Twilight," Aaron said. "And if she doesn't know, we might have to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

"Perhaps we'll need to find more information on this new alicorn by watching this show more," Smolder said. Just then, Marissa came into Smolder's apartment, exhausted.

"Whoa, aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm just... a little... overworked," Marissa said. "My assistant thinks I need to take a day to relax myself. She suggested I should take a spa day."

"Huh," Smolder said. "Well, I heard that spa days can help relax you."

"Where did you hear that?" Aaron asked.

"Well, Professor Rarity said that spending a lot of time at the spa relieves stress," Smolder said. She then moved her eyes from left to right multiple times. "Like I'd know what it's like."

"Rainbow Dash talked you into joining her at the spa a few times, didn't she?" Aaron asked.

"What?!" Smolder asked, shocked. "How did you know that?!"

"I didn't until just now," Aaron said. "Also, I found this image." Aaron pulled his laptop up onto his lap and looked up an image, and showed it to Smolder.

Smolder grumbled and said, "Those fans are good. Plus, they got mine and Rainbow Dash's exact expressions correct when Professor Rarity, Professor Fluttershy, Professor Applejack and Ocellus came to the spa that day."

"Well, if you like going to the spa back in Equestria, how about you come and join me?" Marissa asked.

"N-no, I couldn't," Smolder said.

"Oh, it'll be fine," Marissa said. "Just you and I."

"You might wanna keep your cool if people at the spa wax your legs," Aaron said.

"Wax my legs?" Smolder asked. "Why would I dip my legs in wax?"

"Oh, no, that's not what that means," Marissa said. "It when they apply some sticky stuff onto the hair on certain body parts, and they connect some strips of paper to the sticky stuff, and quickly rip off the sticky stuff and the hair from that body part. It's painful to those who haven't gotten used to it."

Smolder was wide eyed when she heard that. She then asked, "I think I'll skip that part if I do go to the spa with you."

"Let's see those legs of yours," Marissa said. Smolder then pointed at her legs, since she was in dragon form. "I meant your human legs." Smolder went wide eyed at that. She then changed into her human form, reached for her pant leg, and slid it up, showing that her legs had a little bit of hair. "Oh, you are definitely getting your legs waxed."

"What?!" Smolder asked, pulling her pant leg down, then changing back into her dragon form. "Oh, no. I'm not going to be taking that much pain. We dragons prefer that our pain should be as low as possible. You're not making me get my legs waxed!"

Smolder, who was in human form, was with Marissa at a luxury spa. She had her arms crossed as she and Marissa were waiting in the waiting room of the spa.

"I should've snuck back to Equestria this morning," Smolder whispered.

"Marissa Blazer, party of two?" a man coming from a door asked. Marissa stood up, grabbed Smolder's hand, and the two of them headed towards the door and went on through.

Marissa and Smolder were changing into their swim suits. Smolder had a purple two-piece swim suit with light blue outlines. Smolder then said, "Aaron got a lucky break."

"Oh, stop it," Marissa said. "I've actually wanted to do something like this with a daughter of mine for a long time."

"Well, why didn't you have kids of your own?" Smolder asked.

"I just... haven't met the right man," Marissa answered. "Also, taking care of Aaron for nine years and working full-time at a doggy clothes making store wasn't helping me with finding a boyfriend of my own."

"Well, now you don't have to worry about that since you and Aaron came here," Smolder said. "Especially now with that Police Officer you've been seeing every Friday Night. He must really like you."

"We'll see how it turns out," Marissa said. "Plus, I think Aaron will like it if you take care of yourself. Both as a dragon and as a human."

"Pff... yeah, right," Smolder said. "Sure, I have to stay human in public, but when I'm back at the house, I remain a dragon. Unless there's a guest at the house."

"Good call," Marissa said. "Well, we should get going. First off, facials." Smolder rolled her eyes with a smirk. Then the two of them walked out of the changing rooms, heading towards where they were going to get facials.

Back at the house, Aaron was alone, working on his homework. He was currently working on his science homework and listening to some music through earbuds. Unbeknownst to him, something was coming up from behind him. He didn't know it until it put its forelimb on his right shoulder.

Aaron got up quickly, turned around; making his ear buds come out of his ears, and got into a defensive stance. Only to drop his guard to see someone there, or in this case, somepony.

"Hey, Aaron," Twilight Sparkle said. "How are you doing?"

"Twilight?" Aaron asked. He then chuckled and said, "You almost scared the poop outta me."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Twilight said. "You should've seen the Nightmare Night prank I pulled on your friends before you showed up."

"Let me guess," Aaron said. "You used an invisibility spell on your head and wings and pretended to be the headless horse as Sandbar was telling the exact scary story and slowly came up from behind a bush that was behind him?"

Twilight went wide eyed and asked, "How did you know?"

"Fans of the show made fan art and fan comics," Aaron said. "What was it? Their first or second?"

"Second actually," Twilight said. "After Cozy Glow was put in Tartarus."

"Oh, yeah," Aaron said. "I've been wondering about something. Ever since she came into the show, Cozy Glow's backstory was never officially revealed."

"Really?" Twilight asked. She then put a hoof towards her chin and turned her head. "I should probably look into that when I get back to Equestria." She then noticed something out the door. "Oh, right. I almost forgot. I brought a couple old friends of mine who would really like to meet you."

Aaron looked towards the door and saw two ponies coming in. He was astonished by who he saw.

"So, this is the human you were telling us about," Princess Celestia said.

"Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?" Aaron asked.

"That's right," Princess Luna said. She then looked towards Twilight. "Are you sure he's also a dragon, Twilight? He looks like a normal human to me."

"Right," Twilight said. "Aaron. Mind showing them?"

"Oh, right," Aaron said. He then changed into his dragon form, surprising the two princesses. "I spent four months in Equestria looking like this. One month underneath Twilight's School of Friendship."

"A jade dragon," Princess Celestia said. "I'm sure you've heard the legend of that one terrorist dragon."

"Ragnarok?" Aaron asked. "I've heard of, battled and killed him."

"It's true," Twilight said. "After Aaron finally came out from under the school, Smolder told Aaron the legend. Then Ragnarok attacked when we were preparing the portal that took him home. But when we got the portal ready, Ragnarok shook the place, causing Aaron to bump his head, knocking him out. So Smolder had to carry Aaron through the portal. The portal was enchanted with a transformation spell meant for one creature."

"Ah, so because the two went into the portal at the same time, they're able to transform from human to dragon and vice versa whenever they want," Princess Celestia said. "And I'm guessing it would be useful for the two to keep their dragon forms a secret."

"Well, that was until I accidentally teleported the entire Equestrian Continent to this world," Twilight said. "An army general thought of us coming was a personal attack and he thought we were invading. But then Ragnarok woke up and tried to attack me. So, Discord took us to where Aaron was."

"Which was in Las Vegas," Aaron said. "And yes, it is very similar to Las Pegasus, but more advanced in technology."

"Makes sense," Princess Luna said.

"Then that army general set out to attack us with a nuclear missile to kill us all," Aaron said. "Then... I had to do one thing."

"And that is?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Remember when Spike and I told you about what happened the day after Spike's first birthday in Ponyville?" Twilight asked. The royal sisters went wide eyed.

Princess Celestia looked back towards Aaron and asked, "You used the greed induced bigness to take down Ragnarok?"

"I couldn't let my friends get killed by Ragnarok or the Army," Aaron said. "I had to concentrate, grab Ragnarok, fly up towards the nuke, and throw Ragnarok at it. Then I went back to normal size before the missile exploded, killing Ragnarok in the process. The force of the explosion also knocked me out."

"Smolder had to give him mouth to mouth," Twilight said, smirking.

"Ah, so the tough girl dragon showed a soft spot," Princess Luna said. "Is that why she chose to stay in this world?"

"That's right," Twilight said. "So, where is Smolder?"

"Marissa wanted her to join her for a spa day," Aaron said.

"Well, it wouldn't be her first," Twilight said. "Rarity told me about when she and Rainbow Dash were at the Ponyville Spa."

"Well, if she's gonna be staying here, she might as well do a lot of human things," Princess Celestia said. "And you say he knows about us through this... show... he watches?"

"Me being sent to Ponyville for the one thousandth Summer Sun Celebration was the Series Premiere," Twilight said.

"Ah, that would be a good start for the Series Premiere," Princess Luna said. "Since it was the events of that day that brought you and your five friends together."

"A lot of things have become stronger because of that," Twilight said. "But, there are also those who'd want to take all of it away. Like Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow."

"I'm pretty sure that there are more villains who are power hungry," Aaron said.

"Like Grogar?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "In fact, there might even be new villains in Equestria coming to claim the power of the magic of Friendship for themselves."

"New villains?" Twilight asked. "Like who?"

"There's a new series that takes place somewhere in the future," Aaron said. "Could be one or two hundred years. And for some reason, all of the ponies had been separated."

"Separated?!" Twilight asked. "What do you mean separated?"

"Somepony had made all three average ponies start distrusting each other," Aaron said. "Like how Cozy and Chrysalis made all three pony types distrust each other. But this time, there were no Windigos."

"Ponies arguing, and the Windigos didn't come back?" Princess Celestia asked.

"That is very peculiar," Princess Luna added.

"Although, I have a feeling that new Alicorn is somehow behind all that," Aaron said.

"New Alicorn?!" Twilight, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna asked in unison.

"Let me show you," Aaron said. He then typed on his computer, showing them a clip from the new MLP series, Make Your Mark.


The three alicorns in the room were surprised to see the Alicorn that was on the computer, Celestia and Luna were more shocked than surprised.

"Opaline?!" Celestia and Luna asked in unison. Twilight and Aaron looked at the two older Alicorns.

"You know her?" Aaron asked.

"Let's just say the three of us were fillies together," Princess Luna said. "Although, she was more... demanding."

"Tell us more about Opaline," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "We should know as much about her before she gets what she wants."

Smolder was sitting in a seat, having some sticky stuff put onto her legs while a face mask was on her face. Smolder was being held down by the man who gave her a massage.

"Alright, Missy," said the woman who was waxing Smolder's legs. "Last one." She then ripped it off, making Smolder yell in pain. "Okay, all done."

Smolder was wincing in pain, still trying to avoid becoming a dragon in front of all of them. She was breathing in and out through her nose, trying to soothe the pain.

"Alright, Samantha," Marissa said. "It's alright. It's all over."

"Ow... Ow... Ow..." Smolder said, every time she took a step. "How do you... handle... all this... pain?"

"It takes some getting used to," Marissa said. "How about we end this Spa Day by taking a soak in the hot spring?"

"Hopefully, it'll all be over after this," Smolder said.

They walked away from where they were currently, heading towards a private hot spring. As soon as they got it, Marissa was a little overwhelmed. Smolder was lasting longer than Marissa.

"Aaaaaaaah...." Smolder said, feeling so much better, sticking out her tongue.

"How are you able to take the heat?" Marissa asked.

"Maybe it has something to do with my dragon physiology," Smolder said. "We can basically bathe in hot lava."

"Oh, that's right," Marissa said. "I just hope that Aaron has the same ability while he's a dragon."

"Oh, he does," Smolder said. "I got him into eating gems when he was in Equestria."

"When did you start feeding him gems?" Marissa asked.

"After a week of him living under the school," Smolder said. "Although, those Cheetos he brought were pretty good."

"You had some Cheetos?" Marissa asked. "How did you deal with those flakes on your fingers when you grabbed them?"

"Oh, so that explains why I kept leaving orange prints," Smolder said. "Those things were basically blending in with my claws." Marissa was laughing. "Guess I should be prepared when I eat Cheetos in dragon form again. How would I get rid of the flakes?"

"A lot of people just suck them off," Marissa answered.

"Okay," Smolder said.

Marissa then tried getting into the hot spring again, trying to push through the pain. She then asked, "Seriously, what you're doing shouldn't be possible. How are you doing that?"

Smolder shrugged her shoulders to answer Marissa's question.

Later, Marissa and Smolder arrived back home. Marissa headed for the couch while Smolder headed for the door where her apartment was. That was until the two of them heard hoofsteps coming from the stairs. They looked at the stairs and saw Aaron, Twilight, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna coming down the stairs.

"So if she does come back, be prepared," Princess Celestia said. "She'll do anything to get what she wants."

"We'll be sure to remember that," Twilight said. She then noticed Marissa and Smolder. "Oh, hey, Miss Blazer. Hey, Smolder."

"How was your spa day?" Aaron asked.

"The leg waxing hurt... a lot!" Smolder said. "Luckily, the hot spring soothed the pain away."

"I still don't understand how she was able to take that much heat," Marissa said.

"Dragons are basically fireproof," Aaron said. "Basically, a pool of lava is like a hot tub for them."

"He's right," Twilight said. "I've seen Spike belly flop into a pool of lava."

"That was painful to watch when I saw that episode," Aaron said. "Everyone knows belly flops leave a burn mark on the stomach."

"Tell me about it," Twilight said. "Spike told me how much it hurt his belly when he jumped in the first time."

"That's why you always do a cannonball," Smolder said, changing back into her dragon form. "It's much less painful." She then noticed a package on the coffee table. "What's this?"

"Oh, that's a package Aaron ordered about a week ago," Marissa said.

"It's a hardcover book of a very popular MLP fanfiction," Aaron said. "The time was supposed to be around after the Crystal Empire returned. And there was a bit of a problem with one name. The Crystal Empire's return was the Season 3 opening, and Spoiled Rich didn't make an official appearance until the episode where the Crusaders got their Cutie Marks."

"So the writer didn't know her actual name," Twilight Sparkle said. "I see. So, what's this fanfiction called?" Aaron then took the package and opened it, revealing the book.

Twilight looked at the book. She then read it out loud. "'Pen Stroke. Past Sins'."

"Pen Stroke is the username of the writer that wrote this story," Aaron said.

"Ah, so the book is called Past Sins," Twilight said. "What's it about?"

"It's about a filly who was supposed to be a reincarnated Nightmare Moon brought back by a cult of ponies who were corrupted by the darkness of the shreds of the Mare in the Moon that were left behind after you and your friends stopped her," Aaron said.

"Wait, what?!" Twilight asked. "How is that a popular story?"

"I was actually planning on sending it to you to see for yourself," Aaron said. "But since you're here, I might as well let you have it."

"Okay," Twilight said, opening the book and reading it. "I just hope this story has a happy ending."

"Oh, it does," Aaron said. "You'll see." Twilight then headed towards Smolder's part of the house. Princess Luna then walked over towards Aaron.

"Does that book have a happy ending?" Princess Luna asked.

"It has major ups and downs," Aaron said. "But the ending is worth it."

"Well, I suppose it's time for us to get back to Equestria," Princess Celestia said. "We better make sure 'she' isn't returning anytime soon."

"She?" Smolder asked.

"Remember that alicorn at the end of the first Make Your Mark special?" Aaron asked. Smolder nodded. "Turns out, she's not a new one, but a forgotten one."

"A forgotten one?" Smolder asked. "Oh, boy. Who is she?"

"You better tell her as much as you can," Princess Celestia said. "Right now, we better make sure Opaline doesn't rise again."

Somewhere in the land of Equestria, there was a bunch of Crystal stalagmites, surrounding a giant crystal sphere. In the middle of it was a certain alicorn that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna knew a long time ago in their past, stuck in place. She was stuck, shouting loudly, her wings spread out, her eyebrows in an angry position, and her forelegs would've been moving back and forth if she wasn't stuck in place.

If you could see her closely, you would see her eyes slowly moving towards where you were looking.

Chapter 8: Theater Auditions

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Chapter 8: Theater Auditions

In the school theater, all the students that signed up for drama class were all sitting in the seats there. Aaron and Smolder were in the front row. Then Mr. O'Connell walked up on stage.

"Alright, class," Mr. O'Connell said. "Settle down."

"Mr. O'Connell?" Aaron asked. "You're teaching drama?"

"Yes, I am," Mr. O'Connell answered. "The new principal thought that since I do so well with teaching English Class, I'd do so well with teaching drama. And to start things off, I think we should do a play version of the Disney Channel Original Movie, Descendants."

"Descendants?! I loved that movie!" Smolder said.

"I think Samantha should be able to play Mal," said one blonde student. "After all, she does have purple hair just like Mal."

"You make an excellent point, Maddie," Aaron said. He then looked towards Smolder. "You're practically a shoe-in to be playing the lead girl in this play. You've got this."

"Oh, yeah," Smolder said. "I got a tough girl attitude that'll be good enough to be a bit of a VK." She then gave a sly look. "As long as you get to play Prince Ben."

"Cool," said a male student. "Aaron as Prince Ben and Samantha as Mal. We've got the perfect leads."

"That girl? As Mal? Puh-lease," came another girl's voice. The students on stage and Mr. O'Connell looked towards the voice and there was a redhead girl coming in, wearing a green blouse, blue skinny jeans, and an expensive coat. She was also holding her phone. "She'd be lucky to play the dog in the play. No way a pathetic freak like her will make a good Mal." Smolder was getting angry at the new girl who was talking smack about Smolder.

"Kyle, who is that?" Aaron asked, looking towards the male student who thought Aaron and Smolder would be the perfect lead roles.

"Miley Brands," Kyle responded. "She's a prissy, rich girl who gets whatever she wants. Especially when her dad bribes them. She's been performing in plays since she was five, and always got the lead role. She wasn't even good."

"Yikes," Aaron said.

"So, I'll be auditioning for the role of Mal, and I don't need an understudy because I am so perfect," Miley said, making Smolder mad. Aaron then started pulling Smolder away as she was about to jump right towards Miley.

"Take it easy! Take it easy!" Aaron said. He pulled Aaron backstage, the two standing in front of the ropes that control the curtains and the backgrounds. "Don't let her get in your head like that."

Smolder then started blowing some air out of her nostrils. Good thing it was actually air in her human form and not smoke or small flames. She then said, "We both know I'm more qualified for this part. My hair is purple, I've got the perfect attitude, and on top of that, you as Ben and me as Mal, the two of them end up being in a good relationship. Just like we are now."

"We're just gonna have to talk to Mr. O'Connell about it," Aaron said. "Hopefully, he doesn't take a bribe Miley's father allows him."

Smolder sighed and said, "You're right. Like Mr. O'Connell isn't that weak minded. Time to rehearse." Then the two of them headed back towards the stage.

"Seriously? Why would I need an understudy?" Miley asked in a mean tone. "I would never want to miss my big break."

"Look, Miley," Mr. O'Connell said. "You're not the one who gets to decide who gets to play the lead female role. I'm the one who has to make the decision. Samantha is more qualified to be Mal in the play. But, before I can make it official, everyone needs to rehearse."

"Alright, then," Miley said. "I'll start." She then cleared her throat and started singing a song from the Disney Channel Original Movie Descendants. But she was too pitchy. "Mirror Mirror on the wall... Who's the baddest of them all?! Welcome to my wicked world! Wicked world!" Everyone around her was covering their ears. Including Aaron and Smolder.

"Stop! Stop singing!" Mr. O'Connell said. "Sorry, Miley, but you're too pitchy. Samantha, why don't you try?"

"Okay," Smolder said. "Here I..."

"Too pitchy?!" Miley asked, angrily. "How am I pitchy?! My daddy says I have a wonderful singing voice!" Smolder nearly growled at Miley, but Aaron held her back.

"Are you sure your dad said that to make you feel better?" Aaron asked.

"No way, cute and single," Miley said, flirting with Aaron. "Besides, only the best qualified should be the lead roles, and that's you and me."

"Not gonna happen," Aaron said, covering Miley's mouth. "By the way, not single. Already have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, and it's me," Smolder said, standing next to Aaron, and resting her arm on Aaron's left shoulder.

Miley removed Aaron's hand from her mouth, scoffed, and said, "Yeah, right. Like this weirdo is in a relationship with you. I bet she's not even talented."

Smolder groaned and said, "Not talented, huh? I'll show you." She then cleared her throat and she started singing, using the same tone when she asked for tea when the Tree of Harmony was testing her. "A million thoughts... in my head... Should I let my heart... keep listening? 'Cause up 'til now... I've walked the line... Nothing lost... but something missing... I can't... decide... what's wrong... what's right... which way... should I go?" She stopped singing. Everyone around her, except Miley, started applauding.

"That was amazing, Miss Drake," Mr. O'Connell said. "You're the most qualified. But maybe for the dress rehearsal, you should let your hair down."

"You have a point," Smolder said. "Mal does keep her hair down."

"That's... not... fair!" Miley shouted. "I always get the lead role! Just wait until I tell my daddy about this!" She then stormed out.

"That girl's got issues," Aaron said.

"You said it," Kyle said. "Hope you and your girlfriend get the lead roles."

"Thanks, Kyle," Aaron said. "Well, we might as well keep it going."

Back at Aaron's house, Aaron, Smolder and Marissa were having a pizza dinner. Smolder was in dragon form. Smolder was about to take one last slice.

"Smolder, maybe you shouldn't have too much," Marissa said. "If you're gonna be playing Mal in the play, you might as well keep the calories down."

"Oh, please," Smolder said. "Like any of us from Equestria can actually gain some pounds."

"Not here," Aaron said. "In your human form, you need to be fit if you're gonna play the part of Mal."

"I guess you're right," Smolder said. "Maybe I should take it easy with eating. I don't wanna get too big or snug in my costumes for the play. Perhaps I should do some extra exercise at school."

"Actually, I may have another idea," Marissa said. "Perhaps, you and I should do some hot yoga, here, after dinner, everyday."

"Hot yoga?" Smolder asked. "What's that?"

"Oh, it's a bunch of stretching and posing to get you in shape," Marissa said. "And that's just normal yoga. Hot yoga is when you turn up the heat, to get you sweating more than usual."

"Dragons don't normally sweat," Smolder said. "I've been living in the Dragon Lands my whole life before I started attending the School of Friendship."

"Actually, I think you're wrong about dragon's not sweating," Aaron said. "When the Storm King attacked Canterlot, Twilight and her friends, and Spike were heading down South. All of them had to tread through a desert, and Spike was sweating along with the others. Plus, you were sweating when the two of us were in that Ferris Wheel cart when Ocellus got us both in there."

"Well, guess there are more ways to sweat," Marissa said. "But, for you to stay fit, I want you to remain human throughout the hot yoga."

"Do I need to get some certain clothes for this sort of thing?" Smolder asked.

"Actually, yes," Marissa said. "We'll get you some yoga clothes tomorrow after school."

"Whatever," Smolder said, shrugging her shoulders.

The next day, Aaron and Smolder were leaving the cafeteria to head to drama class. The two of them were talking together about the play.

"So, as soon as the final bell rings, we're gonna be picked up by Marissa so the two of you can get some yoga gear," Aaron said. "I might as well get some Basketball gear for Basketball season."

"Or, you can have your aunt make you some since her fashion line makes sports clothing," Smolder said.

"Good point," Aaron said. The two of them headed into the auditorium and on stage was a billboard with the other students looking at the names.

"Sweet," Kyle said. "I got the part of Jay."

"And I've got the part of Evie," Maddie said. She then noticed Aaron and Smolder coming towards the stage. "Hey, here come Aaron and Samantha." Aaron and Samantha reached the edge of the stage. Smolder then kneeled down, put his hands together, and Smolder put her left foot onto Aaron's hands, him using his hands as a step so Smolder could get up. As soon as Smolder was on the stage, Aaron climbed up and the two of them headed for the billboard. "Glad you two could make it. The cast has been set."

Aaron and Smolder looked at the cast and looked for their names. Aaron then said, "Sweet. I got the part of Ben."

"Not bad, Blazer," Smolder said, crossing her arms. She then checked the cast. She then saw her human name, Samantha, on the cast list. She then got a confused look. "Wait. Why am I the understudy for Mal?"

"What?!" the other students asked. They all looked where Smolder's human name was and saw that she was cast as Mal's understudy.

"This doesn't make any sense," Kyle said. "You've nailed the part. How are you an understudy?"

"If Samantha isn't going to be playing Mal, who is?" Maddie asked. She then looked at the cast and saw who was going to play Mal. Instead of Smolder, it was Miley's name who was casted. "Miley?!"

"Miley?!" Smolder asked, angrily.

"That's right, loser," came Miley's voice. The group of students looked towards Miley's voice and saw her standing with Mr. O'Connell. "My daddy had a talk with Mr. O'Connell, and persuaded him to let me have the lead actress role. And, like I said, I won't need an understudy. So you might as well not learn the lines."

Smolder started to get angry, but Aaron, Kyle and Maddie held her back. Aaron then saw Mr. O'Connell, a little ashamed at what he did. Aaron then walked over towards him.

"Mr. O'Connell?" Aaron asked. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry that your girlfriend didn't get the part, Aaron," Mr. O'Connell said. "Miley told her father and he bought me out. He's... very persuasive." Aaron noticed that Mr. O'Connell was sweating.

"Persuasive, huh?" Aaron asked. He then noticed that Miley was sticking her tongue out at Smolder, making the human dragoness get angry, Kyle and Maddie holding her back so she wouldn't attack Miley. "Something's not right. And I'm gonna get to the bottom of it."

"Don't get into this, Aaron," Mr. O'Connell said. "Mr. Brands is a very... persuading man. You don't want to mess with him. Trust me." Aaron raised an eyebrow at that. Mr. O'Connell then walked towards the rest of the students. "Alright, students. You all know your parts, now it's time to learn your lines."

Smolder grumbled, "I don't get it. I was a lot more qualified than that Miley girl. Why is she Mal and not me?"

"That doesn't make any sense," Maddie said. "Right now, the only chance for you to play Mal is if Miley is sick or out of town."

Aaron then looked towards Miley with an angry look. Miley saw him and she blew a kiss towards him. Aaron shook his head and then walked over towards Smolder.

Chapter 9: The East Coast Gang

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Chapter 9: The East Coast Gang

In Smolder's part of the house, Smolder, in human form, was doing hot yoga with Marissa. She was grumpy about what happened in school that day. Smolder was wearing an orange yoga shirt with purple yoga pants. Marissa wore a white yoga top with black yoga pants.

"Smolder, is everything okay?" Marissa asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Smolder said, grumpy.

Marissa sighed, sat up correctly and asked, "Okay, what's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Smolder said, tightening her fists.

"I can tell you what's wrong," Aaron said, walking in. "Smolder's just grumpy that the part she wanted was casted to a talentless girl who is so spoiled she gets what she wants, and Smolder has been placed as the understudy."

"Oh, is that all?" Marissa asked.

"I did the part perfectly, and I got casted as Mal's understudy," Smolder said. "And she says she needs no understudy?! It makes me want to go to her house, go all dragon on her, and burn her house to the ground."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy," Aaron said. "I don't think it was as simple as that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Smolder asked, crossing her arms.

"When I asked Mr. O'Connell about that, I noticed that he was sweating nervously," Aaron said. "Like he was scared of something."

"Scared?" Smolder asked. "Why would he be scared?"

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out," Aaron said. Just then, there was a knocking at the door. Aaron got confused and walked towards the front door. He opened it and there was his aunt's boyfriend, Officer Liam Daniels. "Oh, hey, Liam."

"Hello, Aaron," Liam said. "Is your aunt home?"

"She and Samantha are having a bit of girl talk while doing hot yoga in the other apartment," Aaron said.

"Send him in," Marissa called out. Liam then walked in and headed for the door that led to Smolder's apartment. "Hey, Liam. What brings you here?"

"I'm here to warn you that last night, a gang that had been going across the East Coast had arrived," Liam said. "A lot of people are on edge."

"A gang?" Smolder asked. "A gang of what?"

"A gang of criminals," Liam answered. "These people are bad news. The East Coast Gang have been threatening people for the things they want. And we don't have any evidence that proves them guilty. They always manage to get away with clean slates, from all the states from here to Maine."

"Mane?" Smolder asked. "What is that, some kind of Pony..." Aaron quickly ran over to Smolder and covered her mouth before she could finish what she said.

"Aaron, it's okay," Marissa said. "I told him about... your dragon features."

"What?!" Aaron and Smolder asked in unison.

"Actually, she didn't need to," Liam said. "I was there at the Harlem Globetrotters game. You two and your friends were worn out from the game. I followed you here that night and saw Marissa guiding you all inside."

Aaron and Smolder looked at each other in shock. Then the two of them transformed into their dragon forms, Smolder still covered in sweat.

"So, you didn't report us?" Smolder asked.

"You all are famous celebrities across the world," Liam said. "I couldn't let you two get attacked by those who hate the show you're from."

"Well, technically, I was born here," Aaron said. "Well, back in Chicago."

"That's good to know," Liam said. "Well, I've got work to do. The East Coast Gang are slippery. Especially their gang leader. People believe that their gang leader is Richard Brands, but there's not enough proof."

Smolder looked at Liam with a glare and asked, "Brands?"

Aaron looked at Smolder with a shocked expression. He then asked, "You don't think...?"

Smolder then asked, "Does this Richard Brands have a daughter by any chance? By the name of Miley?"

"Yes," Liam asked. "Why?"

Aaron and Smolder looked at each other. Smolder then looked back at Liam and said, "Miley Brands is the talentless girl who got the lead female role in the play we're going to be in, and I was a shoe-in for the lead role."

"Actually, if Miley Brands's father is the leader of the East Coast Gang, we might have a shot of finding out if it's true or not," Liam said. "Friday, after school, the three of us are going to follow her to her father."

"Liam," Marissa said. "Are you sure that it's wise to take Aaron and Smolder with you on a stakeout? It could be dangerous."

"C'mon, Marissa," Smolder said. "Aaron took down Ragnarok the Reaper outside of Las Vegas. Plus, I bet that those guys wouldn't expect us in dragon form to swoop in and take them down."

"And because of what happened in Drama Class, Miley has been begging me to come over to her house for a private rehearsal," Aaron said. "And I'm pretty sure that she's trying to sneak a kissing scene when there isn't one in the script."

"Yeah, he's right," Smolder said. She then grabbed her backpack and pulled out the script. "There's no kissing at all in the script."

"Perhaps she wants to sneak in a kiss during the main performance," Aaron said.

"Not gonna happen," Smolder said. "Tomorrow, we're gonna follow her to her house and see if her dad's a gang boss, and if they have something to do with her getting the lead role when I was the more likely perfect role."

"I'll pick you two up after school tomorrow," Liam said. "We've got some work to do."

The next day, Aaron and Smolder were packing up their stuff in their home room to leave the school after the final bell rang. They walked down the hall, talking about their plan.

"Okay," Aaron said. "As soon as Miley's ride gets her, Liam and the both of us will follow her and we'll see if her father is a gang leader." As soon as they got out of the school, they saw Mr. O'Connell getting into his car quickly.

"Where's Mr. O'Connell going in a hurry?" Smolder asked.

"I don't know," Aaron said. "Maybe we should asked him on Monday." Smolder nodded, not knowing that Aaron was being pulled by someone. "What the heck?!" He then noticed who pulled him. It was Miley.

"Hey, Aaron!" Miley said. "I think, since the two of us got the lead role, the two of us should get some practice in for our scenes in the play."

"Actually, Miley, I need to get going," Aaron said, turning around. Just then, an intimidating man in a tuxedo standing in front of him. Aaron stood there, intimidated.

"Yeah, my daddy really wants to meet my partner in the play, and he doesn't take no for an answer," Miley said.

"Uh oh," Smolder said. Just then, the man picked up Aaron and he took him towards a black SUV with Miley following. Smolder watched in shock just as the intimidating man in the tux put Aaron into the SUV. Then he and Miley got into the SUV and it drove off. Just then, Liam pulled up in the police car. Smolder saw and she ran towards the police car and got into it. "Aaron's in that SUV. Apparently, Miley's father wants to meet him and he doesn't take no for an answer."

"Okay, that's a high probability that he's the leader of the East Coast Gang," Liam said. "This actually works out without them drawing attention. Pull out your phone and track Aaron's phone."

"I can do that?" Smolder asked, pulling out her phone. She then saw one app. The Find My iPhone App. She opened it.

"Alright, type in Aaron's cell phone number," Liam said. "That way, we can figure out where he's going." Smolder then checked to see where Aaron was going.

"Looks like they're heading East," Smolder said.

"Then let's follow them," Liam said. He then put the car into Drive and started following the SUV that Aaron and Miley were in.

Aaron was brought into an apartment building with Miley pulling him. He was pulled into an elevator and Miley pushed the top floor button. Eventually, they made it to the top floor and headed for the Penthouse. Without Miley seeing what he was doing, Aaron texted to Smolder about where he was. He also told Smolder he was going to call, and tell her to mute their end so they'll be hearing what Aaron and the other people would be saying.

Eventually, Miley brought Aaron into an office room where her father was talking with some men.

"Hey, daddy," Miley said. "This is Aaron. We're starring in the school play as the lead roles."

"Ah, so this is your boyfriend, huh?" Richard Brands asked, looking at Aaron. Aaron was confused about that.

"You told him I was your boyfriend?" Aaron asked.

"Like you and that purple haired girl are really dating," Miley said. "Trust me, you're better off with me, anyway."

In the visitor's parking lot of the apartment building, Smolder and Liam were listening in on the conversation through Smolder's phone. Smolder was getting angry at what Miley was saying through the phone, but Liam was holding her down.

"Easy, Smolder," Liam said. "You'll get her. Besides, we're not here for that."

"So what brings you up here?" came Richard Brands's voice from the phone.

"We're actually going to be practicing for the play," Miley's voice came. "Especially with that kissing scene we're gonna do."

"There's no kissing scene in the play," Aaron said through the phone.

"Not if we convince the Drama Teacher to put one in," Miley's voice came up again. "We can surely convince him, right, Daddy?"

Smolder got angry at what Miley was suggesting. Then Richard Brands spoke. "Of course we can, my sweet princess. Like how we convinced him to let you be the lead female role instead of that tramp at your school."

"TRAMP?!" Smolder shouted. Liam then held her down just before she was about to get out of the car.

"Easy, Smolder," Liam said. "That girl doesn't even know what's really going on. Or does she?"

"How did you convince him?" Aaron asked through the phone.

"By doing whatever it takes," Richard Brands answered. "Especially when we made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He's in our house now."

"What did you do?" Aaron asked, a little sternly.

"Since he was going to take away the lead role from me, we decided to take away something very important from him," Miley said. "Isn't that right, Daddy?"

"You know how much your Daddy loves you, and how he loves getting what you want," Richard Brands said.

"C'mon, Aaron," Liam said. "Get him with the big question. Good thing we're recording this."

There was a plug connected to Smolder's phone, which was connected to a recording device, so they would be listening to the whole conversation.

Back in the apartment, Aaron was stepping back, giving an angry expression.

"What did you do?" Aaron asked, looking at Miley.

"My Daddy says that whatever you want, you should do whatever it takes," Miley said. "So, we kidnapped Mr. O'Connell's family, and we're keeping them hostage until the last night of the school play."

"That's the rule of the East Coast Gang," Richard Brands said. "We always get what we want."

Back in the Police Car, Smolder and Liam were getting ready to go in. Liam then grabbed his CB Radio and spoke into it.

"All units, we have a Signal 41, and a Signal 84," Liam said. "Everyone, come up to the Luxurious Condo Building, and head to the top floor." He then put the radio back. "Let's move out."

Smolder nodded, then the two of them got out of the car. Smolder then said, "They're not just gonna let us in when we found out about them being the East Coast Gang."

"Who said anything about going through the front door?" Liam asked. "You're gonna fly us up there."

"Oh, right," Smolder said. She then transformed into her dragon form. She then started flapping her wings, grabbed Liam, and started flying up the side of the building.

Aaron was trying to get to the door, hoping not to get caught by the others in the room.

"Where do you think you're going, Aaron?" Miley asked. "We've got some scenes to rehearse."

"Not with you," Aaron said. "I'm outta here." Just then, he was tackled.

"Sorry, Aaron," Miley said. "But what I want, I always get. You should know this." As Aaron was pinned down, along with Miley talking, he saw Liam being carried by Smolder outside of the office's balcony window. They landed on the balcony and Smolder changed back into her human form. "Anything else you wanna say?"

Aaron smirked and said, "You're so busted."

Just then, the door to the balcony was slammed open and in came Liam, holding out his gun. He then shouted, "Freeze! Orlando PD." Then a bunch of helicopters came in, surrounding the building. And a bunch of police sirens came in. "Richard Brands, you're under arrest!"

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Richard Brands said, trying to pull out a Tommy Gun, but it was shot out of his hands by Liam's gunfire. Then a bunch of police men from the helicopters came down on lines and onto the balcony. They held their guns up to the rest of the thugs in the room. They all had their hands up.

Miley then pulled Aaron with her towards the door and said, "Well, I guess I'll just... practice my lines... in my room."

"Oh, no you don't!" Smolder said, running towards Miley. She then tackled the girl and pinned her down, making her lose her grip on Aaron.

"What?!" Miley asked. "How are you...?"

"Never mess... with my boyfriend!" Smolder said.

Monday came in, and all the students in Drama Class were in the Theater room, waiting for Mr. O'Connell. He then came in with a smile on his face. Aaron and Smolder were in their human forms.

"Alright, students," Mr. O'Connell said. "I have a big announcement. Miley Brands has been expelled from Summer Valley Middle School." All the students there celebrated. "Should've seen that coming. Anyway, since Miley and her... gang leading father are no longer going to be a problem for any of us, the part of Mal is now going to be portrayed by... Samantha Drake."

Smolder bowed her head with a smirk face and her eyes closed. Smolder was happy to get the role she was meant to play. She then said, "Now this is what I was waiting for."

"Miley Brands has been sent away to a boarding school for naughty teens," Mr. O'Connell added.

"Or in this case, juvie?" Aaron asked.

"Yes," Mr. O'Connell answered. "But for now, how about you and Samantha practice your lines for the play?" He then handed Smolder the script that was hers in the first place.

"Finally," Smolder said, opening the script. "Time to get to work."

Chapter 10: Halloween Costume Dance

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Chapter 10: Halloween Costume Dance

Aaron and Smolder were heading to school, being driven there by Marissa. As the car pulled up, Smolder noticed that the school was covered in decorations. Aaron and Smolder were in human form.

"Hey, what's with the Nightmare Night decorations?" Smolder asked.

Aaron looked at the school, seeing the decorations. He then said, "Actually, here, it's called Halloween. And it's actually coming up, soon."

"Really?" Smolder asked.

"That's right, Smolder," Marissa said. "It's similar to Nightmare Night. Halloween is when kids go out in costumes to get candy. But instead of saying..." She was then thinking of something. "Aaron, how does that saying go in Equestria?"

"Nightmare Night... What a fright... Give me something sweet to bite," Aaron said, saying what the trick-or-treaters of Equestria say.

"Yeah that," Marissa said. "Well, instead of saying that, you just say trick-or-treat."

"That sounds way more easy to say," Smolder said.

"But, this year, I'm not going Trick-or-Treating," Aaron said. "I've already reached the age where I'm too old for that."

"Good call," Smolder said. "So, how are you gonna spend it?"

"I'll have to think about it," Aaron said. Then they started getting out of the car and headed for the main entrance. Marissa pulled out as Aaron and Smolder were out of the car.

Aaron and Smolder were heading through the school, seeing a bunch of other students talking about something. Smolder then noticed something. It was a poster for a dance on Halloween.

"The school's hosting a dance on the 31st?" Smolder asked.

"Oh, yeah," Aaron said. "A Halloween dance at the school. That could be how I spend celebrating Halloween. We should totally go there for that."

"Sounds like fun," Smolder said. "But, I think Dang is gonna have a hard time cleaning that up once the party's done."

"You kidding?" Dang said, appearing right beside the two of them, making them scream. "I can clean up things faster than any other janitor in the world." Then the warning bell started ringing. Aaron and Smolder then started speed walking to class, leaving Dang just standing there. "Well, since no one called, I better get back to work." He then vanished instantly.

It was already the night before Halloween. Aaron and Smolder were looking up costumes to buy before the night, but every costume in their sizes were sold out. Smolder was in dragon form.

"Well, that's a bust," Aaron said, closing his laptop. "I told you we can't wait until the last minute."

"Sorry, Aaron," Smolder said. "Guess we just won't go to the Costume Party since we don't have costumes."

Then Marissa came in with a laundry basket. She then said, "Well, that's what you get for waiting for the last minute." She then got an idea. "Smolder, you still have that cheerleader costume, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Smolder asked, confused. She then got what Marissa was saying. "Ohh..."

"You actually want her to go to the school dance as a dragon?" Aaron asked.

"You can, too, Aaron," Marissa said. "In fact, you can wear that Basketball uniform I made for you when you played a game of Basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters."

"That final shot was awesome, Aaron," Smolder said. "But, still, going out to the Halloween Party as dragons just might make the others think we're just in costume. But, I don't know how we're gonna explain the eyes, wings, and tail, though."

"Just don't move your wings and tail," Marissa said. "And as for your eyes, just say that it's special contacts."

"Basically, someone will be there asking to try on the costume," Aaron said. "What do we tell them?"

"Just tell them that it's a skin tight costume and you're not wearing anything underneath," Marissa said.

"Do we have to wear underwear while we have the Basketball and Cheerleading outfit on?" Smolder asked.

"Well, we wouldn't want anyone to see anything mature there, would we?" Marissa asked.

"Good point," Smolder said. "Although, things like that don't happen in Equestria. Maybe because Equestrians don't wear clothes 24/7."

"Although, there are some ponies that do," Aaron said. "Like that one pony, Svengallop. He's just a selfish jerk."

"Oh, yeah," Smolder said. "Applejack was telling us that story before you came to Equestria. I still can't believe he used Countess Coloratura's name to threaten ponies to get what he wants."

"And he was doing it behind her back," Aaron said. "I doubt any celebrity in Equestria would want to hire him as an agent if they find out what he does."

"I would burn the suit he's wearing if he tried doing that to one of my friends," Smolder said, making Aaron nod.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Twilight was reading the book that Aaron gave her. She was amazed by how good the story was. Although, she had to make a few... adjustments. Just then, Spike came into the room.

"Hey, Twilight," Spike said. "Is that book really good?"

"Actually, yes," Twilight said. "Although, Aaron was right. There are some corrections that need to be made. For example, Diamond Tiara's mother's name was named Affluent instead of Spoiled. And as for Top Marks, this Pen Stroke writer called him Bastion Yorsets."

"Wow," Spike said. "Pen Stroke really needs to update that book."

"I know, right?" Twilight asked. "Although, I think it may be possible for that kind of spell to be made."

"Wait, what?!" Spike asked, shocked. "You're actually thinking of creating a filly Nightmare Moon?!"

"Yes, but more like this filly, and none of the evil," Twilight said. "And for that, I'm gonna need Princess Luna's help with this. She's going to be needed if this spell is going to be possible."

"Are you sure about this, Twilight?" Spike asked, taking the book. "I mean, sure, through Chapters 1-9 in this book made Nyx sound so sweet and innocent, but you know what happens to her in Chapter 10."

"Because the Princess Celestia of this story was tricked into taking that filly away from that version of me," Twilight said. "This time... it's gonna be a lot different."

It was Halloween Night at Summer Valley Middle School. Marissa pulled up to the school drop off area. Then Aaron and Smolder, in dragon form, came out of the car. Aaron was dressed up in the basketball uniform he wore in the game against the Harlem Globetrotters and Smolder was in her Cheerleader Outfit.

"Alright, you two," Marissa said. "I'll be back by 9:30. Be sure to be out here by then."

"Sure thing, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said, closing the door. Then Aaron and Smolder started heading towards the school gymnasium. As soon as they got in, they saw a bunch of students just standing around.

"Why isn't anyone dancing?" Smolder asked.

"This is the first time I've been to a school dance," Aaron said. "This is new to me." Just then, Paul, who was dressed up as the Superhero, Black Panther.

"Whoa," Paul said. "Sick costumes, you two. Who is that under there?"

"Hey, Paul," Aaron said.

Paul was surprised when he heard Aaron's voice. He then asked, "Aaron? Is that you? Dang...!"

Suddenly, a two man, Chinese Dragon Costume appeared next to the three. Then a voice came from it. "You called?" Aaron, Smolder and Paul screamed. Dang then noticed Aaron and Smolder. "Interesting costumes, you two." Dang then poked his head out from under the head of the costume he had on. "They look very realistic. Even more realistic than my costume."

Smolder raised an eyebrow and asked, "Wait... who's controlling the back end of that dragon?" Just then, the back of the Dragon Costume that Dang had on revealed who it was. The back end was controlled by another Dang. Aaron, Smolder and Paul had their mouths opened with a confused look on their faces.

"That doesn't even make any sense," Paul said.

"What doesn't make sense..." the Dang from the front end said. "...is that nearly every student is here at the school dance, and no one is dancing." He then put a hand up to his mouth and called out to someone. "Yo, DJ! Play a song that'll get these students dancing!"

Then at the Disc Jockey Station, there was another Dang, dressed up like a rapper. He then called out, "You got it!" Then all the students there screamed. "Okay, everyone. I think it's time to get this party started with a very popular song that originated from Asia. More importantly, Korea." He then started playing the song, Gangnam Style by PSY.

Then some of the other students started moving to the beat, which led to them dancing. Then all the other students started dancing.

Paul then looked at Aaron and Smolder and said, "You two look amazing. You honestly look like real dragons."

"Thanks, you'd be surprised on what special materials needed for these costumes can do," Smolder said.

"Dang, Samantha," Paul said. "You even sound like Smolder. I guess you got that a lot."

"You have no idea," Smolder said, smirking.

"I shoulda known you were a brony, Aaron," Paul said. "You actually look like the dragon from that Basketball Game with the Harlem Globetrotters."

"I know, right?" Aaron said.

"Dude, you have got to let me try that on," Paul said.

"Actually, Paul, these dragon costumes are both one piece, and we're not wearing anything underneath," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "And it's really tight here with these bindings holding my breasts down," Smolder said, rubbing where a girl's breasts should be."

"Oh, I understand," Paul said. "Let's get down on the dance floor." Then they started heading towards the floor with the other students, dancing to the music.

Meanwhile, back at Aaron's house, Marissa was handing out candy to Trick-or-Treaters as they were at the front door.

"Alright, kids," Marissa said, handing candy to the Trick-or-Treaters. "Here you go. Oh, and one more treat for you. Just wait right there." She then headed inside and closed the door. Just then, the door to the apartment that Smolder lives in opened and out came a gorilla. All the kids there screamed and ran away.

The gorilla then transformed, changing into Ocellus in her human form. She then laughed and said, "You were right, Marissa. That was fun."

Marissa then came out of the main part of the house with a smirk on her face. She then said, "My father used to do that with all the Trick-or-Treaters after my mom handed them the candy. Although, we didn't have much Trick-or-Treaters when Aaron and I lived in Chicago."

"Really?" Ocellus asked. "Why not?"

"We lived in a small apartment complex and the owner hated Halloween," Marissa said. "He wouldn't even allow any Halloween decorations or Trick-or-Treaters into the building. In fact, Aaron had a hard time getting back into the building after he was Trick-or-Treating."

"Well, that's harsh," Ocellus said. Then the two of them went back into Smolder's apartment. In the living room area of the apartment, Gallus, Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona were watching a Halloween Movie on Disney+. They were watching the movie, Hocus Pocus 2. Silverstream was wearing the same costume she wore on her first Nightmare Night.

Sandbar had on his vampire costume, and Yona had on a black mask, a jack o'lantern on her head with lights attached to it and wrapped around her horns, jack o'lantern earrings, and a different blanket on her back.

"Wow," Gallus said. "These witches are very gullible."

Yona laughed and said, "Silly women. Cream for rubbing on skin. Not drinking."

"I still don't get why they came back after a virgin lights a Black Flame Candle," Ocellus said.

"What virgin anyway?" Yona asked. Just then, Marissa whispered the answer into Yona's ear, making Yona go wide eyed. She then cut off Marissa. "Oh. Yona not old enough for that story."

"Neither is Aaron," Marissa said. "Now, who wants more popcorn."

"Oh, oh! I do!" Silverstream said, waving her right claw around.

"Hey, look!" Gallus said, pointing at the screen. The group saw the Sanderson Sisters looking at themselves in a rounded mirror and screaming.


"At least they weren't in a hall of funhouse mirrors," Ocellus said as the others were laughing. What Ocellus said made everyone else there laugh harder.

"That's true," Sandbar said.

Back at the school dance, Aaron and Smolder were dancing to the music with the other students. Just then, the music started to die down as Principal Smith came up onto the stage.

"Alright, students," Principal Smith said into a microphone. "I hope you all had fun tonight, because now, we're getting to see who's the winner of our costume contest. We have a contest that determines the winner of one individual costume, and one couple's costumes. Dang, hand me the cards containing the names of the winners."

"Of course," Dang said, popping up next to Principal Smith. Everyone screamed. "Sheesh. Everyone's all jumpy tonight." He then handed Principal Smith the card.

Principal Smith opened the card and she said into the microphone. "Okay... everyone has judged every costume of our students here. And the winner of the individual costume division is..." Then Dang pushed a button on the disc jockey set, making a drum roll sound effect. Then the effect stop as Principal Smith said, "Kyle Shawn in his Arabian Warrior Costume." Then all the students applauded as Kyle got up on the stage.

"Nice going, Kyle!" Aaron called out.

Kyle was then handed a Wal*Mart gift card worth $50. Principal Smith then held the microphone up to her mouth and said, "Now that we've gotten the individual contest winner, let's move onto the couple's costume winners. Drum roll, please." Dang then pushed the drum roll button again. It then stopped when Principal Smith called out the winners. "And the winners of the couples contest are... Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake... for the dragon basketball player and dragon cheerleader!"

All the students then applauded when Aaron and Smolder were heading up to the stage. They got up towards Principal Smith and she handed two more $50 Wal*Mart Gift Cards to the two.

"Nice costumes, dude," Kyle said, patting Aaron's back. He then felt Aaron's backside. "Dude, it feels so real."

"You have no idea," Aaron said, smiling.

Later that night, Aaron and Smolder returned home. They went into Smolder's apartment, seeing their five friends asleep on Smolder's couch.

"Looks like our friends from Equestria wanted to celebrate Halloween, too," Aaron said.

"Looks like it," Smolder said. She then walked over towards Gallus, who had a bowl of popcorn wrapped in his left foreleg, and he was resting his head on his right talon. Smolder then pushed Gallus's right talon away from his head, making his head fall into the bowl of popcorn, causing him to wake up, then the others waking up.

"Gah! Wha...?!" Gallus asked. He and the others then saw Aaron and Smolder standing in front of them. "I heard you guys went to a costume dance at your school. Was there a contest?"

"We won," Aaron answered. "We went as what you guys see before you."

"You actually went out in public as dragons?" Ocellus asked.

"It's Halloween," Aaron said. "Everyone at school thought we were in really convincing costumes."

"Even Principal Smith was surprised to see us in this form during the dance," Smolder said. "No one at school could top us."

"Wow, dragons are really competitive," Sandbar said.

"Even though I wasn't born a dragon," Aaron said, making the others nod. "I can't believe you guys actually came here. Why on a Monday?"

"Well, Princess Twilight asked me if I wanted to take a week off of Royal Guard Training to meet up with you guys," Gallus said. "She also told me to get a report on this Halloween holiday and compare it to Nightmare Night."

"As soon as he was assigned that, he came to us and we came right on here to check it out ourselves," Ocellus said. "All Hallow's Eve. What an interesting name it used to have."

"We also spent some of the day watching this Hocus Pocus 2 movie," Sandbar said. "It was funny seeing the Sanderson Sisters react to their reflection in that round mirror at that Walgreens in the movie."

"Oh, yeah, that was funny," Aaron laughed as Smolder laughed with him.

"That was one of the funniest parts of the movie," Smolder said.

"Alright, kids," Marissa said, coming into Smolder's apartment. "Aaron, Smolder, you two still have school in the morning. Get yourselves bathed and go to bed immediately."

"Alright, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said.

"Whatever," Smolder said, taking off her costume. Gallus then noticed the panties that Smolder was wearing.

"What are you wearing underneath that skirt?" Gallus asked. Smolder froze at that. She then turned around.

"Some people don't like seeing ones private areas out in public," Smolder said. "Apparently, it's like nudity."

"Oooh," Gallus, Sandbar, Yona and Silverstream all said in unison.

"That's understandable," Ocellus said. Aaron and Marissa then went into their part of the house with Sandbar and Gallus following. Smolder then started heading towards her bedroom to get her uniform off so she'll be getting into the shower. They were gonna get ready for the next day.

Chapter 11: Descendants: The Middle School Play

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Chapter 11: Descendants: The Middle School Play

At school, the students were getting into their final dress rehearsal. Aaron was dressed up as Ben in his final outfit for the play, and Smolder was dressed up as Mal in her final dress. Although, Smolder had to have her hair styled up for the final outfit.

"Alright, students," came Mr. O'Connell's voice, coming from behind the curtains. "This is our final dress rehearsal before the performance tomorrow night. Let's make this one count." He then went towards the edge of the stage and jumped off. He then took one of the seats. "Okay, let's start off with the last scene before the final dance. Aaron, your character, Ben, and his parents, along with most of the other cast are still frozen after Maleficent froze all the people around her and Fairy Godmother is about to unfreeze everyone. Everyone, into positions." Then all the students got into position with Smolder, Maddie, Kyle and another student, Thomas, standing next to each other, looking at Emma, who was playing Fairy Godmother. "And... action."

"What just happened?" Maddie asked as her role as Evie.

"I have no idea," Smolder responded as Mal.

"Did you do it?" Maddie asked.

"I don't know," Smolder responded.

Emma walked up to the group and, in character, said to them, "No, no, no, no. Your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why It's so itty-bitty."

"Is she gonna be like that forever?" Smolder asked.

"Well, forever is a long time," Emma said. "You learned to love. So can she."

Smolder then handed Emma the prop wand to Emma, saying, "I believe this belongs to you."

Emma then took the prop ring off of the prop wand and said, "And I believe this... belongs to you." She then put the ring on Smolder's ring finger. "You all have earned yourselves an "A" in goodness class." Smolder, Maddie, Jay and Thomas then got into a group hug. Emma then wave the prop wand. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Then everyone started moving, and Aaron roared while running towards the group, but Smolder stopped him.

"Okay, okay!" Smolder said, holding Aaron back. "Oh! We kinda got this all wrapped up here."

"Oh... yeah, let's go," said a student playing Ben's father, Beast.

Aaron then grabbed Smolder as she said, "Oh!"

"Next time, I rescue you, okay?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah," Smolder said, smirking. "Let's not let there be a next time, okay?" She then noticed something. She saw Emma talking with another student, Abby. "I will be right back." She then walked over to Emma and Abby.

"I love you," Emma said to Abby. "But you are on a major time-out."

Smolder walked up to the two and said, "Don't be too hard on Jane. I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head." She then looked at Abby. "You are beautiful... Inside and out. Your mom got that right."

"I guess I did get pretty lucky in the mother department," Abby said, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess so," Smolder said. She then noticed two more students dressed as Auradonian Guards, picking up something. "Hey!" Smolder then walked over towards the two. "Careful! That's my mom!"

Then Kyle, Maddie and Thomas walked over towards Smolder, and Kyle said, "Well, let's get this party started!"

"Ohayohay, hey," the four of them sung in unison.

"Cut!" Mr. O'Connell called out. "Perfect! You all did it perfectly!" He then looked at Smolder. "Especially you, Samantha! You've made the best lead actress role I've seen so far."

"Thank you," Smolder responded.

"Okay, everyone," Mr. O'Connell said. "Everyone out of those costumes. We need to save them for tomorrow night, and the next two nights after."

"Oh, yeah," Aaron said. "We need to be prepared for the performances over the weekend."

"And with Miley Brands gone, we're actually gonna get amazing reviews," Kyle said.

"You said it," Mr. O'Connell said. "So, everyone, head on home. We've got a play to perform."

Smolder and Marissa were doing some hot yoga that night. Smolder was still in human form, and dressed in her yoga outfit.

"So the play starts tomorrow night?" Marissa asked.

"That's right," Smolder said. "And with Miley gone, I've got the lead actress role. Although, throughout every Disney movie that the heroes and villains had, most of the villains ended up dead, and yet, somehow, they're alive in the Descendants universe."

"I guess you're right," Marissa said. "Maleficent, Evil Queen, Jafar, Ursula, Gaston, even Dr. Facilier. Cruella De Vil didn't die, along with Captain Hook, Smee, and the Tremaines."

"Some people would want a villain's return, I guess," Smolder said. "Like how certain villains returned in Equestria. Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, even Cozy Glow."

Aaron walked in, carrying two water bottles, saying, "I still wonder how Cozy ended up as a villain in the first place."

"I guess we'll find out some day," Smolder said.

"Alright, Smolder," Marissa said. "That's enough yoga for the day. You still have to do your homework."

"I actually completed most of my homework during lunch today," Smolder said. "Aaron thought the sooner we do it, the more time we have to get ready for the play."

Marissa looked towards Aaron and asked," You told her that?"

"Better to do it sooner than later," Aaron said.

"Good call," Marissa said. "Alright, go finish up, and then get yourself bathed." Smolder nodded and headed for the bedroom area as Marissa turned off the space heater. Marissa then looked at Aaron and asked, "You think your friends back in Equestria would be interested in seeing this play?"

"Only one way to find out," Aaron said. He then headed out of there and he went up to his room to get the book to keep in contact with Gallus.

The next morning, after dropping off Aaron and Smolder at school, Marissa was waiting for something while she was sitting on the living room couch. Just then, she heard the portal whirling from behind the closed door that led to Smolder's apartment. She then walked over towards the door and saw Aaron and Smolder's friends from Equestria. Gallus, Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona were wearing the special pendants to disguise themselves as humans while they were in their true forms.

"So, I hear that Aaron and Smolder's school play is starting tonight, huh?" Gallus asked.

"We have a few hours until the play starts," Marissa said. "We might as well make some time until then." Just then, the sound of a toilet flushing came to their attention. Marissa rounded the corner to see Garble coming out of Smolder's bathroom.

"I still don't understand why you non-dragons have those," Garble said. "We dragons just do our business in a small pool of lava."

"Yeah... Garble insisted on coming," Ocellus said.

"Well, I won't have room in the car for all of you for the return trip," Marissa said.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" Gallus asked. "Have Ocellus to change into a smaller creature for the ride home?"

"I don't think I can handle all the motion during the drive," Ocellus said.

"She has a point," Silverstream said. "I don't think it's wise to have anything in a moving vehicle unsecured." Then there was a knock on the door in Aaron and Marissa's part of the house. The Equestrians, except Ocellus, tapped their magical pendants, turning themselves into humans. Ocellus then transformed into her human form using her changeling magic.

Marissa then walked over towards the door in her and Aaron's part of the house, opened it up, and there stood Liam.

"Liam," Marissa said. "What a surprise." Ocellus looked in through the door and gasped.

Ocellus looked back towards the group and said, "It's that police man from when Aaron, Smolder and Marissa moved into this house."

"Oh, that's right," Gallus said. "Aaron said that his aunt and that cop are dating." Then Marissa and Liam walked into Smolder's living room. "Hey, Miss Blazer."

"Gallus, it's okay," Marissa said. "I told him about all of you."

"Seriously?" Gallus, Sandbar, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona and Garble asked in unison.

"Yes," Liam said. "In fact, Aaron and Smolder were the first to know that I knew. Anyway, I heard you're all wanting to go to the play that Aaron and Smolder are staring in."

"Yeah, but apparently, there's not enough room for all of us to be in the return trip from their school, even with Aaron and Smolder in the car," Silverstream said.

"I can help with that," Liam said. He then looked at Garble. "You can have a ride in my car."

"Well, at least my sister will have a ride," Garble said. "Alright. So, when does the play start?"

Back at Summer Valley Middle School, people were walking into the school, heading for the school auditorium. People were getting seats. Meanwhile, backstage, Smolder was getting her hair wet with a towel wrapped around her shoulders. One woman was brushing her hair down and styling it the way that Mal had it in Descendants.

"Thank you," Smolder said. She then took the towel off her shoulders and then she put on the jacket for her first scene. Aaron then walked up to Smolder, wearing the first outfit he was going to wear in the first scene, which was a suit that was in the process of being tailored.

"Hey, Samantha," Aaron said, getting Smolder's attention.

"What is it, Aaron?" Smolder asked.

"Marissa and Liam have brought our friends and your brother to watch the play," Aaron said.

"What?!" Smolder asked. She then headed for the curtain and peaked through it, seeing all the people walking in. Then she saw Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona and Marissa walking towards some seats. "Okay, looks like the girls are there. But where are my brother, Gallus, Sandbar and Liam?"

"Probably getting snacks for the play," Aaron said. "Hopefully, Garble doesn't ask for some gems." Smolder snickered at that comment.

"Alright, everyone!" came Mr. O'Connell's voice. "Places! Everyone, get to your places in the first scene. Aaron, get ready."

"You got it, Mr. O'Connell," Aaron said. Smolder then looked back through the curtain to see Garble, Sandbar, Gallus and Liam heading over towards where the others were, all of them were carrying buckets of popcorn. Liam and Garble were carrying a drink holder with four drinks each. Mr. O'Connell then pushed Smolder back towards the sides before he walked out the curtains towards the middle of the front of the stage.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first performance of the Summer Valley Middle School play, Descendants," Mr. O'Connell said. "We're so glad to have all of you support the theatrical arts. Our students have put so much hard work into setting up this school play. Hopefully, they won't get confused for the actual actors who played them in the Disney Channel movie. In fact, we actually have two actresses from that movie here right now. Give a hand to Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson." Then the people started applying as Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson walked up on stage.

"Hello, everyone," Dove Cameron said. "It's such a pleasure to be here. I just hope that the girl who plays my character, Mal, does almost as well as I did."

"My character as well," Sofia Carson said. "Alright, let's see how well this play goes."

"Alright, let's get started," Mr. O'Connell said as Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson left the stage. "By certain scenes, I know some of you will be saying 'Dang'."

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing next to Mr. O'Connell. Then everyone screamed. Just then, another Dang appeared opening the curtains in the middle. "Hey! Start the play!" Then everyone, including Dang at the front of the stage screamed at the second Dang. Then another Dang appeared, sitting behind Gallus in the seats. "Hey! Stop screaming and start the play! Sheesh!" This time, no one screamed as everyone looked back towards the stage as the lights started dimming.

Then there was Smolder's voice coming from the speakers. The stagehands had already recorded Smolder's voice for certain lines that she couldn't say on stage.

"Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all the really interesting people... and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my hood. No magic. No Wi-Fi. No way out. Or so I thought. Hang on, you're about to meet us. But first, this happened."

Then the curtains started rising, showing Aaron standing on a small platform with another student measuring him with a tape ruler. Then the two students playing Belle and Beast came in from the left side of the stage.

"'How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month?'" "Beast" asked. "'You're just a baby!'"

"'He's turning 16, dear'," "Belle" said.

"'Hey, pops,'" Aaron said in character.

"'16? That's far too young to be crowned king,'" "Beast" said. "'I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42.'"

"'Uh, you decided to marry me at 28,'" "Belle" responded, smugly. The crowd quietly laughed.

"'Uh, it was either you or a teapot,'" "Beast" responded, making Aaron laugh and giving "Belle" an angry expression. "'Kidding'."

"'Mom, Dad...'" Aaron said, making the tailor annoyed that he was moving. He then moved Aaron's body back to how it was, but Aaron kept moving. "'I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance... to live here in Auradon." "Belle" and "Beast" looked surprised at Aaron. "'Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned.'"

"'The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?'" "Beast" asked.

"'We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most,'" Aaron said. "'I've already chosen them.'"

"'Have you?'" "Beast" asked.

"'I gave you a second chance,'" "Belle" said, looking at "Beast". She then turned to look at Aaron. "'Who are their parents?'"

Aaron then listed off the names of the four villains. "'Cruella De Vil... Jafar... Evil Queen...'" He then let out a breath. "'And Maleficent'." That made the tailor yelp in shock.

"'Maleficent! She is the worst villain in the land!'" "Beast" nearly shouted.

"'Dad, just hear me out here!'" Aaron said before being cut off.

"'I won't hear of it,'" "Beast" responded, angrily. "'They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.'"

"'Dad, their children are innocent'," Aaron said, making "Beast" go silent. "'Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life? Dad?'" "Belle" then put a hand on "Beast's" arm, making him rethink.

"Beast" then turned around and said, "'I suppose their children are innocent.'"

"'Well done,'" "Belle" said. Then she and "Beast" turned around, facing the left side of the stage. "'Shall we?'" Then they all started walking off the stage as the lights on the stage started dimming. In the dark, the stagehands started changing the stage for the next scene, which would be Smolder's first scene, singing the song "Rotten to the Core".

It had taken almost an hour into the play, and the performance was going off okay. The play was currently where Mal and Ben were going off on their first date in the forest by the enchanted lake. They were sitting on a picnic blanket with a bunch of picnic food around them.

"'Is this your first time?'" Aaron asked as Smolder was eating something.

"'Mm... We don't really date much on the island,'" Smolder said after finishing the bite she took. "'It's more like... Gang activity.'"

"'Um, I meant, is this your first time eating a jelly donut?'" Aaron asked.

"'Is it bad?'" Smolder asked. She had some jelly on the edge of her mouth.

Aaron then used a napkin to rub off the jelly off of Smolder's mouth. "'There you go.'" He then rubbed his hands. "'You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn. I really don't know that much about you. Tell me something."

"'Well, I'm 16. I'm an only child. And I've only ever lived in one place,'" Smolder responded.

"'Me, too,'" Aaron responded. "'That... we have so much in common already.'"

"'No. Trust me, we do not,'" Smolder said. "'And now you're gonna be king.'"

The play had reached the final scene. After finishing up the coronation, the cast of the play sang the song "Set it Off", and were dancing to it as well. After finishing up, Smolder was undressing from her costume, and was about to get back in her normal attire. Just then, there was a knocking on her dressing room door.

"Hang on, Aaron," Smolder said. "I'm not decent."

"It ain't Aaron," came the voice of Dove Cameron. Smolder was surprised to hear Dove Cameron. Smolder then finished dressing up, and then she walked over towards the door. She opened it and outside her dressing room was both Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson.

"Whoa," Smolder said. "Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson. I'm actually surprised that two cast members of the actual movie are actually here... in my school... in my dressing room."

"Yeah, Dove and I have heard that this school has been setting up a play version of a movie we've done together," Sofia Carson said. "Although, your voice."

"What about my voice?" Smolder asked.

"I don't mean to be rude, but you sound... exactly like that orange girl dragon from My Little Pony," Sofia Carson said.

Smolder just smirked and said, "You have no idea."

"Well, congrats on playing my character amazingly well," Dove Cameron said. "Hope to see you again." Then she and Sofia Carson started walking out of the dressing room as Aaron was walking in.

"Did you just talk with Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah," Smolder responded. "They were surprised at how well I performed tonight."

"Well, they should be," Aaron said. "Even though Sofia Carson, who played Pipp Petals in the G5 movie, was talking with the actual Smolder."

"I thought she sounded familiar," Smolder said. "What are the odds? Dang."

"You called?" Dang asked, appearing in the dressing room between the two. Aaron and Smolder then screamed.

"Dude, you have got to stop doing that!" Aaron said.

"Sorry," Dang said. "People just keep saying my name whenever they want to."

"You know, it's getting late," Smolder said. "Let's go home."

"You kids go," Dang said. "I've got some cleaning up to do." Then Aaron and Smolder headed out of the dressing room to meet up with the rest of the Young 6, Marissa, Liam and Garble, and then head on home.

Chapter 12: Basketball and Cheerleading

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Chapter 12: Basketball and Cheerleading

It had been almost a full month since the school play. Winter was going to be coming soon, meaning some new seasonal curriculars for Summer Valley Middle School. Aaron and Smolder were looking at which curriculars to pick.

"So, what are we going to do this time?" Smolder asked.

"I'm actually wanting to sign up for the Basketball team," Aaron said, looking at the sign up sheet for the Boys Basketball team. "I've been wanting to be on a Basketball team for a while."

"One that's not with Equestrians playing against the Harlem Globetrotters?" Smolder asked, bumping Aaron's arm. "That was an impressive last shot by the way."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "But this time, I better keep it professional and play as a human."

"Good call," Smolder said. "Maybe I should try something different as well." She looked at the sign up sheets to see which was available. Then she saw one sign up sheet for the Cheerleading Squad. "Cheerleading?"

"Are you thinking about joining?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know," Smolder responded. "I've been on a Cheerleading Squad before, but that was back in Equestria. I'm not so sure I can handle this." Just then, the Principal's voice came from the Intercom.

"Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's Office. I repeat, Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake to the Principal's Office." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other in confusion. They then headed for the Principal's Office.

Aaron and Smolder were sitting in the Principal's Office as Principal Smith discussed something with them. Both of them were stunned at what she told the two.

"You want us to actually be dragons in school?" Smolder asked. "No more hiding?"

"You two actually helped save the school," Principal Smith said. "You two deserve to be appreciated for everything you've done."

"I'm not so sure that we should," Aaron said. "I'm sure the President is wanting to keep our dragon forms a secret."

"We got away with it on Halloween, though," Smolder said. "Everyone in school thought we were in costume."

"The President of the United States called," Principal Smith said. "He feels that it's time you two actually reveal your dragon forms to the public. And since you two are protected by the US Government, you won't worry about those people who think everything from the show is a mistake."

"The Anti-Bronies," Aaron said. "Yeah, we wouldn't want anything to happen to us."

"So, I'll give you two until tomorrow to rethink your decision," Principal Smith said. "Anyway, have you two signed up for any extra curricular classes for the winter?"

"Well, I signed up for the Basketball team," Aaron said.

"The Basketball team, huh?" Principal Smith asked. "Well, since you played basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters, you might as well be a part of the team." She then looked at Smolder. "And I assume you'll be signing up for the cheerleading squad?"

"I don't know," Smolder said. "Should I really? Back in Equestria, I only joined the cheerleading squad just because it was being coached by Rainbow Dash."

"Well, if you join the cheerleading squad, and reveal yourself, not only would you be the school mascot, but the head cheerleader," Principal Smith said. "And it's a common fact that cheerleaders and athletes get a lot of popularity."

Smolder put a finger on her chin and started thinking. She then said, "I'll have to think about it."

"Okay," Principal Smith said. She then looked back at Aaron. "Oh, and Aaron. I've had a talk with your aunt about sports wear. Would you mind asking her about them?"

"Sure thing, Principal Smith," Aaron said. He then noticed the time. "Right now, we need to get to class." Principal Smith then handed Aaron and Smolder some passes and the two of them headed out to their next class.

Back at home, Aaron, Smolder and Marissa were having spaghetti for dinner. Smolder was in dragon form, thinking about what Principal Smith proposed.

"Are you okay, Smolder?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah," Smolder responded. "Just... wondering about something I guess."

"Is this about what Principal Smith talked to you two about today?" Marissa asked, making Aaron and Smolder look at her. "The President called. I think you should consider revealing yourselves as dragons to your school. It would bring a huge weight off you."

"Well, I was exposed as a human in Equestria by Pinkie Pie," Aaron said. "Lyra was trying to keep me in Equestria."

"Ocellus said that Lyra is still trying to find the portal to this world so she can get you," Smolder said, chuckling.

"She's still wanting me to stay in Equestria?" Aaron asked, shocked. He then grumbled. "She just doesn't get that I have family here on Earth."

"Anyway, I think you two should be able to reveal to your school friends and the faculty about your... other forms," Marissa said. "You could put your school on the map."

"I still don't know," Smolder said. "What if the other students don't treat us like friends?"

"Well, those who treat you as friends, even in your dragon forms, will still be real friends," Marissa said. "You just need to see for yourself."

Smolder was thinking about it. She had a frown on her face when thinking. But then it slowly became a smile. She then said, "Alright. Let's give it a shot."

"Good, because I've been working on the Cheerleader uniforms, and I've made one in your size as a dragon," Marissa said. "I would really want you to wear it to school tomorrow when you reveal yourself."

Smolder rolled her eyes with a smile on her face after Marissa made that comment.

The next day at school, there was an assembly going on in the gymnasium. Everyone in the seats was confused about what was going on. Then Principal Smith walked up to a podium that was set up in the middle of the gym.

"Good day, students," Principal Smith said into the microphone. "I assume you are all wondering why I've called this assembly today. Well, I am here to tell you that it involves something that happened months ago." Then a projector screen came rolling down in front of one of the basketball hoops. Then a projector turned on as the lights turned off. On the screen showed images of the battle against Ragnarok the Reaper. "You all heard of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. How we all thought it was a work of fiction. Well, it apparently was real, and they had a battle against an ancient Equestrian villain, here, on Earth."

All the students started murmuring. Kyle, Maddie and Paul were sitting close to each other. Kyle then said, "This is really weird."

"I think it's actually cool," Paul said. "Sure, the pony thing is girly, but the other creatures are actually cool. Especially the griffons." The other two nodded.

"And just a couple months after that..." Principal Smith said as the image changed. "...Thanks to some of those creatures, they had a charity game with the Harlem Globetrotters to get our school back to how it was supposed to be." The projector was showing images of the basketball game between the Harlem Globetrotters and the Equestria Uniters. "We wouldn't be where we are right now if it weren't for these creatures. In fact... two of them are actually students in this school."

"What?!" Kyle asked.

"No way," Paul said.

"Dang," Maddie said.

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing while sitting on Paul's left side. Then the students around them screamed.

"Okay, Dang," Principal Smith said. "No more scaring the students."

"I can't help it," Dang said. "Someone says my name, I appear. No need to be so drastic." He then got up and started moving through the students sides, heading out of the gym.

"Anyway, like I said, two of those creatures are actually students of this school," Principal Smith said. "May I have Aaron Blazer and Samantha Drake come over here?" Then Aaron and Smolder walked up to the podium, in their human forms.

"Huh?" Kyle, Maddie and Paul asked in unison.

"Well, you see, these two students were more involved with those two events than you'd think," Principal Smith said. "Aaron, why don't you show them." Aaron nodded. He then jumped up and transformed into his dragon form, surprising the students. He then flew over all the students.

"Hey, everyone!" Aaron said. All the students were surprised to see Aaron in his dragon form. He then landed back by the podium.

"Whoa, dude!" Paul shouted. "That is awesome!" Aaron pointed towards Paul with a grin.

"Since Aaron helped out on helping the school get its funding back, and with that spectacular game play with the Harlem Globetrotters, Aaron will be on the basketball team," Principal Smith said. Aaron then started flying over the podium and took the microphone.

"As long as I'm in human form," Aaron said. "My dragon form and abilities would be considered cheating since I'd be the only one on any basketball team that can do that."

"Of course," Principal Smith said. Then all the students cheered.

"You are awesome, Aaron!" Kyle shouted.

"What about Samantha?" Maddie asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Maddie," Principal Smith said. "Samantha Drake is also one of those creatures. Although, her name isn't really Samantha Drake. She is actually..." Then an image of Smolder appeared on the screen. "Smolder. And she has informed me that she's going to be taking part in the Summer Valley Middle School Cheerleading Squad. In fact, she's wearing her Cheerleading outfit right now."

Smolder nodded and transformed into her dragon form, showing off her new Cheerleading Outfit. It was orange with red trimmings, had letters white letters with gold trimmings, the letters being S-V-M-S, a red and orange striped skirt, and red, orange and gold pompoms.

All the students started applauding for Aaron and Smolder. Then the two leaned their heads straight up and let out some flames, being careful not to cause the gymnasium to get on fire. All the students cheered louder than before.

In the school cafeteria, Aaron, Smolder; where the two were still in dragon form, Maddie, Kyle and Paul were in line for getting their lunch. The school was serving burgers and fries.

"I can't believe you two were dragons all along," Paul said. "I mean, actual, real dragons."

"Yeah," Smolder said. "It's actually been a huge relief to actually show the school my true form."

Kyle then looked at Aaron and asked, "So I'm guessing that your name isn't really Aaron Blazer."

"Oh, it is," Aaron said. "I was actually born human, in Chicago."

"Then, how did you two meet?" Maddie asked.

"It's a long story," Smolder said. "In fact, Mr. O'Connell wants us to write the story of how we met as a school assignment. Might as well do it together."

"Good call," Maddie said. As soon as Smolder got her burger, Maddie pointed out something. "You wouldn't want to get any condiments on your new Cheerleader outfit."

Smolder looked down at her outfit, smiled and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right." She then changed into her human form. "Thanks for that, Maddie."

"So, did it feel kinda weird when you transform?" Maddie asked.

"Almost all the time," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "When I first transformed into a human, I almost fell forward."

"Maybe it was your tail," Kyle said.

"I guess that makes sense," Smolder said. "It still feels weird not having one when I'm human."

"So, how did you two get that shapeshifting ability?" Paul asked. "Isn't that what the changelings in your world do?"

"The portal that sent us both here from Equestria was supposed to have a transformation spell meant for one creature," Aaron said. "But due to Ragnarok shaking the place we were in, I bumped my head and went out cold. It was night time on the other side of the portal."

"I had to drag Aaron through the portal so he wouldn't get hurt by Ragnarok the Reaper," Smolder said. "He was a legendary villain in the Dragon Lands. He would only wake up from his induced slumber when there's a jade dragon in Equestria." She then motioned a hand to Aaron.

"Ohh!" Paul, Kyle and Maddie said in unison.

"And since Aaron wasn't in Equestria anymore, Ragnarok would go back to sleep," Kyle said. "But, how did the entire land of Equestria end up on Earth."

"Apparently, our friends were going to surprise us by coming to this world," Smolder said. "But Princess Twilight surged and accidentally brought the entire land to this world. And that's when we had to fight Ragnarok outside of Vegas."

"Yeah, we thought the less casualties, the safer the world," Aaron said. "But the military thought we were trouble for the world. They thought we were invading Earth. They even tried launching a nuke at us."

"A nuke?" Dang asked, appearing next to the group, making the five scream. "I heard that the general of that military division was fired for taking unnecessary action."

"Oh, he was," Aaron said. "But, for him having that nuke launched, drastic measures had to be taken. I had to go big."

"Yeah," Smolder said. "Aaron used greed induced bigness and brought Ragnarok up into the sky, and threw him at the nuke. Although, I still don't know how he was able to control it." She then looked at Aaron. "How did you control your greed induced bigness?"

"Well, seeing all of you willing to risk your necks on helping fight off Ragnarok, I had to concentrate," Aaron said. "I wanted to protect you just as you were protecting me."

"So, you focused on what you wanted on helping everyone that was willing to help you," Smolder said. "That was actually a good plan."

"Dude, you had guts back then," Kyle said. "Hope something like that doesn't happen again."

"You kidding?" Aaron asked. "There's no threat here on Earth that requires me to go that big again."

"Not yet," Smolder said, smirking.

"Smolder," Aaron said. Then the five of them laughed.

"So, when does Basketball Practice start?" Smolder asked.

"Not until Monday," Aaron said. "I need to get my basketball gear. And new basketball shoes."

"Right, since you're gonna need that kind of gear in your human form," Smolder said. "Well, we cheerleaders will be cheering for you. And of course the rest of the basketball team."

"Yeah, man," Kyle said, wrapping his left arm around Aaron's shoulder. "We're gonna need all the help we can get."

"Especially since we've got two dragons as fellow classmates," Paul said, wrapping his right arm around Aaron's shoulder with Kyle.

"You two signed up for the basketball team as well?" Aaron asked.

"Well, you can't be the only boy on the boy's basketball team," Paul said. "Let's do this."

"Can't wait until the first game," Kyle said. Then he and Paul got their arms off of Aaron, and they put their hands in, along with Aaron, Smolder and Maddie. "Dragons on three. One, two, three."

"Dragons!" the five of them called out. Then they all laughed with the rest of the students in the cafeteria joining in.

Chapter 13: First Game

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Chapter 13: First Game

Aaron, Paul and Kyle were practicing some drills for their upcoming Basketball game, along with a bunch of other male students for the basketball team. Then their basketball coach walked up to them.

"Alright, boys," the coach said. "It's the first game of the season and we're going up against the Southwest Middle School Sea Lions."

"The first game of the season," Aaron said. "It's gonna be exciting."

"Let's get to practicing your drills," the coach said.

"Yes, sir, Coach Little!" the Basketball team said. Then they all went over to one side of the court, practicing their basketball plays. Eventually, they all left the gymnasium. As soon as they left, the cheerleaders were also leaving another part of the school. Smolder was in her human form and she walked up to Aaron.

"Why are you in your human form?" Aaron asked.

"Meh, some people still don't know we're actually dragons," Smolder said. She then pounded Aaron's shoulder. "Well, mostly me because I was born a dragon and you were born a human."

"Yeah, that's true," Aaron said. "But now, we're both of each species mixed into one. Even if we have to transform into the other species." Just then, Marissa's car pulled up in front of them. Aaron and Smolder got into the car and then Marissa drove off.

"So, you two had good practice?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "Our first game is on Friday. We're going up against the Southwest Sea Lions."

"Well, that's good to hear," Marissa said. "So, Smolder, are you and the other cheerleaders going to be cheering for the boys basketball team?"

"Yup," Smolder said. "We've been practicing the routines for the past couple of weeks. Although, one of the cheerleaders suggests we do a pyramid with me on top. In dragon form."

"Did you try that?" Aaron asked.

"The first time we tried that, we all fell to the ground," Smolder said. "Dragons are heavier. Not as heavy as certain aged yaks, but still pretty heavy."

"And that's why Yona was on the bottom," Aaron said, making Smolder nod.

"Yeah, that's true," Smolder said.

"Hey, do any of your friends from Equestria celebrate the holidays around the 25th of December?" Marissa asked.

"Most of them," Smolder said. "I've already been to the Dragon Lands for the Feast of Fire."

"Who won the story contest this year?" Aaron asked.

"There was no need of a story contest this year," Smolder said. "All the dragons thought that since you defeated Ragnarok the Reaper and united both our worlds together in peace and harmony, you deserve all the gems for being a legend."

"I've become a legend?" Aaron asked.

"What you've done for both countries was amazing, Aaron," Marissa said. "Back on topic. What about your friends back in Equestria?"

"Silverstream's going back to Mount Aris to spend the Three Days of Freedom Celebration," Smolder said.

"Sandbar and Ocellus are spending Hearth's Warming with their families," Aaron said. "Hopefully Ocellus knows all about Hearth's Warming by now." Smolder snickered at that.

"And Yona's got the Snilldar Fest," Smolder said after she finished snickering. "I remember her smashing a bucket after telling us how she spends the holidays."

"What about your griffon friend?" Marissa asked. "Gallus. How does he spend the holidays?"

"Oh... that's not a good story for him," Aaron said.

"In fact, it was the reason the six of us on our first year of attending the School of Friendship why we weren't going home for the holidays," Smolder said.

"He was living on the streets of Griffonstone," Aaron said. "He didn't have a family to go home to."

"Oh, that's so sad," Marissa said. She then thought of something. "Tell you what, when I called the resort we're going to be staying at for Christmas, they said that for a family Christmas Vacation, it would be best for all of us to stay in the same hotel room. Or should I say, the Grand Villa."

"The Grand Villa?" Aaron asked. "That's three bedrooms, two of them with queen beds and a sofa couch."

"Exactly," Marissa said. "Anyway, how about we invite Gallus to spend the holidays with us? Since he doesn't have a family to go home to."

"Actually, I was wondering," Aaron said, looking at Smolder. "Did someone invite Gallus to spend the holidays last year?"

"Sandbar asked him," Smolder said. "But he was bored out of his mind through the holidays."

"I doubt that he'd want to go to Yakyakistan with Yona," Aaron said. "It's colder up there than it would be in Griffonstone in the winter."

"That's true," Smolder said. "And I don't know about Mount Aris or Seaquestria."

"It probably depends on what side of the Equator that area is," Aaron said, making Smolder nod. "I have no idea about the Changeling Hive."

"And I doubt the Dragon Lands wouldn't be a good choice for Gallus," Smolder said. "He'd be overheated. Plus, he wouldn't be able to bathe in the Dragon Lands."

"Why? Is the water too hot?" Marissa asked.

"What water?" Smolder asked. "We dragons bathe in hot lava."

"What about the water from the Dragon Lord's throne to Flame-cano Island?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, right," Smolder said. "I forgot about that. But that water's not so clean. Plus, there's the giant Sea Worm in the water."

"Oh, yeah," Aaron said. "Spike almost got eaten by that thing during that race."

"So Gallus has no place to go," Marissa said. "Well... perhaps we can invite him to Hawaii with us."

"Are you sure he's gonna be okay with this?" Smolder asked.

"Well, we won't know until we ask him," Marissa said. "When we get home, you go contact him and we'll ask him together."

"Alright," Aaron said.

The three of them arrived home. Liam's Police Car was pulled up in the driveway.

"By the way, Liam is here making home cooked burgers," Marissa said. "He's been a big help. Bringing you both home from school, helping with keeping your secret."

"It almost sounds like you're inviting him to live with you," Smolder said.

"Well, we won't know that yet," Marissa said. Then the three of them got out of the car and headed for the front door of Aaron and Marissa's part of the house. When they went to the kitchen area, they saw not only Liam, but Gallus in the kitchen, preparing the burgers. Gallus was in human form.

"Yeah, you got it," Liam said.

"Guess it helps having human hands more than having talons," Gallus said.

"Gallus?!" Aaron and Smolder asked, nearly scaring the griffon turned human, almost dropping the burger patty.

"Oh, sorry for the surprise visit," Gallus said.

"What brings you back here?" Aaron asked.

"Meh, something about Princess Twilight trying something to eventually help her with ruling Equestria," Gallus said. "I have no idea what she's doing, but she's wanting family only to help her with this project. Which means, all guard training is cancelled until the project is done."

"Wouldn't it leave Princess Twilight defenseless?" Smolder asked.

"Meh, if it's family only, she probably got her brother there to help," Aaron said. "So she wouldn't be totally defenseless."

"Yeah, that's true," Smolder said. "We haven't seen him since Ragnarok attacked the clubhouse."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "I barely got to talk to him that day. Although, I did get to talk to Princess Cadance outside of Vegas."

"And yet, when her baby came to that same spot, Flurry Heart tried cuddling you," Smolder said, smirking.

"Yeah, that was cute," Gallus said.

"So, why didn't you go back to Griffonstone?" Smolder asked, looking at Gallus.

"Princess Twilight thought that I shouldn't go back to being homeless back in Griffonstone," Gallus said. "She suggested that I should spend some time with one of my friends. I'd go with Silverstream, but she's out of town with her family. Along with the others. Luckily, Princess Twilight suggested I'd come to this world."

"Actually, I'm okay with that," Marissa said. "You can stay as long as you want to. Or until your training gets back on." She then thought of something. "In fact... how would you like to spend the holidays here?"

Gallus put a talon to the bottom of his beak and thought of it. He then said, "Well, anything's better than spending the holidays in Griffonstone all alone."

"Well, we're gonna be heading out of town for Christmas," Marissa said. "We would like for you to come with."

"Where ya going?" Gallus asked.

"Hawaii," Aaron said. "Smolder and I actually won a trip there when we competed on the game show."

"Oh, yeah," Gallus said. "Hey, Liam was just talking about that. He said that episode came on last week on something called Paramount+."

"Really?" Smolder asked. "It's on there already?" Smolder then ran over to the living room area and turned the TV on. She then went to the Prime Video app, and went to the Paramount+ channel on Prime Video. She then searched for Legends of the Hidden Temple and found the episode she was looking for. They watched the show as they were eating dinner.

It was the night of the first basketball game for Summer Valley Middle School. Marissa, Liam and Gallus were sitting in the bleachers, watching the game. It was almost the end of the first half of the game. The Summer Valley Middle School Dragons were behind the Southwest Sea Lions, the score being 23-31. Gallus was in human form.

"C'mon, Aaron!" Gallus called out. "You can do better than that!"

"He's doing his best," Marissa said. "He's not as strong as a dragon as he was in human form. He and the team are doing their best."

Aaron was then given the ball, standing behind the 3-point line. Two of the opposing team members were about to block him from making a pass. But Aaron took the shot, and it went in as a bank shot, just before the buzzer buzzed, ending the first half of the game. The score was now 26-31.

The two teams went back to their benches. Aaron then took a drink of water as the coach started talking.

"Alright, team," Coach Little said. "So we're down by five points. Not bad for our first game in years. Especially with our new classmate, Aaron Blazer." The rest of the team started congratulating Aaron for getting them this far on their first game. "Alright, boys. We've got two more quarters to go. So everyone, warm up."

"Pardon me, coach," Aaron said, getting up. "But I have to use the restroom. I've been waiting to go since the middle of the second quarter."

"Well, go on ahead," Coach Little said. "Anyone else?" Paul then raised his hand. "Alright, hurry up." Then Aaron and Paul started running towards the bathroom. Not knowing that Gallus was following them into the bathroom as well.

"It's alright! It's okay! We're gonna pull the win today!" the cheerleaders called out. Smolder was in her dragon form, wearing the cheerleader uniforms along with the other cheerleaders. "It's alright! It's okay! We're gonna pull the win today!"

In the boys restroom, Aaron and Paul were heading for some urinals. Then Gallus's voice came up.

"Nice job, Aaron!" Aaron and Paul got surprised. "You've done awesome!"

"Who are you?" Paul asked. "Are you from Southwest Middle School coming to spy on us? Or psych us out?"

"Relax, Paul," Aaron said. "He's a friend of mine."

"Who is he?" Paul asked.

"Paul, this is Gallus," Aaron said. "He's my best friend. We've met in Equestria." Paul looked towards Gallus. He tapped his medallion and transformed into his griffon form."

"'Sup?" Gallus asked.

"Whoa!" Paul said. "He's your best friend?"

"Yeah," Aaron said. "We met at the School of Friendship back in Equestria."

"It's actually nice having a friend who helps out a friend in need," Gallus said. "Aaron helped me out when I was hoping to go out with Silverstream."

"You helped him out?" Paul asked, looking at Aaron.

"Of course I did," Aaron said. "He practically humiliated himself in class. He was making goo goo eyes at her."

"W-w-what?!" Gallus asked, stuttering. "N-n-no I wasn't!" He then continued stuttering.

"Prime example," Aaron said. "And yet, that was a fan comic."

"Wait, some fan comics actually happened?" Paul asked. "How many did you see while you were there?"

"Just two," Aaron said. "Some I missed. In fact, it was a pair of comics that led to Gallus and Silverstream's relationship together."

"Really?" Paul asked, looking at Gallus.

"He made the two of us a picnic together with some of our favorite foods," Gallus said. "He even added some stuff for s'mores, even though we didn't have any s'mores where we come from."

"Sandbar and I had to show the whole group how to make s'mores," Aaron said.

"Wow," Paul said. Then they all headed for the urinals and did their business. Although, Gallus had to turn 90 degrees to the left, and put a leg up, him peeing into the urinal. Paul noticed that and asked, "What are you doing?"

"He's quadruped," Aaron said. "He usually pees like that when there isn't a bathroom around. You don't even wanna know what the urinals in Equestria are like."

"You really don't," Gallus added.

It was the last quarter in the game with less than 30 seconds on the clock, and the score was Dragons with 44 points as the opponents with 46 points. There was a reporter interviewing Smolder, asking her why she was attending a middle school in Florida.

"This world is actually amazing," Smolder said. "There are a lot of things here that we have in Equestria. Also, the main reason I'm here is because..." She then looked over towards the Summer Valley Middle School Basketball team. More specifically at Aaron.

"Ah, I see," the reporter said. "You fell in love with someone."

"Well, he actually ended up in Equestria first, and I had to drag him through a portal to get him home."

"I see," the reporter said. "Alright, I have no further questions. Go Dragons."

Back at the Summer Valley Dragons, the team was huddled up. The coach was laying out the last play.

"Okay, boys," Coach Little said. "We're down to our last play, and we're on defense. We need to get the ball, get it to our side of the court, and get at least 3 points."

Aaron looked towards the opponents, seeing they swapped out one player for a big guy. Aaron then said, "Looks like we're having a big guy going against us. He's gonna try to block our comeback."

"Alright then," Coach Little said. "Let's try to get around him. Get those three points. Hands in." Then the team put their hands in. "Dragons on three. One, two, three..."

"Dragons!" the team said. Then Aaron, Paul, Kyle and two other team members went out onto the court. Aaron, Paul and Kyle were at the top of the box, waiting for the opponents to come towards the court that the dragons were on the defensive side. One of the players was passing the ball to another player as he was passing the half court line, but Aaron and Paul started running towards the other side of the court. Paul grabbed the ball, started dribbling it, and then he passed it to Aaron. Aaron grabbed the ball and was about to take the shot, but the big guy from Southwest Middle School came in and pushed Aaron closer to the basket, past the 3-point line, as Aaron was taking the shot. The referee blew his whistle before the ball went into the basket.

The score was now tied 46 a piece, and there was five seconds left on the clock.

Marissa, Liam and Gallus cringed at Aaron getting hurt. Gallus then said, "C'mon, buddy. Get up."

Aaron then got up from the ground, the referee checking on him. He then asked, "Are you okay?"

Aaron then spun his head and moved his arms a little, responding with, "I've taken harder knock downs." He then flashbacked to when Smolder was teaching Aaron how to fly like a dragon during his time in Equestria, both beneath the school, and outside of the school.

The ref then called out, "One foul shot. White, 42, offensive foul. Red taking one shot."

Smolder then looked towards the cheerleaders and said, "Alright, girls. Let's give Aaron some support." Then they started clapping and called out.

"LET'S GO, AARON!" They, along with the crowd supporting the Summer Valley Middle School basketball team, did the same. Aaron then breathed out. He then bounced the ball in front of him, making the ball spinning back towards him, him catching it. Then he took the shot, without jumping. The chanting and clapping stopped. The ball went towards the box on the backboard. It bounced towards the inner hoop, bounced back towards the backboard, and then went down towards the rim of the basket, and slowly rotating into the basket. The ball then went down into the net, through it, and went down to the ground, getting the last point, the score being Dragons 47, Sea Lions 46.

The Sea Lions team then took the ball, and tried making a half court shot, before the buzzer, but the shot was made after the buzzer. The ball didn't make it into the basket anyway. The game was over, and the crowd cheered.

"That... was... awesome!" Gallus said.

"Aaron made the winning shot," Liam said. "Not bad, kid." The team then ran over towards Aaron and lifted him up, carrying him towards the locker room, all of them chanting his name.

Eventually, Aaron, Smolder, Marissa, Liam and Gallus returned to the house, Aaron still in his basketball uniform, and Smolder in human form.

"That game ended incredible," Gallus said. "That was a good shot, Aaron."

"Did you seriously tell the referee that you've taken harder falls?" Smolder asked.

"Well, it's true," Aaron said. "And that was back in Equestria."

"Oh, that's right," Gallus said. "You were teaching him how to fly."

"Oh, right," Smolder said. "I can't believe I forgot that."

"Alright, Gallus," Marissa said. "As usual, you get the couch."

"Meh, I slept on worse things," Gallus said.

"Didn't you have a bed back in Griffonstone?" Aaron asked.

"It wasn't exactly a mattress I was sleeping on," Gallus said. "I was sleeping on a stone slab, with nothing but a blanket, and a rock as a pillow."

"Well, at least you all are gonna enjoy Hawaii," Liam said.

"Actually, Liam," Marissa said. "I told my family about you, and they would like to meet you over Christmas." They all looked towards Liam.

"I'll go tell my family that I won't be spending Christmas with them," Liam said. "Although, they are understanding. I'll go pack my bags for Hawaii."

"Aaron, why don't you take a bath?" Marissa asked. "You kinda stink."

"Alright," Aaron said. He then headed upstairs. Gallus followed.

"Hey, wait," Gallus said. "I still need to know about Christmas. Princess Twilight has asked me to get details about this holiday."

Smolder smirked and shook her head. She then said, "I better hit the shower as well." She then headed for her part of the house, changing into her dragon form, taking off the Cheerleader Outfit she had on.

Back in Equestria, in Canterlot Castle, Twilight, Spike, and the entire family were there, discussing what Twilight was going to do.

"Are you sure about this, Twylie?" Shining Armor asked. "What if this goes terribly wrong?"

"It won't, Shining," Twilight said. "I'll make sure that what I'm doing is going to go smoothly."

"Twilight," Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet, said, a little worry in her voice. "This might not go as well as it went in this book." She held up the Past Sins book she had gotten from Aaron. "Although, the ending part of Chapter 6 was so sweet. This might have been a big mistake."

"Don't worry, Mom," Twilight said. She then put a hoof on her belly. "I won't let anything bad happen. Because I'm gonna make this right."

Chapter 14: Winter Break Begins

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Chapter 14: Winter Break Begins

At Summer Valley Middle School, all the kids were watching "A Christmas Carol" with Jim Carrey as Scrooge, and the Ghosts of Christmas. It was almost time for school to end for winter break. Aaron, Smolder and the rest of the class were getting ready to run out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. As soon as the clock read 1:15 pm, the bell rang, and Aaron and Smolder started running towards the door with their school bags.

"Alright, you two!" Mr. O'Connell called out. "Enjoy your holidays in Hawaii! As for the rest of you, enjoy time with your families!"

Aaron and Smolder were the first ones out of the school. Liam was in front of the school in his police car, waiting for the two to come out. They got into the car.

"So, how was school?" Liam asked.

"Pretty good," Smolder said. "I still can't believe it doesn't snow here."

"It actually snows in certain parts of this country," Aaron said. "But this place is not one of them."

"He's right, Smolder," Liam said.

"You should've seen Christmas in Chicago," Aaron said. "Snow was up to the second story of each building. There were also snow tunnels there that was hard to navigate."

"At least you and your aunt weren't from Alaska," Liam said. He then pulled out and they headed towards the house where Aaron and Smolder were living.

Aaron and Gallus were packing their bags. Gallus was in human form.

"Why am I packing some clothes?" Gallus asked.

"People might not take too well seeing a couple dragons and a griffon vacationing in Hawaii," Aaron said. "So, you might have to stay in human form when we're staying in Hawaii."

"Meh, whatever," Gallus said.

"By the way, about your medallion," Aaron said. "Does that thing deactivate the magic disguising you?"

"Actually, no," Gallus said. "Princess Twilight explained to me that whenever I take this thing off in disguise, the magic doesn't drop. I can only become my true self in it until I have it on and tap it."

"Okay," Aaron said. "So, you ready to have a nice vacation?"

"Meh, anything's better than spending the holidays alone," Gallus said.

"Hurry up, boys!" Marissa called out. "The transport's almost here."

"That's our cue," Aaron said, packing up his Nintendo Switch and Laptop into a backpack. Along with the charging plugs. Then the two grabbed the bags of clothes they had and headed downstairs.

As they were coming downstairs, Smolder was coming out of her apartment with a suitcase packed with clothes she had. She then said, "I still can't believe we're spending this holiday in a really tropical place. Hopefully it'll be relaxing like it was when the six of us went to Seaquestria."

"You went to Seaquestria?" Aaron asked.

"After losing a wager to Silverstream," Gallus said.

"Wait, 'Weekend Wager' happened?" Aaron asked. "Was that before Twilight becoming High Princess?"

"Yup," Smolder said. "How'd you know?"

"That was a fan comic," Aaron said. "You were wanting to show Spike all things dragon during Spring Break, but then Silverstream invited you to go with you and your friends to Seaquestria. You turned her down, and she made a wager that if she could enjoy herself in the Dragon Lands over the weekend, you'd have to spend Spring Break in Seaquestria. You lost, and you spent Spring Break as a Tiger Shark, Sandbar a Seapony, Gallus a Barracuda, Ocellus a Seal, Yona a Walrus and Spike back as a puffer fish."

"Wow, down to the Puffer Fish," Gallus said.

"Wow, some people in this world are devoted friends," Smolder said.

Gallus snickered and said, "Well, Aaron was here for a couple fan comics while he was in Equestria. Like when Sandbar had music from this world on his Crystal Powered Music Player. Which explained why he was so interested in Yona so much." Then he and Aaron started laughing.

"What songs?" Liam asked.

"Fat Bottom Girls by Queen was one of them," Aaron said. That made Liam laugh.

"Sounds even funnier when someone from this world was there in person," Liam said.

"Oh, it was," Aaron said. Just then, a car honking came.

"That's the transport," Marissa said. "Let's go." Then they all headed out of the house. Marissa and Smolder locked the front doors leading to each part of the house. Then they headed to the car.

Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Marissa and Liam arrived at the airport. They were in line for the security check. Marissa then handed them all the tickets. Gallus checked his ticket and saw his name.

"Gale Griffon? Who is that?" Gallus asked.

"Your cover name," Aaron said. "Gallus isn't exactly a common name here on Earth." Gallus thought about it and nodded.

"I getcha," Gallus said. "You got cover names for the others?"

"Ocellus: Olivia Lust. Silverstream: Sylvia Stream. Yona: Yvonne Yak. Sandbar, Sandy Bars," Aaron said. "Had some help with some friends at our school who came up with cover names."

"Good to know," Gallus said. Eventually, they made it to the security check out. They all pulled their tech out of their bags and took off their phones. Then they all took off their shoes. Gallus was about to go through, but then one guard said something.

"Sir, can you take off that necklace?" the security guard asked. Gallus then sighed. He took of the medallion and put it into the bin he had his stuff in. Then he went through the metal detector. The rest of them made it to the other side, where they were putting their stuff back in their bags.

"So, how does this place work?" Gallus asked.

"There's an air ship that takes us through the air to our destination," Aaron said. "Then we get out, get into another car, and head to the hotel."

"My ears wouldn't stop ringing for ten minutes after we got off the plane," Smolder said. She then pulled out something. "So you might have to wear these on the plane." She pulled out a bag full of ear plugs. "One in each ear."

"Good to know," Gallus said.

"Alright, kids," Marissa said. "Our flight leaves in an hour, so let's get a quick bite before we get on the plane." Then they all headed for one restaurant for some pizza. They ate their pizza slices by the gate where their plane was going to be. Gallus was enjoying the slice of pizza he had.

"Wow," Gallus said. "I don't mean to be mean to Equestria, but this pizza is actually better than the ones back home."

"Too bad I didn't come to Equestria when I was still living in Chicago," Aaron said. "They make amazing Pizza."

"That's true," Marissa said. "Anyway, when we're on the plane, you three better stick together. Stay in the same row."

"You got it, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "After all, I'm now half-Equestrian because I can transform into a dragon."

"Gate A7, Flight to Honolulu, now boarding," came the voice of a woman over the speakers.

"That's us," Liam said. "Let's get going."

They eventually got onto the plane and put their bags into the overhead compartments. Gallus then asked, "Why do people put their bags in these compartments over our seats?"

"To have extra room for them," Aaron said, about to sit in the middle seat, with Smolder at the window seat.

"Guess that's why the train cars have them back in Equestria," Smolder said.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "Well, at least everyone has something to do over the holidays. Heck, I barely saw Dang today."

"You called?!" came Dang's voice. Dang was in the seat in front of Aaron. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus screamed.

"Dang?" Aaron asked. "How did you get here so fast?"

"I'm actually going to Hawaii for vacation as well," Dang said. "Better than spending it with my brothers back in Vietnam."

"So you're just taking your time going on vacation?" Smolder asked.

"Yes," Dang responded. "Hope you have fun this Christmas." He then turned around and sat back in his seat."

"Wow," Gallus said. "That guy is unpredictable."

"He's also really fast," Smolder said. "Just saying his name makes him appear from anywhere. Just last week, someone said the word dang, and he appeared wearing a tuxedo."

"I came from a wedding in Los Angeles," Dang said.

"That was on the West Coast of this country," Aaron said. "We're at the East Coast."

"Wow," Gallus said. "How does he do that. Super Speed or teleportation."

"I think it could be both," Smolder said. "Because he said one time that he appeared in space without a rocket."

"Wow," Gallus said. "This guy's more unpredictable than Pinkie Pie." Smolder then handed Gallus a pair of earplugs.

"Plug them in your ears right before we start moving," Smolder said. Gallus nodded.

It was dark as the plane was flying over the Pacific Ocean. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were all sleeping with a blanket put over them by a stewardess. Then a beam of sunlight started beaming over Smolder's face, making her open her eyes. She looked out the window to see that the plane was over one of the Hawaiian Islands. She then patted Aaron's shoulder, waking him up.

"Whoa," Aaron said. He then patted Gallus's shoulder. "Wake up, buddy. We're over Hawaii."

"Huh?" Gallus asked. He then leaned towards the window to see one of the Hawaiian Islands. "Whoa. It looks more tropical than it does in the movies you showed me."

"Good thing we slept on the plane," Aaron said. He then yawned. "Otherwise we'd have to deal with jetlag."

"Learned that when we first went to Vegas," Smolder said. "What's the time difference between Hawaii and Florida?"

"Six hour difference," Aaron said.

"Wow," Gallus said. "Guess time zones are a thing."

Eventually, the plane landed at the airport. They got off the plane, and headed for the baggage claim. When they got there, they were surprised by the rest of Aaron's family.

"There they are," came the voice of Aaron's Grandpa. The group looked over and saw the Blazer family with their bags.

"Hey, everyone," Aaron said. "How's it going?"

"I still can't believe you won a trip to this place, Aaron," Aaron's Aunt Zoe said. "We watched that episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple online before we started packing for this trip."

"Aaron was awesome in that episode," Gallus said. "By the way, I'm Gale. I'm a friend of these two." He then wrapped his arms around Aaron and Smolder's shoulders.

"He's a good friend, but doesn't really have a home back where he came from," Aaron said. "So, we invited him to spend the holidays with us."

"Pfft, typical," Reggie said. Gallus raised an eyebrow at that comment from Aaron's cousin.

"Let me guess, that's your cousin Reggie?" Gallus asked.

"Yup," Aaron said. "He's always wanting to take my stuff."

"I'll keep my eye out for him," Gallus said.

"Alright, everyone," Marissa said. "We've got our bags. Now let's get to the transport, and head for the resort." Then they headed out the door, and there was a transport bus outside, the driver holding a sign that said, "Blazer Family + 3".

"Guess you've prepared for all of us," Smolder said.

"Of course," Marissa said.

"By the way, Samantha," Aaron's Uncle Jerry said. "I've been wondering. Why aren't you with your family?"

"Oh, uh..." Smolder said, sweating a little. "My... family couldn't make it. They were... held up."

"I've had a talk with them, and they said they could let Samantha spend the holidays with us. After all, she also won this trip with Aaron as well."

"Oh, that's right," Zoe said. "Well, I'm glad you won't be spending Christmas alone." Then they got all their bags onto the bus, and they sat in any open seat they could. Then the bus started moving towards Aulani Resort.

The family made it to the Villa they were going to be staying in. They were all astonished by how big the room was.

"Wow," Marissa said. "This room is bigger than I thought."

"It's like the hotel room before we moved into that bigger house," Smolder said.

"Alright, everyone," Gallus said. "I think we should let Aaron and Sm..." He then cleared his throat. "Aaron and Samantha choose where to sleep since they won the prize."

"That's a good idea, Gale," Aaron's grandpa said. "Aaron, Samantha, go ahead and choose."

Aaron and Smolder headed down each direction, looking at each room that was there. Aaron went left and Smolder went right. Smolder opened the door at the end and saw the Master Bedroom.

"The master bedroom is here," Smolder said.

Aaron opened up the two bedroom doors at the other end. Aaron then called out, "Two bedrooms with four queen size beds. You know what? Samantha and I should share the couch."

"Oh, Aaron, you don't have to do that," Marissa said. "It's your prize."

"No, no," Aaron said. "We got the first choice, so we're fine with sharing the couch."

"Yeah, we've done it before," Smolder said.

"Alright, then," Marissa said. "Liam, how about you and I share the Master Bedroom?"

"Okay," Liam said as he and Marissa headed for the Master Bedroom.

"Reggie," Aaron's uncle Jerry said. "You'll be sleeping in the same room as Gale."

"What?!" Gallus and Reggie asked in unison.

"Are you serious?" Reggie said. "I don't wanna share a room with this bum."

"Hey, who are you calling a bum?" Gallus asked, poking Reggie's chest. "I'm getting a better life now, and it's thanks to your cousin, Aaron." Marissa then came between the two.

"That's enough, you two," Marissa said. "In the spirit of the season, can you two get along?" The two boys snorted. They shook hands, even though they weren't going to enjoy it. "Good. Now, how about we all enjoy a nice family outing? Perhaps, even see the new Black Panther movie?"

"Wakanda Forever!" Aaron, Smolder and Gallus said in unison before laughing.

"Yeah, I watched those Marvel Movies," Gallus said. "They look so awesome!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Marissa said. "Let's go." Then they all headed out of the room, leaving their bags in the rooms where they were going to be sleeping.

Later that night, Gallus was in a bed, sleeping comfortably. Then the sound of the door silently opening woke him up. He turned his entire body with his eyes closed. But they weren't completely closed. Gallus could see Reggie sneaking out of the room. Gallus then quietly got up and headed for the door, seeing Reggie sneaking towards the living room area. He was going after Aaron's laptop.

Gallus's face cringed. He then grabbed Reggie's shoulder, shocking him, and turning around. Gallus shook his head and said, "I've been there. Taking stuff that's not yours. Although, I had it worse because I don't have what you have. A family."

"So you were rock bottom?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah," Gallus said. "But having great friends made my life better. I'm sure you'll have great friends, too."

"Not if you're the poorest kid in New York," Reggie said. "All the other kids in my school have fancy technology, or all the best games. Me, I barely get anything."

"I'm sure that one day, that'll all turn around," Gallus said. "Just... don't worry about it."

"Why do you even hang out with Aaron?" Reggie asked. "He's not so great."

"You're wrong about that," Gallus said. "Aaron is a good friend, athletic, and smart. He even helped me get into a relationship with... Sylvia. I just needed a bit of a push, I guess." He then chuckled. "He and I are best friends because we help each other out." He then checked the time. "C'mon. It's way past our bedtime." He then pulled Reggie back into the room. Reggie was thinking about what Gallus said as he was pulled into the room they were sharing.

Aaron was silently awoken by their conversation. He smiled at what Gallus was telling Reggie. He then turned in the bed from the couch to see Smolder, who was still in human form, and was still asleep. Aaron then went back to sleep.

Chapter 15: Day at the Beach

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Chapter 15: Day at the Beach

It was morning in Hawaii. Aaron and Smolder, still in human form, were asleep on the couch with the bed folded out. Smolder was then awoken by a certain smell. She then got up and looked towards the kitchen and she saw Aaron's grandparents cooking. On the stove top, there were scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes being cooked on a skillet.

"Oh, good morning, Samantha," Aaron's Grandma said.

"Morning," Smolder said. She then yawned. "What's cookin'?"

"Having a nice breakfast composed of scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes," Aaron's grandpa said. Just then, Aaron started groaning.

"Is that breakfast I smell?" Aaron asked.

"That's right," Aaron's grandpa said.

Aaron then got up and headed towards the hall, saying, "I gotta use the bathroom."

"You're not the only one, dude," came Gallus's voice. Gallus was waiting outside the bathroom, his hands covering his crotch. Aaron went over to him and stood behind Gallus. "Your cousin has been in there for the past half-hour and I've been waiting out here for ten minutes."

"Hurry up, Reggie!" Aaron called out. "Gale and I gotta go!" Then the sound of water splashing came and the door opened, revealing Reggie, a towel wrapped around his hips, and him being soaked with soap suds in his hair.

"Do you mind?" Reggie asked. "I'm trying to enjoy a nice bath."

"It's been half an hour, and I gotta pee!" Gallus nearly shouted. Then Aaron's aunt Zoe came down the hall.

"Finish your bath now, Reginald," Zoe said. Reggie grumbled and went back towards the tub, closing the door.

"Reginald?" Gallus asked.

"That's his full first name," Aaron said. "A lot of names have shortened versions of the name. Like Pinkie's full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie."

"Oh, I get it," Gallus said. Then the sound of water being drained came in. Reggie then got out of the bathroom, then Gallus went in, heading for the toilet.

Smolder shook her head and said, "That Reggie sure sounds like a handful."

"You're telling me," Zoe said. "He's been wanting to get as much stuff as the other kids in New York. But there's not much we can do to keep up with the kids in the city of New York."

"Meh, I'm sure that one day, things'll turn around for you guys," Smolder said. Then the sound of a toilet flushing came. Smolder looked towards the bathroom door and saw it opening, seeing Aaron going into the bathroom.

"I'm surprised that you two actually made it onto Legends of the Hidden Temple," Zoe said. "That show had started back in the 1990s when Marissa, Ronnie and I were kids ourselves."

"Guess you can't go wrong with rebooting the classics," Smolder said.

"I know, right?" Zoe asked.

Then Marissa and Liam came from the Master Bedroom, heading towards the kitchen. Aaron, Gallus and Aaron's Uncle Jerry came back from the hall.

"That feels so much better," Gallus said.

"Alright, everyone," Marissa said. "We have a few days of staying here. We'll be leaving a couple days after Christmas Day, so we might as well do as much as we can."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Gallus asked, looking at Aaron and Smolder.

"There are so many things to do around here," Aaron said. "Surfing, snorkeling in Rainbow Reef, or we can just relax on the beach, sunbathing."

"Well, before we met you, the two of us, along with the others, did two of those things," Gallus said. "I'm not so sure that..." Gallus looked at the rest of the Blazer family. "...Samantha has done surfing."

"Oh, I surf," Smolder said. "Just not in the way you think."

"Like what?" Aaron's grandpa asked. "Is there a surf park in Orlando?"

"Yeah, sure, let's go with that," Smolder said. "So, let's eat."

Gallus noticed the eggs and said, "No eggs for me."

"You don't eat eggs?" Jerry asked.

"Gale and his girlfriend aren't really egg eaters," Aaron said. "Let's just say that eating eggs isn't really that swell for either of them."

"It's true," Smolder said. "Apparently, it's... a family condition."

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus went towards Rainbow Reef, wearing some snorkeling gear. They were going snorkeling in Rainbow Reef. Aaron had on a green pair of swim trunks, Gallus had blue swim trunks with some yellow, and Smolder had on a one piece swimsuit that was orange and red.

"I still can't believe that's how much this stuff is," Gallus said. He then blew into the hose connected to his life preserver.

"It's not so bad," Aaron said. "My Nintendo Switch is more expensive than this."

"How much?" Smolder asked.

"300 bucks," Aaron said.

"Wow," Gallus said. "300? Just for a small computer thing?"

"Those bits, they're pure gold, right?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, why?" Gallus asked.

"You'd be surprised how much pure gold and gems are in this world," Aaron said. "It depends on the size of each piece of gold or gem."

"It's true," Smolder said. "I traded in a few rubies that were only a couple kilograms each, I've gotten over thirty thousand dollars for them all. Marissa said that if we go to college, we'll get tuition and rent covered."

"What's a college?" Gallus asked.

"Oh, it's a school you go to after you graduate High School," Aaron said. "We've watched High School Musical 3, remember?"

"Oh, that's right," Gallus said. "Would you two go to college if you decided to?"

"Depends on what they have that's interesting," Smolder said. She then put her snorkel mask on and headed into the water. Aaron and Gallus did the same and followed her.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus saw so many fish in the reef. Gallus tried touching one, but it swam away from his finger. Gallus got a little angry, but Aaron put a hand on Gallus's right shoulder. They checked out the entire reef, seeing the different things from fish to coral, even some fake gold statues. Then the three of them swam upward, going over the water.

"Wow," Gallus said, removing the snorkel from his mouth. "So many amazing things in this reef. Silverstream would love it. She'd even make us sea creatures and we could explore the place."

"Bad idea," Aaron said. "I don't think that people would like to see a barracuda and a couple of sharks in this reef."

"That's a good point," Gallus said,

"Yeah, the people think we might eat them," Smolder said. "Especially the children." She then put her snorkel back on and went back under, Aaron and Gallus following.

They swam over towards a window that shows an area where people were looking in under the water. The people that were there waved to them. Smolder then noticed one little girl, watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on her mom's cell phone. It wasn't just the show that caught Smolder's attention, but the episode. It was the episode, "What Lies Beneath". It was the episode where the Young 6 were being tested by the Tree of Harmony, tested to face their fears. Smolder then saw the two ponies talking to her in the episode. She then pulled Gallus away from the window, hoping that she got him away from seeing the episode in time. Aaron followed.

Later, the three of them went back above the water. Gallus then asked, "What was that all about?"

"S-sorry," Smolder said. "Let's just say that that little girl in that tunnel was watching something, and it's... embarrassing for me."

"Embarrassing?" Gallus asked. "What was it? Something that involved you in that..." Smolder then covered Gallus's mouth.

"Never bring that up," Smolder said, angrily. "Ever."

"Right," Gallus said, after his mouth got uncovered. "What about Aaron?"

"He's already seen it," Smolder said. "Before he even came to Equestria."

"Oh... that's right," Gallus said. "He's what the people call fans of the show. A brony." He then looked towards Aaron. "What about girls who are still fans of the show, even when they're older?"

"Pegasisters," Aaron answered.

Smolder and Gallus laughed. Smolder then said, "Some people are just wanting to make puns, aren't they?"

"They even make puns in the names of certain episodes," Aaron said.

"Like what?" Gallus asked.

"Oh, I can think of one," Smolder said. "He showed me certain episodes of the show. Like this one episode, 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls'. Sweetie Belle was a little upset that the ponies were more interested in the dresses than the actual play that the Crusaders performed in."

"Ouch," Gallus said. "Actually, I think Rarity was talking about that in one of her classes before Aaron came to Equestria. In fact, it was before we found out Cozy Glow was a psychotic, power hungry little filly."

"I still wonder what led her to villainy in the first place," Aaron said. "We never got an official backstory from her."

"Oh, yeah, that's true," Gallus said. "Perhaps I'll look into it when I get back to Equestria." He then rubbed his belly. "What time is it?"

"Hang on, let me check," Aaron said. He then went back under the water. He then looked into the window and saw some people looking in. They waved towards him. Aaron motioned a finger to his right wrist, asking for the time. One man pulled out his phone and the locked screen was faced towards Aaron, seeing the time. It was 12:06 pm. Aaron then went back up and swam towards Smolder and Gallus. "12:06."

"Lunch time," Smolder said. "C'mon." Aaron, Smolder and Gallus then started swimming towards the stairs of the reef.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus returned to the villa where they were staying with the rest of the Blazer Family and Liam. They all saw the three of them walking in.

"Hey, there you are," Marissa said, holding her cell phone. "I was ordering pizza. Gale, would you want a meat lover's pizza with Aaron and Samantha?"

"Yeah, alright," Gallus said. "Order it."

"Okay," Marissa said. "And one large meat lover's pizza. Uh huh. Okay, thank you. We're at the Aulani resort. Ask the manager for the Blazer family for Pizza delivery. Okay. Thank you. See you then."

"By the way, Aaron," Gallus said, heading towards the bedroom where Marissa and Liam were staying. "Just in case someone tries to take your stuff, I've had to hide your laptop."

"Good call," Aaron said. Gallus came back with Aaron's laptop giving it to him.

"Where did you... hide that?" Reggie asked, getting agitated.

"I'll never tell," Gallus said with a smug look. He then headed for the bedroom he shared with Reggie. "I'm gonna go take a bath and wash this salt water off of me."

"Good call," Marissa said. "The pizzas will be here in about an hour, so take your time." Gallus then headed into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

"Oh, man," Reggie said. "I've gotta use the restroom, and the other two bathrooms are occupied." He then walked into the hall bathroom. "Sorry, Gale. But I really need to..." Reggie then got a look at Gallus, who was back in griffon form. Gallus looked at him surprised, which was also surprising to Reggie.

"Uh... meow?" Gallus asked, giving a nervous smile. Then Reggie started screaming, making Gallus scream as well. Then Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Aaron's grandparents ran towards the bathroom, seeing Gallus and Reggie screaming at each other.

"What the heck?!" Aaron's grandpa asked. "What is that?!"

Aaron and Smolder sighed, saying, "This is gonna be a long explanation."

Chapter 16: Family Meeting

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Chapter 16: Family Meeting

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were all sitting on the couch. Gallus was still in his true form with Aaron and Smolder still in human form. The rest of the family was looking at them.

"I can't believe that Gale is actually a cat bird thingy," Reggie said.

"Griffon actually," Gallus said. "I'm a griffon. Half eagle, half lion."

"Well that explains why he doesn't eat any eggs," Aaron's grandpa said.

"So, what else have you been hiding, Aaron," Jerry asked, looking at Aaron.

"It's... a long story," Aaron said. "It all started two weeks after Marissa and I moved to Orlando. Back when we were still living in that hotel room."

"That was seven months ago," Jerry said.

"It was longer for him," Smolder said, pointing at Aaron.

"She's right," Aaron said. "That night, I made a wish to actually make some friends. The next thing I know, I was sucked into a portal to Equestria, the world where the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is based on, and founded by her." Aaron pointed at Smolder, who changed into her dragon form.

"Samantha's not human either?!" Zoe asked.

"Sorry," Smolder said.

"I've had the same reaction when Aaron transformed as well," Marissa said.

"Aaron can transform into one of those things as well?" Jerry asked. "Which... creature?"

"Remember the fight against the giant black and purple dragon outside of Vegas?" Aaron asked. "Yeah, I was the jade dragon in that fight."

"That was you?!" Reggie asked. "Dang, dude. You threw that black dragon into that incoming nuke. That had to be the bravest thing I've ever seen."

"Of course, he got unconscious when the force of the explosion reached him," Smolder said. "I had to catch him. The story how Aaron stood up to Ragnarok the Reaper and the rogue Army General is going to be throughout both Equestrian and American History."

"Okay," Aaron's Grandpa said. "But why did you come to our world in the first place?"

"That wasn't the first time Aaron was close to Ragnarok," Smolder said. "Ragnarok only comes out from his forced slumber whenever a jade dragon is living in Equestria." Aaron transformed into his dragon form as Smolder said that sentence. "There was a legend on Ragnarok, which involved him being taken down by a jade dragon."

"So, the prophecy didn't mention that the jade dragon was a completely different species, huh?" Liam asked.

Smolder then looked at Aaron, then she looked up thinking about it. She then facepalmed herself and laughed, saying, "Oh, man. The prophecy probably did, and we forgot about."

"Wait a minute," Aaron said. "The prophecy said that Ragnarok would be taken down by a jade dragon who believed in peace, no matter the distance. And that army general thought that Equestria coming to Earth was a declaration of war."

"And that's why we went there," Gallus said. "To explain to him that we didn't come here to attack. But he wouldn't listen."

"Which eventually got him dishonorably discharged," Smolder said. Just then, there was a set of knocks at the door. Aaron and Smolder changed back into their human forms while Gallus tapped his medallion, changing back into his griffon form. Gallus was still in his swim trunks.

"Whoops, I should get changed," Gallus said. He then headed for the bathroom. Marissa then headed for the door where the knocks came from. Marissa opened it and on the other side was the pizza delivery guy.

"Okay, that's a hundred twenty-two fifty," the pizza guy said. Liam walked up to the door, taking the pizza and Marissa was paying the man a hundred and fifty bucks. "Nice tip, thanks."

"Mane, pizza is getting expensive," Smolder said.

"It depends on where you are," Aaron said. Smolder tilted and nodded her head.

"Okay, we'll continue this talk at the table," Aaron's Grandpa said. "As soon as the griffon comes back." Just then, Gallus came back, still in human form.

"Tell me, why do humans wear clothes again?" Gallus asked. "It's such a hassle putting them on.

"Humans have clothes to wear because they need them to keep warm," Aaron said. "We don't have any fur, scales or feathers to keep us warm."

Gallus then looked at his arm. Then he tapped the medallion, turning him into his true form, and he looked at his right foreleg. He then said, "I guess that makes sense."

"C'mon, let's eat," Aaron said. Then all of them headed for the table. They all were eating around the table. Smolder went back to her dragon form.

"So, about Aaron helping you with a girl," Reggie asked, looking at Gallus. "Did that really happen?"

"Yep," Gallus said. "Sylvia was just a cover name. We don't have names like yours back in Equestria."

"So what is Sylvia's real name?" Reggie asked.

"Silverstream," Aaron, Smolder and Gallus all said in unison.

"She was my roommate back in Equestria," Smolder said. "And she's neither a pony, griffon or dragon. She's a hippogriff."

"What's a hippogriff?" Zoe asked.

"A creature that's half pony, half eagle," Aaron said. "We think Gallus is attracted to her because both griffons and hippogriffs are both creatures that are half eagle."

"That actually makes sense," Reggie said. "What about the other friends you mentioned. Are they different creatures like you guys are?"

"Sandy is Sandbar," Gallus said. "He's an Earth Pony. That's basically what we call the normal ponies."

"Yvonne is actually Yona," Aaron said. "She's a yak. Yeah, those big furry guys love to smash things. Even though their English isn't as good as ours. Most of their speech patterns are a bit broken. But they're clear enough for us." Smolder and Gallus nodded in agreement with them.

"And lastly, Olivia," Smolder said. "Her real name is Ocellus. She's a changeling."

"What the heck is a changeling?" Aaron's grandmother asked.

"A shapeshifting bug-like pony," Smolder said. "They can look and sound like anything. In fact, the first time I saw her, she was disguised as a dragon. She was very shy at the time."

"So, she could just shapeshift into anything?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah, but if you meet her, I wouldn't let you have her abuse her shapeshifting ability," Aaron said. "She's also very intelligent, and doesn't like being abused."

"I guess all shapeshifters are smart enough to know when they're being used," Reggie said.

"All of them were being used by their former queen, Chrysalis," Smolder said. "Now her fate is set in stone. Literally. She's trapped in stone, along with two of Equestria's biggest villains. Tirek and Cozy Glow."

"As soon as I get back to Equestria, I'm gonna get to looking into why Cozy Glow became a villain," Gallus said. "What could have that pegasus filly gotten into?"

"They turned a filly to stone?" Zoe asked.

"Doesn't that seem a little dark?" Jerry asked.

"You haven't seen what she's done up close," Smolder said. "She made all the unicorn and alicorn magic vanish..."

"She trapped the six of us into a sphere that was slowly descending into a black hole where the magic was going to," Gallus said, also giving an example.

"She also took out the guards in Canterlot Castle with Grogar's Magic, and stole the magic of both the royal sisters," Aaron said. "That psychotic filly is a mystery that needs to be solved."

"So, do you guys constantly come to this world to visit?" Zoe asked.

"Whenever we get free time," Gallus said. "This world is actually amazing."

"I still can't believe that you chose to stay in this world," Aaron's Grandma said, looking at Smolder.

"Yeah, why did you want to stay in this world?" Zoe asked. Smolder didn't say anything. All she did was blush and smile, looking away from all of them. Zoe then looked at Aaron, then back at Smolder, who quickly looked towards Aaron, and then she looked down at her pizza slice, grabbed it, and took a bite. "Oh, that's it. You actually fell in love with Aaron, haven't you?"

"We'd never thought she'd actually have feelings for Aaron," Gallus said. Just then, Smolder punched Gallus's left shoulder. "Ow! Okay, I deserved that."

"Did you also say something snarky like that that made Smolder burn the pages of that textbook?" Aaron asked.

Gallus then thought about it, then he got a realization. He then said, "Okay, maybe I should watch what I say. Especially around fire breathing dragons."

"Speaking of which, my pizza slice is a little cold," Liam said. "Would one of you two..." Smolder then started breathing a thin trail of fire from her mouth, heating up Liam's pizza slice. He then took a bite. "Much better. Thank you."

"No prob," Smolder said. She then looked towards the others and asked, "Anyone else need a bit of heat for their pizzas?"

The rest of the Blazer Family and Gallus held up their plates. Aaron changed into his dragon form, then he and Smolder looked at each other and nodded.

Later that night, Smolder was in the shower in her human form. Just then, a set of knocks came from the door. Smolder then transformed into her dragon form.

"Come in!" Smolder called out. Just then, the door opened and coming into the bathroom was Aaron, in his human form. Smolder poked her head out of the shower curtain. "Oh, hey Aaron."

"I still can't believe you change back into your dragon form whenever someone walks in while you're in the shower," Aaron said.

"Why?" Smolder asked. "Most of us Equestrians don't wear any clothing all the time, except on special occasions. Or just for the heck of it."

"Yeah, that's true," Aaron said. "For a moment there, I almost thought that the rest of my family was gonna be mad at us for keeping this a secret from them."

"I know, right?" Smolder asked. "But still, they still care for you. Especially since you're now half dragon."

"You're half dragon now, too," Aaron said. "Since that transformation enchantment was only meant for one creature."

"Hey, I had to bring you back to this world," Smolder said. "You needed to get back home to your family, and Ragnarok was coming after both you and Princess Twilight."

"That was really gutsy," Aaron said.

"You shoulda seen my brother's reaction when I announced that I had to pull you through the portal," Smolder said.

"Speaking of which, when I was watching the show, every time you mentioned your brother around the Mane 6 and Spike, not once have you ever used his name in the sentence before they found out who he was," Aaron said.

"Really?" Smolder then thought about every time she mentioned her brother before they found out. She flashbacked to when she was mentioning the Molt Effect to Spike.

"Yeah. I mean, I love my brother and all, but one whiff, and I was all 'See ya!'" Then she also remembered when she was telling Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy about going home to her brother. "My brother's been having a hard time since I left for school. I want to go home and check on him. He's a really sweet guy, and the other dragons can be kind of rough."

The flashbacks stopped as Smolder made a realization. She then said, "Huh. Guess I didn't realize that I didn't mention Gar-Gar's name to either one of them."

"There are a lot of things people miss when mentioning something or someone," Aaron said.

"Yeah, I guess," Smolder said. "Speaking of missing things." She then picked something up and held it over her head. It was a plastic mistletoe. She was giving a smug look towards Aaron. "You know you want to." Aaron smirked, transformed, and then the two of them kissed.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Gallus, in griffon form, was watching the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special with a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Gallus was shaking his head after watching a certain scene after Drax gets "tickled".

"Like anyone would survive something like that," Gallus said. He then grabbed some popcorn and put it into his mouth.

Chapter 17: Christmas Shopping

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Chapter 17: Christmas Shopping

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were helping with decorating the Christmas Tree they had put in the living room area behind the couch. Gallus, in griffon form, was putting some ornaments high near the tree top.

"This Christmas Holiday is a lot less like how that band of aliens described it in the song they sang in the beginning of that Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special," Gallus said.

"Those aliens twisted what Christmas is all about," Aaron said.

"If all the dragons in the Dragon Lands heard that song, they would totally like it," Smolder said. "Especially my brother's friends."

"Careful with your wings, Gallus," Marissa said, walking into the living room. "We don't want the breeze from your wings to make too much of a mess. We have to clean up this hotel room before we leave."

"Right," Gallus said. "Sorry, Miss Blazer." He then landed on the ground.

"Alright, Aaron," Marissa said. "It's time you do some Christmas Shopping for the family."

"Really?" Aaron asked. "When are we leaving tomorrow?"

"Actually, Aaron," Marissa said. "You're old enough to do some shopping on your own. I think you can handle doing some Christmas Shopping on your own."

"Isn't that a little dangerous?" Smolder asked.

"You're all creatures that are technically mythical in this world," Marissa said. "I'm sure you can handle yourselves." Aaron and Smolder looked at each other. Then they changed into their dragon forms.

"I guess that's true," Smolder said. "Us being fire breathing dragons, and a griffon." Marissa then started typing on her cell phone. Which caused a ding to come from Aaron's phone. Aaron pulled it out and checked the message. "That is a list of Christmas Gifts for the family. Find a place that wraps presents before coming back here."

"You got it," Aaron said. "Now we've just gotta come up with an excuse just to get out of the hotel room."

"Perhaps we'll just say that we'll go exploring around the place," Gallus said. "Of course we'll have to go out without the rest of the family getting suspicious."

"I'm sure we can think of something," Smolder said. Just then, Aaron's grandparents came into the hotel room, carrying supplies for dinner.

"That tree's starting to look good," Aaron's Grandpa said.

"Thanks," Smolder said. "It's only a matter of time before Gallus here ruins it." She then chuckled.

"That was one time, and I didn't want to go home for the holiday break," Gallus said. He then sighed. "At least I was invited on this holiday vacation."

"Yeah, that's true," Smolder said.

"It's not right to spend the holidays alone," Aaron said.

"Thanks, buddy," Gallus said, patting Aaron's shoulder. "Guess we really are best friends."

"Well, everyone," Aaron's Grandpa said. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour. We're having chicken legs." He then thought of something. "Is that offensive for griffons... you know. Them eating chicken?"

"Oh, no, we griffons do eat chicken," Gallus said. "Why does everyone think we're not capable of eating chicken?"

"Maybe because griffons are half eagle," Aaron said. "And just like chickens, they're birds."

"Oh," Gallus said. He started pushing Aaron and Smolder away, down the hall and into the bathroom. He then asked, "So, where do we start first?"

The next morning, Aaron, Smolder and Gallus, all in human form, started walking out of the front doors of the hotel room. The three of them looked around.

"Okay, Aaron, you better call for a Lyft," Smolder said.

"Wow," Gallus said. "With all this technology, it's starting to bring out the taxi services. All this summoning a car through your phone instead of just calling out 'Taxi'."

"You called?!" came Dang's voice. The three teens looked towards the voice and saw Dang standing next to a taxi with the words "You Called? Taxi Cabs". Then Aaron, Smolder and Gallus screamed.

"Dang? Why are you driving a taxi?" Aaron asked.

"Dang? I'm not Dang," the taxi driver said. "I'm his twin brother, Ding."

"Ding?" Aaron, Smolder and Gallus asked in unison.

"You wouldn't happen to have another brother do you?" Aaron asked. "One named...

"Dung, yes," Ding responded.

"Dung?" Aaron, Smolder and Gallus asked in unison.

"I almost thought that he was gonna say Dong," Aaron said. "The song, Frere Jacques last words were Ding, Dang, Dong." Smolder and Gallus snickered.

"So, where do you want me to take you?" Ding asked.

"Uh... how about some place with great shopping?" Aaron asked.

"Alrighty, get in," Ding said. Then Aaron, Smolder and Gallus got into the back of the taxi cab. But then Ding appeared in the driver's seat. "Okay, I'm taking you to the Kahala Mall. We'll be there in time for opening."

"Are you here in Hawaii to spend some family time with Dang?" Aaron asked.

"What?" Ding asked. "No. Dang and I hate each other. We've been fighting for me marrying Shirley."

"Who's Shirley?" Smolder asked. Just then Ding held up his wife, Shirley, who was a duck. "You married a duck?!"

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"Because I said yes," Ding said. He then put Shirley down, turned to face forward, and started driving off, taking the three teens towards the mall.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus arrived at the Kahala Mall. The doors just opened, and people started walking in. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus started looking around.

"Wow," Smolder said. "This place is big."

"You kidding?" Gallus asked. "You should've seen the shopping mall that Canterlot had recently opened up."

"Really?" Aaron asked.

"No," Gallus said. Then the three of them started laughing. Then they started walking. They went towards a directory. They looked at all the different stores that were on the map. Gallus then saw a store called GameStop. Then he remembered something the previous night.

The night before, Marissa was talking with Gallus as Aaron was in the bathroom.

"So, you forgot to get the last thing on Aaron's Christmas Wish List?" Gallus asked.

"Yes," Marissa said. "I checked with the rest of the family, and they didn't get him the last thing he wanted either. So, I want you to go into one store and buy it without Aaron finding out."

"If I can come up with an excuse, buy the gift, get it back here, and go back to Aaron and Smolder in time without suspicion, that's gonna be hard," Gallus said. "I need to be faster than Rainbow Dash to do that. Even I'm not that fast."

"Dang," Marissa said. Just then, there was a knocking on the sliding glass door, and there stood Dang on the other side.

"You called?!" Dang called out from the other side of the door. Marissa and Gallus screamed at Dang. Gallus then looked down at himself, seeing his griffon form. He then got nervous. "No need for that! Aaron had already told me about you! He told the whole school about his time in Equestria!"

"Wow," Gallus said. "This guy is unpredictable as Pinkie Pie and faster than Rainbow Dash."

"I think we might have a way to get that gift back here without Aaron seeing it," Marissa said. Gallus gave a smug look as well.

It then went back to Aaron, Smolder and Gallus checking out the mall directory. Gallus then bent forward to make him look like he had to do something.

"Hey, guys," Gallus said. "Sorry, to leave you guys, but I really need to use the restroom."

"Okay, just meet us at Ross on the second floor over here," Aaron said, pointing towards where the Ross store was. Gallus nodded. Lucky for him, it was in the same direction as where he wanted to go. Gallus then started running towards his destination.

Gallus went through the mall, looking for where he was trying to find. He then saw the store he was looking for. GameStop. He then went in and saw only five people were in the store, looking for some games.

"Wow, this place isn't so busy," Gallus said. He then looked around at all the things and then he saw something. It was the Mario Kart Steering Wheel. But it wasn't the one he was looking for. "Dang."

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing next to Gallus, making him scream. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay," Gallus said. He then pulled out something. "Anyway, I'm trying to find this thing for Aaron to get, but it's not here. All that's here is that normal version."

"Oh, I see," Dang said. "Well, I think I can help you find it." He then walked out of the store as Gallus watched. Just then, Dang reappeared behind Gallus. "I found it!" Gallus screamed again. "Best Buy has 'em."

"Oh, man," Gallus said. "Now I really need to use the restroom."

"Already there," Dang said. Gallus looked around and he saw that he and Dang were in the men's restroom. "Luckily I got you here before your friends were coming by.

"Oh, one more thing," Gallus said. "Your relationship with your twin brother, Ding. Can't you two forget about it and just bury the hatchet?"

"Why should I?" Dang asked. "Ding is a complete weirdo for marrying a duck. The only one who still likes him is our youngest brother, Dung."

"Guess he was the least liked of your family," Gallus said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dang asked.

"You do realize that Dung is another word for poop, right?" Gallus asked.

"Oh," Dang said. "That explains all the potty humor towards him. Okay, well, see you later." He then walked out of the restroom.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus then walked into a Best Buy in Honolulu. Aaron was holding a bag full of stuff, each wrapped in Christmas Wrapping Paper.

"Wow," Gallus said. "This place has so much technology."

"You know it," Aaron said. He then looked around. "Before I get to business, I gotta use the restroom myself. You two look around if you want." Aaron then headed towards the restroom. Smolder and Gallus looked at each other. Then they started walking around, separating.

Gallus went over to the video games section and saw what he was looking for. He then said, "Score."

Lucky for Gallus, it was the last one. He then grabbed it and headed for a nearby cash register. The cashier helped him with checking it out. Gallus paid the amount with cash he had gotten from Marissa, and he got the change back. He then walked over towards the computers and saw Smolder walking up to him, holding something.

"What is that?" Smolder asked, looking at the thing that Gallus was holding.

"Aaron's aunt asked me to get him this while we were out," Gallus said. "It's the last thing on his wish list. What is that?"

"This is something that can connect to Aaron's phone," Smolder said. "It's actually pretty cool." She then looked towards somewhere and saw Aaron walking out of the hall where the restrooms were. "Shoot. He's coming this way."

"Dang," Gallus said.

"You called?" Dang asked, appearing next to them. Then the two of them screamed. "Don't worry. I got this." Dang then grabbed the two gifts that Smolder and Gallus purchased and started walking away. Then he reappeared behind them. "All done!" Smolder and Gallus then screamed. "Okay, that's all I'm here for. Merry Christmas." He then started walking away.

Then Aaron walked up to the two and asked, "Was that Dang?"

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Is that guy so unpredictable with that trick of his?"

"More than you think," Aaron said. "One time, he said his own name, and a copy of him appeared, scaring all of us there."

"Yeah, that was pretty freaky," Smolder said. Then the three of them walked over towards one part of the electronics area and walked up towards the counter. Smolder then said, "Now I've got to go." She then headed off towards the bathroom.

"That's convenient," Aaron said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gallus asked.

"I also ordered something for her here," Aaron said. "I called ahead and ordered something for both her, and Reggie."

"Really?" Gallus asked. "What'cha get them?"

"For Reggie, I've gotten him his own 2-in-1 laptop," Aaron said. "So he doesn't have to steal mine anymore."

"I suggest you also get Reggie a computer bag," the man at the counter said. "What's your name, son?"

"Aaron Blazer," Aaron responded. The man nodded, kneeled down, and pulled out two boxes. One containing the computer Aaron ordered for Reggie, and another Apple Watch box.

"You... ordered an Apple Watch?" Gallus asked.

"It's for... Samantha," Aaron said. "Might as well get her something to connect with her phone."

"She the girl with the purple hair?" the man at the counter asked.

"Yes," Aaron said. "This is going to surprise her."

"Okay then," the man said. He then typed on the computer and said, "That'll be one thousand, one hundred sixty-seven dollars and twenty three cents."

"Wow," Gallus said. "That's a lot of money to pay."

"We're in the twenty first century, young man," the man at the counter said. "Everything's getting more and more expensive."

Gallus then thought about it and said, "Yeah, I guess that's true." Aaron then paid the man in cash.

"Whoa, where'd you get all that money?" the man asked.

"Let's just say my aunt has been lucky on her career of selling clothing," Aaron said.

"Wait, you're the nephew of the new clothing brand CEO, Marissa Blazer of Blazing Fashions?" the man asked.

"That's right," Aaron said. "Well, we gotta go." He then received the change and he and Gallus headed towards the door. Aaron put the Apple Watch box into his jacket pocket as the two of them were heading for the door. Smolder then came back and all of them left Best Buy.

"So, back to the resort?" Gallus asked.

"Yeah, we're done," Aaron said. "Yo, taxi!"

"You called?!" Ding asked. Ding appeared with his taxi cab right by the curb. Then the three teens screamed.

"Dang," Gallus said.

"You called?!" came Dang's voice from behind the teens. Then the teens, and Ding, screamed. "Ding!"

"Dang!" Ding responded.

"We called?!" came the voices of Dang and Ding from the side of the building. They saw copies of Dang and Ding leaning on the building. Then the teens, Dang and Ding screamed.

"Okay, this is getting weird," Gallus said. "How about we just go?" Then Aaron, Smolder and Gallus started running away. Dang and Ding then looked at each other, angrily.

"Now look what you did," Ding said. "I just lost some customers."

"Two of those customers happen to be students of the school I work at," Dang said. "They're good friends of mine there."

"Oh, I'm gonna take you down," Ding said.

"Not if I take you down first for marrying a duck!" Dang said. Then they started fighting each other with martial arts.

The Blazer Family, Smolder, Gallus and Liam were all about to enter a restaurant, and their host came up to them. He looked like Dang and Ding.

"What are you doing here?!" he asked. "You should not have come! Go home, and never return!"

"Uh... what?" Gallus asked.

"Dung!" came Dang's voice. They all looked towards the voice and saw Dang and Ding sitting at a nearby table. "You are the worst restaurant host Hawaii has ever had! No wonder you were fired from the head of tourism back in Vietnam!" The group looked back at the host, Dung. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Then a new host, or rather, hostess, came up to them.

"Sorry about Dung," the hostess said. "He's new here. So, how many are in your party?"

"Ten," Marissa said.

"Right this way," the hostess said. She then led them all towards where they were going to be sitting. But from outside, there were a pair of green cat eyes in a black silhouette looking in from outside. The eyes were glowing. Whoever owned those eyes were scanning the group, and saw that Aaron, Smolder and Gallus had something that the other humans did not.

"Equestrian Magic..." the figure said. It was a female voice. "Finally... for the past one thousand years, I can finally return to reclaim what is mine. Meow-hahahahaha!"

Chapter 18: Riding the Hawaiian Waves

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Chapter 18: Riding the Hawaiian Waves

At the beach, the Blazer family, Smolder, Gallus and Liam were there, enjoying the sun. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were in human form, in their swimsuits. Smolder then noticed some people surfing. She then smiled.

"Hey, Aaron, Gallus, you two wanna try surfing?" Smolder asked.

"I've never been surfing before," Aaron said.

"Ditto," Gallus said. "We don't exactly have any beaches in Griffonstone."

"Well then, I'll teach you two how to surf," Smolder said.

"Wait, dragons surf where you come from?" Reggie asked.

"Mostly on lava," Smolder said.

"I don't think it's gonna be the same as surfing on water, Smolder," Aaron said. "The waves kinda make it hard to keep balance."

"It'll be fine," Smolder said. "Now, let's go get some surfboards and head out on the waves."

Smolder then got out of her seat and headed off somewhere. Aaron and Gallus followed.

While the three of them were on the surfboards, Smolder was trying to stand up, but she kept rocking side to side and eventually falling off.

"Whoa-oa-oa! Waaa!" Smolder said, falling off the board. Aaron and Gallus were just sitting on their boards. Smolder eventually pulled her head out of the water.

"You okay?" Aaron asked.

"I don't get it," Smolder said. "I'm a great surfer in the Dragon Lands."

"That was on lava, and this is water," Aaron said. "You need to get used to this, Smolder. We're not in Equestria."

"Right," Smolder said, getting back onto her board. "So, how do we do this?"

"Maybe we should get some surfing lessons," Gallus said. "Perhaps those people will teach us how to surf as humans."

"I'm actually with Gallus on that," Aaron said. "C'mon, let's head on over back to shore." Then they started paddling towards shore, heading towards where teenagers were going to learn how to surf.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were with the rest of the teenagers learning how to surf. Smolder was still having a hard time keeping her balance, but it was hard on the rolling waves.

"Easy, girl," said the surf teacher. "You don't wanna stand up too early. The time to stand up is when the wave comes and pushes you towards shore."

"I'm not gonna give up," Smolder said. She then tried getting up, but she was losing balance. But then, she felt stable. "Huh. That's weird."

"Whoa, you've got balance," the surf teacher said. "Not bad. Alright, how about we get to riding the waves."

"Sweet," Smolder said. "C'mon, boys." Aaron and Gallus watched Smolder paddle herself towards the ocean. Aaron then saw something under Smolder's surfboard. Something that was a light shade of pink with blue and white at the end.

Aaron then thought about it and said, "Nah. It couldn't be."

"Couldn't be what?" Gallus asked.

"Never mind," Aaron said. "Let's get surfing." Then they followed Smolder towards the waves.

"Kinda feels like this would be the start of a song playing," Gallus said. "Like that one song from that alien in this kind of area. What was the name of that movie?"

"Lilo and Stitch?" Aaron asked. "Actually, that movie was actually supposed to be here in Hawaii, but not on this island."

"Okay," Gallus said. "I was almost thinking, that one song that was playing during that surfing scene. But the other version that's in one of its sequels." Then music started playing.


"Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride by Jump5?" Aaron asked. "That was quite a peppy song."

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Alright, let's get surfing." Then they started paddling out towards the sea as the music was kicking in.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus, along with the rest of the teens who were learning how to surf, were having a fun time with surfing. The rest of the Blazer Family and Liam were watching as Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were riding the waves. Of course Smolder was a little off balanced as she was surfing. But she's been getting balance as she continued.

Aaron was surfing nice and slow. Gallus tried going faster than him, but it was a mistake, making him lose his balance and wipe out. Aaron laughed at that.

All the teenagers surfed until sunset as the music faded. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus looked out on the horizon, seeing the sun set.

"Wow," Smolder said. "This sunset is amazing. I never thought anything looked so amazing over the horizon on the ocean."

"Yeah, this was amazing," Aaron said. "Seeing the sun set over the ocean is more amazing than seeing it go past some buildings."

"You should see the sunsets in Griffonstone," Gallus said. "Sure, there's no ocean, but it's still pretty amazing."

"Alright, you three," came Marissa's voice. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus looked towards the beach, seeing the Blazer Family and Liam packing up their stuff. "It's time to get back inside. We've got to prepare dinner back at the hotel."

"Alright," Aaron said. Then they started paddling themselves towards shore. Aaron then looked back and saw two colorful blobs under the water, swimming away from under them. He then quietly whispered, "No way..."

"Did you say something?" Gallus asked.

"Never mind that," Aaron said. "C'mon. Let's keep going." They continued to shore. As they reached shore, from the water, two heads came from the water, looking towards the group.

"You think they saw us?" Silverstream asked.

"No way," Ocellus said. "Like they'd ever see us. We're stealthy, remember?"

"Right," Silverstream said. "We're stealthy. We weren't seen. We weren't..." Then something caught her eyes. "Is that human dancing with poles with fire at the end?!" Ocellus then covered Silverstream's mouth and pulled her under the water.

Later, Aaron, Smolder and Gallus returned to the beach, around the lagoon area of the resort. Aaron was looking around at the sea, searching for something.

"I'm telling you, I saw something out there," Aaron said.

"C'mon, Aaron," Smolder said. "It's getting late. We should return to the hotel room before your family gets worried."

"Smolder's right," Gallus said. "We should get back up there." Aaron's phone then started buzzing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the text.

"That's odd," Aaron said.

"What is it?" Smolder asked.

"Marissa says that the three of us have some unexpected guests," Aaron said.

"Who would be here to see the three of us?" Smolder asked.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus headed towards the hotel room they were staying in. They eventually made it to the floor where their hotel room was.

"Who could be wanting to see us?" Aaron asked.

"Perhaps some school mates from Orlando," Smolder said.

"That I can understand, but Gallus, too?" Aaron asked. "The only one at school who knows about Gallus staying with us is Paul."

"Yeah, he's got a point," Gallus said. "I guess we'll see who it is." Eventually, they went into the hotel room and inside they saw the family waiting on the couch.

"So, what's going on?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, where are the guests we have?" Smolder asked.

"One of them is on the couch there," came Marissa's voice from the kitchen. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus looked towards Marissa in the kitchen. But then they looked back towards the couch, where they saw Marissa sitting with the rest of the family. Then back to the kitchen, and back to the couch.

"What the heck?" Gallus asked.

"Wait a minute," Smolder said. "Ocellus?"

The Marissa that was sitting on the couch then changed, revealing Ocellus sitting with the family. She then said, "That was your aunt's idea, Aaron."

"What are you doing here, Ocellus?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, I'm not here alone," Ocellus said. Just then, a pair of human hands covered Gallus's eyes from behind him.

"What the...?!" Gallus nearly shouted.

"Guess who?!" came Silverstream's voice.

"S-Silverstream?" Gallus asked.

"Hi, Gallus!" Silverstream coming from behind Aaron, Smolder and Gallus. She then tapped her necklace, turning into a mermaid. "Whoops. Wrong one." She then tapped her seashell and transformed back into a human, and then tapped the medallion and transformed into her hippogriff form. "There. That's better."

"Wait a minute," Aaron said. "When we were surfing today, I saw something pink, blue and white underneath Smolder's surfboard. Was that you?"

"And Ocellus," Silverstream said. "We saw that Smolder was having trouble keeping balance on that surfboard, so we helped her out."

"That was you?!" Smolder asked. "So I can't really surf on top of the water."

"Actually, you were starting to do fine on the 10th try," Ocellus said. "So everything beyond that, that was all you."

"Wow," Smolder said. "Okay, so what are you two doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to learn more about this Christmas time you were talking about," Ocellus said. "So, where else to learn than this world. And Silverstream already finished the Three Days of Freedom Celebration, so we decided to come to this world together."

"Yeah," Silverstream said. "It all started at the School of Friendship."

Chapter 19: Explanations and Christmas Cat Burglars

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Chapter 19: Explanations and Christmas Cat Burglars

A couple days earlier, in Equestria, Ocellus returned to Ponyville. She headed back towards the School of Friendship. When she got there, she was surprised to see Silverstream standing in front of the entry doors there, about to knock.

"Silverstream?" Ocellus asked. Silverstream turned around to see Ocellus.

"Ocellus?!" Silverstream asked, surprised to see one of her former classmates. "Oh, my gosh! You're here!"

"I thought you were at Mount Aris celebrating the Three Days of Freedom Celebration," Ocellus said.

"Oh, that ended yesterday," Silverstream said. "I still can't believe you're here."

"I feel the same way about you," Ocellus said. "Anyway, I was wondering something. Aaron explained how he celebrated the holidays in his world, and I so want to learn about his holiday he celebrates."

Silverstream gasped and said, "You wanna go to his world to see how he celebrates the holidays?"

"You've read my mind!" Ocellus said. "In fact, I was coming here to pick up some notebooks to write down everything about human holidays."

"Oh, I wanna go, too!" Silverstream said. "In fact, I heard that Gallus was invited to spend the holidays with Aaron's family and Smolder."

"Ah, you wanna surprise Gallus, huh?" Ocellus asked. Silverstream nodded eagerly. "Okay, we'll go as soon as I get some note pads and pencils." She then tried opening the school doors to get into the School of Friendship, but the doors were locked. Then a holographic image of Starlight Glimmer appeared from the door.

"To those who try to come into the School of Friendship, I deeply apologize," the recording of Starlight said. "The School of Friendship is closed until the fifth of next month. Please come back then to enter the School of Friendship." Then the holographic image disappeared.

"Or, we can get some while we're in Aaron's world," Ocellus said. Then she and Silverstream started flying towards the Everfree Forest.

Eventually, the two of them went through the portal into Smolder's apartment. Ocellus and Silverstream looked around to find Smolder.

"Smolder!" Ocellus called out. "You here?!" The two of them looked around Smolder's apartment. Ocellus checked Smolder's bedroom as Silverstream checked the garage. "She's not in her room."

"She's not in the garage," Silverstream said. "I'm gonna check the rest of the house." She then flew towards the main part of the house. She flew into the kitchen and saw a note on the kitchen counter. She then read it. She then called out, "Ocellus! You gotta see this!"

Ocellus then flew into the main part of the house and saw the note that Silverstream had. She then asked, "What's that?" She then started reading it. "'To our Equestrian friends who may come here. We're celebrating Christmas in Hawaii thanks to us winning that trip on that game show we competed on. Sorry that we couldn't be there to tell you in person. But hey, we've all got holidays to spend, right? Signed, Aaron and Smolder.' Wow. I almost forgot they won a trip on that game show they competed on."

"Well, maybe we should go meet them there," Silverstream said.

"Are you crazy?" Ocellus asked. "Aaron said that where they're going is almost five thousand miles away from here. How are we gonna get there?"

Later, on an airplane, having gotten some help from the president, Silverstream and Ocellus were on a plane to Honolulu, which was on the same island where Aulani is located. The people were astonished to see two characters from the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, on the plane with them. Especially since they were flying First Class.

"Wow," Silverstream said. "This part of the plane is really comfortable. Wouldn't you say, Ocellus?" She then looked over at Ocellus and saw that she was asleep, with a sleeping mask over her eyes. "Oh, right." She then noticed what time it was. Just then, a man looked towards her.

"Hey, don't worry about it," the man said. "It'll be morning when the plane starts to land. You might as well get some sleep."

"Oh, thank you," Silverstream said. She then tried pushing the seat back, but it wasn't budging.

"Try pushing the back button," the man said.

"Oh, thank you again," Silverstream said. She then pushed the button and the chair started reclining. "Thanks for your help, Mister..."

"Kevin Bacon," the man said.

"The Kevin Bacon, the actor!" Silverstream asked, getting excited.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!" came Aaron's voice from the background.

It went back to that night when Aaron, Smolder and Gallus walked in to see Silverstream and Ocellus in the hotel room they were staying for their Christmas Vacation.

"You mean to tell me... you met... the famous actor, Kevin Bacon, on the plane here?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, I and I heard he was just in a Marvel special that recently came out last month," Silverstream said.

"I know," Gallus said. "Heck, I just watched it a couple days ago. It was hilarious and awesome!"

Silverstream squealed and said, "Let's watch it together!"

"I'm in," Ocellus said.

"So, when did you two come in?" Smolder asked.

"This morning," Ocellus said. "I might as well get my bed ready." She then used her magic and unfolded one chair, revealing a bed in it.

"That folds out into a bed?" Marissa asked. "I didn't know that."

"You shoulda checked the website," Ocellus said. "I did before we even left your house."

"Okay," Marissa said. "Well, I think we might need to make some new sleeping arrangements."

"Actually, I wouldn't mind if Silverstream and I share the same bed," Gallus said. "Since that one time she came to my room after having a nightmare about the Storm King."

"After he told me that, I knew I had to help him," Aaron said. "So, I helped arrange a picnic between the two. Although, I was caught off guard that out of the seven of us, Sandbar and I were the only ones who knew how to make s'mores."

"Thanks for explaining that, by the way," Gallus said.

"You're welcome," Aaron said. "So, what's cookin'?"

The next morning, Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus, all in human form, walked into the lobby, seeing a bunch of people complaining to the manager.

"Listen, listen!" the manager said. "Let's take this one at a time." Then they all started giving different complaints.

"All of my valuables have been stolen!"

"My daughter's Christmas Presents are gone!"

"There are claw marks on our Christmas Stockings!"

"Something's going on," Ocellus said. "Do you think we should check this out?"

"If this is a crime scene, we're not allowed to go in," Aaron said. "Maybe we should let the police handle this."

"Isn't your aunt's boyfriend a cop?" Gallus asked.

"Did I hear that correctly?" came the manager's voice. The manager then started walking towards the five teens. "Is that true. Is your aunt's boyfriend a cop?"

"Yes," Aaron said. "I can call him down to see what's going on."

"No need, Aaron," came Liam's voice. They all looked towards the voice and saw Liam walking towards them. "Liam Daniels, Orlando Police Department. I already made some checks on the rooms." He then pulled out a plastic bag with some brown fur in it. "I found this in one of the rooms. Seems to be cat fur."

"Cat fur?" Gallus asked. "That doesn't make any sense." Ocellus then grabbed the bag, opened it, and sniffed it.

"When did this happen?" Ocellus asked.

"Apparently, last night when these few guests were gone," the manager said.

"Someone would have to have access to each of the rooms," Aaron said. "Meaning that it had to be an employee of this hotel. A housekeeper, a bellhop, an engineer, the manager, no offense, sir."

"I wouldn't do that," the manager said. "But those are good examples." Just then, there was a rush going through the crowd. Three figures that looked like humanoid cats, wearing outfits of a bellhop, an engineer and a housekeeper were rushing towards the exit, all carrying duffel bags.

"What the heck?" Smolder asked.

"I heard of cat burglars, but that's ridiculous," Gallus said.

"After them!" Liam said. Then he and the teenagers started running towards the "Cat" Burglars. When they were outside, they saw the Cat Burglars running out of the resort driveway. "You five chase them. I'll get a car." He then ran towards the car rental place. Then the five teens transformed into their other forms, and took off.

"There they are!" Gallus said, pointing towards the "Cat" Burglars. "Wow, these cats are fast." They continued following the nearest town. The "Cat" Burglars tried hiding from them. "Where'd they go?!"

Ocellus started sniffing around and said, "They're close. I can smell them." Just then, the sound of trash cans being pushed over came to their attention. They saw that the "Cat" Burglars were hiding in an alley. They chased them down the alley. They then came to a water park, which was closed for the winter. When they got in, they looked around for a way out. But then, they were pinned down by the five teens.

"Gotcha!" Aaron said. "Why are you five doing this?!"

Then all of them started laughing with the same female voice coming out of their mouths. The voice then said, "You are all Equestrians, huh? Finally, Equestrian Magic has come to me."

"Uh, okay, that's a little freaky," Gallus said.

"They're all talking together!" Silverstream said. "That's scary and cool!"

"Perhaps we should try that," Smolder said.

"Okay, everycreature," Gallus said. "We all must think of what to say before we say it, that way we can scare them back."

"What?! No!" the voice from all of the "Cat" Burglars said. "They're not talking, I'm talking through them! With what magic I have left!"

"What?!" Aaron asked. "Who are you?!"

"Equestria had banished me for trying to take all the magic for myself!" the voice said. "But I swore that I would return to take back what rightfully belongs to me! Power! No creature in this world, or Equestria, will be able to stop me! Catrina!"

"Who?!" the five teens asked.

"What?! How could you not have heard of me?!" the voice asked. "You know what?!" Then magic came from the three "Cat" Burglars and took to the sky and disappeared to a nearby mountain. The three "Cat" Burglars were sitting up, holding their heads.

"What happened?" the engineer asked.

"I don't know what's going on," the housekeeper said.

"Last thing I knew, I was putting a luggage cart away," the bellhop said.

"What the heck?" Gallus asked. "They don't... remember what happened?"

"I think we might have a new enemy here on Earth," Smolder said. "Aaron, you know something about this... Catrina?"

"Catrina... Catrina..." Aaron said, thinking about the mysterious figure. "No, not to my knowledge."

Later at the hotel room, Aaron was about to type on his laptop but was stopped by his Aunt Marissa.

"Aaron, c'mon," Marissa said. "All of the guests in the hotel have been called for the Lagoon Area for something special!"

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

"You'll see," Marissa said. "C'mon."

Aaron sighed, got up, and walked with his aunt to leave the hotel room. Eventually, they made it to the lagoon area where the rest of the Blazer Family, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus and Liam were. In the area, there was a stage with musical instruments there.

"What's going on here?" Gallus asked.

"I don't know," Reggie said. "Hopefully it's about the room robberies."

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," the manager said as he walked up on stage. "I know you're all a little shaken up about the room robberies, but for some reason, the robbers were actually hypnotized to do them without any free will. So, whoever's behind it is still at large. But for now, we're gonna have a splendid Christmas. And who else to help out with that than our special guests, Kevin Bacon and the Old 97s?!" Then the crowd started applauding as Kevin Bacon and the Old 97s came up to the stage.

"Oh, that explains why Kevin Bacon was on the plane with you two," Aaron said.

"I guess so," Silverstream said. Then Kevin Bacon and the Old 97s started playing music.


As they were playing, a lot of grown ups were kissing their beloved partner. Smolder leaned her head on Aaron's shoulder. Gallus and Silverstream nuzzled each other's cheeks.

Eventually, the song ended, and everyone went back to their hotel rooms.

The next morning, the Blazer Family, Liam, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus were all talking to each other after the Christmas Presents were opened.

"Wow," Smolder said. "Okay, that was an interesting holiday."

"Yeah, it was," Ocellus said. "If I'm understanding this correctly, Christmas is a lot like Hearth's Warming, but without the Windigos and all the people fighting."

"At least this holiday is more peaceful than any other holiday in Equestria," Gallus said.

"Especially Nightmare Night!" Silverstream said. "Wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah, I guess," Smolder said. "Anyway, Aaron. Did you happen to look up this Catrina character?"

"I did," Aaron said. "I had to go back to the previous generations of MLP. You guys are from the 4th Generation of the series. This one character, Catrina, goes back all the way to G1. In fact, she's not the only villain from that time that has been rebooted into this generation of My Little Pony."

"Really?" Ocellus asked. "Who else?"

"Tirek, the Smooze... and Grogar himself," Aaron said.

"Grogar?!" Gallus asked. "That old goat that Discord was pretending to be when he united Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow just to give Twilight the confidence to become high princess of Equestria?!"

"Along with Sombra, but he didn't want to be involved with that," Aaron said. "But... yeah."

"So, what is this Catrina up to?" Smolder asked. "And why is she interested in what we are?"

Somewhere else, in a dark cave, a mysterious figure was looking at a cauldron, looking at the hotel from an outside view, searching for something.

"Those Equestrians will lead me to the portal to Equestria," the figure, now known as Catrina, said. "And as soon as I get back, all the magic of Equestria shall be mine! Meow-hahahahahahaha!" She then pulled up a vile that was on a string wrapped around her throat. "If only I can get more Equestrian Magic from those creatures. Then, I'll get off this stinking rock, and finally find a way back to Equestria!" She then gave off a sneering look towards the hotel that was in a vision in the cauldron. "I'm coming for you, my pesky little creatures. Then you'll lead me home, where I'll finally take it back. Meow-hahahahahahahaha!"

Chapter 20: Final Basketball Game

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Chapter 20: Final Basketball Game

It had been a couple months since Christmas. Gallus, Ocellus and Silverstream were back home in Equestria to do their regular things. But as they were going to be there, the three of them were going to be finding any information on Catrina in Equestria.

As for Aaron and Smolder, Basketball Season was almost ending, and the Summer Valley Middle School Dragons had just won the semi-finals of the Basketball Tournament. It was an away game, but luckily, Marissa had picked up Aaron and Smolder from the away game.

"That was awesome, Aaron," Smolder said. "You made the last shot with a three-pointer."

"I agree, Aaron," Marissa said. "You surprised us all there."

"Yeah, I did," Aaron said. "Now there's only one game left in the season for the Summer Valley Middle School Dragons. Then we'll have to get through Spring, and that'll be it for the school year."

"That's right," Marissa said. "Then you two will head on up to High School, and eventually college."

"That depends on what kinda interests me," Smolder said. "Let's just hope there is."

"There's also something that's bothering me," Aaron said. "That Equestrian Witch, Catrina. I wonder if Gallus has found anything on her."

"Oh, yeah," Smolder said. "Who is she? And why was she sent here?"

"The others are looking into it as we speak," Aaron said. "Hopefully, we'll get an answer."

Back in Equestria, in the Canterlot Archives, Gallus was looking up any ancient Equestrian Villains that were anything like what they had an indirect encounter with. He then slammed the book closed.

"Nothing!" Gallus said while slamming the book closed. "There's nothing about her here!"

"Hey, rookie!" came another guard's voice. It was the voice of Flash Magnus. "We need to close up soon, so finish up there."

"Oh, yes, sir, Captain sir!" Gallus said. He then grumbled. "Sorry, Aaron. I can't find anything on Catrina." He then grabbed the book but it slipped out of his hands, opening the book on the floor to the index. Gallus then tried grabbing the book, but then he noticed the chapter, "Catrina: The Wicked Witch". Gallus then went wide eyed. He then checked the page number. He then changed to the page, but where Catrina's chapter was, it wasn't there. "What? It's not here? How...?" He then noticed that the pages he was looking for were ripped out. "Missing pages?" He then grabbed the book and flew out of the archives.

"What is that?" Flash Magnus asked.

"A book that was supposed to have the answers about what me and my friends encountered back in Aaron's world," Gallus said. "But the problem is that those pages are missing. I need to have a talk with Princess Twilight immediately."

"That's gonna be hard," Flash Magnus said. "Princess Twilight hasn't been really around lately. She has been really busy in the royal quarters, and I don't know what she's been doing."

"Well then, guess I'll just have to go up there myself," Gallus said.

"No," Flash Magnus stated. "Princess Twilight wants to have total privacy with whatever she's doing. And we have to respect that."

Gallus then thought about it and said, "Perhaps I should talk to Spike and have him pass a message to Twilight. Then maybe she and I can talk."

"Here's hoping," Flash Magnus said. "C'mon. You need to get back to your quarters. It's almost curfew."

"You got it," Gallus said. He then started flying away from there as Flash Magnus was locking up the archives.

Back on Earth, the Summer Valley Middle School Basketball team were warming up for their final game. Aaron was getting his basketball shoes on as Coach Little was talking.

"Alright, boys," Coach Little said. "This is our final game, and we're up against the one team that is undefeated this school year. The North Orlando Mountain Lions. If we win this game, we'll be the best Middle School Basketball Team in the area."

"And we've made it this far due to the great skills of our friend, Aaron Blazer," Paul called out, making the other boys celebrating towards Aaron.

"Alright, alright," Coach Little said. "Settle down. Okay, so we haven't been able to pull off a win against this team, but we're gonna do our very best. Ready for this, boys?"

"You know it," Aaron said. "Let's do this!"

"Alright, boys, Dragons on Three!" Coach Little said, putting his hand in, which all the boys did as well. "One... two... three..."

"DRAGONS!!" they all called out. Then they all headed out of the locker room, heading for the basketball court. As they went out, all the people in the bleachers started cheering for the basketball teams coming out of the locker rooms. The people were cheering for their respected team.

In the audience, Marissa and Liam were watching Aaron and the other basketball players on the court. With them, they had Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream and Ocellus in human form.

"Wow," Sandbar said. "This place is very loud."

"Not as loud as the basketball game where our friends played the Harlem Globetrotters," Yona said. "It was the most spectacular thing I've ever seen!"

"Still can't get used to you talking in clear sentences, Yona," Ocellus said.

"I requested it, remember?" Yona asked.

"Right," Ocellus said.

"Hey, there he is!" Sandbar said, pointing towards Aaron on the court. He was practicing layups with the rest of the team. "Looks like he and the others are warming up."

"It's always good for the players to warm up before the game," Liam said. "Especially in the finals of the Middle School Basketball Tournament."

"I still can't believe that Gallus isn't coming to see this," Silverstream said. "He wouldn't want to miss something like this."

"He would, but he's still looking up information of Catrina back in Equestria," Ocellus said. "If only the information was found sooner. Otherwise, he would've joined us."

Then both teams huddled up and were talking with their coaches. Coach Little then said, "Alright, boys. This is it. Keep your heads up, and we'll be the winners of the Middle School Basketball Tournament in Central Florida. Take a look at your opponents." Then the group looked towards the team. They were especially looking at one player who was about the same height as Aaron, but with short blonde hair, in the style of a buzz cut. His white and orange uniform had the number 13 on it.

"That guy looks intense," Aaron said.

"Dude, that's Bryce Pierce!" Paul said.

"That's Bryce Pierce?!" Kyle asked. "I've heard of him. rumor has it he keeps getting expelled from each school he attends for unfair plays in every sport he plays."

"I heard he kicked the leg of one of his opponents in soccer while one of the referees wasn't looking," Paul said.

"Well, I guess we'll have to be extremely careful around that guy," Coach Little said. He then looked towards Aaron. "Especially you, Aaron."

"Don't worry, Coach," Aaron said. "I won't let you down."

"Alright, boys," Coach Little said. "Hands in!" Then they all put their hands in. "One... two... three..."

"Dragons!" they all called out. Then Aaron, Paul, Kyle and two more of the Summer Valley Middle School Basketball Players went onto the court. Paul was going to go for the jump ball. Then Bryce Pierce came up to Aaron.

"So, you're the, so called, best player of the Summer Valley Basketball Team, huh?" Bryce asked, giving a dark smirk towards Aaron. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy making you look like a fool tonight."

"We'll see about that," Aaron said. Then the referee blew his whistle and threw the ball straight up. Paul got the ball and passed it to Aaron, but as he was about to head to his team's basket, he tripped. During the trip, Bryce took the ball and started dribbling it towards his team's basket, jumped towards the basket and dunked it.

"Yeah!" Bryce called out.

Aaron was getting up, surrounded by his teammates. Smolder then ran up to Aaron, in human form, and wore her cheerleader outfit. She then asked, "Are you okay?"

"Kyle, I think you might be right about that guy being a cheater," Aaron said.

"I tried to warn him," Kyle said.

"No you didn't," Paul said. "C'mon, it's our ball." Then they all went back to their positions while Smolder went back to her fellow cheerleaders.

"It's alright! It's okay! We're gonna get that point on you, today!" the cheerleaders cheered.

Kyle was at the end of the court about to pass the ball to Aaron. He then passed it, and the two started heading towards the other side of the court. Bryce was at the half court line, trying to keep Aaron from passing him. Aaron then tried passing the ball to Kyle, but Bryce was all over him. Aaron eventually saw Paul wide open. Aaron passed the ball to Paul, but after he did, while the referee wasn't looking, Bryce elbowed Aaron's gut, making Aaron go down. Bryce then ran quickly to Paul, snatched the ball, and headed back towards his team's basket, and did a layup.

The ref noticed Aaron's pain and blew the whistle. The ref then walked over towards Aaron and asked if he was okay.

"That guy Bryce, number 13, he just elbowed my gut after I passed the ball," Aaron said to the ref. The referee then looked towards the scorekeepers.

"Number 13, white, personal foul," the referee said. "Number 1, red, two shots. Second basket made by white team, no points awarded."

"C'mon, ref!" Bryce said, walking up to the ref and Aaron. "I barely touched the guy!" Just then, Smolder came up to Bryce with an angry look. "Whoa! 'Sup, girl?" He then did a clicking noise, trying to impress Smolder.

"Do that again, I'll make sure you'll get a lesson you'll never forget," Smolder said, giving a grimace."

"Hey, what did I do, girl?" Bryce asked, trying to act innocent. Smolder then helped Aaron get to the foul line.

"That guy's trying the innocent act," Smolder said. "Kinda like Cozy Glow."

"At least Cozy Glow got caught at the end," Aaron said, making Smolder nod in agreement. Aaron was then given the ball as Smolder went back to the cheerleaders.

"C'mon, Aaron!" Sandbar called out.

"We believe in you!" Silverstream cried out. Then she, Sandbar, Yona and Ocellus started clapping five times.

"Let's go, Aaron!" the four of them called out. Then the rest of the crowd started getting in on it. Aaron then took a deep breath. He then shot the ball and it went into the basket. Everyone there cheered. Then the crowd did the chant. Bryce on the other hand tried sneaking off towards Aaron. He then did a sweep kick right before Aaron was about to make a shot, causing him to trip. That did not go unnoticed by the ref. He blew the whistle.

"Illegal action!" the ref called out. "North Orlando Mountain Lions are disqualified. Summer Valley Middle School takes the win!" Then the crowd started booing Bryce for making an illegal move. Bryce was surprised at that. But then, his coach walked up to him.

"So the rumors about you were right," the coach of North Orlando Middle School said. "You got us disqualified. You have brought shame to the North Orlando Middle School Basketball Team. I will be telling the principal about your behavior."

"Oh, c'mon, coach!" Bryce said. "Don't do this to me! I promise I'll eaz up!"

"You've been making promises ever since you've joined the basketball team, and you keep breaking them," the coach said. "I'm making sure you get suspended." Then the coach started pulling Bryce towards the exit, and the rest of the team started following them.

Smolder and Paul were helping Aaron up. Paul then asked, "You okay?"

"That was kinda a hollow victory," Aaron said.

"Meh, just take the win," Smolder said.

Back in Equestria, the next morning, Twilight was coming out of her room, tired. She yawned closed the door as quietly as she could. Just then, Spike ran up to her, holding the book that Gallus was looking at the other day.

"Twilight!" Spike shouted. Twilight then covered Spike's mouth with a hoof.

"Shh!" Twilight said. "I just got her to sleep."

"Sorry," Spike said. "Anyway, you should see this. According to Gallus, while he, Aaron, Smolder, Silverstream and Ocellus were in Hawaii, which was a big tourist destination in Aaron's world, they experienced magic from an old Equestrian Villain that was banished to that world for... who knows how long."

"What?!" Twilight asked. She then covered her mouth with a hoof. She waited a few seconds and asked, "Can you tell me more?"

"Anyway, Gallus was trying to look up that Equestrian villain, and he found out that the pages of that villain were ripped out," Spike said. "Apparently, the name of this villain is... Catrina."

"Catrina?" Twilight asked. "Never heard of her. Perhaps Celestia and Luna might know about her. I'll go ask them as soon as I get the chance." Just then, Twilight heard something coming from her room. "Oh, dear. Not again." She then sighed. "Go do your daily schedule. I've got something to take care of." She then headed back into her room. Across from the royal chambers, there was a baby crib. Twilight walked over towards it and looked inside it. "Hey, there. It's okay. Mommy's here."

Inside the crib, there was a baby foal wrapped in a blanket. It was a black alicorn baby filly, with a mane that was purple, and turquoise eyes. The eyes had dagger shaped pupils, and the whites of the eyes were a lighter shade than how normal eyes were supposed to be. This was a baby Nightmare Moon, but Twilight decided to call her the name of the main character of the MLP fanfiction she got from Aaron.

"It's okay, Nyx," Twilight said. "Nothing bad is going to happen. I'll make sure of it." Baby Nyx looked up at Twilight, and started giggling. She then tried reaching out for Twilight, but she fell forward. Twilight caught her and brought her to her hooves, and started rocking her. "It's okay, Nyx. Mommy's here for you."

Chapter 21: Aaron's Birthday

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Chapter 21: Aaron's Birthday

Smolder was getting ready for school in her human form. Just then, there was a knocking on her bedroom door.

"Come in," Smolder said. Marissa then walked in. "Oh, hey, Marissa. What's up?"

"Okay, here's the thing," Marissa said. "It's Aaron's Birthday today."

"It's his birthday?!" Smolder asked. "Well, hopefully he doesn't get too greedy like Spike did on his first Birthday in Ponyville back in Equestria." Then the two of them laughed.

"Well, he was able to keep his cool during Christmas," Marissa said, making Smolder nod.

"Yeah, that's true," Smolder said. She then thought of something and checked her calendar. "Oh, wait a minute. It's also the day, in Equestria, that he was introduced to my friends and the teachers at the School of Friendship back in Equestria."

"Guess it's gonna be a big celebration for everyone," Marissa said. "Might as well get the rest of the gang over here for Aaron's birthday."

"Maybe I should," Smolder said. "Although, if I'm gonna have to go tell my friends, I'm gonna have to go back to Equestria for the day."

"But what should I tell Aaron?" Marissa asked.

"Tell him that something came up back in Equestria," Smolder replied. "I'll be back before Aaron gets home." She then headed for the portal. "You mind calling the Principal and telling her I won't be coming in today?"

"Sure thing, Smolder," Marissa said. "You might want to text your school mates at your current school about the party after school."

"Sure," Smolder said, grabbing her backpack. "Hopefully, I'll have cell phone reception on the other side of the portal now that we have it open 24/7." She then went through the portal and headed to Equestria.

Back in Equestria, the portal to Earth in the Treehouse of Harmony started reacting. The portal opened up and Smolder was launched out of it, sending her across the room.

"Ow," Smolder said. She then got up and started stretching. "Okay, back in Equestria. Time to gather the gang." She then started walking out the Treehouse of Harmony. She then spread her wings and headed for Ponyville. She was a little off balanced. "Whoa-oa-oa! Guess I'm gonna have to do some flight practice during the weekends."

She eventually made it to Ponyville. When she got there, she went over towards Sugarcube Corner. As she arrived there, she saw all five of her friends there, including Gallus.

"I'm telling you, Princess Twilight is hiding something up in her quarters," Gallus said. "I tried asking Spike what's going on in there, but he keeps telling me that it's classified."

"I'm sure that Princess Twilight will tell all the creatures of Equestria about it eventually," Ocellus said. "It's just gonna take time."

"I hope you're right, Ocellus," Gallus said. "And we still have no info on this Catrina whoever she is."

"If this Catrina is as bad as you say she is, or possibly even worse, she could possibly be a total threat to Equestria," Sandbar added. "Like Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Sombra, even that Roktavor guy."

"It's pronounced Ragnarok," Smolder said, sitting with the group.

"Oh, okay," Sandbar said. "Thanks, Smolder." He didn't even realize that Smolder came up with them. In fact, the others didn't either. But then, Sandbar raised an eyebrow. "Wait a minute..." Then they all looked at Smolder.

"Smolder!" the five of them called out.

"What are you doing here?" Gallus asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"I took today off to tell you all about Aaron's birthday," Smolder said. "Which, ironically, was the same day you all met him under the school, last year, today."

"Whoa," Silverstream said. "That's today?!"

"Wow," Sandbar said. "Time really flies, huh?"

"You know it," Smolder said. Just then, her phone buzzed. She pulled it up and a stylus and started reading a text that was on her phone.

"I can't believe that works here in Equestria," Gallus said.

"With the portal to Aaron's world open, I'm able to get texts or calls here," Smolder said. "Although, Aaron is still wondering how his tech came out fully charged during his stay here."

"Actually, I think it had something to do with the magic here in Equestria that's keeping Aaron's computer and phone fully charged," Ocellus said.

Smolder was checking her text messages, and she saw the texts of her and Aaron's friends from the school texting her. Telling her that they'll all be at the house for Aaron's birthday party.

"Wow," Smolder said. "The whole basketball team, the cheerleaders, our whole class. We're gonna need a lot of food and a large cake." Just then, Pinkie Pie came up from behind her.

"Hey! I can help with making a large cake!" Pinkie said, surprising Smolder and the others.

"Wow," Smolder said. "You nearly surprised me as the janitor at my new school."

"Oh, you mean Dang?" Pinkie asked.

"You know about Dang?" Smolder asked.

"Of course she does," came Dang's voice. Dang appeared right at the door of Sugarcube Corner. Then all of the Young Six screamed. "My old master, Master Ki, had taught her that trick as much as he taught me."

"Yeah, he did," Pinkie Pie said. "But, for the sake of every creature's heart rate, I managed to slow it down, just a nudge. So every creature doesn't get too much of a heart attack."

"So that's why everyone kept screaming when I appeared near them," Dang said. "I almost thought they were screaming at something behind me."

"Okay, so, Pinkie Pie," Smolder said. "Think you can make a big enough cake?"

"You kidding?!" Pinkie asked. "I'll get one started right now! Although, if I'm gonna make a big ol' cake, I might as well do it in your new home on Earth. Mind if I use your oven?"

"I'm gonna have to block the door so Aaron doesn't get in before he gets home," Smolder said. She then started texting Marissa about Pinkie Pie going to bake a huge cake at their house. Marissa then replied back. "Looks like she's gonna have to pick up certain ingredients for a homemade chocolate cake. What do you need for that?"

"Okay, here's what we need," Pinkie said, showing a list of ingredients. Smolder then put her phone on camera mode, took a picture of the list, and sent the image to Marissa. "Wow. That's convenient. Thanks, Smolder. Not bad for a dragon that secretly likes cute and silly stuff." That comment made Smolder's face turn red in embarrassment. "Well, I should head over there. La lala la lala." She was bouncing out of Sugarcube Corner.

"Uhhh..." Smolder said.

"We all knew, Smolder," Sandbar said.

"Wait, you all know?!" Smolder asked angrily. She then looked at Ocellus. "Did you tell them?!"

"No, they figured it out on their own," Ocellus said. "Silverstream and Yona saw you in that dress when the Tree of Harmony summoned us after Sombra broke it apart."

Smolder groaned and put her head on the table. Gallus then said, "When Silverstream and Yona told me about that, and how you were enjoying that tea there, it reminded me of the dress you wore while we were all under the school. So, before we even left for Hawaii, I looked up on Aaron's laptop for a certain episode that involved us being under the school. 'What Lies Beneath' was the name of that episode. As soon as you admitted it to those illusion ponies and to Ocellus, it actually made sense."

"You knew before the Hawaiian trip?!" Smolder asked, very angirly. "Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I'd figure you would burn me right on the spot if I told you then," Gallus said. "Although, it wouldn't be wise to find a griffon carcass in the hotel room."

Smolder then thought about it and said, "Good point."

"So, are you gonna bring us to Aaron's house for the party?" Gallus asked.

"Alright," Smolder said. "We'll go. At least I won't have to worry about hiding the fact that I like tea parties and dressing up from you guys anymore."

"Re-he-heally?" came another voice, surprising the Young 6. Smolder turned around to see Rarity there, giving her a smug look. She also had on her saddlebags. "Well, I assumed you were into that sort of stuff when I found... this!" She pulled something out of her saddlebags. It was the dress that Smolder had been wearing before she left to live in Aaron's world. Smolder's face turned red again.

"Uhhhh..." Smolder said.

"Old, don't worry, young Smolder," Rarity said, placing the dress back in her saddlebags and booping Smolder's nose. "If you want to keep something like that a secret, I might as well honor it."

"Thank you," Smolder said. "Well, I've gotta get back to Earth. C'mon guys." Then the six former students headed towards the door, but Smolder bumped into something. "Oh, excuse me." She then looked who she bumped into. It was Dragon Lord Ember. "Uhhh... Dragon Lord Ember?"

"Smolder?" Ember asked. "What are you doing back here?"

"I was... bringing my old friends to Aaron's world for his birthday," Smolder answered, nervously.

"Really?" Ember asked. "Well, then, I might as well come and see how he's doing."

"Wait, what?!" the Young 6 asked.

"As Dragon Lord, I have made it my duty to check on how all the dragons are doing," Ember said. "Even the ones that aren't in the Dragon Lands."

"Technically, Aaron wasn't always a dragon," Sandbar said. "Before we all met him, he was just a human."

"A human that became a legend by taking down Ragnarok the Reaper," Ember said. "He might not have been born a dragon, but he surely fought like one. Especially when he used his greed induced bigness. How did he manage to keep it in check?"

"I keep forgetting to ask Aaron," Smolder said. "I should do it when we get back to Earth. C'mon." Then she led the rest of the Young 6 and Ember towards the Treehouse of Harmony. Dragon Lord Ember followed them as well. Eventually, they went in and headed for the portal. Next to the portal was a side table with a drawer, containing the medallions that allow any Equestrian creature to pass as humans.

"You're gonna have to put this on, Ember," Smolder said, holding out one of the medallions. "When you tap it, it'll transform you into a human. It's best if you do it while in that world."

"Good to know," Ember said. She then put the medallion on, along with Sandbar, Yona, Gallus and Silverstream. Then they all went through the portal.

Later in the evening, Aaron and Marissa arrived home. Aaron was a little bummed about Smolder not being there for his birthday.

"I still can't believe that Smolder went back to Equestria today," Aaron said. "Especially on my birthday."

"I'm sure that she'll be back," Marissa said. "You and Smolder are in a relationship now. Girlfriends will always want to surprise their boyfriends, most specifically on their birthdays."

Aaron then sighed and said, "I guess we'll see." They got out of the car and headed for the front door. Aaron then walked into the house, and it was pitch dark in there. "Huh. That's odd. Why's it darker than usual?" He then flipped a light switch, turning on the lights. He then got a big ol'...

"SURPRISE!!" came a bunch of voices. Aaron was surprised by a bunch of people there. His school friends, his basketball team, the cheerleaders, his friends from Equestria, and Dragon Lord Ember.

"Wait, what is this?" Aaron asked. "Is this...?"

"A surprise party," Smolder said, walking up to him. "What, you think I wouldn't want to miss out on your birthday? I texted all our friends from school, and invited our friends from Equestria to come here. What I wasn't expecting was Dragon Lord Ember to come."

"Dragon Lord Ember?" Aaron asked.

"That's right," came Ember's voice. They looked towards the voice seeing Ember coming up to Aaron. "Although I expected you to be in your dragon form."

"You mean this?" Aaron asked, before he transformed into his dragon form. Everyone then cheered for Aaron.

"Now that's how I know you," Ember said. "The legendary jade dragon, defeater of Ragnarok the Reaper, and bringer of peace between two worlds." She then brought out the Bloodstone Scepter. "You, Aaron Blazer, receive the highest honor in all dragon kind. It'll take probably a few decades, but I believe... you will be the next dragon lord."

"WHAT?!" Aaron and the Young 6 asked.

"Dragon Lord Ember," Aaron said, bowing. "With all due respect, I'm not sure that I can handle being Dragon Lord. Besides, I'm better off in a world where my family is."

"You're going to..." Ember nearly shouted. But then she took a breath. "You're right. Guess I forgot about your family. They are your family and need you here after all." She then looked at Smolder. "And of course, Smolder here can choose whether to stay here or come back to the Dragon Lands. Okay, the next Dragon Lord shall not be you. I can respect that."

"Thank you," Aaron said. "So, how about we get this party started." Everyone cheered after he said that. Everyone there was having a good time. Aaron opened up presents given to him by his friends, playing in the pool, heated of course, and playing some party games. They then ended it with some birthday cake. Marissa was trying to light the candles, but the lighter wasn't lighting.

"C'mon, c'mon," Marissa said. "This isn't working. Anyone got something to light these candles?"

"I got it," Smolder said. She then held out her arms. "Stand back everyone." Then everyone got out of the line of fire. Literally. Smolder blew her flames and lit the birthday candles.

"Thanks, Smolder," Marissa said. "Alright, Aaron. Blow out the candles." Aaron then looked down at himself, seeing he was in dragon form. He then changed back into his human form. He then blew out the candles.

Ember leaned down towards Paul and asked, "Why did he blow out the candles in human form?"

"If he blew out the candles as a dragon, he would have melted the candles and ruined the cake," Paul answered. Ember then thought about it, and then nodded in agreement.

Back in Equestria, Twilight was looking up in the forbidden section of the Canterlot Archives for any information about Catrina. It was taking a lot of searching.

"C'mon..." Twilight said. "There's gotta be something." She then found a chest with a cat paw on it. "No, it couldn't be that simple." She then opened the chest and saw a bunch of stuff containing information. "Jackpot!" She then read the book.

"Catrina, the most wicked witch in all of Equestria. She enslaved ponies and tried absorbing their magic. Legend has it she almost succeeded in taking the magic of Princess Celestia, but all that changed when the Princess was ready for her. Somehow, she found a way to trap Catrina, surrounded by her greatest weakness which was... The name of the weakness was smudged, so Twilight couldn't find out what it was. "After Catrina was trapped, Celestia knew that Catrina had to be banished to another dimension, one where there's no magic at all. If Catrina found Equestrian Magic in the world she is now trapped in, she'll get it. And once she has enough, she'll one day return to Equestria and steal all the magic for herself again. That is something that should never happen."

"Uh oh," Twilight said. "That's not good." She then teleported out of there, and into her quarters. She then sighed. "Sorry, Aaron. For the safety of Equestria... you and Smolder must stay here in Equestria... permanently." She then heard the sound of a baby crying. She looked towards the crib and saw baby Nyx, struggling in her sleep. Twilight walked up to the crib, and grabbed Nyx in her magic, pulling the baby in for a hug. "It's okay, Nyx. It's okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

Chapter 22: Forced to Stay in Equestria

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Chapter 22: Forced to Stay in Equestria

Aaron and Smolder arrived back at their home after school was finished. Aaron headed for the door with the key he had, and was about to put it into the locking mechanism.

"A week with no school," Smolder said. "So, what are we gonna do for the week?"

"Well, I guess we can go to Equestria for a couple days to search up Catrina," Aaron said, unlocking the door. When they got in, they were surprised to see a bunch of Canterlot Royal Guards, including Gallus and Flash Magnus. "What the heck?!"

"Aaron Blazer, Smolder, Princess Twilight needs both of you in her presence," Flash Magnus said.

"What for?" Aaron asked. Just then, Marissa's car pulled up to the driveway. Marissa got out of the car and headed for the door. When she got through the doorway, she saw the Royal Guards.

"What's going on here?" Marissa asked. Just then, the door leading to Smolder's apartment opened up, and Twilight Sparkle walked through the door.

"I can tell you what's going on, Miss Blazer," Twilight said. "An Equestrian villain was banished here to this world, long ago. And if she finds Equestrian Magic in this world, she'll stop at nothing to get all the magic of Equestria. And to prevent that from happening, I'm very sorry about this... but I'm gonna have to take Aaron and Smolder back to Equestria, and sever the link to this world... forever."

"WHAT?!" Aaron, Smolder and Marissa asked in unison.

"Not this again," Smolder said, angrily. "Aaron wasn't safe in Equestria because of Ragnarok, now we're not safe here because of Catrina. Make up your mind!"

"Yeah, that's true," Twilight said, thinking about it. "But we don't really have a choice here. We must run now."

"No," Aaron said. "I'm not going anywhere. You can't make me!" He then transformed into his dragon form, along with Smolder.

Twilight sighed and said, "I'm sorry for this. For the sake of Equestria, you must stay in Equestria, permanently." She then lit up her horn making Aaron, Smolder and Marissa drowsy. Eventually, all three of them passed out. Gallus got nervous at this. But then, Twilight spoke again. "Gallus, retrieve the book that Aaron had to communicate with you."

"Uh... y-yes, ma'am," Gallus said. He then sighed. He saw some of the guards carrying Aaron and Smolder towards Smolder's part of the house, and into the portal. Some guards helped with carrying Marissa towards the Master Bedroom. Gallus went up to Aaron's room to find the book ashamed that he had to take the book.

Gallus went into Aaron's room to find the book. He was looking around for the book. He looked under the bed, in the closet, and even Aaron's desk.

"It's gotta be here somewhere," Gallus said. He then opened up the bedside drawer and saw the book. He then got surprised. Then another guard spoke up.

"Hurry up, trainee," the guard said.

"Uh... okay," Gallus said. As soon as the guards headed downstairs, Gallus quickly went into Marissa's room, and hid the book under Marissa's pillow. "Sorry, Twilight. But you know this isn't right." He then headed downstairs towards the portal, where Twilight was.

"So, where's the book?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know," Gallus said. "Aaron must've hidden it pretty good. He probably didn't want one of his school friends finding it and taking it home with 'em."

Twilight sighed and said, "As long as it's hidden, we'll be safe. But for now, we're gonna have to take the book connected to this portal and take it back to Equestria."

"But wouldn't that close the portal on this end?" Gallus asked. "How will you get back?"

"Hey, I was the one who brought the portal to this world, remember?" Twilight asked. "I can bring this book back to Equestria. Now, get on through the portal." Gallus sighed and went through the portal. As soon as Gallus was on the other side, Twilight took the book out of the slot, and then she teleported herself and the book back to Equestria.

Back in Equestria, Aaron was waking up. He groaned as he opened up his eyes to see Smolder over him. From his view, Smolder was upside down. He then got surprised and sat up, almost hitting Smolder's forehead with his own.

"What happened?" Aaron asked.

"Apparently, Twilight used a drowsiness spell on both of us," Smolder answered. Aaron then noticed something around Smolder's neck. It was a black strap necklace with purple gems in them.

"What's that around your neck?" Aaron asked.

"Honestly, I don't know," Smolder said. "But for now, we should get out of this dungeon."

Aaron then realized where he and Smolder were. They were in a dungeon cell. He then asked, "Why are we in a dungeon?!"

Then the latch on the dungeon door opened up, revealing a royal guard. He then said, "Princess Twilight wanted both of you to stay in this dungeon until the portal to Earth is destroyed."

"WHAT?!" Aaron and Smolder asked shockingly.

"Listen, pal," Smolder said. "Aaron just got back to Earth last year. And what about his aunt Marissa?! She's his legal guardian!"

"Marissa Blazer will be staying on Earth," the guard said. "Besides, humans need meat to survive and she can barely get any here. Especially with what the griffons are charging for meat these days."

"You can't keep us in here!" Aaron said. "I want out! I want..." Aaron's voice was starting to get deeper, but then the collar he was wearing shocked him. "Gah! Ow!"

"Sorry about that," the guard said. "Princess Twilight wanted you to stay in this dungeon. Those collars are able to prevent you from using your dragon abilities. Such as fire breathing, flight, even your greed induced bigness. You'll be out of there once the portal to Earth is permanently gone." He then closed the latch.

Aaron then fell onto his knees. Smolder then went onto her knees right in front of Aaron, and she hugged him, rubbing his back as well.

"It's okay, Aaron," Smolder said. "Gallus will probably get us out."

"Gallus was there when we were encountered by those guards," Aaron said. "I thought he was my best friend. I can't believe he did this."

"I saw how Gallus was looking at us when we were back there," Smolder said. "He was ashamed about what was happening. Being with him at the School of Friendship long enough, I know how he feels."

"You sure you're not really Ocellus?" Aaron asked, smugly. That made Smolder laugh.

"Well, at least we'll get a good laugh," Smolder said. Aaron then sighed, losing his happy thoughts. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I need to be with my family," Aaron said. "They can't just keep me here forever."

"I know, Aaron," Smolder said. "Heck, this isn't how I wanted to spend Spring Break. We need to find a way out of here."

"Psst," came a whispering voice. Aaron and Smolder looked around. "Hey, guys. Over here." Aaron and Smolder looked towards the voice and saw a barred window with Gallus on the other side.

"Gallus?" Aaron asked.

"Sh!" Gallus said. "Listen, I'm gonna get you both out of here."

"Why should I listen to you?" Aaron asked, angrily. "You took us away from our home."

"I know, and honestly, I was totally against it from the very beginning," Gallus responded. "Right now, Twilight is trying to find a way to get the portal destroyed. But luckily, I came up with a plan ahead."

In the Treehouse of Harmony, Twilight was heading into the room where the portal to Earth was. Spike was with her as the two were heading in.

"Are you sure this is wise, Twilight?" Spike asked. "I mean, Aaron does belong there."

"I do know that, Spike," Twilight said. "But I just can't risk it." She then sighed. "We just have to get this..." She then went wide eyed. Where the portal stood, it was no longer there. "Where's the portal?! WHERE'S THE PORTAL?!"

In the catacombs of Equestria, Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream were putting the portal back together how it was set up.

"And with that... it is done," Ocellus said.

"It's a good thing you remembered how it went, Ocellus," Sandbar said. "Otherwise, Aaron and Smolder would be stuck here for the rest of their lives."

"Yona can't believe that pony princess would keep Aaron away from his family!" Yona said. "Yona would smash her if she wasn't royalty!"

"Even if she was royalty or not, you would still be in big trouble," Ocellus said. She then pulled out the book that Gallus uses to contact Aaron. "I just hope this one works as much as the other set of connecting books."

"Let's find out," Silverstream said. She then took the book and opened it up.

Meanwhile, back in the Canterlot dungeon, Aaron and Smolder were waiting for their escape. Smolder was tapping her foot impatiently.

"How long is this gonna take?" Smolder asked. "Twilight didn't even think of bringing our tech here for some entertainment."

"She probably thinks we'd use it to contact someone," Aaron said. "But with the portal closed, there's no way of contacting anyone on the other side."

"Okay, that makes sense," Smolder said. "Although, for doing something stupid, I'd probably stink up her room with a homemade stink bomb. Or, better yet, get a dragon hatchling who's really gassy and aim its butt at Twilight's face, like at the end of that one Tell Your Tale short." Aaron then laughed.

"Even though she works for Opaline, I feel bad for Misty there," Aaron said, making Smolder nod in agreement with him. "Although, the real question is, how did Misty end up with Opaline in the first place?"

"That's a good question," Smolder said.

"Alright guys," came Gallus's voice from the window. "My plan to break you out is a success." Then the sound of the guards groaning from the other side of the door came to their attention.

"What was that?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, I got someone to come and get you guys out of there without any of them realizing what happened?" Gallus asked.

"Who?" Smolder asked.

"You didn't call," came Dang's voice. Dang appeared right in between Aaron and Smolder. The collars they had on were now in Dang's hands. "But I appear anyway." Aaron and Smolder screamed at Dang's sudden appearance.

"Dang," Smolder said.

"That time you called," Dang's voice came from the door, which was wide open. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus all screamed.

"Dang, get them out of here and to the portal," Gallus said. "Do the same with..."

"Already did," Dang said, interrupting them. They were all in the catacombs underneath the school. Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream all screamed at their sudden appearance.

"Whoa," Aaron said. "Okay, that's something I'll never get used to."

"Trust me, it's not easy to master," Dang said. "Now, c'mon. Let's get you all home." He then headed through the portal. Aaron and Smolder nodded. Gallus, after removing his armor, got one of the medallions he uses to turn himself into a human and put it on. Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona did the same with their medallions, and all seven of the young ones went through the portal.

Aaron and the Young Six arrived back on Earth, in Smolder's apartment. Aaron looked around. He then smiled and turned back into his human form.

Aaron then went back into his house and called out, "Aunt Marissa! Are you here?!"

Then Marissa came running down the stairs. She then ran up to Aaron and gave him a hug. She then said, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Not to sound rude here, but we gotta get out of here before Twilight realizes where we are," Gallus said. "Where are we gonna hide."

"We're not gonna hide," Aaron said. "I'm starting to get tired of being pushed around. Ragnarok, Principal O'Reilly, Miley Brands, Bryce Pierce. They've been pushing us around for too long. Right now, I think it's time we finish off Catrina once and for all. We're going back to Hawaii."

"But we don't know where in Hawaii Catrina is," Silverstream said.

"The magic that was in those Aulani employees was taken out of them, and headed into the mountains," Aaron said. "When we go back to Oahu, we'll start there."

"I'll get us some plane tickets there," Marissa said. "Go pack up some stuff." Aaron and Smolder nodded, both of them heading towards their rooms.

"So..." Gallus said. "This is gonna be interesting."

"With what you've all been through, especially with Ragnarok, I wouldn't be surprised," Marissa said. She then sighed. "You do realize when Twilight figures out you were the one responsible, you'll be in big trouble right. Court marshaled, even."

Gallus sighed and said, "I would rather lose my job than lose a friends trust. You know what I mean?"

"I do," Marissa said. "Anyway, let's get you kids some clothes to pack."

Back in Equestria, Twilight was putting Nyx to bed in the crib. She then kissed Nyx's forehead. As soon as Twilight was done, there was a silent knocking at the door. Twilight was confused at that. She then put an invisibility field around the crib and diaper changing station, making everything there invisible. She then headed for the door and opened it up. Outside, there was Flash Magnus.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"We found the portal," Flash Magnus said.

"Good, where was it?" Twilight asked.

"It was underneath the school you opened up," Flash Magnus said. "And apparently... this was in the slot." He then held up the book that Gallus had contacted Aaron with, making Twilight gasp. "It appears that the griffon trainee... has gone rogue."

Twilight then got angry. She then asked, "Why would Gallus do that? Why would he purposely break out Aaron and Smolder when we're specifically trying to protect them?"

"Maybe it was because you were trying to make Aaron feel like how Gallus was," Flash Magnus said. "In a world with no family of his own."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"I think you were doing what Star Swirl was doing," Flash Magnus stated. "He wanted Smolder to remain on Earth with Aaron with no way to contact her friends with Ragnarok awakening. And now, you're trying to do the same with Aaron, trying to keep him away from Catrina in such a similar way."

Twilight then realized what she did. She then sat on her haunches, her breathing in shock. She then said, "What have I done? I almost made the same mistake that Star Swirl did." She then sighed. "I... I need to be alone." She then used her magic to take the book she made for Gallus to contact Aaron, and closed the door. Twilight then leaned on the door, hugging the book. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I'm so, so sorry."

The next evening, on Earth, Aaron, the young 6, who were all in human form, and Marissa were all heading towards the plane that would take them to Hawaii.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Sandbar asked.

"I'm sure it is," Aaron said. "Because I have no idea what we're gonna do if it doesn't."

"We still don't know that much about Catrina, though," Gallus said. "How are we gonna beat her?"

"We need to think of what she is," Aaron said. "She's a cat witch, right. So, we're gonna have to figure out how to beat her on our own. And nothing's gonna stop us."

They eventually made it to their plane, and it took off, heading to Hawaii for their battle against Catrina.

Chapter 23: Catrina Got Your Tongue

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Chapter 23: Catrina Got Your Tongue

Morning rose over the Hawaiian Islands. The plane that had Aaron, the Young 6 and Marissa were all asleep in first class. All of them had blankets over them with some help from the stewardess.

Smolder was starting to wake up. She looked around and saw sunlight coming in from the window. She then uncovered herself and headed for the window. She saw the Hawaiian Islands coming in closer. Then a voice came from the PA system.

"Good morning passengers, this is your captain speaking. We are approaching our destination, Daniel K Inouye International Airport in Honolulu, Hawaii. Everyone, strap in as we make our descent."

Smolder then got back into her seat and buckled up. The turning of the plane started to wake up the rest of the group. The airplane landed at the airport, and eventually, they all got off the plane.

"Alright, who's hungry?" Marissa asked. "If you're gonna go into battle, you might as well get a good breakfast."

"She's got a point," Gallus said. "Can't go into battle with an empty stomach."

"We'll head out to the nearest IHOP, have breakfast, book a hotel, and then you kids will save the world," Marissa said. "Just be careful out there."

"Hey, it might be even more difficult," Aaron said. "Catrina is most likely not as big as Ragnarok. But it also means that she's gonna be more difficult to even make contact with."

"When we get there, don't eat too much," Marissa said. "We don't want any of you kids be lethargic, do we?"

"She's got a good point," Ocellus said. "If we eat too much, we're gonna be too exhausted to even touch Catrina."

"So what do we order?" Gallus asked.

Somewhere in the mountains of Oahu, in a cave, there was a cauldron over a burning fire, and a grim, green liquid in it. There were glowing, green cat eyes over the cauldron.

"So, they have returned," Catrina's voice came from where the eyes were. "So they're coming to me now? Those foolish young creatures. They're gonna regret trying to even come for me, for I will have their magic, and I shall return to Equestria so I can resume what I was destined to do. All the magic of Equestria will be mine. Meow-hahahahahaha!" She was coming into view, revealing herself.

"Beware, Equestria," Catrina said. "Catrina is coming back. Meow-hahahahahaha!"

A couple hours passed since they arrived at the airport. Aaron and the Young 6, back in their Equestrian forms, were walking up a pathway to the mountain area of the island of Hawaii. Aaron was on the phone as they were all walking up the path.

"We're gonna be okay, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "We've been through worse. Well, for me, it was Ragnarok, but you get the gist of it."

"This is so amazing," Sandbar said, looking around. "You all spent the holidays here? Lucky."

"Yona never seen somewhere so amazing!" Yona said, looking around as well. "Too bad yaks live in cold mountains back home."

"Didn't you choose to stay in Ponyville?" Smolder asked.

"Yona visits Yakyakistan when Yona gets time off," Yona responded.

"Okay, we'll see ya when we see ya," Aaron said. He then hung up the phone using the stylus he had. "Okay, if we get Catrina taken down as fast as possible, we'll able to enjoy the rest of the week here in Hawaii."

"We're spending Spring Break here?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "After all, we're all great friends."

"You know it, man," Sandbar said. He then looked back towards the ocean and got a big whiff of the ocean breeze. "Wow. That is such a beautiful place. I can't believe you all spent the holidays here."

"Gallus was invited," Smolder said. She then pointed towards Silverstream and Ocellus. "These two decided to surprise us for the holidays."

"And apparently, they were on the same plane as famous actor, Kevin Bacon," Aaron said. He then looked down the path the seven of them were walking up and saw a teenage girl and her little sister. "Looks like we have some company." The Young 6 looked towards the two human girls.

"Is it alright if my sister gets a picture with you guys?" the teenage girl asked. Aaron looked towards the Young 6, who all nodded.

"Get in here," Aaron said. Then the little girl came up to Aaron and the Young 6 as the teenage girl got out her phone and took a picture of all eight of them.

"Got it," the teenage girl said. "Let's go, Sierra." Then the little girl ran over to her sister and they headed off down the path. Then Aaron and the Young 6 continued going up the path.

"Still not used to being famous in this world," Ocellus said. "Even though we saved this world from Ragnarok and played basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters."

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Although, Aaron was the first one of this world to actually meet us in our world."

"And then I was made to be this jade dragon of an ancient Dragon Land Prophecy," Aaron said. "But, it worked out in the end."

"Ragnarok was no match for your brain, dude," Gallus said. "You threw him at that nuclear missile that was coming right at us."

"So glad that idiot general got fired," Smolder said.

Aaron held out his arms saying, "Hold it. Listen." They all stood there, listening for something. But then, they heard the sound of a woman's wicked laughter. But it had a bit of a cat's meow at the beginning. "She's nearby." Just then, some vines came in and snatched all of them, making them hang by their hind legs.

"Whoa!" they all yelled.

Smolder and sighed and asked, "Got any more bright ideas?"

"Not really," Aaron said. "Let's just... hang around." That made the others groan in annoyance. "Too soon?"

"Yes!" the Young 6 nearly shouted.

"I deserved that..." Aaron said.

Later, Aaron and the Young 6 were locked up in an enchanted steel cage, hanging over a cauldron, in a cave, lit up by torches. Yona was pinning the rest of them to the other side of the cage, having their legs hanging over the bottom of the cage.

"Well, this wasn't how I was planning to sneak up on this witch," Aaron said.

"Meow-hahahahaha!" came the laughter of Catrina. The group looked towards the voice and saw Catrina, wearing a cloak, her eyes glowing from the hood. "Did you foolish young creatures honestly believe you could sneak up on me? Catrina?" She then removed the robe, revealing what she looked like.

"Whoa," Aaron said. "To be honest, that was not how I expected you to look."

"Quiet you pesky..." Catrina said. She then got a whiff. "Wait a minute. You're a human born creature? How?"

"Long story," Aaron said. "It involves Ragnarok the Reaper."

"I should have known that legend was true," Catrina said. "And now, I'm seeing a bunch of different creatures here. We got a couple of dragons, a pony, a yak, a griffon, some kind of... bird pony..." That comment made Silverstream furrow her eyebrows. "...and... a changeling? I thought they were the bad guys."

"New leadership," Ocellus said. "Now the changelings live in peace with all the other species of Equestria."

"Whatever," Catrina said. "I've got to prepare my special magic draining potion in this cauldron here. You young ones just... hang around. Meow-hahahahaha!" She then headed off to another part of the cave, closing a door behind her.

"Well, we're screwed," Gallus said.

"What are we gonna do?" Silverstream asked.

"Ocellus, can you try to get out of here and get the key?" Aaron asked.

"I can't," Ocellus said. "This cage is enchanted. It's blocking my changeling magic. I can't shapeshift."

"I was almost expecting to go out with a bang," Smolder said.

"You called?!" came Dang's voice from the entrance of the cave. Then the seven young creatures all screamed at Dang's sudden appearance.

"Actually, I said 'Bang', not 'Dang'," Smolder said.

"Okay," Dang said. "My apologies. I will go now."

"No wait!" Sandbar said. "We need to get out of this cage. Can you get us out?"

"No problem," Dang said, appearing next to the cage suddenly, dressed up as a construction worker with his name tag on the strap. Then the seven young creatures screamed. "I can get you out with this cutoff tool. I might as well start with the yak." He then used the tool to cut the cage. Luckily, the tool didn't break until the last bar was cut open, and Yona could get out.

"Whoa!" Yona said, falling out of the cage, out of the cauldron. "Yona free!"

"Alright, let's get out of here," Gallus said. He then headed for the opening of the cage and went through. When they all got out of the cage, Catrina came back through the door.

"What's going on out here?!" Catrina called out. She then noticed the Young 6 out of the cage and gasped. "You escaped?! How?"

"You're not as smart as you think you are," Aaron said, smirking.

"Dang," Catrina said.

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing behind Catrina, back in his normal attire. Catrina shrieked like a cat, being surprised by Dang's sudden appearance.

"Let's take this witch down," Aaron said. Then they all charged at Catrina. Catrina tried using her magic from the vial that was tied around her neck, but Gallus and Silverstream grabbed Catrina's arms, and Yona rammed into her, sending her back to the other room, the door being broken as she collided through it. The vial she had was off of her and on the floor. Aaron noticed it and said, "That vial is the source of her power."

Smolder then grabbed it and said, "Then let's smash it." She then tried slamming it into the ground, but it didn't even break. "What?"

"Meow-hahahahaha!" Catrina laughed. "Did you honestly believe I didn't think of enchanting my special vial? Oh, no. I enchanted it before I was banished to this world long ago. You foolish young ones. I will have your magic!"

Smolder then looked around at what Catrina had in the cave, thinking of what to do with the vial. She then saw the cauldron. She then smirked and said, "So, the vial can't be smashed. But can it take the heat from your cauldron?"

"What?!" Catrina asked, shocked. "No! Don't you dare!" Smolder then threw the vial into the cauldron. After the vial was thrown in, the eerie green liquid inside started to turn red, and started to boil a lot more. "No! You fool! You doomed us all!"

"Let's get out of here!" Sandbar shouted.

"Hang on," Smolder said, flying towards Catrina. "Time to handle one last thing!" She then grabbed Catrina by the arms, and threw her into the Cauldron.

"No! No! Meow!!" Catrina shouted as she was going into the cauldron. Then Aaron, the Young 6 and Dang ran out of the cave. The cave then let out an explosion from the cauldron, but Aaron, the Young 6 and Dang weren't going to get away from the explosion in time.

"Well, this isn't good," Ocellus said. Then the seven young ones came together in a circle, hugging each other. "I love you guys." Then they all closed their eyes, waiting for the explosion, but the explosion never collided with them.

"You should look where I brought you," Dang said. Aaron and the Young 6 looked around and saw that they were at the beach near the hotel they were staying at. And yes, it was Aulani.

"Dang!" Aaron and the Young 6 said in unison and amazement.

"You called?" Dang asked, appearing in the middle of them, making the seven of them scream. Then the seven of them started laughing.

"So, destroying the source of Catrina's power was her weakness," Gallus said. "I almost thought she was gonna end up dying by touching water, just like in that movie, the Wizard of Oz."

"You know what, I was almost expecting that, too," Aaron said. He then noticed that Dang was gone. "Huh. Guess he left. Oh, well, how about we get back to the hotel and enjoy spring break?"

"SPRING BREAK!!" the Young 6 all said in unison. Then the seven of them headed towards the hotel, all changing into their human forms. Just then, Dang was walking back to that spot, carrying two carriers that had four snow cones each.

"Who wants snow cones?" Dang asked. He then looked around to see no one else there. "Huh. Where'd they go? Oh well. More snow cones for me." He then walked away, eating one of the snow cones.

Back in Equestria, in Canterlot Castle, Twilight was viewing Aaron and the Young 6 with a viewing spell from the Throne Room. She was joined by Spike, the rest of the Mane 6, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"So, they have defeated Catrina," Princess Celestia said. "I was wondering how long it would have taken for her final defeat."

"All this time, I thought I was protecting them from a villain no creature could truly defeat," Twilight said. "But instead, I was pulling what Star Swirl was doing when Ragnarok was still alive."

"Yeah, ya definitely messed up there, Twi," Applejack stated.

"Yeah, Twi," Rainbow Dash said. "So, you messed up. Big deal. We all mess up from time to time."

"Some more than others," Rarity added. Some of them laughed at what Rarity said.

Twilight sighed and said, "I'll contact them. They should... be congratulated. And I... deserve to give them an apology." She then saw the book that Gallus had to communicate with Aaron, and opened it up. "Let's just see if they're in a listening mood."


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Aaron and the Young 6 went to Aulani Resort, where Marissa was waiting in the lobby. Aaron and the Young 6 were in human form.

"You're all done already?" Marissa asked.

"Sooner than we expected," Aaron said. "So, what does everyone wanna do for Spring Break?"

"Well, let's see what else is around here," Gallus said. "Other than surfing or swimming in the coral reef."

"There's a coral reef?!" Silverstream asked. "I did not know that!"

"I told you to read the activities list when we were here last time," Ocellus said. They eventually made it into the elevator. They eventually got up to the floor and went into the room they were staying in. It was the same room they stayed at during Christmas, but since it was Spring during the time, there weren't Christmas Decorations.

"Huh," Smolder said. "This room looks a lot different than the last time we stayed here."

"That was during Christmas time, Smolder," Marissa said. Just then, she saw Aaron's bag vibrating. "Aaron, what did you put into your bag?"

Aaron looked at the bag and saw the bag vibrating. He then ran towards it, opened it up, and pulled out the book that he uses to communicate with Gallus. He then said, "Here we go." He then opened it up, seeing Twilight on the other end. "What is it?"

"I want to personally apologize to you, Aaron," Twilight said. "I was so focused on trying to protect Equestria from Catrina's wrath that I didn't realize what I was doing. I'm so sorry for that."

"Well, at least you learned your lesson," Gallus said. "And I'm sorry for doing this behind your back, Princess. But I'd rather lose my job than lose a friend's trust."

"I understand that," Twilight said. "And because of that, you will not lose your position. And you'll be very respected out of the other guards."

"Really?" Gallus asked.

"Yes," Twilight said. "The seven of you have come a long way from when we first met. And because of your bravery and friendship, you are all heroes. Hopefully, you will all become legends for generations."

Aaron then whispered into Smolder's ear, "Hopefully, Sunny and her friends will find out about us through that legend." Smolder nodded in agreement, giving a smirk.

"And now that Catrina is gone, the portal that connects both worlds will stay open," Twilight said. "Enjoy your time." She then closed the book. Then Aaron and the Young 6 transformed into their Equestrian forms.

"Wow," Sandbar said. "That was... unexpected."

"At least she finally understood why we had to come back here," Ocellus said. "Especially Aaron. He has family in this world. No way should Aaron stay away from his family against his will."

"Yona agree with Ocellus," Yona said. "Having yaks forced to stay away from family should not happen. We yaks make choices too."

"Well, I didn't really have a choice going to the School of Friendship, but being around you guys, I'm actually glad I was sent there," Smolder said.

"Well, kids," Marissa said. "We've got until Friday night to enjoy our time here in Hawaii. Let's make the most fun of it."

"Yeah," Aaron and the Young 6 said in unison. Then they all laughed.

Time has passed since then. It was already the day that the eighth graders were waiting all year for. Graduation. All of the students were in alphabetical order, preparing to receive their diplomas for graduating from Summer Valley Middle School. Marissa and Liam, along with Garble and the rest of the Young 6, were all in the audience watching the students of the school being handed their diplomas.

"Now, give a hand to the Summer Valley Middle School class of 2023!" Principal Smith said to the audience. Then the audience all cheered. Then all the parents got out their phones to take a picture of the graduating class.

Later, Aaron and Smolder walked towards Marissa, Liam, the rest of the Young 6 and Garble. Gallus and Aaron fist bumped.

"Nice job, dude," Gallus said. "So, you've got a few more years of school in this world, huh?"

"Yeah," Marissa said. "In fact, Aaron and Smolder are assigned to attend school at Summer Valley High School."

"Now that's funny," came Dang's voice. They all looked towards the voice and saw Dang standing there, and screamed. "That's where I'm now going to work."

"How did you do that?!" Garble asked.

"This guy is faster than Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie combined," Sandbar said. "This guy is so unpredictable."

"You should've met my old master, Master Ki," Dang said. He then pointed at both Garble and Sandbar. "In fact, you two sound almost exactly like him."

"So, this Master Ki taught you that trick?" Aaron asked.

"Indeed," Dang said. "Well, I suppose I'll see you there. Maybe we'll see each other again before you two..." Dang pointed at Aaron and Smolder. "...start High School. Probably in the Threequel, 'A Dragon's New Generation Adventure'." Aaron, the Young 6, Marissa, Liam and Garble got confused. "Anyway, I should probably meet some old friends. They're calling me." He then vanished.

"Where'd he go?" Ocellus asked.

Meanwhile, in another location...

"You called?!" Dang asked, appearing beside some other people, making them all scream in fright. The characters were Adam Young, Ivy Zizzleswift, Jordan "Slab" Slabinsky, Ivy Young, and Derby von Derbotsford.

"Dang," Adam Young said after recovering from the scream. "Where did you come from?"

"Vietnam," Dang said. "I thought you knew."

"No, he means where did you just come from?" Ivy asked.

"From the Middle School that I just got transferred out of," Dang said. "Having a chat with my two favorite students of that school. Soon, I'll be the janitor at the high school that they're going to be attending after the summer. Summer Valley High School in Orlando, FL."

"Hey, my cousin Jakey is going to start at that school after the summer," Slab said. "Sure, he's 16, but he's a chip off the old block." He then nodded.

Back at the Blazer Residence, Aaron, the Young 6, Garble, Marissa and Liam were enjoying some homemade pizzas with their favorite toppings. Aaron was in human form while the others were in their Equestrian forms.

"Wow!" Silverstream said. "These homemade pizzas are really delicious!"

"Yeah, my dad taught me how to make pizza dough," Marissa said. "It was you kids who wanted what toppings on your pizzas."

"Thanks for sharing some of your gems for our toppings, Aaron," Garble said. "I'm surprised you humans know how to cook gems into pizza."

"We don't," Aaron said. "Although for me to eat gems, I'd have to be a dragon."

"True dat," Smolder said.

"Well, I'm glad you two graduated from Middle School, and are getting ready to move onto High School," Sandbar said. "Hopefully, it might not be as tough as those High School moments in those movies and TV shows that Aaron showed us."

"Well, it depends where you live," Liam said.

"I guess that's true," Gallus said. "Where I lived most of my life, it wasn't pretty. It was cold, it was dirty, I was living under a rock. I am not kidding. I was literally living under a rock."

"At least you have some better living arrangements," Sandbar said.

"True," Gallus said.

Ocellus then looked towards Marissa and Liam, noticing something. She then said, "You two seem to be gaining a stronger relationship."

"You can tell?" Liam asked.

"Changelings can feel any kind of Empathy from a certain distance," Aaron said. "Mostly love." Ocellus nodded in agreement.

"Well then, I suppose that she's gonna feel a lot after I make this announcement," Liam said. The others got confused. Liam then faced Marissa. "Marissa Blazer, ever since we've met, I've had a more interesting life. Also seeing that you're raising your deceased sister's son all by yourself. And I believe I can help out more with raising him." He then pulled something out of his pocket. It was a ring box. He opened it up and revealed the ring to Marissa. "Marissa Blazer, will you marry me?"

Marissa was surprised at that. Her eyes were widened, and her open mouth started forming into a big smile. She then said, "YES YES YES!" Then Aaron, the Young 6 and Gable started applauding. "I can't wait to tell the rest of the family!" She and Liam then kissed. She then ran out of the room, heading towards the stairs.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "Now that's a lot of love."

"Hopefully none of you girls will be as crazy as Aaron's aunt was when any of you are proposed to," Garble said.

"Smolder, I doubt it," Aaron said. "Ocellus, maybe. Silverstream and Yona, I wouldn't want to be in the room with 'em." Then the Young 6 started laughing.

"You know Aaron," Liam said. "The best thing about having me around... I can actually teach you how to shave. You're starting to get a little stubble."

"Yeah, even I can see it," Sandbar said. "You wouldn't want to get too much hair on your face."

"You're one to talk," Aaron said. "Your entire body is covered in hair. Along with Yona." Then they all started laughing again.

"How do ponies shave without shaving their fur underneath their facial hair?" Gallus asked.

"Even I'd like to know," Aaron said.

"Well, at least we've got a whole Summer to enjoy ourselves," Smolder said. "Whether we spend the summer here on Earth or back in Equestria, we might as well enjoy it."

"No matter what happens, let's make this the best summer ever," Aaron said, lifting his drink. The Young 6 did the same. Then they tapped their drinks together.