> Blobskin's Macro/Micro Flash Fics of 2023 > by Blobskin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sun Milk (micro Anon, Celestia, anthro, breast milk) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- "There is nothing more I can do, your highness," the royal chef confessed with a shameful bow. Celestia's face was a mask of neutrality. She gave nothing away by her expression or tone. "Thank you for your honesty and your hard work. You may return to your duties." The chef bowed a bit lower then left the room. Only when the door clicked shut behind him did the Princess of the Sun deflate. She sighed and rubbed her temple. Her face tightened in frustration. She glanced down at the floor and thought hard about their problem. Anon was slowly starving to death. In the beginning, caring for the human had been so trivial. While he was tiny and easy to lose track of, he also did not require a great deal of effort to protect. The castle was kept free of common rodents and pests anyway so there were few vermin that could pose a risk to his life. Giving Anon his own little house hadn't even dented the budget either and it made him much more comfortable in their giant world. Providing food for him was where things were now going wrong. At first no one thought anything of it. Give Anon any common food in his tiny portions and simply call it a day. Even the man himself hadn't given it any thought. Then he started to lose weight. Not that any pony would have noticed, but he did. Initially Anon blew it off as just a result of his much more active lifestyle. The larger world of Equestria required a lot more running and climbing to navigate for him so of course he'd lose some weight. The problem was that he never stopped losing it. The man was progressively wasting away. It took everyone far too long to figure out why. Nutrient density. Anon needed vitamins and minerals, but the food he was being provided was just too... thin, for lack of a better term. Of course, any nutritionist would have realized it. Most food is empty calories. The important parts are scattered across the meal. But Anon was so small he simply couldn't process enough food to get the vital stuff he needed. They needed food that was FAR more nutrient dense or Anon would starve to death even while shoveling as much food down his throat as his stomach could fit. What could they give him? Anon had suggested pills, but pony healthcare revolved around casting spells and observation. Normally if something was wrong a unicorn would just heal it. But that wasn't an option here. Medicine didn't really exist in Equestria. It would take them time to develop what Anon had suggested. Time they didn't have. Time they had lost ignoring the issue for months. The solar alicorn needed a solution and NOW. Or she might be forced to watch the little human simply waste away. Celestia glanced down at her own breasts and cringed. She had an idea. The most nutrient dense natural food in existence. Available at any time with but a simple squeeze. Alicorn milk. Celestia blushed at the thought, but what else could they do? The pills could be weeks away and Anon was growing weaker by the minute. It would be horribly embarrassing... for both of them... but if it saved his life... Anon could barely move. His limbs felt heavy even now as he lay on his back, like he was sinking into the mattress. The last few days the doctors had had to feed him. However, even in his feeble state, he still managed to stare up at Celestia. She had just finished explaining her absurd plan to him. "What?" he rasped. Celestia was blushing. "I know it's... unconventional," she admitted. "But if we don't increase your nutrient intake now..." her voice petered out. Anon swallowed fearfully. He didn't want to die. "They're working on the pills. I can hold out a little longer." "How much longer?" she asked assertively. "They've told me it could be a few more weeks. They are a new invention. No pony has ever made something like this before. The closest would be the rations used by the military and those are more about packing food into as small a space as possible." Anon cringed. "But you can't... do that," he mumbled. "To give me your... milk... you'd have to... right?" She nodded. "I don't want to watch you wither anymore. Please Anon," she pleaded with watery eyes. And red cheeks. After a minute or two Anon gave in. Celestia sighed with relief. Then got ready to give the human his first dose of alicorn milk. The white mare made sure they were alone before she leaned down over his bed and unbuttoned her top. Anon stared at the enormous mammaries that poured out. Celestia was big, but Anon was a gentleman and had always kept his eyes away from her enormous bust. Now that they were hanging over him like a pair of moons, that was a little harder to do. Anon was about to lose the right to call himself a gentleman even if it was in the name of saving his life. Celestia next used a finger to tug her bra down and off her right nipple. Amongst the pristine fur there was a pink clearing with a single prominent hill at the center. Anon couldn't help feeling turned on. Celestia leaned down. Further and further. Her perky nipple descended like a meteor casting Anon in her ever darkening shadow. Then the teat was hovering over his head. Two enormous fingers lightly pinched it. "Open up now Anon," the towering mare ordered gently. The man awkwardly tilted his head back and opened his mouth. Celestia began to work her nipple above and soon the man was being showered in warm nutritious alicorn milk. Anon's life was saved and everyone lived happily ever after. > Planet Plug (oc, micro planet, butt plug) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- "What kind of shop is this?" Green asked curiously as she eyed a jar with a mummified snail in it. Who would want that? "Hello," came an elderly voice from the other side of the shop. "What can I help you with today?" the wrinkly stallion began. "I'm not sure I'm in the right place," Green admitted bashfully. "What kind of shop is this?" "Why, it is a mystic curiosity shop my dear," the elder smiled kindly. Green tilted her head. "So... you sell magic stuff?" "No no no my dear," he chuckled while shaking his head. "I do not deal in the mundane of simple magic. I buy and sell the mystical and mythical. Things beyond the understanding of mere mages and wizards." Green glanced at the many shelves filled with utterly random odds and ends. The owner clearly didn't know a thing about organization. There were bobble-heads next to snow globes. There were pencils next to hair brushes. There were tic-tacs next to flower pots. And so on. The place was a mess. It didn't seem like a secret depository for items beyond mortal understanding. She thought it looked more like a pawn shop, which was sort of why she had stepped inside. "Well," Green mumbled. "That isn't exactly what I was looking for." "Oh come now. I guarantee I have what you want and more," he said with a cheesy overconfident grin. Green didn't like him. While normally she would be embarrassed to admit what it was she was looking for today, she really just wanted to knock that stupid look off his face. She met his eye. She smirked, ready to laugh at his discomfort and the vomit of words he would inevitably begin spilling. Then she said it. "I want an exotic butt plug." He hummed in thought and rubbed his chin. "I'm sure I don't have anything meant for that explicit purpose, but I think I can throw something together if you'll give me a moment." His completely serious response caused Green's joke to rebound right in her face and shock her into confused stuttering. "W-what?" "One moment," he said dismissively before heading behind the counter and disappearing beyond a curtain of beads. For a minute or two Green stood there alone in the dusty shop with her mouth opening and closing wordlessly like a stranded fish. What had just happened? There was a flash of light in the backroom before the elderly stallion returned and put something down on the counter with pride. "Take a look. What do you think of this?" Green shuffled forward. What she saw was unlike her wildest expectations. "Is that... a planet?" The sphere was a bit smaller than a golf ball and decorated with various patches of green and blue. There was even a few little brown spots and wispy clouds drifted across the surface. There also seemed to be a larger outer sphere, like a glass shield, but it was so clear it was nearly invisible. In total it might have actually been a little larger than a golf ball. Seemingly connected, yet also not, to the planet was a plastic stick with a wide flat base. It was a handle. "What do you think? Not bad for something I whipped up in the moment," he grinned. Green stared at the thing. "It's... is that a real planet? Is it... inhabited?" "Maybe," he replied slyly. Green swallowed. The thought of shoving an entire world into her ass... it was the hottest idea she had ever entertained. Sure, the plug was shaped a little weird. And there was a strong chance the thing was just an elaborate illusion. No, it was definitely some illusion. But so what? Fantasy was half the fun. She could already feel her anus squeezing hungrily, eager to chew on this new toy. "How much?" A minute later Green was prancing out of the store, her plaything discretely hidden in a paper bag. However, before using it for the first time, she spent quite a while staring at it. Trying to spot any sign of civilization or life. The green suggested grass or forests and some of the clouds were darkening as though there was an active weather system in there... Whatever. Real or not, it was her toy now. Licking her lips, the mare planned to enjoy it either way. > Sheath Stuffed (Big Mac, micro Anon, gay, sheath, entrapment) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- "Is this about the hat joke?" Anon asked fearfully as he dangled in front of an angry red stallion's face. "E'yup," Big Macintosh growled. "I was just pointing out that--" the man's explanation was cut off by a jerk of motion that left him dizzy. "Nope," Big Mac snorted as he continued to hold the man by the back of his shirt. "What do you want me to say?" Anon gasped. "Nopony makes fun o' ma sis," the stallion declared. "I'm sorry," Anon yelped. "Nope." The huge hoof that controlled Anon suddenly dropped underneath the pony's belly. The motion was aggressive and disorienting. Anon thought he might vomit as the scenery flashed by him. When his ride slowed it took the human a few moments to regain his senses and to try understanding where the giant stallion had brought him. Though his mind froze shortly after it began searching for identifiable landmarks. He was still moving, gradually approaching Big Mac's balls. Anon had always known the pony was big, it was in his name, but everyone in Equestria was big compared to the human. When you're half the height of an apple it gets kind of tough to really measure. Like, if one equine is 10 stories tall and the next is 12, what meaningful difference is there? Big was big. It didn't matter which pony it was, when one of them took a step Anon felt an earthquake. Now Anon felt like he could appreciate those "little" differences a bit better. Just one of Big Mac's orbs was the size of a house. Smooth dark crimson flesh taut from the weight of his own heft. The stallion was well hung. Anon forgot to even struggle as he was dangled before the pony's heavy package. He should have been fighting even if it caused him to plummet so far to the ground below. The hoof that held him suddenly surged forward and the man screamed. Then the hoof paused for only a fraction of a second, long enough for Anon's legs to lurch out in front of him towards Mac's sac. Then the hoof pushed forward again. It took Anon a moment to understand what was happening as he felt a fleshy grip slurp over his outstretched legs. In the next instant he was held aloft from either end. His legs were being held by something warm and meaty while Big Mac's hoof still clung to the back of his shirt. (Anon would never understand how hooves could just hold things) The man glanced at his feet and was horrified to discover they were being squished between the stallion's cock and the inside of his sheath. The skin was loose and flexible, the muscles beneath slightly expanding and contracting as though they were feeling him. Experimenting with Anon's legs. It was then a huge pressure bore down on Anon's shoulders as the pony went from holding his shirt to shoving him in. "Wait! Big Mac what are you doing?! Please don't do this!" Anon pleaded. The massive stallion said nothing. The man tried to fight, but it was hopeless. His hands beat against the wall of hoof, but it was an immovable object. He tried to kick, but his legs were already trapped up to his knees. The heat intensified and the stench of male musk exploded. The enormous black cock stirred because of his struggles, surging forward while not entirely escaping from its sheath. Anon whimpered as his legs were crushed. Thankfully the shaft retreated as quickly as it had advanced, but it dragged the human even deeper. Not that the hoof pushing on Anon's head needed the help. The battle lasted less than a minute and in the end Anon's chin rested on the rim of Big Mac's sheath. His head was the only part of him that was free. He was completely pinned. Immobile. The man was already sweating and struggling to breathe thanks to the pressure on his lungs and the pungent air. He begged for mercy as soon as the hoof abandoned him. "Nope. You gonna stay there 'till you learn ta respect my sis," Big Mac explained simply. The towering pony then began to trot. Anon wasn't sure what the worst part was. That he could only look at the ground many stories below? That Big Mac's enormous balls were always there, teasing him, making him feel so inferior as a man? The crushing pressure that rendered him unable to move? The heat? The stink? All of the above became ever worse as the horse went to work for the day. Soon the heat, musk, and sweat would be too much and Anon would pass out. Freed from his torture for a short while... > Twilight's Bath (micro Anon, bath, stupid) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Twilight sighed as steam wafted up from the warm water she was soaking in. She lounged on her back as islands of soap bubbles drifted on invisible currents. The smell of exotic flowers tugged the alicorn's mind ever closer to a restful slumber. Twilight did always enjoy her baths. They eased her mind and her muscles after a long day of... whatever she had to deal with. The bath was a place that allowed her to escape. To find peace. To be a simple mare without a care... "Hm?" Twilight mumbled as something lightly brushed her belly. The alicorn raised her head and glanced half-conscious down her body. All four of her limbs were submerged and the water level only just reached her sternum. There, floating above her hidden breasts, was a rubber duck. The yellow toy was rocking back and forth and slowly ambling away from her tummy where it must have collided with her. Twilight blinked in confusion. "Where did you come from?" she whispered to herself. Spike was too old for bath toys now and she certainly hadn't added it. So the already drowsy mare was left baffled for a moment. Why was there a rubber duck in her bath? Then the artificial bird started to spin and revealed something else that shouldn't have been in her bath. "Anon?" the alicorn stuttered. Then realization hit. Her human friend, a male, was in her bath. Twilight's eyes widened. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" the equine roared. The human was about six centimeters (two inches) tall and straddling the rubber duck like it was a noble steed. He was also dressed in a pair of loose swim trunks and staring back at the enraged mare with innocent confusion. "Well who else would I take a bath with?" he countered seriously. His simple response made Twilight freeze. Her eyes went even wider and her cheeks burned. The implications... "W-w-what do you mean by that?" "See, Rarity had a really hard day so she wasn't in the mood to watch over me while I took a bath. Pinkie is too busy entertaining the twins in the afternoon for me, I don't like Rainbow Dash, Applejack is a mud monster and I don't want to be scrubbed down by her hard hooves, and Fluttershy's rabbit scares me. That left only you. So here I am." He finished by patting his rubber duck steed. Twilight blinked. Then blinked again. Then blinked once more for good measure. "W-wait. Rarity doesn't just take care of you, she... bathes you?" "To make sure I don't drown," Anon replied with a shrug. "I was an okay swimmer back home, but water doesn't... work right at my new size. So Rarity got pretty protective." Twilight looked up in thought, her inner scientist having been awoken. Water acted differently for him? What did he mean by that? Then she remembered she was supposed to be mad and embarrassed that a male had snuck into her bath. She shook her head and aimed a death glare at the human and his rubber duck. Then she realized he had drifted to just above her... private area. She blushed and squeezed her legs together below the surface. The duck began to bob as the water was disturbed. Anon clutched his ride with a smile, enjoying the sudden game. "Anon, this is highly inappropriate," Twilight gushed. As the waves died down the man adopted a guilty look. "I guess you're right. Maybe I should have asked first." Twilight snorted. "Yes. You should have. But that's not what I meant. We can't bathe together," she explained with an angry scoff. "Why? Rarity likes it," Anon countered casually. Twilight stared. "Do... humans bathe together?" "In some cultures," Anon shrugged. There was a short silence. "Are you okay Twilight?" "There is a stallion in my bath with me," she said flatly. "Ponies don't take baths together normally?" Anon asked, his blood running a little bit colder. Twilight squirmed. "Anon... you are as dense as a post." > Everything is Bigger in Texas (macro, growth, casual) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- "Thanks for comin' with me, Anon," Applejack said warmly. "Hey it's no problem. And how could I resist a chance to see a country named 'Texas' here in Equuis?" the man chuckled. "I 'member you sayin' somethin' 'bout there bein' a 'Texas' back home, right?" she asked conversationally. "Yup," he chirped. "Though it was just a state. Like, it belonged to a larger country called America." AJ hummed at that. "Well not our Texas. Here, it's a free nation to i'self. If Twilight were here, she'd give you the full history lesson on it, I'm sure." The pair snickered as they continued their long walk across the open plains. Anon wiped some sweat from his head, glancing up at the sun above them, then back towards the train station a few kilometers behind them. The man could feel questions bubbling in his brain thanks to the mention of Twilight. As they walked he considered the earth pony beside him. Her head reached to just about mid-chest height, but the mare was strong. For her this walk was nothing. But why were they walking at all? Why was the train station so far from the nearest town? Why hadn't any of the others wanted to come with AJ to visit her folks? Anon was pretty sure that, other than Rarity, no one else was too busy for a weekend trip. But how to ask questions like that? It could come across as rude, but he was curious. Did they know about the long walk part and just not want to do it? "So," Anon began casually. "When's the last time you visited the parents?" AJ hummed. "Two... nah, three years ago. Been meanin' to, an' they're gonna make sure ta rub that in, but runnin' the farm has been so crazy these last few years." Anon nodded. "I thought the Apple Family had big reunions every year?" "They do," AJ asserted. "But not every Apple can come each time." "So what you're saying is your parents didn't come to see you either. Sounds like a pretty good defense," he remarked slyly. AJ snorted. "Yeah, but they prob'ly have a better excuse than I do," she sighed. Anon deflated a little at that. So much for cheering AJ up before popping the questions he felt uncomfortable asking. He wiped some sweat from his forehead as they kept walking. "So... why do you think... Rainbow didn't want to come?" Anon wanted to kick himself for that one. Smooth as sandpaper. AJ winced. "Unicorns and pegasi hate comin' ta Texas. Makes 'em feel small and weak. It's the home of earth ponies you know." Anon was relieved AJ hadn't been offended by his poorly worded question. "I figured a lot of earth ponies lived there. The 'Texas' from my world was known for strong horses and open plains." AJ's ears perked up and she eyed Anon. "That's what our Texas is known for too." Then she faced forward with a grin and stopped. "Ah, we're here. This is the official border!" she declared. Anon blinked. There was no sign and the town was still pretty far on the horizon, barely a haze. The only landmark he could identify was the strangest thing he'd ever seen. The road got wider. And by a LOT. The path they had been following was dirt. Well worn and smooth without any of those annoying pebbles, but it was still dirt. That quality didn't change, but the width of the road exploded. From just enough space for four ponies to walk side-by-side to wide enough to fit a walking castle. Anon scratched his head. "This is the border?" "Now you wait here a moment," AJ instructed with excitement. Then she trotted over the border. "I really should come home more often. I always did love this part," she giggled to herself. For a few seconds nothing happened. Then the mare started to grow. Every time her hoof landed in the soft dirt her body would expand upward another meter. There was no glowing, no sparkles, no wavy air as though she were passing through a heat haze. The little mare simply grew bigger and bigger. Anon stared and his stance widened as the ground began to shake underneath him. Soon he was cast in the shadow of an artificial eclipse, his sky now filled with AJ's tail and backside. When the earth mare stopped growing she also stopped walking. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she stretched her back like a cat after a good nap. "Nothin' like comin' home to Texas," she sighed. The pony spun around to face the now tiny human who had accompanied her. He was frozen with shock. The mare blushed and looked away. Right. He almost certainly didn't know this was coming. She laid down in front of him and smiled gently. "You alright there sugarcube? It's still me." Anon's mouth flapped wordlessly for a few seconds. "W-what just happened?!" "It's Texas," AJ said simply. Anon shook his head. "What are you talking about? You just became a giant!" "ALL earth ponies become giant when they cross the border. It's why Equestria never could annex Texas. Can't make an earth pony do not'in' while we've got our home field advantage." > City Commission (humans, implied rampage) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Anon tugged on his collar nervously as sweat dripped down his forehead. His partner, Mouse, was sitting next to him and also appeared uncomfortable. The room was dark so that the screen which took up an entire wall could be seen clearly. Currently displayed on the screen was another meeting room that appeared almost identical to the one Anon and Mouse were in. Except it was occupied by a single dark blue alicorn. Princess Luna was wearing a pair of glasses on the end of her muzzle as she carefully examined a city map. "Are you certain this is a realistic layout for a densely populated human settlement?" the dark mare asked, looking up at the screen pointedly. Anon cleared his throat. "Of course, your majesty. We did our best to meet your request. It is inspired by, but not a copy of, a number of real cities." The mare hummed as her gaze fell upon the map again. "The sports stadium is a nice touch, but I do not see a major road leading by the parking lot that could support the kind of traffic volume expected for such a busy location." Mouse chose to answer this concern. "Your highness, as you can see from our design, the parking lot is made of multiple sections and is meant to be approached and entered from every direction at once. Therefor a single flow of traffic would be unlikely. Not a real construction technique that has been tried, but that is a... valid theoretical layout." Princess Luna rubbed her chin and hummed again. "Interesting. What about these apartment blocks? I understand a large number of humans can live in each structure, but is there really enough housing here for 100,000 humans?" Anon spoke up. "As you can see the apartments are distributed around the perimeter of the city. This is true to the majority of human development. The inner city tends to be mostly businesses and wealthier accommodations, with higher density living on the edges." "You didn't answer my question," the Princess huffed. "Is there enough housing in this design for 100,000 humans? Would this qualify as a major city?" Anon swallowed. "Maybe," he admitted. "You requested we not waste space or time on designing a suburban sprawl, but the suburbs make up a significant portion of the modern human--" "How many humans could be housed in this city?" the Princess cut him off with a dark tone. Anon hesitated so Mouse answered. "Just under 85,000. However, there are enough theoretical jobs in that space to employ over 120,000." The alicorn clicked her tongue. She tapped the desk. She narrowed her eyes. Slowly she began to nod. "Very well," she eventually conceded. Luna then glanced down at the map. "How long would it take you to build?" Anon sighed with relief before speaking up. "If you provide us the materials and space, as promised, we can begin construction in about six months. The finished product should require a little less than two years after that. Based on our estimations." The alicorn suddenly glared at them. "That's a lot of time for one city." Anon went stiff. "Please understand, your majesty. For us humans this is a very large and complex project. This is a city. It will take time just to get the equipment in, not to mention the number of employees we'll have to hire. Once we have the method refined I promise each new city will be built faster than the last. And even bigger too." Princess Luna sat back thoughtfully. "So what you are proposing is that if we sign an exclusive contract with your company to build these cities for us you will become ever more specialized with each project. That you will be able to build them faster and bigger every time?" "Exactly," Anon grinned confidently. The mare tapped the table a few times. "We were hoping to avoid creating monopolies, but... we also don't want to wait. My sister and I want our toys ready to play with more often than once every two years." Anon swallowed. "We should be able to build you structurally accurate cities, right down to the plumbing and sewer systems, in less than a year once we are established. A city this size should take only a little more than eight months once we refine our techniques and find regular employees." The Princess sighed. "Your explanation makes sense. Very well, I will sign off on this project," she declared dismissively. "However, before we agree to a longer-term exclusive deal, my sister and I will have to discuss it." Anon struggled to contain his excitement. "Of course, your highness. We appreciate your business." "Yes yes yes," the mare waved a hoof. "A file with the location details will be sent to you shortly. Please update me as soon as possible with a proposed timetable. My sister and I want to be there to see when construction begins. And ends," she added with an ominous smile. "Good day, sir Anon and Mouse." The screen went dark and Anon immediately rose from his seat and made for the exit. Mouse was startled by the abrupt and rapid exit and had to hurry after him. "Sir!" Mouse called. "May I ask you a question?" Anon stopped and turned to face his assistant. "I believe you just did," he said with a bit of happy sass. "Sir, why would you try so hard to get that contract? You really want to build cities just so those... monsters can... destroy them?" Anon stared at Mouse. "I don't care what they do with them or why they want them. The fact is a lot of new jobs were just born and a huge inflow of cash is about to hit this stalling economy because of it. The pony princesses are willing to provide the materials and they are going to pay us little humans to build them entire cities just so they can dance on-top of them? They are willing to pour billions into the human economy just to make them toys? So they can pretend to be living disasters? I don't care. I'm a businessman and the only thing that matters is our stockholders." Anon then leaned in. "And if we get that exclusive contract, we are going to become the largest construction corporation that ever existed. That means you and me will be the richest men in the world. Congratulations." Anon patted Mouse on the arm and began walking away. Mouse winced. "Richest men in the world at the cost of feeding a pair of giants with rampage addiction..." > Giant Cheerleader (macro, upskirt, stupid) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- "What is a cheerleader?" Blue asked sagely, his back to his audience. "A simple question really, but one few ever truly consider," Blue continued as he turned around to face his potential customers. "I'm sure most hoof-ball fans just think of cheerleaders as entertainment. They dance around, say a little chant, and keep your eyes busy between the action. Why do you think they are dressed the way they are? Because it makes them eye-candy. But that's not all they do," Blue explained ominously. "Their true purpose is right in the name: 'cheerleader'. They keep the fans pumped up. They inspire the stands to follow their lead and cheer on their team." The collection of ponies in front of Blue were dressed in well-pressed suits. And they looked like they might be getting bored of his monologue sales pitch. So Blue cleared his throat and skipped ahead a bit. "So, gentlecolts, do I have a proposal for you. I think you're going to love my friend PINK!!" he suddenly yelled, turning his head toward the far side of the field. The collection of ponies lazily followed his direction and watched. Watched as a mare at least five stories tall and wearing a cheerleader's uniform stepped around one of the bleachers and began prancing onto the field in their general direction. Jaws dropped, eyes twitched, and weird vocal sounds of confusion were uttered. This towering pony could fit a normal sized pony in each of her hooves! Where had she come from? What was going on? Where had they found a skirt and top that big? And those socks and shoes? She even had her mane tied back. The only thing missing from her outfit was a pair of equally large pompoms. Meanwhile, the huge mare came to stand in front of her audience with an excited grin. "Gentlecolts," Blue said smugly, "allow me to introduce you to my friend Pink." Pink waved down at the group. "Hello," she greeted them happily. "Pink," Blue began, looking over his shoulder, "why not give them a quick demonstration. Really sell it, you know?" "Got it," she replied with a confident nod. Pink took a few steps back before standing tall and closing her eyes. She took a deep breath and sighed. The investor ponies glanced at each other nervously. Then she raised her left hooves before dropping them back down on the grass with an audible boom that made the ground tremble. Then her right hooves did the same. Back and forth she stomped, rocking her entire body with the beat. "The Giants are ready," Pink began to sing. "The Giants are ready," she repeat before rearing up onto her hind hooves. "The Giants are smooth," she continued as she spread her forehooves across the sky as though drawing a rainbow. "The Giants will take control," Pink declared as she spun around and made her skirt flutter. Then the huge mare dropped to her four hooves again, facing her backside to the crowd. She glanced over her shoulder and raised a brow suggestively. Then Pink gave her hips a wiggle. "And the Giants will stomp all over you!" she finished while stomping one of her rear hooves. Silence. Blue cleared his throat and jumped in front of the crowd. "As you can see, Pink cannot help but draw attention. Imagine the energy she'll bring to the next game!" There was some chatter at that. Though most of the ponies were still focused on Pink's dark panties clearly visible under her skirt. > Fat Ankles (macro, rampage, joke, stupid) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Yellow stomped down the street. Her huge hooves left craters in the asphalt and flattened cars into pancakes. A casual swipe gouged the side out of a building. Her haughty laugh was barely matched by the endless cacophony of screams from her fleeing prey. The giant mare was on a rampage and nothing could stop her. Police bullets bounced right off. Distractions only served to make themselves targets and not for long. Roadblocks only gave her more toys. Yellow turned a corner while wearing a vicious grin. Every neighborhood had offered her something new to enjoy. Like little presents on the holidays. What adventure awaited her on this street? Skyscrapers on either side. One pony stood alone defiantly in the middle of the road. The stallion was dark blue and he eyed the mare top to bottom critically. Oh goody, Yellow thought with amusement. Another fool trying to play hero. The towering mare stomped down the street while wearing her smug smile. Each step made the ground shake and the stallion couldn't help but stumble. Only when he was thoroughly engulfed in her shadow did the mare stop. Yellow then took a moment to loom over him. She preened at his attention. The best part about being a giant? Getting to lord it over the helpless tinies. "I'm not impressed," Blue declared. Yellow snorted and rolled her eyes. "Really?" she challenged. Then the mare lifted a hoof and casually drove it into the building next to her. Glass and concrete rained down. Everything crumbled like a flimsy gram cracker to a monster like her. Blue took a step back to avoid some of the ruble that rolled across the road. "Yup," he continued casually. "You're too big." Yellow blinked in confusion. "What?" she asked as she retrieved her hoof from the skyscraper. "You're too big," he reaffirmed. "I prefer a smaller mare. You've got too much meat on your bones." The towering giantess blanched. "W-what are you talking about?" "Just look at your ankles," Blue said while gesturing aggressively. "No stallion is going to find you attractive with hooves that large." Yellow sputtered. "I'm not looking for a date you idiot!" "I wouldn't be looking for a date if I was you either," he countered decisively. "I'd be too embarrassed to be seen with ankles that fat." Yellow quickly yanked one of her hooves up to her eyes and began examining it. "I'm... I'm not fat..." she said weakly. "Maybe you can lie to yourself, but you can't hide the truth!" Blue stated confidently. > Macro Mare Saves Nature (macro, satire) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Yellow was sitting at the table, happily taking sips from her warm tea. She sighed. It was a wonderful Saturday morning. No worries. Blue was about to enter the room, but paused in the doorway at the sight of Yellow. He scratched his head before approaching the table and taking a seat across from the peaceful mare. "How are you this morning, Yellow?" he asked tiredly. "I'm great!" she announced cheerfully. There was an awkward silence. "So... what's new with you?" Blue asked hesitantly. Yellow sat up with pride. "Not much. Just saving the human world." Blue's eyes widened. He gulped. "Yellow? Did you do it?" She blinked at him. "Do what?" "The thing that's all over the news. The big attack. The dam," he whispered. "Oh that," she giggled. "Yup, that was me. It's pretty great huh?" Blue was suddenly very awake. Awake and stunned. "What... what are you talking about? Why would you do that?!" "Why? Because someone had to. Do you have any idea how bad it is over there in the human world?" "I don't see how destroying a dam would make anything better," Blue gushed in confusion. "I did my part to save the environment," Yellow explained as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Blue stared. "What?" "See, I recently got on the human internet and started learning about this Environmental Movement that's been really struggling to save the world. On their planet, evil doesn't act all at once. Instead it takes its time, building up great schemes over generations. Some of those plans are nearing completion now. The world itself is on the brink of destruction and the resistance can't muster enough strength to stop it. They needed a hero. So I decided to join their noble cause!" "You're talking like a crazy person. And... how do you save the world by knocking down a dam?" "That dam destroyed the downriver ecosystem and created a huge artificial lake," Yellow growled, clearly frustrated with the lack of praise for her deeds. "By knocking it down I restored the environment to its natural state. I'm even planning on going back next week to smash some power plants. If I don't stop carbon-dioxide from building up in the atmosphere... a lot of bad things will happen." "Worse things than you destroying key infrastructure?" Blue mumbled. "Infrastructure?" Yellow echoed with a vacant expression. "Like roads?" she asked before shaking her head. "No I wasn't thinking of cutting off major highways, but that might be a good way to stop humans from driving all those polluting cars." Blue didn't respond for a while. "Yellow, let me get this straight. You think you did something good?" "Duh," the mare pouted. "Do... you know what you actually did?" he hissed. She rolled her eyes. "I just told you. I restored a part of nature." "You killed thousands and ruined the lives of about a million others." Yellow blinked in confusion. "Nuh-uh. I helped them. Their planet is being murdered by an evil cabal--" "When you broke the dam you released a hundred-foot wall of water. You washed away three towns, killed thousands." Yellow's mouth snapped shut. "Oh." "And that artificial lake was a major water reservoir. Now hundreds of thousands of people don't have any clean drinking water." "Well..." Yellow droned off before she could say anything. "And there was a nuclear power plant that relied on that lake for water to cool the reactors. Now they've had to shut the entire plant down and several major cities are now without power. A million people are in the dark because of you." Yellow winced. "Well... the world is in danger." "The world is a complicated thing. Everything is interconnected, Yellow. You can't solve big problems with a wrecking ball. You need to understand not only the problems you're trying to solve, but the problems with your solutions." Yellow looked down at the table silently. Her tea continued to steam. She lifted a hoof and stared at if for a few minutes. "A wrecking ball?" she echoed darkly. Eventually she looked at Blue with a thoughtful expression. "Blue... are you saying I have fat ankles?" > A Milky Morning (Milky Way, Anon, amazon, milking) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Anon yawned between bites of his buttered bagel. It was a pretty boring breakfast, but then again, breakfast was always a boring meal. The only one in the day he always made while half asleep. Lunch was the meal he always rushed through while dinner was the meal he could put time and thought into perfecting. That left breakfast as the boring one. No rush, but also no mental power to make it good. Anon took another bite of his bagel while humming at his meandering thoughts. Then his attention was pulled towards the doorway where the clopping of large hooves was slowly drawing near. A moment later Milky Way, his roommate and boss, staggered into the room. Milky Way was an earth mare with cream colored fur and a mane of two blue shades, one dark and one light. She also had a few freckles on her muzzle and the brightest green eyes the man had ever seen. And, like the rest of the ponies in Equestria, she was the size of an elephant compared to Anon. The huge equine sleepily dragged her hooves across the floor towards the fridge and threw open the door with practiced ease. She roughly grabbed a glass pitcher filled with orange juice then waddled to the counter and quickly poured herself a drink. Anon was polite and kept his eyes off her while she started her own day several minutes behind him. "Good morning Milky," he greeted politely. "Hmm, mornin' Anon," she mumbled after downing her juice. Then she groaned. "Oof, I'm sore." "Already? You haven't even eaten yet," Anon said with a hint of concern. The large mare glanced at the man apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I feel full to bursting. Could you milk me early today?" Anon hastily swallowed the last of his bagel. "We'll probably have to empty them an extra time today then." She cringed. "I can't help it," she whined. Anon rolled his eyes. "I'm not blaming you or really complaining. I'm just..." he shrugged. "Head for the station. I need to wash my hands." Milky sighed. "Thanks Anon, you're the best." A few minutes later saw the large mare standing anxiously in the middle of a back room filled with metal tanks. Milky fidgeted as Anon entered through a door sized for a pony. However, the man would have to keep her waiting for a little bit longer. The practiced hand stepped over to one of the walls where he retrieved a wooden stool and one of the many iron buckets that were neatly stacked beside it. He approached the equine and set his work stool by one of her legs and his bucket beneath one of the mare's enormous drooping breasts, a feature seemingly unique to her. Anon grunted as he took a seat, rubbed his hands to warm them up a bit, then looked towards Milky's head. "Ready?" he asked. "Mhm," she hummed, fidgeting again. So Anon gently pinched one of the mare's engorged teats and began to rhythmically tug. In moments the bucket began to fill with milk while the pony sighed with relief. When the bucket filled Anon set it off to the side to be processed later and quickly grabbed a new one. Milky's comfort came first so he continued diligently milking her until she was drained. She had specifically hired him to replace the mechanical pumps after all. She described them as being "too aggressive" and his hands as being much more comfortable. Milking her by hand was definitely awkward though, so he kept it strictly professional. No jokes or quips were allowed while he was on the job. For her sake of course. He didn't want to embarrass her. > Order of the Demon Queen (i don't know but it's funny) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- "I am the Herald of Annihilation." "Death rides in my shadow." "I determine the Day of Judgment." "I am the apocalypse." "I exact extinction." "I AM Eclipse, the Queen of Demons." "I order you, puny human mortal, to get me a fucking soda!!" The human in question, Drake Fields, was dressed in khakis and a button up shirt and had a bored look on his face. He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. "Of course, your majesty." "That's right," Eclipse continued with a satisfied smirk, ignoring or missing the sarcasm in her assistant's voice. "I command it and you obey." The man shook his head as he headed for the kitchen. "The can good enough or do you want it in a glass?" Eclipse's eyes widened dangerously and she hissed her reply. "How dare you try to offer me something so unsophisticated! You shall prepare me a beverage worthy of my hellish greatness!" "Glass it is," Drake mumbled. The human produced a glass from the cupboard and ice cubes from the freezer. He poured the soda in and, as a final touch, added a long plastic straw. He then presented the drink to Eclipse while kneeling. "Ah," Eclipse smiled. "You have pleased your Mistress." "Whatever. You're too lazy to get one yourself or punish me anyway." Eclipse blushed. "H-how insubordinate! I am NOT lazy." "Then punish me," he challenged. The two stared at each other for a while until Eclipse finally found an escape. "I don't feel like it right now. Maybe later, after my show is done." "Sure. Whatever you say Eclipse." > Luna's Shoe Sponge (Luna, Anon, micro, hoof, sweat) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Luna, the dark alicorn princess of Equestria, entered her private quarters with a heavy sigh. It was nearly invisible from more than a step away, but her heavenly fur was marked with tiny drops of sweat after a long day of hard work. The slim pony considered tossing her regalia aside and simply diving into a relaxing bath before bed. However, another plan came to mind and the mare smiled evilly to herself. The bath could wait. Princess Luna approached her dresser with a bounce in her step and a swing of her hips. Clop. Clop. Clop. There she opened the top drawer and grinned down at her toy. Anon was stirred awake from his nap by the sudden motion of his prison, which was the entire drawer. His sleepy eyes quickly lost their tiredness as he stared up fearfully at his captor. What horror would she unleash upon him today? No words were exchanged as her spire-like black horn began to glow and his body followed. The little man was levitated out of the drawer and floated towards a large pillow that lay on the floor. The mare strutted after him playfully. She did not put him down once they arrived however. Instead he was left to hang in the air while the Princess casually readied herself. She sprawled out on-top of the pillow and stretched her legs. One. At. A. Time. She even gave each hoof a twist just to make him wait longer. To set the mood. To ensure he knew who was in charge. Only after she was good and settled did the Princess deftly pry one of her finely decorated shoes off and let it clatter to the floor. Then she regarded little Anon with a smirk. "Your mission is to struggle. Don't disappoint me," she warned. He did not get to respond. She didn't care what he had to say anyway. In the blink of an eye he was plummeting from the sky and the man, predictably, screamed. Just before he crashed into the ground however, a familiar blue glow appeared around him and his landing became much slower than expected. But it was still fairly rough. He dropped to the padded surface that was the sole of the royal shoe with a heavy "oof" which knocked the wind out of him. For a moment he merely lay there in shock, stunned by the fall and landing. Each breath was thick with humidity and a salty taint. Getting his arms under him, the naked man struggled to his knees and took in his new prison. Though the walls were much shorter and the ground much softer, there was still no chance of escape. He was too small to reach the rim of the shoe on its lowest side. It was like being in the middle of a baseball stadium. Granted, a small one. Giggling from the heavens made Anon jerk his head upward. Luna loomed over him and his world like a goddess. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. Then she raised a hoof, the same hoof that had once ridden in this very shoe, and waved it at him teasingly. Back and forth it rocked. Slowly. Sensually. Mockingly. She curled her wrist and a short pop came from the joint. She sighed. Her eyelids fluttered. She smirked. Then the hoof was coming towards him. In moments the sky grew dark, the gentle light of the Princess's bedroom was obscured by the circular blockage. A musk that carried a hint of feminine charm saturated the air. A strange pressure bore down on his shoulders before the hoof had even properly arrived. The rim of her foot began to slide against the upper walls of the shoe. A gentle grinding noise tickled his ears even as he fell back and held up a hand. Almost all the light vanished. There was a pause. Then a giggle. Then the sky fell. A weight Anon couldn't so much as budge with every last ounce of his strength settled atop him and he was crushed down into the padding of the royal footwear. Both surfaces, the cushion below and the rough skin above, were damp with sweat. A pungent aroma filled his every desperate breath as he wrestled for every gasp. Instinctively he struggled. He braced himself as best he could simply trying to fill his greedy lungs. Yet, between the moisture and the cramped space available to him, his fight was little more than random squirms. Equivalent to the meaningless flopping of a stranded fish. The hoof above responded to his movement with some of its own. It began to grind against him. Luna was turning her hoof back and forth within the confines of her shoe. For a few moments the heat inside the tight prison grew as his skin warmed from the friction. His front began to burn. Soon he couldn't tell her sweat from his own. The torture was slow and constant. Unrelenting. But after about a minute there finally came a moment of calm and Anon lay limp to bask in the merciful peace. Then the weight on his body grew exponentially. Luna unleashed more and more of her godly mass. The pressure threatened to reduce him to a mere stain on the bottom of the Princess's hoof. His bones creaked, his lungs screamed, and spots appeared in his vision. He could barely flex his fingers let alone fight as every last inch of space was flooded with padding from below or flesh from above. Was this the end for him? Then the huge mare eased off of him. So much so that her foot lifted away entirely, though it did not leave the shoe. It still hovered just over his head. Tauntingly close. Looming. Ready to fall again without warning. Luna giggled. Their play time had just begun... > Wiped Clean (Twilight, macro, rampage) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Twilight understood that chaos was evil. But what was "chaos"? What was "harmony"? These things had to be defined if she was going to inherit rulership of the world. The mare delved into her studies searching for a definition. She had to decide what harmony and chaos meant. How to crush one and forge the other. They were opposites after all. She knew the task would not be easy. She was no longer an ignorant young mare. Chaos was not always blatant. Harmony was not simply friendship. After some time Twilight finally had her breakthrough. Everything became so obvious. She knew how to create peace. She knew how to defeat chaos and spread harmony forever. Now all she needed was a method and the power. Years later, Princess Twilight Sparkle put her plan into motion. The ground quaked continuously. The continent threatened to buckle as great wrinkles spread and tore across the landscape. A roar filled the air that was so powerful it left every living thing deaf. On the horizon no one could mistake the image, though no one believed their eyes either. It was a massive snow plow. A wall of steel as high as the clouds themselves. And churning ahead of it was a mix of earth and stone as the plow leveled the entire continent. Driving this titanic vehicle of death was an equally enormous violet mare who smiled down at her work. At her accomplishment. The terrain was left bare in her wake. The mountains were flattened. The ravines were filled in. Cities disappeared. Everything that had been was erased. The very surface of the world was shaved. Every living thing exterminated. This was "harmony". As long as there were differences there would be conflict. To create a true lasting peace required the destruction of all uniqueness. Now, with the planet itself left smooth, there would be no wars. There would be no hatred. There was no chaos. Perfect conformity. Perfect harmony. This polished sphere was perfection... > Awakening of Colossus (macro, Pipsqueak, suggestive) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Pipsqueak, wilderness explorer, forced his way through one last bush and nearly collapsed in the clearing beyond it. The stallion was caked with dirt and exhausted from his long hike. Strapped to the white and brown earth pony's back was a heavy load which included everything he needed to setup camp. Tent, cooking pot, fire starter, sleeping bag, water canteen, a machete, and more. He huffed as he lay in the grass. The journey had not been easy, but as he gazed up ahead, he smiled. He had finally made it. Pipsqueak had reached the mysterious statue. The gray stone was cracked in places and spotted with green moss in others. Vines crawled up one side while a mango tree attempted to overtake the other. The carving itself resembled a huge earth mare. Though in place of a mane she had a trailing headdress of feathers. Some kind of native crown. There was one final oddity however, she was depicted with her eyes closed and her nose pointed down. The statue was a big unknown. Clearly it had been made a long time ago, but by who? And why? There were no cities nearby, ancient or otherwise. Even two thousand years ago this region was already consumed by jungle. Could this carving predate recorded history? But if it did, it should have been much more weathered, nearly unrecognizable actually. Yet it was still easy to tell what it was supposed to be. The only other explanation was independent statue makers, but that theory had its own collection of problems. Could this have been a practice piece? If so, why come all the way out here to make it? So much didn't make sense. Which is why Pipsqueak had come. He wasn't exactly an archaeologist. He didn't expect to discover old secrets. But the young stallion was drawn to them like a turtle to the ocean. Ruins and lost places subtly called out to him, begging him to visit their dark depths. And it appeared this huge stone mare was no exception. The pony cast aside his camping gear and stretched his aching legs. Then he took a moment to admire her. She was a beautiful creature, whoever she was. Just looking at her filled Pipsqueak with the desire to investigate. To study her. But he tamped down those feelings. He had to get his camp ready and rest. Night could sneak up on him if he wasn't careful. The sun rose the next day and Pipsqueak quickly scarfed down a simple breakfast so he could get started. As he approached the towering statue, it became ever more apparent how huge she was. If her legs hadn't been folded underneath her, she would have been taller than the most impressive jungle trees. Even laying down like she was she still managed to loom over him. Her closed eyes were very strange though. Statue makers, in the past and in current day, never made them with closed eyes. Pipsqueak stood beneath the great stone mare's head and gazed up at her. Like the many explorers who had come before him, his mind swirled with wonder and questions. She was beyond understanding. This monument existed seemingly without a history. There was no explanation for who she was or why she was here. Simply put, no one knew anything about her. Pipsqueak felt something in his chest. A weight was the best way he could describe it. He felt like his vision was narrowing as he focused on those huge lifeless eyes above him. Like there was something pushing against his mind the longer he stared. After a few seconds the discomfort became too much and he shook his head. With a sigh, Pipsqueak raised a hoof and ran it down the mare's smooth granite chest. "Who were you?" he whispered. For a minute he held his hoof there, feeling the stone. His thoughts drifted. Then a sudden powerful nostalgia gripped him and visions of every place he'd ever visited flashed through his mind. It wasn't entirely unpleasant. They were good memories. Good adventures. But then there came a sense of... being watched. Pipsqueak stumbled back, nearly tripping over his own hooves. He was breathing heavily and the hairs on the back of his neck were up. His head swung back and forth, looking for the other person he knew was there. Yet, his eyes found nothing. The clearing in front of the statue was devoid of anyone else. His eyes rolled across the treeline. Did that mean they were hiding? That wasn't a good sign. "Who goes there?!" he barked threateningly. For a few moments no one answered. He half-expected a wild animal to emerge at this point. Then a booming voice replied. "It is just you and me, young one." Pipsqueak spun around and found himself gazing up at the statue again. Except it wasn't lifeless stone anymore. It had transformed while his back was turned. Now it was a huge green mare wearing a crown of massive blue and red feathers. Her golden eyes were slitted like a dragons, though her gaze was soft. She was looking down at him. Pipsqueak's jaw dropped. He stared. His heart raced. His body trembled. Was he dreaming? What was happening?! "Be at ease, young one. You are in no danger. You are welcome in my presence." The stallion swallowed and struggled to form a reply. The mare's crown and dialect screamed royalty. It was probably best to address her as though she were a noble. "Thank you... ma'am. My name is Pipsqueak. Who... do I have the privilege to speak with?" The former statue smiled. "You may call me whatever you wish, for a name means little to me. Once I was called I'anon I'aid. Once I was called Gaia. My last name was simply The Colossus." " 'Colossus' doesn't sound very... feminine," Pipsqueak commented. The huge mare chuckled. "No, I suppose it doesn't. But I digress. I have awoken for you not because I wish to debate names. I wish to speak with you regarding important, and delicate, spiritual matters." Pipsqueak blinked in surprise. This was very sudden. "But who are you? Why are you out here?" She sighed. "I am a spirit of life. It is my aura that brings growth and prosperity to this jungle. As long as I slumber my anima nurtures all things around me." The stallion's eyes widened, realizing he had been given the unique opportunity to solve all the mysteries of this great mare. "How long have you been here?" "I do not know, for I sleep for long stretches of time. Centuries. Only waking when I need to refresh my energies. Which is why I am awake now and why I must ask for your help." Pipsqueak blinked and tilted his head curious. "My help?" "Yes," Colossus replied. "While I sleep my anima pours out into the world, but my reserves are not unlimited. They must be replenished every few centuries with the help of a young, strong, and willing mortal. Which is why my ethereal whisper drew you to me. You are young and strong and you possess a pure spirit ripe with curiosity. But, will you aid me?" Pipsqueak was speechless. He had been chosen by some kind of higher being. Chosen to help her. She took his silence, however, as hesitance. "Please, young one, the jungle needs you. While my aura will last many decades to come, there is no guarantee another worthy mortal will answer my call or accept the responsibility in time. Without you every green thing for some distance will wither and those that rely upon them will perish soon after." Pipsqueak felt something. Pride maybe? It was hard to pin down the sensation. As a foal he was nearly drowned in the heroic tales of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Oh how he wished he had been older or could have joined them even once. As he grew up their deeds inspired him to travel the world in search of adventure, but he never did find many opportunities to be a real hero. To be important and make a difference was his dream. Now a chance was begging for him. How could he refuse? Pipsqueak puffed out his chest. "Of course I'll help ma'am. Just tell me what I have to do." Colossus smiled bashfully. "In order to restore my anima I must be bred. Aggressively. Repeatedly." Pipsqueak froze and his eyes widened. "What?" "I am a spirit of life. For my aura to spread fertility and encourage propagation, I must be filled with the same vigor. All you have to do, young Pip, is mate with me a few times a day for the next month. Then my anima will be replenished and I can return to my slumber. Can you do this?" Pipsqueak's neck audibly creaked as he glanced up and down at the ancient mare, taking her all in. She was very big. How was he supposed to... mate with... Colossus? Maybe he wasn't ready to be a "hero" after all... > Civilization Predator (macro, changeling, dark, horror, Dead Space reference) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- The planet of Uso. From space it might have seemed like a desert world, but that was only because all its water was beneath the surface. A vast underground network of rivers and lakes. More than enough water to supply a crafty colony. Which it did. The current population had recently surpassed one billion and there had been a great celebration a few months ago. For many years Uso had faced hardship head-on. They were a closely knit people who valued community and cooperation. How else could they have dug so many wells or have endured the grueling sandstorms? There was even talk of declaring independence, becoming a self-ruled planet. But that was mostly just the zealous pride of cheerful drunks after a long day's work. To put it simply, Uso might have looked like a dust ball, but it was overflowing with happy families and potential. The future looked bright. Which is why it became the target of a civilization predator. In the darkness of space, a near imperceptible shadow advanced. A dark outline which absorbed any light that dared caress its smooth exterior. The creature's true shape could only be perceived with extremely advanced technology or with the use of radically specialized magic. Which Uso did not have. Its build was equine in nature, with four legs ending in hooves. It had a slender neck leading to a head which featured short cone-shaped ears and a blunt muzzle. However the monster also had several qualities that were definitively insect-like. It had two compound eyes made of countless smaller hexagonal plates and its entire body was covered in a hard exoskeleton. Additionally, protruding from the creature's back were two pairs of thin wings crisscrossed with veins. And most notably, the monster was many kilometers long. It was very nearly as large as the world it was descending upon. It was a space fairing exa-fauna. More specifically, it was a very distant relative to the common changeling and had all the same abilities. But those powers functioned on a much larger scale. The exa-changeling drifted ever closer to the planet that had caught its eye. It passed the closest of Uso's three moons with a slight tilt of its wings which seemed to work even in the vacuum of space. Yet, as it closed in on the atmosphere of the planet, it flared all four of its wings and mysteriously came to a stop. It was not in orbit and it was no longer falling towards the surface. It was as though gravity could not affect it despite its massive size. The exa-changeling rubbed its hooves together slowly, eyeing its meal hungrily. It licked its lips. Then it began the harvest. It spread its hooves as though it intended to grab the world before it, however its limbs never breached even the upper atmosphere. It opened its muzzle as wide as it could and seemed to bite nothing with its huge fangs. Then it lazily closed its eyes. For an entire month it remained attached to Uso, draining it of all positive emotion. A powerful magical aura surrounded the exa-changeling and rendered it completely invisible, despite its enormous size, while it fed. There was no clue perceptible by any sense that something supernatural was happening. However, the effects of the creature's feeding could not have been more obvious... Families disintegrated. Friendships ended in brutal fights. Leaders turned to corruption seemingly overnight. Law and order broke down. The entire world was plunged into anarchy. Chaos. The body count exploded as the cities fell to ruin. Finally, there was nothing left for the exa-changeling to devour. No more love. No more happiness. No more peace. Uso was nothing more than a hell hole now. A backwater planet consumed by hatred and infighting. Not that the huge monster was concerned about that. As it drifted back into the abyss of space it contently rubbed its full belly. It was time to relax and enjoy its meal. Though it made sure to keep an eye out for the next cheerful world it would have to suck dry... > I Just Want to be Alone (macro, sad) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Gray lay on the ground, curled up with his legs tucked against his barrel. His eyes stared at seemingly nothing. The only motion to indicate he was still alive was his rhythmic breathing. Otherwise he hadn't moved in many hours. The stallion could feel the itch creeping up the side of his neck. He had gotten very good at ignoring it. Gray blinked once slowly so his eyes didn't dry out too much. Then he went back to observing the growth of colors and shapes below his muzzle. It was a campsite where more and more ponies were gathering. And the itch was climbers trying to scale him. He didn't know why the little ones did this. It made no sense. It wasn't like they were headed for his ears. He couldn't hear them if they stood right next to his eardrum with a megaphone. They knew this too and had long since given up trying to communicate with him. So why did they gather whenever he laid down? He could only guess. Maybe they thought of him as a living mountain and climbing him had become a kind of competition. Between his size and the fact he didn't stay in one place for more than a day, it seemed like a realistic theory to him. When he started becoming a giant Gray had been terrified. As he grew it became harder and harder to move or speak without hurting someone. And once he was really big, he started having trouble hearing. These days, now that his growth had finally ended, he was effectively deaf. Gray hadn't heard another pony's voice in years. Nor the sound of the wind. Or... anything else for that matter. His fears, however, had since faded. At first he had felt terribly alone and wished desperately for company. Now the last thing he wanted was to be around anyone else. Wherever he went a swarm followed him. No matter how far. No matter the terrain. His fans, or stalkers, or paparazzi, or whatever they were, were determined. At first he had been glad not to be alone. But now he knew better. Even if he had parked himself in the middle of a major city he would still be "alone". Company wasn't simply the presence of another. It was the ability to interact or have a conversation. He couldn't do either and it was torture. It was like being a super-model after their prime, desperately trying to hold on and lying to themselves. He wasn't really alone. Not ever. But maybe it would have been better that way. Gray thought actually being alone and living the truth of his new life would be better than this sudo-isolation. Gray was a giant stallion. Always surrounded by others. Yet he never stopped feeling alone... > Big Mare Gets Stuck (macro, lewd, funny) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Blue and Red were grinning stupidly to themselves as they stood almost in the middle of the street. Blue leaned over to Red. "We must have done something really good in a previous life. How much karma do you think we're spending on this moment?" Red chuckled. "No idea, but it's worth every last bit." Blue nodded and they went back to looking up with big dumb smiles. Just admiring the view. Yellow's entire face was red with embarrassment and her voice came out squeaky and stuttery. "S-stop staring you-you-you perverts!" Yellow was a macro. And she was currently stuck between two buildings. Oh she definitely could have forced her way out, but the glass skyscrapers on either side of her flanks were already cracked. Not wanting to cause a bunch of collateral damage she had no other choice but to stay still and wait for rescue workers to arrive and... do something to get her out. Meanwhile Blue and Red, two normal sized stallions, stood behind her and simply admired her ass while making lewd comments. No doubt they'd run away just before she was free. For now all Yellow could do was tuck her tail and let them study her rear. She'd never gotten stuck here before. Her blush only darkened with the realization her butt must have gotten bigger since the last time she took this shortcut. After this she'd probably be hiding at home for a few days. Or weeks. Or for the rest of her life. Oh how she envied the little ponies right now. Normal mares didn't have to worry about situations like this. Sure, they had to deal with perverts taking glances at their behinds, but not like this. Yellow's whole ass was like a billboard on display for everypony to gawk at. Two furry golden globes wedged into an alley. Helpless. Trapped. She really couldn't blame them for staring... > Micro Buys Sex (micro Anon, role-play, butt crush) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Pink hesitated before the wooden door. She took a deep breath. Then she stood straight and projected as much confidence as she could. To say she was nervous was an understatement. Pink wanted to do well. She had already gone to the trouble of dolling herself up. Makeup, clothes, she even tied her mane back. The mare was nearly unrecognizable. Deciding she was as prepared as she was going to get, Pink pushed open the wooden door and waltzed into the hotel room. The mare's every step created a subtle boom on the shaggy carpet. The sway of her tail created a whooshing sound like a billowing flag. Her enormous eyes focusing down on him came with an exciting and oppressive weight. Yet Anon managed to sit still on the edge of the bed as the huge pony came towards him. When she stopped her shadow bathed him in darkness. She was so big... "I take it you are Sir Anon?" she asked with a flippant arch of a brow. "Yes ma'am," the human who could have easily fit under one of her hooves replied politely. Pink snorted dismissively. Her eyes narrowed. She oozed pride and control. "Then strip," she commanded simply. Anon gulped before jumping to his feet to comply. He then set a new personal speed record for getting out of his clothes. Now naked in front of the mare he cringed with embarrassment, but made no attempt to cover himself. As ordered. Meanwhile Pink was struggling not to giggle at Anon's eagerness. It was important to maintain appearances for the client. So she buried her amusement behind her dominatrix persona. She wanted to fulfill his little fantasy after all, not laugh at it. Snorting once, Pink rolled her eyes dramatically. "Not bad. I guess good pets deserve treats." Lazily, the towering mare shuffled around until her backside was facing the bed. Anon immediately took the opportunity to stare at her ass. Then Pink began to wag her tail. The man dutifully watched, careful never to miss a glimpse of her pussy. It could have swallowed him whole... Pink glanced back curiously, trying to gauge the client's reaction. He looked happy so she allowed herself to smirk. But how would she ramp things up from here? "Hey, you don't mind if I make myself more comfortable do you?" she asked somewhat dismissively. "I know some mares love socks, but they always make me itchy." She wasn't entirely role-playing that line either. She really did want to get out of these silly striped socks. Pink didn't wait for him to reply and simply took a seat. Anon could only fall backward as the mare's enormous ass came crashing down on him. It was so plush and warm despite how it threatened to snuff out his existence. This was the best purchase of his life! > Not Into Rampage (macro, sad, gentle) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Tess was a cursed mare. Ever since she was a young foal she had been stalked by a bizarre phenomenon. Roughly once a month, for one day at a time, she'd find herself trapped in a strange alternate world. Though saying "once a month" made it sound like her curse was more predictable than it really was. She had once suffered an entire week that sent her back every other day. Then there was a time she went three whole months without a single incident. Simply put, there was no way to know when Tess was about to disappear into that other world. The only certainty was that she was always taken during her sleep and that she always returned after exactly 24 hours, awake or not. It was a frustrating problem. Especially because nopony ever believed her. The first time it happened her parents had, understandably, freaked. Their little girl had simply vanished in the night leaving no clues behind. Then Tess just reappeared the next day babbling about an alien world. They were obviously not in the mood to listen to her made-up story and immediately grounded her for "running away". Then it happened again. And again. And again. Every time she was punished. Every time nopony listened. Eventually it just became a part of her life. A part that frustrated Tess and led to unfair judgments about her. In school the rumors flew. Where did she go when she disappeared? Was she in a gang? Sneaking off to be with a secret boyfriend? Was she really a changeling spy?! Too many believed she must be up to no good. No matter how many times Tess tried to tell them her claims were simply dismissed and she was branded a compulsive liar. She felt so alone. What was this alternate world like? Tess could only describe it as a miniature version of Equestria. It was a world where the tallest trees were only as high as her knees. Where everything was small and delicate. Where mountains were more like steep hills. Where expansive grass fields felt more like somepony's backyard. And it was a world populated by tiny bipedal creatures who built sprawling cities. She couldn't speak their language and even trying to talk to them caused problems. But she knew they were intelligent from the first time she arrived. After all, they acted nothing like animals or bugs. They acted like ponies. So... they usually ran away from her while screaming. Tess couldn't blame them. She was a towering force of nature. She could have easily laid waste to their miniature world if she wanted to. Yet, despite her frustration with being there, she didn't hold it against them. She was fairly certain it wasn't their fault. Otherwise they would have appeared much more prepared instead of surprised and terrified every time she arrived. Something supernatural was going on and while it only caused minor problems in her life, the tiny creatures obviously suffered far more. Tess tried to explore whenever she was taken to their world, if only as a way to pass the time until she was returned home. However, her every step usually broke something. But it wasn't on purpose. She didn't intentionally rampage through their cities and even strove to go around them. But the suburban sprawls could be enormous. Sometimes she was simply trapped by their civilization. Each time she woke up in their world she was in a new location. Usually Tess found herself in the wilderness, but there were a few occasions where she was teleported into the middle of a city. Crawling off a pile of rubble she wasn't even conscious while making was the worst. Like someone was trying to set her up as a monster when she really didn't mean the little ones any harm. She was always careful and the thought of hurting someone or something on purpose terrified her. Well... except for that one time... It was the most important day of her life. Tess had a date with the stallion of her dreams, Bar Bell. He was stoic. He was polite. He was handsome. He was fit. Somehow Tess, the mysterious mare who disappeared every month, managed to catch his eye. Everything was going to be perfect... Then Tess woke up the day of her date in the middle of a miniature forest. That was the ONLY time she ever rampaged. When she obliterated that collection of trees. For hours she tore stupid leaf covered sticks from the ground and used them to beat their neighbors to splinters. It was a fauna massacre. She let her female fury loose and you could tell. There was nothing left but a broken battlefield of plant genocide when she was done. Tess then spent the next three visits apologizing to every little one she encountered. > The Great Size Debate (talking, stupid jokes) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- The sunlight was tinted orange as it came through the classroom's windows. Evening was steadily approaching sunset and the shadows were growing ever longer. The schoolhouse had been empty for several hours when the doors were suddenly thrown open again and two stallions stepped inside. "I didn't even know you could rent the schoolhouse," Blue commented in surprise. "On the weekends you can get it for the whole day, but every other day you can only get it for the last few hours," Red explained with a shrug of disinterest. "I thought it'd be the best place for our meeting." Blue paused near the front of the room, eyeing the empty desks. There was something lonely about the space. "So what did you want to talk about?" Red strolled right up to the chalkboard and easily found the stash of chalk. He raised one stick in the air dramatically as he turned back towards his friend. "It's time!" The other stallion merely raised a brow. "For what?" "To settle all the debates and arguments. To decide what it means to be a fan of size difference. You and me, right now, are going to clear up all the confusion." "What confusion?" Blue blinked in confusion. "This fandom is a mess," Red grumbled. "This place is a zoo and the animals are running wild. We need order. Rules. We need to establish some guidelines if we are going to turn this ragtag group into a respectable community." Blue cringed. "And who put you in charge? Why do we need rules?" "Rules keep everyone on the same page. As it is, when you're trying to find something macro or micro related, it's a coin toss if what comes up is even close. Rules will clean that up and make simply being a fan so much easier and more convenient." "So... you want to make a list of everything ever made in this fandom?" Red growled. "NO! I want everyone to agree to some terminology so we don't constantly get mislabeled garbage. That's the problem. No one agrees on the proper tags and terms when describing their work. You look for 'macro' and a whole bunch of 'micro' stuff comes up. You call yourself a macrophile and no one here seems to know what that means. We can't even decide if 'butt crush' is supposed to be one word or two!" Blue scratched his head. "I don't know. You can't just storm out there and start telling people what to do. That's rude." Red huffed. "I know I can't force anyone, but I can complain until they give in to my demands." Blue shrugged. "Whatever." "So are you going to help me or not?" "With telling people what to do?" "With deciding what to tell people to do." Blue shrugged again. "I guess. But I'm not going to fight anyone for you. Unless you pay me." Red rolled his eyes. "Fine. Then let's get started." The stallion faced the chalkboard and scratched out two words. "The first problem that needs to be fixed: microphile versus macrophile." Blue quirked a brow. "Okay, I'll bite. What's wrong?" "These two words are constantly mixed up," Red scoffed. "The suffix, -phile, means 'lover of'. Thus these two terms mean 'lover of micro' and 'lover of macro'. So a microphile loves micros and a macrophile loves macros." "Makes sense to me," Blue nodded sagely. Red growled. "So tell me, if you love stories or artwork with a macro in it, which are you?" For a moment the other stallion hesitated. "A macrophile?" he eventually answered uncertainly. Red actually snickered. "The correct answer is: maybe." "I don't get it. I thought you said these terms had meaning, now they don't?" "Whether a creation is macro or micro depends upon the perspective. For example, if its a story and the macro is the main character, then it is a microphile story. If it is a piece of art showing a giant rampage from one of the tiny's perspective, then it is for macrophiles." Blue scratched his head. "Macro for microphiles, micro for... macrophiles? I don't get it." Red waved him off. "A macrophile wants to be tiny. A microphile wants to be giant. These terms mean the opposite of the root word inside them. They get flipped around by the suffix. Remember, -phile means 'lover of'. Not 'want to be'. That's why these two terms get confused so much." For a moment Blue didn't respond. Then he shrugged. "So... why should anyone care about this?" "Don't you want to be right?" "About things that matter, sure. But whether I describe myself as a macrophile or a microphile doesn't seem important." "Yes it is!" Red asserted with a frustrated stomp. "When you introduce yourself you don't want to give the other pony the wrong impression. When you say 'I'm a macrophile' you want them to understand that means you like stories that feature giants. Or artwork where the camera is facing upward. It's about being accurate and clear communication." Blue hummed. "I guess so." Red snorted at his friend's halfhearted reply. > Big Destiny (sad, silly) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Gem was a filly and a late bloomer. Everypony else in her class had their cutie marks, but she did not. It was as frustrating as it was embarrassing. She knew what she wanted to be. Why wouldn't her cutie mark appear? It was her destiny to become a royal guard, then a knight, and finally a paladin! She would become a champion in golden armor! She already trained every day. She was the largest pony in her class, by both height and muscle. Everypony knew she was going to become a great soldier. It was obvious. So why??? Gem was alone on a hiking trail, part of her usual training, but she wasn't feeling very motivated. She wasn't really hiking as much as she was just stomping down the road, glaring at every speck of dirt and helpless pebble that dared to linger in her path. If a rock was larger than an eraser she kicked it as hard as she could. Which was enough to send it flying with how strong she was. Despite being full of energy the filly came to a stop by a bench along the trail. For a moment she simply stared at it. Then she eyed her still blank flank. She growled. She spun around. A tear began to leak from her eye. It wasn't fair. She should have her cutie mark already. It didn't make sense. She was so angry. And so confused. What else could her destiny be than what she wanted most? Gem turned her gaze toward the horizon. She was half-way up the mountain so her view of the sunset was unobstructed and beautiful. Yet it didn't make her feel better. She gazed down upon her home town and knew she was supposed to protect them. But how could she without her mark? With a sigh she turned back towards the trail, ready to head home to her mother's loving hooves. But she hesitated. Then she glanced up towards the mountaintop. Maybe she should finish her hike first. However, that would take at least another hour. And she wasn't feeling up to it right now anyway. But with a scoff she shook her head. No, she couldn't think that way. If she gave up on her training she'd NEVER get her cutie mark. So the filly turned around again, intent on climbing the mountain before she went home. "If only this mountain were smaller," she grumbled quietly to herself in frustration. Suddenly there was a flash of light that could only have come from one place. Gem froze, eyes wide, lip trembling. She swallowed. It couldn't be, could it? Slowly, as though afraid a ghost was waiting behind her, she looked back. Back at her flanks. Where a cutie mark had just appeared. For the briefest moment relief and joy completely overwhelmed her. Then she tilted her head in confusion. Her cutie mark was a picture of a rock with a pony silhouette standing on top of it. "What... what is that supposed to mean?" she mumbled, now unsure if she should be happy or not. In time Gem would learn that there were two kinds of cutie marks. The kind that when manifested increased an individual's natural talents in the area of their greatest desire. And those that changed the individual's body itself. Hers would quickly turn out to be the latter. Because, from that day on, her height began to soar. By the time she was 20, she was 10 times the size of a normal pony. And she quickly became a legend in the Equestrian military, just like she always wanted... The End > Disaster Relief (macro, tragedy, heroism) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- The largest earthquake in over 100 years had struck the region. Cities up and down the fault-line had been shaken to pieces. Rockslides were blocking many of the roads, greatly slowing the emergency response. The power-lines had fallen like dominoes. Countless breaks in the water main had created geysers in some locations and slow bubbling lakes in others. Fires were popping up like weeds in a fresh crop field. And the urban skyline... any who saw it would be plagued with nightmares for the rest of their lives. All the tallest structures were simply gone. Absent from the picture like an editor had just erased them. At least some of the mid-level buildings had survived, but even those that remained upright were often slouched. Like someone with poor posture. Far more of the shorter structures might have endured the quake if they hadn't been buried under the rubble of their larger neighbors. So many were dead. Even more were missing. Countless hordes stumbled through the streets in shock, unable to process what had happened. There were voices too. Cries for help. Cries for family. Cries of sorrow. Which is why the big guns had been called in. The ponies were here. Nurse Redheart perked her ears as she stalked down the dust covered street. Diligently she turned her head from side to side. Sweeping the area like a radar dish. Straining to detect even the slightest noise. For the tiniest hint of someone who needed help. It was a slow, tense procedure. She knew the dogs would be better at this, but there just weren't enough of them. They needed everyone searching right now. Especially ponies like herself. She was a humble earth mare back in Equestria. However, in the human world, she literally towered over her surroundings. And she didn't suffer this phenomenon alone. All ponies were huge once they stepped through the portal. Though the size difference rendered almost all her medical training useless, it also made it easy to perform rescues. With size came strength, enough to pull someone from a pile of rubble for example. The only problem was finding the survivors. Fortunately, she was equipped for that too. "Is anyone alive out there?!" the pale mare called, voice booming over the distant echos of sirens. She froze, not wanting to make any sound herself out of fear it might drown out a faint reply. Her ears swiveled furiously atop her head as she waited. Both hoping to hear something yet also dreading it. After all, if she heard someone that likely meant they were hurt. Redheart's head jerked to the side. Her ears stood straight. Her jaw clenched. Even her breathing stopped. She had heard something. "If someone is there, I'm here to help! Please tell me where you are!" she called. Then she listened. A second passed. She was already sweating and her heart was pounding. Even if she heard nothing now that didn't mean the sound she'd caught was a false alarm. Someone screamed, but their voice was so muffled it was only barely audible. It was enough. Nurse Redheart knew exactly where they were and sprang into action. At once the huge equine dove towards the third house on the left, not caring about the cracks in the asphalt she left in her wake. Even a parked car was casually kicked out of her way. A life was on the line. Nothing else mattered. "I've got a live one!" she all but screamed over her shoulder. The mare didn't have a second to spare. As soon as she reached the wreck that was once a suburban home she began digging. Starting with the crumpled roof she carefully sorted through the debris, dismissively tossing one piece at a time into the neighbor's yard. If only she had been a unicorn. The rescue could have been over with in a single flash. Alas she was a simple earth mare. The only tool she had to go through the pile of timber was her bare hooves. All the while the cries for help came from somewhere beneath her. An ambulance pulled up behind her. Doors slammed. The paramedics were asking her questions. She didn't even acknowledge them. She was too focused. Too close. Just. One. More. Piece! Mission accomplished. With practiced motions the huge equine scooped the now free but battered man up out of the rubble and brought him towards the ambulance. She had saved a life. There were countless more rescues to come, but at least humanity had giant friendly ponies to help. > She Wants to Share (macro, rampage, gentle, dildo) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- There was panic in the streets. Humans fled for their lives. There was screaming. There was shoving. Meanwhile the ground regularly shook. A giant pony strolled down the street narrowly avoiding crushing people and cars as she went. Her eyes carefully scanned the area around her as though she were looking for something. Then she spotted it. Yellow's face lit up with a grin. She stepped forward more quickly then before as she pounced on her find. There had been a car wreck and a bus had found itself trapped. There was no way out. So the terrified passengers had forced the doors open and fled on foot with the rest of the populace. That was a few minutes ago. So when the huge gold colored pony placed a hoof on either side of the lengthy vehicle, it was already abandoned. Which was fortunate because the huge equine immediately snatched up the bus and raised it to her eye for a closer examination. But her grin faded a bit when she realized that it was empty. She glanced down, at the humans who were still nearby and running for their lives, and hummed in thought. It couldn't hurt to ask. Yellow marched forward, again, more quickly than before. She easily overtook the crowd and stopped them by stomping in their path. This got their attention. A hundred eyes stared up at her fearfully. She raised the empty bus still in her grip and gave it a little wiggle. "Hey, I'm about to play with this thing. Does anyone want to get in?" Her only response was huddled terror. She sighed in disappointment. Her momma always taught her to be considerate. It wasn't like it bothered her playing alone, but she might as well try to share the fun. If they didn't want a ride inside her pussy that was their missed opportunity. A few minutes later Yellow found a comfy spot to lay back and use the bus as a dildo. And she genuinely enjoyed it. But it would have been even better if some of the humans had decided to join her. > Bigger Bug (Chrysalis, amazon, stupid) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Twilight and Cadance were walking side-by-side, idly chatting as they made their way through the streets of the Crystal Empire. "So how are your studies on changeling biology going?" the pink princess asked. "Very well," Twilight chirped. "I've already figured out how their transformation power works and I think I've got a working theory for their telepathy, but it's going to take a few more tests to confirm." "Impressive," Cadance nodded. "Too bad me and Shining haven't made as much progress reforming Chrysalis yet," she then admitted with a sad sigh. Twilight's ears drooped. "That bad, huh? And I thought convincing her would be as easy as Discord." "Didn't he go on a rampage as soon as you looked the other way?" The smaller alicorn grumbled at that. "Yeah, but it only took a day. How long has Chrysalis been stubborn?" Cadance looked up in thought for a moment. "It's getting up to a month now." Twilight scoffed. "We could make a new queen faster than we could convert her at this rate." The pink alicorn blinked at that. "Make a new queen? That's possible? How?" The two paused as the purple pony's face suddenly went red. "Well, it would require a... volunteer." "To do what?" Twilight sighed deeply, surrendering herself to the embarrassing topic. "Royal changelings are just normal changelings that have managed to convince a pony to... sleep with them willingly and while they are in their natural forms. It causes them to grow bigger and more powerful, according to my sources." They stared at each other until Cadance found her voice. "If a pony has willing sex with a changeling, the changeling will evolve?" "Yeah," Twilight confirmed simply. "Who originally slept with Chrysalis?" Twilight blinked this time. "How should I know. What pony would want to sleep with a bug!?" "You shouldn't say that," Cadance criticized. "We're trying to integrate with them, not start a never-ending race war." As they reached their destination Twilight sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I just don't see how it's possible. There is no way changelings and ponies will ever fully get along. Especially not to that degree." With that they threw open the door to the manor and immediately froze in place. The scene that greeted them defied explanation. Shining Armor was standing off to the side, appearing quite nervous. Meanwhile, laying on the couch, was Chrysalis herself. The only problem was that... she took up the entire thing. As in, she was now simply huge! "W-w-what happened here?" Twilight stuttered. "Why is Chrysalis giant!?" Cadance took more direct action by storming into the room and aiming her horn at the towering changeling. "Reverse this size spell immediately!" she ordered. Chrysalis visibly recoiled and raised her hooves in front of herself defensively. "I'm not under a spell!" she shouted back. "I'm not blind, Chrysalis," the pink alicorn spat. "You weren't even half this tall when we captured you." For some reason the changeling began to blush at that. As did Shining. By now Twilight had finally entered the room to check on Shining. "She hasn't hurt you has she? Did she overpower you?" "Uh," Shining stuttered as he tried to form a coherent response. Twilight was not reassured. "How long has she been this big?" "Well, since... yesterday?" "This morning," Chrysalis corrected. "You expect me to believe you grew giant in a matter of hours without a spell?" Cadance challenged. "It's natural for changelings!" Chrysalis barked back. "Natural!?" Cadance retorted. "What part of 'growing bigger' is natural!?" Suddenly Twilight's eyes bulged and her body went stiff. "Wait a minute..." Now Shining was worried about his little sister. "You alright?" " 'Changelings grow bigger and stronger if they have sex in their natural form with a willing pony,' " Twilight quoted the words she had been told during her last interview. Chrysalis and Shining swallowed. Cadance's fur bristled. "Twilight... are you saying... "But who slept with..." Twilight began to ask while her head turned towards Shining. The stallion was able to lock eyes with her for several moments. Then he broke. He pointed an accusing hoof at the huge changeling and shouted as loud as he could. "It's her fault!!" > Sold Out (macro, stupid) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- The world was in crisis. The entire political class of Earth had vanished. Completely. Leaving no trace behind. Who was in charge? How had this happened? Did the law still apply? Who could have orchestrated such a scheme on a global scale? Then a single world-wide earthquake struck. Everyone was simultaneously knocked off their feet. Buildings rocked on their foundations. Cars spun out. Bridges collapsed. The sky had been replaced with a great eye. A voice boomed down from the heavens. The feminine tone of a woman was clear despite the ear shattering volume. "Huh? What are you all still doing here?" People could only stutter in confusion or hold their heads in pain. The eye squinted skeptically. "And why do you look surprised? You really think we'd pay you so much and then NOT take your planet?" There was a scoff so loud it parted the oceans. "We may be big but we're not that charitable." Satellite images were finally able to make sense of what was happening. A huge creature, a snow white pony as big as the sun, was looming over the earth. Studying it. The moon had already crashed into its cheek and disintegrated. Meanwhile Mars had gotten caught in its tail and was being shredded. The orbits of the rest of the planets were quickly changing from the sheer gravity it created by being here. The unimaginably huge mare glared down at mankind. "Is this supposed to be some kind of trick? You don't think we'll take your planet if you simply refuse to leave?" She growled. "If you stay, what happens to you is your problem. You sold us this planet fair and square. I have the receipt right here to prove it. No one cheats me after I paid good credits for a new toy. So. TOUGH!" She barked. Then White took possession of the Earth and returned to her home world to play with it as she saw fit, not caring whatsoever about the little humans who had tried to withhold the product she had legally paid for... > Bug Zapper (changelings, micro, Anon, dark, stupid) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1 --- Anon's dreams were a realm of happy fantasies where he could be free of all the world's mundane horrors and frustrations. Which of course meant they had to be interrupted by something dumb and unfair. Like an itchy nose. The man was stirred awake and immediately began rubbing the discomfort from his favorite facial protrusion. However, a moment into the process he heard a faint giggle and felt a strange pressure on his chest. Slowly moving his hand aside so he could look down at himself, Anon trembled at the possible nightmare he might find. And just as he suspected, it was terrible. Pinkie Pie was sitting on his chest. All three inches of her. The little pony was smiling and rocking her head back and forth with barely contained excitement. Ready to talk his ear off and pester him with her overly high-pitched voice. Anon groaned in agony as the avatar of sugar began babbling away, hugging him, and otherwise gushing about made up concepts like friendship and happiness. It was the ultimate form of torture. There was little he could do but try and bury his head in the pillow and ignore her. Then she began bouncing on him, making him grunt with pain as her tiny hooves repeatedly drove the breath from his lungs. With a growl, the man sat up. The only way to escape her was to start his day. Though he did get a small amount of pleasure from watching her tumble down to the end of the bed. Anon then tossed his sheets aside and moved towards the window. It was only then that he realized the sun hadn't risen yet. It was still night time. Alarm bells started going off in Anon's head. He knew Pinkie was an early riser, but even she didn't get up before the sun. She was one of those crazy ponies who worshiped that giant ball of fire and its avatar. The man glanced back at the little creature currently seated on his bed, eagerly staring back at him. For a moment neither of them moved. Then she licked her lips. He blinked. "Oh yeah, I forgot it was that time of year!" Anon laughed to himself. The human stumbled to the closet and began rummaging around for a particular piece of equipment. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie kept trying to ask him what he was doing. That or inviting him to play. He wasn't really paying attention to her at the moment. "Aha!" he cheered as he held up a metal box. "What's that?" the pink mare asked with a tilt of her head. "This?" Anon grinned. "It's a mystical object that brings happiness to everyone who touches it." The man moved to the window where he setup the machine and plugged it in. Instantly a series of glass tubes on one side of the box began to glow in the most tantalizing way. Pinkie's eyes widened and her mouth hung open. She began to drool as though she'd fallen into a trance. "Bingo," Anon congratulated himself. "Any second now..." A pair of wings slowly emerged from the earth pony's back before she zipped towards the light and tried to touch it. ZAP!! A moment later the former pink mare had turned black as her disguise was stripped away and a little changeling appeared. Though now it was a little fried changeling. The pest proceeded to lay motionless in-front of the bug-zapper, having been dealt a hefty shock after foolishly touching the deadly trap. Anon nodded to himself, confident that this device would deal with the rest of the bugs should they try sucking his love. "Darn changelings, even worse than the mosquitoes back home. At least you're easier to deal with than the real Pinkie Pie."