> Dueling Yu - Gi- Oh in Equestria. > by Dragon Shimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge: The Accident > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (First P.O.V) Finally, the last day at university has come. My university graduation was successful. My guarduation thesis was so stressful, but I was so happy when I was able to finish it. To prepare for the most important day of my life, I prepare some suits. In the middle of combing my hair to make myself cooler, a knock on the door interrupts me. "Little Brother? Are you there?" My big brother's voice. I put the comb down and open the door. Still a regular man with those muscles makes me jealous. There are many girls who are attracted to him because of his square head and yellow skin. I tried to go to the gym with him, but I wasn't able to. His brown hand raises up and gives me a gift. "Congratulation little brother, you finally graduated." "Thank you my brother." I take the gift. "So... where are mom and dad?" "They are waiting in the school." My brother pats my shoulder. "Open it. I hope you like it." When I open his gift, I see that it's an album. My first glance at the album shows me that there are many places where I can place the card. "Wow, this is an awesome gift." "I bought this because I know you liked Yu-Gi-Oh card games." My brother says, smiling. "I should buy a more expensive gift though." "No, that's enough for me." I look at the clock and find that it is nearly 7:25 A.M. "Sorry, I have to leave. I don't want to be late on this important day." I go outside and run to the bus stop. It's the perfect time when the bus is there and waiting for other customers. After buying a ticket, I sit down. Because the graduation takes place at 8:30 A.M., and my school is near the bus station, I decided to sleep for a while before the graduation. "Wake up the lost soul." A feminine voice interrupts my sleep. It looks like a white space with many orbs floating in the air. It's amazing. When I stand up to touch the orb, something touches my shoulder. "You shouldn't touch that." "Oh, sorry..." I turn around and see a scaly face. It makes me jump back and hide behind the bed. I'm terrified of that face. Calming down for a bit, I stand up and see a black humanoid lizard have a big bat wings is sitting on the chair. I have no word on this appearance. I ask. "So... what are you?" The creature answers me with a feminine voice. "How rude! This is not a thing you should ask for a dragon." I am stunned for a little bit. "You... you are a ... dragon?" "Oh yes I am." She giggles. "You should look at your face in the mirror." In response, I rubbed my head. "Man, I thought your kind... was imagination. Well, despite I love dragons so much." "That's why you are F.A." the creature teases. "A.k.a. forever alone." "Come on. Anyway..." I take a seat. "Where am I?" "I'll say it straight here." The dragon points at me. "You are dead." I am stunned for a while. The dragon says it again. "Don't you hear me. You are dead." I can't believe it. This dragon is lying, isn't she? The dragon snaps her fingers and an orb is flying next to me. Breaking news. A bus exploded while on the road. According to the driver, the bus is on fire. Therefore, the driver has to stop on the road and tell everyone to leave the bus. However, there is one person... No... why? I can't believe it. It's all lies, right, right? I turn to the dragon and yells. "It's a lie. I can't be dead like this?" "Sorry but that is the truth." The dragon shakes her head. "I will leave you here." The dragon has disappeared. Now... what can I do? All my belongings are gone. What will I do now? (Third P.O.V) The black dragon sighs in frustration. It's been a long time since she saw a soul that could keep his previous life memories. She also forgot to ask his name. After ten hours, the human comes out and watches the dragon in silence. The black dragon drops the orb on the ground. "Feel good?" "No...my parents... my family. I thought ... Can I..." The black dragon raises her claws. "You can't go back there, Soul." "That's not my name." "You don't need your old name when you're reincarnated anyway." The black dragon laughs. "Anyway, sorry for my rudeness. My name is Afrien, the dragon of life and death." "Dragon of life and death." The human rubs his chin. "Are you a god?" "No...Not that..." the black dragon shakes her head. "Anyway, I have a deal for you, Soul." The human takes a seat. The black dragon smiles. "Since you are skilled at Yu - Gi - Oh, I challenge you to a duel." "Are you kidding? Why do you need a game like that?" "I'm bored. Now, if you win, I'll rescue you." The human feels some hope inside, but he's not sure if he can accept it. The dragon taps the table. "But if you lose, you will be reborn inside a dead body." "Hmm..." the human nods. "I accept. Being reborn as a dead body is not bad." "All right." The dragon breathes fire into the sky. After a while, many cards fall from the sky. Afrien lies on the ground. "We will have 24 hours to create a deck. Don't worry, there won't be a banned card inside." The black dragon snaps her fingers and many walls are appearing around the card, then a door appears as well. The human enters the room to start making a deck. After twenty four hours, the human leaves the room. First, he sees a table decorated with vines and trees. Standing opposite him, the black dragon awaits him. The human puts the deck on the table and is ready to duel. Afrien raises her claw. "Wait, 'Soul'. Before we start, I will tell you about this thing." Human rubs his chin, "Uh... like a table that only has our monster zone and spell/trap zone." Then he rubs his head. "I... kinda feel weird but since I found that I can see your board... maybe I'm fine." "Ah... that's not what I will talk to. This one." When the black dragon places the card on the table, a giant rat with armor holding a sword and shield appears. 'Soul' is staring at the rat in confusion. "Is this 'Beaver Warrior'? I like this rat though." 'Soul' tries to poke it but the rat swings his sword at him and slashes him into his chest. 'Soul' is rolling on the ground due to the pain, but the wound is slowly healing. Afrien puts another card on the table. "Be careful, the pain is still there. I activate the spell, 'Axe of Despair'." The rat's sword is changed into an axe. 'Soul' is amazed by this weapon change. "So, every time I summon something, it will appear like this." "That's right." Afrien taps the table. "You can try some effects, it will change too." "All right." Soul takes three cards and begins placing the first one. "I activate 'Double summon', which allows me to summon normal forces twice. 'Soul' is waiting for something, but nothing is happening. He puts the second one. "Now, I will summon 'Axe Raider' in attack position." There is a golden armored warrior appearing. He is wielding an axe. Afrien shakes her head. "No... no. Don't do this." "Do what?" "I know what you are planning to summon." 'Soul' waves his hand. "Nah. I summoned the tuner monster, 'Angel Trumpeter' in attack position." It appeared in the form of a fairy with green hair and green wings wearing white clothes. 'Soul' grins. "Should I do this?" "No... 'Beaver Warrior' doesn't like it." 'Soul' shakes his head. "That's what be did to me when he slashed me. That hurts a lot. Since 'Axe Raider' is lv 4 and 'Angel Trumpeter' is lv 4, I will synchron summon." Many green circles appeared in 'Axe Raider' and 'Angel Trumpeter', then they became white orbs, then a light ray passed through them. After a while, a red black dragon with six legs and feather wings appears. 'Soul' is stunned by this dragon while Afrien is just face claw. 'Soul' stares at the dragon. "So, this is 'Buster Dragon'? How cool." The dragon roars and 'Beaver Warrior' feels hurt inside and becoming a dragon. 'Beaver Warrior' glares at the human while 'Soul' laughs out loud. Afrien sighs. "Wow. Your revenge is too much." "He is cuter than before though." Afrien rolls her eyes. "Dragon enjoyer." 'Soul' teases. "Should I stay here and watch you all the time?" "Nah, you won't pervert. Anyway, time to duel?" "Sure. The sooner, the better." The monsters are disappeared and the duo steps back to their table, then they puts their deck on the table. This time he must win to go back to his mom. > Red Eyes Abnormal Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Soul' : 8000LP Afrien: 8000 LP The black dragon and the human stand opposite. Each of them draws five cards at a time. 'Soul' gives her a nod. "Lady first." Afrien gives him a smirk. "I hope you won't regret your decision." The black dragon begins playing. I activated 'Red Eye Insight' and sent a 'Red Eye' from the deck to the graveyard. I then added the 'Red Eyes' spell to the claws." She showed Soul a 'Red Eyes Fusion' spell. When the black dragon is about to use that card, he sees that 'Soul' is sighing in disappointment. Afrien asks. "What's wrong?" 'Soul' shakes his head. "Why did you use that garbage archetype? I thought you would use something more powerful, like Dragonmaid." "Sorry, I hate those fake dragons." Afrien huffs. "And I can't see what's wrong with this?" "Either you fusion summon 'Meteor Black Comet Dragon' or 'Red Eyes Black Dragoon', then you should take me back to my world right now." Suddenly, Afrien's deck and cards are on fire. 'Soul' is surprised by the flaming cards. The black dragon smiles. "You are really talented at making girls angry, aren't you?" "Woah woah, Red-Eyes is woman? That's new." 'Soul' rubs his head. "But I am just saying the truth. That dragon is garbage right now." "Then I'll show you." Afrien smiles and puts 'Red Eye Fusion' on the table. "Fusion summons. Meteor Black Comet Dragon." Fires rise on the ground, and then a dragon lands from the sky. There is still fire in the dragon. In the graveyard is Afrien's 'Red Eyes Black Dragon'. As he feels hot and his clothes are on fire, the flaming dragon breathes fire at 'Soul'. 'Soul': 6800 LP. "Then you summon 'Meteor Black Comet Dragon' huh." 'Soul' is trying to put out the fire. "First turn kill or what?" "No." Afrien shakes her head. "I set three cards on the field..." Three big cards appear. "Then I'll pass." "My turn." 'Soul' draws a card and going to put a card down but the dragon glares at him, causing him to tremble. Soul points at the 'Meteor Black Comet Dragon'. "Can you stop staring at me like that?" The dragon roars at him and wants to blows him away, but lucky that he holds on the table. "What's wrong with her?" Afrien shows him her cards and says, "My deck is still on fire here. Congratulation, you trigger Red-Eyes anger. She just had enough." 'Soul' stands up and checks Afrien's graveyard. The human smiles. "Well, time to destroy that 3500 ATK beatstick." The 'Red eyes' growls at him. 'Soul' sighs. "This is the first time I am preparing to surrender with a card." "Then put your hand on your deck." Afrien smiles. "I am happy to see it." "Yeah yeah." The human puts a card on the table. "I activated 'Branded Fusion', which allows me to summon fusion cards by sending material from my deck." Afrien flips a card. "I activate 'Forbidden Dress', and wear it to my dragon." Now, 'Meteor Black Comet Dragon' is dressed in a big white dress, which makes 'Soul' laugh out loud. The human rolls on the ground while laughing. The dragon growls at him as he stops. He is holding his laugh. "This is the best scene I ever seen." Then he stands up. "Anyway, I fusion summon. Show yourself, Lubellion the Searing Dragon. (2500 Atk/3000 DEF) The boy with a sword and the man wearing a dark robe appear on the field, then they fly to the votex. After a while, a red dragon with silver wings and legs appears. "Then, I activated Lubbellion's effect. I will discard one card and fusion summoned again." The boy with a sword returns again and he climbs on the dragon and flies into the votex, then a dragon with a full body of crystals emerges. "Mirrojade the Iceblade dragon." "You do 'Dark Magician' with Albaz. How based is that?" 'Soul' gives the dragon a smirk. "Based enough to kill you in this turn, I summon the Magician's Rod." A rod appears on the ground. "I will add this card on the basis of its effect." The human shows the card named 'Souls Servant'. 'The human shows another cards. "I activate 'Magician Soul' effect. I will discard this card and send Dark Magician Girl from my deck to graveyard, then I will special summon Dark Magician from graveyard." A magic circle appears and a man in black robes jumps out. Afrien huffs. "Done yet?" "Nah, I will kill you this turn, if I am lucky enough." The human places a card on the field. "I activate 'Soul Servant'. It allow me to puts "Dark Magician" card from the top of the deck. "I'll put "Magician Salvation" on the top of my deck." 'Soul' smiles. "Then I will banish 'Soul Servant to draw two cards, because 'Dark Magician' is on the field and his student in graveyard." "Don't tell me." 'Soul' draws two more cards, then he shows a card to the dragon. "As I draw the 'Palladium Oracle Mahad' (2500 ATK/2100 DEF), I am able to special summon him when I draw him." A golden man with a white cape appears. Afrien checks her cards and grins. "Okay, come here and get me." "Sure, I activate 'Magician Salvation'. It allows me to set 'Eternal Soul' from my deck." The human smiles. "Since Meteor has that dress, I can't banish her. Fortunately, she has 2900 ATK thanks to that ridiculous dress, so... I will enter the battle phase. Mahad, attack that grumpy dragon for me." The golden man are jumping on the dragon and blast her with his rod. Afrien flips the cards. "I activate 'Rainbow Life'. I will discard one card and any damage I will take will heal me instead for the rest of this turn." "What?" Afrien shakes her head. "Mahad will double his damage when attacking dark monsters, so ... it will become 5000 ATK." Afrien : 10100 LP The man blast the dragon and the dragon was still there. The dragon explodes and the flame from it begins to burn the human. 'Soul' checks the LP and finds that he only has 3300 LP left. 'Soul' glares at Afrien. "The trap card, 'Red - eyes burn', right?" "Correct." Afrien is standing next to the giant pink card. "Both of us will take damage equal to Red - eyes monster's original ATK that just was destroyed. But since I have 'Rainbow Life', so I will increase my LP." Afrien: 13600 LP. 'Soul' sighs. "I set a card and end my turn." Afrien draws a card. She looks at the card and smiles. "I summon Gale Dogla." "What the hell?" The human tilted his head. "What are you planning to do with this?" "I activate Gale Dogla's effect. I will cost 3000 LP to send 'Red eye Dark Dragoon' from Extra Deck to graveyard." Afrien: 10600 LP. 'Soul' sighs. "You know that you can't summon him like that, right?" "I know." Afrien flips a card. "Activate the trap card 'Necro Fusion'. I will banish 'Meteor Black Comet Dragon' and 'Red Eyes Dark Dragoon' from my graveyard face down." "Wait, are you intending to summon 'Starving Venom Fusion Dragon'?" "No, summon this card." The ground is shaking and some parts are falling, creating a deep hole. After a while, a dragon lands on the field after flying from the hole. Many magic circles appear around the dragon. 'Soul' looks at the dragon with a fearful expression. The human checks the table. "Lv12 Red Eye Ultimate Mage Dragon. 5000 attack and defense. This card does not exist." Afrien grins. "It is not... but this dragon has her ultimate form. Red-Eyes, activate your effect." The black dragon roars and all of the monsters from Afrien's deck fly into the hole, then many cards come back to Afrien's deck. Afrien draws five cards from the deck. Afrien: 100 LP 'Soul' reads the 'Red-Eyes Ultimate Mage Dragon' effect. "Banish all monsters and... return all spells and traps, then draw five cards... what's kind of ..." "That's right. The only way you can take down this dragon is by battle." Afrien picks a card from her claws. "In other words, 'Kaiju', 'Super Polymeziation' or 'Underworld Godess' cannot take her down, and that is the only way I will lose. But honestly, you will lose here as well. I activated 'Red-Eyes' Memory. It will change the effects of some of 'Red- Eyes' spells and trap." 'Soul' looks at his hand. He only has 'Kaiju' monsters. "I am surprised. But if that dragon is real in my world, it will another bad card. The material is impossible" "Wise words. But if the material is more difficult, the stronger the effect it should be." Afrien plays a card. "I activate 'Red-Eyes' Insight. Thanks to 'Red-Eyes' Memory', I can send one random monsters from your deck and add a spell or trap card from my deck." 'Soul' looks at his graveyard and sees 'Ash Blossom', then he turns to Afrien, who shows her 'Inferno Fire Blast' from her claw, which terrorizes him. Afrien smiles. "The end is here. I activate 'Inferno Fire Blast'." The Red-Eyes dragon starts breathing fire, with a magic circle in front of its snout, at Soul's monsters. 'Soul' quickly flips the trap card. "I activate 'Eternal Soul'." Afrien shows him a card. "The quick play spell, 'Mystical Space Typhoon' The tornado blows away the 'Eternal Soul'. His monsters are burning away, leaving him alone with a trap card. but that trap card cannot work. "I activate Palladium Oracle Mahad's effect activate." "The quickplay spell, 'Call by the grave'. I will banish him and negate his effect." A hand comea from the ground and takes Palladium Oracle Mahad away. 'Soul' stares at the Red- Eyes dragon. "I... lost." "But this loss will be painful." 'Soul' tilts his head and many magic circles flying to him, then thehare blast him. After a while, Red-Eyes dragon is disappear with a satisfied face. Afrien walks closer to the human. "With the change of ' Red- Eyes' Memory', it changes 'Inferno Fire Blast' as well." 'Soul' gets up. He rubs his head and says, "At least I won't have to face that dragon. She scares me to death. Anyway, can I go back to my world in one day?" "No." Afrien shakes her head. "Anyway, I will give you a blessing for giving me a fun time." "What is it?" Afrien smiles. "Allow you to walk on two legs." 'Soul' waves his hands. "No way, that's the most ridiculous blessing I've ever heard." A white orb envelops him. "And why is the blessing so painful?" As Afrien touches the human, her claw shines brightly. The human turns into a yellow orb and flees. Afrien sits on the chair and smiles at the sky. "Welcome to the new world." > New world, but old dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail in front of the room of the Hospital of Ponyville. She sits on a chair with her friends waiting for her. Several black liquids are dripping from her eyes as she is still crying A doctor is coming out and making an announcement. "Who is Sweetie Bell's relative?" The white unicorn tries to smile at him. "It's me, Doc. How is my little sister?" "I have good news and bad news." The doctor coughs. "The good news is your little sister is alive and she seems recovered." The white unicorn is happy. She jumps around and wants to come in, but an orange earth pony with a cowboy hat stops the white unicorn, then she asks. "How about the bad news?" The doctor sighs. "The bad news is... she seems to have lost her memory. She is doing some weird thing right now." The white unicorn asks. "What... what's kind of weird?" "Like she is standing by two backhooves perfectly." The white unicorn hears that and walks into the room. She sees her sister are lying on the bed and watches the roof. Her friend is following her. The white unicorn is trying to ask. "Sweetie Belle?" Sweetie Belle looks at her sister, the she asks. "Eh... who are you?" She is embraced tightly by the white unicorn and she is crying. Sweetie Belle is trying to escape the hug but she can't. The white unicorn's friends look at each other, then they leave the hospital to leave them alone. After five minutes, the white unicorn releases Sweetie Belle. "I'm glad you are fine." "But... who are you?" Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "And where am I?" The white unicorn smiles. "I'm glad you're still alive." The white unicorn introduces. "I'm your big sister, Rarity." "Uh..." Sweetie Belle points at the card. "And why are you bringing a card to a hospital?" "Oh... I will show you." Rarity's horn is shining and the card is spinning in the air. A big bean with hands and feet appears after a while. Sweetie Bell is amazed by this. The little filly tries to touch the bean and it feels bouncy. Sweetie Belle looks at the card and sees it is called 'Jelly Bean Man'. The filly looks at thr white unicorn. "So... you summon this... bean?" "I do. Everyone can do it." Rarity kisses Sweetie Belle's forehead. "I'm glad you can make it." "What's... happening?" "You... you fell from the fifth floor." Rarity sighs in sadness. "I thought I had lost you." Sweetie Belle pats her forehead. "I... need to go home. I want to remember all of this." Rarity nods. "Let me talk to the doctor. I'll be back." Sweetie Belle sighs in relief and looks at her hooves. She whispers. "So... I'm Sweetie Belle... in a world of horses? Now I know why Afrien gave me that ridiculous enchantment." The filly looks at the jelly bean and smiles. "At least I can avoid that grumpy dragon. Otherwise, she would scare me to death." She rubs her face. Rarity walks into the room and smiles. Immediately, Sweetie Belle lies in bed. Rarity smiles. "We can go home, Sweetie." Sweetie Bell nods and she stands up. The little filly starts to walk by two back hooves. Rarity stops her. "Now Sweetie, where did you learn to walk like that?" Sweetie Belle smiles nervously and tries to go back to four hooves. "Eh... I don't know." The white filly tries to walk but she stumbles. Rarity unsummons the jelly bean and starts carrying her little one home. The filly blushes. "Come on, I can walk by myself." Her sister denies. "Nah ah ah. You're still tired. I will take you home." Sweetie Belle is looking around her home. Mannequins are wearing clothes all over the place. The filly is amazed at how well-made these clothes are. Rarity walks into the bedroom and puts her sister into her bed, then she kisses her little sister's forehead. "Sleep well." "You too." The white unicorn leaves the room. Sweetie Bell jumps out of the bed and walks around the room. She sees a book with a lock on it and a key next to it. Sweetie Belle opens it and finds out that there is a deck. The white unicorn starts looking at the deck and sees that many of the monster cards are changed from humans to ponies. As the white filly puts the deck on the table, she thinks, 'New world, new art work.' She then looks at the deck, "This is... GOAT deck." She shuffles all the cards and returns to the book. "Nah... I don't want to duel anymore. I want to learn magic. Nevertheless... since all ponies walk on four hooves. So..." The white filly jumps out of the chair and starts practicing walking on four hooves, but she stumbles on the ground a lot. She stands up and does it again and again. Rarity knocks on the door to call her little sister, but no one answers. As the white unicorn opens the door, she sees her sister sleeping on the ground. Rarity giggles and takes the picture, then wakes her little sister up. Sweetie Belle yawns and looks around. She sees her big sister and rubs her head. "Ugh... I overslept?" "You did." Rarity giggles. "Anyway, it's time for breakfast." To wash herself, the white filly walks over to the bathroom. The filly sees a stallion with many arrows inserted into his body after taking a bath. Sweetie feels familiar about this stallion. The filly looks at the ground if anything is dropped on the ground. She sees a card on the ground and picks it up. The stallion is disappearing. "Sweetie." The filly yelps and turns around. Her sister are shaking her head right and left. "Did you see our guest?" Sweetie Belle shows the card to her big sister. "Is this your guest?" Rarity turns away and blushes. "Uh yeah... I need him to try on some clothes. But how did you know? You never saw him before." "Because that... uhmm... pony is familiar to me." Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "I just...." Rarity nods. "I see. My apologies for not telling you about him sooner. Anyway, you should eat breakfast. Today is the most important day." Sweetie Belle tilts her head. "What day is it?" "Finish your breakfast and I will show you." Sweetie Belle nods and eats her breakfast. As soon as she finishes her breakfast, Rarity leads her to the middle of the town and enters the building, then she proceeds to the basement of the building. There is a crystal ball in the middle of the basement, surrounded by many fillies and colts. The white filly is curious and asks. "What is this place?" This is where you get your first monster." Sweetie Belle doesn't understand what her sister means. Her eyes are fixed on the crystal ball as the colt walks on stage and touches the crystal ball. The crystal ball is shining bright and a stallion with a big shield standing in front of him. Everyone inside is amazed by him. Rarity glees at that stallion. "Did you see that stallion, Sweetie Belle? He looks so strong." "Yeah... but I guess that he is 'Big Shield Gadna'." The white filly rubs her head. "A... strong card, I guess." "How did you know? You have not even met him." Sweetie Belle smiles nervously. "Eh .. dejavu?" The white unicorn sighed. "Next time, just don't guess the name like that." Sweetie Belle is trying to say something, but an orange pegasus comes to hug her tightly. "Sweetie Belle, I'm glad you are okay." The white filly tries to get out of her hug. "What... who are you?" The orange pegasus is trying to ask more but Rarity pulls her out. The white unicorn begins explaining that her sister is losing some of memory. The orange pegsus understands and walks to Sweetie Belle. "Uh... sorry about that?" "I'm fine." Sweetie Belle notices something on her head. She looks carefully and sees a pink creature with a peanut shape in its mouth upside down. The white filly asks. "Is that 'Mashmallon'?" "You know him?" The orange pegasus picks him "Yep. It is my 'Mashmallon'. How can you know him even if I haven't introduced him yet?" "Uhmm... just lucky." The orange pegasus jumps and flaps her little wings. "My name is Scootalloo. Nice to meet you." The white filly gets up. Suddenly, she sees a yellow pony with a red mane and hair looking at her with curiosity. She also has a red bow on her head. The pony asks. "Sweetie Bell, you should not come out here." Sweetie Belle points at Rarity and says, "But my sister told me to come here. After I detected her card. But who are you?" "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle smiles and responds, but Rarity calls her to summon a monster. The white filly steps onto the stage. She looks at the crystal balls, and she is not sure about this. "Look, Sweetie Belle is going to summon something lame." Says the pink filly with a tiara on her head. The other fillies are laughing at her. Sweetie Belle turns away and starts touching the crystal ball. Suddenly, a flame runs inside, and a magic circle appears on the ground. The ground is shaking and everyone is in a state of panic. A big black dragon with red eyes slowly rises from the magic circle. The dragon glares at Sweetie Belle. "We meet again, outsider." Then the dragon speards its wings and roars, blow the white filly away. > Class and... Dragons? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle is slammed into the wall due to the force of the roar. When the white filly is going to fall down, Rarity manages to catch her with a leviation spell. Sweetie Belle coughs and watches the black dragon laugh at her. Everyone inside the room had to hide behind the chair because the black dragon still had the fire aura around them. The dragon looks at the white filly. "What's wrong? Too scare to move?" Sweetie Belle walks toward the dragon but her sister tries to stop her. Rariry shakes her head. "Please don't. That dragon will eat you alive." Sweetie Belle ignores her sister and walks toward the dragon. As the black dragon roars at her, she stands still. The black dragon grins. "What can you do, adorable filly?" When Sweetie Belle raises her hoof, a card appears. The white filly looks at the card, then throws it at the black dragon. The black dragon is getting smaller and smaller until she becomes a baby dragon. Rarity is amazed at that. "How... how can you do that?" Sweetie Belle tries to pick the black dragon up. The black dragon smacks her hoof and lies on her back. The white filly answers. "You don't know about this dragon, sister?" "No... but it's terrified. But how can you make it small like that?" "That's 'Red Eyes Black Dragon'. A dragon that doesn't know what to do in her life." Sweetie giggles and she gets a smack from her dragon. Sweetie Belle glares at the dragon. "The card I just threw is called "Red-Eyes Baby Dragon." "I... how can you know about her?" "Just my instincts." Rarity hugs her sister. "Please don't do that again." Sweetie Belle is stunted by the hug, then she hugs her back in return. Red Eyes shakes her head and lies on the white filly's head. Rarity releases her sister and smiles. Sweetie Belle looks around and sees everyone looking at her. A white filly is embraced by the orange pegasus and yellow pony. The white filly is struggling to breathe. After a while, the duo released her. The orange pegasus throws her forehooves. "That was awesome, Sweetie Belle. You manage to change a big dragon into a small dragon like this." "I'm just lucky." Sweetie Belle looks at the black dragon. "Ugh. I am going to live with this grumpy dragon forever." "You can turn it into a card. Here, I can show you." Apple Bloom shows her a fluffy ball, then puts her hoof on it. Slowly, the fluffy ball is transforming into a card. Sweetie Bell is amazed at this. She turns to Red-Eyes and tries to put her hoof on the dragon. When the hoof touches the black dragon, nothing happens. The white filly rolls her eyes. "I think I should research more cards for this dragon." Applebloom tilts her head. "Like what?" "Like where can I get 'Rokket' cards?" Applebloom and Scootaloo look at each other in confusion. Rarity coughs. "Anyway, don't you three have a class after this activity?" Scootallo jumps high, then she takes her scooter and runs to school. Applebloom is running outside. Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "Eh... can I not return to school? I... don't know where is the school?" "I'll lead you there." Rarity points at herself. "Let's go." Sweetie Belle grumbles and follows Rarity to school. Red Eyes giggle at that. Their arrival at the school takes fifteen minutes. Rarity leaves Sweetie Belle there. Rarity leaves her sister there. The white filly is walking around to looking for her class. Suddenly, something smashed into her face. The white filly takes it off and sees a dragon with white, black and red scale. Sweetie Belle turns at Red Eyes. "What do you know? A more useful dragon is in my hand... or hoof in this case." Despite her protests, Red Eyes ignores her and keeps leaning on her back instead. The dragon with three colors scale starts lying on her head and rest there. Sweetie Belle grumbles and keeps looking for her class. A purple scale with a green spike on his head to tail runs toward her. "Sweetie Belle. Oh Celestia, thank you for taking care of my dragon." Sweetie Belle picks up the small dragon. "You mean this 'Eclipse Wyvern'?" "How did you know? Well..." the purple dragon rubs his head and blushes. "This dragon keeps flying away from me." Sweetie Belle tilts her head. "Anyway, who are you?" "I'm Spike, don't you remember?" Spike slaps his claw. "Ah... I forgot that you had an accident. How do you feel right now?" "Uh... just fine. I am looking for my class." Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "Can you... show me?" "Sure." Spike leads Sweetie Belle to her class. Inside the class, there is a purple alicorn writing something on the board while teaching the student. Sweetie Belle looks at the board and sees that it is a duel table, but there are only three monster zones and three spell/ trap zone, with extra monster zone. Sweetie Belle takes her seat and lies on the table. This lesson teaches how to tribute summons. According to Twilight, only level four and below monsters can normal summon. Level five and six require one monster to tribute, while level seven and above require two monsters to be tributed. The purple alicorn taps her hoof. "Does everypony understand?" All of the filly and colts inside say 'yes'. The purple alicorn sees Sweetie Belle is sleeping on the table while using Red Eyes for the pillow. The purple alicorn walks to the white filly and wakes her up. She yawns as she sees the purple alicorn looking at her with serious intent. The purple alicorn coughs. "Sweetie Belle, you shouldn't sleep like that." Sweetie Belle turns away and rubs Red Eyes on the table. Spike sighs. "You should pay more attention to class, Sweetie Bell. Twilight doesn't like someone sleeping in her class." Sweetie Belle yawns. "Oh, I'm sorry about that " Twilight claps her hooves. "All right everypony, follow me. We will go to the monster room and make a deck. We will duel in there." Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes and she follows the fillies and colts. While walking inside the room, there are plenty of monsters flying around. The white filly looks around the room in amazed. Suddenly, all of dragons are looking at her, make her turns away. "You like to be a center?" Red Eyes grins. "Right?" "Did Afrien put some curse on me? If not, why do all the Wyrm- and Dragon-type monsters look at me? I hate this you know." As Twilight flies to the stage, she announces that them all have one hour to build their decks. Sweetie Belle looks at the shelves of cards and doesn't know what to do next. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom walk towards her. Apple Bloom asks. "So, have you decided which deck to build yet?" Her eyes flicker among the cards and she drinks some orange juice in response. "Eh... no." Sweetie Belle replies. "A deck of forty cards is not an easy thing to build." Scootaloo tilts her head. "Forty? Eh... we only use twenty cards." Sweetie Belle spills her drink and coughs. In the white filly's mind, she does not believe that she must duel with twenty cards. The white filly asks. "Do we have a name for this... 'skill' or something?" "Yes." Applebloom is putting some cards in her deck. "You can choose one of them." Sweetie Belle rubs her head. The thing is so difficult when she has to duel with only twenty cards. Scootaloo points at Red Eyes. "You may ask this dragon for some cards." The white filly picks up Red Eyes. Staring into the dragon's eyes, she doesn't want to use her cards at all. Red Eyes throws her a card into Sweetie Belle's face. "You can use this." Sweetie Belle pulls the card out and sees it is 'Red Eyes Fusion'. Sweetie Belle glares at the black dragon. "You already know how terrible this fusion spell is, right?" The black dragon breathes fire at her. Sweetie Belle has to duck to dodge. In addition to this dragon. The black dragon drags the white filly away. Sweetie Belle tries to resist but due to the strength of the dragon, she is being dragged. The black dragon drags the white filly into an empty space. Sweetie Belle grumbles and stands up. She sees many dragons staring at her. "Okay, what is this?" "These are... the monsters that will become part of your deck." Explains Red Eyes. "You can pick as many of them as you want." "But why? Why all of the dragons are coming to me, not anyone else?" "Ask yourself." Red Eyes points at the white filly. "Now build a deck. These dragons will help you find the card you want." Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes as she starts building a deck. Thanks to the dragons, the deck will be finished soon. > Hand... Hoof Ripping deck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fillies and colts leave the room with some teachers. They are lining up. Those who wish to challenge others to duel can do so. Rarity and her friends are standing beside the wall to watch them to duel. The white unicorn looks around and doesn't see her sister. Spike points at himself. "I will find her. Don't worry." Rarity nods and the purple dragon runs inside to find the white filly. When he walks through the school library, his dragon suddenly appears andflies away. Spike issurprisedd and starts chasing it. When the three-colors scale dragon flies into a corner, Spike stops and breathes heavily. The purple dragon sees Sweetie Belle is sitting in the middle of the dragons while reading a book with a black dragon. Spike looks around and feels nervous. The white filly notices him and asks. "Oh hi Spike, what are you doing here?" Spike rubs his head. "Well... the duel is starting and you should come there." Sweetie Belle lies on the table and says, "Eh...Can I lie here, please?" "No... anyway, how is your deck?" "I build three decks for different situation." Sweetie Belle leans on the chair and picks up the black dragon. "One for this grumpy dragon, one for... newbies, and one for the "not everyone can have fun' thing." "Oh... I thought you would only build one deck... like the other Sweetie Belle waves her front hoof. "Nah. I just want to lie here. Anyway Spike, you have one of the most powerful dragons." "This one?" Spike shakes his head. "Nah... I can only play with my 'Eclispe dragon', not duel with her." "Oh, what a shame!" Sweetie Belle stands up. "With a dragon link deck, that dragon will be a nightmare for your opponent." "Dragon what?" "Dragon Link." Sweetie Belle tilts her head. "Have you heard about the Link Monster?" Spike shakes his head. "No, I never heard about Link Monster." "Wait, what about Albaz?" "Hmm...'Albaz'... I saw some of the duelists use them." Spike rubs his head. "But link monsters... I've never heard about this kind of monster." Sweetie Belle facehooves and lies on the table. The filly is hopeless when she can't help Red Eyes be better than this. After a while, Sweetie Belle stands up and follows Spike to the dueling spot. There are already many duels in progress when the duo enters the dueling room. Sweetie Belle looks around but finds nothing interesting. She looks for Applebloom and Scootaloo. Spike points at the yellow filly, who duel with a light pink filly with a tiara. Sweetie Belle runs to her and watches her battle. Unlike the pink filly, the yellow filly has only two ponies on the field, whereas the pink filly has many flowers around it. Sweetie Belle huffs. "Apple Bloom will lose this time." Spike turns to her. "Why? I see Diamond Tiara's LP is lower than Applebloom." "Life Points may matter to other decks. But not the Aroma deck. I see Diamond Tiara is already set up her spell and trap. If Applebloom attacks her with that monster, she will be down." Sweetie Belle pats Spike's back. "Watch." Appleboom draws a card, then commands her monster to attack Diamond Tiara directly. The pink filly smiles. "I activate 'Aroma Gardening'' effect. When you attack me while my LP is lower than you, I can special summon one 'Aroma' monster from my deck." A big flower appears in Diamond's Tiara's field. The flower is opening and a light red stallion with flower staffs is stepping down to the field. Applebloom is surprised as Diamond Tiara's LP increases. A wind came from a card and destroyed her monsters. Applebloom has to end her turn. Diamond Tiara draws a card and summons a light blue pegasus, then commands both to attack Applebloom directly. Spike is surprised while Sweetie Belle stands up and smiles. "Told you." Sweetie Belle and Spike walk towards Applebloom. Applebloom stands up. "Aww... I lost again." Sweetie Belle looks at Diamond Tiara, who cheers for herself with the silver pony, then she turns back to Applebloom. "Can I see your deck?" Applebloom gives her the deck. "How is it going Sweetie Belle? I am so worried when you are dragged by your dragon." "I'm fine. I will get used to it soon." Sweetie Belle gives Applebloom back the deck. "And you build a terrible deck." "What? Really?" Sweetie Belle will explain more but a voice comes from behind cut her. "Oh look, the yellow blank flank is lost again." Sweetie turns around and sees that pink pony again. The pink pony points at the white filly. "And you next, Sweetie Belle. I hope you are ready to lose." Sweetie Belle turns away and ignores her. Diamond Tiara keeps standing in front of her while she sits with Applebloom and fixes her deck. Sweetie Belle sighs. "What?" "Didn't you hear me? I challenge you to a duel." Sweetie Belle sighs and stands up. "Fine. I will duel you. But only one duel." Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara are standing next to each other. Both of them shuffle their decks. The pink filly giggles. "Don't cry when it's over, blank flank." Sweetie Belle ignores her and shuffles Diamond Tiara's deck, then gives it to her. The pink filly gives back her deck, then they walks to the table. The duo start putting their deck. As soon as Rarity and her friends see Sweetie Belle, they run to her stage with Scootaloo. The orange pegasus cheers her friend "Get her Sweetie Belle." The blue pegasus with rainbow mane giggles as Scootaloo glares at her. "Not cool Rainbow Dash." "Yeah. You should be better than that." "Focus please. We are watching a duel." Sweetie Belle: 4000 LP Diamond Tiara: 5000 LP. Sweetie Bell and Diamond Tiara start drawing four cards. Diamond Tiara smiles. "I will start first. I activate the field spell, 'Aroma Garden'." A garden appears around the pink filly. Diamond Tiara smiles, "then I summon 'Aromagd Jasmine'." A white filly with white mane appears. "Then I activate my garden's effect, I will gain 500 LP and all of my monster gain 500 ATK and DEF when I have 'Aromage' monster on the field." Diamond Tiara: 5500 LP Sweetie Belle checks her extra deck. Rarity yells at her. "Focus Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle sighs and puts her extra deck back. Diamond Tiara taps on her card. "When I gain LP, 'Aromage Jasmine' help me draw a card." The pink filly draw a card and grunt. "I activated the continuing spell, 'Aroma Gardening'." The pink filly grins and looks at the white filly. Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "You are holding bad hands, right? Your 'LP boost α' skill won't save you." "What!?" Diamond Tiara is shocked, and also the main six. Diamond Tiara grunts. "How dare you! When my LP is higher than yours, I can have extra normal summon, thanks to 'Aromage Jasmine." The pink filly puts the card on her board. "I tributed my monster to summon 'Aromage Bergamot' (2400 ATK/ 1800 DEF). 'Aroma Gardening' will gain me 1000 LP when an aromage is summoned, and 'Aromage Bergamot will increasing 1000 ATK and DEF when I gain LP." Diamond Tiara: 6500 LP. A red stallion carrying a staff lands on the stage. The flowers are blooming and the stallion's staff is on fire. Currently, his attack is at 3900 ATK. Rarity is surprised. "How... how can she do that?" "Uhmm..." the yellow pegasus smiles nervously. "I taught her to do that." "Fluttershy? Why?" The blue pegasus faces the yellow pegasus. "You should know Diamond Tiara is a terrible filly." Fluttershy hides her face behind her mane. "Umm... but she bet me yesterday so I have to teach her." Rarity sighs. "How can my little sister beat that 3900 ATK monster?" Rarity looks at her little sister in a worried expression. Sweetie Belle draws a card and yawn. "I set three cards on the field and passed." The stallion staff are not burning anymore. Diamond Tiara laughs and draws a card. "You done, Sweetie Belle. I activate 'Aroma Garden' effect." The garden blooms again and some strange smoke appears The smoke decreases the pink filly's LP when it touches her. Diamond Tiara: 6000 LP. Diamond Tiara is shocked. "What.. what's happening? Why is my LP decreasing?" "Do you like to take your own medicine?" Sweetie Belle asked as she leans on the flipped card. "Check out my continued trap, "Bad Reaction of Simochi', every time you gains LP, it will deal you damage instead." Diamond grits her teeth. "Fine. 'Aromage Bergamot' will attack you." The stallion rushes at the filly, but two large statues are standing in his way. Diamond Tiara is surprised. As one of the statues shoots the beam at 'Aroma Gardening', it is destroyed. Sweetie Belle smiles. "The continues trap, Statue of Anguish Pattern (level 7, 0 ATk/ 2500 DEF). It will become a monster when activated, and if I summon a monster(s) from the spell/ trap zone to the monster zone, I can destroy one of your cards on the field." Diamond Tiara looks down at the field and ends her turn. The main six is amazed about her dueling. "Impressive." A voice from behind turns the main six around. They see a white stallion with yellow mane and tail are standing and watches Sweetie Belle. He stands with a guard. "Most young duelists will give up when faced with a high ATK monster, but this filly can handle it without trouble." Rarity's eyes are bright and she removes the paper. "Oh Salmon Hook, please sign this." "Sure lady." The stallion signs for her and smiles. "This one is for you." Rarity is falling down as her friends have to catches her. Salmon Hook turns to his guard. "You... after this duel, I want to duel with her without holding back." The guard nods and pulls out the deck. The main six is confused and wants to question her, but the stallion raises his hoof to stop her. When Sweetie Belle draws a card, the statues become yellow orbs and fly. As a circle appears, a black dragon with metal scales emerges from the hole with two yellow orbs. Diamond Tiara and the main six are shocked when they see that dragon. Rarity watches the dragon amazed. "X..Xyz summon. How?" Salmon Hoof smiles. "That's why I said 'not holding back'. She can summon a rank seven monster, that means this filly is not normal." Sweetie Belle glares at the dragon. "Hey, I am not summoning you. Why are you here?" Red Eyes laughs. "Come on, I want to scare this filly so much. Look at her." Sweetie Belle sighs and puts a spell card on the field. A black hole appears and destroys 'Aromage Bermagot'. Diamond quickly puts her hoof on the deck and all things on the stage disappear. Red Eyes returns as a baby dragon. The pink filly then runs away and cries. Sweetie Belle steps down from the stage. She is embraced tightly by Applebloom and Scootaloo. Applebloom rubs her face into Sweetie Belle's chest. "You did it Sweetie Belle." "That's normal." The white stallion with golden hair comes to her and asks. "You are Sweetie Belle, right?" The white filly nods. The stallion smiles. "Could you please duel with me one time?" Scootallo and Applebloom release her and stand beside her. Sweetie Belle looks at him for a while, then agrees. "Maybe one more duel is okay for me." The stallion nods. "Good, I'm Salmon Hook, by the way." He prepares her deck and goes to the stage. Sweetie Belle takes out another deck and checks. She sees Rarity's face. Sweetie Belle jumps out of the chair. "Rarity, what are you doing here?" "You know you are dueling with Salmon Hook, right? Please show him some respect, Sweetie Belle?" "Respect? Yeah, I will." Rarity will explain about Salmon Hook but the stallion calls her for a hurry. Sweetie Belle walks on stage. Sweetie Belle and Salmon Hook starts shuffling their deck with each other. The white stallion looks at the white filly as he feels something strange about her. Sweetie Belle gives him his deck while Salmon gives her back her deck. Salmon smiles. "I will make you go first." Sweetie Belle nods. "Then don't regret that decision." Sweetie Belle: 4000 LP Salmon Hook: 4000 LP Sweetie Belle puts down a card. "I summoned 'Fortune Lady Light' (lv1)." A mare with a light staff appears. The white filly puts down a spell card. "I activate 'Fortune Calling' to special summon 'Fortune Lady Past' (lv1) from my deck." A mare with mage custome appears to the field. "Fortune Lady huh?" Salmon nods. "I can destroy them with my cards." Sweetie Belle smiles. "Oh... if you even have cards on your hand." The mage made the mare with the light staff disappear. Through the effect of 'Fortune Lady Past', I banish 'Fortune Lady Light' and it gained one level. 'Fortune Lady Light' summons a "Fortune Lady" from my deck when being banished. Take to the field, 'Fortune Lady Water' (lv4)." A mare with blue custome mage appears. Sweetie Belle stretches her body. " 'Fortune Lady Water' (lv4) allows me to draw two cards when special summoned." The main six is amazed when Sweetie Belle plays like that. Spike asks. "How... how can she play like that? Last time I remember she couldn't." "I... don't know." Rarity rubs her head. "And I don't know what she'll do with those monsters." Sweetie Belle smiles. "I use 'Fortune Lady Past' and 'Fortune Lady Water to synchro summon. Come forth, Stardust Charger Warrior." A big stallion with armor land on the field. Sweetie Belle draws a card and shows a spell card. "I activate 'De-Synchro' to return the synchro monster and summon back 'Fortune Lady Past' and 'Fortune Lady Water'." Sweetie Belle draws two more cards. "I activate 'Fortune's Future'. Using this card, I can send the banished "Fortune Lady" back to the graveyard and draw two cards from the deck." Sweetie Belle draws two cards. Salmon Hook is confused about her dueling. "What are you planning? You draw cards like that?" "I activate 'Double Summon', then 'Reload,' then shuffle all of my cards from my hand, and draw the same card." Sweetie Belle starts drawing her cards back. "I activate 'Ruthless Denial', I will send 'Fortune Lady Past' to the graveyard and it will send one of your cards from your hand to the graveyard." "What!?" Salmon looks at his hoof and sees he only has three cards. Checking his graveyard, his 'Kuriboh' is already there. "You can do that?" Sweetie Belle ignores him. "I banished 'Fortune Lady Past' to special summon 'Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight'." A stallion with black and white knight armor appears from the field. "By banishing the dark monster, he can banish one of your cards from your hand face down until the end of your turn." The armored stallion throws the sword and it stucks one of Salmon's cards and plugs into the ground. Salmon looks at Sweetie Belle. "You...are not joking." "I summon 'Fortune Lady Past', then I activate the equip spell, 'Wonder Wand' to 'Fortune Lady Past'. It will gain 500 ATK for a spellcaster type monster." Sweetie Belle puts her hoof on the deck. "I activate 'Wonder Wand's effect. I can send the equipped monster to the graveyard and draws two card." Sweetie Belle draws two more card. "Banishing 'Fortune Lady Dark, I special summon another 'Black Bluster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight." Another black and white armored stallion appears, and a sword stucks into a card from Salmon's hoof. The main six, Applebloom and Scootaloo are amazed about Sweetie Belle's dueling. Many teachers watch Sweetie Belle without a blink. Rainbow Dash swings her hoof. "That... was amazing. How could she do that?" Twilight glares at her. "Focus Rainbow Dash, she is not done for her first turn." Sweetie Belle shows a card. "I activated 'Ruthless Denial', I will send 'Fortune Lady Water' to the graveyard and send your last card to the graveyard." Salmon is surprised and has no card now. Sweetie Belle's horn glowing. "I activate my skill, "Mind of the dragon" and end my turn." Salmon checks his graveyard and sees that all of your banished cards are gone. The stallion draws a card, then sighs and puts his hoof on the deck. "Congratulations, you win. Your combo is massive." The monsters on the stage are all gone. Sweetie Belle looks at his graveyard. "You are going with 'Resonator', aren't you?" "You know my deck too." Salmon smiles. "I hope we can meet again, Sweetie Belle." Then he jumps out the stage and leaves the room. Sweetie Belle turns around and sees many ponies looking at her. She is asked about dueling by all of them. Red Eyes quickly flies to her and teleports away, leaving the confused ponies in the room. > After the class > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle watches from the roof as many ponies look for her. The white filly hides inside the box to ensure no pegasus can detect her. Red Eyes yawns and asks. "Why are you hiding?" "I... overdid it. The lesson is about normal summoning and tribute summoning." Sweetie Belle glares at the black dragon. "Thanks for your summoning, Red Eyes. Your Xyz version helps me go inside this box." Red Eyes glares back. "And the deck that rips anyone's hand, too. If I show you where Trisula is, you will overdo it again. It's a good thing the school doesn't have that brainless dragon." Sweetie Belle takes a peak at the box and sees a blue pegasus flapping near her, making a strong gust against it. "Meh, in a field with only four zones to place monsters, it is impossible to rip all the cards." Sweetie Belle holds the box firmly. "Anyway, where did you learn magic? I thought you only use fire." Red Eyes points at herself. "I learned from my best friend, Mahad." Sweetie Belle tilts her head in confusion, then hugs her. Red Eyes pushes the white filly away. "I'm not willing to teach you magic with that cutie face." Sweetie Belle looks away and watches the ground. The main six are still looking for her. Sweetie Belle is returning to the box. "I wish I could return to lose that duel" "Well, at least you are doing right as a duelist." Red Eyes lands on Sweetie Belle's back. "No holding back to show respect to your opponent." A sudden whirlwind occurred, and the box flew away. The white filly finds somewhere to hide but some hooves wrap around her body and flying high. Sweetie Belle is struggling to escape. "Please let me go." "That's so cool, Sweetie Belle." The white filly looks behind and sees Rainbow Dash holding her. "I never thought you were so talented at dueling." "Well... it's nothing. Anyone can do that." Sweetie Belle looks down. "Can you bring me to my home? I want to rest for a while." "No, you don't." Rainbow Dash puts her face close to the white filly. "You have to tell me where you can duel like that." Something suddenly bites Rainbow Dash's tail, causing her to drop the white filly. Sweetie Belle yells while falling to the ground, but lands on something. The white filly stands up and sees the black dragon in big form. The dragon flies to the Carousel Boutique, then changes size again. After running inside, Sweetie Belle locks the door to her home. "Okay, this is ridiculous." Sweetie Belle breathes hard. "Thanks for saving me, Red Eyes. Ugh... you should have a name." "I have a name." Red Eyes throws a card. "That name is Red Eyes." "That's your eyes' color." Counters Sweetie Belle. The filly sighs and wakes in a room. "Anyway, I think we should find... a Dark Magician." As Red Eyes pats Sweetie Belle's head, she asks, "With no card or deck?nBeside, Mahad is not easy." Sweetie Belle sighs and lies on the bed. She closes her eyes and sleeps. Red Eyes shakes her head and reads a book. Then a knock on the door interrupts them. Sweetie Belle sighs and opens the door, she sees the purple dragon. Spike asks. "Where did you disappear?" "This dragon..." Sweetie Belle catches Red Eyes in the air. "Teleport me." Red Eyes bite her front hooves, make the white filly release her. Spike takes 'Eclipse Dragon' and sighs. "Honestly, I think you can help with this one." "I can't. Not without... uhmm...." Sweetie Belle turns to the black dragon. "Hey Red Eyes, can I meet 'Chaos Ruler'? Red Eyes retorts. "That dragon? No way will I ever meet him again." Sweetie Belle sighs and turns to Spike. "See. I can't help you. This dragon refuses to help me." Spike nods. "I see. But who is 'Chaos Ruler'?" Sweetie Belle inquired. Spike sighs in defeat. "I wish I could be a better duelist. Guess I will be an assistant forever in library." Sweetie Belle rubs her chin and thinks for a moment, then she smiles. "How about you bring me some books? I can help you be a better duelist." "Can you?" "Maybe... I'm not sure." Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "I wish that I have a deck." "You can go to the card shop." Spike points outside. "They sell some of the packs there." Sweetie Belle whispers. "Those gachas will be a pain my ass." "What did you say?" "Nothing." Sweetie Belle pushes the baby dragon outside. "Lead the way Spike, I want to see the store." Spike is confused but he leads the white filly to the card shop. Rarity and others meet inside the tree. The tree is also a library called Golden Oak. Rainbow Dash huffs and sits on the sofa. "I don't believe her dragon is so annoyed. It literally bites my tail." "Because you caught her in the air?" Twilight glares at Rainbow, then turns away. "Anyway, did you see where Sweetie Belle went?" "Her dragon took her home, after changing big." "Big? You mean transform?" Rainbow nods. "Yeah. It is a black dragon." Twilight rubs her chin. "Hmm... Rarity, Sweetie Belle can't duel like that?" "No..." Rarity shakes her head. "Just last week, she struggled to understand how to tribute summoning." "Are you kidding me? Her opponent doesn't have a chance to return." Rainbow Dash slams the table. "That's 'Fortune Lady' combo is insane, you know." "And those monsters are for the lesson one month later." Counters Twilight. "But I haven't seen anyone make their hoof empty like that." Rarity nods. "I can see that." Rarity looks around and notices Sweetie Belle and Spike together. When the duo walks into the card shop, the white unicorn notices them. She turns to her friend. "Anyway, since Sweetie Belle doesn't have any deck, how about you help me buy some?" Twilight asks. "Uhmm... what about her dragon? I bet she has a hold deck about that black dragon." "No... she refuses to use her dragon." Rarity shakes her head. "I don't know why." "Let's go." Twilight gleams as she leaves the library. "I am quite curious about Sweetie Belle. Now is the right time to know about her." "But ya' don't want her to see you two." The orange pony with cowboy hat shakes her head. " Ah' not gonna be happy." "Come on Applejack. You can't expect what she builds." Rarity rolls her eyes. She and her friends wear a coat and hat to ensure Sweetie Belle won't recognize her. Sweetie Belle looks around the card store. There are plenty of cards displayed, and some are inside the box. Sweetie Belle wishes she had money to buy them. She turns to the purple dragon and sees that he is looking at the golden box. Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes and walks around to see a good card. When she is walking around the store, a blue mare with a yellow mane stops her and asks. "Hello cute filly, what can I do for you?" Sweetie Belle asks. "Do you have a spell card named 'The Claw of Hermos'?" Red Eyes wraps around Sweetie Belle's neck and pull her back. Sweetie Belle grins. "What's wrong? I thought you like it." Red Eyes shakes her head and crosses her claws. "No. I don't want to make a sword from my scale. That's really painful." she replied. "That feeling is never pleasant." The mare answers. "Sorry, small filly. That card has been hard to find lately." The mare takes out a box. "How about you buy this structure deck?" Sweetie Belle looks at the box. The picture on the box shows a unicorn wearing a robe and holding a scepter. The white filly looks at the mare with a bored look. The mare looks at the box and grasps. She takes it back and shows another box have a rat is holding a sword on it. Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "Sorry, I'm not interesting." "Aww... why not? 'Beaver Warrior' is cute." "Not cute for me." Sweetie Belle just ignores her and continues to walk inside. Suddenly, she feels something behind her. The white filly looks behind her and sees no one there. Sweetie Belle turns around and wanders the store. The blue mare giggles and watches the filly. "Interesting. Red Eyes really knows how to choose someone." The blue mare turns around and continues her business. > Relax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle sits on the sofa and breathes heavily. This card shop is too extensive for her sizeable body to go around. The white filly takes a book but six black coat ponies watch her. The white filly quickly talks to the shop guard about those ponies. When the white filly returns to her spot, she sees Spike opening the golden tin. Sweetie Belle jumps on the sofa and asks. "So, what do you get?" "Oh, Sweetie Belle." Spike rubs his head. "Just some good cards." "Spike, your tin is not open yet." Spike looks at the box and sees many packs. The green dragon opens the tin, and take many cards from it. Sweetie Belle whispers to Red Eyes. "I'm gonna ask, did you know Black Luster Soldier?" "A bit." Red Eyes huffs. "I don't know much about him." The black dragon takes a monster card. "And I have an allergy to those flan monsters." Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "Bet you are messing with Maldoche, right?" Red Eyes turn away. Sweetie Bell checks the card and feels strange about this tin. Some of the 'Black Luster Soldier' cards, some of the 'Maldoche' cards and even some of the equip spell cards are included. Spike arranges all the cards. "Oh Celestia, I don't know what to build here." "Black Luster Soldier." Sweetie Belle grins. "That guy always banished stuff." "You mean those stallions you used in the duel with Salmon Hook?" Spike puts the cards down. "But he requires a ritual spell, and I don't have one for him." Sweetie Belle lies on the table to show her useless moment. There are no cards beside her dragon, nor does she have the money to buy the packs. Suddenly, the white filly sees her sister glaring at her. Sweetie Belle turns away from her sister. Rarity smiles. "Did you just tell us that we would be kidnapping you? You make others have to explain to the guard." As Sweetie Belle takes Red Eyes, she says, "I didn't realize you were those ponies. Anyway, I have a job to do. See ya." Sweetie Belle runs away but Rarity pulls her tail back to herself. The white filly looks at her sister's angry face and gulps. Rarity grins. "It's time to build a deck." "I have no money." Rarity points at Red Eyes. "What about your dragon? Is she suffering from something bad? I only see your dragon's xyz version." Sweetie Belle throws her hooves. "I don't know, okay? I don't even know what my dragon is good at except First - Turn - Kill potential." Red Eyes turns away. Sweetie Belle picks up the black dragon. "Now, I wish I have another deck to use. Sorry, Red Eye." The white filly yelps in pain when Red Eyes bites her head. The white filly grabs the black dragon and glares at her. Red Eyes breathes fire into Sweetie Belle's mane. The white filly quickly runs to the nearby lake and jumps into it. Red Eyes and others follow her to ensure the white filly is fine. Spike looks at the black dragon. "You are so brutal." Red Eyes turns away from the purple dragon. Sweetie Belle swims to the land and coughs for a while. The white filly glares at the black dragon. Red Eyes huffs. "Why don't you lie?" Sweetie Belle coughs. "I hate lying. The truth might hurt, but it's real." "I gonna bite you more." Red Eyes rushes at her but Rarity stops the black dragon from hurting Sweetie Belle. Rarity shakes her head. "Sweetie Belle, you shouldn't tell her that." Taking a deep breath, Sweetie Belle sighs and leaps to the ground. "I'll go home." The white filly returns to the boutique as quickly as possible. The moon is rising and all of the ponies in town are sleeping. A blue mare with a yellow mane is standing in front of the Carousel Boutique and looks around. When they are all silent, she starts taking out the scepter and teleports inside the building. When the mare stands inside the boutique, she puts her scepter on the ground to keep track of something. After a while, she walks into a room silently. When the mare steps inside, she sees a black dragon is sleeping under the white filly's hooves. The mare giggles and taps the black dragon's snout. The black dragon slowly opens her eyes and sees the mare watching her. Red Eyes gets out of the filly grasps, then she flies to the sky. The mare throws her scepter in the sky. A mare sits on the scepter and then follows the red dragon with it. Red Eyes is enjoying the night sky with the mare. The dragon asks. "How is Mahad?" "He's okay." The mare laughs. "He is busy learning magic." Red Eyes rolls her eyes. "I thought he would stay inside the pyramid, as always. But what are you doing here, Mana?" The mare pats the dragon's head. "Because I heard that you got summoned by someone, so I'm here to see what the summoner looks like." Red Eyes turns her face away. The mare giggles. "You and your summoner don't get along well." "You already know that. She asks for 'The Claw of Hermos' to change me into a sword." Red Eyes spins herself. "I wish I had the chance to fight someone." "Why?" "That filly refuses to use my cards." Red Eyes folds her claws. "I hate her when she has so much knowledge like that, also she wants to learn about magic." "You can teach her, right?" Mana points to the book. "You have more power than me." "Nah. For the one who always ask for the fusion of me and Mahad. I won't, until she is ready." Mana shakes her head. "Anyway, Misaka is already summoned." Red Eyes yawns, "I thought that dragon had a temple to deal with. Make me jealous a bit." "But... her summons seem a bit strange." "What's strange?" Taking a potion, Mana says, "Like... it's like a force summon. But... not sure. Can you get her?" "Psst please." Red Eyes turns away. "I really hate her. Mana laughs and points behind the black dragon. "Anyway, you got something." A small dragon with metal scales approaches the black dragon. Red Eyes run away from the metal dragon while Mana laughs at the black dragon Sweetie Belle is reading a magic book and waiting for her dragon to do the mission. There is something knocking on the window as the white filly looks up. She sees the metal dragon is carrying the black dragon. Sweetie Belle smiles. "Sometime I love these cards." "Unequip me, please." Red Eyes struggles to get out. "How can you know this card?" "What do you mean? 'Black Metal Dragon' is quite decent." Sweetie Belle taps the book. "And where did you disappear?" "Talking with a friend." Red Eyes turn away. The metal dragon drops the black dragon on the table, then changes into a card."Since when you build a deck for yourself." "I just want to learn magic. Dueling is boring." Sweetie Belle hugs the black dragon and looks at the window. She sees the mare riding a scepter. Sweetie Belle regconizes that scepter. "You talk to 'Dark Magician Girl'?" "Yeah, and her name is Mana." Red Eyes huff. "Before you drag me here with this metal dragon." "Hmm... weird. I wonder if Salmon Hoof can actually talk to 'Red Dragon Archfiend' or not. That dragon has no baby form." "Just focus on your magic." Red Eyes pats the filly. "If 'The Five Dragons' come here, you can handle them, right?" "Please. I don't want to duel." "You can't get away from this." Red Eyes giggles and sits on the bed. "Anyway, Misaka is already there." "Who is Misaka?" "Blue Eyes White Dragon, the dragon who owns a temple." Red eyes sniff. "But I feel something wrong with these kinds of summons." "Like?" Red Eyes takes a magic book. "Mana mentions forced summoning. I'm glad we can borrow these books from that tree library." "What is forced summoning actually?" "Forced summon is the type of summon the summoned doesn't want to be." Red Eyes points at herself. "For example, like you call me, I take the summon." "You were going to kill me that time." Sweetie Belle taps the black dragon's head. "Willing to be summoned or willing to kill the summoner, Mrs. Red Eyes?" "I can go back if you are too weak, you know." Red Eyes slaps the filly's hoof away. "Since you were defeated by me." Sweetie Belle flips the page and says, "I didn't expect your ultimate form that time. The summon condition is like ... Sophia." "Nah, so will you build a deck? " "No. I want to learn magic." Sweetie Belle yawns. "Dueling makes me boring sometimes. Especially if I duel with "Brick-eye", it'll get boring quick." Red Eyes gives her a smirk and leaves her alone. Rarity is standing in front of the door and hears all of the conversation. The moment Rarity realizes her sister doesn't want to duel again, she slowly leaves the duo alone and makes a plan. Inside the ruined castle in Everfree Forest, there is a white dragon struggling against the magic chain tied down to the magic circle. Cloaked ponies are trying to keep the dragon at bay. A grey unicorn with red horn watches the white dragon. To him, this dragon is so powerful that he will have to spend a lot of time trying to get it. "Keep going." The unicorn turns away and watches the sky. He can't wait for his revenge > Another day in school > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle rolls around while sleeping. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows into her face, causing the white filly to wake up. Seeing the white clouds and blue sky flying through her face, she looks around. Having rubbed her eyes, the white filly returns to sleep. Something shakes hard as the white filly wakes up. Looking down, she sees that she is lying on the black scale with a familiar face. Sweetie Belle stomps on the scale. "Where did you take me, Red Eyes?" "To school." Red Eyes turns away. "You slept like death so I have to carry you here." "I see." Sweetie Belle looks down and sees Ponyville from the high ground. The white filly flips herself. "Ah... I wish I didn't have to return to school." Red Eyes begin to fly into the school in a hurry. The students and teachers in the school watch as something rushes at them. They start hiding inside. The black dragon brakes herself in the air and lands on the ground as soon as it approaches the ground. Slowly, Sweetie Belle crawled to the table. The white filly nearly vomits but holds it. Red Eyes shakes her head. "There you go. Thank you for using our service." "Stop... doing... that again." Sweetie Belle breathes fast. "I thought I'm dead." Red Eyes transforms into a baby dragon and flies around the filly's head. "Don't worry, you won't be dead." Sweetie Belle pushes the black dragon away and heads to her class, but many eyes stare at her. The white filly ignores them and sits at the table. Sweetie Belle doesn't even listen to the lesson in class. All she does is open the magic book and then tries to remember it. Someone coughs next to her. The white filly sees the magenta earth pony mare glaring at her. She asks. "Why didn't you listen to the lesson?" "Uh.... because..." Sweetie Belle smiles nervously and points at the black dragon. "Umm...That dragon distracted me." Red Eyes bites her hooves immidiately, make everyone in the class laugh. The mare shakes her head. "Why didn't you change her back into a card?" "I wish I could." Sweetie Belle picks up the dragon. "This dragon doesn't want to be back." "It looks like someone needs to train with her monster." The mare smiles. "I want to meet you in the dueling room." "But..." "No but." Cheerilee turns away and continues her work. Sweetie Belle glares at the black dragon. "Evil." Red Eyes grins. "I can be more than that." Sweetie Belle huffs and sits down to listen the lesson. The bell rings and all students move to the dueling room. Sweetie Belle sighs tired as she knows this is not expected to do well. Red Eyes lands on her back and asks. "Which deck are you going to play today?" "I will play oxygen deck." "Gotcha." Red Eyes leans on her back. "I will call the dragon gang to bring you back to the card library." Sweetie Belle is dragging her lazy body into the dueling room. "Fine. I will build a random one, okay?" When the white filly comes inside the dueling room, there is a road that looks like a racing road but there are no cars or motorcycle on the road. Sweetie Belle feels weird about this. Cheerilee claps her front hoof and announces. "Everypony, welcome to Turbo Duel. In this lesson, you must choose a monster to ride on. I will tell you about a rule of Turbo Duel. You all have thirty minutes to read." Many teachers give the note to students. Sweetie Belle reads the note. The duel is simple, each player has 4000 life points and starts with four cards. However, in addition, the players have another skill based on their monster and have to cost something calls Speed Counter to activate the skill. Drawing will give both players two Speed Counters. Normal summon will gain two Speed Counters while Special Summon gain one Speed Counter and can only gain one time. Sweetie Belle is quite curious about this duel. When the white filly puts the note down, she sees manu dragons staring at her, making the white filly fall down from the chair. Sweetie Belle stands up and finds herself inside the library. "Red Eyes, where are you?" Sweetie Belle looks around and sees the black dragon behind many dragons. Red Eyes folds her claws. "You should look at your face." "I'll catch you. How can you bring me here?" Sweetie Belle takes a book and aims at the black dragon. Red Eyes grins and starts charging at the white filly but they see Applebloom and Scootaloo are looking at them. The duo quicklt stops and goes back to the table. Applebloom asks. "Are you okay? I saw the dragons take you away when you are reading." Sweetie Belle points at the dragon. "Uh huh, ask this stupid dragon." Sweetie Belle sighs. "Anyway, have you decide your deck to play?" Scootaloo shakes her head. "No, but I think you can help me." "Eh.... I don't know about this Turbo Duel. Each monster have their own skill so... I don't know." Applebloom smiles. "My monster and Scootaloo have a same thing." Sweetie Belle doesn't believe that. When Applebloom and Scootaloo show their monster, they are the same. She turns to Red Eyes and asks. "Why?" "I don't know." Red Eyes lies on the table and taps a book. "Build a deck?" "No." Sweetie Belle crosses her front hooves. "I want to learn magic." Applebloom and Scootaloo are shocked when they hears it. Sweetie Belle reads the magic book. They try to persuade the white filly to come back to duel. The magenta mare is coming to the white filly and asks. "I heard that you used 'Fortune Lady' yesterday, right?" "Just some random deck I want to play." Sweetie Belle huffs. "It just... boring." Cheerilee smiles. "You don't have to join this dueling class." Sweetie Belle and others look at the magenta mares. Cheerilee takes a crystal ball. "The duel between you and Salmon Hoof has been recorded inside this ball. When I saw it, I assume that I have nothing to teach you anymore." "Oh thank, I guess." Sweetie Belle yawns. "Why you think like that?" "Bet that you know how to Pendulumn Summon." Cheerilee taps her hoof. "And know how it work." Sweetie Belle turns away and says nothing. Cheerilee nods and leaves the room. Scootaloo and Applebloom just stares at the white filly. The white filly sighs. "Fine. Let me see your deck." Rarity is working for the customer order. She is sketing her idea to make the cloth. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupt her. Opening the door, she sees a yellow stallion with brown hair stands in front of her. The stallion also have a scar under his left eyes. Rarity feels a little scare about this stallion but she asks politely. "What can I help for you?" "Sorry for disturbing." The stallion taps the map. "I just want to see where the school is located. I heard that my cousin is studying here, so I would like to visit him." "Oh..." Rarity points at the pink building. "You see the pink building have a statue." "Eh... it's like a bakery." Rarity looks outside and sees Pinkie Pie is making a statue in front of her bakery. The white unicorn facehoofs and points at the pink building from far away. "You see that pink building. This is the school." "Thank you so much." The stallion is heading to the school. When he is walking, he see Salmon Hook is preparing the suitcase to return Manehanttan. Salmon Hook notices him and asks. "What are you doing here, Stargazer? "I'm just curious who can beat you." The stallion looks at the school. "I'm head to the school." "A white filly." Salmon Hook walks away. "That's all." Stargazer nods. When the stallion arrives the school, he is stopped by the blue mare with yellow mane. The blue mane asks. "Stop right there." "Sorry for disturbing, I just want to visit my cousin" "Who is your cousin?" "His mane is Bright Shine." Mana glares at him and points the staff at the stallion. "I don't believe the word of a stanger, especially a stranger has 'Stardust Dragon'." The stallion is silenced for a while, then he tries to lie. "You are missing someone." The dark ball is appeared from the staff. The stallion steps back. "Fine. I'm here for the curious. How do you know I have 'Stardust Dragon'?" Mana lies. "I just guess. Anyway, what is your real purpose?" "Seeing somebody defeat my friend, Salmon Hook." Stargazer gazes at the school. "I heard that she is learning in here." "Sorry, but if you want to duel with that filly, you have to go." Stargazer smiles. "It's fine. I will stay here for a while." The stallion leaves the mare alone. After looking back at the school for a while, he has to leave. > Two weeks later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle stretches her body. It has been two weeks since she woke up from the hospital. Taking the sleeping black dragon, the white filly leaves the boutuque, but her big sister stops her. The white unicorn levitates over the paper test. "What is this missy?" "Eh.... a paper?" Sweetie Belle steps back and smiles nervously. "It just a paper." "With an F. Cherrilee told me that you always focused on learning magic and didn't listen to the class." "Come on sis, that's just an F for history." "No excuse. You and I will go to the card shop." Sweetie Belle gulps. "For what?" Rarity puts down a big bag of money. "Don't tell me..." Rarity drags the white filly by the levitation. In response to the dragging, the black dragon woke up. The black dragon is confused and looks around. She sees the white filly walking towards her big sister side by side. The black dragon laughs at the white filly. When they walk, they see a white dragon coming to them. Rarity is lifted up by the dragon's tail. Rarity is struggling to free herself. "Get off me, monster." Sweetie Belle looks up and sees the white dragon is wearing something black. "Is this...." "You guessed right." Red Eyes becomes the big dragon. "I will stop her. Go." The black dragon breathes fire at the white dragon. Sweetie Belle watches the dragons fight against each other for a while. Everyone runs away. She shakes her head and runs to the card shop as soon as possible. When she is going inside the shop, the blue mare with yellow mane picks her up by the levitation. "Let me go." The white filly is unable to get out of the levitation. "My big sister is in danger." "Calm down." The mare glares at Sweetie Belle. "Or I will never let you go." Sweetie Belle is surprised as she is lowered. The mare pokes at the white filly. "Tell me what's happened?" "The white dragon is attacking the town and kidnapping my big sister." Sweetie Belle runs to the counter. "I need to find the card to help my sister and Red Eyes." The mare grunts. "Is that 'Blue Eyes White Dragon'?" Sweetie Belle stops and looks at the mare. The mare gives her a spell card. "This one will stop her from attacking." Sweetie Belle looks at the mare. "Thank you... 'Dark Magician Girl', but.... I need some cards if that dragon challenges me to a duel." "Stop calling me 'Dark Magician Girl'. My name is Mana." The mare coughs and runs to the counter. "What card do you want?" Sweetie Belle smiles and tells the card she needs. Mana starts searching the card as quick as possible. Twilight and her friends run to the dragons. They fight with each other, they don't know what to do next. The black dragon pins the white dragon down and tries to tell them. "Need a hand here " "Uh...." Twilight aims at the blue dragon. "Maybe it will work." The purple alicorn blasts the white dragon, make it roar in pain. The white dragon blasts the blue laser at the purple alicorn but Red Eyes block it. Red Eyes grunts and changes herself into a red dragon, then grabs the white dragon's neck and slams it down. Suddenly, a collar with grenades appears around the white dragon's neck. Red Eyes kick the dragon away. The ring explodes. Red Eyes sees the pink pony showing a trap card. Red Eyes smiles. "I like that idea." Twilight glares at the pink pony. "Pinkie Pie, where did you get this card?" "Duh, I bought it yesterday. It will make a big finale." The pink pony is bouncing. "Oh... anyway, who is that dragon?" Twilight rubs her head. "Maybe it is 'Blue Eyes White Dragon', but why does it look so different? And where is Rarity?" From the explosion, a mare with white hair walks toward the others. Rainbow Dash will rush at her but Red Eyes stops the blue pegasus. Sweetie Belle and Mana are arriving to the spot. Looking around, she doesn't see the white dragon anymore. "Where is that dragon?" The mare grits her teeth and creates a circle around her and Sweetie Belle. The white filly is trying to get out of the circle but it's useless. Twilight tries to poke at the circle and is being eletricfied after that. Twilight rubs her head. "What's that?" "A challenge orb." The yellow stallion with a brown mane walks to them. "This happens when a monster want to challenge someone." Applejack looks around the circle. "So... how can we save her?" The stallion answers. "We can save her when the duel is over. No one can interrupt the duel." Fluttershy shudders. "A... duel. But Sweetie Belle is just a filly. How can she..." Spike comes out from the library and sees the rest of the scene. He walks close to the circle but Twilight drags him back. "Spike, don't come out there like that." Spike gives the purple alicorn a letter, then watches. Sweetie Belle looks at the mare. "If this is a monster, don't tell me that the mare is the maiden." For both of them, the table is rising. Sweetie Belle sighs and calls her dragon for the cards. The black dragon turns back to the baby dragon. "Looks like you have to use me now." Sweetie Belle makes a quick deck and puts them on the table, saying, "It depends on the duel. My plan is ruined." The mare puts the deck on the table, then glares at the black dragon. "Red.... Eyes. I ... won't forgive you." Sweetie Belle gives the black dragon a smug look. "Wow, 'Maiden the Eyes of Blue' hates you so much." Red Eyes counters. "Her hold temple hates me." The mare draws five cards. The circles shine, then there is another big circle in the middle. Sweetie Belle draws five cards and the duel starts. Sweetie Bell: 8000LP 'Maiden': 8000 LP Sweetie Belle looks at her cards and gulps. They're so bad that they'll be considered bricks. "I'll go first." The mare shows a card. "By showing 'Blue Eyes White Dragon', I can special 'Blue Eye Alternative White Dragon' (lv8/ 3000ATK/ 2500 DEF)." The ground shakes and the white dragon with blue stripes appears from the ground. Spike shudders. "3000 attacks?" Twilight glares at Spike. "Spike, don't panic like that." The mare puts a spell card. "I activate 'Card of Consonance', I will discard a dragon tuner with 1000 ATK or lower and draw two cards." The mare draws two cards. "Then I summon myself. 'Maiden, the Eyes of Blue' (lv1/tuner/0 ATK/0 DEF)." Sweetie Belle looks at her card. Red Eyes whisper. "What are you calculating?" The white filly smiled. "That mare will help my hand a lot. I know her movement now." The mare shows another card. "I activate 'Sage with Eyes of Blues' from my hand. I will send myself to the graveyard, and special summon 'Blue Eyes' monsters from my deck." The stallion takes a staff and wraps the magic circle around the maiden. "I activate my own effect, when being target by card effect, I can special summon 'Blue Eyes' monsters from my deck. Now show yourself, 'Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon' (lv8/2500 ATK/2500 DEF) and 'Blue Eye White Dragon (lv8/3000 ATK/2500 DEF) Two magic circles on the ground and two white dragons are appearing. First one is a white dragon have black stripes on its body and the second one is a pure white dragon. Spike is amazed at the white dragon. "Wow, these dragons are so beautiful, yet so powerful." Twilight glares at the purple dragon. "Focus on Spike." The mare spreads the deck. " 'Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon' allows me to add a ritual spell or 'Blue Eyes' monster from the deck." The mare draws a card and show 'Advanced Ritual Art', then shuffles the deck. "I activate 'Advanced Ritual Art'. I will send a normal monster from the deck to graveyard to ritual summon a monster." Fire candles surround a magic circle on the ground. After a while, a blast comes from it and a blue dragon appears. The others are amazed at the dragon while Sweetie Belle just watches it. "How many times I had to meet you? 'Blue Eye Chaos MAX Dragon' (lv8/4000 ATK/ 0 DEF)?" The mare smiles. "Now I will set one card face down and end my turn." A stone appears on the field, then it cracks. After a while, another 'Blue Eye White Dragon' appears on the field. "During the end phrase, I can special summon 'Blue Eyes' monster. Thanks to 'The White Stone of the Ancients'." Twilight and her friends are stunned by the white dragons. All of the town is illuminated by them. Spike is worried and taps Twilight. "Do... do you think you can solve this?" Twilight shakes her head. "If I have 'Raigeki' or 'Black Hole', I may solve this." Twilight looks at the white filly. "Why Sweetie Belle doesn't scare you at all?" "Maybe she has an out." Rainbow Dash taps her chin." Sweetie Belle draws a card, then turns to the black dragon. "Wow, did you put this card on top?" Red Eyes is confused. "What do you mean? I am doing nothing." The white filly shows the card named 'Red Eyes baby dragon'. Red Eyes turns away. The white filly grabs the dragon. Red Eyes is surprised. "Hey, what are you doing?" "I summon..." Sweetie Belle throws the black dragon on the field. "The most annoyed dragon, 'Red Eyes baby dragon' (lv3/ 1200 ATK/ 600 DEF)." Red Eyes slams into the field. When she gets up, she sees five dragons looking at her. They all stare at her as if they wanted to eat her. Red Eyes turns back the white filly. "Give me my form back." Sweetie Belle ignores the black dragon and picks a card. "I activated 'Mystical Space Typhon' to destroy your set card." The tornado appears on the field and blows the set card away. Sweetie Belle picks up another card. "Ready to lose, 'Maiden'?" The mare flinched a little bit. "You think you scare me? I have five strongest dragons on my field." "Oh, then I will break your board." Sweetie Belle shows a card. "I activate 'Super Polymerization', I will discard one card to use the monster from both field to fusion summon." A votex appears on the field. It suckers five dragons from the mare field. The mare is surprised. Sweetie Belle looks at votex. "By fusioning five dragons from your field, I will fusion summon... 'Five-Headed Dragon' (lv12/5000 ATK/ 5000 DEF)." The dragon with five heads slowly flew from the votex. The mare grins. "So what? You still need more ATK to finish me?" Putting another card on the table, Sweetie Belle says. "Oh, you don't want to wait too long. I activate the spell card. 'The Claw of Hermos', by sending a dragon from my hand or field, I can call a weapon." The brown dragon appears and flies toward the five-head dragon, then they starts to fuse with each other. After a while, a black sword appears. "The weapon that every dragon should fear, the 'Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword' (lv7/ 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF) The mare is scared while Red Eyes takes the sword and points at the mare. "What's wrong, Misaka? You still remember this?" "While my baby dragon equips the sword, she can raise 1000 ATK and DEF plus 500 for each dragon on the field and graveyard." The baby dragon takes a deep breath and her attack increases to 6700 ATK. Twilight rubs her chin. "6700 ATK? That's big." Sweetie Belle smiles. "This card will be the last card. I activate 'Card of the Red Stone'. "I will send the "Red eye" monster from my hand to the graveyard and draw two cards." Sweetie Belle draws two cards, then spreads the deck out on the table. "That card will allow me to send a 'Red eye' monster from the deck to the graveyard." Red eyes grins and her attack increases into 7700 ATK. The mare sighs in relief. "Wow, I survived." "Nah, I activated 'Foolish Burial'. This card allows me to send one monster from my deck to my graveyard." Red Eyes sweeps her sword for a while as her ATK increase to 8200 ATK. Red Eyes asks. "Tell us where is Rarity? We really need to know." The mare looks on the ground in despair and replies, "She is... in the ruined castle in a jungle." "Good. Who is with her?" "A gray stallion with red horn." The mare looks at the black dragon. "Please help me." Red eyes rushes at the mare and slashes the mare with the sword. The mare's LP has dropped to zero. After a while, the circle disappears as long as the mare. This time it is a bit more complicated than usual. > Inside the castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle sighs in relief because the maiden is disappear. The white filly shuffles the deck. When she just puts the deck back to the bag, Twilight is standing in front of her. The white filly steps back. "Yes?" Twilight sighs. "I'm glad you are fine, but next time don't do it alone, okay?" "But I want to rescue my sister." "No. It's dangerous. That castle is inside the most dangerous forest in Equestria." Twilight turns to her friends. " Come home. And don't worry, I will get your big sister back." Sweetie Belle looks at others going to the library. Red Eyes jumps on the filly's back with the sword. "Hey, Sweetie Belle. What will you do next?" "Don't know... eh... why are you still holding that sword?" Sweetie Belle turns around. "Anyway, I want to build a deck against Blue Eyes' controller." Red Eyes breathes fire at the sword as he answers. "Blue eyes?" She asks. "That's not Blue Eyes." "I know." Sweetie Belle points to the card shop. "That's why I have to go back to the card shop to find some cards." Sweetie Belle runs to the card shop. The stallion looks at the forest, then at the others. It is decided that he will enter the forest. Rarity is sitting in a cage and looks around. After a while, a gray unicorn with red horn appears in the black mist. The white unicorn's eyes widen. "Sombra.... how?" "Not a question." Sombra grins. "Tell me about your sister." "What do you want from her?" Sombra turns around. "Nothing. Just curious about how a mighty 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' can be defeated by a filly. But now..." Sombra turns back to the white unicorn and his horn shines. "I need you." The white unicorn steps back and tries to escape the cage. Red light shines inside the building. Sweetie Belle is lying on the table and yawning. Last night she didn't have enough sleep. The white unicorn checks the cards and adds them on the deck. Red Eyes pats the white filly. "You think those cards can handle the controller?" "If you know which deck the opponent is going to use, it is easier to defeat them." Sweetie Belle puts a card on the dragon's head. "Besides, it is just Brick Eyes." The black dragon looks at the card and grins. "You... are evil." "I am." The blue mare comes to the duo and puts the tray on the table. The mare checks the deck, then puts it back. "This is an anti synchro summon deck." "It is." Sweetie Belle pats the black dragon. "At least I am not becoming like my dragon." "Really?" The black dragon swallowed a shortcake. "When will we leave?" "As soon as possible." Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "But... I don't know where the castle is?" "I will lead you there." Mana hugs the black dragon. "You can ride on this dragon." Red Eyes pushes the mare away. "Maybe not. I will stay in this baby form." Mana hugs the black dragon and closes the card shop with the white filly. The mare summons her scepter and flies away while Sweetie watches with jealousy. Twilight and her friends head to the castle. On the way to the castle, many eyes stare at them. Fluttershy shakes like a leaf and summons her monster. It's an adorable fairy. When they are just arrived in fron of castle, a black mist surround the mares. Twilight and her friend stands around. After a while, a pony is stepping out of the mist with a monster. Twilight summons her monster but a blast hit the pony. Twilight turns to the source and sees a white dragon with something green on its chest. The yellow stallion jumped off the dragon. "Go safe, your friend. I'll handle this." Twilight stares at the stallion for a moment, but the stallion yells back at her. "Go now." Twilight and her friends run to the castle. When they enter the castle, They see a white unicorn is wearing a black helmet sitting on the throne. The purple alicorn steps back. "Rarity... what's happened to you?" A cage surrounds Rarity and the purple alicorn, with her horn glowing. Twilight blasts the cage, but it is of no use. Two tables rise from the ground, and Rarity puts a deck on her table. After a while, many ponies step to Twilight's friend and creates a cage to lock them one to one, then they summon the deck and challenge Twilight's friends. Twilight glares at her but she has no choice right now. The purple alicorn puts the deck on the table. Sweetie Belle looks around the forest while following the mare and carrying the black dragon. The white filly feels weird because this is just like a normal jungle. After thirty minutes, there is no sight of the castle, which causes many The black dragon grins. "You lost again." Mana stops immidiately and drops the map. Red Eyes rolls and wraps around Sweetie Belle's neck. "Hope that Mahad will give you more tests about arriving at the right place without magic." "No please." Mana waves her hoof. "I'm terrified." "At least this jungle is not dangerous." Sweetie Belle sighs. "When I have a dragon and a mage around me. Especially a dragon with a sword." "This jungle is not an ordinary one." Mana points at a chicken with a snake-like tail. "You see that chicken. If you stares at its eyes, you will get stoned." "Psst." Sweetie Belle walks toward the chicken. "No way do I believe this 'Medusa' thing." When the white filly picks the chicken up, her body is slowly becoming stone. Both the mare and dragon shake their heads. Rarity: 8000LP Twilight: 8000 LP Rarity and Twilight draw their cards. Rarity uses a field spell and the big book appears behind her. When the book is opened, the big castle appears behind the white mare, then an black stone shaped like egg is appeared on the field. After a while, the stone is cracked and a black dragon appeared from it. Twilight whispers. "This is... 'Toon Red Eyes Black Dragon' (lv7/ 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF). Rarity will never use toon deck before." As a magic circle appeared, a purple mage stallion stepped onto the field in a purple mage dress. The stallion swings his scepter and a stallion with black armor appears on the field. Rarity nods, then two cards face down appear on the field. Twilight draws a card and then looks at her hooves. Twilight shows a card. "I activate 'Harpie Feather Dust' to destroy your backrow." A feather appears from the sky and sweeps away the castle. Twilight shows two cards. "I have two 'Change of Heart' from my hoof to activate. I will take control your 'Toon Red Eyes Black Dragon' and 'Toon Black Magician (lv7/ 2500 ATK/ 2100 DEF)." An angel is appeared and two monsters flies to her field. Twilight takes show another card, "I activate 'Lair of Darkness'." When her cage is covered by darkness, the yellow stallion runs into the castle and sees everything. He looks at the throne room and runs to it but another pony stops him. "Get out of my way." The cage appears around the yellow stallion. The stallion puts a deck on the table. "I said get out of my way." Twilight stares suspiciously at the stallion, but she must focus on the duel. "I summon 'Ameba'." A slime rises on the floor. Twilight shows a card. 'Shien Spy' is activated. With this spell, I will give you 'Ameba'." The slime jumps onto Rarity's body, making her groan. Rarity: 6000 LP The white mare glares at the purple alicorn. Twilight shows the last card on her hoof. "I activated 'Enemy Controller' with the second effect. I will tribute one of my monster to takes control your monster, but since I have 'Lair of Darkness'. I will tribute 'Ameba' to take control of your 'Toon Black Luster Soldier' (lv8/ 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF)." A console appeared and wraps the armored stallion to Twilight's field. Rarity steps back. Twilight declares to attack, reducing Rarity's LP to 0. Eventually, the white unicorn's body was filled with black mist, and the cage disappeared. Twilight runs to check the white unicorn and sees Rarity is fine. Sweetie Belle climbs into the castle. Many pony armors stand side by side in the castle. Sweetie Belle pokes one of them and it falls down. Red Eyes picks up the helmet. "I hope there is no headless armor to get us. Thank you for leading us, Mana." The mare throws the black dragon away. Sweetie Belle looks around. "Now. What's next?" Sweetie Belle looks down at the long hall. "This place is so dark." Red Eyes gives the white filly a card. "Hey, you may need this." Sweetie Belle looks at the card. It is 'Red Eyes Transmigration'. The white filly glares at the black dragon. "What's your game, Red Eyes?" Red Eyes pushes the filly. "Just activate it. You will see the magic." Mana nods. As the white filly sighs, the huge flame is thrown from the card. Sweetie Belle hides behind the mare but the flame surrounds the filly. After a while, the flame is gone and Sweetie Belle feels something weird. Suddenly, she slaps herself. The white filly tries to control her body but she can't. Her body moves to the big mirror. The white filly sees that she is covered by the black scale from neck to tail." "Red Eyes, what you have done?" Sweetie Belle is trying to control her body but she can't. "That is a ritual spell, not a fusion spell." Red Eyez speaks inside Sweetie Belle's head. "Yes, it is. You are my ritual subject under my control." "Get... get out of me." Sweetie Belle takes the black sword. "Hey. What are you doing?" Red Eyes waves her hoof. "Come on Mana. Let's get this illegal summoner." Red Eyes and Mana start walking through the castle while Sweetie Belle tries to control her body but the black dragon is too strong for her. Now, this is funny. > Floodgate deck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Eyes controls Sweetie Belle's body in a room with Mana. This room has many books. Red Eyes walks around to see if she finds something useful. Thirty minutes later, nothing useful has been found. Red Eyes folds Sweetie Bell's front hoof. "I bet the duel upstairs is over and we can find nothing useful." Mana spins her scepter. "I think my magic will find the summoner that controls Blue Eyes." "Maybe you should." Suddenly, Sweetie Belle's body shines bright. After a while, the filly feels that she has no black scales on her body anymore. She looks around and sees the black baby dragon is tryinf to fly away. Sweetie Belle jumps on the table, then jumps to catch the black dragon. "Going somewhere?" The black dragon huffs. "Yeah yeah, go ahead." "Maybe later." Sweetie Belle puts the black dragon on her back. "Now how can we find the one who controls 'Brick Eyes'?" She closes her eyes and slams her scepter onto the ground. A magic circle appears on the ground. After a while, the blue mare opens her eyes and says. "Eh... the controller is... under us." Sweetie Belle rubs her chin. "Really? Then we should split up and look for him..." Suddenly, the floor opens beneath them and they all fall down. Red Eyes is trying to hold the white filly while Mana is just sitting on the scepter and floating on the air. When they land on the ground, they see a gray stallion is watching the crytal ball. Sweetie Belle and the others don't know if they could ask the stallion or just go up there. Sweetie Belle asks. "So how can we get up there?" The stallion hears the voice and turns to the white filly, then he turns to the black dragon and laughs. "Yes... my last material to complete my deck." A chain flys to the black dragon but Mana breaks it with her magic, then she shoots a fireball at the stallion. In order to see if anything happens, Sweetie Belle pulls out a card. Behind her, she suddenly saw a cage. "Not again." "A duelist." The stallion coughs. "Looks like I have to take your dragon by a duel." "Give me your name first then we can duel." Sweetie Belle glares at the stallion. "And where is 'Blue eyes'?" "That dragon... " The stallion laughs. "Is inside my deck." The ground is slowly rising up and a table is appearing in front of Sweetie Belle and the stallion. "I will get your dragon... in this duel." Then he laughs and the floor moves up like an evelator. Twilight and the others are taking care of Rarity after the duel. Stargazer returns to the girl and shakes his head. "Found nothing." Twilight nods. "Thank you for your help, but right now we should head back to Ponyville." Rarity slowly opens her eyes and sees her friends. The white unicorn hugs Twilight immediately and starts crying. Suddenly, an earthquake shakes the castle and the ground is openning. All of them watches the hole as something is rising from it. After a while, they see Sweetie Belle is standing while the black stallion is laughing. Rarity walks to her sister. "Run... Sweetie... Belle... that." she is stopped by a wall. Sweetie Belle puts her deck on the table while Rarity yells. "Sweetie Belle." The white filly looks at her for a while, but she turns away. Twilight begins to examine the invisible wall. "This one is a ... mute wall. The ponies inside this wall can't even see or hear us." "But... but.. Sombra." Rarity punches the wall. "I... have to... save her." Then she lies on the ground and breathes heavily. Twilight calms her down. "I will try my best." Then she breaks the wall. Sweetie Belle puts the deck on the table and points at the gray stallion. "I don't know who you are, but if you want a duel, you get one." The stallion grins. "Let us begin. Oh, and my name is Sombra." "Edgy as hell." Sweetie Belle taps the table. "Who will go first?" Swestie Belle: 8000 LP Sombra: 8000 LP Sombra draws five cards and looks at them. The gray stallion grins. 'I will go first." Then he plays a card on the table. "I activated 'Malefic Territory'. Now, welcome to 'Malefic World'." The eye appears above the cage. Sweetie Belle stares at them for a while. "Now I believe you control 'Brick Eyes'." Sombra shows a card. "I will banish 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' from my deck to summon..." a white dragon with black wings appears on the field. "My dark dragon, 'Malefic Blue Eyes White Dragon' (lv 8/ 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF)." When Sombra is going to play another card, a mare with red armor and a whip appears on Sweetie Belle's field. The gray stallion flinches a little bit. "What... what is that monster?" "Just a card named 'Chaos Hunter' (LV7/ 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF)." Sweetie Belle giggles, "When a monster is special summoned to your field, I can special summon her from my hand by discarding one card." Sweetie Bell gives the black stallion a smirk"She will prevent you from banishing cards." "You..." Sombra grits his teeth. "I set two cards and end my turn." Sweetie Belle teases. "Nice board." Then she draws a card. "Hmm... 'Red Eyes' is my ghost now. " The black dragon bites the white filly's head, but she doesn't mind the black dragon. " I set three cards and pass." The stallion flips a card. "I activate 'Malefic Claw Steam'. When I control a 'Malefic monster, I can destroy one card." The red- armored mare exploded after being slashed by a claw. Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "Go ahead." "It's my turn. I activate 'Malefic Word'. Instead of drawing, I can add a 'Malefic' card from my deck to my hand." The stallion shows three cards, but all of them are the same. He adds the card " Perfect." When he is going to summon, he sees a stone wall appeared around him and the white filly. Sombra touches the wall. "This is not my wall." "Of course it's not." Sweetie Belle flips a card. "My continues trap, 'Imperial Iron Wall', neither player can banish cards when this card is faced up." "You're annoyed." Sombra grins. "But luckily I drew this card, I summon the tuner monster, 'Malefic Parralell Gear' (Lv 2/ 0 ATK /0 DEF)." A monster with gear head appeared. " I will..." Sweetie Belle cuts him off. "I activated my continuing trap, 'Discord'. Neither player can synchro summon now." "What!?" Sombra slams the table. "Who played that card?" "You shouldn't attack my village." Sweetie Belle crosses her front hoof over her neck. "Now, you are making a thong around your neck. Good luck, 'Paradox'." Sombra shakes his body. "I'm not Paradox. Attack my dragon, Burst Stream of Destruction." A black laser is shooting from the dragon's mouth. Sweetie Belle : 5000 LP. The main six and the stallion watch the duel, but they are all silenced when the duel is Sweetie Belle smiles at him as Sombra sets a card. When the white filly draws her card, she sees part of her front hoof is missing a part. "Where... where is my hoof? What's happened?" Mana explains. "Looks like he challenges you to another realm. The dark game is already triggered." Sweetie Belle asks. "What do you mean?" "If you lose this duel, you will be transferred into our realm." Mana coughs. "And our world is more death than this place." Sweetie Belle grits her teeth, and draw a card. "I activated 'Red Eyes Insight'." A card flies from her deck to the graveyard, then another card flies into her hoof. "I'm gonna fusion Red Eyes monster, by using 'Red Eyes Fusion'." Red Eyes and a skeleton are flying into the votex. After a while, a black dragon with bone-masked and bone-covered chest appeared from the votex. "Here comes 'Archfiend Black Skull Dragon' (lv8/ 3200 ATK/ 2800 DEF) Sombra grins. "What now? You can't defeat me with that dragon?" Sweetie Belle coughs. "Then I will do that next turn. Archfiend, attack that tuner monster." The dragon takes a deep breath, then breathes fire at the gear monster. Sombra laughs. "I will flip my set card..." He tries to flip the card but it doesn't work. "What's happening?" The flame goes through the stallion body as the stallion tries to resist the heat. Sombra : 4800 LP Sombra is trying to get up, but the dragon casts a magic circle and aiming at him. Then a black dragon flew into him and exploded. Sombra cries in pain from the explosion. Sombra : 2400 LP. Sombra tries to get up and sees the black dragon glaring at him. Sombra is crawling back. "What..." "When 'Archfiend Black Skull Dragon' battle, nothing can be activated." Sweetie Bell set a card. "And when the battle phrase is over, if this card is battled, I can shuffle one 'Red Eyes' monster from my graveyard to deal you damage equal to its ATK point." Sweetie Belle sees the stallion's body is missing some parts. The white filly waves her hoof in front of Sombra. "Now, get up and do your turn." Rarity and others watch the duel silently. For them, this is a one-sided duel that belongs to Sweetie Belle. Rarity asks. "Twilight, do you know anything about... Malefic?" Twilight shakes her head. "No. Not even in my book record about them, but Sweetie Belle knows everything about them." "I will ask her about this." Rarity slams the wall. "After this." "Remember she doesn't even know us around here." Twilight tries to blast the wall but it doesn't cracking a bit. Sombra smashes the table but it is not broken, then he screams and draws his cards. When he looks at the drawing card, he immediately puts it on the table. "I activated 'Raigeki'." Thunder strikes the black dragon. The black dragon is shining bright, then exploded. The flame from the exploded go throught both of them and decreasing their LP. Sweetie Belle : 1800 LP Sombra: 0 LP Sombra is shocked when his LP drops to zero. "What.. what have you done?" "The trap card, 'Red Eyes Burn'. When a face-up 'Red Eyes' monster(s) is destroyed, I can target one of the destroyed monsters and inflict equal ATK points on both of us." Sombra's body fades into darkness. "I will take my revenge. Remember that." And then he disappears into the dark. The cage is slowly disappearing. Rarity will run to her sister but she's too weak to do that. Twilight is waiting for the cage disappears. Sweetie Belle sees her front hoof returning. The white filly rubs her head. "So... what will we do now? Rescuring 'Brick Eyes' or some sort?" Mana puts her scepter on the ground. "You destroyed him in this duel" "Like I said before, if you know what deck your opponent uses, it will be an easy duel." Sweetie Belle huffs. "And Malefic is a bad deck, not worth dueling with." Red Eyes sits on the filly's head. "Anyway, shall we go? I have a chance to laugh at this 'god' right now." The blue mare teleports Sweetie Belle and Mana away as they laugh. Rarity tries to break through the wall, but it's too late. They are already gone. > Spike's deck? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The school bell rang, and all the ponies are playing around the yard. All of the ponies are playing with each other but only a certain white filly is lying on the table. "Ughh." Sweetie Belle lies on the table while Red Eyes massages her. After receiving a massage, the white filly feels satisfied. "I'm glad my sister managed to come back, but she seems weird today." "I know." Red Eyes chuckles. "This is the price when you use floodgate. No one loves floodgate." She rolls around, "Come on. Floodgates are better than stun.".Then she sighs. "But why can't I use any single spell?" "You learn slower than I though." Red Eyes sits on the white filly's back. "A normal pony takes one week to learn telekenisbut you take two weeks and still can't use it." "Ughhh... I want to cast some awesome spells, not dueling like this all the time." Sweetie Belle rubs her head against the pillow. "Now I see why you brought the pillow." When the white filly gets the massage, she sees the purple dragon running to her. The purple dragon asks. "Hey Sweetie Belle, can we... duel?" "You have a deck?" Sweetie Belle smiles. "Well... Right now, I wish I could use the dueling room. So... maybe I can't duel with you right now, Spike." Spike waves his claws. "I just asked Cherilee about using that room. She accepted." Spike taps his deck. "Plus, Red Eyes helped me make a deck." "Red Eyes?" Sweetie Belle turns to the black dragon and sees the black dragon turns her face away. Sweetie Belle asks. "What are you playing with?" "Nothing." The black dragon coughs. "Just a... hunch." The white filly stands up. "Oh right, I will see if... my dragon does something with you." Spike and Sweetie Belle are coming to the dueling room. Inside the room, there is no one there. Spike steps onto the field. "Come on Sweetie Belle, we have to test my deck." Sweetie Belle sighs. "Wow, you are so exciting. Let me figure out how to turn this thing up." Sweetie Belle walks around the dueling room and sees nothing. After five minutes, the white filly notices a switch on the wall. Sweetie Belle turns on the switch and sees the table rising and the duel field shining. Sweetie Belle steps onto the field. "You sure Red Eyes helps you build your deck?" "Yes." Spike puts the deck on the table. "Let's duel." "Eh.... okay. Let's me... hmmm... build a deck and have a drink." Sweetie Belle rubs her neck. "Can you wait for about ... 30 minutes?" "Sure." Spike sits on the table. "I will wait." Sweetie Belle heads to the library to search for the card with Red Eyes. Twilight and Rarity sit on the high chair and watch the white filly leaves the room. The alicorn asks. "You said she lied yesterday." Rarity nods. "She said she learned magic yesterday. I don't want to push." Twilight rubs her chin. "Next month is the tournament for students in Canterlot but... I don't want Sweetie Belle to participate in." "I don't think other students have a chance against her." Rarity agrees. "She seems to know all the deck work." Twilight and Rarity sigh as they think about what to do with this filly. After thirty minutes, the white filly returns with a deck and the black dragon. Looking around, the white filly sees Spike sleeping on the table. Sweetie Belle wakes the purple dragon up. Spike opens his eyes and sees Sweetie Belle staring at him. The purple dragon rubs his head. "Uh... just a sleep." "Well... you want to go first or second." Sweetie Belle gives the purple dragon her deck and shuffles Spike's deck. "I hope Red Eyes don't teach you anything stupid." "Don't say that, she teaches me some helpful advice." Spike shuffles Sweetie Belle's deck. "I'll go second." Spike : 8000 LP Sweetie Belle: 8000 LP Sweetie Belle gives him the deck, then takes her deck and goes back to the table. The white filly puts her deck on it and draws five cards. "I set a monster and a card, then I'll end my turn." "That's it." Spike tilts his head. "I think I can win you over here." "Go ahead." Sweetie Belle drinks some water. "I will be glad if you can OTK (one turn kill) me." "All right." Spike draws a card. "My turn. From my hand, I activate the field spell 'Numeron Network.' I will send 'Numeron Calling' from my deck to make this field spell apply the effect." Sweetie Belle spills the drink and coughs when she hears that. The field is covered in purple smoke. Spike tilts his head. "You okay?" "I'm fine." Sweetie Belle coughs a little. "Continue. I have nothing to respond to." Spike nods. "I will summon four monsters from my extra deck." The gate is opened and a monster flies with a metal gate shape "Number 1 : Number Gate Ekram (rank 1/ 1000 ATK/ 100 DEF)." And then two monster appears with something like metal dinosaur shape. "Number 2 : Number Gate Dve (rank 1 / 1000 ATK / 100 DEF) and Number 3 : Number Gate Trini (rank 1/ 1000 ATK/ 100 DEF)" . Eventually, a round metal monster appears with two metal swords on either side. "And number 4: Number Gate Catvari (rank 1 /1000 ATK / 100 DEF)." Sweetie Belle keeps looking for the black dragon but she is nowhere. "You know, Spike. After finishing this duel, I will find Red Eyes." "For what?" "For making you use that deck." Sweetie Belle takes a card and summons a metallic dragon. "Find Red Eyes for me." "Hmm... okay. Anyway, I will go to battle phrase." Spike points at the face down card. "Attack that face down monster, number 1." The gate monster shoots a beam at it and creates smoke from it. "That's how I do it. After battle, all of other of my number monster will double ATK." The smoke is fading and showing an hourglass with four candles inside. "What?" "Aroma Jar (lv 1 / 500 ATK / 400 DEF). When it is flipped face up, you can't destroy it by battle." Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "And I know you have to banish all of your monsters in the end phrase." "Switch to main phrase two." Spike shows a card. "I activated 'Double Summon', it allows me to normal summon twice this turn." Then he shows two cards. "I tributed summon 'Big Koala' (lv 7 / 2700 ATK / 2000 DEF)." An enormous Koala is appearing and eating a tree. Spike shows another card. "Then I tributed summon, the tuner monster, Ally Mind (tuner / lv 5 / 1800 ATK/ 1500 DEF)." A big machine orb appears on the field. Sweetie Belle sighs. "What are you going to do with them, Fusion?" Spike shakes his head. "No. Synchro summon." The two monsters fly on the sky and become many orbs. On the field, a robot hodling a flaming sword appears. Sweetie Belle coughs in surprise. Spike introduces. "Level twelve, Geomatchmech Final Sigma (LV12/ 3000 ATK/ 0 DEF)." Sweetie Belle taps her feet. "Where did you get that monster?" Spike laughs. "Just a lucky pull from a box. Even Twilight struggles against this monster." Then he looks at his claw. "I set a card and end my turn." The hourglass glowed and the sparkling dust flitted around the white filly. Sweetie Belle: 8500 LP. "Okay, this is more ridiculous than I thought. My turn." Sweetie Belle draws a card. "I activate 'Double Summon', then I normal summon two more 'Aroma Jar'." Two more hourglasses appear on the field. "Xyz summon." Three hourglasses become orbs and fly into a yellow voxtex on the ground. After a while, a lion claw climbs on the ground, then a muscular bidepal beast with a mask jumps in the ground. Sweetie Belle smiles. "Appear Number 54: Lion Heart (rank 1/ 100 DEF / 100 ATK) Spike rubs his head. "Eh... 100 ATK? What can it do?" Sweetie Belle sets a card. "Lionheart, attack Sigma." Spike's eyes widen. "What?" The beast throws a punch at the robot but the robot blocks it by its sword. After a while, a yellow orb is flying into the creature's paw and releases a shockwave toward Spike. The purple dragon tries to resist the shockwave but he flies and lands on his face. Spike : 2200 LP Spike stands up. "What's happening?" "Once per battle, Lionheart can use one material to slap the battle damage to opponent." Sweetie Belle shows a card. "And Final Sigma deals double battle damage while it's in the extra deck zone. You got the result, I'll end my turn here too." "I see. My turn." Spike draws. "Hah, I got my card." He shows a card. "I activate 'Forbidden Chalice', it will gain 400 ATK to a monster but its effect will be negated." A droplet falls into the creature as it falls down. Sweetie Belle huffs. "That's cool. Next time don't use that deck." "Maybe." Spike points at the beast. "Attack Sigma, flame sword." The robot raises the sword and slashes the beast. After a while, the beast is destroyed but its claw flies into Spike and slashes through him. Spike: 0 LP Spike kneels down and holds his chest. "How?" "First lesson." Sweetie Belle walks to the purple dragon and shows him a card. "Never underestimate the backrows." "But... my monster is unaffected." Spike stands up and looks at the card. "Dimension wall?" "The effect is... like number 54. You receive all the battle damage." Sweetie Belle looks around. "Where can I find my dragon?" "You don't have to." Sweetie Belle looks up and sees the black dragon holding a chain and flying inside. The black dragon tosses the chain at Sweetie Belle. "Next time, don't use the same move." Sweetie Belle pulls the chain and sees the small metal dragon struggling to break free of the chain. "Where did you get this chain?" "That's my chain." Red Eyes grins. "So... what do you want to talk about?" "Why did you suggest Spike this deck?" Sweetie Belle points to Spike's deck. "Why Numberon?" "Easy for newbie, but can slap anyone." Red Eyes flies behind the purple dragon. "Please protect me." Spike doesn't know what to do. Sweetie Belle sighs in frustration and leaves the room. "Come on Spike, let's go to the library. I will teach you as much as I can." Spike nods and follows the white filly. Rarity and Twilight stare at each other. Rarity taps her hoof. "I think she shouldn't." "Good chance to make others learn a lot from her." Twilight nods. "I will go back to my library." Twilight and Rarity leave the school > Wrong Tourament > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle stretches her body and yawns. Looks at the calendar, she realizes it has been two weeks since Spike started training with her. When the filly is just go downstair, she sees her sister is wearing a dress with a hat Rarity jumps on the filly. "Good morning Sweetie Belle, ready to go?" "Go where?" Sweetie Belle yawns. "Is it too early?" Rarity opens the door. "Go to the tourament for school." The white unicorn turns around and sees Red Eyes is holding Sweetie Belle's tail. Rarity shakes her head. "Are you trying to hide?" "Eh no." Sweetie Belle yanks her tail. "I just... umm... prepare a deck." "First, lying is not good." Rarity pats the white filly's head. "Second, you should be responsible with your dragon." Sweetie Belle shakes the black dragon. "No. This dragon is annoyed, and I don't have a deck to go to tourament." Rarity counters. "Your dragon alone can make a deck." Sweetie Belle facehooves. Rarity smiles. "Come on, don't stand there. We have to catch the train." Sweetie Belle grumbles and drags her body to follow the white unicorn the train station. When they get there, many ponies are waiting for them. Spike, Applebloom and Scootaloo are preparing for the tourament while others just preparing for their suitcase. When they are in the train, Sweetie Belle keeps looking at the windowns while hugging the black dragon. There are many pegasi and griffins flying outside. They are even control the weather. Someone shakes her body as the white filly turns around. She sees Spike keep looking at her. "What's wrong?" "I just ask something." Spike shows his deck. "Is it true that you defeat Sombra in the duel." Applebloom and Scootallo turn to the white filly in surprised. Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "Ah... eh... who is Sombra actually?" Red Eyes is going to answer but Sweetie Belle shoves an apple into her mouth. Red Eyes spill the apple away. Spike, Applebloom and Scootaloo look at each other. Spike takes his deck. "So...uh... are you going to join this touranment." "Maybe... or maybe not." Sweetie Belle leans on the chair more. "At first I just don't want to go to there, but seeing you will participate this tourament, I think I'll join." Spike blushes. "Thanks. And you will use your dragon?" Sweetie Belle shakes her head. Suddenly, the train stopped, make the white filly fall on thd ground. The white filly stands up and sees the city is made by crystal. Sweetie Belle is speechless when seeing that city. When the group is just arrived, they sees the pink alicorn with the white unicorn and some several guards are waiting for them. The pink alicorn and Twilight starts with some silly dance. After introducing for a while, the pink alicorn start leading them. She leads them to a big house where to sign up the tourament. Inside the house, there are many ponies are standing inside to wait. Sweetie Belle is trying to get away but Red Eyes drags her back . "Aww man, stop doing that." Sweetie Belle huffs and takes the paper. "I wish I have Blue Eyes instead you." "Sorry, that dragon will not choose anyone." Red Eyes pats the white unicorn's head. "If not me, your sister will do that too." When the unicorn is going to write, a gust blows her paper away. Sweetie Belle tries to get it but she slams into someone. Looking up, she sees the same white stallion. Sweetie Belle blushes. "Sorry. Eh... you are Salmon.." The stallion puts his hoof on her mouth and shakes his head, then he looks at the paper and gives back to the white filly. Sweetie Belle rubs her head as she starts writting on it. After she's done signing into the tourament, the black dragon lands on her back. "Hey Sweetie Belle, I think the card shop is near." "Eh ok, time to test my luck." Sweetie Belle checks her bag and sees it empty. "Well... maybe later." "Someone scare?" Red Eyes pushes her face into Sweetie Belle's neck. "Right?" "Thank to Mana, I am running out of money." Sweetie Belle shudders. "Why she have those cards that I must buy? "Come on. At least you have DPE with a good price." "Bleh. DPE is bad without that leafy snake." Sweetie Belle sighs. "By the way, what happens with the link monster?" Sweetie Belle looks at the black dragon and sees her face is turning away. The white unicorn decides not to ask more and starts filling the paper. After a while, she gives it to the guards and heads back to the location Twilight and others are coming to the large building. Inside the building, there are many fillies and colts are running around, some of them are checking their deck. Rarity looks around but she doesn't see her little sister is there. Rarity is worried. "Where is my sister? The tournament is about to start and she doesn't here." Spike points at outside. "I will get her. She said that she is inside the library." But before the purple dragon move. Twilight stop him ommidiately. Spike complains. "What? I just want to get her." Twilight shakes her head. "But the tourament is about to start in fifteen minutes. You should stay here to check your deck." Spike sighs and go insise. Rarity sits down and hope that her sister will be here. "So this is the place?" Red Eyes look around and see two guards stand in front of the building and a guard is sitting on the chair. "Make sense because this is small tourament anyway." Sweetie Belle gives the paper to the guard. The guard looks at the paper and shakes his head. "Sorry miss, this is not the paper for this place." Sweetie Belle slams the table. "Oh what? Then what kind of paper I am writting?" "Well..." the guard points at the crystal stadium. "This paper is for that place. You should go there." Sweetie Belle is nervous and trying to go away but the black dragon drags her back. Sweetie Belle is struggling to get out. "Let me go. I don't want to go there." "Nah." Red Eyes quickly changes into the big dragon and puts the white filly on the back. Before the white filly can react, the black dragon fly away. The stadium is full of crystal pony and creatures. Some of them are holding the camera to the camera and some of them are standing inside the stadium. Sweetie is led inside the stadium. All of others creature look at her, then laugh at her immidately Suddenly, a black unicorn is slowly rising from the stage with a microphone. "Everyone, welcome to Card Championship." The crowd are shouting as the MC continues, "But unfortunately, there are too many duelists participate into the tourament so we decide to change the predilimate round." Many magic circles are appearing around the competition. MC intruduces. "All players will stand inside these magic circles. Don't worry, they're unharm The crowd is murmring as Sweetie Belle just steps inside the magic circle. The circle is shining and all of the competitions are disappearef. Sweetie Belles looks around and finds that she is inside the cave. Suddenly, an orb is appeared and starts talking, "this round is very simple, all of the competitions will find the way back to the stadium. Of course they can duel with ewch other. But remember, once you lose the duel, the orbs will broken and the player will immidiately teleport back to thr stadium and eliminated. Only sixteen players can go to the next round, good luck." Sweetie Belle holds the orb and rubs her head. "Well, this is awark. So basically I must be one of the 16 players to get back the stadium." "The problem is... where are we?" Red- Eyes looks around. "Seriously, I like this cave." "Maybe this is the crystal cave thry are talking about." Sweetie Belle takes out a card. "A bat will solve this problem." Red-Eyes points at herself. "You got me." Then she is being pushed. "Hey, that's mean." "You are going to make the way to go to any duelist." Sweetie Belle taps the dragon's head. "I am not a child." "Fine." The black dragon folds her claws. "I will rest on your back." "You always do that." The filly flicks the card and a bat appears from it. The bat looks at the mare, then starts rushing to her but the black dragon flicks it away. Sweetie Belle yawns. "Yep, Vampfire likes blood so much." The bat starts leading them after seeing the dragon's glare. After thirty minutes, the orb suddenly shining. Red Eyes quickly takes the filly to fly high. They see the unicorn is looking arouund anc suddering. When the unicorn gone, the dragon puts them down, "look like we know how to avoid them." "Let's... get out of here." Sweetie Belle cracks her back. "You are so heavy so my back is broken." After an hour, the trio sees the large magic circle on the end of the road. Sweetie Belle is wapking toward it. A black cape teleports in front of her, make rhe white filly jumps back. "Who was that?" The white filly stands up. "You scares me" The firgure says nothing and the orb starts glowing. On the ground, there are many square appear to it. The figure starts drawing five cards from the deck. Sweetie Belle is confused at first, then she starts doing the same. The coin appears on the ground and flipped by its own. After that, the light is points at the white filly. Red Eyes huffs. "Sound like someone I know." "Who?" "Mahad." Red Eyes look at the white unicorn's cards. "Well, we win already." "God draw." Sweetie Belle pats the dragon's head. "Sometime I like to play you like this." Red Eyes rolls her eyes and get back to Sweetie Belle's back. Rarity and her friends are going around crystal empire to looking for her sister. After asking a guards, they know that the filly at thr stadium. When all of them going inside the building, the crowd are cherring as the MC is rising from the ground. "We have the result. 16 duelists are decided to go to the next ground and they are here." Sixteen magic circles appear om the stage. One of them is spinning and Salmon Hooves appears from the stage, next one is Stargazer, then many duelists are appeared from the magic circle. Rarity and her friends look at them as they know two of the pony. The last circle is spinning and Sweetie Belle appears. The crowd is looking at her as Rarity is shocked when her sister is here. The MC claps his hooves. "Well well well, we have a surprise." The crowd are cheer at the white filly. "Duelist, take a rest for an hour. We will Sweetie Belle rubs her head. "Ughh... wish I can go home already." "You can't." Salmon Hooves walks toward the white filly. "Welcome to my tourament." "Thanks for your inviting." Sweetie Belle huffs. "Wish I can burn that paper." Salmon Hoof laughs at the filly. Stargazer looks at the filly and raised his hoof. "So you are Rarity's little sister. I have seen you defeat Sombra." "Just a hush." Sweetie Belle shakes her hoof. "Kinda unfair when I know what deck he will play." Stargazer counters. "But no record about 'Malefic' archetype". "Wow, 'Malefic' is too bad for people to record or something?" Sweetie Belle looks at her big sister. "Well, I have to go to meet my big sister. See you next round." Sweetie Belle runs to her sister. Stargazer and Salmon Hoof turns back to the crowd to meet other participants.