> Dating with a Sun Goddess (Maybe Moon Goddess too) > by That Other Writing Guy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: By The Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life is funny, ya know? One minute you're doing normal everyday things as a human. Going to work. Having a drink after said work. Though in Anon's case he really did kind of just wander through his existence. Didn’t have many friends nor was he close to his family. He was simply…there at times. Maybe that is why when his life was uprooted suddenly it didn’t really bother him that much. While sitting laid back in his chair, the fireplace roaring beside him, his thoughts still weren’t of home or his life before all of this. Anon had found himself in a land of magic…and colorful pony. Quite literally colorful. Anon had landed via a surge of magic that Twilight explained as a once in a lifetime event. For the following weeks, he was Twilight and Starlight's subject of interest. They basically study him while he adapted to pony culture. Twilight tries to explain to Anon that going back would be…challenging, giving the barriers between worlds, at least that's the gist of what he got from her complex explanation about magic and dimensional barriers. You'd think this would cause him to feel depressed or anxious, but, really he didn’t feel that for some reason. The ponies were sweet, at least Twilight’s friends were. Rarity found him to be a delight. A new challenge for her fashion designs. Though that first taking of measurements was a culture shock. Let's just say he lost some dignity as a man that day. Still, he appreciated all Rarity did because now he had a whole closet that was full of clothes that he could wear. He was wearing something she designed. A full suit. A red button shirt with a black jacket and black pants. A little too fancy for his taste, but, Rarity refused to take no for an answer after hearing what he was doing tonight. On that subject he turned his head. He was seated on a velvet sitting chair. Turning his head to look at her. Princess Celestia. She was seated at her desk working tirelessly on some document for the kingdom. She was beautiful. The soft snow-like fur that covered her body. The long flowing mane of rainbow that shines even in this light. The cutting yet beautiful eyes that study the documents but find themselves meeting Anon’s gaze. He cleared his throat, looking away, trying to pretend that didn’t just happen. Celestia had asked him on a date. She did it pretty boldly, he might add. Right in front of Twilight on their very first meeting. Twilight fainted. It was kind of funny. He thought it was a joke at first, or maybe this was her weird way of testing the new creature to her realm. She was basically a goddess. Divine magical power and she was nearly twice the size of a normal pony. She was bigger than Anon. (It was kind of hot). He awkwardly said yes. Thinking turning down one of the goddesses of this world was a bad idea, and…he hasn’t been on a date for years. They agreed to dinner at the palace. Which gave him time to prepare for the evening. Twilight wasn’t a lot of help. She was worrying more than anything else. The rest of the gang was a little better off. Applejack told him to be honest. Telling him if this date didn’t go well or he wasn’t feeling like being with her, it was ok to let her down. Rarity went through ten outfits for Anon before he could even walk out of his room. Rainbow Dash was trying to build some confidence before the date…he didn't do much of that to go around. Basically telling him that this was the first time Celestia had EVER asked anyone out on a date. That she had turned down suitor after suitor that came to the kingdom. Anon didn’t know if that made things worse or better. Dinner was nice. They had some small talk. Nothing huge, but, Anon understood why every pony loved her so much. She was down to earth even though she was immortal and more powerful than the sun. She was surprisingly humble. After dinner, she asked Anon if he wanted to stay a little longer and spend time with her in her study. She had a few bits of paperwork that still needed to be done. He didn’t really mind the wait. That is where everything was right now. He was staring back at the flames dancing in the fireplace. Everything was starting to catch up to him. All of his feelings were at least. A thousand thoughts racing in his head. Why did she ask him on this date? Did she actually have feelings for him? Was he even going to stay here? Did he want to go back home? Could he even have feelings for her if that was actually the case? He didn’t even know what love was. He never found romance in the other world. It never happened to him. Not even a spark or two. He found some women…and men attractive, but it never did lead anywhere, or sometimes he was too scared to act on his feelings. Was that it? Was ot just feeling regret at the moment? His life was less complicated when he wasn’t being swooned by an actually immortal goddess. “All done.” She announced. The words and her song-like voice broke through the sea of thoughts he was drowning in. Turning back to her. She was already floating off the pieces of her jewel from her body. Shaking her mane free from the crown. He was stunned by her. She was almost like a painting in this lighting. He found himself on his feet when she walked up to him. A tilt of her head and curious expression met him. “Umm…” Suddenly he was embarrassed; he didn't know why. His face turned red. She giggled at him as a single leg lifted and pulled him close to her chest. His face was now in soft…wonderful fur. Ooh, she was warm to touch. Her scent was soft but filled his brain quickly. It was fruity with a hint of cinnamon. He could fall asleep like this. He lost himself for a second before shaking his head. “Sorry, I'm um…not used to this.” He explained, lifting his head from her chest. He was met with another warm laugh. “Why don't we sit by the fire? I would love to talk more before you go. If you don’t mind.” “S-sure.” He cleared his throat and calmed himself. Taking a seat back on a sitting chair. She laid down next to him. Both of them faced fire. “So….” He needed to know. “Why did you ask me out? I heard…you had a lot of suitors. Surely there are some pony out there that you could be with. I am a bit of an odd choice, don’t you think?” She gave him a side glare. “Ooo do you think you know better than me? A being that has been around for eons.” She questioned. “Um….” Sweat pooled down his cheek. She couldn’t hold it in as she laughed. “I am joking…it’s simple, really. I felt a spark. Didn’t you? I am not sure about your kind, but, we pony just…know when we fall for someone. When I locked eyes on you, I could feel it. Perhaps it is my age…I didn’t want to beat around the bush and someone else feel that spark. None of the other suitors have come close to that spark. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t work out and…you will spark for someone else down the road. Do you humans not have that?” “N-not really, we kind of just have to figure it out.” He was hoping that answer wasn’t too bad. She did look disappointed by his answer. “It’s not that I can’t feel that for you, but, it takes time for us Humans and….I've never done anything like this before. I am not sure what it even feels like, to be honest.” He felt Applejack talking through him on this one. “Well, would you like to try?” She asked next, looking into his eyes. They sparkled in the fire light. Anon's heart raced. “I…I think that would be nice.” > Chapter One: A Quiet Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding his footing on the cobblestone streets was at least reassuring. The quiet of the night was peaceful. The moon was high; the stars were shining, and Ponyville was silent as most were in bed. The only sound that he heard was his own footsteps. His hands were in his pockets to keep warm from the chill of the night. Alone with his thoughts once more he was processing everything that happened this event. Being with Celestia was warm, breathtaking even. He couldn’t see past himself at this moment, though. All he could think of was why a goddess of power and knowledge would crave to be with a being that was alien to her race. Was it some kind of test? Some way of keeping an eye on him? That idea made his stomach turn. Thinking poorly of her was something that he hated. The ponies had been nothing but kind to him. Self-doubt was a real bitch at times. Celestia told him she could teleport him right to Twilight's Castle. He asked her not to and just to teleport him to the edge of town. He said he liked the walk. Which wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t the whole truth either, though. He hadn’t been walking that long when the crystal tower came into view. This had been his home for the last few weeks. He had spent most of his days indoors learning about the new world he was in from Twilight. Meeting the townsfolk for the first time was an interesting interaction, to say the least. That thought alone made him dig into his jacket pocket. This was something he hid from all the ponies. A package of cigarettes that he had been using for the last few weeks. Sneaking off into the castle to have smoke by a window. He didn’t know if the ponies had smokes here like they had in his world. He looked into the carton, seeing he only had three left. He let out a sigh into the air as he kept walking. Maybe this was a sign from the stars that he needed to finally quit. He always meant to, but his job was stressful. He didn’t have many outlets for his stress, either. He tucked the cigarettes back into his pocket. They were one of the last ties to his world he had left. Before he knew it, he was walking the path to the entrance to the castle. He tilted his head, spotting a certain purple dragon sleeping against the railing of the stairs. It was Spike, Twilight's friend and assistant at times. Spike had been a positive and friendly being since Anon had gotten here. He was like a kid brother; he never had. The dragon was mature in his own way, at least in Anon's eyes, anyway. Anon walked up to the little dragon. He cleared his throat. Spike jumped to his feet. “AH! I am awake.” He spoke, looking up at the Anon, who’s brow was arched already. “Oooh, Anon fancy seeing you here, just thought I'd take a little walk outside. Guess I dozed off.” He spoke sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Riighhhttt. Whelp, Champion let’s get you inside it’s cold out tonight. If you catch a cold, Twilight will have one more thing to worry about.” Stating this to him as he walked past him towards the door of the castle. Pushing it open, the lights were still on. He looked back at Spike. Spike flashed him a nervous smile. “Twilight said she was having a girl's night. Everyone here. I think they should still be up.” Spike spoke aloud as he walked behind Anon. Anon found his eyes rolling at that explanation. He guessed they couldn’t help themselves and wanted to know how things went tonight. He wasn’t used to people actually worrying about him…or maybe they were worried about Celestia. Still, his feet carried him to the center of the castle. Which Twilight called the Map Room. Apparently the crystal table in the middle of the room was actually a magical map that summoned some of them to places sometimes. He didn’t understand it all, but the magic stuff did go over his head a lot. There they were, sitting in crystal thrones, fast asleep. Pinkie pie was literally on the table with butt in the air snoring. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were leaning against each other. Rarity was snoring the loudest, and Fluttershy was curled up in a little ball in her chair. Twilight was face down on the table. There were playing cards on the table. He was guessing they were going to try to play it off like they were just playing a game when he walked in. “Come on Spike, help me out. I don’t want them to get cold. Don’t wake them up ok.” He whispered. Spike nodded and the two of them got some blankets out of the hall closet and wrapped each of the girls in a small blanket so they wouldn't be cold. The only one he didn’t see down here was Starlight. She probably didn’t care about the date and decided to pack it in for the night. He put the last blanket on Twilight and she shuffled in her sleep, curling into the blanket as he released it. “So…did it go well?” Spike finally got the courage to ask. “I don’t know Spike. I am not really experienced at this whole romance thing.” Anon commented. Spike looked at Rarity for a moment. Letting out his own sigh. “Ya neither am I. Did you at least have fun?” That was his next question. Anon peered down at his little buddy. Offering a little shrug as he replied. “Yeah, it was fun. She’s….nice to talk too.” “Of course. Celestia’s the best.” He beamed up at Anon. Anon offered a weak smile in return, stretching his arms to the sky, letting out a yawn. “I am going to head to bed, Spike. You should get some sleep, too.” He then began to walk away from the room towards the staircase in the hallway. “Hey Anon.” Spike spoke up. Anon stopped in his tracks, turning back to him. “Yeah?” Anon replied. “....I know this place isn’t your home. I know how it feels not to fit in around here. I know it's probably worse for you because you had home before this one. I am sure you miss it, but…” He stopped looking up at Anon. “This place can be your home if you let us and we’re here for you. That’s what friends are for.” Friends. Did he even know what that word meant? He never formed any deep connections like that in his world. “Thanks Spike. Goodnight.” That’s all he could really say as turned back to his path. “Goodnight.” Spike replied. Anon found himself in the room. It wasn’t bad. They gave him a huge bed and a night stand. He even had a window that had a perfect view of the sky. His eyes, however, were locked on his bed. He was physically, mentally, and emotionally…DRAINED. He took off his jacket and dropped it on the nightstand. He took off his belt and let it hit the floor and finally kicked off his shoes as face planted into the bed. Sleep found him quickly as moonlight covered his entrance to the land of dreams. Where someone was waiting to greet him. > Chapter Two: Dreaming 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of waves crashing against the sand. The sun beating against his skin and his toes digging into the warm sand. Didn’t he just fall asleep? He remembered hitting the bed. Now he was sitting at the edge of a beach. Then there was warmth. This was familiar to him; the scenery filled him with both joy and a sense of melancholy. He took in the fresh salted air. The sounds of seagulls above. Looking around, all he could see was endless waves and sand in all directions. That's when she came into view. Another alicon that wasn’t Twilight or Celestia, someone different. She was taller than Twilight but smaller than Celestia. Dark blue fur with a mane of pure starlight. She was almost ethereal. The jewelry she was wearing was similar to Celestia's, only it was black and the mark on her bottom was that of the night sky with a crescent moon. Those deep light blue eyes met with his own. He stared until she was upon him. “May I sit with you?” She asked, her voice was like a whisper. Soft, calm, and yet could fill you with peace if you let it. “Sure.” That’s all he could answer as he was stunned by it all. “I am Princess Luna. Forgive me, for I have entered your dreams without consent. I wished to speak with you. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion, and if you wish it. I will leave.” She spoke with grace and sincerity. The true makings of a royal. “Ooh, so this is a dream. That makes sense. I am never too sure these days what’s real and what is not. Processing all of this is….a lot. Your sister spoke about you. I didn’t know you go into people's dreams. I don’t mind the company, especially here.” He spoke plainly as he looked back towards the sea. Luna took her seat next to him, looking around her and back towards the sea he was gazing at. She knew the beaches of her land and this wasn’t one of them. She turned back to the strange man who she had come to question. She could feel torrents of emotions not only on his face but in his dream as well. “May I ask, if it is not too forward, where are we?” Luna asked. Anon sighed this was going to be fun. “A place my parents used to take me to when we went on holidays or when we were on vacations. It wasn’t much, we didn't have a lot of money. Still playing with my dad in the water and building sand castles with my mom were some of my best memories. Life was simple back then. I used to come to this beach by myself at times to relax. My parents and I aren’t really that close.” He didn’t know why he was telling her all of this. Maybe it was stress from everyone or maybe he needed to vent. He couldn’t help but say it in a weird way. Luna took everything in. Feeling the oozing sadness from the words. She knew the feeling all too well. He was more of a kindred spirit then she had once thought. She didn’t know what to expect when she met him. She had come in truth as a worried sister and protector of the realm. She trusted Twilight, but they all had been fooled before by a friendly face before. She also knew what genuine emotion was. During the night and in person dreams she was at her strongest. She could feel the emotions of a dream. No one could fake that, not even the best of liars. The man seemed lost. She herself didn’t know how to react to that. “I know the pain of the past. I have made many mistakes myself. Do you wish to return to the place you have come from?” That was her next question. “I don’t know. Not much to return to, if I am being honest. Not sure if I fit in here either. Maybe…I just don’t belong anywhere.” All of this was coming from somewhere deep that he pushed down for too long. “Someone did say if I tried I could make this new world my home. I am not sure if there is truth to that. I could end up the same way as before. Alone and kind of just going through the motions.” “Well, I can tell you from experience that second chances are possible here. Magic works in strange ways, perhaps even that is why you are here. I only wish to say please…treat my sister kindly. She has not been in love in many moons, at least not in the way she has feelings for you. I am not saying to be with her if you don’t share those feelings, but, make a choice when you are able.” She spoke with a little firmness in her voice. Ah, there it was, the sister part of her. It made Anon chuckle. Not at her, but, it was nice to know even powerful beings like them shared something so simple as sibling affection and worry. He turned to her. “I have no intentions of leading her on or hurting her. At least I am trying not to anyway. I don’t know how I feel. That’s all I really know.” Luna nodded, taking in his words again. Letting out a calm breath. “My sister knows her heart well. It took her ages to master it. I can tell you her feelings are real and…I can feel the spark she has for you. I mean, not to pressure you, but, you are more than you see. It took me a long while to realize that about myself. Try to sleep more peacefully.” With those words spoken she walked away, then her wings expanded and she took flight into the sky. Anon leaned back into the soft sand and found his eyes drifting closed as he watched her fly into the blue sky above. His eyes flashed open to the sound of a harsh knock on his door. He winced at the light pouring into his room from the window. He barely got to his feet. He felt like he slept like a brick; everything was heavy as he moved towards the door. Ooo great, he was still in his clothes from last night. The knocking got louder. “I am coming. I am coming. Calm down.” He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it slightly when the door burst open from Twilight, pushing on it. Twilight and Applejack broke into the room rather quickly. “ANON!” Twilight shouted. “I am right here. Please don’t shout. I just woke up.” He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just woke up? It’s three in the afternoon, Anon.” Applejack commented. “Oh…..” Anon rubbed the back of his neck. He had not slept like that in a while. “Nevermind that, Anon Celestia here she wanted to make sure you got home ok. She wants to see you.” Twilight spoke. > Chapter 3: Taking Risks with a side of brunch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What? Why?" Anon asked. "Well…." Twilight seated herself on the ground, pushing her hooves together in front of her. "I kind of told Celestia I would tell her you got home safe and... I didn’t do that because I passed out last night playing cards. When I woke up and got her messages, I had not seen you come in yet. I kind of panicked, thinking something had happened to you, and told her to come down so we could figure it out. Then Spike woke up and told me you came in late. Hehe… funny right?" Anon slapped his hand in front of his face, rubbing it straight down. "You could have, you know... LOOKED IN MY ROOM FIRST." He replied. "I know that now!" She rubbed her shoulder sheepishly. "Well, she is here now. It may be a good time to clear the air. Did you two figure out last night if this is gonna work out or not?" Applejack spoke up, looking up at Anon. "It’s….complicated. I am trying, but I am not totally sure yet." He let out a huff. This is not how he wanted to start his morning. Applejack tilted her head at him. Those green eyes narrowed at him. "What’s so complicated about it? Do you like her or not?" "I don’t know yet. She’s nice to be around, sure, and... she is warm, but I've never done anything like this before." He pinched the bridge of her nose. "If that’s just a fancy way of sayin’ you don’t want to be with her, just say that. Don’t drag it on." A soft scowl crossed her face as she spoke. "It’s not like that! I just don’t know. I got here a few weeks ago, and now a goddess is trying to date. It’s not as simple as if I like her back or not." His tone was harsher as he spoke. "But, it is. She is the princess, Anon! She never had anyone; everyone has always depended on her. Even us to get where we needed to be. She has done so much for every pony! Most ponies know how they feel after a nice date." She huffed. "Applejack don’t be like..." Twilight spoke. "I AM NOT A PONY!" Finally snapping as his voice cut through Twilight’s words. The room went dead silent as he spoke; both of them were stunned by the volume at which he spoke. He let out a sigh and turned away, going back to his bed and taking a seat on it. He put his face in his hands. Twilight shot Applejack a glare as she sighed, coming up to Anon. "I am sorry. I know you're not Pony, but we don't know how you guys work, and we can only go by what we know. Celestia means a whole lot to us. I think all of us want to see her happy." She then put a hoof on his knee. "But we also want to see you happy. Ever since you got here, I don’t think I've seen you smile much. We want to be your friend Anon but, ya closed off to every pony. That ain’t no way to live." "That’s the only way I have lived." He answered without looking at her. "People leave... or things change. Then I end up all alone again, so what’s the point?" He looked up into her green eyes. "Well shoot, that's a risk ya got to take, Anon! Sure, sometimes people leave or maybe they're not the same pony they were before, but that just means you can get to know them all over again. We ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. None of us are. We want to be your friends. You have been fun and kind to all of us. I know it’s scary, but we’re right here with ya. Even if you need time with everything," She spoke with her hooves placed on top of his hands. He took her hoof in his hand. There was comfort in the warmth that he felt. "Thanks Applejack." He spoke standing up, looking over at Twilight. "Give me a minute to get dressed, and I will come out." Twilight gave him a smile as she and Applejack exited the room. He slapped some water against his face in the bathroom, looking into the mirror. He didn’t feel tired. In fact, this was the most rested he had felt since getting to Equesta. He let out a breath, then found himself dressed for the day. Something simple: a plain white shirt and red shorts. He had to beg Rarity for something easy to wear. It was like pulling teeth. Walking down the hall back to the map room, he found himself smelling... breakfast. It smelled of maple. He was hoping Pinkie was making flapjack again. She was a crazy pony, but boy did she know how to make a mean breakfast. As he entered the room. He spotted her, the princess, sitting at the table across from Twilight. Everyone was at the table beside Pinkie and Spike. Speaking of the dragon, the doors to the kitchen burst open. "I got more! Hot and ready." He spoke as a certain pink pony was skipping behind him with a plate of pancakes on her head, that she was somehow balancing. They delivered the goods to the table as they also took their seats. "Anon! Morning sleepyhead. Come get some food. You've been sleeping all afternoon. Well, so did we for the most part. But now we get afternoon pancakes." Pinkie giggled as she began digging into her plate. He laughed, walking over to the table, as his eyes locked with those pink hues from last night. Celestia's smile was soft, and the rays of light coming into the room caught her just right. He cleared his throat, breaking eye contact as he sat down at the table and was slid a large stack of pancakes by the chef. The stack almost went to his chest. He looked over at Pinkie, looking concerned as she tilted her head at him. "Ooo, right, silly me." She giggled again as she proceeded to drown his stack of cakes in a gallon of maple syrup. "There ya go, Anon." "Rigghtt… I will work on these." Taking a very small bite They were pretty good, but he wasn't sure if he could eat all of this. His teeth might rot out if he did. "Sorry about dropping by so soon. I know how that must look... I got a little worried when there was no answer, and... well, Pinkie won’t let me leave until I ate something." Celestia spoke, rubbing the back of her head. "That’s right. A meal a day keeps the nurse pony away." Pinkie uttered, stuffing another bite into her mouth. "It’s an apple, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash cut in. "No, these are pancakes, silly." Pinkie replied with a mouthful. " Pinkamena Diane Pie! We have a guest, and you are talking with a full mouth. Manners, darling, manners." Rarity spoke. Celestia chuckled as Twilight simply put her head into her hoof. The makeshift brunch was good. Everyone was laughing, and Anon forgot about his worries for a moment. He ended up not finishing his stack but did get some coffee that Rarity made. Celestia stood up from the table. "Thank you for the meal, Pinkie. I have to go now. I have a few other things to get done today." She turned to Anon. "I know this is a little forward, but would you like to come over to my study later this week? If you have time." She asked with a light redness in her cheeks. Anon paused and put down his coffee, looking at her. A lot of things were going through his mind at this moment. His eyes locked onto hers. Maybe he did need to take a risk at times. "I think that would be nice." She smiled and smirked, leaning down and giving him a small kiss on the cheek as she then rushed out the door, waving goodbye to everyone. Everyone in the room's jaw dropped. Anon rubbed his cheek. "That was pretty nice." > Chapter 4: Getting to Know a Sun Goddess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking up the steps, he found himself alone. The castle guards were told he was coming this evening. Celestia’s room was at the top of the castle. He had walked these long stairs before. Another date in her study She had apologized that they hadn't gone out yet for a date, but she didn’t want gossip about them dating to start until they knew for sure they both wanted this. Anon thought that was fair. He had been once again dressed by Rarity. He fought her a little on this, though he wanted something more casual for this date. It was a fierce battle, but finally they came to an agreement they both could live with. He was wearing a button-up flannel collared shirt under this; it was a white T-shirt, along with some cargo shorts. He refused to wear pants as it had been hot lately. As he got up to her door, he softly knocked on it. The door opens slowly with the energy of her magic. She stood in front of him with a smile. "Anon! Come in. I got some snacks." She pointed at the seating chair again. The fire was lit again in the fireplace. The room wasn’t hot, surprisingly. Surrounding the seat were a few plates of appetizers and what looked like wine and water. He arched a brow at her. "Ooo, I didn’t know the good princess was allowed to drink." Giving her a smirk as he walked into the room. "I am thousands of years old and run a whole country. I am allowed a drink here and there. Do you drink? Also don’t worry fire is just an illusion but, feel adds to ambiance." Placing a hoof on her chest with a small ounce of pride in her tone "Hm. I am not much of a drinker. I never like the bitter taste of it, but usually I do like fruitier drinks." He spoke softly as he seated himself on the armchair in front of the fire. It was funny that he got so used to magic already. The first time he saw it on display, it was a little bewildering, but now it was just something that was. He even wished sometimes he could use it. Celestia seated herself next to Anon. Again, the beauty of her eyes shone in this low light as he looked into them. He forgot how close they were in this seating area. He had gotten a little red. She took notice, giggling to herself as she spoke. "Would you like to try some wine? I can proudly say that Canterlot is the best in the kingdom." He chuckled. "Sure, I will try some." She beamed at him, using her magic to coil around a pitcher of wine. Two golden goblets floated forward as she poured the wine into them. One floated over to Anon. He took it in his hand. Swirling the liquid for a moment. The aroma was nice at least. Lifting the glass to his lips. He was wincing at what he thought would come next. That moment never came. There was no bitter bite that wine usually has. It was fairly sweet and fruity. He couldn’t tell what kind of berry or berries it was. This is what he called dangerous alcohol. The kind of alcohol you keep drinking because it was tasty, and the next second your underwear is on your head. He took one more sip before putting it down. Hoping the liquid courage would open him up. "So, I wanted to start off this time. I think maybe it is best if I start us off with something simple, um." He cleared his throat. Celestia was still a woman at the end of the day, in spite of being an all-powerful magical horse and the ruler of a nation. "What was your early life like? Do you have parents or were you, like, born from something else?" He wanted to get to know her, and this felt like a normal dating question to him. That question made Celestia pause; her eyes widened as she stopped midsip, taking a hard gulp as her eye moved away from Anon. Putting her drink down on the table in front of them as well. Anon felt a chill in the room, wondering if this single question had ruined the mood already. He was about to say something as her smile returned and her eyes met his again. "I do have parents. Though I have not seen them in many, many moons. My father is King Kósmos, and my mother is Queen Nova. They were raised for quite some time. I have wonderful memories of them…." She spoke with fondness, but Anon could see a hint of sadness in those usual sparkling eyes. "They taught my sister and me how to use our magic. My father always told me that I would one day be a ruler and that I would be needed to raise the heroes of Equestria. Quite the burden to put on a little one, don’t you think?" Asking Anon as she lifted her glass and took another heavy sip. "Yeah, that’s a little much." He opened a sore subject—not his smoothest move. "Did... something happen to them?" He had already opened the door, so he might as well go full steam ahead. It also sounded like maybe she needed to talk about this. "In a sense, I suppose. They left." She spoke while looking toward the window, looking out at the night sky and studying the stars. "They travel the universe trying to see all they can. Protecting our world and others like it with sentient life from harm. I have not seen them since. They left Luna and I with quite a handful. Uniting the pony tribes, stopping Discord, and keeping the peace until I found the heroes he spoke of. I suppose it all worked out in the end." She let out a sigh. Twilight told Anon a lot of Equestria’s history. The fight that Luna and Celestia had Luna being imprisoned on the moon. All the enemies they had faced over the years. All of them had gone through so much. Twilight never mentioned any of this. He thought maybe this is something she doesn’t talk about often. "What about you? What were parents like?" Celestia turned the question around. "Oooh. Nothing that dramatic happened. My mom was a workaholic. She was great, but she was always busy. Plus, I had siblings myself, so I wasn’t always at the top of the list. Dad taught me the important stuff. He was distant at times, though. He was raised in a strict household. It was my mom that had to teach him to relax." His words weren't as heavy as Celestia's. They had their own sadness. "What is your favorite place?" She asked the next question with a sparkle in her eyes. "Um…. I used to really like the beach. The sand beneath my feet. The sound of crushing waves and the sun shining on my skin." Just talking about it made a wave of calm wash over him. She smirked up at him as she leaned in close. Anon felt his heart beat faster as she got so close. Did she always smell this good? "I have a secret. Can you keep this from every pony, Anon?" "Umm sure." He spoke with a little redness in his face. "I have a garden that I never told anyone about. It’s my place to go for a moment. A place to catch my breath. I never told anyone about it before. Not even my sister... I trust you for some reason. A reason I can’t seem to place. My mother spoke of love as something you just felt. I never felt it before... and I don’t know if this is it or not." Spoke her lips pushed close to him. It happened. Neither of them meant to do it. Their lips met with each. She was so warm. Her skin and her breath Celestia felt her whole body lift up as if it were light as their lips met. Anon didn’t know how long the kiss actually was, but it felt like hours before they parted. He let out a heated breath looking at her. They stared into each other's eyes as moonlight shone into the room. They both understood at this moment that this was worth going forward with.