> The New World | Millennium > by Escalator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humanity... A species that only once appeared in My Little Pony Generation 1 films. The Human character being Meagan, only to be forgotten by the sands of time. While this story will be based on my favorite mod, Equestria At War, it will even include a storyline (somewhat) flexible with the original canon timeline. Of course, while there are other stories yet to be created and published, The New World is a what if scenario. This will also be about a first-person omniscient character who happens to explore what it is like to live in a world where the dominant superpowers battle for influence and control, along with espionage, sabotage, war, terrorism, death, and the horrors of what to come, but this is all without saying for a fact that good will always come out on top, just not always. But with introductions out of the way, let's see data of the nations of this New World, Humarica. (Modern Borders, as of 1000 ALB) The Federation Of American States Flag: Technology: Modern weaponry Ideology: Presidential democracy. (Harmonist) Leaders: The Immortal patriot Uncle Sam, Civilian elected President. (Current: Jimmy Carter) Enemies: R.S.R.S., and other communist/terrorist organizations. Current wars: Federation operation in The Realm of Kiria, War on Z.I.T.S. (Zebrican Insurgent terrorist state), Rodinian-American cold war. Allies: Cooperation treaties between Kiria, Zebrican governments, and Humarican nations. Northern (Or Rodinian) Soviet Republic of Sectors Technology: Modern weaponry Ideology: Unitary Socialist Party (Communism) Leaders: The Immortal Red Mother, General Leonid Brezhnev. Enemies: F.A.S., Z.I.T.S., and Pro American allies. Current Wars: Special Operations in Saddle Arabia. Allies: Pro-Communist Nations, Caramel-Red Mother Alliance (CRMA) Alania Tribal State Flag: Technology: Tribal weaponry (Bows, Spears, and Arrows) Ideology: Tribal Council (Harmonist) Leaders: Wood Frost: (Brown mare with a white mane) Enemies: None Current Wars: None Allies: River Coalition, R.S.R.S., and F.A.S. Celestial Islands Flag: Technology: Medieval. Ideology: Alicorn Rule (Harmonist) Leaders: Filthy Rich Enemies: None Current wars: None Allies: Equestria (Protectorate), Puerto Caballo, and New Mareland. Mexicona Colony Flag: Technology: Musket weaponry Ideology: Imperial council (Non-align) Leaders: Grover the 5th (indirect), The Imperial Council Enemies: Doglumbia, Gradenland. Current wars: Doglumbian raid war. Allies: Griffonian Empire (Protectorate), and other duchies. Caribbean Gulf States Flags: Kuban Republic: Kingdom of Haitai: Dominia Republic: Technology: Cold War weaponry Ideologies: - - - - - Haitai and Dominia: Caribbean Economic Classes (Non-align) Kuba: Caribbean Socialist (Communist) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Leaders: - - - - - - - - Fidel Castro (Kuba) Jean-Claude Duvalier (Haitai) Joaquín Balaguer (Domina) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Enemies: - - - - Haitai/Domina: None Kuba: F.A.S. - - - - - - - - - - - - Current wars: None Allies: None Kira and Zira Flags: Kira: Zira: Technology: Tribal weaponry Ideologies: Exile Republic (Non-Align) Leaders: Anarchy, (None) Enemies: Kira and Zira Current wars: Riot clashes, and race wars. Allies: None. Thestria Flag: Technology: Modern Ideology: Lunarist Disciples (Autocratic) Leaders: Swift Thunder Enemies: Celestia and Equestria. Current wars: Parsley-Thestrian Conflict, border conflicts on Argendina Allies: Parsley (Puppet), Chiropterra, Other Lunar Resistances. The Southern Federation of Argendina Flag: Technology: Cold War weaponry Ideology: Presidente de fiesta Leaders: Alberto Fernández Enemies: Thestria, Thestrian Controlled Parsley. Current wars: Border war on Thestria Allies: Resistance forces in Parsley. (RFP) Threstrian Controlled Territory of Parsley Flag: Technology: Lunar Wars weaponry. Ideology: Lunar controlled council Leaders: Threstrian Military Council Enemies: R.F.P. Current wars: War on Resistance. Allies: Thestria (Protectorate) Bolivar Ove' Junta Flag: Technology: Pre-cold war weaponry Ideology: grandioso fiesta de el gente (Non-align/Autocratic) Leaders: Hugo Banzer Enemies: None Current wars: None Allies: Gradenland Republic The Kingdom of the Gradenlander Republic Flag: Technology: Medieval Ideology: Alicorn Rule (Harmonist) Leaders: Sunset Shimmer Enemies: None Current wars: None Allies: Bolivi Republic, Equestria, Doglumbia Union of Doglumbia Flag: Technology: Medieval Ideology: The Majesties court (Non-align) Leaders: Barkingham III (German Shepard Diamond dog) Enemies: Griffonian Empire, Mexicona Empire, River Coalition Current wars: Raid wars in Mexicona Allies: Gradenland The American Federation (The Land of Opportunity): Colonized in  279 BLB, the Federation was once a part of Equestria's trading hubs in the New World markets, ranging from the price of goods and even civilianized technology, of course, according to the treaty stated and made by King Edwards, King of the Eastern Kingdom, Equestria wasn't able to gain any type of Musket technology, and if they tried to possess one, it would break the treaty and start an all-out war. Nonetheless however, in 536, during a period of famine and earthquakes started by Discord, the Human people awoke from the dream of Equestria being their permanent rulers and so the founding fathers formed the 2nd Continental Congress and began making way for succession from Equestria and its rule.  However, just a day later when the draft was set, Princesses Celestia and Luna had defeated Discord on the soon-to-be independent nation and were quickly captured by local militia led by Colonel Charles Lee, without a chance to fight back the two sisters were knocked out, and were brought to George Washington, horrified at what the Colonel had done, he demoted Charles Lee to Corporal while also ordering that his room was used for the sisters, but the war broke out when Equestria found out the sisters were captured and so... The Nations of The Griffonian Empire, Crystal Empire, Equestria, and the Riverland's declared war on the nation that declared independence.  The war was chaotic however for both sides, but at the utmost end of the war, the lord of patriotism and freedom, Uncle Sam, with rewarded powers from the goddesses, Harmony and the Creator, defeated the superior Griffon-Ponish armies led by Commander Hurricane and met Princesses Celestia and Luna and conferred with them in the first meeting that he "would rather defend his own beloved nation like the sisters before him, rather than rampage the world", convinced by his apathy and kindness, and the tour of the Human city still cooperative with all species with Humans to Griffons to Ponies to even the Bat ponies, Celestia and Luna was now ready to grant the nation they've controlled for centuries it's independence but when Luna one night overheard news that the whole time the nation was at war with half of the known world and that the armies are about to attack the capitol with innocent lives. Determined, Celestia makes a plan with Luna of how they'll stop this war once in for all. As they did in the battle of Washington Fields, (Later Renamed Washington City Capitol in commemoration) the event of this date was celebrated by American Ponies and Humans, "the voice that shouts independence" when Celestia and Luna went between the charging lines of both armies with what would be the biggest magic shield that spanned almost all of the frontlines stopping what could've been the bloodiest and costly battle of the century. Since that day, the Federation-Equestrian relations would eventually be in an up and down mood, however, it all changed in 0 ALB when Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and attempted to coup Princess Celestia, however, she was banished to the moon, upon hearing about the banishment Buccannon demanded Luna's release, but due to timing and his unpopularity he was voted out and replaced by Jefferson Davis. Who then proceeded to start the bloodiest war in Equestrian and American History, triggering a 70-year war that would end in Equestria's favor, the Lunar Wars. Due to mass chaos, Uncle Sam came around once again and ousted Jefferson Davis who then launched an uprising in the South, following a Revolution in the North led by Karl Marx, and a monarchist uprising on the West Coast. Eventually after eight years, Abraham Lincoln would Quell all rebellions in the Civil War with the help of Uncle Sam, however, while the nation was reunified under President Lincoln, Equestrian-American relations spiraled down, leading to an awkward treaty which typically would lead to the creation of the controversial Eclipse Brigade. (And the assassination of Abraham Lincoln two years later into his second term) What's worse was when the Northern Territories, a former colony of the Crystal Empire, had a communist revolution that deposed the democratic president placed by the American military... Rodinian Soviet Republics of Sectors (The Unitary Proletariat) Liberated in the year 203 BLB, the nation was once a colony of the Crystal Empire, controlled by Princess Mi Amore before she was violently overthrown and murdered by Sombra, which then started a full-on recruitment and conscription drive across the vast lands which had Islamic Abrahamic Jihad resistances and Rodinian revolutionaries. In the year 203 BLB a war broke out between the Colonial territory and the Federation, as Sherman Tanks rolled through the borders carrying Artillery cannons, followed was the uprising with the resistance forces completely and successfully captured the capitol of Moskva and the Abrahamic Holy Land. When discovered that Sombra's army was mind-controlled the nation of America was shocked, while the resistance groups continued shooting at the "mindless Collaborators" starting a cover-up genocide of the Crystal Pony Race. After American troops captured one of them and realized that they were civilians, orders were given to only neutralize them in the leg, while also discovering from the broken soldier tormented by Sombra's mind control that the Crystal empire was cursed. After hiring unicorn mages to clear the lands conjured with the curse, the land would be spared by the time of Sombra's banishment... Unfortunately due to Celestia's and Luna's underestimation and dismissal of the Federation's warning, the Crystal Empire entirely disappeared which soured relations between the Federation and Equestria. With the conflict's end, the Federation withdraws troops from the liberated lands as it goes for the path of monarchism with the sponsor of the Hosean Emperor and Brookish King. Eventually, it was decided that Czar Ivan the 1st was to be the first monarchy ruler. By the year 940 ALB a military coup was launched and General Hot Wing took the position of Generalissimo leader of the Northern Kingdom of Rodinia (renamed to the Northern Junta.) A human by the name of Luxembourg Marx, a full-on staunch communist and adopted daughter of Karl Marx, who believed in her father’s beliefs, flew to Severyana where she was greeted by Caramel Marks and started to have meetings together in Princessyn about the idea of workers and equality something of the same beliefs her father had convinced by the same shared goal Luxembourg, Caramel Marks, and Fire Angel began an underground operation in Severyana  ``Union of Struggle for Justice.” The operation started small until it then started spreading worldwide within Griffonia and parts of North Equus. But one night when Luxembourg was continuing her work, she was contacted by a man named Vladimir Lenin who was inspired by her work and wanted to help her. So with this, she convinces Caramel Marks to create a De' Facto faction within the organization, only this De' Facto faction would be the early start of the revolution. It was then that Luxembourg saw clearly that the only way to give birth to this new ideology was a violent overthrow of the Rodinian Generalissimo. In the year 961, a deity by the name that Luxembourg would recall in her sleep as the "red dust" had come to grant her powers beyond comprehension at a price of her name and soul. Obviously she quickly outwitted the red dust deity and requested that immortality come with the powers she'd be granted with, of course he stupidly agreed and the deal was sealed... The Red Dust realized he wasn't getting her soul since she was immortal and he could get the soul only when she died, after a while, was later captured by Celestia who was scoping for Nightmare Moon one night and stumbled upon him in the dream realm which she then banished the deity to Tartarus. Meanwhile in the Rodinian Northlands Eleanor wakes up with newfound powers and a sudden beautiful new physical form, Luxembourg Marx made herself known in the Northland Junta as the Red Mother. Surprised by the announcement, the mayor of the town called for her arrest but was quickly assassinated by pro-soviet spies, what followed was a full-blown civil war between Military forces and its harmonic values led by the Generalissimo Hot wing (supported by the Federation), the White Army troops lead by the ousted Tsar Alexander (supported by Equestria and all of Griffonia) Finally, the Soviet resistance rebels are led by the self-proclaimed Red Mother and Vladimir Lenin (Who are not supported by anyone) with the start of the civil war in the north she lives up to her name slaughtering and winning battles, leading armies with the help of Trotsky and winning the bloody 6-year civil war that ensued and defeated both the loyalist forces and the White Army's while also executing Generalissimo Hot Wing in his cottage 2 months after the victory with him and his family, and exiling the Tsar. The shocking victory sent blast waves across the world as it then would eventually inspire yet another violent revolution in Skynavian in the winter of 986. And an Equestrian version in Severyana in 995. The Victory and establishment of the first Soviet communist government was a changing point in world affairs, as Equestria now sees one of the biggest countries in the world taken over by a new foe in an ideological form, while the Federation of America sees the nation as an affront to their security, but didn't care much as they had other different tasks. (At Least until the Americans realized that according to the F.I.U. they had seen that the Rodinian intended to seek revenge for the occupation of their lands, it would later start mass panic within border towns and jumpstart the 980-984 Red Scare) Meanwhile, the Red Mother realized that with the nation under threat, she needed an enforcer to lead the nation while she helped protect the ideology of equality and begin the Sovietization of the economy, so she chose Lenin, who served as the first Secretary General of the Supreme Soviets. For one year... He died from a stroke, which then came to Trotsky before he was briefly kidnapped by Stalin, but then he (Stalin) was executed by the Red Mother, which then afterward Trotsky was set free, and began what the socialists would call, the Union plans, which were a series of ways to get money and improve equality in the workforce which would inevitably lead to the nations rise in being in 3rd place in worldwide currency. The news came in 986 that Skynavia had been established in Northern Griffonia by a socialist general who was once a part of the Griffonian Republic. The Red Mother congratulated the socialist leader and called it "a victory for the people and equality worldwide" which she vowed total cooperation with their newest communist brother. By the year 995, the winter revolution broke out in Severyana and the Rodinian Socialists were quick to act, they sent T-25 light armor tanks and T-45 medium armored tanks in a land lease to the revolutionaries, along with tons of 20,000 rifles. Produced and freshly crafted by skilled workers of the Soviet industry, along with a sizable food supply and bullets to last them the war, along with what would be the most infamous Soviet brigade to the Equestrian garrison, the 47th volunteer Knife division. (Later renamed to the Blue Berets) By the time they arrived, the revolutionaries were running out of food rations when the first sights of cargo ships with everything they needed arrived, some of the Severyanian revolutionaries collapsed in relief, while the rest cheered that their ally had come to the rescue of their revolution. While Celestia heard about the ships arriving at Severyanian ports, she was also at the same time informed by the Federation President, Theodore Roosevelt, that a revolution had broken out in their own front yard. Seeing this, she quickly called back her military forces, fired the captain of the guard, and called for an emergency meeting in Canterlot between herself, Uncle Sam, and the Red Mother. The moment the Red Mother and Uncle Sam sat down across from each other in the room guarded by the Equestrian guards was the day the Rodinian-American cold war broke out fully and the two immediately (and literally) started throwing stuff at each other, from paintings to a vase, from two more vases to a painting, from a painting to even a Royal guard! Shocked by this initial reaction between the two sides Celestia used her magic and entrapped them in a magic bubble. Until the two finally settled down their differences (for now) and finally sat down. Just... Farther away from each other. Celestia then informs the Red Mother that she will allow Stalliongrad to be independent but will be blockading and cutting off supplies. To Luxembourg's dismay, rage, and anger she was quick to protest against the blockade and threatened to declare war on Equestria. Uproot its foundations and "burn Canterlot to the Ground" if any interference with Soviet supply lines were interrupted. Asserted that the NSRS would be willing to supply crops for Stalliongrad, and warned that she would exhaust all of her forces and even arm the entire population to an all-out war if a single vessel entered a single wave in Stalliongrad's Maritime borders and attacked or hijacked a supply ship. After the meeting, the NSRS signed defensive treaties with Stalliongrad such as the Caramel-Red Mother Alliance, which guaranteed military intervention in case of invasion. Back in the year 975 due to technological insuperiority an Arms race broke out between the Northern Socialist and America as the scientists who were referred to themselves as Rodinian started to advance Rodinia’s armor and aircraft technologies quickly but wouldn’t completely adapt to the advances up until 995, which as for the leftover expired weapons they were granted and exported to Stalliongrad for better chances of fighting. Since then, the year would be 1000 ALB, and the Soviets currently operate military forces in the nation of Saddle Arabia, with the deployment of their new Modern tanks that competed against the American Federation M1 Abrams tanks, the T-90 Models.  But during this, the People's Council referred to the nation of profound soviets as like everyone else they proudly called themselves Rodinian, and since then the People's party continued to push for a name change. As for other nations, they have lots more of Lore, but it is worth mentioning one nation of Gradenland. Gradenland is a nation that gained its independence from the Griffonian empire in the year 538 BLB, the same year the War of Independence ended. The nation is filled with two species of Gradenlanders who house species of Anthropomorphic animals, and ponies, the two sides were once in a race war over land dominance until they saw that their warfare had destroyed the sacred lands so they signed an agreement between two sides ending their feud and focusing on rebuilding and living happily. But in reality, the two species struggled to rebuild as the nation had rough terrain, marshlands in the east, with only solid agricultural lands in the bay of Ponelaria, and what was worse was the warlords that controlled the lands under a one-man dictatorship. But even in the capital city where the dictator resided, the locals had a hard time attempting to recover from the internal conflict they waged between each other, so they went to a desperate approach and based their reliance on Equestrian trade. Fast forward to 996, Celestia receives a message in Canterlot that Gradenland has now cut off all international trade by decree and has now resorted to mass starvation of its population, seeing this as an opportunity to maybe help Sunset Shimmer with her struggles after nearly considering kicking her out of the castle for disobedience, she sends her to Gradenland to administer and help the starving ponies and Gradenlanders. At first, Sunset Shimmer was overwhelmed by the structural and public damage that looked like it was recently torn to shreds, but she kept her mind cool and moved on to work with the remains of the local governments, along with befriending one of the government officials named White Feather who happened to know agriculture, but he was outcast by the rest of his colleagues. So the two worked together to get the nation back on its legs, after months of hard work with gaining three more friends she learned and documented the lifestyle of having friends and realized the purpose of them and so she (and at the same time in Canterlot Twilight Sparkle) sent notes about friendship to the point that Celestia would start noticing her first Proteges findings in Gradenland, Celestia wasn’t convinced at first until she received the 5th letter when she gave into the truth of what she was reading. She could dance for joy after reading the 10th of Sunset’s letters. However, the dictatorship did not like this rapid growth in stability and quickly called for the arrest of Sunset Shimmer and declared her group "Terrorists" In response a civil conflict broke out, and cruise missiles were launched by the Federation striking military bases, starting a civil war within the lands supporting rebel forces. Within 998, the dictator was overthrown by Sunset Shimmer, and within months Gradenland finally recovered with additional aid from the American Humanitarian Services after being greenlighted by Congress in the same year which quickened the progress and made Gradenland from a poor debt-ridden state to a prospering one with food and homes, now was for the matter of Government. After the overthrow, there was a power vacuum voided of the warlord council and their leader. And so Sunset Shimmer’s friends formed the constitutional council which was later filled in by the Gradenlanders and ponies who then surprisingly voted for a single-powered ruler with constitutional documentation. This kinda bummed out President Carter at the time and he also stated that Gradenland was "a waste of time." What would drastically change the nation's course was voted in favor of Sunset Shimmer to jump-start the great Gradenland rule, with her latest and last note to Celestia, Celestia was proud of Sunset Shimmer which would ultimately make Sunset Shimmer become the new Alicorn, with her title being the princess of defense and restoration. After the coronation, the first decree was to achieve peace in South Humarica by forming the Legion of Southern Humarican Nations (or the LSHN) which would extend as far from Doglumbia to Bolivi. Her rule continues as she spectates the politics of what would happen next in the world. > Chapter 1: 1000 ALB, The Return of Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equis, a planet that supports the life of mystical beings like Ponies and Griffons. The planet itself sports three Continents. Equus, Griffonia, and Zebrica. So what if there was another Continent? A continent with humanity with an advancement of great intelligence? Created from the start of the history of the planet? And what timeline would change? This is the story of The New World. Starting in the modern days, up to the year 1030 1000 ALB, Summer Sun Celebration It was the Summer Sun Celebration of the nation, Equestria, the celebration was to celebrate Celestia's defeat over Nightmare Moon, a celebration that the New World continents frowned upon as immoral, the American Federation originally had its incidents with late president Buccannon starting the Lunar wars with Equestria, later the civil war, the military is, and very, active on this day for reasons unknown to even Celestia's knowledge. Some say it was to remind Equestria that they aren't happy, some say they are practicing an invasion, and some say it was just scheduled drills. However the truth was this, ever since Luna's banishment the American military formed a detachment called, the Eclipse Brigade, and for every Summer Sun Celebration event that would come to pass they would use the naval exercises conducted during every event, as a cover for them so they would infiltrate civilian squares and be on standby in the occasion that Luna returned in her original peaceful form, they would move in and take her in under national protection... The problem however was unusual.. For this to work in that type of event they usually relied on the pre-established spy network that would tell them where the event would take place, but complications arose when the network was uncovered by the E.U.P.Gs. and were detained. Nonetheless, the Federation of American States maintained its traditional military exercises, while also holding the Eclipse brigade back for this one time... Ironically that would be the day Nightmare Moon returns... Western Humarican seas As the events dawned down in the coast of East American shores, the pride of the American Navy was at seas with a group of 3 Guided Missile Frigates, the ship that was guarded by the three frigates is selected by the Department of Defense and Secretary of Navy to conduct this year's naval exercise with the new frigates, constructed not too long ago, and made their way towards the Celestial islands, the captain of the Battleship looked onward from the stern edge at the seas that would remind him of that first day on the job. The ship is not only just a battleship but a beast, equipped with four battleship canons with 3 canon tubing, a decent size and amount of Anti-Aircraft weapons, and twelve 16"/50 side/secondary weapons with the heavy cannons equipped with 16' inch shells ready to use, and with a second to primary armament, a cruise missile launcher bay to for onshore bombardments on enemy positions or other ships, compared to the average battleship, this battleship is designed to be almost as strong enough to fight without escorts, of course with the downsides being slow like all average battleships and maintenance is needed every 2 or 4 operations, it is still feared within the continents of the world which is impressive for a Battleship that was built in the 980s, in the Griffonian Continent they call it "The Wave Goddess," In Zebrica they call it "The Avenger," in Equus they call it, "The Merciless" Why all are these names you may ask? Well.. it was because of that one event in the Maribean but first let's talk about its captain. The captain who was watching from the stern looking at the deep seas is named, Douglas Petrie, he was once a naval custodian on the SFN-Republic, (Ship of the Federation Navy) when he was 20 years old, The Republic Class is a battlecruiser that served in the blockading of Thestria, and the naval war against Zebrican pirates at Hippogriffia. The day the great battleship had started it's construction he gained a ambition to command ships and even fleets, but he was put down and bullied by others who thought of him as only the janitor with no possibility of reaching the type of positioning, how wrong they were... When he left the custodian position to become a full on navy personal he committed his full time and years to the SFN-Republic, when in 979 after turning 29 with 9 years to his name with a clean record, he was accepted into the American officer academy of West point, there he became a junior officer of the Republic where he served for another 8 years before he climbed towards the rank of Captain by the courtesy of the Navy Captain promotion board. It was then that the infamous Griffonian pirates of the Maribean raided ports all across the seas, however do to the limited amount of crew they were only able to steal 10 destroyers and a dreadnought, the ships however, the pirates found themselves as more mechanics than pillaging pirates as they had to find more and more crew to manage them and to keep them maintenance, two incidents occurred when a pirated destroyer lost it's steering and rammed into a civilian ship before cataclysmically exploding and killing 20 and injuring 12 with 67 survivors stranded in Kuba before being picked up by Kuban soldiers and then deported back to America. The second destroyer was what brought the Americans to the breaking point when it smashed through and slived through a American humanitarian ship that was heading towards the islands of Kira and Zira, after 3 days of unanimous votes from congress the head of navy was ordered in 988 ALB to send in the newly constructed battleship with a escort of two destroyers, and a aircraft carrier, (that is held back from the battle arena to prevent capture.) to shut down the pirates or obliterate them. Captain Petrie watched with a careful eye through the binoculars with the mist heavy, and the atmosphere even heavier and that was when it hit them. A large blast from a distance as if thunder cracked in the distance followed by a whistling stream of air as multiple shells flew through the air with all but one missing, the single shell hits one of the destroyers and damaged it's frontal nose which caused it to slightly sink into the ocean, but the bottom decks were seal off. The first shots signaled the battle and the captain attempts to find the source of the first shot when the second was fired and this time it hits the other destroyer and sinks it to the depths as injured and uninjured were quickly evacuated from the destroyer. The captain contacts the Carrier SFN-Dome to dispatch recon fighters, and pairs of 4 F4s to tackle the destroyers, but due to the distance the Captain had to rely on his brain, and tactics for this battle, he looked at the destroyer and placed his finger on his chin. "Have the destroyer evacuated of it's crew, have a life boat be ready to pick up the helmsmen and their captain," said Petrie "Yes.. Sir?" Replied the seaman The crew of the remaining destroyer evacuated leaving only it's Captain and the helmsmen to crew it as it half speed infront of the battleship and took point towards the potential source of where the enemy fired, the captain patiently waited, and he waited, and waited some more, and then it came. A massive barrage of shells were fired and directly hit the Destroyer blowing it's ammunition bay and destroying the entire front of the ship, the helmsmen escaped quickly but the captain of the destroyer stayed behind and sunk with his ship, Petrie looked at the enemy with anger and respect, after looking at the direction he orders his ship to position itself for a broadside barrage when a Lunar Wars period Dreadnought revealed itself in the mist, the captain quickly ordered the cannons to take aim at the ship pointing it's guns at them, the dreadnought and the battleship simultaneously shot their cannons at each other and destroyed something from one another, the dreadnought lost a cannon, the battleship was hit in the missile bay. The captain then made his move and ordered his men to fire the secondary weapons towards the dreadnought which did damage to not only to the dreadnoughts hulls but also killed some of the Griffon pirates which they seemed to be running all over the place, when the mist cleared out the captain realized that they've been caved in and surrounded by the pirated destroyers the whole time and when he was informed the missile bays were damaged he has only two choices. Attempt a broadside strike on the destroyers and hopefully retreat from the encirclement, or wait for air support but risk getting blown to pieces. Both choices are grim because he wasn't willing to surrender when the ship he has is too advance for the enemy to hijack, although... He noticed that the destroyers haven't fired their cannons by now or his ship would've sunked, so he theorizes that they may not have the ammunition and to test said theory he orders cannon 4 to fire at the destroyer behind them and the crew did so without question and fired all three shells and sunk a destroyer and what followed was a massive explosion indicating some type of ammunition was stored on board which now leaves only 5 Destroyers and 1 damaged dreadnought for the enemy and the Battleship for.. Well, his side. He then braced for a counter strike when he notices that the destroyers were now charging towards his ship instead of shooting back, with the downside being with almost the garrison crew on them ready to board his battleship. Good news atleast, the Pirates either wasted their shots on the destroyers that were escorting his ship, or bad news, they haven't shot back because they want his ship for a prize. Either way he wasn't going to let them board his ship without a fight so he orders the armories to open up and permit the crew ANY weapon onboard to gun down the raiders whether it'd be Light Machine Guns detached from the gun mounts to M16 rifles, to pistols all the way using their fist but never let the enemy pass. Immediately the crew of the American battleship raided and grabbed what they can with some going duel wield with M16s with some using pistols and knives. When the enemy destroyers arrived to finish the battle and started to raid the battleship the captain ordered the cannon crews to turn it's cannons towards the destroyers and ordered them fire at the enemy when they're in range of the command decks. Cannon 1 fired first on the Dreadnought that was closing in and the shells landed inside of the enemies command deck and in a fiery explosion, killed everyone inside of the cabin including the Captain.. As the dreadnought was dead on the water the pirates were furious and started to relentlessly board the battleship with the outdated ropes and hooks but were quickly gunned down by the machine guns and shirtless duel wielding maniacs who went crazy to kill every single raider who weren't given a chance to step a single foot on the metal decks of the besieged battleship. The destroyers pulled back and attempted to retreat as the waters turned red from the bloodied corpses of the dead pirates when the F4 fighter jets in a V formation launched missiles and rockets at the remaining enemy fleet while the battleship started hunting down and destroyed 2 more outdated Destroyer classes. At the end of the day, thousands of lives, and tons of steel were lost to the seas, with the Americans losing 2 destroyers and the enemy lost everything, with almost ten members of the once massive crew surrendered to the marines who're searching for survivors. On that day the battleship was given it's name that represents the combination of the old and new. The SFN-Statcom. Since those 12 years, he is known to be strict with everything that exist within his ship, But anyways with information out of the way... The captain walked towards the command deck and the entire room paused respectfully and stood silently in a salute pose as the Bosun whistled through the atmosphere of the deck The crew men on the command deck were still frozen in a salute while the old Captain examined his crew men and stood flat on the command center, today was special to him and he wanted things to progress smoothly since it would be the first time that both the Statcom and the new missile frigates participates in the annual summer sun military drills. Of course sometimes he would snap out and shout without reason, for example: "WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T WE STARTED YET CORPORAL!" He shouted, making the Corporal shiver. "S-sir, we aren't in range to shoot yet, we're not even at our destination sir!" The Corporal replied. "BULLSHIT! DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 35 PUSH UPS!" The Captain ordered in a drill Sergeant like voice, as the Corporal dropped on the ground and started doing push ups. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CORPORAL!" Douglas asked. "Sir.. I'm doing the Push u-" "NOT ON THE COMMAND DECK! ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!? GET DOWN THERE AND DO IT INFRONT OF THIS VIEWING WHERE I CAN SEE YOU! DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU DO THOSE 35 PUSH UPS!!! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME!!" The Captain shouted. "SIR YES SIR!!! D:" The Corporal then ran from the view bay, while everyone looked at the Captain in fear. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT! GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS DUMBASSES!!" He shouted, which made everyone turn back to normal, only frightened at the Captains wrath. "NOW! With that out of the way... MR. YATES!" He shouted. A man comes inside of the view bay of the Battleship and saluted. "Yes sir?" "Watch that Corporal do his push ups, and let me know when he did, so I can give him 40 more," Petrie ordered. "Yes sir!" The young man walked... Well you know what screw it I might as well say.. That young man is me.. I was born in 978 in the Louis State of the Federation, my home country is the American Federation and the nation itself uses States as a way to define it's unionized nations and provinces. Of course it was in the year 997 at the age of eighteen, that I joined the army of the Federation but due to the low amount of manpower for the navy, I was trained to be both a ground soldier, and a naval seamen. Of course my naval instructor happened to be Captain Douglas, my ground military instructor was none other than the Captain Alex, a hairy man with sunglasses who likes the idea of magic induced laser weapons, also for some reason he takes a shower with his sun glasses on, but he was the one who'd personally teached me on the strategies of ground doctrine warfare before I was shipped to the naval corp where I'd be ranked as a Sergeant under Douglas and his command. It was 1 hour in, and finally we have entered the designated waters of the Eastern Humaric oceans, the Captain begins to shout. "LOAD NON-LETHAL SHELLS! AND BE READY TO BEGIN SHOOTING AT MY COMMAND! SERGEANT YATES!" "Yes sir!" "RECORD THIS MOMENT! I WANT TO SEE TO IT THAT I SHOW THE MOMENT THAT THIS HUGE BATTLESHIP HAD SHOT IT'S FIRST CANNON ROUND FOR SS CELEBRATION!" "YES SIR!" As I got the camera ready, I was prepared to take a picture... When something happened to disturb the Captain... "Hum... First Lieutenant Lisa, I could've sworn the sun would be up by now?" The Captain questioned. "Why do you say that?" She asked. "Because usually at 6:30 if I'm correct, the sun would immediately raise towards the sky in a rapid immediate motion doesn't it not?" He asked. "Sir... It's not 6:30... It's 8:58," she replied, which made the room go into a state of silence. "8:58... Wait a minute... SERGEANT YATES! SHOW ME THAT CODE BOOK!" He ordered, as I handed him the code book, he started scrolling and flipping pages when he caught the sight of code Moon-322... "Oh shit... GET ME CONTACT WITH PRESIDENT CARTER! IMMEDIATELY!" The Captain ordered. I grabbed the phone and dialed the Presidential emergency number. "It's asking to press one for emergency, and two for information, what do I press?" I asked. "NUMBER ONE!" The Captain replied. I pressed one, and the phone started dialing up the president when someone picked up the other side. "This is Presidential representative Bush, what's the emergency?" Bush asked. "I got the presidents representatives sir, here," I informed, which the Captain grabbed the phone and placed it on his ear. "Representative Bush... Relay this code to President Carter." The White house, Washington Capitol Jimmy Carter was being his usual Jimmy Carter, settling disputes between Internal and external countries, dealing with taxes, and that one plan with industry while dealing with the usual slow bureaucracy that has to go through to pass this stuff. He was relaxing himself and drinking his morning joe when he noticed the sun hasn't even risen yet, not to mention that the usual grey smear that resembled Nightmare moon is gone from the moon.. "Meh, I guess Celestia is just having those technical difficulties, I'm sure there's no problem.." Suddenly a door opened behind him with his advisor Bush, the deputy head of defense, General Reid, and the director of National advisory committee for Aeronautics (NACA) "Mr. President, we have a situation sir," reported the general who just entered his room with other members of important departments. "General Reid? What's the situation?" Carter asked. "Sir, 3 hours ago, we have received unconfirmed reports that Celestia had been kidnapped by nightmare moon, or what others call the 'mare in the moon." "What's that? You have to be joking, that must be the communist shits trying to fool us again.. Right?" Questioned Jimmy, while Bush walked infront of the general with the phone on his hand. "Mr. President, phone call from Captain Douglas of the SFN-Statcom." "The flagship?" Carter asked. "Yes sir, want me to hand you the phone?" Bush asked. "Yea, yea, hand it here," Carter requested, which Bush then handed the phone to President Jimmy Carter. "This is President Carter, what's the situation Captain." "Mr. President! It's now 9:00 am, and there is no sign of sunlight in sight! I believe we may be code Moon-322," the Captain reported, but the president was silent. "That code is only used to deploy the Eclipse brigade?" "To do what?" The Captain asked. "I mean.. To rescue princess Luna, but only thing is... The thing I was reported on was it wasn't Luna, it was Nightmare moon, so to say," Carter revealed, when he gets another phone call. "Sorry I'll need to hang up, I'll give you further orders until further notice," Carter said, as he hung the phone and stared at his top general who everyone in the room were a bit questioning. "Set us for Defcon three, have our aircraft in the air, AND CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THAT RANGING PHONE!" Carter yelled, as Bush picked up the phone.. "Sir, It's from Emperor Grover the 5th, he request to speak with you sir," Bush reported. "Grover the 5th? Ugh... Gimme the phone," Jimmy ordered, in which Bush handed him the Griffonian-Federation private phone line. "President Carter speaking, you got Jimmy," He phrased. "President Carver! Do you realize what time it is!?" Grover yelled in aggravation. "It's Carter.. And it's currently 9:10 Am here.. Why do you ask exactly?" Carter replied. "Because... It's suppose to be A DAY TIME HOUR! AND NOT A NIGHT TIME HOUR!! SO WHY! IN BOREAS NAME IS THE SUN NOT RISING!" Grover shouted through the phone. "Maybe... Because Celestia was kidnapped?" Carter replied. "CELESTIA!? CELESTIA DOESN'T HAVE A REASON! SHE CAN BE KIDNAPPED ALL SHE COULD AND THE SUN AND THE MOON WOULD STILL RISE! WHAT THE FU-" "President Carter, we have another phone call, it's from paw wellington sir, from the Polar Communities," Bush said, as Carter grabbed the other phone. "Mr. Wellington! I... Assume your wondering why the sun isn't out.." Carter assumed. "Actually.. Yea," "Look we'll look into it as soon as pos-" "Sir! Another phone call, from King Aldar II of Olenia!" Another Representative reported, as he handed the phone to Carter. "Ugh shit..." Carter sighed, as about 45 more phones rings from across the world contacting the world superpower. What the hell is going on with the sun and the moon.. Base: Quartz, Tex State, the 105th division As the events unfold at the White Iron house, the same man who'd train me to fight in the ground warfare was Captain Alex, he was looking over reports when a soldier came in and saluted. "Sir! I was here to inform you that our company is being shipped out to the eastern coast sir!" The Captain looked at the soldier and nodded. "Has the Major been informed?" He asked, lighting a cigarette with his lighter. "Uhh.. Sir, your the Major," The Soldier informed, in which Alex's eyes widened at the sudden news and took the cigar out of his mouth. "What..? What happened to Major Gordan?" The former Captain asked, puffing his cigarette intensely. "He was reassigned to fight against the Z.I.T.S. In the Kirin region of Zebrica sir... You've been primarily assigned to deploy the 105th division," Reported the Soldier, as Alex sat down frustrated with the news taking the cigar out of his mouth again... "But who's going to be Captain of the unit? It'll take two years to get a replacement considering we're using most of our manpower against the assholes in Zebrica!" Alex ranted, but the soldier shrugged as the smoke started to fill the air. "That's up to General MacArthur sir, I was told to relay this message from him," The Soldier responded, while Alex looked up in disbelief and grab the cigarette out. "Alright... Your dismissed," Alex ordered, as the Soldier ceremonially saluted and left the tent, leaving the worried new Major to think while aggravatedly extinguished his cigarette on his bed. "Shit." While that, lets talk about divisions, the 105th division is a unit of M1A2 Abrams and M109 Paladins, it's the only division with modern vehicles, as for the other armor companies and brigades serving the Federation, they continue to use the variant one models, and also M60 tanks, however, what makes the unit special other than it being known for it's modern technology, it's tactics of lightning war to take over a entire country in the matter of 10 to 14 days, and is also known to the world that they would destroy anything that comes near the division, whether if it's a bomb or a rifle, it would gun anyone down by a 1 km radius, or so would the Griffonian's would say considering they never fought such a thing before. Zebrica on the other hand would plain out run away from the sight of Paladins and the M1A2s, which sometimes due to the slight similarity between the M1A2 and the M1A1 the locals would mistaken the M1A1 as a M1A2 and would go town to town falsely alarming that the 105th division had arrived, so M1A1 is always accompanied by a M60 to disperse the fears of the 105th arriving to Zebrica.. The last action that was made with the 105th division, was a operation in 999 ALB, when the American congress authorized to help, what was to be the Storm King, in a military intervention to unite the yeti's under one banner, the fear of Tartarus was placed in the people of the Storm Kingdom when the 105th division destroyed the entire opposing forces in a 10 day campaign, the end result was that the Storm King had gain power over the entire nation, and when the Federation realized his true intentions and the fact they've been used, the American Government contemplated a naval blockade before it was deduced by Uncle Sam, stating that it would make things worse. The price of Uncle Sam's decision would later effect the Hyenian Kingdom the following year, as Storm King's armies crushes the desert dogs under the metal boot.. Back at the White house "Sir! You have another- uhhhhh..." Just as Bush came back with another phone call military staff, and civilian advisors looked at the amount of phone Jimmy was buried in from the other 45 phones from other nations wondering why the hell the sun wasn't back up finally when everyone at once on the phones yelled. "WHATS GOING ON!!!!" The president suspiciously Snaps... "YOU GET A LIFE!" He hanged up 23 phones "YOU GET A JOB!" Another 10 phones hanged up "AND YOU DEAL WITH YOUR FRICKING SONS FOR GODS SAKES!" He shouted at the kings of Olenia, and Griffonia (who actually has sons) As he hanged up the rest of the 12 phones, he turned towards Bush and said. "Who's on that phone!?" Carter asked.. "Sir... It's Mr. Sam.. He wishes to speak with you," Bush replied, which made Carter gulp. Meanwhile in Equestria SFN-Statcom The Sun was finally rising back to it's original spot, which made my Captain sigh in relief. And so did the crew, after holding their breaths thinking for a answer, when I didn't mind it and asked. "Do you want to proceed with recording sir?" He nodded. "Lieutenant, give the order to fire the Non-lethal rounds, order the frigate on the count of 3 to fire the prototype cruise missiles at designated target marked in green flare," He ordered, which the Lieutenant gave the order to crewmen on the guns and counted. "3.. 2.. 1.. Fire." immediately loud shouts of noise ringed out as cruise missiles were fired from the missile frigates with the battleship firing light missiles and fired it's cannon towards the small marked island, the missiles and the shells landed and massivly exploded into a mushroom like cloud followed by a powerful delayed sounding of explosions combined together into a sound power that even Canterlot could hear. After a whole exercise event spectated by local island ponies and V.I.P. civilians on board the Statcom the Captain looked towards me and asked. "Did you get that Sergeant?" "Yes sir, all on film," I replied. "Good, Helmsman Higgins, make port to Debraville, get us out of here please," he ordered. "Aye Aye Captain," acknowledged Higgins as he steers the ship to make a complete long U-turn back to the Federation coast when he got a message from all telecommunication lines. "Sir, we have confirmed messages for all the divisions in the Federation directly straight from the minister of defense and possibly unto the entire world sir," The radioman reported. "What is it?" The Captain asked. "Sir, we have confirm reports that That Princess Luna of the Night, has returned.." The captain took the news with surprise and immediately grabbed his pipe, shoved nicotine inside the hole, and lit a match in it and smoked it intensely before taking it out to say. "Well if I be dammed.." Abraham Monument Garden After the phone call airforce 1, makes landing near the Abraham monument in George town, two states from Washington capitol, secret service agents, marines, and high classed Military Generals exited from the helicopter when the Sun suddenly started to rise up, lighting the skies which made everyone relieved, but Carter didn't see or cared about it as he entered the Abraham Monument. Bush walked out and looked at Carter with slight suspicion. "Somethings up here," Bush said out loud. "I think so to, but that's probably because he probably didn't have his morning coffee," the general suggested. "Probably.... But my gut says otherwise... And for now it's tell me to watch, and see," replied Bush. As Carter entered a pin code on the lock, which granted access and opened the doors leading to a deep and dark hallway to a light. Carter enters the passage way inside the chair of Abraham's seat. As he walked by himself through the hallway, the light got brighter, and brighter until finally, he reached the room, the room is a garden with greenhouse particles, and has suitable plants and even crops that someone could eat. He was instructed to sit down on one of the lawn chairs and wait. After minutes of waiting, a person with the patriotic American hat stopped in front of him. "Greetings President Carter, welcome to my Garden," Uncle Sam greeted, he seemed happy lately no one in congress never knew why, nor did the other president before Carter knew either other than they assume he was having a joy period. "Uncle Sam, you've called me? Just by a year before the elections?" Carter wondered. "Indeed! I like to tell you that Princess Luna had returned!" Uncle Sam informed. "Wait... But that means we'll need to invoke Moon-322! I'll make sure to contact Eclipse brigade an-" "NONESENSE!" Shouted Uncle Sam, which made Carter coward behind the lawn chair. "That code was never used, and I intend to keep it that way, besides! Maybe it's time we become more open towards Equestria, rather then isolating it from foreign policies, after all, they were there first," Uncle Sam insisted. "So... What year do you intend to do this.. Political conference?" Jimmy asked. Uncle Sam started to think.. But suddenly, as he looked into a light bulb he gets a vision of what would be the future and to find... A tan stallion, something important with him intrigued Uncle Sam and another person of importance as well indicating the word... Luther... Finally after coming out of a trance and freaking Jimmy Carter out, and answered. "1003 we start negotiations on 1003 with Equestria." > Chapter 2: 1001 ALB, The Olenian Crisis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning from the CNN Headquarters, my name is Lynda Kinkade and we have a breaking news development in the country of Olenia, King Aldar the II has died, it was said that some of the local politicians and business leaders were just on a board meeting about the recent events regarding tensions between the political and military officials, it was after Aldar had died was when the kingdom commission council of Olenia, or what’s called the KCCO, received a message from the palace of Hjortland, it was said that the king had died in a stroke just right outside behind Mathew as you can see now.” A second camera shows Chance and the background surrounded by deer guards and police agents. “Some people are, however, coming outside in Olenia to inspect the scene themselves and start to call it a hostile takeover, Matthew tell us what you’re seeing?” *Camera Pans towards Matthew Chance* “Just like you said, apparently the scene has been a bit quiet along with the officials, in fact if we pan the camera to where that scene with that Olenian is guarding, they seemed to have the area locked down tight, now of course as for speculations of a coup, it has not been confirmed as of yet, but whether it’ll be a coup or not, the heir to the throne is, Velvet Jelzek, who recently returned to the kingdom for the meetings and…” “Is something wrong Matthew? I notice there's some equipment behind you?” Matthew, on camera, tells Louis the cameraman to turn towards his right where a convoy of T-64s and BTR-70s piloted by human pilots and two trucks boarded with armed human soldiers drives by them as the Olenian police clear the streets of civilians, the watchers look on with surprise when they see a faded white eagle symbol on one of the tanks not completely erased. “There is, in fact, a situation, it would seem that just by looking at those tanks these are T-64s, and the only nation who has these is Rodinia but they were, lended to a Private Military company called Serbija, a caucus legion of troops hired by Brezhnev to enforce international events, it seems that we are witnessing either a mercenary coup or someone had hired them to help them accomplish this, but it seems whoever has behind said coup, they’ve got a nation to run especially due to its current economic stance.” *As the armor convoy drives through producing disturbing sounds of treadmills that can be heard over the microphone the reporter is barely understandable by the sounds of armor Camera pans towards Elaine at the News studio*  “Matthew, our sound got cut off. We'll have to go back to you in a moment as we have other news to cover.” Next on CNN News:  Apple-Buffalo war breaks out In Equestria after a border dispute. Discord unleashed, and what would it do to the national economy? The Election of 1001 of the River Republic And finally President Carter and the new Whiskey tax bill proposal.  Coming next, after these short messages. *A certain burger place ad plays* A day after the report, more and more media outlets would eventually cover what was now known as the Olenian coup de tat staged by Johan, it was believed he killed his father, and eventually he placed Velvet Jelzek under house arrest before she fled into a pro-Harmonist compound where she rallied support. During this, the F.I.U. informed President Carter and General MacArthur and the heads of Congress about the possibility of a rescue operation after being tipped on Velvets Location but was also alerted that Johan plans to attack and kill her in the Pro-harmonist compound which is a apartment complex, the resistance discovered Johan's plan as well and are preparing her evacuation on a ship to Equestria. A 5 day meeting was held by the head general of special operations, Bryan Fenton, with joint session of congress being hosted to discuss whether a special operation should be conducted or not, the 4 day meeting ended with a tie, but it was quickly concluded in a surprise visit by Uncle Sam, himself, who broke the tie and immediately authorized the deployment of the Eclipse Brigade 23rd unit, and the 10th air brigade. Vaverfront A squad of three Black Hawk Helicopters, from the 10th air Brigade, arrives at the city of Vaverfront where Velvet will be at, the men participating in the operation were briefed that they were to secure and evacuate Velvet, who will be code named 'present,' and take her away from Olenia due to communications being cut off from Olenia to the world the Eclipse Agents will have to make contact personally. “Alright! Listen up men! I want to make this operation clean and clear! There will be no sense of bitching out since you’ve lost the chance so let me go over the briefing one more time! Your target will be at the apartment complex, landing zones are tight so you’re going skydiving out of the helicopters with your provided parachutes that you can thank your friendly tax payers for!”  The entire passenger room chuckled with the last part of the sentence when the commander continued. “After you recover, Velvet Jelzek,  make your way toward the exfil point immediately! Is that loud and clear!” "SIR YES SIR!" Shouted the men, as they prepared their M1A4 rifles and night vision goggles on, the lights on the Black Hawk turn death red. "Good! Now get the hell out of my ride!" The Apartment Complex While the Eclipse brigade was about to arrive, there was remains of Aldar's loyalist forces, who speculated that Johan was behind his death and saw Velvet Jelzek as the rightful heir, were tasked to guard the compound and await for transportation but they were only armed with black marketed armor and a rifle, while it was outdated it was enough to keep them by while they guarded the building to await for the carriage when they saw two deer's walking towards them. "HALT! YOUR TRESSPASSING ON A OFFICIAL MILITARY COMPOUND! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO GO IN HERE!" Shouted one of Velvets guard. "Unfortunately for you soldier, this is a apartment complex and we are allowed.. Move aside before you end up like Aldar," threatened the Johan Loyalist, as the harmonic soldiers pointed their rifles at him. "The hard way it is then.." Behind him arrived a T-64 tank with human tank pilots sticking out and aiming the Light Machine gun right towards them as two Ural-4320 trucks arrived with a brigade of armed deer soldiers mixed with Serbija PMC's jumping off and pointing their guns towards the defending garrison, which forced them to drop their guns. "Shit..." "Shit is right, pelt's, take these traitors away... And then make them kneel, the rest of you, storm the apartment Johan wants Velvet alive.... For now," ordered the Johanist commander, while the loyalist that were guarding the complex were then arrested, Johan's soldiers, as ordered, stormed the apartment complex and started raiding rooms and houses, the T-64 tank smashes through the apartment gate and rolled into the street with the mercenary soldiers securing each building resulting in a brief but violent gun fight that ranged through the streets with arms fire causing a massive disturbance and created a crowd of spectators. Meanwhile, by the time they got to Velvet's room, the window was opened indicating that she escaped, and that was when the deer who met Velvet's men came in. "Field Marshal Gustaf! She escaped!" Alerted the deer, but not Gustaf, as he turned towards the closet and spoke. "Did you really think I would fall for your tricks Velvet Jelzek?" He said, as the deer soldiers opened the closet revealing a frightened Velvet Jelzek who they wouldn't expect that she was prepared to fight back the moment the soldiers pointed their rifles and would engage in a hoof-to-hoof fight. Back at the fleet of three Black Hawk Helicopters, the 23rd unit is now nearing it's drop zone when the light turned bright green on the door. "THATS THE SIGNAL! DROP! DROP! DROP!" Shouted the Special forces commander. The agents one by one, jumped out of the moving helicopters and released their parachutes strapped on them, all 20 Spec ops agents exited the helicopters. The Special forces commander sat down and ordered. "Pilot! Play my soundtrack!!" He ordered. "Which one sir?" The Pilot replied. "THE GOOD ONE! WITH EXTRA TUNE!" The Commander responded. "Ok sir..." The Pilot obliged. The tape was placed in the radio box and then after, the pilot then pressed the play button. The Parachuting soldiers were now landing at the target spots, with M1A4 rifles and suppressed pistols equipped with them, the black dark suits kept them camouflaged in the dark while the squad commander and his squad met up in the alley way. "Is this all of us?" The Commander asked. "No sir, we have 5 unaccounted for and they carry the majority of our explosives," replied one of the soldiers. "Dammit.. We'll need to improvise until they can relocate and find us, until then lets make contact with the harmonist" The Commander ordered, as the group ran through the alley way, passing trash can after trash can when the command raised his fist to halt his squad and signaled one of his men to move forward and scout, soon enough they see a T-64 pointing a cannon at the meeting spot. "Sir! There's a tank at that area!" "I see... I know Velvet Jelzek has loyal soldiers, but reports didn't specify a tank, atleast for this area," The Commander pondered. "Are we too late sir?" Asked one of the agents. "Yea.. I think we are, but that doesn't mean we won't make noise, ready and suppress your rifles and prepare to nub tube this son of a bitch," Ordered the commander, as the soldiers loaded their guns and prepared themselves for the rock and roll. The commander and his squad raided a abandon building on the right alley and took up gunner positions as the rest of the squad hid in the bushes and awaited the final order to shoot, after setting up the Light Machine gun the commander looked through his binoculars and saw Velvet being dragged with wounds on her chest, bruises on her face, and bleeding forelegs she was dropped in front of her loyalist. "There she is, now let's show her how we rescue targets," . . 45 minutes earlier after a brief off-story stand off Velvet lashed out at the men pointing the rifles and broke one of the human soldiers arm, and kicked another one in the gut, groin and then thrown him towards then wall, before Velvet could go for Gustaf one of the Olenian deer guards tased twice on her forelegs until they started bleeding and knocked her unconscious which they then kicked her in the gut and presented her towards Gustaf. "Foolish mistake, you fucking pelt," Gustaf cursed, before Velvet spat blood on his face. "Go to Tartarus!" Velvet responded, which Gustaf cleaned his face off from the blood spat on him and then sucker punched her in the nostril. "Take her outside! And.. Clean this up," he ordered with a calm voice, in which the deer soldiers acknowledged and took her away with the other two helping the Serbija soldiers get back on their feet. She was then dragged by the Johan loyalist and then dropped to the solid road infront of her men who was watching in dreadful silence, it was when Gustaf and the other two human mercenaries turned to one of the human soldiers who held a Makarov pistol and handed it to him, he then loaded the pistol with the sound of a load click, and then looked at Velvet. "I prefer to savior the moment, for the sake of exampling my dear," He smirked, staring at her face to face at each others souls. "You were always a sucker for glory, especially towards our people!" Velvet growled, while Gustaf pulled out a Makarov personally provided by a Serbija soldier, he examined the Makarov pistol with pride and chuckled. "Amazing how humans can come up with such amazing weapons of war, I might consider buying one given the chance for my own personal use, now as for the contacts with the black market," "They ratted us out?" Whispered one of the harmonic soldiers. "Ah in good thanks to the lands of Rodinia, how nice of them to provide this great weapon, and I get to use it, starting with this one, said Gustav as he presses the Makarov on the deer soldier's head, who the Velvet loyalist then shouted. "LONG LIVE KING ALDA-" *BANG* The Velvet loyalist lay bleeding on the solid ground, dead, the rest of Velvets men looked at their now dead comrade and looked at Velvet just as the Serbija T-64 tank aligned it's HMG and LMG on the lined Loyalist, they looked at Velvet Jelzek and singed the national anthem of the Kingdom of Olenia. Velvet listened to the anthem with saddening pride before the Serbija commander ordered a wall of men to line up. "MAKE READY!" The human soldiers prepared their rifles. "TAKE AIM!" "You know the best part about this dear ol' Velvet? It's that they promise to trade and stimulate our economy, along with suppressing rebels like these" Gustaf whispered, filling Velvet with rage only to be held down by the human soldiers keeping her in bondage as she is forced to see what would happen to her comrades. "FIRE!" The firing squad fired their AK-47s and soon the deer resistance was pelted to death they were gunned down by the deathly sounds of Machine guns from the tank and the sounds of Assualt rifle ammunition penetrating their bodies tearing their heads and flesh open, exposing their guts to Johan's soldiers, and the horrible sight that gave Velvet PTSD, as for the Serbija mercenaries, they didn't care about their deaths other than them being traitors. There was no remorse, no pity, just pure injustice... As for the Johan loyalist, they felt sorry for choosing the side they've chosen. At least in their eyes that was.. Velvet was next, and she knew that, she was about to be like her father... Dead.. Dead at the hands of a killer who now pressed his pistol on her head. "Nothing personal, just good business" Just as Gustav was about to kill Velvet, pressing the gun to her head. Loud machine gun fire was heard from the building as the 50 caliber round screamed through the air and pierced through Gustaf's hoof, cutting it off completely and detaching his right for hoof, while the troops scattered through the sudden chaotic war zone with bullets flying all over the place the Serbija mercenaries took cover behind the tank and fired discriminately at the abandon building now a machine gunner nest, in the midst of a war ground Velvet see's the opportunity and went for Gustaf's pistol, on his detached foreleg, and killed the soldiers that held her down and made a run for it. "SIR ARE YOU ALRI-" "GET HER! AND FIND THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR M- M- AHHHHH! MY LEG! MY LEG! SWEET THOR MY LEG! AHHHHH!!!!!" The soldiers forgot about Velvet and the deer soldiers went to Gustaf instead, but that was when a bright, red, flare was shot in the sky. "SUKA BLYAT! GET BACK UNDER THE TANK QUI-" The deer soldiers ran into the machine gun fire and got shot to death, lighten up by the bullets the Serbija commander rolled his eyes and crouched through the gun the fire and dragged Gustaf through the machine bullets while the Serbija mercenaries laid suppressive fire on the stronghold controlled by special forces soldiers. "What the.. What happen to my-" "They're dead you fucking jackass, stay here while me and my men kills these fuckers! And someone get this FUCKING TANK TO DO SOMETHING HERE!" "2-3-3-4 armor company we're under attack! Requesting immediate evac and gun support!" Yelled one of the Serbija soldiers. "Da, southern group enroute, hang tight Vaskia team" replied a tank pilot, as the tank they're taking cover behind started to turn it's turret towards the building. The 23rd unit had so far killed only 10/30 but they needed to secure Velvet when the squad leader saw her running. "Bravo-6, Echo-4, take the present and bring it here." He ordered, as the two nodded and ran right towards her. The Squad leader turned back to see the tank pointing at him. "OH SHIT!" Shouted one of his soldiers, as everyone got away from the walls before it exploded upon impact from the tank shell, knocking one of the men unconscious. "Get him out of here! Quick!" Meanwhile, Echo-4 and Bravo-6 tracked down and found Velvet but she attempted to slow them down as she kicked things that went domino effect and smashed through the ground, however she quickly starts to figure out something with her pursuers and quickly comes up with a plan. While this, Echo-4 and Bravo-6 were jumping hoops with air being limited before they get tired. "DAMN! THIS DEER IS HELLA FAST!" Complained Echo-4. "H-Q said she's worth it, we have to take her before her brother does," reminded Bravo-6. "I KNOW THAT! BUT AT THIS RATE I'M RUNNING OUT OF BREATH!" "Stop shouting, it'll make it worse, we have to keep up with her in silence or we'll never find her," Bravo-6 replied. As they were speaking however, they ran into a brick wall.. "Dammit Echo-4, I said keep your mouth shut." The two were then knocked down and pinned by Velvet, who was holding the Makarov, and disarmed them of their weapons, and pointed the pistol towards them. "Who are you! Why are you following me!" She interrogated, unknowing that the two had a knife and a side arm, but they can't do anything to her other than answering her questions. "Easy... Ma'am, we're apart of the 23rd unit of the.... Eclipse Brigade," answered Bravo-6. "THE ECLIPSE BRIGADE!!??" She quickly silenced herself and looked at the two dead eyed on their pupils. "And what buisness do you have doing in my home?" "So you've heard of us?" Echo-4 whispered, which after a self-hesitancy Velvet unpinned the two and lowered the weapon, but kept it handy. "I was told by... Celestia about you people, how much you were loyal to 'Nightmare moon' and that you'd even attacked civlia-" "Woah! Hold on there, we are not loyal to anyone other than our country, and who the fuck said we attack civilians?" Bravo-6 outraged. "That would be some of the locals in Vanhoover," she replied, which the two dully looked at each other. "The fucking communist province, every else and it's the commies," Echo-4 commented. "Should've known... Look, our team was sent to rescue you," Bravo-6 revealed. "By who's order." Velvet glared. "By the will of our head of state, Uncle Fucking Sam." Bravo-6 replied, which made Velvet's eyes widened. "Uncle Sam... Wha- What does he want with me!?" She asked. "I don't know, something to do with a eventually invasion of Olenia, he wanted to reinstate a harmonist government with your name," Bravo-6 answered, Velvet stood back and though for minute. --If Uncle Sam went through all of this trouble to rescue me.. There must be something behind this, Celestia did warn me not to trust those who would use others, but if he's right and Uncle Sam does launch a invasion on Olenia I have to be in the forefront!-- After a thought, she turned to the two men who were picking their rifles up and answered. "Lead the way." What was once a peaceful shoreline now turned into a chaotic warzone as Machine guns from one side to the other pelted the ground in attempt to kill the either side as the squad leader decided to screw it nub tube it into the tank that was almost about to kill his men in the bottom floor who're also firing at the enemy ground level when one of his men advised. "Sir! You're still bleeding from your eye and the tank is too far!" "One eye!? One eye!? I can shoot a pistol blindfolded and I could still kill someone!" He shouted back, as he took aim but due to the intensity of the gun fire one bullet went inside of the tube and blew the rifle and blew him back towards the wall, while he was unscathed from that he was shocked. "DAMN! THAT THING SHOT MY RIFLE!" "Damn! What are the odds! OF COURSE IT'S GOING TO HIT THE GUN DAMMIT!" Shouted the soldiers, "ENOUGH!" Shouted the commander, "DON'T YOU SEE WE'RE IN COMBAT HERE!" It was when in the midst of the gun the the tank turns it's turret towards the building and prepared to shoot it's second round on the second floor. "GET AWAY! GET AWAY! IT'S GOING TO SHOOT!" The commander shouted, as the soldiers ran for cover when they heard a missile hits the back of the T-64's engines and what followed was a massive geyser of flames shooting up from the copit killing everyone inside of the tank when the Serbija mercenary commander shouted. "Pull back! IT'S GONNA BLOW!" The mercenaries ran from the endangered tank and then in a instant the T-64 blew it's entire top off blowing and shattering it's entire chassis to the point of no repair leaving nothing but a statue of burning ashes, while at the same time confusing both sides of who fired the rocket. "Sir! What was that!" Asked one of the men, when they saw the 5 unaccounted men arriving with rocket and grenade launchers. "Captain Lian!" "Lieutenant, David... I see you got your men all over the place," Lian criticized, looking at the men cowarding in fear from the Tank machine gun. "Uhh.. B-b-bu-" "I don't want to even hear it Lieutenant, did you even get the princess or not!" Lian asked, without even using the code phrase for Velvet in which David gulped and was about to reply to say no when a familiar voice said. "Am I happened to be the 'present' you've been mentioning?" Velvet interjected, with Echo-6 and Bravo-6 wedging at her side. The Captain looked at his Lieutenant. "Looks like a yes to me then, Echo-2, Delta-5! Pop the flares and let's get out of here!" He ordered, as the two soldiers popped green flares to signal the helicopters to land on the exact position when three Black hawks landed on the ground. "Present first! Everyone else guard her rear! Echo-3 fire grenade launchers to cover our escape!" He ordered, as the two carefully helped her load on the helicopter while Echo-3 fired smoke grenades the smoked the area to cover their exfil area as the helicopters retreated back to Federation soil. As the Serbija mercenary leader and Gustaf and the surviving soldiers looked at the now destroyed tank, Gustaf looks through the smoke and sees a black hawk take off with their target, he looked in fear as it signaled his failure... By then the southern battalion arrived to the scene only to find remains of a chaotic siege as the two T-64s halted and unloaded the deer soldiers who quickly took positions around the compound along with medics who quickly started to treat the field marshal. (who will most likely face demotion) One of the deer soldiers came to him and asked. "Sir.. What do we do now?" There was no reply other than shocked and heavy breathing. "Sir?" He only replied with. "No one will believe what I have to say tonight..." Debraville, home of the Statcom, Federation of American States. The docks were busy as usual, with engineers conducting usual maintenance on the Statcom Battleship, and Cranes lowering the food supply from merchant ships from Continental Equestria. But what was I doing? Well... Work montage "WORKING ON THE BATHROOM!" "WORKING IN THE ROOM!" "WORKING IN THE CAFETERIA!" "WORKING ON THE SHIP ENGINE!" "HEY! YOUR NOT ALLOWED IN HERE!" "AH! NOT WORKING ON THE SHIP ENGINE! AHHH!" .... What I say, completely occupied, anyways, reports arrived for the recent updates about Luna's return, it's been a year since we've ported at Debraville, we aren't sure when our next departure is but when we know, we'll be ready... As soon as the President does this whole "negotiation" thing, to be honest though, Jimmy Carter might get voted out in this years election. I wonder who the Reagan guy is? Anyways, I always thought that Jimmy Carter was a bit strange considering that CBS literally just exposed him for shouting at the entire world, it also seems like the American generals are up to something to, I hope that doesn't result in a coup or I'm a goose. I walked inside Captain Douglas mess, and found the usual stacks of paper work only it was kinda... Well short for once I can say, but not to get into details, it was all but tidy for the least. "Here's the debrief for that whole 'Lunar weirdness' incident, is there anything else sir?" I asked. The Captain grabbed the dossier and flipped through pages, looking for errors that the radio operators did, which seemed to be all in order when he placed down the document. "Anything wrong?" "Nothing else, you can go Sergeant," he dismissed, which I followed through and saluted before exiting the room when he all of a sudden said. "On second thought... There's something I need to inform you about, take a seat Sergeant." So I came back infront of his desk and sat down on the chair. He looked stressed out just by the looks of his face. "Of all my years as Captain of the Statcom Battleship, I have never seen a more productive crewman than anyone else since my days as a custodian on the SNF-Republic, and since then.. You've been the most hard working one Sergeant." Surprised by this, I was just basically just... Breathless, man... I thought he was gonna give me another assignment, but nope what came next was this.. "After reviewing your recent work report, and conduct along with keeping our men fit, a decision was made to have you go on a mandatory vacation." "NOOOice?? I.... Thank you s-sir???" "Now, with that said, take a break, you haven't even used a R&R time since you've joined naval branch.. Which is kind of concerning with the officer command... Anyways dismissed." I got up and left the room, as fast as I can when I found my room filled with Military police packing my things.... It seems that the Captain was serious to bring the MP into this... But I guess I can see what I could do on my... 'Mandatory' R&R time.. Saddle Arabia, Trogiers front, city outskirts. Meanwhile, the Arabian Operations being conducted by the RSRS authorized by the workers council formed, by the Red Mother in 970 ALB, had authorized a military intervention in the area along with the new tank design called the T-90AM. The T-90M is a product of it's counter part of the under produced T-80U, but more advanced and armored. It competes the Federation's Abrams tank, easy and complicated to build, it's equipped with a autocannon, a internal machine gun built in, smoke launchers, semi-advanced radars, and a 125 mm cannon. And if the Rodinian's can secure a communist stronghold in Saddle Arabia, then it'll be able to have a immense advantage against their enemy the Americans since American dominion in Zebrica is severely strong thanks to the storm kingdom.. The only problem was that Arabia has now entered it's 2nd year of civilwar and even worst is that they are bidding aid and assistance from Equestria, with unconfirmed reports of American backing, while the bid wasn't announced to the general public, the NIB would say otherwise. NIB, or the Northern Intelligence bureau, is a agency of the NSRS that competes against the Federations Intelligence division, F.I.U. (Federal Intelligence unit), it unfortunately for the Federation, yet fortunate for the soviets, that the division has extreme skill in spy networks, sleeper agents, and even a ruthless sub-division with it called the SSB, Special Soviet Brigade, of course luckily for the Federation it had managed to rid itself of the agents, but it proved very worthy of being a adversary towards the American nation when it came to spy agencies. But with that out of the way, the 134th Armor-Infantry brigade were deployed to Arabia after other divisions had suffered losses, and to replenish they had to go about 5 miles away from the frontline while the frontline would be replaced by another division it shows how much the Northern Soviets went through to accomplish the goal. This story starts with another character, a friend of mine who's name is, Ogalivich Volklav, or in simple terms just call him Ogav. He told me the story of Trotgiers.. And I had to admit, it sounded like Tartarus on this world. He was walking through the sandy road, looking down at his tan boots. He was at camp Tuna, or atleast what's really left of it when the Arabian kingdom continued shelling the area with either canon balls or shells. Nonetheless the camp looks somewhat stable in it's condition, despite the part when the hot canon balls hit the vehicle engines and explode them, causing a fire on the tents once in a while. But that was least of his concerns. "Ah, Lieutenant Ogav, congratulations on your promotion." Congratulated Comrade Ivan, in which Ogav smiled and the two hugged and patted. Ogav and Ivan were friends since the day they conscripted, the first day they met Ivan was bullied by his colleagues who happened to be Ponies, stating that he wasn't fit to be in the military at all, but just when he was just about to quit, Ogav had came to him at the time of need and told him that they should remind the ponies who's really in charge of their glorious nation, and since then the two had been inseparable , with Ogav being the hero figure to Ivan, and most of the men in camp, but the two's friendship was truly a victory to Ogav. Oh and also the ponies that bullied Ivan were assigned to the SNS-Mother as custodians. (Soviet Naval Ship) "Ah yes! After my tactical brilliants I'm sure we can find some way to penetrate the enemy, just some how.. Of course we always have those T-90 tanks to come soon to finally replace the T-72 tanks we've been using ey?" Ogav smiled. But Ivan frowned at the statement. "Actually... I heard that they are having to recall T-90 deployment, because of the Victory parade over the Stalliongrad revolution.." Ivan informed, which destroyed Ogav's smile. "BLYAT! SON OF A SUKA!" Ogav cursed. "I guess you'll also be telling me that we'll be launching a attack on the enemy with the damn T-72S!" Ogav crossed his arms, which made Ivan shutter. "Actually... I'm here to tell you that your being summoned for that reason.. Your to lead the company to flank right.." Ivan informed again, which made Ogav sigh. "So.. I guess we're just launching yet another assualt huh.. They won't learn will they..." Ogav emotional, which Ivan nodded. "I mean, on the bright side, you are a Lieutenant!" Ivan smiled. "Yea.. Maybe I can make this work, all I need is to be positive." Trotgier city "BLYYAAAAAAATTT!!!!" Shouted Ogav, as he and Ivan ran for their lives along with other 10 soldiers dodging Rifle fire from the Arabian soldiers as they slid inside the dugouts. "IS THIS ALL OF US!?" Ogav shouted, in the midst of the gunfire while two of the 12 suppressed the enemies fire. "Da Comrade that's all of us! They destroyed our BMP-3!" Reported one Soldier. "BMP-3S?? WHERES THE TANKS THAT WE'RE SUPPOSE TO HAVE!" "Ogav! We were sent in as a squad, I thought you'd known that!" Shouted Ivan, which Ogav's stomach burned. "Uhh... I was sleeping the whole time." "WHAT! DAMN YOU OGAV YOU REALIZE THAT COULD'VE SAVE OURLIVES! SUKA BLYAT!" "DA DA DA! OK WE GET IT! I'D SCREWED UP! BUT IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SALVAGE THIS! WE CLEARLY NEED TO CLEAR OUT THAT BUILDING RIGHT INFRONT OF US!" Planned Ogav, while they took cover from the raging gun fire from the sand stoned building. "Rocketeer! Blast that window! Machine gunners! Cover us! Rest of you are with us!" Ogav ordered. "Yes sir!" Shouted one of the soldiers. "Copy, time to crisp em, said a Flame trooper. The Rocketeer fired his RPG-7 at the Desert building hold out, blowing up it's wall while the PKM Machine gunners gunned down the Arabian horses attempting to investigate the missing wall. The rest of the 8 begin marching up towards the building that was big, but compacted with soldiers and only one floor that is yet to await their arrival. The capture of the Building would be a final beach head to take the city once and for all. The 8 men stormed the building killing everyone that tried to put up a defense but were quickly out matched by the Ak-74 rifles, after that there was the stairs to take care of. "Watch your feet! These horses can chop them off with swords!" Ogav alerted, which the troops looked around as if they were being swarmed by bees while climbing up the stairs when a Arabia was charging at the Human soldiers with a spear that was aiming for Ivan's chest before being shot 12 times by a Sub-machine gunner soldier. "MOVE UP!" Ogav ordered yet again, as the group has now entered the one and only floor which was populated with about 12 Arabia soldiers who happened to be distracted on the Russian Group that Ogav was suppose to flank with. "Lieutenant Ogav! Have you secured the building yet! We're being pinned down!" Shouted the radio, which drove the Arabian soldiers to their attention and shot their rifles, while two of the 8 in the group got shot nearly to death, the remaining six took cover while the medic of the group tended to the injured two who were shot in the knees and chest. "Bad time to be calling me on that!" Ogav yelled back. "Have those T-72's ready to blow those suka's sky high! I'll throw in the red smokes to mark the targets!" He ordered. "Affirmative, Armor company standing by." Replied the Armor captain, as Ogav attempted to grab a flare someone shouts. "GRENADE!" The Grenade landed besides Ogav who goes into a state of paralysis, he watched as the grenade was ticking when he saw his friend Ivan jumping on top of it. "IVA-" The grenade exploded, sending impacting blast waves to the group, while it's shrapnel pierced inside of Ivan's flesh. In horror and anger, Ogav grabbed his Ak-74 and killed the entire Arabian defense soldiers, while those who took cover remained behind the barriers loading their rifles, which Ogav took the opportunity and grabbed his knife and ran right for their barriers, before the Saddle Arabian soldiers could had the chance to even shoot, let alone load their outdated rifles, one by one, Arabians horse throats were slit open by Ogav's knife, covering him in blood as they fell onto the floor, with the last 4 being killed off when he threw the red smoke in the rooms in which the T-72 tanks that stood by unloaded their payloads and destroyed the gun nests. After revenge, Ogav dropped his knife, got up, and ran towards Ivan who was turned over by the medic. "SAVE HIM DAMMIT!" Ogav shouted, while the medic tried to stabilize Ivan, but the wounds was too severe... Ogav sat in desolation.... In the end, the battle would result in casualties in the hundreds, if not thousands. The Two Russian soldiers who were shot never made it out. Ivan was declared dead by entering Socialist soldiers. Ogav would be transferred to a military base where me and him would meet at in 1004... Camp Crimea, Wings of Yakyakistan incident. > The Vacation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Louisville state, Beastrop. Sheriff time clock was the old earth pony mare of the time, she was considered the states most oldest Sheriff, she was wise, attentive, and liked the apples. Of course that to say, I worked with her before. At the age 14 I found myself partnered with her to look for the ones who was stealing all the oranges, not that she liked them. But she still had to do her job of course, I found the crooks first though and while she did endorse me to join the police force... Yea policing is not really my thing rather military that is. There's also Cousin mark, he has the right idea of being southerner, well.. Maybe too southerner... Of course sometimes he'd be caught by Time Clock for drinking heavy alcohol and of course he would be behind the bars, but most of the time his parents would pay his bail... Anyways that to say, those two are of many people I knew in my hometown of Beastrop, not really much of a big town, but it's decent, in somewhat sort of way. And since it was my vacation, I might as well pay my cousins and friends a visit before the week was up. Washington Capitol "We're now coming up on the Landing sir!" Said one of the Black hawk pilots, awaking Captain Lian from his sleep. "Already??" He said, which David replied. "it's only been two hours?" "Well, I guess it's time to wake up 'present' you do it." Lian ordered, which David went to the sleeping deer princess and shook her up. "U-i-ugh... Is it morning already..." She drooped, looking up at the Lieutenant. "Time to wake up sleeping beauty, we're here." David joked. Velvet stretched her four legs and got on her hooves, she went to the window to see the magnificent structures that she'd never thought she'd seen, considering that she was told the humans were basic creatures, boy is she in the dark. But nothing compared with her sight seeing Since her trip to Equestria all she was told by both locals and even Celestia the cons of the Humans, while Celestia did spoke that some day humanity may look on their past and move forward, it seemed that humanity still looks upon their past but they certainly built huge structures such as buildings that towered even the helicopters that she was even riding. The helicopter lowered it's landing gear with the approach to land infront of the white house, she sees two humans, one who is wearing a suit and tie, and one wearing some blue coat and a red and white striped top hat. She's seen top hats but never one like that as the helicopter jolted which signaled that they had finally landed on the ground. She looked at the two nervously, considering that the suited person looked more guarded than the old beardy human wearing blue coat. Of course the old one looked wise if not powerful, while the other one was golden haired, and somewhat very important by the looks of his guards, she was told by Celestia herself when she was in Canterlot that Humanity was very advanced to the point that they didn't even needed armor to defend against enemy invaders. Of course that was just Celestia, now it seemed the human nation that she'll set hoof in wants her for a special purpose.. But in the name of her father, hopefully the purpose that they brought her their is not only to provide a in exile title, but potentially a tool to unite Olenia from it's ages of war and conflict under one banner, and maybe, a human intervention. Beastrop Driving up the hill, the road is as dusty as it had been since my childhood years, sure there was changes in my hometown like the new burger joint near the city highway, a chicken restaurant and a arcade shop in the inner town. But the only thing that I look forward to other than this dammed vacation that I'm forced to take, is my grandmother Meagan. Who lives at the dusty outskirts of said town, atleast three miles from it atleast, but of course my cousin Mark, who I mentioned, always cared for her needs and health. She's old, like super very duper Alicorn age old, she was diagnosed with something that made her keep muttering something with things and names she never met before. And she definitely didn't meet Celestia and Luna and... Six other ponies? Oh and a dragon. Fucking strange I know, but anyways even when she has some type of traumatic event that makes her go coo-coo she's still my grandmother and with her age like that of course she's going to be a bit disillusioned, of course while my parents are currently doing acting job in Hollywood, Angeles, Mark, like I said, would be there to watch over her. But while I was driving up on the dust road, it looks like.... Wait, is that? "JOHN GORDAN!! GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT TRASH CAN!" Shouted Sheriff Time Clock, while John was doing his usual.. "Ma'am you do realize this is my trash can and I'm picking something up from something I dropped!" Shouted back John. Time Clock sighed in annoyance and replied. "You could've atleast tilted the trash can atleast! So you don't make a mess here!" "Oh really? Mess? YOU MEAN THE DAMN CREATING FORSAKENED DUST ROAD!" Shouted John. "Mr. Gordan, I know your aggravated about the fact that you've been discharged due to spinal problems, but can you please atleast be smart about things..." She expressed, while John just sat down. "Well, I guess I cou- Holy shit.." John cursed. "What?" Asked Time Clock. "No fucking way, Sheriff look at there!" John pointed, as the red pick up truck was pulling into the country road. "Well if I be dammed.." She said to herself, while I stopped the truck and rolled down the windows. "Howdy miss Time Clock, how's policing?" I greeted in southern accent. "Mr. Yates, I see you've been busy with stuff, I heard you were on that there old battleship when that big moon orb was stuck in there big sky for a couple hours?." The old Sheriff articulated in a southern accent. "Well, atleast that's been settled of course that was, may I remind you, one year ago since then." I added, while I move my bag to the back of the seats, when I got a glimpse of John. "Well howdy ex-Major, I didn't see you there, how's post military life doin for you?" I asked. "Well, if it isn't Yates huh? The same one that was teached by my former Captain/replacement of the 105 division, teaching both ground and naval. So kid, what brought you back here exactly?" Expressed John Gordan, lifting a brow on my face. "Eh, let's just say it was forced break. I may have been overworking myself admittedly atleast." "Dear Celestia and grand lunar Luna, do you never learn when to quit do you? Like seriously! I wouldn't be surprised if you get spinal problems LIKE THE JOHN GORDAN STANDING BEFORE YOU AT THIS POINT!!" Time Clock concerned, but I wasn't really worried over her concerns anyways. "Well, that to say. Atleast I be working at my one dream civil duty job, hell, I'm practically married to my job!" I asserted, but Time Clock and John looked a bit annoyed over that opinion that I made about the life of my Military position, hell I haven't even told them that I was a Staff Sergeant for crying out loud! "Is that all you want to say about my job.." I asked waiting for a response, in which the two went silent now. "Anyways, how's Grandma Meagan by the way? Is she fine?" I asked, which after a moment John shook his head and replied. "She's doing fine from what I heard from Mark, doing her usual muttering on meeting "Celestia" and "Luna" or whatever the whole shit is about. Like seriously.. What even got her to bring up those two horned bird pones in the first place?" John vocalized, while Time Clock was looking at him as if he did something to offend her, in which he did actually. "What he means is, without further insulting my home country's rulers, is your grandmother is still fine and alive." She gleamed in joy. "Alright, hope you two have a nice time then.. Whatever you two do around this here town nowadays." I finished, while putting the joystick on drive and driving away towards my grandmothers home, while looking at the front view mirror to see those two grabbing each others necks. "Yep.. Just like it use to be." "Military log 124, it has now been a year since the 105th brigade had moved up to the eastern coast, we're currently stationed at the capitol for reasons unknown, they told me the brigade will be deactivated for one year of maintenance but something tells me there is something else at place.. Like seriously, one year for maintenance? That sounds fucked up, something is fishy going on here and I intend to figure it out... Maybe I might get a new captain perhaps? I don't now.. Either way, the war in Zebrica is everlasting by the looks of things, sure we have finally kicked out the damned Zebrican bastards from the Kirin realm, and Brodfield, but from what I can tell, unless we have someone who knows how these terrorist can fight the continent will be overrunned and we'll be prone to a eventually attack, to the person listening this mark my words, the Federation will once again be attacked on it's soil after centuries, heed my warning and pray it doesn't happen.." Debraville "Captain Douglas, Message from-" "Private why are you in my office.." Douglas asked. "Major Sergeant sir, I came here under orders from the president to deliver a message to a... Mr. Yates." "He's on vacation, he won't be back till the next week." The Captain informed. "Then Sir, when Mr. Yates comes back, you can give him this." The Major Sergeant handed Douglas a envelope and a O-1, Lieutenant rank patch. "Wait a minute, what's the rank patch for?" Douglas ask, leaning back from his chair while examining the patch. "Unfortunately sir, he'll have to take a vacation more later than what you gave him, a phone call will be made to bring him back to base sir, I'm afraid he's more important than you think he is." The Major Sergeant informed. "What!? I mean, he has been hard working, and he does deserve this promotion.. But calling him back from a R and R time? What the hell is going on, and who said so?" The Captain asked. "Uncle Sam. Sir. We believe he's more important within his traditional familial line sir." "What do you mean by that?" The Captain asked. "Sir... After a recent blood test during the blood drive a scientist discovered something in his blood, at first they thought is was a mixture of blood cells, so after Mr. Yates gave another blood sample, it seemed that something was uniquely wrong with the blood, it was then transferred to the Intelligence division and historic research center and found that it was indeed positive..." "Positive for what.." The Captain asked yet again. "Positive in relation to the now extinct king Edwards of the former Eastern Kingdom.." The Major revealed, which made the Captain's jaw dropped to the floor. "Are you saying that he's a.." "He is what Uncle Sam, science, and military intelligence has said, He's related to the savior of Humanity, the one who defeated the Wendigo's in the Human-Wendigo war of the tribal period... He's related with Luther.... " Luther the Wise. > Apple-Buffalo conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFN-StarHawk Carrier The deck was active with military personal and crew men. Jets were being fueled, helicopters prepped for operations, and amphibious craft preparing to transport infantry and the M1A1 Abrams to it's destination, Appleloosa. "CREW MEN LISTEN UP!" Shouted a naval Sergeant, while the crew men and jet pilots gathered up around the Sergeant. "COMMAND HAS INFORMED US THAT THIS OPERATION IS TO CONTROL THE PEACE BETWEEN THE BUFALO'S AND SETTLER PONY POPULATIONS! WHATEVER YOU DO HOWEVER! DO NOT ENGAGE ANY SIDES! IS THERE ANY QUESTIONS!" The Sergeant shouted. "SIR NO SIR!" Shouted back the crew men in response. "ALRIGHT! LETS GET MOVING THEN! LAUNCH THE AMPHIBIOUS CRAFT! AND TAKE OUR TANKS TO THE DESERT! AND YOU! PLAY SOME MUSIC!" He shouted, while the radio man puts a VHS in the audio speakers. The tanks and infantry are loaded on the amphibious craft while the tomcat fighters are lined up on the carriers awaiting the final order from the Carrier captain. During this the naval Sergeant went inside the bridge and informed. "The Naval forces are ready to launch sir!" The Sergeant reported. The Captain grabbed the speaker Microphone and shouted. "Begin launch sequence! Amphibious craft make your way to the Equestrian coast!" As ordered, the Amphibious craft is deployed from the carrier and headed towards the designated ports in south Equestria, instructed by Celestia, while it was strange for the human military to solve a dispute, it was something Celestia wished to see as a test of how brutal Humanity would be in dispute situations. Of course, with her theory being that humanity were barbaric, the operation launched on disputes. Would prove less than that. "Tomcats! Make me proud, the mission is to scour the skies only! No engagements at all! Oh! And take some pictures, I always wanted to see Equestria in it's current state." The Captain ordered, as radio static replied. "Roger that sir, alright tigers, lets show Equestria a taste of superiority." The tomcat F-14s ignited their engines and begun one by one, launching from the carrier deck and flying into a formation, the crew men cheered at the jet launch and begin preparing the fuel lines for occasional refueling. "All birds are in the air sir!" Reported the head crewman. "Very good, Corporal! Keep me updated on Keeper brigade!" "Yes sir, on it sir!" "Now, we sit and watch." Beastrop, outskirts "Aaaand now, your local news station with your breaking news! Gerald?" "Thanks Jenny, we currently have the latest on the situation in Appleloosa, apparently Uncle Sam and Celestia had a sit down today on talks about the situation on the recently settled province, however, the area settled was occupied by a indigenous tribe called the Buffalo. They stampede in the area of concern for generations, but due to settlement, it was now occupied by settlers and their apple trees. Unfortunately however the Buffalo's and the local population had multiple clashes and incidents around the area, some are worried of a potential outbreak of war between the indigenous and the locals that there was case of mass protest calling for support for either side-" I turned off the radio for the sake of my sanity, the fact that at the biggest moment is missed because of one incident is just annoying on itself, like seriously, first Olenia, and now a border dispute that could potentially break out to a all out war! What's next.. A Dragonesque? But anyways, as I shake of my anger I pulled up to grandma Meagan, her full name was Meagan Williams, who happened to be my mothers side of the family, ironically though, my grandmother used to fight for Equestria and the Federation back in the.. Well not in a war of course, but more like a mass protest to unite the two countries diplomatically, which while there was some improvements, it would quickly spiral thanks to those dammed communist in the north.. The revolution of 995 would leave the American nation into a state of annoyance with Equestria resulting in cutting of ties, but that to say that didn't mean's my grandmother fought in vain. But with that out of my chest, I now arrived to her house, a beautiful farm house in the area, atleast somewhat beautiful since the area is desert like, as I entered the house, Mark and Meagan were sitting on the couch watching tv. While I knocked at the door. Keeper unit, the Equestria frontier "Keeper 1! What's our status." The Tank commander asked, as rows of tanks are in a spear head formation in the Equestrian desert. "Keeper 2 to Keeper 1, I say again, what's our status!" The Tank commander, again, asked. "This is Keeper 1, we are currently near the railroad, but we may have a situation.." Keeper 1 replied. "What is it!" The tank commander uttered. "Sir, we have skipped target town by a mile, we fortunately however found ourselves a railroad according to this here ol' map." Keeper 1 elaborated, while the tank commander is troubled. "Are you serious... THAT'S IT! STOP! THIS! CONVOY!" He shouted, as the tanks and the JTVLs stopped besides the railroad tracks. With the crew and convoy confused, the tank commander hopped out of the M1A1 tank and head towards the idiots in Keeper 1. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! DON'T YOU HAVE A FUCKING GPS ON YOUR SHIT!" He shouted. "Sorry sir! I'm use to piloting pattons sir!" Keeper 1 replied sarcastically in a insult. "Dag fucking dammit, who the hell let you on a M1A1 then!" "That was fucking Sarcasm Luke! The fucking Naval Captain now who the fuck else!" "What in fucking hell of an answer is that private! If you won't lead the convoy correctly! Then I suggest letting someone with experience do it!" The Commander scolded. "Feel fucking free to sir!" After slamming the hatch down he then grabbed his radio and ordered. "Driver, take position INFRONT of Keeper 1, I want to do the convoy right." "Roger, moving in front now sir!" Replied the driver, as the back M1A1 tank rolled from behind Keeper 1's tank and goes infront of it when a alarm blared. "Sir! We're detecting something heading our way from the tracks!" The radar men reported, as the tank leaders stick their heads out to look down at the track, while the tank commander ordered. "It's probably the train, move our vehicles pointing STRAIGHT towards the south of those tracks and move away from them to, we'll make our way there." The Tanks, JTVL's, and Humvees turned around in a 180 degree move, it would take about 20 minutes before it was fully turned. When suddenly, a huge buffalo stampede and a train was spotted behind them. "Huh, a train and a stampede, you don't see that every day." Commented a tank gunner, sticking his head out as both the train and the stampede ran pass the convoy. "Yea well, lets get moving, raise the white flag and move forward." The tank commander ordered, which the gunner raised the white flag and the national flag. The tank now started moving forward along with the rest of the convoy to it's destination in a medium yet careful speed. "Sir, we're detecting 4 flying ob-" He was then cut off by the sound of 4 tomcat F-14 jets flying over the convoy, while they are only armed with heavy machine guns and not missiles, it certainly scared the shit out of everything that heard and saw it. Appleloosa Now, to explain about this town, I don't need to explain about the town, it's practically a human southerners paradise there, of course unless you live in the Texan state, which would very make sense but of course subtracting from gun duels, the town is very civilized but a bit disarmed considering that there way of weaponry is apple pies. But then again, it is linked to the apple family so not really a surprise that their weapon is literally pies. But yea, that to say it's a nice town from I was told from one of my friends who served in the Keeper unit during the Apple-Buffalo conflict. Of course his unit would not see combat, but the fact that the battle itself is started because of a... Pink pony in a speakeasies dress singing ear bleeding music... Yea that was weird from my friends experience, but hey. What did I say? Everything is weird nowadays... "This is eagle 1, we have eyes on armor train, over." Reported Eagle leader. "Starhawk to Eagle 1, we read you loud and clear, I was given reports from convoy that there was both a train and a stampede, can you take a good look at them?" Asked the Captain. "Roger, Eagle 4, get a closer look. Momma bird wants to see the earth worms." Ordered Eagle 1. "Roger Eagle 1, going in to see the earth worms." Eagle 4 acknowledged, breaking off formation from the squadron with the bottom camera on the jet turned towards the train and the buffalos stampede. A engagement seemed to be happening as it looked, buffalos started ramming against the stallion train pulley's and the locomotive itself. "This is Eagle 4, train is being attacked by Buffalo's over." "What!? Say that again!" "I repeat, train is under attack by Buffalo's sir, I could engage them at given order." Eagle 4 requested, as he flipped the seal from the HMG trigger. "Negative! Do not engage, this is a peace operation not a intervention!" The Captain reminded. Eagle 4 flicked the seal back on the trigger top. "Affirmative, pulling off back to formation." "Negative Eagle 4, show them of who's watching them, fly pass the train and stampede action." The Captain ordered. "Roger that, fly by time." Eagle 4 chuckled. It was then during the conversation, a chase like scene ensued on top of the fucking train when a buffalo child raced a cyan pegasus. For the sake of my works and smaller phrasing, I'm gonna name the buffalo child Strongheart. What you expect me to actually know that this was a female buffalo? I wasn't in the operation you know.. Strongheart jumped from a Buffalo ladder and onto the train cart, running down the carriage train when she was approached and intercepted by a cyan pegasus Rainbow Dash. Who seemed to somewhat notice something with the Buffalo's actions "Hey! Where are you headed in such a hurry!" She smirked, only for the young Buffalo to run right past her, cutting her off guard she was stubborn and followed Strongheart. "Wow! Your incredibly fast for somebody Bulky... No offense." Rainbow dash offended, which then insulted Strongheart. Rainbow Dash then planted her hooves infront of the running Buffalo and attempted to conversate with the young Buffalo. "I just want to know-" She then was cut off by the Buffalo, but that was the time when Eagle 4 was given the order by the Naval Captain for a fun fly by. But during this in one last attempt to talk to her, she was jumped over by Strongheart and was complete shocked and off-guard, but that was when the two paused when a loud roar was sounded. A Tomcat F-14 fly's above the train in a fierce roar in the point where everyone including the engineers pulling the train were stopped in their tracks, only to move again because of job wise, the F-14 makes a inclined turn and flew back to the opposite way and flew by the besieged train again, the buffalo kept stampeding but was losing ground because of the sonic boom the F-14 was making which made them cover their ears only to fall on the ground. Rainbow Dash meanwhile was in shock of the jet flying by the train when she realized that Strongheart managed to reach to the caboose of the train where she uncoupled the train grapples. By the time she tried to catch up to the caboose she ran into a railroad sign and the caboose flew right by her. "This is Eagle 4, I sent the message, but it seemed to have been taken the wrong way." Eagle 4 reported. "Wrong way as in?" "Sir a small Buffalo detached the caboose part of the train, I think they were raiding the train sir." Eagle 4 elaborated. "Are you saying that a war had already broken out??" The Captain puzzled. "Potentially sir, any orders sir?" The Pilot requested. "Yea, go back into Eagle formation and report back to Starhawk, Sergeant, get me contact with Captain Ingo in Keeper Battalion." The Captain urged, which without further words the Sergeant saluted and went to the radio comms ordering the radio men to contact Keeper Battalion. "This is Starhawk to Keeper 2, come in, this is Starhawk to Keeper 2, do you read over?" Williams residence, Louis State After a welcoming greeting, followed by a tea party, followed by everyone in the neighborhood coming into our house to see me as a Sergeant, I have happened to finally spend some quality time with my old stricken grandmother, oddly she would be the oldest person in the world just by her birth date of being 415 ALB, practically years before the Crystal-Human war But of course, while I was speaking with my old grandmother who kept muttering "Celestia" and "Luna" and "firefly" and all that when the news just came up on the TV it made my ears pop. CBS NEWS "Breaking news from the station, we interrupt your broadcast for immediate breaking news in developments evolving the situation in the Appleloosa region." "Just recently, a military expedition was launched by the order of General Macarthur that purpose to be peace operations only. Of course, after a short period of heated negotiations and a near-war incident, word was just received that the military operation was indeed a success, after confirmation from Princess Celestia of Equestria and President Carter of America, coming from Carter's mouth he said in a speech. "With the state of war that was prevented today thanks to our proud forces of the American army, we prevented what could've been a chaotic event, especially the actions of American negotiators that was with the brigade of men that convinced both Buffalo's and the southern Ponies that they can share the land, through a pathway. And with that, the said term "Apple war" will go down in history as more of a "Apple Dispute." that'll be all" "And with that, the recent success couldn't be done by America's favorite Captain, Ingo. Prized commander of the Keeper brigade, now we will go to-" I turned off the TV in frustration, there was a fucking near war incident and I'm missing out on it because of being on vacation! But that to say, it was best to spend time with my grandmother... But that was when it stopped when.. I picked up the phone and spoke. "Meagan Williams residence, Yates speaking." "Mr. Yates, your vacation is over." Said the speaker. "What? But I just started today?" I replied. "Sir, it's urgent that you pack your bags." The Speaker said. "Ok, but who exactly am I speaking to?" I interrogated in suspicion of a prank call. "Who or what doesn't concern you, all that matters is, you are to grab your bags and report back to duty." "Fine.. Atleast it's better stationed in Debravill-" "Your not going back to Debraville I'm afraid." The Speaker interrupted. "Then... Where am I going then?" I asked, which the conversation was paused for a moment. "Your going to Washington Capitol, the white house." > Chapter 3: 1002 ALB, Infiltration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBS News “Welcome to CBS News, we have urgent breaking news coming from the continent of Zebrica where a progressing invasion has been launched by self-proclaimed yeti leader the ‘Storm King’ on the nation of Mazwi and joining us now is Jeffery who is currently on the scene, Jeffery what can you see for our viewers?” The camera pans towards Jeffery who is wearing a military grade flak jacket and helmet as the background is filled with bombing and combat. “Well.. The inevitable came today as you can see here we’re at what’s left of the capital city now being blown to bits as, woah, anyways we’re in the middle of what is now suddenly a warzone that’s being fought between Mazwian zebra’s and Storm kingdom yetis, not yet confirm of what plans the Storm king has, but it would be apparently that not to long ago a similar invasion was authorized by the Storm King on the Hyenian kingdom, although while some resistance still holds, the nation itself ceases to exist, in fact.. If I can walk over, Justin point the camera right there.” The camera then turns towards the remains of a palace that’s been damaged and inflamed by the bombing airships. “As you can see, there’s practically nothing left of the structure, and with warfare tactics being improved we may see a third player in the ongoing cold war.” The media host then asks. “Our viewers are asking what happened before the Storm Kingdom invasion, or what caused the Storm king to declare war all of a sudden?”  “Well, it’s hard to tell but when we first came here there was already a conflict that wasn’t verified independently, but there were claims that Mazwi was already at war within itself, speaking of internal crisis the Mazwi government had reported fled according to the Storm King in his recent announcement.” Explosions intensify live on camera which Jeffery ducks down as a building behind him explodes into ashes. "Alright we better get out of here, let’s go let’s go!" Ordered the news man as the camera now cuts to the newsroom.. "... As you have seen there.. Our news reporter was caught in the middle of the crossfire between Mazwian forces and Yeti troops, hopefully he survives and continues to cover this dramatic event that is happening right before our eyes, along with the news crew, but as we speak. Unconfirmed reports had just started to come in that a peninsula in Riseonia is being raided as the war is progressing, general MacArthur on the remarks of the ongoing war did confirm potential military action with ongoing military briefings and planning to decide on the best course of action which would be kept confidential unfortunately, but he has confirmed that action will be taken in the remarks of the invasion" White House "I know I know! We the American peoples respect everyone's boundaries and borders! But we can't just call for open war against the Storm kingdom, yea I know, but it would be like fighting 1/3rds of a continent! Ugh.. Alright I'll see you later.." As Carter hung up the phone he was getting aggravated and disturbed in the events unfolding. "Already in the start of the new year and there's already a war... Hm.." Carter started to think, with the elections starting up this year he had to think on a resolution, a solution perhaps on the problem in Zebrica when a Equestrian messenger came inside his office escorted by secret service. "Good day sir, I'm here to hand you an invite sir." The messenger greeted. "Uhuh, thanks, for what exactly?" Carter asked. "Marriage sir, Equestria is hosting a wedding of Cadence Mi Amore and Shining Armor, Cadence herself sent this invitation for you sir!" The messenger handed him the invitation to the wedding, which intrigued Carter a bit. "And what interest do I have with Equestria?” Carter asks. “No Idea sir, I just deliver mail, have a good day,” waved the messenger, as Carter rolled his eyes and opened the envelope to find the seal of Celestia on the print of the mail. It would seem that the person with the invite can apparently bring a plus one. Carter then stared at his phone with a devious plan in his mind, thinking that they could potentially reestablish intelligence networks in Equestria that was lost in 1000 ALB, which after that the espionage agents were handed over to the human military and potentially cripple Equestria’s military. But then again, what are the chances of the intelligence being discovered because of Equestria's improvements in anti-espionage equipment? It would seem that the best people to do this happen best to make a call from Eclispe. Eclipse base "Sir, are you sure you want to reconsider? You do realize that you'd be using your best spy in this one mission, not to mention his... Kill count it'll be like sending all our army in one place sir!" The intelligence head protested. "It's the best option Colonel, plus with his inconceivable records on successful missions and the fact of our intelligence taken down from the EUP forces, we have no choice." Carter ordered. "Oh great creator.. Alright, but after this he'll need to go back on the Brodfield case sir." "I understand Colonel how important this is, now, go brief him will you?" Carter ordered, hanging up the phone. "Lieutenant! Get me agent 44!" Ordered the intelligence Colonel Secret Warehouse, Moskva operation region, NSRS Agent 44, ruthless and yet best of the best of the American F.I.B. He served in the underground Equestrian networks and participated in controversial operations such as. Kidnapping, brainwashing, assassinations, and the deadliest,torture methods. Oh look there he is conducting his interrogation now on a Rodinian pony. "Seems he's not talking.. Start another waterboarding session and then we’ll see if this little communist bitch might talk." Reckoned 44, as his assistant rolled his eyes and grabbed the hose, setting the water pressure to high. "TALK!? YOU THINK I'LL TALK! I'LL NEVER TAL-" The pony officer was then interrupted by the massive pressurized water spray by the high pressure hose. Watching the captured Soviet getting washed up, he nodded to his assistant to stop hosing. "Ready to talk now little bitch? 44 repeated. "Okay! Okay! They are about to prepare an operation in Brodfield! That's all I know I swear! PLEASE DON'T SPRAY ME HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Soviet pony officer bawled and cried, which 44 rolled his eyes in pity. The fact that ponies can be easily broken with the spray of water made him frown and bored.. But his frown didn't last long when he heard ringing from the phone. "It’s about time, I was getting bored with the interrogation, sir,” 44 scoffed. "What's the status of the operation agent?" The Colonel asked. "Just wrapping it up, apparently it’s as we suspected, the Commies are supplying local militias in Brodfield with modern weapons capable of starting a government overthrow unfortunately we don’t know the source of the supply other than a city called Whiteflower, but if you like, I have more toys in my disposal to do the job," The agent deviously laughed at the tormented pony. "Very good, unfortunately a new type of mission was just given by an anonymous person with information." "Anonymous?" "Yes you got that right, agent 44, anonymous, there was a tip for potential intelligence gathering in the city of Canterlot, something to do with espionage systems." The Colonel briefed. "Ah, one of those unscheduled sleep time operations for individuals to get in my way Colonel? I was meaning to kill someone, so, what espionage system am I working with here? I hope it’s nothing to do with ‘friendship power’ bullshit,” 44 snickered at that thought. "That's something for you to find out and for me to know 44, now as for this mission however, you will be accompanied by one of the government's recently promoted officers, Lieutenant Yates." "Lieutenant huh. Sounds like another kid, what's so special about him that earned him a right to participate in this operation, other than being cannon fodder," 44 criticized. "This 'kid' you refer to him as, is something else then what you'd think, unfortunately that's something for him to reveal, but until then, your objective is to slice into Equestria's and EUP's recently form intelligence division, "S.M.I.L.E."  "Smile... Really?" "It's a strange name, but with a concerning background, but that is your priority so do not underestimate it," warned the Colonel. "Then what's this Lieutenants 'Priority' then?" Snake added, raising his right brow. "His priority is maintaining relations between the royals of Equestria, if I were you, I wouldn't get in his way or underestimate him either, your mission will be to go under official cover, once you arrived to the location in Canterlot you are to proceed in finding the Canterlot intelligence room and start probing documents of SMILE agents, networks, and any other information regarding their espionage operations world wide," "Understood Colonel, just one more thing… What did you mean by not underestimating him?" 44 questions. "Lets just say he knows his way around guns, tactics, and personal experience in both army and navy."  "Hmph.. Not bad for the kid, but I would say to him to stay out of my way also, but if you insist and stay off his path then I will, but Colonel? Where do I exfil this dump?" 44 asked, when the garage door opened with a helicopter and the Eclipse brigade waiting outside for him. " immediately" replied the Colonel. . . . Kremlin palace There was currently a ballroom dance festival being held in the Kremlin palace, hosted by the mother of the Revolution herself, Red Mother. She was enjoying a cup of hot tea, watching from the seat on the balcony as the city was packed with tourists, dancers, and most of all, the workers who were just coming home from the industrial sites of her prestigious socialist plan. Indeed, it was a site of true soviet glory, with collectivism and agriculture working well. She had received word about Stalliongrad on the brink of yet another food crisis. While it annoyed General Secretary Brezhnev over the situation and how he kept bragging about just abandoning their allies, both Skynavia and Stalliongrad, the Red Mother would passionately scold him for rudeness, though it wasn't the first time. And by not the first time, I mean a lot of times. Like say, every time Brezhnev argued about the Red Mothers foreign policy that she can slap him about 587 times. She of course does take things into consideration with Brezhnev at times, considering the option of pulling out of Arabia for instance, since the war has now officially entered it's third year into the fighting, she realized that if there's no other tactics other than what they're doing then she'll have to consider a military withdraw, that was until a pony came into her stead. "madam, Is your name.. The Red Mother?" Asked the pony, who seemed to be beaten by the looks of the clothes he's wearing. "That depends, what's your purpose here?" She asked. "Ma'am, I brought a letter from the princess of love, Cadence Mi Amore." Replied the messenger, intriguing the Red Mother. "Recluse, get me the letter will you darling?" She requested. With her bear, armored with gold plating, approached the messenger and grabbed the letter and then sniffed it, for ensured security, and then walked back and handed the letter to his master. "Good boy, now I assume this is a wedding letter, yes? What's the interest in this Invite to some ponies marriage?" "Ma'am, it's not an ordinary marriage, it's a once in a lifetime event, an Alicorn marrying a stallion unicorn, doesn't that intrigue you?" The Mother froze in surprise... It seemed that whoever this Alicorn was, it certainly made her.. "Intrigued alot..." Airbase Yorker  Welcome to Yorker city, the biggest city that somehow literally ties with Manehatten in first place in the world, nothing but huge skyscrapers and rare businesses like Toys r Us... Anyways with that existential dread being said, it's been a year since I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and then uh... Go through a state of an existential crisis because I didn’t even attend West point.. (Oh boy I’m about to get pounded by a lot of officers) AHEM, ANYWAYS! I was ordered by the President to personally attend an event/ceremony at Canterlot which happened to be at least 3 days away. Along with that, I am meeting someone to assist me in the journey as my 'plus one' I mean I guess someone could come with me. But of course when I met someone who I absolutely have no clue who or what he is but that would be my plus one, with that said, I was walking through the air base with my belongings with me when Bush joined me on the way to the helipad. "Mr. Yates, I hope you have good luck on your trip to Canterlot, because the place has good cuisine, nobility, high officials, and other types of decency." George Bush shared, but I was more into my assignment than the stuff he said. "I'm sure that I'll be fine sir, of course there's yet to be my plus- *OOF*" I bumped into a person who happened to be wearing... Body armor?? And a submachine gun attached to his belt aw well and some type of aesthetic or something? "I assume you're my assignment." Said agent 44, the person I bumped into. "Ye- Wait, did you say.. Assignment?" I uttered. "Mr. Yates, I would like to introduce to you, Mr. Ford, your partner in the journey to Canterlot." George Bush introduced me, which made me a bit jittery about this guy. "Splendid... Well I think that's all the introductions, let's go to Canterlot already, the whole 'Cuisines and nobility' crap ain't getting any younger now is it!" I rushed, running towards a Black Hawk helicopter that was waiting for me and... "Ford" on the airstrip. As I placed my stuff down and fastened myself, George Bush ran towards my ride with last minute wording. "REMEMBER YOUR ASSIGNMENT!" He shouted through the very loud Propeller blades. "Keep the princesses well and ensured, don’t start a war, and applause when the two lovers kiss all good yes?" I repeated this morning's briefing. The doors shut on both sides and I already felt myself going off the ground on the helicopter and heading towards the Equestrian national borders on our way to Canterlot... Good thing the president messaged those two Alicorns about me being his representative or it'd look like an international incident.. Now as for this guy that looks like he can start one just by the way he's sitting besides me, sharpening his knife.... With murderous intent.. I knew I should’ve stayed in bed… Who the hell is he? > A Canterlot wedding part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fox News Fox News is currently having a group talk about politics and stuff when the subject of Carter is brought up into the mix. “So, what do y'all think about Carter? Like how well is he doing?” the room immediately erupts in annoyance. “Oh please! Don’t get me started with that guy! He hasn’t even done a single thing for this country since his presidency for crying out loud!” “Yeah, with one exception being the viral video that resonated since 1001 that the president literally insulted everyone in the world. What, you don’t think Equestria hates us now? Don’t worry, just wait till you get the entire world to hate us all, thanks to Carter!” “Yeah if I was in his shoes right now, I’d worry about Uncle Sam raiding his house with the backing of the military right about now.” “Now that you think about it Joe, have we heard of the old man lately?” “Hell if I know, he’s probably just preparing as we speak! Just like he did with president- As the TV was turned off President Carter sat on his chair watching his downfall unfold before his very eyes, the fact that they kept mentioning his name and his inability to act on the invasion aggravated him, especially the fact that he still had control over the nation's army but doesn't want to use it because of the hot water he has now gotten himself into. When suddenly, his phone rings. He picks up the phone and puts it in his ear. "President Carter speaking."  "Mr. Presidente, I see you've got yourself in a knot with the bastard, the Storm King, and your whole internal affairs."  "President Fernández? How did you know about the events?" Carter questioned. "Have you looked at your Television Amigo, I can tell when something big like an invasion in Zebrica happens, or a full-blown economic situation erupts across a fellow Humarican country! But that's not what I'm calling you about, unfortunately," Fernández turned worried. "What do you mean," Carter was puzzled. "My intelligence agency reported that Thestria had openly decided to start a military build-up on my border! Along with their scum bag puppet Parsley! They got fucking new tanks on my border! Here I'll send you a picture on the computer," spoke Fernández, as the Personal Computer loaded up a picture of the new tanks that were piling up on the Thestrian-SF Border. "Is that a new tank? What’s it called?" Carter asked. "According to intelligence, they call it the Type 80 tank, and by the looks of the design, I'm afraid your enemy may have designed weapons for them mi amigo,"  Fernández informed, concerning the president a lot. "Hmm, I mean... I know their tech is unknown, but can you describe what type of weapons the bat ponies are holding??" Carter asked. "That's the complicated part hombre, they're using some sort of new Rifle," Fernandez replied, showing the next picture of a captured rifle that the Argendinian infiltrators had captured. "Hm... So what are they named?" Carter was dumbfounded. "From what transponders picked up the Bat Ponies call them L85s, they even prepare to use it against us... I'm worried that they'll soon launch a war against our nation Mr. Carter," Fernandez dreadfully said.. "Shit. Never have I seen a war break out in the Humarican continent since the fucking Lunar Wars, or that damn civil war in the northern country, whatever their intentions are though. I will see to it that negotiations will be taking place if this is how advanced Thestria is... We may have a problem here... However, we can't support you further since we have a treaty from the same war.." "I know I know... But I do hope you support us in diplomatic negotiations amigo, but I'll need to go now, military briefing is starting now," Exiting Fernandez, while the phone lines were hanging up, Carter followed and hung the phone up and looked at the Computer with the feature pictures of Thestria's technology, he then picked the phone up again and dialed General Macarthur. The general line is picked up by Macarthur, who just started drinking his coffee and smoking his pipe. "What do you need Mr. President?" Asked the five-star general. "General MacArthur, set our military alert level to three. We have a problem..." "Yes, sir." Humarican-Celestial seas We were now over the trans-oceanic waters of the east-Humarican seas, and the Lunar Bay on the Blackhawk, we’ve already left the international borders of the Federation and went through an air traffic checkpoint with the celestial island pegasus coast guard and now I was starting to get bored here.. So to pass the time I decided to see if I can start a conversation. " So Mr. ‘Ford’, what brought you into the army? " "Kidnapped by agents," he simply replied. The room then went into an awkward silence. Probably because I didn't want to know that, and I doubt I was supposed to know that... "Right... Nic- Nice talk... I guess," I stuttered, opening the briefcase given to me by Carter to examine the briefing and details on the princesses, of course, it didn't provide pictures but rather inconvenient descriptions. As for Mr. Mysterious over across from me, I don't even know who the hell he is, but just by the looks of his fist he seemed to have either strangled or stabbed a man before, let alone kill one or more, now by the look of his utility belt, it seems he's prepared for something and I don't even know it. Either way if he fucking screws this up I'll kill him myself with my fist, down his fucking throat. Threatening or fucking not. "Lieutenant!" Yelled one of the Pilots, replying to their call by crawling into the co-pit. "Yea?" I asked. "Sir, we're detecting two pegasi readings heading right towards us," the Pilot reported, as I looked at the radar scanner. "Huh... How close are we to Equestria's airspace?" I asked. "Sir, we have just gone past Las Pegasus," He replied. "Las Pegasus! You were supposed to inform me when we arrived at the Equestrian Airspace! And now you tell me!" I yelled. "Sorry si-" The Pilot was interrupted when a pegasi royal guard flying beside the helicopter tapped on our glass, which I then ordered. "Slow down, and keep us at 10 mph and have hover mode on, and turn weapons systems off, in fact, why the hell did we even have them on..." "Right sir, though to answer the last one it is for security," acknowledged and explained the Pilot, as the Black Hawk slowed down to a near hover mode, the pilot then pressed the window down to where I could perfectly speak to the guard. "Good to know I guess," I whispered which then I said to the guard. "Greetings, we're from the American Federation," By now the pegasi and his other winged ponies seemed to have caught up. Both their breath and distance. "I see, my unit was just informed about your visit, but I didn't expect you humans to use a... Whatever you'd call this flying contraption," The Guard replied, as he signaled the other Pegasus guard to wedge on his side. "We usually call it by its design name, but you can just call it a helicopter," I replied, easing the pegasus guards' confusion a bit. "Right... A dome is currently shielding Canterlot, I suggest you land this craft in the designated spot off city boundaries where you will await proper transportation and escort to enter the dome," the Guard informed, which made me and the weird guy tilt in confusion. "Say that again? Canterlot is being shielded by a dome?? Who threatened Equestria?" I asked, which surprised the guards, which is VERY bad because they'll probably think we’re some type of spies. "How did you know there was a threat ongoing?" "Uhh.. Just call it a hunch, anyways shall we continue forward?" I asked, which somehow my response seemed to make them shake off their suspicions, not that I was going to spy anyway... Maybe that's probably what this guy’s objective is behind my job. Assholes don't tell me anything so I don't know... "Yes indeed, follow us," the guard ordered, as his unit was now making a spear formation with 3 other ponies in front of the helicopter they followed them while at the same time picking up speed. "Huh... Hey pilot, can I get a phone to George Bush? I might need to alert him that Canterlot is locked down," I asked. "We can't sir, Equestria has no phone towers available, we won't be able to reach contact with the White House," the Pilot responded. "Dammit! Can we get a radio to the nearest carrier?" I asked. "The nearest carrier near Equestria would be SFN-Starhawk, but all it's doing is naval patrol," the pilot asserted. "I don't give a hot damn about naval patrol! Get me that radio," I demanded, as I was handed the entire radio box console. "All yours sir, just hope you know what you're doing," The pilot replied, rolling his eyes. "Alright, once we land and establish a spot, I'll begin contacting, by the way, is this a SINCGARS system? Because this looks very futuristic?" I asked. "Yep, it can penetrate anything, from magic domes, walls, hell even damned dark crystals or hives for that matter," the pilot smirked, focusing on his piloting skills on the Equestrian pegasus guard formation. "Neat!" Canterlot Now while we were on our way to the landing site, there was one pony who I knew for the rest of my military career.  His name is Gold Star, his current position at this time was a royal guard for Equestria, the Canterlot battalion, an elite guard that was best of the best and would strap bombs on themselves and explode for their majesty. And yes he was THAT type of guard once for Equestria before being conscripted into the army and then climbing through the ranks up to Sergeant for some reason. Of course I would meet him until 1003 and ironically it wouldn't be until that same year when he actually told me this, I didn't know much before then other than him just joining the American army under the protégé of Major Alexander, who by now was a Colonel of the 105th armor battalion in that year. But who's to say, I'm not a part of that brigade? Yet… "Alright Stallions! Listen up! The Captain of the guard himself wants us to keep this place tight and secured, of course, we have been informed that foreign visitors from the continent of Humarica will be shortly joining the wedding event as representatives of the Humarican president! That's why when they come in, you are to keep an eye on them... We don't know who sent the threat message to Canterlot but if we find who's responsible he or she will pay the consequences! I will now be starting roll call!" The Canterlot Battalion commander hovered his clipboard with his unicorn magic and went from first to last of the line with two royal guard Military Police pegasus on his side. "Private Cliff!" "Here!" "Corporal, Colonel Sanders! (Disregard the Colonel part sirs, that's how he was named.)" "Here!" "Private Wiggles!" "Here!" "Sergeant Gold Star!" "Here Commander!" He and the others replied. "Here is all I need Sergeant. Keep that in mind next time," the Commander scolded, leaving Gold Star null-faced. After the royal guard Commander finished his row call and lowered his clipboard he saw the helicopter landing at the spot that the pegasus unit had escorted it towards. "Ah perfect, just as the messengers informed, Sergeant Gold Star, have two guys go with you to escort the visitors, remember to keep an eye on them," the commander ordered, which the young Stallion saluted and trailed off to the landing zone with the shield opening up to let him and the other two guards out, and then closed behind them. "Alright, now as you may know, with a shield like that covering Canterlot something wrong is going on here so I want you two pilots to be ready at a moment's notice, I'll be taking this radio with me just so I can be ready to contact the carrier at a moments notice, meanwhile you are to be ready to take off when this console starts beeping, so watch it at all times! If something happens I will press this beacon, understood?" I explained, which the pilots nodded in understanding. "Understood sir, we will keep our eyes on this radio at all times sir!" "Yeah!" Acknowledged the two pilots. "Lieutenant, it seems the welcoming committee has arrived," informed Ford. "Alright, must be the ground escorts then, keep your eyes on that console," I walked back a moment when the pilots relaxed. "I MEAN IT! WATCH!.... THAT!... CONSOLE!..." I shouted, taking two fingers from my eyes and then pointing them at the two pilots walking backward. The pilots looked at each other in frowned null faces. "He needs help, does he?” said pilot 1. "Yep... So anyways... Want to get wasted?" Asked Pilot 2, revealing a compartment of whiskey and hard liquor. "I thought you never asked!"   While the two insubordinate assholes of pilots wasted themselves without me looking... Me and 'Ford' were confronted by three royal guards from what looked like the Canterlot elite unit by the looks of the Armor colors which would have a silver insignia on their helmets and it seemed I was not the only one to know that by the looks of Ford here. "Welcome to Canterlot sirs, we were sent to escort you two to the castle of Canterlot, however, you do have to listen to rules since you are practically the only secondary race that's overseeing the wedding let alone being the first humans since uhh. Uncle sack? Uncle Samuel?" I thought to myself -Who the hell doesn't know the name Uncle Sam... Then again though he did just say Samuel so...- "Em. Anyways without further introduction, follow me!" The tan-furred Equestrian guard ordered, which we acknowledged and followed him, but to tell you the truth I've been wondering who Ford really is… Is he a mechanic? A bodyguard? Secret Service? Or a spy?? I got no clue, but anyways, I got a mission to attend and finish so hopefully I don't screw it up and accidentally start a war between powers or that'll be bad. So, let's see what Canterlot looks like in a ceremonial period, shall we? Washington airport Today was a usual rainy Washington day. It was also the usual busy night, jet airliners taking off from runways to other destinations, airship landing and take-offs, and the usual military flight drills that would take place, of course like I said it was raining however but not that much dangerous but... There was an unexpected visit. "Sir." Asked one of the radar personnel. "What is it?" The head man asked. "We have a radar dotted with three planes in a formation sir." The Radar man reported. "That's probably just the tomcats doing their usual drills, nothing to worry about.." "But sir! It's identifying the three dots as mustangs sir!" The radar man cautioned. "What?" The head of the Radar department looked at the radar and sure enough there were three dots in a formation pattern that seemed to be heading towards the base when the radio went off. "This is Washington airbase, please identify." The radio man instructed. The two men looked and waited for a response when they heard static that seemed to be a distress call but seemed to have blurted out in static. "Damn this rain! Get a crew down on the runway and activate the air traffic lights!" He ordered, as the radio man started radioing the air control personnel. “Attention unidentified craft, you are instructed to land at this airport immediately!” "Attention all Air traffic control agents! We have three planes identified as Mustangs attempting to land on the airfield activate the traffic lights immediately!" The radio man ordered. The crew and personal immediately got on their vest, grab their landing sticks, and ran towards the air field, the group is split into three, some grab binoculars, and they looked into the cloudy raining dark skies and tried to find the three planes when they can hear hints of propeller engines diving towards the airport. "That's them, Get ready to land them!!" Shouted the Air controller, as the landing strip lightened up bright and the personnel started doing landing signals towards the landing planes. One by one the Mustang class propeller planes landed on the airstrip and disengaged their engines, but the crew noticed something with their symbols. After the Mustangs docked into the airport, the pilots jumped out and revealed to be ponies as they grabbed a ladder when one of the air traffic men confronted one of them. "Sir, how did your country build Mustangs when you only have medieval weaponry?" The pony pilot didn't respond but one the leading pilot did. "That's because we didn't build them, we were lended them," replied the orange bacon hair Alicorn who flew the leading Mustang. "0_0 Uhh... My mistake ma'am no questions then," the air traffic controller said, as he walked inside passing a military officer and two infantry soldiers. "Colonel Alex of the 105th armor company, welcome to the American Federation princess Shimmer."  “Greeting is mutual Colonel, now let’s talk about intelligence.”   Aires Norrington city, Southern Federation Capitol "Generals, captains, Majors, pony and griffon commanders, we are on the brink of war.. And it's not looking too much in our favor," Alberto Fernández introduced with worry, as he turned towards the board with the information and continued. "Recently we have discovered the enemy has been busy, while Parsley may be technologically non-superior with our armies. We have the bigger nation that owns it that just happened to have superior weaponry.." He informed them, making the generals concern themselves with the situation. "Apparently we have reports that modern never before seen tanks have been discovered along our borders with Thestria, as of current... Our military funding will be going directly towards scientific research into not only Gen 4 tanks.. But Gen 5 armor, along with weapons and howitzer technology, this however would mean that now the cold war is starting to heat up,” Alberto sighed, and looked at his cabinet. "While we wait for breakthroughs however, I regret to inform you that the Federation will not be supporting us," he informed, which the entire officer cabinet broke out in a riot. "WHAT!?" "WHY COULD THIS BE!!?" "DAMN THEM BACKSTABBING AMERICANS! MAYBE WE SHOULD TEACH THEM A LESSON!" "FUCK THOSE ASSHOLES I'LL ORDER A AIRSTRIKE ON THEIR BASE!" "NO EVEN BETTER! ATTACK GRADENLAND AND MAKE THEM SUFFER!" "NO YOU IDIOT! YOU'LL DRAG EQUESTRIA INTO A WAR!" "THEN WE'LL BOMB THEM TO-" "ENOUGH DAMN YOU ALL!" Shouted the president, silencing the entire officer cabinet. "IF YOU WANT PROGRESS I'LL GIVE YOU PROGRESS IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!" He shouted again, instilling fear with the officers on the table. “We’re supposed to be organized gentlemen here! Start acting like one or it’ll be all of you sent to the frontlines!” Alberto scolded as he sat down on his chair and continued. "The reason the Federation is not helping us in the event of war is because they have a treaty that dates back in 70 ALB, however, the expiration date is 1005, if we can last that long before 1005 hits we might have a fighting chance." Alberto informed, which intrigued the officers. "So sir.. How do you intend to last that long before the wretched bat Ponies begin their invasion?" Asked a Pony officer. "False diplomacy will do the trick, but first we'll need to actually get in contact with their leader." Everyone in the room gulped at the suggestion, but they knew it was their only hope of saving their skins and everyone else. Unless they want to wake up in the frontlines they'll need to follow Alberto's footsteps to survive. Or the Creator knows what.. Canterlot After some thinking I have to clearly admit that the architecture is pretty neat with the actual structure potentially being worth millions by now, but the city itself though is just another thing... Like seriously! You got a huge tower that towers over the city that towers on top of the mountain and towers over the ground towers... Something because I'm running out of words to express the beauty of this city and also maybe the height, unfortunately it seems Ford is disgusted with it, puh.. A sad man for something to not like or love something like this, this is practically art within an old city for crying out loud! "Welcome to the throne room of Princesses Celestia and Luna, of course I sound like one of those tour ponies who takes ponies... Er.. Species on tours, anyways Celestia will be with you in a moment," the tan pony finished and then left with the two guards on his sides, while we waited it seemed either Ford is very religious or just wants to sit down.  Eh, probably the two, I'm a religious type of guy anyways but that to say, it seems he's doing some type of meditation.. Suddenly a white Alicorn entered the throne room and boy.. She's big. This Alicorn must be the ruler I thought, the fact that she has a crown, rainbow mane and tail, horse shoes, a tall personality, ish, and the royal Regalia. Certainly royalty because the fucking government didn’t even give me a damn picture of her during the briefing! "Welcome humans to Equestria, it's an honor for you as representatives from the continent of Humarica to join us and my little ponies in this wedding event." She greeted with a smile, her soul is practically pure and she's very polite... Why were we pissed at each other again? "The pleasure is ours, but we don't know your name, or rather your intentions with us. So tell us. Why exactly do you want the president.. Do you happen to assassinate him? Probe him? Sounds sketchy to me," asserted Ford. Ah, now I see now, we’re the assholes. The assumption Ford made offended the Alicorn ruler, whose intention really was just to have America and Equestria in good ties. And my intention was to do the same, but with the additional interest of seeing Ford pick his teeth off the floor. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think what he meant to say was! It's nice to be INVITED! On this ceremonial occasion on the behalf of the president!"  I seemed to have both successfully spread the message positively and insanely because Celestia was back to her smiling face, but may have pissed Ford off, which I don’t give a damn about. After this I should slap Bush for this bullshit for making me put up with this shit. "You may follow me to the guest room where you and your friend may sleep tonight, the wedding starts tomorrow and please respect the royal guard while you are here," she instructed. "What's the purpose for the last part?" I asked. "Well... For one, the royal guard are on edge just as they were ordered to so, you might not want to get in their way nor intimidate them, we are under lockdown because somepony sent a threat that warned of an attack on the wedding ceremony and all of Canterlot " She explained. "Do you have the threat letter? Maybe I can assist you, I am a military personal after all." "An off-duty one." Ford butted in, intending to insult me. "Shut up! At Least I'm not the one moody about insulting everyone once in a while! AND attempting to start a fucking war!" I fired back, while Ford just rolled his eyes. "Whatever.." "As I was saying though, do you still have the threat letter?" I asked, but Celestia cringed at my question. "I.. May have crumpled it out of anger and then torn it apart?" "Gravy.. Well if it's fine I like to ask that on the occasion that the said threat rears its ugly head let me know, I've been willing to see some combat for a year once in a while, now with that said, how's your day?" "Oh, it's very good.. Yours?" She asked. "Meh, considering that I'm having to fly in a helicopter it takes a good while to get used to being on the ground, but I guess you can say it's good." I expressed. We were now talking throughout the hallway, she would ask what my favorite drink and meal would be I would reply with the good ol' mash potatoes and some soda, she'd ask who the guy who insulted her was, I replied I have no fucking clue. It seems things are going to work out after all! Hehe... Right? > A Canterlot wedding part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rio De Batanero, Thestrial Capitol As the Presidente de fiesta jetliner landed in the Thestrian airfield the leader of Thestria was there to meet them. "Hm, I thought Swift Thunder was the Leader?" Alberto asked, stepping off the plane. "Unfortunately she was called back by our allied nation Chiropterra to serve as a military air force instructor attaché’, I however, was elected by the Lunar council of Disciples (LCD) to become the new predecessor for Swift Thunder," explained Stefanos Blusterous. "Petty, so basically Thestria is just a puppet to Chiropterra then is it?" Alberto questioned, walking besides the new Bat-pony leader. "Not quite my human friend, you see Thestria while it is allied with Chiropterra, it's actually the other way around, only the citizens who wants to live their lives rather than serve as military prospects in the Chiropteran lands usual come over here," Stefanos explained. "So basically Chiropterra is a puppet to Thestria that builds a military and.. Fights for Thestria? And if Bat-ponies are not interested in military style they come here? So that means most of your army is volunteers?" Alberto summarized. "Almost correct human, it seems while you've no doubt have fast thinking, in reality we have a standing army bigger than Chiroptera’s standard one, even more trained, Chiropterra itself however, it has its own agenda mainly with north Zebrica and Equestria, but you were almost right, but can it help you in diplomacy? We will have to see, men, escort Alberto and his human diplomats to the diplomacy room while I prepare my diplomats and documents for a presentation of potentially a truce," Stefano ordered, as the bat-pony soldiers saluted and escorted Alberto and the others to the building. Alberto thought to himself -No turning back now... May Celestia, Creator, and Harmony help us all...- Canterlot After unpacking my stuff before sundown I set up the radio and attempted to tap through the shield. "Testing.. Testing.. One, two, three testing." "The radio is off, you do realize that." Ford butted in. I looked at the switch and apparently someone switched it off when in operations you are supposed to keep it on, I should really scold those damn pilots for breaking so many military protocols like that. Anyways, I switched the radio on and said the testing again and.. “It works!” I said to myself, when I received an unexpected frequency… "This is Admiral Hughes of the carrier Starhawk, who is this and how did you bypass radio frequencies!?" The Admiral angrily responded. Obviously I can't leave him hanging with his question so I replied. "My name is Justin Yates, Lieutenant of the American armed forces." "Well ‘Lieutenant’ Yates.. Then answer me this, what's your 5 digit military number in phonetic form?" The admiral asked. "Terra, karte, bisso, una, karte, anything else?" I asked back. The radio went silent for a moment before the static sounds came and the Admiral responded. "Seems your number checks out, now what do you want, Lieutenant?" He asked. "Heh.. Nothing?" I replied. "Nothing? Really… Then why the hell did you even bother contacting the SFN-Starhawk then?" The Admiral groused. "Well, not really nothing but I was intending to ask if you can patch me through with President Carter or one of his representatives." "I don’t think that’s possible, but do tell me why?." The Admiral asked, getting tired of the call by now. "Because we have a code Ural in Canterlot," I responded. The radio went silent again, it seems either the Admiral hanged up or that he's very surprised at the news. "Say that again Lieutenant?"  The Admiral asked. "Code Ural: Canterlot." I repeated. ".... I will see if I can get you contacted with President Carter as soon as possible, stand by," informed the Admiral, who left the radio with some voices being orders from the Admirals to keep the radio link open. But of course while I waited Ford disappeared from the room. And I looked at the disappearance with a smirking face. "*Sigh* Good riddance.. I thought he'd never leave.." While I was about to crack open a bottle of wine in celebration of Ford’s sudden disappearance (Rhetorically) I would have never known of Ford's real plan... Or should I say Agent 44’s real order... "I have successfully left the assignments eye range, going on phase II of the plan," informed 44. "Roger, make sure to grab what you can and if possible, sabotage Equestria's intelligence agency," the agency operator ordered. "All of it?" "All of it." "And what about the Lieutenant?" "The president will make sure to send the Eclipse brigade to pick him up from the Canterlot dungeon," the operator answered... Smirking behind the ear piece attached to Agent 44’s ear.. "What?" Suddenly the connection went out which concerned 44, but knowing that something was up with the Colonel’s orders he wasn't going to go through with the last order, but instead of stealing the files he would instead burn them. But that's when he noticed something... Or someone watching him.. "You really have no clue of who's really in charge? Kenneth," Said a feminine Rodinian voice "Impossible.." White House President Carter was sitting on his desk and doing paperwork he noticed that two M1 tanks and an armor vehicle fully loaded with troops had arrived at the White House. He got up from his seat and looked out with his gut burning with fear. That was when the doors to his office opened wide with military soldiers and a paramilitary officer guarded by two military police with General Reid being accompanied by Bush and Colonel Alex.. "What's the meaning of this!" Carter yelled. "Jimmy Carter you are hereby under arrest.. Or should I specifically say your real name Volkstrak!" Uncle Sam announced, as Jimmy Carter was turned into a Changeling. ”About time you human trash! As we speak Equestria will soon have a new ruler thanks to the mighty Chrysalis! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Cackled the Changeling, hissing at the soldiers. "That's enough, ICE HIM!" Shouted Sam, as the soldiers ran towards the changeling. Volkstrak immediately pulled out a Makarov and shot one of the soldiers. “MEN DOWN MEN DOWN! HE’S GOT A GUN!” Shouted a soldier when the Changeling aimed the gun towards Uncle Sam, however the Makarov was grabbed by a blue aura of magic and was thrown towards the window and shattered. The bug and Sunset Shimmer fought physically as he pinned her to the ground and attempted to bite her face off with his fanged until the Soldiers ran towards the two and bashed the changeling off of Sunset and shot the changeling to death with their entire mags while Uncle Sam came towards Sunset Shimmers aid. "Are you alright?" He asked. “A bite wound in the leg, but I think I can manage,” replied Sunset Shimmer. Colonel Alex’s earpiece goes off from one of the operational groups. "Uncle Sam, they’ve successfully captured several targets who’re impersonating F.I.U. officials and other higher ranking military commanders, it’s as if they’ve planned to cuck us the whole time!” Alex informed, as General Reid asked. “Have we located the real commanders?”  “Yes sir, it seems that they’ve been rescued and accounted for… Except for Jimmy,” Alex informed. “What do you mean by that?” Bush asked. “He was never real sir, he was a made up person by the changelings, and it would seem he had accomplished a lot of shit here,” Alex further informed. “Well if I be damned… What do we do now Samuel?” General Reid asked. "Well the Good thing is that Sunset Shimmer's intelligence went through just in time for now I want all of everything involving the bureaucracy to shut down IMMEDIATELY, no questions asked, everyone must be inspected or they will be fined or imprisoned, do what you must General," Uncle Sam ordered, in which the general acknowledged and exited the room with Colonel Alex and representative Bush while being escorted by the military police while Sunset Shimmer got up on her hooves and nodded. "There's still one more changeling, but she’s not on this continent," She informed. "Do you know where she is or who she's posing as?" Uncle Sam asked. "I don’t know who she’s posing as, but I do know that she’s in Canterlot, and we need to get in contact with the nearest people that should be near Canterlot as soon as possible! And I mean anyone!" "Sir, we could contact Starhawk sir bu-" The Military Policeman was interrupted by a phone ring, Uncle Sam came to what was left of the desk and grabbed the phone. "Who's this?" He asked. "This is Admiral Hughes of Starhawk. I came to call you because a Lieutenant had just invoked code Ural in military protocols," the Admiral informed, shocking Uncle Sam. "What's the Lieutenant's name, and what area!" "His name is Lieutenant Yates, and he's invoked Ural in Canterlot, I'm awaiting further orders to proceed with Code Ural and prepare fighters," the Admiral informed, while Uncle Sam sat down in worry and looked at Sunset Shimmer. "Give me a moment Admiral, Ah shit Sunset Shimmer, they know!" He yelled. "Know? Know about what! And what is Ural!" She questioned. "They know that Yates is related with Luther, and they purposely sent him to Equestria, and let's just say that it's a little defense protocol that Andrew Jackson and Celestia invoked in the occasion of threats, we would come as the defense while they'd shielded themselves, since then that protocol had never been used since the Human-Crystal war," Uncle Sam then turned towards the window with immense concern and said. “And with the fact that there was the mission towards Canterlot it’s most likely they’ll attempt to steal intelligence from the Equestria SMILE agency and then frame Yates for it, thus starting a global conflict.. Changeling Bastards!” Uncle Sam then turned to the phone and replied. "Get those birds in the air as soon as possible, and get me linked with the Lieutenant IMMEDIATELY!" He ordered. "Yes sir, Sergeant, get the old man patched through ASAP!" Shouted the Admiral on the other side of the phone line. Uncle Sam looked at Sunset Shimmer. "I better warn Yates about the third target and tell him to stay away from Equestrian guards, royalty, and Agent 44, he'll be the one to call the shots once Ural is active, but not while in the dungeon either, I will not risk all out war." "Why is that?" Asked Sunset Shimmer. "Because young Alicorn... Your home city Canterlot is potentially facing an invasion and we don't know who or what these bugs are up to.. But I got a feeling something massive is about to happen and we better be prepared." Canterlot After waiting for a good while the radio springs back to life and it wasn't good. "Lieutenant Yates, do you read?" Said a old voice, cutting me off guard. "Mr. Samuel? Is that you?" I replied. "Yes my dear boy, are you alright? Is everything fine?" Uncle Sam asked. "Well of course it is.. In fact I was about to contact President Cart-" "He's a Changeling.." "What.." "Lieutenant you were sent to a trap, the Changelings are attempting to stage a imprisonment to lock you up, to hunt you down, and they're doing it by staging an international incident, the Soviets had already sent someone to intercept Agent 44," Uncle Sam explained. "What the fuck!? WHY THE HELL ARE THEY AFTER ME FOR!" I shouted, when a door opened behind me and Celestia peeked through it silently with two guards behind her staring at me without me knowing. She heard the shouting and attempted to investigate it only to see and hear the radio and me conversating. "Because they know you are related to Luther!" Uncle Sam revealed. "Luther.. LUTHER? WHO THE FUCK IS LUTHER!" I shouted back, making Celestia's jaw drop. "Luther is-" Suddenly the radio was grabbed by Celestia's magic aura and hovered towards her. "It's fine Mr. Sam, I'll explain everything to Yates." She spoke through the radio. "Celestia! If you imprison him it’ll be-!" She turned the radio off and gently placed it down with her magic and stared right into me, my chest burned, I don't know who the hell Luther is but may Creator and Harmony spare my soul with whatever her intent is.. “Follow me, I wish to speak with you.” "What are you doing here!" Agent 44 yelled. "The same question I should be asking you." Said a feminine voice. The two now go into fighting poses, preparing to attack one another. "You should double check with who you're working for, you’re clearly not the brightest tool in the shed," She suggested with insult. "YAGHH!" Shouted 44, charging the female with his fist only to get back dropped on by the female and then smashing his face on the concrete wall, which she then threw him to the ground, she kicks him in the side and throws him across the room. "I'd turn around and stop Kenneth, all of this, before I’ll have to resort to being lethal," She threatened, as Kenneth got back up. "Easy for you to say Jessie, you.. ERRGH! Turned towards the enemy, and you still fight like a mother fucking bitch" Kenneth insulted back, getting back on his legs. He then went back to his fighting pose and then engaged Jessica in a one on one duel.  Jessica landed a striking blow to Kenneth Leg while attempting to knock her out only to be countered and thrown on the ground, he then went dirty and grabbed his M9 from his utility belt. "Playing dirty now? Well that was fast.” She sarcastically jokes, grabbing her Makarov, placing a silencer on the muzzle, and then firing multiple gun shots at Kenneth who he also shot back and made lots of dents in the walls. "That's too dirty, even for you Jessica," "Will you stop calling me by my name! I am no longer your bitch! Motherfucker!!" She replied to his insults. "Okay.. Jessica ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" As the two continued to fight an entire battalion of guards followed by S.M.I.L.E. Agents arrived at the fight catching the two off guard in the middle of a now gun to gun stand off when the Battalion leader shouted. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND GET ON THE GROUND NOW!" Jessica decided to be polite and place her weapon down, unfortunately while Kenneth usually hesitates it would seem that it'll be impossible to fight everyone including the agents, so he placed his gun on the ground and immediately the Unicorn guards placed cuffs and detained both of them. It seemed in the end between Kenneth (Agent 44) and Jessica (Bear 1), it would basically be a draw by default.   Dining room After being brought into the dining room with nothing happening other than being told by Celestia to come with her, obviously I was going to listen to her or probably get stabbed by her guards even if she didn't hint at that... I sat down across from the table which was only 1 chair size big and she sat down across from me and sighed. "You never knew who Luther was, did you?" She asked. "Ehh... No, no not really, though I've heard about him religion wise, but I don't actually know him exactly," I replied. Celestia looked at me and ignited her horn and formed a ball of energy in front of me that showed some sort of vision of Luther and a tribal army, she goes on to explain. "Luther was a human who saved humanity with the wielding of a staff from the wendigo's.. While he was a savior within the human race... He unintentionally sent the wendigo's to what would be me and my sister's home… Skyrose city," Celestia Emphasizes, giving me concerns she might have a grudge on me.. "Damn... But I mean, it wasn't his fault, he had to do what he had to do or humanity itself would've been extinct, in fact if it wasn't for him... The continent would’ve died and you would've suffered whatever happened back then.. But only worst.." Celestia nodded. "Indeed.. But I didn't resent humanity that day, or any day, but I did resent those who would harm the innocent ponies I've spent my years ruling and defending over, But there’s another reason why I brought you here other than discussing family past... Have you wondered what your species is doing, Lieutenant?" She asked. "Not that I know of.." She ignited her horn again and expanded the energy bubble revealing something I never see.. Or was I not meant to see.. "Humanity day by day expands its science, both for good.. And both for evil.. It was foretold a thousand years ago by my instructor and friend Starswirl that humanity will no doubt continue to expand further, and further into scientific breakthroughs.. But so will lust for power… I'm afraid to tell you this, but it would make you the only human to know that someday, according to Starswirls prophecy.. Humanity will go off bounds to the point of destruction.. There may be some protocols that your leaders would be placing now, but in the distant end... Science would soon be the reason that not only Humanity goes extinct.. But everypony, every griffon, every zebra and Kirin.. Everything including changelings and minotaur, giraffe's and Arabic horses! Yeti's and all species.. All will perish with inventions that humanity would invent that should never be invented at all.. And the fearful part is, it’s not hand held weapons that your kind use in wars.." I stood back, fearing her words.. What was she saying I thought... Is it true.. That we might end up destroying ourselves and everyone else... I need to know how or why she knows all this to begin with? "You see Mr. Yates... Luther only postponed the inevitable fate of humanity with the purpose of humanity helping everyone who is in need of help... But from what I fear, Starswirl and his prophecy says otherwise... " "What exactly do you mean by all this.. Are you saying that humanity could end everyone on this planet in a given time? If that’s the case, why the mercy?" "Every species deserves a chance, but there's one thing that science would eventually invent that I would fear the most..." She then shows a flat field with nothingness and then in a blink of an eye it was as if heaven just opened up to show all of its glory... But it wasn't glorious... It was hellish... I watched while my eyes watered from the brightness of death... The destruction of this... This single explosion brought on.. As more and more views of this weapon's destruction continued to blast.. Both in cities such as... Manehattan, Yorker city, Washington Capitol, Moskva, Greiffonhelm, Sunset city, Rio, Angeles, Debraville, and Canterlot.... The bubble shrinked, and I looked at Celestia wiping my eyes that wasn't sadness... It was fear, fear of what's going to happen when science goes too off boundaries "Dear God… What the hell did I witnessed…" Celestia didn't answer but sat down and watched, she seemed emotional on what she saw would be humanity's fate... If not the entire world's downfall... The same bomb that would go on to be the deterrence of all wars...  And the weapon that would end all wars... The weapon in question.... Was the Nuke.. And the project had already started... In January of 1002.. Two months from then.. Fox News "We have breaking news at the capitol today, the inevitable coup has been launched today by Uncle Sam after the president deliberately and horrendously destroyed our nation’s economy and our stand in the national affairs, that's right you heard that right, apparently we elected a spy in this country.. AS PRESIDENT! Apparently while Good ol' Uncle Sam saved our skins before that bastard! Excuse my Aquila, but lord knows what the hell the changeling was giving to him, whatever slut he was serving with, John, what seems to be going on in the capitol?" The camera pans to John who is in front of a crowd of protesters holding up signs and slurs with the streets filled with American soldiers, armor vehicles, and M1 Abrams. "Thank you Emanuel, Apparently as you said there was confirmed reports that the democratic president Jimmy Carter was indeed a fake person, as you can see behind me of what looks like a military coup is in fact under control of Uncle Sam, never had the nation had this happen since the incident with President Bucannon which erupted in civil war, with the new fact that he never exist is now a matter of outraged protest as you can see on my right, John point the camera. John points the camera towards a crowd chanting “Fuck Changelings” “As you can now see, behind me is a VERY VERY angry crowd, in fact I have a fox contributor here with me on the scene who happened to also be protesting, sir what exactly is this group protesting about?"  The person goes to the microphone and comments. "Well, not to sound speciest or anything but we're mainly protesting about the Changeling population in America!" "And sir why is that?" "Because those damn Changelings still has loyalty to their slut of Queens and who knows, they might abduct us and probe us like em fucking pony aliens or those moth ponies that keeps being attracted to our light!" "But sir.. What does moth ponies have to do with probing?" Asked the reporter. "I.. Uhh.. Nevermind, what does have to do with probing is those fucking spies! YOU HEAR THAT YOU BUG BASTARDS WE'LL COME FOR YOU! AND THEN YOUR QUEEN! WE'LL FIND YOUR FUCKING QUEENS AND EXECUTE THEM AL-" "That'll be enough, thank you sir.. Emanuel back to you." The camera pans back to the news studio where Emanuel continued. "Thank you John, as we cover this news broadcast, since the discovery that President Jimmy Carter was non-existent and was a changeling in disguised, the entire bureaucracy has been suspended of government operations and martial law has been declared all across the nation, the Democratic party has also been suspended personally by Uncle Sam from this years elections following the arrest of the Changeling spy who ran as one, however the Republican party was not spare either as it has been also been placed under investigation in terms of potential spy networks, however just recently Ronald Reagan had given his remarks and declared the Changelings. "An Evil Race, and had promised he will seek retribution if elected" meanwhile a new political party had been formed that sought to eradicate and 'purify' the nation of Changelings and even chose a runner named Huey Long, who claimed to have the 'solution' to America's problems, we will see how this will go this is Emanuel, signing off, Fox news." Throne Room It would seem that Ford and some other female were brought into the room guarded heavily by the EUP and SMILE agent, and it looks like both of them are very pissed at that display.. Though it seemed Uncle Sam had told me the Soviets are sending someone to intercept Ford, but I didn't expect them to send in a female to do it.. Though then again if Celestia could rule Equestria I guess it would make sense, but in all seriousness.. What was Ford about to do? "Kenneth Strongwill and Jessica Tovarich... Why have you two decided to fight in my own castle!" Celestia asked, walking in front of them. "Don't ask me, I'm not the one who did the first blow, unlike Kenneth here," Jessica replied, as Kenneth rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately you both are at fault for what you’ve stirred, especially for Kenneth, you were about to frame an innocent human while you got away with SMILE documents, and for this you will be both punished for your actions that you both committed here, you will be sentenced to be sent back to Humarica and to never set foot on Equestria ever again. As long as I reign, you do not have no right to be here! The guards will escort you both out as of now." Celestia declared, as the guards now escorted the two out while I was a bit worried that she may end up following up her punishment with me.. Welp there’s always the book of Zebrican languages.. She turned towards me and sighed as Agent 44 and Bear 1 left the room.. I would never know what would happen to the two nor see them again. But now it was me, and she looked and... Smiled? "You know, since you've did behave better than the two I like you to be the-" "Woah! Woah! Woah! If you intend that I become the person to do the priest post I have to be a Captain to do that!" "I mean for you to be a groomsman." She finished. "Uhh.. I mean I really don't have any close relationship with either party. I'm just the representative witnessing for the preside- oh.. Yea... I almost forgot..." I reminded myself, knowing that Carter was non-existent.. "I mean... It'll be an honor then Mrs. Celestia." I replied, which she was in glee. "Great! I'll see you at the rehearsals, don't be late!" She happily informed, prancing away from the room, confusing the hell out of the guards who looked at me and we both shrugged it off. It seemed either I was spared from a punishment... Or  that it might be me being paranoid the whole time.. Welp I might as well get back to my room and report back to Uncle Sam... Wonder what he'll think about this.. > A Canterlot wedding Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diplomatic center, Batanero, Thestria "WHAT!" "You heard me, the only thing that we want is this piece of territory here on this map," Stefanos pointed. "B-but we won that land fair and tactically! Why else would we keep a fucking mass military presence there!?" A diplomat shouted. "That's enough, Luiz, but in retrospect we did fight and won the territory in the first war, remember the Lunar war when we kicked your asses off that same land that you pest used as a slave market!" Alberto reminded the bat pony. "So what if we used it as a 'slave market' we didn't mistreat anyone there," Stefanos defended. "Oh yeah you're right you didn't.. You fucking killed them," Alberto responded. Stefanos and his diplomats looked at Alberto with some of them sweating on that fact, but finally Stefanos snapped, snarled, and hissed at Alberto. "If you don't mind then there will be no further negotiations! I expect your forces to be ready by the end of this month! Because peace is now off the table! Now is the time for action!" Stefanos yelled. "Fight me then I don’t care anymore! You might have superior technology but we have spirit, and somewhat advanced weaponry that we're not afraid to use. SO COME GET SOME YOU BAT BASTARD!" Alberto shouted, slamming his briefcase and dragging the Diplomats out of the room, while Stefanos rolled his eyes both in disgust and pity. "I wish I could say the same to those cocky humans... Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.. Get me Chiropteran leader Autumn Breeze, and the generals, it's time we finish preparations for operation Night Storm." . . “Mr. Presidente, are you sure we can take on the huge nation? Especially with it being huge and threatening we might find ourselves ending up like Parsley?” Questioned the diplomat. “Whether or not, war has always been inevitable at this point, we’ve only increased it even more, and there’s no doubt that the Thestrials will strike at us when we least expect it that’s why while the Americans may not help us I expect us to go into total jungle mode, the military will be authorized to use any means necessary to deter the enemy at all cost,” declared the Presidente White House "So it's true... The Changelings that worked underground under our noses, exported technological blueprints to the Thestrals in Thestria and then reversed engineered the tech..." Uncle Sam summarized. "Well, that is at least so far what we’ve got, I did receive word that they were only given tanks and new weapon blueprints. But nothing else, by the way.. I was looking through the American Naval base records in Gradenland and found that you were working on a new vehicle that would support the M1 Abrams and decommission the M60? Is that right?" Sunset questioned. "Why of course young Alicorn, we've looked at some of recent defeats and saw that the majority of them was because the infantry and tanks lacked additional equipment support, sure they both would be combined in assault wise with the M60s supporting the Abrams but with the recently failures and budget cost we can't keep supplying our troops with airstrikes over and over again nor supply heavy tanks with heavy tanks. And then there's the new fighter craft..." "New Fighter craft? But you humans have already exceeded this world's technology! Even Celestia was impressed with what humanity came up with! Like the walk mare!" "You mean Walkman?" "Potato Potahto! Same thing, But the F-14s that you've made already made a shocking surprise in Appleloosa and you're making a new fighter craft? What are they even called?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "F-15 Eagle." "Interesting! But why the secrecy though?" "Erg... We don't talk about 15 as it’s currently being field tested on the Starhawk carrier, I’ve sent the head of the Naval department to personally commission production of the jets so we won’t know whether the baby will fly soon or not, but hopefully the increase in budget from the friendly neighborhood congress should convince them otherwise." "I see... So what's so special about this "F-15 " what's better than the Tomcat type?" Sunset asked. "Lets just say that those types of jets will practically detect anything around it, from ground to air, hell it can even outmatch the weather! Basically it's the killers of the sky for crying out loud! Along with improved flight controls and enhanced speed," Uncle Sam Chuckled. "But you could've asked Celestia to clear the weather, after all she does have a weather detachment for war time occasions." "Yea.. But we aren't gonna wait for pegasus to clear the sky clutter when we can use those babies to fight in the storm, after all it was the main struggle when it came to dogfighting against other crafts, but now as for the main struggle is the secondary vehicle armor support." "So... What do you call these new types of vehicles?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Well, apart from the APCs that only have machine guns and can transport troops, I call the new vehicles, IFVs." "IFVs?" "Infantry Fighting Vehicles. It's basically like an APC, but with the exceptions of having a 55 mm Autocannon and two pairs of TOW missiles, along with space in the back for troops and the turret can spin faster than the Abrams." "Wow... That's.. I don't know what to say other than just wow... But what do you name this new type of weapon?" Sunset asked. "We call it, the Bradley Model 2." "Model 2? What happened to Model 1?" "... We don't talk about Model 1, because… Complications?" Pentagon, Washington city, 10 years earlier Canterlot "Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m late!" Running through the night I apparently overslept forgetting that I was the groomsman for the wedding and the witness of a non-existent president. Of course, oddly Uncle Sam did go through customs with Celestia before having me accept the status as an official groomsman, as long as I kept the radio with me at all times. But it seems I was too late when a crying bride ran by me, followed by what seemed to be her bridesmaids, a pissed stallion and an even more pissed Celestia... But out of everything I’d ever had done when someone is pissed, I asked. "Sorry I was late?" Her pissed attitude died off and then she sighed. "It would be your fault if it wasn't for my protégé.." "Protégé? Didn't know the Alicorns had one?" I wondered, despite her first response partially offending me. "I've always tried to find the perfect unicorn who could exceed an average unicorn to become even more than they are, but of course Sunset Shimmer was successful,” Celestia paused. “Huh, well you’ve obviously done very well with Sunset Shimmer. I'm sure you can do well with your second protege, hell! Sunset Shimmer rules her own nation in my home continent!” I spoke cheerfully while Celestia dropped her head near the ground. “That’s what I thought the day Sunset Shimmer had risen to the title of Alicorn, the day she set hoof on the troubled nation that housed so many defenseless ponies who’re under the control of a evil and corrupted government, the day she exposed the actions of them and greed was the day she earned respect within a nation, but a friend she calls her own, so I thought perhaps a second would be greater, but maybe.. Maybe I was a bit too harsh back there.." "What do you mean?" ”To  explain what happened, it seemed that my Protégé Twilight Sparkle had thought of something that Cadenza was not, she thought that.. Well, she was a-" "Jerk? Heh, I get that a lot from everyone from my experience, like seriously! I- Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you or anything.." "It's fine Mr. Yates, but then at the height of the moment when we started rehearsals she barged in the room and made false accusations of Cadenza being evil! I mean I never thought of Cadenza being evil! I thought Twilight liked her when she was just a foal!" "Well.. Have you maybe thought of trying to get to the bottom of this regardless? After all, if she's your protégé, maybe you should just figure it out, and not shut her off or anything? Basically it’s your responsibility in a way since you are the teacher after all." Celestia seemed to take my suggestion very seriously, she started to think, walking around and finally she nodded to herself and looked towards me. "Maybe you're right.. I have to admit that never had a human suggestion something passionate like that." "But you did see us fight, have you not?" "I.. Have for all my years even after Luna's banishment.. Of course there was the Lunar wars when I truly saw what humanity could be capable of truly doing.." "But have you maybe not considered the phrase a man would do horrible things.. Not for his country but for his family?" "What do you mean by that?" "It was a old quote from my Grandfather, or at least from my Grandfather since he gotten it from someone else, but I understood why he said that since he fought and served for his country, but when he saw through the Lunar wars he fought for Abraham Lincoln's forces in the north in the three way civil war that followed, when the civil war end he hoped I wouldn't join the army in the sakes of his family and their sanity... Although, I did undermine him regardless of his dying request.. But now knowing that my ancestor was a savior of humanity it kinda made me think of some things, before I overslept the rehearsal," I and Celestia stared at each other for a moment as it seemed that maybe with a closer look with the average human she seemed to be more changed over her views in humanity but of course there's the other matter of problems. "So.. About your Protégé?" I asked, which made Celestia shake her head out of a trance. "Oh my. I almost forgot, you can come with me and we can maybe make amends and figure out what's wrong with Twilight, or perhaps settle this once and for all," Celestia Suggested. "Now you're talking! I was meaning to figure out where the marriage will be hosted anyways." Me and Celestia headed towards the church where the wedding would be hosted, (Of course it’s in a church, how stupid am I!) The front door was still open since that whole incident that Celestia told me about, but when we reached the second door it was.. Open?  “Strange,” She said. “What is it?” I asked. “These doors were closed when we left?” Celestia said. “Yea? Twilight probably saw herself out,” I said to myself, when Celestia was confused and saw that Twilight was not in the church. "Not what Twilight would do, she wouldn’t run from her mistakes, I wonder where Twilight Sparkle is?" She wondered. "I don't know, but it's kind of getting la-" it was then that I looked at the stairs and noticed that the carpet was singed as if something burnt it. "Hm... Hey Celestia, do your stairs always have burnt stains for dominance on guests?" I joked in a question. "I would never assert any dominance on a foreign visit, but why did you ask that?" She wondered. Taking my joke too seriously "Because it seems either A. Something happened here, or B. Your Protégé was on to something.. Just not in the right place.." Celestia looked at the circular burnt carpet and noticed too, she looked at me with worry. "I see what you mean, somepony has kidnapped Twilight! I’ll get the royal guard at once!" "No, don't! I know your worries, but something tells me to wait." "What!?" "I've seen these in a movie once, a teacher doesn't trust a student, maybe you should perhaps put trust into Twilight and she'll show up eventually!" "But... But what if she doesn't!" "Listen Princess, I'm not asking or ordering, but if your protégé made it this far then I know she'll figure out a way. We just need to trust her!" After finishing that sentence, Celestia trotted around in worry, thinking and somewhat sweating, she breathed in and out and contemplated herself and even physically and mentally punched herself before she snapped out of it and looked down. "I hope... I hope your right..." "Hope is all we need... Now with that said, I gotta make some calls.." SFN-Starhawk, Las Pegasus coast The crew were watching through binoculars looking at their new fighter craft, the F-15, racing against the F-14 after being permitted by the Department of Navy William Halsey who is watching the race because he just landed on the carrier watching the two jets compete with each other as Admiral Hughes yelled in the speaker. "And there is Falcon 3 moving past Eagle 4 on the right cloud Holy moly! Falcon 4 is now moving past Eagle 4! Will Eagle 4 catch up before the final lap is up!?" The Eagle squadron leader, Eagle 1, A.k.a. Husk Tavern, spoke through the radio. "Johnson! Make mama proud and show these new folks how its done!" The squadron leader urged encouragingly as the F-14 suddenly went to its top speed and went side by side with the unknowing F-15 pilot who looked at the F-14 pilot in his eyes when he F-14 suddenly dropped below and disappeared in the clouds. The Tomcat was gone from the radar. "What the hell? Where'd he go?" Asked the Admiral. "Eagle 4 do you copy? Eagle 4 please respond!" The Corporal urged as there was only static in response, it was then the Admiral nodded and the Corporal then asked. “Falcon 3, do you have eyes on Eagle 4 over?” The radio replies. "Yea... He's above me." The Admiral and everyone else in the command deck sighed in relief when the Admiral briefly processed what Falcon 3 said. "Wait a second... How above you?" The Admiral asked suspiciously.. "Like upside down above me.." Replied the F-15 pilot. The entire deck erupted in cheer and surprise and excitement as some of the pilots and the crewmen yelled and shouted. "HOLY SHIT!" "YESSS!" "YEEHAW THAT BASTARD JOHNSON DID IT!" "WOOOOOHHH! "HOW THE FUCK IS HE DOING THAT LMAO!" The squadron leader for the first F-15 squadron clapped in respect. “Bravo Eagle 4, bravo.” The F-15 pilot looked up at the upside down F-14 pilot and was given the thumbs up finger and then the finger which aggravated the F-15 pilot. “Show off..” "We have a winner!!" Shouted the intercom, as the runway was cleared for the two jets that landed on the carrier deck. The F-14 pilot was crowded with F-14 supporters (The Majority) And the F-15 pilot was crowded by well, the F-15 supporters (The Minority) the F-15 pilot looked at Johnson in a pissed attitude. "Just because you won doesn't mean the F-15 isn't better!" "Yea yea, why don't you go smoke a gar and attend to other shit, like the fact that you have no bitches!" Insulted Johnson as his friends behind him chuckled "Why you... GET OVER HERE!" Immediately the crowd attempted to keep the two from fighting when the Department head stepped in and blew his whistle, pausing everything and everyone. “If that is all you like to say to each other I want both Falcon and Eagle squadron members to report to briefing room 012 immediately!” Yelled the Naval head, as Husk, leader of Eagle squadron, and Jonathan, leader of Falcon Squadron. Grabbed their pilots and reported to the room as documents are given to every member entering in the room. "What's this all about Admiral?" Asked Husk. "Take a seat and listen, that’s all I ask of you 12," Requested Hughes, as the MP shut the door and shut the lights off. "Falcon and Eagle Squadrons, you've all been summoned because we just been given word from Lieutenant Yates that the impending attack is imminent and has invoked Protocol Ural," Hughes informed, making the pilots weirded out from the information which Johnson bravely raised his hand. "Yes?" Asked Hughes. "Sir, I know it’s weird to ask but what is protocol Ural and what does this have to do with us? And also, no one really explained what that is," Johnson asked. “Good question then, back in the Human-Crystal war the protocol was first created by the late president Andrew Jackson, who saw the inevitability of Equestria finding itself at war with a warmongering nation, of course protocol Ural was obviously no secret for the sake of safeguarding Equestria’s way of life, but of course when the Lunar wars broke out Abraham Lincoln insisted that the protocol still stays active even unto this day, but in simpler terms, we would come to Equestria’s aide incase a foreign invasion occurs,” Hughes explained. “But, why come for their aid when we’re clearly not that friendly towards each other?” Johnson asked. "Because we have received reports of espionage attacks in America, and Uncle Sam has granted the Ural Invoked valid, is that all pilot?" Hughes asked. "No sir.. Nothing else." "Good, now with that out of the way, we've just received reports that there is a huge swarm of these espionage-like creatures heading to Canterlot, command wants you to spare no mercy." "Wait, swarm sir?"  "Yes Swarm, Changelings as we speak are making their way towards Canterlot, and they plan on striking at the moment of the wedding, explosives are permitted." "FINALLY! SOME BOOM BOOMS!" Shouted the pilot in the back, which Hughes stared at him down. "Sorry sir." "Next time it'll be a write up!" Threatened the Co-officer, which the Admiral then continues. "The weapons include Napalm ammunition, missiles, and the latest weaponry in the American arsenal, laser guided bombs,” the admiral said, wowing the pilots. “How do we use that sir?” Asked one pilot. “A F-14 co-pilot can remotely guide the crosshair installed recently in the navigation computer to it’s target, whatever the crosshair aims at is where the bomb will drop,” the admiral presented, while the pilots murmured in the back about the new weapon “The military instructor will now give you your objectives now." The Admiral stepped out of the instructor's way and sat down in which the instructor stood on the podium. "Your objectives is to cut down as many Changelings as you can with what you have, you only have a limited amount of Machine gun ammo so make every shot count, you may use your explosives but only in large crowds of Changelings, and try to preserve Canterlot's Infrastructure we don't want a angry princess messaging us about being reckless, both Falcon and Eagle squadrons will be launched, you are also advised to aim carefully to prevent accidental civilian kills but do not recklessly waste your ammunition trying to strafe a swarm wall," the instructor urged, in which the instructor stepped off the podium and the admiral retook his place. "You may report to your fighters now and stand by for the launch sequence. Now, get your asses out of here now!" Ordered the Admiral as the pilots ran out of the room, grabbed their pilot equipment, and reported to their jets while Johnson looked at his greatest rival pilot of the F-15.. "Now we'll see what's the better jet!" Said his rival. "Game on." Replied Johnson, as he boarded his F-14 fighter jet and now waited for further orders awaiting for the AC-130 to arrive at the link up point  Canterlot As I stepped out of my room I saw a group of Equestrian guards who turned out to be the commanders of the Canterlot brigade, so after being pointed by spears, and clearing my name, I’ve spoke with the commanders of the Equestrian royal guard and briefed them about the situation of who their threat and enemy was. "Alright, I have made contact and Protocol Ural is now in effect, so it’s going to be weird for a foreign to tell you what you might be doing considering that we aren’t that well with each other as we were once in the old times, but do listen to these instructions because it may save lives,”  I’ve urged towards the commanders, which they were reluctant to listen when one stepped forward and said. “What do we need to do?” Immediately I rejoiced and answered. “The enemy will most likely have airborne capabilities to pick on civilians on ground zero, what you must do is have the civilians taken inside of the buildings where they can shelter throughout the fight, after that the American airforce is on their way to reinforce and get these pest off the skies using F-14s or something new, it’s your jobs to keep the civilians away from the outside because I have a feeling that we may have a grudge towards the damned pest,” I explained, which the royal guard commanders nodded when one of them said, "We will do human, you’ve heard him ponies scatter,  prepare defenses, and get the outside civilians inside!" Ordered the guard commander, as the guards grabbed their weapons and shovels and ran out into town to prepare defenses while some escorted the ponies not interested in the wedding inside. While this I was walking with the commander and also informed him of my role in the whole thing. "I will be attending the marriage as a secondary, hopefully I can force the culprit to surrender whatever he or she has, so you’re on your own until air support arrives, got it?" "Got it sir," replied the Guard commander, walking away from me to help out in defenses. I Put on a suit, tie, belt, and... Yes you can never be truly safe without a Beretta. Hmmm.. Maybe one more gun should do the trick.. Of course just to wonder, which one? Ah, this will do the trick. After grabbing my things I headed towards the church and looked at the dome that overheaded me. Ever since Ford and that female left the city the Black Hawk was used to take them back to the mainland, which was fucking unfortunate because it was gonna serve as temporary air cover until the air support arrived, and since it left I’m stranded here without, no air support for a while, and no transport back home. So until they send another one, which I doubt it’ll even make it here, I'm fucked. But also, it made me wonder how things might progress at this type of point now that the threat is serious with the ever-pressing threat occurring. I might be witnessing the start of either a cold war or a full-blown war, either way, both scenarios could end tragically in no one's favor. I entered the church just as when the wedding was starting and stood beside Celestia. I looked at Shining Armor who seems to be.. Oddly strange, not that I know him other than his name in the briefing but the fact that his eyes are... Green..? Aren’t pony pupils usually bigger than usual? Even Celestia has suspicions about what's going on with him, but it is cut short when the church doors open to reveal the bride. And then the wedding music. Wait, that's not wedding music? Hold on a second, is she singing? I can't tell because of the background music... Wait what? "Mares and Gentle colts. We are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Shining Armor." Oh boy... Here we go, I don't know who Twilight is, but I hope she gets here fast and does whatever she does best.. Whatever the hell she does best anyway. Wait, did I say that twice? "Princess Cadence and Shining Armor! It is my great pleasure!" Oh shit. Here it comes, drama save me now! "To pronounce you-" "STOP!!" Shouted a purple unicorn that caught me off guard while everyone in the room seemed to cringe. I guess that's Celestia's protégé, now let's see what she knows... Cadenza from name gets aggravated. "Why is she so possessive with her brother!" What followed was... Fake sobbing... Wait a second, is she? "Because it's not your special day! It's mine!" Shouted a second Cadenza. "What the hell is this??" I questioned myself quietly, which somehow attracted both sides' attention, it seemed they weren't introduced to me but the main one that was eyeing me was the one near Shining Armor.. And she looks pissed at my presence or existence. Anyways, the one that uhh. Stared at me concerningly turned towards the other Cadenza and yelled. "How did you escape my bridesmaids!" The two explained that they used a bouquet to distract the bridesmaids... Into shards of crystals... Ouchy. "Hm! Clever, but you're still too late!" The... Imma just assume she's the fake one. "I don't understand! How could there be two of them?" The Orange one spoke in facts. "She's a Changeling! She takes the form of somepony you love, and gains power by feeding off of your love for them!" Cadence Expounded. Angered by this, the changeling imposter transformed from the form of Cadence Mi Amore to- HOLY FUCKING SHIT! "AHAHAHA!! RIGHT YOU ARE! PRINCESS! and as queen of the Changelings! It is up to me to find food for my subjects! Equestria has more love than any place I have ever encountered, my fellow Changelings will be able to devour so much of it! That we will gain more power than we have ever DREAMED OF!" She explained her entire ploy very foolishly, but why the hell does that involve me in the first place? "They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever reaching us!" Replied Cadence, making the Queen chuckle as if she did something about said protection spell... "Oh I doubt that, isn't that right dear?" She then used some type of brainwashing spell on him that seemed to make his eyes glow greener, I wasn't going to tolerate that no longer and un-holstered my Barreta from my side. Just as Cadence was charging to Shining Armor Chrysalis she was stopped and threatened. "Ah ah ah! You don't want to go back to the caves now do you?" It was then that I decided it was now or never, so in response to her threat, I grabbed my Beretta and pointed it towards the ugliest head I’ve seen, so ugly that if I was to be in the world ugliest face competition I’d shit my pants knowing I was competing against her! "The only thing she’ll go back to is her husband, drinking alcohol as I shove a canister filled with gasoline deep up your ass and light you up with a fucking match you won't tell a difference between stomach acid and a flame!!" My threat grabbed Chrysalis' attention and kept her horn lit ready to seem to attack me with her magic. Good thing I had been trained on occasions like these with some instructions from the AMSP (Anti-Magic shielding and prevention) courses. So to keep her deterred I pointed my pistol right at her head preparing to pull the trigger at a moment's notice, but that was when Celestia looked at me and nodded for me to stand down, so I stepped back but kept pointing the pistol towards Chrysalis’ head at a distance behind Celestia. Chrysalis unlit her horn and went towards Shining Armor, and it seemed she foolishly explained what she'd been doing the whole time. But then she says. "Even now my minions are chipping away at it!" "Who's these minions you refer to bug?" I questioned, which made her chuckle. "My Changeling subjects, of course, I wouldn't expect less from a human unlike you." “Oh really? Considering you’ve domestically invaded my country with your pigs! No, I wouldn’t expect less at least that was before you became the most wanted in American history you fucking bastard!! I hope you and your petty "subjects" sufferings are brutal after the damage you Have done!” I cursed, offending her to the brim just as I was about to take the shot Celestia now stepped in on the situation, but I wasn't going to let that slip by. Not yet though. As she continued rambling I pressed the button on the radio giving the signal to the SFN-Starhawk carrier, to send in the squadrons that were awaiting my order that was the plan for them, now until those jets arrive it's best to stall, and luckily I'm not the one to do just that. But at the same time, she'd seem to be more cocky and so she continued to say that she controls Shining Armor, breaking Cadence and her heart along with that Twilight Protégé for some reason...  "First we take Canterlot! And then! All of Equestria!!!" She proclaimed. "No!" Interrupted Celestia. "You won't! You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell! But now you have so foolishly revealed yourself!" The two then go head to head, horn to horn, and magic to magic against each other. Celestia flew up lit her horn and fired her magic on Chrysalis which the opponent then fired hers soon after and the two beams of magic collided, at first Celestia had the upper hand but then Chrysalis somehow outmatched Celestia's magic and knocked her off the air. "PRINCESS CELESTIA!" It shocked everyone in the room including me. The bridesmaids and the protégé ran right to her side, while I just stared at Chrysalis. "It seems Shining Armor's love for you is stronger than I thought! Consuming it made more powerful THAN CELESTIA!" Cackled Chrysalis thinking that I wasn't pissed enough. That was the straw that broke a Zebrican Camel's back. "Keep telling yourself that you bastardly witch! It was worse when I heard that my home country the Federation was attacked! But posing as someone's bride to steal their love and attack the royalty! Not only you are disgusting pigs, but you! You are a vile wretched scum of the Earth! Creatures like you will be killed! Something I intend to do myself!" " And what are you going to do about it human!" She cackled. It was at that moment that I drew my pistol and fired on Chrysalis causing a panic in the crowded ponies as they all started to crowd. I used it to my advantage it get to a cover point in case Chrysalis starts retaliating with Lethal magic, something a human can not survive. It was after I got behind a pillar though when my pants were tugged and it was the real Cadence who was behind the pillar with me. "You can't defeat her! If it's how powerful my Shining Armor's love is you can never defeat her!" "Yeah? But I can still kick her ass regardless, get out of here when you still can!" I advised. "No! Not without my love! I won’t leave him with that monster!" She refuted. I could facepalm myself if it wasn't in a situation like this, she could've followed Twilight and her friends who just ran out of the room like the rest of the civilians, but she's more stubborn. Foolish yet brave, but there are still some bystanders left in this room so to keep casualties at a minimum. In the meantime, until those jets arrive I'll need to pry at her. Temper. I turned towards Cadence and ordered. "Cover your ears, and get these ponies out of here!” She obeyed and covered them as I shot 3 rounds before reloading and then shouting. EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW! AND TAKE COVER! FOLLOW THE PINK ALICORN PRINCESS" I shouted.  The remaining crowd of ponies acknowledged my order followed Cadence to the door ran out of the church to take cover from a possible storm of war, I also used this opportunity to try and grab Celestia while I still could before Chrysalis caught on to my plan but it seemed she had been staring at me the whole time when she stopped right in front of me with her horn lit. "Get out of my way you whore!" I insulted, pointing my pistol at the now pissed bug. " NOBODY! NOT EVEN A HUMAN WILL ADDRESS ME AS SUCH OFFENSE! NOW DIE!" She shouted as she then unleashed her built-up anger and fired multiple lethal shots directed towards me. I then quickly ran towards the stairs and knocked down a podium, grabbed Cadence, who was behind me after directing the evacuation, and peeked out of the Podium. "STAY DOWN PRINCESS! WHATEVER YOU DO! STAY HERE! I'M GONNA SEE IF I CAN SLAP SOME SENSE OUT OF YOUR FIANCE!" I ordered, she nodded and slid deeper into the podium. "ALSO! COVER MY ASS!" Using what Cadence could with her might, she flew up mid-air and started fighting Chrysalis slicing the air and throwing the Changeling Queen to the ground, she looked at the princess with a growl and a smirk. "You think you can defeat me! YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME! FACE IT YOU WORTHLESS ALICORN! YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE AS POWERFUL AS CELESTIA!" "I'll try with every bone of my strength, BUT YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY LOVE!" "Then I'll pry it from your cold dead hooves!" Immediately the biggest fight I've ever seen started behind my ass, so much for staying down, but then again this gave me breathing room TO RUN LIKE HELL! Running through a fight scene with a pistol and gathering hope despite my ass nearly getting shot up in the crossfire the Changeling Queen wasn't letting up with her attacks on Cadence as she flew right past these attempts. After reaching him I looked at Cadence, who was mid-air charging at Chrysalis, I tried to wake her soon-to-be husband up, it was only a matter of time before Cadence's distraction wore off and Chrysalis saw what I was truly planning right here, hopefully, if I can get Shining Armor to wake up It could reduce the risk of civilian casualties to zero and for the Jets to peck them off one by one, so I shouted to the dead brain stallion. "HEY! WAKE UP! YOUR BEING CONTROLLED WAKE UP DAMMIT!"  Shouting didn’t work, so I then tried to do a physical approach. I slapped him 10 times. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP IT'S 1002! WAKE UP!!" Unfortunately, my trick didn't work, Chrysalis's magic was more powerful than I thought it was and it wasn't too long for me to realize that. It was then that the dome shield shattered and the changeling bugs now swarmed into the city causing mass panic in the streets while the guards had been prepared thanks to me some were not prepared and got bondage and just when I realized that all of that was happening, which made my heart sink, the Changelings had now entered the church and surrounded me and Cadence putting me and her back to back with each other.  It would seem that any plan of reducing civilian casualties was now a total bust and with Shining Armor lost, it wasn't too late to save Celestia and hopefully keep these bastards off of her. But now the question remains, where the hell is that air support?! "This is Eagle 1 to Starhawk carrier, we have now entered Canlot- HOLY SHIT!" The jet squadrons broke off formation as they approached a hell of a swarm. "EAGLE 1 TO STARHAWK! WE HAVE A SITUATION!" "What is Eagle 1? What's the situation!" "WE'VE OVERESTIMATED THE AMOUNT OF BUGS HERE! IT'S AN ENTIRE ARMY HERE!" "...Well holy hell, someone me to the nearest naval base now! I want a 130 in the air IMMEDIATELY! Falcon and Eagle are outmatched all fighters in the area the entire city is green! Danger close shows those bastards what we got! Get the skies cleared! All weapons are code hot! Repeat code hot!” "What about civilians sir!" Asked Falcon 1. "Creator knows what or who just does what you must, bomb the fucking place to ashes if you have to!" Ordered the Admiral. "Alright! Falcon 4, Eagle 2 you're with me to cover the west side! We've got to clear the clutter, Eagle 1 let's have a truce. We need to focus on the enemy before we can focus on each other." "Roger that Falcon 1, Falcon 2, Eagle 4, Eagle 5, You'll be covering the east side, Eagle 3 Falcon 3 cover our flanks just in case these bugs get brave!" "Roger Eagle 1. "Copy Eagle 1." "Roger, lets show em some action!" "KICK IT!" The jets went back into formation and then dispersed. -Warning, Warning, Warning, Altitude, Altitude,- "COME EAT SOME!" Shouted Eagle 4, as he unloaded his machine gun ammo on the crowd of insects that surrounded a certain 6 friended pony group that happened to be fighting against the Changeling invaders. +TARGET LOCK The missile launched from Eagle 1's fighter directly hits a group of flying Changelings. "WHOOO! GOT 6 ON MY KILL SCORE!" Shouted Falcon 3. "Oh yea? Let me show you how the Eagle's grab their meal in the morning!" Radioed Eagle 2, as he did a barrel roll and shot down ten changelings out of the air.  "Show off.." Commented Falcon 3, as a group of Changelings now started a ramming attack on Falcon 4. "DAMMIT! I'M BEING CHASED THEY'RE TRYING TO RAM MY ENGINES! I CAN'T SHAKE THEM!" Shouted Falcon 4, as Eagle 4 broke off from East side coverage and shot down the brave Changelings to death. "Saved your life!" Said Eagle 4. "Yea... I guess I owe you one then hm?" "If we survive this. Maybe." "This is Admiral Hughes from the Starhawk carrier! We’ve just received word that civilians and innocents are being hunted down by these things, napalm is now permitted to use them wisely,” the admiral informed. "Napalm?" Falcon 1. "Yea, what's the problem?" "Wouldn't that start a fire? After all, we are trying to preserve Canterlot infrastructure." "Not anymore, this is now an all or nothing operation, all fighters are permitted to use napalm at once!" Ordered Starhawk. "Roger, Falcon 2, Falcon 5, we got a huge line of bugs slowly creeping on civilians, lets show them the power of democracy shall we?" "Roger, Falcon 5 get on my ass and follow me."  "Roger that Falcon 2. Prepping napalm." . . “This is Captain Westar, we’re taking off from Airbase Alpha from fort mourn island, ETA 23 minutes until then,” the pilot announced to Hughes which he nodded. “Understood, proceed to Canterlot as fast as you can!” The admiral spoke tensely. “Roger sir, we’ll be there to bring in the rain soon enough.” “Let's hope so, because the battle is now raging chaotically.” The Changeling Queen cackled as the bugs surrounded me and Cadence, they glued her hooves to the ground. And Chrysalis smirked at my desperate situation. "Well, it looks like you're outmatched, I have to admit it didn't take long for your wretched mentor Sam to figure out someone else's plans on knocking your country out of their arena in politics. Unfortunately the same someone used my subjects in their game. It disgust me!" "Lying to me huh? The fact that you happen to not wear your responsibility and blaming someone else for it makes me even more pissed and makes you more incompetent. Face it you slut! I will make sure to break every once of your bones for attacking my home nation and this nation, starting with your fucktards!" "I'm afraid I won't allow that you wretched human, fortunately for me, your ancestors' legacies die here, kill him." The Changelings show their fangs and prepare to charge. I guess I should say what the last weapon was before being killed. "I guess you haven't anticipated... THIS!" I grabbed out an M249 Light Machine gun and surprised and attacked the enemy when I opened fire on the crowd of Changelings, one by one they fell and died from my wrath of the machine gun, the rest fell back to a wall while those who somehow survived the initial attack by me struggled to keep living as they either bled to death, or have already died. As for those who saw death before dishonor, they charged at me with their fangs and bit my arm, the problem was it didn't penetrate my skin but rather break their tooth off. (Forgive me for what I'm about to do) I tear my suit and tie! (R.I.P.) And revealed my gray body armor that I’ve been wearing the whole time with a M16 rifle. “How do you even walk?” Cadence asked. “Trust me when I say this is very uncomfortable but worth it!” I responded and then backhanded with the machine gun and shot the attacking changeling warriors who charged at me with spears in an attempt to stab me to death but with quick thinking I rolled towards the nearby pillar and the spearheading towards my skull sliced through the pillar making the Changeling warriors unable to pull out which enabled me to quickly switch to my now depleted Light Machine gun with my Barreta and shot multiple rounds into their armor before penetrating through it and killing them. When the other warriors charged towards me I charged right back at them without any second thoughts and CQCed them towards the ground, with backdropping, back kicking, and the kick to the groin, with the pain that the warrior changelings succumbed to it was then that I almost forgot about something very important when I noticed that the Changelings were wrapping Celestia into a cocoon. "Shit, I almost forgot, I need to save Celestia, not taunt these pests!" I said to myself. "Did you think those tactics will help you human? Let us kill him, brothers!" Said one of the Changelings, as they leaped towards me all at once and I moved aside and shot their wings off, and then threw the flightless out of the window and caused them to fall towards their deaths on the ground below. Chrysalis then lost her cool when I shot them and shouted. "NO! YOU BEAST! YOU SLIMY PEST! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SUBJECTS!" She was now enraged, and… That was good. "GOOD! BE ANGRY! THE MORE ANGER! THE LESS LOVE YOU HAVE YOU PEST!" This shocked Cadence, which kinda made me a bit surprised that she didn't know what type of logic I was planning but if anything humanity is so much good with exploring and studying their enemy that it was discovered that if a Changeling lost their cool the 'love' they collected will be faded into nothing then again she didn't attend a human military school so not surprised, what I’m surprised that slut Queen hasn’t figured out what I’m doing here. "TAKE THIS YOU RODENT PEST!" Shouted Chrysalis, as she fired a bolt of magic that I happened to be prepared for and ducked from the shot, I then charged at her but then she fired another bolt and hit my chest. "FUCK! AGHH FUCK!" "DEAR FAUST! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" Cadence shouted in worry. "No, f-f-fuck no it's not, but I can handle it. Bastard is gonna need to shoot more than that to kill me off!" In retaliation, I then charged at Chrysalis head-on and sucker punched her in the face, just as the Changelings were about to cocoon Celestia I shot them with my pistol and ripped bits of the incomplete cocoon off of Celestia and then helped her up. "Are you alright princess?" I asked, as she was disillusioned at one moment before shaking her head. "M-m-mr Yates? H-h-how did you-" "No time to explain, you need to gather a group of guards and-" Suddenly I was shot by Chrysalis again by her bolt only in the shoulder which wasn’t covered by my vest and started to bleed. Celestia was shocked and quickly tried to attempt a healing spell but she was too weak to perform it after her fight with Chrysalis, building up her strength she knew if I was to die here Canterlot would possibly be doomed, while she had faith in her student and her friends she doesn’t know whether they made it or not, and then there was the matter of what happens to her sister after all of it, she looked at Chrysalis with spite and anger, she couldn’t forgive herself for not believing Twilight’s warning, Twilight was right but not in the right place, just like I said, Celestia knows now to keep her trust with her student for now on no matter what happens, but when she looked at the monster responsible for it all, she attempted to stand up on her four hooves to fight her again in a rematch. "Don't waste your energy, you’ve done enough, I'll deal with her myself." I got up despite my flesh wound and sounds of explosions sounding all around us as the air support had now arrived to start pounding and killing the pests that were outside, I watched the changeling Queen even more angry as she watched through the broken window of her subjects being slaughtered outside. “How does it feel you bastard, to have something you love so much be taken away in an instant, now you know Cadence and her pain, my country's pain, and everyone else's,” I said in a glowered hatred towards the evil Queen. “I will not be intimidated by your human quotes! In the end, you will all be destroyed!” The Queen condemned, but I was hoping she was going to say that. “That's a funny whore, because I was thinking about our fates and smiled, wanna know why?” I asked, but she growled deeper. :” Because you won’t be there to witness it other than being incinerated.” I and Chrysalis were now in a standoff ready to punch each other to the death. When my radio went off. "This is Captain Westar of the AC-130, does anyone copy it?"  My radio was now statically on, so I grabbed it and answered. "This is Lieutenant Yates, I read you, Captain." I replied. "Roger that Lieutenant, I'll be ready to fire everything I have on your orders." Replied the Captain, as Celestia got up and used me to keep her balance. "What is an AC-130..." Celestia asked, as more jet noises could be heard outside followed by explosions, napalms, and Machine guns. Celestia saw a peek of the gunfire the Jets were shooting and was both terrified and somewhat dopamine-induced excited. It was when the jets brought in the napalm that shook Chrysalis off her feet and created a gust of wind.  It was then in anger that she leaped charged towards me and pinned me towards the ground attempting to bite my face off which made me drop my radio which slid towards Celestia’s hooves she looked down and saw the radio still in one piece, she used her magic to pick it up and then used her strength to shoot a magic round towards Chrysalis which after developing her shot, it hits the Queen in the right-sided torso knocking her off of me and onto the ground, before she got up I grabbed my LMG and the radio that Celestia handed me and pinned her to the ground. That was when the mane 6 were brought in by the pest but they seemed to be more surprised at what was going on outside than me rescuing Celestia. I then placed the radio near my mouth and spoke. “Stand by for orders Captain,” I ordered. “Acknowledged,” replied the captain, as I looked at the changeling queen with the spectating mane 6, Celestia, and Cadence. "Your plan is foiled, your fucking army is in desolation and on my word, destroyed and wiped off the face of this planet, so if you care about your subjects…. Leave, now."  The Changelings were in shock and were loyal to the Queen enough to where they foolishly released the six ponies and tried to charge at me before being stunned by Twilight’s magic and then getting tied by Applejack and the other friends, while the pink and white pony barricaded the door to drive the Changelings off away to the exit in which the orange and the cyan pony assisted in keeping the door closed. I turned to the now defeated and pinned Chrysalis who was now in fear not because of the huge weapon I was holding, but because of how down south her 'plan' now went, it's now more like trying not to die rather than a hostile takeover. "Your terror on this city is over, I say again, surrender now, and I’ll let you collect the pieces of the remains of your army." I then pointed my gun at her bug face to assert that choice and she then received the message and answered. "What are your terms, you wretched scum!" "First I'll ignore that first part, second, release Shining Armor, take your army out of the city like I said, and never return to Equestria, and if you dare attack my home country again I will see to it personally that your home hives are flattened to the point beyond repair! Is that clear you bug whore!" I threatened the demand. At first she seemed to be refusing my courteous offer, but with the jets still cutting down her subjects and the AC-130 itching to shoot at her subjects she had no choice. "Fine..." She replied in a snarl. Shining Armor is released from her spell, Cadence is freed by Twilight’s magic who she then embraces Shining Armor. By the time Shining Armor saw the view of me pointing a giant weapon at the slut queen he was with no doubt without words. Other than hugging the real love that was kidnapped from him. Chrysalis stood on her four hooves amongst the chaotic war zone as F-14 and F-15 jets continued to cut down on the assaulting insects, she looked back at me and I continued to point my weapon towards her and she sighed. "MY SUBJECTS! RETREAT! BACK TO THE CHANGELING LANDS! RETREAT!" She shouted, as all bugs including the ones outside retreated from the premises of the city. With some of the bugs retrieving the injured with stretchers. In a glee, I turned to my radio. . . "This is Lieutenant Yates, fighter squadrons stand down, the bugs are retreating." I ordered. "Can we get confirmation on Captain Westar?" Asked Admiral Hughes. "Confirmed sir, the Changelings are retreating and attempting to retrieve their injured, we won." The entire deck erupted in celebration and the admiral clapped for joy. "YEEHAW! CALL BACK THOSE FIGHTERS! RETURN THE GUNSHIP! SET PROTOCOL URALS TO INACTIVE LEVELS!" Shouted and ordered the Admiral, William eyed him a bit which the admiral gulped. "Eh. We won sir?" The Admiral rephrased, but Halsey shrugged and smirked with a nod. The jet squadrons of both Eagle and Falcon went into a joint formation and headed straight back to the carrier as ponies cursed the now retreating and defeated Changelings off their lands. . . As for Chrysalis, she got up with the help of her Changeling guards, who remained and stared at me with a snarl. "Don't think this isn't over! You've won today, but now you have made a permanent enemy with the Changeling Queendom! I'll see to it that everyone hunts you down for a bounty!" She Threatened, as Celestia, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence lit their horns toward Chrysalis. And I replied... "Then make sure to tell them to be ready to die when they find me. And I'll make sure to send their heads to you afterward for my regards. And as for your little 'Queendom,' all you'll come back to is disloyal warlords and power-hungry politicians calling for succession. In fact... I think there's a crisis right now... As we speak." Chrysalis snarled, hissed, and flew away from the castle and left Canterlot, Shining Armor then reactivated his protection spell, with one slight confusion.. "So Twily.. What did I miss?" He asked, to which Twilight shrugged and looked at me. “I have no clue, but I think it has something to do with him.” One day later It all proceeded as planned, or. Would that be a re-plan? I don't know, but what I do know is Cadence and Shining Armor couldn't think of a better day at their wedding than the day literally after the chaotic siege. I was charged by Celestia to be in charge of clean up and from what I counted some of Equestria’s infrastructure was severely damaged but was restored by the Unicorns by the eventual hour, buildings were not much as destroyed as expected with a neighborhood, of course, being totaled by Napalm fires and laser-guided bombs, the surprise was that no civilian’s were harmed by the jets, but there was reports of rape committed by Changelings. As for deaths, Changelings were killed by the thousands which because of that would bring massive calls in the Changeling lands of succession bringing it into a warlord era like lands. But with all that chaos the rebuild was complete just in time for the wedding, as it started I stood in the corner with my pure white formals on and sunglasses while I watched the beginning of a union begin. The moment of the kiss made me think about a lot of things.. Mainly post military life, and how I'm supposed to be the far descendent of well, by now my greater times a thousand grandfather Luther.. But it was best to live in the present and then move on to the future. I looked outside and saw a crowd of ponies cheering for Shining Armor and Cadence Mi Amore and their marriage, but what happened next scared the shit out of me when that same Cyan pegasus who blocked that door flew and broke through the sound barrier! Like damn.. Who knew she was a jet.. Wait, maybe she is a jet... Hmm... Thestrial-Argednina border "LOAD UP THOSE ARTILLERY SHELLS QUICKLY! WE NEED TO BE READY BY THE END OF THIS MONTH! OTHERWISE WE'LL BE CRUSHED BY THOSE BAT TANKS!" Shouted a commander, as the men scattered and loaded the shells on the Artillery when a scout soldier ran up to the commander. "COMMANDER SIR! WE HAVE A SITUATION!" "Easy private! What's going on?" "SIR! WE'VE SPOTTED MODEL MI-8S ON THE NORTH FACE!"  "WHAT!?" The commander snatched the binoculars and was about to look when he saw three MI-8 helicopters loaded up with bat ponies heading straight for the base. "Oh shit the preparation was a trick! Get me in contact with the High command now!!! RED ALERT! THE INVASION IS HERE-" "INCOMING!" Suddenly a barrage of missiles were launched at the Artillery camp starting chains of explosions, the MI-8 helicopters began its attack on the base. Missiles strikes at the armor vehicles that are being used to shoot down the aviation they never expect the Thestrials to even obtain and troops also being gunned down by PKMs from the helicopter side doors as the Bat ponies fired their rifles from above and onto the backs of Human soldiers as some attempted to flee from the battle before either being shot by the Bat-ponies or the field officers who are trying to keep their men in line. The Commander shouts. "GRAB YOUR RPG-7S AND SHOOT THEM DOWN! AND SOMEONE GET ME CONTACT WITH THE ANTI-AIR BRIGADE IMMEDIATELY!" As the soldiers now grabbed their RPGs the MI-8 helicopter landed on the ground and unleashed a squad of Bat-ponies shooting their SA80s on the troops. "FOR THE NIGHT!" Shouted one of the Thestrial Bat-ponies, as they drive off the Human soldiers and capture the Artillery cannons. "WE CAN'T FIGHT THEM OFF! RETREAT!" Shouted a field officer. "IF YOU RETREAT YOU WILL BE CHARGED WITH TREASON!" Shouted the Human commander. "THEN THAT CASE FUCK YOU! I CHOOSE LIFE OVER COUNTRY! RETREAT!" Shouted again from the field officer as the majority of the camp men retreated into the woods as machine gun trails behind them in a fiery inferno as another MI-8 helicopter landed with heavily armored Bat-Pony soldiers with Atlyn helmets. Followed by a Blue K6-3 helmet commander stepping out of his helicopter overseeing the flaming inferno when a bat-pony soldier came to him with the radio. "What's the Status, did we get them?" Asked Stefanos. "Even better, they've retreated into the woods, and their equipment is ours.. It seems the Soviets stuck with their deal," the Bat-pony reported, as the flames continued to rage behind him. "The Red Mother was known to keep up with her deals, but I never expected her to actually stage evidence on the Changelings at the cost of her own Changeling agents, impressive for an immortal being when it came to deals.. But now we focus on our true enemy." "Yes, General. I will send you further reports, until then Hail the Night!" "Hail the Night." Canterlot castle After seeing the whole bouquet and a beautiful ending to it all, I unfortunately have to leave... Yea I know what you're thinking as I write this.. You just got here? Well that doesn't stop me from leaving.. The Black Hawk helicopter lands at Dawn and there's the whole nature trail I have to walk to get there and then there's my stuff... Ugh.. Of course, just like Uncle Sam says, “there’s always the second time” perhaps another wedding might be a thing and I don’t have to leave it. . . After traveling up the stairs I went into my guest room and.. Saw my case already packed up and sitting on the table? I don't really get it but that was probably a... Wait, what's that note? I asked myself as I picked it up and it read. "Dear Yates, for saving the wedding at the time's of surprise me and my sister, Luna, decided to pack your things for you since you are returning back to your homeland soon, I hope that in the future we can both be friends with each other." "Sincerely Princess Celestia. Hm... Well, nothing like a not so secret admirer in my case, I wonder what might happen next after all this.. Maybe Chrysalis might not heed my warning and send someone to actually die? I don't know, lets see about the news though before my phone battery dies." I grabbed my phone and scrolled down, it's the usual.. Weather.. Weather.. Thestria declares war on Argendina.. Weat- wait. Wait, wait, wait, what!? CBS "That's right you are hearing it, from those who just joined into the news Thestria has declared war on Argendina, after a failed conversation attempt to ease the tensions, Humarican nations ranging from America all the way to Gradenland urged the two nations to de escalate tensions and discuss, but now reports had confirmed that a surprise attack at the infamous Albterto's trench has occurred, and multiple tanks identified as the new Thestrian tanks had now crossed borders in cities and foreign territory, as we speak they are currently making gains in the disputed zone that both sides claim as theirs is the said dispute zone is named "Gilligan's land" mark I see your under immense pressure can you tell us what we're hearing right now?" The camera turns to mark who is in the capital city of Aires Norrington, as it is currently being bombed by close range bombers and fighters in the rain. "As you can hear behind me the gun fire and Anti-Aircraft weapons attempting to shoot down the bombers and planes, the city is active but not in a civilianized way as it was just hours ago. What we do know however is that so far the Thestrial armies has captured the main city of the Gilligan province or Bueno Eris, a city that was once the treaty stead that was signed between the nations of Eyre and Erie, but now, now the city is under Thestrial siege with records now at their mercy of the artillery strikes being fired, along with the locals there.. This is Mark signing off, in Aires Norrington." After my phone died from the worthless depleting battery I was now sitting on my ass on the bed thinking... What the hell happened? I thought we had secured peace over the region not too long ago? Was it a Changelings plan?? Or was it... No it can't be, the peace treaties! Even Celestia herself threatened to personally destroy both us and the NSRS with the sun! Though that kinda sounds a bit tyrannical probably because she didn't actually say that but still! Was Chrysalis telling the truth when she kinda stated that they weren't behind all of this? After all, it's impossible to undermine our intelligence division... Unless.. Moskva city The Red mother sat on her chair listening to her own style of patriotic music drinking tea when a N.I.B. Agent entered her realm with documented reports. "Madam, your plan went exactly according to plan, the Americans are considering intervention and pulling out from Zebrica! And reports from our new spy network indicate the Americans will be redirecting equipment supplies from Arabia to the Southern Federation!" "Great work and great news for the socialist ears of mine, now with that out of the way, I might want an intelligence post on the.. Target.." "You mean that Luther related guy? Why don't we spy on others? Like Uncle Sam? Or Princess Celestia? Or better yet! Grover the 5th?" The N.I.B. Agent questioned. "Because... Why spy on them, when we can spy on a key for a true ultimate weapon!" "And what weapon is that?" Asked the Agent, as she started to laugh. Making him a bit nervous. "The Staff Of Luther! oO course with the staff we can use it’s full potential and power to the point that not even Celestia, Luna, or any other Alicorn princess or element bearers can never stop us, and if Uncle Sam will either choose to surrender to us or be destroyed, the world will be on its knees begging for mercy, capitalist imperialism will die at the blade of its power! Of course, before we can do any such thing thing, we need the staff and then the boy." The Red Mother then looked at her advisor who was watching her speech and ordered. “Get me in contact with Agent Yuri, I request his presence tomorrow for a operation, at 10:20 AM, my experts predict the return of the Crystal Empire and I believe the staff is still there, the wretched ruler elizabeth stolen what was rightfully ours and given it to princess Mi Amore, and that would be her last mistake as a human of herself, and if those mane 6 ponies bothers with our operation let them be killed.”  “It shall be done our Red Mother,” replied the advisor, leaving the room. In Canterlot and Washington city Uncle Sam and Celestia simultaneously wake up with a small thought which they went to sleep, and then waking up again to realize that the Red Mother is now making her moves and even Celestia would wake to feel the same disturbance of dread, and... Something odd with me that I would never have seen myself as.. “Long Live the Northern Socialist Republics!☭" > The imperial incident.. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starhawk carrier, 5 hours earlier. And this is your classic hit list in America's favorite radio station sunny 33.8, now playing, "The Danger Zone" By Kenny Loggins. "ALRIGHT HERE THEY COME! CREW MEN HAVE THOSE CARRIER CABLES PREPPED AND READY!" "YES SIR!" "YOU! GET THE HOSE JUST IN CASE ONE OF THE JETS GOT CAUGHT ON FIRE!" Just about 2 hours since the battle of Canterlot the Jet squadrons, Falcon and Eagle, were now starting to land on the carrier deck with the crew moving and setting up the landing cables. One by one the F-14s and the F-16s were landing on the carrier deck with hulls scratched and burnt as the fire men and mechanics came in to assess the damage while the pilots were shaking it off. "Oh boy! We almost died there!" Said Eagle 2. "Tell me about it, and the fact that we had to work together was excruciating, then again I guess I'll admit that the F-14s are a bit better in interception. Of course if I was to say that! I'd say the F-16 did more of a better job!" Replied Falcon 3. The Falcon and Eagle squadrons grumbled at each other while they tried to argue who shot more bugs and what was what efficient when the Admiral came on deck. With MPs.. "ATTENTION! YOU BASTARD SON OF A GUNS!" Shouted the admiral, making the pilots line up in a shoulder to shoulder position. The admiral stared at them blankly before he chuckled. "YOU DID GREAT AHAHAHA!!! YOU SHOW THEM BUGS WHO WE'RE MADE OF! AHAHAHA!!" "Does that mean we get a raise?" The pilot joked, making the pilots chuckle. "YES!" The admiral replied, making them jerk their necks in confusion. "Sir that was a jo-" "Considering that you all did came back from a mission that could've blown your engines and kill yall I have to give you some credit to success.. But anyways, great job back there I like to see more of that action to where I get off my fat ass myself and figure out how to pilot the carrier on the soil! Hehe, any who, LETS DRINK TO IT!" As the Admiral is crowded by the crew man who were raising glasses of drinks the pilots shrugged and joined with the admiral. Nothing can go wrong now that they asserted themselves as the fearsome air pilots in the world.. Right?? Gilligan region, SF-Thestrial frontline "City in flames.. My light is a void.. Whats better.. The Void.. Or the Light.." As Ogav mumbled about the depressing reality losing his friend Ivan in the battle of Trogiers, now he leads a squad of special forces. Only thing was that his mission was to deliver the last box of payment to the Thestrial commander known as the Blue Knight. "Hey pilot? Are we at our meeting point?" Asked Ogav, shuffling his PKM on his seat arm. "Almost, we're just entering the city!" The pilot turned to the front before leaning forward in a surprised face. "Dear Mother! What the hell happened here?" Asked the Pilot as the entire passenger group looked out the window in shock. As the men gazed on the burning city, the landing gear is activated and the helicopter makes a landing on the ash filled road met with the K6-3 blue helmet wearing Bat-pony with other Bat-pony special forces. "Welcome to New Lunar city my friends." The Bat-pony greeted. "New Lunar city? I thought this place was called Bueno Eris?" Ogav questioned. "It was called that, but now that we've captured it, we started to.. "Un-Argendinize" the city." The Bat-pony explained. "Un-Argendinize?" "Yes, we call these putrid monsters that we're fighting "Argendinians" so we don't mix them up with the back stabbing Americans!" The Bat-pony hissed. "You too huh, no matter though the will of our mother will guide both our nations to prosperity against the traitorous nation, but of course before that it's the matter of payment that our mother had sent us to deliver." "Do you have it?" Asked the Bat-pony, as Ogav signaled the men to unload the box of blood off of the MI-24 and placed it infront of the Bat-pony. "Ah, good, this will certainly help our kind with the blood shortage running rampant in our nation." The commander happily said. As the Bat-pony commander was in glee Ogav looked around the smoldering city that was put out by the local human and Bat-pony fire fighters, while the city was somewhat recovering he noticed a mother and daughter in the streets collecting what should be their water supply. He walked towards them with a friendly intention and called out. "Good evening ma'am!" His call frightened the women a bit which stopped him in his tracks. "Woah, it's fine!" assured Ogav, as he threw down his PKM to the ash filled ground. "See? No threat!" The woman sighed and went back to picking up the remains of fresh water in the city river. "You know, if you could, I can carry more than what your getting." Ogav asked, which the woman nodded and handed him two buckets, he then rolled his sleeves up to his elbow and scooped the water from the river. "So, what brought you here in this town?" He asked, but the woman gave no response as she was pointing to her throat. "Oh.. Your muted.. That's fine, my grandfather was a mute but he know how to write, nice daughter you have there? Is she a mute?" He asked, which the muted woman shook her head indicating that her daughter can speak but too shy to. After filling the two buckets with fresh water he got on his feet, unrolled his sleeves, and put his gloves back on. The woman grabbed Ogav's hand and dragged him towards her home. "Lead the way ma'am!" Canterlot After packing my things I head down the empty hall way of Canterlot with guards having their usual conversation when I see one guard running through the highway and speedily went by me in a rush. "What in hell's name?" I wondered, getting on my feet and looking at the guard enter the throne room part of the castle, now if I haven't known that's usually when stuff goes down in a matter of shrouded mystery, or... Maybe a chance of action.. But then again I have to report to the Blackhawk so a little peek won't hurt no one after all.. (¬‿¬) By the time I peeked inside the throne room it seemed to be a conversation about a.. Empire? Wait a second are they referring to the Griffonian empire? Or... Nah maybe not but I mean.. I suppose I should inform Uncle Sam about this.. But you know it kinda sounded like that one Empire I learned that Equestria never even know about and if you told a pony about it they'll most likely dismiss it as a "silly human claims" although... It's not surprising they would say that considering that a well known human battalion was lost in the battle of the city. The Crystal city.. Moskva The Red Mother and two of her elite guards came up on the helipad watching the MI-24 class helicopter land on the platform. The side doors opened to reveal. "Ah, Agent Yuri, how was Phys school in the past years?" Mother asked. Yuri smirked. "As you intended, I've learned all but one thing." "And what would that be." The Mother asked. "The assignment of course." Yuri answered. "I see, come in and have yourself a drink, I will brief you now." She informed, as she, her guards, and Yuri left the snowy outside and inside the warm rooms, however, everywhere the group sees the elite soldiers guarding the entire floor of the building, and regular officers who don't have clearances are turned away and hand picked generals were allowed to enter. Yuri sees this as a wonder. So as they continued to walk down the hallway Yuri asks. "Assuming this assignment is this important, what does it involve?" Yuri asked. "You'll see." The group stops and the Red Mother initiates the unlocking protocol with the touch of her finger in the data analyzer followed by two N.I.B. Agents turning and twisting the keys simultaneously and conducting facial eye scanning, the door unlocks and the group enters. Yuri sits down on the chair while the guards stand at the sides of the now closed door with the Red Mother walking towards the projector. "After receiving intelligence reports in our spy networks in Equestria there is a rumor that the target you see on screen is in the desolate waste that was somehow cursed by a shadow pony named Sombra, it seems he wanted to keep all that power for himself.. But he was mistaken, now with us in the arena of things, it's time humanity reposes the weapon that was stolen from us." The Red Mother briefed. Which intrigue Yuri. "So tell me, what do you call that stick that you refer to as a weapon?" Yuri asked. "So glad you asked, the weapon is called 'the staff of Luther' a weapon that was used to save our skins, if Luther was alive today I'd personally thank him. And then send him to hell myself! Because his foolish will drove the former Queen of these lands Elizabeth to hand over the staff to the empress of the old Crystal empire 'Mi Amore' but of course considering that the current princess named 'Cadence' should be dealt with too." The Red Mother explained. "Why her? Sure she doesn't know that Mi Amore herself was her mother, but what exactly is the point to assasinate Cadence Mi Amore?" Asked Yuri. "To send them the message.. Equestria has for ages squandered over the fact that they focus on the Americans for peace while leaving us in the dark, Of course then again I can simply remind them by cutting off food lines and starve out the already dependent Equestrian west coast.. But then it would hurt us more than it'll hurt them when they can just redirect the food farm exports from their east to the west coast. But then again, a assasination could do, but then that would start a war... Hm..." As the Red Mother thinks of a plan she decides to shrug it off and turned towards Yuri. "I think we all know what the plan is by now though, grab the staff and bring it here." "And if I was stopped?" He asked. "Then I'll have my agents hand you Plan B and C files, that'll be all Yuri, dismissed." As Yuri got up and bow to her, he turned and left the room with the intent to make those who'd guard the objective suffer, but first he needed a ride so he went outside and saw a perfectly parked MI-8 with a pilot inside it. He walked towards the Helicopter and says. "Give me your keys, your helmet, and that gun, and get out of my ride." He requested, as the pilot snarled at him. "Oh really? I wasn't informed of you being in command, now beat it!" The Pilot replied, as Yuri stared at him and his forehead, at first the pilot was aggravated when his mind went completely dumb and blank. "Now.. Give me your gun, the keys, and your helmet, and get out of my ride." Yuri repeated. "I will Give you my gun... Give you my keys.... Give you my Helmet... And I will get out of your ride.." The pilot walked out in a mind controlled state and fell off the helicopter with his face planted into the cold icy ground. "Good boy." Yuri replied, as he switched the helicopter on and begin taking off by himself. As the helicopter flew up in the air left Brezhnev looked up at his ride that was now stolen pissed.. With only two words to describe his ride now stolen. "Well Shit..." The Snow Wastelands The snow was savage, the land was never set on, and no one. Not a single soul existed in these lands since Sombra banished the Crystal city, until now. As the Equestrian express arrived to the creator forsaken lands the mane 6 and Spike stepped off the train only to meet the harsh cold reality of the arctic wastelands, unknown to them that they were being watched... "I got eyes on the target. Any orders sir?" "Not yet, wait for white stallion to make contact." "Copy. Standing by" As the mysterious group waited they looked through the binoculars and awaited contact when the same White Stallion they were waiting for came out of the snowy blizzard shouting for his sisters name. "Confirmation made sir, White Stallion has made contact with echo group." "Hm, the fact that we were told that we were gonna be given Equestria's finest I thought we were getting soldiers not a woman mare gang!" "General Patton sir, we're detecting dark magic signatures rising on our scanners! The paper is getting scribbled to pieces!" "Alright, PACK IT UP! Let's get 'Equestria's Finest' and see what they can do." Ordered General George S. Patton. As the lost division started packing up and loading the equipment on the M35 truck when a private came to Patton. "Sir Self-propelled systems are online, do you know what happened sir?" Asked the Private. "I have no clue on what happened, other than what the nice Princess Cadence told me, we skipped a fucking thousand years!" "A thousand years sir? That would mean that our grandchildren still thinks we're dead!" The Private panicked. "Hey! Stop your panicking soldier, I'll try to do my damn best but if you panic during a operation I'll fill a sock full of horse shit, and beat it on your mouth! Is that clear!" Patton threatened, which the soldier nodded aggressively. "Stop your nodding and get back to packing the equipment we got 30 seconds, START THE TRUCK! AND LOAD UP THE BROWNINGS!" Ordered Patton, as the truck started and the Browning Machine gun is loaded and attached to the back. As the truck left the snowy hill a distant yet monstrous humming sound came from the distance which made the soldiers look at each other and then at Patton. "What the hell are you looking at me for? LOOK AT YOUR WEAPONS AND BE READY TO SHOOT! Hey you! How's the.. Oh dear god... Why the hell are you not replacing THAT PAPER!" Patton scolded. The soldier replaced the paper but was quickly scribbled by the machine completely making Patton smile. "Hehehe. Now there's gonna be fun." Patton chuckled, he then sees a group of ponies infront of the truck and ordered. "Driver, pull up from the front of them, they will not make it to there on foot." He ordered. "But sir! If we stop the thing is sure to catc-" "I. SAID. STOP." The truck goes infront of the group of ponies and stopped right in front of them, scaring the mane 6 ponies as Applejack and Rainbow Dash raced to the front to confront the strangers when Shining armor assured. "Guys don't worry! That is-" "General George S Patton of the American Federation infantry armor division, CAN WE GET A MOVE ON WITHOUT INTRODUCTIONS!" Patton Interjected, in which Shining Armor looked at Twilight with a nervous smile. "Well that was rude.." Rarity pointed. "Yea, he was like this the moment we found him, quick get on board and I could maybe explain." Shining Armor ordered, as the mane 6 was now boarding the truck with scouts when Twilight got on and noticed a lot with the troops armor. As the girls was now loaded up the truck was now on the move through the tundra. "What type of armor is that?" Twilight asked. "A 729 class vest of course, very advanced." The Soldier replied happily. "I wouldn't be sure about that, I heard your home country had been busy creating new types of vest that puts yours into a outdated state." Shining Armor informed. "Well until we can- WATCH OUT SOMETHING'S BEHIND US!" A mountain of shadow's rises behind the truck and gives them a massive push in the truck shaking it, Patton sticks his head out of the window while being grabbed by Shining Armor's magic and he smirked. "Aha! So your the bastard Sombra that made me and everyone disappear huh? I'LL GIVE YOU A MAGICAL CURSE WITH BULLETS SHOVED IN YOUR SHADOWY ASS CRACK!" Patton grabs his 9 mm pistol and shot one entire round of mags into the shadow beast which seemed to made him mad, and Patton wanted him to be enraged. "JOIN IN THE FUN BOYS! FIRE THAT MACHINE GUN AND PUMP THE AMMO IN THAT BITCHES ASS!" He ordered, as the soldier manning the machine gun shouted to the pony passengers. "COVER YOUR EARS!" The girls covered their ears as the soldiers fired the machine gun at the shadow monster making the beast even more pissed and started to snarl and attempted to grab the truck before Shining Armor shot a beam of magic at Sombra, Patton was looking at the magic beam and gets a wild idea. But by the time Patton was going to implement his wild idea the truck made it past the barrier that protected Crystal city, making Patton shrug and laugh. The men stepped off the trucks and sling their rifles as they placed down steps for their passengers onboard as the soldiers already at the back of the truck opened the truck back and carefully lend down their guest. "Watch your steps." "Why thank you good sir, I wish there is stallions that are like these polite human soldiers!" Rarity expressed, but Twilight was now curious and went to her brother who was stepping off the truck. "So about that explanation? How did you find these guys?" She asked. "Well.. It's hard to explain but apparently the same time that Celestia and Luna was fighting Sombra the general of this army at the time were ordered to stand down, but.." "But when I was given word from Andrew Jackson I decided that instead of waiting around or being jackasses and retreated we went to the god forsaken city and evacuated what we can with the civilians in the time bomb of a city." "How many made it out?" Twilight asked. "Unfortunately we only save but two tenths of the population, the rest vanished, and so were we. I should've known there was that type of magic, maybe I should find out about it so I can make a city vanish myself. Of course if I was a Unicorn and not a human that is.." After the explanation of it, one of Twilights friends looked at the city in it's beauty while Patton walked up to them and warned. "City may be beautiful, but you better watch your damn steps, before leaving I ordered my men to close the streets and place mines, if you want a proper entrance try west gate, for now I need to get back to my company and inform them that it's been thousands of years." "Thank you for helping us back there." Twilight smiled. "Yea well, your welcome, now if you excuse me, I got a meeting with my officers I must attend about a course of action." As Patton finished, a 4 star symbol jeep arrived up the hill honking for Patton, he saluted to Shining Armor and got inside the jeep and rolled away from the group of 6, but it got him wondering about something. "Why do I feel like something might happen with those 6.. Hm.." New Lunar City, Thestrial occupied Gilligan region After being dragged by the woman he arrived to what seems to be a stable yet damaged building. The windows had been shattered, outside looked like it's been shot up, and the door is entirely if not completely gone from the hinges. "Great mother of Nothera... Did the Thestrials did this?" Ogav asked, but the woman shook her head which surprised the soldier. She then grabbed a piece of old charcoal and drew on the wall a symbol. "Fuck not those guys.. I hate those guys!" Exclaimed Ogav, looking at the wall. The image she drew was the symbol of the Preubic Corps, a legion of ferocious and deadly troops headed and lead by the Current governor of the Argendinian Province of Preubica' Adolf Hitler. "I'm sorry your having to be going through that.. May I maybe offer-" "Lt. Ogav sir!" Called a soldier, entering the damaged building only to see him with a human lady. "Oh.. Sorry to disturb sir.." The Private apologized. "It's fine, what's going on?" Ogav asked. "Sir, we just received word from the N.I.B. The Bosnian division of the Southern Federation had been deployed, we are ordered to evacuate at once!" The soldier informed, burning Ogav's gut as he looked at the mute woman, he couldn't leave her like this, but neither her daughter. He looked at the woman who held her daughter tight, and then looked at the soldier. "How much room we have left?" Ogav asked. "Sir.. You don't intend on bringing both of them with us.." "I said, how much room do we have left.. Answer private." Ogav repeated. "Sir.. There's only one spot left, and we can't do-" Suddenly loud canon shots from the mountain top was heard, followed by whistling. "Ohhh Shit.. TAKE COVER! GET DOWN GET DOWN!!" Shouted Ogav, as Artillary rounds landed all around them, collapsing the roof of the damaged building as Ogav and the Private shielded the Girl and the woman from the debris. Meanwhile the Artillary strikes that came from the mountain pounded the area's in the New Lunar city, destroying more than what was damaged or destroyed already, the civilians are left out to die to the shrapnel of the explosion or the shells itself, the city then started to boil up in flames once again just when the firefighters just put the fire out, the Bat-Ponies attempted to return fire but with the good position they can't do anything other than advance or watch their enemies tear or burn more of what's not even left of a war torn city. When Ogav lifted a huge piece of concrete that collapsed on him and the Private, woman, and the little girl got up, the woman looked around in a horrid expression at the sight of the destruction of her home city, she then looked at Ogav with a emotional expression, and looked at her daughter who seemed to been have shivering from the cold winds of death and ashes. She decides to make a life saving decision for her daughter and does sign language to her, her daughter was stiff and horrified, while she tugged on her mother to come with her, her mother refused and shoved her towards Ogav, she looked at Ogav and does a bit of sign language. Ogav nodded, and the Private wept. "Privet.. Why are you crying?" Ogav asked. The Private sniffed, and replied. "You better take care of this daughter." "You read sign language?" He asked. "Of course I do..." The Private replied. Ogav looked and so did the Private at the woman as she did her sign language that Ogav would see for the last time. "What did she say.." Ogav asked. "Natasha.. She said take care of Natasha." He replied, which Ogav nodded, and her daughter Natasha hugged her mother one last time before the MI-24 helicopter landed near Ogav and the Private with the Corporal shouting. "LIEUTENANT! WE BETTER SKIDADDLE! ENEMY SELF-PROPELLED ARTILLARY IS ALL ON ABOUT TO POUND OUR ASSES!" As Ogav grabbed Natasha and took her on board the Gunship, he looked at her mother and slowly waved. "Dasvidaniya.. Ella.." The MI-24 helicopter took off, leaving the mother behind daughterless, on a field of ash and debris.. Ella Willow was killed in October the 12th, 1002 by Bosnian Artillary forces, her remains wouldn't be recovered later until 1004 during the clean up of the conflict.. Maximum death total by the end of the conflict would total to estimate over hundred thousands dead, Becoming the deadliest conflict since the Lunar wars.. Arctic wastes "LOAD OFF! MOVE IT MOVE!" Shouted a VDV SF Soldier, as 3 humans and 2 soviet ponies wearing a Gorka uniform jumped off the Mi-8 helicopter as Yuri stepped out and stretched out his muscles, taking a deep breath of the chilly arctic wind. "Sir Are you sure you don't need something to warm you? We are in a middle of a tundra hell after all?" The Special Forces Corporal asked. "No need soldier, all you need to do is watch my ride and be ready to cover my escape." Yuri said, reminding the Special forces soldiers the plan. "Well, good luck then sir.." The Soldier replied, as Yuri walked into the mist of snow of the wastelands. "He's gonna die is he.." Said a Pony Soldier, acting non-surprisingly. "Yep..." Yuri made his way through the God forsaken wastelands, trekking snow after snow, ironically he could've just parked the Helicopter right besides Crystal city but decided that it would be more cinematic for him to make the journey than a simple shortcut. But who do I know, I'm not the guy who has some mind shit and stuff. Anyways, after another mile of trekking through the snow, his face smirked in joy. "There it is.. The Crystal City, and now I'll need to acquire the staff that rightfully belongs to us, and by us.. I mean, well I think I get the deal, I should probably get some friends perhaps." Yuri said to himself, as he trekked through the snow again in the winter hell land. Crystal city "Alright! Steady! Steady as she goes it! Ohh! Oh! Yea yea right there, ANNNND drop!" The crane drops a heavy concrete barrier with a planted Browning machine gun mounted on top to which the nearby infantry men swarmed and drilled the barrier to the ground. Since the return of the Crystal Empire the human soldiers carried out older orders from Patton and prepared defenses, they knew that once the pink Alicorn's magic was to fade the beast would go right past it and it'll be flames and bullets everywhere. General Patton went inside one of the installed tents in the middle of the defense zones as music was playing that was joy to his ears it was quickly blotted out by the sounds of bickering and arguing it made him think. -Lord am I not getting old from all this bullshit.- He sat down and listen in his subordinate officers bicker over strategy. "We need to establish more mine fields! We may have been freed from whatever we've been freed from but that tyrannical beast is going to reclaim his lands!" "Are you crazy! That things a literal shadow, a minefield wouldn't do shit! I suggest we have spot lights and blind the son of a bitch!" "It might work, only problem is.. WE DON'T HAVE LIGHT TRUCKS!" As the officers shouted and argued followed by one of them throwing a vase at one of the arguing officers who then ducked to avoid a brick, Patton shook his head in disbelief.. "A thousand years, and we still argue over magic bullshit. I refused to believe that nonsense before being slapped in the face of what I'm dealing with now..." Patton said too himself, as he walked out of the tent and looked around the crystal ponies who looked depressed. At this point he didn't blame them. "Poor bastards.. If only I was fast enough, now where the hell are those 6 ponies I just saved.." Suddenly a tribune shout came from the Crystal castle that went silent followed by a voice that was then interrupted by the same tribune and then continued. "Hear ye! Hear ye! Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal fair!" The human military officers came out of the tent in curiosity while some looked like they've been hit with a brick.. (Which they did) "What'd she say General? I couldn't hear that, my ears are still ringing." A officer asked. "Good grief.. We've been invited to some type of pony fair or something." Patton replied. "Maybe we should attend it sir, after all maybe we can find some more information about this place." A officer suggested. "Whatever, just make sure that you don't cause a ruckus!" Patton ordered, which the officers saluted and went to their companies. Patton then walked around in the crowd of oncoming Crystal Ponies coming to fair, he smirked at the city and how he could've done more than what he can do, but that was all in the books of history. But as Patton walked through the crowd he noticed something missing in the middle of the castle. "Wasn't the heart pure?" He spoke to himself, when a cyan pegasus zipped by him with a flag and blatantly exposed and confirmed his question. "Why did yo-" "I think we may have a problem! Do you know anything about a Crystal heart?!" Spoke the Cyan pegasus. As the two pony mares conversated about the relic they've spoken of Patton realized that the Crystal heart was missing, but if he was to tell his men about it they'll surely expose the truth and start a mass panic. Regardless though, maybe he could inform the Marine group... "General, is there a problem?" A Marine commander asked, coincidently and conveniently, he wasn't busy slacking off like the other officers are. "Yea.. Have your men gathered, we have a code Pearl-4. And it's desperate!" Patton informed, shocking the soldier who went confident and saluted which he than ran off to his company to provide the code phrase from the General. "Now.. It's about time we make our moves finally." The entrance Yuri goes through the bubble shield and shivered. Not from the cold but from the weirdness of magic it does to his mind senses.. He grabbed his radio and hovered over his face when he noticed the shield was fading out which exposed the area he's in, in darkness, followed by growls of anger and hungry. "Oh mother.. That can't be good.." He said to himself, turning around to see a shadow beast leering for it's catch as Yuri screamed. "AHHH!!!" But the shield was quickly raised back up and a piece of the beast was sliced from the horn and landed infront of Yuri's boots. It made him chuckle.. Only lightly, his radio went off from one of his men. "Hey comrade, you alive?" Asked one of the Special soldiers. "Da, is Gorka squad ready?" Yuri asked, while overhearing the men drinking Hot chocolate and sipping Borsch while Yuri suffered the whole time. "Uhh.. Yes comrade Yuri, the men are prepared to kill ponies and Americans! And.. Drink coco?" The Soldier replied, making Yuri rolled his eyes. "Not surprised comrade.. Anyways, just be ready with the MI-8, if we have to, we'll need to blow whoever opposes us sky high! Understood!" Yuri shouted. "Yes comrade Yuri! We'll be preparing now!! As we speak!" The soldier yelled back, as clinging sounds can be heard at the Gorka squad men and pone packs their dishes and grabbed their rifles in readiness. "Good, over and out." Finished Yuri. He looked straight ahead at the city, it seemed to be lifted up with some party ceremony or something, perhaps he could blend in but there was no time the steps were simple. Enter the castle. Find some type of safe place. Retrieve the staff. Get the hell out of there. "Simple.. Welp time to walk now." He said to himself.. Again. All the while walking towards the city of Crystals. SFN-Uncle carrier, off the cost of Vanhoover The black hawk was on time when it landed on the deck of the American Pride carrier as Uncle Sam awaited for my arrival with a smile of a old man as he and his body guards came up to me. "Good news Lieutenant! Princess Celestia is considering a treaty of peace with America!" Uncle Same expressed. "Treaty of peace? But we aren't even at war with them?" I replied, wondering what he means by peace? "Not that type of peace my dear boy! A alliance type peace! And she personally wants you to attend this ceremony next year!" He was on glee so much he can blow up and kill everyone in the carrier while sinking it in the process. "I have to ask though? What exactly were you... Doing with her?" Sam asked. "You don't think that I'm.." I blushed before shaking myself off and gagged. "I was kidding Lieutenant! What you did in Canterlot was very brave, of course the troops would've strategize and.. Stuff.. But you went all in and showed that Queen bastard what for!" Uncle Sam was still in joy but there was one thing that made me think.. "That's something I think about everyday though.. Was she right?" I wondered. "Right about what?" Uncle Sam questioned. "Maybe the Changeling lands were not involved with the political crisis that ensued with the White house.. After all there are other changelings too." "I don't know what your getting with that? But if I was to ask that if it wasn't her or her minions, then who?" Uncle Sam questioned again. "Perhaps it was the Soviets??" "The soviets.. Really.." "No I mean! Think about it! Have you noticed how silent they've been since the start of the Arabian conflict? And then just when we decided to pull our resources out of Zebrica and focus on our own backyard the soviets may have perhaps taken a advantage of it?" I asked again, just as Uncle Sam was gonna reply to that his bodyguards interrupted. "Sir. It's from the Crystal City Committee.. They want to speak with you." "The Crystal City Committee!? Eh.. Hand it here." He asked, as the body guard handed him the phone. The conversation goes on for 12 minutes before Uncle Sam ended it with a nod and a Uhuh. He hanged the phone up and turned towards the Captain of the Carrier. "Captain Eris!" He yelled. "Yes Uncle?" Replied the Captain. "Prepare the Helicopter fleet! We're bringing our boys home from the god forsaken hell hole of Crystals!" Ordered the Uncle, as the Captain saluted and grabbed his portable speaker. "ALL CREW MAN YOUR STATIONS! ALL HELICOPTER PILOTS REPORT TO BRIEFING ROOM NOW! THIS IS NOW A CODE CRYSTAL DASH ONE FOUR KAY!" As the crew scrambled to their stations rows of Helicopter pilots came out from the locker rooms with full edge gear and boarded the Huey's, Blackhawks, little birds, and the Apache helicopters as the propellers started swinging into fully gear I wondered what the hell is Crystal-14k? "Uncle Sam! What is Crystal-14k!" Is shouted as the winds from the propellers blurted out my voice. "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER! GET ON BOARD NOW!" Shouted Uncle Sam, as I boarded the helicopter he's riding on and then he shouted. "SHOWTIME BOYS! LETS GET OUR MEN THE FUCK OUTTA THERE! AHAHA!!!" The Helicopters one by one took off from the carrier deck into a V formation of 14 helicopters as they head into Equestrian lands. As the helicopters flew by though, they didn't expect someone or something watching them from afar. On the top of a Submarine was the Captain of the Soviet navy who was disturbed by what he seen a flight of birds taking off from the nest as he pressed the radio to his lips. "This is Captain Raionov, patch through the red mother, operation red staff has now been endangered. Crystal City The door opened up and the marines entered the castle with rifles slanged while Patton entered last with the special forces men scouring over the dressers, shelfs, and even rooted out the library books for some special switch. At the moment in the Library Shining Armor and Cadence walked over to there, because Cadence was weak from using her magic 24/7 to defend the city, when they see the human general overseeing a massive uproot of the entire castle. "What are you doing here?" Asked Shining Armor, grabbing Patton's attention. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm looking for that Crystal Heart that's needed to defend the city. What are YOU doing?" Patton asked back, as Shining Armor looked concerningly towards his sickened wife. "I'm trying to stay with Cadence as much as possible.. But with the entire city in the hands of my sisters friends and your... Soldiers.. I feel useless here.." He replied, but Patton rolled his eyes in pity. "Bullshit! Your a fucking Stallion who happened to be the "Captain" of Equestria's ENTIRE ROYAL GUARD! And you call yourself useless? I swear the benevolence of these ponies putting themselves down like this. Do they even teach anything at the academy you attended!!" Patton yelled, which made Shining Armor frown a bit. "But what about Cadence? I'm trying to keep her on her legs while Twilight finds the Crystal Heart! I'm sorry to say General but your looking in the wrong place!" Shining Armor revealed. "How so?" Patton asked, when a Marine ran up towards him. "SIR! WE'VE FOUND A OPENING IN THE THRONE ROOM OF THE CASTLE!" "WHAT!?" Shouted Patton, who then quickly turned towards his men still tearing books from the shelves. "WE FOUND A PASSAGE WAY GET THE HELL OVER HERE!" Shouted Patton, causing most of the marines to fall from the ladders and landed on a stack on books, that was for the lucky ones.. Patton then gathered up the troops and then looked at the castle map and then pointed at the Left hallway in which the marines went towards the direction. He looked at Shining Armor. "You know, after this is over. I like to have a chat with you." Patton added, which he then followed his men. Shining Armor went back to his thoughts on what Patton said, perhaps he wasn't useless after all he has Cadence with him and to watch over her is more important, he sighed and looked at his weakened wife who then looked at him with a tired worry expression. "I hope they hurry.. We're running out of time.." > Stalliongrad Victory Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the crowd gathered to sit down the Red Mother is escorted to her seat by her special forces soldiers who then sat down in the middle of the four leaders who were opposing one another. Dark Wing seem charismatic she would think, perhaps he would have a better way to solve a food crisis without going towards a desperate solution. There is also party leader Vasiliy, seems sane enough, but it would seem that perhaps she's not very lenient with the army just by the look of her views on the Stalliongrad Armed Forces. Sinister Serov looks like she could severe all ties with us.. Perhaps not best to have her in office if Altidiya dies... "You must be Mrs. Marx?" Asked Altidiya, as she sat besides the immortal mother. "I've heard great stories of you being the first species to jumpstart the great revolution, every communist nations envy's you! How did you created a perfect utopia!" The socialist leader smiled, making the Mother laugh. "Well, it's not all that easy having to watch your entrusted enforcer to do things right.. Even if it's for the right thing for the nation, but that's to say though, you must be Altidiya, the leader of Stalliongrad, I have to give you credit that you still have your sanity when it comes to party divide." The Mother grabbed lipstick and applied it to her lip while Altidiya frowned on the credibility of keeping the party together. "Sometimes it makes me wonder about some things.. You knew Caramel Marks right?" She asked. "Well darling, of course I knew Caramel Marks, just like I knew Steel Stallion, bold, stubby, and a bit ignorant, but I see that his successes were all but in vain, of course to say that all that ended up on a party crisis and a looming famine.. If anything.." Before the Red Mother finished a NIB agent came towards her with a secretive report. "Ma'am you've been called by the Director of the NIB, it's urgent." The agent said. "Alright then, Altidiya I love to chat but it seems something else calls me elsewhere, for now enjoy the parade and let me know how my valuable army goes okay?" The Red Mother waved and smile as she grabbed her purse and left. The parade starts and Altidiya and other party members and leader present watched as the magnificent Human Socialist army marched on their own soil alongside with their own Stalliongrad Red Army. The union of Soviet Humans and Ponies. But without a doubt, the best part was when the tanks rolled in on the concrete roads as the ponies looked in amazement at the contraptions wondering when will they have a chance to use their own types of these weapons. And the researchers working for Stalliongrad would say soon. > The Imperial Incident Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "MAN! WHO KNEW CORN ON A COB IS BETTER HERE!" Shouted Holt Martavias, as he chilled out with the Crystal ponies that were also enjoying the corn. But they were distracted from who went by them as Yuri tripped inside the crowd of soldiers who didn't noticed anything. Yuri looked back at the gullible troops and chuckled when he bumped on a orange pony who was guarding the "Crystal Heart" Yuri and the orange pony hit their faces on the ground making the crystal slide and fall towards the solid ground before it was catched by Rainbow Dash in time. "Phew! That was close, sorry if I was in the way mister?" "Yuri, my name is Yuri." He introduced in a Slavic language. "Interestin' accent you got there.. Yuri? Say, I never saw you types of humans before." Applejack observed Yuri a little bit before Yuri replied. "That's because I was... Uhh. A traveler! Yes yes! And I'm currently looking to sell uh... Hmm.." "Corn?" "Yea! Yea! That's right corn! I do love corn.. Hehe..." As Yuri cursed himself for saying that word since he never liked corn in the first place it seems the southern pony is even more gullible than the human soldiers. "I think that checks out, if you want to set up shop go over there where Fluttershy is at and she'll set you right up there Yuri." Applejack smiled, but it made Yuri gag. "Thanks...." "No problem, happy to help stranger!" As Yuri and Applejack parted ways Rainbow Dash noticed something suspicious with Yuri. "Are you sure he's a corn selling human traveler?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I think he is? I don't know what humans do for a living, other than sell or invent stuff." Applejack replied, which Yuri entered inside the Crystal castle right in front of the two. "He's not a corn seller is he.." Rainbow Dash realized. "Nope... Reckon you snatch him?" "Me!? Why do I have to?" "Because I have to!.. Guard the Crystal Heart hehehe.." "Oh... On it!" Rainbow Dash left Applejack's side and chased after Yuri who had been given a literal 10 minute head start. Tall Tale "This is Hawkeye 0-1, we have now went passed Vanhoover coast and enroute to the tundra over." "Copy that Hawkeye 0-1." As the huey helicopter stayed in formation I looked out of the window with a curious mind on what's been going on, I just came back from a mission so why am I dragged into this one? "So! You were gonna explain to me what's been going on have you?" I asked. Uncle Sam turned towards me with a frown followed by a sigh which he stared at me and said. "Glad you remind me.." 731 BLB In 731.. The Crystal-Human war was somewhat a victory for us humans but... The problem was the losses that occurred.. And I'm not talking about our losses.. When Sombra started the initial attack through his imperial colony we've slaughtered the initial attack forces before we can even discover that they were unarmed the entire time... In fact from what I remembered is.. Others called the initial assualt "A army without weapons" to this day it was more of a massecre than a fight since they had nothing other than their bare fist, and the fact they were mind controlled was even worse.. But what was worse is that when we conquered our northern now communist neighbor.. The 143th Ranger division discovered that there was a spell on the entire lands of all of the Crystal Empire, President Andrew Jackson tried to warn the sisters Celestia and Luna but... They didn't think it was possible until it happened.. And when it happened not only Head General George Patton disappeared but along with his entire division.. What followed was mass riots that broke out all over the country, calling for war against Equestria. We've managed to disperse the crowd but in the end they let that bastard Buccannon into office the following year and well.. I think you know what happened next by now.. "Interesting explanation Uncle.. But just one question?" "What is it?" "Who or what is the Crystal Committee?" I asked. Uncle Sam was a bit silent with the question, it was 3 and a half hundred years since the committees formation and the original members died off by now and replaced with a younger generation throughout the centuries he practically lost track of what their purpose was at all. "Well you see... The Crystal Committee in simple terms was well.. Okay so it was originally going to be a expedition council before they were rejected by Celestia and Luna." Uncle Sam Briefly explained. "Why were they rejected?" I asked again. "Because uh... Luna became Nightmare moon, Bucannon was in office, Celestia banished Nightmare moon, then the council asked and Celestia said no.... Because by now we were on their shores..." "Bombing them.." ".... Well that was VERY anti-climatic!" "Yea... It was, of course I was in my garden the whole time of course during all of it." "...." After a moment of awkward silence between each other with the exception of the Helicopter blades making sounds I looked out the window and looked down upon a Pony village that was below us, a place with agriculture and hearty spirits. "Hey pilot? Where are we?" I asked. "We're at Tall tale county, one of the Agriculture cities at the Equestrian continent. Heh, barely see these types of towns nowadays." The Pilot replied chuckling not knowing what that meant to me. "My home is those types of towns.." I said to myself, looking at the town before it would fade in the mist of the sky, wondering what everyone else was doing back home.. Nin-con-si-soa, Westcon State, Camp June, 105th main base. At camp June the now promoted Colonel Alexander was looking at his letter in a concerned state that made him drank himself to death. Well almost to death, he popped open the lid off of a whiskey cider bottle and drinked the entire bottle bottle up when a knock sounded on his office door. "Do not disturb!" Yelled Alexander, before the door opened which pissed him off. "CREATER DAMMIT! WHAT DID I MEAN WHEN I SA-" He looked at General Douglas MacArthur who happened to tower over him arms crossed staring the fear of Creator and harmony into his soul. "I... Uh... I can explain si-" "it's fine Colonel.. Sit down, and then after a little talk, clean this room... It smells like shit." Ordered the General. "Right.. Right!! I'll sit now.." The Colonel cleared a seat that was piled with Alcohol bottles towards the roof which made the General cringe and a bit distraught at the messy Colonel as he sat down on the now cleared chair which he can feel the singes of Alcohol staining his pants. He shook his head. "Colonel Alexander B. Kenia.. If it was up to me, i'd personally have you discharged from the army!" "I thought you'd say that... I'l- wait.. Did you say if?" Alex asked. "Yes... Unfortunately if, if it wasn't for Uncle Sam himself saving your ass right now I'd have you out of this office and spare this room from your recently gained Alcohol bullshit! But with compromises I didn't came here to demote you but rather give you a protégé." Macarthur smirked when Alexander's eyes widen enough to were even the eye lids weren't big enough to contain them. "P-P-PROTEGE?? General! I know I served under Major Gordan once and he was my mentor but me?? Having a Protégé? MacArthur I don't think I'd be ready for that type of responsibility I ain't ready for it!" "Says the same person who said "It'll take two years to get a replacement" face the facts Colonel, you already knew this day would come some way or another, you will be personally be training the American Armies first ever and handpicked pony army officer!" Macarthur announced to Alexander, which stunned the alcoholic even more as he sat down on his chair in total shock. "Pony... Why a pony!? Why couldn't be a griffon! Griffons are more cooler than a magic gloating pony!" "Relax Colonel, it's a Earth pony." "Puh.. Still worse, it's just a pony with no types of talents at all, and you expect me train him personally?" "Either you train him Colonel.. Or your done, you have no choice here unless you consider leaving as a choice then the door behind me may be your destination, just make sure to pack your damn shit filled bottles up first." Macarthur threatened, which Alexander got up from his chair and stared at the window. After a while he looked at the five star general and asked. "What's his name?" Macarthur replied. "Gold Star." Crystal City, the Throne Room "Open passage way private? THERE IS FUCKING NOTHING IN HERE! NOTHING BUT A FUCKING CHAIR!" Scolded Patton, as the soldier being scolded attempted to defend himself. "B-but sir! I saw the passage way it was right here where I'm standing! Honest!" "Honest? HONEST! HOW COULD YOU! BE HONEST, THE WHOLE FUCKING ONE THOUSAND YEARS IS HONEST, THE FUCKING FACT THAT THE DAMN GOTHIC DARK MAGIC PONY FUCKING CURSED A CITY TO GO POOF! AND THE FACT THAT I BELIEVED A TRUTH THAT MAGIC WAS A LIE WAS... Was..." "A.. Lie sir?" The soldier replied, as the troops made a straight clearing for the solider who replied. Patton looked at and stepped towards the soldier with a pissed face. "Whats your name soldier.." "Henry.. Sir.. Henry Wilkerson.." "Tell me Henry Wilkerson.. Do you have somebody to go back to after all this is done?" Patton asked. "I.. Do sir, my mom, my dad, and my fiancé.." Replied Henry. "Alright.. Now about you soldiers.. What awaits you home hm?" Patton asked, the group went dead silent before one replied. "My wife and children sir.. It's all that matters to me." And then another. "Family sir." And another. "My.. Union. Sir." As Patton looked at their replies that sounded hopeful he sighed with the one realization. "You.. Have nothing back home then.. Now, does any of yall want to know why?" Patton questioned. The group was again, silent, no response, no mumbling, and no whisper, just silence. Patton then tooked his hat off, and slammed it on the crystal thrown making a huge bang sound. "BECAUSE EVERYONE WE KNEW A THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS AGO IS DEAD! NO MOMMY, NO DADDY, NO FIANCE, NO ONE ! Lives.. A for a thousand years.. Now tell me gentlemen... Soldiers.. Men.. What exactly does that mean to you? Are you simply going to come back to the graves of the loves ones? Or perhaps return to something that had been dead for the past couple years? Well there's one thing to face gentlemen.. And that one thing is that we're all presumed dead by now... But that doesn't mean we don't have a purpose, who are we?" The silence continued, Patton sat down on the throne leaned forward staring at his men who seemed to been either shocked or deeply empty. But one stepped up.. "We're soldiers." Replied the soldier, which the group looked at him. As another stepped forward. "We're men." More joined in. "We're humans." "We're Saviors." "We're Peacekeepers." "We, are Americans." Patton got up from the throne in a resounded face of approval and surprise, he stepped down with a smile. "You know... Perhaps we do have a calling, and it seems fate happened to called not just me.. But all of us to fight in this city or perhaps maybe this empire.. Heh, Uncle Sam will probably be pissed for this but I think we'll be staying where we should, what do you guys think of that?" Asked Patton. The soldiers cheered and whooped at the Generals decision when the radio on his pocket sputtered with a shout. "GENERAL!!! COME IN GENERAL PATTON WE HAVE A SITUATION!!!" Patton grabbed the radio from his side and replied. "What is it?" "CADENCE HAS FALLEN, AND THE SHIELD IS DOWN! AS WE SPEAK I'M DISPATCHING THE ARMOR BATTALLION AND SENDING THE TROOPS TO THE TRENCHES!" Shouted the officer as the background is filled with soldiers holding bolt-action rifles and Thompson machine guns getting inside buildings and preparing to defend the city with their lives. "FOR GOD SAKES KENNY! KEEP YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Replied Patton. He hoisted his radio and turned to his soldiers. "Load your guns men this is it, we'll need to-" Suddenly a loud roar shouted indicating Sombra is drawing close, he peeped out of the throne room window and snarl at the sight. "Disgusting shit, we need to get a move on! We'll find that Crystal organed shape later, or atleast till I can knock this bastard in the head with my own shit!" Patton and the marine troops ran out of the throne with a accelerated pace, so fast that they didn't even caught a glimpse of Yuri when they went by him. With Yuri meanwhile, after avoiding a wall of boots that narrowly trampled him to death, he walked inside of the throne room and grabbed out a high tech location device that tracks objectives set upon of his thoughts. He hovered the locator all over the place, from the walls, the throne seat and even a crystal, he then pointed it at the highway he came out from and it saw nothing before there was a arrow that pointed down on the crystal floor, indicating that something is underground, it intrigued Yuri with a thought. "Perhaps someone was smart to hide this objective under the ground cover by the crystalized properties of these lands... Smart for a pony but not smart enough to accommodate this." He then placed all of his focus on the hollow flooring, at the first it didn't budge until it shook like a earthquake and then he lifted the entire floor off revealing a set of stairs leading to a basement, he smiled as he tossed the cursed floor that blocked him from his object to the side and walked down to the dark abyss once was known to be Sombra's underground depths below. He grabbed a flashlight from his pocket and lit the stairwell he grabbed a penny and dropped it off the edge of the stairs listening for a plop when he heard it land to the absolute bottom telling him he has a long way to go. What was a peaceful period now turn into a chaotic shoot out scene as Crystal Ponies are directly evacuated by Human soldiers while the troops attempted to slow down or even kill Sombra using machine guns and M1 Garand rifles. "DAMMIT NOTHING CAN KILL THIS BASTARD!" Shouted a soldier, before he was trapped by the black crystals. "SIR WE'RE LOSING MORE MEN THAN WE CAN GET MORE OF! WE NEED MORE SUPPORT!" Shouted a Warrant. Patton ran outside with the marine soldiers as he looked at the chaos and saw that his men are disorganized from the fair. "Dumbasses, PRIVATE SLAP YOUR OFFICER AND THEN TELL HIM TO PULL BACK WHAT WE HAVE SO WE CAN FOCUS ON THAT SON OF BITCH!" "UNDERSTOOD! RIGHT AWAY!" "CORPORAL! YOU ALSO, SLAP YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER AND TELL HIM TO BRING THOSE DAMN TANKS BEFORE I PERSONALLY FEED HIM TO THAT!" Pointed Patton, as the Shadow beast screeched indicating that's who he'll feed the Corporals officer to. "SIR YES SIR!" "REST OF YALL! DO THE SAME, BUT SLAP YOUR OFFICERS HARDER IN THE FACE!" As the group dispersed Patton ran from the dwelling part of the castle and saw that the crystal was found by the looks of the Black Crystals, he also noticed that Shining Armor's magic seemed to be kicking Sombra's ass but he thought back in the previous chase from the beast and reminded himself of the great idea he had. He ran inside the dwelling while shoving the Crystal Ponies out of his way and ran back top of the Balcony where he sees Shining Armor fighting off Sombra while defending Cadence, Patton grabbed his Colt Model and shot some rounds at Sombra's face causing the face to back off. "General! What are you doing here it's not safe!" "Well! If I go down I'd rather go down fighting, but if you intend on trying to defend your wife I'd suggest MOVING HER INSIDE!" Patton suggested, firing more shots. "Is that really up for discussion!" "Hell no it's not! I came here for another reason! You still have that horn of yours active right!?" Patton asked. "Of course I do, but what do you have with my horn!?" Shining questioned. "Not your horn sonny, your magic. Shoot your laser beam thingy at my pistol!" Patton asked. "What? But if I do that you won't have a weapon at all!" "Don't worry, I double wield! NOW DO IT!" He ordered. "Your funeral general." Replied Shining armor, as he lit his horn and fired his magic at the pistol which transformed the openings in the hand pistol into bright purple color, Patton opened the revolver and sees the bullets glow in a magical aura. It surprised Shining Armor that it worked. "Oh boy, I'm about to have fun with this." Patton smirked. "Do not waste your shots general! That's all I can do!" "Gee and to think you know a guy." "JERRICK! HELP ME PUSH THIS M7!" Shouted Linan, as the two pushed on the M7 but fails to move it. One of the Marines ran by the two and stopped turning and asking. "What's going on!" "SIR THE M7 SP IS STUCK! WE CAN'T GET IT TO BUDGE!" Shouted a soldier. The radio comms are activated with orders from the Armor officer. "ALL ARMOR PERSONAL FROM SELF-PROPELLED TO SHERMAN ARMOR TANKS, WE NEED TO DEFEND THE LOCALS FROM SOMBRA, WE NEED THEM FOR A CASTLE ITTER FORMATION IMMEDIATELY! THAT GOES FOR MECHANIZED UNITS AS WELL!" The Marine quickly got behind the stuck M7 who was then joined by 7 other soldiers who heard the order as well. "TOGETHER! ONE! TWO! THREE! PUSH!!!" The 10 troops pushed the M7 off of the ditch it was stuck in giving the men air to breath. "Do we head to the castle now?" Asked the soldier. "Nah, I think I have a better Idea.." "Do tell.." "FIVE SHERMANS, 10 MECHANIZED, AND ONE SELF-PROPELLED IS ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE AREA, BUT WHERE IS THE SECOND ONE!" Shouted the officer. "Sir they explained that they have a "plan" in the radio! But haven't revealed what it is yet?" The warrant explained. "Fine I'll let them implement it as long as it works! But we don't have time for this anyways, do we have all the ponies in and accounted for!?" "I don't know si-" "WHERE'S MY CHILD!" Shouted a female Crystal pony. "HAS ANYPONY SEEN MY TRUTHY!" The officer looked around when the sky turned death Orange and white clouds replaced with black ash clouds before spotting a filly running from a wall of black crystals. "Ah hell no not on my watch!" Shouted the officer, as he got off the canopy of the Sherman and ran. "SIR ARE YOU CRAZY!" Shouted the warrant. The officer grabbed his Sub-machine gun and fired on the black crystals that was forming behind the filly. The crystals shattered at the contact of the low caliber bullets as the officer picked up the filly and ran from the rebounding crystals chasing after him. "Holy shit he is crazy.. GET READY TO FIRE!" Shouted the warrant, as the crew men got on the Browning Machine guns attached to the tanks and got ready to fire. The crystals catched the officer by the leg dragging him and the filly away from the castle, the officer tried to kick it and bash it but failed miserably before it was precisely shattered from a revolver round from General Patton. "GET MOVING DAMN YA, I GOT YOUR BACK!" Shouted the General from the balcony. The officer nodded and ran back towards the tank barricades and climbed on top and shouted. "OPEN FIRE!" The HMGs and Light Machines fired upon the Crystals that were now shattering as if they never came to life, it started to hurt the shadow beast as more and more Crystals shattered. The officer sat and lay on the tank treadmills and smiled, as the fillies eyes widened opened. "Mama!" Said the filly, as the Crystal pony mother embraced him in tears. "Thank you Mr.. Whats your name?" Asked the mother. "Canter, Canter Yates.." "Thank you Canter, for saving my child.. He's the only one I have left as family." The mother said, trotting away from Canter, he looked at a family photo and smirked. "I can't wait to see you... Meagan.." The Crystal-Equestrian border "Pilot! How far are we now!?" I asked. "15 miles from here, then we'll be there!" The pilot replied. I sat down on the chair and looked at the front, I looked at a photo of my Great Grandfather who was there with my Great grandmother Meagan. "What picture is that?" Asked Sam. "Well.. The picture your seeing was my Great grandmother and Grandfather, my Great grandmother has a disorder of some kind, probably traumatic, she'd always talk about how beautiful Celestia is, and keeps pushing me on complimenting her.. Like seriously I doubt she'd see Celestia or Luna at all." "Well, I guess you can say is she's a fan." Uncle Sam smiled and chuckled. "Heh, I guess you could say.." "By the way, I know your Great Grandfather.. He was sent on the mission with General Patton." "Really? What's his rank?" I asked. "Armor Captain, his name is Canter Yates, I can assume that he's your Great Grandfather?" Uncle Sam guessed. "Yea, how do you know?" I asked. "Heh, what if I was to say that me and him were partners just like you and I. Of course he never liked being cooped up in the old White House and run errands, in fact he preferred that he served in the Armor Corps. So I setted him up for a Lieutenant position and let me tell you, he ended the Crystal war quick since then. Heh, sometimes I missed the man.. But I guess if we found the Crystal city we can find him." Uncle Sam explained smiling at the Lieutenant. "Say.. I never catched your real name Lieutenant, I know that your middle name is Justin, and your last name is Yates, but what's your actual name?" Uncle Sam questioned, I wasn't really much the type of person to answer that question but... That's Uncle flipping Samuel Wilson so of course I should answer.. But how am I going to answer? Perhaps if I say it fast and don't say it again he won't bother asking. "vader" I said quickly, but it seemed that he catched on to it.. "Vader...? Vader? Like griffonian for father Vader? That Vader?" "That's all I'll tell.. I'm sorry but I don't like providing my name." "No no sonny, it's just that.. The name actually sounds what you young folks now say nowadays. 'Cool' why hide it?" Uncle Sam asked. I refused to answer it but that'll just be like lying to a powerful being, of course I'm gonna have to answer that.. "I-" "SIR! WE HAVE RADIO FREQUENCIES SPIKING UP!!" Shouted a pilot, which frightened the crew, Uncle Sam climbed towards the copit. "What're they saying sonny!" Uncle Sam asked. "Hold on sir! It's Morse code, lemme try to translate it." The pilot said, clicking switches on the top. After flicking the last switch the Morse code started printing into letters and sentences as the co-pilot tear the paper out of the side printer and read. "S.O.S. This is the 34th company requesting assistance, if anyone is out there we are in need of support, I repeat, we're under attack. Our location is the Crystal city at longitude 34, latitude 26." "That's Patton! Quick! We got to speed up as fast as we can before something else happens that fucks us over! NOW!" "This is Hawkeye 0-2 all copters diverge all power to engines, full speed and fast forward!" "Copy Hawkeye 0-2, engaging power diverge to speed modules and propellers." The helicopters sped up into a swift speed of wind which pissed me off all of a sudden. "WE'VE BEEN SLOW THIS ENTIRE TIME!" I shouted. "WHY YES! HOW CAN YOU TELL?" Uncle Sam replied, with a lenny like facial expression. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Crystal City After 26 revolver rounds shot at Sombra Patton was now down to his last two rounds. "THIS THING WON'T KNOW WHEN TO DIE DOES IT!" "It's not going to work, only the Crystal Heart can-" "OH YEA! CRYSTAL HEART THIS, CRYSTAL HEART THERE, CRYSTAL HEART MY ASS! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CRYSTAL HEART THEN!" "Up here! I got the Crystal Heart!" Yelled Spike, as the 4 of the mane 6 (Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack) and Cadence and Shining Armor looked up in shock. Patton looked up and was surprised but at the same time satisfied. "ABOUT TIME! HEY DRAGON! KEEP YOUR GRIPS ON IT! I'M SENDING SOMEONE TO GET YOU DOWN FROM THERE!" Shouted Patton, grabbing his radio and spoke. "Get the marines back up here now! Spike has the Crystal heart and we have to secure i-" Suddenly a black Crystal knocked Spike off his feet and started free falling to the ground shocking the hell out of everyone as Sombra formed a Black Crystal to reclaim his prize treasure. "I̵̙̫̓̊̋̎̿̇̎̕͠͝T̸͕͖̰͖̣͆̍̏̏͌̾̑͐'̸̧͉̤́̀̿Ș̷̓ ̶̥̩̰̳̟͍̗̘̙͛̚ͅM̶̢̺̞͕̤̝̓̋̾̂͌͂͜I̴̢̦̙̼͙̼̋̀́̏̓̏̽͆͌͘N̴̛̞̫̟̝͇̻̳͎̳̓͊̈́̈́̌̓͝E̶̳͔̒̀̄̋" Shouted the Shadow creature. "Do you see him yet!?" Asked a soldier as he looked through binoculars when he spotted a huge black crystal pillar reaching a purple dragon. "I SEE HIM! BE READY TO FIRE ON MY MARK!" Shouted the soldier. The cannon raised it's barrel and pointed towards the rising pillar heading towards spike when other black crystals started to surround the Self-Propelled Artillary. "SHIT! THESE CRYSTALS ARE GETTING ALL OVER THE PLACE! YOU GOT ONE SHOT AT THIS GERALD!" Shouted Linan, as Gerald looked through the aiming scope. "EAT THIS MOTHER FUCKER!" As the sound of the canon fired ranged out, the crystals that surrounded them shattered, and as for the shell, it zoomed right towards the pillar created by Sombra and as he motionlessly watch as the Shell breached he realized, he picked the wrong house. As the shell smashed through it exploded upon impact shattering Sombra's crystal pillar and straightway towards Spike came Cadence who swooped in and saved Spike in time. As for Sombra... He landed on the crystals and was severely injured which then Patton, who happened to have walk down the thousands of stair cases, came towards Sombra with a smirk. "Not so tough now huh? Boys? Show him what happens when you cursed innocent lives in a city for a thousand years." Sombra got up and saw a group of Human soldiers grinning and smirking. "With pleasure." One said, cracking his knuckles. "STAND BACK! I'LL- I'LL KILL YOU A-" *WHACK!* As the group of soldiers started a all out beat down on the former shadow king, Cadence flew down to the center of the castle and placed the Crystal Heart on the podium. "The Crystal Heart has returned! Use the love within you to power it to ensure Sombra does not rule you no more!" Cadence spoke, as the Crystal ponies bowed to the heart, charging it up which sent shockwaves across the known lands. Sombra is vaporized. "Awww... I was gonna use a flamethrower :(" Said one soldier. The fleet of helicopters was now at the tundra zone when the shockwave of love power swept over them. I was a bit weirded out from that though while it wasn't that important, but worth mentioning. As the defeat of Sombra occurred Yuri the whole time reached the bottom of the stairs only to find two doors. "Hmm.. Eeny meeny miny moe catch a capitolist by his giant nasty cash toe... Bingo.. The one without the Crystal, nice try you wretched ponies, you may have a crystal but I know when to not fall for a nightmare door." Yuri prided, as he opened the door that lead to a room with a desk, library, and a... A... "THERE IT IS! AHAHAHAHA! COME TO YURI!" He smashed the glass casing and grabbed the staff of Luther, he felt it's disabled power, but that's because only a Luther family member can wield such power.. A power to create continents and destroy them... "HEY!" Shouted a feminine voice, as Yuri turned towards a Cyan Pegasus who was following him the whole time. "Oh. You scared me, I thought you were one of those capitolist Americans, or it'd be really a scare." Yuri insulted. Put that back! Or I'll- "Or what? Hit yourself?" Yuri smirked. "What- OUCH! HEY! LEFT HOOF WHAT ARE YOU- OOF!-" After forcing Rainbow Dashes hoof to punch her off the ground Yuri ran past her in a fast pace with the Staff when Rainbow dash kept her hoof down and flew after Yuri. Yuri looked behind him and spoken. "If you like so much of yourself? Then how come your punching yourself!" "What!? I ain- oh no NOT AGAIN!" Both of Rainbow Dashes hooves started punching her in the face, making her lose her speed and flight giving Yuri time to escape from the Cyan pegasus. After reaching the top he looked down and chuckled at the Rainbow maned pegasus biting on her own hooves. "I'd like to play comrade pony, but I have a date to attend to, Dasvidaniya!" "HUH?! HEY UNCOOL! GET BACK HERE!" Shouted Rainbow dash as Yuri ran from the hole in the Throne room. Rainbow Dash flew up and bumped into Twilight who was speaking to her brother about the secret room. "Rainbow Dash? What's wrong?" Asked Twilight. "No time to explain! That guy stole something that doesn't belong to him!" Rainbow Dash briefly explained, when a vase shattered on the floor revealing Yuri's hiding spot which Shining Armor, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash cornered him. "Welp, I didn't really want to do this but it seems you left me in a tough spot and hey, since you have friends... I like to show you my friends." Chuckled Yuri, as the sounds of Helicopter blades can be heard. "Is that-" "GET DOWN!" Shouted Shining Armor, ducking on his sister and her friend as a hellfire missile blew a hole in the castle wall, revealing a MI-8 transport helicopter loaded with Pony and Human Airborne soldiers. Yuri got up and dusted himself and the staff, he looked at the pony pile which they started to get back up. Yuri turned his back to them and spoke in the radio. "Meet at point Alpha. Oh.. And deploy the men, I always wanted to see what a Unicorn can fare against rifles." He ordered, as the Soviet MI-8 Helicopter went to the outskirts and begun landing itself on the ground, while at the same time unloading the Airborne soldiers off the helicopter. "Feel free to chase me if you like, it'll make my day even more fun." Yuri chuckled, as he jumped out of the hole. Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked down and saw Yuri running from the castle. "C'mon Rainbow Dash, we've got to stop him!" Twilight said determined which Rainbow Dash nodded. "Count me in Twily!" Shining Armor smiled at his sister. Twilight and Rainbow dash looked at each other and the trio ran after Yuri. Yuri meanwhile was still running towards the Helicopter when a Orange Pony stopped in front of him with a lasso, followed by Rarity and Spike, and then Fluttershy with a pack of wild animals cornering him.. "Wait a second.. I've heard of you 6.. But where's pink one?" Asked Yuri when he heard a pony clear her throat. "SURPRISE ATTACK!" Shouted Pinkie as her party cannon fired confetti on Yuri's eyes causing him to drop the staff. "AHGGH! BLYAT! ENOUGH GAMES!" Shouted Yuri, while getting up and ran to grab the staff before it was snatched by Twilight's magic. Yuri looked at the staff hovering by Twilight who was staring at Yuri angerly in which the MP took positions and Patton grabbed a Microphone. "Attention bastard! Surrender now or eat... (My lord who wrote this?) Feathers..." Patton yelled. Yuri chuckled as gunshots ranged throughout the entire city with Airborne soldiers shooting at the sky to clear the crowds that ran in panic as they took positions behind the barriers and buildings pointing their weapons at the American soldiers, who also pointed theirs at the Green suited men who are behind Yuri. Following the Americans came a GMC tank destroyer that rolled in and pointed its turret at the Rodinian men. Both sides goes on a stand off before they can hear a song appear from the mountains... A fleet of Huey's arrived and landed on the city soil. "GO GO GO! MOVE IT YOU BASTARDS!" Shouted Uncle Sam, as I grabbed my M4A1 rifle and followed of the rest of the deploying soldiers. General Patton looked pale and shocked when he sees a fleet of green flying helicopters landed with troops towards his aid as the American troops reinforced Patton's soldiers and pointed at the green Airborne soldiers. Uncle Sam stepped off the Huey with a radio and shouted. "IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, GET THE HELL OUT OF EQUESTRIA!" Shouted Uncle Sam. "And if we don't? You know... If you kill us you've basically just started a continental war." Yuri spoke. "Maybe so! But what of your men hm?" Uncle Sam asked, as the Airborne soldiers behind Yuri started running towards the MI-8 helicopter that had it's propeller activated, angering Yuri as he turned towards the old man. "DAMN YOU SAMUEL WILSON! MARK MY WORDS YOU WILL PAY FOR HUMILIATING ME LIKE THIS! AND YOU! YOU SIX PONIES! JUST MADE A LONG TIME ENEMY! WITH THE GREAT AND POWERFUL YURI! AND I'LL SEE TO IT THAT YOUR SUFFERING IS IMMINENT!" Shouted Yuri, as he ran towards the MI-8 helicopter and climbed on board just as it tooked off from the grass. The men were relieved. "I wonder where I heard that before..." Twilight said, referencing to a certain blue unicorn wizard. Cadence landed beside her husband in which the two embraced each other. Patton meanwhile turned towards Uncle Sam in a neutral expression. "General Patton.." Uncle Sam spoke. "Uncle Samuel Wilson, it's been a long time ey? What's changed." Patton asked. "A lot..." "Well.. I guess a thousand years can do that to some people.." Patton replied. Uncle Sam frowned. "Unfortunately most of everyone had presumed you dead Patton.. But you can change that and come home to us." Uncle Sam offered, showing his hand. But Patton knew what would happen if he accepts this. "No.. I don't think I will accept that, if it's true that everyone around me is presumed dead other than the ponies here... Then I prefer that perhaps we're better off as defenders of this city." Patton smirked, which shocked the ponies but not the human soldiers as it was no surprise. "I'm not surprised at your stubbornness Patton, but I'd like to ask one thing.." As the two talked I was looking for Canter when I bumped into a person in the crowd of men. "Sorry" "Sorry" I dropped my picture and the man I bumped into picked it up. "I'm sorry about that sir." I apologized. "It's fine.. I." The person paused and looked at the picture with a shocked expression and then looked at me. "Where did you get this picture from..." Asked Canter. "Great Grandpa Canter? Is that you?" I asked, which Canter's eyes widened. "Great? Did you say Great Grandpa?" He asked. "I did.. I came with Uncle Sam.. To bring you home, I heard you were in this assualt. I came here to-" Suddenly Canter grabbed my should and smirked. "Listen.. Great Grandson.. It's weird but I just want to know.. Is Meagan ok?" He asked. "Of course, Great Grandma Meagan is healthy!" I replied, which he started to tear up. "Then tell her.. I love her with all my heart.. Tell her this.. And if you see your Grandparents... My children.. Tell them no matter what.. You did great... And I love you for that... Tell them this.. Great Grandchild." Canter smiled, and we both embraced each other in a familial hug. Camp June, post day. The Colonel Gulped as he stepped on the stage where Macarthur smirked. "Do I have to General?" "You love your job right Colonel?" Macarthur reminded. "Right.. No going back then." Replied the Colonel. He stepped up the Podium and looked at the tank men, engineers, and medics who're sitting on the chairs waiting for the special announcement that was called by the intercom as the Colonel cleared his throat. "Good day, Gentlemen, and Colts, today I like to announce the full fledge first time in American history that a pony had became the first officer since the American civilwar in 57, today I like to announce the first pony. Gold Star. Please step up, and you give him a applause." The Colonel said shortly, as the men clapped. A tan stallion pony walked up the podium, with a pure tan fur coating, Brown Unshorn fetlock hooves, brown mane, and had a decently brown formal uniform as he took up the podium and spoke. "Greetings." Vanhoover After being dropped off to a Hotel room in Vanhoover, home of the Equestria Socialist, he was reading a news paper regarding the incident of the Crystal city and how his name was butchered. And that a new Human-Pony Crystal city division was formed as the first mix species division. He snarled at the picture of the mane 6 when a pony stallion knocked at the door and slipped a envelope inside of Yuri's room. Yuri got up from the bed and picked up the letter, it had the Red Mother's hand writing. "Let's see what plan B is mother.." He said, as he opened the envelope and looked at the file within it. He looked at the picture and quickly grabbed the news paper to see the same face in the picture. "Hehehe.. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So... Mr. Yates... Let's see what you got." Said Yuri, as he cleared his desk.. And started planning... > Chapter 4: 1003 ALB, Negotiations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Douglas Petrie: 978-1003. cause of death: Cancer. After the funeral ceremony I went inside of the cafeteria and waited for everyone to enter for the meal that was provided but I wasn't hungry.. Those past two years off of the Statcom and into shit ton of missions and for what.. To find out that my Captain is now dead... Just when I was about to just up and leave when a decorated admiral came to my table and sat down. "You must be Mr. Yates?" The Admiral smiled, but I gave no reply... We were both silent for a moment before the Admiral picked up where he left off. "You know, I heard stories about one man strangling a Changeling Queen at the incident in Canterlot, I said to myself that this wasn't true but seeing you in person I see why they'd say that." The Admiral smirked. "Well, I guess stories are sometimes fact." I replied, looking outside of the window with the American Pride ship, the Statcom, settling along the docks waiting for a new commander to head it. "Magnificent isn't she? I dreamt of being the admiral of the ship and well.. I guess dreams do come true." The Admiral smiled. "Your the replacement?" I guessed. "Of course, I've been the commander of the FNS-Raymond, and well, it was boring trying to man a Battleship.." The Admiral smiled. "Heh. Well if that's where you came from admiral, it should surprise you that this is more advanced than what you've commanded. Sir." The man laughed and than continued. "No matter! We could be friends yes?" The admiral replied excitedly, before he turned to see a group of men calling him over. "I must go, do say keep in touch?" The Admiral asked. "Touché." I replied, making him chuckle. "Hasta Luego, amigo." He spoke in his Kubian accent. I looked at the Admiral and smiled, not because the man is very jolly, but the man might be the first of something.. "Mr. Yates." Yelled a man with a black suit and black sunglasses, as he walked towards me with a letter. "Yes?" I replied. "Uncle Sam, and President Ronald Reagan request your presence." The Secret Service man said, as I look at the envelope titled my name. "When?" "Immediately.." Zebrica, Colthage city, American Controlled Port Amber. "So... You must be the infamous brothers, the Wayne's.. Hm, it's rare to command two of the same family." The General chuckled. "I mean, atleast we can keep out eyes on each other... Right David!" "Hey don't look at me I wasn't the one who was late when we were-" "That's enough! Both of you!" Yelled the General, silencing the two brother as he sighed. "There's a.. Reason why I called you both here, the Eclipse Brigade is getting shutdown and rebranding." The General informed. "Rebrand? Rebrand to what exactly sir?" Asked David, before being smacked on the elbow. "We're now going from a espionage team to total absolute special forces. We'll be called the Special Air Unit (SAU), and while we can't continue on spying on what's soon to be our ally-" "Ally sir?" "Yes Lian.. Ally, we're going to be patching up relations with Equestria." The General replied. "So... Why are we involved then?" Asked Lian. "Yea what's our purpose?" Second David. "You'll be personally handing a apology letter to Celestia and the other 5 Equestrian staff members that I've written at the request of the President of the United States!" The General informed. "Wow... The fact that we became soldiers to postmen is a downturn." Lian expressed. "Here here.." "This is no joke you dumbasses! If you screw this up not only you'll be discharged from the army and this unit! But you'll fuck us over with Equestria accepting peace with humanity! SO DON'T FUCK THIS UP! GOT IT!?" Shouted the General, forcing the two to salute. "SIR YES SIR!" Shouted the two in unison. "Good, there's a helicopter with your names on it that'll be transporting you to capitol hill." The room went silent for a moment as the two waited for more what the General was going to say. "That means GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!" And immediately the Wayne brothers bolted out of his office and towards the heli-bay. The next day, Ponyville It was the usual average day in Ponyville, despite of course the fact that the town is still cleaning up a mess that slapped them at their door step from the Everfree forest. Regardless though, the ponies there continued the usual lives. Oh look, the purple Alicorn is on a stroll through the town, surely this one has a average life. "Hahaha... Very funny Spike.." Twilight Sarcastically said, using her magic to look at her book. "What? Can't I find something productive with this Camera?" Spike asked. "If you want to find something productive with that Camera use it on flowers, or bees! Just let me get back to what I'm reading." Twilight said, going back into her book. "Is something wrong? For the past days since the elements you and the others gave up the elements to save Celestia and Luna you've been a bit busy.." Spike pointed out, making Twilight close her book. "I KNOW! OKAY! FIRST, I'M A ALICORN, SECOND, THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY IS POOF! GONE! AND NOW I HAVE TO FIND A WAY OF HOW TO BE A PRINCESS LET ALONE-" "Woah! Woah! Woah! Okay so a lot went by, but we're not at that point yet, take it easy! It's like Rarity say's I... Actually I don't know what Rarity says to be honest.. But I'm sure it's something better for you situati-" Spike was then quickly embraced by Twilight without warning. "I know.. And you're right, maybe I can move aside my studies and focus on the princess stuff later, now how about some ice cream?" Twilight smiled. "That's the spirit! But uhh. Can you let go of me you're kinda cutting off my oxygen hehe.." "Oh sorry, makes me forget how wittle your tiny body is." Twilight blurted. "Ok that took to a weird turn." After the conversation between the half-siblings (Because Twilight refers to Spike as her half-brother._.) the two had finished their desert made by their friendly neighborhood jokester that breaks the physics of everything. (And by physics I mean breaking every stories fourth walls like Styrofoam) Despite the outrage of Pinkie Pie breaking fourth walls, the two smiled when they came out of the bakery. "You know Spike? Maybe you're right! I should take a break from the princess stuff, after all I got my friends to hang with." "Heh, about time." Suddenly, sounds of blades could be heard throughout Ponyville as the locals stepped out to look up and see what was making those sounds. Twilight looked around at first before Spike tapped her on the side. "Umm, Twilight." He pointed, revealing Marine One flying by Ponyville causing a spectating crowd to come out and look at the flying wonder as it showed it's flags on it's side and the name "American Federation States" on both of it's side. "What in Celestia..." Canterlot "Are you sure your student is prepared for this Tia?" "It's been a long time since I've spoken to any human leaders since.." Celestia looked at her sister with a deepened emotional expression thinking about the time where she banished her sister to the moon because of the mistakes Celestia made in the past. With Luna returned since then, the human nations were willing to open negotiations but never gotten the time to do them. The only human nation that was about to do the negotiations and break the continental stand off between Humarica and Equis was the Southern Argendine Federation.. But due to sudden declaration of war from Thestria that resulted in the current bloodshed being waged between two sides followed by a bloody rebellion in Parsley by the 'Slavic Army' and with the same war now becoming a dead lock conflict of never ending Artillary exchanges the entire Humarican nations called for the Federation to deal with breaking the relation stand off but was declined by Carter, which was before he was discovered to be non-existent and was a changeling, but with Regan in office with the promise to break this continental cold war he has not provided how he'll do it. "Tia.. It was my fault for allowing something like it to happen, not yours.." "I still had a part with it regardless.." "Tia.." "Let us go, Lulu." Meanwhile at the between fields of Ponyville and Canterlot, Marine one nears it's destination. "Mr. President, we're now nearing our destination sir." Informed the Pilot. "Keep it smooth and steady, other than that keep up the good work." Replied Reagan. Vesalpolis Chrysalis looked upon her subjects that were with questions, since her defeat in Canterlot she now sits on her throne thinking on how to avenge such loss.. That was when a changeling guard came up to her. "What is it my subject?" Asked the Queen. "Your highness, we just captured a intruder, a human one." "A HUMAN!? *Ahem* what is this.. Humans.. Name exactly?" Asked the Queen. "It's not the human that humiliated you I can assure." Replied the Changeling guard, as Chrysalis grinded her teeth. "Than what is the human's buisness coming here then!?" Chrysalis asked. "I think it's becau-" "That's a rhetorical question.. Send the human to the pit." Chrysalis ordered. "My majesty, he requests that he sees you." The Changeling said, intriguing Chrysalis. "Oh? Does he beg for his life already?" The Queen asked. "I'd certainly like to here his plea." "Not that request, he wants to make a.. Partnership." "Partnership? And what benefits do I have with him in a partnership?" Chrysalis asked. "He has some type of briefcase with him, he claims that 'it might be our way of victory over the ponies'." The Guard repeated the prisoners words. Chrysalis stood on her four hoofs and thought for a moment. Before smiling at the quote. "Send him here then, he has 5 minutes to impress me or I will send him to the pit." Chrysalis reconfigured her order. "Yes your Majesty." Replied the guard, as he flew out of the room and whistled to the guards that was escorting the stranger who was not even in bondage or shackled. "YOU DIDN'T CUFF HIM!?" Chrysalis yelled. "He seemed cooperative and promising my majesty." Replied the guard. "I should send YOU TO THE PIT MYSELF! But it seems whatever this being wants I might consider sparing your life, now as for you human! What purpose do you have in my hive!" Snarled Chrysalis. The human cleared his throat and stretched his V necked vest and replied. "I may introduce myself as Erwin Rommel. And since the kind bugs brought me to your domain, I heard about the news of the Amerikan intervention in the international affairs of the Changelings and saw it as outrage. And when my country, which is currently at war with the Bat ponies, was invaded I soon realized that the major powers were not going to help.. So to get back for this betrayal! I decided to steal old and new types of technologies that may benefit you. Such as the STG-44, MP-40, and Gewehr rifles." Presented Rommel, as the Changelings that was watching the throne room and spectators watching from their hive holes whispered in amazed surprise, and Chrysalis lifted her right eye impressed. "Interesting.. What type of other weapons are you offering to my cause?" Chrysalis asked. "The type that would mop the floor with the Equestrians and even the Griphonians. Just one thing." Paused Rommel. "The Amerikans will most likely attempt to sabotage this type of build up, and from what I seen of them they could threaten our army." Chrysalis looked to her two Changeling advisors present and then turned towards Rommel and asked. "What would you like us to do? Field Marshal." Smiled Chrysalis. As the Changelings behind her chuckled and laughed at what the madman has brought them. Canterlot Celestia and Luna met with Cadence and Shining armor, who came for this opportune moment as representation for the Crystal empire. "It's great for you two to take time from helping the Crystal Ponies, but are you sure you can trust your advisors?" Asked Celestia. "I'm sure they can handle the city for a while, why to miss something this big?" Cadence replied. Celestia nodded but looked at Shining armor who was looking at the letters that his sister sent him about the helicopter that flew over head, he looked up and asked. "Can I speak with you for just a moment in private?" Asked Shining, making Celestia curious. "Luna, Cadence?" Celestia requested. "It's alright, come with me Cadence, I think I should provide you more history on our human friends." Luna acknowledged, as she and Cadence left the throne room and went outside Shining Armor looked at Celestia and Celestia stared right back at Shining Armor. "Is something wrong Shining?" Questioned Celestia. "I've been thinking lately... Ever since the everfree incident I thought my sister was going to crack, and to my expectations she did but her friends helped her, but now.." Shining paused for a moment, looking at the glass window of his sisters rise to alicornhood. "Now with new responsibilities.. I'm not so sure what to think what your idea is for this important meeting.." "What is it to be worried about? Your sister had came a long way, you should be proud to be called her brother. But in the matter of this meeting however, that is something you must see for yourself..." Replied Celestia, placing her hoof under Shining's chin with a smile. "You think she'll be keeping herself together after all these times? I have to know, she is going to flip when the humans ar-" Suddenly a purple Alicorn with her 2 friends spawned out of no where above the two and landed right beside them. The girls rubbed their heads in aggravation. "Next time... Learn where to land!" Complained Rainbow Dash, as the girls got up and Celestia tilted her head a bit and chuckled. "Bumpy landing as usual Twilight." Smiled Celestia, as Twilight got on her hoofs and stared at her former mentor. "Did you get the letter!?" Asked Twilight, while Spike was hopping off from her mane. "Of course I did, but I would've explained if it wasn't for the rapid arrival from the human leaders." Celestia replied. "H-h-HUMAN LEADERS!??!" Yelled Twilight. "Oh great... Here we go again.." Groaned Spike. "Yes Twilight, human leaders will be here for a momentous occasion, this is very important." Celestia stated, as Rarity slid Twilight to the side. "You mean the same race that made my inspiration of fashion!?" Rarity then passes out which who was then catched by Rainbow Dash. "C'mon Rarity! I get that this type of race is very admirable, especially with the... COOL HIGH FLYING JETS!" Excited Dash, dropping Rarity in the outburst. "If I would've known they're coming I would've started decorating right away!" "Twilight-" "Okay we need to start now, Rainbow could you perhaps-" "Twilight! There is no need for decorations, you already have a role in these negotiations." Celestia explained, snapping Twilight off of the decoration uhh.. Stuff. "I.. Do?" Twilight asked. "Of course you do, but that will be provided later for now we must." Celestia was interrupted by a Canterlot guard who entered the throne room to notify the princess of Equestria. "Your highness, they're here." Before taking off I was called by Uncle Sam to be in these proceedings as a military operative, meaning I was on guard duty.. Then again it's more fun being the guard rather than to sit around and wait, although that's practically what body guarding is typically... Anyways, when I heard we were going to Canterlot I was a bit surprised, but not as surprised was when I overheard one of the pilots flying the helicopter that we were going to break the great political stalemate that started in 70 ALB. The political stalemate, or the Humarican-Equis freeze, was included in the treaty of cloudsdale signed between President Abraham Lincoln and Princess Celestia that formally ended the Lunar wars altogether but unofficially it also meant no more political relations meaning we didn't no longer trust Equestria all the while trust it, yea I know that makes zero sense but I didn't draw up the treaty! Anyways, after centuries the Humarican continent didn't bother trying to break this deadlock and yet for some reason when they did try to break it, it would coincidently happened that Thestria would declare war on the nation trying to break the deadlock. However despite protest, threats, and warnings from the previous presidents that served the American Federation Thestria would continue to suppress anyone trying to make the peace with Equestria... I guess Uncle Sam and Reagan had enough of their bullshit and decided to do it themselves. Anyways, during the ride I was told to body guard a pony... Yea you heard that right a pony, I never knew why a particular pony is important but of course as I'm writing this I'm sitting right across him right now. "Hey." Greeted Gold Star. "Sup." I replied. I went back to writing this but he seems very calm and likes the scenes, makes me wonder if he's pragmatic, the Federation could use Generals like that nowadays even though he's a Captain just by the patch on his leg. "So, you must be the mighty Yates who beaten the hell out of Chrysalis, I have to say you had guts kicking her ass, word of advice though, I'd would've kicked her in the ass even more given my chance." Gold Star chuckled, and so did I. "Heh, funny much? I heard about you too, your Captain Gold Star of the 105th division, the same division I was trained in before shipping off to the navy, first pony hm?" "Yea, don't wear that down, I wouldn't know how I got myself in this, but I'm proud to be in the ranks here than in any other ranks." "That's what they all say, but you on the other hand though.. You seemed to be more different than the other species I've met, then again I've only met Griffons, ponies, and maybe recently Changelings. But who do I know I'm just the bodyguard." "Hey.. Don't put yourself like that, hell your a Lieutenant who happened to be in the type of position no one thought you'd be for crying out loud!" "Huh, from a pony like you, I have to say you have yourself some words. Thanks." "No mention." "Lieutenant Yates, and Captain Gold Star, we're nearing our destination please hold tight." Informed a marine, saluting to me and Gold Star. "Thank you Corporal, dismissed." Replied Gold Star, which the marine lowered his saluting arm and left our sights. "Well, I guess that's about the end of our joyride, want to conversate some more later?" Gold Star asked. "If you survive and I complete my job sure." "Hehe, alright then." The Nobles that lived near the Castle of Canterlot watched from the balconies of their near by mansions as the royal sisters, family, and Twilight and her friends stand in front of what would be the landing area for what the world knows as the 'helicopter.' Meanwhile Reagan looked out the window and fixed his collar. "Well Sammy, it's showtime." Said Reagan. As the helicopter landed on the empty spot that the Princesses anticipated to land at with the engines dying down and the propellers slowing down the door opens revealing a marine who slowly walks down the stairs of the helicopter, who then ceremonially turns 90 degrees left and then slowly salutes. The nobles continued to watch the whole thing infront of their eyes as the next person to come out was none other than President Ronald Reagan who exited the chopper and turned towards the saluting marine and saluted back at the soldier in which the marine slowly goes at ease as the president turned towards Princesses Celestia and Luna. He walks forwards with a grin and a chuckle, something Celestia doesn't expect especially when for years her kingdom and a human nation had been in a standoff for years and it made her tense if not skeptical with the president when he spoke. "Nice weather today Aint it princess?" The President said, which made Celestia raise her brow. "Indeed it is.. What relevant does it have Mr?" "You can call me 'Mr. President' or the 'ruler of the great lands' or 'king of country' but please, I prefer to be called Reagan your highness, after all I like to cool down the temper slowly and gently wouldn't you say?" Reagan added. "I mean, it's a surprise Mr. Reagan that you out of all presidents has a optimistic view in the situation that lasted for a thousand years! Especially since the-" Celestia's mouth was covered by Luna's hoof because of the word "Lunar war" which was a continental curse word that many humans believed that saying it would make them lose a war they're currently fighting, thing is however, the American Federation recently bombed the fucking hell out of the Z.I.T.S. Organization to the point were they just up and surrendered to the M1 Abrams that was parked outside of their final stronghold while also starving nearly to death. Though Celestia heard about the Operations conducted by the American human forces and made her saddened when she heard the suffering the Zebrican's went through, however she also thought back of what the ZITS did when they exploited and extorted her ponies with a illegal underground criminal network in Baltimare. The ponies that were rescued by American forces reported to be raped, tortured, and beaten. When they arrived to Equestria onboard American transport ship they came back as if nothing ever happened to them... Only thing different was their PTSD or the brutality with the round about of 234 ponies exploited or extorted. Regardless Celestia never thanked the American government for cleaning up the mess that the Equestrians didn't noticed up until December of 1002. And now, she stands infront of the same man responsible for those 234 ponies lives being rescued under his orders. "If you were trying to say Lunar Wars I don't think that phrase will linger that long when what I'm about to do will bring prospering peace between our continents, and you princess Celestia, will be the one to jumpstart it. If you wish of course?" Reagan smiled, causing a murmur in the crowds as the diplomats that are with him also murmured. "Welp, he spelt doom for his country." Said one Diplomat. "Eh, atleast he knows it's for the greater good for our nations to." Said another. "Touché." Said Diplomat one. As Celestia raised her hoof the crowd, including the Humarican diplomats, went silent and she then extended her hoof out in a gesture of friendship, which Reagan smiled in acceptance as he grabbed Celestia's hoof and shook it with Hoof to hand shake, making the spectators clap their hooves in cheer while the nobles and government official breath in a sigh of relief knowing it's almost over. "Would you like to come inside Mr. Reagan? I have prepared refreshments in your arrival." Celestia offered. "It'd be a honor Celestia, well come on boys, lets get the peace train on shall we?" Chuckled Reagan, as the other diplomats stepped out from the helicopter along with me and Gold Star and Uncle Sam. While we enter the glorious castle of Canterlot I might as well provide some info about the diplomatic colleagues with me. The human diplomats came from the nations of Kuba, Haitai, Dominica, Bolivi, and Argendina. Originally The Southern Federation of Argendina was going to break the continental stand off before the Thestrians launched the war in their territory in 1002, in fact, Argendina was not the only country that was going to break the stand off, the nation of Parsley was originally going to break the continental stand off before Thestria declared war and conquered the land that's now bat territory, which followed of course was Argendina being at war. With that said the American government must have been pissed when they discovered that just recently and threatened to sanction Thestria, even though they deny the accusation that they're preventing a peace process with Equestria, I wasn't really given a schedule other than just receive a letter and than get thrown inside of the Helicopter and fly away. But anyways, after entering the castle of Canterlot the Wayne brothers were busy handing out the apology letter that apparently disclosed every operation ever conducted on Equestrian soil. For three examples... When they handed letter one to Prince Blueblood he was furious when he read the part that the Eclipse brigade had infiltrated the military high command and sabotaged important blueprints that would've benefitted Equestria's military causing them to be postponed until 1006... Letter two was given to Neighsayer who read that the eclipse Brigade had actually planned to bomb the infrastructure and the EDU headquarters in the case of war between the nations however in the letter he was also somewhat satisfied that they planned to send a bomb squad division to defuse or control detonate the planted bombs. And finally Letter number 3, was Spitefire, yes I put Spite with Spitfire because that's how pissed she was when she saw in the letter that eclipse brigade had apparently made attempts to have the Wonderbolts be disbanded through breaking down command and even bribe members to start fights or ultimately break loyalty to the Wonderbolts entirely. "Which one of you is a high rank.." Asked Spitfire, as David Wayne pointed at his brother. "Oh you littl- *SMACK!*" Lian was slapped in the face by a hoof who was holding a glass of punch that he got from the table and the punch he was hold spilled on his uniform and the ice cubes scattered. "Ok.. I kinda deserved that since I was basically in charge of that operation.. Ow.." "Hey! Atleast we got only two letters left to give!" David assured. "Yea... Two, maybe I should tell them you're the head of the entire army and see how they'll react to that." Lian grumbled, as he grabbed a ice cube and placed it on his cheek to cool down the hoof printed slap mark. "I'm sure they'll let us bygones be bygones won't they?" David asked in which Lian looked at the three ponies he gave the letters to hold something either sharp or use their hooves as a threat message with murderous intent. "I..... Don't think so.." After giving the three letters to the three out of five ponies they would eventually give the other two letters to the non-important characters that has no role other than their existence, leaving them with the six and last letter. And that was Princess Celestia, and may Lord Creator and Harmony the great spare them mercy. The Meet up While the two were handing out letters, princess Twilight was amazed at humanities move to bring peace to Equestria instead of giving the Equines the silent treatment, however she also finds it skeptical of it's intentions because as her mentor, Celestia, teached her when she was a filly that the human race does not seek peace but neither war, it didn't make since at first before she reached her teen years was when she figured out Celestia's phrase on humanity that while the human people on one side call for war the other side of the conflict calls for peace. But now, it seems either humanity had a change of heart, or it's a trap, but it didn't matter to her as she was looking at the diplomat list containing names of the participating negotiators and government officials. Of course it didn't provide pictures but it was good to know which countries are in the negotiations, and with the fact that Chrysalis had recently attacked her and her friends and their families made her realize that she can't take on all of the Changelings and that Equestria needs allies rather than relying on it's overseas colonies. (Of course with the Celestial islands being a bit advanced over time they were the most industrialized colonies in the Equestrian colonial commonwealth.) Even then Equestria could use help once in a while. And Twilight views this as a clear sign that Faust is giving that chance through the humans, so she decided to go through the list of potential allies. "Lets see... I don't think the Bolivians will be helping us soon.." She said to herself, scratching them off from the list. "Poor Argendinians already have something on their plate.. (Thanks a lot Thestria...)" She sighed, scratching Argendina off. "And I doubt Haitai, Dominica, nor Kuba are willing to help us either.. Actually, nevermind they're INCAPABLE of helping us." Twilight stoically said, slashing their name off the list of potential allies. She looks down at her options and saw one nation on the list.. But it aggravates her when she realizes that it'll be impossible to have the American nation as a ally because of the past incidents, but all of a sudden, just when she was going to cross them out she didn't look and slipped on a slippery ice cube and flew right towards the ground face flat and would broke her face. Or atleast that's what she thought when someone catched her fall just by inches from the ground. "Are you alright?" Asked a pony. Twilight brushed herself off. "Yea.. Thanks..." She turned to the pony who saved/prevented her aneurism when she saw a tan furred stallion pony, with brown Unshorn fetlocks, brown mane and tail, brown pupils, and is in a formal military uniform. The two went into a awkward silence, with the exception of the chatty people, for a minute before Twilight broke the silence and asked. "What's your name?" "My name? Well, my name is-" "YO GOLD STAR! I FOUND THE LEMONADE!" I shouted from the back, even though it punctured the crowd's chatty attitude it was worth it for da lemôn. However as I came to him I was a bit jaw dropped. Ok nevermind I was very surprised. "No ducking way.... Dude do you know who she is!!?" I said in a pony race supporter accent. Making Gold Star realize. "Are you Princess Twilight Sparkle?" He asked, which Twilight was shrugged and replied. "Yes I am, and you must be the first American pony officer in a human nation." Twilight stated, which made Gold Star a bit silent before toughing up and replied. "I've heard of stories about you and the elements of harmony, when you defeated Nightmare moon, or when you defeated Discord, and even Chrysalis. Considering that we couldn't even fight against power beings like Discord, but when you recently gave up the elements and defeated a forest it's very insane, and sacrificial. But it's also great that a capable pony like yourself is the reason for Equestria's secured future." 'holy crap, he's going all in' I thought to myself, watching the conversation. "Well, while we did defeat the evil that you've spoken of with the elements of harmony we however remember it as a lesson that's taught through hardships and doubt, I have my friends and it seems you have yours to it seems." She smiled at me... Holy shit she's smiling at me what the fuck do I do. "Well, It was nice to meet you Twilight, and I hope cooperation between our nations prosper permanently." Gold Star spoke in a hinting voice as he called me. "Let's go Yates." "Alright." I replied. As me and him nearly disappeared from the crowd Twilight smiled at him, it was a while that she'd be smiling at a stallion other than her brother, but something about him sparked something in her. Before a second spark appeared in her head. "Wait.. Did he just said.. "Cooperation between our nations?" But that would mean..." Suddenly her thoughts faded when a glass cup was clanged by Ronald Reagans fork in getting everyone's attention towards him. "Ladies, Gentlemen, Gentlecolts, and Mares. It is a honor to appreciate the peace that we the humans and the pony civilization that are about to sign here in this castle today, but that is not what I am here to announce. As of today we will be doing something different in diplomacy between the Federation and Equestria. We will be doing the personal diplomacy with a selected couple that will interconnect mentally and maybe spiritually, it will be conducted tonight after this diplomatic negotiations. Now without chit chat lets start signing the treaty shall we?" Reagan announced. "A personal diplomacy? What is that?" Twilight wondered. "Glad you ask." Spoke Celestia, as she smiled. . "Huh." Wondered Gold Star. "I didn't know there was thing called.. Personal diplomacy? I.. Don't know what that is, do you?" "No clue mate, I'm just your assigned bodyguard, nothing else really." I replied. "Mr. Yates." Called someone, stepping out of the crowd. "Mr. President? Nice to see you, I was about to come and ask-" He raised his hand in affirmation that he's going to explain, which I quiet myself and paid attention to him. "Captain Gold Star." . "Twilight Sparkle" . "You have been" "chosen" "to be in the personal diplomacy" "it aims to unify a nation by selecting one" "pony to bond with another" "if it goes well the nations will be" "permanently allies." "WHAT!!?" "Sorry I was eating my sandwich what was that?" "To repeat myself, Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle have been chosen for the personal diplomacy, which is when one from another nation is to bond. Like your average 900s boyfriend and girlfriends hang outs." Reagan reexplained. "....What da fuck..." Looking from a high point near the castle a man who is tasked of hunting me down stares through his binoculars in a chuckle, lowering it down to the rock. "How interesting, but I don't give a damn on what the Americans or the Equestrians plan on doing, all I need is him.. and him only hehehehe. AHAHAHA! Okay laugh time over lets get this over with.." He said, grabbing a suit case and choosing his weaponry load out. "Hmm.. Sniper could do, for assasinations of course, but our red mother want's him alive of course, so not much for this rifle, hmm.. MP9 could do.. But should I go loud for this? Nah probably not, what's next." He said, putting the MP9 back in the case and pulling out a Tranquilizer-SMG. "Ehh.. Unconventional use for a tranq gun, but then again I can use this in case the Yates target refuses to make my day easy, thank mother for telekinesis.. Alright I found my winner, rest of yall though.. You'll be as useful as I'll need yall... Isn't that strange? I'm talking to a suit case full of guns.. Huh." He closes the case and slangs it on his back and heads to a rented motel in Canterlot where he'll stage his capture operations succeeding would be the great benefit for the Northern Soviet Republic of States... "They really need to change that name though.." Said Yuri. Which I couldn't agree more.. Moskva, Soviet grand council "And that is why comrade Mother, that we should rename the NSRS with the name the Rodinian Soviet Republic States! That way the nations will not push us aside as a "north nation" thank your for listening in, comrades." The council made of 45 members clapped as the Red Mother placed her finger on her chin intrigued. "So, what do you think Secretary General?" Red Mother asked toward Brezhnev as he wasn't that impressed with the name change. "First off, Mr. Commissioner, the name we have makes more since since we're in the north, and also we've had it since it's founding and you want to change it all of a sudden?" Brezhnev protested. "But, may I remind Mr. Secretary, it was commissioned by our Red Mother that we find a new name for our motherland, she even said it was vital to the ideology that we have a proper name, just like Stalliongrad has right now." "A country named after it's city? Oh please, as if that doesn't sound familiar with Starlight's nation 'our town' I know that our ideology is based on the equal socialism of Caramel Marks, but may I remind that we have our own socialist policy of the Eleanor biography! And to say that the 'Our town' is too restrictive I've visited that place once and has shown to be... Creepy.. But to get back to relevance I..." "Secretary General, if you're finished rambling random words from your mouth, I'd like host the final vote if you please." Red Mother said, silencing Brezhnev's mouth. "Fine.." "Now, with that said let's get started, all in favor of changing the name from the Norther republic of soviet states to the Rodinian Soviet Republic States say aye." Immediately the room was filled with ayes and no nays, the commissioner smiled and the Red Mother smiled. "Thank you for the commission Mr. Commissioner, you will be granted a award with additional food rations for your family, now run along please." "Thank you, our Red Mother!" The Commissioner said, leaving the stage. "Now with that out of the way, let's start on a urgent matter. General Orlovsky, you had a report from the Arabian frontlines?" She asked, as General Vladimir Orlovsky came up stage. "Our Red Mother, I have came in to report that the Capitalist Arabian frontlines has crumbled and we've successfully pushed them out towards the great lakes straits, with the Trotgier front now under our allied comrades, the Arabian socialist, control we can now easily ship out the weapons more easily to our comrades in Zebrica." Reported the General. "Thank you general for that report, but now I like to ask, I heard that the Arabian army is currently revolting against the capitalist Arabians, is that true general?" Asked the Mother. "Yes our Red Mother, their army is revolting against the capitalist but also it seems to be revolting against us. We have reason to believe they've also adopted some type of new ideology... And even rallying behind it." The General replied. "And what would this... 'New' ideology be general?" She asked. "They call this, fascism, our Red Mother." Replied the general, the room then immediately lights up with murmurs on the new ideology when the Red Mother slammed her gavel on the hard piece of her chair, silencing the council chambers. "It's clear that this.. Fascist ideology is concerning, but just like all autocratic ideologies this... Will not exist. Is there anything else to report General?" She asked. "Yes.. One more thing." East Humarican Sea After the funeral ceremony was held the Statcom went out to the seas to commemorate their previous admiral while also conducting a bestowing ceremony to the new admiral. The camera they're using only has a black and white frame but they'll just use it for the time being, so they had the new admiral sit on a bench and tooked the picture. "It'll be a honor serving beside you sir." Said one of the seamen. "Yes indeed, now since we're in sea lets-" "Sir, we just gotten orders from the naval command." Said a Corporal, making Frederick raise his brow. "Already? But we just finished the funeral and the ceremony, shouldn't we drop off the camera men?" The Admiral questioned. "It's fine sir, it's been a while since someone gets a recording of this magnificent battleship." The camera men excused, which Frederick shrugged. "Alright then, but be sure to not get in our way understood?" The Admiral asserted. "Yes, sir." The Camera men replied. The Admiral nodded and walked up two pairs of stairs before reaching the command and control center that steers the entire battleship itself as the Admiral grabbed the radio from the top that communicates with the engine room and says. "Ahead full." Ordered the Admiral, as the Statcom speeds up to it's destination area of the given orders. . . Meanwhile in the depths of the seas, there lays a trap. "Anything yet?" Asked a Germanic Submarine commander. "Nien commandant, wait, wait, ja ja!" Responds the scope man, spotting the Statcom Battleship on the periscope. "Good, get me the phone with Admiral Reinhard, immediately." "Aye commandant!" . . . "Admiral, we've arrived to the area where the order is but.." "But what?" Asked the Admiral. "Apparently naval command had just sent out a report that they haven't sent any orders in today!" The Seaman replied. The admiral jolted his head back for a moment when he had a sudden realization. "Oh shit it's a trap! TURN STARBOARD SIDE! ALL HANDS ON DECK!" Shouted the Admiral as the sirens blared red in a alert. The crew immediately scattered towards their positions as the intercom ranged out. "ALL HANDS MAN YOUR BATTLESTATIONS! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" "We got to get in contact with a nearby fleet, which one is closest!" The Admiral asked. "Sir the Star-Hawk fleet is the only nearby fleet near, but that's 32 miles from us!" "It's do or die, get me contact with their admiral." "Yes sir-" "SIR! WE HAVE THREE DESTROYERS AND A SUBMARINE ON ALL SIDES!" Shouted a radar man, as the Admiral looked at the radar when he notices a sudden flash of a straight green line heading straight towards the battleship. "TORPEDO ON THE PORT BOW! STARBOARD TURN! STARBOARD TURN! GET US CLEAR FROM THOSE TORPEDOS!" Shouted the Admiral, as the Statcom abruptly turns to it's Starboard the narrowly dodges the two torpedo's that almost ram inside of the ships port bow. . . "COMMANDANT! WE MISSED!" Shouted the Periscope operator. "WAS!? NOTHING CAN DODGE THE TORPEDOES! FIRE TWO MORE!" Shouted the commandant, who grabbed a radio and shouted. "DESTROYERS! MAKE! IT! HARD!" . . "Sir! Two more torpedo's has been launched! And destroyers are turning their rear ugly guns towards ours!" The Radar man reported. "Do the same! AND GET US CLEAR WITH THOSE TWO TORPEDO'S AS WELL!" Shouted the Admiral. "AYE AYE ADMIRAL!" Said everyone in the room. The two torpedoes nearly hits the forward engine room of the battleship before the ship turned quickly but slowly, one torpedo completely missed but one torpedo scraped the bottom deck and nearly exploded before being turned towards another target. . . ".... Fuck this, CONTACT THE DESTROYER FLEET! AND DISMANTLE THAT DAMN BATTLESHIP! It'll be a pleasure to tell Rommel that we've sunk that burden of a battleship!" The Submarine commandant ordered. The three destroyers that surrounded the Statcom makes their move which one destroyer blocks the submarines view of the Statcom's Stern which in that moment the commandant knew, he fucked up. . . "Admiral! We got contact with the Star hawk fleet, they just deployed eagle squadron!" The radio man reported. "What's the ETA?" Asked the Admiral. "ETA is 20 minutes." "I'm sure we can last lon-" "INCOMING!!" Shouted a seaman as the Destroyers fired their cannons at the battleship followed by explosions that ringed through the captain's mind the crew on deck got on their feet. "DAMAGE REPORT!" "SIR! WE LOST THE MISSILE BAYS AND WE LOST ONE OF OUR SECONDARY GUNS! THE MAIN CANONS ARE STILL ACTIVE SIR!" "THEN SHOOT THOSE BASTARDS! AND GET US SOME BREATHING ROOM!" Shouted the admiral, as the ship steerer replied. "AYE AYE! STEERING TO-" "SIR THEY'RE CUTTING US OFF FROM ALL SIDES!" "All but one, begin the tactical backwards movement maneuver." The Admiral ordered, making the room dead silent. "WELL YOU HEARD ME DAMN YALL GET US MOVING BACKWARDS NOW!" "YES SIR! FULL ASTERN!" . . The Statcom goes backwards from the destroyers that attempts to squeeze it to death but the submarine commandant looked at the Statcom from the Submarine, which now made surfaced, watched in a ridiculed expression. "What are you up to Amerikans..." Wondered the Submarine commandant "When I say the word, turn our ENTIRE port side to those damn naval bitches." Cursed the Admiral. The ship slowly backs up and then goes into a total Astern U turn on the destroyers confusing them to the point that the Destroyers are now scattered all over the place which made the Submarine commandant thought of something that would be his last mistake. "THEY'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE! DESTROYERS CUT THEM OFF BEFORE THEY DO!" He shouted, and the destroyers responded but was still trying to re-coordinate due to them being scattered. "Sir! Two of the three destroyers are on our bows!" Reported the pathfinder. "Good, turret commander! Turn turret 3 and 1 on our starboard! And have turrets 2 and 4 on the port!" Ordered the admiral. "Yes admiral! TURN THOSE TURRETS AND BE READY TO SHOOT THOSE BASTARDS TO DAVY JONES LOCKER!" Immediately all four three tube turrets turned towards the two destroyers that surrounded them and that was when the commandant saw what he has done. "FIRE!!!" Shouted the Admiral. The ship unleashed it's payload on the destroyers that surrounded the battleship, blowing up turrets after turrets to torpedo bays after torpedo bays the crew that was seen operating the enemy destroyers flew mid air as the explosions ranged. A canon shell lands in one of the destroyers munitions bay and sunk it into two pieces. The second destroyer that was in the path of the onslaught was also sunk as a battleship shell exploded the command deck killing a naval captain and causing the ship to tip side and sunk to the depths. The remaining destroyer turns it's guns at the Statcom but by the time it fired it's canon a missile strikes it's canons and blows the ship in a series of chain reactions resulting in the entire destroyer to be lighten up in flames as oil spilled out and went up in flames, the ship burns like hell and sinks, the Eagle squadron arrives as F-14 jet fighters arrived to the Statcom's rescue as the naval men onboard the Battleship cheered as the jets flew by while the Federation Naval fleet Star Hawk arrived to the Statcom's aid. While this, the submarine commandant looks in rage as the submarine goes underwater when one of the deck crew arrived with a phone. "It's for you sir." The commandant placed the phone on his ear. "Hello?" He asked. "If you were here right now, you wouldn't like the face you'd see." Said Rommel, throwing something at a wall. "What now sir?" Asked the commandant. "Now... We go with plan B." > Stalliongrad Situation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stalliongrad city, the Supreme Soviet council building... The supreme soviet members sat on their seats waiting for the important announcement that was called by the current head of state, Altidya, on a situation within the party. A situation that would jump start a political violence.. "Fellow comrades of the Stalliongrad Soviet Republic, I am ashamed today, not just because of the fact that you've allowed our fellow ponies to starve on the street, but also because of the recent reports of treason within the party!" Altidya announced, starting a unrest of murmuring before the head of council shouted. "OUTRAGEOUS! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE US OF SUCH TREASON! WE SHOULD HAVE YOU REMOVED FOR THIS!" As the entire room lit up in protest the rest of the council members that supported the unitary party walked down and stood besides Altidya when the head of council saw the 45 members siding with her. Leaving only him and the other 30. "TRAITORS!" Shouted in protest by the council members that remained with the head of council. Before being silenced by sudden gun fire... 23 hours earlier, Moskva, Rodinian Soviet Republic of States. "After conducting an investigation we have believed that the N.I.B. And our comrade pony allies in Stalliongrad Unraveled pro-Equestrian supporters within the party secretly preparing to conduct an all-civilian coup on the Soviet Party of Stalliongrad." General Orlovsky reported. The Red Mother sat with her finger on her chin intrigued with a question in her mind. "How do they plan on doing this... ‘Civilian coup’ and how will they obtain this type of support for this uprising?" She directed the question to the general. "Our Red Mother, from what I've gathered it seems there has been recent reports as you can see up on the screen right here," he pointed towards the board with a projector projecting images of container ships exploding.  "These ships were a part of our shipping services that shipped food from one place to another, of course within Equestrian and Soviet treaties and regulations, the ships were not to be harmed but also  at the same time they're not to harbor anything that could advance Stalliongrad technology…  BUT! As you see in the image the ship is in fact a food transport ship, and while reports suggest it was an accident, the N.I.B. says otherwise when they handed me the report on the investigation, you see my fellow comrades of the Rodina, it was staged by none other than the head of the Supreme Soviet Council of Stalliongrad, Nikola Treshivich. We’re also believing that he's a Equestrian spy who works with the S.M.I.L.E. unit, and with destroying those ships he can have the people turn against our allies and call for reunification of Equestria.." The council members murmured in surprise and confusion while the Red Mother sat back disturbed with the news told before her until she leaned forward and asked. "Is that correct general Orlovsky?" "Yes our Red Mother, and we have photographic evidence sent in just now, as you see in the-" "That'll be enough general," she interrupted. "Excuse me, our Red Mother?" "That'll be all, this session is adjourned," she announced with the sound of the Gavel the meeting ended and she immediately got up from her seat and jogged outside the cold winter with Brezhnev following her. "Are you insane! Where's your coat!" Brezhnev asked. "I don't need one, now get the soviet military command online now." "Now?" "NOW!!" "Ok... Right away.." he replied without a protest. She turned to her bear and climbed on it and spoke. "To the palace, quick!" And immediately she rode on the soviet bear that ran through the snowy streets of Moskva as the people of the Rodina cleared the way for their leader who was now being escorted by police cars clearing the streets. After a long ride to the palace she jogged inside the door making a sudden entrance in the busy department that was either making phone calls or filing reports, she ran towards her personal elevator and ordered. "Foreign relations room, and fast." The elevator servant pressed the button and the elevator doors closed and the elevator went up toward 23 floors before opening up to a red carpeted room with a built-in fountain with the soviet sickle spewing the water out from the sickle tips. She walked towards the phone room where she makes her personal calls to every existing soviet leader/country in the current world. She rolled the telephone wheel two or three times before it made buzzing sounds to connect. . . Altidya was sitting in her office looking at the reports of a potential famine breakout, she looked at the reports in concern knowing that if these terrorist continued their attacks it might starve the population out to the point of social economic collapse, just as she placed her paper down in stress and anger the RSRS-Stalliongrad direct phone line ringed which she was eager to pick up the phone because it would mean that salvation has come. She picked the phone up and spoke. "Hello? This is Altidya of Stalliongrad what's the situation-" "Altidya." "Eleanor? It's been a while since I've spoken to you since-" "There's no time, is Nikola still the leader of the council?" The Red Mother asked "I mean of course he is. If anything he's starting to get a bit scary lately.." "Okay listen, I will be sending you evidence, but him and other 30 members in the councils are traitors, we've already Identified them so you don't have to execute the wrong members on accident, alright?" "Wait... Nikola? Are you saying he's a.." The line went silent for a moment before Altidya's eye's were enraged and she bashed her hoof on her desk in anger. "That traitor! I'll have the Stalliongrad army take care of him!" "Don't, if you do there will be an armed rebellion to take his place, tomorrow my men will deal with them and the potential rebels. But in the meantime do not say anything about our conversation, is that clear Alti?" Altidya looked left and right to see if somepony was eavesdropping on her conversation and then replied. "Understood.." "Good, form the council meeting tomorrow at 3:30 pm, and informed the non-traitors about the other traitors and my men will take care of the rest."  "Alright, I'll see your men soon." Altidya hung up the phone when a knock was made on her door which came in was Nikola. "I have the papers from the council, they like to know what your solution is to the situation, politically and socially," Nikola asked, which Altidya within herself replied. "Call a meeting for the council at 3:30 pm, and I'll provide you.. My solution to this crisis.." Present time Altidya looks at the now deceased Nikola who has been shot by multiple PKM rounds to the back, along with the other 30 members who are now dead. The remaining 45 and Altidya were quickly evacuated from the building by Rodinian soldiers but when Altidya stepped outside she looked around and saw MI-8 helicopters landing to deploy the airborne and special forces soldiers wearing Atlyn helmets with black ski masks over their faces. She then notices that her city is now covered with what seems to be the entire RSRS army, only it was about 5% of it. Rodinian T-72 tanks and BTR-80s rolled into the streets as she looked to see ponies hiding their fillies in fear of what was going to happen when she looked at the person who was overseeing the entire operation in her home territory. "You must be General Orlovsky, I heard about your victories in Saddle Arabia." Altidya conversed with the human. "Give me a moment Romanov, for now rendezvous with Malashenko and we'll speak then." He spoke on the radio, before placing it on the table and turning towards Altidya. "And you must be Altidya, the head of state I presume, sorry to break the news to you but your rivals were not the traitors and they are currently rallying the troops against a potential uprising." Orlovsky reported. "I wasn't going to ask that, unfortunately they weren't the traitors though, but what uprising?" She asked solemnly, which Orlovsky was a bit reluctant to answer before he got a grip of himself and replied. "Apparently we were too late to quell him in time, there's reports that counter-revolutionaries has taken up arms in Petershoof, and they just captured the capitol building and the city." Reported Orlovsky, making Altidya concerned.. "But.. Will you deal with this? Should I send the Stalliongrad red army?" She asked. "No, it'll be best that the Stalliongrad army does not participate in this operation for the sake of friendly fire, the rebels are using their uniforms they've stolen from the armories, it's a matter of time before they acquire ranged weapons from black market dealers, but nonetheless, we'll deal with them for now try to keep your people calm on what's going on, is that understood?" Orlovsky instructed, which in response Altidya nodded affirming his instructions and moved back to her capital building where she resonates within. Orlovsky turned back to the radio and spoke. "Lieutenant Romanov, and captain Malashenko, execute planned order code 0." Canterlot I was lounging around the throne room waiting on whatever the hell a personal diplomacy is and why Gold Star and specifically Twilight Sparkle.. Her two friends, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity left Canterlot though for some personal things. But what about me? Well I don't know what or why but something fishy is going on here.. And I plan to figure it out one way or another... . . Meanwhile as I plan to figure it out Celestia, Luna, and Ronald Reagan were in another room that would be the dining area of the castle with Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle sitting by each other wondering why they've been chosen. Of course before anyone says it, Twilight breaks the silence barrier. "Why us! Is there something between me and him that happened to get you two interested?!" Celestia and Reagan shrugged, but Luna rolled her eyes and the two stared at her which made her a bit aggravated before she sighed and replied to Twilight's question. "it is  not because of something between thou and Gold Star, mine sister and Reagan had already planned this since they first contacted us about the diplomatic mission that was going to be launch, 'tis naught to worry about other than befriend Gold Star and talk about thy feelings, naught else major." Explained Luna, which made Twilight twitch her ear a bit and then nodded her head down. "I understand... So what do we do in the meantime?" Twilight asked, while Luna rolled her eyes towards Celestia in a grunt. Which Celestia caved in on Luna's grunt and replies "You and Gold Star will be, like my sister said, speaking to each other, nothing else," said Celestia. "That's fine if he's fine with it?" Twilight questioned. "I'm fine with it," said Gold Star. "Then it is settled, you two may be free to go on your way." Celestia excused the two, but as Twilight was about to exit the door Celestia stopped her for a moment and whispered. "Be sure to know who you're supposed to know." Twilight raised her eyes a bit when Gold Star called out. "Are you coming?" He asked. "Coming!" Replied Twilight, catching up to Gold Star as the two now exitted the castle Reagan walked towards a window of the twin sisters reuniting after Luna's freedom from Nightmare moon. "It seems I've missed a lot here, if Uncle Sam knew about this he would've started negotiations ages ago," said Reagan, admiring the window art. "But that's where you're wrong Mr. Reagan, he already knew that my sister had returned from banishment." Celestia interjected. "Hm.. Then why did he wait this long to start the negotiations if Princess Luna had already returned from her banishment in the first place then?" Reagan questioned. "Perhaps... There's something that none of us really knows about, all I can say is trust him." Celestia grinned, while Reagan nodded. "I don't know who made these windows, but I'm about to see who the designer is and maybe talk about adding my own for the white house." Reagan chuckled, but was also serious about finding the designer who made the windows. "Should we tell him?" Luna asked. "About what?" Asked Reagan, as Celestia chuckled. "I don't think that's how these windows work." Celestia replied. "Are you meaning to say that they shift?" Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle walked through the populated city of Canterlot where the usual businesses have been made mainly per daily, Gold Star gazed at the city's ancient beauty, while Twilight pondered Celestia's words on what she meant of who she's supposed to know. Gold Star, being optimistic over everything, sees that Twilight is in her pondering face which how he knew was not really known but he let her ponder things out for a minute before he stopped at an apple stand and paid four bits for two apples. He took a bite and loved its delicate taste. "Heh, compliments to the farmers ey?" Gold Star said, trying to brighten Twilight's mood. "Isn't your friend an apple farmer?" He asked, referring to Applejack who is also the element of Honesty. "I mean, back from where I am there are loads of those, especially in the Tex State, of course that was also where the pear family ponies also live in and.. The whole conflict.. And so on," Gold Star dreaded, but again, Twilight was not replying to his compliments, his gratitude or anything.. So with one more thing in his mind that he liked as much as she loves, and something that he can relate with Twilight. He grabs a map from his military-provided saddle bag with his hoof and looks at the map of Canterlot and sees a library not too far from where he and Twilight are, so with Twilight still pondering he decides to pull a fast ball and turns right. Twilight started to break off from pondering when Gold Star made an unexpected turn and quickly catched up. He decides to make his move. "You know, I would be enjoying the view in Canterlot while I could, it's a once in a lifetime experience you know," said Gold Star, to which Twilight rolled her eyes and replied. "I've been through these streets a thousand times already, I mean it's nothing harsh or anything, but I don't think this will ever work out between us!" She yelled. "What?" "What? Is that the whole point!? It's clearly a stage just to have my hoof in marriage! It's nothing else than some attempt, nopony could even match up to me and even if they do they won't even stand with what I do daily!!" "I don't really know what you're talking about but all I can say is that I doubt that's what it is, besides we're just getting to know each other and not straight into the train hole!" "But what exactly do we have in common! Why did Celestia and your leader choose you to be a part of this 'personal diplomacy' and what is Celestia's goal here!" Aggravated Twilight. But before Gold Star answered she bumped into a wooden door and looked at the building that said the "Library of Canterlot knowledge" which made her a bit surprised and curious. She turned towards the Gold Star with an unamused expression on her face. "Very funny… As you've known by now everypony already knows that I like books, my favorite in particular is-" "Starswirls book of Spells." "Starswirls book of Spells." Said the two in perfect unison which made Twilight pop out of her own head. "Wait, you know Starswirl's book of Spells? Or are you just guessing?" She asked. "Guess? No. Knowing it? Yes! Like are you serious? I've read that book ever since I've joined the military, in fact I've read most of the books ranging from unicorn and pegasi magic, of course considering that I'm just a earth pony I still find that it's good for the Earth ponies to tend to the earth. For example, did you know that in the book "The Lost Magic of Equus" that the Earth Ponies use to have magic to grow vines and even instantly grow crops?" Gold Star stated. "I.... I didn't know there was any such book at all! But even if there was it would've most likely been in the most high secured place in all of Equestria that only the princesses could-" "Woah relax... I got the book from the National Library of Congress, Washington Capital has some interestingly good books nowadays." Twilight lowered her wings and scratched her mane in a sweaty grin. "Hehe... Right..." The two were quiet and then Twilight used her horn and opened the library door entering inside of the Library of mass knowledge as Gold Star looked in amazement of the knowledge he'll want to consume. Twilight looked backed towards Gold Star and asked. "Would you.. Join me?" She asked. "Heck yah!" Replied Gold Star as he and Twilight vanned out in search of books to read. Petershoof, Stalliongrad, Operation Zone "ОДИН! ДВА!" The commissar dropped his entire arm signaling the firing squad to execute the rebels they captured in Petershoof as the battle raged in the sky and the ground. BMP-1 armor vehicles arrived with troops to quell the pony rebels trying to get Stalliongrad to join Equestria, but the rebellion is nearly dismantled if it wasn't for the unicorns using lethal magic against the soldiers and the tanks the rebels would've been suppressed, but somehow the unicorns knew how to use magic lethally, as if someone had teached them how to.. Either way, the MIG jet fighters had been at work intercepting pegasus as part of the rebellion to prevent them from changing the weather. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Ogav was called into service and accepted the call, he sent his now daughter in law to his mother who still lives in the Tartar region of Rodinia. He was assigned to his old company the 134th armor-infantry brigade where he's supposed to be apart of the spearhead assault into Petershoof, the company recently had a new second name called the "Malashenko company" which is lead by none other than Nikolai Malashenko. Malashenko had a reputation of being optimistic and when push comes to shove, he would execute orders to the harshest extent, however he is also known to be reckless and brutal, the only person with the leash would be General Orlovsky but even then it wouldn't surprise the Red Mother when she'd gets request to have his rank suspended but at the moment she replied to Orlovsky to basically tell him to suck it up. Whether Ogav knew all of that was true or not, he was ordered to personally meet Malashenko in his tent about how they'll launch the spear head. At the moment they're waiting for the Soviet weather division to arrive and clear the rainy weather out because when they launched the initial assault the rebel pegasus were attempting to flood the place before being shot down. It's still raining but not heavily, but the area has been getting muddy to the point of no man's land forcing the division to go uphill, while it was still raining it wasn't muddy.  With that said, Ogav swallowed his pride and went inside of the tent where he stumbled upon Malashenko in his conversation with other officers when it seemed that Malashenko noticed Ogav entered or that he finished planning but he concluded the planning and demanded. "Alright, everyone but Ogalivich Volklav, please get out of my tent."  The officers left Malashenko's tent all except for Ogav who now stands in front of his new commanding officer who was examining all over the war stricken man. "We finally meet at last Mr. Volklav, take a seat. I prefer that we talk properly and not stand around and point at maps." Nikolai chuckled, as Ogav took up his offer and sat down silently. "Not much of a talker I assume?" Said Malashenko. "Not much... You requested my presence major?" Asked Ogav. "Indeed, I've heard of your victories you've made with this division's old commanding officer, it was shameful that he had passed on in the hot deserts instead of his warm house in Caucausia," grieved Malashenko. "Yes indeed.. But he would want us to win this battle if he was here," said Ogav. "Indeed he would, now I ask for your advice." Malashenko rose up from his seat and pointed at the city of Petershoof. "According to the now "Rodinian Intelligence Bureau," they noticed that the city has been captured by the rebels at the start of the cleansing operation just hours ago, it also appears that according to Orlovsky they've planned this rebellion from the start but as for the start date, it was a bit mildly concerning.`` "So, what are you saying exactly?" Ogav questioned. "I'm saying that they possibly planned to start their organized uprising in 1008, 5 years from now, if we hadn't replied sooner then this rebellion would've been even more of a struggle than it is right now." Malashenko simply explained. "That does explain some things, I also had a clutch that they blew those container ships with food just to rally up numbers, but what does that do for spearheading with this assault?"  "There my friend is where the plan comes in, knowing these rebels, they're not even organized if not trained, but they will use the city to their advantage so to crush the rebellion we must destroy the city," Malashenko said. "What?? But what about the pony civilians?" Ogav asked. "What about them?" "Are we not going to evacuate them?" Ogav questioned. "Of course not, they'll most likely just conspire against the Stalliongrad government, everyone in the city is better off dead, than alive, including the children, who knows what types of bombs these terrorists might strap on them." Malashenko outrageously said.  "What!? But think of the children! Lives! Are you sure you want to blatantly execute innocent lives!?" "LISTEN LIEUTENANT!" Shouted Malashenko, silencing Ogav's protest. "I have my orders, and you have your orders. You will be in charge of commanding the T-72s and the BTR-60s to scout the streets of Petershoof and during this you are to place remote detonated flare markers in these specific spots of the city," briefed Malashenko, before angrily looking at Ogav. “Those are not orders and you know it!” "My orders or not Lieutenant! If you deviate from this order, you will be court martialed and executed. Is that clear lieutenant?!?" Malashenko threatened which Ogav nodded in defying disobedience. "Good.. Now get out." Ordered Malashenko. Ogav exited from the tent in anger and looked at the city in flames looking through binoculars he can see families who're already suffering from a famine living in the streets gazing on their own homes that have been either destroyed or torn down to the ground level. Ogav doesn't want to be responsible for other people's misery because he has a daughter in law who lived through it.. And he wasn't going to let those people suffer the same. Map update as of 1003 Night time in Canterlot It's been a long day, looking after Gold Star or atleast I was looking after him. Earlier today I walked into the library like the president would say he would be and sure enough he was... Just buried in a pile of books.. Lots and lots of books… "HEY GOLD STAR! WHERE YOU AT!" I shouted, when he popped out from the piles of books above me. "I'm over here, sorry about that Lieutenant me and Twilight had been busy with... Negotiations," he sarcastically said, as Twilight popped out from the book pile and replied. "Yep! Nothing wrong in here." Usually I'd say something else but since it's 12:30 in the morning and since Gold Star is with Equestria's most tactical princess imma just say fuck it for this once.. "Alright, I'll leave you two to it then, happy reading.. (I guess..)" "Okay! Stay safe!" Replied Gold Star, grabbing a book stuck to his mane and reading it. I left the library for their sake.. And maybe mine, after all it's night time and the streets are almost getting empty so it's almost safe out, so I started walking through the empty streets of Canterlot when I heard footsteps behind me. I couldn't tell what that was but I ran as fast as I could before I bumped into someone on my way and landed on my palms and knees which were a bit scratched from the concrete. "Ffff- fuck that hurt, shit. I think I broke my hand, I deserved that whoever got in the way of my running though or maybe not, actually who was in my way?" I got up and saw a dark blue Alicorn with a black crown and neck regalia blue mane that's blowing from no wind or nothing meaning that's it a magic type mane, which that was the moment I realized those features I was immediately greeted by the guards that were escorting her with a complimentary spear point.. To my chin. "Well fuck me," I said, raising my hands a little up trying to not get jabbed by a barbaric weapon until the blue Alicorn acted. "Do not lay thy spears on him!" "But he just pushed you over!" "That's because he was frightened, now lower thy spears!" Luna ordered, as the royal guards lowered their spears away from my chin. "I apologize if my subjects were a bit reactive towards knocking me over." "No need, I'm sorry about that myself, I thought I heard something following me but of course that was a bit paranoid of me to run like that and not see." I replied, making Luna raise her brow a bit but shrugged. "I accept the apology, I was out on a nightly stroll trying to find Twilight Sparkle and thy friend Gold Star, yet I assume thou art out here for the same reason?" Luna questioned. "Yea... I'm sure those two are doing fine, I was sent by Reagan to fetch the two but I didn't want to bother them or anything they seemed to be having a blast... In a library..." Luna chuckled at my response. "What's so funny? Not that I mean no disrespect." "Oh nothing, it's just that it's nice that she finally found a capable pony who also takes her liking towards reading, my sister seems to have made the right choice" Luna replied, which made me think about that. "So Celestia chose him? That would've meant that Reagan must've chosen Twilight first then.. But why?" Luna pondered on my question for a while before she shrugged in a concerned neutral face. "Whatever it is, I'll need to think about it later, I need to sleep." "Very well," Luna replied. "I shall take thou to the guest room myself." The Royal guards jolted their necks as if they'd been insulted. "What about us your highness?" Asked the guards. "Carry on with the decrees you've been granted already, and retrieve Twilight and Gold." She reminded. While me and Luna split from her guards who went the other way to retrieve the two I was being stalked by someone the whole time who also watched the conversation. “So uhh, I shouldn't mention this, but do you really have an interest in old Equestrian?” . . "Yes my little target, go on with your oversized horse towards the bed.. It'll be the last sleep you will have and then.. Well, then you will serve under our Red Mother." While Luna was showing me to the guest rooms Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle had a blast in the library.. A very quiet blast actually since all they did was read books, talk about them, read more books, and repeat steps. Anyways, they were now being escorted by the royal guards back to the castle because of how late it was but on the way something that I never thought to hear happened. As Gold Star and Twilight were walking down the empty streets of Canterlot they started conversing. "You know, I never thought of you as a pony who'd actually read books, but how wrong I was when you took me inside and dug into a book," said Twilight, making Gold chuckle. "Well I've always been interested in reading books in my entire life actually, it started when I was a filly.. At first I saw books as a boring way to entertain the smart ponies and people, I thought of it as a scientist or a mage entertainment TV stuff and well.. One day I decided through temptation when a book was blown onto my face I decided to just say screw my logic and read." Gold explained his origin, which prompted Twilight to learn much more about him. "Did you actually say that? Or was that just exaggeration?" Gold looked at Twilight neutrally before letting out a lipped sigh and replied. "Yea, I had a lot of conflict deciding if I should read it or not, if anything I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't for my dad." Gold paused at that last word. Twilight raised her brow in suspicion wondering what made him pause a sentence. The two walked in silence with the only sound being made is the golden horseshoes on the royal guards' hooves making contact with the concrete ground, finally Twilight made her move. "What were your parents?" She asked, but Gold didn't respond, so she asked again. "What were your parents?" Gold was slow to reply but before he could they reached the castle entrance and then he spoke. "Another story, for another time." He followed one of the guards that were taking him to the guest room but he stopped and turned towards Twilight. "It's been a fun day, maybe we can do it again tomorrow or some other time, what do you say?" Gold asked. "I think Saturday will do, there's a lot to comprehend now that humanity decided to make its move (as if Equestria couldn't handle more than the other 5 humans that now resides in Ponyville)" "Then it's a date, good night princess Sparkle." He smiled, following the guard to his room leaving Twilight speechless and happy as if something more than friendship had just been lightened up. "Yea... Good night.." She looked around the castle's windows for a while when the guard that escorted her came to her and asked. "Do you like for me to show you to your room your highness?" Twilight looked at the window art and replied. "I think I can manage, thank you though." The guard saluted and left Twilight alone with the entire throne room all to hers, Twilight looked at the window and her reflection when a bigger reflection appeared behind her with a smile who was also looking at the same window in the throne room, but Twilight didn't mind Celestia's presence in the room she was looking at the window that presented Twilight's rise to alicornhood. Twilight looked at the window as a change, Celestia looked at it as an accomplishment. "I see you had a great time with Gold Star," Celestia grinned. "How did yo-" "He told me about it." Celestia interrupted, referring to Gold Star. "Ah.." As the room was silent other than the sounds of crickets and the fountain still spewing out water Celestia placed her hoof under her former student’s chin and raised her to Celestia’s eyes. "Now there's something I like to ask you, what do you see of yourself?" Celestia asked. "What do I see? Well.. I see myself?" "Good, now what else?" "Well, I have wings, a horn, and Equestria's best teacher I could ever have!" Twilight smiled. "Go on?" "And my friends, I know they'll stick with me no matter what!" Twilight spoke in pride, but Celestia frowned and sighed. "But what if in the future.. Something terrible happens to them, then what?" Celestia asked, which made Twilight's ears perk up. "Celestia, what makes you think about that possibility?" Twilight asked, which Celestia sighed and answered. "Remember about the time that I said that humans have only a short life span?" She asked. "Yea..?" "I've been talking with Mr. Reagan today about how humans live, build, and work, it made me realize throughout the years of my life that my ponies, are not that different when it comes to those three categories, what hurt me more was the realization that Starswirl never came back, I hope you understand when I chose Gold Star to be apart of this experience. In our reality, nothing lasts forever," Celestia explained in a saddened tone. The two then sat in front of each other wondering about the future. And the sweet release of death... With that depressing thought I was taking my boots off, they smelt like shit, I took my uniform off, kept my white under shirt and my shorts, after that I looked at the bed I'm about to lay on. -hello Mr. Bed, Vader is back- I then jumped and landed on the bed on my back and immediately without no thought I slept as if I passed out unconscious. Unknowing that the enemy is sneaking in my room... . Yuri looked up with binoculars where he can see my bed and my combat boots on the balcony, because of the shit smell I decided to leave it out on the balcony, he then opened his briefcase and grabbed a grappling and the hook, he attached the rope on the hook and then loading the grappler and aimed it at the balcony. He fires the grappling gun and the hook lands in one of the balconies wooden railing bars, he tugs on it once and twice and then retracts the rope climbing him towards my room and onto my balcony. Quietly, he stopped retracting the grappler and climbed over the balcony stealthily without attracting attention but that was before a door opened was when he quickly hid himself to a wall and went completely flat as the ground as he looks at a blue Alicorn without a crown or a regalia and stared at his target. "I never knew such a human as this one is an heir to something greater, if only he knows," said the blue pony before trotting away from his target and closing the door behind her. Yuri chuckled at her sentence. "Little does she know, he's more important than what she thinks, you wretched outdated English speaker!" He insulted. He went towards my bed and put on gloves. "And as for you, prepare for a new position in life!" As Twilight and Celestia were walking down the hall they heard me screaming. "AHHHHHHH!!!" "That sounded like Yates!" "Quick follow me!" The two Alicorns ran down the hall followed by other four guards who also heard my scream. When I woke up after feeling like something was touching me I saw a bald man with mechanical stuff on his head who quickly covered my mouth. I immediately fought back and punched him in the jaw off my bed and attempted to grab my pistol before he used some type of telekinesis on me and threw me on the dresser. And holy shit that was painful. "AHHHHH! FUCK! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" The bald man replied by grabbing me by the neck and slammed me on the ground and then said. "Here's Yuri!!!" "AHHHHHHH!!!?!?!?!?!" He then pointed a tranq pistol at me but he wasn't able to use it when the door was slammed open and in came unicorn royal guards and two pissed Alicorns that were about to shoot someone with a lethal. However something cracked in that bald man when he got the glimpse of Twilight because he looked pissed. "YOU AGAIN!? I THOUGHT I'D SEE THE LAST OF YOU PURPLE PONY!" "I thought the same to Yuri!" "You know him?" We both asked. "He was the one who stole a staff from the Crystal empire, that's the one who I was talking about!" Twilight revealed. "Wait staff? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE AFTER ME FOR!" "Even as much rage I have towards you purple pony, I don't have time for this." Immediately my room becomes a fucking warzone when Yuri used telekinesis on the unicorn guards who attempted to seize and arrest him and were thrown from the balcony before being catched by Celestia who couldn’t keep a grip on them. "I-I can't hold on much longer!!" Seeing the moment I can run towards the balcony in a attempt save the other four guards who were floating above from sudden dead, but it is behind Yuri so if I was going to save them I needed Twilight to distract him so I can get to them, so when I looked at her and she seemed to have a clear understanding at what I'm aiming for and she immediately fired her lethal spells on Yuri to keep him at bay while I make a run towards the balcony. "GRAB YOUR FELLOW GUARDS AND THEN GRAB MY HAND!" I shouted. "WE'RE TOO HEAVY!" "FUCK YOUR WEIGHT DAMMIT! DO YOU WANT TO LIVE OR NOT!?" The guard, who was still hovering from Celestia's magic and near certain death, instructed the other three unicorn guards to grab each others hooves and then the top guard of the four reached for my hand and I reached for his and after a brief struggle we successfully grabbed each other before Celestia collapsed on the ground from keeping the four pony guards from the 56 mile height of death, however I nearly fell with them if my feet weren't planted on the bars. But they were slipping.. Meanwhile Yuri looked at Twilight's attack pattern, knowing the room to be small and with the potential American marines probably on their way to gun him down by the sounds of army boots marching towards the area he needed to make his escape and fast, so as Twilight charged her magic he manipulated her horn and created a unstable magic that she can barely control and it was quickly released from her horn and blew a hold on the wall of my room, making the perfect escape route for him. She looked at the hole in fear of what Yuri just did. "How did you!??" "There's more than what I did, consider yourself lucky, and you might wanna help your comrade, I'd prefer him alive than dead right now." Twilight turned and yes I almost fell over the Balcony before being caught by Twilight's magic and was pulled by her, bringing the four unicorn guards to safety on the ground panting in fear and sweaty relief, as for me though I was tired as hell.. Twilight then turned and saw Yuri escaped, she ran to the hole and saw Yuri running outside of the castle and into the city of Canterlot with a briefcase, she then saw a note that was sitting on what was left of the dresser that said.. 'Better luck next time, purple pony.' In anger she crumpled the paper and looked at me with a question.. A question I will not be able to answer because I don't know how to answer it. 32nd Steelhooves street, Petershoof, Stalliongrad The next day arrived... And Petershoof is now besieged and bombed, Ogav was ordered to begin placing the remote detonated flare pods in the specific areas along with scouting the area for the post-artillery shelling which after that would come to the main offensive that would be launched, though he already knows with what Malashenko was really about to do with the populace and this city once the two specific events happen.. Something he never stood for in his time commanding the division that he returned to there was no public executions but there were private ones, but even then they didn't plan to bomb the shit out of the city and massacre an entire population like this. But now, he is in a T-72 tank leading a convoy of armor vehicles consisting of BMPs, a BTR-70, and 3 T-72s, not a decent amount but he looked behind him and saw the backs of the BTR empty without no one even sitting in them, all the while, the men piled on top of the BMPs. it made him think of something, perhaps he could save the ponies in this city but with Malashenko forbidding any types of evacuation Ogav knows the punishment for disobedience if not treason.. But while he thought of it the driver yelled. "HEY! WE'RE HERE!" "Oh, sorry! All stop!" Ogav ordered, as the entire convoy stopped and the troops on top of the troop carriers hopped off of them and lifted a heavy flare pod and set it down on what was left of a library. Ogav felt chills through his spine though.. He looked around a bit and found nothing but apocalyptic empty streets... At Least it was empty until... "RPG!!"  Immediately a rocket was fired from the same library and slapped a T-72 tank out of commission breaking the convoy's straight line formation and soldiers running for cover and some shooting at nothing with the AKM’s turning the area into a spray zone, while the sum of the men scattered in cowardice. Ogav seeing the chaos unfolding in front of his eyes, grabbed his AK-74U and jumped out of his tank and ran towards the now destroyed tank which the crew attempted to  escape but the hatch got wielded shut so the crew resorted to yell. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP US WE'RE BURNING IN HERE HELP!!" "HOLD ON! STEP AWAY FROM THE HATCH AND WHATEVER YOU DO STAY AS FAR FROM THE HATCH AS YOU CAN!" Shouted Ogav, as the crew stepped back he banged on the hatch as hard as he can while also keeping his head low from the magic lethal spells being casted towards him along with enemy firearms being shot at him, finally in a moment of desperation as the smoke filled the air, he took aim with his AK-74U and shot the hatch with the entire cartridge rounds and  kicked it straight down inside of the hull which he immediately instructed towards the trapped T-72 crew. "Grab my hand men! One at a time!" The crew of three of the tank got out of it and quickly took cover behind Ogav's T-72 tank when the machine guns started to spray the streets. Ogav got shot in the shoulder in the crossfire but he held his pain in a groan and ran towards the front of the tank. He then looked around to see what his men were shooting at only to notice that the earth ponies had somehow figured out how to use captured weapons and RPGs, he quickly jumped on his tank and tapped on the lid when the crew men that he was commanding and a bullet from one of his men narrowly missed his head as the hatch opened. "WOAH! FRIENDLY HERE HELLO!?" "Sorry captain! I thought you were those bastard ponies!" "No time for apology, get this turret and aim at that building behind us!" "Are you sure sir? I belie-" "DO IT NOW DAMMIT!!" Ogav shouted in command, but before the driver could fully get down into the tank a Anti-Tank gun was shot towards the tank and killed both the driver and the gunner Ogav seeing his men killed was filled with anger and rage as he sees the bastards in his view, grabbed his pistol shot the two anti-tank gunners, which then two more charged at him with bayonets but he shot them as well in the chest and legs. He looked at his now undermanned tank and climbed onboard it. He noticed that there was no intense damage with any systems other than the radar, and looking back at the men he just saved they were still under his tank taking cover, so he jumped from it and ordered. "I scratch your back now you scratch mine! I need assistance, we need to blow the building if we're going to live!" Ogav ordered, as the gunfire continued to rage on the streets. The crew was silent before the tank command of the crew shouted. "Well!? What are we waiting for? Let's finish this fucking fire fight!!"  The crew got out from under his tank and manned the undamaged controls, after throwing the now dead bodies on the ground, Ogav grabbed his binoculars and scanned for the source of the gun fire when he noticed that the machine guns on the building primarily on the one on the south of them on the Library east wing was the source of the ambush. "Turn the turret 180 degrees south, lower it two clicks down, and you got the perfect shot." The crew got to work and turned the turret behind them where the BTR-60s were. However Ogav notices a tank was missing. "Cowardly bastards!" He said to himself as the tank canon aimed at the building he shouted. "FIRE! FIRE NOW!" The cannon fired. And the shell that the tank shot directly hits the enemy position and explodes the whole building into a fiery inferno, killing anyone near it and in it to a fiery grave. The gun fire stopped and troops that were shooting their AKs or PKMs got up, but none cheered; there were no shouts of Hurrah's that would be filling the air around Ogav. All there was aggravation and worry, and envy… But as for Ogav, he sat back in relief.. But then he notices the poor ponies who are unarmed and that was when he made his decision final. Malashenko was watching from his binoculars when he saw the convoy with the same amount of BTR-60s but with two T-72 tanks missing. The remaining convoy that just went through a firefight pulled up beside Malashenko and Ogav climbed off board when he was met with R.I.B. Agents pointing their pistols at him in which Ogav raised his hands up in annoyance. "Welcoming committee.. So you knew?"  "I always knew someone as disobedient as you would betray the motherland." Malashenko spoke, as the other four R.I.B. They opened the back of the BTR-60s and saw the civilian ponies, with their fur blackened from fires or explosions of the rubble, but it was then it happened. The unit loyal to Ogav’s command mutinied and pointed their rifles at the agents on the scene. Malashenko turned behind him and saw that the troops he's commanding turned on the R.I.B. Agents then when he turned he see’s Ogav point his AK-74U at Malashenko and the other two agents pointed theirs at him but were quickly pointed right back by the crew that Ogav saved that will now be indebted to him forever. "What is this Volklav!" Malashenko yelled in confusing anger. "I knew you'd pull something like this Mr. Malashenko, but ages of experience, victories, and a shit load of encouraging speeches can make men like you even respect you, but of course camaraderie is true victory, but as for you though in this case.. You are neither of them other than a wretched war criminal!" "You got nothing on me! NOTHING!" Ogav smirked and looked at the R.I.B. agents. "Release the agents men, only the major will answer for his crimes in the tribunal." Ogav ordered the troops who then lowered or lifted their rifles from the R.I.B. Agents, confusing them before Ogav played a tape recorder that he happened to record the whole entire time. -Of course not, they'll most likely just conspire against the Stalliongrad government, everyone in the city is better off dead, than alive, including the children, who knows what types of bombs these terrorist might strap on them.- The R.I.B. Agents were quickly surprised and turned towards Malashenko. "N-no no don't believe him! HEY WHAT ARE YOU-" Immediately the R.I.B. Agents cuffed Malashenko, placing him under arrest for crimes against the Stalliongrad civilians and committing international crimes against the sentient species which Malashenko angrily looked at Ogav and shouted. "HEED MY WORDS TRAITOR! YOU WILL SUFFER FOR THIS! JUST YOU WAIT!" Malashenko was then tossed inside of a MI-8 helicopter and was airlifted towards Rodinia where he would be tried for his crimes in the international court, the R.I.B. Agents confiscates the tape recorder and Ogav sighed in relief, that was until a soldier came up to him and asked. "What now sir?"  Ogav looked at the troops who had been fighting the war on Stalliongradian soil, brutally beaten, injured, bloodied, and war weary, and so he did what they should've done since the execution of the rebel leader decided. "I think it's time we try a better solution comrade." Canterlot The dining room was a bit quiet today. Reagan was sitting right in front of me in concern, Celestia and Luna also had the same concern, Shining Armor and Cadence looked as if they've just got out of bed.. Or perhaps maybe.. Eh they're married so of course they'll probably 'do it' but that's not important, what was important was who the hell was that guy named yuki? Or Uri? Uki? I don't know that guy's name other than he attacked me last night. But anyways the room's silence ended when Twilight entered the room with bagged up items being hovered by her magic or carried by Gold who was holding them from either his back or his mouth. The two placed what looked like bagged up evidence, the blood from a bald man, a tranq gun that he had left, and what seems to be the remaining residue from the manipulated magic that occurred when that guy did something to Twilight's horn that blew a hole in my wall. "Is that all the evidence?" Celestia asked. "This was all I could gather from last night's attack, that Yuri must've had a mind set when he infiltrated his room." Replied Twilight, when Reagan stood up and replied. "But what exactly does that have to do with all of it then? None of this doesn't explain why he was after one of my people. I have a feeling that he has orders from somewhere, and if what you said about him was true and that he failed to steal some staff from the Crystal empire and then went after him what exactly does this all line up with?"  Twilight placed her hoof on her chin trying to answer the president's question and shrugged. "With all due respect Mr. President, but I'm not much of a detective with this stuff other than the interest of what type of magic he was using back there last night.." "Do you think it's dark magic?" Gold Star asked. "No.. If anything I didn't feel anything other than my horn being sparked and forced to fire that incendiary spell... Whatever it was it must be irregular or unrecognizable magic. What type of magic though is what bothers me..." "Whatever it is, Yates is endangered of being attacked again," "Celestia's right, I should probably move him to a secure location so Yuri will never find him." "I wouldn't say that Mr. President," I interrupted, making everyone look at me. "Why not? It's the best option for you so why not take it?" Reagan asked. "Because I've seen this guy literally up and personal, hell the lights were still on when I slept in the room and I clearly saw this on his forehead... Does anyone have paper and something to write with?" I asked. "I got paper here." Twilight replied. "I have a pen." Gold Star also replied. The two gave me the paper and the pen and I started to draw what I've seen. The entire group, both Crystal family, Royal sisters, President, and Gold Star and Twilight were looking at what I was drawing. When I finished and showed the picture Reagan's eyes widened as if he saw a ghost. "This is worse than I thought..." "What?" I asked. "You're right.. Taking you back to the main land is a suicide, a stupid move to suggest that in fact, clearly this is not a regular one.." Reagan denounced himself. "What's wrong Mr. Reagan?" Celestia asked. "Very wrong.. That's not just a Yuri, that's THE Yuri." "I thought we've already covered that?" "You said he manipulated your horn correct?" Reagan asked, which Twilight nodded. "Hmm.. That means the Red Mother  has it out for Yates then.. But how the hell did she knew?" "Knew about what sir?" I asked, which Reagan, and Luna cringed a bit, Celestia however.. "They're after you because you are a relative with Luther." Celestia explained. "I mean.. I was told that when entering the White House for the first time and you did provided me with that type of logic, but what exactly does this have to do with me being chased?" I asked again. "Being relative with Luther, there is a weapon that can only be controlled by the relative, a weapon more powerful than the elements of harmony, or the staff of Orinithia, or even Discord himself.. If somehow Yuri was successful in capturing you and the staff that he nearly stole, you could've been used as a weapon.. A weapon that would've end all life as we know it." Celestia explained, scaring the shit out of me.. I processed her words but what's there to process? She said it plainly, I was a relative to a man who apparently saved mankind with a stick that happened to be more powerful than anything else in the world... Actually that sounds bad to think what I would've been used for. "But Celestia? I thought the element was more powerful?" Twilight Asked, but Celestia sighed. "The elements may be more powerful, yes, but if anything if the staff were to be used for the wrong reasons it could shatter the elements and completely destroy magic.." Celestia explained again, making Twilight gulp and then stared at me. She seemed to be thinking of some type of solution and wouldn't you know it... She had one.. Just not what I would intend on being... Stalliongrad Situation conclusion.. Ogav climbed on board the MI-17 helicopter that was taking him and the men back to Stalliongrad city. The conflict ended when Ogav went to the rebel strongholds with a white flag but with no intention of surrendering but rather negotiating, both sides heated up a bit in an argument before a compromise was reached into an acceptable deal, the only deal the people wanted was really just food. When he contacted the Red Mother and explained everything to her she nodded in agreement and called Altidya on the negotiation, it surprised the Soviet soldiers when Altidya agreed to suspend collectivism with the exchange that the Rodinian food shipments are split down to 65% towards the civilian population and the rest be given to the collective, and for the leader to sign the document of surrender and admittance. When the Rebels of Petershoof heard about this they pressured the leader in charge to sign the admittance however the leader that headed the rebellion, in place of the recently executed one, cowardly fled across the border of Equestria, abandoning the rebel forces but it was then that when Ogav was given the document he personally signed it and temporarily, and briefly, became the rebel leader and disbanded the Petershoof rebellion. And now that the conflict ended Petershoof is now being reconstructed by Rodinian and Stalliongrad troops along with workers who arrived to the city's aid. Ogav looked through the window and smiled just as the helicopter took off. He wondered.. How much of a story he's about to tell to his little Natasha... Petershoof rebellion of 1003 Rodinian deaths: 1200 Stalliongrad Rebel deaths: 140 Tanks and Armor vehicles lost: 84 Equipment captured: 2300. Duration: 2 days. City damage ratio (damaged: standing/undamaged): 45:55 While for me on the other hand unfortunately.. It was decided that to keep me safe and protected, Reagan and Celestia would agree to go for a full on military cooperation which resulted in a permanent military treaty. Yes, who knew that after thousands of years of hate and spite between the countries they would become such good friends.. I guess.. I was placed on surveillance by orders of Ronald Reagan, and when Uncle Sam was given reports on the situation he decided to conscript me fully back into the American military, meaning I'm not his errand boy anymore, I'm back to being a soldier. And what was better was I'm back to the division I was supposed to serve. And that was the 105th division. Trucks carried armored vehicles, Tanks, and Howitzers to the new area of operations for this division as a cover, and that particular new area of operations... Is Ponyville, code named; Base Alicorn... Welcome back to the army corp, I guess. > The Equestrian Games > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The news spread like wild fire when the press got a hold of the clip of what happened in the East Humarican seas. Reports came in that the Statcom was challenged by three Argendinians destroyers while unconfirmed reports suggest there was also a submarine in the combat zone but the media weren't able to independently verify whether there was or not, but as the news spread throughout the Continent a emergency meeting was called when the American people called for blood and vengeance against Argendina, however, knowing Uncle Sam he arrived at the combat zone where the destroyers were sunked at and had a hunch that perhaps there's something else going on here.. "Those bastards, I knew they would back stab us I just knew it!" said one of Uncle Sam's agents. The intercom called for the crewmen to lift the ships out of the ocean which the men acknowledged and switched the levers retracting the cables that were hooked to the sunken ships. Once all three ships were lifted out of the water Uncle Sam personal inspected the wreckage by super jumping onboard to examine the damages and potential evidence, either for Argendina's involvement or a theory that he made. He grabbed a flashlight and flashed the interior of the ship, what he was looking at was mold, rotting metal, and what seems to be dust or flame residue from one of the Statcom's shells. He walked inside of the command deck of the destroyer and looked in the drawers only to find nothing but mud, and sand. He shuts the drawer and kept looking around when he stepped on something below his feet, he flashed down to the ground and noticed something particular with the command deck, it has a white carpet but there seems to be a symbol on it.. The examination crew entered the command deck after equipping themselves with safety equipment, they looked at the symbol that Uncle Sam is pointing at and ask. "What do you think it is sir?" Uncle Sam looked at the symbol peculiar. "No clue.. Rip this carpet out and take it to the naval research lab for further study," he ordered. "Right away sir," replied the worker. Ponyville The military base was established about a mile away from Ponyville and some miles away from Canterlot, Gold Star was placing his items in his room while also setting up two beds, one for him and one for me. I guess that's what happens when you're being watched by a military officer... Especially a pony military officer. Meanwhile on the outside the fencing was just finished being established which created the proper base foundation for American-Equestrian joint operations and missions, externally and internally, Gold Star was finished setting up his desk when a soldier came inside of our room and spoke. "Captain sir!" "Good evening soldier, did the armor company arrive?" Gold Star asked. "Yes sir! the variant two Abrams have started to arrive sir, along with the Paladins," replied the soldier. "Very good, then that case I should be able to have time for that date," "Date?" I asked. "Oh yea... I almost forgot to mention that me and Twilight agreed to go on that date today, it's been 2 days and I've forgot to report this to Reagan.." "Dude... Considering that you'll probably have to take me with you I don't think Reagan or your Colonel would allow that.." I spoke in a concern but polite voice, which he sighed. "I know... But then what else am I suppose to do?" Gold Star asked me, but I didn't gave no reply.. But thank the great Creator for his reply. "Captain Gold Star!" Entered Colonel Alex, as me and Gold Star got up and saluted in unison. "Colonel Alex! Good to see you." "Accommodations later Captain, General MacArthur ordered that you and Lieutenant Yates report to Crystal city." The Colonel ordered. "Umm.. Colonel with all due respect but I was told to stay here and keep a eye on Yates, those were orders." Gold Star protested. "MacArthur was told this too Captain, but Reagan allowed this as a exception as long you keep yourself or one of your men on watch duty, I have a feeling that Yuri already knows about the Equestrian games," said Alex making me curious and Gold Star surprised. "That's today!?" "Yea.. They decided to move it a bit closer since polls and some other government shit I don't know about, but with that said you will be heading to the Crystal city, a helicopter is waiting for you outside, oh and before you go, be presentable apparently it's not just Ponies and griffons, our species will be participating as well, and during these games a emergency meeting is being held at the courtesy of Celestia and Cadence, any questions?" Explained Alex, closing it with a question. "I do." "Hit me." "What're the Equestrian games?" Canterlot, 45th Dawnland road Yuri was sitting on the couch in a rented apartment at the courtesy of their Red Mother, looking at the sun directly with eyes to feel the pain of heat and trained the whole time in the room, shirtless. But that was what he'd usually do when he just sat on the couch doing absolutely nothing at the moment as it was Saturday, but the relaxation when his phone ringed the Rodinian Socialist Anthem followed by screaming men and gunshots. He picked the phone up and said. "Hello?" "Is this Yuri?" Asked a soviet officer. "Ah comrade Dounivich!" "Don't 'ah comrade' me Yuri, as you know being our Red Mother's personal assistant she has been waiting on that phone call she have yet to receive, so tell me? Have you captured the target or not!?!" Yelled the officer. "He's under heavy security comrade, if you want to be clean I suggest-" "DO YOU HAVE THE TARGET YURI!? YES OR NO!" The Dounivich shouted in aggravation, making Yuri growl under his breath. "No.." The phone was silent for a while for about 2 minutes just as Yuri was about to hang up Dounivich spoke again. "Hearing you have not captured the target, I think it's time I do our Red Mother's bidding my own, you are to proceed no further to continue to mission until further notice." The officer ordered. "Then what about the orders I have then?" Yuri asked. "The orders given to you will now be carried out by our special forces, they'll be working under incognito, as for you Yuri... Have a nice Saturday off." The phone was hanged up and Yuri felt rage and anger and threw his phone at the wall, shattering the phone in pieces while he sat and thought about some things, that was when he chuckled and said. "Oh no you don't comrade, because I THE GREAT YURI WILL CAPTURE THAT SON OF A BITCH! WHETHER IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! Now as for the matter of his incognito freaks..." Crystal City The helicopter landed on the area provided by Equestrian tax payer money to the newly established Humarican peace building, created personally by Celestia in a mission to resolve Human conflict in the continent of Humarica. Gold Star looked at the building in a surprised and glamorous expression. "Fine Equestria architecture, this country never disappoints wouldn't you say Lieutenant?" "It's nice in all but how did they build that with crystals alone?" "No idea, this is my first time visiting here though, so who knows maybe it might blow my socks off." "Ehh, considering ponies usually wear socks for some other thing... I think you're better off wearing boots." "I don't wear boots you know." "Eh, anyways lets see what this is all about shall we?" "Alright." As me and Gold Star entered the building I bumped into someone who was wearing a red dress and was not guarded by no one. "Excuse me, sorry about ma'am I didn't see you." I apologized, making Gold Star facepalm himself. "Apology accepted, who do you might be?" She asked in words I didn't understand so I answered it. "My name is Yates ma'am, nice hair do by the way? Is it always like that?" I asked, making her blush. "Oh please, it's just for diplomatic occasion, nothing else." "Niceee, so what's your name?" I asked. "I have three names young Yates, one is Luxembourg, other is Eleanor, and the other is." "Our Red Mother!" Called a soldier from the distance, blowing me away with that last name... "I'll come soon! It's a nice chat, Mr. Yates, I'd like to speak with you more over a cup of coffee later touché?" She dated. "Yea, I think that'll do, Ms. Eleanor." I replied, making her chuckle. "Please, refer to me as Eleanor only, it's a better way to befriend each other isn't it not? Anyways, Dasvidaniya, Yates." As she walked away from me I stood there in shock, and it seems I wasn't the only one when Gold Star's jaw dropped toward the floor as if he seen something dreadful or surprising. "Did I just talked with the Soviet leader..." I asked myself. "I think you just did..." He replied. "Brilliant.." Yuri on the case Yuri looked through his binoculars to see if his target was in the stadium, it seems he was not, but it seems he wasn't the only one to assume the same assumption as he can see that his incognito chums are also in the stadium, or atleast the entrance since they know they're weapons would be confiscated if they tried to enter. Yuri placed his fingers on his chin and leaned besides a trash can when a ground of human athletes went pass him in a happy attitude, Yuri however, killed it with his expressionless face when suddenly his favorite athlete was coming towards him. "No way? Are you Lev Yashin?" Yuri said, which the athlete nodded. "Da, and you must be Our Red Mothers right hand man, I'd like to personally ask for a endorsement but at the moment I'm about to head inside the stadium," said Lev Yashin. "Of course, but before you go... Can I have your autograph? I'm a huge fan!" "Of course comrade, lemme get my pocket book real quick, if only if I had a front pocket.." As Lev looked through his pockets Yuri noticed that a group of black uniformed troops walked by with ski mask and loaded rifles, Yuri looked closer when he noticed that symbol on their patches. "Suka blyat.. Rodinian special forces.. Of course Dounivich will use them, no matter, after I get my autograph, I'll get to work... Right after a drink of vodka.." Crystal Stadium Multiple representatives had came to watch the games, such as the prince of Saddle Arabia, a recent new soviet state, and the rulers of Asstyria and Anseruk, General Patton walked by the leaders and looked at the huge field thinking how much shit might happen he sat down on reserve seat. Patton sat and relaxed himself while the Equestrian games was about to start when he heard a familiar music that signified that the important man has arrived.. The Zebrican leaders eyes widened when the President of the Federation of American States came inside the stadium with a grinning expression while Patton quickly raise himself on his boots and saluted to the commander and chief as Reagan turned away from shaking the Arabian's hooves and spoke. "Good afternoon general, I see that you've been busy here for a good while I was starting to get curious of what you've been up to?" Reagan chuckled. "Mr. President it's a honor in your presence here, especially upon hearing that we'll be the first foreign nation off of the Equus continent to participate in these games," Patton spoke excitedly. "While I do like for us to be the only country there is unfortunately another that was granted a chance to play in the games.." Reagan frowned. "And who would that be?" "I think the other nation is referring to me." Spoke Brezhnev, looking at the two with dead like eyes. "Who the fuck is this guy?" Patton asked. "General Patton, this is Secretary General Brezhnev.. The head of Rodinia, the place I've talked to you about after the banishment." Reagan introduced. "I fucking hate him already, aren't you the bastard who sent troops against mine?!" Patton yelled aggravated. "If I would've known this old man was going to insult me I would've turned down Celestia's request of attending this event, said Brezhnev. "You forget tha-" "Enough both of you!" Yelled a feminine voice, as Reagan stepped back and allowed Celestia to get close to the two old men. "I invited the Rodinian's to participate in this event in hopes to potentially keeping both nations at peace but that cannot happen when you two argue 24/7!" Celestia scolded, but Patton rolled his eyes. "You're speaking to the same general who happened to dealt with a near war event in this same city with also the same fucking man that authorized it!" Patton argued. "Don't blame me for your shit, if anything I'd focus on the nations economy, unlike you American terrorist who keeps bombing innocent Zebra's to hell." Brezhnev pointed. "WHY YOU LITTLE-" "THAT IS ENOUGH! YOU BOTH ARE ON EQUESTRIAN SOIL AND YOU ARE TO ACT LIKE GENTLEMEN ON EQUESTRIAN SOIL OR SO HELP ME I WILL SWIFTLY PUNISH BOTH OF YOU! IS THAT CLEAR!!" Shouted Celestia, giving Brezhnev and Patton a scare of their lifetime while Reagan shrugged as if to say 'I told you so.' "Fine, then it'll be your problem, good day Mr. President.. And good luck.." Patton saluted and left the two leaders and Princess Celestia to themselves while Reagan looked at Brezhnev and said. "Perhaps it's best that me and Brezhnev be separated for now." "I agree with the American, for once we both have an agreement." Replied Brezhnev, as he went to the farthest corner from Reagan's seat which would place him beside the soviet prince that the Rodinian army recently installed in Arabia. "Mr. Reagan I apologize but I couldn't have the patience to see your people argue with another country." "Well, it's always been like this ever since the leak incident that occurred which revealed documents that the Rodinian's may have been behind the false identity crisis with Jimmy Carter, while the leaker had been arrested, it didn't fix the fact that everyone knows now about it, Creator knows how many Rodinian's are persecuted by now, Whats even worse was when Patton and his division was back from banishment they almost started a war between the Federation and the soviets for crying out loud!" Reagan over explained, making Celestia sigh. "There has to be some solution, and hopefully quick..." The Peace Conference Chambers The room was chatty today as members from the Humarican nations, mainly human, had came together to discuss on the situation with Argendina's actions on their attack on the Statcom and whether the Thestrial's invasion on Argendina was justified or not. Uncle Sam entered the room with secret service agents carrying concealed baggage who then placed it on the table reserved for evidence, the agent looking over the evidence stared at Uncle Sam and asked. "Are you sure the leaders will believe this?" "I'm certain, if it doesn't well.. May Creator have mercy on Argendina," Uncle Sam replied. As he climbed up the stairs towards his reserved seat he shook hands, hoofs, and even claws from Griffonian diplomats who're also spectating in the conference when he happened to see the head council of the Mexicona parliament. "Hola Arnold Scheer, how's it going?" Asked Uncle Sam. "It couldn't be better, although it was surprising that my home country, the griffonian empire, appointed me as head council bird of our proud colony that remained with us in these times," Arnold smirked. "Yep, by the way, how's your friend Cornelio? I heard he was recently reassigned to the colony as well?" Uncle Sam wondered, while Arnold was looking at a portrait of the Crystal Heart. "From what I heard he was assigned to guard the colonial borders, primarily yours," Scheer replied, giving Uncle Sam a little flame inside. "For what reason though? We keep our troops on Rodina's borders and elsewhere overseas, what reason could there be-" "ALL RISE, FOR THE PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA AND THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!" Announced the royal guard as the human, griffon, and pony diplomats raised from their seats, catching Uncle Sam off guard. "The first part of the Equestrian games ended already?" He asked. "No clue, better take our seats then we'll talk." Suggested Griffon. "Good idea," replied Uncle Sam. The two split and stood infront of their seats as the four Alicorn princesses came inside of the chambers and sat on the thrones with their perspective cutie marks and symbols above their seats, the royal guard stood besides the throne and Reagan and Brezhnev took their reserved seats on the top row of the chamber, a chair apart from each other. "Please be seated," she spoke, as the entire room sat down on their seats and watched the conference. "Mares and Gentlecolts, humans, and Griffons, welcome to the first national peace conference of this world with the objective, preserve peace no matter the cost, what started from a dull future turned into a hopeful future when the worlds most technologic and and advanced race stepped in to end what was once called the continental cold war, turned it into a first step towards perfect peace, now then, with introductions out of the way may the diplomatic leaders, Argendina, and America step towards the table?" Celestia requested, as three Argendinian diplomats and three American diplomats stepped out from their seats and sat down on the table at the ground level infront of the four Alicorn's seating. The Argentinian's privately spoke to each other before the head of the American diplomatic team said. "Alright, so can you explain what happened on the day of the attack?" The Argendinian human rose up and replied. "Five days ago, three of our destroyers were docked on the city of Aires loading up amunition's supplied by American trade associations, Bolivians, and the biggest supplier being anonymous, they were scheduled to ship out to conduct a naval patrol on what was left of our maritime borders with Thestria when at 3:40 in the morning, shots were fired and all that proves it were two recordings from radio frequencies, if my assistant may?" The Argendinian insisted, as his associate got up and grabbed two tape recorders from the evidence table that supported Argendina's claims. Pushing the button on tape one the tape revealed to be sounds of machine gun fire followed by shouting and screaming, tape two was then played after words when the ships were captured the officer in charge of defending the cruisers sounded disbelief and stating that they had to pull out because of the overwhelming manpower swarming him and other 10 guys who're guarding the port. Celestia looked and heard the recordings with intrigue, Luna and Cadence looked at each other that was indicating suspicion and Twilight Sparkle tilted her head and almost asked a question when the front entrance doors were opened with special forces soldiers coming inside with Atlyn helmets masking their face and then clearing a path for the Red Mother who was wearing a red dress. "Apologies if I was late Ms. Celestia, I ran into someone on the way here," Red Mother excused herself. "You are excused, take a seat," Celestia acknowledged, as the Red Mother walked by the negotiation table and walked up 12 stair cases and sat down besides Uncle Sam who was sitting on the blue chair, and she was sitting on the red chair. The negotiations continued as it was the Americans turn to either counter the Argendinian evidence or to support Argendina's innocents, in which something that surprised many, the American diplomat rise from his seat and spoke. "So if the Argendinians did happened to endure a port raid, what can you explain about the submarine?" "Submarine? I don't know what you're talking about? We have no submarines in the navy and from I can recall I don't think there was none during the battle," replied the Argendinian. "Hmm.. Why it's a question to ask you is because as we were gathering evidence we had found torpedo remains under water as we know when the Statcom was dodging the torpedoes that tried to sink it the F.I.B. has discovered that the destroyers had no torpedo bays at all, in fact after further study I might actually believe that your story checks out," the diplomat explained, which the Argendinians breath in relief. "BUT! Even if it wasn't the Argendinians, there is the matter of who.. Who did stole your destroyers? And who also try to sink the Statcom?" The Diplomat questioned, the Argendinians didn't answer because they didn't know the answer, but the question was mainly directed at everyone in the room. The diplomat smirked and looked at the princesses of Equestria. "Lets think about this real quick, how would you react if someone was to equip your enemy? The same enemy that you call a enemy through physical attacks or pure grudge towards to? I mean I'd be mad, wouldn't surprise me if yall were mad," the diplomat looked around and no gave no reply other than listen to his words, and so he reply. "Well then what if I was to say, and also thanks to Uncle Sam by the way, we have discovered the ones behind the attack and if my associate may if you please?" Added the diplomat, as his assistant went to the table and unzipped a black duffle bag and grabbed a furred roled up white rug which to everyone else it doesn't look like much until it was placed on the table and was unrolled by the associate, which then made everyone go on the edge of their seats, while the Princesses, especially Twilight, looked in shock and worry along with a tense expression on their faces at what they were looking at. Celestia stomped on her hoof and replied. "Who are these individuals!?" The diplomat was silent when a military general got on his foot and replied. "That is the flag of the Preußisch Korps, infamous in all of Humarica and deadly, the last time the American army had fought against them was during the Griffonian Republican revolution..." "It all started on that day, the American government got involved with the events occurring in Griffonia and decided to defend it's interest within the capital, Griffenheim, to create a peace zone. We only had M14 rifles, and a Patton M46 tank at the time and I only had about 50 in my command. Our mission was to secure 12th imperial street, after the peace zone was established was when Tartarus was unleashed.. Artillary booming everywhere, and Griffons against Griffons, brothers against brother, it reminded me back when the Federation was in that same civilwar back in the 70 tens that we had fought, but not like what we witnessed, but we noticed the difference between a stab wound and a gun wound and when we saw a flock of the Republican griffons suddenly dying I ordered my men to get one and bring it back to the peace zone, well after examining how a airborne griffon died it was from a precision shot bullet.. And that was when I met Erwin Rommel, after the chaotic battle me and him chatted there was no differences aside from beliefs, strategies, Ect. But now... To think he is supporting the same nation who happened to have attack Canterlot and harm innocents made me think that it wasn't him... Atleast until now..." After MacArthur's statement on the Preußisch Korps, the Equestrian princesses started thinking about the new foe that seems to now be supporting the Changelings, with Uncle Sam and Reagan looking intense with MacArthur's explanation, the Red Mother and Brezhnev whispered. "What is the chance that this ideology.. "Fascism" happened to already started it's spread?" Brezhnev theorized, while the Red Mother placed her hand on her chin in thought.. "It seems so... If that is the case then we must keep a eye on them, otherwise we'll be fighting this cold war in three separate fronts.. I suggest activating the Changeling R.I.B. At once," ordered Red Mother. "Right away," replied Brezhnev, getting up from his seat and tightening his tie and walked down the steps to exit the building. "It's been a pleasure Ms. Celestia, but knowing the situation I must attend with other affairs, dasvidaniya," excused Brezhnev, as he turned and walked out of the conference leaving Reagan and Uncle Sam mildly confused and Luna and Cadence looked at the Red Mother with a curious mind being what they're up to. Meanwhile where was I and Gold Star the whole time? Standing around doing nothing, when the conference started the royal guard escorted us out because of "secrecy" which if I recall is bullshit. But while we stood outside waiting for Uncle Sam the door infront of us opened with Brezhnev walking out of the conference which is a bit strange since the conference isn't suppose to be finished until the second stage of the Equestrian games started.. I turned towards Gold Star and even he's a bit suspicious with Brezhnev as I am. Soo.... "You know what I'm thinking what your thinking?" I asked. "That we shouldn't worry about him?" Gold Star replied. "Uhh.. No I was suggesting we see what he's up to," I replied. "But what about you?" He added. "What about me? You know damn well that I've already know that I'm being chased by communist but perhaps you won't have to keep staring at me like a camera," I pointed out. "But this here old camera was ordered by the same people who doesn't want you kidnapped! Especially with what's at stake here!" Gold Star argued. "Damn, you sound like Twilight Sparkle right about now," I insulted. "Listen here lieutenant! As long as I am a rank above you you're not to-" "To.." Gold Star paused and stared outside of the window as if he saw something... "Hey? Is something wrong-" "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Shouted Gold Star, pushing me back and taking a tranq dart to the neck before face flatten fell on the floor in a unconscious state. "OH SHIT! CAPTAIN GOL-" I was interrupted by a second dart that was shot from the distance that landed on my arm, when I pulled it out it had some type of symbol with a shield and a torch, and that was all I saw before I passed out. Meanwhile, Yuri was sitting on a chair getting a sun tan when he heard my voice, he was eating popcorn and cotton candy for when I stepped out alone and had no one with me so he can capture me, but he heard what sounded like dart gun shots from the roof above him. As he looked up there was a person with a creepy gas mask with a dart rifle and jumped on the ground to retrieve it's prey, Yuri grabbed his binoculars and sees that the two royal guards, that were guarding the conference door, inspected me and Gold Star when the same individual who darted me and Gold Star attached a silencer on his lethal pistol. "IDENTIFY YOURSELF! DID YOU DO THIS!?" Shouted the Royal Guard in the distance, when the individual pointed a pistol towards the two and the guards quickly charged. "Sag Hallo zu Tirek für uns in Walhalla, ihr verdammten Pferde!" Cursed the unknown individual as he shot the two guards two bullets each with a suppressed M9 pistol. One guard was shot in the head and chest, the other in the leg and shoulder, the individual then picked me and Gold Star's body and then spoke through the radio. "Packages secured, meet up at rendezvous," spoke the strange individual. Now when it came with soviet incognito squads they would have a mask of some sort but the guy with the gas mask however... That's not soviet nor American.. "Who the blyat is he?" Wondered Yuri, as the individual walked away from him he throws his popcorn and cotton candy on the side and secretly follows the gas mask man. So he can steal the glory that was stolen from him. The meeting was over and Twilight Sparkle got up from her seat and was heading outside with the thought that her enemy has a new ally, a ally that is dangerous to her and Equestria and could possibly tip the balance of everything. As she was heading to the north exit she heard a panicked scream coming from the south exit and quickly ran towards the direction and opened the door when she sees two of Equestria's royal guards dead. Immediately dread swept over her as she has never seen death like it up and personally as she tries to keep herself together when Uncle Sam and Reagan ran towards the scene to see the two royal guards dead as a military medic ran and cleared the area to examine and check for a possible pulse, he placed his finger on one of the guards neck and quickly press the bleeding shoulder and leg. "This one is still alive! I need someone to suppress the bleeding in this one!" The medic ordered, which Shining Armor quickly came to the medic's aid and held the bleeding areas while the medic checked the other one for his pulse and shook his head in disbelief. "Deceased.." The doctor lay a towel on the deceased guard and focused on the one savable one, Celestia and Luna entered the scene the Uncle Sam orders his agents to clear the scene and search for me and Gold Star. "What the hell happened here.." Asked MacArthur, as he sees a bloody crime scene infront of him. "General, these two were shot with a 9mm!" The professional reported, giving Uncle Sam dread and looked behind him at the Red Mother who was also watching the situation. "You did this! Did you!?" Uncle Sam violently accused. "Oh please! If anything you damned Americans are probably the ones behind this murder! After all the M9 is typically a 'AmErIcAn InVeNtIoN,'" Red Mother mocked. "Reagan was right about you bastard!" "That is enough! It's clearly neither of you who committed this sort of act!" Twilight spoke out in aggravation. "Stay out of this, short Princess! This is human matters not a Equestrian one!" General MacArthur ordered. "This is certainly a Equestrian matter general!" Intervened Celestia, walking beside Twilight's view. "If anything the Red Mother is right to say that it wasn't her nor her people who killed my ponies, but it was also obviously not the American humans either!" "Oh? Then who the hell is responsible for this then!?" MacArthur scowled in anger. "If you be patient, me and my sister will see who did this crime, by tapping into the surviving guards mind," Celestia replied. "But Celestia! You know how dangerous that could be! What if you got trapped in a endless cycle!" "Trust me," Celestia replied, which Twilight gulped and backed up while Celestia and Luna lit their horns and concentrated on the only living guard who is still breathing slightly. In a minute Celestia and Luna's eyes were flashed with the guards memories and life before them. After fighting against the tranq dart for some hours, minutes, whatever how much time had passed since I was unconscious I woke up with my legs and hands tied up in bondage, it seems my mouth was taped as well as my vision since it would seem that I was blind folded so no chance of conversating or seeing anything.. However when I leaned to my right I heard a grunt recognizable to Gold Star.. Wait a second? Gold Star is here but he's also in bondage what gives? I thought I was a target why would they want him? "Has the packages woken up yet?" Said a feminine voice. "Yes general, we have captured them alive but complications arise when two pony guards tried to stop us from our operation, other than that we have cleared our trail," reported a soldier, who I can't see because of the blindfold when I hear foot steps and pistols loading. "One wrong move, and your brain gets blown out, understood!" Yelled the female, which I nodded just to not underestimate whoever I'm dealing with. And also not die like a rat here.. The blindfold was untied along with Gold Star, we can now see each other but also the legit threat of what the chick said when she did said she would blown our brains out just by the look of the gas masked soldier with the pistol to my face. The soldier then reached to my mouth and torn the tape off of me and Gold Stars lips leaving a sting to my lip, but a sweet feel of air on my lips for potentially the last time since I'll probably not make it. Suddenly I hear foot steps coming towards me with medals clinging on the uniform they're attached to.. A devilish smile across the face.. A Herzland designed military cap wearing physco.. And.. Lipstick? What maniac uses lipstick!! "You may not know who I am, but I know who you are, Vader Justin Yates." Smirked the female fascist, as I realize that the maniac not only sounds insane, but also it's a chick.. "Who the hell are you? And how the hell did you know my name!" "Well.. Lets just say I have people on the inside that knows this type of stuff, I'll give you a hint, it's not the old man, nor Reagan the foolish, or anyone in congress." She revealed, chuckling while she turned to look at the tan stallion. "And you must be the pony who no one or the damn changelings would shut up about," She insulted, causing Gold Star to grumble under his breath. "What exactly made you thought that me and him were valuable all of a sudden with those dammed horse roaches you call allies!" Gold Star glowered, making her laugh even more. "Because dearly, I'd originally wanted you for Chrysalis, not this useless human you call 'special' if anything I was just going to kill him right on the spot if it wasn't for the Rodinian's going after him." "Wait, so you're not even after me?" I asked. "Of course not, as much as chrysalis would like to tear your skull on a rock I was simply ordered to capture Gold Star, not you, or a Equestrian princess... Yet.." "Mhm.. And you say you're after him, SO WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM THEN!" I was immediately butted by the end of one of her soldiers guns right in the gut, it felt like being shot only not a bullet but with a big force full of mass with the pain of being punched in sensitive parts, only it's on the guts but still it's fucking painful as fuck. "Silence, or it'll be more than just that," threatened the soldier, pointing his rifle towards me while the women grabbed my chin with her long and sharp finger nails. "First of all American, you are not the one in charge here, second of all you have no buisness what's in store for him other than what I know, and third..." She then paused and chuckled at number three as she released my chin from her grasp and then continued. "Have you considered that perhaps Gold Star was something more Vader? Something more than he's letting on?" "I don't really know what you're talking about here? I mean we're nearly buddies but.." "Yes?" I looked at Gold Star and he looked at me with a face that said 'I got nothing to hide' while at the same I feel a bit curious but there was also the fact that she had connections within the higher powers of the government so I looked at her with suspicion and decided to best play along or find out what is worse than being punched in the gut.. "What exactly are you talking about?" I asked, in which she was about to open her mouth when a pony figure came into the fray. "That's something she'll be answering later!" Everyone turned towards the voice which seems that the women looked at the pony with disgust. "Twilight Sparkle!" a hour earlier Twilight had been trotting around anxiously wondering when Celestia and Luna will snap back to themselves, MacArthur and Uncle Sam had been waiting for the agents to come back and the medic, with the help of Shining Armor, tended to the wounded guard when the agent ran towards Uncle Sam with a report. "Sir, we cannot find Gold Star or Yates." "What?!" Surprised Uncle Sam. "B-b-but where could they have been!" He raised, but that was when Celestia and Luna finished their spell and came back with frightened faces. "What did you fin-" "THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! Shining Armor! Rally up the guards and prepare a kingdom wide search immediately!" Celestia ordered to Shining Armor, interrupting MacArthur. "On it," "Luna contact Patton, have the expeditionary forces on full alert!" Celestia ordered again, as Luna nodded and flew to the air when Celestia turned towards Uncle Sam and General MacArthur. "Is someone going to explain what's going on here!" MacArthur demanded. "Gold Star and Yates were kidnapped, I don't know who or why, but when we find them they will answer for whatever they plan to do to them and what they did to my ponies!" Celestia then flew up to the air leaving MacArthur, Uncle Sam, and Twilight in the area. Twilight for some reason felt something in her that told her to act at once, so she turned and spoke with her own Canterlot tone. "Whatever you do do it now!" She ordered. "We will, but what about you?" Uncle Sam asked. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I will find them myself!" She raised her wings and flew off to the distance leaving Uncle Sam and MacArthur by themselves which made Uncle Sam smirk. "Alright then, General!" Uncle Sam requests. "Yes?" Replied MacArthur. "Get me... The green berets, immediately," "Right away sir," replied MacArthur. Twilight Sparkle and the the woman with her 6 men were now at a stand off with each other as Twilight lit her horn in combat readiness. "Well.. This will probably be it for us," I whispered to Gold Star. "Don't think that way, atleast we're being rescued," Gold Star replied. "By a Alicorn?" I scoffed "Oh please.. I've seen enough cop shows to know where this is going," I whispered in reply. "And how exactly does this go?" Gold Star asked in a whisper. "Well basically-" "KILL THAT ALICORN!" Shouted the women in a order, as the troops under her command reacted and fired their MP-40s at the purple princess. Twilight Sparkle watched as the bullets skewed right past her mane giving her the sense of dread of being killed by the hand of advanced but dangerous humans that serve under whoever orders them around, Twilight thought of what tactic she'll need to use in order to defeat them. She activates her shield magic which deflected the hellfire of bullets from getting to her by the tens before the soldiers held their fire in confusion, this gives Twilight the window of opportunity to take advantage and quickly opened her shield and flew up towards the sky and dive bombed them with her own hell fire amount of lethal magic of the enemy, but to avoid death she aimed for their shoulders or legs. Two were infront of one another when she fired her first shot at the enemy which blasted right through their shoulders and pushed them violently towards the wall, but as they hit their backs on the wall they dropped their guns giving me the perfect idea of how to get out of this mess, but first I got the get me and the captain out of bondage. "Hey Gold Star!" I whispered. "Yea?" "Use your horse teeth and bite the ropes." "...." "What?" "Did you literally call me a horse.." "What else am I gonna call you? A pony? This is fucking life or death for crying out loud!" "Ehhh.. Good point, but we really got to talk about species naming here." As I pointed my tied hands towards his mouth he immediately got to buisness and started biting on the rope when one of Twilights missed shots narrowly blasted his head off. "Holy- HEY PURPLE! I KNOW YOU'RE TRYING TO SAVE US HERE BUT CAN YOU TRY NOT TO GET US KILLED!" I shouted. "It'd be nice if I get help!" Responded Twilight, dodging the bullets from the soldiers and firing off her spells at the enemy. "WHAT THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO MISS PRINCESS! IT'S NOT LIKE WE'LL BE MIRACULOUSLY BE FREED FROM PURE LUCK!" I shouted back, before Suddenly a MP-40 bullet ripped through one of the ropes that tied my hands together, freeing me from my bondage. "Holy shit! That was luck!" Gold Star said, as bullets flew all over place when they impacted Twilights shield. "Damn... What were the odds of that?" I asked myself. "No clue but less talking more fighting, Twilight! We're coming!" Gold Star yelled, as I grabbed a knife from my belt and sliced the rope off of his hooves which now left me and Gold Star free, I then looked at the two guys still knocked out unconscious and grabbed their guns that they've dropped. "Do you know how to work these?" I asked. "I think you're suppose to pull this back when reloading, but it seemed to be loaded already and I doubt these guys expected a fight like this since I can't find a damn extra mag' so we'll need to make every shot count," Gold Star observed, as I passed the MP-40 rifle to him. "Good call," I replied. "Lets show this bitch what to!" As me and Gold Star got our wits together Twilight Sparkle made her charge at the last 2 soldiers when the woman officer grabbed a Lugar from her belt and shot a round on Twilight and pierced her right wing causing her to fall flat on the ground. She got up but was in pain and horror when she saw her wing had been penetrated by the bullet but she was quickly drawn towards the woman who pointed her pistol at Twilight face. "How unfortunate, you know a certain changeling spoke highly of you, and even offered to teach you herself if you haven't sided with Celestia," The woman smirked, which Twilight glared at her with the face of defiance as she got back on her four hooves "Chrysalis made a mistake that day when she released my friends! Her evilness will ultimately destroy her and the subjects that she leads, but if we both make it out then you may pass this to Rommel when I mean well by warning that he still has a chance to leave Chrysalis while he still can-" Immediately Twilight was grabbed and slammed against the harden brick wall with the woman's sharp fingernails cutting her skin as the woman growled in rage. "No one tells Rommel anything! And you will be the one to die here now and today!" But before she shot her pistol in Twilight's gut me and Gold Star killed and slaughtered all of her 6 men who now lay on the ground bleeding and torn, we then pointed our new guns towards her, it was however in that moment when I saw Gold Star in a strange face that I never see in a pony.. A face full of murder and anger, I didn't know what it was... But the day I'm in now would be the day that I understood something else... "Let.. Her.. Go.." He subtly ordered, pressing on the tight trigger. "No one orders me other than-" *BANG* screeched the MP-40 rifle as the bullet pierced right in the women's left leg as she screeched in pain so loud I almost dropped my gun and covered my ears. Talk about a drama queen. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" As she stopped screaming and attempted to scrawl away, Twilight got on her hooves and we both noticed Gold Star hasn't acknowledged that the rifle's magazine was out, but he kept on pressing on the trigger as if something traumatized him or worse.. "Gold Star it's empty," I said, but no reply, as the women was trying to lift herself up on her feet. "HEY! HELLO!? THE GUN IS EMPTY!" I shouted, but still.. No reply. After a struggle to stand up, women was now standing with one leg and glared at Twilight Sparkle who was still pressing in her flesh wound that the bullet pierced in through, the women then chuckled. "Fair game Twilight, next we meet! You will not survive, until then. SIEG HEIL!" The woman then limped to the dark part of the alley way where she disappeared from our sights, Twilight noticed that Gold Star still hasn't moved at all the whole time since he shot the women in the leg, Twilight slowly reached for Gold Star's foreleg and lowered it to the ground. "It's alright," she said. "She's been beat." Gold Star dropped the gun and sat on his rump in a sigh of breath as he looked at Twilight and smiled. "Is that date still on?" He chuckled. As me, Gold Star, and Twilight Sparkle got up massive amount of footsteps came right towards us and shouted while pointing their distinctive M4 Assualt rifles towards us. "GET ON THE GROUND! A.G.B!" Shouted a Green Beret officer, as Twilight lit her horn I quickly blocked her view with my hand and Gold Star got infront and shouted "EAGLE EAGLE! DON'T SHOOT! WE'RE FRIENDLY!" The Staff Sergeant lowered his gun and hand signaled one of his men to secure the three. "It's them Willy," reported the Corporal. "Copy, so if they're there, then where the hell is the threat?" He asked, as medics passed by the armed men to check for wounds, injuries, and bleedings that may have happened on me, Gold Star, and Twilight Sparkle. "You want to know the threat Sergeant? Look at the men behind us." I said, pointing at the now rotting carcasses of the dead men. The Sergeant nodded and immediately he and his men went passed us to examine the dead soldiers that me and Gold Star had brutally killed during the clash in the alley way. "Damn... Going to be a bloody story for me to tell my daughter about," Said the Corporal, looking at the dead men. "Eh, who knows maybe she'll be interested in it, Captain Gold Star, Lieutenant Yates, Uncle Sam has requested that you two stay in Ponyville until further notice, is that clear?" The Sergeant Willy relayed, while me and Gold Star were a bit drowsy after the whole shit show that occurred. "You know after today.. It'd be nice to take a RnR right about now," said I "You said it," replied Gold. Base Alicorn: Ponyville, 8 hours later "And with that ladies and Gentlecolts! The Equestrian games were a knockout! With Cloudsdale winning first place in the games, followed by second place the American Federation, and third place team Ponyville!-" I turned the radio off, it was nice that my home country won second place in the games, sad that Ponyville lost but I don't think the ponies or locals don't really care about the games other than their own just having fun. It has also been officially 8 hours 12 minutes and 30 seconds since the whole shit in the Crystal Empire, Gold Star seems to be enjoying the Air conditioner that's beside his bed, the whole shit was strange really, and I'm just waiting on Uncle Sam's word on whenever we can go off base or not. But on the bright side, atleast I Aint a target with these people. (Despite me necking and pinning the Changeling Queen on the floor with a fatass Machine Gun on her gut) But perhaps from it all I've learned one thing, and that is Twilight Sparkle is scary if she's after you, but that's if you do anything to piss her off. *Knock, Knock, Knock* "Huh, at this late? Dag damn can this not wait.." I grumbled, walking towards the door and opening it slightly, however there was no one? Unless if I looked down there's... "Oh.. I didn't expect you to be here?" "So I am in the right place then, is Gold Star here?" She asked. "Oh yea, lemme get him, YO GOLD STAR! SPARKLE PANTS WANTS TO SEE YOU!" I shouted, joking around with Twilight's name, though she flattened her ears back in offense. "What? I can't make a joke once in a while?" While Twilight took my jokes as offensive Gold Star came to the door and was surprised. "I'll take this one, you can go whatever you're doing," Gold insisted. "If you insist cap, I won't disturb yall two, gon go waste my life with the magazines on my bed," I replied, walking back to my bed to read magazines that I bought from the daily articles while the captain closed the door behind him. . . "It's just you and me now, what made you come here?" Gold Star asked. "Well, it's just that ever since we've met on the day of diplomacy I've thought of you as a.. Usual.." Twilight slowly admitted, which kinda made Gold a bit out of touch with himself. "A bit hurtful don't you think?" "I know, I know, and I'm sorry to ever think that with you," Twilight Apologized, but Gold quickly caught on with her last words of that sentence being 'to ever think that' he decided to press forward and know what Twilight knows about him.. "...How.. So?" "How so what?" Twilight questioned. "How so that you're sorry to ever think of me as a usual? What exactly makes you say that?" Gold interrogated, which Twilight sighed and replied. "Thinking back when we first met you've actually took interest with the things that I've loved, and what it was is books especially how you've perfectly described that one chapter in Starswirls book of spells! The only pony who actually cared about the knowledge I've read... But.." "But?" "But it also had me thinking, why do you? A earth pony, like to read books mainly for unicorns and pegasi so much?" "I mean, I've given you the answer before, I'm the captain of the 105th division! The division known to exterminate anything that interferes with foreign operations! From Z.I.T.S! To Yeti terrorist! And to other groups that dare harm others, but... It's also because I've took interest, not in what the spells or flight do how's, but the history of how and when they were made and comparative of what would've happened if we never had said spells, in fact if it wasn't for Starswirls light spells humanity would've never invented or thought of the light bulb in the first place! But... I wouldn't be surprised you would say something like that though.. I was told that my entire life, I guess.. No one appreciates what I like with these books in my own view... Maybe perhaps.. I'm different?" As Gold looked at Twilight he felt very emotional as he rested his head on the wooden barriers on the side of his quarters front door, Twilight sighed. "When I was only a little filly... I was told that given enough time and work I could become greater than I was back then, when I took this advice at heart and I've started to read my very first book, and that was a spell book that you've obviously read more than 10-" "11" "11 times, and it was what helped me start my journey to the point of what I would become to this day," Twilight paused, looking at the sky and the stars that lit the night. "But that wasn't really what jumpstarted isn't it?" Gold asked, which Twilight closed her eyes and smiled. "And you would be correct, if it wasn't for the rainbow boom we wouldn't have became close friends, if anything I would've failed the exam that day and... We would be mortal enemies instead of being friends.." Twilight gulped at the scenario she made up, but Gold rolled his eyes and smirked. "Maybe, maybe not, but anything could've happened and it seems the managers in the sky had deemed a destiny for you and your friends and perhaps there could be something between us that management might deemed as, but before we can do that though... I might need to know a little more with your friends," Gold Star suggested. "Good Idea!" Twilight cheered happily. "Maybe we can do that date still if you would like? What do you think?" "I think tomorrow would do, what time?" Gold asked. "Afternoon If that's fine with you? Right...." "I think afternoon would do great," Gold Star smiled. . . After the two said their goodbyes Gold came back inside of the room, by now I was asleep, buried with magazines on top of my face and a bottle of water that spilled on the floor. Gold looked through the door hole where he saw Twilight flying out of his sight, after she had fully left he slid on the door with his back and slowly sat on the floor, he looked up and smiled before his main thoughts came in as he let out a sigh both happy but worry.. "She can't know... Nor can anyone else..." Canterlot, Yuri's apartment After looking through the footage of the events he had seen and recorded in the alley way, he was intrigued with his new enemy that he now faces, he was packing his things up when the phone ringed, it was from Dounivich... He looked at the phone and noticed that Dounivich doesn't have his face on the profile picture, with curiosity Yuri answered the phone. "Hello Dounivich, what do you have to say now?" Yuri questioned. "What he has to say is that he is already dead," replied a female caller. "Red Mother! I didn't expect you to call me, but why through Dounivich's phone number may I ask?" He asked. "Because he has been removed from his position as my personal advisor for undermining orders, and also he was found dead in his apartment so now I have to find a new advisor, but that's not what I'm calling about, what I am calling about is that I've decided to put the operation of acquiring the staff and it's user to a end.." The Red Mother declared, shocking Yuri.. "Are you sure? Because I've already got a rivalry going on with the purple Alicorn," Yuri protested. "We do not need to disturb the Americans as of now, there's a new threat that has now risen, and as we speak our soviet navy has already intercepted 2 ships with Prueben agents from the Changeling Lands, that's why you'll be assigned to not work with the Americans, but rather work incognito against potential intelligence attack on Equestria until further notice, is that clear Yuri?" The Red Mother asserted. "Yes, our Red Mother, it shall be done..." Vesalpolis, Changeling lands A column of tanks, military cars, trucks, and other armored vehicles arrived to the central hive of Vesalpolis where the Queen watches down from her balcony with Rommel as they see what will soon be the Changeling's weaponry. "It is a great honor to provide you further, but it's all I can spare at the moment until the blueprint convoy arrives to the ports of Dytrisium, after that we will also need to discuss on working on "consolidation" with the rivaling Queens and other changelings who opposes your rule," Rommel boasted, while Chrysalis looked at the human with a unimpressed face. "My subjects would've been able to reunite the divided hives without your equipment, the equipment you brought us just quickened the progress," Chrysalis said in pride of her subjects. "It's good to support your subjects, but with the equipment I've provided and trained them with, your army would be unstoppable compared to Equestria's incompetent one, the problem is though is this," Rommel gave Chrysalis a rolled up Newspaper that had the heading "Human-Pony Alliance" Chrysalis hovered her eyes all over the article, she growled in anger and shred it to pieces with her bare hooves and threw the pieces over the balcony.. "I was still reading that..." "I don't give a Tartarus of what you were reading! THE NATION FILLED WITH THE WRETCHED PEST! THAT INTERFERED WITH MY PLANS IN CANTERLOT IS ALLYING WITH OUR GREATER ENEMY!" Chrysalis shouted lividly, while Rommel rolled his eyes. "And to think that the changelings would be capable of taking over the city without any notice, but I guess all that is said and done when I can say you now understand why I came to your aid when you need it most don't you not?" Rommel asked in a formal affirm expression, as Chrysalis calmed herself a little and looked at him with a glare and then a smile. "Very well, General Rommel." Chrysalis chuckled and then laughed at the air as Rommel rolled his eyes in his usual 'I don't give a fuck' mood while planning on what to do with the American army command itself, if he can't sink the flag ship of America, then he'll just go for the ranks in charge themselves. And there will be blood... Moskva City, Rodinia The Red Mother sat on her throne desk looking up at the air wondering about Yates, it would seem that she would thought of him as a spoiled American brat, but it would seem he has more discipline with himself when it came with first meetings and it would seem that it catched her attention. While she pondered the things the elevator door opens and stepping out was Ogav, who was summoned by the Red Mother for a personal meeting, walked towards her desk and straightened himself to a honorable military salute and moralizing her title. "Our Red Mother!" The Red Mother raised from her seat and spoke. "Please sit," Ogav obeyed and sat on the chair provided for visitors as the Red Mother grabbed a box at the end of her desk and then uncased a glass box that has a old SVT-40 rifle. "Now stand up, and kneel," she commanded, which Ogav obeyed and got up from his seat and kneeled infront of the red clothed woman who then lifted the box and placing the gun barrel on Ogav's shoulders and spoke. "In the might of the Republics of Soviet States, I declare thee, Ogalivich Volklav, Captain of the Red Army, you may rise," she says, as Ogav got up on his feet while the Red Mother opened the box and tooked out two medals and a rank patch, one medal was the order of Lenin, the other was the rarest of them all. "The Order of Victory? In what stances?" He questioned. "For ending a rebellion in Stalliongrad, and leading our men to victory in Arabia, while the Arabians continue to plot their counterattack on our allied government we wouldn't have the stronghold in Zebrica if it wasn't for your expertise, captain," The Red Mother smiled, putting the other medal on Ogav's chest as he saluted with pride. "Thank you! Our Red Mother!" "Dismissed comrade Captain, I'd like to see more victories like them," The Red Mother smiled and waved at the now promoted Captain of the Soviet army. Suddenly a phone rings on her desk, she walks up to her desk and picks up the phone. "I assume you know where he is?" She asked. "Yes Our Red Mother, we found him.." "Then I also assume that Tirek is on the move." > Secrets, and Foes (Tirek Arc Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Base Alicorn: Ponyville, 8:23 PM, ETZ As I was coming back from making a water run to pick up the two gallons of water that was ordered by Colonel Alex Twilight Sparkle was walking by me, of course I don't know what to do when a princess walks by as I would usually just wave and smile, which I did. "Sup," I said. "Hi," she replied, and then just walking by like nothing happened. Like I said, the smile and wave tactic never fails me, or was that shoot first questions later? I don't know I Aint no monarchist I'm a demarchist, and I just realized that's not even a word... Hm.. Oh well atleast I tried to rhyme that right, (Probably not..) but anyways tonight was Gold and Twilight's date tonight though I would assume by date as in to get each other known, but as much as I would like to third wheel these dates I have to make up Gold Star's military shift because of the date and the one part of Gold Star's shift was to carry the two gallons back to base without no type of transportation or nothing- "You do realize you could've used the jeep right," Colonel Alex elaborated, as I looked to see a JLTV at the literal gate waiting for a driver. "Oh.. I didn't see that," I replied. "Well the important thing is you did got the water, and maybe some strength muscles, I think that should be good for the night," Alex added. "So, is this rumor true about Gold Star in a secret relationship with Twilight?" I asked. "That's the most bullshit of a rumor I've ever heard, if anything Gold Star is anti-social, and last I heard so was Twilight Sparkle, if anything just give it tonight and I bet the rumor will collapse immediately," Alex proudly said looking up at the sky when I pointed. "Nice speech and all, but just as you said that the couples train left the station,"  I was informed. "What,"  Alex turned and saw Gold Star opening the Humvee door and allowed Twilight to sit on the passenger seat and then got in the Humvee himself and drove off into the town of Ponyville, he looked very blank. "Soooo... You were sayin-" "Not another word Lieutenant.. Not another word," Meanwhile, as the Colonel starts questioning his own life decisions, Gold Star pulls up to the place that he and Twilight were about to finally meet up at.. Wait, sugar cube corner? Am I typing this right? Huh, I guess Gold Star is about to have a hell of a time then... . . As Gold Star stepped down from the jeep and opened the passenger door to the right of the driver's seat for Twilight he gazed upon of what looks very colorful, maliciou-  I mean delicious, and clownish, but atleast to Gold Star's eyes that it was more of a pleasant sight for him than it is to my eyes. "Watch your step," he said, as he assisted her down from the jeep all gentlemen. "Isn't that usually what my friends would call a flirt?" Twilight sarcastically asked. "Nah, I thought to be a bit of a gentlecolt once in a while," said Gold Star, not knowing what he was saying. The two were now awkwardly silent, nothing but the other ponies having their part-night stroll through the town, atleast was until SHE showed up. "HELLO!" Shouted a... Pink pony, as the two panicked like cats trying to run for cover. "OH! SORRY ABOUT THAT! I'M SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT! Smoooooth-just like Rarity asked me to do!" As Gold Star was grabbing his grip Twilight grabbed hers and introduced Pinkie Pie to Gold Star. "Gold Star, this is Pinkie Pie, Pinkie, this is Gold Star," "Nice to meet you?" Gold Star greeted, extending his hoof towards Pinkie who then violently shakes it up to the point of beating his body to the ground. Twilight lifted Gold Star off the ground and placed him back on the ground and then questioned. "What do you mean just like Rarity asked you to do?" "Oh yeaaaa! Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, aaaand Fluttershy are hiding in that bush right behind you!" Pinkie babbled, as Twilight turned towards the bush and lifted the bush revealing her four friends, oh and Spike. "What are you all doing?" Twilight asked, placing the five back on the ground. "Eh, I thought you said it was a date?" Spike questioned towards Rarity. "Well darling! That's what Twilight had told me it was!" Rarity said in confusion. "Well your plan awfully went 'according to plan' what exactly did you expect Pinkie pie to do? She can't keep secrets ya know?" Applejack pointed out. "And I do NOT! Feel guilty about it!" Pinkie Pie cheerfully said. "Yeaa, we can talk about Rarity and her 'fantastic' plan and actually know who exactly this guy is?!" Rainbow Dash interjected. "I think Rarity's plan could've worked," Whispered Fluttershy. Immediately the girls started arguing about Rarity's plan and Twilight's date; it went from gossip to pure frustration to total argument filled yelling. "Does this happen much often between you and your friends?" Gold Star speculated, in which Twilight sighed. "So much for first impression," she then turned towards her friends that were arguing, (except for Fluttershy and Spike) and yelled out. "ENOUGH!" The girls quickly got silent and Twilight cleared her throat. "Gold Star, these are my friends, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and the one that jumped out at us is Pinkie," Twilight introduced, as her friends waved their hooves at Gold Star, who he waved right back. "Greetings, I've heard about you all back in my home country about your accomplishments and teamwork, being up close and personal and it seems there is something more than meets the eye," Gold Star expressed himself. "Oooh, such poetics!" "Not to bother, but I reckon that we get to know more with each other?" Applejack suggested. "I think that's a fine idea darling, if Twilight approves?" Rarity added. "Well?" Twilight asks. "What do you think?" "I think it's always best to get to know others, but first, lets get inside before the mosquito's start swarming us," Gold Star insisted, and the group went inside of sugar cube corner. Red-Moskva The biggest submarine in all of Rodinia was at the coast of Stalliongrad on a patrol ordered by Admiral Korkovi of the Soviet fleet. The Soviet submarine is captained by Vasili Arkhipov, who was overseeing the patrols being very effective, with no oncoming naval vessel other than fishing ships from the ports of Petershoof, or Stalliongrad naval forces conducting their own patrol around the seas. The captain was drinking his morning Joe when his private phone rang at the command office of the Submarine. "Captain Vasili speaking," "Your patrol period has ended, you are now instructed to report back to the Petershoof ports for maintenance, and then start setting sail for Moskva for inspection," ordered admiral Korkovi. "Ponyal, dasvidaniya." Acknowledged the captain. "Dasvidaniya." As he hangs up the phone he goes towards the stern of the submarine and gives the order. "Admiral just called, head for port and start refueling, we head for Moskva at dawn." "Aye aye Captain," acknowledged his first mate, as she turned the submarine and made the turn back to port. . . . Ever since the short but costly conflict in Petershoof the Rodinian's army had kept their presence jointly with the Stalliongrad army, construction was a torture to the workers considering that they had to clean the ashes of Artillary shells that blew craters into the streets, and the tough part of all was the tank and vehicle wreckage remains. What was worse though was burying the dead, while the Harmonic resistance in Stalliongrad was crushed it left massive concern within the Soviet party and with the head of the council killed is created a power vacuum for the party, and while that they called for the deaths of the rebels to make a example of them, if it wasn't for the Rodinian guarantee that was created the R.I.B. and the military police enforced the deal that Ogav has miraculously struck with the rebel leaders. Despite this, the only parts that remained unscathed by the Artillery was the coastal site, there were ponies carrying their fillies to camps established by humanitarian aid companies sponsored and authorized by the Rodinian Soviet council who were sympathetic to getting the helpless back on their hooves. As the submarine finally docked the captain came out of the submarine and breathed in the great fresh air that he had longed for the moment he ducked his head inside the submarine and into the cramped space a.k.a. claustrophobic ridden hulls. And compared the outside to the insides of the submarine. "Yep, surface is more better.." he said, climbing off from the Submarine hatch and onto solid ground while his crew started conducting maintenance checks on the submarine he walked towards a group of officers who looked concerned as they were conversing with each other when he heard jet flybys in the sky, it weirded him out because usually exercises were only conducted in February and that was 2 months ago, so he went to the group and asked. "Did you see that too or am I imagining things?" Vasili asked, surprising the conversating officers. "Captain Vasili? Shouldn't you be back on patrol?" Asked an officer. "Well, I was ordered back here, is there something wrong?" He asked. "Captain, I don't think you've received anything yet, but we've been placed on red alert status?" The officer replied, catching the submarine captain off guard from his words. "What?? But we just got back from our patrol. How could we be in a red alert status?" He questioned. "You might wanna read this, Captain.." Washington city "Red Alert status? From Rodinia? Can we confirm this?" Asked Reagan. "Mr. President I've had it checked two times straight in a row, I didn't believe it myself at first but it would seem that confidence is high and that the Soviets may know something that we don't, sir," The F.I.U. Agent replied, which placed Reagan in a strange spot. "Alright, but how far extended is this Red Alert?" Reagan asked. "It seems sir, that the entire airspace around Stalliongrad and parts of it's border is currently being patrolled by Soviet aircraft, we also have radio chatter about a name called 'Tirek' possibly a code name sir," the agent reported. "Tirek? You mean the Tirek? Or just Tirek as in some sort of terrorist organization that martyrs that name?" "We have no further information on that sir, other than the name," The Agent shrugged. "Very well then, dismissed." As the F.I.U. Agent saluted and left the room. George Bush and Reagan looked directly at each other with concern. "Something's not right here, if the Soviets were to talk about Tirek and then panic over Stalliongrad you would take it as a fib if there weren't reports of Soviet jets violating Equestrian or Griffonian airspace," Bush questioned with concern, as Reagan nodded firmly. "Perhaps a phone call with Brezhnev is the best option for this sort of problem?" Bush added, but Reagan shook his head. "As long as he specifically is in office I will make no phone calls with him, instead I will contact Uncle Sam to see if he can clear this up," Reagan suggested, as he reached for his phone when a postal delivery guy arrived at his office with a document made from the pentagon military command. "Hm.. I wonder what general MacArthur wants this time? It better not be the AbramsX budget argument again, congress had already dismissed it for good reasons, plus he never even gave the variant two a chance, something I'm definitely going to increase after today along with the Bradley's," Reagan articulated, as he opened the document and looked through it when he sees the one sentence quoting. "In accordance with repeated violations of territorial airspace, we have set for Defcon 3, respond to this message immediately." The Post delivery man then left the room as Reagan read the document from the Pentagon. "Hmm... That may not be a good sign, how about this, while I get in contact with strategic military command to have them authorize the newest F-16 fighters to scramble around the Equestrian-Stalliongrad Air space, which I'm glad they got working now, have the media and congress informed about the situation but keep the defcon level confidential, we don’t want the public to panic over a possibility of open war," Reagan ordered. "Very well Mr. President," Bush acknowledged, leaving Reagan with his phone that's dialing the Pentagon. "Department of defense, how may I help you?" Asked a feminine voice. "This is President Ronald Reagan, I'd like to speak with General MacArthur," Crystal city, a day later Patton was outside in the Crystal city with his regiment, awaiting for the arrival of the Maretonia diplomats that are scheduled to meet the princesses of Equestria in a top secret meeting regarding a potential military assault on soviet held territory. An operation America will never do considering the potential consequences of it. That's why when the royalty of Arabia seek refuge in the nation of Maretonia the Duke and Duchess of nation conversated and agreed to launch a counter assault against the Rodinian puppeted Arabia, and so they planned a diplomatic trip to Equestria to discuss the potential of a operation and perhaps some other classified political matters that'll need to be discussed.  But what is Patton doing? Standing in front of the Crystal-American expedition brigade with rows of M60s that replaced the outdated Sherman's and as for the troops that dedicated the rest of their lives to protect the city even unto old age were equipped and refitted with the finest American weaponry that the arsenal could offer. While of course it took about a year for it to completely transfer let alone additional training with the soldiers and refitting, they're also still awaiting for newer Self-propelled Artillery weapons that are still being transferred along with additional radios and new supply equipment, this also meant that some of his men still has Semi-auto rifles. But it was all in the day's work for Patton, as he worked to have his expedition pint up as fast as possible, of course he has yet to catch up on the latest tactics that the modern day world has to offer. But as he waited on the dukes and the duchess and other Maretonian officials he started to get bored and looked at his watch which was quarter till, and the Arabian leaders and still the diplomats had not arrived yet. "Mi amore could've told me they were going to be late, oh well, my men could use some vitamin d for fucking off recently, now for the the matter with Holt Martavias, I swear to god, he has spirit, but too much," Patton told himself, when he caught a glimpse of ponies from the horizon, looking afar at the distance he sees 7 pastel colored ponies and a small dragon. "Damn, and I thought they were them," Patton said to himself, continuing to look at the distant horizon. And as he stood there he decided to listen in on the mares conversation to pass the time while pretending he didn't hear them though he started to catch on the conversation as the familiar southern pony started saying. "How exactly is that different than smiling' and waving' not like a princess?" "It isn't," the lavender princess replied, while Patton so far heard that apparently the purple Alicorn pony who miraculously became one and a princess is apparently self-doubting herself. -talk about pity- he thought. Last time someone self-doubted themselves he smacked them in the helmet with his hand and cursed at him and they would self-doubt no more, of course to killing Sombra's mind controlled army back in the Human-Crystal war, but with that year old war out of the way he found himself more of the chief of police than a general, even though he did conducted some military based operations in the mountains. The yellow pegasus noticed the worry and emotion and asked. "What's wrong Twilight?" "Why the Looooooooooong face!" the pink one bubbled, stretching the one named Twilight's face like taffy. "I've just been feeling a little unsure about things lately, it doesn't seem that my new role as a princess equates to all that much," the pony fretted, making Patton roll his eyes after hearing such ignorance. "That's just silly," Applejack viewed. "You've got a really important role in Equestria!" "Princess Celestia wouldn't have asked you to come if she didn't think so," Fluttershy contended, before Patton had enough of the bullshit he was hearing and stepped in front of the group, cleared his throat, and said. "You know, hearing the conversation makes me want to shit, but I can't shit because if I do shit then some fucker is going to interrupt my privacy to tell me that I am needed back to my men, and if I get interrupted someone is getting slapped, and if I slap someone then some other son of a bitch will court martial me and then he get’s slapped."   The Mane 6 stared at him with confusion when Patton then clarifies. "The point is, let's say this, I was hand picked to be a general of this army, I enjoyed it, I've embraced it, and I've done the duty as one for the honor of my country, now as for your situation however, you were rewarded to be the Alicorn of the nation, and so far you've loath it, you've kicked it, and yet instead of doing a duty as one you've completely complained about your responsibility," Patton voiced. Twilight sighed at Patton's words and response. "I've never complained about the responsibility handed to me, but.. I did started to have doubts for my role of being princess of Equestria other than smile and wave.." Twilight looked back at Rarity, who was nervously chuckling when Patton cleared him throat again and grabbed Twilight’s attention with his scenario. "And being alive in case something serious happened, like say a crazy bastard running towards Celestia and slaps his shit across the backside of her head and kills her with a stick of shit, what happens now?" Patton riddled. "What type of scenario is that! Celestia would see hi-" "Answer the question, I don't have time for shitty opinions!" Patton interjected. "I- L-Luna would take Celestia's place as ruler of Equestria," Twilight answered, while her friends murmured in the background. "Mhm... Now lets say somehow lightning struck her during mid flight and she landed on the rocky ground below face first flat now who's in charge?" Patton riddled again. "What type of scenarios are they! Do you not think about other types of scenarios other than-!" "These are scenarios, don't take them seriously now answer the damn question!" "Okay, okay... Well... Cadence would take in charge of Equestria, but she already has a kingdom to rule, and I doubt Shining Armor would take her place which would leave..." Twilight suddenly realizes what Patton was basically telling her, the importance of her position as princess through heirness, she answers the old experience general with one simple word.  "Me..." Patton smirked in exceeding pride. "About fucking time, now go on and scram before I have to hear any of this conversation even more," Patton chuckled, in which the mane 6 walked by him with ridiculed faces except for Twilight who seemed to have now been teached a valuable lesson. "Who does that guy think he is? Celestia and Luna could never die from something that stupid!" Rainbow Dash criticized. "Ehh, I think that's kind of the point of his useless scenarios. I think he just wanted us to shut up," Applejack insisted. "Eh, he's an old man so that's probably not his fault for his age," Spike retorted while looking at Twilight. "Do you even understand any of his human nonsense?" Spike questioned, which Twilight looked at him with an aggravated stare which means to just be quiet. Patton looked as the Mane 6 entered the Crystal tower with a slight smile to his face while one of his officers came to him while being guarded with Royal guard ponies with a report. "General, we've been given orders." "From who?" Patton asked. "The mainland defense sir, we've been ordered to.. Remain in Crystal City for further instructions?" The officer informed. Patton looked around 360 degrees looking at the crystallized buildings, structures, Crystal heart and the castle, and looked at the officer with the report with the face that says “Are you stupid.” "We really have lazy ass drunks for messengers don't we... Have my reply be, oh we're definitely remaining in Crystal City alright, just ask when the hell are you going to figure that out!" Patton phrased with aggravation. "Umm.. Are you sure you want to send that sir?" "Yes, word for word, do not miss a single one," Patton ordered. "Understood, general" replied the officer with a shaky voice, walking back to the communications array. 26 minutes later After an excruciating wait the trumpets finally sounded from the distance and the crowd had formed for the arrival of the diplomatic leaders and heads of Maretonia. "About time," he said to himself, looking at his right for the oncoming diplomats as a royal guard announced. "The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia!" As the Duke and Duchess walked by Patton's 3rd army regiment one of the Maretonian generals who are attended in the trip looked at the well equipped soldiers and the M60s with other regimental officers wedging on Patton's side and Military Police personal standing silent as their own royal guard along with other diplomats from Humarica who are authorized to spectate and conversate with the leaders. The Maretonian extended his hoof towards Patton and the two shook hands and hoof together in then after, the Maretonian general walked back towards the center of the Crystal castle in the middle of the city where princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence met with the Duchess and Duke while Twilight unveiled the Equestrian banner which made Patton tilt his head a bit but shrugged as the diplomacy begins. approximately several hours later Petershoof A crowd of stalliongrad ponies gathered around the streets from the refugee camps as sounds of motor vehicles were heard throughout the city, they watched as Rodinian special forces onboard Ural transport trucks drove through the streets of the city with military officers, leading this convoy of vehicles through the city as the denizens gaze at the sudden arrival of their allied army specially trained to kill, the ponies of Petershoof meanwhile assumes that it's probably a surprise parade but in reality, they've yet to know what's really going on around Equestria or their homeland... Colonel Perov Volinsky lead his men to the camp which was garrisoned by a T-72 tank and standard infantry mixed with Rodinian and Stalliongrad pony species, as he passed by the garrison who paused and saluted to the Colonel left and right, he then ordered his men to pause and to unload the equipment which he then turned towards a trailer which is the forward operations base of the Petershoof construction and enforcement. . .General Cogwheel Ponyarchuk was filing the reports about the Rodinian deployment and the report that was fully confirmed that Tirek has reemerged after thousands of years, it was then that the door was knocked and the pony General called. "Come in." The door opened and the Colonel stepped inside and gazed around the trash filled trailer full of empty cups, vodka bottles, and files. "Well this certainly takes officers' mess to a newer meaning," the Colonel assessed. "Yea well, that's because the party had me work overtime last ni- well.. If it isn't Colonel Perov, what brings you to my camp?" The General greeted, shaking the Colonel's hand. "A place to sleep, rest, eat, and plan, sounds simple no?" The Colonel replied. "Well, you're welcomed here by many, comrade Ponies, Griffons, and Thestrials! Of course we'll give you a place to sleep, of course the thing was I wasn't informed about your deployment?" The General informed. "That's because I have the information here," the Colonel showed a movement order to the General who scanned every word inch by inch and nodded. "All seems good, now what I need to know is, what other information do I need to know?" The General questioned. "In the will of the Red Mother the one name Tirek is on his way to this city, as we speak he maybe sucking everyone of their magic like a vacuum cleaner, and the Red Mother has ordered, dead or alive, though if you want the bigger cash I'd go with dead," the Colonel explained. "A bounty? On Tirek? She must be very... Odd to put a bounty on someone who was banished for a thousand years, but I doubt we'll keep him alive, another question is why? Why is he attacking here?" Cogwheel asked. "I have no clue as to why he's coming here other than his motives, revenge, and power, and it would seem he's accomplishing one of the others just by hearing the news," Perov further explained. "But what does this have to do with us though! We aren't apart of the imperialist south of our border!" "That's because my fellow high ranking officer, the damn guy was banished before Stalliongrad existed at all, or the birth of my homelands, he considers Stalliongrad still a part of Equestria," Perov explained. "Colonel.. You're scaring the hell out of me right now, does your intelligence know where he is?" Cogwheel asked. "Do you have a map of Stalliongrad I can use?" Perov asked. "Yea, right there," pointed Cogwheel at the old map of Stalliongrad with the map key still intact it would seem as Perov grabs a yellow marker. "This is us here in Stalliongrad, at the south of here the R.I.B. had reported that Tirek is currently enroute to us right here, within let's say 2 to 6 hours he will be arriving to us and start sucking the hell out of everyone here except for us," Perov explained as Cogwheel looked closer. "You really need better handwriting Colonel," the General criticized. "Never my talent, but you can see how close he is from us General," the Colonel emphasizes.. "I see, surely your tanks could deal with him right?" Cogwheel asked. "Unfortunately we only have two tanks at our disposal as the other tanks had been recalled for operation missions in Griffonia, but nonetheless while they enjoy those damned birds and their beer and sausages we'll be fighting the one guy with infantry only, unless of course Ogav might lend us a hand but without additional heavy support I feel like we’ll be blown to pieces by whatever magic power this beast has, " the Colonel explained, making Cogwheel go into plan mode. "Then how about this, if we can start building up trenches, machine guns, motor trenches, and guerilla defenses then perhaps given enough fire power he might leave knowing that he'll be torn the shreds." "I see what you're planning here General, but what if he doesn't turn back after the hellfire of bullets?" Colonel Perov asked. "If he doesn't turn back, then we will then go to phase 2, unleash all we got, he may sound tough, but I Ain't afraid of blowing his body apart piece by piece!" “Then we have a lot of work ahead of us.” Ponyville, 1:20 PM ETZ,Base Alicorn Gold Star had been working intensely lately since the date, while I was chilling on the bed playing with a rubber ball the Colonel barges inside the room like a swat raid scaring the shit out of both of us, mainly with Gold Star having his back fur fluff up like a cat. "Do you HAVE! To barge in the room!" Gold Star complained. "Yea... What do you need, sir?" Colonel Alex straightened his tie and threw the military orders on Gold Star's desk and then signaled me over to come to the desk in which I did, me, Gold Star, and Alex looked at the order with concern.. "Huh.. Apparently some guy named Tirek is wreaking havoc on cities, hm, probably a tantrum," I said in my opinion, which the two looked at me with annoyed faces. "What?" "I don't think you know about Tirek," Gold Star assumed. "Welp, say that towards me too, because I have no idea who he is either," Alex said while crossing his arms, while Gold Star raised his hoof up and then realized he didn't know who he was either. "Man, neither do I.. Come to think of it? I have no clue who or what he is, other than just the name which sounds a bit intimidating, kinda sounds like Tyrannical, or something?" Gold Star scratched his mane thinking what Tirek could be. "Well it seems that command wants him gone, so I guess we'll follow orders then?" I suggested. "Nah, if they want him gone that would mean he knows tactics and I Ain’t underestimating him," Gold Star pointed out. "Yea.. That is odd they want to take out one being, I guess we'll need to follow through with the orders and start planning, as soon as we actually know who he really is, Gold Star, I assume your girlfriend has any knowledge of him?" Alex asks. "Well I think she does- wait.. Did you just say girlfriend!?" Gold Star said insultingly. "Yea? Got a problem with that captain?" Alex replied, knowing that Gold Star won't gnash out of spite because of the phrase 'girlfriend' which Gold Star abruptly stopped his sudden aggravation to annoyance. "No... I'll see if Twilight knows, but don't think I'll forget that!" Gold Star warned, leaving the building with me and Alex. "Sure, we'll see," Alex smirked. "I think I'll go with him, just for something for me to do," I insisted. "Go on ahead Lieutenant," Alex authorized, turning to his own work and looking at the order and staring directly at the name Tirek. "Now just who the hell are you supposed to be??" . . . As Gold Star angrily walked towards the jeep I came running and called his name, he paused and looked behind him to see me running towards him and then stopping. "Decided to join me?" He reckoned. "Well, what am I gonna do? Collect dust and figure out who Tirek is? Or go with the captain and get fucking autographs from the legends themselves?" I exclaimed, which he smirked and threw his keys towards me. "You drive Lieutenant," he ordered. "Aye, aye captain," I replied, boarding the driver's seat of the Humvee and started the vehicle up waiting for Gold Star to board when I noticed he grabbed two side arms and a MP5 submachine gun from the armory and hoisted one of the side arms on his chest and slipped the submachine gun in one of his satchels. "I don't think we're in any danger going up there you know?" I was assured of myself. "Trust me, after some nights with Twilight you learn that it's best to keep a pistol with you at all times, you can never know what stuff could happen around her," Gold Star noted, while I cranked the car stick to drive. "Duly noted then," I said in a sigh, when Gold Star handed me a Colt 45’ and signaled me to drive towards the road down to Ponyville and into potential autographs we went. While me and Gold Star were heading towards Ponyville I decided to start the conversation, mainly the relation between Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle, a bit wrong for a Colonel to tease like that, but I guess that's what happens when you choose presidential mission over military chores. "So, how are you and Twilight going anyways? With personal diplomacy still being in effect I can safely assume that you two are doing well?" I asked. "Yeah, but there's something I've never yet told her about that's been bothering me the whole time," Gold Star admitted. "Ahh, a secret! Please tell me I do love secrets and then forget them," I've personally admitted. "Well it would kinda stay a secret if you forget them, all though I suppose that's kinda the point of one, but this one is something you will never forget, so no, sorry," Gold Star denied. "Oh.. Sorry to hear that then, kinda sucks hope this trip better be worth it," "But you are getting autographs aren't you not?" Gold Star chuckled. "Heh, to be honest I was just gonna chill with them, a bit weird to be asking civilians for autographs to be honest," I said in my opinion. "Yea but, they are the mane 6 aren't they? After all they have the power of the elements, of course since the incident from the everfree, which by the way, loooong time ago." "Mhm," "They've just been hanging out like they do have them when really they don’t have them at all! I mean I Aint trying to sound power hungry or jealous but I'm just saying," "Yea, yea, I can see where you're progressing at, but if you look through their view it's basically the average citizen, while they're friends with the daggum princess of Equestria they like to live with their lives to, it's basically like Celestia told me some time ago when we were at the negotiation meeting before Reagan announced the personal diplomacy." 2 weeks earlier, Canterlot Castle At the start I've watch the party goers go, and going, y'know, usual cider drinks and whatnot, well it was when I bumped into a blue pegasus that cursed me with every foul language in the book and attempted to ram me before being caught by this orange earth pony who called herself. "Woah there partner, sorry about that sir, Rainbow is a bit aggravated today," "What? No, I'm not Applejack! You're just saying that so I wouldn't-" "Punch my skull? Yea I've heard that before," I'd said which was kinda very awkward that day since we decided to negotiate and stuff and well it would seem that I've yet to befriend Twilight's friends, so hey I thought to myself why not befriend them! "You know I kinda think rainbow colored manes match well with a blue fur Pegasus don't you think?" I spoke to a wall.. "Uhh, partner that's a wall." "Yea I think I know that now.. But say I Aint bored here other than the cider, very tasty, compliments to the producers who made it, ;)" "Hold on! Hold on!" "..." "I can't tell if you're trying to seduce them or not, but if anything I don't think they'll be that easily fooled, especially when you're talking to the element of Honesty and Loyalty... Also, can we just get to the point!" Gold Star interrupted the perfectly good flashback sequence. "Fine!!" Well just for Mr. "I hate flashbacks" me and Celestia met up at the cider table where me and her conversed about some stuff.. "How important stu-" "Shut up and listen!" So me and Celestia chuckled at one funny part of the important discussion. "Oh dear Mr. Yates! I think I broken my voice box because that's the most funniest thing I've ever heard!!" "Hehe yea, especially how random people tried a milkshake and just fucking die!" As Celestia swiped her tears from extreme laughter she went into a more serious mode, but kept her smile. "You know, I don't think nopony knows, but whether or not they're all just average denizens." "Huh, really? I guess I'll just call you citizen Celestia then ey?" I've obviously joked and she nodded without laughter but rather a sigh. "Oh you're a bit serious about that..." "It's only been a thousand years and when you've lived this long you start to see more into the truth of life, all heroes, legends, and warriors had started out as denizens, whether they deny it or not they still live as one."Celestia expressed, which had left me deepened a bit. "They may have a purpose in their destiny, but deep down they still want to live their average lives to the fullest." "And then she received that letter from the Eclipse brigade guys about how they tried to ruin her kingdom, and then without no regard for the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger,” she slapped the messenger, and I think he was a lieutenant? Because the guy pointed at him after she asked who was a higher rank was probably the captain," I've finished. "Hm, I guess there are some types that would like to live their lives other than being pure legends, was that before or after you first saw me and Twilight?" Gold Star asked. "Well it should be obvious that it was before since apparently I was watching Celestia breaking up a brawl that broke out with almost everyone from the cabinet after she slapped the Lieutenant guy, damn whatever those two doofuses did with Equestria must’ve had it coming, but also kinda feel sorry for the messengers, I guess it seems that Celestia and the other Equestrians never heard of the phrase, "shoot the sender, not the messenger," but yea hopefully that's been resolved," I reckoned. I decided to go to the radio to find some tunes when the radio started to play for what it's worth. "Ah here's a classic," I said to myself. I stared towards Gold Star who was peeking out of the window with pondering thoughts, it's almost as if I could read his mind, his face that looked like he was saying to himself. -Everything has been leading up unto this moment, now I wonder what else is in stored...- . . . Colonel Alex was looking through the book of Equestria's history that says nothing about Tirek's existence which annoyed him, so when he couldn't find Tirek he turned to news paper articles from the old days and it seems there has been none confirmed, so instead he decided to go on Gold Star's desktop and search up military archives where he found the date of the attack... "About time," he said to himself, scanning his eyes on the report of the incident when came across a name in the report about Tirek called "The Foundation" which intrigued the Colonel a bit so he tried to look it up online and all what he can come up with was just conspiracy theorize, placing his finger on his lip he looked at the phone and then slapped himself. -Not worth it! Not worth it!- he thought to himself, keeping his hand back before finally. "Ah fuck it, what's the worse that can happen?" . . . After a good amount of a 12 minute drive from the base to the entrance of Ponyville we've finally arrived at the usual meeting place of the 6 hero's/side character dragon, sugar cube corner, or atleast what seems to be empty other than the cake's residence. "Has Ponyville always been empty like this? Not gonna lie it's kinda bumming me out," I said to Gold Star, which he seemed a bit suspicious about the place being empty. "That is a bit strange," Gold Star then looked behind and see's Mrs. Cake sweeping the front of her shop and her husband cleaning the counter, Gold Star exited the Humvee, leaving me behind the drivers wheel, and approached with a wave. "Good morning Mrs. Cake, have you happened to see Twilight and her friends? I wanted to ask them regarding an individual?" Gold Star questioned. "You must be the Gold Star colt that everypony but Twilight has been talking about! Well certainly, the ponies are just down there at that forest," Mrs. Cake pointed, in which Gold stared towards the everfree forest that's filled with death traps, and creatures. ".... Thanks ma'am," Gold Star waved, in which she waved back. He then entered back inside of the Humvee with a bit of a stern face. "Sooo, guess what we're going?" Gold Star asked. "If it's the Ever fucking free I'm going slap you," I warned. "It's the everfree," He replied, as I proceeded to slap him in the face. "Ow... You do know I can pink slip you for that," Gold Star reminds. "But do you have witnesses?" I replied. "I don't need any, I'm the captain," He replied back. "So? The Colonel will probably not believe you," I said back, which made Gold Star a bit silent. "So it would seem..." He said to himself, turning towards me and continued.  "Anyways, onto Everfree forest! Creator help us all.." And so I drove the Humvee to the Everfree forest. Let's hope that Gold Star knows what he is doing or we're Timberwolf food, not that we'd be worried about it but in some cases if we were to run out of ammo, then we're screwed. White House clay shooting ranch, Washington City Outside in the backyard of the White House, President Reagan had free time and decided to challenge his political buddies in a game of target shooting. After 5 pulls, 3 hits, 2 misses, Reagan was about to shout pull when his assistant ran up to him while also catching his breath. "Ah, Mrs. Johnson, nice for you to join us in target shooting," Reagan greeted, chuckling as he lifted his rifle. "Mr, Mr. President sir, you have a phone call in the oval office," said the assistant. "Is it urgent?" Reagan asked. "That's what the caller said sir," the assistant answered. "Alright then, lemme do one more shot and I'll be on my way," Reagan responded, aiming his gun in the air in preparation and then shouted. "PULL!" The clay was fired and then at the pull of the trigger Reagan's bullet directly impacts the clay and shatters it into tiny pieces, which he then turned to his assistant, and handed his rifle to the secret service, and then said. "Now, let's see about that phone call shall we?" 10 minutes later   After a walk back inside of the White house Reagan fixed his suit collar and sat on his desk looking at his assistant. "Alright then, hand me the phone and let's see what we have that's so urgent," Reagan added, while the assistant handed him the phone that was still on the line. . . Back at the base Colonel Alex had waited about 15 minutes before the automated voice message had said. "The president may now speak with you, thank you for your patience!" "Yea.. Patience my ass," the Colonel said, placing the phone on his ear. "Please let this not be another robot behind the phone," Alex said in the phone line. "If you liked the newly installed voice message I can always let you speak to it again?" Reagan smirked, while behind the phone line the Colonel was shocked. "I.. Mr. President, I expected one of your representatives to answer the phone!" The Colonel surprisingly said. "Well, today is Bush's off day, and my Vice president is on a diplomatic envoy in Griffonia and won't be back until next Tuesday, but now for other matters," Reagan stated. "I see, Mr. President, I've been looking through the assignment that the defense department has sent us correct?" "Mhm?" "Well, so far all I gotten from him was his name, and since me, Gold Star, and Yates failed to interpret who this guy is I sent the two to ask hopefully the princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, to get it cleared up on who Tirek was, while this though I've been looking through files and found myself stumped, until of course I stumbled upon the word or name, "Foundation," The Colonel at last explained to the president who went from a smirking man to a dead serious tone. "Did you just say? Foundation??" Reagan asked. "Yes Mr. President sir, apparently there was limited documentation about an incident involving this group and Tirek, and I was wondering if you knew what they were?" The Colonel asked, which Reagan was a little in disbelief, so he briefly lowered his phone and turned to his assistant. "Did you trace the call?" Reagan asked, just to see where the call was… "Yes Mr. President, the call is located 12 miles north of Ponyville, 5 miles south of Canterlot, or so what the F.I.U. has said sir," the assistant reported. Reagan looked at the phone and realizes that it was indeed from base Alicorn, he was a bit stubborn at first considering that he was given a secret oath to not reveal secrets that could confuse or panic the populace, but it was obvious that at this moment with Tirek on the lose it would've been a matter of time anyways that the secret will get out, so he placed the phone back to his ear and spoke. "Tonight at 3:30 AM ETZ, in Canterlot at the Griffonian cuisine shop, I will be activating a informant to relay information regarding the Foundation, she will explain who they are, but you will need to speak the code words, "Griffonian cuisine is very different here," her response will be "because ponies are usually herbivores," now as for the foundation, all I can say is don't get in their way or there will be consequences, is that understood Colonel?" Reagan explained. "I understood, thank you Mr. President," replied Alex. "It's no problem, just don't start something to trouble folks," Reagan advised, as the two hanged up the phones Alex shook his head and looked at the clock, and it was a good from until 3:30 in the morning so obviously he'll need some sleep to perform the meet up with Reagan's informants. But for now he wonders what Gold Star and Yates are up to right now? Everfree forest After a nature drive followed up by a nature hike, me and Gold Star had finally came across what was the infamous castle, the castle that started everything to this point, the castle that housed a certain incident that started a global war, the same castle that would've been a shrine for Luna's supporters if they weren't deported. "Ah, the castle of the two sisters, I never thought I'd see myself standing here on ancient stone," Gold Star expounded. "Yes, but remind me why we came here again?" I asked. "Well obviously to find Twilight and hopefully see if she knows who Tirek is," Gold Star replied. "Ah, simple and yet easy, but what if she doesn't?" I ask. "If she doesn't then I hope to the creator above that someone does," Gold Star sighed. "Hopefully.." Suddenly in the distance we noticed something bright was emitting from what seems to be a chasm of some sort below the castle, taking a peek to investigate we noticed these.. Keys were inserted inside of a chest or something, and when the yellow pegasus, or known as Fluttershy, placed the flower on top of it, it transformed into a key... "Woah, I didn't know you ponies can transform random crap into weird keys?" I asked. "I don't think we could've ever done that? But what bothers me is that I didn't read up on anything related to a magic chest in the reports?" Gold Star observed. "What did that report say then about the Everfree incident?" I asked. "All it said was that the mane 6 had to give up their elements to the magic tree, but it never fully explained why or what caused it to spiral out of control in the first place, and that chest right there? Something is a foot here like how did a magic tree somehow create an animate object out of thin air!? Or for that matter why?"  "Well, sometimes you gotta ask yourself the big questions, like, is cereal a soup? Or is your school teacher a robot? Weird yet also existential questions, of course as for this case I already asked myself, but what is inside of the chest and what relation does it have with the tree and the mane 6? A gift? A weapon? Or some third option that will not be revealed until it's opening?" I pondered. "Well, whatever it is I won't disturb Twilight on her own research, not just yet at least," Gold Star said. "Ah, I see someone has been gaining some chivalry lately, I wonder why," I spoke in a crowed tone. "Well, when you spend some time with someone with importance it's kinda best that you don't get in their way, and obviously whoever Tirek is he's probably priority number 1 on her mind, unless of course he's instead priority number 2." "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Well, remember about our date that I had with Twilight?" "Did you smooch." "What the hell? I'm not going into a relationship!" "But by the sound of it you're definitely denying it." "Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not!" "Fine.." "Anyways, as I was saying, back in that night me and Twilight were finally alone with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Cake doing house work (yes surprisingly they live there) and the girls finally went back to their homes due to sleep deprivation, though for Twilight.... She was a bit keen on keeping her own secret-" "Gee sounds relatable... As if a certain pony who's talking right now doesn't have one," "Are you going to let me tell my story or not!" "I am, I'm just reminding you about the 'secret' you've yet to tell me." "It Ain’t a secret if I tell you, you know that." "Fine, your loss." "... ANYWAYS! She told me it eventually when I was walking her home, no it's not what you think with romance movies lieutenant don't even say anything..." "Damn." "But then it was when she told that she felt a bit out of line with the other princesses, like Celestia raises the sun, Luna raises the moon, Cadence kept the up flow of love magic, and then she told me that comparing herself with them she feels like she doesn't have no fitting with the royal leaders, which I saw what she meant, while she may be strong she still have no capabilities of raising neither the moon or the sun, and I doubt she can control the endless vast amounts of Stars so that's obviously a no go, and when she got inside of her house as I was leaving I can hear faint sighs," Gold Star explained fully, after being interrupted multiple times by me. "Well damn, I guess I can see where Twilight kept her secret at, of course eventually she'll rule something like Sunset Shimmer is ruling Gradenland... Eventually?" "I doubt she'll abandon her friends for some foreign country overseas, and while she would've love Humarica, she won't like the hostilities there," "Yea.. I guess so," As me and Gold Star sat down and wait, Twilight received a message from Canterlot and that she was summoned and so without hesitation or knowledge of us knowing, she flew right past us and into the skies to Canterlot, that was when me and Gold star realized that the pony we were SUPPOSE TO ASK! LEFT THE VICINITY!!! I got pissed. "MOTHER FUCK-" Petershoof, the outskirts With preparations underway Colonel Perov was walking on the dirt road kicking rocks awaiting for the additional reinforcements he had sent a call for when General Cogwheel trotted to him with a smile as the Colonel looked through his binoculars and sees the 134th motor-rifle division arriving to their aid as BMP-1s, BTR-80s, and trucks filled to the brim with soldiers arrived past the Colonel and General with a jeep carrying the captain of the unit arriving in front of the two commanding officers. "Good day Captain Volklav, how's the new rank treating you?" Perov asked. "Couldn't be better comrade Colonel, of course being summoned and patrolled by the Rodinian central committee it's nice to know I've been watched a lot," Ogalivich chuckled. "Why so?" Perov asked. "So they can see what I can really do when it comes to busting these criminals," Ogav and Perov both laughed with Cogwheel waiting for the two to finish their usual human jokes. "Anyways captain, this is General Cogwheel Ponyarchuk, the commander for the Stalliongrad army part of the operation, and as you may know of me myself," "Colonel Perov and the infamous knife division, "Suffering before death" yes I've heard of you and your group, now I come to support Rodinia and the world's finest special forces group, by the way, have you heard just now?" Ogav asked. "Uhh. No?" Cogwheel asked. "I have but I think it's best you relay the news captain," Perov insisted. "Very well Colonel, General I believe that the one called Discord had apparently joined sides with Tirek," Ogav informed. "D-DISCORD!?" Cogwheel yelled in surprise. "Da, as we speak our Red Mother is sending in additional military equipment of MI-24 helicopters, General Secretary Brezhnev is also sending in his private militia to provide us further with the armor support needed to topple Tirek and Discord, however.. Looking at the map it seems Tirek had just recently raided Manehattan, Applelossa, and by the seems cloudsdale, weirdly it seems he decided to come here again after tormenting the two other towns, and apparently no American resistance or response as of yet," Ogav explained, which made the Colonel and the General suspicious. "Is it possible those damned Americans released him on purpose?" Perov asked. "That's what I got within the R.I.B. So far, but with Equestria now on edge and the Americans clearly confused on what's going on, I think it's about time that Rodinia steps further from operating in Stalliongrad and into Equestria," Ogav suggested, which the two officers laughed hysterically. "What's so funny?" Ogav asked sternly. "I'm sorry! I thought you said to operate in Equestria, as if we'd care for those sugar loving pests in the south, Stalliongrad is more respectable here than there," the Colonel laughed and chuckled continually. "But if Tirek ends up stronger than what he is now what're the chances that he might become immune to bullets or our explosives!" Ogav pointed out. "Nothing can outrun a bullet nor can they be immune from them, the bullet is what killed the enemy here and now, and it will be what kills Tirek," the Colonel moralized when a group of scouts arrived at the trenches with a report. "Colonel Perov sir!"  "You got something?" Asked the Colonel. "Yes sir! We've spotted Tirek and discord at South forest!" "Holy shit he's here already!? I just got here!" Ogav shuddered in surprise. "Damn, alert our forces immediately! Order all guns to be pointed at the forest tree line and on my words show no fucking mercy! Ogav! Position the BMPs and BTRs on the road and get their turrets to take aim on the tree line!" Perov ordered. "Sir yes sir!" Ogav acknowledged, as he ran towards his second in command and relayed the orders given by Perov to aim all heavy weapons towards the tree line. After that the troops waited patiently for the enemy to reveal themselves to their guns. Meanwhile Discord and Tirek were traveling through the forest heading towards Petershoof, with Discord floating midair reading a magazine and Tirek being buff and strong looking at him with annoyance. "Do you realize you can teleport us to Petershoof city right?" Tirek pointed out. "Well yeah! But why do that when we can do a nice calming trail on the way, though thinking in terms why Petershoof?" Discord asked. "To answer your question I will need a little more than what I have to drain the Alicorn magic but with some additional pain, so they can feel absolute suffering!" Tirek brutally simplified. "Oh... I see.." After the conversation the two were now in the opened when Tirek sees a massive line of Rodinian humans pointing machine guns, assault rifles, armor vehicles, and bazooka's towards Discord and Tirek which completely caught them off guard, and that was when the Colonel patted a soldier. "Microphone me," he ordered. "Yes sir!" Replied a soldier, slapping the microphone on his palm. "This Colonel Perov of the R.S.A! (Rodinian Soviet Army) You are instructed to turn around immediately! Or face the consequences!" The Colonel yelled. "Oh dear.. I didn't expect this," Discord gulped. "Who says I can't enter Petershoof! Who commands you foul beast!" Tirek shouted. "In the name of our Red Mother! She forbids any movement towards the city! Any step closer and you will be dead!" The Colonel warned for the last time. Tirek was about to move a inch when Discord quickly stopped him. "Maybe we shouldn't underestimate him? After all, who knows what would happen if we move further," Discord said to discourage Tirek. "You? The mighty Discord? Afraid of bi-pedal beast with staffs?" Tirek bloated. "I've seen them in action, I wouldn't mind stepping as far away from them as we are now," "Chicken, I'll show you how it's done," Tirek smirked, shoving Discord aside and heading towards the group. "Don't say I warned you so," Discord said to himself. "I MEAN IT DAMMIT! ONE MORE STEP AND YOU'RE DEAD!" Shouted the Colonel, which Tirek continues to get closer. "Colonel Perov, I think he's done talking," Ogav advised. "I think so, fuck it then. DROP HIM!" Ordered the Colonel as immediately everything at their disposal open fired at Tirek as BMPs fired and BTR-80s rapidly shot their rounds towards Tirek pelting him with explosions and gunfire as Tirek was directly hit by a BMP round and blew him all the way back into the tree line which shocked him. However despite Tirek being back into the tree line the troops continued to keep shooting at Tirek as the bullets had now started to insert inside of his skin, and it was then that a MI-24 helicopter arrived and unloaded its incendiary missiles on the tree lines starting a forest fire and burning the trees. As the troops continued to shoot, the Serbija mercenaries arrived with T-64B tanks shooting immediately at Tirek's last known position before Tirek got back on his hooves and shouted. "GET US OUT OF HERE!" "Right oh!" Discord acknowledged taking himself and Tirek away from Petershoof and into an unknown location as the gunfire continued on until the Colonel shouted. "CEASE FIRE!" The guns, tanks, and helicopters ceased to fire, as Cogwheel signaled one of the Stalliongrad Pony soldiers to scan for Tirek and Discord but the flames raged as the entire tree line is now nothing but a forest fire so the pony soldiers returned to General Cogwheel and reported to have found nothing. With this knowledge the Rodinian's shouted and repeated their battle cry. "OORAH! OORAH! OORAH!!!" As the Rodinian's embraced each other victoriously Ogav looked at the flames with the amount of knowledge he now had gathered. "It's not over, Colonel, with all respect I would like to seek permission to go from Stalliongrad borders with my unit and head for Ponyville," Ogav requested, grabbing the Colonel and General off guard. "Are you absolutely insane! You'll get mutilated by those fucking pastel barbarians! And Ponyville!? That area is a fucking American base of operations! Those greedy bastards that enslaved my home country will apprehend you, and throw you in the dungeons!!" Cogwheel protested. "Not to mention the truth of them giving you diabetes the moment you enter Equestria," the Colonel stated. "I must! The fate of Rodinia lies with their deaths! And if I have to, I'll bring the Serbija mercenaries with me as well!" the Captain spoke. "Captain Ogav, if you do this it may end up having your unit exiled to a place far away from here, or potentially face demotion," the Colonel warned. "I'll take my chances sir," Ogav replied, which the Colonel sighed in disbelief. "I can’t risk them captain, you will need a general to authorize this and even if they do it’ll be a sanctioned mission." "Then in that case I think I'll  authorize it myself thank you very much," Orlovsky said, stepping in with T-90 tanks rolling right past the officer group. "General Orlovsky!" The Colonel expounded as he and Ogav saluted. "At ease, I understand what Ogav feels, but considering that it would be risky I will have to inform the Red Mother of your mission, she may not approve it but I'll take the blame," Orlovsky stated. "But General sir! I- wait.. Did you say go?" Ogav asked. "You heard me Captain, go, and give him our peoples regards," Orlovsky smirked with a wink. Ogav was surprised with the general's reply and saluted. "I will not let my motherland down!" "Good luck comrade," Orlovsky granted, saluting to the captain as he climbed on board his BMP and immediately drove off to the south of Stalliongrad as BTR's, BMPs, and tanks attached with his division formed a straight line column and headed towards Equestria. The Colonel looked at the convoy with worry of an international incident. "Do you think he'll make it?" He asked, as the general turned towards him and replied. "Watch and see." Canterlot In the castle of Canterlot Holt Martavias was busy on guard duty as trucks from the expedition brigade arrived filled with machine guns, troops, and bazookas. Holt was referred personally as Patton's go-getter, when he was told to shoot but not specifically where to aim he'd shoot at whatever was the danger until he ran out of bullets which he then proceeds to charge the enemy with the butt of his rifle for miles just to give he/she a spanking. However after staring at flowers with the intention of eating them whole he notices a bright flash of light with the three Alicorns transferring their magic to a lavender colored pony.  It was then his commanding officer broke off from the trance. "Hey Holt! Why are you looking in the throne room? When they say top secret that means keep your damn nose from the door!"  "Yes, but-" "But what!" "Bright white color in there!" Holt pointed, which the commanding officer looked at and gazed at the three Alicorns transferring their powers to Twilight Sparkle. "Holy shit," he said to himself, turning towards Holt and said. "Umm... relay this message to Colonel Jerkins immediately," the commander officer ordered, as Holt saluted with his rifle bonking his helmet and running through the hall with the message that the commander didn't even say yet. "Very weird, but also, why are they transferring their magic to Twilight unless... Patton must know about this," my greater grandfather said as he jogged down the halls to alert Patton of his discovery. Crystal city Patton was looking at his map as the entire command ran around with their heads cut off wondering how they're going to kill Tirek, Patton had placed his unit on alert after receiving word that Manehatten, Appleloosa, cloudsdale, and even more recent the outskirts of Petershoof skirmish, it was then that the expeditionary messenger handed Patton a letter message straight from the department of defense. "About time, what do we have after waiting for hours?"  Patton looked at the message which said. "S.A.U. Has been activated and is enroute to Equestria, F-14s and 15s are dispatched, and be on a look out for a rogue soviet brigade, wait a fucking minute, Soviet brigade? What are those bastards up to now!" Patton angrily questioned. "Sir no one knows but we believe they're heading to Canterlot," his messenger replied. "And nobody bothered to stop them? What type of army does Equestria have!" "We don't know sir, but-" Suddenly Patton's phone rings and his messenger picks up with scrambling words speaking through the messenger's ear he nods and says towards Patton. "It's from Colonel Canter Yates sir, he requested to speak with you," the Messenger informed. "Put him on the line, I want to speak with him about the defense in Canterlot," Patton ordered, after which the messenger handed the phone to him. "Alright Colonel, hand me the situation report." Ponyville After a massive disappointment on Gold Star's end for dragging me in for nothing I decided to drive back to base where we can figure out who Tirek is ourselves, however the trip became a sudden pull over when me and Gold Star sees a huge column of M2 Bradley's and HIMARS heading straight for Ponyville with soldiers loaded up onboard as I turned on the emergency lights and pulled over as me and Gold Star confusingly watched the convoy roll by us. As the Bradley's and the HIMARS had fully passed us the Abrams convoy came up and one of the Abrams pulled in front of the Humvee, opening the hatch was Colonel Alex with his full fledged military gear. "Good evening gents," he jokingly said. "Colonel Alex? What's going on?" Gold Star asked. "Well, shit has gone real, it turns out Tirek sucks up energy out of ponies and anything that possesses magic and had teamed up with Discord, Patton had sent a company to Canterlot and we've been dispatched to Ponyville as final line of defense," Alex explained, shocking me and Gold Star. "Holy shit." Said Gold Star. "Who gave the order to send our division to Ponyville?" He asked. "General Patton, Captain, he also wanted me to give you this by the way," Alex said, as a Abrams tank with Gold Star's cutiemark painted on the turret top pulls up behind Alex's tank as Gold Star opens the document and reads official orders from... Wait... "Princess.. Celestia?" Suddenly my Nokia phone rings and it was from my Greater Grandfather Canter, me and him usually kept each other up to date with our lives and showed him once personally how to use a standard M16 rifle, since then me and him just continually conversated with each other through the phone but something tells me it Aint a friendly conversation at this rate.. "Yes?"  "Hey sonny, I was calling you up about what's been going on in Canterlot, thought you'd like to know since the whole thing is going down rapidly," Canter said. "I definitely want to know what the hell is going on in Canterlot!" I persisted in knowing. "Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence had just given up their magic," Canter informed. "Oh fuck. Wait but how the hell did Tirek get past yall!?" I questioned. "He didn't, and it wasn't him they gave their magic up to," Canter revealed. "Then who did they give their magic to?" I asked which the phone was silent for a moment when Canter then said. "Is Gold Star with you?" Canter asked. "Yea?" I replied. "Hand the phone to him, or just hover it in his ear," Canter demanded, which I placed it on Gold Star's ear and Canter said. "Did you get an order sent from Celestia?" "Yes of course, it's right here on my hoof," Gold Star replied. "Good, then follow through it, the princesses had given every inch of their magic to Twilight Sparkle, you must protect her at all cost! If Tirek get's to her, the world is fucked, you hear me captain!? Fucked!" Canter relayed the order. "I... I understand sir, but where do you possibly expect me to take Twilight and her friends to? And then there's the matter of their family-" Gold Star asked. "Where did I mention her friend's captain?  "Well, if her friends can't come then Twilight won't go," Gold Star considered. "Well, whether she likes it or not orders are orders, you must take her somewhere safe than her current area, as we speak my men are raiding the throne room to start vandalizing anything that resembles of exposes Twilight Sparkle, of course with Discord being with Tirek it'll only be a matter of time before Discord starts yapping his trap, so no, her friends must not come with her, and if possible..." "Canter I know you are not speaking with that tone! I have my orders from Celestia! I will not follow an old man's orders and therefore I will follow whoever relayed them, but dammit I will not have you resort to killing anyone to erase Twilight's life from existence," Gold Star blatantly defied. "Oh really now? Then if Tirek figures out who Twilight is and comes towards Ponyville then what!" Canter yelled. "Then I'll fucking fight him myself, with fist if I have to, but dammit I will not go for a cowardly order or part take in deaths of Twilight's friends," "GOLD STAR THIS IS-" Out of annoyance I turned the Nokia off cutting Canter off from Gold Star and looked at Gold Star. "Well you got him pissed now," I said to the Captain. "Well.. Atleast for what it's worth I'm not going run from a fight, I'm going to run towards it," Gold Star smirked. "Heh, now that's my language, what about you Colonel Alex?" "W-well I can't right now, I have a meeting I must attend in Canterlot, I won't be long," the Colonel stuttered, speaking to his radio and ordered the pilot to drive him to Canterlot who acknowledged and started driving away from us. "Alright then, good luck Colonel," I said. After disappearing from our sights I climbed aboard Gold Star's tank and looked at the cockpit. "Damn, all these buttons, and how long were you in this brigade?" I asked. "2 years, but this baby has seen more shit before me," Gold Star chuckled. "Alright Captain, so what's our first move?" I asked, which Gold Star equipped his tanker helmet, raised his goggles up, and then looked at the distance with the armor column moving in towards Ponyville in the evening sky. "First, let's get Ponyville locked down, but first we'll need to find Twilight," Gold Star ordered. "Aye aye sir, pilot! Take us to Ponyville," I ordered. "Yes, sir," responded the pilot, as the tank now moves towards the front of the armor column as Himars rocket Artillery vehicles breaks away and established firing positions near the Everfree forest, as for the Bradley's which took the Pentagon 19 years to make finally sees combat action on the frontlines as it pairs with the variant 2 Abram tanks into combat. 3 hours earlier | Equestrian-Stalliongrad border Royal guards were on a look out for Tirek after reports came in that he was in the area, however as one of the Royal guards were looking through binoculars they spotted something. "Sir! We can see movement up ahead! It might be Tirek sir!" Said one of the royal guards. "Let me see," Ordered the commander, looking through the binoculars and trembled... "That's not Tirek," He added. The royal guards peaked up and sees a convoy of armor vehicles, troop transports, and tanks all in one column as multiple flags raised in every single one of them to represent each company or nationality as the leading vehicle, which is a BMP-1, pulls up on the border in front of the entire soviet convoy, nearly alarmed the Royal guards as they pointed their spears when they were told to stand down. The commanding royal guard pony walked from the checkpoint with some of the guards pleading for their commander not to trust human soviets. Of course ignoring their pleas the commander of the checkpoint trotted towards the armored vehicle. The human with the rank patch of captain climbed out of the co-pit and walked towards the commander with trust as he extended his arm towards the Equestrian. The commander was surprised but didn't lowered his guard as he shook hoof-to-hand with the human captain, with the first contact of Soviet humans from Rodinia, the two started chatting about what's been going on around Equestria, what happened in Petershoof, and a call for a truce. The Royal guard  commander nodded but concerningly he stated that he had orders to intercept any Rodinian or Stalliongrad convoys, or columns that tries to enter Equestria. However Ogav, knowing how stubborn he is and how he got a military officer in jail, he decides that the best play to do is the long game of negotiation as he is, he asserted himself that he is destined to take down Tirek with the Rodinian red army. Even if it means, launching a soviet operation. Canterlot, present time 6 hours later after Ogav authorized the convoy to smash through the checkpoint and made their destination towards Canterlot the whereabouts on the Royal guards that were defending the border was unknown, but with expeditionary soldiers taking up positions against Tirek or the Soviet convoy, Colonel Alex enters the scene, by now it is 2:32 AM ETZ, and he now waits for the informant at the cuisine shop to hand over details about the Foundation to him. But as he waited the area was nothing but noise and shouts of orders, of course while they were preparing defenses they've literally barricaded the streets with tank hedgehogs and barbed wire fencing so Tirek has a huge challenge to get to the castle. But as Alex climbed off the tank a creature was sitting at the Griffonian restaurant with full hat and uniform sitting looking through the menu, it was then that Alex spoke the code phrase. "Griffonian cuisine is very different here, wouldn't you say?" "That's because ponies are usually herbivores and would never set a claw in this restaurant even if it slapped them in the face," a feminine griffon said, taking a document from the cover of the menu and slid it to Alexander's hands. "You weren't followed here, correct?" She asked. "No ma'am, I came from the tank," he replied. "Of course, classic American's, of course they pay well for me to do their dirty work quietly unlike Agent 44 who guns blazing, obviously though I can never figure out the logic with you American's other than being payment," the agent expressed, as Alex looked at the document. "I'm sure the president will assure your payment, now with that said you may go," the Colonel dismissed. "Very well Colonel, au revoir." And then the agent spread her wings and flew out of Alexander's sight leaving him with a document and a nightly background with the sounds of continued preparations continuing to rang out throughout Canterlot. Moskva city, Kremlin palace The Kremlin was on active alert after pairs of F-15s were spotted at their coast, military vessels were dispatched to the coast and tanks had arrived on the American-Rodinian borders, and what was the Red Mother doing? Clearly when she heard that Ogav was authorized by Orlovsky to cross the border into Equestria and head for Canterlot she immediately ordered his arrest and placed Colonel Perov as commanding officer of the unit, as for other phone calls from military generals concerning the security compromise that occurred in Arabia, reports circulated that militia's had taken up arms again in soviet occupied Arabia and threaten the national security and potentially a civil war. All the while, Tirek is currently on his way to Canterlot and the Americans had sent their new Bradley Fighting Vehicles and the recently invented rocket Artillery vehicles the HIMARs, something that the soviet military command had feared would happen sooner or later and top it there is rumors circulating that the Americans had already begun testing a new weapon that could change the fabric of geopolitics and military warfare tactics. The project being called "Project Sunset" And now, The Red Mother sits on her desk with massive worry, with chain of command confused with what to do about Ogav's convoy and the fact that the Americans had sent their own tanks to their borders was of massive concern, something like this shouldn't have never happened at all, and yet with the all increasing chances of war increasing rapidly this may be it for the two nations, a all out war. It was then that the Washington hotline rang on her desk, the same ring she had never heard since the formation of Stalliongrad, she lifted the telephone and spoke. "Yes?"  "Listen, I know I hate you and you hate me, but perhaps I believe there may be a misunderstanding with the convoy heading towards Canterlot," Uncle Sam spoke from the other line. "Explain, you got 30 minutes," she warned. "Well, considering that we have common hate perhaps your captain was on to something when he and a huge column of armor vehicles broke through the checkpoint and kidnapped the entire border guard before dropping them off to a military outpost, apparently the commanding officer of the border guards had said that Ogav is on his way to Ponyville because he believes that Tirek will soon chase down Princess Twilight Sparkle," Uncle Sam explained. "In simple terms he's after Tirek? What else, and why would he be after Twilight Sparkle?" She asked. "Supposedly I was told by Celestia to never say or tell anyone about this, but apparently she, Luna, and Cadence had handed their magic to Twilight Sparkle, and as we speak she has dispatched Gold Star and his team to find and protect Twilight with their lives, Tirek has no idea of a fourth Alicorn at this moment," Uncle Sam added, which the Red Mother placed her finger on her chin and then replied. "Have Reagan informed that if he pulls his army away from our borders I will guarantee that we can fix the problem and hopefully not find ourselves in a full blown war." "I... Can't promise that, Reagan, has control over the military and it would be bad to tell someone with popularity towards him to stand down the army like an owner to his mutt, but I could try... Hopefully.." "Then may Creator spare us and this continent some mercy," she phrased. "Aye... I would drink to that.." Canterlot "What do we have so far?" Asked Canter to a military scout looking through his binoculars. "Nothing yet sir, but I believe that we should evacuate some of the ponies here just in case," the scout advised. "Good idea, I'll have Holt relay the message to have the officers evacuate the citizens to some shelter, question is though, where do we put them.." "Sir, perhaps the old American-Equestrian embassy might do since the building had been kept maintained and is sturdy, also the walls are bullet proof so our weapons shouldn't be able to harm anyone inside," one of the engineers suggested. "Brilliant then, start getting the populace inside and we'll start using their houses as machine gun nests to ambush that bastard that tries to come into this city." Canter then sent the message to Holt to relay to other district commanders along with the Canterlot police force to begin sheltering pony civilians inside of the embassy where it is also built with a underground basement, the building was constructed the day George Washington set foot on Equestria soil that would signify the creation of the nation of America, the land that the embassy was built on was the pieces of soil that Washington first stepped in when arriving in Canterlot which is displayed in a glass container at the grand entrance of the embassy surrounded by fancy velvet ropes to preserve its historical importance with the label "Washington's dirt." (Don't ask me why that's pony culture) After the message was relayed the local equine police started evacuating the population inside of the embassy with the assistance of the Expeditionary forces and American MPs as families from adult to young, mares and fillies, Colts and foals, the population was evacuated to the embassy that is heavily guarded with tanks, jeeps, and machine gun nest. "I like to see this bastard get through this!" Canter boasted at how his troops had established forward defenses on the embassy when his radio went off and troops all around him scattered to take up positions, he grabbed his radio and spoke with the outskirt command and yelled in an aggressive tone. "What the hell is going on!"  The receiver on the other side replied while gunshots can be heard in the background of his voice. "SIR! HE'S ATTACKING OUR POSITIONS! WE CAN'T STOP HIM~" After a sound of an explosion which killed the receiver, Canter looked to his right and saw a mushroom cloud indicating that Tirek had arrived or the Soviet convoy had arrived. And just when he wasn't worried enough the sky started having a seizure between night and day. "Will this shit get any worse..." > Friends and Rivals (Tirek Arc Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demare village, 2:00 PM PST, Zona province, New Mexicona state Log 034..  The research for Project Sunset begins upon word from congress to start the research for the new weapon that would change the fabric of everything in this world... I and other top scientists had already begun the final phase of research of the new weapon. Unknowing to the world... This weapon in particular could destroy this world if used... Canterlot "TAKE COVER!" A soldier shouted as a M60 tank was thrown towards the group of defending troops. A chaotic battle broke out after Tirek and Discord had breached the outer defenses and had pushed all the way inside of Canterlot, his goal and intention is to get to the castle and steal the Alicorn magic, but when he heard about the Americans preparing defenses he raided other towns and villages for pony magic. And now bullets are only darts to him as they bounced off of his chest, while tank shells continued to explode on impact he would come out unscathed, same with Rocket ammunition. "NOTHING IS BUDGING HIM SIR! WHAT DO WE DO!" A soldier shouted. "FUUUCK!!" Canter Shouted when Tirek fired a magic beam at their defenses and burnt the entire barricaded area into a crisp. And when Tirek moved forward three M60s arrived and repeatedly shot the large beast in the city shooting shells after shells as Tirek stomped towards them and catched one of the shells with his bare hands and then chewed on it. "Zesty," Tirek smiled. "Oh shit! He’s got the taste of bullets sir!" Yelled the soldier. "DAMMIT! RETREAT! WE NEED NEED TO FALL BACK TO DISTRICT 12!" Canter ordered. "But sir! We’ll be leaving castle Canterlot abandoned! The princesses-!" "THE PRINCESSES CAN DEFEND THEIR OWN SHIT! NOW CALL FOR THE RETREAT PRIVATE!" "Yes sir," acknowledged the soldier as he grabbed the radio and yelled. "All units in the area have sent out the call for tactical retreat! Tactical number 40!!" Yelled the soldier, as tanks, troops, and armor vehicles steadily retreated to district 12 as Tirek smiles at the cowering human army. "What's the matter humans? Scared?" He taunted, laughing at the retreating army as Discord hovered behind him and chuckled. "Don't you love it when you see a superior army get outmatched by the mighty duo?" Discord laughed. "Indeed Discord, but now for other matters," Tirek vaguely reminded. "Ah yes indeed," Discord chuckled, as he looked up and saw Shining Armor who is confused with the Sun and moon having seizures. Ponyville During the chaos in Canterlot, me and Gold Star were originally going towards Twilight's house if Twilight herself didn't blow up her door and flew in the sky. We just entered the town after a good while of traffic with missile Artillery encampments being established on the plain fields in preparation, however when I scrolled in channel 5 of my radio we could hear the sounds of gunfire, panic, and screaming. Everyone in the tank now has a worrying anticipation of their enemy but Gold Star sees it as a sign that time is running out.. "Well, it's been confirmed, the Canterlot unit had just been taken out, and the defending pony garrison had lost their magic," I informed him this as Gold Star placed his head on his hoof. "And with the entire populace in one place in the embassy they'll lose all their magic at once, and what's worse.. Our bullets can't penetrate Tirek's hardened skin and the creator knows what will happen if he gets what he wants from Twilight," I added, while Gold Star slammed his hoof on the metal bar. "That's IF he gets what he wants, I won't let him have what he wants, other than what he'll be receiving," Gold Star confidently spoke, as he turned towards the pilot driving the tank. "How close are we?" He asks. "Not far sir." The Castle After Tirek banished the princesses to Tartarus he was looking at Discord's art when he noticed a shattered window of a purple pony, he looked at Discord and asked. "I wonder what window is this?" "That? Huh.. Wonder why they shattered this one?" Discord murmured to himself when he suddenly had a thought of realization. "Oh.. Right," "What?" Tirek asks. "So... Funny story, it would seem that the three princesses had given Twilight their magic!" Discord admitted, which Tirek who knew only three princesses was surprised by this discovery. "Why didn't you tell me about a fourth Alicorn!"  He questioned, grabbing Discord by the neck. "I just wanted to be sure that I can trust you after all," Discord replied, to which Tirek dropped him and handed Discord a medallion. "To ensure trust, I give you this as a symbol of our own friendship," Tirek assured, which he then looked down and noticed that the entire city was empty which raised massive suspicion. "Interesting... What did those humans say about District 12?" Tirek asked. "I think that's supposed to be some embassy or something, I think they placed the entire population in that building," Discord assumed. "Then it shall be their downfall," Tirek laughed maniacally with the intention of attacking the embassy. District 12, the Embassy As the final defense line was established Canter looked at what remained of the armor brigade with only 3 tanks left at his disposal, some armor vehicles, and demoralized soldiers who're now on the brink of running away now knowing that Tirek is immune to bullets, however just as they have catched their breaths Tirek stands in the midst of the final line of defense as Canter and his troops looks at the menacing Tirek with the intention of stealing more magic from the entire population of Canterlot as troops raised their rifles towards him. But Tirek wasn't afraid and they knew that.. Immediately the only thing Canter could do was surrender, but if he did that generations of ponies would lose their magic potentially permanently, and he wasn't going to surrender, but he did hope one thing... "I hope this works," He said, as he turned to his troops and yelled. "RETREAT INSIDE OF THE BUILDING!" He ordered, which everyone ran into the deeper side of the Embassy catching Tirek off guard as he looked at the last defending force in pity. He sees the three remaining defending vehicles point their weapons at him so in an instant the vehicles are destroyed and their drivers are killed, leaving nothing but flat deathly dust and flames. He then threw a still flaming M60 tank at the doors in front of him where he was met with no resistance other than the empty hallways. As he entered however, he realized that he wasn't alone in the room... North wing of the embassy, Bravo Unit After being secretly dropped down from the Black hawk the special forces troops quickly unpacked their shotguns, MP5s, and a new magic weapon, the MP-10. Equipped with magical ammunition attachments and laser guided sights. "Alpha-1 are you ready?"   "Copy Bravo-1, we have eyes on Tirek, and Colonel Canter has begun the evac," replied Alpha-1. "Roger, we're moving in now, expect explosives soon, exfil when ordered," instructed Bravo-1. "Copy," replied Alpha-1. Bravo-1 and his squad begin moving up to secure and plant explosive charges as a way to cover the populace's escape. He can hear gunshots already erupting in the entrance as Assault rifles fired upon Tirek and the sounds of his agitation yelled as he fired Lethal shots at an agile enemy missing every shot he made. Entrance wing, Alpha unit Assault rifles continued to fire as Alpha-1 changed position after position every time he gets spotted, one of his soldiers then ran up behind him and aimed a RPG-7 towards Tirek's eyes and fired the missile at his head exploding on impact which he gave a loud. "AHHHHH! YOU BEAST! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He cried in pain, which gave Alpha-1 something to note about. "Alpha-1 to Bravo-1 do you read!"  "I copy Alpha-1. What is it?" Bravo-1 asked. "Brother, it seems his eyes are the weakness! While he can recover from it for a moment, his head is the weak part of his body!" Alpha-1 informed. "Interesting.... See what you can do I'm listing all possible weaknesses on this guy, it's time we study him through combat," Bravo-1 ordered. "Roger that, Alpha-7! Get me another RPG round for this guy's ass!" Ordered Alpha-1. "On it sir!" Replied Alpha-7, running to load the second missile round. "Alpha-4! Alpha-9! Lure this guy to the west wing! We need to keep him away from the East wing!" Ordered Alpha-1. "Sir, yes sir!" Acknowledged the two in unison as they ran to the West wing and shot their Drumbell Rifles towards Tirek's legs to test his skin strength. "AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" He yelled, giving chase to the two soldiers whose Alpha unit relocated to the West wing with full fledged equipment and a bazooka. "Hope the Colonel is doing fine," Alpha-1 said to himself. East Wing, Expedition unit "COME ON! COME ON! MOVE IT MOVE IT!" Shouted Canter, as he and his troops started evacuating the sheltering population out of the underground bunker and into the escape passage that was conveniently, yet planned, built within the embassy. It was built in case the building caves into itself which then the people in question inside the bunker would go to the back edge of the wall, grab a emergency sledge hammer, and smash the hollow wall which leads to the bottom mountain of Canterlot City. So far giving the account the amount of ponies evacuating is currently almost about ten thousand and while the Bunker was supposedly supposed to store almost about 2,000 bodies it seemed to hold well with ten thousand ponies, although with the majority of Colt's that volunteered to fight Tirek are now weak and drained of their power, their sacrifice will not go unnoticed in Canter's eyes, but that will not happen if he and others are killed by the hands of Tirek the bastard. "If only Patton was here he would've say-" Crystal City "That bastard did it!?" Patton ranted. "Yes General, we apparently didn't believe it ourselves but it seems that Canter's forces had been dismantled by Tirek, and the ten tanks sir? They've all been destroyed," the messenger reported. "...." "Is there something you need sent out sir?" He asked. "No... Just keep me in contact with further word," Patton ordered, which the messenger saluted and left a concern Patton in his office. Embassy, South wing "Bravo-2, what's the status on those charges," Bravo-1 asks. "We've currently have the North and South wings ready to blow, we've yet to reach the East and West wing sir," Bravo-2 reports. "Copy, I like to see this building collapse on his giant ass head, have your mates move in on the East Wing and start planting charges," Bravo-1 ordered. "Rog' that boss," Bravo-2 acknowledged, bringing Bravo-3 and 6 with him to the East wing. "Bravo-1 to Echo-1, what's the status of the East wing," Bravo-1 asks. "Bravo-1, my team is rounding up the last of the populace, the Colonel has already evacuated most of them, we're currently evacuating the older ponies," Echo-1 replies. "Well hurry it up, I don't know how long Alpha unit has before they run out of bullets," worried Bravo-1 "Alpha unit is currently fighting Tirek in the West wing," informed Echo-1. "What the hell is he up to?" Bravo-1 queried, as he and his squad began to search for rooms that weren't ridden with charges. West wing As the gun fire continued to be sprayed some of the men started to run out of ammunition as Alpha-1 took cover with a rocketeer man taking aim at Tirek's head Alpha-4 ran to Alpha-1 with a new discovery. "Sir! We found a new weak spot within Tirek's skin!" Reported Alpha-4. "Well! Tell me quickly!" Alpha-1 yelled, as Tirek fired his lethal rounds at him and his men. "Apparently given enough explosives the skin can be pierced given enough explosive force but only given enough fire power, also if we target the horns it could remove his ability to use his magic! If we use enough explosive firepower it could breach his external skin and make him bleed, along with destroying his horns which will make him truly dead!" Alpha-4 explained as an explosion occurs in the background. "That's brilliant! Quick! Alpha-5 take your aim towards his head and DO NOT MISS!" Ordered Alpha-1, as Alpha-5 nodded and took aim with the bazooka towards Tirek's horns when Tirek fired a lethal at Alpha-5s position and destroys the entire balcony below him causing him to cascade down to the ground floor and injuring his leg, which before he can reach the bazooka Tirek crushes it and it explodes into a fiery burst of flames, giving Alpha team time to evacuate him away from Tirek. "Fuck!" Alpha-1 said, as he and his team evacuated to the East wing. "GET BACK HERE!" Tirek shouted, as he chased the team running from him all the way to the East Wing. East Wing "LETS GO! LET'S GO! Colonel! What's the status? Did we get them out!?" Echo-1 asked. "Affirmative, that's the last of them," Colonel Canter informed. "Good, now get your men out of here, once Bravo and Alpha squads get here we're blowing up the place," informed Echo. "Understood, good luck to you and your teams," Canter added, which Echo-1 saluted attentively as Canter and the remains of the defending forces escaped through the underground tunnels in the Embassy. Echo-1 sees the approaching Bravo team placing the last of the explosive charges holding their guns and pointing them towards the hallway entrance as Bravo-1 came towards Echo-1. "Have the locals been evacuated?"   "Done Bravo-1, we now wait for Alpha-1 and then we'll be heading up stairs, speaking of which have you contacted them?" Echo-1 asked. "I thought you did?" Bravo-1 asked. "Wait.. Lemme see," Echo-1 raised his radio when he heard gunshots approaching towards the two teams, the two squad leaders grabbed their pistols and looked down the hallway where Alpha squad was running towards Echo and Bravo, with behind them none other than Tirek, Echo-1 and Bravo-1 were shocked. "WHAT THE HELL ALPHA-1!" Shouted Echo, as Bravo-1 grabbed a flashbang from his belt. "THROWING FLASH! COVER YOUR EYES!" He shouted, as he threw the banger and blinded Tirek causing him to crash inside of a wall giving time for Alpha squad to get to the squads. "WHAT THE HELL ALPHA! YOU HAD ONE JOB!" Bravo yelled. "HE WAS GOING TO FOLLOW US ANYWAYS! DIDN'T YOU LOOK AT THIS GUYS SIZE!?" Yelled Alpha, while Bravo rolled his eyes. "Stop Yelling! We’ll discuss this later but right now we need to quickly get to the emergency exit down there! Our helicopter will be waiting for us there!" Echo-1 informed as he and his squad quickly made a run to the exit. "Come on!" Insisted Bravo, as he and the two squads ran towards exit with Echo-1 smashing the wooden door down and got on board the helicopter that was ready to take off at a moments notice. All three squads boarded the 4 helicopters that were landed and after that they recon the safe zone established by foreign defense forces and then Bravo activates the remote detonator in which he then said. "See you in Tartarus, bastard.." . . As Tirek finally regained his sight he looked all over what seems to be a library when see's flashing lights.. "Oh Tartaru-" The entire building explodes into a fiery mushroom cloud of flames as everyone who had evacuated from it sees it collapse in the distance. Canter looked at the now burning embassy with guilt as it stood and outlived everyone, and its legacy was destroyed with the press of a button as he looked up at the black hawk helicopters flying overhead leaving everyone's sights as Canter stood there in silence at the flames on the mountain. . . However Tirek wasn't dead as he stuck his arm out of the rubble and climbed out of it, he looked at the helicopters escaping and smirked. "Well played humans... Well played..." Ponyville "All units what's your status." *Static noises* "Sectors 3 and 2 had been secured, we're awaiting word from Captain Gold Star for sector 1, Over." *Static noises* "Roger that." . . After a drive back to Ponyville, we pulled in on Twilight's house, after arriving I grabbed my MP5, jumped off the tank, and knocked on Twilight's door. No response. I knocked again. Still no response. "Alright! I warned ya! (Sorry door)" I kicked down the door shattering its hinges and entered the house, nothing. Nothing other than boring bullshit AKA books. "Gold Star, I don't think she's here, unless being known as a bookworm I could say her people (the books) are just stiff" I comedically said on the radio. "Haha.. Funny, try going up stairs," Gold Star acknowledged with an offended tone. "10-4," I replied back, as I steadily raised my SMG and went up the stairs looking through every corridor, corner, and peek, nothing, it would seem though that Twilight has her bed perfectly made... And organized.. And... Wait? Is that an owl! "Hoot," cooed the owl, as I looked under the bed sheets and under the bed. "Yes, nice to meet you too, do you know where Twilight is?" I asked, looking at the chores. "Hoot?" "I- oh wait, hahaha! Very funny, you thought I was going to fall into that comedic joke ey? Well not today Irony! But uh, say that you do like to help me right?" I asked, which it nodded. "Excellent! You take the roof! I’ll take the ground," I instructed as it flew towards the exit and sat there. "Or just sit there and do nothing.. Alright then suit yourself," I said to it. However it was now a dead end as I found absolutely nothing, no Twilight, no Spike, and the only living thing I found was an owl.. Why do I get the feeling that's a sign of a bad omen.. "Gold Star, she is nowhere in sight, she ain't taking a shit, she's not looking at her books, and she is not sleeping neither, same with Spike, I think she may have gone somewhere, over!" "I copy, that's why I'm currently out in the open and looking for hopefully one of Twilight's friends, maybe they'll tell us where she is," Gold Star informed. "You better hope so, also if it's the fucking Everfree I'm slapping you again." "Let's hope it's not. (Oh boy...)" . . With troops on the ground digging trenches and establishing barbwire fencing Gold Star had to walk on hoof to find Twilight's friends. With the solemn hope that they know where Twilight is, or perhaps in the best case that Twilight is with them, troops ran passed him in a single file line formation as he stared at the buildings that had been boarded up by the locals, as he was standing there thinking one of his soldiers ran up to him and asked. "Captain Star, I came from Sector 2 sir, both regiments are awaiting word whether sector 1 is secured sir!"  "Go ahead and contact the regiment leaders that sector 1 has been secured, be sure to also relay the order to get the new artillery system instituted and online, I like to see how fun he could be with our rocket artillery weapons, one more thing, speaking that Tirek has defeated Canter's unit in Canterlot air support has been deployed to our location, as we speak we have two fighter squadrons loaded with high explosives on their way to bomb this son of a bitch to Tartarus, but I want him to receive a appetizer of what’s to come first," Gold Star informed. "Yes sir!" Replied the soldier, speaking on his radio and running back to his sector regiment. As the soldiers ran towards crowds of troops burying themselves in the newly digged trench placing Machine guns on the dirt a familiar group of ponies were walking around to encourage the locals to stay inside, and so far with the dramatic deployment of troops entrenching themselves in the ground they had a easy time with keeping the locals in Ponyville locked down. "Hey!" Gold Star waved, approaching Twilight's friends. "Have you seen Twilight anywhere? I was assigned to search for her." "Well, you're asking the right pony for the question! Sort of.." Sort of?" "Well as you can see, she didn't provided a specific place that she was going to other than heading down towards the Everfree forest, though I do think she might be going to castle of the two sisters," Rarity explained for Applejack. "Well, I have to find her before it's too late, she's a target for Tirek, he knows that she has Celestia's Luna and Cadence's Alicorn magic and if I can-" "Hold on a minute! Did you say has?" Rainbow Dash interjected. "Uhhh... Yea? Weren't you told about this?" Gold Star asked, which the girls and even Spike shook their heads in a negative way. "What! Not even you Spike?" "Nope, though I should see why since she had powers that we didn't know she had?" "Yea... Now that you think about it, when she zoomed through the sky with a streak! That was not Twilight's magic ability!" Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Not yet," Murmured Applejack "But how did you know that Twilight has all three of the Alicorn's magic?" Rarity asked, while Gold Star sighed and grabbed a piece of note from his right Satchel, handing it to Applejack while the girls and Spike looked at it. "Just know that I didn't share this with you, but I think we now have a similar understanding now," Gold Star guessed. "Darling, if this is how threatening it is then we should be assisting you in finding Twilight," Rarity insisted. "Sorry to reject you five (and Spike), but Tirek will no doubt try to find Twilight's weaknesses and exploit them, being that you are alive means he'll most likely try to make you all a bargaining tool, I suggest sticking within high crowded areas while also being under military protection," Gold Star insisted. "I think we can take care of ourselves," Rainbow Dash confidently says. "Say that to the royal guards who're drained of their magic, besides I think it is what Twilight would want best for you all until this passes, I'll leave it up to the Colonel but for now, good luck and stay safe," Gold Star exited, leaving Twilight's friends in the midst of the crowd of troops. "Maybe we should trust Gold Star, he is pretty nice," Fluttershy suggested. "I don't know about that feller, he looks like he's on our side, but just wait until his human friends turn on us like a stubborn bull in a rodeo," Applejack skeptically said. "I don't know about that, they seemed more of our ally than an enemy as you've claimed them to be?" Rarity observed. "Yea.. Besides, Equestria barely has any enemies! Of course other than Tirek who seems interested in turning that phrase into the total opposite," Rainbow Dash phrased. "Besides, the humans here aren't that bad, right?" Rarity asked. Canterlot Ogav looked through his binoculars at the flames that had erupted in a part of Canterlot, with his troops entering Canterlot and checking the corridors they found nothing. The convoy of tanks, IFVs, and APCs had halted at Canterlot's gates as reconnaissance teams were sent out to see if Tirek was in the city or not. Ogav walked through a line of trucks that had emptied the troops who're looking around taking pictures of some architect while some kept their rifles on their sides.  Ogav looked at the burning building which was supposed to be Humarica's embassy, but was now destroyed in a fiery inferno.. "We're too late," Ogav said to himself, as he looked at the empty streets of what was once very busy and crowded. "Sir, the Red Mother has just posted in order, now she wants us to proceed with what you've planned, sir?" A soviet soldier informed, intriguing Ogav. "Interesting.. I guess I've forced her hand into it, hmph. The Central Committee is going to be pissed with my actions unfortunate, but hopefully we can exterminate Tirek and get- what the?" He and his troops approached the destroyed M60s that were burnt to a crisp, immediately Ogav opened a hatch on one of the tanks and saw that the crew were still breathing. "Great Mother! Quick get medical staff here immediately! Get these men out of the tanks now!" He ordered. "But sir? They're American-" "American or not, they're still our species, species stick together," he phrased, which the men nodded and quickly got the medics on the scene while the men dragged out the crew men who were partially charcoaled and breathing or plain out dead, 2 dead bodies and the rest is injured, Ogav gazed on how the men in the tanks survived such chaotic flames as the medic's got to work on the injured men. However as the medics perform the operation on the injured a Crystal-American Jeep convoy is spotted by soviet scouts. "Sir, the recon team indicates that the Bald eagle is climbing up the mountain," reported the soldier. "Perhaps we can make a peace deal?" Ogav insisted. "Sir, considering that we're deep in territory we'll most likely be shot on the spot by Americans or jabbed in the brain by Equestrian royal guard, the best suggestion is getting out of here as fast as we can," suggested the soldier. "What about the injured?" "By the time we leave they'll reach their injured men," the soldier replied as Ogav sighed and looked at the injured with emotional passion. "Very well... Get the troops climbed on board and let's move on, we'll stand our ground in Ponyville," Ogav ordered. "Very good sir," the soldier acknowledges. As ordered, the medical team were recalled back into the trucks and the troops loaded on the Infantry fighting vehicles, with Ogav climbing back on board his BMP-1, he then grabs the red and gold flag, and raises it indicating to the convoy to begin movement. After Ogav and his forces left Canterlot, General Patton and his motorcade of jeeps arrived on the scene as troops took positions all around the general who took a look at his injured men still breathing. However his soldiers did nothing which aggravated him. "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET THE MEDICS!" He shouted, which the soldiers quickly got the medics on scene, it was then he saw a note with two dog tags on one of his destroyed tanks that read. "Two had died, the tags attached are the names of the dead, we managed to grab out the pilots, it's all yours, " signed Captain Volklav... Well if I be damned, a commie does have a soul.." Everfree Forest After climbing back on board the Abrams I almost slapped Gold Star when he said the words Everfree Forest, I really hate those words, actually I loathe them and the place associated with those words. Like what the hell is so important with the Everfree forest to Twilight Sparkle! Is it natural beauty? Or that random magic tree that nearly consumed all of Equestria into a Zebrican like jungle. But if we have to in the duty of our country then I guess we'll do it, can't believe that Princess Celestia had Gold Star on guard duty over one of the strongest princesses in Equestria, if anything I think they just threw themselves under the bus because they could've took him on in a 3v1 combat fight, I guess their ages made them weak which sounds concerning... "I can't believe you're dragging me and this tank's crew into the most hated place out of all places!" I protested. "Well, I don't like it here either but we have a duty to fulfill and if it meant having to shoot at the trees then you may do so as pleased, but I prefer that we save our ammunition just in case..." "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Because whether or not.. I have a feeling we are not getting out of this forest with Twilight without a fight with Tirek," Gold Star dreaded.. "Are you actually saying we might actually have to fight this asshole?" "Possibly.." As me and Gold Star were silent on the possible chance of fighting Tirek the bastard, the only noise present was the sounds of tank treads grinding on the dirt pathway and some chatting tank crew men about life back home along with the impending doom of death. We were now on our way to the Everfree forest, hopefully Twilight doesn't fly out from us, if I have to I'll fucking tackle her Gold Star can be chivalric all he wants but I am not going to waste the precious time that's against us because of something non-important, the first time was a exception, but this time I'm not going to let her off at this. Speaking of the devil, I wonder how her friends are doing? Ponyville Back in Ponyville the stationed soldiers, particularly just two, were having a smoke outside with cigarettes' in hand as they tried to calm their nerves with the confidence of slaughtering one red guy who is causing trouble in Equestria. One of them thought that the men that failed to defend against Tirek in Canterlot were just old and fragile with the non basic abilities of operating modern equipment. Even though the two were right they'll be finding themselves eating their words when they hear a cage bang and surprised chattering as the two grabbed their assault rifles that rested on the walls and peeked around the corner. What they saw was when Discord was on the ground weak in front of the cage that had 5 ponies and a dragon, the two soldiers scanned around the perimeter and then spotted Discord on the ground so they held their rifles and pointed at him with the shout as he attempted to get up. "STAY DOWN BASTARD!" Shouted the trooper kneeing him down on the ground as his partner looked at the cage. "Fucking bastard, you were gonna rape em were ya!??!"  Before Discord could even defend himself he was kicked in the face and spat on by the soldier who asked the question. "Disgusting pigs! Get me Colonel Alex immediately, we'll make this one a example to the fucking rapist around the world!" "No need to contact me, I'm already here," entered Colonel Alex, staring at the scene with a pistol in his hand. He looked at the caged ponies who're scared and shocked by what they've just seen with their former friend as the trooper kept Discord down while the other soldier awaited orders from Colonel Alex. "Get the civilians out of the cage, and you soldier, stand him up and have him sit, I want a formal interrogation on him at once," the Colonel ordered. "Why not just shoot him to save the trouble!" The Soldier aggressively insisted on pressing his rifle deeper in Discords skull as Alex noticed that the yellow pegasus pony, drained of her magic, watched in horror as the trooper instigated an immediate execution, an execution that the Colonel doesn't see no purpose for. While Discord seemed to have betrayed them he possibly didn't think it would've led to this moment. "No, follow my orders Private!" Alex added. "But si-" "That's an order dammit! Follow it!" Alex barked towards the soldier, which made the trooper pause and nodded in a glare. "Yes sir.." Immediately as he raised Discord from the ground and led him to a seat a engineer arrived on scene with a A.M.M.T. to break through the magic induced metal casted by Tirek to capture the ponies and the dragon. "Stand back, we'll get you all out," Alex assured as the engineer lit the torch. "On an off context but, why are y'all helping us when you could've fought Tirek first?" Applejack asked, still skeptical with humans. "Because, we wouldn't be the foreign fighters that saved your kind from the Zebrican terrorist, we could've left you, but then again why do that when we could save generations that aren't our kind but perhaps inspire them more that perhaps inter-species could live peacefully," Alex inspiringly explained which made Applejack gulped a huge lump of her pride down her throat. "And to think you assumed they were still our enemy?" Rainbow Dash criticized. "Hold on there partner, you've doubted too don't forget that," Applejack replied in a reminder. "Yea, but- uhh.. Okay so maybe we had a part in that," Rainbow Dash admitted. "I wouldn't give a damn who was who, you didn't blow up tanks or jeeps, or killed anyone (yet) you all seem fine in my book," Alex replied with forgiveness as he took part in torching the cage. Applejack was about to say something when suddenly the entire cage and everyone in it disappeared catching the men off guard. "What the hell!?" Alex reacted in complete surprise. "SIR! DISCORD IS GONE!" "HE'S ESCAPED!" Shouted both the soldiers as Alex got up and replied. "Hell no he didn't, I have a feeling Tirek is using a trump card with them, quick! Get those Bradley's and tanks into positions now! You! Have the Himars ready to fire! Aim for the head!" "SIR YES SIR!" Shouted the men in unison as they scattered to the division squad leaders. "You better hurry up Captain, because I think we're too late.." Starhawk carrier "Code four, code four, all pilots man your stations. You've been redirected to Ponyville under code four, please report to your squadron leaders for mission briefing." "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! STRATCOM HAS INTEL THAT TIREK IS IN THE PONYVILLE AREA! WEAKNESSES HAD BEEN UPDATED ON YOUR NAVIGATION SIGHTS, YOUR JETS WILL BE ARMED WITH HEAT SEEKING MISSILES AND OTHER EXPLOSIVES THAT CAN SHOOT THIS BASTARDS HEAD OFF! IF YOU RUN OUT RETREAT TO THE NEAREST OUTPOST FOR EQUIPMENT! THE OBJECTIVE IS TO KILL TIREK! SO NOW I ASK! WHO'S READY TO HUNT THIS FATASS DOWN!" Squadron leader Ingo shouted as everyone on the deck yelled back in a unison choir. "LET'S BAG THIS BASTARD SIR!" "GLAD TO HEAR IT! GET TO YOUR FIGHTERS NOW! MAY CREATOR AND HARMONY BE WITH Y'ALL!" As the pilots scrambled for their gear some fist bumped in good luck, some grabbed their copilots, and some grabbed a pistol for special occasions, Falcon and Eagle squadrons ready their jets as the deck crew men scattered restlessly for takeoffs as the jet's both F-14 and F-15s started to line up. The admiral meanwhile looked at the fighters which were waiting on his command to launch, the admiral had never seen the day that he had to send the literal air force on one specific creature that somehow disturbed the entirety of international politics, and now it was time to show everyone the American version of it's definition of 'freedom' with the use of it's airforce and everything at its disposal. "Launch the fighters," ordered Admiral Hughes. "Launch the fighters!" Repeated the deck sergeant. "Launching fighters!" Acknowledged the flight crew as they swung their HUD's to signal the fighters to launch off the carrier. In an instant the jets launched one by one as the F-15s and 14's regathered and regrouped in the skies in formation to their located target in Ponyville. 10:43 am, New Mexicona state Log 035... So far we've had formed the final design of the weapon that the government had hired us all to do and researched, now is  the matter of creating the weapon's design into this world.. Albert Einstein has warned that the weapon will work.. But at a cost that I fear might happen when we start the first test of this weapon in question.. I wonder sometimes if the princesses of Equestria had found out about our research.. What is our punishment for the sins we will be committing to create this weapon that we've been tasked to make? Would we be spared? Or perhaps given no mercy for the great sin. I don't know what everyone's reaction will be once the existence of the bomb is revealed, but if project Sunset were to really exceed expectations from its original purpose... Then there will be no hope for no one on this team to be sanctified from this deed... Everfree Twilight was on the edge of a cliff trying to keep the magic that was given by the three Alicorns in check so it wouldn't spiral out of her control. Just as she was about to do a teleport spell she heard the sounds of trees falling over on the ground as if something had shoved it aside, she put aside her current spell she almost casted and had herself prepare for combat with her horn lit ready to fire her barrage of spells towards Tirek. However the trees stopped falling as a moving heavy armor weapon appeared from the tree line with its turret and machine gun pointed at nothing but Twilight kept her ground and kept her horn active, however a hatch opened with it coming out was Gold Star fully equipped with his tank gear with his hooves in the air. "Don't shoot It's us!" Gold Star verified, which Twilight sighed in relief and deactivated her horn she would be curious about the tank if not excited about the technological weapon made by humanity, but unfortunately the worry that she was consumed with kept her down. "Keep the engine running just in case," Gold Star ordered. "Understood," I replied, being left in command while Gold Star jumped off from the tank with a pistol only as he raised his goggles up on his helmet and trotted towards Twilight, he never thought that despite everything going around Twilight would still bring herself to the bottom levels, sure she was just given the task of Alicorn Hood but with the friends she has she hasn't even bother to consult with them properly about her role. And as I watch from the tank I can understand what Gold Star was thinking, apart with the event in the Everfree apparently the mane 6 were originally somewhat defenders of Equestria from the enemies that want to conquer it and the ponies, while the American government would act upon retaliation there was some things that were meant to be handled by stronger power groups. Such as Discord, he was a menace to both Equestria and the Humarican dollar economy, and then there was the nightmare moon.. The single piece of history that started everything between Humarica and Equestria altogether and now we're now defending what was once considered our enemy at the time... But with thoughts of what I had, Twilight lit her horn in concentration while Gold Star sat back and spoke. "I know what's been hurting you, I've been there once but a bit worse than what you're experiencing," captain Star expressed deeply which prompted Twilight to look at him with a unencouraged face, she never said anything so Gold Star continued. "Back when I became America's first pony officer of it's history I was given humanly tasks like carrying water gallons across the field or overseeing entrenchment drills, at first I thought they were a piece of cake, no trouble with the role so far at least until my first taste in war was when I realized that perhaps some rethinking was needed, in the summer heat of 1002 and the 105th was sent to the Argendinian-Thestria frontlines to peacekeep in the war, but it was then that me and-" "PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!" Shouted Tirek in the distance as he approached the area. "TIREK!" Yelped Twilight while Gold Star unholstered his pistol. "Dammit he must've followed us!" Reacted Gold Star. "I need to get back to my home! Meet me there!" "Twilight! WAIT~!" But before Gold Star could finish his sentence Twilight engulfed herself in a brief blink of purple light and disappeared. "DAMMIT!" He said to himself which he then ran towards the parked Abrams as I listened into the radio comms. "I don't know what you said to her but if you told her to go back to Ponyville you've doomed her," I warned. "I didn't, she teleported there herself and I didn't even get a chance to say shit! By the way? What makes you say that?" "Because Tirek has already arrived to Ponyville, her friends and Discord got captured by him, Colonel Alex is rallying up all units to point Alpha, and the soviet convoy is about 3 miles away from us, and he's near Twilight's home," I explained. "The Soviet convoy will have to be dealt with last, we need to take down Tirek and end this once and for all!" "But captain? We need to protect Twilight, our tank has been excluded from the rally orders but going up against Tirek is suicide!" I warned worryingly. "I'm following present order's I've been given to by Princess Celestia and I'll follow through with them whether you like it or not, I'm gunning for Tirek's throat," Gold Star vowed. "Sounds a bit reckless, but you know what? I think we can give it a try, but we may not make it out like I said this could be a suicide operation," I hypothesized. "I'll take whatever odds, but something must be done or by the time he's finished with the ponies of Equestria no one can stop him." "I think I know which soundtrack to play," I smirked, opening up the VHS tape player and inserting a music track in it. "Yates you really have the best taste of music!" Gold Star grinned. "Yes, sir I fucking do!" I replied. "Pilot! Get us to Ponyville! We got an asshole to kill! And get home like Johnny!" Gold Star ordered. "Yes sir!" With joysticks pulled and parking brake off the Abrams started moving out of the forest and into the plain fields that wasn't far from our west as the tank treaded the ground knocking down the trees to the ground as the navigator kept us on course with our objective, meanwhile I don't have tank gear or equipment but I can as easily man a machine gun better and load the shell. Meanwhile I turned up the volume making the entire field around us replaced with the sound of patriotic music and duty. "Alright listen Yates, when my gunner says HE load the Heavy explosive round that looks entirely round without a butt, if he says armor piercing it would look like a thin shell that looks like it lost some weight, get the picture?" Gold Star instructed. "Yep I think I can handle loading sir," I replied as I gripped the machine gun tight. "Good on you now, we can-" Suddenly a massive explosion erupted from the town of Ponyville as a mushroom cloud raised in the sky and Gold Star gazed in horror as to what could've created such an explosion. "FUCK! What the hell happened!?" I reacted. "That smoke, I think Tirek found her!" Gold Star said as the tank rolled out of the Everfree forest and entered Ponyville as the sky is nothing but red and when they've arrived to Twilight's home they find nothing but ash and flames. "Holy shit... How the hell?" Suddenly sounds of fighting erupted behind us and we turned towards the backside and see Twilight and Tirek fighting. It was now or never as me and the Captain nodded and rolled into the fight as our tank turned sideways and moved straight into a prepared formation. However as we approached Twilight fired a hyper sonic laser towards Tirek consuming him full of lethal magic as it burnt his skin and his horns leaving him with wounds but not enough to knock him down, followed this a massive mushroom cloud of unstable magic exploded behind him as Gold Star looked on with surprise and intrigue, considering Twilight's magic abilities Great grandfather Canter wasn't kidding when he said the Twilight possesses the powers of all three Alicorns, with that in mind it made Gold Star gulp with anxiety but also in a trance thinking of a strategy. Finally he moved and ducked inside of the tank, I followed suit considering the risk of being roasted by whatever magic Twilight has been using, and while the AMVs could withstand standard lethal it couldn't tank the lethal magic this size so large. "So what's the plan?" I asked. "As Twilight continues her fight with Tirek we move in flanking his tail, no mercy, but first I'll give him a special introduction for us!" Gold Star smirked in confidence, turning towards the pilot and ordering. "Full ahead! Take us to his front and prepare to fire!" Immediately we took up position behind a rock as Tirek and Twilight Sparkle are on a stand off with each other preparing to fire at the passing of each moment when rocks from small pebbles to regular sized rocks lifted up around Twilight marking her first move. Tirek vs Twilight Sparkle Twilight flew up in the skies with the intent to use a charging ram at Tirek as he took aim with his own magic to counter hers and fired his bigger lethal. However unexpectedly she uses a strong forcefield which blocks the lethal off of her and then magically teleports to his feet and fires her shot. Her move burns half of Tirek's face leaving him bleeding in the mouth with scolded heat that ate away of his skin, enraged from the pain he lifts her from the ground and swung her around like a yo-yo. It was then Gold Star shouted in the co-pit in a rushed and demanding voice. "FIRE!" As the shell landed right onto Tirek's chest he dropped Twilight who then rebounded herself in flight as she looked for the source of the gunning weapon when she spotted the Abrams with the familiar gold star. "LOAD HE!" Ordered the gunner as I slid in a HE inside of the tank cannon and clicked the loader. "LOADED!" "TAKE AIM AT HIS CHEST! PILOT GET US INTO A SECONDARY POSITION!" As the tank changed it's position and into a bush line Tirek sought to destroy whatever shot him in the chest as it burnt in pain, but first he has a princess to deal with as he made his next move to charge head first and ram her into a mountain which Twilight had gotten out of his way quickly with the given Alicorn magic. Tirek, who is filled with rage shot his laser at Twilight who she then shot hers towards Tirek which the two spells had collided into a chaotic bubble of magic being destabilized even more in minutes as the collision turns into a possible obliterating explosion. Meanwhile we managed to complete our position change as we took aim at Tirek's head and lifted the cannon as far as it can lift before hitting its max. Gold Star shouts. "TAKE AIM!" The gunner prepares to fire the cannon. "FIRE!!!" Immediately the tank blasted it's shell towards Tirek and misses which didn't go unnoticed at the last minute as the magic destabilized fully and destroys  the entire area that surrounded the two rivals as the shockwave blasted on the tank melting everything in it's hull, the hatch, and fries the engine to the point of being burnt leaving us stranded in the combat zone. As everything cooled down Tirek turned towards the source and fired a beam of lethal magic towards the tank, in reaction Twilight tried to block his magic but was too late and the tank blew up into smaller pieces leaving only the turret and Chassis left as the flames erupted inside our alleged deaths left Twilight speechless and shocked as she kneeled on the ground ready to cry as she watched the tank burned to the ground. While enjoying her suffering, Tirek peered behind her with a smile. "Not bad, but of course it appears we're at an impasse.. How about a trade Princess Twilight?" Tirek offers her friends to Twilight as he teleports them in front of her which surprised her even more.. "Your friends for all the Alicorn magic in Equestria!" As she was presented with this choice her friends immediately tried talking her into not taking the deal but thinking back of what just happened to the tank that had two of her friends inside of it, she feared what would happen if she didn’t take the deal, the fate of her other friends and how much they mattered to her, how much they’ve been through as friends despite the elements of harmony given up for the sake of Equestria’s safety beyond doubt she and her 5 friends are her life. She also sees horrifyingly that her half-brother Spike was captured, and surprisingly so was was Discord. And so it was clear what her choice was. ===== Meanwhile though.. I was briefly knocked out.. Unconscious.. And yet still alive as I finally awoken myself and tried to get my bearings straight only to find nothing but open flames inside of the cockpit.. I should be dead but I Aint.. And I don't know how but I'm alive but damn, I knew that Owl was a sign of a bad omen! But enough with that owl, I am alive but as for the crew though.. They are not, however It would seem that I wasn't the only one alive, Gold Star had also survived while his uniform was burnt up and torn he was still breathing.. So I grabbed his collar and tried to drag him towards me but my left arm was in severe pain.. It seems that it is broken, I don’t know, however I can barely use it without being seethed in pain unfortunately, but I'm alive and so is Gold Star at least so pain or no pain I need to get us both out of here somehow. So I looked around and examined myself, the flames inside of the tank are getting intense in the front as the smoke started to get more thicker and thicker, at this rate I lost my sense of smell and the best I can do is keep myself and Gold Star on the ground level, however I looked around the cockpit and.. The crew is dead.. The Pilot is torn to shreds to the point of showing skeletal parts, the gunner's entire skin on his face has been entirely blown off, and the radio man's head is decapitated... A cruel horrible fate worse than physical death, and yet me and Gold Star are still alive, while he's unconscious I'm alive to see it all myself.. But now the only thing that matters is getting the hell out of this tank before it completely burns through the hatch and incinerates both of us in an ironed grave! So after getting my bearings together I looked up and tried to open the hatch with my one arm but it wasn't budging, immediately I panicked and tried to get myself straight and attempted again by kicking the hatch off with both of my legs onto the roof. But it still wasn't budging... And that was when I thought to myself that I might not make it.. This is how I die, a slow and painful fiery death inside of a metal tomb with no escape and no chance of survival... I guess I could've said it would have also been my last until I heard a familiar voice from princess Twilight.. "HEY! HEYYY!" I shouted in hopes that they could hear... ===== Twilight gave up her magic the moment I woken up to the nightmare of the death of my fellow crew men, she got up and was scolded a bit by her friends in their confusion of why she gave up her magic, but as she discovered her true role for Equestria and scolded herself of how blinded she was Discord gave her the medallion that was formally Tirek's now given to Twilight. She had a realization but the moment was ruined then when I yelled out my vocal chords out to the point that everyone could clearly hear me say. "CAN ANYONE FUCKING HEAR ME!? HELLO!!?" "Is that??" "No bucking way! They survived!?" Applejack said in amazement. I heard their voices and I looked up in glee that they’ve heard it, but I wasn’t out of this yet so I started banging on the metal parts of the tank and immediately she and her friends figured out who I was and ran towards the flaming tank, if it wasn't for Tirek Rainbow Dash would've been told to move a rain cloud on the tank to extinguish the flames but their hope now is to get me and Gold Star out before we both will die a horrible painful death. "HEYY! I'M IN HERE! ME AND GOLD STAR ARE STILL ALIVE BUT WE'RE TRAPPED IN HERE!" I coughed as the smoke started to fill the remaining cabin deeper with blacker smoke. “We can hear you!” Yelled out Fluttershy as the 6 ponies climbed up and examined what was blocking the hatch and what blocked it the whole time was a huge tree limb that was stuck on the hatch. "This here old tree is stuck on the Hatch!" Applejack pointed. "We need to push it out of the way! On three!" Twilight responded. Twilight counted to three and then immediately Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash pushed as hard as they can while I helped them as well and pressed on the hatch with my legs as the Smoke started to cover Gold Star's Nostrils and so immediately I grabbed his face and did a mouth to mouth session to keep him breathing all the while keeping my strength directly on getting the hatch opened. Discord and Spike joined in the fray and pushed the massive tree off until finally it rolled off to the back of the tank and the hatch was opened but the flames got even more chaotic as it consumes everything including the dead in the cockpit as I quickly grabbed Gold Star and lifted him and myself out of the tank and onto the ground weakened. The mane 6, Spike, and Discord smartly backed up from the tank as it fully exploded into an inferno as the flames screeched in a hellish squeal before fully dismantling the tank into ashes. I wasn't unscathed in the initial blast from Tirek, nor did Gold Star, but we were lucky to be alive in one piece though not to say towards the dead crew. "Are you two alright?" Twilight asked. "I'm fine, and so is he, he's unconscious but he's breathing and that's good enough for me," I replied as I got up and snapped some stems from it's roots to make a natural cast on my broken arm. "Although I am somewhat injured I don't know his problem." Their eyes flashed into a somewhat rainbow color, it made me wonder if I did something or that's usually pony pupil reflection but something tells me I'm in the middle of something important.. "We need to get to the tree of harmony, Yates do you need any assistance carrying Gold Star?" Twilight asked. "Eh, not to say I can carry him with one arm, but yea Discord is capable enough," I replied as me and Discord lifted Gold Star off the ground and followed Twilight and her friends into the forest. "By the way! I have a lot of words for you about the Everfree Forest after this!" Rally point Alpha After planning and strategizing the order was given by Alex for the tanks, Bradley's and the rocket Artillery and other weapon systems to take positions inside of Ponyville and the outskirt areas as Tirek went rampant in the Everfree Forest when he was suddenly intercepted by the Variant 2 Abrams unit. The troops hopped off of the tanks and took positions around the area as machine gun nests were built and rocketeers found themselves in the trees with their bazooka's aiming at Tirek's horns. The division Colonel leaped off of the tank with a microphone in his hand guarded by two soldiers as he patted at the speaker and lifted it up to his beard-covered mouth. "Attention Tyrannus Tirek! In the name of the American army of the Federation you are ordered to cede the magic you've stolen back to the locals in Equestria! Comply with our demands and you will be given amnesty and free will! Failure will result in painful consequences!" Alex negotiated on the microphone as troops stumbled through the ground to find a perfect stable conditioned area to fire from. "Scared that I might use the magic that rightfully belonged to me? Face it human, there is no earth pony, pegasus, and Unicorn that could stop me! Not even Twilight Sparkle!" Tirek laughed and snorted as the Colonel realized something when he said Twilight Sparkle, which means not only did he blatantly confirmed his fears that he knew Twilight Sparkle is a princess but it also meant that the divisional captain and Lieutenant may have gotten in his way. "How did you know Twilight Sparkle was the princess of Equestria?" He asked. "Let's say a certain draconequus provided that answer," Tirek smiled. "I knew it sir! We should've killed him when we got the chance!" Reacted the soldier in aggravation. "Not now private! Tirek it doesn’t have to be this way! Return the magic now! You have one last chance! Comply with our demands or die!" Alex threatened as the troops loaded their rifles, and tank barrels raised and aimed at Tirek's head.   "Then allow me to respond kindly then!" Tirek said as his horns formed a ball of dark matter magic energy that formed into a straight fire laser that shoots directly towards a tank and disables it into flames. "Holy shit! SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Shouted Alex as all the tanks, troops, and rocketeers fired towards the beast that killed one of their comrades into a fiery metal tomb as combined arms concentrated their fire on Tirek's head however the bullets started to bounce off of Tirek's chest but the troops were focused on taking him down with standard assault rifles to not realize this. But the Colonel, after being jerked back from his tank shooting a shell towards Tirek's crotch, realized this and that the only thing slowing Tirek down was the highly explosive tank shells impacting his chest, but even it isn't keeping him back. And as he approached the offensive army shooting his magic towards the scattered Abrams tanks, Alex grabbed his radio and ordered. "Pull back to Bravo point! IFV and Rocket Artillery! Fire at will!" Immediately the Abrams and the troops tactically retreated to the second defense line which Tirek gave chase, however he pauses after seeing a barrage of fire being launched from the hills and mountains followed by small light flashes which impacted his head in a explosive like seizure as the heavy missiles launched from the HIMAR rocket artillery landed on his face directly with some either missing or hitting somewhere on his body. He was in pain as the missiles landed on his body parts which made his skin partially melt from the explosive flames and open wounds from the missile impact. Alex's plan was working very well as his unit arrived at the second fall back line but suddenly he heard music from the distance which confused the soldiers as they looked around to find the source when a recon soldier pointed and there it was.. The Soviet division arrived and immediately they open fired on Tirek giving no notice to the American army that was literally a inch away from them as the T-64B tanks rolled into combat with a man on top of one of the tanks double wielding two katana type swords shouting “Заряжать!” in a Rodinian voice. (In English it's Charge) As the entire soviet army charged head first towards Tirek a BMP-1 arrived at Colonel Alex's fall back line which to the Americans couldn't even express what the hell was going on as the Rodinian captain of the convoy poked his head out with his hands slightly up to prevent alarm or distress. "Good evening comrade, need some assistance?" Ogav waved, shaking his arms to show that he was not harming the American's. "And what in Creator's name are you fucking doing here?" Alex interrogated. "Let's just say that we both have a score to settle, after all, the American phrase is the enemy of my enemy is my friend is it not?" Ogav Affirmed his purpose and presence while Alex was reluctant about letting their sworn enemy to help them fight against an individual enemy, however it could perhaps benefit to assert dominance technologically to the Soviets since some would possibly study or perhaps copy, but either way it would help to have additional support. "Alright fine.. But one fuck up! And you're toast, got it Rodine!?" Alex affirmed. "I swear to my daughter in law Natasha not to 'fuck up,'" Ogav reassured. "Alright, then I have an idea on what to do here with your unit." The Tree   Jogging and running through the forest we've approached a chasm which houses the magical tree in Equestria which is called the tree of Harmony, only.. I don't really think of harmonious as more of a gun pointing at Equestria's head considering the incident that occurred weeks ago before the diplomatic mission was launched. If anything the tree is possibly called by many of us as the Anti-peacekeeper since really the elements are just weapons to banish anyone who opposes into a stone prison, there were even murmurs within the eclipse brigade (Now the SAU) about searching and destroying the tree entirely. Although while the plan was formed Reagan was elected into office when they've introduced it to him and it was basically what made the president nearly disbanded the unit if it wasn't General MacArthur's usual pizzazz and constructed argument so it was basically reduced to being a airborne company, or so I've heard. But the day the Everfree incident happened was what made me hope I didn't get near it at all, and it would seem that irony took a turn as we're now having to rely on it for the survival of Equestria.. Weird for me to say that, but then again it would've been very wrong of me to abandon my post, not that I was contemplating it. Although it was the day when I truly discovered something even more than an average tree... After arriving at the tree I managed to snatch a med kit at the last minute before the tank exploded, although I could've used the bandages to create a cast for my broken arm, but it was one use for one person and obviously I wasn't greedy since my friend is unconsciously injured. As we got inside of the cave where the Tree of Harmony glowed in I and Discord rested Gold Star on the cave wall as I place a blanket on the ground and then laid his body on top of it, I then examined his hooves both front and hind, unequipped his satchels and... There's wings?? I sat there confused in what the hell I just saw on his sides, but regardless I had to continue to examine his wounds but before I could check his head Twilight Sparkle raised the medallion and it turns into a key which inserted itself inside of the chest which in total all 6 keys had now entered the slots, however just as the happy moment came recon troops jumped out of the bush behind us with rifles with them as they pointed towards the sky, they seemed battle weary, distressed, and fatigued as they tried to keep themselves rested when they caught a glimpse of me and Gold Star they were surprised. "You're alive!?" Said the tired soldiers as some still kept their guard up. "Surprised?" I replied as a missile flew overhead passed us and exploded in the distance, possibly destroying some of the environment while I stood there like everyone else, confused. "What the HELL WAS THAT!" I yelled, grabbing one of the men by their collars. "High explosive missiles sir! The Himars are equipped with them, they’re working sir! We’re kicking Tireks ass! But by the minute he continues to resist us!" The soldier responded. "Damn, well Twilight! If you have an ace up your hoof sleeves you better use it, It's now or never!" I suggested. "He's right, we must turn the keys together!" Twilight added, as she and her 5 friends held the keys and simultaneously turned them together which made the chest brightened into a holy brightness, so bright it made my eyes watery though then again I could be crying and not know as to how bright is was. The six ponies referred as many back home as the hero's of Equestria and possibly the world, possibly? Nah, definitely the heroes of the world, and damn how Gold Star would've loved to have seen what was inside of that chest, if only if he wasn't unconscious though he could've said something like holy shit. But they have their role in taking care of that bastard, and I have my role as well, and that's to take care of Gold Star, and then after that's taken care of. He has a lot of explaining to do... Like seriously I thought he was an Earth Pony? But wings? There's something else he might not be showing me... And I have a feeling it'll haunt me for the rest of my life.. Heh.. Now I really wonder if that was his secret the whole time, if that's his secret then he was right on the money when he said I would never forget it.. Because I never will... The battlefield "ALLAHU AKBAR!" Shouted a Caucasian trooper firing a RPG round to Tirek's face as the battle transformed into a all out war zone as two unmarked white helicopters arrived to the scene in the skies shooting at Tirek with it's entire cartridge of missiles while the American troops were side by side with Soviet troops shooting at Tirek together while Captain Ogav and Colonel Alex participated firing their tanks at Tirek as well. However as the combat was ongoing channel 10 was active and spoke. "This is Eagle and Falcon squadron bringing you heavy support, how can we assist you sir?" Asked Eagle-1 as Alex snatched the radio from his left cheek pocket and placed it over his mouth. "Eagle Squadron target is marked in red flare! Be ready to shoot at the marked positioned target!" Urged Alex as he scampered to look for red flares. "Roger that, and what about the Soviet targets over?" Eagle-1 asked. "They're in the clear, they are with us, do you copy that Eagle-1!" Alex affirmed. "I read you loud and clear awaiting for green light," replied Eagle-1 as two formations of F-14 and F-15 jets flew across the skies circling Tirek like a pack of vultures ready to dive bomb for their next meal for the day as Alex grabbed a red Flare and turned towards Ogav who's BMP-1 was besides his Abrams shooting at the similar target. "Ready for a little retribution?" Alex smirked. "You bet your American dollars I am my friend," Ogav replied, as Alex threw the flare and Ogav slapped the top of his BMP-1 to order a head first charge towards Tirek in which the crew acknowledged and charged towards Tirek gun blazing. Even to some who stick their hands out of the Cockpits equipped with pistols taking a shot at Tirek. Meanwhile for Tirek he is completely overrunned and had not anticipated such intervention from the human race, he thought that the Pegasus, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and the Alicorns were what he had to worry about, but something that he hasn't realized up until now seeing the writing on the wall that his doom draws near and it was only a matter of time before the final nail lands in his coffin of his defeat, he thought back on how he fought Twilight and destroyed one of the wretched human tanks that interfered with him earlier in Canterlot, but now he also wonders what he has done when entering the castle he remember the same pony he had fought with earlier with five other ponies in some type of union that taken down what was the Blue pony he had injured and fought once. "Fox! Fox! Fox!" Realizing this, he truly realized that the day of reckoning is near, but as he pondered in his mind as explosions from the missiles continued to blind his eyes and possibly blew his skin he felt something thrown at his foreleg, and it was when the explosions stopped ringing was when he saw true horror of Humanity as he sees metal birds charging at him with spits of fire shooting towards his eyes as if two hot pokers were being lodged inside of his eyes which gave him great pain, but not as worse as what was next when the metal bird pour liquid followed by the worst pain possible as he can hear the wretched humans chanting it's name that he will loath for all of eternity... Napalm... He cried in pain in great agony as the napalm burnt through his skin, Alex and Ogav watched emotionless as Tirek wreaked in pain. But it was then that a bright bubble of magic appeared from the Everfree forest and hovered above Tirek, however usually the villian wouldn't give up, but after the torture released upon him he was turned from a buff fearful creature to a total wimp at the might of the combined human armies of the Rodinian Soviet Army, and the American Armed Forces. Tirek didn't fight, he didn't monologues, he didn't even put up a proper defense, it was as if he was standing there embracing his total defeat and putting him out of his misery. And so his reckoning came as the Mane 6, empowered by the magic of friendship, fired one by one their magical power and shrinked Tirek to the smallest point that he was once... But before they could send him back to Tartarus he was quickly apprehended and detained by agents in black suits marked F.M.T.F. As the two white unmarked helicopters landed and surrounded the weakened and horrendously mutilated Tirek the black uniformed soldiers exited the helicopters with plasma rifles that aimed towards him while the men cuffed him. The commander in chief Ronald Reagan stepped out into the open, sunglasses on as he looked around the chaotic scene and gazed at the mane 6 as they landed on the ground meeting the president face to face. "Mr. Reagan!?" Remarked Rarity, as her friends gazed in surprise at his visit. "Greetings bearers of the elements of Harmony, you six all have my gratitude, you've fought well to defend and save your lands, and this world and so to not tire you any longer we'll take Tirek somewhere else, where he will never hurt anyone else ever again," Reagan assured. "But he should be back in Tartarus where he was?" Twilight said. "Rest assure princess, and friends, I already have a place more suitable than Tartarus for him," Reagan frowned as the men in heavy equipped black took Tirek into custody in the white helicopter. Reagan then stared towards Twilight and her friends and then said. "Best get to moving, there's ponies in need of their magic restored." Twilight and her friends smiled as they disappeared from Reagan's sight while he looked at Alex and Ogav who just hiked towards the caravan of black infantry troops which by now the White Chopper took off to deliver Tirek back to wherever the 'special' place was. "Captain Volklav I assumed? I talked with the Red Mother and she explained everything. I have to admit if it wasn't for you Patton would've lost 5 young men who were volunteers, they're in your debt Captain," Reagan smiled. "Well, it's my obligation Mr. President, despite what my co-officials say about the government here we're all in the same species in the same world," Ogav replied. "Indeed, you may get back to your post, I fear that once the Royal guard figures out that you're here it might stir an international incident, we don't want that happening do we?" Reagan added. "No sir, thank you sir, we'll depart immediately," Ogav waved. "Until we meet Captain," Reagan waved back while Ogav climbed aboard his BMP-1 as the soviet convoy started lining up and moving back towards the Equestrian-Stalliongrad border, Alex saluted towards Ogav and Ogav saluted right back towards Alex as the two men respectfully saluted each other until Ogav disappeared in the horizon. Reagan boarded the helicopter as Alex walked towards him with a question in mind. "What now sir?" He asked. "Now Colonel? Simply move on," Reagan responded as the door closed and the helicopter took off from the ash field battle field as troops started scrambling to rescue the men injured from the battle along with salvaging destroyed vehicles damaged or mutilated from Tirek's desperate laser attacks, however the Colonel turned to see bushes shuffling around as me, Gold Star, Discord, Spike, and other troops that found themselves lost in the battle appeared in front of him out of the bushes. "Lieutenant glad to see you alive~" "No time to explain Colonel! I need a medical team STAT!" I grunted in pain, as my left arm started to get worn out from the immense pain and stress of carrying the injured tan stallion on my back as Alex turned and yelled. "MEDIC! GET ME A MEDIC DAMMIT!"  And with the response to the Colonel's panic the medics quickly swarmed over towards the injured captain as I setted him down, then for some odd reason they kept him concealed from Discord and Spike and carried him over to the medical Humvee which just pulled in with it's green camouflage coating with the white and red cross on the door as they slid him on the stretcher and put him in the back seat of the Humvee before driving off to base. The rest of the medics on the field tended to my arm as for Discord and Spike, they left us to meet Twilight and her friends as they've completely restored every pony's magic across Equestria, but with that it left me thinking a lot about Gold Star.. He hid something from me he didn't want to show, and I'm getting to the bottom of this. F̷̡̤̻̘̮̰̦̺̩̜̎̇͗̑̓̏͝ǒ̸̢̜̌̓͊̚͜u̷̡͖̗̤̝̖̹̱̐̏̈́̓̃͐̆̇ṉ̵͔͔͚̤͐̽̎̇̎̆̂͝d̵̺̣͛͠ä̶̫̥̺͕̣́̄̑͑̄̅̃͝ͅt̸̛̥̤̦̖͉̫͂̋̍̑͆͌̄i̸̳̇́͐́͒̓͌̃͝ô̸̧̡͙̺͕̲̇͐̍͋ň̵̬͆͌͌̂͆͝ ̸̛̖̫̯͆̃̅̄̉͝B̶̙̯̞̱̬̂̓̒́̃͠à̴͓͎͓̟̤̋̊̆͑́̂͠ͅş̵̢̖̣̼̭͚̥̊̌̃̂e̷̛̙̹̥̳͗̂̽͌̋̏̋͘ The helicopter landed inside of the hangar bay met with troops carrying the same plasma rifles as they awaited for their compensation to step out of the helicopter while Reagan's helicopter landed as well besides the other one. Reagan stepped inside of the metallic building as he looked around at the black uniformed troops aiming their plasma rifles towards Tirek as his neck had been pressed down towards the ground where all he could see was the floor and not what was in front of him for a brief moment until they bagged him. As he entered the prison hallways Reagan frowned upon what was going to be his fate in the prison as the head chief of the unit that imprisoned him came towards the president. "The Foundation will certainly benefit from this capture Mr. President," phrased the commander. "Indeed so.. What is his fate though?" Reagan asked. "Worse than Tartarus if I can describe Mr. President, but rest assured, despite the secret of our existence spoken out and exposed to the Colonel, the compensation you've provided will do well for us and this nation's military," the commander remarked. "Indeed, I must get back to my duties as president, Tirek is all yours to keep, I wish you the best of luck," Reagan granted. "You too, Mr. President.. You too.." It was then after Reagan had left, Equestria's princesses Celestia and Luna in 1006 would start requesting a visit to the prison that held Tirek in.. However their request would end up going unanswered despite Equestria's current state in world affairs.. But it would be only 1009 when Equestria's princesses realized the terrible fate of Tirek who died in captivity from head trauma in 1006... Base Alicorn Arriving at the base with a cast on my left arm after the Doctors had told me that the bones cracked when it was banged real hard on the metal walls of the tank. But as I entered the base established medical clinic asking where Gold Star is I was politely pointed towards his room where he is resting in, although the nurse warned me that the Military Police is stopping anyone who approaches and other information that Gold Star is currently having his medicine for his wounds, but despite their advice not go to his room I saw myself in to the hallway and the nurse blatantly ignored it. As I walked through the hallway I couldn't feel but sorry for the men who risked their lives to fight Tirek as they laid in their beds sleeping off from the pain the wounds gave them with some having bandages on their hands or cast on their entire bodies, it was sad to see them in their state. As I approached the room that the nurse pointed at two MPs who were listening to their radio's and walked towards me with ACU patrol caps spelling "Military Police" along with Black vest and everything, one raised his hand which stopped me in my tracks. "Sir you're not allowed past this point, turn around before we get dirty here," warned an officer. "Do you know what rank I am? I'm the divisional Lieutenant of this base!" I argued. "We have orders not to let no one in, especially you," he informed. "What the hell? Why the hell am I given this treatment when I clearly saved his life! If you two won't let me pass I will-" Immediately they upholstered their pistols and pointed them towards me in the form of a major threat to shoot me, it was clear they weren't playing around but I intend to find answers, but this may complicate things by a lot... "We didn't want to do this sir! Get back or we will shoot!" "Shoot me? Shoot me and you'll find yourselves working at a prison cafeteria!!!" I replied as they held their guns tight ready to shoot me, although I could've pulled mine out I've felt more pain than I've fucking had so in the end no one wins. At Least until the door to Gold Star room opened and a white unicorn nurse hovering a plate with empty cups exited out was immediately horrified at the breakdown and immediately yelled. "Dear Celestia! Don't you two have anything better to do than to point your humanly weapons at visitors!! ARE YOU TWO INSANE!" She yelled. "But ma'am we were told to stop anyone from passing, mainly hi-" "What in Celestia's name do you mean by that! The Captain requested his presence moments ago! And who was it that told you this order may I remind you!?" yelled the unicorn. "Umm.. The Captain? But ma'am he-" "Not another word! He changed his mind after some counseling and some second thoughts, so let him pass if you may please," she interjected, as the two officers lowered their weapons and rolled their eyes and let me pass through them. I looked at the nurse with gladness. "Thanks! Miss?" "You can call me Red heart, and It's not a problem mister, I'm just doing my job as all should do properly," she chortled as she walked away from my sight. But with that luck and nearly getting shot, I better be careful next time I see those two or creator knows what, so I entered inside of the room and Gold Star was laying on the bed reading a magazine as if he was legitimately expecting me as he lowered the magazine and sighed. "Hey, I hope you're feeling well, despite narrowly getting myself killed just to visit you," I said, which he breathed calmly and replied.. "I thank you with everything you've done, you didn't leave me to die in the tank when you could've saved yourself.. But I am not a paranoid pony or a conspiracist, but I am truly happy that you've risked your injury to save me.. But I should say sorry for what you had to go through just to.." "Save your strength friend, it's good to think but not good to stress.." "I know.. *Sigh* but something had been bothering me.. You've seen my secret have you?" He speculated, which caught me off guard.. "H-how did you?" "I saw it too.. For a brief moment I felt the magic of friendship, it was.. Unique, nothing like before, but when no one looked I noticed that my satchels were removed and I passed back right out with no reason to explain, other than anticipation and fear.. You want to see the truth do you?" He reckoned. "I.. Ugh.. Yes! I'm sorry to answer it that way but the whole time I've been stoked on trying to figure out your secret and I can never figure out or guess what it is! Other than knowing so far that you have wings which clearly reveals your a pegasus... Right? Hehe... Right?" I awkwardly asked, which Gold Star blankly stared at me with the 'are you serious' face, so perhaps there's something else I'm missing here this whole time. "Out of respect, consider it as a repayment for rescuing me.. Now, lift my head cast up," he requested. "Uhh.. I'm sorry what?" "You heard me, lift it," he repeated, which at first I was a bit hesitant as I stretched my arm out but then I noticed that when I touched his head it felt like a lump going upwards... "Dear Creator..." I lifted the cast up and it gave me the answer here on out this entire time.. Those ages he kept himself hidden from everyone, no one really knew who he was this entire time, and it was clear why he hid it from everyone... "Fucking hell.. You're a Alicorn!?" I panicked whispery cus I don't want no sneaking scumbags hearing in on our conversation. "....Yes..." "... But... Why did you hide it from us! From everyone else?" "Because that was the plan," Alex stepped in on our conversation with fingers on his chin. "And honestly I warned Uncle Sam that concealment wasn't a good idea in the first place." "Colonel? You knew?" "Yes indeed.. You see back when Gold Star was introduced to me he wasn't concealed back then but was accompanied by Uncle Sam and General MacArthur, but anyone who saw him personally during the visit had to swear never to tell a single soul about him, and so had I, in fact it was so much of a secret we had to place our hand on the holy books to swear solemnly not to tell, but even then I tried to argue that it was a inconspicuous plan that would fail eventually, but they never acknowledged it and just left me with him, and threw me clothes that he had to wear the whole time," the Colonel explained. "Damn.. Including the shower??" I asked. "Unfortunately.." Gold Star added. "Yes.." "Damn.. Sorry you had to go through that buddy, but I'm not going to fucking swear a oath that is fucking flawed, while it may be for the greater good Celestia sooner or later will know about this," I stated. "That's typically the thing though.. The F.I.U. May has figured out that she already knows, but clearly hasn't said anything about it, not yet at least," Alex interjected. "..." "In conclusion, I hope that you do understand how important this is at this time and period, but hey, I might tell you how this happened in the first place, but right now I need rest," Gold Star requested. "Indeed," replied the Colonel. "Yea... I think after today, I'm going to need some RnR, A LOT of RNR..." And so, after the Colonel left I hoof-hand shaked Gold Star and wished him best of luck on his recovery in which after I left to, this entire time I thought he just like to over extend his uniform wearing but this whole time he was forced to wear it this whole time, not because of uniform regulations but because of the fact that it may confuse or even ensue some chaotic conspiracy theories of some sort. Although really, I never knew why or what prompted the government or Uncle Sam to have him just hide his identity.. But as I exited the base clinic I watched towards the horizon, a new castle! A new installment to Ponyville as if they haven't gotten enough structures they now have a crystal type castle, it was a nice addition to be honest but Ponyville was formally just a village... Give a person, pony, or griffon a piece of land, and they'll figure out how to turn it into a community.. Give a farmer a seed, and he'll create food. Heh, phrases my grandfather use to tell me are ironic within themselves, what does it take for flat lands to become well known? And how big is the seed given to a farmer to create such amount of food? No answers, yet vague phrases, that's the purpose of them, but looking at our military might, my mind subconsciously created a new phrase... "Give mankind intelligence, and soon he will ultimately destroy he.." New Mexicona Log...47.. We did it, the task that was given to us by the American government, with funding directly from tax payer dollars and even donations from the higher nobility but finally we've done it.. The classified weapon is an atomic bomb that is built for the occasion of desperate measures against the enemies that would even attack the American Federation. With years of studying, hypothesizing, and theorizing we would eventually put together this new weapon to it’s combinative structure that now awaits for detonation. With no time soon, the Griffonian army has continually built up their forces on our border with Mexicona, the government fears an all out war with the entire empire of Griffonia and to which the hope relies on the creation of this weapon successfully. After years of research looking for what resources needed we found that our continent alone has the resources needed.. Uranium, a lot of Uranium, no other continents but Humarica both North and South have Uranium resources located in America, Rodinia, Gradenland, and some parts of Parsley. Today was testing day, the day I fretted when I was informed that a representative named fancy pants and with his wife lady Fleur de Lis, Fancy pants is the head of the Equestrian constitutional council that runs the whole internal matters within Equestria. It seems that the government that I've worked with is not holding back anymore, they're letting everyone in on the secret, it's clear that the goal is to assert dominance when the button is pushed.. There can only be one world leader in the world.. And if that's the case, then if I push this button, I may either start a chain reaction that destroys this world and kill everyone in it, or Nothing happens and we become the world's laughingstock. I would lean to option 2 only if it didn't meant that America becomes the world's laughing stock and beyond all my colleagues that had worked on this project for far too long and even they consider it a gambit but if it goes well option 1 is more favorable to me subtracting the end of the world part. As my co-workers welcomed the representatives from all over the world including the communist leaders, one in particular had came in in representation for his state of New Luna, west coast state of the American Federation, we chatted about the bomb and how long the project took, along with other political matters and how recent events unfolded in Equestria. But after our chat he waved goodbye and took his seat in the viewing section of what will be the world changing feat. The General overseeing our test waited and asked us upon our readiness..  I said yes, and he ordered his men to bring me the control panel that would signify the beginning of an age... A age new to the world that it learns a new name, a name many will call it by. A title of the Superpower.. I steadily raised my finger over the button that'll trigger everything off, with my mind circulating of what was going to be, the countdown begun... "Beginning countdown... 3.. 2... 1.... FIRE!" The moment I pressed the button nothing happened until a bright flash engulfed the skies as the spectators who're safe behind the glass walls as the Griffons, ponies, and all creatures that represented their countries watched and gazed upon the weapon we've built as the explosion formed a mushroom like cloud above the ground level. I and General Leslie and other scientists who weren't spending time at their homes watched the detonation with exceeded expectation, and as the explosion dissipated some of the creatures chuckled silently as the ponies sat there on their seats concerned while the Griffons clapped at the general velocity of the invention. I said to the general, "Well, it works." And he and I laughed... But in the post test I looked at the person I spoke with a while ago, he was a Hoseanian but the sight of the explosion made him from a talking man to a silent one as he just left the room and the military site.. I can see his worry, as while I am happy the project has not gone to waste I've also felt the sudden dread of what I may have done... Albert Einstein's theory on a chain reaction may have not immediately gone into effect but rather started the countdown to this world's destruction. We knew the world would not be the same, as a few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. Now... I've become death... Destroyer of worlds..... > Bonus Chapter | Zebrica File: Operation Centaury > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zebrica, September 4th, Kingdom of Senturya With the Storm king invasion launched against the Ancient pact President Ronald Reagan authorizes a military espionage operation in Senturya with the code name Centaury. As Storm king's forces advanced into the territories of the Gargoyles and Centaurs and with the FIU extended with missions across the foreign lands to prevent potential further communist uprising a ex-soviet officer code named 'Eskamoe' is sent to Zebrica unaware that Storm king's troops has advanced deep into the territories. Objective report After he landed in the capitol city the place was crowded with medieval weaponized centaurs while some may still have pre colonial age muskets it seems that the army compared to the Storm king's was under equipped.. A possible reason why the Yeti's had launched multiple invasions against their neighbors but Eskamoe was yet to be convinced of his own type of theory as he jogged past the crowds as they were hoarding the shops for food. According to Eskamoe's notes it would seem that the reports had suggested that when visiting the Yeti army side of the frontlines they seemed very nice host when it came for members of military officials which during the hospitality Eskamoe asked the Yeti General who was in charge of the operation of what technology was being used. Surprisingly he was given a whole military parade in which the Yeti's showed off their weapons and surprisingly he had not only found out how technologically superior the Yeti's were but he could've died from a heart attack when they presented a AK-47 rifle in front of him. That's right it was written, apparently the Yeti's were equipped with post Rodinian-Olenian war equipment of AK-47s, T-55 Main battle tanks, and Rocket Propelled grenade-7 missile launchers, however when asking about aircraft the Yeti's denied no acquiring of superiors aircraft weaponry other than the airships used in bombing runs however they did confirmed of Soviet activity that was resonated within the region of operations along with further proof through attempted assassinations made against Eskamoe by soviet agents that were operating there as well. Upon hearing this the Federation Intelligence Unit recalled Eskamoe from Zebrica ending the mission in success.. At Least from what we thought, sir... "Do you still believe that the soviets are behind the Storm king's attacks?" Reagan questioned. "We have no idea sir, however what we do know is that the Yeti's are in possession of Soviet made weapons and are still being exported to them sir, we have yet to find their shipping lanes." "Hmm, well until we can get more information on this I will have to contact Hippogriffia's leader about the possibility of an evacuation of him and his government," Reagan suggested. "Sir with all due respect, Queen Novo is known to be stubborn when it comes to incidents, Velvet Jelzek has also been asking some questions regarding Olenia sir." "Well, until the Soviet's can guarantee that they won't intervene in Olenia we can't launch the attack on the nation, and with everyone tired from the attack that Tirek had committed no one is going to fight... But as for Queen Novo, she may be stubborn but I hope for the best if she rejects our offer, otherwise there is nothing we can do for her other than hopefully supply what her species needs," Reagan spoke falteringly as he looked at his advisor sitting across from him on the couch with the documented report. "See to it that more information is collected regarding Rodinia's operations in Zebrica," Reagan ordered. "Understood sir," replied the agent, as he and the president stood up and saluted to the commander and chief before exiting the room with the door opened by a marine who stands guard in the oval office. Reagan sat on his desk, puzzled at the recent discovery made by the F.I.U. As he looked outside of the bullet proof glass window behind him as he gazed on the sunny horizon, it made him think a lot about how Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon with the fate of everything that lives bound to their will. But his sudden thoughts were interrupted when his phone on his desk rang. He turned his seat back around and picked up the phone and then said. "You may now foreclose the deal, you got what you needed in compensation." "Indeed Mr. President, but now the question remains, how long."  "Long enough... Just long enough." > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nighttime the day when Tirek was defeated, Ogav and his convoy of men had now retreated back inside Stalliongrad where they were stationed. Despite the ruckus that this caused, the Americans recalled their forces and returned back to Defcon 5 which gave a breath of relief. However Yuri still has a task to do, despite his order not to interfere with anything between the Americans and the Equestrians he still has a grudge against Princess Twilight Sparkle, the witch whom he calls, despises her with every breath she takes, he even contemplated when She and Tirek were fighting to go beyond his orders and kill her himself when she wasn't looking. Obviously, he had to keep himself at bay or it would end everything in his career and mysterious reputation, Yates has gotten away from him yes, and that was all because of Twilight Sparkle when she foiled his plan, but he also studied her friends as well, when he saw that she is even more powerful with her friends it became clear that if either of them were to be let's say... Cut out of the picture, then shall he be able to rampage against the wretched lavender pony! And so... When he heard Yates was personally caring for his Captain and possibly friend he took this opportunity to study his enemy in plain sight... But he needs a disguise, possibly a wig, coat or jacket, maybe a new pair of boots or shoes, and some pants, or otherwise he'll be spotted by either Twilight or her friends.  He knows how risky it is, but perhaps it is good to study from his enemy, their beliefs, what makes them tick, and most important of all. Their source. The source of what makes his enemy strong and powerful but first... He'll need some sleep, AND THEN! Carry out his revenge. . 12:45 PM . And so the sun was raised by the magical will of Celestia and with his plan and logic in mind he grabs a hat, his usual vest, and tears off his R.I.B. Patches that would've plainly given him away in the crowd. For the first time in an entire week, he stepped outside where it was packed with Ponies having their usual chat and shopping spree, speaking of shopping three buildings away from him was a banquet house known to be craze freaks when it came to style, perfect for his disguise although she is known to be friends with his enemy Twilight Sparkle but with some pizzazz and the ability to play dumb and naivety, and she will sway in which his persuasive attitude in a minutes notice, all in the downfall of her little dumb gullible pony brain of hers. Stepping out of his house and into the general public the royal guards who were patrolling the streets of Ponyville paid no mind or attention to Yuri whatsoever which to him was a gambit considering that while he has a cloak he is more suspicious of wearing it in public more than his original appearance which prompted Yuri to jog a bit to the banquet to both lose weight from the fat he gained and also to keep himself omnipresent from the crowds of possible spectators and suspicion lookers. Weirdly enough as he jogged towards the banquet he was surprised when he saw a new type of American tank in the street when in reality what he was really seeing was an M2 Bradley assigned with plex light infantry to check for undetonated artillery both shells and rockets so that they may close off the area for a controlled detonation of the ammunition, on Yuri's mind though he sees it as another weapon that is yet to be destroyed in the field of combat as he jogged on pass the American squad. The banquet was just ahead of him. All he needed to do now is to just get in, talk about artsy crap with the designer and then just get out of there with the new disguise, easy! Of course, dodging suspicions from the locals, the American scum bags, AND Twilight Sparkle herself, is the main problem, if she was to wander around the same time he is and spots him the whole thing is blown. However, as he walks he notices a big detail within the town that he's been staying at. Yuri looked up at the castle with an expression like no other, his reaction was simple when he spoke these words. "What the fuck is this piece of shit?" He asked himself out loud when a local who overheard him replied. "Well darling, you didn't need to use such profane language when you could've asked," said a white unicorn. The two stood silent for a couple of seconds before Yuri broke the short silence and asked. "Well? Are you not going to tell me what that is?"  "Oh apologies, that castle you've profaned is my friend Twilight Sparkle's castle," responded the white unicorn. "Of course," Yuri sighed with aggravation when it was obvious the castle was purple. But wait? He thought to himself, why did she say "my friend Twilight Sparkle" wouldn't be "our" and not "my?" It was clear that to whoever this pony was, this local seemed to know Twilight Sparkle, and perhaps by the look of her unique mane he decided to ask another question. "And what would they call you miss?" "My name is Rarity, I usually keep my full name to myself, I've been a bit tempted by your ghastly uniform! Have you ever taken a shower? And dear Celestia! Is that a stain on your white shirt?" Rarity ranted, and Yuri was surprised in a way. One, he may have just found the fashion designer of Ponyville, and two, she's friends with Twilight, if he can get her to gossip away Twilight's abilities, powers, and weaknesses, indeed he can find a way to destroy Twilight in the long run, and perhaps spare Rarity given if she does well with his new disguising look. "Well today is your lucky day, I was wondering if you could help me with my... (Red Mother forgive me) Fashion crisis...." Immediately Rarity blew up with excitement and grabbed Yuri with her magic and dragged him towards her banquet house at a fast rapid pace which he then finds himself on a chair cushion surrounded by pony mannequins with some type of clothes of some kind. "Sorry for the lack of the usual Humarican fashion, I've been learning how to properly dress a human perfectly with the help of my mentor who is from Humarica," Rarity explained, as she opened the cabinet and searched for perfect threads that she'll be using to create her own style of Yuri's fashion. "Ah, and who's this mentor I wonder?" He asked when the door dramatically opened and it was a female Foxlander woman. A woman with a mixture of Gradenlander and human, which the humans in Humarica would call 'beastmen.' the woman is young yet old enough to be married, she tends to have a child-like emotion. Of course, being 98% Gradenlander it is no secret that she has the tail of a fox that sticks out of her skirt along with the ear of a fox, but she does have a black snout which enhances her smell, which in her view is pretty annoying, only thing human is her head. And she is experienced in fashion. Her breed is so rare that it has its name, and so she is referred to as a Foxlander. Her name is Olivia. (Keep her in mind) "Rarity? Where did you go in such a hurry!" the female asked. "Sorry about that Olivia, I was busy caring for this human who seems to be disastrously desperate in his fashion!" Rarity replied. "Disastrously desperate ey? Well, nothing like a good fix-up here and there should do it, but first! Let's see what we're dealing with shall we?" Olivia insisted. "Well certainly!" Rarity replied, as Olivia walked towards Yuri and lifted his hat, revealing his baldness. "Holy Celestia! You're bald! I didn't know humans can get bald?" Rarity questioned. "Yea... That usually happens when you have... Well, not a good type of virus to survive from, but hopefully we can make this guy happy, sir? Is it fine if I take off your vest?" Olivia asked. "Why certainly, this devilish vest seems to be bothering me the whole time I've traveled here!" Yuri granted, and Olivia proceeded to unbutton his vest and took it off which now left them with a white trunk undershirt that looked disgustingly stained around his stomach and released a vile stank in the room. So vile that it made both Olivia and Rarity cough uncontrollably. "DEAR CELESTIA!" Yelped Rarity when she tried to find a pair of nose clippings before the stank could kill her, but Olivia grabbed a bottle of air spray and sprayed it at the vile stench all the way back to Yuri's stained white trunks. The two breaths in relief. "Gracious sir... How long has it been since you've taken a shower!" Olivia asked. "Ehhh.. 1 or 2 months?" Replied Yuri, before being slapped by 5 towels thrown at his face. "Go to the bathroom and wash up! We'll prepare what we need and then we will start on getting your clothes ready!" Olivia demanded. "Fine... :( " As Yuri went upstairs Olivia and Rarity sat down for a moment all tired from the stank that just occurred. "Where in the world did you find this guy?" Olivia asked. "Well, quite odd to say, he was just insulting Twilight's castle a moment ago, and then he changed his attitude and wanted me to give him a makeover," Rarity explained. "Huh, so basically a hobo?" Olivia guessed. "It would seem so, just by the smell, I suppose we get what we'll need for his makeover?" Rarity reckoned. "Agreed.." Ponyville grocery mart As Yuri had apparently gone to get a new-fashioned disguise I was placed in charge of clearing out the remains of military shells and rockets that had not detonated yet. So far we only found 2 rockets that didn't go off, and so we placed them on the truck bed with the plan of conducting a controlled explosion in the field. I've sent out orders, with additional paperwork, and solved disputes regarding two locals who insanely tried to keep a freaking live explosive in their yard! And calling it 'property' when really it's just a time bomb. So after struggle after struggle, Twilight Sparkle luckily had come to my aid and forced the local in question to relinquish the bomb in our care which he did with a grunt, but now my men were looking around for explosives around the grocery mart, with successes being slim so far, I might as well shop for some stuff for the base and personally for Gold Star, so after the men finished scoping I lined them up in a forward facing line. "Alright, you all did a good job checking every corner, and crack in this town, but now it's time for a better objective, we will need food for the base as we're low on rations and so we will need to replenish, your instructions are on these grocery lists printed out by your neighborhood friendly government, Corporal Higgins, you're responsible in gathering soups," I ordered. "Yes, sir!" "Sergeant Lukas, you will be grabbing some canned meat, pasta, and anything in a can." "Understood, sir!" "And Corporal Maya, get some pillows and soap, for some reason, we just had to court-martial 12 men for shitting and fucking on their pillows and some dirt vandalism that'll need clean, and we're expecting 34 recruits next week and I don't want to give our men dirt filled pillows or to arrive to our base that would look like a shit filled ghetto!" "Sir yes sir!" "Alright, get to work," I dismissed, as the men I've assigned go to work on getting the things needed for the base while I for one have my own list of things I want to get for Gold Star. So far the case with him being an Alicorn was a bit spooky on how he kept this from me, I keep having panic attacks just thinking about it! Like how often does a male Alicorn come into form? Or a better question is how is he an Alicorn? I'm not a bookworm, although I know that Celestia and Luna were already born as Alicorns, but with the fact that Twilight Sparkle A ALICORN IS ASSIGNED TO GOLD STAR, WHO IS ALSO A ALICORN!?! Unless... Hold on a minute... Oh, I see. So perhaps this was planned the whole time, either by Reagan or Celestia considering that Celestia is known to be mischievous in her sort of way had given her a mysterious face when she privately whispered to Twilight on the day the two met. Very weird, but I guess I'll have to see as I would want to gather Gold Star's favorites. Let's see how good this grocery mart is shall we? Rarity's Banquet Home After three hours of forceful brushing and scraping on his skin he was finally finished using up the bath water and turned the shower off, he stepped off and started to dry himself when the door opened Rarity casually entered when she sees Yuri butt naked which she screamed and quickly wrapped a towel around his middle parts with her telekinetic magic and then breath. "Would you KNOCK FIRST!" Scolded Yuri. "Well sorry! That I can't enter my own bathroom without the knowledge of a guest!" Rarity replied back. "...Then learn when to knock next time! Got it? Haven't you done this with a Stallion once!" Yuri questioned. "Not much, if anything you're the first human to ever come to my banquet, other than the ponies, mostly female," Rarity answered, as she grabbed the additional thread from what is supposed to be her medicine cabinet... "How many threads do you have??" "Quite a lot, an artist is always prepared!" Rarity prided herself as Yuri scoffed at her quote. "Good Grief... How about Olivia? What is she doing?" Yuri asked. "Oh Olivia? She left to go to the market to grab some Humarican exported thread, a specialty from the Southern Continent," Rarity glamor with her response. "Great..." The Market So far I've gotten about 2 out of 10 on my list for Gold Star, which is a chocolate bar, and to get flowers, I was told by Twilight to stop by the Library- oh yeah. That's right... The library was savagely destroyed in the skirmish with Tirek, damn that bastard, I hope he suffers the consequences tenfold wherever he was taken to, now the only way for anyone here to get a book would be to go to Twilight's castle, the problem is though I doubt you can just walk through her doors and say "hey I need a book" I'll probably need an appointment or some bullshit. But anyway, as I grabbed his favorite food packet the same woman I described earlier came into the aisle where I was, she then turned and asked. "Do you know where I can find the thread?" She asked, with her tail wagging left and right. At that moment I thought- "Yeah it's down at aisle 12," I replied. "OK, thanks! Mister?" "Yates, I prefer to be called Yates really since my name is a bit embarrassing, what's yours?" I replied with a question. "Olivia, my first name is a bit embarrassing too, but hey? I guess we both have embarrassing names, thank you again, it's nice to meet you, Yates," she thanked, walking away from my sight which left me with one single word... Woah... Moskva Troops marched, and marched, filling the spectating crowds with the feeling of patriotic duty and patriotism as the soldiers of the Rodinian army marched on Red Square. The Red Mother watched as well with her people, her cabinet, the secretary general, and members of the Rodinian Supreme Soviet, as she gazed on her grown military might as the Rodinian pony brigade was now marching next to the soviet troops, followed by the invited divisions from Stalliongrad, and New Skynavia as both the griffon soviets and the pony red army marched in the square as spectators who traveled from Northern Griffonia to Stalliongrad watched in the crowd bleachers saluting to their fellow service manes and males as they marched passed them with the weapons they currently have in possession. The music of the international continued to play, followed by other Soviet patriotic songs. But it was then after the Rodinian naval men marched off that there was a sudden pause followed by the stomps of military boots on the concrete ground as the sudden sounds of rumbling came from behind the Kremlin palace when some of the pony and griffon children spectators pointed at what was believed to be the world's wonder weapons as jeeps followed by caravan vehicles followed by more but with howitzer artillery cannons which then followed by the new weapons featuring the SA-13 Gopher SAM launcher, and KAMZ tornado-Gs Multi Missile launcher built to combat against the new American Self-propelled missile launcher the HIMARs, an improvement in the arsenal.  Following the new weapons came the newest Self-Propelled artillery which the Red Mother proclaimed. "After years of research the committee of Soviet science gladly presents the new self-propelled artillery, we like to present the 2S19 MSTA Self-propelled artillery!" And then as expected from the Red Mother cheering came as 10 of the new SP mobile artillery rolled through the red square in immense beauty with the soviet star on stripes on the sides as the pilots who stuck their heads out of the new weapons saluted to the higher-ups who watched down below. Indeed this was a very exciting revolution day for Rodinia.. As for America though... Things are a bit complicated. Demare city, New Mexicona, bar Tarō Asō watched the television in the bar which was broadcasting the Soviet parade, it was strange for an American bar to display Rodinian patriotism in the nighttime, but after watching what he calls the beginning of the apocalypses he might as well accept that everything is about to go down. He's due to return to his home state with a formal report followed by paperwork about the new nuclear bombs that the American nation will soon produce. The explosion made him numb despite what he had already told about the bomb. His reaction personally was different. To everyone, it was just an explosion, but to him it was... Something more... As he drank the entire glass shot filled with whiskey whole, he laid his dollar on the counter. "Keep the change," he said, as he grabbed his black hat and left the counter, he was practically the last one to leave despite that one guy who was so drunk that he fell asleep surrounded by his booze. But as he left the bar and headed back to his paid apartment he kind of wondered about the possibilities that this weapon might bring upon the world, hell he can remember Blue Blood's response when he asked about it. And that response was just silence, and ironically he would speak a lot.. He guessed that everyone has the same agreeable feeling that he has, and that was to say about Rodinia... Would they accept the fact that they can't outmatch America technologically? Or will they make life even worse with their next move... Banquet living room After drying himself privately without any further disruptions or awkward run-ins in the bathroom Yuri was given spare clothes and sat down on the couch. He and Rarity waited on the couch for Olivia to come back for the thread, but eventually, Rarity got bored and decided to make tea for the guest since the two were going to be there for a while until Olivia returned. But 23 minutes later Olivia comes back with the grocery bag with some food, essentials, and the Humarican thread they needed to create a custom fashion for Yuri. "Alright, did you get the thread Rarity?" Olivia asks, placing the bags down. "Why certainly, did you also get what we'll need?" Rarity asked back. "I did, two batches of Humarican threads, and a newspaper," Olivia replied. "Excellent! Let's get started shall we?" Rarity insisted on raising the measuring rope in front of her face, and then the two stared at Yuri who was sitting on the couch watching the conversation knowing that he was in for a makeover session. And he dreads what came next. Ponyville market After assisting the men with the supplies we'd hoarded and bought I was about to climb on board my Humvee which I was accompanied by a driver, it was then that after a 12-minute drive to the edge of Ponyville and onto the road that leads to our base was when I noticed Twilight Sparkle and two of her friends, being Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, were accompanying her as the trio seemed to be heading to the same destination. So out of curiosity, I ordered my driver to pull over to the side of the road allowing the two trucks to pass us the rest of the way to the base. The three seemed to have stopped in their tracks when the convoy, being two trucks and a literal light tank passed through it, made Princess Twilight excited with joy and curiosity much as she was when I first met her. "Good morning princess," I waved from the other side as the trio came beside my vehicle, with Twilight looking like she was going to burst, while Fluttershy seemed to be. Well, shy. "Good morning Mister Yates! I see you've been busy," Twilight replied back. "Yeah, I decided that we were going to need food and new pillows since we were going to be here for quite a while, so what brings you three in almost the middle of nowhere?" I asked. "Well actually we were heading to your base to deliver these to Gold Star," Twilight responded. "Huh? Really now, well I don't think he'd mind, I can offer you three a ride," I insisted. "That would be nice! Thanks," answered Twilight. "No problem, hop on I can take you to Gold Star he's currently in recovery so I'm sure they'll allow visitors, depending on if security hasn't heightened up..." "What?" "Nothing, anyways driver let's head back to base, chop chop!" I ordered, as the jeep now started moving again with three additional passengers. On our way to the base, I asked them about the adventures that I heard about back home, and well to be honest... I never actually believed in any of those things, I sounded like I did but really I didn't, like how did they survive an encounter with a dragon? Or how in the creator's name did they manage to get a fucking sprout of flies to infest Ponyville! But of course, I never believed the stuff about them, and since the base is about 23 minutes away from Ponyville, I might've as well passed the time listening to the lies that would turn out that it wasn't a lie... In fact, as I sat in the front the stories of how they stopped what could've been an international incident, ranging from the return of Nightmare Moon all the way to Discord and up until now, of course, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie she summed it almost everything up in a sentence, but of course, I prefer to be specifically in full details rather than being a simple format of adventures, so I paid closely attentive at Twilight explaining about the things that I considered as a myth with backing from Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy despite the amount of things Twilight had said I still don't believe it, but I do have some little belief that it may have been true, but until then I would like to see it for myself. . . . After the half-hour drive back to base we've finally pulled in on the medical building extension of our base with the help of some of the construction ponies who volunteered or were hired to build it, and yes including our engineers and workers from overseas as well (thanks to the taxpayer money) so far they didn't do any amputations, or sent anyone home yet since the battle with Tirek, but according to what Alex had said to me after that particular battle that we've torn Tirek to shreds to the point of internal exposure of his skin. Or to simplify, Tirek looked more like an inner muscle than the skin, and the image of that frightens me to think about especially how his face would be covered in flesh and blood. "This is our stop, give Gold Star my regards since I have a lot of work ahead of me today," I requested. "I will, thank you Mr. Yates!" Twilight waved happily, as she and her friends trotted away from my sight in entered inside of the medical bay doors, I leaned on my car and grabbed a cigarette from my pocket and lit it with my lighter. I lied about what I said. I just didn't want to enter there and risk Gold Star's Identity. Because for all I know, I could end up slipping and exposing Gold Star which is something I could never do to my friend, but to say what my government did was foolish to cover his identity knowing that it would be very hard to get that in peoples throats to think that he is an Alicorn. But, all to say it doesn't surprise me that some things would turn up and rear their ugly head towards us, and to all that happened to this world but as I said. I am not surprised. "Lieutenant!" Yelled Colonel Alex walking towards me with a newspaper in the midst of troops making their daily marches across the yards and dirt-filled roads. "Colonel Alex, what else am I needed in?" I asked. "Well, nowhere at the moment but... Tell me what I'm reading here!" Alex demanded. "What? You can't read?" "Just read!" "Alright then, let's see what we ha-... No... My god no..." "Well, Lieutenant? Read it," Alex repeated. "..."With the successful test on September 3rd of 1003, the government today has announced to the world... Of a new weapon called the Atomic Nuclear Bomb.... And had sent a strong message to the world that if any attacked their soil they would face this powerful weapon and its destructible power..."  Holy hell Colonel! What the hell did you make me read!" I yelled. "Apparently we're making some changes, to be honest, I'm all for this nuclear bomb," Alex said in his opinion. "But Colonel! Do you not realize what this BOMB can do!?" "It can save lives, primarily our men, and prevent wars," "All that did is start a new fucking arms race dammit! Those fucking Rodines will no doubt try to copy our bomb!"  "Either way Lieutenant, I still think it's an improvement with our army, because there won't be any wars to break out as long as this bomb exists in our possession, and I very well doubt the Rodine commies will bother to steal our bomb, just watch and see!" Alex argued. "..." "Anyways Lieutenant, I expect the minesweeper report on my desk at 1600 hours, do not be late with it is that understood!" Colonel Alex ordered. "Yes sir," I said with a glaring salute as he left my sight I pondered on my thoughts with the worry of this new bomb and one of them being. What's Celestia going to say about this? Canterlot Castle, the Throne room "They... Did it. Did they?" Celestia dreaded. "Yes your Highness, apparently the Americans have certainly advanced in technology and they seem to now possess this new bomb, Fleur couldn't sleep that night because of the sleep terrors she suddenly had! And when I took her to the doctor she was diagnosed with PTSD! PTSD your Highness! And it was just from the explosion!" Fancy Pants reported. "Dear Faust... I never expected them to actually get this bomb this fast, I expected this in 10 years' time but now... Now I fear that I've been too blind in my judgment for all these years!"  Luna looked at her sister and looked at Fancy Pants and motioned. "I will see about Fleur getting treatment, you may be excused." "Thank you, Your Majesty," Fancy Pants acknowledged as he left the room politely with the help and escort from the friendly royal guard present in the room Luna looked at Celestia. "How long have you doubted the human's Tia?" Luna asked, which sadness filled Celestia turned towards her sister and replied. "For too long Lulu... For too long... Too late..." Stalliongrad city square The day was as always, snow.. Lots of snow and Ogav didn't like it, but he loved it. As he leaned on his BMP-1 that sits parked in front of a café where his crewmen enjoyed their breakfast he rested and had his daily smoke in the knee-deep snow as he continued to hear the daily trots of Severyanian ponies heading for the jobs that pay them, but what made him think of home was the gradual sounds of BTR-90s driving and patrolling around the city square where his unit was stationed in, Ogav wasn't promoted for his action in Equestria but he wasn't demoted either which was good, but he did get a warning citation for his action and was basically given a slap in the back. At Least he wasn't badly punished though, but he knows that an action such as that in Equestria could've been much worse if he was to try that act again. A snowflake fell from the sky and landed on his nose which he looked at and swiped off his nose as it made him itch from the cold touch the snowflake gave him, it seemed the snowy weather had started to pick up and it was only a matter of time until a blizzard blows over. But he didn't mind such a thing, but it reminded him of his adopted daughter-in-law back in Tartarstan, how warm she must be in the comfort of her home being taken care of by his Babushka he thought of her every time he had to be in combat and worries that he wouldn't be able to fulfill his promise to the little girl's mother. However, a pony with a scarf all ran down, and dirt with light pink skin tread in the snow as if she were looking for someone. She looked at Ogav and trotted towards him with a letter. "Mister? Are you Mr. Volklav?" Asked a female Unicorn, shivering in the cold weather as the winter snow started picking up. "Yes?" Ogav replied suspiciously when he was brought a letter with his name... "From Argendina, it's from Ella Willow," the unicorn said which surprised Ogav but shook his head. "Ella Willow," Ogav said to himself, as he opened the letter and read it. "... Where did you get this... When did you get this!" Ogav begged. "I found it in the wreckage mister. And then I saw a woman crawling out weak and bloodied. I tried to offer help but she insisted that I give it to you. I looked for you in Zebrica and Rodinia, and when I heard your name I came here and found you. I'm sorry for your loss sir..." Ogav sat down on his light armor tank and looked at the note smoking his cigarette intensely as he now had to experience the letter of a dead woman... "She's dead isn't she..." "She died last year, 12th of October in her home... I'm so sorry..."  Ogav looked and stared, his mind raced at the amount of hatred he became a part of, the consequences of his nation waging its cold war on a country and starting wars, the death of a woman that he had a crush on with hopes of being together again crushed by the swift force of reality and war. He looked up and found no one... The unicorn disappeared and after a moment he looked at the ground and saw no hoof prints, he got up and fiercely looked around his surroundings. Nothing, it was as if the unicorn never was... Until he heard a faint but familiar voice... A voice he thought he'd never hear in the midst of the snow that reassured him that.. "She is in a better place...." and he knew that he must've encountered the one ponies call. Harmony, goddess of peace... But as the snow started to finally pick up at a rapid pace the men finally finished their meal and got inside the BMP, however, one of them spotted Ogav who was staring at the distant nothing in front of him. "Are you alright sir?" Asked the pilot, who snapped Ogav off his trance and towards the pilot, he frowned but faked his smile while at the same time internally depressed with the news... "I believe so..." Replied Ogav. "I certainly believe so..." But clearly, as he climbed on board his vehicle as it moved... He cried in the cold winter abyss as he was saddened by how their daughter would react when he told her the news of her beloved mother's death... > Our town Crisis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville "I hope you enjoy your outfit courtesy of me and Olivia," Rarity said. "Yes... Thank you very much, until then let's keep in touch okay?" Yuri sarcastically grinned, and then frowned after turning his back. "Great! Until we meet ta ta!" Rarity waved to the severely annoyed Yuri as he had to go through the suffering of fashion measuring and polish. But on the bright side at least he got what he came for and that was to get a disguise... But dammit! He didn't even ask a single question on Twilight's powers and abilities, though then again that's what he gets for allowing her and a human hybrid fashion lover to do a makeup artist's work. But at least he isn't feeling exposed, and after all he can now attend restaurants and move around without the constant eyes watching his every step, even better! Now he can spy on Twilight Sparkle from a good close distance without being recognized. Ohhh boy was he happy with the thought that he can now look down upon that damned horn-winged pony! For causing him both missions, and because! However as he contemplated himself in his thoughts though Rarity left her banquet after waving to Olivia with some conversation and then that was when he spotted his greatest opponent Twilight Sparkle! He held his breath and kept himself restraint, although he could've just crushed her brain from where he is standing in a single snap, he wanted her to suffer his suffering and it wouldn't be much fun if he killed her off right off the bat so instead he kept his distance, but while also following the 6 pony friend group as he watch with devious eyes. Base Alicorn It was now Gold Star's release day, something I looked forward to after the combat incident with Tirek, and I, Colonel Alex, and the base have a surprise for him in the cafeteria, the first place that I'm bringing him to though is the officer quarters since he'll undoubtedly want to check his room. Anyways, I walked inside of the medical clinic, said hi to the friendly staff and then said. "I'm here for Gold Star." "Right this way sir," replied the nurse as she led me to his room as I looked at Gold Star fully clothed with his uniform but with a bandage on his left forehoof and a bandage on his head which he covered with his formal officer cap. "Ready to go Captain?" I asked, which he turned and grinned. "Yeah, about time too, I was starting to get a bit bored of watching everyone doing my work," Gold Star said, as I grabbed him a crutch provided by a nurse and he walked just fine with it. While humans have regular crutches, we have crutches specifically made for injured ponies in the forelegs to keep them up and not limp in pain on the ground. But with that said, he was happy to see me as I was and he waved our goodbyes to the nurse and left the clinic with hopes that we will never come back there ever again! "So, how was it there Captain?" I asked. "Well, like I said it was very boring, all there was is the television about game shows and the usual Hollywood stuff, but what was mostly aggravating was the time when I tried to reach the remote only to fall off my own bed!" Gold Star explained, shuttering at the experience since he was sleeping on the cold floor for the rest of the night "Damn.. Sorry to hear that," I replied. "Eh.. To be honest the bed was too hot to lay on, at this point I think I preferred the cold floor rather than the bed itself," Gold Star groused in a mumble. "Oh really? Then I guess you won't like the surprise that we did with your bed," I teased. "What the hell did you do to my bed!" Gold Star ranted. "Why won't you look for yourself?" I asked in which we were now at our private officer quarters which we opened the door and Gold Star's bed was filled with the gifts me and the men had gotten for Gold Star, such as get well soon baskets and other stuff, and we also gave him green bed sheets with a officer patch higher than Captain. Gold Star was dumbfounded by the surprise and looked at me with more dumbfoundment. "You did this for me?" He emotionally asked. "Hell yeah buddy, of course the base also helped out, and since the government were a bit total ass when it came with taxpayer money we decided to scrounge what we can spend, with some negotiations and peer pressure with the men we manage to got enough to get the stuff we needed Definitely didn't spend some of the Taxpayer money during our shopping spree. " "Wow... And what? I-I mean you guys didn't really have to do that for me... I am just a soldier like the rest of yall," Gold Star added, while looking at his bed with a surprise still on his face. "After the shit we've been through? Why the hell not? Meanwhile I'm being hunted by a commie, and you're being hunted by bugs... Wait a second..." "Hm? What is it?" Gold Star asked. "If... They're hunting you, that means they've known you were an Alicorn, but how I know or how they know is something up for interpretation," I hypothesized. "Hmm.. You could be right, but we can talk about this over lunch, I am starving! And the last time I had a good meal was the breakfast before the asshole Tirek ruined the evening," Gold Star chuckled. "Damn? Not even hospital food was good for you wasn't it?" "Well, there were the usual foods that I usually eat as a pony, but that's what we ponies have to eat to keep healthy and not slack, but after today I'm going to waste myself, orr at least until my leg heals." "Hey, that sounds fine to me," I added, and we were now headed to the cafeteria where the fun surprise awaited him inside of the cafeteria. And with a good conversation between man and stallion we were both glad for each others health, and it was once then that we had arrived to the cafeteria and the room was pitch black dark as if there was no lights other than the piercing sunlight that blared through the windows when suddenly the room lit itself into a bright light and the entire room inside yelled out. "SURPRISE MAJOR GOLD STAR!" Gold Star eyes widened at the even bigger surprise, what the hell was it? His birthday? Because if it was his birthday then they are 5 months early for this type of gift, and then he also thought about what they said. "Major? Me? What exactly is going on here?" He wondered, which Colonel Alex, chuckling at the sudden surprise that caught Gold Star off walked towards him with a new patch on his hand along with a letter which he read out loud. "With the exceeding expectations as commanding officer of the military unit 105th and brave heroics while also following orders along with great citations and going all above duty, in the name of President of the Federation of American States, Ronald Reagan, hereby promote you to Major, sincerely President Ronald Reagan! P DOT S CONGRATULATIONS!" The Colonel burst into a shout as the men shouted hurrah in the room with some clapping while some stood in silence watching the harmonic celebration of one of their commanding officers being promoted. As for me, I was happy to be the one to plan this celebration, and yes Colonel Alex orchestrated the set up and everything else. But after the cheering from the men Alex Stitched the Major O-4 patch on Gold Star's shoulder and the two simultaneously saluted in mutual respect for one another followed by more cheering from the men as they raised Gold Star to the roof while it was very unconventional when it came to promoting a officer at least it's good to know that the base morale is positive here. Unlike the Statcom battleship which was just pure sadness mixed with patriot wannabe's and dreamers whose dreams were crushed the moment they stepped onboard the literal Humarican Mothership of all ships. And who'd blame them considering the sea sickness that followed. But now in the moment the men were happy that the pony second in command, first pony to become the F.A.S. military officer, and assigned personal diplomat for Twilight Sparkle. Was now a Major of the division. A nice accomplishment for Gold Star, but it just left me to wonder about how he'll use this new power bestowed upon him since Major is basically higher than captain. . . An hour had gone by and the men and Colonel Alex had now exited the cafeteria leaving me and Gold Star in the now empty room he was sitting on the table still processing what he just went through with joy but worry. "Major... Major Gold Star... Major me? What exactly would this mean for me?" Gold Star asked me, which I gave no reply and he knew that as he got up from his seat and started ranting. "I don't know how to comprehend the fact the moment I fought just one jackass is when I just utterly got promoted out of the blue by Reagan!" "But there was other threats other than Tirek the Jackass, there was the Prueben General Cynthia that you shot, and then there was the incident with Yuri (even though you weren't there of course) but even then you have a perfect record and reason to be promoted, and plus you literally became the first male pony to befriend Twilight fucking Sparkle for creator's sake! (Not to desecrate her name or anything) but you've deserved this rank!" I Stated, but he shook his head in disbelief. "Despite all of that of what you had just said, I don't think I'm ready for this type of position, sure Twilight had been preparing herself for what was to come, but the country we're serving is different as you may remember.." "Yea..." "So what then? Does this mean more work for me? Or more upper hand in moving forward with diplomacy?" Gold Star questioned himself but all I can answer was this. "You know? All I can say is that I have no fucking clue, or what it's like to be a major, because I Aint one! In fact I would be as fucking confused as you are right now if I was somehow promoted to Captain or some type of shit, hell I got confused a lot when I was called back to service in the middle of vacation just because I'm related to a guy I don't even talk to because he's dead! And yea of course I may have just pissed off Chrysalis and could've became enemy and priority number one if she didn't had that bigger incident with Twilight and her friends involving kidnapping and whatnot, but sure the whole journey together had been nothing but laughs, chuckles, and a fucking witch hunt on who's trying to kill who, and you know what I think about it all? Just keep going with the punches! Because Creator dammit! That's the fucking best we can do here! So do you still understand what I'm trying to say here?" My assertion had prompted Gold Star to think for a moment, he thought about what I said with everything we've been through together, with Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, and whoever accompanied us in the journey but as he could remember in my statement, I was right and that we should keep moving on, it is what it is, but he also thought about how wrong I'm probably am or maybe something else.. "I guess you're right Yates." WHAT!? "I've thought about it, and well.. I guess you're right, I've seem to be over-reacting to something when I should have treated it like a reward and not a negative, although this may kind of affect the way I lead I will still be my old self," Gold Star added. "Mhm, speaking of old self (Now that I think about it) what did Twilight say or anything when she visited your room in the clinic?" I asked. "Well, considering how well we've kicked Tirek in the ass I was told to watch over her castle when I got out, look around and maybe keep it tidy," Gold Star shared. "Wait... How are you supposed to get in though?" I asked. "With this," Smirked Gold Star as he presented me with a crystal key that can open the castle doors at Twilight's castle. "What... H-HOW!? Or in a better question, why?" "Well that I don't really know other than to just visit once in a while and make sure nothing out of the ordinary is out of the place, you know the usual in housekeeping," Gold Star stated. "Yea I guess so, but why of all people? Or ponies? When she could've chosen her brother, or her pet dragon, or hell! The FUCKING EVERFREE FOREST!" "Are you still mad about that?" "Nah! I just love the live trees- OF COURSE I'M STILL MAD!" "Damn... Remind me not to take you there again," Gold Star reckoned. "Gladly, but uhh.. Yeah I guess I could say this when it came to this congrats Major, hope to see you lead me and everyone below you in whatever action is needed, sir." "Loyal to the very end... That's what I like with my troops," Gold Star smiled. "Permission to be dismissed major?" I asked in a salute in which he saluted back and replied. "Granted, goodnight Lieutenant." "Adios, bud." Northern Stalliongrad SLAP Banged the drawer as Ogav raised himself out of bed rubbing his eyes at a 7:30 AM wake up alarm, he grumbled and thought about the amount of sleep he was going to get. When he's dead. He got up out of bed and walked towards a bucket that sat on a wooden box, the camp provided wasn't really that equipped due to the operation that he is assigned in to be a 'counter negotiation' in Equus when really the original assignment was to crush a now defeated rebellion that doesn't even exist anymore in Petershoof. And as he looked at the mirror of his reflection he grumbled at the mirror which his reflection also grumbled at him as well since he was having to put up with the bullshit of a military command, his brigade could've continue their fight in Arabia if it wasn't for those damned rebels in Petershoof! And despite him temporarily removed from the 134th he feels sorry for his men that he now commands ever since Malashenko tried to massecre the innocent populace still residing in the city, of course he was given a fucking slap in the back and was only sentenced to 3 years in jail, no doubt Ogav will be chased by him afterwards. No matter what though, he wasn't going down without a fight, even if it meant bloodshed on the man who already killed thousands... "Captain Volklav! You've been summoned by Lieutenant General Volinsky sir!" Speaking of the goat.. "Alright, give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready," Ogav said, rubbing his wetted face with his cold freezing dry towel. "Unfortunately sir it's urgent, the Lieutenant General requests that all officers report for an emergency briefing sir!" The soldier further informed. "Emergency briefing? What's going on?" Ogav asked. "He requests that you find out for yourself sir," the soldier finished. "Was that straight from the lieutenant general private?" Ogav questioned. "Yes sir, word for word," replied the soldier. "Alright, inform him I'll get there in four, dismissed," Ogav responded. "Yes sir!" Replied the soldier as he marched off from his tent entrance as Ogav rubbed his face with his palm. "About time... But what should I wear for this occasion?" He asked himself looking at his formal uniform, and his tanker uniform. "Eh, formal would be fine, more decent anyways.." . . . . The Lieutenant General tapped his foot below the planning table as the other commissioned soviet officers watched patiently at their Stalliongradian counterparts with anticipation and nerve racking tiredness until Ogav entered the room with a formal uniform when the officers were wearing their military uniforms. "Damn! I was so close!" Ogav contemplated. "About time Captain, you're late," Perov scolded gently. "Sorry I was-" "No matter, sit down, let's start already," Perov stood up from his seat and walked towards the board with the nation of Stalliongrad, a railway line, and what seems to be a micronation resting on the border of Stalliongrad. Ogav leaned to one of his fellow officers and whispered. "A micronation? What's this all about?" "Now as some of you may not know." Lieutenant General Volinsky announced. "Apparently the R.I.B. has gotten intel of a potential conspiracy in this nation, currently a rebellion is brewing in this piece of land here, now some of you may not know what this land or micronation is called, so I'll just put it lightly and say it is, "Our Country." "Our Country? You mean, it's Rodinia?" Asked Ogav. "Incorrect Captain, it's literally named "Our Country," although to keep your brains from frying and to prevent mass confusion within ranks over the name, it's simply just described as "Starlight's land" and you may be wondering why a single small piece of Stalliongrad is controlled and wielded by a single pony," "Please tell..."  And immediately the room except for the Stalliongrad officers erupted in protest and attempted to try to change Ogav's answer until Perov got aggravated and grabbed his Makarov shooting at the air through the tent roof scaring everyone shitless. "Is that enough!? Are we through now!?" Perov yelled as the entire commissioned officer row sat back down scared. "*AHEM* anyways, to not bore you with the details, the supreme soviet awarded the land to Starlight as a 'test' with her new supposed ideology more aligned with ours (but perfected) as "Equalism" now between that and our ideology the Social Union, we have intel that a secret railway has been established not too long ago by American F.I.U. our Red Mother wants it gone and so does Secretary General Altidiya, but there's a complication," explained Perov. "Complications? Lieutenant General, you can't be serious now? The Rodinian army denied the operation lands? Surely you must be pulling our legs comrade," Ogav chuckled. "Unfortunately Captain, apparently we cannot legally enter the land even with permission from Stalliongrad, that's why I've decided to send a informant to inform Starlight Glimmer about this infiltration and ask her for her permission," Perov replied. "Going to feel sorry for the idiot who has to do that job," Ogav smirked. "Congratulations "Idiot" you're that informant," Perov retorted, giving Ogav a smirk while the captain wasn't intimidated by this sudden assignment. "Whatever then sir, so what am I being transported with?" Ogav asked. "Oh you'll have a transport alright, just not a speedy one hehehe," chuckled Perov as Ogav looked at him with a ridiculed face. "....What.." Ponyville As the mane 6 walked out from the castle Yuri had overheard everything in their conversation, and as he relocated to a bush where he can watch them from a distance, he smiled and chuckled at the news he was about to tell to the R.I.B... . . Moskva, R.I.B. Headquarters (Lubyanka) The office of soviet intelligence is busy 24/7 with shifts rapidly changing time to time to keep up with the intel that pours in from soviet informants and/or defectors, it was filled with bureaucratic death, with dreams immediately crushed the moment a worker stepped in the building. A phone rings in the head of the department intelligence service officer as the chief head picks up the phone and hovers it near his ear."Service Officer Belikov, how can I help you with today," yawned the tired man. "Hello, my name is Yuri high class of the soviet espionage division, and I am calling regarding a possibility of an infiltration operation in Stalliongrad," Yuri said on the phone. "Ah.. Infiltration... Of course.. Please enter your digits in the phone," Instructed the officer. "Really.. Do I have to?!" Yuri protested. "Yes... Standard protocol, (please be quick I'm tired.)" "Alright, fine! I'll enter my digits," replied Yuri as he pressed the numbers on the phone annoyingly and then said. "Alright, did you get them?"  "Yes good sir... *yawn* I will submit this to the committee to verify, and if they'll approve within 24 hours then you have good trust with us, blah blah blah.." "Hey hold on a minute? 24 HOURS? WHAT TYPE OF MANIAC WAITS 24 HOURS TO SUBMIT A INTELLIGENCE REPORT!? ARE YOU INSANE THEY'RE DEALING WITH INSANE CAPITALIST IMPERIALIST!??" "Bye bye sir.." "HOLD ON A MINUTE I AIN- *beeeeeeep* HELLO? HELLO?! HELLO!!!? fucking piece of shit!!" And immediately Yuri throws his phone and smashes it to pieces out of spite and pissed off anger as he continually stomps it on the ground, he then vented on how stupid the Lubyanka is and finally breathes in a calm sense of relief but aggravation as he stood there silent and said. "You know what? Fine, I'll let them suffer for the bullshit, see if I care at least I'll have a good explanation to the Red Mother or her advisors whenever they contact me about this, and then after this I'm sending a complaint to the manager! Hmm.. Now I wonder who else is suffering the same pain I'm going through.." Stalliongrad-Starlight trail Unfortunately the same pain happened to be with Ogav as he was on a T-72 armor tank, while it may be good since the place he's going at is filled with Terrain but the speed it agonizing torture that he has to impatiently endure in this journey. "I should've kept my big fat mouth shut," he grumbled as some of the dirt that blew out from the tank treads kept getting in his nose and mouth. But despite the fact that dust is getting in his mouth it is more better than being cramped up in a tank, although this tank saved lives back in Petershoof he wasn't really a fan of how old the model he's riding on of course it does make up the majority of Rodinian's tank divisions he preferred to pilot the decent type tank the T-90CM, but it would seem that fate has it that it takes him to pilot APCs and tanks. "And now with the next top music in Rodinia! The music band, Kino! Now playing Пачка сигарет on channel station 14.12." The radio attached on the tank played a piece of music that Ogav loved in his teenage years, the days when he wasn't this interested in the army as he was now, but everyday he would wonder when he could attend a band concert that hosted Kino, but of course being far from his homeland he can't do anything other than just shoot at things... So instead he listened to the music and thought to himself about a pack of cigarettes in the winter snow that froze in the night, but it was then that his tank hit a speed bump on the road and bumped his head a little on the Machine gun cartridge on his left side. "Hey driver! Watch where you're going, you're going to give me a concussion if you keep doing that!" Ogav scolded. "Sorry sir, it's that I was thinking about home, I miss my mothers cooking... Don't you have something to come back to sir?" The driver asked, focusing on the dirt trail road that leads to Starlight's village while Ogav sighed at his question. "I do.. But I can't come back to it if I get a hemorrhage Now can't I?" Ogav added. "No sir, my mistake it won't happen again sir," the driver said back as he focused deeply on the road ahead. "Let's hope so.." Ogav said to himself. "Or neither of us won't be going home.." The tank arrives at the mountain area 1 mile away from the town that he is supposed to negotiate with, but at the same time he hears a train horn in the distance. "Halt!" Ordered Ogav as he pulled out his binoculars making the tank pause in a full halt confusing the crew as he stepped off of his tank and ran towards a hill that perfectly aligned with the horn, what he saw next surprised him, as he sees 6 mares, and clearly a identification of ponies, and what's even more odd is that they're at the target his company was assigned to dispose of. "The Princess from Equestria? What's she doing here?" Ogav wondered, despite him being in an exposed location he is far away enough so they wouldn't see him, but it also sparked a lot of questions in his mind such as. One, why are they there for? Was Princess Twilight behind the construction of the railway and if so why? And two, Perov was actually right? Although considering that this did not surprise Ogav he'll need to take some pictures and document his findings so he took his camera out and snapped some pictures of the railroad that seemed to be established on Stalliongrad soil.. After taking pictures he then slid down from the hill and quickly got on board with his crew. "Did you find anything, sir?" Asked the cannon gunner. "Yes indeed I have, it seems the princess of Equestria is here on Stalliongrad soil," reported Ogav. "WHAT!?" Shouted the entire crew in unison. "But sir! We're going to have to let-" "I know I know, but first I want a better understanding of why they're here in the first place, if it's something entirely bad then I will contact Perov of my finding, until then keep me updated and lets get the hell out of nowhere," Ogav briefed as the tank continued moving to it's designated location that it is heading towards in which they only have a mile left before they arrive and so on they continued in their journey. At the town Starlight Glimmer was reading a book, nothing out of the ordinary until double diamond entered her house with the usual town trademark smile in which Starlight smiled as well. "Why hello Double Diamond, how can I help you?" Starlight asks. "Hello Starlight, I like to let you know that we have a message for you, also we have visitors!" Double Diamond informed her, giving her a scrolled letter with the official soviet sealed mark on the letter which grabbed her attention and broke her smile away. "Oh... Interesting... Bring them in while I look at this message," Starlight demanded, in which Double Diamond quickly gave her the letter and left her presence. She opened the letter in anticipation and immediately she read the letter out loud to herself. "In accordance with Stalliongrad law the Rodinian's have dispatched an informant on the situation regarding an illegally built railway? Hmmm..." Thought Starlight. "I might consider their informant, but perhaps this new railroad might be a new opening to a... New type of way to get more ponies to join my town." Immediately she heard muffling outside who spoke. "Be ready to fight! We don't know what's coming through that door!" Starlight out of curiosity recognizes the voice of new members, and so she opened it and walked out with the town smile. "Welcome! I'm so pleased to have you here!" Starlight spoke with glee. "Awhn..." Double diamond stepped up and introduced the 6 friends to their name. "This is Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle." After introducing their names Twilight shuffled her Alicorn wings which catched Starlight in an observing motion.. A motion which could truly get her town on the map. "Forgive my bloodness but I assume it's Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Smirked Starlight. "We don't get much Alicorns around here." "Yes, but Twilight is fine," Twilight insisted. "Sooo! How did you heard of our little village?" Starlight asks. "It's kinda of a long story, let's say we found it on a map," Twilight answered. "Technically it's a tree chest castle map!" Pinkie Pie interjected, slowly lowering her head back into the fourth wall creeping the hell out of everyone present..  "Well however you found us we're happy to have you! We're happy to have anypony who wants to experience true friendship for the first time!" Starlight added, confusing the main heroes with the last phrase. "Say what?" "Oh indeed that's so unique about our village you see, around here we don't flaunt our special talents because we don't have any special talent to flaunt!" Starlight bloated in front of the heroes. "Is that why you have all those cutie marks?" Twilight pointed, at the symbol of equalism and basically the extent of pony communism. "Perhaps it would be easier to understand if I gave you a tour of the village!" Starlight crowed. Which in her mind as everyone left she has an idea.. An idea which could force the world to be influenced with this type of friendship and what better way to do it then to have the princess of magic AND friendship herself be integrated as a civilian of this new bound order.. An order with no cutie marks, and an order in forced communal unity.. In the distance, Ogav can hear music being sounded from the town that he now approaches with his tank, despite the loud treads grinding the ground below him he can distinctly hear the town singing and.. Marching? "Why do I hear patriotic marching?" Ogav asked himself while murmurs from his crew emerged in wonder of what the town could be singing or celebrating. Finally they arrived at their destination and the tank pulled into the town which made the locals spectate their heads a bit at the marvel before waving at their fellow visitor. "Welcome!" Said one pony. "Welcome!" Said another pony. "Welcome!" Said yet a third pony which confused Ogav and the crew below him that can hear a muffle of the greeting. "Weird.... Just weird, anyways, who's in charge here!" He said out loud, when he suddenly spots the mane 6 who're as surprised as he as both locked their eyes in surprise and shock at Ogav while at the same time he is locking his eyes on them and the two stood off silently until Starlight broke the silence. "Welcome! You must be the pon- I mean human who came to visit our town!" Starlight smiled. "Да, действительно, но почему они здесь?" Ogav asked. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO US!?" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WHAT!"  But before Rainbow Dash could charge from Ogav's gut she was grabbed by Twilight's magic. "Woah woah woah! We aren't trying to hurt anyone here! Whatever he's here for I'm sure he's as confused as we are, what's your name?" Twilight asked as Starlight rolled her eyes in annoyance. "My name? My name is Ogalivich Volklav, and inside of my tank is my crew which prefers to work in it than to deal with.. Whatever I'm looking at and I came here for one reason and one reason only, WHO built that railroad and why are you here!?" Ogav interrogated. "Woah there commie! If you think that attitude is gon' get you anywhere then you might as well turn ya hide back to where you commie's came from," Applejack advised in an insult. "For the record, orange pony, I don't take lightly to this type of insult, especially when a capitalist peasant such as yourself calls me a slur made specifically for my people! So for your consideration let me do my job or there will be trouble," Ogav warned, as the two clashed head to head in a taunting threat stare down. “What did you call me you bucking commie!?” Applejack snarled. “Oh I think you understood what I said you suka!” Cursed Ogav, before Starlight went between the two and separated them. "No need for any trouble you two! This town is a sanctuary for true friendship, although while the human here is a visitor and not a staying guest, you ponies on the other hand are welcome to stay," Starlight smiled while Twilight, still a bit startled with what Applejack just did, stepped up and spoke. "When we were sent to this village we assumed it was to help in some way but well it doesn't seem like you need any help," Twilight spoke, while Starlight nodded to Ogav in which he walked off back towards his tank and then she replied. "Have you considered perhaps that you might have been sent here so we can help you?" Twilight was caught off guard with her statement and so she stayed silent. "After all, nopony has ever come to our village and wanted to leave. Why should you be any different?" Starlight grinned. "But that is entirely your choice! So please, enjoy our little corner of Equestria we're all quite fond of it, no doubt you will be as well, Double Diamond, please help our guest with whatever they might need!"  "Of course!" DD replied, creeping out the mane 6 as the T-72 rolled right past the group which gave Applejack and Rainbow Dash immense suspicion about the intention of a Rodinian tank pilot being in the town... But as they were suspicious Starlight walked off away from them. "Well, this will certainly provide a boost to our little community, when the rest of Equestria sees that a princess gave up her cutie mark to join us they'll finally understand what we're trying to accomplish!" Starlight smirked to herself, with a mischievous smile of her master plan with the mane 6. Ponyville While everything was going down at Starlight's town Gold Star was preparing his saddle bags in our room exposing his Alicorn wings as he repacked his things that we've recovered during the incursion with Tirek. While I stood there pondering, still processing what I was seeing. "I still can't accept the fact that you've literally hidden your Alicorn wings and your horn, like seriously! How often is it to have a pony friend who is somehow a fricking Alicorn!?" "Yea I know I know, but while you may know about, well all of this, I've yet to even tell you how I became an Alicorn in the first place, but I can tell you one thing also... Remember the helicopter ride? The day we first met?" "Yea?" "That wasn't the first place we've met," Gold Star revealed. "Hmm.. Now that I think about it, the royal guard who escorted me and John, who by the way was a spy under my nose, coincidently looked like you.. Hm, so you were born here were you?" I assumed. "That would be correct," Gold Star replied. "Right, what about your parents though? Wouldn't they be worried about you being missing or presumed de-" "They're dead Yates... They've been killed at the moment of my enlistment into the Canterlotian elite royal guard," he said in an emotional state that he hanged his head down to the floor to hide himself before turning to pack his things in his saddle bags. "Shit... Why didn't you tell me that before? And the better question is? Who killed them?" "That's the problem, I don't know, some assumed it was the dragon raiders that the town was bordered with, some say Zebra terrorist from Zebrica, but really no one has a clue of who murdered my parents, but I sworn myself to avenge their deaths but after everything that I had went through I don't think I could avenge anyone.. Not when I have a moral obligation and a duty to uphold," Gold Star divulged, as he finished packing and lifted his saddle bags which covered his Alicorn wings. But now I have more questions for him and I wasn't willing to let him go without an explanation of how he became a Alicorn, and so I tugged on his tail and it grabbed his attention towards me with no silence. Other than his expressive aggravation he understood my curious mind but he seemed reluctant at first before I finally asked. "Explain, everything..." Gold Star sighed and looked at me with a glare. "You want an explanation? Because if I have to I will, but you better be paying attention, because I will only explain ONCE! Understood?" Gold Star expounded. "Understood, now please tell me," I nodded. Immediately Gold Star cleared his throat and sighed. "It all started in the year 990, the day when something miraculous yet not interesting occurred when some huge rainbow blew across the entirety of the Equestrian continent, of course back then I was a filly back then I was in fact born in the year 987 so in human years I was 3 or 4 years old, anyways, at the year 992 was when I started getting interested in military studies particularly royal guard and I've loved the life of the military so much I wished I could become one.  Only the problem was that the town I lived in all my years was not even known for anything despite of course being known to be a port city we were basically near the dragon lands and at the mercy of the dragons but surprisingly they never attacked us but they nearly attacked our neighboring city of Baltimare before the royal guard had isolated them and kicked them off back to the mountains, while we were spared from what could've been a early end I knew that even with the dragons subjugated they'll come back, and they'll come back with blood thirsty appetites for pony flesh... So when the year 1000 had turned I was three years younger than what I am today I joined the royal guard and was shipped out to Canterlot where I did a 1 year training session in the elite unit, but just after 132 days I received news that the village I lived in was... Gone, no one survived and with it was my home.. My parents... No one.. I was truly alone... The investigation that was launched personally lead by Princess Celestia it was concluded that apparently there were no traces of the ones responsible, in other words they’ve basically were saying the city just burned on it’s own despite evidence that there was evidence of a battle and a struggle they’ve seem to can’t find a trace…. After four days recovering from the grief It was then in the first 43 days into 1001 was when I heard about the recent victory against Discord with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, to think that something that small could be powerful I decided to take up this example and make friends of my own, unfortunately the slap of reality had came, and it came hard.. Despite some conversation with other ponies along with attempts on befriending them they've never been interested in the friendship values that Equestria was built on.. But one night a pony took notice of my move..." Canterlot, 2 years earlier, a year after the Nightmare moon incident I was given night guard duty in Canterlot, apparently this typical training is suppose to 'train' me in staying up all night but obviously they didn't had no one to cover the shift but I didn't complain, I was given a order and I followed through them and for camouflage in case of a intruder with knowledge of guards I was given a deep blue armor that actually camouflaged well in the night. But unlike the golden armor it wasn't as tight as the gold one is and I think the hoof shoes were a bit loose for me, but nonetheless I made use and tried to reduce my speed and took time taking my steps, but by 2:20 in the morning it was then I met a blue Alicorn who I didn't know was Luna. I was standing guard in the throne room silently, it was the day when I just received the letter and instead of giving a temporary break I insisted on my command officer that I would take a overnight shift yeah I know that I slightly complained about it but with no one to keep me on my hooves there's nothing that could help now other than the duties I was assigned with.. As I stood there in the throne room my thoughts were getting a bit intrusive and just as I was about to sleep I was awakened by the presence of Luna. "You must be tired having to guard this room tonight," she said. "Pardon me, but you seem to be new here?" She was a bit curious with me, and intrigued as to why I haven't heard of her, but of course I didn't blame her since if I were popular and somepony came from a town who had no clue that Celestia had a sister I would be even more confused than she is. "Don't you know me?" She asked, but I shook my head. "Not a word actually, but I assume you're a new royal correct?" I asked. Just by looking at her she seemed calm and patient, clearly I was a bit young at the time to be oblivious about the existence of princess Luna, she left after my question leaving me with even more questions, but three days later It was answered in the Gala which when it started was when I was given the fullest of all introductions and creator above was I embarrassed... "Cadets! This is Princess Luna of the night and sister of Celestia salute and bow in her presence!" My captain had informed which we all saluted and bowed our heads to her, but she gave me a eye that clearly said "now you know" type feeling and when peaked my head up I saw her and it was the same pony and I was completely dumbfounded. ===== "Ok ok, so why are you going into deep depth with Luna exactly? What did she get for having this much detail and what does this have to do with your life story to becoming an Alicorn?" I asked. "Because Yates, she was the reason." "Wait what." "You'll see in a moment, but continuing on.." ===== "WE JUST LOST COMMAND! WE'RE BEING OVERRUNNED!" My fellow infantry shouted and we were all scattered. With the high command and captain of the royal guard all captured and displaced ranks within the defense groups that were supposed to defend Canterlot were scattered or fighting. Undoubtedly I felt guilty that day for being the one who scattered from the fight but with the chaos on the day of the Canterlot attack was the day I knew I should've played in some part of preparing for something like this, but I was only a sergeant in the ranks at the time and they didn't allow no ranks as that to properly plan in the affairs as officers other than maintain the groups wellness in drills and training but that was really all the perks I could have. No way was I going to participate in a course that could lead to the possibility of death. But as I scattered from my group I came across a family that was trapped by the changelings and being in the elite royal guard I shook my cowardice and pulled my sword out with my bare hooves and charged at their throats and... That was when the sensation of murder flowed in my body, the two remaining changelings attempted to pounce on me but when I got out of the way I stabbed one in the neck and jabbed the sword down the changelings chest. The family hid their filly, and with good reason, immediately I realized the main priority was getting the civilians safe so I signaled them to keep their heads low while I looked for a safe and subtle place where I can take civilians into refuge and better enough I found the place. The coffee shop in 12th street in Canterlot was already prepared for an invasion, and from what I heard despite the money that went to the royal guard they've stocked up on weapons, enough to repel a Changeling raid and perhaps equipped able bodied stallions to fight. So running ahead I signaled the family and we all ran towards the coffee shop right before they pointed their spear at my throat. "Who in great Celestia's name are you changeling!" Yelled an old elder who was ready to slaughter anyone who intruded in her shop. "Not a changeling ma'am! My name is Gold Star, my rank is Sergeant and I'm with the elite Royal Guard, I'm trying to evacuate civilians here and I was wondering if I can use your shop to give the civilians cover and refuge!" I explained with reasonableness and everything else but the granny wasn't trusting, not since the changelings continued the fly overhead but considering that I am elite she had no choice and so she let us in but... "If you switch into a bucking Changeling so help me mister you will wish you were never born understand!?" "Yes ma'am.." And so I started running in and out grabbing civilian to civilians, killing changeling after changeling with the sword, and behind my back the granny was providing soups for the mothers and fillies, and weapons were handed to stallions who can fight which helped me as for every family with a stallion within it I return to the fray with a bigger group in the form of a militia that assisted me in helping with the civilians within this chaotic mess, however at one moment we were ambushed and outnumbered I only had 12 they had hundreds but we weren't going down without a fight. But we never fought those hundreds of changelings.. Because everypony there heard jet engines approaching and for some reason my gut acted without my knowledge and I forcibly shouted.. "TAKE!!!! COVER!!!!" And without question the stallions hit the dirt and the jet squadrons fired an entire load of missiles at the group of Changelings and slaughtered them all, and when we peaked up from the dirt we were unscathed, but the changelings on the other hand however... Well, let's say there wasn't anyone left to even fight us and for the stragglers that survived, we took them in as prisoners and placed them under civilian arrest. But during this capture I saw the missiles exposed a hole in a building that was filled with civilians that were cowering inside, and so me and the group offered our hooves to help and they took it. And with that the battle ended when the changelings were now in full retreat with jets continuing to peck off the stragglers that disobeyed their queens order as I heard machine guns blaring in the distance. But at the same time we arrived to the coffee shop that was used to house the civilians and after counting the amount about 213 were rescued by me or the group I had formed, I earned a title in that street as the assailant hero of 12th street, a rare title for a pony to be named as a hero considering the amount of work. But I rejected the title.. Not because of the fear of paparazzi, but the fear that pride as a whole may consume me. While some continued to call me by that title I still refused to be called such one. Ironically when I came back to my unit and was assigned to guard the ball between Shining Armor and Cadence Mi Amore my commanding officer approached me with an award... A rank I never thought I'd have as a Sergeant... "First class Lieutenant! But sir? Shouldn't I be ranked as a second class? This is a rank fit for a royal guard with extensive knowledge on leadership?"  "Rarely this happens but you were given high recommendation from one of the princesses of Equestria," the commander informed. "Recommendation? From a princess? T-that can't be?"  "Well Sergeant? You can't reject this rank you'll be given a new responsibility in life, and everything else that comes with it, you should be proud to be wearing this type of patch, not everypony is lucky to get this far you know?" Despite my commander's pleas.. I rejected it once more, with the amount of things that went down that day I could've been dead or worse.. But no, I wasn't going to be a free ranked high class officer and sit on a chair when I could be fighting with my fellow stallions, and even though I did want to have a involvement with planning strategy I wasn't going that far in just going ahead with first class, but instead due to the commander continually pleading for me to accept a rank I made a compromise and went with second class Lieutenant. I preferred fairness then a recommendation, In fact I would prefer to build experience rather than going all in. And after a brief argument followed by reconsideration we both made the agreement that I would become second class. And that night I grabbed a higher power's attention.. ===== "Interesting, no wonder I kept hearing about the whole "hero assailant" stuff, I was heading down through 12th street on my way to the helicopter that was waiting for me, but now I wonder, what changed? What made you decide that our army was better than Equestria's?" I asked. "Well... You have to understand that for one, I never had a choice, either go somewhere other than here, or rot in jail here for the rest of you life.." "What? But your in the fucking elite royal guard how do you nearly end up in jail?" "Well... That's where the main point comes into play of how I became what I am right now.." ===== I was asleep that night after a few talks on the possibility of a building search for any changelings that may have infiltrated their ranks, during this meeting between Shining Armor and his officers my friends were on collecting duty, and by collecting I mean the clean up of dead changelings and salvaging what we can take from the warrior ones. But as I was asleep, minding my own business I was suddenly dragged into a dream.. A dream like no other..  It was the fucking land of the middle and this shook me to my core when I thought that I just died in my sleep considering that waves of pictures with my life before my eyes were literally displaying my memories. The ground below me? Well, between me and the endless void below were just orbs and nothing but an orb path and just when I tried to process myself thinking of where I am princess Luna came out from the mist and I can already feel my stomach acid burning through my gut, but I think I'm dead though... But just to be sure I told myself to just ask her, and so I did. "Umm.. Just wondering but am I dead?" Informal I know, but just roll with it. "You aren't, you are being rewarded for what you've done for the ponies of Canterlot, what other royal guards had failed to do," Luna smiled towards me.. A reward I thought I was getting was possibly going to be a forced promotion, only... This promotion wasn't like any other, because from that day I was no longer the Earth Pony that I used to be.. But rather a burden that was bestowed upon me. But I didn't realize this yet when I woke up, I never noticed any wings or horn, all I felt was my old self but a bit heavy, and when I walked inside of the cafeteria that morning I was knocked unconscious. The world before me had transformed into a complete darkness until I woke up tied to what seemed to be the changeling chair, and when I looked at what they tied me with I knew... At that moment I realized then, that I was in trouble...  ==== "HOLD UP! You got accused of being a fucking changeling!?" "I know, ridiculous so much for a reward. It felt very staged on that day as if everyone there wanted to suddenly get rid of me, they certainly did, and when I woke up I was literally confronted by Shining Armor and now I REALLY was in trouble!" ==== "I think he's still unconscious sir," a royal guard said while I heard their conversation despite me being unconscious. "Well soldier, you know the protocol, wake him," Shining Armor ordered when I was splashed with cold freezing waters that nearly made me freeze to death and when I woke up I was met with the cold harsh reality of intimidation. Luckily I was only tied with changeling vine, while changelings can't break out of it due to the toxicity it specifically has if they bit into it, but to a pony we're immune to the vines toxicity even when we bite our way out of it, so I plotted my escape but not before a interrogation with the mixed of a angered husband, too be honest I don't blame him to be this mad at a changeling considering they all had a part in the incident that stolen his now wife but dammit how the hell was I accused again? Oh that's right, BECAUSE OF A FUCKING ALICORN!!! "What the!? Where am I! Where’s here? Don't you even know me!" "I wish I did changeling," Shining Armor replied in sarcasm. "Changeling? CHANGELING? YOU CALLING ME WHAT!" "Don't play dumb bug! You've clearly exposed yourself, just look at your head and your sides," a royal guard pointed his spear where my head indeed has a horn of a unicorn, and my sides, wings of a pegasus I didn't fuss but rather I sat there silent while also pissed at what Luna had done to me, all because I never knew her fucking name and her fucking legacy, and even if I did escaped I'll most certainly be tracked down by Luna personally and chased, and so I remembered back when the aircraft strafed the changeling forces and the symbol attached on it.. I remembered the symbol on the aircraft which it served in. A continent in the West called Humarica, and that was it, if I can't be accepted here any longer, then Humarica is my new home. "Captain Armor sir, Twilight Sparkle has arrived as requested," the guard informed. "Watch him, I'll be back in a moment." And once he left I looked at the guard just when his back was turned I quickly bit my way out of the changeling vine and strangled the guard relentlessly until I knocked him cold by slamming his face on the chair they tied me down in. And just so he would say anything about how I escaped I taped his mouth and used regular rope and tied him around the chair. And then activated the torture devices they were planning on using for me. After that I made my escape through the ventilation shafts, no one expected this as no pony would ever go up into the vents since they consider themselves fat, but given enough effort I'm sure you can still crawl through them as long as you know where you're going. And so as I climbed up and crawled through the dust filled ventilation shafts that covered my movements and camouflaged my body in the exhaust vents just in case they flashed their light up there. By this time when I looked down in one I was in total disbelief that Shining Armor had brought the same pony who had inspired me in the first place to fight for something I believed in.. Twilight Sparkle and him entered the room and the two went into panic mode, despite my sudden disbelief I wish it didn’t had to be this way but the way Twilight and her friends treat their enemies I wasn’t going to be statured over this, and so as I continued on they raised the alarms and scattered everyone but by this point I was now outside in the deep of the night. A stormy rainy night.. Which was good because I can use the darkness to my advantage and as I jumped out of the ventilation I already have a plan on how to escape in the night along with keeping my movements hidden in the fierce rain in the darkness while sneaking through patrols who relentlessly tried to look for me which would be proven futile. So applying to this I ran across two patrols, knocked out 1 or 2 guards who were in my way, bashed one on the wall, the other with the spear I got from the other one, and finally when I got the fence I used the same spear and cut through the gate escaping into the forest and leaving the notorious prison, then after I went to the highest point I could find to get a better view of my surroundings, once I did I was shocked to see where I've been taken to.. Vanhoover city.. Being the coastal city known for its prisons and the historical battle during the Lunar Wars which was a print to Equestria as the day the American army couldn’t withstand the power of friendship and what not. Ignoring that topic during this whole endeavor I was lucky, although despite the persecutions that were being made on the changeling residences who are now having to flee their home I wasn’t given the intention as I had a cloak and hood that hid my Alicorn body, and last I’ve heard since then that they've started registering for permanent stay passports to sail to America, and that was the destination for me, Equestria was no longer my home and if I don't leave I thought back at what I thought of what Twilight and her friends may do to me physically if I was ever caught, and like I said, I wasn’t going to be statued over this mess.. Not when I have a life full ahead of me.. ==== "And now.. Here we are, sitting together as if we're having a tea party.." After minutes of his explanation he sighed in a manner of sadness and emotion to leave his life to live in this one.. A terrible way to happen to a pony who wanted to live his life only to suffer in the wrath of paranoia. "Dear lord.. So what was your view about Luna since she did that to you?" I asked. "Honestly, she wasn't the problem in my story, clearly she wanted me as her apprentice, weird choice to choose an earth pony as an apprentice, but this did left me with a little anger with what she did, and considering that she chose me specifically left me more questions than the answers I assume they were. But thinking back on it now.. I don't really know why. Other than what I could say is Paranoia and Hysteria but that’s all I could’ve thought of?" Gold Star answered. "... So what happened after you've arrived in America?" I asked, which by now Gold Star was getting a bit restless but explained anyway. "After arriving I was processed with the rest of the changelings who came to seek refuge, obviously this was two weeks after the Jimmy Carter incident, and when they saw my Alicorn wings and horn they used some sort of scanner and scanned my body, and when the scanner came out negative, (meaning I am a actual pony and not a changeling) the entire room freaked out in shock that I was a Alicorn, they’ve even mistaken me as some hidden prince in the room so they decided to bring Uncle Sam into the mix and all he did was stare at me in shock as everyone else did, only after 8 minutes something slapped him in the face and he immediately ordered them to "Dress and enlist him immediately!" Word for word, and next thing I know I was in training learning how to drive cars and drive and command tanks, and when they heard my story of my previous life they were intrigued about it but as for the wings and horn however.. Uncle Sam saw how the room reacted when I was a Alicorn and so he ordered executive code 4521-9 and had me cover my wings and horn, he gave me a helping hand and grew my mane enough to cover my horn, and well as you may know by now I use the saddle bags to cover my wings, and well… Here I am, sitting here on base waiting for the next action," Gold Star finished finally. But not so finally with me, what he had was hell, and I sat on my bed thinking about how I wasn’t able to express how much he had gone through.. He lost his parents, his home, he is basically an outcast if not a wanted criminal not to mention a escapee, and he's partially under witness protection all in a sorrowful combination of what he had gone through although he did come to the land of the free, he's gone through more hell here than he had there. He sighed and got off the seat that he had been sitting on and went back to what he was intending to do, and that was to watch over the castle, authorized by the Colonel of course, but before he left I got up and said... "I’m sorry… For everything you've gone through… But I know this sounds insane and probably not the best suggestion I have, but perhaps you should tell your inspiration about your story and maybe take it slow with revealing yourself." Gold Star chuckled slightly and replied. "Don't be, nothing can change the past, it's best to learn from it and move on, after all, what's done is done. But.. I don’t think she’ll respond kindly with that, sure it’s been a year since then but.. I don’t think she’ll understand my pain.. Anyways, I better get going I’ll see you when I get back okay?" And so after his response he walked outside and paused himself before continuing on with what he was doing, as he was heading to his Humvee, sat back on my bed, pondering his past as I saw his Humvee going through the base gate… Not everyone is lucky, he had gone through hell while I was reeling from the chaos in Canterlot, and if I would’ve known perhaps… Something might’ve changed, but by then I never even knew him so I guess.. I guess you would think you knew a guy, or in this case.. Pony. Vesalpolis, Changeling lands   As Rommel yet endured another rambling speech from "the queen of the Changelings" while still wallowing in her pride about how changelings can dominate against the selfish ponies and how they "exterminate, and attack" their race Rommel had been in contact with his top commanders who had spent time and resources on putting down and negotiating the rebelling queens who left Chrysalis and her authority. So far resistance was stiff but day by day the arrival of the tank unit arrived in numbers enough to suppress the rebelling warlords who proclaimed themselves as "queens," but obviously when it came to human tech there's nothing to gloat about other than being alive. But being in the briefing room waiting for the Queen to finish venting herself out in the throne room he looked at the current state of the war map, while the rebels had been successfully been almost put down in the north, the southern front looked a bit treacherous with the possibility of a coordinated counter offensive, the nation is more civil war than the warlord period that it had just been. Of course with the remaining pockets at the west he's sure to put them down quick now that the main battle tank brigade would be arriving soon, being that it consist of Leopard 1 tanks it should do the quick job of executing these rebelling warlords and show the nation that Chrysalis had bought herself a new pair of ba- "General Rommel!" Chrysalis barged inside. "After a conversation regarding your forces I think it is best that you... Keep up the gr-gr-great! Work on suppressing these rebels!" "Thank you?? But obviously, I am doing my job for the sake of the nation, with our partnership still interconnecting. I can assure that we could start strategizing on Equestria, as soon as we've suppressed the rebels, speaking of which I have a.. Intriguing report I'd like to share if that's fine," Rommel requested. "Oh?? Please show," Chrysalis accepted. "After a couple of days apparently the spy network had reported that Tirek recently attacked Equestria, unfortunately he was taken into custody, but it seems that the weapons the enemy is using is more precise and deadlier than I thought, we're currently researching but I think given enough time we'll have our own weapon systems," Rommel reported, as Chrysalis smudged devilishly. "Also... It seems you had the right idea of having me send General Cynthia to hunt down Gold Star, apparently my spy had overheard a conversation between the two officers, he was hearing their conversation outside from the window, and would seem according to what the tan pony explained was that he was accused of being a changeling, odd thing to be accused of don't you say? But indeed this does confirm that your suspicions were right that he is indeed a Alicorn," Rommel revealed, making two of Chrysalis guards jolt back in surprise with the queen herself surprised as her guards were. "He is?! I mean... Of course he is that's why I sent one of your generals to seek him out, unfortunately it failed because your general was incompetent!" "General Cynthia is the deadliest commander of this unit, unfortunately the unexpected fight with Twilight Sparkle and the bleed injury followed by the capture of my now dead 6 men, costly, but at least they wouldn't spill in the information that they could've forced from," Rommel reminded. "Should I remind you that despite the destroyers, the Statcom battleship had sunk them all, and they've captured a flag rug carpet, it seems they've already unraveled who you and your group's identity," Chrysalis said. "Maybe so, that doesn't mean we'll come out in broad daylight and surrender, my men will not go down without a fight, even at odds, with that said though after we crush the warlords, we can begin our operations and start assassinating targets, starting with America." Starlight's town After unpacking the luggage Ogav took off his helmet and shook his head in relief, he hate wearing the damn heavy tank helmets because it felt heavy on his head, and secondly he prefers to pilot a BMP-1 or 2, hell! Even a BMP-3 for all he cared! But the last time he piloted a tank was in Petershoof and even then it was aggravating as hell! But the bright side is he's got until two days and this he has to ask the big question "Will you let us fuck up the railroad please?" All he needs to say in nine words or eight depending if he wants to profane the question or not, but then all she needs to say is yes or no, if she chooses yes then he and his men can take out their rage in this bullshit of a journey on the railroad conveniently a mile away, if she chooses no.. Well who's to say Perov won't respond so kindly. Perov is Rodinia’s loose cannon, a propaganda and popularity tool, with the title “hero of Rodinia'' he's nice with the public but when you speak with people like Ogav especially since he had personally worked with him. He does lead Humarica's infamous Knife division, he'll gladly violate international laws and invade a country who he doesn't like for the sake of the "motherland," and hell all he'll get is a scolding from the RSS and a slap in the wrist because of his heroism back in Rodinia, and considering the amount of funding his unit has both independently and dependently, he has the military capacity, all you just have to do is just look at the amount of helicopters, tanks, and the manpower he has just lying around, they'll be more than happy to shoot at something rather than sleeping in mud filled lands, in fact since this is basically a urban village they'll no doubt try to 'accidentally' shoot at someone just for a spot in a residents house. But really if he got his way Ogav and everyone else would be fighting in America because of his ambition. So as much as Ogav would like to ask the question, he's more concerned with the answer she may reply with, because what she answers would be the entire town's fate. So he looked at the pilot crew who were resting on the beds made specifically for human guest and thought to himself.. He could ask the question, and then wait two days, he doesn't have to tell Starlight why he's here considering it seems that Perov expects him to tell her, his men needed the RnR, and because of the restless Stalliongrad incident in Petershoof his men has never catched a break not even in drills and he's still surprised that the unit is still standing. So after building up courage he got up and went out the door to ask the question to her just to get this assignment out of the way, but when exited his quarters the town was.. Empty?? "What in the name of great motherland's name? Where the hell is everyone?" He asked himself, when he noticed a bright blue flash from the east mountain sides, so he grabbed his Binoculars, his Makarov pistol, and headed up to a trail perfectly paved to the area where he saw the flashing light. "Hm.. Something tells me there's something more to this than meets the eye," Ogav said to himself, but obviously without further thinking he also grabbed his good old "772" numbered tank pilot hat (just in case) and went off to the open trail in a dash. After a small moment of climbing up the slope he noticed that the entire town was gathering up inside of the cave and as he snuck inside and went to the deep left side of the cave he hid behind a rock and started viewing what seemed to be a. Argument? Or perhaps a forced initiation… "Aww, I don't blame you for what you tried to do here today, you've spent your whole lives thinking those marks are a good thing," Starlight evilly smiled at Equestria's heroes. "Give them back!" Twilight demanded, which Starlight walked away from her blatantly and indirectly denying her demand. "Well now you can spend the rest of your lives with us! And we'll teach you just how much better life can be without your cutie marks!" Ogav looked at one of the ponies' flanks and saw what would seem to be an equal sign, just like the ones the ponies have.. But these ponies in particular had their cutie marks! He thought, when he saw a huge blue yet bright box within it stored cutie marks within, and then that was when he saw their cutie marks.. Aimlessly in the air and stiff as if they've been forcibly imprisoned. And that was when it hit him, these ponies are being forced to live like this, sure the town has great aspects with socialism, but not like this! It's clear that this pony was not a friend, but rather a creep and a lunatic! A tyrannical dictator! With the ambition of conquering the entire world! And he fears what she might do if she ruled over humans, clearly she might imprison or even extinguish their race. While she only has a small town, it won't matter when the world sees a popular princess "adopting" equalism, this was a line that not even the Red Mother was willing to cross, and if he and she were to have a tea party and discuss this she would say screw equalism. Of course he'll still need to ask the question, but what if perhaps he didn't ask her the question and instead put words into her mouth, and lie to his general, then if something happens to her and his forces arrive then it may be the end of this wretched ideology!  But first... He'll need to reach a deal with the Equestrian heroes, and put aside their differences. For now... The Pentagon "Hmmm, you know I like this, this new design you've brought to me, now tell me Phil, what am I looking at here?" Asked the desk General. "General, I like to introduce to you the Stryker, a new combat carrier armed with slanted armor plating and maneuverability, and a machine gun mount on top," introduced major Phil. "Mhm... So Phil, one question I have to ask?" The general raised himself from his seat and walked towards the blueprint. "Why the hell does this look like a extended rolling trapezoid with a slide? Why the hell should we even use this sorry excuse for a tank when we have a better armor transport like the Bradley! Damn those things sold out fast, Ronald sure loves to modernize our army, not as if we're already superior enough to those savage horse and griffon shits to the east! Eh, no offense to you Phil." "None taken sir, but well uh.. I've recently checked the battle reports and while it seems the victory against the Zebra terrorist had improved it would seem that they're sending complaints about.. More mechanized tanks then men in the field?" Phil the griffon pointed out. "What's so bad about it? We've won the damn war, haven't we?" The general questioned, eating an apple. "Well sir that's the thing.. If you can read this on the results you can tell-" "Dag damn! All those tanks, well there goes the taxpayer money down the drain, oh and condolences to families, but what does this exactly have to do with this.. This shape you're trying to reteach me," the general interjected. "Well sir that's the point of my introduction, you see with this Stryker we can definitely eliminate the expired and old M113's, and even use it to combat terrorist groups, also so our men for transportation, now these things will need to be further enhanced for full capabilities, but given enough work we can start on crafting this combat transport to a level that at least match expectations of the Bradley, but maybe perhaps more focused on the space that we'll need," the major said, as the the general placed his knuckles on his cheek and sighed. "Alright.. Let's see how this goes.. (I guess..)" And with the bam from the stamp of approval the blueprint is taken in for examination. Starlight's town It was now night time in the town and the ponies had all gone to sleep in whatever way they all slept, this then gave Ogav the high advantage as he put on his camouflage uniform and grabbed his AK-74U and loaded a magazine inside of it. And just as he was about to leave one of his crew men, who was enjoying a bottle of vodka he had packed for the trip like his fellow crew men did, noticed his captain leaving the room. "Sir? Where are you heading?" He asked. "Running errands, I might also ask the question given if I feel like it," Ogav replied. "Yes, sir," replied the soldier as he poured himself a vodka shot into the cup. Ogav meanwhile now made his way to the house, it seems the two ponies guarding it left to sleep so this gave him a advantage, but knowing the town he'll be spotted by everyone resident there so his best option was simple, sneak behind and knock on a window, if they can't open it, then he'll simply shatter i- oh right.. That'll also make noise, he thought to himself. Well he wasn't about to let that stop him anyways, surely the village won't hear him slice a hole in the window...  As it all went down Gold Star finally arrived to the castle, the sun was setting and he was suppose to get here before night or otherwise Twilight's owl will start preying on intruders, at least that's what he was told by the men back at the camp with their crazy theories about the castle and it's existence. Like this one theory where it was all staged and that Celestia had purposely released Tirek, another suggests an earthquake, some suggest destiny, and another that is so conspicuous that it makes the alien theory a serious thing. But these things never bothered Gold Star, he believed that it was Harmony and Creator's divine right and reward for Twilight for defending the lands specifically made for the ponies, and the world of course. After turning off his Humvee he stepped outside in the usual happy town where ponies socialize and take pictures of the monumental things that spawned in the middle of their town, but as Gold Star stepped out from the Humvee and knocked on the door of the castle, he gazed upon the beauty of the town and was happy to be where he is rather than the polluted smog filled cities that people called 'safe' sure it protected the people within from the creatures that roamed free but in the case of the beauty he was looking at, it might be worth it despite them being near what humans called "the forest of death" but really it's just like any other forest that their nation has, sure magic is involved within the weather and the land but humanity did most of the work in the continent of Humarica, he sure missed being in American soil that everyone calls sanctuary and solitude, but he continued to think back on the wretched days when he had no choice but to migrate to the lands.. And as fate had it.. He's back to where he started, only in Ponyville and not in Canterlot or his home village that was destroyed... But after a while of gazing and priding the crystal doors opened up and spike looked up and waved happily. "Why hi there! Glad you can make it, I was wondering if you were going to come around!" "Yeah, been a while isn't it? I assume the castle is fine?" Gold Star asked. "Sure is! Well, of course me and Big Mac had been quite messy with the hoofball cards," Spike rolled his eyes, unsticking one of the cards off his tail. "I see, well while I'm here I might as well have a look around so I don't get lost on my next visit," Gold Star considered. "Awesome! I've mapped out the place before I went to sleep, it should be in the map room, follow me," Spike insisted, as Gold Star walked inside of the castle with Spike, and to his amazement he was astounded with the interior he had just stumbled upon, and to think that Twilight lived in a library, this was even more insane! In fact Gold Star briefly snapped a photo and then hid his camera in his satchel while following Spike inside of the map room. "Wow.. I didn't know you had a digital live map??" Gold Stat pondered. "Digital? This was just added today, apparently something to do with cutie marks so and so," he shrugged. "Huh, I could never understand magic stuff," Gold Star said to himself out loud. "Well that's probably because you've lived your entire life in Humarica?" Spike added. "Look, just because I'm a soldier within the Federation doesn't mean I live there, (kinda) for all we know I could've lived here once!" Ranted the tanned pony. "Just saying," Spike denoted. But continuing to look around the room he notices the 6 cutie marks hovering over the mountains in the north between the Crystal empire, Yakyakistan, and... Stalliongrad... He grabbed a detailed terrain map with political borders from his left satchel and placed it on the magic map table and started comparing the two maps, after squinting he turned to spike. "Get me a ladder," Gold Star requested, which without hesitation Spike ran to the storage and grabbed a big ladder which he set up and the tanned pony climbed up and hovered the medium sized map over the bright map. He hovered the northern mountain part over the mountains that the cutie marks are floating at and finally once the map finally aligned with the magic map, his face turned terrified, he now feels dread and fear, and his body boiled... "So why did you need a ladder?" Spike asked. "Twilight and all of her friends are in danger.. Oh shit, Spike! You're coming with me this instant!" Yelled Gold as he snatched Spike against his will and ran towards the Humvee where he fastened Spike's seat belt but before he could step on the gas Spike quickly interrupted. "What in Celestia's name are you doing!" "Your half-sister, and all of her friends, they're not only on a journey they're practically heading to their doom! The land that their cutie marks have marked is the soviet lands of Stalliongrad! If they find out that they're there they'll relentlessly capture them! Experiment with them! Or worse! Enslave them!" "WHAT?! THAT MEANS RARITY IS IN DANGER TO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR STEP ON THE PEDA-" Before Spike finished his sentence Gold Star started the car and hit the gas speeding off back from where he came from knocking Spike back on the seat.  As the two head back to the base with haste Ogav was initiating his own type of plan. Heading towards the back the town is subtly quiet, it made him a bit paranoid of the possibility that he may be walking into a trap, of course considering that it would be a act of war when he has to report back to base after 2 days it's something that even these equalist ponies would understand. But what Ogav is technically doing is going up against everything he stood against and just staging a coup at this point against a communist ally, but he could pin the blame on mane 6 and say that they manipulated him. Just like the books that he had read, such as "Once upon a six" it's a children's book, supposedly, and it provided the absolute opposite of what the Mane 6 does which describes how loyal they are to capitalism and extortion and how that the defeats of the villains like Discord and Nightmare moon were all a hoax and that it was all a trick to make the world fall under imperialist debauchery. And for some reason there's an adult version of the book that makes it even worse, with a different title "Grogars Warriors" and it got worse from there.. When he had heard of the victory of the Mane 6 he wasn't really that crazy about it other than just saying alright, but as went on after he fought Tirek he started to understand that perhaps the Mane 6 may have not been all that bad, although with the magical power of the elements of harmony his government may end up searching for a plan to combat this type of raw power. But while he pondered he finally made it to the house that has the infamous Mane 6, he peeled through the window and saw that all but one was asleep so he knocked on the window and it got Twilight's attention but she cautiously approached the window. "Are you princess Twilight Sparkle?" He asked, but Twilight couldn't hear him from the other side, indicating the window was too thick. "Alright get back," he ordered, waving his hand to indicate that she needed to back up which she took notice of and got back. Ogav grabbed his hammer and squinted as he shattered open the window, waking up the sleeping ponies who were resting for the night. "What the- uhm, is that guy back?" Applejack asked. "You couldn't let us sleep for one minute!" Rainbow Dash scolded. "There goes my beauty sleep... As if this nightmare wasn't enough!" Rarity groaned, while Fluttershy and pinkie shrugged and went back to sleep. "It's been two hours you can live, I'm here for other reasons, and one of them is plotting," Ogav elaborated. "Plotting? Plotting what exactly?" Rarity asked. "Starlight's overthrow, clearly what I just saw is something I didn't expect here, I expected the place to be somewhat communist but taking cutie marks and forcing others to live equally is not something my ruler would approve of, especially when you have maniacs with a twisted mind of ideology," Ogav explained. Twilight looked at her friends who were still waking up, but also were untrustworthy of their Rodinian friend considering that they tried to kidnap and steal from Equestria not to mention one nearly killed Twilight, but Twilight looked to Ogav and replied. "Let me speak with my friends real quick." "Hurry, once the sun is up I doubt these types of ponies oversleep," Ogav warned, turning towards the opposite direction. The awakened girls huddled up about Ogav offering his help. "Are you crazy! Do you realize how nuts this is to let this guy specifically help us!" Rainbow Dash voiced. "I have to agree with her, sure the American humans are nice but the Rodinian ones is something I and ma’ entire family draw the line at, especially how they sported the Severyanian commies," Applejack added. "And the uniforms are just nasty-" "HEY! I HEARD THAT!" Ogav yelled out. "Sorry I said.." "Look, I the Rodinian's are not really kindred or friendly, but if it means getting out of here and getting our cutie marks then that's a chance I'm willing the take." Twilight said in determination as she walked up to the shattered window. "What rank are you within your army?" "Captain, if you have a plan, say it, I best be on my way back to my room before my men gets suspicious," Ogav rushed. Twilight nodded to her friends who were disbelieving at the fact that their friend is willing to ally with America's sworn enemy, but they gave in and listened in on her plan. And the plan was full proof, so all they needed was a Fluttershy.. Base Alicorn It was just me and the Colonel, doing our own thing and nothing else, he's been doing the base revenue and taxes while I slacked off and made some art on a piece of paper and posted it on the fridge. One of them being me wielding a Machine Gun riding on a flying Celestia shooting aimlessly at nothing but the uncolored blank. "Do you think me and Celestia would ever get together?" "Heh! In your dreams Lieutenant, in your dreams.. Yeesh..." *BANG*  Slammed the door with Gold Star and Spike looking at us with insanity. "TWILIGHT'S IN DANGER!" The two shouted in unison, annoying the Colonel but grabbed my attention. "What.. The.. FUCK MAJOR! DON'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY WITH THE FUCKING PAPER WORK!" Alex shouted back. "Sorry Colonel! But we have an emergency, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are heading to a death trap in the north!" "Nahhhh, really? I thought they went to candy land, besides they've defeated Tirek. I'm sure whatever they're up against they can deal with their magic friendship power or some bullshit," Alex replied. "But Mister! That's one occurring thing! Twilight told me-" "Who authorized him here?" Alex stared. "I did?" Gold Star replied. "Well then I delay your authorization, he's not even supposed to be this deep in the camp!" "But Colonel! You have to understand that most of the stronger magic is inherited inside of the map in her castle, and the map sent her to Stalliongrad! If they find her you know very well what they'll do to her! We should organize a rescue operation an-" "Is that my problem major? She should've done her research like the bookworm she is instead of blindly following a false goddess into their death! Now if that's all you have Major then take this dragon and GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" Alex shouted in rage, which Gold Star fiercely tilted his hat and left along with Spike and left the office. With that aggressive conversation it left me with the benefit of the doubt that Twilight didn't even know what she was going into, sure she was smart, but when he brought up a single aspect in politics she would deny them, how much she'll most likely regret that. Alex is a jackass, and I've kept that in mind, but holy shit that was a bit harsh especially towards a minor, of course while Spike wasn't allowed on base grounds that is seriously uncalled for.. Meanwhile the two were now sitting outside stumped on what they should do, clearly they can't just grab and plus they'll need a crew, of course since Gold Star is a major he has more serious authority, but what he's plotting here may cost him his rank or worse.. A court martial... "So what now," Spike asked hopelessly. "Now? I don't really know, either A I could go off base unauthorized with a Humvee in an attempt to rescue your half-sister and I'll probably be court marshalled or demoted, or B we could do nothing and your half-sister suffers a terrible fate," The pony major said. "Or option C, you get a group willing to fight, and we can use a Helicopter instead," I added, with two men by my side, one being Private Quag, and the other Private Griffith, Gold Star was surprised, but also it made him question my earlier addition to his options. "Who's going to pilot the helicopter?" Gold Star asked. "Well.... Since I tried to ask one of the pilots and since they said no very aggressively..." "Oh... Oh no..." "I think it's for the best," I affirmed. "Oh no.." . . "ONBOARD MEN! WE'RE GOING TO THE SKY!" Shouted I as the soldiers assisting us climbed aboard the Machine gun attachments and Gold Star and Spike climbing inside. "I have a bad feeling about this..." "I didn't expect to be here?" Spike said, which no one heard due to the noise and so Gold Star slid a pair of headphones on Spike's dragon ears. "Repeat that dragon?" I asked, turning towards the window and flicking switches. "I said, I didn't expect to be here!" Spike repeats. "I know, kid, but I suggest you hold on to your dear life!" Gold Star suggested. "Why?" He asks. Immediately I took the helicopter off from its helipad into the sky, and shook around a bit trying to get my grip with the controls, as this is my first time officially flying a helicopter, although I only passed the first phase of the class I'm sure I can manage with the knowledge I have, but on the ground level however, it grabbed someone's attention from the ground. The Colonel was just stepping out of the officers quarters readying to pour in water for the plants in his private harmonious garden when he noticed the Huey taking off and flew right above him drifting and blowing the wind filled dust into the flowers that he was watering. After uncovering his eyes from the draft he sees what was once his personal garden now a desert wasteland as he stared at the sky and shouted in rage. "DAMN YOU GOLD STARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" > Operation Go-2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pentagon electric boogaloo The time is currently 200 hours and Phil the Griffin had been drinking his coffee outside of the meeting room, the men were currently designing how big the space should the vehicle be, and the armor, however, it was then that a Sergeant Major approached him. "Colonel Phil sir, the general council requests your presence," the Sergeant informed. "Alright, show me the way then," Phil ordered, as the two went inside and walked through a busy hallway and then turned left at the room which in it was four occupied seats of generals, with one being unoccupied and reserved for the High General MacArthur. Phil took a seat on a hard metal chair which didn't comfort him. "Colonel Phil correct?" "Yes sir," replied the griffon, as the general held a piece of paper. "After reviewing the blueprints you've drawn up there is currently an issue with the design," said General Galvin. "Such as?" "Currently the designer had specifically said in his memo, and I quote, "60 Miles per hour, with... Heavy armor is surprising because it is usually the heaviest on a vehicle type, and of course, within capacity, it is in range of expectation." Now Mr. Phil, if I'm reading this correctly your design, has great potential of being deployed and produce only but already there are some questions regarding safety concerns such as the capability of withstanding mines as demonstrated not long ago today, and with plans of shooting a Rodinian crafted RPG-7 at it it is sure to pass I can assure, of course, I can tell you that it does have a capability of withstanding IED's and ambush type attacks, I and the rest of the cabinet have somewhat agreed to allow it to be in service... But..." "But sir?" "Once it does pass it can only be used for medical evacuations and/or scouting operations, along with replenishing frontline troops and evacuating them due to the M113 already in use, so of course by the looks of the design module we can easily mass produce these no doubt because of the shape but with the Bradley on the other hand it would surprisingly seem that the Stryker is more faster, so this would be about a year until the Stryker may be in official combat service. So it will only have to serve as a support vehicle for one year, unless..." "Unless what sir?" "Unless you could modify the design, or at least make alternate versions, make it customizable, Ect. of course from what I can tell the M113 is pretty outdated, so keeping the Stryker as it is would not be long, however suggesting alternate version could upheave if not enhance the chances of it seeing early combat. "And what about the old M113?" Asked Phil. "Well, as for the M113 it would most likely be either decommissioned or given to Equestria as a gift now with that said Colonel, you are dismissed, now anyways onto another agenda-" *SLAM* "OPEN UP THE VINE GLASS BOB IT'S GETTING APPROVED!" Ranted Phil. "Well congrats sir, though it would be a year until that thing gets to see any combat action," the designer said. "Of... Course... It's alright, It's alright, clearly, we need to make other sort of alternative models, something that can give a bigger bang while also maintaining speed, and maybe be used as a command post but also directly in combat," Phil blurted his suggestion turning to his designer and had a brilliant idea. "How big should the space be?" Phil riddled. "However big it should be, sir," replied Bob the designer. Moskva The Red Mother was busy with her work as she reviewed applications for the opening position of "advisory of the Mother" All the applications so far are nothing close to what she expects. She is awaiting one more application if she doesn't get the perfect person then she'll have to initiate the selection, which is basically handpicked and immediate inauguration for the person selected. As you may not know, while Rodinia has a Supreme Soviet council unlike the powers Stalliongrad has, the party is ruled by three. Obviously, the most powerful one is the Red Mother which is a spot permanent to her and to her only, with the power of controlling everything that goes on in Rodinia, but she prefers to focus on economic and social status within her country, which brings us to General Secretary levels. Below is the General Secretary, currently held by Leonid Brezhnev, the holder of this can control the economy, foreign relations, and anything related to military business. Finally, there's the mother advisor, whose purpose is to advise, but also stand as the Vice President for both positions whether one is on vacation or on a diplomatic trip in which the advisor is given temporary powers. In the event that something happens to the General Secretary, like being killed in a fiery inferno, the Advisor would be inaugurated into the position. But with no advisor. Due to the imprisonment of the previous one,  the Red Mother worked day and night to get the position filled as fast as possible, but at that time a military General, General Khabarov, arrived with a folder marked "Classified" as he approached the Red Mother's desk and saluted her. "Ah general, is that the last application?" The Red Mother asks. "No, our Red Mother, the Rodinian Intelligence Bureau has a report they wish to provide," replied the general. " Of course, set it on my table I'll read it later," she said. "Ma'am, I've been told to come back with your signature, they say it's urgent," he expressed. "Urgent you say? Very well, let's see what we have that's urgent then," she reckoned, as she opened the folder that the general handed her and looked at it with distraught tension. "How long has this been under our noses!" She asked. "Ma'am this was 24 hours ago, we believe they're still in the town," the general replied. "24 hours!?? Damn, this ineffective mess! First chance I get once I finish with the final stages of economic reforms, I'll be getting this reformed next! But first, get me General Perov, I am authorizing Operation "Go To," I will not have these Equestrian imperialists invade our allied territory not again! Not ever! If I ever grabbed my hands on that SMILE director I'll ring his throat!" The Red Mother protested. "Understood Our Red Mother, it shall be done." Camp Vorganov, Stalliongrad, 10 miles away from Starlight's town General Perov was conversing with his officers at this time before the messenger came in with a distressing report... "General Volinsky, orders from the Red Palace sir," the soldier informed, handing him the red letter, a rare type of envelope only given on the occasion of emergencies, when Perov saw the letter he snatched it off the messenger and opened it with great anticipation. Of course, his excitement died off when he read its regards to Starlight's town until he sees the information that the SMILE agent is considered dangerous, and possibly an Alicorn, it was when his excitement was revived, finally, he has an actual challenge besides suppression in Petershoof, he can now fight a fucking powerful Alicorn in the field of battle, his dream was to claim one's head for the prize in the name of the motherland. Of course, being there are only four he wondered which one had challenged the motherland might. But with that, he turned to his officers who were peeking from his shoulders and ordered. "Order the men to pack up! We depart immediately!" He then turned to one of his Lieutenants and added. "Deploy the 43rd airborne unit at once, and.. Use the MI-24 gunships, they're good hunting tools for an Alicorn, be sure to shoot it on sight," he ordered. "Yes, general!" Replied his officer, as he ran towards the helipads to prepare the takeoff procedures. Meanwhile, the troops gathered and packed their things with some using helmets, some tying bandanas on their heads, and others putting on caps and loading their AKMs for combat. The armor brigades are also activated with Heavy armor, Anti-Aircraft vehicles, multi-infantry armor personal, IFVs, and motor vehicles revving up their engines while a squad battalion consisting of UAZs rolls up ahead to lead the armored convoy spearheading right towards Starlight's town while General Perov stepped on board an MI-17 helicopter armed with rocket pods and dual machine guns before taking off and heading to the target area. And so... Operation Go-To was about to begin... Base Alicorn "They did what!" General MacArthur said in a surprised tone. "Yes sir, you've heard that correctly, they've stolen a Huey and they're heading into enemy territory," Alex repeated. "How the hell could you have let this happen? Those two idiots realize that if they attack a single Rodine trooper it'll be war with every communist state in this world. Do you realize that Colonel!" "Yes sir I have, I currently have Patton on the case but.." "But what?" "Apparently his men reported that they've been ordered to stand down and let the... "Patriotic heroes fight the commie bastards..." That's what the report said by the way," Alex read. "Damn that guy! If he weren't out of our jurisdiction I would've had him court martialed!" MacArthur ranted. "But it is in Equestria's hands is it not?" Replied the Colonel. "What about the case with the princesses," the general asked. "Oh they've been briefed alright, in fact just as I was about to call you 40 minutes ago they sent me a message regarding Twilight Sparkle, they've basically officialized the whole thing as a sanctioned mission," the Colonel added. "Of course... But you do realize Gold Star will be answering for stealing property!" MacArthur said. "And if Equestria calls for an acquaintance?" The Colonel asks. "Even if he is acquainted he is not getting out of this without a scratch, Mark my words Colonel I gave better expectations than this and I've offered to allow you to make him your protégé and now he's about to be a symbol of bad influence amongst our men!" The General scolded. "I did my best, but I wasn't given much more experience since my former commanding officer was forced to retire to the countryside, he told me this, "I wish I knew the country that I was fighting for, now it's nothing than what it was," and clearly I'm starting to see a little bit more than the meaning general, good day to you, sir.." As the Colonel hung up the phone, he felt like he was backed into a corner, but this was Gold Star's problem, not his.  "Right?" But without knowing, things just got complicated. Especially when the media is involved. White House "And that's why I think we should all just sit down and talk about our problems after all, no one gave it a try, so why not start now?" "Thank you sir for the interview." "No no thank you." "Now unfortunately we have to finish here as we have breaking news in the Equestrian region regarding a rogue military operation being conducted. More on that on NBC news." As the outro music played and displayed the commercials, Reagan turned the television off and turned towards Uncle Sam, who was also watching it. "So it seems Gold Star had gone rogue, so the media says," Reagan summarized. "Hm. You think the Rodinians would further respond to this," Uncle Sam added. "Oh, they responded alright, from what the unit told me, was that the Knife Brigade and two pairs of motor units are being dispatched towards Starlight's town, and worryingly I doubt Gold Star and his team won't make it in time," Reagan speculated. "I can see two things occurring, one being that Yates and Gold Star don't make it in time and Twilight and her friends are captured, or two Yates and Gold Star don't make it but Twilight and her friends fought off the mess called the Rodinians, and met up and escaped with Gold Star and Yates, any of them can occur, but I'm willing to bet on the second option." "I'm not much of a gambler, so the best case is to sit back and watch, of course, if they're successful I have no doubt the princesses both Celestia and Luna would pardon Gold Star, and I guess I would too, but in the matter of international court however is the question.." "You know. That's the one thing I wish I never made, while it serves as a judicial system for world affairs since the... War with Equestria, I never saw anything done about the Rodinian atrocities being committed," Uncle Sam grunted. "Nor our atrocities in Zebrica for that matter, although it is what the Z.I.T.S deserve for the basement bombing of the World Trade Center in 998, and the other things they've committed towards the Equestrian ponies, despite their neutral stance in our war against them, they were evil yes but are we no better when it comes to the capture of one of them?" Reagan inquired while Uncle Sam tilted his head down and shook. "The war with Z.I.T.S, while it may have been righteous, we've opened ourselves to our real enemy, the communists, and just given away our security, and it seems they'll use the international court against us, and they will no doubt dismantle the personal diplomacy in exchange for Gold Star not rotting in jail." "Or Yates for that matter, he's your protégé may I remind you?" Reagan added, and Uncle Sam looked at the president with deep content and puzzled facial expression. "Indeed he is..." Starlight's Town, 27 hours before Perov's arrival The sun was rising and Ogav and his crew were asleep. It was only 20 minutes outside and Ogav felt tired for a long while from the travel and the unpacking. As he slept soundly, however, his Nokia ringed which woke the crew men making them complain while Ogav quickly declined the phone. "Whoever the hell is calling me at this time has a lot of nerve," Ogav said, closing his Nokia and going back to sleep. For the rest of the 34 minutes of sleep a crowd of ponies gathered outside of what is to be the "Equal Chamber" and with such disturbance the men were about to get up and throw something towards the pony before Ogav blocked them and got his camouflage suit on and went outside to investigate the noise. It turns out that it was some type of initiation, in their typical way at least, and so Ogav listened in the ongoing conversation in the village. "The whole village joins together to build you your own cottage-" "NOT INTERESTED!" Yelled Rainbow Dash in anger. ":(" "You may have them now! But we are going to get our cutie marks back!" Rainbow Dash added. "Yall don't understand do ya! You can't force no pony to be friends! I don't work like that!" Applejack stated. "Please join us!" One pony happily begged. "We love new friends!" Yelled another. "It's all right everypony this is a perfectly normal part of the equalization process for those who haven't..." Starlight paused and then continued. "Quite seen the light yet... But we'll try again tomorrow once you've had a bit more time to consider our philosophy!" She then nodded her head multiple times to signal her fellow ponies to place the mane 6 back inside of the building/town prison, at the last minute Twilight stomped her hind hoof and Fluttershy spoke out. "I like to join~!" She shyly said, before covering her mouth which shocked the crowd before they cheered in happiness. Following this Twilight speaks the signal that the group had planned and Ogav nods his head, but before he executes the next phase, he wants to make a phone call to his Babushka, so he goes back inside the building with the room filled with sleepy men still resting, while the only awake was curious with his captain as he sits down on the bed and grabs his phone. "Something wrong sir?" Asked one of the crewmen. "Nothing is wrong, just making a phone call," Ogav replied, dialing the number to his babushka. Tartarstan Region Babushka, or Galina Volklav, was making supper for his grandson's daughter in law who was in the living room watching the usual Rodinian cartoon shows like Hedgehogs in the Fog, or Kitten named Woof, it was Natasha's favorite shows so far and Babushka was happy for it, but it was then that the built-in telephone ringed in the kitchen where she was cooking in and she turned the stove off and grabbed the phone. "Volklav residence?"  "Hey Babushka," Ogav greeted. "OHH! Grandson! How are you, how's Stalliongrad, did you pick me those Equine flowers? Actually, I should be asking are you okay??" She asked. "Yes Babushka I'm fine, how's Natasha doing?" He asked. "Oh her? That little angel had been doing fine, she even one time dreamed of being like you! And she said it over dinner just last night in fact," Babushka chuckled and Ogav behind the phone line smiled at the news but then frowned in silence. Babushka recognized such silence as before as she grew worried about her grandson being silent in a phone conversation. "Is everything alright?" She asked, which broke Ogav out of his trance and reassured her. "Yes everything is fine Babushka, just thinking that's all, just tell Natasha I love her, and keep her safe that's all," Ogav requested before he hung up the phone, which Babushka did the same. Babushka turned towards the oven and continued cooking the supper that she'd been preparing, while doing so she thought about her grandson and the day he brought a little to her home. Gregory Blvd. 1 year earlier It was on that day that Ogav was off duty carrying the girl he had legally adopted after his commanding officer almost placed her in an orphanage, when he gave his promise to his daughter-in-law's mother he intended to keep it but with the military in the other hand he needed someone to take care of her, and so it was that day after his letter was approved to get two days off from military service, he and Natasha walked through the snow-filled streets with cars plowing through the snow 24/7 he and Natasha with winter boots covered in 4-inch snow arrived to Babushka's front door and knocked. . . *Knock Knock Knock* "Coming! Oh blasted curtain! Coming! Coming!" Babushka repeated until opening the door seeing her grandson waving slowly and in a burst of happiness. "OGALI!!!" The two embraced in a hug as the two swung left and right until she got a glimpse of Natasha and kneeled down to the little girl's level and said. "Well hi there miss! I've seemed to have missed something, did I miss a marriage invitation or something?" Babushka asked, chuckling and petting the little girl Natasha finally broke her silence and chuckled. "Hehe, that tickles!"  As the two continued to play a bit with each other Ogav was standing there watching how much of a childhood he had once... Finally, Babushka got on her feet and cheekily smiled at her grandson. "So Ogali, what brought you back home?" She asked. "Maybe it's best to wait until dinner wouldn't you say?" Ogav smiled. "Ah right right! I got something warm brewing up in the good old pot, well don't just sit there like a pack of rocks come in! Come in! Take a seat and get warm in the fire, better yet go watch some television and relax while I get the food ready!" As the two went on it's best to mention Galina being in her 70s and a healthy woman she was once a part of the old soviet committee that was established during the civil war that resulted in the victory of the Soviet army, since then after her retirement from the committee after it was disbanded in favor for the Supreme Soviet in 998 she had been one of the oldest serving members of the old committee, nowadays she sits in her house getting daily visits with her neighbors and drinking coffee with her old friends who retired before the committee's disbandments, she would also have famous people come up to her house and chat with her once in a while before giving them a farewell goodbye. And while that she continued to live her life in wealth and prosperity while donating money to those who couldn't help themselves.  It was then after she was making the food, she and Ogav went to the upstairs living room leaving Natasha to her own device and the two spoke about the event between Thestria and Argendina, how he was placed in charge of sending equipment into Thestria along with passing Blueprints from the Abrams to them and modifying it to some sort of new armor tank, along with additional guns, Ogav felt sick to his stomach when he realized he became the architect of a war that ruined Natasha and her mother's lives... Something Ogav could never shake off from that day... But to Babushka's response, she just handed him a cup of Hot Chocolate and simply said, "Warm up son, it's the past, live with it." Obviously, it was harsh and strict, but the woman had a point he was following orders, and disobeying them was grounds for execution or imprisonment, as she offered the hot chocolate Ogav looked up and smiled at her as it reminded him of the remaining family he had left. After that Babushka and Ogav along with Natasha, went to bed on that night. Team America The sounds of propellers and I are what is between us from the below and yonder, yes I knew how to pilot a helicopter the problem is that I usually have the helicopter pilots, pilot the helicopter because I have the tendency of.. Well, let's just say it wasn't a smooth landing, nor a nice one either. But so far we're still flying in the air whether it's dumb luck or me actually learning very fast how to pilot the thing but to my knowledge, I should be ready at the moment to bail out, although I think this thing only has four Parachutes enough for all of us, well except for Spike I'm sure I can grip him tight as we bail, though I feel we should've packed more than four.  Hm. But anyway, the ride was steady and Gold Star and Spike were sitting beside each other on the helicopter seat with the other two guys who went with us holding the machine guns, ready to shoot at a moment's notice. "Do you think Twilight could handle herself?" Spike asked. "Well when you come to terms she can take down let's say Chrysalis by herself as she did once when she was only a unicorn and Chrysalis kidnapped three fillies, but when it comes to the Soviet army on the other hand though... She can fight a single powerful foe, but she can't fight tanks or helicopters, especially the types that are very dangerous," Gold Star answered leaving Spike in a strange calm feeling. " So, is it possible that she could fight them?" Spike speculated. "I mean, she has all of her friends and I'm sure with them they can take out an army, right?" The pony major sighed at Spike's naive question or speculation, but he didn't blame him as he was only a kid, a kid that can do a lot and no one would ever think that a kid such as him would do spectacular things, but Spike is young and doesn't understand the basic meaning behind war or arms race, other than the simple life of a quiet town that is somehow attacked from time to time. But of course, as a matter of answer, he doesn't have one, of course, it may be possible for Twilight Sparkle to fight off pieces of an army but when she's up against a lot there's an amount of doubt within the Major's mind considering that he has seen a glimpse of Twilight's true potential, it made him shudder about how he and Twilight had become friends and yet somehow even closer than friends, (kinda), but he was willing to keep her and her friends safe even if it meant breaking a few international laws that will probably land him in jail. "I don't really know, all I can know is that the sooner we get there, the sooner we can extract them out and fast," Gold Star answered. "Hey, Major," I spoke. "We're now reaching the Stalliongrad border, and get this, it seems that the area those 6 went to apparently has its own country borders." "That country being?" "Our Country, sir, it seems the map may have a mind of its own to send them there." "Why's that?" He asked. "Because apparently it's known to take away pony's cutie marks and forces their residents to live "equally" according to the regional handbook," I informed. "Lemme see that?" Gold Star requested as I handed him the book that had details on every country and how they run, weird enough this country I mentioned seemed to be entirely new if not recent, I have no idea why but this will probably draw up some controversy obviously but that's on the Stalliongradian's not us. What we're trying to do is prevent an international incident by crossing a line. To be sure to find the line in the morning. Canterlot, 2:30 AM ETZ The envoy from America arrives inside the castle heavily guarded by the Royal guards and security agents who kept a tight perimeter at the height of the event ongoing. Inside the meeting room sits Princess Luna, and a Rodinian envoy who also is present in the room. The two shook hands and then sat down to begin opening business upon the open eyes of the Blue Alicorn princess who watched this conversation between the major powers. "It's clear that the Equestrian government prefers that we negotiate despite our arms race against each other, however, I would like to point out the current situation regarding your men going rogue, do you have an explanation, sir?" Asked the Rodinian diplomat. "Actually I have some sort of explanation of what going on, while it may not be confirmed we have reason to believe that Princess Twilight Sparkle along with her other 5 compatriots had traveled to a town that is inside of Stalliongrad, while as I said, is not confirmed as of yet, we have a reason to believe that it may be this fact," the American diplomat responded, giving Luna both intrigue and slight worry over this claim... "What makes you believe all that exactly?" The Rodinian asked. "Because studying so far from the documentation that Gold Star had done with the personal diplomacy, it says here, and I quote, "very pleasant and nice, and both share common hobbies in which in the case of this assignment I feel happy being close to somepony I know" end quote, so tell me if this lines up or not, you got Gold Star leading an unauthorized operation he calls by a "Rescue" and then you have ponies reportedly wondering where the princess of Friendship is at? Now you tell me good sir do you think this doesn't line up or not?" The American diplomat questioned, making the Rodinian look dumbfounded but then shook his head. "We will figure that out once the army that Our Red Mother had dispatched arrived, otherwise I doubt this would be the case," the Rodinian said. "Sure, but I may ask exactly who's in charge of this army? Last I saw it was General Perov, and from what I can understand he's considered a worldwide threat to sovereign peace, let alone an ambitious go-getter and national hero of Rodinia, I'm not blind Mr. Heliski, I know this guy because I once fought him back in Arabia, I'm a veteran of the Arabia wars (999-1002) and look at me now, a damn lawyer to my country which by the way I proudly serve! And if anything, if this country's fourth and important princess is detained, captured, or oh I don't know, injured! Then your country will reap the consequences, good sir! And Equestria will figure out with their dammed right minds that they will-!" "That's enough Mr. James, you said your plenty," Luna intervened, rising from her seat and motioning the American diplomat to sit down which he acknowledged by sitting down on his seat. She then turned towards the Rodinian diplomat and said. "If you have the slightest soul Heliski, now is the time to make a call and inform her," Luna advised. "Understood Mrs. Luna," replied the Rodinian diplomat, getting from his seat and leaving the room with Luna and the American diplomat. Moskva, Kremlin center Being escorted by her men from paparazzi who were trying to interview her about the recent economic reform or a simple tourist picture for the photo album her phone rang and she then motioned to enter one of her private restaurants where she made the connection. "Eleanor here, make your peace," she said. "Our Red Mother, it is me Heliski," greeted the diplomat. "Ah, Vladimir Heliski, report on the diplomatic talks?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea complimentary of the restaurant personnel. "So far it's intense, and we might have a slight issue." The Red Mother looked at her phone with a ridiculed face and then continued. "What type of issue?" She asked. "We have reason to believe the Alicorn agent is Twilight Sparkle, they also believe she may have not been spying at all rather than-" Immediately the Red Mother spat out her tea in a surprised manner. "Twilight Sparkle!?" "Yes Our Red Mother, is there a problem?" He asked. "Damn them whoever made that report! I'm calling back my men!" She yelled out loud when Brezhnev entered the café with a documented report. "Too late, I have just gotten a report from Perov, he's already enroute to the town as we speak, by the time we send the callback order he will already have arrived ma'am," reported the Secretary-General, which the Red Mother looked in shocked at her earlier decision. "Gracious. What have I done!" Night time in Starlight's town, approx. 9 hours before arrival The time had come, it was nighttime, his men were asleep, the tank still parked, and he left his pistol in the cottage. Well, nothing like leaving behind a weapon It's not like they even have an army here in the first place he would think. He leaned on the cottage that holds the mane si- five until he and Fluttershy could get their cutie marks and then plan how to deal with Starlight's totalitarian debauchery, but finally just as planned Fluttershy peaked herself up from the chimney, shaking herself from the musk of dust on her, and then repeat the mantra that Twilight had told her to repeat. "Get the cutie marks back, that's all you have to do Fluttershy," she said to herself when Ogav flickered a laser on the chimney multiple times, which Fluttershy noticed and waved towards the Rodinian which he waved right back, but before she got off the roof Starlight and Double Diamond approached Ogav hid behind a barrel staring at Starlight's flank with a glaring stare. "Excellent work Double Diamond," Starlight congratulated. "Of course, but I don't understand why you wanted me to bring them here. Fluttershy is one of us now, surely she can be trusted?" Double Diamond affirmed. "This one belongs to a princess! This could be very important to our cause," Starlight defined, raising the glass bottle that contains Twilight's cutie mark while Fluttershy looked through the window with worry.  "But if Twilight Sparkle becomes our friend then what do we care about this old cutie mark?" Double Diamond questioned. "I just want to keep them close until everything is... Settled, you may go, Double Diamond," she dismissed as Double Diamond walked out the door unknowing that behind the opened door was Ogav who snuck through in the heat of the night listening in on the convo with suspicion written all over his face before being bumped by Fluttershy. "Oof!"  "Oh, sorry," She apologized, to which Ogav nodded in understanding, what came next was a sudden crashing sound followed by water and growling from Starlight, Fluttershy and Ogav nodded, and one flew and the other climbed up the house. "Military training... Don't let me down!" He muttered, as he lifted himself on the window and peaked through with Fluttershy at his left. "Ah, Starlight you clumsy fool!" She scolded. She then placed the glass jars down on the counter chore and grabbed a towel that sat perfectly folded on top rubbing herself with it before Ogav and Fluttershy's eyes widened in surprise Fluttershy gave out a gasp before being dragged down by Ogav with his hands covering Fluttershy's mussel while shushing her quiet. After peering at her window Starlight shrugged and went to bed and then after the lights were off Ogav released Fluttershy's mouth which she breathed deeply. "Has.. Anypony tell you how bad your gloves smell??" She heaved. "Eh, sorry been a while since I washed them," he whispered, but then he looked up from a glare to full-on anger. "Damn, bastard! I should've known she was a phony this whole time! And to think this town was equal!" "We need to tell Twilight, she might know what to do," Fluttershy suggested. "Lead the way then." Eagle Base: Crystal City Patton had been hard at work at keeping the base tidy and preparing refueling stations when the heroes arrived because unlike his country and its aging general, he sees the whole event as a righteous rescue, of course being an old age general himself he still has the capacity to shoot some bastards in the head once in a while. Upon inspecting fuel depot one. Prince Shining entered the base with troops saluting briefly as he trotted past the base Military security who allowed him access. Patton was personally looking inside the fuel barrel and then scolding his men for not filling it before he noticed Shining Armor, who was watching Patton scold his men, staring at the general. "Now dammit! It's been thousands of years and you should know by now that we are not running a circus! Now get back to fuel depot 5 AND BRING ME A BARREL FULL OF FUEL!"  The troops in question having the fear of creation placed inside them aggressively saluted and rolled the barrel to depot 5. "HEY HEY! AND BE CAREFUL ROLLING THAT! YOU HEAR ME! Now then.." Patton turned towards the patient Captain/Prince spoke. "Captain Armor, glad to see you set foot, or hoof, (or whatever you call footsteps here) on base grounds, what brings you here?" Patton asked. "I'm not here for anything else other than to help you, in fact so does everypony with me." About eight to nine of the Imperial Royal Guard had come with Shining Armor to help out as well. "What made you decide this Captain?" He asked. "Because that's my sister they're trying to rescue!" "Grab a M1 and get to rolling with those barrels." Base Alicorn The Colonel slammed the newspaper on the table in shock. "Those commie bastards! Gold Star was on to something after all!" Alex said to himself in front of a military messenger who delivered the newspaper. "Are you recommending we intervene sir?" The messenger asked. "No, now get out, dismissed!" Alex demanded, which the messenger saluted and left the room leaving the Colonel and his phone as he grabbed a cigarette and lit it with a lighter giving a puff or two before he grabbed the phone and made the connection with his commanding officer. The Pentagon The telephone rings twice on the desk before being picked up by the Colonel's Commanding officer who was reading the newspaper. "Carville speaking." "General." "Ah Colonel Alex, I assume you're calling me about the whole mess in Equestria," Carville assumed, looking at the newspaper and listening in on the phone. "H-how did you know sir?" Alex asked. "Because I'm reading about it right now, I don't know what the Major did but-" "Sir I will be dealing with him for stealing property!" Alex interrupted. "No, I was going to say that he'll be getting the Medal of Bravery after this is all sorted out," Carville smirked. "Medal sir?" "You heard that right Colonel, although he did steal a piece of government property a single Huey isn't nothing is nothing compared to the good old black hawks, makes me want to buy those instead, of course considering budget Huey's are the only thing we can afford right now since I've used much of the budget on the Bradley's and HIMARs, which reminds me I hear rumors of a possible new troop carrier that's coming out soon, and I heard our division will be the first to use it, now Colonel I should probably advise you on two things, number one don't piss off good Uncle Sam, and two don't piss off Twilight Sparkle or Celestia if you do that you've done more harm than good you get the context?"  "I.. Believe sir, but what about General MacArthur?" The Colonel asked. "Well that fella is another story, but let's just say he and the president are currently having a discussion over this incident let's hope the president says otherwise, but until then is that all you wish to talk to me about Colonel?" The General asked. "Actually there is, regarding Yates." "Ah yes, that excellent fellow, lives an American life but also gets things done around the base, yet a bit childish at times but he has good spirit no doubt, I never had my doubts with the blood of Luther and I'm sure Luther himself would be happy to see his descendent live out his legacy, minus the staff of course creator forbid, but yeah what about him?" "Well I did some research on him and his rank is a bit overdue, but the problem isn't just that he has participated in Gold Star's unauthorized operation as the pilot of the operation!" Alex exclaimed giving Carville a thought in his mind. "Hmm, now that does sound like a problem, doesn't it? Then that case consider this operation authorized by me and me only under my sanction," Carville replied. "B-b-S-sir!?" "Did I stutter Colonel? Or do I have to remind you that you've been drinking the usual high-volume alcohol on duty on base? You should be glad you have those two, otherwise, you would've found yourself in the streets, working at a seven-eleven! Now if you have any more complaints on this line I don't want to hear it now is that understood Colonel!" The General scolded. "Yes, sir..." "Good then have a nice day then." As both phones are hung up leaving Colonel Speechless, General Carville at the Pentagon office looks back to his Newspaper putting his feet on the desk. "Now where were we, ah yeah, my crossword puzzle." Starlight's town "This is Cheka 1, what's the status of the convoy." "Delayed as of current sir, there's currently a sheep trail going by the" "Shoot them." "What?" "Shoot them, crush them, do something, no one not even animals delays our convoy." "Understood... Sir..." . . . Day two, and Ogav and his crewmen started packing their things with two placing their duffle bags filled with clothes on top of the turret with the other guy being helped by his captain who helped pack his extra clothes, smoke grenades, and toothbrush. One of the three men was curious about Ogav as it seemed that their captain was a bit sleepier than usual. "So cap? I notice you're a bit sleepy, can you explain why?" Asked the pilot crewmen. "Watch." Ogav chuckled, leaning on the front of his tank as a crowd of ponies gathered around the cottage containing the mane 5 out of the 6. "I've got a good feeling about today!" Starlight smiled at the miserable-faced ponies. "So! Do any of you have anything you'd like to say?"  Obviously, the girls were silent even at times ignoring her which Starlight pitied. "A pity, well let's try this again tomorrow, shall we?"  As the girls were being escorted Starlight announced. "No new friends today I'm afraid!"  However Fluttershy as expected spoke. "Wait! I like to lock them in!" Fluttershy requested. "Marvelous Fluttershy! That's the spirit! Party favor will you join us please?" Starlight asked, as the blue-grayed pony ran out from the town prison and kissed her hooves in plea. "I'M SORRY STARLIGHT I'M SORRY EVERYPONY! I'VE SEEN THE ERROR OF MY WAYS!" Party favor begged. "I never want to look at my cutie mark again!" This satisfied the Unicorn which she smiled and replied. "It seems there's calls for celebration after all!" The ponies cheered, and Ogav grunted interrupting the cheering and focusing eyes on him which Starlight then walked up towards him. "I wish we could offer you a further stay, but I believe there was something you wanted to ask me?" Starlight mentions. "Of course, I wish to ask if we can blow up that railway in the mountains illegally built by the Equestrians." Starlight raised her brow a bit and then answered. "Why no, why do that when we're about to be a change in the land of Equestria!" "That's what I'm afraid of..." Ogav whispered to himself when Fluttershy trotted from the door. "Um... Starlight? I think we might have one more friend joining us today," Fluttershy informed as Twilight Sparkle walked from the door which shocked everyone including the spectating tank crew who were in disbelief to see a princess of Equestria committing to such a choice. But no Ogav, although he was surprised on the outside, but on the inside, he knew what her plan was next, and he turned his dumbfounding into an evil-like smirk. Starlight turned around from Ogav and questioned. "Is this true?" "I-I think so, but I just want to be sure if I agree to leave my Cutie mark in the vault I'll really be happier?"  "Just look around! Equality has given much more happiness than you ever known!" "And you wouldn't let me live here in the village with my old cutie mark?" "Out of the question! A pony with a different cutie mark in our midst would destroy our entire philosophy! We are all equal here!"  Ogav chuckled inside of himself with the one word that came to his mind. "Gotcha." "Then how can you explain this!" Fluttershy bellowed throwing a bucket of water on Starlight but missing her entirely, but one droplet from the water splash revealed her cutie mark from a false polish. Everyone is shocked, the locals are shocked, and no one else, like seriously everyone but the locals is somehow surprised how come they didn't see that when she had magic and they didn't? Obviously, she tried to win back the ponies but failed miserably as she went from sane to total insanity Ogav wasn't laughing at that point but rather staring at the pathetic nature it had become at this point. However, the moment she started activating her horn was when Ogav almost drew out his pistol before pausing when Twilight spoke. "Everypony has unique talent and gifts, and when we share them with each other that's how we-" "QUIET!" She shouted in a deep pitch voice. "You can't have that Cutie mark Starlight! Either we're all equal or none of us are!" Immediately the entire town went into open revolt, and as Ogav smiled at this sight his Nokia buzzed indicating that he had a message, so he flipped his phone, and to his shock, he was given an order to... Secure the town by force... "Sir is something wrong-" The men caught a glimpse of the text and the crewmen all stared at him in worry while in the distance the entire town ran to the vault area where their cutie marks were stored, obviously, Ogav looked at them and the text repeated in a decision, the girls attempted to bust down the door with their weakness until finally Ogav finally took action. "You! Get those ponies clear of that door! You! Get this tank running! And Loader! Unload 4/5ths of the gunpowder in one of the shells and shoot down that door!" Ogav ordered. "Uhh.. Yes sir?" They wondered as they went to their post and Ogav went inside of the tank where the shell nearly emptied of it's gunpowder he yelled. "CLEAR THE WAY!"  Immediately Twilight and her friends ran from the door and with the push of the pedal the cannon burst a shell where it flew through the air and destroyed the door into nothing but chips, with minimum damage done to the front the mane 6 ran inside to find their cutie marks followed by the other locals who now repossess their cutie marks went to give chase after Starlight Glimmer, the tank crew asks as they see the pony group running afar. "What now sir?" They asked, to which Ogav looked and replied. "Let them go, for now, keep the town steady and... Let's befriend the locals so that when Perov arrives the men may be cheered by the crowd as heroes rather than invaders if you get my point," Ogav ordered, which the men nodded in understanding. "Understood sir, you've saved us all from Petershoof, and we'll save them from the tyrant." "Good to hear comrades... Good to hear..." Ogav looked in the distance with the mane 6 on foot before he could see a glimpse of Twilight Sparkle who paused midway and waved towards the Captain who he happily waved back. "Dasvidaniya Pony." The clock ticks at the moment and the GPS indicates we're getting close. "Hey Major, we only have about 2 miles until we arrive, sir," I informed but paused when I saw a fleet of 6 green dots detected on my radar which Gold Star quickly peeked at the pilot seat and I could feel what he was feeling... My gut was also burning like fire. "They're here... Ah shit! Can this thing go any faster!" Gold Star yelled. "It's as fast as it goes, you better hope they don't get caught by these things, and Creator forbids it better not be a Hind Mil-24 or they're toast," I said in the hope that I would never face these things in battle. "...Let's not think that Lieutenant I heard the stories to you know, but just in case though, hey Spike here's what you can do! You see those green boxes right there at the back!" "Yeah?" Spike replied. "They're filled with high explosive rocket pod munitions, all you need to do is shove them in the rocket pod outside when we engage the enemy is that understood?" Gold Star instructed, but Spike peeked his head out the window to locate the pod, and when he did he gulped in the fear of heights. "Hello?" "A-what?" "I said do you understand what I told you, Spike?" The Major repeated. "Uhh.. Yes yes sure, but uh.. About how high are we again!?" Spike panicked "Listen! Grab a hold of yourself and listen! Your sister is at stake here! If you don't do this right she, her friends, and everyone else in this helicopter is roasted steak! Do you understand that!" Gold Star added on with this fear in logic which Spike, being raised by her half-sister, is now in the same vessel trying to save her, and with this in mind, he now feels the burden of the responsibility he has in the helicopter which feeling this burden he shook his head to clear his mind of the fear and saluted to the Major. "I won't let you down, sir!" "Good to hear! Griffith! Quag! Be ready to agitate our enemy, and no we're not trying to kill anyone, be sure to shoot but miss the enemy ground forces if they shoot at us, as for the possibilities of helicopters though.." "We could aim at the back rudders, the helicopter will spin out of control and the pilots could potentially survive, but in the end, someone is going to die here, and it's not going to be me," I stated. "Let's hope it doesn't have to be this way," Gold Star replied. He then turned towards the window and sighed. "I hope.." With Starlight kicked off of her town the Mane 6, with the help of Ogav blowing down the door with a literal tank, breached Starlight's house to find the Cutie Marks that were stolen from them before they found a secret passageway that leads to the outside, they gathered with the locals who now retained their cutie marks and were willing to help track down Starlight which both groups did. However strangely it seemed that Starlight had enhanced her "Equality" spell because for some reason it would seem that the mane 6 unlike the locals lost the ability to run as they could previously, the princess gave the locals trust and they raced to stop Starlight from reaching the caves. During this struggle, Perov and his transport helicopter surprised everyone when his Mil-8 Helicopter zoomed by above the group giving time for the locals to pounce on Starlight and smash the jars which they successfully did, however, this angered Starlight in a fit of rage upon her own people that she had ruled with an iron hoof on, and in an attempt of revenge, and possibly burning them to a crisp, she fires a lethal spell powerful enough to turn the quadruple into ash, however at the last minute Twilight Sparkle swoops into their aid and blocks Starlight's lethal spell with a all-powerful yet low-level impossible barrier disintegrating the laser-like beam that failed to reach it's target. Starlight gawked at the pony who not only ruined the life she made for herself but now ruined her revenge while also confused about how... "I studied that spell for years! How could you-" "I studied magic for years too but what I didn't know then was that studying could only take me so far, each of my friends has taught me something different about myself! It was their unique gifts, passions, and personalities that helped bring the magic inside of me, I would have never learned that I represented the element of magic without these five, and I certainly wouldn't be here to stop you now!" "Spare me with your sentimental nonsense I-I," Starlight Glimmer was interrupted when she started hearing propeller sounds blowing in the air, soon Twilight Sparkle and everyone else noticed the sounds of propellers echoing from the maintain sides, the locals who assisted earlier worry, Fluttershy coward in fear behind Rainbow Dash, who she and Applejack were both in a tense stance, Twilight and Starlight tried to find the source of the sound, and Pinkie Pie and Rarity were grabbing onto each other bracing for what was to come. And what came was a nightmare with propellers, missile pods on both sides, heat-seeking missiles armed and ready, and a creepy intimidating black-tainted window with below it a Gatling gun capable of turning anyone in the line of fire into kebabs the moment they're hit by the gun. "We've spotted the targets." said a Mil-24 Hind pilot. "Have you found the Alicorn?" Perov asked behind the radio. "Yes, General. But... it's-it's..." "Well? It's what? Spit it out, Pilot!" "It's one of Euqestria's princesses sir..." "Princesses you say..? What color is it?" Perov asked. "...Lavender sir," With silence at first behind the radio, Perov makes his decision. "Exterminate." "Sir?" "Follow your orders pilot, exterminate her and her friends immediately!" Perov aggressively orders. The Pilot looked at the helpless ponies and slowly flicked the safety off with pleasurable guilt. "Forgive me.." Immediately he pressed the button and the Gatling gun sprung to life shooting at the rocks and collapsing the mountainsides as pebbles crumble from the might of the 50 cal machine gun lighting everything into a smoke-filled canyon. Twilight, her friends, and the locals took cover behind the rocks as the helicopter reduced hard solid rock into nothing but powder while Starlight Glimmer smirked at the mane 6 and laughed. With rage built up in her with satisfaction that someone else would finish off the ponies, she laughed continually maniacally. "WHERE'S YOUR FRIENDSHIP NOW!" She shouted, teleporting away from the group and into the cave system where Twilight looked at Double Diamond and the locals, hiding desperately behind a boulder cowardly in fear as the strafe of bullets narrowly missed them by a hair of their manes, and so for their safety she forcibly teleported them back to their hometown of what was once Starlight's town. However, as the locals tried to scramble to figure out what happened they were met by Soviet troops taking up positions in the town with Soviet tanks, cars, jeeps, and mobile infantry as they sat there dumbfounded and horrified at what their town had now become. Ogav looked at the group from a distance and emotionally shook his head in silent despair. . . The mane 6 is all that's left, Rainbow Dash notices the sounds of Starlight running away from their sights but with the Soviet copter continually blasting away at their cover Twilight looked at the cave and gulped. "IN THE CAVE HURRY!" She motioned, as all 6 made a dash to get inside the cave, however, the co-pilot noticed this and fired a rocket pod worth of explosives into the top of the mountain causing an avalanche and burying the cave entrance blocking the six mares from entering inside. "We're trapped!" Fluttershy yelped, as the 6 were now trapped by a helicopter which was like a beast preparing to pounce on its prey on the evening swan. Twilight Sparkle, with no other choice, used her forcefield spell as a last-ditch tactic to block the bullets that were to come with the knowledge of human advancement in anti-magic weaponry she made her last thoughts. "When they start shooting at me run! I'll hold them off!" Twilight instructed. "We're not leaving you! We're friends and friends stick together!" "Yeah! You hear that Meany! We aren't afraid of you!" Pinkie Pie lightly insulted to an emotionless flying craft as the mares stood side by side to brace their fates. The pilot edges his hand on the trigger when he suddenly gets a lock on alert on his radar. "Что за?" Suddenly two missiles are fired from the right side impacting the Hind's back propeller and one other missile hits the Co-pit turning it into a fiery inferno leaving the mares shocked and awed with a mix of horror as the burning helicopter crashes down to the bottom of the mountain chasm and explodes upon the impact of the ground. Appearing from the right is a Huey bell helicopter with American symbols on the side, the six mares stood there confused about a lot of questions until the helicopter landed in front of them and the door opened to find Gold Star in the passenger seat equipped with a helmet and standard uniform holding an M4 assault rifle as he jumped out from the active helicopter. "Are you alright!" He said with a shout. "Gold Star!? How did you find us!" Rainbow Dash asked in a surprise. "Long story, I can explain on the way-" "MAJOR! WE GOT TWO BANDITS HEADING ON OUR RIGHT! TWO GUNSHIPS!" I shouted. "Crap! STORY TIME LATER EVERYONE GET IN!" He ordered as the mares quickly ran onboard the helicopter with Gold Star closing the door behind him, in that moment I quickly got us the hell out of dodge, but we weren't out of this, not yet. Twilight Sparkle breathed in relief before being surprised by Spike embracing her. "Spike! Where did you? Why did you?" "I wanted to be sure that you were okay! Mr. Star brought me with him." "You brought Spike!" Twilight Scolded. "There was no one to take care of him I couldn't leave him on the base!" "Unauthorized at least." I slipped. "What does he mean by that?" Rarity asked when a missile blew up on our left side scaring her to pieces as the helicopters had reached our position. "SHIT! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE USED A BLACK HAWK!" I said to myself, dodging every missile possible and praying the next missile is not one of those heat-seeking air-to-air obliteration tools. "But you can barely pilot this damn thing let alone keep us steady!" Gold Star replied. "Yeah! But at least it has more guns and armor than this sorry piece of shit that I'm piloting!" I replied back. "We need to take those bandits down! Twilight can you use some sort of magic shield spell or something to block the bullet hellfire while I reload?" Gold Star asked, to which Twilight replied.  "Consider it done." She then started lighting her horn and shielded our copter deflecting the missiles off of our range. "Griff, quag! Get your asses into shape and start shooting at those communist bastards before they shoot us down!" Gold Star scolded, while the two got to work, opening the doors that Gold Star just closed and returning fire on the shooting gunships, Twilight set her shield to the rate that it allows our bullets to price through while keeping the enemies out. "Yates keep us steady, and just in case we have to do an emergency landing, don't crash us!" "Roger that Major," I replied giving a sudden jolt to the mares behind me. "Major!?" yelled the mares in unison. "Yeah!- Wait you didn't tell them?" I asked. "I... Didn't get the chance?" Gold Star replied with a weak reason which I didn't even care about at this point considering the sounds of explosions surrounding us. "...You know what, forget it, we'll talk about this when we get back to base, just more shooting, less talking." "Hey don't forget who're talking to Lieutenant!" "We're fighting for our lives here Major! Can this discussion wait!" "...Good point." And so without further fuss or argument, Twilight Sparkle continued to shield the helicopter while the men fired the miniguns at the MI-24s that chased us down mercilessly, however to the Rodinian pilot's dismay they prepared their Heat seeking missiles to fire at us, looked intensively at the targeting systems that were aligning the missile to it's marked target and could've fired at us. Which they did as they fired a multi barrage of unguided missiles towards us. [img]https://i.ibb.co/h1JT7Z9/Helicopters.png/img] But because I am not willing to die here in this god-forsaken land I made a suicide move and jerked around into a zig-zag pattern followed up with an up-and-down move, and let me tell you the mares in the back are having to vomit in our own helmets... This worked actually as the Rodine pilots weren't able to get a target on us but instead, they resorted to using their Gatling guns on us which tore through every rock it had touched, but somehow, just somehow we made it out and Twilight didn't even use her shield, probably because she is vomiting as well or that she almost fell off from the Huey multiple times and had to be caught by Gold Star some of the times followed by the two scolding me all because I was trying to keep us alive. "Can you not shake us!" Rainbow Dash complained. "I think I threw out my dinner..." Pinkie Pie sickly said, before vomiting in my helmet. "Nope... I think that was desert.." "Are you crazy! Are you seriously trying to get us killed!" "Can you keep it steady once in a while too!" "I-I- think I'm gonna-" and then Fluttershy threw up outside of the helicopter her vomit landed on one of the Mi-24 helicopter windows and with that, he crashed into the canyons killing the pilot and obliterating the helicopter. That's it! Even though it's disgusting it just might save our skins. "THROW IT UP OUTSIDE OF THE HELICOPTER!" I shouted. "What did the human say?" Applejack sluggishly asked. "He said... Wait, ah I see, trust him this is a very funny yet disgusting skin-saving idea I'd do it," Gold Star confidently suggested. "Our... Funeral?" Rarity asked, she quickly covered her mouth and barfed out of the helicopter, it missed but Rarity understood what I was aiming at. "Ah, I get it! I knew this disgusting abscess could be of some use, give me his helmet!" Rarity demanded from Pinkie. "Okay... But I'm not sure where this is going," Pinkie said, handing Rarity my helmet now filled with... Lord above I'm gonna need a new helmet after this. She threw my helmet but missed in the midst of a rocket pod flying right toward her face before Twilight's shield ignited and detonated the missile but this threw Rarity off the helicopter and she dropped my helmet below hanging on with her dear life. "RARITY!" "GET BACK!" The next wave of 50 cal strafing was attempted by the last Mil-24 missing Rarity by a tail, Gold Star quickly got to action and grabbed his M4 in an attempt to shoot down the helicopter with small arms fire, obviously, that didn't work, but it did keep the helicopter distracted while Twilight tried to reach for Rarity while also keeping the shield maintained. "GRAB MY HOOF!" Twilight yelled out, as the two mares reached for each other in the midst of the chaotic mid-air firefight. Perov arrived at the town in question, he assigned men to collect information from the locals and so far it intrigued him that the original leader fled because of the Mares known as the mane 6, as his vehicle entered what was once the "Vault" Ogav and his men were searching around the place while the convoy arrived. Perov and Ogav saluted to each other. "Status report captain." "General, it seems from what we can collect from the locals and my experience in being here, it seems Starlight had tempered with our Red Mother's ideology and twisted it for her own self-gain. She used this vault to store what would be the special markings the ponies call 'cutie marks' It seemed her goal was to transform the world with this ideology," Ogav explained, intriguing the general with this thought in mind. "Interesting, although we weren't able to prosecute her there may be another time," Perov stated, turning his back towards Ogav and walking out of the cave. "General? Shouldn't we try to hunt her down instead? What if she gained some sort of discipleship and tried to over throw our country or everyone's countries? She's a threat as long as she lives!" Ogav suggested, which paused Perov in his tracks and kept his back turned with a reply. "Unfortunately I can't take your request with heavy regard any longer," Perov replied, giving Ogav a... Serious burn in his gut. "And.. Why not, sir?" Ogav asked. "One, you've blatantly disobeyed a direct order to ask her and instead you've led a coup de tat against her! The town will most likely be back under Stalliongrad occupation if unless they're lucky, a joint occupation, the pony residence will have to undergo a brainwashing reeducation campaign, and now I'm having to document what just happened upon our arrival!" Perov explained before giving out the simple words. "You, are being reassigned Captain, you're going to Yakyakistan."  Ogav was jolted back from what he heard but before he can even reply Perov further adds. "Your crew will be discharged from the army as well." "What!? You can't just do that!" Ogav protest. "These are my orders from the R.I.B. and unless you want to be locked up in the Gulag I would suggest cooperating with them, your crew got it lucky Captain, they'll be provided homes and hopefully they can live with their family, but..." "But?" "In exchange, you must be cut from the picture, that's why I ask of you to go to Yakyakistan, and stay there, consider a promotion Volklav, you become the base chief of a Soviet established base permitted by the Yaks, and the best part is you'll be given more than your average crewmen, you'll be given a thousand of men just like you," Perov smiled, but not the type you would think as inside, the man knew that getting rid of Ogav would be a benefit and Ogav, who sat there and looked at his men being escorted by the Military Police, knew now that he had gambled his luck away. And that luck had landed him into the god-forsaken lands of Yakyakistan... Rarity grabbed Twilight's hoof but slipped, and without further choice, Twilight lowered the shield and used her magic to catch Rarity from free falling to the ground, this greatly leaves us exposed to the last Gunship as it took this moment of window to fire everything it has on us, but I wasn't willing to go down like this. I quickly pulled up confusing the gunship pilot who had been chasing us this whole time and before you knew it he was pulling up too, this was perfect, all I needed now was to align the remaining missile cartridge I had left before I ran out of missile to shoot and then get shot down ourselves. So executing perfectly the entire helicopter was filled with nerve, and since Twilight was weak after pulling Rarity from death itself it was all on me to keep us alive, Gold star closed the door and held on to the bars inside and so did everyone else, although they were weak they held onto the bars as tight as they can. Without expectation, I twisted the pilot stick aggressively and unloaded everything on that son of a bitch who was following us from machine guns to the missiles I had left the pilot who had been chasing us this entire time dies with his Helicopter, but there was no cheer rather than an eerie silence which was understandable. So once I got the helicopter balanced and steady I made a turn back toward Equestria, and with fuel though it was enough to be able to make it to Crystal City. So after the whole excitement, the six mares sat down in relief while Gold Star looked at them with relief but confusion. "Why the heck did you follow the map?" Gold Star questioned. "Map? You mean the castle map?" Twilight replied. "Yes that map, what made you decide that the map wants you specifically in Stalliongrad?" Gold Star exclaimed. "Because of the ponies," AJ interjected. "They've been suppressed and stripped their Cute marks, and I don't know what brought them commies here but it seems they clearly didn't give enough care for Starlight." "Starlight?" "Yeah?" "Oh right, he wasn't with us remember?" Fluttershy pointed out. "Of course, he didn't go with us, because obviously, he'd already known the trap we were walking into when we were at that vault that Twilight led us to," Rainbow Dash bleated. "I didn't know about the trap either, if anything I didn't know at all about what we were walking into, I assumed it was friendly but the way they tried to force ponies to live with them... That wasn't a friendship that was-" "Communism, and it seems this "Starlight" pony had made a new bi-product version of it, Great! Just what we needed," grumbled the tan stallion. "But in the end, we are grateful for what you did back there," Twilight gracefully thanked. "Yeah, even though it was tight you did save our hides back there, and I think everypony can agree on that," Applejack freely motioned which the mares nodded in approval. "Well... I-I don't know what to say other than thank you all for the gratitude, I may not be here soon after this," Gold Star sighed. "Why?" "Because this helicopter you're in, we had to steal this after Alex had denied us the clearance, and with government laws, I may be subjected to court marshal" "As in?" "He means he'll be sent to court..." Twilight simplified, which made the mares concerned over this subject Gold Star turned and climbed onto the co-pit into the co-pilot seat of the helicopter. While the mane 6 discussed the word court marshal, I slowly spoke to Gold Star quietly. "You didn't tell her." "...I don't need to, what's best for her is best for me, I'm not going into the trouble I'm about to find myself in," Gold Star frets. "I'm sure Patton can take you in with open arms," I suggested. "Maybe so, but I'm within American jurisdiction of the law and if join him it would be a cowardly move, and they'll most likely persecute you and the two men inside of this helicopter in place of me, and I am not willing to let that happen to neither of my men, so the best case is for me to stand up to my punishment, and let you deal with what lies before you in your journey," Gold Star pledged, which in response I extended my arm towards him. "Then it's been an honor serving you... Sir." Gold didn't give a response for a moment as the mares were still talking and gossiping alongside with worry for my friend and the possibility that they may never see those locals who helped them get their cutie marks back again, and with the Rodinians now becoming more of a threat they may fear this possibility, but without my knowledge, Twilight Sparkle had been staring at Gold Star with worry ever since he minds kept conflicting itself but she knows what it must be. As for the Major, he replied finally after a moment of silence and said. "Yeah... You too, friend." Moskva "Confirmation has been made, the princess and her friends had escaped on an American Huey, casualties are currently 6 total accounted for, I have to ask though? Why are you happy about this?" The messenger asked, giving a chuckle as a reply from the Red Mother as she leaned forward on her cushioned chair. "It's simple really, although we lost six men in the process I'm sure we can send envelopes to their families and compensation as well for their troubles, but of course, knowing that the princess is alive is a good indicator that we will not be suffering a nuclear bomb attack from the American Federation," the Red Mother explained. "I don't understand our Red Mother, why would the Americans use this typical weapon against us?" The messenger asked, and the Red Mother leaned back on her chair and responded with a dire warning that would stick to the messenger's head. "While we have a technological advantage in a style of competing, the Americans currently tally us with the numbers above, we've overestimated them when they created this bomb. With this bomb, they could now force the world to do whatever they wanted, they may have promised not to use this weapon only in emergencies it's clear that sooner or later a president who doesn't believe in Reagan's policies will absolutely undermine this promise and soon he or she will most definitely use this weapon as the gun to the worlds head," warned the Red Mother. "I.. See..." "Now as for the unfortunate death of the men, I think it's time I give a blow once in a while in America's diplomatic progression, but before I do that, I have something to give, I looked over the final document and so far it seems that it indeed has a good list of accomplishments, along with promising future type ideals that are beneficial for Rodinia, you may send this to the CPC and have this document finalize and official," the Red Mother ordered. "Very good our Red Mother, by the way, what do you plan to do to destroy the diplomatic progression between America and Equestria?" The messenger asked. "Just watch and see," the Red Mother dismissed, which the messenger saluted and left her office, she grabbed the Moskva-Washington hotline and dialed the number. " Mr. Sam, I have a proposition for you in exchange for our silence on the occuring incident." Crystal City Patton had kept a post on the skies for three straight hours, it was starting to get dark and he kept being called and called, and called even more about why he hadn't apprehended the helicopter, however, it seemed that they'd stopped calling him which left him with two things on his thought, one they got sick and tired of being ignored that they've just given up, or two they may take matters into their own hands. If it's option one, good for them because he was almost about to march into the damn pentagon and yell at the head for wasting his time and patience for senseless phone calls. If it was option 2 however, then that's a different story, as much as he would like to shield them for the bravery they've displayed but he really couldn't do anything considering the fact that no one is above the law, and unless pardoned, or proven not-guilty it is out of his hands unfortunately. What matters now is a soft place in the land of the crystals for the heroes who are yet to arrive. It is nearly night and with some others having faith that the helicopter will make it, Patton takes it to his hands and turns towards his radio staff. "Corporal Holt! Get the men to turn on these damn lights! Our friends won't see shit if they're off!" "Aye aye, good sir!" Replied the funny man, as he instead of tuning the radio to the crew men ran towards the watchtower, climbed 23 floors worth of stairs, and then saluted to the air traffic controller. "If you want me to turn the lights on, I'm already getting someone to do that, but before you go can you fetch me a light bulb? Our room light bulb died," the controller requested, which Holt saluted and went down the 23 floors worth of stairs again, picked out a perfectly good clear light bulb from the storage room, played the mirror and mirror game with Derpy, and then climbed yet more 23 steps worth of floors, and finally, he delivered it to the air traffic controller. "Thank you Holt this will go well in our room, say how about- '' before he could say anything Holt had left to report back to Patton who had been waiting for him on the tarmac. Holt returns to Patton in a salute and Patton nods and stares at his men. "You see there! This man is willing to do his exercise, Everyone run 10 laps around this runway! Including you drill Sergeant COME ON HUP TO IT! HUP ONE TWO THREE FOUR COME ON COME ON, ON THE DOUBLE!" As the men, including the drill sergeant, marched in a line formation Holt was back to his own devices, and by his own devices as in observing the night flowers under the supervision of Colonel Canter, who had been worried about me the whole time of this endeavor, he was the one who organized the refueling team, of course, most of his time as the expeditionary he had been patrolling the crystal streets of the Crystal city like a police force, but with heavier weapons and heavy supervision with a width of a hawk eye view. Ever since Canterlot, he was reassigned by Patton as the infantry commander with the job of patrolling the Castle center of the city, and while it may sound nice for civilians who would like to see the Princess and the Prince of the Crystal empire, it wasn't pleasant for the Colonel, no matter the number of pictures his men would pose in front of Cadence and Shining Armor, if anything this happened 3 times before Patton switched them out for janitor duties. Though this proved ineffective as they would take a peak with the booty of images and be looking up to the sky and saying worth it. "Colonel sir! Our radar has picked up a singular aircraft heading for us!"  "Very good, have the landing crew on the tarmac immediately and stat, Corporal Holt! Inform general Patton, and Captain armor," the Colonel called. "Roger good sir!" Replied Holt as he marched casually to Patton while the Colonel turned towards the helicopter that was approaching from the distance.  "Welcome home." After the long ride with five of the mares and spike, along with the two troops now asleep after the adventurous long day the only ones up were me, Gold Star, and Twilight Sparkle. I've been piloting the whole time so nothing to note about me there, but Gold Star on the other hand is pondering whether at the last moments should he reveal his true self if they were to force him out of what was once called his home country, while Twilight Sparkle on the other hand is... Much much much and even more much different. "Gold Star, I've been wanting to tell you this since, well, since the day we visited you in the hospital." "About the books like say clover the clever's journal? Yeah I can see that part with the whole mind erasing things happening as a terrorist item, or the part of incendiary spells, yeesh I do not not WANT to face up against that type of spell." "Well, yeah but-" "Hey you two, wake them up, we're here," I said. We started making our our landing towards base Eagle, a officialized name that Patton had personally came up with with the symbol of pride of confidents especially since they've been banished along with the Crystal empire for thousands of years, in detail they've been sitting in the trenches besieging the city during the Human-Crystal war which Celestia and Luna had spearheaded. But upon discovering that the place was ridden with a curse but also the possibility of crystal ponies who had been enslaved to fight their army, Patton chose the opposite and made a daring move to have the entire city evacuated regardless of who was mind controlled or not, 1/3 of the city was evacuated that day before the two princesses banished Sombra into the eternal world of Limbo, cursing the city and everyone inside it for thousands of years. When the then president Andrew Jackson heard of this, he demanded compensation for the lost of the armor brigade, the general, and the lives that are now banished, there was even a talk for a war committee against Equestria but was vetoed by the president when he was satisfied with the compensation he was given. With that said though, we're here once again and this time it was princess Cadence, Prince Armor, and General Patton who awaited us on the tarmac. Upon landing we were quickly met with troops who cheered upon our heroism with some silent, and the MP, well they weren't really going to arrest us it would seem but as for the six mares and spike they walked out of the huey and were embraced by Cadence who was worried exceedingly for them. "Are you all alright?" Cadence asked, as she released them from her hug. "We're fine Cadence, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be standing here, but..." Twilight Paused and looked at Gold Star who was stepping out of the helicopter shaking hoof and hands to the soldiers who had bravefully fought against the helicopters. "We may have a problem." Castle of Canterlot The diplomats had been sitting in the same room for a good while now, it's night time, Princess Luna had left for a moment to settler a nightmare a pony was having, music made by Kino is playing on the radio, but instead of having the negotiation with talking the two were basically locked in a silent treatment until the Rodinian diplomat's phone rings. "You better answer that," suggested the American. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'll answer it..." He answered the phone and placed it on his ear. "Hello?" "Mr Heliski, I have wonderful news to provide, for now Mikhali Gorbachev will be heading these proceedings for peace, and also, Twilight Sparkle and her friends had escaped Perov," the Red Mother informed. "That's... Good, well then should I continue the proceedings?" The soviet diplomat asked while Luna had come back inside of the room and noticed him on the phone. "You may, I have made only one demand, in fact... Is Princess Luna in the room?" The Red Mother asked. "Yes?" Heliski replied. "Good... Then put the phone on speaker I wish to personally speak with her." "Of... Course ma'am." The diplomat then put the phone call on speaker and faced his nokia infront, pointing the screen towards the night princess. "Princess Luna, you do understand the meaning of these proceedings very instructed by your sister." "Of course, but may I remind you that the incident could've stir quite a trouble within our population," Luna pointed out. "Correct as you are, but the men involved has killed six of my men during the extraction, and clearly this is no black ops operation, like the one the American's have... Conducted in Olenia." "That was years ago, and yet you've still grudge against them that day?" "Ah simple Luna, the younger sister of the regal sisterhood, and yet somehow you got yourself banished to the moon for a thousand years, ain't that just sad," the Red Mother stated, which made Luna puff. "Do you intend to anger me with the ray of insults what exactly does this have to proof!" "I'm not insisting,but it's really like the saying I have personally, it's the individual's decision, not the maker." Luna's nose puffed in aggravation and an insult to her dignity. "But without further reminders, I have a simple demand, and that is to simply sever anything related with the personal diplomacy, along with documents, I will want those null and void as well." "You can't do that Red Mother, it is my sister's work and I will not let you dismantle the peace we've made with the Human American's I will not allow you to ruin this peace that I've violently destroyed when I turned into Nightmare moon!" "Ah you know about the Lunar wars then? Did your sister tell you that or... No... You already knew that, did you? The moment you were banished to the moon you've seen the fire that the men were experiencing, you wanted to turn back and yet you didn't, you didn't and the war lasted 70 years, funny and yet pitiful, nonetheless it was your individual decision to let the war carry on for the next 70 years!" "I HEARD ENOUGH FROM YOU! TURN IT OFF!" Luna demanded. "Not yet Heliski, I have one more thing to add, if my demands are not met in the next 100 hours, then I will be releasing documentation regarding the hostilities in front of the international council in the Crystal City, so I hope you are willing to send your ponies to court, because we princess, have gathered enough evidence." "Then it shall be trial then! Turn it off!" Luna demanded, which the Rodinian diplomat flipped his phone off and tilted his hat. "I best be leaving then I guess..." "Best you should sir, good night, and good riddance." "Right back at you," Replied the Rodine, as he packed his things in his briefcase and left the room, leaving Luna and the American diplomat with concern on their faces. Base Alicorn Alex is informed by general Carville that the authorization had been denied by General MacArthur, and the arrest warrants had been sent out to arrest Gold Star, a jeep is spotted being driven by Yates and Gold Star on the passenger seat along with then other two men as the Colonel brought the MP with him at the gate. Once the jeep pulled up at the gate the Colonel looked at the two. "Missed us?" Gold Star asked. "No." "Sir please step out of the vehicle and place your hooves on the gate," ordered the MP, while Gold Star steadily opened the door and placed his hooves on the gate, I wasn't having it any more. "I did it! I fucking gather these two with us, I orchestrated this fucking operation, and I was the one who planned it! It was all me! And if he goes I go to!" "Sir?" Asked the MP, which Alex glared at me with rage. "Aye, detain him as well!" He ordered, which I quietly raised my hands up and stepped out of the vehicle before being halted by the MP. "Your gun Lieutenant, hand it here," the Colonel ordered, which I obliged and handed my revolver to him. But it was until a yell sounded from a distance. "Cease this unrightful arrest!" Princess Celestia ordered, surprising the men including I and Gold Star along with the Colonel who wasn't expecting this arrival. "I suspect you had something to do with this Gold Star!" Alex scolded. "It wasn't him," said a very recognizable voice from a sky far distance who she landed in front of Celestia "It was me!" Twilight Sparkle and Celestia were accompanied by two Royal guard pegasus who came with them to protect them however it also meant that by bringing them here they’ve basically showed that they mean business, and this comes as a silent shock especially for Gold Star who sort of suspected something like this was going to happen, but to bring Celestia and royal guards was a bit... Too much, though from this surprise visit Alex had not anticipated this arrival either, and he quickly realized he wasn’t going to arrest them as he figured out their purpose, and because of his next decision he may have prevented something else worse. So he signaled the MP who had us cuffed to release us and shoved us out of the base. "If you come to free them or place them under your protection here they are, but I will no longer have them on my base unless these two are proven innocent or guilty! So I hope you have a place for them to sleep because they're not sleeping here! And you better be sure they arrive to the Crystal City as well!" "And why is that?" Celestia asks. "Because I've been informed that the international court is being in session soon, and they demand that Gold Star be tried," Alex informs. "On what charges? Clearly he has the obligation to rescue those who couldn't save themselves; this is an act of international self being, something we can counter against any other claims," Celestia pointed out. "That’s something you’ll have to see in the international court, but until then princess, they're not allowed on base camp! Men! Shut this gate!" Colonel Alex ordered, which the men then shuts the gate right in front of us, clearly we've just been, evicted, suspended, and possibly exiled from the entire military. Upon this Celestia and Twilight looked at each other wondering what to do next, clearly they weren’t going to let us freeze. "So uh... Not to interrupt ya, but uh... Where do we sleep?" Castle of Princess Twilight, Ponyville “It’s not much, but I hope it’s enough to help you keep you and Gold Star rested,” Twilight glimmered. “I think this will do, even though we’ve been exiled from our base it’ll be fine,” I replied. “Great! I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Twilight waved, leaving the guest room to me and soon Gold Star, since space is almost limited we’re bunking in the same room until you know, we get innocent or something along those lines, how is Uncle Sam taking this? Washington city, Abraham monument garden. “HE DID WHAT!?” “Sir, it seems General MacArthur had issued arrest warrants on Gold Star and it would seem that both him and Yates had been arrested, of course they’re now under international protection,” reported Vice President Bush. “Thank the Creator for that last news, BUT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THE GENERAL I’M GOING TO RING HIS THROAT AND MAKE HIM WISH HE WAS NEVER BORN!!” Uncle Sam angrily shouted, enraged at the top of his lungs. “Sir, what about the phrase “No one in the land above the law?” Is it the standard phrase?” “You do not understand Bush, and I understand this logic, but the goal I have is beyond you comprehension, and I won’t let this… Set back hinder the progress I’ve made.” “So what are you suggesting sir?” Asked Bush, to which Sam sighed and replied. “I'm going to choke the hell out of MacArthur, but before that I'll be informing the Red Mother that I will accept her demand and dismantle personal diplomacy,” Uncle Sam stated. “But sir? If we do that everything we’ve worked for will be in vain!”Bush said. “Don’t worry about it Bush, it will prevent the international courts from intervening, and charges will be dropped, as for MacArthur,” Uncle Sam puffed. “He will keep his position as general, but someone will be fired after this, but in the diplomacy terms, what the Red Mother doesn’t know is that the personal diplomacy had been finished ages ago haha!” “What?” “Obviously the purpose of this diplomacy specifically was indeed intended to get Twilight and Gold Star hooked up together with each other, Celestia even had this intention because she knows rather than later that she and her sister will be too tired to rule the kingdom, and what better way to rule it than a prince and princess and the 5 friend consorts, that’s the 20 year plan at least of course she wants me to dismantle the files, but no matter it aint like I'm going to, considering that I can just make copies.” “But sir? He’s an Earth pony is he not?” Questioned Bush. “I cannot provide that George, all I can provide is that sentence and the sentence only everything else is confidential and top secret by my standards, that may be all you may go,” Sam dismissed. “Understood Mr. Sam,” George Bush finished, which he then left the garden room with his secret service men present in the conversation. Map room, 12:31 AM  After I fell deep asleep Gold Star was in the map room staring deeply into the bright magical map, he didn’t budge an inch nor a blink but just felt a sense of peace and yet conflict, strange feelings, and never before. Meanwhile Twilight was walking around the hallway still saddened about her previous home that had been destroyed and torn down by Tirek’s dark magic when she noticed that Star was in the map room, (or throne room which either one) she noticed Star’s fascination in the map and almost in a trance like state until she shook him a bit after a tap on his neck. “You scared me.” “Sorry, I was a bit worried that you’ve been consciously decapitated or something, what brought you here?” Twilight asked, sitting down besides Star coincidently aligned with her throne seat that has her cutie mark above. “Well, I got curious about this, we know this map is magic but… Something within it is just different with the magic that I’ve come across but this, this is just different.”  “Different? You mean to say that you had come across some components of magic before?” “Ehh, not quite, only in the books i’ve read that mentioned such magic, light and dark, bad and good, depressing and join ridden, but this, I got no clue how to describe the map, it looks like light magic of course, but I feel a hint of just specks of darkness as if it serves as a balance.” “Hm? Interesting… But how can you feel that?” “What do you mean? Can’t anypony feel or detect magic?” “No, in fact only a unicorn with a higher class power or a regular Alicorn even to it’s lowest point can be able to detect and feel the properties of magic, and your a earth pony?” “I guess I’m just a special earth pony then,” Star smuggly said. “Heh, and what’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight chuckled. “I guess you can say I’m just as bookworm as you,” Star teased, making Twilight laugh at the joke, and it was something that popped in Twilight that made her think more differently as if Harmony had just ordered cupid to head shot her with a love arrow. “Well mister? How can you possibly be much more of a bookworm than me?” Twilight snickered. “Hehe, the secret to this bookworm is firing magical death lasers.” Star then imitated some laser sounds and Twilight being dramatic in the room. “Oh Gold Star! But you’re an earth pony! How could you possibly fire magic lasers!” “It doesn’t have to be magic, dear princess.” After a little bit of fun with each other, following never before Twilight Sparkle showing her childhood side and Gold Star doing the same but keeping his identity secret as much as possible, but while the two spent the next 10 minutes disturbing my sleep with random… Flirting and whatever the hell you call romance I was getting pissed, so pissed that I stormed out of bed and yelled. “HEY! KEEP IT DOWN OVER THERE! I’M TRYING TO SLEEP FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!” “Sorry!” Said the two in perfect unison before laying down on the ground laughing and looking up at the crystal roof. “Gees…” After shutting the door and going back to sleep Twilight Sparkle layed on her hooves under her head and pondered about the things that occurred. “You know, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here right now,” Twilight pondered. “Thanking me again princess?” Star informally said. “I’m kinda serious this time Star,” Twilight affirmed. “Oh… I see, well it wasn’t really easy, if anything it just happened so fast.. So fast that I didn’t expect myself having to be sheltered here, I never thought to be in your life at all in fact, It just feels like things are moving too fast that’s all,” Gold Star inquired. “And yet, so much happened before, well this, I just feel a bit small you know, small and not up to your level or for the matter of your friends, I’m just-” Twilight placed her hoof on Star’s tanned furred chest and looked at him with sparkling eyes filled with hope and friendliness seeping into his heart as if she injected some type of invisible liquid just with her widened eyes. “You may have missed a lot of our adventures with my friends, but that wasn’t important because of the day when I felt the same when I first became Celestia’s protege, I felt small compared to her as well, but the words she told me once was what helped me become who I am, and what I should say shouldn’t make you feel small, you must grow, live and learn, those were what my teacher had showed me, it had gotten me far, and even though you’re a Earth pony I hope it may help you as well,” Twilight smiled bright towards Star who he smiled back. “Thanks, for giving me that encouragement, but now that I think about it, you wanted to tell me something early back at Crystal City, what were you going to tell me?” Gold Star asked. “Nothing, I thought of something but I completely forgot,” Twilight lied, giving no hint Gold Star shrugged and suddenly the clock dinged one o’ clock. “Well, I guess I should be heading to bed,” insisted Star, as the two got back up and trotted towards the guest room quietly while I was still asleep giving no notice to those two whatsoever. Gold Star got into his bed and laid back while Twilight politely used her magic to place the cover up to Star’s neck. “If it’s fine perhaps, a second date might not hurt-”  But before Twilight could finish Gold Star was already asleep, she smiled at the sleeping stallion she then blew out the candle and kissed his forehead and on the way out, she closed the door behind her. Leaving us two asleep. > Rewolucja > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two years at war, and everyone has forgotten about the war continually being waged between Thestria and Argendina, the primary goal of the war was to gain what was once called Gilligan City, to the appraisal of the one called Nightmare Moon, to the point of naming it Vancok. Rodinia supported Thestria in its initial assault providing intel, and blueprints, but once the Thestrials were as modernized as America, but with the limited time given the Rodinian soviets left the Thestrials to their new toys. America, and Private military corps. had continually supported Argendina in its war to the point of sending modernized weaponry such as the M4 rifles, handy vehicles, and artillery that was used to create what is now the Vancok trench line. Both sides continually shell the hell out of each other, helicopters shooting helicopters, fighters shooting fighters, and trench men shooting at trench Bat Ponies. And Bat Ponies shooting at trench men. But as both sides continued to fight for supremacy on the battlefield with desperate gains and losses mounting, a leader stood at the helm that could end the war, not specifically in the trenches of the Gilligan region, but in the lands everyone including Celestia had forgotten. And those lands were Parsley. Kracu city, boat town, Parsley The plane landed as expected around 2:20 PM CDT, Eskamoe and his partner William (Code named Icebreaker) were sent on a special mission regarding a secret decoded message that requested support, the city was huge and decent, but going into the east you would have towns on boats. The city is surrounded by rivers, with legends circulating that the town was believed to be the birthplace of the Human Parslians. Now more detail with these people is basically a simple description. The Parslian humans are born with wings, although they cannot fly, they have their own set of language, tradition, and religion, some Parslians believe that the reason that they have wings as they were destined to become a warrior tribe, while some would discredit that and left it as it is, these believers would create what are known as the "Hussar Legion." Then you have regular humans born in the lands who have no wings, although they speak the same language as the Parslians they are considered the second majority. The minority on the other hand consisted of Bat Ponies and ponies, with the bigger minority out of the two being Bat Ponies, were partially the reason for the year 34 ALB invasion of the Thestria, which they quickly moved to secure the countryside and executed anyone who opposed them. Sure the winged humans are given rights in Thestria just not the same freedoms that the Bat Ponies were given, but in some instances when they elect mayors a bat pony is always put into office, but if it were either a pony or a Parslian human elected they would end up "committing suicide" the next day of their victory, and then replace the victor with a Bat Pony district manager. Some of these managers are either passionate, kind, harsh, or just plain evil. But with that out of the way, Eskamoe and Icebreaker stepped off the plane and headed inside the airport where they were met by security for inspection. After that and smuggling their side-arm weapons, the two went outside to see almost paradise-like. I almost forgot what type of country this is. "Just like home," said Icebreaker, gazing at the city skyline. "Yeah, makes you forget that there was once a whole war with this country, weirdly enough I always wonder why you Americans kept that old expired treaty in the first place?" Eskamoe pointed out. "Well, as much as we could help them, breaking it now would be very dishonorable," replied Icebreaker, as Eskamoe gave him the cold shoulder on the word "dishonorable" "What?" "Nothing, we should start searching for the detected signal, The faster we find it the bet-" Eskamoe bumps into a Parslian human who was running from someone. "Who are you-" Without an answer the Parslian slid a card inside of Eskamoe's pocket and ran for her life when the Thestrial police arrived in the area. "Where did she go!" Questioned the bat pony officer. "Umm, she went down that alleyway! If you catch her now you might be able to" "Enough rambling human a simple answer would do, Colts! In that alleyway, we cannot let her discover our secret!" Ordered the officer as the bat ponies ran towards the alleyway. "Uh say Eskamoe? I thought she went behind us?" Icebreaker ask. "Hm? Well, I have a feeling that she may have gotten something, why else would you steal this card specifically," Eskamoe showed, which intrigued Icebreaker. "A transaction card? Looks more like one of those back at home," said Icebreaker. Eskamoe looked at the back of the card and saw an address written in the back. "I guess we're heading to boat town," Eskamoe reckoned. "...What." Ponyville, Twilight's Castle It was now what I believed to be. 6:50 am? I'm not used to regular civilian time since the day I joined the military I was just told to follow their basic version of their time, although I guess I can't now (haha) because I've been suspended from my rank and perhaps discharged from the army (great..) You know I think our general had gotten a little bit in himself on the head a bit, but you know what fine, I can relax here, (at least until my trial is here.) So I got up, stretched myself half to death, and then blankly got up from the bed. Looking around I noticed that even this room is crystals, and so are the beds, yeesh thank Creator for mattresses. Still, of course, at least Gold Star was enjoying his sleep which I wouldn't since he and Twilight had been up the whole last night or at least until one o'clock, hm and suspiciously I heard sounds of a... Light kiss... Probably a dream, although I never had a love interest. However now that I think about it I'm starting to think that they may be getting closer... I can see the signs in front of me, it may be a matter of time before I come back to this room and see the two smooch on each other because if that's the case I'm sure Spike won't mind showing me the nearest bucket in this solid castle of hers. But enough with my contemplation over Gold Star, a knock was heard and I came and opened the door, of course being used to Alex knocking on the door I didn't notice the orange pony and her good ol' fashioned brown hat below me. "Well howdy there, you must be Applejack?" I greeted. "Last I saw you was at the diplomatic stuff thingy." "Nice to see ya again, I was just ah-bout to wake up Golder Star over yonder but it seems he's asleep," Applejack pointed. "Oh, yeah he would usually wake up to the sounds of morning trumpets, lemme see, HEY GOLDILOCKS! MOMMA BEAR WANT'S YA UP!" Gold Star shook up out of his bed and looked at me with aggravation mixed with a glare in his eyes disturbed by his slumber. "What was that for!" He complained. "Apple farmer here wants you for some reason," I answered. "Hm? If this has something to do with agriculture I really can't right now." "Actually it's about Twilight, we're doing a redecoration of her castle to make it fit with her sort of living," Applejack explained. "Redecoration? Care to explain that?" "Well you see, while we were having pancakes me and the gals had been discussing a bit on Twilight lately, it seemed that she was overworking herself to stay out of this here new castle you stand on," AJ patted on the crystal flooring. "Funny, reminds me of the time when he did the same, only except he wants to do everything rather than sit around." "Hey at least I got the job done!" I complained. "You were a bit over-edged over that one toilet seat, one toilet seat man!" "So, will you two accompany her to the spa?" She asked. "I mean sure, but not like I'm going there for anything other to occupy," Gold Star shrugged, and by that moment my phone buzzed in my pocket, I picked it up and looked at the text. (Huh, look at that I was close) "Something wrong?" Gold Star asked. "Nope! Nothing at all, hey let's go to that spa shall we?" I insisted, bolting towards the front of the castle like a speedy freight train in a Saturday morning rush. "Great Celestia, are humans that active?" Applejack asked. "Ehh, sort of." Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Celestia had woken up to raise the sun as usual, with Luna having her post-night shift meal before heading off to bed for the day. Coffee was brewed and the human diplomat from America was on the phone with the Offices of the Foreign Affairs Committee over last night's discussion regarding the incident with Starlight's town. "So to sum up, Rodinia currently demands that we disband the personal diplomacy in exchange for silence," summarized the American diplomat surprising Celestia as she spat out her coffee on her tired sister's mane. "Correct, of course regarding this, it's been accomplished ages ago, and Uncle Sam had agreed to cede to the Red Mother's terms," said the person on the phone. "I see, so personal diplomacy as of now ends, but what about the division stationed here?" "That will have to be up to President Reagan whether he wants to ship it out or not, of course, that's currently going to be difficult at the moment..." "And why is that?" The diplomat asked. "Because the head general in charge is currently having his neck ringed over the arrest warrant, of course knowing the people's views over military I doubt no one will notice," replied the other side caller. "Alright, is that all?" "No, in fact in the light of the war in South Humarica the President has just torn the treaty with Thestria, and is now pressuring Thestria to end the war," informed the person calling, which grabbed Celestia and Luna's attention. "What's their choices?" Asked the diplomat. "A, end the war by 6 days with the concession of releasing Parsley, or B, face the brutal punishment of war firsthand in the form of laser-guided missiles, and the Statcom's wrath." With this statement said out loud enough for the two princesses to hear Luna looked at Celestia and she looked at her sister, while it may be joyous to know that the war may be ending Luna is discern at the last part of their choices, she fears that the country established on her birthday would choose option B, while this Celestia feels what Luna felt when it came to Thestria, the former colony was meant to be harmony for the bat pony locals, but with the wars it waged on Equestria after her sister's banishment, Celestia felt responsible for the banishment on that day and the war that followed. Now with Luna unbanished, she hoped to reestablish communication and a good relationship with Thestria with the hopes of restoring peace in the region, however, it would seem that fate said otherwise with the nation waging war with Argendina without even given the chance to reintroduce Luna into the lands. But hearing the news that it was up to the nation to choose its fate was disturbing of all kinds with the possibility of all-out war in the continent if not a second Lunar war, only instead of the weapons of old, it would be bloody and chaotic and possibly the deadliest in all of the worlds ancient battles combined in history. Luna, given no warning, got up from her seat despite her tiredness she spoke. "When do you depart!" "Um? Excuse me?" Asked the diplomat, hanging up his phone. "I said, when do you leave!" Repeated Luna. "Um... My helicopter arrives at 7:30, an hour from now, I'll be heading to Rio on these proceedings, why do you ask?" The diplomat questioned. "I am coming with you!" Luna exclaimed, making the room silent Celestia rolled her eyes and spoke. "I may come with you as well." "...What?" Spa, Ponyville Well, the walk was fine, Gold Star and Twilight chatted, something I don't care about, while I am a lone wolf when it comes to girls or women I would give advice, although looking at the case I think it's best that this particular situation between the two develops. Thinking back on that, he was an Earth pony no doubt before Princess Luna had rewarded him and attempted to take him in for an apprenticeship, I mean if Alicorns are strong enough to grant alicornship then shouldn't she just subtract the wings and have him be a unicorn instead? I don't really get the whole ordeal with magic, other than the simple things that Great Grandma Meagan explained in her own version of the "magical adventures" and whatnot. Also what the hell is a France? Is that supposed to be a human version of Aquilea? "Oh, look at that, seems the Federation is hosting an army mascot poll," I said to literally no one out loud, which the couple didn't notice and I submitted my vote for the dog mascot Liberty. (More better than Brigadier Baboon.) However, when we arrived at the Spa I could see that Alex was waiting for me inside of the Humvee. "I'll... Catch up with y'all, I need to have a chat out here," I excused myself but they've up and left me outside and didn't even notice I wasn't with them inside (how typical...) More the better I guess. So I walked up to the Humvee with Alex inside smoking his cigarette and looking at me from the other side of the window. I went inside the Humvee and sat beside Alex, who just extinguished his cigarette, thrown it out, and slouched on his seat. "Anyone followed you?" He asked. "I don't see anyone here, other than ponies, though I doubt they'll give a damn about us," I replied. "Good," replied Alex, as he grabbed the radio right across from me and spoke. "Alright, make it rain," he ordered, which American pegasi grabbed a cloud and cast rain above us. "Is that really necessary?" I asked. "Not what I will be explaining here, about last night Lieutenant." "You had a grudge on Gold Star?" I asked. "... No, I was given orders by MacArthur to have you and Gold Star detained, of course, I was hesitant and our division general protested against it to the point of even authorizing your operation until," Alex paused in concern. "Until what?" I asked. "He was forced to publish the order fully or face dismissal, he really had no choice unless he preferred to be dismissed that is," Alex revealed. "Hm, so has Uncle Sam responded to this?" "Oh he replied, he replied with grabbing MacArthur's neck collar and yelling (imitating) 'What the hell have you done!' Very dramatic according to General Carville, yet he laughed uncontrollably the whole time, yet.." "Hm?" "Well, I'm afraid to say it, but the personal diplomacy between Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle is being put down, we may be pulling out soon," Alex informed. "What!? Why!" "Because of the stunt you two pulled, in exchange for the bastard's silence the whole damn thing is to stop, heh, those assholes back home haven't realized that they're too late," Alex smirked deviously. "In fact if you haven't noticed I think the two are starting to connect into a real relationship haha!" "Yeah... I've- wait, how did you know?" "Wasn't it obviously? A foreign leader would never step up over another military jurisdiction up until last night, Twilight Sparkle pulled a big one with Celestia last night, of course, this stirred a slight mutiny in the base in support of Gold Star..." "Holy shit, how bad was it?" "Not bad, but not great, of course, they calmed down when they heard about MacArthur having his ass chewed out I thought I never sleep over the chant of their support for him," Alex added. "Gee's must've been a great guy- err- pony commander," I rephrased. "Yes sir, he was very great with the things with his men, yet he somehow created a tank version of an airsoft battle," Alex chuckled. "Well, that sounded nice, hm... What else are you going to say?" Obviously, this put Alex into silence, I can tell with what seemed to be shadows cast on his eyes as if he was afraid of his own words. "Remember... General Reid?" He asked, catching me off guard. "You mean the mastermind behind the defeat of those dammed Zebra terrorists? Of course, but... Why??" "...General Reid is dead." "..." "..." "General Reid is dead! B-BUT HOW!?" "According to investigation reports it would seem that he was murdered by a changeling, this is currently classified information available only to ranks at your level and above, I was planning to do a base sweep last night before you two ran off, unfortunately, though you had two changelings with you this whole time," Alex revealed. "The fucking fuck what?" "The two men with you, Peter and Quag, were found dead in the closet, and replaced by two changelings we detained last night during the apprehension of you two, if it weren't for Celestia they would've killed you and kidnapped Gold Star while in holding," Alex explained. "Holy shit, are we under attack again?" "I don't know, while the president has sent ultimatum after ultimatum to Chrysalis there's a possibility that infiltrators from the Preuben korps had infiltrated the congressional stage," "In English?" "Everything has been fucking compromised, and we can't do shit about it unless we uproot these damn pests off our government and everything else," Alex simplified. Being silent in the car I was about to ask a question but he raised his radio and ordered. "Alright remove the rain cloud we're finished." The rain cloud was once again moved by American pegasi and pointed at the door at my side in silence, I got out and he started the Humvee and drove off back to base without a single word. "Typical... Well I might as well check if the Salon can accept 3 for free, I say to my fucking self..." Boat town, Kracu city The boat town is a literal boat town, spanning as far as the other side of the riverside of the city while the river may be tiny in map size, being up close and personal with any, you'll truly see how big it is. But these two agents weren't there for the view as they were on a mission instructed by the F.I.B. Upon entering this boat town, the boardwalk wasn't crowded, if anything it was wide enough to fit a whole crowd of people so that was a good thing, everyone they saw was either Parslian wing humans, mercenaries, armed men, ponies who've been exiled from their homes, bat-ponies that the Thestrian government considered traitors, and pirates, who arrived here for the rum. After passing 3 or 17 boat houses the two arrived at the specific address, the house designated looked rusty, if not up to code, but of course, if someone was living there then they'd survived this long, so the two shrugged and went inside. Unknowing that they've been followed... . . The two entered inside of the boat house floating on the water, with what sounded like Parslians in some sort of planning session. "Grupa Alfa rozpocznie taktyczny atak na miasto Paraguai, tymczasem rozkazy dla grupy Husarskie to atak na tereny Warzughny oraz okolice. Czy mnie rozumiecie?" Said a unknown planner, pointing at the map of Thestria occupied Parsley on the table, decorated with figures of ponies, and bipedal figures. "Jasne jak słońce, dowódco, pytanie brzmi, jakie są cele tych ataków? I dlaczego wysyłacie te wszystkie wojska?” Ask one of the resistance captains. "Ponieważ Stefanos będzie potrzebował nowej pary skarpetek," phrased Commander Night Sky, shocking the men present in the room. "...Ja... Widzisz, szeregowy! Daj mi teraz kontakt z moją jednostką-” suddenly the two agents sent from the Federation Intelligence Bureau were noticed by the men in the room. "Kim oni są!?" Said an officer "Myślę, że to agenci Testrian!” Said another. "Uhhh... Hola mi amigo's!" Spoke Icebreaker, causing Eskamoe to turn his neck 180 degrees slowly towards his partner's face. "What?" Asked Icebreaker. "Are you stupid or something, THOSE ARE NOT HISPANICS!" "They aren't?" "..." "Powstrzymajcie ich!” Ordered Night Sky, as the two were quickly captured by the Parslian men. "Wait wait wait! WAIT DAMMIT! НЕУЖЕЛИ ТЫ НЕ ПОНИМАЕШЬ ГРЕБАНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ!" Eskamoe shouted in Rodinian which surprised the Parslians a bit as a prompted Night Sky got up from his chair, ordered his men to back off, and looked at the two men. "Wallets, teraz!" Night Sky ordered, as the troopers forcibly snatched the two's wallets and opened them in front of Night Sky who scanned and looked at the badges with great surprise. "You're... Americans... What purpose do you have coming here in the first place?" Night Sky asked. "Well, we came to deliver this for one," reasoned Eskamoe, as he handed the card to the blue unicorn pony. "Also, submarines had detected a signal here in Kracu city." "That was me, I was given a suggestion from my men to request support, despite my protest and warning," Night Sky explained. "Well, we've received it alright, the thing is we couldn't find a proper decoder so they've sent me and my partner over here," Eskamoe added. "Well you shouldn't have, the Americans-" "If you're worried about the treaty don't worry, our president has taken care of that a good time ago, and if your message requested aid, we're at the ready." "Wait! Really?" The room was filled with sudden surprise and internal joy at the news as some whispered and some were silent and anxious. "What exactly did they say?" Asked one of the Parslians. "This is a direct quote from the President of the Federation, release Parsley, and leave Vancok, or face ultimate destruction," he quoted, sparking a cheer within the men and females before being silenced by Night Sky. "We can't wait any longer for the discussions and negotiations at the moment, if you wish, however, may you accompany us?" The unicorn asked. "Why of course," answered Eskamoe, before a person was butted with a rifle and passed out on the floor. "Zabierz go na bryg, sprawdzimy to!" Informed a Parslian soldier, as he lifted an unconscious bat-pony from the ground and inspected his clothing. "Zabierz go na bryg, sprawdzimy to! For now, Mr?" "Eskamoe, my code name is the preferred callout," he answered, ignoring what just happened behind him. "Alright then, come with me, you and I have a lot to discuss, as for you Mr. Icebreaker, make yourself at home here, but whatever you do, do NOT! Enter my room!" Night warned. "Ok?" Replied Icebreaker. "Great! Then follow me and we can discuss the signal," Night acknowledged as the two left Icebreakers, sight leaving him with the other men who were dragging the spy's body to the brig. Argedninian-Thestrial frontlines The troops of Argendina relentlessly launched assault after assault on Thestrian positions that had been brutally reinforced with Challenger armored tanks, and advanced machine guns gunning down the troops in the field. The commander at the Vancok front sits at his desk quietly expecting the expected results of the battle with concern. The messenger finally arrived with the battle report he handed it to the commander of the brigade and as expected, another hundred were dead. "Hm... I assume it's been confirmed." "Yes sir," replied the soldier. "Anything from foreign affairs?" "Well I heard rumors that the Americans might be involved," replied the soldier. "..." "Anything else sir?" "No, leave me," he demanded, as the soldier stomped in a salute and left the commander's face. The commander, depressed, turned towards his desk drawer where lays a pistol with a silencer attached to it. He puts the gun deep in his throat and with the press of the trigger followed by a huge bang, his suffering was over. Buenos Aires As the war continued to be waged the President of Argendina peers outside looking at nothing but empty streets for miles, it was as if the city had become a ghost town, although in reality people were taking shelter as missile barrages came and went over and towards the city, he looks at the fires that the war had brought on his land. And yet when he fires his own barrage they all keep being intercepted by high-tech missile interception weaponry, if it wasn't for the Rodinians the salvo his men launched towards Thestria would be a definitive message. But so far the only message he and his people can give is to stay off their capitol, during the war TThestria managed to capture the entire Archipelago east of the capital city and attempted to land before being intercepted brutally in machine gun fire, while it was a great victory it also resulted into a bloody campaign in recapturing the islands from the Bat-ponies who were conducting guerrilla tactics mixed with convention types. But once again the sirens blared again and the sounds of missiles struck yet another residential building at 45th yelpman street, most likely another 10 dead he thought. It was then that one of his cabinets arrived with a phone. "Presidente, the president of the Federation of American States wishes to speak with you," informed the advisor. "...Bring me the phone," replied the president, as he held the phone up to his ear while eyeing the gun that sits on top of his desk. "Hola," he greeted. "Mr. Fernández," greeted Reagan. "I noticed the recent increase in suicide rates with your men, I'm starting to get worried about this, you know we're sending what we have." "Mr... Reagan, everything we've done was in vain, the people are dead, the nation is in a state of chaos, cities are reduced to ashes, and commanders once known to be invincible! I am now in the gutter wondering whether to just end it all right here and right now! Conditions are deteriorating to despicable levels no country had comprehended such before!" Reported the president, as a new suicide report had just laid on his desk regarding the death of a commander. "If only you were here, you would never imagine such chaotic catastrophe unfolding in front of my eyes, and- ah dammit! Not commander Hose!" Reagan slouched on his chair upon hearing the distress that the president was going through, Reagan realized now that he had left the continent too far edge for too long, and the treaty that was signed was a foolish choice, a choice Reagan was going to end. "I see that things have deteriorated my friend, expect military aircraft tomorrow morning to intercept every single missile that flies overhead, this war will either be ended peacefully, or by force, and I'm not afraid to launch an invasion, and if it has to then so be it, or our nation is not America," Reagan stated. "Let's hope you keep your word," replied the Argendinian president as he hung up the phone and looked at the gun resting on the desk. "Not today old friend, but not yet..." Kracu, meeting "And with that, my American friend is what we will do in this attack," finished Night Sky. "Hm, very agreeable yes, but are you sure that this revolution that you are preparing would be executed swiftly and smoothly? I have to admit, it is planned out but when you're up against an enemy with modern tech you are technically outgunned and possibly outnumbered," Eskamoe pointed out. "Numbers is something they have, but for outgunned on the other hand, we've captured the predatorial beasts and their weapons cache not long ago in this city, and comparing the weapons these hostile bats are using and your American ones, we reconfigured it and created our own modern weapon which we proudly call the FB Assualt Rifle," Night Sky introduced, showing Eskamoe the rifle design and magazine. "Interesting design, kind of reminds me of the Fal," replied Eskamoe. "Yeah, but now that we have a weapon we can call useful we're preparing to put this to the test tonight at midnight." "What happens at midnight?" Eskamoe asks. "My friend, at midnight we launch rewolucja!" > Nightmare Night (Halloween special) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville, 12:30 PM, ETZ, and somehow I, and Gold Star have already made ourselves at home, for now, while some slouching was involved It kind of makes me miss the time I was in the army, but since we've been both suspended from the military we were confused on what to do next. And as much as I would miss serving, it had actually turned out to be a benefit since we get to see a good eye amount of Equestria's technology and their lifestyle and how these ponies lived far this is what I have gotten. Equestria's civilian technology is very decent compared to ours and is steadily growing, just one thing about it is that they are very outdated with weapons, especially when you look at what type of weapons they are using, sure the royal guard may pride themselves in using "the most modernized weapon in the world" when in reality they can't fare against a single firearm. Of course, being allies I'm sure we can help them adapt with their arsenal, though after asking some locals including the four human locals (I think there are four) they all disagree with the ideals of war and conflict, except for the fourth one who is an old man who lives in an old run-down house at the near end of Ponyville. Everyone else is against war and would riot if Equestria suddenly waged war on an innocent country so that's good to know that they wouldn't start wars without starting an internal one of their own. But keeping that logic in mind in case we did have a war with Equestria. (Hope to creator not) I've been writing down my studies on the table where Gold Star and I were having coffee time in the castle, it's still nice that Twilight is letting us stay here until our suspension is up, but I kind of feel like a freeloader. And of course, they've also suspended me and my friend's payment (great...) So hopefully this suspension doesn't take long or- "Do you always have to write everything in that journal of yours?" Gold Star asks, sipping his coffee. "It's not a journal it's a memoir, big difference!" I replied. "Yeah well your writing is kinda disturbing me, and my coffee, I would prefer complete silence rather than scribbling," Gold Star retorted. "Heh, at least I wasn't the only one pulverized by the sight of that bright Chandelier, lord above I can feel my eyes melt inside of my eyes," I reminded. "Oh I remember, and I can take us back right now." "Nah nah nah... No thank you, I swear it's as if they put anti-human repellent in there because every time I enter my eyes just fucking burn! Hell, they even burn when I think about it!" I ranted. (Before) (After) "Hmph. And I thought my eyes were sensitive, seems that you have it worse when it comes to something simply bright to a... Chandelier?" "This one in particular man, out of all Chandeliers I never thought this one would be my match," I further ranted. "Well, until we're unsuspended I guess you'll just have to avoid the map room," Gold Star suggests. "Yeah I guess your right," I answered. It was then that Twilight entered the dining room where I and Gold Star had been relaxing, and it seemed that she was wearing some sort of... Costume of some royal guard? Hold on a minute what? "Hey, I hope I ain't disturbing you two," she apologized. "It's fine as if we have anything better to do." "Did I do something wrong?" She asked. "Eh, that's just Yates being Yates, you would usually see us out there doing usual patrols and... Working around the base, but recently we've both kinda questioned our very existence sitting here bored out of our minds, I know that you must've had cases like these once, what did you do?" Gold Star asked. "Well, when it came to my friends we would do something fun together, although in your case you only have each other," Twilight pointed out. "Hey, you know we ain't mares or stallions, (except for Gold Star) you can't possibly have me try to find other people to befriend with and expect them to have the same common interest you'd want." "And that common interest would be?" Twilight asked, and I replied by pointing at the military rank patch attached to my jacket. "Oh... I see that, but don't you have friends back at your base?" She asked. "Heh, to Gold Star he's might popular with some of the guys, but me on the other hand I'm considered an outsider outcast to these men, which it's fine, did the same to a military soldier who transferred to the Statcom before I was transferred here," I added. "And... What happened to the soldier you mentioned?" She asked. "Well, I don't know, either A he cracked up under the pressure of being watched so much that he quit the army, or option B, requested a transfer from his transfer." "Or..?" " Or he went with C being adapted into the division and became friends with the commander, HA! As if that can ever happen without being picked on one or two times," I chuckled. "And how many times have you been picked on?" Twilight asked. "None, because I am a high rank in the base with the ability to court martial those below me, for the right reasons obviously," I answered. "Then wouldn't that mean you would be heading to perhaps like you say with option A?" She smirked. "I- Hey! Don't try to turn my words on me just because I ain't that relatable on base, besides most of the time I've been sweating my ass off trying to lead and work with the men we didn't have time to mess around on base, in the middle of a foreign territory, several miles from said territories capitol in the middle of nowhere, you think you know military here princess!" I paused, trying to catch my breath over my continued rant, and continued. "But trust me when I say that when you are ordered to do it you are expected to do it... If you don't then everyone knows that the HRs will. Fuck. You. Good!" As I turned back to my book writing all of that Twilight was jerking herself back surprised at my anger-filled speech, no I wasn't angry, I was livid. As she looked at Gokd Star who was even surprised as well in my response he silently shrugged, no sound was heard and that was good for me, until 30 seconds later when Gold Star cleared his throat. "*Ahem* anyways, now that we're off that sensitive topic, why are you wearing a star swirl the bearded costume in the middle of October? Halloween is like 2 days away isn't it?" Gold questioned. "Well, not really, unlike your home nation which celebrates Halloween we celebrate Nightmare Night," introduced Twilight. "Excuse me, Nightmare wah?" "OH! That's right, every year two days before Humarica's Halloween celebration, Equestria celebrates Nightmare Night to remind them of what Luna was, basically the same thing as Halloween, only the purpose of Jack o' Lanterns here is to keep Luna from transforming into Nightmare Moon," Gold Star explained. "And what is it keeping what exactly from making Luna turn into a destructible being?" I asked. "Well, simple, I don't know." "It's kind of to fend off the spirits that seek to transform Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon, although it's only a filly's bedtime story tale everypony had kept up with the traditional ways," Twilight added. "That is literally what Halloween is, and how it originated from, and I'm not interested," I grunted. "It's not like that at all, I bet I can show you that it's not Humarican Halloween, you'll be impressed!" Twilight babbled, intimidating me with those puppy eyes, I can't believe I'm about to say this... "Alright... Probably going to be a mistake." "Trust me, it won't at all!" Twilight replied, lighting her horn and teleporting us out of the room. (I hope Gold Statr didn't spill his coffee on my Memoir). Meanwhile in the Pentagon General MacArthur after having to bathe himself for days after the arrest warrants were sent out, had been forced by Uncle Sam to recall them. With the sudden death of Reid General MacArthur took the reigns of the military branch, and after the incident of what he did, he was convinced that there were some limits that he would need to be careful about. So after tearing the arrest warrants and throwing them into the fire, he got to work on creating military strategies to hopefully enhance victory chances for the American army, however, upon making a copy of Patton's old tactics that the man himself used in the Human-Crystal war, his secretary arrived with documents. "Mr. Salveron, I assume you have what I need?" MacArthur queried. "Yes sir I did sir, along the way though I was given this document here," Salveron said, placing the specific document on MacArthur's desk. "According to written FIU reports, they detected a signal from Parsley so they sent in two agents to investigate the area," Salveron briefed. "Uhuh... Sounds like a long-range signal, who transmitted it, the Thestrians?" The General asked, sipping his coffee. "Umm... Surprisingly it's actually the Resistance in Parsley," replied the secretary which nearly caused MacArthur to spit out his coffee before he swallowed it and shook his head. "Resistance? In Parsley? Thestria is actually weakening?" MacArthur spoke amazed at the discovery. "Yes sir, also President Reagan and Congress had jointly agreed to tear the treaty with Thestria," informed Salveron. "Proof?" MacArthur asked. "All in the document, page 5," replied Salveron, as the general flipped through the pages and read. "After further examination of the war situation in South Humarica, President Reagan, and members of Congress unanimously voted to tear the treated, at 4:30 PM as of today, the act will go into effect, enabling us to intervene against Thestria," Huh, how about it, but what about Thestria's modernized equipment?" The General asked. "Well, that's something you've got to investigate yourself, sir," Salveron replied. "Right, then here's what we'll do, invite members from the Institute Study of War, and some military officers, I think it's about time we start probing these bat bastards and their technological supremacy," MacArthur ordered. "Yes sir." Meanwhile back in Ponyville. Twilight's friends were assisting the other ponies in setting up a festival for Nightmare Night. "That should be enough apples to cover for a town-size party, nothin' like a good ol' snack for the fellers'" Applejack stoked. "Well as much as you are with your apples, I'm here to make this place a fashion paradise! Olivia darling, can you fetch me the decorations sitting on the table please," Rarity requested. "Sure can Rarity," replied Olivia, as she grabbed the decoration and held it over to Rarity which she then hovered it above her face. "Okay, so far from the number of apples here I believe there are hundreds here, quite enough for the town don't you think?" The person counted is named Dean Kenneth, a black-colored skin human who is a resident of Ponyville. His family were supporters of the Apple family during the Pear-Apple tussle which spanned almost half of Ponyville's land, they supported the Apple family economically and physically, although they did try to mediate once by starting a cotton farm before they received a lot of letters from blacks all over Humarica's being offended. So they disbanded the cotton farm and instead used the land for apples which inevitably kicked the Pears out of Ponyville and into Vanhoover, or that's what Dean's family believed anyway. But Dean continued his family legacy by supporting the apple family, tending to Granny, and even helping Applejack and Big Macintosh in farming, although he kind of struggled at times the siblings would help Dean out a bit on how to tend the farm. But most of the time he only hauled apples and at times helped pick the apples from the trees. Here at the festival, he is currently keeping the apples sorted out while also preventing Big Mac from forgetting the arrangements and preventing the deliveries from mixing up. (Something that may be useful for future reasons) "Phew, glad to hear that Dean, and the cider?" Applejack asked. "Currently being brewed, but surely it'll be quick, (hopefully)" "Ah' think it'll be made in time, speaking of which, where's Rainbow Dash?" "Last I heard she was on 'weather duty' though I think it's a lousy excuse don't you think?" Dean wondered. "Lazy isn't really something to describe entirely for the gall, but it is somewhat a description for her," Applejack shrugged. It was then that Twilight, Gold Star, and I teleported in the middle of the festival setup which was being made and decorated in the town square, interestingly I didn't think Ponyville had such a festival, other than Canterlot though last I heard Luna and Celestia were heading to a secret meeting in South Humarica, (wonder who they're meeting I wonder?) Gold Star looked around and smelled in the autumn wind like the "earth pony" he is, while I stood there blankly not expecting any difference with Nightmare Night. Like seriously! Why not just adopt the name we give to Halloween and not call it something else, I mean holy hell! Griffons have the blue moon celebration, Equestria here has hearts warming eve, the hippogriffs in Zebrica have some sort of traditional thing, AND WE HAVE FUCKING CHRISTMAS ON OUR CONTINENT! Of course, the only exception that is the tradition of the December 25th is the same tradition, but different meaning, Equestria celebrates it in commemoration of the Hearts warming eve war which united the three tribes (plus one) against the Windigo's, Blue moon, on the other hand, is well, just the day when the griffon species were created, as for Christmas on our continent, it celebrates the birth of the chosen one who isn't my great grandfather, but the son of the creator who died for our sins, but in the lines with meanings I can understand, BUT NIGHTMARE NIGHT AND HALLOWEEN ARE THE FUCKING SAME THING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Of course with dates being separate. I am seriously losing my mind over this. "Welcome back Twilight, did you get the carrots?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight answered by using her magic to levitate the carrots to Fluttershy. "All here," Twilight smiled, looking around astonished at what her friends had made. "This is going to be a great festival! I hope Luna can be able to see this!" Unfortunately, the mares cringed at that statement, which grabbed Twilight's attention. "Ummm... Twilight... Luna..." "Luna isn't coming to the festival, she's heading to Thestria!" Pinkie Pie interjected, bringing out the cake as Twilight slowly took off her Starswirl hat shakingly and said. "Everypony leave except for AJ, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy..." Upon her request, everyone, (including me and Gold Star) in the vicinity entered inside of the town hall where we patiently waited for what was to come as the last pony slammed the door closed. "WHAT IN GREAT CELESTIA'S NAME DO YOU MEAN! LUNA IS NOT COMING!!?" Twilight shouted in rage. "ARE YOU MEANING TO TELL ME THAT AFTER ALL THAT PLANNING FOR LUNA SHE ISN'T EVEN ATTENDING! AND WHAT IN GREAT TARTARUS IS THESTRIA!" "Thestria is a nation in humarica-" "BUT WHY COULDN'T IT WAIT!!" "It's probably because of that bad old baddy war over there?" "WELL WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE FESTIVAL IF LUNA ISN'T GOING TO SEE IT!" Twilight out of anger threw her hat on the ground. "WHAT IN TARTARUS IS THE POINT!" - *Sobbing sounds* "It's okay, at least you aren't there," said some random pony, as I rolled my eyes and tried to look for a pack of gum, of course, I didn't find gum other than my phone. "Huh, I thought I left this at base?" I said to myself, before also reminding myself that I did because how else did Alex text me, or bring me to him? And before I was going drift my mind to blank land I suddenly had a lightbulb of an idea. "Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, pardon, pardon," I repeated, as I reached the door I opened it, and the 5 mares were walking around figuring out whether they should cancel the party or postpone it. "Excuse me, princess, if I'm being a butt (as if I was this morning) but didn't you want to show Princess Luna the festival?" I abbreviated. "Well of course I did! Me and Luna planned this festival all year!" Twilight answered. "Perhaps I can help you by taking a picture with my phone," I insisted. "Why? It's just a modified thing-of-a-jig made to call and take pictures," Applejack said. "Not to mention, what would be different about taking photos with this new age camera and this here old camera?" "Well, since Luna and Celestia are with our diplomat heading to Thestria I can text the pictures to him, and have him show them to Luna," I pointed out. "But what about the security that this man has?" Rarity questioned. "Don't worry, we were training buddies back on the first day of training, we go way back, and we've also helped each other, plus he owes me a favor so win-win for everyone here of course unless you want to wait a week princess? Which I doubt this setup would last a single storm," I further insisted. "Hmm..." "Hey guys I'm back!" Rainbow Dash entered, landing on the ground, cracking her neck left and right while being met by an annoyed Applejack who looked at RD dead in her eye. "So... What did I miss?" White house party As the celebration was in process Ronald Reagan with the help of the white house servants hosted a party for the congressmen and the civilians both high and low class to raise a fundraise for the needy in Argendina. The purpose of this party is to raise awareness and grab the public attention on what is going on in Argendina and the war crimes being committed by Thestria, ranging from civilian executions to kidnapping. (Although one fact overlooked on Argendina is that they have been using PMCs in the frontline). The refreshments served are beverages such as Lemonade, wine, and some burger, which is personally made by the President. Governor Huey Long meanwhile, was sitting with the reserved Democrat row which was surprising to be more supportive of the president recently, despite the Jimmy Carter incident just last year, of course when his party failed to potentially become the first independent party since George Washington he hoped for the best of Reagan. In the end, it would seem that Hope is doing exceedingly well since Reagan abolished and overruled Uncle Sam's martial law order, and even pressured him to reopen the Democratic party. And now, the Governor of the State of Louis sits on a lawn chair eating a burger made directly by the president of the United States whom he had rivaled. While refreshments were being placed the House Speaker of Congress got up stage and said. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this year was quite eventful today as the president had been busy at work when I first met the President I thought to myself "Man, he has a lot of work ahead of him" but you know, who to say he hasn't accomplished a lot of things within one year, so I won't bore you much with details but I would like to point out the said accomplishments he has made the past two years of his term. First, he has blown us away with establishing military ties with Equestria ending the thousand-year feud that every president had tried to reverse for ages." In a moment of pause interrupting sounds of clapping are heard all over the White House gardens with some whistling and some cheering, the speaker continues. "Second, he has successfully enforced many military operations within Zebrica, with reports stating that the Z.I.T.S. had been crushed, and more ponies captured in this horrendous war had now returned safe home to their families here and the Equestria!" Again, more people clapped for the achievement and the speaker caught a glimpse of the president nodding his head giving him a signal to go ahead and announce the more significant news. "You may or may have not heard on the news today, but I'll give you an explanation, yesterday at 12:30 in the morning in a secret session hosted by Congress, the Republican, independent, and Democratic parties had all agreed to unanimously call for the tearing of the Batanero treaty, this treaty was signed illegally between ex-president Bucannon and the Thestrial ruler which called for the US to restraint military operation in South Humarica and to reduce contact with Equestria, this treaty since had somehow been overlooked by the congressmen of the past with some even hiding the existence of the treaty to the presidents, well today, I hold here this treaty," the speaker appears to show what looked like a perfectly preserved piece of paper with the old signature handwriting of Bucannon and the Thestrian rule as he stepped off the stage and hovered the treaty over open flames. "And now, as of today, this treaty no longer validates towards us, because WE AMERICAN'S! ARE PROTECTORS OF THIS CONTINENT! NOT THE COMMUNIST! AND NOT THE THESTRIALS! US ONLY, AND ONLY US!" As the crowd cheered the speaker dropped the treaty into the fire burning thousands of years of history into a bowel of fire Reagan sighed at the achievement as he could now retake control of South Humarica under his influence again. "Thank you! And Creator bless America!" "That's nice John," said Reagan. "Now who wants hot dogs before they get cold in this weather." Yakyakistan In the land of Yakyakistan laid the town named, well Yakistown the home of the Yaks where their species are very... Communicative... Anyways, on the barren land with the town being the source of civilization, lies on the left is a Rodinian military base. The base stands as Prince Rutherford's objective to end Yakyakistan's century-long isolation from the outside world with the objective to bring attention to the major powers of the world in a peaceful approach, rather than being the violent selves when it came to something like this the Yaks had been visited once by Pinkie Pie during the Soviet construction of the base. Commander of this base is Captain Ogav, after being dismissed from the 134th motor-rifle division and transferred to the base he hasn't really been himself since with military officials continuing to turn down his RNR request. That is because the base he is overseeing is a test rig for new military equipment not announced by the Red Mother, and with the signed agreement between Prince Rutherford and the Red Mother to joint testing assistance. The treaty states that Yakyakistan and its people may abide to keep the Rodinian weapon experiments secret until the announcement of said weapons, but without hindrance in Rutherford's advancement he has gained contact with Equestria despite the incidences where the mane 6 keeps offending him, and his diplomatic team he however, is yet to negotiate with the biggest powerhouse in the world. The Federation of American States. But turning away from this topic, the base Ogav commands are equipped with AKMs, RPG-30s, PKMs, and any other arms that the Rodinian troops use. As for the vehicles, the only vehicle that guards the base is the BTR-4s from the Omarian 10th Light Armor company which was formally based in North Stalliongrad before being transferred to the base. The experimental vehicles are... The BMP-3: The BTR-90: T-80U: And a vehicle to combat against America's Humvee and to replace the outdated jeep, The Tigr. The base in question is codenamed "Crimea" which apparently has no significance as it has no meaning, (I guess I could say the same for putting a base in the nearest nowhere possible). It was not an eventful day, as Halloween to Rodinia was nothing but a capitalist excuse for children to become fat in candy. But of course, since the men at the base all pulled out cases of Vodka and started a party, among them were their superior officers who did the same as they sang songs that would usually be used for December or November months, while most of them sung the unofficial anthem of Rodinia. Rodina Moya: Ogav meanwhile as everyone sang, was sitting on his desk looking at the images of his adopted daughter and his dead parents wondering... When will he go home..? Vesalpolis Rommel stood over the balcony that watched over the city of the changelings, wondering how the insects had created such a city using only barbaric hives. And yet survived this long in the barren wasteland with no farms, and no desire to eat other than the love they feast from their neighbors. And yet as he stood towering over those below him he could hear the sounds of gunfire below him as his men carried out executions on mass scales to put an end to the espionage tree that aimed at overthrowing his client, Queen Chrysalis, with her written authority the orders are given to the men to dismantle the espionage trees through whatever methods are necessary, and so far over 20 had died in suspicion of being spies of a now crushed rebellion. When Rommel received reports that Changeling rebels attempted to cross the Equestrian border before being stabbed and executed on the spot by Equestrian officials, a funny irony in Rommel's mind since Equestria is supposed to be based on "Friendship and harmony" but it seems that this does truly confirmed Chrysalis's theory that Equestria is out to commit ethnic cleansing on the Changeling race. Behind him a door opened and one of his men entered the balcony room, stomping his feet in a salute. "Höchst Allgemein! Message from the North and Southern armies," purported the soldier, as he handed Rommel the letter from the frontline commanders. "Well..." Rommel Read. "It would seem that the rebels have surrendered. "What should their term be sir?" Asked the soldier, as Rommel turned the page back and wrote his response and then tore it off from his notebook. "Send this to the commanders, in exchange for the leadership we will allow Changeling resistance fighters to roam free under military supervision, and inform Chrysalis that at 13:00 hours we must speak on an immediate plan of action," Rommel ordered, as another soldier entered the room. "Yes, commandant!" Replied the messenger soldier, leaving the room and switching with the trooper who stood in front of the Supreme General. "Höchst Allgemein, you have a visitor who wishes to see you and our client, sir," informed the soldier. "Inform the visitor that he'll need to wait for the meeting that is in 2 hours-" "Sir, it's a female pony," replied the soldier, catching Rommel off guard by the statement. "Female pony you say? Is it an informant?" He asked. "No sir, we have no idea of her presence, she claims she could topple the Crystal Empire with her plan," informed further the soldier. "Hmm... She has intrigued me indeed, what is her name?" Rommel asked. "Radiant Hope." Crystal City Nothing like the Crystals in a city, a miraculous place especially for Equestria's version of trick or treating, oh look Holt is giving out some candy to the foals, hey look I think that's Patton saying- "HOLT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Patton scolded, as Cadence was walking by the base gate when she noticed the general cussing his man out while Holt stood there smiling as if he loved being scolded. Which he weirdly does for some reason. But to Cadence on the other hand didn't think so, so she intervened and entered the base despite the MPs guarding it. "Excuse me general, what exactly are you mad at him for to warrant so much yelling?" She asked, which Patton could go 360 degrees with his neck. "Excuse me? You dare try to question my authority! Drop and do 50 push ups COME ON GET ON WITH IT DAMMIT I DON'T GOT ALL NIGHT!" Immediately out of confusion Cadence dropped to the ground and did a amount of push ups up and down before hearing crystal foals chuckling at the princesses foolishness which she realizes that she's been tricked, bamboozled. And got up on her four hooves and shook her head. "General, I'm not your soldier I'm your regional head, I have authority to have your division ship and pack up back to the continent where you and your men belong, but I do not wish to do that, so please explained why your were yelling at your man?" "Hi," said Holt. Patton sighed in aggravation and placed his fingers rubbing against his eyes. "First of all, MRE's is not candy, it's meals that are specifically prepared for when we have to fight, and Corporal here had been passing them down thinking it was candy... (Again) So if you have a solution please provide one, otherwise get out of my base," Patton pressured. "You know, I could just give Holt some candy to pass out?" Cadence said as a solution, which Patton, who was tired as hell because of the night, shook his head and replied. "Whatever, just don't make a mess in my base, it's kitchen duty for you two!" Patton warned. "Umm... Okay?" Patton then saluted, yawned, and went about his buisness onto bed, while Cadence cordially invited Holt with her to pass some candy to the Crystal foals. The ride to Batanero The helicopter transporting the diplomat, and the princesses are nearing their destination towards Rio Batanero for the negotiation. Of course with the princesses onboard unannounced to the bat ponies, Luna sat down looking out of the window at the open sunset as the sun slowly descended down as Celestia appeared behind her with her horn lit with the yellow glow surrounding it adjusting the sun's solar position halfway in the horizon and then letting it drop down on it's own. "It's a shame that you had to miss this year's Nightmare Night celebration, you didn't have to go," Celestia spoke in a soft voice. "It's... It's been so long Tia, Ever since the day of my banishment I left my own subjects to miserable punishments they've never deserved and yet they were left unchecked, because of my action I'm sitting here wondering what in great Faust should I do! My return had shown no symbolism to my subjects, and now the biggest nation of the southern continent is now waging war on its neighbors!" Luna expressed, as Celestia inhaled and placed her hoof under Luna's chin. "It wasn't your fault for leaving the subjects defenseless for all these years... I should've taken on your responsibilities for the last thousands of years, even if the subjects had revolted against my will I should've done what needed to be done, it was entirely my fault Lulu... For everything, for the years, and for being the source of the abuse committed towards your subjects, your subjects shouldn't have gone through these things, and yet even in peacetime I've forgotten your ponies, and I've allowed my subjects to forget your name in the past years... All I am trying to say Lulu is... I am sorry," Celestia then retracted her hoof from Luna's chin as the two locked eyes on each other in silence. "Tia... I..." In the moment diplomat James came inside of the room with a mayonnaise sandwich in his mouth when he stumbled upon the two that were having an emotional moment. "Uhhh... Sh-should I go?" He asked. "It's alright, it is your ride after all," Luna said. "I mean, if it's fine I-" *BUZZ*BUZZ* "Gimme a moment," he said, in which he grabbed out his phone and looked at the messages. "Ah Yates, 'been a while old friend' and sent!" He sent a response to my message which I then posted about the Festival. "Huh, hey Princess Luna, do you still care about Nightmare Night?" He asked. "Of course, I do, why do you ask?" She wondered. "Well, a good old friend named Yates just sent me a picture which I think you may like," the diplomat said, as he showed the widened version of the picture Luna felt her heart tugged and warm as she looked at the image. "You know Tia... I think I might have an idea of how we can get my subjects to accept our way of harmony," Luna smiled. "How so?" Celestia asked with a smile. "It may be a bit harsh, but given enough authority I'm sure we can get them to realize the mistakes made, even if it means rooting out this corruption," Luna spoke determined as she looked back at the image she saw with Twilight and her friends and the festival set up. > Uprising! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warzhingha/Warsawa The military council of Parsley was in session at this time as generals assigned to their own respective cities discussed the incidents they had to stage. "Say that again?" Said one bat pony. "These Parslians and our own people had turned against us somehow, I don't know why, but according to our unit the people in Kracu had been attempting to vote me out in the election, and according to the statistic reports the people have attempted to vote us out of our own ruling city!" Reported the Bat Colonel. "But you did deal with the scoundrel elected correct?" "...That is not the point, I think we should leave the area to its own devices, and NO I did not deal with him, I had enough of killing innocent people who were democratically elected!" Protested the Colonel. "...You have orders Colonel, deal with him or we'll-" "You'll what? Court martial me and line me up on a wall? Don't forget General I have loyalties within the ranks, killing me would stage a revolt like nothing before!" The Colonel threatened which made the guards tense up a bit and the generals and colonels a bit fluffed. "..." "My city, my jurisdiction, you have your city, be glad there isn't a resistance cell within it unlike me, who's having to quell such resistance!" " And? I believe you are just incompetent, but I can send you my unit to quell the rebels since you can't by yourself." "I believe that's not ne-" KABOOOOOOOOOM The sound of explosions ranged in every bat pony's ears as some screeched in pain from the loud bang while the Colonel and the General ought against the urge to screech and looked at the flames erupting from an oil depot. "You were saying, General?" Chuckled the Colonel, ignoring the pain in his ears, while also avoiding the shattered glass below his hooves. "...You better quell this fucking rebellion, do whatever it takes, appease them, kill them, whatever! But do NOT! LET THEM SPREAD HERE! Or it's your head! *Hm!* I think the council will be adjourned and preferably evacuated, guardsman! Get this mess cleaned up!" The general ordered. "Yes commandant," replied the guard. "Hm...." The hillside of Warzhinga The air raid sirens blared warning nearby residents to evacuate the oil depot site as Night Sky watched through his binoculars happy that the plan was executed perfectly as the bat pony saboteur group arrived at his side. "Misja zakończona sukcesem. Miną lata zanim oni zdołają się odbudować," Said Private Willow night. "Rozumiem. Wracajcie do bazy w Kracu,” replied Ordered Night Sky. As the men headed back to base in silent stealth Agent Eskamoe looked at the flames below and chuckled profusely. "What's so funny?" Night Sky asked. "Funnily enough, I never expected a resistance like this to be well armed, if not equipped, how long did you say your resistance lasted?" Eskamoe asked. "Thousands of years," replied Night Sky. "Huh... Thousands of years..." He muttered, turning towards the blue-furred pony and taking a glimpse at the coat. "Say... Why do you always wear that cloak?" Asked Eskamoe, which Night Sky looked at him and got up on his hooves. "Star gazing is over now, it's best we get back to base," Night Sky said, blatantly ignoring Eskamoe's question. Which in turn gave Eskamo mild suspicion of the cloak that Night Sky was wearing, he could just assume that Night Sky was one of those ponies who aren't in the nude, but then, on the other hand, he could be something else, although Eskamoe hoped it's not what his suspicions are telling him because if that's the case it would cause trouble within the world as everyone knows it. And he rather not think about the Gold Star incident that he personally witnessed... The Depot in flames... The clean-up crew consisting of firefighters, police, and paramedics arrived at the scene and managed to get control of the situation that erupted in the oil depot, while the police investigated armor personal carriers arrived with Thestrial troops sent to secure the perimeter and search nearby areas. They failed to find the culprits that were in the area. However, one of the soldiers found a flag raised above the now-destroyed depot and took it down where he and his comrades approached the general with it. "General Flight, we've secured the area and its perimeter," reported the soldier. "And for the culprits?" The Thestrial General asked. "So far we cannot find the culprits, but they've raised this flag sir," The soldier and his comrades presented, and the general smirked at it. "Finally... A worthy opponent, the fight shall be legendary!" Kracu/Kraków, resistance base The room formerly the olden wood map room turns into a war room being nothing but maps, and crowded generals wearing helmets with white and red stripes circling the middle. The Parslians, Bat Ponies, and some of the minority oppressed such as ponies and humans, worked together as a team to bring down their enemy, Night Sky entered and everyone in the room saluted. Meanwhile, Icebreaker had been speaking with the general staff about the possibility of intervention when a messenger walked by them. "Mr. Willak, good morning," Night Sky greeted. "Good day to you commander, apparently you might like what I have to give you," the messenger said, handing him the election results which surprised the unicorn pony. "Ignacy Mościcki won!?" Night Sky said in surprise. "Yes sir, he also sent this with me, hoping it might grab your attention," the messenger said, handing Night Sky a red envelope that said "OPEN WITH SECRECY" on it, which Night Sky turned to the staff In the room in which everyone understood and left it, all but Eskamoe who being an American agent, preferred to listen in on what it says. Night Sky didn't mind him since he was the only communication he had with the Federation. He opened the red envelope, inside it was a tape recorder which seemed to be a bit banged up with some of the buttons on it missing all except for the play and pause buttons which were intact. Using his unicorn magic he played the tape. "Good morning Commander Night Sky, by the time of this recording you may have already blown something up, but now that the people have spoken at this time I might end up dead soon because of the Thestrian's policy on "fair elections" But nonetheless I sent the messenger the tape recorder with secrecy, first of all, it's been a pleasure fighting on your side my Alicorn friend, and second, at 7:25 A.M. I will be doing an announcement stating a denouncement of this government and I will personally charge the government with the crimes listed, after my speech, you've been ordered to serve the country bread, no doubt that I will be dead, but in the name of Parsley and it's people, it was an honor, goodbye." After the tape recorder was finished, Eskamoe sat in surprise at the word "Alicorn" but before he got up to say something Night Sky turned towards him rashly. "Now you know," he said, as he used his horn and unveiled his cloak, beneath it a dagger and a pistol. The sight burns Eskamoe's stomach, he was fucking right, and sometimes he hated it, and it was one of those moments, but instead he loathed this. "Well, shit! How the hell did you become an Alicorn?" Eskamoe queried, which Night Sky sighed. "Well, I assume something like this wasn't going to be concealed for long, but I do not wish to argue, so I will tell you." 21 BLB I never knew who my parents were, or where I was born, but I know that they were a unicorn themselves before they left, I wasn't born with wings either, I was however born with a Unicorn horn. After being adopted by two Bat-pony couples who never had a child until I came into their lives, they and their community taught me the life of being a bat-pony like them, from stealth to even covering movements through sound, of course, they tried to teach me echolocation but I think we all know where that went. But when it came to magic I've been able to ace the magical abilities to the point of being invited to the school of Gifted Unicorns, but this was 20 years later when I made my decision to leave my old life to find my real parents, along the way I've been to cities in Equestria such as Manehatten, Las Pegasus, and heck! Even Canterlot for that matter. Nonetheless, I couldn't find my parents so I set up home at Ponyville, and then there it was, the castle of the two sisters was where I had my quiet place, or at least was quiet once before a fight broke out between the two sisters which resulted in Nightmare moon being banished, but I and every other pony never thought it was going to cause something major... Only except it did when the next day when my neighbors heard the disturbing sounds of propellers in the skies, and when we looked up all we felt was horror beyond comprehension as if we saw a giant dragon or bird flying above, though I would later find out it was the feared B-17 bomber that your people used to carpet bomb the cities I visited, although Canterlot was spared due to the shield, Las Pegasus on the hand.. Of course, I would try to ignore this war that had been raged throughout the land by reading books from the same castle that was now abandoned by the princess, but one day it changed when I discovered a secret room that was built by Luna as some sort of staging ground, one thing leads to another, and I've woke up with wings, and a letter. That letter was Celestia inviting me to Canterlot, though I did not want to be some royal lineage on the throne, especially when there was a war being waged, and I wasn't that good with strategy back then so I burned the letter and grabbed a cape, or what you would call a cloak, and covered my wings with it. Three years passed, and I continued to get pounded by everypony saying "Hey did you see what the Americans did!" Or some saying "Hey the Americans are bombing Canterlot again!" So forth and so forth, I was getting annoyed with the newspapers, all they talk about was the damn war still being waged, like come on! I know Luna was important but It's nothing to start a war over! And of course, I've started an argument once before I was talked down and was straight-up called a traitor to the country, nothing happened since but I vowed not to let arguments get the best of me, which was a problem, because I could seem to never get friends and even if I did they would be either be drafted into the war, killed in a bomb rush operation by America, or detained under suspicion of espionage... And as if life wasn't terrible enough, things got worse when I received the draft notice... This was something I never expect to receive when everyone else was drafted, it seemed that the war came back to bite me in the ass, immediately though I packed every provision I needed and headed to the recruitment camp in Ponyville which was gaining more non-draftees than the drafted themselves, but I wasn't going to abandon the country despite the amount of stress and depression I've had in it. Of course, on examination, I used an invisibility spell that I learned in the book to keep my wings invisible from the military examiners, because if I was caught with them they may send me to Canterlot and I still wasn't willing to become a royal. It worked, and I was allowed in without getting shipped to Canterlot, and just by telling the war was desperate to the point that I ended up here, where I was found by the locals both Parslian and Bat ponies. After nearly stabbing someone in the neck with the knife I've held for so long I was discovered to be an alicorn by the first resistance members, who coursed me to become their leader, despite my rejection and request to get back to Equestria, but when I saw how horrendous the city was in the war-torn state, I changed my way and mind, and became leader of the resistance that's been waging guerilla war since then. "And now, here we are, standing here on this boat, awaiting the final word." "Attack," Eskamoe added. "Correct, and upon those words, the winged hussar knights will conduct a calvary charge riding on Unicorn stallions with a combined attack on the Eastern checkpoint, taking it out, we will then sweep through the town hall, capture the Colonel, and maybe and possibly rescue our friend," Night Sky explained. "Hm... It may work, but we're going to need a bigger picture and plan than just the simple 1, 2, 3, action," Eskamoe spoke with reason. "And what would that be agent?" Night Sky asked as he buttoned his cloak back on. "Being an ex-soviet Colone-" "Wait you were a Colonel for Rodinia?" Night Sky interjected. "..." "Oh sorry, continue," apologized Night. "As I was saying, being an ex-colonel of the Rodinian Red Army, I was told that a mass assault doctrine mixed with guerilla tactics was the best maneuver to use when dealing with an operation such as this, you have partially this tactic, but if you want to swiftly strike quick and efficient, the best thing to do is to strike fast and swiftly. Starting with signal, instead of waiting for him to speak his code phrase, wait for him to read the charges Thestria committed, and then you can attack, and do it fast," Eskamoe explained. "So how do we execute this doctrine like that with the plan we already have?" Night Sky asked. "Let me show you." Rio De Batanero As the motorcade arrived with Thestrian police cars securing the area, the helicopter landed at the designated pad assigned to them to land on. Thestrial generals were on the scene as the helicopter was landing and brought a roofless car to the airport to bring the American diplomat to the meeting between Argendina and Thestria. As the helicopter landed the the stairs placed before the diplomat, he stepped down from the helicopter while also giving greetings from the reporters and the generals. "Good day Mr. James, we can hope that your presence gives us luck in our conference with Argendina," said a Thestrian. "Indeed it may, but... I'm more of a sideshow than your average main show," replied James. "Huh? Why so..." It was then that behind James was Princess Luna of the Night, and of Dreams, which shocked everyone as Bat-ponies stood in a place frozen, with a small amount being skeptical of her, the majority outnumbered the rest with some bowing to the princess. Luna looked at the city and gazed with wonder at how advanced her subjects were, with even the statue which the Bat-ponies called "Princess Luna the Redeemer." With the status being Princess Luna with her forehooves raised in a galloping pose. However, out of the bat-ponies bowing one of the generals spoke from the crowd. "And just who in Tartarus are you!" "I am Princess Luna, the ruler of the night, and dreams, you may not know me, but my subjects are familiar with me, and from what I heard you are allied with a cult that prefers my dreaded old self, something I'd rather forget and learn, then to be... Her," Luna replied, which the Bat-ponies murmured and whispered to each other with some interested in meeting their royal ruler until Celestia came into appearance in which everyone hissed like cats towards the multi-colored mane alicorn which everyone disliked in Thestria. Soon they started throwing fruit towards Celestia with some landing and pelting her skin before Luna shielded her and privately said. "Tia, these ponies are not like your subjects like home, they are not willing to like you, I have to-" "It's alright Lulu, just... Just be safe," Celestia said, as the two sisters hugged each other and James again went into yet another moment. "Uhh... *AHEM* anyways, we should probably head towards to meeting?" He insisted. "Indeed, lead the way, Mr. James." And so the two went down to the bottom of the stairs and departed towards the capitol building where the meeting was taking place, however, the general who asked earlier didn't like the monarchy, nor was he willing to let it ruin his own private paradise. "This is General tar tar, we have a code 0-12." The East Kracu city checkpoint It was now sunny with clear skies, Bat-pony troops continued to hold the checkpoint and inspect and arrest those who were affiliated with resistance cells. Some chattered, some smoked, and some straight-up drank themselves to death. However, it was then that they heard heavy trotting from the distance, some thought it was some sort of nearby stampede, however, the commanding officer looked through his binoculars and saw with horror what was approaching. "Wait why is it-" *SLIT* Before he can answer he was quickly slit in half by the sword of the warriors as pony stallions dueled and fought against the checkpoint, the area once quickly turned to a violent struggle as guns are fired and exchanged, and armed troops opened fire on the enemy positions with small and big arms fire. As the guard's posts are scattered in disarray the commander attempts to hold a part of the checkpoint. "SIR WHAT'S GOING ON!" Shouted a private, as he shot at the enemy with his gun, while also trying not to catch a bullet. "I DON'T KNO- AGH" Yelled the commander, being killed in the crossfire of a gun battle as the Winged Hussars circled around stabbing the Bat-pony soldiers who tried their best to host the post. "LONG LIVE PARSLEY!" Shouted some of the subordinates, catching their former comrades off guards and gunning them down with their own weapons as the leader of the infiltration ground quickly grabbed the resistance flag and raised it on the checkpoint which signaled to the Winged Hussars to halt further progression. "That's one out of three to liberate," said the captain of the Hussars, as his men got off of the Stallions which they moved to secure the post. "Now we'll need to wait for the barracks at the north to be raided," replied the infiltration leader. Barrack 0-43 Upon word that the main checkpoint had been raiding bat-pony troops quickly got to their tanks and APCs until... The commander of the barracks is killed in his tank which drove confusion in the base, it was then that a truck filled to the brim with resistance troops smashed through the base gates and fired on the Bat-pony troops in masses with some of the resistance fighters holding AK-47s, the main rifles, captured Thestrial weapons, and one resistance fighter with a M143 minigun. As they disembarked the base personnel rallied to take positions but with their commander dead the NCOs rallied with whatever troops they could find to mount a counterattack, with some of the officers locked themselves in a bunker armed with a Light machine gun that gunned down some of the resistance rebels creating casualties. It was then that Agent Icebreaker, who is the only one armed with American weapons approached the bunker by crawling on the ground, and then within his reach, he grabbed a little present from his belt. "THROWING FRAG!" He shouted, as he ripped the safety off and threw the grenade inside of the bunker which exploded into fragments of shrapnel and debris, Icebreaker then raided the bunker and killed everyone else who was alive despite them being unarmed and in pain. *RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT* After killing everyone in the room he quickly radioed in that the bunker in the west sector of the barracks was secured. In the north corridor of the Barracks, the resistance troops rushed the enemy through a series of heavy gunfire as the bat ponies attempted to escape in fear of being killed in a brutal death. Upon reaching the second floor it was filled with barbed wire and machine gun foxholes as the whole hallway turned into a trench zone, a resistance soldier climbed up the stairs and got his head blown clean off from his body which now lays stabbed and poked by barbed wire. "Dammit! They got the damn second hallway packed with those machine gun nests!" Said a Corporal, as his commanding officer who is a Bat-pony ringed in Incebreaker. "We need assistance here, we can't move an inch up on that second floor without getting our heads blown off like the guy before us!" Said the commander, as a bullet ricocheted right in front of her. -- "Roger, HEY YOU TRUCK DRIVER!" "Yeah?" Asked the driver. "CAN YOU PILOT A TANK!?" "Yeah! Let me just get in one without getting my ass shot off!" Said the driver as he kept his head ducked from the oncoming enemy fire coming in from the top of the Barrack building. Icebreaker then followed suit and the two jumped inside the T-80 tank what met them were a series of complicated lights that looked like buttons but in reality, the controls were simpler, so immediately the driver got to work and turned the tank on and cranked some things and then moving the tank. "Nice, I always wanted to man this thing," Icebreaker chuckled. "Here's your opportunity now, you see the turret controller?" The pilot asked. "Yeah!" "Grab them and turn the turret towards the target, when you're ready push on the pedal below." "What does that do?" "It fires the damn cannon mate what else does it do!" The two burst into laughter and carried on with the task at hand as the Driver positioned the tank into position Icebreaker peeked his head out a rocket landed right beside the tank in a fiery explosion. "HOLY SHIT! THAT WAS FUCKING CLOSE!" "Yeah, too close," said the driver, as they arrived at the central part of the battle for Kracu. The tank cannon turned towards the second floor and in an instant just as the enemy Thestrians peeped their heads out the window he shouted. "EAT IT!" *BANG* The tank fires its shell and zooms all the way to the building where it destroys and burns everything inside of the floor killing anyone inside of the floor in particular while also creating a hole in the wall. And when the survivors peaked out of the hole in the building they were quickly gunned down by either the resistance troops or Icebreaker and the driver with both the tank's light and heavy machine guns cutting down the surrounding area. -- "Now's our chance everypony! Charge!" Ordered the commander as the Bat-pony and Parslian troops continued their building rush and killed the survivors inside while taking a few prisoners who went down the stairs with a white flag as a sign of surrender, the Parslians now awaited word for the final place to be liberated. The city. Kracu, City Centre district In the city, people gathered to listen to their new district manager's words of reason despite what had been going on in the distance, although people had noticed that there was no internet in their city and some people noticed that. While people weren't concerned about the internet blackout they all stood in front of the town hall balcony where stands the democratically elected leader of Kracu, Ignacy mościcki. As they looked up at the leader he spoke. "Hello my children of Parsley, today would be a historical moment in the nation's history as we've all gathered together about the essence of the Thestrial and their intentions, but nonetheless I would like to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead you all." -- "Colonel Gallif!" "What is it corporal I'm trying to watch the speech," the Colonel said, smoking his pipe. "Sir! The Eastern Checkpoint has been raided! And the Barracks had been overrun!" This news made the Colonel spit out his pipe and cough. "WHAT! HOW! OR BETTER, WHO!?" "Resistance sir! Our entire garrison had been overrun, the checkpoint is now opened and the city is under-manned!" "Corporal! What the HELL ARE YOU SAYING!" "I'M SAYING IT'S JUST US SIR! THE CITY GARRISON, AND THE ARMOR CARS! EVERYONE IS EITHER DEAD OR CAPTURED! WE'RE GOING TO DIE-" *SMACK* "GET IT TOGETHER CORPORAL! Hmmm..." The Colonel looked at the blue phone provided by Stefanos on the occasion that something like this occurs, calling the number though could end up having him be demoted or discharged from the army because of such incompetency, of course, the resistance would be taken care of but not in his way... But if he doesn't call Thestria will not know for a while, but then considering that the general he just threatened is sending an armor column to his city it could be his head! Unless... The bakery Night Sky and Eskamoe waited for the leader to announce the charges when suddenly the door opened and it was Colonel Galliff and his soldiers, Night and his men along with Eskamoe pointed their rifles towards him before Galiff's bat-pony soldiers did the same before Galiff raised his hoof ordering them to stand down, and then grabbing a white handkerchief. "A surrender?" Night Sky asked. "And why should I believe you?" "Let's just say unless you like barren wastelands I'd rather you listen to me, I am not for or against the Thestrial government but for years I tried to undermine them on their doctrine of occupation, why do you think he is still alive Mr?" "Sky, just Sky, and why should we even trust you when you killed people with your orders!" "Trust me when I say I do not enjoy the crimes committed and I'm sorry for that, luckily though you killed most of the loyalists towards Thestria instead of the ones loyal to me. So thank you." "Thank... You?" "In other words, I'd kiss you right now If I wasn't a stallion, of course, that to say, your forces and my men can take out the convoy heading right straight for us," the Colonel informed. "So what counts for little tanks?" "Those tanks you destroyed in the Barrack are nothing compared to what Rodinia supplied." "What are you talking about..." "This column has tanks all right, but give it helicopters and everything goes to Tartarus, but these are not just any helicopters either, I'm talking..." "Mi-8s, shit that means they have special forces!" "Correct, and no one could survive them, and if this column reaches us." "It's over..." "Correct, but knowing what they'll do to me I'd rather hurt them for every misery they cause me than surrender cowardly to the same ones who'll execute me, I dreamed of glory, just not in the way I thought," the colonel said, as he grabbed his hat with the Thestria symbol and tossed it into the fireplace. "Where can I and my men start sir," he saluted. "I think I know what you can do." Highway-67 Columns of trucks carrying tanks with some of the armor vehicles rolling on the grassland plains. General Night Flight and his vehicle lead the convoy heading straight for Kracu when his radio suddenly scrambled into white noise. "What's going on!" He demanded. "Sir, someone is scrambling all radio frequencies! We can't get a signal!" Informed the bat-pony soldiers. "Alright, stop this column, I want a technician on the ground now!" He ordered, as his passenger climbed out of the jeep and raised flag signals to the column, ordering them to stop. Some had stopped while some smashed into one another from the back damaging some of the equipment and breaking one out of the three helicopters that rested on the flatbeds. The general stepped out and looked at his column. "Great Creator Dammit!" He cursed to himself as he and his men moved in to inspect the damage. Suddenly a tank shell zoomed passed them and destroyed a second MI-8 helicopter blowing it to pieces as it now sits in flames the drivers tried to get out of the truck but were consumed in the flames of Tartarus. Then it happened, the winged Hussars, the Colonel's troops, Night Sky's liberation forces, and some of the troops that raided Barrack 043 had all charged and attacked the column in a fierce ambush as the once peaceful plain lands turned into a scorched hell land. In the midst of the battle General Flight Grabbed his pistol and fired at the rebels that raided him. Eskamoe was nearly shot before Night Sky tackled the General which turned into a full-on brawl. Night Flight pounced on Night Sky and tore his cloak off revealing his true self before being kicked in the head. After the general grabbed his bearings he spat out a blood-covered tooth and stared at the rebel leader. "So you're the one they call the immortal leader," he chuckled. "Surprised?" Night Sky replied as they circled around in the chaotic fight between freedom and tyranny. "You and your people should've never set hoof on these lands!" Night Sky exclaimed as he pulled out a sword. "Hehehe. Same for you, Equestrian rat." The General then drew his sword out and the two charged at each other in the style of sword-to-sword combat. Warsawa The city was now in flames, rebel uprisings had now begun, Parsley was now rebelling against their occupiers, and the only one left was the General who had tried his best to consolidate power, but now the civilians of Parsley were now attempting to breach the capitol palace. And once it happens thousands of years of military occupation will be undone and they can't do anything about it no matter what they throw. The General no doubt attempted to escape before being slapped by a Parslian with an M14 rifle pointing it at him. *BANG, BANG BANG* And so, the members of the General Council of Parsley, all except for the Colonel who fights for Parsley. Are dead. Rio Batanero, capitol building Argendinian representatives sat quietly in the room and so did the bat Ponies. Except the Argendinian representatives smiled at what Stefanos was hearing on the phone, and President Alberto could laugh his ass off when Stefanos got off the phone and sighed. "What did you do President," Stefanos demanded. "What happened bat? Lost control of your little enclave that you've held for thousands of years?" Alberto insulted while keeping his laughter inside of him. "This will not be tolerated! Just you wait! I will make sure to burn your frontlines to the point of Tartarus!" "You will do no such thing!" Entered Luna and James, as they stood towering over the Bat-ponies who looked in shock at Luna's presence. " And who are you, faker!?" Stefanos questioned, as Luna explained who she was, what she was called by him and every other bat pony, and her purpose here. Stefanos wasn't going to give an inch to her, no matter what, even if she was Nightmare Moon he wasn't willing to give up his power. "Soldier! Detain her and put her away! I do not want this faker anymore than-" But before he finished Luna moved the moon in the sky blackening the sky into a total solar eclipse causing the men, the soldiers, and the Bat-ponies to truly fear like never before an alicorn. The Bat-pony soldiers dropped their guns and dropped to the ground in a bow at her hooves Luna, with her eyes bright white, moved the moon back to where it was which revealed a scared Stefanos who was now shocked at what she did. And he should be when his own men turned against him with guns pointing at him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" "You are a traitor to our goddess! It's clear that this one is better than Nightmare Moon!" "WHAT!?" They then launched an all-out coup de tat and detained Stefanos, banging him on the wall with rifles pointing at him, Luna held her hoof up and spoke harshly in demand. "Recalled ALL troops from the lands occupied, from Parsley to the Gilligan region! And I promise I will make a better treaty that can solve this conflict!" "Oh yeah! How so-" "QUIET PRISONER!" Yelled the Bat-pony Sergeant who banged Stefanos in the gut. "Now now Sergeant, that won't be necessary, Mr. Alberto?" Luna asked, in which he pridefully placed down a map that is actually internationally fair for all parties even for the Parslians who aren't present. "..." "If you agree, we'll let you live and let you go back to Chiropterra, otherwise if you disagree, then you will have to deal with your army," Luna threatened, which the leader of the nation he ruled for a year had never been forced to this rate. "Fine..." "Good, a helicopter will be sent to send you back to Chiropterra, just know however, if you dare come back and try to take back what isn't your's I will fly over here myself, and deal with you in the harshest punishment known to ponykind! As long as I live you are to never come back to these lands, EVER AGAIN!" "Very well... But know this, if you ever become Nightmare Moon, just know that the land I came from will accept you with open arms..." "But not me!" Stefanos stated, as he signed the treaty and was escorted outside to the helicopter that awaited him to transport him out of Rio Batanero. And with that, years of tyranny were brought to an end by Luna as F-16 Jets sent from America arrived followed by military helicopters filled with Marines as fireworks were shot up from the building to alert the army that they'd just overthrown their leader with the help of their goddess they formerly called Empress. But they aren't heading to Thestria, they're going through Thestria. The plains. As the battle continued to rage the Thestrial troops were being pounded with the helicopter pilots attempting to fly the Mi-8 helicopter but were killed by a strafe of machine gun fire. Special forces meanwhile showed their strength as they gunned down hundreds of Resistance fighters before they were calvaried charged by the Hussars whose swords sliced through the Special Forces soldiers necks. Eskamoe and Icebreaker side by side fired their guns toward the enemy when suddenly, they heard helicopters and jets flying towards them, and everyone paused the fighting. Except for Night Sky and Night Flight who continued to duel with their swords forming an X shape every time they clinged onto each other. Night Sky attempted to go for a stab before being cut by Night Flight in the chest who he then chuckled. "You fight like a brat, shamefully, your fur reminds me of something," the general thought as Night Sky got up on his hoof. "You never show me your face, you continue to hide behind that blue helmet of yours!" Night Sky insulted. "This helmet serves as my protection, also it's called an Atlyn, very USEFUL!" He then went to attempt to cut Night Sky's throat off before being caught off guard and getting shot by the unicorn horn in the tail. "You know! If I wasn't a damn pony I'd bite your skin off just for that!" He raged. "Oh really? Should've been obvious considering how wingless you are!" "I will KILL YOU!" Shouted the Pony as he charged towards Night Sky with the sword in an attempt to slice his eye out but he was foiled and fatally, Night Sky sliced Night Flight's helmet off and stabbed him in the chest. "ERK- AU.. ACK-" *Plop* Laying on the ground bleeding Night Sky turned towards the pony whom he fought and was shocked.. "No... I-it can't be!" "W-what!" "You're... You're my father!" Night Sky revealed, that Night Flight at first was about to insult him but realized now that finally recognized the fur coat. He remembers the day of his son's birth, the day he and his wife left him. "..." "..." The two didn't talk, but Night Flight was bleeding ferociously, and Night Sky attempted to save his father but he turned his face toward him. "Don't... Y-you Won, there is no need to heal me." "I can still save you, father!" "No- *cough* you... Need to find my wife, she's still alive." "But... How... How are you two still-" "She... Knows, I... Don't..." "Father... FATHER! FATHER DON'T LEAVE ME, FATHER, PLEASE!" Night Flight closed his eyes and died, something Night Sky never thought to think was how his parents were somehow alive, it confused him a lot but nonetheless, he noticed White helicopters and Jets zooming over him in aid with the fighters. But these weren't just Americans, it was the League of Nations Peacekeepers, with blue helmet troops mixed with Griffons, Ponies, Humans, and even Rodinians arriving to secure the area and treating both sides that were wounded when a White Helicopter with the letters "United Nations." Landed behind him. The Blue Helmet men took away his now-dead father who he had vanquished and with that, he was gone with the sky. As for the blue-capped men, they started discussing what they should do about the establishment of a Parsley country. And whoever should lead it. 3 days later After days of packing provisions again, the war in Argendina was over, after an entire year of struggle the death toll reached hundreds upon thousand hundreds of dead. The war was devastating and bloody, and now with Thestria losing its grip in Parsley after thousands of years of occupation, it was finally over. And so, with Parsley liberated and with the knowledge that his mother was alive, he sat out to leave once again to find his only parent left. Upon the day of the establishment of the Republic of Parsley and the renaming of cities, Night Sky left the resistance and was later presumed missing. Nonetheless, a statue was constructed in his name, and Ignacy Mościcki became the leader of the newly established republic, a Parsley land for the Parslian people. In honor of those who died, extra red is added to their flag to commemorate the sacrifices made in the war of liberation. As for Night Sky, wherever he was, he could rest peacefully now knowing that he could safely chant to himself. "Long live, Parsley, Long live the republic." > Intermission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Territorial land as of 1004 Summary: The League of Nations creates a Peacekeeper unit with the task of conducting international aid operations worldwide to those in need. America is in the process of a resolution to restore continental power to South Humarica, while also disbanding bases in the Republic of Colthage. Rodinia reaffirms military support with Stalliongrad after it has successfully established ties with Yakyakistan. Princesses Luna and Celestia return to Equestria after settling things in Thestria, the nation becomes a republic and is invited into the Legion of Southern Humarican Nations by Princess Sunset Shimmer, following this the newly democratic government sends a letter of apologies to the Parsley leadership for ages of occupation and to Argendina for the war, paying 300 million dollars in compensation. Chiropterra denounces Thestria for Heresy, and cuts off all ties, and recalls all military attaches from the nation. The Soviet leadership announced the introduction of the Tigr Vehicle, created against America's Humvee, following this announcement, the Soviet Nuclear Program has been created, starting a new type of arms race. Celestia called on America and Rodinia to cease hostilities and stop nuclear research, but both countries rejected Celestia's demand. Yates and Gold Star are eventually given a Presidential pardon and return back to base Alicorn where they are welcomed back in open arms by the troops present. Meanwhile, I've been busy making friends with the base men. Brodfield goes into a state of Ideological war, while also being raided by Griffonian raiders, but it is not in a civil war. (Yet) The Tarrin Resistance is born Grover the 5th declassified documents regarding military build-up in Mexicona that there were plans of an invasion before being shown the power of Humanity through the bomb Fidel Castro hosted a Soviet-only conference in Kuba with nations that were communist, the list is concerning listing for. Rodinia, Stalliongrad, Skynavia, Saddle Arabia, and Llambet. Ghaddafi launches a coup de tat' in Toebuck and declares regional powerhouse, despite resistance. Saddam Hussein becomes head of Saddle Arabia after years of Council rule. The Communist Party of Sen Kinh was established by Ho Chi Mane. Peacekeepers Established a buffer zone between Gryphian Host and Brodfield with hopes of preventing the ideological wars from escalating into a regional conflict. Skyfall establishes an international trade Organization in Griffonia. The Storm King prepares his armies for a potential invasion of a weakened Arabia along with Asstyria and Anseruk. However, the Soviets in Rodinia along with Secretary General Brezhnev threatened a Military response and to "raise like hell." Frontlines in Senturya are stabilized thanks to Peacekeeping operations, a ceasefire was hosted and maintained between the two parties. Hippogriffia begins evacuation of its residents into Seaquestria despite American affirmation of defending to the death. President Reagan authorized the deployment of Navy vessels, blockading and starving the Storm King's war efforts while also inspecting ships for smuggled weaponry. Agent Eskamoe and Icebreaker are recalled back to American soil after stabilizing the country (Parsley) and capturing MIA troops from a long-gone regime. Rebels once known as warlords in the Changeling lands have been defeated by Preuben and Changeling loyalist forces, the Queens captured had all chosen to stay loyal and obedience to Queen Chrysalis and her rule in exchange for their subject's lives. America on the First of January, 1004, establishes the Zebrican Iron Belt, which spans countries such as Mareegypt, Colthage Republic, Hippogriffia, and Zumidia, this angers the Storm King and threatens retribution on American soil. > Episode 5: 1004, The Siege of Crystal City Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brookian Broadcasting Channel "Breaking news today, as we bring you the latest developing story occurring in the world as of now, the Zebrican region according to sources from the League of Nations peacekeepers, coupled with other sources, it had been confirmed that Muammar Gaddafi has declared a "Total demolition of a corrupted government" as reports stated, military tanks and militias took to the streets in the capital and all over the region referred to as "Toebuck" however the region was known to be unstable, this could bring a rise to some sort of authoritarian leadership, but other than that of unconfirmed reports of armed resistances ongoing, Rodinian Leader Brezhnev had quote Congratulated the "Takedown of American facilities, and ended capitalist ideology." Here we have Lyse Doucet, can you describe what President Reagan might be doing in response?" The reporter looked at the camera and replied. "Well as it could seem the white house itself has been a bit inactive on its decision whether how to respond or-" The Colonel turned off the room television and shook his head. "Amateurs, of course, we ain't going to announce our plans, that's like telling the enemy we'd be invading tomorrow or something!" Alex said to himself, looking around the room and noticing it was just him. "Oh that's right..." Then, I opened the door and Gold Star and I saluted the Colonel. "We're back for duty Colonel," said Gold Star. "It's about fucking time! I can now tell that oversized white horse to stop sending me letters scolding my ass!" "I can always count on a welcome back speech... Didn't you say you have an assignment for us when we got back from collecting the potato order?" I asked. "Yeah, well it's more like someone else's assignment, which in my opinion, I think Gold Star should look at first." "Why me?" He asked. "You'll see," answered the Colonel. Gold Star then opened the envelope and it had Twilight Sparkle's seal on it, the message read. Dear Lieutenant Yates, and Major Gold Star- "You've been cordially invited to the Crystal Faire! Although it was kind of Cadence's idea to invite you, I kind of think that anypony is welcome, except those who'd harm others for their self-interest, but we can always use a helping hand! Plus I think Rainbow Dash alone isn't really enough to handle security all by herself, so will you come?  -Signed Twilight Sparkle." "P.S.... Patton and his forces are currently conducting some sort of drills, well do you think we should bring some vehicles and men with us?" Gold Star asked. "Huh, I thought you'd be happy to see Twilight Sparkle write to you?" Alex questioned. "Yes, but I ain't gonna go all cutie over it, it's called duty," replied the major. "Hm, alright then in that case, it will take a matter of time to load up the train, although until then... You might have company..." "Company?" I asked. "What company?" Suddenly the phone rang. I walked over and picked up the phone line. "Lieutenant here." "Lieutenant? I asked for Colonel Alex?" Spoke a Rodinian voice. "Alright listen here, I don't know who the hell you are sir! But if you are calling us over relations I WILL-" "Lieutenant! Phone, now!" Ordered the Colonel, which I became suspicious of but handed him the phone anyway, Gold Star on the other hand... "Who the hell is that Colonel!" Scolded Gold Star. "Good grief... Give me a moment Colonel Dvornikov," Alex excused, placing his hand on the speaker and explaining. "General Carville under presidential sanction has ordered a joint-military task unit to guard the Crystal City." "WHAT!??" Yelled the both of us in unison. "Yeah, yeah, I know! The communists are bad and whatnot, but take it up with the Carville, not me, just doing 'my duty' as usual," Alex phrased, giving Gold Star the stink eye. "It'd be nice if you let us know ahead of time!" I scolded. "As much as I would agree I can't, considering that this was supposed to be informed by Princess Cadence!" Alex informed me. "W-what!? But why would she keep that type of information from us in the first place?" "How should I know? She had Twilight do the writing!" Alex slipped. "What the fuck is everyone's deal here!" "To be honest I got no clue, now why the hell are you two still in my office get your fucking men, and go to the fucking city! Oh and, expect your military vehicles to arrive in 10:00 hours," informed the Colonel. "Yessir..." So me and Gold Star left the building after packing some things in it. We also gathered the men that were already prepared to go into the city, of course since the vehicles were being prepared we were given train tickets to Crystal City. Never gotten the chance to look at that city, so why is everyone so secretive lately when it comes to this? What's going on? Vesalpolis "And so now I come to you now in your support, for you and the changelings to restore your honor, and you... Humans?" As the room was filled with the sounds of Changeling drones chuckling deviously at the plan Radiant Hope made, Rommel looked and processed Radiant Hope's long yet structured speech at a conference that was hosted to discuss particularly stability. Chrysalis looked intrigued by Radiant Hope's words of hope, desire, and ambition, an ambition that can only be achieved through violent conquest, it would also seem that Hope indeed has a structured plan to avenge the ones that had been wronged, such as the ones present. Lightning Dusk, Iron Will and his goatfriend, and the Flim and Flam brothers, and how much of a crushing defeat that this plan can bring to the mane 6 and princesses to their knees, but primarily when she brought up the deal of having Twilight Sparkle especially to be a captive for the changelings. Chrysalis and her subjects could die and go to evil heaven. Although for Rommel... All he heard was consensual rambling, excuses, and risk, he didn't like the single piece of tactics Radiant Hope was referring to, and he wanted to imprint that in her mind. "Anyone have any questions?" Hope asked. Giving Rommel the opportunity to raise his hand, which she wisely answered. "So Hope," Rommel said, as he rose from his seat and slid it under the table. "What do you know about Might?" He asked. "Umm... It's when um... It's when you could do it but not right now??" Hope answered wrongly to Rommel's eyes. "...Clearly you have no idea of it, and that's fine for you since you are not a military general of expertise, however, I have a lot of questions about your planning and the flaws with it, for instance, why do you insist on using a bigger army as a chaotic decoy while you go inside of the castle and invoke resurrection of what you consider a friend?" "Well... That's because-" "Face it pony, even if Chrysalis decided that she wanted to attack I'd respect that, but the men however will not, my men have been fighting furiously against the damned unloyal drones that are referred to as subjects, and to think that Chrysalis and her original plan was already dangerous, what you are risking here is a bigger threat!" "What could be threatening?" She asked. "Oh well let's see. The American nation on our west, their armies stationed in Crystal City, and their expeditionary regiment according to my contact has moved out to the south to conduct drills, but I'm also getting word that the 105th Armor division is directly heading straight for Crystal City, following the entire Rodinian 87th motor-rifle brigade!" Rommel announced, causing a murmur within Chrysalis's high command and even concerning Chrysalis herself. "So there I tell you, you've mentioned the princesses, you've mentioned the royal guards, mane 6, and even stooped up to their naiveness but one thing you've forgotten to consider is the matter of how long before you and everything else falls apart in the fiery flames of Napalm! So trust me when I say, your plan in mind is severely flawed, and you! Have no idea what you are bringing everyone into!" Rommel finished, finishing a single cycle around the table sitting back down on his chair and looking at the pony. "Hmm... You're right, so why not let you command it?" She suggested. "Rash choice, but I could develop a well-thought-out plan that can keep up with your current in a matter of moments, but in order to have a decently sizable plan I'll need to send a request to the fuhrer about the possibility of aircraft." "How long will that take?" Hope Asked, as Rommel stared at her with cold chill filled eyes with only two words as a reply. "Long enough." Sunset City, Gradenland International Embassy Sunset Shimmer wasn't always this interactive towards Equestria nor the Major powers of the world as she felt that it may lead to influence that shouldn't be allowed in the lands she ruled. Her subjects were harmonized with each other, and she wanted to keep it that way without striving, but when it comes to wars such as the recent one the Thestrial-Argendinian war, and the Parsley uprising, she always had her feathers ruffled and combed from the worry she had to endure. Although she has military experience albeit from the Royal Equestrian Academy, she never found herself ruling both the country and a fricken army at the same time! All the while maintaining an alliance that pursues to unify the entire continent into a united front, and possibly a stronghold for harmony, something that a lot of her subjects prefer, rather than the ones she had dealt with upon her fight with Stargei. She can remember how that corrupted pony tried to mangle and use his subjects for his own self-gain, and the day he was overthrown she could've just said my job is done and gone back, if she wasn't double coronated, from being a Unicorn Princess of Gradenlend, to an Alicorn Princess of Gradenland AND Equestria. Though at some times she would try to revisit Canterlot, given if she hasn't been given stacks of paperwork to deal with, not to mention with shenanigans with parliament, and the going ons with other government districts, she wonders sometimes if she even has a purpose here in Humarica in the long run... But in that sort of phrase, she was personally attending a conference that would admit Thestria to the alliance abbreviated as the L.S.H.N., if ratified Thestria would be the first major country since 999 ALB, which in that year was when Doglumbia membership, with the nations of Bolivi and Doglumbia being the only members other than Gradenland. Entering inside of the embassy the entire building was busy with Bat Pony representatives from Thestria heading inside of the auditorium, and Rodinian and American Diplomats that had arrived as observers of the alliance initiation and ratification. Entering in the stadium her friend, who helped her establish the status quo of the country, waved at her and saved her a seat. That same friend also knew agriculture and was the one to figure out that Stargei was the one behind Gradenland's misery and the two overthrew him together. And his name was White Feather. "Hey Sunset! About time you showed up, things were just getting juicy with the Bat Ponies and the Diamond Dogs." "What?" "Look," pointed White Feather, as the two peered down to see the argument. "Listen, Mr. Bargar! We have been endorsed by Princess Luna, the President of the American Federation, and even Princess Celestia for moon's sake! And you're telling us that you won't even ratify or come to consider anything!!?" "Obviously Bat-pony, I and the Bolivian gentle humans behind us are sick and tired of the shenanigans your kind pulled here!" "But we've given the Parslians their independent freedoms, and we've compensated Argendina for the losses, what more can there be asked!" "Nothing! That's the point! Because of the fact that you winged bats destroyed, raided, and even pillaged our lands is something neither my kind could ever forgive!" "Not to mention!" Interjected the Bolivian representative. "You've launched multiple coups against our government! Which was luckily a failure, but still! You tried to undermine our government!" "That's because you are a Junta! I see a lot of reasons for you to be overthrown!" Immediately a whole argument broke out in the chambers with Bolivians shouting racial slurs and slang towards the Bat-pony representatives, and Diamond dogs throwing random items at the Thestrian representation. Sick of the chaos that broke out in her own embassy, Sunset Shimmer stood on all fours and fired a sound bomb inside of the building which deafened everyone's ears including the observers as she flew down from the top and landed between the delegations, which quickly sat down out of fear of her power and wrath. She cleared her throat and exclaimed. "Clearly you have no idea what this alliance stands for! You should all be ashamed for trashing the purpose of this alliance! Have you all forgotten that I was the one who invited them into the alliance in the first place and that I would prefer that the motion be ratified as quickly as possible!" "With all due respect Princess Shimmer," interjected a member of the Doglumbian delegation. "But in the statement of the king of Doglumbia, and in accordance with the treaty, the alliance was originally made against the aggression of Thestria, and not to simply let them in, that was the agreement, wasn't it not Princess?" "Of course, but things have changed since then! Just look at the Federation and Equestria for example, the two countries were at a standoff before they ended it just last year, so why stop the change there?" The Bolivians and the Doglumbians rolled their eyes as the Thestrians were about to speak Sunset Shimmer added. "I think a recess is in order..." Crystal City Gold Star and I arrived at the station with a group of 40 men packed and ready when the Soviets that we're jointly guarding arrived with their versions of Humvees, the Tigr, with their commander in the lead vehicle, he stepped out with his arm extended. "Greetings comrades, glad to meet acquaintances," entered the Colonel, as I and Gold Star pleasurably shook his hand in an Apol. "Glad to meet you too sir, so... What is that you were just riding?" Gold Star asked. "Never seen or heard of them before." "What? The vehicles behind me? These are our own style of Humvees, or what we call the Tigr's, very good, very decent, and very multi-tasky," replied the Soviet Colonel. "Right, well we got our own equipment on its way so, I guess we better make the most of it, Yates?" "PLATOON, LETS BOARD!" I ordered, as the men towed their stuff and items and placed them inside the Tigr's, while some boarded the BTR-70 to carry more of the men with us. Me and Gold Star, on the other hand, were to ride with the Colonel and discuss why the hell is with the secrecy... The Colonel grabbed the radio and ordered. "Нападающие!" Immediately the Tigr's and other armored vehicles began making a straight line convoy formation and headed towards the city, with a BTR-82 leading the way Gold Star and I waited for the explanation, but the Colonel looked at us. "If you are wondering for an explanation about this secrecy or why no one is telling us about anything, you're looking at the one named Twilight Sparkle, not me." "It's Cadence, not Twilight," Gold Star spoke. "Yeah? Well, have you ever wondered how we knew you were coming?" The Colonel Queried. "...What exactly are you applying here?" Gold Star asked. "Obviously if you have noticed Twilight Sparkle and her little friendship crusade, it's obvious that she wants us and your division friendly, just so our countries can be friendly!" This response made me jerk, is he actually serious? Was the fucking youngest Princess trying to get our countries to befriend each other!? Because if she is she has a sloppy way of doing it! "Oh great... Just as if the fight with Tirek wasn't enough, now we're having "Friendship" lessons... Good grief she can never drop the fact that we'll be enemies forever and ever!!" "Da that I can agree with America, I know the purple pony has an imagination, but I think she may be imagining too much in her head." "Her imagination is what got Equestria out of the chaos that it could've entered in, but I think you might be right, although to be reasonable she may have a reason, right?'' The type of reasons that I may figure out eventually went something like this. Apparently, Twilight was told by Celestia that the Rodinian and American Governments had agreed to end the personal diplomacy, meaning that whatever Gold Star and Twilight had progressed together politically now would be considered void, and Gold Star didn't even know. So that he doesn't know about this she decided to have Rodinia and America jointly guard the Crystal City while Patton and his men went to conduct Drills on the Canterlot outskirts. Then if it goes well according to the plan, Rodinia may change their ways and might recall their demand. Full proof right? Well... Not exactly... And you'll see why. As it was, Twilight and Spike were walking in the yard setting up the Crystal fair, and since she is the control freak of this whole organized event she's given a microphone!  (Creator help us all) "Attention Everypony! All food vendors are directed to take the east road to the Crystal Commons! Also Flugelhorn vendors please follow the balloon vendors to the Crystal Courtyard!" "Man... Do they have to call everything crystal here? I mean we get it! It's Crystal," Spike expressed. "They're proud of their home Spike? I thought you loved the Crystal Empire, you're a hero here!" "I do, but I think the preparations for the Crystal Fair are starting to wear on me..." "Well, the fair is tomorrow so after that, no fair talk, just good relaxation!" "About time, last week felt like a year or forever-" "Hold on a minute?" Twilight interjected, spotting the Flim and Flam brothers at their cart with the sign saying "Try Flim and Flam's lemonade!" Twilight and Spike looked at each other in faces of disapproval (and slight bitterness) and confronted the two Business ponies. "What are you two doing here!" "Just selling our legitimate wares that's all, remember the super speedy cider squeezy 3000?" Queried one of the brothers. "Do I!? That was the worst Cider I've ever tasted!" Twilight aggressively replied. "Well we've made some adjustments, it makes lemonade now," smirked one of the brothers. "Do you have a permit for that!" Twilight questioned before being presented with a huge list filled with government bureaucracy that I would sleep through because of the size and words involved. "Yes ma'am, we're legitimate business ponies, we wouldn't do less." "Huh..." Twilight spoke in sudden surprise. "Everything seems to be in order." "Of course, Princess, life gave us lemons, and so we made the world an efficient Lemonade maker!" Replied the brothers, as Twilight and Spike turned their backs on them and walked on while the two waved. But the wave wasn't for them, however. In the vendor section, the tourists were looking around gazing at the Crystal City and it's structure, while the castle was the main source of attraction to the tourists, it was a hub of curiosity. For instance, why does the Crystal Heart uncoincidentally float between two spiky crystals that point from top to bottom? And why was the city banished? Or what was the city for that matter? Something tour guides can't answer. But some who are dressed as tourists are not tourists. Within the city is nothing but a web of groups, preparing for the signal, the leader, is a preubic. "What's the status of Flim and Flam, did they make it? Did they fool the naïve Princess?" Asked some Preubic General, as a Preubic soldier, on top of the roof, looked through the binoculars and saw the brothers waving towards them and Twilight and Spike. The Preubic Rifleman replied. "Affirmative General Ferguein, the princess and her pet had just left their sights," "Roger that... Mr. Wills, it's time." "Go make some friends." On the other side of the city, sleeper units from the Preubic Korps disguised as tourists hid in the crowd in plain sight, with some wearing black masks, and some wearing head scarfs with sunglasses on their faces. Shining Armor, looking down from the balcony, noticed a big influx of human tourists lately, it didn't bother him, but it did make him suspicious. "Is something wrong Shiny?" Cadence entered, breaking Shining Armor's train of thought. "Eh... Nothing, I can't help but feel that something bad is going to happen," the stallion dreaded. "I'm sure it's just the pre-Faire feelings, you should relax after all it's not like this isn't the only time we've ever hosted one before," Cadence smiled in reassurance. "Yeah... Maybe you're right," Shining Armor Smiled back, as the two royal couples went inside of the castle. Guantanamo Air base, FAS base in Kuba "Congratulations on the promotion of Captain, Johnson, I'm sure you will do well when you and your crew are needed," Said General Goldfein. "Let's hope that wouldn't be the case sir, but I am grateful," replied the former fighter Pilot, saluting simultaneously with his new commanding officer and then heading off to his new post. It had been about five days fresh out of the academy that he was assigned to for a year, training to fly a bomber that is 10 times the size of his fighter, and as he walked across the towards the barracks he can see the thing he was going to fly tower him as if to show dominance on those who would pilot the magnificent B-52 Nuclear Bomber. "So, Mr. Pilotman, I heard about you in the battle in Canterlot, is it true that the pests called Changelings actually tried to ram into your jet fighter?" Asked one of the pilots sitting besides Johnson in the Cafeteria. "Of course, though it wasn't my fight, it was one of my squadron's rivals that were getting hit and banged on by those beings, odd attempt, but in the end it proved their own genocide." "Yeesh, was it really bad for those beings?" "Of course, they have no type of modern weaponry, not even a flak gun for that matter, thinking on that now, makes you feel bad for the bastards, but then again apart from the stories, not so much," Johnson expressed, eating his meal when his commanding officer came to the table with a tray and sat down. "Alright men, just gotten word that we're about to conduct our usual patrols, so when we get airborne, show a little hospitality to our new pilot mate Johnson, and uh, show him around the cockpit for a while before then," the commander boasted, drinking his wine in a chuckle. "Who's he? My commanding officer?" Asked Johnson. "Of course I am! Now, eat, because you won't be able to in 2 hours!" "Oh.... Kay....." Canterlot "Mr. President! Can you comment on the current situation in Toebuck! Is it true that this could up stage the balance in Zebrica?" "Sir! Mr. President! Do you have any regards with the Storm king?" "What about the recent appointment of Saddam Hussein!?" "Or Governor Hafez!" "CLEAR THE HALLS. GIVE THE PRESIDENT SOME SPACE!" Yelled the body guards, as the Royal guards assisted with the escort and cleared the media up to the meeting room where the security quickly closed the doors . Reagan sighed and turned towards princesses Celestia and Luna who looked at him with some sort of worry. "Do not regard what you saw back there, it's the usual freedom of speech of my country," Reagan teased, as he took a seat. "I do wonder, I thought the Rodinian's were sending someone to oversee the conference?" Celestia questioned, when the door opened with Rodinian Secret service armed with AKMs cleared the hallway filled with reporters to allow the Rodinian person in a gray suit, bald head with red markings, and a simple face. "Это будет все, спасибо," said the Rodinian, as the guards left him in the room with Reagan and the two sisters. "Greetings, I assume this is the conference," Greeted the Rodinians. "Of course, but we were expecting Mr. Brezhnev?" Luna queried. "He is busy with his own objectives and goals regarding security in Socialist interest, however, I am the Red Mother's assistant, and she personally sent me to oversee these Leader-to-leader negotiations for now on," informed the Soviet. "Well it's pleasant to meet you, but it would be better if we knew your name Mr.?" "Oh, of course, my name is Михаил Горбачев, or in English, Mikhail Gorbachev." "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, now let us begin shall we-" But before the conference started a royal guard raced down the hallway and barged into the conference despite the security guards, being humans, tried to stop him. "PRINCESS CELESTIA PRINCESS LUNA I REQUEST THAT I SPEAK WITH YOU AT ONCE!" "A crystal pony? Mr. Reagan, Mr. Gorbachev please tell your men to stand down at once!" "Stand down!" "Остановитесь, товарищи!" The two ordered, as the security men released the guard from the headlock and the guard quickly resumed his speed. "Princesses, it's the Crystal City! We're under attack!" "WHAT!!?" Yelled the princesses in unison, disturbing the two leaders with their shock. Crystal City, 15 minutes earlier Rainbow Dash was guarding the fair entrance, not allowing anyone who could pose a threat, even though it was open to the public there were some exceptions. And one of those exceptions happened to be a minotaur, and his goatfriend. "Woah woah woah there buddy! Just what do you think you're doing!?" "Well Iron Will obviously wishes to see Fluttershy and tell how much Iron Will has changed," Iron Wills said in his usual third person language, which Rainbow didn't buy. "I don't buy it! Beat it!" Rainbow ordered. "Iron Will says no! Not until Iron Will sees Fluttershy!" Demanded the minotaur. "Rainbow? What's all the commotion?" Entered Fluttershy, who was helping with one of the vendors. "Good you're here!" Rainbow answered. "Tell this goon he isn't getting in the Crystal fair!" "Thank goodness Fluttershy! Iron Will was hoping to see you, please tell Ms. Dash that Iron and you are friends!" Iron Will requested. "Well are you here for the Crystal Fair?" Fluttershy asked joyfully. "We've heard it's very beautiful, and Iron Will has been taking some meditation classes and working to become more kind!" The Minotaur stated, as Rainbow Dash gave him a scruffy look to his face. "Will! That's great! Fluttershy is- I mean- I am proud of you!" She stuttered to correct herself. "That warms Iron Will's heart," said again, the minotaur. "I think you can let them in Rainbow! Will really is working hard to be a new Minotaur!" Fluttershy requested, embracing the giant being. "...Ah fine! But I'm watching you! I got both of my hooves, eyes, and ears on you!" Warned Rainbow Dash. "Iron WIll is Understandable! Come let's see the Crystal Heart!" On the other side of the Crystal Fair Rarity and Pinkie Pie were doing inspections with the vendors, Pinkie was doing an inspection with the clowns and Rarity was doing an inspection with the arts and craft stands. But... *SPLASH* "AHHHH! WHO IN CELESTIA'S NAME DARES!" Enraged Rarity. "Wow! How did this clown do that!?" Surprised Pinkie. "Ahahahahaha!! You dumb ponies should look at your faces! You all look ridiculous!" Entered Lightning Dusk, with a handful of Water balloons aimed directly at the vendors. "And before I'm done all your stupid arts and craft stands will get soaked!" Exclaimed the foolish Pegasus. "There may not be a dungeon deep enough for this travesty that you've committed! And by Celestia I know no fear that I keep looking! SECURITY!!!" Shouted Rarity, as a entire brigade of Pegasus started to arrive to the area, followed by a Rodinian Tigr Vehicle with a Mounted Machine Gun arriving to the scene with a squad of Gorka Rodinians, armed with smoke launchers, and AKMs. One of the Rodinians aimed the Light machine gun armed with Rubber Bullets, and aimed for the wings as Lightning Dusk attempted to fly off. "Да, я получил ее," said one of the Rodines, as the Machine gun crackled light a firecracker. *KOW-KOW-KOW-KRACK-KRACK* "GAWK-" Yelped the bright cyan pony, as Lightning Dusk fell to the ground out of the pain from the rubber bullets that pelted her hide, before being pinned by Pegasi security, with Rodinian security forces joining suite. "We got her thanks," Rainbow affirmed. "Da, alright," "Question? When are the rest of your guys supposed to be here again?" Rainbow Dash questioned, as Lightning Dusk is placed in cuffs by the Rodinian infantry. "Don't know nyet, but mostly going to come later in a hour, comrades should by now picked up American's da," "Okay first of all I am not your dad, and second what's with the English?" Rainbow Dash critiqued, as the infantry raised Lightning Dusk to her hooves. "That's how we speak, also little pony, Da is yes American English," the Rodinian corrected. "Ohh... My bad :/" "Sir, Lightning Dusk has been taken down," reported the Preubic Rifleman. "As expected, the communist scum has taken the bait, now awaiting the final signal, have the charges been set?" Asked the General. "Yes commandant, the enemy tank depots will blow up upon signal sir," answered the Preubic rifleman on the rooftop, viewing the Flim and Flam brothers and Applejack. "I don't know what you two are up to! But I know you're up to something!" Applejack spoke suspiciously. "Applejack! You've got the wrong idea, we knew you were here so we didn't bring any apples for this occasion." "We're in the Lemonade game now doll face!" Immediately the Preubic riflemen flashed a light on one of the brother's eyes giving them the signal. "In fact brother... Let's allow her to look inside," insisted the brother subliminally. "Hm? Ah yes yes! Yes indeed, feel free to look inside!" Said the other brother, giving Applejack the benefit of a doubt. As Applejack flipped the lid open regardless she looked and noticed blue eyes. "Hold on a darn second... There's something in here-" Immediately the lid bursted open and a swarm of changelings attacked the surrounding locals other than those that had conspired with them, the Rodinians that were stationed quickly yelled in their radio. "WE HAVE A CODE 34-00, DEPLOY THE TANKS! I REPEAT DEPLOY THE TANKS!"  - - "Da we're on our way, we are currentl-" *Beep-beep-beep-beep BEEP-BEEP-BEEP* "Suka blyat-" - - *KABOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!! "Suka... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! HELLO!?" Yelled the Rodinian, only to found radio scatter. Following this was a gun fight between Preubic troops who revealed themselves and opened fire on the Rodinians and the Security unit, pinning Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Royal guard, and Rodinian security forces, with the only support being from a rubber bullet loaded Machine Gun. "SWITCH THE AMMUNITION TO LETHAL! WE NEED TO CONTAIN THE SITUATION WE'RE SURROUNDED!" "SIR WE ONLY HAVE ONE USE-" "ONE USE IS ENOUGH, NOW USE IT DAMMIT!" Yelling the Rodinian, as they retaliated fire at the enemy with AKMs as the Preubics shoot at anything that moves, one of the Pegasus noticed Iron Wills stealing the Crystal Heart. "NO GET BACK!" Yelled Rainbow Dash before the Pegasus got hit in the left shoulder by an oncoming bullet round and crash landed right at Lightning Dust's hooves. "Not so strong now huh?" She teased, looking at the Pegasi struggling with his life before dying right in front of her giving her a shock, as she didn't expect anypony to die like that, and as Preubic Airborne infantry forces started parachuting down from the sky. "Just in time," said Queen Chrysalis, stepping into the light in front of a horrified Twilight Sparkle. During this time we reached the city base, but the only thing we found was flames, and destruction, as the Tank depot used usually by Patton to shelter his tanks, were being used by the Rodinians for their tanks. But it seems someone must've known that, and detonated the shit out of this place... But as distraught as me and Gold Star was, the Colonel looked at the destruction beforehand in sorrow, and anger... "Who the fuck did this, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!" He shouted, before a 50 caliber ran across his face and killed a Rodinian man beside me dead on the spot. "SNIPER! EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Gold Star shouted, as the men took cover from the Raging hell fire of Sniper rounds followed by intensive machine gun shots firing right at us. "Shit! We just had to leave our fucking rifles with us!" I scolded. "Well I didn't know we needed them until now!" "Well you're lucky I have a rifle, HEY RODINIK! HELP ME COVER MY MEN'S ASSES, SO THEY CAN GET OUR EQUIPMENT!" I shouted. "Good Idea... COVER FIRE MEN! SUPPORT THE AMERICANS AND HELP THEM GET THEIR AMMO! BTR-82S! WIPE THAT FUCKING BUILDING OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET!" The Colonel shouted in rage, as the BTR-82s lit the building with heavy autocannon shells blowing up windows and rooms of the building. The Preubics shooting at the men are constantly being blown or shrapnel lead by the BTR-82s autocannons. "Sir! We're getting blown to bits by enemy APCS! Permission to blow them out of the water sir!" "Granted! Fire the Rocket Launcher!" Ordered the Preubic squad commander, as one of the Rocket men took aim, I aimed right at him. "Fuck you asshole!" I cursed, shooting my Assualt Rifle round to the enemies chest. Along with that asshole in the roof that was no doubt the officer of the entire squad. "GAAAAH!!!" Yelled the Preubic officer, bleeding to death. "GOLD STAR IT'D BE NICE TO HAVE A BAZOOKA RIGHT ABOUT NOW!" "YEAH YEAH YEAH! I HEAR YOU AND I'M ON IT!" Gold Star yelled back, due to the intensity of the combat we had to both yell to get a single voice through this chaotic mess. And it worked, as I was thrown a Rocket Launcher, and was given two rounds. "Use them wisely!" Gold Star said, now close enough where I can hear him without shouting. I then took aim with it and noticed a common bright spot, it was as if the enemy either couldn't switch positions, or that they'd been trapped. Well either way these bastards are going to Tartarus. "Send Grogar my regards, BASTARDS!" *KABOOOM!* And with that, the firing stopped, the men were startled but fine, well except for the five other guys who were completely dead, 4 Rodinian, and one of our own, although it's tragic that one of the men that I was leading was killed, this was clearly a coordinated attack, no one expects this, but what's worse apart from that. Was that an entire airborne battalion parachuting from the sky, and that was it, me and Gold Star are about to have a torturous time of our lives... > Siege of the Crystal City Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire train station The train pulled into the station with passenger cars filled with tank crews, and military infantry assigned to their positions and jobs. It also freighted armor vehicles such as three M1A2 Abrams, four Bradleys, and the new AMPV vehicle. (From Washington, with love). "Strange for you to come here, sir? I thought you had other things to do at the base?" Asked a Sergeant, directing the troops as they unloaded the last Abrams tank off the flatbed. "Well I changed my mind, I got more things to do here, than over in an office cubical rotting away in paper cuts while every fucking else gets to shoot someone," Alex replied, grabbing his lighter and lighting his handheld cigarette for relief. Suddenly they can hear rumbling noises that sound like a beast that was gargling water but loud. So they looked up in the sky and the noise came into their sights as they gathered the armor vehicles a jet zoomed by the squad in the sky at loud speeds, catching everyone off guard and making everyone drop to the ground like flies as Colonel Alex grabbed his binoculars and sees something he never knew existed... "Sir??? What in Creator's name is that!" Yelled a private, as the men got on their feet the unknown jet circled the Crystal City like a hungry Vulture as it unleashed its payload on parts of the city. "I don't fucking know, but whoever these assholes are, they had a gull to launch a fucking airstrike on an unarmed city! I knew I should've brought the M163s! Dammit Sergeant now they and we are going to get blown to bits by those pussy's and their jets!" "Sir, I don't think- INCOMING!" *HOOOOOOOOOOOO- BOOOOOOM!!* As the men ducked cover the oncoming shell came from the mountains, it destroyed one of the cars that contained their ammunition, and as it was inflamed men scattered for Anti-tank missiles that were in the inflamed car the other personnel focused on getting the tank ammo out of the car, as for the train... "ENGINEER! GET THAT FUCKING CAR DISCONNECTED FROM YOUR LOCOMOTIVE IMMEDIATELY!" "BUT SIR I-I CAN'T JUST-" Immediately Alex grabbed the pony engineer by the collar and shouted. "DO YOU WANT TO DIE OR DO YOU WANT TO LIVE DAMMIT! GET THAT CAR DISCONNECTED NOW OR WE'LL ALL GO UNDERGROUND!" "YES SIR!" Acknowledged the engineer, as his partner ran to the cart on fire and disconnected the wiring, airbrakes, and everything, signaling the train engineer to get the hell out of dodge, which he obliged and got the train to move away from the burning cart on the verge of erupting into a second explosion. But while 65% of the ammo was salvaged before the cart blew up, which destroyed the station in the wake of it, the train was intact, it was also trapped between the dead end and the smoldering cart. But that was the least of their problems as tanks with the symbols of the Iron Cross approached the group. Crystal City With the earlier gunfight that had just ended, the Soviets rounded up the wounded Preubics who fought against us and took them prisoner, but the thing is though, unlike the kidnapping a year back with the creepy dudes in gas masks, these guys were wearing gator masks to conceal their identity, along with a helmet that had a tri-color symbol of Red Black and White, not in order of course from what I said, but these guys in my hunch, were Preubics. But I wasn't focused on that... "We need to get to Twilight, her friends and relatives, and everyone out of this city now!" Gold Star motioned. "I disagree with that comrade Major, if we try to reach them we'll all be gunned down," the Colonel protested, as I helped myself with some explosives and some ammunition. And maybe an M249. "If I have to I will go alone!"Gold Star argued as the Colonel shook his head. "You have a LOT of nerve thinking this is some sort of fairy tale! LOOK AROUND YOU! This is a blyating warzone! going by yourself is just as bad, you're going to get shot out there if you go alone!" The Colonel argued back. "Well then I'll have my men with me-" "Sir, with all due respect, we dispatched drones to the area we're trying to infiltrate and..." "And?" "And the enemy has an entire convoy of armor vehicles en route to the castle, and with the vehicles we have and the unknown technological superiority of the enemy, we're at a disadvantage." "And what's your name and rank!" "Corporal Gavin Wetlock sir, I came from Brooks." "Well then Wetlock, you can be the first to-" However, before Gold Star can say or order anything we spot an unidentified jet flying overhead and heading directly towards us. It was going into an attack formation "Oh shit, oh shit! EVERYONE DUCK, THEY'RE GOING TO STRAFE US!" I yelled as the men ducked for cover while the unidentified aircraft unleashed its 30 mm duel Gatling gun at our position, firing its Anti-Tank Guided Missiles, it destroyed and damaged all remaining Tigr's at our disposal and two BTR-70s, luckily the pilots got out but at the last moment one or two lost an arm or a leg while trying to get out of the APCs, now we only have a single armor vehicle left, and the enemy has hundreds of armor vehicles on the way to the castle. "Fuck this! Sergeant Kell!" I exclaimed. "You are in charge of this group, me and Gold Star are securing the VIPs, and then the civilians! Salvage whatever is left on the base armory and in the vehicles! Colonel, you will be in command, but know that if any of them dies in vain you will answer to me understood!?" "I understood, I will cover from here, good luck." the Colonel acknowledged, as I packed the explosives I grabbed, the Javelin model Bazooka, and the M249. Now because of how fucking heavy carrying both the "Light" Machine Gun, and a fucking rocket Launcher was, I decided to slouch the AT launcher on my back, and hand held carry the Light Machine Gun, while this did put stress on my back and no doubt slows me down, but at least I can say I'm prepared, with hopes of no snipers in the way of course. Gold Star grabbed an M4 Assualt Rifle, a m9 model pistol, and a pack of grenades. As we got ready to depart Gold Star turned towards the Colonel with distrust, being that the Soviets did chase us back in the Our Town incident I wasn't surprised, but we had a job to do, so I nudged him and nodded him, he nodded back and so we went into the chaos zone in a dash. "I was being rhetoric with going alone you know, could've had men with us." "Yeah, but at least you can say you weren't alone, plus it's less risky with a handful than an entire army." "Agreed." Chaos broke out at the initial start of the fight, as Rodinian security guards armed with only two rounds of lethal magazines resorted to aiming steadily to hit their target. While efficient at preserving the amount of ammo they have, they keep getting shot and pelted by enemy bullets, and with the small numbers compared to Preubic troops paradropping from above and shooting at the besieged area from the air, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack remained pinned down. However as this was going on Twilight and Spike were as completely surprised as everyone else, never had such a large coordinated invasion like this ever happened to Equestria, or any country before since the Lunar Wars, but even then Equestria managed to repel the large invasion then, but with modern times, this was different. Twilight did not have time to think though, the only plan in her mind was to gather her friends, her sister-in-law, and her brother, and hopefully reach the nearest allied military forces in time while also evacuating the citizens. As she ran into the chaos, shooting her spells at anyone who wore a gray helmet and was not an ally, she reached Pinkie Pie and Rarity who were defending a group of ponies in the arts and crafts sector. "TAKE THIS YA MEANY!" Quipped Pinkie, firing her canon loaded with a live gun powdered cover cannon ball at hordes of invading infantry. "THOSE RAT SCALLIONS!" Exclaimed Rarity. "Who are these people anyways!?" It was then that Twilight, with Spike holding on to her mane tight, jumped over the barricade fence and blasted the changelings and enemy infantry off her back. "Twilight! Thank goodness you're here! Help us get these citizens out!" "Do you know where Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack are?!" "What do you mean! I thought they were with you!" "Yeah?" Pinkie added. "Dear Celestia! And even I'm as confused, how did this all happen!?" "I don't know darling, but we should really get these civilians out of here As soon as possible!" "Wha-OH! Sorry! We need to find a path for them to" But before she finished, a barrier shield was activated, and when Twilight noticed the Crystal Heart was gone and the color of the barrier was white and not Cadence's Blue magic aurora she was severely confused but frightened as to why the shield was up when Cadence wasn't on the balcony. Then it was when she saw a group of Preubics setting up some sort of generator with three satellite dishes attached on top. "Call it in," ordered the Preubic soldier. "General Ferguein, we have successfully established the barrier, I repeat, the barrier has been established," informed the Radioman. "Guten, be sure that no one goes near it or at least long enough to unleash phase 3." "Understood sir," replied the soldier. "Also sir, Twilight Sparkle has barricaded herself, we can see her from here and she can see us as well." "How so?" Asked the General. "Because she's looking at us, commandant." "Understood, Chrysalis will be en route to dispatch her, and in case she has friends with her, expect Death Troopers on the scene." "Yes, commandant." The moment the group placed down the phones they looked back at Twilight which she then ducked behind the fence. "Darling, what's wrong?" Rarity asked, throwing stuff at the enemy with her telekinetic magic. "I think they saw me..." "How can you tell?" Pinkie asked. "Because I am right here," chuckled Chrysalis, landing in front of the besieged trio. "Your Majesties! The empire is under attack!" "Under attack!? From where!" "Everywhere sir! From the sky and ground! Changelings have allied themselves with humans!" "Rodinians?" "No, not even Americans! They're pinning down our allies, and our buildings are being struck by some sort of aircraft in the sky!" The Guard answered, shocking the two couples. "I'll get the forcefield active and-" Before she finished a Rodinian soldier battling off enemy troops entered the castle and was breathless, and then he saw the two royals. "Your Majesties! American forces are still trying to enter the city, I suggest you keep it open for allied aircraft." The Rodinian then passed out, and Cadence lifted him inside the castle and rested him somewhere on the crystal floor, and then she reiterated her move. "Change of plan, Shining Armor go and help them out, I suggest you grab your armor!" Cadence inferred. "And if you find any wounded out there get them inside!" "I'm on it!" He replied, as he quickly got his purple armor on and ran out where he was met with air-filled bullet spray and firey chaos from jet fighters as Preubic troops raided buildings and shot at positions secured by either Royal Guards or straggling Rodinian security forces who were not at the base. "HEY WHITE PONY! GET THE BLYAT OVER HERE!" Yelled out a Rodinian, as he and three other Royal guards ran across the strafe of bullet hellfire. "GAH-" Yelped one of the guards being shot in the wing. "Ah, crap-" "GET DOWN BLYAT!" Yelled the Rodinian as he tackled Shining Armor down as more bullets were shot at the injured royal guard which killed him. "What the Tartarus is wrong with you! That was one of mine!" Shining Armor yelled, as an artillery blast exploded inside splattering thousands of Crystal shards into the air. "What's your name soldier!" "Lieutenant Yevgeny Prigozhin! I'm with the security group before getting my ass blown off by these Blyating fascists!" He exclaimed, shooting at one of the Preubic soldiers dead. "Well listen here Lieutenant you just got one of my ponies killed!" "That was just one! He died for a cause, if you ran out there you would've died too and we need you alive not martyred!" Yelled Prigo, shooting at two more bodies that attempted to charge them dead. "So what's the plan!" Shining Armor yelled amid the gun battle. "Well first we- SUKA BLYAT! ENEMY TANK!" Yelled the Rodinian as a Boxer APC arrived and opened its guns at the forward positions relentlessly pinning both the Rodinians and the Royal guards. "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Shouted a Rodinian, as he jumped out of the sandbag fence. "GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Yelled Prigo, before the Insubordinate Rodinian was shot and hacked to pieces by the APC 50 caliber ammunition. "Dumbass!" "So what's the plan!" "Pray that Creator exists! And hope we get out of this alive!" "What was your original plan!" "Guarding the castle entrance to the death! And then retrieve the Crystal Heart!" "I like that plan and the other one!" "You better hope they both work, because that's all I have!" Twilight Sparkle and Chrysalis stood off for the second time since the last encounter with her two years ago, while not much with the Canterlot Wedding, the two did have a quarrel with each other at the high hivelands. And that was before Rommel appeared with his army. And this time, Chrysalis has allies, and her guard who stands right and left of her sides. "Like my new bodyguards little Twilight? They were specifically trained just for your friends, and they've been so anxious to play with them." Smiled the Changeling Queen. "OOH! DID YOU SAY PLAY? I LOVE PLAY TIME- I mean... *AHEM* oh yeah punk? I--" "Save your breath Chrysalis! I should've known you were behind all this!" Twilight scowled. "Oh not me, of course, while the original plan was to just simply fight you, but thanks to my new general I now see that this is more fun," Chrysalis admitted, as she looked around at the chaotic destruction from jet fighters bombing civilian targets to the Boxers entering the city unopposed. She looked at the meek Alicorn with a smiling glare as the young princess saw everything unravel, while she may have tensed her body, and her wings flapped open, she knew what chaos was going on, but she intended on fighting one of those responsible for it. As for Rarity though, she was pissed. "YOU DASTERLY SCOUNDREL! DON'T YOU PEST KNOW ANYTHING OF DECENCY! LOOK AT THIS MESS! YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING FROM ARTS AND CRAFTS TO EVEN THAT CRYSTAL PIECE OVER THERE!" *Enter Dramatic Explosion here* However, Chrysalis quickly made her move and fired her spell which Twilight, who lit her horn in anticipation, catcher Chrysalis's spell and pushed her back into the wall. Retaliating Chrysalis flew in the air and fired multiple round bursts aimed at Twilight with each of them pelting Twilight's Magic shield. Meanwhile, the Bodyguards aimed with their guns and attempted to shoot Rarity and Pinkie, but they failed because being the most notorious among story authors she broke the usual fourth wall and- "WILL YOU BE QUIET AND GET ON WITH IT!" Sorry... *Ahem* She surprise attacked one of the soldiers with her party cannon and blew them off the ground, distracting the other one who immediately released his entire load on Pinkie in an attempt to nab her through a bullet, but Rarity, who was gathering up Crystal shards. Threw a book, a chair, a couch, another chair, and then a huge shipping container on the soldier who was completely crushed to death, the other soldier resorted to CQC and waved his fingers to challenge Rarity, and Pinke, the two shrugged and charged at the soldier in which quickly overpowered the two pony friends, knocking Rarity out unconsciously, and pinning Pinkie Pie to the nearest wall and pointed his pistol. "Sag gute Nacht, Pony" "PINKIE!" Shouted Twilight before getting shot by one of Chrysalis's spells and then getting pinned to the ground by her subjects. The next thing she heard was a gunshot that followed. Running was now more of a chore when I have a fucking missile on my back, unlike Gold Star who seems to love this sport, though then again he was an elite royal guard, but damn I have no capacity of a pony whatsoever. But that was over when we reached the fork in the area, two areas of the castle were besieged, and Gold Star could see Twilight fighting Chrysalis, while I saw Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack pinned down by enemy APCs. "Alright, who's taking who," I asked. "I'll take the area with Twilight, hopefully, I can reach her in time before the enemy gets impatient," Gold Star motioned. "Alright then, since I have this missile on my fucking back I will have the pleasure of blowing up the enemy's toy tanks they brought for me to destroy." "Very well, then that case." "Happy Hunting!" We both said in unison. So we parted ways and moved to the areas of interest, Gold Star Lifted his bandana scarf to his nose and made his way toward the fairgrounds and I moved my way to the castle. As I approached the area it seemed the enemy had no idea that I was in their vicinity, so I took the opportunity to unpack the Javelin that I'd been Painfully carrying and opened the tracker on it. However, things turned downward for me at this point when I was kicked in the face by someone I didn't see at all anywhere. "Well well well, if it isn't Yates, missed me?" Entered General Cynthia. "Bitch, I should've suspected you were behind something like this, say how was your arm by the way? Rot off and die? No?? Well, that's too bad." Immediately she slapped me in the face and grabbed me by my neck collar with an enraged expression on her face. "Listen here you fucking bitch! Your bastard of a friend caused my fucking arm to come off, NOW LOOK AT IT!" She then showed me her robotic arm that she was grabbing me with, as surprised as I am she was not kidding, I know Gold Star shot her in the arm but holy shit I didn't think he'd be the architect of having it amputated! "MY BODY IS IMPERFECT AND BECAUSE OF THIS I WAS DEMOTED TO COLONEL!" Ranted Colonel Cynthia. "Congrats, you got promoted to Colonel, I'm so proud of you," I smirked, before being slammed into the ground and kicked over by Colonel bitch. "YOU WILL DIE HERE!" "Sorry, but I have a policy, the only time I die is on my BED!" I then punched her in the face, and this broke a whole shit ton of codes for men like me, such as "Never hit a lady" Well, she will be an exception, but I think I might've made her angry because she went for the gun and started shooting at me, and when there's no cover in my area except for the buildings I'm technically dog meat. So my best option was to disarm her, so I dropped the M249 and gutted her in the stomach, kicked her in the ground, and then we both struggled for the gun and both of us rolled all over the crystal ground trying to gain possession of the firearm but she quickly kicked me down on the ground and attempt to aim the gun in my head. "YOU. WILL. DIE." She kept repeating those words two or five times as I struggled to keep the gun off my skin but no matter what her robotic arm is trying to get the gun shoved in my forehead and not even pulling the trigger, yet, but using legs I make several tries to get her to dislodge off me before she pulled the trigger, and after 2 and 3 tries I kicked her in the back, punched her in the fucking face, and broke her jaw from the following kick, and then when she tried to bite me I punched her even harder 3 times in the single spot of her eye. Then in a last-ditch effort to kill me, she grabbed me with her Robotic arm and attempted to strangle every single breath out of my lungs. It felt like death was creeping closer as I gasped for air, she didn't care anymore, it was either I or her that dies. And while I could've ended all and given up there, I didn't, I had a job to do. So out of rage that I never felt before I grabbed her robotic arm and pulled at it with every strength possible, and even when she released my neck I continued to pull and pull and pull until I stored it all which made a bloody mess from the base of her body as some of her blood got on my arms. But I didn't care. As I got on my feet, grabbed the gun, and pointed it at her... She looked hideous. She lost an eyeball, her entire jawline barely hanging from the base mouth, her face was covered in blood, and her robotic arm she had, was entirely cut and cleaned off. And so to get that disgusting image out of my eyes before she charged like a zombie in one of those Zombie apocalypse movies, I shot Two rounds into her forehead in which thenseafter, she was on the ground. Dead. After that, I took a breath and looked around and then at the now-dead Colonel Cynthia. "I'll take up that offer thank you very much," I heaved. "But first..." I grabbed the Javelin, took aim at the Boxer, and fired at the ergonomic storage doors at the APC lighting it in flames following an explosive burst that destroyed the entire vehicle, and cheering. I then ran up to Shining Armor who was looking around somewhere and when he saw me he couldn't be happier. "Yates you came! What took you so long and is that blood?" "Long story short, I came by myself, had a fight with, get this, "Colonel Cynthia," killed her, used the world's biggest missile, and saved your hides, and you're welcome." "That... Sums it up, but now we need to find the Crystal Heart," "Oh yeah... Where is that thing anyways?" I asked when Iron Wills showed up in the background with the satchel. "THERE HE IS! GET HIM" Shining Armor yelled, as he and the Royal guards chased after him. "Of course... Whoever is in charge of defending the castle should be secured now, so we need to focus on securing the fairgrounds!" "Understood, LET'S ROLL COMRADES!" Yelled the Rodinian squad leader, as the Rodinians grabbed their PKMS and AK-74Ms and matched towards the fairgrounds. But during my fight with Cynthia. Gold Star reached the crystal fair, after shooting and assassinating the enemy as stealthily and quietly as possible he saw the fighting between Chrysalis and Twilight turn against Twilight when she noticed Pinkie Pie pinned to the wall with a gun pointed at her jaw. "PINKIE!" She yelled when Gold Star turned towards his M4 rifle's scope and aimed at the Preubic soldier in the neck. As Twilight was pinned down by multiple Changelings Gold Star quickly took the shot and fired at the Preubic Soldier and shot him in the neck, saving Pinkie Pie, and killing him on the spot, he then turned towards the Changeling horde that buried Twilight and quickly shot some but not all of the changelings to reduce the risk of accidentally shooting Twilight. However, after firing his 2nd shot Twilight unburied herself from the Changeling horde and Dispelled her entire surroundings which angered the Changeling Queen. With that, the fight continued between the princess and the Changeling Queen which bought Gold Star time to read Pinkie Pie, who was waking up Rarity. " Mr. Star! Thank Celestia you've come! I'm trying to wake Rarity up BUT SHE'S BEING TOO STUBBORN!" "Hold on, maybe I have something for this." Gold Star then looked through his Satchel and found the salt. "Here take this, snap it in half, and put it up in Rarity's nose, that'll wake her." "You sure? Oookay!" Pinkie Pie assured herself, shoving the salt in Rarity's nose and surprisingly waking her up out of her unconscious state. "GREAT CELESTIA I'M LATE FOR THE GALLERIA- oh... Is this fashion heaven?" Rarity asked. "Hey! It worked!" Pinkie Pie smiled, as a strike from Chrysalis struck between her and Rarity. "YOU WRETCHED BEING! PREPARE TO FEEL MY TRUE WRATH!" Shouted Chrysalis, as she fired a hellfire of magic spell blasts from her horn so big that it penetrated Twilight's shield and blew her on the ground, and then after recollecting her thoughts she flew back in the air once more. Gold Star was about to help but was stopped by Rarity. "She can help herself, we need to get our friends, and the civilians out of here." "How! They got a damn forcefield barrier surrounding the city!" Gold Star questioned. "From what Twilight told me it came from over there, but we can't reach it without additional help!" "Well? Where's Rainbow Dash and your other two friends?" "That's for us to find." "Lead the way then." As the trio went about Pinkie looked at the one Gold Star shot and shook her head. "So much for "well trained" what else did she expect?" Pinkie asked herself, walking and dusting her hoof off from the dead man's vest. Amid the chaos, if I were to know this was all a distraction I would stood by and wait at the castle that day. But I never knew, and that was my mistake... Radiant Hope, being the former informant and was officially presumed dead by the Equestrian Records Association, had entered the castle cloaked in brown and avoiding detection from the injured humans and pony civilians taking refuge in the castle during the fighting. With most of the battle now dying down and shifting towards the fairgrounds, Iron Wills served well as a lengthy distraction while she took the Crystal Heart into her satchel, and to admit, Rommel's plan went as perfectly as expected, it was only a matter of time when Phase 3 of the operation would begin, which would start whenever the shield is gone, and the king was revived. She arrived at the throne room which was empty and devoided of anything moving, so taking this window, she opened the secret basement below, and walked down the treacherous steps to what would be referred to as "Sombra's Library of Hidden Knowledge." Or in my words, the old dust bookshop and to be fair Gold Star would knock me down those steps getting there if he knew. Of course, that's because we've never truly explored or experienced the city itself. Gold Star and I were walking into each other's path as I was leading a group of our allies heading toward the security team's position. We bumped into each other and pointed guns at each other before realizing one of the other. "Dag damn Goldie! Are you trying to kill me!?" "Are you?" "Well apart from that, I see you did well with what you're doing, but where's Twilight and the rest of her friends? And everyone else we're supposed to rescue." "Rarity and Pinkie are trying to search for them too, but with the fucking enemy around the corner 24/7 and with the barrier up I can't get no contact with no one! Colonel Alex nor the Airforce!" "Well, then I suggest finding them, and then focusing our attention on whatever generated this!" "SIR!" Yelled a Rodinian. "WE FOUND THEM! BUT THEIR BEING GUNNED DOWN!" "Well let's hurry then!" I motioned, as me and Gold Star ran and followed the Rodinian soldier which we saw the group being pinned down by Preubic soldiers which they foolishly ceased fire and an officer approached. "Attention Security taskforces! This is Lieutenant Garferd of the Preubic Military forces, we have you surrounded, surrender now and you will be spared! Otherwise, you will feel the wrath of our army!" Given the signal, the men quickly ambushed and disarmed the Preubic soldiers swiftly and silently, and Gold Star and I took the liberty to be the ones to tell the officer. "W-who are you!" The officer demanded. "We're the messengers, and to break the message to you, your men gave up." "What!?" "Yeah, look around," I pointed, as the officer looked around and saw his men kneeling in front of Allied riflemen. "..." "Now, if you'd be so kind, hand me your gun, and we'll go our separate ways," I insisted, as he gave up his fire, and Rarity and Pinkie Pie embraced their friends who had been besieged for a while. "Where have y'all been? We've been fighting and bucking for hours!" Applejack exclaimed. "It's only been minutes, though close to an hour, so maybe you're right," I corrected (kinda.) "Well, it took you all long enough! Fluttershy was about to get PTSD from all this gunfire!" RD scolded. "Yeah yeah sorry, but the enemy reached the castle, we had to disperse resources, all vehicles had been destroyed," Gold Star informed. "Not all comrade," interjected a Rodinian." We have this Tiger intact, but it barely has any Light Machine gun ammo." "There's a group that's gathering ammo, if you head there you can resupply." "Thanks, Dasvidanye," said the Rodinian, entering the Tigr and driving it off to the resupply zone. "Where's Twilight?" Fluttershy asked when Twilight suddenly smashed the ground in front of them and entered Queen Bitchalis. "Well isn't this a nice display, I- wait..." "Oh hi Queen Bitch, miss me? Maybe not, but this same gun I'm holding does!" I taunted. "YOU!" "Yeah me! Ready for round two biatch!" "GRRRR! AS MUCH AS I WOULD WANT! I have an area to go to, for now, so long to the rest of you all!" Chrysalis then flew off, pissing me off. "PUSSY ASSHOLE!" I shouted, but she paid no attention to it. "Damn, that usually works." As much as I would like to do round two, Twilight was injured in the fight, though not severely, she still held her strength, and attempted to fly after Chrysalis but was stopped by Gold Star. "Don't it's best that we start restructuring what we need to do next?" Although she didn't like being stopped, he had a point, what they should do is strategize what they should do next, and that plan came in the form of blowing up that dammed generator. Twilight sighed and replied. "You're right, so what should we do?" "Well first off, we need to reestablish signal with the military, starting with that damn generator!" "I know where the generator is, I can lead us to it." "We'll follow." And so we departed from the fairgrounds with security forces gathering up the civilians and taking them to the exit road of the city, the generator was found but it was unguarded, but we destroyed it anyways, and surprisingly it wasn't a trap. However, the only ones guarding it were Iron Wills and his Goatfriend, Lightning Dusk, and Flim and Flam brothers, whoever assigned this job to them are idiots out of all things we could've been shooting something and instead, we had something as easy as that? So we've arrested them and took them in. But I did have a feeling that this was no doubt what the enemy would want us to do and that we played right into a bigger trap... The fighting died off in the Crystal City after a while, and it was also then that in the field Alex and his forces scored a victory against the enemy as they saw the enemy retreating from them. "Sir! They're on the run," reported the Sergeant. "Good to see," replied Alex, looking through his binoculars. "Now it's our turn to retreat as well." "Sir?" "We just an Abrams and most of our Bradleys, luckily the new AMPV vehicle is still intact, but still our only option is to retreat and resupply back to base," Alex insisted. "But sir! What about our other men!?" "By the time we get back all I can hope is for their safety, but for now, we can't help them when we're under-equipped and under-manned," Alex argued. "Understood sir, call it now?" "Granted." "...All troops withdraw is a go, I repeat... Withdraw is a go, retreat and load the tanks back onboard, what about the dead sir?" "Bring them with us as well Sergeant." "Bring back the fallen as well..." Radiant Hope entered the desk room of Sombra's basement, after observing and getting nostalgic that shivered her fur she shook herself out of it and spoke. "You can come out now, I know you're here, there's no need to hide from me... Sombra." After waiting for a while she rolled her eyes annoyed. "Fine you may not recognize my voice, but you won't have forgotten my face." She then unraveled her hood and revealed her identity to the one named Sombra. "Look at me Sombra! Do you recognize me? What's my name?" "H̴̻͎̝̲͉̻̲̺̟͔̲̲̋͜o̵͍̦̖̝̠͛͆̎̅̑͛̓͑̆̄p̷̛̛͉̜͉̝͖̀̑̇̈́̂́̌̌̈́͜͠ͅe̸̫͐̄͗̐̾͜͠.̸̢̧̛̛̥͔̩̻̦̰͙̲̦̌̄̀̀̐̽͊̈͗̾͋̇̿͜" Canterlot Mountain Side Reagan and Gorbachev were watching the Artillary barraging the mountainsides that were cleared by Equestria's environmental regulation, not in willful terms since they've been teleported to the military drills by Celestia or Luna. But despite this sudden teleportation they decided to make the most in comparing their military's and even sharing some military projects that their military's were going to do. For instance. "We currently have reached a level of having 5th generation fighters." "5th Generation Fighters? We're about to have a 5th generation bomber by the end of this month." "Well, in respect I suggest funding your military, after all the world is a big place." "Well well well!" Entered Patton, wearing his Sunglasses and a tropical pineapple fruit that he was drinking from. "About time a leader recognized our existence here, but I didn't expect a Rodine to be here too. "Celestia and Luna are looking for you," Reagan informed. "Yeah I know, but I don't know what it's about," Patton replied, drinking from his fruit cup when Luna and Celestia finally found him. "Hello Mr. Patton, it's been a while since we've met." "Well I will be dammed, I heard you had a rainbow main, I didn't think people were serious! I keep telling them you had a pink one! Same with you Luna, although I don't see the difference, other than that black mark on your butt." The two sisters looked at each other and shrugged, and then turned towards the two leaders. "Did you already tell him?" Celestia asked. "Told me? About what? The hell is going on!" "So, Mr. Patton, remember that you entrusted that the 105th division would guard the Crystal City?" Luna queried. "Yeah?" "It's under attack, human enemies have dropped down from the sky and they've deployed tanks, changelings, and the enemies of Twilight and her Friends," Celestia informed, which Holt came with the additional Pineapple fruit cups that he was delivering for Celestia and Luna before... "THOSE BASTARDS! SERGEANT HOLT GET ME MY COAT!" Shouted Patton, whom Holt saluted and quickly dropped the pineapple cups and dashed from one place to Patton's private coat hangers grabbing a coat and a microphone and back to Patton, which the General obliged and put on his coat and lifted the Microphone to his mouth. "ALRIGHT MEN PARTY DRILLS ARE OVER, GET YOUR ASSES ON THE DOUBLE! COME ONE COME ONE DOUBLE MOVE IT MOVE IT!" Patton yelled, as the men quickly packed up and loaded up the artillery, tanks, and vehicles while Patton shook his head toward the princesses. "It'll be a while before we arrive, feel free to soften those jackasses and their pansy toys!" Patton said, as he walked off from the scene, Celestia and Luna then took flight at a fast speed leaving only Reagan and Gorbachev in the field. "I think they forgot us," Gorbachev pointed out. "Yeah, so they did... Wanna try out the Aquilian restaurant in Canterlot? Heard they make excellent cuisine," insisted Reagan. "touche," replied Gorbachev, Crystal City After putting these bastards in seats and tying them with old rope me and Gold Star had a little chat with each other. "So, that is that we've got them tied up and everything, what now?" Asked Gold Star. "Well I would recommend interrogating them, I heard one of these guys mention Phase 3 of this operation." "Phase 3? I wonder what the two previous phases were?" Gold Star wondered. "One was... Well I don't know, but I know that Phase 2 was something and-" But before I was finished the tied officer chuckled and laughed out loud which stirred some concern with our pony friends. "What's so funny!" Rainbow Dash Interrogated. "Hehehe, you have no idea what you've just fallen for," said the Preubic officer. "Oh yeah? How so!" Rainbow Dash pressed, who was held back by Applejack and Fluttershy. "To reiterate, who are you, and what did we just fall for?" I asked. "Let's just say that phase 2 was all a distraction, but I won't tell you what phase 3 is!" With that sudden response, a Tigr arrived only instead of its gun mount being the usual light machine gun, it was now a literal minigun manned by a chunky Soviet and the passengers, well it was a pissed Colonel and two Special forces posing as bodyguards. As it pulled up to the fair the Colonel stepped out as an old transport truck filled with the prisoners we've captured arrived and were lined up with the other prisoners. "Welcome back Colonel Aleksander," I greeted. "Hello, I assume these are all the prisoners, is that their officer?" Asked the Commie. "Sure is. Say, how do you guys get your information again?" "Stubborn I assume?" He guessed. "Correct." "Well, this should be fun then, Lieutenant Romanov! Bring me, the gas can!" Ordered the Colonel, which the Rodinik happily obliged and grabbed the can, and had the men present to fill it up with with fuel and gasoline, while also bringing out the other torture devices. "HA! What are you going to do with a can hmph!? Waterboard me!?" The officer scoffed. "Oh it's worst," replied the Colonel, before being presented the gas can. "Now, you're going to tell me what the enemy is planning, or you will feel the flames of hell upon you," threatened the Colonel. "Wait! You aren't going to pour gasoline on him aren't you?" Twilight questioned, to which the Colonel looked at the distressed alicorn with her eyes fearfully dilating, so with a neutral face he replied with a lie. "Of course not, I'm not a monster, now answer my question scum! What is phase 3!" "Never you Rodinik pig! You won't get a word out of me! NEVER!" After hearing the response from the Preubic officer the Colonel rolled his eyes and grabbed himself a cigarette, and a lighter. In which he smoked he ordered. "Board him." Immediately the soviets poured not water from the gas can, but pure full Gasoline onto the Preubic officer which immediately Twilight and her friends caught onto what he planned to do. The preubic officer kept his mouth closed but also tried to not drown in the gasoline as it kept pouring on his face, and when some of the fuel got into his mouth he would try to spit it out, but when the Rodinian soldiers saw this, they stopped pouring gasoline and applied tape to his mouth which thereafter they continued to pour, and pour, and pour until finally, it stopped pouring. "Now, untape him," ordered the Colonel, which the Rodinians grabbed the tape from one end and painfully and slowly took it off the officer's mouth. "AHHHH! FFF- What did you pour on me? Why do I smell like g-g-gaaass...." Immediately the officer realized what he was covered him and looked at the Colonel who was still smoking his cigar. "You're mad!" "Am I? Then what's with the chaos you've brought into this city, and the death of my men? Answer my question and you may live!" The Colonel threatened one more time, and at that one point me and Gold Star, Twilight, her brother, and her friends were all waiting for a response which the officer started speaking. Phase 3 is a part of the enemy's operation that's to be launched when Sombra is revived, the plan was to overthrow the Alicorns by the use of the chaos minutes ago to draw Celestia and Luna out of Canterlot, of course, given if international powers such as Rodinia or America got involved the Preubics and changelings would pull out. But with Phase 3, if Sombra was revived, the generator destroyed, and the Preubics and the Changelings retreated to one side of the city, then there's no doubt that a major battle is brewing, and it brings more death and destruction. "And there's your answer you scum! Now release me and my men from bondage!" The Preubic officer demanded, which Twilight was about to do before she was suddenly held back by Rodinian soldiers. "Hey! What are you?" "Oh, I'll release you and your men from bondage. That is, the bondage of life!" The Soviet Colonel flicked his Cigarette still smoking onto the Officer's face and proceeded to light the gasoline still on the Officer's cloth's on fire, as we heard the fire burning his flesh alive, and the scream of agony as the officer attempted to break himself loose from the chair that was now on fire I tried to shoot him out of misery but I was also stopped. "Let him burn, he'll learn for his crimes here, and in hell!" The Colonel stated. "You merciless bitch! Do you realize what you're doing here!" "What did you expect was going to happen when we took the helm Lieutenant? We're just doing what you've asked of us, and now that we got what we needed we have no further use of them. MAKE READY!" He ordered, which the Rodinian firing squad aimed at the Preubics that were lined up side by side. As I watched I learned something about these communists and from the knowledge I just learned is... "AIM!" Never trust a commie. And as I learned that the hard way just from watching it right in front of me Rainbow Dash covered Fluttershy's eyes right before the Colonel said. "FIRE!" And with that, the 6 mares, Spike, and Shining Armor covered their ears when the Rodinians publicly executed all of our prisoners through gunfire from their AK-74s fully automatic. Now the remaining prisoners... Lightning Dusk, Iron Wills, and the Flim and Flam brothers, they were next, and they shivered at the sight of the dead bodies and dreaded that fact as they were grabbed by their cuffs and sat in front, Shining Armor attempted to protest but was held back by the Rodinian guards. As they brought them in front of the firing squad something I did not expect to happen, Twilight actually gathered strength against a major power by first blowing the guards out of her way from her and flew right in front of the group and With quick speed she raised a shield up the moment bullets were fired. They were all deflecting. Dumbfounded by this bold move the Colonel quickly reacted. "Suka Blyet! CEASE FIRE!" The Colonel ordered, which the Soldiers ceased their firing, and awaited further orders from the Colonel who ran right in front of them. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING PRINCESS! THESE ARE CRIMINALS TO THE WORLD!" The Colonel argued. "No they are not! That's just what your people think! And I can tell you they are not, you've all been so brainwashed in propaganda that all of you only think about is murder and death!" "You damn undersized Alicorn! They collaborated with the death of my men! They deserve to die they sided with these criminals! they should all be dead!" The Colonel further stated arguementally. "They didn't know better! They may have done deeds that weren't good! Such as Flim and Flam when they tried to pull a stunt with Applejack and her family, or Lightning Dusk who broke the rules of the Wonderbolts by not helping those in danger, or Iron Wills for being harsh! What they all did before was one thing, but killing them is where I draw the line!" At that point the Colonel could've just said proceed with the execution, but of course not only would he get either shot or punched by Gold Star, but would no doubt jeopardize the whole point of the Rodinian operation which was simple to prove that they were better than America in every way, and so he turned towards his men and signaled them to stand down and lower their rifles. Once they did he looked at the princess and said. "We will help you evacuate the citizens, but after that, we won't be of any service after this." "We'll take our chances," Gold Star replied for the princess. It was then that Twilight upheld her argument and in a surprise move she released the four which surprised her friends. "Iron Will asks? Why did Twilight Sparkle free us?" "You all have a second chance, whether to stay with them or get out of here and make a better choice." Even though they could've gone rampant, after having to see the consequences of their actions firsthand, the four without a word left, although they did help some of the citizens evacuate as some started leaving en masse now that the barrier was down, the Soviets had however were kind enough to lend us their last BTR-82, but one tank wasn't enough for this, but we had to make use with what we have because once the citizens got out, the Rodinians departed as well. However, we were being watched the whole time by one of Chrysalis's drones who watched from the roof spying on them. Chrysalis watched through the eyes of her drone and wasn't surprised. "I'm not surprised, although the execution is violent it shouldn't surprise me how much cowardice these types displayed." "Well Queen Chrysalis, I never did either, nor did Rommel, on the bright side the plan will still work even without them." "So your commander knew already?" "Always had, shouldn't be surprising." "I see... After we do overthrow the Alicorn rule what then?" "Well, after we overthrow them, we will then take our focus primarily toward the American Hegemony, the architects of your failure in the first place." Chrysalis hissed a bit at the word "American" It made her sick of how despicable they were when they attempted to take over Equestria, if they hadn't been involved it would've worked perfectly, and the fact of how they gloated over superiority makes it worst, and she hopes to gloat how she overcame these insulate beings. But first, although she rejected Yates and his offer for round two in fighting, she regretted that moment, because she wanted that second chance to slam Yates and his head into the dirt, and the fact that she insulted her honor was the moment she should've just accepted this challenge. But she knows she would have her chance against him, it's only a matter of time until Radiant Hope brings Sombra into the ring. Canterlot, Le Aquila restaurant, 2 hours later After being picked up by choppers Reagan and Gorbachev sat together for lunch discussing political solutions between each other to perhaps and hopefully decrease Cold War tensions. However, as Gorbachev was about to try the pizza the Equestria Royal Guard Captain guarded by two other guards arrived at the restaurant. "Mr. President," presented the captain. "Good evening Captain, why not help yourself with a cheesecake? Griffons tend to love this dessert," the president offered to the pony, but he shook his head. "No, but thank you sir, but we have a greater situation," the guard tensed. "Of course, something to do with the Crystal City?" Reagan assumed. "Yes sir, but things have gotten worse..." "How so?" Reagan asked, as Gorbachev peaked in the conversation while eating his pizza. "Sir Celestia and Luna have been turned to statues by Sombra, and as we speak he is about to release the Umbrum." The captain informed, which shocked both leaders, the bodyguards, and some of the onlookers who overheard the conversation while spectating what could be a life changing decision between two major countries. "Has it been confirmed?" Gorbachev questioned. "Yes Mr. Gorbachev, Celestia and Luna have been turned to Statues, and at the mercy of Sombra," the captain repeated, which Reagan further replied. "What about the security forces?" "We've lost contact with the commanders." "..." Reagan sat stumped sitting on his chair, and while so the ponies in the background started murmuring about their invincible leaders defeated to a evil shadow king who many thought was long gone. But the princesses wasn't Reagan's only concern, if Sombra released the Umbrum, and if correct, they might launch a globalized invasion to which everyone would not be spared. But... In case Sombra successfully does this, and the Umbrum roamed free then... There is no option left, and ith decisions like these, it's either the Crystal City and it's beauty, or the world and it's widen view of lives at stake. "Get me General MacArthur on the phone, I wish to speak to him about..." The president paused and thought out his decision, but it was either that, or the end of the world. "Pineapples... I wish to speak to him about pineapples." The men quickly called up a man with a brief case titled "The football" and opened the case in front of the president, inside is a phone and codes. He lifted the phone and spoke in front of Gorbachev who was watching the whole process quietly and attentitvely, along with is bodyguards. "General," spoke Reagan. "Execute following codes, and prepare launch sequence." He then reached in the suit case and broke the seal that read. 'EMERGENCY ONLY, SINGLE USE STRIKE CODE' Reagan then snapped the seal in half, and grabbed the special card which he read out. "Alpha, Alpha, Dodge, Blanket, Wisconsin, Pony, Cyan, Shine." Reagan then awaited response. "Code verified sir... But are you sure?" "Do it," Reagan ordered. Gorbachev, now sick to his stomach turned towards his men in a signal that he should head out at once, so he stood and spoke. "I better be heading out, the Red Mother will want to hear about this." "She better, because I don't even know if I'm making the right decision, and if somehow the city is liberated, your men may have the gesture of shooting down the bomber, but be sure that the men onboard survives." "We'll do what we must if it comes to that, but for now, we will be neutral on this stance, and... Good luck." Gorbachev wished. The two leaders shook hands concerningly with each other, and then waved goodbye. But as Gorbachev left, Reagan felt a big urge in his throat that he made a mistake. Because now... The mother of all bombs is on it's way to the Crystal City. And it brings Nuclear winter. > Siege of the Crystal City Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kremlin Square, Moskva city The Supreme Soviet Council of Rodinia convened today in what was to be a resolution to the possibility of opening relations with Equestria and the Crystal Empire, this being said there had been rumors of a Pro-American diplomacy party that had been willing to adapt to a more peaceful approach rather than the approach Secretary Brezhnev had issued upon entering into the party affairs. The source of these rumors is Boris Yeltsin, who among the council is representing the entire Soviet council within the Red Mother's power boundary she had set up. Whether you may call it hierarchical or not, it has so far worked within politics, except for the lower classes divided between the Oligarchs and the civilian working class. Boris had been a crusader for change in the flawed system, but they all stalled out. Now why may you ask? Well, that's because it's either been tossed out in the voting process, or simply because even if it does get voted in Brezhnev would veto it. (If not put the damn bill itself into the paper shredder.) No matter what the policy Mr. Yeltsin tried to implement had been nothing but excuses and fails, and his solution was simple for the matter which was the deposition of Brezhnev entirely. Of course, the last time that ever happened was when Stalin attempted to overthrow the Supreme Soviets, which the Red Mother had disposed of him, but calling for a deposition of said leader would be a written death warrant. Despite him joining the party in the first place for advancement in his career, he had been a bit risky with its ideals, sure he had been contemptuous of the Secretary General's actions, but when he heard that Gorbachev was sent for the meeting in Canterlot instead of Brezhnev, two things were learned in Boris's head. A Vanity and a sloth. But as he finished his usual drive, he stopped at the front where it was crowded by either delegates from the regions of Rodinian territory, or civilian and Oligarchic spectators who came to see the procession ongoing. Meeting him at the front is a RIB captain who is the current head of security. "Good morning Mr. Putin," greeted Yeltsin, as he and the captain shook hands. "Good morning to you comrade Yeltsin, I assume you didn't bring anything sharp, or any firearms?" "None of that Captain," Yeltsin replied. "Very well, just step through the metal detector and you may be on your way," the captain insisted. Obeying, Yeltsin stepped through and the checkpoint lit up green which showed he was cleared. "I hope you have a pleasant say Mr. Yeltsin," the Captain thanked, as the two shook hands and the Captain was back to his shift. As Yeltsin walked inside he noticed something on his hand and was afraid to look at it at first before he saw a blank card on his hand. "Strange." Crystal Empire, Sombra's basement After reviving Sombra and restoring his original body that he lost to the Crystal Heart in the first apparent contact with the Mane 6 and Patton's men, the last he remembered was that he had some bruising before being disintegrated by the Crystal Heart, but thanks to Radiant Hope and her gifted healing magic (Rare by the way.) His body was back to the way it was-ish, after words she explained that she had met the "Fairy Pixie Umbrum" that they weren't monsters, and that Sombra was created to be their champion defender. But in Sombra's eyes...? "That doesn't make any sense! If they look like Pixie's then why am I like this!?" "You were meant to be their champion to defeat the ponies who feared them because they don't understand what they are, to protect them from the ponies like the ones outside." "Outside!? Who is-" KABOOOM The noises from outside had broken through the basement floor as gunfire was now heard outside, Sombra is alarmed but Hope is surprised. "Good Faust, it looks like the battle is more intense than I thought?" "Than you thought? Hope, did you do this?" Sombra questioned, as the sounds of Preubic APCs could be heard from the underground. "I had some help, but one of the princesses and her-" "PRINCESSES!? THEY'VE COME TO DESTROY ME AGAIN!" He shouted. "Sombra wait! There's still a war going on outside!" Sombra was about to speak but realized a factor in it all, he thought about some things given the time. A war going on inside of his former dominion, Radiant Hope here leading and liberating him, and the Crystal Heart. "Where is the Crystal Heart!" He exclaimed. "It's right here around my neck, why?" Hope questioned, and in a burst of Laughter Sombra ran up the stairs. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Above the ground, wounded in the round of tens or above had been placed inside for medical attention, as peacekeepers from the League of Nations HQ, which is one of the remaining free areas not affected by the attack, had arrived to treat the injured soldiers. Cadence was helping one of them dragging an injured Heavy Rodinian Soldier still covered in armor vest, and Atlyn Helmet. "I can still kill them, lemme kill them blyats~" he said weakly, muttering random nonsensual words until he was placed on the ground beside injured Rodinians and Ponies. "Are you sure you don't need any help treating the injured?" Cadence asked towards the L.O.N. Blue Helmet, to which he replied. "No need Your Highness, we've seen deadlier stuff like this, such as Parsley and Brodfield, and whatever is going on in Senturya." "I WANT MY VODKA!" "I wish for your health then," Cadence hoped, when she heard faint laughter she went to investigate it and found Sombra running through the hallway. "Time for my revenge!" He exclaimed, running right past Cadence who was hiding beside the wall. "Sombra wait!" Yelled Hope. "Sombra!? It can't be!" Cadence whispered to herself, as the two left her sights. "I have to alert Celestia and Luna!" Cadence said, heading down to the nearest communication officer. As for me and Gold Star, we've been busy, hard at work, and doing everything in our power to evacuate the civilians, however for some odd reason the enemy is gathering up their forces on the other side, and I don't like what they're planning here. But on the bright side, the last civilian family had just left the city, they'll be escorted by Rodinian forces to Hedgeward and then... Well, I guess we'll be on our own... And I realized we're fucked. "Well that's the last of them," Gold Star said, as he slung his rifle around his neck. "Yeah, but now we're reduced to smaller numbers, and while only a handful of Rodinians stayed behind to help us we're outgunned here." "I guess you're right, but that never stopped us before." "Guess you're right, so what plan do we have here?" I asked. "Well, first we should probably get in contact with our division, rally what we have, and reinforce what we cannot afford to lose," Gold Star plotted. "Like the sound of that." As we both walked from the evacuation route Twilight Sparkle was standing in front of the dead men who were violently executed by Rodinians, this had no doubt changed perspectives with her crusade for "Humarican peace", of course, this was after she saved the ones that she and her friends had dealt with from the same fate the unlucky enemy face before she realized that perhaps some things are in consideration of who are enemies, and who are trying to have a life. In some boundaries. But she's been quite a bit stiff on what she just saw in front of her own eyes, so Gold Star looked at me and signaled that I should probably not be in the way of what he may say. So after I left his sight he walked towards the stunned princess and sat beside her. From that point, he understands what Twilight must be feeling when seeing lives pointlessly taken by war and chaos. He placed his hoof on Twilight's shoulder and broke her out of the trance that her mind was having. "Gold Star, I didn't see you there before." "Really? I'm sure your eyes did, but then again I was busy with the populace." After a moment of silence, Gold Star then continued. "Your brother is gathering up the reserves, hopefully, we can try to repel this attack, given if the counterattack goes well." "And what about your gua- I mean, men?" "Well, from what I heard they did put up a good amount of a fight and a proper shop, so we know where we can go in case it gets worse from this point." Speaking of worse, the sky got darker and the sky was consumed by the darkness that spiraled out of the castle which stirred alarm between the two, they quickly bolted towards Shining Armor and the others who were aimlessly wandering around and thinking about what was going on. "Did the sky just get darker?" Twilight Asked, when Shining Armor realized. "The Palace! Cadence is still in there!" But before he could move Twilight stopped him. "Wait! We have to stick together!" "Twilight I have to get to her! She could be in danger!" After relating himself from his sister's grip Gold Star tried to stop him but then he was paused by the sound of propellers. At first, he thought it was American Blackhawks, but something he had never seen before instead peered in slicing through what appeared to be a wall of Darkness and showing a heavy machine gun, and duel rocket pods. Before Gold Star can move to stop Shining Armor a missile was fired in his path blowing him into the bush, which Shining Armor stopped in his tracks before being punched unconsciously into the ground by the dark wall that moved and circled them. "NO!" Twilight Yelled overwhelmingly as she tended to her brother while Fluttershy and Rarity quickly went to search for Gold Star but were quickly cut off by the chopper. During this Rainbow Dash and Applejack ran after the wall, but that was before the black wall revealed the 'presents' that just arrived as it revealed an entire army of tanks, armored vehicles, and Prueben troops armed to the teeth taking positions on top of the tanks, and the vehicles with Changelings reinforcing the horde of Preubic soldiers. Sombra then looked at the princess with a look of evil on his face. "So little pony, you're a princess now," Sombra said, as a transport helicopter arrived with a VIP, guarded by Preubic Death soldiers armed with high-tech weapons. "Now this was worth waiting for," Smirked the Queen, as the VIP arrived in a surprise visit. "Even better," the Queen chuckled. "Ah little Twilight, I'd like to introduce to you my great General, the one truly behind it all, Field Marshal Rommel." As Rommel looked around at the scene, he noticed the mane 6 all shocked in fear, which he chuckled to himself. The changelings then begin the attack on them, as Rommel's left-hand general arrives in a salute during the fighting. "What're the orders sir," he asked. "You may start the attack, send the helicopters to destroy any weapons, ranging from firearms to even the old-style cannons," he ordered. "It will be done, sir." As I was on my way to the base I did notice the dark clouds forming above, I didn't know what that meant before I heard a massive explosion in the background, in to my horror when I realized what I'd done... "Oh shit!" I ran back to the place I left behind while keeping in the cover of the destruction that was now enraged in the firey flames of war, but I wasn't focused on the battle, I was focusing on finding Gold Star, and I did, but he was injured in the hoof and the... Left-wing... Before anyone found him I quickly ran and lifted him off the ground, while keeping his wings concealed, I know I should've allowed them to find out who he was but I wasn't taking chances, plus he was unconscious so I had no choice but to take him out of here. "Good Luck... Friends." "Target acquired, we've located the cannon, the user is destroying our tanks," reported the Preubic Helicopter pilot. "Proceed in its destruction pilot." "Yes sir," replied the pilot, as he grabbed the joystick and fired the machine gun on the cannon. "Uh oh..." Pinkie said as the Helicopter unloaded its machine gun carbon onto the cannon which she was forced to abandon as it was violently destroyed by an oncoming missile fired from the helicopter. "My cannon :(!" Pinkie sorrowfully spoke before being blown away by the same missile that knocked her and Rarity into the cage. "A cage! How undignified!!" She said as she and Pinkie hit the wall of the cage. "That's it you creepy bugs! Just let me get a little speed!" Rainbow Dash foolishly announced that a Preubic ATGM-equipped Mowag Eagle armored vehicle took notice. "She's going for speed commandant!" "Then let's show her speed, FIRE!!" The missile is fired from the rocket port and races right straight towards Rainbow Dash who quickly notices and tries to evade the missile chasing her to the ends of the earth, gathering her speed she manages to outpace the missile. "Commandant, she's evading the missile." "Contact Vehicle 4-9 to fire multiple rounds, if that doesn't work contact Indigo-3," the Preubic squad commander ordered. "Yes, commandant!" A second Anti-Tank Guided Missile is launched from another car and now two follow Rainbow Dash, giving her a bigger situation. "Ehhehe, guys I was just joking!" She nervously chuckled, as an incoming Jet going by the designated number 3, Rainbow Dash went into a collision course toward the jet. "Stupid pony." The Pilot then unleashed his machine gun ammo at the single moving pegasus that was now increasing speed, and she zoomed right above the pilot. "What was that?" He chuckled, and when two missiles raced right toward his cockpit he screamed. "SCHIESE--" The jet fighter was shot down by the missiles launched from the ground which Rommel looked at that with surprise and neutrality. "Hmph. Well played." Of course, it wasn't long before two more jet fighters arrived and shot down Rainbow Dash with a volley of missiles, which brought her down from the shock waves the missiles generated and blew her into the cage. After Applejack bucked another changeling she was quickly surrounded by the Preubic Death Soldiers who pointed their guns at her, forcing her to submit to them. Rommel looked at her and the other mares and said. "You all fought well today, but unfortunately not enough." "Twilight is still fighting! She'll save us!" Pinkie Pie yelled, followed by an outcry of support for Twilight's willpower to fight. "STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!" She shouted, shooting the Changelings off when Chrysalis dived right towards her and threw her to the ground like a dogs chew toy. Twilight got back up and fired several shots toward the Changeling Queen before Sombra came from behind with no remorse and sapped her horn covering it with black shards disabling Twilight's ability to use her magic. She resorted to charging head first to the shadow king before being gutted by the Preubic men who beat and pinned her down on the ground giving Both Sombra and Chrysalis a nice sight. "Pitiful, I was told you were the strongest out of them all... I guess I was wrong to assume." With her last piece of strength, she broke through the Preubic men's grip and attempted to pin Sombra down herself before she was blasted back and beaten twice by the Preubic men before getting lifted by them on her hind legs weak. Her friends watched in horror as Chrysalis menacingly cackled at the Alicorn's defeat. " I DID IT! I FINALLY BEAT HER! Minions! Take these two to the cage and make sure their magic is contained!" Chrysalis ordered as Shining Armor and Twilight were dragged by both Changelings and Preubic soldiers Rommel looked at the mass grave before him as General Ferguein arrived at the scene. "12 of our men died in the initial fighting, and the bullets are not even American." "What are they, sir?" Asked Rommel's left-hand general. "Rodinian crafted 39mm bullets, General, now tell me, what's the death toll in total?" "We didn't get the chance to count, but most likely hundreds of our men, also sir, General Cynthia is dead." "Do you have the body?" Rommel asked as Ferguein signaled the Coroners to bring the dead Cynthia to him. They unwrapped her and showed Rommel. "Hm. Mutilated, and dead, unfortunate, what's the autopsy?" He asked. "She lost her mechanical arm, her entire jaw line has been disconnected and her brain has trauma, the cause of her death is the bullet wound that penetrated her brain." "Do we know what bullet it is?" He asked. "21mm, a luger bullet. But we believe she was killed by none other than Lieutenant Vader J. Yates sir," Ferguein recalled. "Hm, I did not doubt that she was going to break formation in an attempt to grab her revenge, no doubt what so, hopefully, her replacement will learn from this mistake, and won't follow her footsteps further, but..." "But sir?" "But the name itself is peculiar, and even the American political government has an interest in him." "What are you suggesting sir?" Ferguein asked. "I'm saying after we're done we'll-" "SIR! PRINCESSES CELESTIA AND LUNA ARE IN THE VICINITY!" The Soldier yelled as Celestia and Luna landed right in front of the trio. "So they are..." Ponyville, base Alicorn. After Alex and his men arrived at the base they quickly got to business and grabbed anything heavy, ranging from miniguns, Light Machine guns, more tanks, and ammunition. "Here grab this," he insisted, as the soldier grabbed the M249. "What do you think is about to happen if we fail?" "Something bad, and I don't want it to happen, do we have contact with the Air Force?" Alex asks. "Yes sir, they're on the line." "Good patch me through." The soldier lended him the phone and he spoke with the captain of the nearest aircraft carrier group. "Who's the captain!" Demanded Alex. "Sir the captain is currently-" "I'll take it from here Sergeant," the naval Captain insisted. The Sergeant gave the Captain the phone and he spoke. "Colonel Alex, glad to hear from you again," he said. "Captain Weaver, glad to hear you're back from the academy," Alex greeted. "Thanks, now what can I do for you?" "Captain Weaver Crystal City is under attack and it seems we have a new enemy in the scope." "So I've heard, but I'm sorry to say but we're doing air exercises, and MacArthur says we're disabled until the evening exercises have been concluded." "FUCKING WHAT!? DO YOU REALIZE THERE'S A FUCKING WAR BEING WAGED IN THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE AND ALL THAT DAMN GENERAL WORRIES ABOUT IS FUCKING EXERCISES!?" "Sir please calm down." "CALM DOWN!? CALM DOWN!? I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN I SLAP THE HELL OUT OF THAT GENERAL!!" "I uh..." "Captain Weaver, is there a problem here," Asked the Admiral. "Sir, Colonel Alex from the 105th Armor Division is requesting air support for the Crystal City," the Captain informed. "For what??" The Admiral asked. "Crystal City, apparently there's a battle ongoing there." "Lemme see the phone," the Admiral requests, which he was given the phone. "This is Admiral Jerry, how can I assist?" "Admiral Jerry? Do you mean Wilburg Jerry? Is that you?" Alex queried. "Yes, I'm that Jerry, now what in tarnation do you want with my planes," the Admiral asked. "Well, first off how'd you know I needed air support?" Alex asked. "Because I can hear your goddamn yell all the way from Timbucktu!" "Apologies admiral, but we're in a more dire period than you may think we are," Alex excused himself. "No need to tell me about it, we've just gotten a report that the Princess of Friendship, and Prince Armor had been captured, along with other 5 ponies, what the hell do you think I was doing this whole time!" The Admiral scolded. "Well not helping us in the sky for one thing," Alex replied. "We do not have information with the enemy's sudden air-to-air capabilities, and their unknown jet fighter technology, I cannot send the men in not as long the bastards have birds in the air, and even if they decided to pull out where the hell are we even going to strike Colonel, besides the best we could do is sit and watch." "But those are my men Admiral!" "And if you care about them, then I suggest you keep your forces where they are and wait for further orders to arrive until then, do not further interfere," the Admiral then hangs up the phone, giving Alex a fit of rage as he tosses the phone at the wall and shattered it into pieces. "MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" "Sir-" "WHAT!" Shouted Alex. "We've gotten the tanks repaired and prepped, they're waiting on your word sir," informed the private. "...Give me a moment." "Yes sir." As the private left the room Alex was left with conflicting thoughts, sure he could wait for orders but then this would increase the death rate for his men and eventually be responsible for sending everyone there into a slaughter he wasn't prepared for. With the high advantage the enemy has he doesn't really have a clue what to do here. He tried to think of a plan in his head but every time that does there would be casualties involved that he could not afford to have, he was a leader, but not a strategist and usually it was Yates who came up with these plans in the background, not him, of course, given that his Lieutenant is overdue for a promotion he kinda felt off about this whole thing. What happened next was that a Staff Sergeant knocked at the door. "Come in," insisted Alex, as the Sergeant entered and saluted. "Colonel, we have volunteers who are willing to come with us, sir." "Civilian ponies?" "Yes sir, most likely family members of the six mares." This gives Alex... A potentially risky but perfect idea... Maybe. Crystal City "Hello Sombra," Celestia glared lividly. "You two!? How did you get here so quickly!?" "We got a message from cad-" "ENOUGH!" Shouted Sombra, as he attempted to shoot Celestia before colliding with Celestia's counter spell. As the fight was ongoing with both sides distracted Spike approached the cage quickly and quietly intending to free them only to find that the lock was magically sealed. "Drats! They really like the color of their horns!" Spike spoke. "Spike! Where have you been!?" Rarity asked quietly. "I was told to hide somewhere, I didn't think you'd get captured." "Spike we can handle ourselves, but the best for ya to do is get help, Yates and Gold Star are still out there, if you can find them you could find help for us!" Applejack said in encouragement. "But what about you guys? What about Twilight!" "I'll be fine Spike," Twilight assured, waking up from being beaten up by Sombra and Chrysalis. "You must find Gold Star, and then find Yates, it's now up to you and them to save Equestria before it's too late!" Twilight ordered, which at first Spike was hesitant but when he saw that Celestia's horn was disabled by Radiant Hope he quickly ran from the cage and to the streets. However, he slipped on the debris and fell, creating noise that drew some of the Changeling's attention. "Hey! It's that pipsqueak called a dragon!" "Let's get him!" "Oh, Celestia!" Spike quickly got up and ran for his life as the Changelings gave chase to the little dragon through flight. Spike looked around for any opportunities to find and dodge the pursuing changelings when he saw an unstable sewer pipe that had been ripped from its foundations, taking advantage of its unstable structure he slid under it and burnt the wood support beams that held the pipe in its place. With the flames burning away for the wood plank the pipe gave weigh and clattered the two changelings in the head, buying Spike time to run further before the bugs got free. "Push! Push like you mean it!" "Ah shut up Revok!" "No, you!" After running a good distance Spike can notice a lone man walking with a pony. "Thank Celestia! HEY! HEY!" Spike Shouted, which grabbed my attention to the little dragon. "Huh? You must be Spike correct? Where have you been?" I asked. "I've been with Twilight the whole time, but I should be asking where have you been!" "I was originally going to get in contact with my men and some of the Rodinians, but as you can see Gold Star has been injured, and from the looks of you being by yourself Twilight and the others had been captured." "That's right! And they sent me to ask you and Gold Star to help," Spike informed. "Well, in this condition we cannot, Gold Star is injured as I said, and we need to organize for a counterattack, and hopefully with a plan to or no one is getting rescued, I'd suggest riding with me," I insisted. "Ride? But you don't have a-" "On my shoulder, if I can carry this hunk of weight (no offense to you Gold Star) then I can easily carry you." "Fair enough," Spike agreed, climbing up to my shoulder and holding onto me as we both headed back to the base. Both Celestia and Sombra started exchanging their flares of magic as Celestia fired her barrages towards Sombra and went into a ramming position, at the same time Luna and Chrysalis were dueling, not with magic but... Rather with swords. The two were in the air dueling and fighting while Rommel and his men stood by and watched, they would want to help but it would be dishonorable, of course in case Chrysalis lost he would have the pleasure of shooting Luna himself when she wasn't looking. But as the fight was ongoing the caged ponies cheered them on at the fight, Rommel, who has been quite eager to study this property of friendship magic, decided this was the best call to start studying. As Chrysalis landed beside him aiming her catacomb sword towards Luna's throat she noticed them cheering too, but before she could say anything Rommel simply whispered. "Let them." She didn't understand it at first because of Luna going for the first strike charge on her, but after getting breathing room in the sky she now understood why. Rommel took notice of how the cheering may have a connection with magic, this was because the mane 6 are friends with the princesses, including the brother of one of them Shining Armor. During observation in the fight as Sombra continued to struggle a little bit against Celestia and her onslaught of magic spells, it was that moment when Celestia's spells intensified significantly, and comparing with that with the spell thickness she had been using only a short moment ago he was scared shitless. He nor his army was powerful enough against this magic, and even if he were to kill the source it would just be more hell for him and his army. The magic was imposed by the goddess Harmony, titled the overseer of Magic, and the right-hand mare of the Creator who is the overseer of humanity. As for the fight with Luna vs Chrysalis, the two continued to swing at each other either for the legs or the head, however, every swing equaled a parried attack as both swords clang and banged generating sounds of forged metal as they locked in face to face with each other both with hatred towards each other. Luna occasionally used her own style of barrages of magical spells against Chrysalis that were intended to neutralize her. To death. But even with spells Chrysalis used her shield spell against Luna and sometimes when she could, she would use the green sticky fluid plasma that stuck her opponent to the ground for a moment as Chrysalis charged for Luna's forehead but because it was Luna's hooves that were sticking to the ground and not her horn, Luna would easily unstuck herself with a clear spell and would go for Chrysalis and her torso. Meanwhile, Celestia had nearly blown Sombra off of the face of the planet before Radiant Hope appeared and cut her magic off. As this was all happening he had the observation written down for his men, now it was time for math cracking, as the fight died down when Radiant Hope closed off Celestia's magic, Celestia without giving time to react was turned into stone. Out of anger and vengeance, Luna attempted to pierce her sword into Sombra's throat but in the process, she was turned into stone as well and landed near her sister. The Mane 6 now looked at this in horror as the sisters were now defeated. As for Rommel, he has no doubt that they would use this as a reminder to keep fighting, and with that knowledge, the magic of friendship would boost their strength, although he could have them all executed right away, this would start a war with an already powerful enemy he and his forces cannot match. Deployment It had been two hours by now, and President Ronald Reagan had authorized the deployment of the weapon many in the world had recently feared. They call it, the Nuke. After reading the deployment codes to the Pentagon command Rodinian forces were placed on high-level alert and soviet jets had been spotted above American soil as fears started increasing across the world. Unknowingly America is using it for something else... East Humarican Ocean It was nighttime at the airbase when the codes were used, Johnson and his fellow cabin mates were above the skies inside of the B-52 on the failsafe path to where they were assigned in, the flight took so long that everyone but the pilots and the radio men were asleep. It was then that they received the attack order code on their radio "W-what the!?" Exclaimed one of the sleeping pilots, as the radio captain looked at the code with a blank but neutral face. "Relax, it's just the code alarm, nothing to be... Well, alarmed," the captain awkwardly gawked, and the men looked at him with unimpressed faces. "Alright, lemme see real quick," he said, as the men were eager for the code to be recalled back to base, but to the Radio captain's fear when he opened the code book and looked at the code, comparing it from the radio to the book, he placed the radio over his mouth. "I... Uhh, Johnson, we've just been given attack plan K." "Repeat that?" Worried Johnson. "I just said we've been given attack plan K." "That can't be possible, send out a signal of confirmation," requested Johnson. "Roger," the radio captain replied, as he sent out the signal for confirmation, and when they responded they responded quickly. "Confirmed Johnson, we have the togo order, attack plan K has been confirmed." Johnson laid his head back with the sounds of turbine engines blaring in the background. "My God, it's really happening isn't it, what's our target?" Johnson asked. "Take the wheel will you Johnson?" Requested the bomber commander (the pilot). "Sure," he replied, as he switched controls over to him his commander got up and opened the safe that contained an emergency kit, playpony magazines, files, laser pointer, flares, and finally 6 top secret document files all handed to everybody inside of the bomber. And every single one of them had two words. Crystal. City. "I think I'm going to be sick sir," said one of the crewmen. "Well... That's an order from the president, we do not think, we act," said the pilot, flicking switches and turning towards Johnson. "Well, you wanted action, here it is," the commander said. "Yeah... But why the Crystal City? They don't have nukes?" Johnson replied. "Son, there are a lot of things and goings on with that city, hell if I know, for all we know we might be nuking the bastards just to be safe!" "Yeah... I guess..." As the bomber changed course from going in circles to heading to their two-hour target they didn't notice that the moment they left American waters they were followed under the radar. "This is Fencer-1, we have eyes on the Hawk over," Reported a Soviet pilot, flying below the radar to prevent detection. "Roger Fencer-1, proceed with pursuit." Ponyville The Red Mother hadn't called Yuri back for ages now, and due to this tardiness and lack of calls he had been bored out of his mind, first off, why was no one calling him? Has Rodinia all forgotten about him or is he destined to just rot in the damn apartment, cheated out of the revenge that he so desperately craved on Twilight Sparkle. Every day something happens and he is left out, and every time this happens it infuriates him even more and more. And as he drifted off to the point of insanity his phone rang, and without a single hint of hesitation he grabbed it and cleared his throat. "Yuri here." "Ah Yuri, it's been a while, how was your break?" The Red Mother asked. "Break!? I wasn't informed of such!" "Oh... I assume the memo was lost, unfortunate, but I'm here to tell you that it's over and that you have a new mission." "About time, so tell me Our Red Mother, what is my mission?" "You are instructed to secure a landing zone for special forces, they will be given civilian uniforms and are instructed to scatter, the weapons will be airdropped separately so secure a second landing zone as well." "I see, so that's the purpose of that?" Yuri asks. "American president Reagan had foolishly decided to deploy his death toy on the Crystal City, and Celestia and Luna are knocked out of the Arena." "As for... Twilight Sparkle Our Red Mother?" "She has been captured." DAMMIT! He thought a chance of revenge had been cheated out and off of him! What a damn waste, how he just got cheated, damn all these villains to hell! "I... See... I will work on getting those zones prepared, when are they dropping?" Yuri asks. "Tonight, somewhere beyond midnight," informed the Red Mother. "Thanks, dasvidanya." "Dasvidanya." As he hung the phone up, he grabbed his tactical formal uniform and looked at the news that displayed Chrysalis and Sombra's faces. As he was finished dressing, he raised both of his fists and gave them both the usual middle fingers. "Assholes." And then he left for the forest. The battle between two villains and two princesses resulted in the victory for the villains, Sombra had turned the two Princesses into stone, and the sight horrified Princess Sparkle and everyone else in the cage. "NOOOO! What have you done?!" "We did it, we beat the two sisters," Sombra declared, as Chrysalis rolled around the floor laughing her ass off as if to hear a funny joke. "Now there is nothing left to do but to-" "Wait!" "There's another princess here that needs to be dealt with permanently, She'll try to stop me," Sombra warned, with the intent of turning her into what her mentor is, a stone statue. "Sombra she's trapped, tell him, Princess, you won't get in his way will you?" Radiant Hope begged a question to which Twilight Replied. "No, I won't" "See? She said she-" "I wasn't finished!" Twilight interjected. "I won't stay out of his way as long as I still have the strength to stand, I will see to it that you are punished for what you did to Celestia and Luna!" "You're a brave fool, Twilight Sparkle." "And you're a vicious coward! I read your journal!" "And now you'll be an entry in it, goodbye princess." Before he could turn Twilight into stone his legs gave weigh as a result of overexerting his recovery when he was fighting the Alicorn sisters, although it was less action as to the last time they fought they had weapons, of course with Luna having a weapon in this one except for Celestia, but this fight was awfully quick and swift, yet... Combative. But it didn't bother him, what did was that his body gave weight. Radiant Hope took Sombra in, but he refused. "You need to rest, remember our goal," Hope reminded. "Leave me alone! I can do it myself!" Sombra snarled, like a child refusing his morning medicine in the evening. The two turned away from the cage and walked from it, with Rommel ordering a guard post, it was this sentence however that drove him and Chrysalis into a Ridiculed face. "But you're right, I do not need to defeat this powerless princess now. Soon I will set the Umbrum free and I want her to see what they will do to her world," Sombra mumbled. "Wait! Did you just say Umbrum!?" "..." "Farewell, Princess," Sombra said. "When I return I will have my own army, and you will call me, Emperor Sombra." "Sombra! Get back here!" Chrysalis demanded, running after him giving Twilight time to figure out a plan hopefully. "We have to do something, we cannot let them release the Umbrum!" "It's no use! These bars won't even budge! Even Applejack tried to buck our way out!" "Sure can't do," Applejack sat expressionless at the dented wall. "Even if we get out how in Celestia's name are we going by these guys! They don't even look like the humans we know about!" Rainbow Dash ranted, pointing at the Preubic soldier. "Hey! I am a human! >:C" Said some background soldier. "Good to hear but I don't care!" "*sigh* I hope Spike is alright, he's all alone!" "Don't you DARE! Ignore me Sombra!" "I already grow tired of you, remove yourself from my path!" Demanded Sombra. "I aided in your rescue! It is my army that defeated your foes! I am a Queen and you will show me the respect befitting a queen!" "This seems like the perfect amount of respect for a Queen of insects, a Queen of vermin," insulted Sombra. "HOW DARE YOU!" Shouted Chrysalis. "Sombra, she's our ally, you should hear her out," Radiant Hope suggested, which stirred Sombra to sigh. "Very well, say your piece," he answered. "Thank you." History of the Umbrum Because I hate Chrysalis, and that she is a bitch whore who I keep beating the shit out of, I'll tell you it in my style. So apparently these Umbrum creatures are beasts, they are pure shadows and are known to have burnt down the homes and crushed the hopes of the Crystal Ponies. Technically moving shadows, however like all shadows they do not like anything light material, such as the sun, and the climate in Crystal City is perfect for the conditions, and in order to live and inhabit areas they have their style of cloud that can blot out the sun just so it can habitable to these beasts. But there are other ways to take the sun to them, and this was proven by Patton, that to kill them without the sun is to either shoot magic towards them or shoot them. Given that you have an Assualt rifle or any gun for that matter, which I do, then it'll work, if you don't well you are in deep shit, though my men are already armed to the teeth, so that left us with one problem, what to do when Sombra actually does release those things into the world. Of course, all this is just a long explanation from my Greater Grandfather Canter so to sum it up. Bad shadows, death-bringing creatures, can be killed by a light source, can blot out the sun, Et Cetera, Et Cetera. During the conversation between the King and Queen, Rommel was starting to get nervous about what Sombra said earlier. The Umbrum are dangerous beasts, releasing them is a suicide, Chrysalis then walked towards the disturbed, yet, unsurprised Rommel who said. "I would say that I told you so, but it seems you are already taking this hard." "How was I supposed to know they were going to free those beasts!" "Well neither did I, but I can safely say that we are squared." Rommel looked around at the destroyed city and shook his head. "I've already informed my officers that we were pulling out immediately, as soon as you give the word your highness." As much as Chrysalis would like to make the city her dominion, it wasn't worth fighting an army of shadows that you cannot even touch. "Linux!" She called. "Yes your highness," answered one of the Changelings. Chrysalis looked at Rommel who was waiting for her command he nodded and so the Queen ordered. "We are pulling out, we did what we would do, order our forces to retreat!" At that moment Rommel repeated the order. "Contact air-marshal Goering, and inform him that we have completed our mission here and that we are pulling out, also have him inform the fuhrer that I'm going to need a new officer more smart than Cynthia," Rommel added. "Yes, commandant! It shall be done!" The soldier said, when Twilight took wind of what was going on and yelled. "Cowards! You're just going to run away just like that!" This gave Chrysalis a snarl. "Unfortunately princess, I already did what I came here to do and that was to beat you to the ground, and now as a parting..." She then lifted the roof of the cage open fast and plucked Twilight out of the cage and threw her into the crystally ground face first. "Enjoy the sight, Princess! Because it'll be the last you see of your kingdom!" As Chrysalis cackled she and her army left Rommel's troops who were later airlifted by never-before-seen transport helicopters. We arrived at the camp zone, and we dropped Gold Star off at the makeshift medical sector made by the Peacekeeper group that was stationed here before being allocated to the castle, south of us, to commence an evacuation of "mass proportions" we were all suspicious but we didn't take note of it while I dropped off the major to have his wounds patched up, meanwhile! Spike was given a cool new Jacket just so we don't accidentally hit him I think? (I don't know why the men gave him one but that's fine, looks cool on him too be honest) Credit to: edy janurary But with that Gold Star woke up from the small concussion and immediately he was aching to get back into the fight but I had to keep him down. "But Twilight Sparkle! Her friends! O-our friends, they need me!" "They would want you alive Star, I'll try to rescue them myself, but I can't have you going out with a sprung leg wielding a gun in the middle of a warzone, especially your..." I paused and looked both ways making sure that Spike wasn't hearing in our conversation, all he was doing though was just fascinating himself with his new jacket. "*Sigh...* Lemme give it to you straight man, if you go out there you will be exposed, you cannot be seen with your Alicorn body or Creator knows what!" "I understand you want to protect me, so answer me this," he swung his hooves towards me, so I leaned close and then he said. "Why the hell are you still here!" Gold Star scolded. "Uh..." "Well if you do not want me to leave go! Save our friends! That's a order, go!" He urged, I nodded and grabbed my M249 Machine Gun, my side arm, some additional ammo, shades, and a Spike. "Wait, what about Gold Star?" He asked, which was a simple question with a simple answer, But... With a complicated backstory attached to it. "He needs time to rest and heal, he'll be back and running in a couple of half an hour minutes, but right now we need to get to your friends," I answered. "I know where they are! Quick follow me!" Insisted Spike as he climbed over the fallen debris I followed suit, though, in this chaotic mess, I would be surprised if we both stepped on a land mine. "So what's your story?" Spike asked as we continued to trek across the war-torn city. "My... Story? I don't get the picture of what you mean by that?" "Your story! Like how did you get here, or what made you get here, or why did you come here? I mean you couldn't have been here purposely, I've never seen you before, or even at all, in fact, the first time that I saw that human was during that time with the wedding," Spike Childishly articulated, walking over a shelled-out hole, surrounded by what remains to be a tank and a Armor vehicle. "Oh? And tell me, did he happen to use the same gun I'm using?" I questioned. "Yeah! Or... No, well I don't know what weapon he used, but he had those cool moves! And how he punched Chrysalis in the face! Though kind of odd, I could've sworn she said your name a while ago?" Spike wondered, as I rolled my eyes and smiled with a slight smug. "And the fact that the event then and now hasn't dawned on you that perhaps the guy you're referring to had been with us this whole time?" Spike paused and so have I, he placed his claw and thought about the hint I gave him, waited for his response to the question. But. "Wait! Is he a spirit? Or is he actually with us in person!" Spike glamorized in his voice, while I could face pal myself I know that he is just a kid who has yet to learn about his own environment, but though he seemed to be unable to figure out that by now that the guy is me, so much for hints as much as I like for him to figure it out, eh maybe next time. "In person, and yes I know him, he's me!" Spike was dumbfounded, he felt the urge to bombard me with questions and request for an autograph, but... We started to approach the castle and before he could say anything I ducked us into the bush to avoid the oncoming Changeling patrol. "Do you think we'll find that little purple dragon?" Asked some changeling. "We have to! That pipsqueak might end up doing something heroic! Tartarus! Look at that statue! If that pipsqueak is worshipped by these wretched love-filled ponies who knows what power he has for us!" Exaggerated the other changeling when his fellow comrade walked beside him with discontent and a bilateral sense of looking at the Changeling with a stupid mood. "What?" Then he just walked off. "Hey! Hey! Wait what did I say! What did I say!" As the two walked out we both peeked our heads and looked at each other, I was confused with questions, but Spike was confused as to why I was looking at him with confusion. "What?" He asked. "Well, I understand you're a fan of mine, but I guess you have your own story to tell, such as the question as to why you have a gigantic statue of yourself in the middle of the city square in your honor?" "A story for another time?" Spike replied, although my curiosity is as normal as an average human, I have to know why. But first, starting with the imprisoned Mares and a prince. Supreme Soviets of Rodinia Boris Yeltsin was sitting on the front row seat amidst the arguments ongoing on the council floor. Apparently, the American president authorized the new weapon on the Crystal City. One side called for total investigation the other to just sit and watch, while the majority, however, started calling for all immediate intervention operations to be on the table, including a full-blown war. However, as the arguments reached an impasse General Secretary Brezhnev entered inside, with his presence freezing everyone in the chambers as if a cold unforgiving breeze had just entered the building, and it wasn't natural either as Brezhnev usually walked through the seats from the back as he would've usually been greeted by the council members but instead he entered from the front doors of the podium stage with Rodinian Guards entering with death written on their masks adding the even more creepified tension in the room as Brezhnev stepped towards his "throne." But of course, with the chaos ongoing with America's deployment of the superweapon no one had heard a thing from the secretary General and now the response that they've waited for unfortunately does in a form of mystery and... Surprise.... Once he sat on his chair he finally spoke. "My dearest comrades, do not fret over the situation," he said, stirring some murmurs in the background before being silenced by the sound of Brezhnev clearing his throat. "At 8:30 PM Eastern Humarican Time, I have dispatched our finest fighter squadrons en route to intercept the bomber that is heading to the Crystal City, with no time to spare." It was then that one of the councilmen rose and asked. "How is this certain they'll catch up to a fast American bomber? You'd have to go high speeds to catch up to the damn thing!" "Good question, but classified answer, unfortunately, but without a certain doubt, it will be intercepted by tomorrow, mark my words." The word "classified" created more questions than answers in the chambers as some were confused discerned, or even skeptical about their leadership and its position in the military situation, specifically when the crisis unfolding is given to the higher powers. It had also been a while since they'd heard about the Red Mother, it made them nervous. They know what is about to happen. Canterlot Patton's forces had finished packing their things and had started rolling their tanks in the streets of Canterlot en route to the Crystal City. As the group passed by ponies who had been distressed over the defeat of Celestia and Luna, Colonel Canter couldn't help to wonder what they were going through and how they felt seeing tanks thinking it was some sort of invasion but more of a liberation mission. However the moment died when the convoy stopped, and Patton hopped out of the tank with a letter and headed right straight for Canter's jeep. Patton knocked on the window and Canter's driver rolled it down. "Colonel, read this, and tell me what the hell I am looking at here!" he insisted, with Holt and some of the other men standing beside Patton. Canter looked at the General confused but then shrugged as he cleared his throat and read. "Good Day General Patton, in the light of the events ongoing in the Crystal City you are ordered to be incorporated back into the mainstream military for reasons... Unknown? I hope you have a blessed day Creator bless America... Sir? Why is this saying we are to be incorporated?" Canter asked. "I don't like it, whatever it is those government bastards and their backstabbing scheming lead me to believe that they're up to something, and I will not let them achieve their backdoor scheme, Everyone get back on board we're continuing forwards!" He ordered to the men standing silently before letting his outrage out and shouting. "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET YOUR ASSES BACK ONBOARD NOW!! WE NEED TO DOUBLE TIME IT!" Immediately the troops got back on board and the convoy was restarted, only this time at a quicker pace In hopes of reaching Crystal City on time. Crystal City, East wing centre With Gold Star being the only commanding he resorted to using a cane to be able to walk on his foreleg, but on the bright note, after examining the makeshift depot it has some good expectations of a forward base, but now there was another concern, and that was getting in contact with the world outside. And to his luck when he saw the enemy withdrawing from the city by helicopter as they flew over the city skylines he looked at the radio operator who kneeled blazingly at the sky-filled airborne vehicles. "What the hell are you doing!" He scolded. "Get that damn radio uplink online now!" "But sir! What if they-" "I don't care what they've got on just check!" Gold Star ordered as the radio man got the equipment on. At first, there was only static on the radio. "Set for Channel four." "Aye aye sir," replied the radio man, as he set the radio uplink channel to four and thus, thought Gold Star, came life on the radio. "YES! IT WORKS! THANK THE CREATOR AND HARMONY! Now quick! Give it to me now!" "Yes sir!" The radio man said happily as the men cheered at the reestablished contact. Delta Base-whinnypolis The base was one of many other established areas and regions in Equestria, it was created by the Brookish military as a gesture of goodwill and defense on Equestrian soil due to some ethnic language similarity, this base in particular houses the Special Air Service (Not to be confused with the SAU), one of the tactical and lethal companies within the Federation. Alongside is the Green Berets which was currently stationed at the base and only hosted a small amount. "Captain, I'm detecting a small low-range frequency," said a communications official, going by the radio code name 'Phoenix'. "Can you trace it?" The Captain asked. "Yes sire." Phoenix traced the signal and when he finished his eyes widened as if he saw a ghost. "Good gracious, Creator save the Queen! Sir! The signal is coming from the-" "Well!" "Blimey! It's the Crystal City," replied the officer, as his captain sat down in surprise. "Sir it's the Crystal Cit-" "I know..." The Captain paused and looked at the screen that was now displaying the radio waves emitting from the Crystal City. The reason for this shock was that all military personnel in Equestria were to not proceed with any combat operation in the Crystal City, doing so would result in death from the incoming nuclear bomb code-named "Titanus" However, they have direct contact with the Prime Minister and their monarchy. "Patch the communication through mate, and get me, Major General Wingate now!" "Yes, sire!" As the other officials got get the general, the Captain overhears the radio being patched through to him on the communications computer. "This is Captain Orellus of the Special Forces base in Whinnypolis, we hear you, but we request identification." Gold Star is given the radio piece of the uplink and replies. "This is Major Gold Star of the one hundred and fifth armor divisions, we're currently being held up in the Crystal City and we're trying to have the city liberated but we cannot do that when we have insecure skies from an unknown enemy!" "Crystal City you say, Major?" The captain asked. "Yes, and we need support if you can get me in contact with the airforce that would be great!" Gold Star requested. On the other side of the phone, General Wingate arrived at the scene and looked at the room. "Bloody hell, what did I miss here?" The Brookish man asked, taking a sip of his tea. "Sir we picked up a low range frequency, and we traced it back to the Crystal City," reported the soldier. "What? I didn't quite hear you there. Did you say we have mates still alive in that city?" The General asked. "Yes sire, it would seem they survived the attacks that our agency had earlier predicted months ago!" "Did those fucking arses show at last?" The General asked. "Yes sire, it was the Jerry's, and we currently have some of the Yankee's in the city breathing." "And the city? Are those damn Yankees outside it sending anything to help?" He asked. "I uh... You might need to read this," the soldier insisted, handing the general a message written. "All Personnel is to stay 10 km away from Crystal City, Code K is now in effect." "..." "Sire! All divisions had also been given this order," the soldier replied further. "Those damn fookin bastards! Of course, they'll kill their own, I ought to skin their bloody arses for this, get me General Montgomery immediately!" "Yes, sire!" London City, Brook Province of America Now the history of the Brooks was a long period and age ranging from the time of the tribal period to King Arthur, to the Griffonian takeover all the way to its incorporation within the Federation. The land of the Brooks was once independent just like Texa and Hosea, of course after joining the American Federation it and Hosea was given their special autonomy, basically semi-independent but also at the same time being a part of the mainland Federation. Unlike other states, Brook and Hosea had their own type of government, a military, and their agencies, with Brooks being a constitutional monarchy. The states of the Brook Province were Scotlandia, Brittania, Eiarish, and Sodor. Their leader is Prime Minister Margret Thatcher who is the current head of the land, followed up by Queen Elizabeth the second, dutchess of Tidmouth. General Montgomery at this time was at an annual royal party being hosted by the Queen in celebration of the military deeds in establishing "bases" in Zebrica when the Queen's servant approached him. "Jolly good day to you sire, but you have a call from the tele." "Really? Please show," Montgomery requested. "Certainly, right this way good sire." The servant led Montgomery to the phone that he left off at the base and handed it to the General in the private lounge. "Good day? Who's this may I add?" "General Montgomery, my name is Lt. General Wingate for the Whinnypolis base." "Ah, hello there Mr. Wingate, say how are the Equestrians treating you on this fine night?" Montgomery queried. "Very good good sir, but we're quite a bit in a pickle here..." "How so Mr. Wingate?" Montgomery asked as he took a sip of his hot brewed cup of tea. "Remember the reports stating condolences to the unit trapped in Crystal City was considered KIA, and that it devastated Uncle Sam when he got the news about it?" Wingate asked. "M-m-m... Poor fellow, he's currently in the royal lounge being treated by the Queen over it, what about it?" "They're alive" "*PFFFFFFFHHH* BLOODY WHAT!?" The general yelped in surprised after spitting out his tea. Crystal City Centre As Sombra entered the palace he noticed the wounded men injured in the hallway at his mercy. "Pitiful, to think that these wretched weaklings everyone called the mighty race had become Celestia's puppets for her gain," he said. "Sombra you didn't even leave them no choice back then, the day you invaded a neighboring country just because of your ambition was-" "I know what I did Hope! Do not remind me..." As he and Hope walked by the injured who were being tended by Peacekeepers who had initially feared Sombra's presence before being told off by Hope to keep doing what they'd been doing originally. Hope had just finished her remedy for Sombra's body reconstruction and applied it to him, he and Hope were now heading into the basement. "Good god was that fucking Sombra!?" Said an injured man, being tended to by a peacekeeper who was as shocked. "Eagle-4-5, what's your status over?" Said a person on the radio. "Go two, how's the recovery vehicle going?" The peacekeeper asked. "We've managed to salvage an M113 and a UAZ jeep, but I don't know if that is enough for a standardized evacuation for injured over." "Copy Eagle-3, but we need to try anyways, unmount any space we can use and fast, if Sombra is here then I know in great hell we are in big trouble." It was then that Cadence was walking past and noticed the same peacekeeper with a stress. "Being a leader is tough, I know." "Princess with all due respect, when you're having to tend with 12 people in a time frame of just getting them out of the city it can break you sometimes," the peacekeeper phrased. "I see, if you don't mind did you happen to see Sombra?" Cadence asked. "Ummm... I cannot help you with that, no I'm sorry but I can't risk a full-fledged fight, not when there are injured men inside midst the fighting, I won't do it not to them!" The Peacekeeper protested. "I understand," Cadence added, and she walked right by her continuing her search for Sombra, when tread noises were heard and a bearded Abrahamic man came inside with two other men besides him, they all wear blue Helmets and vests. "We're back Emily, and we have good news but bad news..." "What's the good news, Jason?" Emily the peacekeeper asked. The good news is we managed to clear it out, at this rate we might make it with the amount of space but..." "But what?" Emily asked. "One person will have to be left behind due to space." "...Take everyone here and load them up, I'll make sure to keep a haven point here," Emily volunteered, which made both the injured and the men concerned about her quick and rash choice. "I... Don't know what to say to that, by the time we come back for the second pick the city would be fighting again and no one will be helping at all!" "If it means saving all 12 of the people here then I will stay here, now stop your talking and help me load them up onboard the APC!" She started picking up the stretcher and got to work on getting the injured inside of the armored vehicle, the three men who hesitated at first followed suit and started loading the injured inside of the APC as well. As for me and Spike. We arrived at the cage and checked our surroundings, so far it would seem the enemy had just pulled out though I was willing to bet that there was a trap I'd probably spring, but in a move so foolish Spike got out of the hiding spot, I kept my distance though, for all I know Twilight may have been a changeling and is waiting for me so it can pounce on me. But when I saw the two hug each other followed by additional chatting before my hiding spot was exposed by Spike pointing at me being creepy with the binoculars I got up and waved awkwardly. And then I ran right towards Twilight. "Damn, you've taken a beating," I said. "I guess that's the perk of being important." Twilight shrugged. "Not my style of a perk, hmph... Well, it would seem that these dammed black shards are covering your horn." "Gee what did you think Einstein!" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "...Shut. Up. Don't you see that I'm trying to fucking think, it'd be nice to just LET. ME. THINK!!?" "Gees! Alright didn't need to blow your temper off at me!" "Well when you are to happen to be in the most deadly of death zones here in Creator knows fucking where! I get fucking pissy! Now let me concentrate while I get her horn freed, in the meantime, Spike here use this MBR, should free them from that dammed magic reinforced cage." "MBR?" "Magic barrier Remover come on get your head in the game we're fricking humans for crying out loud!!" "O-okay, but how do I use it?" Spike asked. "Oh simple, there's a switch below your claw, right where I'm pointing at." Spike then flipped the switch and a tiny blade came out of it. The MBR was designed and invented in 789 when an incident occurred when an Eclipse brigade operative was captured by the Equestrian guard garrison. They used a magic barrier instead of iron bars when he was imprisoned due to high escape rates. So when the Operative was sent back to America and revealed to his commanding officer of his cell they started the project "Magidom" It was a series of technically enchanting a knife so that a single pierce would shatter the whole thing. Or to dumb it down, think of it like popping a balloon with a thumbtack. Anyway as I plucked the black crystals off of Twilight''s horn using the same tool Spike popped and shattered the barrier and the cage, who says children can't use knives! Anyways Twilight's marefriends and Shining Armor were freed from the magic enchanted cage, and as for Twilight, after plucking off 34 to 40 Black crystals she can now use her magic again. And she asserted this as she lit her horn up. "Alright! Now we're talking! Let's go get that jerk and show him what happens when you mess with Equestria!" "YEAAAH!" The girls shouted. But I was concerned, the sky may have been cleared and the mane 6 had been freed and ready to liberate their friend's kingdom. But when my gut is burning that's when I know. That I have a bad feeling about this... Everfree Forest, Ponyville It is in the heat of the evening, the 105th brigade at this time had left for the Crystal City and the towns ponies of Ponyville were continually flourishing. Unbenounced to them the sky was lit with clouds as the three most known aircraft to the American military were flying over Equestrian airspace dropping some cargo. These illusive planes are the Ilyushin Il-76s, and it seems the Soviets are setting up shop in the Everfree Forest. As Yuri looked through his binoculars he popped the red flare and threw it onto the ground in front of him where a special forces soldier landed right in front of him. The man had a Blue Beret, indicating that he was a part of the infamous Rodinian death squad the Knife Brigade. As for the others, this unit that the Red Mother had told Yuri about is armed to the brim with light vehicles, yet heavy weaponry. The said weapons are BTR-60s, UAZ jeeps, PKM ammo and weapons, and ammunition for the standard-issued AK-74M rifles. Finally, the vehicles that are are dropped in the next pass are the light auto-cannon equipped BPM-97s, fresh from Yakyakistan, and a single BMD-3 armor IFV. "Are you comrade Yuri?" The Lieutenant Colonel of the unit asked. "Yes comrade I am, I assume you were sent by the Red Mother," Yuri replied. "Of course, but in a matter," the Colonel paused and looked up at the sky when he saw a platform containing construction equipment for the base floating down from the air like a light feather. "I would also assume my job here is done... Correct?" Yuri asked unenthusiastically... "Indeed, you may be free to do what you please, for now on we will send someone from our established makeshift FOB to inform you of our next mission, in the meantime the Red Mother has already given you a secondary assignment, take a read." The Colonel gave Yuri a big piece of paper, still whole and not wrinkled, and the note read. You will be sent to Sector B in the Whinnypolis region of Equestria, I expect this to go well as this area contains... Some knowledge that our scientist can dissect, you may freely do this at your own expense but I will send someone if Equestrian officials take notice of this place. - I bid you luck. Now burn this paper. Without warning the Lieutenant Colonel burnt the paper and it turned into a map. "Ah, soviet magic, never fails to disappoint me, odd, so this is the place yes?" Yuri asked. "Indeed comrade, according to one of our spy planes they had recently started detecting structures rising from the ground, there is a possibility of an ancient city, potentially rich in advanced literacy or even science." "Where there's science, comes great knowledge of weapons that we can use, I will depart but first... I need to do some other things." "Understandable comrade, have a nice day." "Dasvidaniya," Exited Yuri. Crystal City, the Castle Me and the others had entered the belly of the beast, the castle, where the whole thing started in the first place. On our way through I met a woman named Emily, a League of Nations Peacekeeper who was recently shipped out back from Brodfield and was supposed to be on leave before Sombra attacked. As Twilight was getting the basement opened she told me the time in Brodfield and when she was talking I wrote everything down in the Journal I am writing right now. Brodfield had been under a state of chaotic ethnic cleansing for quite some time now, and she was assigned to the unit that was sent originally to investigate the species rights violations starting with the factories that the American Government had leased to the monarchial allies as a gesture of "friendship" between the leadership. However when Reagan came into office and forced the factories to close down the businessmen instead left the companies owned by Humarica and aligned themselves with Skyfall's business currents which prompted Reagan to pressure Skyfall into allowing investigations in Brodfield. Despite Skyfall's rejection, they were threatened with being sanctioned under suspicion of slavery so they allowed the factories to be investigated in Brodfield. The factory owners to their horror quickly ran away with the money and went into exile in the neighboring State the Lushi Government, when the Factory workers saw that their bosses had left hell broke loose and Brodfield fell into a state of war following this was an all-out ethnic conflict. Things got worse from there when Gryphian Cossacks along with the Omarian Militia from the Northern Territory of Gryphian Host, launched a cross-border raid using according to reports "AK-47s and Jeeps" which prompted a countryside cleansing, currently, there are rumors that a communist front was formed and is currently being funded by guess who, the Rodinians. Despite buffer zones, their neighbors took advantage and invaded from all sides, from the criminals of Blackrock to the Capitalist forces of Lushi, to Cyannolisa in the south. Brodfield is truly in hell. After the conversation a jeep arrived and she waved to me to bid farewell and she left. By then Twilight had now opened the Basement, I'm not sure if I'd make it out alive so hopefully, I may, if I don't I wish the person to pick up this journal to continue my story. Luna sea "What's the current location?" Asked Johnson, as the mapper pinned the projection of their location. "About a couple of two thousand miles away from our target, we're currently nearing Equestria's coast," the mapper informed. "Copy, maintain course," replied the bomber commander. The radar man was eating his burger when he saw two green dots catching up to them at hypersonic speeds. "Uhh, guys I think we have company!" "What do you mean by that?" The commander asked when two jets zoomed by with the markings of the Soviet Red Star. "WOAH! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Johnson shouted when the SU-57s started firing at the bomber with their machine guns passing along and shooting the hull as some of the bullets penetrated and killed the radio man. "KENNETH! NO!!" Shouted Roger. "HE DIED FOR HIS COUNTRY! WE NEED TO GET US NEAR THE GROUND FOR A POTENTIAL CRASH LANDING! HOLD ON TO YOUR ASSES WE'RE GOING EVASIVE MANEUVERS!" The commander shouted back as he pushed the joystick down to the ocean as the SU-57s persuaded with harsh might. "The Americans are diving, proceed to use Heat seeking missiles," Said Fencer-1 "Dasdonye." Fencer-2 obliged. The SU-57s fired Heat seeking missiles at the B-52 following and generating a trail of smoke, the bomber's early warning systems went off with the speakers shouting. "Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!" "JOHNSON! LAUNCH COUNTERMEASURES!" Johnson pressed the button and the B-52 activated and spewed out a volley of flares which managed to draw both Missiles off of their backs however it wasn't enough as the SU-57 jet fighters were too resilient to back down as they continued to fire their next hellfire of machine guns at the bomber's hull. "We need to land before it's too late!" Johnson yelled. "WITH WHAT RUNWAY!!? THE OCEAN!?" "IF THAT MEANS SURVIVING THEN YES!" "NO IT'S NOT DAMMIT! IF THIS PLANE CRASHES WE'LL ALL GO DOWN WITH IT! IT'S ALL ARCTIC WATERS DOWN THERE, DO YOU WANT US ALL TO DIE JOHNSON!!" "..." "Warning, engine terminated, proceed to crash positions, altitude, altitude." "... On second thought, EVERYONE PREPARE YOUR CHUTES, BECAUSE SHIT IS GOING TARTARUS HERE!" The commander shouted, however amid the shouting the SU-57s fired and destroyed another engine on the left. "WE JUST LOST ENGINE 5!" Reported Mechanic one, as a missile landed on the right engine blowing up another engine on the Right. "ENGINE 2 IS GONE!" "Warning! Warning! Altitude! Altitude!" "Ah fuck it then!! ALRIGHT IT'S TIME! EVERYONE BAIL BAIL BAIL!" The commander yelled as Johnson grabbed his parachute. But it was then that a SU-57 fired it's hail load of machine gun bullets which were equipped with AP tipped ammunition which penetrated the plane's hull killing everyone but him and his CO inside. The bomber was now in total freefall as the rest of the engines now sputtered from the black smoke residue from the engines which were on fire. On the inside It was painted Red. "COME ON JOHNSON WE NEED TO GO NOW!" As Johnson shook his head out of the trauma he now has he ran towards the door and saw an SU-57 aiming its guns before he jumped the Commander pushed Johnson and covered him as the stray of bullets pelted the commander, saving Johnsons life. "SHIT! SHIT! COMMANDER! COMMANDER!" The Commander was dead, if he were alive though he would've said go, and Johnson would follow those words To live with the memories of his now dead crew he jumped out of the plane and unleashed his parachute however due to the altitude he was too close and he smacked head-first into the cold shallow arctic water below knocking him out unconsciously, the B-52 now covered in bullet holes crashed and imploded in a explosion, however the only valuable material on board, was the nuke which was released from the installed failsafe and landed into the water sinking before the Rodinian pilots eyes, the victors of the encounter, the Rodinian Fencer Squadron circled the dropped nuclear bomb like vultures. "This is Fencer-1, Target splashed, inform the Secretary-General that his package has been dropped and to send in the "thieves" "Understood Fencer-1, and as for survivors?" The operations commander asked. "Only one managed to jump, the rest were most likely dead on impact or shot up, though due to the water being cold I doubt the one survivor will last long in the arctic waters." "Roger, but just to be sure I will send a PT boat to scan for the bodies, for now, you are ordered to return to base." "Dasdonye." iytlc rcasty??? "STAY CLOSE THEY CAN'T STAND MY MAGIC!" Cadence yelled in panic as she and Radiant Hope ran from a wall of death. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!? WE CAN'T LET SOMBRA RELEASE THEM!" The two ran after a severe failure in what would seem to be the obvious case of naive hope. Radiant Hope thought the Umbrum was something along the lines of "pixies" and how wrong she was when they showed their true form, even more embarrassingly in front of the princess that she was trying to show. Even though Hope's mind is still in a childish stage she will no doubt be traumatized from this experience. But in a way, when Cadence found Hope after reading what was a journal that was locked in Sombra's basement (heh, that is a bit funny) it explained Sombra's Life and primarily talked about Hope the entire time. Talk about a love interest. But now the two ran and dashed from the wall of fury and grudge and out from the forsaken world that I will call "Umbrum World" too obvious? Yeah probably, who knows I might trademark it, (or not) But anyway after escaping that world Hope used her teleportation spell and landed literally behind Sombra who was thinking a lot. But now he is just plain confused. "What is the meaning of this!?" Sombra exclaimed. "Sombra! You can't do it! You can't uncover the door and let them out" Hope begged. "Ouch my leg." "I uncovered it before I was ever imprisoned I just couldn't bring myself to open it." "You couldn't unleash monsters on your own home... Oh, Sombra!" "No, Hope, It's much worse than that," Sombra added. "What if I opened the door and they were good after? What if I was the only real monster?" "Sombra, you can't open the door I was wrong about-" Her sentence was interrupted by Twilight when she fired her lethal at Sombra in a surprise attack they didn't expect. "You are a monster! And I told you you'd be punished!" Twilight entered. "You harmed my friends! My Family! And made me doubt myself! Now it's time you learn a lesson!" Now... I know that Sombra is the bad guy, but I'm kinda bit nervous with the tension here... I mean he was here for what hours? Half? He didn't even open a smidge or a crack of that door. Unfortunately, I wished I had known that faster enough in the first place when I realized also that Cadence wasn't even harmed, well other than her leg but it's merely a bruise. "TWILIGHT NO!" But something I should've buried Twilight for was something I wouldn't forget when she fired her lethal, and I mean LETHAL on Sombra, it hit something, just not Sombra, instead it hit Radiant Hope knocking her unconscious on the ground. "SHIT! TWILIGHT WHAT THE FUCK!" Before she could reply Sombra in a style of rage when seeing Hope injured and possibly bleeding opened the door and that was when all hell broke loose, and Twilight if you are reading this, fuck you. As for us, may the Creator spare us. There was a massive struggle when these creatures pounced on us, I would never think of meeting these dammed things but it so fucking happens that I'm fighting off one of them that's got me pinned on the ground! "RUN! RUN DAMMIT RUN!" "What about you!" Applejack asked. "WE'LL HOLD THEM, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND FIND GOLD STAR NOW!" I ordered, which the 5 mares got away except for Spike who was pinned down alongside me, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence fought well against these guys, but I didn't because I left my fucking gun in the fucking lobby! (I'm such a fucking idiot!) I did try to use my pistol but they bit onto that and dragged it along the floor like a dog bone. All that me and Spike did was watch as the three were quickly consumed and teleported into the dungeons that were on top leaving me and Spike alone with the self-proclaimed "King of the Monsters" and his new shadow goons one of these things spoke to me. "What is your name creature?" Asked what would seem to be the female second in command of these creatures, if not the chief of them. "Yours first," I replied calmly, even though I was being pinned against my will. "Answer him," Sombra insisted. "As you wish then, my name is Rabia, now answer the question I asked before, what is your name?" Rabia asked once more with the sounds of impatience. "My name is Yates," I replied. "Yates?" Asked Rabia, expecting more than just one name. "Yes, just Yates, nothing else!" I exclaimed. "Odd, but very well... Yates, what do you wish to do with him, my emperor?" Rabia asked towards Sombra who was looking at his injured friend so he turned and asked. "Unless you have something of interest say your piece, otherwise it's the dungeons for you!" Sombra threatened, meaning what he said I could help Radiant Hope to get myself out of this mess, I know medical fields I was teached by one professional once primarily on magic-created injuries. "If you could get me a room I can help Radiant Hope and hopefully examine and heal her injuries," I bartered. " And what makes you worthy of treating Empress Hope and her wounds?" Asked Rabia. "Empre-? I mean, I have experience with this stuff, hell I'm having to treat these types of wounds so much that people almost think that I'm the fucking medic!" Of course, this was an exaggerated lie, but like I said I know how to treat wounds, especially magic-induced types. "Very well then, we-" "Wait, I assume there is a catch to this deal," Sombra suspected. "None at all! Although except Spike, he's my assistant!" I am-?" I slapped him on the head. "I mean yes I am!" "Very well then... But if you deviate and try to run away I will have you executed violently!" Sombra warned, giving me a hard gulp to swallow. "Understandable!" I said sarcastically in fear. Sombra turned to Rabia. "Show them their quarters," he said, and she obliged, nodding her head. "Show these two to their room, and bring Empress Hope with them so that she may be healed!" Rabia ordered, . . . As we now began moving back to the surface level we were taken above sea level heights and into a room where we were then all locked up. "Great! So what now?" Spike asked. "Now? We keep up with our deal," I placed down my bag and grabbed the medkit and some morphine just in case she woke up in the middle of her treatment. "Alright my friend, we have work to do!" Gold Star was happy, because they just got in contact with the outside world, but at the same time he wasn't because of what he was told. A nuclear bomber was dispatched from Guantanamo to drop its payload, although Gold Star at first panicked and nearly shouted for everyone to get the fuck out of the city, but to his surprise, the bomber was shot down by unknown sky pirates, they've yet to send out a search and rescue unit but the fact that they sent a nuclear bomber in his way indicated that this was much more than what he was facing eventually. Luckily the Brookian monarchy is sending aid to their fellow neighboring monarchy, with some tanks, APCs, Special Forces, and some of the Green Beret Special Forces volunteering to support and rescue their American brothers. It was going well in Gold Star's ears before he noticed the sky was covered in pitch black, blotting out the sun he noticed that a wall of shadows was heading directly towards them. "GET INSIDE QUICK!" Gold Star commanded, as the men dropped what they had and got inside the LON Headquarters building that they'd been using as the base for an eventual counterattack. As the shadow wave passed there was blackness initially before some sort of manmade light was lit throughout the street, came after was the Umbrum who scanned the area looking for their slaves only for them to get angry and smash a building out of bitter rage. "There's nothing here! Let's go somewhere else!" Said one of the Umbrum. "I'm hungry :(" As the pests got out of the clearing Gold Star and his men peaked out to check if the coast was cleared and there was the opposite in the south corridor as the Umbrum sniffed out for any Crystal Ponies to feast on their fear before they left leaving Gold Star and his handful of men to think of a strategy. "I propose we stay here! Who knows what these demons are here for!" "Yeah but what if they find us here!" "We have guns we can shoot them!" "They're made of oxygen you idiot!" "What did you just call me bastard!" "An idiot!" "COME HERE! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S AN IDIOT!" Immediately two of the men started fist-fighting each other before it was broken up by the crowd. "Enough! ENOUGH! WE'RE IN A FUCKING LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION! ANYONE FIGHTING HERE AND I WILL SHIP THEM TO FUCKING ZEBRICA!" The was broken by Gold Star's threat to send them to Zebrica, he then placed his hoof on his head and sighed. "Alright, clearly we will need to hold out until reinforcements arrive, what we should do is get that BTR-82 to work, Corporal Garrick! What can you tell me on the controls of the thing?" Gold Star asked. "So far major it would seem that it is as simple as its previous counterpart, but the turret is very... surprising..." "Oh? How so?" Gold Star asked. "The turret part of the BTR-82 unlike the BTR-70, it's unmanned, meaning you can stay inside and shoot at the enemy without getting out to man the turret!" "So in other words the Rodinians weren't that low-tech after all, well this will put a dent in American intelligence so uh... How do we man this unmanned turret exactly?" Gold Star asked. "Easy, the secondary that sits besides the driver can simply use a Bluetooth iPad that's digitally connected to the Turret abd it's interface!" "Wait, that's how the Rodinians shoot those things?" Gold Star asked. "What? No no, the original screen that was in the BTR was damaged by the shrapnel, Creator knows how they still hit anything with the thing, but I can perhaps still upload the interface on my tablet and fire it from inside," Garrick explained further. "Why not from a remote location?" Gold Star asked. "Because the amount of range it has is so tight that if I stepped out of the vehicle itself then I would lose signal, the Rodinians may be advanced enough for unmanned turrets, but they are not advanced enough for superior technology as ours." "Right, alright then I have an idea, first I will send a scouting regiment to the castle just to see why these things started rampaging the streets and why Yates had not come back I'll-" "RUNNN!!!" Said a familiar pony. "What were you saying sir?" Asked a soldier. "I... I said I'll be-" "IT'S GETTING CLOSE!" Said another familiar pony. "Ok that time that voice was familiar, what's-" It was then that the 5 mares who ran for their lives barged right through the doors that were bordered up, closed them and quickly boarded them up again in a fast pace wearing them out, not knowing that they were infront of the entire American army, the soldiers screamed and so did Twilight's friends, except for Rainbow Dash and Gold Star who had a unbearable sound experience. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" As the screaming became unbearable to the point were everyone started throwing random objects Gold Star unholstered his pistol and shot up in the air scaring both sides into submission. "Thank you both for shutting up! NOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" He demanded for a answer. Applejack stepped up and replied. "Yates told us to find ya, he and Twilight were captured, along with the Royal family and Spike!" Gold Star was shocked by this answer. "What! Where are they!?" "The castle in the Crystal city!" Replied Applejack, as Gold Star immediately grabbed his gun and was gunning to make a rash move to the doors. "Sir you can't go out there, we have no plan, our resources are dwindling, and if anything we'll probably be nuked! And yet your happy about it!" The human soldier added. "The human is right, we have nothing against those things! we're practically out numbered!" Rainbow Dash said. Although Gold Star was confident in the weaponry of humanity both his men and his friends are right, being the rash decision maker he is and at times doubter of himself he had yet to create a well thought out plan on how he can manage this whole situation. Taking back in his time at the royal guard back in Canterlot numbers were almost infact anything, but it depends on how the other side uses it, it's like playing a game of chess, despite numbers he can still inflict massive casulties and perhaps dwindle the other sides population. But these creatures are different, but they can still be killed by light according to Canter. So this all left him with two choices. One being he could organize a plan to overthrow the Umbrum and restore the Crystal Heart, depending if they can find that sucker, and then after try to get in contact with someone who is a higher if not the highest rank in the military to stop the nuke. Or... He could stay in the shelter and await the green berets potentially dwindling chances of victory, and would probably risk a capture or even being killed by the oncoming nuke. Both sides of the choices has both a positive and a negative... But considering that he and everyone else inside the building (except for the mares) are all armed with guns then perhaps there is a chance, plus they have a tank so this will make it even better. "Alright here's the plan, it involves you 5 grabbing contact from Alex, we need him over here to reinforce us," Gold Star said. "Meaning?" Pinkie asked. "Meaning you need to get and find potential contacts that will benefit us and hurry." "OH THAT'S EASY!" Pinkie yelled, but was shushed by everyone in the room. "Oh sorry! I mean, oh! That's easy!" "Not to disturb this plan but what we'll you all do?" Rarity asked. "We'll prepare for when the main assualt begins via scouting, or break in, through depending if Alex is on his way he may be bringing relatives or something." "...Why do I think that what you said is some sort of foreshadow?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Because that's literally what Alex would do in his free time." "Oh... Wait... What else does he do in his free tim-" "NOT A QUESTION!" Gold Star interjected. Back to the room, me and Spike had been working on Radiant Hope and her injuries, I was the one who did most of the work due to experience, Spike was using his experience by giving me stuff when I need it the most. "Damn, Twilight really did a mark on her, what kind of spells has she been studying?" I asked. "Usually it would be studying on teleportation, offensive spells, or even the type that would penetrate pelt skin," Spike replied. "What exactly is her motive in all that exactly? To research every possible known lethals possible?" "I don't really know, she never told me the importance of it all, although I did read something familiar with that spell that she used that was suppose to cast out shadows." "But Radiant Hope is not a shadow though!" I ranted. "Yeah... By the way have you been needing anything yet other than towels?" Spike asked. "Yeah, see if you got any bandages I'm almost finishing up here, thank Creator, if it wasn't for her cloak we would both be dead right now because this could've pierced her liver!" I praised, but then I detected something... Odd about some particles... "What about her rib cage?" Spike asked, when I rolled my eyes, and showed him a piece of it that was lose in Radiant Hope's body. "0_0 Wait! Twilight did that!?" "So it would seem, y'know if you ever get the opportunity perhaps have her not be trigger-happy! This shot is enough to penetrate the hardest vest in Humarica, actually... Let me write that down real quick." Note to self, do not piss off Twilight Sparkle, invest in the Vest industry someday. "Well while you do that, I suppose we sow it up now?" Spike asked when that... The image of purple particles inside of her was familiar, however, I couldn't deal with it now as I did not have the advanced tools I needed, I will however tell her about this but... This wasn't something I liked to be familiar with... "Yeah... Best we should..." I was Startled in reply, Spike then handed me the bandage I then sowed her open wound and halted the Morphine that had done its magic. After the hard work of focusing on sowing her wound I took a breather and lay back on the pillar that had stood behind us the whole time, but those things however, they were still on my mind, but the best thing I can do for now is let her rest. "I reckon we let her sleep for now, poor thing, what made her decide that this was all worth it." I pondered, though I would discover the reason being that she was fooled by her own childish imagination. "So all she had was a bad cut right?" Spike asked, it was then I figured out something, this wasn't just a spell, this spell is exclusive Alicorn spells! "Ehh... Not quite so, although while it would dissipate in the long while without a trace her case is special, for some odd reason something was keeping her well... Alive, magically, whatever Twilight shot at her with may have triggered something within her body." "I kind of don't get that, could you dumb that down?" Spike asked. "In other words Twilight shot her spell, and the residue that remained is draining Radiant Hope's life," I simplified. "B-b-but Twilight would never use a spell like that!" "Yeah but the thing is, only an Alicorn would have that sort of power, so at one point Celestia may have trained her to use this spell..." "How do you know this much with magic? You're as smart as Gold Star!" "As much as I would I was only teached by Major Gordan, back when Alex was a Captain himself, Gordan would teach me a whole shit ton of magic, magic in the grass, clouds, and even us human beings, however, the one thing he taught me mostly was the Lethal and Non-Lethal Magic, of course, this was all before I was shipped out to the navy to fill in on that year's conscription gap." "So, why did you seem frightened by this magic specifically?" Spike asked. "That magic, is called by these ponies as a tool to remove shadows." I replied. "What do you call it?" "I call it the Slow Death Spell..." Spike was confused on that title, but since he's a child I understand, but considering that he is typically a close assistant to Twilight and Half-Sibling I hope what I would tell him would he remember to remind Twilight never to use that dreaded spell. "It wounds its opponents alright, creates a lasting scar, but not just that, it leaves behind a residue that kills its host by draining most of their magic until there isn't nothing left." "But after their magic is gone they'll be better!... Right?" "...Spike, when it drains all the magic, it will start to feed on its hosts life, although the magic part takes a good while but I'm afraid to say is that Radiant Hope will lose all her magic within 12 years from now, and then after she would have a year left." After getting slapped with that reality check that I've given to Spike I can tell his gut was burning from the immense guilt for what Twilight had done, after that Radiant Hope came about and woke up from her slumber. "W-where am I?" She asked, placing her hoof on her head as her head was seething in pain I got up and kept her down. "Easy easy! Don't move ma'am, I just did surgery on you, you shouldn't be up yet, not at all." "Sorry," she replied. "It's just that I... Oh, what am I kidding... I've doomed everypony!" "Ehh... I mean you sort of did, but not directly," I replied, trying to cheer her up, but Spike was giving me that face of disappointment. "Alright so maybe you did play a hand with the potential end of the world, but hell I'm sure my race could kill these things... Violently." "But you don't understand! These things are so powerful! No pony can defeat them now that they've been freed! Not unless they have the Crystal Heart," Radiant Hope spoke in dreary. "Do you have it?" Spike asked. "Oh does she have it? What type of question is that Spike? Of course, she doesn't have it!" "Actually I do!" She answered, as I stood there dumbfounded. "...Nevermind..." She then levitated the satchel and showed us the Crystal Heart, it was still in one perfect piece, it was then that a knock at the door was made and some Umbrum creature appeared. "This strange contraption was bothering the Emperor and so Rabia requested that I bring this to you, is this a medical device?" Said an Umbrum servant. As he stupidly hasn't realized that he is holding my M249 Light Machine Gun, making me smirk. (What an idiot) "Of... Course >:D" "Are you sure? Don't lie to me," the Umbrum checked. "Why would I lie to y'all? If I ever did it'd be my head remember?" "...Eh fair enough, by the way, the Emperor requests the status report on Empress Hope." "Empress?? Never heard that title since Grover got hitched. Although I only heard that in the news, but yeah you can bet your Empress is doing fine, but she needs recovery." "Great, I'll let Emperor Sombra know, by the way, he hopes to see you at the execution ceremony of the Princesses!" He spoke happily, while Spike was in terror and shock while I looked nervously concerned... "Hehe... Great..." The Umbrum slammed the door and Spike broke down in panic. " EXECUTION!!? YATESTHISISTERRIBLEWHATAREWEGOINGTODO!" "I know... Calm down Spike you're going to blow your brain up just by panicking." "BLOWMYBRAINOFF!??!" "Is he always this panicky?" Hope asked. "Not like this, Twilight was his caretaker, the end of her is the end of him," I answered, petting Spike's spine in an assurance of comfort. "So what do you plan to do?" Hope asked. "If I tell you that would be cheating," I chuckled slightly, picking up my Machine gun off the floor. "But what's your actual plan here?" "Obviously Sombra knows that we'll still be sworn in allegiance to his will which gives us the upper hand, I'll still serve him, but then I intend to give him a surprise." Luna sea, the Arctic Ocean Rodinian Patrol boats scoured through the waters looking for the single survivor but couldn't avail, as Rodinian Warships arrived from the allied ports from Olenia to pick up the Atom Bomb the Naval Captain of the Search Group got impatient. "Our military command is too paranoid, there's practically no one here. No one could've survived that fall! And even if they did they'd be dead in this God forsaken water!" "Should we keep searching sir?" Asked a Seaman. "No, there's no point, we got what we need from the American Scoundrels anyways, Full head, follow our fellow naval men back to Port." The Rodinian Captain ordered. "Dasdonye," acknowledged the seaman. As the ships and patrol boats turned around and headed straight for Olenia, Johnson was beneath their boats the whole time, although after being deep in the cold arctic water for quite some time he swam for his life to find a suitable place to rest, luckily a floating ice chunk was streaming through the ocean so he sat his armed and his entire body on it, and finally he rest. "I'm going to die..." He said to himself, as he slept into a coma-like state. Marine 1, Presidential Helicopter President Reagan sat on the presidential chair on a phone call with his high-ranking generals continually informing him of the situation with the Crystal Empire. "How do we not have contact with anyone yet!" He exclaimed. "Sir multiple communications have not been able to reach the group it's as if-" It was then that a door was opened with Vice President Bush entering Reagan's Quarters. "Ah Vice President Bush, how can I help you?" Reagan asked. "President Reagan, It's Mrs. Thatcher." "...Say no more, gentlemen we will have to speak about this some other time, but for now if you may excuse me I need to attend a very important call." Reagan excused, hanging up the phone and picking up the other one. "Prime Minister Thatcher, this is a surprise what brings you to call me?" He asked. "Good day to you Mr. President, I was just informed by my good General Montgomery, that they've found your men contacting my men!" "I see, I will see to it that they-" "Ah! Ah! Ah! One moment Mr. Reagan I wasn't done!" "..." "You tried to fire a bomb at your own men!" She scolded. "Well you see I-" "And not just that! What you've done was more damaging! My team of experts told me to tell you that those dammed Jerries' were going to come out of nowhere and that is what they did! And then you tried to nuke the problem without consideration! Do you realize what the Rodinians did just right now!" Thatcher continued in her rant. "I... Assume that they're pretty angry about our deployment?" "Correct! But not just that they're at our doorsteps right now!" "They've always been though I thought?" He queried. "I'm sure of it, just ask the polite gentlemen who call themselves the Rodinian Navy! They are parked in my naval base! All the dukes even including Sir Topham Hatt! Is spamming me with demands on forcefully removing them!" "I... See, I will try to solve this immediatel-" "You want to solve it, Mr. Reagan? SEND IN THE TANKS! DEAL WITH EQUESTRIA! AND DO YOUR JOB! Thatcher then hung up the phone giving an odd awkward silence as Reagan turned towards Bush. "... Vice President Bush?" Reagan asked. "Yes, Mr. President?" Bush asked. "...Get me, General Carville, now!" Crystal City Gold Star looked through his binoculars spying at the Umbrum who were guarding the entrance of castle entrance, he also noticed Celestia and Luna's lifeless stoned bodies which gave him a stutter of fear. "Damn... So that's why the sun is out at 1:00 in the morning... Do we have anything to release them from the ungodly spell?" Gold Star asked. "Not with us sir no," replied a soldier. "Damn, then it's up to us to liberate this place first, Save Twilight and Yates and everyone else, and then free those two from the stone prison, but for now... There is the matter of a very important question,." Gold Star then grabbed his radio. "This is Charlie-1, what's the status on that set up Echo-6." On the rooftop, a sniper team was established with the most skilled sniper warrior on top guarded by one man with a minigun. "This is Echo-6 Carlie-1, we're in position, mark the target," replied the sniper warrior. "Roger, shoot at marked targets pinpointed on your scope," replied Gold Star. Gold Star grabbed his electronic marker and clicked on a button, lighting the rifleman's scope. "Hehe, I see him." The two Umbrum guards were standing when they saw a red dot on one of their chests. "Ooh, Red dot!" The sniper Warrior fired his suppressed M82 and penetrated and killed the other. "WHYYYYYY~~ WHAT A WOR LD WHAT A WORLD~~~" "BOB!" The other Umbrum got shot and he too was disintegrated into the air. "AHHHHHHHnn~~" "Charlie-1, entrance secured, good luck Major." "Roger that Echo-6 much obliged, alright kids, time to play," Gold Star chuckled, as he placed his goggles down on his eyes and led a group of 3 soldiers to the castle. Their mission was to conduct an early scout and potentially if they haven't been caught, rescue everyone inside, this is an in-and-out mission, and while the men have no experience with stealth they know the rule of being silent as the grave. Meanwhile, in the sky, a single AC-130 was dispatched from Delta-Base, under orders of General Wingate authorized by both Prime Minister Thatcher and Queen Elizabeth. Inside are multiple Special Forces groups trained for this moment in their lives as they loaded their rifles and prepped their night vision goggles as they have been advised that the depths below them have been darkened. These groups consist of the Green Beret Group led by its appointed Squad Commander, as for the SAS it is being led by Macmillan, who was recently been transferred from Thestria as a Special Operations Task Force officer, he looked at the map with no utmost surprise. "Welp, this doesn't surprise me at all," he said, as the light flashed Green. "Well boys, that's our cue, best of luck to ya." As the men got up from their seats the ramp opened revealing a cloudy sky below, as the men straightened their Parachutes and grabbed their weapons, some said their religious verses and prayers. After the Ramp fully opened down the men ran out to the sky being patted forward by the men at the entrance. After everyone left the rest jumped as well. Inside the castle Gold Star and his selected few men had just finished scouting the lower floor, terminated anyone in their way, and made their way back to the ground level. "This is Charlie-1, no confirmation on where they're keeping Twilight and Cadence, over." Echo-6 responds. "Copy sir, but I advise you evacuate the castle, I've received word from the post that the SAS and the Green Berets are now in our vicinity airborne, and are landing at exfil point at my location." "Copy, we're moving now, Charlie-1 out." As Gold Star and the others made their way out Sombra appeared in the hallway not noticing their presence at all, walking up the stairs and heading for what seemed to be the upper levels of the castle, Gold Star looked at him with fury over his evil, he doesn't recognize Sombra anything, not even as a thing, or he, but rather a it. As Sombra was gone from his sights Gold Star and his fellow men ran to the outside avoiding patrols and reaching towards Echo-6 who was looking up in the sky, and to Gold Star's happiness, Special Forces had arrived. As much of the men landed their commanding officer landed and viewed his surroundings. "Well, this place looks shitty," said the Green Beret squad commander. "Am I glad to see you guys," Gold Star greeted. "You must be Major Star, glad to meet you," Macmillan greeted back, shaking his pony counterpart's hand in the hoof. "So what's the situation," asked the Special Forces commander. "The Umbrum have been freed, all of the civilians here have been evacuated and the good thing is that our guns seem to kill them on point but only if we use tracers, which luckily that's all we've been supplied with on our way here, as for the positive targets, Twilight, Cadence, and then you have Lieutenant Yates, Spike, and Shining Armor, they are being held," the major briefed. "And for everyone else?" Asked the soldier. "Kill on sight, but Sombra is to be left alive." "Why so?" "So I can have the liberty of killing that bastard myself." Sombra knocked on the door after climbing a good amount of steps up to her room. It had been a while since the attempt on his life. "Hope are you awake?" He knocked, which I then opened the door. "Hello there." (General Kenobi) "Oh, I see, is Hope in there?" He asked. "Yep, she's laying in front of the window, but uh, I may need to tell you something about her-" "That will be all human, you two earned your freedom, now leave us," Sombra ordered, which I and Spike shrugged and left the room. "Well that was easy," Yates whispered. "Yeah... So what now?" Spike asked. "Now... We have an execution to crash." "There you are I was worried that I would wake you, should I have somepony bring you dinner?" Sombra asked, but Hope gave no budge or a reaction or a response to the king as she stared at the lands that she had a part in destroying. Sombra was slightly concerned with her lack of emotion. "Why do you look out there, Hope? It only seems to upset you. Why don't you come with me?" He asked again, but again, no reply, just an emotionless head turn. "We've just turned the prince to stone, and we're about to do the same to the princesses out on the dais." "On the Dais?" She emotionlessly replied. "Yes, where the heart used to be. We put an end to them where everypony can see them." He replied. "That will be good... Then you'll have won... Right? Then we can live happily together?" She sarcastically replied. "Well, not quite yet. If we take Cloudsdale by surprise we'll have the high ground to assault Canterlot," Sombra shared in his plans for conquest. "Oh... So then you'll be done..?" Hope bleakly said. "Hope that would only be the beginning! After that, there's the Griffons, the Yaks, and then after we take our revenge on the humans!" "Our? Revenge! And yet I am to stand as your empress in all of this! I would stand by your side and watch bu-" In a sudden wave of sharp pain, she struggled a bit with her strength, Sombra tried to help her but like he did to her she batted him away. "Get back! I'll do it myself! If I'm going to be an empress I ought to at least be able to stand on my own!" she aggravatingly replied. "...Hope, I'm sorry..." In a burst of aggressive aggravation, she turned in frustration and began to scold. "Are you Sombra? They told me this was who I would become, but I didn't and never believed it in all my childhood! I knew there was something better in you!" "...But Hope, I-" "NO!" She yelled. "I was a fool, you told me yourself that you were a monster! I should have listened but I had! Hope! The foolish foolish Hope!" "You... Don't understand!" "When we looked in the Crystal Heart that day, I saw this! I saw what I am now! I saw my destiny," he added, turning towards Hope. " And Rabia confirmed it, she told me I was a weapon, they made me this way I am so I could release the other monsters! I was born to be a monster." Hope then remembered that day, her destiny was to be a princess someday but since she dropped out from Celestia and Luna's teachings she never became one, and she told this to Sombra who was now in immense guilt. He still remembered how tyrannical his rule was, where those who fell out of line were executed on sight, he had many put to death under his rule so much that he had lost count, but yet when he was the sole reason that his best and only friend cheated her destiny for him he felt something in him he never thought he had long before everything. When he apologized this only confirmed that Hope was truly a friend to him no matter what... And this truly made him sick of himself, because he had thrown away something that was most to him and all for what? A rulership of a kingdom in a world mainly controlled and plagued with capitalist control. When he stood there in silence Hope ended the conversation shorthand. "No more talk about destiny Sombra I've never believed in it," she continued saying further. " You're the only thing I've ever believed in. Now let's go forge our Destiny together." At the highest point of the castle, the second wave of paratroopers arrived armed with Sniper rifles, as planned they landed at the Crystal Heart's old dais that it had once floated on since Sombra's takeover. And now being the old place that hid the Crystal Heart, it was now being used as a sniper tower for the airborne marksmen who had landed through the openings. "What's our ETA?" Asked the marksmen commander. "109 seconds before the main forces arrive, sir, they're almost here," replied the grunt. "Understood, begin establishing forward positions, you know the orders, shoot anything that gets near Beta unit." "Yes sir!" On our way down we managed to avoid a group of Umbrum who were transporting something. No... Someone, in fact, two someone's! Me and Spike overheard their conversation as they went by us and to my dismay my fear just came true that when they mentioned Shining Armor my gut burned. Apparently, he had been turned into a statue like Celestia and Luna, damn those bastards! But I had to wait my chance though acting rashly would be my downfall especially when we're in the middle of the castle potentially being aimed at by everyone potentially one of ours, though I do not think they even know whether I'm with Sombra or not. After they chained the two imprisoned Princesses to the ground by the neck and hooves me and Spike made ourselves scram to the nearest statues, of course, Spike being a child himself caught a glimpse of Celestia's frozen horror. "AH!" Spike yelped digging his dragon claws into my uniform. "What was that?" Asked an Umbrum, as we both ducked behind the frozen Celestia. "..." "That's nothing, get back to work!" Said Rabia. "Yes sir," replied one of the Umbrum, which annoyed Rabia. "I mean ma'am!, sir?" Said the same Umbrum as he just gave up and went back to securing the princess's chains. I then looked at Spike with an ignorant look, he was still in a state of shivering fear. "Did you really have to yell like that!" I scolded. "I-I-I wasn't scared!" He stuttered. "... You can get your claws off my clothes now..." I insisted. "Sorry," he replied, as he climbed down back to the ground and looked at the statue of the frozen princesses. "Huh, just like Space Wars the Revenge of the Empire, Welp, these statues aren't going to move anytime soon," I said out loud. "So how do we free them?" Spike asks. "Well, first off I don't know magic, especially dark ones like this, but instead we could try pushing them for one, or two we could... Politely ask Sombra to free them. That or three and sit this one out," I planned. "One sounds... A lot of work, two is a not ah, but why three?" Spike asked. "I don't know," I shrugged. Our conversation ended shortly though when we heard the door opening and came out of them were Sombra and Hope, as expected, they'll be starting an execution which would quote "quell the rebellion" type of shit is this, I swear they based most of their words on fucking Space Wars. Or... Did Space Wars based their phrases on Umbrum language? Hm... Gold Star looked through his binoculars with concern for Twilight, although he had long known about the Personal diplomacy being expired long ago he didn't expect Twilight to know about this since the whole thing is Humarican business. But to think that a whole incident with a dead in the water town that happens to be a Soviet playground would end a delicate relation like it kind of disappoints him, especially when the communists interfere with peace objectives between America and his former home country Equestria. He could recall the time when he was a filly, he can remember all those rants his dad would make at the table, calling the Rodinians jackasses, and cussing them out from every curse word in the book, of course, most of that time his mother would just cover his ears and attempt to ease the father. While stuff like that was a bit chaotic at times, Gold Star would've done anything to have the old times back. Before the whole Alicorn incident and beyond it. No one knows who Gold Star truly is, except for Yates, Alex, and the entire FIU and the Federation government, but even then they've been sworn to secrecy. The only one who had not taken that oath was Yates... A friend that he had always counted on, though the FIU and even Alex told and warned him not to tell me anything about his Alicornhood Alex's perspective changed after Tirek's attack and the moment that I saw wings and not the usual Earth Pony body and didn't tell no one about it was when I proved that I was worthy to know. The F.I.U. on the other hand... Was a different story. But ignoring this fact Gold Star managed to get a positive ID on Sombra, and then he tried looking for me but proved none avail, eventually he gave up and turned towards Macmillan. "There's Sombra, has the sniper teams been established?" Gold Star asked. "Lemme see, Shadow-1 come in, how's the setup?" "All is dandy we have two snipes on top and a vanguard, no one has noticed yet." "Rog' you know the orders then," "Copy sir." As the Brookish Special Forces Commander hung up he added. "Green Berets are on top, everything is set," reported Macmillan. "Good then on my orders we-" Suddenly Gold Star was interrupted by cannon sounds in the distance followed by a loud explosion. "The hell?" He then looked through his binoculars and saw Sombra, Radiant Hope, and two other Umbrum, it was then that a second cannon burst was heard and the ball impacted and slammed the Umbrum onto the wall. "CANNON!" Shouted an Umbrum, which Sombra and Hope were caught off guard for a moment until Sombra got his sights straight off the artillery group. "IT'S THE REBELS! GET THE UMBRUM AND STOP THEM! THEY CAN NOT MAKE IT TO THE PRINCESS AT ALL COSTS!" "Yes Emperor Sombra!" replied Rabia. As the Umbrum attempted to attack Pinkie's group Rarity appeared with her own. "All right ponies! That's our cue! Hit them with the fabulousness!" Spoke Rarity as the sun glared for a moment and disintegrated two Umbrum to death from the brightness. "Eat fashion villians!" She phrase quipped. "I CAN'T SEE! THEY'RE TOO FABULOUUUS~~~~" "YEEHAW! Alright, apples! Let's tie these monsteers up and tie 'em down!" Soon the Apple family arrived or dubbed to Gold Star in his mind, the Apple Group. Of course, in the midst, a DIY tank came out of nowhere and started firing at the Umbrum. This DIY tank is typically a red wagon with a cannon and a lot of apples. "Sir, not to rush you in your amazement but our men are ready to move in?" Macmillan said. "...Y'know what fuck my signals, GO GO GO! MOVE IT MOVE IT!" Immediately the sounds of human war cries were heard by the Umbrum Special forces started shooting everything they saw subtracting from their allies. "COUNTER ATTACK! WE CANNOT LET THEM BREACH OUR DEFENSES!" Rabia shouted when one of her bodyguards was killed by a sniper. "WHAT THE!" She looked up and saw the tower lit with light as sniper men started shooting from the roof of the castle picking off groups one by one, as a rocketeer soldier fired his missile on a group that was approaching Gold Star. *KABOOM* The missile killed everything in the vicinity. However, amid the fight they focused on getting rid of the DIY tank. "They created some sort of tube. It looks like a "U" Apple Bloom noted "What the heck did they do that for?" Sweetie Bell questioned. "Doesn't matter! Take them down" Scootaloo ordered, shooting a machine gun load of apples when suddenly the apples deflected through the U-tube and pied the three foals off the cart taking down the DIY tank. "Good the tank is down," "MA'AM WE HAVE INCOMING!" "What is it now!" "THEY HAVE A BIGGER TANK!" "They WHAT!?" Suddenly out of nowhere a HE shell zoomed through the air and exploded on the ground spreading shrapnel all around everyone except for Sombra and Hope as he had his barrier up. "WHO DID THAT!" Rabia demanded. . . . Patton looked through his binoculars on top of the tank as he chuckled and smirked. "HI BASTARD! MISSED ME?!" Patton shouted from a distance, giving Sombra that memory of being beaten up by Patton's troops. "Get him, NOW!" He ordered as the Umbrum charged towards a whole convoy of M60 tanks. "Load another shell! Give him another canon shell up his ass!" Patton ordered, as his tank fired an HE round at the Umbrum horde, followed by tracer rounds of heavy machine gun ammo. "AHHHHHHH~~" "OOF~~" "EEEHHG~~" Patton then grabbed his radio and said. "Colonel, deploy the death squad!" "Yes sir!" Replied Canter." MEN! FIX BAYONETS! BUT DRIVER! DON'T STOP THE MACHINE GUNS!" "SIR YES SIR OORAH OORAH!" Shouted the men. As they jumped off without hesitation and charged at the horde with bayonets fixed the bayonets tore through the Umbrum's shadowy flesh and thenafter shot to death. "Sir! Why are my bullets not killing them!" One of them asked. "Private did you use the regular bullets!" A Sergeant asked. "Yes?" "UNLOAD YOUR RIFLE AND USE THE TRACERS!" The Sergeant Ordered. "YES SIR SORRY SIR!" The soldier replied. . . . As the Crystal City turned into a full fledge warzone, (again), me and Spike was very stunned at how this all developed, and as we even saw Fluttershy and her army of gigantic beasts attack the Umbrum relentlessly we were also relieved that Alex had arrived as well. However, the gunfire was a concern, a great concern because the explosions going on around us were getting too close for comfort, if a single rocket or tank shell hit Celestia and Luna they'll be shattered and they will be killed. "Alright Spike, ONE IT IS! NOW HELP ME PUSH!" I said. "Are you sure? Looks heavy," Spike replied. "Well, we either push this or they die a terrible death! Take your pick!" I scolded. "Yep! On it!" Spike said as we both pushed the statue off of its dais and inside of the castle, surprisingly the statue was not heavy but what stopped us was when I and Spike were suddenly surrounded by our own guys. "DROP YOUR GUN! HANDS UP!" Said a Brookish soldier, pointing a gun towards my chest as I lowered my Light Machine Gun to the group and then raised my hands. "Congratulations dumbass you've captured us, so what now," I exclaimed when Gold Star amongst the men that pointed their guns towards me and Spike rushed through. "Lower your weapons! He's one of ours!" Gold Star ordered as the soldiers lowered their guns. "About time you showed up! The hell have you been!" I asked. "Talking with Alex, he just informed me that the Air Force is being dispatched to our location!" Gold Star enthusiastically said. "Well, that's good, but not for these three! We've been trying to move them inside, yall are starting to get reckless with the explosives!" "Apologies, COME ON MEN! GET THESE STATUES INSIDE! By the way meet Captain Macmillan," Gold Star introduced. "Greetings Lieutenant," said the Captain. "Hello captain, now let's get the statues inside now!" All of us started pushing the statues inside of the castle but when they were pushing Shining Armor I saw the Crystal Heart and overheard them planning to shatter it, I grabbed my gun and started shooting at Rabia. "YATES GET BACK HERE!" Gold Star ordered when the piece of the Crystal Castle roof smashed on top of the door trapping the group inside and leaving me with Sombra and Rabia. Immediately Rabia charged at me with a huge volley of dark shadow magic lethal that pelted the rocks where I took cover, I then took my gun and aimed it at her and fired everything I had inside of the magazine, the bullets were not tracers but this did annoy her giving me room to charge at her and punched her in the gut with the gun. Feeling the brute pain she limped for a moment before pouncing back on me using her teeth and biting on my sleeve. "AAH FUCK-" I yelped, as I threw her on the wall a couple of times before finally she released her teeth from my skin and landed on the ground. I grabbed my Machine Gun and tried to shoot her, but it ran out of bullets so I tossed it to her and punched her in the face. With the help of Sombra, she pinned me to the wall. "YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE!" Rabia spoke. Well if I die I might as well do something worthwhile. "Sombra! Listen to me and very carefully, it is not worth throwing everything away, if you destroy the Crystal Heart it'd be the end of the world and this kingdom!" Sombra looked at profusely and then mirrored at the Crystal Heart. "Speak..." This is my biggest gamble yet as Rabia tried to bite my head off I continued to speak. "Hope told me about her destiny, she told me she was destined originally to be an Alicorn, you know this too because she told you didn't you?" I said. "She did... So what bothers me now!" "SHE FUCKING LOVES YOU!" I shouted in a quick tone manner because again, Rabia was trying to fucking bite my head off. Sombra on the other hand was stiffed on what I shouted, and Radiant Hope looked at me with surprise but also frustration because,... Well... Let's just say that I may or may not have broken a secret. "Is this true?" Sombra asked, to which Hope was embarrassed, blushed a bit, and answered. "Yes... He is right." Sombra felt something there, I actually couldn't believe that he had a heart, but of course, he did, otherwise he wouldn't be the way he became. "DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS PUTRID HUMAN! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID!" Rabia shouted, and Sombra looked around seeing a chaotic scene with ponies fighting shadows, and Humans shooting everything and helping others. He saw in his mind that he had created a brutal warzone. And to think that all this time he was going to rule and conquer the world. And that shattering the Crystal Heart would seal this destiny. But then he thought of something else. What if he did smash this and the humans happened to bring something truly more horrifying than the Umbrum itself, he had studied the old princess and her Journal on humanity and thinking on it now, the technology being used against him and his army, and with the ponies will fight no matter the case proves that even if he executed Cadence and Twilight the Ponies will still fight. Although the ponies would fight to the death for their freedom he doubt that the ponies even cared as much for their monarchy as their old counterparts. And even if he succeeded in conquering the world then Rabia will most likely dispose of him and gain the crown for herself. And so that was when he made his mind up. "Target spotted, load HE shell," Alex ordered, as the autoloader loaded the HE in the Abrams cannon. "Fire!" The Abrams fired at a Umbrum cloud that was generating Umbrum to fight them, however the Umbrum had now started using their magic against them, Patton's forces were recently struck by a huge magic bomb which luckily the 501st brigade, equipped with defense modules, quickly dealt with the magic bombs that were just being thrown from the wazoo. However Twilight's friends were being buried in numbers as they ran for the BTR-82 that was providing support and covering fire, however the gun ammo ran out so they resorted to using it as a evacuation vehicle for injured personnel. His tank pulled in at a Checkpoint which is littered with Barbed wires and sandbags and a Abrams tank that is currently holding position, overseeing it was Patton and Canter. As Alex's tank halted infront of one of the Sandbag walls he popped out his head from the tank hatch on top. "General, where the hell is the Rodinian allies?" Alex asked. "Most of them ran off, figures never trusted those commie bastards, but we're kicking those demonic assholes all the way to Timbucktu!" Patton replied. "And the Castle?" "The castle is fortified like hell, I'm current consolidating available troops to cover our flanks and build up for a mass push, hopefully we can hurry before they do something funny with that Crystal Heart!" "That reminds me? How come it's not smashed yet?" Alex questioned. "I don't know, either that bastard Sombra had a change of heart, or that same bastard is toying with us! Either way I hate any odds that will come from that bastard!" Patton ranted. "Even if he turned good?" "Creator forbids that happens! Otherwise I'm going to train my men to death!" Patton added. As Sombra was thinking on his choice Rabia threw me on the ground and then after I was quickly swarmed with a whole horde group of Umbrum to which they pinned me down. As they held me up against my will Rabia turned towards Sombra in a confused tone. "What are you doing Sombra?" Asked Rabia. "...Just Remembered the first time I looked into this thing, it was the first time I ever saw myself as a monster." "But it seems it's just me and my reflection." "Maybe it doesn't work if it's not powered up, all the more reason to destroy it!" Rabia exclaimed, which Sombra chuckled loudly. "No I think it's working just fine, Hope?" "Yes Sombra?" "Thank you," he said, as he tossed the Crystal Heart back to it's dais and flashing into a bright light illuminating it's sorroundings, this move shocked both Cadence and Twilight as they stood right there stunned and dumbfounded. Meanwhile with me... "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I WON THE BET! WHOOO!" Of course everyone looked at me in a ridculed face. "I mean, yay," I rephrased, as the Umbrum started to disentegrate all around me. "HOLT THROW THAT GRENADE!" Said a soldier. "Why?" Holt asked. "THEY'RE DESTROYING FLOWERS!" Replied the soldier. "TO THE DEATH!" Shouted Holt, as he duel wielded two sub machine guns and chucking grenades at the Umbrum. Before the Umbum completed faded the men were using everything at their disposal to kill the Umbrum, expecially one guy who was equipped with a flame thrower and burning the shadow beasts into a crisp. "YOU INSOLATE BEING! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Rabia shouted towards Sombra. "Making my own destiny! UNLIKE YOU!" Sombra yelled, as he fired a spell that mutilated Rabia's face before she was dragged into the castle. By this time Gold Star and the Special Forces blew up the wall to pieces, but to his surprise Sombra... Saved everyone? "...Well hell, what do you know," he said to himself out loud, as he moved to free Twilight and Cadence, as Macmillian and his men moved to secure me. "You alright sonny?" The Captain asked. "Yep, very fine, and also happy," I smirked towards Gold Star. "...You know that it's just one bet right?" Gold Star said, as he cut the neck chain off of Twilight. "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" "Alright fine! But after we're done cleaning this mess! It's going to be a while!" "Deal," I said, as I turned towards Sombra and Hope who're watching the Crystal Heart in it's bright but deadly beauty. During this Alex and Patton arrived on the Abrams as the soldiers entered the Crystal City central escorting medics and professionals, followed this our airsupport as F-14s zoomed through the skies following by additional reinforcements being dropped via Blackhawks. As the remaining Umbrum were dragged to what I would assume to be the deepest pits of tartarus the black Crystals on Twilight's and Cadences horn popped out, Shining Armor, Celestia, and Luna were freed and were quickly attended to by Military medical personnel which examined every inch of Celestia. And finally a single helicopter escorted by two Huey helicopters arrived. Exitting out of it was General Ben Carville, who looked around the scene. "Dear God, this looks like some Soviet shit if I ever seen it," He ranted, as Alex approached and saluted. "At ease Colonel, give me a update," he requested. "So it would seem that most of the Umbrums and all Black Crystals have been successfully eradicated, also sir it would seem that Sombra has changed." "Sombra?" Ben queried. "Changed?" He continued. "AHAHA! Really? This I have to see!" As he and Alex arrived to the castle area and sure enough to Ben's eyes, Sombra was speaking emotionally. "Well if I be dammed. You were right." "Have I always?" "What? Most of the time it's just ranting," Ben added. "..." "Too much?" Ben asked "Too much..." Replied Alex. "SOMBRA!" Hope shouted, catching the two officers off. "NO! I"M NOT LETTING YOU GO!" "Hope? What's happening!" Sombra asked, as he now turned into a shadow ball. "You said I could do good! Now I'm doing it!" Hope Naively said. "Hope you can't fight the Crystal Heart alone you'll hurt yourself!" "She's not alone!" Twilight said, as Ben and Alex moved aside. At this point this turned into from a wartorn group to now a spectate segment of soldiers watching their former target now be allied and pardoned by the princesses of Equestria and Crystal Empire. As a bright bang followed by the combined efforts of all four Alicorns Sombra was... VERY different, a whole new body and a fucking new voice! He shook his head and stood. "Am... I really here?" "SOMBRA!" She yelled in happiness as the two embraced eachother in a hug of love, as for me, I just smiled and waved. Well not really. Sombra and Celestia had a conversation though for the first time, and it didn't even involve violence this time! Amazing! But as those two yapped Twilight and Gold Star spoke to each other. (about time) . . . "Well, you've got to admit that even you haven't expected something like this to occur," he chuckled to himself. "You're right, but while friendship is powerful this is a lot more different." "Such as?" "This is something more than friendship, Hope was in love with him," Twilight pointed out. "Yeah... Well, I have something to tell you since I got here, and not dead." "What is it?" She asked. "Twilight, remember the personal diplomacy?" Gold Star asked, which flushed Twilight's face in fear. "How did you know!?" "Wait, know what?" "I... Uhh..." Twilight tried to hide her knowledge about the Personal diplomacy being jacked off by communists in exchange for silence but she gave up and sighed. "I was told to, the personal diplomacy from what I was told was disbanded, so what now?" Twilight asked, drooping her head down. "Well..." Gold Star paused when a messenger came to him. "Are you Major Star sir?" Asked the messenger. "Yes?" Gold Star asked. "Sir, you've been reassigned." The sentence shocked Twilight and Gold Star, but he just gave up. "...Well, that didn't take long, so where are we being shipped to..." "Shipped sir? No no, it's only you personally," the messenger emphasized, which changed Twilight's face into a surprise, and so is Gold Star's. "Pardon... Me?" He asked as the messenger handed the official order form to the Major. "Have a good day sir," the messenger exited, walking off to General Ben Carville as Gold Star looked at his new "Reassignment". And to his surprise and pleasure, he smiled. "Well Twilight, looks like we're not going anywhere anytime soon," he smirked, handing Twilight the orders that he was assigned to be her security which bypasses the Rodinian demand, this made her smile, and then they hugged each other in a tight embrace. Patton stood watching Sombra and Celestia talking to each other when Cadence appeared beside him. "I never knew he had the heart to change," she said, as the general rolled his eyes. "I swear, you Equestrians always somehow come up with metaphors, now tell me, if this is how you solve problems then what is the point of us being here in the first place!" Patton ranted. "We've never asked you to stay you know? You've insisted that you become a part of the army of the Crystal Empire and that's what you've been doing, you did your job well at saving the city, but sometimes not everypony thinks the same way that you think." As Patton took a second to ponder the words spoken by Cadence he looked up at the skies where Jets continually zoomed by giving him that inch of dread of him and his army being irrelevant through the eyes of the world. "Either way princess, I will be happy when he leaves this city and stays out of it," he ranted. "And after he is, I'll be glad!" As Patton turned around and left Cadence by herself. Her husband Shining Armor came to accompany her she added. "Whatever makes you feel happy, General..." Once upon a time, there was a young pony who wasn't like the other ponies, all he wanted was a friend. And then, he found one. She was the most amazing friend that anyone could have asked for. He loved her and she loved him. But he didn't love himself, he was worried he was a monster and how could anyone ever care about a monster? That is the thing about friendship though, your friends are friends because they can see the great things you have inside, they can see past looks and family and even your worries, and they can see the goodness inside of you, even if you don't see it yourself. ... If only that were true, writing from the distant future Sombra and Hope and their friendship would eventually die. How you may ask? Let's just say that I was the one... Who ruined it all... Aftermath After the events in the Crystal Empire Johnson was found by Equestrian Coast guards and was sent back to America, he was now considered disabled, yet miraculously he survived, the Soviets had managed to dissect the bomb. And now the Soviets are on the verge of becoming the second world power to possess a Nuclear bomb... Johnson meanwhile, can no longer talk. The Rodinians were quickly evicted by American troops after an ultimatum was sent which damaged relations between the Federation and Rodinia. Despite pushes by Sunset Shimmer Thestria was eventually denied from joining the South Humarican Alliance leading to a massive strain of relations. Chrysalis and General Rommel received news of the incident with the Umbrum and Sombra's reformation, Sombra has been declared an outlaw in the Changeling lands with charges of Magical Terrorism. Moskva Boris walked through the doors of the empty chamber, after a shocked with Brezhnev's visit and the surprising result with the Crystal Empire he was now the only one in the chamber. At least for a couple of minutes when someone walked through the door. "Oh, Mr. Putin, I lost the card of where we were meeting but hopefully this could accommodate the lost time," Boris apologized. "That's fine Mr. Yeltsin, at least now we can get to business," Putin said, sitting down beside Boris on the council seat. "So tell me Mr. Putin, what's with the secrecy?" Boris asked, which Putin silently thought for a moment before finally saying. "I am preparing to overthrow the Secretary-General and his Proletariate, I wish to ask if you would like to have the opportunity of ridding our nation of him," Putin explained, giving Boris a thought of interest. "I'm listening... Intently..." > The life of a Foxlander > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the events in the Crystal City now subsiding and tensions increased between Rodinia and America there is one person I should start fully introducing, remember Olivia? Well to present her history, I can tell you she is not a Fashionista or some mentor from Humarica, no instead she is just a civilian who is living her life, now here is why. She was born in 985 ALB, and her family was friends with Rarity's family because of the age-old war that happened to have shaped their friendship. Technically dating back to the Lunar Wars, Rarity's fashion skills technically came from her greater ancestors who had befriended the Foxyarn Family back in 80 ALB, it was a hit for fashion up after the Lunar Wars until the Rarity's ancestors bailed, and later then the Foxyarns ran out of budget and had to close the locations in 854 ALB. Then it all went well downhill in 992 when Olivia's parents were murdered in the streets of Mareami when she was seven, the criminals behind the murder have not been found to this day but it was believed that it was a Racially motivated crime committed by either Gangs or Cartels from the colony of Mexicona with Anti-Gradenlander resentment, From there the Foxyarn family and Rarity's family came together again, this time Olivia was given to Rarity's family for protection by her grandparents. From there up to 1003 Olivia's residency had been masked mainly by Rarity, at times Rarity would say that Olivia is some sort of Fashionista, some random fisher human, or a farmer. The reason behind this is because of the Lunar Wars, when the war ended minor groups of Ponies had immense hate for the Humans and considered Gradenlanders as one of those groups that attacked the Equestrian homeland, and so they formed the Solar Cult, a Pony Supremacy group that roots out and ethnically cleanse human populations and residences from out of towns, villages, and cities. Of course, only when Rarity told Twilight Sparkle about Olivia in 1003 was it safer for Olivia to live her life in peace in Ponyville, and surprisingly before the decree made by Celestia which resulted in the imprisonment and crack down of the Solar Cult Ponies, the towns ponies already fondly friendly with the fox girl. But it is now 1004, and Olivia has turned 19 and found herself a job in the Equestrian Postal Service, but before we focus on her, I should probably show how we met fully face to face. Base Alicorn, Ponyville. It had been 4 days since the attack on the Crystal Empire, the LoN and the UN Peacekeeper brigades arrived with additional workers, infantry, and tanks, relieving the 105th division of the temporary military occupation that we had been conducting with the consent of Princess Cadence. As we withdrew towards the outskirts the group we were traveling back to base with saw the Crystal Ponies trotting back in masses to their homes, or at least what was left of it if I haven't told you, this was perhaps the first time I'd ever fought in Urban combat, sure there was the attack on Canterlot in 1002, but I was fighting inside of a church the whole time against Chrysalis, and as for Tirek, we were in the plains and later the forests. And from what I can recall from Urban Combat training, you are playing a card of risk, every building destroyed is another livelihood lost. But with that short but problematic food for thought, after we've arrived back to our barracks in Ponyville the Mane 6 had been trying to get a grip on what had happened, such as the part where Sombra had reformed, in all honesty, though it's fine, nothing to bicker about other than nearly getting my head torn off from my neck by a shadow demon from Tartarus. After we arrived back to base two days ago Gold Star had been doing the usual paperwork as assigned by Alex due to his typical knowledge of taxes and other bookwormish things. Alex has just returned after "Conversing" with General Carville over a nice wine-drinking session back at Crystal City, and the possibility of giving Patton M1 Abrams than the useless outdated M60s that other divisions usually use for quotas or support. As for me, I've been busy myself, overseeing the training of recruits, and I've also managed to get the kinks in on how to pilot a tank through piloting the M4 Sherman that is nowadays used for rookie pilots. Of course, there's also the sync of a team so after the usual and basic training the Drill Sergeants would at times have the men play All-American Football just for the men to learn the two words combined into one "Teamwork" It's like friendship, actually I think it is Friendship just under a different term, either way I've long before learned how to work with others, how else did I work on the worlds biggest battleship! Anyway, after that day everyone was back in base (finally) and we were silently doing business as usual. "So, I told this asshole that he needed to relinquish the fucking bomb off his property! You know what he said?" I asked. "No do say?" Gold Star queried. "This is my property! What the fuck are you going to do with a bomb I asked! And he replied, none of your damn American concern! And then after that we had Twilight come and help us out, and after a "peaceful" transfer of getting that bomb off his property it went well." "By "peaceful" you mean he caned you and the men half to death," Gold Star added. "Yep... That type of peaceful, though Twilight did place her shield around us but that only made things worse because we dropped the fucking bomb!" "Jesus, how are you alive then?" Gold Star asked. "Well luckily Twilight manage to catch the son of a bitch from impacting the ground, if it weren't for her I and a bunch of guys would be dead! Anyways, shouldn't you be given that R n' R by now?" I asked, to Gold Star's dismay he shook his head. "No, I'm still waiting on that response," he replied when Alex entered inside of the Officer mess. "Major Star, I have good news for you," Alex informed. "Colonel Alex, what is it sir?" Gold Star replied. "Ben Carville has accepted your request, with an extra note saying "have the week off you magnificent bastard, you have earned it," Alex read from the letter. "Sounds very positive, I guess," I commented, as Gold Star jumped in the air in happiness. "Finally! I hope to see you guys in a week, I better get packing!" As Gold Star got his essentials together Alex flipped through the letters and found an envelope that had a stamp of approval, he then unwrapped it and read it. "Good luck Star, I assume you're staying over at Twilight's place," I implied. "That would be correct, maybe something mystical might happen, or something," Gold Star added, but before he left the door Alex halted him with a pistol laying its body on his neck. "Not so fast Major, in case Twilight and her friends, gather up together, there's bound to be some sort of shit show that tends to go down around these parts, here take this pistol, you two seem safer with it than without it," Alex insisted, as Gold Star grabbed the pistol and placed it inside of his saddle bag. "I assume you've set it on safety?" Gold Star asked. "Of course, why else has the damn thing didn't go off, you think I'm out of my mind?" Alex Queried, which Gold Star shrugged, and trotted off to his Humvee. As the Colonel watched Gold Star drive off base, he then turned towards me. "Alright, now with Gold Star gone out to do his "peacetime" I have an assignment for you." "About time, it's boring to watch Drill Sergeants train inexperienced pain-in-the-ass recruits, and expect them to slip up once in a while, so what's the task?" I asked, and Alex handed me a blueprint of a... Barn... "This has to be a joke right, please tell me this is a joke!" I begged. "No Yates it is not a joke, Princess Luna herself decided that we should build a big barn to support the apple family in their harvest this year." "And what exactly is the exchange for that?" I asked. "Politically speaking, good relations, economically, keeps the export of apples flowing and trade for more unobtainable resources, and militarily, a good strategic point in case some invader enters here and wreaks havoc." "You always had an open mind about everything," I said. "Why thanks, that's what my hypothetical wife tells me, now you will be given an engineering unit of around 50 men, they expect this to be done in at least a day or two, they've already got supplies there," Alex briefed. "Anything else I should ask about?" I asked. "No, now get the hell out of here it was a blessing here with Gold Star on RNR, now I want you out of here, now go on and scram!" I then walked out of the Officer mess and saw that a convoy of bulldozers, construction cars, cranes, and anything that a construction worker can dream of were already waiting for me on flatbeds. "Welp... What to start a day with dusty construction... Hurray..." The Carousal boutique Now that we had made that clear where I was the whole time we now in the other direction, the Carousal Boutique, practically a house and a workplace for Rarity, her job is, as her cutie mark suggests, fashioning clothes and other sorts of fashion items... What? Did you expect that she was something of a mercenary? Hell no, if anything she's just trying to live her peaceful life without the dramatic experience. But of course not to get ahead of myself she isn't the main character in this chapter. Inside one of the bedrooms is where the main part of the story focuses on, the clock would turn from 7:59 to 8:00 and the alarm clock goes off beeping like it's the end of the world before being silenced by a paw. Olivia sat up on the bed and stretched before getting up to put on her clothes. She wore a pink long skirt, a brown jacket, leggings, purple shorts, and boots, while she did struggle a bit mainly with her leggings because of how hard it is to put a sock on top of it, it was her usual routine in her life whether a person may like it or not. As she puts on her E.P.S. vest and hat on she can immediately smell breakfast, and the sound of Sweetie Bell trotting down the hallway. "Morning Olivia!" Said Sweetie Bell. "Morning Sweet B!" Olivia replied joyfully. "How was your play date with your friends yesterday?" "Oh it was very fun, but we weren't able to get our Cutiemarks! No matter what it's like fate is keeping us from what is rightfully ours!" Sweetie Bell frustratingly replied. "Or... Maybe you haven't found the right talent yet? After all it took Rarity almost half of her foal hood before she got hers, atleast that's what Ms. Rarity told me atleast," Olivia said. "Maybe you're right, maybe we should try harder next time!" Sweetie Bell replied in confidence. "That's the spirit!" Olivia encouraged when they both heard Rarity calling for the two down stairs alerting them that their morning feast has been served. "You know though? This talking isn't putting food in my stomach." "Agreed." While Olivia and Sweetie had their morning meal the construction crew and I arrived to Sweet Apple Acres, home of the famous apples and it's family, and the cider. "Creatordamn, did we really have to use the dirt road sir?" Complained the driver. "Regardless Corporal, if the apple family want's to have us on the fucking mud then by Creator above we will drive on the fucking mud, just be glad you're driving on solid ground." As we pulled into the spot with the industrial equipment needed for the construction of the new secondary barn, Applejack and Macintosh had been very assertive with a lot of ground rules when using the equipment we're using. Basically like this: Rule #1: Don't drive on the grass Rule #2: Don't hit, steal, or cut down any trees Rule #3: Don't piss us off with excuses Rule #4: at anytime we will whip your asses as we pleased. Okay so I did made up rule 4 right there but you can kinda see where this was going, though I don't really blame them considering of a incident between them and the Flim and Flam brothers trying to capitalize on their hard work with just cutting down trees that are typically the apple's family. My family members are farmers too infact, though we get our seeds from our good neighbors the Corn family, which happened to have been situated between the whole Pear Vs Apple conflict. They were very kind, and honest on their work too, hell if I reversed some of their color it kinda resembles the colors that the Apple family has. Although at times when I was little I would catch them crying in the fields, and I wouldn't know why, and I still don't now why to this day. But with that said. "This... This is it, stop stop stop!" I ordered as the flat bed truck came to a complete stop and I hopped off of it, and looked at the map, then came Dean. "You must be Yates?" He asked. "Lieutenant Yates, but you can call me Mr. because lets be for real I have experience in farming myself back home of course," I replied. "Well that's mighty kind of you Mr. Yates, as you know of Applejack I hope we could do well together in this project." "Indeed, so where is the land plot?" I asked. "Just right there over yonder, now not to sound as bossy as my friends, the Apples, but I do advise that you be careful with the trees over there, all you need to do is just stay within those plot lines and you good to go," Dean warned. "Alright, I think that sounds good enough, you mind if we?" "Not at all Mr. Yates, but again, stay within the lines, and we are swell and dandy." After Dean walked off after exchanging goodbyes I began to direct the construction crews off the truck beds, and into the plot line they went. "And make sure to not follow or listen to strangers!" "Yes Ms. Rarity..." "And always remember to just give the package to the strangers you are delivering to!" "Yes Ms. Rarity..." "And another thing!" "Yes Ms. Rarity?" "Stay safe! :)" After Rarity handed Olivia her EPS cap, lunch bag, and bicycle helmet. The fox girl got on her bike and tread away to the building on Neighmeister street, there her boss was waiting on her. "Reporting for duty Mr. Post!" Olivia greeted. "Ah Good morning Mrs. Foxyarn, I assume you're ready for the first roll out of mail?" "Of course sir! I've been waiting for this moment all night! It's exciting!" "Hehe, well then if that's the case you will be given packages, guard these with your life!" Parcel ordered. "But I'm only delivering within Ponyville?" Olivia questioned. "Oh maybe so, but even the nicest of people can be deceiving!" Parcel intensely stared, creeping Olivia out before he snapped out of it and said. "Well what are you waiting for! Get moving fox human you got boxes to deliver!" "O-oh! Sorry sir! Goodbye!" Olivia then tread away with the boxes placed in her side baskets. "Good luck! And stay safe young one!" He waved. "Heh, what a nice gal." . . . As she strolled throughout town she started delivering the packages to the ponyville residences, first was Lyra's as she stopped infront of her door and knocked. "I'm coming I'm coming!" Lyra said, as she trotted and opened the door when she noticed the fox girl infront of her. "Package delivery for Lyra Heartstrings?" Olivia asked, which Lyra stood shocked, nodding her head. "Ok... If you please sign this for me," Olivia said, giving Lyra the pen as it hovered over the clipboard and wrote in scribbles all over the clipboard. "...I was referring your name?" Olivia complicated on her request that went the other way, and then it was when Bon Bon showed up. "What in Celestia's name is wrong with you Lyra!" She scolded, as Lyra shook her head. "Sorry hum- ma'am! It's just this is the most proudest moment in my life! To see a human!" "Uhh yay?" Olivia spoke softly, when Bon Bon backed up. "Oh dear Celestia..." "WHAT'SYOURFAVORITECOLORWHAT'SHUMARICALIKEAREYOUREALLYABIPEDALMONKEYOHPLEASEPLEASEPLEASETELLMEISTHISADREAMCOMETRUE!" "WOAH WOAH WOAH! Alright Lyra easy please don't overwhelm the nice human here she's not the only human in this world you know!" "Right! Sorry! I should introduce myself then! Hi! My name is Lyra! What's yours?" As Bon Bon shook her head in annoyance Olivia replied. "Well nice for you to ask, my name is Olivia, and I lived here for my entire life, so I never really know what Humarica is or what's life over there, but someday I hope to return there for a better life." It was then that Lyra's hope of Humarican knowledge was crushed. "Oh I see..." "Well this was very odd for everyone here, but uh... Don't you have other mail to deliver?" Bon Bon asked. "Oh right! Sorry, it was a pleasure meeting you two!" "No worries Mrs. Olivia, good luck and have a good day!" Bon Bon waved as Olivia strolled away from their property. "Well Lyra? What do you have to say for yourself!" "I feel so cold..." "...What?" . . . "Morning Mr. and Mrs. Boxford!" Olivia greeted, as she handed the package to the other human residence. "Ah Mrs. Foxyarn how's the life under a element treating ya?" Asked Mr. Boxford. "I mean I don't really ask much under Rarity other than her treating me as her own," Olivia replied. "Rarity is good when it comes to parenting, sometimes when we have have our tea parties she would typically wish to become one, of course she isn't wanting to rush things as supposed, who wouldn't really, she already has a dream to fulfill," Mrs. Boxford said. "Well it was nice visiting you two, but I have other packages to deliver," Olivia said, as she started treading off. "Alright Mrs. Foxyarn, good luck!" While Olivia treads off and delivers other packages I will tell you that was human residences number 3 and 4, they're one of the 1% minority population in Equestria that lives here since 1003, now considering that they've just moved here the are a nice couple that live in the quiet town. They are good friends with Rarity well, atleast Mrs. Boxford is anyways, the two would sit down for a chat, tea, and then they would just be on their way, though that's usually on Fridays. On the other note Mr. Boxford moved here with his wife because of the construction company that needed someone that can operate a crane properly because of a incident where the last operator moved the crane into the building and endangering the lives of construction crews, of course they were saved by some vigilante pony they call Mare Do Well, oh and Rainbow Dash. And let's just say he has bro's in the company, and enjoys his coffee time with them while moving dangerous equipment with the push of a switch. Anyways, after delivering a good size amount of 120 packages it was now evening, and she only now had finished her lunch at this hour, and she only has one more package left to deliver. So when Olivia looked at her clipboard she notices a familiar address, one she does not like... The house dubbed by the local residences as "The Grey House" was notorious as it's name suggests, claims of ponies going in and never coming out, and animals well, lets just say that the ponies also claimed that they don't come back in one piece. Now when the inspector arrived he approved of the property though some suspect that he was bribed. Either way it shivered Olivia down to her spine, the worse thing she feared was if the floor boards would even support her weight considering of how unstable and old it looks. But that didn't stopped her as she shook her head. "It's alright," she said to herself. "It's only another person, waiting for his, or her, package... And for some reason... Have a taste for abandon houses! Nothing to... Get worried about, hopefully." As she slowly tread to the property rolling off from the green grass to the dirt pad that surrounded the house, she noticed that the stairs that leads to the house looked crooked, regardless she sucked it up, got off her bike, and searched in her satchel for the package. To her surprise it wasn't a package, it was a letter! And not only a letter, but it's from Humarica! Out of the packages and mail she delivered it was usually either from Griffonia or Zebrica, or this continent, but from Humarica? It would seem someone must've miss this person dearly. "Well," she said to herself again. "It's not going to deliver itself girl!" Considering that she was stalling herself, she finally got off her bike with the mail and started walking stairs when suddenly she heard cracking..? -Ah crap! That can't be good.- With all fiber in her body she reduced herself to using big steps rather than small ones, as she walked up the unstable stairs she wondered. -How- or who! In Celestia's name lives here?- But after making up the stairs she breathed in a sigh of relief. And then she fell through the wood boards. "AHH~!" She managed to grab on to the edge but with nothing to support her legs with apart from a wall of mud that her boots kept slipping on. She herself was slipping until she heard large footsteps and then, the door opened and came a but old man with a grey beard, he's a bit miniature in size, but also skinny, which would explain how he himself hasn't fell through, but as he looked down and swiped the letter off of Olivia's glove he looked down and shook his head. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I should've expect less from a bipedal canine human! Ahh and the bitch kind too! So what's your buisness here other than dangling above my mud trap below!" "I-woah! I-" "Well come on! Spit it out!" "I was delivering the letter to you sir! Now you may please! C-can you atleast help me up!" Snorting and puffing at the request of a young teenage Fox girl, all he could feel is pity, although she did brought him his letter, which has the detail name of his daughter back home, he looked at the struggling Fox girl losing her grip, and finally after a self debate he rolled his eyes, all the while she lost her grip from the edge but before she landed into the mud trap both of her gloves were caught by the Midget man who then flies her up from the hole with incredible strength. "Thank you si- OOF-" But then he shoved her down the stairs and she landed on her butt on top the hard crusty dirt pad. "The next time I see you it'd better be for ONLY mail! Understand!" "Y-yessir?" "Good, then we understand each other Fox Girl, NOW GET THE HELL OFF MY PROPERTY!" The miniature man slammed the door, ignoring the human sized gaping hole in his front porch. As for Olivia, she shook her head and dusted herself off, she could've felt angry about his rudeness, and aside the fact that he saved her trouble from giving Rarity a heart attack and later, the worlds biggest scrubbing, but Olivia was just full on curious, and confused. Regardless, after dusting off her fox tail, which looked a bit messy, she got on her bike and noticed that there was no more mail or packages for today, she could go home, but then she wouldn't visit her friend Dean. She heard of a construction going over there, and so without a thought of braiding her tail she got back on her bike and tread away. Undenounced to her that the old man was watching her through the window screen with curiosity as well... Back at Sweet Apple Acre's I have good news. So far most of barn is complete, and by most I mean the only thing left is the roof, now as we're almost finishing with this the Apple family showed up to oversee the new barn's completion, of course for me I have the hard part. Measuring the damn roof height and length! So as I was on one of those high rise thingamajig Olivia showed up near Dean, who also was watching the barn being completed. "Heya Dean! How's it going?" "Hey Olivia, well currently I'm just watching the literal history channel in real life in front of my face! This is the fastest construction!" "Huh, hey? Who's that one with the dark hair? He looks familiar?" "Oh him on the scaffolding? That's Lieutenant Yates of the 105th division," Dean answered, giving Olivia a shock. "W-wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! You're meaning to tell me that he's?!" "Yeah why?" Immediately Olivia dragged him out of plain sight and inside of the Apple Family house. "Uhh hehe... What's going on here?" Dean asked, before being violently pressed to the wall. "Okay listen! I've met him before, I and him addressed each other okay?" "Okay?" "And a little story! Me and him have actually met before at the market!" "Jesus Christ, really? Because last I seen him was right now! You know I'm in charge of overseeing the thing right?" Dean replied sarcastically. "Yes yes I know! But still he's... I..." "Look, Olivia, lemme give it to you straight, I don't really know what comes over you and this guy, but all I know is that he's just some other human officer that happened to be shipped out from some dead water country to be stationed here and live off the land like the rest of us! There isn't nothing else to say other than him being a average human!" "But Dean! I-" ... It was then at that moment that as I was finished with measuring a crane was heading right towards my head, of course at the last minute I dodged it but then before I could grab on to the side bars I slipped and fell off the Scaffolding and it went black dark from there. But typically this is what happened. ... Applejack after seeing me fall quickly ran inside the house. "DEAN! DEAN! COME QUICK YATES FELL!" "WHAT!" And so Dean, Olivia, and Applejack ran inside of the barn which the military construction crew halted the construction and got to ground level to examine me. "Stand back people! I need room to examine him!" Advised the agent, who took a listen at my chest and mouth, I was only fainted, and luckily I didn't suffer no bone injury thanks to the special gift from my Grandfather Luther. But I was still fainted, and that was when it happened which brought me the attention of the Foxlander. "He's only unconscious, does anyone have any smelling salt!" The Agent yelled, but the men and the Apples shook their heads. "Sir, I do!" Olivia spoke. "Who said that?" Asked the Agent, as Dean and Applejack stepped away. "I did sir, I have smelling salt here in my bag, Rarity always packs them for special occasions." "Thank Celestia for Rarity's over preparedness I say!" Applejack Commented. "Well? What are you waiting for! Use it ma'am!" As the men watched the Fox applied the smelling salt by pressing it to my nose I was reawaken and my body went jumping in the air. "GOOD GOD! THE FUC- WHAT THE- THE FUCK HAPPENED!" As the men shrugged and back off a bit that was when finally me and Olivia's eyes were locked on for the first time. "Sir it was I that gave you the smelling salt, you fell off the scaffolding so I guess you can say it's my gratitude for the thread search from last year, don't you remember?" She asked, and I nodded. She waved and walked off, and the men looked back at me in silence. "Have a good rest of the day Dean," she said, as he nodded silently. And finally one broke silence and said. "Well! Go get after her will ya!!" Immediately I spoke. "Alright break time, do whatever the hell you want until I get back!" I ordered, as the men groaned in relief, and I went pacing after her. "Well... This is new," Applejack said. "What?" Dean asked. "I usually thought of Yates of being the lonely one, since y'know Gold Star has Twilight." "Yeah, say about that bet with Rainbow Dash, how much did you bet that those two would be, well you know." "That's a question for another time Dean, a question for another time, for now we watch a creation of a new couple, and a new potential gambit, for me of course," the farmer pony chuckle, as she smiled under her bush hat. Olivia was about to tread off back home for the day before I stopped her. "Wait! I never caught your full name, or who you really are!" Olivia chuckled, and thought back to our first meeting. "Well, I can tell you, Olivia isn't really my last name, in fact it's my first name," Olivia revealed. "It's actually my last name that's a bit embarrassing." "Oh... So what's your last name? You know the last one?" I asked. "Oh, well no one has ever asked that before." "Sorry, I didn't know that was sensitiv-" "Foxyarn," she replied. "What was that?" I asked. "Foxyarn," Olivia replied. "Heh, Foxyarn, that's actually a sweet name, explains the symbol on your boot," I complimented, when my insides screamed scolding my idiocy. "Thanks, and what a peculiar signature you have on your boot, what is it suppose to be?" She asked. "Oh this? That's... Well It'd be hard to explain ofc it'll be-" Immediately she kissed me in the cheek, causing a great influx of heat in my face to spiral up. Which is called by you intellectuals as blushing. After she released her kiss from my cheek she gives me a paper. "I have to get home before dinner, maybe someday we could talk it over on a date?" Olivia asked, gloved paws behind her back. "O-of course..." "Great!" She joyfully replied, wagging her tail left and right. "I hope to see you later!" And so she treaded her bike into the town leaving only me in the middle of a setting sun. As I processed the moment I now figured out what that sensation was back at the market. Creator's greatest gift, and something Gold Star and Twilight have yet to figure out. And it's fucking love baby, FUCK YEAH I GOT A BITCH! FUCK YOU ALEX WHOOOOO! *Ahem* but anyways, I should obviously not have that in my journal, instead I should be glad that I was lucky to have one. Because not everyone has a opportunity that I have right now, and the greatest challenge for a man to be a man is to man up and earn the keep of a mate that would tend and care for you until death. Of course as I continually pondered all these in my thoughts I heard buzzing from my phone. *Ring Ring, Ring Ring* It was ringing, and out of the blue to, so I picked it up and it was Gold Star, of course I chuckled deviously and raised the phone. "Oooooh Goldie! Guess who just got hooked!" "Not now Yates! This is important that you get to Alex right now!" "What? Gold Star what's going on!" "Yates! It's a emergency, they've set a trap for Twilight!" "Trap!? And who's they!?" "No time to explain I have to go!" "WAIT!" And immediately Gold Star hanged up, and now it seems whatever the hell is going on, I have a bad feeling I'm not the only one who is having a day... To be Continued... > Bales Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously in The New World Chapter: Yadda yadda yadda, yeah I'm just going to be simple with this category. Basically, I was assigned to build a farm, Gold Star had his RNR, met a girl whom I am now in love with. What else? Oh yeah, the fact that Gold Star barely told me shit about who "they" are. But you know I'll be polite and rewind of what happened on the same day. Earlier the Day First, we go back to that first part in the last chapter, the part where Gold Star is told the news that his RnR was approved. "Major Star, I have good news for you," Alex informed. "Colonel Alex, what is it sir?" Gold Star replied. "Ben Carville has accepted your request, with an extra note saying "have the week off you magnificent bastard, you have earned it," Alex read from the letter. "Sounds very positive, I guess," I commented, as Gold Star jumped in the air in happiness. "Finally! I hope to see you guys in a week, I better get packing!" As Gold Star got his essentials together Alex flipped through the letters and found an envelope that had a stamp of approval, he then unwrapped it and read it. "Good luck Star, I assume you're staying over at Twilight's place," I implied. "That would be correct, maybe something mystical might happen, or something," Gold Star added, but before he left the door Alex halted him with a pistol laying its body on his neck. "Not so fast Major, in case Twilight and her friends, gather up together, there's bound to be some sort of shit show that tends to go down around these parts, here take this pistol, you two seem safer with it than without it," Alex insisted, as Gold Star grabbed the pistol and placed it inside of his saddle bag. "I assume you've set it on safety?" Gold Star asked. "Of course, why else has the damn thing didn't go off, you think I'm out of my mind?" Alex Queried, which Gold Star shrugged, and trotted off to his Humvee. . . . Gold Star watched the road mindlessly, it had been a while since he had a proper day off, although considering that he was suspended from his rank, only to be unsuspended by Uncle Sam's demand, at the same time though, he thought, he realized just now that he has an entire week off! And he didn't even get his Informal's on either! So immediately he pulled over to the side of the road and got his formals off and the moment he did his wings were freed from his sides as if they were gasping for air, he looked at them with pity and grudge, although the wings were apart of his whole expenditure out of Equestria, he felt sick to his gut thinking about the many that he had lied to and for what, the security to not frighten a world already under the thumb of several rivaling nations? At times when he first met Twilight he considered a lot if he should tell Twilight everything, from his wings to his horn. From what happened on that fateful day to the next, all he was given in his mind was the benefit of the doubt and a fear that he may still be called something he despised that same day. A Changeling... Yet, one thing was for sure, he blames Luna for his misery, whether she meant it in other ways or not. He wonders what the Blue Alicorn Menace is up to right now as he gets his boots on. Canterlot Well, to answer my friend's question. Princess Luna at this time had been trotting and wandering around and down the hallways looking at the old tapestries that had hung from the walls since before, dawn, and after her return. It doesn't surprise her that she had seen the moments when tapestries magically change in a lot of ways, but it is how Celestia kept track of Twilight Sparkle's Accomplishments in missions or tests of course along with other ponies that had accomplished a lot as well. Regardless, it makes Luna jealous of her sister though, unlike the last time, she was jealous before transforming Nightmare Moon, only to witness war like never before, this time however her jealousy was Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, ever since Twilight's foal hood she had been Celestia's protégé which to Luna it made her as confused back when she was dark and evil even though Celestia assured her that Cadence wasn't a replacement, Twilight on the other hand, was a different story towards Nightmare Moon, and when she first saw her sister adopting yet another pony into royalty was when she seethed with rage thinking that Celestia, her sister, was using all methods of replacing her. The Princess of the Night. Of course only when Luna did return and forsake the evil that she was consumed by as she was told that Twilight and her friends were the destined chosen ones to reactivate the use of the element of harmony. Of course, considering the potential future that Luna and Celestia would be outdated for their royal duty, Luna tried to find ways of looking for a protégé, and she did. But the day when she read reports that the pony that was supposed to be her own protégé was imprisoned, Luna didn't even want Celestia finding out, and so with no choice she burnt the report and forsook Gold Star in the style of throwing one under the bus. Only now she feels that Harmony is about to trigger a Karma on Luna once the moment is right, and Luna wouldn't care less at this point. Even she understood that she had made a bitter choice when she found that same familiar pony, decorated in the uniform of an American, at a scheduled surprised peace summit. But before continuing those thoughts, it was short-lived by a pony guard running by the princess and heading to the throne room with the sounds of Golden Metal clanking on the marble floors. Insisting that it's probably urgent Luna teleported to the room and at the same time, it happened to be that Celestia was on her usual cake-eating diet. "Having your evening frosting I assume sister?" Of course, Celestia looked at Luna with the usual "you have offended me good sir! (or ma'am)" expression. "It's better for the energy, why else do I always eat as many sweets as possible!" "Whatever you may say sister, but a royal guard is heading for us here," Luna informed. "Must be the report I requested," Celestia replied. "Report Sister?" "Yes, and I'll explain in a moment, the guard should be here in 3... 2... 1..." And on cue, the doors opened, and came the royal guard. "Princess Celestia, the report as you requested," presented the guard, giving the scroll to the princess. "Many thanks, you may be dismissed." The guard bowed and left the room, as for Celestia, she unraveled the scroll and read the report, although Luna looked at it and all it was to her was a map. "As suspected," she showed. "What is it?" Luna asked, looking at a map. "The ancient city of Bales is now visible enough to send at least one or two ponies through the barrier, I suppose you recognize this city?" Celestia assumed, which Luna gave a confused incomprehensible horse tone. "Would it surprise you to know that I never did?" Luna replied. "Oh... That's right you weren't there at the time since most of your days were spent inside of the castle," Celestia recalled, though this gave Luna a deadpan expression of ignorance, because of the mood Luna was displaying Celestia changed her tone. "But since I also spent most of my time in the castle as well it wouldn't hurt to explain what this city is, but first." Celestia grabbed an empty piece of paper with her magic, and also the quill to write on. Sitting there watching from her throne, Luna could only painstakingly watch as her sister further gave her anxiety through the sounds of unbearable chalk-like noise. Ponyville After changing from his standard uniform and into his Informal's, he had finally got back on the trail and reached Ponyville proper, at the moment ponies had been trotting around minding their businesses and whatnot, but before he continued further he decided to pay a visit to the old tree library. This would be his first time visiting the tree home unless you count the time when he walked Twilight back last year, and two nights, before Tirek's rampage in Equestria and the incident of Yates, me, discovering a truth that he continues to hold. As he pulled to the side of the tree house it was, as usual, closed and sealed off by the local authorities in Ponyville under Twilight's request though barely anyone patrols the land, he ducked under the police tape and set hoof on the charred ground of what was left of old memories. Looking at the treehouse itself was another nostalgic blow to him, or at least what was left of it considering that it had been uprooted by Twilight's friends to put in display as a root chandelier on the roof of the castle, what was left was a crater and smashed bookshelf's that had been in the way. It was then, however, that one book caught his attention. It was by a long shot, but it was covered by char burnt ground yet somehow it was in one piece, and not a single flame on the cover either. However, there was nothing for his hooves to grab on so he resorted to picking the book up with his mouth and then spat it out. "BLEUGH! Damn, that tastes horrid! Though typically that happens when dummies like me pick up a damn book from a charred-up pile! ... And now I'm just talking to myself... Great!" He said to himself. So instead of his mouth, he used his hooves, the problem though was that the cover was flat, so flat that only a Unicorn can levitate the damn thing, whoever made it surely didn't think an Earth Pony like him would bother to read it! Of course then again he was an Alicorn in disguise, problem is that he has no shit of an idea how to properly use his horn or his wings, and even if Twilight discovered him and she happened to be forgiving, even then it may be months before he can master any single basic abilities. (If not a year or two) Regardless he grabbed the book using both of his hooves though he had to walk back to his Humvee bipedally, which wasn't a problem since he was trained how to anyway just to fire his firearm. After getting in the car with the book, he swiped the dust off and read the cover. "How to spot an Alicorn, 5 signs that indicate that somepony is a being of high power? What nutcase covers an entire book cover with only words! The hell is the imagery in all of this!" He ranted, somewhat ignoring the fact that Twilight may or may not have started digging into Gold Star's personality. So he flipped to the book. "Page 1, secrets, if the pony in question happened to cover or hasn't told you anything that a friend would usually provide, that means that they may be hiding something... Okay? So what does that have to do with figuring out your not-so-secret admirer is an Alicorn I wonder?" He asked himself, continuing to read. "There may be signs from this whether it'd be denial, family problems, or incidents regarding strange attitudes, consider questions such as. "What were your parents, and what are they like, or-" Immediately Gold Star shook his head in disbelief. "I can't fucking believe this! Twilight is trying to dig in and figure out that I'm some sort of Alicorn! But of course, she does have a habit of coming up with every contingency so this shouldn't surprise me at all... But who in the hell made this!" He looked at the author and to his dismay. "Comet Tail the Starry-Eyed... More like Comet Ass the crazy, who the hell is he? Some random guy off the streets? Well I mean, I guess he put some effort into this I'll give credit for, but what made him decide everyone would want to read this?" Gold Star then looked around and forgot that he was with no one. "Talking to myself... Great! Never a good sign, anyways, still yet to reach Twilight, should probably shut up now and get my ass over there." And so he sped off to the castle without a word. Other than his continual talking. In the apartment complex, Yuri had been preparing for the mission at hand, and by preparing, I mean eating chips and complaining about the news depicting "Mare 6 rule and the villains drool" and all that typical BS. It was then that his ground-level window was knocked on by the Rodinian air soldiers who seemed to have brought a BPM-97. Yuri opened the window and listened in. "Da, what is it?" He asked. "Comrade Yuri, the commander has ordered that the mission is to be launched immediately," informed the soldier. "Why so?" Replied Yuri. "Our spy planes had done another run, and they've spotted Golden armored ponies led by what is assumed to be Captain Armor, sir, they've authorized the use of the BPM-97 Autocannon type," added the soldier. "Alright then, let me get suited up, and then we'll be on our way." "Dasdonye comrade Yuri." After a minute's drive Gold Star arrived at the castle, and so after parking his vehicle and hopping out of it. He went to the door and knocked. . . . Twilight Sparkle perked her ears up at the sounds of knocking. "I'll go answer it," insisted Spike, as he walked to the doors and opened them. "Oh, well high Mr. Star! It's been a while," Spike waved. "Good to see you too Spike, is Twilight-" "Don't say further," Spike interrupted, as Twilight walked to the door. "Gold Star, you came in an odd time?" "What do you mean? Something going on?" He asked. "Well, I- well y-" "Uhh Twilight," Spike interrupted, pointing at a fake watch. "Alright alright fine! I'll just take you with me then!" Twilight rushed. "Take me? Take me whe-" Without finishing his sentence Gold Star and Twilight disappeared from Spike's face, leaving him alone with an owl who happened to fly right beside him. "Finally, alone again!" Said Spike, as the room went silent with no voice other than wind, and a random tumbleweed that floated by majestically. "Want to play board games," Spike asked. "Hoot." Canterlot Castle throne room In a blink of Celestia's eyes Twilight appeared with her wings opened and eyes closed upon teleporting to the castle, you know; presentation, as she folded her wings and walked towards Celestia. Gold Star dropped from mid-air and fell face-first into the marble floor. "AH! Gold Star are you alright!" Twilight pipped, turning around as he got up from the ground. "Damn it to hell! I think I broke my nose!" "Then I may be of assistance then," Celestia entered, using her magic and healing his nose in an instant twilight. Gold Star was very dumbfounded. "Woah... I mean, WOW! Where the he- I mean, (good Faust this is going to take a lot out of me) uh, h-how did you do that?" Gold Star asked in a more surprised attitude towards the princess in front of Twilight as she knees him in the hind legs. "Well, this spell had been produced since before I was born, the Alicorns of my time were great at coming up with ways with healing magic, although the one I placed on your injured tissue is nothing compared with the types of magic that my relatives had made, of course, I assume you are here because of your new security assignment, correct?" Celestia asked. "Well, Twilight just spelled me here, so I'm right here. Hehe..." The Stallion chuckled, and Twilight cringed at the interaction even though Celestia was having a fine time getting to know the Stallion. "Well Twilight, I also know that you've come upon my request, if you do not mind Gold Star, this is a private conversation," Celestia informed. "Oh alright then, I'll sit here, in this... Empty room." "It won't be long, Twilight, please come with me." As Twilight and Celestia trotted out of the throne room, the only ones in there were just Gold Star and Princess Luna... And oh boy does this turn into an awkward situation. At the window room itself, you know the one with the whole images on windows that shapeshift for every accomplishment, the former protégé and the former teacher, Twilight and Celestia, were trotting down the halls in a brief quiet silence until Celestia spoke. "So Twilight, I see you and Gold Star have been getting closer lately," she pointed out. "Have you also been keeping up with my mission?" Twilight Sparkle was a bit stoked about the last sentence Celestia spoke. "Wait, that was a mission!?" Twilight exclaimed, making Celestia chuckle. "Don't be silly! I was only joking, of course, there are other issues at hand that I must speak with you about in private." "Such as?" Twilight asked. "I do not suppose you remember the city of Bales?" "You mean the book city that disappeared! Of co- WAIT I MEAN!" "It's alright, you were right anyways with the book title," chuckled the princess. "But in serious terms, the scouts I've sent led by your brother, had found an almost distorted city in the distance, yet when they got close to it, it disappeared from their view, your brother tried to use his magic but it wasn't enough to counter whatever was blanketing the city." "My... BROTHER! Found it?!" Twilight exclaimed again, Celestia's response was a simple nod. "That's why I have summoned you, your brother wasn't able to lift whatever was covering the city, if anypony I know now can figure a way inside of the city, get in contact with the locals trapped, and unveil the city from its thousand-year disappearance, it is you." Celestia encouraged, but this left Twilight with one question. "Can I bring my friends?" She asked. To the Alicorn Princess's dismay she was going to eventually break the news that Twilight was not allowed to bring her friends on this adventure, though by the looks of things it would seem that they (the mare friends) had been busy themselves, Applejack for one overseeing the joint project that Luna had proposed, Fluttershy is doing her usual animal feeding, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are in Griffonstone regarding a friendship mission, and as for Rarity, well she's just taking a Spa day. All the amount that the only one that she would be fine with however is Gold Star, sure, he isn't much of a stranger when it comes to typical styles of adventure considering he's an army of himself, but Celestia also felt that this was an even better opportunity for a proper bond between the two, plus at least this would assure Celestia that Twilight has at least somepony accompanying her than nopony. And also as mentioned, since he's army he can keep a secret. Unknowingly he's already keeping one in his mind. "No." Celestia firmly replied. "What?" Twilight queried in both shock and confusion. "This mission requires secrecy, nopony not even your friends could know about this, but... I have thought of only one exception." "What is it!?" Twilight begged. "Well, assumedly since you did bring Gold Star here when I only requested you," Celestia pointed out, giving Twilight a bit of a cringed feeling. "I-I'm sorry about that! I didn't have time and I-" "Oh don't be so worried about it my faithful student I have concluded that now or then he and you will be in a paired adventure. It was only a matter of time until now, this is an opportunity for you and him to bond!" Celestia finished with an exciting wing burst. "Oh... I see, so when do we depart?" "As soon as you leave of course." "Right, hehe... Alright then." Back in the throne room, it was just only Luna and Gold Star, just them, no guards, no secretaries, and no dwellers. Just the two. "It was going to be a matter of time before we meet again," Luna said, breaking the silence as Gold Star stood in the castle mesmerized by the castle's interior and the changes it had undergone. " And for what exactly?" Gold Star replied, turning towards Luna with glaring eyes. "To Apologize? To repent, to expose me and say who I really am?" Luna is steadfast in his reply. "If anything I should probably be thanking you for ruining my life in my own home, otherwise I wouldn't have the opportunity to learn what hell is truly, or the matter of being hunted down because of a secret identity, THAT YOU BESOUGHT!" Gold yelled in spite, looking at the princess of the night as she stood tense. "Princess of peace... Hmph! All I see is a wolf in sheep's clothing." Taking in the last sentence with dignity Luna asks him a question. "And to what gain do you have arguing over who has seen much more Tartarus evil than what we have seen! We've kept peace between nations, the one that houses you and its proclaimed enemy in the north, we have tried our dearest to keep peace and to help other nations when we can, but in the times when we have to be in the midst of what would be considered the countdown to what would be the end of peace!" Luna paused and looked at the Stallion who stood unamused at the statement that she spat out of her mouth. "I sense a great grudge in you Star, I understand what you had gone through but this wasn't my sister's doing, nor Twilight's, or any pony's it was-." "You, and don't worry, I never had a single hate for them, because I was once a guard, I was once an Elite Guard for that matter, they were doing their job, I understood what Shining Armor was doing when I met Twilight face to face on the day peace was restored between my new home and my old home. But the whole time I've been there Luna, you knew me because of the stare of surprise you've given me the whole entire time!" Gold Star exclaimed as Luna felt her gut on fire. "You and I know that you have a massive chip on your shoulder and you and I also know that eventually these!" He briefly exposes his wings and horn. "These will eventually have to be revealed to everyone Princess!" "Not if you show them in this place of public," Luna replied, as Gold Star tucked his wings back in his uniform, and buried his horn with his mane. "I understand your hatred, but only there is no way to reverse the transformation, it is permanent." "I am not asking to transform me back," Gold Star interjected, which Luna was stoic on his reply. "Then what is it?" Just as Gold Star was about to speak Celestia and Twilight exited the hallway corridor and back into the Throne room. "Now that we have everything settled I bid you good luck Twilight, and remember to keep this mission a secret," whispered Celestia. "I will not let you down," Twilight smiled determinedly, as the two hugged in the background both Gold Star and Luna looked on with envy and jealousy as they watched the irony right in front of them, of course for Gold Star it was brief as he turned his head back at Luna with his still-faced glare and added. "We will speak again, do not think this conversation is over." "I intend to." As the two parted ways Twilight performed her teleportation spell and the two left from the sister's sights. "I do wish the two the best of luck," Celestia said, looking up at the ceiling at nothing. "So... Do I." Back to Ponyville The two teleported inside of the castle, and this time Gold Star landed on his hooves without falling mid-air, however, Twilight noticed something off with Gold Star's character. "Hey? Are you okay?" Twilight asked, which broke Gold Star's tensive face. "Hm? Oh sorry, I was just thinking, we should probably pack some provisions," suggested Gold Star. "Great idea! I'll start packing and we'll be on our way, oh! But before I do that." Twilight then used her telepathic spell to lift a map that she had in her saddle bag that she had with her the entire time and gave the map to Gold Star. After she handed Gold Star the map she trotted off to Spike, who was playing Monopoly with Owlicious, to grab supplies for the journey, meanwhile Gold Star examined the map seeing the gigantic red circle that seemed to be at the south of Whinnypolis, luckily though since the Humvee is an off-road vehicle and as long as they don't encounter traffic it would take about some hours to arrive. But he wasn't the only one looking at the map though... Behind Gold Star is a window that happened to be where Yuri spies on the mane 6 with, only this time he is now accompanied by a group of 6 men who are specialized in tactics both Blue Berets and the Rodinian Special Forces: Spetsnaz, the Gorka Division. After finishing his self-examination of the map that Gold Star was looking in, he nodded to himself. "So it's true, and it seems they've also decided to bring an American to this... This... Purple Pony's adventure, well then it shall be her last, prepare to move out! We leave when they leave." After turning on the Humvee, and grabbing everything valuable and shoving them in the glove compartment, Gold Star was waiting for Twilight to make her way to him as she was gathering materials for the spell she will perform once the duo got there. However without noticing he forgot to put the book in the compartment as well and had left it in the back of the Humvee, sure he and she wouldn't notice it, but if she did that would probably be obviously suspicious. BUT NAH! I'm sure she won't even notice it at all! (Maybe) Anyways after waiting for what seemed to be a good while Twilight Sparkle came out of the castle and entered the Humvee as she sunk into the chair cushioning of the seat. "Never felt comfortable riding vehicles like these, but they surely like to comfort their army," Twilight commented. "The magic of Taxpayer money does wonders," chuckled Gold Star. "But of course it's not just the cushioning of the seat though you know?" Gold Star then started driving down the road going past a military convoy, that happened to be heading for Apple Acres for the construction project that I was placed charge of, past the base, and finally onto the main trail that leads to the ancient city of Bales, that happened to be in the desert... . . . Behind them was the BPM-97 that went the other direction to avoid detection, and due to the driver's expertise, the men knows exactly where to go, as for Yuri, he has been busy keeping up to date with reports coming from Rodinian intelligence services. "So to say this again, there are growing rumors of a rebellion erupting from the Serbijan Military Company and we aren't doing nothing about it?" Yuri questioned. "The Red Mother would rather see the problem rear it's ugly head rather than try to repress it, these are her orders after all Yuri," the directorate replied. "I get her plans because I worked with her closely and personally, but what gets me is why? Why betray us for independence?" "That is unknown at this time, unfortunately, but there are other things for you to do back home after this mission," the directorate informed. "What do you mean?" Asked Yuri, as the BPM hit a speed bump. "This will be your last mission on Equestria for a while as we have other targets we would wish for you to hunt down," the directorate stated. "Hmph... So it seems, then that explains why you've sent Spetsnaz isn't not?" Yuri queried. "That would be correct, for now on Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Khabarov will be overseeing all operations within Equestria unless otherwise, until then you may proceed with this mission, but the Red Mother has warned that if you fail this, you will be sent to work off your failures by suppressing this rebellion I've told you about," the Directorate then left the call leaving Yuri in a state of anger as he punched the metallic wall infront of him. He now has one last chance to deal with Twilight Sparkle and complete his mission once and for all, or it would be the end of his career. . . . Back in the Humvee Twilight Sparkle had been reading her books on force entry spells that could permit her to enter the invisible field dome that covered the ancient city, meanwhile Gold Star had been appreciating the view but also keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him. The Humvee he is driving is a tan colored vehicle, though for military reasons it was turretless so obviously he can't use a machine gun unless he's on duty, though he was granted this Humvee because Equestria had yet to make their own vehicles, the problem however is everyone had been busy with their own money they didn't bother using said money in investing industry's that would benefit the Equestrian people. (Talk about Oligarchy's) Although there is a car company named The Renault Group, which is a automobile company that is currently making cars used only by pony's, to Gold Star's relief it sounds like a nice way to not stretch his back all the time while also envy the way Twilight sits on all fours reading her book in the passenger seat while Gold Star sits bipedally. But with that in mind, Gold Star now decided now was a time to perhaps now soothe her into the surroundings for once. "So Twilight, how's the view from there?" He asked. "Hm-what? Oh I think it's pretty nice," replied Twilight, as she buried her head in the book while Gold Star shook his head. He remembered the time when he used to be like Twilight when it came to books, and it intensified from there when he was in the library of congress in the New World, only once he did read half of the Library he kinda felt a big fixated on life, although to Twilight's perspective it may have seen that she is more of a... Well typically he couldn't call her a bookworm because he's one himself, so obviously the only type he could call her are either apathetic, or a Aloof, or something along the lines of Webster's dictionary. But still she could do this stuff when they do get there. "Twilight I think you should really appreciate the view you know-" "I said I did! And it's pretty nice!" Twilight violently interjected, looking at Gold Star aggravatingly. "You're looking at a book, that is not a view that is a book!" Gold Star argued, trying not to insult the very thing that he loved considering that it built up his mind. But to no avail Twilight just ignored him and just kept on reading, unfortunately what was odd is that a memory popped up in his head, it reminded him of the time when he and his Dad would literally have a fight over something like this, his dad would call it "words on paper" his mother would argue it is knowledge on flatten scroll, or something like that it was his grandmother. But the thing was about his father, was that he knew that one of those days he wasn't going to be alive for long, and Gold Star took it for granted when he left that same home and ever since he learned about books and their knowledge he stayed attached, but at times he sometimes wondered if he read too much. Either way it didn't stop the news of his parents being killed in a Village fire, all they found was burnt bodies turned to ashes, devastatingly scarring Gold Star mentally. While he doesn't wish it for anyone else, Twilight might as well be a brick wall. "Fine, keep reading, hope you find whatever you're looking at," Gold Star said, giving up on even breaking her mind off of the book, although that may have done it because Twilight curiously looked at him with wonder, and even though Gold Star was focusing deeply on the road ahead he even knows that she is looking at him weirdly. "What's the matter with books? I thought you like reading them?" Twilight asked, to which Gold Star grunted. "Of course I like reading them! But not as a source of life habit, I read when I have time, and the time I had in the army, well let me tell you they do not just hand out break time at random you have to earn these break times!" "But isn't your assignment to guard me personally?" Twilight asked, giving Gold Star a sigh. "Yes while that may true, I have looked over that message a lot and come to terms that it is not really what you think it is, basically I'm not suppose to talk to you at all, not like this! The letter clarified that I can't speak, I cannot interact, I'm just suppose to be some blur in the background ready to pounce on anyone with a dagger or some black market handgun, but even then it's more restriction than freedom," Gold Star spoke, depressingly sighing again at the noted restrictions that the memo has described for him to do. Twilight also listened and worried over this restriction, to think that you couldn't do anything but to sit and watch as everything around you moves or unless your client moves. Personal diplomacy was one thing in a suspicious set up, but a restriction such as, "shut up, be quiet, and do what they do and don't say nothing about" sounds more like 984ish than anything. She sometimes feels that perhaps she may have put more weight on somepony rather than herself. She now feels the need to apologize for this, but in a way she doesn't even know how to, she feels like she indirectly enslaved a pony into servitude even though that pony accepted it for the benefit of others. And Twilight knows that if he were to turn this down it would've compromise the substantial relations between the two common superpowers, and especially when there's one on a quick rise in silence. (Also noting a subsequent rise in the Hive lands.) "But on some good points, you won't notice me get in the way of things, and I won't be bothering you like I just did just right about now," Gold Star said, staying quiet when he looked back at the road infront of him. "...Gold Star, I-" "We can talk later, we're here," Gold Star interrupted, as the two made it to the desert wasteland part once known once as the ancient city of Bales. Because by now readers are probably getting sick and tired of seeing "Ancient city" all the time so I'm just calling it book city. After rolling up the hill, Gold Star pulled in at what looks like a checkpoint, and of course Shining Armor waves at him to stop the vehicle and so he obeys and halts the vessel, although really it's just Shining Armor in a happy attitude wanting to see his sister, but with a mix of concern and distress on his face. As Gold Star stopped, he noticed that one of Equestria's well known General was on the scene. "Twily!" Shining Armor yelled out in joy as Gold Star rolled down the window and both Shining Armor and his sister embraced each other in a bear hug. Something that Gold Star usually looks away from for some reason. "Brother! Why did you go and search for something when that something is special for my best trait!" Twilight scolded as her brother let out a laugh. "Can't stay in that castle all the time, plus Cadence told me to explore things around here so I took her advice and went out in the middle of the desert and then wouldn't you know it? Apparently this city that happened to have thought to been a myth came out of no where!" Shining Armor pointed at the visible city that looks like a mirage rather than a actual thing. "That huge thing?" Gold Star interjected. "Good grief even if we get in that huge thing how do you suppose that we go in and figure out what made it disappear in the first place!" "I don't know," replied Shining Armor, looking at the left of the group. "But whoever did this must be a powerful Unicorn, maybe a Alicorn who knows! But if I know anything, it's that my sister is great at this type of stuff." "...Right... Here how about I park this thing and then we can discuss on how we're going to get this case solved." "Great idea, here Twily let me help you off," Shining Armor insisted. "No no, it's fine! I can get down myself," Twilight interjected, as she gathered her books and placed them in her saddle bags and then stepping down from the Humvee, closing the door behind her as Shining Armor trotted to the other side. "Follow Blueblood and his two body guards, he'll show you where you park this thing," Shining Armor exclaimed. "Understood." As Gold Star followed Blueblood and his two bodyguards Gold Star actually remember the time back in his equestrian years. Those unbearable years where Blueblood would occasionally call him up 24/7 just to give him a damn hoof bath, and yet when he argued back Blueblood would at times threatened to call him up to the princesses themselves, a snobbing idiot is what Gold Star called him. And it would seem that once again the Elite Royal Guards are now kissing his ass once more just by the looks of the familiar deep orange armor, even though the last commander, which to Gold Star's thoughts he chuckled, socked it to Blueblood when he figured out that he had been using the Elite regiment as his personal maid staff. Gold Star chuckled a lot from this inside of the car, only to also realize that either that same commander had been either threatened into submission, fired, or worse... And by the tell of the day of how everyone back in 1002 was, Gold Star was afraid of that third fate. Worse. After finally pulling into was looks like a artificial natural parking space, Gold Star stepped out, but came something unexpected. As Gold Star was grabbing his rifle two Elite royal guards quickly snatched him and knocked him onto the car door. The Tan stallion struggled before he was gutted by a AK-47 by the Elite Guards, and then after he was forced on his knee and was forced to look at Blueblood. "Great work boys, the Queen will be very happy." It was not understood yet by Gold Star but this was not Blueblood or pony's. They were actually Changelings. And in Gold Star's mind, and he knows that Blueblood would never betray Equestria because then he would've lost his royal privelege. Meaning that the original must've been bagged or otherwise they would've have taken the shape or form that they're taking now. "Who the HELL-" Gold Star's yelled was suppressed by another gut throb from the Elite guards, who by now transformed into Blue Armored Changelings. "I was assuming you were going for, who the hell? Are we? Glad you ask, though by now I think these two are should be the formal introduction, I'll see myself out." Immediately the fake Blueblood transformed into a bigger changeling, possibly half as big as Chrysalis, and a bit more... Knowledgeable. "The name is Trimmel, the newly appointee of the the Queen's new Armored division, and the new replacement for that foolish Cynthia, I assume you knew her yes?"Trimmel walked around, monologuing as Gold Star continued to struggle. "Bring him up on his hind legs, I like to speak to him, stallion to stallion, or atleast to the human perspective man to man." "What the hell do you want with me, what the hell does your kind in total want with me!" "Well in simple style, we know that your a Alicorn," Trimmel revealed plainly and simple, as Gold Star was shocked at this news. "Ah, and you didn't tell no one did you? This makes it even more fun than expected, although unlike the rest of my colleague's I'm a patient bug." "So what." "So what?" "So what if you are, you're the same as all of you damn pests! You have no soul, you have no mercy, and you have no patience!" Gold Star rebutted, spitting on Trimmel's face. "Hold him," Trimmel ordered, as the changeling bugs held him on the wall of the car. "You will learn, RESPECT!" Trimmel then punched Gold Star in the underbelly so aggressively he could feel his rib cage cracked, piercing his organs and causing him to bleed from his mouth, but taking the pain without a grunt, to Trimmel's dismay he doubted the blow did any significance, so instead he pulled out his luger and pointed it at Gold Star's head. "The Queen rather needs your head, rather than alive, it's not personal, at least that was of course, but it's all just business, personal, or not." "Go to Hell!" "The only hell I know is Tartarus." Before he could even pull the trigger Changeling One gets shot by a bright purple laser, and Changeling Two gets shot by a deeper purple laser pulling Gold Star down into the dirt, struggling to get up from the pain. "What in!" Immediately Twilight and Shining Armor with their teeth grinding pointed their horns directly at Trimmel. But before the two could say anything Trimmel spoke first. "I have to admit, you found the body's much faster, don't worry they're only hibernating, and they'll be awake beyond the hour." "And what says you!" Twilight aggressively replied. "All I can say is, well played." Immediately Trimmel and the two changelings teleported out of thin air, followed was a group of Royal guards arriving at the scene while Twilight and Shining Armor lifted Gold Star from the ground. "Oh no, oh no no no, Gold Star are you alright!" "Dear Celestia, he's bleeding from the mouth, I should probably get you to a nur-" "NO!" Gold Star coughed. "I AM FINE!" After ferociously coughing and cacking he shoved his hooves off of their necks and limped to an empty field. "I... I just need time to breathe, that's all, just... Just go on without me!" Gold Star stuttered as Twilight walked towards him. "I said no Twilight! Go and deal with the city!" "But I-I Y-" "Twily, I think it's best to leave some room for him, I'll have a guard pony keep watch, and I mean a real Guard pony this time, in the meantime, we have a city to rescue." As Twilight and Shining Armor, with determination on their faces, walked towards the Mirage-like city Gold Star was sitting on a sandy dune concerned while also grasping in pain, although it wouldn't take a while until his Alicorn immorality ability kicked in and quickly healed the internal bleeding as well as the excess blood that had escaped. But even when he was just healed he hated himself, he hated himself and wondered why. Why was it fucking him, why couldn't it just be Twilight and Twilight only, why the fuck is he going through this fucking trauma, and what was the purpose for him. As the group approached the entrance of the miraged book city, Twilight opened her spell book one last time and performed a spell that would open a passageway, and so she did, using her horn in the correct way and pattern, she fired the spell at the Mirage city and opened a passageway inside. However, as she tapped her hoof inside of it, it seemed that it could only support her weight due to whatever spell was using a mirage to cover an entire city decompressing the 'magical' passageway bridge. "It's all up to you Twily, good luck," Shining Armor smiled to which Twilight smiled back and stepped inside of the passageway before being closed up from his sight. "ALRIGHT EVERYPONY LISTEN UP! I WANT THIS PERIMETER SECURED AND PRONTO! NO PONY GETS IN, BUT MAKE SURE TO ASSIST THOSE THAT MAY WANT TO GET OUT! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!" "SIR YES SIR!" The Ancient City of- I mean, Book city! As Twilight enters into the passageway she sees a city filled with brown hooded ponies with no idea that they're even trapped inside of the city. Still, from Twilight's point of view, however, it almost turned into a song. Still, because I have no idea how she sings her songs other than tape recordings of confusing lyrics I won't even try to decrypt whatever the hell she sang in there so I'll get to the part where she actually meets the asshole responsible for the mess. Or should I just say an accident I guess? Anyways, as Twilight trotted around the city she bumped into a pony who didn't have a hood at all, but rather a young yellow mid-adult-like stallion unicorn with a blue mane, a beard with some Egyptian like clothing, and a constellation for a cutie-mark. (Oh Creator above) But in some context his eyes seemed to literally have pupils as of a Star. "Sorry ma'am-" he turned around saying that only to pause at the sight of Twilight Sparkle, not just because she's without a hood but- "GOOD CELESTIA! IT'S A ALICORN!" Said some random stranger. "AN ALICORN!!?!" Said a entire choir sound of hooded pony's as they gathered around packed near Twilight. "Umm... Yeah?" "Princess of Equestria what's your name!" Said a pony. "My name? My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I came to rescue your city and get it back on the map!" "Thank you, princess, then we know EXACTLY WHO TO BLAME!" Everyone cleared the spot and pointed at one unicorn pony who happened to be the one who cast the spell, next came anger and rioting from a crowd-turned-actionless mob. "OH COME ON IT WAS A ACCIDENT! I DIDN'T MEAN IT TO TURN IT INTO SOME SORT OF CURSE!" "YEAH RIGHT MOTHER BUCKER!" "WHO SAID THAT!? COME ON FIGHT ME LIKE A COLT!" "WOAH WOAH WOAH! Easy everypony! It's alright! I'm here to fix whatever problem he may have caused, I am not here to start fights with whoever said that!" "Sorry!" "What's important is getting to the bottom of this once and for all before it progresses into something worse!" Twilight lectured, as some murmurings erupted until finally that same Unicorn asked. "Sorry to intrude on the silence, but how did you find us, Princess Sparkle?" The unicorn asked. "It's Princess Twilight, I'd rather use my first name." "Ah, apologize Princess Twilight, well let me reiterate, how did you find us Princess Twilight?" "Well, it didn't take long, but your city at some point showed itself in the form of a mirage and now it seems to have attracted not just us but the changelings as well." The crowd confusingly murmured the word "Changeling" as for the Unicorn. "Fascinating, lemme write this down real quick." As he wrote down notes in his journal Twilight took note of his handwriting in horn form, and the fact that there is no hoof suction piece for the book... "What's your name?" Twilight asked. "Oh me? My name is Comet Tail, The Starry Eyed! Or just Comet since that's really what everypony calls me." The reveal of his name surprised Twilight, he was the author of that book that she was reading before Gold Star came to Equestria, whether it may be nonsensual or not she typically wonders if Gold Star himself may have read one of his pieces before but Comet was sure one of those types that would come prepare to recognize something out of the ordinary and also to call it out as it is. Although this was an exciting moment to the point that Twilight was hopping around in circles in front of everypony and even Comet like Pinkie Pie on a Saturday Weekend. She had to pause herself and focus on the task at hand. "Right! Show me the spell you used and I might be able to come up with something to reverse this effect," Twilight requested. "Certainly, quick somepony! Get me my spell book!" The crowd dispersed and started searching violently, tearing apart their own homes and other pony's homes looking for the spell book as Twilight stood there in both dumbfounded shock, and a ridiculed face. "This is the inhabitants of a city filled knowledge!?" Twilight asked. "Welcome to Bales Princess." Gold Star continued to pondered, and he pondered, his mind raced wondering however the hell he had gotten to this point, and his life choices. But surprisingly another pony was there. Yes it's Blueblood, and yes the real one. "Do you really have to sit there all the time Sergeant Star?" Blueblood called out, catching Gold Star off guard as he stared behind him. "...Are you the real one?" He questioned. "What do you think I am? I would ever be with one of those low life rotten creature we call living? Please! I'd rather be back at the castle rather than dealing with this mess I've got myself into!" Blueblood complained. "Yep... You're definitely Blueblood, the hell do you want another hoof scrub? Fuck me." "No no, I'm just curious that is all, you could've stayed in the land of "freedom" and "Prosperity" but no, you up and gave those two benefits up for their army, why?" "I didn't have no choice, it was that or I'd be back in Equestrian authority, probably be rotting in your damn dungeons over the belief that I was a changeling." "And you still came back here, predictable humans, they always force something down some pony's throats don't they not mate?" "...Yeah..." "But, I guess I'm a survivor to, although my auntie's back home would scold me for this, but I don't really think royalty is typically my thing." Blueblood sat beside Gold Star looking at the empty fields while Gold Star turned his neck with a surprised and dumbfoundment. "You? The great prince Blueblood? Rather abdicate than being in the high class structure of the Hierarchical class?" "That was merely what I think, but this is not about me it's about you, sure the structure itself is wrong doesn't mean I'll leave it's benefits." "Yeah because you like to have your pretty hooves scrubbed!" Gold Star exclaimed, as Blueblood chuckled rather than offended at the phrase. "You said it, not me," Blueblood replied. "...Okay, so what's this all have to do with me in the first place!" Gold Star asked in aggravation as Blueblood got up on his hooves and shook off the sand that was getting into his armor. "That's something beyond the lines of you figuring it out, but just know that Twilight Sparkle, a pony I've always seen in the castle, she is interested into you whether you do not know it or not, and she cares for you, I've always seen random Stallions trying to date her but every time they were either rejected or just teleported out of her sight." "Gees, that's harsh." "Well that's the truth, but looking at her with you nowadays, I see that she's found a match, because of some point whether it'd be some other universe or perhaps this is the only universe where she may have found her one and only!" "And what makes you care about that all of a sudden?" Gold Star questioned. "Well I don't know perhaps I may be a little harsh with the cider or the fact that I got my brain knocked in by those pests called bugs, I don't know either way I'll just leave it at that." "That's it? And also, how the hell do you know about my Alicorn form!" "Because you just told me that right now..." Insulted Blueblood which Gold Star was deeply regretting saying that in the first place out loud. "But don't worry," Blueblood winked. "Your secret is safe with me." "..." "What? Just because I'm known to be a little bossy, doesn't mean I'd break my word, I may not be respectable because of my personal beliefs, but I am respected for keeping secrets." "I suppose I guess, (also more like a total tyrant) I'll take your word on it though, but if you ever tell a single living soul I will!" "Relax! I can assure you, I won't." As Blueblood trotted away from Gold Star, leaving him alone with his thoughts once more, it made the tan stallion bitter, however it was then that he heard a distinctive vehicle noise from a distance. It was getting closer, and closer. "Oh... Shit..." The Juggernauts marched off from the BPM-97 and secured and area as Yuri looked around at the desert wasteland. "Dry, useless, and... Desolate, Hmph. Just like my grandmother, of course minus the sandy texture," Yuri judged. "Commander Yuri, we have eyes on a Equestrian squad," reported a Spetsnaz soldier, pointing at the group of gold armor guards unaware of Yuri and his men's presence. "Allow me to make some new friends for our little cause," insisted Yuri as he walked off from the BPM-97 with the juggernauts. . . . "Captain look!" Said a pony guard, as Yuri approached the group. "What's your buisness here human," Shining Armor interrogated, as the Guards stood stern at Yuri's presence. "Hm, I think that mirage behind you speaks all to itself, I've simply come here to aid in the efforts to bring the city to light." "Are you American?" Asked Shining Armor, tilting his head. "Much more better, Rodinian," Yuri answered. "...Sorry, but this is a operation between us an-" Without warning Yuri used telekinesis and threw the guards into a ball and shoved the body's into the sand below them, drowning them into the sand, reacting to this Shining Armor pointed his sword at Yuri but was met by Rodinian Juggernauts pointing their AK-12s towards the Stallion ready to shoot at a moment's notice. "Now you have two choices Captain Armor, surrender me yourself and these pony's who are grasping for that sweet delicate oxygen will survive, refuse and well, I think the sounds of agony speaks for itself," Yuri demanded, as the sounds of guards pony's choking from sand become louder and louder along with cries of help. Shining Armor knows what would happen if he gave in to this demand and it would be devastating, but while he and them would survive they would no doubt be tied down by the Rodinians and this stranger no doubt would do something terrible with Twilight inside, but he also fears that if he rejects he and his men would be killed, and the thought of Cadence and his family was what really made his mind up. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! JUST PULL THEM OUT!" "Wise choice stallion." As per deal, the guard pony's were taken out of the sand and were quickly restrained by the Rodinian Juggernauts, with Shining Armor being butted in the head by another Juggernaut before waking up to himself tied in rope, and a anti-magic ring tightly braided on his horn. "It's really unfortunate that our first meeting had to be like this, but I have a mission to full fill, oh and if anything happens to me and I do not return within an hour, well..." A Juggernaut pulls up and down the handle, loading a bullet into the AK-12s chamber emphasizing consequences. "But do not fret my little pony, if I do come back I'll make sure you mourn your beloved Princess at her funeral, and then arrange for a prisoner swap." "NO!" Struggled Shining Armor, as he and the rest are given tape applied to their mouths, silencing them. "Have the BPM-97 clear out, and have the air division on standby for pick up, I will be enjoying this final mission here on this wretched continent," Yuri then walks to the Passageway previously opened by Twilight Sparkle, as he turned particular to Shining Armor and waved. "Dasvidaniya." In the distance Gold Star was terrified at what he had just seen, a brutal take over and a forced surrender, whoever this guy was is a threat, and what was worse was when he heard him mention Princess, it was at that moment Gold Star knew that he was after Twilight Sparkle. So he looked to his right and miraculously it seems Blueblood caught attention to this. "Back so soon?" Gold Star commented. "I-I heard the ruckus out there and wondered if I should go check!" "As hell you did," Gold Star scolded, looking into his binoculars and seeing basically everyone taken captive by the Rodinian Juggernauts. "I'll have to call this up, wait here Blueblood." "Ok..." So immediately Gold Star dialed my number and waited for me to pick up, which thanks to me being happy I did. "Oooooh Goldie! Guess who just got hooked!" "Not now Yates! This is important that you get to Alex right now!" "What? Gold Star what's going on!" "Yates! It's a emergency, they've set a trap for Twilight!" "Trap!? And who's they!?" In the midst a Rodinian soldier noticed him and Blueblood and shouted. "HEY WHO'S UP THERE!" "Dammit! No time to explain I have to go!" "WAIT!" And immediately Gold Star hanged up, and this is where we now left off at. So immediately Gold Star and Blueblood ran from the hill they were just at and reached the Humvee which sat in the empty spaced parking, which Gold Star opened the Truck, grabbed his revolver that Alex gave him, however he also noticed that there was two guns with a note that said. "Since Alex has a knack for conservation I decided to put both a M16A2 and a scoped AR-18, you know in case some heavy asshole happened to be in the streets or you want to duel wield, or not, you can give the other one to Twilight, or someone else, up to you, -Signed Yates" "Yates you done damn son of a gun thank you! Hey snob head think fast!" Gold Star then threw the M16 towards Blueblood which bonked him on his nostril, ignoring the pain though he picked it up with his magic. "Such a barbaric weapon, and you're giving me it? No thanks, I'd rather-" "Would you rather try to stab a pole into the worlds most deadliest special forces species or shoot the bastard with high chance of success," Gold Star queried. "Well I-" "Of course, I doubt that whatever armor they're using wouldn't be pierced by the likes of a sword or a spear, and I doubt that interestingly bright blue armor is much more easier to keep your fur clean with when bloody you know becau-" "Alright I get it! Fine! I'll use your country's pesky gun! But I'm not going to like it!" Blueblood ranted. "Hehehe, we'll see," Gold Star chuckled when he heard a voice. "FREEZE!" And without further question Gold Star unloaded a semi-auto worth of 10 bullets worth of ammunition aimed onto the Juggernauts head, legs, and stomach. Although the bullets didn't penetrate both the Head and the Stomach due to armor and vest material protecting the inside, the legs however were completely covered in blood as the Gorka soldier collapse on the ground crippled, quickly Gold Star shot the soldier's hand off of the AK-12 he was holding and due to the Gorka soldier grabbing a knife Gold Star forcefully took off the Gorka's helmet off, and shot him through the chin with his revolver. All the while Blueblood watched in immense horror, but also shook his head off because of the greater good. "That's one down, some guys to go, now stop standing there and help me with his armor." "Wait wait wait! This isn't what Celestia would do!" "Celestia my ass... It's call army for a FUCKING REASON BLUEBLOOD!" Gold Star shouted into his face. "I thought you learned this fucking stuff when they promoted you as a General!" "Oh... Uh... Sure, but why take his armor it's unethical! It's dishonorable!" Gold Star who by now is getting sick and tired with his own people talking down on what he was told turned towards the General and slapped him in the face and then grabbed him in the collar. "I. Don't. Fucking. CARE! ABOUT HONOR! OKAY!? HONOR IS DEAD, CHIVARY IS DEAD, AND PEACE!? LOOK AT THAT BODY! LOOK AT THEM HOLDING YOUR PEOPLE HOSTAGE AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT HONOR?!? GET A FUCKING GRIP ON YOURSELF AND DO YOUR FUCKING DUTY, GENERAL!" After shouting and spitting on Blueblood's face during the whole speech on ridiculous honor inquiry's the snobbish general shook his head and growled. "Fine, I'll help then!" And so Gold Star snatched the dead mans Atlyn Helmet, cleaned the blood splatter that got inside of the helmet and then placed it on his head, then he grabbed the vest. Despite it having dents and holes on it due to the bullets from earlier, it as still useful. Finally after equipping himself of essential materials for a surprise attack Gold Star grabbed his rifle and signaled Blueblood to follow him. The Rodinian's were standing around secretly betting to see who would get shot or stabbed first and who would get the person's rubles. However without knowing in their backgrounds, Gold Star and Blueblood had infiltrated their area. Shining Armor layed back still tied as he worried immensely over the safety of his sister. However it was then that his mind was interrupted when Gold Star surprised him by grabbing the tape that was covering his mouth and tore it off in a blink leaving a red mark of pain on his mouth. Although it was painful Shining Armor kept his inner scream of pain inside long enough for the pain to stop. "Celestia and Luna above! Where were you!" Shining Armor scolded. "Came to my senses when I saw what went down after being given a pep talk from Blueblood," Gold Star replied, which Blueblood looked at him confusingly. "I did?" Blueblood said. "Yeah? Weren't you talking to me about going for Twilight and, and..." Silently staring at Shining Armor who was jerked back a bit when he mentions the fact that he was literally given a advice about his own sister, this leads him to suspect something of a brewing relationship between him and his sister Twilight. Nonetheless he'll have to discuss it later as they have others to free. "Can we do this later, we need to free the others and help Twilight!" Shining Armor suggested, as Gold Star untied him from the ropes. "Alright then, who do we start with." Back inside of the city Yuri rolled inside and stuck the landing on his feet, looking around he moved his lip around at the view of the city, he also notices that the majority of the populace wears hoods rather than the usual nude. "Have you heard of that princess Sparkle?" Said some hooded pony. "Of course why didn't I! We might be able to be freed from this nightmare!" "I think this city had kept our age young, how long has it been?" "I... Don't know?" After hearing the word 'Sparkle' it lead Yuri to believe that these pony's know where he can find her, so he approached the two couple. "Excuse me, ponies, but do you happen to know where Princess Sparkle is?" Yuri devilishly asked. "Oh uh... You seemed new? What type of species are you..?" The Stallion local asked, giving Yuri a confused tilt. "Do you not know what type of species I am?" Yuri asked, which the two pony couples turned to each other and then looked at Yuri which a shake. Yuri may not know this, but the reason why the citizens of Bales do not even know about the human existence was because before Humarica was even ever discovered by the Pillars the city disappeared, and because of this they haven't gotten a chance to actually knew that there was a fourth continent, or third continent for that matter other than their own and Griffonia's. And now as Yuri stood there aggravatingly and impatient, he drew out his knife and pinned the mare to the wall and knocked out the Stallion beside her. "Now listen here! I have no time for your damn games!" Yuri threatened, as he pressed the knife to the Mare's neck as her eyes were now filling up with tears of fear. "WHERE. IS. TWILIGHT. SPARKLE!" So it was by then that Twilight had been working on a spell, during which Comet explained to her that the reason why the city itself had been taken out of the image of existence was because of a spell gone wrong, he was applying Gusty's spell of invisibility and tried to enhance it, the reason for this was because during the time of Grogar's reign he wanted to destroy the city with his army of demons. Of course while the spell successful at first it soon came apart, and when Gusty had died in the final fight with Grogar he lost all opportunity for her support and so when he came back into the city the spell turned into a uncontrollable curse which would last up to 2000 years. "And if you waited a little while it would've been freed in two hundred centuries!?" Twilight exclaimed, after having to quickly write everything down on her journal. "Yeah, of course this did spare us destruction, but I never thought that after Grogar's reign that there would be anything left after it!" "What do you mean?" Twilight asked, curious about the being name Grogar. But to her dismay Comet was a bit silent to the subject, but considering that it was all over eons, and for what seemed to them like a eternal hell hole, he came clean. Grogar During the time before your teacher you called Celestia and her sister Luna became the rulers you said they are now of this land. Grogar had ruled the same lands, only instead of the title 'princess' he called himself a emperor. "A... Emperor?" Twilight paused. "In Equestria?" Yes, and during his reign Tartarus was where he would at times rally those who had been damnated and integrate them into his army, both undead and demonic. "And what about the living?" ...They were used in slave labor, and I can tell you it did not end well for them when they lost the strength, in fact if any pony that were enslaved either grew old, weak, tired, or even try to reproduce they would be thrown into a volcano as a way of maintaining order and make a example to those who threatens "peace" in his image, this city, the old city that stood against the testament of time was a forward base that lead for the movement for true peace and true freedom, and the last I saw it, it was as if Tartarus invaded the world, now of course what I told you was all I knew, other than this book that Gusty made. Comet then handed Twilight the book that described the entire history of Grogar, and how he was ultimately casted into the Lake of fire (humanity's version of Tartarus) by will of the all mighty God of Creation. The Creator. And after Grogar was banished into the Lake of fire was when Gusty was given his bell and was tasked by the Creator to hide it, while also prophesied that one day, Grogar will be arisen once again to reclaim his bell, and attempt to rule the world once more through agents of evil, and that some day a greater hero would rise and vanquish him to death once and for all. And that Grogar shall be brought down into the deeper depths of hell. And yes Twilight read that entire 340 page book and was deeply awoken and shocked by the outcome. "Whatever he may be, I'm sure it couldn't happen in our lifetime, right?" Twilight conversed. "Perhaps maybe not, but if that book that you just read infront of me in a speed of light said so, it is bound to happen, now there is just one thing I wonder." "What's that?" Twilight asked. "Who's the Creator?" Twilight stood there deadpanned and shuttered. "This might take a while... So you might want to sit down for this." The Rodinian Juggernauts turned around and found that all the pony Royal Guard escaped. "AH BLYET!" Panicked the guard. "WHERE DID THEY GO!" Without looking Gold Star stood above them with behind them a entire legion of Royal Guards ready to pay them back. "Right here communist assholes!" Gold Star quipped, as the Rodinian Juggernauts slowly turned around to see angry pony's, with swords, spears, and the two of them. Guns. "BLYET! BLYET! RUN AWAY!" Cried out the Rodinian soldier, as he dropped his gun and ran for his life only to be stunned by Shining Armor's spell. As for the Juggernauts they started shooting their AK-12s at the pony's who started fighting back, and because of this most of them were pinned down. Gold Star, who is happened to be pinned down from the fire, grabbed his AR-18 and turned towards Shining Armor, who he and his fellow guards pony's are firing beams of magic which seems to be deflected by the Juggernauts Kevlar vests. So seeing that magic will not budge on a heavy Rodinian he lowers his Atlyn and gripped his Assualt rifle tight. "Blueblood!" Shouted Gold Star. "When I give the signal haul your ass towards Captain Armor and have the Pegasus fly around to draw their fire!" "BUT WHAT ABOU-" In a inch close a bullet smeared infront of the rock Gold Star and Blueblood were covering behind, Gold Star then grabbed Blueblood by the neck and... SMACK "YOU WORRY ABOUT GETTING TO THEM AND NOT GETTING YOUR ASS WHIPPED BY ME DAMMIT, AND I'LL WORRY ABOUT THESE COMMIE ASSHOLES! Oh and give me my fucking gun back!" Gold Star demanded, which Blueblood gladly obliged and handed Star his gun. "Thank you, NOW GO SHIT HEAD! RUN LIKE YOUR FUCKING LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!" As Blueblood made a mad dash to Shining Armor's rock Gold Star suppressed the Juggernauts fire by using the AR-18 to shoot at the vest directly in hopes of penetrating the vest inside of the soldier, and when he runs out of bullets for the AR-18 he switches to his M16A2 which to his dismay it was a burst shot rifle, but considering that he had to use what he could make due he used it anyways. Meanwhile Blueblood made it to the other side of the hell hole. "General Blue Blood are you mad! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Shining Armor scolded, leaving some of his fellow subordinates disgruntled. "Look I know this is far stretch but you need to get the pegasus in the air to draw their fire!" "WHAT!?" Shouted Shining Armor. "You really are crazy! That's a death sentence!" "SO IS DISOBEDIANCE CAPTAIN! BY FAUST I HAD ENOUGH WITH THIS JUST DO WHAT I TOLD YOU AND SUCK IT UP!" That one speech could make Gold Star's old superior officer happy, to the pegasi though, they were concerned but the plan is simply to draw fire from the ground to the air long enough to tackle the Juggernauts to the ground. So without further argument, the Pegasus took to the sky and disturbed the Juggernauts off of their iron sights and onto the sky. "They're trying to attack us from the air!" "NO SHIT SHERLOCK! SHOOT THEM DEAD!" The two Juggernauts lit up the sky unknowingly falling for a trick which Gold Star had planned out, he and Shining armor crawled slowly to the distracted soldiers and then without further hesitation they quickly grabbed their Atlyn helmets off, though in the process Shining Armor was thrown down into the sand and was pinned by the Hindlegs as the Rodinian Juggernaut crushed them down into the down. "AAAGGH BUCK!" Screeched Shining Armor, trying to struggle himself off of the Rodinian's grip. As for Gold Star he strangled the Juggernaut by the throat until finally he had enough and shot the Juggernaut dead in the throat, as for the other Juggernaut, he slowly got up and pointed his Makarov Pistol towards the White Stallion who was trying to get up. But before the Juggernaut manage to take the shot Gold Star blasted him in the brain, killing the other Juggernaut, which then after he ran to aid Shining Armor. "Are you alright?" Gold Star asked, lifting Shining Armor back on his hooves. "Yeah, I've had a lot more pain than this, (dammit)" he answered, groaning from the pain, endured from getting his hind legs crushed by a Human boot. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, but my sister! She-" "Just rest, I will not let that bastard touch her," Gold Star pledged. "And if he does?" "It'll be the last thing he'll ever do! And you can count on that!" Gold Star noticed though that his AR-18 and M16 rifles only had one mag, so they were obviously left useless, and so were the AK rifles which was apparent that they to had been used up, leaving Gold Star with a pistol which hasn't been used for the entire time. "Well, I guess it's the M9 then," he said to himself again. "I should really stop talking to myself..." And so he ran into the passageway disappearing from the world, and into the mira- book city! I meant book city! Final showdown After taking hours, Twilight and Comet were just about to apply the newly created spell that could free the city from the mirage prison, however... Just as Twilight and Comet got off the makeshift elevator and into the place where the spell was casted in a unexpected guest arrived, and he brings two hostages. "Well, well, well," Yuri entered, surprising Twilight and Comet off guard as they turned around towards the Rodinian man. "So this is the place where this whole adventure, this... Brutal awful adventure, had left to... Is it not?" Immediately Twilight shot first at Yuri but it froze in place mid air, making Yuri chuckle. "Oh really now? You the princess of Friendship? Decide to shoot first now did you?" Yuri sarcastically scolded. "You had your chance when you decided to attack the most peaceful place in all of Equestria!" "What? Canterlot? Oh please, don't lecture me on the self-proclaimed titled city, I've heard enough false pity for one day, like that White Stallion pony, what was his name I wonder?" Yuri smirked. "No... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER!?" Twilight shouted. "I'm not the one to judge but-" "Ah, I see you've made a new friend, say didn't you already have a stallion pet?" "You mean the one right here!" Entered Gold Star, holding a gun with one hoof, bipedalled towards Yuri. "Ah there he is, so we've met at last yes?" Yuri greeted, in his sort of way at least. "I don't even know who the hell you are! But the shit I've seen, not in my entire life have I seen you cruel enough to drown an entire legion in the sand!" Gold Star exclaimed while Yuri looked at him emotionless, and left Twilight horrified at this account. "So you've seen it huh? Well then, let me introduce something else then," Yuri then presents his hostages bondaged up with chains shocking Comet. "Blue Wave!? Pink Berry!? WHAT DID YOU DO!" "Oh you'll see, Blue, Pink is it..? DESTROY THEM!" He ordered, as the mind controlled Unicorns charged towards Comet and Twilight firing their spells mindlessly as Twilight formed a protective barrier around herself and Comet. This leaves Yuri and Gold Star alone face to face. "You know it's ironic, the changelings seemed to have a crutch against you for your actions in Canterlot, pretty impressive don't you say?" Yuri foretells, as Gold Star fired his pistol aimed directly at Yuri's forehead but misses. "You missed," Yuri pointed out. "What the f-!? How did you!?" "I can slow the bullets down and move out of their way, now enough talking, now lemme show you what I can really do!" Yuri then uses his telepathy to his fullest extent lifting rocks from the ground in massive boulders and throwing them at Gold Star who ran towards the flying rocks and jumps on them speedily to avoid being crushed while also sucker punching Yuri in the face, Yuri spat out his blood covered gum. "Well, impressive, now, you've officially pissed me off." In the other side of the temple Twilight and Comet made a bolted dash to the top where the spell had to be cast while also dodging multiple spell blasts that particularly penetrated and smeared on an object. "I wasn't expecting myself to run! Not like this at least!" Comet commented, dodging a unicorn laser penetrating below him. "Welcome to my world!" Twilight responded, deflecting a laser with her shield. As the two ran a laser flew above them and directly hit a pillar which came crumbling down and blocked the two from the only stairway available to the top, leaving them cornered with mind-controlled Unicorns who cornered them like a pack of wolves ready to pounce any given moment. Without question, Twilight lit her horn and aimed at the two unicorns before Comet stood between her and the mind-controlled unicorns. "DON'T DO IT! THEY'RE NOT THEMSELVES!" "Then what can we do!?" Twilight replied, keeping her stance on her horn activated as Comet turned around. "LISTEN! I KNOW YOU TWO ARE IN THERE SOMEWHERE! YOU HAVE TO FIGHT IT! FIGHT IT!" He urged, giving no budge as if to... Oh for fucking sake... It looks like he's about to go into song form. Fuck this I really should figure out shit like this, so we're just going back to the part where Gold Star is fighting Yuri. Ah much better, anyway- SMASH As Gold Star broke through the wall with a blunt impact to his back blood leaked out from his nose and mouth as he stared at Yuri defiantly who looked at the Pony with surprise and disgust. "You clearly are persistent, I'll give you that," Yuri commented, slashing and throwing rocks at Gold Star continually. "Thanks, that makes both of us!" Gold Star replied, shooting his pistol at Yuri. "Whether or not, it's not enough to postpone my wrath, TAKE THIS!" As Yuri summon more rocks and random debris from all over the surroundings, Gold Star quickly made a dash for Yuri's stomach pushing his entire weight on Yuri and forcing the two to fall deep into the cavern walls of the Temple collapsing the roof on top of them. Miraculously Gold Star was still breathing, but he also knows that Yuri will reciprocated from the pile of temple debris he made mess of. So after Gold Star got free from the pile of debris Yuri lifted everything off of himself and turned swiftly and violently to find Gold Star, however to make sure Yuri stayed occupied and to not wander off to find Twilight Gold Star hid himself in the roof and made use of Yuri's paranoia through noises and shifting's. "So what if I want to kill Twilight Sparkle, sure she may be a tragic loss for a entire nation as big as the country you currently serve as, but you should be happy, atleast she wouldn't find out who you really are," Yuri boasted, walking around trying to search for the tan stallion. "And besides, you merely if not at all a chance to acquire her as someone that would stay with you forever!" "Does that make you any better?" Gold Star echoed, attracting Yuri to his present location. "That is... Beside the point I am trying to relay, even if she knows who you truly are and accepts this knowledge of you, it would change nothing. She will abandon you or even forget you entirely, you are no match to gain her friendship fully anyways, if anything, such as a stallion yourself, you understand her personality that she would rather die alone without a couple relationship, than to be with anybody for the likes of you." Gold Star felt like he had been punched in the gut there, what he speaks of is true, but he wasn't going to allow him to kill someone because of a vendetta. "I wouldn't give a shit what you say! I would rather die alone anyways!" "...Maybe so, and perhaps she might want you to- DIE!" Immediately Yuri threw every rock, material, stone, pipe, pillar, and everything at one spot leaving nothing but a massive crater, once littered with boxes and crates, now laid to waste. To Yuri's dismay he didn't see guts, but instead he sees a Stallion gripping for his life on the roof above the crater. "Impressive, most impressive, but it's not enough to spare you from more of my wrath!" With a quick whiplash of rocks they smashed against the roof collapsing what remains of the support structure down onto the ground burying Gold Star. Despite the victory Yuri notices that Gold Star is still breathing, yet supported and weighed down by the rocks on the top of his hind legs. But this gave Yuri a funny yet satisfying sight to see. "Unfortunate that our time had to end like this, but I do hope that you come to understanding that this may prove more beneficial than problem." As Yuri turned and head down the hallway he notices the M9 that Gold Star dropped in the first bout with each other and so he picked it up as a gesture. "And... Don't worry, I'll make sure this pistol that you've politely brought to me be used in a proper manner." As he finally left the site where Gold Star was buried in, the pony leaned his head back in momentary silence. Meanwhile, after that pointless song form which involved Twilight lowering her guard and singing along, the unicorns were no longer mind-controlled and was back to their subconsciousness. "W-what happened! W-where are we-" "It's okay, I can explain everything, but me and her need help with this pillar," Comet interjected, the Unicorn couple looked at the large pillar with a crazed confused look on their faces. "D-did we do that!?" "I know it wasn't in your conscious to do this, but we need your help to lift this and allow us to free your city!" Twilight inquired, to which the two unicorn couples nodded and answered. "Where do we start!" Back to the other side of the temple Gold Star was laying in the rubble not even thinking about crawling out, atleast not for this moment when both of his legs are under heavy rock. But rather examining himself, was... Yuri right? Was he perhaps onto something when he mentioned the fact that no matter what Gold Star presented himself he would be merely a background nothing? That was typically what Gold Star received, and of course he really just accepted the fact just through what he said. But that was a case of his own arrogance, which Yuri had saw through him. He can't defeat him, not as a Alicorn in disguise, but he clearly couldn't blow his cover and obviously he has no knowledge or capability of using or even performing magic spells or for that matter to fly, sure he read books, but most of them were base on facts and details of these spells and rather not entailed how to perform these. (Due to American continental law) But now he lays in the ruble, and with at odds with himself, and the damn rocks. Was this how he dies? Kind of a stupid way to die, he rather be shot then decay on the planet, wouldn't mean he would idiotically run into machine gun fire, but what hope did he have? Well, that dimished hope came, just not in a way he expected. Out of the shadow's he sees... Blueblood? He seemed different, he was smiling and peaceful? What was he Gold Star would think, as the Blueblood turned into someone else... A bright light being with a body, this wasn't a average being it was a ghost like holy, a holy ghost, and the inidividual lifted the rocks off of Gold Star and healed the wounds that covered his body. "Wh- who are you? Why did you help me? What do you need for me?" Gold Star asked, gaining the attention of the holy being. "All the answers you seek for this time, will be answered, but only when the time comes, by Creator's will," replied the Creator's Angel. It was then that noise can be heard on the roof top turning Gold Star's attention away from the individual for a split second before turning back to find him gone, and what was left of his presence is a voice. "Thou shall be done." Gold Star gave a momentary silent respect, especially when processing the fact that he just met a serv- no, not a servant, a Angel from the Creator, and that is something, however after the silence, he looked down the hallway and his face was filled with determination. "I'm coming Twilight, and I'm coming for you Yuri! Mark my words!" Twilight and Comet, after getting help lifting the pillar out of the way and getting the two locals out, had now arrived on top of the roof where the wind is strong blowing both of their manes. "There!" Comet pointed, trotting to the spell circle and examining it. "Watch my back, I need to redraw it, and I cannot lose focus either, one mistake and we'll both suffer for it!" Comet warned, lighting his horn and carving the ground with it. "Don't worry, I got your back, but please hurry, I have a bad feeling that-" "That I'm here?" Yuri interjected, pointing a gun at Twilight. "..." "What a surprise isn't it? As you can tell Sparkle, just from your face and expressions, I've bested that weakling stallion." "What have you done to him!" Twilight furiously asked, lighting her horn. "Oh don't worry, he's safe and sound buried under the ruble, and even more, unable to stop what is inevitable," Yuri smirked, nearly pressing the trigger, as he looked at Comet, who is mainly busy with trying not to mess up the spell. "After this is through, I'll be sure to make use of him as well!" Yuri stated, implying to Comet. However Twilight took to the air, horn lit and poised to strike. "Ah yes, this again," Yuri said, as Twilight charged war crying all the way down towards Yuri with the intent of finishing him off once and for all. Yuri with the latest knowledge on her spearhead charge ability, air punched her out of the sky and pinning her down onto the ground, this was proven to be a temporary victory however as Twilight air bursted Yuri off of her and fired a hellfire of spells which Yuri was not successful of deflecting all of them and is overwhelmed by her streak of energy penetrating his head and body. Despite his weakness, he grabbed her telepathically and threw her 30 times onto the wall repreatedly before he threw her up into and through the roof shed window, leaving her injured on the ground. Twilight had to come up with something before he arrived, and fast, so the options she has would be a whiplash strike, or a stealth option to fool him. So once Yuri entered into the shed and started looking around Twilight resorted to using whiplash as it is her only supposed chance of getting him off his legs and decapitate him. To her dismay... It failed, Yuri had came up with every possibility in his head due to he telepathy, and the device attached to his head that calculates his moves for him, the finest of top secret Rodinian technology of course, but only minds, like his, are capable of using it without getting the head to detache from the body. (Trust me this happened before apparently) And so, he throws her out of the shed and blows her back onto the chimney where she looks at a gun barrel pointed at her chest. Filling her with dread, defeat, and emotional fear as her eyes dialated. "Hehehe, AHAHAHAHA! ENOUGH OF THIS VENDETTA, AND NIGHTMARISH THOUGHTS OF YOU IN MY SLEEP, NOW I CAN REST EASILY! DIE YOU WRETCHED SCUM!" "FUCK YOU!!!!" Gold Star shouted from the top of his lungs jumping off above Twilight and tackling Yuri down to the ground and shooting all but one pistol rounds into the air. With Twilight weakened from her fear she tries her best to speed up so she can join Gold Star in the fight for the gun, but she was going to be too late. As the two tackled hard Yuri decided how to use his last bullet in the American gun that Gold Star used. Gold Star in the tackle punched Yuri in the face many times he lost count, and when he would be knocked off he would pounce again, over and over and over again, after being pinned for the tenth time Yuri made his move to a end of the fight. "NO MORE!" Yuri then pinned Gold Star to the ground, as the Stallion struggled to get up Yuri shoved the gun deep into the Stallion chest and shot him, following the shot was a croak, Gold Star had been shot. He tried to resist the pain, placing his hoof on the chest and trying to get up, but he was then kicked by Yuri in full force, throwing Gold Star's body infront of the horrified Alicorn. "GOLD STAR!" Twilight shrieked, seeing Gold Star laying lifelessly infront of her. She got up and ran towards him while Yuri mercilessly summoned more rocks and debris to crush her down only to be deflected by her shield which wrapped above her and the bleeding Gold Star. Twilight rolled him over to her hindlegs were she sits despite the raining rocks all around her area in Yuri's brute wrath, she mourned for someone she had never thought she would ever met in her life, and for the first time ever, she felt misery. It was then that images of her and the Stallion popped into her mind, she remembered him, her magic remembers him, and now both of her strength and spirt remembers him, he had stucked up for her, she felt love from him, even if he wasn't trying to show it because of his duty, and while he may be a bit reckless, if not at times crazy or nuts, he at times saved her, the first time was when she nearly was killed by the Nazi lady, or when Tirek attacked, when it looked like she was in a losing battle but with him Gold Star went all hell high on him, although arrogant, he showed hope courage, and bravery, and he still kept those ideal spirits with the village, when he orchestrated the plan to rescue her and her friends at the risk of his rank and career, and the time of the Crystal Fair when it was just not too long ago attacked by Sombra and the forces of evil, and even when he was fighting a enemy that is as superior as Humarican technology could bring he came to rescue her at the deep hour, or atleast did tried, but he saved Pinkie's life so that did count in a somewhat big way. In times like those she wondered what went through his head when he had made those choices, she couldn't tell if it was self gain or just plain duty, or... Perhaps there was something more than meets to eye. Something... Was tinting- no it was growing, it was forming within her body, at first... She thought that this power that she was experiancing was Friendship, but then she remembers back on that day when Shining Armor and Cadence were suppose to be married, she had been studying the power that Chyrsalis had possessed from her brother but it was quickly denounced by her own well being, but then there was that moment when Cadence and Shining Armor did came together, after I had forcefully had Chrysalis release Shining Armor off of her spell, the shield dome was reactivated faster than Shining Armor's recovery rate. But after the years flew by, she understood what it was, it wasn't friendship, courage, or anything... It was love. And Cadence was teaching this the whole time and she never understood it up until now! (Talk about irony) friendship is one thing, but love is it's own, and if that was what Gold Star was towards her then... That would mean he has a crush on her she could now remember that same day a year later when she visited him in the field hospital at base after Tirek's attack, it was as if he saw her form as a super elemental, a harmonic being in a shape of a pony, andas he said this he rested his hoof on her wing glazing at her eyes with the view of her friends who were with her cheerily happy at the sight. And that, hope, trust, faith, and love, was what made her feel power once more since the day of Tirek's attack. And with this bolt of love, out of no where a lightning bolt struck at the spell circle that Comet was recreating, destroying the entire mount that the spell was suppose to take place at, luckily Comet hopped off before he was brought down with it. However it was then that he noticed a great beam of light was blasting into the forcefield curse that held the city hostage for thousands of years, and many pony's saw this light and were astounded. And force once in their lifetimes, they see the glory of Celestia's sun light as the light fully dispersed the entire forcefield into nothing but a distant memory. The pony's witnessed the great unveiling of the city by the will of God the Creator, and as he tore the forcefield into pieces of ashes the desert landscape that sorrounded the city turned into a green plain field. During this transformation Yuri looked around and at the sky in full on terror. It was then that when he looked to see Twilight not on the ground, but in the air holding on her wing Gold Star, who she healed and placed down on the ground. Her mane was striped with Yellow, Purple, Pink, and her hooves representing her Cutiemark, and her wings and horn patterned with the same color pallete as as her mane, and fur, purple, pink, and Dark Purple. As she floated above him with fury in her eyes. This was the moment Yuri knew... He was fucked up. Big time. As she hovered above the ground Gold Star woke up as if he just got out of bed, when he noticed his gun wound was... Healed, but not by his own flesh but by Twilight, which he stood stiff in total surprise, as for the first time in his life, he sees Twilight in her greatest form, Princess Elemental of Friendship. And he can feel himself getting personally touched by Harmony as Comet stood beside him shocked as well. "Well if I be..." Comet commented, confusing Gold Star. "I'm sorry who are you?" "Oh my name is Comet the Starry-" "Nevermind! Forget I asked!" Gold Star interjects, turning back to Twilight staring down at Yuri. "...How the hell is this? Has the Creator himself turned against me!?! Or is this Harmony in disguise!" "Neither are the ones you should be worried about! After these times you have went after my friends, and those that had aided, you have went as far into your evil to take another life of a pony through dark and extreme ways from mind control to bending dark magic in the ways that go along unspeakable! your vendetta ends here Yuri!" Twilight Condemmed to Yuri as he attempts to- "HEY!" He device is removed from his brain stem and is crushed, leaving him vulnerable to a hell wave of attacks, strikes, and beatings of his life as every rage that he has stirred in his life time is returned in greater mass, as Twilight's magic beats him down into the ground, the air, the ground again, air of course, and East and West, North and South, until finally what was left of him was his humiliation of his body that sunk into the grass outside of the city, which he got up and found himself sorrounded by Shining Armor and his unhappy guards who stared at him with grudged faces, growing like dogs. "Hehe... So about that dea-" In a quick turn the EUP guards quickly restrained him and applied metal chains on him to make sure he can never move again, placing him under custody of Equestrian forces, shortly after me and the troops that Alex had assigned with me arrived in a M1126 Stryker, supplied with troops and heavy soldiers as they ran out from the tarmac behind the Stryker and securing the area as I looked around my sorroundings at the dawn of day. Now upon arriving I noticed some sort of vehicle was driving away so the Stryker opened fired at the armor vehicle, however it seemed to have returned fire, however to the surprise the autocannon that was firing at our ride had indirect hits and ricochets, so we returned fire and shot a Javelin at the bastards and upon impacting directly at the Autocannon top of the BPM-97, it blew up into tiny pieces killing everyone inside, and leaving a burning metal tomb in the grass range as some of the men cheered at the excitement. However as I turned I think by now I figured out who 'they' was, and why Gold Star was concerned... It was Yuri, and... Heh, bastard got chained up inch by inch by Shining Armor and the Equestrian guard pony's, now considering that by now I've kinda forgotten about him this whole time up until this point so I really don't know what to say about him then. But of course I wasn't passing this oppurtunity up to confront my former attacker, so the only thing that I did say to him, was a wave. "Hi :D 👋" "..." Back at the city, the pony's cheered as they tore off their cloaks and threw them in the air in celebration, as for Gold Star, he watched as Twilight breathed heavily and her form that she had the entire time finishing the fight with Yuri dissappated, Gold Star wouldn't care less as he ran and hugged her. "THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING TWILIGHT! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! YOU WERE NERERR- AND I WAS LIKE HOLY FUCK! AND THAT GUY, THAT- THAT COMET DUDE WAS LIKE WHAT DA FUCK! AND YOU WERE-" Twilight rolled her eyes in a pleasant happy mood as Gold Star cut himself off from his foal hood invading his brain and eating up the excitement that happened infront of him, he never saw this before and he was so excited he thought he was watching a scene from a movie, only he was living in something of a movie himself, but basically lost his formality there. Still it was exciting as hell to Gold Star, but he was in the presence of Twilight so... "Hehe, uhhh... *AHEM* I mean, you did great out there!" Gold Star reiterated, as Twilight placed her wing on his back. "It doesn't matter how formal you have to be Gold Star, I know deep in your heart that you have something for me, I should've understood this the moment we met, and... I think we should properly do this over, without the military, Celestia, or anyone or anypony interfering with us," Twilight smiled with her pupils widened. "Does... That mean we have to go over all that stuff again?" Gold Star teased, as both chuckled. "No, but perhaps we should have a proper date, outside where the everfree flower fields are, how long do you have until you have to return?" Twilight asked, which Gold Star chuckled to that question. "A week, and I was called a magnificient bastard!" Gold Star proceeded to laugh his ass off before he stopped himself and turned to Twilight, clearing his throat. "Eh, yeah a week, I think we have plenty of time," Gold Star said. "Sounds like a date," Twilight replied with a smile, kissing Gold Star on the cheek hugging after which while they made it all out I looked through my binoculars with retort. "Damn! He got himself fucking kissed to!" I said to myself. "You know sir, you could always ask him if he ever got Twilight to kiss him and he could deny it," suggested some soldier. "Don't you have a damn prisoner to transport!" "Yes sir, but I'm also paid by the hour," the soldier replied. "So are we, but that doesn't slacking off! Get back to work!" "Yes sir." As the soldiers placed Yuri inside of the Stryker Shining Armor approached me, and looked up at the city skylines. "Beautiful isn't it?" He said. "Heh, the city? Yeah, it really does bring the Equestrian old age in ya soul doesn't it?" I commented. "I wasn't really talking about the city," replied Shining Armor, staring at his sister from the distance as she and Gold Star stepped down from the roof of the temple. "Oh, I see, must be a happy moment eh?" "The more you could imagine, and I thought the random stallions were just obnoxious, and I even thought of him as one of them." "Gees... Right infront of my face." "Well you know how it is, the bigger brother has to watch out for his sister, I'm... Just happy she found somepony who appreciates her talent," Shining Armor rejoiced, shedding a tear. "Sooner or later she'l-" "Hey, lets not go that far yet, they met like a year ago, and obviously stuff like this is not written in stone, atleast not yet." "Yeah... Maybe you're right, but you know what? If it does happen, you can bet that I'll be strong," Shining Armor smiled. "Alright then tough guy, we'll see," I replied. After finishing our conversation, Shining Armor left me alone to assist with the men and pony's loading up to Yuri, I guess I have two stops today, one for Canterlot to unload this bastard to the Equestrian dungeons, and back to base to file reports regarding this situation. (Great) On the bright side of things, I think this might be a renewed start of a greater relationship between Twilight and Gold Star. Just as long of course that nothing bad happens... Hehe... What could go wrong? Post adventure Within hours of Bales city being unveiled once more, Gold Star, Twilight, Shining Armor, the EUP guards, Blueblood, and my men were given a hero's welcome as they lifted them from the air. For me I was just sitting on the nwrecked BPM-97 documenting this in my journal as the cheering went on, I found it interesting that yesterday was a start of something for me. Eventually after a entire day everyone left the city, me, the men, and the prisoner Yuri left to Canterlot to drop him off. Shining Armor and his group started clean up with the populace before returning back to Crystal City. As everyone left the city was quickly booming with archeologist from accross the world arriving to explore the city that had been invisible and hidden from the world for centuries like none before, even General Patton and MacArthur for the first time came upon each other in that city, which was tense at first before they shook hands for the first time with each other in a matter of respect. Meanwhile in Canterlot, Yuri is taken to the dugeons where he is personally locked up by Celestia who had him sealed up in a barrier, and was left chained in the cell, his trial comes in two days on charges of Espionage, attempted assasination, attempted kidnapping, and violations of international law making him a official war criminal. Which the penalty would be life in prison. (Due to death penalty to the pony's being to unethical, which he would've faced execution in American standard) Rodinia has not reacted or responded since... And as for Twilight Sparkle and Gold Star. The humvee pulled into the front of the castle, it had been a long day and it had turned night, and Gold Star looked to his right where Twilight gently slept on the window. Without trying to wake her up, he gently opened the door and lifted Twilight on his back, resting her chin on his mane unknowing that she was resting at the edge of his hidden horn, luckily she was deep asleep so this wasn't something to worry about, quietly he closed the door of his car and head to the castle entrance. After entering quietly into her room, she place her down on the bed all tired like and deep asleep. Seeing Spike sleeping in his spot blanketless yet shivering, he places the blanket on top of his body and patted him on his spikey head. He then turned around and tucked Twilight in her bed, and in a returning gesture, he kissed her on her forehead and then without leaving a sound, a peep, or a creak, he closed the door behind him and left Twilight and Spike to sleep. Looming around the castle as the sounds of his hooves clacked on the crystal ground he could feel a sense of peace everytime he was here. It was then that it came to mind that this castle has a library in which he entered in and found a entire stock of unlimited books. And to his thought... If he were to be exposed he should be somewhat prepared, because if Twilight does forgive him she would want to take a hit on training him to use his magic, and most likely Rainbow Dash who would also have the knack of training him to use his wings. He wouldn't mind though, he looked up the M category and found books riddled with spells. "Let's see what I got," he whispered to himself, grabbing the first book from the bottom shelf and sitting down with it. The book is titled. "Are you serious... This damn thing again!" Yeah it's how to spot an alicorn again, made by Comet, of course Gold Star didn't gotten the chance to read it, and since it's night he shrugged and opened the first page. And wouldn't you know it, it has a "technique" section in the book, something he really needed, and with no doubt throughout the night. He spent the night, reading, and reading. Until even he to went to sleep. > (Bonus Chapter) Dictator Vs Dictator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stormland Palace The Storm king sat on his throne glorifying himself dramatically in his head, with continual exports ongoing in secret due to the blockade imposed by the American Navy. "The Americans can have the sea," he said to himself. "I'll keep the land." However, something big occurred when a Yeti messenger walked silently and handed the Storm King a letter. "Ah, I was wondering if I was going to get a reply, well then let's se-" What was written wasn't the negotiation reports with the Soviets but rather something bigger as he read in the message that it was a report from his bases in Tobuck, reporting that a military General named "Muammar Gaddafi" had just ceased all military assets and proclaimed himself the leader of the Tobuck, and succeeds from the Storm Kingdom. This report angered the king and he tore the paper into shreds. "THAT DAMMED TRAITOR! I'LL HAVE HIS HEAD! I'M GOING TO RIP HIM APART!" In a fit of rage, he smashed everything in his sight ranging from the pillars that stood to his throne, finally after he stopped he took a breather and calmed himself. "...Almost... Lost my cool there... YOU! GUARD!" He requested as the guard approached and saluted. "Get me, Commander Tempest, AT ONCE!" He ordered, as the guard saluted and left his presence. "I think it's about time I start putting her skills to the test." Tobuck City (Soon to be renamed Libya City) The media had been bombarding Gaddafi with questions regarding 'how he achieved this impossible takeover' and 'what is your response if Storm King counter attacks.' He had planned for these possibilities it was only a matter time of when. It had been two weeks after the incident in the Crystal City when Sombra was reformed Rodinian officials called for a special council meeting on the situation aftermath, with thousands that had been displaced from the Crystal City. And with the death toll being significant in the fight, the LON considered declaring the Changeling army terrorist and recognizing Celestia's Arrest Warrant that had been placed for Chrysalis since 1002, though due to the Griffonian Empire, Thestria, and even Rodinia Veto, nothing was done over this. However Gaddafi sat through it all as a proud representative of the now-created nation of Tobuck, and soon he'll rename the cities in the nation to erase the harsh painful memory of it being conquered by everyone. From Maregypt to Warzena, to Zarantia, and then the Storm King, and now he holds the ultimate authority over a country broken by its neighbors. And of course, due to his neighbors recently building up troops on his borders, he made a contract with both the Federation and Soviet arm dealers to lend him weapons which quickly boosted him as the more modernized nation in all of Zebrica and even topping the Storm kingdom and Saddle Arabia He couldn't wait to try out his new toys of mass destruction, and he stood in front of his window, waiting for that moment when he could just grab his Gold AK-47 and start shooting at the enemy aimlessly. It was then that a knock at the door was heard. "Enter," he answered, as the door opened and it was an envoy sent from Hippogriffia. "Good day to you Mr. Gaddafi, I congratulate you on your liberation of this country from the Storm King's grasps," the Hippogriff said. "I assume you're the special diplomat I was informed of," Gaddafi stared. "Of course, I came here to keep the peace between our nations that is all, this is without special notice from Queen Novo, being that you have become the most strong country in this region," the Hippogriff continued on. "Without a doubt my nation is, but what is it for you to say? What is your name?" He asked. "My name is Seaspray, the Queen's diplomat and caretaker of the second daughter of Hippogriffia, the reason for my presence is a more urgent one than you may think," Seaspray introduced. "Ah yes, the part where your kind is evacuating to Seaquestria, a cowardice move on your part, why not ask the Americans since they've practically barricaded your mountain with bunkers for miles?" "Our Queen doesn't take them seriously, although they have a great army and grand superior technology we had never thought of them as a maternal ally." "And the reason is?" "The Americans can say big things about their power and how they use it to extend their grip on the world, but from a distance you could really see that they would just abandon their allies for the largest bidder, take the Great Lakes kingdom for example when the American designated terrorist group ZITS arose and attacked a few infrastructure within the human mainland the Americans, and I don't know how, convinced the king of that nation to open the door for their troops, as now as you may see up to this point where you could start to see," the envoy explained, sitting down on a chair. "You don't have to tell me that twice, I was there when the Storm king invaded that region, that was also where we launched our attack here in Tobuck and liberated ourselves. I know the Americans too, they are all high talk with themselves and will call anyone a terrorist whenever they feel pleased or threatened, now it's only a matter of time before an enemy arises and becomes someone that everyone will hate so the Americans can also call people by their name but with a Neo." "And that's why the Queen had sent me here, she wishes to offer a secret alliance between us distinctively secret from the Americans and the Rodinians, she has offered to provide intel on the enemy movements and perhaps lend you some of the American weapons that they gave us," Seaspray offered. "Sorry, but we already have plenty of those from the Americans already, and so as the Rodinians, although I would ask but do you happen to have some Abrams?" Gaddafi asked. "Unfortunately not," replied Seaspray. "That's fine then, besides it's better where the enemy is anyways, and I know exactly where they are." "Really? Where?" It was then that a bomb exploded in the city followed by sounds of machine guns and Anti-Aircraft flak guns started shooting at the airships that floated above the city. "Here." This surprised Seaspray as he rabidly ducked under a table in the midst of the fighting, while for Gaddafi he moved to the other side of the room calmly without being surprised by this attack. "Scared?" Gaddafi chuckled. "I don't know aren't you!" Seaspray replied. "A little, but excited at the same time," he replied, looking outside his window as the human soldiers ran to the streets and started shooting at the airships in the sky. "But! When you're me! I'm prepared for the fight of my time!" Gaddafi exclaimed, uncovering his bed sheets and revealing two Golden Kalashnikovs, and a golden M344 (M1911) pistol. "What's the other weapon for?" Seaspray asked, when suddenly a hellfire of bullets started firing into the room through the window forcing Seaspray to coward more under the table as Gaddafi stood unfazed from the bullet hell inches away from his face. "You." He replied. "...Oh dear..." Upon the assault of the city Tempest was already briefed on the enemies' military capabilities, however she doesn't know the entirety of their capabilities in the post-succession of the Tobuck outpost. And due to the American Iron Belt that stretched from Colthage all the way to Maregypt. Tobuck was the only port city that had the freedom to export and sail from, without it they would have to go an extra long journey for the eventually. Tempest wasn't going to let Gaddafi spoil her plans, she decided who is worthy of being freed and who wasn't. As her airship entered Tobuck they were quickly met by a flurry of AA flak and machine guns being shot at them from below as the Yeti's and other foreign mercenaries from the nations occupied by the Storm King, loaded their guns and prepared for battle. "Alright! The enemy has a fortress in front of us, they will shoot us down within a inch close distance from there if we get too close to it so we're going to have to land!" Tempest briefed. "Inside the building is our target, dead or alive, the Storm king wants him either stoned or beheaded for his treason against the king! Now let us move!" The airship landed on the ground and as the doors lowered down the Yeti's were quickly cut down by the machine gun bunkers that had been tearing into them and anyone else that stood in the way of the hungry beasts. As for Tempest she examined her situation and quickly ran behind a ruined yet stable concrete barrier, after three or five dodges avoiding to be shot the machine gunners were forced to reload as they used up their machine gun ammo giving her and the troops time to advance and charge at the bunkers. "CHARGE! DO NOT LET THE WOUNDED SLOW YOU DOWN!" She shouted in fury, as the yeti's charged combined with the front row shooting at the bunkers. "SIR! THEY'RE CHARGING US!" Yelled a Human Tobuckian. "THEN LOAD FASTER!" The commander shouted. As the Yeti's approached and walked over the last trench and barbed wire fencing the Bunkers were revived with gun fire once again as the heaviest of all casualties had been induced on the entire charging crowd of Yeti's, however what they didn't knew was that one of them already made it. Tempest was infront of one of the bunkers that were continually shooting, and shooting until finally she grabbed a grenade and chucked it inside of the Bunker through the hole before ducking on the ground. And with the sound she was pleased to hear the most was the sounds of agony after a explosion that blew up and killed or wounded the entire machine gunner nest. With the main bunker down the surrounding bunker men quickly ran to investigate the explosion before they were kicked in the skulls by Tempest starting a ensuing gun battle. Tempest used her pistol and started shooting at the enemy while at the same time conserving the ammo she has. She had a plan, and so far it was working with the plan being to reach to one of the bunkers, and forced the surrounding bunker men to dispose of her while also locking them into a grand fight, something of Tempest's skill she executed this plan and waited for the men as they ran with their weapons. "Great Allah, they're dead!" one of the soldiers said before being kicked to the concrete wall by Tempest and then the group being ambushed by the Yeti's were captured. "Bring me their officer! I have a few questions for him," she demanded, as the Yeti's forced the officer infront of her as she pressed her dagger on the officer's throat. "Now tell me, before I get violent! Where is your leader!" Unlike other times when officers would just say no and she would have them killed, it was a different type of situation, because most of the time it's either zebras, pony's, or other species, this was the first time she was fighting a human controlled nation, and now she was about to see blood from a human throat. But that was her biggest mistake, because the one thing she never put account was that we humans, are unpredictable. And It was then at that moment, officer that she has pinned to the wall by Yeti's pulls out what looks like a detonator. "ALLAH AKBAR!" Before clicking the detonator Tempest hind leg kicked him into the wall where he detonated himself. Destroying the entire structure shoving Tempest outside of the Bunker by force leaving a bloody wound on her right eye, although she didn't get her answer for the palace, she can still find it just by recon. However to her dismay, the Yeti's that were inside with her are dead. It begged her to question though... What type of man would allow someone to strap bombs on their chest and martyr themselves for their country in such a way like never before? Well I can tell you people, this was the beginning of Jihad warfare, and it gets down low from here. Baghdad City, Saddle Arabia In the city palace sat a man named Saddam Hussein, a Rodinian appointed dictator for the Saddle Arabian Socialist Republic, renamed to the Saddle Arabian Republic, he had a bloody reputation of being the most deadliest of the deadly in all of North Zebrica, topping to even the most violent of Colthage leaders that had ever existed. And as he sat in his room writing down letters to Rodinia regarding the secret trade agreement a Horse messenger entered his office in a fearful face. "H-h-hello Mr. Hussein." Said the Arabian horse. "What purpose do you have in my office?" Hussein Asked. "A letter sir... From Mr. Muammar!" The Horse handed Saddam the letter and he opened it. "The Storm King has launched his attack on my new ally... Messenger, leave my office or it's the gallows for you!" He demanded. "SIR YES SIR!" He cracked, trotting away out of Hussein's office. Then after the dictator picked up his phone and dialed it. The North District *RING RING RING* the phone yelped as the person answered it. "This is General Assad, how may I help you," he asked. "General Hafez Al-Assad, prepare the Syrian Company, you're going to Tobuck." "Understood." Stormland Palace The Storm King sat on his throne watching the chaos live on television as he chuckled, laughed, and cackled at his troops dominating the opposing force so much that he nearly choked on a piece of lemonade. However this joy died off when a messenger by the name of Grubber arrived with a message rolled up. The king was surely unimpressed. "...Excuse me is this a joke, who are you?" The Storm King asked. "My name is Grubber, your new servan-th, my math-esthy!" He bowed in respect, while the king laughed like crazy. "BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! AHAHAH!! AHa ahaha!! *GASSP* so tell me what brings you into my domain?" He asked. "Oh thaths funny you shoulth sayth that, I have a letter from someone." He then handed it to the Storm King, but before the King opened it Grubber ran for his life. Inconspicuous he opened the letter and found that it was from the Rodinians, he was happy to see that soviet seal as it meant that he finally got that reply, however when he read it he was angry but also in fear. "OF COURSE THOSE RODINIANS WOULD WANT THAT LAND! Although then again... My army couldn't survive this long especially not when the Americans are present, oh who am I kidding, SOMEONE GET ME COMMANDER TEMPEST NOW!" Tobuck Upon approaching the palace Tempest and her army is met with troops pointing guns at her and the brigade, the Yeti's responds in kinda by pointing their AK-47s towards the opposing army, while some of them fixed bayonets for melee kills and glory. What looks like the start of the bloodiest battle of Zebrica, was narrowly avoided when a Yeti messenger presented Tempest with a message. Curious, she unwraps it and felt great anger, however before she considered ignoring his order Bis MIG-21's flew above her army screeching the sky as Rodinian A-50 is spotted as well, looking down at the ants of the earth checking to see if combat has broken out at the palace entrance. The yeti's caught off guard, looked at their commander for orders, which even she now feels over runned, they anticipated tanks, a militia, and a standalone unprofessional army, just outside intervention was where they were outgunned. So out of rage and anger, she kicked a yeti in the torso, breaking his entire rib cage, and turned violently towards the Yeti's and spitefully ordered. "Return to the airships! This is going on everyone's resumes!" As the Yeti's sad fully walked back, Tempest looked at the balcony where Gaddaffi sight sees the retreating Yeti's and then stares directly at Tempest, waving at her as a mock to her assualt. "Just you wait," she warned, turning her tail towards the victor and leaving with the rest of her army. As Gaddafi pridefully puffed his chest up in victory General Seaspray peaked from the door way. "Is she gone?" He asked. "Yes my friend, the wretched whore had left, and with that new friends to assist us!" Gaddafi graced, simultaneously aligning with the Jets zooming by through the sky as Seaspray relaxed himself in relief. "Well that is good then, now I guess we should get to buisness shall we?" Seaspray insisted. "Of course, follow me and we shall begin the talks." The result The battle of Tobuck goes inconclusive, the battle was one of the shortest in the history of Zebrica lasting for 3 hours in the initial assualt. Despite the loss Tempest was given a promotion in compensation for being withdraw, and Storm King was rewarded by the Rodinian's with Mig-29 fighters by the hundreds, giving the Storm King's arsenal the upper hand in the sky. As for Gaddafi, the secret Unholy alliance is signed between him and his Generals, and Seaspray and the Hippogriff diplomats. Afterwards, Tobuck, the country itself, is renamed to the 'General Government Council of Libya' after a decision was made to keep the city name and rename the nation itself, it is quickly denounced by Equestria and Maregypt as a "violent take over" and threatens to pose sanctions. The civil conflict ends in military victory, normalization begins starting with Saddam Hussain's Saddle Arabian State, the date is set for next week. > The Re-mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moskva, the Kremlin, Rodinia All high-ranking Rodinian military Generals gathered from all parts of the world had taken a seat in the room waiting for the host, the Red Mother, to appear with Secretary General Brezhnev, as some of them conversated within this inner circle is Perov, who sits at the end of the table right beside the seat of Secretary General Brezhnev. Right beside him was recently promoted General Dvornikov, who currently oversees the projects in Yakyakistan where Ogav is stationed. "Comrade Perov," greeted the General. "Greetings Dvornikov, do you know what this is all about?" Perov asked. "Don't know Perov, I kind of thought that you would know since you are in fortunate favor with those in the higher seats?" "Well I can safely tell you that I do not, nor do I believe these other generals as well." The two are then stared at by the General right across from them, it wasn't just a general though, it was Field Marshal Vasily Petrov. And not to get him confused with Perov, Petrov gained his rank through his strategic successes within international operations. Ranging from the victory in Saddle Arabia which resulted in the establishment of the Soviet government there, but also the anti-American operations within Zebrica itself and was placed in charge of supply shipments that were sent to the Storm Kingdom. But it wasn't just at home though, he had also been cited for his actions in the Griffonian Empire where he was assigned to support Skynavia in a separate revolution, even though Rodinia had been recovering after its revolution they had separate divisions to support the workers worldwide. As he sat down watching the two with a reserved seat beside the Red Mother, the door opened and every General in the room rose from their seats and stood attentively as Secret Guards entered and beside the chair which Petrov and Perov sat near. Entering the room were Red Mother and Secretary General Brezhnev. "You may be seated," she ordered, as the Generals sat back down on their seats. "Gentlemen, Marshals, Generals, I have gathered you all here to congratulate you all for the operations worldwide against the Capitalist and imperialist threats, but now we have a new threat to deal with." She then signals Brezhnev to present a slideshow of images, the first displaying Erwin Rommel and Queen Chrysalis. "We have noticed that there has been an uptick of a new ideology, and we believe this new ideology to be... Fascism, this trend uptick had been started back to Argendina when we had discovered that the man who had started this ideology had won the elections in the Preubican region in South Argendina," the Red Mother presented. "Now, would anyone wish to ask who this man is?" She asked, as the Generals murmured within themselves wondering what type of Ideology fascism is. "Well?" She asked, leaving the room silent. "His name is Adolf Hitler," she answered, switching the slide to the image of the vile evil-looking man. "Currently resides in Preubica we have reason to believe according to the R.I.B. that he had been the one who greenlighted the militarization campaign in the Changeling Lands, there is a no doubt possibility that he may be inciting a continental war to distract everyone so that he may succeed the island away from the country proper," the Red Mother stated, ending the presentation and turning towards her generals. "But in other words, he may not be a threat now but keep it in mind in case he does rear his ugly head in politics, now, General Aleksandr," she requested, as he stood up attentively. "When can we expect our first nuclear test to begin?" She asked, as the General replied. "Within the hour, Our Red Mother, possibly after this meeting," he answered. "Very good, I will be inviting delegations from Zebrica, Griffonia, and some from Equis, until then you may be dismissed to prepare for this event," the Red Mother excused. "Yes, Our Red Mother!" He saluted and left the room leaving some generals surprised. " And that Generals, is the second agenda, where to aim our new Nuclear Arsenal." Hours later After the meeting was over, Perov was packing his suitcase in his Motel room as he prepared to return to Stalliongrad when he received a phone call. *Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* He walked over and picked up the phone. "Da," answered the General. "General Perov, I have a special assignment for you that couldn't be discussed in the room," Brezhnev requested. "General Secretary Brezhnev? Why of course, what is the assignment?" Perov asked. "You may remember Yuri da?" "...You mean that no good-ridden piece of shit!" "Yes, that is who I am talking about," Brezhnev answered, implying that he doesn't give a damn about Yuri either. "What happened, did the bastard finally die?" Perov asked, hoping for the obvious. "Unfortunately, the Red Mother informed me that Equestria has imprisoned him and is currently awaiting trial. If found guilty, he could face execution." "Fine by me, I'd rather lose my rank than help that bastard," Perov stated. "Yes, but you know what will happen to your family and yourself if you don't," Brezhnev indirectly threatened, giving Perov that reminder. "Of course... I'll do what she wishes, but just she knows that if he gets captured again, have her send another bitch to do it, oh and just note that if he does die I'll be having a party like never before, with Vodka and smoke!" "Agreed Comrade, I agree." Ponyville Gold Star had been oversleeping, again, of course, it had been a good while of sleep, however, his sleep was interrupted when he heard a violent knocking at the door, implying that it was Twilight probably forgetting her keys or something. However, when he woke up he noticed that a violet-colored blanket was wrapped around him and the books had been situated back to their places as they were before he raided the Library. That was because Twilight found him this morning asleep on the chair surrounded, if not buried, by books, and since he was sleeping she placed a blanket around him and placed the books he had taken out back on the shelves. Ironically the only book she didn't was, you guessed it, Comet's book on Alicorns. (Or how to spot an Alicorn) After stretching himself Gold Star got on his hooves and walked to the door, however when he opened it, there was no Twilight Sparkle and Spike, it was another purple pastel pony, but with a lighter purple mane and a bright teal (or Cyan) stripes. He was a bit confused... But so did it seem with the mare pony as well, she was surprised that there was someone in the castle. (Of course, there's Pinkie but she's busy with baking.) "Can I help you?" Gold Star questioned, which the pony answered. "(I didn't expect this) *AHEM* I am here to get some... Books?" The Pony asked. "...Right, and I'm a native pony, the library is down this hall, go straight, take a right, and so on, so on," Gold Star then stepped back and allowed the pony to enter. Now he may not be doing something bad, but lemme tell you, he doesn't even fucking know that the pony he just let in was Starlight Fucking Glimmer, Rodinia's most wanted for socialist abuse. But off to that point end, Gold Star shrugged and went back inside of the castle where Starlight Glimmer was gazing upon, and despising it. "So, are you some sort of hallkeeper?" She asked, definitely nothing suspicious as she eyed everywhere at her surroundings. "Funny joke, but no. This is where I stay during my break, you know off-duty stuff and whatnot," Gold Star answered. Starlight nodded her head slightly up and down. "So what is your relationship with Princess Twilight?" Starlight asked, which Gold Star tensed his neck. "That's classified!" He answered, surprising Starlight. "Classified..?" She curiously thought, when she took notice of the throne room right beside them. "Oh? Is that the throne room?" She asked in an off-tone voice. "Uh... No more like the map room, you know the place where they plan their whole adventuring and wait for Harmony herself to give them something to, yeah that place, but I wouldn't go in there, my friend almost got blinded by that chandelier that's in there, though it had improved in not blinding us to death, I still wouldn't go in there," Gold Star answered. "Why so?" Starlight replied, giving him somewhat of a deceitful facial expression. "Well obviously they have a map that you obviously can't tamper, (or fuck with for that matter) it's kinda suggested you stay out of there for now, or at least ask Twilight-" Without finishing his sentence Starlight dashed off unwrapped her saddle bags and rubbed her hooves together. "Uh... You should not be doing that." She then grabbed a piece of paper that contained a spell and placed it on the map grinning evilly as she ignored Gold Star. "You should not be touching that right about now!" She then activated her horn and activated the spell, preparing it for her surprise. "People should NOT be ignoring me right about now!" Gold Star frustratedly scolded, when Starlight turned towards him in aggravation. "Do you even know who I am!" "Yeah, an ignorant little bitch who isn't listening to what I am saying, get the fuck off that map before I backdrop you like a fucking doll!" "Oh, so you haven't?" Starlight guessed, implying the fact that Gold Star doesn't even know who she is. "...What?" "Oh get a grip! Have you not guessed by now of who I am? Has Twilight Sparkle never told you my name!" "Wait a fucking minute... Aren't you that dead ass who try to enslave that entire village?" Gold Star second-handedly guessed when Starlight violently stomped at the map scaring Gold Star off of his thoughts. "THAT VILLAGE! WAS MY SANCTUARY! YOUR FRIEND, HAD ONE DAY SHOW UP! AND RUINED EVERYTHING!" It was then that the damn tan stallion finally got it through his thick skull. "Holy shit you are the dead ass who enslaved the village... YOU'RE FUCKING-" "STARLIGHT GLIMMER!" Shouted Twilight and Spike, entering the map room, scaring Gold Star shitless. "FUCK!" Gold Star yelped, jumping like a surprised cat. Starlight seeing the familiar Dragon and Pony in the room smirked. "FINALLY! I HAD ENOUGH OF HIS STUPIDITY!" ":(" She then levitated the spell activating it through her spell as it burst a bolt of electrical lightning onto the map where it shown the usual world map right before the three, Twilight then ran towards it with Spike while Gold Star stayed back a bit processing what the fuck he had done. "What are you doing Starlight!" Twilight demanded, which Starlight laughed in evilness. "I would tell you but it would ruin the surprise!" She then balled the spell and threw it at Gold Star to which she then levitated herself off the ground and into the portal above leaving the three stoic at to what just happened, after a brief moment Spike and Twilight approached the map looking up confusingly not even questioning how Starlight managed to enter inside of the castle. However when Spike grabbed the spell the portal reactivated and pulled the two off the ground and into the portal whilst Gold Star hanged on to a nearby pillar. After the two were sucked into the portal all he could think was "holy shit." And then came Pinkie Pie with the cake. "Oh hi, Gold Star! Want a slice!" "..." Gold Star replied silently still locking his eyes on the roof. "Yay more for me! :D" Pinkie then takes a huge chunk bite into the cake as if nothing was going on. F.I.U C.I.A. Headquarters After failing to predict anything within a telescopic range of Soviet intelligence, to a Pruebic assault, Reagan disbanded the F.I.U. and organized a new and highly funded Intelligence unit. The C.I.A. They've recently been commissioned days after the Crystal Empire was attacked, and now they are the unified sector of all special forces brigades and Operations. They ranged from: Delta Force Green Berets Special Air Service Hosean Special Forces Marines and (Recently renamed again) Eclipse Brigade The C.I.A. also now carries out black operations across the world within the stealth of its operators, and due to the purging of its entire staff, the agency now has actual skilled members with knowledge and experience of Rodinian intelligence warfare. Ex-Rodinian Colonal Eskamoe was also transferred to this group as an American information officer after his success in Parsley, serving under him is the Wayne brothers, remember them? Well, recently the Eclipse Brigade was back after Margret Thatcher filed a lawsuit that SAU had typically the same name as SAS, so Reagan decided to rename it back to its original name or it would face a lot of monthly fines. Practically everyone within the Eclipse Brigade rejoiced meaning their purpose was practically back, but this also stirred some fear within Equestrian high ranks as some speculated a reemergence of the Lunarist Ideology, however, Luna endorsed the name, for private reasons unknown at the time. (Servitium ad mortem) (Service Unto Death) Captain Lian Wayne was promoted to the rank of Colonel and while his brother serves on the ground-level forces as the new Captain, Lian is now experiencing that every soldier had fretted other than dying in combat. Beauracuracy. Lian had been appointed to the more experienced Eskamoe though, so that was the luck for the two, and while filing paperwork for combat deaths was boring enough, they also had to come up with ways to cover up a mission and which group to blame in case a country tries to pin it on them for the operations. Fun. "Mr. Eskamoe," requested the information officer. "Yes sir, what is it?" Eskamoe asked. "Documents regarding locations, and encryption codes from enemy communications, strike force Delta is preparing to carry out a covert operation in Brodfield," informed the officer. "Target of class?" Eskamoe asked. "Military institutions of the Prywhen Communist Movement." "Classified or Declassified?" "Classified." "Alright, hand them over to me, I'll see what I can decipher," Eskamoe insisted, as he was given the dossier documents and started looking into the codes. "Hmph. Quite interesting, I believe they're trying to use some sort of new language to disguise their encryption, Lian why don't you get on that computer and get that translator site online will ya?" "Yes sir," replied Lian, as he turned towards the computer and pulled up the website. As Lian was doing that a secretary of Eskamoe's approached his desk with a phone. "Who do we have?" He asked. "Phone call from Equestria sir, he says it's urgent sir," the secretary explained. "He you say? I assume you mean like an individual calling our building?" Eskamoe questioned, to which she nodded. "Hm, alright let's get this over with then, I'll make sure to have a squad on standby in case this is a damn prank call, (as if we haven't arrested 43 of those already)" Eskamoe is given the phone and called back. "This is Central Intelligence Agency Inspector General Eskamoe, how may I help you." "Central Intelligence Agency? I thought this was the Federal Intelligence Unit?" "...Sir, that was recently disbanded, it's the C.I.A. now sir, it's no longer the F.I.U., and just who exactly are you sir? You know that calling federal departments without a given reason is a federal offense all to itself," Eskamoe threatened. "To introduce myself, my rank and name is Major Gold Star, PI Digits is, forty-four-three, eleven forty, and four twenty-one, and I like to report that Starlight Glimmer had just raided the current location that I am in." The name Starlight Glimmer froze everyone in the room as they turned towards Eskamoe in a 1000-yard stare, even Eskamoe was surprised with the report. "I'm sorry to say, but did you just say that you had a run-in with Starlight Glimmer?" Eskamoe asked. "Affirmative sir," "...Let me search you up real quick," Eskamoe said, as he turned towards his computer and typed out the given digits that were given through the phone line. "Sir we do not have time for this! Everything is at stake here if we wait any more longer than it has to be!" It was then after he typed up the digits Eskamoe was a bit more surprised... However, there was a discrepancy within the document of Gold Star. "Mr. Star? All of your credentials do check out but there's a discrepancy in your file," Eskamoe informed. "What? What do you mean by that?" "Sir, did you say you're a Major correct?" "Correct." "So explain to me why the online files are telling me that the rank you currently possess is Colonel." "...What..." "There's more, effective next week you would have control over the base Alicorn, your base name correct?' "Uhuh..." "Well, your commanding officer Alex will be promoted General upon your return, so this would mean you will have the command of the entire base at your disposal when you get back from your break." "For what reason?" Gold Star asked. "Let's see, for service within the Equestrian continent, and uh, oh I see a combat victory citation, good for you, and leadership success, blah blah blah, typically you're being promoted just for being the victor in a battle," Eskamoe explained. "Well I guess I can see that but- ... Wait how did you know I'm on break?" "We're the C.I.A. Genious, it says here on the document, but this goes without saying however, we have a squad en route to your present location in Ponyville, we will give them the heads up that you will be in command of the group, their objective will be given to arrest Starlight Glimmer," Eskamoe explained in detail. "And with all that without further detail, we will be informing Alex on this subject, is that fine?" "That's fine, I'll be right outside." "Alright, take care." Eskamoe then hung up the phone and breathed in relief. "Well, that was unexpected, who could've imagined an officer who doesn't even know his own rank?" Lian asked. "Unfortunately, I forgot to tell him that this promotion was just posted 30 minutes ago, I probably ruined a surprise," Eskamoe regretted. "Well sir, I'm sure he's surprised enough, hell I was completely shocked when I was ranked Colonel, now that I think about it, what was it like for you to get ranked to what you used to be now?" Lian asked. "Cold and pity," replied Eskamoe. "Now get back to work, now I know we're going to be busy today after that call, with that said, did you get the dossier printed and translated?" "Coming up sir," Lian replied. "Good to hear... Good to hear." Star City, Gradenland, Susnet Palace The streets had been always populated with mixed species and ponies walking and trotting trying to either get home or get to work. Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, was busy with a secret war that she had been waging on the Changelings, back in 1002 ALB when the Changelings were on the edge of attacking Canterlot her group that she had assigned to America had independently discovered that Carter was a Changeling, through samples and behavior towards leaders along with tapped in phone lines the group was able to verify Carter as a changeling. However within the year after it had been discovered that the Changelings had blackmailed Carter to give them his identity or be familyless, of course, he chose his family but at the cost of destroyed relations with nations, only to be quickly fixed through the Reagan Presidency. Carter since lives with his family in a mansion surrounded by troops and witness protection agents. While It was uncertain if the democratic party had been truly infiltrated or not, this did bring to light the possibility that Changelings might go into extreme ways of infiltrating. An example was the Reid incident, what happened during the suspension of Yates and Gold Star was that General Reid, officers from the 1st Armor battalion, and even infantry soldiers were murdered by changelings, and then after they would hide the bodies the Changelings transformed into them. Reid and dozens of others were killed, which brought America on High alert, this also triggered mass persecution of Changeling groups, ranging from Neo-Lunarist, Saddist groups, racists, cartels, Mafia, crime families, and every other specist groups had now turned their fury at the Changeling groups causing a massive ethnic cleansing event and eventually a massive skepticism. What became apparent was that the masses that were evicted from their homes migrated to the Soviet North. The CIA was created in response to the increase of Soviet influence in the world, but also to combat the Changeling espionage groups from obtaining information on government secrets, the CIA headquarters also has a dome around it that prevents the Changelings from infiltrating through disguise. (Meaning if they touch the dome they become the bug creature they are) Sunset Shimmer may be a bit violent she still believes there's a chance that at least one of the species of Changelings might be a harmonic type, rather than some sort of violent killer. "Princess Shimmer," entered one of her subjects. "Yes?" "Thestria has sent us a message, it's in regards to the rejection," the subject reported, handing her the message that reads. "In terms of rejection from the alliance, we hereby embargo all countries within the South Humarican Alliance from accessing our resources, effective immediately no one or no pony shall have our resources. -Prime Minister Batan Night." "...Good Fuast, I want all leaders from the countries of Doglumbia, and Bolivar, now!" "Yes princess, this may take a day thou-" "Do you think I care? Just do it!" "Yes, your Highness." Yakyakistan It's been a year, two, probably a decade, at this point Ogav lost count of time due to the atmosphere of Yakyakistan, it's dark all the time, yet like home, the exception is that he has a damn calender not some fucking pocket watch that was just given to him for good luck. He despises Perov for the shit he had done, for the shit that he had taken advantage of, and the solid fact that when he did do good by the right of others his kind called villains he started questioning whether the Red Mother was a great being... Or... Not. The irony with the base is that while it is big and heavily funded they are supposed to use technology that dates back before Luna was ever banished, but while also creating new extensive technology such as of recent the Tigr, and the BPM-97, however to his interest when he had received a new blueprint for a new helicopter he was a bit stunned at the ambitious design, they call it a Quadcopter. Or, the Kamov K-50 To his pleasure Ogav kept on laughing at this blueprint, it was practically a circus to him to see two propellers stacked up on top of each other and no back propeller and to think that this thing was supposed to fly. But while he kept on looking at that blueprint he was just told what he was supposed to do, so far Scientists are still trying to decrypt how to make something as ambitious as this fly, of course, the MI-28 helicopter on the other hand just looked like the American Apache helicopter used in Zebrica, armored, more equipped, and yet more advanced... It's code-named: Havoc The success of the MI-28 had proven formidable in Zebrica but hadn't seen combat action for a while up until it was shipped to Brodfield where it wreaked havoc on Loyalist forces. It was then at that moment an officer entered Ogav's office. "Captain Ogav, pleasant to meet you." "Good day..." "The blueprints here as ordered by the Red Mother, she wants to be ready hehe," the officer chuckled, presenting missile designs to Ogav who sat depressingly at the sight of weapons of mass destruction, which the officer took notice of. "What's with the long face comrade? Aren't you happy that we have the power to obliterate those capitalist imperial dogs back to the stone age where they belong?" "...Comrade... Comrade, COM-RADE is that all I hear? What is it with us and the word? Is it to describe us as being fellow soviet army soldiers who march through the plains of war? Or is it just a term of greeting, or better question, why do we use it, and what is its purpose!" "...Comrade I don't get what you are trying to say?" The officer questioned before he was grabbed by the neck collar and slammed to the wall. "DAMMIT ALL THE HELL OFFICER! WHAT I AM SAYING IS THAT WE'RE ALL FUCKING TOYS!" Ogav seethed at the officer, who was terrified by Ogav's facial expression, however, Ogav released him and shook his head. "Do you not fucking see, just like the word comrade, which describes soldierly friendship, it's just identified now as a Soviet homeland term, just like with us both..." "Well? What did you use to be?" Asked the officer, as Ogav sighed. "A home dweller turned army officer, to father-in-law, to now just a fucking project director," answered Ogav, in which the officer looked at the titles with surprise. "I see... Any children?" "Da, Natasha, she was recently adopted from Argendina when we started that damn war between the two countries, I feel horrible to this day, and I will always feel horrible to beyond," Ogav replied, as tears started swelling up in his eyes. "And the mother?" "..." "Oh, apologies, if it is fine comrade, I'll see if I can arrange for some sort of way to get you the hell out of here," the officer said, grabbing Ogav's mind off of the horrors he had ensued. "And what can you do about it?" Ogav asked. "Anything," replied the officer. "...What's your name?" "Silly me, my name is Aleksei Myagkov, I'm a part of the R.I.B." Aleksei answered terrifying Ogav deeply. "Do not worry comrade, your secret is safe with me, just let me worry about your problems, and we are square, for now work on this project, and I'll come back and tell you what to do okay?" Aleksei ordered. "...Understood sir," acknowledged Ogav. "See? Now we are swell, dasvidanye Ogav," waved the R.I.B. officer. "Yeah, dasvidanye..." Alternate Universe era, what would happen if the Mane 6 never came to be? The events that occurred after Starlight used the portal were very terrifying. What had spawned first was the Crystal Empire, or the Imperial Incident. Mane 6 was never formed, and Twilight never became a protege which in turn Shining Armor and Cadence were never married if not at all met, the Federation was also reluctant to send anyone due to Celestia banishing Luna (again) to the moon leaving relationships destroyed, and Carter keeping his presidency without no opposition, leading to a Crystal War. In other words, no Twilight Sparkle or her friends = Humarica stayed isolated, no hope. The second that came was (Creator above help me) Chrysalis victory... Same thing as before, only except Chrysalis and her forces attacked Canterlot instead of waiting, the Changeling President Carter also ordered the attack on Canterlot using our military equipment against them, and well as you know it Equestria fell under Changeling rule, Zecora did staged a resistance but was quickly crushed. And at the same time, Twilight and Spike narrowly escaped due to F4 Harriers bombing the shit out of the forest indiscriminately, also Humarica was practically no longer a freedom land, but rather an authoritarian paradise. Finally, there's the third thing. Nightmare moon. Or Mare in the moon. When Nightmare Moon captured Celestia America launched an invasion of Equestria and allied themselves with her ideological crusade which resulted in the lands being captured, unfortunately, it didn't take long before America realized they'd fucked themselves over and had become puppets. Now for the past three scenarios, nothing happened with Humarica, except for the last two which Rodinia surprisingly managed to keep with their neutrality typically painting the world Red with their ideology. But when Twilight and Spike were spammed multiple times the fourth scenario would be worse than all combined... (Yes including the whole wasteland cameo with Starlight) Present... Day? Twilight and Spike after having to be in multiple scenarios once again called right on the table as regularly as before the other sudden six times, and at this point, Twilight is partially going insane. "WHERE IN CELESTIA ARE WE IN NOW!" Twilight shouted. "Twilight, look!" Spike pointed, as the two noticed something... Odd, about this timeline. The other six times were either apocalyptic or just plain terrible, but for this instance the sky is blue and Ponyville doesn't look like it has been destroyed. One difference is that the castle is not where they're at. "I... I don't get it. The other six times there was nothing but chaos and ruin, but here it's... Nothing?" "Yeah... Something is not right, we should probably investigate this one, just to be sure it isn't like the others," Spike suggested, walking off the map before being stopped by Twilight. "Wait! What if this is just like the others!" "I mean, are we sure about that?" Spike asked, giving Twilight the benefit of the doubt. "Alright fine, but the moment something is off is the moment we leave this instant!" Twilight declared as the two stepped off the map. Upon entering the town the place seemed to be a bit more crowded than usual, some ponies had migrated in droves while everyone in the town had some sort of fashion some were out without clothing. It was then that the two-spotted, well, me, directing traffic and making sure that no one got into an accident. "Lieutenant Yates!" Twilight called by my name. "Hm? What do you want civilian, and how the hell did you know my name?" My alternate me asked. "Do I even know you?" "I-oh, yeah you're right we don't know you, and you don't know us," Twilight conversed. "That's what I thought, now get off the damn road before I-" It was then that alternate me turned to see Twilight and noticed her wings and horn. "...If I am to be dammed, you're an Alicorn?" I asked, which Twilight turned towards her wings and presented them to me in a light flap. "Well holy shit, a live Alicorn, the hell are you doing all the way here? Shouldn't you be at Canterlot or something?" "That's what you would think in this universe," Spike interjected. "Oh cool, a dragon, hey wait a minute, why do you even own a dragon?" Myself interrogated. "Here we go again... -_-" "Look maybe we could ask for help, we're trying to figure out something here, why are there cars from your continent here on Equestria? And why is it so smokey here?" Twilight asked. "...Don't you see the flag sister? It's hanging right above town hall!" Myself pointed, which Twilight and Spike stared at in surprise and then they jerked their necks around seeing that the stores, shops, and everywhere had flags of the American Federation, it was then that they turned towards me. "What happened!" Twilight demanded. "Get off of me before I have you arrested-" It was then that without further hesitation she teleported my alternate self and Spike to the place where they spawned. However, at first, they didn't notice my presence before I kicked them both downhill and pinned them on the ground pressing the gun barrel up her cheek. "That was a fucking mistake, prince-ss. NOW WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE!" "Relax, we're only at the edge of the town," Spike pointed, as myself turned and saw that we were only at the outskirts. "Oh..." However before I could even release them I was blasted off by Twilight's barrier magic and was pinned on the ground while being held at Horn Point. "Because you're my friend I will not hurt you but you have to listen when I say that this period does not exist and should not exist! All that I am asking for is an explanation of what's going on! That is all, but if you try to hurt me or Spike again you will not see a pleasant end!" Twilight Threatened, keeping her horn on my face which I nodded. "Message received then, alright then I'll tell you if you get off of my chest," I asked, which the two looked at each other and then turned back at me with unemotional faces. "I'm an honest man of my word, not a damn evil war criminal!" Twilight then got off of me, and so I placed my rifle down on the ground and sat down near the table, to my alternate self's belief he quickly figured out that Twilight was telling the truth. "Alright, so it's true then, but before I explain, what am I in this universe of yours?" "You were our friend for one, you helped others when they couldn't help themselves." "And like Twilight, minus the fighting part, you're one of those who can recognize those with a second chance, or just shoot them when you see them unfit for one," Spike added. "Heh, hell yeah, definitely sounds like me, or at least my old me at this fucking time, damn where did the time go..." Twilight looked at me with emotionalness in her face. "What happened?" I breathed as this who damn thing was complicated but my alternate self told it. "So... Typically what happened was first off, a fight for resources, but it started from a religious ideological standpoint, to start, the Eclipse Brigade was sent to Ponyville to await the arrival of Nightmare Moon, upon her return the men moved into what seems to be a brutal fight between Celestia and Nightmare Moon, well chaotic ensued when one of the men from the group shot and killed Nightmare Moon, fearing what would happen, they also killed Celestia, this started a range of chain reaction, as you two may or may not notice, but the sun and the moon are sitting still in one place." I then pointed at the sky showing both the moon and the sun sitting still which terrified the two. "But why? Why would they do this!" "Orders and men have gotta eat, what happened after that was what you saw, Equestria fell into civil war, which we just then decided an Equestria under our thumb was the pilot for the day, so we invaded Equestria, and when Chrysalis attacked Canterlot we kicked her ass and took over the Changeling lands, and when this Sombra apparition came into play in the North to which we call the Crystal Empire, we invaded it to." "So who was ruling these lands?" Twilight asked. "Well it was obvious that Princess Cadence was supposed to rule Equestria but when she saw the landmass she opted to rule the Crystal Empire rather than the land we occupied, so we instead just appointed some high-ranking politicians to rule the lands, currently Prince Blueblood rules Equestria, and some Changeling who seemed to have some sort of harmonic values, Thorax I think." The two were a bit restless with what they were hearing, from Celestia and Luna's death to a full-on war, to utter chaos within the lands, nothing couldn't be worse than this. "But anyways, shit hit the fan from there when we attacked Stalliongrad, this typically triggered a full-blown continental world war." "WHAT!?" "Yeah, and without any indication of them joining to defend Stalliongrad they launched a full-blown invasion onto American soil, what was worse is that the Griffons from Mexicona also invaded along with Kuban Militia's, and Thestrial armed forces." "What about Sunset Shimmer? "Princess Sunset Shimmer? Egh... Last I heard she was imprisoned after the South Humarican Alliance collapse from the overwhelming forces from Thestria, shame that happened she was what helped us oust Carter, though Huey Long won and started this damn war in the first place, anywho, what remains of freedom and peace is here, or at least until-" Suddenly sirens were triggered and blared all around, followed by screams of panicking ponies, while myself looked at the town, and grabbed a blindfold and a cigarette. "What's that!" Twilight questioned. "...A nuclear bomb," myself answered. "A... What bomb?" Spike asked. "I don't know if they've been invented yet, but the end is here for us three if it impacts this town, you need to fucking leave now." "What about you!" Spike then quickly grabbed the spell from his backpack and unrolled it when he started hearing the missile screeching towards the town. "You said this is an alternate universe yes? Go, and make sure this shit doesn't ever happen, EVER, oh, and uh, give my true present timeline this when you see him." Myself then handed the book to Twilight, it surprised her that the title of the book is called "The Lost Magic of Equus" the very same book Gold Star read back in America... "Before we go, whatever happened to Gold Star?" Twilight asked, confusing myself as I wrapped the blindfold and lit the cigarette. "Gold who?" "...Nevermind-" It was then that a bright flash was lit, Twilight and Spike only saw a glimpse of the destructive beauty which had horrified them to know what they were fighting for at this point, as they were caught up by the portal my alternate universe self watched the mushroom cloud and smiled with a cigarette in hand. "TAKE ME CREATOR! TAKE ME SWEET DEATH! BRING IT ON!!!!" The actual present day, Alicorn Base "Echo actual to Base Alicorn, we're approaching landing zone over." "Roger that, prepare for Alicorn alpha, over." "Roger that, Echo out." _ Base Alicorn map _ _ . . . An AC-130 landed on the runway, east wing of the base, Alex met with the special forces agents sent from the nearby airbase at Whinnypolis. After being briefed that Starlight Glimmer was in the vicinity of the castle a convoy of vehicles arrived consisting of light armor vehicles, some trucks, and Humvees. I was sent to command the group once we arrived at the castle. Upon exiting the base and entering Ponyville proper the ponies were a bit confused about our presence, with some of the local law enforcement and Royal guards catching on to our operations and clearing the roads out for our convoy. We eventually made it to the castle, this was practically the second time we've used the Stryker, and so far, I'm loving this better than the shitty M113 that we've been using this whole time. Only the squad truck was unloaded as the rest were ordered by me to stand by in case Starlight attacked us with her magic which we would resort to using darts that would wound her ability to use her magic. Gold Star was waiting for us outside. "Welcome to the castle," Gold Star greeted me, as we both did a fist bump. "Glad to see you, so where is this bastard?" I asked. "She's still in the portal with Twilight and Spike, I already marked areas to make an ambush, might need to drill it a bit so we do not pounce on Twilight on accident," Gold Star inferred. "Right then, alright men! Follow me!" I ordered, as the squad entered the castle, however, I almost forgot to tell them to bring sunglasses but they seemed to have sorted themselves out, leaving me without no protection for my eyes and so nearly burning them to that damn chandelier tree. "AH DAMMIT! MY EYES!" I quickly placed the sunglasses on my eyes and breathed in relief. "Ah much better, alright take positions, do not make a sound and when the signal is dropped be quick to put that ring on her horn and tie her hooves." "Yes sir," replied the Staff Sergeant, as he and the rest of the squad hid behind the furniture. "The rest of Twilight's friends?" I asked. "I've already sent Pinkie to grab them, they should be on their way now as we speak," Gold Star informed. "Right lemme call it in-" However, before I could call anything the table lit up followed by swirling sounds and cranking engine gears clinging onto each other. [color=#e6c5a4 ]"She's back, quick hide!" Gold Star and I then dashed to find a hiding spot, it was then that the portal opened up and spat out Twilight, Spike, and... Starlight Glimmer, out of its mouth and then sucked in what looked like a piece of and then exploded into tiny pixie specks of dust. Now I know they just got back but... "NOW!" Immediately the men dog piled on top of Starlight without any given warning, tied her hooves together with plastic wrap, and placed a ring on her horn disabling any ability of her using her magic... There was a problem that I quickly noticed, she hadn't even fought back and resisted our arrest. It was basically as if she wanted to be arrested, I've kinda thought this was some sort of cruel trick. Although then again how could she trick us when we have her detained on the spot? "Why was that easy?" Gold Star stared confusingly, pointing out the same thoughts I was thinking while looking at Starlight. "Wait Gold Star! It's not what you think!" Twilight interjected, getting everyone's attention as her friends entered noticing how soldiers were pinning down Starlight mercilessly. "Let her go and I can explain!" The men burst into laughter, it sounded like insanity, but then I did notice how Starlight was... Sadden? Then I kinda wondered, what the hell did Twilight do? "Alright stop laughing all of you! You two raise her off the ground, I want to hear Twilight's explanation, her side of the story," I ordered, which the men raised Starlight on her hind legs and stared at the princess. All the while Gold Star was confused himself, what went through his mind was he saw Starlight as an evil who hadn't shown any mercy to those under her rule in the town and was wanted by the CIA, RIB, and even SMILE. Yet looking at her now she seems more meek than everyone had told her she was. So Princess Twilight explained that she was trying to prevent the rainbow boom and preventing the scope of everything that would've maintained worldwide peace, multiple scenarios she mentioned were horrible, especially the part when I heard about myself being a fool on nutcase, kinda wish I would apologize but then at the same time, it would be weird since you know, universes and shit. She eventually decided to try and convince Starlight that she could make new friends, however, what got me more attentive was when she mentioned that Starlight actually had a Colt Friend named Sunburst, and immediately my mission was practically set. As for Gold Star, who was surprised at how Twilight changed a mare, turned towards the men. "Release her!" He ordered towards me, which I nodded to the men and they sliced the plastic wrap off her hooves and removed the ring from her horn, surprise surprise, she didn't attack which was a relief that Twilight was telling us the truth. Just like 1002. "Sorry for the mishap," Gold Star apologized. "It's alright, I had what was coming, why release me?" She asked. "If Twilight says that you've reformed, that is good and solid plenty enough for me!" Twilight smiled at this, she then turned to me but noticed that the book alternate me gave was not there! Although funnily enough I never cared for magic and would've given that old book away to someone. There was one problem though. "Sir, DC wants a status update on the capture sir," said an entering soldier, who noticed Starlight was not detained. "Uhh... S-si-" "Yeah, I know, Princess?" Twilight smirked pridefully and replied. "Tell them they can keep their troops, she is staying here!" "...I don't know sir, I doubt DC will like that," said the soldier, and then I rolled my eyes and leaned beside him. "Tell DC, fuck off before I have Uncle Sam himself to go and fuck them off for me! There's your answer from me! Now is that all soldier!" I ordered. "No sir nothing at all..." With the last of the soldiers leaving back to base I had one vehicle stay behind, and that was the Stryker, while it waited outside the castle Starlight was waiting in front of the door nervous like as she heard mumbling, although she was spared from basically the most harshest punishment, which was being deported to the arctic wastes of Rodinia's coal mines, she still was nervous of what the ones she typically tried to wrong will do with her. I mean typically I knew her feelings, not really, but still by the sounds of things with her own life story she's been in more shit than she had ever had, and like that Tantabas incident where the damn thing escaped from Luna just because she's been damming herself (which I mean, that's very bad but I wasn't there) I hope this wouldn't have Starlight do that same fucking self-pity crap where she blames herself. On that note aside, I did do something that would start a great relationship. "Nervous?" I asked, leaning on the wall and looking around as I took my helmet off. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at your base?" Starlight asked. "Meh, the base can handle their own thing, what I just can't stand is the fact of the worst part about being an officer." "And what's that?" "Dread." I shivered. "But isn't that normal for someone like you?" "Starlight the only time I've seen such dread before is not from inside of me, it's watching others being dreadful of themselves, you should never give yourself dread for something that you should be proud of," I explained. "But... I've done terrible things! I've destroyed the lives of others for myself! And I tried to kill your friends!" "But did you succeed in doing that last part?" I asked. "...No?" "What's that I couldn't hear you?" I teased. "No." "I still can't fucking hear I think I'm going deaf!" "No!" "Right on! So let me give you the laydown, instead of dreading yourself like you just did why not instead be your best self, these people, these ponies, they will help you set your path straight, but that's only if you allow them in your life, and not close out of it, for what it's worth, be happy that it's all in the past, be glad that you now have a second opportunity, and be great that you can learn more about yourself!" Starlight took in everything from my encouragement to the point where she hugged my legs in an inspired joy. "Thank you." It was then that Spike opened the door and waved towards Starlight to enter which she released my leg and swiped her tears off. "Now go and show them tiger!" I encouraged, as the door closed in front of me and left me alone once again. I was happy for what I had done, but the moment my accomplishment had left me I felt emotionally torn, but still proud of my achievement, and hell who knows! Maybe she might do great after all. Because hell, who wouldn't. > (Bonus) The test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Point, Rodinia, the desert Once again for the second time in history, a country has created a nuclear bomb of its own, and this time it's Rodinia. Hundreds of delegates gathered from across the world, provided with eye protection, to see and witness the detonation of the Nuclear bomb, Taro Aso, an American delegate who was sent here by the order of President Reagan, sat on the chair still skeptical on the Rodinians truths. Taro wasn't happy at the fact that he was sitting on the very chair viewing something he wasn't believing, however to his astonishment someone of high importance attended this meeting. "Emperor Grover the 5th, pleasant to meet you," Taro said, shaking hand to claw with the emperor. "Ah, you must be from America, tell me human is it true that the Americans had finally met their match with this land?" Grover asked as the two sat down while his guards intimidated Taro Aso a bit just by their stare alone. "Don't mind the guards, I hope they are intimidating they're just for the protection you know?" "I can understand that very clearly sir, not as if I have some of my own," Taro said, looking at the mixed crowd of ponies, griffons, and other species. One of them stood out from the others, that one being a hippogriff named Posada who sat watching with the anticipation of seeing the creation of a new era of a Superpower created to fight against America in its Cold War with capitalism. "A Hippogriff? Well if that doesn't look like an omen if I ever saw one myself," Grover snickered. "Something I should know about?" Taro asked. "Yes, and no. You see Hippogriffs are not fairly seen that much nowadays, even at times we almost consider them myths if it wasn't for their admittance to the League of Nations," Grover explained. "Ironic. They join just to be represented and yet they are just as nonexistent in meetings as they are with the legends, although I do have to give credit your country is trying its best to defend a civilization against a growing threat that soon may be a common enemy within everyone. Hmph... Shamefully the outcome may just not be expected." "And what do you expect to happen if everyone were to wage war on this growing threat?" "Well for one there will be peace as others would work together to fight this threat, at least that is my expectation, but two is typically gaining colonies but within regulations of this peace movement group, that will not happen." "So what do you think will happen?" It was then that the speaker, General Aleksandr, spoke on the podium and announced. "The testing is about to commence, please take your seats and please put on your goggles for the sake of your eyes!" Grover placed his goggles on along with Taro Aso, and then Grover answered. "A provided reason to stay and exploit." Then what sounded like a noiseless sound, the test commenced and a huge mushroom cloud rose to the atmosphere followed by a shockwave of energy that swept over everyone's spine. Some clapped, some dreaded, some sat leaning in interest, some rejoiced and cheered. And some had extreme fear and pain, of what was to come... > Rise of Evil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arkanistan S.S.R., Rodinian Telegram News "Breaking news from the Soviet Republic of Arkanistan, Private Military Group Serbija had released a video declaring war on the government of Rodinia, take a look." ________ "I, General Ratko Mladić! Hereby declare that the Soviet Government of Rodisnia had failed to uphold the terms of our contract and effective immediately, I am pulling out all forces from Zebrican nations and the kingdom of Olenia! Along with this, I hereby announce the succession of Arkanistan and as we speak, the army of Serbija is now rebranded to the Arkanistani Liberation Army and is in control of city provinces! We will free our nation against the clutches of this Soviet menace! We shall be free! LONG LIVE FREE ARKANISTAN!" ________ "Hours after the video's release reports had come in that military bases and cities had come under fire by Serbijan militants. Currently- -" . The television is turned off suddenly by the Red Mother, who watched everything unfold from the comfort of her seat, she then turned to her phone and dialed the numbers. "I am ready, patch me, Secretary Brezhnev, immediately." As the phone ranged in Brezhnev's office, the Secretary was standing on the balcony of the window in the night, staring dead at Luna's moon as he smoked his Kuban Cigar. Being aware of this phone call firsthand, he walked out from the balcony top to his desk where he picked up the red phone from its base. "Mr. Brezhnev here," he said. "Secretary Brezhnev, you may proceed to inform Perov to launch the operation and rescue Yuri from the Equestrian clutches." "But why Red Mother, he's failed many times I am even surprised that you still want him back?" "He may have failed me multiple times, yes, but that is something for him to explain, and punished for, but even then we still have use for him, now without question Mr. Secretary, proceed with the operation." "Da, Our Red Mother, it shall be done." The Gardens of Canterlot Soviet Spetsnaz are deployed in the dead of night through trekking and sneaking for miles on the ground, at hours end they finally arrived. Their mission was to rescue Yuri from Equestrian clutches, which at the moment they have him locked up and chained everywhere, the men also have a spare head brace for Yuri so that he could use his telepathic powers once more. However according to the briefing they received as they continued deeper into the city and to the dungeons below the castle, a private trial is supposed to be hosted by the Oversight of Princess Luna. And due to her notoriety within the group knowing that she could typically blast them to the legs with her magic, the mission had to be swift. . . . Inside the Castle, Princess Luna had been assisting the jurors with getting to their place, while her sister Celestia couldn't attend due to a Diplomatic mission to Griffonia, Luna had been busy keeping the kingdom and solving the usual internal disputes, whether it'd be capitalistic or farmer land disputes, she had at most kept the peace in the kingdom as her sister Celestia had. But after getting the jurors in place, it was now time for the criminal himself. "Your Highness, the prisoner is now prepared for transfer," the guard informed. "Lead the way guard," Luna ordered, as the guards and the princess descended deep into the Castle depths of the dungeon. . . . Upon word that Princess Luna was approaching down the steps, the high-ranking Royal Guards that had been guarding Yuri's cell unlocked the magic barrier and prepared to set him down on the Drum Truck. The reason is that Yuri's body has been imprisoned in a body-sized square-shaped containment that restricts body movement and disables its host's will to struggle, the only place not applied is the head to allow the host to breathe and eat to survive. Never had Equestria used it before, the only time they did was when they captured a dragon ravaging a village, of course, the dragon lands protested the use of it and even threatened war, but they never did act upon it, even when the dragon that was imprison was executed post-trial and they still didn't react. This was however the first time they used it on a human, to their surprise Rodinia did not react, respond or anything, this led the Equestrians to believe that the Rodinians were trying to distance themselves from staying out of international trouble and not start a incident, or that they abandoned him, the Equestrians however thought of this, but personally, I knew he wasn't going to be locked up just like that. They were just bidding their time. As they placed the containment on the Drum Truck Yuri looked at the two with a smile, however, they couldn't see his mouth because it had a mussle, but they knew what expression he was making. "What's so funny?" The Guard asked. "Eh, don't let this man fool ya, he thinks he's so special that his friends in the other continent will save him, well I will tell you this stranger! Just like the dragons before you, they were never rescued by their dragon lord! Just as the way as you will never be rescued by your leader!" It was then that the two were suddenly stabbed to death by Spetsnaz soldiers in the throat, killing them without a sound. Then the soldiers released the mussle from Yuri's mouth. "It's about time they brought you to rescue me," Yuri complemented, as they grabbed the key from the dead guards. "No Rodinian get left behind comrade Yuri, give me the key Zulu-3!" The Rodinian Spetsnaz is given the key and he unlocks the containment. "What is going on here? Who dares intrude in the castle!" Luna entered when she horrifyingly noticed two murdered subjects lying on the ground near dead and then turned her head towards the free Yuri and Special Forces soldiers who stared back at her with emotionless expressions. "A trial I assume princess?" Yuri chuckled. "I heard about these, you did it with dragons, petty, your species always got it wrong with humans, you fail to predict their nature and they've existed for how long?" "Even if we didn't predict this! We learn from our mistakes!" "Oh like the time when you summoned that Tantabus? Petty, even with your existence here in this world you've somehow endangered it indirectly!" Immediately Luna stomped her hoof so hard that it created a crater. "I WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED!" She then dashed towards Yuri's chest and knocked him and his men out of the cell and outside of the castle, however, it was then an MI-17 Helicopter armed with missiles and Machine Guns lit the entire room up, the Bat Pony guards shielded their heads bracing for the attack only for them to be protected by Luna's shield spell as the Helicopter unloaded everything it had on the single room. After destroying everything around them, Luna and her Bat Pony guards were still alive, and only the room was destroyed. "While I may not be intimidated by you the truth can intimidate you more, than a lie, thanks for the escape by the way but I must be going, my leader calls me." The helicopter leaves Luna's sight, but before she is purely blinded by rage the Bat Pony's yelped. "Your Highness! They're still alive! If we can hurry we can still save them!" Although Luna could've blown the communists out of the sky right about now, saving the ones that can be saved is more important than a grudge. "Next time, but alas." Stalliongrad "Da, mhm... Da, Da, Dasvidanya," Perov hangs up the phone and turns towards the electronic screen presenting Secretary General Brezhnev and other Rodinian Generals. "It has been confirmed that Yuri has been freed and will be taken back here for a medical check-up, at the meantime comrades, what will be our plan against these terrorist cells?" Perov informed. "We could blow them off the face of the earth! We have a Nuclear arsenal we should put it to the test!" Said some General. "And what exactly do we have to gain General? If we nuke Arkanistan we lose its Gold Resources and our edge in this god-forsaken cold war with the Amerika," Perov rejected. "Perhaps a monthly siege would do, following with artillery barrage of the sector," suggested another General. "That's one idea, how about another? Secretary Brezhnev since you're our leader what do you suggest?" Perov asked. "Well thank you General Perov, I do have a proposition, as we speak we are getting assistance from the Yakutian tribal Ponies of Alania." Immediately everyone but Perov laughed at Brezhnev's statement, however, when Both Brezhnev and Perov looked at them dead in the eyes they stopped laughing. "What do we have to gain with those ponies? They barely have anything other than a single T-54 tank!" "Da, not to mention that they still our troop's boots the moment they get the opportunity, (creator help us,) we had to sleep barefoot!" "Well here is my reason why, the Serbijan terrorists have a reputation for Anti-Yakutian Pony groups, basically they hunt and kill Snow Ponys for a fucking living, and since Alania's tribal government had waged their war on said groups it's about time we allow them to release their rage on the terrorist hideouts," Brezhnev presented. "HA! With what? Fish?" "Klashkinovs, and tanks." The room went silent hearing those two words. "We will be supplying them weapons, along with some training and some-" Suddenly the door opens in Perov's office, and Yuri enters in a new Black uniform, and a new head brace. "Ah, Comrade Yuri..." Greeted Perov grudgingly. "Comrade Perov, I was wondering about the last time we met, how's that family of yours?" said Yuri, in a threatening tone. "You keep your fucking mouth to yourself bitch!" "*AHEM* Yuri, I assume you've been briefed on the situation yes?" "What's this about training a group of soldiers?" "That is the second part, is what to do after the war, we've decided to form a group to replace Serbija to maintain our international stage, the group is called Wagner." "Wagner?" Yuri queried. "Like the name Richard Wagner? The one who created that overused music for the Huey riders? That Wagner?" Perov rolled his eyes in displeasure as Brezhnev added. "Yes, and I've made that clear that this group is as important as the Rodinian army, without the ability to wage wars indirectly we cannot influence nations and we obviously cannot be traced back to us, your contact will be in Klugetown." "And what about the revolt in Arkanistan? Surely you need me to quell it?" "Arkanistan will be dealt with joint forces between us and the Alanian snow ponies, the job I've assigned to you is greater than you think and with this new job comes a great reward, the Red Mother has decided, that if you do this correctly, we will allow you to continue operations in Equestria, with twice the supplies we've originally provided," Brezhnev informed, but before Yuri spoke Brezhnev continued. "And you will have a mission that even as someone as you would like." "Now this sounds interesting." Canterlot, day time morning The aftermath of the Soviet raid on the dungeon took its toll, the trial was canceled, and the ever-lasting knowledge of Rodinia's operation in and out of Equestria from Stalliongrad, again, took its toll mentally, physically, and... Economically. The two guards that had been brutally taken down did survive barely. But their families demanded compensation anyway and so being the tireless overworked princess Luna was, she had been working on signature after signature after signature. Most of these signatures happened to be from the Jury complaint about not being paid, which unfortunately they were, but the worst of the complaints were from military officials, with Celestia gone to Griffonia on a diplomatic mission they took advantage of pressuring Luna into accepting the American Modernization Program (AMP) as it had recently stretched all over the global scale. Ranging to Zebrica, the Arabian countries of the Arabian Region have been given a great supply of standardized M14 rifles, repurposed and refitted M4 Stuart tanks, and some Spitfire aircraft, the other countries also include the signature states of Colthage, Zumidia, and Maregypt. Are given much more advanced weapons. As for Griffonia, they have also been given advanced technology as well, the Griffons had been provided assault Rifles, armored vehicles, more notably the TPZ Fuchs, near modern armor and artillery, and even then, nations range from the Griffonian Empire, the Kingdom of Aquilea, and even the Equestrian colony of New Mareland. And when news came from Jet Set that the weapons provided to the Pony nation were a bit more advanced than the Griffoinians and some Zebrican countries combined, some in the Equestrian cabinet were a bit skeptical that America may try to use this as a way to subjugate the world to curve into some sort of worldwide hegemony. But when introduced with the logic that their neighbor, the Changelings, has been growing bigger and bigger in army size and proportions, the latter agreed. The problem is that only a princess has the final say, sure they could go to Twilight Sparkle, but she doesn't count herself as a legitimate royal official, and Cadence is more of a foreigner Pony to them than a princess all to itself. This left them only with Luna and Celestia, and so far the only one who had rejected was Celestia, but when she had left the Military officials took the opportunity to pressure Luna into submission. Luna expected someone from the military, as she was told by an advisor. As the pony left Luna's presence she looked in front above the throne and found me standing in front of her instead of a military advisor. "Yates!? How in Fasusts name did you get in here past security!" Luna fussed confusingly. "Oh, the two guards allowed me through cause, I have the permit that typically allows me inside of the castle wherever I want, I guess you could say this would be the 3rd time?" Luna looked behind Yates and saw the Guards looking at the princess and turned around to avoid what looked like a face filled with wrath, of course, Luna sighed in some sort of relief, at least it wasn't the military officials who had decided to come and bother her. "I apologize for my paranoia Mr. Yates, I've been a bit stressed in recent times." "Yeah, so I've heard just by reading the reports, can't believe you tried to torture yourself through countless and pointless nightmares from the past, I mean damn I get the incident started a global scale war but hell! That does mean-" And so the regret of me saying those words came to light as Luna slammed her hooves through the table in front of her throne and banged her head on impact in misery. "I don't know why! Everything I have done has led to terrible things! Every attempt at being independent had led to chaos and ruin! Every decision I make that contradicts my sister's choice has led to destruction in everlasting proportions! Yates, I don't know what to do-" Without any hesitation, with a great internal protest within my frontal lobe, I lifted Luna and slapped her in the face so hard that it prompted the guards nearby to surround me with spears pointing at my chin although this was only brief as Luna swiftly yelled. "DO NOT TOUCH THIS HUMAN OR YOU WILL BE SWIFTLY PUNISHED BY MY OWN HOOVES!" The guards frightened by the sudden outburst backed off leaving me and Luna alone in the throne room. "Thank you, I needed that, but you didn't have to do it that hard?" "Well if it means getting you're damn senses straight then yes it was necessary, besides you will come to thank me later, now listen I am not here just to lecture you but you have to stop with your fucking pity on yourself because remember if it wasn't for that damn Tantabas feeding off of you're pity or yourself you would have eventually resorted to... Something more extreme than whatever you call torture." "And what is something more extreme than suffering from the Nightmares I used to torture myself with?" "...I'd rather not say," I answered, sitting down on the chair that sat in front of whatever was left of the table. "Look I'll be quick with you, recently I've been witnessing these nightmares myself," I explained. "Recently I've had one of these dreams of some sort of event, what looked like Twilight, her friends, fighting you?" "That's... Interesting... But you were never there?" "I know, I was at sea when I heard about you being freed." "At sea?" Queried Luna. "I thought you were a soldier?" "I was in the navy portion of my military career, or at least that was the case before I got dragged down here." It was then that something fell out of my pocket suddenly and rolled on its edge up between Luna's Hind legs. Noticing the sounds of iron skimming the ground below her, she looked down and saw a medallion of a familiar symbol never had she seen for years, not since that war with the Crystal Empire. Of course, while she stared at it with a surprised deadpanned expression I stood there wondering how the hell my medallion fell out of my pocket. "Oh, how funny! Must've gotten torn from the bottom, fuck, well Alex is going to have my ass for this," I contemplated when Luna hovered the Medallion onto the table in front. "You're Marines," she said, without question, not a single emotion, or anger, just those two words which eh... Ok, I should probably explain it all of my career. The day I turned 18 in 997 I left for the army and found myself at odds with the recruitment options, At that time there was a manpower crisis that had occurred, which lasted up from 996 to 1001, and the navy needed conscripts to fill its ranks, so I've volunteered to fulfill the ranks for the Navy, the problem was that I still craved for the life of being in the army, fighting overseas, so you would tell that I was desperate and so when they handed me the option of becoming a Marine... I was a bit picky with that choice, not because of the rumors, though rumors be true I am having to be placed inside of an Ice pond for fucking sake, but they said that it was the only way to be able to deploy on the ground as a navy man so, eventually I caved in with the idea of becoming a Marine. Of course, I would come to learn during the deadliest training of my life, that the Marines at one point during the Human-Crystal war saved Princess Luna at the battle of Whinnypolis so that would explain now why she's kind of looking at me funny this way. But off that topic for a little, I had to go through literal flaming hoops to get to the position I am in right now, and I can tell you it had actually paid off. The Muscle, the weapons, and the ability to be on the ground and ocean, whether I am deployed to these areas of the course, but while the courses are dangerous the Marines are dangerous to the enemy, although everyone in the world fears Delta Force more, I can tell you we get the job done, and by we, I mean just they because most of the time I'm just sitting around on my fucking chair filing paperwork while Gold Star is off on his break! "That... Is a large sum explanation you made there," Luna said, comprehending of what I just wrote. "Yeah, I've gone through a LOT of hell just to get to this point." Luna got up from her seat and trotted towards me. "Look about what happened, with the Tantabas." "I'd rather forget that ever happened, it's for the best, but going off that topic." "Of course, you said you had these nightmares lately? When did they start?" Luna asked. "Well for one I was asleep and tired on those days so I couldn't count, but if I can remember correctly I'd say about the day Gold Star went on his break which is about... 2 days ago?" "Hm... I'm sure it's just a coincidence then, nothing but a rare case of repeated Nightmares." "That's the thing though, it spoke my name." Luna rolled her eyes as her mind chuckled at the solid fact that something nonexistent said my name. "I'm sure everypony had that happen before to them." "Also this shadow kept appearing in my dream, like the same shadow from night one, and then night two same shadow," I explained, which made Luna give me a side-eye. "A shadow?" Asked Luna. "Black, just purified borderless black, that's all it is, and it has red eyes," I answered, and Luna tilted her head with an expression suspicious inside of me. "Guard, show him to his quarters, I wish to conduct a test," Luna ordered. "Yes your Highness," the guardsmare acknowledged as I said to myself. "Oh boy..." Klugetown, Soviet Air Base: Eritrea, 6:00 hours The Hind model Helicopter landed on the airfield pad of what looks like a rugged shack built with wood only, this is because the Rodinian government wanted to avoid "attention" and insisted on using what was available on land. Although the exception is that the run-down wooden base does have Computer systems and Air defenses so that's somewhat of a reassurance for Yuri. As he got off the helicopter, kicking dusty sand in the air, already he saw that he was in for a wild ride, nothing but drunken Rodinians off duty strangling themselves, and the sound of Russian Roulette going off in the background as Gunshots ranged out from the upper floor as to tell that someone lost a bet. Then a Rodinian officer approached Yuri, he had somewhat of a formality except for the fact that he had no shirt, and... No pants, but rather a military cap and boots. "Mr. Yuri, welcome to Klugetown," greeted the officer, sweating from his pores from the beating sun. "..." "So I was informed that you're here for the meet up yes?" The officer assumed that someone behind him passed out not from the heat but rather from alcohol poisoning. "Oh, that guy? Don't worry he's just sleeping." "...Right, show me the contact (and let's get this shit fest over with...)" "Right this way sir!" Entering inside was a hell hole, with music blasting through the radio, Rodinians fist fighting, thumb waring, and even arm wrestling. Or in some cases just a plain-out gun duel to see who gets the last drip of alcohol or piles of cash that's probably worthless in the God-forsaken lands. It was like the Siberian Bar room all over again but in the desert. "How the hell does anyone in this hell hole live like this?" Yuri asked. "Well, when you're in the deepest parts of the Zebhara you tend to just live out in any way possible just to stay cool you know?" "But these men are obsessed with alcohol and there is no command or control here! It's practically anarchy here!" Yuri ranted. "Who is your commanding officer!" "Well, Comrade, that would be me," the officer replied. "No fucking way are you the commanding officer here! Where's the real commanding officer?" "Well, I guess again Comrade it is me, but! I can tell you there was a commanding officer before! Yes yes, his name was... General Vernakov I believe?" The officer said. "Vernakov? As in Vernakov Vistka!? The General that led the Arabian offensive! Where the hell is he!" "Well comrade haha, funny story... He's dead." "...Dead as in, HOW!!?" "Dead as in, he was shot to death by a pedestrian, oh but don't worry sir! We killed the pedestrian, and the gang that came to avenge that one pedestrian, it took a while because well, we were drunk! But you can be sure as hell that we sent their asses to Tartarus!" Immediately Yuri found the nearest wooden pillar and repeatedly banged his bald head onto it 17 times until he found himself not unconscious but rather having a headache. Not from the pain itself though, although it was soring, but more from the ridiculousness of the structure he had found himself in. "You know what... Just-just take me to the fucking contact already!" "Right sir, come he's been expecting you." "Let's fucking hope so." As the two went downstairs to the ground level which would be the cafe grounds part of the base, there sat one man looking at the photo and chuckling, surrounding him is what is assumably contraband Preubic weapons that his men had captured in the battle of Crystal City. The officer left Yuri leaving the bald psy with another bald man. "Magnificent how a single bullet pierces the human skin, it's one of those wonders when you think that something as small as a single cockroach, could kill a man." "Quite poetic there if I may add so," Yuri complemented, pulling a chair in front of his contact. "And you must be my contact yes?" "Yevgeni Prigozhin," he introduced, extending his hand to Yuri as the two shook on it. "So Mr. Yuri, how can I be of service to you and my homeland?" "I have assumed you did have combat experience before in Zebrica, if not big with contacts to every mercenary group ever known that is against America aren't you not?" Yuri queried. "Guilty as charge my friend, say can I get a coffee with this fellow? I like him already, especially those who do their homework properly. And on time." Prigozhin paused to grab a cigarette from his front pocket and light it "Before I can disclose any further answer to any questions, however! You've yet to answer mine, how can I be of service to you?" Yuri smirked and nodded at the question. "I have just only one thing in request," Yuri said turning left and right and behind him and then leaning in close to Prigozhin. "The reward, is obtaining a head of an Alicorn." "Let's talk Payment, comrade Yuri," Prigozhin chuckled as the Coffee arrived and the two clinked them in a cheer for their cooperation. Canterlot Nights The day had turned to night, with Luna raising the moon she had been for most of the time preparing for the night when I have to sleep, although I hope I don't waste her time if this damn demon thing doesn't show up tonight in my dream. If it does though, then we could particularly be in trouble. "That should be the last of things, hopefully, I don't resort to using this," Luna added, pulling out a millennial-old sword from her sheath. "Good damn, do you always carry that around with you?" "It's not meant to take lives, it's more of in a case of dispelling any creature that intends on invading one's mind, this sword was forged and bestowed to me from those who the reminiscent of the Wendigoes had attacked, many of those creatures and their bi-spirits died to my hooves." "Uhuh... Duly Noted lemme just write that down then." Note to self: Do not piss off Luna and again, Twilight. "RIGHT! So how do we do this, how do I get to sleep in a minimum time?" "Like this." Luna then lit her horn and used her spell on me, knocking me out to sleep, and then she teleported herself into the dream world. The Southern hives The changeling Commanders from all parts of the Changeling lands were gathered in the room today for what is assumably to be the important meeting of their lives, within the room are some of the Preubic Officers who gave the 1000-yard stare at the Changelings without a particular reason as if they were nervous. "It seems our Queen is running late today," Said General Azure Lore. "Well, perhaps it's maybe because she's having to be busy! For all we know Rommel Human could be lecturing her again," assumed General Elvir Roland "Ridiculous! No one is as important as our Queen is! Even if someone is as important as they think they are!" "Maybe so, but again these humans never tell us anything, makes me wonder what these dammed creatures are planning for in the first place!" " I don't know but I just love the smell of their love terminating from their bodies!" Interfered Actia, which the human Preubic officers started sweating and blushing. "But as much as I love the smell, I haven't heard any single news on when we can launch our renewed assault on those damn ponies!" "There won't be," entered Pharynx, walking through the doorway as he sat on the opposite end of Azure where he and everyone else looked at Pharynx. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT!?" Pharaynx shouted, suppressing eyes as they shifted elsewhere away from Pharaynx's direction. "What's eating him all of a sudden?" Asked Lore. "You have no idea, but I'll tell you know since I'm nearly as experienced in this group, and so to catch you up on things since have been promoted recently, so not your fault, you see, apparently not long ago, his brother Thorax had been getting ideas of peace and harmony, and all that disgusting nonsense. That's why he dragged him in to be in the battle of Canterlot, although many of us were killed in that damn fight reducing our general Staff to only a handful of us, Thorax however did survive," General Roland explained. "So where is he?" Pharaynx looked at the two officers in a tense stare at the two silencing them for a moment, then when Pharaynx turned to one of the Preubic officers in disgust Azure and Elvir continued in a whisper. "Oh, now that's a nice question, not to be sarcastic, but we don't know where he is, he wasn't accounted for after the offensive army returned, and so as of recently he's considered a traitor, or a coward who ran from battle." "Ah..." It was then that a Preubic entered the room and shouted. "DER FÜHRER KOMMT AUF ALLE AUFMERKSAMKEIT!!" Immediately the entire Preubic side raised from their seats and stood attentive side by side as Rommel entered through the door along with other advisers. Two of them were war Minister Albert Speer and Government official Joseph Goebbels, they stood with the other officers, and then came Chrysalis. Chrysalis's face had been stoic, surprised, and even a mix of confusion, it was as if she had seen God just now and that this being had all the answers, to her own General's surprise even though they seemed to start noticing something different about this meeting, all high detailed, enhanced security, and even government officials they've never seen before had arrived. And then he arrived... "HEIL HITLER!" The men, generals, field Marshals, and everyone in the room who is human Preubics raise their right arm in a cultist-like salute to one man in a small black stache. The tension in the room this produced gave the Changeling Generals the jitters like never before. Even Chrysalis, who at times consider herself as a necessary evil, also wondered what she and her subjects had gotten themselves into. As the Fuhrer entered the room filled with Generals and officers from both sides and a Changeling Queen who stared at the group with tension in her eyes, he finally spoke. "Sie können sitzen," he demanded, as the Preubic side sat. "Ich bitte um einen Übersetzer," he requested, which the translator walked from the Preubic side and cleared his throat. "What language is he speaking?" Chrysalis asked, and the translator translated it to Hitler who jerked his head. "Was für eine Sprache!?" He shouted. "Meine Führer, ich versichere Ihnen, dass sie Respekt vor unserem Volk und seiner Armee hat, es ist so, dass sie die Grundlagen unserer Sprache nicht kennt," Rommel explained, defending her question. "Ah, ich verstehe, ich verstehe," replied Hitler, which turned to the translator and spoke, at the same time the translator repeated his words. "The Fuhrer would like to thank you for hosting this meeting between our parties, he does want you the know that he is speaking Preubic, as he would rather speak in his native tone than English to non-allies. But as a first sacred alliance between our races, he would like to offer you the title, of honorary Aryan." "Honorary Aryan you speak? What exactly is an Aryan?" Chrysalis questioned, and the translator relayed the question to Hitler and Hitler relayed his response to the translator. "The Fuhrer explained, that this title would ensure that your race is not completely wiped out in the great purge that he plans to unleash on those who are not White or those who are not superior in a way not envisioned by god. Including, deformities, disability, anyone not a human, or a non-White." " And what fashion does this place us in if I were to reject." The translator looked nervous and relayed it back to Hitler, who sternly replied without hesitation. "Are you... Sure, Mein Fuhrer?" Asked the translator, to which he nodded. "Um... Der Fuhrer has replied that if you don't respect the title and not accept it you will be... Erm... Exterminated." Immediately the Changeling Generals stared at their human counterparts in anger as they almost went buck wild to bite into their flesh like vampires, although that didn't happen because Chrysalis replied with. "Very well then I accept your title offer." The Generals looked at her silently, feeling like they just sold their souls to the devil, but in retrospect, it was more about killing those damn ponies, just not quick and painless but rather slow, torturing, pain, and agony. All in one. "So tell me," Chrysalis added. "What happens now?" Hitler attempts to speak English. "Now- - we have work- - to do." Dream World What feels like an oddity when you have literal consciousness inside your brain, is the skin-crawling feeling that I'm being watched, of course, that didn't last long when Luna appeared in the form of a white cylinder ball of magic that floated down and landed beside me. "Woah... Where are we?" I asked. "We're in the dream realm, the guardians of the night and dreams can clear the entire dream to this void we also have the power to lock anyone in their brain, though rest assured that's in case I'm happening to question them or scour inside for information," Luna explained. "So uhh... This is where most of your interrogations happen huh?" "You are correct Yates, but I can even influence this plain of existence with a question." "Well, what question should you ask?" I wondered within my literal brain. "I suggest we start with the dream this being appeared in," she said. "Great idea! Hm... I believe we should start with that one particular scene where... Well... You know." "...I know." Luna then used the magic of her two forms to turn what looked like a retro-like plain field into a forest, that same forest that I despised is the Everfree Forest, however when we did transform I found myself wearing an Eclipse Brigade uniform. "..." "What?" I asked when I looked down and saw myself wearing. "The hell..?" "I know I shouldn't be asking of you, but why Eclipse Brigade?" "I don't know. I was told to avoid it at all costs, but then again this is just my brain so anything can fucking happen around here., damn though, this is exactly the forest I've imagined Everfree to be?" "The Everfree Forest, while it may be a bit scrawny and reckless with its rapid growth, it used to be our home." "Huh, your taste of home, kind of surprised, so what killed that taste in the first place?" I asked. "You don't want to know." It was then that we heard a bush shuffling, Luna lit her horn to investigate the bush as she shoved it to the side and only found rabbits hopping around. "Scared of rabbits?" I laughed humoriously. "Oh shush! It's not my fear that I am afraid of." "I know I know! But I like to have a few laughs! Especially when we have to find the damn- HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Immediately a ghoul flew down from the tree in a spearhead arrow blowing me and Luna away from each other, it was the shadow demon that I've talked about, the pure black darkness with red eyes. Luna rebounded and saw it running away as she shook me up from the ground. "COME ON YATES IT'S GETTING AWAY!" I quickly got up and we both gave chase to the demon as it flew and curved around the trees like water, as for me and Luna we were falling, tripping, slapped by limbs, and even the trees gained life from this demon creature and started chasing us down before we found an under toe of the cave. However, the spirit floated up to the sky and so out of anger, Luna accidentally swept the entire dream in a fit of rage, destroying the forest scenery and restoring me back to my old army uniform, though I don't really mind never liking Eclipse Brigade anyways. But what we thought was a part of the dream, the Shadow creature remained, chuckling at our foolishness as it floated down on the dream realm floor. "ATTENTION FOUL BEAST! WE ARE THE GUARDIANS OF THE DREAM WORLD AND THE NIGHT NAME YOURSELF!" Yelled and demanded the guardians of the Night, and dreams. "Uh... Yeah! Name yourself, (please)." Demanded the me and me. Even more the shadow laughed at us in a demonic chuckle and finally, it spoke. "Ṿ̸̨̝͕͉̪̺̍͂̔̈̄͗͘ẻ̶̺̕͝r̴̦͎̈́͗̌̕̕͜ͅÿ̴̜͇̫̮̱͙̖́̑̌̿̊͋̃̍͘ͅ ̵̣̟̲͕̂̅̏̏̋Ẇ̷̨̱̝̻͈̺̼̹̥̺͆̍͋̓̔̈́ẽ̶̘̩̟͓̦̣̪͛̍̚̚l̶̦͚̗̼̟̋̇̕̕l̸̡̧̬̠̱̖͇̥̳̮̿͝" The red-eyed black shadow transformed into a Blue Goat, with what seemed to be a red-neck collar, long horns, and red eyes. While to me I don't see what's so threatening about a goat. Luna on the other hand however... "N-no! That can't be! You were defeated! It was told you've been defeated! How are you alive!" Grogar chuckled at the rapid questioning princess, who looked at me dead in the eyes for a small moment before Luna caught on and formed a protective shield around me and kept a defensive posture around me. "Well, this seems like a nice introduction isn't it? This reminds me just as Megan had felt when she figured out that she was chosen to be a vessel for me." "Megan?" I asked, which Luna looked at me with widened eyes as if she knew that name. "Why yes, I assume you must be her descendent aren't you not?" "What the fuck are you talking about, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!" I yelled. "Easy Yates," Luna calmed, staring at Grogar. "Well I guess I should provide you a context, Megan is dead, and I now live in your brain." Immediately I tried to fiercely destroy the fucking barrier that Luna had shielded around me, going all from trying to pry it open with my bare hands to banging my head on it trying to kill that fucking beast. "YOU SON OF A BITCH I WILL KILL YOU I WILL KILL YOU! LET ME THE FUCK GO LUNA! NOW!" "YATES I DEMAND YOU TO CEASE NOW OR I WILL BE FORCED TO KICK YOU OUT OF THIS REALM!" Luna threatened, which I did not fare with that threat, the fact of my mind spiraling with my Greater Grandmother being dead my rage turned to despair as I leaned inside of this fucking orb in sorrow. Luna then stared at Grogar with immense hate. "Without further interruption, I should probably give him the low down, no I did not kill Megan, she died on her own accord because her age had perceived her, the reason for my existence in his mind starts long ago." In the beginning years of this wretched planet, I ruled Equestria with an iron hoof! A proper ruler with a proper title! Emperor of Equestria! My army was monsters and the subjects were ponies! But when your elder defeated me after thinking she had destroyed my bell! She took into acceptance of being a permanent prison for me. Now you may ask, why? That's because your Wretched God wanted me to be tortured and keep an eye on, so when it was discovered that the bell was not destroyed entirely but rather recuperated back altogether, your pony warrior Gusty and her friends took my bell into Mt Everhoof! And after they parted ways with your elder Megan, it was then that your God had me chained in Megan's mind and sought to rot me in there up until her death, of course since they feared the worst once she died he granted her immortality. "And it wouldn't be long until Celestia and Luna appeared in this same realm inspecting my chains as I stared at Megan as the pony beside you and Celestia kept me in check! Hehehe WELL, NO MORE AM I CHAINED HERE! IN HERE I CAN NOW ROAM FREE TO DO WHATEVER I PLEASED!" "You son of a bitch, now I remember who you are, you're a motherfucking monster!" Grogar chuckled. "Yes yes, but now that your elder is dead, you will now have to deal with me for the rest of your life!" "That's when you are wrong Grogar!" I yelled. " Megan may have been a regular human in her time before she met my Greater Grandfather Canter, who by the way fought a fucking war just so we don't have to fear people like you! And even when he was banished like the rest of the soldiers who tried desperately to save as many lives as possible Megan carried out her mission of raising the family I have today! She may have been a Williams yes, but Canter was a Luther, and while the name is traditionally no longer existent and had been reborn into Yates you will never taunt me with your fucking magic!" Grogar sneered at what seemed to be a speech, Luna's eyes were dilated, shortly she lowered the shield and we both looked at Grogar in a glare. "Interesting speech, unfortunately, we cannot touch each other at all." "Why so," I asked. "Because Yates... If you or he touches you both will die in your brain," Luna explained. "I wouldn't mind sacrificing my life!" "I wouldn't, Yates you have a life ahead of you! Even my sister knows you can't throw it away! Not like this." As much as I like it or hate it, she was right, killing myself to kill Grogar is a gamble, for now I guess I'll stay as the secret weapon, however by what it seems the light appears in the distance of the dream realm indicating that it's almost day time. "Until we meet again, Yates," chuckled Grogar, as both me and Luna disappeared in front of him. Battle at Karnkov University "WE CAN'T HOLD OUT ANY LONGER SIR! THEY'RE BOMBARDING US!" Shouted an Arkanistan soldier, as he fired an RPG at a T-72 detaching its entire turret off its chassis in an explosion. Hours after the uprising military forces from Alania marched into combat with the newly provided guns supported by Rodinian T-72s that treaded the streets of a ruined city. Within that same hour, the rebellion was quickly dismantled by the roars of the Soviet army. "Commander Frostbite!" Said a snow pony artillery gunner, as artillery dusted the snowed-in streets. "Colonel Water Fish! What's the status on the war front!" Asked Commander Frostbite. "We've got them all held up at this school sir! Most of their supposed captures had been taken by our Soviet allies! But they have civilians inside and they may hold them hostage!" "We can't risk civilian lives, but we could try to send a force-" "Commander Frostbite." The radio spoke. "Commander Frostbite do you hear!" The Snow Pony commander grabbed the radio and replied. "Frostbite here." "Your unit has been ordered to withdraw at once!" Ordered the Snowpony general. "W-what? Why?" Asked Frostbite. "I cannot provide, but you and your forces must get out of there now!" "...Acknowledged." Replied Frostbite as she placed the radio in her saddlebags and started packing. "Relay the order, we're leaving now!" Moskva After departing from Klugetown Yuri and Prigozhin entered the Kremlin where he is presented to the Red Mother as the new architecture of the new Paramilitary corps. "Congratulations Yuri, you've accomplished the mission and made it up for the previous failures," the Red Mother praised. "It is my pleasure Our Red Mother," Yuri replied. "As for you Yevgeni Prigozhin, we've noted your skills in the battle of the Crystal City and I like to congratulate you as well for your actions." "A great honor Our Red Mother," replied Prigozhin. "Now without any more stalling, you will be taken by our gentlemen Captain Putin to help you with your recruitment drive, you may leave," insisted the Red Mother, as Prigozhin left with Vladimir Putin out of the room. "I assume you've been waiting for your reward yes?" She asked. "As I've been Red Mother, I've waited for this moment ever since I was introduced to it." "...I will need to note to you Yuri, you do have the chance to leave this life and start a new one, you do have that choice, but I cannot guarantee that you will return to my lands if you agree to the mission I will grant, because once you do, you have free range to do whatever you desire and anything you do will not be traced back to us." "In other words Red Mother?" "You and whoever you hired to help you, will be on your own. And officially you would no longer be a Rodinian army intelligence, now you may be welcomed back to my land, but once you accept this mission, you cannot go near government buildings or any association with any officer of military personnel." "I accept this proposal, Red Mother." "...Very well... Your mission in Equestria is to soften its infrastructure, sabotage any operation that goes against us, and if you need to, you are given free rein to take a life. And most importantly as your last target, destroy Twilight Sparkle and her Friends, if they exist when an eventual revolution breaks out, they will be a threat. Take Starlight's town for example." "It shall be done, My Red Mother, but what about the revolt?" "Don't worry... It'll all be over soon." Canterlot After waking up from that dramatic experience I sat down on the chair in the dining hall sitting on it depressed as I laid my head between my folded arms on top of the table as Luna prepared coffee for the both of us. She didn't know what to say about this at all, the sheer fact that a being now lived in my head caused her alarm and worry, things got worse when a royal guard entered the dining hall. "Your Highness, a letter from the Crystal Empire." Luna received the letter and opened it, she was surprised as the letter was not from Cadence or Shining Armor, it was from Patton. She was saddened and turned towards me. "...Yates... You're Greater Grandfather Canter... He's... Dead." I gave no response, at this point, I merely had nothing in my mind other than desolation of dread. Luna said nothing, instead, she trotted over to me and kept me comforted. Megan was gone, Canter was gone, my innocence, and my spirit... Was gone... There was nowhere left for me to do... All is desolate... But at least I have someone with me right now, that can mourn with me. Divica village 10 miles away from war site After successfully withdrawing from the ruined city all units had been evacuated, Commander Frostbite however stares at the distance in confusion, wondering why they had to leave the city in a hurry. "This is Commander Frostbite, we've left the city entirely," reported the commander. "How many miles have you went?" Asked the General. "About 8 miles away I think, why's that?" "Because-" Immediately the radios from a radius were cut off and short-circuited followed by a bright flash of light some looked away for a mere moment until the light died off and in its place, a mushroom cloud that sent shock through everyopnes spines. If they had stayed in that university they would've certainly been dead... But to their horror when they realized that there were civilians still in the city. Everyone is horrified... Horrified that the Rodinians had just Dropped a Nuclear bomb on their own nation... This nuclear bomb has destroyed everything in its path, obliterating the entire town just miles away from them. Within minutes the Mushroom cloud died down, and everyone was quickly given Anti-Radiation pills, suits, and gas masks as orders had just come back after the radios were back online to return to the epicenter and start searching for survivors. Unfortunately... By the time the main Rodinian army itself arrived the entire population in that nuked-out town... Were dead... By the thousands... What seemed to be an average uprising turned nuclear, and the world would soon realize that the age of medevial fighting has now run its course, with the waves of modernization sweeping the world into the new age. A Carbined Age... > Heaven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canter woke up in what seemed to be on a pearl path road surrounded by clouds and golden light, surrounded by what seemed to be a choir of angels singing beautifully. It was then that he saw Megan, given a white dress and a young look like she used to have. They didn't speak, instead, they ran towards each other and hugged each other in a reunion. The years that they've missed they can now spend for the rest of eternity together. No words were given out the entire time at least until an angel appeared had came to escort the two to the gates of Heaven. The two didn't turn back, because they've got each other. All these two can wish for now is best of luck for their family as they entered the pearly gates of eternal rest. > Operation Valiko: Gauntlet of Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wouldn't tell what was worst up to this point. But what I would hear the next day would be worst. Torch Seas, 0353 hours In the nighttime hours a secret export was ongoing at a military exchange very high level, so high level that talking about it would be, according to Rodinia, 'a federal offense' (sentence is death by the way) the warden of this top secret export is named Major Kurzakhev Yurtazv, he's often refer to the men as: "The Hawk? You can't be serious!" Chuckled a drunken Rodinian Sailor. "So what is it, some sort of Hosean bird title given to him? And for what?" "I believe it's happened to do with the amount of ground to air shots he made when using a stinger, some say he once shot down an F-14 before!" Said some other sailor. "That is absurd!" Rebutted the sailor. "How could he possibly shoot down high-flying objects with rockets that are at this rate useless!" "Perhaps you're right," entered the Major, wielding a machete around like a baton. "Heaven knows who has been telling these stories haven't they not?" The two sailors astounded and solidified in their spots stood stiff in fear as their commanding officer stared both of them dead in the eyes and their souls as the sober sailor whispered to his drunk friend. "Do you think he heard us?" "I. Can. Still. Hear you sailor!" The Major growled, leaning in closer to the sober sailor's face with intent of murder on his face, his breath can be felt and smelt by the sailor as his eyes widened in fear for his life. "I apologize sir, but am I intruding on something?" Asked a Rodinian Sergeant. "No, no you aren't, I was just about to show them a little 7 letter word." He fiddled a bit with his machete before slicing in a blink of an eye, the beard off of the drunk sailor and the other's trousers off which revealed his boxers, turning them sober immediately. "Respect your damn officers, and stop gossiping over me and get back to work and get the fuck out of my sight!" "YES MAJOR SIR!" They both shouted as they dashed away to their posts as one of them tripped over their loosened pants leaving the Major with the Sergeant. "Now," reiterated the Major. "What is it you want Sergeant?" "Major sir, command deck wishes to recall you back from your off-duties," the Sergeant relayed. "Oh?" Queried the Major, once again fiddling with his Machete. "What's so urgent?" "Well-" Immediately without warning alarms blared like crazy flashing red in a loud alarm as the men got out of their beds, sleep benches, and the deck to scrambled off the and head for their stations, the Sergeant looked around in surprise, while the Major looked around in confusion. "MAJOR WHAT'S GOING ON!" Shouted a sailor. "I don't know sailor, that's something I should be asking him!" the Major turned towards the Sergeant and he explained. "We've detected life signatures headed right for our fleet! It's an unidentified life form but we believe it-" Immediately a dragon dived bombed the ship shooting its flames onto the hull as the wood became melted hot and inflamed, after burning its hot manga on the deck it charged at the Sergeant who stood frozen in fear before being grabbed in the nose mid-air and struggled with the Major, who quickly put an end to the fight by jabbing his Machete into the dragon's guts, killing it almost instantly. The Major stood up, covered in blood and some guts hanging on his arms as he turned towards the Sergeant and threw it's intenstinialorgans at him causing both the Sergeant and the sailor to vomit. "Dragons..." He snared, as he looked up at the night sky to see it filled to the brim with body outlines with dragons, not much of an army of them no doubt a squad size, all because he could only count to around 10 or 8 bodies, he then grabbed the Sergeant grabbed the neck collar, slapped him in the gave and yelled. "Get your fucking senses together and have the men go on high alert, NOW!" The Major ordered, as the Sergeant ran to the bottom decks only to be shortly killed by a massive explosion that seemed to have been caused due to a gas leakage in which case the fire breath from the attacking dragons lit the fuse. "Son of a bitch,0I'M TAKING FIRM AND ABSOLUTE COMMAND! SHOOT THOSE MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS OUT OF THE SKY!" The Major shouted, as within minutes the Anti-Air flak guns had now started to lit the skies with explosive shells and machine gun ammo, the destroyer escort ships followed suit firing heavy mm canons and their own flak cannons at the sky in a desperate defense. Back at the other side of the transport ship the Soviet men who are cut off from any flak weapon went desperate on the surrounding side and so they resorted to using firearms one of them used the flag of Rodinia as a spear poking it at the dragon's underbelly while in some way giving moral to the living men as the flag waved. It wasn't much though because of the scales that the dragons had on them the bullets bounced off of their bodies, although exceptionally the AA guns can blow those scales open it's that an additional follow-up round would be needed to kill the dragon instantly. Eventually, though he would feel some blood rain from the sky, but that wasn't dragon blood, but rather the blood of the dead crew officers who limped over outside the command deck windows. "God almighty," he said to himself when suddenly the dragons dived and attacked the ship again this time not sparing no mercy as they roasted the men alive in flames, and destroyed the command deck further. It was then that when the Major noticed the fires had now enraged and almost consumed half of the ship he quickly ran inside the ship, down the deck, however, all he was met was the cold icy waters as the water filled the internal hull of the ship. It would seem that not even metal was spared from the inferno of flames, though this didn't surprise him because dragons are magically capable of melting anything in their paths, which includes even the hardest of stones like diamonds. But when he found himself dragged into the water by the increasing current he pushed forward pushing away the bodies of the dead men that now floated inside of this odd water world inside of the ship. It wasn't far and distant when he reached the storage room where he would enter the restricted room that contained the secret package. Nuclear Missiles. After the events of Arkanistan the nation of Stalliongrad had given Rodinia 'permission' to ship the missiles on their soil in case of war with Equestria in which the targets, ranging from Canterlot, Crystal City, Manehatten, and Ect. In a war to deter and possibly extinguish Equestria's superpower status entirely. This shipment was not the only one heading to Stalliongrad as separate shipments have also gone the other directions, each shipment contained about 5 missiles all loaded with a Uranium Nuclear Warhead. It is armed the moment the shipment is attacked, however, even though the Major wasn't supposed to survive he manages to pry the sealed door open using the machete he still has with him. After entering he quickly entered the jettison code and the bottom bay doors opened dropping the armed missiles down through from the metal weight they carry. Kurzakhev swammed under below the bay doors and swam up to the surface within a quick and close call timing as he neared his breath being taken, but finally, after bursting the surface he quickly swam from the burning transport and grabbed on tight the floating debris. The Destroyer escorts had been damaged but not too badly but unfortunately they failed to defend the transport as it sunk into the depths of the ocean. As Kurzakhev was assisted by the crew of the Rodinian Naval Ship (RNS)-Sickle he looked at the oil smeared into the ocean like chalk as it continued to burn. But the Major's eyes, were twice as in flamed as they seek to have their revenge for this attack. Canterlot, 1340 hours I was at this point miserable, but I couldn't stay in the castle without the presence of either Alicorn princess who had decided that traveling to Ponyville was the best for their usual agenda, so when Celestia came back from Griffonia she gave no expression about my loss and just left with Luna to there. Talk about the nerve of the two, they said no peep about my fucking hardship at all and the fucking fact that I'm having to stay on duty without going off base just so my friend, Gold Star, didn't have to be disturbed. I sighed at this writing, but it is true, I feel like I'm alone, for years in my time of service I've been with others who knew me, but that was the navy, even if I had come used to the men back at base grounds even then they still looked at me like I'm some sort of stranger to them. I don't know, I guess relevance has gone from me, then again I expected less from my ancestors, one of these days my one thousand times greater grandfather Luther was eventually going to be no longer any knowledge in anyone's eyes. Then again it's all for the better... I guess... But, as I sat on the steps of the castle writing this I decided that since it's merely deserted, more likely because it's the weekends of course, I helped myself out and headed to my Humvee that I drove here with. But on another note, I guess it's ironic that the moment Grandma Megan died is when her husband whom she had loved these years died as well, I guess you could say that was the end of the Crystal-Human war generation for us it would seem. And then there's Grogar... After all this time, I was told a story when I was young, ironically it was from Megan, about her adventures of helping ponies in this same land that I stand on, it would all seem so tangled in mystery, but when I put it this way I would take an understanding. Basically within Centuries when America gained independence and before she ever met Canter, Grogar ruled southern parts of Equestria, enslaving those under his iron hooves and using his army of monsters to enslave them, Princesses Luna and Celestia, along with Firefly, Misty, and the others had fought alongside Megan in the battle of Canterlot when Grogar tried to cease it for his "empire." Of course, his defeat wasn't until his bell was crumpled and he was banished to the dark realm, however after his banishment, the Bewitching bell placed itself back together into one piece as it was before it was supposedly shattered, so Misty sacrificed her life to travel up to mount Everhoof to hid it where no one can find it. And it would only be days later when Grogar was sentenced by the Creator to be imprisoned in Megan's mind in chains. And of course, she was given eternal life. But good God... Why me? Out of everyone in this fucking world why did it have to be me? I mean, I guess I won't know... Unless I ask... No! I will not ask that bastard, not after the shit he's done. But then again, it wouldn't hurt to ask only, one question... Ponyville, 1348 Gold Star was outside of the castle, funnily enough, he had found a bar although unlike me who is currently in a state of existential crisis, he was just there to see what the whole commotion was about, so when he entered the bartender was... ... Was he serious... "Why hello there sir! How may we help you with today!" Said Flim, wiping the inside of a glass beer bottle. "Huh, should've known you guys were still around here, say wait a minute? Did I not just see you aid the enemy when we were fighting the fucking mercenary army in Crystal City?" He interrogated, which Flim sweated a bit before his brother Flam came and interjected. "Of course we did good sir! But look it was a misunderstanding because you see we kept being chased around by Ms. Applejack, you know her?" "Yeah I know Applejack, in fact, she told me a lot about you two, I'm kind of surprised you're even running this bar under her scope?" Gold Star looked around curiously, as while it was packed to the brim with tough stallions who came to gamble, play, and drink their lives away Gold Star then noticed something he hadn't seen in a while. "How the hell did you get a working TV on Equestrian soil?" "We have our ways!" Chuckled Flim. "Might as well be a speakeasies, but you know what, this is practically not my problem I should probably just leave it up to whoever the element shows up here, might as well just get a shot." "Right oh sir! And what shall it be!" "Alcohol." "Alch- Alcho- wait... Did he just say?" Questioned Flam. "Yeah?" "Did you say Alcohol?" Questioned Flim. "...Yeah?" The two stared at each other immensely and yelled. "FINALLY SOMEPONY TO SELL ALCOHOL TO!" "...Heh?" Flim grabbed the shot and poured in the booze while Flam tended to the other customers who wanted the usual non-alcoholic cider. After receiving his drink Gold Star noticed something peculiar with the news. As it had been reported, a dragon attack has prompted Rodinian denunciation and unconfirmed reports of military build-up in Saddle Arabia and naval forces dispatched to the Dragon Isles. Gold Star shook his head at this petty media shit. [color=#e6c5a4 ]"I guess they ran out of content to report on ey?" He chuckled, sipping his entire shot, and then leaving a bit on the counter. "Keep the change," he said, but the Flim and Flam brothers were too busy to notice so Gold Star left the money on the counter and left out of the bar room. * * * After leaving the bar room he noticed that it wasn't that far from its original grand opening date, on his way from the bar room and back to strolling around town mapping it out in his mind as he continued further Rarity, carrying a glowing small dragon name Spike, dashed right passed him towards the castle. Of course, as it looked like one of those adventures he would most likely not be involved in, he carried on his trot when he received a phone call. "Gold Star here," he answered. "Gold Star," Alex repeated. "Ah, Alex how's it going?" "Not pleasant... I can't seem to get ahold of Yates lately," Alex said. "What do you mean? Where has he been?" "He went to Canterlot and stayed there for a while, he's supposed to be coming back and-" Immediately Alex noticed my Humvee pulling through the gate as I conversed with the MP and explained where I'd been for a while. "Nevermind he's back I'll see you within 3 days." The phone was hung up and Gold Star rolled his eyes in an unsurprised expression. The town used to be a place he could hang around at, but after Tirek he had been seen as more of an occupier by some folks than as a fellow pony denizen, though this wasn't their fault or his, they are concerned that after showing the brutality of their [the American] strength they've feared of having that same strength turned against them. What didn't help was the fact of the evening patrols. Gold Star heard the treadmills every 12, 3, 6, and even 9 o clock times of soldiers patrolling the town to keep things in order, the goal that Alex had in mind was to remind them that they were in "good hands by their American friends" but instead the absolute opposite happened to be that every time Gold Star sees a Bradley he would see a Mare shield two foals in distress when they pass. If Eskamoe was right, if Gold Star was to be in command of the base in place of Alex, the first thing to do is get rid of these fucking patrol schedules and revamp the extensive use of heavy vehicles with something less noisy, less intimidating, smaller, and less armed. (Except for having at least a TOW missile attachment on the back.) However what's really going on in his mind is the sheer fact that he has been merely a backup guy rather than a caretaker, he hasn't started his assignment but what would the point be if he is just going to be the base commander, but you know, he's more of a type that feels that his style of action is rare. At least that is what he was thinking before... "Hey partner!" Applejack said, walking towards him. "Twilight asked if you may like to assist her somewhere." "Assist her as in?" "I guess you could mighty say an adventure of a sort if you're up to it of course?" "About fucking time!" Gold Star yelled. "Also have you been noticing something odd around here-" Before Gold Star can answer he already run off back to the castle, leaving Applejack with annoyed obvious eyes. "Just like RD..." The Kremlin, Moskva, Rodinia, 1400 hours The Rodinian media broadcasters across the country gathered up in the press room of the Kremlin waiting attentively for the response on the incident that occurred on the coast of the Dragon lands. What seemed to be secret had now become a public hotspot as waves of media migrated from all over the Rodinian sectors to hear what would be the fate of those who had attacked the transport. The reason for such attention is because of the fact that the Red Mother and her General advisory have hinted at intense repercussions for the attack which stirred the media to theorize what the response could be while also debunking each other's theory like a rocket race to see who is right. Their answer would be answered within minutes, as the palace guards ceremoniously marched over to the entrance doors in the back as an opening was made by the crowd of media people, the doors opened and the Red Mother and her Generals walked through them. Now of course, since it's a pseudo dictatorship the media people clapped their hands upon the entrance of their supreme leader of the Soviets worldwide. Following her entrance was the anthem of Rodinia as the music played in the background while she walked through the red carpet greeting her fellow people and shaking hands with them, finally she walked to the podium going up the steps leading to it, the podium was detailed quite nicely, with a usual brown texture wood with the star of Soviet pride enticed on the top. Finally, there was silence with the music, and then after the media stood attentively with the knowledge of the Elephant in the room they watched as the Red Mother got her papers together and her glasses on, and after folding them she finally spoke. "Greetings to all the workers of the Soviet Republic of Rodinia, to give an analogy and an update of what has happened, hours ago our ships were on their way to deliver food for the Stalliongradian ponies that had still been affected severely by the recently imposed sanctions on their country as we have seen a sudden uptick in food shortages In danger levels leading what could be a famine, our men did their best to defend the ship but unfortunately they have been sunk leaving only a dozen survivors who managed to swim into one of the nearby destroyers present in the escort." The media murmured while some looked at the speech emotionful while some were angered by what the dragons did to their people delivering the food for helpless ponies. But the problem was that they didn't realize at all that this was all satire, as you may remember that the shipment had nukes, not grain. "Now as the prime leader of the established government, me and my Generals had found some... Alternatives to avoid war," the Red Mother said, this was followed by heckling from the crowd as she embraced the grand sounds of anger towards the species that attacked the Rodinian ships. "But after examining we have come to find that there will be no peace with the Dragons, and as we speak, we have already begun drilling for a full-blown military operation on the Dragon lands." Immediately the crowd blew up with questions along with some cheering and war chanting from the citizens of Rodinia as each reporter rushed to get answers, eventually, the Red Mother pointed at the Rodinian Telegraph News person. "Mrs. Mother, what would the goal be for the operation?" Asked the reporter. "We have yet to discuss this, but I will assure you that we will target those responsible for the attack, we've yet to discuss their fates in this regard." The Oval Office, the White House, Washington City As Reagan watched this unfold in front of his television the advisors looked sweaty, the president leaned forward on his reclining chair with a disturbed impressive expression. "Hmph... Do you think she'll go through with this?" Reagan asked. "Well, sir I-" "Yes or No," Reagan demanded. "...Yes sir," answered the advisor, as Reagan leaned back at the response and sighed. "Alright, I want an immediate military briefing, and order Admiral Hughes to withdraw all naval assets away from those waters, and have all shipping lanes that go through there to recalculate travel distance," Reagan orders. "Is that necessary sir?" Asked another advisor. "Do you want to sit back and watch our own people in ships sink?" Reagan questioned. The advisors gave no response as Reagan raised his chin up. "That's what I thought you would say, for now in the midst of this I want my generals to organize battle battalions on standby and transfer our Special Forces from Whinnypolis to our Zebrican bases in Maregypt." "And what about the 105th sir? It's still based in Equestria," asked one of the advisors. "They'll be on standby as well, just they won't ship out, not unless we actually need them, do know that we are still in the process of our diplomatic mission in Ponyville and I do not want that especially interrupted," Reagan replied. "Of course sir." Ponyville So to explain the situation, Spike and Rarity had been digging for gems and jewels when Spike caught what seems to be glowing recall syndrome or GRS, basically dragons occasionally would have this happen to them when a major event occurs and of course, while Equestria may be a bit familiar with this and sees it as incurable unless the dragon goes to the lands, in America the dragons are given a pill upon entering the country which wavers if not exterminate communication waves entirely from there to the Dragon Lord. Of course, Torch being known to be a pissy bitch, tried to demand to America to stop serving these pills to newcomers, obviously because of the reminder of the Human-Dragon war in 324 BLB, they would just be silenced or dismissed entirely. Of course, the problem is that it's only within American territory, and in Equestria, they have no such remedies. So what happened next was well, a balloon ride. Gold Star, Rarity, Twilight, and Spike are inside the balloon floating from Ponyville and heading toward the Dragonlands, before their departure Gold Star did pack some things. A pistol, survival kits, flare gun, and radio pack. And uh... Oh and a fucking M82 Barret Sniper rifle that he happened to stop by our base for because for some fucking reason he left the assault Rifles in the dirt of Bales city so the Colonel wasn't all too happy about this, as for me I didn't fucking care because while he was picking his shit up I've been drinking away of my life. But that's a time for its own chapter. But after packing his things which surprisingly didn't weigh the hot air balloon all too much, the four were on their way to the dragon lands. But to one dismay, Spike was not enjoying himself as he continually scratched himself all over. "Damn," Gold Star said. "I know dragons are a bit annoyed with the glowing but isn't this a bit too much?" "Apparently it has something to do with the chemistry of the dragon scales, you see while he's younger he could experience things with an unanswered dragon call, like rash, scabbing, scraping, oh and in some cases permanent skin damage!" "Not helping!" Spike scolded. "Sorry, I was interested in the notes about dragon anatomy, you know how they mope, brood, oh and in some cases get very-" "Woah woah woah!" Gold Star interrupted. "He's too young to know all that stuff, save the rest when he's older, besides I'm trying to get a good signal here." "Signal? In the middle of nowhere!?" Rarity scoffed. "Now is not a good time to be playing music when we're heading to the land devoid of any decency!" "Relax, this isn't for music, it's for communication," Gold Star assured. "More like a petty waste of time!" "Waste of time? Would you rather be stranded on a fucking island in case this thing falls from the sky or would you rather have a contingency in case it does happen?" Rarity raised her hoof in a disagreeing tone before dropping it and rethinking her words. "Good, now lemme see about this damn thing." "How old is that radio system?" Twilight asked. "Ehh... I could say very old, the 70s or 80s, take it or leave, though not as good as the SINCGARS radio system, now that thing can reach distances like none before." " So why didn't you take that instead!" Rairty complained, which Gold Star raised his hoof but then realized the probability of her question. "Okay so I was not pretty smart there I'll give you that, but! There's some slight chance it can still work... Maybe..." It was suddenly then that the radio sprung into life with static followed by blotted-out voices. "Hah! It worked!" Gold Star squandered. "Barely," Rarity rolled her eyes, as she tended to Spike scratching himself. "Hey just because this piece of history is old doesn't mean it's unusable! Just... Need patience that's all," Gold Star reasoned. "Patience is one thing, but how do you even know that we'll even have anypony here that can listen to this noise machine!" Rarity pointed. "There should be an American fleet below us, although not one of those with a carrier, it does have helicopters to pick us up in case-" Immediately the static turns into pure Rodinian voices as their language is heard. "Внимание, неопознанный корабль, развернитесь сейчас или вас перехватят!" Warned the Rodinian Pilot. "Uh..." "What in Celestia's name is that sound?" Rarity asked when suddenly a SU-35 zoomed right passed the balloon followed up came two more SU-35s forming a squadron. "Я СКАЗАЛ ОБЕРНИСЬ, ЧЕРТ ВОЗЬМИ, ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ!" Yelled the Rodinian pilot, as one of the SU-35s positioned itself behind the balloon in a harrier position, which in a quick motion Gold Star tried to signal the pilots with the radio. "This is Major Gold Star of the American armed forces, disengage now! You are in violation of Article 105, paragraph 1 of the League of Nations charter! Stand down or you could face consequences!" Gold Star warned, to which the pilot replied. "Или что?" Questioned the Rodinian pilot, which Gold Star was a bit deadpanned. "От Сокола до базы хорьков, у нас есть воздушный шар, который не подчиняется, запрашивая разрешения на полет." Gold Star could overhear the chatter, and from what he could understand they might end up shooting them down, so immediately he quickly gathered the materials and stuffed them in his backpack, he also grabbed and turned off the radio and then turned towards the two ponies. "This is where we fucking stop!" He said. "What? Why?" Twilight asked when she saw that one of the jets was about to target their balloon. "Понял, разрешение дано, сбивайте их." Replied Ferret base "Nevermind! SPIKE RARITY JUMP!" She yelled. "ABANDON BALLOON!" "Wha-what-" Immediately Twilight grabbed Rarity and Spike and jumped off the Balloon, Gold Star followed suit as the SU-35s opened fire at the air balloon popping it and destroying the carriage, all the while the four were all in full free fall when Twilight got her wings to balance out with the wind, and Gold Star pulling the pin on his parachute. They both dived down Twilight grabbed Spike, and Rairty grabbed onto Gold Star's leg for her dear life and she held it tight as the two went down. "Feel glad I brought something more useful than that radio huh?" Gold Star chuckled. "Y-yep... C-c-couldn't a-agree m-m-m-more!" Stuttered Rarity, as the four landed on the ground which happened to be their destination, Gold Star unhoisted his parachute. "You can let go of me now..." "Oh right of course!" Rarity acknowledged, releasing her grip from Gold Star's neck. "Well, so much for a peaceful travel," Twilight said as she and Spike looked up at the sky where the SU-35s flew around like vultures looking for their kill. "Where did those guys come from?" Spike asked as the sight of jets seemed to have made him forget about his glow and itch. "I don't know, I haven't seen the Rodinian people as this aggressive before, never have I seen them do that?" Twilight questioned. "I mean we did before remember?" Spike reminded. "Right, but that was when they used helicopters, this time is different, I have a feeling they're preparing for something I just can't my hoof on just why," she questioned to herself. "Not to interrupt your guessing game, but I think we better move before they find out that we're not dead, and will try to swoop up on us like hawks to the rat." " Agreed, as much as I love the scenery of what is left of good in this terrible rocky place, I'd rather live to see more beauty than let it this be my last," Rarity expressed, which Spike nodded to that motion. "Well then, let's keep going, for the best anyways," Twilight said, as the group now started moving into the volcano region of what would be the meeting point of the dragon clans. The four made their way out of the hostile territory and away from the watchful view of the SU-35s which had by now flown away from the crash site and back to their earlier patrols. Of course, it wouldn't be long until they subsequently found the meeting place of the dragons from all edges of the volcanic lands, of course, there was one thing, they are considered to be very hostile towards ponies, and at any sight of them by a dragon, they would not hesitate to murder. Twilight had taken this to account in her own mind, so she quickly grabbed a sizable rock from a cliff, blew the insides of it out with her magic, and she had made a rock disguise. "Nice, I guess you and Rarity will have no trouble at all hiding from the dragons," Gold Star said, as he opened his travel pack and started rummaging into it. "What about you? I could always make another one that can fit you?" Twilight asked. "No need, out here I like to be stealthy, don't worry I can hide myself just fine out here," Gold Star reassured, as he pulled out a Ghullie blanket which instead of it being leaves and moss, it's pure rocks and pebbles. "Well good luck with that," Rarity expressed. As the three split off from Gold Star, he took the time to go to a high vantage point, it was a hard climb though, but it did have a lot of edges where he could grip on so he slid his rifle onto his back and hoisted his pistol and then he started climbing up the mountain, it was tall yes, but also a treacherous climb with the ground looking like it shrunk from his view. After about half an hour later he got to the top and covered himself right after grabbing his binoculars from his kit and looking down at Twilight, Rarity, and Spike's position, and it wasn't long before more and more dragons landed. However, a group of these dragons took notice of Spike and approached him, causing a surge of panic in Gold Star, but was quickly suppressed by a sudden wave of calm and assurance. Instead, he overhears the conversation developing between the Red Dragon and Spike. "Well well well! If it isn't our old friend Sparkle Warkle!" The Red dragon mocked. "It's Spike..." Replied, well you know, Spike. The three broke out in a peal of laughter in a sway of further mock. "Are you sure your pony friends didn't give you a pony name!" "It's nice to see you too, Garble." "Damn what a bitch." "I DIDN'T SAY IT WAS NICE TO SEE YOU!" Garble aggravatingly responds. "It is not! I DON'T. LIKE YOU!" He then pushed Spike onto the ground and then proceeded to jump on the disguise which quickly alarmed Gold Star as he nearly pulled out the M82 before realizing that if he loses it, everyone dies, so he instead stood down but unbearably watched the bitch continue. "Was I not clear about that?" In a short burst of panic, Spike quickly yelled out. "Hey! That's my rock!" "Oooh? If you want it then come try to-" But before he could answer dragon Lord Torch arrived in the area, presenting his terrifying presence to the entire crowd of dragons as they watched in awe even to Twilight and Rartiy's view they were in shock at his size. However, he wasn't there just to show off how big he is, instead, it's- "It is time for me to step down, sad I know." ...Yeah a retirement, that type of announcement. Of course, no one gave any reaction until. "BE SAD!" Immediately everyone was sad with crocodile tears while Spike stood amidst the confusion while everyone was just following what the soon-to-be retired dragon lord was doing. So yeah, he was one of those types of dragon lords. Which then he continued. "THIS IS WHY I HAVE SUMMONED YOU ALL! TO COMPETE FOR THE THRONE! FOR THE GAUNTLET OF FIRE!" And surprisingly without command, the entire crowd broke out in a cheer and excitement as they murmured their agenda's on what they'd do if they became dragon lord. "WHOMEVER HAS THE STRENGTH AND FORTITUDE TO RETRIEVE THIS BLOODSTONE SCEPTOR FROM THE HEART OF THE FLAME CANO! WILL BE CROWNED!" "LORD OF THE DRAGONS!" He then flicked the scepter into the volcano like a piece of a toothpick and continue to ramble on, but to spare you his useless chit-chat, be tough, strong, all that shitty muscle talk nonsense. (Gees just like my gym teacher...) Eventually, every dragon left the rocky mountains and went to the edge of the cliff near the coast of Torch Mountain, Gold Star breached his cover and approached the three by sliding down the mountain. "Are you two alright? Looked a bit claustrophobic in there," Gold Star asked, setting aside his rifle and helping the two out of the ruined disguise. "I never thought he never got off us! I almost blew our cover!" Rarity ranted to herself. "Gee, I wish I knew why," Gold Star sarcastically replied, which earned him a bit of a stink eye from Rarity, while the two were at it with their throats like two pit bulls in the alleyway Spike was concerned and Twilight as well. "I don't like it Twilight, did you see how aggressive they are?" Spiked asked. "I have a bad feeling about what they're planning, but if I have to assume then..." The two fell silent for a minute, (minus the argument in the background between the army Grunt and the Dress Fashionista) they knew what would happen if one of these new generational dragons were to wield that gauntlet, for instance, one of these said winners could spark a total ethnic war on Equestria jumpstarting ages of war and undone centuries of peace. The last time Ponies and Dragons were at each other's throat was in 567 ALB when former Dragon Lord, Spartacus, was nearly assassinated by an unaffiliated pony member of the EUP, the said assassin was actually working for the Eclipse Brigade, you know, during the time when this group waged an entire economical war against Equestria, well this triggers a one to two-year war before Celestia managed to acquire evidence, with the help of the civilian class, and convinced the Dragon Lord that it was America who staged the war, of course when the Dragons offered a coalition treaty against America Celestia rejected, and so when the Dragons attacked American shipments. It didn't end well, they were slaughtered, and the Dragon Lord was killed later on in a retaliatory strike by F-4 Harriers in 571 which gave weight to Dragon Lord Torch. Eventually thinking about what could happened fried both of their brains and made them shutter at another mass casualty event, but there was all but one solution... "I have to be the one to win the challenge, I have to win the gauntlet!" Spike declared, which caught both Rarity and Gold Star out of their argument. "WHAT!?" "Um... Are you really sure you wanna do that?" "What other choice do we have? If any of those dragons were to possess the gauntlet it could spell doom for the pony race!" "Actually it'd be more like dragon extinction, but I see your point here." "Right!" "There has to be another way it's too dangerous, and if you do win you would have to stay here!" Twilight made a point which so happened to gut Gold Star in the organs, by now he and Spike had actually gotten some sort of bond, almost familial in some way, but if he has to stay here so that a fucking extermination war doesn't start this could have downsides and good sides, the downside being he's a child and he's got the tendency of not knowing what to do, on the bright side America and Equestria could have a new ally and repair broken bonds damaged 500 years ago, especially at a time when Soviet armed forces are operating in and out off and on the continental boundaries, and the expanding influence as to add on. "I know, but there is no other way to keep my friends safe," Spike added, while Twilight and Rarity saw no other option, Gold Star could somewhat see another, he remembered that during the meeting he had a peek at Princess Ember, who seems more simple-minded than the other dragons. Although it would seem Torch had forbade her from racing because of her royal title, which sounds a bit sexist, she seems to have the guts to do it anyway, regardless of what her father says and if she did race he would not be surprised. "Well if you're staying to compete then we're staying to cheer you on!" Spike took that to heart, Gold Star the other hand could see a disaster unfolding from this. Speaking of disaster... Northern Arabia, Soviet Airbase Latakia With the increasing bolster of Soviet forces, equipment by the thousands had begun approaching, however, sitting in the command room as the meeting was ongoing was the Major. After having to scuttle the transport ship he was reassigned from top secret operations to a full-blown military operation that aimed to destroy and flatten the mountains and to reduce the lands into chaotic rubble, why he was promoted to this rank is unknown, but it most likely since he and the other men survived the attack to tell the tale and was probably offered vengeance. Stabbing his machete into the wooden table the military leaders of this operation had been planning and pinpointing areas. "In the north here in the Dragon lands according to our patrol ships, is the most exposed part of the lands, no dragons are present and we have an absolute advantage with the terrain, for this the 30th and 63th motor armor brigades will take the beach head there, and here, using the finest of Rodinian technology these forces will be using the Ekranoplans for the landing," the General Boris Gromov paused to allow the officers and commanders to take brief notes before continuing. "With the North secured the 10th and 42nd Airborne divisions, along with additional air support from Badger squadron, will land in the center, and the South to disrupt communications and silent kill anyone within the operational radius to keep silent on our movement, both the North and Southern Armies may then proceed to move along the dragons and then." "General Gromov, may I like to add something?" Asked Major Yurtazv. "Of course, ask away Major," replied the General. "What equipment are we using for this operation just come to wonder?" "Didn't you receive the memo, Major?" Questioned the General. "Unfortunately sir, I prefer going off the grid than looking at screens, it's not that healthy comrade," the Major reasoned. "Hm... Very well then I guess that's somewhat excusable, sort of, but due to the scales of the dragons the Red Mother has authorized the deployment of her personal army division, the 136th Guards motor rifle division, equipped with the finest armor, from the regular fashion T-90s to the champion of tanks it's sister the Proryv-3 model Variant." The Major jerked back at this information being amazed that the sole champion tanks of Rodinia were to be used against the savages in the mountains, more than ever this could make this war last three days or hours just with the deployment of these tanks. Of course, that's just his mind and the reality of it all will come to slap him in the face, but for the time being. "Well I look forward to fighting alongside all of you, you're all dismissed!" The general saluted dismissing the entire staff as they got up from their seats, one of them remaining in their seats was Commissar Aleksei Myagkov, yes same guy from Yakyakistan, after being called to Zebrica to monitor the situation and the meeting, you know usual R.I.B. stuff he waited for everyone but the general to leave so he could get a progress report on the planning proceedings. After the officers left the tent the RIB agent got up, dusted himself, and then shook hands with the General. "How did I do comrade?" The General asked "Well in the technicality of my works, you haven't said anything anti-party worthy so that's good, and as for planning handling I would say a 9.5/10, the .5 being because the major didn't receive the memo," replied the Major. "I can live with that, now about that talk you wanted?" "Of course, I have received an unofficial pending request to transfer stations, a man by the name of Captain Volklav wants to transfer to your division groups," the Commissar informed. "Captain Volklav, lemme pull his files up real fast-" The Commissar dramatically slammed the files on the meeting table. "No need for that General, they're all right here." The General was taken off guard but he grabbed the files, opened the fold, and read the background information, taken from account that Ogav had military honors for Petershoof, a master's degree at the University of Moskva, and a personal citation from his former commanding officer General Vernakov Vistka, recently killed by Klugetown gang member, for his actions in salvaging the operation in Trotgiers during the first Saddle Arabian civil war. "Yes, I remember him quite well, I was in command of the T-72 unit back then, at that time I was a colonel before being transferred to the 3rd guard's rifle division, of course, that was before I became the man I am now, commanding the 40th armor corp, the crown jewel of Zebrica's army combine!" "Yes yes, but about Volklav?" "Ah of course, well as the folder states he seems to be serving in the military base in Yakyakistan, egh... I do not like the look of it though, I knew someone there before told me conditions were just terrible," the General expositioned. "Whatever happened to him?" Asked the Commissar. "Well one of you people probably silenced him because that was the last I heard of him," the General accused. "I assure you General Gromov the RIB had nothing to do with his death, though he might have died from frostbite, of course, that seems to have been reduced because I've started noticing that the living conditions have been a bit more, let us just say comforting, like a Finnlander Sauna facility sort to say of course." "I'll believe that when I see it, but of course as for Ogav, I don't know if I want to tangle with General Perov, last I heard he wasn't pretty nifty especially the operation in Equestria as of recently." "How do you know about it?" "Word spreads fast, of course, that's beyond me of who knew it firsthand but by now it's no secret that Spetsnaz freed Yuri from his confinement." "Maybe so, well then don't worry, all I need to know is if you're willing to hire Volklav or not." "Perhaps, but this will be paperwork for me you know, and you will need to personally go to Perov about it." "Leave it to me, General. And also, good luck on your war," the Commissar waved. "You too." The competition for the Gauntlet So the race starts after Spike ad to tell old Torch that he changed his mind about racing. So he and the three ponies with him swam towards the Volcano because one Spike didn't get his wings yet at this point. Also, Rarity and Twilight maintained themselves in disguises, as for Gold Star, well, he rather go for action than hide even though even though a dragon has tough skin instead of using fake disguises that could put him in danger and restrict his body movement, he uses the environment as his camouflage. But who was I to judge I wasn't there. On their way through the four had to dodge the water beasts that prowled the waters, although they only dodged one, and from straight forth they kept on trekking in the seas until suddenly the dammed eels blew one of the dragons out of the air and made that single particular one fall into the ocean. "He's going to drown!" Spike said as he dived into the water. "SPIKE!" Gold Star followed suit, diving into the dark waters and swimming deeper helping Spike grab the masked dragon by the legs and then they both swam back up to the surface breathing in air. "Let's get this one to land, quick!" Gold Star suggested as the duo swam to shore making landfall on the volcanic beaches of Torch Mountain. "Take his helmet off, I need to check if he's still breathing," Gold Star ordered, in which Spike took off the helmet, and to their surprise, it wasn't a he, it was a she, and she was still breathing it was none other than princess Ember and it would seem that she tried to sneak into the race disguised in full body armor to hide her identity. Of course, being a male himself, Gold Star criticized in his mind a female dragon in a male dragon race for power. But when she was about to open her eyes Gold Star hid himself behind one of the red crystals that stuck out of the ground and watched on as Ember awakened. "Princess Ember!" Spike is called by her title. " And what do you think you're doing!" Ember scolded, when... "Only saving your ungrateful scales!" Rarity scolded, and Gold Star faced hooved himself. "Did that seaweed just talk..." Ember walked over and revealed Twilight's and Rarity's disguises and it revealed. "Ponies!?" Yeah, and I think where this went after revealing the disguise Gold Star leaped and tackled her to the ground without question although Ember tried to break herself free from his tackle but is succumbed to his strength using his training motto "Shoot first questions later." Of course in this instance, tackle first questions later, but you got the jest. "Gold Star stand down! She hasn't done anything to us at all!" Spike demanded, and Gold Star looked at Ember without words other than the face that said "You tell any living being and you're dead." And she took it in very well being too afraid to fight or tangle with this particular pony and so she nodded, after which Gold Star got off of her and leaped back into his hiding spot without further question. "...So what are they doing here!" Ember asked. "They're my friends," replied Spike, catching Ember off guard. "Friends? Dragons don't make friends, instead, they tangle, they fight, and they rival but never friends!" Ember rebutted. "Well this dragon does, and I don't like to tangle," Spike answered. "Uh-huh... Well, I don't care what you are and who is with you but all you need to know is to stay out of my way, I would like to win that gauntlet." "But what about your dad-" "I DON'T CARE WHAT MY DAD SAID!" Ember yelled, implying a family issue between Daughter and father, gees talk about daddy issues. "I'll show him and every single dragon that thinks of me as some sort of princess!" "I mean, technically the title princess is the top rank in monarchy in Equestrian-" "No one asked!" "..." It was then that Garble was knocked out of the sky by a boulder-wielding Ankylosaurus-like creature that guarded the top of the mountain. Immediately everyone got their disguises on except for Gold Star who was already in a hiding spot ahead of them. "Don't leave me here Spike!" Garble begged with fake puppy eyes, while Gold Star shook his head for Spike not to lift the boulder, which unfortunately Spike came to Garble's aid anyway, and lifted the boulder. And without surprise, Garble kicked up a mound of dirt that buried Spike up to his head and laughed. "Haha, I knew you would do it, your pity little pony friends made you inny bitty soft!" Garble said poking at Spike's forehead like he was poking at some sort of jello dish. "Uh-huh, you're welcome..." Spike replied, regretting himself for not taking Gold Star's warning in just not helping him. "For what? I didn't say thank you." Then out of nowhere, Garble smelt pony from Spike and then he realized that the particular smell came from the seaweed disguise which he got closer to before Ember stepped in and said. "Sorry I was robbing a pony of his riches yesterday, he had a lot of perfume." Speaking of perfume Gold Star could also smell that smell, and it would turn out that it was fucking Rarity and her fucking perfume smell, and as you know this aggravated Gold Star in his frustration towards the white unicorn. Of course, when Garble asks who this "individual" is Spike answers the question using random landscapes surrounding them, and then he further insults the two and leaves the premises. "You vouched for me? Why?" Ember asked. "Well you didn't rat out my friends, and well you've also prevented what could've been a brutal hoof-to-claw fistfight," Spike said implying to Gold Star who was prepared to ensue one given the circumstances. "I could understand the first one, but I've already figured out the last part," Ember replied. Then Gold Star came out of hiding and said once more. "I said this once and I will say it again, that guy is a bitch, how the hell did he know you anyways?" Gold Star asked. "Long story short, he was a jerk and then-" "No need to explain it further, so... Ember? I know you probably have the instincts of a primal savage but you are not going past that blockade of oversized armadillos without a little bit of teamwork, after all, it is one big race and he's small, no one is going to judge you on doing a little bit of teamwork." Ember listened to Gold Star's face and she nodded. "I have to give it to you, for a pony you do know how to plan." "Well given time even a "cute" pony could be violent if not deadly, but as everyone here on this dammed rock comes to see it, Equestria is soft, maybe a bit too soft," Gold Star turned glaring at Rarity. "I have an idea of how we could work together too! Perhaps I can be your second eye!" "You would cover for me?" "Of course!" It was then that Spike was called by Twilight and Rarity who moved to the tree, as the three conversated Gold Star checked his weapons to be sure it's steadiness were still steadied, all the while Ember took into curiosity about him. "You know I've heard of these two, and I know there were six of them, and that pipsqueak, but where did you come from?" Ember asked as Gold Star patted his rifle ammo into the M82, loading one bullet into the chamber. "Can't disclose that information, unfortunately," he replied. "Why bother asking." Ember was about to answer before he added. "That wasn't a question Ember." "But it sounded like a question?" "Well in all technical terms, you should be glad you're talking to someone who isn't as naive as the ones in Equestria." "But you're a pony?" "And does that make me Equestrian immediately? Get a load off princess, in Humarica we see things differently." "Oh really, with your whole 'dream' stance and how your dreams come true!" "Nope, but sure there's the thing called "the American dream" but that's in America, in reality, it is war and conquest that's in the lifeblood, although humanity lost its way through the spoils of its technological status but, even in peace Humanity will always be at war, just not against a foreign entity or one another but rather... Itself. At least that's what I've come to learn about it, but nothing can compare with how capable humanity is, it's just that even they are underestimated," Gold Star contended within himself, as he wrapped the rifle strap around his back. "Dragons see Strength, Zebras see science, ponies see peace, Griffon sees tradition, but a Human, well... They see nothing but war and the profits that follow." "Who are you?" It was then that Spike came to Ember after speaking with Rarity and Twilight. "So are you ready?" Spike asked, and Ember looked at Gold Star who was tending to his mind. "Yeah... Yeah, I think I am." "Is... Something wrong?" Spike asked. "No no, it's all fine, let's go." Spike climbed on Ember and then the two scoured the skies leaving the three on the ground. "Reckon we better get up there," Gold Star said. "Agreed," Twilight replied using her magic to teleport them onto the mountaintop. Within hours As the five traveled within the mountain going through the mischievous traps, twists, and turns, and the flaming deaths of booby-trapped volcanic geysers the five made it to the tipping point of the adventure at the lava pits, or the internal part of the volcano, it is said that this would be the level of challenge before reaching the gauntlet. But the most satisfying part of it all was Garble getting the taste of his own medicine ten times fold, for example being stabbed by the red crystals, kicked in the balls by a random rock, torched by some fire eel, and getting singed by the volcanic geysers. But for now, it was the two, Spike and Ember. Or at least there were two until as you know it Twilight and Rarity came in the form of some rocks, as for Gold Star he was nowhere to be found though really he's just being stealthy behind more crystals before stepping out into the open checking his flank left and right. "Oh, we just knew you would make it! And we were so worried!" Rarity rejoiced, making Gold Star roll his eyes over to the side. "Pah! It was nothing you didn't have to worry about us! It wasn't like we were dodging everything that death threw at us... Or those arrows! Or the flames!" Spike passed out from trauma for a brief moment before being awakened by Gold Star light slapping him in the face multiple times. "Hey hey come on stay in the game, it ain't over until it is over!" Gold Star encouraged, waking Spike back from his brief dirt nap. "I'm alright!" "Wait how did you three get over here?" Ember asked. "Short story shorter, Alicorn magic, thought you caught onto that by now," Gold Star smirked when a sudden earthquake occurred followed by what sounded like brief but small sounds of explosives erupted on the roof, but that was the least of their concerns when Rarity nearly tipped off into the lava. "RARITY!" Spike yelped, as he and Gold Star. Subsequently, ran to her aid and pushed her away from the edge however a piece of rock fell from the roof and smashed onto the ledge creating cracks below Gold Star's hooves splitting the ground below him as he and the ground collapsed downward towards the lava pit. "GOLD STAR!" "AH, SHIT!" He shouted as he free fell from the ledge before he was caught mid-air by an inch from the lava pit by Twilight and Rarity's magic, the unicorn and Alicorn mares groaned and struggled as they lifted him with all their strength until finally he was back on the ground, and without a word, he passed out in exhaustion. "Gold Star, Rarity are you two alright!" Spike asked. "I'm fine darling, but if anything we almost lost him for a moment!" Rarity said, as Twilight came to his aid trying to get him back to his legs. "I'm fine I'm fine," Gold Star said, getting his bearings back together. "Are you sure?" Twilight asked when Gold Star reaffirmed that he was all alright when Ember spoke. "You know it's too risky without a disguise here? So why insist on not using one?" "I'm not a civilian, I'm a soldier, I know what it is to be in a violent environment, but I'm not the important one here," "Right, but? Why did you all risk everything just to save each other?" Ember asked, which Gold Star rolled his eyes in an unsurprised tone. "Because that's what friends are for! They support each other and help one another at times of need, not abandon them! Even the ones when they're near a life or death situation," Spike explained looking at the three ponies who all leaned their heads back in a glimmer, which Spike continued. "Don't you have anyone you can count on?" "Well... No, well not unless I count you though..." Ember paused and immediately the expected happened. "Which I don't! Because we were only helping each other go through the death tunnel and now that we are this is where we part ways." "After the fucking shit you both went through you decide you want to run off?" "Look ponyland four legger!" "It's American four legger princess!" Gold Star insulted in Ember's face, making her a bit frustrated with him, and then turning towards Spike. "There is only one gauntlet which can only be used by one dragon which therefore can be only one winner! So really it's every dragon for themselves!" "Oh... So we aren't friends," Spike whimpered. "Maybe in Ponyland! But face reality, Spike! Dragons don't do friends!" Immediately without a second thought, she flew away from the group making now a party of four again, Gold Star looked at her flying off, and shook his head. "Predictable, not to offend you but some dragons are just selfish, they don't know anything about working together," Gold Star asserted on the fact. Gold Star and three without a further word continued down into the volcano while Spike felt a bit down from being abandoned though Gold Star stuck with him for the entire time, at least until he had to go into hiding because of dragons. But as they traveled in the mountainous caves, they had no idea that something big was happening just outside... Celestial sea Fishercolts made their expedition outside of the ports of Baltimare having their usual catch for the day, so far they've managed to haul a lot of good bountiful fish for sale and exports. "ALRIGHT LIFT ER' UP LAD!" Shouted a pony, as the fishing ship lifted the nest and hauled in an entire net. "BLUEFIN TUNA!?! WE'VE HIT THE JACKPOT CAP!" "So it is hehe! Looks like payday is today boys, cider is on me!" The captain chuckled, smoking his pipe as the fishercolts unhulled the load onto the holders. "Cover 'em up lads, we can'nt pass up this oppurtunitey!" "Aye cap!" Said a Fisher colt, hoisting the cover over the crate when they suddenly heard a distant roar in the fog in which they all stopped in their tracks to listen. "What do ya think it is cap!!" Asked a Fishercolt, when the Captain smoked his pipe intensely when suddenly it was revealed. "Dear Celestia almight-" Immediately it zoomed in a quick loud jet engine noise blowing the ship nearly off the water as all the fishercolts and the captain all flung into the air and all over the place like ragdolls as they screamed. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Long nose front, metal body, and 6 pairs of jet engines with a buoy attached wing and an internal loading bay code-named by the Federation as Duck 5 a marine's most dreadful nightmare zoomed through the Equestrian seas terrifying everypony and fishercolts in the distance as they zoomed through the water armed with 3 2X2 cruise missile launchers. "This is Kazakov, execute turn on my mark," ordered the head Ekranoplan pilot as it turned towards the beaches of the Dragon lands. Following suit were the other 9 Ekranoplans who executed the 90-degree turn until General Gromov gave the order. "This is Oblast-01. All weapons are free, fire at will." "Kazakov acknowledges Oblast-01, all battery's fire at will." Immediately one after one the missiles flew from the launchers and blew up the beaches destroying and flattening the ground and targeting the mountain placements where the Dragons could be hiding. The explosions caused a stir, and within moments, flocks of dragons flew out of their caves to run from the threat while some attempted to avenge their homes by attacking the Ekranoplans but were quickly shot down by the SU-35s that continually patrolled the skies given orders to shoot anything and anyone airborne down. Upon landing on the beach, the front of the Ekranoplan opened up, and soon the T-80 and T-72 tanks guarded and supported by infantry and BTR-70s, and the new 2S19 Self-propelled Artillery, along with some BMP-1AMs as the landing unit rolled onto the beach and spread out to establish a beach head rolling and shooting the canons at the mountains. *** On the south side of the Dragon lands, hordes of MI-28, 24, and MI-17 helicopters swarmed the skies deploying and loading off troops, tanks, and armored vehicles onto the ground as mobile supply docks were established off the coast disguised as oil rigs. Soon after the airborne units established the beachheads of the island and essentially surrounded it and starving it of its coast, the Rodinian forces landed by transport ships and deployed their new BTR model, the BTR-90 followed by the deployment of some trucks loaded with infantry, the TOS-1 rocket artillery, along with other artillery models like the 2S3 Akatsita and the BM-21 Grads, unloading as well as the infamous Proryv-3 T-90 model as they blasted the mountains with heavy ammunition while the Proryv-3 armed its autocannon with High explosive rounds. Operation Valiko has now begun... Back at Torch Mountain Back inside the mountain, the five continued traveling through the caverns. "Can't believe Ember ditched me, we had something together!" "Oh you're better off without her, she's like the other dragons." Gold Star stopped and looked at Rarity. "Really..." "What?" "Come on now, that's just racist on a new scale!" Gold Star scolded. "It's the truth though!" "Oh yeah? Then how about you keep that mouth and "truth" of yours silent!" "Why you little! You had done nothing but argue with me and torture me over my decisions!" "Oh yeah maybe that's a good thing! It ain't like you sneezed or spoke out the entire time!" "WHY YOU LITTLE GRUNT!!" And immediately the two broke out into a full-blown brawl with each other before being broken up by Twilight. "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!" She yelled, separating the two away from each other to opposite ends. "I had enough of your fighting! it's all you two have ever done this whole time! We're trying to cheer on Spike but we can't do that if you keep bickering over how we live! I'm even surprised that we haven't been caught so far because of you two bickering!" "She's the one who kept exposing us! I wouldn't be surprised if we all get caught!" " Says the one not wearing a disguise!" "At least I know how to not get caught without one thank you very much!" While the two continually argued Spike just sat down looking around the caverns wondering what made Ember decide that she wanted to ditch him, it made him saddened, no matter what though she is still considered his friend, whether she liked it or not, and then it dawned on him. He stood up and looked around the caverns, it's all a pattern, bright orange, dark orange, and just blue dark, the only cavern that stood out was the room lit with red from the shining red Gauntlet. "Guys!" Spike yelled, while still being covered by the arguing. "Guys!" Again they ignored him and continued to yell at each other, but he did grab Twilight's attention. "SHUT UP!" She shouted in a loud Alicorn voice, silencing the two as they looked at Spike. "I know where it is! Follow me!" And so the trio followed the little dragon to the red-lit cavern, and sure enough the Gauntlet rested on a pile of Crystals, Rarity got back inside of her disguise and Gold Star hid once more in the background but the two were glad that they had found the item of interest. "Wow! I can't believe I'm the only dragon to make it this far!" Spike babbled in joy but it was short-lived when. "You're not!" Yelled Garble, entering the cave menacingly. "And I will be dammed if I lose to a puny pony-loving dragon like you! Oh-h-h-ho this will be good!" He smirks evilly at Spike indicating that he is basically about to throw him off the ledge, because of this Gold Star unhoisted his M82 rifle and is about to take his shot when Ember comes and punches Garble in the face blowing him into the wall knocking Rarity and Twilight back in the opposite directions. However, this also causes Spike to go into a free fall before being catched by Ember who lands back on the hard ground. "Ember you've come back! I thought it was every dragon for themselves why did you save me!" Spike joyfully asked. "That's what friends do! And, well I mean! I shouldn't have never left you back there! AGHHH! Don't make me talk to you about my feelings!" As Twilight and Rarity get up from being knocked back by Garble they are spotted by him. "Ponies!" Garble yelled when he smirked at the two and was about to slowly encroach on them before a 50 caliber was shot right between the three and then came Gold Star down from the top standing in front of Twilight and Rarity in a defensive stance. "You want them, you will have to get by me first!" Garble chuckled. "Aw, what's the pony gonna do? Love me to death?" "Oh mister, you have no clue." Outside a Finnlander Mirachi band got lost in the chaotic sporadic fighting walking their way out and deserting their unit due to the occupation of their homeland of Finnlander. "Dammit Johak! You got us fuckin lost!" "Nonsense Captain Josiva! I am brilliant at finding our way out!" "Then why the hell are we in a cave!" Asked Gohan. "I-... Yeah ok, so we're lost." "Hey, sir what's that fighting sound in the background?" Asked Private Oden, the six band players peeked from the cave walls and sees a bruised Stallion kicking the ass of a Red Dragon. "Ooooh! A fight! Shall we play?" Asked Gohan asked when Johak thought about it and replied. "Eh, sure why not." And so they got their music equipment together. "A one, a two, a one two three four!" Gold Star dashed around attempting to confuse the dragon out of his sight before being kicked in the chest by Garble, then he piled on the tan fur stallion and attempted to cut his skin with his claw. Garble did a light scratch on Gold before being pushed off and then slammed into the wall right in front of the Finnish mariachi that played nonstop. As the two continued to brawl Ember turned towards Spike. "Get the Gauntlet! I'll help your friend!" The two parted ways, Ember charged at Garble and Spike ran to grab the Gauntlet. At the fight, Gold Star and Garble were at a standstill with Twilight and Rarity behind Gold Star. "You fight *huff* not like a pony I admit!" "You know, I've been waiting for this exact moment Bitch!" "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!" " I said... BITCH!" And Gold Star charged and socker punched Garble in the lower jaw heating it with pain and unaligning it. Of course in pain, Garble snapped his bottom jaw back in place but it seared in pain. "GRRRR! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" "Oh that reminds me," smirked Gold Star, as he flipped a bit towards the band and requested, "play louder ;)." "Gotcha sire!" And so the band got louder on queue when Ember charged Garble against the wall mid-air, it was then that Garble saw Spike going for the Gauntlet. "IT. IS. MINE!" He yelled, breaking Ember's grip and charging at Spike before being grabbed by the tail by Ember and swung towards Gold Star who bucked him in the face with his back legs and then flew back behind Spike before getting up and trying again to get the Gauntlet. But he was pinned by Ember who then turned the tide and pinned her back down on the ground. Seeing that Ember was struggling Spike ran and pulled on Garble's ears before being flung on the side of the ledge, Gold Star ran to Spike and Ember's aid punching Garble down in the back, and then lifted Spike on his back using his mouth. "Why are you helping ponies!?! Dragons don't do friends!" Garble spitefully said. "These dragons DO!" Ember shouted back, grinding her teeth as she backdropped him on the dirt. Hearing other dragons approach Gold Star placed Spike down from his back and ran back to hiding, and that was when the Mariachi band also noticed the dragons approaching so they stopped playing music and skedaddled. Spike and Ember then hugged each other and then Spike ran towards the Gauntlet and acquired it, raising like King Arthur's Excaliber as energy filled in him along with a vision of his future leadership. A leadership that's to be fulfilled not in our generation but in its own story for a distant time. As Gold Star watched above the dragons he was impressed with Ember mainly with how she came back despite abandoning them in the first place, but his admiration ended when he saw Garble approach Ember with the intent of murder on his face then Spike shouted in a new type of voice. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Commanded Spike. "What! You got the septor!? But that means you're-" "Dragon Lord Spike," Ember finished, as the dragons kneeled to not only their current Dragon Lord but certainly their future dragon lord, yes including Garble. "Yes! Now go home and give every dragon you see a hug! And uh, don't answer why." "But that's embarrassing!" Garble protested. "I command you to," asserted Spike. "Awwhg!" As Garble made his way back home (or you could say whatever left of it) "Dragon lord Spike, hm, Has a nice ring to it," Ember said. "Dragon Lord Ember has a better ring to it," Spike rephrased, handing her the sceptor. "What!? No no, I can't accept this, you're the Dragonlord, not me!" "Dragonlord is whoever can bring the sceptor back to your father, besides I think you would be a better leader than me, I was just doing this to protect my friends in Equestria, and so far you would do a much better job at that than me!" "Are you sure about this?" "Of course! My friends are at home in Equestria!" "Well you'll have one friend here in the Dragon lands," Ember smiled, as Spike hugged her. As the two were hugging while Rarity and Twilight watched Gold Star climbed down slowly after the rest of the dragons left and had a sudden realization about the Miriachi band... Then it hit him, he remembered watching the television about the Rodinian incident off the coast of the Dragon lands and... "Oh no..." He said to himself, which he saw a big cave that lead to a beach, and to his horror. "...Hey uhh, guys?" He said, drawing their attention. "So good news, you won't be needing the disguises anymore heh..." "Oh? Why's that?" Twilight asked. "Well... That's the bad news..." He pointed outside and soon the entire group was horrified with the sight of Soviet army forces landing on the beach as tanks swerved around and troops marching into position while some prepared tow-cables to climb up the cliff. The four stood in fear at what to come, but to Gold Star, his objective has now changed that of protecting them, but now he is in a midst of a war and he sees that. Now he will need to count on his training and skill to keep everyone alive because if not, who knows how many will die... And thus started the darker days in Humarican politics, the age of war. 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝...