G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2

by ponydog127

First published

After a shocking turn of events involving Opaline, the ponies return to Acme Falls for a new mission with the Animaniacs cast... and this mission is crucial, for Opaline is a huge threat in Warnerstock, and secrets must be released to stop her plans.

After Opaline's reveal, and hearing of how Misty worked for her for the past several months, the Mane 5 and Misty are called back to Warnerstock, where they reunite with the Animaniacs cast for a new adventure. Determined to help some of the Mane 5 and Sparky regain their trust in her, Misty wants to help the Warners uncover the truth about a mysterious crystal in their castle, which gives them magical powers over nature and some abilities of all three pony kinds. But Opaline wants to claim Warnerstock and its magic sources for herself, so our heroes must ban together once again to save the worlds they love... all while recovering some secrets about the past.

(This is my first fan-made story not based on an actual movie, so wish me luck!)

(S1E3 of G5 Adventures, and part two of my two-part, intertwined stories)

Previously on G5 Adventures.../Worst Fears Becoming Real

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The group soon reappeared inside the Brighthouse, only a few minutes having gone by since they left Scooby and the gang. “Phew… it’s good to be home,” Pipp sighed. “But… makes me wonder how the gang will get along with mysteries without us.”

“I think they’ll be okay,” Sunny reassured. “As long as they have each other, they’ll be fine… just like us.” It was then that Misty found the courage to say something… something she should have said a long time ago, but was afraid to. “Guys… you know how I said I’ve been living with a friend? A… a friend who said she would give me a cutie mark?” she asked. “Yeah…?” Izzy nodded slowly, wondering where Misty was going with this. “Well… here’s the thing. She’s--”

Suddenly, a clap of thunder directly over Maretime Bay was heard, and a storm cloud was beginning to form from it. The group ran to town as fast as they could, seeing the dread on the ponies’ faces. “Posey! What's going on with the clouds?!” Hitch asked as the yellow earth pony held his baby dragon. “I don’t know! It just… appeared out of nowhere!” Posey exclaimed, handing Sparky over to Hitch. “And I could have sworn I heard some laughter echoing from it!”

Misty smelled something on the air... the same potion that she smelled back in Opaline's castle! This must have been what she meant when she said that this was gonna be their next step... but why now? “No no no… not now… not now!” Misty whispered. “Misty?” Zipp’s eyes narrowed. “Do you know something about this?”

“Well… I…” Misty tried to say, but in the clouds formed a familiar alicorn-- a purple one with a cold gaze in her icy blue eyes, staring down maliciously at the ponies she so desperately hated. “Hello, Equestria…” Opaline cackled. “Your queen… is BACK.


Nopony was sure who this mysterious pony in the clouds was, but they do know that her appearance from the skies did frighten them some, causing some to retreat indoors. “Listen!” Hitch cried. “I don’t know what kind of prank you’re pulling, but you’re seriously scaring ponies, so you need to stop!”

“Hitch, she isn’t joking! This is what I tried to tell you back at the Brighthouse!” Misty pulled on Hitch’s leg. “We need to get out of here! We need to get ponies someplace--”

Misty…” Opaline’s eyes narrowed. “You’re really pathetic, aren’t you… repaying everything I’ve done for you by joining up with the enemy… I really am disappointed.

“Opaline, this can’t be the way! These ponies have taught me that friendship is really valuable! More valuable than you ever taught me it was!” Misty snarled. “Manipulating me to do your evil work just for a cutie mark!” But Sunny and the others immediately became confused-- Misty knew this alicorn? How? And why? “Misty?” Pipp turned to the unicorn. “What are you talking about? What evil work?”

You never told them?” Opaline asked the blue unicorn, who remained silent as the alicorn’s full body, transparent but still visible, floated to ground level. “Well… allow me to do the pleasure that you could not do yourself.” As the alicorn began to strut down the street, ponies whimpered in fear as Opaline began to sing a song in a sinister tone of voice, directing her gaze to every single creature she came across.

You could call me evil, but
I will go and take just what I need
Don't need nopony with me
Yes, it might be villainous
But that's what makes me the perfect queen
You will bow to me

So hush, filly, just
Get lost in the rush
Hypnotized by the words I'm saying
Feel the heat, then the beat
Mesmerized, go to sleep
Like a lullaby, I'll be singing

I've got the power (Power)
The fire that runs through my veins
I've got the power (power)
And you're going to feel, you're going to feel

The fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames
Oh, you'll feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames
La-da-da-dee-da-da-da (oh, you'll feel)

You might think I'm wicked, but
Don't be mad because I have a plan
It spells out victory (so, so, so)

So hush, filly, just
Get lost in the rush
Hypnotized by the words I'm saying
Feel the heat, then the beat
Mesmerized, go to sleep
Like a lullaby, I'll be singing

I've got the power (Do you hear me?)
The fire that runs through my veins
I've got the power (Power, power, power)
And you're going to feel, you're going to feel

The fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames
La-da-da-dee-da-da-da (Feel the fire!)
Oh, you'll feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames
La-da-da-dee-da-da-da (Oh, you'll feel)

Opaline cackled as lightning lit up the sky and onto a tree, making ponies scream in panic. “Everypony! Grab water whatever way you can!” Sunny tried to calm them down. “We have to put the fires out!” While everypony tried their best to remain calm and put the fires out, the image of Opaline glared at Misty, who did her best not to shrink under the menacing gaze of what she thought originally as her only friend and mother. “If you ever change your mind about your cutie mark, Misty,” the purple alicorn said tenderly with a sickeningly-sweet smile, “my castle door is always open.

And with that, the storm vanished as if it had never happened at all… but ponies were still shaken from that event. “Don’t worry, everypony!” Zipp reassured. “We’re here to figure this… uh… prank out and make sure she never hurts you again! Just go home-- we’ll handle this!”

“You heard her. Nothing to see here-- move along!” Hitch urged the crowd, taking Sparky from Posey before she left. After the group was sure that there were no innocent bystanders left, they turned to look at Misty, who felt really ashamed. “...I know what you’re gonna say,” Misty said. “How?” Zipp said, anger rising. “How could you know what we’re gonna say?! How could you lie to us all this time?! We trusted you, Misty!”

“Zipp, calm down! Maybe she has a good reason to--” Sunny tried to defend, but Zipp didn’t pay her any attention. “Opaline is the pony that Twilight Sparkle warned us about, isn’t she?” she asked, and Misty timidly nodded. “Why didn’t you say something then instead of lying to us?! Hitch, we should arrest her and hold her accountable for everything that happened!”

“Well, Zipp… m-maybe Sunny’s right. We should give her a chance to speak,” Hitch tried to reason. “Speak? No! She’s endangered Equestria, just because she wanted a cutie mark!” Zipp said fiercely. “Nothing she’s said to us has been true! None of her actions have justified!”

“...that’s not true. I’ve actually enjoyed spending time with you guys,” Misty said, finding her voice. “It’s true, I did lie about where I came from, and my story at the sleepover was true, from Opaline’s perspective. But, I never wanted to bring you guys real harm. I thought I was helping my friend, not--”

“Hurting us?” Zipp turned away with anger, and Misty wanted to reach out, but inside… she was hurting. Hurting more than she had ever hurt in her life. She betrayed her friends… well, betrayed Zipp’s trust anyway… and she felt like she would never repay it. Izzy, Sunny and Pipp seemed to look at her with some sense of sympathy, but Hitch looked unsure while Zipp looked angry. Before anyone else could say anything, the ponies’ cutie marks (other than Misty’s) began to glow again. “It’s sending us on another mission?” Sunny questioned. “Already? But what about Opaline?”

“We’ll figure it out when we get back-- no time passes while we’re gone, remember?” Hitch asked, and the group sped toward the Brighthouse, a distraught Misty tagging along. They reached the Crystal Room, where Misty stood beside Zipp and tried to smile at her, but was met with an angry look that made her retaliate. “Wherever we’re going, I hope the mission is only minor,” she growled. “We have a lot of talking to do when we get back.”

“...” Misty sat down, unsure of what to say as the Unity Crystals glowed and teleported them out of the room, stopping time. When the portal opened on the other side, the ponies fell out into a heap. But instead of being in an unfamiliar place, like the time before, the ponies recognized this place from their first Unity Crystal Quest… a place near and dear to Misty’s heart. “Acme Falls…”

Back to Acme Falls

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Acme Falls certainly had a change of looks since the ponies had been there last-- the buildings didn’t look as rundown, flowers grew all over the kingdom, a castle stood near the village, and a brass statue of the Warners stood in the center of the village. Seeing that statue instantly made Misty begin to smile. “The Warners… they really made a mark on this town. We all did-- I mean, defeating Salazar was no easy feat.”

“But… it does make me wonder why we’ve come back here,” Sunny scratched her head with her hoof. “I mean… King Salazar should be gone by now… right?”

“I don't know… but we need to figure it out soon,” Zipp hummed. “In the meantime… let's see if we can find the Warners. As co-rulers of Warnerstock, they may be able to provide us with some insight as to why we've been called here again.”

The ponies turned to look at each other and nodded… the Warners would know what was going on. They'd have time to interact with their other Acme Falls friends later.

After Hitch put Sparky on his back, they trotted toward the castle and since the guards recognized them, they lowered the drawbridge and let them inside.

Misty felt right at home in the Warners' new residence… and it felt much better than Opaline's castle. She tried to give Zipp a few kind smiles, but Zipp only turned away and ignored her. “Don't worry about her,” Sunny told her softly, being joined by Izzy. “She may be mad now… but you'll find a way to make it right.”

“You should all hate me, Sunny… but you don't. W-Why?” Misty asked, a little worried about the response. “We are a little mad and hurt,” Sunny said, noticing Misty's expression fall in shame. “But we know why you did it… you wanted a cutie mark, and you wanted friends, but you didn't want to lose your home with Opaline.”

“I-I’m sorry I lied about being from Bridlewood… I was worried if I said ‘I live in a castle with a power-obsessed alicorn’... you guys wouldn’t trust me. But I feel into that hole sooner or later…” Misty frowned. “We forgive you, Misty. No matter what Zipp said, you are a valued member of the group,” Izzy said. “Hoof to heart valued.”

“...hoof to heart valued,” Misty repeated, a small smile stretching across her face before she heard laughter echoing up ahead, and running toward them was a familiar mouse-- Pinky, the best friend of Prime Minister Brain, who hugged onto Izzy’s leg with laughter. “Egad, you’re back!” he exclaimed. “Oh, it’s so good to see you all again!”

“It's good to see you too, Pinky,” Hitch smiled at the young mouse. “Hey... have you seen Brain or the Warners anywhere? We need to talk to them right away.”

“Narf! I think Brain said they were in the throne room. He's trying to get them to go over some royal proclamations, not that they need it. Ha ha ha! Follow me!”

The group followed the mouse, who merrily skipped ahead, humming to himself, to the throne room on the other side of the castle. Izzy use her magic to open the door, where they saw the Warners on their thrones, half-asleep as they were listening to Brain’s royal proclaimation ideas. “...and to conclude, we shall have a strict curfew so no one is out in the dangers of night,” Brain finished, adjusting his robe. “Any questions?”

“Uhhhhhhhhhh… I got one. We were half-asleep during your speech, so can you repeat everything you just said?” Yakko asked tiredly, causing Brain to groan in frustration. “And why does it look like Misty and the Equestrian ponies are right behind you?”

Dot rubbed her eyes to see if she was dreaming, but true to the story, she wasn’t. “Wakko!” Misty was the first to gallop their way. “Yakko, Dot! We’re back!”

The Warners rushed toward their equine friends and hugged them tightly, knowing that their friends from another world had returned to them.

Misty particularly enjoyed leaning into Wakko's embrace, loving the soft rubs he gave her whenever she was feeling down or afraid. “It’s so good to see you again!” Pipp said to Dot, holding her hands. “How’s the new beauty mark been treating you? Not anymore coughing, I hope?”

“Not since you guys showed up in Acme Falls and saved our butts. You ponies are real life-savers,” Dot told her pegasus confidant. “...all of us except Misty,” Zipp muttered to herself before being nudged by Hitch. Misty heard that and tried her best not to be down, which was impossible when she had Wakko nearby. “We’ve got so much to tell you about!” Wakko told the blue unicorn excitedly. “For instance, did you know I gave the decree that every royal guard should have a mallet on them for emergencies?”

“Really? Do they make some good self defense weapons?” Misty asked, intrigued. “Do they ever! They’ll make an enemy back down after a couple of painful swings,” Dot said with a smirk, making Misty giggle. “So, brave equine saviors from Equestria, what brings you back to our newly found slice of paradise?” Brain asked. “Well… we’re not sure exactly,” Sunny said with a frown. “All we know now is that… Equestria’s in danger.”

This caused the group to look at her with wide eyes, not entirely sure what to make of the information. “Wha-- what do you mean? Have you run out of cheese? Have you?!” Pinky begged, grabbing Sunny’s mane and tugging on it, only for Brain to bop him on the head, causing him to let go. “No, Pinky… but an evil alicorn named Opaline is trying to steal all magic in our world,” Sunny frowned. “We were called here just when she made herself known.”

“And Misty helped her get to this point,” Zipp gaze Misty a horrible, betrayed look, and Misty quivered at the sight of it. “Zipp!” Pipp scolded. “She already said she was sorry! What is it gonna take to get you to let it go?”

“She may have said she was sorry, and only wanted this because Opaline manipulated her into doing this so she could get her cutie mark, but actions… speak WAY louder than words,” Zipp sneered. Misty could feel her eyes brimming with tears… that was the last thing she wanted the Warners to find out.

Not like this... and not in this manner.

The Warners, Pinky and Brain looked at her for the longest time, and she finally felt the tears flow. “I… I’m so sorry, guys…” she sniffled in a quiet voice. “I wanted to tell you on our way to the Wishing Star, but then we started getting attacked, and then you found out about my blank flank, and then--”

Before she could keep rambling though, she felt the Warners… hugging her?

This action caused the group to blink in surprise, but even Misty gave into it as she gave quiet sobs. “Misty… you don’t have to be ashamed of yourself,” Wakko said gently. “You were manipulated. Like how Plotz was to Salazar.”

“Yeah. We’ll find a way to stop the hoity toity alicorn together,” Dot reassured her. “Good night, everybody!” Yakko blew no one in particular a kiss, making Misty smile a little as she wiped her eyes. The others seemed to look at her kindly again… all except Zipp, but Misty was starting to get numb to that feeling. “Well…” Brain sighed, rubbing his forehead. “In light of this new… circumstance, you all are welcome to stay at the castle until you can find your situation, solve it and get back home to stop this new threat.”

“Thank you,” Hitch smiled, relieved that the group would have somewhere to stay during this crisis. “Come on, guys,” Yakko got on Sunny’s back to lead them. “We’ll take you to a highly sustained guest room we had made in your honor-- even comes with a working shower.”

“Working shower?! Let me at it!” Pipp fluttered away immediately, causing Dot to run after her and the group besides Pinky and Brain to follow. “Um… Brain?” Pinky spoke after a moment. “What if the mean ali-corn-cob comes here and tries to take Misty back? Won’t that be bad?”

“Not entirely, Pinky-- we’d have time to figure out her strengths and weaknesses,” Brain hummed, pacing the floor, “and if she does come, we could put our own plan to take her down into action. Come-- let’s return to the laboratory and begin processing of Equestrian roots.”


Misty walked alongside Wakko and Izzy during the trip to the bedroom, which was massive, had 7 beds for each one of them, and a working bathroom so they could go when they needed to. But all the while, she couldn’t help but wonder one thing. “Wakko?” she tapped Wakko’s shoulder, earning his attention. “W-Why aren’t you guys mad at me like Zipp? I thought for sure if you found out… you’d hate me.”

“That’s a silly thing to question-- it never mattered to me who you stayed with and who you may have worked for. To me… your intentions seemed more pure than anything I had ever seen,” Wakko sat next to her on her bright blue bed. “You know… before our parents died, Mom told me one thing that I’ll never forget: ‘Look for the good in the world, and it will always find it’s way back to you’. And it has… you’re the good I found, and you came back to Acme Falls to help us again.”

“So… you really think we can find a way to stop Opaline?” Misty asked. “I know we can,” Wakko wrapped an arm around her to comfort her. Zipp watched on the other side of the room, not sure how to feel… she was glad Misty was away from someone who could cause her harm, but she was still increasingly angry at Misty for helping Opaline in her plans.

Misty and Wakko seemed like the purest of pure friends, but… looks could be deceiving-- she could be just as bad as Opaline, for all they knew. But before anything else could be said, Yakko yawned tiredly. “Well, sibs, we better get to bed. We have the Royal Allegiance Conference tomorrow, and we have to put on a good royal image for Warnerstock.”

“Royal Allegiance Conference? What’s that?” Sunny asked. “Apparently, Mom and Dad did it,” Dot shrugged. “It’s where leaders from the surrounding kingdoms come to see how other kingdoms perform under different circumstances. Tomorrow, it’s Warnerstock’s turn.”

“Then you guys better get to bed,” Sunny said. “We’ll be ready to help you tomorrow.” After exchanging good nights all around, the Warners left the room, and most of the ponies went to sleep. But Misty couldn’t help but wonder after she started to get tired… what if Opaline did find her way into Warnerstock?

The Royal Allegiance Conference

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Night had fallen upon Acme Falls quickly, but back in Equestria, Opaline had just finished her siren song that she sang onto Maretime Bay in order for them to fear her, and was now busy brewing something in her mirror pool.

She had no idea where the ponies might have gotten sent to this time, but she knew that wherever they was, she was going to find them… and Misty would pay dearly for leaving her for the ponies she had grown to hate.

It wouldn't be ready until the next morning though, so she would have to lie in wait until then.


The next morning, the ponies woke up to a sweet-smelling breakfast of pancakes, soup, toast, fruit and milk that wafered through the castle to the upstairs suite. They trotted downstairs to find Pinky hard at work in the kitchen, while Brain made sure everything was ready for that day’s conference. “Morning, Brain and Pinky!” Pipp greeted. “Okay, I don’t know about you guys, but I had the best sleep of my entire life! That bed was soooooooo soft.”

“Oh, that’s the sheep’s wool and owl feathers in the mattress,” Pinky said as he stirred something in a large pot. “Sunny, try this-- see if it’s well-blended enough.”

Sunny put the liquid in her mouth, but while the flavor was good, it was SPICY! So spicy she had to grab a water jug and gulped it all down.

Of course, she didn't want to hurt the sweet mouse's feelings, so she decided to put on a brave face. “Uh… it’s amazing, Pinky, but um… what’s the spice that… kinda overtakes the dish?” she asked hesitantly. “Oh, just Warnerstock Fire Sauce-- made from the spiciest things ever!” Pinky said. “Brain said it would make people go head over their heels in pain so he could--”

“Have people far and wide try out this new blend of ice cream I have created to soothe the pain,” Brain interrupted, clenching Pinky’s muzzle and smiling nervously, which the ponies seemed to buy after a moment. “Ooh, I love ice cream! Let me know if you need anymore flavor combos-- Sunny can whip it up for you in no time!” Izzy chirped as they left the kitchen, and when they were gone, Brain turned to Pinky furiously. “Pinky, you foolish flop! You almost spoiled my world-domination scheme! Now I have to create ice cream before the conference begins, and you need to help me before they get suspicious!”

“So there was never any ice cream to begin with? Aw, zort!” Pinky frowned, but Brain dragged him away before anything else could be said. As for the ponies, they saw the Warners coming out from their rooms, each dressed in their individual best:

“Oooh… you guys look amazing! And so dapper!” Pipp elbowed Yakko playfully. “Heh, thanks,” Yakko brushed himself off with a chuckle. “The royal tailors really outdid themselves with our royal attire… even though we probably don’t need ‘em-- we go everywhere in our normal outfits.”

“But you wearing just your pants is… well… not very prince-like, Yakko. As co-rulers of Warnerstock, you have to set an example for your subjects-- the rulers from these visiting kingdoms will see that you’re on your best behavior, or your relationship with them will blow out of proportion,” Zipp said with a worried expression. “Trust me-- Mom pressures me with these princess lessons every chance she gets, so I know.”

“So, who are all these people anyway?” Hitch asked, and Dot pulled out a short scroll with names on it. “Apparently it’s Queen Nora Norita and Princess Cora from Kobevell, Princess Gigi from Popstaria and King Niels Niedhart from Musclinen,” Dot read off, throwing the scroll aside. “So basically, new friends and foes from our new reboot series on Hulu with new titles and attitudes the size of a mountain.”

“Hulu…? Ah, never mind. Hey, what if we stay with you during the conference?” Sunny suggested. “Zipp and Pipp are royalty, so they can show you the ropes that they learned from Queen Haven, and they can help you make a solid impression on the visitors!”

“That’s a faboo idea!” Wakko said. “But… I don’t think you’ll be able to make a good impression when you’re naked.” The ponies looked at themselves and realized he was right-- they didn’t have any clothes... at least, not on them anyway. But instantly, Dot had an idea. “Wait right here!” She zipped into another room and brought out a rack of formal clothing for five of the ponies:

“Oh, Dot! They’re perfect!” Sunny looked at the clothes with sparkles in her eyes, before realizing a problem. “Wait-- there isn’t a dress for Misty!”

“That’s okay, Sunny,” Misty reassured before pulling out her starry-studed dress from Moonscar Island out from her saddlebag. “I kept the one from our adventure on Moonscar Island, and I kept it with me, just in case I needed a quick costume change.”

“Ooooh… great custom work, Misty-- love the moon and star design. You must have a top notch seamstress back in Equestria. Gimme her number when you get the chance,” Dot studied the dress, making Misty giggle-- if only Dot knew what they had gone through to get that dress. “We’ll wait for you in the throne room,” Yakko said, patting Sparky on the head before leading his siblings toward the throne room. “Better hurry,” Wakko called as the siblings headed out. “The other monarchs will be here in 30 minutes!”

As they rushed to get ready, they had no idea that Opaline was keeping an eye on them through her mirror pool as she worked. “Ugh… ponies and their pointless frivalities,” she rolled her eyes. “But, finally… my potion is ready-- and with it’s power, I will claim Warnerstock and Equestria before those ponies have a chance! Now… to wait for the right moment.”


Once Sunny and her friends had gotten all dolled up, they trotted to the throne room, where the Warners sat with their royal guards, Pinky and Brain and the royal trumpeter, who blew the trumpet to announce the first coming monarch. “Announcing, from the kingdom of Kobevell,” Brain announced, “Queen Nora Norita and Princess Cora!”

The royal flag of Kobevell (a griffon above a mountain) was pulled down by Wakko, and a few moments a later, a tall, slender Latina woman with brown hair, green eyes and a pointy nose entered the room with a daughter that looked exactly like her… both wearing firm expressions on their faces. “Queen Nora… enchanté,” Yakko said courteously, kissing her hand before she yanked it away. “Let’s make this a quick conference, Prince Yakko-- I’m due for a very important business meeting back in Kobevell.”

“And my friends and I, like, have plans to stare at unsuspecting civillians, correcting their every flaw,” Cora said snootily, flipping her hair. “Gee… self-centered, much?” Dot whispered to Pipp, who was hushed by the latter to avoid getting in trouble as the trumpets sounded again. “From the kingdom of Popstaria,” Pinky decreed through a megaphone, “please welcome… PRINCESS GIGI SODA!!!!!

“Wait… Gigi what-now?” Hitch blinked in surprise. Before anyone else could clarify, pop music began to fill the air, along with the flag of Popstaria (a unicorn horn and a microphone crossed together) and a display of backup dancers entering the room, along with a young girl not much older than Yakko, with a flower in her hair similar to Dot as she started singing:

GiGi Soda: When I wear my flower
I, I feel like a star!

Backup Singers: Whoa oh oh!
Whoa oh oh!

GiGi Soda: Steam my single, in
In your parents car!

Backup Singers: Whoa oh oh!
Hey! GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

Backup Singers: GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

Backup Singers: GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

Backup Singers: GiGi Soda!

Gigi Soda: I say yeah, yeah!

All: GiGi Soda!

Izzy, Misty and Pinky cheered happily as GiGi took a flower from her hair and handed it to Dot. “Princess Dot… a flower as my welcome gift,” she said respectfully. “Not a bad entrance,” Dot took the flower with a smirk. “But next time, leave the pop to Pipp.”

“Well… maybe we could collab some time,” Pipp said to GiGi with a wink. Just then, the trumpets began to fanfare for a final time, and Brain handed the final scroll to Yakko. “Me? Well… all right…” Yakko took the scroll and cleared his throat. “And finally, from the kingdom of Musclinen, please welcome… dare I say his name… King Niels Niedhart!”

Fireworks began to explode, causing Misty to yelp and run behind Wakko as a buff man with blonde hair came striding into view on a muscular horse, kissing his muscles as the maids of the castle fainted dramatically. “Yeesh… where has he been working out?” Hitch asked with a shudder, covering Sparky’s eyes. “A fiery gym where they threaten to burn you if you quit your membership?”

“Ha ha! Good one, Hitch,” Yakko nudged him jokingly. “Well, now that we’re all gathered, why don’t we head to the dining hall for the banquet?” Brain suggested. “I hear the royal chefs have prepared a steaming hot bowl of chili with your names on it.”

“Ah! Wonderful!” Niels said after admiring his pecs. “Mein stomach is growling from the long travels I have endured.” Soon, the others began to follow the servants out of the room, but suddenly… a voice harmonized through the air, causing Wakko to pause and look around. It was quite a beautiful melody, but where was it coming from? It wasn’t his sister or the girl ponies… they couldn’t make a melody like that. It was almost… supernatural in a way. “Wakko?” Zipp called. “You comin’?”

Wakko shook his head to clear it… now wasn’t the time for this. “Uh… r-right. Coming!” he called, and rushed after his siblings and friends to start the conference.


The food wasn’t as spicy as Brain and Pinky originally made it, not wanting to arouse suspicion, and the group found the conference going smoothly. During the ice cream portion of the meal, Queen Nora decided to speak. “I hadn’t before now, for various reasons, but… I am sorry to hear about your parents,” she told the Warners. “How King Salazar brutally murdered them was indeed traumatic.”

Yakko, Wakko and Dot looked solemn at this and nodded… learning how their parents died all those years ago thanks to the Time Orbs was horrifying… but they had to know in order to defeat Salazar. “We miss them, but now we know that they’re in a better place,” Dot nodded, and Pipp wrapped a wing around her friend. “So… what about you ponies?” GiGi asked, slurping her soda. “Have you been here long?”

“Not long-- just got back into Acme Falls last night,” Sunny halfheartedly spoke. “We, uh… couldn’t wait to reconnect with the Warners and our other friends after our last adventure. Around the time that King Salazar was kicked out.”

“So, you were with them when the princes and princess found the Wishing Star, yes?” Nora asked them, causing the Warners to nod. The story of the Wishing Star had been spread from kingdom to kingdom ever since the ponies left, and they found no reason to hide the fact that they were the ones who made that wish that changed Warnerstock for the better. “And we’ve never been more proud of the rulers they’ve become,” Sunny said. “We know Warnerstock is safe with the Warner Brothers.”

“And the Warner Sister,” Dot nodded. “Come on-- we’ll give you the grand tour of the palace.” Dot got up and quickly led the group away, but Wakko paused again when he heard the singing voice again. This time, Yakko noticed his little brother lagging behind, and went back to join him. “Hey, Wakster… you okay?” he asked. “I don’t know…” Wakko looked around. “I’ve been hearing this singing ever since this morning, and I don’t--”

Suddenly, both brothers’ ears perked up and they gasped at the sound of the singing. “See? There it is again!” Wakko exclaimed. “It’s like Madonna and a ghost mixed together!”

“Huh… I don’t know what that is. But, we have to focus on our royal duties,” Yakko tried to steer his brother right. “Besides, maybe it’s just in our heads. Come on. We have company waiting for us.”

Wakko nodded and trusted his brother, so they ran off in search of the touring group… unaware that the singing voice would only be the start to a tale of craziness.

A Shocking Discovery

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After Yakko and Wakko caught up with their sister, friends and the rest of the rulers, it was time for the panoramic discussion on how to run Warnerstock further by getting advice from the rulers. “So… who has any ideas?” Yakko asked, standing in front of a blackboard, a piece of chalk in his hands. “Like… do we even have to answer?” Cora asked boredly. “Mom, you said this wouldn’t take long, and now my friends will think I totally flaked on them for no good reason!”

“Just a few more minutes, princess-- the princes and their sister need to learn how to properly run a kingdom,” Nora assured. “Um… exsqueeze me?” Dot put her hands on her hips. “I think we’ve been running our kingdom fine, thank you, Ms. Hoity-Toity Queen.”

“Dot, calm down a sec!” Sunny tried to calm her. “Uh… what Dot means to say is that they’re open to any suggestions you may have,” Zipp tried to clarify nervously, prompting Nora to give her a large list. “Let’s see… Set a strict curfew and punish all those who don’t abide… no, that doesn’t sound like the Warners. Cut out someone’s tongue and be forced to cut out your own tongue. Eww, gross!”

“What is this, the 10th century?” Hitch asked as he looked the list over along with Zipp. But the more that they read the laws and curfews that Queen Nora had set up, the more they were frowned upon. “I’m sorry, your highness, but these laws sound like something King Salazar would push if he were 10 times crueler than he was then,” Zipp said. “While we appreciate the help, organizing this insanely long list and everything, I think that ponies in Equestria would--”

Ze Warners should deliberately smush anybodies who shtand in their way!” Niels shouted, pounding his fist into his open hand. “No way!” GiGi protested. “They need to ask the people what they want!”

The other rulers continued to bicker about who’s way was better, and the Warners looked slightly overwhelmed-- and hearing that voice singing to them wasn’t helping. “Hey, excuse me!” Misty finally caught the group’s attention. “Look… the Warners are unique, just like everyone of us. Maybe the way they rule should be unique too,” said the blue unicorn. “Or maybe they can take some of your ideas and bend them into a way they’d be pleased with.”

Queen Nora and King Niels looked at each other for a moment, contemplating the unicorn’s ideas before bursting out into laughter, confusing Misty until Niels playfully pushed her down. “Why would we listen to you? A unicorn without a butt-symbol?” he asked mockingly. “While I wouldn’t agree with brute force,” Nora said, “you don’t know anything about running a kingdom, so why would you say anything?

Sunny and Wakko instantly frowned upon this, and stood in front of Misty. “You’re wrong-- Misty may not be a princess, but she’s a hard worker who cares about others, and she deserves to have her own input,” Wakko frowned. “Actually, I’d much rather take her word than yours at the moment.”

“Fine. Run your kingdom your own way… it’ll downfall before too long,” Nora huffed and stood up. “Come along, sweetie. We’re going home, and I suggest that these other… rulers do the same.”

And just like that, Niels and GiGi left right after Nora and Cora did, leaving the Warners satisfied… what made their parents decide to become allies with those people anyway, telling them how to run their own kingdom? “That was a pretty big step up, Wakko, standing up for me like that,” Misty said. “Thanks.”

“They shouldn’t have been putting you down-- I always hated when Salazar id it,” Wakko crossed his arms. “I wasn’t about to let that happen to you.”

Misty found herself nuzzling into Wakko’s embrace, and the ponies awwed at the sight while Zipp looked a little confused with herself… she was still mad at Misty for not telling them about Opaline to begin with, but then again… she seemed like she really did feel sorry about what she did.

Zipp felt frustrated that she couldn’t figure out how to feel… should she be angry? Or should she be grateful that Misty did tell them what was going on, regardless of whenever Opaline showed herself?

Yakko could sense the turmoil going on in the pegasus princess’ heart, and was about to comfort her when that singing was heard again, but this time, Dot heard it too. “Hey… what is that?” she wondered. “Is it a ghost? Or is it Lady Gaga singing opera?”

“I don’t hear anything,” Hitch frowned, and Sparky babbled in confusion-- he didn’t hear it either. “So apparently, it’s a voice only the three royal Warners can hear-- fascinating,” Zipp took notes down in her FlyPad. Wakko’s ears perked up as he heard the song again, groaning and covering his ears with his hands. “It’s the same melody over and over again! So wordless and so… so… cryptic!” he exclaimed. “Where’s the sound coming from, Wakko?” Sunny asked. Wakko listened for the sound again and walked toward the doors of the conference room, twisting the nob and opening the door. And as if they were pulled by some sort of invisible force, the siblings crept down the hallway with slow hesitant steps, the ponies trotting behind them. Was it just them? Or was the singing voice getting louder?

Sunny and her friends couldn’t hear the singing, but trusted the Warners enough to know what they were doing. They kept going, and as it came louder still, the group was now in front of a pair of large doors.

Yakko’s breathing hitched a little bit when he saw them, a sad look filling his eyes… those were their parents’ chambers. He and his siblings had never gone in there… not since their parents passed when they were toddlers. Why would the voice be leading them there?

Hesitantly, Yakko took one of the knobs in his clutches... but stopped, debating with himself.

They hadn't been in there in so long... what would they find? “Yakko,” came Dot’s voice, and he turned to see his siblings looking at him with hands entwined. “It’s okay. We’re here with you.”

The voice rang out again, as if beckoning them to open the doors, so… hesitantly… that’s what Yakko did. Slowly, they all stepped inside, letting Misty close the door behind her. They all looked around the small area, not sure of what to find specifically; even though no one occupied these rooms for many years, they were clearly well-maintained.

Something began to stir in the back of Dot’s mind, feeling her eyes moisten as she remembered Queen Angelina’s soft singing voice… their father telling them stories…

Hitch put a gentle hoof on her shoulder to bring her out of the flashback, letting her know he was there with her… as were their friends and family. “The voice hasn’t been singing for a few minutes,” Wakko said. “Spread out,” Zipp told the others. “There has to be something here.”

The group began to search every nook and cranny in the room, trying to search for any clues about where the voice might be. So far, not one was having any luck. Wakko, however, turned in a circle, trying to pinpoint where it had come from.

His eyes fell on a large bookshelf beside the large fireplace, unlit and cold. That filled his mind with several questions-- how could it be coming from there? “Izzy, could you shed some light on this bookshelf?”

“You got it, Wakko old buddy!” Izzy nodded, illuminating her horn and approaching the middle sibling. Now that he had a light of some variety, Wakko began feeling around the shelves, unsure exactly what he was looking for. Then, as he ran his hand over the wood on the far right side, he felt something. It was the slightest indentation, one that would never be noticeable by sight.

Sparky noticed the indentation immediately when he climbed onto Izzy's back, and on a whim of giggles, he pressed it. There was a faint clicking sound, and the right side of the bookshelf swung slightly open, causing Wakko to step back. “Sparky!” Hitch fussed, grabbing the dragon. “What did you-- whaaa…”

“A spooky hidden passage behind a bookcase in your parents' room? This is getting better and better by the minute!” Zipp took several photos. “It's more than that!” Pipp said excitedly. “It's spook-tacular…!”

“Yakko, give me a hoof,” Sunny spoke, and they pulled the bookshelf open so that they could all get a better look at the inside. “I don't understand,” Dot shook her head. “Why would Mom and Dad have a secret room? What were they trying to hide?”

“Whatever it is, we're gonna find out. Izzy, let's light it up,” Zipp spoke, and Izzy took the lead with Yakko as they headed into the secret room, closing the bookshelf until a tiny sliver of light was all that came through. Even with the miniscule amount of light, it was clear no one had been in this room for years, not even to clean.

The light revealed a large desk near the far wall, and Wakko could see books and papers on it, all covered with a layer of dust, but couldn’t read anything on them due to the messiness of the dust.

Just then, the voice came again, louder than ever, and another faint light filtered through the gloom, seeping through the cracks of the wall. “Zipp, look! There's something else behind this wall!” Sunny pointed out before feeling around. “But… there's no indentation that I can feel!”

Misty looked around with the dim light around the room, until she saw a small circular hole between the bricks, barely noticeable. But… she couldn't help but wonder. Out of curiosity, she slid her horn into it, and a few clicks earned the others' attention. “Misty?” Zipp questioned. “What are you--?”

The blue unicorn tilted her head, which caused the bricks to come apart, and a mechanical system brought out what was glowing behind the wall-- a 3-D, diamond shaped crystal, glowing with soft white light, and carved in each corner were barely noticeable symbols on each side. “Sweet sauce horseshoe toss…” Izzy breathlessly spoke. “Misty, how did you know your horn would be able to do that?”

“I didn’t. I guess I just… acted on instinct,” Misty shrugged. “Yakko… did you guys know about this?” Sunny asked. “No…” Yakko shook his head breathlessly. “Mom and Dad never said a word about a secret room, or a panel in the wall that brought out a millionaire’s diamond!”

“If it’s a diamond, it’s not one like I’ve ever seen. I mean, have you seen this thing? It’s like 10 sparkle filters combined!” Pipp took some snapshots alongside her sister. “Wow… it’s amazing…” Wakko said quietly, putting his hand on one of the sides, and his brother and sister did the same. But suddenly, the ponies’ cutie marks began to glow and sent magic into the crystal, making it shine that much brighter, causing the Warners to yelp and pull their hands back in pain. “Whoa, are you guys okay?” Izzy asked. “It sounded like it hurt!”

“Uhhhhhhh… maybe for a minute-- like getting struck by lightning and then your hand getting squashed by a brass mallet,” Yakko tried to describe the pain. “So to put it in Sparky’s standards… it burns!!!!”

“Here. Let me take a look,” Sunny offered, and Yakko reached his right hand to the earth pony, who’s eyes widened at the sight of something very strange… a symbol of a lightning bolt and a cloud, glowing on Yakko’s hand. “Uh… Yakko? Have you always had that?”

“My charm? Good looks?” Yakko tried to guess. “No-- that mark!” Sunny shook her head, gesturing to the marking on his hand. “He’s not the only one to have a new marking on his hand,” Zipp frowned as he looked at Wakko’s hand. “Wakko has one too!”

“And so does Dot!” Izzy said. Turns out, they were right-- Wakko’s symbol was a rolling ocean wave, and Dot’s was a delicate flower, all glowing with the same white light. Sunny wasn’t sure what to think… they had never seen anything like this before-- ever!

And it was hard to think about what to do next. “Let’s go see Prime Minister Brain and Dr. Scratchinsniff-- they’ll know what to do.”


Immediately, the group went to the medical quarters of Dr. Otto Scratchinsniff, where he examined the Warners while Izzy and Hitch went to go get Prime Minister Brain. The doctor examined the Warners from head to toe, but he couldn’t find anything else wrong. “Ze Warners are in perfect condition, aside from their zaniness,” Dr. Scratchinsniff spoke. “But what about the markings on their hands?” Sunny asked. “How do you explain that?”

“I believe I can,” came the voice of Brain as he and Pinky came into the room with Hitch and Izzy. “Apparently, the crystal you came into contact with caused some sort of reaction with your symbols, causing them to transfer their energy components into the gemstone, causing them to send outward energy into the Warners' predocitaries.”

“Poit the narf?” Pinky managed to squeak to Brain's annoyance. “Whaaaaaaaa…?” Pipp blinked, leading Zipp to sigh. “He means our cutie marks caused a reaction that caused whatever magic in the crystal to transfer to the Warners, and that’s why they have those marks. But... what is that thing anyway? And why did your parents have it in a secret compartment in a secret room?”

“I-I don’t know,” Yakko scratched his head with a sigh. This was a lot to take in at once, and he was used to coming up with plans right off the bat. Now that this whole thing had been uncovered, he would have to think maticulously about their next actions.

Wakko and Misty immediately saw Yakko’s discomfort, and Wakko put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I know this is a lot to take in, Yak,” he said gently. “Trust me-- this is a lot easier to take in than learning Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were once engaged and then got into a civil dispute with the royal family. Let’s just go back to that hidden room and look at those documents. Maybe there’s something there we could use to figure this out.”

“...Wakko’s right. We have to try something,” Izzy sounded sincere in her tone, and Yakko eventually sighed. They were right… as crazy as this all sounded, it was worth trying something.


They all traveled through the castle and back to the king and queen’s quarters, where Wakko activated the secret room, and everyone began to look around for any clues.

As soon as the Warners were in the room together, their right hands began to glow with those symbols, making them that much more confident to find something.

Yakko began to rummage through papers on the table till one caught his eye-- the same symbols were drawn on it, along with a symbol of a flame, with some writing in the corner. “What is it?” Pinky asked, climbing onto Yakko’s shoulder. “I don’t know-- but look,” Yakko observed. “I-I think this is Mom’s handwriting.”

Dot and Wakko instantly peered over his shoulders with Brain on Dot’s head as Yakko read the paper out loud. “Symbols that appeared around the time of kids' birth-- magic source… crystal source?”

“What do you think that means?” Hitch frowned. No one responded, unsure of what to make of it, until Sunny let out a little squeak nearby, shakingly holding a paper in her hooves. “Sunny? What’s wrong?” Izzy asked. “This… this has Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark on it!” the apricot earth pony said, and Yakko grabbed it instantly, realizing she was right. “You think Twilight Sparkle knew about this?”

“If she did, we won’t know anything about it since she died so long ago,” Brain reasoned. “But whatever is going on with this mystic relic, you three royals have some of its powers flowing within you.”

“W-Why wouldn’t Mum and Dad tell us about this? That we could have powers?” Wakko stared at his right hand as he put the other one to his head. “I don’t know… maybe you were too young to understand what was going on,” Sunny tried to ease his concerns. “Let’s try and get some sleep-- we’ve had an eventful day, and you three need the rest.”

By the look Sunny was giving them, she left no time for arguing, so the Warners nodded and led them out of the secret room, hoping that no one else would learn of this secret that would change the young Warners’ lives.


Everyone had retired to their rooms for the night, hoping to get some good sleep despite the frightful circumstances in Equestria and the fact the Warners now had powers from a strange yet beautiful crystal.

Sunny was the only one of her friends to be awake, and she was pondering hard and taking notes about everything that’s happened, so maybe something in her father’s journal would match up. As the night continued on, Sunny felt herself slowly nodding off when there was a soft knock at the opening door. “Sunny…?”

The earth pony looked up from her studies to see Wakko in a blue robe, holding a teddy bear under his right arm as he stepped into the room, softly closing the door behind him. “Wakko? What are you doing up? It’s nearly 11 o’clock,” Sunny glanced at the time on her phone as she spoke. “I know… it’s just hard to sleep with all this going on,” Wakko frowned. Sunny felt a twinge of sympathy enter her heart… she knew what it was like to have so many unexplained questions… especially ones about the unknown. “Hey… I know how you feel entirely,” she said. “I’ve been up for the past hour trying to link Opaline and possibly the crystal into my dad’s research. Would you… I don’t know… wanna help me?”

“Faboo,” Wakko nodded softly, and Sunny, taking it as a yes, sat him down next to her on the bed as they looked through Argyle’s journal. “Wow, he knew a lot about ancient Equestria, didn’t he?” the middle Warner asked. “He sure did,” Sunny nodded. “Taught me everything I knew. Apparently, nothing in here directs me any closer to figuring out how to stop Opaline.”

But all of a sudden, her eyes widened as she thought of something. “What? What is it?” Wakko grasped her foreleg., itching to know what it was. “Opaline… the mirror! She was my inner self!” Sunny internally smacked herself. “How could I have not realized it before? She was trying to get ponies to respect me by fearing me! How could I have been so blind as to think she was trying to help me?!”

Suddenly, she felt arms around her neck, and Sunny looked down to see Wakko hugging her with closed eyes. “Don’t ever call yourself stupid again, Sunny. I’ve seen enough things to know are stupid-- lazy employees, road rage, heavy recessions, wearing underwear outside your pants… the list could go on. What I’m trying to say is… you’re not stupid. Opaline tricked you at a vulnerable moment. You’re the bravest, kindest, most loyal pony I’ve ever met… you and your friends. I know we’ll find a way to stop Opaline… together.”

Sunny couldn’t help but partially tear up at the middle sibling’s words… they were exactly what she needed to hear. She nuzzled his face tenderly as her cutie mark began to glow, making her alicorn horn and wings appear dimly, causing Wakko to gasp in surprise. “Sorry,” Sunny apologized. “Still taking me a while to get used to it.”

Both of them laughed before Sunny let out a yawn-- the research would still be there when they woke up in the morning. “Come on… let’s get some sleep.”

Wakko nodded and curled up under the blankets with her as they went off to dream land. But, their dreams wouldn’t exactly be smooth sailing at first.

When Sunny opened her eyes again, she was in a black room, almost like a void, with Wakko sleeping next to her, and his brother and sister sleeping not too far away. Their sleep clothes were gone, and were replaced with their normal outfits, striking Sunny immediately confused. “What the…? Wakko! Yakko, Dot! Wake up!”

“Huh? Did we win an Oscar?” Yakko mumbled tiredly as he woke up, followed by his siblings. “Whoa, what’s with the dark wallpaper. I could have sworn it was lighter than this,” Dot looked around. Sunny suddenly thought of something else, turning to the confused trio. “Warners, hear me out. I don’t know if this is right, but… I think we’re all having the same dream.”

“Whoa… freaky-- oh my tuna, what is that?!” Yakko pointed to a fiery glow approaching them. “Warners, stay behind me,” Sunny advised, transforming into her alicorn form immediately and sheltering the Warners behind her wings. The fiery glow became closer… and closer… until the same purple alicorn hovering over Maretime Bay as she sang that siren song of terror came closer, wings and horn blazing in white, purple and blue flames. “Opaline…” Sunny snarled. “That’s Opaline?” Wakko gulped. “Huh…” Yakko hummed. “I thought she’d be taller.”

“Yakko!” Dot fussed-- this was clearly not the best time. “Sunny Starscout… we finally meet face-to-face, or rather… dream-to-dream,” Opaline said maliciously. “So sorry we haven’t met sooner, but… I’m sure Misty would have mentioned me at least by name.”

“Don’t you dare talk about her,” Sunny felt her insides grinding. “Misty had been brainwashed by you for so long, she didn’t know how to make friends. How could you do that to her? Take her wants for a cutie mark to the extreme?! Nopony should have to live through that suffering.”

“Hmmm… soon, everypony will be living through the suffering,” Opaline pushed Sunny back with her hoof before moving her eyes toward the Warners, who were uncharacteristically nervous at the sight of the menacing figure. “And you three must be the annoying siblings that Misty wouldn’t stop talking about… the so-called rulers of Warnerstock?”

“You know… being scary may make you want to be the queen, but you will NEVER rule Equestria. Not while Sunny and her pals have us as allies,” Yakko found his voice as he spoke, his siblings finding their courage and nodding firmly while Opaline merely scoffed. “You’re pathetic,” she snarled. “All of you are! Soon, whatever powers you possess will be mine… MINE!! It doesn’t even matter if the rest of Equestria is frozen in time-- I WILL CONQUER IT ALL!!”

She flew up and blasted a ring of fire around them, causing the Warners to scream and cling to Sunny in fright, while she sheltered them with her wings and Opaline cackled. Sunny was unsure of how she was going to get the Warners out of here-- she couldn't wake up no matter how hard she tried!

As Opaline continued to cackle, the fire began to dissipate, and the room began to fill with a blinding white light that made Opaline shriek. “Hold on, Warners!” Sunny called out, and they all covered their eyes from the light. But when the light disappeared, Opaline was gone, and so was the fire… and they were in an entirely different environment.

Surprisingly, the four were in some kind of ethereal plane, a seemingly endless landscape of blues and greens, dotted with white stars. Even stranger, there didn't seem to be any solid ground, yet they were definitely sitting on something. “Whoa… where are we?” Wakko got up and looked around, taking a few careful steps. “I’m not sure,” Sunny frowned. “But… i-i-it feels I’ve seen this before… somewhere…”

Indeed-- you’ve probably heard it in the tales your father told you of,” said a voice, and Sunny and the Warners whipped their heads around upon hearing it. They had been joined by another alicorn-- one a little taller than Opaline, with a lavender coat and a cutie mark of a six-pointed star with smaller stars around it.

Sunny’s eyes widened as she looked upon the alicorn, who’s mane blew about with silver sparkles even though there was no wind, with shock. “T… Twilight Sparkle?”

Greetings, Sunny Starscout. And hello to you, Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner,” the other alicorn bowed her head in greeting. “I’m glad I was able to bring you here before Opaline’s enchanted fires burned you to crisps.

The four continued to stare for a moment before being brought back to reality… er, well, the reality of the dreamscape. “Here? You know what this place is?” Sunny asked. “Indeed I do,” Twilight nodded. “This is the celestial plane, where Celestia transformed me into an alicorn for the first time and proclaimed me a princess.”

Princess Celestia?! Oh wow, this is so awesome! Now, if I could just--” Sunny started to say, but Dot put a finger on her muzzle to stop her. “Hey hey. Sunny, refocus. Opaline just attacked us, remember?” she asked. “Oh, right!” Sunny shook her head. “I’d be happy to explain things,” Twilight spoke, “but there are a few more faces I need to see before I do.”

Lighting her horn, the group shielded their eyes from the bright light as Sunny’s friends, aside from Misty and Sparky, appeared from it. “Whoa, what?” Pipp looked around. “Where did my screaming audience go?!”

“...and is that Princess Twilight?” Hitch’s eyes widened. “It is me. It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Twilight said. “Now, I can lead you to some dear friends of mine who can’t wait to see the Warners again.”

“...again?” Yakko couldn’t help but murmur. Twilight only smiled, gesturing for the group to follow them with her hoof, which they immediately obeyed to. They walked for a little while, before the white light appeared, and two figures stepped from it… two figures that looked so much like the Warners, even wearing regal clothes. Yakko and Dot were speechless, but only Wakko found the courage to speak. “...Mum? D-Dad?”

There were King William and Queen Angelina, as clear as day, even though Wakko barely remembered them. As his eyes filled with tears, the middle sibling, followed by his older brother and younger sister, raced toward their parents and enveloped them in huge hugs. “We missed you so much…” Yakko couldn’t help but stammer. Queen Angelina stroked her son’s head, her voice soothing to his ears. “We missed you too, my love.”

“And we are so proud of the rulers that you’ve become,” King William agreed, taking Dot and holding her close. “But… we didn’t come here just for a chat.”

“...so you came to help us?” Wakko asked. “Exactly, honey. We’ve come to finally tell you about your powers,” Queen Angelina said. “Powers that… could hopefully save Warnerstock from doom.”

Questions and a Heartfelt Song

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The Warners and their friends looked beyond surprised at Princess Twilight and the Warners’ parents-- what did they mean?

Right now, too many questions were filling Sunny’s mind, but before she could speak, Dot beat her to it. “Mom, what do you mean? Why would Warnerstock be in danger?” she asked before becoming nervous. “We’re not… doing that bad a job, are we?”

“No no! Dot, of course not,” Queen Angelina was quick to assure. “You and your brothers have done a great job maintaining peace in Warnerstock. But… it is time you knew the truth about the crystal. The truth your father and I were finally able to maintain the day Salazar invaded.”

The Warners spared a glance before sitting on their parents’ knees, prompting the ponies to sit around them. “The crystal crash landed a couple miles north of Acme Falls around the time that Dot was discovered,” King William began. “We first thought it was a shooting star, but when we sent our army to investigate it, we found out it was a powerful crystal, bearing four elemental symbols, and those who bare those symbols bare very powerful magic over the elements-- fire, air, water and earth. Three of those symbols, my children… you now possess.”

“You mean… these?” Yakko lifted his hand, and on cue, the symbols glowed on his and his siblings’ hands. “Indeed they do,” Twilight nodded moving to the family with a firm expression on her face. “When you three discovered the crystal, Sunny and her friends’ cutie marks ignited in their unity magic, sending some into the crystal along with the elemental magic, giving you some of their unique powers too. Yakko-- the lightning bolt and cloud on your hand symbolizes air, and since pegasi are the masters of the sky, not only will you be able to control the forces of the weather, you’ll be able to fly as well… with some practice.”

“Heh, looks like Pipp, Sunny and I won’t be the only fliers from now on,” Zipp nudged Yakko playfully with her wing. “Dot,” Twilight went on, and Dot looked a little worried about what she’d say. “The symbol on your hand represents earth-- not only will you be able to move rocks and create mountains with a stomp of your foot, but you will also be able to control and manipulate plant life like an earth pony.”

“Makes sense to me,” Dot shrugged with a grin, and Hitch and Sunny smiled at her-- they’d be able to teach her everything they knew. “And finally… Wakko,” Twilight moved toward the last sibling, who sat nervously in his mother’s arms. “You have the power to manipulate water, hence you have an ocean wave. And since the unicorns have yet to be focused on, you’ll be able to levitate objects and perform spells."

“Wakko, isn’t that sparkle-rific?!” Izzy chirped excitedly. “Y-Yeah… great,” Wakko said nervously. “Wakko? Is something wrong?” Queen Angelina tilted her son’s head to look at him. “Just… wondering… if there were four elements, why didn’t any of us get the fire symbol along with the ones we have now?”

Twilight sighed, her ears flattening. “Someone already does have the fire power. An alicorn you’ve come into contact with already.”

“Opaline!” Zipp realized. “She stole the fire power from the crystal when I brought it to Canterlot many hundreds of moons ago for save keeping. Once I realized the threat of Opaline’s new strength, I zapped the crystal to another world to keep it safe, until the right users could be uncovered,” Twilight said. “But now that the true keepers of its powers have come to light, they need to go train and use their new skills.”

“Go? You mean… we have to leave Warnerstock?!” Yakko cried. “I’m sorry, son, but its the only way you can learn to use your new powers,” King William reassured. “But, your father and I know the perfect place for you to go,” Queen Angelina added. “Princess?”

Twilight nodded and created an image with her magic of an enchanted island, far far away from the kingdom, where four humans stood on the coastline, standing watch.

After the ooh and awe of the island faded for a moment, Queen Angelina took the time to explain. “These are the four Elemental Guardians-- powerful beings who protect this enchanted island from harm. They created the crystal, and allowed it to grow in another dimension, so they would not be in harm’s way if one ever came to the isle to retrieve it. Sunny, we would be honored if you and your friends would lead our children to the island and help them train their powers.”

“O-Of course! We’d be honored to take them,” Sunny bowed respectfully. “We’re so glad to hear you say that,” Twilight told the earth pony mare. “Sunny, I could never be more proud of the figure of friendship you’re becoming for ponykind, and I know you’ll make Equestria proud.”

“...I feel light headed…” Sunny sighed with a wide grin, leaning on Pipp and Hitch for stability. While everyone else chattered amongst themselves, Wakko still felt a sense of unease. How could he protect his home from Opaline? Being a holder of water magic was a HUGE deal, and he didn’t want to mess up. “Thinking about things, Wakko?” Twilight asked as she approached him, sitting next to him. “I know you’re meant for the role… just like Celestia knew I was fit to rule Equestria after she and Luna retired.”

“...I wish I had as much confidence as you,” Wakko admitted in a soft voice. “But I’m worried I’ll mess up, and then everyone who respected and liked us… will see us as nothing again.”

Twilight knew how that felt… she felt a lot of pressure once she learned she would be ruling Equestria, though most wouldn’t realize it. She wrapped a foreleg around Wakko, and he looked up to see her smiling gently at him. “You know… Princess Moonshine told me all about you,” she said. “And your efforts to make things better for your family.”

“She told you about all that?” Wakko blinked in surprise. “She knew that you were a kind, brave, selfless, strong brother, and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice when it came to saving his sister,” Twilight nodded. “I know that you’ll do your best to save Warnerstock from Opaline’s wrath.”

But suddenly, Wakko gasped as he thought of something. “You don’t blame Misty for Opaline’s return, do you? It wasn’t her fault-- she was just desperate for a cutie mark, and she didn’t know of any other way!”

“No… I don’t blame her,” Twilight smiled. “We all don’t,” King William added as he and his wife came closer. “We’re proud of you and your siblings for being so kind to her, sweetie,” Queen Angelina spoke. “And we’ll always be proud of you… no matter what the circumstance.”

Suddenly, a white portal began to open on the other side of the room, and Hitch sighed. “Come on, guys… we need to wake up and get going as soon as we can.”

“But… I-I-I… we don’t wanna leave you again,” Yakko frowned at the thought of leaving his parents for good this time. Queen Angelina smiled and rubbed the top of her son’s heads. “I think we have time for a lullaby… just as we used to do.”

Nodding softly, Yakko and his siblings gathered around to hear their mother sing to them one final time, Wakko beginning the song.

Wakko: Sun goes down
And here we are… together

Yakko: Fireflies glow like a thousand charms

Dot: Stay with me
And you can dream forever…

Queen Angelina: Right here in my arms… tonight…

The ponies couldn’t help but tear up as the Warners’ parents held their children close. “That’s so beautiful…” Izzy said with a choked-up voice. “It sure is,” Pipp sighed with a smile. “Should I take a video of it?”

“I don’t think that’s how the dream world works, Pipp,” Zipp voiced her thoughts, keeping up the watching of the family, “but I appreciate the idea.”

Queen Angelina: Sounds of day fade away

Wakko: Stars begin to climb

Warner Family: Melodies fill the breeze
Sweeter all the time

Queen Angelina: My love… (Yakko: Sun goes down and we are here together)
Is always with you, whether near or far

Dot and Wakko: (Fireflies glow like a thousand charms)

Queen Angelina: How sweet to hold you

King William: (Stay with me and you can dream forever)

Warner Family: Right here in my arms…

The Warner siblings held their parents tight, never wanting this reunion to end... but they knew it had to.

They had a mission to get underway... no matter how bad they didn't want to leave their parents again. “...we love you, Mum and Dad,” Wakko sniffled with trickling tears, and Queen Angelina kissed her children’s heads before sending them off through the portal, watching it close. “That was beautiful,” Twilight smiled toward the Warners' parents, who nodded solemnly with warm smiles, and Twilight bore the same expression. “I know they’ll make us proud… I know it.”

Leaving Brain in Charge/Opaline enters Warnerstock

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Misty was quite surprised to discover that the Warners and the other ponies saw Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Warners’ parents in their dreams… but she understood why she probably wouldn’t have been involved-- she brought Opaline back, and it would probably bring back a lot of memories for her with Opaline if she saw Princess Twilight there.

Nevertheless, she was willing to help do whatever she could to help the Warners and her friends in their task.


At breakfast the next morning, everyone was bustling to prepare for the journey ahead. “My princes and princess, are you sure this decision is wise?” Brain asked the young siblings as they raced around to pack. “This mission could be very risky, and no one needs to know the real reason that you’re leaving the borders of the country. What if someone were to overthrow you while you’re gone?”

“Brain, I highly doubt anyone would overthrow the Warners, but we have the castle guards on high alert,” Zipp said as she carried some of Dot’s clothes to her. “And besides, we’ve been planning on leaving you in charge of the castle, just to make sure things go smoothly.”

To be quite honest, Brain wasn’t expecting this-- he always assumed that they’d leave someone incompetent in charge. “Me?”

“Well, you do know more about the kingdom than the rest of us,” Wakko agreed. “Yeah,” Yakko nodded. “We can’t see anyone-- er, anymouse more capable of running Warnerstock than you.”

Brain grinned at this-- maybe taking over Warnerstock wasn’t going to be as hard as he thought it would. But… what was that ticking feeling in his chest that was telling him that this wasn’t right?


No… that couldn’t be it.

Putting his feelings in the back of his mind, Brain bowed to the Warners. “You can have total and empathic faith in me, your highnesses. Warnerstock will be in good paws with me.”

“And you meant me too, right?” Pinky asked from Pipp’s mane, causing her to yelp in surprise. “Pinky! What the hey?!” the pink pegasus demanded. “Oh, sorry for startling you, Pipp,” Pinky apologized, “but your mane looked so soft and poofy I had to try it for meself!”

“...I’m not sure whether I should be disturbed or thankful for the compliment,” Pipp shuddered as she picked Pinky off of her mane and back onto the ground. “Come on, guys,” Zipp urged the Warners. “We should probably announce to the village that we’re leaving within the hour, and having Brain take charge until we come back.”


The herald sent a message all throughout the village, trumpets blaring as the villagers gathered in front of the castle, murmuring about the Warners’ news until they emerged, causing the crowd to cheer. “Citizens of Acme Falls!” Yakko called. “Our pony friends have returned, and upon grave circumstances, or any circumstances at all, we must assist them on a journey that… well… we don’t know how long we’ll be gone.”

“But don’t worry! We’re leaving Prime Minister Brain in charge until we come back!” Dot called out. “Yeah,” Wakko nodded innocently. “It’s not like there’s going to be some sort of conflict here while we’re gone… right, Prime Minister?”

“But of course,” Brain bowed, and no one noticed the wicked wink he gave to Pinky, or the blank stare that Pinky gave back at him in confusion. “We’ll take great care of your rulers,” Zipp assured the townsfolk. “They’re family, and family always sticks up for one another. Now, we trust you will help the prime minister by keeping the peace for yourselves, and do Acme Falls and all of Warnerstock proud. Royal meeting adjourned!”

The townsfolk began to depart from the royal courtyard, and the Warners led the ponies, with their things, down to the gates. “Here, Pinky,” Sunny said as she handed the mouse a cell phone. “Pipp always has a backup phone for emergencies-- call us on this if there’s ever anything strange going on… or if something Opaline-related arises.”

“You can count on us, great alicorn Sunny Starscout, to protect the kingdom while you are away,” Brain said courteously, and exchanging farewells, the group set off in the direction that the ponies’ cutie mark magic lit up for them.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Brain wickedly looked up at the castle before turning to Pinky. “Come, my friend… we must settle into our new roles and prepare for tonight!”

“Why, Brain? What are we going to do tonight?” asked Pinky innocently. “The same thing we do every night, Pinky,” Brain said. “Try to take over the world…!! While also trying to keep Warnerstock at peace, to not arouse suspicion from our Equestrian allies.”


“AAAAAAARGH!!!” Opaline threw a potion bottle across the room in anger. She had seen and heard everything that the group had seen… other than when she was kicked out of the ponies’ and Warners’ dreams by Twilight Sparkle’s spirit in the celestial plain. “How DARE she come into my limelight after all these moons and ruin EVERYTHING?!”

The purple alicorn took a breath once she heard the echoing of her voice come back to her, and she looked toward Misty’s quarters.

She had not been in there and quite some time… and she had been missing-- no… she wasn’t about to give in to the whole friendship and love thing.

She had denied it for years, and there was no going takesies-backsies now. “Luckily,” Opaline said to herself as she lifted a vial from the mirror pool, “the potion I’ve been working on is finally ready. One drop of this on my horn, and I should be able to teleport to wherever Sunny, Misty and those intreped ponies have gone… then no place will have a chance against me.”

The dark fiery alicorn took a breath… here went everything. She dipped the small drop of swamp-green potion onto the tip of her horn, and instantly, it dissolved and swirled around it with power. “Yes… YES!!!” Opaline cried victoriously-- it was working! Just as she had hoped!

She blasted the wall next to her throne and flew into it without a second to spare.


After a series of flashes of light, Opaline realized she had broken free of her castle prison, and was now in the kingdom of Warnerstock, causing her to begin to cackle. “Yes… now, Sunny Starscout… your friends and their kingdom will be the first to go… and then… Equestria is MINE!!!! AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!”

Journey to the Island/A Well-Deserved Talk

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Sunny, Zipp and Misty carried Yakko, Wakko and Dot on their backs as they journeyed across the countryside, hoping to reach the shores within a time frame of two days at the max.

Zipp would take Yakko into the air a little ways, in order to get him accustomed to being in the air, while Sunny showed Dot how to make plants come up whenever she wanted them to.

As for Misty... she was just happy to be able to spend some time with Wakko-- he was like her brother... and she wanted to do all she could to keep him, Yakko and Dot safe from Opaline.

Who knows what she'd do if she knew that they had those powers?

Along the beginning of the trip, Zipp found herself growing less angry with Misty, but Misty still wouldn’t look at her, fearing that the white pegasus would yell at her again, like she did in Maretime Bay.

But Zipp didn’t want Misty to be scared of her.

While Misty was ahead with the others, Zipp confided in Yakko and Hitch about her problem. “I know it wasn’t her fault that Opaline rose to power… she seems like she really connects with the people she’s trying to help. She was afraid of letting us know about her past cause we thought we would shun her…” Zipp said. “But… it seems like I have.”

“Zipp, nopony expects you to be perfect-- not even Misty. She knew that your anger was understandable,” Hitch reassured. “Hitch is right,” Yakko patted the pegasus’ back in comfort. “Even if you did mess up, I’m sure she’ll forgive you if you two just talk it out. Hey… did I ever tell you about my interactions with how Salazar killed our parents?”

Hitch and Zipp glanced at each other in confusion before shaking their heads-- what happened that night? “Well… I had a bad dream, but I didn’t wanna wake anyone by crying… or screaming,” Yakko admitted. “I was so angry, and I walked out of the town to the lake and just… sat there, smashing the ice with various stones I could find. Stupid stress reliever, I know. Wakko and I talked about it the next morning, and he totally understood my feelings. He understood, and if you talk to her, Zipp, I’m sure Misty will too.”

Zipp took Yakko’s words into consideration and nodded. Maybe he had a point… maybe if she talked to Misty in a little while, once they stopped for a break… she could fix their relationship so they wouldn’t be fighting all the time. But... she had to do it at the right time.


Meanwhile, back in Acme Falls, life was going on as usual… and Brain was rather enjoying himself, sitting on the throne as temporary ruler until the Warners returned. “Narf! Milk and food pellets anyone?” Pinky said, carrying a small tray as he approached Brain on the throne. “Pinky, enough with this foolishness,” Brain rolled his eyes. “We don’t live in the abandoned church anymore-- get me some real food!”

“Righty-o, Brain!” Pinky clapped his paws, and instantly, butlers came with platters of silver, covered with the most delectable food that anyone could ever think of. “Finally, a meal worthy of a king!” Brain bit into a piece of turkey. “Um… but Brain?” Pinky decided to speak. “What if something were to happen that would cause the Warners to return? And what if Opaline were to show up and overthrow you?”

“Pinky, Opaline is still far away in Equestria, and without young Sparky’s dragon fire, she’s powerless without Misty,” Brain scoffed. “Even if she were to find some sort of loop that would bring her to this dimension, she would have to be incredibly weak from doing so-- she’d never be able to overthrow us… er, me. As for the Warners, they will return from their journey with the brave ponies when they are ready. And until then, we must enjoy being at the top before tumbling down a few tiers in the ranks. Now, let us enjoy… a meal, if not a quiet one.”

As the two mice sat down to a quiet meal, which was sort of hard due to Pinky’s loud chewing, they had no idea that Opaline had sent a bird created by magic to spy on them, and she wickedly smirked. “Two little mice… alone in a big castle such as this… whatever shall I do?” she asked herself. “Oh, that’s right… if they won’t join me… then I shall make sure they wished their DNA had EVER been altered.


Everyone was starting to get tired from walking, and the shores of the country were still hours away. So, they decided to make camp in a nice peaceful meadow, and move on the next morning.

Yakko and Sunny started the campfire, and Zipp made sure to collect plenty of water and sand to put it out if they were in a hurry. As the sun began to set, they spent time telling each other stories that were either funny or scary… and you can guess which one of them Pipp preferred. “...and when she made ready to leave her house,” the pink pegasus spookily explained, watching others’ eyes dart back in forth in worry, “she faced inexplicable horror… she was wearing burgandy AND purple in the SAME OUTFIT!!! WHAAAAAAAA!!!!”

Everyone gave her blank stares, leading the pegasus pop star to huff. “Oh, come on!” she exclaimed. “Everyone knows that purple and burgandy are the top colors in the ‘Spookiest Colors to Wear Together’ list! I mean, look it up, people!”

“...oooookay, anyone else got a story?” Zipp asked. “Ooh! What about my favorite story?” Dot raised her hand. “I mean… any story with me in it is a story worth hearing, am I right?”

“Dot, you do realize Yak and I are in that story too,” Wakko crossed his arms, sparing his sister a frown. “Just saying,” Dot shrugged. After thinking a minute, Izzy’s expression brightened. “I have a story that my mom used to tell me a long time ago, when I was a filly,” she explained. “A story that’s been passed down in the family for generations-- about when unicorns had magic in Twilight Sparkle’s time.”

“Oooh! What was it about?” Sunny asked enthusiastically. “It was about a kingdom in the northern parts of Equestria, where it was super cold,” Izzy explained. “But the kingdom was warm and loving, thanks to a magical heart shaped crystal. What was the--?”

“The Crystal Heart! My dad told me about that once!” Sunny blurt out. “All right, enough with the fan-ponying, and on with the story telling!” Yakko sat down, using Misty’s back as a prop as Sparky willingly shared the carrots Hitch grew as a snack. Izzy and Sunny nodded, and then the lilac unicorn began the tale. “Many, many moons ago, in ancient Equestria, the Crystal Empire was ruled by a unicorn named Princess Amore, who could use the Crystal Heart to see your soul’s true reflection… whatever that means.”

“Oooooh… #mysterious!” Pipp said admiringly. “During the season of the Crystal Faire,” Sunny went on, “a young Sombra and his friend Radiant Hope looked into the heart’s reflection, but they got two entirely different futures-- one where Hope was a princess, but the other… Sombra was overcome by evil shadows.”

“Cryptic... what happened?” inquired Yakko. That's when Sunny started to get serious. “Every year during the Crystal Faire,” she explained, “Sombra would be overcome by this debilitating sickness that nopony could explain. It would tear him apart from the inside out. But the very next day…he would be fine. It was like it never happened. One fateful day, Sombra discovered that Hope had received an invitation from the Princesses to study with them in Canterlot. Hope’s destiny was being fulfilled. Realizing that his future was now imminent, he fled the Crystal Empire in a mad dash to the Arctic North…where he discovered his true identity.”

“Which was…?” Misty asked. “An Umbrum-- the same creature that the Crystal Heart was created to protect the empire from,” Sunny said in a whisper, apparent that this was the story that got to her the most. “He was their enemy and he would never be normal. He would never be accepted. In his eyes, he was always destined to be a monster that the Heart would destroy at the next Crystal Faire. But there was one way out. He vowed that he would steal the Heart from the dais, so that he would never have to suffer from it again.”

Dot whimpered nervously, prompting Wakko to wrap an arm around his sister in comfort. “What happened next, Sunny?”

Sunny took a breath and prepared herself for the next part. ““But as he was about to take off with the Heart, he was confronted by Princess Amore, who implored him to steer clear of this path, that his destiny was not set in stone... that he could change it.”

Misty couldn't help but widen her eyes at that part... like Sunny knew it was what she needed to hear. But before she could say anything else, Zipp gave her a hushed look, telling her to be quiet. “What happened next?”

“Well… Sombra exploded all his anger at the princess,” Sunny went on, “demanding why she never revealed his true nature to him, why she kept all this knowledge hidden from him when he could’ve benefited from it. Amore tried to explain herself, but Sombra wouldn't hear any of it. In a fit of blind rage, he used his newfound dark powers to solidify Princess Amore into solid stone and scatter her pieces all throughout the world.”

“Yikes… that guy has a real temper problem,” Yakko said in a hushed tone, and Dot elbowed him roughly. “Yakko, quiet!” she scolded. “I have a feeling this is gonna get good!”

Anyway…” Sunny cleared her throat. “When Hope arrived and saw what he had done, Sombra begged her to join him. But she ran away crying, knowing her friend was truly lost to the darkness. She fled to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, believing that they were the only ones who could save him... but they had very different ideas to protect the ponies of their land. Sombra took over the empire, ordering the Crystal Ponies to raise the Umbrum Army, but the alicorns attacked the palace and fought Sombra, where they used the Elements of Harmony to turn him into shadow, and banish him into the ice of the Arctic north…never to be seen or heard from again.”

Sunny finished the story, wiping tears from her eyes with her hooves. The others were left with their jaws hanging on the floor in utter shock. Even Izzy was left bewildered. “I…was never told the last part…” the unicorn remarked. “It’s… not a happy ending,” Sunny admitted. “Even when Sombra came back after a thousand years, he never got redemption. That just makes me sad.”

“Well, it’s just a legend,” Yakko said, patting Sunny reassuringly. “So it probably isn’t even real. You know what they say about tall tales. They only get taller with age!”

Sunny assumed Yakko made the joke to make her feel better… and she supposed it did, but only for a glimmer of a second. “But Sombra could’ve gotten so much more!” she threw her hooves up in frustration. “Why was the only solution banishment? Why didn’t the princesses ever try to talk things out? Why did Sombra shatter Amore?! That’s something I’ve never understood. He could’ve been reformed…”

At the word ‘reformed,’ Misty looked down at the ground in sadness. Was that fate truly what awaited her? After all, she had committed terrible crimes for Opaline. If Sombra couldn’t be reformed…what chance did she have?

But before she could say anything else, Hitch approached the earth pony mare. “Sunny,” he reached his right hoof to lift Sunny’s chin up. “It’s just a filly’s bedtime story. Sure, a lot of things we’ve been told in history turned out to have actually happened, but that one in particular does seem like a stretch. It’s likely it never actually occurred. I mean, the notion that a city made out of crystal even existed does sound pretty absurd.”

Sunny’s eyes narrowed at that. “So did the three tribes coexisting, Hitch. And that turned out to be true.”

“She’s got you there,” Wakko shrugged, making Hitch sigh deeply. “Don’t worry about it, Sunny!” Izzy quipped. “I in particular loved how you told the rest of the story very dramatically!! Really gives off that oomph factor!!”

Sunny smiled weakly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

There was a moment of silence in the group until Sparky began to loudly yawn. “Whoa, it is way past this dragon’s bedtime,” Hitch carried the dragon to a makeshift tent he made and set him down gently. Sparky cooed and gurgled as he settled down and Hitch kissed him goodnight. “Let’s all get some sleep. We’ll all be better off awake when we make the rest of the trip to Elemental Island.”

“Hitch is right-- see you tomorrow, everypony,” Sunny waved tiredly, and they all fell fast asleep… Well…all except Misty for the longest time. Sunny’s story echoed in her mind, the way Sombra did his evil actions toward Equestria…and if he couldn’t be reformed… then how could she?

The thought of being banished to the far ends of the earth terrified her.

All she wanted was her cutie mark. Why was it so hard to prove herself? And above all…why was Opaline so mean to her?

In contrast, the Mane Five were extremely nice to her and genuinely enjoyed her company. They treated her like a friend and an equal, rather than a servant.

Unlike Opaline and her constant demands, Sunny and her friends actually treated her like family when they had no reason to.

They had no reason to welcome this stranger they had just met.

A social outcast with no cutie mark and no knowledge of anything in the world. Yet, it occurred to her that there would be no happy ending for her. They would kick her aside and shun her for the rest of her days. It didn’t matter what her motivations were.

She would never truly be loved.

Tears began to well up in her eyes and Misty began to sob quietly, feeling all the emotions she had been hiding finally reach a breaking point.

It wasn’t fair.

Why did Sunny get to open up about her feelings and everypony supported her whereas she had to lie in order to even be welcomed?! As she sobbed, her ears moved slightly, detecting the sound of soft hoofsteps on the ground. She looked behind her and saw none other than an exhausted-looking Zipp, sitting on the ground and looking forlorn.

Misty didn’t know what to say or do. Zipp was always suspicious of her. What could she even say that would not arouse the young detective’s skepticism all over again?

Finally, after a long mental battle, she decided that it would be nice to at least talk to the pegasus. Cautiously, she turned around and began walking towards Zipp, sitting down in front of her. She stared at Zipp until the former reluctantly locked eyes with her and the two sat together underneath the beautiful night sky. “You… you have no reason to talk to me.”

“Has that ever stopped me?” Misty answered. She wasn’t even thinking about what she was saying at this point. The words just rambled off her tongue.

To this, Zipp just shook her head. “No…I guess it hasn’t. I’m just so sorry. I’ve suspected you for a long time, Misty. Being in league with that… evil pony Twilight Sparkle mentioned. You’re not evil, Misty. I should’ve realized that. But you are pretty awkward, you realize that? Every word you say is like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Why is that?”

“I never got to have NORMAL interactions…” Misty admitted. “When I used to live with Opaline, I wasn't allowed to make friends with anypony. Everyone is like, ‘Do your job, Misty!’ or ‘You don’t need friends!’ You ponies are literally the first faces I’ve ever talked to.”

Zipp looked back down in shame. “That just makes me feel worse. You’ve literally never been friends with anypony?”

Misty shook her head in response. “You were right in suspecting I didn’t come from Bridlewood. The truth is, I don’t. I come from… well, it’s a dark fortress… and… Opaline, who I used to consider my mom, constantly expected me to do things for her. All fun and games are out the window.”

“Really?” Zipp asked worriedly, sparking Misty to nod. “When I see you ponies just talking and having fun…it makes me jealous. I saw how you and the others comforting Sunny and I just thought ‘Why don’t I ever get that?’ I felt the need to pretend like I came from Bridlewood during the sleepover because I didn’t know what else to do…”

“Friendship can be tricky,” Zipp explained, looking up again. “Even I’m still trying to figure it out. Being royalty, Pipp and I are always expected to be role models. To be examples to the rest of Zephyr Heights. I never got to make much friends either as I always had to keep this aloof persona.”

This caused Misty to glance at her. “But you have thousands of ponies raving about you over there. Aren’t they your friends?”

“Those are fans, Misty,” Zipp corrected her. “Believe me, Pipp can give you a good lesson in fans vs friends. Fans don’t really care about you as a pony, more so what you represent. In Zephyr Heights, I’m not Zipp the Detective. I’m Zephyrina Storm the Princess. It just feels so refreshing being with Sunny and the others, not having to live up to such high expectations and just… being myself, you know?”

Misty nodded anyway, not really sure she got it, but decided to trust the pegasus’ word. After a minute of silence, she noticed Wakko shivering from the cold in the hammock he set up, and trotted over there, putting a blanket over him before going back to Zipp. “You really care about the Warners… don’t you?” Zipp asked. “They’re like… family to me,” Misty admitted. “They were willing to accept me, despite the circumstances. If I can’t… if I can’t help them control their new powers… it’ll be like it’s my fault.”

Zipp put a gentle wing over Misty’s back. “We’ll help them, and we’ll stop Opaline before she gets too out of hoof… I promise.”


The word stung like a bee. It was the one word that drove Misty’s entire being... the very same word Opaline chorused to her over and over about giving her a cutie mark...

...BEFORE Misty found out the truth. Suddenly, she felt the crushing weight of Opaline’s expectations and words come hurtling back as she was taken back to a moment in time that she tried to forget:


Misty began to tremble and sob all at once, feeling so guilty for all that she had done to the ponies... how could they forgive her for anything? Opaline was probably watching this conversation and was going to kill her when she found a way to Acme Falls... if she did anyway.

Zipp stood there, unsure of what to do. She looked around from left to right, desperately hoping that one of her friends would wake up and take care of it.

When she noticed none of the ponies or Warners had stirred, she sighed deeply and approached the distraught unicorn, lying down next to her and resting her head on her back. She felt the rapid breathing pulse violently under her until it gradually subsided into a calm, gentle rhythm.

Misty briefly looked up after feeling Zipp’s head on her, but rested it again after seeing the comforting presence. She moved closer towards Zipp’s body and the two soon fell into a deep sleep.

They stayed like this the whole night under the watchful gaze of the starry canvas above them. They'd defeat Opaline and get their friends to Elemental Island... they were sure of it.

Crossing the Ocean Waves

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Opaline watched with disgust as Misty and Zipp talked through their feelings like they had been friends for their entire lives... where had she gone wrong with raising that filly? “She was always a useless runt to me anyway,” Opaline tried to tell herself. “I was going to get rid of her next time she failed me. And she did fail me, so… I did kick her out. AGH!!”

What was wrong with her?

Did she… CARE for that selfish little filly?

No… she couldn’t care-- she WOULDN’T care about anypony else.

All she had to do was make her move in the morning and Warnerstock would be hers… and soon after that… all of Equestria would follow.


The next morning, Sunny prepared a healthy breakfast over the campfire for the group, and the Warners hungrily gobbled it out of habit-- living in a water tower and not knowing when you were gonna eat next had a lasting effect; you took food whenever you had it. After breakfast, the group cleaned up, put out the fire and continued on their way.

Zipp had reassured the group that she and Misty were on much better terms, much to Sunny, Izzy and Wakko's relief… they hated it when they saw their friends fighting. They spent a lot of time that morning talking about different things, but one topic stood out to them… how they were going to help the Warners master their powers and use them to stop Opaline from taking over their friends' home.

After a long while of traveling (with some of Pipp's hit songs to pass the time), Zipp halted the group abruptly, and they could see why-- they had arrived at a very rough ocean, waves at least 5 to 10 feet tall at times, getting even worse the further they looked out. “Whoa…” Yakko gulped nervously. “I can only imagine the number of mints put in this soda to make it overflow.”

“Not really sure that's the best choice of words, Yak-- Sparky's still hungry, and he had a full apple and a banana for breakfast!” Hitch said, patting the little dragon on the head. “Either way, we have to find some way to get across and to Elemental Island before the waves get too rough for even our pony powers,” Sunny said before turning to her friends. “Anyone got any ideas?”

“Ooh! I can unicycle a raft to take us across! But I'd need a lot of wood and vines,” Izzy suggested. “Sunny and I can take care of vines,” Hitch offered. “Dot, Yakko-- see if you can find some old wooden logs and planks for the floaty parts.”

The group nodded and split up to search and gather materials. While his siblings and friends got the wood and vines they required, Wakko found himself being drawn closer to the water… as if it was calling to him. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like this was part of his powers-- to have a strong urge to be in the water.

As he sat on his knees at the edge of the water, feeling the water come closer and closer to him, his symbol instinctively glowed on the back of his hand. And when he lifted it up, he was stunned to see that the water was following his movements. When he set it down again, the water mimicked him once more.

Wakko tilted his head at it, causing one of the waves to tilt as well… as if it was just as curious about him as Wakko was about the water's actions. “Wow…” he murmured. “Twilight wasn't kidding when she said I could manipulate water…”

The wave playfully splashed him, making him giggle before the wave retreated… just as the others returned. “Hey, baby bro,” Yakko set down some wood. “Trying to get accustomed to your element?”

“Trying to,” Wakko shrugged, watching out of the corner of his eye as the symbol on his hand disappeared. “Do we have everything for the raft?”

“We should, once Sunny and Hitch grow the vines to bind the wood together,” Zipp nodded. “But we should probably start building, before the tide gets higher and we lose our chance at crossing the ocean in one piece.”

“We’re back!” Sunny and Hitch trotted over to the rest of the group with vines on their backs, panting heavily once they had skidded to a halt. “Took you all long enough,” Zipp replied. “Alright, let’s get building!”

It took the group a while to build the raft, but before they knew it, they were off riding the waves in the raft Izzy called Bob. “Seriously? Bob?!” Pipp demanded while rowing furiously with her paddle. “That’s not even a boat name!”

“I think it is!” Izzy quipped. “To Elemental Island, we go!”

But, the paddling didn't really seem to take them anywhere, making Pipp get increasingly frustrated. “Ugh… this is gonna take us a while,” she groaned. “Hey… Wakko! Maybe you could use your new powers to get us moving?”

“Well, I’m not sure how much I can control it yet, but I can try,” Wakko nodded and closed his eyes and holding up his hands. Suddenly, they were propelled at maximum speed across the ocean with everyone hanging on for dear life. “Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaa!!!!” Sunny screamed over the crashing waves. “Slow dooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwnnnn!!!!”

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to!!” Wakko cried. The boat lurched forward and suddenly they were going even faster across the water. The wind blew through their faces and a full wave of water splashed onto the boat. Hitch freaked out. “Aaaah!! Water on the boat! Water on the boat! Everybody, BAIL!!!!!!!!!”

While Sunny was left to keep the boat from tipping, the Warners, Misty, and the remaining Mane Five immediately got to work trying to dump the excess water off of the interior. As Izzy was bailing her water out, she tripped on a loose plank of wood and was sent falling headfirst into the water, screaming. “IZZY!!!” everyone shrieked. In an instant, Misty leapt into the water, swimming as hard as she could against the current towards her thrashing fellow unicorn. “Grab on!!”

Izzy nodded and did just that, grabbing onto Misty’s tail with her mouth. In spite of how much it hurt, Misty gritted her teeth and swam back with Izzy in tow towards the raft, which was rapidly filling with water, as it sped towards them at an alarming rate. “We have to abandon boat!” Zipp commanded. “It may be our only chance!”

“When I say now,” Hitch ordered, “you all jump with me!! Understood?!”

The rest of the group all nodded their heads and grabbed onto each other for safety as the boat continued to tilt. “Ready…”




“Hang on, baby bro and sis!!” Yakko held Wakko and a sobbing Dot tight as the boat continued to tilt, nearing the final tipping stage.


Instantly, all of them jumped from the raft as it crashed on some rocks, breaking in half, and sinking beneath the ocean floor. Unfortunately, they had miscalculated the jump and instead of landing on the rocks, they had landed on the water and were now sinking beneath the ocean.

They flailed about underwater, but they could not speak, only hold their breaths. Alas, it was all for naught as the pressure got too much and they all opened their mouths.

The last thing Sunny saw was several flash of different colors before she lost all grip on reality and her world became…



Sunny’s eyes shot open and she gasped for air. Frantically, she looked around her to see the rest of her friends still alive and wearing breathing bubbles, all as confused as she was on what just happened.

They had been saved! But by whom?

She looked up at her own head and saw that she was wearing a breathing bubble as well, taking a few breaths to calm herself. “Way to… save us at the… last minute, Sunny,” Dot panted. “I thought I saw heaven’s gates open up for a sec!”

“I-I didn’t make these bubbles,” Sunny told her. “I don’t even know how to control my alicorn powers to that level yet!”

“But… if you didn’t,” Zipp pondered, “who did?”

Just then, the water swirled around them, causing Sparky to cling to Hitch’s back in fright, as well as the ponies whimpering together. “Hello?” Sunny looked around. Suddenly, three flashes of blue, purple, and green light came swimming out of the depths and materialized into glowing seaponies. “Greetings,” the purple seapony addressed them. “My name is Amethyst and these are my sisters, Aqua and Coral. Everything is going to be alright. You’re safe now.”

“Seaponies?” Zipp questioned. “Okay, well… this day just got a whole lot more interesting.”

“What do you want with us?” Pipp inquired nervously. “We are here to help return you to the surface,” Coral assured them. “For you do not belong here in the sea as we do.”

“Gee… that’s a no-brainer,” Dot muttered, causing Sunny to shush her before they got in trouble. “That’s a relief,” Hitch sighed. “We kinda crashed and we weren’t sure what the hay happened. We're lucky you were here to help.”

“Indeed you are. Your actions have caused great pollution in the ocean,” Aqua scolded them, making the Warners shrink up a bit. “You are lucky our father didn’t spot you. He will instruct us to clean this raft of yours off of the seabed. He does not like unwanted land-dwellers or their stuff in our domain.”

“Who’s your father?” inquired Misty out of curiosity. “Emperor Poseidon of Atlantica,” Amethyst responded. “Now, you will get yourselves out of the mess you have caused.”

“Wait a second,” Izzy questioned. “I thought you were going to help us.”

“We are,” Aqua answered. “We shall guide the little one, for he commands the sea. He shall be your savior.”

All eyes were on Wakko at that point. “M-Me?! Uh… I think you may have the wrong guy,” Wakko said defensively. “I-I can’t command the sea that well yet.”

“No more talking.” Coral swam over to Wakko, her fins creating a ripple of bubbles that floated towards the surface. “Let us begin. Our father will be here shortly, and you will not survive his wrath. Now... hold out your hand.”

Wakko gulped, but reluctantly obliged, the others watching as his hand's symbol lit up. “Close your eyes,” Coral instructed him. “Breathe from down here. Feel the way of the water flowing through you. Let your mind go clear.”

Wakko did so, lifting up his hand ever so slowly. Instantly, the water obeyed him and he was propelled in an inch. “Wakko, you’re doing it!” Sunny said, just before Yakko covered her mouth, not wanting to ruin Wakko’s concentration. “Now…” Amethyst, Coral, Aqua said in unison. “Focus. Bring your friends home.”

Wakko nodded enthusiastically, thinking to himself. Surface. Bring us to the surface.

Once again, the water obeyed, lifting Sunny and the others up in a small current. “You’re doing it!!” Pipp cheered. “KEEP GOING!!!”

Wakko smiled serenely as he let his mind focus on the task at hand, waving his hands in a swimming motion. The water responded to his call, increasing the undersea current and bringing them along with him. They padded through the depths as the surface gradually became near.

The sun was shining through it, making it visible from afar. As they slowly swam up, Wakko stole a glance at Coral, who was smiling at him proudly, causing him to blush ever-so-slightly. Finally, they swam up to the waterline and Wakko noticed Coral swimming up to him and giving him a big smile. Wakko grinned back, extending his hand out to her. “Thank you, Coral. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure. I am always willing to help another,” Coral stated. “You and your siblings will make fine guardians… um…”

“Wakko-- Prince Wakko Warner,” Wakko introduced formally. “Of Warnerstock. And that’s Yakko and Dot.”

“Of course,” Coral said. “I bid thee farewell for now. But… I do hope I see you again soon.”

She reached her fin out to touch his, and then, even for a moment...

...it was like the sea and land were one.

Opaline's Takeover

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While our intrepid group of heroes were making their way across the ocean, making seapony friends and getting to Elemental Island at last, Opaline was watching the castle cautiously from the woods, trying to find the perfect time to attack and take the land as her own.

Finally, she found Brain and Pinky enjoying a quiet time in the palace before Brain decided to strike with his world domination schemes, and they were currently sitting on the throne.

Opaline smirked wickedly at this. “Perfect… those stupid rodents will play right into my hooves,” she smirked. “And soon… Warnerstock will as well.”

She flew up past the guards and illuminated her horn a bit, casting magical sparkles that rained down on the guards, making them fall fast asleep. “Good… now, time to make my move on the so-called ‘temporary ruler of Warnerstock’.”


Pinky couldn’t help but yawn as he and Brain relaxed on the throne, not really having any royal duties for the moment. “Aww, isn’t this nice, Brain? Just you… me… and--” he was about to say when he was suddenly cut off. “Egad, Brain! I just thought of something! What if Opaline finds her way to Warnerstock to take the kingdom from us! I mean… you! I mean-- oh, troz, you know what I mean.”

Brain yawned, now awake as he turned toward his bumbling sidekick. “Pinky, I’ve told you once, as I’ve told you ONE HUNDRED times, Opaline is in Equestria. And if her only strength, as Misty said, is dragon fire, we will be perfectly safe, because all the dragon fire is maticulously locked away.”

But just then, the door was thrown off its hinges and at the two mice, causing them to leap off the throne for cover.

When the dust cleared, Opaline herself was standing in front of where the door used to be. “Think again, rodents,” she sneered with an evil grin. “...Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?” Brain said after a second or two of stunned silence. “I think so, Brain,” Pinky nodded slowly. “You think that I think you’re an idiot, correct?”

“...for once, you’re right, my friend,” Brain said just before the two were levitated toward the alicorn. “Opaline, what is the meaning of this?! Misty very clearly explained you were powerless back in Equestria!”

“Do you think that might have anything to do with it?” Pinky asked Brain, looking at the jar of dragon fire Opaline had. “...drat…” Brain muttered before Opaline threw them to the ground. “That stupid little foal has no IDEA what power is! NOPONY DOES!!! Alicorns are always supposed to reign supreme, and once I get their magic, nothing will stop Opaline Arcana from returning to her rightful throne!! AAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!”

The two mice watched with worried expressions as the purple alicorn stared menacingly down at the village of Acme Falls below.

Listening to Opaline’s rants gave Pinky a whole new perspective on how she sees herself, and honestly… it reminded him of Brain! And hearing this gave him an idea. “Brain, I know how we can get out of here and help Opaline at the same time!”

“Oh please, do tell,” Brain rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Well, if Opaline talks about ruling Equestria like you want to rule the world,” Pinky theorized, “maybe the only one she’ll listen to… is you.”

Just as Brain was about to call Pinky's idea preposterous, he began thinking about what his underling said more clearly.

For one of the few times that Brain had known the idiotic but sweet-natured mouse... Pinky was right. It may be their only chance of sparing the siblings enough time to train and return.

Plus... it may give Opaline a good reason to spare them. “Pinky… I think you might actually be right for once,” Brain said quietly. “But I’ll need some help in order to try and convince her. Can I count on you to back me up?”

“Cross my paws and hope to poit!” Pinky promised, and the two mice stood up as Opaline walked over to Yakko’s center throne, a look of hatred upon her face. “Opaline, you’re angry-- we get that,” Brain said. “Believe me, I know what it’s like! But you’re making a mistake.”

Then… against his better judgement… Brain started to sing?

Brain: The path of hate is a dangerous track
You take one step and it’s hard to turn back
It pulls you along, and though it feels wrong
It feels right

Can’t you see this path you’re on leaves a permanent mark?
It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark
With each passing day
You’re further astray from the light

Pinky: Suddenly, you lose your way and lose the thread
Lose your cool, then lose your head
Every loss is harder to excuse

Brain: Then you'll see you'll lose your faith and lose your soul
'Til you lose complete control
And realize there's nothing left to lose

Both: Nothing left to lose...

The two mice leapt up onto Opaline’s back at this line, causing her to halt her intrepid pacing. “Opaline, trust me,” Brain said. “In this line, becoming the villain isn’t the--”

“Is that what you think I am?!” the alicorn roared, sending the two flying back as she decided to sing a verse or two of her own.

Opaline: The path I'm on is a path paved in black
I'm taking that road and I'm not looking back
Each twist and each turn
Leads straight where I'm yearning to go

Yes, it's true, my path is dark but I see where it ends
My rivals will fall as my power ascends
Despise me, that's fine
I'm taking what's mine even so

Not like you-- you lost your nerve, you lost the game
But you and I, we're not the same
I'm not lost, this fate was mine to choose

So I chose to lose my doubts and lose my chains
Lose each weakness that remains
Now that I have nothing left to lose

Nothing left to lose!

At her final line, Pinky and Brain deflected a fireball from hitting the portrait of the three siblings, but Opaline's lines didn't scare them... it actually made them try harder.

Pinky: You have so much to hold onto

Opaline: I only want
My rightful dues

Brain and Pinky: Listen please, you've lost your grip
And lost your mind (Opaline: I'm not gonna lose)
All's not lost, don't be so blind (Opaline: I refuse)
Cut your losses, drop the IOUs (Opaline: I refuse)

Oh-oh, choose

Opaline: I lose no tears and lose no sleep
What I want I'll take and keep (It's time for you to choose)
You can't stop the turning on the screws

Using her magic in the final verse, she created a fiery cage that trapped the duo, and she started down menacingly at them. “You’ll stay in that cage until this is done. And just to make sure of that…”

She used her magic to levitate the cage to the very top of the palace, providing a death defying fall if they were to try to escape before moving to her throne, sitting down and preparing to call herself Warnerstock's new queen.

Opaline: Now I have nothing left to lose...

Now, no one was safe from Opaline's wrath... unless our heroes can get back in a timely manner and save the kingdom from doom.

Meeting the Guardians/Training Begins

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Sunny and Yakko boldly led the group through the thick brush of the jungles, hoping to find the palace where the Elemental Guardians resided. But they had been traveling for about 30 minutes now, and they hadn’t had any luck, and Pipp was beginning to pant harder and harder as they trotted along. “Can we PLEASE stop and take a break?!” she begged. “My hooves look absolutely filthy with this jungle mud!”

“Pipp, we can’t stop now!” Zipp argued. “If we stop, we may never find the Guardians, and evil may surround Warnerstock and Equestria before we can stop it!”

“Zipp’s right,” Sunny nodded. “We have to-- keep… going…”

Suddenly, something ahead of them made Sunny and Yakko’s eyes go wide, staring slack jawed for a few moments. “Ponies? Sibs?” Yakko called out. “I think we found what we were looking for.”

Everyone looked confused before they joined their friends at the front. Before them was a giant palace, bigger than Zephyr Heights’ (if you can see that being possible) and flags depicting the four elements hung from the highest towers. Everyone’s eyes went wide in amazement, and Pipp silently took a picture. “That… is… hooftag GORGEOUS!!!”

“I gotta admit, that palace is swanky… but I prefer our palace at home a lot more,” Dot shrugged from atop her back. “Okay, guys… there’s a 50-50 chance of them accepting our plea for help… and a chance that they could say no and throw us into a dungeon somewhere in this place,” Zipp said with a slight frown. “So, we need to be careful what we say, how we say it-- and please, Yakko and Wakko… no wooing over girls.”

“Awww… but Zipp, that’s what makes us us!” Wakko pouted. “I promise, once we get back to Warnerstock, we’ll let you woo over all the girls you want,” Izzy poked his nose. “Come on! There’s gonna be new friends waiting for us inside!”

The blue unicorn hopped ahead toward the gates, singing a little tune, and the group followed her while being hesitant. They weren’t sure how people would react to seeing them, so they had to be cautious.

Izzy pulled the large rope that activated a bell, which caused a magical mist to form into the image of a large lion, fur a dark red while his mane blazed with fire. “Who are you?” he demanded. “What do you seek from this place?

“Um… greetings, sir,” Sunny said respectfully. “I’m Sunny Starscout, and these are my friends and the War--”

We have no time for visitors right now!” the lion roared, scaring the group. “Now begone!

“B-B-But you have to see us!” Misty pleaded. “My friends, they need the Guardians’ help! I know you may see us as weak, but my friends got powers from this crystal thingy in Warnerstock, and they--”

...Warnerstock?” the lion questioned with a serious glare. “These three black-and-white creatures are from Warnerstock? Do they have the symbols of power?

“You mean… these?” Zipp pointed to the symbols on the Warners’ hands. The lion didn’t say anything for a moment, but then sighed heavilly. “Come in and head to the throne room. We shall meet you there.

The mist immediately disappeared, prompting the palace doors to open up, and the group quickly stepped inside. They then ventured down a long hallway, where some guards at the end opened the door, and they walked inside to face four empty thrones, each a different color and style.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, startling the group. “Presenting the Guardians of the Elements!” it said. “Bow to their great glory!

“Uh… no problem there!” Hitch stammered as they all bowed-- even Sparky before the voice continued. “Please welcome… Kailani, the Guardian of Air!

In through the open window emerged a tiny animal-- a dove more specifically, with violet colored feathers and green eyes. As soon as she landed, a bright glow engulfed her, transforming her into a woman with brown hair, the same green eyes and a purple highlight through her hair, along with a violet dress.

Delkii, the Guardian of Earth!

A wolf howled before running into the room, and once he was beside the Guardian of Air, he stopped, morphing into a man with brown hair, brown eyes and all dressed in green. “Oooh…” Dot’s eyes fluttered. “He’s dreamy…!”

Maren, the Guardian of Water!

Out of a pool of water flipped out a gray-blue seal with gorgeous blue eyes, and after a swirl of magic and water, she transformed into a blonde-haired, blue eyed woman with a blue highlight in her blonde hair, dressed all in blue. Wakko’s eyes widened-- training with her was going to be quite the experience.

And finally, Ignatius, the Guardian of Fire!

A roar echoed through the air, and the fire lion that… saw them at the gate leapt into view, transforming into a man dressed in red and brown, eyes a steel-colored orange and his hair being brown, but with a red, fiery tint. The group continued to stare wide eyed until the fire guardian groaned. “Rise, all of you-- we’re not the gods who gave you life.”

“Oh! S-Sorry about that,” Sunny apologized as they rose. “I’m Sunny, your excellencies. These are my friends from Equestria-- Izzy, Misty, Pipp, Zipp, Sparky and Hitch. And these are our friends from Warnerstock.”

“We’re the Warner Brothers!” Yakko and Wakko chorused. “And the Warner Sister!” Dot said politely. “We’re sorry to barge in on you like this,” Yakko said politely, “but we need your help. See, this crystal gave me and my siblings powers, and-- WHOA!!!”

Yakko was immediately brought closer by a gust of wind, Wakko was pushed forward by a wave and Dot was pulled closer by a vine, and the Guardians of Earth, Water and Air looked excited. “Can it be true?” Kailani asked. “Can William and Angelina’s sons and daughter really be here?”

“You… you really knew Mum and Dad?” Wakko asked. “Of course,” Delkii nodded. “We knew them when they first traveled here, learning for the truth about the crystal we first gave to the realm of Equestria, but Princess Twilight sent it to Warnerstock to keep it safe from a new enemy.”

“...a new enemy that stole my fire power from the crystal, and as such, couldn’t keep their own kingdom safe!” Ignatius snapped. “Ignatius! Do not treat them with such disdain!” Maren scolded, before turning back to them. “I apologize to them, my princes and princess. He can be a tad hot-headed. We are so happy to meet you at last… as well as welcome you and your friends to Elemental Island. We’re very excited to get to train you.”

“Thanks. But… if you knew about our parents, do you know that they’re… you know…?” Yakko struggled to say the words. “They were killed at the hands of King Salazar’s forces,” Kailani said sadly. “We heard through my bird subjects-- such lovely people. We miss them dearly, as you three do.”

“But what matters is you’re here now to train,” Maren added. “We can get started as soon as you all settle into your chambers.”

“Thank you so much!” Hitch smiled gratefully, and Sparkly babbled sweetly. And suddenly, the Guardian of Fire looked stunned at the dragon. “How… how long as that dragon been with you all?” he asked. “A good sum of months,” Sunny explained. “Hitch found his egg on the beach. His name is Sparky.”

“Hmmm… interesting…” Ignatius spoke. “...but no matter for now. You three get them settled with you. I need to go on patrol.”

“Again? But, brother,” Delkii pointed out, “you just went on patrol 2 hours ago.”

“Well, I need to go on patrol again!” Ignatius snapped before turning into his lion form and running out at top speed. “Don’t mind him,” Kailani said. “I think he is on edge now that you’re here. Now… Yakko, you and the pegasus ponies will stay with me, since air is your accustomed element. Dot, you and the earth ponies will be with Delkii, and the rest of you will be with Maren. In an hour, we’ll all meet up to individually train you.”

“Wait… won’t we all be training together?” Dot asked. “I’m afraid that’s not safe for now,” Delkii explained. “Elements mixing could lead to disastrous results without training. Now… let us depart.”


After an hour was completely passed, the groups split up to individually train group by group. Yakko, Zipp and Pipp were with Kailani, learning how to harness Yakko’s manipulation of air and to harness the ability of flight. “Now, Yakko-- flying is a lot simpler than you would think,” Kailani explained, letting herself hover to show you. “You just simply have to control when you want to lift off the ground. Do you get that so far?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry… I guess I was just kinda distracted thinking about my sibs,” Yakko said. “This whole coming to power thing has really got us on edge.”

“Not to mention Opaline could be planning an attack on Equestria while its stuck in freeze-frame,” Zipp added. Kailani frowned and kneeled next to the elder Warner sibling. “I understand your struggles. I would be scared too,” she said. “But the important thing is to be there for those you care about. That’s the most you can ask of anyone.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right,” Yakko said with a small sigh. “Okay… what do I do first?”

“Just imagine yourself being as light as air, and command the magic inside to propel yourself upward,” Kailani said. “Give it a try.”

Yakko nodded and closed his eyes, oblivious to the mark on his hand glowing. Suddenly, his feet began to lift off the ground, which he noticed when he opened his eyes and let out a gasp. “Holy pair of chopsticks!” he cried. “A-Am I doing it right?”

“You’re doing it all right!” Zipp congratulated. “Kailani, would you mind us helping him out with navigation?”

“Of course not,” Kailani smiled. “Let me know when you’re done.”


“CANNONBALL!!” Izzy cried as she leapt into the water, Wakko and Misty on her heels, causing Maren to giggle, carrying a floppy, brown substance in her arms. “You three certainly are an enthusiastic bunch.”

“What’s that you’re holding, Miss Maren?” Misty pointed. “It’s a seal skin,” the Guardian of Water explained, chuckling at their surprised reaction. “Don’t worry, it’s my seal skin. I use it, along with a special incantation, to turn myself into a seal-- it’s what selkies do.”

“Ohhhhhhh… selkies! Opaline told me about them once!” Misty said. “But… will Wakko be able to turn into a seal too?”

“No, not entirely,” Maren explained. “He’ll be able to turn into something that’ll help him access to his powers much easier-- a mer-Warner.”

“Is that like a seapony or a mermaid?” Izzy asked. “Yep,” Maren giggled. “And I have some friends who might be able to help. Oh, Coral…!!”

The purple seapony emerged from the water, and Wakko gave off a delighted gasp. “Coral! I knew we’d see you again!” he cried. “I’m happy to see you as well,” Coral said, touching his hand with her fin. “Maren sent me a message saying you might need help accessing your mer-Warner form, and I have a little something for you to get access.”

She pulled a small seashell from under her fins, putting it into a necklace and putting it on Wakko’s neck. “Just imagine yourself swimming beneath the sea, with a tail such as mine. And if you wish hard enough, it’ll become a reality.”

“Okay… here goes!” Wakko clutched the necklace tight as his hand began to glow. And in an instant, he lifted up into the air, his legs molding together until it became a light blue fish tail, and once it was finished, he dove into the water himself. “Wakko! Look at you!” Misty exclaimed. “You look hooftastic!”

“Come on! There’s a whole new world I want you to explore with me!” Coral dragged him under with her as Maren shifted into her seal form. “You two girls stay here,” she said. “I’ll follow them and we’ll be back within the hour.”


“That’s it, Dot!” Sunny encouraged as Dot concentrated. “You’re getting the hang of your powers quicker than I did!”

Dot was now currently learning to control vines under the wolf Guardian of Earth, and Delkii was impressed with how much the young Warner sister was learning. “Well done, my princess,” he said respectfully. “Your brothers will be impressed with what you’ve learned.”

“Yeah. I-I mean… I hope so,” Dot said uneasily. “Hey… you okay?” Hitch asked. “I don’t wanna screw anything up for you guys like I did last winter,” Dot admitted with a frown. “You know… when I was sick?”

“Dot, you couldn’t control sickness. None of us could. It was natural for you to become sick,” said Delkii. “It’s a way of life that we all become sick. None of us can control it… not even me. Do you understand?”

“I think so… thanks,” Dot said with a small smile. “Hey… can we figure out how I can make flowers bloom with just the stomp of my foot?”

“Of course,” Delkii said. “Let us continue… and let’s hurry before your kingdom falls into dire hooves.”

Attack on Elemental Island

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The Warners’ training had finally begun, and needless to say, they were fast learners because of their newfound determination to protect Acme Falls and all of Warnerstock from whatever dangers were coming their way.

And not only were they working better with their pony friends and each other, they were also building up on their own abilities as individuals.

The ponies watched in sheer pride as their friends harnessed their newfound abilities-- the Guardians were really supportive too, wanting to help in the fight against Opaline.

But… every one of them except the Fire Guardian spoke kindly-- it seemed he still had some resentment toward Equestrians for letting the fire magic from the crystal get taken.

All they could do was hope that his resentment toward the ponies didn't get in the way of the Warners' training.


Back in Warnerstock, Pinky and Brain hopelessly watched as Opaline redecorated the throne room to her liking, smirking wickedly. “Finally… I don’t have Misty around to mess anything up, and I’ve got enough magic to last me until I can find that putrid dragon!” she smirked. “And best of all… Sunny and her little friends have no idea that I’m here. So I can finish them ALL of when they return! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

From up in their cage, Pinky and Brain had a horrific view of the throne room and a slight view outside, knowing that there was an entire village down there about to face Opaline’s wrath. “All right, Pinky,” Brain sighed. “We must find a way to get a message to Sunny and the royals. They need to get back here as fast as they can! Any idea--”

Pinky wasn’t even paying attention-- he was now tapping repeatedly on the phone that Pipp gave them before they left, humming to himself. “Wow, Brain, this contraption is really something!” he said. “Why didn’t you invent something like this?”

“...you mean you had that with you the entire time?!” Brain snatched it away from his collegue. “Well, I need entertainment, Brain,” Pinky rolled his eyes playfully. “Duh!”

“Pinky, if you can distract Opaline for long enough,” Brain said, “I should be able to warn Sunny and her friends my communicating through this cellular device. But you’ll have to be SMART about this. SMART. Do you understand?”

“Sure thing, Brain!” Pinky saluted, and immediately Brain got to work trying to figure out the cell phone. And while Brain was doing that, Pinky waved to get Opaline’s attention. “Excuse me! Ms. Queen!”

“...my name is Opaline,” the alicorn sneered as she looked into a mirror. “Ah, yes. Opaline-- like the opal gemstone, one of me favorites,” Pinky said casually. “So, how does that dragon fire make you feel? Powerful? How much, out of a 10 scale?”

“A 13, if you MUST know,” Opaline rolled her eyes. “Ah, yes. Very good,” Pinky said. “So… another question-- what if the Warners and Sunny and her friends were about to come on their way here, right this very moment, what would you do to them?”

Opaline was just about to respond to the idiotic mouse’s question when she found herself pondering over it. He had a point… what if they DID decide to return early?

What WOULD she do to them? Obviously she had to stop them from getting here… she had to!

Looking among the vials and potions she brought back with her, she instantly came up with an idea. “Aha! Now that I have my dragon fire magic back,” she said, “I will now create a shadow monsters army that will destroy the Warners, their friends AND the Guardians before they even have a chance against me!”

“Brain…?!” Pinky whispered loudly while Opaline got to creating her dark army. “How goes the message-sending?!”

“It’s sent,” Brain panted, “but since there’s not much signal in this suburbian country, it will take forever to send! Hopefully, the princes and princess have learned enough to protect themselves…”


“All right, Warners,” Ignatius spoke firmly as he paced around the trio in his lion form. “The most important thing to be when you are a holder of elemental magic is a good fighter. So, you’ll try your best at hand-to-hand combat.”

“You mean… we have to fight each other?” Dot asked. “Huh… we’ve never been asked to do anything like that before.”

However, Wakko looked nervous... he had never physically fought his siblings before. Sure, they bickered, but they never actually hurt one another.

But before he could express his doubts, his trainer seemed to sense what he was thinking, and she kneeled down to his level. “Don’t worry,” Maren reassured. “We’re just going to do this practice run to make sure you’re mentally ready to fight Opaline when the time comes.”

“Phew… what a relief,” Wakko sighed. “What about us?” Zipp asked. “Yeah,” Hitch agreed. “Won’t we have to prepare ourselves to fight Opaline if we get there?”

“...we could make this a tag-team practice,” Kailani supposed. “Yes!” Delkii nodded. “They could all take turns!”

“...very well,” Ignatius sighed. “But if they get themselves or the island injured, that will be the end of that session.”


The first ones up would be Yakko, Pipp and Zipp versus Wakko, Misty and Izzy, combating air against water. They stood on opposite ends of the beach, determination flaring within them. “Ready?” Maren called to her apprentice, and Wakko waved his hands in order to make a water whip. “Ready!”

“Good luck to all of you,” Kailani spoke. “Your combat training starts… NOW!!”

Wakko immediately thrust his water whip toward Yakko and the sisters, who immediately flew up to dodge it. “Whoa… okay,” Pipp panted. “He’s good.”

“Yakko, what about that lightning trick Kailani taught you?” Zipp asked. “Well… it might be dangerous if it hits Wak… but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to show off!” Yakko said, creating a ball of lightning in his hands. He then threw it toward Wakko, Izzy and Misty, causing them to scream and duck for cover before it hit them. While the fight was going on, Pipp suddenly felt a buzz and pulled out her phone. “Pipp! GAH!!” Zipp dodged the water whip again. “We’re kinda in the middle of something here!”

“I know, I know,” Pipp said, scrolling to her texts, “just--”

Suddenly, her eyes widened-- it was a message from Brain… and it wasn’t a simple fan message. “Guys… SHADOW MONSTERS!!!”


Wakko and Yakko immediately stopped their duel to see what Pipp was talking about, and they saw hordes of shadow monsters flying toward the island at top speed. “How did those get here?!” Sunny screeched. “WHY are they here?!”

“According to Brain’s text,” Pipp showed her the message, “Opaline found her way into Warnerstock somehow, got hold of some dragon fire and has captured Warnerstock along with sending those… those… monsters out to destroy us!”

“Guardians, we must stop them and protect the island!” Delkii declared, and they all shifted to their animal forms. “Wait just a second there,” Dot stopped them. “My brothers and I have your powers, so we should be able to help in some form.”

The guardians gave each other a few looks of worry before Maren sighed. “All right… but do exactly as we say, all right?”

“You got it!” Wakko winked at her before turning to his siblings. “So, we annoy the heck out of them with our zany antics, right Yak?”

“Do you even KNOW us? Of course we do!” Yakko nodded. “But we’ll play along with their plan for a minute, so they don’t think badly of us.”

“What can we do to help?” Hitch asked the guardians. “If Opaline gets your magic, she’ll be way more powerful,” Kailani said. “You ponies stay close to the sidelines so you don’t get hurt.”

“But… but… the Warners!” Misty tried to protest, but Wakko immediately hugged her close. “We’ll be all right, Misty,” he reassured. “But you guys have to wait till the time is right to fight… isn’t that what Sunny said?”

“Well… y-yeah,” Misty sighed. “All right… you guys be careful.”

“Warner siblings guarantee we will be,” Yakko said, and the ponies gave their friends one final hug before they and the Guardians rushed into battle.

There were punches, kicks, screams, magic relating to each element-- everything a fight against a crazed alicorn queen should have.

The Warners did their best to mimic their guardians, but they were going so fast they could hardly keep up. So… it was time to do things their way-- the Warner way.

First thing to do? Bounce around the monsters insanely. “Boingy, boingy, boingy, boingy!!”

“Young Warners! What are you doing?!” Ignatius boomed. “Doing you a favor, hothead!” Dot said as they bounced on the monsters, making them disappear. “And doing things the Warner way!”

“WHOOOO-HOOO!!! Go, Warners!” Izzy cheered, waving some hoof-made pom poms in the air. “Never thought I’d say this, but… what she said!” Hitch cheered in agreement. “WHOOO!!!”

The Guardians watched as Wakko’s mallet delivered stunning and deathly blows to the monsters. Dot’s little ‘pet’ turned out to be a demon which scared the monsters into diving into the water and drowning. And Yakko’s incesant yammering caused the monsters to practically kill themselves.

Three Warners.

Different fighting tactics.

One unified team.

Once the last of the monsters had been defeated, the Warners happily cheered and reunited with their pony friends. “Guys, you were incredible!” Zipp exclaimed. “I’d never seen you fight with that passion before!”

“Whew… that felt good,” Dot sighed. “Sure, it’s been fun using these powers, but I missed the old antics we would get into.”

“Antics…? ANTICS?!!!” boomed Ignatius, fire rising from his fiery mane as he approached, the ponies sheltering the Warners as he approached. “That was the most ruthless, stupid, pathetic thing you three had ever done! You could have destroyed our island… OR US!!! WHO WOULD TRAIN YOU THEN?! And for that…

The Warners whimpered and braced onto the ponies tighter… just before Ignatius lost his angry expression with a calm smile, the fires on his mane settling. “I’m very proud of you.”

“Uh… repeat that again?” Yakko blinked. “We’re all proud,” Maren smiled, helping them up. “It took great courage and self-confidence to stand up to our original plans, and defeat the shadows with plans of your own.”

“So… we’re not in trouble?” Dot asked. “No, of course not,” Delkii said, much to the Warners’ relief. “Uh, this is all been great and all, but… what about Warnerstock?!” Hitch cried. “Brain’s message? Opaline? DRAGON FIRE?!”

“Hitch is right-- we have to get back there and take your kingdom back!” Sunny declared. “Will you come with us?” Misty asked the Guardians. “I wish we could, dear Misty,” Kailani said. “But we have to protect our island in case Opaline tries another attack. But… we do gift the Warners something very useful-- our armies.”

“Your armies?” Zipp asked. “Yes,” Delkii said, handing the Warners each a whistle. “If you ever need back up, just blow into them. And our armies will be there within seconds.”

“I will help too,” said a voice, and Coral and her sisters popped out of the water nearby. “Coral!” Wakko smiled, rushing to the shoreline. “You’ll really help us?”

“Of course we will,” Aqua said while Amethyst nodded. “We would be honored to fight by your side.”

“Then, I guess we better get going,” Sunny said, just before she shifted into her alicorn form. “Next stop-- Warnerstock!”

The Final Fight in Warnerstock

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Opaline cackled in terror as she watched the monsters she created, both fire and shadow, chase the citizens of Warnerstock while the buildings of the village burst into flames.

It may not be Equestria… but it was everything she imagined her reign of terror to include.

Meanwhile, Brain was busy fidgeting with the lock on his and Pinky’s cage.

If the Warners and ponies couldn’t find their way back in time, they’d have to try to form a resistance to fight Opaline’s monsters on their own. “Brain… can you please hurry it up?” Pinky asked, fidgeting slightly. “Not only do we have to hold off Opaline before the Warners get back... I’ve got to use the toilet! I haven’t used it all day!”

“Be quiet, you blundering oaf! I’ve almost got it, but if Opaline hears of our plans, you’ll be the one she smothers, giving YOU gave the plan away!” Brain demanded, still fidgeting his tail into the lock. And he did so for the longest moment until… he finally got the lock open! “Got it! Now, come, Pinky-- we have to find something to put out Opaline’s dragon fire magic before it gets out of hand!”

They swung the cage to the closest tapestry, and proceeded to slide down it until the taller mouse saw something. “Um… Brain?” Pinky asked. “Yes, Pinky?” his partner called. “When do you think the ponies and Warners will be getting back?”

“Oh, I suppose any day now if Princess Pipp got my text message. Why do you ask?”

“Is that them right there?”

Brain’s eyes widened as he looked out the window. And low and behold, Pinky was right-- here came the Warners, riding on the ponies’ backs as they galloped toward the village. And as they arrived, the villagers cheered repeatedly for their princes and princess.

“It’s them! The Warners are back!”

“They’ve come to save us!”

“Along with the saviors from Equestria!”

“Our prayers have been answered!”

Once the ponies had come to a stop, their first line of business was to help the townsfolk. “Yakko, you and Zipp keep a close eye on things from the air!” Sunny commanded. “Dot, Hitch, Pipp! Use your powers to help the townsfolk escape! Wakko, Izzy and Misty! Put out the fires!”

“What are you gonna do, Sunny?” Wakko asked. “I’m gonna go confront Opaline, and try to get her to turn things around while trying to rescue Brain and Pinky,” Sunny said. “It may be our only chance to do it!”

“Sunny, are you crazy?!” Misty blurt out. “It’s way to risky to go alone! She could kill you! You can’t go…”

“But Misty,” Sunny began to say, “I have--”

“...without me,” Misty finished, and the group looked surprised at this. “Misty, are you sure about that?” Zipp asked in concern. “She’s right,” Dot agreed. “If she had the chance, Opaline would fry you more than David Hasselhoff when he gets a tan!”

“I don’t care… whatever saves Warnerstock, right?” Misty asked. “Besides, if she had the humanity to take me in when I was a filly, that means she cares on some level… right? So, maybe she’ll listen to me!”

Sunny pondered about this for a few moments… sure, taking Misty along might help, but it might wind up both of them being hurt.

But, the way Misty was looking at her with such a pleading glance, Sunny couldn’t tell her no. “Okay, Misty… but follow my lead! Izzy, Wakko, can you two handle the fire without her?”

“You can bet that we can belizzle the fire! Just go save Warnerstock!” Izzy told her friends. To this, the two ponies nodded and charged toward the castle, dodging the flames as they galloped. “All right, guys!” Zipp shouted. “Let’s go put out some flames and monsters!”

“Oh-ho, Zipp, baby...” Dot cracked her knuckles together at this. “Now you're speaking my language!”



But just then, she heard the slightest sound coming from behind her… something that sounded like…


The alicorn whipped her head around to see Pinky and Brain scurrying across the floor, hoping to get to the throne, and seeing them made Opaline start to see red.

She charged at them, blasting them with her magic, causing them to groan in pain. “You fools!!” she screamed in a distorted voice. “I will reign supreme over any world I come across! JUST YOU WAIT!!! AND YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE!!!


Opaline paused when she heard this, allowing Pinky and Brain a chance to slowly get up and run.

She knew that voice. She raised the pony with that voice.

Opaline slowly turned her head to see Misty standing near the door with Sunny, and the blue unicorn looked like she was on the edge of tears. “Misty…” she said in a surprisingly soft voice. “I assume you’ve come back to the pony who raised you? Who helped you when you had nopony else?

“No… I’m here to ask you to stop,” Misty said calmly. “This isn’t the way to get power, Opaline-- magic is powerful, and the most important magic of all is friendship. Sunny and her friends gave that gift to me… and I can give it to you, Opaline. If you just… trust me.”

...trust you? TRUST YOU?!!” Opaline let out a cackle. “Oh, Misty, that’s a laugh.

“But, Opaline! They’ll accept you!” Misty said, determined to get through to her somehow. “You can have a place in Equestria again!”

I will have a place in Equestria again, my dear… once I get all the dragon fire I need, and your little home will be MINE!!

Opaline fired a blast at Misty, to which Sunny delected with a golden shield from her horn. “WHAT?!

“Misty, get the others!” Sunny said. “I’ll hold her off and get Pinky and Brain to safety, but we need all the cutie marks to defeat her!”

“On it!” Misty bolted out of the throne room doors while Sunny faced Opaline in a bold manner. “All right, Opaline. You want my alicorn magic?” she asked. “Then let me show you what I’m made of.”


Coral, Aqua and Amethyst raised their hooves to the air and splashed the water down onto te buildings, while Hitch and Dot created plant-based barriers and Pipp helped carry the kids to a safe place. “I think we’ve almost got it covered, guys!” Yakko cried. “We just have to wait for Misty and Sunny to give us the signal to help ‘em stop Opaline for good!”

“GUYS!! HELP ME!!!” came a scream, and everyone saw Misty being chased by some of Opaline’s fire monsters. “Wakko, hop on!” Zipp urged Wakko. “We have to put out those monsters before Misty is toast!”

“On it!” Wakko leapt onto Zipp’s back before she flew off, until they were right behind the fire monsters. “All right, you heat infested bugs,” Zipp threatened. “Prepare to get a little steamed up!

At this cue, Wakko used his water powers to blast the monsters, resulting them in fading from existence and allowing Misty to reach them. “Phew… thanks, guys,” she smiled. “That was close.”

Sparky immediately bolted up and hugged her, causing Misty to smile. “Aww… I’m glad to see you too, little fella.”

“Misty, where’s Sunny? Did you defeat Opaline without us? Oh please say you did…” Hitch whimpered. “We didn’t,” Misty said. “She’s tangling with Opaline in the throne room! She sent me to get you guys so you could repel Opaline with your cutie mark magic!”

“All right then… let’s go!” Zipp told the crew as they raced toward the palace. “And let’s hope Sunny can keep up the fight until we get there!”


Sunny repeatedly dodged Opaline’s attack while carrying Pinky and Brain on her back, the two mice screaming in terror as she flipped, spun and whirled in every direction.

Finally, she reached a higher point where Opaline couldn’t reach with her magic, setting the two inside it. “There you go,” she said. “Just stay hidden until it’s over, okay?”

“We will, Sunny. Narf! And thank you!” Pinky said gratefully. “You’re welcome,” Sunny said. “Now… I gotta keep her distracted until help arrives.”

There’s no use in fighting anymore against me, Sunny Starscout!” Opaline shouted, her voice still distorted. “I am the only supreme alicorn, and it will always STAY that way!

“Not while we’re around!!” cried a voice, and Opaline snarled when she saw the rest of the ponies, along with the Warners, enter the throne room.

As they rushed to help Sunny, Hitch gave Sparky over to Misty. “Here-- I don’t want him to get hurt,” he said. “Make sure Opaline doesn’t get her grubby little hooves on him.”

“Got it, Hitch,” Misty said with a firm nod, and the group stood together in unison while the Warners tormented Opaline with their antics-- Wakko using his mallet, Dot using some karate moves she picked up from who knows where, and Yakko with his yammering.

Finally, they were ready for the final blow. “Everypony, formation!” Sunny cried. “Warners, move and get ready to protect Misty and Sparky!”

“Right!” the Warners nodded, and leapt over to their friends with their hands glowing. Soon, the Mane 5’s cutie marks began to glow brighter than ever, and then together, they blasted a strong surge of rainbow magic in Opaline’s direction, but the fire alicorn was able to make a shield to partially protect herself from the blast. “Sunny!” Pipp cried out. “I-It isn’t working all the way!”

“Pipp is right!” Zipp strained. “We need more power!”

“Then, lucky for you, we’ve got some!” Wakko cried as he, Yakko and Dot readied their blasts and blasted from the other side of the throne room. It was getting even harder for Opaline to keep up the shield, but she still somehow managed to maintain it. “It’s still not enough!” Sunny strained. “We need more magic to take down the shield completely!”

That’s when Misty got enough courage to do something she had wanted to do since the moment they got back to Warnerstock… since the moment Opaline didn’t give her a cutie mark.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and strained hard. She thought about the Warners, and Sparky, and the ponies she had now come to accept as her… friends?

Yeah… friends.

Suddenly, her horn lit up in pink, and from where she was standing with Sparky, let out a pink beam of magic that struck Opaline right on the side, causing her to yell out in pain and drop the shield. “Sunny, hurry!” Misty cried. “Now’s your chance!”

Sunny nodded and let her alicorn magic gather within her before she let it all out in the form of a savage blast, right in Opaline’s direction. And Opaline realized it too late that it was not a blast she could stop. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And when the blast of light was finally gone, there was a scorch in the carpet where Opaline once stood.

Everyone looked at it in shock, wondering what had become of the evil alicorn. “Did… did we…?” Pipp gulped. “No… we didn’t kill her,” Misty frowned. “Some part of me does wish she was gone for good… but we just sent her back to Equestria, only a fragment of her power left.”

“So that means the fight isn’t over… right?” Wakko asked. “Right,” Zipp sighed. “I guess we still have to protect Equestria from her… whenever she decides to strike next.”

“Indeed it does,” Brain said as he and Pinky approached. “But right now, we should be celebrating.”

“Brain’s right-- Warnerstock is safe again,” Sunny agreed. “Let’s get this party started!”

Goodbye Is Not Forever

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The party in Warnerstock lasted for hours… Princess Gigi Soda had decided to drop in for another visit, and she performed a special duet with Pipp to celebrate their first win against Opaline. But all the while, Misty was saddened that they would be leaving the Warners again… and after all they had been through together. Sunny seemed to notice it and wrapped a hoof around her. “We’ll see them again, Misty. Don’t worry.”

“But how?” Misty asked. “When?”

“I don’t know. But… we’re family to them. And like my dad used to say, family ALWAYS finds each other,” Sunny said. But then… a sudden thought hit her. “Wait… I think I have an idea. Ponies!”

“What’s up, Sunny?” Pipp asked as the ponies went to her aid. “I have an idea how we can keep in touch with the Warners,” Sunny said. “Join your cutie marks alongside mine!”

The ponies did as she said, and everyone watched as their magic went right into the Warners’ bracelets that Misty and Izzy made for them not too long ago, surprising them. “We filled them with Equestrian magic,” Sunny explained. “So we can keep in touch by using them.”

“Wow… thanks, Sunny. This means more to us then you’ll ever know,” Yakko told the apricot earth pony. But suddenly, a portal appeared over near the wall, and Zipp knew what it meant. “Come on, ponies,” she said. “Time for us to go home.”

“Troz… I guess this is goodbye?” Pinky whimpered. “Goodbye doesn’t mean forever, Pinky,” Izzy said. “As my mom used to say… it’s just goodbye till we see each other next time.”

“Good-bye, everyone!” Pipp waved. “I’ll miss all my Warnerstock Pippsqueaks!”

And so, with everyone waving farewell, the ponies and Sparky leapt into the portal before it closed, and the Warners smiled happily. Goodbye wasn’t forever… not really. They always had pony family nearby. And they knew that up in heaven with Twilight Sparkle… their parents would be proud.


Back in her palace, Opaline watched the ponies disappearing into the portal and scoffed. “Next time, Sunny Starscout… next time, I will have my revenge,” she swore. “And next time… there’s NOTHING you can do about it.”