Yugioh Defenders of Harmony

by MechaTomX

First published

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

The world of Duel Monsters hasn't been kind to Spike lately, defeat after defeat, he thought of giving up, but a powerful spirit of a monster will make him give up on that decision, and a unique team will open the doors to a totally different perspective on the world of dueling than many other duelists.

First Turn: Spike and The Link Monster

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Duel Monsters.

A game where through the use of cards, you can summon a large number of monsters to fight in your favor in a duel and thus defeat your opponent, with the help of spell and trap cards, over time the game It became so popular that technology enhanced the experience, making it feel like much more than just a card game.

And it's the truth, it's more than just a card game.

Canterlot High.

Canterlot High, a preparatory school in the city of Canterlot, famous for the union between its students, at least in most cases.

A young teenager was walking through the halls of Canterlot High, he was wearing a purple jacket, he wore jean shorts, a light green t-shirt, and purple sneakers, his skin was purple, but what stood out the most about him was his spiky green hair and emerald green eyes, another detail that made him stand out was the protruding fang that he had in his mouth, in addition to that, he had a purple device attached to his wrist.

That boy seemed discouraged, while he was walking through the corridors, he heard a sound that caught his attention, coming from a room, at the door it said the following: DUEL CLUB.

He peeked out the window of the door and saw 2 boys older than him, who were having a Duel.

“My Borreload Dragon will attack your Firewall Dragon,” one of the boys yelled, while in the middle of the room, a dragon that seemed to be fused with a gun fired a beam at another dragon which seemed to be made of codes, upon receiving the impact, the dragon was destroyed.

The boy looked away from the Duel and once again walked off.

But while he was leaving the place, he heard how the club's door opened and he heard a voice calling him.


The boy named Spike turned around and saw a teenager girl older than him, she wore a light blue buttoned shirt and a purple skirt, she wore black school shoes, her skin was a purple similar to Spike only a bit clearer tone, her hair was 2-toned purple with a pink line and his eyes were a magenta color.

The girl also had a lilac device attached to her wrist, only this one, unlike Spike's, looked a lighter shade of color.

"Oh, hello Twilight," Spike greeted.

The girl, named Twilight Sparkle, greeted him back, "Hi Spike, the girls and I were wondering if you wanted to duel with us."

Spike smiled, but unfortunately, his response was not what she expected, "Thank you sister, but I have many things to do, maybe another time."

"Oh, okay," Twilight replied dejectedly, "I'll see you at home."

Spike proceeded to leave the place.

As Spike left, Twilight sighed.

"He was lying," a voice heard, Twilight turned and saw an orange-skinned girl with freckles, she was wearing a cowboy hat, a jean skirt, cowboy boots, and a white shirt.

"Yeah, I think I noticed it too, Applejack," Twilight Sparkle said, lowering her head, "I don't know what I can do for him, I want to see his smile again, but I feel like it's all my fault."

"Whoa, hold your horses, sugarcube," Applejack comforted her, "It's only been 2 weeks since you guys moved here, give it a few more days, and your little brother will smile again."

"Thanks AJ," Twilight thanked, "I just hope Spike is willing to open up to us."

"He will, believe me, you just have to be patient."

Spike walked through the streets of Canterlot, head down.

"I know you want to help me Twi, but, I don't think you can, but I have to let you know it's not your fault," Spike thought.

The reason for his attitude was because since he was little, he always loved dueling, he liked to play a lot with his siblings, having fun while summoning his monsters.

But quickly that had changed, over time, his older siblings began to play in tournaments, with very good results, his older brother had moved out of the house, he was a Pro Dueslist, while Twilight had become famous for having won the Duel Monsters regional tournament.

However, Spike didn't seem to have the same luck, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't win his duels, he always lost, he always saw his life point counter reading 0 points, and although he didn't want to admit it, he felt much envy towards his older siblings.

Spike clenched his fists while furiously cursing his own impotence, he was a weak duelist, but above all, he wanted to be a respected duelist, someone who could win his duels by shutting the mouths of those who belittled him, someone who could defeat duelists like his sister.

"They told me that what matters is not the victory, it's the fun, but," Spike said with tears in his eyes as he took out a deck of cards from his device, "I'm sick of always losing, it's very frustrating, maybe it's a sign, maybe I don't have the right to be a duelist."

With tears in his eyes Spike began to run, he felt very bad, since he and his family moved to Canterlot, he had not improved, he saw all the students of Canterlot High impressed by having the Pro Duelist Twilight Sparkle as his classmate, but no student noticed him, they only saw him as Twilight Sparkle's loser brother.

"DAMMIT," Spike yelled as he kept running, until he got tired, he leaned against the wall of a building, but it wasn't just any building, he turned around to look at the place and realized that it was a card shop.

Spike didn't know why, maybe something inside him still enjoyed dueling, without thinking about it he entered the store, what seemed very strange to him, was that there was no one, there was only an employee at the counter, who couldn't see his face, because he wore a huge black hood that covered him.

“Welcome,” the hooded man told him, “Looking for something specific?”

"Not really, I was just passing by, I didn't know this was a Duel Monsters store," Spike replied.

"Mmm, I notice from your tone of voice, you haven't had much luck in dueling, have you?"

Spike lowered his head, that was his way of noding.

The hooded man chuckled, "Don't worry, there's nothing to be ashamed of, you came to the right place."

"Huh?" Spike asked, what he didn't expect was that his answer was another question.

"You want to be stronger right?" asked the hooded man.

"Yeah, I'd do anything to get stronger," Spike replied determinedly.

Although it was not noticeable because his face was not visible, the mysterious man smiled, at that moment, the man took out a box under the counter, "Unfortunately, I have already sold everything, but I still have this."

Spike saw the man take out a booster pack from the box, it seemed strange to him since the booster pack was a black color which had no word on it, but seeing that it couldn't hurt him, Spike decided to buy it, in that moment, he took out his wallet, “Um sure, I guess that would be good, how much?”

"Nah, it's okay," the man told him as he handed the booster to Spike, "You don't need to pay, you just have to promise me something."

"Um ok," Spike replied a little nervously not knowing what this man would ask of him.

"I only ask that you become a powerful duelist, someone who inspires others and protect them, because I know that you will be very strong."

Even though it was a stranger who told him, Spike smiled as he heard someone besides his sister tell him that he can be a strong duelist, "I promise sir."

"Okay, you can go now, I need to close," the hooded man told him, at which point Spike proceeded to leave.

Later at home.

Spike arrived home, went to his room, in the corridors there were photos of him and his siblings, in one photo his older brother was shown, who had white skin and long blue hair, Spike remembered that day, the time his brother, named Shining Armor, became a Pro Duelist.

Another of the photographs was recent, only a week old, it was a photo of Twilight Sparkle carrying a trophy along with 5 other girls, “The day we moved in, Twilight recommended our parents enroll us in Canterlot High because of its environment, but another reason, was because in one of the tournaments that Twilight won, she met those girls who became her friends, who suggested that she transfer, and here we are."

"Yeah, everyone knows the name Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, but when it comes to me," Spike said with a bit of frustration, but then he looked at the booster, "I'm going to teach them, show them what I can do, and someday, I will be recognized as the strongest duelist in this city.”

Spike entered his room and proceeded to open the booster, which contained cards that would be a very nice addition to his deck, “This isn't too bad, Pot of Greed, Harpie's Feather Duster, Evenly Matched, Dark Ruler No More, Solemn Judgment.”

Spike marveled at the cards he now possessed, he thought that this mysterious man must have really liked him to give him those cards, but when Spike saw the last one, it seemed very strange to him, "What the?"

The last card was a Link Monster, but, it was empty, it did not have the image of the monster, instead there was only a black background, the card lacked a name, attribute, ATK points, even if it showed the Link Arrows around it , 8 that all were off.

Without thinking twice, Spike placed the card in the device he was carrying, it made a sound, "My Duel Disk detects it, which means it's an authentic card."

"This is some kind of joke?" Spike wondered but he quickly turned his head in denial, "No, it can't be a joke, that man had a sincere voice when he gave me this, maybe it's just a printing error, even so, they were good cards, but I think I still lack a lot if I want to become a great duelist,” Spike said as he placed the cards in his deck while he placed the mystery card in his extra deck even though he knew it wouldn't work, at which point he went to sleep.

The next day.

Spike woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, "Grr, I hate mornings."

After that, Spike proceeded to get ready to go to school, he placed his Duel Disk in his left arm and went down to the kitchen, after breakfast, he went out to the frontyard of his house, there he found his older sister waiting for him, she was riding some kind of purple motorcycle with pink stripes.

But Twilight's outfit was different, she was wearing a purple full body leather suit with pink boots and gloves, as well as wearing a purple helmet with a pink 6-pointed star pattern on it.

That motorcycle was a Duel Runner, created for high-speed dueling which was called Turbo Duels, and of course Twilight was an expert in that type of dueling as well, to the point that she was able to build her own Duel Runner.

“Oh hey Twi, I thought you'd come in later today,” Spike said.

“Yeah, but I thought it would be nice to go together,” Twilight replied, at which point she started her Duel Runner's engine, “So, do you want a ride?”

At first Spike was going to decline her offer, but he thought that maybe it would be for the best to spend a few moments with Twilight, besides that he had never been able to ride her Duel Runner, "Yes, I would like it."

Twilight smiled knowing that her little brother began to open up to her again, "It will be fun Spike, thanks for accepting, but first, take this."

At that moment Twilight handed Spike a box.

"For me?" Spike asked.

"Yes Spike, open it," Twilight replied excitedly.

Spike smiled, "Thanks Twi."

At that moment, Spike opened the box, in it was a leather suit very similar to Twilight's but in a smaller size and in a masculine form, the suit was dark purple with green gloves and boots.

Spike was touched, not only by the gift, but also because it symbolized that his sister hadn't forgotten about him, "Twi, you shouldn't have."

"You're kidding, you're a duelist and every duelist needs something like that, besides," Twilight Sparkle answered as she handed him a green helmet with a purple flame pattern on it, "Safety first."

"Wow," Spike replied in surprise, taking the helmet.

"What are you waiting for Spike, put it on so we can go," Twilight told him.

Spike nodded and started to put on the leather suit, it was a little difficult for him, but he managed to put it on just in time, "Ready Twi."

"Excellent, now come up," Twilight told him.

Spike proceeded to get on the Duel Runner.

"Hold on, I'll go at a safe speed."

Spike proceeded to hold on to Twilight's waist as if he were giving her a hug, although he was a little embarrassed, the Duel Runner didn't have a place to hold on.

But Twi smiled at this.

On the streets of Canterlot.

Twilight and Spike were heading to Canterlot High in the Duel Runner.

As they headed there, Twilight took advantage of that moment to talk to Spike.


"Yes, Twilight?"

"Was there a specific reason why you didn't want to go to the Duel Club with me?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Spike didn't know what to say to her, but Twilight continued.

"Spike, you can always tell me everything you feel, I promise I'll listen to you, you can be honest with me, it's the duty of an older sister to take care of her younger brother."

Although Spike was moved by Twi's words, he wasn't sure if he was being sincere, but after a few seconds, he decided that it was best not to bottle up his feelings.

"Actually there was a reason," Spike replied, "But you might be mad at me if I tell you."

"Spike, I couldn't be mad at you, what's the problem?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Spike was silent for a few seconds before responding, "I think I'm jealous of you."

Twilight knew she had something to do with it, but she wasn't surprised, she asked Spike to continue, "Jealous of me?"

"I'm sorry Twilight, I've just felt inferior when I'm by your side, like I'm always living in your shadow, I mean, you're the Duel Monsters regional champion, everyone wants to be you, that's why I've felt displaced, even more when we moved here, before it was just you and me, but then you got friends and well, one thing led to another and that added to my weakness as a duelist, and here we are,” Spike replied, lowering his head.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight replied sadly, "I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I'm so sorry, if I had paid more attention to your feelings."

But as Twilight blamed herself, Spike interrupted her.

"Twilight, please don't blame yourself for it," Spike groaned, "I hate it when you do that."


"Look, at the end of the day, it's my fault, not yours, I should've just told you how I felt instead of playing mind games for weeks."

"Still, there's no excuse for how I've made you feel, that's why I want to make it up to you, come to the club today, I promise you'll have fun, so you can meet my friends," Twilight told him.

Spike smiled, "Thanks Twi, although I'm still not sure, what if they don't consider me someone worthy of joining, for what little I know, they are all just as strong as you, while I am just me."

"Spike, no one will discriminate against you for that, AJ always says that there is no weak duelist," Twilight told him, then she looked at Spike, "And she's right, you're not weak, you just need more confidence in yourself."

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt, it's okay Twilight, I'm going to the club after school," Spike told her.

"YAY," Twilight yelled in celebration, she wanted to hug Spike for finally opening up to her, but remembered that he was still driving, "You won't be sorry Spike, I promise."

A few minutes later, the two of them had arrived at Canterlot High.

Pulling up and removing their helmets, Twilight was greeted by her classmates like a celebrity.

"Hey look, it's Twilight Sparkle."

“The regional champion has arrived.”

"Twilight Sparkle, please sign my Duel Disk."

The 2 were surrounded by the students.

“Ok, looks like you'll be busy, I think I'll see you after school,” Spike told her as he took off his leather suit, to which Twi nodded as she slipped out of her leather suit.

"I'm sorry Spike, I didn't want this to happen," Twilight told him, at which point she kissed Spike on his forehead, "See you at the club."

Spike blushed a little at that action but he only took it as a nice gesture, at that moment, he went to his classroom, "See you Twi."

A few hours later.

Classes had finished, at that moment, Spike was walking through the halls of Canterlot High, he was heading to the Duel Club.

"Maybe I can get lucky," Spike said as he looked at his deck, "Maybe my new cards can make a difference."

Spike thought about the kind of duels he could have at the club with Twilight and her friends, but he knew worrying wouldn't do him any good.

But as Spike kept walking, he could hear some voices from around the corner.

"That's enough Rover."

"Huh?" Spike went to the place of the noise, he discreetly leaned out so as not to be seen, there he could see a group of 3 boys who seemed older than him, among them stood out a muscular boy with gray skin, blue hair of a grayish tone, he wore a red vest with a white shirt and blue jeans with red tennis shoes.

Also in the place were 3 girls who seemed to be the same age as Spike, one of the girls had yellow skin, she was red-haired, she wore a pink bow on her head, she was wearing a green t-shirt and jean pants, she was wearing boots.

Another girl had short purple hair, orange skin, wore a black jacket with jean shorts and black sneakers.

While the last girl had white skin, a fancy hairstyle, her hair was pink and lilac, she wore a yellow dress with pink boots, Spike found her very pretty.

"Wait, I know those girls, they're in my class," Spike said quietly.

“I'm going to make it simple for you,” the gray-skinned boy explained, “You give me your money and I will protect you from any bully in this school.”

“The only bully is you,” the yellow-skinned, red-haired girl yelled at him.

“Hey little girl, show more respect to the great Rover,” said one of the gray-skinned boy's friends, whose name was apparently Rover.

“An idiot doesn't deserve our respect, let's go girls,” said the girl with purple hair and orange skin.

But as they left, Rover took the girl with white skin and pink and lilac hair, "I don't think so."

“Ahhhh, girls, help,” the girl yelled.

“Rover, let her go,” the yellow-skinned, red-haired girl yelled.

“How about we make a deal, I won't hurt your friend in exchange you gave me your money,” Rover told them, taunting them.

“Rover, you are a…”

Spike from afar looked at the situation worried, "Oh no, a case of bullying, what should I do, maybe I should report it, no, its gonna take long, I could go over there and try to stop it, what are you talking about Spike, those guys will tear you to pieces oh dammit, I have to think of something and it has to be quick.”

Unfortunately Spike forgot to turn his face away from the corner, causing one of the boys to spot him, "Hey you, what the hell are you looking at?"

“Oh great, they saw me,” Spike said to himself.

The 3 boys approached Spike slowly.

"What are you looking at, weirdo?" asked the middle boy of the group.

Spike swallowed.

“Yeah, weirdo,” the shorter boy told him.

Spike started to take steps back, but he collided with something, when he turned around he saw Rover behind him, up close he looked bigger and more threatening.

“Freshmens should learn to mind their own business,” Rover said in a threatening manner.

Spike was speechless, he didn't know what to do.

At that moment he grabbed Spike by his shirt and pulled him up, "Your silence bothers me a lot."

"Oh, I'm sorry, you know, we could made an agreement," Spike said but was interrupted by the girl with white skin and pink and lilac hair.

"Hey, leave him out of this, that boy has nothing to do with it."

"Sorry brat, but he saw us," Rover said while still holding onto Spike.

"Hey, I don't know what led you to do this," Spike said to Rover, trying to reason with him, "But you should stop doing this kind of thing or you could end up in juvie."

But Rover didn't take it well, "Are you threatening me?"

"What? No,” Spike said, shaking his head.

“I think he is threatening you Rover,” the shorter boy said.

"No, he lies," Spike said scared.

"Are you calling my friend a liar?" Rover asked.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean, ummm…..maybe," Spike replied nervously.

"Grrrr, you make me desperate, I'll hit you so hard that…" Rover said but stopped when he saw the Duel Disk on his wrist, "Oh, so you're a duelist too."

"Umm, yeah, I guess," Spike replied a little relieved because it looked like the bully would forget to hit him, "Though I've barely made any changes to my deck and haven't tried it yet."

Hearing that, Rover smiled evilly as if he had an idea that Spike and those 3 girls weren't going to like.

“Actually, I also create a new deck recently and haven't dueled anyone yet, so we're on a level playing field,” Rover said, “How about we make a bet.”

"A bet?" Spike asked looking at him puzzled as well as the 3 girls.

"After school, you and I, we'll have a duel," Rover told him as if threatening, "If you win, we won't cause those girls any trouble anymore."

After pointing at the three girls, Rover approached Spike sinisterly to which the boy gulped, "But if you lose, not only will you have to give us your money, but we'll also keep your most valuable cards."

Spike nearly dropped his pants at that.

"Hey, that's unfair," the girl with white skin and pink and lilac hair.

“He has nothing to do with this, you can't make him,” the orange-skinned, purple-haired girl continued.

“My brother has taught me that a duelist's cards contain a piece of his soul in it, surely this boy has put passion into his duels, you can't take his cards away from him,” said the yellow-skinned red-haired girl.

"Haha, and you girls think the big Rover would care a bit about that crap?" asked the shorter boy.

"Victory is the only thing that matters, that's my philosophy as a duelist, losers don't deserve anything," Rover said at the same time as he looked at Spike's Duel Disk, "And besides, what the hell is wrong with you, you don't know that one must update.”

"Sorry but I didn't understand you on that last one," Spike told him.

“I mean your Duel Disk,” Rover sneered as he pointed at the device, and mercilessly took it from him, “It's an old version, that thing still needs cards, hahaha.”

Rover and his minions taunted Spike's Duel Disk, causing the latter to frown and grit his teeth.

“Hey, give it back to me,” Spike said.

“Just look at ours,” Rover said as he and his 2 minions showed him their Duel Disks, “The latest in technology, these don't need cards as they are digitized, as well as having an artificial intelligence that can help us during the duels.”

Spike ground his teeth, it was crystal clear that those 3 boys were despicable.

“Hey, you can't make fun of his choice of Duel Disk,” the red-haired girl interjected and showed her Duel Disk, “I like to keep my cards too, just like my brother.”

"Or maybe you're too poor to afford one of the new ones," Rover sneered as his minions laughed.

The redheaded girl frowned, she approached him with the intention of hitting him, but Spike advanced before her and approached Rover at a faster speed.


“Wait, wait, what,” Rover said, noticing that the Duel Disk Spike had taken from him had disappeared from his hand, “Where did it go?”

"Here," Spike pointed out, showing them that he had recovered his Duel Disk.

“Hey, I wasn't done talking yet,” Rover told him furiously.

But Spike wasn't scared anymore, his contempt for that guy had made his fear go away.

"And I accept your conditions, we will have a duel, I hope you comply with what you agreed to," Spike told him, causing the three girls to be surprised.

“Hey, you don't have to do this,” the white-skinned girl told him.

"I know it's not my obligation," Spike told him as he looked at his deck, "But, anyway, I don't have much more to lose, but that could change today, I don't know how to explain it, but, I feel like I can beat him, besides, you don't deserve those guys to keep bothering you, that's why I want to help you."

The girl smiled blushing a little.

“Alright, I'll see you in the schoolyard after school, that is if you don't chicken out,” Rover sneered as he walked off along with his 2 minions.

After they left, the girls talked to Spike.

“Hey, thanks for the help,” the orange-skinned girl told him.

“Yes, it would have ended worse if you hadn't interfered,” the yellow-skinned girl added.

“Yes, she would have hit him causing a ruckus,” the white-skinned girl said.

"Hehe, don't worry," Spike told them, "Happy to help."

"Still," the white girl told him, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Yeah, well, a little, at least he's going to use a deck he hasn't tried, so I have a slight advantage," Spike told them, "Don't worry."

The girls smiled.

"Well, we wish you the best of luck, my name is Scootaloo," the orange girl introduced herself.

"We'll support you, I'm Apple Bloom," the yellow girl introduced herself.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle, it's nice to meet you," Sweetie Belle introduced herself.

Finally, Spike introduced himself to them, "The pleasure is all mine, and my name is Spike."

The 4 smiled, after a few minutes they went to their classroom, while they waited for the duel time to arrive.

Several hours later.

At the Dueling Club.

Classes had finished so several students went to spend time at the Duel Club, among them was Twilight Sparkle who looked discouraged.

She sighed, something that was not unnoticed by one of her friends.

"Are you worried that Spike won't show up?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I thought he'd come," Twilight told her.

AJ went to comfort her friend but they were interrupted by the sound of a door being thrown open.


“GIRLS,” they heard a loud voice.

"What in tarnation," Applejack complained.

“You don't need to yell,” Twilight Sparkle said, rubbing her ears.

"You won't believe it, someone challenged Rover to a Duel," said a girl with light blue skin and red eyes, she wore a white shirt with a drawing of rainbow lightning in the center, she wore a pink sports skirt and blue tennis shoes , but what stood out the most about the girl was her hair that looked like a rainbow.

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Rainbow Dash, why would anyone want to duel Rover?" AJ asked.

"Beats me," Rainbow Dash replied, "But we can see that, they're in the yard."

The girls followed her.

"Who would be foolish enough to challenge Rover?" Twilight Sparkle wondered.

Twilight, Rainbow, and AJ arrived at the yard which was filled with many students.

“Looks like word got out,” Twilight Sparkle said, amazed at the number of students who were hoping to enjoy a grand duel.

"Girls, this way," they heard a voice, they saw a pink-skinned girl with pooffy pink hair, wearing a white shirt with the drawing of 3 balloons, a blue skirt and boots, "I saved the best places for you."

"Thanks Pinkie Pie, by any chance, do you know who is the student who challenged Rover?" Twilight Sparkle asked.
Pinkie Pie shook her head.

“Actually Darling,” interrupted a white skinned girl, purple hair styled elegantly, wearing a blue dress with purple boots, she had many accessories, mainly bracelets, “As far as I know, is a freshmen.”

"Rarity, you said a freshmen," Rainbow Dash said in surprise to which Rarity nodded, "doesn't he know who is Rover?"

"Apparently not," Rarity said with concern.

“Oh poor thing,” said a yellow-skinned girl with long pink hair, wearing a white sleeveless shirt, green skirt and boots, she spoke in a very low tone, “I hope Rover doesn't do anything cruel to him.”

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Applejack soothed, "If Rover tries to do anything to him, we'll jump in to stop him, right Rainbow."
Rainbow Dash nodded, clenching her fists.

A few minutes passed, and that's when one of Rover's friends stood in the center of the yard, the place where the duel would take place.

"Thank you for waiting, now is the time to enjoy the victory of the Great Rover."

Rover approached the place with a Duel Disk on his left arm.

"And now, his foolish opponent who dared to challenge him and we know he's going to lose."

“Grr, we would have gone with a more neutral narrator,” Spike said as he strode to the center.

“Good luck Spike,” Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo said at the same time.

Spike smiled knowing that these girls trusted him.

When he got far enough away from them, Spike confessed his ultimate reason for dueling, "If I lose, they'll take my cards, which means I don't deserve to be a duelist anymore, this could be my last duel that will decide everything."

"Girls, I saw him, it must be him," Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"Let's see who the is fool that agreed to duel Rover," added Rainbow Dash.

"I think…" Twilight Sparkle said as she leaned out to see the challenging duelist, but when she seeing him, she was shocked.

"Twilight darling, what happened?" Rarity asked.

"The duelist, who challenged Rover, is Spike," Twilight Sparkle said, still in shock.

“Spike? Who is Spike? asked Pinkie Pie.

"He's her little brother," Applejack replied, to which the girls became concerned.

"You have a little brother?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Oh no," Rarity said, "We have to stop him."

"Quickly we have to do something or else..." Twilight said but was interrupted by Applejack.

"Wait a minute, I know you're worried, but we must stay out of this, at least until the duel is over."

"How can you say that, in case you don't remember, Spike has been feeling so bad lately about not winning duels," Twilight Sparkle told her.

"And what do you think he feels when his sister interferes because she thinks he's not capable enough to beat Rover," Applejack replied, "The only thing we'll do is make him feel worse, the only thing you can do is cheer him up and trust him."

Twilight was going to say something, but she realized that AJ was right, she had to stay out of it and trust Spike, "You're right, girls, let's cheer him up."

"That's right, Twi," Applejack said proudly.

“Come on Spike you can do it,” Pinkie Pie yelled.

"You can do it, darling," Rarity yelled.

"Go on," Rainbow Dash yelled, "Come on Fluttershy, join us."

Fluttershy gathered all the energy she could and let out the most tender cry she could manage, "Yay."

"You can do it Spike, you can beat him," Twilight Sparkle yelled.

"Huh?" Spike heard the screams that were going towards him, he turned around and saw his sister and her friends in the stands, although they didn't officially know him yet, they still cheered him on.

Spike smiled, "Wow, I guess I'll have a lot of explaining to do after this."

At that moment Spike approached the place, Rover looked at him with superiority, "So you didn't chicken out, I respect that little boy, I'll remember it when I take your cards."

Spike frowned, "I may be little, but I've met great duelists who have taught me different values, with that I can be a threat to you."

At that moment Spike remembered his siblings' teachings about respecting their opponents and fighting in harmony, "But you're not that kind of duelist, so I'm going to stop you right here and right now."

“Hehe, the only thing you'll get is to be humiliated in front of almost the whole school,” Rover replied with a sneer, “But don't worry, when you lose, no one will remember it.”

"Maybe," Spike replied rolling his eyes, but then he looked directly at Rover, "But when you lose, no one will ever forget it."

"You're a…" Rover said but was interrupted when his friend told him that the duel would begin, "You will suffer the consequences later."

Then, from both Duel Disks a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

At that moment, Spike placed his deck in the slot of the Duel Disk, a green energy blade forming, Spike drew 5 cards from his deck and placed them in his left hand.

While Rover only had to press a button on his Duel Disk, at that moment, 5 digital cards materialized in front of him, on his Duel Disk the following could be read: CARDS DIGITIZE COMPLETE.

Spike and Rover's Duel Disks connected and showed their life points.


The two nodded silently.

"Then start."

"DUEL!" Spike and Rover yelled at the same time.

Second Turn: The Challenge of Kerberos

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The duel between Spike and Rover had begun, one where Spike put his cards and money on the line, he wasn't going to let himself lose, especially against a beginner like Rover.

"DUEL!" Spike and Rover yelled at the same time.

Spike: 4000 LP
Rover: 4000 LP

"Since I'm feeling more benevolent than usual today, I'll let you have the first turn," Rover told him, "You'll thank me by giving me your best cards when this is over."

Spike frowned, Rover wasn't being benevolent, the rules stated that the first player couldn't draw a card in the Draw Phase.

"He probably saw my deck and I guess I guess it works best starting on turn 2, but I won't let something that small stop me," Spike said, "Then I'll start."

Spike looked at his cards, and even if he had a monster to start with, he still couldn't make the summon that defined his deck, “Even though Rover is a beginner like me, I can't underestimate him, and not knowing what his deck is like, going to the offense will be my best option, so I can gain a slight advantage.”

Rover raised an eyebrow when he saw that Spike was planning something and it was because Spike made the first summon.

"I summon Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer," Spike placed a card on the energy blade generated by the Duel Disk, on the field, a humanoid creature with silver armor manifested, the creature had wings and a dragon's tail, it wore a helm that it resembled the head of a dragon and carried a sword and shield. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“I'll end my turn by setting 2 cards face down,” Spike said as he set 2 cards on his Duel Disk which manifested on the field.

“Its a Dracoslayer Deck,” Sweetie Belle said in surprise.

“The quintessential pendulum deck,” said Apple Bloom.

“But I thought Dracoslayers shined better when supporting other pendulum decks, I didn't think they were good on their own deck,” Scootaloo said.

"You'd be surprised to see what a deck can do, I've met the Dracoslayers, from what I saw, it was the story of a warrior turned into a dragon who allied himself with great clans of the pendulum," said a voice to which only Scootaloo could hear.

Scootaloo smiled, she pulled out a card from her deck, "You're right Rumble, no duelist or monster should be underestimated."

"But remember that we are the best," said that voice from the card.

“You betcha,” Scootaloo replied.

"So far so good," Twilight Sparkle said as she saw the monster her brother summoned.

“Dracoslayer, hmm,” Rainbow Dash said thoughtfully.

"Oh, so your little brother is also a pendulum duelist," Rarity told her.

Twilight smiled, "I remember that since he was little Spike liked dragons, we thought about what deck would work for him, then when the pendulums arrived, Spike was fascinated, so he didn't think twice and decided to use a Dracoslayer deck."

"That's a great reason to build a deck," Fluttershy added with a smile, "I built my deck that way."

"Yes, I really like pendulums, they're so much fun," Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"Pinkie, you don't play Pendulums," Applejack told her.

"I know, but that kind of summoning is still a lot of fun," Pinkie replied.

"Nice monster, but it won't do any good," Rover said as a card materialized in front of him, "Now I'll show you what a real play is."

Spike frowned at that, "Here it comes."

“I summon Assault Dog in attack mode,” Rover said, one of the holographic cards in front of him disappearing and at that moment some kind of dog that seemed to be fused with a firearm manifested on the field. (ATK 1200/DEF 800/Lv 4)

Spike, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were all confused.

"Summoned such a weak monster in attack mode?" Spike wondered.

“What a stupid move,” said Apple Bloom.

“I know, Rover will be good at bullying people, but he's not good at playing Duel Monsters,” Sweetie Belle commented with a smirk.

"Have he made a mistake?" Scootaloo wondered, suddenly the card she was holding began to glow.

"I don't think so Scoots, he may be stupid but not that much, he must plan something."

"Why did you summon that monster knowing that it can't defeat mine?" Spike asked.

"Because I'm not going into the Battle Phase yet," Rover replied with a wicked grin, "I activate the spell card, Dogpound Chain."

“Dogpound Chain?” Spike wondered.

At that moment, Assault Dog barked, chains came out of his back and became entangled in Luster Pendulum's sword and shield.

“This card can only be activated if I have a monster with Dog in the name, it allows me to select one of your monsters, and since you only have one I choose Luster Pendulum,” Rover replied pointing to his monster.

"So?" Spike asked again.

“And for the rest of the duel, that monster can't be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz material,” Rover said with a smirk.

"WHAT?" Spike exclaimed.

"WHAT?" Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom exclaimed at the same time.

"Oh no, this is bad," Fluttershy said.

"It's worse," Twilight Sparkle added with concern.

"Because?" Rarity asked.

"Because Spike's deck often depends on his extra deck," Twilight replied, "But now Rover blocked that possibility."

"Never mind Twilight, Spike will find a way out of this," Applejack soothed.

Twilight thought for a moment, but then smiled, "You're right, Rover must have blocked it, but that doesn't change the fact that he made a mistake and summoned such a weak monster."

“Which means this is his chance,” Rainbow Dash said.

"Come on Spike, attack him," Pinkie Pie yelled.

“Lastly, I'll just set one card face down and end my turn,” Rover said as another of the holographic cards in front of him disappeared and manifested on the field.

"He wants to provoke me, but the duel won't get anywhere if I don't move, my turn, Draw," Spike said as he drew a card from his deck, Spike smiled seeing her.

“No matter what you pull, you won't be able to do anything to me this turn,” Rover sneered at him.

"Oh yeah, so how about this, I activate my trap card, Draco Reinforcements," Spike replied as he pressed a key on his Duel Disk, this caused one of the cards on Spike's field to rise up revealing, "If I control a Dragon Pendulum on the field, I can send a card from my deck with the same name to the graveyard, that will allow me to draw 2 new cards from my deck.”

Rover frowned.

At that moment Spike took out 2 cards from his deck, seeing them he smiled again, "Everything is ready, it's time to make a pendulum summon."

But at that moment, during his Standby Phase, Rover activated a trap card.

"I don't think so, stupid kid, I activate my trap card, Anti-Spell Fragrance," Rover said as a kind of pot with a sinister smile on it appeared on the field and began to expel a cloud of green smoke that covered everything on the field, "When this card is active, neither player will be able to activate spell cards, to do so, we will have to set them first and wait one turn to activate them."

"And how do you think that affects me, I remind you that it's my turn and I can still..." Spike said, not realizing the mess he was in, at that moment, Spike stopped and after a few seconds he could understand what that fragrance implied, “Wait a minute, oh no.”

“Anti-Spell Fragrance,” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo yelled worriedly at the same time.

"Oh no, that damn card," Twilight Sparkle said with a bit of fury in her eyes.

"What's the problem dear?" Rarity asked.

"Think about it Rarity, neither of them will be able to activate spell cards without setting it up first, but Spike uses pendulums," Twilight replied, "And pendulums are also considered spell cards."

In that moment, Rarity understood the situation and understood Spike's unpleasant situation, "And pendulums cannot be set in the Pendulum Zone."

“Which means the little one won't be able to use the Pendulum Summon,” Rainbow Dash added with concern.

"Things got tough for him, but he's not done yet," Applejack said firmly.

“Spike, don't give up, you can win, I trust you,” Twilight Sparkle said as she clasped her hands.

"Damn, he blocked my Pendulum Summon," Spike said furiously as he glared at Rover.

"What's the matter wimpy, you can still give up if you want," Rover told him, taunting him.

But at that moment, Spike decided to remain calm and smiled, something that made Rover angry, "Rover, your strategy to negate my Pendulum Summons was powerful, but you made a mistake."

"Oh yes, and what mistake did I make?" asked Rover who didn't seem to care at all.

“That now that you don't have any cards face down, you left your dog unguarded,” Spike told him.

“Wait what?” Rover wondered, then looked at the screen of his Duel Disk, Spike thought it was a bit silly to do that since he could just see the field, "Damn, I left the Assault Dog in attack mode."

"And that mistake will cost you, now I will summon Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer," Spike placed another card on the energy blade generated by the Duel Disk, on the field, a humanoid creature very similar to Luster Pendulum manifested, but for some reason reason, it looked very powerful, it wore golden armor, the creature had wings and a dragon's tail, it wore a helmet that resembled the head of a dragon, but from that helmet came long blonde hair, accompanied by the addition of 2 red horns that made the draconic warrior look even more dangerous and as for his weapons, like Luster Pendulum, he also carried a sword and a shield. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Hmm, that might be a problem, but thanks to my chain, he won't be able to extra-summon with that other monster,” Rover said with a confident smile.

"I'm going to wipe that smile off your ugly face," Spike said, "Master Pendulum attack his Assault Dog."

At that moment Master Pendulum flew directly towards Assault Dog while waving his sword.

"Idiot, did you really think that I'm that stupid?" Rover asked making Spike startle at his high pitched voice.

"Huh?" Spike wondered.

“From my hand I activate Rescue Dog's effect by sending it to the graveyard,” Rover said as one of his holographic cards disappeared, a dog wearing a yellow helmet and carrying 2 pistols on its back appeared on the field.

“A Hand Trap,” Spike exclaimed upon seeing him, Hand Trap is a term for monsters that can be activated on the opponent's turn, mostly by sending them to the Graveyard, “That's why he didn't bother putting any more cards face down.”

“You're right, I can have my surprises,” Rover replied, “But now my Rescue Dog's effect will activate, during this turn, I won't take battle damage involving Dog monsters and not only that, but also I can select one of your monsters and deal damage to you equal to half of its original attack, and of course I choose Master Pendulum.”

“Rats,” Spike said, scared by the damage the canine was going to inflict on him.

"Now Rescue Dog, starburst," Rover yelled as the Rescue Dog fired a burst of bullets straight at Spike.


“AHHHHHHH,” Spike yelled as he was hit by the Rescue Dog's gunfire.

"Spike," Twilight Sparkle yelled.

"Grgghh," Spike grumbled as he recovered.

Spike: 3025 LP
Rover: 4000 LP

"I don't care, that won't stop it from destroying your Assault Dog," Spike said as Master Pendulum continued his attack, he stabbed at the dog, destroying it.

"Nice," Spike said smiling, but his happiness was short-lived, when after destroying it he saw another 2 Assault Dogs appear on the field, "Am I seeing double?"

"No dummy, it's the effect of my Assault Dog, when it's destroyed by battle I can summon another 2 Assault Dogs from my deck," Rover replied as the dogs stood in front of him as if they wanted to protect him. (ATK 1200/DEF 800/Lv 4)X2

"Are you serious?" Scootaloo asked.

“Oh come on,” Sweetie Belle yelled, frustrated that Rover still hadn't lost a single life point.

“Are you kidding me?” Spike asked.

"Hey, you're the one who decided not to read the effect of my card, so shame on you," Rover told him with a sneer.

Spike didn't say anything, he just glared at Rover, it was true if he had read the card maybe he could figure out a way to stop him, that was one of Spike's problems, being a little impulsive in his duels, "Ahhh, why am I so stupid?

Spike: 3025 LP
Rover: 4000 LP

"Well, I think that's an easy mistake to make," Fluttershy said.

“I know what you're talking about, Rainbow makes a lot of those even today,” AJ added.

“Hey, I hear that,” Rainbow exclaimed.

"Then I have no choice, I can only attack, Luster Pendulum, attack his other dog," Spike ordered as Luster Pendulum stabbed an Assault Dog destroying it, leaving Rover with only one Assault Dog.

Rover glared at Spike.

"I'll set a card face down and end my turn," Spike said as he set a card which manifested on the field, "With that trap blocking my pendulums it will be difficult for me to come back, but all is not lost, Rover only has left a monster which it can no longer use its effect, I'll be fine."

"If you think you're going to be fine, you're wrong, my turn, draw," Rover told him as a holographic card appeared in front of him.

"Oh no, was I just thinking out loud?" Spike asked a little embarrassed looking at Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

“Yes,” the 3 girls replied at the same time with a deadpan look.

“Hahaha, you couldn't be more stupid, if you gave me a dollar for every brain you don't have I'd get 2 dollars,” Rover sneered at him.

"That doesn't even make sense," Spike replied.

"And what does it matter, you're going to lose anyway, because I'll tribute my last Assault Dog, I tribute summon SWAT Orthros," at that moment, the last Assault Dog was sent to the graveyard generating a portal on the field and from there, a huge dog emerged, it was the size of a lion, the dog was loaded with shields and bulletproof vests and wore a helmet with protective glasses, but the most terrifying thing was its head or rather... Its 2 heads. (ATK 2000/DEF 2000/Lv 7)

"I guess I won't be able to sleep well tonight," was the only thing Spike could say when he saw that monster, it looked quite intimidating.

“And I bet you want to know how I was able to summon it with a single tribute, since being level 7 it should have been 2 tributes,” Rover told him.

"Not really," Spike replied, still looking at the Orthros.

"Too bad because I'm going to explain it to you anyway," Rover told him causing Spike to sigh, "Normally it requires 2 tributes but if it's summoned with a Dog monster I can reduce it to one."

"Wonderful," Spike replied sarcastically.

"Be careful brat, I can easily detect sarcasm," Rover demanded, "But I'm not done yet, I activate SWAT Orthros's effect, once per turn, banishing a Dog from my graveyard I can draw 2 cards."

At that moment, Rescue Dog was seen freeing himself from the graveyard going out of the game, 2 holographic cards appeared in front of Rover, seeing them he smiled evilly as if something sinister was planning, he quickly looked at Spike and spoke to him, "It's your funeral. ”

Spike swallowed at that.

"Now, I will banish 3 Dogs from my graveyard, to special summon him," at that moment all the monsters in Rover's graveyard left the game, that's when Rover made his summoning chant, "Hunting those who will be punished with the violent hand of injustice, appears, SWAT KERBEROS.”

That was when a portal even bigger than SWAT Orthros's appeared on the field, a similar monster emerged from the portal, only this one had a colossal size, as if it were a dinosaur, the new monster had the same equipment as SWAT Orthtos, but there was a detail that made Spike almost lose consciousness... It had 3 heads.

“Ahhhh,” Spike yelled in fright, pointing at SWAT Kerberos. (ATK 3000/DEF 3000/Lv 10)

"I see you're scared, so you're doing the right thing," Rover told him, threatening him.

"It can't be, that beast is huge," Sweetie Belle said pointing at Rover's monster.

"Wait, something's not right, Rover said he was a beginner, but I think he's hiding something," Scootaloo said.

"I'll look it up on the net, there must be some information about their duels," Apple Bloom said as she checked her cell phone to investigate Rover, after a few seconds she found information, she gasped as she read it, "Oh no, girls, this is worse than we thought."

Reading, Sweetie Belle quickly yelled at Spike, "Spike, be careful, that boy is not a beginner."

Spike listened carefully, he also suspected that Rover was not a beginner, but hearing someone else come to the same conclusion confirmed his suspicions, "Rover, you?"

“Hehehe, I'm Rover, a Pro Duelist, the leader of the duelist gang known as The Diamond Dogs,” Rover replied with a wicked grin.

Hearing that, Spike blamed himself again for not investigating Rover when he had the chance, he had heard of the powerful Diamond Dogs gang, but never imagined that their leader attended the same school.

“Now you will bite the dust, because I will activate the other effect of Otrhros, whose power is to give 1000 extra attack points to a monster on the field other than him, and I choose Kerberos,” Rover said as SWAT Kerberos began to increase his size at the same time his attack points increased. (ATK 4000)

“4000 attack points,” Spike said, feeling helpless.

"And to seal your coffin I'll activate this trap from my hand," Rover told him to which Spike was surprised, "A trap directly from your hand?"

“Precisely,” Rover replied as a trap card manifested on the field, “Collar of Thorns, I can activate this trap from my hand in my Main Phase and only if I have 3 or more Banished Dog monsters, during this turn, all damage of battle you receive… WILL BE DOUBLED.”

Rover yelled that last part causing Spike to swallow, "This can't get any worse."

When the trap was activated, it gave the dogs a collar of thorns, making them look more dangerous than they already were.

“Do something Spike,” Sweetie Belle yelled.

"Tell me you have a plan," Apple Bloom spoke to them.

“We can only trust your face down card,” Scootaloo replied.

At which point Spike smiled, "That's a good card, too bad you wasted it."

"What are you talking about?" Rover asked.

"I mean, you won't be able to attack me, I activate my trap card, Threatening Roar," Spike said as he activated his other card face down, from it, a beast emerged and roared at the 2 dogs causing them to get scared, "Now you cant declare an attack this turn.”

But far from Rover getting upset he started laughing, "Hehehehe."

Like his 2 minions, "This is a joke, Hahahaha."


Spike became desperate for the laughter towards him and spoke to Rover furiously, "What's so funny?"

"That my SWAT Kerberos still has another effect, but first I'll set a card face down," Rover replied as another of his holographic cards disappeared in front of him and manifested on the field, "Activate Kerberos effect, if I go directly to the End Phase without having entered the Battle Phase this turn, I CAN DEAL YOU WITH DAMAGE EQUAL TO ITS ORIGINAL ATTACK.”

WAIT WHAT? Spike yelled.

“That would be 3,000 total points,” Scootaloo said in surprise.

“And it's all heading towards Spike,” Sweetie Belle added with concern.

"NO, WAIT," Spike yelled to which Rover ignored him.

"My turn..." Rover said, "It's over."

At that moment SWAT Kerberos began to load a kind of laser beam into its 3 mouths, at which point Rover yelled, "NOW KERBEROS, TRIPLE BEAM FROM THE UNDERWORLD."

Giving the order, Kerberos fired the triple beam which hit Spike directly.

"GYAHHHHHHHHH," Spike yelled as he took the impact of the attack which sent him flying, in turn the lightning caused a large cloud of smoke.

Spike: 25 LP
Rover: 4000 LP

"Spike, Spike, answer me," Twilight Sparkle yelled as she couldn't see Spike.

At that moment the smoke cleared, revealing Spike on the ground who appeared to be unconscious.

"Get up Spike, you can't give up, come on Spike, I believe in you," Twilight Sparkle yelled.

Spike slowly began to regain consciousness, hearing his sister's words, "Twi...Twilight."

But Rover heard that too, that's when he put the puzzle together in his mind, "Wait a minute, I know you."

Spike didn't say anything, but he didn't deny that it was strange for him that someone recognized him.

"You're the brother of Pro Duelists Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, both of whom are great duelists," Rover said, then gave Spike a scornful look, "Unfortunately, the same can't be said for you."

Spike gritted his teeth as he listened to Rover who continued to speak.

"Just look at you, you're pathetic, you're not good at dueling, you probably don't even know the word victory, you're a disgrace to your family, I feel sorry for your older siblings, don't you feel sorry for continuing to exist?" Rover continued to mock him, “Hehehehe, whenever I see duelists like you, weaklings who don't stand a chance, I feel great anger seeing people like you continue to play this sacred game knowing that they will never win, that's why it will be so satisfying to kill you and with your duelist spirit.”

While Rover continued belittling him, Spike began to curse his own impotence and having accepted such a bet, he was not strong, he was not brave, he was just a cowardly boy, weak and easily intimidated by others, he did not want to be like that, he was fed up with being so, he wanted to be braver and stronger, to be someone nobody messed with and to be able to protect those he loved, he wanted to change once and for all, to be powerful, he wanted it with all his might.

At that moment, Spike tried to get up but couldn't, "You're nobody to talk to me like that."

"Hahahaha, that's the best thing you could think of to tell me," Rover continued mocking him, "You're wrong again, I'm a Pro Duelist, unlike you, I'm someone, and I'm not the only one who thinks that, in this school I'm sure there are other Pro Duelists who think the same way.”

At that moment different voices were heard, clearly coming from students who were Pro Duelists.

"Way to go Rover, take down that brat."

"Destroy him, he's a weakling, he deserves to be humiliated."

“Show him the superiority of a Pro Duelist.”

"Hey what the hell is going on?" asked Rainbow Dash.

“Unfortunately, it's true that there are Pro Duelists who think they're superior to other Duelists,” Applejack said.

"That's horrible, we're Pro Duelists but we wouldn't stoop to that level of arrogance," Pinkie Pie added.

"Please Spike, fight," Twilight Sparkle said.

But at that moment Spike heard a voice in his mind, "It's not over yet, Spike."

"Huh?" Spike turned but the voice didn't seem to come from anyone present.

"Hehe, do you see?" Rover asked, "You don't deserve to breathe the same air as a Pro Duelist, neither you nor those 3 weak girls."

Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle all hung their heads, clearly affected by what Rover said.

Those last words were the trigger, Spike got up still in a little pain, "You can insult me, you can hurt me, you can belittle me, BUT THOSE WHO DARE TO INSULT MY FRIENDS WILL PAY THE CONSEQUENCES, MY TURN, DRAW."

Spike yelled as he took out a card from his deck, Rover just laughed at him, it was another copy of Master Pendulum, but he felt something in his Extra Deck, so he quickly checked it, that's when he realized that the Link card that the mysterious man had given him began to glow, "What's going on?"

The card started to glow, but that's when it changed, now a monster could be seen in the image of the card, and the other missing things like the name, attribute, attack, and even the Link Arrows appeared, “This is…”

“Hey, I don't have all day,” Rover yelled at him.

But Spike didn't react, his face had taken on a seriousness that made Twilight and her friends uneasy, even Rover raised an eyebrow at him, "What's happening with you?"

"Your defeat, that's what's going to happen," Spike replied seriously.

"You're kidding, I still have my life points intact while you only have a measly 25 life points," Rover told him, "You can't beat me."

"You'd better shut your filthy mouth and let me continue my turn, or are you afraid of losing that you're just trying to delay the inevitable, you piece of trash," Spike insulted.

“WHY YOU LITTLE…” Rover reacted horribly to the insult.

"Now I will summon another Master Pendulum," Spike said as he placed his card, there appeared a second Master Pendulum. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

"So? No matter how many monsters you summon, none will be able to defeat my Kerberos," Rover told him.

But Spike ignored him, "I have everything I need right now."

Rover glared at him as he felt that confidence emanating from him.

"Appear now, the circuit that will burn the future," Spike said as his 3 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "The condition to summon it is at least one Dracoslayer monster.”

"I'm placing Luster Pendulum and my 2 Master Pendulums on the Link Markers," Spike said as his monsters turned into energy which went to the bottom 3 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

"Appear, warrior flowing with the power of the dragon alchemy, whose body bears the scales of the brave hero who will fight to the end and spread his mystical fire on the battlefield, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared a humanoid creature with draconic features that wore armor similar to that of Luster Pendulum and Master Pendulum, only this one was much larger, on its dragon tail there were protruding thorns, protruding from its helmet were 2 yellow horns and his hair had changed, now it was purple, but much longer, his wings were the same blue color as his tail, only that thorns also sprouted from these, as for his weapons, that humanoid dragon only used one huge sword that seemed to be only a little smaller than him, on his sword you could see the drawing of a claw, but what was most striking is that a part of his helmet had broken revealing his mouth from which protruded a large fang, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, THE MYSTIC DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

Although Rover didn't want to admit it, he felt intimidated, it was the first time he had seen something like that.

“Wow girls, look at that monster,” Sweetie Belle pointed out, smiling.

“I have a feeling something good is going to happen,” said Apple Bloom.

"That card," Twilight Sparkle said in surprise, "wasn't in his deck."

"Guys, I'm not aware of that card," Rainbow Dash said.

"It must be new, dear," Rarity replied.

Seeing Spike's look, Twilight gave him her best support, "FINISH HIM, SPIKE."

Spike smiled at that, "Roger Twi."

(ATK 3000/Link-3)

"Why his attack points increase?" Rover asked feeling fear.

“Master Heathspike gains 500 attack points if I have a face-up Dracoslayer in my extra deck, and gains another 500 if I have a Dracoslayer in my graveyard,” Spike replied.

"But you don't have any…" Rover said but stopped when he remembered something.

A few minutes before.

"Oh yeah, so how about this, I activate my trap card, Draco Reinforcements," Spike replied as he pressed a key on his Duel Disk, this caused one of the cards on Spike's field to rise up revealing, "If I control a Dragon Pendulum on the field, I can send a card from my deck with the same name to the graveyard, that will allow me to draw 2 new cards from my deck.”

“Damn, he had it from the start,” Rover said.

"AND THAT'S NOT ALL," Spike yelled as Master Heathspike's sword was consumed by flames, "Banishing 1 Dracoslayer from my extra deck or graveyard I can add 1000 attack points to it until my End Phase." (ATK 4000/Link-3)

“This is unacceptable, it can't be true,” Rover said almost in shock.

"And now, reveal to you my last card face down, Megamorph," Spike pressed a key on his Duel Disk, so he was able to activate a spell card which made Master Heathspike grow, "If I have fewer life points than you and you know that It's true, Heathspike's attack is doubled." (ATK 8000/Link-3)

“8000 ATTACK POINTS?” Rover screamed in fright.

"8000 attack points," Twilight and her friends had gaped.

“8000 attack points,” Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom yelled at the same time in shock at what they had seen.

"BATTLE," Spike yelled as his dragon charged his sword at Kerberos, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, ATTACK SWAT KERBEROS, MYSTIC CLAW STRIKE."

“Not so fast, I activate my trap card, Amber Pitfall, this will switch your monster to defense and it will have to stay that way,” Rover said, activating his card.

"Link's monsters have no Defense so it won't be affected by that card," Spike replied with a smile.

“DO IT SPIKE,” Sweetie Belle yelled.

"No, it's not possible, I'm the great Rover, I CAN'T LOSE TO A WEAKLING LIKE HIM, I DON'T INTEND TO ACCEPT IT."

"YOU'LL HAVE TO ACCEPT IT, THIS IS REALITY, FINISH IT," Spike yelled as Master Heathspike cleaved Kerberos in two, destroying it.

“AHHHHHHHHH,” Rover yelled as he was thrown back by the hard impact.

Spike: 25 LP (WINNER)
Rover: 0 LP

And at that moment, Spike's heart almost sank when he heard a voice addressing him, "Good job master, we managed to get the victory, I'll be honored to fight by your side in the next duels."

It was Master Heathspike The Mystic Dracoslayer, he was talking to him.

"WHOA, he can talk, how come no one else is listening," Spike thought, as Master Heathspike vanished as the duel ended.

"Ok, that was weird," Spike said, who seemed to have lost the seriousness he kept a few seconds ago, after that he saw that Rover was on the ground unconscious, "I, I beat him."

"No," Spike said as he took the card from Master Heathspike, "We beat him, without you I don't know what would have happened."

The public applauded with euphoria, especially his sister and friends.

"No, it can't be," Rover's friends said, "Rover lost."

At that moment they withdrew, leaving only Rover who was still unconscious.

“That's right, you better run,” Spike yelled at them, but at that moment he saw his friends run towards him to congratulate him, accidentally knocking him to the ground in the process.



"You did it Spike," Sweetie Belle congratulated him, hugging him, "You beat him."

“You beat Rover,” Apple Bloom told him.

“You ended their tyranny,” Scootaloo said, joking a little.

"Hehe, I don't think it's a big deal," Spike told them.

"It certainly is a big deal," Spike heard Twilight's voice, turned to see his sister with her friends.

Spike got up, there was a silence for a few seconds where Spike stared at Twilight without saying anything.

Not daring to break the silence but moving forward, Twilight walked up to Spike and gave him a big hug.

Spike accepted the warm hug breaking the silence, "Twilight, I."

But Twilight cut him off, "You're a great duelist Spike."

After they parted ways, Twilight spoke to her friends, "Girls, this is Spike, my little brother."

Spike realized that, although he knew them, it had only been from a distance and from some photographs, he didn't even know all their names, just like the girls who didn't know him at all either.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Spike greeted them showing his chivalry.

The girls introduced themselves.

"The pleasure is mine sugarcube, I am Applejack."

"I am Rainbow Dash, a powerful duelist."

"My name is Rarity, darling."

"My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie and since we're friends now you can call me that too."

"And I'm Fluttershy," she said in a small voice.

“I also see that you already know our sisters,” AJ pointed out.

"Really, are they your sisters?" Spike asked his friends.

“Yes, Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash's little sister and Apple Bloom is Applejack's little sister, while Rarity is my big sister,” Sweetie Belle replied.

"Wow, what a coincidence," Spike replied.

"And it's a surprise that Twilight is your big sister, why didn't you say anything?" Scootaloo asked.

Spike didn't know what to answer, it's not like he wanted to hide it, he tried to say something but Twilight put her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, "I think it's because Spike can shine on his own, without depending on me, and today he showed it to everyone."

Spike smiled, "Thank you sister."

"When you want brother," Twilight replied, "But if I could just know, how did you get into this?"

"It's a long story," Spike replied.

"We have time."

At that time Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom explained everything that happened, from how Rover was threatening them, that he tried to take Spike's cards and everything, although Spike omitted the detail that his card speak to him, he believed that they would think he was crazy.

“How cruel,” Twilight said, disgusted by Rover's behavior, to which her friends agreed.

“That's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen coming from a Pro Duelist,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Vulgar,” Rarity added.

“And cowardly,” AJ said.

"Yeah, there's no fun in that," Pinkie Pie said.

"At least you beat him Spike," Fluttershy told him.

“Yes, Spike is a hero,” Sweetie Belle said making Spike smile and blush.

But on the other hand, they heard murmurs, mostly from the Pro Duelists who were in favor of Rover.

"How could Rover have lost?"

"Did he make mistakes in the duel?"

"I think he just had really bad luck."

“Still, it bothers me that a Duelist like him managed to defeat a Pro.”

"Exactly, it's not right, the other Duelists are losers, they can't beat us Pros."

"I hope he mark his calendar, today was the luckiest day of his life."

“Ughh, how dare they say that,” Twiight Sparkle said, furious at those who belittled her little brother.

"Don't worry Twilight," Spike said as he approached the center, "I'll handle this."

"Something tells me you'll need this," Pinkie Pie tossed him a microphone.

"Thanks Pinkie," Spike grabbed the microphone and turned it on.

"Will you give me your attention please."

The public began to listen to what Spike wanted to express.

“Several of you Pro Duelists supported Rover and thought I was going to lose the duel,” Spike said, “I honestly don't blame you, who would have thought Rover would fall to someone like me.”

At that moment Spike did something that made almost everyone gasp, he used Rover (who was still unconscious) as a bench and stood on it.

"But it was wrong that you followed his ideal of supremacy, this guy threatened me, he threatened my friends, he belittled us for being weak, it is clear that he is a bad person and even so you were still on his side."

“Wow Burn,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"And that's because you must also think that Duelists like me or my friends are weak for not being Pro, well let me tell you something, Duelists like me are worth the same as a Pro."

That statement angered several of the viewers.

"Retract yourself."

"Damned brat, you should know your place."

"I know my place," Spike said, "and thanks to that I was the winner."

"Who the hell do you think you are."

And Spike proudly declared in front of everyone, "My name is Spike and I'm going to beat all of you, that's a fact, and if there is a Pro out there who is against me, well, challenge me to show me otherwise, but I warn you that it will not be so easy, go ahead if someone has something to say.”

Of course, the Pro Duelists in the public had been offended by such a statement, but none of them said anything, since when they saw that this boy defeated Rover, one of the strongest, they thought that they were more than empty words.

"I thought so," Spike said, smiling and turning off the microphone at the same time.

“Wow, that takes courage,” AJ said.

"Spike can be a bit foolish and impulsive at times, but I'm proud of him," Twilight said.

“That was pretty bad ass, threatening those Pros,” Rainbow Dash said, “Though now I feel like I have to kick his ass.”

“Rainbow,” Fluttershy scolded.

"Calm down Flutters, it was just a joke."

As Spike left, he looked back at his Link Monster, "You and I will be unstoppable."

"You betcha," the Link Monster said it.

"Holy Guacamole, its true, Im not crazy, you can talk," said Spike as he left with his friends.

But from afar, a girl who seemed to be Twilight's age, was spying on him, that girl had red hair with yellow stripes, yellow skin, and wore a black leather jacket with black boots, the drawing of a sun on her shirt was seen.

"Wow, that guy has a future in dueling," she said with a smile, then she pulled a card from her Duel Disk, "What do you think Flash?"

"That he will be a worthy opponent, he and his Dracoslayer, I already want to fight him," came the voice coming from the card, which was a Link Monster that looked like a pegasus with blue mane and that on its back was carrying a shield with lightning.

Third Turn: Team Apple Harmony

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After the classes finished, Spike and Twilight Sparkle had returned home, Spike still couldn't believe what had happened, he had fought against a Pro Duelist and won, he kept silent because of everything he was going to tell in the dinner.

A few minutes later.

At dinner, the Sparkle family was having dinner, Twilight Velvet was their mother, she had light gray skin, moderate purple and lighter gray striped hair, light arctic blue eyes, and she wore a lighter gray long sleeve shirt underneath a gray sweater vest over a red shirt, a purple three star necklace, reddish violet cropped khakis, and dark reddish violet ballet flats.

There was also their father, Night Light, he had darker blue skin, dark phthalo blue hair, moderate amber eyes, and he wore a blue striped flannel shirt with an orange tie underneath a navy blue sweater, and had grayish blue khakis, and black business sneakers.

"So, did something interesting happen to you at school?" Velvet asked them.

Spike almost choked on his food, he was going to say something, but no words came out of his mouth, that's when Twilight helped him.

"Of course Mom," Twilight Sparkle responded enthusiastically, "Spike won a duel, and against a Pro Duelist."

Hearing that, their eyes widened, Night Light was the first to ask the first question, "Spike defeated a Pro Duelist?"

Spike nodded, "Yeah dad, well, it wasn't a big deal."

"Spike, of course that's a big deal, you've become a hero," Twilight Sparkle told him.

"A hero?" Twilight Velvet asked with a smile, she knew that her daughter was telling the truth when she saw the light in her eyes, but she was more happy for her son who always wanted to be stronger in duels.

Spike was going to speak but Twilight beat him to it, "Yeah, because he helped out AJ, Rainbow and Rarity sisters, you see, there was this creepy guy named Rover, and his gang who…"

Twilight Sparkle continued talking about everything she had heard and seen in the duel that Spike had, at the end, Velvet and Night Light were surprised, but the emotion for their son's victory outweighed the concern they had for anything that Rover could have done it.

“That's my son,” Night Light said as he stroked Spike's head, ruffling it up a bit.

"Spike, I'm so proud of you, not because you won, but because you protected those 3 girls," Twilight Velvet told him as she hugged him, "Shining Armor taught you well."

Then Velvet looked at her daughter, "You should be careful Twilight, because if Spike keeps going like this, one day he's going to beat you."

Twilight Sparkle just laughed, “Yeah, that'll be the day.”

"You know Twi, mom is right, one day I plan to get over you," Spike told her smiling.

Twilight simply smiled, because of the excitement she felt for the next duel that would come and for her little brother recovering his smile.

“So Spike,” Night Light approached, “Which of the 3 girls?”

"Huh?" Spike asked.

“Oh come on,” Night Light told him, “You can't fool us, we know you'd only do something so risky if it's because one of the girls stole your heart.”

Twilight Sparkle smirked at that.

Spike blushed deeply.

“Is it the farmer, the skater, or the one with the beautiful voice? asked Night Light.

"Oh, its the three of them," Velvet smirked, “Spike, you sure are a Casanova.”

Spike's cheeks were red as hell, "Oh look at the time, I think it's time for bed."

At that moment Spike pretended to have a watch on his wrist and ran to his room.

Twilight giggled, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep his hormones in check."

At that moment, Twilight also headed for her room, but not before stopping at Spike's room.

“Spike is growing up,” Twilight Velvet said with a smile.

"Hey Spike," Twilight said, walking into Spike's room.

"Twi, I swear I didn't mean that, please don't tell the girls..."

But Twilight cut him off, "Relax Spike, mom and dad were just picking on you."

"Oh," Spike replied, feeling a little silly.

Then Twilight smirked again, "Though from your reaction, I don't think they're wrong."

Spike blushed again.

Twilight laughed again, "It's so funny to see your reactions, but other than that, you really did something very good, not only did you defeat Rover, you also taught all those Pro Snobs a lesson."

Spike smiled confidently, "Someone had to put them in their place, they can't look down on duelists like us who play for fun."

"And you did very well," Twilight said goodbye as she hugged him.

But after a few seconds when Spike realized he was alone, something had crossed his mind.

"Wait," Spike said worriedly, "I've pissed off a lot of Pro Duelists, what the hell was I thinking?"

"I guess you weren't thinking," said his Link Monster which was on his desk.

"Oh holy gems, and there you are, what the hell is going on, why you can talk and who are you?" Spike asked like he was going to freak out.

"Calm down Spike, I'll introduce myself," the card said as it began to glow, at that moment, Master Heathspike materialized in front of Spike who gulped at seeing his monster outside the card.

"I will introduce myself, you know me as Master Heathspike, The Mystic Dracoslayer, but my full name is Master Kenbroath Gilspotten Heathspike."

Spike didn't say anything, he just thought his name was weird.

"I admit it's a bit long, I'd say call me Spike, but since that's also your name it would get even more confusing, so just call me Heathspike, okay?"

Spike just nodded nerviously.

“And I am basically what some duelists call, a Duel Spirit,” Heathspike said.

“A Duel Spirit?” Spike asked.

"A spirit that awakens when it chooses a player worthy of its power, I woke up next to you, therefore, you are my partner."

At that moment Spike smiled, "I mean, among so many duelists you chose me, wow, it means you need my help for something big, something magical, am I some kind of chosen one who saved the world from some supervillain?"

"What? Hell no stupid,” Heathspike replied, “I think you've read a lot of comic books in your life, I just woke up with you, there's nothing sinister threatening the world, I just exist in this world now and that's it.”

"Oh," Spike replied, feeling a little dejected but relieved that he wouldn't have to fight some ruthless lunatic trying to rule or destroy the world through a kid's card game.

"I'm sorry I let you down," Heathspike apologized.

"No, okay, does that mean you'll stay with me?"

"Of course, although what you should know is that I'm not the only one, surely there are other Heathspikes in other places that have already awakened, but don't let that discourage you either."

"Don't worry it won't," Spike replied, "So am I the only one who can see and hear you?"

“Yes and no, that depends, only you can decide who can see and hear me, but duelists with other spirits can see me and vice versa,” Heathspike replied, “For example, for a brief moment I could detect a similar energy coming from that orange girl with short hair."

"Scootaloo, you say she also has a Duel Spirit?" Spike asked.

Heathspike nodded.

"Mmm, well, I guess we can talk to the girls about you and then tell Twilight when the time comes," Spike told him.

"I have a hunch Twilight knows about that too, but she won't believe it until she sees it, that's all I can say at the moment, so I hope we have some good duels," Heathspike held out his hand to Spike.

Spike smiled and accepted the handshake, "The pleasure is mine, Heathspike."

And even if it was a spirit, if they could touch each other, "Oh and we can make contact with each other, but not with other spirits, in the same way it applies to the fact that I can't touch anything in your world and you can't touch another spirit, only we would go through them.”

Spike nodded.

The next day at Canterlot High.

“Though I understand that you angered a lot of Pros,” Heathspike spoke up, “Such a ridiculous costume was necessary.”

Spike was dressed in a hat and a trench coat, in addition to wearing sunglasses, "Of course, I don't want to attract attention, who knows what they could do to me, they could hit me, kick me, steal my underwear and hang it on the flagpole and force me to run naked across the schoolyard.”

"Don't you think you're being a little paranoid?" Heathspike asked.

"You can ask my sister that, compared to her, I'm perfectly normal," Spike replied as he walked through the halls.

At that moment, Spike heard the voices of Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle behind him, "Hey Spike."

"Spike, Who's Spike?" Spike asked in a fake voice which didn't fool the girls.

"Umm, you're Spike, Spike," Apple Bloom replied.

"Yes, and why are you dressed like that?" asked Sweetie Belle.

“Girls, you're blowing my cover,” Spike told them, returning to his normal voice, “How'd you even know it was me?”

“Because you're you,” Scootaloo said as she pointed to the spot, “In a coat, hat and glasses, also, we're the only ones here.”

Scootaloo was right, there was no one else in the hallway, and Spike noticed that he was in his locker.

"Spike, why do you need a disguise?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Because I think I did something stupid, and now the Pro Duelists are after me," Spike replied, looking both ways.

"Oh that," said Apple Bloom.

Spike nodded fearfully.

Scootaloo smiled, "Well, you don't have to worry about that."

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked.

“Not only the Pro Duelists heard you, but also duelists like us, who were touched by your words,” Sweetie Belle told him, “I highly doubt anyone dares to do anything to you around them.”

"That's a relief," Spike sighed, "Duelists like us, you mean the Fun Duelists?"

“We prefer the term Rogue Duelists,” Apple Bloom replied.

"That sounds better," Spike thought.

“Yes, and you should meet them,” Scootaloo told him with a smile.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

"Yes, come join us after school," Apple Bloom told him excitedly.

"Oh, okay, I have to tell my parents, but that's okay," Spike accepted the invitation although he was a little unsure what his new friends wanted to show him.

Later, when school was over, Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were taking a bus, Spike thought, "Maybe I should have told Twilight."

“Could you tell me where we are going?” he ask his new friends.

“To our den,” Scootaloo replied.

"Yes, the old barn," Apple Bloom added, "That's where you'll meet my brother."

"Your brother?" Spike asked.

"Yes, Apple Bloom's older brother is our leader, he runs the place, as well as being a very strong duelist," Sweetie Belle replied.

Spike felt a little more relieved, but still keeping alert for how far the place was from the city.

But at that time.


The bus got out of control and stopped causing a small ruckus among the passengers.

"Ahhh, what happened?" asked Sweetie Belle a little worried.

“I think it was a tire,” Apple Bloom replied, recovering herself.

"What if someone shot the tire?" Spike wondered.

"What if they want to steal our best cards?"

“What if we end up enslaved for life in a factory making fake cards to be sold on the black market?”

Spike kept asking himself those questions.

“Ok that's it,” Scootaloo said as she walked over to Spike.


And she slap him on the cheek, “Ouch.”

"I'm sorry Spike, but you looked like you were losing your mind," Scootaloo apologized.

"Don't apologize," Spike replied.

"Don't feel bad Spike, you were just a little paranoid," Sweetie Belle reassured him, "Rarity told me about all the psychotic breaks Twilight has had, I think that runs in your family."

Spike smiled a little ruefully.

“The good thing about this is that we're so close, but I already called my brother anyway,” Apple Bloom said as she texted on her phone, “He's a mechanic, he can handle this.”

“Thank you, miss,” the bus driver thanked her.

A few minutes passed, that's when Apple Bloom spoke, "There it is."

Spike leaned out of the bus window, and saw a muscular boy with orange brown hair, reddish skin and green eyes arrive, he was wearing an unbuttoned red shirt and under that he also wore a white shirt with the drawing of a green apple, he wore red jeans and sneakers.

"Hello brother, could you give us a hand?" asked Apple Bloom.

“Eeyup,” Apple Bloom's brother nodded, pulling out a toolbox and starting to change the tire.

Several seconds passed and he had finished the job, "All set."

“Thank you friend,” the driver thanked him as he paid for his services.

"Well, I guess it's time for introductions, Spike, this is Big Mac," Apple Bloom said as she introduced her older brother.

“Nice to meet you,” Spike greeted, extending his arm.

Big Mac smiled and accepted the handshake, "Eeyup."

"Big Mac, he's the Duelist I told you about, the one who defeated Rover and put those Pros in their place."

Big Mac smiled, "So that's you, awesome."

"Well I have my moments," Spike said, but at that moment without anyone noticing, Heathspike jumped out of the card and slapped him to humble himself, "Ouch, but I guess it was just luck."

"Nope," Big Mac said, "Luck favors winners."

Spike smiled, "Thanks."

"Well, I guess they brought you here to show you our dueling place."

Spike nodded.

“Well, what are you waiting for,” Big Mac told them as he got into his car and started the engine, “Get in.”

They got into Big Mac's car, which took them through the woods.

"A little scary don't you think?" Spike asked where his lair was located.

“Hehe,” Big Mac laughed, “Ah know, that's why our family relocated our farm, that's why I decided that the old farm would be the perfect place, speaking of, we arrived.”

Upon reaching Spike, it seemed like a very interesting place, although the barn was in a deplorable state, the lights that illuminated the place made it look full of life, on the outskirts of the barn, other duelists could be seen, Spike was able to recognize some from Canterlot High.

Some were having duels, others were checking their decks, and even though it was weird, Spike could feel a great harmony in the air.

“Welcome to Team Apple Harmony's lair,” the three girls said at the same time.

“Team Apple Harmony?” Spike asked.

“It's the name of our team, a team that duels not just for fun, but also to learn and bond, that's what dueling is all about,” Sweetie Belle replied.

"All thanks to Big Mac," added Apple Bloom, "He's the one who founded the team and set up the place for dueling, we owe him a lot."

“Hehe, eeyup,” Big Mac replied embarrassed, “Anyone could have done it.”

“But Big Mac, you're the one who takes care of everything here, like the electric bill, the maintenance of the barn and even some cards you gave us,” Scootaloo told him.

"Wow," Spike replied in surprise.

The 5 approached, upon arrival, they were greeted by a boy who seemed to be Twilight's age, he had light yellow skin, long brown hair, but what was most striking was his clothing, the guy was dressed as a cowboy, with hat and boots.

“Cousin Big Mac, mind yer manners, you have yet to introduce me to your compadre,” the boy said, pointing at Spike.

“He is Spike, he is in the same class as my sister,” Big Mac told him.

“Hi,” Spike greeted.

"Well howdy Spike, Im Braeburn, Big Mac's cousin, who by the way was almost late for his duel."

“Umm nope, it's only been 3 minutes,” Big Mac replied.

“That's 3 minutes less for your new friend to delight in the pleasures and wonders of your duels,” Braeburn replied.

Big Mac sighed and headed to the old barn, "Okay, I guess you're right, wish me luck."

"You won't need it," Apple Bloom told him.

"Big Mac has his duels in the old barn?" Spike asked.

“That's right, the duels in the old barn are more important than any duel you're witnessing right now,” Sweetie Belle replied, pointing to the other duelists.

Scootaloo continued, "Only the leader can fight in the old barn, since those duels are his most important, other duelists on the team, even duelists outside the team come from all over to challenge the leader, in this case Big Mac, to try to break their winning streaks.”

"Somebody made it?" Spike asked.

"Surprisingly no, at this point when it comes to a duel in the old barn, my brother is undefeated," Apple Bloom replied.

“Yeah, he's got 30 wins in a row,” Scootaloo added.

"Wow, that's amazing," Spike said in surprise.

"Yes, my brother is amazing," Apple Bloom told him.

“So what are we waiting for, let's go see Big Mac in action,” Braeburn told them as he led them through the old barn.

Upon entering they saw that the spectator duelists were seated on various chairs and benches but leaving space to the central area where the duelists would play.

Spike and his friends sat in good places, that's when a white skinned woman with lots of black stripes around her skin approached them, she looked like Big Mac's age, she was wearing a brown shirt with a long skirt, she was wearing many gold bracelets, and her hairstyle was a mohawk, “Well, who is it that we have here? It's Apple Bloom and friends, my dear!”

"Hello Zecora, did you also come to see my brother's duel?"

“You know I never miss any of his duels, he overpowers his opponents with his power in full,” Zecora replied.

At that moment, the lights in the barn went out, and they heard a voice that seemed to come from some speakers, “Welcome back, Apple Harmony members, as you know it is always a delight to witness duels in this barn, where we witness great battles. ”

The lights came on, at least only in the part of the center where the duel would take place, there you could see the woman to whom the voice belonged since she was wearing a microphone, she was a woman who was the age of Twilight, she had pink skin, dark pink hair, wore a yellow shirt with a skirt of the same color.

"Wait, I know that girl," Spike said, "She works in the library at Canterlot High."

“You're right, but Cheerilee also likes to be the announcer when it comes to our duels,” Sweetie Belle added.

"Without more to add, let's get started," Cheerilee announced, "Let's introduce the duelists, first there is our leader, the powerful duelist of the Apple clan with 30 consecutive victories, he will manage to maintain that streak, 20-year-old, Big Mac."

At that moment Big Mac arrived at the center of the place with a red Duel Disk on his wrist, from the looks of it, it was a Duel Disk that still required cards to work, Big Mac upon arrival greeted all the spectators and nodded, "Eeyup."

“And now, our challenger,” Cheerilee announced as a duelist approached, looking about Twilight's age, that girl had red hair with yellow stripes, yellow skin, and wore a black leather jacket with black boots, the drawing of a sun on her shirt was seen, “Invading our lair, she has won several official competitions, she is the Empress of Flames in all her splendor, 17-year-old Sunset Shimmer.”

“Your winning streak will end today,” Sunset Shimmer told him as she activated her Duel Disk, it was yellow in color, judging by its appearance, it was a modern Duel Disk which projected the user's cards holographically, “I bet that those other 30 duelists were weaklings.”

When Sunset Shimmer activated her Duel Disk a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

"Be careful," Big Mac smirked as he activated his Duel Disk, "Or you could be the weakling number 31."

When Big Mac activated his Duel Disk a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

Far from getting angry, Sunset smirked, "Wow, you know how to answer, I hope that's not your only talent."

At that moment, Big Mac noded and placed his deck in the slot of the Duel Disk, a red energy blade forming, Big Mac drew 5 cards from his deck and placed them in his left hand.

While Sunset Shimmer only had to press a button on her Duel Disk, at that moment, 5 digital cards materialized in front of her, on her Duel Disk the following could be read: CARDS DIGITIZE COMPLETE.

"Are you ready?" asked Cheerilee.

At that moment, Big Mac and Sunset Shimmer nodded and called out:


Big Mac: 4000 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 4000 LP

“I'll go first,” Sunset Shimmer said as she activated one of her cards, “I'll start by activating the spell card, Graceful Charity, it allows me to draw 3 cards from my deck and then discard 2.”

“She started off strong,” Scootaloo said.

“Depends on what deck she uses, she could take a big advantage,” Spike added.

At that moment, 3 digital cards materialized in front of Sunset, she smiled, "Nice."

Immediately afterwards, 2 of his cards were sent to the graveyard.

“I activate Salamangreat Gazelle's effect, if a Salamangreat is sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon this card from my hand,” Sunset said as a black gazelle appeared on the field with flames surrounding it. (ATK 1500/DEF 1000/Lv 3)

"Salamangreat," Spike said through grinding his teeth, he remembered his old duels against decks like this, they wouldn't let him play quietly, "Big Mac will be in trouble."

“My Gazelle's effect allows me to send a Salamangreat from my deck to the graveyard,” Sunset said as she sent a card to the graveyard, “Now I summon Salamangreat Foxy.”

In the field appeared a metallic fox which had fire on its tail. (ATK 1000/DEF 1200/Lv 3)

“When is Normal Summoned, Foxy allows me to look at the top 3 cards of my deck and if one is a Salamangreat, I can add it to my hand,” Sunset said as 3 cards appeared in front of her, Sunset smiled, “Gotcha.”

“I add Salamangreat Mole,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“She's going to put up a good field, that's for sure,” Sweetie Belle said.

"Appear now, the circuit that will light the future," Sunset said as her 2 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "The condition to summon it is 2 Fire effect monsters.”

"I'm placing Foxy and Gazelle on the Link Markers," Sunset said as her monsters turned into energy which went to 2 arrows of the circle, one in the middle bottom and the other in the middle top, the arrows now colored red.

"Appear, wolf that howls with the power of the sun, look for the reinforcements that will illuminate my future, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared an anthropomorphic wolf with an armored appearance which had flames surrounding its neck as if it were a scarf, “SALAMANGREAT, SUNLIGHT WOLF.” (ATK 1800/LINK-2)

“And thanks to its effect, I can add a fire-attribute monster from my deck to my hand,” Sunset Shimmer said as she drew another card from her deck.

"At least things can't get any worse," Spike said, intimidated by that wolf's appearance.

“And wait, things will get worse,” Sunset Shimmer told Big Mac.

“You just had to jinx it,” Scootaloo told him sarcastically.

"Sorry," Spike apologized.

“Salamangreat Mole effect,” Sunset told him, holding up a card, “If I Link Summoned this turn and you know it's true, Mole can be Special Summoned to an area the Link points to.”

Big Mac just kept watching with a smile.

An armored-looking mole appeared in the field, its claws were engulfed in fire which gave it an even cooler appearance. (ATK 0/DEF 0/Lv 1)

“And now, here comes another Link Summon,” Sunset Shimmer declared.

2 minutes later.

“And with that I end my turn,” Sunset Shimmer said after pulling off a great combo.

“A NICE START FOR SUNSET,” Cheerilee narrated into her microphone.

"Cracking Gems," Spike exclaimed, "And it was only her first turn."

In Sunset Shimmer's field were the Link Monsters Salamangreat Balelynx and Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf. (ATK 500/LINK-1) (ATK 1800/LINK-2)

And she had 2 cards face down.

"It's your turn Macintosh, I hope the rumors do you justice," Sunset Shimmer told him with a confident look.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied as he drew a card from his deck, at which point his turn began, “Spell card, Pot of Greed.”

“It's a good start,” Spike said.

“Yes, now Big Mac will be able to draw 2 new cards,” added Apple Bloom.

But it seemed that Sunset had an answer for that.

“I won't allow it,” Sunset Shimmer said as a ghostly maiden appeared in front of her, there were fathoms surrounding her, she was wearing a Japanese outfit and had cat ears, “I activate Ash Blossom's effect, discarding it from my hand I can negate your spell card.”

Ash Blossom launched a fireball towards Big Mac, and on his Duel Disk the following could be read: LOCK.

“A Hand Trap,” Spike exclaimed, “Must have been the card she went for with Sunlight Wolf's effect.”

“And that stopped my brother's first play,” added Apple Bloom.


But Big Mac wasn't worried, he thought about the situation, after a few seconds he sent a card from his hand to the graveyard.

"Why did you do that?" asked Sunset Shimmer.

Big Mac responded by showing her the card in his hand, "Twin Twister, I discard a card and I can destroy 2 of your spell or trap cards."

Sunset frowned as she saw that her 2 face down cards had been blown away by a gust of wind.

“Activate, Premature Burrial,” Big Mac said as he activated a spell card which caused him to lose 800 life points.

Big Mac: 3200 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 4000 LP

"Apple Bloom, what does that card do?" Spike asked.

"It can revive one of its graveyard monsters at the price of 800 life points, but if the card is destroyed, the monster is destroyed too," Apple Bloom replied.

“But Big Mac has no monsters in his graveyard,” Spike said.

"You're sure?" asked Apple Bloom with a smile.

“Revive, Ancient Gear Sniper,” Big Mac said, as some sort of mechanical, multi-geared soldier carrying a sniper rifle appeared on the field. (ATK 1200/DEF 800/Lv 4)

"But, at what point?" Spike wondered in surprise as he saw a monster come out of Big Mac's graveyard.

"Wait," Heathspike told him, "It's the card he discard when he use the Twin Twister."

"You're right, it was at that time," Spike replied, then he looked at Apple Bloom, "So your brother's deck is Ancient Gear, well, a strong deck for someone strong and muscular."

"And not only for that," replied Apple Bloom proudly, "My brother is a great mechanic, of all the machine decks he has tried, he liked this one the best."

“Ancient Gear Sniper's effect, when it's Special Summoned, I add 2 Ancient Gear cards to my hand but I can't add any more cards to my hand this turn or summon from my Deck,” Big Mac said as the Ancient Gear Sniper fired his rifle.

“I special summon Ancient Gear,” Big Mac said as he placed a card, a gear with wheels and mechanical arms manifested on the field. (ATK 100/DEF 800/Lv 2)

“Ancient Gear can be Special Summoned if the duelist controls an Ancient Gear,” Sunset Shimmer thought with a smirk, “That doesn't impress me.”

“I bet that impressed her,” Apple Bloom told them.

"Now, I Tribute my 2 monsters for a Tribute Summon," Big Mac said as his 2 monsters disappeared, then a giant monster appeared, it looked like some kind of ancient robot, since it didn't look so modern, but it had a red light on his head which looked like a red eye, which made him look more intimidating, "ANCIENT GEAR GOLEM." (ATK 3000/DEF 3000/Lv 8)

"Ancient Gear Golem," Spike was surprised.

“Its finally here,” Apple Bloom said excitedly.

“ONE OF THE BEST CARDS FROM BIG MAC,” Cheerilee narrated into her microphone, “BE CAREFUL SUNSET.”

“Battle,” Big Mac said as the Golem used its massive arm to strike at Sunlight Wolf, which confused Spike.

"Why he is attacking Sunlight Wolf?" Spike asked, "Don't he know that it would take more Life Points from Sunset if he attacked Balelynx?"

"You should fear not, little one," Zecora replied, "It's obvious that Big Mac has a plan."

The attack connected, causing Sunlight Wolf to be destroyed.

Big Mac: 3200 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 2800 LP

"End my turn," said Big Mac.

“In your End Phase I will activate a trap from my graveyard,” Sunset Shimmer declared, “Flames of Revenge and Hope, by banishing it, I can deal the same amount of damage to you as you dealt to me as long as it involved a Salamangreat monster.”

The monster that Ancient Gear Golem had destroyed appeared on the field in a ghostly form, then it turned into a fireball which attacked Big Mac, causing him to stumble.

Big Mac: 2000 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 2800 LP

"That's why he didn't attack Balelynx," Spike said, "Big Mac knew what her cards would do, so he avoided taking an absurd amount of damage."

"It's my turn, Draw," a card appeared in front of Sunset Shimmer, which quickly disappeared and appeared on the field, "I activate the spell card, Salamangreat Fire Reincarnation."

A large column of fire appeared on the field, and from it came Sunlight Wolf.

"But how?" Apple Bloom wondered when she saw the monster that the Golem destroyed again.

“This card allows me to revive a fire-attribute Link monster, in exchange for giving up a normal summon, but it has another effect that you might be interested in,” Sunset Shimmer said with a smile.

Big Mac crossed his arms.

“If I control a Salamangreat Link Monster,” Sunset said with a menacing look on her face, “I can summon a Salamangreat from my deck with their effects negated.”

"WHAT???" Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom yelled at the same time clearly worried about Big Mac.

“Come, Salamangreat Falco,” Sunset said as an armored-looking falcon engulfed in flames appeared on the field. (ATK 1200/DEF 1600/Lv 4)

“Everything is ready now,” Sunset Shimmer said.

"Spike, I feel something," Heathspike spoke to him, "And it has a lot of power."

"Could it be that Sunset…" Spike said suspiciously.

But before he could continue, Sunset began to make her invocation, "Appear now, the circuit that will light the future."

Her monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "The condition to summon it is at least 2 Salamangreat monsters.”

"Appear, sentry that will cross the skies protecting the weakest and burn those who abuse its power, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle, a yellow pegasus appeared, its mane was blue, but what stood out the most is that it wasn't hair, its mane was made of blue fire, including its tail, the pegasus also had an armored appearance with blue flames surrounding it, and in his back and neck had the symbol of a shield with a lightning bolt in the center, "SALAMANGREAT, FLASH PEGASUS." (ATK 3000/Link-4)

"I hope you're ready, few survive after fighting Flash Pegasus," Sunset Shimmer told him.

And for the first time, Big Mac, even without saying anything, was put on guard.

"Judging by Big Mac's reaction," Apple Bloom said, "That must be her ace monster."

“Are you saying that because of the incredible amount of attack, the number of monsters she used, or that the fire is a blue color that stands out from her other creatures?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I think for all those reasons,” Apple Bloom replied.

But Spike seemed a bit nervous.

“That monster,” Spike told Heathspike discreetly.

But before he could answer, Sunset spoke.

“Its time you learned about the power of Flash,” Sunset told him.

“Let's do this, Sunset,” Flash Pegasus replied.

"He can talk," Spike thought, and saw that no one but him and Sunset noticed.

“As I suspected,” Heathspike said, “That monster…”

Spike and Heathspike said at the same time, "It's a Duel Spirit."

"You were right, there are many spirits like you," Spike told him.

"And it is said that duelists with spirits attract each other even if they don't want to," Heathspike replied, "We must be careful, we don't know if they could be allies or enemies."

Spike nodded nervously.

That's when they saw the flames in Flash's mane getting bigger. (ATK 4600)

"What happened to his attack points?" Scootaloo asked terrified.

"Great question, little one, I'll answer it for you," Sunset Shimmer told her, "During my Battle Phase, Flash gains 800 points for each Link Monster in my graveyard, unfortunately I'll have to banish a Link in my graveyard in my End Phase."

Big Mac frowned upon hearing that.

"What are we waiting for?" Flash Pegasus asked Sunset Shimmer, "We have to reduce that hulk to screws and gears."

"I'm with you Flash," Sunset Shimmer replied, then she looked at the Golem, "Now it's time for battle, use your Lighting Bolt."

"Aye," Flash replied as he lunged at the Golem covered in flames, impacting and burning it, destroying it.

“Grhhhggh,” Big Mac was thrown from the impact.

Big Mac: 400 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 2800 LP

“BIG MAC,” Apple Bloom yelled in concern.

“Now my turn is over,” Sunset Shimmer said as Balelynx left the graveyard and Flash Pegasus's attack returned to normal. (ATK 3000)

“BIG MAC HAS FEW LIFE POINTS LEFT, WILL SUNSET BREAK HIS STREAK?” Cheerilee wondered, the bad thing is that this time she was very close to Sunset.

“Ahhhh, could you turn the volume down a bit and your intensity?” Sunset asked.

“SORRY GIRL, BUT NARRATING WITH STYLE IS MY JOB,” Cheerilee yelled into her microphone.

Big Mac recovered from the attack and saw the situation he was in.

“She destroy a powerful monster, and I'm sure Flash Pegasus has another special effect,” Spike said.

“You're right little one,” Sunset Shimmer told him, “Flash Pegasus cannot be destroyed by battle or effects, nor can it be targeted by monsters, spells, or traps.”

“That means he's practically invincible,” Sweetie Belle said worriedly.

"Does that mean Mac is going to lose?" Spike asked Apple Bloom, she was going to answer him but Big Mac beat her to it.

“NNNNOPE,” he said with a very strong tone as he took out a card, seeing it he smiled and clenched his fist.

“Something tells me he drew a very good card,” said Apple Bloom hopefully.

“Active, Monster Reincarnation,” Big Mac said as he discarded a card from his hand and retrieved his Golem from the graveyard.

"So? Even if you managed to summon your Golem again, you wouldn't be able to do anything against Flash Pegasus," Sunset Shimmer told him.

But Big Mac smiled and showed her a card from his hand, Sunset's eyes widened when she saw it.

“That card is Ancient Gear Fusion,” Sunset said with concern.

“EEYUP,” Big Mac said forcefully the moment he activated it.

“Must be an improved version of Polymerization,” Spike said.

“With it, Big Mac can Fusion Summon an Ancient Gear monster, and can use materials from his Deck if he has an Ancient Gear Golem in his hand or field,” Apple Bloom replied excitedly.

“Destroy everything in your path, knocking back, punching and crushing anyone who gets in your way, FUSION SUMMON.”

At that moment, a monster appeared that looked like a stronger and more terrifying version of the Golem, one of its claws had a purer metal making it shine and stand out, but its lower half looked like that of a horse, without losing his gears and metal, making him look like a centaur, “ULTIMATE ANCIENT GEAR GOLEM.” (ATK 4400/DEF 3400/Lv 10)


"Wow, that robot is huge," Spike said as he looked at the new Golem, he was thankful that he wasn't in Sunset Shimmer's place at that precise moment.

“NOW,” Big Mac yelled as he activated a spell card, and all the duelists present saw the card and some nearly fainted with excitement.

“That card is…” Sunset said.

"That card..." Spike said.

"That card, no, Mac that's..." said Apple Bloom.

“LIMITER REMOVAL,” they all said at the same time.

"The power of all the machine type monsters," Sunset Shimmer said with fear in her eyes, "Is doubled."

And at that moment, the Golem began to charge its arms, which had turned into giant firearms. (ATK 8800)

“You played good Sunset, it was the best I've ever felt in this game,” Big Mac told her, “But this is my kingdom, and I'm going to defend my throne.”

Sunset frowned.

“ULTIMATE ANCIENT GEAR GOLEM, ATTACK!” Big Mac yelled, as the Golem fired at Flash Pegasus.

“This is it, Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem,” Sunset said as she watched Flash Pegasus fight off the attack but being defeated, she yelled upon being hit, “IS THIS THE POWER OF BIG MACINTOOOOOOSHH?”

Big Mac: 400 LP (WINNER)
Sunset Shimmer: 0 LP

Sunset fell to her knees, a few seconds later, the monsters disappeared.

“I admire your tenacity, you are very strong Sunset,” Big Mac offered his hand to help her up, “Lets play again sometime.”

“You bet I will,” Sunset said, getting up without his help, “I'll win next time.”

At that moment, Sunset Shimmer left the place, but not before looking directly at Spike.

Spike swallowed, apparently Sunset also noticed.

When Sunset left, the members of Team Apple Harmony approached Big Mac to congratulate him, among many compliments, those of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood out.

"Congratulations brother," Apple Bloom said, "That was amazing."

“You defeated Sunset Shimmer, a powerful Duelist,” Sweetie Belle said.

“That's 31 wins in a row,” added Scootaloo.

Big Mac smiled, at that moment he saw Spike approaching nervously.

"That..." said Spike, who was nervous at first but then steeled himself, "That was wonderful, your style of play, your movements, even in the worst situation you seemed very calm, I don't even know how to describe it."

"What did I tell you," Apple Bloom told him, "My brother's duels are amazing, he might be a man of few words but no one compares to him."

"Yeah, I could feel it," Spike answered as he put a hand to his heart, "An emotion inside of me, which makes me want to be stronger."

“If you feel that emotion after watching one of our duels, it means you have a good heart,” Big Mac told him, he walked over to Spike and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Tell me Spike, would you like to join Team Apple Harmony?”

"Huh?" Spike's eyes widened, maybe that was a joke, because he never thought they would want him on a team, he looked up to see Big Mac who looked at him with a warm smile.

"Yes Spike, it would be great to have you," Apple Bloom told him.

“Come on Spike, say yes,” Sweetie Belle told him.

Scootaloo just smiled.

“We'd like to have you little one,” Cheerilee told him.

“Yeah, a friend of Big Mac's is a friend of mine,” Braeburn told him.

Zecora looked at him with a smile.

He looked at the other Duelists who nodded and agreed, it was the first time he felt so loved outside of his family.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Spike made his decision, "I'd like to be a join the team."

“Yeehaw,” Braeburn yelled, as the other team members cheered.

“EEYUPPP,” Big Mac exclaimed very happy for the new member.

“That means you will have a duel with another team member,” Zecora told him, “Choose well, and have a duel you always remember.”

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed.

Spike felt nervous again, but since it wasn't a duel where he had to bet something, he calmed down for a moment, and thought about who he should challenge.

"Umm, excuse me," Scootaloo spoke, "If it's not a bother, I'd like your first duel on this team to be against me."

Spike looked at her a little surprised, from how little he knew Scootaloo, he knew that she was competitive, but he knew that that was not the reason why she wanted to have this duel.

"Is there any reason you want Spike to duel with you, Scootaloo?" asked Big Mac.

"Because I know Spike has a Duel Spirit," Scootaloo said.

That revelation was like a crashing car for Spike, quickly all the team's eyes turned to him.

"Busted," Spike said to Heathspike secretly though it was no use trying to hide it anymore.

“Oh well, the dragon is out of the bag,” Heathspike said with his hand on his forehead.

With the situation a little confusing for Spike, he will have a lot to explain, not only because of his duel with Scootaloo, but because now he can count on Heathspike's support.

But one thing was certain, his first duel on the team would be one he would not forget.

Fourth Turn: Let's Get Ready to Rumble

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In the old barn.

"Because I know Spike has a Duel Spirit," Scootaloo said.

That revelation was like a crashing car for Spike, quickly all the team's eyes turned to him.

"Busted," Spike said to Heathspike secretly though it was no use trying to hide it anymore.

“Oh well, the dragon is out of the bag,” Heathspike said with his hand on his forehead.

"Spike, is that true?" asked Big Mac.

Spike never imagined they would find out so soon, but if Scootaloo knew what she was talking about, she had one too, so the team had to know it too, "Yes, Big Mac."

All the team members who heard looked at each other, some surprised.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hide it," Spike apologized as he lowered his head.

But Big Mac smiled, "Okay, you shouldn't apologize, it's amazing that we have another duelist with a spirit."

"The other would be Scootaloo?" Spike asked.

"I see you already know, I imagine your spirit sensed it," replied Scootaloo who was not surprised that they discovered her.

Spike nodded.

“Wow, this is amazing, Spike has a Duel Spirit too,” Sweetie Belle said excitedly.

“That will make things even more fun,” Apple Bloom added.

"So you're not mad at me?" Spike asked them.

"Why would we be mad at you little one?" Zecora replied.

“Yes, we all can understand why you were hiding it,” Braeburn added.

“But there's nothing to be ashamed of,” Cheerilee told him.

Spike smiled, at which point Scootaloo approached him, "I think it's time for introductions, Rumble, you can come out."

Scootaloo pulled out a Link monster card, the card began to glow, blinding Spike for a moment.

"Finally we met, although I think it was too soon," the spirit materialized, he looked like some kind of anthropomorphic dinosaur, clearly a velociraptor, he wore wrestling boots and pants, pilot glasses and a black vest, he had bandages on his legs and arms, its scales were gray, it had black feathers on its head which made it look like it had a slicked back, it had wings on its arms whose feathers were black.

"Umm... Hi," Spike greeted nervously, clearly not expecting a dinosaur to greet him.

“Spike, this is Dinowrestler Rumbleraptor,” Scootaloo told him as she introduced her Duel Spirit.

"But you can call me Rumble for short," Rumble told him as he extended his claw at Spike.

Spike accepted the handshake but his hand went through his.

"Oh right, I'm not your Duel Spirit, so I can't touch you," Rumble told him, "In any case, you already know me, and now I'd like to meet your spirit."

"Sure, but how do I do that?" Spike asked, "According to what my spirit told me, only I can see it."

"Use your heart," Rumble told him, "You must open up to us, that you are willing to trust anyone to accept your spirit, that way it will become visible to the people you want."

It seemed strange and cliché to Spike, but he decided to pay attention to it, at that moment, he concentrated, too much, and after a few seconds...

“It worked,” Sweetie Belle said.

Spike opened his eyes to see that all the team members were now looking in the direction where Heathspike had manifested.

"Wait, so you can see me," Heathspike said in surprise, "Wow, I didn't even know that."

“Wow, what cool armor,” Scootaloo said.

“You look like a knight,” Apple Bloom told him.

Heathspike smiled, "Well I'm a knight, hello everyone, I'm Spike's Duel Spirit, I hope we can get along."

Everyone received with joy, but the one who was most excited was Rumble, he approached, "A Dracoslayer, it is an honor to be before you."

"The honor is all mine, I've heard you Dinowrestlers are great fighters," Heathspike replied.

“Well, there is a way to check it.”

"A duel right?"

The 2 spirits smiled with emotion, they looked at their respective accompanying duelists, who nodded with a smile.

“You can start whenever you want Spike,” Scootaloo said as she pressed a key on her Duel Disk, “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

"I'm always ready Scoots," Spike said as he pressed a key on his Duel Disk, "Local VR Network, Duel Standby."

An orange energy blade formed in Scootaloo's Duel Disk while a green energy blade formed in Spike's Duel Disk.

At that moment, Spike and Scootaloo nodded and called out:


Spike: 4000 LP
Scootaloo: 4000 LP

"Ladies first," Scootaloo said as she drew 5 cards from her deck, which Spike did as well, "I now set monster in defense mode and end my turn."

A card manifested in the field.

"Huh, just that?" Spike wondered.

"She must have some plan," Heathspike told him, "we must be careful."

Spike nodded and pulled a card from his deck, "My turn, Draw."

Seeing his cards, Spike decided to start his play, "I summon Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer."

His Dracoslayer manifested on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Here it comes,” Rumble said to Scootaloo.

“Attack Master Pendulum,” Spike ordered as his monster destroyed the defending card in Scootaloo field.

“I now set a card face down and end my turn,” Spike said as a card manifested onto the field.

“So far everything is normal,” Sweetie Belle said.

"But why does Spike almost never use the Pendulum Summon?" Apple Bloom wondered.

“Pendulum duelists can't risk that much,” Zecora replied, “Especially with the link zones and such.”

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed.

"It's my turn, Draw," Scootaloo said as she drew a card from her deck, seeing it she smiled, "I activate the spell card, Foolish Burial Goods."

“Foolish Burial Goods?” Spike and Heathspike wondered.

“It allows me to search my deck for a spell or trap card,” Scootaloo told them.

“And we send her to the graveyard,” Rumble continued.

"And why do you want to do that?" Spike asked confused.

“Because I can activate it from my graveyard, I will banish World Dino Wrestling,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh boy,” Spike said knowing that Scootaloo would really start her combo.

“By doing so, I can Special Summon a Dinowrestler from my deck, as long as I have fewer monsters than you,” Scootaloo said as a green anthropomorphic stegosaurus manifested on the field, in addition to being dressed as a fighter, “And I choose to Dinowrestler Systegosaur.” (ATK 1900/DEF 0/Lv 4)

"Great, I like wrestling," Spike said sarcastically.

“I activate Systegosaur's effect, if it's Special Summoned, I can add a Dinowrestler monster to my hand, and I choose Dinowrestler Eskrimamenchi, which I'm going to summon,” Scootaloo said as an anthropomorphic mamenchisaurus in a wrestling outfit appeared on the field and carried bones with him. (ATK 2200/DEF 0/Lv 6)

"Hey how is that possible?" Heathspike wondered.

“It's a level 6 monster,” Spike added, thinking that level 5 or higher monsters required Tributes to be summoned.

“I can Normal Summon Eskrimamenchi without Tributes as long as I control another Dinowrestler,” Scootaloo replied.

Spike and Heathspike frowned.

“And now I activate the spell card, Saved by the Bell, which allows me to summon a Dinowrestler from my graveyard, appear, Dinowrestler Martial Ampelo,” Scootaloo said as an anthropomorphic ampelosaurus in a wrestling outfit appeared on the field. (ATK 600/DEF 0/Lv 1)

"You know what to do Scootaloo," Rumble told her.

Scootaloo smiled, at that moment, her 3 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "Appear now, the circuit that will fight the future, the condition to summon it is at least 2 Dinowrestler monsters.”

"I'm placing Systegosaur, Ampelo and Eskrimamenchi on the Link Markers," Scootaloo said as her monsters turned into energy which went to the bottom 3 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

“Now appear, roaring with Jurassic power, the fury of the prehistoric ring, unleash your full power upon your opponent, LINK SUMMON.”

From the circle, an anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus rex appeared, which looked terrifying, had reddish scales, dinosaur bones on its shoulder pads, some quite remarkable muscles and as if it were more than obvious, his clothing was that of a wrestler, " DINOWRESTLER KING T WREXTLE.” (ATK 3000/LINK-3)

To say that Spike had been terrified of that monster was an understatement.

“A Link 3,” Spike said nervously as he pointed at King T Wrextle, “With 3000 attack.”

“I've heard from Link 4 that they have fewer points,” Heathspike added, just as scared.

"Hehehe, surprised?" Rumble asked, "And that's only a small part of our power."

“Battle,” Scootaloo said as her T Wrextle faced Master Pendulum, “King T Wrextle attacks Master Pendulum, Jurassic Howl.”

T Wrextle howled very loudly creating a sonic wave, which destroyed Master Pendulum.

"MASTER PENDULUM," Spike yelled in concern.

Spike: 2950 LP
Scootaloo: 4000 LP

"I set a card face down and end my turn," Scootaloo said as a card manifested onto the field, "Come on Spike, I'm sure you can do better."

"And you're right, my turn," Spike replied as he took out a card, seeing it, he smiled.

"Wait Spike," Heathspike interrupted as if he knew what Spike was going to do, "Don't summon me this turn."

"It's because of Scootaloo monster right?"

Heathspike nodded.

Seeing that his partner looked worried, Spike decided to ask Scootaloo about her monster, "Scootaloo, what effects does King T Wrextle have?"

“You are careful, Spike,” Scootaloo replied with a smile, “At the beginning of your Battle Phase, I can target 1 Attack Position monster you control, then this Battle Phase, you cannot attack with other monsters until that one has, and if it does not declare an attack, destroy it at the end of the Battle Phase.”

"Holy cracking gems," Spike exclaimed, "It's extremely specific."

“It goes without saying that you can also only attack King T Wrextle, and when he attacks, you can't activate spell or trap cards until the end of the Damage Step,” Scootaloo added.

"And that's the power of T Wrextle," Cheerilee announced, "How will Spike get past that great iron wall from the Jurassic period?"

"I'm on Scoot's side," Apple Bloom said, "but I hope Spike can do something to stop her King T Wrextle."

"I agree," Sweetie Belle added, "I don't want to see Scootaloo lose but I'm worried about Spike."

Back in the duel, Spike looked at Heathspike, showing him the cards in his hand and Heathspike nodded, "Do it."

Spike smiled, and showed 2 cards to Scootaloo, “Prepare yourself Scootaloo cause I'm using Scale 3 Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer and Scale 5 Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer to set the Pendulum Scale.”

Spike placed the two cards on the far ends of his Duel Disk.

On each side of him two pillars of light appeared as two monsters floated upwards, hovering once they were ten feet high as the image of a one and eight appeared below them.

The 2 Dracoslayers were placed on the left and right respectively.

“Here it comes,” Scootaloo said excitedly, “His pendulum summon.”

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Spike chanted as his 2 Dracoslayers pointed their swords up, and each shot a beam of light which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon level 4 monsters at the same time," Spike explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Two lights shot out of the portal, and as they hit the ground they took shape.

“Prepare for battle, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer and Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” Spike said as his monsters appeared on the field, Master Pendulum being summoned from the Extra Deck. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“Did you have 2 copies of each in your hand?” Scootaloo asked.

"Nope, I just got my second copy of Luster in the Draw Phase," Spike replied.

“But what does he plan to do, even if those 2 monsters are strong, they won't be able to defeat King T Wrextle by fighting,” Braeburn said.

But Big Mac saw Spike and knew that he was up to something.

“I take it you noticed something on the Luster Pendulum,” Spike told Scootaloo.

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo asked, but her doubts were cleared when she saw the Luster Pendulum glow, "Wait, don't tell me that…"

Spike nodded with a smile, "That's right."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle managed to understand what was happening, "Luster Pendulum."

“Its a Tuner Monster,” the two said at the same time, surprised.

Scootaloo frowned.

Spike smirked, “Now watch as I tune level 4 Luster Pendulum with level 4 Master Pendulum.”

Luster Pendulum jumped and transformed into 2 fireballs, which carved a pair of burning rings which Master Pendulum flew into.

"Bearing the armor of the mighty Igknight clan, incinerate everything in your path and create a new world with the flame of hope, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

And from an ascending fire, appeared a humanoid creature with draconic features that wore armor similar to that of Luster Pendulum and Master Pendulum, only this one was much larger, there was fire surrounding him, his armor now became red with black parts, he had a Long yellow hair that highlighted his helmet, dragon wings but what stood out the most were his huge sword and shield, "IGNISTER PROMINENCE THE BLASTING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2850/DEF 0/Lv 8)

“Great blasting of the igknights,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she witnessed Spike's synchro monster.

"You can say that again," said Apple Bloom.

“Great blasting of the igknights,” Sweetie Belle repeated.

"Sweetie Belle, it was just an expression," Apple Bloom told her.

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle said, feeling a little silly.

At that moment, a light appeared on the field and another Luster Pendulum manifested from it. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"What happened, why did another one appear?" asked Scootaloo.

“Ignister Prominence's effect, once a turn I can summon a Dracoslayer from my deck, but it can't be used as material for a synchro summon,” Spike replied.

"But you're out of Luster Pendulums," Scootaloo told him.

"Not exactly," Spike replied as he held up a spell card, "Active Flame of Teleportation."

At that moment, a green flame appeared and from it, Master Pendulum and Luster Pendulum reappeared, which disappeared, immediately afterwards they were turned into cards and added to Spike's hand.

“This card allows me to add 2 Pendulum Dragons from my extra deck to my hand, the only bad thing is that I can't summon monsters again this turn, which won't be a problem, because I'll activate Igknight Reload.”

Spike activated another spell card.

"And what does that do?" Scootaloo asked.

“I return a number of Pendulum Monsters to my Deck,” Spike replied as he returned a card and drew another 2, “And I can draw the same number of cards I return plus one.”

Spike's eyes lit up when he saw the cards Monster Reborn and Dragon Shrine came out.

“This will come in handy next turn,” Heathspike told him to which Spike gave a thumbs up.

"Get ready Scootaloo, I feel like a very strong attack is coming here," Rumble told her to which Scootaloo went on guard.

“I activate Ignister Prominence's other effect, I destroy a pendulum monster,” Spike said as the Luster Pendulum turned into a red flame, which engulfed Ignister Prominence's sword, “And it allows me to return a card from the field to his deck, or in this case, to his extra deck.”

“Oh no,” Scootaloo and Rumble said worriedly.

"Oh yes," Spike and Heathspike said excitedly.

Ignister pointed his sword at King T Wrextle, at that moment, the dinosaur was consumed by fire, which made it disappear from the field.

“KING T WREXTLE,” Scootaloo and Rumble yelled at the same time.

"Oh hell, Spike got past Scootaloo's monster," Cheerilee announced.

“And since he didn't enter the Battle Phase,” Braeburn said.

“King T Wrextle couldn't activate his effect,” Big Mac continued.

“Lets do this,” Spike and Heathspike said at the same time as Ignister Prominence headed for Scootaloo.

"Igknight Slash," Spike yelled back as his monster attacked Scootaloo which sent her flying.

“Gyahhhhh,” Scootaloo yelled as she was sent flying, landing on her butt.

Spike: 2950 LP
Scootaloo: 1150 LP

“Alright, we did a lot of damage on Scootaloo,” Spike said, jumping up and down in excitement.

“Now is not the time to let down your guard yet,” Heathspike told him.

"I know," Spike replied, stopping to jump, "But I feel like this time my efforts are paying off, I set a card face down and end my turn."

A card manifested in the field.

“Yeah, enjoy it while you can, because what's coming next is going to be a shocker that's going to make your pants drop,” Rumble told them.

Spike and Heathspike buckled up at that.

"It was just an expression guys," Scootaloo told them with her hand on her face, "Anyway, it's my turn."

"Scoots is in serious trouble, she was late in summoning a powerful monster which was returned to her extra deck," said Apple Bloom.

"Only a miracle will save her," Sweetie Belle said, "Though that means Spike is getting better as a Duelist."

Scootaloo drew a card, seeing it her eyes widened, she smiled, "Nice."

Spike raised an eyebrow at that reaction.

“This duel, will depend on my next draw, I activate Pot of Greed, I draw 2 new cards from my deck,” Scootaloo said as she drew 2 cards, “Come on, come on.”

She closed her eyes, took out the cards, slowly opened them, a big smile spreading across her face, "Rumble, we did it, we got what we wanted."

"Uh oh," Spike said scared.

“I activate the spell card, Dark Hole,” Scootaloo said as a black hole began to suck in Ignister Prominence, destroying it.

But Spike wasn't intimidated, "I knew you would do that."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

“I activate my trap card, Draco Mirage,” Spike activated a trap card, “When a Dracoslayer monster is destroyed by an effect, I can summon a Dracoslayer monster from my Extra Deck with its effects negated by ignoring its summoning conditions, it appears, Master Heathspike , The Mystic Dracoslayer.”

And there on the field Spike's Link monster appeared, this made Heathspike stop being by his side, to appear on the field, "Ready for battle." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

“I'll have my effects negated but that's okay, because my effects don't work on my opponent's turn anyway,” Heathspike said proudly.

"I bet you didn't expect that Scoots," Spike said confidently.

But Scootaloo smiled, "You think I'm just the muscle on this team, you think I can't strategize Spike?"

"What?" Spike asked concerned.

“I activate Eskrimamenchi's effect from my graveyard, when my opponent summons a monster during my turn, I can add it to my hand and summon another level 4 or lower Dinowrestler from my graveyard, revive, Systegosaur.” (ATK 1900/DEF 0/Lv4)

Scootaloo's monster roared as it reached the field.

“And you know its effect, come to my Iguanodraka,” another Dinowrestler was added to Scootaloo's hand, “Now discarding a Dinowrestler, I can Special Summon Dinowrestler Iguanodraka.”

An anthropomorphic iguanodon in a wrestling outfit appeared on the field. (ATK 2000/DEF 0/Lv 6)

“And now I normal summon Eskrimamenchi,” Scootaloo said as she summoned her third monster. (ATK 2200/DEF 0/Lv 6)

“This is bad,” Spike said.

"Don't be afraid Spike, I'm not going to give up that easily," Heathspike told him.

Scootaloo smiled, at that moment, her 2 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "Appear now, the circuit that will fight the future, the condition to summon it is 2 Dinowrestler monsters.”

The only one left on the field, was Iguanodraka, "I'm placing Systegosaur, and Eskrimamenchi on the Link Markers," Scootaloo said as her monsters turned into energy which went to 2 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored grid.

"Show up now, overcome every obstacle, in this race be the champion, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle, a Lourinhanosaurus appeared in a jogger outfit, it had a reddish color and seemed to be protected to the teeth, "DINOWRESTLER TERRA PARKOURIO." (ATK 1000/LINK-2)

“And that's not all, Link Summon again,” Scotaloo said.

A few seconds later.


“Nice,” Apple Boom said.

“She got T Wrextle back,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Great, for what it cost us to get rid of him,” Heathspike said.

“And that's not all,” Scootaloo said, and at the same time, Dinowrestler Systegosaur appeared on the field. (ATK 1900/DEF 0/Lv4)

"Oh for Faust sake, now how did he revive?" Spike asked frustrated.

“When Terra Parkourio is used as material for a Link Summons, we can summon a Dinowrestler from the graveyard with its effects negated,” Rumble explained, “But I've been gone for a long time, it's my time to enter the field, DO IT NOW SCOOTALOO.”

Scootaloo smiled, at that moment, her 2 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "Appear now, the circuit that will fight the future, the condition to summon it is 2 Dinowrestler monsters.”

"I'm placing Systegosaur, and King T Wrextle on the Link Markers," Scootaloo said as her monsters turned into energy which went to 4 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

"With the agility of a sprinter, the precision of a ninja, lend me your power to win this fight, let the ring bells ring in your favor and lets ready to rumble, LINK SUMMON."

At that moment, Rumble disappeared only to appear on the field now in a solid form, "DINOWRESTLER RUMBLERAPTOR." (ATK 3000/LINK-4)

“HERE HE IS, SCOOTALOO'S ACE MONSTER AS WELL AS HER DUEL SPIRIT,” Cheerilee announced excitedly to which Big Mac only smiled.

“WE ARE READY TO FIGHT,” Scootaloo and Rumble said at the same time.

"So there they are," Spike said.

But Heathspike was not afraid, that gave Spike hope, "What do you say Heathspike, let's give our all in this fight."

"Couldn't have said it better," Heathspike smiled as he braced himself.

Scootaloo and Rumble smiled.

“It sounds like they're up for anything, we respect that,” Scootaloo said to which Rumble nodded.

"But it's time they knew our power," Rumble said as he summoned feathers which fell on Heathspike's shield, cracking it.

"My shield," Heathspike yelled as his attack slowed. (ATK 1700)

"What did he do to him?" Spike asked.

“It's my special effect,” Rumble replied.

“When Rumbleraptor is on the field, non-dinosaur monsters lose 300 attack, the powerful rain of debilitating feathers,” Scootaloo added, “And that's not all, now I banish King T Wrextle.”

The Link monster was removed from the graveyard, at which point Heathspike's shield cracked further. (ATK 200)

"Oh no, why is he weaker?" Spike asked concerned.

“Rumble's other effect, once per turn, I can banish a Dinowrestler from my graveyard and I target an opponent's monster, that monster loses half of the banished monster's original attack,” Scootaloo replied.

Spike gritted his teeth but then made a calculation, even if Rumble destroyed Heathspike, the damage would be 2800 points, Spike had 2950, he can survive, ​​"Next turn…"

But Scootaloo also seemed to have read his mind, "I know what you're thinking, you want to do a comeback on your next turn."

Spike gasped, "She discovered me."

At that moment Scootaloo activated a spell card, "Terraforming from the Different Dimension."

"Terraforming from the Different Dimension?" Spike asked.

“I pay 1000 life points to return a banished Field Spell card to my hand,” Scootaloo replied as she added the only banished Field to her hand.

Spike: 2950 LP
Scootaloo: 150 LP

"You're crazy, you're low on points, on my next turn I could…" Spike said but was interrupted by Scootaloo.

"I'm sorry to tell you there won't be a next turn, I activate World Dino Wrestling," Scootaloo activated a field spell card, "When a Dinowrestler battles, he will gain 200 attack points."

Spike and Heathspike's eyes widened when they heard Scootaloo.

“You fought well, you were respectable opponents, but in a duel, we always fight to win, we know you will get stronger,” Scootaloo and Rumble said at the same time.

"NOW RUMBLE, TAIL OF THE RAPTOR TRAP," Scootaloo yelled to which Rumble used his tail to attack Heathspike who tried to defend himself with his sword, but to no avail. (ATK 3200)


Heathspike's sword broke from the full impact, at which point Heathspike was destroyed to Spike's astonishment.

"HEATHSPIKE," Spike yelled worried for his friend, but couldn't keep an eye out for Rumble's remaining energy, "Oh no."

“GYAHHH,” Spike yelled as he was thrown against the barn wall.

Spike: 0 LP
Scootaloo: 150 LP (WINNER)

“In great style, the winner is Scootaloo,” Cheerilee announced.

The barn was quickly filled with applause, stunned by the great duel they had just witnessed.

“Scootaloo, that was amazing,” Apple Bloom told her.

“We just got lucky,” Scootaloo said.

"Wow, why that modesty?" asked Sweetie Belle with a smirk.

"Because our opponents gave us an experience we won't forget," replied Rumble who had returned to his spirit form.

Quickly, they and Big Mac had approached where Spike had fallen, who was on the ground with a worried face.

"Oh no, Heathspike, where are you?" Spike asked fearing the worst, but his fear was dispelled when he heard his Duel Spirit's voice, "Relax Spike, I'm fine."

Spike looked up to see his partner safe and sound, only he had returned to his spirit form.

"Ugh, what a relief, I thought you were you know, not alive," Spike smiled.

Heathspike smiled, "Yeah, if I were to be destroyed in a duel, I'd just return to my spirit form, you don't have to worry about that."

"Spike," he turned and saw the girls and Big Mac approaching.

Scootaloo helped Spike up, "That was a great duel."

"One of the best I've ever had," Spike answered, "And for some reason, even though I lost, I felt happy, it's that kind of duel you have here."

Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle nodded smiling.

“I must say it was a match I won't forget,” Rumble told Heathspike.

“I agree, just one thing, IT'S SERIOUS, A TAIL SWAT, ATTACK ME USING YOUR TAIL,” Heathspike yelled.

"What's the problem, that was fun," Rumble replied.

“Just dress up next time, this isn't a bar fight,” Heathspike clarified.

“Hey, bar fights are fun,” Rumble added.

"It was a lot of fun, that was your initiation duel, but now you're free to duel any other duelist here," Big Mac told him.

"Really, even though I lost, will you let me join the team?" asked Spike.

Big Mac smiled, "Spike, regardless of the outcome of the duel, we would have accepted you, Apple Harmony doesn't turn anyone away, especially someone willing to want to improve like you."

“Yeah, besides, I've heard that only Duelists with a good heart are the ones to possess a Duel Spirit, which means you must be a good boy,” Big Mac told him.

Spike smiled, feeling touched, he looked at the other members of the team, who were happy that he was one more member, happy to have a new friend, but the one who was the happiest was Spike, who was finally able to find a home for him in their duels.

At the Sparkle family home.

Spike was back, he had a great time with the Apple Harmony team.

"Spike, it's too late, where have you been?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Sorry Twi, I lost track of time, it won't happen again," Spike replied as he headed to his room.

Twilight was going to say something but didn't when she saw that Spike didn't stop smiling, "I guess I'll let it go for now, Spike is happy, which I've always wanted to see again."

On the outskirts of the city, there was a tall boy driving an RV, the boy had gray skin, yellow eyes with red pupils, his disheveled hair had different shades of gray, his clothes were strange, since one of the sleeves of his brown shirt was yellow and another was brown, his pants were the same, one part was red and the other green, he had black shoes and he was also wearing a top hat.

The tall boy looked like Big Mac's age, he was drinking chocolate milk while driving, “Alright, Canterlot, my next opponent is…. Big Macintosh, this is going to be fun, hehehe.”

The boy laughed like a lunatic, not in a sinister way, but in a funny way, so much so that he spilled the milk all over his pants.

"Oh, I hate when that happens, I'll have to buy more milk."

Fifth Turn: We live in a World of Chaos

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At the Sparkle family home.

Spike was in his room, he was organizing his deck, seeing what cards to put and what cards to draw, he looked excited.

“Let's see, if I put this one up, it might give me a head start, but I think I'll need more copies,” Spike said as he looked at a card.

“You're in high spirits,” Heathspike told him, standing beside his in his spirit form.

"That duel with Scootaloo grounded me," Spike replied, "We're powerful, but we're not invincible."

"You learned well, we must not let our guard down or underestimate our opponents, only then will we have a good future as a duelist and duel spirit."

Spike smiled and immediately went back to checking his deck.

At the Apple family home.

There was Big Mac who was watering his plants while whistling a song.

Applejack arrived at the place, "I see that you are in a good mood today."

Big Mac just nodded, stopping his whistling, "Eeyup."

"If so, something good had to happen," Applejack said.

Big Mac nodded again, "Eeyup."

Does it have to do with the team? TRUE?" asked Applejack.

"Eeyup," Big Mac replied.

"Well, it can't be that you've beaten a powerful duelist, every time you beat them you're no longer surprised," AJ suspected, "Which means, you must have a new member on the team."

"Eeyup, his name is Spike, he's about the age of Apple Bloom, an interesting boy," Big Mac replied.

Applejack's eyes widened when she heard Spike's name, "Spike, he's Twilight Sparkle's little brother, Twilight is my friend and classmate."

“Yeah, I remember mentioning that, she's a Pro Duelist,” Big Mac replied, “It must be hard for him to fill such big shoes.”

“Considering everything he's been through, I'm glad you gave him a place on your team,” AJ told him gratefully.

"Sister, Apple Harmony doesn't reject anyone," Big Mac replied with a smile, "And without realizing it, Spike and Apple Bloom and their friends will fight on our level one day."

AJ smiled as well thinking of Apple Bloom, she never wondered if it wasn't hard for her to have 2 Pro Duelists in her family, "I understand why Apple Bloom and her friends got along so well with Spike."

A few hours later at the Sparkle family home.

Twilight Velvet entered Spike's room and found him asleep, she saw his cards in a cabinet next to his bed, she smiled seeing him recover his emotion for the duels, at that moment she covered him with a blanket and gave him a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

On the streets of Canterlot.

School was over and Spike was heading to Apple Harmony's hideout, the old barn.

“I love when school ends early,” Spike said as he walked through town.

“In my world I never went to a school, but I understand your sentiment,” Heathspike told him.

But as Spike walked, he stopped when he saw someone he knew, "Wait a minute, that's…"

He said as he watched a boy carrying a large box with a picture of an apple on it, "Big Mac."

Big Mac walked up to a door and knocked on it.

Knock, knock.

The door opened and a girl with pink skin and fluffy violet hair came out, she was wearing a green dress and turquoise shoes.

“Hello Big Mac,” she greet him.

"And who is she?" Spike asked watching from a safe distance, he was slowly approaching to avoid detection.

Peeking out the window, he saw that Big Mac had delivered a box full of apples, "Wow, that girl seems to really like apples."

“I don't think it's just the apples, Spike,” Heathspike told him.

The girl and Big Mac continued to talk.

"Thank you for coming here, Big Mac," the girl thanked, "It's great to see you again so soon, thanks to you I can bake many more things besides muffins."

Big Mac blushed and could not express any words.

"Okay, I shouldn't be peeking," Spike said as he walked away.

A few minutes later.

Big Mac left the place without losing his smile and his blush, he got into his car.

For some strange reason, Spike had a strange urge to follow him.

And his stops were not normal, some were understandable like when Big Mac delivered a box of apples to a local store.

But on other occasions, Spike followed Big Mac to a park where he saw him plant many plants and trees, as well as water them.

"What the?" Spike wondered.

And the last stop was at a construction zone where he saw Big Mac help carry large blocks.

"Well I guess that makes sense," Spike said, "Big Mac seems to be a strong guy."

“I know, even I don't have muscles like that,” Heathspike told him.

"Oh really? I thought that you…"

"It's just my Spike armor, my arms are noodles, just like yours," Heathspike replied.

Spike pouted but simply headed over to the old barn to meet up with the team.

As the young man walked, he heard the sound of a car horn, he turned around and realized that it was Big Mac's car.

“Do you need a ride?” Big Mac asked, opening the car door.

Spike smiled, "Hey Big Mac, sure I'd like a ride."

Spike got in the car, fastened his seatbelt, and at that moment Big Mac sped off.

"Hey Spike, did you have fun spying on me?" asked Big Mac.

Spike's pupils shrank beyond measure, "What?"

Big Mac smiled, "Please Spike, even a deaf man would know you were following me all day."

Spike apologized with all the sorrow in the world, "I'm really sorry Mac, I didn't mean to, I was headed to the barn but then I saw you and I guess one thing led to another."

"Hey, it's okay, you don't need to apologize, it's normal to be a little curious," Big Mac told him.

"Yeah, I was curious to see what you did, but it seems you have a lot of jobs," Spike said, "I imagine that pays for the lighting in the barn."

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

“And isn't it a bit stressful doing all that alone? Don't you have help from the team? Heathspike asked.

“Well, there are times when I do get monetary help from the team,” Big Mac replied, “But it's my barn, the team was my idea and I'm the leader, I'm the one who has to take care of most things, It is a feeling that fills me with satisfaction.”

Spike noticed that Big Mac didn't seem to be exaggerating seeing the sincerity in his eyes, he was working so that he and the Rogue Duelists would have a place where they could duel.

“Wow, I wish I had that level of confidence and dedication one day,” Spike said.

"Trust me," Big Mac added, "you'll get it."

Several minutes later, they had already arrived at the place, but it seemed strange to them that many of the members present were gathered outside the old barn.

"Hmm, I wonder what's going on there?" Spike wondered, quickly he and Big Mac came over, and saw Apple Bloom was having a duel against someone they couldn't place.

“Attack,” ordered a tall boy, the boy had gray skin, yellow eyes with red pupils, his disheveled hair had different shades of gray, his clothes were strange, since one of the sleeves of his brown shirt was yellow and another was brown , his pants were the same, one part was red and the other green, he had black shoes and he was also wearing a top hat.

At that moment, a monster in the shape of a kind of snake with various animal parts attacked Apple Bloom.

"AHHHH," Apple Bloom yelled as she was struck by the snake's tail.

“Great, another one that uses tail attacks,” Heathspike said angrily.

“Hey Im standing right here,” Rumble told him, standing next to Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom: 0 LP
Mystery Duelist: 1800 LP (WINNER)

“Apple Bloom,” Spike and Big Mac yelled at the same time as they went over to Apple Bloom to help her up.

"Spike, Big Mac, I'm sorry," Apple Bloom apologized, looking down at the ground, "I lost."

“Hehehehe, too bad for you,” the boy who had beated her laughed, “You really did bite the dust.”

Needless to say, but from his clothes and the high pitch of his voice, this boy seemed like some kind of lunatic.

“He's really strong,” Apple Bloom admitted even though she didn't want to.

Spike looked at the boy as he frowned.

“Well, that served as a warm-up for me,” the tall boy said.

“And there we have it, we got a taste of that aggressive style from the winner of this duel,” Cheerilee announced.

Spike listened carefully, he wanted to know who that mysterious duelist was.

"The champion of the Draconecus cup, he travels the world challenging great duelists, that's why he is known as the Wandering Duelist, with 50 consecutive victories, the powerful Discord."

"My, I'm honored that my reputation precedes me," the boy named Discord said as he pulled a glass of chocolate milk out of his hat, many found it strange that the glass hadn't fallen over the entire time he was there.

"And what are you doing here, Wandering Duelist Discord?" Scootaloo asked.

“Oh please, don't be so formal,” Discord replied as he dropped his glass, “Just Discord, or if you want, you can call me Lord of Chaos Discord.”

“I think we prefer Discord,” Sweetie Belle responded nervously.

“In any case, I think it should be obvious why I'm here,” Discord said as he pulled a bowler hat from his top hat and put it on, “I came here for the legend of 30 wins in a row, I'm looking for Big Macintosh.”

That made many alert.

Spike looked at Big Mac who had taken a serious stance.

Big Mac approached Discord, "I'm Big Mac, nice to meet you."

Big Mac offered his hand for a handshake to Discord which he accepted.

"The pleasure is all yours, I am honored to be in your presence, I would like to have a duel with you," Discord told him as he released his hand with which he was shaking Big Mac's hand.

"Ahhh, his hand," Spike yelled.

“It was a fake hand,” Zecora told him.

Discord revealed under his sleeve that it was clearly a fake hand, "Then what do you say?"

“I accept,” Big Mac said as he activated his Duel Disk, “Let's duel.”

"Wait," Discord interrupted, "I wasn't expecting this."

"What are you talking about?" asked Big Mac.

"I didn't travel very far just for you to accept my duel that easily, where is the challenge, the emotion, you know who you really are, then there must be a condition for me to face you," Discord told him with spirals in his eyes.

“I do know who I am, that's why I'm accepting your challenge,” Big Mac replied, a bit confused.

“Like this guy's missing a screw,” Braeburn whispered to him.

“Just accept his duel, we don't have all day you know,” Spike told Discord.

"What did you say?" asked Discord with fire in his eyes.

"Ahh nothing," Spike replied scared as he hid behind Big Mac.

Discord was thinking for several minutes until an idea occurred to him, "I got it, I will face one of your team members in a duel, and the winner will have the privilege of facing you."

"I guess I don't have a choice," Big Mac sighed, then he turned to Apple Bloom, "Apple Bloom, who you think should take on Discord, you fought him, who you think would be more suitable."

"For the first time, I don't have a clear answer, his style is so unpredictable," Apple Bloom replied.

"I see," Big Mac said, then realized Spike was hiding behind him, "Spike, if you were in a similar situation to me, you'd fight him."

"Umm, I don't think so," Spike replied, lowering his head.

"Huh? And why not?" I ask Big Mac.

"Because he's on such an incredible winning streak, it's clear that I couldn't beat him," Spike replied, "Someone like you could, but someone like me, never."

"Spike," Heathspike placed his hand on his partner's shoulder.

“I see,” Big Mac said, then he turned to Discord, “Discord, I already have your opponent, you will fight him.”

Big Mac pointed at Spike.

This surprised everyone, including Discord and Spike.

"WHAT?" Spike yelled.

“Curious choice, but never mind, a challenge is a challenge,” Discord said.

“You will fight in about 15 minutes,” Big Mac said as he took Spike's arm and led him to the old barn.

“Okay, 15 minutes,” Discord said as he pulled out a pocket watch.

“Wait Big Mac, you didn't hear what I said,” Spike told him as Big Mac dragged him away.

"I heard what you said," Big Mac replied, "and that's precisely why I chose you."

"Come on Spike," Apple Bloom approached, "where's the attitude you had when you challenged Rover."

“That was different,” Spike replied, being dragged by Big Mac, “You were in trouble, and it was instinct, there is no danger here, it's just a duel, so I have no reason to be humiliated in front of the Draconecus cup champion.”

"Spike, you can't turn down a duel just because you're afraid of losing," Big Mac told him, "Besides, you act like there's only one possible outcome to the duel."

"Well there is," Spike replied a little frustrated, "And you can let me go now."

“Okay, but there's one more reason why I chose you,” Big Mac said releasing him, “I saw the way you looked at Discord when he defeated Apple Bloom, that look you gave him, you wanted to put him in his place because you wanted to defend her, right?”

Spike blushed when he heard Big Mac, he couldn't believe he discovered it with just that look.

"Daww Spike, is that right? How cute," Apple Bloom told him.

"That's true, but in the end I can't do anything, I have strong cards, but I'm not a Pro Duelist," Spike replied, lowering his head, "I don't even know if I put my deck together right."

“And that's where I come in,” Big Mac told him, “didn't you wonder why I told him to wait 15 minutes?”

Spike shook his head.

“Because we'll use those 15 minutes to improve your deck,” Big Mac told him.

Spike's eyes widened at hearing this.

15 minutes later.

Discord was waiting with his Duel Disk active, just like Spike and Big Mac's, his Duel Disk was one that still needed cards, his Disk was 2 colors, green and brown.

And at that moment, Spike approached with a somewhat nervous look, his Duel Disk was also active.

"Good luck Spike," Apple Bloom told him.

Spike smiled nervously, still a little scared by the opponent he was going to face, so much so that Heathspike had to comfort him, "Relax, it's just a duel for fun, stay calm."

Spike calmed down as best he could but it was only just until he heard Discord speak, "I see you didn't chicken out and ran away, I respect that."

Spike glared at him, "Why has every Pro Duelist I've fought told me that?"

Discord just smiled, "Alright, we all know, the winner of the duel will face Big Mac and the loser should join this team because he clearly needs to grow as a duelist."

“That's fine with me,” Spike said, he was relieved that he was already part of the team, good thing Discord didn't know.

At least until they told him.

"But Spike's already part of the team," Sweetie Belle yelled.

"Oh really?" Discord asked.

“Yeah, you should agree to something else,” Scootaloo added.

"Don't help me girls," Spike told them.

"Ok how about this, if I lose, I'll join this team," Discord said, then pointed at Spike, "But if you lose, you'll give me your pants."

"Wait what?" Spike exclaimed, "That's ridiculous."

"He agrees, let the duel begin," Big Mac said.

"Wait Mac, I didn't agree to this," Spike said but was interrupted when all the team members yelled:


"Oh it's late," Spike said with a hand to his forehead, "Great, my mom bought me these pants."

Spike: 4000 LP
Discord: 4000 LP

“I'll go first, and I'm going to start by activating my spell card, Toon World,” Discord said as he activated his card.

A huge book appeared, manifesting some kind of castle.

"Bad apples, he started off good, he started off that way in his duel against me," said Apple Bloom.

Spike: 4000 LP
Discord: 3000 LP

"Hey, wait a minute, what happened?" Spike asked.

“I paid 1000 points to activate my card,” Discord replied as he pulled another glass of milk from his hat.

"But it doesn't make sense," Spike said as he analyzed the card, "That spell card just says you have to pay 1000 points to activate it, how does that benefit you?"

"You'll find out on my next turn," Discord replied with a wicked grin.

Spike just gritted his teeth and let Discord continue his play.

"Now I'll summon Toon Gemini Elf," Discord said as a species of elves in elegant blue and purple dresses appeared on the field, Spike had seen a similar card in the past. (ATK 1900/DEF 900/Lv 4)

"Toon Gemini Elf, wait a minute," Spike said intrigued, but was interrupted by Discord who stated his theory.

“That's right, it's a different version of the classic Gemini Elf,” Discord replied, “In fact, almost all of my deck is a cartoon version of classic monsters, welcome to my kingdom, this is the chaotic, Toon Deck.”

"Toon Deck, great," Spike said sarcastically, "I like to fight decks I don't know."

He looked nervously at his cards, then looked at Big Mac who just smiled at him.

"Although I shouldn't worry so much, it's just a normal duel," Spike said, but then he remembered that he would lose his pants in the worst case, the thought of which upset him a little.

“I now activate my spell card, TV Repetition,” Discord activated another card and at that moment other Toon Gemini Elfs appeared on the field. (ATK 1900/DEF 900/Lv 4)

Spike frowned, "Now there are 2, making 4 in all."

"What's wrong Spike? Are you seeing double?" Discord asked with a chuckle, "TV Rep allows me to summon another Toon from my deck with the same name as one I control, but its effects are negated until end of turn, which isn't a problem for me."

“Damn, now he summoned 2 strong monsters,” Sweetie Belle said worriedly.

“Now I will set 2 cards face down and end my turn.”

2 cards manifested in Discord field.

"Remember Spike," Heathspike told him, "It doesn't matter who our opponent is."

Spike nodded seriously and pulled a card from his deck, "My turn, draw."

"This time I have to be smart and take some time to read his cards," Spike thought as he used his Duel Disk to learn the effects of the Toon Gemini Elf.

“Look at this, reading your opponent's card effects, you make me proud,” Heathspike told him.

After a few seconds of reading, Spike understood the situation, "I got you, your Toon monsters will be destroyed if I destroy your Toon World."

Discord frowned, "Knowing won't help you at all."

"On the contrary, it will help me a lot, because I'm going to activate my spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon," Spike activated a card which generated a storm on the field.

“Grr, Mystic Space Typhoon, a card that can destroy a spell or trap card on the field, how cunning,” Discord said as the storm began to attack his Toon World.

"Thanks," Spike replied with a smile.

“But not cunning enough,” Discord said as he activated a trap card, which caused the storm to stop.

"Wait a minute? How come Toon World hasn't been destroyed?" Spike asked in amazement.

"Because I activated my trap card, brat," Discord said as he discarded a card, in turn a blue turbine with kanjis appeared on the field, "Spell Shield Type-8."

“That thing can negate the activation of a spell card,” Scootaloo said worriedly.

Spike frowned, "Damn."

“You thought I wouldn't protect my Toon World knowing that it's the only thing that protects my monsters, I admit I'm a little nutty but I'm not stupid,” Discord told him while sticking out his tongue.

"Grrr, so if I can't destroy your Toons, I'll at least destroy one, I summon Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer," Spike summoned his normal pendulum monster. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

"Dracoslayer, interesting," Discord thought.

"Master Pendulum, run through that pair of elves," Spike ordered to which Master Pendulum used his spear to attack the Gemini Elf, who tried to run but were tripped.

Spike: 4000 LP
Discord: 2950 LP

“Nice,” Spike cheered.

“It's too early to celebrate, I'll revive the Toon Gemini Elf with my trap card, Call of The Haunted,” Discord said as a tomb appeared, the tomb exploded and the Toon Gemini Elfs that had been destroyed emerged from it.

"No, with what it took me to destroy them," Spike said in frustration.

“Next turn will definitely be very painful,” Heathspike said knowing the effect of those monsters.

"Don't worry Spike, you can still do more things," Big Mac yelled at him.

"That's right," Spike thought as he laid out a card, "Setting a card face down, and end my turn."

“Then it's my turn, Draw,” Discord said as he drew a new card from his deck, then did a backflip.

"Oh no, now you'll know how horrible Toon Monsters are one turn after they're summoned," Apple Bloom said fearfully.

“I know sister,” Big Mac told her as he hugged her.

The reason was because of one of its effects.

“Now my Elves,” Discord yelled as the four elves led their attack, “Attack him directly.”

Spike gritted his teeth as he watched Discord's toon monsters head towards him.


The 4 elves kicked Spike sending him flying.

"AHHHHH," Spike yelled as he fell to the ground, Spike groaning as he recovered, "I know they're holograms, but I could swear one of those elves hit me in my draconic gems."

Spike: 200 LP
Discord: 2950 LP

“Oh no, even I felt that,” Rumble said.

“Oh hehe, and here comes the funniest part, when my elves deal damage to the opponent, they will have to discard a random card,” Discord said.

"And what's so fun about that?" Spike asked still on the ground.

"It's fun for me, ladies, do your thing," Discord replied as the elves took 2 cards from Spike's hand and sent them to the graveyard.

"I knew this would happen," Spike said, "Good thing I have a backup plan."

“I'm sorry to say that back-up plan won't work for you,” Discord told him, at which point, the 4 elves turned to dust, “Because now you'll know the definition of chaos turned into a Toon, destroying 1, 2 or 3 Toon monsters, I can special summon it from my hand.”

"Now, making this world much more chaotic than it already is, spread discord across the battlefield and plunge my opponent into eternal madness, appears, TOON DRACONECUS."

A portal opened, a creature with the appearance of a snake appeared from it, it had a dragon's claw and wing, an eagle's wing, a lion's paw and 2 different legs, the strangest thing was its face, which resembled Discord, what stood out the most were his yellow and red eyes. (ATK 2800/DEF 1400/Lv 9)

Spike swallowed as he witnessed such a creature that seemed to look at him in the same mocking way that Discord did.

"Isn't it lovely?" asked Discord.

"Umm, I think so," Spike replied nervously.

"Good, because now you will know its effect, it has 3 effects which I can activate in the same turn, but that depends on the monsters I destroyed, if I destroyed a monster it only activated one effect, if there are 2, then 2 effects, do you understand where am I going to with this?

Spike nodded.

“Okay and here are the effects,” Discord continued, “The first effect, once per turn in my End Phase I can deal 1000 damage if my opponent has more than 1000 Life Points.”

Spike was relieved, "Ok I'm lucky, he can't use that effect, it makes sense because he only use 2 monsters."

Discord continued, “The second effect, in my End Phase my opponent discards a random card.”

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY?" the Crusaders yelled at the same time.

“That pretty much leaves me with no cards in my hand,” Spike said as he discarded his last card.

“I know,” Discord replied with a laugh, “And the third effect, once per turn in my End Phase, I can destroy a monster on the field.”

"Wait, wait, don't make a rash decision," Spike implored.

Worse, Discord ignored him and snapped his fingers, at that moment, Master Pendulum exploded into a thousand pieces.

"Ahhh," Spike yelled as the Toon Draconecus sneered.

“Grr, I dislike that guy more and more,” Heathspike said.

"Do you mean the duelist or his monster?" Spike asked.

“I think both of them,” the Duel Spirit replied, “But that doesn't matter now, since it's your turn.”

"That if it's my turn, I'll need a miracle," Spike said pulling a card from his deck.

Pulling it out, Spike was surprised, "Our deck hasn't abandoned us."

But before making a move, he saw the Draconecus who was watching him with a mocking look.

"We can't risk too much this turn, but it's the best I can think of," Spike thought, and at that moment he placed a card face down, "Setting one face down, and now I end my turn."

“Oh no, he couldn't do anything,” Sweetie Belle said worriedly.

"He couldn't do much with one card in a pendulum deck, even if it's crazy, it was his best option," Apple Bloom added, "I think so."

"Just a face down card," Discord said as he pulled another card from his deck, "It's like you didn't even try, Spike."

Spike grew more and more nervous, "My heartbeat... I can feel it."

But Big Mac was looking at him seriously, he trusted Spike.

“Time to get this over with,” Discord said.

"Not so fast Discord, I activate my trap card, Threatening Roar," Spike said as he activated his other card face down, from it, a beast emerged and roared at the Toon Draconecus causing him to get scared, "Now you can't declare an attack this turn.”

"Oh, come on, you're just buying time, if that's the case then I'll activate Swords of Revealing Light," Discord activated a spell card, immediately afterwards a rain of swords engulfed the field in light, "You won't be able to declare an attack in 3 turns either.”

“Like I could attack that thing,” Spike hissed, clearly referring to the Toon Draconecus.

“Now my turn is over,” Discord said.

"My turn," Spike said as he placed his finger on his deck, "One winning card please."

Spike took out the card, when he saw it he regained the hope of winning.

"That look, tell me you got it," Heathspike told him to which Spike nodded, "Great, then it's now or never."

"Okay but first, I'll activate my face down card, Pot of Greed," Spike said as he activated his card.

Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Now I draw 2 new cards, and those cards are the ones that will define the winner,” said Spike.

“Then take them out Spike, and let's see if you can flip it,” Discord yelled, his eyes spiraling.

"My cards, please come to me," Spike yelled as he pulled them out, "Sweet."

“Judging by Spike's reaction, it looks like I got something good,” Cheerilee announced.

“First I'll activate the effect of my Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm in my graveyard, if I don't control monsters on my field, I can Special Summon it,” Spike said as an intimidating-looking dragon with dull green and black colors emerged from the graveyard. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“That was my fault,” Discord said, that dragon made it to the graveyard thanks to his discard effect from his Toons.

"Now my new card, Draco Face-Off," Spike activated a spell card, from which 2 portals appeared on the field, one light and one dark.

From the portal of light, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer appeared and from the portal of darkness came a monster which was a human with black armor, a hairstyle similar to that of master pendulum and used a scepter of dark energy.

“I reveal a Dracoslayer and a Dracoverlord and I can randomly Summon one and send the other to the Extra Deck,” Spike said as the monsters prepared themselves.

"Dracoverlord?" Scootaloo and Rumble wondered.

A few minutes before.

Big Mac was looking for cards in a box, "I think I have them here."

"Big Mac?" Spike asked.

"Gotcha, I found them," Big Mac said with new cards in his hand, which he handed over to Spike, "Here Spike, for you."

"Big Mac," Spike was touched, "You didn't have to do this."

"Well, seeing your deck, I thought it was missing something, I was hesitating to give it to you, due to its attribute, which doesn't seem to be right for you."

Spike understood what he meant, those monsters were dark, Spike hated the dark, it hurt, it was melancholic, that's why he hadn't dared to put those monsters in his deck.

“But my father taught me, that there is no light without darkness, and that is what your new deck will symbolize,” Big Mac told him.

Spike smiled, then turned to Heathspike, "What do you think of this?"

"Well, sometimes you have to side with your enemies, so that's fine with me," Heathspike told him.

"Now go out and give him a battle that lunatic will never forget," Apple Bloom told him.

“This is my new deck, one that uses the power of light and darkness, Dracoslayer/Dracoverlord,” Spike said as Master Pendulum was summoned onto the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“I don't care how much you've improved your deck, you won't beat Toon Draconecus,” Discord told him.

"Then check this out, I'll fuse Master Pendulum with the Darkwurm," Spike said as their monsters turned to energy and combined.

"A fusion summon without using Polymerization?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"That's right Sweetie Belle, it's a contact fusion," Big Mac replied.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, a monster similar to Master Pendulum appeared which now had a blue armor which seemed to be much heavier, to the point that it seemed to be using a kind of mobile suit, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

Discord frowned.

“I activate Dinoster's effect, revive Luster Pendulum,” Spike said as Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer was summoned from the graveyard. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“Dinoster's special effect, being able to summon a Dracoslayer from the graveyard,” Cheerilee announced.

"Now my last spell card, A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon," Spike activated the card, immediately afterwards, Dinoster disappeared from the field, "I return a level 5 or higher dragon to my hand, so I can destroy all spell and trap cards in the field."

“Say what,” Discord exclaimed as his swords and Toon World were destroyed.

"If you can't take the heat, don't face the dragon," Spike said with a smile.

And at that time, because Toon World was destroyed…

“Toon Draconecus, NOOOOO,” Discord yelled as his Toon Draconecus exploded, leaving confetti strewn across his field.

"That's one of the disadvantages of Toon monsters, most of them can't use their effects without Toon World present," Cheerilee announced, "But if Toon World is destroyed, any Toon monsters present on the field are also destroyed."

"Now Spike," Heathspike told him.

"Yes captain, I summon Vector Pendulum," Spike said as from his hand, he summoned another copy of his dark pendulum. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Uh oh,” Discord exclaimed as his pants fell off.

"Now my Dracos, ATTACK," Spike yelled as his monsters hurled their weapons at Discord.

“AHHHH,” Discord yelled as he was thrown back.

Spike: 200 LP (WINNER)
Discord: 0 LP

“The winner is our young rookie, SPIKE,” Cheerilee announced with all her energy.

The lair was soon filled with applause and praise for the winner.

But the most surprised was Spike, who was still in shock, but seeing Discord on the ground with spirals in his eyes, he realized the result, "I, I beat him."

“Spike, he won,” the Crusaders said at the same time.

Spike smiled and raised his arm in victory, he couldn't believe what was happening, and at that moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“You did great Spike, you made light and dark work in your deck, and you planned a good strategy, that's one of the many things that defines a duelist,” Big Mac told him.

Spike smiled, "Thanks Big Mac, for everything."

Big Mac smiled.

Spike chuckled, "You know, I think you might like my older brother, he used to teach me this kind of stuff."

Big Mac smiled, "I hope to meet him one day."

“Hey, it's not time to go yet,” Cheerilee narrated, “The deal for this duel was that the winner would face Big Mac.”

Spike's eyes widened in surprise, forgetting the reason he was having this duel in the first place.

"Well, what do you say Spike, ready to fight the team leader," Apple Bloom approached.

Spike looked at Big Mac who gave him an excited smile, he also smiled excitedly, "I'm ready."

Sixth Turn: The Apple Family Sentinel

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Spike couldn't believe it, just a week ago he was a nobody, but now, not only had he defeated the Wandering Duelist Discord, he was also going to have a duel against the leader of Team Apple Harmony.

"This, this seemed impossible," Spike said to himself, but at that moment he clenched his fist, "But, I can finally smile from having all those duels."

After coming out of his thoughts, he realized that he was in Apple Harmony's lair, the old barn, he saw the entire team expectant of the upcoming battle, even Discord was present and looked in good spirits.

“Discord seems fine, considering the fact that he was beaten by Spike,” Sweetie Belle told Scootaloo.

But Discord heard everything and approached, "Hey, I wouldn't feel bad about losing to him, it's clear he's special, he's not accompanied by a Duel Spirit for nothing."

What Discord said caught the attention of all the team members.

"How did you know?" Spike and Heathspike asked at the same time.

"Well, when you have crazy eyes you see a lot of weird things," Discord answered as he took out a pair of glasses that simulated bulging eyes, "A Duel Spirit is the most normal thing one can see."

"It means he can see you, Rumble," Scootaloo told him to which only Rumble just waved at Discord.

"Eeyup, you're an interesting guy, Discord," Big Mac told him.

"Hehe, I've always been told that I'm special," Discord replied, "But let's not talk about me, now is the time for you to show me your power, the same goes for Spike."

Spike and Big Mac looked at each other, they both nodded and headed to the center of the barn.

At that moment, the lights in the barn went out, and they heard Cheerilee speaking with the help of some speakers, “Welcome back, Apple Harmony members, we have another epic duel coming up, our leader Big Macintosh will be able to defend his title or he will be defeated by our charming rookie Spike, who earned the right to have this duel with his talent."

Spike and Big Mac activated their Duel Disks, causing energy blades to spawn.

"I'll have a duel against Big Mac," Spike thought, unable to hide his smile, "How exciting."

"Spike, in the last duel, I saw a glow in your eye, a glow that wished for victory," Big Mac told him.

Spike was caught off guard, "Really?"

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied, “I want to see that glow again.”

Spike smiled, he drew 5 cards from his deck, "Then I'll show you."

Big Mac nodded and did the same.

And at that moment, Spike and Big Mac yelled:


Spike: 4000 LP
Big Mac: 4000 LP

“Come on Big Mac,” Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle yelled at the same time.

"Wait, so who's cheering for Spike?" asked Sweetie Belle.

The 3 remained silent and decided that the best thing was not to encourage anyone for the moment, even though Big Mac was her older brother, Apple Bloom had great respect for Spike, in addition to the fact that he defended her from Discord.

"I'll start," Big Mac said to which Spike nodded.

“I'll set a monster on defense mode and end my turn,” Big Mac said as a horizontally shaped card manifested on the field.

“OHHH, WHAT PLAY WAS THAT? BIG MAC JUST PLACED ONE CARD, WHAT IS HE THINKING ABOUT,” Cheerilee announced excitedly though inside she did feel worried.

"That was all?" Spike asked.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

"That's weird, why did Big Mac only set one card?" Apple Bloom asked.

“I don't think he got any good cards,” Scootaloo replied.

“Too bad, and this was supposed to be another one of his big duels,” Sweetie Belle added.

"Well you made a mistake, you know I can tear you apart in one turn," Spike said excitedly as he pulled a card from his deck, "My turn."

Spike frowned, sure he had come up with a good hand, but all he had were 4 pendulum monsters, he had a trap, and a spell which wouldn't work that turn.

"Oh what the hell, I guess I can do something with this," Spike said as he held up 2 of his pendulum monsters.

"I'm using Scale 3 Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer and Scale 5 Lector Pendulum the Dracoverlord to set the Pendulum Scale."

Spike placed the two cards on the far ends of his Duel Disk.

On each side of him two pillars of light appeared as two monsters floated upwards, hovering once they were ten feet high as the image of a three and five appeared below them.

The Dracoslayer and Dracoverlord were placed on the left and right respectively.

“Here it comes,” Big Mac said.

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Spike chanted as his Pendulums pointed their swords up, and each shot a beam of light and dark which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon level 4 monsters at the same time," Spike explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Two lights shot out of the portal, and as they hit the ground they took shape.

“Prepare for battle, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer and Vector Pendulum the Dracoverlord,” Spike said as his monsters appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)


"Ancient Gear are monsters that can sometimes break through the defense, so the possibility of a higher defense to the attack of my monsters is almost nil," thought Spike, then he saw Big Mac, who did not lose his expression, Spike smiled, "I'll attack right away."

Big Mac smiled, "Go ahead."

"Master Pendulum, attack," Spike yelled as his monster used his spear to destroy the monster's defense.

The monster was destroyed, revealing itself.

"So it was The Trojan Horse," Spike said smiling, "It would have been great if you'd kept him on the field, but hey, I still have another attack left, Vector Pendulum, attack him directly."

Vector Pendulum enveloped Big Mac in a dark aura, causing him to step back.

“Gghhh,” Big Mac complained.

Spike: 4000 LP
Big Mac: 2150 LP

“STRAIGHT ATTACK,” Cheerilee yelled.

"Brother," Apple Bloom worried.

“Nice shot,” Discord said.

At that moment, Big Mac recovered, "Is that all you got?"

Spike smirked, "Of course not, because I'm summoning yet another monster."

Big Mac smiled.

"I'll fuse Master Pendulum with Vector Pendulum," Spike said as their monsters turned to energy and combined.

“Here it goes again,” Scootaloo said.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, Spike's monster appeared, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

“I know how strong your Ancient Gear is, so I'm going to protect my life points the best I can,” Spike told him, as a card manifested on the field, “Setting a face down and I end my turn. ”

“That was a good strategy, I'll give you,” Big Mac said as he drew a card from his deck, “But it won't be enough.”


“Spell card, Monster Reborn,” Big Mac activated a spell card and on the field appeared a horse that seemed to be made of wood, reminiscent of a famous story in Troy, “The Trojan Horse.” (ATK 1600/DEF 1200/Lv 4)

"Oh no, and that monster will count as 2 sacrifices for its effect, if I'm not mistaken," Spike said starting to worry.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nodded proudly.

"Now Spike's in trouble," Sweetie Belle said.

"Now, I Tribute my Horse wich for a Tribute Summon," Big Mac said as his monster disappeared, then a giant monster appeared, it looked like some kind of ancient robot, since it didn't look so modern, but it had a Red light on his head which looked like a red eye, which made him look more intimidating, "ANCIENT GEAR GOLEM." (ATK 3000/DEF 3000/Lv 8)

“THE GOLEM IS HERE,” Cheerilee announced.

"Oh Holy Guacamole," Spike exclaimed in fear, "It's one thing to see the Golem in action, but quite another to have it in front of you."

“And about to attack us,” Heathspike added.

“Battle,” Big Mac said as the Golem charged his fist at Dinoster, destroying him.

Spike: 3950 LP
Big Mac: 2150 LP

"Good thing you summoned Dinoster, that saved our life points," Heathspike told him.

“Yeah, that was a good plan,” Big Mac added, placing a card face down, “Setting a face down and I end my turn.”

"That's right, and we're not done, we're just getting started, DRAW," Spike yelled the last thing as he pulled a card from his deck, his eyes widening at the sight of her, "Sweet."

Big Mac raised an eyebrow at the change in the young green-haired man's eyes.

"First I'm going to use the spell card, Pot of Greed," Spike activated a spell card and drew 2 cards, "I think you know what it does."

“Yeah, you can draw 2 new cards,” Big Mac replied.

“It was a rhetorical question,” Spike said with a deadpan look.

Seeing the cards he was dealt, Spike jumped for joy, "ALRIGHT."

“Oh boy,” Big Mac exclaimed.

"I'll activate the spell card, Dragon Shrine," Spike said as a huge light engulfed the field.

"Dragon shrine?" Apple Bloom wondered.

“Dragon Shrine will end the darkest night,” Zecora said in her classic rhymes, “And to the world of dragons, will bring light.”

“Oh, so you say he will send a dragon to the graveyard,” Discord told him.

"Wait, did you get that?" Braeburn asked.

“Even I didn't understand myself,” Zecora added to which Apple Bloom glared at her.

“Nah, I just know the effect of the card, hehehehe,” Discord chuckled as he pulled an apple out of his hat.

“With this I can send a Dragon-type monster from my deck to the graveyard,” Spike said as he revealed Master Pendulum and sent it to the graveyard, “And the best thing is that that's not all.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow.

“If the Dragon I sent is a normal monster, I can send another Dragon to the graveyard,” Spike said as a dark aura engulfed the field, “Yes, yes, lets start my move.”

The same dark aura enveloped the field again, from there the dragon that Spike had sent to the graveyard arose, “Now I activate the effect of my monster in my graveyard, if I control no monsters, I can Special Summon it, it appears, Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm. ” (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“Now I normal summon, Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” Spike laid out a card and his silver-armored dragon emerged. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"It doesn't matter, you won't be able to summon your Link without risking your Pendulum Summon," Big Mac told him, "You need 3 monsters to summon him."

"And that's when you're bad Big Mac," Spike said as he activated a trap card, "I activate Pendulum Reborn."

"Oh no," Big Mac exclaimed.

“Wow, Spike had things under control the whole time,” Apple Bloom said.

“This will allow me to summon a pendulum monster from my Extra Deck,” Spike said as Master Pendulum appeared on the field, “Revive, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer.” (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

"It's time to shine," Spike said, then turned to Heathspike, "Ready for the fight, buddy?"

"Aye," Heathspike replied with a salute as he vanished from his spirit form.

"Appear now, the circuit that will burn the future," Spike said as his 3 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, " The condition to summon it is at least one Dracoslayer monster.”

"I'm placing Luster Pendulum, Master Pendulum and Darkwurm on the Link Markers," Spike said as his monsters turned into energy which went to the bottom 3 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

"Appear, warrior flowing with the power of the dragon alchemy, whose body bears the scales of the brave hero who will fight to the end and spread his mystical fire on the battlefield, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared Spike Link Monster and his Duel Spirit, in his complete form, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, THE MYSTIC DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

“He showed up,” Big Mac said.

“And since I have a Dracoslayer in my Extra Deck and Graveyard, Heathspike's power is increased,” Spike said as Heathspike enveloped himself in purple flames.

“OHHH YEAHHHHH,” Heathspike yelled in excitement at receiving such power. (ATK 3000)


"Of course It will be enough," Spike answered with a determined look, "Since I joined this team, they've helped me grow, improve myself, helped me feel good about myself, and today I'll prove it, I'm not anymore the weak and lonely duelist Spike, NOW I AM SPIKE THE ROGUE DUELIST OF APPLE HARMONY.”

“YEAH SPIKE,” Heathspike yelled with excitement.

A great deal of pride was felt by the members of Apple Harmony as they watched Spike grow up, even Discord was crying with joy.

“Wonderful,” Discord said as he blew his nose into a tissue.

"Lets try this again, cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Spike chanted as his Pendulums pointed their swords up, and each shot a beam of light and dark which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon level 4 monsters at the same time," Spike explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Three lights shot out of the portal, and as they hit the ground they took shape.

“Prepare for battle, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer, Vector Pendulum the Dracoverlord, and Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm,” Spike said as his monsters appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

"The little guy will show no mercy," Braeburn said as he looked at all the monsters Spike summoned.

"There are 2 level 4 monsters on the field," Spike told Big Mac who understood what he was planning.

"Spike?" asked Apple Bloom but her doubts were resolved when she saw what Spike was doing.

"Now," Spike ordered as his Master Pendulum and his Darkwurm began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"The Majespecter alliance will lend you its power, taking the reins of the mighty Kirin and riding it as a majestic Pegasus, be one with the wind, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole, a monster appeared which looked like Luster Pendulum only with slightly brighter armor, but he was riding a horse-like creature, it was the leader of the Majespecter, the legendary Kirin, he had a yellow mane and a white mane and on his back he had red clothes hanging, his horn was activating a kind of tornado, just like Luster's sword, there were also 2 green lights surrounding him "MAJESTER PALADIN, THE ASCENDING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 1850/DEF 2000/Rank 4)

“An Xyz monster, ladies and gentlemen, who would guess it?,” Cheerilee announced.

“Wow, we've finally seen it all,” Sweetie Belle said, looking at the monster.

“That's right, we haven't only seen a Link,” Scootaloo added.

“We've also seen a Synchro and a Fusion,” Apple Bloom added.

"And now, we see an Xyz," Rumble finished.

“When summoned, Majester allows me to add any Pendulum monster from my deck to my hand in the End Phase,” Spike said as he detached a material, “And now I activate its other effect.”

“That's right, monsters used as Xyz materials don't go to the graveyard,” Cheerilee announced, “They stay attached to the monster becoming Overlay units.”

“I detach an Overlay unit and can summon a Dracoslayer from my Extra Deck,” Spike said.

At that moment one of the lights was absorbed by Majester Paladin's sword, which created a small tornado from which Luster Pendulum arose. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"Now I use Draco Face-Off," Spike said, and Lector Pendulum appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"He's using up all his cards in his hand," Rumble said pointing to Spike's hand, "He only has one card left."

"And not only that, he manage to get a Tuner monster in the field, this is not going well for Mac," said Apple Bloom.

Spike smirked, “Now I tune level 4 Luster Pendulum with level 4 Lector Pendulum.”

Luster Pendulum jumped and transformed into 2 fireballs, which carved a pair of burning rings which Lector Pendulum flew into.

"Bearing the armor of the mighty Igknight clan, incinerate everything in your path and create a new world with the flame of hope, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

And from an ascending fire, appeared Spike Synchro monster, the flaming dragon with an armor, "IGNISTER PROMINENCE THE BLASTING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2850/DEF 0/Lv 8)

“Yeesh,” Big Mac exclaimed knowing he would have a hard time stopping that monster.

"AND I'M NOT FINISHED YET," Spike yelled, "But first I activate Ignister's effect, I'll summon an ally from my deck, Luster Pendulum appears."

Another copy of the Luster Pendulum appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"Finally," Spike said as a portal appeared, it sucked in Luster and Vector, "I'll fuse Luster and Vector."

"Now he's going to use his Contact Fusion," Discord said in surprise.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, Spike Fusion monster appeared, the Sea Warrior, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

“DAMN, LOOK AT THAT LINEUP,” Cheerilee yelled.

"A Link, an Xyz, a Synchro and a Fusion," Big Mac said as he looked at the monsters Spike had summoned, he smiled, "I'm beyond impressed Spike."

Spike smiled, "Thanks Big Mac, for everything, I'm here thanks to you and the team, and I plan to thank you by giving my 100%."

Big Mac smiled and yelled, "WELL THEN COME GET ME."

"VERY GOOD," Spike answered with a yell, still smiling.

“I activate the other effect of Ignister, I will destroy a Pendulum card and I can return your Golem to your deck,” Spike said as his Synchro monster drew its sword which was engulfed in fire.

That got the audience excited.

“If the Golem leaves the field, my brother will be unprotected,” Apple Bloom said with her hands clasped on her chest.

But at that moment, a kind of fairy with blue hair appeared and released a strong blizzard which extinguished the fire of Ignister's sword.

"What happened?" Spike asked.

“From my hand I discarded my Effect Veiler,” Big Mac replied.

"A Hand Trap," Spike said in surprise.


Spike frowned, "Nice trick but you should have saved it for Heathspike, because I'm going to use its effect to gain 1000 extra attack points by removing a Dracoslayer."

"I'm on it," Heathspike added as his sword began to glow, but the glow faded, "What the hell, my sword."

"Now what happened?" Spike asked but at that moment he saw a green being carrying a golden spear.

“From my hand I discard Artifact Lancea, now you won't be able to banish monsters this turn,” Big Mac said with a smile.

"A second Hand Trap," Spike and Heathspike said at the same time.


Spike smiled again, "I see you planned it very well."

"Eeyup," Big Mac replied.

"However," Spike said making Big Mac raise an eyebrow, "I still have one last card left and I'm going to use it now."


Everyone on the team tensed up waiting for Spike to make his move.

"This is my last card, I activate the spell card," Spike flipped over the card in his hand, revealing it, a great glow covering the entire battlefield, "Kishido Spirit."

"WHAT?" Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle yelled at the same time.

"Now my monsters won't be destroyed by monsters whose attack is the same," he explained to Spike, then he smiled again, "So now Heathspike can destroy your Golem."


"BATTLE," Spike yelled.

“ANCIENT GEAR GOLEM,” Big Mac said as his Golem prepared to fight Heathspike.


“I WILL SHOW THAT GOLEM A TEST OF MY POWER,” Heathspike yelled as he stabbed at the Golem with his sword, destroying it.


"Big Mac has no monsters on the field anymore, now Spike," Heathspike told him.

"Now, you three, show what you're capable of," Spike ordered his monsters, "Show your true Dracoslayer might."

The 3 Dracoslayers loaded their swords and headed towards Big Mac to attack him, a huge explosion rocked the barn.


“AHHHH,” Big Mac yelled as he was thrown to the ground at the same time that a large amount of smoke covered the place.

“We did it,” Spike and Heathspike celebrated at the same time.

“Big Mac,” was the only thing all the team members could say when they saw their leader defeated.

But at that moment, Big Mac stood up, "Nope."

"What the?" Spike wondered.

“It's not over yet,” Big Mac said, showing his life point counter.

Spike: 3950 LP
Big Mac: 300 LP

"I don't get it," Spike said in surprise, "Your Life Points are supposed to be 0."

“Check at Ignister and Dinoster,” Big Mac replied, recovering.

Spike and Heathspike stared at said monsters which seemed to be surrounded by some kind of force field.

“Trap Card, Gravity Bind,” Big Mac said as he revealed the face down card, “Level 4 or higher monsters will not be able to attack.”

"No way," Spike said.


“Of course,” Sweetie Belle said, “Xyz Monsters don't have levels so they can't be affected by Gravity Bind.”

"So the only monster that could attack was majester," said Apple Bloom.

"Since you're already out of cards," Big Mac said as he draw a card from his deck, "I'll assume you're done."

Spike just nodded.

"I've had a lot of fun in this duel Spike."

"Me too Big Mac, I feel like I could go on like this all day," Spike replied.

“I would like to continue all day, too, but this duel must come to an end,” Big Mac replied as he held up a spell card, “Spider Web, I can take a card from your graveyard if it was sent last turn.”

Spike frowned and watched as his Pot of Greed left the graveyard for Big Mac's hand.

“I now activate your Pot of Greed,” Big Mac said as he activated the spell card, “This play will define the winner.”

Big Mac placed his fingers in his deck, everyone was expectant to see the cards he would draw.

"Come on," Big Mac thought.

That look, Spike and Heathspike thought in amazement.

"Come to me," Big Mac yelled as he drew 2 cards, seeing them he smiled, "You're lucky Spike."

Spike raised an eyebrow.

“You managed to corner me, to the point where my only option is to use my best card,” Big Mac said.

"Wait, so Ultimate Golem wasn't your best card?" Spike asked.

“Nope,” Big Mac replied, then activated a card, “I will now activate the ritual spell card, Ancient Gear Ritual.”


At that time the ground began to shake.

"Careful Spike," Heathspike told him, "I feel like something huge is coming."

“And whenever I use an Ancient Gear Golem, I can use monsters from the graveyard as materials,” Big Mac said.

At that moment, some kind of gear appeared, along with 2 platforms next to it.

“I will banish my Golem and my horse, to summon it I need monsters whose levels add up to 12,” Big Mac said.

The Ancient Gear Golem and the Trojan Horse appeared and placed themselves on the platforms, causing the gear to start spinning.

"Protect those you love with your enormous power, which will turn the gears of destiny in our favor, crushing anyone who tries to break them, RITUAL SUMMON."

From the gear an even larger version of the Ancient Gear Golem appeared, only this one seemed to have a cowboy hat attached to its head, the gear that made it appear became a metal plate which was placed on its chest, a red eye flared on his face, and his arms and legs had now taken on dangerous-looking spikes, "ULTIMATE GEAR SENTINEL." (ATK ?/DEF 0/Lv 12)

"It can't be," Spike and Heathspike said at the same time.

"That's my brother's best monster," said Apple Bloom proudly.

“So the legends about him were true,” Discord added in surprise.

"But what the hell is up with their attack points?" Scootaloo asked.

“Their attack points become the sum of the attack points of the monsters that were used as materials,” Big Mac answered them.

The Sentinel received an enormous amount of power that made him clench his fists. (ATK 4200)

“And for my final blow, I activate its effect, destroying a card I control,” Big Mac said as his Gravity Bind exploded, “I can destroy one of your monsters.”

Ignister's flames began to die down, until the monster exploded.

"IGNISTER," Spike yelled worriedly.

“And now Sentinel gains half of that monster's original attack,” Big Mac said as his monster continued to increase its attack. (ATK 5600)

“Now I activate my spell card Ancient Gear Castle,” a huge castle full of turrets appeared, “Giving 300 attack points to my monster.” (ATK 5900)

“UH OH,” Spike and Heathspike said at the same time.

“Spike will feel that in the morning,” said Apple Bloom.

"NOW, ULTIMATE GEAR SENTINEL, ATTACK MAJESTER, DARK ERADICATOR LASER," Big Mac yelled and at that moment his Sentinel began to charge his plate from which came a huge laser that smashed Spike's monster to smithereens.

"AHHHHHH," Spike yelled as he was hit.

Spike: 0 LP
Big Mac: 300 LPs (WINNER)

A few seconds later Spike was on his knees looking down at the ground.

Big Mac approached him to encourage him, but Spike raised his head, Big Mac was surprised to see the smile that Spike showed, he was afraid that that look was sad, fortunately, that was not the case.

"Big Mac," Spike said, "That was great."

Big Mac just smiled, as the old barn filled with excited voices over the duel that had ended in such epic fashion.

"It was the best."

"That was close."

"They are very strong."

At that moment Cheerilee walked over to Big Mac and handed him her microphone, "Congratulations Big Mac, you managed to keep your winning streak going, is there anything you want to say?"

“I don't know how to express myself, but I have to tell you, I'm glad to see the beautiful community we've created here,” Big Mac said, then approached Spike.

"And the best thing about this game is that kids like him can be a match for a man like me," Big Mac said as he raised Spike's arm, who just smiled.

“Today was an amazing night, and Spike, he has a great future as a duelist awaiting him,” Big Mac said then he turned to Discord, “And now let's welcome our newest member of the team, Discord.”

The spotlight turned on him and it seemed that Discord knew how to handle it, "Thank you, I promise to make my duels far from being normal."

The whole team laughed.

A few minutes later.

Spike was with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"That was unexpected Spike, I didn't think Mac would use his Sentinel," Apple Bloom told him.

"Which means we still have a lot to learn," Spike said.

"Which is good, so we'll evolve," Heathspike said, snapping out of his card.

"Dude, I am the perfect example for evolution," Rumble said, snapping out of his card.

“I think everything will be different from now on,” Scootaloo added.

“Because we won't be left behind, we'll fight to catch up with Big Mac,” Sweetie Belle finished.

The 4, well, the 6 agreed, excited about the duels that the future would bring.

Seventh Turn: The Ice Empress

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It was another day at Canterlot High, classes were over, today there would be no club day and no day at the team lair.

Twilight and Spike were heading home, they were riding Twilight's Duel Runner in their motorcycle outfits.

"How did you learn to drive this?" Spike asked as he held on to Twilight's waist for fear of falling.

Twilight giggled, "Shining taught me, at first it can be very difficult but you'll get used to it with time, who knows, maybe you'll be able to drive it one day."

Spike was surprised, he never saw himself driving a Duel Runner, but for that he would have to wait a bit, the laws indicated that Duel Runners can be used by young people over 15 years of age and he was only 14, there were a few months left before his birthday .

After a few minutes, they stopped at a red light, while they waited, Spike and Heathspike felt a kind of icy blizzard, "Spike, do you feel that?"

Spike shook his head, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Is something wrong Spike?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"No nothing, just adjusting my helmet," Spike replied, realizing that he hadn't told Twilight or his parents about Heathspike yet, he didn't know how they would react to knowing he was accompanied by a Duel Spirit.

Although something that caught his attention was seeing a girl his age at the bus stop, the girl had snow blue skin, her hair was white with some light blue lines, she wore a blue sweater and a white skirt, with winter boots, but her most notable feature was her eyes which seemed empty, besides, she had a cane, when Spike saw her he realized something, she was blind.

For some reason, Spike couldn't stop looking at her, for several seconds, something that again didn't go unnoticed by Twilight, "She's very pretty Spike, don't you think?"

"Ah, wait, I didn't mean to, I just," Spike said nervously, to which Twilight giggled.

"Relax Spike, I'm just teasing you," Twilight replied, patting her little brother's head even though it was covered with a helmet, "Besides, I know your heart is reserved for Apple Bloom, Scoots, and Sweetie."

Spike blushed intensely, he was going to answer but the traffic light turned green, to which his sister sped up, "Well, it's a coincidence that I know that girl."

"Huh?" Spike asked.

"Her name is Snowdrop, she's 15 years old, she must be in your grade, besides she is Vice Principal Luna's assistant," Twilight explained, "You'd like her Spike, she's a very kind girl, and a great duelist."

"Wait, I don't want to sound rude, but how can she play if she's blind?" Spike asked, trying not to sound insensitive or rude in a rather delicate situation.

Twilight just smiled, "You'll find out tomorrow, if you want I can convince her to duel with you."

"Would you do that? For me?" asked Spike touched.

"Sure Spike, I know you're a good boy, plus I like that you expand your circle of friends," Twilight smiled at him.

The next day.

Spike and Twilight were getting ready for another day of school, while getting ready Spike locked himself in his room to talk to Heathspike about what he felt yesterday.

"Sorry I didn't answer your question yesterday," Spike apologized.

"Don't worry Spike, I forgot you haven't told your family about me yet, and honestly, I don't think it's time yet," Heathspike replied.

"Eventually, though we can't wait long either, we don't know if Scootaloo has told Rainbow Dash about Rumble's existence," Spike added, "But, about the girl from yesterday."

“Oh right,” Heathspike recalled the reason he started the conversation, “I felt an icy blizzard, if you like dragons you know that the cold is deadly for us.”

"That's right, being cold-blooded reptiles they can't survive cold temperatures," Spike stated as he adjusted his Duel Disk on his wrist.

“Right, but the blizzard I felt, it was unique, it felt like I'd felt it before, and for some reason, it made me feel good, it made me feel at home,” Heathspike said movingly to his partner.

"Heathspike, I know you come from the spirit world, but do you remember your home?"

“No, unfortunately, all I've heard are stories of some monsters of my kind, but since I woke up in this world, my memories, my memory, have all gone,” Heathspike replied, “That's why I'd like to know more about that girl, maybe she has some answers.”

Spike smiled, "Heathspike, since I've known you you've helped me to be a better duelist, to have more confidence in myself, that's why I'm going to help you, together we will recover your lost memories."

Heathspike was touched, "Thanks Spike, I don't think I could have woken up with a better duelist."

The two of them high-fived, even though they didn't touch, since Heathspike was still a spirit, they both giggled and headed for the door.

But Spike noticed that his mother was in the hallway.

"Spike, who were you talking to?" asked Twilight Velvet.

"Ahhh," Spike replied, trying to hide his nerves, "Nobody's mom, I was just, umm, oh yeah, I read my comic books."

"Your comic books?" Velvet asked, “And do you read them out loud?”

"It's better that way, you feel the intensity that Power Ponies emanate when fighting, hehe," Spike replied nervously and with his hand behind his head.

“Umm, okay I guess,” Velvet answered who didn't seem to be 100% sure of the answer her son had given her.

"I'll see you in the afternoon," Spike said goodbye and went to the entrance of his house where Twilight Sparkle was waiting for him in her Duel Runner.

"Whew that was close," Spike thought.

“I know, we almost got caught,” Heathspike stated.

And so, another day of school ended, for Spike it went by quickly, though for Heathspike it took forever.

“Gaahhh, about time,” Heathspike was saying, stretching out his arms, “how can you do that every day?”

Spike looked to both sides to make sure no one was watching him, seeing that he was alone, he answered his partner's question, "I don't do it every day, I have some days off like weekends and vacations."

“Still,” Heathspike replied, cracking his knuckles, “to have to listen to that fool talk about history in a way that I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep.”

"Yeah, Professor Flintheart can be kind of boring and overly strict," Spike admitted, "but I can handle it."

"How?" Heatspike asked.

At that moment a voice was heard, "Spike."

The two turned and saw Twilight Sparkle waiting for him.

Spike smiled and turned to her, but not before whispering to Heathspike, "I can handle very advanced classes, thanks to all the extra lessons Twilight gave me."

"So you're smarter than you look," Heathspike said to which Spike smirked, but the Dracoslayer continued, "But how can you do a lot of stupid things?"

"Hey, Twilight only taught me academics, it's not my fault I don't know the rest," Spike replied in a low tone so Twilight wouldn't hear.

The siblings walked through the halls of Canterlot High, heading to Vice Principal Luna's office, where they should find Snowdrop.

"Ready to meet Snowdrop?" Twi asked.

"Yeah, I just hope she doesn't think I'm weird, or mean to her," Spike replied, lowering his head.

"Spike," Twilight placed her hand on his shoulder, "You're a sweet boy, you're weird, I won't deny that, but she won't think you'd try anything mean."

"Yes, you're right, I think I'm overreacting, but can you blame me for worrying and being nervous?" Spike asked.

"Absolutely not," Twilight replied, stroking his hair and giggling, "I think you kicked that bad habit out of me, it's partly my fault."

"Hehe," Spike laughed, "You're right about that, but I wouldn't change you for anything."

"Dawww Spike," Twilight hugged her little brother being moved, Spike felt ashamed but allowed himself to be hugged by his older sister.

"There," Twilight said to Spike, pointing to the office.

The two of them approached and looked out the window, there they saw a tall woman with dark blue skin, blue hair and blue eyes, she was wearing a purple suit and a black skirt, in addition to wearing black heels, she was the vice principal Luna, she was at her desk while answering a call, next to her was Snowdrop who was using the printer.

“Here are the exams, Vice Principal Luna,” Snowdrop placed the papers on her desk.

"Thanks Snowdrop, if you want you can go home, we're done for today, I really appreciate you being my assistant," the vice principal thanked her.

"The pleasure is mine, Vice Principal Luna, although you may wish to attend to the two behind the door," Snowdrop told her.

"Wow, how did she know?" Spike wondered.

Gently, Twilight smiled and knocked on the door.

“You can come in,” Luna spoke to them.

Twilight and Spike entered the office.

"Twilight Sparkle, it's good to see you, and you're her little brother, Spike," Luna greeted them, "what can I do for you."

“We actually came to see Snowdrop,” Twilight explained, which got the girl's attention.

"Me?" asked Snowdrop.

"Hi Snowdrop, my pleasure, I wanted to introduce you to my little brother Spike," Twilight said.

"Nice to meet you," Spike said, offering his hand for an inertial squeeze, forgetting that she was blind.

But Snowdrop managed to take Spike's hand without problem to accept the squeeze, this surprised him, "The pleasure is mine, I am Snowdrop, and I know you."

"Do you know me?" Spike asked.

“Of course you are, you're the guy who taught Rover a lesson a few days ago,” Snowdrop told him.

"Spike, I would like to apologize for what you went through that day," Vice Principal Luna apologized, "A case of bullying of this magnitude should not have happened under our direction."

"Don't worry, Vice Principal Luna, everything was resolved in the end, Rover hasn't caused us any more trouble," Spike told him.

“His expulsion may have something to do with it,” Snowdrop said.

"Was he expelled?" Spike asked.

Luna nodded, "It wasn't just his behavior in your duel Spike, Rover had already broken several school rules in the past, he had been given many warnings, but he ignored them."

"Oh my," Spike said, feeling relieved.

"So you wanted to see me?" Snowdrop asked Spike with a smile.

"Oh, right, yeah," Spike replied, "Twilight told me you were a great duelist."

Hearing that, Vice Principal Luna giggled, “Just a great duelist?”


“Spike, Snowdrop is more than just a great duelist,” Luna replied, stroking Snowdrop's hair, “Although she may not look like it, she is a Pro Duelist.”

"Really?" Spike asked very surprised.

“I know what you're thinking,” Snowdrop laughed, “If I'm a pro, then why am I not an arrogant snob?”

Without letting him answer, Snowdrop continued, "You could say that I'm different, I'm one of those who prefer to have fun playing, I would never use my position to put others down."

Spike smiled, "I'm glad there are more Pro Duelists like you, I thought I'd have problems with almost the whole school the day I declared war on the Pros who abused their power."

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you here, and I'm not just saying it because of me, there's also your sister, and other Pros who aren't evil."

"I take it you want to duel Snowdrop, right Spike?" Luna asked smiling, to which Spike nodded a little nervously.

"Awesome, a duel against the Rogue Duelist Spike," Snowdrop excited, "Why didn't you say it before, of course I accept."

Spike smiled, while behind him, Heathspike clenched his fist in excitement.

Spike and Snowdrop had headed to the schoolyard followed by Twilight and Vice Principal Luna.

Even Spike kept wondering how Snowdrop could duel in her condition, but he trusted what Twilight told him and decided to see it on his own.

“I hope you're ready Spike,” Snowdrop was telling him as she shuffled her deck.

Spike smiled and proceeded to do the same, "I always ready."

Something that interested Spike were the sleeves that covered Snowdrop's cards, although they all had a snowflake drawn on the back, he could see that some on the front had stickers of different shapes.

At that moment Luna approached Snowdrop.

"I'm going to assist Snowdrop in this duel," the vice principal said placing her hand on Snowdrop's shoulder, then Snowdrop smiled at Spike, "You just play like you usually do Spike."

“Okay, I guess?” Spike replied.

“Both of you, ready?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yes," Spike and Snowdrop said at the same time.

Both activated their Duel Disks, an energy blade was generated in both of them, Snowdrop's was light blue.

“Then let it begin,” Luna said excitedly.


Spike: 4000 LP
Snowdrop: 4000 LP

"Ladies first," Snowdrop said very determined taking out 5 cards from her deck, Spike did the same with a nod.

That's when Spike saw Snowdrop rubbing her fingers over her cards.

"Nice, First I summon Ice Barrier Gardna in defense mode," Snowdrop placed a card in his Duel Disk, from there, a kind of ice cube manifested which took the form of a knight in blue armor carrying a huge shield with a snowflake in the center. (ATK 0/DEF 2200/Lv 4)

Spike was drawn to that method, but that was when Snowdrop did it again, rubbing a card with her fingers.

“Alright, good card,” Snowdrop said as she activated it, “Activate the spell card, Aquarium Stage.”

At that moment, the ground began to shake, worrying Spike, "What's happening, an earthquake?"

Snowdrop chuckled, "More like, it's a tidal wave, too bad we don't have swimsuits."

Water began to come out of the ground flooding the area.

“Ahhh,” Twilight and Spike yelled at the same time trying to hold their breath as the stage was completely inundated, while Snowdrop and Vice Principal Luna just stood still.

"Wait," Twilight said, taking a breath, "Spike, it's okay, you're not going to drown."

Spike confirmed what his sister breathed, "Wow, this new solid vision system never ceases to amaze me."

“I know, even though I can't see it, I can feel it, it's almost magical,” Snowdrop said with a bubble in her hand, “The effect of this card makes water attribute monsters unable to be destroyed in battle by other monsters, with the exception of monsters of the same attribute.”

"Fortify her defenses," Spike thought, but finally realized how Snowdrop could play without seeing her cards, "I see, so she uses stickers to identify her cards."

He corroborate that when he saw the field on her Duel Disk, the Gardna card had a sticker in the shape of a snowflake attached to it, while the spell card had a sticker in the shape of a drop of water attached to it.

“That's amazing,” Spike said, marveling at how Snowdrop still had a way of enjoying dueling.

“My turn ends,” Snowdrop said, and at that moment, a card was added to her hand, “Effect of Ice Barrier Gardna, every End Phase, whether it's yours or mine, I can add an Ice Barrier card to my hand.”

"It was a good start, but now it's my turn, Draw," Spike pulled a card from his deck.

"Come on Spike, you can do it," Twilight encouraged.

Spike smiled, he looked at his hand, and it showed 2 pendulum monsters.

"I'm using Scale 3 Magical Abductor and Scale 7 Archfiend Eccentrick to set the Pendulum Scale."

Spike placed the two cards on the far ends of his Duel Disk.

On each side of him two pillars of light appeared as two monsters floated upwards, a magician with a large dress and a demon with a strange smile, hovering once they were ten feet high as the image of a three and a seven appeared below them.

But at that moment, the abductor's dress shimmered, creating a circle above her head.

“Spell Counter on Magical Abductor ,” Luna told Snowdrop.

“Hmm, curious,” Snowdrop replied.

"So the vice principal tells her the little details I'm missing, that's cool," Spike thought.

"Magical Abductor, wow Spike I'm flattered," Twilight told him.

“Yeah, I learned how to do this by watching your duels, and it's time to get it right,” Spike said, “Magical Abductor's effect, every time I activate a spell card, she will gain a Spell Counter, when she has 3 Spell Counters, I can remove them and add any Pendulum Monster to my hand.”

Snowdrop smiled, "But, can you get the 3 Spell Counters this turn?"

"That's a resounding yes," Spike responded excitedly as he activated a spell card, "I activate Igknight Reload."

“He place the card in the center,” Vice Principal Luna told her.

“I can return a set number of Pendulum Monsters to my Deck, shuffle and draw the same number of cards I returned to the Deck plus one extra,” Spike explained, returning a single monster.

“He pick the Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm,” the vice principal told Snowdrop.

“Makes sense, Darkwurm is useless in his hand,” Snowdrop replied.

"Wait, do you know what Darkwurm does?" Spike asked surprised.

“Well, I know it's a useful card in pendulum decks, plus I should know what most cards do, so I should remember well,” Snowdrop replied.

"But right now there are over 10,000 cards," Spike exclaimed, "I couldn't remember half of them."

“Hehe, you're funny,” Snowdrop laughed with a very cute giggle.

"Well, it's one of my qualities," Spike replied drawing the 2 cards from his deck and blushing, thankful that Snowdrop was blind.

The abductor's dress shine again, generating a second circle above her head, with this, Spike already had 2 Spell Counters.

“Awesome,” Spike said, “Now I activate the effect of my other pendulum card, Archfiend Eccentrick, by destroying it, I can destroy a spell or trap card.”

At that moment, the demon exploded into a thousand pieces, and a kind of tornado was approaching the aquatic stage.

"Nice move Spike," Twilight Sparkle told him.

But at that moment, a blizzard appeared, making the tornado disappear.

"Hey, what's going on?" asked Spike puzzled.

“I activate the effect of Ice Barrier Frost Soldier,” Snowdrop said as a knight with armor that seemed to be made of ice appeared from that blizzard, “I can discard it and this turn, my spell or trap cards are not destroyed if I control an Ice Barrier monster.”

"Who would have thought, that's the monster you searched for with Gardna's effect?" Spike asked to which Snowdrop nodded.

"I like how Snowdrop calculates her strategies, she protects her spell card which in turn protects her monster," Twilight Sparkle thought.

"I see, she has well managed her resources, the cards she looks for protect other cards which in turn protect others," Spike thought, looking at his hand, "I can't be wrong, if I make a single mistake, it will be my end."

“Don't you think you're being dramatic, we'd only lose,” Heathspike told him.

"Sorry, sometimes I forget I'm playing this for fun," Spike apologized but didn't say it in a low tone, so he could be heard.

"Who is he talking to?" Twilight wondered.

"Well it doesn't matter, I still have more things to do," said Spike, "I'd better gain more ground for now."

"I place Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer on the pendulum scale."

“Pendulum 5,” Luna told Snowdrop.

The third circle appeared, causing Spike to get the 3 necessary Spell Counters.

“You already have all 3,” Snowdrop told him, smiling.

"That's right," Spike replied, "Now I'll use her effect."

The 3 Spell Counters combined, creating a kind of beam of light that engulfed the field.

That's when Spike added a card to his deck, "I add it to my hand."

“The card is Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” Luna told Snowdrop.

“Now, Luster's effect on the pendulum scale, I destroy Magical Abductor, to bring another copy to my hand,” Spike said adding and destroying the card back to the scale.

“He's going to do it,” Snowdrop said excitedly.

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Spike chanted as his Pendulums pointed their sword and scepter up, and each shot a beam of light and dark which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon level 4 monsters at the same time," Spike explained, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Two lights shot out of the portal, and as they hit the ground they took shape.

“Prepare for battle, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer and Magical Abductor,” Spike said as his monsters appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1700/DEF 1400/Lv 4/P 3)

“Those monsters, they're both level 4,” Snowdrop said, “so I'm guessing an Xyz is coming.”

"Now," Spike ordered as his Master Pendulum and his Abductor began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"The Majespecter alliance will lend you its power, taking the reins of the mighty Kirin and riding it as a majestic Pegasus, be one with the wind, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole, a monster appeared, it was Spike's Dracoslayer Xyz, "MAJESTER PALADIN, THE ASCENDING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 1850/DEF 2000/Rank 4)

“He put it in the center of the Main monster zone,” Luna told Snowdrop.

“A bad idea for him,” Snowdrop replied.

“And not only that, he also put him in a defense position,” Vice Principal Luna said, “Smart.”

“My turn is over,” Spike said.

"Good idea Spike, now Majester's effect will kick in," Twilight Sparkle told him.

At that moment, a pendulum monster was brought into Spike's hand, "Majester's Effect."

“Yes, I know him,” Snowdrop said, "But I will use Gardna effect too."

Both of them added a monster to their hands.

“The monster is Luster Pendulum,” Luna told Snowdrop.

“I figured,” Snowdrop replied, “That's the Dracoslayer you need most.”

"Be careful Spike, Snowdrop doesn't forgive anyone who hasn't set cards face down," Twilight thought.

“It's my turn, Draw,” Snowdrop said pulling out another card, rubbing it with her fingers and smiling, “Finally you came.”

Spike raised an eyebrow.

“I activate the spell card, Medallion of the Ice Barrier,” Snowdrop said as she added a card to her hand, “This spell allows me to add an Ice Barrier monster from my Deck to my hand.”

At that moment, another Spell Counter from the new Magical Abductor was activated.

"Wow, it works on my opponent's spells, too," Spike said in astonishment.

"Of course it works with your opponent's spells," Twilight told him with her hand on her forehead, "Spike, I don't think you read the card right."

Leaving that aside, the card Snowdrop was looking for was a level 4 monster.

"It must be an important card," Spike thought.

“But it won't be around long, because now I'm going to use Graceful Charity, draw 3 cards, and discard 2,” Snowdrop said.

Spike was surprised that Snowdrop sent one of the cards that she herself had just searched to the graveyard, although he was also happy, since it made him gain an extra Spell Counter.

"I now summon Zuijin of the Ice Barrier," Snowdrop summoned a monster with the appearance of a samurai who wore a white kimono with a long blue scarf and wielded a sword that seemed to be made of ice. (ATK 500/DEF 500/Lv 2)

"Wait," Spike said realizing something, Ice Barrier Gardna was a Tunner monster, "Uh oh."

"You found out too late Spike, I don't know how you didn't notice, and they say I'm blind," Snowdrop laughed, although Spike found it adorable how she laughed.

"Yes, my brother is a bit of a fool, he doesn't read his opponent's cards even at their most critical moments," added Twilight Sparkle.

"Thanks Twilight," Spike said with a sarcastic tone, "Now Snowdrop thinks I'm stupid."

"No, I don't think you are, we all have our way of enjoying this game," Snowdrop said to which Spike smiled.

"If it makes you feel any better Spike, I don't read my opponent's card effects either, my sister, the Principal Celestia, has thrown that in my face many times already," Vice Principal Luna added.

"Hehe, I promise I'll get better," Spike laughed.

"You'll get better when you see my summon," Snowdrop said, "Now, I tune level 4, Gardna and level 2 Zuijin."

Ice Barrier Gardna jumped up and turned into 2 snowflakes, creating a pair of blue rings which Zuijin jumped into.

“Hear my prayers, cast your blizzard across this battlefield and reduce all that is weak to mere frost, SYNCHRO SUMMON.”

And from a blizzard that appeared in the field, a giant snake appeared which seemed to have a helmet in the shape of a snowflake on its head, the body of the snake seemed to be made of ice, but when it was completely revealed, that snake opened its wings, that was clearly not a snake, it was a dragon, "BRIONAC, DRAGON OF THE ICE BARRIER." (ATK 2300/DEF 1400/Lv 6)

“Holy Guacamole,” Spike and Heathspike exclaimed at the same time.

That's when they felt a breeze similar to the one they felt when they first saw Snowdrop.

“No, it's not this one,” Heathspike said.

Spike didn't understand what he was referring to but there was no time, because the dragon began to flap its wings.

"Surprised right, it's the impression a powerful Ice Barrier gives, and now I'll activate its effect, I can discard a number of cards from my hand, and I can return one card you control to your hand for each card I discard," Snowdrop told him.

"And now this is going to hurt," Spike said.

"But now I'll use the effect of the monster I discarded, Revealer of the Ice Barrier, if I were to discard cards for an effect, I can banish it from the graveyard instead."

"Good way to save your hand," Spike told her.

“Thank you, but now it's time for your Majester to go,” Snowdrop told him as Brionac's flapping made Majester leave the field.

“Majester,” Spike yelled, then learned that his draconic rider had been returned to the Extra Deck.

“You are helpless, so I will go into battle, Brionac, use your ice laser,” Snowdrop said as a blue glow began to radiate from Brionac's mouth.

"Uh oh," Spike said.


Brionac released a huge laser beam from his mouth which hit Spike directly.

"AHHHHHH," Spike was thrown back as he was struck by the bolt.

"SPIKE," Twilight yelled, worried about her little brother.

"Grr, I'm fine Twi," Spike said, recovering, "But I can't say the same for my life points."

Spike: 1700 LP
Snowdrop: 4000 LP

"Concentrate Spike, remember how important this duel is," Heathspike told him.

"Yeah buddy," Spike replied, "I'm not losing here."

Snowdrop's smile encouraged Spike to continue, it was clearly a duel that the two of them were enjoying.

Eighth Turn: The Dragoness of the Ice Barrier

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The duel between Spike and Snowdrop continued, the girl had summoned a synchro monster, Brionac, with which she attacked Spike, taking away more than half of his life points.

Spike: 1700 LP
Snowdrop: 4000 LP

“This ends my turn,” Snowdrop said.

Spike got up off the ground, "Wow, clearing the field, so that's one of the Ice Barrier's powers."

"That's right Spike, and I haven't even called my best monster yet, so you'd better do something," Snowdrop told him with a smile.

Spike just smiled, he enjoyed that duel, "My turn, Draw."

Spike took out a card, he looked at it seriously, "It's Dragon Shrine, a good card but can I turn the duel around with just this?"

Thinking about that, Spike began to scan his opponent's field, which only had her Brionac monster and her Aquarium Stage spell card which prevented water-attribute monsters from being destroyed in battle, but he thought Snowdrop could have a Handtrap which could be a problem.

Then he began to analyze his own field, he had no monsters but he had cards in his pendulum zones, but he saw something that gave him an idea, Magical Abductor had 2 Spell Counters thanks to the 2 spell cards Snowdrop used on her turn.

“This is perfect,” Spike said with a smile that didn't go unnoticed.

"Do you have a plan in mind Spike?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Spike nodded, "Sure Twi, because I'm going to activate my spell card, Dragon Shrine."

Snowdrop smiled, "Your deck responds very well to you."

Spike nodded with a smile, "That's right, and now I'm going to use the effect of my card, I send a dragon from my deck to the graveyard."

Spike sent Master Pendulum from the deck to the graveyard.

“He sent Master Pendulum,” Vice Principal Luna told Snowdrop, this because Snowdrop was blind and sometimes she needed someone's assistance when dueling.

“I see, it's a normal monster, that card's effect can be activated again if the dragon sent to the graveyard is normal,” Snowdrop replied.

"You're right, so now I'll send another dragon to the graveyard," Spike sent the Darkwurm to the graveyard.

“Darkwurm,” Luna said to Snowdrop to which the winter girl nodded.

“And not only that, my Magical Abductor gains another Spell Counter,” Spike added as Magical Abductor's dress glowed and a sphere of light appeared on top of her along with 2 other spheres.

"Oh yeah, this is all working out," Spike thought excitedly.

"Now Spike," Heathspike told him.

Spike nodded quickly, "I now activate Magical Abductor's effect, remove 3 Spell Counters, and add Luster Pendulum to my hand."

The Abductor's dress shimmered, causing the 3 spheres above her to vanish.

"And now I reactivate the effect of Luster Pendulum in my pendulum Zone."

Quickly, Luster Pendulum raised his sword, a beam reached the Magical Abductor destroying it, immediately afterwards, another copy appeared in Spike's hand, which placed it in the pendulum area.

"I have to say it Twilight, I know it doesn't look like it, but I think intelligence runs in the family," Luna told Twilight, the vice principal clearly surprised at the way Spike planned his moves, "Your little brother is very skilled, his style of play hardly spends resources, and if he does, he recovers them easily.”

Twilight smiled, "Spike has worked hard to get here, it hasn't been easy, but he never gives up and just keeps getting better as a duelist."

Continuing with the duel, Spike was about to start his summons.

“First I'll activate the effect of my Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm in my graveyard, if I don't control monsters on my field, I can Special Summon it,” Spike said as his dragon appeared from the graveyard. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“Now I normal summon Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” Spike said his dragon appeared. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“Be careful Snowdrop, Luster is a Tuner monster,” Luna told her.

“I'm ready,” Snowdrop replied seriously.

Spike smirked, “Now watch as I tune level 4 Luster Pendulum with level 4 Darkwurm.”

Luster Pendulum jumped and transformed into 2 fireballs, which carved a pair of burning rings which the Darkwurm flew into.

"Bearing the armor of the mighty Igknight clan, incinerate everything in your path and create a new world with the flame of hope, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

And from an ascending fire, appeared Spike Synchro monster, the flaming dragon with an armor, "IGNISTER PROMINENCE THE BLASTING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2850/DEF 0/Lv 8)

“Its effect can cross over to my Aquarium Stage, I must stop it,” Snowdrop thought.

“I activate Ignister's effect,” Spike said, but was interrupted at that moment.

“Not so fast,” Snowdrop said as a blue-haired faerie appeared on the field, “Effect Veiler, discarding it can negate a monster's effect.”

Spike frowned, "Fine, if I can't defeat that dragon this turn, then I'll fortify my defense."

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Spike chanted as his Pendulums pointed their sword and scepter up, and each shot a beam of light and dark which connected and opened a portal above him.


A light shot out of the portal, and hit the ground that took shape.

"Protect me, Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer," Spike summoned his warrior dragon from his extra deck in defense mode. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"That sound, he summon in defense mode," Snowdrop thought.

"I will now enter the battle phase," Spike declared as Ignister's sword began to burn even hotter, "Ignister, attack Brionac."

The fire dragon charged his sword towards the ice dragon which supported the attack simply by staggering.

“As long as Aquarium Stage is in my field, Brionac cannot be destroyed by battle,” Snowdrop explained as Brionac stood up.

“But you still take the damage,” Spike mentioned.

Spike: 1700 LP
Snowdrop: 3500 LP

“Yeah, that couldn't be helped,” Snowdrop added.

"And I end my turn, by setting a card face down," Spike said as he set a card face down.

Twilight worried, "I hope that card is good, because Brionac's effect will send all his monsters flying, clearing his field, if Snowdrop does that, Spike will lose."

"So now it's my turn, Draw," Snowdrop pulled out a card from her deck.

"Now I'll activate my trap card," Spike yelled at that instant, "Threatening Roar."

A beast emerged and roared at Brionac.

"Now you won't be able to declare an attack this turn," Spike told him with a confident smile.

“You planned a good strategy, even if I use Brionac's effect to return your cards to your hand, I wouldn't be able to attack and in the next turn you could use those cards that I would have sent to fight back,” Snowdrop said, “You're very clever.”

"Thanks," Spike replied without losing his smile.

“However,” Snowdrop said, adopting a serious look, which scared Spike, in turn he could see her determination in her eyes, even if they were empty, “I always have a plan, my deck always comes to my rescue.”

At that moment, a blizzard shook the field, a blizzard that everyone could feel, but Spike and Heathspike felt it even more.

“This blizzard,” Heathspike told Spike, “is the same one I felt yesterday, it's definitely her.”

"What?" Spike asked confused, “Who are you referring to? "Who is her"?""

"You'll find out soon enough," was all Heathspike replied, frustrating Spike a bit.

Snowdrop rubbed her fingers over the sticker on one of her cards to make sure she chose the correct one, "I activate the spell card, Premature Burial."

Spike was surprised and stepped back.

“I pay 800 points to revive a monster, come back, Ice Barrier Gardna,” Snowdrop said as Ice Barrier Gardna was summoned from the graveyard. (ATK 0/DEF 2200/Lv 4)

Spike: 1700 LP
Snowdrop: 2700 LP

Spike began to think about what he was planning, but when he remembered the blizzard that hugged him and realized again that this monster was a tuner, he understood everything, "Wait, don't tell me that…"

"Yes Spike, I can't attack you, but that means I can't go for your life points through other means," Snowdrop smiled.

“Here it comes,” Vice Principal Luna said.

"Who? who is coming?" asked Twilight a bit nervous.

“I think it's time you showed up my friend,” Snowdrop whispered, then she spoke aloud, “Now, I tune level 4, Gardna and level 6 Brionac.”

Ice Barrier Gardna jumped up and turned into 2 snowflakes, creating a pair of blue rings which Brionac flew into.

"Listen to my prayers, the wishing star will grant me a harmonious power that will allow us to achieve happiness with the blizzard of life, so our hearts will receive the winter, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

From a blizzard, a humanoid creature with draconic features appeared, it seemed to be a female monster due to her figure, she was very tall, she wore armor that seemed to be made of ice, but her armor only covered her chest, torso, hands and legs. , the other parts were exposed, except that it was covered with torn white fabrics that looked like a dress, it had a dragon tail with thorns, its scales were orange, except for its 2 wings, which were purple, but these didn't look like dragon wings, they were angel wings, her hair color was brown, color of which was the same as the thorns on her tail, but a detail that seemed cute was that she wore a small blue bow on her head, head to the side of his left ear, "WHIMSEY, DRAGONESS OF THE ICE BARRIER." (ATK 3200/DEF 1200/Lv 10)

"Ahhhh, 3200 attack points," Spike exclaimed in fear, but then he remembered something, "Wait, that's right, he can't attack us this turn thanks to my trap card, we'll be safe buddy."

But Heathspike didn't answer, he just stared at Snowdrop's monster, he looked at her as if he already knew her, "I knew it, you're here, Whimsey."

Immediately afterwards, memories of when he lived in the spirit world returned to his mind, he was finally able to remember something, a friend he had, that friend was now in front of him.

“Now, Whimsey has an interesting effect,” Snowdrop explained as a flame appeared above his synchro monster, “I can change its attribute, now Whimsey becomes fire.”

"Okay, does she do anything else?" Spike asked.

Snowdrop nodded with a smile, "Afterward, she will destroy your cards on the field."

"Wait a minute what?" Spike asked surprised.

At that moment, icicles began to fall from the sky, which crushed Ignister and Luster, but also crushed the 2 cards on the pendulum scale that Spike had.

"NOOOO," Spike yelled as he saw his monsters destroyed.

“And now, if one of the destroyed monsters has the same attribute as Whimsey, you will take half of its attack points as damage,” Snowdrop explained.

“This can't get any worse,” Spike said as he saw Whimsey charging up, then she blew a huge blizzard that made Spike shiver from the cold.

"GHHHHhghghgh," Spike complained about the cold he felt.

Spike: 275 LP
Snowdrop: 2700 LP

"Oh no, hold on Spike," Twilight Sparkle yelled at him.

"That's the plan Twi, though I'll need an even bigger jacket after this," Spike replied, shivering.

"My turn is over," Snowdrop said, "Last chance Spike, if you don't defeat Whimsey this turn, you're done for."

“Spike, I need you to summon me this turn, I have to see Whimsey face to face,” Heathspike told him.

Spike didn't know what his partner was referring to, but he would do anything for him, he nodded with a thumbs up, "My turn, Draw."

Spike drew a card, and it seemed his deck responded to his call, "I activate the card, Pot of Greed."

Spike pulled out 2 cards, looked at them and smiled, "This will do."

"Active, Monster Reborn cards, and Draco Face-Off."

Several minutes later

Spike started making his moves when he finished, his field had 3 monsters, Magical Abductor, Luster Pendulum and Vector Pendulum. (ATK 1700/DEF 1400/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

Snowdrop found it surprising that he could have the field like this without using his pendulum summon, she smiled, "Not bad."

"It's time for the Link summon," Heathspike said to which Spike smiled.

"Appear now, the circuit that will burn the future," Spike said as his 3 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, " The condition to summon it is at least one Dracoslayer monster.”

"I'm placing Luster Pendulum, Vector Pendulum and Magical Abductor on the Link Markers," Spike said as his monsters turned into energy which went to the bottom 3 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

"Appear, warrior flowing with the power of the dragon alchemy, whose body bears the scales of the brave hero who will fight to the end and spread his mystical fire on the battlefield, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared Spike Link Monster and his Duel Spirit, in his complete form, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, THE MYSTIC DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

Heathspike's appearance on the field caused an incredible reaction, but it seemed, it could only be felt by Spike and Snowdrop.

“Whimsey,” Heathspike spoke, something neither Twilight nor Luna could hear, but Snowdrop could, who had to hide her excitement.

"It can't be," Whimsey replied in surprise, Spike not surprised that Whimsey could speak due to all his past experiences, "Heathspike, its you."

Spike could see the 2 dragons smiling as they looked at each other.

But then they remembered that they were in a duel, so Whimsey asked Heathspike something. "Shall we talk later?"

Heathspike nodded.

“Then show me your power,” Whimsey challenged.

"Of course Whimsey," Heathspike replied as his power increased. (ATK 3000/Link-3)

“That sound,” Snowdrop said, listening to the sound of increasing atk points, “Did its power change?”

Spike nodded with a smile, “Master Heathspike gains 500 attack points if I have a face-up Dracoslayer in my extra deck, and gains another 500 if I have a Dracoslayer in my graveyard, theres more, banishing a Dracoslayer from my Extra Deck or Graveyard, Heathspike will gain 1000 more points.”

At that moment, Heathspike's sword began to glow and was engulfed in purple fire. (ATK 4000/Link-3)

“That power,” Snowdrop said in surprise.

“I told you he was very strong Snowdrop,” Whimsey added with an excited smile.

"I'm using Scale 3 Vector Pendulum the Dracoverlord and Scale 5 Lector Pendulum the Dracoverlord to set the Pendulum Scale."

Spike placed the two cards on the far ends of his Duel Disk.

On each side of him two pillars of light appeared as two monsters floated upwards, hovering once they were ten feet high as the image of a three and five appeared below them.

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Spike chanted as his Pendulums pointed their swords up, and each shot a beam of dark which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon level 4 monsters at the same time," Spike explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

And from the portal came 2 Spike's pendulum monsters, Magical Abductor and Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm. (ATK 1700/DEF 1400/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

"Come on Spike, you can do it," Twilight encouraged with all her might.

“That's more than enough to wipe out our life points,” Snowdrop said.

"Dont worry Snowdrop, thanks to Aquarium Stage I can't be destroyed in battle," Whimsey replied.

"Don't you remember that your attribute changed to fire?" Snowdrop asked.

Whimsey realized that it was indeed no longer a water monster, so the Aquarium Stage would be useless, "Uh oh."

"Battle, Heathspike, attack Whimsey," Spike yelled, to which Heathspike charged toward the Ice Barrier.

"Oh well, at least it was fun," Whimsey laughed, "I'm not going down without a fight."

At that moment Whimsey let out a great frozen breath which slowed Heathspike down.

"You've grown strong, Whimsey," Heathspike said as he pushed through the blizzard, "But so do I."

Heathspike went through the blizzard and managed to hit Whimsey, although she was destroyed, she didn't lose her smile.

"Now my monsters, attack directly," Spike said to his remaining monsters.

Snowdrop smiled, "Spectacular, you are quite an interesting boy."

Snowdrop received the attacks but she did not flinch.

Spike: 275 LP (Winner)
Snowdrop: 0 LP

"Very well done Spike," Twilight Sparkle cheered.

Although Spike was happy to have won, he went to Snowdrop hoping that she was not hurt, Luna also approached her.

"Snowdrop," Spike came up.

"Are you OK?" asked Vice Principal Luna.

But Snowdrop just laughed, much to everyone's relief.

"Didn't expect that Spike, it really was a fun duel," Snowdrop told him.

Spike smiled, "I had fun too, thanks for agreeing to duel me Snowdrop."

Snowdrop offered her hand to Spike for a handshake, "Let's have another duel in the future."

Spike accepted the shake, "Sure, I'd like to play with you again."

But at that moment, Spike felt something in his hand, it was a piece of paper that Snowdrop had put in his hand, he quickly hid it in his jacket.

After saying goodbye to Snowdrop and Vice Principal Luna, Twilight and Spike went home.

When Spike made sure he was alone, he decided to see what was on the piece of paper, it was a message from Snowdrop that said the following:

See you tomorrow on the roof at lunchtime.

Spike decided to listen to the piece of paper, he had to talk to her.

The next day, precisely on the roof of Canterlot High.

Spike had arrived, Snowdrop was waiting for him.

"Hello Spike, I'm sorry that message was so short, you probably got it wrong," Snowdrop apologized.

"No, okay, I think I know what you mean," Spike comforted her, "But how did you know it was me, I still didn't open the door?"

Snonwdrop chuckled, "I could smell and hear you, I won't be able to see, but I remind you that my other senses are very sharp."

"Wow, that's great," Spike replied.

“Anyway, from what you said, I think you have an idea now,” Snowdrop said, revealing the card from Whimsey, Dragoness of the Ice Barrier, “You also have a Duel Spirit.”

"That's right," Spike replied, revealing the card from Master Heathspike, the Mystic Dracoslayer.

"This is so cool, I knew Whimsey wasn't wrong about you."

At that moment, the 2 spirits materialized, and although Snowdrop couldn't see, she could feel it.

“Whimsey,” Heathspike said with tears in his eyes.

"Heathspike," Whimsey lunged at him for a hug.

They were hugging for several seconds until Heathspike spoke to Spike, "I remember Spike, I remember a bit of my past, this is Whimsey Weatherbe, we lived in the same kingdom for a long time, she is my best friend."

“I've missed you Heathspike,” Whimsey didn't stop hugging him still with tears in her eyes.

Their fellow duelists partners smiled, it seemed that his fellow spirits had a lot to talk about.

But for now, they were happy to see each other again.

Ninth Turn: Cakes and Sweets

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Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were returning to their respective classes, it seemed very strange to them that they had not seen Spike at lunchtime, although their doubts were dispelled when they saw Spike coming back from the school roof.

“Hey, there it is,” Scootaloo pointed out.

"And he's not alone, look who he's with," Sweetie Belle added as she saw a baby blue skinned girl next to Spike.

"She's Vice Principal Luna's assistant, I think her name is Snowdrop," Apple Bloom replied.

At that moment, they saw Spike and Snowdrop hugging before they went back to their respective classes.

“Weird, I didn't think Spike had any friends outside of the club,” Scootaloo wondered.

Several hours later, classes were over, so the girls decided to head over to Apple Bloom's house, still wondering what Spike was doing with Snowdrop.

“Here she is,” Sweetie Belle said as she showed Apple Bloom and Scootaloo her phone, on which was a picture of Snowdrop, “She's a Pro Duelist, apparently she's pretty good.”

"She doesn't seem like some of the other Pro´s at school," Scootaloo said, "But wow, someone our age with that talent."

"Someday we'll reach that level, level of duelists like…" Apple Bloom said but was interrupted by Sweetie Belle.

“Big Mac.”

"That's right, one day we will be as strong as my brother," said Apple Bloom with confidence and determination.

"No," replied Sweetie Belle, pointing to a window in a bakery, "I mean Big Mac is in there."

They leaned out and saw Big Mac who was delivering some apples to a girl with pink skin and fluffy violet hair came out, she was wearing a green dress and turquoise shoes.

"Who's that girl?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

“I don't know,” Scootaloo replied, turning to Apple Bloom hoping she did have a solid answer.

"That must be Sugar Belle," Apple Bloom answered making her friends pay more attention, "I don't know her, but Applejack has told me about her bakery, obviously she's just been ordering a lot of apples."

The 3 girls looked out the window with even more intensity, they saw that Sugarbelle had an exaggerated amount of apples.

“She really likes apples,” Apple Bloom said in surprise, clearly the only place she'd seen so many apples was at home, she didn't expect to see so many outside.

"And what is she doing? Bake the biggest apple pie in Canterlot?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Thanks for coming back Big Mac,” Sugar Belle thanked him, making Big Mac blush.

“Happy to help,” was all Big Mac could say with hearts in his eyes.

“But I didn't just call you about the apples,” Sugar Belle said as she took something out of her bag, it was a box, “I heard about your passion for Duel Monsters, I've heard rumors that you're very good at playing it.”

Not knowing what to say and not losing heart in his eyes, Big Mac simply decided to nod, "Eeyup."

“I made a deck, and I've been wanting to try it out,” Sugar Belle pulled out a deck from the box.

“Oh, she's a duelist,” Scootaloo said in surprise.

"So she just call Big Mac so he can teach her how to play?" asked Rumble who manifested next to Scootaloo.

“No, it seems my brother…” Apple Bloom said but stopped when she caught Big Mac's look, “He has a crush.”

“Aww, that's so cute,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Eeyup, I can teach you, and it will be much better with my sister's help,” Big Mac replied.

"Oh, which one of your sisters, Applejack or Apple Bloom?" asked Sugar Belle.

“Apple Bloom, after all, she and her friends have been watching us for quite a while,” Big Mac replied with all the calm in the world, causing the girls to swallow as he turned to the window, “Right girls?

“What,” Sugar Belle turned around and sure enough there were 3 girls spying on her, “Hey who are you?”

“AHHHH,” the girls yelled.

“They saw us,” Apple Bloom said as the window accidentally opened, causing them to fall into the bakery.


Apple Bloom who had spirals in her eyes tried to apologize, "Hehe, hi Big Mac, ah think you wanted my help."

After a long explanation, Sugar Belle seemed to have understood, at least a little.

"Anyway, mah name is Apple Bloom, this are my friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, we're really sorry Sugar Belle."

“Okay, don't worry, I think you were just curious about your brother, let me tell you, he's quite the gentleman,” Sugar Belle replied.

"And you wanted a duel against him?" Scootaloo asked.

“Yes, I am still a beginner though,” Sugar Belle replied.

"Don't worry, we all were once, but when you have your first duel, you'll feel great," Sweetie Belle told her.

"And my sister is here for that, she will be your first opponent," Big Mac said.

"How exciting," Apple Bloom said, but then she looked at Big Mac, "But shouldn't that be you?"

“I don't have my deck with me right now,” Big Mac replied.

"Is it okay with me being your opponent Sugar Belle?" asked Apple Bloom.

Sugar Belle nodded, "It would be an honor."

"Very well, then let's have a duel," Apple Bloom said as she took out a yellow Duel Disk from her backpack, it was a model that required real cards to work, she activated it and a robotic voice was heard saying: "Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

But Sugar Belle just stood there awkwardly, "Yeah so, I don't have a Duel Disk."

“Oh sorry, I forgot,” Apple Bloom apologized for rushing.

"Don't worry, you can use mine," Big Mac told her as he lent her his Duel Disk.

"Thank you Big Mac," Sugar Belle thanked him.

Sugar Belle placed her deck inside the Duel Disk, with difficulty since it was the first time she used one, she activated it and the same robotic voice was heard: "Local VR Network, Duel Standby."

At that moment, Sugar Belle noded, at that moment, a red energy blade spawned in the Duel Disk, Sugar Belle drew 5 cards from her deck and placed them in her left hand.

Apple Bloom did the same as a green energy blade spawned from her Duel Disk.

"Are you 2 ready?" I ask Big Mac.

The two of them nodded although Sugar Belle was a bit nervous.

“Then let begin the…”


Apple Bloom: 4000 LP
Sugar Belle: 4000 LP

“Ah go first to teach you the basics,” said Apple Bloom.

“Well, yes I know the basics, but you should go first to be sure,” Sugar Belle replied.

"Great, then ah start by invoking Naturia Camellia," Apple Bloom said, and there a red flower with eyes appeared on the field and its stem looked like the rest of her body which she could move at will. (ATK 1400/DEF 700/Lv 4)

“Its effect allows me to send a Naturia monster from my deck to the graveyard,” Apple Bloom said as she sent a monster to her graveyard.

“So her deck is Naturia,” Sugar Belle thought.

Apple Bloom looked at the cards in her hand as she thought about her next move, "Although Sugar Belle is a beginner ah can't underestimate her, so it would be essential to have good protection even if it's my first turn."

"Ah activate the field spell, Naturia Forest," Apple Bloom said as she placed her card, at that moment, the pastry shop had turned into a green forest with stones floating around it, full of flowers that made the place look magical and harmonious.

“Wow, how cute,” Sugar Belle said.

"Isn't it, it's beautiful," Apple Bloom assured her, at that moment a face-down card appeared on the field, "I end my turn by setting this card."

"Okay, it's my turn, Draw," Sugar Belle took out a card from her deck, she looked at them with a little insecurity, then she turned to Big Mac who made a gesture to encourage her.

Sugar Belle smiled, "I activate the spell card, Heavy Storm, it will destroy all your spell and trap cards."

A storm began to hit the forest.

“She's going to destroy it,” Sweetie Belle said.

“It definitely started off the duel in a spectacular way,” Scootaloo added.

“Not so fast,” Apple Bloom said as the face-down card activated, “I activate my trap card, Exterios Fang.”

A fang appeared, blocking out the storm.

“If ah control a Naturia, ah can negate the activation of one of my opponent's cards, then ah discard a card from my hand,” Apple Bloom explained, as she sent a card from her hand to the graveyard.

Sugar Belle frowned, then she thought about what she should do, "Come on Sugar Belle, you know how your deck works, you studied it over and over again, you can do something with it."

“Activate the effect of my naturia forest,” Apple Bloom said as flowers began to bloom from the grass, “When ah negate the activation of a card, ah can add a level 3 or lower Naturia from my deck to mah hand.”

Apple Bloom added a monster to her hand.

"Well, never mind, now I summon Madolche Magileine," Sugar Belle said as she put down her card, a red-haired witch appeared in the woods whose broom seemed to be a fork, as well as donuts surrounding her. (ATK 1400/DEF 1200/Lv 4)

"Madolche, so accurate for her," thought Apple Bloom.

“Her attack points are the same as Naturia Camelia,” Scootaloo said.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nodded.

“Sugar Belle will have a plan,” thought Sweetie Belle.

“With its effect, I add a Madolche from my deck to my hand,” Sugar Belle added a monster to her hand.

“I now activate the field spell, Madolche Chateau,” Sugar Belle said as a castle made of candy emerged from the ground, encroaching on the tranquility of the forest.

But at that moment, Magileine's attack points changed. (ATK 1900)

"Why is your monster suddenly so strong?" Apple Bloom asked in surprise.

Sugar Belle smiled, “My Chateau grants 500 attack and defense points to each Madolche monster.”

“Oh damn, ah well, 500 damage points isn't a big deal,” Apple Bloom said.

"Who said it would only be 500 points?" asked Sugar Belle with a smile.

"What?" Apple Bloom asked.

“I activate, Back-Up Rider, this gives 1500 attack points to my monster until the End phase,” Sugar Belle activated a spell card as Magileine's power increased further. (ATK 3400)

“3400 POINTS,” Scootaloo yelled.

“And it's only her first turn,” Sweetie Belle added.

"ATTACK," Sugar Belle yelled causing Magileine to charge a huge laser beam which seemed to be made of glitter, which impacted Camellia, destroying her instantly, but the beam didn't stop and it hit Apple Bloom straight.

“HOLY APPLE SAUCE,” Apple Bloom yelled as she was hit by the glitter.

Apple Bloom: 2000 LP
Sugar Belle: 4000 LP

"She's doing very well," thought Big Mac with a smile, but his gaze went to his little sister, "Come on Apple Bloom, don't lose so easily."

"Grrr," Apple Bloom recovered from the attack and drew a card from her deck, "Mah turn."

She saw her hand and smiled, "I summon Naturia Pumpkin."

A green pumpkin with eyes, a mouth, arms and legs appeared on the field. (ATK 1400/DEF 800/Lv 4)

“This allows me to summon another Naturia monster from my hand, and I summon the Tuner monster, Naturia Firefly,” Apple Bloom said as a blue light firefly appeared on the field. (ATK 0/DEF 0/Lv 1)

“A Tuner monster,” said Sugar Belle, a little scared.

Apple Bloom smirked, “Now watch as ah tune level 4 Naturia Pumpkin with level 1 Naturia Firefly.”

Firefly flew up and turned into 2 blue energy orbs, which created a pair of flowery rings that Pumpkin jumped into.

"The power of the earth favors you, use it to protect the weakest, protect the forest and let hope flourish, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

From the sky of the forest appeared a tiger which had green fur, its eyes were red like blood, but the rest of its body looked strange, there were a few leaves on its fur, its front and front legs seemed to be made of tree wood, but that didn't make it look any less powerful, "NATURIA BEAST." (ATK 2200/DEF 1700/Lv 5)

“Impressive,” Sugar Belle and Big Mac said at the same time.

“I really like her fur,” Sweetie Belle said, admiring the beauty of Naturia Beast.

“And since ah use it as material for a Synchro Summon of a Naturia monster,” Apple Bloom said, pulling out a card from her Deck, “Firefly allows me to draw a card.”

“Ah set a face down,” Apple Bloom set a card in the field, “And now battle.”

The beast made a roar that sent Sugar Belle reeling.

"Naturia Beast, destroy Madolche Magileine," Apple Bloom ordered as Naturia Beast used her powerful forest paw to attack Magileine, this caused her broom to explode and she fell to the ground.

Apple Bloom: 2000 LP
Sugar Belle: 3700 LP

"Nice," Scootaloo said, clenching her fist, "didn't make a big change to her life points, but she did clear her field."

“Scoot, I think you should pay attention,” Sweetie Belle told her.

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle pointed and saw Sugar Belle's monster returning to her hand.

"But how?" wondered Apple Bloom.

“When a Madolche would be destroyed, I can send it to the deck instead of the graveyard, but if my Chateau is on the field, I can add them to my hand,” Sugar Belle replied, then looked at Big Mac, “I think I've got it. I'm getting used to this."

Big Mac smiled and gave a thumbs up.

“My turn is over,” Apple Bloom declared.

“It's my turn,” Sugar Belle said but before drawing a card she caught a glimpse of Apple Bloom's monster, Naturia Beast, even though she was a beginner, she was aware how useful that card was since several duelists whose decks had nothing to do with Naturia they used it anyway, the reason was simple, its devastating effect.

"The moment I activate a spell card, that thing will be able to negate the activation by sending 2 cards from its deck to the graveyard, the worst thing is that it's not once a turn, but I think I have something here to beat it," Sugar Belle thought while looking at her hand, "No, it's not in my hand, so I have to take it out in this draw, but if I don't get it…"

"Trust your cards Sugar Belle, trust yourself," thought Big Mac.

“Please listen to me,” Sugar Belle told her cards, “DRAW.”

Apple Bloom could see that in that draw, flashes came out, although she could not explain it with words, she knew that Sugar Belle had become one with her cards.

“Awesome I got it,” Sugar Belle yelled as she activated a spell card, “I activate, Dark Ruler No More.”

“OH HOLY APPLES OF THE SOUTH,” exclaimed Apple Bloom.

“During this turn you won't take battle damage, but all your monsters will lose their effects, the best thing about this card is that it can't be negated by other cards,” Sugar Belle explained as a wave of darkness surrounded Naturia Beast causing it to lose its effect.

“And now, Il summon Magileine again, then I use my Spell card, Double Summon, to get an extra normal summon, and I choose to summon, another copy of Magileine,” Sugar Belle said as 2 of her monsters appeared on the field. (ATK 1400/DEF 1200/Lv 4)X2

"Wait a minute," Sweetie Belle realized something important.

“There are 2 level 4 monsters on Sugar Belle's field,” Scootaloo added.

“Yes, and with that I will build the Overlay Network,” Sugar Belle replied as her 2 Magileines turned into lights and flew away.

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"Make this battle sweeter with your academic knowledge, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole appeared a woman in a green dress surrounded by various desserts, she was also accompanied by a cat, 2 lights were flying around her, "MADOLCHE TEACHER GLASSOUFFLE." (ATK 1800/DEF 2500/Rank 4)

“An Xyz monster,” Apple Bloom said through gritted teeth.

"I think there's more," Big Mac said.

"And you're right about that Big Mac," Sugar Belle responded enthusiastically, "Once again I will build the Overlay Network."

"How? you only have a monster,” Apple Bloom told her.

“Just that monster will do, instead of using 2 level 5 monsters, I can use a Rank 4 Madolche for material,” Sugar Belle replied as her monster turned into a light.

Another black hole appeared below him which the light flew into.

“With royalty, fashion, the sweet taste of victory approaches, let commoners envy the light you emanate as you walk among them granting them your beauty, XYZ SUMMON.”

From the black hole appeared a blonde girl with long hair, she wore an all black dress that seemed to be decorated in the pattern of a cake, desserts surrounded her as she stood in front of the Chateau and like any other Xyz monster, she had lights flying around her were 3 lights, “MADOLCHE PUDDINGCESS CHOCOLAT-A-LA-MODE.” (ATK 2500/DEF 2200/Rank 5)

“That's quite a long name,” Apple Bloom said in surprise.

“Wow, what a pretty dress,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Not now Sweetie,” Scootaloo told her.

“Puddingcess effect,” Sugar Belle said as one of the lights surrounding Puddingcess disappeared, “I can summon a Madolche from my deck, it appears now.”

From the Chateau, came a small brown and white puppy with floopy ears, dog food all around him, “Madolche Cruffssant.” (ATK 1500/DEF 1200/Lv 3)

“And don't forget that their attack points are increased by Madolche Chateau's effect,” Sugar Belle explained as her monsters began to glow from the increased points. (ATK 3000) (ATK 2000)

“Sugar Belle, you really are talented,” Apple Bloom told her with a smile.

"Thank you Apple Bloom, I had a lot of fun," replied Sugar Belle and at that moment, Puddingcess gathered all the sweets that surrounded her and turned them into an orb of energy which she launched towards Naturia Beast, "Attack Puddingcess."

Naturia Beast was destroyed by the attack, Apple Bloom just looked at the ground, "Naturia Beast, I'm sorry."

"Final strike, Cruffssant, on her," Sugar Belle said as the pup let out a small roar at Apple Bloom who staggered at it.

“I won,” Sugar Belle cheered but was interrupted by Big Mac.

"Umm, Sugar Belle," Big Mac pointed to Apple Bloom who still had her Duel Disk turned on.

Apple Bloom: 2000 LP
Sugar Belle: 3700 LP

"What the?" Sugar Belle wondered in confusion, "How come your life points are still intact."

"I don't know, I didn't activate any trap cards," replied Apple Bloom, just as confused.

“Sugar Belle,” Big Mac approached her, “Dark Ruler No More.”

That's when they realized what happened, Sweetie Belle placed her hand on her heart in relief, "Ohhhh, right."

“After using that card, my opponent takes no damage, I made a mistake,” Sugar Belle said, feeling a bit foolish.

"We all make mistakes Sugar Belle, don't worry," Apple Bloom assured her.

Big Mac nodded, "Eeyup."

“Well, I still need to get better, my turn is over,” Sugar Belle said.

“Then its mah turn, Draw,” Apple Bloom pulled out a card and smiled at it, “YEAH.”

“First ah activate mah trap card, Symphony Of Resurrection, allows me to summon a monster from my graveyard, but its effect is negated and its attack and defense become 0.”

"Then why do you want it?" asked Sugar Belle.

“By the other effect, that monster turns into a Tuner,” Apple Bloom answered confidently, “Come back, Naturia Beast.” (ATK 0/DEF 0/Lv 5)

“Oh no,” Sugar Belle said worriedly.

“Then ah summon Naturia Strawberry,” Apple Bloom said as an eyed strawberry appeared on the field. (ATK 1600/DEF 1200/Lv 4)

“And finally, activate, Star Changer, which allows me to increase the level of a monster,” Apple Bloom said as she activated her spell card, increasing the level of Naturia Beast. (Lv 6)

"Wait, it means..." Sugar Belle said but was interrupted when Apple Bloom began to do her summoning chant.

“Now ah tune level 6 Naturia Beast with level 4 Naturia Strawberry.”

Big Mac smiled because he knew that he would once again witness the best card of his little sister.

“A level 10 Synchro,” Sugar Belle exclaimed.

Naturia Beast flew up and turned into 2 blue energy orbs, which created a pair of flowery rings that Strawberry jumped into.

"Nature is sacred, it deserves to be protected by the purest beings, with your power, help me to flourish a path that will bring a bright future to our forest where there is peace and prosperity, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

A huge closed red flower appeared on the field, but it slowly opened, revealing a brown-haired maiden who wore a long white dress, on her head wore a crown of white flowers, “NATURIA QUEEN SHAYLA.” (ATK 2800/DEF 700/Lv 10)

“Wow, no matter how times I see her, she is beautiful,” Sugar Belle said, as she felt peace just feeling the presence of that monster.

"Apple Bloom, you'll have to use that effect wisely," Scootaloo told her, "You'll have to rely on luck."

“Ah know,” Apple Bloom replied, “But ah trust my deck, activate Queen Shayla's effect.”

The queen began to sing a beautiful song, from which the spirits of various naturia monsters appeared.

“Ah pay half my life points, and send 10 cards from the top of my deck to the graveyard,” Apple Bloom explained.

Apple Bloom: 1000 LP
Sugar Belle: 3700 LP

"And for every Naturia sent to the graveyard, Queen Shayla will gain 500 extra attack points."

“It can't be, that's too risky, you'll have to take out a lot of Naturia monsters,” Sugar Belle told her.

"And ah will," Apple Bloom replied as she looked at the cards being sent to the graveyard, she smiled, "7 Naturia monsters."

“WELL DONE APPLE BLOOM,” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said at the same time.

“Oh no, that's 3,500 attack points,” Sugar Belle said, surprised to see that Queen Shayla had gained an incredible amount of power. (ATK 6300)

"Battle, attack Cruffssant," Apple Bloom commanded as her monster summoned a huge flower which spewed out pollen that consumed Sugar Belle's field.

“It was a fun duel,” Sugar Belle said with a smile, “Thanks for playing with me Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom: 1000 LP (WINNER)
Sugar Belle: 0 LP

Minutes later.

“I must say I had fun,” Sugar Belle said.

"You're going to have a lot of fun on our team," Big Mac told her, "What do you say, would you like to join us Sugar Belle?"

“Yes, yes, I would love it,” Sugar Belle responded enthusiastically, “I would like to spend time with the other members.”

"But more with my brother right?" asked Apple Bloom smirking.

Sugar Belle blushed, "Oh yeah, with Big Mac too."

“I really like Sugar Belle, Big Mac, that means she's going to be your girlfriend,” Apple Bloom whispered to Big Mac making him blush.

“Umm, umm,” Big Mac didn't know what to say, but for now, he was glad to have Sugar Belle on his team.

The girls laughed, immediately they decided to go to Team Apple Harmony's lair to present Sugar Belle as their new member in the team, it was the beauty of Duel Monsters, being able to make more friends through a simple card game.

Somewhere in the city.

A person was opening a booster pack, while looking at the cards.

"Nice, this is very good, with this I already have 3," said the person seeing a spell card with the name of Double Evolution Pill.

"A nice addition to my deck, now I just need to test it, but for now, I have to open the shop, Il duel tomorrow."

Tenth Turn: Team Lost World

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Another day at Canterlot High.

Spike was talking to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

"Well, it turns out that she also has a Duel Spirit, her name is Whimsey," Spike told them.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were fascinated by the anecdote that Spike told them about his duel with Snowdrop, it was clear that they had liked her, and they finally understood why Spike was with her the day before.

“Sounds like Snowdrop must be a pretty good girl,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, we should introduce her to Scootaloo and Rumble too,” Apple Bloom added.

"And what do you say about that girl? Sugar Belle, do you think he has adapted well to the team?" Spike asked them.

Apple Bloom nodded, "Awesome, she's gotten along well with all the members, although she considers Discord a little crazy."

"I guess Discord considers himself 'a little crazy,'" Spike replied making the girls laugh, "Hey now that I think about it, where's Scootaloo?"

School Ground.

"Rumble Raptor, attack," shouted Scootaloo who was having a duel, Rumble had been summoned and used his claw to destroy a monster that seemed to be the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“Ahhh,” shouted a girl with cyan skin, long dark blue hair with an orange bow on her left side, and blue eyes, she was wearing a yellow jacket and a white shirt with a drawing of a skull with bones around it, she was also wearing shorts torn shoes and brown boots, made for walking in the mountains.

Scootaloo: 1300 LP (WINNER)
Petunia Paleo: 0 LP

“Holy, that was epic,” said the girl, whose name was Petunia Paleo.

“You play very well Petunia, I've never seen a fossil deck before,” Scootaloo told her as she helped Petunia up.

“I need to improve a bit, but I feel like that deck complements me,” Petunia replied, “By the way, I like that your deck is also a dinosaur themed deck, especially with your style combined with wrestling.”

“Hehe, yeah, I really like this deck,” Scootaloo replied.

"It's a shame you're already part of a team, with your deck you could easily fit into the team I'm on," Petunia told her, which made Scootaloo ask her more questions.

"Oh, are you part of a team?"

“Yes, it's called Team Lost World,” Petunia replied.

“Like the field spell card,” Scootaloo said.

“Yes, exactly,” Petunia stated with a smile, “Our leader, named us after the card shop.”

At that moment Spike, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle arrived, "Hey Scootaloo."

Seeing Petunia, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle greeted her, "Oh hi Petunia."

“Hey guys, I just had a duel with Scoots, she's very skilled,” Petunia told them.

"Oh, right, you guys haven't met yet," Sweetie Belle said realizing that Spike didn't know her, "Petunia, he's our friend Spike."

"Hi," Spike greeted her with a smile.

But seeing Spike, a big smile spread across Petunia's face, "Holy bones of an oviraptor, its you."

“Oh, yeah its me, I guess,” Spike answered a little nervously, looking around.

“It's you, you're Spike,” Petunia said as she moved closer to the boy, making him uncomfortable in the process.

"Oh, I swear I didn't mean to, whatever I would have done," Spike said, hiding behind Apple Bloom.

"Hey," Apple Bloom whined, obviously not liking Spike using her as a human shield.

“First, let me say that I appreciate what you did,” Petunia told him.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

“The duel you had against Rover that day, you taught him a lesson, and you proved that Rogue Duelists like us are worth the same as Pro Duelists,” Petunia explained.

"Oh that, hehe, well, I don't want to sound arrogant or conceited," Spike replied, his look turning serious, "But Rover brought it on himself, and if a Pro has problems with me, let them come get me."

“Spike, there's a Pro behind you,” Scootaloo yelled.

"Ahhhh," Spike yelled in fear, then ducked and hid behind Petunia.

“Hahaha, sorry Spike I couldn't resist,” Scootaloo told him with a laugh who had clearly fooled him.

"Very funny Scootaloo," Spike replied with a sarcastic tone.

“Anyway,” Petunia interrupted, “I was telling Scootaloo about the team I'm on and their card shop, I want to know if you'd like to come to see it?”

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Scootaloo replied, then looked at the others, "What do you girls and Spike say?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Spike replied.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom agreed.

“It will be exciting to discover a new card shop,” added Sweetie Belle.

"Of course it will be exciting, you will like my team leader, is also a Rogue Duelist like us despite being 3 years older than us," Petunia told them as they left the place, then she turned to Spike, "And also he found out about that your duel against Rover, I think he would like to meet you.”

"I'm flattered, I'm not denying that," Spike replied.

On the streets of Canterlot.

The 5 of them were heading to that card shop that Petunia had told them about.

"Could you tell us a bit more about that card shop," Apple Bloom asked.

“Yes, the shop is recent, it was opened 3 months ago, our leader decided that if we were already a full-fledged team, then we should have a place to play,” Petunia answered.

“Wow, and he decided the place would be a card shop, must have been expensive,” Scootaloo added.

“Money hasn't been an issue for our leader, he's always had a passion for dueling, so much so that he becomes someone different when he's having a duel,” Petunia added.

“Different? What do you mean with that?" Spike asked.

Petunia giggled, "You'll know when you see it, by the way, we're here."

The 5 stopped before a tall building, which was painted green, with several windows, but what made them know that this was the store was the sign that said: LOST WORLD TCG SHOP.

“Wow, it already exceeded my expectations,” said Heathspike who had materialized next to Spike, who obviously couldn't be seen by Petunia.

“For some reason I feel at home,” said Rumble who had materialized next to Scootaloo.

The 5 entered the shop, they found it fascinating, at the entrance there were statues of dinosaur-type monsters such as Souleating Oviraptor, Dinowrestler Prankatops, Jurrac Meteor, etc.

“What a cool shop,” Scootaloo said in surprise.

They looked around, they noticed that the store had a lot of space, both to accommodate up to 50 duelists, there was even a dueling arena that existed before the Duel Disks were invented, a detail that seemed great to them.

"Speaking of dinosaurs look at that thing," said Sweetie Belle pointing to the Duel Arena.

“This way,” Petunia instructed, leading them to the counter.

There, was a boy who looked the same age as Twilight, with lilac skin, he wore a red jacket with black pants with a reddish tone, he had red hair combed up looking like a flame.

The boy gave them a serious look, which made Spike and the girls uncomfortable, with the exception of Petunia.

"Heath," the girl greeted him, "guess who he is?"

“Let me guess,” the boy whose name was Heath replied, “He's one of those prodigy duelists that are very young.”

Petunia shook her head, "No, he's a Rogue Duelist like us, so are they."

Heath raised an eyebrow, "Interesting, well, let me introduce myself, my name is Heath Burns, I work at this shop, do you need something?"

"You are the leader?" Scootaloo asked.

“No, but I am one of their strongest duelists,” Heath replied with a proud smile, “Why do you want to see our leader?”

"Heath, this guy, he's the one who beat Rover," Petunia replied, seeing that Heath hadn't recognized Spike.

"He?" Heath asked pointing at Spike, clearly unable to believe it, "Is he the guy who taught that dumb Pro a lesson?"

Spike nodded nervously.

"Damn, I imagined you taller, and older, and with muscles and…" Heath was going to continue but was interrupted by Petunia.

"Okay Heath, stop it."

“I'm sorry, I guess I have to keep some of the things I think to myself,” Heath apologized.

"Its ok, I'm used to it," Spike replied lowering his head.

"In any case, our leader is here," Heath Burns pointed to a door behind the counter, "You are free to come in."

"Thank you Heath," Petunia thanked as they entered the room, "This way."

The 6 of them were walking down a long, dark corridor until they reached another door, but when they got there, they heard something.




They were sounds of a gun firing.

"Wait what," Spike said surprised since he was one of the closest to the door.

“Sounds like a shootout,” Scootaloo added, feeling worried.

But then they heard something else.



"Is there a dinosaur in there?" Apple Bloom asked.

“Why do you say that so normally,” Sweetie Belle told them, shaking with fear.

"Relax, there's no dinosaur inside," Heath Burns told them, throwing the door open, "Hey, leader."

"AHHHHH," a woman's cry was heard, a figure moved as far away as possible until it reached a corner, where it hid behind a chair.

Petunia took that opportunity to turn on the light and they saw that they were in a simple room, there was a small bed in the corner, a huge television, a desk with several cards spread out and a sofa in front of the television, it went without saying that the room was full of posters of various dinosaur-type monsters, and near the TV and the desk, there were many boxes that seemed to be from video games.

“You see, the only dinosaur in this room is that thing,” Heath Burns said, pointing to a video game console.

"A Playstation 1," Spike said as he walked over to the console, "Wow, this guy must be into collecting old video games too."

“Okay, you can come out, you didn't have to hide,” Heath Burns told the person who hid behind a chair.

"I'm sorry, I was scared and then I didn't know what to do," the person came out of hiding, she looked like a tall and thin girl, with short dark blue hair, she had purple eyes, her skin was bright green, shee wore a black vest, a slightly torn white shirt with the drawing of an X in the center, she wore pants and long tennis shoes, but her most notable feature was a purple mark that she had on her face, under her left eye.

"How did you get scared?" Heath asked the girl who was their leader.

“I think this explains it,” Petunia Paleo replied as she held up one of her video game boxes which was open, missing a disc, the box said on its cover: DINO CRISIS.

"Did a video game scare you?" asked Heath with a deadpan look.

“It was a horror video game,” the leader replied.

"Catastros, what were you doing playing a horror game?" asked Petunia.

“Well, it was a dinosaur videogame,” she replied, “You know, I like videogames, I like dinosaurs, so I thought…”

She wanted to continue but the serious faces of her teammates prevented her from speaking, she tried to apologize but her voice dropped the more she looked at them, "I'm sorry."

"Wow, this girl seems to be more nervous than Fluttershy, how is that possible?" Spike wondered.

"Anyway," Petunia told her, indicating the girls and Spike, "you won't believe who's here, members of the Apple Harmony team."

"Oh, hello," the girl greeted them, approaching slowly, it seemed that she was afraid that they would do something to her, "My name is Soren Catastros, but you can call me Catastros, I am the owner of the store and the leader of the Team Lost World."

"Hehe, that's a rough name for such a cute girl," Scootaloo mentioned making Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle laugh.

"It's nice to meet you, this is Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle," Spike greeted her with a handshake, "And I'm Spike."

"I'm glad to meet the members of Apple Harmony, I liked their way of dueling and how they respect all duelists, because it's always seemed to me..." said Catastros but then she stopped herself when she saw Spike, "Wait, did you say, your name is Spike? The Spike, The Brave and Glorious?"

"Hehe, Petunia told me you wanted to meet me," Spike told her although he never imagined that he had such a long nickname.

Catastros nodded nervously, but from her expression she looked as happy as any fangirl meeting a celebrity, "Yeah, not just because you showed the value of the Rogue Duelists, I also like your deck."

"Oh great, though I thought you'd prefer dinosaur decks," Spike replied.

"Of course I like them, but that also includes reptiles and dragons, I also like dragons a lot, I knew I should meet you sometime," Catastros told her, losing some of his shyness.

“Wow Spike, looks like you already have a fan,” Sweetie Belle told him.

“Yeah, the girls seem to fall at his feet,” Sweetie Belle added, “First it was Snowdrop, and now it's Catastros.”

"Hey, I'm just dueling her, just because I'm dueling girls doesn't mean it's going to be romantic," Spike told them, "Besides, she's older than me."

"Umm, what does that mean?" asked Catastros.

"That I treat all the girls I face as equals, after all, we're duelists, not only that, we're both Rogue Duelists, our gender doesn't matter, we always have to maintain respect," Spike told her.

“Oh,” Catastros replied, looking around, clearly understanding the situation.

“Hehehe,” Petunia Paleo chuckled.

Heath put his hand to his forehead, "Oh gosh, I told you people would get confused, but no, you insisted on looking like that."

“I can't do anything,” Catastros replied as if about to cry, “This is what I look like.”

"What is she talking about?" asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well, I'm not a her, I'm a him,” Catastros replied.

The realization impacted both Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

But Spike didn't seem to understand, "What?"

“I'm not a female, Im a male,” Catastros replied, looking at Spike with a serious look.

"Oh, oh, sorry," Spike replied trying to apologize, although in his mind, he was thinking something else, "How is it possible that he is a boy, hell I even think he's more beautiful than Twilight."

“Yes, and Catastros has wanted to duel with you ever since,” Petunia told him.

Spike smiled and looked at him, "Is that right, Catastros?"

Catastros couldn't say a word, he just decided to nod nervously.

"Well, if our leader is going to duel, then let it be big, in the battle arena," Heath Burns told them.

"Oh, I do want to see that, what do you guys say?" asked Petunia.

Spike and Catastros nodded with a determined smile.

"We are ready."

All the duelists present in the shop had stayed to contemplate the great duel that was coming, since this was one of the times where they would see their team leader having a duel.

Spike and Catastros arrived at the dueling arena, Catastros pressed a button in the dueling arena, from there 2 Duel Monsters boards emerged, one was red and the other was blue.

Before starting, Spike asked Catastros a question, he didn't know where it came from, but he felt he had to, "Catastros, if I might ask, is there a reason you like dinosaurs and dragons so much?"

“And the reptiles,” Catastros added with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, that too," Spike added.

"Well, since I was little, I've always been alone, I didn't have any friends, I felt weak, weak in the world that was slowly suffocating me," Catastros answered, Spike didn't expect him to open up so much with him.

“Worse still, I have a brother and a sister, who have always been more talented than me, I don't hold any grudges against them, but I have always felt inferior to them, basically, I felt very weak,” Catastros continued.

"We have a lot in common," Spike thought.

"But the dragons and dinosaurs, they were always there for me, to make me feel powerful, when I picked up one of those cards, I felt really good about myself for the first time in my life."

10 years ago.

A 7-year-old Catastros was sitting admiring one of the cards that had come out in a Booster Pack, a powerful dragon with deadly attack.

“Red-Eyes Black Dragon,” Catastros said excitedly.

The present

“Even though I've changed decks over time, I always make sure to keep a dragon in it, these cards brought out the best in me, that's why I like them so much,” Catastros finished telling his story.

"Wow, it really will be an honor to duel against you," Spike told him.

"Then you have to go with full power, choose a board," Catastros told him excitedly.

Spike went to the red board, that made Catastros go to the blue board.

The dashboard lights came on as the two of them placed their decks there.

“If they're ready, then let the dueling begin,” Heath Burns announced.

They both drew 5 cards from their decks and the battle began.

"DUEL," Spike yelled, but Catastros didn't, he stood still for a few seconds, worrying him, "Ah Catastros, are you okay?"

Spike and his friends got worried, they were afraid that something had happened to Catastros, but their teammates didn't seem worried, on the contrary, they smiled.

"Wait a minute, something's not right," Heathspike told him as he began to hear strange music coming from where Catastros was.

The music had stopped and Catastros was in the same place but for some reason, he looked different, although his appearance was the same, his look had completely changed, he didn't seem like the same person, the shy look that Catastros showed to the Introducing himself was different from this, now he had a serious look with a confident smile.

"It's time to Duel, Spike," said Catastros but that didn't seem to be his voice anymore which was very low and with a feminine tone, this was a deeper and more confident voice, with more conviction and without any hesitation.

"Wait, wait a minute, what the hell happened to you?" Spike asked.

"What are you talking about?" Catastros responded with another question, but now retaining his new gravelly voice.

“Your look, your personality,” Spike pointed out, not understanding what was happening, “Did you hit puberty in the last 5 seconds? What the hell happened to your voice?

Catastros didn't respond to that, he simply looked at his hand, "I'll let you decide who goes first, no matter what the decision is, the end result will be the same."

"What's wrong with this girl, I mean guy?" Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, a few seconds ago he looked like someone who would run away just by looking at a hologram, but now he looks really badass,” Scootaloo added.

“Yeah, he looked really, really, I don't know how to put it before,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Very effeminate, I think that's the description you're looking for,” Heath Burns added with a smile.

Catastros gave Heath a stern look, "I listen that, Heath."

Heath swallowed hard, he didn't think he'd hear him.

"Well, in that case, you can go first," Spike told him.

“Alright, so we begin,” Catastros responded, raising his cards to the sky.

Scootaloo approached Petunia, "When you said that he turns into a different person when he duels, you really meant it."

“That's right, that's Catastros for you,” Petunia replied with a smile.


Spike: 4000 LP
Catastros: 4000 LP

"My turn and I'll start by summoning Megalosmasher X," Catastros said as a kind of plesiosaur with robotic parts appeared in the field generated by holograms. (ATK 2000/DEF 0/Lv 4)

“Wow, he's only level 4 but he has 2000 attack points,” Spike said in surprise.

“Exactly, with that great strength, warriors like us can survive extinction,” Catastros replied with a smile.

"What a heroic response, I'm going to have a hard time getting used to his change of attitude," Spike thought.

“Setting a face down and with this I end my turn,” Catastros said as one of the squares on the field glowed revealing that a card was face down.

"Then it's my turn, Draw," Spike said pulling a card from his deck, he was normally going to start his combo because Catastros had only a card face down, but that seemed strange to him, "Why didn't he use more cards?"

Catastros was looking at him seriously.

"He's teasing me," Spike thought, "Then I'll do this."

“I activate the spell, Painful Decision, add 2 normal monsters, one to my hand and one to the graveyard,” Spike said as he activated his card.

“I won't allow it,” said Catastros said as a ghostly maiden appeared in front of him, there were fathoms surrounding her, she was wearing a Japanese outfit and had cat ears, “I activate Ash Blossom's effect, discarding it from my hand I can deny your spell card.”

Ash Blossom launched a fireball towards Spike field, and on his table the following could be read: LOCK.

“Damn, he activated a hand trap,” Scootaloo said.

“And with that she stopped Spike's first move,” Sweetie Belle added.

"He," Petunia Paleo corrected her.

"Sorry, I still can't believe Catastros is a boy," Sweetie Belle apologized.

"Wait, it looks like Spike planned this," Apple Bloom told them seeing that Spike didn't seem surprised.

"I knew you would do that," Spike told him with a smile to which Catastros raised an eyebrow, "You would negate my first card, I decided to sacrifice it to really make my real first play."

Catastros smiled.

"Now I'll activate the spell, Dragon Shrine, I sent a dragon to the graveyard, and if the dragon is a normal monster, I can send another one," Spike said as 2 of his dragons were sent to the graveyard.

"He's going to do it," Catastros thought.

“From my graveyard I activate Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm's effect, if I control no monsters I can Special Summon it,” Spike said as his dark dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“I now summon Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” the effecting Dracoslayer appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"Now check this out, I'll fuse Master Pendulum with the Darkwurm," Spike said as their monsters turned to energy and combined.

"So, a Fusion Summon," Catastros thought.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, Spike fusion monster appear in Defense mode, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

Catastros frowned, "With him in the field, I imagine no pendulum can be destroyed."

Spike nodded, “That's right, and now I activate the other effect of Dinoster, summoning a Dracoslayer from the graveyard, return, Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer, and with that I end my turn,” Spike said as his advanced dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Well, Spike managed to put some good defense on his field,” Sweetie Belle said.

“But a defense of nearly 3,000 won't stop Catastros,” Petunia Paleo told them with a smile.

"It's my turn, Draw," Catastros took out a card from his deck, when he saw it he smiled, but still maintaining that tough guy face, "I'll summon Souleating Oviraptor."

In the field appeared a species of oviraptor consumed by blue fire. (ATK 1800/DEF 500/Lv 4)

“Its effect allows me to add a dinosaur to my hand,” Catastros said as he added a very shiny card, even though Spike didn't know what that card did, he couldn't help but feel intimidated.

"It doesn't matter, your monsters can't get past my defense," Spike told him.

"You say I can't get past your defense, and who decided it?" asked Catastros with a smile.

"You say your pendulums are safe, and who decided it?" Catastros asked again without losing his smile.

"Umm, um," Spike didn't know what to say.

“No one decides for me, I am Catastros, the duelist above the Pro,” Catastros said, holding up his finger.

“This guy seems to be made of arrogance,” Scootaloo said between her teeth.

But unfortunately Catastros heard her, "It's not arrogance, it's pride, little girl."

"That face down card," Spike said through gritted teeth.

“You are correct,” Catastros said, then raised his arm as he activated the card, “Trap Card, Survival of the Fittest.”

The trap card manifested on the field and got equipped with Megalosmasher X.

“This card increases the attack of one of my dinosaurs by 1000, and if it destroys a monster, it can attack another monster,” Catastros explained as Megalosmasher X received a power up. (ATK 3000)

"Uh oh," Spike said knowing what was to come.

“Oh no, that's 3000 attack, enough to beat Dinoster's 2950 defense,” Apple Bloom added.

“Thanks genius, I hadn't noticed,” Heath Burns replied sarcastically.

“Hoy you couldn't notice Heath, my monster is literally in front of you,” Catastros told him.

“It was sarcasm, you sissy idiot,” Heath Burns replied.

“I suggest you have more respect for your leader,” Catastros told him.

“Your right, your Majesty, whatever you wish I am there for you,” Heath replied sarcastically.

"Thats better," said Catastros which obviously failed to capture the sarcasm.

“Enough Heath, you know very well that Catastros doesn't understand sarcasm,” Petunia Paleo scolded.

“Ok, ok, I'll stop,” Heath replied, “Ughh, you guys don't like to have fun.”

“Anyway,” Catastros said, “I'll go into battle, Megalosmasher X, destroy his monsters.”

At that moment, Megalosmasher X conjured a huge wave, which he jumped into, the wave ended up consuming both Dinoster and Master Pendulum.

"Oh no," said Spike who had run out of monsters on the field.

"Oviraptor, to him," Catastros ordered, as Oviraptor released a ball of blue fire which impacted Spike squarely.

"AHHHHHH," Spike cried out in pain as he was consumed by the blue fire.

Spike: 2200 LP
Catastros: 4000 LP

"Oh no, Spike, are you okay?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Great," Spike replied, recovering from the blow as he stood up, "Fire can't kill a dragon."

"That's how you talk, Spike," Heathspike told him.

“You are correct, a dragon is not defeated by fire, so I hope you have a good plan,” Catastros told him.

"And I got it, my turn," Spike replied, drawing a card.

"Do you really have it?" asked Heathspike.

"No, I don't, but I can't let him find out," Spike replied nervously between whispers.

But seeing the card Spike pulled out, Heathspike smiled, "I think you do."

That made Spike look at the card, "I guess that'll do."

Catastros raised an eyebrow.

"I activate Graceful Charity," Spike said drawing 3 cards and sending 2 to the graveyard, "Sweet."

“Once again, from the Graveyard I activate Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm's effect, if I control no monsters, I can Special Summon it,” Spike said as his dark dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“He has 2,” Catastros said in surprise, “and I'm sure he sent it to the graveyard with Graceful Charity.”

"I now summon Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer," another copy of Spike's pendulum monster appeared on the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“Here it comes again,” Catastros said through gritted teeth.

"Now," Spike ordered as his Master Pendulum and his Darkwurm began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"The Majespecter alliance will lend you its power, taking the reins of the mighty Kirin and riding it as a majestic Pegasus, be one with the wind, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole, Spike's Xyz Monster appeared in defense mode, "MAJESTER PALADIN, THE ASCENDING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 1850/DEF 2000/Rank 4)

"An Xyz that can search and create field, not bad," thought Catastros.

“When summoned, Majester allows me to add any Pendulum monster from my deck to my hand in the End Phase,” Spike said as he detached a material, “And now I activate its other effect.”

“I detach an Overlay unit and can summon a Dracoslayer from my Extra Deck,” Spike said.

At that moment one of the lights was absorbed by Majester Paladin's sword, which created a small tornado from which Master Pendulum arose. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

"Setting a face down, and I end my turn, and since its the End Phase," Spike explained as a card was turned face down and his hand brought the Luster Pendulum, "He's added to my hand."

“Well, at least he got to set up a better defense,” Sweetie Belle said.

"But Spike can't win like this, he'll have to find a way to get rid of those Dinos," Scootaloo told her.

“Except it can't do it by attacking,” Heath Burns replied with a sinister grin, “Dinosaur monsters are built to be the highest attacking monsters, no deck beats them in that regard, maybe just dragons.”

“My turn,” Catastros said as he drew a card, he analyzed Spike's field and was ready to attack him but realized something, “That face down card, if it's a trap, could be in trouble if it's Mirror Force, either way, it's dangerous."

“I switch Oviraptor into defense mode,” Catastros told him, shifting said monster's position, “I now turn to battle.”

“I activate my trap card, Threatening Roar,” Spike said as he activated his other card face down, from it, a beast emerged and roared at the dinosaurs causing them to get scared, “Now you can't declare an attack this turn.”

"Oh, it wasn't that bad, at least it didn't matter if I switched to defense for Oviraptor," thought Catastros, "I'd give the same thing."

"I managed to stop him, though for the moment," Spike thought.

"I'm not done yet," Catastros told him making Spike swallow.

"Now," Catastros ordered as his Megalosmasher X and his Souleating Oviraptor began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

"An Xyz monster," Spike said in surprise.

Heath Burns smiled as he guessed the monster his leader was going to summon.

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"With the power of evolution, survive the cold that once plagued this planet, unite with the power of fire and fly high, ascend to godhood now, burning hell, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole emerged a green dragon with 6 wings, there were red markings around its body, and its eyes were red in color just like its markings, flames surrounded the monster and 2 red lights flew around it, "EVOLZAR LAGGIA." (ATK 2400/DEF 200/Rank 4)

“Very good Catastros, good negator,” Heath Burns encouraged him, “I have that monster in my Evol deck too.”

“Spike, be very careful what you activate,” Heathspike told him, “That monster can negate any spell or trap by detaching 2 of its materials.”

"I'll be careful," Spike replied.

“This is evolution, my monster came to make a big change,” Catastros said as another square on the field lit up, this time in the monster zones, “I set a monster on defense and end my turn.”

"It's my turn, please make it a winning card," Spike said as he drew a card, "Good."

“Oh no,” Catastros said, knowing that nothing good was in store for him.

"I activate my spell card, Raigeki," Spike said as a huge bolt of lightning covered the field of Catastros, "All your monsters will be destroyed."

“What an idiot,” Heath Burns said, watching, “doesn't he know the effect of Laggia?”

“I activate Laggia's effect,” Catastros said as the lights flying around Laggia disappeared and a barrage of fire covered the field, preventing the beam from passing through, “Detaching 2 units, I negate your card.”

“I managed to save my monsters, but I think this was their plan,” Catastros thought.

"Wait," said Heath Burns, who understood, "It can't be."

“You found out too late, Heath,” Petunia Paleo told him.

“That boy, he force Catastros to use that effect,” Heath Burns said.

“Now Catastros can't stop your plays, go get him, Spike,” Sweetie Belle yelled.

“I summon Magical Abductor,” Spike said as his sorceress appeared on the field. (ATK 1700/DEF 1400/Lv 4/P 3)

"Once again, I'll Fusion Summon," Spike said as his monsters energized and combined.

“With the strength of the Dinomist union and the force of the seven seas, upgrade your armor power and blast your way through this web, FUSION SUMMON.”

From a kind of waterfall, Spike fusion monster appears, this time in Attack mode, "DINOSTER POWER THE MIGHTY DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/DEF 2950/Lv 8)

"I'll switch Majester to attack mode, and now with his and Dinoster's effects, I'll summon another 2 Dracoslayer," Spike explained, at which point, Master Pendulum and Luster Pendulum returned to the field. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3) (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

Spike smirked, “Now I tune level 4 Luster Pendulum with level 4 Master Pendulum.”

Luster Pendulum jumped and transformed into 2 fireballs, which carved a pair of burning rings which Master Pendulum flew into.

"Bearing the armor of the mighty Igknight clan, incinerate everything in your path and create a new world with the flame of hope, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

And from an ascending fire, appeared Spike Synchro monster, the flaming dragon with an armor, "IGNISTER PROMINENCE THE BLASTING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2850/DEF 0/Lv 8)

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom exclaimed knowing Catastros would have a hard time stopping that monster.

"AND I'M NOT FINISHED YET," Spike yelled, "But first I activate Ignister's effect, I'll summon an ally from my deck, Luster Pendulum appears."

Another copy of the Luster Pendulum appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“Great, couldn't get any better,” Catastros said through clenched teeth.

"But don't worry, he won't stay for long, because I'm going to destroy him with Ignister's effect," Spike said as Ignister raised his sword which was ignited with his fire, "And I can return one card to your deck, in this case, Laggia.”

At that moment, Laggia was consumed by fire from Ignister's sword and was returned to the extra deck.

“This is amazing, not only has he managed to summon 3 of his monsters from his Extra Deck, he's also managed to bypass Catastros negator,” Scootaloo said.

“And now Catastros only has one monster left, he won't be able to take Spike's attacks,” Sweetie Belle added excitedly.

“Catastros,” Petunia called back, clearly worried about her leader.

But Catastros only smiled at him, showing no fear.

“You made a mistake Spike, if you had only chosen my face down card, I would have lost,” Catastros told him with a smile.

“Grr, do you really trust your monster that much in defense?” Spike asked.

"That's right," replied Catastros, "I trust all my monsters, because with them I formed a team that will make us reach the top, for me they are not just monsters, they are my friends."

Spike couldn't help but smile, he really enjoyed the duel and his opponent, but he couldn't stop thinking about that monster, but staying without attacking wouldn't get him anywhere, "Majester, attack the monster in defense."

Spike's monster conjured a gust of wind that went to the area where the monster was hiding, upon receiving the attack the monster was revealed, it had the shape of an albino velociraptor, but the curious thing was that it carried a huge shield on its back and 2 small shields on its front legs. (ATK 1800/DEF 1600/Lv 3)

"Look Rumble, it's another velociraptor," Scootaloo pointed to her Duel Spirit.

"Oh come on, what kind of velociraptor cowardly hides behind a shield," Rumble replied.

"Well, not everyone can be fighters like you," Scootaloo told him.

“Shield Raptor's effect, when attacked in defense mode, the first time, it is not destroyed by battle,” Catastros explained.

"Damn," Spike frowned as he saw that Shield Raptor survived Majester's blow, but then he realized something, "That monster…"

“It was the one I added to my hand with the effect of Oviraptor,” Catastros replied, “I calculate all my moves, I know which monsters will save me at a certain time, sometimes I feel like my cards speak to me.”

“This boy is very interesting,” Heathspike told Spike.

"Well, that doesn't matter, because I can still attack you with Dinoster and Ignister," Spike told him as his monsters prepared to attack the androgynous duelist.

“Then come with everything,” Catastros replied as he spread his arms, “I will resist it.”

"Dinoster Power, attack, Dino Tsunami," Spike said to his monster which summoned a tsunami which drowned Shield Raptor, destroying it.

"Now Ignister, Fire Slash," Spike yelled as his monster raised its flaming sword, with which it stabbed at Catastros, but the most incredible thing was that it didn't even flinch when it received the blow.

Spike: 2200 LP
Catastros: 1200 LP

"You could at least blink," Spike told him, "Dude, you just got stabbed by a fiery sword, I know it's just a hologram but for Faust's sake."

“I see,” Catastros replied, wiping the holographic fire off his shoulder, “No wonder I felt a bit of pressure, I'm really impressive.”

“Hehehe, I really like this guy,” Heathspike laughed.

Spike simply rolled his eyes, "Setting 2 face downs, and end my turn."

“Its my turn,” Catastros said with his hand on his deck, he closed his eyes, “I trust you my friends.”

And at that moment Catastros pulled out the card with such force, he even gave a shout "DRAW."

“His deck, without having any Duel Spirits, seems to respond very well to him,” Spike told Heathspike.

“Now, feel the powerful claw of the king,” Catastros told him as he showed him a spell card, “Double Evolution Pill.”

"Gahhhh," Spike and Heathspike yelled at the same time.

"Noooo," Scootaloo yelled, "Not that one."

"What's up Scoots? What does that card do? asked Sweetie Belle.

But at that moment, they saw Catastros take out 2 monsters from his graveyard, "I banish Ash Blossom and Shield Raptor."

“That card allows you to summon a Level 7 or higher dinosaur monster, banishing a dinosaur and a non-dinosaur monster,” Scootaloo explained.

“Oh, it's just a Special Summon,” Sweetie Belle said.

“It's not just a special summon,” Heath Burns told them.

“He's right, because he can summon the monster by ignoring its summoning conditions,” Scootaloo continued.

“Are you kidding me,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a shrill tone.

"Now look, power flows with the energy that runs through his body, he is the representation of the strongest species that ever survived extinction, managing to adapt to this world which will be surprised, appear, ULTIMATE CONDUCTOR TYRANNO."

A monster appeared on the field so large that it made almost all the spectators back, especially those who were closest to the dueling arena, it was a kind of black anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus rex, which had purple orbs charged with electricity that ran all over its body, yellow thorns protruded from its back to its tail. (ATK 3500/DEF 3200/Lv 10)

"How in the blooming apples that thing fits in the Duel Arena?" asked Apple Bloom.

"That thing is huge, how will I defeat it?" Spike asked scared.

“I think that's your problem,” Catastros replied with a smile, “You're very lucky I don't have a Babycerasaurus in my hand right now.”

Spike swallowed.

“I'm going to activate Tyranno's effect, I'll destroy a dinosaur in my hand,” Catastros told him, sending one of his cards to the graveyard, “And now look what happens.”

Ultimate Conductor Tyranno released a rampaging roar that scared Spike's monsters, which had gone into defense mode.

"Hey, wait a minute, what the hell happened?" Spike asked.

“Ultimate Conductor Tyranno can switch your monsters into defensive mode, and not only that, he can also attack all of them at once,” Catastros replied.

"It can't be," Spike said scared.

“And not only that,” Catastros continued.

"Oh come on," Spike exclaimed in frustration, "how many effects does it have?"

But Catastros ignored that question, “When my monster attacks, it can destroy it and deal 1000 damage to you.”

The realization hit Spike's friends like an avalanche.

"Wait, 1000 damage for each monster," Apple Bloom began to do the math in her mind.

"It means that Spike…" Sweetie Belle said, stopping when she saw that Spike had figured it out.

Spike's eyes widened when he heard that, "I have 3 monsters, and I only have 2200 Life Points left, that means…"

“It means the duel ends here,” Catastros said as his monster roared into the sky, “But since I'm feeling in a very good mood today, I'll decide to attack all 3 of them at the same time.”

"I guess I'll have to change my underwear after this," thought Spike, who couldn't stop shaking.

“Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, impress them with your power, TRIASSIC OVERLOAD,” Catastros yelled as a devilish amount of lightning surrounded Spike's monsters and destroyed them.

And at that moment, the remaining beams were directed at Spike, who couldn't stop looking at them.

"SPIKE," all her friends yelled at the same time, who didn't dare look.

The lightning struck the boy who screamed when he felt the discharges, "GYAHHHH."

The field was filled with smoke.

"You fought very well Spike, I had a lot of fun," Catastros told him but at that moment when the smoke cleared, he saw Spike on the ground, but was surprised to see his remaining Life Points.

Spike: 700 LP
Catastros: 1200 LP

"But how?" Catastros wondered in surprise, though he then realized that Spike had activated a trap card.

“Draconic Poison,” Spike explained as he struggled to his feet, “As long as I control a Dragon-type monster, all damage Im gonna take will be cut in half.”

"Wow, who knew Spike would make it out that turn," Scootaloo told them.

“His dueling skills have grown,” Rumble told her.

“Then your 3000 points became 1500,” Catastros told him as he placed 3 cards face down, he smiled, “You are impressive, just like me.”

"Thanks Catastros," Spike replied as he got up, "My turn."

Spike pulled out a card, he was surprised to see it, "I just put this card in the deck, I don't think there's a better time to use it."

Catastros felt that something big was coming.

"Spell card, Mystic Draco Revolution," Spike yelled as he activated his card.

"Mystic Draco Revolution?" Catastros wondered.

Spike began to explain the effect of his card, "This card only works if I have 3 Dracoslayer monsters in my graveyard, but they have to be Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz, and you know I have them."

Catastros agreed.

“I can banish them and summon a Dracoslayer from my extra deck ignoring their summoning conditions,” Spike said as Majester, Dinoster, and Ignister were released from the graveyard.

“This is truly incredible,” Catastros said with emotion.

"Appear, warrior flowing with the power of the dragon alchemy, whose body bears the scales of the brave hero who will fight to the end and spread his mystical fire on the battlefield, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared Spike Link Monster and his Duel Spirit, in his complete form, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, THE MYSTIC DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

“So the rumors were true,” Catastros said, seeing Master Heathspike.

“I've never seen that monster before,” Heath Burns said in surprise.

"I had seen it," replied Petunia Paleo, "With that monster Spike managed to defeat Rover."

"Then it must be very powerful," Heath said, clenching his fists.

At that moment, Heathspike's attack points increased. (ATK 3000/Link-3)

"His attack points," Catastros said.

“Master Heathspike gains 500 attack points if I have a face-up Dracoslayer in my extra deck, and gains another 500 if I have a Dracoslayer in my graveyard,” Spike replied.

“That's so cool,” Catastros said.

"AND THAT'S NOT ALL," Spike yelled as Master Heathspike's sword was consumed by flames, "Banishing 1 Dracoslayer from my extra deck or graveyard I can add 1000 attack points to it until my End Phase." (ATK 4000/Link-3)

Catastros frowned, “Oh well, I know something like this would happen.”

"BATTLE," Spike yelled as his dragon charged his sword at Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, ATTACK TYRANNO, MYSTIC CLAW STRIKE."

Heathspike attacked Tyranno who began to release several sparks before exploding.

“You put up a very good fight, Tyranno,” Catastros said, seeing his monster destroyed.

Spike: 700 LP
Catastros: 700 LP

“Spike, since I opened my shop, no one has managed to defeat my Ultimate Conductor Tyranno in battle, you should be proud of that,” Catastros said to Spike.

"Hehe, thanks Catastros," Spike thanked.

“So I won't feel bad doing this,” Catastros said as he activated a face-down card, “Quick Spell card, Transcendent Evolution.”

"What the hell?" Spike exclaimed.

“When a dinosaur is destroyed by battle,” Catastros explained, “I CAN SPECIAL SUMMON A DRAGON FROM MY DECK.”

"A dragon," Spike said in surprise, "does he mean, the…"


“Red-Eyes Black Dragon, one of the legendary cards in the game,” Sweetie Belle said.

"It can't be, it's the legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon," Spike said surprised, "It's a rare and powerful card, and you own it."

“Yes, after trying and trying, I managed to get it to work on a dinosaur deck, but my card has another effect,” Catastros explained, “The dragon wins the destroyed dinosaur's attack points.”

The Red-Eyes Black Dragon let out a huge roar as its attack points increased. (ATK 5900)

“If the dinosaur was really strong, I can't imagine what that dragon would do,” Sweetie Belle said.

"That's for the best, what it will do is end the duel," Catastros told her, "I activate my trap card, Meteor Xeno Rain, we will both take damage equal to half a monster on my field."

“It's clear this guy isn't sane, that he's doing this doesn't surprise me,” Heathspike said.

"You're crazy, that's going to make us both lose," Spike told him, trembling as one of the meteors came towards him.

"Not me, I activate Ring of Defense," Catastros activated a quick spell card, from which came a ring that was placed in front of him, "With this I won't lose life points, I am the legendary Catastros."

"No you won't, if I go down," Spike said as he activated a trap card, "I'LL DRAG YOU WITH ME, SOLEMN JUDGMENT ACTIVATE."

Catastros's eyes widened, "Damn, hehehe, you really are special."

"Yeah, it takes half my life points," Spike said.

Spike: 350 LP
Catastros: 700 LP

"But it also negates your ring, therefore we'll both take the damage," Spike explained as the meteor was two feet away from him, "AHHHHHH."

“GYAHHHH,” Catastros yelled as he was struck by the meteors.

“Spike,” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo yelled in concern.

“Catastros,” Petunia Paleo and Heath Burns yelled in concern.

Spike: 0 LP (DRAW)
Catastros: 0 LP (DRAW)

At that moment the holograms disappeared.

“It's a tie,” Petunia Paleo said in surprise.

"Oh by Faust, Spike," Apple Bloom said as she, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo approached him, who was back on the ground.

"Spike, are you okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't know," Spike replied with spirals in his eyes, "did anyone write down the meteorite plate?"

“Catastros,” Petunia said as she and Heath approached Catastros who was on his knees, expressionless.

"Catastros, are you okay?" asked Petunia.

"I don't think I've ever been better," replied Catastros, who in turn brushed off the holographic dust, got up and went directly to Spike.

Spike saw him approaching, but at that moment, music was heard.

And at that moment, everyone who looked at Catastros noticed that he no longer had his expression of courage and confidence, but rather his gaze of shyness and innocence.

"I had a lot of fun Spike, I hope we'll have a rematch in the future," Catastros told him, smiling and at the same time offering his hand for a handshake, but the strangest thing is that his voice had gone back to being the shy voice at the beginning, since he did not have his gravelly voice which appeared when they dueled.

But Spike was too tired to question anything, so he decided to swallow his curiosity and accept the handshake with a smile, "I had fun too Catastros, and I'll accept a rematch anytime you want."

However, it seemed that the girls did have enough energy to ask many questions to the change in attitude of Catastros.

“Oh, it happened again,” Scootaloo said shakily, pointing at Catastros.

"Excuse me?" asked Catastros with his timid voice.

"You thought we didn't notice," Apple Bloom told him, "When the duel started, some strange music played and after that you basically stopped being yourself."

“And when another strange music played after the duel was over you went back to who you are now,” added Sweetie Belle.

“Ahh, I have no idea what you're talking about,” Catastros said in fear as he ducked behind Heath Burns who put his hand to his forehead.

"Well, that's our leader to you," Petunia told the Apple Harmony members with a giggle, "When he duels he becomes a fearsome rival and a powerful opponent."

“But at the end of a duel he goes back to being the coward behind me,” Heath Burns added.

“I'm not a coward,” Catastros told him, still using Heath as a human shield, “I just like dueling, it's not my fault I'm not in control outside of dueling.”

“In any case, I was surprised, duelists like yourselves will surely have a place in the next big tournament,” Heath Burns told them.

"What tournament?" Spike and the girls asked at the same time, even the Duel Spirits seemed interested.

"You mean you don't know?" Catastros asked them.

They shook their heads.

“In 1 month there will be a great Duel Monsters tournament here in Canterlot, one which will decide the strongest duelist, the title that every duelist should yearn for,” Petunia told them as she showed them the information on a tablet, "The Eclipse Cup."

"I hope I can see you there, the whole team," Carastros told them with confidence but without losing his shy tone of voice.

"The Eclipse Cup," said the members of Apple Harmony at the same time, they were excited, a new tournament was coming, they had to tell the team, this experience with Team Lost World opened their eyes, because they had to prepare for the duels toughest of their lives, duels in which they promised they would give their all with the sole purpose of claiming victory.

Eleventh Turn: Draconic Rage

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It had been 2 days after Spike had that duel with Catastros, the eccentric duelist had told them about an upcoming tournament, the Eclipse Cup, and supposedly that day they would give the information.

Spike was in his room, looking for tournament information on his cell phone, but couldn't find anything, "Oh rats."

"Be patient, Spike," Heathspike told him, who manifested himself in front of him, "I don't think they'll anounce that right now."

"You're right, Heathspike," Spike apologized, "I'm just really excited."

"I can't blame you," Heathspike replied, "From what Rumble has told me, tournaments are usually epic, it must feel exciting to fight powerful monsters."

Spike nodded, he didn't expect Heathspike to enjoy it that much, but at that moment he heard someone knock on his door.

"Spike, can I come in?"

Spike recognized the voice, "Sure, the door is open Twi."

Twilight Sparkle entered the room, Heathspike didn't hide because Twilight couldn't see him, although he believed that Spike should be honest with Twilight about him, but he respected his decision to hide it for a while.

"Hey Spike, the girls told me about the Eclipse Cup," Twilight Sparkle told him.

"Oh yeah, I don't know much yet, but there's supposed to be a big announcement about that today," Spike replied.

Twilight smiled, "Then come to my room, the girls and I have the television set to watch the Eclipse Cup broadcast, you should watch it with us."

"Yeah sure, sounds fun," Spike replied as he walked Twilight to her room.

Upon entering he saw that only 2 of Twilight's friends were there.

"Hi Spike," Fluttershy greeted him with a smile.

"Spike," Pinkie Pie yelled as she pounced on him for a big hug.

"Hi Pinkie," Spike said as he was hugged by Pinkie Pie who seemed to be suffocating him, and with all his might he managed to pull his arm out only to wave back to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy."

“Is it just you 2?” Spike asked, finally breaking free of Pinkie Pie's suffocating embrace.

"Actually darling," Spike heard Rarity's voice, he turned and saw Rarity enter along with Sweetie Belle, behind her came Applejack and Apple Bloom, "Twilight invited us all, that includes our little sisters."

“Hi Spike,” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle greeted him at the same time.

Spike smiled and waved back, "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle."

And at that moment, there was a knock on Twilight's door.

Twilight opened the door, there were Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Oh no," Scootaloo crossed her arms as she turned to Rainbow Dash, "I knew we would be the last to arrive."

"Sorry squirt," Rainbow Dash apologized, "But you know, I had to feed Tank."

The minutes had passed, and the whole group gathered in front of the huge television that Twilight owned.

“Excited, it's about to start,” Sweetie Belle commented in a squeaky voice.

At that time, 2 people were seen on the TV that everyone in the room knew.

“Principal Celestia,” Twilight and her friends said in surprise.

“Vice Principal Luna,” Spike and his 3 friends said, equally surprised.

Principal Celestia looked a lot like Vice Principal Luna, this because she was her older sister, her skin was white, her hair had 3 colors whose shape looked like an aurora, she wore a yellow outfit with heels, but her height It was her most characteristic feature, she was taller than Luna, almost measuring 2 meters.

What made everyone who watched the broadcast curious was that they both had a Duel Disk attached to their arms, Celestia's was golden with purple parts while Luna's was black with blue parts.

At that moment, they started talking.

“Duelists from Canterlot, Ponyville, etc..,” Celestia said.

“We are here to all of you to announce the most ambitious Duel Monsters tournament yet,” Luna said.

“A tournament so big that a single stadium is not enough for it,” Celestia said, “Therefore, it will be contested throughout all of Canterlot, the Eclipse Cup.”

That surprised some girls who saw it, even Spike, others had the feeling that it would be something like what was announced.

“So it's going to be a city-wide tournament,” Apple Bloom said.

“Makes sense, with the big number of duelists out there,” Scootaloo added.

“Right now, Duel Monsters champions from around the world and special guests are making their way here to participate in the ultimate tournament that will award 2 prizes,” Luna said.

“The first, a large sum of money,” Celestia said while an image appeared on the screen showing several 100-dollar bills, which made her think that it might be a lot of money.

"Wow, that's a lot of money," Spike said in surprise, a big smile breaking out on his face at the thought of what he could do with all that money, but then he shook his head and slapped himself.


"Spikey Wikey, why did you do that?" Rarity asked.

“I get a greedy thought when I see the money,” Spike replied, “Shining Armor told me it's bad to want to enter a tournament just for the prize money, it clouds your mind, it distracts you from the fun of the game, it's a horrible thought.”

Twilight put her hand on her little brother's shoulder.

"And you want the money for something?" Scootaloo asked.

"No, I don't need it," Spike replied in denial.

"Yeah, we don't need it either," Sweetie Belle added, "Though I won't deny that the fabrics Rarity buys are sometimes very expensive."

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity said with a hand to her forehead.

The TV ad continued.

“And the second prize, the one that every duelist should aspire to achieve,” Luna said, “The title that accredits you as the strongest duelist, the King of Duels.”

“Oh queen, don't forget Lulu, there are also girls who are very skilled at Duel Monsters,” Celestia added.

“You're right sister, that is the title duelists will compete for, both Pro Duelist and Rogue Duelist,” Luna replied.

“Every duelist invited to this great tournament should be receiving an email invitation at this very moment,” Celestia said, “to which all they have to do is reply to sign their entry.”

At that moment, Twilight's Duel Disk started playing.


"Huh?" Twilight picked it up, it was a purple Duel Disk, it was the new model that allowed you to play with digital cards.

Turning it on, a smile spread across Twilight's face, "No way, I was invited to the tournament."

It was clearly seen that when he showed them his Duel Disk, the official website was shown, which said the following text: Twilight Sparkle, you have been invited to the Eclipse Cup.

Her friends celebrated that great achievement.

"That's great Twilight," Applejack told her as she slapped her on the back.

“Awesome,” Rainbow Dash told her.

"Congratulations Twilight," Pinkie Pie jumped for joy.

“You deserve it,” Fluttershy added.

"Of all of us you are the strongest darling, show that in the tournament," Rarity told her.

Although Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were confused, of course they were happy that Twi was invited to the tournament, but according to what Catastros said, any duelist could enter.

But their doubts were resolved when they heard Luna speak on TV.

“And even though the invitations have been sent out, every duelist listed in our database has the right to participate in this event,” Luna said.

That encourages everyone else.

"To do so, you simply have to enter the official website of the tournament and request registration, when you have registered, you will get a new device which will be the proof of your participation in this tournament, we call it the Duel Watch," Celestia said while showing a kind of watch, which when turned on revealed a holographic screen that said the following: 1000 HP.

“However, to fight from anywhere in the city, you will need a Duel Disk like the ones we carry in our arms,” Luna said as she and Celestia displayed their Duel Disks.

The girls and Spike were relieved that they already had their own Duel Disks, so they didn't have to worry about not having one.

“Those who don't have a Duel Disk can purchase it in the shop at a discount if they've applied to sign up, doing so will also give them a free Duel Watch,” Celestia said.

“The first round will consist of duels all over the city, from there, the best 64 duelists will advance to the finals, the real tournament,” Luna said.

"A moment ago we said that all participants will had Duel Watch, which contains their points that will allow them to advance to the finals, we call them Harmony Points or HP for short, those who manage to reach the finals, will be the first 64 duelists to reach to have 10,000 Harmony Points,” said Luna.

“And the way to obtain them is simple, by challenging another duelist participating in the tournament, the winner will receive Harmony Points based on the skill of the duelist they are facing, however, the losing duelist will have 500 Harmony Points subtracted each time they lose,” Celestia said.

“Oh, we just have to win without losing any duels,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Sis, that's easier said than done,” Scootaloo told her.

“However, if your Harmony Points reach zero you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament,” Luna told them.

This caused Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to swallow hard.

“Their Harmony Points will also be distributed depending on the skill of the duelist, and not only that, during the duration of the tournament, the company will be organizing small events whose prizes will be more Harmony Points for the winners,” said Celestia.

“And one more thing, the tournament will start exactly one month from now and it will be separated by 2 divisions,” Luna said.

That got the attention of the girls and Spike.

“The Solar division,” Celestia said, “Where duelists over the age of 16 will participate.”

“And the Lunar division,” Luna said, “Where duelists under the age of 15 will participate.”

That came as a relief to Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo knowing that none of them would face their older sisters in the first part of the tournament.

“In the finals, the winners of both divisions will face each other for the title of the king/queen of the duels and for the Eclipse Cup,” Celestia said.

“May the best duelist win,” Celestia and Luna said at the same time, and at that moment, the transmission ended.

Needless to say, they were speechless, they were like that for a few seconds, until Applejack broke the silence.

"Boy howdy, what are we waiting for."

“Right behind you, sis,” Apple Bloom replied as she pulled out her Duel Disk.

At that moment, the girls and Spike, with the exception of Twilight, took out their Duel Disks to apply for registration on the tournament website.

"Guys, it says here that to apply for registration, the duelist must be at least Rank B," Fluttershy told them, a little worried.

That made everyone worry, ranks were something that determined your position as a duelist, from Rank E the lowest, to Rank S which only the most powerful duelists possessed.

"Shy, why are you worried?" Rainbow Dash asked her, “All of us are S-rank duelists.”

It was a fact that the Rainboom were the strongest group in Canterlot High, but they were also great Pro Duelists, it was obvious that they would be in the highest rank.


"Oh no," Sweetie Belle said worriedly, "The requirement is too high, I haven't checked my rank in a while."

"Me neither," Scootaloo added to which Spike and Apple Bloom shook their heads, implying that they hadn't checked their rank either.

"Guys, don't get discouraged, you're great duelists," Pinkie Pie told them.

“Not as great as us,” Rainbow Dash added.

"Rainbow, you're not helping," Rarity told her with a frown.

Spike looked at Twilight, who looked back at him with a smile.

Spike nodded and along with his friends decided to check their ranks on their Duel Disks.

"I am…." Scootaloo said narrowing her eyes, but they widened when she saw his rank, "B, it can't be I'm B, even though I'm all the way down, but I'm B rank."

"Good for you, Squirt," Rainbow Dash stroked her little sister's hair.

Then Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle checked their ranks at the same time.

Seeing them, their faces did not look happy, but there was also no expression of sadness.

"Sweetie Belle, what's wrong?" Rarity asked.

“Our Rank is C,” Sweetie Belle replied to which Apple Bloom nodded.

“But we're right at the top of the rank duelists,” Apple Bloom added.

“Which means that if we work hard with our duels, we can get to Rank B in 2-3 weeks, just in time for the tournament,” Sweetie Belle said.

"Well that's a relief," Applejack replied, "You'll just need to work hard and you'll see your rank increase in a few days."

The two nodded happily.

But in Spike's case.

"I'm Rank C," Spike said with wide surprise and anguish in his eyes, "But I'm almost at the bottom."

"What?" asked Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo at the same time.

"No, this can't be happening," Spike said with a tear in his eye, "It can't happen to me again."

"Spike," Twilight walked over to her little brother and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Everything's going to be okay."

"Yeah, don't be discouraged Spike," Pinkie Pie told him as she walked over to him.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked sadly at their friend, who couldn't participate in the Eclipse Cup.

"Don't worry," Twilight ruffled his hair, "You just keep practicing and working hard and next year you'll make it into the next Eclipse Cup."

Although far from encouraged, a great feeling of anger invaded Spike, he remembered that he could not enter the previous regional tournament because the organizers told him that he did not have the necessary skill level to compete.

"Spike, I know how you feel," Twilight told him.

"No, you don't," Spike replied coldly.

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

“You know what, I really don't care,” Spike said as he proceeded to leave the room.

"Spike," Twilight tried to stop him but Spike continued on his way.

"Its okay, why should I be surprised, I always hear the same crap over and over again," Spike replied, "You don't have the necessary skill level, keep practicing, you'll soon get better."

"Spike wait."

“I SAID I'M FINE,” Spike clenched his fist and snapped.

"Spike," Twilight said in surprise, she didn't expect her little brother to yell at her like that.

"Spikey Wikey, we know you're angry, but losing your temper like that won't fix anything," Rarity told him.

"Well, keeping quiet isn't the healthiest," Spike replied without losing his anger.

“Hey, you should be nicer,” Rainbow Dash told her, but before she could get any worse Applejack stopped her with a gesture.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sick of this, sick of always being on the bench cheering you on," Spike told them with a little anger in his eyes, causing the girls to back off, "I'm sick of being looking down, sick of being exclude, from being left out, do you think I wanted to be on the sidelines cheering you on at the regional tournament? do you think i wanted that Twi? No, I wanted to participate in that stupid tournament."

Twilight knew that Spike had wanted to participate in that tournament, but she had no idea how much it affected him.


"We know you are, Spike," Applejack replied.


"Are you threatening us little brat," Rainbow Dash said as she clenched her fist, which was again stopped by Applejack, "Dash, what the hell are you doing?"

But at that moment, more tears began to well up in Spike's eyes, who seemed to have lost his anger.

Spike dropped to his knees as he hit the ground, "It's not fair."

At that moment, Twilight walked over to him to hug him, "I'm really sorry Spike, we didn't mean to make you feel like this."

"I know Twi, but it's still very frustrating," Spike replied with tears in his eyes, letting himself be hugged by Twilight.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo approached him, "Spike, we know it's not fair."

"That's why I'm not participating either," Scootaloo told her to which Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded, "No one will participate."

"No, don't do that for me," Spike replied trying to wipe away his tears, "You girls are great duelists, you deserve the chance to prove it, do it for the team."

At that moment Spike proceeded to leave the place, "I need to be alone for a moment."

"Spike, where you're going, it's raining outside," Twilight told him.

"Then it's a good thing I've got this stupid jacket on," Spike replied as he pulled on the hat of his jacket.

"Spike, wait," Twilight moved closer, but Spike stopped her.

"I SAID I WANT TO BE ALONE," Spike yelled, Twilight could see his angry tears on him, she stopped.

As Spike left the room, tears welled up in Twilight's eyes.

"Don't cry sugarcube," Applejack told her placing her hand on her shoulder.

"But Spike's right, he's always been left out, and I've done nothing, I'm a bad sister," Twilight replied crying.

"I think you should give him some time off," Apple Bloom told her, "Let Spike cool off and then you can all talk to him."

Twilight and the other Rainbooms nodded sadly.

On the streets of Canterlot.

Spike was walking furiously through the streets, but the rain was so hard, so he had to speed up, "Stupid rank, stupid tournament, stupid rain."

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on Twilight," Heathspike told him as he manifested in front of him.

Spike realized how he acted, but he was still a little angry, "Yes, a little, but at least she will be able to participate in the tournament, so what's in it for us?"

"I..." Heathspike tried to say something but couldn't, he also wanted to participate so it also seemed unfair.

"I've always cheered for Twilight in each of the tournaments she's entered, and I hope she wins the tournament since I'm not going to participate," Spike told Heathspike with tears in his eyes, "But what about me, this was my chance, but it's gone."

“Spike, really if I could do something to cheer you up,” Heathspike told him.

"Heathspike, you're my best friend, thanks for coming with me," Spike told him trying to hug him, but he remembered that Heathspike was a Duel Spirit, however, Heathspike made the same gesture as if he were hugging him back, "Thank you."

"Just for once, I want to show my ability, but I've never been given the chance," Spike said, wiping away his tears again, "You know, Im done with this crap, my parents can cheer for Twilight all they want, but I'm done, maybe I can accept that school exchange program with Ponyville, it would be great to get out of this town, a great excuse for me to not see the tournament.”

"Umm, Spike, don't you think you're being a little unreasonable?" Heathspike asked a little nervously.

"No, I'm not, I won't be able to go participate in the Eclipse Cup, but I can do something else," Spike said thinking about what he could do.

But at that moment the rain began to fall faster and stronger, "But first we need to find a shelter."

Spike ran and ran, but stopped halfway when he saw a kind of sign with neon lights, the sign said the following: MAGIC TRICK TCG SHOP.

"Wait, I know this card shop," Spike thought, "I think I know what I can do."

A sinister grin spread across Spike's face as he entered the shop.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Heathspike said, but Spike ignored him.

Upon entering the place, he realized that it looked a lot like the Lost World store only with a Spellcasters theme, cards of powerful monsters like the Dark Magician lay in display cases.

"Welcome to Magic Trick," he was greeted by a girl who looked the same age as Twilight, she had blue skin, silver hair, and wore a purple jacket with a purple skirt, you could see a drawing of a crescent moon on her jacket, but what was most striking was that she was wearing a long witch hat, “Today we are open 24 hours due to the exciting announcement of the Eclipse Cup.”

Spike wasn't surprised to hear that, it was clear it was a national announcement, but as he got closer the girl recognized him.

"Wait a minute, I know you," the girl told him, which made Spike raise an eyebrow, "You're Twilight Sparkle's little brother."

"Umm yeah, my name is Spike," Spike introduced himself, not caring about the fact that the girl only recognized him from Twilight.

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, the leader of the team that makes up this store, I went to the regional, but I was defeated by Twilight Sparkle," the girl introduced herself but she frowned when she mentioned Twilight's name, "But that will change, in the Eclipse Cup.”

"I wish you luck with that," Spike told him nonchalantly.

"In any case, I imagine you come here to duel, my little teammates who participated in the Lunar division would gladly be willing to duel with you," Trixie told him.

Spike smiled, and an idea formed in his mind, "If I could ask, I could duel all of them."

Trixie found it incredible that someone would dare to request a duel with all her young companions, but she didn't deny it, in fact she wanted to see how long Spike could last against them, "Sure little one."

At that moment, Trixie approached her companions to warn them of the duels, leaving Spike alone, Heathspike took advantage of that moment to manifest himself.

"What are you doing?"

"Having duels, what else do you think I do?" Spike responded with another question.

"You're not fooling me, I know what you're planning to do," Heathspike told him, "You're angry and want to take it out on future tournament participants."

"Maybe," Spike replied with a smirk, "Or maybe I'm just doing this for fun."

"You're lying, you don't want to have fun," claimed Heathspike.

Spike smirked, "You know me very well."

At that moment Trixie arrived at the place with several girls who were Spike's age, he approached them, took out his deck and spoke, "I'M GOING TO DEFEAT YOU ALL."

The girls took that as a challenge, and the duels began.

"Ignister Prominence, destroy the Witch of the Black Forest," Spike ordered his Synchro monster as he used his sword to attack a woman in a black robe who was consumed by fire.

“Ahhhhhh,” a pink-skinned girl yelled as she lost her monster and life points.

Spike: 2450 LP (WINNER)
Diamond Tiara: 0 LP

"Who's next?" Spike asked them with a smile.

“I'll wipe that smile off your face,” a girl with gray skin and silver hair told him.

"Dinoster Power, attack, Dino Tsunami," Spike said to his monster which summoned a tsunami which hit the girl.

“Gyahhh,” the girl yelled at the thought that she would be drowned by that huge wave.

Spike: 2700 LP (WINNER)
Silver Spoon: 0 LP

"How is it possible that you can participate in the Eclipse Cup and I can't," Spike told them making fun of them.

“Spike, I know you have every right to be angry, but this is horrible,” Heathspike told him.

"Hey, they'll participate, they just need to get a bit of a reality check in a duel, where not everyone can be happy, and I'm the perfect example," Spike replied almost losing control.

"Who are he talking to?" Trixie wondered, "Or has he gone crazy?"

"Majester Paladdin, send her flying," Spike ordered his monster which released a current of wind which blew away a blonde girl with grayish purple skin.

“Oh no,” the girl complained as she was sent flying.

Spike: 1800 LP (WINNER)
Dinky Hooves: 0 LP

"No matter what you do, you can't take me down, hehehe," Spike laughed, but it seemed like an evil laugh.

“Ignister attacks,” Spike yelled as his monster smashed the Insect Queen in half.

Spike: 2200 LP (WINNER)
Ocellus: 0 LP

“I guess this can't be good for business,” Trixie said as she began to call someone on her cellphone.

“Oh man,” the bluish girl with pink hair whined.

"Better luck next time," Spike told her.

"Dinoster, attack her," Spike ordered his monster which attacked a girl with water.

“Bbbllghhh,” a girl with pink skin and purple hair complained, “Wait, I'm not drowning, I forgot I was a hologram.”

Spike: 1900 LP (WINNER)
Lily Longsocks: 0 LP

"And they said you were very strong," Spike sneered.

“Okay, this has to stop,” Heathspike told him.

"Why, I'm just having friendly duels," Spike replied clearly lying.

“You're only doing this to humiliate the other duelists who would enter the tournament,” Heathspike demanded.

"So, I'm not hurting anyone," Spike replied matter-of-factly.

"Humiliating girls who have nothing to do with you isn't a very chivalrous thing to say," Heathspike told him, "Spike, you're not like that,"

Several of the duelists Spike had defeated lay on their knees on the floor.

"Exactly, Im not like that anymore," Spike replied with fury in his eyes as he bared his fangs, "Now I'm stronger, as I told the Rainbooms, I'll overcome them, and I'll take down anyone who gets in my way."

"Oh really," Spike heard a voice, turned around and saw Twilight with the other Rainbooms, some like Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were surprised by what they saw, while others like Applejack and Rainbow Dash showed a disappointed face.

But Twilight and Rarity were wearing scared faces, as if the person they were addressing was someone other than Spike, "Spike, what are you doing?"

"But what do I see," Spike said nonchalantly and ignored her, "They want to ruin my fun again, I won't let them."

At that moment Spike activated his Duel Disk, if you want, face me all at once, I don't care anymore.

“We have to stop him, he's clearly lost his mind,” Applejack said as she looked at her friend in a state I never imagined, consumed by rage.

Twelfth Turn: Siblings

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An hour before.

Twilight Sparkle's room.

There was Twilight with her friends as well as the Crusaders.

"It's raining hard outside," Twilight Sparkle said, worried as Spike had gone for a walk, he had grown frustrated that he was the only one in the room who couldn't participate in the Eclipse Cup due to his rank, so he decided to go out alone, "I hope Spike is okay."

"That's Spike we're talking about," Applejack soothed, "He'll be fine, sugarcube."

“Remember we talked about Spike,” Rainbow Dash told her, “the same Spike who broke his arm while reading a comic book.”

“That was just an accident,” Scootaloo replied.

At that moment, Twilight's cell phone began to ring.


Twilight reached for her phone, but a sneer crossed her face, "Oh no, it's Trixie."

“Ughh, not again,” Rainbow Dash added.

"Who is Trixie?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Trixie is Twilight's 'Rival'," Rarity replied in quotes.

"Why the quotes between the word Rival?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Because she takes the concept of rivalry to an exaggerated level, Twilight beat her once at regionals and she's not over it," Fluttershy replied.

"She's crazy, and that's saying a lot coming from someone like me," Pinkie Pie added, "She's always bugging Twilight every chance she gets."

"And that girl takes everything very seriously, once I went overboard with her, and she banned me from her card shop," said Rainbow Dash while crossing her arms.

"Wow, thats awful," said Scootaloo.

“I'd better send it to the mailbox,” Twilight said, ignoring the call.

At that moment, Trixie's voice was heard.

"Twilight Sparkle, it's me, the Great and Powerful Trixie, normally in these circumstances I would call you to challenge you to a duel, but that will have to wait, you see, your little brother arrived at my card shop an hour ago."

That made Twilight's eyes widen, "Spike is at Trixie's card shop."

“When he arrived he seemed upset, so I invited him to duel my teammates, but he decided to duel all of them,” Trixie continued.

"All of them?" all the girls asked at the same time, getting Trixie's attention.

“I knew it, you're there and you decided to ignore my call,” Trixie demanded.

"Trixie, that can wait," Twilight said hastily, "what about Spike?"

“Oh yeah, him,” Trixie replied, “He's been beating all my teammates, which isn't a bad thing, but it just won't stop and it can't be a healthy thing.”

"Oh no," Twilight Sparkle said worriedly.

“I think you should come here before Spike becomes some kind of Duel Monsters supervillain,” Trixie hung up.

“Oh my gosh, I have to go to Magic Trick right now,” Twilight said as she proceeded to leave.

“Say no more,” Rainbow Dash told her, “We'll go with you, I don't care if I'm banned.”

All of Twilight's friends nodded, that made Twilight happy, "Thank you, now lets go."

“We'll go for the Big Mac,” Apple Bloom told her.

At that moment the Crusaders came out the window.

"Was it necessary for them to go that way?" Twilight wondered but then shook her head, "No, this is not the time, I have to go get Spike."

At the Magic Trick card shop.

"So you came to ruin my fun," Spike told Twilight and her friends.

"No it's not like that Spike," Twilight replied, "We know you're mad, but…"

"Oh, wow, you know I'm angry," Spike interrupted, "It took you several months to notice."

"Spike, that's not what she meant," Rarity told him.

"Yes, Twilight is only worried about you," Fluttershy continued.

"And with good reason, what you're doing isn't right," Pinkie pointed out to all the girls on the Magic Trick team who were lying on the ground unconscious, "Taking it out on girls who have nothing to do with you isn't fun."

“As much as I hate to admit it, the Great and Powerful Trixie agrees with you,” Trixie added.

“I told you so,” Heathspike said to Spike who only frowned.

"Oh I get what's going on," Spike said, still keeping his furious expression, "When I finally get stronger than the others, they come to take that satisfaction away from me."

“Listen boy, Duel Monsters isn't about humiliating your opponents, it's a harmonious game that brings duelists together,” Rainbow Dash told him.

"I've heard too much, if you want to tell me something then you'll have to beat me," Spike challenged as he took out his Duel Disk and activated it.

"Fine, if you want," Rainbow Dash replied as she pulled out her Duel Disk.

"Wait," Twilight Sparkle stopped her as she pulled out her Duel Disk, "I have to be the one to face him."

"Twilight's right, Spike is her little brother and right now he doesn't seem to be the same, she's the only one who can make him see reason," Applejack added.

"Okay, it'll be the perfect payback," Spike told her as Twilight backed away, "You'll see what it's like to be considered weak, you'll know what it's like to be the guy on the bench forced to cheer you on."

"Spike, I didn't mean to make you feel that way," Twilight apologized.

But Spike ignored her and simply turned on his Duel Disk, then, a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

Twilight knew what she had to do, she had to let him know how special Spike was to her, and she could only express it through a duel, she proceeded to turn on her Duel Disk, then, a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

At that moment, Spike placed his deck in the slot of the Duel Disk, a green energy blade forming, Spike drew 5 cards from his deck and placed them in his left hand.

While Twilight Sparkle only had to press a button on her Duel Disk, at that moment, 5 digital cards materialized in front of her, on her Duel Disk the following could be read: CARDS DIGITIZE COMPLETE.

“I'm ready,” Twilight Sparkle said.

"Well, you will know my power, sister," Spike told her without losing his angry expression.


Spike: 4000 LP
Twilight Sparkle: 4000 LP

"I'll go first," Twilight Sparkle said, "I put a monster in defense mode and end my turn."

A card appeared on the field.

"Just that, are you messing with me?" Spike asked.

"No," Twilight replied seriously, "I know how you play, so I'll be careful."

"Grrr, then you will suffer," Spike told her as he pulled a card from his deck, he smiled when he saw it, "I summon Master Pendulum the Dracoslayer." (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

Spike's monster appeared, "Attack her."

Master Pendulum used his sword to destroy the face-down monster, revealing it, it was a woman in magician's clothing carrying a hook shaped staff, which was destroyed.

"So it was the Magician's Valkyria," Spike said.

Twilight didn't show expression as she saw her monster destroyed, "That's right."

“Your wizard deck, the regional champion deck, wow, that's great, which means my win will be even greater,” Spike said.

"Spike, do you remember, that in your first duel with your Dracoslayer deck, I made the same move," Twilight Sparkle told him, which made Spike remember that day 2 years ago.

2 years before.

“I activate Swords of Revealing Light,” Spike said as he activated a spell card, from which swords appeared which flipped the monster face down on Twilight's field.

"Oh, I guess you figured me out," Twilight said as she saw her monster revealed.

"So it was the Magician's Valkyria, nice try to defend yourself but it won't work," Spike told her brightly, "Attack Master Pendulum."

Spike's monster destroyed Twilight's.

"Nice move Spike," Twilight told him.

"Thanks Twi," Spike replied with a smile.

At that moment Spike shook his head as if he wanted to get that memory out of his mind, "And that didn't change anything."

"Oh no, Spikey Wikey is suffering," Rarity said worriedly.

"What are you talking about?" Trixie asked.

"Spike has always felt inferior to Twilight," Fluttershy replied, "But we never thought he would get to where he is now."

"In a certain case it's understandable," Applejack added, "Spike didn't want Twilight to know how he really felt, so he omitted information, but you can't escape the truth, that feeling built up and exploded with the announcement of the Eclipse Cup.”

"That explains why he's been dueling my companions," Trixie thought.

"My turn, Draw," Twilight Sparkle said as she drew a card from her deck.

“I summon Royal Magical Library in defense mode,” Twilight said as several bookcases manifested on the field. (ATK 0/DEF 2000/Lv 4)

"I now activate the spell card, Pot of Greed," Twilight said as she activated the card that would allow her to draw 2 new cards, but at that moment a green orb appeared on one of the shelves.

"I think you know what my library does," Twilight told Spike.

He nodded coldly, “Every time you activate a spell card, your library will gain a Spell Counter, and when it has 3 Spell Counters, you can remove them and draw a new card.”

“Yes and that's why now I'll activate my other spell card, Spell Power Grasp,” Twilight said as 2 green orbs appeared on the shelves, “It allows me to add a Spell Counter to a monster and since it's a spell card that also adds a Counter, It also allows me to add another copy of the card I just played but can't activate it this turn.”

Spike frowned.

"I now activate my library's effect," Twilight Sparkle said as she drew a new card, at which point, the orbs disappeared, "Setting a face down and end my turn."

"That's it, you're still not attacking me," Spike asked angrily, "Are you even taking me seriously?"

But Twilight ignored him with a sad look.

“Spike, you can't blame your sister for all your problems, she hasn't done anything,” Heathspike told him.

"Well, I'm sick of blaming myself," Spike replied aloud, so Twilight could hear him.

"Spike, who are you talking to?"

"Ahh, nobody, I don't talk to anyone," Spike replied quickly, but Twilight didn't believe him.

“She loves you Spike,” Heathspike told him.

At that moment Spike began to remember when Twilight tried to get closer to him a few weeks ago.

A few weeks before.

"Excellent, now come up," Twilight told him.

Spike proceeded to get on the Duel Runner.

"Hold on, I'll go at a safe speed."

Spike proceeded to hold on to Twilight's waist as if he were giving her a hug, although he was a little embarrassed, the Duel Runner didn't have a place to hold on.

But Twi smiled at this.


"Yes, Twilight?"

"Was there a specific reason why you didn't want to go to the Duel Club with me?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Spike didn't know what to say to her, but Twilight continued.

"Spike, you can always tell me everything you feel, I promise I'll listen to you, you can be honest with me, it's the duty of an older sister to take care of her younger brother."

Although Spike was moved by Twi's words, he wasn't sure if he was being sincere, but after a few seconds, he decided that it was best not to bottle up all of his feelings.

“You managed to express your feelings that time,” Heathspike told him, “but you weren't completely honest, you left out important parts.”

"Okay, you asked for it, Draw," Spike said ignoring him as he took out a card from his deck, seeing it a sinister smile formed, "So you came to help me with my revenge."

In Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Precisely in Discord's RV, he and Big Mac were there.

"And that's normal Toon power," Discord told him.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed.

“But then there are these other very cool effects,” Discord continued.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

"That's why I think these additions to my deck will take away my weaknesses," Discord said showing Big Mac new cards, "Pretty cool huh."

“Umm, eeyup,” replied Big Mac not knowing what to say since he didn't know what those cards did.

"Though I feel like I shouldn't overdo it, after all the Toon deck is very strong, it's normal for limitations, someone might get mad at me, do you know what I mean?" Discord asked.

At this point Big Mac didn't really know what to say, “Em nope, umm, yeah, I mean, ummm…. Maybe.”

And at that moment the Crusaders knocked on the RV door.

"Discord, is my brother inside?" Apple Bloom's voice was heard.

Discord opened the door, the crusaders took the opportunity to enter.

“Big Mac, good to have you here,” Scootaloo told him.

Noticing the girls' fearful and worried expressions, Big Mac knew that this was a very serious matter, "What's going on?"

"It's Spike," Sweetie Belle replied, "He's gone crazy."

“That sounds like fun,” Discord replied with a chuckle.

"Not that kind of crazy," Apple Bloom told him as she began to tell the full story.

"Wow, that doesn't sound like fun anymore," Discord admitted, "And that's saying a lot coming from me."

“We have to go to the Magic Trick shop,” Big Mac said seriously.

“I'll be happy to give you a ride, with my driving skills we'll be there in 5 minutes,” Discord said as he got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

Big Mac and the crusaders quickly sat down before Discord started the vehicle.

“Discord, where are the seat belts,” Scootaloo asked, noticing the lack of seat belts.

“Who needs seat belts,” Discord said as he started the car.

“Ahhh,” Sweetie Belle yelled hugging Apple Bloom as Big Mac tried to hold on to the table.

Back at Magic Trick, the duel between Twilight and Spike continued.

“I summon Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer,” Spike said as his other Draco appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

"Oh no, Spike got his Tuner monster," Pinkie Pie said scared.

"Which means…" Rainbow Dash said through clenched teeth.

Spike smirked, “Now I tune level 4 Luster Pendulum with level 4 Master Pendulum.”

Luster Pendulum jumped and transformed into 2 fireballs, which carved a pair of burning rings which Master Pendulum flew into.

"Bearing the armor of the mighty Igknight clan, incinerate everything in your path and create a new world with the flame of hope, SYNCHRO SUMMON."

And from an ascending fire, appeared Spike Synchro monster, the flaming dragon with an armor, "IGNISTER PROMINENCE THE BLASTING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2850/DEF 0/Lv 8)

Twilight stared in awe and fear at Spike's synchro monster, "Spike, I know how much you've improved..."

"And you'll know after this attack, but before I use Ignister's effect, I'll summon an ally," Spike said as another copy of the Luster Pendulum appeared on the field. (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 5)

“Now I'll use Ignister's other effect, I destroy Luster and now your library is sent back to your deck,” Spike said as Ignister charged his sword with fire which made the library disappear.

"Oh no, now Twi is defenseless," Fluttershy said worriedly.

“IGNISTER, ATTACK HER,” Spike yelled as his monster stabbed at Twilight with its fiery sword.

"Ahhhh," Twilight yelled as she received the attack.

Spike: 4000 LP
Twilight Sparkle: 1150 LP

"My turn is over," Spike said coolly, "And you're supposed to be the regional champion, it doesn't look like it based on your performance in this duel."

"Spike, you don't want to do this, I know," Twilight told him.

"That's enough, just get on with your turn," Spike told her.

"I just want to have fun dueling with you Spike," Twilight told him with a tear in her eye.

At that moment, another memory invaded Spike's mind.

7 years ago.

A 7-year-old Spike and a 10-year-old Twilight were seen having a duel in a park.

“Alexandrite Dragon, destroy Breaker,” said little Spike as his monster destroyed little Twilight's.

"Okay Spike, that was 100 of damage," Twilight told him.

"I think I get this now, it's like math," Spike said, "Thank you so much Twilight, for teaching me."

Back to the present.

"Ghh," Spike groaned as he raised his hands to his head, "what's wrong with me?"

"My turn," Twilight said, pulling out a card, "I know you want to have fun dueling too, look at your monster."

Spike saw Ignister but he didn't feel anything emanating from him, unlike other times when he felt the passion of his monsters through him, not this time, he could only feel something that he also felt, sadness.

“I summon another copy of Royal Magical Library, this time in attack mode,” Twilight Sparkle said as her library returned to the field. (ATK 0/DEF 2000/Lv 4)

“Now I use my spell again, Spell Power Grasp, now my library will gain 2 Spell Counters,” Twilight said as 2 green orbs appeared on the shelves.

"Now I'll add another Spell Power Grasp to my hand, and now I'll use Raigeki," Twilight activated another spell and a bolt of lightning came out of it which destroyed Ignister Prominence.

“Ignister,” Spike said through gritted teeth.

"And I use another spell card, so a new Spell Counter will appear," Twilight said as a third green orb appeared on the shelves, "But they won't be around long, because I'll remove them and draw a new card."

The orbs disappeared, and Twilight smiled at the card she pulled out, "You came."

Spike raised an eyebrow.

"Now I'll use my Double Summon spell, it allows me to do an additional summon, the Magician's Valkyria appears," Twilight Sparkle said as her sorceress returned, at least another copy of her. (ATK 1600/DEF 1800/Lv 4)

"And don't forget, a new Spell Counter is added," Twilight Sparkle said as another green orb appeared.

"Now Valkyria, direct attack, discharge magic from the union," Twilight said as her monster generated some kind of green charge which hit Spike, but he didn't flinch when receiving the attack.

Spike: 2400 LP
Twilight Sparkle: 1150 LP

"Spike, it's not too late, stop this, it won't do anyone any good," Twilight Sparkle implored.

But again Spike's mind was invaded by another of his memories.

A year before.

"How can I not enter the regional?" a confused Spike asked the guy in the stadium, "It doesn't make sense."

“You have the necessary duels, but not the victories, I'm sorry, but your skill level is not suitable for the tournament,” the subject told him.

Annoyed Spike left the place.

Several days later.

Twilight was competing in the finals of the tournament, she had summoned several of her monsters.

“Look Spike, Twilight is winning,” said his mother, Twilight Velvet, the entire family except Shining Armor cheering Twilight from the benches.

"Yeah, great," Spike said without emotion.

Back to the present.

"I already told you," Spike told her with fury in his eyes, "I deserve more respect, and much more that time, I should have participated, but I was left out, now what better way to earn that respect than by humiliating the champion.”

"Oh no, we lose him," Rarity said.

“I hope Apple Bloom and Big Mac arrive soon,” said Applejack.

Meanwhile at the Lost World shop.

Discord's vehicle had crashed into the wall of the Lost World shop.

“Oh, that's why you need seatbelts,” Discord said, looking at their vehicle which had destroyed much of the store's wall.

“You think?” asked Sweetie Belle.

"Could this get any worse?" Apple Bloom asked.

At that moment, Catastros arrived and his jaw dropped when he saw the destruction caused.

“My shop,” Catastros yelled upon seeing the vehicle.

"Did you have to ask?" asked Scootaloo who was glued to her seat.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nodded as he put a hand to his forehead.

Back to the duel.

Spike had started his combo and in his field he managed to summon Luster Pendulum, Majester Paladdin and Dinoster Power, both in attack mode, while Twilight's field had her library and her Valkyria, in addition to having a card face down.

"Grrrh, I have to get even stronger, Luster, attack the Valkyria," Spike ordered his monster but Twilight had a plan.

"I reveal my face-down card, Call of The Haunted, I'll revive my other Valkyria from the graveyard," Twilight said as her sorceress appeared on the field, "And since there's another Valkyria on my field, you can't attack any Spellcaster."

Spike frowned, the effect of a Valkyria protected all Spellcasters, but with 2 they made a loop in which he couldn't attack any, "Damn, setting a face down, and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Twilight pulled another card from her deck, "I activate my last Spell Power Grasp."

Again on the field there were 3 green orbs which disappeared causing Twilight to draw a card from her deck.

Twilight's friends approached her to look at her hand and saw that she had good cards to survive another turn from Spike, she had cards like Magic Cylinder, Mirror Force, and Heavy Storm Duster in her hand.

"Twilight can win," Applejack said, "She just has to use those cards right."

"I'm going to use the card you gave me," Twilight told Spike.

"Huh? It can't be,” Spike thought, and another memory flashed through his mind.

2 years before.

"Happy birthday Twilight," Spike said as he handed a card to his older sister.

"Spike," Twilight felt moved by the card her little brother had given her, a powerful card that complemented her deck.

"You deserve it," Spike told him.

At that moment Twilight hugged Spike tightly, who hugged her back.

Back to the duel.

"You made me very happy that time, it's a day I won't forget Spike," Twilight told him.

Spike tried to keep his angry look, but a tear started to well up in his eye.

"It appears now, the circuit that will spell the future," Twilight Sparkle said as her 3 monsters began to glow red light at the same time that Link's circle appeared on the field, "The condition to summon it is 2 Spellcasters monsters."

“I place my library and my Valkyrias at the Link Markers,” Twilight Sparkle said while her monsters turned into energy which went to the bottom 3 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

"Appear, powerful sorceress whose magic knows no bounds, always strive to be the best and surpass others by using that power for good, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle a figure appeared, it was that of a girl dressed in a long brown robe, she wore purple boots and black gloves, her hair was long purple with a light blue streak running through it, the color of her skin seemed to be a combination of a dark tone pink and purple, she carried a long wooden scepter with a crystal in the center but what was most striking was that on her forehead, the girl had a unicorn horn, "STARLIGHT MAGICIAN." (ATK 0/LINK-3)

"Starlight Magician, the card I gave you, I can't believe you still have it," Spike told her in surprise.

Twilight smiled, "This card will never leave my deck, brother."

And even if Spike wouldn't admit it, that was one of the things he wanted to hear.

“I activate its effect, pay 500 life points, I banish 3 spell cards into my graveyard,” Twilight Sparkle said as Starlight's scepter began to glow, “And destroy 3 of your cards.”

Spike: 2400 LP
Twilight Sparkle: 650 LP

"Nice try Twi, but Dinoster guards the pendulums," Spike told her, at which point Starligt Magician fired a bolt of lightning from his scepter which struck both Dinoster and Majester, destroying them in the process.

“I know, but I needed to have 3 banished magic cards, because Starlight gains 1000 attack points for every banished spell card,” Twilight Sparkle replied as a magical aura surrounded Starlight Magician, increasing her attack points. (ATK 3000)

"Battle, Starlight Magician, attack Luster Pendulum the Dracoslayer," Twilight ordered her monster which struck the Dracoslayer with its staff, destroying it.

Spike: 1250 LP
Twilight Sparkle: 650 LP

That's when Twilight saw the trap cards she had, knowing she could win the duel next turn.

But that's when she made her decision, "End my turn."

That made her friends worry.

"What is she doing?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"If Spike manages to summon a stronger monster," Rarity said, but Pinkie Pie finished her sentence, "That would be the end."

"Oh no," Fluttershy said with both hands on her heart.

"Twilight," Applejack said, suspicious of what she was up to.

“My turn, Draw,” Spike said as he drew a card from his deck.

"Spike, I just want to let you know," Twilight Sparkle told him, "I'm sorry."

Spike didn't know how to feel at the moment.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like this, I should have been a better sister and be by your side, it's all my fault, because I know that at least Shining was a good brother to you, but I wasn't, that's why I want to let you know that I'm really sorry."

More tears began to flow from Spike's eyes and he quickly wiped them away, he wanted to feel angry but couldn't find the reason, but he also felt that Twilight shouldn't apologize.

“She really loves you Spike,” Heathspike told him.

Enduring it all, Spike continued to duel, "I activate Darkwurm's effect in my graveyard, special summoning it."

At that moment Spike's dark dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

"I summon Master Pendulum," Spike's Draco monster appeared. (ATK 1950/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

"And now, Monster Reborn," Spike activated his spell card, reviving Majester. (ATK 1850/DEF 2000/Rank 4)

"Spike already has 3 monsters," Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"Time to call you out on the field," Spike told Heathspike.

But at that moment, more memories invaded Spike's mind at once.

10 years ago.

A little Spike tried to sleep in his bed, but a big storm prevented him from being calm, he was scared every time he heard the sound of thunder.

To make matters worse the door to his room opened, which made him hide under his sheets, but his fear vanished when he heard Twilight's voice.


At that moment Spike got out of his sheets and saw Twilight carrying a stuffed Kuriboh.

"Kuriboh is scared, can we sleep with you tonight?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yes, Kuriboh will feel safe with me," Spike answered, at which point Twilight lay down on the bed, placing Kuriboh's stuffed animal in the middle of which the two siblings hugged before falling asleep.

But Spike tried to ignore that memory, "Appear now, the circuit that will burn the future," Spike said as his 3 monsters began to glow in a red light.

But he saw Twilight on her knees on the ground as if she had already accepted defeat.

But Spike tried to ignore her, it was getting harder every time.

3 years ago.

"Spike, you're my LBBFF," Twilight said to Spike who made a face not understanding.

"Hehe, it's Little Brother Best Friend Forever you silly."

Spike smiled, “Then you are my BSBFF, my Big Sister Best Friend Forever.”

"Dawww," Twilight said and then proceeded to hug Spike.

"I have to continue with the duel," thought Spike who no longer bothered to hide his tears.

"Spike, you have to stop right now," Heathspike warned him.

“I won't stop,” Spike replied as if he were about to burst.

"Appear, warrior flowing with the power of the dragon alchemy, whose body bears the scales of the brave hero who will fight to the end and spread his mystical fire on the battlefield, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle appeared Spike Link Monster and his Duel Spirit, in his complete form, "MASTER HEATHSPIKE, THE MYSTIC DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 2000/LINK-3)

"NOW I WILL USE BOTH OF HIS EFFECTS TO GAIN MORE POWER," Spike yelled as Heathspike gained more power. (ATK 4000)

"Go ahead," Twilight Sparkle told him.

"What am I doing?" thought Spike but right there he punched himself.


"No, I'm not going to stop, Master Heathspike..."

“Spike, don't do it,” Heathspike whispered, hoping no one else would hear.

"MASTER HEATHSPIKE, DESTROY HER," Spike yelled, tears still in his eyes.

But suddenly thousands of memories came to Spike at once, memories of his first duel with Twilight, memories of when Twilight and Spike first went to a card shop.

And all those memories that came to him had something in common, Twilight was with him in his most special moments.

"STOP," Spike yelled with all his might causing Heathspike to stop his attack on the Starlight Magician.

"What?" Twilight wondered as she saw that Spike had stopped the attack.

At that moment Spike began to cry, "I can't do this, what kind of monster am I, trying to destroy and humiliate my own sister who has always treated me well."

"Spike," Twilight tried to get closer.

"It's not your fault Twi, none of this is your fault," Spike told her through tears, "Actually, I should be thankful you're not only my sister, you're my first and best friend."

Twilight couldn't take it anymore and started crying too, "Spike, and you're not only my little brother, you're also my best friend too."

"Twilight," Spike couldn't hold back his tears but at that moment, he started to lose his balance.

Twilight luckily understood the situation and ran towards Spike, she caught him before he hit the ground.

"Spike, are you okay?" Twilight asked.

Spike only answered one thing, "I think I'm fine now."

And at that moment Spike closed his eyes losing consciousness, but not before giving Twilight a kiss on the cheek, whose smile didn't disappear.

And at that moment, the holograms of the monsters disappeared, the duel was over.

"Spike, Spike, wake up," Twilight started to fidget but was comforted by Applejack who had come closer.

"Hey, he's fine sugarcube, he just used up a lot of his energy today."

Twilight smiled in relief, she wiped away her tears, "Let's get out of here, we have to take him home so he can rest."

Twilight, who was carrying an unconscious Spike, approached her friends and together they proceeded to leave, while carrying him, Twilight kissed Spike on his cheek, she knew that even if Spike was fine for the moment, she would have to make an extra effort as an big sister, but everything was fine for the moment, and it was something she needed to discuss with her family.

“Thank you for everything, I'd say come back soon, but considering my teammates are still unconscious thanks to your little brother's psychotic break,” Trixie said but Rainbow cut her off.

"We know, Spike is probably banned."

“And you're also banned Rainbow, you're lucky I let you in,” Trixie told her before closing the door on them.

“Yeah whatever,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Thirteenth Turn: The Calm Before the Storm

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In a small apartment, there was Sunset Shimmer, she was watching a video on her phone, in the video it could see Big Mac who was having a duel, which seemed to have won easily.

Sunset Shimmer frowned as the video ended, and at that moment her phone rang.



“Oh, it's you, yes, I recognize that he is the leader of Apple Harmony, I even mentioned his consecutive victories when I had a duel against him.”

Sunset Shimmer became annoyed when the person she was talking to started laughing, “Don't laugh, it was just a defeat, this won't happen again.”

Sunset Shimmer hung up the phone, “I'll make sure to defeat Big Macintosh and after that…”

She paused which lasted 10 seconds, then she continued, “And after that I will continue with my life.”

Her Duel Spirit, Flash, just looked at her with a disappointed face.

Darkness was the only thing Spike could see, it was like that for several minutes, but suddenly, he saw a light, he with difficulty advanced towards the light.

Spike's head was pounding as he slowly felt himself begin to regain consciousness.

Slowly his eyes began to open, as voices rang through his ears.

"Spike?" Spike could recognize that it was his older sister's voice, “Mom, dad, Spike woke up.”

“Oh for Faust,” Spike exclaimed, putting a hand to his head, he was clearly exhausted, he was in his room, next to him on his desk was his deck, “What the hell happened?”

“Spike, you passed out,” Twilight responded with tears in her eyes, “I was afraid you wouldn't wake up again.”

“Wait, why?”

“Because you were sleeping for 3 days,” Twilight replied.

That realization felt like a bunch of bricks falling on his head, Spike shouted, “3 DAYS.”

And in that moment, Spike remembered everything.


3 days before, during the duel between Twilight and Spike.

"So you came to ruin my fun," Spike told Twilight and her friends.

"No it's not like that Spike," Twilight replied, "We know you're mad, but..."

"Oh, wow, you know I'm angry," Spike interrupted, "It took you several months to notice."

"I already told you," Spike told her with fury in his eyes, "I deserve more respect, and much more than that time, I should have participated, but I was left out, now what better way to earn that respect than by humiliating the champion.”

"My turn is over," Spike said coolly, "And you're supposed to be the regional champion, it doesn't look like it based on your performance in this duel."

Back to the present.

“Oh no,” tears filled Spike's eyes as he remembered all those horrible things he said to Twilight, he looked at her, “Twi.”

But at that moment, his parents entered the room, with worried faces, but relieved to see their son finally awake.

“Spike, you're finally awake,” Twilight Velvet told him as she hugged him.

“Mom,” Spike said as he was suffocated by his mother's embrace, “I can't breathe.”

“Oh,” Velvet released him, “Sorry.”

“It's ok Velvet,” Night Light told her as he patted Spike on the head, “Our son is very strong.”

Spike looked down as he heard what his father said, “No, I'm not strong.”

“Spike, that's not true,” his father told him.

“No, the reason I was unconscious for 3 days…”

“Yes, we know,” his mother interrupted with a sad look, “Twi told us everything.”

Spike lowered his head again, he felt so bad right now.

“Spike,” his father put his hand on his shoulder, “Why didn't you tell us how you felt?”

“Because I didn't think I'd be in a position to say it, and I also thought it wouldn't be fair to Twilight,” Spike replied, wiping the tear from his eye, “She's a great duelist, so she deserved our support, I didn't know how to say it without sounding cruel."

“Spike, this is partly our fault,” Velvet responded as she hugged him again, “We were so focused on Twilight and Shining, when we should have been with you too.”

“And I should have been a better big sister,” Twilight added, “I promise you won't be left out anymore Spike.”

“Please don't blame yourselves, in the end, I'm responsible for almost going crazy just because I was a coward for not wanting to open my mouth,” Spike told them, “I don't want to be mad at you anymore Twi.”

At that moment, Twilight hugged her little brother, moved.

“Spike, remember that we are your family, and we will always be there for you at any time,” Night Light told him with a smile.

Spike smiled, happy that he could finally open up to his family.

But then he remembered something, on his desk, where his deck was, he took Heathspike's card.

“Actually, I have to tell you something, I haven't been completely honest with you,” Spike told them with the card in his hand.

“What do you mean Spike?” Velvet asked him.

“Several weeks ago, just the day before we beat Rover,” Spike told them.

"We?" asked Twilight Sparkle, she thought it was strange that her brother spoke in plural.

That was when he began to tell the whole story of the mysterious guy in that strange card shop who gave him that booster of powerful cards, then he told about what happened in the duel he had against Rover, and then he got to the Heathspike part.

“And well what I want to get at is...” said Spike who looked at the surprised faces of his father, mother and sister, they were certainly impressed, and although he still didn't show it to them, they believed him because of the honesty in his eyes.

“I want to introduce you to my friend Heathspike,” Spike said as he focused on the card, he remembered that to make a Duel Spirit visible, he had to open his heart to whoever wanted to show it, after a few seconds, the card began to glow and there Heathspike's voice was heard, “It's a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Heathspike had materialized in front of the Sparkle family, and their shocked expressions did not cease.

“My name is Master Kenbroath Gilspotten Heathspike, although on my Monster card I call myself Master Heathspike the Mystic Dracoslayer, but you can address me as Heathspike if you want,” Heathspike introduced himself chivalrously, “I am Spike's Duel Spirit but I am also consider him as my best friend, for some reason, I woke up when he took my card, that's why I swear that I will be by his side, in the good times and bad times."

The sincerity in his voice made his family trust him, and at that moment Twilight approached the spirit, she smiled at him, “Heathspike, welcome, thank you for taking care of Spike.”

Heathspike smiled, “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle, for not losing faith in him during his duel.”

Twilight smiled, she turned to Spike, “That explains the times it seems like you were talking alone.”

“Hehe,” Spike laughed, feeling a little foolish for not being more discreet.

“Well Heathspike, welcome to the family,” Night Light told him as he offered his hand for a handshake.

“Yes, from what Spike told us, you've done so much for him, we'd like to have you around,” Velvet added.

“Shining Armor would really like you,” Spike told him.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle," Heathspike thanked, then proceeded to accept the handshake, but his hand passed through Night Light's, "Oops, I forgot to say, I'm an intangible spirit, but thank you for your hospitality."

This made the whole family laugh, there was finally peace between Spike and Twilight Sparkle, the siblings couldn't be happier.

The next day, at Canterlot High, precisely at the Duel Club.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were talking, apparently they had found out that Spike had already woken up.

“I'm glad those two made passes,” Fluttershy told her.

Pinkie Pie nodded very happily and excitedly, “Yes, having a depressed friend is not nice, so we have to do our best for Spike, do you think he would like me to throw him a party.”

Fluttershy nodded with a smile, “I'm sure he would love that.”

At that moment, Rainbow Dash entered the room, “I'm sorry for the delay.”

“Don't worry darling, Twilight hasn't arrived either,” Rarity told her.

“Oh, I talk to her, Twi's not coming today,” Rainbow Dash replied, “She's staying home one more day to take care of Spike.”

“That's nice of her,” Rarity told her.

And at that moment, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo entered the room.

“Howdy sis,” Applejack greeted, “What are you doing here?”

“Yeah, we thought you be in the old barn with Big Mac and the others,” Rarity added.

“Well, we kinda need your help,” Apple Bloom responded.

“We need training to qualify for the Eclipse Cup,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Say no more,” Rainbow Dash responded animatedly, stroking Scootaloo's hair, “Anything for you.”

“Well, I already qualified, but I won't get in without Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo told her determinedly.

“I can't wait, the tournament has me excited,” Rumble said as he appeared next to Scootaloo.

Meanwhile at the Sparkle family house.

Spike had gotten ready, he was fine, he took his backpack and his Duel Disk.

“How are you feeling Spike?” Velvet asked him when she saw him at the door.

“I'm fine, Mom,” Spike responded, but his mother's worried look made him think he owed an explanation. “Are you asking me if I feel bad about the Eclipse Cup?”

Velvet nodded sadly.

And at that moment Twilight Sparkle appeared with Night Light behind her, they had heard of the tournament that Spike would not be able to enter, worried because that was the trigger for Spike's unleashed fury.

“Spike, I'm sorry,” Twilight Sparkle apologized.

But Spike interrupted her, “You don't need to worry sister, and I hope you manage to win the cup.”

Twilight didn't expect to hear those words of encouragement from her little brother, she expected him to still be upset about not being able to participate.

“I certainly would have liked to participate,” Spike said without losing his smile, “But I remembered that there is a place where I am appreciated for who I am, a Rogue Duelist.”

“And that place is with the Team Apple Harmony,” said Heathspike, who spoke to the entire family.

“That's very mature of you Spike,” Night Light told him with a smile.

“That's right, I'm mature,” Spike replied with a proud smile, “And that's why Big Mac asked me to take care of the Apple Harmony headquarters when the tournament starts, so I'll spend the days of the Eclipse Cup there.”

Twilight smiled seeing how happy her little brother was, she knew it would be selfish of her to ask Spike to cheer her up during the Cup, so she would let Spike do whatever he wanted.

“Well, we'll come back later,” Spike said, Heathspike joining him, “And I mean both.”

Heathspike smiled, glad that he no longer had to hide.

When Spike and Heathspike left, a smile formed on their family members.

“I'm proud of him,” Night Light said.

“We all are Night,” Velvet added to which Twilight nodded.

Several minutes later, Spike made a detour on purpose, he was going to head to the old barn to see the Team Apple Harmony, but on the way, he heard his own stomach growl and realized something, he hadn't had breakfast.

“Ahhhh, why didn't I have breakfast?” Spike wondered as he walked down the street looking for a restaurant.

“And as I'm going to know, I'm a Duel Spirit, we're never hungry,” Heathspike told him.

“If I don't see somewhere to eat, I think I'll turn into a spirit too,” Spike told him, but in the distance he saw a place, “Wait a minute, there it is.”

"What are you taking about?" Heathspike asked him.

“Joe's donut shop,” Spike replied, running straight towards the place.

“Wait Spike, your shoelaces are untied,” Heathspike told him, but it was too late.

"What? AHHHHH,” Spike had tripped, and the worst of it ended in the middle of the street.

A motorcycle was about to hit him but stopped at the exact moment just a few centimeters away from him.

“That was close,” Spike said, completely pale with fear.

“Be careful, a little more and you didn't make it,” the motorcyclist told him, when he saw her, Spike recognized her, because he remembered that duel on the first day he visited Team Apple Harmony's lair and he could distinguish that red and yellow hair although her face was covered by a helmet.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Spike asked.

“Sunset Shimmer, it's the boy from Big Macintosh's team,” her Duel Spirit told her, which manifested.

“So it was true, she also has a Duel Spirit,” thought Spike, he suspected it for a while but was finally able to confirm it.

“It's true,” replied Sunset Shimmer, who, taking off her helmet, got off her motorcycle to help him up, “You're also the boy who taught Rover a lesson.”

“Hehe, yes it's me,” replied Spike who stood up thanks to Sunset's support, “My name is Spike.”

"Right, I forgot to introduce myself, although you already know me, I'm Sunset Shimmer and that's my Duel Spirit, Flash," Sunset introduced herself while Flash flew and landed near Spike, the pegasus bowed with his 4 legs, "It's an honor."

Knowing that she introduced her partner, it was obvious that Spike would introduce his, “And he's my friend and also Duel Spirit, Heathspike.”

“The honor is all mine,” Heathspike introduced himself.

“Not that it's a bad thing, but what were you doing in the middle of the street?” Sunset Shimmer asked them.

“Umm, I fell,” Spike responded.

“Why?” Sunset Shimmer asked comically.

“I didn't fall on purpose,” Spike responded with a deadpan look.

And at that moment, Spike's stomach growled again, making him blush since he was in front of Sunset, when she heard his stomach and realized that there was a donut shop opposite, she understood the situation and smiled.

Several minutes later.

“Holy, these donuts are the best I've ever had,” Sunset Shimmer said while eating a donut.

“I know,” Spike said as he took a bite of his donut, “Joe's an expert at this.”

In the distance, the store manager named Joe gave Spike a thumbs up.

The boy decided to invite Sunset to eat, he didn't know why, but he had the feeling that maybe she needed company.

“I don't know why humans need to feed to conserve energy,” said Flash, who was watching with Heathspike. “It seems impractical to me.”

“So, you're part of the Team Apple Harmony?” Sunset asked him.

Spike nodded, “That's right, but I've only been part of it for weeks, I'm basically new, in fact, on my first day I got to see your duel against Big Mac.”

“Oh really?” Sunset asked him again with a curious smile.

“Yeah, that battle really got me excited,” Spike responded cheerfully.

“So you're excited,” Sunset Shimmer added.

“Pretty much, the way you summoned all those Links and then summoned Flash, nothing stopped you,” Spike said without losing his spirit, “That day I understood what it meant to fight to win, something I also learned from Big Mac. ”

“Fight to win,” Sunset told herself with a low voice so Spike wouldn't hear her, she remembered something.

3 years ago.

“Salamangreat, Flash Pegasus attacks,” ordered a 14-year-old Sunset Shimmer, as her monster destroyed her opponent's.

Sunset Shimmer: 2100 LP (Winner)
Sunburst: 0 LP

“You really are very strong sister,” said a boy named Sunburst who seemed to be the same age as Sunset.

Sunset smiled, she really enjoyed Duel Monsters.

Back to the present.

Sunset came back when she heard Spike's voice ask her something.

“Do you think you can help me improve?” the boy asked her as he showed her his deck.

“Will you let me see your deck?” Sunset asked him, “That means revealing everything to me.”

“I know, and I also understand that it would be an honor to face you one day with my deck,” Spike said with a smile, “But I'm not at your level yet, I won't even be able to participate in the Eclipse Cup.”

“The Eclipse Cup, in fact, I won't participate either,” Sunset Shimmer told him.

“Why?” Spike asked, he knew that a girl like Sunset could easily sign up for a tournament like that, there must be another reason for her not to participate.

“I have my reasons,” Sunset Shimmer told him with a nervous laugh, “Either way, I'll help you with your deck.”

Spike smiled, deciding not to ask any more questions about the tournament for the moment.

After a few minutes, Spike had placed his deck on the table, Sunset saw it and analyzed it.

“Hey, it's not bad at all,” Sunset Shimmer told him, “It's very well put together.”

“Thank you,” Spike thanked, “I had Heathspike's help.”

“Guilty,” Heathspike added.

“It looks like you tried a lot of options, but in the end you focused on an Aggro and Control style,” said Sunset when she saw that the deck had few trap cards and many spell cards.

“Yes, Big Mac and the others advised me too,” Spike replied.

Seeing him, Sunset Shimmer smiled, she remembered the times when she made changes to her deck, seeing Spike doing the same took her back to a time where she was very happy, something that did not go unnoticed by Flash, “What's wrong? You seem very happy."

“Oh, I…” Sunset tried to respond but was interrupted by Heathspike.

“You've liked Duel Monsters since you were little, right?”

Sunset Shimmer looked at him in surprise.

“I sensed it,” Heathspike declared with a smile.

“You're right, that's why I always look to face great Duelists,” Sunset responded.

“Is that why you decided to have that duel against Big Mac that day?” Spike asked.

Sunset paused for a few seconds, “Big Mac's case is special for me, a Rogue Duelist superior to a Pro, with so many consecutive victories, I have never seen such madness, that's why I want to face him and beat him once and for all.”

Spike listened attentively and although Sunset Shimmer told everything with a smile, he could see that she emanated a little sadness.

“That's why I plan to beat him one day.”

“And when that day comes, what will you do next?” Spike asked, a little afraid for the answer.

That made Sunset look serious, Flash looked at her with concern, but Sunset stood up, “When that day comes, I'll stop playing Duel Monsters, forever.”

Spike was definitely surprised to hear that, he didn't know how to react or what to respond, everyone has their problems, but at that point, he really wanted to know why Sunset wanted to leave after completing her goal.

Fourteenth Turn: The Flame That Extinguished

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In Team Apple Harmony's lair.

“Big Mac, what happened to your arm?” was the first thing Spike asked when he saw his friend with a bandage on his left arm, he didn't expect that would be the first thing he would see when he arrived with the team.

“Work accident,” was the only thing Big Mac responded.

“Apparently an idiot forgot to put the handbrake on his RV,” said Discord who approached the scene.

Spike looked at Discord with a serious face, then turned to Big Mac, “You were hit by Discord's RV right?”

“Eeyupp,” Big Mac responded with a deadpan look.

“Oh come on,” Discord told them, “Look on the bright side.”

“What's the bright side?” Spike asked.

“Big Mac may have broken two arms, but luckily he only broke one,” Discord told them, “That's counting yourself lucky.”

“Nope,” was all Big Mac responded.

The days passed, during that time, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were now spending time at the Duel Club to train for the Eclipse Cup.

It was certainly a very hard training, not for nothing were the Rainbooms considered the most powerful Pro Duelist in Canterlot.

“Black Winged Dragon, attack,” Rainbow Dash ordered her monster which seemed to have the appearance of a Dragon with black wings that also looked like a crow.

The Dragon released a storm of feathers which destroyed Scootaloo monsters.

“Ahhhhh,” Scootaloo screamed as she received the attack.

Rainbow Dash: 2800 LP (WINNER)
Scootaloo: 0 LP

“Damn,” Scootaloo complained on the ground.

“Don't worry, squirt,” Rainbow Dash told her as she helped her up, “You're getting better and better.”

“Yes, I finally managed to take more than 1000 life points off you,” Scootaloo responded sarcastically.

“Hey, don't be discouraged, a duelist learns with every defeat,” Rainbow Dash told her as she pointed at Sweetie Belle, “Besides, you're lucky you only got a storm of feathers.”

Scootaloo turned around and saw that Rarity and Sweetie Belle were having a duel, or at least it seemed that way, since Sweetie Belle didn't control monsters while Rarity had a monster that seemed to be made of minerals.

“Attack, Gem-Knight Master Diamond,” Rarity ordered as her monster summoned a dozen gems which headed toward Sweetie Belle like a meteor shower.

“Ah, ouch, ouch,” Sweetie Belle complained as she received the impacts of the gems.

Rarity: 3500 LP (WINNER)
Sweetie Belle: 0 LP

“A little abrupt, don't you think?” Sweetie Belle said to Rarity as she dusted herself off.

“Oh sorry,” Rarity apologized, “But I couldn't order Master Diamond to use his sword to stab my little sister.”

“And you thought a gem-shaped meteor shower would be better?” Sweetie Belle asked her.

“At least that way it looked fabulous and shiny,” Rarity replied making Sweetie Belle sigh.

But their conversation was interrupted by a scream coming from Apple Bloom, “Ahhhhh.”

They all turned around and saw Apple Bloom hit by a tree branch with a face.

Applejack: 3200 LP (WINNER)
Apple Bloom: 0 LP

“And that, sis, is the reason why you should not mess with a big tree,” Applejack told her, “Especially if it's the powerful one, Sylvian Hermitree.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” Apple Bloom responded as she stood up.

“Don't be discouraged,” said Rumble, who appeared before them, “Just keep working hard and you'll do well in the Eclipse Cup.”

“Of course we'll do well, one more duel Rainbow,” Scootaloo responded, then she turned to her older sister with her Duel Disk on.

“That's the attitude squirt,” Rainbow Dash responded, turning on her Duel Disk.

“By the way, how has Spike been lately?” Rarity asked.

“He's doing great, lately he's been spending time with the team, but especially with Big Mac and Discord,” Sweetie Belle responded.

“It seems like they're a good influence on Spike,” added Twilight Sparkle, who walked over.

“Yes, even though Discord is a little crazy, his intentions are good,” Applejack told her.

Meanwhile in Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Outside the barn, Spike was having a duel against Zecora.

Spike: 1900 LP
Zecora: 2300 LP

“It seems that today you are on fire,” said Zecora, “But from this duel Im not going to retire.”

“That's what I like to hear,” Spike responded.

“But I must say,” Zecora interrupted, “Better not to focus in your rage.”

“Rage? “What rage?” Spike asked but then realized what she meant, “Oh no, do you know what happened at the Magic Trick shop?”

“The whole team knows,” answered Cheerilee, who approached the place.

“Oh no,” Spike responded, lowering his head as he remembered the anger he unleashed on those poor duelists who had nothing to do with it, not to mention that it also compromised his relationship with Twilight.

“It's okay, buddy, we all have our moments, and in part I would have done something similar if I were in your place,” said Braeburn, who approached, but when he thought about what he said, he became worried, he quickly put his hands on his back. mouth, “Oh sorry.”

“Okay,” Spike sighed, “I've accepted it, I won't be participating in the Eclipse Cup, but that doesn't mean I'll mind if you mention it.”

“Are you sure you'll be okay little one?” Cheerilee asked him.

“Yeah, I'll be fine, Big Mac and Discord already offered me to stay with them until the tournament is over to look for the other team members,” Spike replied, “It'll be fun being the team leader, even if it will only be for a few days.”

“Eeyup,” agreed Big Mac who arrived at the place along with Discord, he still had his injured arm but managed to place his good arm on Spike's shoulder.

Spike just smiled.

But that tender moment was interrupted.


Spike recognized that voice, he and the entire team turned, and there they saw Sunset Shimmer who had a serious but determined look.

“I promised to come back and face you,” Sunset Shimmer told him, “And now here I am.”

“Look, I know you came a long way, but today is not a good day,” Braeburn told him.

“Big Mac is hurt, he can't duel with his broken arm,” Cheerilee added.

Sunset just smiled, then she turned to Big Mac, “So you'll use a broken arm as an excuse?”

Big Mac took that question as a challenge, he quickly stood up and activated his Duel Disk with difficulty, “NOPE.”

“Wait Big Mac, it could be dangerous,” Spike told him.

“Maybe,” Big Mac replied, “But Sunset came with everything today, I'm not going to disappoint her.”

Big Mac was heading to where Sunset was while Spike watched him with concern, he thought that someone had to do something, a duel was one thing, but Big Mac's health was another, he turned around and it didn't seem like any of the members of Apple Harmony was going to intervene, he didn't know what to do, but then he saw Heathspike manifest in front of him, he didn't say a word, he just looked at Spike with a determined face, upon seeing him, Spike understood everything.

Big Mac approached, but was stopped by Spike who stood in front of him.

“Spike,” Big Mac told him to get out of the way, but Spike looked at him seriously.

“Big Mac, please,” was all Spike said to him.

Big Mac smiled and stepped aside, he saw the way Spike was looking at him, focused and strong, “Okay, I'll leave it to you.”

"What is this?" Sunset Shimmer asked strangely, then she turned to Big Mac, frowning, “Big Macintosh, you shouldn't bring a child into our affairs.”

“It's not like that,” Spike replied then he looked directly at Sunset, “I... I want to fight.”

“Oh,” Sunset Shimmer said, seeing Spike's look that indicated he really meant business, “Very well, you will fight me, or rather, you will fight us.”

At that moment, Flash manifested himself in front of Sunset and this time, everyone present could see him.

“Sunset has a spirit too.”

“We accept,” replied Heathspike who appeared in front of Spike.

“Kid, Sunset Shimmer is equal to or stronger than Twilight Sparkle,” Flash Sentry told him, “You can't do anything against her.”

“Thank you for the warning, but you should focus on your own partner,” Heathspike told him, “I'll worry about mine.”

In the old barn.

Spike never thought he would have a duel against Sunset so soon, especially since a few days ago he had gotten to know her better, but that wasn't the strangest thing, for him, it was something extraordinary that the place of the duel was in the old barn, a place where only Big Mac can duel.

“Big Mac, are you sure you want the duel to be here?” Spike asked him, who was beginning to feel nervous.

Big Mac just raised his thumb to nod to the question.

They saw that the spectator duelists were seated on various chairs and benches but leaving space to the central area where the duelists would play.

At that moment, the lights in the barn went out, and they heard Cheerilee voice from some speakers, “Welcome back, Apple Harmony members, today's battle will be a little different. ”

Sunset Shimmer approached the center of the barn as Cheerilee announced her arrival, “Once again, we received a visit from the 17-year-old Empress of Flames, Sunset Shimmer.”

Spike approached the other end, coming face to face with Sunset as Cheerilee announced his arrival, “And the little dragon who will defend us tonight, 14-year-old, Spike.”

The shouts of encouragement from the members of Apple Harmony calmed Spike, he felt ready for that duel.

“Let's get this over with,” Sunset Shimmer told him as she activated her Duel Disk, which projected the user's cards holographically.

When Sunset Shimmer activated her Duel Disk a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

Spike nodded, as he activated his Duel Disk.

When Spike activated his Duel Disk a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

Then, Spike placed his deck in the slot of the Duel Disk, a green energy blade forming, Spike drew 5 cards from his deck and placed them in his left hand.

While Sunset Shimmer only had to press a button on her Duel Disk, at that moment, 5 digital cards materialized in front of her, on her Duel Disk the following could be read: CARDS DIGITIZE COMPLETE.

"Are you ready?" asked Cheerilee.

At that moment, Spike and Sunset Shimmer agreed and called out:


Spike: 4000 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 4000 LP

“I'll go first,” Sunset Shimmer said as she activated one of her cards, “I'll start by activating the spell card, Pot of Greed, it allows me to draw 2 cards from my deck.”

“Here it comes,” Spike thought as he saw Sunset's look, it seemed like she had gotten her necessary cards.

“I discard Salamangreat Falco to activate the effect of Salamangreat Meer which allows me to Special Summon her,” Sunset said as a meerkat appeared on the field wearing a battle suit with flames on its back. (ATK 800/DEF 600/Lv 2)

“Wow, that meerkat looks cute, what's Sunset going to do now?” Cheerilee announcement.

“She won't stay long because she will now return to my hand,” Sunset said as Salamangreat Meer disappeared and an extra card materialized in front of her.

“Did she just return her own monster to the hand?” Spike asked himself, “Why?”

“Because so I can special summon Salamangreat Falco from my graveyard, appear now,” said Sunset Shimmer as her falcon monster appeared on the field. (ATK 1200/DEF 1600/Lv 4)

“And that's not all, since it was added to my hand, I can Special Summon it, return Salamangreat Meer,” Sunset Shimmer said as her other Salamangreat returned to the field. (ATK 800/DEF 600/Lv 2)

“Oh no, he already has 2 monsters on the field,” Braeburn said.

“And she hasn't spent her normal summon yet,” Discord added as he took out a cup of tea from his hat from which he drank.

“I now summon Salamangreat Foxy,” said Sunset Shimmer as her fire fox appeared on the field. (ATK 1000/DEF 1200/Lv 3)

Spike frowned, he already knew what would happen next.

"Appear now, the circuit that will light the future," Sunset said as her 3 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, " The condition to summon it is 2 Fire effect monsters.”

"I'm placing Foxy, Falco and Meer on the Link Markers," Sunset said as her monsters turned into energy which went to 3 arrows of the circle, the arrows now colored red.

"Appear, king of the jungle who holds the power of the sun in his paw, and help your kingdom to look to enter into a new era of peace, LINK SUMMON."

From the circle, an anthropomorphic lion appeared whose mane and other parts of its body were made of a red metal, the rest of its body was wrapped in black metal, “SALAMANGREAT HEATLEO.” (ATK 2300/LINK-3)

“Wow, how bold, Sunset Shimmer begins with one of the most famous Salamangreat monsters,” Cheerilee announced excitedly.

“This ends my turn,” Sunset told him, “I'm warning you, I won't be lenient with you just because you're a child.”

“I'm 14,” Spike pouted, “I'm technically a teenager.”

“Tschh, still,” Sunset added, “I'm not one to quickly accept defeat.”

“And Im not one of those who easily give away the victory,” Spike responded as he drew a card from his deck.

“Then come at me,” Sunset Shimmer told him.

Spike nodded and at that precise moment activated a spell card, “Dragon Shrine.”

At that moment, a powerful light enveloped the battlefield, causing the spectators and even Sunet Shimmer to cover their eyes with their hands.

“With this I can send a Dragon-type monster from my deck to the graveyard,” Spike said as he revealed Master Pendulum and sent it to the graveyard, “But, If the Dragon I sent is a normal monster, I can send another Dragon to the graveyard.”

A dark aura enveloped the field.

“I think the members of Apple Harmony will know who I sent to the graveyard, because I will revive him right now, Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm appears,” Spike said as his dark dragon appeared on the field. (ATK 1800/DEF 1200/Lv 4/P 5)

“I know that monster, it can be summoned from the graveyard if you don't control monsters,” Sunset Shimmer said with a smile, “Very sneaky.”

“Thank you Sunset,” Spike thanked as he summoned another monster, which appeared on the field, “Now I'll summon Vector Pendulum the Dracoverlord.” (ATK 1850/DEF 0/Lv 4/P 3)

“2 level 4 monsters,” Sunset Shimmer thought, “He's going to do it.”

"Now," Spike ordered as his Vector Pendulum and his Darkwurm began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network."

A black hole appeared below him which the lights flew into.

"The Majespecter alliance will lend you its power, taking the reins of the mighty Kirin and riding it as a majestic Pegasus, be one with the wind, XYZ SUMMON."

From the black hole, a monster appeared, it was Spike's Dracoslayer Xyz, "MAJESTER PALADIN, THE ASCENDING DRACOSLAYER." (ATK 1850/DEF 2000/Rank 4)

“Now it's Spike who delights us with his Xyz monster, but by summoning him in defense mode he won't be able to defeat Sunset's Link monster,” Cheerilee announced.

“Now I will activate a trap card from my hand,” Spike said, surprising everyone.


"How is that possible?" Sunset Shimmer asked him.

“If I don't control cards in the pendulum zones I can activate this card from my hand, Dracoslayer's Divine Salvation,” Spike responded, activating his card and at that moment a huge tornado swept across the field, “The effect of this card is very useful, As long as I control a Dracoslayer monster I can destroy a monster you control, and if I only control one monster, half of the original attack points of your destroyed monster will go to you as damage.”

"WHAT?" Sunset exclaimed as the tornado extinguished Heatleo's flames, destroying him in the process, then a breeze from the tornado hit Sunset Shimmer causing her to lose her balance.

Spike: 4000 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 2850 LP

“Spike manages to land the first attack,” Cheerilee announced.

“Very well done Spike,” Discord encouraged.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac encouraged.

“Unfortunately, I can't attack the turn I activate this card, so I'll leave 2 cards face down and end my turn,” Spike said as 2 cards materialized on the field.

“Grggg, what am I doing, I have to concentrate,” Sunset Shimmer thought as a digital card materialized in front of her, “I just have to win and after facing Big Mac, and I will retire.”

But as she said that, Sunset pondered, “Will I leave Duel Monsters?”

2 years before.

Sunset Shimmer was in her house, next to her was a woman with orange skin and brown hair with an orange tone, she was wearing a blue dress, black shoes and white gloves.

“I'm so proud of you,” the woman said as she received a paper showing Sunset's good school grades, “The best grades possible.”

“I'm just doing my duty, Mom,” Sunset Shimmer responded with a smile.

Several minutes later, Sunset was walking alone through the city, thinking about her next exams, thinking that she should once again be the top student with the highest grade.

“Piece of cake, I won't have any problems with the exams,” Sunset thought but stopped when she saw that to her right, there was a card shop.

Sunset had heard about Duel Monsters, but she was never interested in playing it, she didn't like card games, but for some reason, she felt drawn to the shop even if it was just for a few seconds.

Upon entering, she saw several booster packs, she didn't know which one to buy, but one of them caught her attention, a blue one which was all the way to the bottom of a box, for some reason Sunset felt that it was calling her.

“I will never forget that day,” Sunset Shimmer thought.

That day, Sunset came home, and decided to open the booster, a wide variety of cards were inside, but the last one caught her attention.

“This looks interesting,” Sunset said as she saw the card, “Salamangreat Flash Pegasus.”

And that's when it happened, a light enveloped Sunset Shimmer's room.

"What's going on?" Sunset wondered with fear.

Suddenly, the sound of a steed neighing was heard, when Sunset opened her eyes she saw a kind of pegasus with a yellow mane, its mane was blue, but what stood out the most is that it wasn't hair, its mane was made of blue fire, including its tail, the pegasus also had an armored appearance with blue flames surrounding it, and on its back and neck had the symbol of a shield with a lightning bolt in the center.

Sunset was so surprised that she was speechless for several seconds, enough time for the pegasus to speak, “It's an honor to meet you, I don't know much about myself except for my name, many know me as Salamangreat Flash Pegasus, but my real “My name is Flash Sentry, you can call me Flash.”

“That was the time we met,” Sunset Shimmer thought, but her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a large wave, “Wait what?”

Sunset noticed that on the field she now controlled Salamangreat Balelynx, and Salamangreat Flash Pegasus, and had 2 face down cards on the field, while Spike controlled Dinoster Power and also had 2 face down cards, she looked at her counter of life points and worried.

Spike: 3100 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 1500 LP

“Focus Sunset, we're losing,” Flash told her.

Sunset hadn't realized that she was lost in thought for several turns, at that moment a digital card materialized in front of her, indicating that it was her turn, "Oh sorry Flash."

“Wow, it seems like something is wrong with Sunset,” Cheerilee announced, “She doesn't seem to be concentrating, which would mean good news for Spike.”

“Sunset, is everything okay?” Spike asked.

Sunset quickly nodded nervously, “Yes yes, everything is fine, I can't let it all end here.”

“Damn Sunset, what the hell is wrong with you?” Sunset thought with her fist on her head.

“Huh?” Spike wondered.

“I've made it clear to you time and time again, I will retire only after defeating Big Mac,” Sunset Shimmer responded with tears of fury in her eyes, but upon seeing her Spike realized that those tears were of sadness, “And I won’t let a child like you get in my way.”

“Sunset,” Spike told her, feeling sorry for her, “I don't…”

“SHUT UP,” Sunset interrupted angrily, and at that moment she activated 2 spell cards, “I activate Raigeki and Harpies Feather Duster.”

“Not so fast, I'll activate Threatening Roar,” Spike said as he activated one of his trap cards, and at that moment, a huge lightning bolt and tornado completely devastated Spike's field, but not before a beast appeared to roar to Sunset's monsters.

“Oh, with this Sunset gets rid of Spike's field, but at least he managed to buy one more turn,” Cheerilee announced.

“The situation shattered and burst the bubble,” Zecora said, “Now Spike is in big trouble.”

"I…. I…." Sunset thought with tears in her eyes.

2 years ago.

Sunset remembered that after meeting Flash, she started playing Duel Monsters.

In a card shop, there was Sunset Shimmer who was having a duel.

“Attack Flash,” Sunset said as she ordered her monster Link to attack which wiped out her opponent's points.

“That time, I liked to feel my heart race when fighting.”

But not everything was pretty, when Sunset started playing, it caused a bit of an argument with her parents.

From her room, Sunset Shimmer listened to a conversation between her parents.

“But his grades haven't gone down at all,” came a voice that seemed to come from his father.

“Well, maybe they would be much better if she wasnt playing with those cards all the time,” her mother's voice was heard.

“Honey, listen,” Sunset's father said.

“No, you listen,” Sunset's mother interrupted, “Lately she's been coming home late every day, and you're saying we should give her more freedom?”

Sunset listened to everything with tears in her eyes, so Flash manifested himself in front of her, “Sunset, I'm so sorry.”

Sunset smiled at him without wiping away her tears, “This isn't your fault Flash.”

At that moment, Sunburst, her younger brother, entered the room, “Sister, I was listening everything.”

She looked at him discouraged.

“Don't let what mom says get to you, you're very good at playing Duel Monsters, I hope you can teach me how the game works,” Sunburst told her.

"Game?" Sunset Shimmer asked him.

But at that moment his mother entered the room, “Sunset Shimmer, we have to talk about the matter of that card game of yours.”

Hearing her, Sunset was filled with anger, she stood up in a threatening manner and approached her mother, “THIS IS NOT JUST A GAME.”

Her mother and brother backed away, scared by Sunset's response, which ran out of the place.

“That's when the darkness spoiled me.”

Sunset had returned to the card shop.

“I didn't go back home because I was having a hard time in duels.”

Back to the present.

“My turn,” Spike said as he drew a card from his deck, “Sunset, are you sure this is what you want?”

“I already told you, I have to get back on my way,” Sunset Shimmer responded furiously, “I already want to quit this game.”



On Sunset's side of the field, Flash just watched her with pity, wishing everything was different.

2 years ago.

Sunset was having duels in that store, but at that moment her phone started ringing.

She picked it up and saw that the one calling her was her mother, she ignored the call, but her mother was insistent.




“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” Sunset Shimmer thought, “SHUT UP.”

Sunset couldn't control her decisions anymore.

Several days later.

Sunset Shimmer was in Principal Celestia's office at Canterlot High.

“So, you're not going to college,” Celestia told her.

Sunset nodded sadly, “It's not something I'll need.”

“Are you sure about this, does your family agree?” the Principal asked her.

“As for me being disinherited, I don't care anymore,” Sunset Shimmer replied.

“In the end, this game only brought me trouble infecting my soul.”

One year later.

Sunset was alone on the streets of Canterlot, but at that moment, a guy crossed her path.

“So you're Sunset Shimmer,” said the guy, who was a tall young man with white skin and incredibly long blonde hair.

“How do you know about me?” Sunset asked him.

“Because of the duels in that store, you were a legend, why haven't you come back?”

Back to the present.

“Now I'll go straight to the Battle Phase,” Spike said.

“Wait, that means…” Sunset Shimmer said knowing the powerful card Spike would play.

“And now I'll activate Evenly Matched,” Spike said as he activated his trap card.


At that moment a light illuminated the field, banishing all of Sunset's cards except Flash.

“Damn,” Sunset said seeing that she had no cards in her hand.

“My turn is over,” Spike declared.

“Then it's my turn,” Sunset said as a card materialized in front of her, she frowned when she saw that it would be of no use to her, “I'll go into battle and attack you directly with Flash.”

“LIGHTNING BOLT,” Flash shouted as he hit Spike.

“Gyahhhhhh,” Spike shouted upon receiving such a shock.

Spike: 100 LP
Sunset Shimmer: 1500 LP

“My turn is over,” Sunset said coldly and resignedly.

“My turn,” Spike said.

That was when Sunset could see the determination of the green-haired young man, who had summoned his ace monster.

“You will be a Rogue Duelist, but you have the ambition of a Pro,” said Sunset Shimmer as Flash prepared for battle, “That's why I'm also going to give it my all here, your fangs won't reach me, bring me that dragon and we'll extinguish its fire."

“Sunset, I know little about you, I don't understand why you want to retire,” Spike said as Heathspike prepared for battle, “The only thing I can do is charge at you with all my being, take this, MEGAMORPH.”

That's when Heathspike's power reached 8000.

Sunset was surprised, “So you.”

That's when the pegasus was defeated by the dragon.

2 years ago.

“Look mom, I won the Duel Monsters tournament,” said Sunset Shimmer to her mother who was cooking, Sunset showed her a trophy but her mother ignored her, “Sunset, you're going to be late for school.”

“I must retire.”

Sunset Shimmer was walking away from her house.

“I must retire.”

“I know I should leave this game, but…”

Back to the present.

Sunset Shimmer was outside the old barn, everyone was gone except her, at the same time a rain fell, the only thing she could see on her Duel Disk was the result of her last duel.

Spike: 100 LP (WINNER)
Sunset Shimmer: 0 LP

“I'm sorry mom, dad, Sunburst,” Sunset thought with tears in her eyes which were camouflaged by the raindrops that ran down her face, Flash materialized near her, he felt ashamed for not having helped his partner win, “After all, in the end, this is not a game.”

Sunset Shimmer left the place in the middle of the rain, this time, without a defined direction.

That day, several mixed feelings in the Team Apple Harmony lair were revealed, the sad truth that in a duel, there is only one winner, and a flame had gone out.

Fifteenth Turn: Beach Day (1/2)

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“I screwed up the things again,” Spike said with his face plastered on a table.

He was in Discord's RV, next to him and Big Mac.

"When you say again, are you referring to the incident at the Magic Trick store?" Big Mac asked him.

"Those poor girls," said Spike with his face still on the table, "And Twilight too."

“You didn't screw it up Spike, you just have bad luck when it comes to women,” Discord told him.

“I can't believe I'm saying this,” Big Mac said, “But Spike, you have to listen to Discord, the situation about Sunset Shimmer wasn't your fault.”

“I wanted to defend the team, but all I managed to do was destroy the confidence of a poor duelist who just wanted to retire,” Spike responded without removing his face from the table.

“At least you managed to defend the team, and Big Mac,” Heathspike pointed out, who showed up next to them.

“Yes, but at what cost?” Spike responded, standing up dejectedly.

“You did it for me too, that's what matters, in time Sunset will understand,” Big Mac responded, sounding even more talkative.

That made Spike stay quiet for several seconds, thinking about what his friends were telling him.

“You know,” Big Mac told him as he placed a hand on his shoulder, “You've been under a lot of stress lately, I think we all are here, we should take a day off.”

Spike stood up from his seat and looked at Big Mac, who smiled weakly at him, “I think that's a good idea.”

“And I know where we can go,” Discord told them, showing them a map, “The beach, which is not far from here.”

“Eeyup, sounds like a plan,” said Big Mac who looked at Spike waiting for a response from him.

Spike was quiet for a few seconds and then spoke, “Well, I guess it'll be relaxing.”

“Great, he accepted,” Discord said, confusing Spike a little because of the speed at which he spoke.


At that moment, the door of Discord's vehicle opened and 3 people who Spike knew entered.

“It'll be fun,” said Sugar Belle who came in and she sat next to Big Mac.

“I've never been in an RV,” said Snowdrop, who entered and was guided by her hands touching the place, “Everything feels weird but great.”

Yay,” Catastros exclaimed in a shy voice worthy of Fluttershy.

“Sugar Belle, Snowdrop, Catastros?” Spike wondered in surprise.

“Discord invited us,” Catastros responded.

“Wait, so this was already planned?” Spike asked Discord.

“Yes, basically,” Discord replied as he placed a pair of sunglasses inside his hat.

“And what would have happened if I refused?” Spike asked.

“We would have gone anyway, and you would have come with us,” Discord replied as he pulled duct tape out of his hat, “It would have been more fun that way because I could use this.”

Spike gulped knowing he made the right decision.

“Alright then, get ready because I'm going to go at full speed,” Discord told them as he started his RV.

“WAIT DISCORD,” Big Mac tried to say but it was too late because Discord had already started the vehicle.

“GYAHHHH,” everyone shouted as they tried to fasten their seat belts.

“Woo hoo, at this rate we will arrive in just 10 minutes,” Discord said while driving.

“You should be careful, I wouldn't want you to crash into my card shop again,” Catastros told him.

10 minutes passed and they could already see the beach in the distance.

“We're almost there,” Sugar Belle said.

“This will be exciting, don't you think Spike?” Snowdrop told him.

Spike smiled at her, “Yes Snowdrop, the truth is that it had been a while since I went to the beach.”

“You don't need vision to feel the sea breeze or the softness of the sand,” Snowdrop told him, and at that moment, a Duel Spirit manifested in front of them.

“We have beaches like these in my world.”

“Whimsey, I see you came too,” Heathspike told her, happy to see his friend.

“Obviously I'd be here, I mean, I go where my human partner goes, and I think you do too,” Whimsey joked.

But there, Spike realized something important, “Oh no.”

“What's up Spike?” Big Mac asked him.

“This was so sudden, I didn't bring a swimsuit with me,” Spike responded.

“Oh that,” Big Mac said relieved, “Don't worry, it's already planned.”

“Umm, ok I guess,” Spike said a little confused.

“We're here,” Discord announced, stopping abruptly.

“That Discord, where did he get his driver's license?” Catastros asked himself as he got out of the vehicle.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” said Sugar Belle as she got out of the vehicle, holding hands with Big Mac who nodded, “Eeyup.”

Snowdrop got out of the vehicle, she proceeded to sniff the place, “Wow, it feels very different.”

Spike got out of the vehicle and could see the beautiful scenery.

The beach consisted of beautiful white sand, the water was too crystal clear that it could reflect the blue of the sky, the place was clean, there were no seaweed or rocks in the sand that could ruin a walk.

“Wonderful, you're here,” a voice was heard, they turned and saw Rarity.

“Rarity?” Spike wondered.

“That's right, dear, but it's not just me,” Rarity responded as she moved to the side, revealing that the other Rainbooms were there, and not only them, the Crusaders were with them as well.

“Girls, I'm glad you came,” Spike said with a smile, “Did Discord call you?”

“Spike, this was our idea,” Twilight responded with a smile.

“Yes, Big Mac explained everything to us,” Apple Bloom continued, “He told us how you felt about Sunset Shimmer.”

“That's why we thought a break would be best,” Sweetie Belle added.

“And not just for you, we have also been training non-stop,” Scootaloo finished as Rumble manifested in front of her, “And may you say it, I'm just a spirit but even I feel my life slipping away while I was training.”

“A Dinowrestler,” Whimsey said, surprised to see another Duel Spirit.

“Oh right, I think we forgot to make introductions to our fellow spirits,” Scootaloo said.

“The Rainbooms,” Catastros exclaimed in surprise, then he bowed on one knee and spoke to them in a serious tone, “It is an honor to meet you, your talents in dueling are worthy of admiration.”

“Ummm, thanks, I guess,” Twilight responded, not expecting them to be greeted so formally.

After a long presentation.

Pinkie Pie spoke up, “Well, come on, everyone! Let's go have fun!”

"All right, everyone. Let's hit the beach!" Rainbow Dash declared.

“Wait, I didn't bring my swimsuit,” Spike told them.

“We know Spike,” Twilight told him.

“That's why I used this opportunity to work on my new line of swimsuits that I designed,” Rarity added, pulling out a huge bag, “And here they are.”

“Rarity, that's very generous of you,” Spike told her smiling.

“It's my nature dear,” Rarity replied, “But it's also my taste for designing clothes.”

“And the best thing, Rarity's swimsuits for the girls are 2 pieces,” Sweetie Belle told him with a sultry smile, making Spike blush.

"WHAT?" Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy wondered in surprise at the same time.

“Any problem girls?” Rarity asked them with a smile.

“Rarity, I don't think this is a good idea,” Fluttershy responded, blushing.

“I agree with Fluttershy, I don't think a bikini looks good on me,” Twilight Sparkle added, a little embarrassed.

“Nonsense darlings,” Rarity told them as she put her hands on their shoulders, “You're already cute, I just made sure the others knew that, but enough of the talk, time to get ready.”

Yay,” Fluttershy exclaimed, feigning excitement, while Twilight thought that the quicker, the easier the embarrassment would pass, and at that moment everyone headed to the locker room.

Sugar Belle and 3 of the boys had come out of the locker room, all wearing swim trunks except for Sugar Belle who was wearing a bikini.

“Good design, it makes me feel powerful,” said Catastros, whose swimsuit was black with red flames resembling the colors of the Red Eyes Black Dragon, he didn't wear a shirt and had purple sandals, “But hey, I couldn't expect anything less from Pro Duelist Rarity.”

“Eeyup,” nodded Big Mac, whose swimsuit was green with a drawing of half an apple on the left side, he didn't wear a shirt and wore red sandals, but next to him, Sugar Belle was ready wearing an orange 2-piece swimsuit and wearing blue sandals.

“It looks good, although it doesn't reflect my nature,” said Discord, whose swimsuit was brown with green and yellow lines on the sides he was not wearing sandals, but he was wearing dark glasses that he had brought with him, but the right lens It was cracked which Discord didn't seem to mind.

The girls still needed to be ready, but they also noticed that Spike was missing.

“Spike, what's taking you so long?” Discord asked him.

“Umm, because I think there was a mistake,” Spike responded through the wall of the men's locker room.

“Is everything okay, dear?” Rarity asked him whose voice sounded through the wall of the women's locker room.

“Rarity, don't you think my swimsuit is a little small?” Spike asked her.

“I don't know what you mean Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity replied, her voice getting closer.

At that moment, Rarity and Sweetie Belle came out of the locker room, their swimsuits were the same purple color, their tops shined, it seemed like the fabric had glitter, it couldn't see their bottoms since both of them were wearing a sarong, Rarity's was blue and Sweetie Belle's was pink, they both wore blue sandals, and black beach hats.

“Spike, Twilight, we know you're ready, don't waste any more time,” Sweetie Belle told them.

“Umm, I don't think that's appropriate,” Twilight Sparkle responded from the women's locker room.

“I'm with Twilight on this, I think we'll be stuck in this safety locker rooms for a while,” Spike added from the locker room.

"Don't worry, I know you look great, my designs are tailored to you darlings," Rarity told them but there was no response, that made those who were already ready get frustrated.

“Ok that's enough, I'll stay calm and take them out gently,” said Sweetie Belle and then approached the locker room, she took a deep breath and screamed, “SPIKE, TWILIGHT, IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF THERE, I'LL TAKE YOU OUT MYSELF EVEN IF I HAVE TO GET INTO THE MEN’S LOCKING ROOM.”

“Ah, okay, we'll go out,” Twilight said scared, to which Spike nodded equally scared, “Okay, okay, just don't come in here.”

After a few seconds, Twilight and Spike finally dared to leave, curiously they came out at the same time despite being in separate locker rooms.

Spike came out of the locker room, he was shirtless and was wearing dark blue swim trunks with a drawing of a purple dragon claw on the left side, he was not wearing sandals but what was most striking was that the swimsuit was noticeably much smaller than the other boys, so Spike walked slowly feeling a little unsure, the same thing happened to Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle came out of the dressing room, her swimsuit consisted of a dark blue bikini, her top was strapless and had a drawing of a purple 6-pointed star on the left side, her bottoms were the same blue color, she was not wearing sandals, like Spike, she was also nervous, since when she saw Rarity and Sweetie Belle's swimsuits, she realized that hers was 1 or 2 sizes too small, this realization made Twilight cover herself with both arms wishing she could cover her entire body.

That's when Big Mac realized something, “Wait a minute, those swimsuits match.”

Upon hearing that, the 2 siblings looked at each other and could confirm it, the colors of their swimsuits were the same, “Rarity, did you…”

“Of course Darling,” Rarity responded with an animated smile, “I just thought it was a great idea, it's not just you, Rainbow and Applejack also have swimsuits that match their little sisters.”

“Oh, that's good to know, but I'd like to know why mine is so small, I'm practically wearing a speedo,” Spike said without losing his nerve.

“Oh a speedo, another great idea, I think it would look better on you,” Rarity responded, writing it down on a pad she pulled out of her hat, making Spike's eyes turn white with future embarrassment.

“Well done Spike,” Twilight said to Spike sarcastically, then she turned to Rarity, “But Rarity, don't you think this is a little revealing.”

“I know it's a little risky, but I also know that you two have such thin figures that I would think it would be a bad idea for you to hide them,” Rarity responded, as she walked over and placed her hands on Twilight and Spike's stomachs, making them blush, “After all, I think it was time for you to show the world what the Sparkle siblings are made of.”

Neither Twilight nor Spike felt like showing the world what they were made of, they just sighed and stopped covering themselves, knowing that it was impossible to reason with Rarity when it came to clothing.

“Don't worry Spike, I know you look good,” Discord told him in a mocking tone as he pulled out a camera and took a photo of him.

“Wait, Discord,” Spike tried to stop him but it was too late, the camera flash was a bad sign, “Rats.”

“Ignore Discord,” Sweetie Belle told them, “You guys look great, especially you Spike, both of you look adorable wearing matching swimsuits.”

Twilight and Spike smiled at the compliment, but Spike was still blushing, “Thanks Sweetie, you and Rarity look beautiful in those swimsuits.”

“Oh Spikey-Wikey, thanks,” Rarity responded, flattered by the compliment.

That made Sweetie Belle blush, she smiled and could only say one word, “Thank you.”

There Spike realized what he said, he whispered in Twilight's ear, “Twi, did I say that out loud?”

Twilight smirked, she responded and stroked his hair, “Yes you do Spike.”

Immediately afterwards, the other girls came out of the locker room, almost at the same time, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo wore tight bikinis of the same black color, they looked like those worn by female beach volleyball players, none of them wore sandals but each one carried a ball of volleyball in her arm, Rainbow looked cheerful, but Scootaloo was having the same reaction as Spike and Twilight, she was also nervous.

Sweetie Belle and Rarity approached them to see them up close.

“Are you coming to participate in a volleyball tournament?” Sweetie Belle joking asked them with a teasing smile.

“Hehe, that's funny,” Scootaloo responded sarcastically, obviously not amused.

“Come on squirt,” Rainbow Dash told her, “Since we're here we have to enjoy it.”

“I know,” Scootaloo responded, she cheered up a little when she saw her older sister's attitude, wanting to be like her.

“I knew you would like them,” Rarity told them, “I designed them with your athletic personalities in mind, I hope I didn't exaggerate.”

“Not at all,” Rainbow Dash responded and at that moment she saw Twilight and Spike, Rainbow stayed silent for a few seconds but then burst out laughing, “Hahahaha, what's up with you two and those swimsuits.”

Twilight and Spike didn't say anything, they were waiting for Rainbow's mocking reaction, Rarity interfered.

“For your information Rainbow Dash, I remind you that I designed those swimsuits myself,” Rarity said somewhat indignantly.

Rainbow kept laughing, “I'll assume you ran out of fabric when you were halfway through, that's why they're so small.”

Rarity was going to say something but Scootaloo saved the situation by speaking first, “I think they're cool.”

Rarity and Rainbow looked at her in amazement, Scootaloo had never given her opinion regarding fashion design.

“Plus, Spike looks cute in those little swim trunks,” Scootaloo finished.

Spike felt nervous about Scootaloo's comment, which Twiligh thought was funny, hhe placed her hand on Spike's shoulder and smiled at him, "Wow Spike, it seems like that those trunks works to attract young female duelists."

Spike was going to say something but at that moment Applejack and Apple Bloom came out of the locker room.

The two were wearing 2-piece swimsuits, their tops were red, but their bottoms were covered by tiny jean shorts that both sisters wore, they wore red sandals and kept their accessories on their heads, Applejack her hat and Apple Bloom her bow.

“Woo hoo, you really looked good, Rarity,” Applejack told her, impressed by her swimsuit.

“That was easy Applejack,” Rarity replied, “I just remembered when you guys worked in the summer during hot weather.”

“But will they have to take off their shorts to swim?” Scootaloo asked them.

“No, although it may not seem like it, these shorts are made with swimsuit fabric, it's really impressive,” Apple Bloom responded, admiring her swimsuit shorts.

After that, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy left the locker room, along with Snowdrop, who both held her hands to help her walk without tripping.

All 3 wore 2-piece swimsuits, Snowdrop's was white, Fluttershy's was green and Pinkie Pie's was yellow with ribbons, only Fluttershy and Snowdrop wore sandals while Pinkie was barefoot, besides that, Pinkie was wearing some googles.

“Yay, we're all ready,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing around.

Yay,” Fluttershy exclaimed in a low tone, feeling nervous, when she looked at the others, she realized that her bikini was smaller than most of her friends', it was the same size as the one Twilight was wearing, “Rarity, “I don’t think I can do this.”

“It's perfect, dear,” Rarity told her as she placed her hand on her shoulder, “That old wetsuit you were wearing hid the figure of a goddess, it was time to reveal it.”

Fluttershy just gave up, there really was no way anyone could convince Rarity when it came to clothes, Spike and Twilight Sparkle tried but they kept wearing those skimpy swimsuits.

“I can assume this is your first time wearing a bikini,” Snowdrop told her, smiling.

Fluttershy blushed and nodded, “Yes.”

“It's ok Fluttershy, Spike and I understand how you feel,” Twilight Sparkle told her, placing her hand on her shoulder.

“Maybe it doesn't mean much coming from a lunatic like me,” Discord said to Fluttershy, “But I agree that a beauty like you should be revealed to this world.”

The boys were clearly surprised, they didn't expect Discord to be able to say those words, he didn't seem like the same Discord, he seemed like a sane person at that moment and that made Fluttershy smile and blush, "Tha Thanks."

After a few seconds, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle came up with an evil idea, they approached Snowdrop, whispered something in her ear making the blind girl giggle, then they went to Spike who didn't stop looking at them, he couldn't help it.

“So Spike,” Apple Bloom told him with a sultry smile, “What do you think of our bikinis.”

"What? I…” Spike wasn't sure how to answer that question, especially since Big Mac was standing right there next to him, “You girls look very good, cute and beauty.”

Apple Bloom smiled, as Spike tried to keep her face from being seen by AJ, Twilight Sparkle or Big Mac.

“And now, the million dollar question,” Scootaloo told him, smiling sensually while the 4 girls posed as if they were going to have their photo taken for a magazine.

“Which one of us do you think is the prettiest?” Snowdrop asked, making Spike's face blush red as hell.

Spike didn't know what to respond, he froze as he listened to the laughter of Twilight and her friends, while the boys just gave their thumbs up.

“Don't worry Spike, we won't mind your answer, oh and I almost forgot,” Sweetie Belle told him and at that moment she took off her sarong revealing her bottoms that also shined like her top.

Spike was about to suffer a nosebleed, but luckily someone came to his rescue.

“Oh please, we're wasting so much time, we have to have fun before the sun goes down,” Whimsey told them, the Duel Spirit had manifested itself in the middle of Spike and the girls.

“Yes, I think you're right Whimsey, let's hit the beach,” Snowdrop said.

“Yeah,” everyone shouted and headed to the beach to have fun, but Spike stayed behind talking to Whimsey, “Thanks for saving me.”

"Not at all little one, I know the females of my species always take advantage of the weaker male, I wasn't going to let that happen here, for now," Whimsey said to Spike who didn't know what to feel, he simply smiled and walked away to the beach.

“What are you waiting for,” Whimsey said to Rumble and Heathspike, “Let's have some fun.”

The 2 Duel Spirits nodded and together, the 3 headed to the beach to have fun together with the duelists.

Sixteenth Turn: Beach Day (2/2)

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The day of relaxation on the beach had begun, the duelists present were ready to spend a fun day before the Eclipse Cup began.

Floating above the sea were the 3 Duel Spirits watching over their fellow duelists, Heathspike, Rumble, and Whimsey Weatherbe.

“This reminds me of the ice lagoon in the frozen lands,” Whimsey told Heathspike, “Those were good times.”

But Heathspike lowered his head, “It must have been great, Whimsey, I hope to remember that someday.”

“Oh right,” Whimsey responded a little embarrassed, forgetting Heathspike's condition, “I forgot you still have amnesia.”

“Does it mean you have no memories of your world?” Rumble asked Heathspike who shook his head.

"Not yet, when I saw Whimsey I was able to remember that she was my friend, but that's all, why I'm here, I still don't know, but I will continue to be by Spike's side, since I woke up thanks to him for some reason, and maybe I'll get clues to who I once was,” Heathspike said with a smile, clenching a fist.

Whimsey placed her hand on her amnesiac friend's shoulder, “If I see anything at the tournament that might be useful, I'll let you know.”

Heathspike smiled at him, grateful that at least he had a friend of his own species who loved and understood him.

Whimsey contemplated the sea in the conversation and after a few seconds, she decided to change the subject, “I would really like to feel the way our companions feel, you know, with the breeze from the beach.”

“We are Duel Spirits Whimsey,” Rumble reminded her, “We cannot feel that because we are intangible to this world.”

“I know,” Whimsey responded, but then an idea crossed her mind when she saw the outfits of the girls and boys, at that moment, a smile formed on her face, “But at least we can dress for the occasion. ”

Heathspike and Rumble raised an eyebrow, they hadn't understood what she implied.

“Or I think a better term would be, “Undress,”” Whimsey said with a flirtatious smile.

Heathspike blushed hard while Rumble, who didn't seem to care, understood the situation, "Oh I get it, we wear outfits similar to their swimsuits."

“Yes, that's exactly what I mean,” Whimsey replied.

“I don't know,” Heathspike replied, looking away, “It wouldn't be swimsuits, don't you think that would be a little indecent?”

“Oh please Heathspike, no one besides our partners can see us,” Whimsey told him.

“Yes, and it's very simple,” said Rumble, who took off his black vest, leaving him shirtless, although it was obvious from his arms, Rumble was clearly muscular, “You see, I'm practically ready for the beach.”

“Very simple for you, muscular reptile,” thought Heathspike, envious of Rumble's muscles, “Practically wrestlers wear swim trunks in their fights.”

“Ok, it's my turn,” said Whimsey, who seemed to invoke a spell, at that moment, her icy armor began to melt, causing several of her scales to be exposed, for some reason, Heathspike couldn't look away from her.

After a few seconds, the only thing left of Whimsey's armor was a kind of top and bottoms, appearing to be a bikini made of ice, except for the boots, which Whimsey removed manually, “Ok, I'm ready. ”

Heathspike just stared at her dumbfounded, but had to maintain his posture when he saw her approaching, “So guys, how do I look?”

“I think that ice suits you very well,” Rumble replied, giving him a thumbs up.

“Ummm, you look great,” Heathspike responded nervously.

“Hehehe, thanks,” Whimsey replied giggling, then she turned to Heathspike, “Alright Heathspike, now it's your turn.”

"Me???" Heathspike asked nervously.

“No, Zombyra the Dark,” Rumble replied sarcastically, “Of course you, idiot, you are the only one left.”

Heathspike blushed, he didn't want to be seen without his armor, "I think it'll pass."

“I think someone forgot to tell you that it doesn't work that way,” Whimsey replied, “You must take off your armor, the beach rules say so, or maybe you're shy and don't want us to see something you're hiding.”

“No,” Heathspike responded nervously and with a high-pitched tone, implying that he was lying, “But I'm not thinking about taking off my armor.”

“It's so cute that you think you have a choice,” Whimsey told him with a flirtatious smile, “Rumble.”

“On it,” responded the Dinowrestler, who took Heathspike by his arms, preventing him from moving.

“Ahh, Rumble, what the hell are you doing?” the Dracoslayer asked them as he was restrained.

“He's helpless,” Rumble announced, “Whimsey, this is your chance.”

“Oh no,” Heathspike exclaimed as he was restrained by Rumble, at which point he saw Whimsey approach him with hearts in her eyes, “No, Whimsey, don't do it, show some humanity.”

“We are not humans Spike,” said the Ice Barrier Dragon who was already close to the Dracoslayer, she at that moment placed her claws on several pieces of his armor, “We are Duel Spirits.”

“Noooo Whimsey,” Heathspike shouted as several pieces of his armor shot into the air as the dragoness proceeded to dishonor the Dracoslayer.

Everyone was having fun.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were playing volleyball against Apple Bloom and Applejack.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were laying down tanning.

Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Pinkie Pie and Catastros were swimming in the sea.

Discord, Fluttershy and Snowdrop were collecting shells, although it was made difficult by her condition, Snowdrop seemed to be enjoying it.

While Spike and Twilight were building a sandcastle, they were having a great time, something that Twilight remembered was something they enjoyed doing, “Being here at the beach and building a sandcastle does take me back to when we were kids, remember?”

Spike smiled, “Yeah, you and I always made the best sandcastles together, that because you were so structurally detailed with it.”

Twilight blushed, before answering, “Just wanted to make it right.”

Spike couldn't help but laugh, “Only you, Twilight, could turn sandcastle building into architecture.”

Twilight couldn't help but laugh at Spike's joke, the two ended up laughing at the memories and then they saw the 3 Duel Spirits approaching, with Heathspike in front.

But Spike was surprised to see Heathspike without his armor, the only thing he had left of it were some metallic shorts, he had always thought that underneath it he had muscles, but no, Heathspike was just as thin as him, even like him, he had noodle arms.

“What the heck happened to you?” he asked his partner.

“I'd rather not talk about it,” Heathspike replied, looking at the ground and with a defeated tone.

“How can you wear that heavy armor with those skeletal arms and legs?” Rumble asked to which Heathspike ignored him.

“I think he looks very cute, especially his arms,” Whimsey told him as she hugged Heathspike who was still blushing, “It's so cute.”

“HOLY,” Spike exclaimed upon seeing Whimsey, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull when he saw what the Ice Dragon was dressed in, “Whimsey, is that your beach outfit?”

Whimsey smiled at him but at that moment Twilight covered Spike's eyes with her hands, she turned to Whimsey, "Whimsey, don't you see there are children here, I don't think that revealing outfit is appropriate."

“I'm 14, Twilight, not a children,” Spike replied as his sister continued to cover her eyes.

“Oh please,” Whimsey said, crossing her arms, “Don't think it's revealing, it's art, my ice bikini.”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight responded sarcastically.

This made Whimsey upset, “Oh come on, I don't think you can complain, because I'm revealing less scales or skin than you two, Mr. and Mrs. Skimpy.”

That comment made them remember that they were still wearing those swimsuits that Rarity designed for them, although it was out of inertia, they covered themselves with their arms and blushed, although Twilight seemed frustrated, “That's beside the point.”

But at that moment the only Duel Spirit left was Heathspike, Rumble and Whimsey had gone with their respective companions.

“Ughhh, next time I won't let Rarity design the swimsuits,” Twilight said with a deadpan look.

“Agreed sis,” Spike agreed with the same look as Twilight.

Everyone enjoyed that day, it was very relaxing for them.

Several moments later, the sun was about to set, leaving a beautiful sunset on the seashore.

While the older duelists had already returned to the locker room, the younger ones were contemplating the sunset.

“I admit I needed a vacation like this,” Apple Bloom said.

“Exactly, at least I was able to work on my tan,” Sweetie Belle added even though her white color didn't change one bit.

“Despite Rarity small designs, it was good,” Scootaloo added as she looked at her swimsuit.

“Tell me about it,” Spike responded, then turned to Snowdrop, “And what do you say, Snowdrop?”

“I say that it is a nice feeling to come into contact with the sea,” said Snowdrop, who took off her sandals to feel the sea water, “Being blind, it is something that one treasures when I feel the sand or water, I had never visited the beach.”

“I understand, I did come before, but that was a decade ago,” Scootaloo responded.

“If I could ask, what did you do before you met?” Snowdrop asked them, curiously it's something Spike also wanted to know so he was paying extra attention.

“That's something I'd like to know too,” Spike added.

“Well, I've always admired Rainbow Dash since I was little, so when she started playing Duel Monsters, I decided I would do the same,” Scootaloo explained.

“And you met Rumble after you started playing,” Spike said to which Scootaloo nodded.

“Same for me, my sister and brother always enjoyed this game,” Apple Bloom told them, “I started playing recently, when Team Apple Harmony was just forming.”

“And then it was when the three of us met at Canterlot High,” Sweetie Belle added, “It was Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who showed me Duel Monsters, at first it was a strange experience for me, but over time I started to like it, just Just like Rarity.”

“That's a nice story,” Snowdrop responded moved, “I was able to enjoy this game thanks to my mother and Vice Principal Luna, I owe a lot to both of them, then, Whimsey came to my life.”

The Crusaders and Spike were touched by Snowdrop's reason.

“And what about you Spike?” the girls asked him.

“Like you, I also admire my older siblings a lot, although for a while I felt very weak in comparison,” Spike replied, but then a smile formed on his face, “But Big Mac showed me that I can be stronger and stand out in my own way, I will not forget what he and the team have taught me, and I should thank Heathspike for staying with me.”

The girls smiled when they heard him, it was clear that his motivations were more than acceptable for a duelist.

“Hey,” they heard Rainbow Dash calling them, they turned around and saw the others in their usual clothes, “The locker rooms are free, you know what we're planning tonight.”

The young duelists looked at each other knowing what would await them that night, without saying anything, they headed to the locker room to return to their usual clothes.

At night, the 15 duelists were at the corner of the sea, wearing their normal clothes and each with their Duel Disk on their wrist.

"Are you ready?" Discord asked them.

Everyone nodded excitedly but the one that stood out the most was Big Mac, “EEYUPP.”

“Then lets Duel,” everyone shouted and at that moment, the great duels began, those that represented the ideal, fun and harmony.

In Canterlot.

Heath Burns, one of the strongest members of Team Lost World, was walking down the street when he suddenly heard the scream of a young man.


“What the…” exclaimed Heath, who headed to the source of that noise, in a kind of dark alley, “Oh, how cliché.”

There he saw a boy lying on the ground with a Duel Disk turned on, Heath assumed that a duel had occurred although the boy looked too injured for it to have been a normal duel, his opponent was a guy who looked like Big Mac's age, he was a blonde guy with long hair, he was very tall in stature and his skin was white, he was wearing a kind of white suit with blue boots, in his hand he had a blood red Duel Disk.

“I told you brat, duelists like you will not survive in my new supreme duelist regime, only a true prince can rule and that will be me, the leader of Team Royal Fist,” the subject said, and at that moment, a dark aura began to emanate from him.

“What the hell is this, who is he,” Heath Burns wondered, and worried about the duelists in the area.

Seventeenth Turn: Royal Fist

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There were only 2 weeks left until the Eclipse Cup, and the excitement was in the air.

Spike was happy because even if he couldn't participate, Big Mac would allow him to stay in Team Apple Harmony's lair where he would assume the temporary position of leader until the tournament was over.

While Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were excited to participate in a tournament of that magnitude, they had spent every day training with their older sisters to become stronger, the 4 of them decided to spend one of their last days off with the rest of the team, but something they saw along the way made them stop.

“Hold, look,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

They saw a girl who was lying on the ground, she seemed to be unconscious, they quickly went over to see how she was doing.

Seeing her up close, they looked like it was a girl of about 15 years old, her skin was pink, she had scarlet eyes, she wore a white dress, black sneakers, she had a backpack with a drawing of a chess tower, but what the most outstanding thing about that girl was her light blue hair which was styled with many curls.

“It's a girl,” Scootaloo said, but became worried when everyone could see that she was covered in wounds.

“Is she?” Apple Bloom asked, fearing for the answer.

“I don't think so,” Spike replied, calming the situation, “She's just unconscious, we should get her somewhere safe.”

Spike decided to pick her up carefully and take her with the team, hopefully, Zecora would know what to do since she had knowledge in medicine.

While carrying her, they realized that the girl was holding a strange cloth which the girl did not let go.

Meanwhile, at the Lost World shop.

Catastros was at the counter, bored and a little impatient for the few days left until the Eclipse Cup, while watching the other duelists having fun, he realized that one of his most loyal companions had missed work, Heath Burns, yes, although it was normal, Catastros found it very strange that Heath had not reported.

“Petunia, have you seen Heath?” Catastros asked his other partner who shook her head.

“Hmm, this is weird,” Catastros thought as he grabbed his phone hoping to contact Heath.

Somewhere in Canterlot.

Heath Burns was there with his Duel Disk activated and several cards in his hand, suddenly his phone started ringing, but he decided to ignore the call because of the fury he felt.

“Aren't you going to answer the phone?” a blonde guy with long hair asked him.

It's the same guy who appeared in the last episode by the way.

Thanks Pinkie, now let me continue with the story.

Okie Dokie Lokie.

“I don't want you to be able to intercept my call, you are a danger to this game, I know who you are, that's why I plan to stop you before you start whatever you are planning,” Heath responded as he took out a card from his deck.

Heath Burns: 3000 LP
Mysterious Guy: 2900 LP

Heath looked at his opponent's field, he had no cards face down in the spells and traps area, but he did have 2 monsters in face down defense, which meant that he had to finish everything at that moment, after analyzing his opponent's field, he realized that in his he still had a face-down monster and a trap card.

Heath Burns smiled, “Lets do it.”

The mysterious guy raised an eyebrow.

“I activate my spell card, Graceful Charity,” Heath Burns explained as he drew 3 cards from his deck and discarded 2 others with a smile, “Perfect.”

“Those won't help you,” the mysterious guy told him.

“I reveal my face-down monster,” Heath said as he pressed a button on his Duel Disk, then, from the defending card, a monster that looked like a reptile with a fiery aura surrounding it came out, “Evoltile Westlo.” (ATK 700/DEF 1900/Lv 3)

“When Evoltile Westlo is flipped, I can summon an Evolsaur from my deck,” Heath explained as a type of brachiosaurus with many spines appeared on the field surrounded by a fiery aura, “Come, Evolsaur Elias.” (ATK 100/DEF 2400/Lv 6)

“And when Elias is summoned thanks to an Evotile, I can special summon a Fire dinosaur from my hand,” Heath continued and suddenly another dinosaur entered the field, it looked like a Tyrannosaurus or at least it looked a lot like it, and like his others monsters, this one was also surrounded by a fiery aura, “Evolsaur Terias.” (ATK 2400/DEF 600/Lv 6)

The mysterious guy gritted his teeth, he had realized what Heath was planning, “There are 2 level 6 monsters in your field.”

“If you think I'll do an Xyz, you're right,” Heath told him with a smile, “But it won't be what you expect.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” the mysterious guy asked him.

"Appear now, the circuit that will evolve the future," Heath Burns said as his 3 monsters began to glow in a red light at the same time that a circle appeared on the field which had 8 arrows similar to those of a Link Monster, "The condition to summon it is 3 Evol monster.”

"I'm placing Westlo, Elias and Terias on the Link Markers," Heath said as his monsters turned into energy which went to the bottom 3 arrows of the circle, which had lit up, now colored red.

“Appear now, powerful flaming beast that will char all who oppose your river of lava, fiery evolution, LINK SUMMON.”

From the circle appeared an albino dinosaur very similar to a Tyrannosaurus, only this one had long arms, 2 crests on its head and like the other evol, it had several spines on the back and a fiery aura surrounded it, but only its look of red eyes was enough to know that it was very dangerous, “EVOLZAR INDOMINUS.” (ATK 2600/LINK-3)

“That's a hell of a reptile,” said the mysterious guy in amazement.

“And haven't you seen the best part, when summoned, it deals damage equivalent to the level of the monsters used as materials times 100,” Heath Burns explained.

“Grrr, 2 level 6 monsters and one level 3, in total there would be 15, so I will receive…” said the mysterious guy but was interrupted by Heath.

“1500, go for him, Indominus,” and at that moment, Eolzar Indominos spat out a large blast of fire which engulfed the mysterious guy.


Heath Burns: 3000 LP
Mysterious Guy: 1400 LP

“Grr that didn't hurt me,” the mysterious guy told him.

“That's good because I'm not done with you yet, now I'll activate the Evo-Singularity trap card,” Heath said as the face-down card on his field was revealed, a kind of portal appeared from which 2 of Heath's monsters emerged in his graveyard, “With this I can do an Xyz Summon from my graveyard.”

“From your graveyard?” The mysterious guy asked him, who was surprised.

"That's right, now it's time to summon the guardian of the Evol, who will not be dropped by any effect, Evolzar Solda appear now," Heath said while a kind of pteranodon with dragon wings emerged from the portal, its scales were blue, he had a humanoid appearance and like all the other Evol, he was surrounded by a fiery aura. (ATK 2600/DEF 1000/Rank 6)

“I'm going to stop you here and now,” Heath Burns told him with determination, “I have investigated you and I know who you are, you are the leader of Team Royal Fist, although I don't know your name, I know that you and your team are classists who discriminate against the Rogue Duelists by destroying their teams and spreading the erroneous idea of your supposed superiority.”

“I think you're wrong, we don't despise Rogue Duelists, we just think that they are not prepared for this cruel world of dueling, so it is better to eliminate them before their lack of skill spreads,” the mysterious guy replied mockingly, “But I know that you are not like them, you are a Pro Duelist, I would forgive you another time, but since I see that you agree with the Rogue Duelist, then it is something that I will not overlook.”

“You're crazy, but it doesn't matter, the only thing I have to do is defeat you, kill his defense monster, Solda,” Heath said and at that moment, his xyz monster charged a large burst of fire which hit the defense monster of the mysterious guy, revealing it, his surprise was when he saw a long-haired warrior carrying a huge shield, "So the Big Shield Garna huh, but now that I attack him, you will be defenseless."

It was true, since to compensate for the Shield Gardna's strong 2600 defense, it went into attack mode when attacked, and with its 100 attack points, Heath's duel would be over.


At that moment, Heath's Link monster charged towards Gardna, but at that moment, a kind of knight in bronze armor appeared who used a circular shield.

At that moment, the mysterious guy stumbled as his Life Points were reduced.

Heath Burns: 3000 LP
Mysterious Guy: 150 LP

“What the…” Heath asked himself as he saw that his attack was blocked.

“By discarding the Royal Round Squire from my hand, I can negate the destruction of a warrior and the damage he receives will be cut in half,” the mysterious guy explained.

“Grr, my turn is over,” Heath declared, frustrated at not being able to defeat him.

“So now it's my turn, Draw,” the mysterious guy said as he drew a card from his deck, and at that moment, a gloomy aura began to surround him.

"What's going on?" Heath Burns wondered.

The guy did not respond and continued with his turn, that was when his 2 monsters on the field had disappeared, "Now I sacrifice my monsters, to summon him."

Suddenly, several dark crystals emerged from the ground, but from the damage they left in the area, they realized that they were not holograms.

“This, this is real,” Heath said scared.

The crystals stopped sprouting from the ground, and that was when a monster appeared who looked like a knight in black armor, but several red thorns came out of it, his face was gray and he had long black hair, but what else what stood out was that on his forehead he had a huge blood-red unicorn horn.

“That's right, this is as real as my victory, appear, KING SOMBRA THE SUPREME MONARCH.” (ATK 3500/DEF 3000/Lv 12)

Heath recoiled, he didn't know any Monarch with that appearance, but he was terrified when he saw his attribute, "DIVINE ATRIBUTE.”

“YOU WILL ALL FALL BEFORE ME,” King Sombra and the mysterious guy said at the same time, and although Heath was scared when he heard the monster speak, he didn't have time as the monster released a shock wave which destroyed his monsters.

"It just can't be."


And that was when King Sombra launched his attack, a huge black cloud which surrounded Heath who only fell to the ground.


Heath Burns: 0 LP
Mysterious Guy: 150 LP (Winner)

"TREMBLE BEFORE MY POWER," the mysterious fellow laughed in an evil way while Heath Burns remained on the ground unconscious.

A few hours later in Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were waiting for news about the unconscious girl, luckily their wait wasn't that long.

“She woke up,” Zecora spoke to them, to which they decided to go check on the girl, when they arrived, they saw Sugar Belle bandaging the girl's arm.

“Your name is Cozy Glow right?” Sugar Belle asked her.

Cozy Glow nodded silently and fearfully.

“Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you, we're friends,” Sugar Belle told her.

Cozy Glow smiled, then looked at the 4 young duelists, “Thank you, Sugar Belle says that you brought me here and that it was the boy who lifted me up.”

“It was nothing, we weren't going to leave you there alone,” Spike responded.

“It would have been cruel,” Scootaloo added.

“And leaving you would go against our team's message of unity,” Apple Bloom finished.

“But if I could ask,” Sweetie Belle told her, “What happened to you?”

Cozy had remained silent and with an expression of fear and sadness.

“It's ok,” Spike approached, “We won't let anyone hurt you, we can help you.”

Cozy Glow looked at the other team members who smiled at her, indicating that they would be willing to offer her help despite not being on the same team, “Ok, I'll tell you everything.”

“I am a member of Team Flufflepuff, with them I learned to have duels and it was a lot of fun,” Cozy Glow said with a smile, but then her eyes filled with tears, “But one day, members of a team arrived, a team that we didn't know, they forced us to have a duel, but that's when everything became a nightmare, they could cause real damage in duels.”

“Real damage,” Apple Bloom exclaimed, surprised and horrified at the same time, then she remembered about the Duel Spirits, “I had heard stories, but I didn't think it was real.”

“It's too real, they weren't just holograms,” Cozy Glow responded, trying to dry her tears, “Anyway, they were too powerful, therefore, they defeated us, not even our leader was on their level.”

“I used my last strength to at least protect our team's flag, and then I ended up here,” Cozy Glow had finished telling her story.

“So, that cloth you were holding was your team flag,” Sweetie Belle told him to which Cozy nodded.

Spike didn't know what was important about the flag but Apple Bloom explained to him before he could ask her, “Teams in Duel Monsters often have something that characterizes them, something that makes them feel safe, for some teams it's their flags, for others are the places where they have duels, we have the old barn, other teams like the Team Lost World have their card shop.”

“I see, I remember Twilight telling me that the Rainbooms have their own flag at Canterlot High,” Spike said.

“And do you know which team it was?” Scootaloo asked her.

Cozy Glow shook her head, “No, but I saw that all the members wore the same symbol on their clothes.”

And quickly, Spike took out a notebook and a pencil from his backpack, confusing everyone, “Could you give me the details of that symbol?”

Spike noticed that everyone was looking at him strangely, “In case you don't know, I know how to draw, before all this I was drawing comics.”

Minutes passed, Spike had finished the drawing based on the details that Cozy Glow had told him about.

“This is the symbol?” Spike asked.

The symbol looked like a kind of golden star in front of another of a bluish color.

Cozy Glow nodded, “Yes, that is the symbol of the team that attacked us.”

“So fast, it's surprising, let me see,” Braeburn approached to see the drawing.

“HOLY APPLE SAUCE,” Braeburn shouted in fright and fell to the ground.

“Cousin,” Apple Bloom worried.

“I know that symbol,” Braeburn said with a furious look on his face, “Sure, it all makes sense now.”

"Who are they?" Spike asked him, who wanted to know about that team, which sounded like a similar situation to all those Pro Snobs.

Braeburn responded seriously, “Its the Team Royal Fist.”

“Team Royal Fist?” the 5 young duelists asked at the same time, now they knew that they had a new enemy in common which seemed to be very powerful to defeat.

Eighteenth Turn: The Leaders Meeting

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“Oh no, oh no, what am I going to do?” asked Spike, who was pacing around in his room.

His sister, Twilight Sparkle and his spirit partner, Heathspike were at his side trying to calm him down.

“Spike, you shouldn't worry, you can handle the responsibility,” Heathspike told him.

To understand why Spike was so nervous, it was because of what had happened the day before, when they had discovered the evil Team Royal Fist.

The day before, in Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Spike had shown them the drawing he made based on the description Cozy Glow gave him.

“HOLY APPLE SAUCE,” Braeburn shouted in fright and fell to the ground.

“Cousin,” Apple Bloom worried.

“I know that symbol,” Braeburn said with a furious look on his face, “Sure, it all makes sense now.”

"Who are they?" Spike asked him, who wanted to know about that team, which sounded like a similar situation to all those Pro Snobs.

Braeburn responded seriously, “Its the Team Royal Fist.”

“Team Royal Fist?” the 5 young duelists asked at the same time, now they knew that they had a new enemy in common which seemed to be very powerful to defeat.

“I have heard from them, a group of Pros who hate to die the Rogue duelists, they have a supremacist idea so toxically marked that it has taken them to the point of attacking teams with those duelists, and they even attack Pro duelists who agree with the Rogue Duelists,” Braeburn explained.

“It's horrible,” Spike said, disgusted and horrified at the same time, remembering his first duel against Rover.

“To think there are duelists who stoop so low,” said Heathspike who manifested in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, Rumble manifested himself in front of them as well, “They are scum, no, they are worse than scum.”

“Other teams report being attacked,” said Zecora, “That's a thing that really matters.”

“There must be something we can do,” Sweetie Belle said.

“We can't let those bullies ruin this game,” Apple Bloom added determinedly.

“We must be willing to fight, only then will we destroy them,” Scootaloo responded, clenching her fists.

“Umm, destroy is a bit of a strong word, but I get it, I'm sick of those kinds of duelists trying to impose their stupid point of view on us,” Spike said.

“Hey look,” Cheerilee approached them and showed them her cell phone, “Apparently, this weekend there will be a meeting of the team leaders, who will discuss what we can do against those Royal Fist monsters. ”

“Great idea, although Big Mac isn't very talkative, hehe,” Spike laughed but noticed someone's absence, “Wait a second, where's Big Mac?”

“Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you,” Apple Bloom responded, “My brother went out of town for a couple of days, he went to deliver some apples to Manehattan plus help our family with some business.”

“And Discord went with him,” Sugar Belle added.

"Why?" Spike asked.

“Because Big Mac's car was damaged so Discord offered to take him in his RV,” Sugar Belle responded.

“It was Discord himself who damaged his car, but there was no time to complain or argue, we know that guy has a screw loose,” Braeburn said.

“It's missing several screws,” Apple Bloom added with a laugh.

“Umm, when are they coming back?” Spike asked.

“In a week, right before the Eclipse Cup,” Apple Bloom replied.

“But then who will attend the leaders' meeting if our leader is not available?” Spike asked to which Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo approached him with a smile.

“That would be you Spike,” Zecora told him.

“Wait what?” Spike wondered confused.

“Big Mac entrusted you with leadership of the team when the Eclipse Cup began,” Apple Bloom told him, “Therefore, you are our leader when he is not available.”

“Good for you Spike,” Heathspike told him, giving him a thumbs up.

“Guys, I'm honored by this, but I don't think I'm the best choice to be leader, I'm the newest member of the team,” Spike said.

“No, you're not,” Sugar Belle told him with a smile, “That would be me.”

“Ok fair point,” Spike said, “But I don't know, shouldn't it be Braeburn or Apple Bloom, you know, someone in the family?”

Apple Bloom approached him and put her hand on his shoulder, “Spike, since you came here, you have created harmony as a duelist, you have caused a change in us, so you deserve this, we do not choose a leader for his power, its for his heart.”

Spike looked at Braeburn who nodded his head, then looked at the other members of Apple Harmony who were supporting him with a smile, but what finally made him decide that he would be the temporary leader was the voice of Cozy Glow which had been heard approached without making any noise, “Please, I know you can, stop other teams from ending up like mine.”

Hearing that, a flame ignited inside Spike, “Alright, I'll take temporary leadership of the team.”

“YEAH,” the Crusaders shouted at the same time, while all the members cheered him on.

Back to the present.

“Oh no, why the hell did I agree to this?” Spike said worriedly, “I should have insisted that Braeburn be the temporary leader.”

“Spike, I know you must feel enormous pressure,” Twilight Sparkle told him, placing her hand on his shoulder, “Believe me, I understand it as the leader of my team.”

“I've always wondered, how do you do this Twi?” Spike asked.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight responded with another question.

“You really are impressive,” Spike responded, “I've only been around for a day and I'm not even an official leader, but suddenly it feels like carrying around an entire team is pretty scary.”

Twilight and Heathspike were watching him carefully.

“And I'm not even dueling, I'm just going to a leadership meeting,” Spike continued, “But all of that makes me nervous, what if they judge Apple Harmony based on me?”

“Spike,” Twilight tried to comfort him but Spike continued.

“And since you formed the Rainbooms, you have had great duels against strong opponents while also carrying the weight of being a leader.”

At that moment Twilight smiled and approached him, “Spike, do you know what I do when I feel this overwhelmed?”
Spike shook his head.

“I just defeat them to shut everyone's mouths,” Twilight responded very seriously.

Spike swallowed, he didn't expect to hear such a response coming from his sister, from girls like Rainbow Dash or Applejack yes but not from her.

“Hahaha,” Twilight started to laugh, “It was a joke.”

Spike was speechless for several reasons.

“The truth is, sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm always doubting and several times I also wonder if I was the best choice to lead, when the other girls are just as qualified as me,” Twilight Sparkle continued, “But at the same time In the end, they chose me, just like they chose you, there may not be a clear answer, but at least it is an honor.”

Twilight's words seemed to have an effect on Spike as the young duelist smiled, "I guess you're right Twi, thanks."

“Don't thank me, since you won't be alone there, I was called too and even your strange friend from the Lost World shop, what was his name?”

“Catastros,” Spike responded.

“Yes, he or she, hehe, because he or she is also a leader,” Twilight added.

“One advantage you will have is that I think you are the only team leader who has a duel spirit,” Heathspike told him, to which Spike smiled again, everything would be fine.

The next day.

Spike was ready, he was walking down the stairs of his house wearing the biker suit that Twilight had given him.

He went out to the yard of his house and saw Twilight Sparkle dressed in her biker outfit and sitting on her Duel Runner, she was ready, “Are you ready Spike?”

“I am,” Spike said enthusiastically, then proceeded to put on his helmet and climb onto the Duel Runner sitting behind Twilight.

“Then it's time,” said Twilight Sparkle who put on her helmet and proceeded to power up and accelerate her Duel Runner.

While the 2 siblings were traveling, Spike decided to ask Twilight something, “Hey Twi, besides Team Lost World, are there any other teams that you know?”

“Mmm, let's see,” Twilight responded, trying to remember, “Well, there's Team Seaquestria, Team Pilar, I'm sure my friend the leader of Team Shadowbolt will be there, or and of course, I think it's safe to see the leader from Team Magic Trick, Trixie.”

“Oh,” Spike replied, lowering his head, “I bet she's still mad at me.”

“Yes, maybe, but that's Trixie,” Twilight told him, “I'm sure when she sees how sorry you are she'll forget about it.”

Quickly after several minutes, the 2 had arrived.

The place they arrived at was a huge building that seemed abandoned, Spike felt a little afraid but he was calm being next to Twilight.

“Are you sure this is the meeting place?” asked Spike, who was changing his clothes in a bathroom in the building, which was surprisingly very clean.

“I'm sure,” Twilight responded from another part of the bathroom where she was changing clothes, “This building doesn't appear on maps or GPS, that way they can't track us.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Spike emerged from the bathroom in his normal clothes.

“It makes a lot more sense now that we have to hide from Team Royal Fist,” Twilight Sparkle emerged from the bathroom in her normal clothes.

Twilight led Spike to the basement of the building, where there was a red door that seemed to be closed, but Twilight knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

“Twilight Sparkle, the leader of Team Rainbooms, accompanied by Spike, the substitute leader of Apple Harmony,” Twilight responded to which several seconds of silence passed, which was broken when they heard the sound of many locks unlocking.

On the other side of the door they were greeted by a thin young man with gray skin who seemed to be Big Mac's age, his hair was a grayish blue color, his hair was short but his front side was similar to Twilight's cut, he wore a white dress shirt, green pants with brown boots, but what was most striking was that he was wearing a gray cape.

Needless to say, Spike was attracted to that way of dressing, but he felt like he wasn't in a position to say anything to a leader.

The boy spoke, “It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Stygian, the new leader of Team Pilar.”

“So he's the leader,” Spike thought.

“Nice to meet you, I heard that you are very skilled, that's why Starswirl gave you the position,” Twilight greeted him.

Stygian blushed, “Oh, hehe, thanks for the compliment.”

But at that moment his gaze turned to Spike, who only greeted him with a little nervousness, “Um, hi, nice to meet you.”

Stygian smiled at him, “Don't be nervous, years ago I was also just the substitute leader of my team, please both of you come in.”

Kindly, Stygian invited them in and they cordially accepted the invitation.

The place was a large room with several armchairs, leaders of different teams were sitting on them, there were tables spread throughout the place and many lights illuminated the space.

“Wow, I didn't know there would be too many teams against Royal Fist,” Spike said.

“What should surprise you is that there aren't more teams against Royal Fist,” Twilight Sparkle told him.

“Still, it's nice that there are both Pro and Rogue teams that just want to play in harmony,” Stygian added with a smile.

“Wow, look whos here, the Sparkle siiblings,” Trixie told them, who was sitting in the corner, not looking happy.

“Hi Trixie,” Twilight greeted her with zero enthusiasm.

“It's the Great and Powerful Trixie for you, Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie told her, but then she looked at Spike and walked over, “And as for you.”

“Trixie, I'm really sorry for what I did, I know I have no excuse,” Spike tried to apologize.

“What did he do?” Stygian asked Trixie.

“This clown went into a nervous breakdown for not entering the Eclipse Cup and took out all his frustration on members of my team, in my shop,” Trixie responded.

“That's so badass,” Stygian said.

“It wasn't badass,” Spike and Trixie said at the same time.

“It's something I shouldn't have done, it wasn't fair to anyone, it's not something I'm proud of,” Spike said very regretfully, which was noticed by Stygian and Trixie.

“Hey, don't feel so bad little one, at least it seems like you've improved as a person, I had that problem in the past too,” Stygian told him.

“Really?” Spike asked.

“I felt like my own team didn't respect me, so I wanted to get revenge, I don't know what would have happened to me if Starswirl hadn't stopped me,” Stygian replied. “I owe him everything, but above all, I'm grateful that he forgave me.”

And apparently his words moved Trixie, she approached Spike, “Listen little one, we may not talk much, but the Great and Powerful Trixie accepts your apology.”

“Thanks,” Spike thanked him, feeling moved.

“But that doesn't change the fact that you're still banned from my shop,” Trixie told him.

“I guess that's fair,” Spike said, scratching the back of his neck, he couldn't get everything.

"But what is this?" A girl with yellow skin approached them who seemed to be the same age as Twilight, her hair was orange and extremely poofy, she wore a purple blouse and pants and white boots, “Are there kids who are team leaders, dont make me laugh.”

Spike took a step back while gritting his teeth, luckily for him, Twilight jumped to defend him, “Be careful Adagio, Spike may seem weak, but he is one of the strongest duelists I know.”

Spike was touched by his sister's words, although he felt she should have left out the part about him seeming weak.

“Spike, meet the leader of Team Seaquestria, Adagio Dazzle,” Twilight said, “Adagio, this is Spike, my little brother.”

“Your little brother?” The girl named Adagio asked him, “Were you afraid to come to this place alone?”

Twilight frowned, she was really bothered by Adagio's attitude.

Getting a little frustrated by the girl's haughty attitude, Spike stood in front of Twilight, “Actually, I'm the substitute leader of Apple Harmony, they chose me to come here, and for your information, I took down the leader of Team Diamond Dog, Rover and defeat the wandering duelist Discord, so don't take me lightly, or you'll be in for a big surprise.”

Adagio thought it was an empty threat but seeing Spike's eyes, she knew the boy was serious, she rolled her eyes to hide and then left, “Pfft, whatever, let's just get this over with.”

“Is she always like this?” Spike asked.

“You have no idea,” Twilight replied, but at that moment, she saw someone sitting in the corner, she recognized him and motioned to Spike, “Spike, look.”

Spike turned around and saw the duelist who was sitting in the corner as if he wanted to hide from everyone, he seemed to be shaking, Spike approached him with excitement, “Hey Catastros.”

Catastros heard his voice, turning around, he saw Spike and Twilight Sparkle, his fear was quickly gone, “Spike, Twilight, nice to see you.”

“The pleasure is all ours,” Twilight Sparkle replied to which Spike nodded.

“So you got promoted Spike?” Catastros asked him.

Spike shook his head, “No, I'm only here because Big Mac isn't available.”

“I see,” replied Catastros, whose smile had disappeared, “I was hesitant to come here, there are a lot of people I don't know and that overwhelms me, but this is also my problem, Heath was attacked by one of those Team Royal Fist monsters.”

Hearing that, the siblings were surprised, “Heath was attacked? How is he?"

“He's fine, just a few bruises, but still, the damage was real, I'm so scared but I can't just run away,” the androgynous duelist responded.

“This is worse than I thought, they have to be stopped no matter what,” Spike said.

“Twilight, Spike,” they heard a voice, the siblings turned around and saw a white-skinned girl with a hairstyle very similar to Twilight's, only it was red with a purple stripe, she wore huge glasses and was wearing a black sweater, wore a black skirt and shoes.

“Moondancer,” Twi and Spike said at the same time, then the two of them proceeded to hug the girl whose name was Moondancer.

“I see you know the leader of Team Shadowbolt,” Stygian told them.

“Of course we know her,” Spike responded.

“She's our childhood friend, we always had duels every day before we moved,” Twilight added, “It's great to see you again Moondancer, how the team is doing.”

“Great, they learn quickly, I even dare that we can defeat you and the other Rainbooms,” Moondancer responded determinedly.

“Hehe, we'll see about that,” Twilight said just as determined.

But at that moment, Stygian arrived to announce something, “Very well, I see that there are already many leaders here for the roll call.”

Stygian asked about the team leaders, and they introduced themselves, followed by Twilight's turn, “The leader of Team Rainbooms.”

“Present,” Twilight Sparkle responded.

Stygian continued with more names until he reached Moondancer, “The leader of Team Shadowbolt.”

“Present,” Moondacer responded as if imitating Twilight.

“The leader of Team Magic Trick,” Stygian said to which Trixie introduced herself.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is present.”

Stygian rolled his eyes and continued, “The leader of Team Apple Harmony.”

“Here,” Spike responded, but it seemed like some of the leaders didn't notice him as they were expecting someone tall, so Spike had to remind them, “Down here.”

Stygian continued with the list, “The leader of Team Lost World.”

But before introducing himself, strange music began to play, it seemed that the music was playing from where Catastros was.

The music had stopped and Catastros was in the same place but for some reason, he looked different, although his appearance was the same, his look had completely changed, he didn't seem like the same person, the shy look that Catastros showed to the Introducing himself was different from this, now he had a serious look with a confident smile.

“Im here,” replied Catastros but that didn't seem to be his voice anymore which was very low and with a feminine tone, this was a deeper and more confident voice, with more conviction and without any hesitation.

This surprised those who did not know him.

"What's happening? Do I have something on my face?” Catastros asked them.

“What the hell happened to you?” Stygian asked him who was almost in shock.

"What are you talking about?" Catastros responded with another question, but now retaining his new gravelly voice.

“Don't play dumb, when you came in here you looked like a girl and you were even scared of your own shadow, it can't be possible that you suddenly show such a manly attitude,” Adagio told him.

Catastros looked at Twilight and Spike, and asked them something, “Is she crazy?”

“That's it, AHHHHHH,” Adagio tried to lunge at Catastros, but he stopped her with one hand, “I'm not your enemy, our enemy is Team Royal Fist.”

Catastros' deep voice made Adagio get scared and nod, returning to her seat.

“Okay, enough, we can discuss the effeminate later, but for now, let's focus on the meeting,” Stygian told them, “You know why I called you here, to know how to deal with those anti-fun snobs.”

All the duelists present had similar opinions.

“We just want to have fun playing.”

“I swear, this is a bummer, those Pro Snobs…”

“They are the worst.”

At that moment, Adagio spoke, “My team always goes around challenging others, but hurting is prohibited, I won't allow something like that to happen.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie knows that's crossing a line, there's no way she'll let something like that happen,” Trixie said determinedly.

“Those clowns attacked one of my members, I will not forgive them,” added Catastros furiously.

“Our team is on the lookout for any attack,” Moondancer added.

"I know what they are capable of doing, a girl from Team Flufflepuff came to our lair with the last strength she had left, she told us what Royal Fist did, they defeated her team and the only thing she could do was protect her flag," Spike told them.

Many of the duelists who listened were horrified to hear what Team Royal Fist did.

But there were others who, in addition to being horrified, also looked confused.

“Spike, did you say Team Fluufflepuff?” Moondancer asked him.

“Yes, why?” Spike responded with another question.

A look of horror formed on Stygian's face, “Spike, that was the first team to fall.”

"WHAT?" Spike asked feeling terrified.

“They were destroyed 2 weeks ago and their flag was stolen, that's why I organized this meeting,” Stygian told him.

“Wait, if their flag was stolen and Cozy Glow had it, then that means…” Twilight said, putting the puzzle together.

Spike had already realized, “I MUST RETURN TO MY TEAM IMMEDIATELY.”

Spike proceeded to leave the place at full speed with Twilight at his side, but at that moment Moondancer appeared, “I'll go with you.”

They nodded and proceeded to leave.

Meanwhile in Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Apple Bloom was fixing some boards in the old barn, but she heard footsteps in the distance, she smiled, “Girls, I think Spike is back.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed her to the entrance.

But Scootaloo, thanks to Rumble, could see in the distance, she trembled and backed away, “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, that's not Spike.”

A blonde guy with long hair arrived at the place, he was very tall in stature and his skin was white, he was wearing a kind of white suit with blue boots, in his hand he had a blood red Duel Disk.

But the worst thing was that on his suit, they saw the same emblem that Spike had drawn, it was the emblem of Team Royal Fist.