> Just Bros Being Bros > by DualSoul1423 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash Sentry wandered the streets of Canterlot city, looking for something to do. Since he got out of high school last year, he found that he had far too much free time on his hands, and without the daily responsibilities that he had in school, was typically left to his own devices by his decidedly well-to-do family. They never pressured him to pursue a career, and have always happily funded him and his passion for music, but on days like today when his bandmates were all busy with their own obligations, Flash found himself simply wandering. That isn’t to say that the time was wasted. Flash liked to explore around town, searching for inspiration in his musical endeavors. He found that some of his best ideas came from observing the lives of others, which helped him imagine perspectives beyond his own norm. The little interactions that people have on a daily basis was what life was really about to him, and it helped breathe life into his own work. That being said, it was hard to think about music on an empty stomach, and he had already been wandering away from home for a good two hours or so. Checking his wallet, Flash was pleased to see that he had more than enough money to stop for food somewhere, and although he enjoyed the comforting familiarity of eateries near his home, he was feeling somewhat adventurous today. Looking up and down the street he was on, his eyes fell upon a small cafe that looked homely enough to take a break in. He quickly made his way over to the small coffee shop and slipped inside, being met with the pleasant wafting aromas inside. The smell of fresh coffee and baked goods brought a small smile to his face, and despite the selection on offer, he already knew what he wanted. Stepping up to the counter, Flash politely requested a toasted blueberry bagel with a black coffee, and after the woman at the counter took his name for his order, he was directed to take a seat while he waited. More than happy to rest his tired feet, he started to make his way to the seating area when he suddenly saw a familiar face sitting at one of the tables. There in the cafe was Timber Spruce, who Flash recognized as Twilight Sparkle’s boyfriend. Timber was deep in a book, ignorant of the world around him as he gingerly sipped at a cup of his own steaming bean juice. He was never terribly close with the guy, but Flash was at least on good terms with him, on account of the two sharing a friend group. Spending time with Sunset meant that he typically would spend time with the rest of the girls, and Timber was usually found with Twilight. Deciding to say hello, Flash stepped up to the table, clearing his throat. Timber’s eyes darted up at the intrusion, only to soften slightly when he recognized the blue haired musician. With a smile, he closed his book and set it down, turning slightly in his chair to face Flash. “Oh, hey Flash! Been a while since I’ve seen you. A few months, right? How’re you doing?” “Yeah, a few months I think… I’m doing pretty alright, actually. Was walking around town, but stopped here for a snack. Mind if I sit with you? I’m waiting for my order, and it’s been a while since we just chatted.” Timber gestured to the other chair at his table, grinning widely. “By all means, man, take a seat. It’s always nice to catch up with a friend. How’s life been treating you, how’s the band?” Sitting down, Flash shrugged, sharing in the friendly smile. “Like I said, pretty alright. After I got out of high school, I started to focus on my music. Been working on an album, so hopefully I can land a record deal or something soon. My bandmates are busy today, so I thought I’d walk around town, try and find some inspiration for a new song or two. Though if the band turns out to be a dead end, I’ll probably figure out something else.” “Hey, I’m sure it’ll work out, you and your band have always had a good sound. Let me know when the album drops, I’ll totally pick up a copy.” “Sure, sure. If it drops,” reminded Flash. “But hey, how about you, Timber? I remember you saying you were going to a university after high school. Is it the same one Twilight is going to?” At the mention of Twilight, Timber’s face fell slightly. “Nah, I’m probably gonna head out of town for my college. Twilight already landed an internship at a fancy lab here in Canterlot University, so I won’t be seeing much of her. Not that it matters that much, we broke up last week.” Flash sat up, blinking a few times in surprise. “Woah, really, just last week? How’d that happen? You two seemed to be really good together. Did you two have a fight or something?.” Timber smiled sheepishly, waving a dismissive hand. “It’s nothing like that. We’re still friends, it’s just that we were never the best fit for each other. It was pretty obvious early on that she had feelings for someone else, so I just gave her a push to follow her heart. I’m totally alright. I’m happy knowing that she’s happier now.” Flash raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Timber, his curiosity now properly hooked. “So wait, she was more into someone else? Do you know who, or is it a secret?” Timber innocently shrugged, giving a cheeky grin. “I’m not at liberty to say exactly who, sorry. Those girls will go public when they’re ready to. It’s at least someone you know, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise when they do.” Flash folded his arms with a smirk. “So she’s dating a girl now, and one I know? Is it Sunset?” Timber deflated, his expression turning to embarrassment as he realized that he misspoke. “Crap, I said too much, huh?” “Nah, it just seems like the obvious choice. I spend a lot of time with Sunset, and the way she talks about Twilight makes it pretty clear that she’s had a crush on her for a while. I’m happy to hear they got together.” When he saw Timber’s crestfallen expression though, he quickly added, “I mean, it still totally sucks that you broke up, I’m really sorry to hear that man!” Timber chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s really not a big deal. I’ll be fine, I promise. I just need some time to adjust. I got so used to dating Twilight that I almost sent her a cute text this morning.” Flash frowned for a moment, not liking to see his friends sad like this. Even though they hadn’t spoken much since graduation, he still considered Timber a friend, and had already decided to help cheer up his buddy somehow, even if he wasn’t sure how yet. It was then that his name was called for his order, and Flash excused himself for a moment to pick it up from the counter. As he paid for his food and drink, Flash realized that he had the whole day free, and had nowhere else to be. Sitting back at the table with a grin, Flash finally broke the silence that had been growing between them. “Hey, Timber, do you have anything planned for today?” Sitting back up and shaking his head, Timber responded “No, not really. That’s kinda the reason I was just hanging around a cafe reading. Why?” “Well, if you’ve got the day free, and I’ve got the day free, how about we hang out together? Maybe see a movie or something; I heard that the new Transmorphers movie was pretty good.” Flash paused to take a sip from his coffee before continuing, “I mean, I’m guessing you need something to take your mind off this breakup, and who knows? Maybe you’ll give me inspiration for my next song.” Timber raised an eyebrow, giving a small smirk. “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be a huge hit. Call it ‘My Ex’s Girlfriend’s Ex.’ Make it a power ballad, I bet it’ll be huge with the ladies.” Flash gave a snap of his fingers with a playful wink. “Hey, that sounds like a pretty good idea! See, I knew hanging out with you was good for inspiration. Keep it up, and I’ll have a whole new album by the end of the day.” The two shared a laugh before Flash took a bite of his bagel, satisfied with Timber’s newly uplifted mood. In the end though, the two didn’t go to the movies after all. They spent the rest of the day chatting together as time seemed to escape them, pausing only to refill their drinks or buy more food. Flash soon discovered that the two of them shared more in common than he originally thought, as when he mentioned listening to a particular rock band, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Timber had been a fan of them for just as long, with the two apparently having both seen them live on the same day, just without seeing each other in the crowd. Timber too was happy to find that not only did Flash read many of the same books as him, but shared several of the same headcanons and theories about the characters and plot points. At first, the rocker was embarrassed to admit that he had indeed read mushy romance novels or fantastical fantasy adventures, but Timber made sure to encourage Flash’s love of literature and took great pleasure in discussing the finer points of the stories that Flash had never had the opportunity to gush about. Every topic seamlessly rolled into the next, with the two not only finding an abundance of common ground with each other across various pastimes and interests, but a healthy enough respect for each other’s differences to open up their perspectives a bit. They both promised to each other to explore recommendations ranging from bands to books to shows to games, the two friends equally curious about the other’s unique tastes. By the time that the cafe closed in the afternoon, they had traded phone numbers and decided to hang out again sometime soon, agreeing that they had more in common with each other than they did with the girls they often spent time with. As Flash waved goodbye to Timber for the day, he started on his way home, a pleased smile on his face. Even if Timber was only joking about it before, he made a mental note to work on that song idea. Something about it seemed charming to him, even if it was a bit silly. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Flash arrived at the mall, he found that Timber was already waiting for him in front of the arcade, the spot that they agreed to meet at this time. As he approached, Timber managed to make eye contact, and his face lit up with excitement, calling out to Flash with a wave. “Hey-hey! There you are, man. I’ve been waiting for ya. What took you?” Flash scoffed with a roll of his eyes as he lightly punched Timber in the shoulder. “I’m not late, you’re just really early. How long have you been waiting?” Timber blushed, scratching the back of his head as he averted his eyes in embarrassment. “Not super long, about half an hour. I was pretty excited to see you today, so I might have left home earlier than necessary.” With a laugh, Flash shook his head in amusement. “If you got here so early, you should have texted me. You should know by now that I don’t want you to wait for me. This is like, the third time you’ve done this.” Timber put up his hands defensively, giving a reassuring smile. “It’s not a big deal, really! I’ve got a lot of free time these days, and considering I get up pretty early, I don’t mind waiting around a while. It beats waiting around at home, that’s for sure.” “Yeah, ok sure,” said Flash with a teasing smirk, clearly not buying the excuse. “How about we stop standing around then, huh? I’ve got some cash burning a hole in my wallet, and I’m looking to play some games.” Shouldering past Timber, Flash took the lead into the arcade and headed over to the front counter. Beside it was a bulky machine that read "TOKENS" in faded letters, and Flash began to feed it bills in exchange for arcade-branded coins that clattered noisily into a complimentary plastic cup. “Have I mentioned that you make me feel poor?” asked Timber as he leaned against the wall next to the machine, “You’re always paying for me when we hang out. When’s it gonna be my turn to treat you?” Flash waggled a finger at Timber, clicking his teeth disapprovingly. “Not gonna happen, dude. You hang out with me, I pay, that’s the deal.” With a playful wink, he added, “Why do you think Sunset dated me? My two defining traits are being hot and being loaded. If I stop paying for you, then I’m just hot.” Timber frowned response, saying, “Hey, you’re a lot more than just a hot rich kid. Don’t sell yourself short.” Flash grinned slyly as he handed Timber a plastic cup of tokens. “I’m just joking, man. Though if you want, you can totally keep stroking my ego, I don’t mind.” Snatching away the cup, Timber blew a raspberry before cracking a small smile. “How about I knock you down a peg instead? I bet I could kick your butt in some Fatal Kombat.” “Oh, is that a challenge I hear?” Flash said as raised an eyebrow at his friend. “You’re about to eat those words, Timber… I’m undefeated.” Timber rolled his eyes, but the two quickly made their way to the fighting game section of the arcade, where they found a dozen electronic cabinets, each with their own characters ready to beat the snot out of each other. Finding the particular one with Fatal Kombat: II plastered on its side, the pair each took a token from their cups, and selected their preferred warriors. As they engaged in a digital battle to the death, the two friends focused intensely on the screen in front of them, not speaking for fear of breaking concentration. The silence between them didn’t last long however, as Timber cried out in dismay as he watched Flash deliver the finishing blow to his avatar, a well-timed uppercut popping the head off his ninja like the cork from a bottle of champagne. Timber sighed with disappointment before chuckling in acceptance. “Damn, man! I guess you weren’t kidding when you said I was gonna eat my words. You annihilated me! How’d you learn to play like that?” “I have a lot of time to practice, I guess,” replied Flash with a shrug. “I don’t work, so when I’m not wandering around Canterlot, I like to come to the mall to hang around, usually here in the arcade... Can’t say I didn’t warn you.” “Yeesh. You could have at least gone a little easy on me.” Flash sneered as he elbowed his friend. “Hey, my pride was on the line! Can’t expect me to hold back if you were going all-out.” Picking up another token from his cup, Flash offered a more sincere smile as he held out the token to Timber. “Wanna go again? We’ve got a lot of these to burn through before lunch.” With a shrug, Timber accepted, popping the shiny coin into the machine and preparing himself for another brutal fight. This time though, the two took the match less seriously, splitting their attention with some small talk. “Oh hey, did you hear,” began Flash, “Sunset and Twilight are moving in together soon. Sunset texted me yesterday after she told the girls.” Timber tore his gaze away from the screen to look at Flash, wide-eyed. “Woah, for real? Haven’t they only been going out for a month? That’s a pretty big leap to take so soon.” His moment of distraction was rewarded with a swift K.O. by Flash, who shrugged in response. “They’ve known each other for years, so I can’t say I’m really surprised. Besides, they’re smart girls.” He paused in consideration before adding, “Actually, they’re probably the two smartest people I know. They wouldn’t take the risk unless they were really sure of it, y’know?” Timber nodded with a small frown before replying, “Yeah I guess you’re right. Just seems surreal to me. I was dating Twilight for over two years, and we never even talked about that sort of thing. I don’t think she ever saw a future with me.” “I totally feel you,” said Flash as he put a sympathetic hand on Timber’s shoulder. “I was dating Sunset for most of middle school, and I’m pretty sure I was just a walking ATM for her. I guess we just can’t compete with the Big L.” Timber made a confused expression as he blinked several times. “The Big L? What’s that? Lesbians?” At that, Flash broke down laughing uproariously as Timber looked on in bewilderment. Only after nearly a minute of laughter was he able to compose himself enough to explain. “Love, dude! I was talking about love! Oh man, I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.” Timber crossed his arms as he blushed in embarrassment, trying to suppress a laugh of his own. “Come on, cut me some slack. We were talking about girls dating, I don’t know… It made sense at the moment.” Wiping a tear from his eye, Flash stood up and threw an arm around Timber’s shoulders with a big grin. “It’s alright, I know what you mean. Honestly, those two girls were made for each other. We didn’t stand a chance.” Finally, Timber managed a small smile, unable to resist his friend’s boisterous positivity. “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t beat myself up about it. After all, we probably wouldn’t be hanging out together now if we didn’t get dumped by them. I’m pretty content with getting you out of the whole ordeal.” Flash snapped his fingers encouragingly as he let go of Timber, “Hey, that’s the spirit! Besides, it’s not like we’re gonna be single forever. There’s plenty of fish left in the sea.” “Ha, you make it sound easy to bounce back from a breakup. What, do you have eyes on a girl?” When Flash seemed to deliberate on his answer, Timber raised a curious eyebrow. “Or… maybe a guy? No judgments here, just curious.” With a bashful laugh, Flash shook his head. “Honestly? No clue. I could probably find someone if I look, I just haven’t bothered these past few years. Sunset burned me pretty badly, and I guess I just kinda got used to being single. How about you? Got anyone in mind?” Timber went quiet as he considered his answer, his lips taut with contemplation. He seemed to study Flash’s face as he thought, and for a second, Flash felt like he shouldn’t have asked. Finally, Timber replied with a shrug and a defeated sigh, “I guess not, no. Still too soon after the break up to tell for sure.” Nodding empathetically, Flash said, “Yeah, that makes sense… Shame there’s nothing we can do about that broken heart of yours…” Just before Timber could answer, Flash suddenly slapped his hand down on the cabinet’s control panel, rattling the two cups of coins. “Except play more games together! C’mon, we’ve still got like, twenty bucks worth of tokens!” At that, Timber couldn’t help but laugh aloud. Flash was more than happy to join in, and the two shared a healthy laugh until Timber calmed down, giving his friend a pat on the back. “Yeah, alright… But if you insist on kicking my ass every match, I’m going to make you buy me lunch.” With a toothy grin, Flash shot his signature finger guns at Timber. “I’ll do you one better, we play a co-op game, and then I’ll treat you to lunch anyway. How does Manor of the Dead sound?” Smiling broadly, Timber simply replied, “With you? Sounds awesome.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Flash arrived at Timber’s apartment just a few minutes before six o’clock, he wasn’t sure what to expect. Last week after seeing the new Daring Do movie together, Timber insisted that Flash drop by for a “surprise.” He hadn’t bothered to explain what it was, he just gave Flash a time and address. So when Flash rang the doorbell, he was ready for anything, but was somehow still surprised when Timber answered the door wearing an apron. “Flash! It’s good to see you again, man. Happy you’re here!” Timber stepped aside to let his friend in before closing the door behind him. “It’s always good to see you, Timber. I’m excited for this surprise you-” Flash’s train of thought was interrupted by the wafting aroma of whatever Timber was currently cooking. Flash was no chef, but the scents that were dancing in the air right now managed to completely gobsmack him with how good they smelled. His enchantment was clear on his face, and Timber couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, I think that’s a good sign if anything. Here’s hoping my cooking tastes as good as it smells… Speaking of which, I think I need to drain the pasta. Take off your shoes, make yourself at home.” Timber retreated back towards the kitchen area on the other side of the room as Flash shook off his daze. Following instruction and leaving his shoes by the door, Flash explored Timber’s apartment for the first time. Similar in size and layout to Sunset’s old apartment, the most immediately noticeable difference between the two would be that Timber’s home actually came equipped with a kitchen which seemed to be getting plenty of use at the moment. Timber appeared to be in a flurry, managing several appliances at once as he prepared whatever it was he was making for the two of them. Nearby was a small table and a pair of chairs, which was already set with utensils and glasses of water. Looking around the apartment, Flash took a moment to appreciate the numerous decorations that gave a sort of homely feeling to the otherwise pragmatic living space. Photos of family and landscapes hung from the walls, likely to serve as a reminder of the camp that Timber had grown up in, many miles from here. Flash smiled at the sight of a tiny Timber and Gloriosa posing for a picture with their parents, despite feeling a small sorrow knowing that he would never get to meet them. Across the room from the bathroom was a large bookshelf brimming with well-worn but surprisingly dustless tomes. Standing tall and proud in between the apartment’s two windows, it was flanked by a comfortable-looking armchair that seemed to have seen as much use as the books. Checking the collection, Flash was quite pleased to find that several of the books he was familiar with, even though most of them were foreign to him. He made a mental note of several titles that seemed interesting to him, knowing that he’d probably like any books that Timber did. Tucked against the wall by the bed was a modest TV complete with a DVD player, both of which were resting atop a small shelf with wheels that would allow the TV to be re-angled as necessary. Below the TV and DVD player was a minor collection of movies, and when Flash crouched down to examine the boxes, a quick glance among them revealed that the majority of Timber’s films were in fact romcoms. “I knew you were a sap, but I didn’t think it was this bad,” joked Flash as he stood back up. “You’ve got more romance than anything else.” Speaking over the clanging of kitchenware, Timber replied with “What? You got something against a guy in touch with his feminine side?” “No, not at all. It’s just that you’ve told me lots about your favourite scifi and fantasy movies, but you never mentioned liking romance this much.” Looking at Flash over the kitchen’s divider, Timber shrugged with an innocent smile. “Didn’t think you were into it, and I didn’t want to come across as being totally whipped, so I guess I avoided the subject a bit. Maybe I can show you a few sometime.” “I can’t say romance was ever my favourite genre, but I’m definitely not opposed to the thought. Maybe I’ll get to see what a normal relationship is supposed to look like.” Putting a hand on his chin, Flash added, “You know, I never really thought about it before, but isn’t it kinda weird that both girls I’ve ever tried dating turned out to be ponies from a parallel dimension?” Timber laughed aloud as he plated the food, shaking his head. “I dunno, it sounds like you’ve got a type, dude. I feel bad for any girl who falls for you that doesn’t have hooves.” Crossing his arms, Flash directed an indignant pout towards his friend. “Hey, it’s not like they were advertising the fact that they were ponies from a parallel dimension. I don’t exactly go looking for magic horse girls to date.” Despite trying to sound offended, Flash couldn’t help but smirk at the absurdity of his love life. In turn, Timber allowed himself another small laugh as he brought the dishes to the small table, gesturing for Flash to join him. “I know, man. I’m only joking. Instead of focusing on your weird obsession with equines, how about we focus on this awesome meal I just cooked for us?” Flash playfully cuffed Timber before sitting down, taking a moment to appreciate the meal before him. In a sleek-looking white bowl was a hearty-looking serving of pasta, meat, red sauce, and a few chopped vegetables. Breathing deeply, Flash felt his mood immediately lighten as he was once again overwhelmed by the scent of the food in front of him. Completely forgetting about the teasing from a moment ago, Flash grinned happily at Timber. “Wow… This smells amazing, and I don’t even know what it is. Forget pony magic, what were you doing in that kitchen?” Timber waved a dismissive hand while trying to hide his blush with the other. “It’s just beef ragu. You’re always buying things for me, and so I wanted to give back a little, you know? I’ve always been a pretty good cook, so I figured that I’d treat you to a meal today.” When Flash just continued to stare in awe, Timber gestured for him to begin. “Well come on, then! Try it, tell me what you think.” Excitedly, Flash scooped up the fork beside his plate, and got his first taste of the delectable dinner in front of him. As he chewed, he couldn’t help but sigh in bliss as the flavours threatened to overwhelm him, and by the time he had finished his first bite, he felt like he was floating. “Dude… What’s in this stuff? I’ve never had beef ragu before, but I’m willing to bet it’s not usually this good.” Without waiting for a response, he was already scooping more of the ragu into his mouth, feeling completely enamoured with the dish. Embarrassed, Timber ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s nothing really, all things considered it’s a pretty simple dish. Beef, onions, carrots, garlic, and a splash of wine, among other things. The catch is just that it takes forever to make, but I figured it would be worth it. Looks like it was.” Flash raised a curious eyebrow as he finished another mouthful. “That sounds expensive, I hope you didn’t pull out all the stops for me tonight. I can pay you for the ingredients, if you-” “No way, not gonna happen,” interrupted Timber with a stern tone in his voice, “I’m treating you tonight, remember? Just let me have this.” Shrugging, Flash continued to eat, with Timber finally joining once he was sure Flash wasn’t going to counter. For the next several minutes, the two ate in relative silence, occasionally glancing at each other, but generally focusing on their food. It was only when both plates were empty that the two finally spoke again. “Wow… That was amazing, dude,” said Flash with a smile as he happily patted his stomach. “I’m learning a lot about you today. You’re not just a huge nerd, you’re also a total sap and a great cook. You’re gonna make some girl really happy someday.” “Well until then, you’re just gonna have to put up with me and my good cooking.” Timber and Flash shared a chortle together, but the former’s smile didn’t last long past that. Flash couldn’t help but notice his friend’s somber expression, after another short moment of quiet, broke the silence. “Hey man, can I ask you something? And can you be totally honest with me here?” Perking up to attention, Timber straightened his back and gave a small smile. “Yeah, of course. What’s up, man? Is something up?” Flash furrowed his brow as he spoke slowly, trying his best not to sound accusatory. “This isn’t about just paying me back, is it? Because I’m pretty sure we’re a candlestick away from a romantic dinner here. Is this a date?” Timber didn’t say anything for several achingly long seconds, long enough for Flash to have his answer. Still, he waited patiently to hear what his friend was going to say. The two just stared at each other from across the table quietly, until finally Timber responded, his lips turned up in a half-embarrassed, half-hopeful smile. “I guess it could be, if you want it to be. I guess I haven’t really been subtle tonight, have I?” Flash chuckled, shaking his head. “Tonight? More like the past month, dude. You were taking so long to say something, I thought I was imagining it.” Timber shrugged weakly, saying “You never mentioned being into guys, so I kept it to myself. I’ve been meaning to bring it up, but I kept losing my nerve every time we’d hang out. I was gonna come clean tonight, but you figured me out before I could say it.” Flash shrugged back at his friend, grinning reassuringly as he spoke. “All things considered, it’s been a pretty great date so far. I just wish you had told me sooner, maybe I could have brought some chocolate or something.” Timber blinked a few times, a confused look on his face. “Wait, are you saying that you… feel the same?” Beaming brightly, Flash leaned in on the table, resting his chin on his hand before saying, “Yeah, I think I’m willing to give this a try… Unless you’d rather we just stay best bros?” Timber sighed, letting the tension finally release from his chest. He thought about all the fun he’d had with Flash the past few months, and the welling feelings that had been growing the last few weeks. His thoughts drifted to all the future might hold for the two of them, and finally a small smile found its way onto his own lips. “I don’t see why we can’t do both. Best bros can date, can’t they?” Flash laughed in response as his cheeks turned warm. “Yeah, I think I can live with that.” He paused, before continuing with, “So what comes after the romantic dinner? I’m guessing you had more planned for tonight than just that.” Timber nodded meekly in admission. “Yeah, I guess I was hoping I could get you to stay for a movie, maybe.” “Hmm… But what would we possibly watch?” inquired Flash, as he mockingly stroked his chin, “If only you had a collection of sappy romcoms that would be perfect for this situation.” Timber rolled his eyes as he stood up and made his way over to his TV stand, with Flash following him. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. You know that not all romance movies are sappy.” “I know, but I also like teasing you,” replied Flash as he playfully sneered down at his friend. Timber lightly punched Flash in the shoulder before choosing a DVD and loading it into the player. As he turned on the TV, he had a realization. “Wait, where should we sit for this? I guess we can pull over the chairs from the table, but-” Before he could finish speaking, Flash flopped down onto Timber’s bed before patting it invitingly. “I was actually thinking we could just lay on your bed. It’s pretty comfy, and looks big enough for us both.” With an expression somewhere between impressed and flustered, Timber didn’t bother to say anything in response. Instead, after reorienting the TV to face his bed, he climbed in beside Flash, who immediately wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close. Timber couldn’t even remember what happened during the movie, or what movie he even played for them. He was far too occupied with listening to Flash’s steady heartbeat as he laid his head on his new boyfriend’s chest. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, there you are! Good to see you two!” Sunset Shimmer said as she waved at the approaching pair. Beside her was Twilight Sparkle, who gave a small wave and a smile as well. Both of them were dressed in winter jackets, gloves, and wool caps, which might have been unusual for Spring if they weren’t standing in front of a skating rink. “It’s been way too long,” replied Flash, one arm intertwined with Timber’s and another carrying a duffle bag as they neared the two girls. “It feels like it's been forever since we last hung out.” “Well most people would consider dating each other’s exes more than a little weird,” said Twilight as she locked eyes with Timber, “But I’m still glad you two agreed to come out today. Watching me flounder on the ice will hopefully distract from how awkward this double-date is probably going to be.” In response, Timber shrugged with a sheepish smile. “Well, make that the two of us, because I’ve never skated before in my life. Flash says he’s gonna teach me.” Sunset chuckled as she traded a welcoming fist-bump with Flash. “Well then you’re in good hands, because he was the one to teach me how to skate years ago. It’s pretty fun, once you get the hang of it.” Turning towards the entrance of the ice rink, Sunset gestured for everyone to follow, “Come on, let’s get signed in.” Twilight stuck close behind her girlfriend, but Flash stopped at the door with Timber, leaning in close to give a comforting kiss to his boyfriend before asking, “Hey, how are you feeling? Are you going to be alright today?” Timber tenderly slapped Flash on the cheek, blushing slightly. “Yeah, man. I’ll be alright. Twi and I broke up like what, three months ago? Don’t worry about it, ok? Just worry about catching me when I inevitably fall over today.” Flash just gave Timber another small peck on the cheek before the two entered the building together, with the air dropping several degrees on the way in. Flash was happy that he brought some extra layers along in the bag, because spring wear was definitely unsuitable for an ice rink. By the time they came to the front desk, they found that Sunset had already paid for everyone, much to Flash’s chagrin. Apparently he had agreed to this outing on the condition that he pay for the trip, but the fiery woman took the initiative and paid for it against his wishes. In the end, all Flash could do was shrug and shake his head, realizing that Sunset hadn’t changed much at all since he last saw her. With the help of the woman behind the counter, the four of them were supplied with rental skates, and began to make their way to the rink. However, when Flash caught Timber shivering slightly, he told the girls to go ahead of them while he and Timber pulled on their extra clothes. “You should have said something if you were feeling cold, dude,” scolded Flash as he unpacked their extra layers from his duffle bag, tossing a jacket to Timber. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to look tough in front of Twi.” “Of course not,” he replied, pulling on the warm layer with a pout, “I don’t have anything to prove to her. I just didn’t want to stop the conversation, that’s all.” Flash gave his boyfriend a sideways glance, feeling somewhat unconvinced. Pushing that aside for the time being, he donned his own clothes and re-shouldered their bag, before taking Timber’s now-gloved hand in his own with a smile. “Just let me know if anything’s wrong, alright dude? You know I love you, and I just want to make sure you’re having fun today.” Blushing hard enough to heat the air by a few degrees, Timber squeezed Flash’s hand as he muttered a “I love you too,” back, just loud enough to hear. Flash laughed a little, before pressing on towards the bench where the other half of their double-date was waiting. Already wearing their skates, Sunset and Twilight were sitting and chatting together, giggling over some unheard joke until they saw Flash and Timber on the approach. With a warm smile, Sunset passed the boys their skates, and then helped Twilight to her feet so she could get used to standing on the skates. As Twilight fumbled and struggled to keep her balance, Sunset remained patient and encouraging, slowly leading her towards the ice. Likewise, when Timber had his skates securely fastened, Flash got him up on his feet and guided him to the rink. Sunset and Flash shared a chortle at the expense of their flailing partners, but were quick to remind the two beginners that everyone has to start somewhere. When they finally hit the ice, it wasn’t much better. Timber and Twilight both repeatedly slipped and fell, but managed to avoid any real physical injury thanks to the careful and coordinated efforts of Sunset and Flash, who remained vigilant and persistent in their instruction. Eventually, these efforts bore fruit, with Timber and Twilight being able to stand and skate on their own for short distances, even if it meant that they would inevitably fall soon after. Despite the pain and effort on their part, they couldn’t help but have fun experiencing something new with their partners. Ultimately though, the two had to stop after a relatively short time, leaving the rink to give their sore bodies a rest. Twilight and Timber decided it would be best to take a break from the rink, using the excuse of snack procurement as a means to escape any further harm to their bottoms, as well as their pride. Sunset and Flash tentatively agreed, deciding to stay on the ice and skate for a while longer. Leaning on the wall of the rink, they watched their partners walk away towards the snack bar, and Sunset nudged Flash with her elbow. “So, how’s things with Timber, big guy?” He gave her a curious glance for a moment, unsure of how much to say about his relationship. After a second of deliberation, he grinned and said, “It’s going pretty great. We’re probably going to get married by Summer. It’s totally true love.” Catching onto his sarcasm, Sunset rolled her eyes and pushed away from the wall, drifting away gracefully along the ice. He followed after her as she continued the conversation with a pleased smile. “Well, I’m happy to hear things are going well for you two. I was pretty surprised when you texted me about it, and it didn’t feel real until I saw you two walk up holding hands today. Still feels odd to see my ex dating Twi’s ex, no offense or anything.” “None taken,” said Flash as he skated along beside her, “And besides… How do you think we felt when you two hooked up? I think the feeling goes both ways.” “Touche,” replied Sunset with a thoughtful nod. “Though, I’ll be honest, I never thought you’d wind up dating Timber. Don’t get me wrong, I pegged him as swinging both ways from the start, but I thought you were straight as a nail.” Flash shrugged with a smile as he thought back on just how “straight” he’d been over the past few weeks with his new boyfriend. “To be honest, I thought I was too, until he asked me out. What can I say, Timber is special. Something for me just clicks with him.” “Hey, I know that feeling. I can’t say I’ve ever felt how I do for Twi for anyone else. I’m just lucky that Twi felt the same about me.” Flash felt a little burned by that statement, but chose not to say it. When he didn’t respond though, she quickly realized her faux pas, and dropped the subject. Neither of them said anything for a moment, as they simply skated around the rink together. Finally, it was Flash who broke the silence. “So Susnet, I was wondering why you invited me and Timber out like this in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the effort, but isn’t a double-date between exes a little… Weird?” Sunset pouted slightly as she cocked her head to the side. “Are you implying I have ulterior motives or something, Flash Sentry? I’m hurt.” “Wounded, even?” asked Flash with a smirk. Sunset rolled her eyes at him, returning his smirk. “I guess you’re not entirely off the mark though. I did want to see how you two were doing together. That… and one other thing.” “You’re killing me with the suspense here, Sunset,” bemoaned Flashed as he feigned exasperation. “Sure, we’re exes, but we’re friends first. You can ask me anything, you know that.” “I know that, Flash, and I really appreciate it. It’s just that it’s… how about this? I’ll ask you later. It looks like our nerds bought some lunch.” She pointed back over to the bench where Twilight and Timber were returning with food in hand, and smiles on their faces. It looked like they were having a good time catching up too. Begrudgingly, Flash followed Sunset back to the edge of the rink, and stepped off the ice back onto the rubbery mats and solid floor. He and Sunset were quick to doff their skates and sit down beside their respective mates, who offered up servings of cheap, greasy, and most importantly hot pizza. “Did you two have fun skating?” asked Twilight, “You both certainly make it look easy, the way you skated laps around the rink.” “I can’t believe you can carry a conversation at those speeds,” continued Timber, shaking his head in awe, “I can barely focus on standing out there, let alone running my mouth at the same time.” Sunset shrugged, speaking around a mouthful of cheesy pizza. “Yeah, well, we have a lot of practice. Don’t think you’re done for the day either, because I’m getting my money’s worth outta you two.” “That’s right,” confirmed Flash, “Once we’re done eating, we’re getting back on that ice. We’re going to make you two into pro skaters in no time at all.” “Please, no,” whined Timber as he laid his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder, “I really don’t feel like falling on my ass any more today. It already hurts to sit down.” “Oh is that so?” Twilight said as she raised an eyebrow at Timber, “Haven’t you and Flash been together for about a month? I would have thought that you’d be used to the feeling by now.” Sunset and Flash both made huge “O”s with their mouths, the pair stunned into silence by Twilight’s boldness. Timber on the other hand, practically deflated with embarrassment as he slumped over, his hands on his face which was most assuredly now bright red. “Oh, wow. I suppose I hit the nail on the head, huh?” Unable to stop herself, Twilight started to giggle at the expense of her ex, who appeared to be still completely catatonic from her scalding burn. Sunset was next to laugh, and despite his best efforts, Flash joined in too shortly after. As the three shared in their joviality, Timber seethed for a short time in his humiliation, but eventually came around to the playful prodding from his friends. The four of them went back and forth, making humorous jabs at each other managing to diffuse whatever awkwardness may have remained between them. It was soon clear that despite how the past had played out, the four of them were still good friends, and nothing would change that anytime soon. Even something as absurd as dating each other’s exes. After that, the quartet found themselves back in the rink together, even against the protests of Twilight and Timber. They were both pleased to find that although they were still unsteady and uncertain on the ice, their second time skating was already going much better. Each of them only fell down twice more, and managed to skate with a level of reliability, albeit rather slowly. Flash and Sunset continued to support and help their partners when needed, but the afternoon was otherwise without any further issue. The four spent the next few hours enjoying each other’s company both on and off the ice, taking breaks when needed, and wearing their throats coarse with enthused chatter between them. They discussed their home lives, their work, and their aspirations. They talked about their relationships, comparing and competing to see who had the better romance, even if neither couple could agree on a clear winner. Inevitably however, the fun and excitement took its toll, and the pair of couples decided to call it quits and go home for the evening. They returned their rental skates and cleaned up after themselves, before gathering at the entrance for one last goodbye for the day. “It was really great seeing you both,” said Flash as he gave each of the girls a big hug. Timber did the same, albeit with a bit less vigor. He couldn't hope to match his boyfriend's impressive hugs. Sunset nodded with a cheerful smile. “Yeah, we should definitely hang out again soon. Twi and I see the girls now and again, maybe we could have a group meetup, like the old days.” “Man, it’s been forever since I saw the others,” mused Timber. “That’d be awesome. I bet Pinkie Pie would totally love to throw a ‘the gang’s all here’ party.” “Or,” interjected Twilight, as she put a thoughtful hand to her chin, “We could have another double date sometime soon. Maybe somewhere else without tripping hazards, perhaps?” Flash glanced at Timber, who nodded happily. Sharing the motion, Flash asked, “Sure, that sounds fun. Where do you think we could meet up?” “We could always have dinner at our apartment,” offered Sunset. “It’s pretty roomy, and Twilight’s a great cook. We could have a few drinks, share a few laughs…” “And who knows,” continued Twilight with a wink and a coy smirk, “Maybe we could make it a sleepover, wouldn’t that be fun?” Timber and Flash were both blinked at Twilight a few times before glancing at each other, sharing a moment of surprise. When they looked at Sunset, she only offered an innocent shrug and a smile. “Well anyway, we can plan that another time,” said Sunset as she changed the subject, “It’s going to get dark soon, so you two should head home. You’ve got my number, Flash, so hit me up if you want. See you later, guys!” And with that last farewell and a wave, the two girls began their walk back to their home. Flash and Timber stared at each other for a moment, exchanging confused expressions with each other, trying to make sense of the last minute or so. Finally, Flash asked aloud "Did Twilight just imply that she wanted to-" "I think so." "Do we want to?" "Maybe?" "Should we sleep on this?" "Definitely. My place?" "Your place." After agreeing that it was a discussion better left for another time when they weren’t so tired, and they walked to Flash’s car in silence for a very pensive drive home. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash stared hard at the envelope on the table in front of him, almost as though he was trying to will it out of existence. University of Manehattan was proudly stamped on the face of it, and he could tell that Timber had already read its contents based on the clean tear along the top. He didn’t need to read the letter inside, because he already knew what it said. He could feel the lead weight in his stomach as he swallowed, working up the courage for what came next. Looking up from the letter at Timber, who had been silently sitting across from him, Flash gave a huge, happy grin. “I’m so proud of you, dude. Congrats on getting in.” With a small smile, Timber nodded slowly. He opened his mouth for a second, and then closed it again, unable to find the words he was looking for. A second more, and he finally responded. A simple “Thanks, man,” was all he could utter. Flash’s smile melted into a frown, his eyes returning to the envelope. He took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully before speaking again. “You know you don’t have to go, if you don’t want to, Timber.” “I never said I didn’t want to go.” Their eyes met, both with different kinds of frustration dancing beneath the surface. “This is your dream school, isn’t it? You should go, I’ll be ok.” Flash tried his best to sound reassuring, but he wasn’t sure if he was reassuring Timber or himself at the moment. Timber reached out across the table and took Flash’s hand in his own. Holding it tight; not hard enough to hurt, but firm enough to feel his pulse. “It is, and I want to go, but I also don’t want to leave you.” Laying a hand over his boyfriend’s, Flash tried to smile again, but couldn’t quite manage it this time. He tried to think of what to say, but his emotions were so twisted up at the moment, that nothing came to mind. He so desperately wanted to come up with anything to say that would make this situation better, something that would cheer up Timber, and let them smile together. As much as he wanted that, he knew that it wasn’t going to be so easy. He had known it for the past two months, and he had dreaded it every time they held hands, hugged, or kissed. “It’s funny, isn’t it? In a screwed up sorta way.” When Flash finally spoke again, his voice was low and cracked from the tightness in his throat. “I wanted so badly to help you get over your break up, that I accidentally set you up for another.” Timber squeezed Flash’s hand tighter as he shook his head. “No, you didn’t. We-” Interrupting him, Flash raised his voice, choking out his words. “I mean, I’ve been thinking about it since we started dating. I knew you wanted to go to Manehattan University, and I still agreed anyway. It was doomed from the start.” “Flash, you-” “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice just above a whisper, “I just wanted you to be happy.” The two of them sat in silence for a moment, with Timber still holding Flash’s hand tightly. At some point, Flash started squeezing back, hard enough to actually hurt, but Timber didn’t say anything. They sat like that, the quiet stretching for what felt like forever. When Timber finally spoke, his voice was tender and patient. “Are you done yet, dude?” Flash’s face twisted in confusion, tears in his eyes. “What are you talking about? Done doing what?” Timber gave a weak chuckle, shaking his head. “Being stupid. Are you done being stupid?” “Am I missing something?” An annoyed scowl was on Flash’s face now as he blinked away the tears. “Are we breaking up or not? Because I’m getting some mixed signals here.” Taking a deep breath, Timber gathered himself for a moment before shaking his head again. “I don’t want to break up, Flash. I want to figure this out. That’s why I called you over here. So we can talk, maybe think of a solution together. I don’t want to break up.” Flash let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, wheezing slightly as he slumped over. “Jeez, you couldn’t have said that before I had a meltdown there? I really thought we were breaking up over this.” “Sorry, man! I thought you were going to break up with me when I told you. I’ve always been bad at communicating my feelings, you should know that by now!” The two couldn’t help but awkwardly laugh together, feeling equally relieved over the quickly rectified misunderstanding between them. After a moment of chortling, the pair refocused on the dilemma that still stood at hand. “So, you want to go, but you also don’t want to break up.” Flash raised an inquisitive brow at his boyfriend. “Yeah,” sighed Timber, “Which is easier said than done. I’m going to be moving far. Really far. So unless you want to come with me, we’re going to have to make this a long-distance sort of thing.” Flash bit his lip, thinking about Princess Twilight. Doubts of the validity of a relationship between two people with such a separation between them began to worm their way into his mind. Even still, Flash made an effort to push them aside, because if it meant staying with Timber in the long run, it was worth the difficulties that would come with it. “I mean, hey… I’m willing to give it a shot if you are, dude.” “Just keep in mind that means I’m not going to be able to cook for you anymore,” teased Timber with a snarky smirk, “At least, unless you come to visit. Are you sure you’re going to be able to survive without me?” Flash nodded thoughtfully at the notion. “That’s true… I’m going to have to learn to live without your awesome home-cooked meals. The real question is, are you gonna be able to live without all of this?” replied Flash as he broadly gestured up and down himself. Timber blushed slightly, rolling his eyes. “You’re an idiot, have I mentioned that?” “A few times, I think,” responded Flash, with an amused grin. The expression didn’t last though, as the weight of the situation resettled in his stomach, pulling down the corners of his mouth with it. Chewing on his cheek, Timber was quiet, trying to work out the logistics of the problem at hand, along with potential solutions. He knew that there wasn’t going to be any easy way around it, no simple solution. As fun as it was to joke about it, long distance was no laughing matter. It was a deciding factor that would make or break most relationships, and he knew that his was no exception. Flash watched his boyfriend mull it over in his head in silence for a moment, trying to think of some way to contribute. He knew he wasn’t the smartest guy in town. He wasn’t even the smartest guy in the room. Even still, Flash knew that he had something to offer that was invaluable here. Rainbow Dash might be the Element of Loyalty, but he was the next best thing. Standing up, he kept a firm grip on Timber’s hand. At first, Timber looked perturbed by the sudden movement, but when he saw Flash’s calm expression, he too was calmed. Flash gestured towards the bed, with a nod of his head, and Timber rose from his seat to follow. Flash towed his boyfriend over to the bed, and laid down first before dragging Timber down beside him. He wrapped an arm around Timber and pulled him close, holding him tight against his chest. The two laid there like that, with Timber tucked in Flash’s arms, resting his head on his boyfriend’s chest. Listening to the steady, strong heartbeat, like the very first time that Flash held him like this, two whole months ago. It wasn’t exactly the same though, because last time it felt hopeful, as Timber had imagined how many times in the future he would hear that rhythmic thump-thumping. This time, it felt foreboding, and Timber found himself treasuring the beats as if they would suddenly just leave him at any moment. They were a palpable reminder of just how close Flash and Timber had become over the past few months, and it was something he would miss dearly. “You know I love you, right?” Timber hesitated for a second, before quietly answering. “I know.” “Not just in a ‘I love you bro’ kinda way.” Timber managed a small chuckle, before nodding. “Yeah, I love you too, you dork.” He pushed his face into Flash’s chest, taking comfort in the familiar scent. “Do you have a plan?” When Timber didn’t respond, he said, “In that case, here’s mine. First, you go to Manehattan.” Timber looked up at Flash expectantly, his brow furrowed with concern. Before he could interject however, Flash continued. “Secondly, I’m going to stay here and get a job.” “What kind of job?” “We’ll see, that’s not important right now. Third, I’m going to come visit you, one week out of every month. I’ve got a car, I can make the trip.” Timber opened his mouth to retort, but chose not to, instead letting Flash finish first. “Lastly, I’m going to wait for you to finish University and come back. And when you do, we’re going to live together. How’s that for a plan?” A moment of silence passed between them before Timber finally smiled, saying, “That’s not really a plan, dude.” “It’s good enough for me. How about you?” He could have thought about all the problems with Flash’s “plan.” All the ways that things could go wrong, or the situations where things might not work out. However, Timber couldn’t help but feel inspired by his boyfriend’s simple bravado. The boldness of the claim gave the illusion of certainty. After all, if Flash was so certain it would work out, who was he to refute it? Surely if they both believed it together, it would come to replace whatever other reality they face. “If it’s good enough for you, then it’s good enough for me.” And so the two laid there, together for the rest of the evening, only getting up again to eat dinner together, before falling asleep in each other’s arms like they had done so many times already. Like how they would so many times more.