The Eve of the Night of Nightmares

by Kujivunia

First published

Early on the morning of the eve of the Night of Nightmares, while Izzy was still asleep, someone knocked on the door

Early on the morning of the eve of the Night of Nightmares, while Izzy was still asleep, someone knocked on the door

It was written for the "Writers' Contest no. I know." on the topic of the New Generation + Halloween Nightmare Night. Took joint first place in the nomination "Best humorous fan fiction".

Chapter 1

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It was Sunrise. Izzy was fast asleep. There was a soft knock on the door. There is no answer. They knocked louder. Again, no response. Then the sudden guests pounded on the door with all their might, and Izzy woke up. She was extremely surprised, because everyone thought that she was in a quarrel with her head, and tried not to cross paths with her once again. Until now, her house has been visited only by the tax inspector, and the bravest of the foals for the Nightmare Night.

Izzy opened the door and saw two unicorns. Huat was standing on the left. On the right was Nin. Both looked at the yawning hostess with some apprehension. Finally, the guests exchanged conspiratorial glances and asked to go inside for a cup of tea. They started the conversation from afar.

— How are you here... creepy, — shuddering, Huat pointed to a nest of giant spiders, which consisted of cones and twigs with small evil red eyes made of dried berries.

— Thank you! Oh, you have no idea how I'm waiting for a Night of Nightmares!

Izzy poured the tea leaves, and through the glass you could see how the spring water was slowly turning scarlet.

— So much trouble! All this cobwebs, spiders, cocoons with sweets…

The unicorn looked at the spider crawling on the ceiling and closed her eyes. Her muzzle took on a dreamy expression. She imagined how she would lie in a spider's nest and wait for brave ghosts, tax inspectors and other evil spirits that would come to her with the eternal “Trick or treat!”.

Nin sensed in his gut what Izzy was thinking, and quietly pushed his friend:

— Maybe it's better not to? And it's so very scary!

— Yeah, we're really scared, no way. But what about the others? Do you want us to be the only ones afraid?

Nin hesitantly shook his head.

— That's it!, — Huat whispered reproachfully, and immediately returned to Izzy, — Isabella, what is the most terrible thing for you?

The teacher's tone instantly knocked her out of a blissful state and she, lowering her muzzle and pressing her ears, began to think quickly.

— Answer at the blackboard, exams, tax inspector, — she pecked her horn harder with each new fear, — paprika, passport, poison, punctuation, punk-rock, pyromaniac, panegyric, pseudodog, ah! - with the last word she pecked so hard that she stuck her horn into the floor.

—Pierce the planks,— Izzy added plaintively, and began to pull herself out.

Huat looked at her triumphantly.

— Yeah! All the biggest fears are about the real, not about children's fictions with ghosts!

Izzy sipped her tea thoughtfully, but her train of thought was immediately interrupted by the sepulchral voice of Nin:

— Pegasus.

The unicorn choked, coughed and repeated in amazement:

— Pegasus.

—Izzy, if you'll excuse me, my friend," Nin began, "if we really want to scare everyone, we need to dress up as pegasus. Huat and I just saw them recently, and they were so close that I could have touched them with my hoof!

— You're lying! — Isabella looked at Nin with narrowed eyes.

— Nonsense! — Huat answered her, — I was there too.

— And what did you see? Where was it? When they fly — do they really leave a trail in the form of thunder and lightning? Are they swearing more, or burping? And how are they…

— Hush, hush. The Pegasi just walked almost straight through the cover. It's good that we know how to make cover workshops out of grass and leaves to track down…

— T-s-s-s! Nin hissed.

— Yes, to sit in cover and track down. Anything.

— Wow! — the mischievous sparkles in the unicorn's eyes directly screamed that she also wanted to make a cover and track down. Anything.

—That's it! We are swamp unicorns," Huat said with pride, "and only another swamp unicorn can notice our swamp coloring in the cover, and then not always. But you're too bright. Izzy, you should be hiding in the garden of cherry blossoms, near the blue lake…

Isabella Moonbow sniffed, saying goodbye to her newly emerged dream of becoming an undercover unicorn. Suddenly she looked at her horn.

— And how do we hide our horn? I can make wings, but we'll need a magician to remove the horn!

"We don't need to hide the horn," Huat began, "Pegasus have a crest of bones on their head and a leathery membrane between them.

— Oh, well, well…

— Their wings are shaggy in front, and the feathers shimmer with all colors. Huge fangs stick out of his mouth. Their mane is made of fluffy dirty feathers, and unicorn horns are woven into it. Their tail is braided into a whip. And instead of horseshoes, they tie little turtles!

— Little... what?! Little turtles? Why?!

— When a pegasus hits someone with a hoof, the turtle bites the victim.

— That's right, I didn't think of it right away… But turtles also know how to swim well, so pegasus can walk on water with them!

— Mother of unicorns…

—That's it!

— Zef, get some crow feathers from the pantry! I think a little strictness will complement your style.

— I'll be right there!

Zephyrina Storm reached the storeroom in one jerk, opened the door and seemed dumbfounded. The creature from her nightmares stared at her indifferently out of the darkness. A small tremor pierced the princess.

— Mother of pegasus…

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she carefully turned around and demanded:

— Isabelle Moonbow, how do you explain this?

— Well, I was fast asleep, and suddenly a knock mixed into my dream. He got louder and louder, and finally threw me out of bed! I opened the door, and there stood Huat and Nin…

When writing the story, not a single turtle was injured. Honestly!

Why does the number of words in a chapter show more than 1000, but when I try to post a work, it shows less than a thousand? I just want to make a publication, I have finished work, I have nothing to add, extra words will ruin everything =(