> A Princess's Secret (NSFW Version) > by StormLuna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Return to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's coronation day had been long, hectic and tiring for not just her, but her friends as well. After a final supper and two hours of chit-chat, Twilight and her friends finally headed for home. As they boarded the train Twilight let out a yawn, "Ugh, I don't think I've had a day so tiring in my life." Rainbow groaned, "Tell me about it and I wasn't even the one who had to go through a fancy coronation." Pinkie added, "I know it was tiring but we all got to have lots of fun!" Twilight gave them a weak smile before leaning her head back against her seat and closed her eyes. As she sat there, there were plenty of thoughts running through her mind, some that were good and some that were troubling her. She was happy that she had finally fulfilled the destiny that Celestia had set for her the day she hatched Spike but the one thing that troubled her was that she did not have a role. She sighed in frustration and her friends could tell there was something wrong. Out of all of them though, Fluttershy would be the one to confront her over what was wrong. She nudged her shoulder and asked, "Twilight, are you ok?" Her voice showed more concern as she continued, "You know if anything is wrong, you can tell us." Applejack added, "Yeah, we're your friends and friends are always there for one another." What was bothering her was something that she really did not want to share with her friends. She felt that discussing her lack of a role would be something better suited for discussing with Celestia, Luna or maybe even Cadence. She had no desire to burden her friends with such a thing, "Oh I'm ok girls, I just have some things running through my mind." Spike was listening in and knew that if she would talk to anyone, it would likely be him. He suggested, "Twilight, if you don't want to talk about it around them, we could always talk when we get home." Twilight knew that Spike would be much more likely to understand her problems but at that moment she didn't want to bring it up to him either, "Oh it's ok Spike, I'll be fine." Spike shrugged his shoulders and turned to to Twilight's friends, only to see them do the same thing. The six knew that something was going on with Twilight but knew that she was not about to open up, at that moment anyway. Fluttershy saw Twilight leaning back and it was obvious that whatever was bothering her was likely much more serious than they thought. She turned to her friends and said, "Girls, maybe she just doesn't want to bring it up on the train. Maybe she doesn't want anypony else to hear what she's worried about." Rainbow looked around and questioned, "What other ponies? We're the only ones on this car!" Fluttershy suggested, "Well maybe she will be more willing to open up once she's back in the library." Spike replied, "You're probably right, I'm sure she'll feel more comfortable opening up there." After what seemed to be a longer train ride than normal, the train finally pulled into Ponyville. Fluttershy noticed that Twilight had fallen asleep and she was the one to wake her. She nudged her and said, "Twilight, get up. We're back in Ponyville." Twilight jumped at first but then saw she was surrounded by her friends and noticed that the train had ground to a halt. She asked, "I take it we're back in Ponyville?" Fluttershy reached her hand out and replied, "Yes, we're back in Ponyville." Fluttershy pulled her up out of her seat and they headed towards the exit. Once they exited the train they thought they would again try to get her to open up. Rarity was the first to say anything, "Twilight darling, we know something is bothering you. Would you want us to come to the library and we could talk about it?" Twilight rejected the offer, "I'm fine girls, I just need to get some sleep and hope I'll learn what kind of duties I have to perform before too long." In unison her friends replied, "Very well." Most of them headed in separate directions but Fluttershy would walk with Twilight to the library since it was on the way to her cottage. As they approached the library Fluttershy suggested, "Twilight, I know you don't want to talk about anything right now but if you ever do need to talk, I'll always be here for you." Something seemed different about the way Fluttershy talked to her about this than the others. To Twilight, it seemed like Fluttershy had a true, genuine amount of concern for her. She replied, "You know Fluttershy, I think I'll take you up on that offer." She looked down at Spike and continued, "Would you mind staying here while I go with Fluttershy to her cottage? I really want it to just be the two of us." This surprised Spike, "Seriously, you only want it to be you and Fluttershy talking about this?" Twilight replied, "Yes, I want it to just be her and I." Spike sighed, "Very well but you know I'm here to listen as well." Twilight nodded and she walked with Fluttershy to her cottage. On the way they discussed normal, everyday things as Twilight did not want to open up until she knew that the only one listening would be Fluttershy. > A Discussion Between Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once they arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, the two headed in and Fluttershy was immediate to offer, "Twilight do you want something? Would you want me to fix us something to eat or maybe pour us a glass of cider?" Twilight gave her a smile, "And it is things like this that prove you are the element of kindness, you are so kind to everypony." Fluttershy asked, "I take it that is a yes?" Twilight gave her another smile, "Mhmm." Her response confused Fluttershy a bit as she had never responded to any question like that before, she was usually more specific in her answers. In ten minutes she brought Twilight a bowl of oats and a tall glass of cider. She gave her friend a concerned smile and asked, "Anything else you want?" Twilight replied, "There is nothing else I can think of." She saw Fluttershy heading to her chair and continued, "Although I think it would be nice if you'd join me on the couch." Fluttershy gave her a smile and obliged. Once she sat down she felt Twilight scoot closer to her. She wasn't sure exactly what to think about Twilight's strange behavior but had no problems with it. As they got to eating Fluttershy decided that she was going to find out what was bothering the new princess. She asked, "Twilight, now that it is just you and me, I want to know what is bothering you. I'm really worried about you." Twilight scooted up to where she was pressed right up against her and began, "I'm worried about how I will do as a princess and what my role will be. I know I'll probably have things thrown on me that I have no understanding of and I also can't help but wonder what I will be doing." Twilight's voice became a bit more frantic, "Princess Celestia handles the sun, Princess Luna handles the moon, Princess Cadence spreads love and light but what sort of special talent do I have? What will I do to contribute to Equestria." Fluttershy put her wing around Twilight and replied, "I'm not sure but I know that Princess Celestia will help and guide you through these uncertain times." She grabbed Twilight's hand and continued, "Whatever role she gives you though, I know you will be perfect for it." Twilight blushed when Fluttershy grabbed her hand, "I hope so. I'm just happy that I have good friends by my side" her face turned a deeper red as she continued, "and especially you since I know you'll always be here for me." Fluttershy saw her blush and couldn't help but blush as well, "I know all of our friends will be there to listen to you and help you anyway they can but if I'm the one you want to talk to, I'll always be here for you, always." Twilight gave her a smile, "I know you will." Fluttershy noticed that Twilight had stopped eating and continued, "Now you finish your oats before they get cold, I know how you feel about cold oats." Twilight gave her a smile and resumed eating her meal. She knew that Fluttershy cared and would listen to her over anything but she did have her concerns about what else she wanted to talk about as it wasn't just her nervousness over her role that was bothering her. While Fluttershy quickly consumed the rest of her meal, she noticed that Twilight was not eating hers very quickly and still had a nervous look on her face. Fluttershy again grabbed her hand and asked, "Is there anything else that is bothering you? It seems like there is a lot more than just your new role in Equestria that is bothering you." Twilight wanted so badly to blurt out what was running through her mind but her fear of rejection would not allow her, all it did was cause her breathing to become a bit irregular and caused her hands to get cold, which would not go unnoticed by her friend. Fluttershy felt this and continued, "Twilight, I know something is really bothering you. Remember, you can tell me anything and I won't think any less of you." Twilight knew this but it did not lessen her nervousness any, it only made it worse and she wanted to try and get out of answering it, for that moment anyway. She let out a yawn and said, "Fluttershy, do you think we could talk about this tomorrow? I'm getting tired and I'm sure Spike is getting worried about....." Just as she was finishing her question, lightning struck not too far away and a very heavy rain began to fall. Fluttershy looked outside and saw lightning flashing in the sky and could hear the rain falling on her roof. She put her arm around Twilight and firmly replied, "Twilight, there is no way I'm going to let you walk home in this. You're staying with me tonight." Twilight gave her a slight blush, "Thanks, I really appreciate that." While Twilight was very nervous about what she had been wanting to tell Fluttershy, she thought that perhaps the lightning and rain was fate sending a clear signal to her that the time had come for her to reveal what had really been bothering her so much. > Twilight's Admission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Fluttershy let Twilight know that she was going to be staying with her whether she wanted to or not, she headed up to her bedroom to get changed into her night clothes before Twilight would see her. Once she got changed, she headed back downstairs and said, "Ok Twilight, I've changed. Now you get up there and get some sleep." Lightning again struck nearby and the rain became even heavier. Twilight jumped a bit over the thunder and asked, "Fluttershy, I don't know if your bed is big enough but could I stay up with you?" Fluttershy's bed wasn't all that big but she figured that it would suffice, "Yeah, you can stay up with me." As the two arrived in her bedroom, something else crossed Twilight's mind. She looked at Fluttershy, saw her in her night clothes and asked, "Fluttershy, I don't mean to be a problem but do you have anything I can borrow for the night?" Fluttershy replied, "Sure." She motioned for her to come over and continued, "Pick something out." As Twilight began to look through her drawer, she became unsure if anything would fit because she wasn't confident that her and Fluttershy were the same size. After digging for a minute, she got to the bottom and found a couple silk night gowns that Fluttershy saved for hot nights. She looked at it closely and said, "I think this will fit me." Fluttershy replied, "Alright, I'm going to head back downstairs while you get it on. Once you're fully changed, let me know and I'll come back up." Twilight protested, "Couldn't you just keep your eyes closed while I change so you don't have to constantly be running back and forth?" Fluttershy put her arm over her eyes and replied, "Yes, I can do that. Just let me know when you're done." Fluttershy kept her eyes covered with her arm until Twilight notified her that she was dressed. Fluttershy had always been the more reserved type that never engaged in or did anything out of the ordinary but she couldn't help but smile when she saw Twilight. Twilight noticed her smile and asked, "You think I look good in this?" Fluttershy was trying to think of something appropriate to say, something other than what was really running through her mind. After a moment of thought she replied, "Yeah, you look good." She then let out a yawn and suggested, "How about we get some sleep?" Twilight smiled, "Yeah, that sounds good." Twilight crawled into bed while Fluttershy was turning off the light. Once Fluttershy got laid down, Twilight began to get more nervous as she felt that perhaps the time had come to finally reveal what was bothering her so much. When lightning struck nearby again Twilight asked, "Fluttershy, could you hold me?" This question caught Fluttershy completely by surprise as it was unexpected but she replied, "Of course I can Twilight, you know I'm here for you." Fluttershy turned over onto her other side and put her arms around her. When she did this, lightning struck again and the rain became even heavier. Twilight curled up closer to Fluttershy, putting her head right underneath Fluttershy's. In her efforts to get as close as she could to her friend, her horn hit her chin. She asked, "I'm sorry Fluttershy, are you ok?" Fluttershy replied, "Yeah, I'm ok." She had a feeling that Twilight was trying to send her a clear message but wanted to hear it from her directly. She continued, "Twilight, is you wanting me to hold you this close part of what you have been so nervous about?" In a dreamy voice Twilight replied, "Mhmm!" Fluttershy asked, "Do you have a crush on me?" Twilight grabbed Fluttershy's hand that was on her stomach and moved it up further to where she would be cupping her breasts and much more loudly replied, "MHMM!" Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth going through her as she was suddenly cupping Twilight's breasts. She asked, "Is this why you didn't want to discuss this one the train? Was it you wanting to tell me about this that caused you so much nervousness." Twilight was so lost in Fluttershy holding her that again she said, "Mhmm!" Fluttershy replied, "Twilight, how come you never told me this?" She then grabbed Twilight, turned her to where she was facing her and continued, "Twilight, I've had a crush on you for quite some time but I was always too scared to tell you about it out of fear of rejection." Twilight knew that she couldn't keep replying to things the way she was, "I was worried about the same thing. You are so kind, so sweet and so beautiful and I thought a mare like you would never want a mare like me." Fluttershy pulled her closer and replied, "Twilight, you shouldn't have been scared." She wrapped her arms around Twilight, pulled her face close to hers and asked, "Well now that we both know about our crushes, I have a question. Would you be my marefriend Twilight, would you make me the happiest mare in Equestria?" Twilight's heart exploded when she heard this question. The pony that she had had her eyes on for so long asked her the question that she could only dream of. She began to cry tears of joy, "Yes Fluttershy yes. Yes I will be your marefriend!" The two moved in for a kiss and when their lips met, Twilight's horn lit up entirely and both their wings spread wide. What started out as a gentle kiss became much more passionate and they wrapped their bodies together in a tight embrace. Both mares felt pure joy at that moment and wished that their kiss could last forever. While they knew that it couldn't, they both planned on making it last as long as they could. After an hour of intense, passionate kissing, they finally broke the kiss and Twilight said, "I'm so happy to have you Fluttershy. You have no idea how happy I am!" Fluttershy replied, "I think I know!" Lightning struck nearby again as the heavy rain continued. Fluttershy suggested, "What do you say we lay here, hold one another tight and listen to the rain and thunder." Twilight gave her a seductive smile and suggested, "Oh I can think of something much more fun we could do, something I have always wanted to do with a marefriend once I got one!" Fluttershy returned the smile, "Oh I think I know what you want!" She paused before becoming a bit nervous, "You promise you won't do anything like cast a fertility spell when you're giving me your horn?" Twilight gasped, "Fluttershy, I would never do such a thing and besides, I don't know any fertility magic." Fluttershy replied, "Alright. Let's get undressed and you can show me what you always wanted to do once you got a marefriend!" Twilight gave her a smile and the two began to undress. Twilight could hardly believe that not only did her big day end with her having Fluttershy as a marefriend but that she would be able to live out a very erotic moment that she had long fantasized about. > Twilight's Fantasy Come True > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the two were fully undressed, Fluttershy plopped down on her bed and spread her legs wide. Twilight stood at the foot of her bed eyeing her new marefriend. She licked her lips and said, "Hmmm....where should I start? All of you looks so tasty!" Fluttershy got a huge smile on her face as it was obvious that Twilight wanted to do a whole lot more than just give her horn sex. Fluttershy giggled, "Anywhere you want Twily, anywhere you want." Twilight replied, "Twily? I like that Fluttershy, I really like that!" Twilight then decided where she was going to start, she decided she was going to take to her toes first. She lowered her head and began to suck on Fluttershy's big toe. Immediately Fluttershy giggled and kicked her foot, "Twilight, that tickles!" Twilight gave her a smile, "I know but sucking on your toes is one of my many fantasies!" Fluttershy wasn't real sure about the whole toe thing but figured that at least it was something completely innocent compared to other things Twilight might want. She replied, "Alright Twilight, I'll try not to kick too much." Twilight returned to sucking on Fluttershy's toes. Twilight managed to continue sucking despite Fluttershy's occasional kick. One thing Twilight loved about doing this was not so much the taste of her toes but it was her new marefriend's giggling that she found so attractive. She had always found her giggles cute and rather attractive but this time they really turned her on because of why she was giggling, because she was the reason for her giggling. Once Twilight finished with her feet she began to move up her legs. Once she moved on to her legs, Fluttershy's giggling stopped as she was not ticklish there but once shed got up to her inner thighs, Fluttershy began to giggle again. Twilight briefly stopped and asked, "Ticklish here too?" Fluttershy giggled, "Yes, now don't suck there too long! I know where you're headed and please, take her, take her!" Twilight had initially planned on sucking there for a while and taking in the scent coming from Fluttershy's already sopping wet marehood. She also so badly wished she could mark herself with her juices and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, "Fluttershy, I know you want me to take you immediately but could I do just one little thing, could I mark myself as yours?" Fluttershy was shocked by the request but one part of her found it incredibly sexy, it seemed almost like Twilight was wanting to become her property in a way. She replied, "Of course you can Twily, if you want to mark yourself as mine go for it!" Twilight gave her a smile before rubbing her face against Fluttershy's marehood, covering it in her nectar and the scent that it carried. Fluttershy moaned gently as Twilight's face was making contact with her marehood and as she continued to rub her face up against it, she began to release more nectar which was exactly what Twilight wanted. The more nectar Fluttershy released, the more she could mark herself with. Once she had covered her whole face with Fluttershy's cum, she pulled her face out and commented, "There you go Fluttershy, I belong to you now!" The statement shocked the pegasus but at the same time really turned her on. She began to wonder if the newly crowned princess wasn't wanting to be subservient to her, she began to wonder if this was Twilight's way of saying she wanted to be the sub in their relationship which was something that she secretly desired. She giggled, "Yes Twily, you belong to me now. Now get to eating me, I want you to taste me so bad." An idea then crossed Twilight's mind, why should she be the only one to get to taste the other. She suggested, "Fluttershy, how about we get on our sides and eat one another together? After all, it wouldn't be fair for me to only get to taste you! You should get to taste me too!" Fluttershy giggled and agreed, "I was hoping you'd suggest that! After all, my new hot little sub shouldn't be the only one who gets a taste of the other!" Twilight gave her a smile, "Hot little sub? I like that, I really like that!" The two then got on their sides, raised a leg and laid their heads on the other leg. As soon as they laid their heads down, they lowered their other leg and wrapped it around the other's head. While Twilight held Fluttershy's head in a loving embrace with her legs, Fluttershy wrapped Twilight's head much more tightly with hers. She figured that if Twilight truly wanted to be her hot little sub, that she could use more force on her. Almost immediately the two began to suck on one another. As they began to run their tongues up inside one another, both mares began to moan gently as they were tasting one another for the first time. As their sucking intensified, Twilight's horn flared up and both mares' wings spread wide. The two began to gently release their cum into the other's mouth and for the two, it was like a slice of heaven. As Twilight tasted Fluttershy for the first time, she couldn't help but relish in the fact that her nectar was sweet, incredibly sweet. For her it was even sweeter than the sweetest cake she had ever ate up in Canterlot when she was Celestia's personal student. Another thing about the pegasus's nectar was that it seemed to have an almost intoxicating affect on Twilight. The more of it that she consumed, the more of it that she wanted. It was far too soon for both mares when they felt it coming, they felt themselves about to climax. As their moaning became louder and their breathing became heavier, both were very excited that they were about to share their first climax together. Both mares let out loud but muffled moans as they climaxed, filling the other's mouth full of their sweet nectar. Again both spread their wings wide and Twilight's horn flared up brighter than ever before as she climaxed. When the two had finished drinking from one another they both pulled their heads out. Twilight exclaimed, "Oh my goodness Fluttershy, I could drink this forever, I could do this forever!" Fluttershy giggled, "Yours tasted good too and if you want to drink my cum forever, I'll gladly let you have it!" Twilight rolled Fluttershy onto her back and said, "Alright, now where was I. Oh yes, I think it is something you'll like!" Fluttershy gave her a smile, "Something I'll like? Well I better because I know my hot little sub certainly wouldn't want to disappoint me!" Twilight then lowered her head and began to suck on Fluttershy's belly. Immediately she began to squirm and giggle, "Twily, stop! That tickles so much!" Twilight found Fluttershy's squirming and giggling incredibly hot and it was making her desire to be Fluttershy's all the greater and wanted to keep on doing it so badly. She pouted, "Please Fluttershy, doing this makes your hot little sub so happy!" Fluttershy giggled, "Oh fine but don't go thinking you can do this every single day!" Twilight sighed in defeat, "Ok Fluttershy, if you don't want it everyday, I won't do it everyday." Twilight then got to sucking on Fluttershy's belly and again Fluttershy was squirming and giggling. Twilight wasn't sure how often she would get to do this so she kept on sucking for a while until she decided she wanted to move on up. Once she started moving up her chest, Fluttershy knew where she was headed and was eagerly awaiting the moment when her new marefriend would begin to give her pleasure that she had long wanted. When Twilight finally reached her breasts, she immediately took to them and started sucking on them. The moment she began to suck on them Fluttershy began to moan, "Oh Twily, oh Twily, please don't stop, it feels so good!" Twilight wrapped her arms around Fluttershy as she began to stroke her hands through her mane and began to suck harder. Fluttershy's moans were becoming louder and her breathing was becoming heavier and Twilight wanted to do something special, something that would further cause her to be marked. She raised her leg up to where her knee was right between Fluttershy's legs and began to massage her marehood with it. Fluttershy quickly noticed this and moaned, "Oh Twily, yes! Yes I'll mark you mooooore!" At that moment Fluttershy climaxed again and covered Twilight's knee with her cum. Twilight crawled up further to where her face was right above Twilight's. She gave Fluttershy a smile and exclaimed, "Oh Fluttershy, I could do this forever." Fluttershy returned the smile and said, "I could to but I can think of something that will make this so much better!" She then flipped the two to where she was on top of Twilight and continued, "This is much better! After all, the sub is supposed to be on bottom! How can I dominate you if you're on top of me?" Fluttershy then lowered her face down and began to kiss Twilight passionately. She then decided to move on to something that would truly show that she was the dom in their relationship. She pried Twilight's legs apart with her own and immediately began to grind her marehood up against that of Twilight. Their kiss broke as the feeling of pleasure was washing over them. Both mares began to call the other's name out loudly and as they continued to breathe heavier, Fluttershy decided to rub her marehood up against Twilight with much more force, causing their moaning to get louder and their breathing to become heavier. Fluttershy exclaimed, "Oh yes Twily, yes! Let mama dominate you, be her sub!" Twilight cried out, "Oh yes Fluttershy yes, dominate me, own me pleeeeeease!" The two climaxed simultaneously and were grinding together in a mix of their cum. Fluttershy immediately stopped and suggested, "Let's eat each other again, I want us to taste ourselves!" Twilight agreed and the two got on their sides again and began to eat one another. For both mares this moment was so special because neither one had ever tasted themselves and with it being a mix of themselves and their lover, it was all the better. Both Fluttershy and Twilight began to feel themselves growing even closer, they could feel the love from the other radiating all the more. It would not be long until the two climaxed together again, causing them to feel more and more like they truly were meant to be together. Once they finished eating the other again Twilight pulled out and decided the time had come to give Fluttershy what she had wanted to for so long. With her being the sub though, she knew that she would have to ask instead of just doing it. She looked up at Fluttershy and asked, "Fluttershy, can I give you my horn now? I want to feel your walls around it so badly!" Fluttershy giggled and came up with a plan to show even more that she was the dominant one, she wanted Twilight to beg. She replied, "I don't know Twily. I'm trying to think, should I allow my hot little sub to shove her horn up in me when I can't do the same to her?" Twilight pleaded, "Please Fluttershy please. I'll even study a spell to give you a temporary horn so you can give it to me too!" Her pleading became more desperate, "Please Fluttershy, it would mean the world to me. Your hot little sub wants to please you so badly!" When Fluttershy heard Twilight refer to herself as her hot little sub, she knew that Twilight truly was serious about being the sub and decided to allow it, "Alright Twily, if my hot little sub wants to give it to me so badly, she can!" She paused for a moment before adding, "But I'm standing up while you're doing it! After all, I think my hot little sub should get her mane soaked in my cum!" Twilight cheered, "Yes, I was hoping you'd want that!" Fluttershy was thrilled that Twilight was beyond open to getting her mane soaked with her juices. She got up and stood up with her legs spread wide. Twilight immediately crawled over to her and aimed her horn at Fluttershy's marehood but before she could move in and enter Fluttershy asked, "Could you be careful, I've never done this before and I've always heard that a mare's first time is painful." Twilight replied, "Don't worry, I will. If it hurts too much I'll stop." Twilight raised her head up and began to insert her horn into Fluttershy's love canal. Fluttershy let out a gasp of delight as Twilight continued to insert her horn into Fluttershy but all too quickly, she felt her horn hit a barrier which quickly gave way. Fluttershy let out a painful scream, causing Twilight to try and pull out but quickly found Fluttershy's legs wrapped tightly around her head. Twilight said, "I'm sorry Fluttershy, I'm so sorry. Do you want us to stop?" Fluttershy yelled, "No Twily, just sit still and I'll let you know when you can get back to giving me your horn." Twilight replied, "Alright, whenever you're ready." Fluttershy remained quiet for probably thirty seconds before giving Twilight the go ahead. Once Twilight began to thrust, Fluttershy began to moan loudly, "Oh Twily baby, yes baby yes! Give it to mama, give it to her." Another thing Twilight found very attractive was Fluttershy referring to herself as mama. Once Twilight's thrusting got faster and more forceful, Fluttershy pressed her legs tighter around Twilight's head, tightening her vaginal walls significantly. Fluttershy's moaning became louder and her breathing became heavier but she was going to try and hold off on her orgasm. She was loving the feeling of Twilight's horn thrusting her way too much. Twilight was ecstatic that Fluttershy was able to hold off on her climax but like all good things, their experience came to end all too soon as Fluttershy called out, "Oh Twilyyyyyy" as a flood of cum shot out of her and soaked Twilight's mane. Once her supply was exhausted, Fluttershy pulled Twilight up to where she was standing and their faces were mere inches apart. She gave Twilight a smile and exclaimed, "Oh Twily, that felt so good, I could do this forever!" Twilight gave her a smile, "And don't worry, I will study transformation magic and see if I could give you a temporary horn to please me with." She paused before adding, "Or I could even try and give you a permanent horn." Fluttershy's eyes grew wide when she heard this, she wondered if that was even possible for Twilight to do. She asked, "Twily, wouldn't that require you to ascend me into being an Alicorn? Do you even have that strong of magic?" Twilight sighed in defeat, "Probably not and I highly doubt Celestia would ascend you just so you can give me horn sex but I can still try and give you a temporary horn." Fluttershy gave Twilight a quick kiss and replied, "Probably not." By this point the storm had relented but there was no way Twilight was going to go home at this point and Fluttershy knew this. She then gave Twilight a suggestion, "Twily, do you think we should shower and wash all this off of us? I don't think it is good for us to stay covered in our juices like this for too long." Twilight replied, "Agreed. It could cause us problems but that doesn't mean that we can't have fun in the shower!" Fluttershy giggled, "I know but if we do, I'm dominating you big time! I'm washing you, I'm running my fingers up in you in both ends and we're staying in there as long as I want us to!" She paused before adding, "And that is how it will always be! I will always own you in the shower!" Twilight gave Fluttershy a quick kiss and asked, "Can't I put my fingers up in you too? You liked my horn!" Fluttershy sighed, "Yes you can but you must be gentle while I can ram you as hard as I want" she paused before adding, "and one more thing, if I want to bite you I can!" Twilight was shocked by this. She could easily tell that her new marefriend had become very assertive but she didn't know that she would go as far as wanting to bite her and it kind of made her nervous. She asked, "Bite me, where?" Fluttershy giggled, "Anywhere I want. After all, you are my hot little sub and hot little subs don't object to what their dom wants so if you want to keep me as a marefriend, you'll let me bite you as often as I want!" The thoughts of being bit kind of scared Twilight, especially given that Fluttershy suddenly seemed to be very assertive but figured that being bit would be worth it if it meant she would be Fluttershy's marefriend. She sighed in defeat, "Alright Fluttershy, you can bite me any time you want." Fluttershy giggled, "Good girl Twily, good girl." She then grabbed Twilight by the hand and began to lead her towards the bathroom. She added, "Now let's get showered Twily, I do want us to go out and share the good news with our friends, especially you being my hot little sub!" Twilight gave her a nervous laugh as that was something that she kind of didn't want to reveal but knew that like it was with the biting, that this would probably be a requirement of Fluttershy's for her to remain with her. She replied, "Alright, that sounds good." Once they got into the shower, both mares were feeling a sense of pure bliss. When Fluttershy began to wash her, Twilight felt a surge of warmth flowing through her whole body. Being washed by Fluttershy was another fantasy of hers and when she was able to wash her marefriend, she was feeling a sense of elation. She had long hoped for the moment that she would share such a loving and bonding moment with Fluttershy and here it was happening. While she was nervous about things like the biting, Twilight finally felt like her future would be perfect, that her life would be perfect having Fluttershy as her marefriend and being her hot little sub. > Sharing the Good News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After what turned out to be a truly wonderful night, Twilight and Fluttershy were woke up by the morning sun. When they woke up, they gave one another a smile and a tender kiss before getting out of bed. Once they were out of bed the very first thing that crossed their minds was breakfast, "Twilight, what do you say we go out and celebrate our new relationship and share the good news with our friends?" Twilight looked around and noticed that the only thing she had to wear was her gown from yesterday's coronation and did not want to wear that. She replied, "That sounds great Fluttershy but what am I going to wear?" Fluttershy motioned for Twilight to join her over at her dresser and suggested, "How about you find something you think you can fit into." Twilight began to dig through her dresser and like it was with the night clothes, Twilight was unsure as to whether she would be able to fit into her clothes. It wasn't until she got to the bottom drawer of the dresser where she found Fluttershy's dresses, things that she would be more likely to be able to fit into. She held one out and said, "I think I should be able to fit into this." Fluttershy replied, "Alright." At first she had planned on wearing what she wears more often than not, pants and a loose fitting shirt but since Twilight was going to be wearing one of her dresses she decided that she would do the same. She found one that was fairly similar to the one Twilight grabbed and asked, "How does this look?" Twilight gave her a smile, "I think it looks great." She looked at the one she was going to wear and the one Fluttershy grabbed and giggled, "You really want to send the message that we're an item don't you?" Fluttershy giggled in return, "Of course I do, I think everypony should know that we are marefriends!" She paused for a moment and giggled, "And I think everypony should know that I'm the dom in this relationship! They need to know that you're my hot little sub!" Twilight asked, "How would we even show that? We certainly can't just go telling them!" Fluttershy gave her a smile as she grabbed her hand and forced her arm under hers. Fluttershy replied, "Like this and whenever we are out and about, your arm will always be under mine! It is how everypony will know that I'm the dom!" Fluttershy began to pull Twilight along with her and they headed out the door. Most everypony knew that Twilight's coronation took place on the prior day and they couldn't help but stare. What caused them to stare further though was that the two were walking arm in arm, hand in hand and giving one another smiles. When they got to Sugarcube Corner, all of their friends were present and were surprised to see them holding hands like that. Rarity was the first to say anything, "Twilight, Fluttershy darlings, are you?" Fluttershy exclaimed, "Yes Rarity, we're a couple now!" Twilight added, "Last night, Fluttershy and I talked and I revealed what was really bothering me and things just took off after that." Applejack asked, "Wait a minute, was what was bothering you yesterday on the way home a crush on Fluttershy?" Pinkie added, "You know you could have brought that up to us, we wouldn't have minded!" Twilight replied, "I know that girls but this was something that I wanted to share with Fluttershy and Fluttershy alone." Her face turned red as she continued, "And once we became a couple, we expressed our love and listened to the storm." Fluttershy too turned red, "And us expressing our love was so wonderful." Rarity had a feeling that something nopony would expect from the two may have happened. She gasped, "Fluttershy, Twilight, did you two?" She then focused on the way they were holding hands and her eyes grew wide. She asked, "Fluttershy, are you the dom?" Fluttershy giggled, "Yes and Twily here is my hot little sub!" All four of them gasped in shock but it was Rainbow who was the most shocked. She asked, "Really Twi, you are Fluttershy's sub?" Twilight was blushing deeply and had no response but Fluttershy did. She replied, "Yes she is my hot little sub and nopony better ever even hit on her, much less think of taking her away from me." The four had looks of shock on their faces as this was not like the Fluttershy that existed just the prior day. Ultimately though the four then gave one another smiles and then turned to them. Rainbow asked, "So what is next for you now?" Applejack added, "Yeah and do you think Princess Celestia will approve?" Fluttershy replied, "Well we are a couple and we'll hopefully grow closer like all true marefriends do." Twilight added, "And as far as Celestia approving goes, I honestly don't care if she does or not." All four of them gasped in shock as they knew how Twilight was, they knew that she was always overly paranoid over perhaps displeasing her mentor. She continued, "If she is upset and decides to take my wings and title away over this, so be it." She pulled Fluttershy closer and finished, "Fluttershy is far more important to me than a royal title or being an Alicorn." Fluttershy gasped, "Really? I mean that much to you?" Twilight gave her a kiss and replied, "Yes, really. I have had a crush on you for so long and now that we are marefriends, you are what is important to me." The fact that Twilight was putting her ahead of Celestia's approval brought Fluttershy to tears, "Thank you Twily, you have no idea how happy that makes me!" The moment between the two brought about huge smiles on their friends' faces. Even Rainbow who tries to act tough and hide emotions like that couldn't help but be happy for them but she was curious, "So when do you plan on telling the princess about this?" Twilight replied, "I'm not sure yet and I'm not sure what she will think about Fluttershy being the dom." She then noticed that there were two empty seats for them at the table and added, "Enough about that for now." She turned to Fluttershy and asked, "What do you say we sit down and get something to eat?" Fluttershy replied, "That sounds wonderful Twily!" For Twilight, everything had finally fallen into place. After years of being Princess Celestia's protege and nearly three years in Ponyville, she had finally fulfilled her destiny of becoming the fourth Alicorn princess of Equestria. What was more important to her though was that she was finally able to admit her crush to the pony she loved and had her as a marefriend. As she sat there with her friends and her marefriend, she felt like the future was bright and full of possibilities. For Fluttershy, she finally felt true happiness. She had a crush on Twilight for quite some time but was always too scared to bring it up to her. The one thing that kept running through her mind was the night before, the night that not only did she finally get to share an erotic moment with the mare she loved so much but get her as a marefriend and even better, have her as her hot little sub. Fluttershy truly felt happy and began thinking about how things would be once they got married.