> Flash Sentry - One shots Trailers > by Kamen rider accel 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Kamen Rider story: The Amazon Rider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash was scene in side a dark chamber of some sort. He couldn't make out on what was happening. He was at his room sleeping peacefully and now hear. Many questions ran in his mind on what was happening and what was going on. But he had to think about that later right now he wanted to find answers. "Hello! Is anyone there!" Flash called out to no one as he walked in the chamber room."Any one around hear. Maybe a hook captain!" He joked trying to ease up the tension that was building up inside him. He walked further through the path way leading him to some where. He didn't know where but it lead him somewhere of course so he gulped his thoughts and went forward. After walking for how long. He didn't know much he finally stopped Infront of a caged door. This was now got him in confusion and dread as he didn't know what to think of this situation. He thought that someone was inside so maybe he or she could help him. He went further towards the cage. "Grrrrrrrrrr." He stoped as he heard growling coming from the cage. He looked to see that there was a creature inside the cage as he was moving. Flash heart now felt dread as he felt to run away from this thing. "Grrrrrrrr." The creature growled at Flash as it was sounding mighty hungry on seeing the teen. It suddenly pounced at him but was stopped by the cage as it try to reach towards the teen. Flash fell on his rear as he looked at the creature in horror."What the heck?!" He muttered."What are you?!" The creature stopped it's attempt as he looked towards the teen like he had gained a second head or something. Then to Flash surprise. It spoke "YoU!" "Kill this thing now!" Shining Armor yelled as Cops fired at the Bat Amazon as it was not affected by the bullets. The bat Amazon walked forward towards them as bullets dropped down on the ground. "Don't give up, Keep firing and don't let this bastard get to you!" What is happening right now?! He was called out as they were told they have found the serial killer who has been kidnapping young teen girls and killing them. When they found them in the wair house they corner him and thought they finally caught him. But to there shock his body started to emit Smoke and he soon turned in to some sorth bat type monster right Infront of there eyes. What worse is that the thing isn't getting any dents on him. The Bat Amazon then grew two blades on its arms and threw them at the officers. Before they could know there heads were cleaned right off there body. Blood spew out of there body as they dropped down. The other remaining officers looked at the scene and were now terrified as they screamed and opened fired at the Amazon. The Bat Amazon simply scoffed at there attempts as he went towards one officer and grabbed him by the neck and flew up. Shining could only watch in shock as the officer was dragged up and soon his screams were heard from above. "We... We need to get out of hear... We need to leave now!" Shining stuttering toon as he watched his men get killed."Come on! Let's leave." He ran as the remaining two fallowed behind him as they run out of the factory. They ran as Fast as they could as far away from that monster as possible. But it's seems luck wasn't with them. He looked back to see the Bat Amazon was crawling behind them as it came in top speed. This is getting hopeless and soon the two officers behind were grabbed from behind and pulled back as they screamed in fear. "Dang it!" Shining Armor Yelled but he couldn't stop as he could be the next victim if he did."I'M SORRY!" He shouted at his fallen officers. He finally reached the outside and went towards his cop car in a hurry. He went for the radio. As he was about to call for help he was flung back by a force from behind as he fell on another car hood."Gah!" He grunted in pain as he fell down. He looked up to see the Bat Amazon was coming towards him as he looked at him in hunger. He had blood in his hands as he had just finished his other meals. He grabbed Shining by the throat and pulled him up. Shining could practically feel the claws on his neck as they were piercing his neck.'D-dang it! I can't die hear like this... So much for helping the city become better.' He thought under his last breath as the Amazon was squeezing the life out of him. The Amazon laughed proudly as he was looking at his new prey. The look of fear in his eyes and lost of hope. It's always good to see it before he digs in to them. *POW* Just then he was hit by a punch on the side of its face as he let go of his prey and was flung to the right side of the wall. The Bat Amazon grunted as it screacthed at its assaulter who got between him and his prey. Shining to wanted to see who its was but he was loosing consciousness as he much blood came out and he finally passed out. The figure responsible of this was a person in a black suite wearing a red plated armour all around his body as well as marking designed on it. There were two gunglets on his arms with sharp blades as well as Claws on his hands. He wore a belt with a strange face of a reptile with two red glowing visor and two handles. Finally He wore a helmet that resemble a reptile of some sorth with green glass eyes and mouth design on it and a tiny horn. This is Kamen Rider Amazon. He stood there lazily as he looked at the Bat Amazon without fear. He just did a 'bring it on motion' as it ticked the Bat Amazon off and it ran towards him. It flew at him as it had its claws ready but The kamen rider went in blinding speed and got below him delivering a cut on its stomach that made black blood spill. The Amazon fell down in pain as it looked at the scratch."Nice wings. Mind if I take them." The Bat Amazon heard but didn't have time to act as his wings were grabbed from behind and it was kicked forward. *RRRRRIIIIIPPPP* The Bat Amazon screacthed in pain as its wings were torn off from its back as it fell forward in pain. This was to much to handle as it needed to escape right now. He try to crawl away from there as fats as possible but he saw a pair of legs walking beside him and stopping right Infront of him. It looked up to see the rider looking down at him. "So you were all bark and no bite hah? Guess I got my hopes up for nothing." Amazon said as he had a disappointed toon."Butz As I am hear. Time to finish what I came hear for anyway." Before the Bat Amazon could do anything its head was literally smashed by teh rides foot as blood flew around the palace. He squished the chunk more as he wanted to make it sure. After this was done. He went on his leave but stopped as he saw the down officer. He went towards him and saw he was still breathing. He saw the Amazon and was able to survive against it for this long. But he couldn't fully grunty that the Bat Amazon didn't leave something in this officer. As the previous survive victims have suffered from Amazon attacks. "Sorry there boy. But I can't have any other problems in the future so you I better finish this quick. Don't worry I'll make it quick and painless for you then." Amazon said to unconscious officer. He pulled his hand back and ready his claws and gave the final blow. > Super Sentai Story: Lupin X: The Jewel of Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many police officers were on guard as they all were standing infront of a glass container that had a golden decorated egg in it as it was put on a pillow. They had there guns ready as they all were having serious looks. "Be on guard men! Don't let the Thief get this. Today we will catch him no matter what got it!" An officer told he others as they all nodded. A wealthy business man sat on his chair as he had bauld head and a black mustach. He was sweating heavily as he was sitting on his office chair in distress. He has just gotten the news so far and he had just gotten a calling card from the infamous Silver Phantom Thieve, Lupin X and is on panic attack. Like hell his gonna let that damned thief get his treasure. "Are you fully sure that you have everything under control." He asked Shining Armor as he had fear in his voice."Like I told you I don't want that thief wanting to get his hands on my treasure!" "I assure you Mister Cash that we, The police will capture this Phantom Thief and bring him to justice behind bars. He has done this for far enough! I won't let this happen again." Shining Armor declared. "You better! Or else your gonna be going back on ticket duty and I'll make sure your boss knows about this." Cash threatened him. Shining just nodded as he had to deal with people like this all the time. But he has to make decisions like this to stop criminals and bad men who want to ruin the justice system. Suddenly the lights went out there as both got shock. "He's hear!" Shining hissed as he pulled out the radio."Men, Be on guard as the Thief would strike at anytime! Don't let the jewel be taken got it!" =Yes Sir!= The police men shouted on the other line. *THUD* Both of them heard a loud thud from another room. This got Cash go into panic attack."That was from my Vault area! He's there now, You gotta stop him!" Shining and Cash both had dashed towards the other room in a hurry. When suddenly a blur went by them to another path."Lupin X! Stop right there in the name of the law!" Shining Armor demanded as he and Cash chased the thief. Meanwhile the other Police officers were all on guard as they had there Night Vision Goggles on. As they looked around an officer suddenly ran towards the Glass dome that held the Golden Egg. *CRASH* The other got alerted seeing one of there owns action as he grabbed the egg."Hey what the hell are you doing?! You out of your mind or something! Let go of that-" "Wait, It's Lupin X, He's disguised as an officer." The other officer declared. "Stop right there Lupin! You have no where else to go so-" The other was cut off by a smoke bomb going off blinding them all. The officers looked around to see on where the thief went and found that him running out of the room."Don't let him escape with the Jewel!" Meanwhile Shining was giving chase after the other Lupin as Cash fallowed after him. He wasn't gonna give him a chance to escape this time. Lupin then ran into a room as Shining smirked as he finally trapped him. "Got you! Your in the pickle now lupin X." He said proudly as he burst into the room and find the Thief standing in the middle of the room. He wore a white silver Tuxedo outfit with a bow tie on the neck. As with a cape hanging over his shoulders. He wore a white top hat that showed half of his blue hair and a white Mask on his mouth and a bird mask over his blue colour eyes. He didn't say anything as he stood there giving them a look. "Why the hell is he standing there. Why isn't he doing anything?" Cash demanded as he looked at the thief."Oi you! You think you could come hear and steal my treasure hah?! Well think again, as I Dirty Cash have you pinned back towards the wall. So be a good thief and hand over my item! Now!" Cash confidentially told him. The thief continues to just stand there and still isn't doing anything. Meanwhile the other lupin disguised as the cop is still running through the halls as the cops chased after him. He ducked from the gun shots fired at him with ease. Two officers came Infront of him as they blocked his path but he jumped over them and kept running. He soon ran in to a storage room. The officers stop as they all gathered around the storage door. "Lupin is in there! All of you don't let him escape so Jump him then!" The officer ordered. He kicked open the door and saw Lupin standing there."Get him now! Don't let him get any chance!" All officers didn't needed another answer as they all jumped on him and dog piled him as they grabbed him. They were all a mess as they all struggle to get out. That's when one officer knew something."Wait! This body... It's a fake body!" He shouted as they all got back to see it was a fake body with a joker mask over its face. "EMMMM" They heard a muffled grown as they looked to find someone back behind the Boxes. They went to check and we're shocked to see who it was."Chief?!" True to there words it was Shining Armor behind the boxes. As he was tied up and his mouth was taped shut!" EMMMM!" Lupin X looked towards the two as they had him behind the ropes as they thought. "What are you waiting for there Armor! Go get that lousy thief right now!" Cash ordered. "That's just what I'm gonna do right now." He told as he pounded his gun... Right at Dirty Cash taking him by surprise."So you better give up then." "Oi, Oi! What the heck do you think your doing?! I'm not the one your looking for its him. Get your eyes checked there Officer!" Cash said as he got back. "Oh, I think I have the right target thank you very much." 'Shining Armor' said as he then snapped his fingers as smoke covered his whole body. It then soon disappeared to reveal Lupin X standing infront of him with the gun in his hands. The man Infront of him is shell shocked in seeing the thief was hear the whole time with him."Good Evening there Mister Cash. I assume you are glade to see me hear." Lupin X said a the man got back. "Ho-How?! How the hell did you hear! And... And." He asked as he got back in fright. "Nom Nom. A magician can't tell his secret now can he. It be like telling the child his surprise gift." Lupin X told as he put a finger on his face mask here his lips were."But, As a early surprise I'm hear to show you a trick. Like I told you that I'm gonna steal your treasure so I cane hear for that." "Forget it! I'm not gonna let you steal my priceless Egg. That thing is worth Millions and I'm not gonna let some thief in white get it!" "It's silver actually. But I wasn't talking about that treasure." Lupin X told as he pulled out a red card with style V and threw it at Cash. The card cut Cash cheek and suddenly his skin burst open to reveal a monster standing in his place. The monster had red skin body with heavy Armor and jewelry on his claws and arms. His face looked a mix between a reptile and a chameleon with large blue eyes and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. He had a silver safe on his chest with a number lock on it. The Monster looked at his face as his true form was exposed. "My Face! You destroyed my disguise you damned thief. Do you know how hard it was for me to get it!" "If you could see my face mister. You could see that I don't care." He taunted to get the enemy of guard. Which worked as the Kaijin got mad. "That's it! I was gonna let the cops deal with you but now I'm gonna show you not to mess with me you damned thief!" He shouted as he made a fire ball at his hand and threw it at Lupin who jumped out of the way as the fire ball exploded."Then by all means show me." He confidentially said as he doged more incoming fire balls from the kaijin. Lupin jumped on the walls as his shoes glowed and then attached it to the wall. He ran on the wall and avoided more shots from the kaijin. He jumped off the wall and threw a card at him as the card exploded in smoke causing the kaijin to go blind. He looked through the smoke to see an incoming kick as Lupin landed a blow on his face making him fall back. He landed on the ground to see the kaijin getting up as he checked his face of here he was kicked."You! You dare hurt my beautiful face you damn Monster!" "Mister, I believe you need to check the mirror for seeing things. But then again the mirror could break on seeing your face so no can do." This pissed the kaijin off. "That's it! You asked for it you damn Thief!" He yelled as he made a giant fire ball. Lupin saw this and pulled out a gun that looked a bit like a train set on it. The kaijin launched the attack directly at him as it exploded on impact. The officers untied Shining Armor as he got up. Before they could ask him on what happened the house shook making them all stager a bit. "That came from the upper floor! We have to go there now!" Shining Armor ordered. Back at the room there was a huge crater as fire was swelling where Lupin stood. The kaijin laughed at the thiefs fate as he thought he was burned into ashes."Hahahaha, This is what happens when people like you try to stand up to us ganglers. Your all weak to fight against our superiority!" The kaijin continue to laugh at the thief fate when suddenly a vice spoke."You really believe that crap." The kaijin stopped in his laughter as he looked at where the voice came from. The Gangler was taken back as he saw a figure emerge from the fire. The figure wearing was a spandex suit of black and silver, with gold trim and chest armor of similar design. They were wearing a helmet that was mostly black, with silver on the bottom and a gold mouthguard. On the front of it was a large X-shaped visor. "M-Maska. You-Your the lupin ranger! "Oh, Surprised. Well let me fully introduce my self to you." He said as he brought his arm up."The solitairy,sterling phantom thief! Lupin X!" Lupin X declared. He then pointed at him."And I'm hear to steal your treasure Gangler. You caused trouble for everyone far to long enough." He said then pulling out his Gun. Shining Armor ran as fast as he could towards the room. He was pissed as the phantom thief had knocked him out and put him there in he storage room. Then he led the other officers to where he was just to put salt on his injury."That damn Lupin! He thinks he could get away from me this easily. He may have caught me off guard but this time I'm not gonna let him get away with it!" Just then another quick came making them stop. Shining knew it came from that room as he reached there and kicked the door opened."Stop in the name of the law!" He said pointing his gun forward as well as the other officers. The room was covered in thick smoke as nothing could be scene there. Then the smoke slowly cleared to reveal the room was trashed around and burn marks were over the wall. It was like a fight happened hear."All of you. Search the area now. That thief can't have gone far!" The police men quickly went into action as they all search the place for the Phantom Thief. Shining looked closely around the room as his eyes were searching for anything of a clue. His feet meet with something metallic ad he looked down to find a broken safe on the ground."This again?" He said getting down checking it."It's like the last few we found in the past few days." Before he could think further an police man came towards him."Chief! I found something." Shining looked as he was handed a small letter with the bird mask that lupin wore. He opened it to read the letter. "I have gotten what I came hear for. Thanks for making it to easy for me Armor but next time, Try making it a bit hard as I love a good challenge. So Adieu ~ Your lovable Phantom Thief. Lupin X ;)" Shining crumbled the paper in his hands as his face was all red with with fury and his anger was boiling up. It was ready to explode any second. "Damn you. DAMN YOU! LUPIN X!!!!!!!!!" He screamed towards the heavens as the policemen covered there ears. Up on the roof top of the building, There stood lupin X out of his suite as he held an item in his hand. It was a Red colour egg with golden covers on it with a clock in the middle. " Another Lupin Collection peace get." He said as he smiled behind his mask."Just a few more to go and a few more heist to make." =Which would be way more Fun na Flash!= A small jet flew by him which looked like a toy. "Goodie, what are you doing outside of the bag. And what have I said about saying my name out loud when I'm at work!" Lupin or Flash hissed at his partner. =I got bored and you were taking to long to get back. What do you wanted me to do behind.= Goodie whined. "I gave you my phone to play games while I'm busy." =The battery died a while back. Was almost gonna get my high score on it. And besides no one is gonna know who you are out hear. Except the readers.= He muttered the last part. "What?" =What?= Goodie try playing it off. *Sign*"Wonder when you would stop doing this. Why did jean let you come with me." Flash muttered then remembered."Oh right. You almost caused the kitchen to go on fire." = Hey that was only one time!... Today. = He said in embarrassment.=Also I'm your best weapon which the readers know of what I could do. But less talk as the readers want to know more so we cue to preview right now. Author Hit it!= Hey that's my thing. Stop with the fourth wall breaking. Do you know how hard it is to fix it evey time you break it. =Not now Author. Your spoiling the story.= Goodie reminded.Oh right. Your lucky the readers want you.=I'm just that cute= The Lupin Collection pieces that were collected by the famous Arslan Lupin from the old century were put in protection. But the evil beings know as the Ganglers have came and stolen the lupin collection. Now the next generation of Lupin Thief rises to get his ancestors treasure back and stop the Ganglers from taking over this dimension. "Hey what about us!" Pinkie pie told."This is also our show you know. It's not called My Little Pony for nothing." Pinkie?! How did you even get in hear in the preview? "You left the back door open." There isn't a back door hear? "There is one now." Goodie shouted from the back. Why am I not surprised. But Pinkie please keep this a secret as I don't want this to be spoiled. Also this is the human version not the pony version."Okie Doki Loki! It's a Pinkie promise!" She said while going away. I'm gonna get back at goodie for this. But any way enjoy the preview and story. "Hm. Could have done better." Goodie waved off. "Who were you taking to?" "No one important." Goodie waved off. One day, One day I will shut you up."But anyway Bye Bye." He told as the screen went blank. > Sonic The Hedgehog: Journey through the Decade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamen Rider Delta attacked Flash and the other group as the Lion orphnoch Fought against Faiz. Faiz was having difficulty keeping the lion Orphnoch back as he was being pushed back. "Give up Flash and join on our cause. Why can't you see that this is all pointless as humanity can't evolve. The humans can't see the wonders on being immortal." The Lion Orphanoach said trying to get him to see his side as the image of his shadow changed to his father."If you could see this, We could all live happily together in paradise" Faiz grunted as he got back but he didn't give up. He knew the man Infront of him isn't his father."Sorry, But like I told you the other times. I don't give a fuck on your paradise! You think I'll forget what you taught me all those years back. Which made me to who I am today. Fuck no!" The lion Orphanoach looked saddened by his son answer. Just then Kamen Rider knuckles came from behind and delivered a blow sending him crashing through the wall."Sorry for getting late for the party. Got caught up with some... Trouble." Faiz grabbed knuckles arm and got up."No problem. You arrived in the right time what so ever. What about the girls are they ok." He asked in worry. "Don't worry. Roll and Conquering Storm took them to the cafe back and locked the place up. It will give us enough time to deal with all of..This." Knuckles muttered pointed at Front of what's happening. "NOW THAT YOU TO ARE DONE! MIND HELPING ME HEAR!!!!"Flash Yelled as he fired form his Deca-Gun at Delta."Ok you bastard. I had enough of your games and I'm seriously in for beating you up whole!" "Big words for a pink wearing idiot" Delay taunted. "ITS NOT PINK! ITS MAGENTA!" This got on his nerves."And last time I checked. I won from our previous duel and you ran like a child back to his mommy~" Flash taunted this time as he avoided a blast to his head. "You just got lucky you punk!" Delta shouted but was soon hit back as he fell on the ground. A blur came in hitting him in every direction as he was getting quite hard to see in where it is coming from but soon blocked a strike from Kamen Rider Rex as he pushed him back. Rex got between Flash as he held his sword up."Finally desided to drop by, Hah. What took you so long to get hear anyway." "Let juts say I had to kill some perverts back at the park as they all tried to get a bit close to Ellie." Rex simply told. "... Were they Orphnoch?" Flash asked in dread and signed as he nodded."Good, So That out of the way then we're the heck in Sonic and Jaune?! I told them to go scout the area but they haven't even reported back on what happened. Know anything on those two idiots then." "Um...." "Come to us our love!" Three fish type female Orphnoch shouted towards Kuuga who was struggling to hold them back at the pool area. "I told you ladies, I don't want to!" Kuuga shouted as he used his dragon road to flung the other Orphnoch away. He was having such a good time and now he was being chased by mad loving monster girls who wanted a piece of him."I already have eyes on some one else. Well two of them and I don't want to expand it no more!" He fought with the other three Orphnochs as they didn't know the meaning no."How your end of the deal Sonic!" "Don't ask!" Sonic ran from the Panther Orphnoch with full speed as she fallowed him. "Come on my love! We'll be so happy together as out kids would be so beautiful with your looks and talent!" The Panther Orphnoch shouted with hearts in her eyes. "I don't want to you crazy lady monster so get away from me." Sonic shouted back as she desperately try to runaway from her."Once this is over, I'm gonna prank that smart mouth glasses girl so bad that she'll remember it!!" He mentally should as he was ready for getting back at Swi-Twi for this. "There busy right now." Rex told as Flash got what he ment soon."Now that were dealing with this punk, Why don't you Henshin right now while I fight him." "You do the honour man." Flash gave him the signal as Rex went for the fight. *Crash* Just then Faiz and Knuckles were hit back against the side of the wall as the lion Orphnoch had transformed into a literal monster lion and hit them back with his claws. "RRRRRAAAAWWWW!!" The lion roar with anger as it pounced at them. But he hit back by a Burst shot that hit him on the chest making it take back. It looked to see his son counter part standing there with his gun."Sorry old man, But I have to cut this family reunion short as on this is getting nuts." "When have it not been nuts or crazy." Knuckles muttered as he got up."We have been traveling around the multiverse and found crazy things and battle with them." "Point. But anyway I'm in a hurry on saving the multiverse from another evil version of a, Me. I think. He is littlery out there sceeming on his next quest on doing world domination and or destroying the multiverse, which he sounds like he would. So I'll be very helpful if you will kindly start your monologue of evil villan type so we could get this over with." Flash said to the lion Orphnoch making the beast go mad at him. "That's it! Your dead meat even if your my son counter part!" "Say something new school boy." He told as he equipped his Deca Driver on his waist and pulled out his card."Henshin!" =Kamen Rider: Decade= Flash transformed in to decade as he got his sword out."Ore Sanjou!" He declared. The other looked at him for a bit as the riders make an X motion with there arms."No, Not it!" They told making him trip. "That's my best liner you know!" Decade shouted. He doged literal spikes heading his way as the riders take cover. Rex meanwhile fought with delta as he gave him a kick to the face and then the side making delta take back. But he pushed the pain back and grabbed the incoming strike only to be headbutted back and was thrown off by an elbow punch and a kick to the chest. Delta took the chance and grabbed the hand in mid strike and launched a kick to his side arm. He didn't stop as he kept this then judo flipped Rex forward as he feel on some cans. Rex quickly got up and saw delta launching an attack as he blocked them. But Delta smirked behind his helmet as he gave a strike on his leg making rex fall down as Delta went for the blow but was kicked on the face by Rex as he back flip up words. He took out a card from his buckle that had the image of a sword on it. He put it in his arm gauntlet =Sword Vent= A sword came flying out of the mirror as he grabbed it. Delta launched energy bullets at him as Rex strike them all back. He then ran forward as he sliced the bullets away. Delta quickly made his gun into a sword and blocked the strike as both glared at one another. "Your, Pretty good actually. For a goody two shoes. Dark Decade wasn't exaggerating on yours and the others skills. You clearly are a threat to our palns. " Delta complemented "Thanks, But I don't need to know that from you of all people. If you are one that is. And what is Dark Decade wanting from you. He clearly has the power of this world dark riders, So why is he after now a d sticking hear." Rex said back as he was pushing him back. "Hah, Can't tell you on why and what our plan is. That will take all the fun away From the surprise. But While I do like this duel. Don't you have some other problems to deal with so. Like helping your comrades in battle." "They got this." Rex stated as an explosion happened way back as a scream was heard. "We Don't got This!" Knuckles shouted from the battle. "Like I said. They got this." Rex told.. "I wasn't talking about them." Delta said making rex feel dread a bit. "What did you do?!" He demanded "I thought that we were done with these creeps!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she and the other girls were trying there best to get the Orphnoch away from them. Key word 'Try' as they were escaping from the Orphnoch in an abaddon factory. "I thought that aswell! Swi-Twi use your spell on these guys aswell to get them off our backs!" Sunny Flare said as she used the Faiz blaster and shoot some back as they felt pain. Kivala was slashing the other Orphnoch back as she delt with the others. Roll meanwhile used her clones on confusing the enemy as it only worked for some but the others weren't fool to fall for it. She threw some throwing stars to blind them. "Um... I don't think it will work on them." Swi-Twi muttered as she was behind Miss Aphrodite Who was keeping her and the other protected till the others arrive. "Whys that, It worked on the ones who were back at school chasing us. Why not them?" Indigo asked with a raised brow. "...." Swi-Twi was quite for a while at to how to answer to this. "Why am I not gonna like the answer your gonna give us." Tangle said as she and Whisper were throwing anything the Orphnoch who were coming towards them, She used her tail to give a punch to one orphnoch as she swing around. The wisps were helping Whisper as they took turn in loading into her gun. CUBE Her gun declared as she fired blue blocks on to one of the Orphnoch trapping him in as it then shrunk down to size and soon exploding into pieces. SPIKE "Me?" Spike said poking his head out from Swi-Twi purse. "No." She told as she fired green spikes at the other Orphnochs."Come on Swi-Twi. What spell did you use on the others that caused them to go away! Just do the same to these guys!" Pinkie should as she threw more sweets but was running out of them. "I can't! The one I used behind was a love spell I used on the female Orphnoch and made them go after the boys. So we could get a chance to escape" Swi-Twi declared causing the girls to take back. "WHAT?!" The other shouted. "When did you learn that from. We never thought you that." Sunset asked her friend. "I leaned it from the book you had on spells. I was in a hurry and couldn't think of a solution or anything, so I went with that spell get them off our backs... But, on the bright side. It worked right." She sheepishly said as she try to avoid the glares given to her by Roll, Tangle, Whisper, Kivala, Sunny Flare and Miss Aphrodite."I was in a hurry ok!" "If those bitches even try to lay a hand on Jaune then there going back on here they were born!" Tangle shouted as she took out her Sengoku Driver and placed it on her waist and took out a Strawberry lock seed. =ICHIGO= "Henshin!" She shouted putting the lock seed the buckle. =LOCK ON= =SOIYA= =ICHIGO ARMS! KAGE NO NINJA GA KIKOERU~= The strawberry dropped on her making her armour appear as she became Kamen Rider Tsurai. She held up her kunais as she glared at them."I'm bringing the pain, A thousand time more! " She said and ran forward. "Welp, shes gone mad." Lemon Zest said seeing Tsurai fight with the other Orphnochs as she kicked some away with force and phnved one to the ground."Can't say we blame her thought." "When this is over. Were gonna have a long talk about using love potion on others missy." Aphrodite strictly told Swi Twi as she coward back."There are things I hate. And that includes making someone fall for another with magic and force." "Welp, Your domed on this and I won't feel simpaty for you on that." Sunny Flare said making Swi Twi look at her betrayed."Don't give me that look! You know what you did!" Tsurai was busy fighting with the Orphnoch as she threw more kunais at them. She had to end this quickly so she ran around them trying to stagger them all back into one place. But just then she was blasted back by a full force and fell on some crates. "Tangle!" Her friends said in worry. Soon they heard steeps coming in as another figure came in to view as the Shadowbolts and Rainbooms were now in dread as Kamen Rider psyga came into. "Oh shoot. Anyone but this guy!" Sunny Flare said as she saw the crazy dark rider. "Well, Well, Well. I heard there was a party going on over hear and I will find some entertaining guest to have some fun with." He said sinisterly as he looked at them. The mobians could feel the killer aura he was emitting as they got back."Hah. Did knew there were other Kamen Riders who don't use the Rider system to Henshin. But thats what makes it more... Interesting. So which one of you lovely ladies what to do the owner of helping me with my boredom. You all seem strong." Kivala looked at him as she knew his level of craziness and the will to kill. She can't let the others fight him."Roll. Get back and let me handle this." Kivala told roll who looked at her in worry but nodded soon. Kivala then went infront of him as she had her blade ready. Psyga lord at her with glee like a new play toy has come to play.'This mass of power is big and strong. I gave to be on guard if I want to defeat this thing.' She braced her self as Psyga gave a come on motion. Things are getting heat up for the worse. > Kamen Rider story: Equestrian Girls: A New Legend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a nice weather in Canterlot City today as the people minding there own Business and were doing there daily routines. Nothing ever happens in this town as many just live there lives to the fullest or what. The people are going on there phone and talking with there friends, No one was paing attention to anyother.. *POP* A popping sound was heard as a man holding some supplies suddenly drops them down and fell on the street. The people around looked to find him unconscious or such. When one went to check on him, As he try to find his pulse he found it not working. The man is dead. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Someone screamed as they looked at the scene. "What happened to him?!" "I don't know! He just fell down dead!" "What going on?!" The people began to panic around in fear and dread on this. A figure standing on a the Highway building was laughing at the display. The figure reveal to be the Bee Gurongi as it had an Armor plaything on its shoulder and Lincoln Clothes. It was laughing at the display of the fear the people were bringing as it just looked his target. He then swiped a bead on his bracelet as it just got another kill. "7 down, Only 49 more to go." He spoke in a unknown language."Time for the next target." "Stop Right there!" He turned and dogged a kick in coming as he looked to find a boy with orange yellow skin blue hair. He wore a hoodie with a lightning Shield emblem and another symbol on his shoulder as right chest."Your killing spree ends hear now." Flash suddenly spoke in the kaijin language. "Huh, So your the New Kuuga then." The Bee Gurongi spoke."Hope your as tuff as the last Kuuga was. Let's see if Riku succour is as strong as the others told." Flash suddenly brought his hands on his waist as a silver buckle with a Red Gem in it appears on his waist. He suddenly did a hand motion as he had a serious determined look on his face."Henshin!" He shouted then tapping both the side of the buckle as a pulse noise came out. Soon Armor start to form on his body, Taking him whole and completing the Transformation. Standing in Flash place was the worrier of smiles. Kamen Rider Kuuga."I won't let you take away more smiles!" He declared as The Bee kaijin suddenly came in launching a quick strike but Kuuga quickly dogged it as a crater was made there. Kuuga ran and delivered a side kick go the face but the kaijin blocked it. But was kicked by the other foot by surprise. Kuuga didn't stop as he jumped behind him and elbow him in the side but it didn't little effort as the Gurongi grabbed his hand and delivered a strike on his face, But Kuuga belocked it and hit with quick jabs on the side and Chest. But the pain wasn't much to him as he grabbed his hand and flung him back making him hit right into the wall of the roof area as it fell on him. Kuuga got back up as he glared at the Gurongi."I'm not gonna let you get away this time!" He ran towards him as the Gurongi suddenly flew up avoiding the strike. Kuuga looked up to see the Gurongi waving at him in mocking manner."Catch me if you can. Kuuga." Kuuga won't let him get away this time."Chou-Henshin!" His armor colour changed blue as he entered Dragon form. He jumped high in the air as he was chasing after the Gurongi. He was in hot pursuit of him. Meanwhile, A police car drove through the streets in quick motion as he didn't stop. The driver in question reveals to be Shining Armor as he had just gotten report of the Unidentified lifeform being spotted. He quickly contacted Flash to find that he's already on his way there. He looks up from the car window to see two blur going from above as one flew and the other jumped after. "This is Detective Shining Armor hear, I spotted the Unidentified Lifeform No 6 and no 4. I repeat I spotted the Unidentified Lifeform No 6 and no 4. They are heading into the the Discord Theme park area. All units near there quickly clear out the park. Now!" Shining ordered from the radio as. He drove fast as he still kept his eyes on the road."Dang it. Come on kid, Don't go blacked out again now." He muttered in fear. His phone suddenly ringed as he checked to find it's his sister calling."Twilight! I'm a bit busy right now." =Just hold on there Shining. I searched with micro and found something about Flash green form.= "What does it mean then. Flash needs help in taking that asshole down!" = I can tell mister Armor. When I decoded the writing. It told that the worrier will strike from far with his sight. When I couldn't understand what it ment. Soon it came up to me that it may have ment a gun.= "Gun?" =Yes, Since the worrier will strike from far. Meaning he needs a gun to use in that from.= Shining understood that then."Got it! I handle the rest of." He quickly ended the call as he speed forward. At Discord Theme park, The police already evacuated the civilians from the park as they were ready for the unidentified Lifeform. They had there guns ready as they waited to see where the thing was coming from. "There it is! On 6 o'clock!" An officer yelled."No 4 is also behind it. We gotta clear from hear!" They all quickly went in to safe hiding places as they were away from the Gurongi eyes. The Bee Gurongi flew towards the park to find that it's empty making it growl out. They were running the game he was so working hard to win."HAH!" He looks to see Kuuga jumped behind him and hits him right in the back. Kuuga grabbed his wings making the Gurongi panic as he fell down to the ground. They both soon crashed in the park area as they got up from the pain. Kuuga got up but was hit in the face as he fell back. He looked to see the Gurongi coming for a strike but he used the ground and double kicked it in the face as it had much force in it. The Gurongi flew back and crashed into one of the stalls."GAHHHHHH!!" It yelled out in anger as it got up. Kuuga was still in position as he glared at him."Dang it. My attacks aren't working on it. He fly away each time I try to go for my final strike. The only way to kill him is to use the green from, But.." He mentally thought. He got out of that thought as he was flung back as the Gurongi flew and rammed him into another stand. The Gurongi got up and grabbed his leg and flung him around. Kuuga hit the ground again as he gritted his teeth and grunted a bit. This suite takes quite damage but he gotta get free. He suddenly spotted a broken stick and grabbed it. The Stick turned into a metal blue rod and when he was pulled back he turned and strike the Gurongi right in the left eye as it let go and screech in pain. Kuuga back flipped and got into a stance as he ran and strike the fallen enemy. He delivers many strikes as he got was damaging him a bit. This was all he needed to end this. *Pow* "GAH!" He was suddenly hit on the face by a blur and was flung back hitting the stalls."What the?!" He looked to see the new arrival to find another Gurongi there standing. It was a chemelion type Gurongi as he had his arms crossed."Shit, Another one hear?" "Sorry Kuuga, But I can't let you interfere with this game right now." The Chemelion Gurongi stated as he looked at the Fallen player."Go and get your game changed. I take care of Kuuga for you." The Bee Gurongi didn't need his help but he couldn't argue. So he flew up and went away..not. Before glaring at Kuuga one last time before flying away. Kuuga glared at the new Gurongi as the Gurongi simply chuckled at him. "Show me your power. Kuuga." > Future Story: The Hunter Amongst Wizards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone, Defeated was all he could think of right now. The Monster, The Hero Hunter. Know as Garou had all long thought of after defeating the S-Class Heroes and The Demon king of Monsters. He had achieved his final gift in becoming a true monster. His dream had become real as he became the true evil. He thought of no one stopping him no more. Oh how wrong he fell. He had one obstacle standing Infront of him that he never could have passed. The Cape baldy. No matter how much he had taken up in defeating the dam guy. He just wouldn't go down. All the attacks he send, All the moves he gave out. All of them didn't do much but to just make him tickle. And lastly. All it took was the final blow to just end him. One punch was all it took. Now with all but nothing left. He was again in the hands of death and was now in beginning to just accept it. All now left behind was the complete darkness covering him. Maybe if he was thinking, He would have thought he didn't have any regrets in life no more. So he just accepted the defeat and let fate deside what was becoming of him now. "Ugh...." Slowly eyes began to open up as light was shined apone him. Making him covered his eyes. Was this the after life? He slowly got up as he looked to see he was on a bed. 'Hah?' He looks around to see the surroundings to find that he was in a room. And it wasn't even his. Not that he even needs one. He lived out side for to long and in the woods that he didn't like the luxury of sleeping in.'What the hell, What am I doing hear and why?' He thought that he was dead. Or is dead. But looks like some one had found him and brought him back from the dead. But, The question is who did it. And how since he can remember that his own Body was turned to dust at the ending point.'What the hell is this shit. How am I hear in this room of all places and How did I even go from hear and is this hell making an image I don't want to see?' "Flash! Time to get up sport. It's almost time for school!" He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a voice coming from downstairs he could guess. It belonged to a female. He thought that she may be the one to brought him hear. So she may be calling her son down stairs. So he shouldn't answer then as to just pass the time off."Come on lazy brain get up!" Damn must be a heavy sleeper then if he's to much of not talking back."Not my problem. I just get out of hear then." He muttered and saw the window. He we towards leaving out of hear But as he passed the mirror he suddenly stopped in his tracks when his eyes landed on something. He took steps back and looked at the mirror again and what he saw shocked him more when he became the monster. Standing Infront of the mirror was a teenage boy with yellow skin and had spiky blue hair that he found weird when he haven't scene the colour like these hair other then black, yellow and Red. The eyes were like ruby blue that were clear then night sky. He wore a simple shirt with a shield logo on it with lighting bolt aswell and blue pants. That, That boy stood Infront of him with the same look of shock and horror expression. Was he impersonating him or was he just as shocked as him. Garou slowly raised his hand as the reflection did so aswell and touched his face. Slowly he could feel his skin, The same one he had when he was human. He looked at his hands and saw the colour was the same as the rest."This, This can't be happening. Am I losing it!" He muttered with dread as he looked on. The door of the room swung open as a women came in. She had white skin and violet long hair with the same eyes as the boys."Come on Flash. How long would you be looking at your self in the mirror. Your school will start in a hour." She told him. "........ Eh." He could only mutter out one word. This is the new life of the Hero Hunter. The ultimate Monster, As a highschool kid who has no magic and is in a world of the unknown. > The Devil's Daughter is my Roommate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My Name is Flash Sentry. I live a normal life in a Town of Springdale." Flash was scene walking through the streets of the city as he was helping out a old women with groceries. Later he was helping a man with his bike by taking it to the repair shop with him. Then he was scene jogging as the morning sun was coming out. "Yup, Everything around hear is normal and peaceful." He stopped Infront of the edge of a field as he stretched a bit while seeing the sun rise with a smile. Nothing can ruin this day for him. "But I spoke to soon." "I'm the daughter of Lucifer. And now I'm in your care!" Charlie cheerfully said as she took a bow Infront of Flash. "...H-Hah? EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Taken After The Testament of Sister New Devil & The Demon Is A Part Timer "So This is the Human world! This Place is a whole lot different from what I heard." Charlie said as she looked around Flash room and was checking his supplies. She and Flash were then outside as Charlie was looking at the people and there skin colour."Say, Are people this colourful or is it a New way of living." Flash tried to keep her in check as she looked around the mall. He was desperately telling her to let go of the giant Doll as she squeezed it tight. Charlie then tried out the food around the place as she was glittering with excitement."This is so Good!!! How do people make such delicious food!" The Daughter of the Devil in the Human world. "Say, Why are you in the Human world if your from the Underworld?" Flash asked. Flash brushed his teeth while looking at the mirror while Charlie dried her hair behind him as she was using hell flame. He and her were eating breakfast as Flash mom and Dad were talking with her like it was normal. "I have an urgent mission that I've taken up." Charlie explained as she walks with him through the streets. Both were then looking up at the shimmering buildings."I want to understand the Human behaviour and Culture. How they work, Sleep and Operate in there Daily life." They sat at the bench as Charlie eats her ice-cream. "In hell, My People are in total chaos because of the Extermination Day." The Demons in Hell were running as the Exorcist were throwing spears at them. The other exorcist brutally killed the imps as some destroyed the buildings around."I want my people to get a chance in life. To actually feel free for once. I want to give them redemption! But to do that I need to understand the Human Nature." She explained as she looks back at Flash with a determination gaze."So please help me!" Risking to save Her people from Extinction Flash and Charlie soon ran through the streets as they were being chased by dogs. "Well, To understand the human life. You first gonna have to understand how we think. And to do that we have to go back to the beginning." Flash showed Charlie a young baby as they see the baby through the Glass. They were then scene going to a festival as Charlie dragged him over to the stands. "You have to live through how we do." Flash was scene fighting with another kid who had white long spiky hair and also had green eyes as he was fist fighting with Flash."Come on Sentry. I thought you were better then this or are you weak like last time." He let out a cocky smirk. "I don't believe you children should be out this time." A police man told as he had brown skin. He was then scene speeding in his bike with Flash behind him."Just hang on! It's about to get a bit high!" A man with orange skin and balled cut was wearing a Judo outfit as through a another man over him as he had an aura of strength around him. "You are Infront of a warrior. So do not show any fear or you'll be cut." A girl with her hair in a pony tail said as she held a kendo stick."I won't show mercy to my enemy nor the enemy should do to me." She said with a sharp gaze. A contract was slid Infront of the desk by a man wearing a slick suite and had his hair in a neat style while wearing glasses."So, Shall we begin our contract deal now. Mister Iegava-san." His toon was carrying well authority as he pushed his glasses up. Will She Be able to Succeed Or Fall. "Living a Human life isn't gonna be easy." A young Charlie looked up at the sky with sadness as the present Charlie looked at the stars with mixture of suprise and shock. Flash and Charlie soon were sleeping on the ground together as they were in there bliss as the night sky shined on them.. Flash in kendo class was sparing with his opponent who pushed him back with force but he dogged. Scene suddenly changed to him fighting with an Imp who pinned him back against the wall as he had a gun in his hand. Then it changed to him and Charlie being in a library as she was struggling for something. "But, It's not gonna stop me!" Charlie was scene singing Infront of an audience as many were hearing her sing. It then changed to her seeing the red sky through the window of her house with a sad look. It then changed to Charlie and Flash both on the motorcycle as they rode through the streets as Charlie looked around with amazement. Then it changed to a giant lake creature roaring out of the lake as it glared at Charlie. "Cause I want my dream to come true!" Will She bring the Redemption that is needed She was soon singing Infront of the crowd with a guitar in her hand as she let out her heart desired song. Scene changed to her dancing with Flash in the Ball. Then changed to him giving her a thumbs up with a smile as she keeps on her song. "To be a Human. You gotta struggle through aswell." With a yell Flash ran Infront of the Imp as he held his fist back and let out a cry. It then changed to Charlie looking at the spring festival lights with a bewilder look. Flash stood over a grave as there was rain falling over him as it was mixing with his tears aswell as he looked down. "That's what being one is ment! To Survive, Adapt and Live on!" Final scene showed Charlie reaching towards the stars which shined bright as her hand went towards them. The Devil's Daughter is my Roommate