Rain Shine's Silent Heart

by LucidTech

First published

At a diplomatic meeting Rain Shine, leader of the Kirin, catches the eye of Zecora. But something about Rain Shine seems... off.

Rain Shine has a problem. Well, Autumn Blaze says it's a problem. But really, how can Rain Shine risk going full Nirik at the first political meet up in the kirin's history?

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, for Rain Shine, Autumn Blaze isn't the only one who doesn't agree with her preparations.

An Entry for the 2023 May Pairings Contest

A Mute Astute Meet Cute

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The Great Hall of Canterlot was full of voices for the first time in living memory. That is to say, living memory for the more mortal among the races. Indeed, though it had been ages and ages prior, there were still some among those gathered who had been alive for the last such event, and there were even some who had been present for it.

In fact, it had been the nigh immortal Celestia who had done most of the organizing those thousand years ago. As such the aeon of division between them all was obvious in hindsight, following the lunar banishment and withdrawal of Celestia from the public eye the races had started to drift apart. This wedge driving them apart was not one of anger or spite, instead it was a slow apathetic process that eroded relations like water running down stone. This was not too surprising, the bonds between the races that stretched over the vast metaphorical gap of cultural differences were like a bridge and, like a bridge, needed steady careful maintenance to remain standing.

However, a new bridge of friendship had been built by the Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, reaching hooves of genuine aid to all they saw. As a result the hall was now filled with more than it ever could’ve claimed in its run of meetings one thousand years ago. All manner of creatures who lived within the borders of Equestria and many who lived without had come, gathered amongst each other. The milling crowd was not unlike some work of abstract art as beings of all different shapes and shades had sent ambassadors, delegations, leaders, assistants, politicians, and more. Each one eager to represent their community in the largest political meeting to have ever occurred. Eager, indeed, to meet the other varied communities that filled the world beyond their borders.

Celestia, representing the united three races of ponies, stood nearer the focal point of the room as was allowed for those representing the hosting community. Slightly out of place was her sister Luna, who the thestrals had chosen as their representative despite her not being one of the secretive bat ponies herself. All around the room, similar leaders of import could be spotted. Ember, representing the dragons. Thorax, the changelings. Queen Nova of the hippogriffs had even made the trip.

The room was practically pulsating with the presence of these titans, these figures of myth who had saved countries, built empires, carved the world to their wills, beings who had put the forces of nature to shame, some who had even conquered death! It was among these god-like entities that Rain Shine stood, representing her comparatively insignificant community of Kirin. Her assistant, the far more outgoing Autumn Blaze, fidgeted with anxiety and excitement. The younger kirin striking a stark contrast to Rain Shine herself who remained stoic, unmoving, silent. She had taken precautions to be sure of that.

Rain Shine had no demands to make nor deals to broker and thus had opted to use this occasion to learn about the other races, allowing her gaze to drift freely across the various mingling representatives: The loud discussion between the Yak and the Buffalo; the ornate eye-catching diorama belonging to the Breezie delegation, hoping not to be forgotten because of their size; The griffons who had managed to sequester themselves into a lonely corner of the room, making some wonder why they had even bothered to come in the first place.

“Such strange creatures joined in this hall,
Intimidating forces to us so small.”

Were it not for the aforementioned precautions that Rain Shine had taken before coming to this summit, the sudden voice at her flank likely would’ve caused a jolt, a flinch, a sign of weakness. As it stood, however, she merely turned a slow, solemn gaze to the speaker. There she found a zebra, Rain Shine could not quite remember her name but her briefing with Autumn Blaze had informed her that the zebra ambassador was one of the few zebras to call Equestria her home and thus, when an ambassador was to be selected, had been an obvious choice for the position. Luckily, the name would be swiftly provided.

“Oh Zecora!” Autumn Blaze all but burst with excitement as she finally found an outlet for her energy. “It’s so nice to see a familiar face! How are the Apple family doing?”

Zercora’s gaze lingered for an extended moment on Rain Shine, as if looking for something. After a moment she turned her head, then her eyes, to Autumn Blaze. Offering a smile in recognition.

“The apple family is shining bright,
Seeds long sown are now all right,
Applebloom visits to learn some brews,
But the coming harvest is bigger news.
Their family is healthy; the trees on time,
But the crops must drop before the rime.”

“I’m happy to hear it!” Autumn Blaze said without missing a beat, though it took Rain Shine a breath of time to fully understand Zecora’s rhyming speech. “I haven’t seen Applejack in AGES. I need to catch up with her! Letters are fine and all but sometimes you just gotta go and actually talk face to face, you know?”

Zecora nodded affirmatively before turning her eyes to lock once more onto Rain Shine’s listless gaze.

“I know indeed this emotion you feel,
To talk with them and know they’re real,
Which brings me now to why I came,
Though I admit it's not quite the same.
I spotted this kirin, a leader no doubt,
And could not help but wonder what she was about.”

Rain Shine felt, distantly, that she might find the rhyming endearing or even romantic in other circumstances. Zecora, for her part, only offered a kind smile while trying to read the expression on the impassive kirin.

Autumn Blaze quickly stepped into the silent lull while the two representatives tried to read each other’s faces. Luckily, she had not even come close to running out of enthusiasm and energy. “Oh Rain Shine is great! She’s very subdued and uh…” Autumn Blaze searched for helpful words. “Anchory!” She said, failing to find any. “That’s why she’s such a good leader, she makes sure we don’t get carried away with any crazy ideas.”

Zecora looked once more in Rain Shine’s eyes, seemingly unconvinced.

“If that’s so I commend her resolve,
For even a rock might break and dissolve,
In the tides of a crowd that tosses and roils,
An unflinching leader that impassively toils,
Yet in the face of these faces she’s impossibly sure,
Such that none but a liar could deny her allure.”

The last line caused mild surprise from Autumn Blaze and once again Rain Shine felt that distant stirring that didn’t quite reach her heart, again also she looked back with the selfsame placid unshaken gaze.

When Zecora frowned, apparently not receiving the reaction she was hoping for, Autumn Blaze offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry Zecora, she’s like a mountain, this one.” As if to demonstrate she gave an extremely unconvincing laugh as she rested a hoof on one of Rain Shine’s legs. A silence stretched after her words.

“But uh,” Autumn said, quickly taking her hoof away as Rain Shine gave her a look. “Did you wanna talk about anything more official? I’d be happy to do some of those politics that I keep hearing about.” The sentence was punctuated by a hesitant smile.

“I did have a matter that I wanted to ask,
A personal one, without need for a mask.
I heard tell from dear Fluttershy, who talks of your home,
That the plants there won’t grow in my dirt or my loam.
I wanted to visit, as a friend among friends,
And see what your flora might helpfully lend.
Not as ambassador, I stress now once more,
As a zebra, just zebra, to seek your plant’s lore.”

Autumn Blaze gasped excitedly. “Oh we’d love to have you over Zecora!” The young kirin said, all but jumping with joy. “I could talk to our herbalist and then they could help you with the local plants and then you could tell us about the plants where you’re from or maybe help us with some new brews with what we already have. Oh it would be so great! It’d be one of those um…” Autumn paused her stream of consciousness to dig for the word she’d heard in the briefing. “Oh yeah! A cultural exchange!”

Zecora nodded once, smiling as well.

“I am happy to hear it, I’ll give you a shout
To arrange for my visit, by mail don’t doubt.”

Zecora nodded, this time with finality, and threw a distinct glance one last time to Rain Shine before letting her hooves carry her off into the buzzing room.

“Bye Zecora! I’ll keep an eye out for your letter!” Autumn practically shouted after the departing zebra. “Ooooh, this is so exciting! This is way more than I thought we’d accomplish from our first diplomatic meeting!”

Rain Shine nodded once in assent before looking after Zecora and felt once more that distant tugging in her chest. Later, after some tea, she would worry and fret about the oncoming visit. But later there would also be plenty of time to come to terms with it. She was grateful, once again, for her foresight regarding this meeting. Who knows how she might’ve acted if she hadn’t taken the steps she had to remove any chance for some truly terrible possible outcomes.

Yet, as Rain Shine looked to Autumn Blaze she didn’t see happiness. Instead the young kirin was biting her lip in what Rain Shine could only assume was worry.

A Devotion Notion and Emotion Potion

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The room that had been granted to the Kirin for the duration of their stay was more spacious, luxurious, and beautiful than any building back at their home town. This hardly came as much of a surprise given that their houses were in the middle of a remote forest, whereas this room was within the walls of Canterlot Castle. Yet, despite this grandeur that surrounded them, Rain Shine felt no sense of wonder or awe as she looked around, her eyes wandering the strange environment of pristine sculpted stone like it was no more than plain rock. This detached gaze lingered on the beautiful decor until a movement drew her eye to Autumn Blaze.

The younger kirin had a cup of tea held carefully aloft in a faint telekinetic field as she exited the small kitchen, making her way to the central table of the living room, where Rain Shine sat. After a few more hesitant steps she delicately slid the tea cup in front of Rain Shine herself. The leader of the kirin spared Autumn Blaze a quick glance before she looked toward the tea, spotting the evidence of foal’s breath that swirled beneath the surface of the liquid. Face unreadable, she looked back to Autumn Blaze once again.

“Time for some foal’s breath tea!” Autumn Blaze said happily, nudging the tea slightly closer to Rain Shine with a hoof.

After a breath, Rain Shine nudged the tea away.

“Come ooooon.” Autumn Blaze sing-songed, “There’s really no reason to put if off as long as you said. We’re going home tomorrow, the politics are done.” She slid the tea cup back in front of Rain Shine.

Rain Shine looked directly into Autumn Blaze’s eyes, pointedly brought a hoof up to the tea cup, and nudged it away again. The simple motion caused something to snap inside the happy-go-lucky younger kirin.

“Yes I know you said you would take it on the train ride home!” Autumn Blaze exploded into desperation as if the words had burst a dam. Though Rain Shine hadn’t spoken, that didn’t stop Autumn Blaze from filling in Rain Shine’s words in a dialogue in her own head. “I want to talk to you! It’s been so weird having you like this! Again!” The usually upbeat tone was long gone from the young kirin’s voice, and the tone that had replaced it would drive a spike into any creature’s heart. Yet, Rain Shine looked back, eyes empty. Seeing the familiar distance in the look, Autumn Blaze’s voice grew tight and fraying. “Please… I don’t… I don’t know what to say to you right now to convince you. I know you don’t- won’t- can’t understand me when you’re like this. Not really understand me. You couldn’t last time either. Just drink it. Please.” Autumn Blaze punctuated the plea by pushing the tea cup slightly further towards Rain Shine once again.

With the air tense in anticipation Rain Shine looked once more to the tea. Slowly, she raised a single hoof to the drink and then, just as slowly, slid the teacup to the side of the table opposite herself. Glancing back to Autumn Blaze she saw the young kirin’s eyes rimmed with tears. Silently, Rain Shine stood from the table and moved to a seat by the room’s main window, letting the brilliant view of Canterlot at dusk take her thoughts away from her diplomatic assistant.

Autumn Blaze stood perfectly still by the table for several long moments before sniffling loudly and blinking the tears from her eyes, though they came back quickly as if to spite her. She made a quick pace to the door and gave one more glance to Rain Shine, which went unmet.

“I’ll be back later.” She announced loudly, the statement punctuated by the closing of the door in the wake of her exit.

Rain Shine didn’t take her eyes from the view, seemingly unperturbed by the exit of her assistant. However, even as dusk was shepherded out to make way for Luna’s night, Rain Shine made no move to ready herself for bed. She knew that as long as Autumn Blaze was unaccounted for a distant and pernicious part of herself would prevent any attempt at truly falling asleep.

Eventually Rain Shine’s eyes drifted away from the window and toward the only other thing breaking up the pattern of the room, the tea cup. Autumn Blaze had brought it all the way from the Kirin homeland, carefully wrapping it with her own hooves. Rain Shine had said there wouldn’t be much point, it wasn’t as if Canterlot wouldn’t have tea cups of their own but Autumn Blaze had insisted and now, in the terrible silence of her absence, the humble tea cup held the distant gaze of Rain Shine like a black hole held light.

She wasn’t sure how long had passed before the clicking of the door broke the silence. The noise sounding for all the world like thunder in the silence. It ripped Rain Shine’s gaze away from the tea cup to the source of the disturbance as Autumn Blaze reentered the room, eyes red in the obvious wake of a crying fit that had happened in the time she’d been gone.

She was not alone however, a mysterious figure in a simple heavy cloak followed behind. The figure closed the door behind them before shaking back the hood to reveal the tell tale black and white mohawk of Zecora.

Zecora and Autumn Blaze shared a look that seemed to hold a conversation that Rain Shine wasn’t privy to, after which the kirin retreated into the kitchen and disappeared behind the door. Zecora moved towards the window that Rain Shine had seated herself at and sat in the chair that, technically, had been designated as Autumn Blaze’s.

They sat in a heavy silence. Rain Shine’s eyes stayed locked on Zecora but found no matching stare as Zecora’s eyes instead looked around the room. Seeing it in a way that Rain Shine couldn’t, and displaying on her face all the emotions that Rain Shine might’ve felt had she been able to. Eventually the zebra spotted the tea cup on the main table and stared at it for many long moments.

“You’ve been a silly leader, I’m sure you must know,
Blocking out emotions for fear they might show
As if a spot of anger would make you undone.
Or an ounce of real feeling would cause us to shun.”

Rain Shine’s eyes locked more attentively onto Zecora’s but did not betray any emotion. Zecora gave a half-hearted smile and stood to retrieve the tea cup that had been abandoned on the lonely table.

“Autumn Blaze has told me of the secrets that you kept,
And every word she gave me, she gave as she wept.
She worries for you dearly as she worries for no other
She views you as a caretaker, and even as a mother.”

Zecora returned with the tea, carrying it easily in her hooves, and then set it onto the windowsill. Where both of them stared at the slowly spinning contents.

“I think you’ll find that things up here were never quite so dire,
And none of us could judge you if you did go up in fire.
We’re all flawed and trying as you will clearly see.
So for the sake of all of us, why not try some tea?”

Rain Shine eyed the cup again, and felt that same tugging at her heart she’d been feeling on and off throughout the past couple days. Then realized she’d been feeling it constantly ever since her confrontation with Autumn Blaze. It pulled, straining, feeling like it was going to snap.

Reaching out, Rain Shine took the tea cup in frighteningly steady hooves. She looked at the contents once again, blinked once before carefully sipping it. The tea, cold from its abandonment some hours ago, was less like a nice herbal drink and more like a medical draught. Immediately she felt the strain on her heart begin to ebb in response. She looked up to Zecora and noticed that she was having trouble seeing the zebra because of how cloudy her eyes were from the tears she hadn’t realized she’d needed to cry.

“You’re truly as wise as Autumn Blaze says you are.” Rain Shine managed to croak, her voice out of sorts after so much silence. She hated herself instantly, cringing internally at the idea that she was interacting with another representative like this.

Zecora offered a smile in response.

“It is easiest to seem so wise in the light of dawn,
I only saw the path I’d cantered and told you how I’d gone,
For long ago I left my tribe, to a place they said,
That both the ponies and the forest there would rather I was dead.
It was not a simple journey, the ponies thought me strange,
But despite a rocky welcome, they didn’t make me change.
And now I know them happily, I’m welcomed in their homes,
And the librarian who lives there will gladly trade me tomes.”

Rain Shine sat silently in thought, looking into Zecora’s eyes. She’d gotten better at parsing the rhyming words and now was simply putting in the work to really understand, on an emotional level, what had been said. It gave her time as the effects of the foal’s breath tea took hold. Eventually, she spoke up. “Were you flirting with me at the meeting?”

Zecora, caught extremely off guard by the sudden drastic change of topic, blushed lightly and was momentarily struck silent as she tried to put together a beautiful rhyming sequence. She, both unfortunately and fortunately, didn’t have time as at that moment Autumn Blaze emerged from the kitchen.

The younger kirin was still sulking as she left the kitchen. This mood didn’t last long, however, for she soon turned her gaze to Rain Shine and saw the mostly empty tea cup in her hooves. Understanding immediately what it meant and being far too happy for words, she closed the distance so fast that Rain Shine barely found time to finish the tea before the impact as she was wrapped in a hug. “Sorry that I worried you Autumn.” Rain Shine said. The sound of her voice making Autumn Blaze’s smile widen.

As Zecora stood from the chair, recognizing that this was not her moment, both kirin’s gazes flicked to her.

“Thank you so much Zecora.” Autumn Blaze said, unwilling to let go of the hug she had started.

“Yes, thank you Zecora.” Rain Shine echoed. “I look forward to your visit to our homeland. There is still much we need to talk about.”

Zecora gave a curt nod to both of them, smiled, and pulled her hood back up before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Muddled Befuddled Kinda Cuddles

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The forest of the Peaks of Peril was humming with life, the ambience that lived within it like a creature all its own going about its day as it had for centuries. This was somewhat interesting because there was a small difference in its composition, a new creature had come to the forest and likely should've caused some mild disturbance to the everyday patterns of the various animals that called this place home. However, this particular visitor was well practiced in the art of moving without a trace. Indeed, she had to be, given the forest she was used to living in. One that, rather more literally, was a creature all its own.

Zecora opened her saddlebags and double checked the map of the area, once again referencing the landmarks it displayed with her current view in the forest. If her navigation was correct then, according to the directions that Fluttershy and Applejack had given her, she was close to the kirin village. It was surprisingly well hidden, especially since houses and homes were not known for their inherent stealth. It was well hidden enough that as of yet she hadn’t quite spotted any signs of kirin residence. She looked back up at her surroundings and failed to spot any alcove which might contain an entire civilization, but she did manage to spot the trail she’d started following at the base of the mountain.

In truth it wasn’t so much a trail as it was Zecora following in the steps of a kirin that had recently made several trips to the main foal’s breath cluster that was a small hike away. They had, over the course of multiple trips, carefully excavated some plants from that location, likely so that they could be transplanted somewhere closer to the village. A wise move in Zecora’s opinion, even if the malady was niche and low threat it was always nice to have as many cures on hand as was feasible. Zecora focused her thoughts once more and followed the tracks with her eyes first, her hooves following after a moment and taking her deeper into the trees, hoping it might soon lead her to her destination.

If it didn’t, well, Zecora supposed she could ask the kirin who had been stalking her ever since she’d entered the forest, though that would ruin some of the fun.

Once Zecora had set out a definitive date to visit, Rain Shine had been quick to offer a guard to meet her at the train station. This had been refused for a couple reasons: First, she had meant it when she said she wanted to visit in a non-diplomatic manner and having a guard detail seemed like it didn’t quite fit the bill; Second, It had been a long time since Zecora had done any wayfinding in an unfamiliar environment and she had been looking forward to something that was a bit more relaxing than the Everfree Forest, but still a step up from the White Tail Woods.

Despite these reasons, however, it seemed that Rain Shine had still seen fit to have a kirin track her silently through the forest to make sure she made it to the village alright. Zecora hadn’t expected much from the tailing individual but had to admit that her shadow was very good at remaining silent and out of sight. However, Zecora lived in a forest where, if you weren’t paying utmost attention to your surroundings, you could end up as lunch for a wide variety of deadly creatures and you wouldn’t know it until you smelled their breath. All told Zecora would have to admit, if only to herself, that a little extra security was nice. It meant that Rain Shine was worried about her, which was touching, and it did help her feel more at ease in the forest, allowing her more freedom to appreciate the beauty that surrounded her.

After a few moments of following the trail Zecora didn’t so much see as felt her surroundings open up around her. This sensation drew her eyes up from the trail as she crested a small hill and saw the kirin village fold out in front of her. It was so beautiful and serene that Zecora wondered how it had stayed hidden for so long, she had a similar thought about the large kirin who stood just a few steps away, smiling.

Rain Shine beamed radiantly as Zecora closed the few remaining steps, her eyes only leaving the zebra once, to silently acknowledge the hidden guard. Zecora’s eyes were similarly locked on Rain Shine, though her ears had swiveled slightly to track the guard as he entered the village from a different direction.

After a moment spent in a cozy kind of silence, Rain Shine tilted her head in greeting and then began to speak. “Thank you so much for making the long trip out to our village, we know we’re a good distance off the beaten path and so we appreciate you going the extra mile to come visit us here.”

“Your forest did a challenge pose,
But I saw a path, as your kirin knows,
I hope I did not worry you,
Finding ways in a forest new,
I’ve found my way through thickest mist,
Now, I believe I was to meet an herbalist?”

Rain Shine smiled with a mixture of joy and embarrassment as she took the excuse she had been given to not to talk about the stealthy detail that, apparently, had not been as stealthy as she would've liked. “Unfortunately our herbalist was needed to help a kirin who came down with a rather pressing sickness, however they have given me some notes so that I might guide you around to all the relevant plant life.” Rain Shine gave a humble bow. “Before that though, if you'd allow me a small favor regarding a personal problem, it seems that I’m having trouble with my garden and could use an expert's opinion.”

Zecora gave a nod and Rain Shine’s serene smile lingered still on her lips as she began to lead the way. Zecora idly wondered how much of these circumstances were an excuse so that Rain Shine could take Zecora to her home, then brought her thoughts back to the matter at hoof.

“It seems you’re strangely lucky, for of all incidents,
A sickness on my day of visit is a happy coincidence.
For I recall you sought some answers that only I could mention,
And now it seems life has aligned for you to ask your question.”

Rain Shine glanced back, her smile now gone. She appeared mired in thought as she continued guiding towards her home. Eventually, she seemed to come to a conclusion. “Were you flirting with me at the meeting?”

Zecora, having expected something a bit bolder from Rain Shine, took a moment to process the worried tone before answering. The first, most obvious problem was that it wasn’t the same question she had been asked back in Canterlot. Sure, it had all the same words. They were even in the same order, which should have been promising. Yet, the emotional foundation under the words was worlds apart.

The first time it had been asked there had been a… well not cocky per se, but self assured tone that had been accentuated by genuine curiosity. Now though Zecora could almost see the doubt that festered in the syllables, could clearly hear the distant fragile hope.

In silent answer Zecora closed the distance, catching up to Rain Shine and walking so close that their coat hairs brushed together. Rain Shine’s head jerked at the sensation and looked down into Zecora’s eyes. The look was met with a soft encouraging smile in return.

Rain Shine visibly relaxed, though not completely. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t be so-“ the relaxation vanished, her muzzle snapped shut, her eyes locked back on the path ahead, but Zecora already knew what the next word would’ve been. So, she finished the sentence for her.

A thought to cull.”

Rain Shine’s jaw managed to pry itself open. “I’m sorry, you’re right, I know I shouldn’t think things like that, if Autumn Blaze were here…”

The sentence died unfinished and the silence that followed in its wake haunted the pair. Each step building stress and worry until, at last, they arrived at Rain Shine’s garden.

“Here we are.” Rain Shine offered half-heartedly, gesturing to a home that, surprisingly, did not stand out all that much amongst its neighbors. Zecora had half expected Rain Shine to be living in one of the tall towering house trees that were around the village. Adjacent to the simple building was a garden overflowing with foal's breath. “Home sweet home.”

Zecora smiled softly as she looked at the cozy living that Rain Shine had built in the forest, reminding her of her own home so far away. Though the kirin’s was noticeably less ominous than her own.

The garden fence and, likely, the garden itself were new. Zecora could see that the wood that had been used for the project still showed their fresh cuts that had not yet been exposed to the elements long enough to mellow out their texture or color.

Also made out of similar wood and incorporating leaves that matched those of the existing roof was the overhang that jutted off the building and over a small section near the garden, in the shade of that overhang were two identical large cozy looking chairs that seemed like they would be luxurious for any creature regardless of size, accompanying these grand chairs was a smaller third chair. Together, this trio kept watch out over the garden.

Zecora nodded approvingly at the construction and then turned her full attention to the bounty of foal’s breath plants that covered the garden. Most of them seemed as healthy as could be but even from this distance Zecora had no issue spotting the problem plants. Without much effort her mind began to examine them and, not waiting for an invitation, she waded out into the sea of plant life and set to work with the scattered wilting subjects.

Rain Shine curiously watched the zebra ply her craft. Several times she noticed her drag her hoof over the earth in a way that might imply a challenge in pony culture. She wondered what it meant for a zebra, and was reminded then just how different their cultures truly were. Spurred on by the thought, she re-examined again all the moments they had shared, looking for times she might’ve simply misunderstood.

As her mind was busy with these thoughts her eyes continued to follow Zecora, not really paying attention, merely doing so because she didn’t want to look anywhere else. How could she know if Zecora felt the same way about her? What if zebras were just more open about physical affections? How could she even begin to broach that topic? So deep in thought was she that it took her a moment to process that in the depths of her thoughts time had passed unobserved and Zecora had returned, standing patiently in front of her.

“What’s the diagnosis?” Rain Shine managed once her mind fully returned to her.

“Your plants have been over watered,
though they all remain unmartyred.”

Rain Shine nodded in understanding, she thought that she might've been going a bit overboard with the watering can. It was nice to know that no permanent damage had been done though, so long as she course corrected with the new information.

“Now let me ask a question if you will allow,
What troublesome thoughts rest on your mind now?”

Rain Shine offered a placating smile, though she did find genuine relief in the fact that she had been given the perfect reason to voice her worries. “Nothing too serious Zecora," She hesitated again all the same, it was only for a breath, a final chance to divert the conversation in a different direction, but she remained true to her heart. That was what Autumn and Zecora had been telling her to do after all wasn't it? "I was just thinking that I don’t know your culture all that well since we kirin have been secluded for so long. It makes it hard to really understand if we’re on the same page sometimes.” Rain Shine did not say that the page she wanted to be on was one romantic by nature, that would be untoward.

“I can give you a short lesson that I could demonstrate,
It might take the weight of your worries and alleviate.”

Zecora smiled subtly, and Rain Shine picked up on it. Curious, she gave an affirming nod. In response, Zecora stepped closer and signaled for Rain Shine to lower her head so that they could see eye to eye. After the tall kirin had done so Zecora began to speak, the volume of her voice dropping to a private volume.

“If we were two close friends, I might kiss you somewhere here,”

Zecora demonstrated, kissing Rain Shine on the forehead at the base of her horn. Rain Shine was so far managing to view this as a lesson in another culture's practices and because of this did not currently have to worry about a blush creeping up her neck.

“If we were a courting couple, I might kiss you lovingly there,”

This time the lips pressed longingly against the corner of Rain Shine’s lips, just under her cheek. This was enough to jog her from her detached view of the situation and begin to piece together that this was more than a learning opportunity.

Zecora’s next words did bring a blush to both of their faces, and it cleared up any lingering confusion that had been left in Rain Shine’s mind.

“If we were more than that, I could kiss you anywhere.”