> Chrysalis Ponyfans > by Questionmark x3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The queen needs money > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to Chrysalis small apartment in Manehatten swung open as the annoyed former changeling queen stepped inside, her closed-off heels clicking with each step she took. Her expression was that of a tired person with bags under her eyes who had been up since the early morning to feed herself on any leftover love that she could find. This had been the 50th potential job opening she had signed up for, and yet again she was passed up for some other pony that didn't try to overthrow the nation of Equestria. The first few times she told herself that those jobs were beneath her, but when each and every job she tried to get had her leaving with a "we are going to call you back", and in fact not a single one has called her back, it dawned on her that she must have been blacklisted from any possible workplace. "If it wasn't for these changeling traitors, I wouldn't even have to look for work." The queen gritted her teeth as she dropped her green vest on a metallic handle next to the door. This revealed a firmly blank black tank top that was tightly wrapped around her voluptuous love pillows. The outlines of her areola and nipples are very slightly visible from beneath the fabric. It was obvious that she did not wear a bra underneath. Something she thought could help her desperately land a job Sadly, the last employer happened to be a rather unpleasant older woman who did not show any signs of liking Chrysalis and gave her little to no chance to prove herself or use her body as an advantage. Having been denied another chance at earning some much-needed cash, she was going to lose her cheap apartment soon; if there wasn't going to be a strike of luck, she would be sleeping under a bridge in a week. The prison that she left a few months ago did generously pay for a place to stay, but not indefinitely, and the deadline was coming closer and closer to hitting her like a boulder. With no one wanting to employ a former criminal and, on top of that, being a changeling, a race that was seen as hostile and evil by most of the equestrian population, It was near impossible, but she still tried. Meanwhile, she had moved over into her living room and eyed the blue couch in the middle of the room with a tired expression before she let herself fall on top of it, face first into the soft fabric, before letting out a long groan. With a few minutes passing, Chrysalis pulled herself together and changed her laying position into a more relaxed sitting one, which leaned her back against the pillows in the back of the couch. At first she wanted to turn on the TV that sat a few meters away from the changeling, but as soon as she had the remote in her hand, she remembered that she couldn't afford to pay for cable TV, so she would only see the test screen. Angrily, she threw the remote control into the room, hearing it crash against the stone tiles. "I should have guessed as much. These ponies want money for anything! When I was queen, no one dared to bill me such things! How much I hate these ponies! ARG!!!" With the TV now out of the question, her right hand slipped into the pocket of her tight leggings to pull out a smartphone that had previously shown a barely noticeable bulge where the phone had been stored. With a swipe of her finger, she unlocked the display and was greeted by absolutely no messages in her inbox. As usual, who would even write her? Having had enough trouble with job hunting, Chrysalis decided she would rather check out some of the social media sites, which she promptly opened with a double tap on Equestria Social. The app opened with a small blue bird before it loaded her feed. Mostly wanting to use this tool of information to gather all she could for her next chance to take over, but for now the information she was able to get was mostly stuff like: *Is Celestia using a new hair conditioner? *Discord's Conspiracy theories* *#Victory against the grey menace* The last one was a quite frequent hashtag that was targeted against any remaining unreformed changelings, such as Chrysalis herself. Once or twice she clicked on it to see if there were potential loyalists of her old rule, but most commenting changelings sounded like they enjoyed their new life as skittlebugs. A fate worse than death, in Chrysalis opinion. "Just look at the hideous colors! I'd rather starve!" the gray-skinned beauty commented on one of the recent posts, only to find herself soon after put in timeout for supposed hate speech. "These maggots will feel my wrath one day...!" she hissed at the screen and decided to do something more productive and look for a way to make enough Bits to survive another month in this hostile environment. Ever since she left the prison, she had to wear an inhibitor ring since it was forbidden for a changeling to take the appearance of another pony in Equestria, and until she proved to the Ponies that she was trustworthy, she would have to endure her life without magic. A big reason why prostitution wasn't an option was that she couldn't just become someone else, like how she used to gather love to feed herself on. To tell the truth, she hasn't had any love rations for weeks, and her normally much more imposing body has been reduced to an hourglass figure that she can keep up with with daily jogs and a stolen membership card from the local gym, which helps to keep her buttocks in shape. With her stomach yearning for food and love, it was hard to just keep scrolling a few websites on her phone. Her fingers did find a few interesting positions, but before she could even read further into it, she already saw a sign, only hiring ponies. Before she angered herself over something like this or broke one of her long green nails on the display, the former Queen changed sites to her mail inbox, checking the few spam messages about enlarging her non-existent cock, all the way to the ads of a Zebrican Prince needing help with his money deposit. Her finger moved forward on the delete button after marking all as spam, but she hesitated as she noticed another email that had been shoved into the spam folder. *********************************************************************************** Do you want to earn a bit of money on the side but don't know how? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Ponyfans is a new platform that is currently spearheading the market as a revolutionary new way of earning extra income. Or if you get big enough, it can pay all of your bills. Do you have what it takes to make it big? If the answer is yes, give our website a try and start right now. We even offer a tax-free payout since our business is located in the Dragon Islands, a territory of Equestria, and is excluded from taxation via the Equestrian-Dragonlands Deal of 1011. If you want to know more about the benefits of joining us, here is a link. We hope to see you soon. Kind Regards Your Ponyfans Team *********************************************************************************** If it happened to be any other spam mail, she wouldn't have hesitated for a second to delete it, but this one seemed almost like it was targeted directly at her. "Desperate times call for desperate measures; under normal circumstances I wouldn't even consider such an offer, but given my current situation I could at least check out their website." With little hesitation on her own part, she tapped on the link included in the mail, half expecting a scam to hit her. She was almost disappointed when a white and blue-designed website popped up and greeted her with a registration form. Username: Changeling_Queen Password = IwantmyKingdomBack121 Password Confirmation = IwantmyKingdomBack121 E-Mail: bugbutt@equestria.com [x] Accept our terms and conditions. After double-checking all her details, Chrysalis skipped through the terms and conditions, looking for the possibility of a scam, but found nothing that triggered her sensors. With her mind at ease, the exhausted changeling found herself on the creator page with lots of tools at her disposal and a small tutorial to help her settle in on the page. "Well... This is going to take a while. I hope it is worth my time and effort." She held back a tired yawn and moved her unoccupied hand to cover her mouth. Given how much better this whole idea started to sound the minute she focused on it, she would even get up from the comfortable blue couch of hers and wander with clicking steps of her high heels into the small kitchen area to make some coffee. This was going to be a long night, and given that she did not own a computer, this meant she would have to use her smartphone for anything. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Two days later The Southern Warden, a handsome white pegasus and royal guard with a blue mane, a toned body, and a shiny golden piece of armor protecting his body from harm, leaned against one of Canterlot Castle's many giant doors, protecting not just the princesses but also important politicians that they were currently meeting with to forge a new grain deal for the impoverished earth ponies. While all this was very important for the people, it didn't really hold the pegasus attention for long, and given how he was known to slack off at times by his fellow guards, some wondered if the only reason he was still with the royal guard must have been his connections to the pegasi nobility. His current guarding duty did at least give him the option to check his phone from time to time, much to the displeasure of his guard partner standing on the other side of the door and throwing angry stares at the Southern Warden, which he ignored as usual. Unlike normally, he wasn't on any casual site, but he had been recommended a new account to follow on Equestria Social, and the stallion had done nothing but scroll the mare's feed, where she showed off a few of her lewd clothes and how well they fit her incredible sexy body. The natural color of the mare was a grayish black tone, and from the few strands of hair he spotted while 'inspecting' her pictures, he knew she had a greenish blue mane, but with her face tactically withdrawn from any picture. While she did not usually fall into his preferred type, she happened to be a welcome breath of fresh air for the royal guard. It was a shame she did not show off more of what she had to offer, judging from her large melons. A sentiment that a few others had already commented on a few pictures he had checked out. Southern's curiosity got the better of him. He visited her profile page with a double tap on her username and quickly found a pinned post with a link attached to it that read 'Ponyfans' for adults only. Something so intriguing that the stallion had to check it out. "Southern Warden! Do you have any idea what will happen to us if anyone catches you letting your guard down?" "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just gotta check this out, 5 minutes at most." He waved off any kind of concern from his colleague and turned back to his screen, where the page had finally loaded, not thanks to the bad Wifi around the castle but with his own data volume. His eyebrows raised slightly as he read the first few welcome sentences on the Ponyfans account of the mysterious beauty. ************************************************************************************* Welcome to Changeling_Queen's page. Here are a few words from the page creator for any newcomers and visitors: Welcome maggot(s). If you expected any warm cuddles or me being desperate for your attention, you were mistaken! Be grateful that you are even allowed to pay me for this privilege to have a look at the body of a true goddess! Never has there been a better time for lowly worms such as yourself to experience such a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. By donating your money to me via Ponyfans, you will get access to my premium content. You have to find out for yourself by subscribing, pathetic worm. But know that someone as desperate as you will never, in a million years, get a better opportunity to glance at a woman 10 times out of your league. ************************************************************************************* Never had the Southern Warden seen such a confident and yet so dominating-sounding woman. While the stallion had been with a few mares over the course of his still young life, Southern would never admit that the last one was ages ago. Ten years ago, as a matter of fact, was another reason that this Ponyfans account peaked his interest. Hearing voices in the distance, he knew that his time was limited for the shift, and he quickly added the page to his after-work plans, saving the site in his browser for later, given that he did have enough disposable income due to his rather generous paycheck as a royal guard. So why not check it out? Just when he spotted the doors behind him opening, he hastily tried to stuff his phone back, taking far too much time till it reached the inside of his pocket that he had taken it out of prior. Just in time to stand tall with his spear in hand when the royals and the diplomats left the room. Southern was even able to catch a few glances of the royals posteriors when they passed him. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A few days later. Chrysalis stepped into her apartment, but unlike the last time and the time before that, she was actually looking forward to her evening. She couldn't deny how weird it was at first to make an account on this strange scam-like site, but she couldn't deny that it was certainly entertaining to produce little pictures or even videos for her 'fans, ormaggots, as she keeps calling them whenever she posts something new on her feed. This page of hers has seen a surge in new subscribers as of late. Much to the queen's surprise, but that quickly changed her approach to this whole page management, content creation, and what else was required to sustain her Ponyfans page. One would believe that she had been shopping all day long, but these people would be mistaken since Chrysalis had paid a visit to a shop in the inner districts of Manhattan. Quite a spot it was. Everything she was looking for was found there for the small price of 150 bits donated by her subscribers. Not to say that this was all she had earned; no, that would in fact be much, much more. Basically, enough to sustain a rather optimistic outlook on not having to starve or lose her apartment anytime soon. As for the objects she bought, that was a surprise for her little Simps, and she spared no expense to get them customarily tailored before she left the shop. Just a tiny bit of the shiny black fabric hung out of the shopping bag she had dragged through the city. The same bag now stood in her bedroom, waiting for her to record her next weekly update for all of her entry-level subscribers, which received the least attention, but tonight she wanted to tease them with something that might get some of them to upgrade to the $100 tier, which includes much more frequent posts and pictures. Speaking of content, her phone was full with plenty of fresh pictures that she had taken in the dressing booth, showing off lots of skin but keeping the important bits hidden under green tape, such as her nipples and her mean green bug pussy, but the main focus of the picture was intended to portrait her as a dominant bitch with its top-to-bottom view, making her tower over her 'subjects'. "That picture should get me plenty of new subscribers to the higher tiers. Just got to add a few words to degrade my maggots and make them squirm and crush their hopes." Her blackish fingers swiped over the touchscreen of her phone, while her green fingernails tipped on the display as she was looking for the right words and began to type out a few nice words to her community before tapping on send to post it. ************************************************************************************* You've got a new status update from Changeling_Queen. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* ** "You better be grateful and throw me some subs for this outfit I had to buy with your money. If you want to stand out from all the other worms, you better show me how much I am worth to you. Oh, and before I forget it, this is only a teaser; there will be a 10-minute-long video for my level two maggots, containing more of my goddess body that you all are unworthy to lay eyes upon, but what should I say? I am a graceful ruler, so you may pay me for the privilege." End of Level 01 access Upgrade subscription button ************************************************************************************* A steady flow of new comments on her latest status update kept coming. Chrysalis had taken a break laying with her stomach down on her bed, where she was checking her phone, getting all comments via vibration notification, and licking her lips at all the tainted love she was receiving. While this form of food for a changeling wasn't as filling as true love, it was more than enough to quench her hunger for the time being. A nice bonus from tainted love was that it allowed her to regain some of her changeling shapeshifting magic, but only enough to adjust her body in terms of cup size and butt size. "Are you serious!? She expects me to pay 50 bucks to upgrade to level two! Fuck, that bitch is greedy. It hurts my ego that I really want to see more. Fuck it, it's just 25 bucks more; I can afford that. Bug, Mommy, step on me! "You are worth it, Queen! Take my money!" Besides the comments and the constant DMs from horny and desperate Simps offering to pay her for private audiences with them or even audio files of her talking dirty to them, there was a constant flow of opportunities to earn some good money. The biggest plus for this entire operation was that she could treat the pony vermin like she would when they were under her heel. A feeling of accomplishment filled her after seeing all the new subscribers that were begging her to insult them, belittle them, and, in all but name, rule them. Adding to all that was the fact that her bank account was looking mighty good in comparison to a few days ago. Plenty to pay her rent with and even enough that she could spend on other things, like planning her revenge. At the last part of her thought, her lips formed into an evil smirk before one of her villainous laughs filled the apartment. "Thanks to Ponyfans, I will have my revenge much sooner than originally anticipated." Chrysalis laughter began to quiet down as a few other thoughts filled the pretty black changeling's head. The queen's body was still spread out across the cozy bed, while her legs tipped up and down on the bed like a girl at a sleepover as she went to read a few very enticing comments that peaked her interest. One of the comments that peaked her interest was the one from a user called SmirkMouse28 who claimed to be a member of the royal guard in Canterlot, something that was of utmost importance to enact her revenge upon her enemies, especially that Starlight Glimmer pony. With a swipe of her finger on the display of her phone, she made sure to mark this user as a person of interest for later. Right as the tall goddess wanted to get up from the bed after so much work had been done by her, she was surprised to hear a knock on the front door of her apartment. Having to get up from the bed wasn't going to be the worst, but having to act all nice to non-changelings was something she would never get used to. Rather, she would treat them all like the maggots they are in her eyes, but if she pulled something like that after having been released not so long ago, it would be straight back into imprisonment. Those princesses didn't fuck around when it came to the rainbow laser. That much she experienced herself the last time she tried to take over Equestria. Keeping this in mind, she slowly made her way to the door, shaking her hips as she went. Each step of her green crystal heels, which she had bought with the first donations she had received, clicked on the stone tiles of her living room till she reached the door and unlocked it. Opening it far enough to see a small earth pony delivery man cowering below her initial glance, holding a brown package between his shaky hands. "I've got a package for Chrysalis," he stammered as he looked up at the tall ebony beauty in front of him. Judging from how he was looking down at first, his eyes began to rise to meet hers. Giving him plenty of time to take in her appearance. Starting with her venomous green crystal empire-manufactured fully enclosed high heels, which looked brand new. Chrysalis legs were getting thicker the more they went up, from her tender lower legs to her much thicker and melon-crushing thighs in ebony black tights. Her legs were covered by just a pair of stockings with plenty of holes in them to complement her own body's holes, which looked intentional rather than damaged. The earth stallion's eyes tried to take in as much as possible; after all, it wasn't every day that he had such a high-profile client to deliver to. His entire body wasn't shivering because of the stories he heard about the formerly evil changeling queen, but rather because he harbored a secret. He wasn't just a delivery man but also an agent sent by the royals to monitor the queen's activities, but he wasn't going to tell her that. Or that this was his first assignment monitoring a dangerous villain. With his eyes still going up her well-shaped buttocks, it didn't take long till he got a glimpse of her tanned ebony stomach, as well as a cute bellybutton, before the rest of her body lay hidden under the fabric of a darker blue t-shirt that had trouble containing her chest with how her breasts stretched it. Judging from the sheer size, he was estimating that she was at least rocking two D+s below the fabric. When he finally reached her green predatory eyes, he could tell that she was very aware of how much he was taking in her true form. The stallion's gut told him to just hand her the package and make a run for it, but when she stepped to the side to make room for him to enter, "Why don't you drop the package on the kitchen table for me, since you seem to be such a strong stallion? Could you do that for me? The queen put on her best behavior by resorting to the tactics of old: using her charm as a woman, luring a male into her cave was too easy, as the opposite sex was so predictable and could be manipulated so deviously by a few right words here and there. "I-I really...shouldn't. I've got a few more stops before my shift ends," but it was already too late for the poor earth pony as he became aware of how she had coaxed him carefully into her apartment, making sure to close the door behind him and lock it. Leaving him to drop off the package on the kitchen counter before he noticed the situation he found himself in. Alone with one of Equestria's most dangerous foes. One that would probably not flinch at the thought of accusing him of misconduct given the chance. The thought alone was enough to put him at ease. With the package now out of his hand, Chrysalis stepped up in front of him, towering over the meager earth pony stallion with an evil smirk having formed on her lips, showing off her pearl white fangs poking out from the side. Like a predator looking at its imminent prey with her eyes zeroing in on him, causing him to gulp from this sudden attention given to him by the bug queen. "I... I have to get going... my... my boss—" the purple-coated stallion tried to form a sentence but couldn't stop stuttering in her presence, till her voice shook him to his core. "Silence maggot!" Her formerly quite chilling voice has turned into a much more demanding and assertive tone, and her expression mimics that, with her looking down at him like she is disgusted by his mere existence alone. Mars Blaze, which was the name of the stallion she had displeasure with, knew better than to talk back to the dominant mare for the time being. Way too much put into his place by the assertive voice of Queen Chrysalis and her enticing body. "Stay right here; don't even dare to move a muscle. I will be right back. Better hold your breath to be safe, worm." With those words out of her mouth, she then turned to her bedroom door, which wasn't entirely closed from her hasty maneuver to the front door, before making her way into the room, closing the door firmly, and leaving Mars alone in the living room. A hundred thoughts rushed through his mind. Was he to obey her? Could the window be used to escape from here? Those were just a few of them, but either way, ten minutes passed without any sign of the Queen returning. He still stood at the spot he was told not to move from, but given that so much time passed, he used it to admire the decoration of the apartment, especially a framed document hanging on one of the walls, which peaked his curiosity, and he moved forward to gather intel and spy on her, like he was ordered to by the alicorns of Canterlot. Well, they never said he was to check inside her apartment, but given that he couldn't change his location at the moment, he better use the limited time he had. Speaking of the document, it was a certificate for being one of the fastest-growing content creators on a platform called Ponyfans, already having gathered 1000 subscriptions in her first few weeks and probably more by now. He made a note in his mind to research this site once he was back at his base of operations. The sound of the wooden, light emerald-colored door to Chrysalis bedroom swung open, almost slamming against the wall as she stepped forth, seeing him standing next to the wall on which her certificate hung. Having moved without her permission was going to make his life way harder, given what she was wearing. Speaking of the changeling queen's new attire Gone were any traces of her previous casual clothes. In its place was a black latex outfit consisting of a pair of shiny black latex high heel boots that went all the way up and stopped only short of her knees. The boots themselves were strapped tightly around her lower legs with two clamps, leaving little room for imagination in that department as the clicks of her heels filled the otherwise silent room as Chrysalis walked in his direction, swinging her ebony hips ever so slightly, probably subconsciously. Further up, a one-piece latex suit complimented her natural, soft neon green chitin plates with its black fabric strapped above and below with clamps. There was no question that it was indeed skintight, given that Mars was able to catch a glance at her cameltoe outline, which was very well covered from direct exposure. Chrysalis D+ breasts are also covered by the latex one-piece suit, but with a small window in the middle of her bust, giving her prey something to look at but barely exposing more than the upper side of her melons, tightly strapped in place by the darker black fabric. With the villain slowly walking forward, Mars Blaze noticed that her arms were covered in a similar latex, but not in black but in a dark greenish color that complimented her mane. It was covered in holes similar to the ones in her own body, which gave it a perfect fit for the Changeling Queen and Ponyfans Star. Additionally, her hands were wrapped around the base and end of something thin but sturdy-looking. Upon coming closer, the stallion's eyes widen, and he gulps once it is clear that the object in her hand is supposed to be a ridding whip. With little time to process what was happening, a sharp pain arched from his left cheek. Chrysalis had given the whip a test and slapped his cheek with it, leaving a red mark where it had connected to his face. "Shit! What was that for?" Mars wined out with a tear forming in the corner of his eyes while proceeding to rub his left cheek, and he noticed too late when the whip was swung again, but on his other cheek. This time with a bit more force behind it. "Did I give you permission to talk?! No! The first swing was for disobeying my direct order; the second one was because I don't like you. Now get on your knees! A maggot like you doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as I do, much less stand in my presence. You will beg me to drain your love. You might ask yourself how I can do such a thing with no love for me in my heart. Simple, tainted love or lust works just the same, if not better." The changeling queen explained to him, with an evil grin forming upon hearing his reply, that she allowed him to give with a gesture of her hand. "What if I refuse? Because I do." The stallions quietly responded, avoiding her glance for the moment, causing the queen to chuckle and wipe a tear from the corner of her eye. They brought the whip carefully up to his chin, lifting it up so that he would see eye to eye with her for what she was about to say. "I was hoping you'd say that. It makes this so much more enjoyable for me. I haven't had a chance to toy with my prey in quite some time." each word oozing with venom. She licked her lips with her long alien green tongue at the thought of the buffet that was in front of her, ready to take all the tainted love from Mars, but not without grabbing a nearby small plastic remote and turning on a few cameras, put in all sorts of places, with the little red light indicating that they were recording now. This would make for some good Ponyfan content. She was sure of that. Speaking of Mars Blaze, his unwilling position had only fueled the queen's desire to milk him dry, but not in the way he would expect. With fear of what she would do to him if he did not comply with her order from before, the stallion had already dropped to his knees and touched the cold stone tiles on the floor. His blue eyes looked up at her, with his cheek still pulsating in a bright red from the prior encounter with the wipe. The stallions delivery outfit consisted of a pair of brown cargo shorts, a white t-shirt, and a sea blue armless jacket with the logo of the Equestrian Postal Service, or EPS for short. The queen towered menacingly above the cowering stallion with a wide grin, showing off her sharp pearl-white teeth peeking out on the side. Her eyes zeroed in on the white pegasus crotch, where she spotted a large bulge forming against the fabric of his brown cargo pants. "Isn't that cute? Someone seems a bit overexcited about being treated like the lowly creature you are?" Chrysalis crouched next to him, just barely any distance between the two. She could feel, even without having touched him, that his body was resonating well with the way she treated him. Her right ebony arm reached out for him, while the left one kept a tight grip on the riding wipe, but instead of going for what he had hoped for, she reached into one of the bags of his pants and pulled out a leather wallet, not taking her eyes off the stallion as he only watched out of fear of the wipe. The changeling's green eyes glimpsed into the wallet and looked back up at him, pulling out a large amount of paper cash from it before throwing the now empty wallet at the stallion, who barely caught it between his two hands, now way lighter for obvious reasons. Chrysalis counted the money for a few minutes, and when she was done, she put it away in one of her latex outfit's small pockets. "850 bits, not a bad donation for your Queen." Mars Blaze could only watch as half a month's paycheck vanished behind the black latex pockets. A part of him wanted to speak up, but an even larger part of him knew that she was in charge here and that speaking up would only earn him more pain. All he could do for the moment was stare in silence at whatever wicked thought was currently going through her head. Looking down at this pathetic excuse of a male, the tall bug stood back up, but she felt like this wouldn't end too well if he didn't at least gain anything from losing so much money. If the princesses heard of her ripping off people left and right, she would be soon back in prison, a fate that she was trying to avoid if possible. Rolling her eyes and letting out an annoyed groan. "For this gracious donation, I have decided to allow you to worship me. No one can say that I, Queen Chrysalis, am not a benevolent ruler after all." her speech being addressed not to the stallion in front of her but to one of the red blinking cameras hanging on a wall, before she turned herself to Mars, using the whip to make him look up at her. "Now get to it! I don't have all day." As she spoke, her high-heeled boots carried her with a simple sway of her booty to the nearby couch to take a seat upon the soft cushions, stretching her legs once she found a comfortable position to rest for what was about to commence. Slowly, Mars wanted to get up, but a whip of her riding crop against the couch quickly got his attention. Her venomous green eyes said it all without having to open her mouth. He wasn't allowed to stand, so he did the only thing he knew was allowed. Crawling on all fours over to the couch until he was stopped by Chrysalis with the tip of the whip pressing against his snout. "That's far enough; now worship me, you pathetic excuse of a stallion." Feeling small amounts of tainted love coating the stallion's body, she began to use her race-specific magic to start draining it at a moderate pace for now. Still waiting for the floodgates to open and shower her with all his tainted love for her before she would completely drain him of his energy, which was a little side effect when she drained her victims of love. Her love slave looked at her with big eyes, not knowing if he was in luck or if this was a test of sorts. Never the less, he looked at her extended hand, which signaled him to come closer, and after looking at the annoyed facial expression on her face, he immediately crawled forward. No care was given to his kneecaps, as they hurt with every tile of stone he passed on his way to the couch, where his mistress awaited him. Wait, mistress? No, of course she was just his observation target. But why on Celestia's blessed earth was he so attracted to her? His pants were barely able to contain his raging erection, which had formed into a large bulge that did not escape the queen's predatory eyes. The stallion's snow-white body found itself face-to-heel with the queen's latex high-heeled boots. "Now, my eager slave, why don't you spill to me? Why are you really here? I won't ask for a second time." With the end of her sentence, he looked up, frightened for his true purpose having been revealed, and the black ridding whip softly stroked against his cheek. But that did not hold for long as he struggled to find words, and Chrysalis smacked him across the face with it. Speak, you filthy maggot! Or I will make sure that you will wish for me to just whip you." This, combined with the strong force she used on him, caused the stallion to break and cower in front of the couch. "H-How d-did you know?" Mars rubbed his cheek where she had hit him to quench the pain. Chrysalis chuckled and pulled the banknotes from her latex outfit pocket, revealing a small white note stuck in between two green 50-bit notes. She chuckled with genuine amusement. Dropping the note in front of him. "The better question would be, how could I not when it was you who couldn't hide your to-do list any better? If all of you ponies were this stupid, I would have conquered Equestria in just a couple of days. Now speak, and leave no detail hidden from me!" *********************Note************************ 8am Watch the queen 12 a.m.: Lunch with the sisters and report on activities 7pm Meet Jezzy *********************Note************************ If it weren't for his bad memory, Mars Blaze would not have to write all his notes, but damn, he would never have thought that his own handwriting would be his downfall, but there was little he could do. Giving her false information would anger her, and given how she was looking through him, she probably would know that he was lying. Sweat was running down the stallion's face as the queen tapped her whip, her patience reaching its limits. gulp "Y-You are correct. I work for S.M.I.L.E., the Equestrian Secret Agency, and my task is to be your shadow and immediately report if you try to overthrow the government once more or plan on any other evil schemes." With Mars laying out all this information for her, Chrysalis formed a sinister grin on the tip of her lips, knowing how valuable this little puppet could be if she played her cards right. She may not have her magic to manipulate this unfortunate stallion, but with her charms and her special way of getting what she wants with her womanly features, she would form him like clay in her claws. Plus, he will be a good way to feast on tainted love. "E-Excuse me, my queen." Chrysalis snapped out of her short daydream and returned to give him her full attention once more. "I was wondering, now that you know all this, what will happen to me. I swear I won't tell anyone if you let me go; I will just quit, and you never have to see me again. Wouldn't you like that, since I am nothing more than a little worm for you?" Another chuckle came from above him, and Chrysalis had to calm herself down internally to not just fall into maniacal laughter. Oh, you misunderstand, filthy, disgusting, lowlife pony. Even a meager worm like you has its uses, and I have nothing to gain from letting you leave and disappear. No, on the contrary, I have plans for you. Big plans." When she said the last few words, Chrysalis put the whip on the small table next to the couch and leaned forward, putting her chitin-covered but surprisingly soft hands against his cheeks, cupping them, and leaning in till she was almost bopping his nose. "But first, I have to feast on your lust to regain my strength." The changeling queen's mouth opened enough to let Mars see her razor-sharp teeth. A small amount of pink love energy was quickly gulped up by the queen before the main course started and the large amount of green-tainted love was to be absorbed. When Chrysalis finally closed her mouth, she had drained him to the last drop. Mars fell over backwards from all the energy she had taken from him, causing him to fall unconscious for the time being. Meanwhile, his new queen licked her lips in the aftermath, speaking to herself. "I haven't lost my touch." > Chrysalis takes a trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month has passed since her first encounter with the mailman, who turned out to be a S.M.I.L.E agent, that she could turn to her side with the help of her feminin beauty, and being who she always will be. A dominant, evil woman with a body that could rival that of an alicorn. The fallen queen could only be bested by that pink harlot because of her broom's love, boosting her own strength. To be completely fair, she wanted him for the same reason, but to keep him as a slave to feed her. A love that she, the queen of all changelings, had only felt during the wedding, when it smashed her out of Canterlot. It was blood boiling—if she was ever a warmblooded creature, that is. There are certainly a large number of ponies that Chrysalis wanted to pay back for their kind hospitality during her stay in the dungeon, but one very specific pink alicorn would soon find a certain Bug coming for her husband. And this time, to keep him. With all this in her mind, Chrysalis laid on her couch, reading messages she got on her Ponyfans from all sorts of stallions and even a few mares. But there was one in particular that caught her interest. His username was DongPower, which in itself isn't something too uncommon on sites like Ponyfans, but the mail he used to subscribe to her largest possible tier, the Diamond Class with its 500bit price tag, was none other than the Prince Consort Shining Armor; she was sure of it. Given her rather long-lasting first invasion of Canterlot during the wedding, Chrysi spent a long time in their bedroom, and Shining used to leave his laptop's screen unlocked, thinking that his soon-to-be wife would surely not look through his mail while he was in the shower. Well, he was kind of right; Cadance would never, but Chrysalis? You can bet your ass she did. The queen's expression went from bored scrolling to that of someone who just rolled a D20 with her first throw, completely stomping an enemy encounter or for anyone who wasn't versed in references of D&D, Chrysalis just hit the jackpot. Her eyes, now wide open rather than half-lidded checked the other messages. Her pearl-white teeth peaked out from her muzzle, then she dropped her phone on the soft fabric of the couch while rolling on her back. "I can't believe it! The fool still lusts for me." The queen's ebony black hands covered her mouth, covering her happy chuckling, before she removed both hands from her lips, revealing the true nature of her amusement. No, this wasn't a happy chuckle, but one of pure evil mixed with the lust for revenge. "My traitorous slave wants to return to me; so be it. But he will soon find out that he too will just be another one of my slaves." With her now free hands, she grabbed the phone she had dropped on the couch to check out his Ponystar social site, finding that wedding picture of him and Cadance, and used her thumbs to zoom in, right on Shining's happy look, wearing his broom outfit. "This day is going to be perfect~" she began to sing, her voice changing to that of the pink alicorn. Standing up from the laying position on the couch, she headed for her room, or more specifically, the blue wood walk-in wardrobe. Opening it and stepping inside the darkness while humming the song further. In the darkness, Chrysalis began to undress. At the same time, there had been a few knocks on the front door of Chrysalis apartment left unanswered; luckily for the agent, he had gotten a second pair of keys for the front door when he was assigned to observe the queen. She had not anticipated that the first slave she had made, Mars Blaze, would come to deliver his daily morning report a bit early to the Queen, who had him in her claws like a helpless chicken in a lion's cage. Ever since their first meeting, he had been tasked with bringing her similar reports that he was writing not only on her but on all her enemies. From Spike the dragon all the way up to Princess Cadance and the rest of the alicorns. She wanted to know everything about their lives, and with such a good source, she indeed had the upper hand in her schemes. He looked for his mistress in the living room but couldn't find her. He then picked up a sound coming from the bedroom—the closet, to be precise. It sounded like someone was singing and humming a certain song. With his interest peaking, Mars hushed forward the sound, using his wings to hover quietly next to the walk-in wardrobe. His eyes went wide as he was able to find a spot to glance inside the wardrobe. Inside the dark walk-in wardrobe, Chrysalis was completely naked in her soft black chitin plates, looking like the purest onyx black he had ever laid eyes upon, with a small source of dim light coming from the ceiling. The light barely covered the outline of her perfect-shaped body. Just enough for Mars to get a hard one from, seeing her ass swing without the latex clothing hiding all the good bits. As if she were dancing in a trance, Chrysalis turned around in a 360° loop, showing off her almost neon green insides as her pussy lips and nipples revealed them. Wiggling her large breasts in the process. "The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small~." As Chrysalis was singing with the best Cadance impression he had ever heard, Mars could not keep himself from getting a bit cramped in his pants. Freeing his average throbbing pony member with one of his hands, he began to jerk himself off to the musical performance he was catching for free. Damn, she really has the body of a goddess." the masturbating Pegasus thought to himself while bending his head almost over, trying to catch more of her hypnotizing body. His grey member was already eagerly spraying pre-cum into his hand, and the sound of his slick movement was unmistakably, but too quiet to hear while singing. Meanwhile, the queen started dressing up for what she had planned next. She brought forth her most expensive clothes, which also happened to be the most modest ones she had, but given she knew how to make any stallion fall for her, this wouldn't be a problem. Once he was back in her grasp, she would make sure to take all his pent-up love for his wife and replace it with pure addicting lust for her superior changeling body, with whom not even that pink harlot could compete. When this was all over, she would be strong enough to break that puny anti-magic ring on her crooked horn and use all of her magic once more. She already came this far without it; she could only imagine how much damage she would do to her foes with all of her potential realized. Given that she would have to travel up into the Crystal Empire for what she had planned, she pulled out a pair of long fur boots from all the way in the back of the wardrobe. The white fur gushed out from the top part of the long, tender boots. They were quickly put down next to her, as she had to bend over to look for the other parts of her soon-to-be outfit. Undauntedly giving her slave quite the front row seat to a glance at the puffy anal ring of hers that nestled between her butt-cheeks. The outside was ebony black and slightly darker than her obsidian body color, but once it moved, he could spot the green inside of the changeling queen. "I'll be lying when I say ""I'll want us to be together"" It will be so fun, Oh Shining Armor your queen is on her way~" No longer bending over, Chrysalis finished her sentence with a singer's pose, rolling her last words with her own voice instead of that Cadance whore. In the aftermath, she continued to hum the song, as it was stuck in her head. During all of this, she had not just spun around to dance but to pull all sorts of clothes from around the room, making sure to pick just the finest for a surprise visit that would leave a lasting impression~. She was sure of that. A pair of soft green pants now wrapped around her lower half, warm enough to make it through the snow and tight enough to be any stallion's wet dream. What followed was a black shirt that stretched really thin around her large ebony melons, showing her green nipples and auroras through it. On top of this was a cozy bluish-green jacket that really complimented her same-color natural mane, while presenting her neck with more of the white, thick fur. One thing that would round off the mix was the attached hood that would keep her warm, even with a snowstorm going on around her. Before turning around, she stepped into the welcoming warm high-heeled boots she had sat aside. It was already too late for Mars to find a place to hide when he realized that Chrysalis was done playing dress-up and pushed open the wardrobe's door, throwing the pegasus off balance and causing him to hit the ground with his ass. Spraying his load at a surprised Chrysalis in the process, a small amount of the smelly, warm cum hit her on her upper tights, right onto her perfect pair of pants, leaving a small, barely noticeable stain. But she did notice it. The queen's good mood turned sour and her full wrath was now upon him. "You disgusting shitstain, you just ruined my outfit!" Looking for a way to vent, she didn't take long to grab the weak pony with her superior strength, lifting him up and looking into his eyes with nothing but anger meeting him. Mars Blaze tried his best to convince her to let him go as he struggled, much to the queen's pleasure. P-please, I am sorry..." Oh, kiss my ass, you little maggot-" The queen wasn't even done with her speech but was interrupted by the out-of-line slave, whom she wanted to whip into the ground at this point. "Sure, anything. You want me to do it right now?" Hearing him willingly submit to her ass wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Rather, she wanted to disregard his last sentence, meaning nothing of it. The idea of a slave making up for his insolence by kissing their master's ass—what an idea! One that she was fond of; after all, it was a gesture that showed total submission, and she could use a bit of love-to-go for her long trip ahead, so why not? Chrysalis raised a finger, ordering him to the ground as she pulled down her tight green pants, revealing no panties beneath, meaning her cameltoe had been visible when she stood towering above him, coming from the wardrobe. The changeling queen had taken a comfortable position on the bed with her belly down, her hands cupping her own asscheeks to make room for him. "Dig in then; a worm like you is best fitted near my shitter." His main objective now in clear vision, Mars couldn't stay put any longer, and his hungry lips wrapped around her tailhole. The sounds he made, slurping and kissing at the leathery flesh of her ponut, pushing his tongue deep inside the pucker, caused even the dominant queen to lose a few moans from the wiggling sensation between her tight anal muscle. He could taste plenty of built-up sweat and her own personal musk that worked like a pheromone to get his member rock hard in no time. "I could get used to this. You are here-by ordered to be my personal ass-kisser; make sure to taste all of your queen while you are at it. I want you to memorize each wrinkle of my asshole by the time you are done. Did I make myself clear?!" A muffled response could be heard from Mars as his tongue was too busy licking around on her musky ring of pleasure. This felt less like punishment and more like he was living the dream, but sadly, for this dream he would have to pay her his full salary, and damn would it be money well spent, given how much he was already addicted to the changelings puckered shitter. While Chrysalis couldn't deny the pleasure she received from the lowly slave beneath her, she only allowed herself to act like this to fill her love tanks for the long journey into the frozen north, or more precisely, the Crystal Empire. Her mind had mostly faded out as she was scheming in her mind, thinking about the perfect way to show up at the doorstep of her crystal prince. With her mind occupied, she showed little care for Mars well-being, going so far as to grab his hair and jank it forward herself each time the submissive stallion would come up to breathe some air, but given how the stallion's erection had begun to gush precum all over the floor, that said everything that needed to be said. He enjoyed himself and was drained of most of his love, which formed into a pink cloud, which the Queen slurped down with gusto. More and more of his lust was being drained, and it began to have a physical effect on him, as it did on Chrysalis. With direct access to tainted love from the tab, it was far stronger than the combination of lust and love that she was gaining from her Ponyfans followers all across the globe. With so much love now having been absorbed, Chrysalis, now as powerful as she needed to be, stopped the pegasus from pleasuring her anal cave, and with a slurping sound, his eager tongue slid out from the obsidian orifice, leaving the puffy ring behind in a shiny spit coating. The taste of her bowels now imprinted in his memory, her ass-kisser of a stallion fell back with his butt hitting the floor, causing his member to ejaculate early, and his white ropes made it halfway forward before gravity caused them to splatter down on the floor. "Wow, I am impressed; you somehow are even more pathetic than I gave you credit for." With a smirk and an eyeroll, the Queen acknowledged his pitiful performance, spreading her ass cheeks one more time while simultaneously adding a few inches to her figure. "Perfect, this should give me the edge I need to convince Shining Armor to leave his harlot of a wife—but if he thinks that he will be anything but a source of love that I can feed on, he is hardly mistaken. Buuuut I guess I could at least give him a test drive; maybe he has learned a few new tricks, but so have I~." The changeling queen's evil laughter filled the bedroom while her servants eyes closed, trying to recover from the love drain. A few hours later, Mars Blaze woke up, still in the same pose he had fallen asleep in. His neck was sore from the rest, but his eyes were drawn forward by a piece of paper sticking to his face, causing his vision to be hindered until he tore it off. Giving it a read soon after. ********************************************************************************* Note: Until I am back from my trip, you will continue to write your silly report on me as if I were there. I don't want anyone to know that I am coming. If you fail to do so, the consequences will be dire. What followed was a poor depiction of a pony head with crossed-out eyes to bring the point across. ********************************************************************************* At the same time, Chrysalis already sat in a night train, legs crossed over each other, slurping on hot chocolate as the temperatures outside of the train became increasingly colder, going so far as to freeze parts of the windows from the harsh winter storms going on outside. All while she was wrapped in her warm winter clothes, keeping her chitinous body warm with the fur stuffing of her winter clothes. The cup of warmth did wonders for her fingers that were wrapped around it and absorbed the heat as she stared out into the frozen tundra. The train was passing, and her eyes could make out the capital of the Crystal Empire in the far distance, glowing like an oasis of warmth in this tundra. Given that it was a night train, she had most of it to herself, with only a very few spare seats in the back occupied by sleeping ponies, too far away to even be in hearing distance. "Soon I will have you all for myself, my prince. An evil smirk coated the changeling's face as she sat aside the cup on a nearby wooden table close to the window, having grabbed her phone from her pocket and looking at one of the latest posts of Shining Armor. A happy family picture with both him, Cadance, and their daughter Flurry Heart cuddled up together for a cute Heartswarming eve. "I almost feel bad for going to ruin this happy family, well, almost. But feeding on his love will sure be enough to get rid of this magical inhibitor, stopping me from using the rest of my magic. I am sure of that." A few moments later did the speakers of the train started to crackle with static before the voice of an old stallion made itself heard. "Ladies and Gentlecolts, we are approaching the Crystal City and without any complications we will head into the train station in 15 minutes. Thank you for traveling with the Nordic Express."