
by Some Leech

First published

Fate, for all its cruelty, can sometimes be a gift...

Life is full of surprises, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst, and Light's been through a fair number over the years. Struggling to maintain his bakery and what was supposed to be a love-filled marriage, the hard-working stallion discovers himself facing a twist of fate that he never could have expected...

Kinks Include: Romantic Relationships, Various Sexual Positions, Impregnation, and Loads of Lewd, Wholesome Goodness

Artwork and Light belong to Light (Twitter @Light_artist)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

A Time Long Past

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The world was a cruel, uncaring place, there were no such things as fairy tales, and life was always a struggle - three lessons Leech had known for as long as she could remember. She’d never known who her parents were, nor why they’d left her at an orphanage, but those things didn’t matter - not when she had bigger, more pressing matters to worry about. As the wind blew through her shaggy, unkempt mane, she hunkered down behind a trash can and put herself to work.

Living on the streets was hard, yet the freedom it afforded was better than being under the callous hoof of where she’d grown up. Most of the ponies running the orphanage couldn’t care less about the fillies and colts under their care, viewing the foals as little more than a burden, so she’d decided to leave. If she wasn’t wanted in her home, the same home her parents had abandoned her to, she’d find somewhere that she truly belonged.

She aimlessly drifted from street to street, then from town to town, suffering hardships she hadn’t thought possible - still, in spite of it all, she took joy from even the smallest things. A warm breeze across her coat, a half-finished meal left outside a restaurant, or the chance to play with foals her age at a park - each and every one bolstered her resolve and brightened her spirits to impossible heights. With each month she spent on the road, learning from fellow vagabonds and kindly passersby, she grew and adapted, yet one of her biggest hurdles was still ahead of her.

Having left the orphanage in early spring, waiting until the chill of winter had subsided, the beginning of her journey had been easy, pleasant even, though that was going to an end. Each passing day got cooler, the leaves began to turn, and autumn was fast approaching, marking an end to tranquil, welcoming nights under a star-filled sky. Young and relatively naive though she was, she realized she would need to prepare for the upcoming winter months.

Glancing to her left and right, up and down the bustling boulevard, she seated against the nameless building’s wall, grabbed a discarded cup from behind herself, and got comfortable. Begging was simply a part of life for her, though this wasn’t simply to get a meal or tasty snack. Even though she’d found the perfect place to hunker down through winter, the underpass of a bridge just outside of town, she knew she was going to need supplies.

Levitating and invitingly waving the cup at the ponies that trotted by, she met their judging eyes with a hopeful smile. As far as she was concerned, the business district was the perfect place for her to linger; packed with restaurants, shops, and even a hoofful of banks, the area was abuzz with activity from sunup to sundown - that said, it came with a number of risks. On more than one occasion, the royal guards had been called to shoo her away, prompted by some callous soul, yet she was undeterred.

For three hours - three long hours, she sat and held onto her hopes that she’d raise enough to afford a warm sweater or possibly coat from a thrift store, but things weren’t looking too good. As the sun rolled overhead, feeling and hearing her stomach grumble, her optimism began to wane. Regardless of how many bits she ended up getting, if she got any bits at all, she’d need to find something to eat sooner or later.

Try as she might, even having penned a sign for herself using one of her precious few crayons, she’d only managed to get two bits by that afternoon. As her cheer began to fade, moments from deciding to pack up and move to a different location, the most unexpected thing happened. Looking up, past the stallions and mares who came and went, she spotted a colt.

With a crimson mane and creamy coat, nibbling on a freshly baked roll, he studied her as he trotted alongside his mother. It wasn’t the fact that he was well-fed or cared for that caught her interest - it was that instead of looking at her with disdain, he gazed upon her with pity. Giving him a smile and a wave, the only things she could give him, she watched him stop dead in his tracks, turn to face her, and trot in her direction.

Uh -” he uneasily began, brushing a lock of hair away from his face, “hi.”

“Hi,” she replied, her smile growing.

An awkward silence fell over them, as they inspected one another. Though they had much in common, being roughly the same age, they were from different worlds entirely - nevertheless, curiosity seized them. The dirty little filly, her mane a mess, stared at the bashful, inquisitive colt, while he slowly cocked his head to the side and peeked down at her hoof-written sign.

Scrunching his nose, he offered his hoof and the bun he held. “You want a bite?”

“If…if it’s ok,” she hastily replied, her hunger getting the better of her.

As she extended a foreleg, her mouth watering from the sight of the warm bread, an angry muttering caught her ear. Faster than she could react, his mother marched up and snatched him away. It was something she’d grown all too accustomed to, watching parents ferry their children away, yet it never seemed to lose its sting. Seeing him dragged off, listening to the mare berating him about talking to vagrants, she doggedly held her smile until he looked away from her.

This was simply how things were. No matter how harmless or kind she was, there would always be those who viewed her contempt. With a heavy sigh, telling herself that things would get better, she lifted and shook her little cup. She’d manage to get by, she always seemed to, and there’d be plenty of chances to meet somepony who would show her a bit of compassion.

Unfortunately for her, try as she might, her day was eventually squandered. By the time the sun was dipping toward the horizon, she was cold, famished, and had only three measly bits to her name. As tempted as she was to spend her meager funds on a decent meal, she knew better. A full belly would last her a few hours at best, but clothing would be far more valuable.

While she got to her hooves and neatly folded her sign, keeping it in the hopes of using it again tomorrow, an odd sound drew her attention down the sidewalk - the noise of hooves on concrete. Glancing over, fully expecting to find some business pony rushing by, her eyes widened. A colt, the very colt she’d met earlier that day, was scampering straight toward her with a paper bag in his mouth.

She held her ground and waited, unsure of what he wanted or where his intentions lay, until he came to a halt and panted before her. Aside from the mysterious parcel he carried, he had a small blanket tied around his neck, not unlike a makeshift cape. As she offered him a wave and a cautious smile, he plucked the bag from his muzzle and panted.

H…hi,” he wheezed, wiping sweat from his brow.

Unable to control herself, she giggled. “Hi.”

“You - um - you want to sit?” he asked, glancing from the spot she’d occupied to her face.

She nodded and stepped aside, making some room for him as she eased herself back to her haunches. It was only then that she noticed he was alone - his mother absent. Looking over at him, while he seated himself beside her, she quirked a brow. “Where’s your mom?”

“Who? Oh!” he blurted, snickering to himself. “That was my aunt! She lives right down the road!” he explained, shifting and pointing down the street. “I’m staying with her for the week. Here…”

Fiddling with his improvised cloak, he untied the fabric, shuffled closer to her, and draped it around the both of them. The comfort the blanket afforded, warmed by his body, was like a gift from heaven, but the generous little colt wasn’t done. As she sat mute, he sat the paper bag down, opened it, and retrieved a small loaf of bread.

“I lost it,” he stated, carefully splitting the loaf in half. “Aunt Mayberry won’t get too mad if it was a mistake - besides, you look chilly.”

Realization dawned on her, and her heart swelled. Though he didn’t know her in the slightest, he’d risked getting scolded for a perfect stranger. Staring down at the blanket, she felt torn. On one hoof, having something to keep her warm would be a blessing - on the other, the last thing she wanted was for him to get in trouble. Apparently sensing her unease, he shook his head

“Sorry about earlier,” he added, passing her the first bit of food she’d had her hooves on all day.

“Sorry for what?” she countered. “You didn’t do anything.”

Holding up a hoof, he chewed and swallowed a mouthful of bread. “I know, but my aunt said I’m not supposed to talk to ponies on the street, even if they’re foals.”

Leech nodded, reminded that her freedom came at a price. “That’s probably smart.”

Though she truly did wish to chat, the wonderful smell of the bread proved to be too much to bear. First she took one small bite, then another, until she was merrily feasting away beside him. The taste was incredible, fresh and still just a touch warm, and the crispy crust was absolutely amazing. Hearing him give a lighthearted snicker, she felt a tightness in her chest.

“Is it good?” he inquired, keenly watching her.

She nodded and swallowed, having to restrain herself from taking another bite. “It’s really good.”

“I helped make it at my uncle’s bakery,” he proudly stated, holding a hoof to his chest. “Are you gonna be here tomorrow?”

Unsure of how to answer, she paused. She’d actually planned on moving to another spot in the morning, since she’d made next to nothing that day, yet his question piqued her interest. Having given the matter a moment’s thought, she nodded yet again. “I can be ~ why?”

“Because I help with deliveries in the morning. If you’re here, I can probably sneak you a muffin or two,” he responded, playfully elbowing her side.

His selflessness rocked her to her core. She looked away, tears forming in her eyes, as a lump formed in her throat. Just like that, the tone of her entire day had turned on a dime. As he leaned against her, continuing to munch away at his snack, she kept her hooves crossed that he wouldn’t see her cry.

Silent minutes passed while they ate, before he glanced to the setting sun and got to his hooves. “I should probably head back.”

Guilt wracked her, as she pulled the blanket from around her shoulders and held it out to him. “Don’t forget this…”

“Nope,” he tutted, pushing her hoof back, “it’s for you! Wrap up and stay warm ~ okay?”

“O…okay,” she muttered, unable to meet his gaze.

His smile never wavered, as he reached out with a forehoof. “You promise you’ll be here tomorrow?”

Tapping her hoof to his, after wiping her cheek, she sniffled and grinned. “I promise.”

And with that, he turned away and departed, dashing back in the direction of his aunt’s home. As disheartening as it was to see him leave, he’d given her something more than a blanket and a meal - he’d given her a tender moment she wouldn’t soon forget. Pulling the blanket around herself, with what was carrying what was left of her bread and the sign she’d made, she trotted towards a nearby alleyway.

There was no guarantee she’d see him again, yet she clung to what he’d said, that he’d visit her in the morning, but therein lay a problem. Her camp was set up outside of town, nearly an hour’s walk away, which would make getting up and making the journey back an arduous one. As she entered the narrow backstreet, scanning the area, she found just what she’d been hoping to find.

Sleeping in boxes was nothing new for her, so finding an empty cardboard crate was perfect. Seeing as how she’d rather not leave town only to hike back in the morning, she did what she always did under such circumstances - she got resourceful. Shifting what would be her home for the night, turning its opening toward the wall and away from the wind, she scurried inside, laid down, and pulled the blanket close.

As she finished off her bread, her mind wandered off to the friendly little colt who’d come back to visit her. She couldn’t help but wonder who he was, where he was from, or what he was doing at that very moment. Though it wasn’t exceptionally uncommon to meet fillies or colts her age, it was rare for her to actually get to know them. Remembering his soft features and broad shoulders, smelling him on the blanket he’d given her, she made a mental note to ask him something important in the morning, something she’d completely forgotten about until that moment.

Between her meager meal and the long day of panhandling, it wasn’t long before her eyelids grew heavy. Sheltered from the breeze, warmed by the blanket, and with a smile on her lips, her excitement gave way to exhaustion. She had no way of knowing exactly when her newfound friend would be coming by, but she was going to make sure she would be waiting for him. More content than she’d been in a long while, having something to look forward to, she drifted off to sleep.

A sudden noise shook her awake, wrenching her back to the conscious world. Holding her breath, grappling with the confusion of being shaken from her sleep, she remained still and listened. There were perils to camping out in or out of a city, but there was a reason she preferred the solitude of being away from the hustle and bustle. Without any warning whatsoever, her box was sent tumbling and collapsed.

Her startled yelp was reflexive, borne of fear and shock, as she scrambled out of her cardboard shelter - a move she quickly came to regret. With the blanket over her shoulders, she froze when she noticed two large, ominous silhouettes backlit by the street behind them. She couldn’t say who they were, what they wanted, or why they’d come into the alley, but the wolfish grin that crept across their muzzles made her blood run cold.

“Told you I saw some runt skulking around here,” one grunted, stepping forward to loom over her.

The second figure stood motionless, staring at her with a sneer on his lips. “What’re you doin’ back here? You waiting to break into my shop?”

“N…no!” Leech stammered, her heart starting to race. “I w…was just waiting for my friend! He’ll be here in the - “

Ew!” the first retched, taking a step back and waving his forehoof in front of his nose. “She stinks!”

Her brow furrowed, anger mingling with her fear, as she glared up at him. “I do not!”

“Yeah right you don’t,” the second chuckled, walking over to join his companion. “Trash like you always stinks. If you want to sleep somewhere, there’s a dump on the other side of the city.”

She’d heard it before, the cruelty of those who didn’t understand, hadn’t ever gone without, but it still hurt. Taking a step back, she glanced over her shoulder and down the corridor. Though she had no way of knowing if she’d be able to get away, unfamiliar with the labyrinthine backstreets in that area, she’d rather risk running from them than trying to run by them, if things took a turn.

“Please,” she murmured, “I’ll go. My friend is going to come see me in the morning, so I didn’t want to keep him waiting.”

“Friend - Hah! Trash like you ain’t got friends,” one heartlessly laughed, inching closer to her. The moment he was within reach, he ripped the blanket from off her shoulders. “You steal this?”

“She probably did,” the other brute growled. “It’s too nice and way too clean for a ragamuffin like her to have just found it.”

Swallowing hard, her eyes never leaving the blanket, she summoned her courage. “He gave it to me.”

He? He who? This friend of yours?” the lead stallion scoffed.

“Y…yeah,” she sputtered, glaring up at him.

“If he’s your friend, what’s his name?” the pony scoffed, his companion snickering to himself.

Leech opened her mouth to reply, yet she didn’t make a sound. The one thing she regretted not asking the colt, having been too preoccupied at the time to think of it, had put her on the spot. If she hadn’t been so hungry earlier, she wouldn’t be in this mess - sadly, that wasn’t the case. Struggling to think of something - anything to say, she could only watch helplessly as her blanket was ripped in half.

Get out of here, trash…” the pony growled, magically lifting a bag of rubbish from atop a nearby dumpster.

The breath hitched in her throat, tears flowed down her cheeks, and she was assailed by a sorrow and rage like she’d never known, as she stared down at the tattered fabric at the stallion’s hooves. Her instincts screamed at her to run, to turn tail and get away, but she didn’t - couldn’t. The blanket was more than just cloth, more than simply something to keep her warm - it had given her something to look forward to.

She stumbled to the side, stuck by a bag of garbage, before she turned and sprinted away. There was nothing else she could do, so she ran - she ran as hard and as fast as her little legs could carry her. The bitter laughter from behind her rang in her ears, echoing off the buildings surrounding her, as panic gripped her.

Rounding a corner and nearly tumbling into a road, she got her bearings and fled in the direction of her refuge. She didn’t know why the two had decided to pick on her, but that was of no consequence; they’d made their intentions known, destroyed something she held dear, and there was a very real chance they’d be on the lookout for her if she tried to return. The imposing buildings around her gave way to suburbs, then thinning into fields, before she felt even remotely safe.

As she skidded down an embankment leading to a small stream, she shifted and hurried beneath the old cobblestone bridge that had been her sanctuary for nearly the last week. There was no way she’d been followed, having gone so far as to glance behind herself at several points throughout her flight, yet that only gave the smallest amount of comfort. With her lungs burning and heart pounding in her chest, she crawled under a lean-to of palates she’d made for herself, buried her face in her hooves, and wept.

She didn’t cry because her legs hurt, or because of the scrapes on her cheek and shoulder, or even because she’d lost her blanket - she cried because she realized she’d never see the colt again. Going back and waiting for him would be beyond foolish, even if the pitiless stallions hadn’t called the royal guard on her, so there was no way she’d be able to keep her promise. In that moment, what little food she had and the shelter over her head gave her no solace.

If she’d only taken a second to ask him his name or learn something about him, she may have been able to find him, but she hadn’t; she’d only cared about filling her belly and savoring his company. Curling up on the cold, unfeeling ground, having only the sounds of her sniffing and whimpering to keep her company, she prayed. She didn’t wish for riches, a mansion, or as much food as she could ever want - she simply wished to find somewhere that she belonged.

As her tears ran dry, she fixated on a life she could eventually have. A home, a loving husband to look after her, and even a foal of her own, as improbable as they all were, would bring her joy each and every single day. It didn’t matter that the chances of her even having such things was low - the only thing that mattered, especially in trying times, was that they gave her hope and something to strive for.

Tired, aching, and exhausted though she was, wanting nothing more than to sleep, there was something important she needed to do. Hobbling out from beneath the bridge, she peered up at the cloudless night sky, drew a breath, and slowly exhaled. Undoubtedly safe and comfortable in his bed, he’d have no way to hear her - nevertheless, she cleared her throat and gazed at the stars.

I’m sorry I won’t be there,” she breathed, forcing herself to smile. “Just promise me you won’t be mad…”

She knew it was silly, but apologizing to the nameless colt made her feel the slightest bit better. Turning and trotting back to her shelter, passing by the bindle which held her few belongings, she told herself that everything was going to be alright. The sun would wake her in the morning, she had a granola bar stashed in with her things, and there was always a chance that her luck would change for the better.

Of all the things she’d learned from being on her own, having experienced some of the best and some of the worst that ponykind had to offer, there was one lesson that stood out among the rest - don’t ever give up. If she chose to surrender to life, she’d never have anything - nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, and she definitely wouldn’t find that special somepony who was out there waiting for her. She knew - knew that she’d find her place in the world, somewhere that held true happiness, and she was going to keep pushing herself until she found it.

Chapter 1

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“Just a second!” Light called out, hearing a bell jingle from the front of the shop.

It wasn’t uncommon for him to go without help, even though his wife was supposed to be working the register. Closing the oven door and setting the egg timer to forty-five minutes, he turned and briskly trotted through the kitchen. Truth be told, he didn’t mind working by himself, but it hadn’t always been that way.

Two years prior, when he’d first opened his bakery and accomplished his lifelong dream, he’d almost always had his spouse around to help with work - sadly, it hadn’t stayed that way for long. Tidbit, his betrothed, had grown increasingly less fond of working the register or assisting him in any way, oftentimes giving excuses to shirk her duties; it hadn’t been that terrible at first, since he’d assumed she wasn’t feeling well, although it had become a recurring event over the past few months. Shaking his head and clearing his thoughts, he moved through the open doorway and into the storefront.

“How can I help…” he fell silent, observing that the shop was oddly vacant.

Given his size, being quite tall for a unicorn, he should have been able to see any prospective customers milling behind the racks of fresh bread, yet he didn’t see anypony. Trotting around the counter, he cocked his head to the side. Unless somepony had briefly popped in and left, he didn’t have an explanation for hearing the door open. It was only after he moved past a display of cupcakes he’d made that morning did he find what - no, who had paid him a visit.

“Can I help you, Miss?” he softly asked, gazing down at a short unicorn whose face was all but plastered against the glass case.

“Oh - uh -” she began, apparently caught off guard by his appearance, “how much are these?”

Looking to the frosted assortment of goods, he smiled. “Six bits for a half dozen - ten for a full dozen.”

The little mare scrunched her snout and nodded to a boule of sourdough by the register. “And that?”

“That,” he noted, looking over at the loaf, “would be three bits, but it’s already a day old.”

Waiting to hear her reply, he took a moment to look her over. Her shaggy white mane and tail contrasted wildly against her black coat, yet her amethyst, cat-like eyes were what he found most striking about her. She may well have had some thestral in her blood, which would explain her unique peepers, but he had no way to be sure.

Quietly studying her, seeing a frown crease her muzzle, something struck him as amiss. For starters, he’d never seen the pony before, so she may have been from out of town - secondly, though he hadn’t initially noticed it, she seemed a bit unkempt. The somewhat dingy and careworn satchel slung at her side was yet another indication that she may not have been all that well off, causing him to crease his brow.

“If money’s an issue, I’d -” he was cut off, as she raised a hoof.

Turning away, she moved towards the exit. “Thanks, but I don’t take handouts.”

“Wait,” he huffed, trotted up beside her, “I didn’t catch your name.”

Slowing to a halt, she peered up at his face. “It’s Leech.”

“Well, Leech, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Light,” he announced, dipping his head and extending a foreleg.

Looking between the proffered hoof and his face, Leech considered her options. The only reason she’d entered the bakery was because she’d hoped to nab some old bread from the previous day, before it was thrown out, but luck hadn’t been on her side - that being said, she had a few tricks up her nonexistent sleeve. Reaching into her bag, she rummaged around and produced what little money she had.

“I’ll give you two bits for that loaf,” she stated, glancing at the boule by the register.

Light slowly lowered his hoof, his smile wavering. Between her disheveled state, the early hour, and her attempt to dicker him down, he was left to presume his guest had fallen on hard times - a fact that plucked at his heartstrings. Though he’d always thought of himself as a relatively shrewd and hard working baker, there were few things that gnawed at him like a pony in need.

“Tell you what,” he began, trotting back behind the counter, “I’ll give you the loaf and a cupcake for two bits.”

Her eyes narrowed to a squint, as she turned to face him. “What’s the catch?”

Giving her a small shrug, he grinned. “Consider it a complementary discount for a first-time customer.”

Despite his cheerful demeanor, Leech wasn’t buying the nice stallion act. She’d been around the block for long enough to know that there was almost always some sort of string attached to generous offers, with most deals that are too good to be true being exactly that. Keeping her lips pursed, she scanned his face for any sign of possible trickery at play.

He seemed nice enough, but he wasn’t the only pony who could pull the nice act in the room. Tall and somewhat stocky, bearing a crimson mane and sandy colored coat, it was almost uncanny how much he looked like the stereotypical baker - still, he was a stallion, and every stallion had certain weaknesses. Smirking to herself, she casually approached the counter.

“By chance, is there a missus Light?” she coyly inquired.

He nodded, though his cheerful demeanor waned. “There is, yes.”

“Shame,” she sighed, hanging her head. “If there wasn’t, I might be able to offer you something better than a measly two bits…”

Without saying another word, she opened her mouth, lifted a forehoof, and nonchalantly stroked the air before her muzzle. It was an audacious and shameless display, acting out oral in front of somepony she’d only just met - then again, it wasn’t the worst thing she’d ever done around a stranger. Even if she was mostly teasing the stallion, she couldn’t help herself from having a bit of fun.

Having effectively grown up on the streets, simply drifting wherever the winds took her, she’d learned to take joy from the little things. It wasn’t exactly what she’d call an easy life, but she always managed to find a way to get by. Seeing his cheeks darken, as he fidgeted uncomfortably in place, she shot him a wink.

“I…I don’t…” he stammered, nervously calling on his magic to adjust his glasses, “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“Oh?” she chirped, ceasing her salacious motions. “Maybe you’re interested in something else then…”

Light’s eyes widened, his jaw nearly hit the floor, and his heart skipped a beat, as she wheeled around and faced away from him. Seeing her spontaneously pantomime a blowjob had been shocking enough, yet that was only the opening act of her shameless display. Flicking her tail to the side, she cocked one hind leg and gave him an unabashed look at the dark, meaty lips of her plump marehood.

“I don’t usually offer something like this right off the bat, but I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for bigger guys,” she teased, igniting her horn and spreading her sex.

He’d assumed she may have been impoverished, what with her attempt to barter, but he would never have fathomed she’d stoop so low simply for something to eat. Utterly at a loss, he stared in open amazement at her moist, rosy interior - that was until he heard her giggle. Tearing his eyes off her loins and to her face, he said the first and only question that came to his mind.

“You’re a prostitute?” he croaked.

Steadily lowering her leg, maintaining eye contact the whole while, she shrugged. “When I have to be ~ why?”

“It’s just, well,” he murmured, rubbing the back of his neck.

Unsure of what to say, he kept his mouth closed. He’d never met somepony of her persuasion before, and he most certainly hadn’t sought out anypony in her profession, so he didn’t know how best to handle the situation. Unfortunately for him, as he gathered his frazzled thoughts, he failed to notice her prance around the counter.

“Judging from that,” she giggled, looking to his groin, “I’ll take that as a resounding no.”

A cold chill ran up his spine, only then realizing the effects of her exhibitionistic display. He didn’t need to look at himself to know he’d gotten a bit excited by seeing her naughty bits, which left him in a tricky situation. She clearly had no qualms about discussing or, if he had to guess, actually doing lewd things with strangers, so he was immediately on his back hoof. As he struggled to find something - anything to say to excuse himself, she took a step closer.

“Let me guess,” Leech hummed, closing on the slowly retreating stallion, “you’ve been married for a while and your wife isn’t as enthusiastic in the bedroom as she used to be…”

She’d seen it more times than she could count, good-hearted stallions who found themselves mired in a relationship that slowly became increasingly one sided. She’d be the first pony in the room to admit that most mares simply didn’t appreciate what they have, securing a caring and oftentimes attractive stud with their looks or feminine wiles, only to stop giving their lover any attention once the hooks were in. She harbored nothing but contempt for such disgraceful behavior, although it did give her the perfect excuse to enact a bit of retribution.

If his wife was a layabout who didn’t tend to his stallionly needs, and if he was as interested in her as his erection seemed to imply, she may very well be able to scratch any sort of lustful itch he’d been dealing with - nevertheless, she couldn’t be one hundred percent certain about the status of his marriage. There was a slim chance that he was a pervert, even if his reaction to her bit of teasing appeared to dictate the contrary, and she was not about to become some undue homewrecker. Halting her advance, leaving a few feet between them, she smugly waited for him to gather himself.

Light wasn’t sure what was more disconcerting - the fact that she’d brazenly offered to exchange carnal services for baked goods, or that she’d somehow deduced that his relationship was sorely lacking in the romance department. He loved his wife, he really did, but to say she was less than amorous would be an understatement. His quality of life had gradually diminished, as the years with his betrothed went by, but it hadn’t always been that way.

When he’d first met his mate, he’d been as happy as can be. They went out on dates regularly, would sit and talk for hours on end, and the sex - sweet Celestia, they’d end up having sex at the drop of a hat! He would have never thought those good times would come to an end, until they already had.

He couldn’t say exactly when things with his spouse had started to decline, yet his relationship was a shell of its former self. She often slept in or stayed up later than him, leaving him without company in the mornings or evenings, and she acted like working alongside him was a chore. He’d tried everything he could to rekindle the passion between them, from offering to take them on trips to giving her gifts, but it was all for naught. Closing his eyes, feeling more than a little disheartened by the reminder that he may be stuck in a dead-end marriage, he pinched the bridge of his snout.

Leech took a step back, afraid she may have struck a nerve. “Listen, I’m just messing with you. I wouldn’t -”

“No,” he interjected, “you were right, but I don’t think I’d feel comfortable taking advantage of you like that. If you really want to help, there’s something else you can do.”

Taken aback by his chivalry, she piqued a brow. “I’m listening.”

“Here,” he continued, levitating a broom from the corner over to her. “Help me tidy up and I’ll give you as much bread or sweets as you can carry in that bag of yours.”

An impish smile split her muzzle, as she took the broom in her indigo-colored magic. “Would that include a creampie?”

His blush returned with a vengeance, and he cast his eyes to the floor. “How about we just stick with the cleaning ~ alright?”

“I’m just teasing!” she snickered, trotting up to elbow his side. “But really, it’s your fault.”

“How?” he countered, glancing over at her.

Swinging around, with the broom held sorcerously at her side, she sauntered back around the counter. “If you weren’t such a big cutie, I wouldn’t be flirting so hard.”

Relenting her bawdy torment, if only for the time being, she began studiously sweeping the floor. She hadn’t been lying when she said she had a soft spot for bigger stallions, taking solace in the security their large bodies afforded and the fact that most were relatively well hung, and Light was no exception. Though she’d only gotten a glimpse of his semi-erect length, she’d seen enough to know he was packing some serious heat.

Still stunned by the turn of events, Light watched his mysterious visitor for a moment. The morning was already one of the most interesting ones he’d had in years, having gone to work expecting just another ordinary day in the bakery, but he wasn’t about to complain. As much as he’d like to stay and converse with her, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

There were orders to fulfill, including one for a rather sizable birthday cake, and it wasn’t like he had another baker on hoof to actually make any of them. As he trotted back into the kitchen, he stopped and glanced over his shoulder at his guest-made-assistant. Something told him that he didn’t have to keep an eye on her, with the worst possible outcome being the loss of some bread and a broom, so he felt no need to supervise, however a bit of direction couldn’t hurt.

“Once you’re done, or if a customer comes in, just come back to get me,” he instructed, lifting an apron from a coat hanger by the door.

“Got it,” she shot back, waving a hoof over her shoulder.

With little more to be said, he put himself to work. One of the most underappreciated things about his craft was just how relaxing it could be, allowing him to fall into an almost meditative state. The sensation of dough against his hooves and the aroma of baking bread never failed to bring a deep-seated contentment, bringing him back to center in a matter of minutes. Leaving his helper to her own devices, trusting she wasn’t going to rob him blind, he ensconced himself with his work.

As he flitted between the oven, the mixer, and both of the work benches he had, his sense of time slipped, but that wasn’t all that uncommon. More often than not, if he wasn’t tending to customers, he could easily lose himself to juggling different orders. Lifting and emptying a large batch of dough onto the flour dusted table, he was blissfully ignorant to the sound of light hoofsteps sneaking up behind him.

“I bet you can make a ton of batter with these bad boys,” Leech purred, dipping her head and pressing her nose to his fat, ripe nuts.

She hadn’t intended to go into the kitchen to molest him, simply having finished tidying up, but the sight of his backside and package proved too much to bear. Though she didn’t consider herself a bad pony by any means, she constantly struggled to rein in her marish urges, especially around larger studs. Closing her eyes and inhaling through her sinuses, breathing in the ambrosial musk of his loins, a thrilled shiver ran up her spine.

Not only was he tall enough to walk beneath, only having to stoop down slightly to get under him, but he smelled heavenly. Earthy, strong, and yet somehow comforting, his fragrance sent blood rushing to her marehood. She hadn’t been that turned on while flirting with him earlier, simply having fun playing with him, but the scent of his goods, not to mention having his very impressive package atop her snout, caused her to drool from both ends.

Light stifled a startled yelp, unprepared by his guest’s less than modest intrusion. It would have been bad enough to be startled by somepony while he was working, yet he was not expecting the lewd little mare to simply walk in and shove her face against his equipment. While his natural instinct was to whip around and put her harassment to an end, he forced himself to remain motionless - telling himself that it was just to call her possible bluff.

“Yeah,” he stated, attempting to interject a bit of false bravado, “they tend to make things a big messy.”

Yeah,” she hummed, shuffling forward and resting his sack over her muzzle. “I can’t imagine how many foals you’ve had with these bad boys.”

Taking a small step back, dragging his balls over her face, he lowered his head and peered down his chest at her. “Actually, I don’t have any.”

Leech recoiled in disbelief, backpedaling from underneath the hulking stud. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Remaining in place, suppressing an amused chuckle, he shook his head. “Nnnnnnnnope. I guess you could say I have a dad bod without being a dad.”

“Wanna fix that?” she blurted, her slatternly impulses acting slightly faster than her higher functions.

The spontaneous utterance left the pair motionless, locking eyes and staring at one another, yet each suffered through an unspoken response. Light’s stallionhood crept from its sheath, hanging below him and swell with every beat of his heart, while Leech’s sex angrily winked and drooled at the thought of being claimed. In the blink of an eye, the air grew thick with sexual tension - sexual tension which the mare was all too quick to exploit.

“You know, I’ve always had an interest in baking,” she smoothly began, trotting around to his side and bringing her head beneath him, “because I wouldn’t mind being bred…”

Situated as she was, with her derrière next to his shoulder, Light gazed longingly at her tush. Unlike in the storefront, when she’d been a dozen or so paces away, he was given a very close look at what she had to offer. The dark, twin globes of her rump looked beyond inviting, but not nearly as inviting as the fleeting glimpses of her succulent, pink interior contrasted against her nearly black lower lips. As he imagined how she would feel around him, getting the first taunting whiff of her feminine bouquet, his stallionhood twitched in anticipation.

Though he’d never considered cheating on his wife, he suddenly found himself very, very tempted to be unfaithful. The twin powers of his neglected sex drive and his fidelity to his betrothed warred like titans in his mind, bringing him to an impasse. Grappling with the concept of adultery, his eyes stayed locked to slavering nethers.

Peeking over at his face, seeing that her naughty bits had him hypnotized, Leech turned her attention to the absolutely massive cock mere inches from her muzzle. She would have been even more assertive than she’d been already, had she not known that he was in a relationship, but she could only control herself for so long. The revelation that the kindhearted stud hadn’t sired a foal with anypony tickled some deep, dark part of her id, enticing her to sin and fracturing what little self-restraint she had left.

Given that she’d already indulged herself by burying her face in his junk, and that he was staring at her pussy like a horny teenager, she couldn’t help but give herself a taste of his endowment. As she craned her neck, with her lips parting ever so slightly, she extended her tongue and gently licked the tip of his shaft. The salty flavor of his dick danced over her palate, fanning the flames of her desires, she closed her eyes, twisted her head, and loudly cleared her throat.

“I’m gonna cut to the chase here,” she grumbled, drawing his eye. “You mind if I suck your dick?”

“I…w…what?” he sputtered, swallowing hard.

“Listen, I’ll be blunt, you’re a nice stallion, I think you’re extremely hot, and you’ve got one hell of a bitch-breaker. I can totally respect it if you don’t want to mount me and screw me into a coma, but I really, really want to choke myself on your cock,” she admitted. Opening her maw and preparing to suck him off, she stopped herself and looked back at him. “By the way, if you wanna swab my throat, feel free to fuck my face - trust me, I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.”

Unable to hold herself back, she adjusted her positioning, shot forward, and wrapped her lips around his length. The sensation of soft flesh around the steely core of his stallionhood was every bit amazing as she’d hoped. She’d wholeheartedly meant what she’d said, in spite of how absurd it sounded - she absolutely loved to suck dick, having gotten herself off to the activity on numerous occasions, and she had every intention of fitting every vascular inch of his shaft down her gullet.

The poor guy was either too stunned or enthralled to make a move to stop her, which suited her purposes just fine. Even if he didn’t want to jump in and start rutting her muzzle, she wasn’t going to stop until her nose was grinding against his crotch. Filling her lungs and relaxing her jaw, as she dutifully mopped the sensitive underside of his member with her tongue, she crept forward and brought the head of his cock to the back of her throat.

She had no earthly way of knowing how many mares he’d been with in his life, but she was determined to give him the best blowjob he’d ever had. Continuing onward, feeling her neck bulge outward with the immense intrusion, she winced. Even with her inconceivable oral fixation and considerable skill, her zeal left her in a bit of a tight situation; in one of the rarer moments in her life, she’d underestimated just how enormous a stallion truly was.

Biting his bottom lip, fighting tooth and hoof not to buck his hips, Light’s thoughts raced. The taboo of getting wantonly sucked off by a practical stranger, while in the bakery he’d founded with his wife, was possibly possibly the most arousing moment of his life. He knew it was wrong to enjoy something so hedonistic, to violate the sanctity of his marriage, yet he couldn’t deny the blissful sensations her maw afforded.

Feeling her kiss his medial ring, hearing her daintily gag around his pulsing tool, his willpower crumbled to ash. In that moment, disregarding the vows he’d sworn to his betrothed, he reached his breaking point. Broadening his stance, he steadied himself, snorted, and drove his hips forward. If she’d hoped to rile him up, she’d succeeded; he just hoped she was ready to reap what she had sown.

The force of his thrust sank almost the entirety of his shaft into her face, apparently taking her off guard. Her throat spasmed around him, he felt her fidget beneath him, and her attempt to blow him drew to an immediate halt, but those weren’t nearly as captivating as what his eyes were drawn to. Glistening nectar practically seeped from her sex, dribbling down one of her thighs and down to her hock.

Aside from accommodating most of his length in her gullet, far more than his lover could manage, she was actually turned on by the harsh abuse. Before he even realized what he was doing, he rolled his hips back, withdrew a portion of his length from her snout, and plunged his cock back into her face. His second buck prompted her to crawl fully beneath him, allowing him to sate himself much more comfortably.

While it was a bit disappointing to lose the view of her behind, being with a mare who was actually eager to please him more than made up for it. Giving her one final look, seeing her seated beneath him, he closed his eyes and fell into a steady rhythm. He was lucky if his wife sucked him off once a year, yet the promiscuous little minx had practically begged him to let her blow him! With his reluctance slowly slipping away, he focused on simply enjoying himself.

Leech’s eyes watered, her lips stretched uncomfortably around the girthy root of his length, and she was totally cut off from air, but she couldn’t have been happier. Judging from how quickly he’d gone from borderline unwilling to wantonly to plowing her snout, she had to assume he rarely, if ever got to enjoy the warm, snug throat around his cock. Resting on her haunches, knowing she had a good minute or so until she had to breathe, she reached between her hind legs and stroked her aching snatch.

She knew full well that there weren’t many mare’s who actually liked being used in such a demeaning way, and fewer still who’d trained their gag reflex enough to handle a face-fucking from somepony so well-hung, but she absolutely loved it. Being put in her place and used like a sex-toy was what she lived for - not because she thought little of herself, but because she was simply a slut for big, virile studs. Focusing on her clit, sending sparks of pleasure through her frame, she sent power into her horn and sorcerously choked herself.

The tinge of discomfort from having such a colossal dick down her throat coalesced with the physical and psychological pleasure of worshiping such a magnificent stallion, and she could easily get off to the act, yet it would be tricky to pull off. She was on a timer until she blacked out, already feeling her lungs beginning to burn, yet she wanted to push the envelope. She’d be sure to back away before she lost consciousness, if only to see how far he’d be willing to go with her.

On and on he went, pumping his hips harder and faster with every second, until he was all but hilting her muzzle with each thrust. His huge balls slapped against her chin, her vision was filled by his crotch, and the sound of his heavy breaths filled her ears, pushing her closer and closer to her limit. It wasn’t until his motions lost their tempo, becoming increasingly frantic, that she brought things screeching to a halt.

Somewhat clumsily sidling to one side and getting to her hooves, she backed out from underneath him and began unsheathing herself from his pulsing shaft. Her assumption that he’d been getting close was proven correct, as the partially flared head of his cock Popped out of her mouth and into the cool air. Licking the strands of saliva and pre-cum from her lips, relishing the salty flavors on her tongue, she tore her eyes off his steaming member and looked over at his face.

“Gotta say,” she began, wiping her chin with a foreleg, “you got a really lucky wife.”

Heh -” Light weakly laughed, feeling his excitement give way to remorse. “I wish she felt the same way as you.”

“Hey, it’s not all bad,” she continued, spinning in place and stepping over to the opposite workbench.

She could already tell that she had him on the ropes, but a final little nudge in the right direction definitely wasn’t going to hurt. Resting her forehooves on the steel surface, she pushed herself up, spread her hind legs, and flung her tail to the side. Presenting herself to him would have probably been enough to get what she wanted, yet she peered back at him and shot him a kiss.

“If you really wanted me to stick around, you wouldn’t have to try too hard -” she cooed, arching her back and pressing her chest against the table, “after all, I’m just a poor, innocent mare that wants a good, hard dicking.”

The joke went in one ear and out the other, as Light stared at her marehood. A part of him screamed at him to stop, warning him that he may throw his marriage out the window, yet another, fundamental part of him demanded he claim her. It had been so long, so very long since he’d gotten any genuine sexual gratification that his id forced him to move, putting one hoof in front of the other until he was standing right behind her.

“The best part about bakers?” she whispered, peeking up and back at him. “They’re the best at putting a bun in the oven…”

The taunt was the straw which broke the camel’s back, fracturing his resolve outright. Rearing to his hind legs, he stepped forward and slammed his forehooves to either side of her head. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so excited, and he was not about to lose the opportunity to slake his stallionly urges. Guided by feeling alone, he brought the head of his cock to her backside, nudged her entrance, and ground into her.

Her whorish groan was music to his ears, but the sensation of her depths - stars above, he’d never felt anything as amazing before. The slatternly little unicorn, in spire of her relatively diminutive size, was somehow accommodating him much, much easier than any of his past partners had; even his wife, who he’d bedded more than anypony else, still struggled with the sheer magnitude of his stallionhood, yet his mysterious guest did so with ease. Her depths were like molten silk, lovingly wrapping around him and coaxing him deeper, erasing his hesitation in an instant.

Fuck you’re big,” she moaned, bringing him back to his senses.

Peeking down at her face, fighting the compulsion to start fucking, he falteringly grinned. “J…just tell me if I’m being too rough.”

“I won’t,” she smoothly responded, clamping her sex around his length, “because I want everything you have to offer…”

The second she finished speaking, he braced his legs and began pounding into her. Incredible couldn’t begin to describe being rutted by the compassionate giant; she’d been bedded by more ponies than she could count, and a good number of other, more exotic creatures as well, yet the unassuming, gargantuan baker tested her limits. Feeling almost virginal compared to his enormity, she rested her head and weakly bucked back to meet his plunges.

Though she couldn’t see it, she felt her entrance being drawn out with each backstroke then stuffed in with every plunge. His scent filled her nostrils, his heat warmed her from the inside out, and the sound of his deep, almost loving grunts were a feast for the senses, making her as giddy as a filly on prom night. Be damned if she would have thought she’d end up meeting and getting railed by such a considerate stud, but she thanked the heavens that she’d walked into his bakery.

Matching his rhythm, she cyclically threw her ass back while he pounded into her. He wasn’t even fully hilted, yet her womb was nearly crushed with each unstoppable plunge. There weren’t many, if any guys she’d been with who were bigger than him, either in stature or the size of their junk, but she wasn’t going to be satisfied until she had every glorious inch of his stallionhood inside her cunt - even if he had to break her to do it.

H…harder,” she whimpered, feeling his medial ring repeatedly kissing her sex.

Light set his jaw, rutting her slightly harder than he had been. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go all out, but he didn’t want to hurt her. Lowering his torso and pressing his chest to her back, subconsciously moving harder and faster as the seconds passed, he gradually succumbed to his bestial wants.

The steady Plap Plap Plap of flesh on flesh, the groans of delight, and the sonorous grunts reverberated off the tiled floor and walls, filling the room like a sinful symphony, as the pair lost themselves to the spontaneously amorous moment. Each had something the other wanted, and it was as thought fate had brought them together purely for that purpose. The risk of being happened upon bled away, replaced by the sheer, unadulterated passion.

Bracing herself as well as she could, yet driven forward by the raw power of his thrusts, Leech’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. This was where she belonged, being used by a lovable colossus, and she had no shame in admitting it. Her thighs trembled, the depths of her marehood quaked, and the breath hitched in her throat, as a feeling of warmth blossomed within her abdomen.

Keep - Oh fuck - keep g…going,” she mewled, realizing she wasn’t going to last for long.

Her plea struck Light like a gong, only then comprehending he was reaching his limit. The protracted dry spell he’d been suffering through, paired by his lack of experience, left his stamina somewhat lacking - nevertheless, he’d somehow managed to push her to the brink. Feeling his length starting to throb, sensing his nuts drawing taught to his groin, his movements wavered.

Instantly sensing his indecision, knowing good and damn well he’d been about to cum, she flew into a frenzy. Energy surged into her horn, driven by the nigh unfathomable depths of her lust, as her eyes went alight. Using every ounce of her arcane might, she surrounded him with her sorcerous aura and wrenched his entire body forward.

The move was downright foolish, borne of desperation, yet it worked to profound effect. Spurred by her carnal appetite, or possibly caving to his own desires, he lent his substantial weight to the endeavor and drove into her with everything he had. Her inner gates yielded in a heartbeat, unable to content with their combined power, as he sheathed the entirety of his stallionhood within her and slammed into her womb.

Yes,” she wailed, climaxing on the spot, “breed me.”

Her plea didn’t fall on deaf ears, undoing the final shreds of his endurance. With a primal howl, while the tip of his shaft expanded to nearly triple its original size, a torrent of hot, virile seed surged through his pulsing length and into his mate. Beyond cathartic, filling him with an unimaginable euphoria, the release was everything he could have dreamt of, yet the small mare’s shrill, blissful howl reminded him that he was very much awake.

As impossible as it may have seemed, orgasming mere moments before, the influx of his seed evoked a climax like none other. Her vision tunneled, nectar gushed from her convulsing marehood, and her hind legs buckled, but she somehow managed to remain standing. The weight and heat of his jizz, causing her gut to bloat with the volume of his load, was too much for anypony to endure - even for a slut like herself. Able to do little more than heave air into her chest, she did her damnedest to weather the rapturous storm and stay conscious.

His thundering heart slowed, the ecstasy gave way to euphoria, and his thoughts languidly returned, as he pushed himself up and peered down at his mate. He hadn’t meant to go so harshly, but he hadn’t been able to control himself - not after she’d made him fully exert himself. Balancing himself on one foreleg, he gingerly caressed her cheek.

“You - um - ok?” he quietly asked, genuinely concerned by her dazed state.

Shakily peeking up at him, she groggily nodded. “Uh-huh…”

Glancing to the doorway, fully aware that they were very lucky for not being caught, he dipped down and nudged her chin with his snout.

“We should probably - Mmmph?!” his suggestion fell short, as she extended her head and locked lips with him.

The kiss was inspired and the perfect finishing touch for their little tryst. Against all odds, he pushed back against her, plunging his tongue into her mouth to hotly make out with her. The moment seemed to drag on into a small eternity,while they shared each other’s breath, until they each pulled away and stared into one another’s eyes.

“We should probably get cleaned up. I’ve got a half-bath in the back,” he hummed, motioning to a doorway in the back.

She knew she couldn’t stay beneath him forever, constricting around his softening stallionhood, so she sighed in frustration. “I’ll help you get cleaned up once we’re done.”

Light balked, surprised by the implications of what she’d said. “You want to shower with me?”

Duh,” she wearily chuckled, stroking his leg. “Let’s get going. I’d hate for somepony to walk in on us.”

He could scarcely believe his ears. Having fully expected her to fuck and run, likely taking some of pastries with herself, her offer to shower with him caught him by surprise. Grinning from ear to ear, he lowered his head and pecked the end of her snout.

“Only because you asked…”

Chapter 2

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“Are you sure this is alright?” Leech asked, anxiously looking up at the towering stallion.

Light nodded and offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Tidbit is off visiting family in Hope’s Hollow for the week - trust me, it’ll be fine.”

Strolling off the sidewalk and a nearly trimmed path, he moved to the front of his home. It wasn’t like he’d planned on inviting the sultry, remarkably charming mare to his house - then again, he hadn’t planned on growing fond of her either. Looking back and seeing the little unicorn lingering just outside his yard, he smirked and waved for her to follow.

The last few weeks at the bakery had been positively wonderful - not because business had been better than usual, nor because his wife had continued to abstain from helping, but because Leech was an absolute delight. Aside from their passionate tryst, the first and only one of its kind, she was genuinely engaging and fun to be around. From the moment he opened the shop to the second he locked the doors, she kept herself busy with anything and everything she could find. During the slower hours, when they weren’t tending to customers, he’d even started teaching her the basics of baking and pastry work.

Simply put, despite his best efforts, he found himself increasingly attracted to his newfound friend. Not only was she easy on the eyes, quick witted, and eager to learn, but she honestly valued his company - at least he was pretty sure she did. Watching her trot nearer, he retrieved a key from his satchel, and opened the door.

“Please,” he began, bowing and extending a foreleg to the interior, “make yourself at home.”

“Oh wow,” she quietly gasped, peering into his home. Her wonderment lasted only a split second, before she turned and smirked over at him. “And you’re not doing this just to have another roll with me?”

He snickered and shook his head, dismissively waving his forehoof all the while. “If I was, I…” he fell silent, being stricken by a marvelously silly idea.

“If you were…what?” she inquired, cocking her head to the side.

Without saying a word, doing his best not to grin like an idiot, he trotted to her side, locked forelegs with her, and pulled her through the entryway. “If I was trying to sweep you off your hooves, you’d have found a trail of rose petals.”

Leech felt her cheeks darken, her heart skipped a beat, and her eyes widened in surprise, looking up at the stud’s warm smile. Either he was one hell of an actor, feigning kindness for weeks on end, or he was one of the nicest, most generous ponies she’d ever had the good fortune of crossing paths with. Slipping a glance under him, noting his wholly unaroused sheath, she pursed her lips.

Having been around more stallions than she could count, she could safely say that there were very, very few who wouldn’t have taken advantage of her much more frequently - not like she would have minded. Light had only fooled around her the one time, back in the kitchen when she’d first met him, even though she’d done her damnedest to try and tempt him. Her flirting, teasing, and even showing off her snatch had been met with nothing more than smiles or lighthearted complements, leaving her at an impasse.

She’d never been one to shy away from her sexual needs - hell, she’d bedded complete strangers on multiple occasions, but the large, compassionate baker wasn’t the sort of stud to cave to his stallinoly urges. Had he been anypony else, she would have turned up the intensity until she’d gotten a good, thorough rutting, though that didn’t feel right. For starters, he was in a relationship, even if it wasn’t a particularly rewarding one - secondly, and more prudently, she was reluctant to push him.

He’d given her a job, she never went back to the hostel without a load of baked goods, and he was pleasant to chat with - simply put, she was finding it increasingly difficult not to push her lecherous inclinations aside to relish his company. There were few, if any times she’d ever considered having a meaningful relationship with somepony, but Light was firmly on that short list. Stepping into his home, moved beyond words, she silently surveyed the interior.

“It’s not much,” Light sighed, stepping in and closing the door behind them, “but I call it home.”

Stopping just beyond the foyer, she turned her head and peeked back at him. “Don’t be so humble all the time, this place is amazing.”

“I can give you a little tour, if you want,” he added, trotting ahead of her.

“Lead the way, Chief,” she chirped, motioning for him to continue.

His smile broadened, as he led the way deeper into the house. He’d always been relatively modest, though he felt reasonably certain that made little difference to his guest. Having spent an inordinate amount of time chatting with her, learning how she’d spent most her life on the streets, even an unpretentious abode would probably be relatively impressive to her. Regardless of her status as a vagabond, he was going to treat her like he would any other mare - with respect and dignity.

Guiding her through his home, he only stopped to answer the periodic question or two. In all honesty, there really wasn’t all that much to show her. He’d been lucky enough to get the house for a steal, since it had been a fixer-upper. The two bedrooms, bathrooms, den, kitchen, and small cellar had all been painted and after he’d purchased the place, but those had been the cheaper things to address; the largest expense had been replacing the roof, floors, and all the furniture he’d had to procure.

Trotting along behind him, she paused by a closed door he’d passed. “Not gonna show me what’s in here?”

“Oh - uh - that’s just my room,” he murmured, drawing to a halt. “There really isn’t much to see in -”

Please,” Leech cut him off, grabbing the doorknob, “as if I wouldn’t be interested in seeing where you rest that big, handsome head of yours every night.”

Without waiting for him to reply, Leech opened the door and trotted inside. Unlike nearly every other room she’d been shown, his chamber was particularly dark. Spying a set of drawn curtains, with rays of sun trying their best to slip inside, she brazenly crossed to the veiled window.

Grabbing and pulling the heavy cloth to the side, letting the sun light the area, she smiled. “Much better.”

If she had to pick a word to describe his chamber, she’d say it was cozy. A large king-size bed rested against one wall, flanked by a pair of nightstands with a dresser sat opposite. Though it was sparsely decorated, one particular item caught her eye. Stepping to the side of the mattress, she extended a foreleg and lifted a framed picture from the small table.

“I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess this is your wife,” she remarked, inspecting the photo.

Light and who she presumed was Tidbit were standing under an arbor. Adorned in a tuxedo and wedding gown respectively, the picture had to be from their wedding day. Had she been ignorant to their rocky relationship, she would have thought they made a lovely couple - sadly, that wasn’t the case. Setting the frame back in its place, forcing her smile not to waver, she looked over at her host.

“Yeah, that’s the two of us,” he whispered, averting his gaze.

“Hey hey hey, no need to be all gloomy,” she tutted, scampering around the bed to him, “I’ve heard of marriages that un-fuck themselves, so don’t give up on hope.” She really hadn’t meant to make him feel bad, yet it was apparently too late for that. Peering over at a closed doorway, she cocked her head. “What’s in there?”

“That?” he quipped, following her gaze. “Oh, that’s just the bathroom.”

Hoping to change the subject and breathe some levity back into the situation, she sauntered to the restroom, flicked the light switch, and gasped. “Is that what I think it is?”

Light quirked a brow, wondering what she’d discovered. So far as he knew, there wasn’t anything particularly interesting in the bathroom, so her excitement caught him off guard. Strolling up behind her, seeing that the shower held her rapt attention, he grew even more confused.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” he replied, shaking his head.

This,” she exclaimed, stepping over and into the tub.

Seeing her pointing upward, he finally got a clue as to what she was talking about. “The waterfall shower?”

Leech nodded enthusiastically, turning to fully face him. “I’ve always wanted to try one of these things out!”

“Well, I mean, if you wanted to…” he softly noted, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck.

Truthfully, he really didn’t have much left to show her. Outside of his small and uninteresting backyard, she’d seen everything his home had to offer. Offering her a meal would have been a bit odd, since they’d eaten lunch together not an hour before, so he saw no harm in allowing her to indulge herself with a shower. Shifting to the side, he opened a cabinet and withdrew a fresh towel.

Positively beaming, she hopped out of the basin and set the water to run. Seeing her so happy over something so mundane did wonders for his mood, instantaneously bringing a smile to his face. Resting the towel beside the sink, he turned to leave and make them some coffee - that was before something gently tapped against his hip.

“You’re not going to join me?” she asked, somewhat crestfallen.

The request caught him off guard. He’d intended on giving her a bit of privacy so she could fully enjoy the experience, but that seemed to conflict with her plans. Given that he didn’t have anything else planned for them, outside of possibly some dinner in a few hours, he didn’t have an excuse not to wash up with her. Procuring a second towel, he removed his glasses and set them aside.

“You know what - why not,” he mused, moving past her and into the tub.

Though he’d never mentioned it to her, he’d always had a fondness for bathing with somepony. He couldn’t put his hoof on exactly why he enjoyed it so much, but there was something wondrously intimate about showering with another. As he stepped back and made room, giving her space to join him, he plucked a bottle of shampoo from an inset shelf.

It probably sounded silly, but Leech was elated. Being able to shower in somepony’s house was an exceedingly rare event, but showering with somepony was something she’d only experienced a hoofful of times. Carefully entering the basin, she shut her eyes and moved under the cascade of water.

“Oh my god,” she groaned, turning her head from side to side, “this feels amazing.”

“Sit down and keep your eyes closed for me,” he instructed, squeezing a dollop of shampoo onto one forehoof.

He could have used his magic to wash her, but that wouldn’t have been nearly as fun as doing the job himself. While they hadn’t done anything particularly raunchy since they’d met, it wasn’t like they didn’t enjoy physical contact. Small hugs and pats on the shoulder, while innocent enough, never failed to warm his heart. Coming up behind her, she glanced back at him.

“Are you serious?” she chuckled, sinking to her haunches.

Caught with his nonexistent pants down, he froze. “I…I thought you’d like me -” he was cut off, as she guffawed.

Leech would have laughed for longer, had she not noticed his wounded expression. Nearly kicking herself for having unintentionally struck a nerve, she screwed her eyes shut. She considered herself pretty good at reading folks, but she was woefully inexperienced with being around somepony who was so down to earth. The last thing she’d wanted was to rain on his parade or dissuade him, so she quickly sought to correct the situation.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed. I wouldn’t mind if you washed my mane - in fact, I can safely say that nopony has ever done that for me before,” she whispered.

“Really?” he blurted, surprised by the admission.

“Yeah, I really didn’t mean to laugh,” she explained, “it’s just that -”

“Not that,” he interrupted. “So you’ve never bathed with anypony before?”

Keeping her eyes closed, she turned and shook her head. “I’ve bathed with folks before, but I haven’t had anypony wash me.”

As stunning as the revelation was, Light felt a pang of sorrow. While she had her fair share of flaws, Leech was a charming and sympathetic mare - a bit on the loose side, sure, but she was a good pony deep down. Seeing her look away and arch her back, he moved closer and gingerly caressed her whetted mane.

He really wasn’t sure what to say, if there was anything to say at all, so he simply began washing her from behind. Between her seated position and small size, paired with his large stature, he was able bathe her quite easily - that being said, another issue presented itself. As his hoof gently lathered her head his eyes wandered down her arched back and to her rump. Sensing his stallionhood slip from its sheath, he swallowed hard.

It was a darn good thing that she couldn’t see him, because knew she’d immediately give him grief about his growing erection. Try as he might, tearing his eyes off her behind, it was nearly impossible to quell his arousal. His lack of amorous attention, the view of her plump backside, and his weakness for wet mares proved to be a dangerous combination.

He really hadn’t intended for things to take a lewd turn, but seeing her in such a vulnerable state, knowing full well how incredible her cardinal skills were, got him more than a little riled up. Trying and failing to distract himself, he levitated the conditioner over to himself. If he took his time and didn’t think about how attractive she was, he might lose his boner before he noticed.

Seconds dragged into minutes, as he finished up with her mane and moved down to her shoulders - unfortunately for him, feeling her hide against his hoof did little to calm his frazzled nerves. Merely touching her was enough to send a thrilled shiver up his spine. Realizing that things were quickly getting out of hoof, he came to a lamentable conclusion - it was time to leave. Stepping back and away from her, he magically hovered a bar of soap in front of her.

“Alright,” he breathed, preparing to exit the tub, “I think I’ll let you handle it from here.”

Hastily rinsing and wiping her face off, she looked back at him. “But I haven’t washed you yet.”

“I…” he cut himself off, suddenly at a loss for words.

Paradoxically, though he’d showered with his wife on multiple occasions, Tidbit had never once returned the favor and washed him. Her offer put him between a rock and a hard place; on one hoof, if he stayed, she would almost definitely see how hard he’d gotten - on the other, having a cute mare lovingly clean him was an extremely enticing notion. Glancing at her face, seeing her comforting smile, he hung his head in defeat.

“Alright,” he sighed. Turning away from her, he eased himself down.

Rearing back and wheeling around, Leech snatched the shampoo from the shelf, twisted in place, and pressed one hoof against his shoulders. Even while standing on two legs, she was only barely at eye level with the stud, but that wasn’t a problem. Seeing as how he’d let her use his shower and washed her, it only felt right to return the favor.

Being at the mercy of a big, dominant stallion was one of the best things ever, but being allowed to worship one was ever better than that. Relishing the feeling of the thick muscles beneath his hide, her hoof glided down the back of his neck and over one shoulder. Being slightly smaller than the average mare came with its advantages, amongst which being tiny compared to most studs. With a subtle ache growing in her loins, she continued lathering him up.

“Now that I know how hard being a baker can be, I understand why you’re built like this,” she hummed, discarding the soap to lovingly massage his upper back.

He grunted and nodded in response, but didn’t say a word. Seeing him turn his head ever so slightly, giving her a glimpse of his face, she held her breath. If things had been different, had she met him years ago, maybe her life would have taken another turn. Though she’d only known him for a relatively short period of time, she could see herself falling for him - alas, fate hadn’t been so kind.

She really couldn’t say if it was funny or sad; there she was, wishing she’d been lucky enough to have such a wonderful stallion in her life, while his wife neither appreciated nor deserved him. She’d be lying if the thought didn’t make her angry and jealous, but dwelling on the matter wouldn’t do her any good. Pushing the thought aside, opting instead to enjoy her time with him, she withdrew her hooves, gave his flank a playful smack, and set to washing her chest.

Feeling her pull away, Light ponderously stood and hung his head. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“Don’t mention it,” she muttered, reaching beneath herself to clean her belly and groin.

“I’m…I’m gonna go and make a pot of coffee ~ would you like a cup?” Light softly inquired, stepping out of the tub.

Hearing him moving to the door, she cracked an eye and peered over at him. “Actually, yeah, that’d be great. I’ll be out in just a few.”

As Light moved to the exit, he wistfully looked back at her. Stars above, had he been single, he would have swept her off her hooves, given her a home, and possibly started a new life with her. Turning away, with his smile faltering, he trotted through his room and into the hallway. If nothing else, he could give her a comfortable evening, a good meal, and hopefully a few fond memories, though he wished he could do more for her.

What the future held for him and his wife was a mystery, yet things between him and Tidbit had been less than ideal. She’d grown distant and detached, only begrudgingly spending time with him, and they’d lost their spark long ago. If things did end up going off the rails, with the two of them parting ways, he’d be tempted to elevate Leech from a friend to a romantic partner - still, as amusing as that thought was, there were too many ifs for him to get his hopes up.

Finding his way into the kitchen, he ignited his horn and got down to business. While he was far from a barista, he fancied himself a bit of a coffee connoisseur. Simultaneously removing the portafilter from his espresso machine, beans from his cupboard, and a grinder from the kitchen counter, his magic juggled the various tasks with practiced ease. Whether his guest was a fan of java or not, he was going to make her a darn good cup of joe.

Lifting and cocking one hind leg, rinsing off her nethers, Leech stifled a soft moan. Though she really wouldn’t have minded rubbing one out, it wasn’t the time or the place for something so raunchy. Light probably wouldn’t mind her getting off in his bathroom, if he somehow managed to stumble in on her, but that wasn’t the point - the point was that she should show a bit of self-restraint.

Other than scratching her lecherous itch, another reason she’d considered getting some relief was to get her mind off the circumstances. There was no possible way that Light had tried to make her melancholic, yet she’d wound up pensive nonetheless. So long as she wasn’t reminded of what she didn’t have, she’d be alright - she hoped. Hopping out of the basin, having turned off the flow of water, she scooped up the towel he’d left for her.

It didn’t take her long to dry off, leaving her mane, tail, and coat only slightly damp, before she saw herself back into his room. She should have gone off to the kitchen to meet him, but the sight of his big, comfortable-looking bed gave her a moment for pause. It couldn’t hurt anything to just feel how soft his mattress could be, could it?

Glancing at the doorway, momentarily listening for any sign of approaching hooffalls, she rushed to and flung herself onto the mattress. The bed frame creaked beneath her, and she contentedly sighed, as she sank into the downy surface. Not only was his bed even more comfortable than it looked, it smelled absolutely heavenly.

Guided by her nose, she crawled to one side of the bed. She could immediately tell exactly where the stud preferred to sleep, given how strongly his scent was in one particular area. As she buried her snout in the blanket, inhaling his fragrance, she closed her eyes and snapped herself from her stupor. What she wouldn’t give to share that bed with him, if only for a night.

Exasperatedly rolling over and onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling and considered her options. Realistically speaking, she should probably just leave - not just the house, but town as well. The longer she was around Light, the more attached she’d get - the more attached she got, the harder it would be to stay in his company. It wasn’t like she disliked him - quite the opposite in fact, but being constantly reminded that she couldn’t have him would only result in misery for her.

Leisurely trotting down the short corridor to his room, sorcerously holding a pair of coffee cups just to his side, Light hummed to himself. He shouldn’t have been surprised that his guest was taking her time, since she was a mare and all. If he had to guess, she was probably trying and attempting to brush her typically unkempt mane. Rounding the corner into his room, he cleared his throat.

“I wasn’t sure how you take yours, but I’ve got some extra cream and sugar in…” he trailed off, looking to his bed.

Rolling to her side to face him, backlit by the window, she looked positively radiant. Over the years, especially since he’d opened his bakery, he’d met hundreds of different ponies, but few held the level of natural beauty that Leech did. For all intents and purposes, there was nothing particularly enchanting about her - in fact, she had her fair share of faults, yet seeing her on his bed was nearly enough to make him swoon.

“Sorry,” she blurted, going to push herself up, “I just wanted to -”

“No,” he stated, causing her to slow. “No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting to find you there.”

Shifting slightly, she eased herself back down. “Hey, it’s not my fault that your big, empty bed looked so inviting!”

Snickering to himself, strolling over to the dresser, he sat the coffee cups down. “It is pretty comfy, I will say that.”

“You know what would make it even nicer?” she quipped.

Turning to face her, he tilted his head to the side. “What would that be?”

“If I had a big, affectionate stallion to keep me company,” she continued, rolling to her back.

It was only when she splayed her hind legs, giving him an unabashed view of her loins, that he deduced what she was up to. He should’ve known that she’d try to lure him in for some amorous attention, yet this felt different. They were in his house, she was on his bed, and the photo of his wedding day sat only a few feet away. If there would be a better opportunity for him to have a bit of fun with her, considering he was home alone for the next week, he couldn’t think of one.

“In that case,” he chuckled, stepping up and onto the foot of the bed, “maybe I could help…”

Drawing closer to her, eyeing her nethers, he licked his chops. While he hadn’t quite expected things to take such a lustful turn, he found it impossible to deny her feminine wiles. Dipping his head and breathing in the fragrance of her arousal, seeing her marehood invitingly wink at him, he felt his stallionhood emerge from its sheath. To heck with it - though he’d done his best to stave off her advances, he’d reached his breaking point.

Leech gnawed her lip, as he closed his eyes and brought his muzzle to her sex. There weren’t many stallions who were considerate enough to kick things off with some oral, but be damned if her host wasn’t one of them. Lifting and moving her hind legs out of the way, she rested her fetlocks on his shoulders.

“Somepony’s - Mmmph - trying to score a few brownie points,” she giggled, savoring the sensation of his hot breath against her snatch.

Extending one foreleg to the head of the bed, she pulled a pillow under her head. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d had a lover considerate enough to warm her up before rutting her, but she wasn’t going to stop him; if he wanted to get a taste, she’d be more than happy to oblige him. Flexing her legs, drawing him in, she spurred him onward.

As his thick, hot tongue plunged into her meaty folds, moving from her entrance to her clit, she stifled a whimper. Sweet lord - had she known he had a fondness for eating pussy, she would have flat-out asked for it ages ago. Staring down her chest at him, past the modestly sized breasts on her abdomen, she eagerly watched him lap at her.

Though she’d just finished showering, the grassy, delicately citrusy flavor of her marehood danced over Light’s tongue. Unlike when they’d fooled around in the shop, a moment borne of weakness and pure lust, he wanted to show her what he was really capable of. Peeking up at her, noticing her smiling down at him, he channeled power into his horn and magically groped her bosoms.

Fuck,” she moaned, rolling her head back.

Simply having his way with her would have been easy, but he was better than that - that and he genuinely enjoyed getting a mare off. Flexing his pelvis, he slapped his hardening cock against his belly. He’d give her what she wanted soon enough - for the time being, he merely wanted to enjoy himself and show her a good time.

Moving at a leisurely pace, carefully listening to her pleased sighs, he played with her. There were a number of techniques to use on a mare, though he’d learned that focusing on their clit often yielded the best results. Suckling the sensitive little bud, while he delicately twisted and tweaked her nipples with his arcane aura, he grew increasingly enthusiastic.

With a tremble creeping into her thighs, having no idea how long he’d been gleefully licking at her, Leech came to a starting realization; if she didn’t do something, she’d end up cumming all over his face. While there was nothing inherently wrong with being brought to a climax from oral alone, there was a much better way she’d rather reach her peak. Propping herself on one foreleg, she leaned forward and patted his crown.

H…hey,” she whispered, drawing his eyes up to her, “lay down for me.”

Being freed from the leglock she’d inadvertently snared him in, he withdrew and wiped his muzzle on one forehoof. “But I was gonna -”

“Just lay down for me, please,” she huffed, pinching the bridge of her snout.

Nodding down at her, as she wriggled over to one side, he moved forward and flopped onto his back. Watching him take a supine position, her eyes sailed to his towering, monolithic stallionhood. Even if hadn’t been positively drenched already, the sight of his equipment would have had her wet in no time flat. Bolting to her hooves, she stepped over his broad chest and smiled down at him.

As his eyes wandered from her face to the photo at the bedside, she reached out, gingerly grabbed his jaw, and turned his muscle back towards herself. “No,” she muttered, steadily lowering her hips, “this is about us.”

Subtlety be damned - she wasn’t about to let his deplorable wife ruin the mood, and she had just the thing to take his mind off marital matters. Kissing the tip of his length with her entrance, she steadied herself, pressed her forehooves against his chest, and slowly impaled herself upon him. If having a mare who actually cared about him didn’t cheer him up, nothing would.

Gods, I love this,” she groaned.

“My stallionhood or all of me,” he mused.

As his thick medial ring ground inside her, she leaned in and brought her muzzle to his. “Let me answer that for you…”

Before he could say anything at all, she closed her eyes and locked lips with the stud. It was silly for him to think that she only wanted him for sex - then again, she couldn’t really blame him. Pushing her tongue into his muzzle, just as she fully hilted herself, she braced her knees and tensed his legs. Married or not, she was going to rock his world like nopony ever had.

His forehooves crept to her waist, he pushed his snout against her, and he drove his hips upward, telling her everything she needed to know. He didn’t just want her - he needed her. With nothing more to be said, overjoyed that she’d addressed his concerns, she started fucking herself on him.

Being bent over and railed by a stallion was all well and good, but seizing the initiative and taking control had a certain appeal. Despite utterly dwarfing her in mass, she was the one in charge of the situation - coupled his huge size with how fond she was of him, and she swiftly fell into a steady rhythm of pounding her ass on him. It was a dance she’d done countless times in the past, this wasn’t simply about her getting off - no, this was about him.

Out of all the ponies she’d crossed paths with, few had earned the right to enjoy her like he did. He was, in every sense of the phrase, a wonderful stallion, and she was going to do everything in her power to make him know just how much she cherished him. Relaxing on the descents, while clenching on the upstrokes, she milked his shaft with every ounce of skill she had.

Bucking up to meet her downward plunges, slamming his waist against her, Light shifted one forehoof to the back of her head. He’d been stupid to even think of looking at the picture of Tidbit and himself, but that wasn’t his concern anymore. Leech was more of a mare than his wife could ever dare to dream of - so much so that he dearly wished to be with her.

In that moment, making love with her, he came to terms with just how much she meant to him. As absurd as it sounded, though he’d only known her for a relatively short period of time, he’d fallen for her. The understanding of how special she was sent his passion roaring into an inferno, leading to a power struggle of sorts. Though she’d clearly taken the lead, he put his titanic body to work.

Moving in sync, the duo hotly made out while consummating their feelings. To say it was emotionally cathartic would have been an understatement, yet the physical sensations they afforded one another weren’t to be underplayed either. For every bit of bliss he gave her, filling her marehood and nudging her womb with each thrust, she returned the favor with her velvety depths.

Pulling away, Light broke their kiss and lost himself in her lustrous, cat-like eyes. “You really are amazing.”

Doing her best to match his gradually increasing pace, she nodded. “T…takes one to - Oh fuck - know one.”

Dismissing the idea of leaning back to pummel her g-spot, she shot forward and frenched him yet again. Mere words couldn’t do justice to her feelings for him, but the intimacy of giving herself to him could. Draping herself over him, giving him the reins, she squeezed his pistoning stallionhood with all her might.

Increasing the speed and force of his bucking hips, filling the air with a soft cacophony of their moans, heavy breaths, and the slaps of their colliding bodies, Light gave her his all. Even if he wasn’t the most well-endowed, skillful, or domineering stallion she’d ever had, she deserved nothing but the best. So help him, regardless of what the future held for them, he was going to give her a day and a night to remember.

Time seemingly slowed to a crawl, as their longing for one another seized them. Leech couldn’t speak for him, but it took everything she had not to climax at several points; unbeknownst to her, he wasn’t in much better shape. Periodically slowing his pace to control himself, staving off his inevitable release, Light grew closer and closer to his limit.

“I…I’m getting close,” he wheezed, shifting his head and bringing his muzzle to her ear.

Sensing him throb within her, feeling the blunted tip of his cock flaring, Leech swallowed hard. She had a choice to make - a choice that may well affect her for the rest of her life. If he didn’t pull out, there was a very real chance that his seed may result in something more than just a messy finish. Steeling her resolve, driven by desire to have him, she took a shuddering breath.

Inside,” she rasped, teetering on the brink. “Cum inside me.”

Hearing those simple words, feeling just how much she cared about him, did Light in. With one final, unstoppable plunge, he hilted himself, gently bit her neck, and came. His length throbbed in tune with his pounding heart, sending pints of his virile essence directly into her fertile womb. To Tartarus with the consequences - as far as he was concerned, should their evening result in her carrying his foal, he’d do everything he could to care for them.

The heat and pressure of the spunk surging into her and coating her interior, was too much to bear. Braying to the heavens, she slipped over the edge and into a tumultuous sea of ecstasy. Seething nectar gushed from her stuffed confines, coating his legs, waist, and the sheets below, while she was rocked by an utterly cataclysmic orgasm.

Locked in their embrace, crossing the threshold into Nirvana, the pair grew still. The bed was an absolute mess, and their coats glistened in sweat, as their bodies steamed in the cool air. With their rapture giving way to a warm, welcoming euphoria, they pulled away from one another, smiled, and broke into a chuckle - that was before the lights flicked on. In confusion, moving in tandem, they both turned their heads towards the doorway.

Standing just outside the room, holding a briefcase in her hoof, stood a familiar-looking pony. Though Leech had never seen her in person, she immediately recognized Light’s wife from the picture on the nightstand. Any ordinary mare would have started apologizing, and some would have flown into a panic, but she wasn’t an ordinary mare. Acting quickly, she grabbed his head and locked lips with him.

The fear of being discovered by his wife was washed away by Leech’s kiss, giving him comfort like he’d never known. In the blink of an eye, he finally understood that she, unlike his betrothed, was worthy of his love. Ignoring the shocked mare in the doorway, he groaned into his real lover’s maw.

By the time they finally glanced back to the exit, Tidbit was gone. Their actions could and likely would have repercussions, some of which being more severe than others, but those were concerns for another day. Sharing each other’s warmth, overjoyed that they’d each found something special, they silently embraced and silently mused on what the future held for them. Trials and tribulations, hardships and heartache - no matter what fate would bring them, so long as they had one another, they somehow knew that tomorrow would be a brighter day…

Chapter 3

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As happy as Leech was to have found such a wonderful stallion, her life had been turned upside down since Tidbit had walked in on her and Light making love. On one hoof, Light had insisted she stay with him - on the other, the poor stud had been put through hell. She’d caught the couple quarreling at least a dozen times over the last week, and she wouldn’t be surprised if they’d had more arguments that she wasn’t aware of, but the end result was the same - his wife was leaving him and moving out.

It was nice to have a roof over her head, yet she couldn’t shake the guilt of what she’d caused. Though Tidbit was far from an ideal wife, neglecting her husband and her duties in his bakery, it was no doubt shocking to discover he’d moved on to greener pastures. In spite of how uncomfortable the situation was, having been the catalyst in a rather severe breakup, there was one thing she was determined to keep doing - comforting Light and doing everything in her power to see him through his impending divorce.

Aside from having a permanent residence, no longer having to crash in hostels or hotels, her life was nearly unchanged. She went to work with Light every morning, helped out in the bakery where she could, and cherished every minute she got to spend with the big, kindhearted stud - still, despite her best efforts, she could tell everything was taking a toll on him; he was still as friendly and affectionate as ever, but there was a weariness he couldn’t seem to shake. Undeterred, she doubled down and did everything she could to cheer him up - not just because of his ending relationship, but because he deserved to be happy.

As yet another day in his shop drew to a close, having flipped the Open sign to Closed, she straightened her mane and trotted back toward the kitchen. There wasn’t much she could give him, being practically penniless, yet she’d kept an ace up her nonexistent sleeve. Even though she couldn’t buy him anything, there was something special she’d been wanting to do with him for weeks, and this evening was as good as any to lay it on him.

“Light,” she called, peeking in on the towering stallion, “do you have any plans for this afternoon?”

Hanging his apron from the wall, Light shook his head. “Nothing in particular, no.”

If there was one word he could use to describe the past few weeks, ever since Tidbit had found out about his tryst, it would be resigned. All the stresses of his day to day life were all still there, but now he had to worry about what the future held for him. He was due to be formally divorced in less than a month, he would have to sell his house, and he genuinely couldn’t say if he’d be able to keep his bakery open for business. Everything considered, it was a low point in his life - a low point with one silver lining.

Turning and looking over at Leech, seeing her expectantly waiting for him, he couldn’t hold back a small smile. While it was true that she’d been the spark that undid his marriage, it really wasn’t her fault; considering how things with his wife had been gradually falling apart, it would have only been a matter of time until he and his betrothed parted ways - nevertheless, his affair had started a chain of events which he had no control of stopping. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, dislodging the unsavory thoughts from his mind, he turned to the cheerful, awaiting mare.

“I’m guessing you wanted to do something before we head home?” he inquired, slipping his shoulder bag around his neck.

“If you don’t mind, yeah,” she hummed, spinning in place and marching toward the exit.

Following along after her, he knit his brow. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope!” she chirped, holding the front door open for him. “Consider it a little surprise.”

Stopping just outside, having turned off the lights, he locked the door and smirked over at her. “By all means,” he chuckled, waving a hoof, “lead the way.”

The little unicorn grinned over her shoulder at him, as she started trotting down the sidewalk. He’d never been able to put his hoof on it, but there was something special about her. Despite all the trials she’d been through, having spent a large portion of her life as a homeless drifter, she somehow maintained an air of positivity - that’s not to say she couldn’t get annoyed or melancholic, but she was almost always in a good mood. Subconsciously eyeing her tush, watching her ample hips sway from side to side, he averted his gaze and looked down at the sidewalk.

He knew he’d fucked up with his wife, but he felt even more guilty for dragging Leech into the mess. If he hadn’t had a moment of weakness, succumbing to his sexual urges, he wouldn’t have had to deal with all the legal and emotional ramifications of cheating - that said, had he not fooled around with Leech, he’d likely end up stuck in an unhappy marriage for years or longer. Only occasionally lifting his gaze, ensuring he was staying behind his guest, he couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen to either of them.

Any reasonable stallion would have kicked his mistress out and pleaded for his wife’s forgiveness - then again, he guessed he wasn’t all that reasonable. Without his help, Leech would still be on the streets, doing Celestia knows what just to get by, and he couldn’t bring himself to let that happen. He’d given her shelter, a job, and companionship - in return, she brought joy into his life. If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that he wasn’t going to abandon her.

Since he’d agreed to sell the house he and Tidbit owned, splitting the value with her, he’d have to start looking for somewhere to live. If he was lucky, he’d be able to find a little fixer upper for himself to snatch up. Even if he wound up buying a smaller home that needed some repair work, at least he’d have somewhere for him and his marefriend to stay - that is, if she’d be willing to stay with him. As he lifted his gaze, catching her peeking back at him, his smile waned.

He’d been meaning to ask her if she’d continue to be with him, but he hadn’t found the right time to do it; everytime he thought about bringing the subject up, something would distract him or, more often than not, he simply got anxious. The stress of losing his home and his wife had probably taken years off his life, yet the thought of losing Leech was somehow worse. Lost to a whirlwind of thoughts and worries, mindlessly following along after the mare, he didn’t even realize they’d moved through the suburb until she came to a halt.

“Well,” she began, spinning around to face him, “here we are.”

Light looked around and took note of the small cobblestone bridge resting beneath them. “And where is here?”

Giving a small shrug, Leech closed her eyes, lifted her head, and drew a deep breath through her nose. “Believe it or not, this was one of my first apartments,” she quietly stated, only eventually looking over at the massive baker. Seeing the confused look on his face, her cheer wavered. “I stayed under this bridge for a winter when I was a filly.”

The stallion took a step back, his eyes widening. “You’re kidding me ~ right?”

“Nope, it wasn’t exactly as fun as camping in somepony’s backyard, but I managed to make it,” she weakly laughed, recalling the cold nights and blustering wind.

“How? Didn’t anypony come looking for you?” he asked, a mixture of pity and shock on his face.

“Somepony would come snooping around every so often, but I always managed to give ‘em the slip,” she smugly replied, shooting him a wink.

Scrunching his nose, he trotted over to the side of the bridge and peered over the railing. The structure spanned a babbling brook, the archway underneath was quite small, and he could understand how somepony could hide undetected from passersby. Confused, surprised, and a bit impressed with her bravado, he decided to give himself another look at where she’d apparently hidden - not because he didn’t believe her, but because he couldn’t understand how somepony, much less a filly, could survive in such a place. Trotting off the bridge and onto the embankment, he made his way to the underpass.

Moving down the bank, he slowed as he reached the underside of the bridge. To his surprise, the covered area was much larger than he would have presumed. The archway overhead provided roughly twenty feet of cover from the elements, protecting anypony from any rain or snow, while the foundation, which was inset into a hill, acted as a windbreak. As fascinating as the discovery was, a pang of sympathy resonated within him.

“Home sweet home,” she mused, past him. Stopping at the center of the stone wall, directly under the middle of the road, she beamed. “I can’t believe this is still here!”

Moving closer to her, following her gaze, he squinted. “What’s…” he trailed off, seeing what held her attention.

Chiseled on a large stone, faded but clearly visible, was a crude drawing of a pony and a name - Leech. He hadn’t doubted her tale for a second, but actually seeing proof that she’d been there before made his heart ache. Without saying a word, he faced her, stepped forward, and pulled her into an embrace.

“I’m…I’m so sorry,” he whispered, affectionately stroking her back.

“Hey hey hey -” she tutted, wriggling away and gently pushing him back, “I didn’t bring you here to make you feel bad, so rein in the pity party.”

More perplexed than ever, he cocked his head. “Then why did you bring me here?”

“Because I wanted to show you that if I could get through rough patches in life, so can you,” she merrily remarked. “And that I’ll do everything I can to help you through this. Seeing as how it’s my fault you’re dealing with a breakup, being there for you is the least I can do.”

Light shook his head, lifting a forehoof to adjust his glasses. “No, it’s my fault. I could have just turned down your advances, or just given you some bread and wished you luck, but I didn’t - I…I got attached.”

“Well it’s mostly my fault,” she halfheartedly snickered. “Anyways, yeah, you’re not going to go through this alone. I’ll be right by you until you’re in a better spot.”

“And then?” he breathed, meeting her eyes.

She paused, seemingly taken off guard by the question. “After you get through this shit-show, I really don’t know. If you think it would be best for me to move on, I’ll -”

“I don’t want you to move on,” he interrupted, inching closer to her. “Leech, I really like having you around. You’re sweet, witty, and it’s like all my problems just disappear when you’re with me.”

Opening and closing her mouth, yet not making a sound, Leech was taken aback by his admission. They were around one another constantly, practically from sunup to sundown, yet this was one of the first times he’d been so forward with his feelings - at least vocally. Clearing her throat, feeling her cheeks darken, she held a hoof to her muzzle.

“I…I mean, if it counts for much, I like you a lot too,” she uneasily admitted.

While she could nonchalantly deal with sex and intimacy, two things which most ponies fumbled with, dealing with emotional issues had always been a struggle for her. Breaking eye contact, she glanced over to the small stream - that was before a massive hoof came to rest on her shoulder. Peeking over, seeing him smiling down at her, she felt the breath hitch in her throat.

“I just want you to know, regardless of what happens between us, you won’t ever have to resort to this,” he murmured, craning his head and inspecting the bridge overhead. “Nopony should have to live like this, especially a lovely young mare like yourself.”

Her blush deepened, turning her face beet red, and a feeling of faintness passed over her. She could tell by his tone that he wasn’t merely flattering her, telling her something to butter her up, and she wasn’t sure how to reply to his promise. Closing her eyes and trotting to him, she pressed her face into his broad, furry chest and smiled.

Thank you,” she sighed. “I really don’t deserve such a gentle giant.”

“No,” he corrected, inching back and lifting her chin to face him, “my ex didn’t deserve me, but you do.”

The assertion was more than she could stand, testing the limits of her fortitude, and she acted without thinking. A light giggle escaped her, blossoming into a hearty laugh, as she stepped away from him. “I guess we’re both a couple of fuck-ups ~ eh?”

Holding back his mirth, he tussled her shaggy mane. “I guess we are, yeah…”

He hadn’t know what to expect from his little excursion with her, but the tender moment had simultaneously lifted his spirits and increased his respect for her. While he did feel terrible that she’d gone through something so doubtlessly unpleasant, it helped him put things into perspective; if she could survive while living somewhere so inhospitable, he felt certain he’d be alright. Looking up at the clouded sky, remembering that it was supposed to rain that evening, he motioned for her to follow him.

“Come on, let’s get home before we get wet,” he urged, trudging up the embankment.

“Just so you know,” she snickered, scampering up to his side, “when I’m around you, it’s hard for me not to get wet.”

Hopeless pervert or not, she always had just the right thing to say to make him smile. As he reached the unpaved street, turning in the direction of the city, he trotted toward his home. Even if it didn’t end up sprinkling, they really did need to get back to his house. They had a long walk ahead, they’d finished up the leftovers in the refrigerator the night before, and he still had to box up all of Tidbit’s belongings - since she had refused to collect them herself. As the wind steadily picked up, he and his guest broke into a canter.

The trip home took longer than he’d expected, since Leech’s little hideaway had been in the opposite direction of his house, and it took nearly an hour to get there. Unfortunately for the both of them, by the time they got to their destination, it had started pouring. They were both absolutely soaked when they reached the stoop of his porch, but that didn’t bother him nearly as much as noticing all the lights were on. Trying the front door, finding it unlocked, his spirits instantly dropped.

Noting his concern, Leech quirked a brow. “Something wrong?”

Light inspected the door, looking for any signs of a forced entry. Everything seemed fine, yet that did little to reassure him. Tidbit had shown up to speak with him, likely having expected to find him after work, if he had to make an educated guess. Poking his head inside, looking and listening for any signs of life, he glowered and withdrew.

“Can you go upstairs and hang out in my room for a bit? I don’t think there’s a problem, but I want to make sure,” he remarked, opening the door and motioning to the stairway.

Leech slowly nodded, warring with the notion to disobey him. She wasn’t a genius by any means - then again, it didn’t take a genius to figure out his soon to be ex-wife was probably inside getting her stuff or waiting for them. As badly as she wanted to stay by his side, providing what little emotional and moral support that she could, she realized it would probably be for the best that she not be present for a confrontation.

If Tidbit was there, it would take everything she had to restrain herself and not give the mare a piece of her mind. From everything she’d learned, his betrothed was beyond worthless, having essentially abandoned his business and neglected him on a physical and emotional level, and the thought of her made her temper flare. Only begrudgingly making her way to and up the stairs, it was all she could do to silently keep her hooves crossed and wish him luck.

It really would be for the greater good that she just take a shower, dry off, and wait on his bed for him, but her curiosity inevitably got the better of her. As she saw himself into his room, after ensuring the chamber didn’t have an unwanted visitor, she stepped inside and pulled the door nearly closed behind herself. Even if she couldn’t be with him, she could sure as hell listen on whatever happened - if anything happened at all.

Sure enough, after a minute or two passed, she could hear talking from downstairs. Be damned if she could tell what was being said, but it didn’t sound like any sort of a heated argument. With her curiosity mounting, she fought against the urge to creep out and eavesdrop from a closer location. It wasn’t her fault that she wanted to defend him - not after everything he’d done for her. Little did she know, at that very moment, she was the subject of the shattered couple’s conversation.

“I’m guessing your little whore is upstairs,” Tidbit snidely remarked, squirting over at the behemoth stallion.

“For starters, she’s not a whore - secondly, what business is it of yours? You said you were going to leave, so leave,” he groaned, pinching the bridge of his snout. “It’s not like you’ve wanted to be here for a long, long time anyways…”

The mare irately stamped a hoof and leered over at him. “Don’t you take that tone with me. I’m not the one who threw away a marriage over a fling.”

“It’s not a fling,” he growled, locking eyes with her. “She actually cares about me and makes me feel important - things you haven’t done in years.”

“Don’t give me that shit, I wouldn’t have stayed with you if I didn’t care,” she barked.

Screwing his eyes shut, Light took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and slowly exhaled. “You’re constantly going out, you practically quit coming to the bakery, and you treat me like I’m a burden. Sweet Celestia - I tried doing everything I could to make you happy, but nothing I do has ever worked.”

“Maybe because I know you’ve been sneaking out on me,” she seethed. “For all I know, you’ve been seeing that little homewrecker for…” she fell silent, looking from him to the doorway. “Excuse me, my husband and I were talking.”

Strutting into the room, bearing an impassive expression, Leech studied the mare. “Yeah, sorry about that, I really don’t care,” she chuckled, steadily moving to the stallion’s side. “And it sure as hell sounds like somepony is projecting a bit.”

Light swallowed hard, glancing between his wife and his mistress. Why couldn’t Leech have just listened to him and stayed put? The last thing he needed was for the hole he was in to get any deeper, so he cleared his throat, stepped between them, and lifted a hoof to speak - sadly, his attempted intervention backfired.

I think,” the brazen unicorn continued undeterred, walking toward his betrothed while rubbing her cheek along his side, “that you’re the one who’s been cheating - that or you were simply with him to get the money.”

Tidbit’s eyes widened for a split second, before she scowled. “You don’t know anything!”

“Then maybe you can explain what you’re doing with all that time you’re not working at the bakery,” Leech hummed, her voice dripping with cynicism. “Or why you have so much makeup, even if you never wear it for Light.”

“I…I…” Tidbit stammered, shying away.

“Wait,” Light interjected, the comment about her lipstick hitting him like a gong, “why do you have all that makeup? Now that I think of it, I’ve seen new cosmetics show up, but I’ve never seen you actually using them…”

He’d never thought about it before, but Leech had made an incredibly good point. Unless his wife had been prettying herself up simply to sit around the house, there had to be some explanation for all the makeup she not only purchased but went through as well. Only a few months ago, he’d found a compact of blush in the trash - one that had been used up almost entirely. Doing his level best to recall any other inconsistencies, his guest pressed the assault.

“What about that negligee you had stashed in your closet?” Leech snickered, theatrically covering her muzzle with a hoof. “Or maybe I wasn’t supposed to find that…”

“You went through my clothes?!” Tidbit raged, storming toward the smug little unicorn.

“That’s enough,” Light bellowed, slamming a hoof into the floor with enough force to crack the hardwood. Only barely composing himself, he turned his full attention to his betrothed. “If you can explain those things, explain them now…”

“W…well, I just - Um - I was going to surprise you with the outfit,” she uneasily stated.

Uh-huh -” Leech grunted, “if that’s true, why did you crumple it in a ball, hide it, and forget to wash it?”

There were few times in Light’s life where anger threatened to overwhelm him, but be darned if this wasn’t one of them. As if the evidence against his wife wasn’t damning enough, Tidbit’s reaction to the revelation left little room for doubt. Had the claims against her been baseless, she would have almost certainly gotten angry and rebuked them on the spot - as things were, she could barely form a sentence. Struggling to contain his mounting rage, he did the only thing reasonable.

“Get everything you want to keep and get out,” he rumbled, pointing to the door. “I’ll be sure to donate anything you don’t want in the morning.”

“B…b…but I won’t be able to get everything out right now,” Tidbit sputtered, her vitriol morphing to worry instantaneously.

“Then I suggest you be very selective,” Leech clucked, turning away and prancing to the door. “Light, I’ll wait outside until she’s gone. You should probably keep an eye on her while she’s inside.”

Light solemnly nodded, keeping his eyes on the mare who’d betrayed him. He couldn’t say exactly when or how Leech had figured everything out, yet she’d somehow managed to deduce he wasn’t the only adulterous one in the relationship. As his wife - no, ex- wife stepped closer to him, affixing him with a pitiful look, he held out a forehoof and backed away.

“I don’t want to hear anything. You’re going to gather your things and leave,” he flatly noted, watching her eyes start to water. “Regardless of what my attorney says about this new information, I’m still going to sell the house.”

Softly sniffling, Tidbit shuffled out of the den, up the stairs, and into the bedroom, while he stayed just close enough to make sure she didn’t help herself to anything which wasn’t hers. It would have been sad watching her gather her things, shutting her down whenever she tried to plead with and apologize to him, but he felt nothing but contempt. By the time she was finished, having filled three boxes with her belongings, the moon was overhead and the storm outside had blown over.

“Bring a cart to pick this stuff up tomorrow,” he instructed, opening the front door and motioning for her to leave. “I’ll be changing the locks in the morning, so don’t bother trying to come back.”

Defeatedly stepping out and into the cool night air, she reluctantly looked over her shoulder at him. “Light, I -”

“Just tell me if you cheat on me or not,” he murmured, his fury having given way to remorse, “please…”

Tidbit fidgeted on the spot, unable or unwilling to meet his eyes, before she trotted down the walkway and to the sidewalk. Seeing her leave without her giving him an answer evoked a strange mixture of emotions within him, but he was glad she would soon be gone from his life. With a heavy sigh, taking his eyes off her, he looked across the street and spotted a figure resting on a bench.

He could make out the pony’s white mane and glimmering purple eyes, even in the low light, and the sight caused the corners of his lips to turn up. Not only had Leech brought some much needed happiness into his life, but she’d figured out that the wife he’d fawned over had been the one to breach his trust. Seeing the figure look over at him, he crossed the street and trotted over to her.

“How did you know?” he asked, genuinely stunned that she’d somehow figured out Tidbit had been unfaithful.

She smirked and gave him a little shrug. “A keen eye, I guess - Oh and I’m nosy,” she admitted, easing herself down and onto her hooves. “I put that negligee of hers in your underwear drawer; you’re going to need it if she tries to fight you in court. If I were you, lock her out of your bank account and get records for her purchases over the last couple months.”

Standing mute, he blinked away his disbelief. “I will. Thank you…”

Pffft - don’t thank me. I’m just doing what any decent mare would do,” she muttered. “If you really want to thank me, how about we get something to - Mmmph?!”

Seemingly from nowhere, he shot forward and kissed her - not a grateful little peck on the cheek, but a deep, fervid kiss. Though it took her a second to react, taken aback by the passionate gesture, she quickly closed her eyes and pressed her tongue into his mouth. She’d initially been worried that he’d be an absolute wreck after the confrontation with his ex, yet he seemed to be anything but distressed.

He pulled away as quickly as he’d begun, anxiously adjusting his glasses and straightening his mane. “S…sorry about that, I just -”

“Don’t apologize,” she whispered, drawing a forehoof down his neck and to his chest. “I was going to ask that we go get something to eat,” she added, moving past him and toward the front of his house, “but if you want to have an appetizer.”

Turning his head, tracking her with his eyes, Light’s pulse quickened. As she strutted across the street, invitingly swinging her hips, she lifted and flipped her tail to the side. The last thing he’d expected was for her to try and get a little action from him, especially after having to deal with Tidbit, but be darned if she didn’t seem to want just that. Charging after her, catching up in the blink of an eye, he had to force himself not to stare at her immaculately presented marehood.

As he followed her into the home, hastily shutting and locking the door behind himself, he followed her up the stairs. It was hard to describe how he was feeling, but the overwhelming emotions that he’d been grappling with metamorphosed into something exceptionally lecherous. Maybe it was some sort of a coping mechanism, or perhaps he was subconsciously overjoyed that his two-timing wife was finally gone - in either case, he wanted nothing more than to consummate his newfound relationship with Leech.

Through sheer force of will alone, Leech unhurriedly saw herself into his chamber and onto his bed. Truth be told, she’d hoped to give him a pleasant distraction from all the stress life had been throwing at him, so having him spontaneously seize the initiative worked in her favor. Stepping to the center of the bed, she eased herself down, rolled onto her back, and shoved a few pillows under his head. If she had to guess, judging from his kiss and the lustful look in his eye, she was about to get her brains fucked out.

Come here,” she cooed, spreading her hind legs as he crawled onto the foot of the bed. “I want to look at my big, handsome stallion.”

As tempted as Light was to open up with some oral, eating her out to warm her up, he couldn’t stop himself from crawling between her upturned legs. All it had taken was one look at her glistening loins to see that she was just as worked up as he was, sending blood surging to his semi-rigid stallionhood. As her fetlocks came to rest on his hips, he lowered his muzzle to her face.

“I’m so lucky to have you,” she breathed, sweetly caressing his cheek.

Her forehooves circled around his neck, while he bucked his hips and ground his hardening length against her groin. The sensation of his fat, meaty shaft against her clit sent tingles of excitement through her. Any sort of a meal could wait until after they’d worn themselves out - besides, she felt pretty sure there were some leftovers they could scrounge in the fridge. Flexing her lower legs, she kissed the tip of his nose.

“No,” he whispered, bringing the head of his cock to her slavering entrance, “I’m lucky to have you.”

Stifling a giggle, she blushed. “Let’s just agree that we’re happy to have each other - now how about you show me how lucky I am…”

With that little tease, she locked lips with him. Her eyelids fluttered wildly, as he closed his eyes and slowly drove his stallionhood into her. No matter how many times they did it, or in what sort of position they ended up doing it in, the sensation of his massive endowment stretching her open and plumbing her depths was incredible. Fixating on the sensations she afforded, she savored the wondrous feeling of being filled.

Long, thick, and astoundingly vascular, with a particularly fat vein snaking along one side, his cock was a thing of beauty, yet it was far from the best thing he had going for him. Simply put, Light was an all-around magnificent stallion, and she could easily see herself falling head over hooves for the big lug. Groaning into his mouth, as he bottomed out and bumped against her womb, committed herself to the deep, passionate kiss.

Rolling his hips back, feeling her clench around his retreating length, Light steadied himself, breathed hotly on her face, and started thrusting - not the rough, bestial fucking of two lust-crazed youth, but the slow, romantic thrusts of making love. He’d never thought he’d meet a mare quite like her, yet he was unimaginably thankful that she’d come into his life. Attractive, entertaining, and with a heart of gold, there wasn’t a thing he’d change about her.

Moaning into one another’s mouths, their tongues wrestling with one another, their bodies moved in perfect sync. As he plunged into her, she bucked upwards and relaxed her marehood - upon his backstrokes, she lowered her hips and constricted around his stallionhood. It was a dance they’d done many times before, yet it was one they grew more fond of as their feelings for one another grew.

Their heavy breaths and muted groans of delight were slowly joined by the sound of flesh slapping flesh. Though their circumstances had begun in an opposite way, with sinful temptation leading to an attachment, the opposite gradually became true. The sex was merely a byproduct of the deep connection they felt, giving physical form to their emotions, and it had grown stronger and stronger as time passed.

God, you’re amazing,” she whimpered, holding his neck and bringing her snout to his ear. Sensing her impending release, the warmth in her abdomen increasing in intensity by the second, her impulses got the better of her. “If you were mine, we’d have a family by now…”

Light’s motions faltered, hearing the glib statement. He’d often talked with Tidbit about having a foal, yet she’d dismissed the idea time and time again. Having a family, rearing a foal or two with his lover, was one of the very few desires he’d had for his life, and Leech had just presented him the opportunity to fulfill that wish. His desires mingled with his primal, stallionly urges, increasing the speed of his thrusts in the blink of an eye.

Leech mewled under his amorous assault, yet the pleasure surging through her wasn’t enough to distract her from the revelation. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that he’d picked up the pace seconds after she’d mentioned starting a family, so she focused her thoughts, kissed his cheek, and slipped her lips to his ear. If there was any stallion she’d ever met who’d she knew would make a marvelous father, it was Light.

Make me a Mommy…” she purred, gently nibbling his ear.

Her little suggestion was met with an immediate and profound effect, virtually driving him into a frenzy. Rearing back and turning his head, jamming his tongue into her maw, he plowed her into the mattress while kissing her. The bed-frame groaned beneath them, the box springs creaked with each plunge of his powerful hips, and her stifled mewling cut through the air and joined the orchestral sounds of their passion.

Light’s thoughts raced, bliss surged through him, and he realized far too late that he was reaching his limit - nonetheless, he didn’t slow. The little homeless mare he’d met had given him her blessing to achieve his dream, after freeing him from a living nightmare that had been gnawing away at his life, and he was going to grasp it with both hooves. With the tip of his length flaring, hammering against her inner gate, he set his jaw, braced his legs, and rammed every inch of his length into her inviting depths.

It was fair to say that Leech had been cummed in or on dozens, if not hundreds of times, yet the sensation of his seething foal batter surging into her womb, filling her depths as she kissed the charming giant atop her, was different. Though it may have been her imagination, she could envision a tide of his seed rushing to an egg within her, sowing the seed of life and creating their lovechild. As she was wracked with an utterly devastating climax, overwhelmed by the unimaginable force of physical rapture and emotional catharsis, she wept tears of joy as she held him.

Seconds passed, their bodies grew still, and yet they didn’t break their kiss. What they felt for one another was different than anything they’d felt before, like finding the lost piece to a you’d thought was completed. Neither could say how long they’d quietly made out, their ecstasy steadily shifting to a contented euphoria, but they eventually pulled back and locked eyes.

“I…” Light gulped, feeling his cheeks grow warm, “I lo-”

Ssssssssssh,” she softly hissed, silencing him with the smallest peck on the lips. “I know you do, just like you know how I feel about you.”

A grin split his muzzle, as he peered down upon her. “What did I do to deserve you?”

“Well,” she sighed, squeezing her marehood around his softening length, “you’re a gracious, gentle, and compassionate stallion. I don’t think the question is if you deserve me, but if I deserve you. After all the - Nnnf?!”

He cut her off with a deep yet fleeting kiss, watching her eyes widen, before he pulled back. “Let’s just agree that we deserve each other…”

Bearing a silly little grin, fidgeting with barely restrained exuberance, she nodded. “Yeah, I think I can live with that…”

For the umteenth time that hour, their lips met and their eyes drifted closed. In a world filled with all manner of fanciful and exotic beasts, awe inspiring sorcery, and creatures that defied explanation, they’d found something truly magical. As unbelievable as it was, having spent their lives until that point drifting along, they’d found true love…

Chapter 4

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Standing at the kitchen counter, Leech cheerfully hummed to herself as she rolled out some chilled pie dough. She kind of figured her skills with baking would gradually improve, considering her beloved had been working with bread and pastries for years on end, but she would never have guessed she’d grow to enjoy it as much as she had. With apple filling made and the sheet of dough rolled flat, she lowered herself to all four hooves and faltered.

“I hope you’re this excited when your father and I teach you how to cook someday,” she sighed, reaching back to caress her abdomen.

As she turned her head and peered back at herself, her smile broadened. She’d been steadily growing bigger with every passing week, yet the sight and sensation of her heavy, rounded belly rarely failed to lift her spirit - sure, being pregnant came with a few drawbacks, but the benefits vastly exceeded the small number of costs. Slowly trotting past the oven and to the pantry, she absentmindedly retrieved a pie pan and some accompanying weights.

She hadn’t been all that surprised to find out she was expecting, not with how often she and Light made sweet, passionate love, but the enormity of the situation gradually blossomed on her. While she’d often heard that each mare experienced pregnancy differently, she’d been unprepared for just what to expect. Slowly, almost insidiously, she came to realize the miracle of her impending motherhood, and it had all started with little, almost imperceptible changes.

The first thing she’d noticed was her growing appetite and her subsequent weight. She’d always been a healthy eater - well, when there was food available anyways, but she developed odd cravings and hunger pangs at seemingly random times. While she’d hoped that the foal gestating within her would be feasting off of most of the extra calories, she’d rather quickly discovered that wasn’t entirely the case.

Her hips had filled out, her tush grew even more soft and pillowy than it usually was, and her thighs steadily plumped up considerably, while she’d gradually packed on the pounds. Though she’d tried to downplay her expanding figure, dismissing it as if it hadn’t bothered her in the slightest, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. She realized it would be nearly impossible to attain her old figure until their little colt or filly was born, but she wished for nothing more than to feel sexy again.

With her smile faltering, she shook her head, gathered up the pan and jar of weights, and trotted back to the awaiting dough. Outside of her weight, she more or less felt the same. She was still chipper and energetic as ever, in spite of the added heft she was lugging around, and the supposed mood swings which beleaguered most expectant mothers had never afflicted her.

Her worst and biggest complaint about her exquisitely gravid state was neither psychological or physical - no, it was something which had taken her completely off guard. Much to her shock, Light had insisted she reduce the hours she spent at the bakery with him - not because he didn’t want her there, but because he worried that the long walk to and from his shop would be hard on her. The morning stroll into town had, in truth, become more difficult than it used to be, yet she’d fought him all the same - sadly, after several small arguments, she’d eventually thrown in the towel and relented.

Never in a thousand years would she have guessed she’d become a homemaker, and a pregnant one at that, but that’s exactly where fate had led her. It had taken a while to cultivate and streamline a new routine for herself, but she’d been able to manage. After waking up next to her lover and seeing him off to work, she’d shower and tend to any number of things in or around her home.

Though she had only been what was effectively a housewife for a mere two months, she’d taken to the role like a fish to water. She’d started a small garden in the backyard, continually refined her cooking skills, and even gotten to know a few of the neighbors - still, she often found herself missing Light. As she reared back and placed a forehoof on the counter, with the pie pan resting before her, she carefully lifted and rolled the dough over the tin.

There was no denying how hard she’d fallen for the stallion - her stallion. Simply being around him was a delight, he was incredibly handsome, and he was more entertaining than he gave himself credit for. Somehow, by destiny or simply good luck, she’d found the most wondrous pony imaginable to make her a mother, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t love him with every fiber of her being.

Peeking up at the clock again, seeing it was only half-past six, she scrunched her snout. It’d be at least another hour until he was home, but that was time she had every intention of spending wisely. While she may not have been able to be around him during every waking hour, at least she could ensure he came home to a clean home, a hot meal, and a dutiful mare.

Sweet Celestia -” she chuckled, feeling the foal kick, “can you believe your mom is this sad? No more crazy parties, wild flings, or sleeping under bridges - now it’s all laundry, gardening, and trying to recreate that stupid curry I had last month.” Having poured the weighted beads into the dough-lined pan, she placed the pie shell into the oven to blind-bake. “You better not be a filly. I swear, I don’t know if I’d be able to handle a little version of me running around.”

Wistfully musing on her erotic escapades - escapades which felt as though they were a lifetime ago, she scrunched her snout. Her love-life with Light was no less passionate than it had ever been, with him tending to her every need, yet it had been quite some time since she’d done anything special for him. Turning and trotting out of the kitchen, making a beeline toward their room, she hastily formulated a small plan.

Light cantered through the rain, sorcerously holding a parasol above himself while carrying a bag holding a loaf of fresh sourdough in his jaw. Making the trip home was often tiresome, especially when he had to do so by himself, but the unexpected drizzle did nothing to make the trip more pleasant. Slowing at a crosswalk, he checked for traffic, knit his brow, and dashed across the street.

It hadn’t been a particularly troublesome day, as steady and smooth as he could have wished for, but he wanted for nothing more than to get home, kick back, and relax with the mare who’d won his heart. While it may have been a bit silly and self-centered, he often found himself wondering about what she was doing in his absence, if she missed him as much as she claimed, and if she was truly happy with him.

He had no reason not to believe she didn’t care as deeply for him as he did for her, yet there was always some nagging doubt in his mind. After what Tidbit had done to him, he couldn’t help but become the slightest bit insecure with himself. His ex had been the center of his world, and there hadn’t been anything he wouldn’t do for her, but even that hadn’t been enough.

If it hadn’t been for Leech acting as a catalyst, showing him how toxic his last relationship had truly been, there was an all too real chance he’d still be with the conniving mare. As hurtful as it was to discover Tidbit had forsaken his trust and cheated on him, he was thankful to learn that she had. Leaving her had been a painful process, more painful than he cared to admit, yet he’d gotten something much, much better for himself.

Less than two years prior, had somepony told him he’d become enamored with a slatternly, rather unkempt mare who’d been living on the streets, he would have laughed in their face and called them insane, although that’s precisely what had happened. Leech had quite literally wandered into his life, appearing in his shop one day to brazenly haggle for some day-old bread, and he’d fallen head over hooves for her. The plucky unicorn was funny, quick-witted, energetic, and extremely easy on the eyes - in short, everything he could have wished for in a mate.

Subconsciously picking up speed, thinking about his lover, he broke into a full gallop down the sidewalk. A part of him did feel awful for being adamant that she stay home, but it was a decision borne from care. With her due date getting closer by the day, extended periods of standing bothering her hooves, and the distance to his bakery, he couldn’t bring himself to have her strain herself. Lifting his head and spotting his - no, their house, he rushed up and onto the doorstep.

As he saw himself inside, having shaken off his umbrella, he stepped into the foyer and shook himself off. While he wasn’t drenched, he’d like to avoid leaving a trail of water through the home. After carefully opening his bag and inspecting his bread, ensuring it had made the journey safely, he quietly closed the door behind himself, trotted forward, and peeked into the living room.

The den was quiet and vacant, with a book resting on the coffee table. Though he couldn’t say exactly where his lover was lurking, he had a number of likely guesses; she may be lounging in their room, helping herself to a bath, or preparing something in the kitchen. Closing his eyes and sniffing the air, smelling a combination of cinnamon, vanilla, and apple, he smirked. Yeah, there was no doubt about it, she was or had recently been baking something.

Most stallions would have called out for their mate, announcing themselves shortly after arriving, but that simply wasn’t his style. For all he knew, she may have been busy with something, possibly dealing with a hot stove, and he saw no need to conceitedly proclaim he was home - as such, he crept through the home and moved in the direction of the kitchen. Unfortunately, he was completely unprepared for what he discovered.

As he rounded a corner and peered into the kitchen, he froze. Standing on her hindlegs at the counter, carefully slicing what appeared to be ingredients for a garden salad, Leech quietly sang to herself. Merely seeing her in such a tranquil state would have been pleasant enough under any circumstances, yet the circumstances were far from ordinary.

It was hard to see from where he was standing, but he could just barely make out that she’d anointed herself with some makeup. A touch of blush on her cheeks, eye liner, and cherry red lipstick had been expertly applied to her beauteous face, but she hadn’t stopped there. Snow-white stockings clung to her legs and pinched the supple meat of her thighs, and an apron was loosely tied around her neck, as she cheerfully prepared a meal.

He’d always considered himself a relatively simple stallion, but the sight of her was one of the most endearing and arousing things he’d seen in a long, long time. As far as he was concerned, though it could be a pleasant surprise, seeing her in sexy outfits or with garish makeup was simply gilding the lily. She was perfect the way she was, especially when she was safe and content.

She turned and glanced over at the stove, though he remained motionless and held his breath. There was no need to try and hide - in fact, he probably should have let her know he was there, but he was stricken with an idea. Considering it was nearly impossible to sneak up on her, he couldn’t help but try and give her a compassionate surprise.

Slowly, cautiously, he sat the bread down and crept up behind her. There was a slim chance she might panic, squealing in terror or maybe even accosting him, yet that was a risk he’d be willing to take. It wasn’t until he loomed behind her, so close that he could reach out and touch her, did he make his move.

Leech gasped, her head whipping around, as something warm and large glided along her side. She’d thought she’d heard something minutes prior, but she’d dismissed it - after all, the house was locked up. As she turned and saw what - more specifically who was behind her, a smirk crept across her muzzle.

“Hey honey,” she purred, shifting her weight and rubbing herself against him.

Pressed to her side, Light brought his snout to the side of her head, pecked her cheek, and straightened up. “And hello to you too,” he began, towering over her. “I see somepony is feeling extra pretty today.”

She paused, her cheeks darkening ever so slightly, and averted her gaze. “Something like that…”

“What’s wrong?” he softly inquired, cocking his head.

With an annoyed snort, she reached up and pinched the bridge of her snout. “I was going to surprise you with that lingerie set you like - you know, the lavender one.”

He gave her a moment to continue, a moment wasted, before he leaned closer to her. “But…?”

“But the stupid thing doesn’t fit,” she murmured. “Don’t worry though; as soon as soon as our little one is brought into this world, I’m going to start jogging and get back into - Mmmph?!?”

Before she could finish speaking, he launched forward and locked lips with her. From her hooves to the very tip of her horn, despite the suddenness of the kiss, a thrilled shiver shot through her. It was funny - she’d been with him for quite some time, far longer than she’d been with anypony in her life, yet he never failed to surprise her at times. Closing her eyes and reaching up with a forehoof, she hugged his neck and returned his affection.

The encroaching darkness and pitter-patter of cool rain outside stood in stark contrast to the heat of his passion. Stars above - what had she done to deserve such a wonderful stallion. With little more than a kiss, he’d bolstered her self esteem in the best possible way, but he wasn’t done with her yet - not by a long shot. Bringing one hoof up to her chin, he withdrew.

“Leech,” he breathed, as her eyes opened to peer up at him, “pregnant or not, you’re the most gorgeous, charming mare I’ve ever met - in fact, if I can be totally honest, I k…kind of like your - Ahem - expectant look…”

Seeing her eyes widen in shock, he looked away. He’d been hesitant to admit just how fond he’d gotten of her pregnant body, not wanting to make her think less of him, but the situation demanded that she know the truth. Straightening his glasses, he summoned his courage, fought through his growing anxiety, and glanced over at her.

“I don’t know any other way to say it, so I’ll just spit it out,” he huffed. “Being with you these last few months, watching you grow and blossom into a paragon of maternal beauty, has been an absolute treat. You know that I’d love you no matter what, but you’re even hotter now than you were before - a…at least in my opinion.”

Struggling not to smile like an idiot, Leech did her best to play it cool. His confession was completely unexpected for a number of reasons, yet she was overjoyed to hear that he thought so highly of her. Swinging around to fully face him, leaving the partially finished salad bowl on the counter, she felt a familiar ache creep into her marehood.

“So is there anything specific you like?” she asked, quirking a brow.

Everything,” he replied a bit too energetically. “Your curves, our foal in your big, round belly, the way your full breasts squish together, and don’t get me started about how plump you’ve gotten. I wouldn’t stop you if you wanted to trim off a few pounds after you deliver, but I would not complain if you stayed your current size.”

As endearing as his praise was, Leech found herself at an impasse. If he really was smitten by her gravid aesthetic, why hadn’t he said so before now - moreover, why hadn’t he acted on his interests more often? Lowering and shaking her head, she surreptitiously glanced beneath him and noticed his partially erect stallionhood. Yeah, he wasn’t kidding - sure, he may have been a bit generous with the flattery, but it was nearly impossible for somepony to fake a boner.

“If you’re telling me the truth,” she murmured, peeking up at him, “why haven’t you been taking advantage of having a big, pregnant mare around more often?”

Light took a step back, stricken by her question. She was rarely if ever coy, typically taking the direct approach with virtually anything, and so she’d gone straight for the throat. Dismissing the thought of misleading her on the subject, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath to steady himself, and slowly exhaled.

“I didn’t want to hurt the baby,” he resignedly answered. A faint, almost inaudible from her caught his ear, prompting him to continue. “Listen, we both know how - um - passionate things can get in the bedroom, so don’t blame me for being -”

“The doctor said we could be rough,” she interrupted. “As long as nothing starts to hurt, we don’t have to change anything - besides, I’d much, much rather be a bit loosened up when the day for our little colt -”

“Or filly,” he interjected.

Or filly arrives,” she corrected, rolling her eyes. “I’m not complaining about the soft, tender lovemaking, but I really, really wouldn’t mind if you - Wha?!”

With a single stride, he closed the gap between them, ignited his horn, and scooped her into a magically-assisted princess carry. Her initial confusion passed in the blink of an eye, as she found herself being ferried out of the kitchen and toward the stairs. Though she was taken aback by the unexpected move, she wriggled defiantly in his grasp.

“Put me down,” she insisted, gently pushing a hoof to his broad chest.

He drew to a halt, his smile wavering, and did as she asked. “I was gonna -”

Shush,” she tutted. “Do me a favor and wait three minutes, then come up to our room ~ can you do that?”

He nodded, only slightly hurt that he hadn’t been able to continue carrying her. “Alright…”

“Actually, how about you finish the salad then come upstairs,” she giggled. “Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.”

Wheeling around, hearing her scamper to and up the stairs, he skulked back into the kitchen. He hadn’t planned on things taking an amorous turn, yet he’d hoped to sweep her off her hooves and prove just how smitten he was with her. The last thing he’d want was for her to think he didn’t find her attractive, so he’d hoped to remedy that in one of the best ways he knew how - unfortunately, his impulsive scheme had fallen apart on him.

Standing at the counter, mindlessly shredding lettuce and julienning carrots, his thoughts wandered. If there was one thing Leech was good at, besides being clever, it was knowing just how to press his buttons. Though she’d only learned of his lustful fascination with her curvaceous body, he wouldn’t be shocked if she was laying some lecherous trap for him. Subconsciously hastening his pace, making short work of chopping some cherry tomatoes, slicing some red onion, and grating a bit of cheese, he was done with his prescribed task in only a hoofful of minutes.

It was all he could do to keep his hooves crossed that she was ready with whatever she’d spontaneously planned, because he wasn’t sure if he could wait any longer. Forcing himself to move at a relaxed pace, he trotted upstairs and down the hallway leading to their room. There were any number of things she could do to entice him, with each having a certain charm, yet nothing could have prepared him for the sight which awaited him.

Pushing his door open, noticing the lit candles on the nightstands flanking his bed, he froze. Laying atop the mattress, adorned in a sheer robe, Leech rested on her back and sweetly groaned. Seeing her in such a state would have been more than enough to send blood surging to his stallionhood, yet she wasn’t relaxing - no, her hooves were very, very busy.

Milk dribbled from her bosoms, while she pawed at her marehood and rolled her head back. Heaven help him - he didn’t think he’d ever witnessed anything as painfully hot in his entire life. The lighting, her pose, how her pleased moan was just loud enough to tickle his ear, and the way her damp loins glistened were simply perfect and all but forced him to act. Drifting into the room, nearing the foot of the bed, he swallowed hard.

Dearest,” she purred, pausing to peek out at him, “come to bed. Your loving wife has needs that only you can fill.”

Of all the things she could have said or done, her honeyed words were the final nail in his coffin. There was no possible way she could have known about it, but he’d been giving more and more thought to taking their relationship to the next level. After living together for months on end, with a foal on the way, and feeling closer and closer to her by the day, he felt sure she was the one for him, however that did little to help his current predicament.

Shifting and snapping him from his slack-jawed stupor, Leech affixed him with a pair of glittering, cat-like eyes. “I need you.”

And with those three simple words, he stepped onto the bed, lowered himself, and buried his face between her thighs. Content couldn’t begin to describe the gratification of having found such an incredible stallion, but it was close enough. Other than lighting the candles and donning her robe, which had just so happened to catch her eye, her actions had been genuine; no planning, no scheming - she merely wanted to thank him for making her feel like the most special mare in the whole wide world.

His ministrations, as always, were amazing, but knowing that he actually liked the way she looked elevated the experience into the stratosphere. Slipping her fetlocks onto his shoulders, she shifted her forehoof from her groin to her udder-like teats. Though she’d realized it would only be a matter of time until her breasts grew heavy with milk, she hadn’t foreseen just how sensitive they’d become.

Each bosom had more than tripled in size, making everyday tasks even more of a trial than they already were, but it wasn’t all bad. One afternoon, about a week ago when the pressure in her bosoms had become too much to bear, she’d tried milking herself while in the shower. What she’d hoped would only give her a bit of relief had led to a furious bout of masturbation - something which she had very mixed feelings about.

On one hoof, she presumed Light wouldn’t be all that bothered by her growing love of lactating - on the other, the development did little to address her self-image. She couldn’t say how productive most mares were, but she was genuinely concerned that she may need to invest in a milking machine. Unintentionally squeezing her teat a bit too hard, spraying his face with hot cream, she winced.

“S…sorry,” she stammered, going a beet red. “We might need to go buy a…”

She trailed off, as Light withdrew from her marehood, slipped his muzzle to her abdomen, and wrapped his lips around the nipple of her free tit. Watching him nurse on her was extraordinary, but the feeling of him suckling on her - holy heck, it was better than she could have dreamt. Gnawing her bottom lip, seeing him send power into his horn, she feverishly nodded.

Using his magic to tease her marehood, he swallowed down a mouthful of her rich, sweet milk; the taste was spectacular, far better than anything that could be bought in a store, though he was reluctant to admit it. Humming around her nipple, he pulled back and lightly tugged on her teat. On the off chance that their newborn wasn’t enough to ease her load of dairy, he’d be more than happy to step up and help.

Seconds dragged by, he switched to her other breast, and his stallionhood throbbed beneath him, while he grew increasingly worked up. It was only a matter of time until one of them broke, asking or politely demanding that they get down to business, yet he couldn’t say who would ultimately cave. Listening to her sinful whimpers of delight, he cracked an eye open and peered up at her - a move which had immediate ramifications.

No sooner did he make eye contact than she extended a foreleg, caressed his cheek, and smirked. “How about we move on to the main event,” she whispered, shooting him a wink. “Wouldn’t want that pie in the oven to get burned ~ would we?”

Reluctantly pulling away, he rose to his full height and stepped back off of the mattress. “Got anything particular in mind?”

“Yeah - Mmmph -” she grunted, trying and failing to roll over. “Little help?”

He trotted to the side of the mattress and offered a hoof, gingerly pulling her onto her stomach. One of the very few drawbacks about getting intimate with a particularly gravid mare was that their choices for positions were quite limited. Cowgirl was one of the easiest for her, since there was no pressure on her belly, but that meant she had to do nearly all of the work. With missionary all but ruled out, with how big she’d gotten, he had a pretty good idea of what she was planning.

Cautiously easing herself to the floor, she moved to the foot of the bed and placed her forehooves on the mattress. Even before she’d been knocked up, he’d been a bit hesitant to mount her, for fear that he may unintentionally hurt her, but he’d learned that was hard-headed as she was durable. Resting her chest on the bed sheets, having folded her forelegs under her chin, she braced her hind legs and flicked her tail to the side.

Mama needs some lovin’,” she cooed.

He didn’t need to be told twice, instantly cantering behind her to get into position. The sight of her pregnant body, the smell of her arousal, her sensual request, the taste of her on his tongue - every part of her was beyond reproach. Only barely able to rein himself in, he trotted closer, reared back, and mounted her as gently as he could.

Leech twisted her head and peeked back at him, drawing her tongue over her lips. “Whenever you’re ready, Stud.”

The tip of his length briefly kissed her entrance, before he sank into her depths. They’d done it more times than she could possibly count, in all sorts of positions, and he’d become quite skilled with easing her open - that or she’d simply adjusted to his immense size. Savoring the sensation of him plunging into her, feeling every detail along his length, she rolled her hips back to meet him.

She really couldn’t help it - pregnant or not, she had an insatiable appetite for amorous affection, though not from anypony - not anymore. It felt odd to think about it, but Light really did mean the world to her; he’d rescued her from a life on the streets, given her a new life, and they’d soon be raising a family together. Feeling his big, meaty balls bump against her clit, she shivered. He didn’t just have an incredibly big heart - he had a dick to match.

Giving her just a moment to adjust, he leaned in and kissed her ear. “You ready?”

“For you,” she breathed, turning to peck his nose, “always…”

Though she didn’t have to, she threw her ass back and fully hilted his stallionhood. She’d had no way of knowing the evening would take such a steamy turn, but she was not about to complain. Sensing him shift atop her, she clenched around his girthy shaft while he withdrew a portion of length. She may have been able to be as rowdy as she used to be, but she wasn’t about to let him have all the fun.

With the base of his cock freed, pulling his medial ring from her lower lips, Light gently bucked forward and buried his length. She felt just as heavenly as ever, her hot, snug marehood clinging to him, and it brought a smile to his face. His first true thrust was followed by a second, then a third and a fourth, until he was rhythmically pumping into her.

He’d told her dozens of times that he viewed her as a gift, and he meant every word of it. She was as sweet as could be, genuinely cared for him, and was absolutely phenomenal in the sac. As he shoved his snout into her shaggy white mane, filling his sinuses with her scent, he took care to shift the angle of his thrusts just enough to continually hit her g-spot. Unlike some stallions who didn’t care if their lover got off while getting busy, he prided himself in ensuring his mate enjoyed herself.

F…fuck,” she muttered, bucking back to meet him, “this is just what I needed.”

Pressing his chest to her back, he placed his forehooves against the foot of the bed. If there was some way he could spend all of his time with her, simply savoring her company, he would have done so in an instant, but that would be nearly impossible. With bills to pay and another mouth to feed quickly approaching, at least one of them had to work. In the end, it didn’t matter all that much; as long as she continued to look after him, he’d do what he had to to support them both.

Steadily moving faster, driving her forward with each plunge, he only caught how impassioned he was becoming when she grunted beneath him. “Sorry.”

Whipping her head around, Leech scrunched her snout. “Don’t apologize. I wasn’t joking about what I said earlier; since I’m going to have to deliver our little bundle of joy, I’d really rather be loosened up a bit when the moment arrives.”

To hammer her point home, she slammed her ass against him, sheathed the entirety of his stallionhood, and fiercely squeezed his length. So help her - if he wasn’t going to give it to her rough, she’d take matters into her own hooves. As she intentionally outpaced him, effectively fucking herself on him, he eventually took her statement to heart.

Pulling back and steadying himself, his muzzle pressed to the nape of her neck, he gave a particularly hard thrust that drove her forward. Only barely able to remain standing, she quickly discovered she must have kindled something within him. Gone were the soft, tender thrusts she’d grown accustomed to over the last few months, replaced by the virile, domineering plunges of a virile stallion.

Yessss,” she groaned, flopping her head onto the mattress. “Give it to me hard.”

As much as he hated to admit it, Light was overjoyed with the turn of events. He really did relish sweet, sensual lovemaking with her, but a portion of himself had yearned to go all out. With his primal urges rallying, compelling him to remind her that she was his and his alone, he snorted and kissed his way from her collar to her jaw.

He may have been a big softy, but his titanic size wasn’t just for show. Taller and more heavily built than most stallions, he likely could have made a name for himself in hard labor or possibly buckball, yet his interests had always laid elsewhere - nevertheless, on the rare occasions when some heavy lifting needed to be done, his stature and impressive build were a massive boon. While his balls smacked against her clit, feeling her tremble, the fires of his passion grew hot.

Hotter than Tartarus, her depths milked his pistoning shaft, as the head of his cock repeatedly bumped against her womb. Though she was already expecting, the thought of sowing his seed within her was and probably would always be one of the most arousing things imaginable. Something about claiming her and making life with her was beyond words, and he dearly wished she felt the same way about him that he did about her.

Glancing to the side, seeing some motion against the wall, he nearly stopped - nearly. The mirror of Leech’s vanity sat only a few feet away, perfectly capturing the wildly erotic moment and allowing him to watch them doing the deed. The sight of himself plowing her was scandalous and wildly obscene, yet it did nothing but heighten his excitement.

Leech’s eyes rolled, as she groaned and was all but driven into the bed. Darned if she could explain it, but he’d really taken her words to heart - that or he’d been secretly wanting to be rough with her all along. Shifting her focus to holding herself steady, she relinquished what little control she had and let him rail her like a lucky filly on prom night.

While she was elated that he’d finally stopped taking it easy on her, she was unprepared for just how breathtaking his ministrations could really be. Weeks upon weeks of being coddled had left her unprepared for his true potential, driving her to her limit at record speeds. As a tremor crept into her thighs, feeling milk dripping to the carpet from her wobbling bosoms, she fought back the welling tide of pleasure.

Try as she might, as he relentlessly pounded her from behind, she could only hold herself back for so long. Shifting and looking up at him, seeing that something to the side held his attention, she looked over, saw the reflection of them fucking in the mirror, and came in an instant. Merely experiencing his love would have made her cum in a hoofful of minutes, but seeing his big, sexy body plowing her was too much to bear.

She wailed in ecstasy, baptizing his powerful thighs and groin in her essence, as she shivered uncontrollably. The climax was exactly what she’d been pining for, nearly making her black out from the influx of physical bliss, yet she had failed to account for one small thing - now that she’d gotten off, there was nothing holding him back. Only then becoming aware of just how swiftly he was flaring within her, she was rocked by a second, even stronger orgasm when he bit down on her neck and flooded her depths with his seed.

Light hilted and filled her depths, softly grunting and pumping his hips, as he was overcome by the moment. The combination of their reflection and making her peak twice in rapid succession was the type of thing randy colts dreamt of, yet he’d gotten to experience it firsthand. Relaxing his jaws, riding the high of his bliss into the warm embrace of euphoria, he pressed his cheek to hers and heaved air into his chest.

H…holy cow,” she panted, still trembling. Watching a smirk split his snout, she forced a scowl. “D…don’t you dare make a cow joke…”

Shaking his head, he nuzzled against her. “You said it, not me.”

Ha ha,” she sarcastically groused. “If that’s the case, how about you get me a cow-print bikini and I’ll -”


Fruitlessly attempting to free herself, she knit her brow. “The pie!”

“I’ll get the pie, you hop into the shower,” he replied.

Dismounting and pulling his softening stallionhood with a quiet pop, Light rushed out the door and into the hallway, while Leech struggled to remain standing. The poor timing of their dessert was a bit regrettable, but neither was terribly bothered. Though they had a mess to clean up and were both in need of a shower, something all the more important was on their minds - just how happy they made one another…


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With their delivery date swiftly approaching, the couple focused their efforts on preparing for the little bundles of joy that would soon come into their life. They’d each been shocked to discover that they’d be having not one but two foals - then again, aside from having to double-up on provisions and order a second crib, that was hardly a bad thing. With a long day behind them, after Light had returned from work, the pair relaxed on their sofa and engaged in one of their favorite recent pastimes - speculating on their impending family.

“Ok ok,” Leech hummed, resting against her lover, “if there’s a filly and she has a dark coat, I’m thinking of Shade.”

Light snickered and stroked her shoulder, resting his chin on the top of her head. “What if one of them is a filly with a light coat?”

She thought for a moment, rubbing her chin as she looked down at her gravid belly. “I think Lux would be cute.”

“That would be pretty cute,” he chuckled. “We’re going to need a bigger place though - not now of course, but in a few years. I hardly think they’ll be happy sharing a room forever.”

“Once I’m back on my hooves - you know, after a few months, I can start looking for a job to help with the…” she fell silent, seeing him shake his head. “What? As much as I like helping out in the bakery, it might not be a bad idea for me to take a job a little closer to home - besides, if we’re going to need a bigger place eventually, we’ll need to save up some bits.”

It was true, as excited as they were to have their foals, their finances would be stretched thin because of the extra mouths to feed. While she didn’t have all that much work experience, having only held a number of temporary, menial jobs in the past, she had every intention of shouldering some of the burden. She’d be damned if she was going to let him break his back to support all of them by himself.

“We could always move,” he began, smiling down at her. “You know as well as I do that living here, even in the suburbs, isn’t cheap. With the price of everything going up, I could sell the shop and the house, make a small fortune, and we could get a nice place somewhere away from the hustle and bustle.”

She paused, her eyes never waving from his face, and slowly turned her head from side to side. “But your bakery is your life’s work. I’d never ask you to -”

“For starters, my family is more important to me than any silly bakery,” he corrected her, his smile never wavering. “Secondly, it’s just a bakery. There’s nothing stopping me from opening a new one, and it’s not like I won’t take all the important stuff with me,” he added, reaching up and tapping his temple.

A long silence settled over them, as they quietly thought upon the situation. He’d made a good point, though Leech was hesitant to admit it. There would always be a demand for freshly baked goods, regardless of where in Equestria they ended up, and the cost of living was significantly cheaper away from large cities - that said, opening a new business and starting over would require a monumental effort. With a heavy sigh, she stroked his chest.

“If you really want to look into moving, I won’t stop you,” she murmured. “Regardless of where we go or what we end up doing, I’ll be here for you.” She swallowed hard, a lump forming in her throat from a distant, nearly forgotten memory. “I promise.”

“I know,” he whispered, kissing her crown. “And I promise I’ll never leave you.”

Glancing over at the clock, seeing it was getting late, she closed her eyes. “You think tomorrow will…”

She trailed off and lifted her head to look up at him, her eyes widening when she saw tears streaming down face. His expression was hard to read, smiling in spite of crying, as she reached up to wipe his cheek. She’d seen him emotional on several occasions, like when the doctor had announced she was expecting, but this felt different - like she’d somehow touched a nerve.

“You ok?” she breathed, knitting her brow as she held his hoof.

Light nodded and swallowed, peering down to look into her eyes. “I’ll never leave you again…”

Her eyes widened in shock, the breath hitched in her throat, and she went rigid, as his words struck her like a gong. Again - he wouldn’t leave her again. There was only one time in her life when he’d left - truly left, and that was of no fault of his own. Feeling her eyes starting to water, she met his gaze and embraced him.

She couldn’t say exactly when she’d had the revelation, but she’d realized some time ago that her lover, the stallion who’d won her heart, was none other than the little colt who she’d met so long ago. Though she’d considered bringing it up on multiple occasions, she didn’t have the heart to - not because she didn’t want to, but because the guilt from breaking her promise to be there for him still stung. She knew it was foolish, that he’d understand and forgive her for it, yet she’d never been able to bring herself to ask him if he remembered her.

W…when…how…” she sputtered, barely able to speak.

Wrapping his forelegs around her, he held her close. “It doesn’t matter,” he quietly replied, his voice wavering ever so slightly. “I won’t lose you, no matter where we go or what we have to do.”

It felt like a lifetime had passed since he’d returned to that street corner, looking for her with a number of pilfered, steaming muffins in tow, but he’d never forgotten. Day after day for nearly a week straight, the entire time he’d spent at his aunt’s house, he’d made the trek to where he’d met her - alas, in spite of his efforts, he hadn’t found her. As the years passed and the memory grew dim, only occasionally recalling the sweet little filly he’d given his blanket to, he gradually accepted that he’d never see her again - that was until fate intervened.

He was reluctant to say that a higher power had been at play, but he was genuinely thankful that she’d found her way into his life once again. The little ragamuffin on the corner, holding her head high and smiling at everypony who passed, had blossomed into a beautiful and captivating mare who was the love of his life, and he thanked the heavens each and every day for having her. Shifting his forehoof and wiping away her tears, he leaned in and pecked her nose.

“I…I…” she stammered, fighting through the overwhelming tide of emotions gripping her. “I love you. I love you more than anything and I’ll always be here for you.

Dipping his head, he peered into her amethyst eyes. “Promise?”

Promise,” she rasped, the corners of her mouth turning up.

As she shot forward, they locked lips and kissed - not a brash, impulsive kiss driven by lust, but a deep, impassioned kiss that only true lovers would ever know. The world was full of magic beyond comprehension, both in the literal and figurative sense, and they were lucky enough to experience that firsthand. Serendipity had brought them together after decades apart, but this wasn’t the end of their journey - no, their story and the next chapter of their lives was only just beginning…