> Dawn's new day. > by Aiwhisper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch1. First day with a bang. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confusion, that's all I felt while starting at the sky. Not because I didn't understand what was going on but because I DID. I had just been playing outside of town alone, since Starlight didn't want to see me and Sunburst was out of town. "That's a Rain-boom, good on Rainbow Dash." "Wait, why am I outside and not at my computer?" "Why is my voice so different?" "Do I have a horn and hoofs... and SWEET CELESTIA I'm a unicorn." "And, I really just said that..." The gears in my mind began to grind as more and more questions with conflicting answers followed span of a few moments. Parents names? Mark and Lisa? "Morning Dew is my dam, Forest Breeze is my mom, and Dam said my sire was a stud contract." My Two best friends names?Ashley and Josh? "Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst." Race, gender, age? Human, Male, 30? "Unicorn, Male, 8." Name? ___ "I can't remember my old name!?!" More memories of my life as a colt battled then blended with my memories as a human, all while my horn sparked violently. My vision, filled with my light blue magic, blinding me until finally my mind and magic overloaded. The surge caused my forelegs to collapse and I rolled forward flat onto my back. "Well at least one thing is the same, thank Harmony," my new angle giving me a clear line of sight between my back legs which made me drunkenly giggle before passing out. The cool breeze on my burnt out horn felt wonderful after regaining consciousness. Judging by the angle of the sun, I had only been out for an hour. That's something I could never do as a human. Ever so slowly, I got to my hooves while making sure not to stumble and started trotting home. Lucky for me all my memories as a colt let me control this body just fine... wait this is MY body, right? I shook my head as I made it to my street. At least I'm pretty sure this is my body... Did I reincarnate or did my memories get shoved into the body of this colt or did I steal the memories of a human or... I let out a snort to cut off my train of thought as I reached home. Taking a deep calming breath, I open the door and shout, "Hey Mom, Dam, I'm home" "Balanced Dawn," My dam ran in from the kitchen and swept me up into a loving nuzzle while shouting at me, "Where Have you been young colt?! I saw that magical explosion and was worried sick. Half of Sires Hollow was running around in a tizzy." "Just playing outside of town, I saw it too and kinda passed out," I nuzzled her back to help calm us both. This feels nice, I probably needed it just as much as she did. "Passed out?! Well thank Celestia you're okay, some of the young unicorns in town also passed out from all the excess magic. Even I got a headache and," She paused to set me down then sneaked a glance at my flanks, "and it looks a colt got their cutie mark," she finished, her voice calming and switching to a smile. "Really, who? I wonder what mine will be?" I couldn't contain my own smile that was forming. Even with my human memories it was hard to contain my excitement when it came to anything magic, even if 'Cutie mark' Was a bit girly. "Well, just look behind you." My dam replied playfully while letting me back up. When I looked, I couldn't help but prance in place as my excitement took over. Upon my flanks was a Ying/Yang of the sky during the day and night. With a starburst and a gear instead of the dots. Magic and machinery? Day and night? "I wonder what it means? Where's Mom so I can show her too?" "I couldn't tell you sweetie but it looks like a good one and Forest is still working with the weather patrol," My dam said looking a bit closer which did make me feel a bit awkward having her stare, "and hey, maybe now you can get into Magic school this year." My own sudden thought had caused me not to hear that last bit, "Oh my gosh. Dam, I have to go show my friends." Though, my excitement was just as quickly squashed as a memory of Sunburst leaving last year with his own fresh cutie mark came to mind. Add on Starlight growing distant and I couldn't help but to plop onto my rump. Starlight hates cutie marks. My new human memories and of watching MLP caused me to finally realize why she had been avoiding me lately. She's afraid of me leaving too. My dam, noticing my change nuzzled me again. "Oh sweetie I know Sunburst left last year but at least now you can take the test to join him at Celestia's school." This time I could hear what she said and looked back up at her. "Wait, but isn't it already too late for me to go this year?" "Nope," She proudly replied, "testing is open for another few weeks since the princess is looking to get a personal student this year, isn't that great?" I knew that she had found one today though, thanks to my human memories. At least I could still take the test. "Really great. I've been waiting to follow Sunburst since last year after he got his mark." Though it will be rough leaving Starlight. Now that I know why she has been acting so strange, I should go check up on her. After thinking for a few moments. "Hey Dam?!" I had to raise my voice a bit since she had headed back into the kitchen to check on dinner while I had gotten comfortable on the couch. "Yes sweetie?" I could now smell the food she was preparing, vegetable stew. Wow that smells amazing as a pony. "Can I go check on Starlight?" I was honestly getting a bit worried about her now. "You can tomorrow, Dinner is almost ready and your mother should be home soon. You also need to practice your magic before we take the train up to Canterlot in two days for the open testing." Sounds of her using magic to set the table covered up the rest of her mumbling of travel plans. I didn't bother arguing since she was right, after today I wasn't even sure if I could handle magic. Of course we can, we have been practicing with our friends since forever... wait why we? I shook my head and then lit my horn. Now what to practice with, I spotted one of my favorite books on the coffee table and easily lifted it up. Nothing to it, I couldn't help but smile then laugh as I floated the book over to myself. "The elements of harmony a reference guide." Of course I would have this book, I... The book dropped onto the couch next to me as I began to hyperventilate. According to my human memories I shouldn't exist. Why DO I exist? History somehow got changed for me to be born. The sudden existential crisis was luckily broken by my mom coming home. "Well hey kiddo," my mom plopped down next to me and wrapped me with a wing. "How was your day?" Before I could answer, my dam yelled out "Forest, you should check his flank, that should tell you." "Really why would," her eyes went wide and she flew up with me, almost hitting the ceiling, "you got your CUTIE MARK!? Dewy our colt has his cutie mark!" Dawn came back into the room laughing, "I know Breezy, I was the one that just told you remember?" My mom landed and rubbed the back up her neck, "Heh, that's true." The two shared a quick kiss, "Now, why dont you both go clean up, dinner is ready." "Yes Dam/Sweetie" we both replied at the same time then shared a look and laughed. Dinner was nice and quite, our little herd always used it as a time to just eat and relax after the day. My mom, Forest, was always tired after flying all day for the weather team and my dam, Dew, enjoyed concentrating on eating during dinner which made them a complementing pair. After dinner we would all pile onto the living room couch to catch up. Cuddling up between my parents, I relaxed as I just listened to them talk. "So aside from our little Dawn getting his cutie mark, how was your day Dewy?" My dam rolled her eyes, she loved my mom but not always her nicknames. "Well, aside from that, I had a lovely half day at the shop then came home to clean the house." My dam did accounting work, or something, for most of the local shops who didn't need someone full time. She was a unicorn with a blue coat a couple shades darker than my own sky blue with a light purple mane and tail. "Aside from that, it wasn't as exciting as that rainbow explosion in the sky. Are you okay by the way?" Worry filled her voice. "Oh yeah, luckily my team was all on the ground at the time. Some of the other teams were caught up in it though and Cloudsdale got it worse considering that's where it came from." "I wonder what it was, there was just so much magic in it." I couldn't help but speak up in my half awake state, "It was a Rainboom, it's caused by a Pegasus breaking the sound barrier." It took a moment to notice the awkward silence as they both looked at me then asked at the same time. "And how do you know that mister?" We'll never know how mares or fillies do that. I wiggled a bit under their gaze, "It was in one of my magic books." Truth but not all of it. My dam gave me a scrutinizing look but then sighed, "Makes sense, you and your friends are always reading some old and strange magic books from that used bookstore in town. I mean you practically begged me non-stop to buy you that book of old legends." My mom on the other hand was excited, "Wait, really? I have never heard of any pegasi flying that fast. I don't think I can go anywhere near that speed." She tapped her chin with a hoof, probably thinking about trying to pull it off. My mom was a bit of a speed demon which made me chuckle as I remembered Rainbow dash. Aside from the coloring, a nice forest green with ocean blue mane and tail, she was just as speed crazy and loyal. "Well aside from all that, how was your day Breezy?" my dam asked to get back on topic. It always made me think of the little creatures of the same name. "Oh it was fairly straight forward, some of the local farmers needed more rain and such and we had a few ponies not show up today for some reason. Aside from that it was a nice normal day." "Well that's good," My dam brought us all into a snuggle pile, "do you think you will be able to take a few days off starting tomorrow to go to Canterlot with us?" "What for?" My mother frowned, "you're parents aren't trying to see you again are they?" "Oh sweet Celestia NO, we need to take Dawn to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, he got his mark just in time to take the open exam this year." Forest frowned but said nothing as her wings drooped. "I Don't know, what with that 'rainboom' putting quit a few of the teams out of commission ill probably be asked to help them out," she sighed, "sorry kiddo." "Its okay mom I know you work hard for us. Also, my grandparents?" I tilted my head, Thinking about it, we've never met my dam's family. My mom's family is great but we could hardly visit since they all lived in Cloudsdale and two of us can't fly. It took a moment to notice both my parents had flinched and frozen up at my innocent question. "What?' My ears drooped as the mood changed. "Nothing sweetie, we'll explain when you are a bit older." My more mature memories helped me know what Dam meant so I let it drop. Wonder if they had a falling out or something. "Anyway Dawn, it's getting late why dont you head up to your room." "Okay" I nuzzle both my parents, grab my book in my magic, and head upstairs to my room, noticing they give eachother a look as I head up. Once upstairs, I finally relax from the day, flopping onto my bed then roll onto my back. After kicking my hooves to watch them idly move in the air for a bit, I take the time to look around my room. Nice and simple, My room has nothing but a bed, desk with a few old books and writing equipment, and posters of the Wonderbolts and famous old wizards like Starswirl, Wonder if I'll get to meet the old coot when he comes back? Looking at his poster, I no longer feel quite as star struck as I used to now that I know he isn't as powerful or well put together as the legends. Still not the worst pony. Laying there, I sorted through everything that happened today, "Memories of another life, pondering my existence, getting my cutie mark, taking a big test in a few days," I sigh then roll back over to curl into a pony-loaf, "helping starlight not turn evil, meeting the mane six..." I trail off as I eventually fall a sleep after thinking, This is going to be one interesting, crazy life. > Ch2. Acclimating > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "NO, not again," I groaned as I rubbed my muzzle with my hands. That's not quite right. "Die again?" My friend/brother Josh replied through my headset, though it didn't fit quite right. "Yes, dang bitters got me while out doing an oil setup for the base." The two of us were playing Factorio on one of the competitive servers with a few other people. Before he replied though my long ears flickered as I heard a loud 'Boom' causing the lights to flicker. "Well that sucks, also should you be Playing during a storm?" He sounded more mocking than worried. "Yeah ill be fine, my desktop has a battery and even my house is fully backed up now, remember?" I had gotten a solar system with battery backup a few years ago so never lost power, it was great. "Ah right, considering I use a laptop I never really think about it anyway." He was always traveling for work so it made sense. "I could never play from a laptop, desktop all the way," I grabbed the mouse in my magic since I respawned and used my hands on the keyboard. Wait magic? "Well lets get back to..." my voice cut out as my skin began to tingle, it was the strangest sensation, right before a deafening explosion and everything went black. I woke up in a cold sweat breathing hard and objects floating around my bedroom suspended in my light blue magic. What the heck was that?! It took a few moments for me to realize it was all just a dream. Calming down I took a look outside my window and decided to head back to sleep. Still night time and I'm ok. When morning did finally arrive I was woken up by my mom yelling from downstairs, "Up and attum Kiddo, It's time for breakfast!" Heading downstairs I found my mom making pancakes, using her wings to hold the handles. I never noticed she has great control of those things. It kind of made me jealous that I couldn't fly. Maybe someday we will. I joked to myself. "Morning Mom, where's dam?" "Meh, she had to head out early to finish up some work for the bakery since you two are heading off to Canterlot tomorrow." "Oh, Makes sense I guess," I plopped into my seat at the table while she kindly brought over breakfast balanced between her wings. Pancakes, eggs, and orange juice, Nice. "Yep so, it's just us this morning before I have to head out for the afternoon shift. " she smiled and sat down in her own chair after ruffling my mane with her wing as she passed. "You going to be ok on your own for that?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a baby foal any more mom, I'll be fine. Besides I plan to visit Starlight later to let her know the good news." I couldn't help but bounce in my seat a bit at that. "Ohh," my mom smiled with raised eyebrows and gave a knowing nod, "Going to visit the filly friend before the big Trip huh?" I sputtered and blushed a bit, stupid young colt brain, heck we have been married before. Wait I was? "No, she's just a friend." I looked away, but thinking more about my ex than Starlight. My mom laughed, breaking me from the memory, as she finished a bite, "oh they grow up so fast, only one day with his Cutie mark and he is already starting his own little herd." "Mom~," I wined playfully at her. "Just messing with ya sport," she pointed the fork in her hoof at me, "anyway after breakfast you and I will be running some errands and if you are good you know what that means?" She trailed off with a smug look, Dang expressive ponies. "Books?" I beam back at her. Guess we're one of them too now. "Right in one, Books. Though Considering you got your cutie mark your dam and I were thinking of getting you something special anyway before your big test. Ah, don't tell her I told you," She ran a hoof in front of her lips to 'Zip' them. I giggled, "I wont mom." She nodded and we finished up our breakfast, "good." After we finished I helped out by using my magic to clear the table. I noticed right away that preforming magic had become much easier since getting my mark. My mom noticed too since she commented right after, "Dang colt, look at you go. Just a few days ago you had trouble with holding two things at once and now your clearing the whole table without missing a beat." "Heh, yeah I'm surprised too. Though when Sunburst got his he put back a whole two shelves worth of books so I have to be at least that good or I wont make it at Celestia's School," I noticed my mom sag a bit at that. "Yeah that's true." "You ok mom?" "Yeah, Just going to miss ya. I'll be super happy if you get in but," she shrugged with her wings. I quickly walked over and gave her a big hug while a few tears leaked from her eyes. After a few moments though she sniffed and, "ok, enough of that. We have errands to run and they wont run themselves. No matter how much I wish they would." We both laugh at that then head outside after grabbing our saddlebags and getting them comfortable. "Ok sport, hop on," My mom had lowered herself so I could easily climb onto her back and wrap my forelegs around her neck. It wasn't the first time she had taken me flying to one of the larger towns for supplies but today felt more exciting. We guess a fresh perspective will do that. Flying was amazing, It was nothing like riding an enclosed airplane. Being able to feel the wind blowing through my Teal mane and Sky blue Coat felt, well, awesome. During the trip my mom even pulled off a few loops which just blew my mind, even when I fell off and she had to catch me I was never truly scared. Better than any rollercoaster on earth. "Hey, be careful." she chided even though she had a hard time keeping a straight face with my infectious excitement. "I always find it strange a unicorn foal like you loves flying so much, even your dam hates it." "How could I hate flying, especially when my mom is one of the best fliers?" I throw my forelegs up once back on her back, holding on with my hind legs. "It's awesome." The scowl quickly leaves her face and she just shakes her head while continuing to fly towards our destination, Baltimare. When we do eventually land close to the large grocery store, one a bit cheaper than in our small village even with the train ride back. My mom then takes a few moments so I can climb off and stretch her legs and wings then adjust her saddlebags. "Dang colt, you are getting heavy. Just a few more months and you won’t be able to ride on my back anymore." I roll my eyes at her, "mom you say that every time you take me flying, you're in to good of shape to worry about that." She buffs her forehoof on her chest, "Dang right I am." we both laugh at the running joke. "Now, why don't you help me out with the cart today using that fancy magic of yours," she bumps me as we head inside. We're in much better shape as a colt than a human, surprisingly fit for a unicorn also, probably my mom's influence. I notice while easily trotting behind my mom. Grocery shopping quickly became boring. Sure it was interesting at first what with the new perspective and everything, but after finding out it was the same as on earth it got old fast. Mainly it was because there were no foals my age and my mom kept stopping to chat with every mare that she recognized, which was a suspiring amount, about my cutie mark and upcoming test. I guess when you're part of a heard species with no internet its not that strange, especially since mom works all around the area to manage the weather. Letting out a huff I continue to follow along. At least using my magic keeps things a bit interesting. as we moved around the store while pushing the cart and placing items into it I noticed that ponies really didn't do frozen or even refrigerated food. Sure there was milk and juices but even then it was only kept cool using magic. With everything being mostly organic and plant based It makes sense, I had to keep reminding myself as while noting the differences between Equestrian and Human markets. The first thing to really catch my attention was when mom paid, Bits had just as many denominations as the Dollar as far as I could tell. Interesting the show didn't go into much detail and as a colt money hasn't mattered yet outside of what class taught. The next thing though really blew my mind, Everything from the cart was transferred into my Mom's saddle bags, Magic bags with space expansion and preservation. I tested my own out and found it had a similar enchantment. Is this normal or are we well off? While following mom out of the store towards the bookstore I took some time think about it. As a human we were middle class, owned our own home and all that, even after the divorce. In Equestria though I had no clue. Mom must have noticed my musings because she looked down at me and asked, "Everything alight sport?" "Mom, Are we well off?" The question caught her so off guard she stopped and sputtered, "now why would you ask that?" "Well... In the store I finally noticed we both have some nice saddle bags, and dam is from canterlot, and you guys can afford to send me to Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns, and you're about to buy me another book, and, and," my breath hitched. "I guess I'm just overwhelmed and worried about paying for it all!" I plopped down right there on the side of the road with my ears splayed back about to cry. Stupid emotional colt brain. "Oh Dawn," She nuzzled the top of my head, and I felt lucky city ponies weren't as curious. "look, your dam and I will be just fine. Not to brag or anything but we both make good money. I'm a weather team captain and she does plenty of accounting work on the side." "Really?" I sniffed. ok maybe we're just overthinking, kinda hard not to. "Really, really." she ruffled my mane and fluffed he wings a bit, "Now why don't we break for Ice-cream, young colts need their sugar to keep up their magic." I guess the show was right about that. "Ok mom," I beamed up at her and got back to my hooves. "I'm going to get chocolate." "Yeah? I think I will too." It didn't take long to stop by a corner shop selling Ice-cream and on the way to the bookstore we stopped in a small park lay in the grass and eat. It's almost surreal how similar it is to earth, aside from the Inhabitants and language like 'everypony'. Way more real than the show depicts but not all inaccurate either, I mused while licking the ice-cream. Ever since yesterday my mind had definitely become more, is in tune the right word? Ug no that just sounds wrong. Harmonious, of course that's it, I can focus more and definitely notice more than two days ago. what else should we expect with thirty extra years of memories shoved into my head and getting my cutie mark. Snuggling under my mom's wing I get close to finishing my treat while enjoying the warmth, both of us just basking in the sunlight. No wonder Luna got jealous when Celestia gives perfect days like these, granted as a human I always enjoyed the nights more. Tilting my head back and forth with my internal debate about the best time of day, I put the rest of the cone in my mouth to crunch it up. "Still thinking a lot sport?" "Hmm? Oh, no, I was just thinking about Luna and the best time of day ya know?" My eyes went a bit wide at my slip but luckily mom didn't notice. "Luna? Is that another friend of yours?" I almost sighed in relief. "Not really, just someo-pony I know." It actually took some concentration not to say 'Someone'. "Another filly friend? should your dam and I be expecting a little herd around?" "Mom~, tenor again." I whined as she laughed at me, though she had a tough time since she was finishing her own ice-cream. "Just a joke sport, I know you are way to young to worry about that." she got a bit more serious, "Especially if you want to keep up with your school studies. No filly friends till you are older young colt, even with that new cutie mark. Speaking of time of day, it's about time we head out." She finished up her own cone. "Yeah yeah," I waved her off with my front forehoof and stood up to stretch with my ears perked up. "books?" She rolled her eyes back, "books," and we both trotted off. When we entered the shop the smell of old books filled my nose as I took a deep breath. "I swear colt, you and your dam both do that every time." "What, books are great," I reply from over my shoulder since I was already scanning the shelves. "besides, Its why you LoVe us." "True, I couldn't be with just any Mare, or have any average colt," She replied as she and the clerk at the counter chucked. "Though I'd love you no matter what sport," she finished a bit lamely while nuzzling my head. Ponies are so affectionate. Scanning the shelves I quickly made it to the magic section while my mom chatted with the clerk. She may not have had the same love for books but she still enjoyed them. I on the other hand loved them, maybe not at Twilight's level but still well enough. Even back on earth we enjoyed reading, though more about Si-Fi, and fantasy, or random stuff, like new tech, from online articles. Man I'm going to miss computers, maybe I could mix technology with magic, like in the newer Gens, I shuddered, I wasn't a fan of the newer animation style. Thank harmony my memories ended up in this generation/universe. "Hey sport, try to pick a book out soon. We still have a train to catch so I can get to work on time." I hadn't even noticed the time passing when my mom called out. After shaking my head a bit my eyes caught site of a book that looked old and out of place 'Earth pony and Pegasus magic'. Cool, this might come in handy... hoofy? Bah, useful later. I plop the book down on the counter, "Interesting choice there young colt, not many ponies read into this kind of subject. I'm honestly surprised we have an old book like this." The unicorn clerk mentions while my mom pays for the book. "It looks interesting and maybe it will help with my test." I smile up at him, switching to an innocent act. Before he could ask my mom interjected proudly with, "he's applying for CSGU." "Ahh," the clerk nods, "no wonder you like strange magic books, well good luck young colt." I smile and thank him while putting the book in my bag. Trains were wonderful, I never got to ride many as a human maybe only twice. Cars are just the worst, what with traffic and city sprawl, but not Equestrian City Planning. It's so much better organized without parking lots everywhere. No, things here were just so much nicer, the train station was nice and clean, the train was on time, and the passenger cars were super comfortable for the price with pony sized benches. The only complaint was the speed, but even then it was only a 20 minute ride back to Sires Hollow. We always rode back since moms bags didn't have weight reduction and made flying too difficult but today I was really enjoying the ride. "Today has been pretty great so far, eh sport?" My mom stretched her wings a bit and looked a bit sad, "I just wish I didn't have to work so we could celebrate tonight." "It's ok mom. I'll miss you too. And hey if I don't pass I'll be home before you know it." I was a bit shocked when she brushed me with her wing playfully. "Like you could fail you little troublemaker," her mood quickly bounced back just as the train pulled into the station. After disembarking the train she gave me a hug, "alright, go play with your friend while I take this food home." "Thanks mom," I galloped off with my new book towards Starlight's house. When I finally arrived I knocked on the door and her sire answered. "Well hello there Dawn, here to see Starlight? She's in her room." He smiled down at me and let me inside. If I was human that would never happen, Granted the roles are a bit reversed here. "Thanks Mr. Firelight," I passed by as he chuckled. "No problem dawn," I then quickly made it up to Starlight's room. "Glimmer," I made sure to knock first then barged in like any proper best friend, "I'm here to visit my," my voice cut off as I noticed her laying in bed covering her muzzle with her forelegs and mumbled. "What do you want?" Her voice filled with sadness. I huffed and jumped up onto her bed. She had been pushing me away lately and I had been letting her. Now that I understood it better, "to bother one of my best friends and show off my cutie mark to them." I could actually see her tense at that as she mumbled "not again" under her breath. After circling her I noticed that she now had her mark as well but didn't bring it up, instead, "so Glim-Glam, how you been?" I flopped down next to her and nuzzled under her chin. I knew her and Sunburst were close even before we met but this is bad, no wonder she turned evil, I shook my head a bit. But she isn't yet. When she finally did speak up, "Glim-Glam? Where did that come from?" "Well figure you were due for a new nickname so just wanted to try it out," She huffed but managed a smile at my response then finally looked at me. Smart kids always have rough emotions, though we get to cheat a bit to get the best of both smarts and emotional maturity. "So you really got your mark too, huh?" "Yep, looks like you did too. Isn't that great? Will you also be going to CSGU to try out?" "Why bother?" She snorted and buried her muzzle into her pillow, "You and Sunburst will probably do better anyway." "Now that's not true, sure Sunburst is book smart, and I have unique ideas but you have the raw power and application." She didn't move though the swivel of her ears betrayed her, "you really think so?" "Yep so you should go with me and my dam tomorrow for the open testing and get yourself out of this funk." I shoulder checked her. "Will you still be my friend even if I don't pass?" she finally poked her head up. "I pinky promise," I even went through the motions which caused her to finally laugh and I heard the echo of 'Forever' in a young pinkies voice causing me to shiver. How does she do that? Magic silly. After getting Starlight out of her funk we spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out. Luckily she had games like checkers so neither of us had to spare much concentration as we caught up. At dinner, she easily convinced her dad to take her for the test as well which we both celebrated. When it was time to leave, she was looking much better. "Bye Starlight." "Bye Dawn," She gave me a quick hug then headed back inside after we parted at the door. Well, that's one first big change. I smiled to myself and shrugged. Well too late to worry now. Bring it on butterflies, I thought to myself while heading home, cutie mark glowing ever so slightly in the twilight. > Ch3. Last night at home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I made it home I found mom napping and snuggled up with my dam on the couch. Dam was still awake though and with a tilt of her head to look past the book she was reading she quietly asked. "So, how was Starlight? Your mom told me you went to see her." After setting my saddle bags down, I wiggled up onto the couch, assisted by her magic once she set her book down, and snuggled in next to her. After getting comfortable and pressing my muzzle into her side, I replied with muffled voice. "She wasn't good dam. Sunburst leaving effected her more than I thought," Pony Coats can get so soft. She wrapped a foreleg around me but let me continue, "She did finally get her cutie mark though, so that has really helped. Also she will be going with us to Canterlot," I finished, smiling as she Idly groomed my messy mane with her tongue . No idea why this isn't gross. She ended her grooming and let out a content sigh, "Much better, Well that's good sweetie, I was honestly starting to worry about that filly. Anyway you can tell me more later," She smiled while setting me on the floor with her magic, "We have a big day tomorrow so head to bed." She leaned over and playfully nuzzled me while giggling at her own rhyme. "Night sport," mom mumbled, the movement having woken her, "see you at breakfast." "Night dam, night mom." I grabbed my bags in my magic and headed back to my room after my nightly routine. Once inside I pulled out my new book and flopped onto the bed. Ok, 'Earth pony and Pegasus magic', oh wow its by Clover the Clever, this book is older than I thought. I knew her name from both sets of memories so expected it to be a good read. "Surprising to most unicorns we are not the only ones with magic. Earth and Pegasus ponies have just as much potential as we do..." As I continued reading I found the concepts doubly fascinating from both my human and pony perspectives. The way she described magic was similar to some of the concepts on earth but, with solid details such as rune usage, their meanings and methods for ponies of all kinds to use them to expand a ponies magical casting potential. Way better than the incomplete ideas from earth, though science kind of took that spotlight. I yawned rolled onto my back and was surprised when I reached the end of the book, though it was close to midnight. "... so to sum up, all ponies have magical potential and with the proper channels, such as rune infused crystals, even non unicorns can cast high level spells or unicorns can learn a few new tricks like Earth pony hoof casting, suitable for low level spells." I sat up a bit, floated the book over to my desk, closed my eyes, then flattened my ears in thought. Can a unicorn really cast with their hooves instead of horn? Awesome! I rubbed my forehooves together a bit and concentrated. After a moment I opened my eyes and raised my right forehoof like Vader, trying to lift my book with levitation. The moment I did my hoof glowed faintly with my familiar pale blue magic and the book raised just as easily as if I used my horn, then suddenly dropped as my excitement took over. Oh my gosh we just did magic. I mean we have been channeling magic all day but, not from our HOOVES! I happily flopped backwards and flailed at the air while laying on my back then splayed out my limbs once I got a bit winded. Glancing out the window, I spotted the mare on the moon and once again thought about the future. Roughly Eleven years to go before Luna comes back huh. My continued excitement quickly banished the stray thought. After a few more moments and another big yawn I turned myself into a pony loaf and got comfortable. That's something for future me to worry about. Boom! The sound of thunder and rain was almost deafening even with my ears splayed back against my head. More troubling was they were the only part of my body I could move. "ugg" A small moan escaped my muzzle as I gasped for air. What the Hay happened? Slowly a few sensations returned but I began to wish they hadn't, the rain pelting my face made it impossible to breathe as it and acrid smells flooded my nose. It took everything I had not to choke in my disabled state. As time slowly passed and the rain cleared all I could do was stare up at the sky through the fresh hole in my roof as everything around me went dark again. Just my luck, we're finally getting back to normal after the Divorce and then struck by God/Harmony dammed lightning. Things change though as I notice someone tapping my shoulder and I open my eyes, "dawn, Dawn, DAWN!" "Yeah starlight what's up?" Starlight and Sunburst were both watching me as we sat around a board game in her living room, though everything, outside of us, was blurry and twisted. "Its your turn," Sunburst passed me the dice after adjusting his glasses, too young for the vision correction spells. I couldn't tell what game we were even playing but when I rolled the dice both my friends exclaimed, "not again, how do you always get so far ahead?" I rubbed the back of my neck, "I don't know, but its not like I always win game night." They both shared a laugh since they normally beat my at chess or other games. Unknown to me someone else came to watch from the corner disappearing just a quickly into the shadow as they arrived. My surroundings then changed again and I almost tripped over my own, slightly smaller, hooves. The three of us were now running outside of town with Starlight dragging a kite behind us, spindle of string in her mouth, sun high in the sky. "Come on you stupid kite, fly already," she squeaked past the obstacle between her teeth. Sunburst, out of breath, replied. "We don't have," he huffed, "enough," he puffed, "windspeed starlight," his little legs gave out on the grassy hill we just ran up. "I have," I wasn't tired thanks to mom's training but still breathing hard, "an idea." I lower my head and light my horn to lift the kite higher up into the air, struggling, having only just started practicing my magic. Slowly, I managed to raise the kite high enough into the air just in time for a pleasant gust of wind to catch it and lift it the rest of the way. The three of us immediately cheer and almost lose it as the spindle falls from Starlight's mouth only to be caught in her own sputtering light blue magic. I never noticed we had similar magic colors. As we watched the kite fly in the sky things changed yet again. "Hi there, what you reading?" The little orange colt asked. I showed off the book I was reading under the tree outside the school house during lunch which previously sat between my forelegs. After mom and dam moved us for work, reading was all we had left at the time. My voice Squeaked as I replied, "It's called 'The elements of harmony a Reference guide' It's my favorite." I put on a shy smile. "Isn't that a made up book for Foals?" A Slightly older earth pony filly interjected, bumping the orange colt out of the way. She then tried reaching for my book but I slid it under my stomach causing her to falter. "Let me see it." "And why should he have to do that? You should know better than to pick on colts," a light purple filly had just joined us and asked the orange colt, "You ok sunburst?" "Stay out of this little Glimmer," The filly was about to shove Starlight but the school teacher interrupted by picking the her up by the scruff. "Just what do you think you are doing young lady?" The fillie's eyes went wide and she panicked while being taken back to the schoolhouse leaving the three of us alone. "Thanks, um?" I tilted my head questioningly at the new filly. "Starlight," She held her foreleg out for a hoof bump, which I happily reciprocated, before she wrapped it around the orange colt, "and this is my best friend Sunburst, but of course anyone who likes books can be our friend too." Once again the scene changed and I was surrounded by Chaos. Starlight, Sunburst, and I had been stacking books when they all came tumbling down towards Starlight and myself. Though before they hit the ground the entire room was filled with a golden light and the books all stopped. Just as quickly all the books flew back to their proper shelves and we heard a whinny from Sunburst who quickly ran outside to show off his new Cutie mark. Starlight broke down crying from the stress and I just followed Sunburst outside, stunned by the display. It's strange to see this all again and know we wern't originally here. The last change I could now remember clearly as I regained lucidity and looked around. I was inside of Starlight's house just yesterday, knocking on her bedroom door. She had been slowly hanging out with me less and less this past year. "Glimmer, do you want to go play?" I waited a few moments, "come on it's a really nice day out and I miss my friend." My ears drooped and I scuffed at the floor when I got no response, "fine I see how it is, you were only my friend because of Sunburst." I ran out of her house with Firelight calling after me to, "slow down." Ignoring him I continued running until I was outside of town on our favorite kite flying hill. I debated going back, just before a massive rainbow filled the sky. Right, that's why we were out there alone. After that things started changing much faster. My Brother and I playing video games in the basement of our old house as kids. Fixing up some old computers in Highschool for side cash. Meeting my Ex and getting married way too young. Having a rough few years working long hours. Getting divorced after she cheated and switching to a work from home job so I didn't have to go out. Riding horses with my parents and siblings, on the farm they bought after quitting their jobs, the whole family being happy again. God/Harmony we, NO, I miss them More events quickly passed by until it all stopped and I passed into a comforting dreamless sleep. > Ch4. Train to Canterlot. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contrary to my name, Balanced Dawn, I was not a morning person. This was only exacerbated by the fact I now had years of extra memories of working night shifts and from home, both of which meant sleeping through the day or at least allowed me to sleep in. So, even as I woke to a much more relaxing morning than the last time, with birds singing, and the pleasant smell of breakfast from downstairs, I cursed Celestia for the sunbeam that was hitting my face forcing me to wake up. Eventually I did roll over, stretch, then head downstairs once the smells from breakfast became to enticing to resist. "Well good morning sweetie." Morning Dew said from her spot at the table, "someone is up early." "Morning mom, morning dam," I nuzzled them both then hopped up into my chair. "Morning Sport, ready for the big day?" Forest Breeze asked after finishing her bite of eggs. I tilted my head back and forth a bit then my eyes went wide as I remembered today was the day we went to Canterlot. "Yeah, I cant wait," I nodded with a big grin stuck on my muzzle until, "I just wish you could come with mom." My ears drooping a bit as dam magicked over some breakfast for me. She mimicked my expression. "Yeah sorry sport, but work never stops this time of year with farmers needing rain and stuff. But hey at least your Dam can go and It's not like I wont be seeing you again," She ruffled my mane with her wing. The action did cheer me up and dam's breakfast on top of finally going to Canterlot made it hard to keep a sour mood. "So sweetie," my dam started, clearly trying to change the subject. "You ready for the train ride today? Starlight and her sire will be meeting us at the station in a bit then we will have the ride to the capital, and lastly your big test in the afternoon." She magicked over a pamphlet from the counter and opened it. "Once in the city, Firelight and I will drop you two off at CSGU and go book a hotel." I stopped mid bite to cut her off and ask, "Wait you two aren't sticking with us at the school?" "Sorry Dawn but no. The school doesn't allow parents to stick around for the open testing since it's done in groups and with everything happening so fast I didn't have time to book us a hotel room in advanced," she apologized and flicked her ears. After breakfast finished mom gave be a big, long, tearful hug while apologizing about having to go to work. I honestly didn't blame her, it's work, and was honestly super grateful she was so worried, which I made sure to tell her. Once she did finally let up to head out to work, I cantered upstairs to my room and started packing my books and a few other belongings Into my saddlebags for the trip. Honestly glad to not have to wear clothes, never liked those things. After packing, I was impressed that everything even fit into the bags fifteen books and a bunch of trinkets would have never fit in normal bags. Mom and dam must have sprung for the better model for me too, since I don't feel the weight at all! Mainly I had packed everything since out of town students stay at the dorms and dam let me know that if I did get in we wouldn't be coming back to Sires Hollow. Once finished with my room I headed to the bathroom and began cleaning myself up for the day ahead. I even tried hiding my bit pouch in my mane after brushing it, which, with a bit of effort, stayed perfectly in place. Who knew Pinkie tricks really could work. Silly of course they do, no one ever tries properly. I shuddered a bit but didn't know why then, met mom in the living room. She was just finishing up her own packing and asked, "Ready to start the day?" I nodded and adjusted my saddle bags. "Steady and ready, Freddy." I smiled at the saying I would have used back on earth while she just giggled as we left for the train station. Trains are still begrudgingly my favorite, after flying. I grumbled to myself. It had been hours since the initial rushed meetup with Starlight and her sire at the train station, having almost missed it due to dam forgotting her bit pouch. I was now spending my time looking out the window watching the twilight turn to night. Around lunch in the dining car, I had found that when my dam said 'in the afternoon' she had meant 'Tomorrow afternoon', there are no direct trains to Canterlot from Sires Hollow and it would take an entire day! At least I get pony cuddles. When our group first boarded the train in a rush, we spent only a few minutes after it's departure finding places in one of the private compartments and the four of us quickly got comfortable. A few more minutes and one Starlight Glimmer promptly fell asleep to the soothing motion of the train, leaving me with the adults. She did wake up for lunch and dinner but then promptly fell back asleep. Turns out I couldn't really blame her though, she had stayed up late all last night studying and wasn't sleeping well before that. Now after dinner, she was spending her time head on my withers like a sleepy kitten. My dam was no help as her and Firelight were spending their time with after dinner drinks, chatting or reading about the latest news in a paper they picked up. From their seats across from us, I could tell they were shooting glances our way now and then. They better not be shipping us, we're eight. I huffed and got myself a bit more comfortable once night fully set in, using my magic to keep Starlight steady as she lightly swayed with the motions of the train. The flow of magic on her fur must have woken her up though since she began to stir, rubbed her eyes with her forelegs, and asked the room, "Are we there yet." Ahh the classics of Road trips. "Not yet Starlight," My dam replied, Firelight had recently fallen asleep after finishing his nightcap. It was a bit strange but Equestrian trains didn't have 'sleeper cars'. Ponies could just 'loaf' and be perfectly comfortable on the padded benches of the private compartments. "We still have the rest of the night but will be there early in the morning just after sunrise." "Oh, Ok," She wiped more sleep from her eyes then her ears perked towards me like she just noticed I was next to her. "Hi Dawn." "Well hello sleepy Star," I couldn't help but tease her a bit and dam giggled, Starlight bopped me with her hoof in reply and I scrunched my muzzle. "You stay up all night studying," she squeaked, "and then try to stay up. I was so worried about our test tomorrow I started re-reading all my books!" "All of them?" I tilted my head skeptically and raised my eyebrows at that. She blushed and looked away, "well maybe not all of them. I still reviewed lots though! I want to make sure we both get in." Hip bumping her, "I'm sure we will both do fine Glimmer. You're the best magical girl I know." "Magical girl?" She tilted her head but didn't press the subject. Dam who had been watching the entire exchange, "I'm Sure you will both do great, and Starlight I'm sure your father will say the same thing... once he wakes up in the morning." As if to respond he snored a bit in his sleep which made us all titter. After that the three of us began conversing quietly about the upcoming test and what we might have to do. Starlight was convinced it would be some kind of practical test while I was a bit on the fence. Sure, it may have started out as a practical, knowing Twilight had already hatched Spike's egg this year now during the Rain-Boom now made me wonder. As the night wore on and conversation lulled, I eventually decided to close my eyes and take my turn at sleeping. Before being pulled off to dream, I found myself listening in on my Dam and Starlight speaking. "So Starlight how have you been? I haven't seen you around our house lately." I could practically feel her body sag and ears fold back. "I... no, I haven't been great and I haven't really been a good friend lately either." My dam who probably knew enough about what has been going on, "It's never easy when a friend moves away, but you shouldn't ignore your other friends. My son has really been lonely without you and Sunburst around. Even if he won't admit it." I felt Starlight press her side against mine a bit more, making sure I acted like I was fully asleep. "Yeah, It reminded me of when you guys first moved to town and he kept smiling when Sunburst and I met him no matter what." Her and dam both tittered, "Well it was a bit of a hard move on all of us, I really never expected we would be back in Canterlot." I could feel the breath from her sigh tickle my coat. Starlight shifted a bit, "Why did you guys move to our town Mrs. Morning Dew? Dawn always avoided answering when I asked about it." Hearing 'Our Town' is strange these days. The pause lasted a while before my Dam finally sighed and answered, "I do not get along with my Parents so we had to leave Canterlot. Lets just leave it at that." The conversation quickly stalled leaving only the sound of the wheels clacking along the track to fill my ears. It didn't take long for that soothing sound to lull me to sleep. "Alright Ponies, Lets head out." Firelight said while trotting off, only to be stopped by my dam a moment after leaving the train station. "CSGU is the other way," She pointed her hoof in the correct direction, "but first we need to get the foals fed." Firelight made an apologetic face once he heard our stomachs grumble. Once we were off in the correct direction I followed closely to my dam's side. Canterlot is massive, I thought to myself then heard Starlight mimic my thoughts out loud. "Sure is," Firelight said while reading off a brochure he garbed from the station as we walked along. "The capital is one of the largest cities in all of known Equis, home to Princess Celestia herself for roughly one thousand years. It was founded after the collapse of the old capital which is now lost to history." The one hidden in the Everfree to be re-discovered in about 11 years by Twilight and her friends once Nightmare/Luna returns. Not that Celestia forgot about it. Mulling on that thought my Dam continued, "It's also home to the unicorns, some more friendly than others, as well as many other visiting species like Yaks and Minotaurs." The City was honestly much biger than expected, nothing like the show and I was super young when we lived here before so don't remember it well. Starlight pranced a bit around her sire at that news, "oh I want to meet a Minitour I hear they are super tall and have weird appendages on their forelegs." "Just dont call them weird sweetie," Her sire grabbed her in his magic and put her on his back, my dam doing the same as the streets had become more crowded. "They're called Hands." I responded once I was comfortable. Heh, a pony riding a pony. Starlight tilted her head and looked my way as our group made its way deeper into the capital, "what are?" "The things at the end of a Minotaurs foreleg. They are called hands which are attached to their arms, which is what they call their forelegs." "And how do you know that?" She asked but was answered by her sire who looked back at her to reply. "He is right sweetie. I have had dealings with a few of them during my travels, you may even meet a few while living here." Starlight hummed a bit with this new information but both her and my own thoughts were cut off with a, "Were here," from my dam. Looking up I had to stifle a laugh 'Pony Joe's' was right in front of us and we were headed inside. "Dawn you may not remember this but you used to love this place. Your mom and I would practically have to drag you away crying every time we got doughnuts from here." I blushed but didn't get a chance to argue. "Well what do you expect when dealing with some of the best in town," Pony Joe himself replied from behind the counter. Living the dream. "Now, what can I get your fine family today?" My dam and Firelight shared a look then laughed, "oh were not together 'Together' Just friends from the same town in for a visit." "Oh well forgive my assumption." Dam and Firelight forgave him then placed our orders while starlight and I grabbed a booth by the window. I could see why this place was so popular, it was in a nice location with a few parks around. While looking out the window I couldn't help but notice a purple pony trotting next to a slightly larger white one with a purple dragon on its back. No way, it can't be. "Hey Dawn what you looking at?" Starlight noticed me starting out the window. Between looking towards her then back, they had gone, "well there was a white unicorn colt with a tiny purple dragon on his back." "Really where?" she spent the rest of breakfast glancing out the window, disappointed that she missed it, our parents wondering why she was so quiet. "Don't worry Startlight, I bet we will see it again." I tried to comfort her by whispering in her ear as we left Joe's and continued our 'quest' to the school. > Ch5. Ques... Test time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasn't quite sure what to expect but this was not it. CSUG was, 'Normal'. I walked through the average halls behind my dam towards the testing area with an excited Starlight listening to Morning Dew talk about her days at the school. I tuned out the conversation, having heard the story a dozen times over the years. Starlight, of course, ate it up. Her Sire had gone ahead to book us a few hotel rooms, which was nice of him, so was currently not with the group. This place reminds me of my human school days, only pony proportioned. I wasn't exactly expecting the impractical levels of 'Harry Potter' design but something a bit more magical would have been nice. I kept my head on a swivel incase something magical decided to pop out. As we walked the halls my mood did improve once we passed by a lecture hall under construction with a missing door, busted wall and polka-dotted wall that refused to be painted over, She really did a number on it, and made our way to reception. "Wow I wonder what happened back there?" My dam had stopped to look, a bit of worry still on her face even once we reached reception for the test, having forgone asking directions since she didn't need them. "Oh just a magical surge," A unicorn mare with a teachers badge waved her hoof as it was a normal occurrence in the school, when she replied from behind the desk, "here for the enrolment test?" "Some surge," My dam walked behind us and put a foreleg around Starlight and I, "Yep my son and his filly friend are both here for the test today." I ignored that comment while Starlight playfully flicked her ear. "Excellent, well you all are right on time. Prospective students will need to continue down this hall to the testing room, while parents come with us to turn in the forms and wait for the test to finish." She used a bit of magic to make arrows in the air to point us the way. "Letting students find their way is part of the test. Room T01." She then trotted off beckoning for my unsurprised dam to follow, leaving myself and Starlight suddenly alone. "Guess we should get going," I shrugged and continued on. "Ye-yeah," Starlight was a bit nervous at the sudden loss of adult supervision. It didn't take us long to reach the testing room. Not much of a test, though for a foal it probably is considering Starlight's nervousness. Once inside we were both told to take a seat apart and amongst the other foals instructions on the front board told us 'Don't talk and wait for test instructions'. As I looked around at the other nervous unicorn foals I was unsurprised to see a few I recognized from my newer memories. What did stick out though were two particular ponies. First was Twilight, She was sitting near one of the front corners looking ready as ever. Guess every student has to take the written test still. The second noticeable addition was Celestia in her Pegasus 'Sunny Skys' persona. Was not expecting the princess to be here. "Alright every pony, eyes front." The unicorn Stallion at the front of the room said after closing the door with his magic. "Welcome to the open enrolment for Celestia's School for GIFTED Unicorns," He put plenty of emphasis on 'Gifted'. "Today all of you will be taking the written portion of the test for entering our prodigious school here in Canterlot. I am both Happy and Sad to say that the position for Celestia's personal student has already been claimed by one, Ms. Twilight Sparkle who you all have the privlige of testing with." Twilight shrunk herself in her desk wile 'Sunny" smiled, "so if you were hopping for that honor you are already out of the running." Sunny coughed lightly behind her hoof. "But fear not for today we have Ms. Sunny Skys, an assistant of the princess, who will be overseeing your tests today along with myself, Mr. Clear Mark. For those who have not already done the practical portion you will taking it after the written portion today, outside." So that's why twilight is here, she already did her practical but needs the written. "Now then," Mr. Clear passed out the test papers using his magic from the front of the class along with quills and ink, "you may begin." First invention, Ballpoint pins. Or grab some from other earth. I huffed and started writing. The written test was, Easy. Thirty extra years of memories made the math and science portions a breeze, for an eight year old, and surprisingly helped with magic and Equish, Magic was similar to programing in some aspects, and Equish was just like English but with pony-isms. The fact I had finished writing already while everyone else, even Twilight, was still working did not go unnoticed though as 'Sunny' stopped by my desk, "Is everything alright my little pony, having any trouble?" She gently asked from my side. Wow her voice is soothing. I smiled back up to her and said, "Oh its fine pri... Ms. Sunny, I just finished already." I hoped to harmony she didn't hear that slip. Either she didn't or ignored it, saying, "Really, well then do you mind if I check your work?" The question was clearly rhetorical as she collected my test. She read the name at the top and looked at my Cutie mark, "Well Balanced Dawn, I wish you good luck." She smiled, then took it to the front to start grading. Twilight, who noticed someone had finished, looked abashed and went back to work. It wasn't long before the two hour time limit was up and the rest of the tests were collected by Clear, regardless if a student had finished or not, causing quite a few moans of despair. My entire time waiting though was not uninteresting as 'Sunnie's' expressions had been a kaleidoscope while grading my test. "Alright everypony settle down," Clear Mark commanded after collecting the tests. "Even If you didn't finish we will still give credit for attempts. Your final results will also depend on the practical exam as if you are proficient in one you may still be accepted." "Now then," he opened the door with his magic after storing the tests in a saddlebag, excluding mine that Sunny still had. "Please follow Ms. Sunny who will lead you outside to the practice area for those who still need the practical exam and have a good day." The stallion finally smiled and headed out another door leading to his office with the tests. About half the class split off to follow Sunny while the rest left to meat up with their guardians. Starlight trotted up on my right and we share a comforting hip bump but before either of us could speak. "How did you do it?" I turned to look left and right beside me was Twilight in front of my muzzle, "how did you finish so fast?" She pushed forward a bit. I wasn't scarred but the action surprised me enough that I bumped into Starlight who didn't take the 'attack' kindly. She immediately propped herself up with forelegs over my back to retort, "and why do you care lil Ms. nosy? leave my friend alone." Starlight Stared daggers at the filly. Twilight fell on her rump and blinked a few times from the sudden intruder, garnering the attention of the group heading out, Including Sunny who stayed back. "Don't you know it's rude to just pop into someone's face and ask questions, epically if you aren't friends." Hello Butterflies. I looked at Starlight, a bit taken aback by her protectiveness. Keep forgetting about the gender reversal. After another few blinks from Twilight her face shifted to someone on the verge of tears, apparently no one ever questioned her and the sudden reversal in confrontation surprised her. I looked between them both again, and in my peripheral noticed the whispering group and anxious Sunny slowing moving our way. After a sigh I then lightly bit Starlight's ear who promptly fell off my back onto her own rump with a shocked expression. "Hey, What’s..?" I cut Sunny off by turning around slowly, sitting on my rump in front of them and bopping them both gently on the nose. The reaction was immediate and so similar I didn't bother holding back my laughter. Both fillies scrunched up their noses, rubbed them with mirrored forelegs, then huffed in my direction. "That. Was. Priceless." Once I and a few other foals had finished laughing I Spoke to Starlight. "Glimmer, no need to be so aggressive. Twilight Sparkle here was just curious, even if it was a bit rude." I gave her a smile and wink which she returned with a questioning look. "The teacher mentioned your name earlier, you're the princesses new student, right?" I held out my hoof for her to bump which she timidly returned. "And this," I put a foreleg around Starlight, "Is my best friend and bodyguard Starlight Glimmer." She rolled her eyes at my joke and the two also shared a reluctant hoof bump. Before we could converse further, Sunny coughed behind her hoof. "While I'm Glad you three made up we do need to move on to the testing," she waved her hoof at the rest of the waiting students to which we gave guilty looks. "As for you Twilight, you may come along but only if you respect your fellow students space." She then turned around and we all followed in silence. Sunny slowed herself a bit and made her way closer as we traversed the halls, "you handled that well," she whispered with a hint of pride, then moved back to the front of the group. Once outside on the practice field another unicorn greeted us, a mare this time, "Well there you all are, I was starting to get worried. Everything all right Sunny?" "Just a small holdup, nothing to worry about." She played it coy. "Excellent. Now then, as you can see we have plenty of room," she motioned with her forehoof, "so don't worry about making a mess or surging." Twilight's ears went flat and she recollided a bit. "Now, your practical test today will be..." She paused for dramatic effect and magicked a tarp off an assortment of random items, "Show me what you got." I almost snorted at the reference while the other students just looked confused at the, junk. Minuette, who happened to be in our group raised her hoof and asked, "um, what do you mean by that Ms. ..?" "Ah, right let me back up so I don't get ahead of myself. First off, I am Ms. Rose Gold or just Rose for short and you seven," another pause as she got her clipboard, "will each be showing me some unique magic, one at a time when I call your name, using these random items. You can do whatever you like so long as it is unique and not copying someone ahead of you." Everyone in our group just shared glances while Sunny brought Twilight off to the side to just watch. I wonder if its canon that Twilight doesn't know her disguise? I was shaken out of my thoughts when the first student went up, whos name I missed. "Now then, Go on and show us something." The Filly picked out a few random Items then began floating them in her magic. She picked up more and more of them all while preforming a complicated pattern until Rose stopped her and took some notes, "excellent, Lets continue." I ended up going third, "Balanced dawn, You are up colt." As she said that I noticed I was the only colt in the group. Huh. As I nosed through the random items I found a couple packets of flower seeds and thought back to a spell from Clover the Clever, whos book I had re-read while on the train, This should be unique enough. Starlight shot me a questioning look when, without using my horn, I ripped open the packets with hooves and teeth then spread the seeds all around. One of the others mumbled, "is that it?" Before I stomped my hooves into the ground and caused every seed to burst into a fresh flower around me. Once finished I picked up a few of the roses, only now lighting my horn, and passed them out finishing with a, "Here you go Ms. Rose," with the biggest smile I could muster. "My word, that was something. Thank you." She took a bite of the flower as Twilight narrowed her eyes at me and Starlight laughed. "delicious as well." After she made her notes and moved on I could still feel a set of eyes on me. At first I thought it was Twilight but it turned out to be 'Sunny' when I looked. In response I just tilted my head and flicked one of my ears. Starlight's turn was another one to watch. She managed to blast a continuous beam of raw magic for a solid two minutes, melting the steel plate she was demonstrating on. Once she finished she flicked her tail, sauntered back over to me and we shared a hoof bump at our achievements. Once the last student had gone Rose looked up from her notes and concluded the testing with, "Good job everypony. A wonderful showing today and no accidents or failures. I have to say I am quite impressed with this group of applicants. Now that we are finished though you can all meet back up with your parents at the front of the school and await your results." She didn't stick around to answer questions or listen to the foals chatting excitedly. As I waited for Starlight to finish getting complimented by another filly, I noticed that at some point Twilight and 'Sunny' had left. Well At least it looks like we will both get in. I smiled at the thought while the two of us headed to the front of the school. "That was way easier than I was worried about, don't you think?" I flicked my ears Starlight's direction and smiled. She was currently prancing around me from her excitement. "Honestly, I had no doubt we would both do fine. We both love magic and Sunburst was just as good as us and he got in." "Oh yeah that's even better," I huffed as Starlight hopped onto my back and draped herself across it. "We will get to see him starting this semester, He will probably be supper excited we both got in." She tapped her hoof against her chin to think and finished, "I wonder if there's a nice park or someplace to fly kites around here?" I shook my head playfully at the comment. I should show her some aeronautics designs I can remember one of these days, maybe for Christmas? No wait it's called Hearths Warming. As I continued walking with her on my back, we eventually made it to where the parents were waiting, already talking with their own foals. Once In front of my own dam I tilted myself causing Starlight to slide off my back. "So you two, tell me all about the test." Starlight and I looked at each other and gave her all the details while heading towards the hotel. > Ch5.5 A short perspective shift. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia raised the sun the day after her school finished testing, she couldn't help but get distracted from today's duties and focus on yesterday. Once comfortable behind her desk she puled out a specific test that had been on her mind instead of todays agenda. "Not a single answer wrong, and that Earth pony spell of Clover's was something even I, an Alicorn, can’t pull off without my earth pony magic, let alone something a unicorn foal should be able to do." She flipped through the pages, "He answered some of these questions regarding social situations with some unique problem solving. Even twilight's answers, while correct, were logical and by the book, though Her hatching a dragon egg and that surge wasn't nothing." Celestia set down the Test of the unique colt to look at the picture of herself, Twilight, and a baby dragon that Twilight had named Spike. After rubbing her temples with her hooves she looked at another test she had received once the teachers had finished the initial grading, "Starlight Glimmer also had a nearly perfect score and the strength of her magic pool is also equal to Twilight's. I may need to keep a closer eye on my school the next few years." She set the test aside and poured herself a cup of tea. "Perhaps," Her musing was interrupted by a knock on her door. "Enter." "Excuse me princess, your breakfast is ready. Would you like it here in your study or in the dining room?" "Here is fine Feather Duster," the pegasus maid bowed then quickly but perfectly set out breakfast on the central coffee table using only her wings. Once finished she bowed again. "Anything else princess?" "No, thank you Feather, it looks perfect," Celestia said with a warm smile as she got comfortable on one of the large cushions around the table. Once her maid had left she picked up her fork and moaned in delight at her first bite of coffee cake, her earlier thoughts all but forgotten. "I'll have to add this to the list of things for Lulu to try," She let out a sorrowful sigh. Twilight Sparkle had her nose in a book as a baby dragon gummed her tail, his new favorite chew-toy. On any typical day this would not concern her dam but today she had three more books than noral floating around her as the same baby dragon playfully batted at them. Eventually Twilight Velvet broke the silence. "Sweetie, are you ok? Your father is almost finished with breakfast." The filly Twilight grumbled but did not respond while Spike gurgled happily inadvertently letting go of his chew-toy. After another few moments the Mare Twilight huffed and grabbed all the books in her own magic causing the younger unicorn to exclaim loudly, "Hey I was reading those!" Quickly following up with "sorry." when she noticed it was her dam. "Young lady you know I support your love of reading as much as your sire but what has you so invested? After your test no less?" She magicked the books back onto the proper book shelves, ones that took up most of the living room. "Not to mention you are ignoring Spike and the princess told you to watch over him." "I know but," "No Buts young filly," Her dam chided but then relented. "Now what's wrong?" "It's this colt, he." Velvet cut her off quickly. "Oh my gosh Night Light did you just hear that, our filly is thinking about a colt." "So long as I eventually get grand foals." He yelled from the kitchen. "Dad, Mom!" Sparkle whined and her magic surged a bit, "Not like that! He just preformed some magic that Makes NO Sense. I mean he didn't even light his horn and yet all these flowers grew. Not to mention he finished the written test before me. Me mom, yet I'm supposed to be the princesses personal student, and...." She was starting to hyperventilate so her dam, turning serious, had her preform the breathing exercises Cadence had taught them all. Once calm Sparkle grabbed Spike in her forelegs and hugged him like a stuffed animal for comfort, Spike for his part relished in the attention. Before The conversation could go further, Night Light called out that Breakfast was ready and they all gathered around to eat. Pinkie was happy, today was the day. She was finally setting out on her own for her new apprenticeship In Ponyvill. She had found an advert for 'Help wanted' at the towns bakery when her family passed through and would now be going to school and learning all about how to bake. Oh I cant wait to make new friends. A strange shiver ran across Equestria, felt by all but noticed by few. > Ch6. Exploring Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wake up, wake up,” I was currently under attack by a very excited and awake Starlight jumping up and down on our hotel bed. My dam, who was no longer cuddling me, and I had shared one while she and Firelight Shared the other to save on bits. Our parents had apparently already woken up and headed out, probably to grab us breakfast. Leaving foals/kids alone like that would have never worked on earth. As she continued to jump I decided to play along and tackle her after her next bounce causing her to squeal in surprise. Once we were both tired out from playing our parents came back at the perfect time with breakfast floating behind them. “Well I see you both finally woke up,” Firelight laughed at our exhausted state as he and my dam set out breakfast. "Are you both excited to find out your test results later?" he asked while picking up Starlight and bringing her into a hug with his magic. "We get to know already?" Starlight asked emphasized with a cute tilt of her head while looking up at him. "Yep," Firelight and my dam finished setting out breakfast on the small corner table and we joined them, "I'll be Taking you both up to the school while Morning Dew runs some errands in the city." My dam didn't look to happy at that comment but no one else seemed to notice. After savoring a few bites I finally chimed in, "So what are we doing the rest of the day?" "Well I figured we could go out and explore Canterlot a bit, It's been a few years since I was last here." Firelight happily replied while finishing off his own meal, "So why don't you two finish up and we can head out." "Why, Why now of all times did they want me to visit and why didn't I just tell them No." Morning Dew huffed to herself after just leaving the hotel. "I could have spent the day with my colt. Instead I'm stuck dealing with them." As Morning Dew trotted down the streets her hooves felt heavier as she reached her destination in the noble's district of Canterlot. Once outside the gilded gate of a familiar mansion she had to stop herself from banging her head against it. "Celestia give me strength," she put on a smile, then pushed open the gate with magic since family magic was the only way to open it. After Cantering up the Path towards the front door she knocked and almost broke her smile when an older Unicorn mare opened the door. "Morning Dew, How good to see you sweetie, though I'm so glad you didn't bring your Feather brained partner along with you, " The mares voice was so sickeningly sweet and fake yet it was her words that caused Morning to grind her teeth. "Hello Mother." She said while being dragged inside. I was hopelessly lost. I don't know when exactly it happened but I had gotten separated from Starlight and her sire not long after lunch and was currently in a park somewhere inside the city. After looking around and spotting a fountain I made my way over to it and sat on the bench next to it listening to the calming flow of water. Best thing to do when lost is stay put and visible so others can find you. Or should I go to the guard for help? I don't want to cause a bunch of trouble. My mature memories were conflicting a bit with my colt emotions. As I waited for Firelight to find me I did spot a few adults visiting the park and considered asking for help. They are strangers though and it isn't like I'm worried about being lost. I may only eight but I have years of memories to help. I Thought to myself while wiping damp my eyes. "Well hello there little one, are you lost?" I looked up at the soothing voice and found myself looking into violet eyes attached to the pinkest of mares. Cadence? Hey, I’m the Pinkest around. "I-No," I said while putting my foreleg back down, voice squeaking a bit, "I'm just waiting on my friend and her sire to find me." She tapped her chin with her hoof playfully, "oh, I see so your not lost but just waiting. Do you mind if I wait with you little one?" She already sat down next to me, “I’m actually waiting on someone as well.” As we both sat there in silence I eventually broke it by casually asking, “so are you a princess?” Her eyes widened a bit as she responded, “And why do you think that lit-“ I cut her off, “Balanced Dawn. My name is Balanced Dawn.” I huffed and looked away from her. “And I’m normal size for being eight!” She tittered behind her hoof, “Sorry Dawn, but I must ask, why do you think I’m a princess.” She tilted her head while looking down at me. “Well,” I held the word a bit, “I mean you’re an Alicorn so… princess.” She looked shocked, “wait you can see my wings,” her wings ruffled as she took a step back. I gave her a confused look the leaned to the side to make my point, “well they are kind of hard to miss princess.” I gave her a smug look. “Cadence,” she took a calming breath and held out her hoof which I playfully bumped causing her to pause a moment before finishing, “my name is Cadence, and you shouldn't notice my wings since I cast a 'notice me not spell on them' for when I go out.” Huh, so that bit of show lore is accurate. Before we could ask each other any more questions, we were interrupted by a voice calling out. "Cadence," An out of breath Shining Armor had just cantered over, "Sorry I'm late, Twilight was getting super nervous about her test results," The two shared a quick nuzzle, "So I had to remind her that she already got in and was the Princesses personal student, but she kept twigging out so." Odd, for some reason I thought they got together later. Can't trust all those lore theories I guess. He cut himself off when he noticed me, "oh I didn't know you were foal sitting today." He ruffled my mane, "hey there colt, I'm Shining armor, Nice to meet ya." I begrudgingly found myself enjoying the attention and began wrestling with his foreleg. "Actually Shiny I Just met Dawn, the colt is apparently lost". She had whispered that last part but I could still hear her. "Lost eh? Well why don't we help you get to where you need to be, as a future guard captain It's my duty to help out." He buffed a hoof on his chest while puffing it out. I snorted and held back a laugh at how he looked but conceded, "Fine, I'm supposed to be at CSGU this afternoon so hopefully they will look there." "Great," I found myself suddenly on the back of Shining after he lifted me with his magic, "Lets get going then." Do ponies not know about anything about personal space? As the three of us traveled through the city, I noticed Cadence momentarily glancing my way now and then before asking, "so Dawn where are you from and why are you heading to CSGU?" "Sires Hollow and because I just took the test to get in and results are out today." I knew she was a good pony but didn't want to give to much away. Shining paused and readjusted my position on his back, "Really? My little sister is also going there, In fact," I could feel the proud grin form on his face, "She is going to be the princesses personal student." I decided to tease him a bit, "wow so your family knows two princesses?" Cadence suddenly looked horrified. "Two?" Shining asked confused. "Well yeah, your sister is going to be the student of Celestia and you are on a date with Cadence who is also a princess." "What?... oh," He laughed and then lovingly hip bumped Cadence, "You're right Dawn, She really is my princess." Does he not know yet? Cadence nuzzled him back then shot me a glare before we continued on towards the school, almost at our destination since apparently I wasn't actually that lost. "So Dawn, what about you, have any special fillies?" Cadence asked while trying to tease me back, she didn't have much luck though and was soon interrupted again. "Dawn?!" I waved, to Twilight who had Baby Spike on her back, "Why are you on my BBBFF's back?" I hopped down and trotted over to her, "your Big Brother Best Friend Forever was just giving me a ride to CSGU." Twilight took what I said in stride while Shining looked impressed that I knew what she was saying. "Oh," Looking past me towards her brother while spike gurgled happily on her back, "That's nice of you Shiny and, Cadence?!" Twilight impulsively set Spike on my back and got into position for their 'Sunshine' Dance which made Shining blush while watching Cadence dance while I snickered at the whole scene. Once finished Twilight came back for Spike but I blocked her magic and she shot me a confused look. I lifted my nose up into the air teasingly, "Nope, this little fellow is mine now. You put him on MY back." Twilight gave me a heartbroken look as if I was serious while Spike seemingly played along by hugging me around the neck. "But, but I hatched him," I tapped my chin in mock thought while Shining and Cadence both just watched our little drama. "I guess I could let you have him on weekends," I turned to Spike, "How does that sound little guy? Spend the weekends with mama and the weekdays with your new dad?" I knew I took the joke to far once Twilight gave me a deadpan look and the others busted up laughing. Twilight magicked him off my back as we finished heading towards the school, "He isn't my son. He's my number one assistant." "But you just said you hatched him, that makes you his mom. Right?" I asked so casually the other three slowed their pace. Apparently they hadn't given it much thought during the week since his birth. I didn't really like how my memories portrayed Spikes treatment so definitely something to change. "Oh, hey, it's Starlight," I ended the train of thought once we arrived at the school. Starlight and her sire were both there waiting for me. "Dawn, there you are," She gave me a worried nuzzle then looked back, "See dad I knew he would show up here if we waited." "Oh thank Celestia," I found myself picked up again by a frantic Firelight, "Do you know how worried I was about you colt. Not to mention what your dam would do to me if you ended up lost." The stallion shuddered a bit. "For the last time No, I'm not moving back!" Morning Dew Slammed the door behind her and ran through the gates back towards the central part of the city. Once she was far enough away she took a detour towards the central Plaza, bought some snacks, and sat down by the Celestial fountain to calm her nerves. "Those Plot heads," Dew took an angry bite of a salty pretzel, "How could they ever expect me to introduce Dawn to them. With the way they talk about his mother, My wife, they are lucky I haven't bucked them all in the face." She quickly finished off the unlucky morsel and almost bit into her own hoof, to angry to hold anything stable with magic. Siting there she noticed a few ponies giving her a wide birth so after giving them a sheepish look she quickly moved on. "I better head to the school, Seeing my colt will help cheer me up." "We passed!" My ears were assaulted on both sides by Twilight and Starlight screaming in unison. The adults around us all snickered as we were checking our test results. I had honestly done much better than expected considering I had surpassed Twilight's score. She didn't seem to mind though and was currently prancing around in circles with an equally excited Starlight talking non stop. "Oh, I'm going to learn so much with the Princess." "Sunburst is going to be so happy to see us, I wonder what the dorms are like." "I'll have to tell mom and dad how well I did Shiny." "All of us are going to have so much fun just like back home." As the two continued to prance around other excited fillies who had passed were dragged in while I shared a confused look with one of the other few colts my age in the room. School is going to be interesting. > Ch7. School starts. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Lets see, we bought Quills, Parchment, your School books, some daily supplies, and your Bedding is ordered and on the way to your dorm room. You already have a nice set of saddle bags." My dam was going over her mental checklist as we left a shop, having just finished buying supplies for my new dorm life. Everyone had separated after reviewing the test results to do their own shopping which left my dam and I to spend some time together and explore the city more. As I rode on her back I wrapped my forelegs around her neck to comfort her, "I think we have everything mom, the school provides most of the stuff for the foals living at the dorms." She sighed, then set me on the ground next to her so she could stretch a bit, "I know Dawn but I still can't help but worry, especially after the morning I had, though you might be right. Even If we do forget something today we can always mail it to you or your mom can even fly over to drop it off... I'm just going to miss my little colt." She nuzzled me. "Mom," I half heartedly whined, "I'll come back for summer break and stuff." "Of course you will sport," I was confused at first but my dam broke into a wide smile once my mom landed. "Breezy what are you doing here?" Mom found herself in a sudden embrace by the both of us, "yeah mom I thought you couldn't make it." "And miss out on dropping our colt off at school for the semester, pasha," She waved the thought off with her wing. "Now then, why don't we take the colt around our old city Dewy." She plopped me on her back and wrapped a wing around my dam. When she did I couldn't help but notice a few strange looks from passing Unicorns. "Can we go around our old neighborhood mom?" Both my parents froze for a second. "Not today sport, How about we explore some new areas around your school and I tell you about how I met your dam?" She started telling her story as we continued wondering the busy city, heading more towards the central areas. "You know how she went to CSGU too right? Well that's how we met," She smiled back at me proudly. "Back when I was training to be a weather captain I was assigned to Canterlot and the weather school isn't too far away from CSGU. One day nearing the end of a semester we bumped into each other," "literally," dam interjected, "and got into a massive argument." "Understatement" " Yes well, your dam felt so bad about something she said that she took me out to dinner to apologize." My dams cheeks were turning red as we turned a corner. "It took me ages to say yes to a real date but when I finally did we haven't spent more then a week apart." mom tightened the wing around her. "Hey you asked me out!" Dam Laughed. Mom ignored her, "Then, just a couple years later we got married and you were eventually born and we moved from Canterlot to Sires Hollow once we had the bits saved up to leave. You know that part though." My dam mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't catch what she said. "Cool story mom." I knew most of it when she last told me but I appreciated it a bit more this time around. After Exploring the city for a bit and me catching mom up on the testing, we eventually made our way back to the hotel just before sunset. Once at the hotel we joined up with Starlight and Firelight for a light Dinner in the hotel restaurant then turned in for the night. I surprised myself by being the first one up this morning as I wiggled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Once Inside I finished my business, cleaned up as quietly as I could, and then hopped back into bed to cuddle up with my mom and dam. The downside of waking up so early was it left plenty of time to think about the upcoming afternoon. Today's the day. Today Starlight and I will be moving into school then mom and dam will have to head back home. I wonder If I will have a roommate? I Don't have any siblings here in Equestria and never had to share a room back on earth which was nice if a bit lonely. Maybe with me gone mom and dam will have time to give me a sibling. I scrunched up my muzzle at the thought, knowing perfectly well where foals come from now. Sweet Harmony I didn't need that thought this early in the morning. I snorted while listening to Starlight mumble in her sleep from the next bed over. Well at least I have a bit of an advantage these days even if it did come with questioning my existence, which no colt of eight should have to do. Still, I can't help wonder what changes led to me being here though compared to what I know... doubt I will ever find out and I have a loving family so, meh. I covered myself in mom's wing. I wonder If I was a background character from some other town, or maybe I was never born. "Dad I'm hungry," Starlight said as she woke up and broke me from my musings. "Alright sweet pea, We can head down to get some breakfast then check out," Firelight groggily said, "once Morning Dew, Forest Breeze and Balanced Dawn are up." I jumped a bit when my mom said, "No need, we're all up," She lifted her wing, nuzzled me and said only to me, "sleep ok sport, you got up an hour ago but didn't wake us." I whispered back to her, "yeah just thinking about school later," Then raising my voice to the room, "yeah, lets go eat." Once all of us had finished packing up we left the room for the lobby and checked out. Our parents would be heading home after dropping us off today so they no longer needed it. Once they finished we all headed for breakfast at a nearby diner. "Oh I can't wait to move in later," Starlight happily said after we had ordered. "Do you think they will let us be roommates Dawn?" Her sire almost did a spit-take from his water while my mom and dam just tittered. Dam answered with, "The dorms are separated by gender Starlight, the colts get one building and the fillies get a couple of other buildings on the other side of campus, so no." "Aww, why so far apart?" I had a few ideas but decided just to focus on my menu and let the adults answer. "Well...," My dam and Firelight shared a look as their faces both got a bit red, my mom had no problem answering. “You see Starlight, its to protect the colts and young stallions by keeping the fillies and young mares separated from them during Estrus season," I Hid my smirk with a hoof, Guess pegasi really are a bit more casual about sex. "Forest Breeze," My dam chided while Starlight got a look of recognition, she probably just remembered the health classes we had back at the village. Luckily everyone was saved from further embarrassment with the arrival of our food. Once finished we all made our way to CSGU and were soon joined by other small families and herds dropping off their foals at the dorms. Wow I knew the gender ratio was imbalanced but not this badly. There were probably at least seven or eight fillies for every colt though I also wasn't sure if they were all students or just family of those that got in. "Ok Dawn this is as far as we go," My dam spoke up as we reached the gates. None of the parents were passing them and students were congregating around the waiting teachers providing directions towards the dorms. "Just remember to write, ask your teachers if you need anything, and be a good colt for your mom and I." She had started to tear up. Mom joined her, "yeah sport, stay good and don't let any of those snobs get to you." I tilted my head questioningly while my dam hip bumped her and told her off, "Don't worry him Breezy." "I was just being honest," she replied as they both walked off leaving me alone to walk inside and a bit confused. That was weird. "Welcome students," I was currently sitting outside of the dorms with the few other colts who had gotten into the school this year. "I am Guiding Heart, your dorm mother. I'll be doing a quick roll call to make sure you all showed up and then assign you each to a room." She smiled and then began going down the list of names and matching cutie marks. She finished quickly since there were only ten of us colts, "Excellent, It looks like everypony is here for this year so let me show you around." Some of the colts looked nervous as she motioned for us to follow, "Now then, I know it may not seem like there are many of you but dont worry, there are quite a few Local colts and fillies joining this year and not everypony lives at the dorms. Your year is a bit special since, with so few of you, each of you get your own rooms." She almost sounded a bit sad behind her smile. She brought us inside and started showing off, "First off the lobby, this is where you all can hang out or study outside of school hours, there will be no going over to the fillies dorms and they can't come here. You are allowed to meet with friends in the library or other spaces so take this as your one warning." A few older colts who were lounging around waved our direction or snickered at the warning then went back to chatting. "Next is the dining room, You all get three meals a day provided by the school, though lunch is in the main building, as well as snacks upon request since none of you are old enough to leave campus yet on your own without special permission." She showed off a nice cafeteria more reminiscent of a restaurant and one of the colts asked about going into the city. "As mentioned, none of you are allowed to go out alone until you are twelve, with parental permission, but we do go out in tour groups and for field trips," She answered. "Moving on, school will be starting in two days so you will have some time to get used to dorm life before classes start, I will be guiding you the first few days but after that you will be expected to show up to class on your own." "Last but not least your rooms," She began passing out room assignments, once I got mine I headed inside and found all the stuff my family ordered already inside. Wow, it's even nicer than my one at home, not surprising for an elite school I guess. I flopped down on the bed after Magicking my saddle bags off onto my corner desk. Two days passed like nothing when all was said and done. I tried talking to a few of the other colts but most were too nervous to want to hang out or said I was too young. Even though I am mentally older than most of them. I wish I could find Sunburst. I thought I Had seen him a few times at meals but the colt always disappeared before I could check. "Good morning everypony, I see you all got up on time." Guiding Heart had just walked into the cafeteria as we were eating breakfast, "You all have about twenty more minutes to eat then I will be guiding you over to the school. Each of you should have already received your schedules so make sure to double check them so you know where to go from there." I pulled mine out of my bags, I had already gotten into the habit of taking everything I thought I might need with me since the enchantments on my saddle bags made them super convenient. I Do wonder where dam got them... Oh nice, looks like I will get introduction to magic today first thing. I was looking forward to the class since, so far, I had had to rely on books and self study for magic. The two room schoolhouse back home was nice, sadly with only one Earth and Pegasus teacher I never got a chance to be taught. The unicorn tutor focused on the older students leaving us younger ones to our parents. I did luck out with Dam since she went to CSGU. I took another bite and went back to studying my schedule. The rest of the day was filled with standard classes starting with PE, Math, Equish, History, and lunch thrown in the middle of the day. It's nice school here isn't as long as on earth but the classes are probably a bit rougher. I had noticed that compared to humans, Unicorns had a bit more mental prowess, granted it was higher than Earth and Pegasus ponies as well, to account for magic casting. This also meant our physical abilities fell much further behind even most untrained non-unicorn ponies though. I bet even a trained human could surpass us physically. "Ok everypony Five more minutes, come to the lobby once finished," Guiding called out as I finished up my meal. I cleaned up my spot and returned my empty tray to the stack with a bit of magic then headed towards the lobby for my first day. > Ch8. Classy first day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been tough to pick just one spot for the first class but I eventually settled on the center front of the tiered lecture hall. I wasn't going to deny my excitement. Only one other colt named Wild Spark from the dorms had the same schedule I did, he chose the back. As the rest of the class was filled with dorm fillies or foals that lived in the city I noticed disappointedly, No starlight yet, too bad we can't visit each others dorms. Looking around, It was easy to tell who was local once the chatting began. Most of the out of town foals were quite yet a few groups who were already acquainted chatted away without a care, at least until the teacher stepped in. "Good morning my little students," Celestia herself had just walked in with Twilight following behind her looking frazzled. This alone caused all conversation to stop as eyes went wide and focus shifted to the Solar Princess. Twilight used the distraction and quickly took a spot just behind me as Celestia took hers front and center. She smiled brightly like the sun and faced the class from the podium, "I hope you all are ready for an exciting couple of years here at my school. Now before I begin teaching..." Hooves had gone up before she could even finish and one brave filly spoke out, "Princess, YOUR'E going to be teaching us?" The rest of the class chattered excitedly. Her smile turned mischievous for a split second then she said, "Yes, My little filly, I often teach a few classes personally each year, when I can. In the future do please wait to be called on Ms. Heartstrings." Lyra shrunk in her seat a bit, sitting in her unique fashion. Maybe I should join her human club. I quietly laughed to myself. "As I was saying. Before I begin teaching, you will all be having a short test for this first day," Groaning ensued which caused the Princess to politely giggle. "Now, Now it is not anything that bad. It will just be a magical scan to check your ley-lines and magic or in technical terms thalamic capacity." As If on que a Unicorn guard rolled a machine into the room next to her, "All each of you have to do is channel as much of your magic into the machine you comfortably can. We do this three times each school year to check for improvement and overall magical health. Some of you may have done this before at the doctors but its not common practice until you are older." Wonder if she's doing this for other reasons. Many of the students perked up at the mention of it being easy, "now then lets get started." I watched as the first foal was called up though she became extremely shy next to the princess. "Alright, go ahead and channel as much magic as you can into the machine." The filly nodded and slowly lit her horn, pushing magic until she could no longer keep going. "Very good," The princess smiled. "you can go sit down now." The filly pranced back to her seat, beaming as the next was called up. When My turn came around I casually made my way up and sat right next to the princess. "Ok, whenever you are ready." I nodded then closed my eyes, quickly and easily flowing my light blue magic through my horn. As I began pushing magic into the machine through the air I noticed, This is kind of difficult, it's resisting, and began to push harder. "Dawn," I thought I heard a voice but didn't stop. It had become easier to push out magic once I used my hooves along with my horn, creating a secondary magic channel through the floor into the machine's base. "Dawn." I definitely heard someone next to me say my name as I felt a static charge around my flank and cutie mark. "Dawn!" A hoof touched my side causing me to jump and open my eyes as a spark passed between us. The machine slowly stopped glowing light blue once my concentration was broken. "That's enough magic, are you ok?" I blinked a few times confused, apparently not the only one as all eyes were on Celestia and I. I rubbed the back of my neck with a forehoof and said just loud enough for her, "Sorry Sunny, I'm fine, did I mess up?" She looked at me with a mixture of surprise and confusion for a moment but apparently just glad I was ok, "no, not at all. You can take your seat Dawn." The rest of the class watched closely as I sat down. Wonder If I messed up somehow. As the rest of the class took their turn, only Twilight had a similar incident to mine where she had to be told to stop and pulled back causing similar sparks. Celestia was less concerned this time and kept her mask better. Once everyone had finally had a turn at the machine, "Well class you all did wonderfully, you will get the results tomorrow and we will finally be starting lessons after that. I have to get back to the castle now so have fun with your studies." Excited chatter resumed, as soon as she left, till the end of class. Just before we all left, Twilight and I shared a look, hers of clinical curiosity and mine friendly. I watched as another of my classmates, a cream coated unicorn filly this time, gave up running as we finished the third lap around the track. At least she wasn't the first. "Oh come on Moon Dancer you could have kept going," Gale the Pegasus PE teacher, and only non unicorn staff member, commented from her place at the track's lap marker. "I hope the rest of you have a few more in ya," She ruffled her wings. I was currently keeping a steady pace with the rest of the foals, some of which I hadn't shared a class with first period, and just starting my fourth lap. I guess we don't all share the exact same schedules to mix us up. "Just a few more laps Everypony then onto the other tests," There was a collective groan from the non athletic of the bunch. I Have never been more happy with mom for bringing me and my friends 'Ground Training' with her. Starlight will probably thank her later too. I thought while pacing myself and finishing the fourth lap easily. Once I had finished my sixth the teacher allowed me to stop though encouraged a few of the stragglers to finish the lap they were on while making notes of how we each performed. After the laps we were all told to stretch again then perform various exercises after being taught how to properly perform them. During the pushups, a bit unique using all legs, Lyra was reprimanded for doing them 'Human style' while a few others snickered behind her. At the end of class we were all led to a large open style rain shower room, Just remember it's normal for an always naked pony, to wash off the sweat and dust and then head out to our other classes. By the time lunch finally rolled around after Math class I was starving. Originally I was going to look for my friends but could only focus on the smells coming from the lunch line. FOOD. Once I finally got my vegetable lasagna and sat down, I ignored my fork and just grabbed it directly with my magic to eat it like a sandwich. "Someone's hungry," I looked towards the familiar voice with bulging squirrel cheeks and a smile. "Starlight," I replied after swallowing my food then gave her a friendly nuzzle, "I was worried I wouldn't be able to see you so soon." "Same here," She sat down with me as another filly sat on her other side, "This is Trixie by the way. I kind of tackled her by mistake when thinking she was you during my first class. You know, because of the coat color and we somehow became friends." She finished with an apologetic smile towards Trixie. More butterflies, but good ones. "Trixie has already forgiven you for the mistake Glimmer, and Trixie thanks you for inviting her to your lunch group with you and your colt friend." She said in third person, "Would you like to see Trixie perform a magic trick?" She aske towards me. "Why do you have to keep talking like that, also He's not my..." Starlight's sentence, but not her eye roll, was cut off by Trixie pulling cards out a pack and holding them towards me with her hooves. "Pick a card, a card, any card." She made of show of it so I shrugged and picked out a card with my magic then put it back at random after looking at it. "Watch as the Great and powerful Trixie finds your card," a few other foals were watching as she threw them all up then separated just one with her magic as the rest floated majestically back into the pack. "Is this your card?" It was and I was honestly impressed, but another older filly answered. "Lame, All you did was keep the card in your magic while letting the rest fall. Anyone can do that." Trixie's ears fell flat and her eyes got watery as a few foals gasped at the insult or agreed with the bully. Lame? That's a serious insult for an Equine. "Hey!" I yelled and slammed a hoof on the table, "it was still a really good trick, don't ruin it." Trixie, Starlight, and even the random older filly were all surprised by my outburst, fillies normally protect colts, not the other way around. "I would like to see you do better. If not why dont you apologize," I practically growled at the older filly while my horn sparked. With ears pinned back she gave a meek, "sorry," and almost ran back to her own table. Once she was gone and I took a calming breath, I then gave Trixie a comforting nuzzle without thinking about it and sat back down with a huff to finish my lunch. The other two shared a look then both flanked me at the table, instinctively only starting to eat as soon as I did. Sweet Harmony I hate bullies. As the three of us ate no one noticed my cutie mark glow a bit. "So have you seen Sunburst?" Starlight asked as we grabbed a few seats in the back of Equish class. "Who's Sunburst?" Trixie asked us both curiously. "A friend from our home village who started a year before us, and no I haven't seen him at all yet." I answered dully, "I tried to find him at the dorms but without knowing which room is his or spotting him in the common areas it isn't easy." "Well that's Disappointing, could you ask the dorm mother?" I tapped my chin in thought. "That's, actually a good idea, I'll ask her tonight." We both smiled. "While Trixie Is happy for you both we should probably pay attention," She hissed between her teeth, a bit scared while pointing her ears towards the front of the class and a glaring teacher. We all gave a sheepish look and ended our conversation. History quickly became my second favorite class even if it lacked any current friends. Rose Gold was the teacher for this one and she had jumped right into it, starting with unification and the birth of Equestria. While the history itself was interesting the inconsistences made it enthralling. I had noticed almost right away that Luna's name was left out of the entire lecture and only mentioned as 'Celestia's Co-ruler' of the time which surprisingly no one questioned. How can no one be curious about an entire missing princess? While taking notes I made sure to add any missing information or add questions about what might have really happened based off my newer memories. Wow this is even more confusing than I thought since Not even those memories are one hundred percent accurate. I Tapped my chin while thinking. Rose gold must have noticed the confused look on my face because she asked, "Dawn?" I looked towards her at the front, "are you not understanding something within the lecture?" "No... Just..." I wiggled nervously in my chair then after a calming breath, "Why isn't the name of the other princess given in the textbook?" Rose looked a bit relived. "Oh, is that all? Sadly that information was lost to time and even the princesses memory isn't perfect so she can't tell us either. I asked that same question when I was your age so good catch." She continued on with her lecture but with a bit more enthusiasm after the good question. If only she knew. > Ch9. Finding and meeting the sun. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the first day over I was now spending my time waiting to the side of the main entrance where I could hopefully catch Sunburst on his way out of the building. That colt has been annoyingly elusive. As I began scanning the crowd of ponies I did manage to see Twilight and Moon Dancer both separately heading off campus while reading a book, It's impressive they can both do that without tripping. I also noticed plenty of other ponies I had seen in my classes today heading home or to their dorms as the school emptied out. "Hey Dawn wait long?" Starlight and Trixie had just found me and joined me on either side. "Trixie Hopes you were not bored without us." She said while donning her signature hat. Guess the teachers wouldn't let her keep it on inside. "Nah, not long at all, I'm Trying to spot Sunburst but Haven't seen him come out yet." Starlight huffed in annoyance, "I couldn't find him either at lunch or the library. I checked it on my way out." "Trixie thinks maybe your friend does not want to be found." She tilted her head and her to large hat almost fell off, "Trixie just realized she does not know what this 'Sunburst' Colt looks like." Starlight gave a quick description and Trixie continued, "Someone of that coloration should not be this difficult for Trixie to spot, maybe If she..." I suddenly found myself with a filly standing on my back, "um, Trixie what are you doing?" I asked while looking at her over my shoulder. She wasn't heavy enough for me to really complain but Starlight narrowed her eyes at her. "Trixie needs a better vantage point in order to help search," She somehow managed to sit down while remaining balanced on my back in order to hold a foreleg up and shield her eyes. "Trixie thinks this is not really helping, perhaps if," She put her forehooves on top of my head which was the final straw for Starlight. She lifted Trixie off me using her magic, "Perfect, hold Trixie right here she can see the entire crowd," Starlight huffed and immediately dropped her with a thud. "Don't climb on top of colts Trixie, besides it's not like we can't see just fine from here." I had to agree, the slight height advantage probably didn't help much as the crowd had already thinned from everyone heading home. The only ones sticking around were our group and a few club recruiters like Lyra, who was already trying to revive the schools old 'Human Club' without much success. "Trixie will remember that for the future so long as you don't drop her again," She brushed herself off after standing back up. Starlight smiled and the two shared a hoof bump, "Deal, well it looks like waiting around was a bust anyway. Guess you will have to find him at the dorms Dawn and drag him with you tomorrow." She gave me a friendly nuzzle then turned to Trixie. "Come on oh great and powerful Trixie, lets get back to the fillies dorms and you can show me some of magic you were bragging about." She sounded sarcastic but not unwilling. As the two headed off, Trixie hesitated then doubled back for a moment to give me a friendly nuzzle before joining Starlight on the trek back. Guess I will See them later, they didn't Have to go so quickly. Once the two were out of sight and it was clear no one else was coming out of the school building I started making my way back to the dorms. I had spent the past two days getting familiar with the public areas so as to not get lost so decided to take the long way back. After leaving the main path I took a split which led to a small garden but stopped when I heard voices. "Well, well, well look who it is." The cliché colt's voice said while a couple of others snickered. Why do bullies have to be universally unoriginal. I slowly made my way closer and poked my head around a tree to see what was happening, only to find my friend backed against a tree and surrounded by three other colts. Sunburst?! I was about to run out but even I wasn't sure I could take on three unicorns that were older than me. "He-hello do you need something from me?" Sunburst asked while pushing his glasses up. He had apparently just been reading a book alone under the tree he was now backed against. The older colt in the middle scowled and said, "Didn't I tell you last year not to come back to Canterlot Sunbut?" His two friends nodding along. "Well yes but If I did that I would no longer be able to come to school, Also my name is Sunburst," He was clearly shaking but also didn't quite understand the social situation. Enough of this. I quietly made my way closer Just as the bully began lighting his horn, "Exactly now then its time for..." He didn't get to finish that sentence before finding himself hovering in the air along with his friends. "What, what's going on?" One of them tried to run but his legs only found air as he was lifted higher. "Let me down, I don't do good with heights." Said the other. "Sunburst you better put us down right now or else..." Finished the middle one. "Or else what?" I stepped out, "You Idiots can't even tell he isn't the one casting?" "Dawn?" Sunburst adjusted his glasses again after tilting his head, "What are you doing here?" I almost laughed at how straight forward he was. "Are you asking in general or right this moment?" I smiled at him while spinning the three colts with my magic a bit as they complained. "Oh. Well I suppose both would be good to know considering the situation we are in." He had stopped shaking and had picked up his book. This time I did laugh, "Well, Starlight and I have been looking all over school for you considering we both got accepted this year. As for right now, It looked like you could use some help." I glared up at the three older colts who were still struggling. "You better put us down right now or you will be in so much trouble." The middle one started yelling once he realized what was happening. "My mother will make sure you can't ever attend school again if..." I cut him off by holding his mouth shut and began to slowly spin all three of them in my magic. Once they were in motion I turned back to Sunburst, "So buddy how you been? You haven't written to me or Starlight after you got accepted, not cool." For the first time Sunburst actually looked upset as his ears fell flat, "I did try to write but nothing was going very well and I figured you and Starlight would be better off without me." A pause and his voice cracked, "You two were always better at the practical magic than I was, that performance burst when I got my cutie mark didn't last so, it turns out that never really changed." He had started to tear up so rubbed his eyes with his foreleg. "Then I started to be bullied and well I never really was good with social situations." "Yeah," I hip checked him then wrapped my foreleg around him, "you know, for how book smart you are, you can be real dumb sometimes you know that Sunburst. We were waiting all summer for you to come home or at least write us. Your mom said you wrote to her that you were fine and staying over the break to study hard, but I did always find it strange." I ruffled his mane. "So buddy why don't you tell me what's been going on," I asked but then froze when a twig snapped. "Eh hem," A new voice cleared its throat and joined us in the clearing, "Yes, What exactly is going on here?" 'Sunny Skies' Had just joined us and had her eyes narrowed at the three colts that were currently rotating slowly in my magic with a sick look on their faces. At her question I released the magic and all three fell with a thud and began to groan. "Hi Ce-Sunny," I waved to her like nothing was wrong at all. "I was just teaching these three not to mess with my friend," I pulled Sunburst close. "I. See. Is this true?" The three colts began to argue while Sunburst quickly sided with me. "Well then why don't we all head to Principle Celestia's office and she can sort this out." All three colts immediately stopped arguing and instead bolted saying it was all fine. She sighed and shook her head before turning back towards us, "Sunburst you may go as well, Dawn I wish to speak with you." Sunburst knew when to get, however he did turn around and wave goodbye before trotting off towards the dorms. Once everyone else was gone, 'Sunny' looked me over, "I don't Know if I should punish you or commend you for your actions today. Using magic like that on others is against the rules but so is bullying." "Meh, why not do both Celestia," I shrugged and didn't even notice the slip, still feeling the adrenalin. "I mean I know it wasn't exactly the only way to handle it but Sunburst is one of my best friends and it was Three vs two, basically one since he isn't one for conflict. and..." I stopped talking once I noticed Celestia was just staring at me. Was it something I said? "Celestia," I tilted my head a bit in confusion, "you ok?" "Dawn, why do you keep calling me that?" She looked herself over as if looking for something. I tilted the other way and my ears flopped, still not knowing what she was asking, "what?" "Dawn, you keep calling me Celestia." She said deadpan. I nodded in understanding, "Well yeah, why wouldn't I use your name? It's nice to see you again by the way princess, even if its not the best circumstances." I flattened my ears. "Dawn, do I look like Princess Celestia?" Still trying to keep a blank expression but her eyes were questioning. "Well no, You look like a big Pegasus. Cool trick by the way," I looked at her forehead and tapped my own near my horn, "Is it just invisible or is it also intangible?" "Dawn, even IF I was princess Celestia, why are you not nervous?" "Should I be, I mean you're just a pony like everyone else. Though with like WAY more magic," I spread my forehooves for emphasis and fell backwards while raising them to look up at her, "and taller." Her mask broke as she laughed at my antics also dispelling her disguise. "A hundred years, It has been one hundred years since the last pony figured out my disguise, without me telling them, and it took them months. Yet you seem to have figured it out on day one." She lowered herself to be more at eye level, "So how did you figure it out little one?" "Ya can't hide the sun, it's way too bright," I nodded like I had just said the most obvious statement. As she sat back up it was the princesses turn to look confused, "What?" I got back up and smiled at her, "Your magic princess, I Could feel it on testing day. You had way too much for just a normal Pegasus, plus Twilight your personal student was in our testing group, makes sense you would watch over her." I had decided to go with the truth, even though I knew who she was from my memories. Lately I had noticed that most ponies couldn't see or sense magic like I could and apparently the show portrayed it to be more easily recognized than reality. Another thing that those memories got just a bit wrong, well Twilight can probably see magic like that too. "Such a thing is quite rare, no wonder you could figure out who I was," She looked towards the sky and must have noticed the time since she donned her disguise. "Well Dawn, Please keep this information to yourself and do not even tell my Personal Student." She smiled, "She will have to wait until I tell her or she figures it out on her own. As for you, I will be keeping a close eye on you young colt." She took off and began flying away. "Ok princess, Have a good evening 'Sunny'," I waved at her fading form but knew she heard me by the swivel of her ears. Once she was gone I took a deep breath and said to myself, "well that happened," and made my way back to the dorms. Before I could take more than a few steps, A scroll popped into existence which I quickly read to myself. "Balanced Dawn, You have been given Detention for next Saturday. I will see you at my office after lunch. Princess Celestia." Dang it. The walk back wasn't long and once inside the dorm I found Sunburst waiting for me in the lobby. "Dawn! I was beginning to worry those bullies got you." He looked me over to make sure I was ok. "Nah, I'm fine. The teacher Just wanted to talk for a bit and remind me to be the better pony, by giving me detention." I continued walking towards the cafeteria, I was starving after using all that magic. Once we both got food and Sat down, "Well It is good to see you are ok, and I am glad you have joined the school. Sorry you ended up in trouble though because of me." His ears went flat and he looked like a kicked puppy. Weaponized cuteness is real. "Me too, joining the school that is. Detention shouldn't be bad since it's with the princess. " I said through a full mouth, "by the way you have to join Starlight and I at lunch tomorrow. If not she will probably snap your horn, or my horn, or something." Sunburst gulped and nodded, "I will be sure to make myself available." "Good," I bumped him, "We both really missed ya." > Ch10. Second day, Friends re-unite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey bro what's," I paused as I looked over my younger brother who had just joined me in the school parking lot after we both got out of our club activities. I know he is two years behind me in High school but why did I have to become his unofficial chauffeur. "Hey there Dawn, Yeah it looks worse than it is, really." He was sporting a fresh black eye and looking sheepish, the sight of which caused me to ball my fists then slowly release them in frustration. "You know mom is going to be pissed you were fighting again." I grumbled as we headed towards my car. "Well what was I supposed to do," He asked angrily, "It's not like I asked for those bullies to start picking on me and my friends and none of us want to quit our club to avoid them." "You warn the teachers, or me next time so I can stick with you. Maybe try to avoid them, or at least fight dirty." I finish quietly as I jump into the drivers seat and turn the key with my magic, grabbing the wheel with my hooves. Wait that's not right. "Either way you will have to talk to mom, I'm not covering for you since you didn't ask for help." I finished as he started to complain but I never heard the rest as I drove us home. As I woke up from my dream for the second day of school I was feeling a mix of emotions, School just started and already so much happened, hopefully after Saturday it will calm down. I was also feeling exhausted, turns out I had woken up before the sun. Why did my name have to be Balanced 'Dawn'? I plopped my head back down on my pillow after noticing. After trying to sleep a bit longer I eventually gave up and started stretching. Breakfast isn't being served yet so what to do, man I wish I had the internet. I sat on my haunches and began pondering what that would even look like in Equestria then shook my head, way too early to start introducing crazy human tech. Although... I Begin to think about Twilight's eventual travel to the human world and wonder if maybe I should go along to help and grab a few things. Ugg, I need to stop getting ahead of myself that's still years away. I finish stretching and getting myself ready for the school day just as the sun starts coming up. Once finished I make my way down to the cafeteria and find to my delight that breakfast is already being served this early and a few of the older colts already eating. After grabbing some food and sitting down I begin to scope out the fairly empty room Idly. There's so few colts, I really wonder just how badly skewed the gender ratio is. While mulling that over I spotted Sunburst grab his breakfast and wave him over. "Morning Sunburst," I smile at him and his sleepy face. "Oh good morning Dawn," He yawns and sits down next to me, after a bit of silence, "Thanks again for yesterday I hope you didn't get into too much trouble." I wave a forehoof at him while holding my toast, hoof magic is weird when you think about it. "Nah I just got detention for Saturday, with the princess so it's all good," I whisper the middle part. His eyes go wide and he swallows the food he just put in his mouth, "Wi-wi-with the Princess?" "Not so loud," I motion for him to quiet down with my forehooves and flick him with my tail then say a bit louder, "yep my first class of the day is with the princess," which luckily causes everypony looking at us to go back to their own breakfast. Sunburst's ears pin back and his tail flattens, "I'm so sorry I got you in trouble, I never wanted to bother my friends or," his eyes get glassy so I wrap a forehoof around him. "Sunburst it's fine, I expected some kind of trouble when I found you yesterday, besides now I get to hang out with the princess." I smiled while he just nodded. "Now then, let's finish breakfast and head to school, you have to meet with the others at lunch later still so buck up." He gave me a confused look but said nothing about it. "Good morning my little students," Celestia happily rang out. "Good morning princess," The class responded. She had just entered class with a stack of scrolls floating in her magic and a cart of books behind her, both of which she began to distribute. "As we discussed yesterday you will all be getting the results of your magical exam from yesterday, Just remember you were not graded on the results and it was only to get a feeling of your abilities." When Twilight got her scroll and book I could hear her happily whinny and begin flipping pages from her desk behind me then say, "Oh I wonder what all these numbers are for." As I received mine I took a look and It was mostly just listed numbers on a page. For real why just numbers grouped into lists? Celestia finished handing out the material then stood behind her podium, "Now then class you are probably all confused by the numbers so let me give you all your first assignment." The murmuring quickly quieted down as she continued speaking, "For the rest of the week I will be helping you all review your results and each of you will give short reports Friday on the type of magic you think you will excel at and why." This got the class excited again, "The reference books I just passed out will contain all the information you need to translate the numbers but a short example is that the top grouping of numbers are the types of magic, such as elemental, you relate to and how strongly." Twilights forehoof shot up and she was allowed to ask, "But how will we be graded then?" A few other students mirrored the question quietly. Celestia nodded, "Good question. We have of course already translated your results from the machine so you will be graded on how well your answers match or how strongly you defend your answer. Don't worry too much though as I'm Just looking for basic answers and you have the rest of the week to work on this." As she finished up plenty of the students were now looking excited to find out what type of magic they exceled at while Twilight had already dived into the book. Looking down At my own scroll I got to work. So according to what I have read so far, I made another note, I have no one area I excel at, that cant be right can it? I tapped my Chin and continued working. Well maybe it can, lets work on the next group. According to my next readings I have some fairly strong magic for a colt my age but why does this next reading indicate I have a Pegasus Ley Line system instead of Unicorn? I heard other sounds of frustration from around the class and was glad I wasn't the only one having trouble translating the results. Celestia was walking around helping students but everyone stopped when a shout rang out. "I Got it," A giddy Twilight was clapping her hooves, "Oh this is exciting," She then looked my way with a smile I could have mistake for smug and went back to work while Lyra still looked confused from the interruption. So adorkable, even when trying to show off. As the Class finished up and we began heading out Celestia stopped me with a wing and spoke only once the room was empty, "So Dawn having any trouble with yours?" I spotted a purple tail pause just outside the doorway as I Rubbed the back of my neck, "Honestly yeah, I keep getting conflicting answers for some things, I mean the first part was easy but not the rest." My tail flicked right and left. She gave me a warm smile, "Well keep at it and head off to your next class, also I will see you on Saturday," She finished with a scolding undertone. "I know," I hung my head and pinned my ears as I headed out of class. When I arrived for PE everyone was relived that we would not be running today instead we all watched as the teacher was setting out out small balls of various colors around the field. They almost look mini-golf balls from earth. Gale finished up just as the bell rang and joined us, "Today class," she said while holding up one of the balls using her wing, "you will all be practicing your levitation. These balls are enchanted to randomly move once you try to grab them in your magic. Moon Dancer would you please try to lift the one in front of you." She stepped up to the closest one and was able to lift it just fine at first until it suddenly shot up a few hoof lengths and gently dropped back down. Moon Dancer yelped and rubbed her horn while the teacher took some notes. "Thank you Moon Dancer. As you can see class the balls will fight your attempts to grab them so spread out for safety and pick any random one. Ill be going around to make sure none of you are slacking." Its actually cool they are teaching us the basics. I stepped over to a green ball while others hesitated until a filly asked, "Ms. Gale, What's the point of this?" "The 'Lesson'," she emphasized, " is to improve your telekinetic control. Just like with any muscle, it requires practice to improve and while you all may be better than the average foals your age you have nothing on a trained adult unicorn let alone the princess." She smiled, "You do all want to be like the princess right?" The hesitant fillies all quickly began practicing. As I tried lifting my own ball I quickly became frustrated with its constant struggling, every time I thought I had it the thing would shoot off in a random direction for a second then fall to the ground. Strange it can stick so close, I poked it with a hoof as I listened to the frustration from my classmates. Every time I try to lift it, it shoots off and if I try to hold tighter it just struggles more. I jumped a bit when from behind me, "Dawn staring at it wont help you improve," Ms. Gale laughed a bit. "Keep trying till the end of class at least, I know you can do it colt." She finished and headed off to another student. Even with her encouragement I was unable to hold it longer than thirty seconds, stupid ball. My first few minutes of lunch were spent waiting in line and looking around for my friends. Sunburst promised me he would show up but I wonder where everyone else is? My Question was answered when a pair of fillies joined me on either side and bumped my flanks. "Hey Dawn," Starlight said as she and Trixie joined me in line, earning a few jealous looks. "Hey you two ready for lunch?" I smiled as we moved forward a bit. "Trixie is most defiantly ready for food," She somehow boasted While complaining, "Trixie is starving since she did not get breakfast." "Maybe if Trixie, woke up a bit earlier she would have," Starlight laughed at her friend, "By the way Dawn did you find sunburst?" We picked up our food and once seated I smiled and said, "Yep, I found him yesterday he will be joining us for lunch in fact," I spotted Sunburst and pointed him out in line with a forehoof, "There he is now." It didn't take long for him to get his own food and join us awkwardly starting with, "um, hi there Dawn, Starlight, filly I don't know." He rubbed his forelegs together, "Can I sit with you all?" I planed to Immediately welcome him to join us but Starlight had other ideas, "I don't know, can the great Sunburst who got his Cutie mark first join his supposed friends, or is he too busy to eat with us considering he can't even write to them?" Trixie looked my way confused while I just shook my head for her not to interfere. "I'm sor-sorry for not writing Starlight," he scratched the back of his neck, "i just..." She interrupted and a few of the nearby tables were looking our way, "Just what, forgot about your friends?! If Dawn wasn't around I..." "Stop," I hissed and she looked a bit taken aback, "Starlight. I know you are upset but let him finish. I found Out what was going on last night but haven't had time to tell you yet." I put a comforting hoof on her withers. Once she was calm Sunburst began telling his story from our time apart. Eventually once Sunburst was all caught up, "and that's when Dawn found me yesterday." "Wait, so you were getting picked on all this time?" Starlight snorted in anger, "No wonder you felt bad about writing to us," her ears pinned back, "Well while I still wish you told us I'm sorry for not trusting in my friend." As the two hugged the moment was ruined, "Trixie is so saddened by your story Sunfirst," "burst" "She is more than willing to stick with you all and help protect you." The three of us shared a look while Starlight and I sarcastically said, "Thanks Trixie." She happily replied, "You are both very welcome, In fact Why doesn't Trixie show you her latest trick." The four of us spent the rest of lunch happy chatting until lunch ended but not before we made plans to meet up after school in the Library. Its good we're all reunited. Yippie! > Ch10.5. Second Perspective shift. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Princess I do apologize but I still just cant explain it," The unicorn mare, Healing Horn, sitting across from her at her tea table continued, "these numbers just don't make any sense for a Unicorn or really any pony for that matter." She passed the scroll back to her princess. "Well thank you for looking Doctor, I must admit they confused me as well." Celestia sighed and got more comfortable in her cushion, "and what about these results?" She passed over another scroll. After reading the numbers Healing shook her head, "If any more of these numbers were any closer I would have said they came from the same pony and I would be inclined to believe THAT instead of having two ponies with such unique results." The mare took a sip of the tea provided, "Will I be meeting these ponies here at the castle princess?" "Yes, one won't be an issue and is expected at the castle often very soon, the other..." Celestia trailed off while drinking her own tea," The other was quite unexpected so will be harder to arrange a meeting for here at the castle's clinic." "Well Just meeting one of these ponies will be quite the experience, I have never seen such unique results aside from... well aside from yourself and your niece." Healing set her cup back down with wide eyes, "This doesn't mean?" Celestia shook her head slowly, "No, they are not anywhere close to that level yet however, it may explain a few things." She took another slow sip of her tea while eying the scrolls. Twilight ran into her house with a curious Moon Dancer behind her and excitedly yelled, "Mom, Dad, I got my first big assignment at school. Now I can do research for my first project and find out what magic I'm good at. Oh also I brought over a research partner." "That's nice sweetie," Velvet dismissively yelled from another room. "Oh this is Spike, he is the best baby dragon ever," She picked up and nuzzled the tiny purple dragon before showing him to Moon Dancer. "Wow so you really hatched him from an egg for the entrance exam?" She adjusted her glasses. "Yep," She explained what happened that day along with Spike who happily babbled along. After finishing her story she then refocused on school work, "oh this is so exciting, we May even need more books from the library to do our assignment." There was a crash from the other room as her mother caught up with the conversation, "Research partner sweetie?" "Yeah, she's from school, her name is Moon Dancer and she loves books too." Velvet rushed into the room with Nightlight who had overheard, "Our daughter made a friend?" Moon Dancer smiled nervously at them. Pinkie was having the best day ever. She was finally all moved into her new home at Sugarcube Corner and she had met plenty of new friends all around town like the farm filly Applejack. Then on top of all that excitement the Cakes had been nice enough to already start teaching her all about baking. Best day ever! Applejack shivered as she helped her big brother, Granny, and parents load up their cart with apples. Her dam must have noticed because she asked, "you doing alright there sugar? I Could stay home while your Pa does this delivery to Sires Hollow." Applejack shook her head, "Nah I'm fine Ma, I know how much you want to go since Bloom is old enough for Granny to look after her and you and Pa were thinking about finding a new mare for the family." Pear Butter blushed at her daughters bluntness, "If you're sure sugar, it will be nice to get out on the road again for a bit." The two shared a quick nuzzle which the rest of the family joined. "You two be safe out there ya hear, I know the trip will take a while but I’ll keep the young-ins in line." Granny said to her son and Daughter in law then finished a bit quitter. "Find a good one to grow the family." "We will Ma," Replied Bright Mac with a chuckle. "You keep this safe for me while we're gone, ok Jackie," He placed his hat on his daughters head while she beamed up at him. Once all loaded up the two hitched up to their loaded cart and began their Journey. "Cone on Shy, you can do it," Rainbow Dash encouraged her friend. Weather school had just ended for the day and they were training. "Just a few more wing ups." Fluttershy was covered in sweat, she was breathing heavily, and her pink mane covered her face, "Dash I can't keep going." Dash threw up her forehooves "But you are only on your third one!" As Fluttershy collapsed onto the cloud another voice rang out, "There you are Dash, I was going to go flying want to join?" "Sorry Gilda but I'm Helping out my friend," Shy retreated behind Dash a bit from the griffin as she landed. "Oh come on, you guys look done so hang out with me." Before she could reply again Fluttershy quietly said, "It's ok, you can go with her." After a moment of looking conflicted Dash gave her a hug, "Thanks Shy I'll help you again later," and took off with Gilda. Once Dash was gone Fluttershy slowly made her way down to the ground to be with her animal friends she had met not long ago and smiled. "Mom she's doing it again," Rarity whined as her baby sister glommed on her perfectly pristine tail. As her mother lifted Sweetie Bell she laughed at her other daughter, "Oh Rarity she loves you so want's to stick close is all." "Yes mother but does she have to be so... Uncouth about showing me affection." She began brushing her tail back to its previous condition. Her dam joined in on the conversation and her father just laughed when they both entered the room, "Daughter I know you are just trying to act like a proper lady but family always comes first young filly." "Besides you should get used to it if you ever plan to have your own foals someday," Her father finished. Rarity sighed, "Yes dam, yes Father." Knowing she couldn't when an argument against all three parents at once she headed back to her room to practice her needlework and sketching out her clothing designs for her future shop. "Now, I just need to find a place to open up shop," she said while smiling at a sketch. > Ch11. First Week Ends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, Ready for the weekend?" My friend Ashley or Ash, as preferred by the Pokémon fan, had just sat down next to me in our collage cafeteria. "Oh yeah, it's going to be Great working and doing homework for most of it," I made sure to drip with sarcasm causing her to chuckle. "I feel ya, it can't be easy working and going to school for programing," She pointed at me with a fry to the face but spoke with actual concern. I quickly leaned forward and ate the fry to her amusement, "well at least the job is easy and related. I Might just drop out and start working to not bother with more student loans." She shrugged, "not the worst idea these days." I bumped her with my Hoof playfully and we both went back to eating. I woke up groggy on this rainy Friday morning and reflected on the strange mixed dreams I had been having lately, It's a good thing Luna isn't back yet, though none have really been nightmares. I quickly made my way down the common area for breakfast, now that I knew food was always available I didn't bother waiting long to quell my hunger after waking up. Really not looking to presenting first thing today. At least my other classes have been fairly easy. I mulled over that fact but it made sense considering the school focused on magic and not much else. I was a bit concerned regarding my inability to accurately read my magic results considering the full week spent working on it. Should have asked Sunburst for more help since he did this last year granted, even he was a bit confused and intrigued for the little time he could spare. The only reason I hadn't spent more time with him was that Starlight had dragged us around every afternoon to catch up and we spent the remaining free time doing our own individual schoolwork. It didn't help Starlight also had trouble with her report without the benefit of the princess teaching her magic class. That was one thing they both got jealous about since apparently the princess only personally taught a few classes. After finishing my breakfast and grabbing my saddle bags from my room and made my way to the main campus while shielding myself from the rain with my magic. Super glad Starlight and I practiced this spell, just wish it kept hooves dry too, luckily the main entrance had some hoof cleansing crystals ponies could tap for just for that reason. Got to love magic school. To my surprise Celestia was already in the Classroom when I walked in and took my spot, Strange she normally walks in last. A few of the other students must have shared my thoughts as a few of them apologized for being late making Celestia titter and assure them they were still on time. Once The bell did finally ring, "Good morning my little Students. As you all know today you will be giving short presentations regarding your magical scans from Monday." As she stepped to the side of the room she continued, "There is no minimum time limit but as I said before you will be graded on how closely you can match your own results to mine and the Doctor who reviewed them as well as defending your results if you feel the need to." A purple hoof shot up, "Doctor, Princess?" "Why of course Twilight, I may be a princess but even I know when a professional should double check my work." She gave a warm smile then with a flash from her horn she conjured a list and a princess sized cushion which she then sat on. "Now then lets get started." Quite a few of the presentations were actually really interesting, most of my classmates knew their basic specialization from their cutie mark and there were a few like Lyra already knew what they exceled at, I knew she liked music but the fact she leans towards heart songs is cool, strange she didn't look happy talking about it. When It was Twilight's turn she actually looked nervous standing in front of the class and started by stuttering, "m-my report on my magical abilities." Most of the foals gave short heartfelt presentations but hers was much more clinical. "While I was unable to find a specialization in the subject's, my, magical abilities I was able to note that my magic is much stronger perhaps due to my cutie mark being related to magic itself." Her presentation actually went on so long that the princess had to stop her lets others wouldn't have time to go but promised to read it all to mollify Twilight. Not that I couldn't use more time. "Dawn why don't you go next." Dang it Harmony, I thought to myself when Celestia called my name. I passed by Twilight who looked pleased and I took my place at the front of the class. I coughed into my hoof, worked up my courage, and began, "I'll be honest I had a bit of a hard time with this assignment since my numbers didn't make much sense. For example my numbers show I have no set specialization yet are all a bit higher than average unlike most unicorns our age. My overall magic levels are also above average meaning I could preform spells just fine all day but not as efficiently. I say 'not as efficiently' since the unique thing I couldn't figure out is I apparently have the Ley lines of a Pegasus and an affinity for Pegasus magic even though I dont have wings." I said with a joking tone. The princess's eyebrow raised just a smidge as I went on, "The only reason I think this could be remotely possible is that, according to my dam, My sire is the best Pegasus she knows but I can't be sure." I finished up my lackluster presentation with a shrug before heading back to my spot, earing a small smile from Lyra and a confused look from Twilight along the way. She probably didn't think anyone would go up with incomplete data or something. "Thank you Dawn, that was... Interesting," I sunk into my desk cushion a bit while the presentations continued till from behind me I heard a whisper. "Why did you still go up instead of asking for more time?" I flicked my ear backwards without looking towards Twilight. "Better to admit I don't know something I guess," Even I knew my answer was a bit lacking she didn't ask more, focusing back on the presenter. For the first time all week PE was being held inside and we were given free time. I was wishing it wasn't. The gym was crowded due to every grade level along with their teachers having to share it during the ongoing storm that had arrived while still trying to have class. "I'm So glad we just get to sit and while the older students have class," Moon Dancer Pushed up her glasses and opened a book floating in her magic. "To top it off Ms. Gale was out helping the local weather ponies with today's unplanned storm from the Everfree." Another filly chimed in. Guess without Rainbow Ponyville can't handle them so they make it this far. "Yeah but they need the help. Though Moon Dancer you have been doing really well with the levitation training, you can hold the test ball much longer than most of us, almost the whole class." I chimed in and anyone close enough agreed. "Yeah how do you hold it still so long, Mine always goes flying after a minute still." another filly I didn't know huffed. "Well that may be, but Balanced Dawn you are still better than most of us at the walking training we started Wednesday." She said without looking from her book. "True, but I can only do a lap before I drop the ball and you can hold it way longer than that Moon," She was a bit suprised by the nickname and ended the conversation by going back to her book. I can't argue with her much, Once we started trying to walk and hold up that combative little ball it became even harder. At least that practice will last a few weeks till we all get better. As always Math had been boring, I knew these basics, so I zoned out until lunch time and my friends joined me. "Trixie wonders what you are thinking about." Trixie's voice rang out next to my ear as she sat down. "Oh hey you three," Starlight and Sunburst also joined across the table. "I was just thinking about the storm outside, It has gotten worse all day ya know." As if to punctuate my point the sound of thunder rolled through the dining room causing everypony to pin their ears back. "Yeah, the last time there was a storm this bad it was during our first sleepover after you and your family moved to town." Starlight chimed in. "Yeah your right, that was a bad one." I could now remember worse storms but none happened in Equestria. "Oh I remember that one, we had a good time playing board games," Sunburst joined in. "We got to play Dragon Pit all evening with hot coco." "Trixie loves hot coco but Trixie has honestly never seen a storm this bad," She scooted closer to me with pinned ears as another crash of thunder rang out. This really is a bad one today. Aside from the sound of thunder interrupting the lectures, the rest of school went fairly smoothly until it was time to head out. Due to the storm most students were picked up by their parents using rain warding spells or escorted to the dorms in groups by the teachers doing the same. Since I knew the spell I hung out a bit longer in the library hoping the rain would lighten up. Once I decided waiting was a lost cause I headed back towards the dorms catching a strange sight as the next bolt of lightning flashed, Is that a foal walking alone? Following after towards the front gate I could tell now tell it was Lyra and the filly was soaked without a rain ward. Could her parents not come get her? She probably could have gotten an escort home though. "Hey Lyra," I tried calling out but she passed by the gate before she could hear me, I was about to follow then remembered the detection wards which would prevent me from following. I hope she makes it home ok. After Eating and showering I found it hard to fall asleep. My memories of Lyra were limited but always showed her as happy at least, that Was when she's in Ponyville with Bon Bon. I Shifted to thinking about my detention with the princess tomorrow as I fell asleep. I'll try to bring it up with Celestia, I smiled as I realized I no longer worried about calling her princess unlike last year. > Ch12. Half an end > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Run Pear," Bright Mac yelled at me through the rain as he bucked his powerful legs into a Timberwolf, earning a few large splinters in his hooves as it broke apart. My stallion was already bleeding heavily from bite marks and scratches across his body though I could only see him during lightning strikes. "No, I won't leave you here," I screamed at my husband from on top of our wagon swinging my branch turned weapon. "Come on we are so close to town we can…" I didn't get to finish as another Timberwolf destroyed our cart's wheel causing me to tumble into the mud that we had gotten stuck in. As I watched my husband struggle, I cursed the mud and rain that had delayed us and forced us to stay out this late in the evening on the road. "Pear!" Bright yelled, breaking me from my shock, as he threw himself in front of me earning another bite to his neck showering me in blood. I could do nothing more but watch in horror as my husband fell before me so, I decided it was time to close my eyes and accept my fate while apologizing to my foals as the wolves surrounded me. "Oh no you don't!" An unknown voice rang out as I was blinded by a lightning bolt incinerating the closest approaching Timberwolf . My hope returned as a Forest Green Pegasus with a windswept ocean blue mane Todd the lightning down and suddenly landed before me. Her Cutie mark of a yellow leaf with a lightning bolt on it blowing in the wind caught my eye with how it stood out on her coat. "Stay away from her you monsters." the new combatant yelled then flung more lightning from her wings engulfing the area. I watched in morbid fascination as the mare destroyed the rest of my attackers with ferocity not often found in ponies. Once the adrenalin wore off I was unable to remain conscious and quickly passed out while thinking of my foals. "Dewy Come quick!" Forest Breeze yelled into her house after bucking the door open, "I need your help." "What do you think you are doing yelling like... Sweet Celestia what happened?!" Morning Dew yelled then ran over to her wife as she noticed the bleeding mare upon her back. "Timberwolves," Breeze set the muddy bloody mare down on their couch, no thought to the mess, "I found Her being attacked along the road while out on patrol. This Tartarus dammed storm has brought them out all over." Her voice still louder than she intended. Morning ran out of then back into the room with the first aid kit and began treating the Mare, "Language!" This earned her a deadpan look to which she rolled her eyes, "these wounds don't look as bad as I feared, I can treat her with my magic and the kit so its good you saved her, but why is there so much blood?" Sires Hollow wasn’t large enough or close enough to a larger city for its own hospital so bringing the mare here had been Forest’s best option. Forest took a breath and sighed, "I'm glad she will be ok but her traveling companion wasn't so lucky. The wolves got them before I arrived so I don't even know if it was a stallion or mare. The blood is from that partner, they protected her and she got covered in it when they fell, even the rain didn't wash it all off." Forest pinned her ears back. Morning gasped and covered her mouth with her forehooves. “These poor ponies, for once this week I'm glad Dawn is up in Canterlot being close to ‘Them’ is better then a Timberwolf attack." "Focus Dewy, how's the mare doing?" Forest asked while cleaning herself up a bit using an old towel by the door. Morning Finished another healing spell after cleaning up one of the wounds. "She is stable, her back leg looks broken so it will take me some more time to heal it." Morning Had never thanked her CSGU schooling more than now. "Good," Forest turned towards the door, "I'll see you later then." "And just where are you going?!" Morning stared at her wife as a few wisps of smoke trailed from her mane. "Dewy, You know I have to get back out there. There could be others who need help like this mare on a night like tonight. You also know I will be just fine." She hugged her wife then left but not before saying, "I love you." Pear Butter awoke to the sound of distant thunder laying on a couch in an unfamiliar house. As she looked around her ears swiveled towards snoring coming from nearby on the floor. When she looked around she spotted a Dark Blue Unicorn mare with a light purple mane. Her Cutie mark of a Sunrise in the rain comforting. "He-hello," Pear’s voice cracked so she tried again. "Hello?" This got the mares attention and she woke up with a snort. "Oh thank Celestia you're awake. Are you feeling ok, any pain?" She asked. "I feel fine considering. where am I, who are you?" Pear’s voice cracked again prompting the mare to pass her a glass of water. "You're in Sires Hollow and I'm Morning dew. My Wife Forest Breeze found you and brought you to our home after the attack so I could treat you. We don't have a proper hospital emergency in town just a small clinic for a traveling doctor." She told me while looking a bit sad. Pear’s eyes went wide as she remembered what happened. "My husband, Bright Mac where is he, Can I see him?" She franticly looked around the room but noticed Dew’s ears pin back. "I'm sorry dear but it was too late. He couldn't be saved, my wife couldn't retrieve the body while saving you." As she finished telling Pear what she already knew she broke down crying. It wasn't long before Pear found herself wrapped in a hug. "You will be ok. We will make sure you get home safe and sound once this storm ends." Pear nodded in defeat, "thank you I need to get back to my foals and let them know." Morning Dew gasped, "They weren't with you were they?" Pear shook my head, "No, Thank Celestia, they're back home on our farm." Before the two could speak any further the front door opened, and Forest Breeze, Pear’s savior, walked in drenched. "Sorry I'm late Dewy I," She paused then gently smiled when she saw Pear awake, "Well I am glad to see you woke up." "Thanks to you," Pear laid back down from the exhaustion, "But I think I will sleep some more." She then curled up, unable to think about anything but her foals. As Forest Breeze and Morning Dew spoke their voices lulled Pear Butter back to sleep before the two could try to engage her in further conversation. > Ch13. Day before the Sun. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was not expecting to have a small existential crisis first thing this Saturday morning, even though the structure is similar, Ponies don’t speak or write in English! I had learned an interesting fact while composing a letter home and speaking to myself. During the lengthy process of writing with my horn and speaking in the sing/song tones of Ponish I switched to my hoof to rest my horn, when I did, the writing suddenly looked different and I found myself speaking English. My hoof instinctively writes is in English while my horn is in Ponish…What in Tartrus? Once I was over the initial shock I found I could switch between the two languages with some concentration and even sang a song in both, Ponish is so much easier on the ears when singing. Getting back to my letter, I scratched out the English words and finished it off before sealing it up and smiled to myself, mom and dam won’t care, probably just think it’s from one of those old books I read with the others. After dropping my letter off with the outgoing post I found myself mostly alone to loaf in a comfortable chair in the common room, I had decided to wait a bit longer before eating. Most of the colts probably slept in, Maybe I should wake up Sunburst. Before I could head up to his room though a royal guards' mare showed up and scanned the room. When she spotted me, "Excuse me. Are you Balanced Dawn?" I tilted my head, "yeah." "Excellent, the princess has asked me to escort you up to the castle for your noon 'appointment' I know its a bit early but she thought you also might like to join her for breakfast and a tour of the castle. You don't have to go now if you had plans with friends as I'll wait." "Really?" I was intrigued and after a short internal debate I got up and, "Just let me grab my saddle bags from my room and we can head out, breakfast and a tour sounds fun." I quickly packed my bags for the day, emptied out a bit of refuse that had accumulated during the week and strapped them to my sides. "Ready when you are." She gave me a nod and we headed out into the morning drizzle that was following last night's storm. Walking next to the much larger Earth pony guard through the morning mist was both intimidating and comforting. I stuck close to her as we headed out into the damp streets of Canterlot and eventually asked, "Is your armor really enchanted to make you all look the same or is that your natural look?" She gave a knowing smile and lifted her helmet a bit causing her coat colors to shift until she put it back on, "Most foals always ask that same question and the answer is yes. It's to protect the privacy of the guard members and," She paused for dramatic effect and looked my way, "to trick our enemies so they dont know how many of us there are." "That, makes a lot of sense," I nodded and we slipped back into silence while approaching the gates. If I hadn't mentally prepared myself I would have been Awe struck, the castle was nothing like the one from the show in my memories, it was SO much better. Walking the Alicorn sized marble halls and actually getting to see the stained glass windows in person was breathtaking. My guide gave a short chuckle when I stopped in front of one depicting the Equestrian flag with and artists rendition of Celestia and Luna. "Find a favorite?" She asked as I looked over the scene. "Yeah, it will be nice to eventually see her in pony." I got back up and continued following, her thinking I was talking about Celestia. "Ah Balanced Dawn, good morning," Celestia happily said while sipping some tea upon her cushion. We had finally made it to brunch, it being held in her sitting room instead of the dining hall. She turned towards the guard, "You may go now." The guard gave a courteous nod and left the room. "Sorry If she woke you up early, I thought having brunch before we start the day would be best." She gave me a warm smile and motioned for me to join her. "No worries Celestia," Her brow rose as I casually called her name and set down my saddle bags by the door. I then join her on the cushion and cuddle up close while looking over the spread. "This all looks delicious and I was already awake writing home plus, I haven't had breakfast yet so this is perfect." "Oh? Well It is good that you are keeping in touch with your family, many students forget during the excitement of the first few weeks." I could tell she was looking down at me curiously but I was more focused on the blueberry muffin I had just magicked onto my plate. "It has been a fairly exciting week with my friends," I replied with cheeks full of a now half devoured muffin. "Sun-Dawn you shouldn't speak with your mouth full," She playfully admonished while using her magic to lift a napkin and wipe my face of crumbs, just like any mother would. She must have been surprised by her action because she quickly set it down earning a confused look from me. Before I could say anything a Purple blur with an excited baby dragon on its back rushed into the room panting, "Sorry. I. Am. Late. Princess." She punctuated each word with a breath. She really needs to get in better shape, at least Spike had a fun ride. I took another bite of breakfast as she continued. "I got lost on the way from my room. I'm still getting used to living at the castle and," She sat down without noticing me and set baby Spike on the table. Spike immediately crawled towards a plate of toast so I grabbed him and a slice with my magic then wrapped my forelegs around the baby dragon. Twilight was still to out of breath to notice. "Well Hello there Spike, good to see you again little buddy." I whispered only to him and he gurgled back happily as I slowly fed him some toast. It's convenient dragons can eat solid food right away. Celestia glanced my way with a sparkle in her eye then back towards Twilight. "And Spike kept me up late last night while trying to feed him since he kept just wanting to play and." A bit of her mane frizzled out of place. Celestia tittered, "It is quite all right Twilight, You are right on time. Please just have some breakfast before we have our lessons today my student." "Thank you princess," She grabbed some food and began eating with gusto. I poked Celesta with my hoof and motioned for her to lean down, she did and I whispered, "how long do you think it will take for her to notice I'm here?" She tapped her chin with a hoof, "Honestly I am curious how she hasn't already, I have never seen anypony quite so... focused." Twilight, still oblivious to my presence, continued to talk to Celestia who joined back into that conversation. She is kind of adorkable I can see why the fans love her, I refocused on Spike who had just finished his toast. Using my magic I brought over an apple, split it, and share a slice which we both happily eat. Once finished Spike then curled up between my legs. Dragons are really cute when small. After having my fill I mimicked Spike and curled up pressing my back against Celestia's wing to get comfortable. She instinctually wrapped it around us both getting us out of Twilights line of sight as the two continued to chat while we dozed. My ears flicked when I eventually heard, "well now, should we get on with today's lesson?" An excited Twilight said, "oh yes I brought plenty of study supplies, let me just grab Spike." I could hear Twilight looking for him as I grinned mischievously. She finally noticed I was in the room when she stepped around the table and spotted me curled up with Spike and Celestia. "Wha? Dawn what are you doing here? When did you get here? Why do you have Spike? Why are you under the princesses wing?" She bombarded me with questions. Celestia also looked a bit confused As she lifted her wing to reveal us beneath it. I lifted my head a bit to not wake the sleeping dragon, "In order? Celestia called me. Probably ten minutes before you. Because he is adorable and was hungry so I fed him. Lastly because her wings are super comfortable and it's kind of cold still from the rain so she draped it over me which reminded me of my mom." She gasped and covered her muzzle after only picking up the first part, "Dawn don't just casually use the princess name like that." I tilted my head and let my ears flop, "Why not, she's just a pony. Really warm and comfy to nap next to as well." Twilight glowered at me then magicked Spike onto her back, still asleep. "Its. Not. Proper." I stretched and then shrugged "meh." I gave Celestia a nuzzle and thanked her for the warm wing before I grabbed my saddle bags. Celestia who was enjoying the exchange, "now Twilight. No need to get so worked up my student, I did indeed invite Dawn for brunch before his punishment today, you can't blame him for not noticing his presence." She teased the both of us. My ears fell as I whined to play along, "Celes-tia why did you have to tell her why I'm here." It was Twilights turn to tilt her head as she asked, "Punishment, why would brunch be punishment?" "It's not," I quickly shifted attitudes and buffed a hoof on my chest, "I took care of some bullies hurting my friend." "Dawn," Celestia chided, "What you did is not something a foal should be proud of, you could have really hurt those colts and your punishment is still incoming." "ok...Mom," I couldn't help but tease the all powerful sun goddess as I nuzzled her leg. "I won't do it again," unless I catch them hurting my friends. She gave me a deadpan look. After a bit more conversation and a short walk through the castle, our group arrived at Celestia's study where she would be teaching Twilight one on one. I was brought along for the ride and for my 'punishment' I was told to work on my Schoolwork along with some other work she gave me and not speak unless spoken to. Instead of a punishment its more like she wants to keep me close, not that I mind. As the hours passed Spike eventually woke up signaling it was time for a break. Once We had finished our afternoon meal we all got back to work. Rather they did, since I had finished mine but couldn't leave the room or join the conversation I decided to play foal sitter and keep Spike entertained. When he eventually tired himself out I was about to get up explore the room when a guard entered sometime late afternoon. "Princess," The guard approached and saluted her but was a bit nervous when passing over a scroll. The guard stood at attention while she read it over, with Twilight and I curiously watching. She sighed, "Send the guard to try and recover what they can for her, if any of the nobles in the capital make a fuss remind them 'even minor nobles deserve that much.'" "Yes princess," the guard gave a salute then left the room. Wonder what happened. "Well my students," she focused back on us, "it looks like today will be ending early as I have some work to take care of. Dawn I will have a guard escort you back to the dorms and your punishment has been served. Perhaps next time you join us it will be under better circumstances." Next time? Neither Twilight or I could ask any questions however as she quickly got up and left the room. We both shared a concerned look until my escort arrived to take me back to the dorms. I hope it wasn't anything too serious. > Ch14. Fallen Apple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia trotted with poise and purpose down the castle halls as she made her way to the guard house. She had already been having a thermal of a day thanks to one young colt. What should have been the relaxing and straight forward first, of many, classes between her and her personal student Twilight had become something else. She had almost called the young colt by her former students name and then wrapped her wing around him without thought. The colt had then teased her as if she was family, something she lost after Sunsets disappearance. Now she was dealing with packs of Timberwolves and the aftermath from an unplanned storm. "He show's me nothing but care yet treats me like a normal pony, perhaps..." Celestia shook her head just outside the guard house and strode inside. "Report captain," Her current captain of the guard along with her fellow guards' mares all stood to attention, "at ease gentle mares." "Well Princess, we are just getting reports of the dozens of Timberwolves that were roaming the roads last night in the storm not to mention the storm damage itself. There have been quite a few attacks, some leading to casualties including the attack upon the successor of the noble Apple clan. Brush fires caused by lightning as well as the property damage from high winds." "The Report mentioned Pear Butter made it, what of the rest of their direct family?" Celestia said with concern, she knew that one of them had a part to play in the future and she personally liked the farming clan, The current matriarch had once been a good drinking buddy. "All the rest are alive, the successor's family remained on their farm and have yet to be informed of the full incident report. Pear Butter was rescued by a local Weather Captain by the name of," He re-read the recently updated report, "One, Forest Breeze who was out trying to help quell the storm." "The name rings a bell but I can't remember from where. What is Ms. Butter's condition?" She asked while also giving orders to secure all the roads and clean up any remaining wolves while helping with the repairs as she asked her question. "She is stable. According to Mrs. Breeze who reported and was involved in the attack, her wife 'Morning Dew' treated the injuries and they are both currently hosting Ms. Butter and plan to take her home." "Well that is some good news at least, I already sent a small squad to try and recover her husbands body along with any of her belongings however I fear we will be too late if the attack occurred last night." Celestia rubbed her temples with her hooves. "You are most likely correct princess. Even though in this case I wish you were wrong." The guard captain said with a few others nodding. "So do I captain," She finished with a snap of her tail while heading back out towards the castle proper. "So do I." "Ok that leg of yours should be well enough now to make it to the train station, how about we get you up and moving?" Morning Dew or 'Dewy' as her wife called her, asked Pear Butter after preforming her latest magical scan. "Ok, I can do this," she gingerly took a few steps forward from the couch and sucked in air between her teeth. The combination of pain and memories from last night brought tears to her eyes. "I just Can't any more, I just cant." Pear gave in to gravity becoming a weeping pile on the floor as it all became to much for her. "Yes you can, if not for yourself then for your foals. We're going to help you get home to Ponyville but you have to get up first." Forest Breeze, 'Breezy' to her wife, encouraged. Pear wiped her tears and slowly stood back up while nodding, "You're right, I need to get home to them and tell them what happened. It's just to the train." She wobbled a bit on her next step but was quickly flanked by her two new friends. How could she not consider them that after they saved her life. As the three walked through the now storm damaged town towards the train station Dewy broke the silence, "I still can't believe one storm caused all this." "It's a good thing you warded the house, it took us hours to get it under control last night even with the reservists called into action," snorted Breezy. "I keep telling the higher ups we need more full time and fully trained weather pegasi but nooo they just want to save Bits." Dewy gave her wife a look after noticing the depressed look on Pear's face, "Now isn't the time sweetie." Breezy gave an apologetic look, "sorry, It was a long night." Traveling towards the train station, they stopped to wave or talk to a few of the other towns ponies along the way a few of their closer friends giving Pear condolences after hearing about the incident. Once onboard, "I think i'll go back to napping now," Pear choked out. The Overnight Train ride to Ponyville had been uneventful though there was a noticeable increase in guards on board for safety. It wasn't until they disembarked did they learn it was due to a train getting attacked by Timberwolves during the previous night’s storm. The passengers, just making it to the next town without injuries, had still been rattled and the train ruined beyond repair. Once they exited the train Pear heard a familiar filly, "Mom!" She was quickly tackled and nuzzled by the weeping filly, "oh mom you're ok. When the guard told us you were attacked I thought I would never see you again." "Thank you for bringing my kin back to us," The Apple matriarch said to the newcomers with a small filly on her back. "Eeyep, thank you kindly." Big Mac said while going over to hug his mother. "But where is Pa?" Pear froze up. "Yes where is that son of mine?" Granny Smith looked around. Forest Breeze and Morning Dew stepped forward to introduce themselves then asked, "did the guard not tell you?" "Tell us what youngins?" They were about to answer when Pear interjected. "Granny, Bright Mac didn't make it," She broke down crying again while hugging her foals close as they too froze up, "it was Timberwolves." She then explained exactly what happened before finishing, "and these two nice mares brought me home." Granny smith looked heartbroken, she was eventually brought out of it by a tiny Apple Bloom pulling on her mane, "I..." she took a deep breath, "Lets Get to the farm and we can talk more there. You two are of course welcome to join, after saving my daughters life you might as well be family." As the small somber procession made it's way to the Apple family a Pink earth pony with a not so puffy mane rushed off to get to baking. I'm going to need a few pies. Celestia groaned as she set down another damage report from the storm, she would deny it of course, then took a sip of tea. "Thousands of bits in damage and just under one hundred Ponies missing or dead with more injured from it all. " She spoke to no one but just to vent. "And it will only get worse for a while in the coming years. Luckily Twilight and Her future friends should be able to stop it all however I wish it did not rest solely on their withers." She pulled up another stack parchment, one with a set of familiar names. 'CSGU Enrolment form' 'Name: Balanced Dawn' 'Parents: Forest Breeze and Morning Dew' She had thought the Names from yesterday were familiar and happened to find them when looking into her potential second personal student. "One is a powerful Pegasus while the other is a Powerful unicorn from my school and yet I Couldn't find anything about his Sire not even the Stud Contract. I also find it strange they both live in a small town when they could do so much better in the city with such talent." Celestia took a bite of Cake, "to top it off they now have a connection with one of the predicted elements. how did I not see any of this." She took another, larger bite and the got up to look out her window overlooking the garden. "I'll have to keep him close." Dinner at the Apple family farmhouse was a somber affair that night. Pinkie had indeed brought pie and spent the evening comforting her friend. Big Mac spent the evening silently in his room with a small puppy while Granny told stories of her son to the rest, mostly for the two newcomers. Pear, who silently listened spent most of the evening hugging her youngest who, without understanding, reveled in the attention. As evening turned to night most everyone eventually went to bed, Pinkie staying the night with Applejack so she wasn't alone and the guests in the guest room. Silent crying filling the house and a gentle squeaking of a rocking chair from the front porch were the only sounds once the moon rose. At least until. "Well you going to just stand there or join me on the porch Celly?" Granny smith called out into the night. "Hello Granny, I'm surprised you noticed me." Celestia lowered her head as she approached the farmhouse. "my Condolences by the way, I wanted to be the one to tell you but it looks like you already found out." "Bah, don't go acting that way," She pulled out a jug of cider then motioned for her to sit next to her. "Old friends don't need bother." Poring two mugs granny passed one to Celestia then drank hers down in one go, the Alicorn matching her pace without worry. Once finished Granny downed another before looking towards the sky, "I can't believe my foal is gone. No Mare should have to go through that." Celestia joined her for a third, "You're right, no Mare should have to lose a foal before themselves." "Oh Celly you know I," She was cut off with a shake of Celestias head. "It's alight, you just lost one and It has been a few years now for myself. It's not like she is dead just missing. My only regret is I am unable to openly morn her since so few knew the truth not even herself." She finished but before the night regained it's silence. "Know that I will be here for your family if you need it." "Just remember you're a part of it." Granny replied. The two mares eventually gave each other a nuzzle after a few slower drinks and headed to their respective homes. > Ch15. Heartstrings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found myself sitting outside of the classroom turned clubroom on Thursday after classes, staring at a poorly drawn human upon it with the words ‘Mythical human club’. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. The rest of my friend group had already joined clubs which left me nothing to do on Tusedays and Thursdays, the club meeting days; 'Kites and Flights' club for Starlight, 'Books from around Equis' for Sunburst, and Theater for Trixie, all before the second week of school had finished. So here I was, with free time, on a Thursday afternoon, with nothing better to do. well let’s go in then. When I opened the door I spotted, nothing. The room looked empty, “um, hello?” There was a sudden rushing from one corner as Lyra bolted towards me, “Hi. Are you here for human club and to study all about these wonderful mythical creatures?” Her excitement was practically infectious. “Yep, I love humans and know a lot already.” I replied with a smile. Mainly because I remember being one. “Really?” She narrowed her eyes and switched to looking skeptical. “Ok then. Tell me what they call their hooves.” She crossed her forelegs. “Trick question, humans don’t have hooves. They have hands and feet which are connected to their arms and legs.” I said back to her. Her smile instantly returned, “oh thank goodness. A real member,” she dragged me inside and shut the door. “There were a few… pranksters that said they wanted to join but knew nothing and didn’t even want to learn. But now that I have at least one colt they can’t shut us down.” “Why does me being a colt matter?” I tilted my head questioningly. “Well,” she rubbed the back of her neck. “Every club typically needs at least six members unless, one member is a colt then two is enough to form a 'small club'. With a 'small club' we get a club room just no funding.” She gave a sheepish smile. “Do we need funding? Also what does human club do then?” “Nope and we research, draw human art, debate and try to act like humans." She said while trying to stand up on her back hooves only. "The Canterlot library has plenty of old human myths and now with an official club we can get permission to go off campus to study them.” She raised her forelegs in excitement. I nodded my head, "so there really are no other members?" "Nope," she smiled at me but then it turned to a frown as she scuffed the floor with her hoof. "you don't want to join now do you?" "Oh, no I will still join." I waved my forehooves at her, "I actually really want to learn more." It will be kind of interesting to see what ponies think of humans. "OK then," We spent some time filling out the official club forms and then she took them to a teacher while I waited, doing my school work from the day. Once she came back, "well, want to get started on club activities?" After spending the rest of the allocated club time going over Lyra's own budding theories on humans that were surprisingly accurate if out of date, I asked her while we was packing up. "So why Humans?" "What's that Dawn?" She paused putting her stuff away. "Why do you like Humans so much Lyra?" I repeated and She gave me a look while her ears flattened. "Oh, um no big reason, I just like them." She looked away from me then asked as we traveled towards the front of the school, "What about you? Most Ponies aren't into mythical creatures." Ironic since we are mythical to them. I shrug, "I think it's impressive they can survive without magic." "Yeah... They do seam really tough even without it," She finished as we parted ways outside though I noticed she Hesitated and had to compose herself when she reached the front gates. After a quick dinner with Sunburst I Made my way back up to my dorm room and was pleasantly surprised to find a letter from my parents. Setting down my saddlebags next to my desk I sat down to read it. 'Dear Dawn, Your Mother and I are doing well and we are glad you found Sunburst. Just to let you know we are currently out of town and writing from a small town called Ponyville. There was an accident during the last storm so we had to escort a mare home to her family. Her name is Pear Butter and she has a daughter about your age we thought you might like to meet and since we were invited over again we will all be staying at their farm for your fall break. Keep up the good work in school and we love you. Love, Your Moms.' Finishing the letter I pulled out a scrapbook and placed it with the others along with a family photo then put it all back away in my bag. Isn't that the name of Applejack's mom, I thought she died or will die? I set the thought aside when Sunburst and a few other colts knocked on my door to join them for a board game in the common area. "So, She still won't talk to us?" The unknown mare asked the group sitting around the parlor. "No and it doesn't help that some of us keeps calling her Spouse a slur," a younger mare grit her teeth and pointedly said to the lone Stallion in the room. He huffed and finished, "A Feather Brain will always be a Feather Brain no matter how well they can fly, Who cares about that race traitor anyway after she stormed off last time, what about the colt?" The first Mare Replied and lifted a piece of parchment in her magic, "Sadly the school has Blocked our requests to visit and even the letter we sent him was rejected." "Bribes then?" The second asked which got a nod from the group. A Third Mare the same age as the first sipped her drink then said, "Yes, I already have a contact looking into that method but it will take some time to find someone trustworthy who can make it through the wards to make contact." The forth and final mare in the room joined in, "We also have to be cautious since it looks like the colt may have already caught Celestia's eye as well as the ire of a few of our friends. This could be good for us in the long run if we can sway him to us but also slows us down." The Stallion snorted again, "bah, once the colt see's what we have to offer and what his life could be like he will obviously come to us. As for our 'friends' they can just deal with it, it's not like any of their brats were injured." The Third spoke again, "it may not be that easy with how he was raised, we will still have to take it slow." The group nodded then continued chatting and drinking. When Lyra reached her front door well into the evening she gently put a hoof on the front doorknob and slowly opened it. Before stepping inside she strained her ears for any sounds and once the coast was clear she breathed a sigh of relief, "Both out working, good." After wiping off her hooves and swiping an apple from the kitchen she made her way up to her bedroom, closed, then locked the door, and warded it with a spell she had studied hard for. "Safe." Unpacking her bags she then flopped onto her old bed and loafed while eating the apple held in her magic. Suddenly she flinched and her ears went on full alert when she heard the front door of the house forcefully opened. "Celesta damn it," A muffled deep yet feminine voice rang out, "Why do I have to put up with those stuck up..." The rest of the voice was drowned out as the fridge door was slammed shut. Lyra quickly finished the apple then hid under her covers and began singing to herself to drown out the rest of the yelling. "It's ok Lyra you're safe." The yelling eventually got worse when a male voice joined in Turning the initial yelling from complaining into a full blown argument. Lyra pined her ears as best she could as it continued well into the night. > Ch16. Cloudy Field Trip. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was going to be one exciting Saturday. After a few weeks of school they were finally offering the students our first optional field trip. It was going to be up at Clouds Dale for a tour of the weather factory. Apparently since the City was going to be hovering close to Canterlot the school thought it would be a good Idea to see it since much of the factory also required Unicorn made enchanted machines not just Pegasus magic. Those brave enough, and who's family could afford it, would get a cloud walking neckless for the trip and get to keep afterwards for an incentive to go. I still can't believe so few foals signed up, not even Twilight. At least Starlight is going with me. I'm Glad mom and dam are allowing me to go granted mom was actually super excited and said I was in for a treat. As I looked over the itinerary for the trip while eating breakfast, I reminisced over the last few weeks. I had spent most of it doing the general school work and improving my magic or hanging out with my friends. A few odd things, such as Celestia sticking close or Lyra's fluctuating mood, stuck out to me. Celestia is probably just dealing with Twilight as for Lyra, that's a hard one to tell. Human Club was also going well and we even managed to get another couple of members, Twinkleshine and Minuette who were somewhat interested though no one as enthusiastic as Lyra herself. I think they just want the club credit. After Switching my focus back to today I excitedly galloped out of the dorms to the side field where a large hot air balloon was being set up for todays trip. "Ah Dawn there you are," Gale said while checking my name off her list, as a small group of foals, mostly first years, gathered around her some of which looked nervous. "It looks like we are just waiting for a few more then I can go over the plan for today." As the Hot air balloon was being inflated by a staff member, another went around and started passing out the cloud walking charms, a round silver pendant engraved with a set of wings on each side dangled upon a silver chain. Starlight along with the last couple fillies eventually showed up and upon receiving their neckless Gale continued. "Excellent it looks like everyone is here," she reported as she finished checking her list. "Now then, Do all of you have your Cloud walking charms?" "Yes, Ms. Gale" The group rang out. "Good, now how many of you have been up to the cloud layer before?" I raised my hoof to her question and found I was the only one. "Really Dawn? Why were you up that high?" Gale asked a bit jokingly and earning me a few curious looks. I was proud to say that, "My mom is a weather Captain, She has taken me flying a few times and even up to the clouds on her back. I only got to try walking on them once though." I heard a few whispers but Gale replied, "Interesting, then I expect you shouldn't have much trouble with heights. As for the rest of you if any of you have trouble please let me know right away. We will be proceeding straight to the factory once up in the air and then having lunch in the city proper to show you all a bit of how Pegasi live. Now then, all aboard. " We all shuffled into the basket and one of the unicorn staff began increasing the heat so we started to rise. Gale remained on the edge, pushing us along to our destination. Once close enough to the city to see it we all began talking excitedly about how it looked or what we might see. "So Dawn, has your mom ever brought you here before?" Starlight asked. "Once, yeah. My Grandparents, the ones you met before, actually live in Clouds Dale that's when I got to try walking on clouds since my mom knows the spell. They normally just come to visit us back in Sires Hollow since it's easier." "Really, I didn't know that." She finished as we got closer to the city. "I wish I could have joined you, this will be my first trip this high." She happily said, and eventually you will learn to self levitate. Once the balloon touched down my schoolmates were much slower to disembark then they were to embark. Our teacher had to cover her muzzle to keep from laughing as many of them experimentally poked the clouds with their hooves. I on the other hoof, jumped from the side of the basket to get around the holdup, bouncing a bit on the fluffy ground. "Chickens," I said under my breath playfully. As I milled about waiting for the rest of the group who were now receiving encouraging words from Gale to disembark, Starlight trotted over and joined me. "It feels so strange, is this what it's like for Pegasi?" She played with a bit of the cloud below her. "From what mom says it is even more comfortable for them since the Cloud walking spell is different." I threw a harmless cloud puff her way. She giggled then threw one back. "Alright class, now that we are all ready to go lets continue with the tour." Gale happily said and motioned with her wing towards the large cloud factory in front of us. Once Inside Gale had us all don safety equipment and we began the tour once our guide arrived and took over. "Alight everypony," The bubbly Pegasus mare said then flared her wings dramatically, "Welcome to the weather factory. Now then lets get this tour trotting, do any of you know what we do here at the weather factory?" "You make clouds," One of the fillies piped up. "Correct, but we also do so much more. We actually plan all of the weather for Equestria right from this building. From rain and snow clouds, to rainbows, and even other special weather it all starts here! Now of course, local towns can change a few things on the fly but the overall plan comes from us. Does anyone know why that is?" None of us could answer and even I didn't know so we all shook our heads. "Well you are here to learn. It's because we are the only place where cloud seeds can be made in bulk. A cloud seed is the beginning of every other type of cloud, outside of wild weather. Cloud seeds are basically super compressed clouds with our special magic that can then be transported around to local towns and 'unpacked' for use in the local weather." She was showing us parts of the manufacturing process while we walked through the factory. Another filly raised her hoof and the guide pointed to her, "But can't every Pegasus make cloud seeds?" "Excellent question, and the answer is not really. Most Pegasi don't have the training to make them properly and even those that can do it, naturally or trained, are much slower than the factory. Now we do have a few specialists who can make clouds for emergencies but controlling existing pre-made weather is much easier." We all nodded and then continued the tour, our last stop was to the Rainbow factory and where I got my surprise. "Mom, Grandpa?!" I galloped over to my mom and gave her a big hug while he tussled my mane. "And here we have a special surprise, the head of the Rainbow department himself is here today." The guide said. I didn't know that's what my grandsire did. He moved in front of the group, "Hello everypony, my name is Cloudy Breeze and I am the manager of the Rainbow department I'm also this ones Grandpa." He smiled and pointed to me with a wing then proceeded to explain what they did to make rainbows, I was too distracted though. "Mom what are you doing here?" I nuzzled her as we broke off from the group a bit, Starlight joined us as well. "Hi Ms. Breeze good to see you again." She joined in on our hug and gave me a wink. "Starlight good to see you to thanks for not warning Dawn, and I decided to come to the factory since I knew you and Starlight would be joining the upcoming field trip. I just had to visit since it isn't difficult, I am a weather captain after all," she buffed a hoof on her chest, "and your Grandsire works here as well." She finished with sticking her tongue out. "Wow so you can come and go as you want?" Starlight asked and my mom lightly laughed. "Not quite, I still have to make an appointment but it isn't that hard." "Ms. Breeze," Gale had joined us, "The tour is moving on, you are still more then welcome to join us for lunch like you asked in your letter." I looked stunned, everyone knew but me, great surprise. Starlight and I Spent the rest of the Trip with my family earning us a few Jealous looks and others I couldn't decide on. "So Kiddo," My Grandpa ruffled my mane, "Is this one your filly friend yet?" "Dad/Grandpa," Mom and I said at the same time causing Starlight to trip a bit with mom finishing, "Dawn is much too young a colt for that and so is Starlight." He laughed then picked me up and put me on his back, "Bah, a colt is never too~ early to learn about 'that', how else will he protect himself from the ladies." I laughed at that while Starlight looked a bit red then coughed. "I resent that Grandpa, I am nothing but a GentleColt," I say with a posh accent which gets the group laughing again and more funny looks. We continue on with the group until we reach a large Café where we could all eat lunch and continue chatting. Sadly we couldn't stay very long and were eventually forced to head back towards the balloon. Grandpa had already left to get back to work and Starlight caught up with the group so it was just Mom and I hanging back a bit so we could say our goodbyes. "It was good seeing you sport, tell Starlight it was good to see her too," We share a quick hug. "Thanks mom it was good seeing..." "Look out!" was all I could hear before a prismatic blur crashed into me causing me tumble backwards with it and my mom to panic. "Dawn are you Ok?" My mom asked a butter yellow Pegasus following slowly. "Sorry, we ran into you," I Could hardly hear her with my head ringing still. ouch. > Ch17. Rainbow crash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ouch," Both I and the blue filly pinning me groaned. Aside from the initial hit I felt fine though the clouds on my back felt somewhat different. "Rainbow Dash are... are you ok" The quite voice asked. "What did I hit?" The disheveled Rainbow Dash replied. The voice gasped, "you. You hit a colt. Oh dash how could you do something like that?" I felt Rainbow being lightly pulled off me. "You need to apologize right now." my mom who could now clearly see I was fine, smirked as she watched the situation unfold. she always was one to try and let me handle my own problems first. "He He, sorry about that," Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck after she stood up then held her foreleg out to help me. "Lost control while doing a stunt. I'm Rainbow dash and this is my bestie Fluttershy," Fluttershy was pulled into a wing hug and squeaked. "um, Hello" She lived up to her name while hiding behind her mane. "Ni-Nice to meet you." "Oh come on shy," Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Its just a colt you dont have to... Wait a sec you're a Unicorn how are you up here?" both their eyes went wide a bit. "I'm using a cloud walking spell so I can walk up here." I smiled, matching her energy. "That's. Awesome." Rainbow flew up and did a quick flip. "Can all unicorn's do that or just you or?" I laughed, "No its thanks to my," My hoof reached my neck but the pendent was gone, in fact it was on the ground near where she first crashed into me. It was my turn for my eyes to go wide. How the heck am I still standing on clouds? The two looked confused but my mom was quick to act. She grabbed my neckless from the ground and put it back around my neck. "Woah close one sport. It's a good thing the spell doesn't wear off right away. Hi there you two, I'm his mom by the way." "Woah hold up, your mom is a Pegasus AND you have a cool neckless that lets you walk on clouds you just got like 20% cooler." Rainbow dash complimented but then ruined it with, "Still not as cool as me but, ya know I AM the fastest flyer." My mom laughed while I rolled my eyes. "Dawn, I'm going to warn your teacher I'll be bringing you back to school a bit later then come right back. Why don't you head back inside to wait." She said then flew off towards Gale. "Thanks mom," I called after her and we all moved inside the café, "So what kind of trick then?" "Wha," Dash watched slack jawed as my mom expertly flew off without a sound then shook her head and hopped up into a seat, "Awesome. Well it was a combination of a few but it was the last one I was practicing when I crash-Bumped into you called the 'Sonic-Rain-boom'. I'm the only one to pull it off in like, forever," "yay" I had almost forgotten the shy filly was still with us as she sat next to dash. "Thanks Shy, but yeah so what is a unicorn doing up here anyway?" Dash had somehow ordered a lemonade and sandwich before I noticed and was happily eating away. "Field trip to the weather factory, my mom is a Weather Captain so she met me up here, you just missed the rest of my group." "Weather Captain? She isn't something cool like a guard or a Wonderbolt, Lame." She finished her drink, "come on shy lets get back to practice." She was out the door before I could even respond while Fluttershy just gave an apologetic smile before slowly following her out the door. "Sorry, it was nice meeting you." "Your Bill," A waiter said leaving me a bit confused until I noticed what it was for. I grumbled, pulled out the bit pouch in my mane, and paid for her meal, That filly owes me ten bits. When my mom eventually returned and I finished grumbling about the rude filly she put me on her back and we flew back towards school. Along the way I asked her, "mom, how could I walk on the clouds?" I felt her tense and lose a bit of altitude, "What are you..?" "Mom," I cut her off, "you know they test our magic at school right?" "Clever colt. Honestly Dawn I'm not sure, even with Pegasus ley lines the Specialist we had to take you to said you shouldn't be able to cloud walk. In fact your dam and I were told your unicorn magic might end up crippled as well but here we are. Cases like yours are rare and we almost didn't even find out." I was intrigued there were others like me but that it didn't work out. That reminds me of someone. As we touched down at the school mom continued, "Do you remember last time I brought you up to visit your grandparents with your dam?" "Hardly, it was years ago and before we moved from Canterlot." "Well we found out that day. The cloud walking spell your dam used on you both expired before she expected. Your dam was standing on an enchanted rug so was fine at first but we were both sent into a panic when she stepped off it and almost fell through the cloud layer. We feared that if it expired for her it must have for you and yet, you were bounding around your grandparents cloud house with your cousins like nothing had changed. After the visit we took you to the hospital just to be sure you were fine and they told us of your condition." She sniffled a bit as she lifted me off her back to look at then nuzzle me. "Dawn, What you did today they said would likely kill you, either from falling if your Pegasus magic suddenly gave out or some other issue. It's why we have your grandparents always visit us instead of the other way around, to prevent you from having to cloud walk. I thought today would be ok but..." She sniffled and hugged me tightly. The revelation that my situation wasn't the first and it was seen as a disease frightened me. "Well it worked out mom, and I didn't fall or die." I nuzzled her chest fluff. "Yeah we got lucky today," she wiped her eyes with her fore legs and gave me a kiss on the forehead, "anyway sport now you know so be careful, I'll let your dam know what happened when I get home." She took off and hovered a moment, "You have a good rest of your weekend." she shot off fast enough to leave a trail. "Rainbow dash you were not very nice to that unicorn colt today," Fluttershy said to her friend and protector as they headed to her house. Rainbow didn't like her own as much for some reason. "What are you talking about shy, aside from running into him I wasn't that bad." Dash flicked her wing in dismissal. "You didn't pay for your lunch." Her voice squeaked a bit but she had to be strong. "Well dang, I thought I forgot something, Oh well that horn head probably covered it." She shrugged. "Rainbow. Dash. That's no way to talk about unicorns or treat a colt so I expect you to pay him back if you see him again." Fluttershy stared at her friend without backing down. Dash gulped then nodded, "ok shy, I will." Fluttershy returned to all smiles as she walked inside her house, "good, he and his mom did seem like good ponies." "That filly can be really scary sometimes," She followed after her friend. Celestia raised her glowing horn to slowly lower the sun and raise the moon in its place, breathing a sigh of relief once finished. The day was finally over. She had spent most of her Saturday catching up on her work from the previous week instead of teaching Twilight. A few 'minor' issues had occurred causing her work to pile up. "Raven why must the nobles be such a headache," She asked her newest secretary, Raven Inkwell, who had just poured her a cup of tea. "I, I don't know princess." Raven had only just started recently after taking the oaths to the crown so wasn't sure how to answer. "It's because they are all selfish," Celestia was having a rare moment where she let her mask slip. "Hardly any of them ever come to me with Ideas for helping our little ponies instead of themselves." She rested her chin on her tea table and lazily took a sip from the fresh cup. "Most of the 'nobles' are still asking for crown funding for repairing damage to personal property from the storm weeks ago. Most of which they could have gotten fixed already if they were not opposed to using their own bits. Yet all they do is blame the weather Pegasi for all their problems after 'being unable to contain the storm' or complaining that the farmers, who actually need help, are getting assistance first." She rubbed her cheeks with her hooves to get the blood flowing. "Speaking of which, Raven can you get me that final report from the Apples." "Of course princess," Raven magicked over a scroll and gently set it down. Celestia read over it with a frown, "so he couldn't be recovered, shame," She sighed heavily, "they also need some crown assistance after loosing dozens of trees and a barn. Well that can be easily taken care of." She wrote a quick missive for her private treasury and passed it off to Raven. "Unlike this," She read the report from her school and frowned for an entirely new reason. "I can't imagine why anyone would risk hiring a pony to try and bribe one of my staff just to deliver a letter from 'Onyx Star' to his own Grandfoal, whoever it is." "The pony who was caught said that the family is not on good terms so his employer was just trying to reach them." Raven read off her notes. "Still no idea who they were trying to reach? Do we even know if it is a filly or colt?" Celestia huffed, the letter in question had been magically sealed surprisingly well, even she had trouble opening it without destroying it. "No, the currier refused to answer, as is his right, the only reason we got the name 'Onyx Star' was it was added to the letter and they probably thought the seal was enough." Raven finished. "A problem for another day then, It's about time we both retire." She stretched and left for her bedroom. "Goodnight raven." "Goodnight princess," Raven bowed. > Ch18. Sunday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up before the Dawn again. I groaned at my own joke then shook my head to clear it a bit, messing up my mane. After all the excitement of yesterday I was looking to have a calm Sunday and see my friends later. Now that we were well into the semester our teachers were no longer holding back leaving us less time to simply hang out. Guess that’s what happens when you go to THE most prestigious school in the country. I grabbed my brush in my magic for a quick grooming then sat down at my desk. Pulling out my study supplies I got to work on my rune practice for magic class first. Lighting my horn I began carefully working through the mental motions of each rune while channeling a bit of magic, double checking my reference book when needed. It’s almost like music notes with the way they hum. Runes for a unicorn were the building blocks of advanced more efficient spells or enchanted items, hence why the school taught them. Sure unicorns could brute force the magic but runes make it way easier. I was about halfway through practicing the full set for the third time when there was a knock at my door. “Dawn, pardon my knocking but are you awake yet?” Sunburst called out. The sun had risen at some point during my practice. “Yeah Sunburst, I’m awake,” I opened the door with my magic and he walked over. “Oh, what are you reading?” He spotted the open book. “Just practicing and memorizing the runes in this book for my assignment.” I pass him my copy of ‘runes a reference guide’. “Um Dawn, you know you don’t have to practice the whole thing until later in your fourth year.” He pulled out the assignment parchment I had tucked into the index. “See here, you only need to memorize the first five basic ones including light.” I gave him an owlish look, “what?! Great, I thought that seemed excessive but my classmate Twilight mentioned memorizing them all and I didn’t bother reading the rest of the assignment.” I whined while he just laughed. “Well at least you will be ahead, I like reading ahead too. For the theory.” he said the last part a bit quieter then moved on, “Shall we go get breakfast?” “Yeah then we can go meet up with the fillies. Starlight wanted to show us her new kite and have a picnic.” After a quick breakfast and getting some lunch to go, the two of us headed outside to the currently unoccupied training grounds. The area would provide plenty of open space for us to play. “So have you learned any new magic yet Sunburst or do second years also focus on the theory, history and safe practices of magic?” I excitedly asked. “Oh yes we do get to actually try spells along with the rest, here let me show you.” His horn light up and a few motes of light disconnected, changing color and forming the pattern of a bird before suddenly disappearing. “Heh, I’m still not very good. It was supposed to be an illusion of a bird in flight.” I pat him on the back, “no worries, you’re still way better at the history and theory part than I am. Thanks again for helping me with that last assignment.” The two of us continued to converse until. “Hey there you two,” Starlight and Trixie joined us. “Trixie is glad to see you both,” she flourished her cape. “Hi Starlight. Hi Trixie.” We both replied. After greeting each other, Trixie began focusing on Sunburst allowing Starlight to ask privately. “So what happened with you and your mom yesterday?” “Oh some Pegasus filly ran into me, literally.” I rolled my eyes and told her what happened, including my condition. “Woah, that sounds kind of scary. Are you going to be ok.” She looked concerned. “Yeah, I’ll be fine if I stick to the ground. I’m more upset about those ten bits.” I said playfully causing her to roll her eyes and giggle. “Well if you’re sure,” she continued so the others could hear, “let’s fly some kites!” After spending the morning running around and flying kites the five of us, Lyra had joined about an hour ago after I spotted her wandering alone, all of us decided we had had enough fun and broke out the picnic basket. We laid out a blanket to sit on then dug into lunch. "Trixie was pleasantly surprised, she did not know kites were so much fun." "I know right, I love how they move through the air and," Starlight continued to passionately talk about kites and her ideas for enchanting them which transitioned into enchantments and other conversation. Lyra mostly stayed quiet but seemed to just enjoy our company. Eventually I yawned and decided it was time for a nap. After dozing for a bit I felt pressure and warmth on my sides causing me to crack open one eye. Starlight and Trixie were pressed against my sides, heads on my neck. Sunburst loafed next to Starlight and Lyra Next to Trixie but not quite touching. I gave Starlight and Trixie a friendly nuzzle and went back to napping in the sun. Celestia was nothing but genuine smiles today, She and Twilight were out walking the campus in the warm afternoon sun while conversing about anything young Twilight had wanted. It was rare for Celestia to have a full day off but with fall break and Nightmare Night coming up she wanted to spend plenty of time with her personal protégé alone. "Oh and did you know that Starswirl the Bearded was the first one to use that spell princess?" The excited Twilight asked from their ongoing conversation. Celestia gave a warm playful smile with a raised eyebrow, "Twilight, you do know I was there and was the one to record the event?" Twilights eyes went wide and she gasped, "Oh my gosh princess I can't believe I forgot that. I am so sorry." She went on for a bit until Celestia tittered, "It is quite alright Twilight. Switching topics how is young Spike doing?" "Oh," Twilight flattened her ears, "He is a hoofful princess. Shining and Cadence are currently watching him since I knew we were spending time together and they often help out a lot calling it 'practice'." Celestia gave a thoughtful look, "Has this assignment been to much for you Twilight?" Twilight shook her head and slowed her gait , "Not at all princess it's just...Is Spike my son?" Celestia almost tripped in her walking, "What ever gave you that Idea? Didn't I already adopt him and name your parents as his legal guardians." "Well, Dawn asked me when he first met Spike if I was his Mom. I then read up on the topic of parenting and even though you are his legal mother I was still the one that hatched his egg and watch over him a lot of the time like a mother would." Twilight scratched at the ground with her hoof. "That colt is something," Celestia said under her breath then, "Twilight, You are a bit young to have a foal of your own however if you do wish to be his mother instead of older sister we could change it later on. I would not worry yourself about it now and just be a good family member." She gave her student a nuzzle. "Thanks princess," Twilight happily replied and then continued their walk. As the Two continued around the campus an interesting sight caught Celestia's eye in the training grounds, a small pony nap pile had formed with Dawn in the middle surrounded by a few of his classmates. She then looked at Twilight who only talked about magic yet never her friends, she only ever mentioned Moon Dancer as a research partner. "Come with me Twilight," Celestia said with a sly smile and quietly led them both over to the blanket. She then laid down facing Dawn who cracked open his eye again. Twilight hesitantly joined her and almost squeaked when Celestia pulled her close using her wing. As I cracked my eye open after sensing a new presence in front of me I smiled when I saw the solar alicorn and her student so quietly greeted . "Well Hi Celestia. Thanks for the nice sunny day. Hello to you too Twilight." I finished with a yawn that Twilight mimicked then covered her muzzle. They really are infectious. "Thank you, the weather team and I did our best," She smiled, "I do feel better knowing my little ponies can enjoy days like these." The rest of the group began to stir at her talking, "oh my Looks like I woke your friends." Starlight rubbed her eyes with her foreleg and mumbled, "Dawn who are you... Princess Celestia?" She stumbled and fell on her back while quickly getting up after looking straight at the allicorn. Everyone but Trixie woke up who just mumbled, "Trixie wants five more minutes," then nuzzled into my mane. The other three bowed until, "no need for that little ones, I'm just here for a social visit with Twilight today." My friends all stood up and Lyra looked star struck, "Wow you really are the princess personal student?" Lyra asked Twilight. Twilight shyly replied, "Yes, I am." Lyra clapped her hooves together, "that is so exciting, do you know anything about Mythical creatures like humans?" "Mythical..? No I prefer facts and reality." Twilight said back. Oh just wait till she learns. "Oh," Lyra's ears drooped. Celestia gave an apologetic look while Starlight glared at Twilight, who didn't notice. If I could move I would facehoof. "As Celestia's personal student you must have access to all kinds of books." Sunburst interjected and Starlight’s glare was directed at him, still unnoticed. Worst timing ever Sunburst. I tried to stop Lyra from trotting off after mumbling, “I better get home,” but was slowed down by the clingy sleeping Trixie. As Twilight excitedly began talking about books with Sunburst who had entered their own world, Starlight gave him an awkward goodbye and a kinder one to me and Trixie including nuzzles for us both. Celestial watched the whole scene play out without interrupting. Eventually the two bookworms suddenly trotted off in the direction of the library discussing some research topic leaving Celestia, myself, and the somehow still sleeping Trixie alone. “Well that didn’t go as planned,” Celestia eventually spoke up. “Ya think princess?” I gave her a deadpan look but eventually we both broke into laughter at how absolutely absurd it all was. “Trixie wants another five more minutes,” she snorted. “I must admit I am impressed Ms. Lulamoon is still asleep.” “Nah this filly can sleep through anything,” to prove my point I nip her ear causing her to mumble and finally roll off me. Celestia and I both share a look then laugh again before I offer her some of our snacks and we start to chat. “What do you mean you couldn’t grab him today!?” Onyx Star yelled and threw his glass at a wall. The Pegasus stallion flinched from being yelled at then slowly replied, “Well he wasn’t alone at all today sir, the princess even joined him for a bit so my boys couldn't grab him.” “Why In Tartarus am I even paying your group without results? First you lose the letter then you don’t meet with my grandson or bring him here!” The stallion huffed until his first wife, Gilded Sunrise, set a hoof on his back. “Now dear, it’s not this poor stallions fault if the princess herself showed up today. We knew she had an eye on him and already have another plan so let’s just go with that one.” She said. “Exactly why rush when we have time,” Gilded Moonrise, his second wife and Sunrise’s twin, said from her spot on a nearby lounge. Their third wife, Evening Flare, was out with their daughter, Evening Frost, on business. “Because the more time we get with him the better, but fine, we can go with the next plan instead,” Onyx conceded to his wives then turned back to the stallion, “now what to do with you?” A sinister smile crossed his face before his two wives both tilted their horns forward and shot the Pegasus with twin beams of magic. The spell quickly converted the poor stallions fur and skin into gold yet left him alive underneath. “We really did need another statue to auction off and make back those bits,” Sunrise smiled. > Ch19. First semester ends. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning my little students. I hope you’re all ready for your tests today before the start of fall break,” Celestia said, much too sunnily while passing out test parchment to the groaning class. Well most of them did, Twilight was actually excitedly wiggling on her cushion while I and a few others were not worried so stayed silent. Interesting they treat her like a teacher before a princess. “Now students it isn’t that bad, we have already covered everything on it and you will have plenty of time today.” She finished passing out the parchment, “you may all begin.” The test, in my opinion, did end up not being so bad. I finished right behind Twilight, leaving us with plenty of time to spare. This was thanks to studying with the rest of my friends, which now included the bookish filly and by extension Moon Dancer. Both adored Sunburst’s shared love of literature, so had been integrated in our group, primarily during our study sessions. Thanks to their addition classes were becoming less stressful thought the trade off being a lingering friction between fillies, from their first meetings, causing plenty of sarcastic conversations. Those three still struggle with social cues though they are getting better. Twinkleshine and Minuette also joined our group, mostly to hang out on weekends or for club activities, not study. Not that Trixie pays much attention unless it’s illusion related. As the class period got close to finishing Celestia gave us a ten minute warning. This caused a flurry of activity from those students still finishing up. After the time was up she magically grabbed all the tests and spoke. “Alright class, you will get these back graded after the break. I hope you all have fun with your families.” She then dismissed us before packing up. “So how do you think you did Dawn?” Twilight joined me in the hall with Lyra looking forlorn on my other side. “Nothing to it, thanks again for joining our study sessions.” I replied. “You should join us more often as well Lyra.” I lightly bumped her figuring she was just upset over the test. She didn’t reply. “Really, no issues? Darn, I was struggling with five and six.” Twilight kicked the ground a bit. A bit concerning considering those were ‘proper use of when not to use magic’ questions. Lyra sighed as we all parted ways for our other classes. Once my classmates had arrived for PE Gale began speaking, “Morning class, as you all know it’s testing day. Luckily for all of you the only thing we check for fitness is that you made improvements, hence me always taking notes.” She held up her notebook. “So stretch out those legs, grab one of the enchanted balls with your magic, and get to galloping.” She blew her whistle and we all got moving. Galloping around the track while maintaining my magical grip on the ball had become foals play after Moon Dancer and I began practicing together in class. We had found that using just the smallest amounts of magic, instead of power, to hold them was the key. Moon Dancer had also made significant progress with her physical fitness after gaining a ‘friendly rival’ in class. After we both finished our twentieth lap, fur drenched in sweat, Gale let Moon Dancer and I know we had finished and could go clean up while the others still had laps to finish. While we washed up our coats I said to Moon, “that felt like fewer laps then what she normally has us do” “Only because we never dropped the ball. The ones that did had to keep starting laps over today unlike during normal classes.” Moon Dancer replied. I did feel bad for the ones that dropped the ball mid lap since they then had to start that one over. Once we were both cleaned up we went back out to the field to wait as a few others who just finished were heading in to clean up. “Good job you two,” Gale said as I sat down next to her, “Moon dancer you have really improved these last few weeks, I only have a few others like you two that can run that fast without breaking concentration.” We both shared smile then said, “Thanks Ms. Gale.” “Hey Starlight how are your tests going so far?” She had just sat down next to me at lunch while the others were still in line. “So far so good. Having PE right before lunch really helps work up an appetite” she dug into her food as Trixie joined us. “Trixie agrees and she is almost too tired to eat.” She huffed and flicked her tail. “Was it really that bad? It couldn't have been as boring as math?” I asked while looking her way, flicking my ear. “Trixie kept dropping her ball and having to start laps over, I haven't had the math one yet.” Starlight answered for her while Trixie gave her a look, “Ms. Gale eventually let her stop when she had run twice as much as the rest of us.” “That’s… actually really impressive you ran that long Trixie.” “Thank you for the compliment Dawn,” she slipped from her persona and blushed a bit then finally took a bite. "I appreciate it." “Hello everypony,” Sunburst chimed in with Twilight and Moon Dancer right behind him. “What are we talking about today? Is it about the tests perhaps?” Twilight asked a bit to happily. “That and how Trixie had to run some extra laps.” I playfully said while Trixie pouted. “Ah yes, I am not looking forward to the running test.” Twilight said after a bite. “Yes that was quite a hard test, I am glad I don’t have PE this year,” Sunburst remarked, “You don’t have to take that class again as a requirement until your last year.” “Wait really?” I was a bit surprised. “Oh yes, unless you want to take it as an elective or club activity it is only required for the first and last years so we can focus on academics.” He nodded to emphasize. “Canterlot high and Jr. high are more of the ‘sports’ oriented school so it is a requirement every year. They are also a mixed school for every tribe and even non ponies.” “My Brother and Foal sitter go there, I didn't know they had non ponies.” Twilight sounded intrigued. Does she not know they are dating still? I kind of want to tell her. “Probably for the ambassadors and such I take it?” I asked Sunburst. “Exactly, you will learn more about Canterlot history in your second year. There are quite a few other creatures such as Griffins and Zebras.” We continued chatting until the end of lunch about the tests and our plans for the break. Sunburst and Starlight were a bit disappointed that I wouldn’t be going back to Sires Hollow with them but I promised souvenirs. Everyone else, except Trixie who was headed to Manehatten, was staying in Canterlot. The rest of the day went at a reasonable pace then was drowned in excitement at the end once school was out. Students galloped home or were greeted by parents who had already arrived to pick up their foals from the dorms. “Hey sport,” I heard from above me. “Mom?” I looked up, “Mom!” I practically tackled her from the sky and a few looks were directed our way. “Woah someone is excited to see me.” She ruffled my mane, “so who are your new friends.” A few of the others had gathered around so I began the introductions by pointing my hoof at each, “this is Lyra, Moon Dancer, Twilight, and Trixie. You already know Starlight and Sunburst.” They each said hello with Breeze replying in turn, “nice to meet all of my colt’s friends.quite the herd you got sport." she directed only towards me but I could tell some of the others heard her when they shyly looked away and everyone but Twilight suddenly left us to our conversation to head out. I bumped her then asked, “so what are you doing here mom?” “Picking you up, Ponyville is easily within flight distance so I’m picking you up today.” We began heading towards the colt dorms with Twilight still curiously following behind. Mom picked up on her glances and turned her way, “So, Twilight, did you still need my son for something?” “Yes, well no. I was more curious about you.” Twilight looked up at her with a smile. “About me?” My mom blinked slowly, while I tittered. “Oh yes, you are only the second Pegasus that I have gotten a chance to talk with and the only one I know that isn’t a teacher not to mention you have a unicorn foal which is fascinating.” She pulled out a notebook and quill, “can I ask some questions?” Don’t do it mom. I looked her way without saying anything. “Sure you can, Dawn why don’t you grab anything you need while I chat with this little one.” My mom happy replied as Twilight dove right into asking about flying and other things. While the two talked outside I cleaned out my saddle bags and only packed the essentials for the week along with some light reading. I also threw on my cloud walking necklace which I wore almost daily. Too bad I had to take it off during tests since it’s a magic item. When I eventually made my way back outside, after stopping to grab the three of us a snack in my bag, my mom was still answering questions but looked a bit frazzled. “Dawn there you are.” My mom gratefully said leaving Twilight disappointed. “Sorry Twilight you can ask me more questions next time ok.” Before I knew it I was picked up onto my mother’s back and we were in the air. So much for snacks. “Wow that filly can ask a lot of questions.” My mom eventually commented during our flight. I giggled, “yeah, she really likes to learn.” I nuzzled the top of her head and looked out over the view of the countryside below us. Almost to Ponyville. Yay, time for a party. > Ch20. Sweet Apple Acres > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When mom finally landed during sunset, it was right in front of the Sweet Apple Acres farmhouse. "Well sport here's where we're staying," she motioned with her wing. "Also, have you gotten heavier sport?" As I slid off my mom's back I playfully ruffled her mane then had to stop and stare just to take it all in, "wow," the farmhouse was much larger and homey than the one from the 'show' in my memories and not just due to my size. The entire homestead looked like it could accommodate a large family herd comfortably and still not have anyone feel crowded with its many rooms and wrap around porch. I looked back at my mom and grinned while my tail happily swished, "is this really where were staying?" "Sure is young'n," an elderly mare who had just come outside chuckled, "Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres and welcome back Forest, good to see you again." "Ms. Smith, good to see you again too." Mom led me onto the porch to join the older mare. "Ah none of that now Forest. I told you before to call me Granny considering you're practically family already after what you've done." Granny Smith leaned down to look me in the eye and smiled. "And this must be your colt, Balanced Dawn." She nodded after looking me over, "Good looking stock, not to spindly compared to most unicorns." "Um, thanks?" I tilted my head while my mom laughed. "Granny, what have I told you about sizing up all our guests?" Chided a Cream colored mare with a ginger mane from the open doorway. That color combination wouldn't stand out on a human. "Bah, I was just teasing the young colt Pear. Let an old Mare have her fun." She straightened back with a slight pop of her back, smirking while my mom tried to contain more giggles, Her and mom clearly got along. Pear Butter rolled her eyes. "Why don't you come inside Dawn so I can introduce everypony else." She held the door open for me as she stepped back inside. I followed her to the massive living room where my mom, a few other foals and a puppy were relaxing. "First off, I'm Pear Butter," She then pointed to everyone one by one, "Then we have my children Big Mac, Applejack with her Puppy Winona, and Applebloom." Big mac gave me a nod while Applejack looked curious, Applebloom babbled happily, slowly walked over to me, and sat right in front of me wanting 'ups'. When I lifted her in my magic and put her on my back she began to giggle and her siblings gave me approving smiles. "Then lastly we have Pinkie Pie my daughters friend and the apprentice of the local bakers Ms. Swirl and Mr. Cake." Pear finished and sat down next to my mom. "Hi everypony, Hi dam good to..." Before I could finish Pinkie rushed over to me and got nose to nose while grinning ear to ear. "Hi Dawn, I'm Pinkie Pie but everyone just calls me Pinkie and I work at the Bakery and Plan Parties. Do you like to Party because I normally throw a Welcome to Ponyville party for everyone I meet." She continued to talk a bit longer until. "Now Pinkie don't go overwhelming the colt." Applejack put a hoof on her friends withers. I Decided to play along, took a deep breath, and matched Pinkie's grin, "Hi Pinkie, I'm Balanced Dawn but everyone just calls me Dawn and I'm a student at CSGU which stands for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Yes I Like to Party but only sometimes since they tire me out but I would love to go to one of your Parties." I finished still nose to nose. Good thing I was ready for her. Everyone in the room was stuned silent aside from Applebloom playing on my back. Pinkie blinked twice, opened and closed her mouth slowly all before I tilted my head and asked, "What were we not playing the 'Introduce ourselves as fast as possible in one breath' game?" The room laughed and Pinkie regained her smile then looked at Applejack, "He's good." Applejack just shook her head and got comfortable again. For the next half hour we all sat around getting to know each other a bit better before Granny called everyone to a late supper. Once in the dining room the sleeping Applebloom was finally pried from my back and put into a foal’s chair to eat after waking up. When everyone was about finished with desert I asked, "So dam, how did you all meet Ms. Pear Butter? Your letter Didn't go into much detail." Once again everyone went quiet, though the room became heavy as ears drooped and Pinkie’s mane deflated. Before anyone could say anything Applejack got up and ran out of the room with Winona while Pear started to quietly cry. Big Mac and Granny both looked teary eyed and excused themselves. Oh no, it was THAT accident? With Pear still alive I didn't even realize. "Dawn, I know you didn't know better but it's painful subject. Their… they lost somepony during that accident.” Dewy sadly said, “now why don’t you go find Applejack and talk to her while your mom and I help clean up.” Breezy moved around the table and wrapped Pear in a hug. "It's ok let it all out." I nodded and left the table while my family and Pinkie got to cleaning up for the somber Apple family. Me and my big mouth. Once outside in the moonlight I lit my horn for a small tracking spell. Following the dimly glowing thread it created brought me to the base of a treehouse I recognized with the sounds of crying emanating from inside. Walking slowly up the ramp and pushing the clubhouse door open I found a curled up Applejack with her hat, wimpering Winona, and a framed photo in her forehooves the only light coming from a dim lantern. Without saying anything I laid down next to her, she flinched at the contact but didn’t otherwise respond. She eventually wiped her eyes, “I really miss him you know, my hat was the last thing he gave me before he and ma went on their delivery. I’m real grateful your moms saved mine I just wish it hadn’t been too late for him.” I didn’t say anything while she sniffled, put her hat back on, and let Winona go to get more comfortable at her side. “Don’t get me wrong I don’t blame them or nothing, especially after hearing mom tell the full story it just still upsets me that Bloom won’t ever get the chance to know him and the rest of us won’t ever get to see him again.” She passed me the framed photo of her and her parents. I looked it over and passed it back. “What about your pa, your moms never mentioned him, did he also?” She looked at me with red eyes. I shook my head a bit, “no idea, dam doesn’t talk about it, but that’s fine. I have loving parents and life isn’t bad. Plus, you still have your family too and new friends so even if your little sister never got to meet him you can all share the memories.” I gave her a friendly nuzzle, “why not practice with me?” For the next while she told me what happened then moved on to happier memories. She ended with a story about her dad and brother making a big mess doing chores until she was laughing and crying. Eventually as the night wore on and her emotions ran dry, Applejack fell asleep with a smile on her face. “Dawn, Aj I'll let your family know you’re here.” Pinkie called up from the base of the tree, “ then I’m heading Home, stay warm.” A thick blanket roll then came through the window which I grabbed in my magic. Thanks Pinkie. You're welcome. I could have sworn I heard her respond. “Sweet dreams Aj!” I wrapped us both up with Winona and a warming enchantment to help keep out the cold of the fall winds. “Do you think we should go check on him Breezy?” Morning Dew nervously asked her partner as they cuddled into bed after Pinkie told them what happened. “Our colt will be fine Dewy, you wanted him to go cheer Applejack up remember.” Forest Breeze gave her wife a quick kiss. “Yes, but I wasn’t expecting them to stay out in her clubhouse. She is two years older so come next spring she’ll probably have her first season. She just better not take advantage of our colt.” Dewy huffed. “Well he could do worse.” Breezy playfully said, earning a smack from a pillow held in her wife’s magic. “Not funny Forest Breeze.” Dew used her wife's full name to make a point. Breeze sighed, “Dewy, Dawn will be fine. He is as smart as both of us and knows more than he let’s on these days. He won’t be our little colt forever.” She hugged her wife who huffed. “I know,” she buried herself in her partner’s wings. “We could always use that spell again to have another,” she tried to say seductively but only got another playful pillow smack. “Breeze, it was difficult to cast the first time and it should only be for seasonal relief. We still have no idea how it resulted in Dawn being born or what it did to his magic. We still haven’t even told him,” Morning whined. “I told you I am perfectly fine using a stud for our next.” “It’s not the same and you know it,” Breeze licked her wife’s horn causing her to shudder. "Maybe this season then we try," Dew conceded and nipped her wife's wing. The two didn’t go much further than that, falling asleep with plenty to think about. I woke up at sunrise to a blond tail slapping across my face and a playful smile from a green eyed filly as she looked my way before heading the out the clubhouse door. Rolling my eyes I rolled the blanket back up and carried it back to the house in my magic. Once inside I quickly set it on the couch so I could follow my nose towards the kitchen. “Morning youngin,” Granny Smith greeted with Mac Next to her as I arrived, “how about you help Mac and I out? No magic except adding love to the food while cooking in this kitchen though,” She winked. “Sure Granny, Morning Big Mac” having remembered having hands before it was no trouble to use my hooves and TK grip instead of levitation for the work. Granny gave me an approving nod after watching me for a bit. "Yup," He nodded as we worked. “Morning Dawn,” As we cooked up pancakes and eggs my dam stopped by for a nuzzle before helping to set the table. Once we finished cooking, both families sat around the table to enjoy breakfast. Near the end Pear spoke up, "Aj, Mac, why don't you two show Dawn around town today while us grownups handle the chores." "Really? Ok sounds fun," She got up and began pulling me towards the front door while her older brother followed with a sigh and my moms held back laughter. "Be back by lunch you three." My dam called after us. > Ch20.5 Third Shift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I found it! This will be the perfect place to get started." Rarity exclaimed while holding a Ponyville paper in her hooves. "Low cost for the property? Check, the town even has a 'New Business fund'. Close to a big city? Check, and its Canterlot. Plenty of gems? Check, there's an old mine which should be perfect." Rarity finished her checklist and began packing her bags. Her Parents already knew she would be leaving soon but with them constantly traveling with Sweetie she could go whenever she was ready. "Oh if only I could get there before Nightmare Night and drum up some last minute business. Oh but will I have enough bits to renovate?" She pulled out a well organized bank book with a fairly hefty sum. Thanks to her gem hunting she had managed to save more then enough bits for her dream of moving out since she had no plans for Highschool. Sure collecting all those gems had been muddy work but no one else had to know a ladies secrets. "Whoo-Hoo this is awesome." Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew around the test course. Now that flight school was out she finally had plenty more time to train instead of taking boring classes. She continued to fly in loops and through cloud rings to test her skills and push her limits. No one was around to watch her though so she didn't feel quite the same enjoyment from her tricks. Sure she loved to fly for the sake of it but why couldn't she enjoy having someone be there to cheer her on. "Hello again everyone," Fluttershy gently called out. She had once again flown down to the ground to meet up with her animal friends who slowly came out to greet her. One particular rabbit holding out it's paws and chittering at her. "Yes I brought your extra large carrot." "Woah radical," another voice called out, "these critters all really seem to dig you." "Epp," Fluttershy hid behind her mane as an older green filly, practically a young mare looked at her. "I'm Tree Hugger, what's your name?" "So they finally left Canterlot?" Gilded Sunrise Idly asked. "Exactly mom," Even Frost answered, "and lucky for us they are both in Ponyville." "I still don't know why that one thought it was a good idea to run away," Sunrise replied. "So Moon Dancer will you be joining us for Nightmare Night?" Twilight's ears perked up as Cadence asked the question. They were all currently inside Twilight's room at the castle for a sleepover. She pinned her ears back, "I don't know. I have never been out for Nightmare Night since my mom is always too busy to take me out." Twilight jumped up and exclaimed. "Well then, you have to join us. My BBBFF and Cadence are taking Spike and I out while my parents go to some fancy party. It's the last year he can take me since he is joining the guards soon." Moon Dancer thought it over for a bit then happily said, "Sure, sounds really fun," then shifted back to sad, "but I dont have a costume." "Don't worry, we can get you one," Cadence said. Celestia slowly sipped her wine then sighed blissfully before she slid deeper into her steaming bath. With her School on break and no other pressing matters on her plate, she finally had some time to relax. Feather Duster, who had been washing her mane before she moved asked, "Everything alright princess?" "For the moment Feather, everything is going just fine. My students did well on all of their tests especially the ones I have my eye on, Fall break is upon us even though I loathe Nightmare Night, and the nobles are finally calm lately." She set down her glass and let out another content sigh before reluctantly standing up out of the water. Lightly shaking her wings and letting the water slide down her fur she gave a small nod to Feather. Feather brought over a few large towels and a brush then began drying Clestia off. "Should I bring you something to snack on once I finish princess?" Feather was slowly collecting a slew of emotions, including maternal love, from her content Princess. Celestia hummed when Feather began preening and drying her wings, "That sounds Lovely Feather." Once Celesta was fully groomed she headed back into her bed chambers and got comfortable on her cushion. Feather licked her lips and let out a small burp behind her forehoof before cleaning up and following. "I'll have everything ready in a moment princess." > Ch21. Tour the Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the three of us galloped out of the farmhouse I asked, “So where to first you two?” “Wellp, I figure we’ll start with the school house since it’s closest then circle around town and stop by our families stand.” Applejack shouted back at me. “Sound good to you Mac?” “Yup, sounds good sis.” Big Mac nodded. When we reached the schoolhouse fence Cheerilee was helping an older mare re-paint the building. She must already be working as an apprentice. As soon as she noticed the Apple siblings she set down her brush and walked over, “Hey there Applejack.” She gave a friendly wave, “Hi Big Mac.” She said with a wink causing his cheeks to somehow become redder. “Who’s the new colt, another family member?” “Nah, this is a family friend, Balanced Dawn,” Aj put a hoof on my back while also giggling at her brother. “Oh, well nice to meet you Dawn,” we shared a hoof bump, “I’m Cheerilee the teacher’s assistant for Ponyville’s school and future teacher.” “Nice to meet you Cheerilee. Need any help?,” I decided to tease Mac a bit, “I bet Big Mac here would Love~ ya help.” He sputtered a bit and shot me a look. I gave him an innocent smile in return. She acted like it was a tough decision by tilting her head back and forth then said, “sure, thanks for the help Mac and I'm glad you don't mind.” But was already dragging the poor young stallion off to help. When they were out of earshot, “that was an awful thing to do ta my brother.” Aj tried reprimanded, though considering she couldn’t keep a straight face it lost all effect. "You're Lucky I like Cheerilee, though my brother might get ya back for that." “What,” I shrugged, “the big guy needed a wingpony.” She started to walk off and shook her head, “a what?” “Meh, it’s a Pegasus saying I picked up from my relatives.” I started following after her and noticed something I hadn’t before when I glanced at her flank. “Hey Aj,” I finally brought it up after passing the future site of Carousel Boutique, “Can I ask you something?” “Ya just did Sugarcube,” she said with a playful flick of her tail. I rolled my eyes, “How did you get your cutie mark and why is it two apples and a pear?” Wish I could think of a better way to ask considering the change. "Don't you know its rude to look at a fillies flank," She exclaimed while blushing then slowed down to sit and continued more seriously, "Honestly it's a bit of a story if you want to listen." I sat then nodded for her to continue, "Well I wasn't always the best at telling the truth ya see. I would lie for any little reason such as getin out a my chores. It got really bad when my mom told me she was having another foal which made me jealous, though I didn't know it at the time. Eventually I even lied to myself by saying I hated living on the farm and moved in with my aunt and uncle Orange so I could be a city pony." She scraped her hoof on the dirt then shook her head. “I spent a year there acting completely unlike myself, all until I saw this rainbow explosion in the sky with the trail leading back home. That's when I knew I had to be honest with myself and go back home to my parents. As soon as I got home my mark appeared and I have been helping my family with the farm ever since." "But why the one pear if you're and Apple?" I tilted my head. The rest of her story is close to what I know. "Well at first I didn't really know but ma finally told me the story about how her and pa met after his funeral," Her ears drooped a bit but she smiled. "Turns out her side of the family runs the pear farm right next door and her folks forbid her from being with my pa but she loved him anyway, after his passing she started reconnected with them and is talking with her pa, my Grandpa Pear, again. Once he apologized for being stubborn a course. So it shows my ties to both my families." She finished with a smile and flick of her tail. "Wow that's an incredible story," She beamed at the praise. "What about yours?" She motioned towards my flank, "That's one unique mark." "I really don't know for sure. Funny thing Is I also got my mark during that Rain-boom. I was hit with so much magic that I passed out and woke up with it." I looked back and examined it close for the first time in a while. AJ whistled, "so much magic you passed out, must have hurt." I nodded, "Oh yeah. As for what it means well, The star is for being good with magic and the gear is the same for science. The Ying Yang is for Balance of the two but I still don't know why its made of the Night and Day instead of the normal Black and White." "Well shucks sounds complicated, can’t ever say I’ve seen a symbol like that." She tapped her chin then shrugged. "Meh, I'll figure it out one day. Anyway thanks for answering Aj." I stood up and after she joined me we resumed our walking. "Thanks for listening, I think I have only told my family that story so far." She hummed and we continued our tour. As the two of us walked around I was able to see what plenty of the town was like before it was in the show. The Library was still open for business yet, due to the Librarian retiring next year, it would be closing up for Twilights arrival soon. As we passed Bon Bon's she was just setting up shop so it was still rough looking and under construction. I spotted a pregnant Ditzy Do applying at the post office when we passed by and almost wanted to say hello. Strange to see it all so early though not everywhere is different like the statue and open market. “Hey you two what ya doing?” A pink blur that had just showed up asked. “Bah!” Aj and I both fell back on our haunches as an excited Pinkie suddenly appeared in our path. “Gosh darn it Pinkie don’t do that!” Aj playfully swiped at Pinkie with her hat while I laughed after recovering. “Okie dokie lokie. But here,” she passed us both an envelope. “Pinkie what’s…” I started to ask but she was already bouncing down the street so I shrugged and opened it with my hooves receiving a face full of glitter. Note to self, open all invites using magic away from face. I tried using a quick cleaning spell to remove the glitter and managed to succeed on my third attempt then read the invitation. Applejack giggled and held hers at hoof’s length. “So what’s it say?” “You’re invited to a surprise ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party at Sugar Cube Corner.” I flipped over the card expecting more yet it was blank. “No time or anything.” I shrugged. Applejack asked me to open hers so I did, this time using my magic, and read out, “show up at 5pm tomorrow.” “Now how the hay did she know you’d open yours first?” Aj asked. “Magic probably”. I shrugged. “So want to go?” “Course I will, it’s a Pinkie Party. I may not have know her long but she already throws great parties. Pluss it's supposed to rain tomorrow so no chores.” Aj smiled and we continued on with the tour of the town. Just before noon Aj and I finally made our way to the Apple Family’s stall in the market. I was a bit surprised to find my dam and Pear Butter deep in conversation during a lull in business. "I'm serious Pear we need to getting the Apple family a better contract." I overheard my dam say to Pear them sharing a small nuzzle. I tilted my head as we walked up. Aj was about to say something but I stopped her with flick of my tail. She gave me a look and I shook my head. "But the Apple family has been working with the Rich family since the founding of Ponyville," Pear responded with a downcast look. "I'm not saying we should cut them off just work out new deals considering how old your contracts are and how well Barnyard Bargains is doing, the Apple's are a noble house for Celestias sake." My Dam finished just as we made it to the stall. "Mom what are you and Ms. Dew talking about?" Applejack asked her mom while looking up at her curiously. "Just, business sugar." She sighed, "Did you and Dawn have a good morning? Where's your brother?" Pear hugged her daughter while my dam and I shared a quick nuzzle and greeting. Big Mac chose that moment to show up, covered in paint droplets. "I was roped into hanging out with Cheerilee and helping paint the schoolhouse." He said with a huff and a glare my way to which I just smiled. "Well ain't that just sweet of you." Pear nuzzled the top of her sons head without noticing his frustration. "That filly is a sweetheart. Looks like you need a good scrubbing though." She finished with a giggle. As the three of them continued to talk my own dam magicked me onto her back and asked, "Have fun with Applejack?" I nuzzled her neck glad to be off my hooves, "Yeah, we walked ALL over the town. It's bigger than home but still way smaller than Canterlot even though it's so close." She started walking away from the stand so we could head back to the farm. "Speaking about town, how would you feel about us moving here?" My ears perked, "What do you mean?" "Well... Your mom and I were thinking about living closer to your school since you cant visit Sires Hollow on weekends unlike Ponyville, plus they are in need of more experienced weather manager that can handle the Everfree. Not to mention Pear would like to have us close by." I almost thought my mom was blushing at that last part. "What about your work though, and my friends?" While the Idea did excite me a bit I also really didn't want to move again. Also I feel it will change too much. She rebutted "Well sweetie I can work almost anywhere not to mention the Apples need help with accounting work. As for you and your freinds, you are in school with Sunburst and Starlight so you'll get to see them plenty." I went silent to think it over just as we crossed onto the farm. My dam must have taken it as my approval though since she continued with, "Anyway sweetie we wont move in until after we talk things out some more." "Move in where?" I tilted my head? "Well with the Apples of course." She was definitely blushing this time. WHAT?!? I spent the afternoon walking around town and thinking about everything my parents had told me. Apparently after they had both rescued Pear Butter the three of them began spending a lot of time together. At first it was just to make sure she was doing ok and helping out around the farm after Bright Mac's passing then they started getting closer over the weeks. They didn't share all the details, not that I wanted them, yet I could see how happy It made them so I couldn't really oppose. Big Mac and Applejack took the news a bit better since they wouldn't be moving and had spent plenty of time around my parents lately, but it was still a shock to them that their mother had found new love. At least Bloom is too young to notice. Really I wouldn't be opposed if it wasn't changing so much. I sighed while passing an alley then overheard a familiar voice crying. Is that Lyra? > CH22. Evening Sweets Drop. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I just cant do it any more Bonnie, I don't know what to do." A familiar, sobbing voice said from an alley, I moved my way closer while sticking close to the wall to listen. "All they do is fight and try to drag me into it, If it weren't for your letters I don't know what I would do. It's why I had to finally come see you." After poking my head around the corner I could not see that It was Lyra crying against Bon Bon's side. Bon Bon's ear flicked in my direction but otherwise ignored my presence, "Lyra, If things are that bad I will need to report it to the Princess." "You can't!" Lyra gasped and wiped some of her tears away, "I'll end up in an orphanage which would be worse since then I couldn't even go to CSGU and who knows where I'll end up. I couldn't stand living further from you." Lyra nuzzled Bon Bon who just sighed and hugged her back. "Well isn't this just lucky," An unknown voice said from behind me before I was unceremoniously bucked into the alley shocking both fillies as I screamed out in pain. "Dawn?," Lyra asked confused, "What's going..?" She was cut off by the husky female voice of the new arrival, "Here I was thinking I would have to track you both down separately yet to my pleasant surprise you are both in one convenient location." Bon Bon took up a fighting stance as she stepped between us and the mare as I tried to regain my footing, struggling to breathe. What the hay was that. "Dawn are you ok, what's going on?" Lyra tried helping me up. "Don't you dare come any closer to them." Bon Bon Yelled at the approaching Earth pony mare. "Well now, it looks like they have their own little body guard," The dark brown mare mocked, "If you don't want to get hurt sweetie I suggest you step aside and let me get what I came for." I managed to get back on my feet as Bon Bon stared daggers at the Mare, huffing, "Not a chance. You will have to get through me to get to them." The mare gave a grim smile, "Perfect." "Hey Breezy, Pear, have either of you seen Dawn?" Morning Dew asked her wife and Mare friend after entering the living room of the Apple family farmhouse. "Nope, Haven't seen the colt since he walked out after we finished explaining everything." Forest Breeze replied from the couch where she was pressed close to Pear Butter's side. "Well It's getting late and I'm getting worried about him. Applejack and Big mac are both in the house and haven't seen him either." She was fretting on her hooves and looking nervous, "I just have a bad feeling." Pear chimed in, "Ponyville is a safe town and maybe he is just out at the treehouse again, he was a bit shocked by the news of us all dating." "Yeah I bet Pear is right," Breeze agreed. Dew Joined them both on the couch, "You both are probably right, I just wish I knew where he was so I wouldn't have to worry so much." Pain, That was the only thing I could feel as I was tossed like luggage onto what I assumed was a train car. I heard a second thump from inside the bag I was confined, as Lyra was thrown close beside me. What the Buck is going on? I was being reminded this was not the Equestira from a kids show but the real word, all from being foal napped. Not that I needed the reminder. I groaned in pain and tried to light my horn but nothing happened, Great the bag has magic nullification or something. As I laid on my side struggling to breath I could hear Lyra sobbing from close by. "Lyra, we will be ok." "Fat chance of that," the mare that attacked us said. "You two must have really upset someone with deep pockets for them to hire someone like me to come get you." I could hear her grunt as she closed the train car's door. "Now then, you two have fun in silence." I felt something solid held by a hoof touch the bag then everything went quiet. Great a sound blocking crystal. I was scared. It was dark, it was silent, and I had no idea why this was happening. Not to mention she said she was looking for both Lyra and I but why. I tried moving closer to where I thought Lyra was but a hoof suddenly smacked into my head and I was knocked out. "I want a divorce so Get out!" The woman yelled at me while throwing a folder at me. "I don't want you in this house and I dont want to have to see you any more." "YOU want a divorce? You're the one going out on weekends and have apparently been cheating on me while I bust my ass working night shifts. You may want me out but I don't legally have to leave so why dont you go if you want to get away from me." I yelled back. Oh it's this nightmare. I internally sighed but couldn't break the memory. "And yet I still make more than you so get out of MY house." She yelled again. "YOUR house?! Who cares if you make more when you spend it all to go out partying every weekend while I actually pay the bills. But, you know what, you can keep the damn house after you buy my half and try to pay for it yourself. Do that and I'll move out." I slammed the door to my home office with my magic looking over the divorce papers in my hooves while fuming at my desk. "Such a strong nightmare for one so young." A new voice said from my side. I looked around the now open field covered in a dark mist that I was now sitting in. After taking a deep calming breath I loafed in the grass and spoke, "Yeah it wasn't the best time but things actually got so much better when she was gone. I just wish I could say the same about my current predicament." "Oh, so are you scared of us?" The voice teased. "Nah, I'm currently foal napped so why would I be scared of a nightmare or you Nightmare Moon?" I sighed. I really am bucked. Nightmare Moon showed a mixed expression as she walked out of the mist looking me over. "You are a strange one Balanced Dawn, We have been watching your dreams for many a night yet We still dont understand how a foal your age can have them. Let alone how We can see your dreams yet none of our other subjects'." She loafed in front of me to look me in the eye. "As strange as a Nightmare clinging to Princess Luna?" I snarked. There was a flash of anger on her face enhanced with lightning flashing in the background. "Never Use that name! We are Nightmare Moon!" "Fine, Nightmare Moon." I placated, which worked. "What can I help you with tonight?" "Nothing at all. I am here to help you since we are finally able to speak. Your natural defenses are so high that I have been unable to until now." She practically purred. They must be down with my magic blocked or maybe since I'm injured. "So Monnie what are you going to help me with and why?" I snarked. She narrowed her eyes then smiled, showing off her fangs, "Why, escaping of course and simply because you are the only one I can talk to from my prison." I managed to feel a chill down my spine even inside the dream. "Doctor we have an emergency!" The night nurse yelled after rushing into his office. "Lead the way," the young Doctor Horse calmly got up from his desk, "What's the patient's condition?" "Not good, she has multiple bruises, cuts, and probably a broken rib or two." The nurse explained. Both sped up after the night nurse explained her patient's injuries. "Sweet Celestia what happened to her?" Doctor Horse asked. When he finally saw his newest charge he first mistook the cream coated young mare for red due all the blood. "According to a witness she was attacked while defending two others who were foalnapped. The guards were alerted, but they need to know who was taken and any other details. They asked us to let them know when she," the nurse motioned to the young mare on the gurney, "wakes up." "Well lets make sure she will make it through the night first." He replied then began slowly treating the injuries he could with magic after finishing his preliminary scan. "go prep the MRI, I'm going to need detailed scans to fix her internals once I get her stable. Also some mana potions, I have a feeling I'm going to need all the magic I can get." The nurse nodded and got to work. "So they are finally on the way?" Gilded Sunrise asked with a smile and a drink in her hoof while her fellow herd mates listened approvingly. "Yes, It looks like we finally hired someone competent, I just received the missive via magical scroll a few moments ago." Evening Frost told her parents. "Excellent, I can't wait to finally meat this grandcolt of mine along with our other purchase." Onyx Star laughed. Celestia was not happy. She had just been alerted that the wards on one of her S.M.I.L.E. agents from Ponyville had been broken. Sweetie Drops was apparently one of the newer members and had Just been assigned to the area from Canterlot in preparations for her plans in a few years. "Attacked while defending two foals and is now in the hospital?" She asked the mare who was giving her the report. "Yes mam, her cover is still intact but unfortunately we do not know who she was defending or any other information." Celestia sighed and rubbed her muzzle, "Thank you for the report, I'll let the guard handle it from here since her cover is intact." The mare saluted and left while Celestia took a sip of her, now boiling, tea and talked to herself. "Somepony must not know what happens when they attack My little ponies." > CH23. Unwanted family reunion. Pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had no idea how long I had been out after finally regaining consciousness. Buck my everything hurts. I thought to myself as my eyes watered from the pain as I lay on my side in what felt and smelled like a fresh pile of hay. At least I’m no longer stuffed in a sack even if I still can’t see. The cellar turned prison I was in was pitch black, I tried to ignite my horn but only managed a few sparks before a headache set in. Feeling up towards my horn, Great they put a nullifier ring on me. I then tried to channel magic through my hoof and managed a small light, finding it more difficult than normal yet still manageable. Looking around I couldn't see much, Strange they didn't chain me up. Wait is that? “Lyra, can you hear me?” I whispered. From what I could see of her, she wasn’t looking much better than I was. I tried scooting closer, unable to stand, but stopped immediately when I heard a door opening. Acting quickly, I put out my light and closed my eyes to act as if still passed out. “You did what?!” My ear flicked at the almost familiar sounding mare's voice. “What, YOU said bring the two targets alive and I did. It’s not my fault there were three of them putting up a fight.” The mare that attacked us said dismissively from just around a corner. The two had stopped approaching for the first to continue speaking, "So let me get this straight," She huffed. "You beat up my nephew, who is the future of our house. You then beat up the only one of his friends with parents willing to sell their daughter to us. Someone we hope we can be used to keep him passive by making her his future broodmare. Finally to top it off you leave behind another young mare who was a witness?" She was practically yelling by the end. I only really focused on, Lyra's parents SOLD her?!? "That about sums it up. Look, you got what you wanted and paid for, murder is extra. That other mare was tough enough and didn't leave me much time to get the goods on the train." The foalnapper said. I heard a bag of bits tossed at her then my apparent aunt mumbled to herself once the folanapper had walked away, "Why is it so hard to find competent criminals." I heard her walk from around the corner and she got close enough to smell, "buck she really did a number on these two, I best let mom fix them up." Despite the situation I was relieved when lifted in the mare's magic and the pressure was taken off of my aching sides. As she carried us both up a flight of stairs I risked cracking an eye open and found myself inside a small home though the décor screamed noble family. Probably a summer home or whatever they call them. "Ah there you are Frost is that them?" An older mare asked as we passed into a sitting room. I closed my eye before being set down on a rug. "Sweet Celestia she certainly didn't hold back did she." "No," Frost huffed, "Can you heal them up a bit before we try the first introductions." As the magic enveloped me I was once again knocked unconscious as some of the pain drifted away. “Ug,” I couldn’t help but groan as I woke back up, no longer in as much pain, though not fully healed, resting on a comfortable mattress. Guess they couldn't or wouldn't heal everything. Wonder how long It’s been since Ponyville. “Good morning Dawn,” I flinched and looked towards a pegasus maid sitting in the corner who had just spoke. “Your family will be glad to know you are awake.” She then silently walked out of the bedroom. Looking towards my horn in a nearby mirror, I could still see the null ring upon it but was otherwise unrestrained. They probably think they’re dealing with an average foal, better act like it. "Oh Dawn, I am so glad you are awake." An older mare rushed in and hugged me. "We were so worried after you were rescued from those foalnappers. So that's how they are playing it. "What, What happened to me ms.?" I quivered my lower lip and splayed my ears back. "Oh you poor colt. You and your friend were both captured when Ponyville was attacked. Your parents were killed and as family you were brought to us. Oh dear me I haven't even introduced myself. I am your granddam, Gilded Sunrise." She tried to smile comfortingly down at me yet it just came off as smug to me. "Granddam, my parents died?" I faked my distress, Why would Dam's family foalnap me and lie to me? She hugged me close, "Yes, I'm sorry sweetie. They did and now you will be living here with our herd." The buck I will, though I can't leave lyra behind. "What do you mean you don't know where he is and that he was foalnapped?!?" Morning Dew yelled at the guard inside the station, one who was now regretting volunteering for front desk duty. It had been over three days since anyone had last seen her son and Morning Dew's emotions were at their peek. "I'm sorry ma'am, the witness only just woke up last night to finally confirm it was your missing son and their friend Lyra who had been taken." The guard was trying not to shake while speaking to the, literally smoking, mare. "The guards are looking everywhere and even the princess has made this case a top priority." He was glad for the desk between them. "Buck the guard, I'll go looking for him myself." Dew slammed her hoof down on the station floor and singed the area around it. She turned around and stormed outside where her wife was waiting. "Any luck Dewy?" Forest Breeze asked while holding back her own emotions and failing. Dew took a deep breath and began crying into her wife's withers, "he was foalnapped Breezy, our baby isn't just missing but was taken. I just wish I had followed my instincts that night. I knew something was wrong, I could feel it and now our colt is gone." Breeze flinched then hugged her partner, "We'll get him back Dewy, even if we have to do it ourselves." As the two left the front of the guard station they made their way back to the Apple's farm. The mood was much lower at the farm though, with it being the second tragedy this year. Nopony spoke, Instead only exchanging hugs and sticking close to each other for the rest of the day. "Princess are you ok?" Twilight asked her. School may have been out for break but that didn't mean her lessons had stopped. "Sorry for being distracted Twilight," Celestia debated telling her about her friends situation but thought better about it, "a couple of my little ponies have gone missing and we haven't yet found them." Twilight's ears fell and she nuzzled her teacher, "Can I help?" "Not this time my faithful student. This is something the guard must handle." She nuzzled Twilight's head. Though if they can't I'll be stepping in. I took the stairs slowly down to the main level of he house with the maid leading the way. Gilded Sunrise had left me alone to grieve after she spun a tale about the death of our parents then subsequent foalnapping and rescue of myself and Lyra. Any average foal would have probably believed her story yet, on the other hoof, It just personally didn't make sense. Too bad for her even without my memories I had already overheard my aunt talking to our foalnapper. I had yet to see Lyra and when I asked the maid about her. "Oh she was in much worse condition than you were and since she had no other family your aunt decided to adopt her. Sadly your aunt can't have foals of her own so it worked out. You will be meeting up with everypony except her downstairs actually." Once downstairs I was introduced or re-introduced to a few Ponies by Sunrise. First was Onyx Star, my apparent Grandsire, he was more muscular than the average unicorn with a deep voice to match and an air of superiority I noticed when he dismissed the pegsus maid. Next were Gilded Sunrise and Gilded Moonrise, the two mares were twins. Both acted sweetly towards me and Sunrise was apparently my Granddam. It doesn't feel like they are lying about that but they are not fully honest either. Lastly was my aunt, Evening Frost who was the daughter of Evening Flare. Frost stuck to her name with her cold personality yet still tried to butter me up during introductions. "And that's our herd. What do you think Dawn?" Sunrise gave her fake smile after the introductions. "You all seem really nice," I matched her fake smile. "Why hasn't Dam introduced me before?" I tilted my head in innocent curiosity. "Well you see," Sunrise hesitated and looked for support. "Your mother and I had a falling out," Onyx grumble. "I'll admit I was not happy about her marrying your mother. Before finding a proper husband that is, not because she is a mare." He gave a hearty fake chuckle. "Oh, okay. Can I see my friend Lyra now or at least get this ring off?" I tried to pivot the conversation to throw them off or slip up. "Not yet sweetie Lyra needs to heal up and the doctor said you need to wear the ring till you are healed up as well. Why don't we all have dinner and keep getting to know each other." Sunrise countered with a fake smile and lead me into a dining room already getting prepared by the maid while we all sat down. We spent the rest of the evening talking and acting out a happy family meal. I found It hard not to notice just how bad they were when speaking to the maid or giving her looks when they thought I wasn't paying attention. No wonder Dam left if that's how they treat others. "Buck this brat is going to be harder to train than our daughter was." Onyx Star had just put up a silencing spell over the family bedroom. He and his wives were preparing for bed after a long evening. "Why do you say that? I thought everything was going quite well." Evening flare asked as Sunrise and Moonrise listened in. "He kept thanking that Featherbrained maid all through dinner as well as talking about his mother. It won't be easy to break him of those habits and recognize his place in the world let alone accept the family magic we need to have him pass down." Star hopped into the herd sized bed as Moonrise nuzzled in close. "I wouldn't worry to much, He is still young and even if he won't accept our ways we still have his little fillyfriend as a hostage. He was asking about her well being for most of the night so at least we know she was a good purchase." Moonrise bit her husbands ear causing him to grunt. "Star is probably correct though, We didn't handle my daughter correctly and look how she turned out," Sunrise joined in, "We will need to be more cautious with Dawn until he fully trusts us then we can educate him." "What about our other problems?" Evening Flare asked while joining her herd in bed, "We have lose ends to tie up and if he learns of his parents being alive it won't make things easier. I already sent Frost to handle things back in Canterlot but we will probably need to do more." Onyx broke from his wife's distracting ministrations, "well considering where we are it will take time for his family to find us and if he won't learn then we just have him and that filly pump out a foal for us next season and skip to the next generation. Since he is the last viable family member there are a few other families asking if we can loan him out to stud for them as well." "Too bad we cant figure out what spell Morning Dew used to get around that particular family issue." Moonrise huffed. Finally she is gone. The maid had just left after watching me fake sleep for most of the night. I slid out of bed and made my way out into the dimly lit hallway after checking if the coast was clear. Now to find Lyra. After Checking every door I could through the house, finding most of them locked and warded, I had to eventually give up and head back towards the bedroom. I really wish I had learned some dispelling magic or combat magic instead of daily life magic. I sighed, I probably could have brute forced a few of the locks, if I wanted to wake the whole house. Once back at my assigned room I tried the window and found it just as secure as the front door. Getting out probably wouldn't help much yet, I have no idea where I am. I thought while staring out the window, I could see a small town with no helpful features, like a train station, in sight. Giving up I laid back down in bed and ran a hoof through my mane. At least they didn't find my bit bag. I started to fall asleep, I really hope you are okay Mom and Dam. > Ch24. Unwanted family reunion. Pt2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mr. and Mrs. Heartstrings, thank you for coming on such short notice.” Celestia looked down from her throne at the two with contempt. “Of course p-princess whatever can we help you with?” Mrs. Heartstrings stuttered as both her and her husband shivered before the solar monarch. “Do you know where your daughter is or that she is missing?” Celestia asked, struggling to not let her regal mask crack as the temperature in the throne room slowly rose. “We, she should be with her friends princess,” Mr. Heartstrings replied, eyes darting back and forth. Celestia narrowed her eyes as Mrs. Heartstrings nodded while continuing, “that’s right she’s with her pen pal, I think.” Celestia pulled out a report from Sweetie Drops on the sale of their daughter and other abuse they had put the filly through, “so the two of you did not sell her for fifteen thousand bits after neglecting her for months?” “Of course not princess! We would never…” “SILENCE!” She used the Royal Canterlot Voice to shake the room and even the guards took a few steps back from how hot the gust of wind was. Celestia took slow, methodical steps down towards the two while speaking, “You two abused then SOLD your own daughter to an unknown buyer and we have the bank statement to prove it. Honestly I had my doubts." She shook her head like a disappointed mother then looked them in the eye, "I may have even believed that no parents could be so cruel," She leaned in closer. "Sadly one of my best agents reported everything personally. So, why don’t you tell me again what happened.” She snorted in their faces. Suddenly Ms. Heartstrings yelled after falling on her haunches, “That… Abomination, is not my daughter!” Silence filled the room. “Explain.” That one cold word from the princess unleashed years of emotions from the pair. “Ever since your guards brought back that, that monster in our daughters skin instead of our real daughter, nothing in our lives has gone right. She is constantly talking about imaginary creatures or making up words and didn’t even know who we were or that she is supposed to be a unicorn.” The mare huffed as her husband continued. “We tried raising her as best we could princess but she is just so, strange. It was all we could think about and it started causing issues for us at our jobs which led to fighting and…” he didn’t get to finish. “So you abused a filly and SOLD her, instead of seeking my help?” Celestia’s ethereal mane was no longer flowing calmly but billowing in an ethereal maelstrom as her eyes momentarily slit. “Guards throw these two in the dungeons, I have heard enough.” She waved her forehoof at them and proceeded back to her throne. A group of guards surrounded the pair as they pleaded for mercy or made excuses before being dragged away. After the doors shut and she was alone with her guards and Raven, Celestia took a few deep breaths to calm down. “Princess?” Raven tentatively asked. “Yes Raven?” Celestia was still calming herself. “Why, how could any pony believe their daughter is a monster and treat them like that?” Her voice cracked. Celestia took a deep breath and looked out one of the stained glass windows, “I don't know Raven. From what I remember, Lyra went missing a few years ago in the Everfree while her family was visiting Ponyville. The guards eventually found her physically unharmed yet she was drenched and talking as if she knew nothing about being a pony. They first thought she may have been replaced or something, yet every scan showed she was one hundred percent Lyra Heartstrings down to her magical signature and soul.” Celestia looked down forlornly. “Her parents must have never gotten over the changes in their daughter's behavior and it led to today.” “Even with the scans did you ever doubt what Lyra was princess?” Raven adjusted her glasses. “Oh yes. When I got the reports I had a junior S.M.I.L.E. agent befriend her to keep in regular contact and monitor her behavior. Then I gave her a scholarship to my school for easy enrolment to keep her close. That filly may be a bit strange but nothing else.” Celestia shook her head. Lyra awoke upon an uncomfortable bare mattress then stretched. She had no idea how long she had been asleep but guessed it had been a while since she was sore yet no longer critically injured. "Hello, is anyone there? Dawn? Bon Bon?" She remembered Dawn had been fighting alongside herself and Bon Bon against an older mare, then a dark train ride, but not much else. Looking around the sparse room there was nothing aside from the mattress and a small cup with liquid. "My head is killing me," She quietly said to herself before trying to light her horn and failing to grab the cup. Looking up she spotted a Null ring on her horn but not like the one used by doctors. She took a few steps forward, grabbed the cup between her hooves, sniffed it, then drank the cool water down in one go. "I guess they really sold me." Lyra looked down at her empty cup, holding it tightly as she tried to hold back her tears. "I know I wasn't their Lyra and they weren't my parents but why couldn't they just love me like I tried to love them." She tried to throw the cup but it stuck to her hoof when she swung her foreleg. She always had trouble with her grip when her emotions ran high, "Stupid hooves, why cant you be hands again instead." She folded in on herself and buried her head into her forelegs on the hardwood floor, cup still stuck to her hoof. A sudden noise from a section of wall made here ears perk up before a flap opened at the bottom of the door she hadn't seen in the dim light. Soon after a small tray of food was slid inside along with more water and a Mare's voice rang out. "Please knock on door when you are finished and pass everything through, If you need the bathroom you will also have to knock," the voice said with a hint of sadness. Lyra nodded before she realized, "Okay." She grabbed the food and greedy ate before knocking to pass everything back except for a feather. "Thank you." "You are welcome sweetie knock if you need anything else." The pegasus walked off with a heartbroken sigh. I was being led back into the basement of the house by all four of my grandparents after dinner that night. According to my best guess I had been gone for about a week now. Mom and Dam are probably worried sick. "Come along Dawn," Gilded Sunrise said when we reached the bottom. "We have something we want to show you." Gilded Moonrise finished her twin's thought. "Can it wait? You still haven't let me see Lyra." I asked with puppydog eyes. Onyx Star sucked in some air between his teeth, "No can do. After you learn what you need to we can let you see her but not sooner, okay?" "Alright," I pouted. So they are using her as a hostage but why? "Now Sweetie, it's not all bad look?" Sunrise had led us into a storage room filled with golden statues of earth and peagsus ponies along with a few wooden ones. "Today we plan to teach you one of the spells unique to our family so watch close." Watching is exactly what I did as the Gilded twins lit their horns and fired an intertwined magical beam at one of the wooden statues turning it into gold. Both were breathing heavily once the spell finished but smiling at me. After they caught their breath they spoke in unison. "See isn't that cool, no other unicorn spell can transmute living matter into gold. It currently takes the two of us but you should have enough magic to do it alone Dawn." I was honestly impressed as I looked at the, now gold, statue and even got a bit giddy at the prospect of learning such a spell. At least until my brain caught up with everything that was said, Transmute living matter. I looked around at the statue filled room and noticed most of them were much higher quality than the wooden ones, there were also no unicorns. No, they didn't did they? I would have begun hyperventilating if not broken from the thought. "Go ahead and try out the spell now sweetie," Sunrise passed me a scroll with the spell on it. "Should I really be trying it now, I'm not sure If I can." I nervously tapped my forehooves together. Even I don't want to ever 'Midas' someone. "Nonsense you are in CSGU and my grandson so get to it." Star said as Flare nudged me in front of one of the wooden statues. She then took off my horn ring and waited while all four watched. No way I could fight my way out like this. Reading over the scroll, I found It wasn't the most difficult of spells. The power required and the biological component on the other hoof, meant only the highest level unicorns from our family bloodline would be able to cast it. An alicorn probably could brute force it. Once finished reading I looked back and all four nodded at me. "Go on." Star encouraged but with a hint of impatience in his features. Igniting my horn I let the spell flow through my horn and cast it towards the wooden statue. As soon as the Beam made contact the entire thing, not just the surface, turned into gold and left me panting from the exertion. I tried to take a step back but collapsed as Flare put the ring back on my horn. "Good job sweetie, lets get you back upstairs." Sunrise magicked me onto her back while the other three inspected the statue with various looks. I passed out before we even made it to the stairs. "Sweet Celestia it's solid," Gilded Moonrise said after she finished her scan and her sister and Grandson were upstairs. "Is that even possible?" Onyx Star asked while rapping his hoof on the surface. "Theoretically, yes. Granted my sister and I don't even have that much power. Together we can gild someone and alone we can only do sections." She looked towards her husband who was grinning from ear to ear. "Perfect, with that kind of power the colt should easily restore then spread our legacy and supremacy." He smiled at the golden statue. Celestia was just about to finish her paperwork after setting the sun when she felt a surge of magic similar to Rainbow Dash's rainboom but much weaker. "Distant but not outside of the country, I better investigate tomorrow." She muttered to herself as she looked towards the window. Morning Dew immediately stopped crying and snuggling her wife in bed when she felt her son's magical signature brush her horn. "Dewy, what's wrong?" Forest Breeze looked at her wife with concern as the mare stood up and began grinding her teeth. "Those monsters, I should have know they took him to teach him that spell." She ran out of the bedroom then the farmhouse with Breeze yelling behind her and Pear Butter joining the chase soon after. All three now galloping or flying full tilt towards the train station. > Ch25. Unwanted family reunion. Pt3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slowly swirled my right forehoof in small circles and watched the bluish grass ripple like water, giggling at the sight. “Hello again Dawn,” Luna (Nightmare Moon) tried sneaking up behind me but I had seen the ripples from her hooves and was currently very mellow. “Oh hey Loonie Moonie, what are you doing in this field. Shouldn’t you be on the moon?” I asked and laughed at my own joke while rolling on my back. “Pray tell, what is wrong with you foal?” She snarled in my face but it just made me laugh harder before I booped her nose. Nightmare Moon scrunched up her muzzle and scanned me with a spell from her horn. “We see, you are suffering from magical exhaustion. How did you enter such a state.” “Pst, come closer and I’ll tell you.” I whispered then booped her again once she got close. “Enough!” She touched her horn to mine and my mind instantly cleared. “Better young Balanced Dawn?” “Yeah, thanks Lu-Nightmare Moon.” I shook my head, That was worse than being drunk. “Now that you’re faculties are restored I believe it is time I help you begin your escape.” Nightmare sat before me with lidded eyes. “Great I could really do with some combat magic or,” I started before she cut me off. “Nay, you would stand no chance in combat against four, possibly more, grown adults in the time I have to teach you.” She waved off the thought with a wing. “We will be teaching you to shadow walk, so you may escape.” “Isn’t that dark magic? Is that why you want to help me, so I turn to the dark side like you?” I ask while scooting back, unable to resist the reference. “Not at all. While shadow walking may be dark magic it is not evil, it is all about intent.” She lifted her nose high. After watching her for a moment, “I still don’t understand why you are helping me, don’t you want 'The Night to Last Forever' and all that leading to everypony's death?” I rubbed the back of my neck. She huffed and closed her eyes, “we would never kill our subjects! We just want them to enjoy our nights, like the thestrals do! Also if we can sway you to our side this may lead to the downfall of our sister. ” She turned her head away from me. Thinking about it I still haven’t met a bat pony, wait what was that last part? “But… wouldn’t eternal night prevent crops or other plants from growing?” I huffed back. “Nay, the magic from our moonlight can sustain them. Now do you wish for our help or not, we grow impatient young one.” She looked my way out of the corner of one open eye. “Sure, so shadow walking. What do I do?” Ignoring her strangeness she wasn’t so bad. “First things first, the spell.” A parchment popped into existence, “typically I would have you read this and memorize it over a week, but you don't have the time.” She tapped her horn against mine again and the memory of the spell was suddenly implanted, causing me to writhe on the floor with a massive headache. How is getting a headache possible in a dream. I slowly sat back up and rubbed my forehead, “ow.” “Good you survived that,” my eyes widened at her statement, “now summarize what you just learned.” I scowled at her then took a deep breath, “Well I first have to find a shadow then step into it while covering myself in magic. Uh, I then have to circulate that magic while I travel through the darkness or I’ll either be spit out or trapped in the shadows.” Which does not sound pleasant. “Good enough, now you just have to try it when you wake.” She shrugged and began to walk off. “Wait that’s it?! No practice with your help or anything?” I threw my forelegs up. “Dawn,” she deadpanned, “we art in a dream, how can we help you practice.” “Oh,” I sheepishly replied while she continued walking away, ending the dream. Once awake the headache persisted yet I was feeling somewhat better about my predicament. Checking the room I spotted the same maid waiting quietly in the corner as always. Now I’ll just need some time alone. Exiting the bedroom I made my way down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, maid waiting at the door, I finished my business, flushed with the hoof pedal, then found a shadow near the sink. Better try this quick. While washing my hooves I cycled some magic through them then pressed one into the shadow. To my delight it passed straight through into the darkness before I pulled it back out. One step down now to find Lyra. "Dewy are you alright, you are scaring the other passengers." Breeze asked her wife. They had boarded the first morning train out of Ponyville going the general direction Morning Dew felt the pulse. After waiting all night at the station and finally boarding she had not stopped tapping her hoof on the seat. "No I am not alright! Our baby is with those monsters being brainwashed and I am stuck on the slowest train in all of Equis! Not to mention he is going to be hard to find without another pulse." She huffed and crossed her forelegs while the passengers that were left in their car nervously left. Pear looked between the two and asked Breeze, "I'm not sure I understand what's going on still." "It's my 'parents'," Morning Dew said through clenched teeth and you could hear the air quotes. "They are a bunch of raciest bigots who never liked that I fell in love with and married a pegasus. They believe in unicorn supremacy and tried to convince me of the same." She sighed and splayed her ears back, "I almost fell for their lies and probably would have if not for Breeze." Forest hugged her and stroked her mane and continued the story, "It's why we moved out of Canterlot, they kept making raciest comments to me or trying to get her to divorce me, Etc..." Pear covered her moth and gasped, "That's horrible. Why would they foalnap their own grandson though?" Morning Dew sighed looking guilty, "Because our family is a noble house that was cursed and dying out. The mares in our bloodline typically only gave birth, with much difficulty, to one or two fillies. If two happened one of them would always be sterile." She shook her head, "The curse would even affect the stallions, studding always failed so they had to find a husband and whoever they married also became sterile eventually. My Sire, Onyx star, only managed to have my older sister since neither him or her mother were part of our bloodline." She took a breath. "Somehow the family curse also affected them both as well, so now neither can have any more children. When Dawn was born he became their hope to bring back the bloodline. He is the first colt born in the family for generations and isn't affected by the curse." She slammed her hoof down, "I refused to have him become like them though and never let them meet him, hence another major reason we moved." Pear was shocked, "That. That, is quite a family story and I thought mine was rough. Breezy do you have a crazy family story too?" She looked at her other marefriend. "Nah, my family is chill. Honestly you are taking this much better than when she told me after finding out she was pregnant with Dawn." Forest Breeze awkwardly chuckled earning a glare from her wife. Luckily none of them had to endure the awkwardness much longer as a lunch trolley came through and they all decided a meal was better than silence. Cadence was anxiously awaiting her aunt and coltfriend by one of the carriages in storage. "Auntie," She exclaimed when they both entered the warehouse. "Do you really think it is such a good Idea to leave today, what about day court and everything else?" "Cadence, I trust you to handle things for a few days. Blueblood will also be helping you out and I reminded him to drop his buffoon act while I am away even if the nobles do get a bit suspicious of his change." Celestia gave a warm smile and wing hugged her. "Investigating an unknown magical surge is much more important unfortunately." "I know Auntie, Just be safe. You too Shiny." She hugged her stallion and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I will Candy, I'm just glad I finally have a chance to prove myself." He puffed out his chest. "Don't worry Cadence, I will make sure to bring your stallion back in one piece. It wouldn't do me good to lose such a promising guard." Celestia tittered as the two blushed. Lyra was bored. She thought being a captive would be much worse and yet it was actually much calmer than her parents house. She was still worried about Dawn but not as much if he was getting the same treatment. She was currently more worried about her best friend Bonnie who got beat up as well. "I hope they found her." So far, meals were brought three times a day and aside from being locked in an empty room with a Null ring on her horn, nothing else had happened. "Why even bother with me at all," She huffed and began to do the one thing she could, nap. "To answer your question child, it's quite simple." A voice whispered in her ear, "They are using you to keep your friend from running away, as well as other, less savory plans." The voice finished smoothly. Lyra scrunched up her muzzle, "Who's there?" "A friend with a message. Dawn is planning an escape so be ready when he retrieves you." The voice said before Lyra awoke with a snort. "Ms. Bon Bon, please you need to stay in your bed." The nurse pleaded while her charge tried again to escape her restraints. "I can't just lay around while my best friend and that colt are who knows where." She spat back. "I understand but you need to rest, with those injuries you were lucky to be found alive." The nurse easily pushed the young mare back down onto the bed. Bon Bon huffed only just noticing a mass of pink sitting in the corner chair. "Don't worry bonnie, I know they will be ok." A deflated Pinkie gave her a sad smile and passed the confused Bon Bon a cupcake. "They both still have parties I need to throw them." You both better be okay. > Ch26. Unwanted family reunion. Pt4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is going too slowly,” Onyx Star slammed down his glass. He and his herd were all sitting around the table late into the night discussing their next moves. "Tomorrow is already nightmare night and Morning dew was spotted only one town over by one of our spies." “Not to mention that the guards are out looking for him and the filly. That bucking hitmare shouldn’t have left the spare alive.” Gilded Sunrise hissed. "It's a Liability we did not plan for!" “So what do you think we should do then? Moving now will be more trouble than it’s worth. No other town is under our hoof like this one and while I loath staying here instead of Canterlot the princess is an issue.” Moonrise soothingly said while stroking her sister’s mane. "It is time we push the colt, he may have gained his Cutie mark but is still young and malleable enough." Onyx wickedly grinned. "His trust in us should be enough by now for the next step." Evening Flare smiled, "Finally, time to put our guest and newest acquisition to use." Lyra was awoken by the sound of hooves on the hardwood floor entering the room. Surprised at the change of routine, Lyra cracked an eye and waited for the maid to speak, “follow me and nothing else.” Getting up hesitantly, Lyra followed her quietly down the hallway. She could tell the pegasus was feeling guilty about the change in situation. Over the years Lyra had developed hyper fixation from watching out for her parents' emotional outbursts. Typically she could manage, her current situation however had only exacerbated it causing her to watch every twitch of the mare she followed. “Are you okay?” Lyra innocently asked. A twitch of her wing and glance backwards at her was enough to know the next statement was a lie. “Just fine,” they arrived at the bathroom. “Do your business. I’ll wait here.” Once finished, Lyra rejoined the maid and instead of heading back towards the room, they continued further down the hall to parts unknown. “Where are we going?” she splayed her ears back, starting to worry about the change in routine. “To meet your friend,” a guilty flick of the ear said that wasn't the full truth. Lyra tucked her tail between her legs and followed reluctantly. I was once again being led into the basement, this time by Gilded Sunrise. When we arrived my eyes widened at the sight of a young earth pony mare. She was laying on her side with her tail flagged and wearing stockings. She was posing like a willing model yet tears stained her cheek fur and the smell of fear was lingering in the air. The rest of my ‘grandparents’ were standing around her with almost hungry, sinister looks as Sunrise joined them. When I finally took My eyes off her I also saw Lyra in the corner, I could tell she was just as scared and confused as I was when our eyes met. “Ah Dawn, perfect timing.” Onyx star smiled at me, “today we have something new for you to test your magic on." He motioned towards the mare whimpering on the floor. "We also thought your filly friend might want to watch now that she is all better.” He flicked his tail towards Lyra and I knew the implication. I either turn the mare or something happens to Lyra. “You want me,” I took a step back, “to turn HER to gold?!?” “Why yes sweetheart. This... Mud Slinger’s parents owe us a lot of bits so she’s volunteering herself to pay off their herd's debt to us.” Sunrise said while still smiling darkly as the young mare wilted under the look yet kept her pose. “Now don’t be shy sweetheart she’s already prepared for it.” Sunrise set a hoof on my back. I looked towards Lyra who was being held between the maid's forelegs. She waved towards me meekly, I waved back and took a deep breath and mentally cringed. Buck, this is wrong. Channeling my magic I forced myself to begin constructing the spell. The mare looked scared, Lyra looked shocked, and my grandparents all smiled. Time slowed down as the beam fired from my horn and stuck the mare in the chest. First her fur then skin and the rest of her quickly turned to gold from the point of impact. Once my spell finished and she was solid gold, "Excellent Dawn." Sunrise stood over me and held be between her forehooves. "Such a good colt." She nuzzled the top of my head while the other three visually inspected the freshly minted statue. "Now for your reward," She motioned towards Lyra who was magicked away from the maid and forced into our hug. Sunrise let us go moments later to join her herd as the maid pushed us back upstairs with her wings. Once upstairs Lyra and I were both ushered into my room and she spoke at Lyra, "you will be sleeping here from now on." She then turned towards me, her eyes looking a bit forlorn. "She is now yours and your responsibility." The pegasus left after that and Lyra's voice cracked as she took a step back from me, "Dawn what's going on? Why did she say 'I'm yours'? Why you turn that mare to gold and kill her?!?" With each question her voice raised and she ended with a strong stomp while glaring at me. I couldn't hold back my emotions and broke down crying. "I'm sorry." I looked away from her splaying my ears back. "It was either her or you, and I couldn't let my friend get hurt." I choked out. I felt a hoof on my withers then was pulled into a hug by the filly which I eagerly returned, "I shouldn't have yelled at you." As the filly Lyra knew she had to be the strong one, she stoked my mane whispering that everything would be ok as I buried my muzzle into her neck fur. How could Dam put up with such, Monsters? Did I just become one of them? I pulled away from the hug and looked at my hooves. Lyra gave me a small smile and tilted her head asking more calmly, "So what's going on?" I began telling her everything including my theories and plan to escape. "The colt really did it." Onyx Star beamed at the herds newest statue. One that was in a position plenty would want. "Is it solid gold just like his practice castings?" Moonrise's almost couldn't speak after finishing her scan, "Yes and most impressive, she's still alive in there." She took a step back. "What?" Evening flare asked as her and Sunrise preformed their own scans. "My sister is right. Somehow the mud slinger is still alive in stasis. I can still feel her magical core." Sunrise began laughing. "Sweet Celestia can you imagine what we could charge our buyers for something like this all while getting rid of the trash in plain view." Onyx star rubbed his chin, "Forget that, just Imagine what his foals will be able to do. The other houses will gladly accept herding proposals into our family line again." They all nuzzled together grinning lustfully, tonight was a good night. Morning Dew's ears perked up and began to swivel like radar. Soon the rest of her body followed from between her two herd mates. "Something wrong sugar?" Pear Butter nuzzled her lead mare after being woken up. She had officially joined with the two while on the expedition to find their colt. Both Morning Dew and Forest Breeze had been impressed by her dedication and none of them wanted to wait any longer. "I felt another pulse. It was different than the others, it felt... sad." She shuddered as her herd mates both gave her a hug. "Any closer to tracking Dawn down then?" Forest Breeze asked. Dew nodded, "Yep and by tomorrow afternoon we should finally be close enough for me to not have to wait on a pules." "Princess everything alright?" The filly, Twilight Sparkle, asked her mentor as they both stopped in the hallway. Celestia gave a warm smile then a nuzzle to her Faithful student and the baby dragon on her head. "Yes Twilight, I just thought I felt a pules of strange magic." "Wasn't my big brother supposed to find out why that was happening?" She tilted her head almost causing spike to fall off his perch. Celestia giggled at the site, "Yes, your brother is out searching still since I had to return to my duties.” She sighed. Though you should have stayed with him to hunt down the source. The remainder of the Apple clan sat around the table inside Sweet Apple Acres farmhouse. They all ate dinner in silence as an evening shower fell outside to match their mood. "Where mama?" The young Apple Bloom asked, staring at her big sister with her big eyes. She was currently squirming in her booster seat. It hadn’t been long since she had managed a few words. Pony foals matured quickly but still lived long lives thanks to magic. "She's out looking to find your big brother." Applejack responded, the room growing a bit more somber. They had all been missing their new and old family members alike. "Big brother?" Apple Bloom pointed her tiny hoof at Big Mac who was sitting across the table. "Yep that's your biggest brother Big Mac, she's out looking for you other one. Dawn." Applejack smiled. She hadn't know the colt long but his mom's were real nice to her and he wasn't bad, for a unicorn. She found herself a bit surprised she already considered them all family. "Dawn?" Little Apple Bloom smiled and tilted her head but then got distracted by the applesauce in front of her as hunger took over. The other three in the room all gave her a smile then went back to eating. I could feel sleep overcoming me as Lyra and I laid in bed. She's surprisingly comfortable with cuddling. "I see you got your filly friend back." Nightmare Moons voice rang out through my dream with just a touch of pride. "Will you make your escape now?" "Yeah, I figure tomorrow would be perfect. Plenty of ponies should be out for your holiday." She snorted yet gave me an approving nod after loafing in front of me. "A smart plan, though Its not my holiday." She narrowed her eyes and gave a fang filled grin. "Once you escape with her I hope you do not forget we will continue to visit more often as our power grows and we will expect payment in the form of information for that spell we gave you." "Wait, payment?" I balked "You really don't expect me to help for free do you?" She stroked my mane with her forehoof, "Such a precious young colt." She then disappeared into the ether and left me in a dreamless sleep. > CH27. Escape on Nightmare Night. Pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Too warm. I try to kick the blankets off but struggle to move my limbs. I was trapped, four hooves wrapped tightly around me as I played the small spoon. I quickly realized what was happening and blushed. Lyra. After finishing my explanation we were both so exhausted we decided to just share the bed last night. "Lyra, wake up." I grumble while nudging her. "T0o early, f-five more minutes." She mumble yawns then nuzzles into my mane. "Come on Lyra it's too warm." This got her to pay more attention. I could feel her tense up then back away from me quickly. Sitting up and turning around I can see her cheeks turning red after realizing what she had been doing. "Sorry Dawn I wasn't fully awake and..." She tapped her front hooves together nervously then suddenly sniffled. "I'm not ready to be a mommy yet." She started crying. I couldn't help but bust up laughing even during our current predicament. She stops to look at me. "It's not funny! You better take care of our foal." I laugh even harder and try to reply while catching my breath. "Lyra. What are you talking about?" Her ears go flat, "Well we slept together Dawn, so won't that make us parents?" "Lyra that's not what 'Sleeping together' means." I deadpan then give a short and very awkward explanation. It’s like she forgot it’s not even the right season. She blushes profusely then says nothing further about our sleeping arrangement as we start the day. Heading down to breakfast we find out that my grandparents had gone out for the day so there was only their nameless maid to watch us. Knowing this was the perfect time for escape we spent the rest of the morning subtly trying to open the outer doors and windows. Of course they hadn't forgot to activate the wards or put null rings on us both. "What do we do now Dawn?" Lyra quietly asked after we had just finished checking the last exit. "We will have to go tonight when I can use Shadow walking on both of us. I wish we could get out now but the daylight is too strong." I huffed quietly. The nameless maid had followed us around in silence just out of whisper range. She had to know what we were doing yet didn't stop us. "Could you go now if you were alone?" Lyra asked somberly. "Honestly, I could. But I won't leave you with those monsters." I placed a hoof on her withers and pulled her in for a hug. "We just have to wait till tonight." "More tea Princess?" Feather Duster asked, She could tell her princess was upset even without her empathic abilities. Nightmare Night was The one holiday Celestia did not celebrate. "No thank you Feather. Raven, has Shining Armor sent any further reports about those unusual magic bursts out west?" She shuffled her papers. "He sent a short report, his investigation narrowed down the area to a small town we are looking into." Raven replied as Celestia sighed and moved from her desk to her tea table. "It seams it is primarily owned by a few lesser nobles." "I see. Keep me informed of further developments and let everyone know I'll be taking the rest of the day off." Celestia then dismissed Feather and Raven from the room and got comfortable with an old book. Is reading really what we should be doing right now? The guards still haven't found your missing students. "I am trying to relax and it pains me to admit there isn't anything I could do that my guards are not already doing to find them. Pluss you know how much I hate this holiday." Celestia spoke calmly to herself turning another page. Bah, if you really hate it so much just abolish it. You know as well As I do that you could be doing so much more. The voice spat out as Celestia sighed. "So what do you think?" Gilded Sunrise asked her griffin broker. She hated dealing with the creature but bits were bits. Moonrise and I can probably turn her to gold eventually. She happily thought to herself. "Not a bad looking batch of products. I know of a few buyers who might be interested in such fine 'art'." The griffin hen replied in a sickeningly sweet voice. She set down the photos of the statues and looked back towards the mare. "And you say you will have more soon that are solid gold? Not all of our clients will like that better than the gilded ones considering what's inside." "Oh yes, my herd recently found a new method so we can make them solid now without much extra effort. The benefit is that they are still alive and could be reverted after transport. If you get what I mean." The hen raised an eyebrow at that and rubbed her talons together at the idea of live products. It was almost impossible to get living product out of Equestria after the empire fell. "Well Gilded It looks like you have a deal." The hen threw a sack of bits on the table. "I'll pick them all up from the usual spot including the new test product in a few days." Her voice then changed from sweet to gruff. "Just make sure you aren't late with delivery." "Are we ever?" Gilded magicked up the bag of bits then left the room with a flick of her tail to rejoin her herd outside. "We finally found him." Morning Dew excitedly told her herd as they got off the train late in the evening. Her horn was lit and searching for her son's magical signature. "He's in this town." "Kind of run down don't you two think?" Forest Breeze noted while looking at the disrepair of the town. "It really could use some love." Pear Butter cringed, her hoof having just fell through a rotting plank of the station's platform. "Is it just me or are we being watched?" Forest asked quietly. Ponies glancing their way subtly while going about their routines. "It is a bit creepy the way they keep glancing at us. Maybe they don't get many visitors?" Pear pressed closer towards Forest while Morning Dew continued her magical scan. "This way you two." Morning lead the way down the street. They eventually came across a neighborhood of small mansions on a well lit street. The whole area was in much better condition than the rest of the town. "This is giving me the creeps." Forest shuddered. "Ah here's the happy young couple." Onyx Star boasted. Lyra and I had just walked into the dining room for dinner. He and the rest of his herd were already seated and waiting after returning from their errands. "I hope you two are hungry. We will all be heading back to Canterlot tomorrow." Moonrise smiled as she dished out some plates. Lyra and I shared a look as we sat down to eat. "Now then how was..." Sunrise didn't get to finish her sentence before a loud boom came from the front door. "What the." The others all got up from the table and rushed into the front room as another resounding boom rang out. "One more aught to do it." A muffled voice I recognized rang out from the other side. "Keep them both safe and out of way. Now!" Onyx Star lit his horn after ordering the maid. I refused to budge however and quickly took the Null ring off Lyra's horn using my hoof magic. She then lit her own horn and took mine off surprising everyone around us. The chaos was compounded when the door burst from its hinges. "Are you sure this is the house Dewy?" Pear Butter asked her new wife as they got to the door. "Certain of it. I can feel Dawn inside along with my parents." She spat out the last word then yelled. "Wait." Just as Pear was about to knock. "Why?" She shrunk back. "You don't knock on an enemy's door sweetie." Forest said then lined herself up to buck the door. "Lend us a hoof." I grabbed lyra and Jumped back around the corner. Spells from my grandparents fired towards outsied had quickly followed the door being bucked in. Lyra and I then watched as all my family members, including my parents who had just shown up, were yelling obscenities' at one another. "Buck you for foalnapping our son." My Dam yelled, firing a spell towards her own mothers chest that was sadly blocked by a shield. "Oh get over yourself sweetie. You always did lack discipline." Sunrise quickly retaliated with a beam, that missed when a hunk of wood was bucked at her head by Pear butter. Forest Breeze quickly joined the pandemonium with lightening fired from her wings. "Don't you dare hurt my family!" "Dawn." Lyra was shaking a bit behind me as we watched the fight. "Isn't that your parents?" I nodded, a bit slack jawed. "Yeah but I have never seen them so aggressive before. I didn't even know my mom could do that with her wings." The lightning was deflected by Onyx Star's shield this time causing small fires to break out around the room. The maid had quickly joined us around the corner, protect us with her wings flared out. "Young master, you two need to get to safety from the intruders." "Those intruders are my parents not some random ponies." I explained. She nodded then began leading us away from the fight down side hallway. "Considering your Grandparent's are indisposed I am now under your command as the next in your families' line and will keep you safe." She explained. "Why only start helping us now?" Lyra asked with a frown as we followed the pegasus. The maid flattened her ears, turning around. "This prevented me from assisting sooner." She Raised a hoof to her neck and showed the collar under her outfit. "But since I was ordered to keep you both safe." She trailed off with a hint of a smile. Morning Dew was not holding back as she continued to vent her rage upon her parents even as her stamina diminished. She continued to fire spell after spell as her horn began to smoke. She and Forest had already managed to take down Evening flare and were working on the other three. Pear continued to provide limited support by bucking random items into the fray. Soon The local guard along with Shining Armor was upon the scene, drawn in towards the loud noise and magic. "What in Tartarus is going on here?" Shining watched as a beam passed through the front door of the mansion. He quickly set up a pink shield to surround the entire home. "According to one of the local residents, the owners are under attack by three intruders. We don't know exactly who lives there or anything else." One of the guards reported. Shining was about to give his orders when he heard the crash of a window breaking. Two foals followed by a pegasus in a maids uniform jumped out right before that particular room caught fire. He ran over to go check if they were ok and was shocked to find, "Dawn, Lyra?" I ran over to Shining Armor when I spotted him almost running into his shield. We had just escaped the now burning mansion and it was stopping our escape. "Hey. Shining let us through." "Dawn what's going on in there?" He was struggling to hold his shield up but let us pass as more spells hit it. "Short version. My grandparents had foalnapped Lyra and I to use for an evil plot. My parents found us and they are pissed." I almost laughed once outside the barrier. "This is my new maid by the way. She's cool, though I still don't know her name." Said maid bowed. "I don't have one." She looked downcast. "Look we can worry about that later." Shining grit his teeth. "For now we need to stop that." He pointed his hoof towards the ongoing fight just as my Dam yelled out again. "Where Is my baby?!?" Celestia had just lowered her sun with the letter appeared. Grabbing it from the air in her magic she quickly read over the missive. Finally. Moments later she was at Shining Armors side. "Where are they?" Her anger literally burned and caused her mane to smoke until she felt a small hoof upon her side and looked down. The hoof belonged to Balanced Dawn. "Hey. It's going to be okay." I said in a soothing voice. Even with everything going on I knew I couldn't let the princess get too angry. Celestia looked down at me with a mix of emotions then walked through the shield, shattering it as if it wasn't even there, after I removed my smoking hoof. "Doesn't that hurt?" Lyra looked concerned. I shook my hoof to cool it off. "Surprisingly no." > CH28. Escape on Nightmare Night. Pt2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as Celestia marched calmly through the front door all fighting ceased between the two herds. Dawn's parents bowed while his remaining conscious grandparent's went wide eyed. Once the shock wore off they all tried to flee but only the twins managed to get out of the room while Onyx Star distracted the princess with a pure mana beam. "You really thought that would do anything?" Celestia scoffed as the spell hit her shield and she sent a stunning spell right through Star's own shield, knocking him out. She then looked back towards Dawn's parents. "Please take these two outside to the guards while I retrieve the other two. We probably shouldn’t let them burn before the trial." "Yes princess." Pear Butter, Forest Breeze and Morning Dew replied. None of them were foolish enough to argue with a pissed off alicorn. As Celestia followed the twins through the house she had no issues breaking their wards or other traps hurriedly laid behind them. Both of the older mares were screaming at each other before an unknown spell struck her in the chest. "Did it work?" Moonrise asked her sister? They had just fired the gilding spell at Celestia in a last ditch effort. Sunrise couldn't believe her eyes when she checked. The princess was currently frozen and covered in gold. "It did." Cracks began to form. "But it won't hold for long. Let's go." The twins quickly left the house from the back door and began running through the forest that surrounded the town. "What do we do now sister?" Moonrise asked as they continued to flee into the night. They were both already sweating and exhausted from the earlier fight. "How should I know? I never expected bucking Celestia herself to show up." She panted out. "Actually I have an idea." She doubled back towards the town with her sister following. Gold dripped from Celestia's fur as the room burned around her. For over nine hundred years no spell had ever managed to slow her down let alone stop her like this. When she finally broke free she was panting hard and pressed a hoof against her own chest to slow her heartrate. You really should work out more and eat less cake. "Shut up." Celestia took a step forward. "Princess are you all right in there?" Yelled Shining from outside the now fully engulfed house. "I'm fine young Shining Armor this is nothing compared to the sun." She shook off the remaining gold, glad she had not been wearing her regalia. "Then can you check the basement. Dawn says their might be somepony alive down there trapped in gold." He yelled again through the roaring flames. Celestia's eyes became pinpricks as she lit her horn and found a living soul. Quickly teleporting down she then carried the living statue outside before it could melt from the inferno. "I found them but they are in rough shape. Also I lost two of the suspects I need you and the guards to search the area." Shining saluted and quickly took off with a squad. So two of them got away. I watched Celestia give a few more orders before finding myself pined in a hug. "I am never letting you go again young colt." Morning Dew nuzzled the top of my head with tears dripping down. "Never again." Forest chuckled as she joined the hug. "Well we can't do that forever. But you are sticking close by until school starts back up." Pear awkwardly rubbed her foreleg until she too was dragged into the family hug. Lyra stood to the side with the maid protectively standing over her as a guard asked questions. Celestia soon walked over and coughed behind her hoof. "I hate to interrupt a family moment but I need to speak with young Dawn for a moment. Alone" She finished as the others didn't want to let me go. My parents gave me one final nuzzle before giving the Princess and I some space. "Are you doing well young Dawn. Did they hurt you or anything?" Celestia lowered herself onto her stomach and preformed a quick scan. "I'm, I could be better Celestia but I'll live." I smiled a bit. "I know this might be rough but I need you to tell me what happened." A guard walked up next to her with a notebook. As I began explaining the Foalnapping and everything else she looked especially disgusted when I mentioned the Midas spell. Celestia kept a straight face but I could see the anger Behind her eyes. "So they were using this spell on other ponies?" "Yes. They also forced me to preform it on a young mare as well." I looked down ashamed. "Well not force but either I preformed it or they would have hurt Lyra." "You did the best you could Dawn. Is there anything else you need to tell us?" She asked. "No." I Lied, leaving out her sister. She doesn’t need to know yet. "Then there is one last thing to do before sending you all home for now." She led me over to the golden mare. "She is still alive, can you turn her back?" “I can try.” I lit my horn and focused all of my magic on undoing what I had done. When the spell hit the mare she quickly reverted back from her golden state and collapsed. A couple of guardsmares quickly lifted her onto a gurney as Celestia nuzzled the top of my head as I panted for air. “Well done Dawn, I’ll be sure to check in on you after school starts back up. I also expect there will be a trial of your Grandparents.” Celestia finished before following her guards. My Dam magicked me onto her back after that and we all made our way to the train station. "Well sister we managed to escape Celestia for now. So, Now what?" Moonrise spat. She had never been more degraded in her life. She was covered in mud and sweat from the forest trek and smelled of smoke from the fight. "At least the guards were to lazy to check properly." Sunrise replied. Parts of the local guardsmares were so corrupted from years of bribes they hadn't bothered to do a thorough search of the town. They had managed to sneak back into town and the old warehouse they often met business contacts at. “Well look what we have here.” The twins froze as a griffin hen entered the building. “My two old friends down on their luck.” The hen smiled maliciously. “What exactly do you want half breed?” Sunrise spat as Moonrise lit her horn. “You really shouldn’t have said that, I was thinking of offering you a deal.” The hen snapped her talons and a flock of younger hens attacked all at once. The twins were quickly overwhelmed and subdued due to their prior exhaustion. Null rings were placed on their horns and a few of the hens eyed them hungrily. The Lead hen strode closer and lorded over both of them.“Now then. You two promised delivery of goods yet instead brought the whole solar guard to town. This means you owe quite a bit and I’ll be collecting any way I can.” For the first time in their lives the twins felt powerless and fearful. “So colt how are you really doing?” Forest asked while I was wrapped in her wings. We were an hour into our train ride bound for Ponyville and the rest of the family had all fallen asleep after the long day. I could tell my mom was also exhausted yet wouldn’t sleep till I did. “Honestly mom. I was scared.” I found myself shivering. “How could Dam’s own parents do something like that.” “I don’t know sweetie. That’s one of the main reasons we left Canterlot. They were always monsters and Morning told me as much.” She sighed heavily. Dam knew? “Then why didn’t she report them?!?” I hissed and started to get angry but forced myself to keep my voice down. Mom nuzzled the top of my head and squeezed tightly. I then felt tears drop on my head. “She couldn’t. We never wanted you to find out like this but they were blackmailing her, both of us really. If your dam reported her parents they would come after you and I.” “Fat lot of good that did since they still came after me.” I felt mom tense. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” “No sweetheart you’re right. We shouldn’t have trusted them to stay away with how they are.” She let out a breath she had been holding. I nuzzled into her chest floof. “I’m just glad to be going home.” My own exhaustion caught up to me and I fell asleep. “Report Shining.” Celestia ordered from her temporary command post near the train station. “None of the guards have found them your highness. The two we have in custody have been brought to the Canterlot dungeon as ordered and Evening Frost was arrested as a co-conspirator.” Shining reported nervously. “I doubt we will find them considering they know the area better and plenty of ponies around here are too nervous to be of assistance.” Celestia snorted with a bit of flames. Cowards. “For now I want you back in Canterlot before my niece and faithful student get angrier with me. Have the rest of the guards put out an APB for the twins.” Shining couldn’t help but smile at the thought of going home after walking away. The assignment had already gone on longer than expected yet was finally over. “I’m glad Twilight’s friends were ok.” “So you managed to escape?” Nightmare gave a wicked grin. “Yeah and without your shadow walking so I won’t be paying you back.” I smugly replied. “Tut tut young one.” I suddenly found myself wrapped in an uncomfortable hug. “The payment was for the spell and not contingent upon you or your filly friend’s escape. So I will still expect some assistance from you Dawn.” She let me go and stared into my eyes then gave a true smile. “I am quite glad you escaped safely though.” She kissed my forehead and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Was that last bit Luna or the Nightmare? > Ch28.5 A normal nightmare night. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was ecstatic. She and Moondancer had come up with the best costumes for themselves and baby spike. “Cadence hurry up. We’re going to miss out on all the candy.” “I’m right behind you silly fillies.” Cadence laughed. She was dressed up as an elusive night guard and watching the fillies while their parents went to a small party for nobles. Twilight and Moondancer bounced on their hooves as spike held on. They were both dressed as solar guards with spike as Celestia. (His costume was just a rainbow wig.) Currently all three were walking the neighborhood for candy. “You ready for school to start back up Moonie?” Twilight asked while digging into their haul and already on a bit of a sugar high. “I can’t wait for school to start back up. I wonder what Dawn is up to?” Cadence’s ears perked up. “I haven’t seen him or any other classmates all break.” Moondancer just nodded along, blushing as she listened to Twilight talk. “Oh darling you look absolutely fabulous.” Rarity smiled at her latest last minute customer. She had already made quite a bit from costume requests and repairs. Moving to Ponyville had turned out to be a wonderful business decision. “Thanks. Rarity right? I’m Roseluck and I’m so glad you moved to town. My sisters and I are so glad Ponyville has a proper seamstress.” She said as she paid for the costume repair. “Well thank you. I’m just glad I could be of help to the community so quickly.” Rarity smiled at the bits. She finally had enough to actually start fixing up her new home and paying her bills. Pinkie and Rainbow dash were having a grand time. The new set of friends were going around pranking everypony they could find. “What about her?” Rainbow pointed to an earth pony filly. “Oh no that’s AJ we can’t prank her tonight.” Pinkie said a bit dejectedly. “Oh come on, why not?” Rainbow huffed. “Her family member, a friend of ours, went missing a few days ago.” Pinkie replied somberly. “Woah really? That’s, yeah, that’s rough. I know.” Rainbow then flew over to right above her Applejack. “Hey.” Applejack looked confused until she looked up. “Oh hey there, your that new weather filly in training. Rainbow right?” “That’s me. Fastest flyer and all around best athlete.” She buffed her hoof on her chest. “That so?” Aj narrowed her eyes. “How about we hoof wrestle then?” “You're on”. Rainbow exclaimed as Pinkie smiled. Come back soon Dawn or you’ll miss all the fun. I already pushed back a few welcome parties for you. Fluttershy pulled the blankets tightly around her as she hid underneath the bed of her new tree/cottage Treehugger had helped her find. She was happily surrounded by a few animal friends and a good book to help her wait out the night. “I can’t believe Dawn couldn’t join us this year for scary stories. He always told good ones.” Starlight kicked the dirt with her forehoof as she and Sunburst walked their village. Sire’s hollow hardly celebrated Nightmare night and only the schoolhouse gave out candy or had games for foals. “Well, his family is moving to Ponyville.” Sunburst pushed up his glasses. “We will see him once school starts back up.” Starlight perked back up. “That’s true. We better have lots of fun and tell him all about it so he gets jealous.” She said jokingly and ran towards the schoolhouse. “Starlight wait up.” Sunburst tried to run after her. Big Mac and Cheerilee followed closely behind his little sister. It was Applebloom’s first Nightmare night and the young couple had been tasked to watch her since Granny was working the family Maze while Pear was out of town. “You know.” Cheerilee said playfully. “This is great practice for if we have foals.” Big Mac gulped as Applbloom happily trotted along, non the wiser to her big brother’s dilemma. > Ch29. Train Homeward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the kiss I awoke with a start and just sat there listening to 'click clack' of the train wheels. Luna kissed me… Looking out the train’s window, it was still well before sunrise. My family, Lyra, and our new maid were all still asleep. It was a bit surprising when the maid wanted to come with us but all three of my parents had agreed to take her in. The other surprise was that she didn’t yet have a cutie mark or name as my ‘grandparents’ always just called her The Maid after buying her as a newborn eighteen years ago. Only ten, pony, years older and she’s had it rough. I wiggled from underneath my mother’s wing, left our compartment, and headed towards the lavatory to relieve myself. Once finished I returned and tried to enter as quietly as possible. “Can’t sleep either?” My ears flickered towards Lyra. “Not really. Too much happened all at once, ya know?” I hopped up on her bench and gave her a friendly nuzzle that she returned. “Thanks for getting us out.” I couldn’t see her but could tell she was smiling. “Being a statue doesn’t look like fun.” I snorted at that. “You’ll have to thank my parents and Celestia for that. Heck even the maid did more than me. I was just kinda… useless.” My ears pinned back. “You weren’t.” She left no room to argue then continued after a moment of silence. “She really needs a new name you know.” “Who?” I tilted my head. “Our new maid.” She nodded. “Our? Oh, yeah but she should pick it not us.” I poked her side with a hoof. “Doesn’t mean we can’t give suggestions though like… Swift Wind or Helpful Wind.” She tapped her chin with a hoof. “Hehe, those are kinda awful names.” I flank bumped her. “No they are n-, okay, yeah they are.” She smiled. “Wonder what happens to me now?” Her ears splayed back. “I really wanted to finish school at least.” “Well, according to Celestia and my parents you’re, kind of, legally part of the family so it shouldn’t be an issue for you to keep going.” I nervously said while tapping my forehooves together. “That’s great. Wait, did your moms adopt me?” she asked confused. “No, you’re technically my herd member.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “My grandparents filled the papers and made you my broodmare just like they said they would. We can get it dissolved of course, it may just take a while…” I finished hastily. “Huh. “ she thought for a moment then shook her head and didn’t say anything before hopping of the bench and leaving our compartment. “Well that could have gone better.” I almost jumped out of my skin, did jump off the bench, when my Dam spoke. This caused her to laugh when I fell on the floor. “You heard all that huh?” I looked up at her after composing myself.Never used to be so jumpy. Maybe this all affected me more than I thought. “Just the end." She leaned down and gave me a nuzzle before grabbing me by the scruff and placing me on her back. "Lyra didn't look upset by the information at least." She placated. "Oh! Starlight is going to be so jealous." Morning Dew covered her muzzle with a hoof. "Dam, that's not funny." I nuzzled into her mane. "Who said I was joking colt." she tittered then turned somber. "Sorry about all this." I hugged her around the neck but let her continue. "I knew my parents weren't the best but they never went so far before you were born. I didn't even know half the stuff you told me about and the rest was just..." She sighed. "I'm a bad parent." "No you're not. You kept me safe all this time didn't you?" She nodded at my question. “Celestia and the guard will handle it.” We fell into a comfortable silence after that. As the train continued on the sun eventually rose and a pony went around informing everypony that we were almost at Ponyville. Lyra returned without saying much. As we all disembarked onto the station I stretched like a cat before following behind my parents. "Finally home." Pear smiled. "You two take me on the craziest adventures." She nuzzled Morning and Forest. Before we could even make it outside of the station a pink blur tackled me. “Oh your back. I was so worried. I postponed all the parties you would have missed.” Pinkie gave me a nuzzle as she hugged me then quickly moved onto Lyra. “I know I don’t know you yet but I’m so glad you’re also safe. Bon Bon was worried sick after getting out of the hospital.” Pinkie let her up and Lyra began to cry. “She’s alive?” Lyra exclaimed then ran off towards town. I felt guilty that I hadn’t even thought about Bon Bon. Oh I have a party to get ready. Pinkie ran off without another word. “Go on colt and check on your friends. I’ll get this lot home just hurry up.” Pear said before my parents could argue as she dragged them off towards the farm. “Thanks mom.” I smiled at Pear and ran off after Lyra. The maid glanced between the two groups and decided to follow after me. When I caught up to her she was standing nervously outside of a small unopened shop. Walking up to her side I nudged her and she finally built up the courage to knock. “We’re not open yet.” An unhappy Bon Bon said from inside. “I’m not opening until…” she cut herself off after opening the door and spotting us. Her eyes locked onto Lyra and for the second time she was tackled today by a happily crying filly. “Hey Bonnie, I made it back.” Lyra hugged her friend and stroked her mane until she invited us all inside. Once inside Bon Bon sat us all down before making a pot of tea. None of us spoke until she finally asked after setting out the tea. “So what happened after the attack?” Lyra and I took turns explaining what happened to both of us while Bon Bon remained silently seething with anger and said a few in pony like things under her breath. When Lyra and I finally finished our stories she turned towards the maid. “So you helped keep them captive?” Bon Bon glared at the Pegasus who nodded and recoiled with guilt. “But you also helped them escape?” Another nod. “Fine, I can forgive that then though I’ll have my eye on you.” Lyra and I breathed a sigh of relief before I stood up. “Well I have to get back home. I kinda ran off after Lyra when she found out you were alive.” I rubbed the back of my neck and headed towards the door with Maid following behind me. On the way out Lyra gave me a surprise nuzzle and whispered. “We can figure out the other stuff later.” Before rejoining Bon Bon on her couch to continue chatting. Bon Bon gave me a questioning look with a raised eyebrow to which I shrugged and walked out. As I traveled the path through Sweet Apple Acres towards the farmhouse I couldn’t help but dwell on my silent companion. “You need a name.” For the first time since meeting her the young mare almost tripped as I continued. “Do you have any ideas?” “I never really thought about it.” She looked downcast. “What about something with Breeze in it like my mom?” I looked skyward. “Maybe something about your newfound freedom?” “But I still serve your family, just a new generation.” I snorted at her deadpan remark. “What about Lofty Breeze?” For the second time today I almost jumped out of my skin when my mom spoke from overhead. I hadn’t even noticed her following us from the air. What is wrong with me, I normally watch the skies like mom taught me. “How long have you been there mom?” I playfully huffed at her. “You didn’t think we would really let you run off alone after everything.” She landed and trotted next to us before throwing out a few more name ideas. As we bounced a few names back and forth the maid spoke up. “What about Unfettered?” She smiled. “Unfettered Breeze. That should be my new name.” As soon as she spoke it aloud her flank lit up and a Cutie mark of a bird in flight escaping a gilded cage appeared on her flanks. “Congratulations! It looks like you picked the perfect name for yourself.” My mom looked proud as Unfettered looked shocked by her new mark. Once inside the house it was my turn to be tackled again. “Welcome home partner.” Applejack gave me a strong hug before Big Mac gave me a hoof bump and Granny gave me a hug of her own. Apple Bloom walked over last and jumped onto my back giggling. “Welcome back youngster, I hear you had quite the adventure.” Granny chuckled at the sight. “Oh let me tell you, it was one crazy adventure.” The entire family gathered around as I told them what happened. By the time I finished it was already about lunch time so we all sat down around the dining room table. I joined them after placing Apple Bloom in her booster. “Well things around here weren’t quite as exciting as all that.” AJ spoke up while helping feed little Apple Bloom. “Pinkie was in a right state about not being able to host parties for the new ponies in town.” “New ponies?” Pear Butter, Morning Dew, Forest Breeze and I all said at the same time. “Jinx.” I said which earned some confused glances. Guess it’s not a thing. Should be with how often it happens. “Yep.” AJ continued like I hadn’t said anything. “There’s a new Unicorn seamstress named Rarity and two new pegasi. One accurately named Fluttershy, the girl spooks easily, she’s the vet’s new apprentice and the other is Rainbow Dash. Rainbow will be working under Forest as a new weather team pony apprentice.” Guess all the elements are finally moved into town. Except Twilight. “Well hopefully she’s up to snuff.” Forest nodded and said. “We did need to increase the size of the team though considering what happened last time.” Pear’s ears drooped at her statement. “Wait mom your the new weather manager in Ponyville?” With everything that happened I hadn’t even gotten the chance to catch up with everyone properly. “Yep. I was supposed to start last week but they let me start late due to our family emergency. In fact I’ll be starting tomorrow. Sorry we won’t have as much time to hang out after you finally got back.” She frowned. “Not your fault mom.” I gave her a nuzzle. “Anyway it’s nice to get some new blood in town.” Pear pitched in. “The town could use some more ponies.” “What are we then?” Morning Dew huffed. “A heap of trouble.” Granny who had been half asleep spoke up causing us all to laugh, herself included. “So two of them got away?” Cadence was reading over the report with Shining Armor and Celestia in Celestia’s private study. “Yes. They managed to surprise me with a unique spell.” And almost trap you in gold. They weren’t even close to such a thing. “Auntie you alright.” To Cadence and Shining it looked like she had just gone quite. “Just fine my niece, thinking about what I could have done differently.” Celestia looked out the window. “Well one thing is for sure. The guards all need better training and a good house cleaning.” Shining huffed. “We found quite a few local guardsmares who had been taking bribes and the Canterlot regiments are out of practice when it comes to combat.” “Good work Shining Armor, you will certainly make captain of the guard at this rate by merit alone.” Celestia praised. Not that all this effort should have been necessary. Lazy ponies. Celestia shook her head. “That’s my knight in Shining Armor.” Cadence gushed and gave him a loving nuzzle to which he blushed. Celestia cleared her throat and the two separated. “We will still have to hold the trial for the other three we did capture.” “What about Dawn’s dam, Morning Dew? She had to have known what was going on.” Shining asked earning a wing slap over the head from Cadence. “You really think she was helping them when her foal was taken from her?” She admonished. “Well. Lyra’s parents did sell her.” His statement let to an awkward silence that hung for a moment. “I do not believe she knew the extent of what her parents were doing and even if she did come forward, what evidence would she have presented that wouldn’t have been swept away by her own parents or other nobles before reaching me.” Celestia sighed. You shouldn’t have let the nobles become so bloated. Lulu did try to warn you. You. Do. Not. Use. That. Name! “I agree with you auntie. As for the colt maybe I should speak with him once school starts back up? It really seems to help Twilie when she has, issues.” Cadence suggested. “No I will speak with the colt. I postponed that conversation only so he could return home for a while and not miss out on his entire break from school.” Celestia replied. “His mental state was surprisingly stable when we found him.” Shining tapped his chin thoughtfully. “So was Lyra’s for that matter.” “The poor foals were probably just in shock Shiny.” Cadence gasped. “Imagine everything they went through.” “I guess you’re probably right candy.” He nuzzled his marefriend as the three continued conversing on matters of state. Pinkie hummed to herself while pulling another batch of cupcakes out of the oven. “Tomorrow’s triple ‘Welcome to Ponyville party’ is going to be perfect!” > Ch 30. Party time! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie happily bounced around town slipping her invitations under each and every door in town. Today’s party was going to be the biggest bestest party she had thrown yet since becoming a Party Pony Planer and~ baker. She had honestly been going a bit stir crazy with holding off on the parties and now she had to make sure all three guests of honor showed up without ruining the surprise. “Maybe I should recruit some helpers.” She tapped her chin. “The party isn’t till this evening so it should be perfect.” After delivering the last invitation in town she bounced along towards Sweet Apple Acres. “I know the perfect friends to help me out.” When she arrived at the farm she easily spotted AJ and Dawn out doing chores together. He needs a nickname, BD just isn’t appropriate. she giggled to herself. Pinkie was a bit surprised he was out working considering what she had heard happened to him and Lyra. Lets give him a hug. Without another thought she ran over and tackled the blue colt. “Hiya Dawn. Hi AJ.” She said from atop his back. “Hi Pinkie.” Dawn replied without finding her antics weird. He doesn’t even question me… “Pinkie, girl, get off my younger brother would ya.” Applejack huffed. “He ain’t no stuffed animal for ya to hug.” “Could’ve fooled me.” Pinkie stuck her tongue out while Dawn laughed. Pinkie found herself floating off his back though once he lit his horn. “So Pinkie need some help with today’s party?” Dawn asked her as he used his magic to help muck the pig pen. “Yep. Are you psychic?” Pinkie narrowed her eyes. “Psh, Pinkie you told us about the party yesterday before ya ran off. Now, we would love to help out but Dawn and I have chores to do today.” Applejack filled the pig’s trough with slop. “Please.” Pinkie used her best puppy dog face. “Land sakes if ya put that away we’ll help.” AJ sighed as Dawn laughed.Works every time. “Yes. Okay, so all I really need help with is rounding up our three guests of honor. Applejack I figured you can get Rainbow Dash as she’s also athletic. She’s currently living in the community housing.” Pinkie explained. “Dawn you can pick up Fluttershy, she has a cottage just west of the farm and I’ll pick up Rarity.” Dawn nodded. “So where are we bringing them Pinkie?” “To Sugarcube Corner. Oh and here’s your family’s invites.” Pinkie pulled out nine invites and listed them off. “One for Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Pear Butter, Morning Dew, Forest Breeze, Unfettered Breeze, and you two.” How did she already know Unfettered’s name? “Pinkie don’t y’all think you could’ve just given us one for the whole family.” Applejack deadpanned as I held the invitations in my magic. “Nope.” Pinkie then bounced off without a care. One thing down more to go. “That filly is something else, I question how she can do the things she does.” AJ said. “Don’t think about it too hard. She has some unique magic.” Dawn replied and walked off towards the house while carrying the invitations in his magic. “Right, good idea. Meet me at the barn when you’re done.” She headed that direction. “Well we finally finished.” Applejack wiped some sweat from her brow. Our last chore for the morning had been harvesting the leftover pumpkins that didn’t sell from nightmare night so they could be turned into pies by the Cakes. Guess it’s true the farm grows more than apples. Probably a good thing to keep it diverse. “Nice.” I set the last pumpkin into the cart she was currently hitched to. “Big brother, big sis. Here.” Apple Bloom ran up to us with Unfettered following close behind. Bloom had a couple of cold ciders in her tiny saddle bags that she passed over to us with her mouth with a massive grin. “Mama said you might be…” she forgot the word. Unfettered leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Right, thirsty.” She cutely said which caused both Applejack and I to melt. It should be illegal for ponies to be that cute. “Well thanks little sis.” Aj took the bottles then ruffled her mane causing the filly to squeal with delight and run off back towards the house. “If ponies could get diabetes I would have just gotten it.” I held my forehooves over my heart as AJ just laughed then passed me the cider. Unfettered gave me a small smile then a nod before running off after Applebloom. I noticed she still had the collar around her neck though she was no longer wearing her uniform. I wonder if we can get that off her and why she didn’t ask Celestia to take it off after our escape. “At least she seams to be fitting right in.” Applejack took a swig. “Who, Breezy two?” AJ snorted a bit of cider at my joke. Though I wonder why she’s sticking around. She wiped her mouth with her fetlock then deadpanned. “Yeah her. Bloom seams to really like her at least.” She looked out towards the field where Big Mac was working and narrowed her eyes. “I caught Big Mac glancing her way too.” “Haha. First a school teacher and then a maid. Sounds like he’s going for the collection.” I laughed as we walked back towards the barn. Though that could be a bad or good thing. “Hey that’s my big brother your talking about.” She got me in a headlock and we almost tripped. “He’s my brother now too.” I tickled her with some magic and we began to wrestle after she unhooked herself from the cart. She easily pinned me with her Earth pony strength. “Cheater.” I playfully huffed. “Well I’m glad to see you two getting along Like true siblings.” We both stopped and looked up towards Pear Butter sheepishly. “He/She started it.” We both said at the same time, looked at each other, then laughed. “Well it looks like you’re both done anyway. Didn’t you need to help out Pinkie still?” Pear admonished. “Oh yeah we need to go collect those new ponies.” AJ got up and started walking off towards town. “Not so fast little lady.” Pear grabbed her by the scruff using her mouth. “You two need lunch and definitely a bath first.” She said through her teeth. AJ tried to escape our mother’s grasp while I happily followed along, snickering. We both do need a good scrub. Once clean I donned my saddle bags and headed off towards Fluttershy’s cottage. “I’ll see you all at the party.” I yelled into the house to no pony in particular. “Stay safe sweetheart.” Morning Dew yelled back as I headed out. I could tell she didn’t want me going out by her tone. When I finally arrived I took a good long look around. Looks like the place still needs lots of work, there’s not many animals hanging around yet either. Well she did just move in. I walked up towards the door and knocked. There was an “eep” along with a few clatters. “Who is it?” I struggled to hear. “Hey Fluttershy, it’s Balanced Dawn. We met back in Cloudsdale a few months back. I found out you just moved to town so wanted to say hi.” I kept my voice calm and light. There was a scramble towards the door and Fluttershy popped her head out when it opened. “Hey Flutters can I come in?” It wasn’t quite time for the party. Shoot how do I invite her without giving up the surprise. Maybe just invite her to hang out? “Oh, um, sure.” I stepped inside and found it similarly unfinished. “It’s not much yet.” She blushed. Her mane was a bit of a mess, her feathers looked ruffled, and there was paint on her fetlocks. “Looks fine to me. Anyway like I said, I heard you just moved to town and I’m home from school for a while so was just wondering if you wanted to catch up and maybe get some food?” I tried to give her my friendliest smile. ”Li-Like a date?” she squeakers and nods. I can’t hear her but assume she’s in. Perfect I was worried about inviting her to a party. “Great. I’ll wait here while you get cleaned up.” I sit on the old couch she has. Fluttershy looks herself over and almost turns completely red before rushing upstairs. “I’ll be right back!” “Take your time, no rush.” “So a party?” Rainbow asked her guest. “Yep, I didn’t want to trick you into going so just act surprised for Pinkie if ya would.” Applejack replied. “So why is she throwing me a party again?” Rainbow narrowed her eyes, she was skeptical but also loved parties. “She throws them for everyone new in town to drum up business for herself and Sugarcube corner. The idea is ya get one party free then everyone asks her to host more. Or something like that.” Aj shrugs. “Eh, makes sense I guess. Sure I’ll go. Race ya there.” Rainbow’s face lit up and she shot off. “Oh it’s on.” Aj tilted her hat and ran after her. “So you’re inviting me over for a, what was it again, Darling?” Rarity asked the pink filly as she moved some of her materials around. Her shop/home still needed lots of work but she had finally been able to buy most of the needed supplies to make the initial repairs after a profitable Nightmare Night. “A cupcake taste testing. I invited you and a few other friends.” Pinkie smiled. “As lovely as that sounds, I really do have a lot of work to finish around here.” Rarity lamented as she looked at the repairs left to be made. “Oh, I know what if you had some help. Some of my friends are great at fixing things.” Pinkie popped up next to her causing her to drop what she was holding in her magic. Applejack would probably do and maybe Dawn or some other ponies I know. “Very well. I guess I could use a break.” Rarity tapped her chin. “Maybe some of them would like an outfit or two in exchange for labor.” “Perfect, see you there.” Pinkie sped off in a puff of smoke. “What a silly pony.” Rarity tittered to herself as she got ready to leave. She took one last look around and sighed at how much more difficult fixing the place up actually was compared to in her head. “So, um, where are we going?” Fluttershy asked. The two of us had just left her cottage after she finished cleaning up. She looks way better after a shower and preening. “Sugar Cube Corner. It’s a local bakery and the Cake’s make some of the best food in town.” I replied, she didn’t say anything after that but kept glancing my way until we arrived. “It looks closed.” She tilted her head. “Excuse me darlings.” Rarity had just showed up behind us wearing a cocktail dress. “Is this Sugar Cube Corner?” “Yep, heading inside?” I held the door open for her and then Fluttershy with my magic. ”Thanks.” “Why thank you. Such a gen…” ”Suprise!” Both fillies jumped in shock with Fluttershy actually making it to the ceiling. “Wow, nice jumps.” Pinkie hopped over. “Yours was really impressive.” Pinkie looked up at Fluttershy who was being helped down by a laughing Rainbow Dash. “Sorry Flutters I should have warned you.” Rainbow got her friend back to the ground who quickly hid behind her as the party got started. “Pinkie dearest, what’s going on?” Rarity asked after calming down. “It’s your Welcome to Ponyville party. I had to postpone it since Dawn here had been foalnapped.” Pinkie looked sad then perked up right away. “But he and Lyra are safe now so we can party!” She then ran off with Rarity. “Woah, you were foalnapped?” Rainbow asked. “Yep.” I nodded. “Hey!” I pointed a hoof at her. “I just remembered you owe me ten bits Rainbow.” “Oh, would you look at that.” She pointed her hoof behind me which I fell for like a rube as she flew into the party crowd. I just sighed and shook my head laughing a bit. “So not a date?” A disappointed Fluttershy asked, to quietly for me to hear. Guess Rainbow left her behind. “What was that Flutters?” I smiled at using the nickname Rainbow just did. “Sorry about her. I can give you the bits.” She squeaked out. “Nah it’s fine.” I motioned with my hoof. “I was just messing with her since I really didn’t want to talk about that fiasco again. Anyway shall we join the others.” I wrapped a foreleg around her before she could hide again so we could join in on the party. “Well howdy Dawn who’s that you got with ya?” Applejack asked as we joined the group of foals our age. Plenty of adults had shown up and Rarity was already doing a great job promoting herself. “This is Fluttershy, we actually met on a field trip I took up to Cloudsdale. Fluttershy this is my older sister Applejack.” I introduced the two. It took some time for the two to get talking, until animals were brought up and how they were taken care of on the farm. Eventually after talking with the two and a few other foals I left the conversation and found Pinkie sitting in a corner pony watching. “Bit for your thoughts?” I sat down next to her. “Silly you don’t need to give me any bits.” She giggled then continued. “I just wish my sisters could be here. They still live back on the rock farm since that’s their calling. She deflated a bit. “Why not tell me about them.” She brightened back up as we got to talking. Before long the others joined us and we all hung out for the rest of the party. “That was some shindig.” Applejack commented as we were walking back home after the party. “Pinkie does throw a good party.” I hip bumped her and she bumped back before we both ran off racing back. Arriving at the farmhouse our parents were already waiting and lead us inside. > Ch31. Family and friends. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning Dew woke up feeling wonderful now that everything was right in her world. She was nestled between her two lovely herd mates Forest Breeze and Pear butter, the former her longtime companion, and her herd was finally whole after they had rescued their colt. There was one young mare that still needed help but that was for later today. Stretching a bit Dew gave both her wives a kiss on the cheek before getting comfortable. None of them had work today so they planned on sleeping in. But plans never quite work out for their family. “Get back here ya little varmint.” Dew sighed as she’d ears flicked from her newest, older daughter’s yelling while the younger daughter ran away giggling her head off. “Give me back my hat!” The sound of hooves filled the farmhouse and she smiled. As the alpha mare of their new herd she was debating intervening but she was too comfortable. “Run Bloom.” She could hear Dawn encouraging the filly. She was glad he had accepted the merging of their families so well. She knew of stories where siblings didn’t even interact when two herds merged. “Don’t you encourage her.” Applejack yelled then she herd an “ouch” from her colt as he was most likely hit in passing. “Should we stop them?” Forest nuzzled her neck and gave her ear a lick before doing the same to Pear. “Nah let them tire each other out. Us Apples always have a lot of energy.” Pear rolled over and started getting frisky with Forest. “Ain’t that the truth.” They shared a deep kiss as Dew watched happily before getting in on the action. Sadly the three were interrupted as a screaming, laughing Apple Bloom came rushing into the room and jumped onto the bed. “Mamas.” She said with delight before getting scooped up in Dew’s magic. “Oh good. You caught the rascal.” A panting Applejack entered their parents bedroom and was met by a raspberry from her sister. Dawn and Big Mac came after looking amused and perfectly fine. AJ noticed this and asked. “And why ain’t you two out of breath?” Dawn and Mac smiled at each other and shrugged. “Never mind. Bloom give me my hat.” “Nuh huh.” She curled around the hat with all four hooves still floating in Dew’s magic. The three parents looked at each other in silent conversation before nodding. “Bloom. Sweetie why did you take your sister’s hat?” Pear sweetly asked after her daughter was floated closer. “Because she…” AJ was cut off by a look from the three adult mares telling her not to interfere. Applebloom started to tear up. “Big sis said she would read to me last night but didn’t. So I took her hat. She loves it more than me.” She cried. “No she doesn’t Sugarcube.” Pear grabbed her from the magic field and gave her a hug. “That hat is just special is all. It was a gift from your Father to your sister.” Everyone flinched a bit including Applejack. “From papa?” She asked while looking at the hat in her hooves. “That’s right. It’s a magic hat given to your big sister for doing a good job her fist time helping with the harvest just like your big brother’s yoke.” Pear smiled at her oldest daughter and motioned her over. Once AJ had joined her the three shared a hug. “Sorry.” Bloom held out the hat towards Aj who happily returned it to her head. “But what about me?” She sniffed. Pear butter pulled out a spool of iconic pink ribbon from the night stand, a section already cut and turned into a bow. Pear then affixed it into Apple Bloom’s mane and her face lit up immediately. “Now don’t think we forgot about our colts.” Pear said before Mac and Dawn were both magically dragged into a family hug by Dew. Due to his age, Mac blushed a bit but Dawn just revealed in the love. “You young’ins hungry? Breakfast is ready!” Granny yelled from the kitchen. Once downstairs we found Granny Smith and Unfettered cooking breakfast and setting it out on the table. “Smells great Granny, thanks for cooking.” Pear said while she sat down. “Eeyup.” Mac said but got a look from his mother. “Now Mac you thank ponies properly young colt.” She admonished. “Thanks Granny.” He blushed with ears pinned back. “‘Twasn’t nothing. You all need to thank Unfettered here though. She did most of the cooking while I supervised.” She pat the young mare on the withers. Unfettered didn’t know how to react towards the praise. “Well ya gonna sit youngster?” After we all sat down, Unfettered joking last, and another round of thanks was given to the two cooks we all started to dig in. “So, Unfettered will you be staying with us or moving on?” Morning Dew bluntly asked. “Dam!” I shot her a surprised look. “Am I not allowed to stay?” Unfettered looked upset but mostly shocked instead of sad. “Oh sweetheart of course you can.” Pear also gave her wife a surprised look. “Oh, that came out all wrong.” Morning Dew facehoofed. “I just meant that you don’t Have to stay. Once we get that collar off you, you won’t be bound to our family. I also figured seeking help might be good.” She finished a bit lackluster as Forest ran a wing down her back. Unfettered’s ears perked up as she gained resolve. “I’ll stay, I’m free enough thanks to Dawn and Lyra.” Her ears pinned back again. “I also don’t have anywhere to go or any other skills.” The family fell into an uncomfortable silence as we continued to eat. “So do you think we can get it off her mom?” After breakfast my dam and I had gone outside with Unfettered to take a look at the collar closer. I had yet to learn anything about enchantments at school but Dam said she might need the extra help so I came along anyway. “I’m not quite sure. Your grandparents definitely didn’t have the skill to make something like this so they probably hired an enchanter yet, it is blood tied so you and I should theoretically be able to take it off her.” Morning Dew had just finished her scan as Unfettered sat there watching. It still surprises me how good at magic dam is for working as an accountant. “It’s ok if you leave it on. I’ve had it all my life.” Unfettered spoke up. “Absolutely not. We will not have you be a slave in our house.” Dew stomped the ground. “Dawn step back and let me try something Sweetie.” She touched her lit horn to the collar but both of them immediately received a strong shock causing them to yell out and collapse. “Mom, Unfettered are you two ok?” I ran over and shook my dam’s side. She stood back up then Unfettered stood up shaking her head and feathers while looking a bit electrified. “Let’s not do that again shall we.” Morning Dew frowned as I couldn’t help but look relieved. “That dispelling magic should have worked.” “It’s alright mam. You tried.” Unfettered gave a sad smile. I can’t let her give up so quickly maybe… “Mom, can I try something.” I looked up at her. “Sweetheart I don’t think…” she was cut off. “Go ahead sir.” Unfettered sat down and lifted up her chin to expose the collar towards my angle. I put my hooves on both sides and slowly channeled parts of Luna’s shadow spell along with part of our bloodline spell through them. At least these spells are good for something. As my dam watched her eyes went wide as the collar turned to gold, sunk into the shadow between my hooves, and disappeared into my storage. “Colt what did you do!” I’ll destroy that later. “I used a shadow spell along with the family gold spell.” I rubbed the back of my neck and bled off the excess magic while Dew looked at me slack jawed. Suddenly I found myself encased in a winged hug of a happily crying pegasus before my mother could ask any further questions. “Thank you.” She began rubbing her naked neck with both forehooves after ending the hug. Too bad that collar line in her fur will take longer. “Colt.” My fur bristled when my mother spoke. “I won’t ask where you learned those spells since I assume your grandparents forced you to learn them. You just better not use them on anypony else.” I nodded meekly and she smiled. “Good colt. Now go play while I talk with Unfettered here about her future.” I nodded and ran off to find Applejack. Morning Dew watched with concern as her colt ran off before turning back towards Unfettered. She knew her colt had used magic well beyond his age yet she couldn’t be more proud of how and why he had used it. “So how do you feel?” Morning Dew smiled. “I~It’s like a dream but I know I’m awake.” Tears of joy were still falling. She had never noticed how much the collar had muted her emotions. “Now that it’s gone do you still want to stay?” Her ears splayed back. “I’m sure we could…” “Of course I do!” Unfettered nodded enthusiastically. Dew sighed, shook her head then smiled again. “Alright. If you ever want to leave or do anything else you just tell me.” She gave the younger mare a hug. “I also think you should talk to someone but I won’t force you. I know it helped me in the past.” Unfettered nodded and hugged Morning Dew back who finished with a, “Welcome to the family.” When I finally found AJ she and Bloom were feeding the chickens. Even on a day off there were always a few chores to be done. “Hey need a hoof?” I walked up to the fence. “Nah we’re about done. How did it go?” AJ asked as Bloom ran over to the fence asking for ‘ups’. I lifted her out of the pen with my magic and onto my back as she giggled. “It went well. We managed to get the collar off her.” I said as Bloom got comfortable on my back. She soon burrowed her muzzle into my mane and began sleeping. Its a good thing pony TK fields keep stuff on our backs. “That’s good.” AJ left the pen and walked over. Ruffling her sister’s mane who wined. “No pony should have to deal with what she has.” The two of us walked in silence for a bit until we reached the house and I asked. “So any plans today? My Fall break is almost over so want to hang out? I think Mac had a date today.” “Yeah.” She huffed. “Pinkie volunteered us to help out that prissy newcomer, Rarity, with her house. I promised her at yesterday’s party before she told me exactly what we were doing.” She set down the bucket of feed in its place on the porch while I laid Apple Bloom on the porch swing to continue her nap. “Oh come on sis, she can’t be that bad. I mean I didn’t really get to talk to her but still.” She gave me a look as we made our way towards the barn so she could grab some tools. “It’s because she’s a unicorn ain’t it?” She smirked then began loading her bags. “No! I find wings just as attractive as horns.” I stuck my nose up and stomped my hoof. Thinking about horns though I should check up on Lyra soon too. “Like that shy one you brought in last night?” She joked. “And what’s wrong with a good strong Earth Pony eh?” She flank bumped me on our way back out of the barn. “Nothing at all.” I said flirtatiously then nipped her ear then ran off towards town. “Get back here ya varmint.” She yelled, unable to run as fast with full saddle bags. > Ch32. R&R > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity heard the front door open, it lacked its signature bell, and she began her line. “Welcome to my boutique where everything is unique.” She still felt it was a bit lacking. “What may I help you…” she stopped talking when she noticed who had walked in, the farm filly, Applejack as well as the gentle colt, Dawn. She had been curious about him since the party, considering he was one of two unicorn colts in town. “Heh, totally beat you this time.” I said after catching my breath. “Only cause I had these bags on.” AJ responded. She was right but I wasn’t going to let her win the argument. “Darlings there’s no need to argue. Now. Whatever can I help you with?” Rarity walked over and scrunched her nose at the farm smells coming from the two, primarily AppleJack. “Well I’m here to help with your repairs. I don’t know why he’s here.” AJ pointed a hoof at me and I shrugged. “I heard you needed help so here I am.” I smiled politely. I doubt Pinkie will be much help when she shows up. Yes I will. I could almost feel her sticking her tongue out at me from the thought. “Well thank you both. It’s very kind of you.” Rarity smiled and fluttered her eyelashes at me causing AJ to roll her eyes. “And what are you going to help with exactly. Ya ain’t got no tools. Have ya even done repairs before?” AJ snorted. “Maybe not, but you have some.” I tilted my head like it was obvious. “Also, yes I have.” I might not have as a Pony but as a human I helped with repairs quite often and magic just made it easier. “Fine. Not like the farm has another set anyway. So, Rarity where do you want us to start?” Applejack set down her bags with a poof of dust causing Rarity to let out a dainty sneeze. She then gave AJ the stink eye before leading us into the kitchen. “Darlings, why not take a break.” Rarity’s melodious voice rang out from the front room. “I bought some snacks.” AJ and I stoped what we were working on, fixing the cabinets up, and headed into the small dining room. I only did so after washing my hooves. “Well thanks Rares that’s mighty kind of you.” Rarity smiled but I could also see her eye twitch at the dust that was clinging to AJ. “Why no trouble at all considering you two are helping me get this place livable again.” She was setting out the snacks. “Hey Sis why don’t you clean your hooves, it’s only polite.” I teased and she begrudgingly went back to wash up after looking at them. I know pony magic keeps them somewhat clean but they still need a washing for heavier grime. Rarities eyes sparkled a bit at this new tidbit of gossip. “I’m sorry, correct me if I’m wrong but did you just call her your sister?” Rarity finished with a chin tap and head tilt. “Eeyup,” AJ returned with her freshly cleaned hooves and joined us at the old table. “Our parents herds merged officially just recently but they’ve been together for a few months.” She grabbed a muffin and dug in. “Oh how lovely. I always do enjoy a good romance. Personally I don’t know if I could join a herd if I wasn’t the alpha but I never could quite understand those monogamous mares, it just seams so, selfish.” Rarity dainty sipped some tea. “What about your parents, who’s the alpha?” “Oh that would be my dam, Morning Dew then there’s Forest Breeze and Pear Butter who is Applejacks dam.” I explained before digging in as well. “Fascinating, and what about your father or sire?” Rarity was enjoying the bit of the local’s gossip. “Well mine was just a stud contract according to my parents,” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Mine… died,” AJ lowered her hat and I gave her a side hug. Rarity gasped, “Oh darling, I didn’t mean to pry.” “It’s alright my family said it’s better to remember him and talk about it than let it fester.” She gave me a bump. After that small hiccup we three continued to talk into the afternoon while getting back to work. Rarity told us about her own three parents and her little sister who was Apple Bloom’s age. Pinkie did eventually show up to help and the four of us managed to get the kitchen and other parts of the first floor looking much better. This would have taken so much longer without magic. “Well darlings you three really have been most generous.” Rarity gave us each a friendly nuzzle and even ignored the grime we all accumulated. "Come by any time for those clothes and a proper fitting." “No problem Rarity. Again, sorry I was late though. The Cakes needed help with a big order.” Pinkie genuinely apologized. “At least you showed up Sugar cube.” AJ finished packing up. “Speaking of, we need to get home for the evening chores.” “Yeah you were way more help than I thought you’d be.” I poked Pinkie's nose and she stuck out her tongue. “I told you I would be.” She winked and I thought I vaguely remembered that conversation in the back of my mind then shrugged before we headed out. “So what’d you think?” Pinkie asked Rarity after her two friends left. “What do you mean?” Rarity asked before heading into her fresh kitchen to make an early dinner. “Of your new friends silly.” Pinkie followed her right into the new kitchen to help her meal without asking. Rarity worked right along without even noticing it. “Oh they are quite lovely ponies, I was a bit off put by Applejacks… rustic charm but she is ever so helpful. Dawn is also such a gentle colt and even lives in Canterlot attending CSGU. I really should have asked if he has met the princess.” She fanned herself while preparing their meal ingredients using magic. “He isn’t exactly a prince though.” She thought of Blueblood from the magazine. “I know right,” Pinkie set the table for them both before stirring a pot of soup they had worked on. “He isn’t quite for me but great friend material.” They finished preparing the meal and both sat down to eat. It was only then that Rarity noticed her new pink friend had invited herself to dinner and yet, she didn’t mind at all. “There you are!” I found myself tackled by a cyan blur as Mom and I were taking a trot around the fence before dinner with Unfettered following along. She needed the exercise before Forest started her flight practice. This is becoming too common. I thought after we stopped tumbling. “I looked all over town for you.” Rainbow dash huffed while pinning me down. “Sir are you alright?” Unfettered asked concerned while mom just laughed. The laughter calmed Unfettered though she did shuffle conflictedly. “That one must really like ya colt.” Mom joked when she noticed who had tackled me. Rainbow wasn’t paying attention though, “Where were you all day so I could pay back those bits?” She poked my chest with a wing. It took a moment for my brain to reboot as I realized what was happening. She had probably spent all day trying to pay me back from my off hoof comment. “Thanks Dash. You really didn’t have to worry about it so much.” “Hey! I’m a loyal friend who always pays ponies back.” She puffed out her chest while still sitting on my stomach. Smiling up at her I playfully said. “Well then Dash, did you have other ideas for paying me back besides bits?” I ran a hoof under her wing and she finally noticed the position she was in. My mom broke out into another fit of laughter while Unfettered hid her face behind a wing but peaked between the feathers. It was Rainbows turn for a brain reboot while my mom asked. “Colt, where did you learn lines like that?” Her smile told me she wasn’t really upset. Suddenly Rainbow jumped off me using her wings landing quickly between the three of us. Her cheeks were a shade of deep crimson instead of cyan as she sputtered. “Not what I meant.” I joined in on my mother’s laughter as Unfettered smiled. “I’m sorry.” I gave the blushing filly a friendly nuzzle. “That prank was just too easy.” “Prank? I knew that.” She puffed up again. “Anyway here.” She passed me the ten bits she owed me from a small pouch around her neck and I quickly stored them in my mane. “How?” “Magic.” I winked before she turned around. “Well I better get going.” Rainbow spread her wings just in time for my mom to stop her. “Hey Dash. Want to join us on our trot?” My mom asked and Rainbow tilted her head. “Who’s asking? I normally train alone.” She looked a bit wary of my mom calling her name so casually. “I’m Forest Breeze mother of the one you just tackled, Married to two wonderful mares, Ponyville's weather manager, as well as your future boss.” My mom smiled and stuck out a hoof as Rainbow now looked worried. I just rolled my eyes at her posturing. They really are too similar. Rainbow gulped then accepted the hoof bump. “Um, nice to meet you, mam.” “None of that off duty.” Mom waved it off with a wing. “Just Forest is fine Rainbow Dash. I saw your file of course and was impressed so far with your flying. Teamwork needs improving but I can work with that.” Rainbow looked proud then blushed again when I chimed in. “And if she stops tackling me. Not that I mind getting pinned.” My mom cuffed me with her wing. “Enough teasing colt, let’s get back to our trot before we’re late for dinner.” My mom stretched a bit. “You too Dash, you can join us after.” After our trot the four of us headed inside and were met by my dam. "Well breezy who's that you brought with you?" Dew asked. She was about to give her wife a nuzzle but backed off after getting a sniff. "Never mind tell me after you all shower." My mom sniffed under her wing and did a fake gag which made me laugh. "Alight you youngsters can use the hall bathroom I'll use the Master bath with Unfettered here." She walked upstairs. "Well better get cleaned up else Mac and AJ will eat all of dinner." I made my way up to the hall bathroom closing the door behind me and got the water running. Once it was warm enough I turned on the rain heads stepped into the shower. My dam had upgraded the place after moving in. Moments later I heard the door slowly open as somepony stepped in and closeed it behind them. I snorted a bit when Rainbow stepped into the shower with me. "What are you doing here?" I asked Quietly. Ponies had no issue bathing together IF they knew each other well enough. "Your mom said to join you." She blushed, her mane now waterlogged. "She probably meant one at a time but since you're here." I used my magic to coat her fur and mane in product then began scrubbing the acceptable areas. She instantly cooed at my use of hand shaped fields subbing her mane and scalp. I smirked when her tongue lulled out like a dog while scratching her ears. The almighty Rainbow Dash defeated by ear scratches. When I had to stop too scrub myself she actually gave me puppy dog eyes so I finished quickly and stepped out after turning off the water so I could escape them. "Want me to preen your wings?" I wrapped myself in a few towels to start drying. Fur makes proper drying take forever. "Do you even know how?" She stepped out behind me and I passed her a towel. "Of course, my mom made me learn for the days she was to lazy." I laughed. She tentatively held out a wing and I got started on it. Feather by feather I lightly ran some 'hand magic' through them to straighten them out. She shivered when I corrected one but didn't say anything else. When I started on her second wing I noticed her silence was from being blissfully half asleep. After applying some wing oil to both using mom's guest brush I spoke up, "Alright all done." I tossed my wet towels on the rack to dry. "Wow they look awesome, you're really good at." She tossed her own wet toles on the floor. Before she strutted out into the hallway she spoke up, "That never happened," and continued downstairs. I just shook my head and hung up the towels and followed her downstairs for dinner. What a day. Once I was downstairs I was pleasantly surprised to see Cheerilee sitting next to Big Mac and happily talking with the family. Rainbow had a spot across the table next to my mom and was getting the Stink eye from Applejack. Sitting down between AJ and AB I joined right in on the conversations about our days. "So, what's she doing here." Applejack asked me under her breath. She was still a bit upset about loosing the race against her the other day. "Who, Rainbow?" I asked and she nodded. "Mom invited her to join our trot after she stopped by to pay back some bits she owed me." "Why did she owe you bits?" AJ was genially curious so I told her the story of our first meeting back in Cloudsdale. I left out the personal stuff about my condition. Once finished Applejack tapped her chin then nodded. "Well I still don't know about her but if she did all that just to pay you back ten bits I can respect her. Don't know if she's worthy of being kin though." I snorted a bit then got back to eating and conversing with the family now and then. Is that the only thing fillies think about. As Celestia lowered the sun she smiled. Today had been a great day with young Twilight. The change of pace was just what she needed after dealing with Dawn's degenerate grandparents. There was still a lot of work to do and two criminals to find but the evidence her investigators had found was finally enough to start a proper trial in a few days. You could have just thrown them into the sun. Celestia ignored the thought as Feather Duster poured a fresh cup of tea. "Thank you." Celestia took the cup. "Of course Princess." Feather contently sipped on the love her princess was giving her from her spot in the corner as the princess sipped her tea. "You know Feather, I think Twilight is coming along nicely so far. I know it hasn't been that long but she really brightens up the castle. And she is so cute when around Cadence or studying with her friend Moondancer." Celestia smiled to herself she was glad Twilight had at least one friend. If only Sunset had found one. "You are right princess. The castle has felt more upbeat since you found your new student." Feather herself found she didn't have to feed as often and even had excess love. Perhaps it was finally time for her to lay her first eggs. "Yes, it really has hasn't it. Perhaps bringing on another student won't be as much a problem as I feared." Celestia set down her cup and Feather instantly stepped over to fill it again using her wings she also set out a slice of cake from a tray. "Who did you have in mind, if you don't mind my asking?" Feather Duster retreated back to her corner spot. "Balanced Dawn, He has been matching Twilight in classes and with recent events I believe I need to keep such a colt closer at hoof." She frowned a bit. "It may also placate the nobles close to his grandparents to give him such a boon." She was really not looking forward to cleaning up that mess. If only you hadn't let it get so bad in the first place. Oh quiet you, things are going wonderfully. > Ch33. Surprise Royal visit. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence was nervous. Her aunt had finally given her a solo assignment, her first, and it just happened to be a big one. She was currently in Ponyville this morning along with her guards and Shining to speak with Lyra, Dawn, and his family in more detail about the recent incident. "Deep breath Candy." Shining momentarily broke rank to whisper in her ear. She did just that as he got back into formation as they approached their first stop. When she knocked on the door a young Earth Pony mare opened the door and quickly saluted after recognizing the guests. "Mam, something I can do for you?" "At ease Sweetie Drops. I'm here to speak to Lyra." Luckily for both of them Lyra was still asleep so cover had been maintaned. Cadence stepped inside and left every guard except Shining outside. Shining, Drops and herself were more than enough for most situations. It took some time but Lyra eventually came downstairs after Bon Bon had gone up to wake her. Lyra's eyes went wide and she bowed after she noticed Cadence upon reaching the first floor. Bon Bon was right next to her playing her part. "Pri-princess what can we do for you this morning." "Rise my little ponies." She had to keep herself from giggling when using her aunt's line. "I'm here to talk about recent events. so please sit." Lyra and Bon Bon both took up spots on the floor setting on the guest cushions. Once everyone was comfortable Cadence continued. "Lyra. You have been through much and the crown would like you to tell us exactly what happened with your parents and Dawn's grandparents." "I don't blame Dawn your majesty!" Lyra practically yelled. She had worried his family would get in trouble even though they were not all bad. "I know, however, you were bought by his grandparents and forced into his herd when your parents… sold you. While it was technically legal due to it containing signatures of both your parents and his house's matriarch, the paperwork in question has recently been annulled after your parents were found unfit as guardians." Cadence was a bit intrigued when Lyra looked downcast at the news. Shifting her vision, she could see a string leading from the filly towards Sweet Apple Acers, almost matching the one connecting her and Bon Bon yet shrouded to its owner. "So I'm no longer in his herd? What do I do about school then? I don't want to end up in foster care." Lyra began to get upset before Bon Bon hugged her. Cadence shifted her vision back to normal. "Not to worry. You will still have your full scholarship as well as a new stipend, due to what happened, for your living expenses. During holidays you will live with Swe-Bon Bon while the dorms are closed." Cadence placated. "Now then. How about we get started as the sooner we do the sooner I can get out of your mane. Shining Armor please start taking notes." He nodded and began writing everything that was said from that point on using a quill in his pink magic. Cadence finally let her tears fall freely once their group was outside of town. "That was awful Shining. How could any parent treat their filly like that." They had stopped at a small park while one of the guards went to buy them all lunch. The interview hadn't actually taken that long but to her heart it felt like it dragged on forever. "Honestly, I don't know Cadence. As a guard we are trained to expect stuff like this but hearing it first hoof is much different." He hugged his mare while the other guards looked away respectfully. Their relationship was a public secret at this point with the palace staff. "At least her ordeal is over now." "Shiny, we need to make sure Twilight raises Spike correctly." Cadence said with a determined look then rested her head back on his withers. She was glad she had taken Dawn’s advice and finally told Shining about her wings and being a princess. It was nice to have somepony she could be honest with. Not only that but in that moment they had shared a soulmate song, undeniably binding them together though unable, to officially marry just yet. “She’s already doing a great job Candy.” Shining nuzzled her. The two sat in silence after that until the food arrived. Once finished they went over their notes again for a bit before they decided it was time to move on to Dawn's family. I was bored. Mac and Granny are busy with chores. Dam is at town hall doing some accounting work for the town and the farm. Forest mom is preforming her Weather Captain duties. Applejack and Unfettered are at school since it starts a few days before CSGU does. Pear mom is in town with Bloom running the farm stall and all that’s left is me alone with out much to do. "Bored." I called out again while laying on the porch swing. "Then perhaps I can change that." My ears perked up at the familiar voice. "Good to see you again Dawn." I sat up and smiled. "Cadence what are you doing here?" I ran over to her and hugged her, “Also did you know your wings are out?” both my actions and statement surprised her guards. “Does that mean you told them?” She moved a bit so I could see Shining. "Yes, everypony knows now. There was a small puplic announcement while you were captured though I told Shining sooner. Sadly I am here on official business so we have to catch up later, is your family around?" I explained where they all were as she idly stroked my mane. Sometimes it's nice to be small. Cadence Relayed orders to her guards to go collect who was needed. "Well since we need to wait looks like we’d have time to catch up. How have you been Dawn?" She smiled down at me. And sometimes it’s not. “I’m doing fine all things considered.” Cadence’s ears flicked and she gave me a questioning look. “Really. They treated me fine considering I played along. I didn’t like it though.” “Oh?” Cadence just let me talk. “Well who would? They were bad ponies who thought unicorns are the best. I mean sure we have cool magic but Pegasus can fly and change the weather like mom and earth ponies are strong and have their own magic like my new family.” I threw my forelegs up to emphasize my point. “My grandparents are just bad ponies.” “Got that right sport.” Mom just landed and I ran over to her for a hug. “Nice to meet you princess.” Mom gave her a respectful nod. “Please just Cadence is fine. Now that you’re here we can officially begin.” Cadence said and we lead them all inside. My dam and Unfettered showed up a bit later and Cadence interviewed us one by one. The whole process lasted about until dinner and left everypony a bit exhausted. “Well I think I have everything we need for now.” Cadence stood up and stretched. “When will the trial be.” Morning Dew asked as she hugged me between her forelegs. “My aunt hasn’t decided yet. She wants to have enough evidence to make sure everything goes smoothly.” Cadence lowered her head. “Soon though.” With that she and her guard left. Forest gave Dew a hug. “See it will be over soon love.” “That colt is something else.” Shining spoke up with a flippant tone after they and the guards boarded the royal train car. The couple was left alone in a private compartment. “Shiny!” Cadence cuffed him with a wing as they sat down. “What,” he rubbed his neck where she hit. “He is, first he sees through your disguise and how he responds to all this. He isn’t normal.” Cadence raised an eyebrow and gave a smug response. “The same could be said about Twilight. She did hatch a dormant dragon’s egg and turn your parents into houseplants. Her personality isn’t exactly stable either.” She hummed. He opened and closed his mouth a few times. “Huh, I guess that’s not wrong. Just strange to see it from the other side.” Cadence relaxed and snuggled up with him on the bench. “See, not easy dealing with a unique foal that’s not family, is it?” They both laughed as the train got moving and then switched topics. “What did you think about Unfettered?” Cadence’s voice dropped a bit. “What she went through hasn’t been heard of in hundreds of years.” Shining’s eyes hardened. “Aside from her captors I plan to send a squad to hunt down whoever made her collar. It’s unfortunate it was already destroyed so we can’t use it to track down whoever it was.” He hit his hooves together. Cadence squeezed him with a wing. “At least she now has ponies who care for her. We do need to get her official paperwork sent to her as well for citizenship.” It had been another thing she took care of during the interview. “I’ll make sure of it.” Shining nodded. The two began to nod off after that as the train rolled onto Canterlot. They both had an emotional day. > Ch34. Return to Canterlot. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can’t stand it when ponies cry. I thought as I was showered in hugs and affection. My family (new and old), Lyra, Bon Bon, and I were all congregated together at the Ponyville train station and the train had just arrived. “You stay safe now you three.” Pear gave Lyra a hug, me a kiss on the forehead, then a proper one to Morning Dew. My dam was the only one who had the time to go with us to drop us off, so we were all saying our farewells. “We will.” Lyra and I said in unison with my dam finishing with a, “And I’ll make sure of it.” After sharing a kiss with Forest. “Bonnie, are you sure you can’t come with?” Lyra’s ears couldn’t droop any lower as she pulled Bon Bon aside. “Sorry Lyra. The shop is just about ready to open so I can’t leave.” Bon Bon gave her one last comforting hug. “See you at the end of the year for Hearths warming.” Applejack gave me another hug as well. I’ll need to get them some good presents. Before anything else could be said my dam ushered us onto the train before it could leave us behind. Once onboard we found an open bench and got comfortable. “So are you two ready to be back at school?” Morning asked us with a sad tone. We had almost arrived at the city so she would only have the walk back left with us. “It will be nice to see all my friends again.” I yawned while resting my head on her side for a moment. I then stretched like a cat but almost fell off the bench as the train shook. “Yeah, and I have new ideas for human club, like maybe an O&O game but we play as human characters.” I flinched a bit when Lyra brought up humans and my dam played along. For the rest of the short train ride I listened to Lyra gush about the ‘mythical’ creatures as morning just nodded along. Just a few more minutes. When we did finally arrive in Canterlot we made our way off the train and weaved our way through the crowds until they thinned out. My dam looked skittish the entire time so I felt it best to speak up. “Mom you two alright?” I nuzzled her leg. Lyra also looked a bit skittish and had asked to ride on her back. “I’m fine sweetheart, why?” She hardly focused in my direction. She was scanning the crowds with her ears. “Because your ears have been on a swivel ever since leaving the train.” I made sure my voice sounded concerned. When she looked my direction I could also see a tint of magic on her horn but not fully lit. She sighed and slowed down. “Just worried I guess. Your grandparents had plenty of ‘friends’ and two of them including my dam are still on the lose.” My own ears dropped. “I hadn’t really been thinking about that.” The both of us stopped walking and we sat down. Dam forgot Lyra was on her back so she slid off with a squeak. Lyra then walked around and joined us giving Dew a deadpan look. “Oh sweetie.” She quickly chastised herself and gave us both a nuzzle, before focusing back on me. “Dawn, I didn’t mean to worry you. I know you’re both going to be safe at school with Princess Celestia around.” Lyra blushed at the genuine affection from a motherly mare. She was about to speak when another voice rang out. “Yes they will.” We all looked up and found Celestia herself was standing there on our path. Morning Dew bowed while Lyra and I both ran up to her and hugged a leg. I have no idea why I felt the need to hug her but she always has soft fur. “Princess/Celestia.” We both smiled And gave her a nuzzle when she bent down. “Hello my little ponies, no need to bow Morning Dew, I appreciate the hugs though.” Celestia looked around and I followed her gaze. There was a small crowd outside of the perimeter of her guards. Quite a few were whispering about the foals hugging their Princesses legs. “Nice to see you my students.” She nuzzled both Lyra and I back signaling the end of our hug. I could sense it’s end caused her a bit of unease and sadness. Probably can’t show affection in front of the crowd. Lyra and I returned to my dam’s side as she continued to speak but in a lower volume so the crowd couldn’t hear her. “Morning Dew, Balanced Dawn, if the two of you have the time I would like to speak with you both at the castle before heading to the school. Lyra, I am sad to say, I will need you to go with Raven Inkwell, my assistant, and she will take you to school to show you your new dorm room and explain your new stipend.” “Can’t I go with you?” Lyra tried to give her the puppy dog eyes. I almost thought she would relent then Celestia shook her head. “I am afraid not my little pony.” “Come along little one.”Raven used her magic to set Lyra on her back then bowed before she headed off. “Now then let’s get going shall we.” Celestia’s guard parted the crowd for us and we headed towards the castle. When we finally ended our journey we were in the same sitting room where I first met Celestia. Once she had dismissed everypony except her maid she spoke up. “I am sorry for changing your plans like this but I needed to speak with you both.” “Not at all princess.” My mom shook her head. The maid began serving us all tea and I noticed her gaze linger on me before she stepped back. “Is this about the trial?” Celestia took a sip and motioned for us to try it before speaking. Not the biggest fan of tea but not bad. “Not exactly, due in part to those events however, I have decided to take Dawn as my second personal student.” I did a literal spit take at the news and the maid was right there to clean it and me up. My mother gave me a disapproving look before she turned back to the Princess. “I thought you typically only took one at a time? Not that it wouldn’t be an honor for the family.” She rubbed the back of her neck. I was still trying not to choke so couldn’t intervene. “Traditionally, yes, however Dawn has matched Twilight every step of the way and I believe their friendly rivalry has helped them both grow. Twilight has already made a few friends including Dawn after meeting him which had admittedly been quite a concern of mine.” Celestia gave a knowing smile my way. I mean she’s not wrong. “What would that entail exactly. He could still return home right? We only just got him settled into Ponyville with our new family.” My mom had begun to panic a bit so I pressed against her side. She put a hoof over my withers in response. “The only thing that would change is his Saturday. He would Join Twilight and I during our private lessons and Tea time.” Celestia placated. “None of his scheduled holidays would be interrupted and when he is old enough he will have a room at the castle instead of the dorms just like Twilight.” My mother seamed to be mulling it over. I could tell she was conflicted between the extra safety and attention it would bring. I was feeling the exact same way. It would be my biggest change yet. I smiled at that idea. “Mom. I want to do it.” Morning looked at me pensively while Celestia beamed. “Excellent, you will start next weekend.Don’t tell anyone, including Twilight.” She winked at me. Oh it would be a fun surprise. “Guess I can’t say no now if it’s what you want sweetie.” Dam gave me a thin smile. Her and Celestia began talking about the particulars while I tuned out and finished my tea. Looking around the room I spotted the maid waiting patiently in the corner, an odd shimmer around her body. Something about her feels strange. She stared right back and gave me a toothy simile and I could swear that she had fangs. Maybe she’s just part thestral, I haven’t seen any of them, yet. After the meeting with the Princess mom walked me back to school. She didn’t stop at the gate and brought me all the way to the dorms. “Well here we are.” We shared a hug at the building’s entrance. “I’ll miss you mom. Have a nice train ride back.” I smiled up at her. When our hug ended she reluctantly began walking away and I was left alone in front of the dorm building. Taking a deep breath I turned around, straightened my saddle bags, and walked inside. Time to get back to school. “What a strange colt.” Feather Duster dropped her disguise and returned to her true form as Princess Imago once she had entered the crystal caves below Canterlot. She had turned a small section of it into a bedroom of sorts but was only now improving everything in the caverns. “I can appreciate what Celestia sees in him though.” She licked her lips and stretched herself out. “He had no trouble noticing my presence, one that even Twilight ignores.” She had been debating on setting up her hive in the abandoned caves but her decision was made recently when the positive energy around the castle had increased. “Honestly I’m glad I didn’t have to leave my Princess.” She picked up a picture of Celestia in her magic and gave it a quick kiss then hugged it between her forelegs as she fell onto a bed she had added recently. She rolled back and forth like a lovestruck teenager, primarily since that’s exactly what she was In terms of changeling biology. Stopping in her playful motions, “I would have hated being away from her where I could no longer serve her. I would have had to let somepony else take my place.” She hissed out. “Now that won’t have to happen just to bring my children into the world.” Her smile returned and she buzzed her glistening wings happily from the thought of not having to give up on one or the other. Imago set down her picture safely on the nightstand then hopped onto her hooves. Walking over to a nearby mirror she checked herself over after finally being in her true form again. Imago’s height was the same as in her Pegasus form sans horn, she was a short princess but loved that she could always look up to Celestia. She was also not love starved like those inferior ’queens’ since she had no problem sharing her love and received plenty in return. This gave her wings beautiful shimmer effect and left her chitin hole free and a lovely darker glistening silver color, her face and rump were framed with a lovely red mane and tail bordering on pink and her eyes were a deep hazel. She smiled at her reflection then flopped back down onto her bed and grabbed her planning journal to write a few notes. She still debated on finding a donor for her first royal offspring but had decided laying some drones would be a good start. With her recent vacation request and the upcoming holidays increasing the ambient love, now was the perfect time to start a hive. Putting her journal back she closed her eyes and began rubbing her stomach lovingly to begin the process of self reproduction. Sadly this process would only result drones, as far as any Ing knew. “Soon my children you will be born and then serve Princess Celestia and Equestria same as I do.” She laid back and began pleasuring herself to thoughts of Celestia and her new eggs. > Ch34.5 Candy and Music > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops pov. I was not a happy mare today. I should have been, considering my store was finally ready to open and my recent injuries had healed, yet I was feeling overwhelmingly lonely. Loneliness had become a poison for me as it always brought back memories. [Five Years ago.] “Get up!” The instructor yelled at me this was already my third year of training so I received no slack. “Do you want to eat today Drops?! If so then Get. up!” I, shakily got to my hooves after falling, a process made difficult by the mud and constant rain. I had given up crying years ago but some of my new, younger sisters had yet to learn. I looked further back on the training course and the instructor had already found her next victim, a younger brown unicorn wearing a null ring who was in much worse shape than I was. I was about to take my next step forward but found myself running back to help the filly. The instructor said nothing then actually smiled when I got us both moving through the mud. “Good. Now both of you keep moving!” I don’t know how long we were forced to run in the rain that day. I had to eventually Leave the filly behind for fear of not getting dinner. ”What in Tartarus is going on here!?” I watched in awe as Princess Celestia herself, my Princess, landed on the training field, the mud and rain steaming in her presence. I and one other filly were still running with four others collapsed on the field near death. I watched as the our Princesse’s eyes angrily fell upon my instructor and grasped the aging mare in her magic. “What. Have. You. Done to these fillies?” Celestia demanded before she noticed the two us still running. I didn’t understand why my Princess was so angry. “My little ponies you can stop now.” Her voice was filled with pain yet I had to ignore it. Only the instructor could tell us to stop during training. We weren’t ready to serve the Princess yet. “Order them to stop.” My Princess yelled at the instructor. When I received orders from the instructor my legs gave out under me and I knew no more. I shook my head as the timer for the oven went off. Carefully opening it with oven mitts I grabbed the first tray and set it out to cool. Reaching for the next I set it next to the first and loaded the oven with another tray of candy. “Just one more batch.” [Four Years ago] “Hello there Bon Bon.” I didn’t know why my Princess preferred that name but who was I to question her. Ever since she collected my sister’s and I, life has been much nicer. I still had to keep asking her for orders though. “Hello my Princess. Need me today?” I couldn’t understand at the time why she flinched then sighed. “Actually yes. I have a… unique assignment for you involving a four year old filly. She is a bit of a unique case I have my eye on for now.” My Princess explained. “Do you need me to retrieve her?” I didn’t know what else she could want. “No! No, I just need you to become her foal sitter for a few days while her parents are away on a trip. She needs special attention so when they asked for a sitter I decided to send you.” My Princess finished. “I won’t fail you princess.” I gave her a salute and took the book on foal sitting she gave me. Lyra’s pov I was alone in my dorm room. Raven had kindly led me into one of the coveted single rooms that were typically reserved for the older fillies. “Can’t believe this is mine.” I curled up under the covers of my new bed and began to cry. “Why couldn't they love me?” She eventually fell asleep crying into her tail. [Four years ago, a fuzzy memory] “Hi.” “Hi.” I looked back at my strange reflection in the bath water. “You look funny.” “You look funny.” I said to the pony reflection of me sitting in the woods. “Want to be friends?” “Sure.” The other me rose from the bath water and wiggled her fingers. “These things are weird.” I laughed with her as we compared features and played in the tub. “Lyra are you about done in the bath?” My mom asked through the door, it was her first time letting me bathe alone so she sounded concerned. “Yes mom.” Me and my reflection answered with a shared smile. After we both spoke I tried standing up and tripped into the tub water. When I finally surfaced I found myself in the strange forest, my hands were gone and my fur was soaked. “Mom? Mom!” I screamed until my mom found me or, something that sounded like her. “Oh thank Celestia, there you are Lyra your father and I were worried sick.” It had to be mom, she had recognized me. Since mom was a pony It made sense that I was a pony. In fact I wasn’t just any pony but a magical unicorn and riding on my momma unicorn’s back after she used magic to lift me. Was I always a pony? “Sorry mom, I fell in the water.” My new ears drooped. Or were they my old ears? “It’s ok sweetheart let’s get you dried off and back to the town.” She gave me a loving nuzzle. [Last Hearths Warming] ‘Hey Bon Bon, I know it’s been a while but as my first best friend I thought I should write you a letter. Things at home… haven’t been the best lately and I know you’re always a great listener so thought we could talk. Hope this letter finds you. Lyra PS: Happy Hearths Warming’ There were tear stains on the paper. ~~~ ‘Lyra, Yes it has been a while. I will be moving soon so my new address is included. What can I help you with? I will always be available to help my first best friend. Happy Hearths warming to you too. Bon Bon’ > Ch35. Back in school. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well it’s good to see Everypony returned.” Guiding Heart had just finished checking her list while I and the other colts ate breakfast in the dorms. “Now I know we will only be back a few weeks before winter break starts up but don’t start slacking now.” She said playfully before leaving the room. “Hey Dawn how was your break?” Sunburst had just gotten his breakfast and sat down next to me. I sighed. “Well… I got foalnapped, forced into an arranged marriage then the marriage was annulled and here I am.” Sunburst stopped chewing then gave me a deadpan look, “Very funny.” I just shrugged. No point pushing if he doesn’t believe me. We then spent the rest of breakfast talking about our break. I told him about all the fun I had at Pinkie’s parties and with my new family. Yay! In response Sunburst told me about him and Starlight hanging out and about the earth pony family that had moved into our old house. “Well dang I wish I could’ve been there with you both. Maybe you can visit us sometime? The farm has plenty of room.” I felt a bit bad for inviting them to a house I didn’t feel was exactly mine. “Oh seeing a working farm would be an exciting experience.” He pushed up his glasses with his hoof and I just laughed a bit. “Good morning class.” A familiar looking unicorn walked into our magic class instead of Celestia. “For those of you who don’t remember me I am Mr. Clear Mark and I will be your teacher for the next few weeks. Now then welcome back from break and lets begin.” “But where’s Celestia?” A random filly spoke up. “Princess Celestia has matters of state to attend to for the foreseeable future so I will be taking over her class.” He pointed to the filly with a piece of chalk held in his magic, “As for you. I expect no further outbursts without a raised hoof.” Great, what a charming teacher. Surprisingly he wasn’t that bad. By the end of class I had actually gotten called on more than Twilight who I felt he was avoiding and I actually got a “well done” out of the guy. “I miss the Princess.” I overheard Twilight sulking as we were moving onto our next classes. “Of course you do, teachers pet.” One of the other fillies bumped her roughly in passing. “You alright?” I asked while walking up to her. “Yeah. I’m…” she noticed it was me asking then her tone got a bit lighter. “I’m fine Dawn. Thanks.” I gave her a friendly nuzzle. “Alright then let’s get to class.” The both of us chatted in the halls before we had to split and head towards our classes. Why are we outside? I shivered along with a few of my other classmates who echoed my thoughts aloud as Gale finished attendance. “Well everypony today we are doing something a bit different. Each of you will be training in some practical magic.” She paused and smiled. “Shield spells with a warming modification to keep you all safe and warm if you get caught in the snow.” She looked around at the class and lingered on me for a moment. Could have used the shields before break. “Go ahead and pair up as one of you will cast the spell and the other will try and break it by throwing small balls at it from inside.” She passed out the equipment and had us move around the field. Wish my winter coat had grown in. Canterlot’s elevation makes it colder earlier than Ponyville. I decided to pair up with Moon Dancer so went over to ask her. “Hey Moon, want to pair up.” “Hi Dawn, sure, I’ll go first.” She lit her horn and the cool wind around us stopped as she formed a pinkish shield. I began throwing balls at the shield resulting in a strange ‘pang’ sound and a grunt of concentration from Moon Dancer. “So how was your break Moon?” ‘Pang’ I asked after getting bored with just sitting and tossing things at her shield. “It was ni~ce.” She grit her teeth and reinforced her spell. “Went out with Twilight for Nightmare Night and met Spike.” She blushed. “Sounds like a fun date.” I said playfully ‘crash’. Her shield broke on the next throw and she gave me a dumbfounded look. I shot back a sly grin. “My turn.” I lit my horn and formed a sky blue shield with flecks of gold and black. Thats new. “So what did you do on break Dawn?” ‘Ting’ my shield rang out more like a bell. “My family moved to Ponyville.” She adjusted her glasses and looked disappointed I wasn’t struggling to talk and cast. “It’s closer to Canterlot and our family also grew so I have some new Earth pony siblings and a new mom.” ‘Ting’ “That must be different. They don’t get jealous about you having magic?” She was academically curious not accusing anything. “Why would they? I’m nowhere near as strong as my new brother or sister.” ‘Ting’ “That’s good.” She continued to throw until I got tired and we switched back. Continuing to converse about our respective families. “Dawn!” Trixie jumped on my back when lunch rolled around. She then gave me a friendly nuzzle. “Trixie missed you and her friends.” “Down, Trixie.” Starlight lifted her off my back with magic and Trixie happily switched to nuzzling Starlight. Starlight then gave me one as well. “Missed you this year for the scary stories.” “Me too. Trust me I would have much rather been at Sires Hollow.” My ears splayed back. I thought it best not to tell them yet as it was a long story for lunch. “That bad?” We all sat down for lunch as she asked. Trixie was still being clingy. “Not all of it. Just Nightmare Night and leading up to it.” I joked and told them all about the good things that happened. “Oh, Trixie also had a wonderful vacation. She helped her parents put on a few shows and did one for the other foals in town.” Trixie finished with a flourish of magical non burning fireworks from her horn that made us all clap our hooves. A few of the other tables gave us strange looks but we didn’t care. We spent the rest of lunch catching up and laughing. Now this is how life should be. Imago was panting heavily while squatting upon the mats she had laid out along the crystalline floor. She had just finished laying her last egg. She had spent all night fertilizing her eggs, got a bit of sleep, then began laying her first small clutch this afternoon. “That, was way more intense than I expected and it was only four.” She shakily walked to her nightstand and grabbed a pitcher of water she kept and chugged the entire thing down. Looking at her eggs she couldn’t help but smile. They would be the first drones of her very own hive. Hugging the eggs close she fed each of them her stored love. “Eat up babies, mommy is sticking close by until you all hatch.” She curled around them and hummed a Pony lullaby verbally and through her infant hive mind. > Ch35.1 The Trial begins. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia tried to get comfortable upon her courtroom throne, it was nowhere near as nice as her primary one. Something she had done specifically to keep herself awake during long trials. Today however was the trial of Dawn’s grandparents and his aunt which she would have no trouble focusing on. I would much rather be at my school teaching. Instead of dulling out justice? Never. Celestia could feel the sarcasm dripping off the wordplay. She finally found a good spot as other Nobles and Citizens alike began filling into the courtroom and filling up the jury box. Due to the nature of the crimes and her involvement she was unable to pass judgment only oversee the trial. “All rise for the honorable justice Princess Celestia Sol.” She hated when her full name was used by the bailiffs. After a wave of her wing all of the ponies sat back down for the start of the trial. As soon as everyone was seated the guards brought in the three accused, their lawyer following behind. The prosecutor was already in her position. “Today we begin the trial of Onyx Star, Evening Flare, and Evening Frost." The prosecutor began. "These three ponies along with two who have yet to be captured are accused of..." She took a breath, shocked at what she had to announce to the court. "Foalnapping, Slavery, and Murder of their fellow ponies and other creatures of Equestria." She continued to read off more charges. Why must we sit through this farce, we know they are guilty. To show that the law works even without us. You and your bleeding heart. A few ponies from the Public seating stood up and left the courtroom looking sick or angry after the full list of charges were read out. "Lies." Onyx Star yelled out. "Slander." His Daughter joined. Evening Flare remained quiet though shot her daughter a look. She had a plan. "How do the three of you plead?" Celestia spoke with as neutral a tone as she could muster. "Not guilty!" Onyx and Frost yelled "Guilty by coercion." Evening flare stepped away from her two family members who looked stunned. Celestia raised an eyebrow. "If you wish to plead separately you will need your own lawyer as you will not be receiving your own trial." Celestia spoke slowly. "I understand." As she spoke a lawyer she had prepared secretly joined her side, one who had been waiting in the public seating. Buck!/Buck. Celestia sighed. As the trial proceeded the Crown presented plenty of evidence to convict all three ponies for life. Unfortunately names such as Dawn's and Lyra's were included in the case even if struck from the official record word of the trial had already spread to the press. Why haven't you abolished free press again? Some days even I don't know. So far it had only been the prosecution presenting their case and now it was time for the defendants. "I call my client Evening Flare to the stand." Her lawyer announced. They were given the option to go first as she had pled guilty. "Now Flare. You Say you are guilty but only by association, Excuse me, coercion is that correct?" "Yes." She kept her answers to the point while Onyx Star glared at her, Evening Frost gave her a hurt and confused look. "And could you please tell the court why you are calling it coercion?" Her lawyer asked. "Because while I did do many of the things I was accused of. I was forced to do it!" She lowered her head and began to fake cry. "My herd mates Onyx Star, Gilded Moonrise, and Gilded Sunrise forced me to do all those horrible things. I mean what Pony could ever foalnap a child? I was even forced to birth a child for Onyx Star yet, I love my daughter with all my heart." "Liar!" Onyx yelled out before being pushed back into his seat by the guards and a silence spell placed around him. "The worst part is they brainwashed my poor Evening Frost into believing everything they did. If our other Daughter Morning Dew hadn't run away when she did she probably would have ended up just as delusional as my Evening Frost." Yes her tears were fake and so was most of her testimony, but the love for her daughter was real. Everypony else could rot for all she cared so long as her Frost got away. Frost looked confused by what her mother was saying. She wasn't brainwashed. She loved all four of her parents and would do anything for the family just like her mother should be doing. "So let me get this straight. You feared not only for your life but the life of your own child so had to continue to do what you did?" Her lawyer really played up the emotions of her testimony. "Yes and I deeply regret my actions." Flare lowered her head again and splayed her ears back. Celestia looked towards the jury box. These fools are eating it up. I am afraid you might be right. A few more questions were asked by both her lawyer then the prosecutor. Once She stepped down from the witness stand, Flare's lawyer presented evidence that she was forced into her actions. Most of it was fabricated or only half true but it worked for her. Even the prosecutor had a hard time fighting her claim as most of the evidence was for the herd as a whole not any one pony. The entire time Celestia watched the proceedings she had to restrain herself from jumping the mare as next up was her husband and daughter. "Your honor before we move on I would like to ask that Frost be given the chance to change her first Plea." Flare's lawyer presented to the court. "All three of you come to the stand." Celestia ordered. All three lawyer's conjoined at the front of the court and a silence bubble was erected. "This is highly unusual princess." the Prosecutor spoke first. Flare's lawyer raised a hoof. "But not illegal as she was mostly charged with accessory as the herd's daughter. Honestly Morning Dew should be here as well considering the charges upon my clients daughter." Onyx's lawyer shot the mare a look. Her job had become so much harder now that her client's wife had accused him of the very crimes he said he didn't commit and was turning their daughter against him as well. Celestia rubbed her temples with her hooves. Flare's lawyer was correct, it was not illegal to change a plea during the course of a trial depending on the charges. Especially when it was a plea being changed from not guilty to any form of guilty. "We leave it to the mare in question, her mother can't answer for her as she is well into her adult years and of sound mind." Celestia spoke up. "As for Morning Dew She was already acquitted of any minor crimes by the statute of limitations and never accused of any major crimes so leave that be." She said the last part while gritting her teeth. "Fine." Onyx's lawyer said. "This is agreeable." The prosecutor stated. "Of sound mind is in question still but we accept." Flare's lawyer conceded. Celestia lowered the bubble and all three bowed then returned to their spots. "Evening Frost, you are being given one chance to change your plea. What say you my little pony?" You're really giving her the chance? Even I can't argue that she might not have been brainwashed from a young age. Evening Frost looked between her father and mother. For the first time in her life she had to pick a side. So that is what she did. "Very well. You have chosen. Let us continue." > CH35.2 The Trial ends. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You traitor!" Onyx Star was incased in the guards magic before he could jump his daughter. His lawyer just sighed as the case was practically over right then and there as Onyx was dragged back to the dungeon for holding. Once the court had settled down Celestia spoke again. "As I was saying. It looks like you have chosen. What is your new plea?" Frost first spoke with the lawyer then spoke to the court. "I plead guilty by insanity and brainwashing." The audience and the jury gasped. Yet another lawyer stepped up, one her mother had already hired in the hopes that her daughter would listen. Celestia had to resist every urge to march her way into the parliament building and rewrite every law herself after burning the currently existing ones.We should do it anyway. "Very well. Court will continue after a short recess for lunch and... so another defendants table can be brought in." She banged her hoof on her throne as all ponies rose before she did. She could tell the press ponies were having a field day as she left the courtroom through the back door. When Celestia returned everypony else was already there. They rose for her once again and sat down. "Let us continue." "I call Evening Frost to the stand." Her new Lawyer spoke Frost took to the stand and looked around the room. "Frost, You have decided to plead brainwashing as the reason for your actions correct. Why do you believe this?" She strode in front of the stand as Frost watched her walk back and forth. "Well. I don't I think I'm not guilty of anything but mom told me to change my deal so here I am." "So you did it just because your mother told you to?" Her Lawyer raised an eyebrow. The jury was also puzzled by this statement. "yes." Frost nodded. "I typically do whatever my parents tell me." "So, Evening Frost. Do you like Unicorns?" The lawyer changed her line of questioning. "Yes." She wasn't sure what her lawyer was doing. "What about Earth and Pegasus ponies?" The lawyer turned towards the jury. "Why would I like those Mud Munchers or Feather Brains?" Angry mummers from the jury spread as Frost spoke. "And who~ told you to call them that?" She turned back to her client. "Well My parents did." Frost said it like it was the most obvious answer. The mummers turned questioning. "No further questions at this time." Frost's lawyer sat down as the prosecutor stood up. "Evening Frost. Is it true you helped your parents Sell statues that were in fact living ponies or other creatures at one time?" She looked nervous. "Yes I helped them sell statues, why would I not help my parents?" The questions continued as the jury was swayed back into convicting her. Once all the evidence was presented Onyx Star's lawyer got his turn however without his client it was much harder to present a solid case. It was easy to tell which way the jury was pushing for his verdict. Celestia sent the jury off to decide their fates once the questioning was finished and evidence were presented. "So has the jury decided what is to be done with theses three ponies?" Celestia asked once the jury had returned. "We have princess." One of them stood up. "We find them all guilty. Onyx Star will be receiving Life in the dungeons without parole. Evening Flare will be receiving the same but with Possible Parole after seeing a psychologist and we want Evening Frost to be placed in a psych ward." The juror sat back down. "Understood." Celestia stomped a hoof. "Guards see that their sentences are carried out and bailiff proceed with the paperwork. Court is dismissed." Celestia stood up and left the court room. Disappointing, the three should have faced death.We no longer do that remember. Even as she thought it she almost wanted to go along with her inner demon. For once I am glad Luna was not here to see Equestria. When Celestia finally returned to the castle there were already half a dozen news papers waiting in her private study. Picking one up she read the headline. 'Unicorn supremist family receives life sentence for the dungeons, Earth and Pegasus ponies say it's not good enough.' "This is going to be such a mess to clean up. We still have to distribute the assets as well that were seized but Dawn's parents still have a right to some of it." She sighed to herself. > Ch36. Second Student Saturday Surprises (4S) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of my week had become very eventful once the story of my grandparents broke. Most of my fellow students began avoiding me however, some of the older students actually praised what my grandparents had been doing to non unicorns. I should probably warn Celestia about them when I see her later. I was currently eating an early Saturday morning breakfast in the dorm dining room and wondering what I would be doing later once I joined Celestia at the castle for my first lessons with her and Twilight. I hope Spike will be there, that little dragon needs some positive attention and is just so cute. "I still cant believe you were telling the truth about your break." Sunburst broke me from my thoughts as he sat down next to me with a loaded tray. "Why would I lie about something like that?" I chuckled then took another bite of my food. Most of the dorm students were sleeping in or avoiding our table. “It wasn’t exactly a funny story even if it sounded outlandish.” "I know. The others, especially Starlight, got really worried once news spread.~ Sorry about the rest of the students though." Sunburst was of course referring to how the rest of the school had responded to the news. "It's alright, It should all blow over by next year or when something else big happens. I still have you and the other girls to keep me company." I bumped his side. "I also have my first lessons today with the Princess after breakfast." "It's impressive you get to be her personal student. She only ever takes on one at a time." Sunburst Praised. "More like she just wants to keep a close watch over me after everything that happened I bet. I won’t mind hanging out with Her and Twilight though, I still need to show her up after that last test we had." I smiled. Twilight had gotten a higher score on our last written magic test about spell runes and had actually bragged about it. I found it cute and decided to leave me showing up today a surprise. “I’m surprised you’re so casual about seeing the princess. Speaking of, does Twilight even know she made you her student as well?” He waved his fork at me with his magic. "Nope." I chuckled. “Most ponies don’t know as it hasn’t been announced. Ah, you probably shouldn’t tell anypony either.” I was about to go back to focusing on my meal when he asked another question. “So did you really get married to Lyra?” He looked away shyly. I almost did a spit take with my breakfast. “Technically… like I said it was annulled right away. Why?” “Just wondering what it would be like.” He tapped his hooves together. He should have no trouble getting someone later on. I chuckled and got back to eating. “What can I help you with young colt?” The guardsmare asked sweetly while looking down at me. I had left the campus after grabbing my saddle bags and made my way through town to the castle gates. “I’m here to see the Princess.” I smiled up at her and passed over my invitation. She raised an eyebrow as she read it over. “I see. Well, let’s not keep her waiting then.” She spoke with her fellow guard then led me inside. I was grateful for her leading since it was only my third time at the castle. When the two of us arrived outside of Celestia’s study she spoke to her fellow guards at the door then knocked. “Princess I have Balanced Dawn here for you.” “Thank you, please let him in.” Celestia’s voice rang out as she opened the door with her magic. I stepped into the room while the guards returned to their posts. As soon as the doors closed I trotted over and gave her a nuzzle. “Morning princess.” I playfully said, still nuzzled into her side. “Good morning Dawn.” She tittered. “You showed up quite early for our lessons today. Have you eaten already?” I nodded. “Yeah, I was honestly excited to see you without being in trouble.” I joked. “Yes. We have had a habit of meeting under less than ideal circumstances.” She hummed. “Speaking of, did you hear about the trial results.” “Yeah.” My ears splayed back. “I still can’t believe two of them got away.” I sighed then changed topics before getting to deep into it. “So does Twilight know I’ll be here?” I nudged her and was grateful she played along. “No. She doesn’t.” There was a twinkle in her eye. “I figured it would be a good surprise before the winter break.” She took a sip of her tea. I laughed and moved away a bit getting more comfortable. As I did a maid, Feather Duster, took my bags to the side and brought me my own cup of tea. “At least her reaction should be fun.~” I took a sip from my fresh cup. And maybe kinda cute. “Sorry I’m late Princess!” Twilight burst in after a while, interrupting the conversation Celestia and I were having. “I stayed up to late studying and then I had to make sure Spike ate.” “I’m glad you’re feeding our son Twilight.” I said with mock seriousness. Twilight’s brain froze for a moment when I spoke up. Celestia raised an eyebrow at me then looked back towards Twilight and calmly said. “It’s quite alright Twilight. Dawn and I were just talking about holiday plans and his upcoming studies.” “I. what?” Twilight slowly walked over to us with a happily babbling Spike on her back. When she finished rebooting. “So is Dawn in trouble again?” She tilted her head. “Not this time.” I smiled and grabbed Spike from off her back and gave the baby dragon a Nuzzle. He laughed and took the toast I offered. “No Twilight. For the first time I have decided to take on two personal student’s. Dawn is here today as your fellow Protege.” Celestia smiled at the scene of Spike and I. What can I say, I love reptiles as much as fuzzy critters. Twilight opened and closed her mouth a few times then, “What?!? But.” She fell on her rump. Feather Duster in the corner also looked mildly surprised. “Yes, I plan to make the official announcement after the holidays but starting today he will be joining us for our future Saturday lessons and you two will even be doing research projects together. So play nice with the colt.” She smiled then winked at her first student. “That shouldn’t be a problem Celestia, Twilight and I are already friends.” I nuzzled spike again and switched to baby talk. “Isn’t that right spike, mommy and daddy are already great friends.” Spike laughed while Twilight blushed. Celestia hid a polite laugh behind her hoof at Twilight’s indignation. “Hey, Stop hogging my Spike.” Twilight finally grabbed him back with a huff but then surprised me by loafing at my side with Spike between her legs. “And call her Princess.” I stuck my tongue out at her while Celestia just happily watched us banter for a while before finally having us move on. These two bicker like an old married couple. I know, wonderful isn’t it. Huff. “Alright you Two that’s enough. Let’s move onto our lesson plans for today shall we?” Celestia chided. “Yes princess/Mom.” Twilight replied dutifully while I replied cheekily earning myself a nudge from the filly. When lunch finally rolled around Twilight was in a much better mood about having me around. It felt to me like she actually enjoyed having someone her age around to bounce ideas around with her and the princess. I also wasn’t reverent to Celestia so I actually asked random questions, unlike Twilight, so it rounded out the study sessions nicely. I still don’t know why Twilight has such a complex about Celestia. As the four of us ate lunch, Celestia focused primarily on catching up with her work. Must be tough running a country on top of everything else. Twilight on the other hoof was devouring her food with gusto and I had to hold myself back from laughing every time Spike stole something from her plate. Well it’s not like I really care about manners and it’s still not as chaotic as at the farm. “Dawn.” Celestia had set down her work and spoke after finishing a bite of cake. “After lunch you and I will be heading to the training hall.” She didn’t explain why. “Can I come too Princess? If you’re going to be practicing spells i want to be there.” Twilight excitedly asked, a few crumbs around her muzzle. I guess it’s true that those with lots of magic need to eat more. I had just finished my own second helping of salad. “Not this time Twilight.” Celestia gave her a warm smile. “I’ll just be testing his practical abilities so why don’t you spend the afternoon in the castle library.” “Really?” Her eyes went wide. “Yes, yes, yes. You don’t normally let me go in there alone after last time.” Twilight blushed. Knowing Twilight she must have made a big mess. “Yes, well.” Celestia coughed into her hoof. “I’ll send down a guard to keep you out of trouble.” Twilight gave a sheepish look. “So why isn’t Twilight allowed to be alone in the library?” I finally asked the burning question with a tilt of my head after Celestia and I made it to a training room. She just chuckled. “She has a habit of trying out the spells immediately if she finds a new one in a book and not always with the best results. Now then.” Her demeanor became a bit more serious. “As my second personal student I will need to see what you are capable of Dawn. As you may know, both you and Twilight are very magically gifted for one’s so young so you must be careful with such power.” “I know.” I lowered my head a bit with my ears splayed back. I know she’s talking about Twilight’s surges and my unique magic. “No need to fret.” She put a hoof gently on my side. “Just show me what you can do.” We spent the next twenty minutes going over a few spells such as basic levitation, elemental spells and finally shields. The last few were things only Twilight would have been able to pull off at our age. “Excellent Dawn.” Celestia genuinely praised. “Now please show me that unique spell your grandparents taught you.” I flinched then focused on a log she had teleported in after an encouraging nod. When my spell hit the entire thing turned into solid gold. Celestia kept a neutral expression but I could tell she was a bit concerned. “I see.” She circled the log with her horn lit. “You can hardly tell it’s magically transmuted gold, most transmuted materials reject further enchantments so it’s easy to tell them from natural materials yet this gold still accepts them, if with a bit more difficulty.” She was more speaking to herself than me. “So no making infinite money?” I joked but she frowned. Well not like my family needs money. “Dawn such an action would be highly illegal as you should know from learning about basic transmutation, not to mention while it’s a good fake it is still fake gold.” She chided. “We have one last thing before we finish up and I check to make sure Twilight hasn’t wrecked the library… again. What was the spell you did during the entrance exam? I have never seen something quite like it.” She looked back towards me curiously after teleporting the golden log away. “Oh it’s something I found in an old book by Clover the Clever.” I pulled out an Apple from lunch and broke it in half to retrieve the seeds then ate the flesh. “It lets me channel all kinds magic through my hooves like an earth pony even their own growth magic.” I focused magic through my hooves into the seed and it sprouted as I held it. Celestia watched closely as the seed became a tiny sapling ready to be planted. Neither of us noticed as I began to glow and my shadow got longer. “Dawn, no unicorn was able to pull off that spell, not even Clover Herself.” Celestia finally noticed the glowing. “Huh.” It was in that moment I exploded leaving only a smiling shadow behind for a moment longer. Celestia could only blink. Did your student just explode? This can’t be happening, according to my vision Twilight was suppose to somehow be the next. Apparently not. Celestia looked down at the symbol on the floor and quickly got into action. “I better go retrieve him, oh this is going to be such an interesting dilemma. I hope he isn’t panicking.” Celestia lit her horn and began teleporting into the Alicorn plane. “Hello?” I looked around the white and black foggy expanse. “Hello-o?” I asked again.”Well this is just great. Not even Celestia’s student a day and I explode into an Alicorn.” I check my sides to see the wings. “Yep Alicorn.” I sigh. It’s not like I wasn’t happy to become one but this felt way to early. “I am surprised you’re taking this so well.” A shadowy mare circled me once then stopped to sit and look down at me. “Oh hi Lu-Nightmare.” I smiled up at her then frowned. “Was this your doing?” She hummed and tilted her head back and fourth. “In a way. Apparently when I shoved that spell into your head a bit of more of my shadow magic clung onto you than I intended. Mix that with what you already have from your family and that magic from Clover and,” She clapped her hooves together, “new Alicorn.” She gave me a fang filled smile back while looking down at me. “And a fresh colt Alicorn as well.” A shiver went down my spine as she licked her lips and leaned forward like I was her next meal. “Dawn?” My ears perked up when I heard Celestia’s voice while Nightmare just Scoffed and disappeared. “Dawn, there you are.” Celestia ran over and hugged me tightly with her wings and forehooves. “I know you must be scared and surprised but you have nothing to worry about. Becoming an Alicorn is a wonderful experience and…” she stopped when she noticed me tapping her leg. I gasped for air when she released me from her chest floof. “Air!” She nuzzled the top of my head. “Sorry about that Dawn. In any case this is wonderful news we will announce the arrival of a new prince as soon as possible. Perhaps after Hearths Warming when I planned to announce your status as my student.” She tapped her chin until I light poked her leg again. “Yes Dawn?” She looked back down at me. With a Deadpan glance I used my freshly enhanced Shadow magic to hid my wings just said, “Noope.” Like my big brother Big Mac. Celestia just stared at me until we both disappeared from the Alicorn plane and arrived back in the training room with a ‘Pop’. Imago, in her Feather Duster disguise, ran towards the training room. “Oh, my Princess I hope you are ok. Why did this have to happen while feeding my eggs.” She had been channeling love into her eggs when she felt a great magical surge then two more in quick succession. When she finally arrived she found the Princess with her newest student Dawn and a messy training room. “Princess are you alright?” She could feel strange emotions coming from them both mainly the amusement of the colt and… pouting, from her Princess? “Yes Feather, we are both fine. Thank you for your concern.” She almost melted from her Princess smile. “Very well then I shall leave you.” She bowed and began making her way back to the caves. She had eggs to tend to and her Princess was fine. “So you really don’t want to let the public know?” Celestia pouted again after her personal maid left. “Nope.” I shook my head. “I’m only just about to turn nine princess, I can’t be a prince yet.” Celestia sighed. “Right, I forgot not all foals dream of being royals and you are still quite young even if you do have your Cutie Mark. I will have to announce this once you are older though, or if you can’t keep those wings hidden.” Perhaps when Twilight ascends as well. I felt another chill down my spine and flapped my new invisible appendages. “Shouldn’t be a problem, I could already cloud walk thanks to Mom so I just have to hide the wings.” Thanks Luna for the illusion magic. Celestia raised an eyebrow, “Young Dawn, how could you cloud walk?” I chuckled nervously, Oops sorry Mom and Dam, then began explaining to the princess what I knew about my parents and my magic. I feel like somepony needs a party! Pinkie shrugged off the thought and focused back on the counter where her friends were ordering food. “Thanks Pinkie.” Applejack licked her lips at treats she was bringing back to the farmhouse. “You’re welcome.” Pinkie waved after her. After finishing her conversation with Dawn and then checking to make sure Twilight hadn’t ruined the Library, Celestia was more exhausted than she had been in centuries. She practically shoved the sun over the horizon as she flopped onto her massive cloud bed when it was finally time to end the day. “Always one thing or another with that colt. At least Twilight didn’t make a mess.” She spoke into her pillow and got comfortable for the night. > Ch37. Sleepless in Equestria. (the missing s) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Stupid wings.” I was having trouble sleeping after getting back to my dorm room. While I could make them invisible and intangible thanks to shadow magic, Wouldn’t want a random hug getting me caught, I could still feel the things as they itched like Tartarus and the muscles kept cramping up. “Why oh why did this happen again?” I lamented to myself while tossing and turning in bed. Well let’s review shall we? I mocking thought to myself. First you prevented a cult forming by being a good friend with Starlight, then saved Trixie from herself, Lyra from your and her family, finally you apparently easily performed a spell not even Clover the Clever could do and she wrote the thing. Oh, let’s not forget surviving getting shadow magic from Luna shoved into our head. I huffed. “And that’s basically what happened to Twilight wasn’t it? Made friends? Check. Save some ponies? Check. Finish writing an old spell? Close enough. Have abnormally high magic? Check.” I groaned to myself and hit my head on my pillow. Thank goodness the rooms have soundproofing spells. Also did I just make a check list? Great. “But now I have to spend at least the next decade trying to hide the fact I ascended all while two Alicorns already know. One of which wants to crown me and the other apparently wants something else.” Luna might be best princess but Nightmare is a nightmare, I think. I laughed at my poor joke. After hitting my mattress a few more times I eventually found a comfortable position loafing and hugging a pillow. Finally. “Hello Dawn.” I groaned as I heard Nightmare’s voice. Think of the devil and she appears. “Hello Nightmare.” I replied like a foal to his teacher. “I see you survived that solar traitor.” She spat out. “You mean Celestia? Why wouldn’t I?” I shrugged, my fresh wings weren’t hidden in my dreams. She snorted. “That mare craves nothing but power and control of Equestria while allowing those plot kissing ‘nobles’ to get away with whatever they want. So yes I am pleasantly surprised she didn’t chuck you in a dungeon to use as breeding stock once you’re older.” She lowered herself to match my eye level. “Nightmare do you not know about…” I stopped to realize she didn’t know about Cadence yet. “Never mind.” “I do so hate unfinished thoughts but that’s not the purpose of my visit tonight.” She sat back up. “Balanced Dawn, I am here to collect your debt.” She spoke in a more professionally menacing than normal tone. I gulped. “What did you have in mind?” “For the next few years before my release I will most likely no longer be able to visit your dreams as I consolidate my power in order to escape my prison. In that time I need you to find my Thestrals and Inform them of my impending return.” She looked down her muzzle at me. “What? How am I supposed to do that when nopony even knows where they are and I can’t freely travel?” My wings flared a bit and she narrowed her eyes. “Maybe use those fresh wings?” She tapped her hoof against my forehead causing images and a map to be imprinted upon my mind. Great another headache when I wake. “You now have all the information you need. As for traveling I am in no rush, so you may find them any time up until a year before my return.” She faded from my dream before I could reply. “Harmony damn it Luna!” Great become an Alicorn and get tasked with finding a lost pony tribe, lovely… I sat alone In my dream pouting. Bucking night princess. Imago lovingly stroked one of her eggs, the largest, whilst singing to them in her natural form. They would be ready to hatch well before spring time and then she would have a bunch of grubs to look after. “I’ll hate taking time off but without any caretaker drones it’s up to me.” She rolled onto her back with the egg cradled by her legs and began speaking sweetly. “Isn’t that right my cute little love bug?” She kissed the egg. “You’re going to do your mother and our princess proud.” Imago set the egg gently with the others and got back to her work of crafting the nursery for her new children. “Pinkie, darling, I do appreciate you stopping by for tea but why must it be so late? I know I was up working but still.” Rarity pored her pink friend a cup of tea. She wasn’t that upset with the filly as it had broken her from a creative slump she had been stuck on involving winter scarves tonight. “That’s just it Rarity I can’t sleep. Normally I can fall asleep in a moment wherever I want yet today I keep feeling like there’s a party emergency!~” Pinkie took a sip of her tea, added far to much sugar, then drank it in one gulp causing Rarity to wince. “Good tea.” “I’m, glad you like it dear.” Rarity cringed a bit. “In any case I can’t help you with a party emergency but do try to relax. I am sure you will figure it out eventually like me and my slump.” Rarity pointed to some unfinished scarves. “Ohh pretty. Could use a moon and stars though, maybe a snowflake design?” Pinkie tapped her chin while Rarities eyes lit up. “Idea! Oh thank you Pinkie” Rarity quickly rushed from the table then back to Pinkie and kissed the fillie’s cheek before she got to work in her studio. “You’re welcome?” Pinkie tilted her head and rubbed her cheek with a hoof before shrugging and making her way back to Sugar Cube Corner. At least I made Rarity smile even if I didn’t find out who’s party I missed. Twilight was reading a book under her covers by horn light. Her faithful assistant had long since fallen asleep leaving her to ponder alone. “I still can’t believe Dawn became the Princesse’s student too.” She huffed and turned a page. “It’s not that he can’t keep up but I was supposed to be her student.” She closed her book, too unfocused to read. “And why does he keep saying he’s Spike’s dad and I’m the mom? Sure I hatched Spike but I’m much too young for that… even though ancient ponies did used to have foals much earlier according to my history books~.” Twilight grumbled to herself. “Stupid colts, Moonie is a much better friend and… and I haven’t been seeing her as much because of my studies.” Her eyes went a bit wide. “Twilight Sparkle. You better not be reading in there young filly.” Twilight Velvet’s voice rang out through the door. “No mom.” She regretted responding on instinct as her mother opened the door. “Twilight, you need to go to bed.” Younger Twilight unraveled the covers off herself and sheepishly looked at her mother who was now standing in the doorway. “Sorry mom I couldn’t stop thinking.” She lowered her ears apolitically. “About what? Did something happen with your lessons at the castle today?” Velvet sat next to her daughter’s bed. “No. Kinda? Dawn was there and he’s joining us from now on and he keeps calling Spike his son.” Twilight huffed as she explained the rest. Velvet just blinked a few times at her daughter’s unusual behavior then laughed. “Oh sweetheart he probably just likes you. Your father was the same way when we first met and didn’t know how to talk to me. As for you being Spike’s mom well you can be whatever you want to him as long as you take care of him.” Velvet gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. “Now get to sleep young filly. It is unusual she took another student though.” Velvet mumbled about the new information on her way out. It was Twilight’s turn to blink. “Likes me?” “So what are you still doing up?” Forest Breeze sat down at the farmhouse dinner table next to her first wife who was sipping some coffee. “Can’t sleep. I’m worried about Dawn.” Morning Dew took a sip of her lukewarm coffee just before Breeze cuddled up next to her on the table’s bench. “You know our colt is safe at the Princesse’s school Dewy. Nopony can get in there without permission.” She nipped her wife’s ear. “I know.” Dew huffed. “But my parents are still out there somewhere and I can’t stop worrying.” “Fair enough. It has only been a week since he went back and just a few days since the trial.” Forest sighed. “And we do still have to take care of the family assets.” This earned her a look. “Fine. You have to take care of them.” Morning Dew nodded. “I love you sweetheart but you’re terrible with the finances.” “And I love you both so get back to bed. It’s cold.” Both ponies jumped a bit as Pear Butter suddenly nuzzled her way in between the two giving them a longing look. “Also Dawn will be fine, he’s the colt of two amazing mares.” “Three.” Morning nuzzled their wife as Forest agreed before they all headed upstairs. > Ch38. Last Winter lesson. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last few weeks of school had been unusually hectic with my new schedule. Why would they make us come back after fall break for such a short period of time? Logically I knew it was because they had to squeeze as much learning as they could out, between all the holidays and such, in a year. Not all ponies went to year round schools like CSGU, if they went to higher level schools at all, and time off was a much more valuable thing to Equestrians at large. At least my first few weekends with Celestia and Twilight have been fun. Twilight and I still had one more meeting with Celestia, I assumed it was just a farewell get together before the holidays. Regular classes were already out and most of the older students had already gone home for the holidays on their own while quite a few of the younger students had yet to be picked up by family members so were still staying so the dorms were relatively empty. When I finally made my way outside after breakfast my breath caught when I saw the one thing I had personally always loved above presents or anything else during the winter. “Snow!” I ran outside through the dormitory’s door like the foal I was and bounded through the powdered wonderland on this frozen morning. I had never seen snow quite so puffy in either lifetime. They really throw out all the stops for Canterlot and it’s wonderful. The weather team did great. I picked up a hoof full of the powdered snowflakes and just marveled at how it didn’t really feel cold or damp. I then thought back to the tour of the weather factory and how the Pegasi hoof-crafted so many snowflakes to keep winter under control. This is even better than in Sires Hollow, they probably use way more control flakes here in the capital. Once i was done marveling at the snow I spotted a couple of the colts and dozens of fillies from the dorms having a magical snowball fight in the open fields and found myself extremely impressed that they had fully detailed snow forts. It didn’t take long before a stray snowball hit me on the flank and I joined the opposing team for my vengeance. “Cover that side.” One of my teammates yelled as everypony hurled snowballs with magic and hooves. “We need more snow balls!” A random filly yelled while her friend supplied more. “Victory will be ours.” I yelled out flaring my hidden wings and chucking a massive snowball using my magic at the opposing fort like a madman. A few of my team laughed once it hit causing an enemy wall to collapse. I noticed some of my friends on the other team who were now buried but wasn’t going to hold back. It’s not like the snowballs hurt, with how fluffy the snow is, through our natural coats. Once everypony became tired and the forts were in shambles a truce was declared and everypony went off to do their own thing, such as going inside to warm up. I decided to build a snow pony which was a challenge even with magic. “Hey Dawn.” Starlight had snuck up behind me causing my latest attempt to collapse. “Oh, sorry.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “It’s fine Starlight. I still can’t get it to look like a real pony when forming the legs.” I gave her a friendly nuzzle before getting tackled into the snow by a laughing Trixie. The filly was super cold and had decided hugging me to warm up was her best option. “Trixie why are you so cold?” I playfully tried and failed to push her off me. “Trixie was one of the ponies you buried in our snow fort so I demand you warm me up.” She answered while Starlight just rolled her eyes. I lit my horn and wrapped us both in a mild warming spell causing her to start purring. “Much better, Trixie appreciates it.” “You’re welcome Trixie. Are you both ready for the holidays?” I asked while Trixie rolled off me and back onto her hooves. “Yep. Dad should be picking me up later today you should say hi.” Starlight happily replied. “Ah, I actually have one last lesson with the Princess and Twilight later.” I apologized. Starlight looked hurt for a moment then shook her head. “At least I’ll see you more over break. Dad said we can visit Ponyville and your new family this year.” “Really, that’s great!” I gave her a friendly nuzzle. “What about you Trixie any big plans?” “Trixie will be helping her family put on a few shows as we travel around.” Small fireworks erupted from her horn as she posed. “That should be fun. Your magic tricks have really been improving.” She blushed at the compliment. “Yes, they have. Trixie’s magic still isn’t as good as her sire’s though.” She kicked a clump of snow. “Anyway Dawn we had best get packed up before our parents come to get us. See you in Ponyville.” Starlight dragged Trixie away as I got back to working on my snow pony. I shivered as I slowly made my way into my small bathroom and started filling the bath while relieving myself. Once finished, I turned off the taps and sank myself into the warm water of the tub and let out a content sigh as my chills melted away. So good after being outside all morning. I undid the spell on my wings to let the warmth soak into them as well before I began brushing them with a Wet Feather brush held in my magic that Celestia had gifted me. As the brush smoothed out my feathers I shivered at the sensation. Wings are so sensitive but it’s so refreshing. Since I left them invisible and Intangible almost all the time I had been neglecting to care for them despite my new instincts. More than a few times I had caught myself trying to nibble the new appendages which probably looked strange to outsiders considering only I could see them. At least I kept them hidden so far. When I had finished the right wing and then the left I set the brush aside and washed my mane, tail, and fur. Draining the now dirty bath water I turned the shower on and rinsed all the soap off and shook like a dog before drying myself with magic. wish I could soak like that every day but it takes so long with fur. Taking a nice bath as a pony was an hour long process with extra time now that I had wings. “Speaking of let’s see here. Celestia gave me a book on solo preening.” I grabbed the short book in my magic and gave it a quick read before getting to work. It wasn’t that different than helping somepony else so I just let my new instincts guide me as I straightened the few out of place feathers and used my muzzle to apply my natural oils secreted near the joints. Not as gross as I feared and It smells kind of like moms wings. Ponies definitely smelled way better than humans, which is a blessing considering our enhanced noses. When I was fully dried, preened, and applied fresh oils, I re-applied the spell to my wings and made my way down to the dorms main level. Plenty of the other colts were hanging around to avoid the cold in the common area which I bypassed in favor of lunch. “Hello food.” I set down my tray across from sunburst who was reading a book while halfheartedly eating a sandwich. “Talking to yourself isn’t a good sign Dawn.” He joked and adjusted his glasses without looking my way before setting down his book. “Have fun outside with the fillies?” “Yeah, the snow in Canterlot is so much better than back home, I mean Sires Hollow. Heh, still getting used to the change.” I joked. “How did you know Starlight and Trixie were out playing though?” I tilted my head. “Oh, I didn’t. I was just referring to how you’re one of the few colts who bothered going out. Best be careful not to get marked as a Janefilly.” He picked his book back up. I ignored his comment and found myself going back for seconds at the lunch line after quickly devouring my first order. ’Janefilly’, really? What an odd saying also Yay… Alicorn hunger. Once I finished Sunburst and I played a few rounds of checkers while chatting before it was time for me to head towards the castle. “Good afternoon Balanced Dawn.” Celestia greeted when I was lead into the room by Feather Duster. I had slowly been learning the names of the attendants around the castle through the armor made it difficult to do the same for the guards. “Hi Princess.” I hopped up onto my favorite cushion that contained a real cloud. “What no calling me by name today?” She tittered. “Nah I wouldn’t want another lecture from Twilight.” I joked. The filly in question had arrived first today and was reading a thick book with spike resting at her side. Her ears turned my way at the mention of her name and she spoke up. “Well I wouldn’t have to remind you on proper princess protocol if you remembered.” “Nice alliteration Twilight.” I clapped my hooves as she huffed. Celestia beamed while watching us banter. “Well now while I’m glad you both are getting along would you like to get started on today’s lesson?” She smiled. Twilight nodded enthusiastically while putting down her book. Guess I was wrong about just hanging out. The disappointment must have shown on my face since she asked. “Something wrong Dawn?” “Oh, not really I just… wasn’t expecting a lesson today was all?” I shrugged. Twilight looked confused. “What else would we be doing with the Princess?” “I don’t know Twilight, just hanging out maybe, since it’s almost Hearths Warming.” I huffed. I loved the lessons and learning new things but I could admit I wasn’t quite as studious as Twilight who needed information constantly. “Well no need to worry today’s ‘lesson’ is just a refresher about the history of the holiday along with a fun little spell.” She lit her horn and motes of light that looked like snow began to fall around the room that disappeared once it touched something. “Fascinating light spell.” Twilight analyzed. “It’s beautiful Celestia.” I held out my tongue then shivered when I got a little shock by the light touching it, similar to a 9v battery. Twilight looked my way and shook her head while Celestia giggled. “You shouldn’t do that.” Twilight chastised. She’s still becoming like the Twilight from before the Elements. “Well then you two should we get started?” Celestia asked before diving straight into a story about how the holiday was founded after the Windigos were banished. The history went much more in depth than I tempered from the show however when it came to death or anything darker those topics were still downplayed. Twilight of course ate the story up verbatim while I pondered what may have actually happened during the conflicts. I momentarily thought about asking for the missing details than thought better about it. After her story was finished Celestia then began showing us the ‘Snowlight’ spell as she called it. She did not however give us the complete spell and instead wanted us to try figuring it out ourselves first. “How can you already do it?” Twilight looked at the falling lights that were accompanied by my lit horn after about thirty minutes of practice. “You’re overthinking it Twilight. It’s just like the light spell we learned in class but split up and less powerful.” I released the spell and the few last molts of light went out. “Very well done Dawn. Twilight, would you like the spell now or would you like to try figuring it out still?” She gave a warm smile. “It’s okay princess, I think I understand it now.” Twilight quickly lit her horn brightly and preformed the spell. Lights did indeed begin falling around the room however they were not the calm molts like snow instead they all burned like bright candles. One touched my hidden wing giving me a shock while dispelling the Magic hiding them. Luckily only Celestia noticed before I could reapply the concealment as Twilight was busy panicking. After a light hit Spike’s tail and shocked him as well, the poor frightened dragon woke up crying. “Oh, I’m so sorry spike.” She held out her hooves as the little baby dragon cried and she looked unsure of herself. “I didn’t mean to do it. Celestia looked worried for the two while having a mental debate on if she should intervene as the panic continued. These two, always overthinking things… I rolled my eyes as I stepped next to Twilight and carefully picked Spike up as he cried before gently rocking him with magic. “There there little guy. Did mommy accidentally get you with that mean old light spell?” The two just watched as spike stopped crying then began to babble at me. “I know right she really should be more careful. You’re mom doesn’t quite know her own strength.” I nodded along as if having a conversation with him while Twilight’s ears pinned back with a strange mixture of hurt and pride from the comment. “However it was an accident so think you can forgive her?” I held spike up in front of Twilight and he tried reaching for her. Twilight hugged the baby dragon while apologizing and nuzzling his head. “See all better.” I gave Twilight a small nuzzle all while I could see Celestia watching with a small smile from the corner of my eye. “Well done.” Celestia’s voice reached my ear, with her lit horn I inferred she only spoke to me somehow. “Thanks Dawn.” Twilight smiled. Once everything had calmed down Twilight got back to practicing while I created lights for spike to play with, he would happily laugh every time he caught one in his claws. Time passed slowly after that yet before any of us noticed it was time for dinner. “Princess shouldn’t these young ones get back to the dorms?” Feather asked after reminding us all of the time or that she had been in the room the whole time. “Not to worry. I figured these two could stay the night in the castle, if they wanted.” Celestia hummed. “Yes please.” We both replied before Celestia wrapped us in her wings and led us all towards the dining hall. > Ch39. Winter Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two other alicorns as well as your personal student, and yet we spend the holidays alone? Celestia didn’t have a rebuttal to the thought. In the past few years she was able to at least spend the holiday with Cadence however she had been going away on diplomatic missions around Equis for the past few months as part of her duties. She had thought about inviting Dawn or Twilight and their families but she knew, the younger alicorn had yet to inform his family about his ascension and that the Apple’s preferred not to come to Canterlot. Twilight’s family wouldn’t be a problem to convince, however she didn’t feel young Twilight’s family could be so casual with her, yet. Excuses, We could just visit the farm, the Apples are family after all. You know we can’t, not after everything that happened. She sighed to herself while her inner voice huffed. Coward. Again she could not refute the accusation, instead she focused back on her tea and watching the fresh snow fall over her city through the bedroom window this mid morning after sending Twilight home and Dawn back to the dorms. “Feather would you please… Right she’s started her leave of absence today and won’t be back for a few weeks.” Another sigh as she teleported a fresh pot from the kitchen along with more pastries. The entire castle was on minimal staff as ponies went to visit their families. We might stand alone but I won’t force that burden upon my staff. After a few sips from her freshly poured cup along with a few delicious bites and her mood improved slightly while overlooking her snow covered kingdom. A stray thought reminded her that while she might be alone right now there was one place she could visit today even if not as herself. Donning her ‘Sunny’ persona she opened her balcony door and flew off into the city with a slight smile. Imago was both ecstatic and feeling guilty. Ecstatic because her eggs were moments from hatching and guilty because she was forced to leave her Princess alone for the holidays. She knew the season was tough on her mistress, even without her empathetic abilities, so she hated to take time off. “Well as soon as you all are hatched and grow a bit I’ll be right back to light duty. At least I didn’t have to lie about needing more time off for family.” She happily chirped while nuzzling her eggs. “And once you’re all grown into proper young nymphs you’ll be talking care of the next clutch.” She clapped her hooves together. It wasn’t long after she spoke that they began to shudder and cracks formed in the shells. She watched closely as one by one the little grubs poked through their shells using stubby horns and little forelegs. “Welcome to the world little ones.” Imago cooed. “You’re doing wonderfully.” The little grubs, all babbling happily, climbed into their mothers waiting forelegs as they received fresh batches of love from her. These were not the starving, hissing changelings of lesser hives but cute little grubs of a well fed hive. Once the grubs were cleaned up and fed they began slowly exploring their surroundings. They didn’t get very far before sleep took over and they formed a small pile with one of the larger grubs in the center upon the hatchery floor. “Aww, already protecting the little princess. Such good children.” Laying a princess in her first clutch had been a wonderful holiday surprise, one possible only here in Canterlot with the excess love and something she was grateful to the ponies for providing. Once she had finished cleaning up from the hatching she wrapped herself around her children and closed her eyes to join them for a nap. “Sleep well my grubs.” After landing within the city Sunny walked lazily towards her destination. Plenty of other ponies were out today in the mild snowfall running las minute holiday errands. “Sunny what are you doing here today?” Tender Heart, director of the Canterlot orphanage, asked from behind the front desk when Sunny cleaned the snow from her hooves at the front entrance. “Just visiting the little ones today.” She smiled. “No one should be alone for the holidays.” Tender was one of the few ponies ‘in the know’ about her disguise so when she said, “I understand,” She truelly did. “Well I know the foals won’t complain about a visit from you.” Tender then walked with Sunny into the main room. “Everypony, look who decided to visit today.” “Sunny!” Most of the foals, except a few of the newer face’s, exclaimed before she was buried in Hugs. “Well hello my little ponies, would any of you like me to read a story today or something else.” She asked and the foals immediately started debating on if they should have story time or go outside and play. The story, with bonus hot chocolate, eventually won out so they all gathered around. Sunny could hardly contain her smile as the foals all curled up close as she began to read. Not such a bad day after all. “Hey there sport.” “Mom!” I leapt into my momma Forest’s waiting hooves after bounding out through the front gates of CSGU. As I gave her a loving nuzzle I asked. “Where’s Pear and Dam?” “Waiting for us back at home. No point having all three of us take the train here and back when it just takes one of us to come get you. Besides somepony has to watch over your siblings and get the house ready for the holidays.” She tussled my mane then lifted me onto her back by my scruff with an ‘ooph’. “You’re getting heavy there colt.” “Right. Wait, we’re not just flying back then?” I tilted my head causing my winter hat to almost fall off. “Nah. Much too cold for long distance flights, I even took the train up here myself today.” She ruffled her wings then began walking us to the train station her hooves hardly compacting the snow thanks to her magic. “Oh, I guess that makes sense.” I replied before we began to catch up on what has been going on the past few weeks. While telling her the story of my latest lesson with the Princess she slowed down to laugh as we approached the station. “So that little filly Twilight really overpowered the spell and shocked her poor baby dragon?” Forest Breeze asked after buying our tickets. “Yep, poor Spike wouldn’t stop crying until I calmed him down.” I proudly replied. “Sounds like you’re going to be a good sire someday.” She hummed. “And with so many fillies after you already your moms and I won’t need to worry about grandfoals.” She joked. “Mom.” I groaned. “Every time.” “What you know I’m just teasing you colt. It’s my job as your mother to get you ready for when you grow up.” She replied as if it was sage wisdom and she wasn’t wrong exactly. It was my turn to laugh as we boarded the train. “I guess you’re right. Mom.” I emphasized the last word then hopped off her back onto the trains bench before she took her own spot. “Darn right colt. Now then how about I finish telling you about the new weather team I’m working with.” We both got comfortable as she started filling me in on everything that had been happening in Ponyville. When the train finally arrived in town mom and I were the only ones getting off. I thought no one was waiting for us until a pink blur came rushing at us yelling. “Congratulations!” I soon found myself on my back with a pink filly on top of me. Every time I come home. I huffed, Not that I really mind that much. Aww thanks. She gave me a friendly nuzzle. “Hi Dawn! Congratulations on…” I shoved my hoof in her mouth before whispering. “Pinkie I know you probably know but my family doesn’t know, so let me tell them, Ya know?” I pulled my hoof back. “Okie dokie lokie.” She nodded happily. “Can I at least throw the party?” “Yes Pinkie, only when it goes public though. Pinkie promise to keep it secret till then and I’ll do the same for letting you host the party, okay?” We both did the motions ending with us both having a hoof to the eye. “Aww you two are so cute.” Mom cooed. “I didn’t realize you two were such good friends.” Pinkie and I shared a look after she got off me. “What do you mean Mrs. Breeze? We’re great friends. I’m friends with everyone in Ponyville. Aren’t we friends?” Pinkie pouted as her mane deflated a bit. “Oh, of course we are Pinkie.” Forest hurriedly replied. “Great! Well I have to get back to work. Ms. Swirl probably needs my help baking more treats for the holiday rush.” She speed off back towards Sugar Cube Corner. Wait isn’t the owner Mrs. Cake? Not for another few years silly. I felt a familiar chill run down my spine as I realized why her name was like that. “Well that was something.” Mom shook her head and broke me from my thoughts. “Let’s get home shall we?” Once we arrived back at the farm I could feel the air change around me after walking past the fence. Why does it feel so, comfortable around here? I looked around bemused. “Something wrong colt?” Mom asked after noticing I had slowed down while following behind her. “Nah. I’m good.” I bounded through the snow and caught up to her before we made our way onto the porch and into the farmhouse after shaking off. “Hey everypony we’re home.” Mom yelled inside after opening the door. It’s good to be home. > Ch40. The bandaid approach. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the whole family sat around the dinner table consuming a variatable feast I was distracted by how I should tell them all about my ascension into an alicorn. Should I only tell Mom and Dam? But then it would feel like I wasn’t trusting my new family. What about just telling the adults? Then my siblings will feel like I was lying once I go public. I angrily took another bite and was glad no one noticed my mood with all the happy conversations going on. That’s it I’m done overthinking this and just going with the BandAid approach. “Hey everypony~.” I spoke up. Only Big Mac and my dam, Morning Dew, looked my way. Applejack and Forest were too busy with an impromptu eating contest while Pear Butter was struggling to get Apple Bloom to eat, as she was busy watching her sister compete. Granny was also encouraging the contest by filling the plates. “What is it sweetheart?” My dam asked as the others glanced my way without stopping. “Well…” I undid the spell hiding my wings. Unlike Cadence, who had been just using a perception filter spell, so she could still fly if needed, my spell was a full invisibility and intangibility one that prevented anyone from even touching them, the downside being it also prevents flight. It takes more magic and is more complicated but I’m less likely to get caught. Dam blinked a few times before gasping happily. “Oh my, when did you learn the Wing spell. I thought that spell could only craft butterfly wings.” She clapped her hooves impressed at my perceived spell work. I was so thrown off by her reaction I didn’t know what to say before others spoke up. “Oh, so they’re made with magic? Cool trick colt. Can you fly with those things?” Mom Forest asked Through a bite of food. Applejack had give up on their contest and was rubbing her bloated stomach but looked content with eyes closed. “They are nice looking sugar but can ya get into trouble for looking like a prince?” Mom Pear asked while Apple Bloom finally started eating with the competition over. “Um, no. I mean yes. I can fly with them and no I won’t get into trouble.” I finally blurted out. “Of course he wouldn’t get into trouble. If the princess taught him that spell why would he?” Dam nodded. “Well no, I won’t get into trouble because they’re real.” I rubbed the back of my head as everypony was now looking at me and my new wings. “Hahaha, good one colt that would make you a prince.” Mom Forest laughed after almost choking on her latest bite. “Mom~ it’s not a joke. Have dam scan them.” The two shared a look the shrugged. Morning Dew’s jaw dropped before she fell off the bench she had been sitting on once the scan was complete. “Dewy/mom/Dew!” We all yelled from around the room. She quickly scrambled to her hooves, looking a bit disheveled, before she pointed a hoof at me and yelled, “How?! Sweetheart how do you have real wings?!?” Her horn sparked a bit from the shock. Everyone else, except Bloom who was imitating her sister’s eating habits, looked my way surprised and with questioning looks. Granny Smith just raised an eyebrow. “So Moms, you know how I have peagsus magic even though I’m a unicorn?” I timidly tapped my hooves together, my ears instinctively splayed back. “Well. apparently that mixed with my hoof casting spell and a few other things which resulted in me becoming an alicorn during my first lessons with the Princess” I lamely answered. I was definitely feeling nervous about telling them after the yelling. “Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry for yelling.” She rushed over to my side of the table and gave me a hug and motherly nuzzle. “So my younger brother’s a real gosh dang alicorn?” Applejack finally spoke up once the shock wore off. “Eeyup?” Mac replied confused. “You’ve been an alicorn for how long and didn’t tell us?” Mom Forest looked hurt and Dam shot her a look. “Can Celly just make ponies inta’ in alicorn like that?” Granny said softly while she tapped her chin, the calmest pony in the room. “Well I didn’t want to tell you in a letter.” I placated, Dam nodding along. “And no granny she didn’t make me an alicorn.” Granny looked more surprised I had heard her then at my change. “I don’t know exactly why I became one but the princess has a few ideas.” “So do ya have to become a prince now?” Applejack scooted closer along the bench and lifted up my wing a bit. “No, Im just an Alicorn instead of a Unicorn. I’m hiding my wings for now and I don’t automatically get a title. Nothing will be announced until I’m older so, for now I’ll keep them hidden and live like normal as I have been. Please don’t go telling anypony just yet.” I looked around the room and glad that everyone was murmuring their agreement that it might bring trouble. “Good. My baby has already gone through enough trouble.” Morning Dew crossed her forehooves and huffed, after everyone else had spoken. “My incredible sons. The first son is big and strong with one filly already and my second one is an alicorn. The Ponyville branches of the Apple and Pear family will certainly be getting bigger Bright Mac.” I could hear Pear happily whisper under her breath before shaking her head. Well that went better than I thought. I was touched that Pear considered me her son as much as Mac. We spent the rest of dinner talking about my new revelation and what was going to happen now. I assured them all nothing was really changing except for Mom Forest insisting we start flying lessons and wanting to preen my wings after dinner like any good mother would. “Thanks mom they look much better now.” She had just finished preening my wings, with much more skill than I had been able to manage, after our lengthy dinner and following conversations. “Thanks. I always hoped I could preen my own foals wings one day like your grandmother did mine.” She nuzzled the top of my head before I moved from between her forelegs to her side. The rest of the family was all lazing around the massive living room with us in front of a burning hearth that did a wonderful job keeping the house warm. The farmhouse living room didn’t really have a couch, in fact contrary to the show most pony homes didn’t, instead it was filled with various sizes of cushions that were perfect for laying on in almost any position. Said cushions were normally kept in a basket in the corner when not in use. “Well maybe next time we visit she can preen them as well.” I mentioned while yawning without really thinking, wiggling myself under her right wing. “Oh she’s going to get a kick out of that I bet.” Forest as she draped the wing over me and got herself comfortable. Dam, who was snuggling with a sleeping Pear on another cushion spoke up with a raised eyebrow. “Perhaps we don’t tell the rest of the family just yet?” Forest and I grumbled but agreed. After that I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sounds of the fireplace and my sleeping family, It was too cold and we were all to full to bother with going to our own rooms. This is the best way to spend winter. I was woken just after sunrise with a, “Wake up young’uns, breakfast will ready in thirty y’all,” from Granny who had apparently started cooking while Mac helped her. Applejack and I groaned while Bloom slept peacefully on Pears back even as she stood up. “I know we ain’t got much farm work but we can’t be sleeping all day.” “Come now Granny we could let the foals sleep a little longer at least.” Pear said as she gave Applejack and I a loving nuzzle in passing, bloom let out a cute yawn right after. Both Applejack and I stretched like cats then rushed towards the restroom and fought over who would go first. Morning routine and reapplication of spell to hide my wing finished, I joined the family at the table and immediately laid my head down on it before letting out fake snoring. The sounds caused Bloom to giggle and Applejack to roll her eyes at my antics. “Nonsense. It builds character to keep with the schedule.” Granny waved a spoon at her from the kitchen door. “I don’t know Granny I’m with my wife on this one.” Forest yawned. “I don’t even have weather duty till this afternoon.” Dam was upstairs preforming her morning routine. “That may be true but weren’t you going to teach the colt how to fly?” Granny sat down. I perked up at this and found my tail wagging at the thought. Mom also looked excitedly my way until dam spoke up. “You’re going to have to find a place outside of town without hoof traffic.” She pointed out. “Right. I’ll look around later while on duty, okay sport?” She looked my way. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll stick around the farm and help Mac and Applejack.” I smiled. “Eeyup.” Mac ruffled my mane in passing as he sat down at the table. Who knew the big guy would like having a younger brother so much. Probably didn’t like being so outnumbered. I still didn’t really think about it all that much. Once breakfast is finished I braved the snow with my older siblings. “So what’s first today?” “Just feeding the other critters and checking on the herd in the barn.” Big Mac answered and I shook my head. “Ya ain’t uncomfortable hiding your wings are ya? Ya probably don’t need to at home.” “Mac you sure he should check on the cows with us? Those girls get kinda~ chatty in winter while being cooped up in the barn.” Applejack asked. “And Macs right ya can leave um out.” “Thanks for the concern but the spell isn’t bad and they keep warmer in my magic.” They shrugged as we continued along. I had found it odd at first, thinking that cows were still considered farm animals, until I learned they were more like wandering contractors. Herds of roaming cows would partner up with a farm and in exchange for the milk they provided they would receive shelter, food, medical treatments and other accommodations, which was especially valuable during winter months. When not at the farm the herds would travel around Equestria visiting towns, moving cargo, and keeping the plains grass manageable, by eating it. Not really a bad system for a race that hates staying in one place. This particular herd that is partnered with the Apples had worked with them for years now. “I’ll be fine AJ I doubt they could say anything that would make me that uncomfortable.” I smiled. Oh boy was I wrong. I thought to myself with blushing cheeks as we exited the barn. We had spent the morning brushing the herd while Mac milked them and some of the things they said would never be acceptable around children back on earth. Thinking back it was all funny though, if awkward. —— “Moo right there Mac that’s the spot. O Mary Bell this colt is good.” Blue Bell spoke up while being milked. “Save some for the rest of us girl. Maybe when his little brother grows up I’ll take a spin with him?” The whole herd laughed. Aj shook her head while mucking one of the stalls mumbling about how they shouldn’t be talking to colts like that. “Maybe ladies.” I idly said while brushing one of the others who was half asleep as I worked on grooming her coat with three brushes held in my magic. It was good practice for manipulating objects while working. “Forget milking you all need to have him brush you. Having three going at me at once is amazing.” She moaned out sensually as the other girls in the barn laughed again. —— “Dang cows.” Applejack walked out of the barn not long after leaving Mac alone to finish working. “Never think about what they’re saying.” “Yeah, they are kinda…” I started. “Blunt and perverse?” She offered as we shared a laugh while walking back towards the house. “Yeah.” I agreed. “Well now that works done How about we go hang out in town?” I offered. “Sounds like fun brother.” She turned her walk into a run as I followed along. > Ch 41. Short shopping trip. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey moms~, Dawn and I are heading into town.” Applejack had won our race by a nose into the house so spoke up first. “Ok sugar you two have fun.” Pear, the only mom available, replied from the kitchen. “Granny is working the stall today, Morning is working at town hall, and Forest will be on patrol later in case you two need any help while in town. Oh and take your sister with you, I’ll be busy making applesauce and I just remembered Mac is out too with his filly friend.” “Okay.” We both replied as Bloom happily ran into the front room, tail wagging, having overheard the conversation. After adorning her winter gear, a cute scarf and hat, she looked between us then held her hooves up towards me and said. “Up?” Daw. “Sure Bloom.” I playfully lifted her onto my back with magic as she giggled, doing my best to keep a straight face. It probably looked funny from the outside, since I’m not much larger than her, when compared to the size difference of me and my parents, but my new earth pony strength made it even easier to carry her. “Now Bloom you shouldn’t expect a colt to carry ya around.” Applejack looking more disappointed that she hadn’t been picked than me being a colt. “Dawn is brother, so it’s okay.” She playfully stuck out her tongue. “Mac told me so last time he carried me.” Applejack sighed. “So long as ya know it’s only proper if it’s just family that helps out.” She lead our group back outside into the snow. “So, where should we go first? I vote we visit Pinkie and Ms. Swirl.” “Sounds great, I could do with some hot chocolate.” I bounced through the snow behind AJ, Bloom laughing while clinging to me “Yay, hot chocolate.” Bloom excitedly yelled then almost fell off when she raised her forehooves skyward. As we got closer to town the snow was at much more manageable levels, unlike the farm where only the paths were clear, the town had just a light dusting of snow to give it the Winter look. “Mom and the team did a good job.” I commented with a grunt as Bloom decided now was a good time to hop off my back so she could walk alongside us. “Hehe. Yeah, mom Forest has been a real blessing. It was rough for the town not having a dedicated weather manager especially with us being on the edge of the Everfree.” Applejack replied as we made it into the center of town. Quite a few ponies were out playing in the snow or doing last minute shopping before the holidays. I could see Granny off in the distance working our own families stall. “Mom made all the snow?” Bloom tilted her head and her hat Pom-Pom followed. “That’s right sugarcube. Mom and the weather ponies are the ones responsible for bringing in the snow we like to play in.” Applejack answered as we reached our destination. “Hi there you three. Here for some treats?” Pinkie interrupted while flinging open the front door of Sugarcube Corner. “Pinkie!” Applejack stepped back and yelled in surprise as Bloom and I laughed. AJ just sighed at her antics then answered. “Yeah Pinkie we’re here for some coco.” “Great!” The Pink pony rushed inside behind the counter to ring us up and fulfill our order. She also offered us some muffin samples of a new recipe she was trying out as Applejack passed over the bits. “So Pinkie where is Ms. Swirl?” It still felt weird saying her name, instead of Mrs. Cake. “She’s in back working on a big order for Mr. Rich’s holiday party.” Don’t worry just one more year until it’s changed. I could have sworn I heard Pinkie sing song something else while she practically dragged us to an empty table. She then pronked back behind the counter as another pair of ponies pranced in. Meh that one needed work. “So, Granny mentioned something about that party and how we’re invited. Us being his business partners and all that.” Applejack mentioned while getting comfortable in the booth. “Really, wonder if we’re going?” After asking I noticed Apple Bloom was already digging into her snacks instead of showing interest in the conversation. “No thanks. Maybe that new filly Rarity would enjoy it but not me.” She sipped her coco. “What don’t like fancy parties?” I replied. “Maybe I’ll invite her then.” I tapped my chin as if actually considering it. Rarity always was looking for her prince. I joked to myself. She huffed and looked away from me. “Had enough of them fancy types when I was pretending to be something I wasn’t back when I lived in Manehatten with aunt and uncle orange.” She didn’t say anything much after that so we just snacked in silence. At leas we did until Bloom yelled. “Done!” And broke the silence. Applejack and I shared a look then laughed before finishing our own snacks. Once finished we clambered out of the booth, thanked Pinkie and headed outside. “Epp.” A demure Filly let out after I bumped into her as we left the shop. “You alright Fluttershy?” I held a hoof out for her after recovering. “I’m… fine.” She blushed then took my hoof so I could help her hoof. “Hey! Watch where you’re, oh. Hey Dawn, thought someone was picking on Shy. Hehe.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck after she landed next to her fellow peagsus. “Sugar, how many times have I warned ya to think before ya speak.” Applejack growled. Bloom had already ran off to play but I wasn’t worried after noticing a pink blur following behind her. Thank’s Pinkie. No problem. “Yeah, yeah. So what are you two up to?” Rainbow dismissed her with a wing then circled around and gave me a friendly nudge with her wing. Applejack glared at Rainbow while Fluttershy hid behind her mane. “Just hanging around town.” I nudged her back with my shoulder. “What about you two?” “Shy and I were about to get some lunch but how about we hang out with you instead? I can show ya some of my new tricks.” She said a bit too friendly then laughed at my eye roll. “Rainbow that’s, um, no way to talk to a colt.” Fluttershy quietly spoke up. “What it’s just Dawn.” She put her foreleg around my back. “His mom is the weather captain and she’s cool with me.” She kept her cocky grin. “Yes Dash we are cool, however you still have work to finish after your lunch break, so no hanging out and flirting with my colt for you.” Applejack giggled as Forest spoke after landing behind Rainbow. “Er, right mam.” Rainbow removed her foreleg and sped inside with Fluttershy following behind her after politely telling us goodbye. “Haha, mom she isn’t all bad.” I gave mom Forest a loving nuzzle. “Speak for yourself.” Aj mumbled under her breath before doing the same. “We’ll be that as it may she still shouldn’t be slacking like that. Rainbow has quite the potential. Anyway you two have fun, I have to get some lunch myself before getting back to work.” Mom flew off towards the town’s dinner for something less sweet. I nudged Applejack’s side to get us moving again, just in time for Pinkie to plop a happily laughing Applebloom onto her sister’s back. “Back to work for me.” Pinkie then sped inside to resume her own job. We both shook our heads and headed towards the market. It wasn’t long into our browsing before AJ and I decided to split up. Some of the other fillies wanted to go sledding so she decided to take Bloom with her and join them in their fun while I continued to browse the market. I was on a mission to find some last minute Hearths warming gifts for the family. “If only I knew where to look.” Most of the stalls were for preserved food or other wintertime items. Eventually I did notice one stall that stood out. “Rarity, what are you doing here?” “Oh hello darling.” She smiled and flicked her ear. “So what’s with the stall don’t you have a store?” I sat down and tilted my head at the booth filled with scarves and gemstones. Rarity sighed. “Yes, however I felt it much better for business if I ‘put myself out there’ as it were. Aside from Nightmare Night business has been slow, considering the demand for clothes.” Another sigh. “Most ponies around here only need repairs on existing items or practical items like custom saddle bags.” She dipped her head and rested her chin on the counter before springing back up. “But I shall not give up.” It probably was rough to be in the clothing business considering the modesty charms that were in use to hide a ponies bits. I had learned about them recently during an awkward class on pony sex education. Granted it was an informative lesson on why I didn’t end up getting flashed with every tail flick. “Yeah, anyway, let me see what you’ve got and maybe I’ll buy something.” I took a good look at what she had. The scarves were very nice but my family all had newer ones. I then took a closer look at the gems, “can I buy some of the gems?” An idea was growing on making some gifts. “Well, they’re really there for adding to the scarves… oh, why not. Which ones would you like?” She asked as I pointed a few out. After making my selection I hoofed over quite a few bits, at my insistence. “Thank you darling but after all the help you and your sister gave me with the house I couldn’t expect you to pay full price.” She insisted. “Rarity, as your friend I insist you take my bits and help another pony less fortunate. Okay?” She beamed at that then let me go on my way for more shopping. “Well that’s gifts for the mares but I still need something for Mac.” I stopped when I spotted the game store then smiled at the O&O display. “Perfect.” With my gift shopping done I met back up with the fillies before we all made our way home. Bloom excitedly told me all about the sledding they did until we got back into the farmhouse. “Welcome home you three. I was beginning to wonder if you’d be home for dinner.” Morning Dew was waiting for us on the front porch. “Mom!” Applebloom excitedly ran up to nuzzle her then began retelling the sledding story she just told me. “Well that sounds very exciting. Why don’t you two go wash up while she finishes.” She directed the statement towards Aj and I. We both gave her a loving nuzzle in passing before heading inside to get comfortable. > Ch42. A Rich party. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Do I really have to go with y’all dam?” Applejack complained to Pear Butter for the umpteenth time. I had lost count after she complained for the fifth time, starting from when the herd received an invitation a few days ago. “Yes AJ, you are going, so stop fidgeting in your dress and let me finish touching up your mane.” Pear shot her a look while putting the last few pins into her daughter’s mane. “The Rich family members have been our business partners ever since Ponyville was founded and they were kind enough to invite us. There, you look wonderful.” She stepped back to admirer her hoof work. The two then left the bathroom and stepped into the living room where we had all been waiting. “Aww hogwash. You youngsters have fun with all that fancy stuff.” Granny Smith said from her rocking chair once she spotted them. Granny was staying home as she refused to go to the party. “Unfettered and I will have a lovely evening here at home.” She had originally tried using the excuse of watching Applebloom however, even she had been invited since Diamond Tiara would also be in attendance with other young foals their age. AJ and I would also be on the foals side since neither of us were independent yet. Unfettered had simply decided not to go and nopony was going to force her.I just have to keep my cool and remember Diamond isn’t a brat, yet. “Granny please don’t encourage her. Also, Applejack you don’t hear your brothers complaining.” Mac and I shared a look then posed dramatically for our mothers, both of us were in new suits compliments of Rarity. Rarity had been extremely grateful to receive business from the whole family even if she hadn’t been invited to the ‘soirée of the year’. “Yeah but they’re both colts and Mac has a date.” Aj huffed. Moms Forest Breeze and Morning Dew had been abstaining from the argument so far. “I have to agree with our daughter, why force her if she doesn’t want to go?” Forest spoke up then immediately regretted it. Ouch, bad call mom. I could tell my dam felt the same as she shook her head. Both of them were also dressed up in Rarity made dresses. “Because sugar.” Pear started with a steely voice while starting daggers at Forest, “our herd needs to show that we are business partners and not just simple farmers to be taken advantage of.” Forest gulped a bit then nodded, I could also see her wings rise a bit at Pears assertive attitude which caused me to giggle and Mac blush at his mother’s… reaction. “AJ your dam is correct, while the Rich family is nice enough, they have been taking some~,” Dew paused and circled her hoof, “liberties with the herd’s trade agreements these last few years by not accounting for inflation and such.” She had been helping with the finances so made double sure to agree with Pear. This earned a smile for Pear and a pout from Forest that Dew dispelled with a kiss on her cheek. Sadly that’s probably why AJ was struggling so much in the original timeline. “Fine.” AJ dipped her head as she let her dam finished getting Bloom ready with a ruby red bow. “Wow, big house.” I had seen bigger in Canterlot but this one’s size stuck out, being the only mansion in Ponyville, It was also currently surrounded by dozens of ponies arriving for the party making it look packed. The party was starting just after lunch and would last until the evening, giving out of town guests a chance to come and leave at various times. Smart business decision I guess. “Eeyup.” Mac nodded then smiled when he noticed his date, Cheerilee, had also just arrived. “Go get her son we can catch up inside.” Forest nudged him with a wing and he trotted off to nuzzle his filly friend. The two then made their way into the estate. “Alright you two.” Dew stopped us before we went inside, Pear and forest at her sides. “We want you on your best behavior. I know we don’t really have to worry but it just needed saying.” “According to the invitation the foals will all be in the smaller ball room so watch over your sister.” Pear lifted a sleepy Bloom off her back and the filly stretched to wake up properly for the coming excitement. She was the only one of us not in clothing, instead she just had her fancy bow with her mane done up. “But also have fun.” Forest finished and led her herd mates inside under her wings. AJ looked at me before pleading. “Do I really have to go? Y’all could say I went inside then had to leave for some reason.” “Our moms will be really upset if you don’t go, also that would be a lie.” I playfully nudged Bloom as I spoke. The filly fell into place at my side, skipping excitedly as we walked towards the mansion. “But it wouldn’t be me lying.” Aj mumbled and dragged her hooves as she followed behind us. “So pretty.” Bloom’s eyes twinkled as she looked around the mansion’s interior. “Thank you young miss, master Rich shall appreciate the compliment.” The three of us were being led towards the foals area by a stallion servant. “It’s alright.” AJ commented sourly, fiddling with her dress a bit as she also looked around. It still surprises me that the Apples are nobles, granted so was my family… are we double nobles now? Although I’m ‘technically’ royalty. I shuddered and shook off the random thought. I got close to AJ and whispered. “Don’t be like that Applejack, let Bloom have her fun.” Her ears splayed back. “You’re right, I shouldn’t ruin it for y’all even if I may not like being fancy.” When we arrived in the ballroom the servant returned to his post in the hallway however there were a few others standing around the room waiting to assist. There were also plenty of other young fillies and colts in attendance, probably the offspring of older guests, making idle chatter around the room. Bloom was the first to trot off when she noticed Diamond Tiara and I followed behind her while Aj broke off towards the snack table. “Hi Diamond, Hi Silver, I like your house.” Bloom beamed at her classmates. I hadn’t noticed the other filly standing next to her sister. It oddly makes sense the two are sisters. “Hi.” The two said in unison. “Who’s that?” Dimond finished. “This is my big brother.” Bloom hugged my leg. “Nuh hu. You’re brother is a red Earth pony not a blue Unicorn.” Diamond huffed. Looks like her mother already started ‘educating’ her. “I have two big brothers.” Bloom proudly announced like it was her crowning achievement. “Aww, no fair I want a brother.” Silver kicked the ground. “Hey, maybe daddy will get one for us.” Dimond quickly ran off with Silver, Bloom followed after them leaving me alone to shake my head. That won’t get awkward. “Daddy we want a brother.” Filthy Rich spat out his drink when his daughters spoke as a few other guests laughed or blushed. Finding myself suddenly alone in the crowd I made my way back over to Aj to share in the snacks. “At least the grub is good.” She spoke up as I joined her at one of the many small tables placed around the room. I levitated a cracker with cheese into my mouth and nodded my agreement. As the afternoon wore on Applejack and I eventually began to mingle with some of the other foals. None of the guests were as stuck up as we feared so the conversations were actually going well. I had a few awkward moments with older fillies, asking for a dance or even a date, but luckily my sister was available to keep them at bay. They really want to lock down a colt early. Mac or one of the Moms would check on us every so often and about halfway through the party Applejack got her wish of leaving by offering to take a tired Applebloom back home. Can’t believe she ditched me like that, well it’s not like she’s ‘loyalty’. I chuckled to myself. Some of the other young fillies who couldn’t leave had even formed a nap pile in the corner with Diamond Tiara in the middle as if it was a normal occurrence for a party. Just glad the few colts were offered another room. “Dawn, is that you.” I turned around and was surprised to find Rarity standing behind me. “Oh it is you, you look wonderful in your suit darling.” “Rarity? What are you doing here, I thought you didn’t receive an invite.” She joined me at my table. She was wearing one of her own dresses, a blue one that matched her eyes and strangely my coat. “I received one just yesterday.” She beamed. “After I helping mend young Diamond’s dress her sire was kind enough to add me onto the guest list as a promising business partner. When I noticed you weren’t in the adults area I came looking for you here.” She had sat done right next to me while speaking and fluttered her eyelashes a bit. “Well I’m glad you got invited.” I playfully bumped her which surprised her. “So, where is your sister? You really shouldn’t be without an escort.” She bumped me back. “She took Bloom home. And why is that?” I rolled my eyes. “Darling.” She paused fans glanced around. “You really haven’t noticed?” When I looked around I finally noticed quite a few other fillies had formed a circle around my table and were either looking at me or giving a stink eye towards rarity. “Huh.” “Yes well, I’m just glad none of them worked up the courage to come talk to you before I found you. Lest you get mobbed.” She tittered. “Rarity can I ask you a question?” I tilted my head ad she smiled my way. “You just did Dawn but you may of course ask another.” She joked. “Why are they looking at me like that?” She paused and her eyes went wide for a moment. “Do you… of course you wouldn’t have noticed if you’re not looking.” She sighed. “Dawn you are one of the only unicorn colts our age at this party and to be at this party you must have some connections. Yet ironically, most ponies with said connections would be up at Canterlot or another major city, so those fillies see it as an opportunity.” It was my turn to go wide eyed. Somehow I kept forgetting about just how bad the gender imbalance really was or that I was at the age where ponies started dating and forming platonic Herds. “Now then Dawn, would you like to dance with me?” Rarity held out a hoof. I hadn’t expected her to be so forward but took it anyway. Sure there was a physical age gap but I was technically older. “So sport how was the party?” Mom Forest had come and gotten me just before sunset saying it was time to go home. Dew and Pear were sticking around for a while longer to secure some business deals, according to mom. “It was actually really nice. After AJ left Rarity and I danced and spent time together. She’s a bit starry eyed for Canterlot but otherwise really nice.” I yawned. The party had taken more out of me then expected. “Glad you had fun.” She picked me up by my scruff and placed me on her back before taking to the air. I fell asleep before we even made it home. Applejack’s ears perked up, from her spot in the living room, as she heard somepony come home. “Well hey there AJ how are you doing.” Forest walked over and gave her daughter a nuzzle. “I’m alright mom, party was a bit much.” She sunk back into her cushion. “Looks like Dawn is already asleep.” “Yeah. Found him dancing and hanging out with Rarity at the party.” Forest chuckled and laid down next to her daughter before embracing her in a wing. She liked having more family to look over. “Isn’t she a bit old for Dawn.” She scrunched up her nose. “Probably but I think they were just being friendly. Even if I did tease him about it.” They both shared a laugh. “It’s funny you know. I never expected to move out of Sires Hollow after everything that happened or that I would get such a great daughter.” Forest Nuzzled AJs head. I had woken up from all the movement but remained silent to listen in. “I’ll be honest. I was a bit upset when dam said she was adding you to the herd so soon after dad passed.” Applejack lowered her head. “But now I couldn’t be happier y’all joined the family.” I smiled at that and fell back asleep as the two shared some idle conversation. > Ch43. Hearths warming. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia slowly raised her sun while lowering her sister’s moon from her spot on the balcony. Just a few more years sister. She wiped a lone tear away from her cheek. Today was not a good day for anypony to be alone, Hearths warming was a day to celebrate with family and yet she would be alone. Cadence was stuck in the Griffin lands due to a storm while her students and most of the castle staff were with their families. “Good morning princess.” Celestia was pleasantly surprised to hear the voice of her favorite maid, Feather Duster, when she stepped back into her room. “Feather, didn’t you go on leave?” Celestia couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice. “I did. But I couldn’t let my Princess be alone today of all days or go without a proper breakfast.” Celestia noticed Feather had not arrived with empty hooves. Upon her table was a breakfast spread fit for, well, fit for a princess. Celestia slowly sat down and with an thankful tone said. “Feather you didn’t have to do all this.” “True, but no one should be alone today, especially not my Princess.” Feather gave Celestia a quick nuzzle. Celestia was shocked at Feather’s forward action but didn’t find it unwelcome. “Then won’t you join me for breakfast? I highly doubt I could eat all this alone.” Feather happily sat down right next to her Princess. She had decided today was the perfect day to drop formalities and get closer to her Celestia. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” I groaned as I was shaken awake by a filly jumping on my bed. “Bloom. It’s to early.” “Nuh, uh. The sun’s up.” She plopped down on my back. “So it’s not early.” I cracked an eye open, hardly seeing any sunlight. “Yep. Early.” I then proceeded to quickly grab her with my wings and hug her tightly to my chest after rolling over. “No~.” She giggled and half heartedly struggled to break free as I nuzzled her head. “Looks like I grabbed a fluffy pillow.” I gave her a squeeze. “Perfect for getting back to sleep.” I yawned. “No, it’s time to get up.” She licked my feathers sending a shiver down my spine. “Ew. Filly germs.” I said playfully and let her go. She immediately made a break for it and ran out of my room. Hopping out of bed I stretched like a cat then gave my wings a quick preening. Mom had convinced me it was safe to stop hiding them while in the farmhouse arguing that she didn’t like the idea of me denying my peagsus side. It is nice to let them breathe. I ruffed my feathers then proceeded downstairs. “Morning sweetie.” Dam said from her cushion in the living room. She was reading a book with Forest at her side sitting in front of the holiday tree. Pear and Granny were in the kitchen cooking up breakfast. The whole house was decorated for Hearths warming with presents sitting under the tree and enchanted lights dam and I made were hung around the first floor. Glad I finished my gifts for the family in time. I had made custom mane charms for each of my moms and Applejack that matched their cutie marks out of the gems I bought from Rarity, fixed up the old treehouse and added a few magical touches for bloom, and gotten Mac a nice set of gem dice for O&O. Granny and Unfettered had been a bit more difficult but I luckily found some nice quilting supplies as they both enjoyed using the hobby to talk. “Morning dam, Morning mom.” I came over and gave them both a nuzzle before joining them. “Where did bloom run off to?” Mom laughed and adjusted her wings. “She got tired of waiting on you so ran outside to find Mac and help him with the chickens.” “You may want to hide those today by the way.” Dam nosed my wing. “We’re having company today.” I lit my horn and began casting the spell to hide them. “So who’s coming over?” Mom and Dam shared a look. “It’s a surprise.” About an hour after breakfast and the family exchanging presents the guests began arriving so it was back to hiding my wings. First was my grandparents, the good ones from Forest’s side. “Granddam, Grandsire!” I rushed over and gave them both a hug. “Oh Dawn, look at you.” My Grandma nuzzled me and hugged me in her wings. “Getting bigger already. And where’s my new grandfoals?” She looked around at my siblings. Bloom playfully hid behind her sister as granny lowered herself to Bloom’s eye level. “You must be young Apple Bloom and her sister Applejack. Hmm?” She hummed and held her wings open for a hug. “And you must be Big Mac. That name is certainly accurate.” She nodded at the Stallion. Bloom happily obliged her new grandmother by running into the open wings. “Hugs!” Applejack and Mac followed behind at a reasonable speed. “Eeyup.” They all exchanged hugs and greetings before moving into the house proper to greet the rest of the family. Over the next hour a few more guests from Apple family, my mom’s family, and even the Pear family showed up filling up the farmhouse with ponies. The house has never felt so crowded and yet there’s still room, considering it was designed for a farming herd it makes sense. I was introduced to grand pear before he and Granny shared a reluctant hoof shake. “Granny and my sire still aren’t on the best terms.” Pear whispered sadly explanation, I knew better than to ask why as I watched Unfettered nervously remain at Grannies side, receiving a more polite greeting from the old station. “Come on Shy we were invited.” “But it’s rude not to knock.” I was a bit confused when Rainbow and Fluttershy walked in but before I could ask my mom walked over to them. “Glad you two decided to come.” Forest gave them each a friendly nuzzle then turned to address the room. “Everypony. This is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.” She pointed towards each of them with a wing. “They couldn’t travel to go visit their own families so I invited them to join us.” Polite greetings were exchanged and the two were welcomed in with open hooves. “So this is your family huh?” Rainbow had come over to join me in the corner I was observing the party from after getting a bit tuckered out. She looked at them all a bit longingly before shaking her head. “Yep.” I nodded. “Not everypony is here of course, since the Apple family is huge and one of my aunts couldn’t make it.” Rainbow didn’t reply right away as she looked to be keeping an eye on Fluttershy, who was getting swarmed by my younger peagsus cousins, so I bumped her playfully. “Bit for your thoughts?” “It’s stupid.” She looked away from me with pinned ears. I wrapped myself around her back from the side. “Tell me.” “Hey!” She collapsed under my sudden weight with a huff. “Fine I was just thinking it was nice, having a full house I mean.” She reverted to staying silent and didn’t try getting me off her so we stayed cuddled in the corner for now. The Sparkle household was in chaos. Shining Armor had arrived home for the holidays unexpectedly so Velvet wasn’t sure about having enough food (she had plenty). Shining however, wasn’t in the greatest mood since his love was not in the country at the moment and he was worried for her safety which was effecting Twilight and Spike’s mood. (He had finally figured out she was a princess after his latest premonition after the incident with Dawn’s family). Spike also had the hiccups which included bouts of dragon fire that Night Light was putting out with a fire extinguisher spell he had learned just for such occasions. Twilight was crying over her brother not wanting to play and Spike’s ‘incurable disease’. So yes the Sparkle household was in chaos. Imago had had a wonderful day with Celestia. She had finally broken into the next step and become her friend instead of just an employee. If it wasn’t for the Princess needing to attend that play this evening or her needing to feed her children the two probably would have hung out all night. “Oh my babies today was just wonderful.” She cooed towards the young grubs as they gathered around her on the bed. The little unnamed princess tilted her head at her mother as if to ask a question. “You see little one I spent all morning with princess Celestia.” She picked up the princess and fed her some love. “So I have plenty of food for you all. Once you finally finish your first molt into nymphs it will be time to name you.” It was a tradition to wait as not all changelings made it through the first molt, when times were rough. She fed each of the grubs in turn then relaxed onto her bed reminiscing about the day. “Um, checkmate.” Fluttershy politely said when we finished our game of chess. I studied the board a few moments. “Ha, she got you good sport.” Mom ruffled my mane and I stuck my tongue out at her. “At least I beat you mom.” I huffed and she held her hoof to her chest in mock horror as Fluttershy giggled at our banter. Rainbow was asleep next to her and suddenly snorted which caused all of us to laugh. It had gotten late and most of our family had either gone home or taken up spots around the living room to sleep for the night. The more I think about it the stranger I find beds. Considering it’s just as comfortable to sleep on a big cushions or just about anywhere else thanks to our anatomy, they don’t feel necessary. “It was a good game Flutters.” She blushed at my use of her nickname as I put the board away. “Are you staying the night?” “Oh, yes? I guess.” She sounded unsure of herself as she looked at the sleeping Rainbow. “You’re more than welcome to.” Mom smiled at her. “Thank you then.” Fluttershy smiled back. I brought over a blanket and decided to snuggle up on her other side for the night. She let out an “eep” but didn’t seem to actually mind the snuggles once we got comfortable. Ponies are just way too snuggly. I woke with a start in the middle of the night when my personal alarm spell went off telling me it was time. Stepping outside quietly I undid the spell to hide my wings and stretched them out. “First stop Lyra’s.” I took off into the air and flew towards her house. It was a short trip and I found Pinkie waiting for me on the roof. “Pinkie what are you doing here?” I whispered. “Same as you silly.” She pulled a present out of her mane. “I’m a day late though delivering these candies.” I laughed then pulled out my own gift for Lyra and Bon Bon, a pair of necklaces with charms of both their cutie marks. I grabbed Pinkies gift in my magic along with mine and teleported them both inside under the tree. “Thanks.” Pinkie said before giving me a nuzzle, passed me a gift for myself, and disappeared off the roof to deliver more gifts of sweets. I shook my head and did the same with my shadow magic. I wonder if this is how she gets around. Close~. But nope. The trip towards Canterlot went exceptionally fast via shadow walking. One moment I was in Ponyville the next I was outside of Twilight’s house though feeling magically drained. Maybe I should have just mailed her gift like I did for Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie. That took a lot of magic. After catching my breath I teleport her gift inside, a copy of the same Clover the Clever book I found months ago, along with some gem scraps for spike. “One last stop.” Getting into the castle had been easy, I used the same shadow walking spell from Luna and gently placed the gift on Celestia’s coffee table, a framed picture of her with Twilight, Spike and I with an included card. “Is someone there?” I heard Celestia ask before I quickly left the room to travel back home. Celestia lit her horn and was surprised to find a card and a wrapped gift on her coffee table. After finding nothing harmful after scanning it she gasped when she opened the gift and found a lovely picture of her students and herself along with a card from Dawn. Now how did he get this here? I don’t know but I’m impressed. Celestia hugged the photo then placed it upon her Nightstand before returning to bed. > Ch44. Begrudgingly returning. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So this is in, huh?” I can’t believe Celestia asked me to come back early after I got her that nice gift. “Eeyup.” Was all Mac replied. “Can’t believe I’m going to miss Winter Wrap Up.” I kicked at the train platform. “Eeyup.” He nodded somberly. I punched him on the shoulder. “Not funny bro.” I sighed. “Everypony was too busy getting ready to see me off so Celestia sent a guard escort.” I frowned as he ruffled my mane, “Chin up little brother, trains here.” I gave him a quick hug as it pulled into the station. To my surprise it was Shining armor that had been chosen as my escort. “Morning Balanced Dawn, nice seeing you again.” He turned towards Mac. “Nice to meet you too.” He held up a hoof for Mac and they shared a hoof bump. “I’m Shining armor.” “Big Mac. Dawn’s older brother.” The two looked each other over. “You keep an eye on him now.” “Of course, from one big brother to another.” I rolled my eyes considering I could probably take them both in a fight. I could then swear I heard Pinkie laughing. “Well Dawn we best get going.” “Yeah~,” another sigh. It was only after we boarded the train that Shining spoke again. “So that was your brother huh?” “Eeyup, he wasn’t always but we’ve been growing closer. Being the only two stallions in a family kind of does that.” I get comfortable on the bench as the train starts moving. “I know what you mean. My dad and I may not have the same hobbies but the unique bond is still there. Anyway, what’s got you in a funk?” He asked noticing my mood hadn’t improved. “I’m missing Winter Wrap Up! It’s starting today. Apparently Ponyville has a Heart song for it and everything, unlike Canterlot, but now I won’t get to join in on it with my family.” I huffed. One song I wouldn’t mind getting stuck in my head for a bit. “Ouch, bad timing.” He winced. “Ya think.” I looked out the window at the snow. “Any idea why the princess called for me?” “Sorry but no. It must be important since she did though.” He shrugged. The train ride and subsequent walk towards the castle was pure torture after my recent experience of it taking moments to travel that distance instead of hours. Would have been fine if It was my idea. My mood did improve when Shining offered to bend our rout past Pony Joe’s for a doughnut. When we finally arrived for the summons I was only a little pouty instead of, literally, royally pissed. “Ah, Dawn thank you for arriving so quickly… what’s wrong?” Celestia asked after noticing my mood. “He’s upset about missing Winter Wrap Up princess.” I glared at Shining after he answered for me. Ouch bro, right after sharing doughnuts. I heard a familiar giggle. “Shiny you shouldn’t tease the poor colt.” Cadence had just joined us and sat at the Coffee table after giving him a nuzzle. “Dawn good to see you again.” Celestia was momentarily surprised since she hadn’t realized Cadance and I had met before. “I do apologize Dawn, however this was the only time in everypony’s busy schedules we could easily and safely have this private meeting.” Celestia lit her horn and her room was surrounded in privacy wards, blocking all external interference. “With your permission Dawn I would like to inform Princess Cadence and Lieutenant Shining here about… your situation.” My eyes went a bit wide and I sat up straighter as Cadence and Shining Armor shared a look then she asked. “What situation auntie?” Celestia shook her head. “I’m sorry Cadence but it’s not my place to say. Dawn, if you would?” She looked at me almost pleadingly. “Ug fine.” I slumped and stuck my tongue out at her. “Put me on the spot why don’t ya Celestia.” The two others were shocked at how I had just casually addressed the Princess while she just tittered. “True, but I do feel my future guard Captain and Niece should be informed of this.” She said half playfully, half seriously. I undid the spell on my wings slowly, adding a bit of dramatic flare by spreading them out to full length. “There, happy?” I ruffled my feathers to prove they were real than let them rest at my sides. “Thank you Dawn.” Celestia gave a warm smile. “As you can see, Dawn ascended into an Alicorn just before winter break by preforming some unusual spell casting, among other things. As you were both indisposed outside of Equestria I hadn’t been able to inform either of you until now. There’s no plan to release this information to the public until he is older. So for now nothing is changing.” As Celestia finished speaking Shining and Cadance both opened and closed their mouths a few times. Shining managed to just say “alicorn” while Cadance finally yelled. “A Male alicorn!?!” I pinned my ears back as she did so, If it wasn’t for the wards the whole castle would have heard her. “But? What? How? I?” She sputtered then fell into silently muttering. I just shrugged. The rest of the meeting had been awkward to say the least. Shining was currently walking with me back to my designated room in the palace after I had hidden my wings while ‘subtly’ looking at my back every so often. When we arrived at my door I broke the silence. “So~, it was good to see ya again. Tell your sister hi for me. Oh, don’t mention this as she doesn’t know yet.” I began opening the door. “Of course your…” I cut him off. “Don’t do that.” I hissed while looking around for other ponies while he looked rattled. “Right, sorry Dawn.” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “That was just a lot to process.” “How do you think I feel. Anyway, like I said, it was good to see you.” I gave him a hoof bump then entered my room. Once inside I flopped down on my bed. Celestia really needs to learn about keeping secrets better. Imago entered her bedroom down in the crystal caves with stunned silence. As she sunk into bed she could feel her pupa emitting worried emotions. “It’s okay little ones Im fine.” Just earlier she had been hiding out in Celestia’s bedroom waiting for a chance to serve when Celestia’s student, the Princess of food, and a guard had arrived. She had planned to make her presence know when a ward had suddenly been erected. Fearing that her identity as Feather Duster was exposed she had remained still and silent while listening. She could tell her grubs were still worried as they sensed her emotions as well. “It was just an… unusual day my children.” They lost interest as her emotions stabilized and became content with resuming their climbing onto her body. As Imago watched them she focused on the freshly born princess. “A male alicorn… I only have eyes for Celestia but perhaps.” Ideas formed in her mind as she nuzzled the newborn princess now tucked between her forelegs. “Perhaps.” I couldn’t sleep even after the moon was high in the sky. Two new ponies now knew my secret years before I was completely comfortable with releasing it. I really don’t want to mess up the major events of the timeline. So far everything I have changed wasn’t a detriment towards Twilight facing off against future evils, using the Elements, and becoming an Alicorn herself. But, if she somehow got distracted by my ascension, things could go horribly wrong. I rolled around on my bed in the castle. “I need a snack.” I got up and poked my head out the doorway. Once I was sure the coast was clear I began sneaking towards the kitchen without shadow walking. Sure it would make things easier but where’s the fun in that. When I finally made it I began rummaging through the cabinets looking for anything sweet. “Need a hoof finding something?” I jumped and spun around all at once tripping over my own hooves. “Sorry Dawn, I take it you couldn’t sleep either?” Cadence helped me back up. “Thanks, and not really, no.” I dusted myself off. “You too?” “Haha, not after the day we’ve had.” She opened one of the cabinets with her magic then pulled out a cookie jar. “Cookie?” I thanked her for the treat as we both sat down at one of the servants tables in the kitchen. “Good cookies .” I grabbed another with my magic from the jar placed between us. Cadence had also kindly grabbed us some milk before sitting down. “Yeah, only the best for us royals. They really help with the increased alicorn metabolism as well.” She licked a few crumbs from her lips. “So~.” “So?” I tilted my head and took another bite. “You and Twilight?” I almost choked on that bite before using my glass of milk to wash it down. “No. No way.” I shook my head. She gave me a coy smirk and rested her chin on her hoof. “Oh really? Last time I saw her she only talked about you and Moon Dancer… though I suppose she could be more attracted to fillies.” Cadance tapped her chin. “I was never attracted to mares myself so it’s lucky Shiny and I shared a Soulmate Song.” She trailed off. “TMI Cadance, TMI.” We both sat in silence eating another cookie before I asked. “What’s a Soulmate song? I have heard of Heart Songs but never a Soulmate one.” “Typically you’d hear about this at CSGU once you got older but, why not, I am the princess of love.” Cadance smiled happily as if remembering something. “A Soulmate song or Lovers song, as they are sometimes called, is a more intimate Heart song shared between two ponies destined to be together.” She tapped her forehooves together. “Ponies that share one are bound together for life and no pony with any sense will try to interfere with their relationship lest that face consequences from harmony itself. Ponies who shared such a song will never herd, as new partners would have to be included in the ‘Song’, something I’ve never heard of. That’s why it’s the only acceptable reason for a mare to monopolize her stallion” She sighed. “Wait really?” I was a bit confused by that last part. “But not all stations have multiple wives or form herds right? Some have just one or none.” “Well true. But that doesn’t mean the married mare doesn’t share with her community or that a single stallion is not preforming his stallions’ duty when it comes time.” She tilted her head back and forth. “That might be a topic for when you’re older though.” I could probably guess what she meant by Stallions’ duty. Not that it sounded all that bad. I huffed and looked away. “You’re the one who brought up relationships and Twilight.” “Touché.” She giggled. “Anyway I’m finally getting tired.” She got up. “I’ll see you around ‘prince’ Dawn.” I rolled my eyes though internally cringing. “Night Cadance.” I cleaned up the mess after she left before I took one last cookie. “So how was he?” Shining asked Cadence when she returned to their room. “He was having trouble sleeping just as we thought. He looked worried about us knowing his secret.” She sighed and curled up with him. “Talk about it?” He nuzzled her neck. “Funny enough, no. We talked about Soulmate Songs and how you and I shared one.” She lightly laughed. “How did that come up?” He nipped her ear. “I asked him about Twilight.” She felt Shining tense up. “He better not court my sister.” He growled. “Oh Shiny, you of all stallions known it’s the mares choice to chase, lead, or ignore a potential mate.” Cadence wiggled her rump against Shining as he spooned her and quickly got the result she wanted. “Now be a good Stallion and come get me.” Shining didn’t need to be told twice. > Ch45. An awkward winter’s end. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Wrap up in Canterlot had been boring, it just had no flare. “I can’t believe I couldn’t even join in on wrapping up winter here in Canterlot.” I said aloud as I waited in Celestia’s study. “Why would you want to when the weather team and unicorn volunteers have it taken care of?” Twilight asked from behind her book. She was also waiting with me for our first lesson of the year at the other end of our round table. School was starting up again in a few days now that it was a new year. Something which we were both excited for. “Just! Because.” I slumped onto the table feeling irritable. “It looked fun to clean up all that snow and help bring spring.” Twilight lowered her book, rolled her eyes from over top of it, then returned to reading All in one smooth motion. “So where’s our kid?” I decided to change the topic with a joke. “What’s that about a baby goat?” She tilted her head in confusion. “Spike. Where’s Spike?” I huffed. “You know Spike is a dragon right?” She deadpanned. I honestly couldn’t tell if she was trying to joke back or not. “Not a goat.” “Grr. Yes Twilight I know he is a dragon so where is he?” I glared at her which she easily ignored behind her book. Why do I suddenly feel so frustrated with her. “At home. He has been a fire hazard since Hearths Warming so my parents are watching him after we fireproofed the house with spells.” She giggled. “Glad that one was easy to learn.” “I bet. I should probably learn it.” I scratched at my annoying horn with a hoof. Stupid thing being all itchy today. “I can teach you if you want.” She flipped a page then scratched at her own horn. Wait didn’t I learn something about itchy horns recently. My eyes went a bit wide. Oh right, puberty. Yay for doing this again. “Good afternoon you two, sorry I’m late but I just couldn’t escape that last meeting.” Celestia gave me a warm nuzzle then gave Twilight one, after she set down her book. Celestia then subtly scented the air after sitting down. “Twilight, are you feeling alright?” Celestia asked with a bit of hesitation. “Fine princess, why?” Twilight had scooted slightly closer towards my end of the table after the nuzzle. What’s she up to. You better run Dawn. “Dawn, did you two nuzzle today?” She looked my way a bit concerned. “No~. Twilight was so engrossed in her book so I just sat right down over here.” I replied as Twilight again inched closer. “I see. Dawn, I need you to leave the room so I can speak with Twilight in private.” I could tell she was struggling to stay calm so I shrugged and stood up. “Twilight, no!” Celestia yelled as I found myself pinned back onto my cushion with Twilight nuzzling and sniffing at my chest while giggling as if high, like a cat on catnip. Unsure of what to do I remained where I was without reciprocating. “Um princess should I stop her?” I just laid there and let Twilight nuzzle me, not really wanting her to stop. This actually feels really nice. I smiled and struggled to keep my eyes open. Instead of answering right away, Celestia grabbed Twilight in her magic and pulled her off me before I could wrap my hooves around her. Twilight was struggling and whining the whole time and only once she was securely in Celestia’s grasp did she accept her fate. “I’m glad that wasn’t worse.” Celestia sighed as she held Twilight between her Forelegs. “Worse? It wasn’t all bad.” I blushed while I got back onto my hooves. Twilight was looking my direction longingly with puppy dog eyes and ears pinned back. Maybe I should go over to her? Celestia sighed. “Yes, well, I hadn’t expected Twilight’s first cycle to arrive so early or so strong, yet given her powers I probably should have anticipated this. At least she was content with just nuzzling.” I gulped and quickly sobered up after realizing what she meant. Twilight was in heat and it was strong. “Why is she acting up only now though? We’ve been sitting here together for an hour.” “Probably because she only smelled your scent after I nuzzled you both. The castle has pheromone dampening charms for this exact reason. The staff know better than to nuzzle casually during estrous season, which is still a few months away.” Celestia sighed. “And it doesn’t help that you’re giving off the matching pheromones. Even I was taken aback when I noticed. Bad timing that you’re both like this ahead of the season and about two years.” I was taken aback by all this information. “Okay so now what?” Twilight had stopped struggling and instead nuzzled Celestia’s chest floof. She didn’t seem bothered by it as she didn’t stop Twiight. “Now, lessons are canceled and you’re going back to your room. Luckily you haven’t succumbed to your hormones so I’ll just stay with Twilight until she calms down, wouldn’t want her teleporting back to you. I’ll also have a stallion bring you some supplies that should help.” “And what about the other colts and stallions, are they safe from her?” I only half joked. “Oh they’re fine. It’s only your chastity you should be concerned about from Twilight.” She was way too serious for comfort. After returning to my room I took a long shower with some pheromone blocking shampoo courtesy of the princess. Dang pony noses being so strong. I dried myself off and pulled out a book to get started on the lessons I was and would be missing. Apparently Twilight and I couldn’t start school again until the heat wore off. Its strange to think that Im apparently in heat. Sure I’ve felt a bit frisky but no worse than before. I thought a bit more on that. I was biologically a colt so had never had any sexual urges yet as a pony. As a pony. Oh, now this all makes more sense, pony puberty isn’t nearly as troublesome as craving sex almost all year, pheromones or not, back when I was a human teenager. Aside from this damn itchy horn it’s not nearly as bad. I rubbed it against my bedpost which felt heavenly. The only problem now was my wings and hooves were starting to get in on the action. Fucking alicorn puberty. Once the itching subsided I got myself back under control and tried to refocus back on my homework. “Twilight Sparkle, you need to stay here.” Celestia chastized. She had taken the filly back to her own room in the castle and was watching her there. This is why we never had more than one foal. That’s not why and you know it. celestia sighed. “But why can’t I cuddle Dawn, he’s so warm and nice.” Twilight pouted, then again tried to teleport out of the room on instinct. She was stopped by the fresh Ward Celestia had put up. It’s somewhat scary she’s able to do that on instinct when she’s never successfully teleported before. Indeed. “Twilight that’s the hormones talking and I can’t trust you to stop at cuddling. You need to calm down, this tea will help.” Celestia had acquired a special blend just for such occasions. “Wow she’s got it bad.” Cadence had detected the strong emotions of puppy love and lust emanating throughout the castle and had just arrived moments ago after tracking the source. “Cadence, excellent. Can you please watch Twilight I need to bring Dawn his own tea to help with the hormones.” Celestia pleaded to the younger princess. “Woah, both of them at the same time, did anything happen?” Cadence was looking for some gossip. “Cadence! Not the time.” Celestia bumped her niece. “But luckily no. Just some intimate nuzzling.” “Wow, you’re right that I should take this seriously so I’ll watch over her. First heat is always the worst.” Cadence glanced at Twilight with a pang of guilt to ensure she was drinking her tea before they both left the room. “Did we really have to lock her in her room?” Morning Dew asked her wife. “Darling that’s the worst case of first heat I have ever seen and she’s early.” Pear replied as the three of them stood in the hallway. “Think that cooler will survive?” Forest Breeze laughed while looking at her daughter’s door. They could all awkwardly hear moaning from behind it until Dew used a silencing spell. “Considering her earth pony strength, doubtful. I went through a couple my first season.” Pear blushed. They all knew what their daughter was going through and it wasn’t something you could just stop, only provide a safe environment to let it pass and reassurance that it was perfectly natural. “At least Dawn isn’t around.” Dew and her two wives shuddered at the implications. Rarity tried to focus on her work but couldn’t stop rubbing her hind legs together. It wasn’t her first season but she was strangely early this year. “Oh, blast it all.” She set down her project and made her way upstairs to her bedroom. It was going to be a long week. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were cuddled up in Fluttershy’s, now soaked, bed. The tree home’s branches swaying slightly in the breeze. The two had been hanging out and doing some flying lessons when it turned into preening in the bedroom and finally ending with a hormone driven afternoon of newly discovered pleasure. The two already decided it was just a matter of friends helping each other out but they were definitely closer as friends now. Pinkie was perfectly fine as she cooked and baked up a storm in the kitchen of Sugar Cube corner, even if she was flicking her tail a bit more often than normal. It was her second season so she had no issues, except her mane not being quite as poofy. Nope. Not one issue. She pulled a grilled cheese sandwich off the stove and took a massive bite. Not. A. One. I heard the knock on my door first. “Dawn, may I come in?” “Sure.” It was just about dinner time now and I still hadn’t gotten much schoolwork done. Celestia stepped into the room carrying a try with tea and dinner in her magic. “How are you feeling?” “Fine, now.” I sheepish replied. I had released myself a while ago for the first time as a pony in the bathroom. Dang did magic make that pleasurable. “Just having trouble concentrating.” She set the tray down on my room’s sitting table. “Understandable.” “How’s Twilight.” I felt an unintended blush creep onto my cheeks. Stupid hormones. “She will be fine, I do hope you’ll forgive her. Cadence is making sure she stays in her room and we provided her with some calming herbs that will help. I brought some for you as well.” She motioned towards the tea which I gratefully took. “Why would I need to do that? She didn’t do anything wrong really.” The effect was almost instant as I felt my frustration dissipate. “Thanks Celestia.” I was much calmer now and feeling my full age instead of just my pony age. “I’m glad you see it that way, not all colts do when something like that happens and you are quite welcome for the tea Dawn. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to help younger generations with this.” She smiled. “Heh, I bet. Is it still that bad for you?” I hadn’t really thought about the question as I took another sip. “Dawn that’s not exactly…” she coughed into her hoof. “A question I should ask?” I finished the sentence after realizing a bit late the implications of such a question. “No.” We both awkwardly continued our meal in silence until Celestia had to get back to her duties. Before getting into bed for some reading I lit my horn and shielded my room. Better safe than sorry. Way to early to be with another pony. Tell me about it. Pinkie took another bite of her freshly made grilled cheese sandwich, it was her favorite heat season snack food after all. > Ch46. A rough start to the semester. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was more than happy to be back in school. I had only missed a few days but if felt like ages after Just waiting around in my room the past few days. “Dawn, Trixie is glad to see you are feeling better. The princess told us you were sick?” Trixie gave me a friendly nuzzle as she sat down with me in the school cafeteria. Starlight gave me one as well before sitting on my other side. “You are feeling better right?” She had noticed my face was a bit red. I shook my head to clear the remnants of my early heat. And to think I’ll still have to go through the normal season this year as well. “Yeah I’m fine, it wasn’t anything serious.” “Trixie is glad. Thank you for the gift by the way.” She was wearing the charm I had made for her tied into her mane. “It was appreciated.” “Yeah it’s really cute. Where did you get them?” Starlight poked at her own. “Oh I actually made them while practicing with gems. They have a durability charm so shouldn’t break easily.” I was proud of fitting that bit of rune work in such a small space. I had been slowly practicing since I also wanted to eventually bring some more modern technology to Equis. “Really? Impressive.” Starlight looked at her charm anew. “So, is Twilight back? I heard she was also sick.” “Yeah but I haven’t seen her lately.” She had been avoiding me after apologizing for the nuzzling incident. I had said it was fine and even liked it which only made things worse between us. “Strange, don’t you have a class together?” Trixie pointed out. “Yeah but she’s been avoiding me I think.” I sighed. “Why’s that, aren’t you friends now or something after becoming Celestia’s second student.” Starlight sounded a bit jealous about both facts. ”I’d really rather not embarrass her.” I tapped my hooves together. “Oh come now. Tell us.” Trixie bumped my side. “Oh fine.” I proceeded to tell the two what happened and they listened closely. “It’s honestly really funny after the fact.” “That tramp!” Starlight slammed her hooves on the table which confused me a bit. “Starlight you okay?” I turned towards Trixie who also had a sour look. “Trixie?” “No. Twilight should know that…” I was surprised that she growled a bit while gritting her teeth. “Come on Trixie we have somepony to go talk to.” “Starlight what’s got you so upset?” I could guess but didn’t want to make assumptions. “Filly business.” Starlight and Trixie both got up and walked off leaving me to finish lunch alone but not before they both gave me a longer nuzzle than usual. Well that was different. I shrugged it off and returned to eating, deciding it was better not to get involved just yet. “Twilight Sparkle!” Starlight and Trixie had found Twilight hiding out in the library. It was normally where she went after quickly eating her lunch. “Oh hey Starlight, Trixie what can I…” She set down her book. “Stay away from Dawn.” Starlight’s hackles were raised and Trixie stood at her side supportively. “He told us what you did.” “He did?” Twilight’s ears pinned back in embarrassment. “Yes. How could you do that to a colt? Especially our colt?” Starlight motioned between herself then Trixie. Twilight looked away and mumbled, “Well he’s not technically yours yet,” but Starlight heard her and looked shocked. “Well, I’ve still known him longer.” She stomped her hoof. Trixie was shuffling awkwardly with how aggressive Starlight was acting. “So what, and didn’t you like Sunburst? Hogging two colts is selfish.” Twilight had turned back and eyed her down after deciding to stick up for herself. She didn’t even really have a crush on Dawn it was all just hormones. At least I think it is. It isn’t. “He doesn’t even really like fillies.” Starlight quickly covered her mouth with her hooves at the slip. “I didn’t say that.” “Whatever. I have studying to do so can you leave me alone please.” Starlight and Trixie both stomped off after Twilight spoke. If this is how others act just because I got a bit closer to Dawn maybe I shouldn’t make friends. Twilight buried herself back into her book, a small tear in one eye. “That could have gone better.” Trixie eventually spoke up as they headed towards their next class. “Why didn’t you just invite her to join in on our efforts? Trixie thinks she would have made a nice addition.” Starlight groaned. “I don’t know. I was just so upset with her and then seeing her casually reading after what she did to Dawn really set me off.” “Was what she did really that bad? Dawn seamed just fine.” Trixie tilted her head. “Yes! No. She just didn’t follow the rules. She should know we like Dawn and have dibs. The other fillies know it and would have asked us first.” Starlight huffed. “Dibs?” Trixie giggled. “Dawn isn’t the last cookie Starlight. What about Lyra?” “Oh, you know what I mean.” Starlight bumped her as the two headed into their next class. “And Lyra is a unique exception, if she’s even interested.” “Hey Moon Dancer, Lyra.” I greeted them both after arriving at PE class. Everypony had their schedules altered somewhat this semester, after picking their classes, so I now had it after Lunch instead of before. When sunset had said a year I thought it was mandatory two semesters not the literal end of the year. “Hey Dawn.” They said in unison. “Thanks for the nice gift but how did you and Pinkie get them under our tree?” Lyra finished by showing off her necklace. “Trade secret, glad you’re both sticking with the class.” I laughed as we shared a friendly nuzzle. The class had grown smaller now that it wasn’t mandatory. “Did you get your gift Moonie?” “Yes, I find it disturbing that you managed to drop off a book in my home under the tree.” She adjusted her glasses. “But considering it was a good book I forgive you.” She gave me an appreciative nod as she was more restrained when it came to physical contact. “Alright everypony.” Our conversation was interrupted by Gale. “We will be starting with warmups then moving on to levitation exercises. Those of you looking to join the guard program gather up closer towards me.” “Guard program?” I whispered to Lyra. “Oh right you missed the explanation earlier this week. Most of the fillies taking this class only join because you get opportunities for joining the guard early and possibly skip out on basic Physical Training, if you pass the tests.” She explained as we preformed our leg stretches. “So what about you two?” I was curious why either of them would take such a class. “Well after what happened last year I figured it would help to stay in shape. Bonnie also said I should.” Lyra blushed. “You showed me that a healthy mind includes a healthy body last semester.” Moon Dancer curtly answered. “And it has helped with my levitation so now I can hold more books.” “Good reasons as any I guess. I just wanted to keep up with my siblings. They get plenty of exercise on the farm.” We finished stretching and moved onto running. This didn’t leave room for conversation but the three of us did naturally fall into formation. Always strange how we can do that. Like the choreographed dancing during heart songs. After school ended I didn’t see any of my friends by the time I returned to the dorms. This normally wouldn’t have been unusual if it hadn’t been my first day back. I would think they’d all want to hang out. “Oh hey Dawn.” I smiled as I was greeted by Sunburst in the dorm common room. “Want to play a round?” He pointed towards the checkers box. “Sure.” I sat across from him at one of the tables to begin our game. “How have you been.” “Very good. Thank you for the dice by the way. I don’t exactly play O&O but perhaps I now have a reason to learn.” Sunburst ended his latest turn. “Oh sorry, I guess I just assumed you also played. My brother and I really enjoyed playing over break with a few other colts.” I ended one of my turns, it wasn’t looking good. “No worries.” He finished by beating me at the game. “Good game.” We shared a hoof bump before heading towards the dining hall. Imago was proudly looking at her four little cocoons. After the recent bout of love and lust in the castle they had gone through a sudden growth spurt, nothing she was worried about though. Her children would now spend the next few months growing into their nymph forms and she would finally be able to begin teaching them how to transform after linking them to the hive mind properly and giving them names. She had been debating on giving birth to more eggs but decided it would be best to wait for her first clutch to mature so they could watch over their siblings as she worked. “Sleep well my children.” She left the cocoon chamber and locked it up tightly for safety. > Ch46.5 Chilled off. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey sugar how are you feeling this morning?” Pear worriedly asked her daughter after she had come downstairs to the living room. Applejack was still a bit damp from a recent shower. “Is it going to be like that every year?” Applejack looked away embarrassed and with a slight blush. “Not at all. The first is always the worst.” Pear rushed over and hugged her daughter while rubbing her back. “It wasn’t all bad was it?” Pear knew that acceptance and compassion is what her daughter needed most right now. She didn’t want her daughter to develop a complex, like some unlucky mares, in regards to the season. Spoiled Rich was a great example of a bitter mare who didn’t just enjoy herself and thought of it as a burden to be carried. “No it felt…” Applejack nervously kicked at the floor looking down with a blush. “Good?” Pear finished for her and Applejack nodded with a faint smile. “That’s perfectly natural sugar. It will be even better once you find a herd to enjoy the season with. Just make sure it’s Ponies you love and get along with all year instead of just during the season.” Pear gave the same advice her mother had given her. “Thanks dam, I don’t know how I would have handled all this without you or my other moms.” They shared one last hug then broke apart. “Me too baby, as much as I love your Granny she’s a bit more hooves off these days.” The mare in question was the only other pony in the room but sleeping quietly in the corner with a half finished knitting project. The two shared a laugh. “You really don’t want to move in?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow. The two had spent the week together, keeping each other satisfied so they wouldn’t go hunting for a colt and end up in a bad situation. “Flutters you know I can’t live on the ground.” She gave Fluttershy a quick nuzzle. “Besides if we lived together it would be like we’re more than just great friends.” Dash booped her on the nose. “I guess that makes sense. I just don’t like that you’re living in that hostel while I have a house already. Besides they’re both on the ground.” Fluttershy shuffled awkwardly. “Shy you fixed this place up with your animal friends and earned it. Don’t worry I finally got the permit for construction on my own cloud house and it’s going to be awesome. Forest Breeze is going to help me out along with some of the weather team.” She flashed a massive grin. “No more living on the ground for me.” “Oh, ok.” Fluttershy the gave Dash a serious look. “Just come back next time, okay? We can help each other out again.” She blushed a bit. “Okay Shy, so long as we’re both single.” Dash ruffled her mane before heading out in a rush. Fluttershy lowered her head after closing the door. “You could have stayed Dashie.” She then walked sadly towards the kitchen to prepare some tea. Rarity looked around her showroom impressed with herself. Between her self indulgence sessions, a lady never called it something vulgar, she had turned her desires into unbridled creativity. She now had dozens of unique outfits prepared for anypony who wanted one and all of her custom orders were finished. Sure her mane and coat desperately needed a wash and the house needed to be aired out, and her bed needed all the blankets washed thoroughly, but things were looking up overall. “Rarity you’ve done it again.” She spoke, to herself, all alone, and a pang went through her heart. “Pinkie are you feeling alright dear?” Ms. Swirl checked in on her young apprentice who was taking the day off. “Yeah I’m alright.” She coughed. Pinkie was stuck in bed after catching a small cold. “What were you thinking working on orders non-stop like that? I appreciate you getting a jump on them so I can focus on other things but not at the cost of your health.” Ms. Swirl chastised. “Sorry.” Pinkie splayed her ears back. “I was just feeling so restless.” “Pinkie I know what happened dear.” Ms. Swirl shook her head. “And if I thought you had been any trouble for the customers or that you’d work yourself so hard as a distraction I would have had you take time off sooner.” She gave Pinkie a motherly nuzzle. “You’re not just my apprentice Pinkie you’re practically family. Feel free to talk to me if you need to, okay?” “Okay.” Pinkie nodded and the Two shared one last hug before Ms. Swirl headed back downstairs to get working. She really cares about me doesn’t she? Course she does. You’re family. Pinkie felt a small tingle down her spine that made her smile. > Ch47. Hearts and Hooves eve. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Pinkie, today’s the day.” “Right!” Pinkie stood at attention wearing a helmet. “The day that every mare and filly will be coming into the shop last minute to buy something in the hopes of winning over their special somepony tomorrow.” Ms. Swirl trotted back and forth in her kitchen giving an early morning pep talk to her apprentice, waving a spoon around as if a general prepared for battle. “Yes mam.” Pinkie saluted, knocking the helmet off her head. “And it’s the day I finally ask out Mr. Cake who supplies all our bakery supplies and won’t be alone this season.” She held up a hoof in triumph before a blush filled her cheeks. Pinkie gasped. “Really?” She wiggled back and fourth. “You go Ms. Swirl.” Pinkie clapped. “Now, let’s get baking shall we?” The two tightened their aprons and got to work preparing for the busiest day of the year for any confectionery shop, Hearts and Hooves eve, well before the shop was set to open. “Welcome ladies.” Rarity knew to open early today and she was ready. “Please form a line and I will repair your outfits in a timely fashion.” She also knew the day was going to be a long one filled with last minute dress repairs and selling new ones so she wasn’t doing any custom orders today. Bon Bon was panicking. It was moments before she was about to open and there was already a line of mares and fillies outside her door of. “There’s never a line.” The Candy maker whinnied to herself, “why tod…” She rushed into her kitchen and checked the calendar before yelling. “Horse Apples!” She then rushed back to the front display cases filled with candy. “I hope I have enough.” “Did you hear somepony yelling?” I turned to Sunburst who was sitting with me at breakfast. “No, why?” He shook his head. “Never mind.” I shrugged. “By the way Dawn, Are you prepared for today?” He gave me a concerned look. “What’s today?” I asked nonchalantly while taking another bite. Not only Sunburst but a few surrounding colts looked surprised and worried for me. “Um guys is everything okay?” I looked around the room. Wild Spark, a colt Sunburst had been hanging out with and was in the same year as him spoke up. “It’s Hearts and Hooves eve, all the fillies will be going after the single colts to ask them out for tomorrow.” The others around the room nodded and somepony else spoke up. “It’s not so bad if you have a special somepony but for those of us that are single…” he shuddered, “it can be a war zone.” An older colt joined in, “Oh it’s not that bad. You younger colts just need to chill out.” His friend scoffed then laughed. “I don’t remember you saying that last year when three different herds asked you out, including those earth pony fillies from the local school.” I tuned out their following argument to focus back on Sunburst. “Is it really that bad around here? Sires Hollow wasn’t that bad.” “Eh, kinda.” He switched to explaining. “Our hometown is much smaller so cooperation among the fillies is more common than in the big cities where competition is key, granted we were both too young before now to really notice.” I sat and thought about it. Sunburst is right, pony adults do a good job keeping youngsters separated from things before the appropriate age, moms didn’t even start joking about me dating until I got my mark. “You probably won’t need to worry though.” He broke me from my thoughts. “Oh, why?” I tilted my head. “Because of Starlight and Trixie?” He said, chuckling as if it was obvious. I gawked at him as he got up after cleaning his spot at the table. What’s that supposed to mean? Wait isn’t tomorrow Saturday? I have class with Celestia. I stood up after clearing my own spot. Would I even want to go out? I left the cafeteria to get ready for the day, a few of the older colts now talking about the plans they had for tomorrow. When I entered my first class of the day I almost tripped after seeing the room. The whole class was decorated for the holiday and instead of Celestia, Cadence was standing at the front podium. “Good morning class. My name is Princess Cadence.” She announce herself just after the bell rang. “I’m the princess of love.” There were plenty of giggles from the fillies while Twilight just waved to her former foal sitter. “Most of you are probably wondering why I’m here instead of my aunt, and the answer is simple. As a special holiday treat I’m here to talk about Love.” Cadence smiled towards the class. “Now who can tell me what love has to do with magic?” For once Twilight didn’t raise her hoof. I had a theory about where she might be going but kept mine down as well. “Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts are in love and they say it’s magical.” A random filly spoke up causing a bout of giggles and embarrassed the three in question. “Well, they would be correct.” Cadence just smiled and the giggles died down. “Love, like any strong emotion, can help make spells stronger.” Cadence then proceeded to lecture about the benefits and dangers of using love powered spells. I found the lesson really interesting, though I noticed plenty of the class were too distracted with steeling glances at the few colts around the room. Huh, none of them have really looked my way. I turned my attention back to the lecture just as class ended. “Well it was a pleasure teaching you all. Have a happy Hearts and Hooves day my little ponies.” Cadence finished while letting the class leave. I took my time collecting my things as my next classroom was close and noticed Twilight talking with Cadence. “Hey Twilight, see you tomorrow?” I spoke up after I joined the two. Twilight looked surprised while Cadence gave an interested look. “Tomorrow?” Twilight squeaked. “But tomorrow is…” “Um yeah, we have our lesson with the princess.” I reminded her. “Right, princess lesson. Got it. See you there.” She nodded. Then rushed off as I sighed and shook my head. “Dawn, good to see you again.” She gave me a friendly nuzzle. “What was that about?” She tilted her head towards where Twilight fled, a knowing smile on her muzzle. My ears pinned back. “I think she’s still embarrassed about the ‘nuzzling incident’.” “Nuzzling incident?” She asked before she realized what I was talking about and laughed. “Oh! So that’s what you’re calling it. Right, well, what she did with you was somewhat~ inappropriate.” “Well she didn’t have to stop talking with me. It’s not like I hate her or anything.” I kicked at the floor. “I tried telling her it was fine but she never listened.” It was Cadence’s turn to sigh. “That filly often gets wrapped up in her own head. Don’t worry though I’m sure she’ll get over it.” “I hope so.” I finished before we said our goodbyes. I then trotted off as it got closer to the next class period to ensure I wouldn’t be late. I found Starlight and Trixie waiting for me at the entrance to the lunchroom. “Hey Dawn. Here.” They held out a card and a small box of candy. “Will you be our special Somepony for tomorrow?” I shook my head. “Sorry girls but I can’t tomorrow I’m…” before they let me finish they both ran off crying. I tried yelling after them . “But I’m free Sunday.” My voice trailed off. Guess I’ll try and tell them later. If they’re serious I wouldn’t mind. I blushed at the thought then made my way into the lunchroom. “I can’t believe Twilight was right. He doesn’t like us like that.” Starlight cried in one of the bathrooms. “Trixie is also surprised he would turn us down.” She sniffled and hugged her friend. Starlight sniffled then snorted angrily. “Who needs him.” She looked annoyed at the gift they had prepared. “Trixie thinks we shouldn’t give up just yet. Dawn didn’t say he hates us or anything and we didn’t exactly let him finish. Maybe we talk to him again later?” She said hopefully. Starlight shook her head stubbornly. “No, if he doesn’t want to be our special Somepony then that’s fine we don’t need him.” Starlight gave Trixie a peck on the cheek and stomped out of the bathroom. Trixie rubbed her cheek then hesitantly followed after her Filly friend. “Trixie isn’t quite sure if she’s okay with this or not.” I spent some time outside the front entrance waiting on Starlight and Trixie but they never showed up. Guess I’ll have to wait till Monday. I eventually gave up since I had club activities and didn’t want to keep the others waiting. “Hey Lyra.” I greeted after entering the club room. “How was your day.” “Oh, hey Dawn. Here.” She passed me a small card with her magic. “It’s just a friend card by the way.” She smiled. “Thanks, I gave her a quick nuzzle. So what are we doing for club activities today?” I carefully packed the card in my saddle bag. “Oh we’re going to compare Hearts and Hooves day to the human holiday of Val-e-tines day.” I cringed a bit at her butchering the words but went along with it anyway. Bon Bon collapsed onto her back, legs flailing in the air, after closing her shop. She had sold out of almost every item she had in stock and was now flushed with bits. Smiling to herself. “Best holiday ever.” Rarity waved goodbye to her last customer and flipped her sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’ she had made almost as many bits today as she did for making Nightmare Night costumes. “If things keep going like this I should have no trouble providing for my future stallion.” “If. Only. I. Had. A. Da-a-ate.” She pulled out her new fainting couch with her magic and began to dramatically cry between each word. “We did it Pinkie.” Ms. Swirl sighed still cover in flour. She had been working the back all day while Pinkie helped customers. It was great not working alone. “Yay.” Pinkie collapsed on the floor. “Good luck with Mr. Cake.” Ms. Swirl blushed but made her way upstairs to go get ready. I know she’ll be fine. Wonder how Dawn’s doing. Pinkie got herself back up and began cleaning up the kitchen in preparation for tomorrow. “Princess do you need anything else?” Feather Duster asked near the end of her shift. “No that will be all for the day.” The Princess smiled at her trusty maid, and recently, friend. “Then if it’s not to much trouble, do you have plans for tomorrow?” Feather ruffled her wings nervously while asking. “Yes, indeed I do.” Celestia smiled brightly missing the cringe from her maid. “My students will be stopping by for their lessons.” “Oh I see, well I have the weekend off so I’ll see you Monday Princess.” Feather had perked back up after learning it wasn’t a date and happily trotted out of the room, flanks swaying and tail swishing. You blind mare she was asking us out on a date. How could you possibly know that? Because tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves day? Celestia sat in stunned silence. She had never been asked out before by anypony she wouldn’t mind dating. It was always either politically motivated, which she turned down, or In the early years it was out of pity for her perceived deformities of being an alicorn, again she said no. Those she wouldn’t mind being with were always afraid of her status as Princess. Sweet Harmony you’re dense. Celestia blushed and thought back to how Feather had been acting lately. Maybe I’m right. > Ch48. Hearts and Hooves day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfettered Breeze stretched after getting out of her bed in the farmhouse. She had been living with her new family for a few months now and things were already so much better. She had flight lessons with Forest, was learning accounting from Morning Dew, had been helping out around the farm with Applejack, Pear butter, and Granny Smith, and she would often foal sit Apple Bloom when the family was busy. Big Mac was about the only one who avoided her and she didn’t really know why. He was a young stallion of few words like herself so maybe they just didn’t have much to talk about. “Unfettered, good morning.” Dew smiled at her adopted daughter as she walked down the stairs. “Morning mam.” Unfettered have a polite nod and began helping her set the breakfast table. Dew sighed. “How many times do I have to remind you not to call me that.” Dew was already worried about Unfettered’s social interactions, considering she often decided to hide out instead of joining in on a family activities, it was hard to remember she was even in the house outside of their lessons. “Right, sorry mom.” Her ears splayed back and the necklace of her cutie mark from Dawn swayed back and forth. Dew snorted. “Sweetheart you don’t have to call me that either if it’s uncomfortable. Anyway got any big plans today, maybe with a colt?” She hinted. “No, why?” Unfettered looked confused. “Never mind sweetie.” They finished setting the table just as the front door opened. “Morning Ms. Dew have you seen Mac?” Cheerilee had walked it. Her and Mac had gotten more Serious so it wasn’t unusual for her to just pop by. “Oh hello, who might you be?” “Um, hi Cheerilee. I’m Unfettered Breeze. Mac has mentioned you before.” She smiled. “Oh he has, has he?” Cheerilee eyed the unknown filly standing inside her colt friends house. “Yep, he said you’re an assistant teacher at the local school where Applejack attends.” Unfettered was a bit uncomfortable being stared at. “Cheerilee have you not met our adopted daughter before?” Dew could read the vibe and wanted to put a stop to it. “What?” Cheerilee blinked a few times, “Oh so you’re macs other sister, he mentioned you but always called you Breeze. I got confused since your mom’s also called Breeze.” They all shared a quick laugh just as Mac came inside. “Morning.” He nodded to everypony and gave Cheerilee a loving nuzzle before greeting the others. “Ready for our date today?” “You bet.” Cheerilee couldn’t have been happier that she snagged herself such a fine stallion. She would really need to thank his little brother again for pushing Mac her direction. “Ug so full and it’s only noon.” Imago rolled back and forth on her bed. Even with the crystal caves blocking most of the ambient magic, love was still seeping in from the city above. “How could any reasonable hive starve when ponies give off so much ambient love on days like today.” She grabbed a spare ruby the size of her hoof and began feeding her excess love into it so she could eat it or use it feed her children later. Her bloated stomach immediately felt better while filling the gem. “Stupid Stubborn Queens who don’t want to adapt, like that old moron Chrysalis. It’s way easier to watch over the ponies and love them back from the shadows than replace them.” She set the crystal down gently on her shelf and grabbed a fresh one. “Especially when their princess is so lovely.” She kissed a portrait of Celestia raising the sun that was about a hundred years old she had commissioned. “Just look at all this love I gathered all by myself without resorting to stealing a drop.” She had a shelf that was a quarter filled with love infused gems and plenty more she could fill today, on the holiday of food. “I am glad I didn’t have to leave Canterlot during that dry spell, all that jealousy when Twilight became Celestia’s student and the anxiety from that rainbow explosion was such a pain.” She grabbed another gem and began filling it, slower this time now that she wasn’t bloated. “To bad Celly couldn’t go out for a date today. Granted maybe she’s not quite ready for my big reveal.” She smiled to herself and buzzed her wings happily. “And done.” I set the last card down on my desk just before lunch. I figured I should clear the air with the fillies in my life before things got out of hoof. I don’t know why I shouldn’t give them a chance, none of them are like my ex or even human for that matter. I had been blocking my old memories to not let them drag on my new life, but decided to start using the helpful ones. Using a bit of magic similar to Spike’s dragon fire I sent off the cards to their respective recipients. I hope Starlight and Trixie like them. Starlight was still in a bit of a funk, hiding out in her dorm room, when a magical note appeared on her bed. ‘Dear Starlight, Sorry for the misunderstanding yesterday, I would be happy to be your special Somepony and go out with you, tomorrow though, I have class with the princess today. Yours if you’ll have me, Balanced Dawn. Ps: Trixie got a similar card.’ Starlight’s mood instantly improved after reading the note. “So Twilight was wrong.” She hugged the card. Trixie strode into the dorm room a moment later looking smug. “Trixie told you we should have waited.” Starlight looked back at her sheepishly. “You were right.” Her ears pinned back. “Trixie knows.” She nodded. “Now what’s the plan?” She hopped up on Starlight’s bed so they could plan something fun. Rarity sat alone in her shop eating Ice cream. “Maybe I’ll go visit Fluttershy tomorrow and get a cat.” She took another bite. “She did seem interested in going to the spa with me for a date.” Rarity smiled while thinking about the cute younger peagsus. “Idea!” She sat up and stuffed the Ice cream back into her freezer with her magic. “She and I could work together to win over a certain colt. With my financial security and both our good looks it should be easy.” As I made my way through the castle I let out a loud sneeze. I could smell and almost feel the ‘love’ in the air. I bet any changelings are having a buffet today. the entire castle was decorated and the few maids I passed were happily gossiping about their night time plans. When I did arrive at Celestia’s personal study I was the last one to arrive. Looks like even Spike is here today. I gave them both friendly nuzzles, though Twilight hesitated, before giving the baby dragon a hug. “Good to see you little dude.” He babbled back happily and returned the hug. “Good to see you Dawn I hope you both enjoyed Cadence’s lecture yesterday.” Celestia smiled as I took my spot at the table. “Yeah it was great.” I nodded. “I enjoyed it as well.” Twilight chimed in. For the next few hours we received assistance on our school work as well as some extra assignments on magic from Celestia as spike napped or played with his toys. For the most part Twilight and I worked separately only sharing a few glances. When our lessons neared the end Celestia stood up and stretched. “I think I will go inform the kitchen to prepare our dinner as most of the maids our out this evening.” She picked up spike and put him on her back before heading out the door. “I’ll be back in a bit.” “So it was interesting seeing Cadence yesterday.” I broke the silence. “Yeah.” Twilight was focused on her school work. “Did I ever tell you how I met her?” I tapped my chin. “No.” Another short answer. “Her and your brother found me when I got lost.” I laughed. “Lost?” She finally looked my way. “Yep my family had brought me into the city for the entrance test and I got lost on the day of the test. Cadence found me and they brought me to the school.” I nodded and told her the story. “Wait, so where are you from? I thought you lived in Canterlot?” She put her work down and we started talking normally. It was our first time really talking about non school work related topics. During the time that Celestia was gone we continued to talk and things felt a bit more normal between us. We had even scooted closer together to lean on each others side. “Sorry by the way.” She said after she shared a funny story about her brother first seeing Cadence. “It was wrong of me to jump you like that.” She blushed. I gave her a nuzzle under her chin. “Twilight it wasn’t bad just.. unexpected.” “But aren’t you in Starlight and Trixie’s herd? They said you were when they confronted me about what happened.” My hackles raised a bit when I heard that. Starlight, what did you do? “Well I won’t lie Twilight, they did ask me to be their special Somepony and I said yes. That doesn’t mean I don’t like you at all. Besides, we’re all to young for official herding. Maybe you should talk with them about it too?” I knew better as a colt, than to interfere with filly herd dynamics. Why do romantic relationships always have to be so complicated. “I don’t know they weren’t exactly happy last time.” She tapped her hooves together. “Dinners ready you two.” Celestia stepped back into her study with a tray in her magic. “Oh did I interrupt something?” She hummed at seeing us so close together. You know darn well you did Sun But. I rolled my eyes as Twilight hurriedly scooted away from me back to her own spot with an ‘eep’. The whole town was abuzz with what they had witnessed today. “Was that really a Soulmate song on Hearts and Hooves day?” Cheerilee asked Mac as they ate dinner at the local Cafe. “Eeyup.” He smiled at his partner. “So romantic.” Another patron spoke up. “Yep. And it was between Ms. Swirl and Mr. Cake.” Their partner answered. “Yeah, i even got to be a background singer.” Another mare nodded happily and trotted along outside the patio. “Aww.” The three mares of the Flower Trio herd looked disappointed that they missed it. “And we couldn’t even find a stallion.” Roseluck, their lead mare, huffed while jealousy glancing towards Mac and Cheerilee. Her two herd mates shared a look before she received a kiss on each cheek from them, bringing a smile to her face. The three mares of the Apple herd fell onto their bed panting before snuggling up closer together. They had spent a wonderful day out on the town before coming home to an empty house. Unfettered had been kind enough to escort Bloom and Granny out for dinner. “Best.” Pear Started. “Night.” Forest Breeze huffed out. “Ever.” Morning Dew enveloped both her partners in her magic for another round. > Ch49. First date. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up feeling nervous about the day ahead. I would be having my first date with Starlight and Trixie later and the Idea of dating two girls at once who not only accepted but encouraged the idea felt, not wrong but, a bit strange. I just have to remember herding is normal and natural behavior for ponies like myself. I had known Starlight for a few years as a friend so the idea of dating her actually felt nice. Despite our history I did follow the advice of my mothers about analyzing a potential lead mare. Her possessive attitude is a bit troublesome, yet It’s encouraging that she’s including Trixie. Aside from that she’s smart, driven, and would provide for and protect her future herd. A two mare herd wouldn’t be the worst idea but my status as an alicorn was eventually going to come out and would make things complicated, nobles would practically throw their daughters at me if they felt my herd wasn’t yet ‘full’. Thinking about Trixie I knew she would definitely make a good herd member. She was smarter than she gave herself credit for, worked hard when she thought nopony was watching, I found her attractive, and she had been showing interest in Starlight and I ever since we stopped her from being bullied and all became friends so the chemistry was there. Bet my moms will be happy when they get my letter about going on a date with them both. My immortality was another thing driving my nerves as I laid in bed. There’s only so many other long lived or imortal creatures, I can see why Celestia remained single for so long if that fact is always on her mind. I won’t have to worry about Twilight if she becomes interested but I wouldn’t want to outlive all my partners. Shaking my head I got myself out of bed and began my morning routine of stretching out my entire body including my wings. I made sure to stretch and work them out a bit daily else they would become useless when I really needed them. I was also going through a bit of a growth spurt like the others my age making things itch randomly. I almost wish I didn’t have to hide my wings but the first major events shouldn’t be changed. After finishing my morning routine and eating breakfast I worked on my schoolwork back in my room while pondering about the future. Strange to think that if todays date goes well Ill become part of a trial herd. ‘Trial herd’ was such an odd phrase but it was the best ponies had come up with for a herd that wasn’t official in the eyes of the law such as herds courting a stallion or for young ponies like myself. Once courting of a stallion had begun other herds typically knew better than to intervene though sometimes single mares might ask the lead mare and stallion permission to join in on the courting. There were a lot of other nuances when it came to herd dynamics but once one was officially established they became quite stable and any members who joined later always followed the lead mare and stallion. I guess it makes sense why other fillies in the school haven’t been approaching me, if Starlight was calling herself my lead filly they would have to approach her first. Originally I had thought it strange she had been so serious about keeping others away from me then remembered that colts and stallions were highly valued. We’re scouted as early as possible for future herding and become fair game during and after puberty. Even if ponies live quite long it’s not a good idea for mares to just sit around and wait for a good partner. I set aside my schoolwork and checked the time. It was just before noon and about time for the date. I smiled and realized that while I was nervous I was also excited about my first date as a pony. “Dawn! Hi.” Starlight and Trixie both trotted up to me as I waited near the school’s entrance gate and gave me affectionate nuzzles in order. Both of them were well groomed, like myself, yet they didn’t go overboard by wearing makeup or clothing, just the charms I got them braided into their manes. Always preferred natural beauty anyway. “Hi girls. You both look cute today.” They both blushed and gave me another nuzzle. “Thanks.” They did the filly thing of talking in sync. “So what’s the plan today?” I looked between them. As lead Starlight took over. “Well since we got permission to go off campus I thought we could get lunch and then there’s an exhibit on modern magic at the museum?” She was still nervous though. “Sounds fun.” I smiled and she looked relieved. Its kinda nice being the one asked out. The three of us then set off walking in a standard herd formation with me in the middle and Starlight on my dominant right side. The casual restaurant they had chosen was designed for younger ponies in mind so we didn’t really stick out amongst the guests. “Nice place.” I commented after we were seated in a round booth. “Um, thanks.” Starlight tapped her hooves together nervously without saying anything else until Trixie bumped her. “Thanks for going out with us by the way.” Trixie tried not to groan as she let her friend lead our date. Oh this isn’t good. Maybe I shouldn’t bother acting like a colt my age and just take the lead myself. I took a deep breath. “Starlight.” I nuzzled her a bit while speaking in a soothing tone. “You and Trixie are some of my best friends we can just talk normally, right?” “Right. Of course.” She nodded and Trixie smiled. The three of us then ordered and began talking about class work and stuff as if it was just another normal day between friends. “These will probably become really popular.” Starlight laughed a bit sarcastically at an exhibit featuring ‘Radio Headphones’ before giving me a playful bump. “I mean what pony would want to cover their ears and block out all sound?” Those look like the ones future Vinyl always wears. After I took lead the date had been going wonderfully. Following our nice lunch, that the fillies insisted they pay for, we made our way to the Canterlot City Museum of Magic which was currently hosting the ‘Modern Magical Marvel’s’ exhibition. Some of the items on display that we were checking out were already commercially available while others were just concepts. “Trixie thinks this one might be nice.” Starlight and I joined her at an exhibit of what was essentially a modern Washer and Dryer combination in one device. “It says it will wash and dry your bedding all in one machine with the push of a button.” Starlight tapped her chin. “This one at least looks practical for non unicorns. I don’t see the point in spending those kinds of bits when magic already has cleaning spells.” “Yeah you have a point Starlight.” I joined in. “Better to buy something else that can’t easily be replicated.” “Glad we found a colt who knows how to budget.” Starlight joked with Trixie as we moved on. As we continued to check out the exhibits we saw plenty of strange ideas that weren’t entirely practical for the everyday pony. One that did stick out was one about ‘City trains’. The concept looked like it’s inventor took small miner’s carts designed to fit two ponies then designed them fancier and to ride on tracks that could be built inside a city. To bad it would never be practical at scale. “I don’t get how anypony could have designed this when carts are just as practical.” Starlight commented while tilting her head to get a better look. “Looks like it was made by Dimond Dogs.” Trixie read from the placard. “Supposedly they even have a real one in their main city.” They actually built it? Cool. “Really, I haven’t met one of them before I would love to see a working version.” My tail swished a bit. I had seen Griffins and Minotaur in the city but not any other creatures. “Why would you want to do that they’re all mutts.” I was glad it wasn’t my friends but another random unicorn passing by who spat out her words. I almost growled at the passing mare. “Shows what she knows, it’s an impressive machine.” I couldn’t have been more proud of Starlight when she said that and gave her a peck on the cheek. After finishing with the museum I decided to surprise the girls by leading them to the best doughnuts in town. “Dawn would you please tell Trixie where we’re going.” Trixie whined a bit while she and Starlight were leaning on my sides. I knew their hooves were tired after walking all day so had offered to Cary one of them, both fillies had refused. Really glad for my training and Earth pony strength. “Don’t worry girls we’re here.” I opened up the door to Joe’s Doughnuts with my magic. “Well what do we have here? A little herd on a date and is that Dawn I see?” Joe said from behind the counter. The place was empty since it was a Sunday afternoon. “Good to see you Joe.” We grabbed a booth as he brought us a few menus. “You too colt. I remember this friend,” he nodded at Starlight. “But who’s your other one?” “Filly friends actually.” Trixie huffed. “I’m the great and powerful Trixie. Nice to meet you.” “Woah good job colt. So what can I get the great Trixie and her herd today?” He smiled and Trixie smiled back at his jokes. We ordered some doughnuts and milk and relaxed while eating. We didn’t have long before we had to get back on campus but we dragged out every moment. “Thanks again for today Dawn. Sorry I was so weird at the start.” Starlight looked away. “Trixie was just fine. Wasn’t she?” The two had turned nervous again after we made it back to school and began saying our goodbyes. “You were both great.” I kissed them both on the cheek and gave an affectionate nip on the ear before trotting back off to the dorms. Starlight and Trixie sat there for a moment then blushed deeply after getting the unexpected affection. “Did he just do that?” Trixie asked and Starlight nodded. The two shared a look then rushed back off to their dorm rooms. Twilight was feeling sick to her stomach. She had been feeling like a snack after the library so was going to get a doughnut when she spotted a few familiar ponies and had watched them from a distance for a bit. Now she was back home with no doughnuts and feeling upset. He was on a date. He was with Starlight and Trixie and sharing doughnuts on a date. She buried her head in her pillow until Spike came over and gave her a hug. “Mom?” Spike smiled at her and Twilight gave a big hug back while immediately feeling much better with a strange thought. Right, Dawn and I are the only students of The Princess Celestia and Spike is our Son, he even says so himself, he wouldn’t leave either of us alone for long. > Ch49.5 More First Dates. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia checked herself out in the mirror. She was currently wearing a new Sun hat, had her mane in it’s natural state, Pink instead of ethereal, and had used a shrinking spell to make her about the size of an average Earth Pony mare. I wonder If I should go a bit smaller to match the average Peagsus? Why bother? You already diminished our stature enough for this outing. She gave herself one last look over and decided a braid in her mane would look better. Celestia, ruler of Equestria and guardian of the Sun, had a date. Feather Duster had asked her out the Day after Hearts and Hooves day and now a week later they were finally be able to go out. No, down Was better. She undid the braid and let her mane flow freely after brushing it. Whatever. “Ahh, I still can’t believe she said yes!” Imago was literally climbing up the walls and ceiling of her home. Over the past few weeks she had finally fully moved into her new permanent hive. She had built up more rooms inside the crystal cavers in preparation of her children’s first molt and now for the cherry on top of her life she had a date with Her princess. “Oh, I wonder what I should wear?” There was a flash of green from her ceiling as she donned her Feather Duster persona but with a nice dress. She then glided down in front of her mirror to check herself out. “Way to much.” Another flash and the dress was gone but she now had some simple jewelry. “Or maybe?” She smiled to herself and after another flash she was in a short and sexy version of her maid uniform. “Maybe after a few dates.” She winked then laughed before she transformed back to the previous look. “Perfect.” “Thanks again for inviting and treating me to the spa Rarity.” Fluttershy smiled from behind her mane. It was the first time she didn’t feel quite so self conscious around another pony that wasn’t Rainbow Dash or her family. “Nonsense Darling I asked you out so of course I’ll pay.” Rarity smiled back as they entered the shop. “Oh, um, is this a date? I’m sorry I didn’t realize.” Fluttershy slowly replied while looking down and away. “I just wasn’t expecting a date.” Fluttershy nervously scratched at the floor. Rarity bit her lip and thought about backing down from the shy mare if she was worried about it being a date but then the thought of winning over a particular colt steeled her resolve and she realized that if she was going to be lead mare she would need to take the initiative. “Yes. I asked you out specifically for a date with the intention of forming a trial herd.” Rarity nodded. “So would you like form one with me?” Fluttershy gained a hopeful look as she turned back towards Rarity. “You… you want to form a herd with me? Bu-but why? Im a terrible peagsus.” “Darling.” Rarity nuzzled the shy filly and pulled her aside in the spa lobby, “you’re kind, caring and simply adorable. You would be a wonderful addition to any herd, those qualities are very far from terrible.” “Thank you.” Fluttershy looked more confident. “But, you don’t think it’s strange I don’t like to fly or that I’m shy?” Rarity waved off the thought with her hoof. “Fluttershy, I’m a unicorn what do I care about flying. I’m more interested in your personality and to be honest you also know the colt I wish for us to woo. As for being shy that would only be an issue for a lead mare.” Fluttershy thought this over as they checked in and got into the steam room first then quietly asked. “So who is it?” “What darling?” Rarity scooted closer. “Oh um, who’s the colt?” She asked a bit louder. “Oh, why Balanced Dawn of the Apple family.” Rarity smiled and missed Fluttershy’s blush, thinking it was from the heat. “So would you like to join me?” “I’ll be your herd mate Rarity.” She finally answered and squeaked when Rarity gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Wonderful. We can talk about specifics later but for now let’s enjoy our Spa date and maybe move onto he next activity.” Rarity fanned herself and left the steam room with Fluttershy happily following along. “Wow.” Imago, no, Feather Duster stood there speechless after meeting up with Celestia on Restaurant Row. It was amazing how no other ponies noticed the princess with her minor, to a changeling, modifications she had made to her appearance. “Do you like it?” Celestia did a small circle. “I wanted to make sure we didn’t stand out too much.” “You look as radiant as ever.” Feather commented then shook her head a bit. “Shall we my lady?” Feather wrapped a wing over Celestia and they trotted off to pick a restaurant. It’s nice to be treated normally for once. It’s Nice some of our staff have a backbone. > Ch50. Tis the Season. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning Class.” Celestia walked into the room and greeted us all. She had a certain spring in her steps lately and I had noticed a certain maid had been hanging around more often when Twilight and I had our lessons. it’s nice to see her acting like a normal pony I do wonder if she dated in the OG timeline and it ended beforehand or if it never happened. “Good morning Ms. Celestia.” Those of us who had made it to class responded in our typical fashion. “As many of you know the school will be…” Everyone in the room blushed when one filly in the back room squeaked while rubbing her rump on her, now damp, cushion. The filly in question awkwardly looked down with her ears pinned back and mumbled, “sorry.” “It’s alright my dear, you’re excused, go ahead and head back to your dorm room no need for a pass.” Celestia looked around the half empty classroom. The season had come a bit early this year to Canterlot, thanks to the Rainboom and other recent magical surges. Because of all this, her school and the city at large hadn’t quite been ready for it. “As I was saying.” She continued after the filly ran out of the room embarrassed. “School will be on break starting today due to the spring ‘season’. For those fillies living in the dorms I expect all of you to behave and listen to the dorm mothers. Colts, Mr. Clear Mark will be acting as your dorm father for the duration as Mrs. Heart will be participating in the season. Lessons today will simply be review, so I’ll be helping those of you who have been struggling then you can all return to your dorms as classes are ending early.” She finished and began walking towards a few of the students. As I looked around the room it was a bit strange to know the reason why class was so empty. Over half the fillies and all the colts were halving their first season, none had reactions as bad as Twilight, and they were sent home or to the dorms. Those that weren’t in heat probably would be soon since everypony in school had their cutie marks. Still strange to me that Cutie marks play a bigger role in development than age. I myself was already dealing with my second rut of the year but was handling it fine. Still can’t believe I forgot it was called rut and not heat for males until Cadence explained it again last time she sat in on one of our lessons at the castle . Probably should’ve paid more attention to that health class. “Dawn are you doing alright?” I hadn’t noticed Celestia was now helping my row and had stopped in front of me. “I’m fine princess.” I nodded while she bent a bit closer. “Dawn, why don’t you head back to the dorms as well, you’re doing excellent in class already and your pheromones are getting strong enough to trigger some of the others.” She motioned towards the door with her wing while quietly speaking to me. I noticed some of the fillies eyeing me as I glanced around. “Sounds good.” Not being in the mood to deal with that mess, I promptly gathered up my school supplies and headed out. “Hey Dawn, where you headed?” I turned and spotted Lyra. For the past few days she was the only one I had really had any long conversations with. Twilight had still been a bit distant and throwing herself into her work and taking care of spike while Trixie and Starlight had been staying a bit further away from me but assured me they weren’t upset or anything whenever we did talk. They're probably just avoiding me due to the season. “Oh hey Lyra, to the dorms. Apparently I stink.” I joked, knowing she probably knew what i meant. She was suddenly at my side and gave my mane a quick sniff before throwing her forelegs over my back. “Oh really~, you smell fine~ to me.” She tried to be sultry but it came off weird. My eyes went a bit wide. Oh no, not her too. “Lyra your not..?” She suddenly started laughing and rolled onto her back. “You should have seen your face.” I gave her a swat with my tail and huffed. “Not funny.” “You’re right, I probably shouldn’t joke about that when everyone’s struggling.” She wiped a happy tear from her eye. “I’m just glad I probably won’t be going through it this year, if ever.” She finished that last part almost too quietly. Did she just say Everyone? “Wait why are you out of class already if not for ‘that’?” I continued walking towards the exit as she followed along. “Well, I was the only one left in my class and it looks like the school decided to just end early, considering.” She rolled her hoof. “Everypony else should be leaving soon as well but they’re doing it in small amounts.” “Oh right, Celestia mentioned that during our first class.” I nodded. “Well it was good to see you Lyra, have a good break.” I gave her a nuzzle without thinking as we walked towards our respective dorms. Lyra blushed a bit then shook her head. Bon Bon was enough for her. Imago’s cheeks puffed up and threw up another batch of goo for working on her hive, “Sweet Hive Mothers I hate heat season.” Normally she didn’t mind making goo but her body was producing it at almost triple her normal rate. Changelings didn’t go into heat but all the lust in the air was making her sick. Lust, while filling and extremely tasty, held no nutritional value. One of her sisters had actually died to ‘Ling Lust Poisoning’ when she was a younger and still in her mother’s hive. Luckily her children were protected while in their cocoons and typically she would have created her own to hide in during this time of year, if not for two factors. First as the only Ling of her hive she had work to do. She had learned after years of experience that lust did have one use, it made much stronger goo that could also block out lust so was perfect for expanding her hive with. Second, she had a relationship to maintain and she wouldn’t leave her Princess alone for the season. There was one other upside. Lust could be stored in crystals, just like love, so would help with her overproduction of goo when she needed to go out and could be used by her drones in the future for making that goo instead of her. “I just wish the season hadn’t come early so I was better prepared.” She spat up another globule of goo and began shaping it. “Well my hive won’t build itself.” She smiled at her work. For the first time in hundreds of years she was finally settling down instead of just being part of her mother’s hive or traveling around Equestria looking for the perfect home where she could enact her plan. “What do you mean no?” Rainbow Dash stood outside of Fluttershy’s cottage while rubbing her back legs together. “I’m sorry Dash but I can’t help you this time.” Fluttershy hid behind her mane. “Bu-but, Shy why not?” Rainbow looked a bit hurt. Fluttershy looked her in the eyes with a sad expression. “Last time, I offered for you to stay Rainbow and you said ‘No’. Well now I am in a Trial Herd so I have to say no. If you want to join we would happily welcome you. Maybe, if that’s okay with you…” Rainbow was shocked, Fluttershy had been with her for the past few years and had always been a constant. She wasn’t ready for the commitment of a herd but now the thought of loosing her best friend, especially after sharing their first heat together a few months ago, felt worse. Hanging her head with ears pinned back. “I understand. So can I join?” “Rainbow…” Fluttershy nervously fluffed her wings. “You’re not just saying that because of the season are you?” “No! I just. I wouldn’t want to loose you, okay?!?” Fluttershy pinned her ears back and almost missed the next part as Rainbow whispered, “You know what loyalty means to me and I promised I would always be there for you and the thought of being unable to scares me…” Rainbow teared up, her emotions were a mess from the unexpected situation and the hormones weren’t making things any easier. Typically she would remain strong and never show her heart like this. “Oh Dashie.” Fluttershy wrapped her in a wing hug. “Of course you can join. Well If our lead says yes. You’ll, um, have to ask her.” “So you wish to join us Darling?” Rarity was surprised when Fluttershy had show up to her home with Rainbow Dash behind her. The two had already planned to meet up for their first season together but Rainbow following behind her new herd member was a surprise. Rainbow nodded. “Yes, Shy and I have been friends forever and I already made the mistake of turning her down once.” She winced at her own admission. “Hmm.” Rarity tapped her chin. She wasn’t sure how well she would fit into their dynamics considering how sporty the filly was but she also knew she had a good relationship with Dawn’s mother, Forest Breeze, who she was apprenticed under. “Rainbow, has Fluttershy told you about the colt we plan to woo? This won’t be a mare only herd like some of them are. If I can help it.” “What? No she hasn’t, but I do like colts as well, despite my colors, so that’s cool.” She huffed. “That’s good, because we’re going after Dawn.” Rarity was warming up to the idea of Rainbow joining. She was rough around the edges but had great potential. “My bosses colt?” Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “He seems nice and all, but he’s a unicorn, I’m more of a wing girl myself.” “Darling, I’m a unicorn.” Rarity used her magic to lift her tea. “Hehe, right. I’m not saying Dawn or you aren’t nice just you don’t have wings so we couldn’t fly together.” Rainbow tapped her hooves together awkwardly. “Rarity, I think Rainbow would be a great addition. She’s a hard worker like you and always stuck up for me and would do the same for her herd. Right Dash?” Fluttershy spoke up while Rainbow nodded. “Of course I would.” She puffed up her chest. “Very well.” Rarity stood up and stepped over to Rainbow to give her a nuzzle. “Rainbow Dash if you’re willing to follow me as your lead mare I would be happy to accept you.” “Yes!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t have been happier. It was an odd twist of fate, one she hadn’t been expecting, yet she had a feeling would work out. “Oh um, do I have to give up building my cloud house or becoming a Wonder Bolt though?” Dash rubbed the back of her neck. “No. I feel that until we become an official herd living separately while dating is for the best and another career mare would be ideal as Fluttershy has accepted the possibility of becoming the home body. Becoming famous wouldn’t be a bad thing either.” Fluttershy nodded and blushed after mumbling about how taking care of foals would be nice. “You will be joining us on our spa dates though, that’s non negotiable.” Rarity finished as Rainbow groaned causing her new herd mates to laugh. After reaching the dorms I was feeling bored. All of the colts were hold up in their rooms dealing with their ruts. Not something I really want to think about. Least I finally got a letter back from Moms. ‘Dear Dawn, We’re so happy you started. Trial herd with Starlight and Trixie. Just remember you don’t have to listen to everything they say, you’re your own colt. If things don’t work out with them there’s plenty of fillies out there. We know it will be about that time of year when you finally get this letter so keep yourself safe and stick to the dorms. It’s to early for us to be grandparents young colt. Love, Morning Dew, Forest Breeze, and Pear Butter. Ps, your siblings all say hello and Unfettered is especially worried about you, but didn’t want us to mention it.’ I smiled and stored it with my other mail from them before writing back about how school had been going and that I was fine. Now I just need to make it through the Season. You and me both! I chuckled to myself and had a sudden urge for a grilled cheese sandwich. > Ch51. End of spring. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I made it through the end of spring heat season without incident this year. The other colts and I spent all our times hiding out in the dorms during the season but now classes were resuming for the start summer. It’s odd not having a summer break but all this time off makes up for it I guess. Oh this year’s Summer Sun Celebration should be happening soon as well, I remember Celestia wanted Twilight and I to attend. As I sat listening to a lecture from Celestia in my first class of the day I couldn’t help but notice a few groups of fillies had gotten closer while others were sticking further apart. Looks like new Trial Herds may have formed, I hope they didn’t do it just because of the season. I knew they probably did but I also knew very well how puppy love worked. Is it just me or Twilight being avoided more than usual? It was subtle but the students on either side of her were closer to the ponies on their other sides and leaving a wider gap with Twilight. “Dawn?” Celestia spoke up as she noticed me looking around the room. “Please focus on the front of the class.” The room let out small giggles. “Sorry Ms. Celestia.” My ears pinned back as I focused back on her lecture. We were reviewing more runes again and how they were used in everyday life. The class often rotated between ‘Brute force’ magic which was just forcing magic through your horn and thinking about a spell, rune magic which was casting via well runes, and the practical applications of both. There were many other lessons sprinkled in such as safety, proper application, etc making it well rounded. When we weren’t having lectures we were memorizing runes or practicing them without casting anything. It’s no wonder CSGU is such a competitive four year school to get into when there’s so much to learn. If I couldn’t make comparisons to programming, math, or other things from earth it would be overwhelming. When the bell rang I tried to catch Twilight but she was already gone. Celestia had left quickly as well since she had to return to the castle. Guess I’ll see them next time we have personal lessons. I found myself suddenly getting a kiss on each cheek as I waited in the lunch line. “Hey girls good to see you again.” I smiled at Trixie and Staright. “We’re so sorry for avoiding you Dawn it’s just if we didn’t…” Starlight stared. “Starlight and Trixie feel like they would have made a mistake.” Trixie bashfully finished. “Ah, it’s ok you two. How about this weekend we hang out instead.” I gave them both a kiss on the cheek back causing their ears to perk up. Such cute reactions. “Sounds like a great idea.” Starlight took up her spot at my side. “Though I doubt we’ll get permission to go off campus again.” “Trixie could preform some of her newer tricks, provided by her parents, for you both. She could also use some practice and feedback.” Her ears wiggled a bit in anticipation. “Trixie I don’t think…” Straight started before I accidentally cut her off. “Sounds fun Trixie. By the way your parents are performers in a circus right?” I didn’t know much about the pony circus. “Mind telling me more about it?” She looked excited since we typically only talk about school work. Starlight looked a bit upset at the attention I was giving to Trixie so I whispered into her ear as we moved to sit down. “We grew up in the same town so I don’t know as much about her as I do you is all.” The three of us spent the rest of lunch eating and listening to what circus life was like while I also scoped out the room. Looks like I wasn’t the only colt to join a Trial herd. There were plenty of other colts shrouded by fillies just conversing while plenty of other filly only herds looked on a bit jealously. “Starlight are you okay?” Trixie gave her filly friend a nuzzle after lunch while heading to their next class. “I’m… No, I’m upset you monopolized Dawn all of lunch.” Starlight huffed while Trixie frowned. “I’m already upset that he went and became Celestia’s personal student and spends every weekend with Twilight and I didn’t get to see him all season.” she stomped her hoof causing a few other students to back away from them. “We’ve been spending less time together ever since leaving Sires Hollow and it’s almost like Sunburst all over again. I can’t even tell him else he will just find another filly who won’t complain.” Starlight hung her head and was surprised when Trixie hugged her. “He still chose us Starlight. Trixie is… I’m, sorry about lunch but Dawn took the lead in asking. Are you mad at us?” Trixie made sure to keep a calming tone. “No.” Starlight scuffed at the floor then looked at her herd mate. “Then you shouldn’t be afraid of talking with him.” Trixie puffed up her chest fluff. Starlight mulled over what she said as they headed into their next class. “Hey Dawn, do you know why we’re meeting near the pond today?” I had just walked up next to Moon Dancer as she was reading where we were meeting for gym. “No, we normally either meet in the training field or the inside gym if rain is scheduled.” I tilted my head to double check the instructions before shrugging. “Maybe we’re going to be swimming.” Moon Dancer missed a step as we headed outside. “Swimming? Have you ever been before?” “Yeah I… wait, no I haven’t.” I had to think hard about it while we crossed the grounds. I used to love swimming as a human since I had family near the ocean, even if I didn’t get many opportunities but I don’t think I’ve ever been as a pony. “Sires Hollow didn’t have any large bodies of water and it was too cold for swimming every time I was in Ponyville.” We arrived at the pond not long after my explanation. “Me neither, I hope it’s not Swimming though.” Moon’s ears pinned back. “Afternoon Class. We’re going to be swimming today.” Gale happily explained while Moon Dancer groaned. “It’s a good way to keep cool and those of you who want to be guards will need to know how. So, how many of you know how to swim?” Less than a third of the class raised their hooves. “Well that’s alright. We’re here to learn after all. First up I want to see those of you who know how to swim get into the water first.” She clapped her forehooves while hovering over the large pond and the group got moving as the rest of us watched. Wow, ponies Swimming is so strange. It looked like most used an inefficient Dog Paddle style which was also slow or a pony version of the breast stroke that didn’t look comfortable and was also slow. It probably doesn’t help our nostrils face forward instead of down so water gets in easier without magic. Wait… “Alright everypony not a bad start but can any of you tell me what went wrong?” She asked those of us on shore as the others shook themselves off. I raised my hoof and decided to take a guess after being called. “They were too afraid of water getting in their nose?” Gale blinked then smiled. “Exactly! Despite how our muzzles look it is very hard for water to get into it accidentally thanks to our innate magic, think about how water doesn’t get in when you bathe, so those of you doing the frog kick were on the right track but you needed to get your heads lower so it’s not as inefficient and you can swim faster.” She then jumped in the water and demonstrated by diving under and doing a quick lap. When she came back she shook herself off and fluttered her wings. “See, that’s closer to how a unicorn should swim. Now I of course have the advantage of my wings, which work just as well for swimming in water as flying in the air, after some practice of course.” I raised my hoof again. “Yes Dawn?” She smiled my way. “So you can swim with wings?” She nodded. I’ll have to get mom to teach me that. “What about magic?” “Ah, excellent question young unicorn. There are spells that can be learned and you will be doing that after you’ve all gotten regular swimming down, to avoid shortcuts. There are also water walking spells and Pegasi like myself can walk on water, with training.” She then stepped onto the ponds surface and turned around to face us. “Cool,” and other such phrases came from most of the class as we watched her easily walk on the pond’s surface. “How are you doing that?” Moon Dancer asked. “Clouds are just water vapor and our innate magic allows us to walk on them. Walking on water requires more magic and concentration, since it’s natural magic acts against you, but is still possible.” She walked back onto shore. “Now then let’s get you all in the water.” Swimming was nice. It was hot and sunny out and the water was cool and refreshing. I was a bit reluctant to put my muzzle underwater but once I did it wasn’t so bad. Quite a few refused to get in without Gale watching over them while others jumped right in and had to be helped by friends to stay afloat. Once class was nearing its end we were all told to get out and dried off by a combination of shaking and magic. “That wasn’t so bad.” I commented. “Speak for yourself.” I almost snorted while Laughing as Moon Dancer walked over with a soaked mane covering her face. “Somepony needs a mane cut.” I laughed while she huffed. “So what do you girls think?” Rarity asked to her fellow herd mates. “I don’t know Rarity should we really be asking Appljack to help us? Isn’t that Dawn’s sister?” Rainbow Dash replied as they sat around in Rarity’s living room after they all finished work for the day. “Yes darling but not by blood. If we were going after Big Mac then it would be wrong of course.” Rarity fussed while sketching out designs on the side. “Isn’t he with Cheerilee anyway.” Fluttershy blushed. “Yes and while he is a handsome stallion he would not quite fit into our dynamics. So it’s a moot point anyway.” Rarity waved off the idea with a hoof. “Moot?” Rainbow mouthed to Fluttershy while she giggled. “I still don’t understand why we have to go after Dawn. There’s some nice colts on the weather team.” Rainbow said aloud. “We could.” Rarity hummed. “But how much competition is there for them already?” She looked Rainbow in the eye. “Quite a lot.” Rainbow’s wings sagged. “Um, Rarity isn’t Dawn in a school full of other unicorns most of which are fillies?” Fluttershy tapped her hooves together. Rarity’s eyes went wide as she realized the implications. “This is the worst possible thing.” She fell back on her fainting couch as the other two shared a look. “Sugar you out here?” Pear Butter called for her daughter while walking the orchard. “Here dam.” She bucked another pear tree. Their family had started working those lands again after Pear had admitted to already owning them. “Now what are you doing so far out?” She gave Applejack a nuzzle. “Was still feeling restless.” She blushed and loaded a filled basket onto her cart. “Oh sugar, I’m sorry. Us pears have always had a longer cycle than normal if not properly quenched. Luckily, I have your moms to help me.” she joked. “Aww dam, too much information.” Aj covered her face with her hat. “Who knows, maybe Dawn can help you out next time to keep it in the family.” Pear laughed “Ma!” Applejack whinnied. “Oh I’m just joking with you sugar. Though it’s not unheard of.” Pear tapped her chin as AJ huffed and gave her dam’s side a playful head but. > Ch52. Summer Sun Celebrations. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean it’s not all ready?” Feather Duster asked one of the maids working under her. It was officially the morning before the 991st Summer Sun celebration and Feather was helping her Princess turned Mare friend get ready for her holiday. “We can’t go without enough cake for the celebration!” Feather was stressed. Not only were preparations behind schedule but her children would soon be emerging from their cocoons and she needed to be there. She had debated bringing Celestia but it still wasn’t time for that conversation. “Feather it’s all right. The bakers are doing their best and it’s not like one or two less cakes is a big deal.” Celestia put a soothing wing over her partners back. She’s so cute when flustered on our behalf. I do enjoy her fiery side but there better be enough cake. Feather nuzzled her neck. “You’re right Celly. I just want your day to be perfect.” Celestia Tittered. “Oh my sweet Feather, I have had so many of these things just having you and my students around is enough.” She then gave Feather a kiss on the cheek causing her to blush and feel full. “So you must be Balanced Dawn.” Twilight’s Sire, Night Light, spoke up as he and his wife entered the castle waiting room. Twilight and I were already waiting around for Celestia before the celebration. “It’s finally nice to meet Princess Celestia’s second student. I know she hasn’t chosen a colt in decades so it’s impressive that you were picked.” Night Light gave me a hoof bump before sitting down on one of the cushions. “That I am.” I nodded as he looked me over. “And I was surprised she picked me as well.” I was wondering when I would finally get a chance to meet them. “Dad.” Spike ran over and gave me a big hug after jumping from Velvet’s back just before the mare sat down. “Did he just call you dad?” Velvet’s eyes sparkled as Spike and I hugged, I hadn’t really heard her question but Night Light had and they shared a look. “You just spoke.” I smiled at the baby dragon then looked towards Twilight. “Spike just spoke.” “Yes, he has been doing that lately.” She smiled from behind a book she was reading about the holiday. “And you didn’t tell me?” I threw my hooves up playfully as Spike said other random words like ‘book’. “I haven’t seen the little guy in weeks. How could you not tell me!?” I stuck my tongue out at her and Spike laughed. Twilight shrugged as her parents watched our back and forth while smiling. I then heard them whisper to each other something about grand foals and meeting my parents later. “So Spike are you excited for today?” I asked and he focused intently. “Yep.” Was all he got out before he tried climbing onto my back. I helped him up with magic and he quickly got comfortable. Twilight’s parents gave me a look and ‘awwed’ just as the door opened. “Excellent, I see that most of you are here. Dawn your family should be arriving shortly, correct?” Celestia asked as she and Feather Duster entered the room. Feather smiled when she spotted Spike resting on my back. I still wonder who this maid really is. I don’t remember Celestia ever having a love interest. “Yep, they should be here anytime. I don’t know who all is coming though.” Just as I finished the door opened again and most of my family walked in. “Brother.” Bloom ran over and pounced onto my back right behind Spike causing me to ‘oof’. “Who’s this?” Bloom poked spike who giggled and booped her back causing her to cross her eyes. “That’s Spike, he’s a dragon. Twilight hatched him and I help watch over him sometimes.” I answered. “He’s a good dragon.” Her eyes went wide. “Dragon? Wow.” She nuzzled spike. “He’s warm.” As Bloom and I talked, my parents greeted Twilight’s parents and Applejack walked over to Twilight. “So you’re Twilight?” She narrowed her eyes. “Um, yes.” Twilight replied nervously, she had set her book down a while ago so couldn’t hide behind it. “My brother talked about you last time he was home.” AJ looked her over appraisingly. I didn’t think about them meeting early. “He did?” Twilight looked my way with a smile and It was my turn to shrug. “Eeyup.” She copied Mac, who had apparently wasn’t here, I noticed Unfettered wasn’t either. Bloom had gotten off my back and was playing with Spike while running around the room. “Well, ya seem nice enough.” AJ relaxed and held out her hoof, which Twilight bumped. Applejack then immediately sat at my side and gave me a friendly nuzzle. “Good to see you.” “You too AJ where’s Big Mac and Unfettered?” I double checked the room. “They’re watching the farm with Cheerilee, Her and Unfettered have been getting along quite well, after a rough first meeting anyway.” Applejack laughed knowingly. Good for her, she needed some friends. “Well, now that everypony is here we can go over the plan.” Celestia brought the attention back to herself. “Dawn, Twilight, both of you along with Cadence, Shining armor and Feather duster here will be up on stage with me during the raising of the sun. Parents and family you’re going to be in the front row of course and are more then welcome to join in the festivities tonight with us. If any of you need to sleep before the raising of the sun tomorrow then please feel free to use a guest room and the maids will wake you up on time.” She smiled as she finished. “Sadly we must be getting back to the preparations so I’ll see you all at the party later.” Celestia and Feather then both left as everypony gave her a polite bow and got back to excitedly talking once she left. I was feeling overwhelmed, but luckily wasn’t the only one. Twilight and Applejack were both at my side keeping the other fillies away as we sat at a corner table during the party that was planned to go all night. Our parents had all taken to it like fish in water and were mingling in the crowds leaving us to our own devices. Celestia was greeting the guests so that left the three of us on our own. Wonder where Shining and Cadence are. I know Bloom and Spike are in a guest room with a maid. “I wish it was time already. I don’t really like parties.” Twilight huddled against my side, chin resting on the table. It’s cute how sometimes she’s so embarrassed to be around me then others has no problem getting close. “I have to agree about this one, Pinkie, our friend back home, throws a way better party. Everypony is just standing around talking, there’s not even any games or dancing.” Applejack looked bored on my other side. “Yeah It doesn’t help getting looked at like that either.” I motioned to a group of noble fillies about Rarity’s age that kept checking me out and mentioning my status as Celestia’s student. Applejack gave them the stink eye and they looked away with noses held high. “At least the food is good.” “Just ignore um.” AJ huffed. “So Twilight, you go to the same school as my brother. You in his trial herd as well?” I knew she probably heard about Starlight and Trixie from my letter but wasn’t expecting her to be so blunt. “AJ.” I swatted at her with my tail, Twilight was stunned by the random question and blushed. “No!.” She choked on her drink. “Um, I mean not yet.” I almost didn’t hear that last part “Wait, Twilight did you want to be?” I asked a bit hesitantly sitting up straighter. She nodded and looked away. Oh that’s going to be a big change, hopefully things work out. Don’t worry, can’t control everything. “Well, we can talk about that later with Starlight then, if you want.” I gave Twilight a nuzzle while Applejack just watched our exchange with a raised eyebrow. As the three of us talked and moved around the room to stay awake Twilight and Applejack had started to get along. They both found out they had hard work and having a good older brother in common so we’re becoming fast friends. Better early than never. “I understand those long hours all to well.” I listened to AJ talk. “Dam and our moms may do a lot of the work but I’m normally right out there doing work with them. I need to be If I plan to take over the farm one day.” Twilight nodded. “My last paper took hours of research but the Princess really appreciated my detailed work. I didn’t exactly have to do all that research but I felt my paper wouldn’t be completely finished without it.” Funny what people, or ponies, will bond over. I was focused more on watching the guests as the two talked. Our parents had been checking in on us throughout the night but kept returning to talking with their fellow adults. I could tell my parents were getting along well with Twilight’s as they typically stuck together. “Dawn, hey you listening?” AJ poked my side. “Not really AJ I’m having trouble staying awake.” I yawned. “What’s up?” “Twilight here was going to show me the gardens, they apparently have a golden apple tree out there. You coming?” Twilight smiled as AJ spoke. “Sure sounds fun.” I stretched and followed behind the chatting fillies. Looking around I wasn’t quite sure where I was. One moment I was in the garden the next I was, “This is a dream isn’t it?” I poked the ‘ground’ and a ripple emitted from the spot. “Neat.” “Neat indeed.” I recognized the voice but it sounded a bit different. “Moon I thought you…” when I turned around it wasn’t Nightmare Moon but Luna. “Hello Balanced Dawn, it’s nice to finally meet you.” She lowered herself to eye level. “I am…” “Luna!” I rushed over and hugged her. “Did you break free of the nightmare already? I didn’t think you could without the elements.” There was a pause, “you know of us and the elements?” I tilted my head. “Course I do. Princess Luna ruler of the night, dreams, and the moon. Sadly corrupted by darkness into Nightmare Moon, through no fault of her own, and banished.” “Well then we can at least get to the point.” She blinked a few times. “You have been tasked to find my Thestrals correct?” I nodded. “When you find them I need you to warn them that I will still be corrupted upon my return. You were right that only the elements could cleanse me.” She bowed her head sadly. “We’re just about out of time so have a good day young prince.” She kissed my forehead and the dream wobbled. “See you again Luna.” I woke up to Applejack poking my side as we laid beneath a golden apple tree. “Come on Dawn wake up we wouldn’t want to be late.” I yawned and stretched. “Thanks AJ I needed that nap. Where’s Twilight?” I looked around the garden’s clearing. “She rushed on ahead saying something about making a list.” She laughed as we got moving. “She may be a unicorn but I can appreciate her work ethic.” Once the two of us were back in the castle we were rushed off to get ready. I was dressed in a suit and lead toward the stage constructed in the castle’s plaza where guests from around the city gathered to watch the ceremony. “Dawn there you are. Did you have a good nap.” Celestia gave me a friendly nuzzle. “Yep all rested up.” I glanced at Twilight who looked to be running on purely her nerves. “Looks like Twilight should have joined me inside of lecturing AJ about the garden.” “Yes well after the ceremony you two can run off.” She smiled just as music began to play. “It’s time.” I stood up straighter as Shining Armor and Cadence walked out first on either side of the stage. Next Twilight and I stepped out. I nervously scanned the crowd as they waited for the main show. Finally Celestia stepped out with Feather at her side. The crowd looked a bit confused but were easily distracted by Celestia lighting her horn and slowly raising the sun. The amount of magic emitting from her would have been overwhelming for any normal pony and was why she had to raise and lower the sun from within the castle or at a safe distance. If it wasn’t for the special stage most ponies would pass out from witnessing the sight. When she finished the crowd erupted into cheers and praised the start of a new day. Twilight looked at her teacher with a renewed sense of awe while Shining was looking a bit magically overwhelmed so Cadence was helping him off stage. As an alicorn I was feeling fine but it did make me wonder. How could Feather stand so close and be fine? “Come on ponies let’s party.” Pinkie yelled from her spot on stage. She had helped prepare Ponyville for the biggest Summer Sun Celebration ever. Ponies were already learning about her position as the town’s unofficial party planner however after today the title was official. Pinkie joined the crowd and began to party with all her friends. Imago returned to her home in a rush just after the sun was raised. She hated to leave her Cely behind but her children needed her. When she arrived she could see the four little cocoons shaking upon the ceiling. “Come on little ones you can do it.” She watched with baited breath as the young nymphs broke through their cocoons with their horns. One by one they glided down on buzzing wings into the goo she had prepared below for a soft landing. The young princess, Alicia, floated down first to greet her mother followed by the Den Mother drone, Ceres, and the two worker drones, Digit and Ditto, all female. “Welcome back my children, congratulations on becoming nymphs.” She gave each of them a nuzzle. “In a few years you’ll all molt and become fully adult Changelings. For now though let’s get you connected to the hive.” She lit her horn and touched it to each of her children in turn. -“can you hear me”- she broadcast through the newly established hive mind. -“Mother.”- All her children responded and tackled her. She laughed at her success of establishing her first hive, now she would just need to lay more eggs. > Ch53. Summer Daze. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today stunk, literally, with the Summer Sun Celebration over school had resumed and my normal school routine had resumed. I was disappointed my family had to leave so quickly, but farm and weather work never stopped. As I moved through the halls I grumbled ‘hello’ to a few other students before arriving at my next class. “Alright everypony I know it’s hot today but please keep focused. The cooling crystals for the school should be repaired before tomorrow’s lessons.” That was why today stunk, the school’s cooling crystals had failed and needed to be replaced. It was almost hotter inside the school than outside causing the air to smell of musk and sweat. I was lucky I knew a cooling charm however, while it helped with the heat it was another drain on my magic. “Dawn.” Lyra whispered from my side. “Pst, Dawn.” “What?” I hissed through my teeth. I just wasn’t in a good mood today with everything going on. Twilight and Starlight still need to talk soon too. “Could you please cast a cooling spell on me. Mine isn’t working right.” She pleaded as sweat was rolling off her neck. I sighed and thought up a quick charm. “Fine.” I lit my horn and the relief on her face was instant. “Just be sure to maintain it.” “Thanks.” She lit her horn and took over powering the charm. “Oh wow yours is way more efficient than mine, I was worried I wouldn’t make it through the day.” “No problem Lyra.” I sighed and focused back on the front of the class. What in Equestria are we even learning today? I almost couldn’t believe the lesson we were having in our History/ Equestrian Civics class once I started paying improper attention. The lesson was mainly about family structures and gender roles in society along with its history. It’s way to hot for this stuff and aren’t we a bit young for this, even if this is an advanced school. “And that class is why the guard allows Stallions while the army still does not.” Our teacher had just finished a portion of her lecture that I was half paying attention to. I could tell the other few colts found it just as disappointing though hardly anypony was paying attention to anything other than the heat. “Not that we maintain a large standing army these days.” The teacher lamely finished. I knew mares were the dominant ones but actually learning about it in school feels different. I had been at the school for almost a year and matured quite a bit in the time after getting my cutie mark. I still wouldn’t be fully grown for a few years but I was well on my way. Wonder If I’ll get as large as Celestia eventually? As class continued I started thinking about my family again. We kept in contact with letters and even though I had seen them recently, I was really starting to feel homesick. Aside from just being hot, Summer was our longest time without a long break meaning I hadn’t been home in a while. I’m jealous of those who’s families live in the city. Maybe I’ll ask mom to pick me up for a weekend soon. “Trixie is not having a good day.” She gave me a long nuzzle and enjoyed the effect my cooling charm had on her. “I agree.” I was a bit concerned about her being so warm so cast a fresh one on her as well. “It’s way too warm. Why didn’t they just let us have the day off?” “Oh that feels nice.” Trixie sagged onto my side and I actually blushed as my mood slightly improved. Strange she can have such an effect when we haven’t even kissed on the lips. We all knew better than to rush things at our age. “They probably didn’t expect it to be so bad with cooling charms being available.” Starlight didn’t look sweaty but the strain of magic drain was showing on her face. She had probably offered to help others like I had but without transferring the cost to the recipient. “Day not going well for you either?” I asked and gave her a nuzzle. “No and…” Starlight almost growled at being interrupted. “Hi there.” Twilight had adopted an almost manic smile while sitting down across from us. “It’s hot today right?” My eyes went a bit wide. Twilight what is that timing? It’s bad right? “Hello Twilight. Yeah, it is hot.” Starlight grit her teeth. Her already sour mood made worse by Twilight’s casual attitude. Trixie and I shared a worried look at Twilight’s density. “Right, so hey Starlight I was wondering if I could talk with you about Dawn?” Her smile shifted from manic to nervous then continued speaking as if I wasn’t sitting right here when Starlight didn’t reply. “So I know you and Trixie are in a trial herd with him and I was wondering if I could join as well? Considering we are both Princess Celestia’s personal students I figured I would be a good addition plus Dawn and I are already friends and he treats my dragon son, Spike, like his own so… yeah, can I?” It took immense effort not to face hoof. Twilight. What the buck was that? Starlight glanced my way as I panicked a bit as the focus shifted my direction. Twilight this was not how I wanted this done, especially on a day like today. Why would you bring up your position as personal student. It probably just made her jealous. I was practically screaming in my own head. Oh, this is bad. “Twilight.” Starlight started as she slowly turned back and looked her in the eye. “Yes?” Twilight tilted her head, still with an inappropriately friendly smile. “Buck off!” I pinned my ears back at Starlight’s candor while Trixie winced from the volume. “What, but?” Twilight looked hurt and pinned her ears back tail tucked between her legs. The groups around us stopped their own conversations to look our way. “You come over here, bragging about being the princesses personal student, and how close you’ve already gotten with Dawn! And then, you ask to join our herd?” Starlight slammed her hooves on the table, earning plenty of more attention and whispers. I noticed a few cooling charms of Starlight’s acquaintances broke at the same time her own did. “Are you really that dense? Why would you think I’d let you join after asking like that on the worst day ever?” Twilight looked on the verge of tears. “I just thought…” “Thought your status could buy your way in and take the lead? Dawn and I have been friends for years, I already lost one friend and you won’t take him from me too?!” Starlight yelled and Twilight who had been sitting there stunned, ran off crying once Starlight finished. What happened between her and Sunburst? I was shocked at her outburst but eventually found my voice. Those around us went back to doing their own things but I could hear some murmurs about what just happened. “Starlight.” She looked at me and flinched when she heard the flat tone of my voice. “You’ll need to apologize later.” I didn’t say anything else or move from my spot and focused on eating with a sour expression. I did however feel Trixie tense up a bit and glance towards Starlight sympathetically. Celestia was concerned when she heard the sound of crying coming from her study as she entered. Her wards had alerted her somepony was inside outside of her schedule. “Twilight? What’s wrong?” She asked the small filly laying on her floor. “Why are you not in school but here in the castle?” Celestia’s heart almost broke when Twilight looked up with tear stained fur. The alicorn immediately pulled her into a hug. “They don’t like me. No. Pony. Likes. Me.” Twilight wailed and dug her face into Celestia’s chest fluff. “Oh Twilight.” Celestia wrapped her student in her wings as her heart melted. Whoever made our student cry will feel the full weight of the sun. Perhaps we should find out what’s wrong first? “Twilight, I know you’re upset but can you tell me what happened?” Celestia tried to keep her voice as soothing as possible. With a few stalled attempts Twilight eventually finished her story about what happened. Celestia almost cringed at her students inability to read social situations. Reminds me of Luna. … “So Starlight said no, how did Dawn react?” Celestia clung to that sliver of hope for Twilight who gained a pondering look. “He. He didn’t say no but he didn’t stop her either.” Twilight sniffed but had stopped crying. “Well Twilight he is a colt in a herd. He can’t just dismiss his mares, well fillies, in any case, even if it is just a trial herd.” Or even if he is a young Alicorn. Celestia gave Twilight a motherly look. Twilight looked as if she just gotten the best news. “You’re right. I’ll just have to study harder to prove I’m worth it.” “Twilight that’s not what I was implying…” Twilight had already ran off though yelling about doing her missing work. That could have gone better. You think. “Dawn what are you doing up here?” Celestia had flown up to a cloud hanging lazily over her school. One of the school’s staff had mentioned a young pegasus napping on it so she decided to investigate. “Just needed to get away for a bit and clouds are nice and cool.” I lethargically rolled over and stretched my wings. My horn and cutie mark were hidden but anypony close could easily recognize me if they tried. Probably not the smartest idea but I just couldn’t be bothered to care today. “I see.” She landed on what little space there was left and nuzzled up close. “I heard about what happened at lunch with Twilight, is that why you’re up here?” I flinched and nodded. “Well it is a nice view.” She looked out over the city in the late afternoon light. Neither of us spoke for a while as we just lay on the cloud. “Why does Twilight have to be so~.” I huffed and buried my muzzle in the soft cloud. “Dense. I really like her but that was not the way to have that conversation.” Celestia tittered at my antics. “No it probably wasn’t.” Celestia hummed. “She should have gotten advice from my niece Cadence.” “It’s not funny Tia.” I used Luna’s nickname for her as mild revenge. She gave me a conflicted look then looked back over the city. “No you’re right Dawn, it’s not.” She sighed. “Twilight now has it in her head that studying harder will somehow earn Starlight’s approval after crying and you’re up here sulking on a cloud.” “Not sulking.” I grumbled while clearly sulking. She wrapped a wing over my back. “I need to remember that while you’re an alicorn you are still just a colt so shouldn’t make light of such things.” She comforted. After another few moments I nuzzled her side. “Thanks Tia.” I stood up and stretched my wings then jumped off the cloud to glide back near the dorms as she watched. Perhaps this is what having our own foals will be like. Don’t you mean foals we actually watch over like a mother should? I was feeling better after returning to the dorms after returning to my normal look. “Hey Dawn, where you been?” Sunburst asked from the lounge as I walked inside. “Just out cooling off. Hey did something happen with you and Starlight?” He looked guilty after I asked. “Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “She had asked me out a while back but I said no. She’s a great friend but I’m just not looking to herd yet. I may have also lied about not liking fillies.” I had reached my limit for the day and face hoofed. I walked off towards the dining room for dinner ignoring Sunburst asking if I wanted to play a game. She better not have asked me just because Sunbust said no and we’re friends. At least I know Trixie is truly interested. > Ch54. A day with family. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Starlight did what!?” I pinned my ears back. Mom hardly ever yelled in anger except when things were really bad. “I’m surprised she would yell at Twilight like that.” She and Unfettered were currently visiting for the weekend since they had been missing me just as much as I missed them. I was currently in my peagsus form so the three of us were talking on a cloud hanging over the city. Clouds make everything better. I was slightly upset the rest of the family couldn’t make it but they had work or chores. “Okay sure asking you to herd right after getting turned down by Sunburst isn’t that bad by itself but then acting that possessive towards you and excluding your other filly friend.” Mom actually growled. Unfettered looked a bit awkward being there but stuck close by as she felt she should. “Now you see why I’m at a loss. I really like Starlight and she was one of my first friends after we moved plus she’s cute, when she’s behaving, and a strong spell caster.” I buried my head under her wing as she gave me a comforting hug. “It’s just her attitude lately has become worrisome.” “Oh sport, you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this at your age. Sunburst honestly might have been the smart one for letting her down gently. That filly always did give me some strange ‘obsession vibes’ every now and then. I’ve know mares like that and it’s never ended great for those herds.” She looked out over the city. “It might not be my place but you should end things now ma-Dawn.” Unfettered tapped her hooves together. “She may be a great friend but maybe not lead mare material.” She might be right if ‘Our Town’ is any indication of her leadership preference. I just worry what will happen if she’s left alone. “Oh did Cheerilee teach you that?” Mom asked. I had heard about them hanging out and was now curious if Unfettered might join Mac’s herd. Unfettered just smiled and ruffled her wings. “Anyway sport, whatever you do will be up to you. Your dam and I won’t control your love life like other moms but we’ll support your decision.” She ruffled my mane. “Thanks.” I grumbled into the cloud almost wishing she had stronger opinions about the situation. ”Just wish I knew what to do.” “So! what should we do for lunch?” Mom asked, rubbing her hooves together as my stomach growled which was the perfect excuse for changing the conversation. “That wasn’t bad.” Mom rubbed her stomach after our filling lunch from a corner cafe. I was riding on her back but back in my normal unicorn form while Unfettered looked around, intrigued by the city. “I bet considering how much you ordered.” I earned myself an ear flick from mom’s wing. “And hey, didn’t you see the city with the family a while ago?” I asked her jokingly, curiosity getting the better of me as she looked around. “Yes but we didn’t have much time to just explore during the celebration, unlike like today.” Mom smiled “And I didn’t even get to see it.” Unfettered looked excitedly towards one of the stores selling custom saddle bags. “Well if you see anything you like let me know, we have the bits sweetheart.” Mom gave her a quick wing hug causing Unfettered to smile. “Speaking of, how is the farm and Ponyville?” I nuzzled moms neck while asking them both. “The farm is great some of the Apple clan stopped by not long ago to help with the Summer Harvest. Sorry ya missed it sport. As for the town, well there’s a new mail mare. She’s a bit clumsy but she has the cutest little foal just recently born and as cute as Bloom so it’s impossible to get mad at her.” Mom chuckled. “Even if we have had to replace the mailbox twice.” That sounds like Derpy. I laughed with her. “Other than that you haven’t missed much. A few other new foals were born so the town celebrated that. Pinkie threw a nice party.” Mom continued leading us aimlessly through the city. Sure did, they’re so cute. “Don’t forget about the Cakes.” Unfettered chimed in and we stopped to check out a small shop. “The Cakes?” I tilted my head. Did they already get married? “Oh right. Pear’s friend Ms. Swirl is now Mrs. Cake her and that stallion she was crushing on shared a soulmate song. Half the town joined in on it and they got officially married just last week.” Mom shook her head. “We all thought she was rushing just a bit but quite a few mares were jealous she got that stallion to herself.” “Mom~.” I groaned while she laughed and Unfettered blushed. “He isn’t bad to look at.” Unfettered chimed in. “That’s my girl.” Mom bumped her side while I wiped my face in exasperation and hopped off moms back. “Mares.” I rolled my eyes and the two started laughing again. I am glad to see her finally fitting in with the family though. I felt bad leaving her behind in Ponyville after she asked to come to Canterlot and watch over me. “More tea?” Feather Duster asked while rubbing up against her Princess flirtatiously. Celestia was working on a daunting stack of paperwork since she had canceled lessons with her students today. Dawn’s family was in town so he couldn’t make it and Twilight was still not at her best so she thought family time would also do her good. “You really are the best, you know that?” Celestia purred and gave Feather a peck on the cheek who enjoyed the spark of love as she poured a fresh cup. “Thank you, my Princess.” Feather gave Celestia a loving nuzzle. “Too bad I can’t help you with that paperwork.” She could, she had the skills but knew her partner wouldn’t want her to. “Ah yes, the cost of being a princess.” Celestia slumped. She was no longer keeping up her mask around her mare friend. Oh don’t I know it. Imago was currently directing her children via the hive mind to practice their skills while also planning her next clutch of eggs. All the excess love meant she would produce very healthy drones that would likely exceed any other hive. “Would you have it any other way though?” Feather teased by booping Celestia’s muzzle. “Maybe one day.” Celestia took a slow sip of her tea then sighed at the paperwork. Feather watched her Princess. One day? Huh… “Spike, give that book back!” Twilight yelled while chasing her baby dragon around the house. Spike had grabbed her book in his mouth and wouldn’t let it go. Her own parents were just laughing or ‘daww’ing at their daughters antics and the fact the dragon was apparently in much better shape than she was. “Shining help me.” Twilight begged her older brother as they ran through the living room. “Sorry Twilight, he’s your baby.” Shining snuggled up closer to Cadence who was napping on their couch after a long week of work. “And my Princess needs her guard.” “Spike give me back my book.” They ran around the kitchen. “Right now mister.” Twilight stomped her hoof after blocking his path. Spike slowed down since he knew his mom was serious. Before he could give it back however he let out a cute fiery sneeze. “No, my book.” Twilight winnied. Said book vanished in a puff of smoke and landed on Celestia’s desk moments later shocking her and Feather. Spike began to tear up thinking he ruined it. “Mom.” He cried out apologetically. “Oh it’s alright Spike I’ll just ask the princess to give it back.” Twilight hugged her young dragon. “Your breath just sends stuff to her remember?” She pet his spines while her parents watched proudly. Pinkie trotted down Ponyville Mane street humming and waving to all her friends. “Hi. Hello.” When suddenly she was pulled into an alley. “Oh, hi Dashie what’s up?” “Shh.” Rainbow smiled and pointed towards the fountain. “Ohh is this a prank I love..” Pinkie found a hoof in her mouth and watched as the fountain started filling with bubbles confusing those passing by. Soon the bubbles overflowed and Rainbow fell on her back laughing. “Rainbow Dash! What have I told you about pranking the town.” Mayor Mare had appeared behind the two. “Eh, keep it harmless?” She laughed awkwardly. The mayor sighed. “And miss Pie to think you had a hoof in this.” The mayor shook her head. “No wait it was just me Pinkie didn’t help.” Dash hovered up and explained. “I see. Well then. Ms. Dash only you will have to clean that up. Or else Forest will hear about this when she gets back.” Mayor Mare pointed to the growing bubbles and Dash groaned. The mayor had quickly learned only her town’s weather captain could keep Rainbow in check. “Thanks for sticking up for me Dashie.” Pinkie gave her a hug. “Of course Pinks it wasn’t your prank.” Pinkie smiled as one of her best friends flew off then got back to greeting the town. Rainbow looked over the mess and grimaced. She hadn’t expected so many bubbles. “I can’t believe Rainbow did that.” Pear Butter laughed as her daughter explained why her coat looked so shiny and why she was rinsing soap off apples. “At least it cleaned up the town fountain I bet.” Applejack groaned. She had been covered in suds while working the family Apple cart. So had the cart and half the town center before Dash brought down a cloud to wash away most of the suds. “Yeah sept now we gotta rinse off all our apples else they’ll taste like mane wash.” She had already gotten started by using the hose next to the barn when Pear found her and offered to help. “Yeah. Should we tell Forest?” Pear got a mischievous glint in her eye and her daughter smiled. “Eeyup.” They laughed and Mac just raised his eyebrow as he passed his family members on his way into the barn. “Mares.” He shook his head and wondered how his brother was doing. “Come on colt keep up” I followed behind my mom and Unfettered, dragging my hooves. We had been out all day now and my colt body just couldn’t keep up even with my earth pony strength. “How are you two still shopping?” I winced, while my legs were fine my hooves were starting to hurt from the stone. Should have worn my shoes. Even if they are heavy my hooves wouldn’t be sore. “Oh come on think of it as training, besides I haven’t had a proper day off in weeks.” Mom ruffled my mane. I gave her the puppy dog eyes and asked for ‘ups’ which made her relent and she tossed me back onto her back by my scruff. “Fine colt you win. They really need to ban cuteness as a lethal weapon.” I nuzzled her mane and said thanks. Unfettered smiled while carrying some bags filled with souvenirs for the rest of the family. > Ch54.5 ??? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, are these my new toys?” The lumbering figure tapped at one of the bars of the cage almost playfully and with a malicious grin. The cage held two skinny, disheveled unicorns both knocked out. “Yes my king.” The smaller figure bowed respectfully while rubbing his greasy paws together. “Bought on a remote island from a griffin trader.” “Huff. Well hopefully they last longer than the last ones.” The king licked his lips. “I do tend to break my toys quite quickly.” He gave a deep rumbling laugh that his subordinate joined in on. “Oh great sister, this time we were sold to a stinking yeti.” A mature female voice groaned out. “You woke me up for that?” The other one didn’t even bother moving. “Probably just another pervert who wants a pony lover that will dump us back on the market after realizing we can’t bear them foals.” “Silence! You are in the presence of a king!” The smaller one smacked his baton against the cage. “Oh scary. A stinky yeti ‘king’ is still a bucking yeti.” The first mare tried to sound dignified but her malnutrition was catching up to her and it could be heard in her cracked voice. To all three’s surprise the king began to laugh in his deep rumbling voice. “Excellent. Finally some creature with some fight left in it, perfect for the colosseum. What are your names Ponies?” Both mares would have spat if they had saliva left. “Well no matter.” The king turned towards his subordinate. “See that they are fed and watered before throwing them into the arena.” “Yes my king.” The smaller one rolled the cage out of the room. “First the small one with a broken horn and now these two. Things are really going my way.” The king plopped down onto his throne. > Ch55. Turbulence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So Starlight hasn’t spoken to you all week?” I was currently resting between Celestia’s legs as she groomed me like a kitten before our next Saturday lesson. I had arrived an hour early, for what I thought would be alicorn training, but found out she just wanted to check on me. “Nope.” I frowned and yawned at the same time. At first I found the grooming demeaning but now it was just relaxing, I wanted to hate it but couldn’t. Mom and Dam used to do this all the time heck mom still likes preening my new wings. “She keeps avoiding me whenever I try to talk with her. It’s not like I plan on ending our herd but we need to clear the air.” Celestia began fixing my mane with a brush held in her magic and moved to preening my wings, which were currently unhidden. “Perhaps I should speak with her. Anything that affects one of my students reflects on me as a princess.” Luckily her tone wasn’t serious. “I appreciate the thought but I really need to talk to her myself. At least Trixie hasn’t been avoiding me, though I also can’t force her to act as a go between,” I flinched as she pulled out a loose feather. “That would probably make things worse.” “Well, aside from your personal relationships how are classes going?” The mothering was nice, since I was missing my own parents, and I think she needed it too after a week of dealing with ‘noblemares’. “Going great. The rune lessons are fun and that cooling charm was really useful.” I drew a few in the air with my magic. “I still don’t have many memorized yet.” “Yes, some of the teachers really chewed out the maintenance ponies for letting the cooling crystals fail like that. Honestly they should have lasted another year but I think the incident during Twilight’s test messed with most of the magic in the city.” She sighed. “Yeah, Rainbow Dash really did a number with that Sonic Rainboom last year.” I laughed but noticed Celestia had stopped brushing. “Dawn, how do you know about such classified information?” She angled herself to look down at my face so I was practically pinned under her larger self. “No pony should know who caused that magical explosion.” I looked up at her sheepishly. “Well I knew about it since I got my cutie mark that same day and Rainbow lives in Ponyville. She works on my mom’s weather team and bragged about it to me once, since we’re friends.” “I see.” Celestia blinked slowly, took a deep breath, and moved back to our original positions. “Ms. Dash wasn’t supposed to tell anypony, for her own safety, quite a few nobles were upset about the magic explosion. I did not know you also received your cutie mark that day.” She began pondering. “Princess?” I quickly hid my wings as the door opened but couldn’t move away from the Princess at the same time. “Aww.” Feather smiled when she saw Celestia brushing my mane. “I was just wondering if you two wanted anything?” “Some snacks would be lovely my dear.” Celestia gave her a warm smile and Feather left the room after she returned it. “You got it bad Tia.” I looked up at her with a grin. “Yes, Feather and I have become quite close.” I huffed, upset that I hadn’t rattled her. “She’s one of a very few ponies that can see behind my mask.” “Ever date before?” I was curious and still trying to get her back for the impromptu grooming. “Not in decades. As an alicorn you will learn it’s not always easy getting close to mortal ponies.” She shook her head. “But that’s a discussion for when you’re older.” I could tell she wasn’t in the mood for more conversation so just went back to relaxing. Well there will be at least six others she won’t have to lose between all the alicorns present and future and Spike. Imago had a hard time not prancing down the hallway. Those two were so cute together. Maybe she will act the same way when I introduce my children. Feather duster hesitated before entering the kitchen and took a calming breath. One day. She thought about the new clutch of drone eggs she had laid recently and the progress of the hive before continuing her duties in retrieving snacks for her princess. As she began to head back with a tray on her back she felt an odd ping from the hive mind. Oh, what are those nymphs up to? When Twilight finally joined us for our lessons she hesitated in the doorway after noticing me. It wasn’t until Spike came over and jumped on my back did she finally relax. “Hey Twi going to join us?” I was no longer resting between Celestia’s legs but on my own cushion, it was easier to eat snacks without Celestia’s legs in the way. She nodded and smiled before loafing at my side. At least she’s not avoiding me. Celestia gave a warm smile and passed her some of the snacks.”Now that you’re both here why don’t we get started. I think we left off talking about some of Star Swirls earlier work.” Relaxed lessons like this were always nice. Applejack wiped some sweat from her brow after looking over her work. She had just finished bucking another tree for the day and was pleased with how much her and Mac had gotten done while their dam was out working the stall. “It might be the weekend but farm work never stops.” “Eeyup, good job on getting so many trees done.” Mac gave her a pat on the back. “Hey you two.” They both looked up and spotted their mom Forest hovering overhead. “Lunch is ready so go get cleaned up.” She then flew off back toward the house. “Thanks mom.” They both yelled after her before loading up the wagon and heading towards the barn. To both their surprise the farmhouse’s dining room had more ponies than normal when they arrived. “Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, what are you three doing here.” “Oh hello darling. I was just talking shop with your mother, Morning Dew, here. Her accounting skills are much better than mine so has been teaching me a few things.” Rarity was telling the truth but Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I was invited by Forest since I’m working with her this weekend.” Dash answers with a full mouth. “And I couldn’t leave Flutters by herself.” “Rainbow you really shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.” Fluttershy wiped a few crumbs from her fur. “Sorry Shy.” She gave her a sheepish smile. “Oh it’s ok. Most of my animals are just as messy at first.” Fluttershy use the same napkin to wipe off Rainbow’s cheek. Only a few ponies around the table caught the joke and smiled. Applejack sat down while watching the exchange and filled her own plate. “Well it’s nice ya have you three over. How’s the stall doing today dam?” Pear looked over from her own conversation. “Oh it’s been great Sugar, the Apple pies have been selling really well and ponies have been really happy that we now offer pears as well.” Applejack was proud that the fruit she was helping to grow was selling so well. “I do love me some pears.” Morning Dew winked at her wife earning a snort from both her partners while AJ groaned at the lost moment. “I still can’t believe Star Swirl was your teacher princess.” Twilight’s eyes were literally filled with stars after today’s history lesson. Magic can do some strange things. “Yes, he was quite the magical prodigy, bit excessive and eccentric as well.” She laughed at her on joke though Twilight looked to have missed it. “In any case my little ponies, it’s gotten quite late so why not head out for the day. You’re both more than welcome to use your rooms in the castle.” Twilight and I both gave her a hug and said our goodbyes before heading out into the castle’s halls. “Dawn?” Twilight finally spoke after we were about halfway towards our rooms. “Yeah?” She hadn’t continued her thought. “Does Starlight hate me?” I almost stumbled at how casually she asked. “No. At least I don’t think so.” I honestly wasn’t sure anymore and it was why I wanted to talk with her. “Oh, then why didn’t she accept me into your herd?” Twilight honestly sounded confused. “Twilight. You are really smart and I find you adorkable.” She gave me a ‘thanks’ and blushed before I finished with. “But you are really dense.” “Hey.” She pouted. I sighed. “You went about asking all wrong.” “What, why?” Her voice squeaked and she almost work up the sleeping Spike on her back when she tilted her head. “Twilight really think about that day and how Starlight’s mood and how she might have felt when you talked to her.” I stopped and watched her face change. “I, wow. I was a really bad friend to her, wasn’t I?” She pinned her ears back. “Kind of.” I gave her a friendly nuzzle. “You weren’t wrong with what you said, you’d make a great addition and I love having you around. It was just said all wrong and the timing wasn’t great with the heat and everything.” “Thanks.” She paused. “Still friends?” She gave a hopeful smile. “Of course Twi.” I smiled back. “I still won’t go easy on you during classes though.” We both laughed a bit before continuing down the hallway. When I arrived at my room I took one look at my bed and flopped onto it. Finally. “Hisss.” I was startled from the unexpected sound and fell off the bed, dragging my blankets with me. My flailing limbs became trapped, including my wings, thanks to my disguise failing at the same time. I stood up as quickly as I could only to find a changeling the size of Applebloom standing defensively in my bed. “What the.” As I stared at the cute little nymph, I found myself smiling at its adorable posture, like a kitten about to pounce with its tail wagging back and forth. The changeling started back, calmed down as I did, then stuck its forked tongue out at me playfully. “Uh. Hi?” I reached out to boop it’s nose but flew towards the ceiling as the door flew open. Feather duster rushed inside, kicking it closed behind her and began chastising the changeling on my bed. “Young Nymph what are you doing in the castle?! You’re supposed to be…” it took a moment for Feather to notice me hovering in the air and her eyes went wide once she did. Mine also went wide when I remembered my wings weren’t hidden then I fell back onto the blankets as they snapped closed. “I can explain!” We both said at the same time. “Uh.” My brain had locked up. Why is a changeling in my bed? Why does it look like a reformed one this early. Is Feather a changeling? Is she Chrysalis? I must have said that last part out loud. “I am not that insane self proclaimed ‘Queen’!” Feather undid her disguise. “I am princess Imago and this is my daughter Alicia.” She picked up the young changeling in her hooves and gave her a nuzzle. Silence hung in the air as Feather, or rather Imago, realized what she had just done. “Um…” I must have overloaded from every recent event and even ones I hadn’t fully processed because the next thing I knew I was laying on the floor, my young brain struggling to keep up. “Dawn! Oh buck, please be okay. Celestia is going to send me to the sun.” Imago stood over me looking worried as I fainted. I don’t know how long exactly I was out but when I regained consciousness I found myself tucked into my bed with Imago back in her disguise, the young nymph disguised as a peagsus foal resting on her back. She was also acting if nothing unusual had happened. “Oh good you’re awake, I came to clean your room and…” I cut her off with a hoof held up. “Imago I remember everything.” I deadpanned. Scanning the room with my eyes and horn I noticed faint traces of magic. “Drat. I didn’t think that spell would work on an alicorn.” She ‘tisked’ then bowed her head. “Please don’t tell Princess Celestia. I can’t lose her.” She almost looked on the verge of tears. The young nymph on her back noticed Feather’s distress and hugged her mother. I was a bit taken aback at her attitude. My own emotions were a mess but I managed to ask. “Do you love her?” Imago nodded as her daughter watched us. “For the past fifty years.” Fifty, just how old is she and why wasn’t she in the show? “It started out as idle curiosity when I moved into pony lands then evolved into respect after looking at her history, finally, when I began working in the castle to find out more… I fell in love.” So that’s why they looked reformed, they know how to share love. “And your hive is fine with that?” I made my suspicion clear in my tone. “Well considering I just started one and Alicia is part of my first clutch as well as Celestia’s daughter. it’s not really an issue.” She shrugged. My brain almost shut down again. Definitely not in the show. “Her Daughter, does she know?!” “No, honestly I don’t know how any of Celestia got mixed in while she was going through metamorphosis but it happened. Maybe all those feathers I keep around to eventually make a pillow. so will you keep my secret prince Dawn?” She emphasized the word prince and probably knew I was keeping that a secret. I’m already keeping Luna a secret and what I know about the future and my alicorn status, what’s one more? I felt a pinch in my flanks. “Fine, but only because you seem like a good changeling and I have enough of my own problems right now. I also expect you plan on telling her yourself soon.” I also didn’t want to get on her bad side. I might be an alicorn but she was probably much stronger than me. “Thank you, I do plan on telling her soon. Now can I ask a question?” I nodded. “How do you know about Changelings and are you actually fine with us?” “Long story and part of my own secrets but yeah I’m fine with you.” I shrugged. “I can tell you really do love Celestia and her having an immortal partner is a good thing. Just so long as the real Feather is safe and you haven’t hurt any pony.” I narrowed my eyes almost forgetting my fear from who I was talking to. “Never! My disguise is original and I would never hurt one of Tia’s ponies.” She looked offended. “Alright just checking. Honestly I have only heard about one changeling hive and they’re not exactly friendly.” I placated. “Yes well Chrysalis is insane, she’s forgotten how to share love. It’s causing mental problems for her and her hive. She also let her hive exceed the available food supply of her territory so has resorted to pony napping, which the other hives have condemned as unsustainable.” The knowledge of other hives was a surprise but I didn’t let it show. The two of us fell into silence again before the young nymph on her back jumped onto the bed and began examining me. “She hasn’t seen a real pony before, it’s probably why she’s up here.” Imago laughed as the nymph undid its disguise and smiled at me. I booped the young bugs nose and she giggled. “She’s cute. Anyway it’s been a long day and I really want to sleep so…” “Right.” She scooped up her daughter. “I’ll see you around young prince.” She bowed and left the room once they were both fully disguised again. I flopped onto my back and stretched my wings. “What a bucking day.” I sat there just thinking about everything that had happened this even and this past year. “At least they’re not evil.” I curled around myself to get comfortable. Imago had originally planned on scolding her children for the escape but things had worked out in her favor. The young prince in hiding had apparently accepted her as a friend or not an enemy at least and had called her daughter cute. “Perhaps there’s hope for integration after all.” She put her daughter in the nursery who was then swarmed by her siblings asking about the outside. None of them could speak aloud but the hive mind was buzzing with conversation. Imago left her children and curled up into her own bed. “That could have gone so much worse. And how does he know about Changelings?” That bucking bu… Don’t even finish that thought! We both just watched the same interaction. Celestia paced back and forth in her room. The palace wards had been triggered by some unusual magic around Dawn’s room and she had immediately brought up a scrying spell to check on him. She was shocked at what she had watched from both parties. To think we have been dating that... That what?! That wonderful creature who loves us for who we are? One we won’t have to worry about loosing? Celestia’s mane began smoldering and the room became warm from her internal furry. “A creature who, despite being a changeling queen, has faithfully served us for the past five years, and we apparently have a child with!” All heat drained from the room as she froze in place. “That young creature is our daughter.” She fell on her rump. Celestia knew some strange things were possible with changeling offspring and she had already failed one daughter, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for another. Are you really just going to sit here? Celestia stared at the floor mulling things over before, Move! her hooves slid out from under her and she bumped her chin. What am I doing just sitting here? After shaking her head Celestia burst out of her room and began searching for her mare friend. Pinkie dropped the baking sheet she was holding and looked towards Canterlot. “Uh oh.” “Pinkie you alright darling?” Mrs. Cake poked her head into the kitchen. “Just felt a doozy.” and I don’t know if it’s a good or bad one. Pinkie cleaned up the mess she just made. > Ch56. Waves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia ran through the halls towards Dawn’s room all of the guards along the way began to panic. Celestia, guardian of the Sun and Moon, Princess of Equestria never ran, power trot sure, but never run, unless it was an emergency. “Princess is everything alright?” One guard finally had the courage to ask while running along side her. “Fine. Now, I need to speak with my student. So you’re dismissed.” She nearly shouted the order, scaring the guard. None of them were quite convinced however so continued to stay on high alert. For the second time in one night my door was flung open and this time I was jolted awake. “Dawn. Where is she?” I rubbed my eyes as Celestia stared me down from my doorway. I looked over at my nightstand’s clock. Not even thirty minutes. “Who?” I asked like a child trying to weasel out of being punished. I didn’t know where my confidence came from but was rolling with it. “Dawn.” She took a few steps forward and practically growled. “I’m not playing young colt. I saw you talking with Feather Duster, who is a changeling, in this very room.” “Tia, she loves you.” Her angry scowl broke as she noticed how she looked while stomping past my mirror. This isn’t us. Isn’t it? She took a deep breath. “I know. I’m not mad I just need to talk with her.” Celestia rubbed her muzzle to calm down. She knew her mask was cracking from all her pent up emotions. “Princess is everything alright?” Twilight showed up after hearing the commotion. She looked a bit frightened with guards running back and forth behind her as if the castle was under attack. “Ye… no Twilight but I’m working on making things better.” Celestia forced a smile and looked back my way. “Dawn I know what she is and have no intention of harming her. I, I do still care for her. Can you tell me where she is?” Twilight looks confused while, after a moments hesitation, I give Celestia a nod and light my horn. “I put a tracking mark on her since I didn’t fully trust her. Looks like she’s in the Crystal caves. I’ll come with you.” I hop out of bed. “No. I must do this alone.” Celestia hardly finished speaking before she lit her horn and teleported out of the room. “Dawn what’s going on with the princess and why do you have wings!?” Twilight yelled the second part while rushing to my side. I also noticed a few guards were in my room and had seen everything even if they didn’t understand it all. Buck. Celestia quickly lit her horn when the light from her teleport dissipated into the night. She had arrived at one of the entrances of the crystal caverns and spread her wings to fly the rest of the way. How could our student track her when these caves block external magic, not even we can scan them from outside let alone teleport into them. Not important right now. Let’s just Find our mare. Celestia was no athlete but flew as quickly as she could until she eventually reached a wall and had to flare her wings to keep from hitting it. “Is this a house?” The wall wasn’t made of stone or the surrounding material. It instead looked like the exterior of a modern home complete with front door and windows. The area that made up the front yard was illuminated by the crystal walls pulling in ambient magic. Under normal circumstances Celestia would have appreciated such beauty. Well aren’t you going to break in? Perhaps we should just knock. Imago panicked when she heard a knock on her front door. At first she thought one of the nymphs were playing around but a quick ping on the hive mind told her they were all sleeping peacefully nearby. When she heard the knocking again she tentatively decided to check. “Um, who is it?” She had donned her generic earth pony persona of a gem collector. When there was no answer but another knock she slowly opened the door and her jaw hit the floor. “Pri~princess celestia what an unbelievable surprise. What can I, Gem Cutter, do for you?” It wasn’t her best disguise but she hoped the fake paperwork of cave ownership sitting in her kitchen was enough. “Feather, or whatever your real name is, you can drop the act. I learned everything while scrying on Dawn. Just so you don’t think he told me.” Celestia spoke as calmly as she could. Imago bowed her head and undid her disguise. “Princess I really didn’t want you to find out this way.” She began to cry as she knew it was over. “I know ponies fear us but…” Imago was surprised to find herself pulled into a hug instead of blasted on the spot. Her chest is so fluffy. “How about we start with names. I’m Celestia, Princess of Equestria. What’s yours?” Celestia looked at the few creatures, outside of dragons, that could match her in hight. “Imago.” Imago sniffed. “Princess of the Canterlot hive and hopefully still the mare friend of Princess Celestia.” She gave a fang filled smile as her chitin glistened in the crystal light. It’s nice to finally not have to look down on somepony. Her fangs are quite attractive. “Well Imago. Can I come in?” Celestia smiled as she was led inside. The two had a lot to talk about tonight. “What do you mean you don’t know where the Princess is?” I was currently being interrogated like a criminal by one of the unicorn night guards and I was getting sick of it. “ I told you I don’t know! ” I flared my wings and a few of the guards took a step back from the young alicorn yelling at them. Twilight had moved behind me and was tearing up from all the confusion. “What’s going on here?” Cadence’s voice cut through the chatter easily as she stepped into the room then she spotted me, no longer hiding my wings. “Dawn why don’t you start.” “But princess.” The night guard started but was cut off by a flourish of her wing. “Prince Dawn will speak first.” I cringed a bit when Cadence doubled down on what everypony could already see. I took a deep breath and began explaining without giving too much away. “Celestia…” “Princess Celestia.” The guard interrupted but quickly shut his mouth when Cadence and I shot him a look. “Celestia.” I pointedly started. “Found out some disturbing news regarding her mare friend and needed to find her quickly. I was the last to see Feather so she asked me if I knew where she might be. Once I told her Celestia teleported off to go find her.” “So it’s a matter of love and not a national emergency?” Cadence sighed in relief as did most of the guard. “Probably. I mean no one would want to see the princess with a broken heart.” I shrugged. Or a changeling invasion this early. “Very true but.” She turned to the growing crowd. “Guards let everypony know it was just a personal matter and not an attack.” “Mam what about..?” A guard motioned in my general direction. “Yes, well, this news wasn’t supposed to come out quite yet so please keep it quiet as best you can.” The guards gave their acknowledgments and dispersed. Cadence then lowered herself onto her stomach and looked at Twilight. “Are you ok Twilie? It looks like there’s been a lot of excitement tonight.” Tell me about it. Fun, right? Twilight nodded and mumbled the word alicorn a few times. Cadence just nodded back. “I’m sure Dawn will explain in the morning. Come along.” Once again I was alone after Cadence led Twilight back to her own room. Before I got comfortable however I put a shield spell on my door and disabled the scrying spells I hadn’t know about before. I didn’t even bother hiding my wings as I lay back down on the bed. Celestia nuzzled up close with Imago on her couch. The two had been talking well into the night and it was almost time for Celestia to raise the sun. “Have you really been living in Canterlot that long?” Imago nodded and blushed. “It hasn’t been easy, your ponies have almost caught on a few times.” “I almost wish I had known sooner. It is nice being able to talk to another pony, excuse me, creature, who has actually lived through so much history.” Celestia hummed. Their talk had been going decent so far, after a rocky start and some angry kissing in the middle the two had decided to continue dating. “You can stick with pony, changeling or ‘ling’ is technically the most accurate but we are still equines, even if most hives deny, it or you can say ‘somebuggy’ if you want to get casual.” Imago was basking in the love that was being freely exchanged between them even if it was still tainted with a bit of misplaced trust. Trust is something we can work on. “Imago, I know I already asked this but you truly wish no harm upon my little ponies?” Celestia asked in her professional voice. “Never. Most hives I knew of work and live alongside ponies. Only a few of the misguided changelings actually want to harm them. I already explained how I left such a hive and came here to start my own.” Imago tapped her forehooves together. “You did, and regarding that. Was what you told Dawn true?” Celestia lowered her head a bit. “Is Alicia my daughter?” “In biological and magical terms. Yes. It was our mutual love that made her possible even if I can’t fully explain how. Not even Changelings fully understand our biology.” Imago laughed a bit. “Some hives think we came from a magical tree, others think we came from a fallen alicorn and others think it was from some brave dumb stallion mating with a monster.” Celestia covered her mouth with a hoof. “Well I would love to meet her.” She then sighed. “I don’t know how my little ponies will react when they find out about you and us.” Imago flinched. “Celestia we probably shouldn’t tell them. Changelings hide for a reason. While I love you and hold nothing against ponies in general they are not always the most accepting of other creatures.” Celestia couldn’t deny this fact even with how hard she had been trying. “Very well. However I hope you keep working in the castle and keeping me company and we will need to explain things to my niece and a few others.” Imago accepted and they decided breakfast at the castle would be a fine place to break the news. > Ch57. Buggy breakfast. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I took a deep breath before entering the dining room. I had been asked to join the princess for breakfast but suspected it was more than that. Well even with everything happening lately, it probably isn’t all bad. I slowly opened the door with my magic and ruffled my wings. I was still keeping them hidden but wondering why I bothered after the mess of last night. “Ah, good morning Balanced Dawn.” Celestia’s regal voice rang through the room and I spotted her sitting with Feather duster at her side. Shining Armor and Cadence were across the table along with Twilight. “Morning.” I gave a nod and decided it would be best to sit on her side to even thing’s out. “So things worked out well?” I raised an eyebrow. “Yes.” She coughed. “Feather and I had a nice long talk. Speaking of which.” She glanced around the room. “Guards we require some privacy before breakfast arrives.” The guards saluted and left the room just before she raised a privacy barrier. “There now we can talk freely.” “Finally.” Imago dropped her disguise and draped herself over Celestia who blushed. “It’s hard to keep that up after being awake all night.” Shining, Cadence, and Twilight all looked shocked while I tried not to laugh. “Tell me about it.” I decided to just roll with it and released the spell on my wings. Imago glanced my way and grinned in agreement. No point keeping so many secrets now, after all Harmony requires Honesty. “Um auntie who is this creature?” Cadence recovered first and was trying to remain polite but Shining had shifted to looking alarmed and pressed himself into Cadence’s side. “Changeling! Release the princess right now.” He lit his horn and I was a bit worried he might actually fire off a spell but raised a shield around his family members. “Shining Armor while I admire your dedication please stand down. To answer your question Cadence this is my mare friend princess Imago of the Canterlot hive.” Celestia gave her a nuzzle that was happily returned. Shining reluctantly lowered his shield but didn’t relax. “It’s nice to officially meet you princess of food. Your ascension was celebrated amongst the changeling race, even if some foolhardy hives do want to foalnap you.” Imago hissed playfully. So they really do call her that. I tried hard not to laugh while Cadence tried hard to decide what to say, luckily Twilight came to her rescue. “Why call her the princess of food when she’s the princess of love?” Twilight tilted her head, she had apparently been overcome by her academic curiosity which stamped out her surprise at all the recent revelations. “Simple. We changelings survive primarily by receiving and giving love in all forms. Typically we do this while in disguise, since other creatures have a hard time accepting us, but love exchanged in our true forms is the most satisfying for both parties. As Celestia’s student I will teach you more if you’d like.” Imago smiled and went back to loafing at Celestia’s side. Twilight eagerly nodded. “Yes well let’s not get too off topic shall we. I know that not all Changelings are good but neither are they bad, I just had some unfortunate encounters in the past. Imago and I are still trying to figure things out but we wanted to share with you all first.” Celestia gave off a warm smile. “Ohh this is so sweet Auntie. You found yourself a literal love bug.” Cadence squealed like a schoolgirl. Imago rolled her eyes but smiled at the apparent acceptance of their relationship from Cadence. “Well I’m happy for you Tia. You deserve to be happy.” I moved closer and quickly nuzzled her while Imago flashed me a smile. “If you two get married will you become queens?” Twilight tapped her chin and they both quickly replied with a loud, “No!” Then shared a look. “I still don’t like it.” Shining grumbled but I expect I was the only one who herd him properly. Cadence wrapped him in her wing to help calm him down. “Well with introductions out of the way shall we eat?” Celestia lowered the barrier and Imago donned her Feather Duster persona. I however left my wings unhindered and got comfortable. “Wait, what about Dawn having wings?” Twilight pouted at the lack of answers. She‘s taking the whole situation much better than I thought she would. We don’t raise fools. “After breakfast my little pony.” Celestia must have used her magic to signal the staff since a buffet was brought in moments later. Once we were all well fed our group made its way into Celestia’s study where Twilight and I normally had our lessons. I received plenty of second glances when ponies noticed my wings. “Now then I know we all have a lot to talk about so where should we get started?” Celestia asked once we were all comfortable. Twilight raised her hoof and Celestia giggled. “Yes Twilight?” “Wings.” Twilight pointed a hoof my direction and wasn’t taking no for an answer. Celestia sighed, this was already messing with her future plans but what wasn’t these days. “Dawn would you like to explain or should I?” “I can.” I focused on Twilight. “Where should I start?” I smiled as she pulled out a notepad. “Did you always have wings?” “Nope.” “How did you get them?” “I’m not sure but The Princess and I think it was a combination of me having a powerful unicorn dam and pegasus sire along with finishing a unique spell for earth ponies.” Before she could ask I demonstrated by channeling some magic through my hooves. Imago was even a bit impressed by that trick. “I see.” Twilight stuck out her tongue in a cute manner while writing. “Can anypony become an alicorn?” She glanced towards Cadence and even Shining armor perked up at this. Celestia answered before I could “No Twilight. I do not know the exact reasons but only specific ponies can ‘ascend’ into an alicorn. But that’s as much as I can tell you for now.” Twilight begrudgingly nodded. “Any other questions?” I fluffed my feathers playfully. “Do other ponies know? Does starlight?” She hesitated on the second part. “No, Originally Just my immediate family and a pink pony who shale not be named.” I laughed at a joke they didn’t get earning a head tilt from Cadence thinking I meant her. “My mom has also been teaching me how to fly.” I hovered for a moment. “So I learned something before she did.” Twilight smiled behind her notes. “That’s all well and good but do you have any questions for me?” Imago was looking a bit left out. “Oh yes.” Twilight enthusiastically nodded and for the next few hours we all talked about changelings and other topics while clearing the air. When I finally returned to the dorms I was exhausted. Hours of conversation and spending the day at the castle had been great but it was nice to be alone again. I had returned to hiding my wings of course since Celestia wanted to make the official announcement after speaking with my parents. Hopefully they won’t mind visiting the castle again. Laying on my bed I found I wasn’t exactly tired but also didn’t want to move much. Lighting my horn I decided to sort my inventory. Subspace frozen time pocket was such a terrible name for the spell. I had learned how to create one after seeking out the book in the castle library. “Let’s see old pencils, some nice photos,” I used some magic to quickly organize them along with creating some of today from a modified memory charm, “ huh what’s this?” I pulled out the forgotten golden enslavement collar. “I meant to destroy you.” I set it aside for a moment as I cleaned up the other items then held it between my hooves. Humming, I ran some magic through it and slowly reverted it back into the original leather lined iron. Immediately It felt different in my hooves and for some reason I looked at it longer than I should have before I threw it back into my inventory and shook my head. I’ll take care of that some other time. Twilight yawned and pulled Spike closer. His scales felt wonderfully cool and comfortable on a summer night. “I learned so much today Spike.” The baby dragon was half asleep but he enjoyed listening to his mother’s voice. “The princess is apparently dating a changeling and your dad is an alicorn, can you believe that? Anyway I’ll read you that bedtime story I promised about Star Swirl now.” Spike nuzzled into Twilight’s fur and listened to the story as he drifted off to sleep. > Ch58. Starfall. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Starlight, hey.” She looked like a scared animal when I cornered her in the library on Monday afternoon. Trixie was of course with her and she gave me a smile before seeing Starlight’s state. Oh no, she’s definitely been overthinking. I tried to approach as casually as possible then gave her a quick nuzzle that she looked to appreciate. “I haven’t seen you much lately, have you been avoiding me?” I knew she was but used a joking tone while I gave Trixie her nuzzle. “What? Psh, no.” She waved it off and looked side to side. Like most ponies she was a terrible liar. I deadpanned and just gazed at her until she told the truth. Eventually Trixie poked her side. “Okay yes! Please don’t break up with me.” She tearfully pleaded. Trixie went back to watching silently and if not for a sound bubble from her, the rest of the library goers would probably have been watching as well. “Starlight I’m not…” I felt bad she even thought I was going to. “I know I messed up but Twilight is just so frustrating. Who asks to join a herd like that?!” “Starlight I…” I mentally laughed. Twilight did fumble that day. “She’s not even that cute and she thinks she’s so great because she’s Celestia’s student. I’m just as good as her.” “Starlight…” I was getting frustrated she wouldn’t stop and felt that first part was a bit insulting, even though I logically knew outsiders might view Twilight that way, Starlight should know better. “I mean really, do you really want that bookworm filly? She doesn’t even have other friends and…” “Starlight!” I stomped my hoof. I was originally going to console her but now she was insulting Twilight for no reason. “Stop!~ Please. Why do you do that?” “Do what?” Her ears pinned back as I finally got her attention. “Insult my other friends. You’re always really hard on Twilight and I have heard what you sometimes say about Lyra and her human club. Did you forget I’m a member? I know you can make friends considering how well you and Trixie get along but when it comes to me you get really jealous.” I sighed and pinned my own ears back before hesitantly saying. “That’s not really a good quality for a lead mare.” Trixie was still staying out of things and I could tell she was getting uncomfortable, especially after her name was mentioned. We both knew Starlight could get jealous and might have let it slide for too long. Starlight stumbled over her words before she hissed. “I’m just filtering out the rabble. Most fillies who ask to join our trial herd are just looking at your special student status under the princess. They don’t even want to get to know me.” She finished with a stomp. I noticed she didn’t even mention Trixie and she did as well which caused her to look hurt. “I don’t doubt that but you don’t even talk to me about it and you should know Twilight isn’t like that. She’s just socially awkward.” I smiled and tried to de-escalate things. “Just give her a chance?” “Fine! Leave and forget all about me, just like Sunburst.” The comment wasn’t what I expected and I was taken aback. “You keep hanging out with Twilight and other fillies then forget all about me just like he did after I asked him out.” Trixie paled at that comment, she probably didn’t know anything about that and while I did, hearing it straight from her mouth hit differently. It also dredged up some uncomfortable human memories, most of which I had suppressed in favor of focusing on my new life as a pony. “So, am I just a replacement then?” I didn’t yell but the question wasn’t any less impactful. “Yes!” Starlight quickly sat back and covered her mouth with her forehooves when I looked as if I had been struck. “Dawn, wait that’s not…” I lowered my head a bit. “Trixie. I still really like you so know what I say next doesn’t apply to you. I also understand if you need to stick by Starlight’s side.” I looked up and gave her a warm smile that disappeared when I turned to my former fillyfriend. “Starlight we’re through.” Her eyes went wide and she looked terrified. “I am nopony’s replacement. Maybe if,” I shook my head sadly, unwilling to give her another chance in that moment. “I’ll see you around.” I turned and walked away leaving them both behind in the library. While heading through the halls without paying attention I heard Lyra call out. “Dawn hey what’s, oh boy you don’t look so good.” I sniffled a few times. “Hey Lyra, yeah I’m not great.” “Want to talk about it?” She motioned towards our club room which I didn’t even notice I was in front of. We only officially met on Thursdays but Lyra always hung out in the room after classes practicing her lyre or doing homework, sometimes with my help. I nodded. “Yeah sounds good.” Getting comfortable on one of the cushions Lyra eventually tilted her head. “So?” I slumped onto the floor feeling drained. “Starlight and I broke up, or rather I broke up with her.” Lyra gave me a sympathetic side hug. “Ouch, want talk about it. We both practically know each others while life stories by this point.” I appreciated the humor in her voice. I took a moment to collect my thoughts. “She called me a replacement for Sunburst.” Was what I eventually spat out. Lyra cringed at that. “Sunburst as in both of yours other Sires Hollow friend Sunburst?” She had only met him in passing. “Yeah, he and Starlight were the first and only real friends I made after my family moved there. Starlight was devastated when he moved away and she only really picked herself up and came here after I convinced her to take the test with me.” I grumbled. “Then why did she call you a replacement?” Lyra set her chin on top of my head. “Because she asked him out first. I didn’t even really mind until she brought it up during our argument just now and basically said ‘I wanted to date him and not you’.” I huffed. “Yeah, that’s bad. Hence why you broke up with her?” She nuzzled the top of my head. “Yep.” I nodded which felt weird having her chin in the way. “And Trixie?” Lyra had made friends with her over human slight of hand magic tricks. “I told her we could still date but understood if it would be too awkward.” I still felt bad she got caught in the middle. “Well not much else you could do.” We fell into silence after that just laying there. My ears flicked when I heard a somber tune and noticed Lyra was practicing with her namesake. The melody was sad but also soothing and It was hard to keep my eyes open. A quick nap wouldn’t hurt. Trixie was still a bit in shock. She knew Dawn and Starlight had been friends for a few years and had even joined the school together so never expected them to break up. The main issue was that while she still really liked Starlight her fillyfriend had said some very hurtful things towards their colt, who had now kicked Starlight from his trial herd, after ignoring him for weeks. “He, he dumped me.” Starlight fell onto the library floor and Trixie could hear some confused whispers. In her panic Trixie had lost control of the sound barrier and it had dropped. “First Sunburst and now Dawn.” A sharp smack rang out through the library and a few fillies cringed as Trixie’s hoof connected with her cheek. “Trixie is very disappointed in you Starlight. How could you talk to Dawn like than and call him a replacement of all things!” Trixie shouted and they had clearly drawn a crowd. “I don’t know. Please don’t leave me too Trixie.” Starlight cried. Trixie took a breath and lowered herself onto her stomach. Her loyalty felt split but she eventually made a decision. “Trixie will still be your friend.” She gave Starlight a nuzzle. Starlight looked confused. “But what about Dawn? He didn’t break up with you, just me.” “I know, but you look like you could use a friend more. Trixie still thinks you messed up but he may eventually forgive you.” Trixie didn’t quite believe it but Starlight needed to hear it. “I’ll just have a talk with him later and you will need to work out your issues with Sunburst.” Starlight cringed but said, “Thanks Trixie.” The two shared a nuzzle before Starlight’s attitude shifted and she told off the other fillies for whispering about them. “Ahem, just what are you two still doing here?” I didn’t recognize the voice at first but it woke me up. How long was I asleep? When I took stock of my surroundings I could feel Lyra was still resting at my side and the sun was much lower. “No pony is supposed to still be in the building.” I finally recognized the voice of Guiding Heart, the colt dorm mother. “But here I find a colt napping with a filly.” she shook her head. “Sorry Ms. Heart we were just both really tired and Dawn had a bad day.” Lyra had woken up. Guiding took a breath and could probably tell I had been crying. “Well considering neither of you have broken curfew or left the school grounds and, it doesn’t smell like anything has happened in here,” we both blushed at that, “ I can let it slide this time.” She tilted her head at the door. “So get moving. And Dawn if you need to talk I’m always available.” “Thanks Ms. Heart.” We both rushed out of the school building and shared a quick hug goodbye before heading back toward our respective dorms. Trixie lay in her dorm room trying to sleep. It was hard when her roommate snored and she didn’t fall asleep first. This was only the second time she ever remembered her thoughts keeping her up. “I really don’t know if I made the right decision. Sure Starlight needs me but am I really willing to give up Dawn?” She rolled over onto her other side. “But she also doesn’t have any other friends now.” Trixie rolled over again and rubbed the base of her horn. Starlight’s roommate was having trouble sleeping. “Sweet celestia why won’t this annoying filly stop crying.” The two hadn’t really gotten along and this was another night she was being kept up by her. > Ch59. Heartache. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found myself standing upon a dirt road with a large town nearby. Looking around I wasn’t quite sure where I was but I wasn’t alone. “Excuse me could you please tell me where I am?” The mare ignored me, I was about to ask again then saw the equal sign on her flank. “What the?” Following her the crowd started to become dense as we arrived at the center of the large town. The buildings were a dull gray and the roads were made of dirt. “No longer will ponies have to fear being different. No longer will you have to worry about losing your friends because of a difference like cutie marks or relationships. Let me help you.” I followed Starlight’s voice and was disgusted by what I found an adult Starlight doing. Not only was she stripping the cutie marks of ponies but cutting off their horns and wings in the name of equality. “Starlight stop this!” I flared my wings and lit my horn. The entire crowd turned tows me like mindless zombies. ’Our town’ never looked this big. “Ahh Dawn I see we have our next volunteer.” As she spoke I was somehow transported onto the platform and bound down to it in thick ropes with her standing over me. “This won’t take but a moment.” She smiled with a lit horn and I screamed. Panting, I woke with a start from the nightmare. Maybe I should... No! “No. Starlight has to face the consequences of how she acted. I can’t just forgive her no matter how bad the nightmare.” I walked into the bathroom and washed my face with lukewarm water. “Sweet Harmony I wish Luna was still around right now.” I made my way back into bed and tried to sleep as best I could. I wasn’t very successful. “Good morning Dawn, you don’t look so good.” “Oh hey Sunburst. Have you talked with Starlight recently?” I knew it wasn’t his fault but still felt a bit upset with him, especially after last night’s nightmares, so it came out a bit aggressive. “Um, no. I haven’t really talked with her lately.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Please do.” I promptly turned to walk towards breakfast. “Wait why?” He started to follow along. “Because we broke up. She can tell you why.” I knew he wasn’t following when his hooves stopped but continued on towards food. Staying up all night had made me hungry. “Dawn wait, what happened?” Sunburst had sat down next to me after grabbing food and put a hoof on my shoulder. It was unusual for him to be quiet that forward. “You know how you’ve been avoiding Starlight because she asked you out?” He nodded awkwardly. “Yeah, turns out the only reason she asked me out is because you said no and wanted a colt friend. Probably to make you jealous.” I was assuming the last part myself a bit but it wouldn’t be unheard of. Sunburst’s eyes went wide. “Wow, I don’t know what to say to that.” “Alright my little ponies that’s all for today’s class. I will see you all tomorrow.” Celestia’s voice rang out with a smile. She was incredibly happy after Imago’s reveal. “Dawn will you please remain for a moment.” She had stopped me in the middle of packing up to leave. “Sure Princess.” I sighed as a few classmates passed us looking curious. She only spoke once the room was empty. “Dawn you don’t look too good today and you were hardly participating in class. Is everything alright?” “No, Starlight and I broke up.” It almost felt worse each time I had to say it. “She called me a replacement!” I stomped my hoof and wiped a tear off my cheek. Why that no good… “Oh my little pony.” She wrapped me in a feathery hug. After sitting for a bit she asked, “feeling better?” I nodded. “Thanks Tia.” “Any time. On another note I received a letter that your parents will be in town this weekend to discuss your.” She lightly flapped her wings. “I know it’s ahead of our plans but with half the castle’s staff finding out we can only keep it quiet for so long.” I nodded. “Right. Will you be announcing Imago as well?” Celestia’s mask cracked a bit. “Only that I’ve taken a consort not what she is. While not many ponies know what changelings are, they have been seen in a bad light for far too long. There are also the other hives to consider, they would not take kindly to Imago gaining such a position.” “Right and she doesn’t even have a hive to protect her.” I finished packing up my things with my magic. “Well thanks for the talk Tia, I better get to my next class.” “Of course. Have a wonderful rest of your day and see you tomorrow. I must return to the castle to begin court.” We shared one last hug before moving on with our days. Starlight glanced around the lunchroom. When she spotted Dawn she started making her way over then froze when she remembered what happened. “Weeks of avoiding him and now I want to talk with him but I can’t…” She hung her head and sat on the opposite side of the room. “Hello Starlight, Trixie noticed you were in distress.” Trixie sat down next to her. “Trixie am I a bad pony?” The question caught Trixie off guard. She may have been great and powerful but not when it came to the serious questions. “Trixie… I do not think you are a bad pony.” She nuzzled her friend. “You did make a mistake though and one not easy to fix.” Starlight hung her head. “I don’t even know why I said that. I was just so angry with Sunburst recently and I took it out on Dawn.” “Hey Starlight can we talk.” As if he had heard her Sunburst had walked over to their table. Starlight panicked but nodded. “Great.” Sunburst sat down and Trixie stood up. “Trixie will leave you two alone she has somewhere else to be.” Trixie weaved through the lunchroom to find Dawn. ”Hey Trixie.” I was a bit surprised when she sat at my side. “I figured you’d be with Starlight.” Despite everything that had happened I was glad to see her and smiled a bit. “She and the Sun colt are finally talking things out.” She huffed. Guess he listened to me. “Got ya.” I gave her a nuzzle that she happily returned. “Still friends?” “Trixie wouldn’t have it any other way but perhaps we did rush things a bit in our endeavors to secure our glorious future together.” She brandished her fork in her magic as if making a grand statement. I laughed. “Probably.” Puppy love never was easy. Trixie nuzzled up close. “This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s giving up on you though. I know I’m not.” After lunch and afternoon classes I was feeling much better. Despite being on the outs with a longtime friend I knew others like Trixie, Moon Dancer, and Lyra, we’re around to support me. Moon Dancer was more of a casual friend but she did love sharing her love of books and talking about things she and Twilight did together recently. Lyra on the other hoof was practically like another sister at this point. Considering she legally was my herd sister, since Celestia didn’t feel comfortable adopting her after the incident and she needed a legal guardian, we would sometimes laugh about that after school. The rest of the Apple family would actually be meeting her officially on our next fall break. The two of us were currently outside together enjoying a mild sunny day when she spoke up. “So the parents are coming to town this weekend?” “Yep they will be meeting with the princess about my lessons and some family stuff. You can probably come along if you want.” I was playing with some stray bits of grass in my magic and weaving them together. She tilted her head back and forth. “Could I really?” “You should probably talk with them more considering it’s family. You exchange letters sometimes right?” I finished off the tiny boat I had made and set it adrift in the air with some pegasus magic. We both watched it float away. “Yeah, your dam likes knowing I’m doing okay and BonBon and I exchange letters constantly. She often talks with them in the market while buying food.” “Then you should come along.” She gave a noncommittal hum in response. After a few moments she shifted subjects while looking at a cloud. “Do you ever wonder what it’s like to fly?” “No why?” I didn’t have to wonder since I could fly. “What about having hands.” She held up a hoof. “I often think about having human hands.” “Lyra I already knew that.” I gave her a funny look. Some days I just let her talk but today I reminded her we had this conversation before. “Right.” There were days she would get philosophical like this and she just had to get it out of her system. Speaking of humans and my current relaxed situation made me get a song stuck in my head and I stated humming “The song of storms” from zelda. Lyra gave me an interested look then began playing along on her lyre. To my surprise a couple drops of rain began falling after we did a few loops we let the warm summer rain soak our coats but used magic to protect our belongings. “There wasn’t a storm scheduled for today.” Lyra stuck out her tongue to catch a few drops as other students ran around either playing in the rain or rushing to cover. I started laughing at the fact a song from a video game would actually have magical effects here in Equestria. “Maybe it was the song. It is called Song of storms for a reason.” “They do say music is magical.” She started laughing with me as we enjoyed the summer shower. The rain only lasted a about ten minutes which, judging by the flock of pegasi in the sky, had stumped the local weather team. I had already returned back to the dorms by that point and had shaken myself off at the entrance. “Hey Dawn can we talk?” It was Sunburst waiting in the usual spot we played board games. “Sure what’s up?” I tilted my head as he scuffed at the floor. “I talked with Starlight today as you suggested.” He looked up with his tail tucked back. “And?” I tried to keep a straight face. The afternoon had been going so well too. “She felt really bad about what happened and wanted to apologize to you and she apologized to me as well for putting me on the spot.” Sunburst gave a half smile. I flicked my tail in agitation. “Sunburst I’m glad you talked but I just can’t accept an apology from her right now. Just drop it okay.” I finished a bit quickly when I noticed he had more to say. He pinned his ears back and nodded in acceptance. “Anyway I have some homework to do so I’m heading towards my room.” I walked off my mood back to sour. > Ch60. A tense moment and some family bonding. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Absolutely not!” My dam yelled at the princess. We had been discussing the possibility of revealing my alicorn status to the public and it hadn’t been going smoothly. “You will not be parading my son around until he has at least finished school!” Needless to say Morning Dew was not happy. I felt grateful that she was so adamant about letting me have a normal foalhood and also flabbergasted that she had guts to yell at High princess Celestia, ‘Bringer of the sun’, along half a dozen other titles. Too bad the rest of my family is on a guided tour with Cadence and Shining Armor, they’re missing the show. It wasn’t often my dam got mad but when she did it was something, her horn would spark and she gave off more ambient magic in moments than ordinary unicorns managed throughout a year. You could even see it cause ripples in the air. “Mrs. Dew please calm down.” Celestia was not used to one of her own little ponies yelling at her. HaHaHa, it’s been decades since one of them actually had the guts to yell at us. Not helpful. “I know you’re worried about Dawn because of what your parents did last year but it’s only a matter of time before word of his ascension gets out. Better it come from the crown.” “My Parents.” She literally spat on the castle floor causing Forest Breeze, who was already dumbfounded, to go pale. This was highly impressive considering her Forest green coat color. “Can buck off to Tartarus. I’m more worried about the other nobles who would come after our family seeking the only male alicorn in Equestria. All of them would likely push their fillies onto him or foalnap him. Yes your castle’s staff may have found out but you yourself said they know what rumors not to spread.” Wheres the popcorn when you need it. I got ya. A theater style box of it, steamy with light butter, suddenly appeared from my shadow. There ya go. I shrugged and ate some. Celestia sighed and bowed her head. “You may be right Mrs. Dew.” For the first time during the conversation my dam calmed down a bit. “We will just host a public appearance for him and Twilight.” Celestia held up a hoof. “As my personal students during the Grand Galloping Galla and of course while he is still hiding his wings.” Celestia sighed when my dam accepted this compromise. While statements about both Twilight and I’s status as Celestia’s students had been made to the press, we had yet to be formally introduced to the public. “Fine. My family will be receiving tickets, yes?” Morning Dew had switched from overtly angry to starry eyed in a matter of moments, she was so excited that her tail started lazily swishing back and forth. Mom and I had a hard time keeping up. The change in attitude actually got Celestia to laugh. “Of course, you and the Sparkle family will both be honored guests.” “Excellent!” My dam clapped her hooves together. “It will be nice to see Twilight’s parents again and meet them properly.” “Colt?” My Mom Forest bent over and whispered in my ear. “What just happened?” I shrugged. “Dam just won an argument with the princess. Popcorn?” I held up the half empty box for her. Dang alicorn metabolism. “Thanks?” She took a hoof full and chewed slowly as Celestia and Morning Dew continued to talk on lighter subjects. “So do y’all live here in the castle as well princess?” Applejack asked their guides. It had taken a bit of time to get comfortable with princess Cadenza but her brother Mac was already fast friends with Shining Armor. They hadn’t stopped talking about some game or their status as big brothers for the past half hour. “Please, just call me Cadence and yes, though since my aunt often sends us on diplomatic missions I don’t think even I have the whole place memorized yet.” Cadence laughed. Apple Bloom yawned while riding on Pear Butter’s back and everypony ‘dawed’ at the display. “Shiny won’t it be wonderful when we have one?” He almost tripped and this got a laugh from the fillies and mare as Cadence gushed over Apple Bloom. Big Mac gave him a knowing pat on the withers as his eyes went wide. He coughed. “Maybe someday?” He blushed and earned a kiss on the cheek from his mare friend. “Hey everypony.” I had just heard the end of their last conversation as I walked up. “Well Hi there Dawn.” Pear gave me a motherly nuzzle. “Where’s your other mothers?” I try not to crack a smile. I call them that once and she uses it every time now. “Still with the princess. You missed one Tartarus of a shouting match.” I quickly retell the story as we all continue traveling through the halls of the castle. The group was headed towards one of the gardens for some fresh air and so Apple Bloom could play. “Wow you’re dam has some backbone, I don’t think I have ever heard of anypony yelling at the princess.” Shining sounded both impressed and fearful. “I have before.” Cadence said as we passed outside. “Yelled at her that is.” As soon as we did Bloom quickly woke up and hopped off Pear’s back to go play while we all looked At Cadence for her to finish her story. She sighed. “It was a few weeks after I got this.” She tapped her horn. “After she adopted me into the family I yelled quite often about wanting to go home. It wasn’t until she told me the truth, that my parents didn’t make it from the attack on my village, that I finally let it go.” Shining gave her a side hug as she finished her story about earning her horn by spreading love and stopping an evil sorceress trying to steal it. After a somber moment all of us heard Bloom playing in the garden and our moods improved. Applejack was the first do run after her and began a game of tag. “Get back here little one.” I ran after them both while Pear just smiled and the three young adults went back to chatting. “You know it is very refreshing to speak with actual adults that see me as more than a princess.” Celestia took a sip of her tea as she continued to chat with two of Dawns parents. Feather Duster had stopped by with snacks then joined the group by nuzzling into her Princess’ side. “Hey I’m an adult you can talk with.” Feather huffed. “Yes but you are also my mare friend so still biased.” Celestia booped Feather’s nose. Morning Dew smiled. “I can only imagine, what little I remember of the nobility isn’t all that great. I’m just glad I met Breeze here.” She gave her first herd mate a nuzzle. Forest Breeze was still in a bit of shock from earlier and it didn’t help that their son had left to be with the rest of the family. “I have~ gotten reports that Ponyville’s weather is much better managed these days while getting fewer incidents of it effecting Canterlot. Job well done Forest Breeze.” Celestia speaking to her directly finally broke her out of her daze. “Oh, well thank you princess. We do have a nice team and some decent apprentices. One named Rainbow Dash really sticks out.” Forest gushed over the fillies flight ability. Celestia recognized the name from the Rainboom incident a bit over a year ago and raised an eyebrow. “Oh you just like her as a potential herd member for Dawn.” Morning Dew joked. “Though, she is a strong flyer like you are.” She tapped her chin. “You two are already setting him up?” Feather could get behind any love related talks. “Goodness no. Not until he is out of school at least. Our poor colt has been through enough trouble already.” Morning turned a bit sad but shook it off. “Ever since he got his cutie mark it’s been non stop changes for all of us. Not that it’s been all bad of course.” Morning took a sip of the very expensive tea provided by the princess. “We did gain some lovely family members.” I couldn’t move. “Help?” I pleaded as Pear Butter just giggled. Applejack and Apple Bloom had both tired themselves out running around the garden and decided I would make the best pillow. “Sorry Dawn but they look too comfortable for me to do something like that.” Pear leaned down and nuzzled me. “Wish I had a camera though.” “Oh here.” Cadence’s voice rang out and she pulled out a camera. “I learned to always carry one when foalsitting Twilight.” She had just returned along with Shining and Big Mac who both sported some fresh bruises. The two had apparently decided to spare while we had been playing in the garden which earned an eye roll from Pear. “Thank you Cadence.” Pear gave a smile as she took pictures of me and my sister’s napping on me. Sure I could just move them with magic but I wasn’t actually upset over the current situation. “Dad!” I suddenly felt another, scalier creature on my back and had a few more pictures taken. “Now who is this cutie?” Pear looked confused. “And did it call you dad?” “Spike where are you?” Twilight’s voice rang out just before she skidded to a stop, almost running into her brother. “BBBFF, what are you doing here?” “Twilie.” He gave her a nuzzle. “I’m just escorting Cadence and some guests around.” Twilight noticed the rest of us and smiled. After preforming her ‘ladybug’ dance with Cadence, to every ponies enjoyment, she walked over to me and joined the cuddle pile. “Oh good, you found spike.” “More like he found me.” I laughed. Pear and Big Mac both had a questioning looks on their faces so i spoke up. “Mom, Mac, This is the Twilight Sparkle. I wrote you all about her and spike is the cute baby dragon on my back. Mom you should have met them at the Summer Sun celebration but Mac you wouldn’t have yet.” Said dragon had decided to nuzzle not only me but Bloom. Twilight was already resting peacefully on the same side as Applejack. How she had fallen asleep so quickly I’ll probably never know. “Oh so this is the cute baby dragon. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.” Pear rubbed the top of his head with a fond smile. “He is quite cute isn’t he?” Pear and Mac both bowed as Celestia and my parents joined us in the guarded. “No need for that you two, you’re both nobles and practically family.” Celestia gave Pear and Big Mac a friendly nuzzle. Oh if only they knew. Maybe one day. “Now that we are all together how about we have a proper meal.” Twilight and Applejack were just curiously looking at each other when they woke up. Spike and Applebloom were currently playing together in another corner. I was keeping an eye on them but also the fillies. The rest of the group had gone off to continue talking so left the five of us in a guest suite. “Good to see you again Twilight.” Applejack gave her a friendly nuzzle then smiled, breaking the tension that only I felt. Why do I always get nervous when these two meet, they already became friends. “So how’s the farm?” Was Twilights first question of many. Applejack laughed. “It’s good, we started growing pears now too.” She showed off her cutie mark of two apples and a pear. “Fascinating. Dawn sometimes mentions the farm but have still never been to one.” Twilight then jumped into asking questions that AJ was happy to answer about her passion. I breathed a sigh of relief as the two happily chatted. > Ch61. Checkup. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So doctor am I going to live?” I dramatically asked while laying on my back on the examination bed after breakfast. The doctor gave me a worried look before Celestia flicked my ear with a wing. “Dawn don’t give the medical staff the wrong idea.” She laughed at my antics nonetheless. “No need to worry Doctor Horse, we are just here for his routine exam. His dam pointed out he has not had one yet after his transformation. Thinking about it, a more in depth examination might be best.” “Transformation Princess?” Doctor Horse asked with a raised eyebrow. This Stallion’s voice is so similar to the character House. He even has a bad leg. “Oh, right. Dawn the doctor here is sworn to keep any secret in this room.” I undid the spell on my wings and the doctor didn’t even flinch. Celestia passed him my previous medical records so he could give them a quick look over. After a few ‘hmms’ and an “I see,” he stepped closer to take a look at me. “A third alicorn for me to look after.” He lit his horn and immediately began scanning me while putting a cold stethoscope to my chest. “Deep breath for me young colt.” I did as he asked a few times while he listened to various areas. “Now ignite your horn.” He measured my magic with another device while continuing to scan me with his own magic. “Squeeze this.” I squeezed the metal ball he passed me with my magic first then my hoof TK field. “Now give me a few flaps and hover until I say stop.” I easily lifted off the table then lightly floated back down once he gave me the okay. He nodded and took notes before moving on to taking other measurements. “Well your heart and lungs sound healthy for a colt your age. Your size and strength is more in line with a growing Earth pony than a unicorn, your Magic and wing power are both exceptional, nothing unusual for an alicorn I suspect. Roll onto your stomach for me.” He pressed my wing joints and measured my wing length and feather size as a shiver went down my spine. Why do doctors always have cold hands, or hooves? Through every step he was a bit curt with a touch of sarcasm just like the T.V. character. I had a hard time not laughing at my inside joke. “So far so good just one last step.” I felt a sudden pinch in my left flank as he stuck me with a needle. “Ouch! A little warning next time.” If I wasn’t loafing I would have bucked him on reflex. “I find it best to just get it out of the way.” As if to prove his point he gave me another shot on the same flank and drew some blood from my right flank at the same time. “Well from my preliminary results, it seems like he is perfectly fine princess and is now fully up to date on his vaccinations, though I doubt he needs them any longer. I will get back to you on that one once I run the more in depth blood work. Anything else I can do for you today?” I was getting sick of him talking like I wasn’t here. “Actually yes.” Tia levitated a disguised Alicia off her back. The cute Nymph was so well behaved and had blended with her mother’s coat color so well the doctor hadn’t even noticed the young faux pegasus. “I need you to also give this little one a checkup and do a paternity test.” So, we don’t trust Imago now? You know as well as I, ‘better safe than sorry’. This was the first thing that actually stunned Doctor Horse all visit. “I’m sorry princess, did you and this colt already..?” He rolled his hoof. “Sweet harmony no doctor!” The princess looked appalled while holding her wiggly daughter. “She should be mine and my, very much an adult, partner’s child.” The doctor preformed the same tests, minus the unicorn ones, that I got along with an extra spell at the end. “Well princess congratulations. This little one is indeed your daughter both genetically and magically.” The doctor shook his head. “Though I don’t remember you coming in to give birth to a half pony.” His scans apparently allowed him to tell she wasn’t fully a pony but he didn’t bat an eye at it. “That’s because I was the sire, apparently.” The doctor raised an eyebrow. “We can discuss that more later if you wish. While her mother is available to explain their biology of course.” “That would be most appreciated.” He nodded. “If there is nothing else princess. Do you want to keep normal records of both patients or standard redaction procedures?” “Normal records is fine but kept secure. Both of them will become public knowledge in a few years and we need proper growth records.” The doctor nodded and gave a curt goodbye. “He was a character.” I laughed and tried to ignore my itchy flank where I got my shots and blood drawn. “Yes, but one of the best doctors in the nation. Along with being open minded he is extremely loyal.” Celestia picked Alicia back up and the little one practically disappeared on her mother’s back once resting between Celestia’s wings. “Well now that that’s done for the day shall we move on?” “Gladly.” I hoped down and swayed a bit from stiff legs. “Always did hate shots.” I followed behind while stretching out my legs and hiding my wings. Alicia laughed and must have thought it was a game because the next moment her wings were gone as well. “Can’t we come back another day?” Fluttershy hid behind her mane. Her and Rainbow were waiting in the Ponyville hospital together. “Nope. You need your shots to keep working with animals. You do want that right?” Rainbow was just glad it wasn’t her turn to be here, again. Fluttershy nodded. “Yes of course.” “Then you have to get your shots. I already got all mine last time I was here.” Rainbow shivered remembering her last crash. “Oh alright.” Fluttershy worked up her courage just in time for her turn. “So will you live?” My mom Forest made the same joke I did when I returned to their guest suite. She had stayed behind while the rest of the family had gone into the city for shopping. “Yep. Perfect health.” I jumped on her back and hugged around her neck. “Nice.” She wrestled me into a spot between her forelegs and set her chin on my head between my ears. “It’s been good seeing you again colt.” My mom wasn’t normally one to get sentimental so I was a bit surprised. “You too mom.” I nuzzled my back into her chest fluff as she hugged me with her wings. At some point the two of us must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Pear’s voice asking. “Should we wake them?” “We have to in order to make the train.” My dam replied. “Even if they do look adorable.” I felt mom nuzzle my head and grumble. “Five more minutes with my colt.” “Sorry sweetheart but we have a train to catch and get back to the farm. Dawn also has school tomorrow.” Morning Dew nosed her partners cheek. “Nuh uh, I’m staying.” My mom squeezed me tighter. “Yeah moms staying.” I felt like acting my age so lit my horn and put a shield around us before sticking out my tongue. My dam huffed as Pear giggled. The others must not have come back yet since I didn’t see them. “You two are incorrigible.” She lit her own horn, popped my lazy shield spell, and jumped on Forest’s back. This had the side effect of me getting pinned as well. Not wanting to be left out Pear jumped on them both. “Too much.” I slapped my hoof down like a wrestler giving up. “Uncle, uncle.” “Oh what’s this? Somepony wants to give up? Our family doesn’t have quitters.” My dam singsonged. I huffed and used a bit of shadow magic to escape then stuck my tongue out at all three of them. “Hah, can’t keep me pinned down mothers.” The three mares looked at each other and I knew I made a mistake in my word choice. “Uh, bye.” I ran for it while laughing. I soon had three mildly upset parents on my tail as I ran past confused castle staff and guards. “Get back here colt and take your punishment.” They did the thing where all three somehow spoke in unison. “Never! Oh, hi sis.” I ran past a confused Applejack who was heading back to the room. “Bye sis.” “AJ get that varmit.” Pear ordered and I soon found myself lassoed. “Got him ma. What he do?” Applejack adjusted her hat. “Traitor.” I huffed. “Nothing that bad sweetheart.” My dam smiled before all three planted a kiss on my head. My dam then used her magic to pick me up as I faux pouted. “Let’s say some proper goodbyes shall we?” We all headed off after that so my family could get ready to head home. > Ch62. A change of routine. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Mac was a young stallion of few words, at least that’s what most Ponyville residents thought about him. Around his family and close friends he was an intelligent pony who spoke from his heart just like his dam had taught and encouraged him to do. Recently he had made a new friend in Shining Armor, something that had never occurred in the original timeline, thanks to his younger brother and learned more about the guard life. He had no plans to join the guard, despite his strength, however Shining did help him realize that he should do some actual combat training instead of just relying on his bucking and brawling skills. This was especially true since his family’s farm bordered the Everfree. He wanted to learn how to protect not only himself but Cheerilee and the rest of his family and finally the farm. That’s why today he was standing in front of the Ponyville Reserve guard house with plans to get that training, he was in luck that they offered free defensive courses for stallions. He took a deep breath and walked into the lobby. “Dawn, Twilight.” Celestia had pulled them aside after morning class. “I forgot to speak with you both about the upcoming Galla yesterday. It’s going to be held just before the fall break this year, so in a few weeks. The two of you will probably be asked to dance so we’ll go over etiquette and some other details this weekend instead of our normal lessons.” “Dancing?” Twilight looked concerned when Celestia nodded to confirm. “What, don’t want to dance with me Twi?” I playfully bumped her shoulder. “Oh no. I mean yes I mean.” She wiggled her ears while blushing then huffed in frustration. I laughed and Celestia smiled. “No worries Twilight, you won’t be required to dance, just socialize a bit. Cadence and your family will be in attendance so don’t worry too much.” She placed her hoof on Twilight’s back comfortingly. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “That sounds good princess.” “Rarity are you in here?” Morning Dew walked into the best dressmaker’s shop in town, technically the only one but, she still preferred Rarity’s over the shops in Canterlot. “Oh Mrs. Dew welcome to my boutique where everything is unique.” Rarity waved her inside but hummed in thought. “I still really must work on that greeting. What can I help you with mam?” “Rarity please you’re a family friend, just Morning or Dew is fine and I’m here for a dress. The herd and I are going to the Galla this year.” Morning Dew. “THE Galla? As in the Grand Galloping Galla?” Rarity swooned. “The GGG?” Pinkie, who had been over for tea stuck her head out of the kitchen looking excited. “Only the biggest party of the year?” “Pinkie Pie, darling, do calm yourself in front of customers.” Rarity had recovered and playfully swatted at her friend. Morning Dew laughed and shook her head. “The very same. If I had known you two were interested I would’ve gotten more tickets from the princess.” “The Princess?” Rarity tilted her head in confusion. “Yeah we went up to the castle over the weekend visiting Dawn and she invited us.” Morning commented while browsing some of Rarity’s displays. She enjoyed clothing but normally only during a date with one of her partners. “I had no idea you ever spoke with her.” Rarity was a glutton for gossip so was highly interested. “Well why wouldn’t she? Dawn is her personal student.” Pinkie was idly munching on a cookie she had baked for them while revealing information she thought was common knowledge. Rarity didn’t know that and fell over causing Pinkie and Dew to rush over and check on her. Good thing I promised not to talk about him being an alicorn. “Good workout everypony we will take a short break then head back inside.” I took a deep breath and flopped onto the grass as Gale let us stop running. I wasn’t the only pony that laid down, gym class was much harder than the first semester. Now that it was primarily designed around early guard training, the routines had become more difficult and Gale had a smaller group of us to focus on. “This is much tougher than I calculated.” A sweaty Moon Dancer slumped against my side. She was one of the few fillies who had stuck with the class despite having no plans on becoming a guard. “Eww Moonie you’re all sweaty.” I playfully pushed her away. She stuck her tongue out. “So are you.” Her continuing to take gym class, instead of only focusing on studying, was a change I had noticed early on. Honestly I’m glad she didn’t lose her confidence unlike in the show where she became a recluse. “So, read any good books lately?” I asked as we cooled down. “Yep, found a book on griffin history. It’s a bit intense though.” She shivered and not from the late Summer breeze as she told me more about it. “Sounds about right considering Griffins are omnivorous and have had more wars than ponies.” I tilted my head back and forth. Still nothing on humans though. “What about you? Also sorry about you and Starlight.” She gave a warm smile and gave a friendly push on my side. “No new books however Celestia was teaching us some interesting spells for daily use.” I lit my horn and the sweat was cleaned off both our coats though it didn’t help with our smell. “As for Starlight.” I sighed. “Thanks, it’s never easy losing a friend.” We sat in silence for a few moments as other small groups around us chatted. Before either of us could say anything else Gale spoke up. “Alright Everypony, back on your hooves. Time to hit the showers.” She ushered us back towards school with her wings earning a few groans as everypony stood back up. Rarity knocked intensely on Fluttershy’s door. “Darling open up.” Fluttershy opened her door slowly and peeked out. “Rarity, is, is something wrong?” “Wrong? I just learned Dawn is Princess Celestia’s student.” She swooned with her foreleg on her forehead. “… um, okay?” Fluttershy looked confused. “I already knew he went to her school.” “No darling her personal student.” Rarity was a bit frustrated that she didn’t understand. “Hey you two what’s going on?” Rainbow had been flying around and got curious when she spotted her two herd members having a heated conversation. “I was just telling Fluttershy here about Dawn being the princess’s personal student. But she doesn’t seem worried.” Rarity huffed. “Should I be. I’m sorry that I’m not.” Fluttershy hid behind her mane. “What’s the big deal Rares. I already knew that since his mom told me.” Rainbow shrugged. “Rainbow, Darling, it’s a big deal because now even more fillies will be going after him.” Rarity was getting exhausted from the lack of foresight. “Eh, I wouldn’t worry to much. His mom said he just had a falling out with his trial herd so isn’t interested in anypony right now.” Rainbow again said flippantly. Rarity opened and closed her mouth a few times the fell on her haunches in defeat. “He already had a trial herd?” “Well not any more.” Rainbow nodded. “Oh my, I hope he is okay.” Fluttershy was more concerned about his feelings which made Rainbow smile. When school ended for the day I met up with Lyra and Moon Dancer to study in the Library. Twilight had wanted to join as well but had to get home right away to watch over Spike. “So what should we start with?” Lyra spread out her study materials. “Math, magic, history?” I never expected pony school to be more intense than human school but they really compress it all down into the early years. “I vote getting math out of the way.” It was my easiest subject since I already had years of training in it and I liked to take my time with magic since it was actually fun. “History it is then.” Lyra joked. “Hey isn’t that..?” Moon Dancer motioned with her head towards the Library entrance. Starlight and I shared an awkward look before she turned around and left. “Ouch.” Lyra winced. “That was rough.” “No need to remind me.” I turned back towards our table and pulled out my history work. “Let’s just focus on getting this stuff done so we can enjoy our evening.” The other two nodded and we got to study. Big Mac dragged his hooves while walking back to the farm after a grueling first day. “Well there you are Mac. Have a good day off?” Pear Butter looked her son over. He had some fresh bruises that caused her concern. “Mac, what happened to you?” Mac winced when she touched his side. “Training.” Pear frowned. “Training for what? Bull fighting?” She snorted. She loved rodeos like any farm pony but Bull fighting, in her opinion, was a ridiculous addition from the cow herds. “Noope.” He shook his head then regretted it with a wince. Pear rushed inside to grab an ice pack then rushed back out. “Then what mister? And it’s a good thing your sisters or other mothers aren’t around to see this.” Mac flinched then sighed in relief at the soothing ice pack. “Guard training.” “Mac use your words.” Pear hoofed over the pack so he could hold it himself. Mac scuffed his hoof on the dirt and hung his head. “I didn’t like losing to Shining Armor. I also didn’t like what happened with dad or to Dawn last year. I hate feeling like I can’t help so I took some defensive classes today.” “Oh sugar cube.” Pear hugged her son but felt bad for agitating his bruises. “You help out more than enough around the farm and did you train all~ day? Mac nodded, huffed and looked his mother in the eye. His expression relaxed as she smiled with pride. “I still want training.” He pinned his ears back. “Fine. But only once a week and try not to come home so injured, maybe just do a few hours. I know you’re strong like your sire but even he knew restraint. Now head inside and get washed up.” Mac nodded and Pear shook her head as she watched him head inside. “Never a dull moment around here.” Pear thought back about her new herd members and son and how that love had changed the farm for the better. “Wish you could have seen it Bright.” She then followed Mac into the house to help Granny with dinner. > Ch63. Prepping for the Galla. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia slowly lifted her wing and nuzzled the literal love bug resting beneath it. Alicia may have been unplanned but she was going to make sure she was a good mother to the creature resting beside her. I won’t make the same mistakes I did with Sunset. The only thing that could make this moment better was if Imago was here. The changeling princess in question was watching over the rest of her budding hive which often prevented them from staying the night together. “Well good morning little one.” Celestia replied when Alicia gave a happy chirp towards her mother. While she could ‘speak’ through the hive mind Alicia was still too young to form words. “Do you want to watch me raise the sun today?” Alicia gave an affirmative chirp and climbed up onto her mother’s back before nuzzling into her flowing mane. Celestia walked slowly towards the balcony and gently set her daughter down before sitting and igniting her horn. Slowly the sun rose and Alicia’s eyes sparkled as she watched her mother move the celestial body. “There we go a new day.” Celestia smiled and nuzzled the top of her daughters head. I groaned as the sunlight pierced my eyes. I internally pouted and rolled over, cursing that I forgot about my dorm room curtains never quite closing completely, unlike my room at the castle. “Dang it Tia five more minutes.” It’s not like she could hear me but unlike on earth, I actually had somepony to blame when it was too bright. Maybe I should take up Tia on her offer to move into the castle full time just so she would hear me. But I do like having other colts my age around. Rolling over a few more times, I eventually got up for my morning routine. Since it was the weekend I didn’t have anywhere to be until after lunch, when I had to go to the castle. So for the morning, I would just eat and see if anypony wanted to play board games. “Dam do I really have to go?” Applejack didn’t want to take dance lessons. She had already been through it once with her aunt and uncle Orange and while she did just fine, thanks to her athletic abilities, she didn’t exactly like it. “Yes Sugarcube. Your mothers and I don’t want you ending up embarrassed if a nice colt asks you to dance at the Gala.” Pear butter smiled as they walked through town. One of her regulars was a former dancer so was willing to teach for some free produce. “Also Ms. Ribbon is probably already waiting for you and your friend Rarity.” “Rarity? Also if it’s so important why doesn’t Mac have to learn.” Applejack snorted then mumbled under her breath. “Not that anypony will ask me.” “Oh Sugar you’re brother did already learn the basics, where do you think he learned those fancy rodeo moves?” Pear winked. “As for Rarity, she offered to be your dance partner because she also wanted some pointers. When I mentioned you learning during dress shopping she was very enthusiastic.” Applejack didn’t say anything else but grumbled a bit as they walked. Pear gave her daughter a worried look and spoke to herself. “She definitely needs to get off the farm a bit more often.” “1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. No, no no, this iz all wrong.” I took a breath and stepped back from Twilight, who was faring much worse with her lower stamina, when our new Germane dance instructor, Mrs. Satin, shouted for us to stop. Ponies shouldn’t naturally have to move like this. While humans could move to the side fairly easily on two legs, stepping side ways as a pony for dancing took much more thought. Wish I could just do flight dances, those are always so easy. My mom had taught me a few dance upon dam’s insistence during our flight lessons for future use. “You two have none of ze talent of dance.” The older mare huffed. Wonder if her accent is just slipping in frustration or she’s forcing it. I internally giggled. “But still ze princess haz asked me to try. Now let’z go again.” She stomped a hoof as Twilight and I shared a look. For the entire early afternoon Twilight and I continued to practice various dance techniques used by the nobility during the Gala. By the end of it we were winded but finally got half of a compliment. “Well you two are no longer the worst I have ever seen.” “I’m glad to hear that.” Celestia giggled as she looked us over and Mrs. Satin bowed. “I wouldn’t want my students to be embarrassed.” “Never princess I will have zem in top form before the night of the Gala.” The teacher stomped her hoof proudly before she was politely dismissed. “Excellent, well now, why don’t you two join me for a snack and we can move on to something less~ physically demanding?” She gave a warm smile “Yes please princess.” Twilight collapsed dramatically as Celestia looked worried. I rolled my eyes and lifted her onto my back with magic. “You should have kept going to gym class Twi. It’s helped keep Moon Dancer and I in shape.” “But that’s less time for books.” She swatted my side with her forehooves while draped over my back. I had grown a bit taller than her during my last growth spurt but was still nowhere close to my older brother so her hooves easily dangled off the ground as I carried her. Celestia watched us with a smile before Alicia hopped off her back and onto Twilight’s. I almost tripped before steadying myself from the sudden weight shift. “Young lady you shouldn’t jump onto other ponies backs.” Celestia leaned down faux scolded before giving all three of us a nuzzle. “You could cause them to fall.” “It’s fine princess she isn’t heavy.” Twilight smiled at the young disguised nymph then also gave her a nuzzle. “Says the pony riding on my back.” I flicked my tail while following Celestia back to her study. “It’s not my fault my legs feel like pudding.” Twilight whinnied. “And you started carrying me on your own after you picked me up.” She crossed her forelegs while hugging my neck and huffed. “Thank you though.” Alicia just sat on top and chirped happily at being on top of the pony pile as we talked. “Why yes princess you are the queen of the hill.” I joked in response but earned a nod and another happy chirp while Celestia just laughed at our antics. It will be interesting when sister returns and she can see her growing family. So long as she can be saved. “Alright you two.” Alicia chirped while sitting between Twilight and I. “Sorry sweetheart, three. Once Feather arrives we will be going over some common etiquette used during a formal Gala.” Why must you torture another generation with this? Because our little ponies love the Gala. “Sorry I’m late Princess Digit and Ditto we’re being a hoof full.” Feather walked inside and gave Celestia then Alicia loving nuzzles before exchanging friendly ones with Twilight and I. “It looks like at least one of the children is behaving.” I watched as Alicia puffed up a bit. “No worries you are right on time.” Celestia gave a loving nuzzle. “So what did you need help with?” Feather tilted her head. “I need you to help act out some situations that might arise at the Gala.” Celestia said aloud the whispered some more instructions in her ear. Imago nodded before she switched her disguise to that of a tall unicorn stallion. “Princess.” Imago bowed low. “It’s very lovely to see you this evening.” Imago grabbed her hoof and kissed it. “May I have this next dance?” Celestia probably wasn’t expecting such good acting. She blushed deeply and playfully flicked her wing. “Why I would love to dance Lord…” she blanked on a name but they kept acting out the rest of the scene. They then moved on to show proper greetings for if somepony was of a higher or lower station than us, most were lower or equal than Personal Princess student, as well as providing a few names we should know like ‘Fancy Pants’. When they finished acting out a few situations Twilight’s jaw was hanging loose from watching her mentor flirt with Imago in disguise while Alicia was just basking in her parents love. I on the other hoof was having a hard time not laughing at Celestia’s bad acting skills especially when compared to a professional like Imago. “And that my students were a few common conversation topics or other information that might come up. Now with both of you being my students you will probably be asked more about that but hopefully this has been educational. Any questions?” Celestia proclaimed proudly as Imago took to her natural form. Twilight just nodded dumbfounded while I broke and began laughing while rolling on the floor. “What was that? Hahaha. Tia your acting was so bad.” Celestia puffed up her cheeks. “It’s not bad. I give public speeches all the time.” “Tia. It was kind of bad.” Imago looked sheepishly at her partner. “Not that it was all bad.” She quickly followed up when she got a look shot her way. Celestia the pinned her ears back and looked downcast. “Was my acting really that bad.” Great now I feel bad. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. “well no. It wasn’t the worst.” We sat in awkward silence for a moment before she smiled and laughed. “Ha, got you.” “Now that was acting.” Imago slow clapped as Alicia ran up between her mother’s legs. Twilight still looked a bit frayed and just shook her head to clear out her thoughts. “What even just happened?” > Ch63.5 Relaxing in Ponyville. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s alright little ones. Come on out.” Fluttershy coaxed the creatures in the Ponyville veterinarians office. “I know it’s not always pleasant but you’re all here to get better right?” Slowly but surely small bandaged or sick animals came out of hiding. “Fluttershy wonderful work as always.” Dr. Fauna praised her young apprentice for her work causing the shy filly to blush. Fluttershy was like an angel to the older mare. She had been taking care of every animal in town on her own before she came along and it was no easy task. “They always listen so well to you.” “Oh, they just need some extra kindness now and then.” Fluttershy stroked a squirrels’s back before setting it on the examination table. “I know just what it’s like to be scared. It hasn’t been so bad lately though.” Fluttershy gave a slight smile. “That wouldn’t be because of Rarity would it?” Dr. Fauna had already heard about their trial herd and was glad she had found ponies in her life. Fluttershy nodded. “We started going to that new spa for dates once a week when we’re both free. We haven’t convinced Rainbow to join us but she’ll still go on weekend picnics to show us her flight tricks she’s been practicing.” “That sounds nice.” Dr. Fauna found the parring of those two a bit odd but said nothing about it and instead focused back on her patient. “Alright all done now. You take it easy.” “Pinkie darling. Could you please go pick up some eggs and milk from the Apples. Our delivery pony didn’t bring enough.” Ms. Cake sighed as her husband, the former delivery pony chuckled. “It’s because you married the good one dear and now I’m working in the store with you.” Mr. cake earned a playful tail swat for the joke. Pinkie left with a big grin on her face as she made her way to the Apples stall. “Well howdy Pinkie. Didn’t you have work today?” Applejack who was mareing the stall today asked. Pinkie gave an enthusiastic nod. “Yep. We need some more supplies though. Our new delivery pony messed up the order so we didn’t get enough eggs or milk. She’s not as experienced as Mr. Cake.” Applejack chucked. “Well shoot sorry about that. Sadly we don’t keep milk at the stall so you’ll have to stop by the farm. One of my moms should be home though so they can help ya out. Want an Apple for the road?” “Thanks!” Pinkie ate the whole thing in one massive bite and gave Aj a nuzzle before heading off to the farm. Applejack shook her head in disbelief and waited for her next customer. As soon as Pinkie had left Mrs. Cake sauntered past her husband while heading towards the stairs and brushed her tail under his chin. “You know dear, Pinkie should be gone for just long enough.” Mr. Cake took the hint, eyes filled with hearts, and he followed behind his wife’s swaying hips. He was more than happy to continue practicing for when they were ready for foals. Pinkie felt a shiver in her back right leg and blushed. Guess I better walk a bit slower. Pinkie began humming a happy tune to herself as she walked through the apple orchard. “Hey, Pinkie. What are you doing here on the farm.” Pinkie looked up and found Mrs. Breeze hovering not far away. “Oh hi Mrs. Breeze. The cakes ran out of eggs and milk because of the new delivery mare so I came to buy some but now I’m taking my time since my Pinkie sense told me they would need it as some ponies were getting cuddly back home.” Pinkie managed to say all in one breath. Forest tapped her chin then blushed when she realized what Pinkie said. After a shake of her head she followed up with, “Oh, good for them. Well Dew is back at the farmhouse doing some paperwork with Mac so they can probably help you out while I get back to the weather.” “Okie dokie.” Pinkie gave her a wave as she flew off then began happily humming and trotting towards the farmhouse. “What was that about mam?” Rainbow asked as her weather captain returned to the skies. “Just Pinkie stopping by. Apparently the cakes needed some alone time so sent her on an errand.” Forest chuckled to herself. Rainbow blushed a bit. “I see, we’ll what’s next for us to do?” “Next.” Forest smiled. “Is working on your flight skills. You still want to join the Wonderbolts don’t you.” “Really?” Rainbow flipped over in the air. “Sweet. My tricks are getting so much better with an actual coach. I still can’t believe you raced with Spitfire before and won. She may not be the captain but she’s the best in my opinion.” “Yeah Spits and I raced a few times but while my passion was in weather work and starting a family she had the dream of becoming Wonderbolts captain.” Forest thought back. “Now let’s get practicing.” As Rarity walked through the market she smiled and waved at her fellow towns ponies. While her shop still didn’t see the most business it had been picking up. She didn’t sell many custom orders but repairs were plentiful. Luckily her special talent, her gem finding spell, allowed her to supplement her income even if she wished it wasn’t her primary source. “Well howdy there Rarity lovely day isn’t it, what can I do for you today?” Rarity quite enjoyed Applejack’s rustic accent. She found it charming after spending time with her. She still debated inviting Applejack into her trial herd after all the help she had given around the boutique but didn’t know her and Dawn’s relationship well enough. We’re they siblings only or possibly more. “Hello Applejack. Yes your mother and her team did a lovely job. As for what I need just a half bushel of apples and a pie if you’ve got one left?” Rarity tilted her head. “Ah, sorry sugar cube fresh out of pie.” “Oh.” Rarity hung her head as she had been looking forward to pie. “But, we do still have some fritters left.” Applejack pulled a few out from under the counter. “Oh excellent. How much?” Rarity pulled out her bit bag but Applejack waved her off. “Rares considering how hard your working on our families dresses, it’s on us.” “Are you sure darling it’s no trouble.” Gem finding had been going extremely well and shipping them off to Canterlot made Rarity quite a few bits she didn’t mind sharing with friends. “Course I do, the farms doing pretty great thanks to mom and dam standing up to Filthy and re-negotiating our contracts.” Applejack frowned a bit. “While I know he wasn’t intentionally getting one over on us it still stings a bit thinking about it.” “Well then Darling thank you. On a side note how would you feel about joining Fluttershy and I at the spa some time?” Bon Bon waved off her last customer and began wiping off the counter. It was only a few moments later when the door opened again. “Welcome to Bon Bon’s Bon Bon candy shop… oh hi Derpy, here to bring the mail?” “Yep. Got any muffins?” The walleyed mare smiled and passed over a few letters. “Sorry Derpy I don’t make muffins here. How about some candy or getting some at Sugarcube Corner?” She grabbed her mail and looked it over. “Oh~, but I can’t. Sugarcube was closed when I went to deliver their mail but I did hear some funny sounds from upstairs.” Derpy hung her head. Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. “I see, well you could always bake your own?” “I can? I can!” Derpy flew out the door leaving Bon Bon a bit stunned that Derpy had never thought of that before. She shrugged and looked over her mail. Most were order forms to be filled later or bills from buying supplies. “Oh, Lyra wrote me.” She opened up the letter and began reading. ‘Hey Bonnie what’s up? Not much as been going on here at CSGU. Dorm life is really nice still and classes are going well. I don’t know if you’ve heard yet from the Apples but Dawn and Starlight broke up. It was really sad but is it wrong to feel happy? Anyway,Human club still hasn’t gotten any new members even with the new students which is also sad. Hope you can write back soon. Love Lyra. Ps: send candy.’ Bon Bon chucked to herself at the haphazard writing of her filly friend. She then noticed one more letter, this one from S.M.I.L.E and she became more serious. When she opened the letter the paper was blank until she felt a scanning spell and wording appeared when it finished. ‘Update for agent Sweetie Drops. Primary Mission: unchanged. Information update: Unicorn Balanced Dawn, who lives in your town, has ascended into becoming an alicorn. This information is not yet officially public so do not bring up first. Your new side mission is to discreetly protect him while he is in town. Dawn should not be aware of your status unless the Princess told him personally. End message’ Bon Bon reread the letter until the ink disappeared and she crumpled it up. “Another Alicorn?” She whispered under her breath. “Everything alright darling?” Bon Bon hadn’t noticed Rarity had entered her shop. “You didn’t look happy with that letter.” “Fine Rarity, just some unusual information from a family member. What can I help you with today?” She donned a more professional smile. “Just some of your delicious Bon Bons, my little sister loves when I send her some.” Rarity set some bits on the counter. “Coming right up.” Bon Bon gave Rarity an assortment of flavors and watched the unicorn leave. “Just another day in Ponyville.” > Ch64. Morning of the gala. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am jello. Being mellow is all I know. I wonder what flavor I would be? I let out a content moan with my tongue hanging out like a happy puppy, my tail idly swishing back and fourth, and my unhidden wings drooping out haphazardly. My ears flickered a bit as I heard giggling off to one side. “Think he will hear me?” “I don’t know princess. He looks very relaxed.” One of the spa mares that was currently brushing my coat as my legs dangled off the sides of the spa table replied. “Oh I would hate to interrupt such a cute scene.” The princess replied as I let out another content sigh. Another spa mare was combing my feathers. I might not get to show them off at the gala but they insisted on fluffing them anyway. “Too late.” I slowly said with eyes still closed. “Something wrong Tia?” All of the spa mares paused for a moment at the nickname then apparently remembered that I was also an alicorn before they returned to my grooming in preparation for tonight. These four were part of a growing number of castle staff who knew and were sworn to secrecy. Is it really a secret if more than two ponies know? Ah, who cares. I’m currently too relaxed to. “No, just wanted to let you and Twilight know that I will be unavailable until the gala starts and that Twilight’s and your family should arrive around lunch.” She giggled looking over at Twilight who was relaxed as I was. I had honestly forgotten she was there. Even though, I was the one who convinced her to try a professional grooming instead of just using a cleansing spell. This is so much better than a spell. I could see why Rarity goes once a week in the show if Aloe and Lotus are this good. “Okay princess.” Twilight replied with slurred words as she rubbed her cheek on the table. “See you later.” The spa ponies grooming her giggled as Celestia left. “Your highness, would you like to continue with your brushing or move onto a massage?” It took me a moment to realize she was talking to me as I opened one eye. “Brushing. Brushing is nice~.” I let out another content sigh and closed my eye again. The mare giggled and began chatting with her coworkers about the gala tonight and what ponies might show up or what dress the princess would wear. I eventually tuned out the idle chatter and glanced over at Twilight. She was laying across from me with a big dopey grin as brushes ran through her coat removing, tangles, old fur, and dust. She really is cute. “So how are your students?” Imago asked when Celestia returned to her room. Tonight was going to be the big reveal of Imagos true form to the public so she was no longer wearing a disguise. Ponies already know the princess had taken on a marefriend but no pony knew exactly who it was. Outside of the castle staff most ponies only guessed. “Borderline comatose.” Celestia tittered. “The spa staff really know how to get somepony to relax. I don’t think I have ever seen Twilight with such a content look while inside the castle.” Imago smiled back. “They are professionals that do good work. Even in my Feather persona I was able to enjoy their ministrations. I do wonder if they could give my chitin a good waxing.” She looked herself over and buzzed her wings. “Though are you sure Twilight never got that look? Maybe after falling asleep on Dawn’s back during one of their regular visits?” “You look perfect already my love bug.” Celestia leaned down a bit and gave her a nuzzle. Imago may have been taller than the average pony but she was still a bit shorter than Celestia’s full height. “And you may be right.” She tapped her chin and smiled. “I do often find them napping with Spike close by after one of our lessons.” “Well nothing is quite as good as snuggling with a loved one.” Imago reared up and gave Celestia’s ear a nip. “I still can’t believe you got us tickets to the gala Mac.” Cheerilee happily trotted next to her colt friend through one of Canterlot’s markets. The pair had arrived with the Apple family but found it to be a perfect opportunity for a date. “Eeyup. Technically it was my younger brother who got them. Him being the princesse’s student and all.” He was proud of his younger brother even if they weren’t blood related. “Still you thought to invite me as your plus one.” Cheerilee smiled at him. “You know you’ve really improved yourself lately.” She suddenly felt a bit self conscious standing next to her handsome young stallion. His guard training was paying off by improving muscles that farm work didn’t require. Looking around she noticed quite a few young mares their age checking him out as they walked. She figured it might be time for her to work out as well, instead of just spending her free time with her half sister Cherry Berry. “Cheeri you alright?” Mac had quickly noticed her shift in mood. Luckily him using her nickname brought her out of it. “Mac do you think we should invite somepony else into our herd?” She sagged a bit while asking. She knew it was selfish to hog a stallion, especially one like Mac, but she and Mac didn’t have a soulmate song, like the Cakes, to excuse it. Mac slowed down and looked her right in the eyes. “Darling, she would have to be a special mare to join us. And not just special to me but you too.” He gave her a loving nuzzle that melted her heart. Once they got back to moving she swatted his flank with her tail. “You know you won’t be sleeping after the gala right?” Mac just chuckled. “Eeyup.” “There’s so many ponies here.” Applejack looked around at the garden as the castle staff got ready for tonight. “It really is something isn’t it. I hardly recognize that it’s the same castle.” Morning Dew sat next to her daughters as they pony watched. Forest had gone ahead to find their younger son while she and Pear watched the fillies. “Imagine if we could set up an Apple stand. We could make all kinds of bits.” Applejack could almost picture it until her dam started giggling. “Oh Sugar Cube that’s the sweetest silliest idea I’ve heard from you yet.” She covered her mouth with her hoof while the sleeping Apple Bloom rested between her hooves. “Why is it silly?” Applejack puffed up her cheeks until they turned red. “Oh Sugar I didn’t mean to make fun. It’s just that food from the gala is free for guests so opening a stall wouldn’t do much good. Besides we already are selling apples at the gala, just in the right way. Our family does it ever year, even if they did almost forget this year.” Pear huffed in annoyance at the new head chef. “We do? How?” Applejack perked up and tilted her head a bit. Morning Dew thought about explaining but Pear was faster. “Yep. Our farm is the exclusive provider of apples, cider, and a few other products used for the gala.” Pear puffed up proudly. “Every year we win the contract by proving to be the best. This year we had a bit of trouble from your Pa passing among other things.” They all took a moment of silence. “But your mom and I cleared it up.” She leaned over and nuzzled Dew. “The cheapskate new head chef thought about going for lower quality products instead of hosting the usual competition. That changed really quick when I asked the princess why we hadn’t gotten an invite yet to show off some products.” “I had no idea.” Applejack gave her mother an impressed look. Pear smiled and ruffled her daughter’s mane. “Well maybe it’s about time your moms and I start teaching the next generation the business side a things instead of just the farm work side. There’s more to keeping a farm alive these days than just bucking the trees and making the best produce.” “That would be a good idea. I would hate to think what might have happened if we weren’t around.” Morning Dew idly said while watching the staff continue to work. For the first time in a while Pear thought back on that night and just how bad things could have ended up for her foals. She leaned down and nuzzled the top of Blooms head as she yawned. The filly immediately smiled up at her dam and hugged her muzzle. That simple act dispelled her worries and her own smile quickly returned. “Though family will always be the most important factor no matter what.” Applejack gave her dam a look. She had a lot to think about before tonight. Alicia was bored. Her mother’s were both in the castle above the hive and even from down here she could feel all the emotions. She gave a little burp with a heart shaped puff of smoke leaving her mouth. ”Hey sis want to play?” Ditto asked through the hive mind. Alicia shook her head, she more preferred playing with her mother’s students and learning new things. She loved her siblings but only her sister Ceres was as smart as her which meant she always beat her sisters Ditto and Digit in games requiring thought. ”No thanks. Don’t you need to be doing your hive chores anyway?” she asked back. “Nah the queen mom gave us the night off since she’s with pony mom upstairs.” Digit happily replied. She was already playing with one of her toys. “That’s Mother Imago, Princess Imago, or just mom to us Digit. And ‘pony mom, is also just Mom, Princess Celestia, or Mother Celestia.” Ceres chimed in. As a den mother it was her job to educate drones and quickly absorb knowledge similar to a princess. The only difference was her lower capacity for magic and lack of ‘out of the box’ thinking which in turn made all den mothers sticklers for hive rules. Rules that drones followed but often forgot about due to a lack of intelligence. “Right~.” You could almost feel Digit’s embarrassment of her mistake through the hive mind. The sad thing was she knew she wasn’t the smartest but tried hard anyway. ”Children. I know you will probably be bored this evening but remember, Celestia and I have a big night ahead. Please behave and also watch over the other eggs.” Imago sent a quick message. In a normal hive a Queen wouldn’t have easily made out a side conversation. Under the drone of everyling it would be difficult without focus but, with only four children, she could easily listen in. ”Yes mom.” They all replied. Alicia then decided playing with her siblings wouldn’t be so bad compared to doing nothing. > Ch65. The Gala Pt1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wow you two look amazing.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of Twilight or Applejack. They, along with Cheerilee, Velvet, and the Apple herd moms had just stepped into the waiting room, from various changing areas. “Eeyup.” Big Mac and Night Light were both waiting with me but Mac was focused entirely on Cheerilee while Night focused on Velvet. “Couldn’t have said it better myself Mac.” Night Light smiled at his wife. All four of them blushed and took the compliments while Mac and I both earned some affectionate nuzzles. “And what about us colts?” Forest Breeze asked. She was flanked by her two partners who gave her an eye roll then a kiss on each cheek. I playfully waved her off with a hoof. “Mom you dam and Pear always look good.” She puffed up proudly then noticed my joking tone which earned me a flick to the ear with her wing. “Such a charmer.” She rolled her eyes as I rubbed my ear. Night light had slowly stepped over to his wife and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Well I think so.” Twilight mumbled under her breath. “Oh there’s my little Twi… oh my, you look adorable.” Velvet rushed across the room to get a better look at her daughter after breaking from her husband’s distraction. She was followed by Night Light who pulled out a camera. “We have to get a few pictures for the scrap book.” He proudly waved around the camera held in his magic. “Oh dang, why didn’t I think of that.” My dam whined. “Mind getting a few of us Night?” “Of course not.” He flashed a smile. “I would be happy to get photos of such lovely mares.” This earned him a tail slap from Velvet while the Apple herd giggled. “No, bad.” Was all Velvet said to get her husband behaving again. He then proceeded to get a few of each of us together then in various groups. “By the way has any pony seen Shining Armor or Cadence?” “Oh Shiny~.” Cadence practically sang from the other side of the bathroom door. “I think I could use some help from my loyal personal royal guard~.” Shining Armor gulped. He had promised Princess Celestia that they would be on time for the Gala this year, unlike last year where he was dragged on a surprise date. “Coming Candy.” When he made it into the bathroom and found his mare soaking in the tub he knew right then and there that they wouldn’t make it on time, if at all. “I need some help.” Cadence pouted and beckoned him over with a wing. This was not the Cadence fit for public viewing but the one reserved for the stallion who shared a Soulmate song with her. Besides, she had grown tired of the ‘nobles’ that showed up each year and would much rather spend the night as the princess of love, not the princess of pandering. “Wash my mane?” Shining was out of his armor and Into the tub faster than any sane stallion could have moved. He knew he was the luckiest stallion in all of Equestria even if he was getting chewed out by the solar Princess later. Apple Bloom woke up and looked around for her mothers. None of them were in the daycare room that contained herself along with a dozen other foals of the castle staff. She thought about breaking out to go look for them but instead happily cried out when she spotted somedrake familiar, “Spike!” She walked over and nuzzled the sleeping dragon before laying against his side. She really like his smooth warm scales. “Looks like Mrs. Pear was right.” Apple Bloom heard a warm voice speak. She was too tired from all the excitement caused by traveling with her family today to really pay attention. She liked adventuring with them. “Put the two next to each other and we won’t have to worry.” “Now if only that was true for the other foals.” Another voice sighed as a foal began crying and they both went to go check on their charges. “Alright you two are you ready?” Celestia looked down at Twilight and I. We were both standing at one of her sides. We both gave a nervous nod as we stood waiting at the main balcony doors that led into the ballroom. “Then let’s get the introductions over with. Imago, I will of course introduce you next as a surprise.” Celestia looked back at her with a smile. Imago nodded back confidently. I still can’t believe we have come this far. Oh the other hives may not like this but buck them. It’s not like I’ve had contact with any other hives in years anyway. “I can’t wait.” Imago buzzed her wings in excitement. Celestia regained her composure then threw open the doors with her magic. The three of us strode out to look over the gala that had just started, I couldn’t help but fidget a bit nervously under Celestia’s wing. Celestia began to speak in the Royal Canterlot Voice as soon as the crowd turned their attention on us. ”Mares and gentle stallions. Tonight I have some very special ponies to introduce to you all. First is Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia raised her wing to reveal Twilight. “This young filly managed to hatch a dragon egg thought to long be beyond saving by the professors at my school for gifted unicorns. This feat has earned her a place as my direct student as many of you learned when it was first announced.” There was some polite applause and photos taken by reporters as Twilight stepped forward and bowed a bit. “Next we have my other Student who has yet to be introduced.” She raised the wing I was under. ”This is Balanced Dawn, while we are not yet ready to publicly reveal his magical achievement it was no less impressive than hatching a dragon egg and he has more than earned his place under my tutelage.” I received the same polite applause and photos along with some confusion about my status. The reporters looked more interested as they took notes on their pads. They are probably a bit surprised a colt got the position. I also took a bow and stepped back. Celestia quickly cleared her throat before the guests or reporters could lose focus. Most of them probably thought she was done with her introductions so all of them became interested at who was coming out next when they refocused on her. “Finally, my last introduction for the night is some creature close to my heart. Some of you may have heard rumors of me taking a consort and I can happily confirm those rumors are true. Allow me to introduce Princess Imago of the Changelings.” Instead of applause there were gasps and more photo flashes than either Twilight or I received combined. “Hello everypony it is nice to meet you all.” As Imago spoke in a more relaxed manner the crowd just watched without quite knowing how to act. “As Tia, excuse me Princess Celestia introduced I am Princess Imago of the newly formed Canterlot Changeling hive. For those of you who do not know, we are a race of pony hybrids that come from another country. We spread love and share in positive emotions as our primary magical food source.” I listened intently as Imago spun her tale. The reporters immediately went wild with questions and even some of the noblemares joined in. Celestia whispered down to Twilight and I as Imago worked the crowd. “Why don’t you two go join your parents at the party.” She used her wings to usher us toward the door as she returned to helping Imago answer questions. “Well that was intense.” Twilight took a deep breath as we walked the halls to the main level. “Yeah. It was nice Imago took most of the attention from us.” I may have been comfortable with most things but attention from crowds wasn’t one of them. Granted I’m not as bad as Fluttershy. “Yeah but now we won’t get to hang out with either of them all night.” Twilight’s ears drooped in disappointment. She wasn’t wrong. Both of them would be swarmed by reporters and nobles alike all evening. “But you still have me.” I bumped her side and she perked right back up. “Well howdy you two. That was some announcement by the Princess .” Applejack gave us both friendly nuzzles as we joined our families. “I can’t believe you never told us she was dating a different creature.” “Yeah, it’s hard to imagine her dating at all.” Pear chimed in. “Not that it matters if it’s another creature.” Applejack bent under her mothers stink eye. “I didn’t mean it like that. Nothing wrong with other creatures finding love with a pony.” “Good.” Pear nodded and thought about the young zebra that had recently moved into the nearby forest and was worried about how the town would receive her. “And what an interesting creature she is.” Velvet hummed not hearing the last part of the mother daughter exchange. Her creative writing juices were already flowing. She may have primarily preformed editing work for writers as her source of income, but she liked to publish her own foal books on the side. I tuned out the conversation as I noticed an odd situation across the room. Cadence and Shining armor had finally showed up. The odd part was while Shining looked happy, if a bit exhausted, Cadence was Practically glowing. Oh… I covered my mouth with a hoof when I noticed what had happened as they walked over to our table. “Twilight.” Cadence and Twilight did their dance, earning plenty of looks in the process. “You look so cute dressed up.” “Thanks Cadence.” Twilight beamed at her friend and foal sitter. “Where were you and Shiny?” All the adults at the table looked a bit nervous at how she would answer. “Oh you know. I needed help getting ready.” Cadence smiled. Twilight nodded. “Makes sense. He is your guard after all.” Applejack leaned over and whispered in my ear. “She knows they’re together right?” “Noope.” We both laughed a bit as the two talked. This was going to be a fun night. > Ch65.5 The great Canterlot adventure. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Let’s go Spike.” Applebloom tugged on spikes claws with her mouth. “Don’t you want to adventure?” “No. Mom said stay put.” Spike had been practicing speaking so he could surprise his mom, Twilight. She was the smartest pony he knew next to dad and they would both be so proud. He just knew it. “But she’s not here. Neither are my moms.” Bloom switched from pulling to pushing on his back which worked much better. Bloom wanted to find them and explore the castle. Spike thought this over. While he was told to stay put he was never told for how long. “Okay.” His sudden step forward caused Apple Bloom to fall forward and mess up her bow. Spike quickly fixed it for her. “Thanks Spike, now let’s go.” The pair could hear music as they walked the castle halls on their hunt for adventure. “What do you think we will find? Treasure maybe?” Bloom had already forgotten her original goal of finding their families. Spike nodded. “It is a castle. Mom said it’s full of books.” “I said treasure. Not books.” Bloom poked her head around a corner. “But books are treasures according to mom and dad.” Spike looked around as well. Two hall guards shared a look but said nothing. They knew young Spike was hatched by Twilight Sparkle, one of the prized students of the princess, while the filly was the sister of her other student, Prince Balanced Dawn, so the two weren’t trespassing. Neither guard moved but made sure to note which direction they went if asked. “Looks clear let’s go.” Bloom ignored his comment about books. She liked the dragon but he could be dense sometimes. Immediately after rounding the corner they ran into another pair of foals. Though not pony foals. Apple Bloom tilted her head at the new creatures. “What are you two?” Digit and Ditto mirrored her head tilt then pointed at her then spike. “Pony. Dragon.” They were proud of their achievement. The two had succeeded in quickly and quietly pulling that information from the hive mind. Bloom and Spike shared a look before he spoke. “Yeah we are. but what are you?” He pointed with a claw. Another head tilt. “Changelings.” Digit and Ditto proudly stated while throwing a hoof over each other. “Cool.” Both Spike and Apple Bloom said. Neither of them had any idea what a changeling was but finding new friends to adventure with was more important. “Want to adventure with us?” Apple Bloom held out a hoof. “Yeah!” The two gave her a hoof bump. “Oh, the princess is so going to fire us.” The first daycare worker panicked. They had just done a headcount of the foals and found Spike and Apple Bloom missing. “Fired? I would be more worried about what the mothers will do to us for losing their children.” The second replied while corralling the remaining foals for a snack. “I’m hungry.” Spikes stomachs growled. “Me too.” Apple Bloom rubbed her stomach. “We’re not.” There was more than enough positive emotions in the castle for ambient feeding. “Kitchen?” Spike suggested. Bloom nodded. “Kitchen.” Digit and Ditto didn’t quite understand but yelled out. “Kitchen!” The two guards had decided it would be best to discreetly follow after the foal and young drake. They had yet to be spotted by the young lings or were being ignored. They were a bit surprised to find that their party had grown once they located the original two. “Who are the two new foals.” Guard one whispered to her partner. “No idea. They’re not ponies though. Maybe the children of an ambassador? Good thing we followed them.” The second guardsmare replied. The first nodded. When the party and two shadows made it to the kitchen they found it flooded with activity. “Take this to table seven.” “No this goes out later for desert!” “Whose foals are these?” It took the party a moment to notice they had been spotted. They feared their quest would end soon but found themselves greeted by a friendly stranger. “Hi there young ones. Are you lost?” A maid bent down and kindly asked the group. “Nope we’re on a quest for snacks.” Apple Bloom proudly declared as her friends all nodded. The maid recognized Spike and figured any friends of his should be looked after just as well. “Then you’re in the right place. What would you all like?” “Pie/gems/love.” Ashe the maid got three different answers from the group smiling up at her. After a blink to process that, she spoke. “Well then, I’ll be right back.” She came back a few moments later with the snacks. “Pie for the brave Earth filly, A gemstone for the fierce dragon, and a bar of chocolate with a hug for the twins.” She hoofed over the treats and a hug. Digit and Ditto didn’t think they could have been happier, at least until they bit into the chocolate and found it tasted like pure love and was just as filling. It immediately became their new favorite food. The maid smiled at them then returned to her post. She had noticed the two guards following the group so figured they were already looked after. “Well that’s one quest complete. Where to next?” Bloom suddenly giggled when Digit and Ditto licked the remaining pie off her cheeks. The two had gotten such delicious, willing given, emotions from their new friends and were giving just as much back. “How about my room?” Spike suggested. “Yeah.” The three full fillies cheered. > Ch66. The gala Pt2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hello there, would you be so kind as to dance with me?” It was the fourth time I had been asked by a random filly while making my way to the buffet table. I had made the mistake of walking alone to get food. I shouldn’t have turned down Twilight’s offer to come with. The gala was still in the early stages at about an hour into the event and ponies had finally stopped hounding Imago and the Princess to spread out, mingle, and enjoy the evening. This also meant more ponies had noticed Twilight and I. “Sorry but I’m quite hungry and currently on my way to get a snack. Perhaps later.” I fell back on the lessons from the princess and gave a polite dip but not a full bow. I was told to never bow as I was an Alicorn, even if hidden. “Oh okay.” The filly blushed and trotted off back to her group of friends. At least none of them had been pushy. When I finally found the buffet my eyes actually went a bit wide. There were tables filled with all kinds of different dishes from around Equis. I grabbed a few plates and floated them in my magic, easily filling a few with delicious food. I was also grabbing some for Twilight so I might have looked like a glutton. I grabbed small amounts of almost every dish before I found a few very interesting ones. “is that?” I walked over to the table that had a few Griffins around it. “Hey Colt this table has…” the Hen stopped talking as I grabbed a strip of sweet, crispy bacon in my magic. I was drooling at the memory of what it tasted like. Oh how I missed you, I can’t stand the fake ‘hay Bacon’. “Look, pony, you really shouldn’t eat that.” A cock reached out to grab my floating bacon strip and I slowly turned my head towards him. “It’s pig meat.” He finished, trying to sound intimidating. “Excuse me.” I looked him dead in the eye and he froze. I didn’t even notice the shadow under me growing or the fangs, similar to a thestrals, that had grown in my mouth that were on full display as I smiled. The cock gulped at my appearance.”yes?” “Did you just try to touch my food good sir?” emphasis on ‘my’. I didn’t wait for him to answer and levitated the bacon to my mouth to take a bite. Oh sweet harmony. I immediately relaxed and let out a little moan of pleasure that must have confused the griffins. They all shook their heads, looking both surprised and impressed while they backed away from the table to make room for me grabbing more bacon. After eating a few more strips I crumbled up the last few I was holding onto the salad I had made for myself earlier. Sweet harmony I missed this stuff. Luckily the loaded plates made a great deterrent and I wasn’t asked to dance again. Twilight sighed a breath of relief as I sat back down next to her. She had been left alone when everypony else had gone off to enjoy the gala during my trip to get us both food. I could tell she didn’t like letting a colt go alone but had insisted I would be fine. “Hey Twilight I got you some things you should like. Hey, you okay?” As I finished getting settled I noticed she looked a little down. “Yeah, just nervous. I have never been to such a big event with so many creatures.” She fiddled with her hooves. “It doesn’t help our families are off doing their own things and a few ponies stopped by to greet me.” I get a bit worried about her treatment so bumped her side in the hopes of cheering her up. “Try some of the food that should cheer you up.” She gave me a smile and dug into the vegetarian lasagna on one plate. “Mmm, that is good.” “See.” I smiled back. “So anypony interesting come say hello?.” “Your right and yes. A lord Fancy Pants and his wife came to greet me while you were gone.” She then deflated a bit. “I just don’t know why the Princess brought us. While the gala is nice I would much rather be studying, alone with you preferably.” Her words sounded a bit contradictory as she happily munched on more of the food. “Yeah I’m not one for big events either but the castle looks really nice and the food is good.” I had already finished half of my bacon covered salad. “Tonight has been going surprisingly smoothly.” Celestia whispered into Imago’s ear. Imago pushed against her side. “Yeah. I can’t say I hate making all the stuck up nobles jealous.” It is nice seeing them squirm. Oh, hush. “I can’t disagree with you there but I was more referring to ponies and the other creatures accepting you as my marefriend.” Celestia draped her wing over her partner and they continued to mingle amongst the crowd. “Just remember you promised me a dance later.” Imago playfully swatted Celestia with her tail. ”um mom.” Ceres spoke up through the hive mind. ”I hate to interrupt but we have a problem. ”What is it my Daughter?” Imago sighed. “Everything alright?” Celestia had noticed something up with her. “Just talking through the hive mind.” Celestia nodded in response. ”Digit and Ditto ran off… upstairs.” Ceres waited for her mother to respond but it never came. “Buck.” Imago face hooved while Celestia gave a concerned tilt of her head. “The castle really is looking good tonight.” Pear commented as she walked with her herd. “Yeah the princess really knows how to throw a party.” Forest Breeze took a sip of wine from a glass held in her wing. “It’s not a party it’s a gala.” Morning Dew playfully flicked her wife’s ear with her magic. “What’s the difference?” Forest tilted her head. “I honestly don’t know either.” Pear chimed in while tapping her chin. Morning Dew sighed then spoke eloquently like a ‘proper’ noble lady. “A gala is typically a formal and prestigious affair, often associated with charity fundraisers, high-profile events, or grand openings. It exudes an air of elegance, sophistication, and exclusivity. On the other hoof,” she reverted to speaking normally. “A party is a more general term that encompasses a wide range of social gatherings. Think more along the kind of thing Pinke does back home. Personally they’re more fun as well.” She laughed. “Ohh.” They both nodded. “So how do you know so much?” Pear tilted her head. “My parents made sure I knew.” She huffed. Her partners shared a look and decided it best they drop the subject. “Big Mac, good to see you again.” Big Mac and Shining armor shared a hoof bump. “Who’s this with you tonight?” Cadence motioned towards Cheerilee. “This is my mare friend, Cheerilee. She’s an apprentice school teacher in my home town she’ll be taking over in a couple years.” He said proudly. “Meaning she’s great with foals? I used to be a foal sitter myself before my duties became to much.” Cadence smiled at Cheerilee and her potential new friend. “Really princess? Also it’s an honor to meet you.” Cheerilee bowed. “Yes,and no need to be so formal.” Cadence gave her a friendly nuzzle. “Hopefully we can become great friends like our colts here are.” Said colts were already busy nerding out about O&O. This caused both mares to giggle and share a knowing look. “Colts.” The two then began discussing their own experiences with watching over foals which made both young stallions gulp when they tuned back in. “Wow.” Twilight’s eyes practically sparkled as the two of us explored the gala. We had finished eating a while ago and left the main ballroom before entering the dance hall. I always forget how big the castle actually is. “The music is really nice.” Twilight’s ears had perked up to listen to the band. I was more interested in the unique instruments. Glad to see the show got it wrong and Ponies have instruments more developed with hooves in mind. “Yeah. I really like it.” I honestly did like the classical music that the band was playing. They were mostly using string instruments used via magic or hooves. Is that a young Octavia? “Um, Dawn?” Twilight fiddled with the front hem of her dress and looked over at me with puppy dog eyes when I focused back on her. “Would you like to dance?” So cute! “Of course I would Twilight.” She happily wrapped her tail around mine and trotted with me towards the dance floor. - - She’s still really bad at dancing. Twilight and I had taken to the floor and joined in with the dancing. Almost all formal pony dances were either intimate or group dances with no in between and currently it was all group dances that made Twilight’s mistakes stand out even more and she kept almost bumping into other ponies. “Is she really Celestia’s student?” I heard one mare whisper to her group. Thankfully Twilight was so focused on the two of us she didn’t notice but it made my blood boil a bit. Twilight must have noticed something was up because she looked my way and I immediately calmed down. “You alright Dawn?” She gave a cute tilt of her head that caused her ears to flop and dress sparkle. “Yeah.” I smiled back. All the stress lately must be getting to me. I wish Starlight and Trixie could have joined us. I gave a small shake of my head and focused back on Twilight. She may be a terrible dancer but I wouldn’t change a thing. The song ended and we both took a breath. Another song, designed for couples, began playing moments later. Twilight began walking off the dance floor until I stopped her. “Twilight, where are you going?” “Well this is a couples song.” She didn’t sound quite sure of herself. “Yeah, I know.” I held my hoof out so she knew I was completely comfortable dancing a couples dance with her. Her eyes lit back up and she held my hoof and nuzzled her neck against mine. Shes much better with a dance partner. As the two of us slow danced she continued to nuzzle close until the song ended. “Want to go for a walk?” I didn’t know why I was feeling so nervous considering we were already so close. It’s not like I haven’t been on a date before. Twilight nodded happily and we began walking through the castle again. The two of us eventually found ourselves looking up at the starts in the garden. “You know. I never thought I would get a colt friend.” Twilight leaned against my side. “Mom always said that competition for a good one is really tough.” “So I’m just a prize?” I sarcastically asked. I knew she didn’t think of me like that but I was still feeling the sting from Starlight. Surprisingly she didn’t get flustered. “Yep. You’re the best prize a filly could ask for.” She then touched her horn to mine, a very intimate act among unicorns, and gave me a kiss. I wasn’t quite sure how to respond so instead kissed her back. After the last few rough romances it was nice to be in a good one. I didn’t even notice I had teared up a bit during the kiss. “Dawn you okay? Did I say something wrong?” Twilight gave me a worried look when we broke our kiss. She raised a hoof and tenderly touched my cheek. Sometimes the role reversal isn’t so bad. “No Twilight, you did something just right.” I nuzzled her and we went back to relaxing in the garden. > Ch66.5 Found in Canterlot Castle! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spike are you lost?” Apple Bloom asked her dragon friend as they entered what was clearly the throne room. They had been walking around the castle, exploring along the way, all evening while following Spike. Guards all around the throne room were about to come talk to them until their two shadows shook their heads and waved them off. Spike tapped his claws together nervously before nodding. “Yeah. Sorry.” “That’s ok we found lots of cool stuff. Oh look it’s mom’s big chair.” Digit pointed at the throne and Ditto flew over and sat down on it. “Does this make me a princess?” Ditto transformed a crown onto her head surprising the guards. “Oh, I want to be a princess.” Apple Bloom ran over and easily fit on the throne as well. Spike and Ditto quickly followed their friends and still had no issue fitting on the throne. The children then began giving fake orders and acting like royalty. “Should we stop them?” The first guardsmare asked her partner? She found it hard not to ‘daw’ at the children’s antics. “I don’t know.” The second shrugged. “Lets just let them play.” “Maybe we get a picture first?” A new voice chimed in. “That’s an idea.” The first guard replied without noticing the newcomer. “I agree. It would be a waste not to capture the moment.” The two guards turned around and came muzzle to muzzle with Princess Celestia. They both froze at the sight of their princess and the new creature who looked like the two younger ones. “Princess!” Both guards bowed. “At ease you two.” Celstia tittered. “So this is where young Spike and Apple Bloom got off to. They gave the nursery staff quiet a scare and is that?..” “Digit. Ditto. What are you two doing in here young nymphs?” As Imago spoke the children finally noticed they were not alone and that the room was actually full of guards and other staff. “Uh oh.” Ditto and Digit both tried to hide behind their own hooves while Spike and Bloom looked confused. “Oh don’t be too hard on them. The guards just told me they behaved, relatively well.” Celestia smiled at the children and gave her partner a pat on the back with her wing. All the children nodded. “We just got lost.” Spike nervously spoke up. “After trying to find Spike’s room.” Bloom added. “We behaved.” Digit and Ditto nervously looked at their mother. “Fine. You did get us away from the Gala so you two won’t be punished.” She spoke primarily to her own children before addressing Spike and Apple Bloom. “As for you two I can’t say what your parents will do but I’ll tell them you behaved.” She levitated Digit and Ditto onto her back and they both reverted to their natural, ‘light changeling’, form. “Yay.” The two nymphs hugged their mother once upon her back. “So did you all discover anything exciting?” Celestia picked up Spike and Bloom to put them on her own back. She then motioned towards the two guards to have them follow. “Yeah we found a bunch of cool paintings.” Bloom was referring to the collection of earth pony art depicting farmers and landscapes. “And gems.” Spike took a keen interest in the jewelry collection. ”and snacks.” Digit and Ditto still thought the chocolate was the best part. “Well then sounds like you all had a magical night as well.” Celestia smiled and gave her partner’s flank a love swat using her tail. > Ch67. Fate of the other hives. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It has finally happened my dear changelings. We have won.” Chrysalis. Was of course referring to the fact that she had managed to kill, destroy, or take over every other changeling hive on the Equestrian continent. This left her hive with no more rivals and just a few hive-less lings that would die off without a hive mind. Sure there might be hives across the ocean but this was of little concern for now. “There are no more rival hives for us to conquer and..” the Queen found herself interrupted by a random drone stepping forward with a newspaper in its mouth. “Um, My Queen?” The drone shook excessively as it gently set the paper at her hooves. It knew it probably wasn’t going to survive but someling had to tell her. “What?” She hissed out and narrowed her slit eyes. “What could be so important to intrude on my inspirational speech to the hive?” It was really just to a few drones as everyling else was working and listening through the organized hive mind, if it could be called that. Considering how warped the queens mind was it of course effected the hive mind and her changelings as a whole. “Here my Queen.” The drone gingerly pushed the newspaper forward then backed out of the way as she began reading. “Two personal student’s of princess Celestial announced at the gala. Bla bla bla. Along with a… new royal consort that happens to be a changeling princess?” The queen tossed the paper aside. “Why did you bring me this drivel when…” her brain slowly caught up to what she just read. ”Changeling Princess?!?” She grabbed the paper back up in her magic and read the article a second time with more care. “Skitter2 get in here!” She both shouted once finished and sent a message through the hive mind as well. Moments later a frantic drone landed in front of her queen. “Ye-ye-yes my queen?” Skitter2 knew exactly what happened to the previous Skitter when the queen was yelling like this. “Tell me something. Did you or did you not tell me that we were the last changeling hive in Equestria? That I, in all my glory had finally managed to wipe out all those inferior bugs.” Chrysalis paced back and forth but never took her eyes off Skitter2. “I-I-I did my queen since the scouts found no other hives we must be the last hive left.” She hastily replied. “Then why, oh why? Was I just brought a Newspaper, of all bucking things, that says otherwise. It says~ there’s another changeling princess out there living it up in Canterlot without a care in the world. Tartarus she isn’t even hiding anymore and is dating the pony princess!.” Chrysalis looked Skitter2 dead in the eye. “Hmm?” Her voice was dripping with condemnation. “I do-don’t know my queen.” Skitter2 covered her head with her forehooves and broke down crying. “Come now. No need for that.” The queen began stroking the back of Skitter2’s head and spoke with a honeyed tone of a mother to her child. “Shh, It’s not your fault.” “It-it’s not?” Skitter2 looked up hopefully until the queen lit her horn. In the blink of an eye Chrysalis fired off a blast and killed the nameless drone that had brought her the newspaper. “Find me any information on this new princess!” Chrysalis Yelled out to her hive before returning to petting the shivering Skitter2. The poor, named drone had no idea what was going on but she was still alive and she thanked the ancient hive mothers for that. “And clean up this mess!” “Is this real?” A nameless drone asked their companion. The second drone nodded. “I don’t know why she would reveal herself though.” “Maybe to save us?” A third happily buzzed. “What?” Asked a fourth. “She’s right. Think about it. That mad queen has destroyed so many hives that hiding is pointless so she went public and as the mare friend of the Sun princess no less.” A fifth ling, a den mother replied. “Ohh.” The group all nodded. “Yeah.” Buzzed the first. “By going public all of us who are scattered can join her hive instead of the mad queen’s.” “Or dying.” The second looked downcast. They were all already showing signs of degradation from losing their connection to a hive mind. “Yeah~, so should we go to Canterlot?” The third asked. There were a few moments of debate before all the gathered changelings hidden inside an abandoned house made up their minds. They would leave Manehattan and beg to join Imago’s Canterlot hive. “Imago is everything alright?” Celestia asked her love bug as they laid in bed. It had been a few days since the gala and their big announcement of dating each other. Imago’s own nymphs could now visit the castle as they wish though typically remained in the hive. Alicia and the other three would also soon be enrolled in school so ponies could acclimate to changelings and to improve the hive mind. “I don’t know. It’s been a few days since the newspaper went out and yet no other changeling queen has come forward to speak with me.” Imago was highly concerned that she hadn’t been contacted already. “At least one should have come in disguise by now or sent an ambassador drone.” “I take it this isn’t normal?” Celestia tilted her head. “Oh yes. They would either come to congratulate me on becoming your consort and proposing an alliance with my hive or to challenge me to a duel for breaking our secrecy policy.” Imago signed and had trouble not buzzing her wings. Celestia pulled her partner close and gave her a hug and kiss. “Well no matter what happens we do it together. When is the last time you’ve seen another hive?” Celestia knew she had been in Canterlot and watching over the castle for a while. Imago tapped her chin. “Not since I left my mother’s hive around four hundred and fifty years ago. Only full queens with a hive get invited to the council and rogue drones don’t last very long. Standard procedure is to send one of my grown children to my last hive or a sister’s hive to formally announce my hive formation. I honestly took a long time to make a hive so I’m not up to date on current changeling events.” Celestia was shocked that there was an entire hidden civilization that was older than Equestria. Contrary to popular knowledge she was much older than the founding of Equestria but even her memory wasn’t perfect. “So should we keep the guard on alert?” Celestia broke from her own thoughts as she became worried. “No. Changelings don’t do war as it sours the love sharing. We’re actually very diplomatic.” Imago nuzzled her partner. “For the most part.” Chrysalis growled. All of her plans had gone up in flames after reading that newspaper. Years of hard work making sure only her hive survived so she could become the ultimate queen and horde the love of her subjects without question. “Fuck. Why does nothing ever go right. Always dealing with incompetent underlings. Low love harvesting levels. Almost getting caught replacing ponies.” She kicked a wall that morphed around her hoof so she didn’t even get the satisfaction of breaking it. “Gah.” She continued to ramble in anger before a thought struck her. She then smiled menacingly. “Why do I have to change my plans? This new queen will rally all the survivors and then I can crush them in a few years when I enact my master plan.” She pulled out a binder labeled ‘princess of food’ filled with photos and information on Cadence. “It will still be a perfect day.” > Ch68. Feeling Good. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the fall break officially started I was back home at the farm. The last few days of school after the Gala had been both awkward; with Starlight apologizing and getting along with Sunburst again, and nice; with Twilight and Trixie getting along and sharing in their magical hobbies. Things were going so well in fact that for the first time ever I felt my very own heart song coming on. As I walked through the Apple orchard alone in the early morning after breakfast I started to sing one of my favorite songs from earth that fit my whole situation perfectly. “Bird’s flying high, you know How I feel. 🎶” “Sun in the sky, you know how I feel. 🎶” “Breeze driftin on by, you know how I feel. 🎶” “It’s a new Dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life. For me.~🎶” “And I’m feeling good. 🎺” As I slowly strutted through the orchard singing, magical music began accompanying me in my song. At the bridge I took to the sky on my wings and sang out with the local birds singing and flying right along with me in the fall sunshine. I did a few lazy loops as the song neared it’s end then landed on the last line with a thump. “I feel so good…🎵” When I finally finished my song, breathing heavily and resting on the ground I could hear somepony clapping their forehooves. I immediately panicked, considering my wings were out, and turned to see who it was. “That was amazing.” Pinkie sat nearby clapping under one of the trees. “I had no idea you could sing like that.” I rubbed the back of my head. “Oh, hi Pinkie. Yeah, I don’t know what came over me. I was just feeling so happy about life ya know.” I hovered over and gave her a friendly nuzzle. “I’m glad it’s just you by the way.” “Hehe. Funny thing about that.” She stepped aside after the nuzzling and I heard an ‘eep’ from behind a pink mane. “Um. Hi. I hope we didn’t interrupt. You’re a very good singer.” Fluttershy hardly got out her words. “Um, did you know you have wings?” My wings went stiff in renewed panic and I fell on my rump. “Um yeah I did know that Fluttershy. Good to see you again.” “Good to see you too Dawn.” She poked an eye out from behind her mane in such a way that made all my worries float right back away. This is Fluttershy, future element of kindness. She can keep a secret. “So I hate to ask but could you keep this quiet for now and sorry you had to find out this way.” I fluffed my wings. Fluttershy blushed at them. “Oh, actually I already knew. A little birdie told me all about your flight practice.” She smiled softly then quickly held up her hooves. “Oh! But don’t worry I don’t go around telling ponies secrets since I have my own.” She poked out from behind her mane with a bit more confidence. “If you’d like I could share one of mine in return.” “Oh that’s a great idea we can share secrets to become better friends.” Pinkie clapped her fore hooves and reminded us she was there. “You really like manega Fluttershy? So do I!” The three of us had spent the past hour just talking inside of the old yet renovated treehouse. We mostly talked about recent events in our lives before getting to sharing secrets. Pinkie had talked about how the cakes were getting along and parties she had planned while Fluttershy talked about her rabbit and some of her other animals. I contributed with talks of learning with Twilight and classes at the school. “Really?” Fluttershy lit up. When it was only her and a few friends she could really get talking. “Not many ponies around here read it. Do you have any favorites?” “Honestly no. I haven’t had a chance to read that kind of stuff while at school. It’s mostly magic books but those are also really fun.” To prove my point I made some small illusions of my school friends that danced then disappeared. “See Fluttershy, I told you it would be a good idea to see what he was up to today.” Pinkie bumped Shy’s flank. She just nodded and blushed in response. “Okay well I guess it’s my turn to share a secret.” Pinkie chimed in. “I can predict future events! Woo.” She made scary ghost noises and waved her hoofs around. “You mean your pinkie sense?” I tilted my head and she gasped dramatically. ”How do you know about the Pinkie sense? Are you psychic?” she playfully poked my side. “Yep.” I deadpanned. When I could no longer hold it in I broke out laughing and the two quickly joined in. “So Dawn are you seeing anypony?” Pinkie wiggled her eyebrows. “Yep.” I stuck my tongue out at her without noticing Fluttershy”s eyes widen a bit. “Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. I had another in my trial herd but she didn’t work out. We’re back to being friends though, it’s still a bit awkward.” “Aww we’ll it sounds like the other two are nice.” Pinkie gave me a pat on the back that made my wings jitter a bit. “Yeah we get along great together.” I smiled. “Oh um, will you still let others into your herd?” Fluttershy shifted nervously. I shrugged. “I don’t see why not, I’m still a bit young and need to finish school before finding somewhere permanently to settle down with a herd, but it will probably be here in Ponyville since it’s close to Canterlot.” Fluttershy immediately relaxed. “That’s good.” I wasn’t blind but also didn’t want to overreact so let her comments slide and changed the subject. “Anyway I’m really excited for cider season and the running of the leaves.” “I am too partner.” The three of us jumped a bit and Shy ‘epped’ when Applejack suddenly spoke up. “Aj don’t do that.” I held my hoof to my chest. “You scared us.” Pinkie had started giggling while Shy poked her head back up. “Ah shoot, sorry y’all.” She tipped her hat. “The moms were just wondering where you got off to, we’ve got some chores to do today.” “Alright.” I acknowledged. “Well sorry you two but looks like I have work to do.” “Aww it’s okay we can find something else to do.” Pinkie headed out the clubhouse door then poked her head back in. “Coming Shy?” “Um, actually. Would you like any help?” She sounded nervous but hopeful. “Sorry shy but it’s family work.” AJ started and Shy immediately started looking sad until I spoke up after shooting a look at Applejack. “Sure, I bet you could check in on the animals.” She perked right back up and followed Pinkie outside. Aj gave me a look of disapproval once we were alone. “Friends help each other out sis.” I bumped her on the way out to catch up with Pinkie and Shy. Applejack sighed but grumbled her acceptance. The four of us together got everything done just in time for lunch. “Wow AJ you do way more work than we do at the bakery.” We had stopped on the walk back to the house so we could all rest a bit after working in one of the furthest Apple rows. “Well it is a lot of hard labor.” Applejack took of her hat to use as a fan. “But I don’t think I could live without treats from your job either.” Fluttershy was leaning against my side, to tired to be embarrassed about it. “See having good help makes the job go faster.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she took a swipe at me with her hat. “Ya might be right but I don’t have to like it ya varmint.” She huffed. “Oh just admit you were wrong ya stubborn old mule.” I waved a wing at her. Pinkie started laughing as she watched us. “You two really are family.” “Yeah?” Aj and I both tilted our head in confusion then smiled. “Um not to be a bother.” Fluttershy quietly spoke while breathing hard. “But can we get some water?” She was unsteady on her hooves “Oh sorry Shy.” I picked her up in my magic to carry her and we continued on our way towards the farmhouse. Shy blushed intensely the entire ride back. “So there you Two are. Get everything done?” Morning Dew was on lunch duty today as her wives were outside working still. “Yep.” I took my spot at the table and Pinkie plopped down next to me. “Pinkie and Fluttershy were kind enough to help out today.” Applejack took her spot with Shy joining her. “Well girls that’s very nice of you both and you’re always welcome to join us for a meal.” “Thanks Mrs. Dew.” They both replied in their own way. “It’s no trouble girls.” Dew walked off towards the kitchen and came back with jam sandwiches and apple slices. She then sat down herself after distributing everything with her magic. “So what have you all been up to with my colt today? Hmm?” AJ rolled her eyes at her mom, Fluttershy blushed, and Pinkie enthusiastically answered. “Oh first we found Dawn singing a really nice song then he found out Fluttershy knew he was an alicorn thanks to her bird friends. Then we all talked and caught up for a while in the old clubhouse.” She took a deep breath. “And then we helped with the chores and are having lunch.” Everyone started at the pink impossibility while I just laughed. “Never change Pinkie.” And gave her a friendly nuzzle. The others shook it off and Dew replied. “Well sounds like a good day so far. And with the chores done you two are free to go out.” “Nice.” I hissed out. “You sure mom there’s more we could do.” Applejack looked unsure. Morning Dew stepped around the table to nuzzle her daughter. “Applejack there’s always more work to do but you’re only young once. Go have some fun even if it’s something like practicing your rodeo skills or something.” Applejack nuzzled her mother back gratefully. “Okay mom.” Dew’s heart always swelled when one of her newer children called her mom like that. “So any ideas on what we can do?” I asked after we left the house. “Oh I know let’s sing.” Pinkie took a deep breath. I liked the idea until she started singing, “This is the song that never…” I immediately tackled her to the ground and stuck my hoof in her mouth. “Bad Pinkie. Never sing that cursed song.” Aww. The other two gave me a funny look. “What’s so bad about what she was gonna sing?” AJ tilted her head. “You don’t want to know.” I looked down at Pinkie. “Do you promise not to sing that cursed song after I let you up?” She nodded so I pulled my hoof from her mouth. “Aww fine.” She playfully pouted. “How about a different one?” She gained a bounce in her steps and began singing ‘The smile song’ from the show as we made our way into town. > Ch69. (Nuf said) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence’s groans of pleasure quickly turned to displeasure as she heard a knock on her door through the one way soundproofing spell. “Just ignore it.” Shining Armor paused his licking of Cadence’s dripping clit as he sat behind his mare friends raised rump. “Cadence are you in there?” Twilight’s muffled voice could just be made out through the bedroom door. “I need some… love advice.” Cadence shot out of bed and cracked the door open just enough to poke her head out. This left a dissatisfied stallion back on her bed. “Hi Twilight what’s going on? I can’t let you in right now but maybe I could answer your questions?” Cadence’s voice got higher near the end of her sentence. Shining had gotten out of bed, lifted her tail with his magic and had resumed licking her. Luckily Twilight wasn’t paying enough attention to notice since she was so focused on her own question. “Okay. So Dawn and I had a really great time at the recent gala and we even kissed.” Twilight nervously started. “Go on.” Cadence wasn’t just talking to Twilight and was doubly excited from both the news and with what her stallion was doing between her back legs. So excited in fact that she wrapped her tail around his horn and began stroking it. “Well now I’m wondering what to do now that we kissed and I joined his trial herd?” She looked up at the red faced Cadenza who was smiling down at her. “Like should I ask him on a date or maybe invite him over? Granted he’s already met my parents but not as my colt friend. Also I’m still a bit nervous around Trixie. She’s so much more confident than I am and she and Dawn were already together for a while even if she doesn’t want to be lead mare I don’t know if I can quite do it either.” Twilight took a deep breath. Shining wasn’t exactly pleased with the news his sister was dating, even if he did like Dawn, so took his aggression out with a particularly intense lick of his mare friend’s sultry behind. “Well Twilight calm down first.” She was also talking to Shining. “At your age there isn’t much else you should do. Just getting to know each other and your herd members is enough and maybe exchange gifts for the upcoming holidays.” Cadence stomped her back hoof as mare cum dripped down it. She was grateful she had the foresight to erect wards around her room that also blocked smells. “Trixie sounds like a nice enough herd member so maybe get to know her over fall break since Dawn is gone.” “Really?” Twilight nervously tapped her hooves together. She did find Trixie’s more flashy brand of magic interesting and when she spoke normally Trixie could have some good conversations. “But now that got my heat last year I thought we were supposed to do, more..?” Cadence held up a hoof to stop Twilight and practically sat on Shining’s horn to stop his aggressive licks. This caused his horn to inadvertently go inside her, not that she minded. “Twilight.” She coughed after that high pitched squeak. “Twilight, when it comes to true love you have to take things a bit slower and build up to those kinds of things, for when you’re older of course.” Cadence swatted Shiny with her tail. “Keep in mind that Stallions are the ones who decide when that kind of thing happens. And anything between fellow mares outside of heat season is considered a bit more intimate so shouldn’t be taken lightly.” Twilight sat pondering for a moment then, “Thanks Cadence. I knew you would have good advice.” When Cadence finally closed the door she breathed a sigh of relief then shot her stallion the stink eye after her moment of reprieve. “What were you thinking Mr!? Continuing on like that.” “That I didn’t want to stop eating my Candy.” He said with a smug smile that earned him a wing slap. Cadence rolled her eyes and hopped back into bed before laying on her back, wings and legs spread wide. “Enough with the desert I want the main course. So, get up on this bed right now soldier.” “Yes my princess.” He gave a bow the happily followed orders. As Twilight walked away from Cadence’s room a blush creeped up on her muzzle. She might have been a bit dense when it came to interpersonal relationships but she wasn’t blind. It didn’t help there was a mirror just behind Cadence that gave her a partial view into the room. She didn’t know who had been in there with her but considering Cadence was the princess of love she didn’t question it. “That didn’t happen. That didn’t happen.” After a few more times chanting with her horn unknowingly lit to aid in her attempt to repress the memory she breathed a sigh of relief. “Note to self always ask for advice from Cadence during dinner or otherwise when she’s not ‘busy’.” A shiver went down her spine and she continued walking down the castle halls back to her room. She was staying in the castle for fall break as her parents had decided to go on their own romantic vacation now that their children were more independent. “I wish Moon Dancer or Trixie could have come to visit today.” She plopped down in the pile of cushions next to a sleeping Spike. With nothing better to do she pulled out the next book on her reading list. Cheerilee had a pronounced bounce in her step as she trotted down the path towards Sweet Apple Acres. Her workouts lately had been going very well, not only had she felt more confident but Mac was very appreciative of her newly toned flank. Cheerilee giggled to herself at the memory of their recent date. “Hi.” The sudden voice of Apple Bloom broke her from her thoughts. “Well hi there little Bloom.” Cheerilee bent down and gave her a nuzzle. The filly was practically her little sister at this point. “You coming for dinner?” Bloom smiled up at her and her heart melted. She couldn’t wait to have foals of her own with Mac, in a few years. “Yep. But what are you doing out here all by yourself?” Cheerilee looked around. “But I’m not alone. Sweetie, Dawn, come say hi to Cheery.” Apple Bloom yelled out. Sweetie Belle ran over out of nowhere and pounced on her friends back. The tiny, snow white, unicorn filly could easily be held up by her Earth pony friend. “Hi. Im Sweetie Belle” “I’m Cheerilee nice to meet you.” The sight of the two was adorable. She gave the newcomer a friendly nuzzle. “Hi there Cheerilee.” I trotted up more slowly than the fillies had. “Joining us for dinner?” “That I am. I take it you’re on foal sitting duty?” She laughed at the two fillies who were now wrestling and ignoring the conversation after Bloom had been pounced on. “Yeah, Rarity is busy with work so thought her younger sister Sweetie would like a friend. Apparently her parents will be traveling for work a lot soon so she’ll be moving in with Rarity and joining your school.” I sat down and watched the two adorable kids playing. I was wondering when she would show up now it’s just Scoots missing. “Well it’s nice of you to watch over them.” Cheerilee gave me a smile. “Nice?” I laughed. “I’m the only one who could keep up with them aside from maybe Rainbow dash. These two have been running around the farm all day.” I ruffled the manes of both fillies and they stuck their tongues out at me. “Big brother don’t mess up my bow.” Bloom climbed on my back and ruffled my mane in response. Sweetie tried to climb up but didn’t make it past my tail. “Now girls you shouldn’t beat up on colts like that.” Cheerilee laughed. “Though couldn’t your siblings keep up?” “Nah, they’re strong not fast. Mom Forest probably could but she has weather work.” I shook my head and stood up. I then lifted Sweetie onto my back with my magic causing her to laugh and then hug my lower back. “Also colts aren’t that helpless. Just look at my brother and Shining Armor.” I began trotting off back towards the house with the two fillies playing on my back. “I know Dawn but not all colts are like you three, so they have to learn. Right girls?” She focused on my passengers. “Yeah~.” They both replied in sync. “But big brothers are tougher than most.” Bloom said proudly while holding onto my neck. “Dawn is even…” I literally zipped her lips with my magic and tilted my head back. “Bloom remember what I said.” Her ears pinned back and she nodded so I undid the spell. Cheerilee watched the exchange with a questioning look. “She’s not supposed to spread secrets.” I answered. “Sorry big brother I forgot.” “It’s okay Bloom.” I tilted my head back and gave her a nuzzle. “It won’t be a secret too much longer.” I ruffled my hidden wings as we made it to the house. Both fillies happily jumped off my back and raced inside. “Anyway Mac should be in the cow’s barn if you want to go find him.” I followed the fillies inside. Cheerilee watched the, all go then trotted off towards the barn. “Should I be jealous?” She found Mac in the middle of milking the herd. “Eenope.” Mac continued milking Matilda. Matilda giggled along with the other cows. “Oh never sweetie. While Mac is a fine stallion and does a fine job with our milking I prefer a nice horned bull.” “Oh I know I just can’t help teasing him. How are all you ladies doing today?” Cheerilee happily began chatting with the cow herd. Cheerilee knew the herd liked Mac but since he didn’t talk much while Milking they couldn’t tease the young stallion At least not normally. With Cheerilee around they could have female conversations and from those Mac knew he wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight. > Ch70. Running with the leaves. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I still can’t believe we’re stuck in the foals category.” I huffed. Applejack was standing at my side and was just as disappointed. “I know.” She threw up her hooves. “We might be small but we’re faster than most those grown ponies.” “Hey at least I’ll have have some competition with you two around.” Rainbow dash was stretching nearby and fluttered her wings. She was only just hitting her own growth spurt so it would take even longer than AJ and I before she would be able to compete with the adults. “You know you’re not allowed to fly right?” Lyra and Bon Bon walked up. Lyra came over and gave me a friendly nuzzle. She wasn’t joining in either race and Bon Bon just qualified in height for the adult’s race so wasn’t joining us. As we all said our greetings I could feel Bon Bon give me a once over and her eyes settled on my back. “See something you like Sweetie?” Her eyes went wide at my comment then narrowed. Now I know, she knows and she knows, I know. Ya know? I shook my head after almost giving myself a headache. The others just giggled thinking I was only making a joke to tease her. “Just disappointed you all can’t run the main race. Mac will probably be the only real competitor.” Bon Bon recovered quickly enough but I could tell she was thinking about something. “I think you forgot about us Sugar.” Pear Butter and Forest Breeze were both sporting numbers for the race on their sides. “We’re not going to take it easy on anypony. “Woah dam, you’re racing?” Applejack looked at mother excitedly. Pear was very fit for an earth pony and it was easy to see where Applejack got it from. I also almost laughed when I momentarily forgot dam isn’t a curse word on Equis. “Of course, I love this race. The fall leaves are just so beautiful, only reason you haven’t haven’t seen me join was because you were too young or I was pregnant with Bloom. Now that she’s grown a bit and we have extra hooves around to watch her.” Pear puffed out her chest. “I get to race this year.” “Your momma always did really well in the race.” Granny Smith had even shown up, as a spectator. “It’s partially how she won over your pa.” Granny gave Pear a friendly pat on the back while laughing. “My son was always stuck watching her backside trying to keep up.” “Wait was pa out of shape back then?” Applejack looked surprised. “Nah nothing like that. Your Pa was strong like Mac but not the fastest. He always ran his hardest but couldn’t keep up with your momma.” Granny chuckled at the memory. I was glad to be hearing another story about the Apple family.More like he probably hung back on purpose. “So your flank is how you won him over?” Rainbow suddenly asked what I was thinking about with a completely serious tone. “Among other things I bet.” Forest joked earning a swat to the flank from Pear’s tail. Rainbow glanced at her own backside the blushed when she caught me watching her with a tilted head. Funny pegasus. “So is dam not racing?” I asked, looking around for her as the others giggled at Dash. Now wasn’t the time for talking about flanks. Granny answered with a joke, “She’s running… the family snack stall today with me. Hehe. In fact I should be joining her since she’s alone with little Bloom.” She then quickly galloped off leaving a dust trail. We all watched the older mare gallop away surprisingly quickly. “She’s moving a lot better after her hip got looked at.” Pear commented. All necessary medical treatment in Equestria was free, but things like optional hip replacements for retired ponies weren’t fully covered as it was a symptom of age not a life threatening medical condition. The farm has been doing really well so I’m glad things are being maintained much better than the original timeline of the show, including the ponies living on it. As we all sat around chatting an announcement from Pinkie could suddenly be heard around the open field near the racetrack. “Fillies and colts it’s almost time for Ponyville’s Young runners race. So get your tails over to the starting area.” Rainbow, AJ, and I all trotted off as the others wished us luck. The sound of hooves was all I could hear as myself and a couple dozen other foals or shorter young adults ran through the Whitetail Woods. It felt incredibly liberating to run with my fellow ponies through the woods with leaves falling all around us. Most of the foals were laughing which only added to the intense euphoria I felt from magic swirling around us. And everyone thinks Earthpony magic is weak. I was currently sticking with the herd, pacing myself after watching Dash and Applejack rush ahead. I bet those two will compete like this every year. A moment of anger sparked inside when I realized just what I had missed out on last year because of my grandparents but it passed as I remembered that Sires hollow didn’t have such an event and finally getting to attend this year made it special. Slowly but surely the other racers slowed down or took breaks along the path as the race progressed. The race wasn’t any shorter than the one for adults just passed through a different area that was a bit less hilly that still needed to be cleared. “And it looks like Rainbow is in the lead. No it’s Applejack. Oh it’s anypony’s race still.” Pinkie’s voice racing out from the balloon above the race. She wasn’t alone though as another mare was piloting it for her. I don’t have my license yet. As I tuned Pinkie back out I smiled at the scenery rushing by around me. It’s just about time to put on a burst of speed to overtake the fillies. Taking a deep breath I filled my lungs with air and pushed my aching legs harder than I ever had before. Thanks to my training at school and my innate alicorn magic my speed almost doubled for a few moments. The leaves that had fallen were dragged along in my wake and it felt like the wind was at my beck and call. “Oh what’s this? Balanced Dawn is really catching up fast. The two in the lead better get moving.” Moments after Pinkie spoke I passed Applejack and Rainbow who both went slack jawed. I didn’t see them grit their teeth but knew they had when they caught back up and flanked me, hooves pounding just as hard as mine. I kept ahead by a nose until the three of us passed the finish line. It wasn’t until I heard Pinkie’s announcement did I know the results. “And what a race!” Pinkie cheered along with all the spectators waiting at the finish line. “Rainbow won by a nose while Dawn came in second and Applejack in at a very close third!” My legs gave out as I let out a big breath of air after trotting out of the way. “Second?” I buried my muzzle into the grass and took an angry bite then chewed idly as my snack. Grass wasn’t bad, as long as it was in the maintained areas near towns and not the wild stuff. “Heh, it was a good race.” A sweaty Rainbow dash loafed next to me and leaned against my side. “Mr. second place.” She stuck her tongue out at me. “Now Dash my brother did really good. He even beat me.” Applejack came over as the other racers were finishing up. “Ok Ms. Third.” Rainbow was still idly rubbing her side against me in a manner of ‘marking’ only herd mates would use. “Also would ya get off my…” Applejack went silent as I kissed Rainbow’s cheek to shut her up. Dashe’s wings flared and she began blushing as soon as it registered in her brain what just happened. “Congratulations on winning but shut it Dashie.” I laughed at her reaction and winked at my mom Forest who was just walking up. She gave me a sly smile of approval before trotting back off to join the rest of the family. Dash didn’t say another word as I nuzzled under her wing and promptly closed my eyes for a short nap after all that running. “What just happened?” Rainbow asked Applejack after she recovered. “Looks like he accepted ya. You’re going to have to talk with his herd about that though.” Applejack laughed and the two began talking for a bit as I tuned out. I tuned back in a few minutes later when Rainbow gulped. “Rarity’s going to be so mad I got kissed by Dawn before her.” Despite trying to nap I was glad I had listened in and just laid there to rest instead of actually sleeping. Rarity wouldn’t make a bad addition and I know she could get along with the others. Growing the party?. “And Shy?” Applejack I could practically hear her tilting her head. I could feel Rainbow shift a bit and wave her off. “She won’t be mad but I don’t know if Dawn will like her.” “Fluttershy?” I spoke without opening my eyes, surprising the two. “She’s nice. I didn’t think she would be interested in me though since we don’t have much in common.” “You were awake the whole time?” I opened my eyes and could See Applejack frowning at me. I had to stop from laughing though as in the background most of the other foals were napping or laying around chatting like we were after the race. The cuteness of it contradicted Appljack’s mood perfectly. I spoke while yawning. “Halfway. I only started listening in again when Dash mentioned Rarity.” I then nuzzled up under her wing a bit more which was difficult since I was the larger of us. The fall air was fairly chilly with sweat soaked fur and she was warm. I’m just glad fillies, even sweaty ones, smell so good. Or maybe that’s the pheromones? “What about me Darling?” Rarity walked over to us and then spotted the position Dash and I were in before gasping. Rainbow was halfway on top of my back at this point. “Rainbow Dash did you make a move without us?” “Rarity wait, I can explain.” Rainbow got a bit flustered then looked at me for support. I shrugged as these things were best worked out amongst fillies. I would only interject if it involved another colt/stallion. Rarity made an ‘I’m waiting’ motion. “Dawn kissed me first after the race and we just kinda got comfortable since it’s chilly.” She awkwardly rubbed the back of her head while not moving off me. Rarity shook her head. “Honestly darling. Blaming the colt while you mark him.” “Well she isn’t lying Rares, my brother did kiss her first.” Applejack spoke up. “Who’s side are you on sis?” I huffed. “The truth’s.” She flicked my ear with her hoof. “Fine.” I turned towards Rarity. “Rarity don’t blame Dash. I had no idea she was in a trial herd with you and Fluttershy when I started flirting with her. I’m also in one with two fillies from school so you’d have to talk with them about anything official but I personally wouldn’t mind having more members.” I gave her a polite nod. “Yes well we can talk about all that at some point. Dash sorry for jumping to conclusions dear.” Rarity came over and gave her a loving nuzzle though scrunched her nose up at the smell of sweat. After everypony had a good rest and I hit everyone with a cleansing spell after recovering my stamina, we joined back up with the adults for lunch. Their race was in the afternoon so for now it was just time for the fall festival. One thing not shown in the show was that the day of and after the races there was a local fair containing games and food. It was a good time for farmers to show off some products and for ponies to mingle before winter set in since going out became less common. I had learned that not everypony who came to these festivals lived close to town. Quite a few of the herds that would show up on days like today were technically only part of the town in name. This was due to their farms being too far away to travel on the regular and they would homeschool their foals. The festivals would provide places for those herds to mingle and the younger generations to find mates. Rodeos and other such festivals were put on in farming communities for similar reasons. “Hey Dawn what you doing?” I was broken from my thoughts by Lyra. She was floating a couple of our families apples in her magic. “Just waiting.” I leaned against her as she sat on the table’s bench next to me. Pushing myself in that race took more out of me than I thought. “Waiting for what?” She took a bite of one of the apples. “The girls offered to go pick up some snacks for us. Something about proper mare behavior.” I wasn’t going to complain about it since they offered. “That’s nice of them.” Lyra hummed. “So Lyra. How have you been? Nice not being captured this year right?” I laughed. “Yeah…” she looked up at the sky and watched a cloud. “I much prefer being here with you and Bonnie.” “And how is your Sweetie?” I joked but she took it in stride. “As lovable as ever. It will be exciting to watch her race later.” Lyra practically purred. Yes I had found out ponies could purr but it was a bit different than a cat’s. “Her shop is doing really well too. She offered to buy me my own bed but I much prefer sharing with her when I’m in town.” “I bet.” I bumped her as the girls came back. “Oh hello Lyra.” Rarity looked between us with intrigue. “You’re not in Dawn’s trial herd as well are you?” “Hey no, we’re practically siblings at this point considering his moms are my legal guardians even though I live with Bon Bon.” She idly answered. “They are?” Rarity looked interested. “Wait our moms are what now?” Applejack looked at me for answers. “Wait you didn’t know Aj? After that whole mess last year Lyra needed a legal guardian to stay in school but still make Ponyville her official residence. The princess couldn’t do it so our moms offered.” I replied. “Woah hold up the princess? It sounds like there’s an epic story to go with this.” Rainbow sat on my other side looking excited as she wagged her tail. “Wait did you not hear the rumors?” Lyra looked at Dash then at me before I shrugged. “I guess I don’t mind telling the story.” She shrugged back. For the rest of lunch Lyra sat telling the group about our adventures last year. I added my own perspective on it now and then but let her tell most of it. Her cutie mark helped make her the better story teller anyway. “Oh darlings that sounds dreadful.” Rarity dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. “It sounds awesome.” Everypony shot Rainbow a look as she jumped from the bench and hovered . “What? They’re both safe.” She slowly slunk back into her seat. “Sorry.” “So was that our son cuddling up with Rainbow Dash after the morning race?” Morning Dew asked as she happily watched her partners stretch out. The adult race started in about a half hour so they still had some time together. “Yep. Colt will definitely be growing our family in the future.” Forest Breeze happily replied. She was glad he may have finally found a flying partner and not just magical ones. “Oh I just hope Applejack doesn’t feel left out with both of her brothers already finding trial herds. My little filly shouldn’t be left without love.” Pear leaned against Forest as she balanced on just her right hooves. “Well our colts did find some good fillies fairly early and it doesn’t hurt we raised them properly.” Morning Dew buffed a hoof on her chest. “Mac is strong and smart while Dawn is smart and magically gifted.” “Doesn’t hurt they’re both so cute.” Forest gushed like any typical mother about her son. All three mares agreed that their boys were quite the mare magnets. They then grew a bit worried they might both get into future trouble because of it. While they loved to tease their sons about finding good herd members they were still protective mothers towards their boys. “Why don’t you just go?” Imago sat on the castle balcony with Celestia. They were on the side of the castle facing Ponyville and could see the distant forest slowly changing as the leaves, aided by Earth Pony magic, fell upon the land. “My presence is a distraction to my little ponies. They wouldn’t be able to enjoy the festivities if I went.” Celestia lamented. Imago rolled her eyes. She was never under any illusion her Princess was perfect but that just made Tia even better in her opinion. “Just go in disguise you dingbat.” “Dingbat?” Celestia looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Changeling insult.” Imago looked away with red cheeks. Alicia just giggled while basking in her mother’s mutual love while resting between them. “Runners it’s finally time for the Adult’s race to start.” Pinkie cheered. I along with my friends and family were waiting near the finish line to see who would win. Is that Celestia? I spotted ’Sunny Skies’ along with a couple other ponies with familiar feeling magic sitting close by. Guess I’ll say hi later. “And they’re off. Oh wow look at those leaves fall.” Pinkie wasn’t wrong. The adult racers shook a much larger area and the thundering of hooves could be felt even from where we were. “It’s almost like an earthquake.” I idly commented and the others nodded in agreement. The race proceeded faster than the foals race and soon Pinkie was announcing the end. “And it’s Pear Butter in the lead followed closely by her partner Forest Breeze and then their colt Big Mac. Bon Bon is in a close fourth with the rest of the runners not far behind.” We all held our breath to see who would win. We could now see them all getting closer and unlike the foals, the adults were much more serious considering the bit prizes and better bragging rights involved with their race. “And… and…” Pinkie took a deep breath. “It’s Pear Butter of the Apple family for the win!” Our section cheered while a few others groaned. I ran over right away with Applejack. “That was incredible.” AJ gushed. “You did great too mom. Don’t feel bad I also got second.” I smiled and earned myself a wing noogie. “Thanks for the pep talk, colt.” She continued ruffling my mane as the others laughed. “I think you’re both winners. I didn’t even race.” Dew came over and gave both her wives a kiss on the cheek. With the race completed we all went back to enjoying the rest of the festival. > Ch71. Night time in the forest. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood over the toilet with my tail raised and breathed a sigh of relief. It was roughly midnight and my bladder and bowels had both been nearly bursting thanks to the large meals on the farm. Not that I‘m complaining about the wonderful food. Using some magic I cleaned myself up and flushed the toilet once I was finished. Pony toilets were still a bit strange to me, similar in design to the squat toilets of Asia, they were built to just stand over them and release. Considering colts like myself can’t pee while sitting it’s the most logical design unless you wanted pee hitting your own face. I shivered at the thought of ponies that might be into that, I still found it disturbing that stallions had no problem with licking themselves like a dog for self pleasure. Washing my hooves I then stretched out and began heading back towards my room. Looking outside the window I decided it would be a perfect night for a flight as I wasn’t feeling close to tired. “How could anyone not appreciate Luna’s night?” I was currently laying in a roofless part of the Castle of the Two Sisters Stargazing after my flight. I had planned on visiting the ruins for a while and tonight presented the perfect opportunity to sneak out and visit it. The flight hadn’t been bad and unlike most ponies the ‘wild’ weather felt nostalgic instead of unnatural. Even though a random storm killed me I still miss wild rain. Considering I could control the weather now and was lighting proof I laughed at my previous demise a bit. The castle itself was very worn down but still stood proudly against time thanks to all the wards. I have a feeling Celestia renews them often considering the elements are here and I had to deactivate a security ward. A quick application of shadow magic had disabled it for just for tonight as the rising sun would reset them. Aside from just wanting to explore the old ruins, I also wanted to escape the house. After Celestia had given us some bad news during the fall festival I just couldn’t sleep. — “I am sorry Dawn It turns out I will no longer able to contain the rumors of a new alicorn. We are going to have to announce your presence after the holidays.” After that my moms had gotten upset resulting in a short argument. Even though they understood it would happen eventually they still felt it was too soon. I agreed with them but also thought it would be nice to finally stop hiding my wings and just be myself. Once they understood I was also sick of hiding what I was they relented and agreed with the Princess. — Sighing and focusing back on the present I looked back up at the night sky and spotted something in flight blocking out the stars for a moment. Tilting my head I couldn’t help but mumble, “What was that?” My ears swiveled as I caught the sound of flapping wings. “Doesn’t sound like a pegasus.” I whispered to myself as whatever was flying above me circled the castle. My own wings instinctively ruffled in preparation of taking off and the fur on the back of my neck stood up. “Something is tracking me.” Just before I could light my horn I was tackled then pinned by something only slightly smaller than I was. Looking up at my attacker with a lit horn I was surprised to see a familiar filly barring their cute fangs at me. “Fluttershy?” I had to blink a few times but while it was her it also wasn’t. Flutterbat? But I thought Twilight caused that. Her ears were tufted at the tips, her wings were leathery instead of feathered, and her eyes, with slit pupils, were glowing in the moonlight. “Hey Flutteres what are you doing out here?” The thestral stopped glaring at me like an opponent that invaded her territory and gave me a curious sniff along my neck. I could feel her tongue run across my fur as she pinned me against the cold stone floor just before she gave my neck a love bite. Is it wrong that I don’t hate this? Soon she moved from my neck to nuzzling my chest like a long lost lover. Wrapping my hooves and wings around her she began to purr as I stroked her mane. It was a cold night and I wasn’t one to turn down affection. “Flutters what are you doing out here?” I spoke mostly to myself while continuing to pet the affectionate thestral. It caught me off guard when she answered in a voice that sounded familiar yet noticeably different. “Monthly Hunting. I was stocking up… found my mate instead.” She stopped nuzzling my chest to look me in the eyes then gave me a fang filled smile at my reaction. As a colt going through puberty her affections had gotten a rise out of me and she had noticed. “What mate doing out here? Forest not safe.” “Decided to go for a nighttime flight and I wouldn’t worry about me.” I flashed her my own fangs and shifted my eyes and rolled us so I was now on top. Her purring became more sultry when I showed off the trick I had learned after the gala. Dawn, what are you doing? I then nipped her neck and licked it affectionately in a similar manner to what she had done. It feels nice to act like a predator species again. “I’m glad my other self chose well.” Flutterbat looked up at me her tail wagging against my own. She then pinned me again to the floor and began nipping my chest fur slowly downwards until she reached my tip poking out of its sheath. Licking her lips and eyeing it hungry she then used her tongue to give it a slow lick and coax the rest of my length out. Letting out a small moan my horn brightened then went out as I could no longer focus on my magic. I could still see Flutterbat with night vision as she took me into her mouth. Dawn, you should really stop her. But it feels so good and it’s Flutters. Making sure not to bite she slowly began sucking. I made sure to pet her mane and give encouragement that she was doing great right up until my release inside her mouth. With a ‘pop’ she pulled her head away and licked her lips after her meal. With a look that said she wanted to continue, I finally regained my senses when she asked that very question. “No.” She looked a bit hurt but also satisfied with her earlier performance and was content with just resting against me. I could still smell the desire coming from underneath her tail as she wagged it. After a few moments just resting in the afterglow I casually asked, “So, do you still have hunting to do?” I’m not about to embarrass Fluttershy by being embarrassed myself. Besides it was nice.You stopped when you should too. She shook her head. “I already took care of guarding my territory and gathering food. I was just enjoying the moonlight when I found you.” She was speaking more clearly now as if she just hadn’t had a conversation in a long time. “Turns out I found us the best prize tonight.” She chuckled a bit to herself. As the two of us just laid there stargazing a burning question finally had to come out. “So what are you?” She pressed her head against me a bit nervously. “I am your Fluttershy but also not. She’s still in here and knows everything I do but isn’t the one in control right now. We are two halves of one.” Technically Fluttershy and I aren’t together yet, or weren’t before tonight… I decided to not think too deeply about it and wrapped a comforting wing around her. “So how does that happen?” “We don’t know, we were always like this but she kept me hidden away. It wasn’t until we moved to Ponyville that I could come outside. She can let me out whenever she wants but I also have to come out once a year. She now let’s me out monthly to help hunt for her carnivorous friends.” As I laid there digesting her answers. So basically Twilight’s spell just brought out Flutterbat and made her more primal, Twilight didn’t create her. It honestly makes more sense that Fluttershy is part Thestral than a spell mixing with a bunch of bats. She then asked me a question. “Are you not scared of us? My other half is… very flustered that you found out and about us and mortified about what we just did. Though I don’t know why.” She huffed. I shook my head. “Why would I be? You’re still Flutters and as I showed you your not the only pony that can change like this.” I still had my fangs and slit eyes, I hadn’t bothered changing my wings so showed her I could do that as well. “Would she like to talk?” “No she’s a bit too embarrassed to come out right now.” Bat licked her lips and wrapped her tail around mine. “Well if she’s sure I won’t push?” I relented. Instead of answering she just rested her head back against me and in a very Shy voice I heard, “Thank you.” “So what exactly are you looking for my mate?” Flutterbat had decided to follow along with my exploration of the castle once we had rested for a bit. I made sure to hit us both with a cleaning spell as well to remove any lingering fluids or smells. “Just call me Dawn, Flutterbat.” I playfully swiped her with my tail as we walked the abandoned castle halls. There were dozens of tapestries lining them and moonlight still flowed in through broken windows. “But you are my stallion and mate so I will call you as such.” She tilted her head. “Also I like that name.” She tested it out a few times. I just sighed in acceptance. “As for what I’m looking for, nothing in particular. This castle used to belong to Celestia and Luna so I just wanted to explore it.” “Luna.” She tested that name a few times as well, almost as if she just remembering it. Probably something to do with being a Thestral. This night certainly has been interesting. “By the way is Fluttershy alright? Is she going to remember all this?” I was a bit nervous considering what had happened. “Oh yes. Like I said we share everything.” She puffed up proudly. “She may be a scaredy-cat but she’s a great caretaker.” “You shouldn’t talk badly about yourself.” I half joked as we turned another corner that led to a flight of downward stairs. Walking down them we found ourselves in a glowing cave with a familiar tree nearby. “Wow, it’s beautiful.” Fluttershy’s voice rang out and she let out a very bat like ‘eep’ when she caught me looking her way. I just smiled and gave her a comforting wing hug as we walked towards the tree. “What is it?” Flutterbat asked as we sat down among its roots. The large tree looked like a true crystalline weeping willow, not some cartoon drawing. It did not yet have openings for the missing elements but the trunk was covered in a sun and moon motif. “The tree of Harmony.” I touched its intricately decorated trunk with my hoof and a pulse of light flowed through the tree from my contact. “And hello to you too.” Flutterbat put her hoof next to mine and a similar pulse occurred. “Wow.” Her voice took an an interesting duel layer of Bat and Shy. She then rubbed against the trunk, like a feline predator marking her territory. The tree seamed to enjoy the contact and it’s cascading branches shifted in a non existing breeze. Once shy was done she encouraged me to mark it as well so I gave the tree a few nuzzles that it also enjoyed. For the rest of the night the two or three of us, depending on how Flutters liked to identify, laid beneath the glowing tree to sleep the rest of the night away. Unknown to both of us, Harmony dimmed her glow so we could rest peacefully at her roots. “Hey moms.” I called out as I led Fluttershy into the farmhouse for breakfast. We were both back to our ‘normal’ selves however, she was also still very embarrassed about what Bat and I had done last night so wasn’t talking. I didn’t mind taking charge even though it was technically backwards in Equestrian culture. “And just where have you been young colt?” My dam walked into the front room from the dining area. “Oh, good morning Fluttershy.” She blinked in surprise. “Morning Mrs. Dew.” Fluttershy politely replied while hiding behind me. I could tell my dam didn’t consider this ‘proper mare behavior’ but didn’t say anything since she also knew the filly dealt with bears when needed. “I went to go invite Flutters for breakfast and talk a bit.” I answered her original question. “I see, we’ll she is more than welcome to join us just tell me if you’re going out next time, even if I’m still sleeping.” She gave me a look. “Will do mom.” I gave a wing salute. I could hear mom sniff the air as we both passed by her and she gave a content hum. Glad I used that cleansing spell. > Ch71.5 Refuge. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “All bow for princess Celestia and princess Imago.” The court announcer enhanced his voice with magic and the crowd gave a bow as the two entered day court. “Are you sure you don’t need to go? I could handle court today.” Imago whispered to Celestia as they entered the room. “No, my wards are fully functional again after the sun rose and I have a suspicion on who was at my old castle last night.” She whispered back. “Dawn?” Imago took her place up on the newly added lower throne that was next to the main one. “Dawn.” Celestia took her spot and spoke to the crowd then back to Imago. “Rise my little ponies and let day court commence! I will speak with him once he gets back.” The first few petitioners were nothing unusual, a few minor disputes or loan requests. Plenty just wanted to get a picture or say hello to their princess as they visited the city. There was one waiting group that felt out of place however. “Raven, do you know who that group waiting is.” Celestia spoke softly and motioned towards a nervous looking bunch. Raven looked through her clipboard and scanned her lists of cutie marks. “Apparently that group just signed up today and listed the matter as a ‘private concern’ for you and Imago.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. She had heard plenty of complaints about their relationship from nobles but not the general citizens. Our little ones should stay out of our love life. Perhaps it’s not a complaint? “Raven bump them up to right before lunch.” Raven nodded and stepped back as court resumed. “Problem?” Imago leaned over. “I hope not.” Celestia spoke while listening to the latest petitioner. When the time finally arrived for the nervous looking group to go up they argued amongst themselves for a moment on who should go forward and speak. Celestia could tell that none of them really wanted to do it so she spoke up First. “My little ponies. No need to be afraid you may all step forward.” She gave them a warm smile while Imago looked a bit confused. She noticed she was having a hard time sensing their emotions. “Um thank you.” The center mare spoke as the others huddled around her. Their group numbered fifteen in total, which wasn’t unheard of for a herd petition, only a bit rare. “Now what can the crown help you with today.” Celestia wasn’t expecting what happened next. The entire group except the central mare broke down crying. “We made it.” “She’s real?” “We’re alive!” The entire court began to look uncomfortable and the guards didn’t know how to react. Celestia gave them a silent command and they began clearing everypony else out though not without grumbling. Imago finally realized what was going on and stepped down to greet the changelings once the courtroom was cleared of civilians. “Imago what..?” Celestia started as she watched her mare friend light her horn as if preparing an attack. With a quick pulse of magic the entire sobbing group of ponies became a group of crying changeling drones with one den mother in the middle. “Rise changelings.” Imago spoke and Celestia just watched. They weren’t our ponies at all! They don’t look to be Imago’s love bugs either. “Why have you ventured into my hive unannounced?” Celestia coughed and Imago rolled her eyes. “I meant to say our hive unannounced.” Celestia looked placated and went back to watching. “Please princess we meant no offense!” The first drone got out between sobs. “We have no hive to officially anoint ourselves from.” Imago looked concerned at that. “Princess Imago.” The calm den mother finally spoke and gave a bow, making sure to use Imago’s preferred title. “Myself and these drones are all nameless and without a hive, we seek refuge and protection with yours.” Imago looked back at Celestia who just gave a ‘not my ponies not my problem’ look and shrug in return. Imago took a deep breath. Come on Imago you knew this was possible when making a hive. “I see and why do you wish to join my hive and not another?” Imago did find it strange they wouldn’t join a more well established hive, den mothers were always valued. The drones continued to sniffle as she answered. “Princess there are no other free hives to join.” “Clear the room!” Imago’s command was so commanding that even Celestia almost obeyed with the guards. Once the room was cleared of all but changelings and Celestia imago finally asked the question. “What happened?” “The mad queen.” “She killed them all.” “She’s evil.” “She crushed our egg.” One female cried as her male partner hugged her tightly. Imago flinched at that last one. It was against the code of combat to harm eggs or nymphs. “Explain.” She focused back on the den mother who now looked up at her. “Roughly fifty years ago the mad queen Chrysalis began attacking other hives. At first the other queens thought of it as nothing more than common fights over territory but then… then she killed another queen that same year. After that all the hives began to panic, our own hive was on the smaller side, not even two hundred of us while The mad Queen had thousands.” The den mother took a breath. “One by one she, tricked, assassinated, or enslaved the other queens. Our hive was one of the last to fall, thanks to it being so small she didn’t worry about us much.” Imago’s mind raced. She had been out of touch with the council since leaving her mother’s hive but to learn about what happened like this. Imago’s head slumped as the news hit her. Celestia moved forwards and wrapped her in a hug before speaking. “While Imago makes her decision you’re welcome to stay in the castle.” Celestia called a few guards back in to lead the new changelings to a guest suite. “Will you be alright my love?” Imago shook her head. “I don’t know. I may have isolated myself but hearing the fate of the other hives was just… a lot.” “Will you take them into your hive?” Celestia tried to keep a positive attitude for her partner. “I have to. Without a hive mind they will die off. Those drones are lucky they had a den mother to act as a node but I could feel she was under intense strain. It’s also not safe unless I do.” Celestia gave her a questioning look. “Once linked to the hive mind I can check their memories and confirm what happened and make sure none of them are a spy.” Imago answered and wiped her tears. “Well then let’s get you to our guests.” Celestia hugged Imago with her wing. > Ch72. An Awkward Afternoon. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immediately after breakfast I was dragged off to help with chores before Fluttershy and I got to talk about last night. We did share a short goodbye before she flew off towards her cottage but I was confused why she apologized on the way out. “So you going to tell me what you and Shy got up to last night?” Applejack asked in a curt fashion as we worked on fixing up one of the fences. I held up one of the boards we had brought along in a cart up with my magic while she began to hammer it to the post. “I have no idea what you’re talking about sis.” I looked away from her with my chin up. I also fluffed my wings as I was no longer bothering to hide them at all. “Come on Dawn, I saw you fly off last night while looking out my window.” She hammered another nail in and we moved on down the fence line. She had a few other nails between her teeth so she sounded a bit off. “Oh fine. We bumped into each other last night during a midnight flight.” I almost felt a song coming on but stamped it down, hard. Dang element of Honesty. I don’t need to tell her everything. “We ended up falling asleep under a tree after talking and stuff.” I blushed at the memory and she must have noticed. “Stuff huh?” She gave me another glance and flicked an ear and her tail. “Grr fine. She sucked me off okay. That enough detail for you miss honesty.” I immediately covered my mouth with my wings after blurting all that out. AJ turned to me jaw almost in the dirt and blushing so hard actual magical steam started flowing from her ears. “Fluttershy, the most timid mare in town did WHAT to my brother?!? Ya think you know somepony but she goes off and takes advantage of ya.” I had to tug on her tail to keep her from running back to the farmhouse in anger. “AJ what’s gotten into you?” I was highly confused by her reaction and I said as much. “What’s so confusing. That filly took advantage of my younger brother last night.” She stomped her hoof. Realization finally struck me. I have got to stop forgetting about the gender differences. No wonder Shy was beating herself up at breakfast. She thought Flutterbat took advantage of me. “Applejack. She did no such thing!” I stomped my own hoof. “Buck now I really need to go talk with her.” “Me too.” Applejack had spat out the nails and adjusted her hat. “Sis, seriously why does what happened to me, something that was honestly quite enjoyable between two consenting ponies, upset you so much?” I gave her a concerned look with both my ears pinned back. “I mean I’m not in an official herd or anything. So the fillies in Canterlot would understand.” She took a calming breath. “Look, so you’re really not gettin’ it?” I shook my head and pinned my tail. “Fine, I guess it’s my duty as oldest sister in the herd.” She flicked her tail and sat down across from me and motioned for me to do the same. “Dawn you’re an alicorn.” I rolled my eyes but she kept going. “That means any foals you sire have a chance at being an alicorn right?” “I guess. But would you be as mad if I wasn’t an alicorn?” I tilted my head. “Yes because it’s all about your stock, your potential.” She rolled her hoof and sighed. “I don’t get how dam explained this so easily.” She held her forehooves up like an even set of scales. “Okay so you know how there’s more fillies than colts?” I nodded. “Well that makes um valuable.” She adjusted her hooves to show an imbalance. “Now take a colt like Mac. He’s a hard worker, strong, comes from a good family, he’s still young, and has a good lead mare.” she made some small adjustments. I’m glad Mac and Cheerilee became official after the Gala. “Now take you.” I focused back on AJ. “Same deal except younger and without an official herd yet, unlike Mac, not to mention, again, you’re a dang alicorn.” She adjusted her hooves more and I could see where she was going with this. “Applejack I’m not property!” I huffed and she waved her hooves frantically. “I know. I know, it’s just how it was explained to me for the colts side of things.” She hung her head. “It’s rough for a filly to find a proper stallion so there’s competition that you colts don’t see happening all around ya, for the good ones at least, and Fluttershy overstepping her bounds by practically bedding you this young and before ya have a proper herd. What y’all did with her is a big deal.” “She didn’t ‘bed’ me though.” I motioned with my wing. Even though part of wished I had. “Did she ask after getting ya all warmed up?” Applejack raised an eyebrow and I knew what she was talking about. I sighed. “She did.” “And that’s why I’m upset. We all know it’s hard to stop something like that once it gets going so she’s taken advantage by getting ya going with her mouth then asking such a thing.” She stood up and started picking up the nails she dropped. “And it’s why I gotta talk to her.” “AJ you can’t.” I picked up my own supplies and we started working again. “And why the gosh dern not?” She hammered a nail harder then intended and bent it. “As your sister it’s my job to look out for ya!” I slowly pulled it out with magic and fixed it up. “Because she wasn’t herself.” “And what’s that supposed to mean? Was she having her heat out of season?” She took the nail back and hammered it in properly. “No but… look it’s not my secret to tell. So, do talk with her but not while stubborn and angry.” I gave her a comforting hoof on the shoulder. “Fine!” She huffed and we didn’t talk anymore while working on the fence. Applejack knocked on Rarity’s door then remembered it was a shop so just walked on inside. “Welcome to Rarity’s boutique where everything is chic. Oh hello Applejack are you here to buy something today I’m working on some lovely winter apparel and accessories.” She waved her hoof towards a newly designed section. “Maybe later Rares.” Applejack was appreciating dressing up with her moms’ influence. “We need to talk about one of your herd members.” AJ knew they weren’t official but confronting Fluttershy alone wasn’t right either and she was glad her brother had talked her down. Rarity sighed. “Oh no, did Dash do something offensive to Dawn after that kiss he gave her?” The two went into the kitchen and sat down after she switched the sign to ‘closed’. “Nope, it’s Fluttershy I’m here about.” Applejack huffed and Rarity tittered. “Oh darling that’s a good one, you and Dash are such pranksters.” Rarity fluffed her mane and started a pot of water for tea with her magic. “Sorry Rares, not a joke. She apparently sucked my brother off last night and asked for more.” Rarity’s ears went straight up. “It didn’t happen but I wanted you and Dash along when I ask exactly what happened. Dawn convinced me to keep a cool head about it so here I am talking to her lead.” “Of course darling let me grab my bags.” Rarity shut off the stove and quickly got ready. “These things should be handled with care.” “Hahaha. You two are a riot.” Rarity and AJ had just finished talking with Dash after finding her training out by the lake. “Darling it’s not a joke.” Rarity gave her a concerned look. “But… it’s Flutters, the shyest pony around.” Dash kicked at the dirt. “No way she does something like that.” “We know but my brother did admit she wasn’t in her right mind. So, just come talk to her with us and clear the air?” Applejack was glad that Dash nodded and agreed to come along. “Excellent Darlings let’s get moving then.” Rarity turned Towards Fluttershy’s. “Oh um, hello girls?” Fluttershy opened her door slowly. “Would you like to come in?” Fluttershy hovered back and closed the door when they entered. “Would you like some tea?” “Sure I’d love so…” Rainbow was interrupted by a hoof to the gut. “I mean maybe later Shy.” Shy hadn’t noticed while looking away. “Um okay. So what can I help you girls with?” She hovered over and sat in her chair while the girls took the couch. “Look sugar there’s no easy way to ask this so I’ll just say it. Did you try sleeping with my brother last night?” Applejack tried not getting angry. “Oh, I knew he was upset even if he didn’t show it.” Fluttershy began crying. “I was so stupid not to stop things when I noticed but I was so embarrassed I couldn’t take back control.” The other three shared a look. “Shy my brother wasn’t upset, but I was when I found out. Even though he probably should have been.” Applejack finished the second part under her breath. “He wasn’t?” She peeked out from her mane and sniffed. All three shook there heads. “Darling we’re just here to find out what happened.” Rarity smiled comfortingly. Fluttershy sniffled then hung her head. “Oh no. I can’t. You’re going to hate me.” She stared crying again. “Flutters we won’t hate you.” Dash rushed over to hug her. “We’re your herd mates… and Applejack, she’s your friend.” “You promise?” Shy sniffed and calmed down again. “Cross our hearts hope to fly.” All three did the Pinkie promise she had spread around town and heard the reverberating ‘forever’. “Okay.” Fluttershy stood up and took a deep breath. “Sup girls?” Flutterbat was standing where Shy was a moment ago. “Looking good Dashie.” Bat walked over and nipped her ear. The whimpering pegasus was replaced by a more confident Thestral. “What In tarnation?” Applejack recovers first. “You’re a bat pony? Awesome!” Rainbow almost hit the ceiling while jumping. She then took the opportunity to circle Bat and check her out from other angles. “Technically I’m called a Thestral and thanks.” Bat gave Dash a sultry smile. “See Shy they still like us.” “Darling what exactly is going on here?” Rarity recovered last. “Oh um. I’ll explain.” Fluttershy reverted to her pegasus self and began telling her story. The girls listened with attention as she finished with learning to control the transition. “So, all this time you were half bat?” Rainbow tilted her head then her ears pinned back. “Shy you could have told me.” “Thestral, Bat is only in her name.” Fluttershy wasn’t feeling as shy currently. “And I’m sorry Dash I just couldn’t.” “That still doesn’t explain what happened last night.” Applejack could accept the change, considering Dawn had shown he could do something similar, but she couldn’t just accept Shy’s actions. “Well we were hunting last night so my instincts were in overdrive.” Shy tapped her hooves together. “When I found Dawn I kind of pinned him thinking he was prey, but once Bat realized it was him she calmed down. Dawn went with it and pinned me back after showing me he could also change and well.” All the girls blushed as she went into more details. “Wait a second darling how could he also be part thestral if he’s not a pegasus?” Rarity looked between the other girls. “You can tell her it’s public knowledge now.” AJ said and they explained he was an alicorn. ”Dawns’ a what!?!” Rarity yelled out scarring the birds away after Fluttershy explained. “And you all knew?” She dramatically fainted onto Fluttershy’s couch with a hoof to her forehead. “I’m his sister.” Applejack started. “Caught his flight practice.” Dash commented “A little bird told me.” Shy sat back down. “He’s a prince, I could marry a real prince.” Rarity gushed. “Now Rarity acting like that is the quickest way to drive him away. My brother hates all that stuff and it’s why he was hiding what happened.” Applejack gave her a pat on the back. “Wha, bu.” She slunk back down. “Oh very well.” The others giggled then Applejack sighed. “Well Fluttershy it sounds like what happened really wasn’t completely your fault.” She held up a hoof which Fluttershy then bumped. “Dawn did say as much but I just had to confirm it. As for the whole Thestral thing, well. I don’t exactly understand it but I don’t dislike ya because of it and I already promised to keep it secret.” “Thanks girls. You’re the best.” Fluttershy gave them each a nuzzle and they shared a quick group hug. “I’ll be sure Bat behaves.” She could almost feel the internal eye roll and smile as the group got back to talking about lighter subjects. “Filly troubles?” I looked up at Mac as he sat down next to me on the hill overlooking the farm. I had decided that flight practice was better then sitting around. “Eeyup.” I mimicked his way of talking. “AJ go to take care of it?” He tilted his head. “Eeyup.” I kicked the dirt. “Worried?” He put a hoof on my back and I nuzzled against him. “Eeyup.” I nodded against his fur. “It will work out. So long as it wasn’t too bad they’ll work it out amongst themselves just like if the issue was on our side.” He stroked my mane and gave me a smile that did make me feel better. I gave him a bump. “Thanks big bro.” I then gave him a sly smile. “Things good with Cheerilee?” He blushed and looked off into the distance. “Eeyup.” I laughed and he quickly joined in. > Ch73. Twisted Timeline. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn’t help but let my tail idly wag as we waited for the train to roll in. “Excited there partner?” Applejack asked, she, Rarity, and Mom Forest were waiting with me. “Why wouldn’t he be with his school filly friends coming into town.” Forest ruffled my mane. “I am somewhat nervous meeting two unicorns of CSGU.” Rarity spoke mostly to herself as she watched us and adjusted her mane. “Mom~.” A quick application of magic fixed mine right back up. Mom just giggled while watching me fuss. “But yeah she’s right. I never expected you guys to invite Twilight, Trixie, and their families to come out for the start of cider season.” Cider season started the last week of fall break and lasted until winter but was only sold at the farm the first few days. I’m excited to finally get some of the super fresh cider. “Well your dam and I thought it would be good to see Twilight’s parents again and Velvet was begging for some of our fresh cider. Plus’s they can escort you and Lyra back to school once the week is done.” She puffed up, proud of the idea the moms had come up with. As she did that we all heard the train whistle getting closer. “Hey I like the plan.” I fluffed my wings and nodded. To my delight Ponyville lived up to their acceptance of the strange and no pony mentioned my wings though I did get plenty of second glances. Most thought I was just a pegacorn and not a full alicorn. Boy will they be shocked come spring. “I’m looking forward to meeting this Trixie you talk about. I’ve met Twilight at the gala but not her.” Applejack was in protective sister mode still after what happened last week and the moms were sadly encouraging it. “I just hope I make a good impression.” Rarity was still fussing so I bumped her side playfully. “Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll like you and our other friends.” Before she could reply the train pulled up to the station with a ‘hiss’ of steam and the Trainmares hopped off first to make sure the train was ready for unloading. Once they gave the all clear they began unloading luggage and letting the passengers out. Not many ponies were getting off so we didn’t have to wait long. As soon as Twilight stepped off of the train I could have sworn I felt a pulse of magic in my very hooves and a gasp saying ‘She’s early’. When I looked around to check I didn’t see anything so just shrugged. Oh I hope that was nothing. “Twilight, Trixie.” I trotted over and gave them both a nuzzle with a few ‘daws’ going off in the background as soon as they were both off the train. “And hello Spike.” I plucked the napping drake off Twilight’s back with my magic and gave him a nuzzle before putting him on my own back. Twilight had long since gotten used to this and even encouraged the ‘male bonding’ as she called it. “Hi dad.” Spike sleepily mumbled and nuzzled into my mane. Mom now found it adorable the little drake called me that. It wasn’t fun explaining why he did or that the drake would be a baby for a few years longer than a pony foal would. “Velvet, Night Light good to see you both again. Is it just the five of you?” Forest gave them both friendly nuzzles then stepped back looking around. She had been expecting Trixie’s parents to show as well. “Sadly yes.” Velvet answered as we all began moving off the platform. “Trixie’s parents couldn’t get out of work to make the trip so we offered to escort her. Shining and Cadence have work as well but offer their greetings.” “Well that’s kind of you.” Forest took the lead with the other adults, after grabbing the luggage, while the fillies and I followed behind. “So, you must be Trixie?” Applejack gave her an appraiser’s look but held up a hoof that Trixie bumped. Trixie, like the rest of us, had a recent growth spurt that had brought her closer to my height. I had been ‘growing like a weed’ as moms put it after gaining my wings. “That is I. The great and Powerful Trixie. And you must be Applejack, Dawn’s slightly older and very fit sister.” AJ blushed and her tail wagged at the surprise complement. “That’s me.” She then whispered just to me as Trixie and Twilight took in the sight of Ponyville. “Does she always talk like that?” “No, it’s a defense mechanism when meeting new ponies, don’t bring it up please.” I gave her the puppy dog eyes. AJ gave me a funny look then shook her head. “You attract some strange ones.” She then gave Spike a nuzzle causing him to shift on my back. “I like what I like.” I gave her a playful swat with my tail. “I must say this place is absolutely beautiful.” Velvet spoke up as we all continued to move through Town. “I always wanted to move to a town like this.” Velvet then sighed. “Sadly our work wouldn’t allow for that.” “Honestly honey you know I wouldn’t mind the commute.” Night light gave her a nuzzle. “Maybe one day but I would mind you being gone so long.” Velvet nuzzled him back. “Maybe one day After the children are grown up and you finally retire from the institute.” “Trixie likes it as well.” Her tail was swishing back and fourth as she walked on my side. “It still feels just so… open.” Twilight looked towards the sky line and almost fell over. “Hehe, haven’t ever left the city?” Applejack bumped her and Twilight shook her head. “Not really.” She was still feeling a bit overwhelmed though now that we had made it to the orchard and were surrounded by Apple trees she didn’t look quite as agoraphobic. “I used to skip out on field trips in favor of studying.” “Applejack, Darling no need to tease.” Rarity helped Twilight steady herself again. The adults had noticed her trouble but let us manage ourselves as they walked ahead of us. “Ah shucks, let me have some fun.” Applejack paused by one tree, bucked it for a few apples, and hoofed one over to each of us as the adults continued moving along. “Here, this should make ya feel better.” “Mmm.” Trixie bit into hers first. “Sooo good.” “Thanks, we try.” AJ laughed and we got moving towards the house again. Twilight’s eyes went wide as she bit into hers and Rarity hummed happily. I hung back with a smile as the fillies happily chatted. I was still feeling something strange but it wasn’t worrying. “So full.” Twilight rubbed her stomach and made me giggle. It was just after lunch and the two of us had decided to go for a walk together. The others had all stayed behind to chat or nap after the feast of a lunch. “Yeah the moms don’t do small meals especially if we have guests.” I shrugged my wings. “You didn’t have to eat it all when granny kept piling food on your plate.” “I just don’t get how Trixie ate so much.” Twilight groaned. I giggled at the thought of Trixie napping back at the farmhouse on the couch and kicking her legs while drooling as we left. We had invited her along but she was content and had a full stomach. “Same. Anyway where to first?” I spun around and gave her a smile. “LOOK OUT!” Before I could even turn, a rainbow blur crashed into Twilight and sent them both tumbling. “Ow, what hit me.” Twilight was sprawled out on the ground with Dash right next to her. “Dash, Twilight! Are you two okay?” I rushed over but didn’t dare move them. “Let me go get help.” I might have been decent with spell work but healing spells were still advanced magic. “Ugh, calm down Dawn I’m fine.” Dash got up slow and brushed herself off. “You okay there purple?” “It’s Twilight. And I’m fine.” She also shakily got to her hooves. “I think.” With a quick application of magic I cleaned them both off causing them to shudder. “Careful Dawn you know how sensitive wings can be.” Dash blushed. “Sorry about that by the way.” She held up a hoof towards Twilight. “Was practicing my stunts and hit a stray cloud.” “Well I can forgive you then.” Twilight bumped her hoof and I felt that strange magic pulse again. Neither seamed to notice as Dash apologized. “So what were you practicing anyway?” Twilight tilted her head. “Just my awesome moves.” She puffed up as if it was enough explanation. Twilight just looked more confused and I laughed. “Rainbow Dash here is an aspiring Wonderbolt.” I wrapping her in a side wing hug. “She works on the weather team with my mom as an apprentice and a she’s a pretty great flyer but… she tends to crash quite a bit.” At first she puffed up more until I finished my sentence. “Hey.” She ruffled my mane and Twilight smiled at our banter. “Anyway, Dash this is one of my filly friends from school, Twilight Sparkle.” I gave her a nuzzle and sat back at her side. “Really? Well then I hope we can get along.” Dash gave her a friendly nuzzle as well. “Egghead.” She teased. “Anyway I better get back to my practice. Good seeing you both.” Dash flapped her wings and took off to bust that rogue cloud before getting back to practice. “Is she always so…” Twilight rolled her hoof in the general direction she had flown off, not knowing what to say. “Yeah but she’s loyal to a fault and she grows on ya.” I smiled while looking at the prismatic blur. “Like her?” Twilight pondered and I nodded. “She did seam friendly enough.” She gave me a surprise nuzzle then stretched. “Let’s keep walking too.” “So Velvet how have you been?” Morning Dew found it nice to have another unicorn mare around, they were rare in Ponyville. The two were having after lunch tea on the porch and watching Spike, Sweetie and Bloom play. There had been an awkward introduction between Spike and Sweetie but they became fast friends once Bloom got involved. “Really well, thanks. Editing work has picked up since I took on working for AK Yearling. Her Daring Do books are wonderful.” Velvet hummed happily as the fall breeze stroked her fur and she took a sip of tea. “Really? We all like those books. Dawn and AJ already finished the first two. Any idea about the next?” Morning swished her tail hopefully. “Sorry Dew, even if I did know I couldn’t tell you.” Velvet smiled knowingly. “Drat.” Dew gave a little stomp. “I wouldn’t bother, she won’t even tell me and I’m her stallion.” Night Light walked out onto the porch and gave his mare a nuzzle. “Oh hush you.” Velvet gave him a swat then changed the subject. “I hear Mac formed his own herd recently?” “Yep.” Dew took a sip of her own tea. “Him and Cheerilee are officially together. She may move onto the farm in the next year if we all approve.” She hummed “No foals planed yet though, as she’s still getting her teaching license.” “Well congratulations.” Velvet spoke while swatting her affectionate husband away with her tail. Night had been nuzzling her a bit more than appropriate for a public setting. “I’m glad he found a good mare like Shining and Dawn have. Oh I can’t wait for grandfoals.” She clapped her forehooves together. Morning Dew laughed at the other mares and her husbands antics. “Well it’s definitely a bit early on Dawn’s part for that. Our children may have their cutie marks but are far from independence.” “Of course but him and Twilight are so cute together and he’s been wonderful with Spike.” Night actually nodded in approval. “And Trixie is a fiery one. I was thinking Moon Dancer might join but she’s more of a friend to them. Honestly I was worried when she hatched Spike and basically became a young mother.” Velvet shook her head. “Moon Dancer?” Dew thought the name familiar but couldn’t remember. She also didn’t want to open the can of worms surrounding early motherhood. Cutie marks may have been the original sign of maturity and the start of mare hood but age did still play a factor. “One of their classmates. She’s a good study buddy of Twilight and workout buddy for Dawn I hear.” Velvet continued to explain as Dew listened and Night idly napped on his Wife’s shoulder. “So where are we going next?” Twilight’s eyes were sparking and her tail idly wagging as we walked through town. We had just left the open market and Twilight was a few bits shorter after finding some used books. “How about we rest for a while?” I motioned towards the plaza fountain where Lyra was playing for a small crowd. “Is that Lyra?” Twilight asked as we got closer. The fillies ear twitched and she shot us a smile without stopping her playing. “Yeah, she comes out here to practice and earn a few bits.” I hummed a bit while listening to the tune and finding an open spot for us to sit and listen In better. “She’s good.” Twilight sat down next to me but quickly got up when she found an envelope under her. “What the?” Picking it up Twilight found it addressed to her and opened it. ‘Hi ya, This is your invitation to you and your family’s ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party. It’s this afternoon.’ That’s all that she found written on the front “This afternoon?” Twilight tilted her head and flipped over the Card. ‘Yes. This afternoon! Hope to see you there. Your friend, Pinkie!’ “How did she do that?” Twilight studied the card held in her magic. “Pinkie invite?” I put a hoof in my mane and pulled out my own from my inventory. Something I know I didn’t put there but felt arrive a moment ago. “I got mine too.” “What, but, how.” Twilight’s eye twitched. “You told me Pinkie is an earth pony.” “Twilight I say this with love and compassion. Do. Not. Try to figure her out. It took me months to gain a basic understanding of some of the things she can do.” I wrapped a wing around her. “If I was a betting colt I would say she’s actually a hidden alicorn.” “Aww you flatter me.” Pinkie popped up right behind us. “Before I forget, could you please convince Flutters to show up. She’s still upset about what happened last week. Okay thanks. Bye.” I facehooved as she bounced off leaving only an extra invite behind. “What happened last week?” Twilight tilted her head in curiosity as I blushed, face hidden behind my hooves. Twilight was fuming and blushing in an odd mix of jealousy and indignation after I explained the basics. “Who does this filly think she is doing that with you. I should have been first.” Twilight blushed harder when she realized what she said aloud. I was flattered and gave her a nuzzle. “Twilight I am sorry about that.” I stopped on the bridge in front of Fluttershy’s cottage and pinned my ears back. “What? No I’m not mad at you.” She sighed. “We’re not officially in a herd so I get it I just wanted to be first is all.” She scuffed at the ground and I gave her neck a love nip as I nuzzled her. The act was a bit intimate but I didn’t want her feeling like I didn’t like her. “If it makes you uncomfortable I could pick her up alone.” I offered. She shook her head. “No I’m good now.” Her tail idly swished and we crossed the bridge. “What’s with all the animals though?” “Oh Fluttershy is part of the conservation society and an apprentice veterinarian. Her special talent lets her understand and speak with animals.” The filly in question had just come around front and ‘eeped’ when she saw us. I gave her a wave with my wing and she hid behind her mane. “She doesn’t look like the type to do what you mentioned.” Twilight spoke softly then, “Hi. I’m Twilight Sparkle, what’s your name?” ”Fluttershy.” The shaking filly eventually got out. “I’m sorry what was that.” I couldn’t help but giggle at the scene unfolding. ”I’m Fluttershy.” She spoke just loud enough to pick up what was said. “Nice to meet you. Listen I heard about what happened and I’m not mad. It’s a natural thing but I am a bit upset I wasn’t first so…” Twilight held out a hoof. “Come to Pinkie’s party with us so we can get to know each other?” Shy looked at me then the hoof. I nodded and she gave it a gentle bump before leaping forward and giving Twilight a grateful nuzzle. I felt another small burst of magic when they touched. “Thank you for not being mad. Oh um sorry. I better get inside to wash up.” Twilight was stunned for a moment then looked at me blushing. “Her fur is so soft and she’s so quiet!” “I know right?” I giggled. I was liking this more social version of Twilight. She was much more reserved in Canterlot. > Ch74. A party! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Is this building made of Candy?” Trixie licked her lips as we walked up to Sugarcube Corner with everypony else. “Nah, just looks like it.” I chuckle then pull her along towards the entrance. “Surprise! Okay so I know you got an invitation but you didn’t know it was a surprise party so are you surprised? Huh, huh?” The out of towners all stare at the pink filly while Spike just laughs and jumps off Twilight’s back to join the fun. “Aww you’re all so surprised you’re speechless well, come on in.” Most of the town had shown up to Pinkie’s welcome to Ponyville party for Trixie, Twilight, and her family. This was a shock to four of them, considering they had only just arrived and didn’t know anypony else in town. “Dew is this normal around here?” Velvet leaned against my Dam, a bit overwhelmed but smiling. “Did you all plan this?” She laughed, recognizing the signs of ‘Pinkie Exposure’. “ Yes and no. Around here it’s normal since Pinkie lives here, she does this all on her own. We don’t even ask her. Like Spike, Dawn was the only one in our group who wasn’t effected when we got our party.” Velvet looked my way and I shrugged. “I’ve had weirder happen.” I fluffed my wings. “Huh.” She smiled and the dragged Night into the party so they could mingle. Trixie’s mood and horn lit up at the sight of bored foals and she began showing off her tricks to some. She’ll make a good mom. I blinked. Where did that come from? I wrapped my tail around Twilight’s and began pulling her into the party as well when something caught my eye. The future crusaders were calming down a little orange pegasus filly after she had pounced on Spike. Thinking he was a threat to the other two she had apparently jumped to their defense. I had to keep from laughing as spike pinned her back and all four began wrestling. It didn’t last long as Bloom quickly came out on top of the pile and Scootaloo accepted that Spike wasn’t a threat. “Well that happened fast.” Twilight had recovered and was watching the scene with me. She was also squeezing my tail with her own. “Yeah it’s good to see him make friends his own age.” Dang I sound old, though I guess I technically am. I tilted my head. “Twilight look.” Trixie trotted over with a small herd of young foals following behind her. “I have fans.” She squealed happily.” She didn’t use third pony. “Come on Trixie show us another trick.” One filly lightly pulled her tail. “Only if my lovely assistant can assist me.” Trixie gave Twilight a pleading look. Twilight looked my way and I nudged her. “Oh, alright.” She unwrapped our tails and trotted off to help with more magic tricks. “Good party or what?” Pinkie appeared at my side once I was alone. “It’s even better that it’s early.” She winked at me. “Pinkie you lovable eldritch horror. It’s a great party.” I gave her a friendly nuzzle and her grin grew as much as it could. She then dragged me off to join in on the fun. Rarity slowly approached Twilight as she was getting snacks. She had finally found the perfect chance to have a conversation so wasn’t going to miss it. “Twilight darling, good to see you again. How are you liking Ponyville so far?” “Oh it’s great. The ponies here are so much more friendly than up in Canterlot. I was a bit worried about being around so many non unicorns but I didn’t have anything to worry about.” Twilight smiled and happily ate her quesadilla. “Yes Ponyville is a lovely town. I do still hope to open a shop in Canterlot some day but here will always be my home. Dawn and Applejack actually did a wonderful job helping me fix up my shop when I first moved in.” Rarity sighed in content at the memory.. “Oh yeah he mentioned that. It’s impressive that you already own your own business. Clothing right?” Twilight’s ear flicked in agitation. She wasn’t much one for small talk and Rarity was making her a bit nervous by trying to sound ’posh’, it reminded her of the annoying nobles. It also didn’t help that Rarity was looking to join their herd which had her conflicted. Rarity didn’t notice. “Oh yes.” She clapped her forehooves. “I own the Carouse Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.” She poses dramatically. Twilight was about to find some way out of the convention when a filly that looked like a smaller version of Rarity ran over. “Hey big sis. Can I spen the night with Applebloom, Spike, and our new friend Scoots?” Twilight watches and is surprised that a Unicorn like rarity just giggles. Most ‘nobles’ would never allow such uncouth behavior in public. “Of course you can. As long as they say yes.” Rarity nuzzles her and Sweetie runs off. Twilight and watches as Rarity playfully shakes her head. “Who was that?” Twilight tilts her head wondering if she had misjudged her to soon. “Oh that’s my little sister, Sweetie Belle. Our parents travel a lot for work so in exchange for some support I watch over her here so she can make some lasting friends. It would be dreadful if she had to keep getting dragged around Equestria like I was.” Rarity smiles but Twilight finds it a bit hollow, she also found this side of Rarity much more comfortable to interact with. “She seems nice. I’m actually a younger sister myself and technically a mom.” Twilight smiles nervously as the two start having more pleasant conversations about family. There was yet another small magic pulse once Twilight realized Rarity wasn’t spike she first appeared. “Oh good I was worried there for a moment when Twilight wasn’t smiling.” Pinkie once again popped up next to me as I was talking with Fluttershy. “Also hi Shy. Hehe that rhymes.” “Hello Pikie. And wasn’t Twilight smiling the whole time?” Shy and I had both been interested when our prospective herd mates started talking so had paused our own conversations to watch. “Nah, it was a fake one.” Pinkie nodded along as I spoke. “Welp I’m needed by the snack table.” Pinkie rushed off and Fluttershy ‘eeped’. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that.” Shy hung her head as I used my wings to blow away the dust cloud. “Heh, I don’t think anypony will. Why don’t you finish telling me your story about that cute river otter you were helping out.” This got her to perk right back up. Lyra and Bon Bon eventually joined us and the four of us had a nice conversation about local wildlife. Fluttershy was impressed Bon Bon knew so much about the local monsters and the two hit it off, even planning on taking spa trips together. “So enjoying your break?” Lyra nudged me. “Oh yeah much better than last time.” We shared a knowing look then began to laugh like mad ponies at that, earning confused looks from Shy and Bon Bon. “How are they doing this?” A random stallion questioned as I began eating another muffin. The party had been in full swing for a while and somepony had started an eating contest with a prize pool of 30 bits. “I don’t know but they out ate Pinkie!” A mare replied,still shocked. “I’m more of a cupcake girl.” Pinkie shouted from across the room where she was cleaning up a bit before eating a cupcake from her mane. I looked over at Derpy who was happily munching on her 50th muffin. I was right behind her at 49 and my stomach was only slightly full. How is she keeping up with my alicorn appetite? “I give!” I slam my head on the table and heard some groans. Apparently ponies were making side bets. I could eat more but I’m getting sick of muffins. I groaned and rubbed my stomach. “You alright?” Twilight rushed over to check on me as I rubbed my stomach. Trixie was at my side nursing her own stomach after finishing a respectable 15 on top of the party food she had consumed. “Fine. I just don’t get how she did it.” I watch as Derpy is happily eating another, not even realizing the contest had ended. There was a tiny baby unicorn in a carrier on her back that looked just as content while her mother ate. One thing I noticed was that her eyes weren’t quite as bad as the show but still not perfectly aligned. “I love~ muffins.” Derpy smiled my way and finally finished the one in her hooves. “Pinkie can I take some home? I’m sure Dinkie would like some with her milk.” “Can foals even eat muffins?” I whisper to Twilight. “Technically yes, if it’s mashed up a bit. Foals can eat soft foods after just a few days but still need mothers milk to grow properly”. She whispered back as we both watched Derpy happily claim a prize of Muffins and muffin vouchers instead of bits from the impromptu contest. “Hey you three, ready to go home?” Dam had come over to collect us. I didn’t see the rest of the family but It was getting quite late so I assumed they left already. Most ponies had only stuck around for that final contest. Trixie groaned in response. “Yes please, need sleep.” I nudged my forehead under her barrel and pulled her onto my back. “I’ll carry you home.” “Such a sweet colt.” Trixie kissed my ear causing it to flick her nose. Twilight giggled and helped me keep her steady. “Well it looks like you three also had a great time.” We all agreed as we walked through the town. “I got to show off my magic tricks.” Trixie released a few sparks from her horn and I swatted her with a wing. “Don’t catch my mane on fire.” I huffed as Twilight giggled. “It was a bit overwhelming but I met lots of nice ponies.” Twilight’s tail swished back and forth. “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it. But now it’s time we all get to bed.” She said as we reached the farm’s entrance. We all walked in a comfortable silence through the orchard and eventually reached the house. Once inside we all broke off to get ready for bed. When I finally plopped down on my own bed I found it a bit lumpy. “What do we have here?” When I pulled up the covers I found Spike and the CMC asleep in a pony and drake pile. Smiling I joined the pile and covered us back with the blanket. It wasn’t long before Twilight and Trixie snuck in and joined as well both giving me a small kiss on the cheek. “Night girls.” I felt them huff in surprise at me still being awake but didn’t reply, instead they both cuddled up close and we drifted into sleep. > Ch75. Cider season and a new family member. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Should we wake them?” I couldn’t tell who’s voice it was as the sound was muffled by something, or rather somepony, pinning my ears. It also didn’t help that I was still half asleep since I was feeling more comfortable than ever before so didn’t want to move. The sun isn’t even up. “But they all look so cute.” Another voice that sounded like Pear. “How did they all even end up in Dawn’s room?” A voice that was definitely Night Light since it was a stallion’s. “Probably snuck in while we were all busy last night.” Velvet chimed in cheekily. From the context I really didn’t want to think about what the adults might have gotten up to after a night of drinking. Two small herds rutting out of season wasn’t unusual and more considered a social norm for very close friend groups with good compatibility. “Well at least it doesn’t smell like anything happened. Not that I would expect it.” My dam had given a sniff of the air and I could feel Twilight nervously heat up and shift a bit. Oh she’s definitely also awake. “What are y’all standing around for?” Grannie’s voice wasn’t easily mistaken as she poked her head into the doorway. “Yes, the young ones are cute but we all have breakfast to eat and work to do.” She huffed and entered my room. “Up and up and at ‘‘em little ones, it’s the start of cider season!” The entire bed began to shift as six fillies, a drake, and myself began to properly wake up. Wait six? I checked and spotted that Applejack had joined our pile at some point. She went a bit nervous when I spotted her but I wasn’t going to tease her. Pony cuddle piles were super comfortable. “Cider season!” The future CMC shouted and ran off downstairs with Spike following along. “Do they even know what Cider season is?” Velvet tittered. “Doubtful.” Pear giggled and they all followed the young ones downstairs leaving Twilight, Trixie, AJ, and I stretching and getting ready for the day. “Um Dawn, need help?” Twilight blushed as she motioned to my ruffled feathers. Applejack shot her a look but wasn’t about to stick around for the intimate moment so walked out to get ready for breakfast. “Um sure.” I blushed as only mom had helped with my wings before and only when I was first learning. After showing her what to do she helped fix my feathers that were out of place. She was awkward at first but after slowing down and letting me guide her it was much easier. Trixie watched though her tail swished with contained intrigue. “Dawn, when did you get those by the way? Trixie thinks they look good on you.” “Thanks, I’m surprised you weren’t freaking out like the others were when they first found out.” I shivered as Twilight helped get a feather back into place as Trixie came over and gave me a nuzzle. “Your tribe doesn’t matter to Trixie, to me.” She corrected. “Only that you’re my biggest and best supporting colt.” Twilight shot her a smile as we finished up. “That all good?” She asked while keeping one of the old feathers she had plucked. I gave my wings a few light flaps and nodded. “Perfect.” We shared a nuzzle and I have her then Trixie a kiss on the cheek. I noticed Twilight looking at the feather as she hid it away before we made our way downstairs. “I was just about to come get ya.” Dam gave me a look that said ‘good thing ya weren’t slower’. The sun definitely wasn’t up yet as the house was lit with a combination of crystals and candles. As I took my spot at the table I spotted Scoots nuzzled between Forest’s hooves. “Who on Equis has been preening you little one?” Forest sounded a bit upset as she helped the little filly with her wings. Something like preening another herds foal would have normally been frowned upon but her wings were so unkempt even I had thought about correcting them. “Um, nopony. Why?” The combination of such an innocent question mixed with an upsetting answer provided by the tiny filly threw anyone old enough to understand for a loop. All ponies were taught about the importance of Preening, basic horn care, and basic hoof care in ‘Herd Hygiene’ class. This encouraged ponies to go out and learn more in case another tribe member joined your herd. “Sugarcube. Have you never had them preened before?” Pear looked her way as we all sat around the breakfast table quietly, aside from Granny who was still loading it with food, if a bit slower. She shook her head sadly. “Not that I can remember. I was never taught how either.” Forest gave Scootaloo a hug while also growling a bit. “What are your parents thinking? Preening is essential for growing fillies to ensure proper wing growth and health.” Scootaloo sniffed sadly and what she said next made Mom pause. “I don’t have any.” The show was always a bit unclear about her parents and even the fans were split on the family that was added later. The three mares of herd Apple shared a few looks and a conversation passed between them in moments as their ears and eyes said everything that was needed. As lead mare my dam was the one who shared with the rest of us. “Well you do now sweetie. We can handle all the specifics later but welcome to the family.” Everypony else looked surprised. I knew our moms had been talking about having another foal so adoption just made sense. “Re-really?” Scoots tilted her head up to look at Forest who gave her a nuzzle in response. “Yep. Now let’s finish preening those wings.” Forest gently pulled out another bad feather as Scoots literally sat on cloud nine between her future mother’s legs. The rest of breakfast was spent in happy conversation about Scoots joining the family. Not everypony quite understood what was going on but Bloom, Sweetie, and Spike were happy their new friend was happy. “Alright listen up.” Granny Smith had lined up everypony staying at the house in the front yard Velvet and Night were surprised at being included but Velvet looked excited at a new challenge. “Today is the first day of Cider season and we will have lots of thirsty ponies waiting in line even now.” She marched back and forth like a drill sergeant. The sun still wasn’t even up yet and Trixie was still sleepy on her hooves. The four youngest were back in the house sleeping comfortably, as they were too small to help much yet. They would be helpful later when it was time to start selling. “Unicorns. Remember not to touch the apples directly with magic lest it change the taste. Baskets only or use your hooves.” We all nodded. “Good. Pear, Trixie you’re with me on appraisal duty. I can tell you have a keen eye.” Trixie puffed up as Granny looked her over, she was happy to be included. “Mac and Aj you’re on bucking duty. Dawn you and your dam are going to keep our cider machine running and the rest of you are on Apple moving duties or helping the others as needed. Let’s trot to it y’all.” As we all got working dam and I didn’t have much to do after cleaning up and setting up the press near the barn. We had to wait for a few bushels to be sorted before we could really get moving. “So how have you been lately sweetheart?” Morning Dew gave me a loving nuzzle and pulled me against her side. “Really good dam. School is fun and I’m learning a lot from the Princess, You and Mom got us a nice herd with some good siblings for me, and I have a couple of great fillies with potentially more for my own future herd.” My tail idly wagged as I rested against her. “So yeah, life is good.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. I was really worried after what happened with Starlight. Are you two talking again?” I nodded. “Yeah her and Sunburst finally talked out their feelings so are together now. I was upset at first but I get it. I still consider him a good friend but it’s… odd.” She hummed in understanding just in time for Mom Forest to come over with a loaded cart of sorted apples. “Here you two go. Fresh and ready to be pressed.” Forest unhooked herself and stretched before trotting off for the next load. Dam and I shared a look and I hopped up into the walking wheel. As she began loading up the machine with empty barrels and fresh apples I started moving causing the machine to begin processing the apples into fresh cider. First they were washed with magical water then thrown into chopping blades and finally pulped into juice. We didn’t bother removing the cores like human cider since the extra fiber was good for ponies. Falling into a steady pace I hummed happily as dam and I worked. Powering the cider machine wasn’t difficult just a bit boring as I was literally trotting in place. “Doing alright there colt?” Mom looked a bit concerned as I had been going for an hour already and the sun had just risen. We had also already finished quite a few barrels that mom had come and collected to sell over to the stand. “Need me to take over?” “Nah I’m good. Alicorn strength.” I fluffed my wings. “Just a bit bored trotting in place.” I chuckled. “Well you’re doing great Sweetheart keep it up.” She loaded up more apples as pear came over. “He been going this whole time?” She whistled. “Yep.” Dew shook her head. “He won’t let me take over.” “Hey I’m right here.” I kept trotting. “And I’m fine mom. See.” I speed up a bit. Pear laughed. “Go take a break anyway some of your friends are in line and we have enough for now.” I slowed back down then stopped. Oh maybe I did need a break. My legs still wanted to move after so much power trotting. “Thanks mom I’ll go say hi.” As I ran off Pear took up my place in the wheel to get the machine running again. Maybe when Flim and Flam stop by I’ll offer to buy their machine and just use the good parts. “I’m telling ya Rarity you missed out last year while stuck working. The Apple’s make the best fresh cider ever.” I could hear Dash even before I could see the line. “I know darling. You kept bragging last year.” I spotted Rarity just as she gave Rainbow a frustrated nip on the neck. “Well I can’t say she’s wrong.” I trotted over and joined them in Line. I got a few annoyed looks until they realized I was an Apple member so didn’t have to wait. “Dawn!” Dash practically tackled me as she laid herself over my withers. “Please tell me you came to let us skip the line.” “Sorry Dash no cuts.” She let out a frustrated snort. “But. I. Cider~.” She was being almost as dramatic as Rarity and I told her as much. “Darling I’m not that bad.” She flipped her mane which even got looks from some of the others in line including Lyra and Bon Bon who were right behind us. “Humph, fine then.” I laughed as Rainbow still practically rode on my back. “Never change Rares.” She blushed at the nickname and looked away. I gave the other fillies nod since they were happily chatting about something else. By the time we got to the front of the line we were greeted by three energetic fillies. “Hi, how many?” “Sweetie what are you doing here?” Rarity gave her sister a nuzzle. “Helping.” Sweetie smiled happily. “Now, how many?” The little filly was all business after another pep talk from Granny. Dash slammed down some bits. “Four.” Rarity was a bit more reserved and just bought two mugs. Sweetie then looked at me and I whispered in her ear. “Since we helped we get the good chilled stuff tonight.” I winked at her and her eyes lit up. It wasn’t long before Bloom and Scootaloo came over with six mugs and passed them over. Scoots took one look at Dash and her four mugs and looked impressed. And so it begins. “Ahh, that’s the stuff.” Dash set her first finished mug aside and gave a loud belch once we had found a good spot to sit away from the stall. “Darling. Mind your manners in front of a colt.” Rarity let out her own dainty burp and an ‘excuse me’. I just laughed then licked the suds from Rainbows cheek. The action turned her cheeks red and her wings and body went so stiff she couldn’t pick up the next mug. This got me to laugh harder and roll onto my side. Rarity rolled her eyes playfully and muttered. “So uncouth, the both of them.” “And you do this every year?” Twilight was a bit out of breath as everypony rested on the large porch for a late lunch/ early dinner. “Eeyup.” Mac replied as Cheerilee rested against his side. “Sorry I couldn’t help today love. School might be out but that doesn’t mean work at the schoolhouse stops.” Mac gave her a loving nuzzle. “Nope, nothing to apologize for.” The two kissed earning an ‘eww’ from Bloom and Scoots. “Tired Twi?” I nuzzled her as Trixie rested against my side. “You wouldn’t be the only one.” I yawned. “Well it should all be worth it.” Pear came outside with a load of chilled cider mugs on her back. “You’re all getting a reward for a hard day’s work.” Using magic dam and I lifted the mugs off her back and gave one to everypony. Cheerilee looked a little guilty but Pear just nodded that she was fine to take one. “Finally, some famous Fresh Apple family cider.” Velvet hugged her large mug in her forehooves. “Oh this? It is even better than the public stuff.” Pear winked and laid down with us on the porch once everypony had a serving. “Go on, give it a sip.” Taking a sip from my own mug my eyes went wide in delight. The cider was crisp, cool and had a hint of pear flavor blended into it to celebrate the dual heritage of the family. “This is wonderful!” Velvet smacked her lips and everypony else agreed. “Dam did you add pear to it?” Applejack asked. “Of course,” she puffed up and winked. “Everything’s better with a touch of Pear.” We all groaned at the joke but couldn’t disagree that the cider was amazing. AJ looked back at her cutie mark with a proud smile and then stuck her tongue out at Pear. Imago looked at the large tankard that was sitting in front of her at the dinner table. As a changeling queen she did need to eat more physical food than her children so always joined Tia at the table. “What’s this Tia?” Imago was picking up traces of love from the drink. “Apple family cider. Special blend for family members. I always get some of the first batch delivered via my guards.” She sniffed her own mug and hummed with delight. “Try it.” Imagos eyes went wide. Not only was it delicious but the drink was infused with enough love for a proper meal. Setting the mug back down she purred happily, mildly love drunk. “Good?” Celestia sipped on her own tankard. Imago nodded and began nuzzling Celestia. > Ch76. Again? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I could feel the gentle swaying of the train beneath me as I rode towards Canterlot in a half asleep state. Twilight’s visit to Ponyville was a wonderful success, I’m glad she and Trixie stopped by and met the girls early. The rest of the week had been one filled with work, fresh cider, and plenty of fun hanging out with the girls. Fluttershy had stopped by on the second day to offer her help and Rarity had Joined the sorting team to get to know Trixie better. Both bonded over a flair for the dramatic and a good romance story. Dash of course helped out when she heard about the special cider and Forest made sure she earned it while also using it as training. I almost wish I didn’t have to go back to school. “Shh keep it down moron. We don’t want to wake him.” My ears flicked a bit, somepony had just dropped something on the floor with a clatter before the Mare’s voice hissed out. “Sorry.” As the second, a male, voice spoke I yawned and was grateful that whoever it was didn’t want to bother my nap but something in the tone bothered me and caused me to frown. Mares don’t normally talk to stallions like that. As I laid there pondering my ears flicked back and forth in distress at the lack of specific sounds. It wasn’t until a few moments later until I realized, Where’s the sound of the tracks? My body was currently swaying gently but now that I was more awake I realized it felt more like the bumpy motions of a cart not smooth clacking of a train car. Where the heck am I? I shot up and looked around. I was definitely in a large passenger cart instead of the train. “Well look who’s awake.” I turned towards the female voice and found out why it was throwing me off. The female was not a pony but a large Griffin hen. I tried to light my horn but felt the familiar ache of a null ring on my horn. “Sorry colt but no magic for you.” The hen gave a smug grin. I tried my wings next but they were tightly bound. “No flight either.~” the male clacked his claws together in a threatening gesture. “Do you two know who I am?” I tilted my head. Is this going to be a yearly thing? If that’s the case Fate owes me two bits. I snorted unhappily. “Of course we do. Balanced Dawn, only male alicorn in existence and future breeding stud for the highest bidder. Do you know who we are?” The Hen asked and tried to be menacing but it came off as comical compared to Luna. “Lunch?” I growled at the two laughing Griffins. I wasn’t about to put up with being foalnapped again so I put my guard training, Thank you Shining, to use. Channeling magic through my hooves I sent out a powerful stun wave which knocked out the two Griffins and apparently the driver, since the cart lurched to a stop. “Oh Buck, he escaped!” One of the apparent escorts, yelled. Looks like I should have made it stronger. I didn’t wait another moment and escaped my bonds using shadow magic before blasting my way out of the roof of the cart. With a quick survey I spotted about ten escorts with various weapons. “Get him, but alive!” One of the escorts yelled and threw an enchanted bola at me. The small contingent of griffins continued to throw bolas or nets at me but all were easily dogged or blasted away thanks to my smaller size. I gave them all one last angry look before sending out another, stronger stun pulse from my horn knocking all but one of the griffins out. “Nice trick colt, too bad it won’t work on me.” The griffin cock tapped his enchanted armor. I didn’t bother with dialogue and instead just dive bombed him with my forehooves covered in magic. The resounding crunch from my impact and smell of blood told me I had done some serious damage but the sound of pained breathing let me know I hadn’t killed him. “You should have taken the spell.” I huffed and flew skyward to get a better view of my surroundings. “Where the Buck is this?!?” Looking around in all directions I could not spot a single familiar landmark, even using my pegasus enhanced eyesight. “I can’t even see the Canterhorn mountains. Just how far did they take me while asleep?” My heartrate increased and I slammed back onto the ground as I remembered another fact. “I wasn’t alone, Where are the girls?” I frantically shot back up looking for another cart in the area but spotted nothing so began making wider circles in a standard search pattern. “What do you mean he didn’t arrive?!?” Celestia’s mane was almost on fire. It took a comforting hoof from Imago to calm her back down enough to not burn an average pony. “Well he wasn’t on the train. Twilight, her family, friends, and the rest of the passengers are all accounted for, though all still passed out.” The guard answered unsteady. “The conductor looks to have fled along with whoever released the sleeping gas onto the train.” “Two years in a row that poor colt.” Imago was hugging her mare friend after they dismissed the unlucky messenger. I may not have been able to do much to Dawn’s grandparents but whoever messes with my alicorn colt will pay! Celestia’s mane had gone full inferno again. Imago could sense her partners emotions so simply stood back and let her vent. Anything less would be unhealthy. When I returned to the cart, expecting to find the stunned griffins, I was greeted by a bloody mess and distinct lack of bodies instead. “Buck, I didn’t want them dead. Also I needed them to guide me back.” Walking slowly through the scene I could tell the unfortunate griffins had come under attack by wild animals. Perhaps if awake they would have had no issue against whatever beast came through but with all of them knocked out they hadn’t stood a chance. With a tear in my eye I bowed my head and hoped it had been quick. Considering I had been gone for a few hours, flying a circular search for other carts, there was no way I could tell exactly when it happened. “Well, dwelling won’t help.” I wiped my eyes. “They were going to sell me as a slave.” Stomping my hoof I formed an earth wall around the remnants of the cart and began setting up a makeshift camp by using whatever remained. Night was falling quickly so I decided to move in the morning after some proper rest. I could fly at night thanks to my Thestral disposition but I couldn’t see nearly as far even with night vision. Putting a hoof into my mane I pulled out a muffin from my inventory that was still relatively fresh and began munching away. “I’ll definitely have to thank Pinkie next time I see her for making these. Hopefully I don’t get sick of them again.” I couldn’t sleep. Whatever forest I was in was not a quiet one like the Whitetail woods. Wolves howled and a few times something stopped by to scratch at my barrier eliciting the need for repairs. “Stupid Griffin foalnappers taking me to Harmony knows where and dying before I could even get information.” I grumbled as my anger built. When another creature came sniffing around my barrier I went full Thestral, flew on top of the earthen wall and let out a scream of rage, scaring whatever it was away. “Bu-uck.” I let my emotions overwhelm me before I wiped my face with my leathery wings to calm down. After a few deep breaths I flew back to the makeshift bed I made from the cart’s bench. It was going to be a long night. “Report Shining.” Celestia sat in her situation room with others running around compiling information. “Well, all the witnesses that were awake said the same thing ‘the train cars filled with gas, we panicked, and then fell asleep’. The whole thing happened just after leaving Ponyville so it’s hard to tell when they got off with Dawn.” He finished the report with a sigh. “Considering how long most were knocked out Dawn should only just be waking up.” Celestia tapped her chin and surveyed a map that was rolled out. “If they didn’t drug him again. Another issue is the residual magical energy that was found. According to the investigators Dawn was teleported off the train meaning they could be further than we expect.” Shining winced as Celestia flashed a hint of anger. “Buck.” Everypony froze. The princess never swore. “Why didn’t I just sleep on a cloud?” I kicked the remains of the cart off the road. I wasn’t about to leave a mess behind and had already broken down my earth wall. “I can make anything out of them and I choose to sleep on the bucking ground like a scrub.” I kick it one last time and sigh skyward. Being angry wasn’t going to help my situation so I instead took stock of what I knew. “I didn’t find anyone else so they probably only took me for a quick payday. I’m not near Canterlot but roads mean civilization and I didn’t actually walk that far plus I spotted what looks like train tracks so that’s good.” Checking my inventory I had plenty of muffins and cider I was going to share with school friends as well as paper, school supplies, and a few other odds and ends. “Least food isn’t an issue and I could always eat grass.” I idly took a bite and spit it out. “Right wild grass isn’t nearly as good.” I could eat it but it tasted really bad. “Guess I’ll get going.” I looked around for anything else useful then shot one last therapeutic blast at the cart before flapping my leathery wings and picking a direction of the road to follow. “Maybe I should also hide this.” I tapped my horn while flying and hid it with Shadow magic. I now looked like an ordinary Thestral colt, even my fur had been slightly darkened my my application of shadow magic. “Perfect.” I glided down the path wondering, Just where the Buck am I? > Ch76.5 The building storm. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ug why does this have to become so difficult.” The storm king threw the newspaper across his throne room. “It’s bad enough they had two princesses and now they have a third.” Even though his armies were making great, if slow, progress of conquering the nearby countries, he knew Equestria would be the most difficult opponent. It didn’t help that getting news from his informants across the ocean took so long. Gilded Sunrise picked up the discarded paper for her and her sister to read. Both spat at the fact their former princess was dating what amounted to an insect. The two had proved themselves in the fighting pits and had been elevated, along with a feisty hornless filly to the Storm King’s aids over the past year. He knew the value of magic so wasn’t going to waste it. “My king once we find the staff another princess won’t matter much will it?” Sunrise spoke with a smooth tone and made sure to flatter the yeti. “My sister is right my king.” They both walked over to rest their heads on his armrests then nuzzle him. Neither were that old in pony terms and the yeti found them pleasing. “You could take on as many as you wanted with the staff.” Unfettered hesitated while standing on the farmhouse porch. She had been gone for weeks finding herself and then getting a proper education from a tutor as well as seeing a therapist. With everything she had been through the family understood why she left but personally, she still felt bad about leaving as they continued to pay for her every need. Suddenly the front door open and Morning Dew stepped out. The mare’s eyes went wide at the sight of her adopted daughter before she pulled her into a hug. “Unfettered, you’re back!” Unfettered wrapped her wings around Morning Dew and hugged her back while nuzzling into her neck. “I’m back.” The two sat in blissful silence until Dew broke the hug. “You know, you just missed Dawn. Him and his little trial herd were in town for the holidays. I guess you’ll see them at hearths warming but still.” “Yeah the lessons took longer than I thought.” Morning Dew could see the positive change in her daughter and was glad she had found some closure. “But like I said, I’m back… mom.” Dew swished her tail at being called that. “You Know Mac and Cheerilee have missed you too.” The pegasus blushed and covered her face with a wing. “Mom~.” Dew laughed as she brought her daughter inside. “Oh we also have a new family member, she’s a little peagsus filly as well. Poor filly, her parents died in some kind of attack and was found half starved when brought to the orphanage.” Unfettered’s heart broke at hearing that. Something similar had happened to her but she was unlucky enough to find her way into a less reputable orphanage. “Can I meet her?” “Of course. She’s out playing with her friends right now. They’ve been inseparable.” Morning dew giggled just as the other moms came to see what all the fuss was about. “I don’t know how much more I can take!” Moonrise spat out trying to clear her mouth after being forced to service that filthy yeti. “Well unless you want back in the pits you better be ready to take a lot.” Sunrise growled, her own plot sore for the same reason. “Besides we just need to wait until he attacks Equestria and we can get our revenge and kill him afterwards.” “What about the filly? She’s unusually loyal to him and he has made sure not to touch her.” Moonrise nuzzled her sister for comfort. Even when mad the twins hated to be apart. “She’s only loyal because he promised to grow back her horn.” She scoffed. “If only the temperamental brat knew she could just get a prosthetic, with enough bits and a skilled healer.” Both shook their heads in frustration. > Ch77. Another kind of party. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lone young colt wearing a wide rimmed Cowboy hat with a rubber chicken in a saddle on his back overlooked the nearby town with pride. “Well Boneless we did it. Just like our Pink filly friend, we brought smiles to the faces of another sad group of townsfolk.” He adjusted his hat. “Guess it’s about time we…” The colt felt a tingle in his spine, somepony was unhappy and they were close. Looking over the town at all the smiling faces only made him more confused. “Run!” I yelled at the funny looking colt standing in the middle of the road. I had been running for the better part of ten minutes from the wolves chasing me. They had caught me off guard while resting my wings and, while I was pissed at them, Fluttershy would end Me if I killed them. Not that I want to, wolves are normally cute and easy to deal with, if only I wasn’t tired and magically drained from traveling so long. These wolves weren’t the first threat I had to deal with. The cowboy looking colt just stood his ground and pulled out a cannon. “No need partner.” He flicked up his hat and shot out a massive amount of confetti from his cannon. The resulting noise and smoke scared off the wolves and made my sensitive Thestral ears ring. “Oh wow that actually worked.” He began laughing, a complete contradiction to his previous demeanor. “You alright there friend?” Still flicking my ears in agitation I didn’t bother looking his way. “Yeah I’m fine.” I huffed. “Just been stuck in this bucking forest for two days then, when I stop ta rest I get attacked by wolves, and finally I get saved by a party cannon wielding pony that makes my ears ring.” I sigh. I knew the colt had only done it to save me but my ears really hurt. “Ah, sorry about that partner.” He took back on the cowboy persona. “Didn’t mean to cause ya any distress.” I finally looked his way as he held out a hoof in apology. Looking at it then him I gave it a bump. “Well my ears will recover I guess. Better them ringing a bit than getting my flank bitten off.” “Great.” He reverted again with a big smile. “I’m Cheese Sandwich by the way. What about you stranger?” “Lost.” I said as sarcastically as possible with a half chuckle. I thought he looked familiar. “Well it’s nice to meet ya Lost.” The way he said it earned an actual laugh and I fell on my back exasperated and exhausted. He really is just like Pinkie. “Oh, so you were the unhappy pony I sensed.” He nodded and cause his rubber chicken to flop around. “Yeah. It hasn’t been a great couple of days for me. Anyway my name is Balanced Dawn my current status in the world is lost.” I huffed, standing back up and shaking myself off. “Well Dawn nice to meet you again.” He tipped his hat. “You too Cheese.” I nodded. “Um, anyway do you know where in Equestria we are?” I motioned to the nearby buildings. “Well this little village has no name.” He motioned with his hooves. “But we’re right on the border between Equestria and the Griffin wild lands.” “Oh, that’s not good.” I fell on my haunches. Depending where along the border I was the trip could take a week or a month by hoof. I knew the foalnappers had used teleportation and probably another train but the thought I had probably spent my time going the wrong direction made it worse. I could have easily teleported back, If only I knew where exactly I was! As I sat there feeling upset Cheese put a hoof on my shoulder and gave me a friendly side nuzzle. “Hey it will be oaky. Where ya heading? I could tag along.” “Canterlot.” My ears perked up. “Well then Dawn and Boneless we have our destination.” He pointed north west which made sense considering fall hat yet to properly set in around here. “This is Boneless by the way.” He showed off the rubber chicken. “My faithful travel companion. So I guess that makes you, Dawn, my second travel companion.” “You’re going to have to let them know.” Imago sat at Celestia’s side. Her princess had run herself ragged the past few days, organizing search parties and handing the aftermath of the train attack. “I can’t. The family has been through this once already and we don’t even have a clue as to who took him this time.” Celestia slumped at her desk. “Couldn’t it be the two that escaped?” Imago idly checked a few papers. She also had a lot on her mind with the changelings that had show up. Feeding them had been no problem but they needed to be connected to her hive mind soon yet she was busy helping her princess. “No. Reports on them had them last spotted being sold as slaves in one of the lawless towns. My agent lost track of them after that.” Celestia leaned against her partner. She was eternally grateful she no longer had to stand alone. The two sat in silence until Celestia spoke again. “When will you preform your hive ceremony?” Imago froze a moment. “That can wait.” Celestia nuzzled against Imago’s cool chitin. “No. Your subjects need you same as my little ponies. Go take care of them while I handle this.” “But you need me too.” Imago nuzzled her warm fur. “Yes, but I can’t be helped right now. They can.” Celestia retorted. “Fine but you still need to let Dawn’s family know. News of the train attack is already spreading in the city so once news get out they will come asking about him.” Imago gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the study to go prepare for the induction of new hive members. She really does make a fine partner. “So my no feathered friend what exactly are you, some kind of bat pony?” Cheese asked with pure curiosity. We had been walking about an hour, one that was spent with Cheese regaling me with the tale of the previous town he helped regain their smiles. “I’m a Thestral calling us bats is rude unless part of the ponies name.” I flapped my wings. For some reason I couldn’t currently change back into my original features but had no issues hiding or revealing my horn. “Sorry chum just haven’t seen a pony like you in my travels. Have we boneless?” The chicken remained silent. “I’m not surprised. Thestrals typically don’t interact with the other tribes.” At least not openly. My ear flicked. I had been researching them ever since getting my mission but they had hidden themselves from society very well. “What about you then partner?” Cheese flicked his tail my way. “Foalnapped by griffin slavers.” He was thrown off by how nonchalantly I answered with a shrug. “Not the first time.” He worked his jaw for a few moments and broke both his characters. “Well dang.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac sneezed. “Oh Mac you’re not catching a cold are you?” Cheerilee asked as she was laying on his side. Unfettered rested on the other while the three caught up outside on the family farm’s porch. Both Cheery and Mac had been excited to hear about her travels and studies. ”Nnope.” The young stallion shook his head and wondered if this is what his younger brother went through with his fillies. “Well let us know if you are.” Unfettered draped a wing over him. Mac knew he had to be careful of falling into the stallion’s trap of letting his mares pamper him to much. He was a proud, hardworking draft pony and he didn’t want to change that. “This is the song that never ends.🎵” “Yes it goes on and on my friends. 🎵” “Somepony started singing it not knowing what it was and then continued singing it forever! ‘Just Because’~.🎵” I was having a hard time not walking over to a tree and banging my head against it as evening set in. Even with my ears pinned back it wasn’t blocking out Cheese’s singing. “Bard, would you please stop singing and giving away our position.” I don’t know why I said it like that but chalked it up to exhaustion. Probably all that O&O with Mac over break. “Oh good line.” He finally stopped singing. “Does that make you the rogue of our party?” I just groaned. It was going to be a long trip back. I can’t tell if this is better or worse than last time. Twilight and Trixie slept cuddled together in Twilight’s castle room, Spike pinned between them. Neither had wanted to leave the others side after Dawn went missing and Twilight had kept Spike unusually close the past few days as if he too would disappear. “This isn’t healthy.” Cadence had poked her head in on the three with Shining at her side. She could feel the painful love coming off both the fillies. “Well what do you expect. They both miss him.” Shining nuzzled under his marefriends chin. “I know but preventing Spike from seeing his new friends Digit and Ditto even inside the castle isn’t good for him.” Cadence turned to look him in the eye. “He needs some freedom.” “Give it time. When we find Dawn things will get better. Though even if it takes a while classes will be starting back up and that will help keep them busy.” He turned to leave. “And where are you going?” Cadence called after him. “To get some sleep. Celestia has had us going non stop.” Cadence sighed and nodded. She then walked into Twilight’s room and wrapped herself around both fillies and the drake. “It will be okay. We’re going to find him or maybe he finds us.” “Where are they!” Ironhammer, a bulked up minotaur roared from behind his desk. “The mercenaries he hired should’ve already been back by now!” “We don’t know sir but, the cart you lent them was found smashed up on the road near the borders.” His goat secretary bleated out. Goats and Minotaurs had a unique symbiotic relationship of protectors and assistants. “I bet those flightless chickens are trying to cut me out.” Ironhammer stood up and slammed a fist on his desk causing it to groan. “I did all the research regarding those rumors then finding the brat and getting some buyers interested yet they just run off with him!” “What would you like to do sir?” The goat bleated out. “Get me some new mercs, let’s use some of those pesky felines this time, they have more honor at least. Though for what they charge they better.” Ironhammer slumped back into his chair. He knew he shouldn’t have gotten buyers before getting the goods in his hands. > Ch77.5 part of the hive. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia sat and waited next to her daughter and the other nymphs in the crystal caverns just outside Imagos front door. The old mines were still far from being a proper, modern hive but Imago’s house was a good start, it would serve as her private chambers as the hive grew. The changeling refugees were all lined up facing them as they waited for Imago to get started. Celestia was curious what would be happening next. Her partner had tried to explain it but even she didn’t understand all of the magic. Should we really let her go through with adding unknown members? We can’t just let them die and she’s their only hope. Imago stepped through her door and smiled at the lings that she would be accepting into the hive. “Hello my future drones and Den mother.” She stopped just before the group. “Before we start are you all sure you wish to join me? My Hive is only just starting so it will not be easy. My relationship with the ponies is more unique than previous hives.” Imago smiled over her withers at Celestia. They all shared a look before the den mother stepped forward. “We would be honored to join your hive Princes Imago and share in the love.” She bowed low and the drones followed. Imago nodded and touched her horn to the den mother. Magic and memories flowed between them both before the flows quickly spread to the drones as Imago took over the tenuous links the den mother had painfully maintained. These poor souls have been through so much. Celestia got to her hooves but Alicia put a hoof on her mother to stop her when Imago teared up. “Mother is reviewing their memories as they join our hive mind.” The little princess sniffled. “They have been through so much.” She mirrored her mothers thoughts aloud. As a princess herself, Alicia was also provided snipits during the joining that her sisters wouldn’t have access to until older. Celestia nodded and hugged her daughter. As the magic intensified the newer changelings all breathed a sigh of relief as the hive mind was connected. Celestia could only watch in amazement as they changed into colors similar to Imago’s so they would match their new princess’s hive. Just as quickly as it started the process ended. Imago stumbled a bit and her new drones quickly rushed to assist her. “Princess are you alright?” Elytra, the newly named Den mother asked her new princess. “Just fine my dear.” Imago gave her a nuzzle and they shared some love. I’m grateful none of them turned out to be spies. The new hive members immediately began to cheer. The bonded pair of Speculum and Reverb kissed and hugged each other. “We have a new home.” Shade broke down crying. Celestia watched the small celebration with a smile on her face. Dawn might still be missing but Imago had brought just a bit more love and harmony into the world. “They sure work fast don’t they?” Celestia and Imago were nuzzled together in the crystal mines watching the new drones work. After a short celebration that had gotten right into construction of new hive chambers in the crystal caves while the Den mother took to watching over the few fresh eggs Imago had laid recently. “Yep. We changelings can work fast when needed. It helps that I can just direct them through the hive mind.” Imago waved at Firefly, and the female drone happily waved back. Each of them had gained new names during the bonding and she instinctively knew them all. “I almost wish I was bonded to my ponies like that. So can you read their minds or how does it work?” Celestia ‘oofed’ when her daughter came running over and climbed upon her back. Imago shook her head. “Only when bonding drones from another hive. I viewed all their memories but I couldn’t tell you everything without pulling them up again. A good queen acts as a conductor, she guides her drones but doesn’t micromanage. Chrysalis,” she hissed the name. “Is the main example of why you shouldn’t do that. No one mind can handle that much information and not go crazy. She treats her drones as puppets instead of individuals.” “I see. So they’re all their own… changeling and you just guide them with your thoughts.” She hummed as Scarlet brought them over some tea before returning to her work. “Yep. They can also pull up almost anything they need to know from the hive mind and when they joined us they added to that collective knowledge. Turns out Mina and Scout over there are actually from separate hives than the rest so it really broadens what was brought in.” Imago pointed out two drones. Celestia couldn’t really tell them apart but that was in their nature. “So you know more now?” Celestia sipped the tea, it was prepared the same way Imago made it for them. Imago wiggled her hoof. “Kind of. Even I have to actively seek out the knowledge in our hive mind but I have access to all of it while the various groups are limited, without going through me.” Celestia didn’t quite understand but chose to trust her partner. If only we could do that with our field agents. “Sir. We found something.” The pegasus scout gave a salute and her commander motioned for her to continue. “We found an abandoned train engine with only one car sitting on an older side rail. Judging by it’s condition, it was probably used by the foalnappers for at least part of the journey.” “Excellent work. Finally we have some news for the Princess.” The older unicorn sighed. > Ch78. Drats, Bats~! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Come on sis~, let me have a taste.” I stirred in my sleep. I couldn’t feel the sun on my fur so I knew it wasn’t up yet. Cheese and I had set up a small camp beneath the stars since the weather was nice and I didn’t sense rain coming so it was just us, the open sky, and a few wards to announce danger. “You know the hunting rules, you keep what you find. Go for the other one.” The second voice that sounded like she had her mouth full answered. Wait… bad touch, bad touch! “He’s a day pony and that dingbat Mango has already started on him.” The first filly stomped her hoof and my eyes shot open. I immediately spotted a Thestral filly licking my sheath trying to get me hard as I laid on my side. Another was watching jealously, and a third already going to town with Cheese Sandwich, both looked to be having a great time. Bucking bards. “Excuse me ladies, mind getting off!?” My last word came out as more of an ultrasonic screech which caused the closer two fillies to pin their ears back. Huh that’s new. When they recovered the older one who had been licking me spoke first. “Hey why’d you stop us. You don’t smell like you have a mate and we hunted you fairly!” She got into a catlike pouncing position with wings spread while the younger was still recovering. I could hear Cheese and Mango still going at it from the other side of our camp. Well if they were a real threat my wards would have alerted me. “Probably because I do have a mate.” I huffed. “I’ve been gone a while so her scent probably got washed off.” “Then why isn’t she out here guarding you?” The filly tried to go from annoyed to sultry. “A real mate doesn’t let her colt go out alone during hunting age. So why don’t you just get with my sister Moonbeam and I? We will treat you like a proper stallion.” She licked her fangs. Is that supposed to be appealing? I face hooved “And your name?” My ears flickered as I felt others nearby. “Moonshine.” “No thanks Shine, I’m good.” This caused her to growl and re-assume her pouncing posture. “Fine I’ll just take you.” Just before she could make a move however a few adult thestrals stepped into our makeshift camp. “Enough!” Cheese and Mango awkwardly finished together just before the shout. All the adults crumpled their noses at the fresh smell of sex but ignored it. “Moonshine! What exactly are you doing with this unwilling colt, especially after he said he had a mate?!” The stallion yelling stomped his hoof as the mares on either side gave the fillies disapproving looks. “But dad~ I hunted him fairly. By colony law he should be mine!” The filly flared her wings. I thought about just leaving but wouldn’t leave Cheese behind. Even if he might enjoy that. The stallion shook his head. “If you had bothered to give him a proper once over instead of letting your instincts control you, you would have realized he isn’t from our colony so those rules wouldn’t apply to him.” The stallion turned to me. “Though that begs the question, where are you from young colt?” Before I could answer a mare whispered in his ear. “Looks like questions will have to wait, sunrise is close and we need to return. You and your, friend?” I nodded. “You will be coming with us. Fly the fillies ahead first.” The stallion spoke to the mare on his right who then herded the fillies and flew off with them. Once the four left, the hidden thestrals around our camp all fell into formation around us. They didn’t give us much of a choice except to follow them. “Sorry for my daughters. Colts are highly sought after in our colony, especially ones more distantly related to the fillies doing the hunting.” He sighed. “My name is Night Whisper by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you both especially a thestral colt not from our colony.” “Nice to meet you, I’m Balanced Dawn and this is my friend Cheese Sandwich. Also we get it. Equestria as a whole has a gender imbalance as well, but what’s with the hunting aspect?” I asked as we continued to walk. “To encourage strength among the younger generations, like yourself, our children hunt each other and the losers become the prize of the winner. Colts typically get bested and paired off with the strongest fillies first then the lead filly must either be bested in combat or willingly accept new members into a herd while protecting her colt. During hunting and bonding age colts and fillies hardly separate.” He continued to explain a few other things that reminded me of old pegasus traditions my grandfather would talk about. Night Whisper himself hadn’t ever been defeated so was a rare occurrence of a stallion being the leader of his herd. As we continued to walk Cheese recovered his energy and moved to trot at my side. “Ohh that was something.” He bumped my side and spoke softly just to me. I rolled my eyes as he hummed happily. “Glad one of us is enjoying this.” This is not at all what I expected. When our group made it to the mouth of a cave I was skeptical that there were many thestrals living around here. The cave wasn’t even against a mountain but more a hole in the ground sloped downward and hidden by the forest. Boy was I wrong. After walking for about twenty minutes downward we leveled out and came upon a guard station with some massive doors carved into the stone. “Welcome to the night city of Vespertilio, home of over a thousand Thestrals.” The Stallion was mostly focused on my reaction as he opened the doors. My eyes went wide at the sight of a massive underground city bathed in dim reddish light. I could just hear the sounds of ponies moving about but the stealthy Thestrals made it difficult. With my night vision it was easy to see the magnificent city, Cheese had no such assistance. “Nice looking, cave?” To him, it probably looked like a dark open cavern. “Ah yes, you probably can’t see it with your lack of night vision. We don’t typically allow many day ponies into our cities except to trade goods and…” he coughed. “Seed.” “Wait, what happens if the foal isn’t born a thestral from such unions?” The guards had broken off and Night was leading us down into the city proper. The ponies on the street or flying kept looking our way but didn’t interfere. Night paused in his steps but recovered and shook his head before looking at Cheese. “That’s not something I can share with your non Thestral friend.” “You know, I could just tell him later.” I expected hostility at my sarcastic comment, insttead the stallion just huffed and accepted. “Fine, but you’re also going to be answering some questions once inside as well.” Night motioned towards building that looked like a modern town hall. He then led us towards a side room and sat behind a desk. “Welcome to my office.” “You’re the mayor?” I looked around his office as Cheese asked the question. Night looked at the earth pony colt and debated on answering before glancing my way. I could tell he didn’t really want to talk with ‘day ponies’ but was putting up with Cheese since I called him a friend. “No, I’m in charge of external affairs such as our foraging or hunting parties, both for food and mates.” He gave a curt answer. “You eat meat?” Cheese looked a bit green. “Of course we do but not as much as griffin’s or some of the other races and nothing that is Sapient of course.” He rolled his hoof. “Now to answer your earlier question Dawn.” He looked my way. “Fillies not born as Thestrals are sent to be adopted or looked after by others who left before them. As they couldn’t make a living here in the dark it is viewed as a kindness as well as keeping Thestral blood stronger. Colts are allowed to remain, protected and provided for. As they have a better chance to sire further Thestrals than a complete outsider, though I’ll admit it’s not always an easy life for them to live as a stud in our caves so they are allowed to leave if they sire a few offspring.” “But why bother hiding at all?” Cheese spoke up again. “Day ponies came to fear us after the long night and Luna’s fall.” He huffed in agitation. “Going into hiding was the best option for our tribes survival! We were already feared before her fall and after we became the hunted.” He hung his head. “Dawn, you should know this very well.” “The what and the who now?” Night Whisper looked at Cheese with confusion at the colt’s own lack of knowledge, so I stepped in. “Night, most ‘day ponies’ as you call the three tribes know nothing about Luna except the holiday about Nightmare Night. She is almost all but forgotten to history.” The stallion looked as If I had just struck him across the face. “They don’t know about our princess?” He worked his jaw. “What did Celestia do!?” He went from shocked back to angry and growling. Cheese took a step back nervously and I ushered him back out through the door and Into the hallway as Night paced behind his desk grubbing. “Dawn, who are you? What colony are you from?” Night had stopped his pacing and focused back on me. “I’m not. I live in Canterlot.” I had gotten sick of lying and I did still have my mission from Luna so I unhid my horn. “I’m Celestia’s student, it sounds like you don’t get much fresh news so you probably haven’t heard about me.” “Are you even a Thestral or just in disguise?” He bore his fangs at me. I raised my hooves. “Woah, these wings and are completely natural, I’m as much a Thestral as you are just with,” I rolled my hoof, “more, since I’m an alicorn.” I wasn’t about to tell him the horn came before the wings. The stallion observed me for a moment then got up, said he needed to talk to a few ponies, and left me alone in the room. Cheese poked his head back in. “Night just left but said we should stay here. What do we do now?” I shrugged. “I guess we wait, some food and rest would be nice.” “Nice horn by the way.” He flicked an ear. Of course he would just roll with it. Forest Breeze was called a tough mare by many in town. She had faced down Timber Wolves, rogue, storms, and yet always humbly helped her fellow ponies of Ponyville. They quickly came to accept her and her family as one of them. Yet, when she found her first wife Morning Dew crying at the dining room table she froze like a young filly In trouble. “Breezy is that you?” Morning’s ear flicked towards her wife and she wiped her face with a sniffle. “Yea Dewy, it’s me, what’s wrong?” Forest glide over and gave her a big hug. “It.” (Sniff) “It happened again.” Was all Dew got out before crying her eyes out. Forest eventually found the offending object that had her wife in tears, a letter with the royal seal. Scanning it’s contents she began to grind her teeth and a static filled breeze picked up in the room. Forest flinched when a hoof belonging to Pear Butter found its way onto her shoulder. “I don’t know what has you both riled up loves but I’m sure it will get better.” Pear hugged them both. As the three hugged Forest realized they would have to leave it to the guards this time as the princess requested. Granny had gone off to visit family and they had a business to run, two young fillies to look after, and no means of hunting him down this time. When that thought set in she joined Dew in crying just as Pear picked up the letter. “Something to report?” Celestia asked the mare that had just been let into her study by the door guards. Even with Dawn missing the paperwork to run the country didn’t magically stop. We could have made it stop. “Yes mam.” The mare gave a short bow and passed over some documents. “Rumors of a Minotaur bull selling off a male alicorn made it to one of the border guard outposts. They also said that the Minotaur was on the run after the ‘product’ he promised to sell never showed up.” The mare pinned her tail between her legs and had to take a nervous step back as the air heated up. ”Thank you my little pony, you may return to your post.” The servicemare didn’t need telling twice and hurriedly left the study. Celestia took a few calming breaths. “At least it’s progress. Now, did Dawn escape or did whoever was hired to foalnap him backstab their boss?” She closed her eyes and took a few more calming breaths. If he escaped wouldn’t he have returned to us by now? “This isn’t a party at all.” Cheese rolled around on the floor. We had been stuck in Night’s office for a couple of hours. At first the two of us had been swapping stories about our lives but both of us had run out of stuff to talk about. His cutie mark story was at least interesting. “Tell me about it.” I huffed. I had thought about going through the office for any information but Cheese had stopped me saying it wasn’t proper guest activity. Lawful good bards are the worst sometimes. As both of us loafed in boredom the door opened up and yet another filly walked in. She gave me a once over with a glint in her eyes that sent a shiver down my spine before speaking. “My father and the council is ready to speak with you.” As we both got up she held up a wing. “Just Dawn. Mango will be coming to pick up you.~” she winked at Cheese. “In a bit to take you to our home.” Cheese and I shared a look before he nodded and I followed the filly out into the hall. Well Luna, you’re getting your wish. > Ch79. The council. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Song, as I had come to learn her name, led us down the hall and opened the door to a larger conference room nestled deeper in the town hall building. Half a dozen Thestral mare adults along with Night sat around a large table, their eyes quickly settled on me as the conversation died down. “Balanced Dawn, welcome. I am the mayor of Vespertilio, Silver Shadow.” Again It wasn’t quite what I expected. The older mare and her fellow council members were nothing like some strange Nightmare Moon cult leaders the old history books or even the show portrayed the Thestrals to be. “I won’t bother with introductions right now but this is the council of seven.” Night was the only stallion among the mares of various ages. Judging by the smells they gave off they all belonged to separate herds. “Nice to meet you all.” I lowered my head politely. Star remained at my side and I noticed she was leaning my way as if wanting to be closer. “No need for that young alicorn.” The mayor shook her head. “Now why don’t you tell us why you’re out in our woods instead of your home in Canterlot.” Since I had nothing to hide I was more than happy to explain. For the next half hour I told my story and answered their questions as best I could about my attackers. By the end of my story everypony in the room was growing in anger. Even Star Song was holding herself back from covering me protectively with her wings. “Those filthy chicken mercenaries dare try to foalnap royalty from our country?” One of the council growled. “I’m surprised my story upset you all so much.” I rubbed my neck. “Of course it did! We may isolate ourselves but we still consider ourselves part of Equestria and they attacked one of our own!” Silver took a deep breath. “And considering that ‘one’ is a Thestral alicorn colt.” she gave me a warm look that threw me off. “What mare wouldn’t be upset.” “Dawn?” My ears flicked towards Night as he spoke. “Disregarding how you got here I have to ask, were you raised among Thestrals?” “No, my Dam is a unicorn and my Sire a pegasus. I only know of one other Thestral and she’s quite a close friend.” I replied. “Your mate?” I nodded At silver. Flutters was somepony I considered highly. “I see. Well how about we call it a day it is getting quite late and resume tomorrow.” My confusion must have shown on my face and Night chucked While Star yawned. “We’re nocturnal remember. All younger foals should all be asleep right now, normally.” He reminded me. “Dad, will he be coming with us?” Star’s tail happily swished back and forth though her ears drooped with exhaustion. “Yes.” Night had gotten up, while the other members continued to talk, and led us back out into the hallway. “So what’s Canterlot like?” Star Song excitedly asked. “I’ve obviously never been but I read about it in the library.” Rubbing my chin, “It’s a shining city on the side of Mt Canterhorn. Princess Celestia lives there in the castle and I even have a room there as her student. It’s population is a something like sixty thousand creatures, not including visitors.” “Wow, that’s a lot more ponies than the book said, but what’s it like to live there?” She didn’t seem interested in the facts. I looked around the underground city we were passing through trying to find a comparison. The buildings were mostly carved from the stone with wooden doors and cladding to give it a warmth stone couldn’t provide. It was all a stark contrast to a gleaming City like Canterlot but also had a cozier feeling I quite enjoyed. “Busy and loud.” I finally settled on. “But also fun. Everywhere you go there’s a group of ponies doing something like shopping or gathering at restaurants, or you can often watch the pegasi mares performing tricks as they handle the weather to show off for the stallions.” I laughed at the memory of one mare who had ran right into her friend and both had fallen at the hooves of the stallion they were trying to impress. He laughed so hard and found it entertaining enough that the two mares got their date. “The central part is mostly unicorns but there’s also other creatures like griffins, minotaurs, and the occasional Abyssinian.” “So many creatures. They’re like us right?” She lifted a wing. “The Pegasi I mean. Except with feathers.” I nodded and made note of how empty the city was as we passed through it. “Yeah, feathered wings with feathers around their hooves and around their tails sometimes as well. My mom has feathered hooves kinda like mine.” I held up a hoof and there were feathers matching my mane colors around them. “They also don’t have slit eyes or fangs and are built more for speed rather than stealth and tight turns.” “Cool! maybe I’ll meet one someday.” She yawned and I got a glimpse of her pearly white fangs. She caught me looking and blushed. “Maybe someday.” Night Idly chimed in. “For now welcome to our home.” He motioned with a wing. The structure was about half the size of the family farmhouse and with no yard to speak of. Yet the building felt cozy and inviting with glowing red light coming from a few of the windows. I had almost forgotten that without my night vision the entire area would have looked dark and uninviting. I hope Cheese is okay. “So what did you all think of the colt?” Silver asked her fellow council mares as soon as the three had left. “To think there are thestrals outside of the colony, we really should have kept up with the outside world better.” One of the youngest members huffed. “Perhaps, but our traditions have kept us safe.” Argued one of the oldest. “From what?” Night relayed, “Luna has been all but forgotten by the average pony after her fall into the Nightmare and we have had no issues from the Nightmare cults in generations.” Silver rested her chin on a fore hoof. Their colony had been one of a few that had worked tirelessly to stamp them out before going into hiding. They hadn’t contacted the other colonies along the other border or near the Everfree’s edge, opposite Canterlot, in years once that work was done. As the group continued to talk the oldest spoke again. “So what do we do with him?” They all shared uncomfortable looks. Each knew the value of an alicorn colt but they also knew the Princess of the day, Celestia, was his personal mentor. None of them wanted to risk her wrath if they forced him to stay. “What if we send one of ours with him?” The youngest suggested. “Secure a strong bloodline from him and maybe start sending out scouting parties and a messenger to Celestia in order to catch us up with the world.” It was a bold plan but Silver had nothing to argue against it. “We will start asking for volunteers when the time is right. First, who’s filly will go with Dawn?” That question immediately brought on arguments and Silver knew it would be a long day. As Celestia and Imago sat on their thrones they were intrigued by the upcoming petitioner. “An Abyssinian?” Celestia double checked with Raven who nodded. “Interesting they hardly ever visit the courts even the few we have as citizens. Let them in.” When the doors opened a midnight black female glided across the room on her hind paws and bowed before Celestia at the waist. She was wearing a only a sword Belt with a rapier on each hip and a hat that blended with her fur. “Greetings princess of the sun. I am Mo.” her voice was silky smooth and her tail lazily swung back and forth without a hint of nervousness. Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Mo?” The cat stood up and smiled. “What can the crown do for you today?” “Ah, it is not the crown’s help I seek today Princess, I am here to help the crown.” Imago and Celestia shared a glance. “How so?” Celestia flicked an ear. A silent command for her guard to remain alert. “I was recently offered a job that I adamantly refused. The job was to bring an alicorn colt to a buyer.” Mo’s tail hairs stood up as the temperature rose. Imago immediately put a hoof on her partner and it returned to normal. “I’m here because I know better than to mess with the Equestrian crown so offer this information freely.” Mo pulled out a role of parchment and Celestia retrieved it with her magic. “And this is?” “A map your highness. One marking the last known location of the colt before that minotaur lost him. I swiped it myself after he had some issues.” Mo bowed her head with arms outstretched as if she had finished a performance. Celestia smiled this was what they had been looking for. “Thank you Mo. Raven ensure she receives the standard information bounty. If it pans out you can expect double.” Celestia spoke to Mo, then Raven, and back to Mo. Once she had left Celestia passed the map to Raven after scanning it. “Get a squad out there as soon as you can.” “Really Cheese?” When I was lead to the guest room I found my newest friend draped in a pair of wings belonging to Mango on the larger of two beds. “What? She’s nice and super friendly.” He nuzzled the filly who laughed. “Plus I need a guide since I can hardly see down here and Mango helped with that.” “Aww, thanks. You’re friendly too. I can’t believe how good a baker you are either. Thestral food isn’t bad but that stuff you made was good.” Mango hummed. One thing I had noticed even in the short period of time around her was that she was a bit more carefree, like your average ‘day’ pony and she even had lighter coat colors. “Why thank you Mango.” Cheese booped her and they both laughed. I wonder if Pinkie will be happy or mad at another member? I tapped my chin before shaking my head and remembering, as far as I knew, they hadn’t even officially met yet. Hopping up onto the other bed I groomed my wings and set up a sound bubble to block out the two’s flirting. I wasn’t exactly tired considering it was the middle of the day but a nap did sound nice so I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Stretching out under the stars in the grassy field felt wonderful. “I wonder where the moon is?” I noticed it wasn’t up. “Right here young one.” Said a voice. As I laid on my back in the grass I tilted my head back a bit more. “Moonie!” I threw up my hooves. “I haven’t seen you in almost a year.” I was dreaming and just became aware of it. Nightmare Moon huffed. “Yes, teaching you my spells from such a great physical distance was more taxing than I planned.” She loafed and I grabbed onto her neck. She growled but I ignored her and instead nuzzled under her chin. She relented and nuzzled me back. “I see you found my children of the night.” There was more Luna than nightmare coming through this night. “You even look like one of them. This pleases me greatly.” “Yeah, I found out I could change when I scared a few Griffin’s at the Gala.” I still felt a bit bad about that. “They wanted to deny me bacon.” I huffed playfully. Nightmare laughed. “That does sound entertaining. The Gala was always such a stuffy affair.” She gained a far off look. Watching her closely I knew I had to break her from the memories. “Moonie, do you still plan to do the whole ‘eternal night’ thing?” I had climbed onto her back so felt her stiffen. “Of course. Upon my return I will defeat my sister and all my creatures of the night will be free of the sun.” She hummed. If only she wasn’t as stubborn as Applejack. With everything else going on I wasn’t about to argue with her. Soon enough she would have to face whatever consequences were coming due to her plan and it wasn’t my place to stop her. No that job was for Twilight and her friends. “So we’re all finally in agreement?” Silver asked as the council members all nodded. “We send Star Song and Mango with them but keep him for a few days as we send a messenger to the day princess.” After much debate most of the members realized they wouldn’t want to lose their own daughters to the outside world so decided not to send them. Night’s daughter, Star Song, however showed great interest in the outside world and had even ran away from the colony a few times, while Mango was an odd bat who sadly wouldn’t be missed by many except her own family. > Ch79.5 Rage and fear. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean we can’t get our infiltrators into the city!” Chrysalis picked up and threw an ornamental golden goblet sitting on the arm of her obsidian throne across the room. It hit an unlucky guard who fell over. A different drone immediately replaced it with another, the looted objects were there just for the queen to throw in anger not consume liquid from. “I. Want. Results.” She threw a unique goblet each time and the drone replaced it. “Apologies my queen, but it seems like the Canterlot hive and the ponies have already set up countermeasures and until we find a way around them we can’t enter the city without potentially revealing ourselves.” The lead infiltrator nervously reported. Chrysalis fumed, harming her own drones wouldn’t help her as it wasn’t their incompetence slowing her down this time. No, the issue was the new queen cozying up to the head horse leading the Equestrians. She was upset she hadn’t thought of such a cunning plan herself. Perhaps she couldn’t get the solar princess but there was still the Princess of food she could get. “Find any information on that other pony princess in the rumors and keep monitoring the princess of food.” The lead infiltrator bowed and left to relay his queen’s orders. “At once.” A minotaur and a goat ran through the streets. They knew they were being hunted. As he ran Ironhammer only now remembered what his grandfather told him ‘never spend money you don’t have’ he never understood the phrase until he couldn’t pay back the buyers who had booked a spot in his auction. No, those bits had gone towards wooing a heifer he had hoped to make his wife. “Um boss, they’re catching up.” His goat companion bleated out. “Buck they’re persistent.” Ironhammer pulled a weapon off his back, one that bore his name and slammed it into the ground behind him. The resulting destruction blinded their pursuers just long enough for him and his companion to make an escape. Tempest Shadow was furious. A few weeks ago she overheard something that just couldn’t have been true. The Gilded twins mentioned that Equestria had the ability to make prosthetic horns. At first she thought they were wrong or lying but after some careful research she had found out it was true. With enough bits she could simply buy a replacement that allowed for simple levitation and low power spells. Sure they weren’t perfect but it was a horn. The only question now was how long should she play along with the storm king to earn that small fortune. > Ch80. Vespertilio. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke from my nap highly disoriented. I could feel a hoof tapping my shoulder but couldn’t hear any sound. What’s going on? I almost face-hoofed when I spotted Night tapping my shoulder and moving his mouth while looking very worried. Oh right the sound spell “-awn can you hear me? Are you okay?” His voice sounded louder than normal as my spell dissipated. “Yeah I’m fine. I had a sound spell up since those two were getting quite rowdy.” I pointed my wing at Cheese and Mango, both still snoring in the other bed. Night breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes, our Mango has always been ‘unique’ among the colony. In any case, breakfast is just about ready and I would love to introduce some of my family as well as relay the council’s decision.” I tilted my head after hopping of the bed. “I didn’t know there was a decision to be made.” “Yes well, we can’t just send you off alone and you’ve shown us how much we don’t know about modern Equestria.” His ears and tail flicked in agitation. I could tell something about the news had him highly upset. “Ah, you must be Balanced Dawn, welcome to our home.” A mare sitting at a low table, with some fresh fruit and cooked fish upon it, bowed her head. The arrangement reminded me of the Kotatsu’s of Japan. “Thank you for having me, I thought I would be meeting the whole family…” I paused for her name. “Oh how rude. I am Star Glider, Night’s first mate or lead mare if you prefer and dam of Star Song. Our other members are already out working for the night I’m afraid.” She gave a sad smile and shared a look with Night. I could tell she wasn’t telling the full truth and something had her upset but I wasn’t going to pry. Already worried about getting back no need to add on family drama. Sitting at the table I thanked them for the food and used my magic to dig in. Star Glider laughed as she watched me eat with enthusiasm. “It’s nice to see a colt with a proper appetite. It’s interesting you’re comfortable with meat considering you live with ‘day ponies’.” I finished my bite before replying. “Actually quite a few of the more athletic pegasi eat fish for the protein and the griffins of Canterlot eat it, so there’s that.” “Griffins. In Canterlot?” Night looked taken aback. “But isn’t the Griffin’s kingdom at war with Equestria?” “What? No. Maybe about…” I waved my empty fork back and forth. “Sixty years ago now. Their kingdom collapsed when the last king died.” I sighed since I did feel a bit bad for them. “Most of their citizens live in city states either under the protection of Equestria or as independent free cities. Quite a few Griffins moved into Equestria as refugees, settling down in either Canterlot or primarily Trottingham port. There’s lots of griffin fisheries there.” Both adults shared a concerned look. Their information was more out of date than they feared if they didn’t even know the griffin war had officially ended. Most information they got was from the rare trader or family member not born a thestral that came to visit after leaving the city. It still wasn’t much help as those ponies were typically from rural areas themselves, where news was scarce. “Dawn, how did you come to learn all this?” I could tell Night was a bit skeptical. “I did mention I’m one of Celestia’s personal students right? That gives me full access to the castle library. Granted news about the war is common knowledge taught in public schools now.” I rubbed my stomach a bit after finishing the wonderful meal. I was really getting sick of muffins. “I see. How do you think she will react if we send her a messenger then?” Night asked as Glider cleared the table. I gave her a thankful nod when she cleared my spot. “Probably ecstatic that you found me. She holds open court most mornings after teaching at her school or for a few hours after lunch where anypony can speak with her.” “That works out then. We plan to send one letting her know you’re safe as well as re-establishing a connection.” He hung his head a bit. “If you don’t object the council was hopeful that you would stay a few days?” He phrased it a request but I could tell it wasn’t. “Sounds good.” Night’s tension dissipated after hearing my answer. “Excellent. As for that decision I mentioned. You and your friend will be staying until our messenger gets back and we will be sending a few ponies with you in order to integrate back into Equestria.” I didn’t have much else to say so just nodded. “Wow the city looks so much more alive.” After breakfast. Night brought me out into Vespertilio to give me a tour. Cheese was still asleep, as it was actually late into the night. Ugh, wonder if I should have called it dinner. Shifts in sleep schedules remind me when I worked third shift as a human. “When we walked through before it was the middle of the day so everypony was asleep.” He chuckled at my enthusiasm. I hadn’t even noticed my tail wagging lazily. A few times during our walk other ponies would stop to talk with him about work or ask about who I was. With my horn hidden again they all assumed I was just another thestral colt. I can see why Night asked me to hide it, I’m getting enough attention as is. “Dad!” Star Song dropped from the air to land on her father’s back. “Is it true, do I really get to leave the city?” Night hesitated for a moment before answering. I just swiveled an ear to listen in, idly flicking the other. “Yes, you and Mango will be going with Dawn and his friend when it’s time for him to leave.” “I will?” She asked excitedly while I just looked confused. She will? “Yes, you’re going to be one of his guards on the way back.” He gave a smile. “In fact, why don’t you join us as I give him the rest of the tour.” “Yay.” Song hopped off her father’s back and nuzzled up next to me. “Let’s go!” Why do ponies have to be so cute? I let her drag me off into the city to explore it for the rest of the night. I found myself continually impressed by the small city of Vespertilio. The thestrals had managed to keep a vibrant community going underground without much outside assistance. A few things did stand out, such as spotting a unicorn stallion with thestral traits and his small herd or the lack of variety in the markets. How can they eat so much fruit and fish but not hay or vegetables? I actually highly enjoyed hay thanks to my equine taste buds. During the tour I also found myself constantly bombarded with Questions from Star song. “So you’re Celestia’s student?” “Eeyup.” “And a prince?” “No, but I am an alicorn.” “And you live in Canterlot?” “Technically yes, my hometown is currently Ponyville I just go to school in Canterlot and travel by train during my breaks.” “Oh, I know what trains are, those aren’t new.” She puffed up a bit proudly before deflating. “I haven’t seen one though.” During our constant conversation Star was also attacked a few times by fillies trying to ‘claim’ me. The altercations never got that intense, typically it was till somepony was pinned, but it did always put me into an awkward position of being fought over. I still don’t know if I should be flattered or insulted by such behavior. When the tour finally finished we arrived back at Night’s house to the sound of an ongoing argument. “I know the council ordered it but why is my Mango going as well?!” “Because Cantaloupe, both our daughters were picked to explore outside with these colts. Your daughter looks happier with that ‘day pony’ so what’s the issue? Honestly, she would have been lucky to find a herd.” The voice I recognized as Star Glider responded. “The issue is that I don’t know if I’ll see her again!” Cantaloupe stomped. “I’m going to stay with my mother for a bit.” When she stormed out into the room and spotted us she froze the gave Night an awkward nuzzle. “I still love you but can’t be here right now.” She then left while Night and Star song shared a look. “Sorry you had to see that.” Star Glider stepped into the hallway and looked my way. “She’s upset two of our daughters are being sent with you.” “If it’s an issue they don’t have to. I don’t get why you’re all sending two fillies with us in the first place.” I shrugged. Night and his wife share a look before shaking their heads. “Princess.” Raven was looking nervous as she entered the throne room during day court. Dawn had been missing several days now and she knew Celestia was on edge. The one lead they had gotten didn’t pan out so the search was back to square one. Only Imago was keeping her grounded and she was busy integrating the new changelings and expanding the hive. “Yes Raven? What is it?” Celestia asked from upon her throne. Day court was in progress and only a few ponies had stopped by. “It’s to do with the next petitioner, I have never seen a pony like this before.” Raven flicked her tail. “She’s fairly unique.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Well send them in.” When the doors opened and a thestral walked into the throne room all of the guards tensed. None of them had ever seen a thestral but the sight of her made Celestia’s eyes go a bit wide. What is one of Luna’s followers doing here, alive of all things? “Hello there. What can the crown do for you today.” She was struggling to retain her regal mask. I wish Imago didn’t have to oversee hive construction today. “Greetings princess of the day.” The thestral mare looked around the throne room without bowing as she spoke. “I am here to relay a message on behalf of the thestral council.” “What message?” Many of Celestia’s guards were muttering amongst themselves as the two spoke. “We have found the young prince, Dawn, and will be escorting him back within a few days as we host him in our city.” The mare smiled. Celestia looked shocked and stood up with a stamp of her hoof. “What gives you the right to keep him for any length of time?!?” The guards tensed, ready to draw weapons. “The agreements made with your sister.” The mare spat back. The room became silent as Celestia worked her jaw back and forth. Most of the younger guards looked confused by the word ‘sister’. “She is no longer here. If you still consider yourselves citizens of Equestria you should escort him back now!” Celestia’s mane began to smoke slightly. “Princess.” The thestral messenger mare bowed for the first time. “He has offered to stay as we prepare a proper escort. Also,” the mare looked Celestia in the eye. “Only Luna or now Dawn could give us direct orders.” The two remained in a staring contest until Celestia sighed. “Very well. So long as he is returned in a timely manner so he won’t miss school next week I see no major issue.” Why are they willing to listen to him and not me? “Thank you, I will relay that information.” The mare gave a polite nod and left the throne room. The guards all relaxed and began murmuring again. “Princess who was that?” Raven returned to her side as Celestia return to her throne. “A thestral, I noticed she never did give a name. They’re equestrian citizens as well but have remained in hiding, even from me, for generations now.” She sighed and took a sip from a teacup she had brought over in her magic. “But why hide?” Raven adjusted her glasses. “Because they are not directly my ponies, they’re my sisters.” Raven was one of the few in the nation who had been briefed about what would happen in a few years and the plans being put into place. This news caused her breath to hitch. “They serve, HER?” Celestia shook her head. “No from the messenger’s attitude, wherever shes’ representing serves Luna, not the Nightmare, and apparently Dawn, lucky for us.” “At least he has been found.” Raven smiled then Celestia joined her. “Yes, at least there’s that. I have a few Ponies to inform.” Celestia got up from her throne and walked towards her study with a slight bounce in her step. “They found him!” Morning dew came rushing into the farmhouse. She had been working at town hall when the letter arrived. “They did?” A massive grin grew on Pear’s face. “Where?” “Apparently a group of ponies found him after he escaped. They’re going to escort him back to Canterlot in a few days!” Dew excitedly hugged her wife. “Sweet celestia, I need to go let Breezy know!” Morning dew rushed back out of the house as pear just watched. She wiped a happy tear from her eye and decided tonight they would have a celebration dinner. > Ch81. Thestrals on a train. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So why are we walking again?” Star Song huffed before she let out another small ‘chirp’. The sound bounced upon the cave walls and showed more of the path ahead. Echolocation still feels so strange. My ears instinctively swiveled back and forth to map out the path ahead. After the council had received word from their messenger, the day before, we set out for Canterlot. Our group had been traveling through one of the cave system leading out of the city for about an hour now. A few volunteers were acting as escorts for Star Song, Cheese Sandwich, Mango, and I to ensure a safe journey. “Because Cheesy can’t fly.” Mango draped a wing over the earth pony colt protectively. It was strange yet cute how quickly they had bonded over the past few days during our time in the thestral city. “Hehe, sorry about that.” Cheese rubbed the back of his neck as Mango gave him a nuzzle. “Why not just have him ride on somepony’s back?” Star huffed under her breath. Cheese went a bit wide eyed. I had already considered this and he privately told me he wasn’t a fan of flying through a cave. “Don’t worry young ones, we won’t be walking there the entire way. There’s a logging town with a train stop we can use, after that it will be a relatively smooth ride to Canterlot.” Our lead escort, Night Blossom, informed us. The sun was well past the horizon by the time we left the cave system. However, Instead of stopping we continued to press forward on our journey. This wasn’t much of an issue, even for cheese, as the moon was bright enough to illuminate the area. “Her moon is always so beautiful.” Mango, stretching her wings while looking up with a smile as we passed through the forest with our quiet escorts, wistfully said. “Who’s?” Cheese looked up as well. He was a bit more grounded than Pinkie so he didn’t try and break the mood. “Luna of course. That’s her face on the moon up there.” Star Song huffed becoming slightly upset. “How do you not know that?” Cheese laughed. “The mare on the moon? Everypony knows that’s just how the moon looks. There’s nopony up there. Even I’m not that silly.” “What?!” Both fillies yelled while the adults looked our way. “Of course Luna is up there.” Mango had stepped away from Cheese and narrowed her eyes. “Girls it’s not his fault he doesn’t know.” I turned towards Cheese. “They’re right Cheese, Celestia kind of erased that from common knowledge. She did it to protect her sister but it doesn’t make it right to erase history.” That fact always upsets me. Even though I know why she did it, being forgotten is the one thing Luna hated most. “What do you mean protect her?” Star asked as the adults all continued to listen in as we traveled. Cheese was a bit stunned by my revelation. “Well, I take it you know why she was banished right?” The fillies nodded while Cheese shook his head. “Cheese, long story short, she did something bad. Anyway, Celestia knows she will be back someday so didn’t want all the ponies to remember her as a monster but sadly the only way to erase those ideas about her meant removing her from history completely.” As my fellow foals thought about it our guides spoke amongst themselves about a possible return of ‘their’ princess as we continued our journey. “Are we there yet?” Star asked from atop Blossom’s back. I was the only one of the foals still walking, thanks to my earth pony stamina, the other three were riding on one of the adults that accompanied us and Star was the only one of the three still awake. Cheese and Mango had ben lulled to sleep by the rhythmic walking of the mares giving them a ride. “Almost, Star.” Her mount replied as the town came into view. Why did I phrase it like that? It was almost midnight and we would make it with plenty of time for the morning train. I could already see it in the distance being loaded with logs and other cargo before passengers would be let aboard in the morning. Unlike trains on earth, Equestrian trains carried passengers, cargo, and mail every trip for efficiency. “At least we can see the town now.” I stretched my wings and yawned. “We can finally nap while waiting to board the train.” “Halt!” The sudden voice made us all look up. “What are you ‘ponies’ doing with that Earthen colt on your back in the middle of the night?” It was a pair pegasus guardsmares out on patrol landed in front of our group. They had said the word pony with a questioning emphasis, as if that’s not what we were. “Good evening, he’s just…” I tried speaking up but was interrupted. “Quite colt, I’m asking her.” The guard pointed to the one carrying Cheese. The mare looked at her fellow guides, not quite sure what to do. “Well?” The guard huffed. “He’s just sleeping. See.” She poked Cheese with a wing and he mumbled ‘five more minutes’. “But why do you have him bat pony?” The guards asked. This made all mares bristle in agitation. Enough of this. I pulled a Sun Pendent, given to me by Celestia when I became her student, out of my mane and held it in my hoof. “Stand down you two.” They looked my way ready to argue further. “Colt we told you to keep...“ It was my turn to interrupt by waving my pendent back and forth a bit. Once they noticed it their whole demeanor changed and they’re eyes went wide. “Our apologies sir.” The one guard nervously replied. “Carry on with your night sir.” Both guards flew off in a hurry. I yelled after them with snort. “And we’re Thestrals, not bats!” “What was that?” Star was the first to recover after our brief encounter. The others still looked upset and were tracking the guards as they landed on a cloud above the town. “Royal seal.” I tapped the pendent I had draped around my neck to prevent further issues. Its always so awkward wearing this. “It basically lets ponies know I work directly under Celestia so my orders carry some weight. The guards will leave us alone now.” “Impressive trick colt.” One of the mares ruffled my mane. It wasn’t long before we reached the empty train platform. Considering it was the middle of the night the train had a surprising amount of activity around it. “Trains are so much bigger than I thought. Nothing like carts.” She was back on her own hooves and looking up at the passenger car. I watched her inspect it with a slowly wagging tail. “Well little one how else could so many ponies ride them.” A stallion conductor had just stepped out and gave her a smile before speaking to the group. “What can I help you fine ladies of the night with this evening?” He gave a wink and earned a few eye rolls. “We plan to ride to Canterlot in the morning also, You don’t seem put off by our appearance?” Night Blossom spoke up. “Not my first time seeing a thestral and you’re going to be waiting for a while.” He hummed then noticed my pendent. “Ya know what, you can wait on board while we continue the loading of the cargo. If you don’t already have tickets you can pay when we make our rounds.” This was common for smaller stations without ticket booths or last minute travelers. “Thank you that would be very kind.” Blossom nodded as we were let aboard. I immediately stretched out on a bench to take a nap once we found a good spot. The rest got comfortable as well but didn’t let their guard down. When morning rolled around and the train began officially boarding, the few other passengers that walked onboard all gave us curious glances. A few quietly asked their fellows what they thought we were but none approached us directly. When they spotted us foals though they all said we were surprisingly cute with our tufted ears. I was still half asleep when we got moving but kept an ear out for any trouble as Mango and Cheese, who slept through the night, were jostled awake by the train jolting forward.. “Morning.” Mango let out a cute yawn earning a few ‘awws’ from the more curious passengers. “I still can’t believe we’re going to Canterlot. Have you ever been Cheese?” She was wagging her tail and watching the landscape roll by after stretching up to look out the window. “No, but I have been to a few other cities and lots of small towns that needed some cheering up.” Cheese stretched out as well and joined her. “It is a nice city.” I piped in. I wasn’t about to fully sleep during this train ride. “Well our first stop will be the castle.” Night Blossom ruffled Mangos mane. “That should be exciting.” “Yeah, especially with the princess waiting for us.” I was looking forward to getting home but not the overprotective nature of all my moms. “So how are you doing today my princess?” Imago gave Celestia a loving nuzzle as she joined her in the study. They had slept apart last night with them both being busy with work. “Better now.” Celestia nuzzled her back. “Dawn should be on his way back and Twilight will finally cheer up.” “Just Twilight?” Imago hummed. “It will be good to know he is safe.” Celestia sighed. ”Though if I ever find who tried to take him, my alicorn colt, in the first place they better pray for my mercy.” Imago shivered. She didn’t hate the more fierce side of her partner but also didn’t want her going out of control. > Ch81.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean you can’t find him?!?” The storm king slammed his fist on his throne. After hearing about rumors of a new alicorn he knew the colt would be perfect for his collection. Things hadn’t quite gone his way however. The seller had ran off, probably taking the goods for himself or finding another buyer. “My apologies your highness.” The messenger replied. “We are tracking the minotaur but he has remained one hoof ahead of us.” The king rubbed his chin. “What about the colt?” “If he did sell him off we have yet to learn where. It is possible they simply failed to capture the colt.” One of his advisers interjected. As the king sat there he thought about his plans. Equestria was one of the last places he would attempt to conquer, aside from the dragon lands, in his quest for world domination. While his army was more than adequate to attack the nation he still needed something to counter the solar princess. Nightmare was pleased with the colt. He had found a colony of her thestrals, a small cities worth of them to her delight. The thestrals had grown in numbers during her time trapped on her moon. “They’ve grown so much over the years during our absence.” While most of them simply wished to live their lives she hoped to find enough to directly support her when she returned. You shouldn’t attempt this. “Oh be quiet. Our little ponies of the night will remember to love us.” My ponies. Nightmare let out a huff at this. She had better things to concentrate on. With a small portion of her power returned to her she could now dream walk into others that had made contact with Dawn if away from her sister. This now included a colony of Thestrals. “Oh this will be wonderful.” Nightmare licked her lips and began delving into the dreams of her thestrals. Around Vespertilio most of the thestrals began tossing in their sleep a few on the other hoof smiled.