
by AppleLauda99942

First published

Victoria Secret wants revenge

After Apple Lauda and Silverstream got married and had a little "fun" with each other, Victoria Secret and Apple Lauda meet each other one day. It's a normal meeting like do with your friends.

But something is up with her...

Betrayal (?)

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After Apple Lauda and Silverstream got married and spent their honeymoon together, Apple Lauda meets up with an old friend of his.
"Apple Lauda, how are you?" Victoria greets.
"hey Victoria, I'm great. I just had married my now wife" Apple Lauda says.
"glad to hear that. How many victims do you have now Nürburgring God?" Victoria asks.
"way too many to count... I am unbeatable on the Nordschleife" Apple Lauda responds.
"bet I can beat you?" Victoria asks in despair.
"not in a million years!!!" Apple Lauda says confidently.

As Apple Lauda and Victoria Secret arrive at the Nürburgring God's home, Apple Lauda boots up the game "Gran Turismo Sport" on his Hoofstation 4 and prepares everything. Apple Lauda and Victoria Secret race on the 24h layout of the Nürburgring.

"1 corner and I'll be gone" Apple Lauda says.
"try it if you can. I will glue myself on your rear bumper." Victoria says.
"you know that I am the Nürburgring God do you?" Apple Lauda asks.
"of course I do..." Victoria says. "I want to take you down."

A quarter hour later, the race is over and Apple Lauda obliterated Victoria Secret with a victory by over 2 minutes.

"how are you so fast?!" Victoria asks in shock.
"well, I know every single corner of the track. No wonder why you had no chance at all..." Apple Lauda answers.
"I bet I can outrun you. I'm a track athlete" Victoria says.
"I can run 60 meters in 7.32 seconds" Apple Lauda responds.
"is this a challenge?" Victoria asks.
"you're so on!!!" Apple Lauda responds.

The race is over the 60 meters distance. Alicorns are known to be fast but Apple Lauda has a lot of running experience.

Victoria Secret and Apple Lauda blast off the starting line. Victoria is quicker out of the blocks, the mare seems to beat Apple Lauda but the Nürburgring God soon passes Victoria.

1. Apple Lauda: 7.50
2. Victoria Secret: 7.85

"how are you so fast?!" Victoria asks in shock.
"well, I'm a professional track athlete as well as a racing driver" Apple Lauda responds. "well I'm more like an amateur but okay."

The next thing they do is that Victoria and Apple Lauda play a game of chess. Apple Lauda plays as white and Victoria plays as black.

Apple Lauda begins with E4, Victoria responds with E5. Apple Lauda plays Nf3, Victoria plays Nf6, Apple Lauda gets his D pawn to D4, Victoria takes on D4 and then Apple Lauda plays his signature move bishop to C4. Victoria plays Nc6 and Apple Lauda does the short castle.

Victoria plays knight takes E4. Apple Lauda plays the deadly move knight to C3. The Nakhmanson Gambit is about to be played.

Victoria takes on C3 with her pawn... A fatal mistake. Apple Lauda plays bishop takes f7 check, sacrificing the bishop. Now it's a matter of time that Apple Lauda will win the match unless he blunders THE QUEEN!!!!

Within the next 7 moves, Apple Lauda checkmates Victoria Secret easily. The mare is furious.

"I am very talented and skilled..." Apple Lauda responds.
"well, if you're so skilled, then try to resist me" Victoria says in a flirty voice. She approaches the stallion slowly, her hips are swaying in a flirty way.
"what are you doing?!" Apple Lauda asks in shock.
"all I wanna do is have some fun. I have a feeling that I'm not the only one" Victoria sings in a flirty way. The mare pushes the Nürburgring God over on the sofa as she lies down next to him.

Victoria touches the stallion in a flirty way as she attempts to kiss him. She presses her lips on his as she kisses him.

Suddenly, Silverstream arrives at home.

"Honey, I'm ho- WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Silverstream says. Apple Lauda looks over in shock.
"Silverstream, I can explain!!! She started flirting with me, not me!!!" Apple Lauda explains.
"oh is that so? Well apparently that mare seems like she wants you so badly." Silverstream shouts.
"i would never-" Apple Lauda gets interrupted.
"save your words you unloyal piece of trash" Silverstream shouts and flies away crying.
"SILVERSTREAM, WAIT!!!" Apple Lauda shouts, but Silverstream is gone. Apple Lauda is furious.

Silverstream was barely able to hear Apple Lauda yelling as she flies far away. Apple Lauda chases after her. Even though Apple Lauda is an earth pony, he can fly thanks to his saiyan like abilities. Victoria Secret follows Apple Lauda but decides to teleport in front of Silverstream, stopping her in the process.

"Silverstream, I wanted to apologize to you. I wanted to make you jealous and stuff... It wasn't right from me.."Victoria says.
"at least you're more honest than that Nürburgring Showoff!!!" Silverstream cries.
"he didn't lie to you Silverstream" Victoria explains. "You know... he wouldn't lie to you at all. He still loves you. I was the one who started this mess"

A energy ball can be seen in the distance. Apple Lauda seems to charge a spirit bomb to launch it at himself. Silverstream notices the bright light.
"What is he doing?! He's gonna kill himself!!!" Silverstream says.
"we need to stop him now!!!" Victoria yells in fear. The girls teleport to Apple Lauda.

"honey, please don't do it!!!" Silverstream begs.
"give me a good reason why I shouldn't do it... our relationship is broken, it's over... I can't go on like this..." Apple Lauda cries.
"I still love you with all of my heart and seeing you dead, would hurt me the most. I was jealous yes and I want to apologize to you for those harsh words I have used. But please don't kill yourself." Silverstream cries.

Apple Lauda launches the spirit bomb into the sky and Victoria shoots a beam at the spirit bomb. Silverstream hugs her husband tightly as the spirit bomb explodes, revealing a heart shape.

"I love you Silverstream"
"I love you too Apple Lauda"