My Mother

by Dragonfan101

First published

during Spikes journey to the dragon lands he encounters someone he never thought he'd meet...

Spike never thought he would meet his Birth parents, he always thought he would have his questions not answered. But during Dragon Quest instead of meeting Garble and his crew he meets someone he never thought he would meet.

Art cover belongs to QueenCold on DeviantArt all rights reserved

1: An Unexpected Encounter

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It was a long journey to the dragon lands, spike had made his way through the forest and had arrived on the borders. "Wow so these are the Dragon Lands.. in a rougher shape then I thought.
Spike had walked around for a bit, he noticed some dragons staring at him, he even heard some asking why he is alone. "I really hope I don't cause any trouble" spike had thought when walking around. As if fate had laughed at him he accidently bumped into a large dragon and the dragon turned around and stared at him.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!" the dragon yelled,

"Sorry!" Spike said scared .

the dragon had started to look down and realized he was actually a hatchling.
" Oh! forgive me! I didn't notice you were a small child" the dragon said clearly ashamed.

" Its okay I was just lost in thoughts trying to figure out where to go" Spike had explained.

The dragon then asked" why are you all alone here child where is your mother?" he asked curiously.

Spike hesitated "I... I don't have one, I'm an orphan I came here hoping to find her".

The dragon then looked shocked" your alone?! with no one to help you? he asked confused"

Spike then said sadly" yeah I had come here hoping to find her to see why I was hatched without her or a father", i had a guardian but he passed away a couple days ago because of old age, he told me about the migration and said it would be a good chance to find my birth parents.

The dragon then asked" what's your name child?", " my name is Spike.

" Spike nice name for a child like you, I'm Nathen" he then offered his claw forward" would you like me to take you around? you should have at least someone with you" he offered.

Spike looked surprised," really you'll help me?! he asked shocked. " of course a dragon should always should always take care of the smaller ones" he said. T.. thank you! Spike said really happy someone he met was willing to help. taking his claw they made they're way around.

Spike got a good look at the dragon he was 15f with black scales,, had blue eyes, large white horns and blue spikes, it was an interesting color matchup to say the least.

"Where are we going?" spike had asked,

"I'm taking you to the hatching grounds" Nathen said, "most mothers who lose they're children go there in hopes of finding them every year" he explained. " Ok then" spike said understanding what was told.

After a while of walking they arrived at the hatching grounds and what spike saw saddened him, he saw dozens of hatchlings with they're parents, some playing with them, some feeding them, and some giving loving nuzzles.
Spike got a little sad, seeing their mothers give their kids affection, because it was something he always wanted as well.

"Is this how most mothers are?" Spike asked.

" Yes mothers tend to take care of the child's while the fathers go hunt and find meals for they're family's. "if someone threatens the family the father will take on the challenger and make they're sure they don't threaten them again once they win" Nathen explained. "interesting " spike had thought.

The mothers then noticed the small child and came to the Nathen." who's this little one?" one asked, "are you his Father?" another asked, "where's the mother?" another asked as well.

Nathen then interrupted " I came here to help him find his mother he was separated from her" he explained.

They then looked shocked, "You got lost from your mother?!" they asked surprised

Spike said sadly" Yeah, Nathen here said he'd help me" he explained.
The mothers looked at Nathen and said" Your someone who has a heart of gold! they said lovingly to him. Nathen then blushed"
I just like to help others" he said. The mothers then looked at Spike and said " Even if you don't find her one of us will take you in and care for you" they said sweetly to him.

Spike said embarrassed" T.. thank you! your all very kind!" he said happy. the dragons then looked at Nathen and said"

Hope you help him find her or we'll snatch him up for endless cuddles!" they said with sly faces.
Nathen then said" alright girls lets get going, come on Spike we should look around." he told him, Spike nodded.

After 10 minutes of searching Spike then started to look sad and asked" what if we don't find her?", Nathen looked at him and said" even if we don't there's going to be someone to take you in, I might even take care of you" he said.

"Rally?!" Spike asked shocked." Yes, any orphaned hatchling should be taken in by a dragon who is willing to take care of them, if we don't find her, I will take care of you myself."

Spike then said" thank you so much! this really means a lot to me" he said really grateful.

After some more searching Nathen then noticed a particular looking dragoness who looked really sad, he then looked at Spike and back at her and noticed comparisons.

The dragoness had purple scales, green eyes and purple spikes on her back, she was around 15 to 20 feet, after looking at Spike he then started to notice the similarities after looking at her again for a quick second.
" Hey Spike you see that dragoness over there" he asked.
Spike then looked at her and looked shocked, noticing how similar they looked. Spike then said" we should see if it is her" he said.
Nathen nodded and they walked to her. "Excuse me ma'am are you okay?" Nathen asked.

The dragoness looked at him and said" No I've been looking everywhere for something, something that was taken away from me." she said sadly looking at him. He then asked

"what is it your looking for?".
My egg, it was taken from me by skilled burglars and I was knocked out before I could get it back. she said with tears in her eyes.
He then looked at her sadly and said"
I think I found something that may interest you" he said.
" what?" she then asked.

He then moved Spike to her with his tail and they locked eyes at each other, the dragoness examined him noticing how similar they looked, she then asked him " who are you child?",
Spike said "my name is Spike I came here looking for my parents" he explained.

She then looked at him shocked, she got closer to him and examined him, she then sniffed him in order to get his scent and her eyes widened when she realized, he smelled just like her..
she looked at him and said "where were you hatched young one?,".

Spike then thought for a second (I cant tell them I was hatched by ponies they might freak out and assume them of stealing,
I love twilight and wouldn't want anything to happen to her or my friends) he then said "I was hatched by an old dragon who had found my egg, his name was Ruby, he was very old but did what he could to raise me, he told me the egg was nearby a tree it looked like it had tumbled down a long hill, he raised me for years and i loved him like he was my real father, but he was very old and he eventually passed on, he had told me about the migration and said it would be a great chance to find my birth parents before he died, and when I saw all the dragons coming in this direction and I came here in hoping of finding my parents" he explained even though he was ashamed for lying.

Nathen looked at him with sadness( he lost his guardian? it must've been really tough for him i know the pain.) he thought looking down at him with sadness.

The dragoness then looked at him shocked and then asked "Do you know your scent child?".

Spike then asked confused" " My what?",

"Do you know your scent ?, child's can tend to find they're mother's or fathers if they have the same scent" she explained. spike then took a moment, and then used his (barely seeable) nose and then sniffed himself, he then looked at her and took a long sniff and his eyes went wide when he realized. " We have the same scent!" he thought shocked.

"M.. Mother?" he asked tears starting to form in his eyes,
"S.. Son?" she asked water starting to pour from her eyes. They then looked at each other before the dragoness suddenly launched at him and scooped him in her claws. she then nuzzled him lovingly tears pouring like a waterfall

" Its you! its really you!! my precious hatchling!!!". Spike looked at her with tears of joy and sadness coming from his eyes as well
" I never thought id ever meet you! Mother! Mommy!" he said with pure joy.

Nathen looked at them tears coming from him as well, as well as a bunch on other dragons with happy smiles, ( he really found her, I'm so happy I was able to help him) Nathen thought.
Spike then asked "W. what's your name mother?" he asked still crying.

"My name is Skystar, my sweet little hatchling!" she said with mix of happiness and sadness.

" But where's daddy" spike asked looking at her.

she then said with such sadness she looked like she was gonna break" he.. he passed away from a deadly illness, you were the only thing I had left of him, he was such a kind person, so few drakes I've met were as kind as he was." she said with sadness.

Spike looked at her sadly" I'm so sorry you were alone for so many years, but I promise you I wont be separated from you again!" Spike said with joy,
she then kissed his forehead and said" I wont let anyone hurt you either, my baby" she said with joy.

Skystar looked at Nathen and said" thank you so much for finding my baby and bringing him to me! I don't know how to repay you!" she said,
" you seeing each other meet one another for the first time is all I need" he said back." My name is Nathen, I'm so glad I was able to help you find each other, I'll leave you two to catch up, if you want to see me again I live near the hot springs south of here" he said.
Skystar looked at him" I will Nathen, I hope your available to some time together!".

Nathen then spread his wings, before taking off he looked at Spike" see you later Spike, if you need anything you can come looking for me I'll be glad to help, Spike then looked at him with a smile and said " I will, Thank you so much for helping me!".
" Glad I could help you too, take care child you too Skystar " He said before taking off south like he said.

The two then looked at each other, " Would you like to come to my cave Spike? Would you like to see our home?" she asked hoping he would say yes.
" Of course! Spending time with you is all I need right now!
She then kissed him and then brought him close to her chest holding him tightly" Alright hold one sweetheart it will be a bit of a flight" spike nodded holding her tightly, she then spread her wings and took of the ground with a gust of wind behind.

Spike then started feeling drowsy, before he fell asleep he thought to himself( I really found her! I really did!.. Wait, what about Twilight what will she think?) he thought before then deciding( if they encounter me with her I'll do my best to explain everything, I just hope they understand). he eventually fell asleep,
Skystar looked down at him and smiled before thinking( don't worry sweetheart I'll keep you safe,) she thought before regaining her focus and continued flying.

While all that was was happening Twilight and the others saw everything after disguising themselves in a poorly made dragon suit.
Twilight said " he really found her",
Rarity then said" should we keep an eye on him to see he's safe" the others then nodded thinking the same thing.
Twilight thought about it before saying" no we should let them spend time together".
Rainbow dash then asked" You sure?! what if something happens to him?!" she said with worry, the others started saying

"what if he want's to stay? Pinkie asked ,
"what if he gets hurt? Applejack asked.
Twilight then looked at them before saying "we need to trust him with this, we'll come back in a week to check in.",

" But what if he wants to stay?" Pinkie asked once again,
" If he does I won't mind" she said", the others then looked at her shocked,

"WHAT?!" was all they said, twilight began to explain "As long as he's happy I'll be happy, his mother looks like someone who can protect him, we need to trust him on this, its why we let him come here without some other pony, we need to let him make this choice on his own." she told.

The others looked at each other before nodding in understanding, Pinkie especially knowing Twilight will be happy , they then made they're way home hoping to explain to Celestia that Spike found his mom.

2: Bonding

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It had been a few hours of flying, Skystar had been keeping her hatchling tight in her arms as she flew, the sun was starting to set and she herself was starting to feel tired, eventually her cave came into view and she sighed in relief, the village she lived in was large but she saw a lot of dragons, some with their kids going with them to their caves for rest of the day.

She landed in the entrance of the cave, it looks like nothing was stolen while she was gone, but even if something was it didn't matter because she had her most important treasure, her son.

she eventually came upon her room, a large pile of gold laid in the middle of it, she looked out her window and saw the sun had set and it was nighttime giving her a glorious night sky.
"its getting late I should get some sleep myself, don't worry my hatchling I'll keep you comfy" Skystar had thought. she then curled up on her hoard and wrapped Spike around her tail and brought him close to her snout to keep him safe.
" goodnight, my sweet baby, I love you so much!" she gave him a little kiss on the head before falling asleep herself.

The next morning.

The rays of the sun shone in the room and Spike's eyes were starting to open a bit, when he did he found himself confused for a moment,
"Where am I?" he thought before noticing he was wrapped in his mothers tail to keep him warm and safe.
"Right! I found my mother! and we went to her cave!" he remembered, he then carefully got out of her tail before taking a little walk around the cave.

The cave was really large filled with things he didn't expect, there were crystals on the walls like the ones at the crystal cave he goes to occasionally, there were carpets that looked like different collared flames which looked beautiful, and multiple rooms.
One was filled with bookshelves with books stacked on each shelf
"she and twilight would get along just fine" he thought before continuing

One room was probably a dining room and kitchen with multiple pots and pans and a multiple cooking items on the counters with milk and other supplies,

Another one was a living room with blankets for napping and a large rug on the bottom.

One room had a few lights and a baby crib, it had a book shelf with a few books on it, he took a look at them and saw some were coloring, history, and cooking books,
"probably for me to spend time with her when I was a baby" he thought before putting them back up. He then stopped for a quick second before looking back at the cook book for a second and getting an idea with a happy smile.

The sun had finally woken up Skystar and she opened her eyes, they went wide in panic as she saw spike wasn't there, but it quickly went away as a delicious smell came to her nostrils, she then went her made and saw spike in the kitchen and cooking something with her cook book on the side.

"Spike what are you doing sweetie?" she asked calmly but still a little upset.
He then looked at her before smiling, " just making you a surprise morning breakfast!" he explained, " how do you like your eggs?" he asked.
"Scrambled please, but you really didn't have to do this." she said, " where'd you learn to cook" she asked a little suspicious, ( no among us reference please).
"when ruby was raising me he had shown me how to cook and as well given me other important education, he wanted to make sure i could do my best when i was on my own.

She then looked a little surprised seeing spike being a fast learner,
"Really, ok then, but let me do the cooking or let us to it together next time please" she said with tad bit of concern.

Spike then replied" no problem mom, the pancakes are almost done give me a minute." he said before finishing with the eggs and putting them on the plates with the pancakes. Skystar then came over and took both the plates in her claws
" allow me my sweet hatchling." She said in a sweet tone before walking over to the table and putting spikes plate a few feet from hers.

Spike then came over and they both had started eating, to Skystar's surprise these were delicious!!
" So what was your life like when being raised by Ruby?" she asked.
"He was very kind, he may have been old but he knew a lot and had taught me many things." he explained.
"must've been really great' she said sadly," it was, but he was old and passed on, but i wasn't alone for long, because I've reunited with you!" he said happily
Skystar then came over and started nuzzling him " mom that tickles!" she then only did it more and he laughed a lot more.

They continued to do this for a little before Skystar stopped," oh my sweet hatchling! how I've missed you so!" she said so happily.
"Mom" he said before hugging her tightly before she wrapped her tail around him in return.
" Would you like to show me around the cave? Then we could go to the village later this afternoon." she suggested before finishing her plate.
"Of course!" he said finishing his as well.

They walked around the cave a bit all the while Skystar was explaining what she normally does during the day, she often makes food, reads history books, and often goes outside to explore the lands, she's even found a few private spots where she can relax in the forests out of the dragon lands!

"Wow you really know how to keep your time occupied!" he said joking a little.
" I know how to keep myself entertained!" she said while smiling before stopping and she picked up a photo she had before looking a little sad.
"what's wrong" Spike asked but he's sure he knew what it was.
She then showed him the photo and he got a good look at it, on one side was her holding an egg that was purple and darker purple spots...just like his egg, on the other was someone he presumed was his father, he had white scales green eyes and green spikes, like his own, he was holding the egg in another claw.

" that?" he asked starting to have a few tears in his eyes.
"it is" she replied." your father Emerald was such a strong kind drake, but he also knew when to take things seriously, he was one of kindest drakes I knew, he was someone you would've loved to be with, even for just one day, but after he fell ill I was left alone, as he passed on he was holding my claws telling me to take good care of our child" she said with tears coming in her eyes

"I I ... I just know if I was able to save you when you were an egg from those thieves I would spend every minute of the day loving you, but I messed up and lost you, I failed him and was alone for so long, I never thought i'd ever find happiness again " She said with tears coming down from her eyes as well.

Spike then came up to her and put his claw on her snout before rubbing it while he said" It wasn't your fault, I know it wasn't if they had never shown up we would've spent every day together, but what's important is that we're here together now." he said while starting to hug her.
She then started to cry before hugging him back, they remained like this for a while before stopping.

"Would you like to go to the village now sweetie? It will be fun." She asked with a small smile while offering her claw.
"I'd love too! your the only one I want to be with right now!" he said happily while taking her claw. They then made they're way out the cave, the sun was still rising and they both took a breath of the air before heading down to the village where spike would learn a little more about dragon life.

"Have you ever wonder what you were gonna be originally named son?" Skystar had asked as they were walking,
"what" Spike had asked curiously
"I originally intended to name you FlameStar, Flame for the beginning and star for the ending like my name, it was a name we both agreed on when you were gonna hatch" she explained
"FlameStar..., I really like that name! Spike, FlameStar, you can call me either one! I love them both!" he said happily.
"I'll be sure to use them both then, I love you so much my hatchling." she said before kissing him on the head.
" I love you too mom" he said as they continued walking

3: The Dragon Village And the Rest of the lands

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It had been a bit of a walk to the village as it was a bit of a ways down the mountain, eventually they made they're way to the village and Spike was shocked in what he saw. Spike thought there wouldn't be that much interesting in a dragon village, he often thought they wouldn't require stuff ponies needed, but what he saw was surprising.

The village was really large and peaceful with dozens of dragons going about they're day, he saw shops for foods like meats, fish, and even some stuff he saw in Ponyville, some vegetation crops and even some sweets he'd see at pinkie's shop! he looked around some more and he lava pools, and a large area full of rocks with dragons on top of them (presumably) for napping . There were also surprisingly a few rivers where dragons where dragons were scooping up some water.

"Wow this is the dragon village?" Spike had asked surprised in what he was seeing.
"Yes, despite some of us being claimed as "beasts", or " savages", we tend to be peaceful as well and tend to avoid such things, this is one of many villages in the dragon lands even though it may look unpleasant when one enters it, there are places that look like something from the neighboring kingdoms." she explained

"This is amazing, everything ponies know about dragons barely scratches what I've just seen" Spike had thought excitedly.

"how are there rivers in the dragon lands?" Spike had asked curiously

"dragons had carved out long paths through the lands and forests, the river splits up in multiple directions to other villages, they eventually come into a cliff that leads into the ocean, it took years to make it, originally dragons had to go to the forest and fetch water before taking a long flight back to their homes which was really painful for them" she explained.
"amazing so that's why there were multiple rivers that diverted into the dragon lands." Spike thought amazed

There were some dragons who looked at them curiously, one came up to them suddenly and asked Skystar who this child was.
" This is my long lost hatchling" I finally found him during the migration yesterday, the others then looked shocked but soon became happy faces as they now knew this was her own son. they said they were really happy that she found her son and welcomed him to the village.

"They all seem to know you well" spike had told her
"Yes, after I lost you the village did what they could to try to cheer me up, they gave me free food supplies and gemstones, some home decorations to help me, but despite all they did I just couldn't bear my guilt over losing you and Emerald." she said sadly.
" I know but I'm here now and so is the village we'll help you out in what we can" the other villagers nodded happily agreeing with the child.

They had walked around more and spike had seen a lot more things, caves that dragons were living in, gemstone shops, and a lot more shops some which sold rugs and sleeping supplies , shelves and tables for homes, and shops that sold pots and pans and other supplies intended for cooking, it was a really interesting sight.

" We should take a break in the lava pools we have a long day ahead for you my Flame" she said.
They then came in to the lava pools both staying close each other sighing in relief as the hot lava relaxed them.
"What are we doing today? Spike had asked curiously
"Well be seeing more of the Dragon lands today

"Okay then that sounds nice" Spike said

It had been around an hour later and the sun was high in the sky and they both decided that they had waited long enough and decided to get going.

"We should get leave you have a lot to learn about your own home" she had told.
"Alright then lets go!" He said excitedly, she then chuckled as she picked him up and put him between her spikes
"hold on tight my child" Spike then nodded and held on tightly as she took off to the skies.

It had been a bit of a flight but the dragon lands had some interesting things to them, he saw dozens of other villages, lava pools, fighting grounds, and also some dragons flying around too, he even saw the ocean with some rivers led to.

"wow this is really something" Spike said a little surprised at what he saw.
"Yes even though there isn't much this is our home and we tend to make the most of what we have.
eventually they flew by a large throne,
Spike got curious" what is that? " he asked pointing at the throne.
" That is the Dragon lord throne, it is where multiple dragon lords from history have sat and ruled the lands" she explained
" Dragon lord?" spike asked.
"Yes they are our rulers and they tend to keep they're lands in check and in order, previous dragon lords who tried using the power for war and chaos, the power itself turned against them and killed them, because it is considered treason for a ruler to start a war for no reason other then pain, especially if other nations have done nothing wrong at all" She explained with a bit of a serious tone.
That's interesting" Spike thought fascinated in what he learned.

Skystar and Spike had then came down to the ground
" what are we doing?" Spike asked curious, "were going to the hatchling grounds for you to play with a few other kids, I have to go and get a few supplies for dinner" she explained" okay then" Spike replied understanding
eventually they came upon the hatchling grounds, spike had seen a bunch of other kids playing with one another, a few dragons were watching over them to keep them safe.
"Be careful here son, I'll be back in a bit" she said with both worry and a bit stern tone," don't worry I'll be safe, love you mom."" I love you too my hatchling she said before taking off for some supplies.

the hatchling grounds didn't have much on them, they had a few lava pools, rocks that some could climb on, and even a few tables where some hatchlings were talking with one another.
"there is a lot more in these lands then I thought, I wonder if Celestia knows about these things, if not they'll be having a history teacher to explain a few things" he thought.

He wasn't exactly looking where he was going an he accidently bumped into another kid.
"HEY! watch it!" the kid yelled annoyed," sorry about that!" he said really spooked. he then saw the kid drop something,... it looked like a teacup?

" Is that" he asked curiously while picking it up. the kid quickly took it out of his hand while trying to hide it. "D.. don't tell anyone please! I don't want to be a laughing stock here!" the kid said embarrassed. "don't worry I completely understand! Don't tell anyone but I have my own little obsession with these too" Spike said reassuring." really?!" the kid asked shocked.

"yeah I have my interests as well" he explained," really? well okay then, sorry about yelling earlier." the kid apologized" no problem, my names Spike" he said holding out his claw," nice to meet you too" the kid said.
Spike got a good look at her she had orange scales, a brighter orange underbelly, white horns, blue eyes, and a purple spine going down her head, she didn't have any wings either.
"what's your name" spike asked curiously," my names Smolder, nice to meet ya spike, she replied while smiling.

They stood like that for a bit before Spike broke the silence," so... what are you doing out here" he had asked, " my father had taken me here while he went out on his weekly hunt, I'm waiting for my brother to arrive," she explained," what about you?" she asked.
"Mother dropped me of here for a few while she went to get stuff for dinner, said I should try to bond with a few others" he explained," my own mother tells me I should do that to, I didn't think id meet anyone with my own interests, but here we are." she said with her arms a little open.
"yeah tell me about it." they both laughed for a sec, she then asked" so other then ... this" she said pointing at the cup," what else do you do?" she asked. " I have a few others, I like to cook, read, help my mom with chores, but recently I just started to get into poetry" he explained before he was interrupted," You like poetry too?!" she asked shocked.
"yeah, is there something wrong with that?" he asked," No! in fact, me and my brother like it too!" she told.
"Really?!" he asked surprised, " Yeah! My brother introduced me to it, he's really good at what he does!" she explained
" Well maybe we should all have a little club sometime and tell each others poetry" he suggested," yeah that'd be great!" They then laughed a little.
"Man I'm so glad to know there's others out there that likes the stuff I do" Smolder said happy." Yeah me too!" he said happy as well.
"Spike where are you? its time to get going!" they heard Skystar yell." well I guess I should get going" he said while turning around" Hey, it was great meeting you spike, would you like to hang out again sometime?" Smolder asked while holding out her claw," Of course! Id really like to!" he said grabbing her claw, they then both shook before letting go.

" See you later Smolder" he said making his way back to his mother who had supplies tied to her legs presumably dinner and other foods ," see you later Spike" Smolder said before going to her brother who had just arrived.
"Who was that?" the brother had asked suspicious," just a new buddy, he likes poetry just like we do!" she explained happily. "Really?!" he asked shocked." Yeah! he does!" She replied," Well maybe we can chat with him sometime." he suggested with a little smile. "Yeah he said he'd like to hang out sometime!" She said exited." Come on Garble, lets get back home before dad flips out." she told." Yeah we should" he replied before smolder climbed on his back and he took off.

"Who was that sweetie?" she asked curiously as she put Spike got on her back," Just a new friend, said we could hang out sometime." he explained.
"Really?! That's great to know!." she said happily before taking off. " Its nice to know others are starting to like you!" she said.
"yeah its really great too." he said happily.

The day flew by fast and they started to notice the sun was almost ready to set.
"Wow sunset already? time sure flies" spike said a little tired.
"it sure does, we should head back and cook dinner and go to sleep" she stated as she began to turn around and head back to the village.
"You think we could see Nathen tomorrow? he said he lived near the hot springs, it'd be nice to see him a little more" he suggested.
"I thought about that as well and since were on the same gape, we'll see him tomorrow then." she told.
"sounds great to me!" he said happy they'll see him again.

Eventually they made they're way back to their home and the sun had set, Skystar had cooked some fried fish to eat, which they both had enjoyed, they then went to her room and fell asleep once again with spike wrapped in her tail.

4: The Visit

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The sun had started to rise and the sky was clear, the rays of the sunlight shone into the cave as the crystals began to sparkle and shine, the rays had hit Skystar's eyes as she opened them. she looked out the window and smiled at the beautiful sunrise, she looked down at spike and saw he was still asleep, not wanting to wake him up she placed him where the sun wasn't reaching and put a blanket over him, she then smiled lovingly giving him a little kiss then she walked out the cave to make breakfast.

The smell of something sweet had hit spikes nostrils, the sun started shining in his eyes as the whole room was lit up in it's rays. Spike then yawned and stretched his arms as he got up, he then got out and the room and went to the kitchen because that's where the smell was coming from, he walked through the cave and looked in awe as the crystals shone through the walls, the beautiful colors shone around the walls and made it look like a night sky" This is something else, this must be one of the best caves in this village!" Spike thought while smiling as then he made his way to the kitchen.

He walked in as the smell got even better, he saw his mom cooking pancakes near the corner of the room" Morning mom!" Spike said happily, "Morning my FlameStar! Did you sleep well?" she asked,
" with you its one of the best nights I've had" He replied as he walked over to the table. Skystar then finished and put the pancakes on the plates( which yes dragons have plates and other cooking items ponies have) walked over and set them on the table as they sat right next to each other, eating and enjoying what she made.

"So other then seeing Nathen, anything else we're doing today?" Spike asked while taking a bit out of the pancake, " We may be going shopping for some extra supplies after the visit, your going to eventually use your own room, we could get some extra books and toys or something you might like that makes you comfy." She explained
" I like the sound of that, but I think I'd like to spend a couple more weeks sleeping with you first I just wanna make up the nights I wasn't able too." He replied," Okay then my hatchling, we'll wait on the shopping for now we'll head out in a hour. " She replied

They then finished eating and put the dishes near a large bucket with water and soap near for later cleaning( they don't have running water, so they have to have a few containers of it.) they then got ready them made they're way to the lava pools in the village to rest up for the rest of the hour, after the hour past, the sun was already high in the sky. Skystar then placed Spike on her back and she took of to the southern hot springs where Nathen said he lived.

The flight took a couple hours as the hot springs were pretty far away from the village, eventually though they made they're way to them, the grounds were full of dozens of pools of hat water, steam coming out in each of them, some dragons were relaxing in them. Spike looked down to see if Nathen was in one, eventually he found him relaxing alone in one hot spring a bit away from the others." There he is! Down there." Spike said as he pointed in his direction, Skystar then nodded as she flew down and made they're way to him.

Nathen's eyes stirred as he felt a sudden shake on the ground he looked up and his eyes widened as he saw Spike and Skystar had just landed near him. "Spike! Skystar! Great to see you too!" He said happily as he got out of the water, drops coming down as he made they're way to him, his scales shone as the water dripped, battle scars clearly showing from multiple sides. "What are you doing here?" he asked curiously,
" Came here to visit, thought you could use some company." Spike answered. " Well nice for you guys to stop by!, wanna come walk around for a bit?" he asked," "Of course!" they both replied, Nathen smiled as they began walking.

There wasn't much going on on this day, other then the dragons relaxing in the waters, or flying around there wasn't much to these parts of the lands other then the rocks and smoky clouds that eventually passed. " So, what have you two been up too since I last saw you?" Nathen asked curiously.
" Well yesterday me and my little Flame went around the village for a bit and I took him to the hatchling grounds while I went to get some food, he even made a new pal!" Skystar explained happily.
"Flame?" Nathen asked confused," Oh yeah FlameStar or Flame for short, it's my birthname." Spike explained, Nathen then nodded in understanding. "FlameStar, Spike, both great names for you." Nathen complimented.

"So who was this "pal " you made Spike?" Nathen asked, Oh just a girl that has similar interests with me like, you know, cooking and reading and other stuff like that" Spike replied." Oh really? Is she a pretty girl" Skystar teased with Nathen looked with a little smug," N NO! it's nothing like that, she's pretty looking but, I.. I MEAN,"
They both laughed hard when hearing that, Spike looked at them with his arms crossed" Ha ha very mature you too." He said with a pout.
" we're just teasing you silly! you look so cute when your embarrassed!" She said rubbing his head a little while still laughing. " Alright enough of that you too" Spike said still a little upset.

After all that they then continued to walk for a bit, it was around midday and they were both starting to get a little tired from the walk," Man midday already? does time fly this fast normally? because it feels longer mostly," Spike said tired," I know it feels like it was morning just a few minutes ago" Skystar replied tired as well. Nathen looked at them and saw they were both tired from all the walking,
" Would you too like to come to my cave to eat and rest for a bit? you two look like you need it." he offered. " That would be great/lovely" they both replied" Nathen smiled as he began to lead them" Alright come on you two its just a bit farther. they both groaned a little as they followed tired of all the walking.

Eventually they made they're way to Nathen's cave they sighed in relied as they arrived at the entrance" walking like that for that long sucks" spike complained " agreed" Nathen and Skystar said at the same time, they then looked at each other for a moment before looking away blushing a little. they made they're way into the cave, it was rather large, multiple rooms that had some treasures, kitchens, bedrooms, bla bla bla and all that.
" nice place" Spike complimented, Skystar nodding in agreement" its lovely" adding in." thank you, you too,
Spike why don't you look around a bit more while me and Skystar make some lunch?", Spike then nodded going in one direction, Nathen in Skystar going another room together.

" So you live here with anyone else?" Skystar asked," I used, to but not anymore" he said with a little bit of a sad look, Skystar was going to ask what's wrong but decided against it. as they made they're way to the kitchen Skystar looked around to see it there was anything interesting, she then noticed a framed portrait on a shelf. She walked over with Nathen noticing, she got a good look at it,
It showed Nathen happy with another dragoness right next to him smiling as well, she had dark blue scales, bright blue eyes and bright blue spine.
"Is this?" She asked," she was" he said coming up holding the portrait with a claw," My beloved sapphire." he said with tears starting to form in his eyes .

" What's wrong" She asked" i.. its nothing" he replied turning around before she placed a claw on his shoulder," i know somethings wrong please tell me, believe me I know the pain" She said practically begging him. he looked at her before sighing and looking back at the portrait." She was everything to me I remember the day I met her like it was yesterday" he said as we cut to a memory

It was a normal day in the lands, a blue dragoness was minding her business as she walked through the town," It was like any other day for me as i went to hunt, nothing interested me until I saw her" he said as Nathen was flying around almost ready to go to the forest until he looked down and saw her. The dragoness then began to be surrounded by a couple bigger dragons, she backed up and growled" Back off you punks!" She threatened, Oh? and what are you gonna do about it sweetheart? a black dragon teased," don't worry were just here to play a little rough" a red dragon said with a evil grin. they then started to advance forward ready to attack," I wasn't just about to let them harm her, so I stepped in" he said we cut to him as he flew down landing on the ground creating a large crater on the ground.

" BACK OFF YOU JERKS!!" he said threateningly with fire starting to come from his mouth. " Oh and what are you gonna do?" the black dragon asked with a grin, as he said that Nathen turned at him and shot blue fire from his mouth and charged at him, the dragon screamed in pain as he was being attacked and clawed at, the red dragon joined in as they both fought him, but Nathen was skilled and was able to put the hurt on them, eventually they both backed off in pain they then flew away in both pain in anger for losing." after i saved her we both knew we were for each other" Nathen narrated," You okay ma'am?" he asked concerned." Yes!, thank you so much!" she said as she started crying, Nathen came over and held her close as they nuzzled each other." I'm Nathen", "Sapphire" she replied still crying

"From that day we spent each day together, we were happy together, we spent time hunting together, flying, and just never wanted to leave each other." he said happily, before it turned to a frown. " But life has a cruel sense of humor, she eventually fell really sick like your mate did, i used as much medicine as I could but nothing worked". we then cut to a moment where Sapphire was laying down breathing weakly, Nathen looked at her tears coming from his eyes" Please! Don't go! your all I have!" he said crying, she looked at him, eyes really weak before saying" it's... gonna.. be.. okay" she said holding out her claw with Nathen taking it" Promise... me... something" she said weakly," What?" he asked confused. " Promise.. me... you'll... take... care.. of.. ones... who can't protect themselves" she said eyes starting to grow heavy, Nathen looked at her before sayin" I won't let any others suffer like what would happen to you if i hadn't saved you" he said tears pouring," I knew... i... was... with... the... dragon... with.... the.... heart... of... gold, I..... love you..... my gem......." she said as her eyes closed and her claw losing her strength. " no... NO! PLEASE! SAPPHIRE! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!! PLEASE!! Please! please... he said crying heavily.

We then cut back to Nathen having tears coming from his eyes" she was everything to me" he said somberly. Skystar came up to him " I know the pain. My mate Emerald, he had saved me from a large pack of timber wolves when I went on a hunt, you and i are one in the same in how we both met and lost our loved ones."
Skystar hugged him, and he hugged her back" I just don't know how to move on, even after all these years" he said crying," I still haven't moved on either, he meant so much." she said crying as well." You remind me so much of her, kind, caring, beautiful," he said looking at her," and you remind me so much of him as well" she said with her head on his shoulder.

They both stood like that for a minute before separating," Can you please come with me? I have something I'd like to give you" he said walking to another room, she nodded and followed. they enter what she assumes is his own room, Nathen went over to shelf and opened a little door,
" I meant to give this to her before she fell ill, it was meant to celebrate the years I've known her." he said as he held up the item he got.

She gasped at what she saw it was a beautiful necklace, it had rainbow colored gems in it, as well as a crystal heart in the middle." It took me a long time to make this, You've helped me a lot with my pain, and I want you to have this as thanks'" he said holding it to her." A... are you sure" she asked hesitantly.
" Yes, a beautiful necklace should go to someone as beautiful as you" he replied" She then took the necklace and put it around her neck, it was a perfect fit." you look amazing" he complimented," T.. thank you!" she said before coming up to him while nuzzling him, they were like this for a while before stopping they then smiled at each other.

They were about to go to the kitchen but they stopped as they both forgot about someone, they saw spike at the door with tears in his eyes,
" D... did you?" Skystar asked a little embarrassed," I saw everything, it was beautiful." he said before coming up to them and giving them both a hug and they returned it." would you two like to stay for tonight?" I'd like the company" he offered.
" Of course Nathen we'd love too." she replied, Spike nodding in agreement.

" Tomorrow we could go to one of my secret spots in the forest, it'd be fun." Skystar offered, they both happily accepted it, they then spent the rest of the day bonding with each other, the day had eventually gone by and they were all tired, Nathen showed them their guest room, which they both happily went in to. Skystar and Nathen both nuzzled each other for a little bit before they eventually stopped and went to their rooms, with Spike falling asleep in her mothers tail again, and Nathen went to his, they all fell asleep with smiles on they're faces.

5: The Secret Spot And Skystar's Memory

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The sun had risen and the day was going along nicely, our dragons had already woken up and were preparing to go to Skystar's secret spot in the forest for the day.
"Man I wonder what this will be like?" Spike wondered curiously, he had already gotten up, and his mother and new father figure Nathen had begun making breakfast.

" Its been really great these past few day's, finding my mother and bonding with her, making a new dragon friend, and my mom getting together with someone that reminds her of the one she loved, and she reminds him of the one he loved, its all been great." Spike had begun recalling all that had happened in the last few days.

" But I need to remember who let me came here to find her." Spike had been thinking over how he should explain everything to both Twilight, Skystar and Nathen," I know I lied and I hate having to do it, but I don't know what would've happened if i told them i was hatched by ponies, they could've been accused or framed of stealing! And that might lead to large concern if they might be stealing or will steal more, and if that escalates, it could lead to a war!"

Spike began to panic in thinking what would they all would think of him if he lied," what if my mother is disgusted in me lying?, what if twilight feels the same? what if they begin to fight each other for me? what if they try to prevent me from seeing each other again? what if Mom and Nathen tries to burn down Ponyville in rage for them thinking they stole me ,GRR WHY DOES THIS ALL HAVE TO BE SO HARD?!" Spike began thinking angrily in frustration over what he should do.

"Spike Breakfast is ready!" Skystar called out, " I'll have to think this over later, I just have to find the best way to tell them" Spike concluded his thinking before heading to the kitchen to eat.

The meal was delicious and they all had begun relaxing and preparing for the flight to the forest," So what's this spot of yours like?" Nathen asked curiously.
"oh you'll love it! Its one of the best places to relax and its a great place to be!" She said excitedly.
"just a little bit longer then we'll be on our way" Nathen said

"Mom?" spike asked" Yes my child?
"when i was being raised by my guardian Ruby, he taught me about the different species across the lands, griffons, yaks, dragons, changelings ,and ponies. he said ponies are peaceful creatures that don't intend to do harm, but he also said they can tend to do bad things as well, I think they can be great people when you get to know them!" he said the last part happily while Nathen and Skystar looked at him confuse, but Skystar flinched upon hearing the word "pony".

"I just want to know what you think of them mom" Spike finished, Nathen looked at him confused, but Skystar had a bit of an angry look on her face before she said" Ponies are nothing but heartless thieves" she said almost too quietly,
"What?" they both asked confused. " Ponies are nothing but heartless thieves!!" She said angrily almost shouting, before realizing her anger and calming down. she began to walk up to them both and looked him in the eyes before saying,
"Spike its time i should tell you on how you were taken from me"
Spike prepared himself for what he was about to learn.

" I had you in my care for months after your father had passed away, it was a normal day as i was in my cave before i heard a loud crash.
there were a couple ponies wearing robes to obscure they're faces and bodies, they both had horns making them strong with magic, I did my best to fight them off but they were strong with they're magic and knocked me away with a powerful blast while i was down one of them made they're way for you, i was weak and couldn't get up.

We then cut to a memory in the cave, Skystar was on the ground breathing heavily and one of the ponies was standing ready to fight while the other had the egg levitating with some magic
" PLEASE NO!! THATS MY EGG! ITS ALL I HAVE LEFT!!!!" She said begging them,
"Oh that is so sad, I was hoping you'd be tougher" he said mockingly," this eggs gonna make us rich!" the other pony said evilly.
"I tried to use the last of my strength to save you, but i wasn't fast enough" she narrated over before we cut back.
"NO!!" She said getting up before charging at them with anger, but before she could reach them one of the unicorns used a teleportation spell and they both disappeared before she touched them.
"NO!, NO!!!, NOOO!!!" She then let out a loud roar in both sadness and anger as she lost the only thing left of her family.

We then cut back to her with tears in her eyes" You were all I had, and they took you like you were but a prop." She said starting to cry.
Both Spike and Nathen came up to her trying to comfort her, " Mom I'm so sorry... I had no idea. Spike said shocked.
"Skystar..." Nathen said with sadness. they began to hug her while she cried. "they took you from me. and I was to weak" she said crying," its gonna be okay" They both said while trying to comfort her.

"Were those two hired to steal me from her?" Was the relationship between ponies and dragons not well enough that ponies had to steal from dragons when Celestia needed the egg for the project? Twilight raised me like a mother and she can never lose my trust, but what if Celestia hired them? No it can't be there has to be another reason" Spike thought.

"You know not everypony is like that, there are pony's that can be kind like Nathen, have you ever considered trying to ask another to help?" Spike asked
" After you were taken from me I couldn't trust any pony there was, I just couldn't bear to talk with anyone after what happened." She said crying.
" Have you ever considered trying again, I've made a good deal with some ponies in the past and i can help you" Nathen offered. " While it is infuriating that those ponies stole you, not everypony are like them, trust me I know" Nathen explained.
" I don't know, I'll have to think about it" Skystar said finally cheering up.

" I'm so sorry I brought that all up mom, why don't we get going to the secret spot to have some fun? Spike asked.
"of course we should get going now, let's try to have a good day" Nathen said with a smile.
Skystar then looked at them with a smile before standing up" Yes let's all try to have a good day." She said happily as they walked out, Skystar put spike on her back and he held on they took off for the forest." What if i was stolen as a reward, what if those two were paid to steal me? I'll have to find out later" Spike thought before regaining focus as they flew to the forest.

The forest was beautiful this day, the sky was clear and everything was perfect, the three dragons had arrived in a open spot near a cliffside surrounded by treas.
"Wow this is beautiful" Spike said while looking at the spot, there was a large pond in the middle with a river flowing into the forest, a waterfall was pouring from the cliff and a rainbow could be seen when looking at the sun and water at the same time.
"This is amazing" Nathen said surprised at what he was seeing.
"haven't been here in a while, glad its like i remember." Skystar said happily.
"Why don't we all have some fun?" Spike said happily.
They all agreed on that and they all began to have fun in the water, unknown to them multiple pairs of eyes were watching them with growling noises being heard.

They all had a fun time playing in the water, making multiple large splashes and going under it to find any interesting items, the day seemed to go on forever until they all eventually got tired and got out of the water.
"Wow! that was a great time!" Spike said still a little wet,
"You said it!" Nathen agreed with a smile.
"it's been a great time, but its time we headed back." Skystar said.
they both agreed to that, but before they could get going they heard bushes shuffle, Skystar pulled spike close to her in defense." Whos there?!" Nathen shouted.

Getting his answer the creature came out of the bushes growling, " TIMBERWOLVES! Nathen shouted.
They were then surrounded as dozens of large Timberwolves that had came out growling and snarling.
"Leave us alone!" Nathen said angrily before charging at one who charged back. unknown to them another pair of eyes from the bushes was watching in concern.
Skystar and Nathen had gotten into a fight, clawing and slashing at the Timberwolves doing to keep spike safe, but there were a lot of them and spike got separated from Skystar during the fight, spike looked around with worry as he saw them both fighting them off with all they're might.

One particular Timberwolf noticed Spike and came towards him snarling. " STAY BACK!" Spike warned, but the creature came closer about to attack," You leave me no choice!" Spike said with anger, he then took a deep breath and breathed out a large ball of fire which hit the creature.
It yelped in pain and it flailed around in rage, during its pain it had hit spike with a large enough impact it sent him flying into the cliffside and he got hit in the head before landing down and groaning in pain.
SPIKE!! MY FLAMESTAR!!" Skystar said with worry before looking at the Timberwolf in rage and charging at it with fury.

Spike looked out at her with pain trying to get up but was to hurt to do so, he was about to pass out until a shadow came over him, he focused as hard as he could until he realized what it was.
It was a lion, but not any lion, it was one of Fluttershy's lion friends! he could even see some hairs of her mane on the lion, the lion recognized Spike as he was taken care of by him when she asked him to housesit one day while she was busy with Twilight." Wait..!" Spike said weakly before the lion picked Spike up with his mouth and began to run, presumably to Ponyville for help , a few strands of Fluttershy's mane being left behind, Spike was too weak to try to stop him and he eventually passed out due to the injury.

Nathen and Skystar had finally finished off all of the Timberwolves as they were all on the ground defeated.
"is that all of them?" Nathen asked, " I think so" Skystar said with heavy breaths before they both realized.
"SPIKE!!!" they said at the same time before they ran to where spike fell, but by the time they got to where he was, he was gone. Skystar began to panic and cry
"NO!,NO!!, NOT AGAIN!!, PLEASE NOT AGAIN!!!!" She said crying.
"Calm Down we'll find him!!" Nathen said with worry.
they began looking around calling for him but they couldn't find him.
" PLEASE,I CAN'T LOSE HIM AGAIN!, MY FLAMESTAR!!!" Skystar said shouting.

Before Nathen said anything he then took notice of some strands of pink hair on the ground. they both began to walk over to it with curiosity.
they picked a strand up and and they both sniffed it to get a scent. They're eyes both widened as they realized what scent it was.
They both began to growl with pure anger, Skystar then burnt the strain of hair to ash in fury , and they both let out the two of the loudest roars that could ever be heard, birds went flying in the sky's and some trees shook, even the dragons from the dragon lands could hear the roar and looked in the direction with worry.

6: Recovery and Explaining

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Everything was blurry, Spike had opened his eyes to feel an immediate headache, he regained focus as he tried to realize where he was.
When he realized where he was his eyes widened, he was in the Ponyville infirmary.
"Your awake!" he heard a familiar voice say. he looked to where the voice came from only to immediately be brought into a hug. " I'm so glad your okay Spike!" he looked up and saw a familiar face.
" Twilight?" Spike asked confused.

Yes! it's me! Are you okay? What happened?" Twilight then began asking him multiple questions at once and Spike got a little frustrated.
"Twilight! One question at a time please." He said almost yelling, " Sorry" She said before calming down and began to ask one at a time.
" What happened while you were gone?" Twilight asked concerned.
Spike began to explain everything that happened how he found his mother, and what's happened in the last few days.

"So she really is your mother?" Twilight asked with concern.
"Yes, she even had a picture of her with my father with my egg in her claws, Purple with darker purple spots, just like the one you hatched me from." He explained.
"What happened to your father? " She asked concerned." He passed away after falling deathly ill, I was all she had after he passed" Twilight then looked at him with sadness. " I'm so sorry Spike, it must've been hard for her." She said sorrowfully.
" It was but it was after she lost me that made her truly depressed.
"What happened? Twilight asked with curiosity.
"Your not gonna like it." Spike said with a little hesitation before telling her how she lost him as an egg.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU SURE?!" Twilight asked completely shocked in disbelief.
"I told you you wouldn't like it." Spike said sadly.
"But, why would they steal from her?! Why would they enjoy doing such a thing?!" Twilight said with anger.
" She said they stole me as a reward or some kind of high priced item, something to make them rich." He explained.
"But that doesn't match with how Celestia told me she found you as an egg, she said she had found it nearby a tree in the woods after what looked like a long tumble!" She said with anger.
"Maybe the ones who stole me got ambushed and lost me during a fight." Spike suggested.
"Possibly, but the only one to knows what could've happened is her." Twilight explained.
"Maybe we should send her a letter and tell her what happened." Spike suggested.
"Yes we should." Twilight agreed before taking a note and a quill before writing a message telling her what happened, she then handed spike the letter before he used his fire breath and sending it to her.
"We should get you some air come one spike, can you get up? Twilight asked with concern.
"Yeah I can." Spike said before getting out of the bed with his legs shaking a little, Twilight proceeded to help him up and headed out the door to the village to talk to the others

Celestia was relaxing in her throne room eating a small peace of cake with Luna at her side having a slice as well.
"Sister?" Luna asked with concern
"Yes Luna?" Celestia
"Do you think everything's okay with Spike? especially after learning what Twilight told us?"
"I completely trust him on this, this is our chance to learn what happened and why i found him in the forest,." Celestia explained with curiosity"
"Yeah I guess your right, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" Luna asked
"You should never ask that Luna" She said with a hard glance.
"Why?" Luna asked with concern.

Just then a letter appeared in a green flame before them and Celestia grabs it with her magic.
"Finally, i hope things have been going good for him" She said with confidence before reading the letter.
As she read the letter her face soon turned from a smile to a look of shock, before becoming horrified in what she learned, she even dropped her piece of cake in shock of what she read.
"Sister? What's wrong?" Luna asked with concern.
"Were going to Ponyville. NOW!" Celestia said shouting the last part.
"Why?' She said confused.
Celestia then showed her the letter, Luna then proceeded to read the letter, her face turning to a horrified expression, as she dropped her piece as well.
"Were going now!" Luna shouted agreeing with her sister.
They then proceeded to move towards the nearby balcony before flying off to Ponyville with panicked expressions.

Back in Ponyville Twilight and Spike had begun moving around the town, going to get their friends to explain to them what has happened as well. eventually they were all gathered, sitting down in at a table near a restaurant.
"What happened?!" Applejack asked with concern.
"Spikey Wikey! Are you okay?!" Rarity asked with a horrified look.
" Are you still hurt?" Fluttershy asked with concern for her friend as her lion friend was the one to bring Spike to her.
"Did they hurt you?!" Rainbow dash asked with a little anger
" Do they like parties?!" Pinkiepie asked with excitement before everyone looked at her with a "Really?!" expression before she just chuckled a little.
"One at a time and I'll explain everything," Spike said raising his hands up telling them to calm down, they then sat down and let Spike explained what's happened, especially on how she lost him as an egg.

"WHAT?!?!" They all shouted with horrified expressions
"WHY WOULD THEY STEAL YOU?!" Rarity asked angerly.
"WHO ARE THEY?! I'M GONNA TEACH THEM A LESSON" Rainbow dash asked demanding who they were with Applejack agreeing.
" WHY WOULD THEY DO SUCH A THING?!" Fluttershy asked horrified.
"THEY DON'T DESERVE ANY BIRTHDAY PARTIES!!" Pinkie said with anger before everyone looked at her confused, before regaining focus.
"I know its a lot to take in, but its the truth" Spike said sadly.
"Why would they steal you?" Fluttershy asked horrified.
"Some sort of reward, a highly priced item to sell." Spike explained to them before they looked even more horrified.
"I know, but its all that i know, the only way to try to piece the rest together is hearing from Celestia." Spike explained.
" He's right, the only one who can help us properly piece this puzzle together is her. I wonder where she is.

Getting her answer she then heard a familiar voice.
" TWILIGHT!" Celestia shouted. they then looked up to see both Celestia and Luna flying down to them.
"CELESTIA! LUNA!" They all shouted before running to them.
"We came as soon as we got the letter" Luna explained.
"This is something we all should be apart off." Celestia said with a stern voice before looking at Spike.
"Spike, please tell me everything." She said with concern, Spike then proceeded to explain everything about what's happened, all of them listening to every single word.
"SO YOU WERE STOLEN AS A REWARD?!?!?!" Luna asked with pure anger.
"Yes, my mother did everything to try to stop them, but they disappeared before she could." Spike said sadly with Celestia looking at him with sadness.
"I'm so sorry that all happened, if i had known the truth i would've returned you to her the day i found out." Celestia said with regret.
"We can't change the past, the only thing we can do is try to fix the mess they made" Twilight said to her.
"Your right, we need to fix what's happened" Celestia said with confidence.

"But it still doesn't add up, how did Spike's egg be ended up by the tree you found him by?" Fluttershy asked curiously.
"Girls I think its time I tell you what fully happened, I may have told you how I found him, but I never said what I did after I found the egg before coming home." Celestia explained preparing to tell them what happened.
all of them were looking at here preparing to hear the story. but before they could listen a loud voice came to their ears.
" PRINCESS CELESTIA!" a voice shouted, they all then turned towards the voice only to see a Pegasus land in front of them sweating in exhaustion with a panicked look.
"What's wrong?" Celestia asked with deep concern.

" DRAGONS! TWO LARGE ONES!!, THEY'RE HEADING HERE! AND THEY DO NOT LOOK HAPPY!!!" He said panicking before they looked at each other with horrified faces.
before Celestia could ask where they were they heard two very loud roars in the sky shaking the entire village and scaring the ponies there,.
They then looked up in the sky as two large shadows loomed over the village, and they're eyes widened in horror at what they saw, Two large dragons one purple, and one black and blue coming to them with angry expressions.
"Oh no! Mom and Nathen!" Spike said horrified.
They all prepared themselves for the events that were about to happen.

7: The Fight, Truth, And Understanding

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Everypony looked up in horror as they saw two large dragons make they're way to the village with anger.
"We need to try to convince them that your my friends! that you didn't harm me!" Spike said scared of what's about to happen.
Celestia then closed her eyes to think for a moment, she then opened her eyes and turned to twilight and the others.
"You all get the villagers to safety, Luna and I will do our best to calm them down."
"WHAT?!" They all said completely scared" Are you sure?!" Rainbow asked scared for them, " What if they seriously hurt you?!" Fluttershy asked concerned.
"We'll be fine! Go! NOW!" Luna ordered. The mane six and Spike all nodded before running off to the village to help the other villagers.
" Sister do you really think we can fight them off?, They look like they won't hold anything back" Luna asked concerned.
"If they refuse to talk, we need to put them in a position where they will. If they don't hold back we shouldn't either." Celestia said with confidence." Luna then nodded and looked forward as the two dragons landed in front of them, eyes filled with anger.

" WHERES MY CHILD YOU THIEVES?!?!" Skystar asked with fury.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM?!" Nathen asked also with anger.
Hoping to try to try to calm them down Celestia stepped forward to try to talk to them.
"We didn't do anything to him, he was brought back to the village in need of medical attention, we were only concerned for his safety!" Celestia tried to explain to them but they didn't listen
" LIES! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT MONSTERS!" Skystar said still furious.
"We don't want to fight you! We just want to talk" Luna said trying to help.
"Skystar wanted to try to talk the ones who stole her egg not to, and what did that end up with?! Her losing her egg for years and becoming depressed!!" Nathen said with fire coming out his mouth.
"You don't understand! We were the ones who-" Celestia tried to talk but was cut off.

" ENOUGH!! I'M GETTING MY CHILD BACK ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!" Skystar said getting ready to charge at them, Nathen preparing as well.
" We have no choice then Luna" Celestia said sadly before they looked at them and getting into a fighting stance.

"Don't make us do this!" Celestia said with warning.
"THEN GIVE US BACK OUR CHILD!!!" Skystar said before she an Nathen both charged at them knocking them into the sky separating them.

With Celestia and Skystar...
" Please! I don't want to do this!" Celestia said with sorrow before preparing a punch.
" Neither do I! but look at what's happened!" She said before throwing a green fire blast.
Celestia dodged the fire blast and delivered a punch to her knocking her back a fair distance, She soon recovered and charged again preparing to slash her claws.
" YOUR KIND TOOK EVERYTHING THAT I HAD LEFT!! WHY ARE YOU THE RULER?!" She questioned with anger before slashing at her and almost giving a good scratch, Celestia groaned a bit before using her magic to heal herself.
"WE CAN STILL TALK THIS OUT!!" Celestia said before she was almost slashed at again
" WHAT DO YOU THINK I TRIED TO DO BEFORE I LOST EVERYTHING?! Skystar said with tears coming from her eyes.
She then threw another fire blast, but Celestia blocked it with a shield, but as the blast cleared Skystar came in preparing to deliver another slash.
Celestia dodged it and delivered a powerful kick to her back bringing her to the ground stunning her. While she was stunned Celestia fired multiple beams of magic at her to try to keep her down, but Skystar pushed through it all, she roared with fury before charging back at her with high speeds."

"ALL I WANTED WAS A FAMILY!! WHAT DID I DO TO LOSE MINE?!" Skystar asked with sadness and anger before delivering a strong tail swipe at Celestia knocking her down for a minute before getting up.
" YOU HAD EVERYTHING YOU COULD WANT!! WHY WOULD YOU SEND THOSE THIEVES TO TAKE WHAT MEANT THE MOST TO ME?!" Skystar said before charging a even larger fire blast before firing it, Celestia barely dodged it getting a few burns"
I WASN'T THE ONE WHO HIRED THEM!!, THEY WERE JUST GREEDY MONSTERS!!" Celestia said with anger and sorrow, as she didn't want to hurt Spike's mother.
" ENOUGH OF THIS!! I AM DONE WITH ALL OF THIS!!" She said with fire burning in her eyes.
She then charged an even bigger blast, Celestia charging a magic blast as well. They both fired at each others blasts creating a wave battle.
Celestia was struggling with the blast as it was stronger then she thought while Skystar was putting even more strength into it. Deciding enough was enough, Celestia used even more of her magic and she won the wave battle almost immediately.

Skystar's eyes widened as she was hit by the blast, when the smoke cleared, she was falling to the ground, Celestia quickly flew to her and caught her with her magic before gently putting her on the ground.

" All I wanted was my child. what did I do wrong?" Skystar asked weakly before Celestia kneeled down to her.
"You did nothing wrong, all I just want is to talk, if you let me, I'll tell you the truth." Celestia looked at her with sadness before Skystar looked at her confused before nodding in agreement, Celestia then used her magic to heal her so they can talk properly.

With Nathen and Luna

Nathen flew towards Luna trying to deliver a strong punch, but Luna barely dodged it.
" I don't want to do this!" Luna said with sorrow.
" NEITHER DO WE!! BUT WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!" Nathen said before throwing multiple fire blasts,

Luna blocked them with a shield, before firing a few blasts of her own, when they hit him he got stunned long enough for Luna to get close and charge a strong blast before hitting him in the chest with it, knocking him down to the ground, but he quickly recovered as if nothing happened, he then roared in rage before using a special skill and surrounded his claws with blue fire before charging at her super fast catching her off guard and he hit her super hard sending her flying back.

Luna then looked at him with anger before saying" THAT WASN'T ME!! THAT WAS NIGHTMARE MOON!!!" She said with pure anger.
" REALLY?! I DON'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE!!" He said making her even more mad.
"ENOUGH!!!!" Luna shouted before using her magic to surround herself in an aura before charging at Nathen, while he used his fire to surround himself in a blue fire aura before charging at her as well.
They then both collided with each other delivering powerful punches to each other but each punch was caught by the others hoofs/claws Luna starting to struggle.
"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE BELOW YOUR SISTER!! YOU KNOW THAT!!" He said still mocking her with anger.
"I KNOW, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER!! BECAUSE" She said before starting to hit even faster eventually hitting him with a barrage of hits.
'I AM" She delivered a hit to his gut, "THE PRINCESS" She then delivered a punch to his throat" OF THE MOON!!!" She then flipped above him and delivered a final punch to his face, finally knocking him down to the ground and he groaned in pain.
" And I'm Damn proud of it!!" She said with confidence before calming down her aura leaving her, she then took a breath before flying down to him.

"All we wanted was our kid, why was he taken from us/" Nathen asked his body still hurting.
"We only wanted to help him recover, he's our friend."
"Friend?" Nathen asked confused.
"Yes, and if you calm down I'll heal you, take you to him, and we'll explain everything." She said looking down at him.
Nathen then thought about it for a second before taking a breath and looking up at her and nodding in agreement but he then spoke, " I'm sorry for what i said" Nathen spoke with sorrow. Luna then looked at him and merely shook her head" It's okay, anger can lead to many rash things and words when they may not mean it , it's something i never want to happen to me again, please let me help you" She said before kneeling down to him and using her magic to heal him.

With The mane 6 and Spike.
Everypony in town was hiding in Twilights tree with a ton of ponies scared and concerned.

"Do you think they'll be okay? " Spike asked scared for them.
"This is Celestia and Luna were talking about they'll be okay" Twilight said with confidence with the others looking down at Spike who had a sad look.
"What's wrong Spike" Applejack asked while coming to comfort him.
"If I had simply told them the truth, they wouldn't of tried to attack the village!" Spike said with pure guilt.
"We know it was hard for you to lie, but we know you did it to keep us safe, even if you did lie, it helped pull your mother out of her depression and have her meet someone who reminds her of your father, bringing them together." Twilight said putting her hoof on his shoulder.
"Lying is never okay, but you did something that helped bring some one happiness!" Pinkie said with a smile.
"No matter what happened, you brought your mom together with someone that will care for her just like you will." Rainbow dash said coming to hug him.
"you all think everything will be okay?" Spike asked a little sad.
"We know it will" they all said before hugging him and spike finally calming down and hugging them back, Rainbow dash then noticed something out the window.

"Guys! Its Celestia and Luna!!" Rainbow dash shouted before their eyes all widened and they looked out the window.
They all saw Celestia and Luna walking along Skystar and Nathen who both looked calm and willing to talk, everypony came out of the tree a little scared, but Spike ran to Skystar concerned for her.
"Mom! Nathen!" Spike shouted before coming to them giving Skystar a hug, with Skystar returning it.
"Are you okay my hatchling?" Skystar asked with sadness.
"I'm perfectly fine! What about you?!" Spike asked scared for her.
"we're okay, we all finally agreed to talk" Nathen said calmly.
Skystar then started to cry" I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have attacked like this, I'm a horrible mother for attacking like this without looking at alternatives!! Skystar said with tears pouring down, Nathen looking down ashamed as well.
Spike then came up and hugged her again.
"It's alright, given what you've been through I can understand why you would think this given your history. But know this your still my mother, and i will love you no matter what!!" Spike said with tears coming down his eyes, Skystar then looked down at him and hugged him tightly everypony looking at them with they're own tears as well. Eventually they stopped crying and both separated.

Spike then looked down and took a deep breath before looking at the
"Mother, Nathen, its time i tell you the truth, with what really happened." Spike said seriously with Nathen and Skystar looking at him eyes focused .
Spike then told them everything, him being hatched by ponies, him never really having a guardian dragon, the adventures he went on, and the friends and family he made, Skystar and Nathen looking down at him with shocked looks listening to every word.

"Twilight was the one who raised me, she was the mother that made me into what I am today, when we heard about the Migration I asked twilight to try to find my real parents, she agreed and let me go to the dragon lands, eventually i met you too and we all know what's happened after that." he concluded.

"But it still doesn't add up, how did your egg end up with Celestia?" Nathen asked curiously.
"I'll explain this part." Celestia added in, everyone then turned to her ready to listen.

" It was a normal day for me when i went for a walk in the woods" We cut to a memory of Celestia's
"i was taking a stroll trying to get my mind off all my royalty duties, just trying to relax, eventually i came upon a particular sight." We then see Celestia look confused at what she saw
"I had found Spike's egg nearby a tree and went to investigate." Celestia is then seen holding the egg with her magic looking at it with curiosity.
"I had wondered how it got here, but i then saw something else. a trail that had looked like a long tumble from a hill."
"I then decided to investigate where the egg came from and followed it, but what i found completely shocked me" We then see Celestia with a horrified look at what she saw, we then cut to what looks to be the dead skeletons of ponies, and there was what looked to be the dead bodies of Timberwolves and other creatures.
" i found two skeletons of what looked like unicorns, and some Timberwolves and other beasts, i only came to conclude they were attacked when they had you." after taking in the rest i then decided to bring you to the castle so you can be raised and cared for"

We then cut back to present time with everyone looking horrified in what they hear.
"it makes sense!! the thieves must have been attacked when traveling through to try to sell the egg!!" Nathen said putting the pieces together.
"my thoughts exactly" Luna said looking at him with a serious look.
"but why didn't you bring the egg to dragon lands" Skystar asked confused
"i needed the egg for a hatching project, I gave it to Twilight and she had eventually hatched him with magic" Celestia explained with Skystar looking at twilight in shock, while Twilight nodded her head before saying something.
"I raised him the best i could, he was the best son i could want, but when he wanted to go to the Dragon lands to find his parents, I let him go because i just wanted him to be happy" Twilight said with a happy smile.
Skystar then looked at her shocked for a moment before turning to a look of gratefulness for raising Spike.

"Spike" Celestia said before looking down at him.
"Yes Celestia?" Spike asked confused.
"We want to give you a choice." she said seriously
"A choice?" Spike asked
"Yes, a choice to either stay here with us, or stay with your mother." Celestia said with a smile, the main 6 looking shocked for a moment before eventually smiling as well, twilight then came up to spike and said.
" No matter what choice you make, we're still your family no matter what." She said happy before coming to hug him.

After she hugged him spike then looked at the ground in the moment trying to think it over, but he couldn't decide.
" is it okay if i take a day or two to decide?" Spike asked pretty scared before they all looked at each other and nodded.
" Its best you do, this is a big choice to make my FlameStar, but no matter what choice you make I'll be happy." Skystar said with a few tears with Nathen nodding in agreement.
"Yes we will give you some time, just make sure it is what you want" Celestia said with a smile, Skystar then looked around and decided to say something.
"I think its best we help repair any damages we've done as an apology while Spike thinks about his choice" Skystar suggested.
"Yes we should make up to them." Nathen said agreeing before Celestia and Luna helped them recover first before they helped rebuild.

"twilight are you sure you'll be okay with either option?" Spike asked scared.
"Like your mother said, I'll be happy for you no matter what." Twilight said with a smile before hugging him again.
"come on girls lets help fix things up!" Rainbow dash said with a smile before she flew to help repair, the others following after.
Twilight eventually let go and looked at him
" Take your time Spike, I love you no matter what." She said before going to help the village leaving Spike alone to decide on what to do.

8: Apologies And The Choice

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It had been a day since everyone learned the truth and Skystar and Nathen have been doing they're best to make up for the damage they caused. Skystar and Nathen were helping put shops and houses back together in order to earn the villagers trust that they won't hurt them with the mane 6 helping them.

The Sun was beginning to set and they all had finished up with everything and Skystar and Twilight were sitting down and watching it set while Spike was alone thinking about what decision he will make.
"Today sure was a lot to handle huh?" Twilight asked a little tired.
"Sure was but I'm glad we were able to make up for what we did" Skystar said before looking down a little sad which twilight noticed.
"What's wrong?" Twilight asked with concern.
"it's just i shouldn't have reacted this way, I could've seriously hurt innocent ponies who didn't do anything wrong, we could've burned down a innocent village when it when they were only trying to help!" Skystar said tears starting to come down from her eyes, Twilight then came up to her and gave her a hug.

"It's okay, after what you've been through it's completely understandable why you would think that" Twilight said trying to comfort her.
"I could've seriously hurt or even kill innocent people! It's not okay!!" Skystar said with guilt.
"Even though it was wrong you were still only trying to save your kid." Twilight said rubbing her neck.
"I'm so sorry for what I id" Skystar said with sadness hugging her.
"I forgive you, you just want to be the mother you never got to be, your a great person that Spike will be safe with I know he will." hugging her back
"What if something happens again" Skystar asked scared
"just let us know, we'll be able to help you and Nathen get through it" Twilight said with confidence.
"Thank you. Twilight" Skystar said gratefully.
"Your welcome. Skystar" Twilight said still hugging her

They kept hugging each other for a bit, they eventually separated and twilight looked up at Skystar.
"No matter what choice Spike makes I'll be happy for him, if he choses to stay with you I only ask that you and Nathen take good care of him like I did" Twilight said with a few tears from her eyes.
"I was about to say the same thing" Skystar said with a few tears of her own.
Eventually the sun set and the stars were out they soon were tired, and they soon went to sleep near Twilights house.

The Next day...

Spike was standing in front of both Skystar and Twilight, the mane 6 ,Nathen ,Celestia and Luna were all there waiting to hear spikes answer as he had decided on what to do.

"Alright Spike if you are positive on what you want just tell us what you've decided just tell us and please make sure it's what you want" Celestia explained to him.
"just know we'll be happy with whatever option you chose" Twilight said with a smile Skystar nodding her head in agreement.

We cut to Spike as he closes his eyes to think on his definitive answer.
"I've been thinking about this for the last two days, It's been really hard to truly decide. Twilight has her friends to support her if i chose to go with mom, while mon has Nathen to support her as well" Spike thought while the others continued to look at him.
"Twilights raised me like her child from the day i hatched, but my mom has had no one with her to make her happy when i was taken from her. I can't just wait around for another attack to happen and not be able to do anything, i need to be able to fight and have the knowledge of a dragon I'll be able to keep them safe" Spike concluded his thinking to make his answer.

" I want to stay with Skystar and Nathen, I want to learn to become a dragon that will be able to keep you all safe, I love you all and wouldn't want anything to hurt you, you all mean the world to me and i don't want anything to happen." Spike said with true honesty.

Everyone looked at him and nodded in understanding, Skystar then came to him and nuzzled him lovingly the others looking with happy smiles.
"Thank you! Thank you so much my FlameStar!!" Skystar said crying tears of pure happiness.
"FlameStar?" The mane 6 asked confused.
"its his birth name, he was meant to be given it when he hatched." Nathen explained the others nodding in understanding.
"It's a beautiful name" Fluttershy spoke
"it truly is" rarity agreed with tears coming from her eyes

"Are you sure about this spike?" Luna asked concerned
"Yes, I want to learn to about my own kind, get strong enough to protect you, and protect what I love" Spike said with a smile.
"We understand" Celestia said with a few tears of her own Luna crying as well.
"Come here all of you! Family hug!!" Spike said with his arms open as everyone then rushed over to him and gave him a huge hug.
"I love you all" Spike said crying tears of joy.
"We love you too spike" They all said with they're own tears of joy.

The day had gone by and Spike had packed his things getting ready to go live with his mom and newest father.
Everypony stood near the entrance of the village, Nathen carrying some of spikes stuff on his back with ropes tied tightly to make sure they don't fall.
"Are you sure about this Spike?" Twilight asked sadly
"Yes i want to learn about dragon culture and get strong to protect you" Spike said with confidence.
"It's gonna be a tough journey by yourself" Rainbow dash said crying a bit.
"I won't be alone, I'll have all of you to help support me, and I'll always be able to send you guys a letter." Spike said with a smile."
Twilight then came up and gave him a final hug before he leaves.
"Take care spike, I love you." Twilight said crying
"I love you too twilight, don't worry this isn't goodbye I'll be sure to visit every couple weeks!" Spike said hugging her and Skystar agreeing.
"Yes, we will come and visit every two weeks for a couple days to spend time together!" Skystar said with a smile Nathen nodding in agreement.

Eventually they separated and Spike looked up at twilight.
" I'll write you all a letter every week to tell you what I've learned, the next time you see me I'll be even smarter with my dragon knowledge!!" Spike said with a smile.
"Please do, I love you spike" Twilight said a final time.
"I love you too, Twilight" Spike said with a smile before going to Skystar and Nathen waving to everypony.
Skystar put spike on her back they both turned around waving one final time before taking off to the dragon lands while the sun sets, everypony waving they're hooves while crying.
" You think he'll be okay?" Rarity asked crying.
"With those two I know he will." Twilight said crying tears of joy.

We then cut to Spike as he looks back at the village with tears of his own.
"Are you alright my son?" Skystar asked concerned as she could hear him crying a little.
"Yes, its not gonna be forever, but it won't be the same." Spike said sadly
"Nothing stays the same forever, but we adapt and we make the joy we can" Nathen said looking at spike who looked at him as well.
"Thank you Nathen for everything" Spike said grateful.
"Your welcome, My son" Nathen responded.
We love you, our child" Nathen and Skystar said at the same time.
"I love you too, My Mother and Father" Spike said with a smile as they fly off into the sunset.