Science of Sex

by Sora21

First published

Longing for a chance to show his valor, Private Emerald joins the Royal Guard. However, he's not progressing as much as he would like. And when he's assigned to the princess' pupil. he thinks it's nothing but rock bottom. Or... so he thinks.

Three years after graduating cadet school, Private Emerald joins the Royal Guard of Canterlot and looks to show his valor to his leader and Equestria. Yet, he's been stuck in the same position while others are promoted. Trusting the process and working hard, he hopes it's enough to get recognized and receive a different position, but that seems to be far from the case. Then, one day, he's assigned to be the guard to the princess' pupil, as it seems like the worst job possible. Yet, as time passes, he seems to find it's not all bad, especially when he and the mare start doing things.

Featured on 8/27 - 8/29, 10/9, 10/29, 12/31.


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Canterlot was a bustling city. It was a place of nonstop action as many ponies went about their day through the streets. Many elites and socialities were shown as they conversed among themselves. This city was also the home to the ruler of Equestria. However, high above the city, there stood a tower. The tower belonged to a certain someone of importance, and inside the tower, the real action was happening.

"Ugg... Twilight..." said the unicorn guard as he was standing and having a face of pleasure.

The stallion was currently being treated with a wave of pleasure. And it was all done thanks to the mare bent down in front of him and sucking him off. The mare was none other than the princess' prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle. The bookworm and asocial unicorn mare was on her knees as her hands were on the guard's legs, as she was sucking his cock like a lollipop. The princess' student indulged herself on the guard's cock like some common whore as she was working it; the confines of her mouth sent waves of pleasure to the guard as he had one hand on the unicorn's head as if to egg her own. Twilight needed to satisfy her need, and she would get it.

The guard could feel himself starting to reach his limit. Seeing the mare and how she was moving her head back and forth, coating his cock with her saliva, was a hot scene. The sucking sounds added more as Twilight kept deep-throating; the intense heat between her legs reached an all-time high, and she felt herself getting wetter than before. The guard also thrust his hips forward as Twilight's sounds confirmed she enjoyed it. However, despite the pleasure both ponies felt at this moment, one thing lay on the guard's mind.

How did I wind up in this situation?

It was another beautiful day in Canterlot. Yet, that didn't mean the royal guards of Canterlot could slack off. At any moment, danger could happen, and the royal guards would have to spring into action. But for Private Emerald, guard duty was his top property when danger occurred. In fact, that was his occupation for three years. Since joining the royal guard after completing guard school, the unicorn was appointed the basic duty of every new guard. Standing at a designated post and doing nothing. Nothing but stand there and not show any emotion, if possible.

Despite all that, Emerald never made a fuss about it. Figuring that by doing his job to the best of his ability, he was sure to be recognized and eventually promoted to other positions. But... that didn't seem to be the case. Even his school buddy, Onyx, rose in the ranks as he was promoted to Lieutenant. And somehow managed to become Emerald's superior. Regardless of their different ranks, the pair were still friends and hung out after their shifts.

Today, Emerald was given the task of guarding the library. For the unicorn, it was an upgrade from guarding teacups and kettles. He still had no idea why that was a "priority," according to Onyx; apparently, it had to do with the princess and cake for whatever reason. Regardless, Emerald took the job like normal, standing at attention before the door. The guard wasn't alone, as standing on the other side of the door was another guard. The guard was a female pegasus named Crystal. The mare had joined about a year ago, as Emerald often saw her during his morning rounds. Now, she was with him as the pair were guarding the library.

The unicorn looked at the pegasi, who had a blank expression despite the helmet covering most of her head. Emerald gave a soft whistle before it got a bit louder as he tried to figure out how to break the silence.

"So... Crystal. I was wondering..."

"Not interested," responded the mare.

"You didn't even let me finish."

"Listen, Emerald. You're a good guy, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now," said Crystal.

"Okay. Totally understand that. But... I'm sure you're not too busy for a few drinks after work."

Before the pegasi could answer, Lieutenant Onyx approached them as both guards stood at attention and saluted their superior.

"At ease," said Onyx as both put their hands down. "Private Crystal. You're being moved. As of this moment, you've been promoted to serve as one of the guards that is part of the Princess' squad and the rank of Lieutenant."

"Uh, well, I... thank you, Lieutenant. It's an honor and privilege," stated Crystal; the mare was astonished upon hearing her promotion as she couldn't put her excitement into words.

"Congrats," Emerald said rather quietly as he felt slightly sad.

"Report for debriefing and orientation with Colonel Shade," stated Onyx.

"Yes, sir!" said Crystal as she saluted the Lieutenant and went off in a hurry as fast as her wings could carry.

Once she was out of sight, Emerald decided to take this opportunity to speak with his pal.

"Hey, bud. I was..."

"Private! You know the rules when addressing your superior!" stated Onyx as he turned to look at his friend.

"Lieutenant Onyx," sighed Emerald as he followed the protocol of addressing his friend by rank, even if they were pals.

"That's more like it," smiled Onyx. "So, what's up?"

"Look, bud. I'm just gonna be straight with you. I just... when am I gonna get something."

"What are you talking about? This is something?"

"Bud, you know what I mean. When am I gonna get my chance? When's my promotion coming? It's not like I'm entitled, but I've been guarding teacups for three years. For three years, I've done what was asked. I've polished the armor, scrubbed the barracks, and even washed the locker room with a toothbrush. I just..." said Emerald before he sighed to collect himself, "I've paid my dues, and I'm just sick of being in the same spot."

"Listen, bud," stated Onyx as he placed his hand on his pal's shoulder. "I get it. It's not easy seeing others around you moving up. I know it's hard, especially for someone like you. You were a bit upset when I was called and given a promotion way before you. You were always smarter and more talented between the two of us, even in cadet school. So I understand. But... trust the process."

"I've been doing that for three years. And I'm still where I was when I started. Where we started," said Emerald as he reminded Onyx of their humble beginning.

"I know, Em. I wish I could help. Believe me. Just hang in there. I'm sure you'll get your chance to prove yourself soon. You never gave up on me in cadet school. Now it's my turn to not give up on you." said Onyx as he tried to cheer up his best bud. "Trust the process."

Emerald sighed upon hearing that. As much as he knew his friend was right, there was that small hint of doubt in the unicorn's mind that he'd be stuck doing the same thing for the rest of his life. His father's words rang as he recalled what his old man said: Some guys get to the top. Some don't. That's just the way of life. The question is: Where do you fall?

"Chin up, Em. You'll get your shot. Drinks on me after work." stated Onyx.

"Sure," said Emerald.

"Need me to send someone to guard the library with?" asked the Lieutenant.

"Nah. It's okay. I can use the silence by myself." said Emerald.

"Hang in there, pal."

Onyx smiled as he and Emerald shared one of their bro bumps as he walked away. Left by himself, Emerald sighed as he leaned against the door to the library with a depressed look. The young stallion was hoping that his time would come. Sooner rather than later.

Days rolled by as life in Canterlot carried on. A giant meeting involved the princess meeting some delegates from Saddle Arabia. While most of the guards were tasked with being on high alert and given their positions of what sections they would patrol, Emerald was stuck guarding the kitchen. The young unicorn thought this might be his big break, only to have his dreams shattered by Onyx when he informed him that they wouldn't need him and gave him his assignment.

While guarding the kitchen meant being near some of the delicious food that would be served for the banquet, even that was not enough to distract his mind. The unicorn quickly passed through the kitchen, looked at the food, and smiled at the chefs before exiting the room. Emerald approached a nearby window as he looked out of it. He looked down at the streets of Canterlot as he saw a massive parade taking place to welcome the delegates. Streamers, confetti, and even trumpets blared as the ponies in the streets all cheered and shouted. The unicorn looked down below him as the entrance to the castle was shown with the drawbridge lowered. He noticed some guards by the entrance as they saluted and stood at attention; some delegates returned the salute to thank them for their hard work.

Emerald let out another sigh of depression as he wished to be one of those guards. Even a simple salute from an important figure meant that he was keeping Equestria safe and being recognized by it. And yet, here he was, hidden from sight as he watched his comrades continue to be in the limelight.

"Just trust the process," repeated Emerald as he turned and used his magic to pull the blinds down as he returned to his original post.

"Alright, great jobs, everyone. That concludes our meeting for tonight. Tomorrow, we'll discuss the next moon's duties!" said the Colonel guard as he had finished wrapping up the duties for this moon.

All the Lieutenants began to file out as they sought rest following today's big day.

"Oh, Lieutenant Onyx! Hold on for a sec!" said the Colonel.

"Yes, Colonel."

"It's your turn to assign one member from any of the squads you command to guard the special package," stated the Colonel.

"Um, special package?" asked Lieutenant Onyx.

"I'm guessing they didn't tell you, huh? Well, let me inform you," said the Colonel as he told his subordinate about the special assignment.

Emerald was currently getting ready for whatever his task would be. The unicorn was polishing his helmet and about to put it on when the door to the barracks opened.

"Hey, Em. I got good news!" shouted Onyx as Emerald almost dropped his helmet from how suddenly his friend burst in.

"Gees, Onyx. You almost made me drop my helmet. You know how hard it is to get dents out!" stated Emerald as he checked his helmet to make sure there wasn't any damage.

"Sorry, bro. But listen, I have got some good news for you. You know how you've been complaining about not getting an opportunity."

"I wasn't complaining," stated Emerald as he corrected his friend to make him not look so whining and desperate.

"Whatever. Anyway, I got you a job that will help elevate you."

"Really? That's great, bud. Thanks. So... what's my mission?" said Emerald, excited for whatever task he would be given.

"Your mission for this moon is... to be the guard to the Princess' star pupil," said Onyx with a smile.

"W-What?" said Emerald as he blinked in confusion.

"You heard me."

"I'm sorry. What? I'm supposed to babysit the princess' student?" stated the unicorn.

"Well... I mean, when you break it down like that. It does..."

"I'm babysitting?!" yelled Emerald as he couldn't believe his luck worsened.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be ecstatic. At least you're not guarding teacups or libraries." said Onyx.

"How is babysitting the princess' student supposed to help me?!" shouted Emerald.

"Look at it this way, bud. If you do a good job that the princess' student notices, she might put in a good word with her teacher. Then you're on your way to a promotion."

"You make it sound easy?"

"Come on, bud. I said I'd help you if I could. And I am. Connections. You sway the princess' student; you earn favor with the princess herself. Think long term, Em."

"I don't know about this."

"Well, too bad, I kinda already assigned you. And you're due to be at your post in about 10 minutes. So..." said Onyx with a nervous smile.

Emerald sighed as he looked at his reflection in his helmet. Onyx soon came up behind and had an arm wrapped around his best friend's shoulder.

"Trust the process. Remember."

Emerald looked at his bud as he put on his helmet. He grabbed his spear and started to head to meet with the princess' student as Onyx kept his smile. The Lieutenant was really hoping that this opportunity would help his buddy achieve his dream.

Emerald was walking among the castle halls as he headed to meet and introduce himself to the princess' student. The unicorn still couldn't believe that he was reduced to being a babysitter for the princess' pupil. He'd never seen her but heard tales from the small murmurs among the guards. From what was discussed, the princess' student had a knack for magic and was considered a bookworm. Emerald didn't know what to make of it, but if books were the thing she liked, all he would have to do was give the mare a book to keep her occupied for hours on end.

It wasn't long before he arrived at the tower that housed the princess' pupil. He didn't expect the mare to live in such a lovely place as he figured the mare had a family she lived with. Emerald began to enter the tower and climb up the massive number of stairs that led to the top. The unicorn reached the top as he underestimated how many stairs there were; he took a moment to catch his breath as he looked about the place. He was amazed by what he saw, a room full of books, no surprise. A window that gave a clear view of the castle, along with its garden and the streets of Canterlot. Tons of astronomy, along with a telescope.

The room itself was divided into subdivisions, all threaded with chairs. Bookshelves as far as the eye could see. This gave the young guard a clear picture of how this princess's student functioned. And speaking of her, the guard didn't take long to find his intended target. Over on her bed with star-covered covers, there was a mare. The mare had her nose deep into a book as she didn't seem to notice that she had someone in her room. As he got closer, the unicorn cleared his throat.

"E-excuse me," said Emerald.

The mare heard the guard as she put her book down to reveal her face. Upon seeing the mare's face, Emerald was taken aback. He expected the student of the princess to be a tad younger, a kid even, given how he was babysitting, but to his shock, she was around his age. Possibly just a few moons younger than him. So, clearly, she didn't need a babysitter. The second was her features. The mare was a unicorn, as indicated by the horn on her head. She had moderate violet eyes, her mane and tail were dark sapphire blue with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks, and her coat was pale, light grayish mulberry. And the third thing was the mare's clothing. He expected that being the princess' student meant she would dress like one of the arrogant nobles he'd seen, but the mare's attire was the complete opposite. She wore a pale, light grayish mulberry t-shirt and matching shorts, a belt matching her hair, and purple boots reaching halfway to her knees.

The guard was stunned to see the student of the princess wearing casual clothing as he didn't know what or how to respond. It seemed to be affecting the mare as she spoke up.

"Can I help you?" asked the unicorn as she looked to get back to reading her book.

"S-Sorry. I'm the guard. You know, the one assigned to you for this moon." said Emerald.

"You? Mmm," stated the mare as she looked over the young unicorn before her. "You're rather young. You're definitely not like any of the other guards I've had. Whatever."

"My duty is to protect you and keep an eye on you, Ms..."

"Twilight. Twilight Sparkle," said the mare in a rather rude tone as she returned to reading.

"And my name is Emerald. Or would you prefer Private Emerald?" asked the stallion as the mare didn't answer. "Right. So... I'll just... uh, stand still here and watch you."

Twilight didn't answer as she was already lost in her reading. Emerald could see that this job would not cut it for him. He wasn't expecting the princess' student to be a mare around his age, but he also didn't expect just how asocial she was and a tad disrespectfully. It seemed she only cared about her books and her studies. The morning passed as Emerald watched the girl read book after book. Eventually, he just sat at one of the tables as he'd gotten tired from all the constant standing. It didn't seem that Twilight minded or noticed as she was still reading.

Emerald seemed to have fallen asleep as Twilight just kept on reading. He eventually woke up as he'd fallen out of his chair. He looked about to see if he disturbed the student's pupil but didn't see her. He was confused and worried, feeling he would be in big trouble. Twilight was in danger, and he slept on the job. He quickly looked about, and when he looked out the massive window, he spotted the unicorn just leaving the tower's entrance. Knowing she wasn't in danger, Emerald quickly dashed down the stairs as he looked to catch up with her.

Twilight was heading to the Canterlot public library as she was looking to read and check out some books. She was about to cross the street when her attention was caught, and she noticed the guard assigned to her this moon waving at her. She rolled her eyes and scoffed before crossing and walking up the stairs of the building. Emerald quickly caught up as he saw the mare enter the building. He stepped through the door and was welcomed to a sight to behold. There were many ponies and even more books than he saw in the mare's tower. The guard refocused as he looked about to find the unicorn. He caught the tail end of her tail as it disappeared around a corner.

Emerald jogged and went to the library section, where Twilight disappeared and began looking for the mare. It took a little while as he passed by a table with the mare having ten books in a stack next to her. He backed up to find his target.

"There you are!" said the unicorn as he found the mare. "I was wondering..."

"Shh!" said an older mare. The mare wore glasses and was the library owner; she was putting away some books when she noticed how loud the guard was and reminded him to be quiet while in the library.

"Sorry. My bad," whispered Emerald to the librarian as he quietly made his way toward Twilight.

The lavender unicorn rolled her eyes and scoffed again at how this guard acted.

"I was worried something happened to you," whispered Emerald to Twilight as the mare didn't answer and just read her book. "Okay, so just... let me know when you leave."

Emerald stood a few meters away from Twilight as he did his job of watching over her. Hours passed as Emerald kept a close eye on the mare who just went through her massive stack of books individually. By the time the place closed, Twilight had checked out even more books as she held them in her magical aura and exited the building with Emerald following close by. The pair made it back to the tower, and before the guard could enter, the door slammed in his face.

"Um, Ms... Hello..." Emerald tried to open the door but found it locked; he jiggled the doorknob but couldn't budge it open. With a sigh, he turned and returned to the barracks.

The unicorn arrived at the barracks. Inside was Onyx, as the Lieutenant wanted to speak with his best bud about the first day of his new job.

"So... how was it?" asked Onyx with the most hopeful smile.

Emerald growled as he removed his helmet and threw it at his buddy, who caught it before it smacked his face.

"That bad, huh?" stated the Lieutenant.

"No. We actually had a pleasant time. We made cookies and went out for ice cream." said Emerald sarcastically before changing his expression to a death glare at his friend before flopping down on his bed. "I'd rather be stuck guarding teacups and kettles at this point. What were you thinking in your head?!"

"I thought this would be a good opportunity for you. I'd figured that the princess' student might have some power, and if you can make an impression and get her to notice you, she might pull some strings with her teacher, and boom! You're on the fast track to get recognized." said Onyx.

"Clearly not!" yelled Emerald as he waved his arms about.

"Sorry, bud. I thought this plan was foolproof," said Onyx as he apologized to his friend for what he had to endure.

"It's not your fault. You were just trying to help me. I can't blame you for helping a bro out." said Emerald as he sat on the bed and sighed. "I just don't want to be in the same position all my life. I just want a chance. I don't want to be just a measly guard. Is that so hard to ask?"

"Listen, bud. Why don't you give me till the end of the week? If you still aren't satisfied with your position, I'll talk and see if I can find a replacement. Maybe move you to something worthy of your while." said Onyx.

"Appreciate it, bud. I'll try," said Emerald.

"See ya tomorrow, pal."

Onyx left as Emerald was left to lull in thoughts. The unicorn guard removed his armor as he lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling. His purpose of being a royal guard was slowly starting to dwindle. He wanted to be given a position and show his courage to Equestria, but it seemed that was starting to become just a mere dream. For now, he was just a babysitter for the princess' pupil, and even that was proving not to be working out for him. With a heavy sigh, Emerald closed his eyes as he drifted off to dreamland and envisioned himself being of importance. Maybe tomorrow it'll be better being Twilight's babysitter. But somehow... he doubted that.

Chapter 1: Library Session

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Twilight entered her tower as she shut the door behind her. The mare was unaware of the royal guard assigned to watch over her as he seemed invisible. The studious unicorn walked up her flight of stairs as she set her rented-out books on the nearby table. The mare mumbled to herself as she looked about the place.

"What a mess," said the mare as she had her horn light up and began to tidy up the place.

Within minutes, everything was neatly put away. The books were alphabetized and cataloged according to the Pony Decimal System. With all that taken care of, Twilight made herself some tea as she pulled up a chair and prepared for a long night of late-night reading. Today was a near-perfect day. Well... apart from the guard.

Morning came as Emerald was already up. Following his first day as Twilight's protector, the mare treated him daily as if he didn't exist. And every night, when he returned to his room, he would vent to Onyx about how rude Twilight was and treated him like he was invisible. The Lieutenant could see his friend getting rather annoyed at his job as he reminded his friend that the week was almost over. The day after tomorrow would be the final time he would have to deal with the princess' student as he would see if he could find a replacement for him and move his buddy to a better position that would surely get him recognized. If it weren't for the promise of his friend that he would try to help him out, Emerald would have lost his mind that same day. But as his duty as a guard, he knew that he had to carry out his duties to the fullest, even if it meant getting disrespected by the princess' prized pupil.

The guard had gone for his daily run to relieve some stress. After his workout, the unicorn dressed for another day of being Twilight's babysitter. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror.

"Another day to be ignored," said the young guard as he slipped on his helmet. "At least, after today. I'll be tomorrow, and that's it." Emerald was looking forward to finally being done with Twilight as her babysitter so he could move on to bigger and better things. All he had to do was suffer for two more days, and if he made it this far, then that would be easy.

Emerald exited the barrack as he was met with an immediate light in his eyes. The guard put his hand to cover the sun shining bright as it allowed his eyes to adjust. In addition to the light, the temperature was a bit hotter than usual.

"Great. It's going to be sweltering," groaned Emerald as he could already feel the heat from the sun's intense rays and knew it would get worse as the day rolled on. "Stupid pegasus for missing our rain delivery."

With enough complaining about the beating heat, Emerald began to walk toward Twilight's tower. Speaking of the mare, she had fallen asleep at her table as her head gently rested on a book. It seemed she had done another late-night reading that had taken its toll on her as the unicorn managed to finish all the books she rented out and passed out the moment she closed the final book. Her snores echoed across the room as she awoke from one of them, Twilight mumbled to herself before lifting her head and yawning.

"Morning already," said the mare as she stretched her limbs. She noticed the sundial in the corner of her room as, by the shadow's indication, it was only a few minutes before the library opened.

"Better get ready to return the books after my study session with Princess Celestia," said Twilight as she began getting ready.

At that same time, Emerald had made his way to the tower and went to open the door. However, he found that it was still locked. Trying to pull as hard as he could, even using his magic, he found that it was locked from the inside, and the only way in was for Twilight herself to unlock it. Emerald had no choice but to wait outside for the mare to come out... if she came out. The guard leaned against the tower while waiting for the unicorn to appear. The heat from the sun began to take a toll on the young guard as he ran the back of his hand against his forehead to wipe some sweat.

A while passed as Twilight still hadn't come out. Emerald could feel the sweat rolling down his body as the heavy armor he wore didn't seem to make it any easier. As if by some saving grace, the door unlocking sound was heard as Emerald looked to see Twilight stepping out, as she wore a satchel carrying all her books.

"Finally!" stated Emerald as he unintentionally spoke his mind. He quickly put his hands over his mouth to avoid the mare getting even more displeased with him.

Twilight looked to the side and saw Emerald; she scoffed at the guard before walking forward. The guard followed the mare to the castle as they seemed to be heading toward the princess' school. Twilight walked into a classroom, as the door shut again in Emerald's face. At least this time, the guard knew why, as he didn't want to bother the mare with her meeting with the princess. So, for the next two hours, he stood outside and waited patiently for the unicorn to finish.

Eventually, Twilight's lessons ended as she was shown walking out of the classroom and out of the building. Emerald, who had decided to scout the perimeter, saw the unicorn leaving through the front door after he'd helped a local mare get her cat down from a tree. He quickly hopped down and began to follow the lavender mare. To no surprise, they wound up heading in the direction of the library. The princess had given her student some assignments, and Twilight wanted to get started on them as quickly as possible. The bookworm entered her sacred place, followed by her guard as she returned the books she rented yesterday to the librarian mare at the front desk.

They chatted a bit as Emerald deduced that, given Twilight's constant visits, they had formed a relationship with one another. Soon, Twilight began to head to a flight of stairs as she was looking to go to the upper levels of the building to study in silence. Just as Emerald was about to follow up the stairs, he was stopped as the mare finally turned around to acknowledge him.

"Let me set some ground rules, guard."

"Emerald!" responded the unicorn to the rude mare as he stared back at her. "My name is Emerald. Put some respect on my damn name!"

"Whatever. Look... I'm sure you're aware that I don't need a babysitter. I can take care of myself. And I know this is just standard protocol. I receive a guard every moon to watch over me by order of the princess. So I'll tell you the same thing I tell every guard watching over me. Leave me to do my things in peace. If I need anything from you, I will call you. Understand?" stated Twilight rather snootily.

"Crystal," stated Emerald as he saluted to the mare, now knowing the boundaries of this relationship.

"Good," said the unicorn as she began to climb the stairs with Emerald following her.

The pair made their way to one of the upper levels as, based on how empty it was, it seemed like nobody ever came up there. Twilight probably liked it because it meant she couldn't be disturbed and could get all the studying she wanted done. The pair made it to a section of the level with a small table and a couch. Twilight sat down and set some books.

"This is where I'll be. So don't distract me or bother me. Got it!" said Twilight as Emerald nodded. "Now, go do whatever you want."

"Yes, ma'am," said Emerald.

The studious mare was already starting her readings as Emerald silently walked away. The unicorn stallion was walking among the different rows and shelves of books; he couldn't fathom how someone like Twilight would go gaga about books. Granted, he was a bit of a book geek, his time at cadet school confirmed that as he often accelerated his own intellect in being a guard. But it was never to the point where he could live in a library 24/7 like Twilight showed she could. Regardless, the stallion put that thought out of his mind as he began to scan the shelves. His eyes stumbled upon a book's cover as he reached and pulled it out. The unicorn blew on it as bits of dust flew, signaling how long it'd been since this section was cleaned.

With nothing else to do but wait for the mare, the stallion read to pass the time. Twilight was reading her books as she also had a journal to take notes on what she read. The mare had instructed Emerald to leave her be as it all stemmed from her grip that Princess Celestia felt she needed some overseer. While she was thankful that the princess cared about her well-being, Twilight felt she didn't need a babysitter, especially when she wasn't a little filly. She was a young mare, well past the point where she could make her own decisions and do whatever she wanted. However, she didn't want to argue with Celestia's decision as she knew that it was for the best if Celestia wanted her to have a guard look over her.

She could only say she didn't expect that Emerald was roughly around her age. All the past guards since Celestia had given the order turned out to be stallions that were way older than her. Twilight assumed that, given their age, they were probably some of Celestia's most trusted officers, so she knew she could count on them to keep an eye on her. But here, Emerald was young. Likely, his rank was a private, but given his stature, she could tell that he had some years under his belt, so he wasn't fully a rookie. Either way, the guards must have given it little thought or, after hearing the many reports from the past guards, that it didn't matter who watched her as long as they had someone. It was likely that Emerald just so happened to be nearby that he was chosen to be her protector. Or it was a punishment.

Either way, why she was thinking too much about the issue? It was standard protocol and nothing more. The mare disregarded the thought and went back to reading. She felt a bit hot, given that no windows were nearby to let some air vent, so she began to fan herself using her shirt.

After a while, Emerald returned to where Twilight was as he had a book in his hands. The guard saw the mare as he sat on the couch and removed his helmet to relieve himself of the heat. Twilight noticed Emerald returning from the corner of her eye while knee-deep into her reading. She also noticed him sitting behind her on the couch and removing his helmet. The mare didn't look at his face well beside his chocolate-colored mane and caramel coat as she returned to reading.

Man, I'm burning up. And this armor isn't helping.

Emerald was starting to feel the effects of the heat as he could feel the sweat being soaked into his clothes under his armor. He looked over at Twilight, who was still kneeling in front of the table, as he looked to ask her if it was alright to remove his armor to cool off.

"Uh, Ms..."

"I don't care," responded Twilight as she didn't bother to let the stallion finish his question as she wrote down an entire page of text onto a scroll.

"Okay, then," said the young stallion.

Emerald slowly removed the remaining armor pieces and placed them beside the couch. Twilight glanced up for a moment and saw Emerald removing his armor. With his chest plate off, the mare now had a full display of her protector. She already saw his chocolate-colored mane and tail and cameral-colored fur. But now the studious bookworm saw that the stallion before her had green eyes and his physique. She expected the unicorn to have some muscle on him, but just one look at him made her feel something. She noticed his abs through his shirt, visible from the sweat sticking to his fur.

Entrancing as they were, Twilight couldn't take her eyes off of them. She tried to refocus her mind and not let this young stud distract her. And yet... no matter how often she tried to look away, she couldn't. The mare felt a certain urge in her as it seemed to be affecting her in a way she'd never experienced before. Eventually, Emerald lay on the couch, holding the book above his head and reading. The mare finally regained her composure as she returned to reading to drown out the images of the amazing muscles she just witnessed.

The bookworm had finally finished her assignments as she closed the final chapter of her book.

"And done," stated Twilight as she closed her journal, rolled up the scrolls she wrote on, and placed them all in her satchel and the books she would take back to her tower.

The studious unicorn looked over at the couch as it seemed Emerald had fallen asleep. The book he was reading covered his face as a small snore was being silenced through the object. Twilight scoffed and felt disgusted by the guard as she wanted to leave him there so badly. But knowing her mentor wouldn't be too keen if she learned about that. So she got up and walked around the table to approach the couch. The mare grabbed the book off the stallion's face and saw the guard sleeping peacefully. She then began to attempt to wake him.

"Hey, wake up," said Twilight as she shook Emerald's shoulder.

The unicorn felt the shakes of the studious mare as he rolled onto his side. Twilight continued to shake him, but he didn't seem to respond. At this point, Twilight was getting furious.

"Wake up!" shouted the mare as she shook him as hard as possible.

Emerald's body acted on its own as he felt like he was being snuck up on and instinctively grabbed Twilight's arm and pulled her toward him. A moment later, the guard began to wake as he felt his head resting against something soft. He put a hand out to feel the couch he was sleeping on, only to find it squishy... and... bouncy. That woke the guard as his eyes were face to face with some objects. Emerald stared at the two round objects in front of him; he brought a finger up and pressed into one of them as it made a sound. A yelp was heard as it didn't come from in front of him but rather above. Emerald's eyes trailed upward as he soon found his target. It turns out that Twilight had fallen on top of the guard, and his face was buried into her breast, and he had inadvertently touched them.

"You... you... you..." Twilight was flustered and at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" said Emerald as he tried apologizing to the mare he was supposed to watch. He was now staring at Twilight's face as he feared what the unicorn might tell the princess about him touching the mare's breast without her consent.

"I'm gonna inform Princess Celestia and your superior about this!" shouted Twilight as she stared down at the unicorn below her. "I'll make sure you pay for touching me without my permission. I'll... I'll... I'll..."

At that moment, Twilight stopped speaking. The mare lost her thought as she stared into Emerald's eyes. The mare didn't know how or why. Maybe the heat or the sudden course of action had just happened, but Twilight felt herself being silenced. Her purple eyes looked into those green eyes of Emerald and got lost in them. As if she was staring into the soul of the young guard she had pinned down. And Emerald was also taking in the view before him. His gaze was now solely focused on the mare's eyes as they seemed to highlight her beauty.

The two young ponies were too lost in their gaze as their bodies moved independently. Their brains shut off as they let their bodies take over. Emerald placed his hands on Twilight's hips and sat up with the mare in his lap. Twilight didn't try to get off as she was no longer in control. It was like her spirit had left her physical body, and something else was controlling her. She kept her eyes locked on his as she settled in his lap. Emerald kept his arms around the waist of the mare as she, in turn, brought both of her hands to cup either side of his face.

"I'm... I'm going to... tell..." Twilight began in a soft hush tone, almost like she knew what was coming.

"I... I'm sorry... for..." Emerald answered in the same calm tone, almost like he was drunk off some alcohol.

"Maybe we could..."

And after that... everything got fuzzy for both individuals. Looking at Twilight, having the mare so close to him, feeling her, all of this put Emerald in a strange state of mind. It was alien to him, but he didn't care for some reason. He... liked how this felt. Twilight seemed to mumble something, but he couldn't tell. That's how far gone the guard was as he just found himself keeping his gaze on the studious mare and both getting closer. The next thing that happened shocked both. In a matter of seconds, they made contact with their lips. Emerald pressed his lips against Twilight as she made no hesitation to kiss him back like she wanted to.

The pair soon opened their mouths, allowing their tongues to meet each other for the first time. The contact from both sent shivers to both ponies as they relished it. A slight moan escaped Twilight's mouth as she gently pushed Emerald back to lay on the couch with her on top of the guard. Their mouths were still firmly connected as they didn't once break away. The studious mare was now upping the ante as she took charge and was kissing the unicorn stallion rather furiously, like her body hungered for this. For Emerald, in his mind, he was wondering how and why this was happening, but those thoughts faded away. His mind, neigh, his world was nothing more than just a series of feelings, tastes, and scents, all focused on the mare he had on top of him.

Unbeknownst to each other, this was their first-ever kiss. And the feeling was... incredible. The best way to describe it was beyond anything their dreams and imagination could come up with. To Emerald, kissing and tasting Twilight's lips was like biting into a peach: delicate and supply, juicy almost to the point where he thought juice would dribble down his cheek, and sweet, so very sweet. Despite all his pleasure and warmth, this brought a question to his mind: How did she taste so sweet? That was probably a stupid question to think of in the middle of something like this, but he'd probably find out the answer later. Maybe.

At the moment, he was focused on the mare he was kissing and how good it felt. It seriously was good. Soon, Emerald saw his body acting on its own once more as he noticed his hands getting dangerously close to the mare's thighs. They soon fell on the unicorn's thighs. Twilight seemed to feel the initial contact as she moaned while kissing Emerald. The guard used his eyes to tell Twilight whether she was uncomfortable, but her eyes told him she wasn't. If anything, they encouraged him to go forward with his action. With no attempt to stop him, Emerald's hands began to rub Twilight's thighs. That set off the studious mare as she found more drive and passionately kissed the guard. The more Emerald rubbed Twilight's thighs, the more they moaned in each other's mouths.

Eventually, his hands began to move upward as they were under the mare's shorts, and he found a new target to play with. As if on instinct, the guard's hands touched and grasped Twilight's butt cheeks. The result was a surprised moan from her throat. It was clear that Twilight didn't expect that, but not knowing added more to how she was feeling. The adrenaline of not knowing added more fuel to this burning passion. Looking into Twilight's eyes again, he looked for some sort of dissatisfaction about him touching her ass, but she never gave it to him. Like before, she egged him on to keep going. With her consent, Emerald kept molding and kneading Twilight's ass in his hand as that set off the mare the most since they began.

The young guard was touching one of Twilight's most sacred treasures, and she was all for it. The best way to describe how it felt was firm and soft. It was a soft pair of pillows but also developed to the point where it had some depth and fill. And definitely big and round, as it jiggled a bit every time Twilight walked or swayed her hips. Emerald then firmly grabbed Twilight's bubble butt as it sounded like a slap and echoed a bit. It was at that moment that Twilight and Emerald finally broke their kiss. The mare looked down at the guard with a surprised look. How she looked at him made her want to confirm what Emerald had just done. To which his answer was a confident smirk. She didn't know why, but... she returned the expression with a smile of her own. The studious mare dove back in and pressed her lips onto his as they continued their makeout session. This time... it was her turn to have some fun as she found her hands going under Emerald's shirt.

Twilight immediately found her target as she felt and touched Emerald's muscles, specifically his abs. As she expected from just seeing them for a quick glance, they were strong and developed. The tips of her fingers skated over his mid-section and up to his chest. The best way she could describe the guard's muscles was that they were heard like diamonds but so soft. Soft enough that she could find herself sleeping into them. Emerald could feel her lips curl into a smile as she traced a path over his body. She was enjoying this. Suddenly, the guard's body and mind took over as they instinctively grabbed Twilight to flip her over, so they changed positions. Twilight was on the bottom, and Emerald was on the top. Like some alpha male who had conquered his prey, nothing could stop him from having his way with her. Seeing the guard act so dominantly turned Twilight on even more as she made little to no effort to stop what Emerald had planned. She likes being vulnerable with the stallion before her.

In the end, the pair broke apart once again. They ceased their kissing and just stared into each other's eyes. The guard looked down at the pinned mare below him, staring deep into those moderate purple eyes. Both panted as they were breathless, almost like they had just finished running a marathon. As they tried to take in as much air as they could to replace the amount they spent in their little tongue wrestling, Emerald was taking in Twilight's scent. It was a light and airy smell, almost like she had just chewed some bubble gum, and the smell lingered on her breath with a hint of lavender, which was fitting given her color. To the unicorn, Twilight was like a feast, and like the animal he was at the moment, he hungered for a feast.

Emerald's hand began to reach up, resting his palm across her face, with his thumb rubbing her lips. Her tongue darted around a little, flicking at his digit. She reached up and ran her hands through his mane. He then slowly leaned in and gave her a light kiss on her lips, which she returned. It lacked the passion and intensity of their earlier one, but it was as an inmate as ever. They were enjoying the feeling of their lips on each other. His hand reached up to find her hand above her head, and almost on instinct, their fingers interlocked with each other. It felt natural for them.

What followed was silence. Neither did or said anything for quite a while. The only thing that was happening was the two young individuals as they kept staring at each other. When Twilight removed her hand from Emerald's, the guard got off the mare to allow her to sit up. The studious unicorn sat up and kept her gaze on the guard metered before her. Her eyes were locked on his lips as she felt drawn to them, and she wanted to capture them with hers again. But she didn't. She didn't know how, but her mind and body soon fell back under her own control as she stood up. The mare got her satchel and slipped it on. Giving one last look at Emerald, she quickly left and didn't want to look back.

Emerald didn't chase after the mare as he had so many thoughts coming into his mind. The guard sat on the couch hunched over as he brought his hands up to his mouth. Everything that had just happened, all of it, just registered in the guard's mind. He was lulling over it as he didn't know what to do or how to act. Ultimately, he could only put his armor back on and leave as it was already getting late.

The walk back to the barracks was a rather long one. Emerald had decided to take the scenic route as he thought the long walk would help him put things into perspective. And somehow, it didn't. It did the opposite. There was just so much to try and make sense of that every time Emerald did, he felt his brain melting down and having a headache. The unicorn arrived at the barracks as he entered his room, and inside was his best friend.

"Hey, bud. Kinda late, huh?"

"Y-Yeah. Sorry, I just... went for a walk, is all. Need to get some air." said Emerald as he sort of told the truth.

"Well, some good news. I managed to find your replacement. So tomorrow is your last day to babysit the princess' student, and then you're going to be guarding the royal treasury." said Onyx with a smile.

"O-Oh... right. Tomorrow," said Emerald in a rather deflated tone.

The guard had completely forgotten that tomorrow was supposed to be his final day of being Twilight's guardian. However, after what happened today involving the mare, he'd completely forgotten about that. It seemed his friend picked up on his tone.

"You good, bud? I'd thought you'd be excited about this," stated Onyx.

"Huh? Y-Yeah, I am. Can't wait to finally not be a babysitter, heh." stated Emerald, though he wasn't fully behind what he said.

"Well, good night, bud."

Lieutenant Onyx exited his friend's room as Emerald sighed when the door closed with a heavy thud. The guard removed his armor as he looked at himself in the mirror. The young unicorn raised his hand and touched his lips with two fingers. Emerald was now thinking back to what transpired in the library with Twilight as her scent filled his nostrils. The scent of the studious mare was all over him; the taste of her lips remained on the guard's. Lavender.

He made his way, sat on the edge of his bed, and buried his head into his hands. So many thoughts plagued his mind. So many things to consider. And the guard wasn't the only one thinking about today's events. In her tower, Twilight was on her bed as she hugged her knees. Upon returning to her room, the studious mare didn't feel like reading. Instead, she had just sat in bed and rocked herself as she lulled over what transpired with the guard who was to protect her. The mare couldn't wrap her intelligent brain around what went down or the concept of what she was feeling.

"What have I done?" said both individuals as they spoke out loud.

Chapter 2: Consensus and Independent Study

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Morning couldn't come any faster. Following yesterday's events, Emerald was distraught. So distraught that he didn't catch a wink of sleep. Nor did he get out of bed for his usual run. He just lay there, staring at the blank ceiling, processing everything that happened. The guard was dreading what might happen, given today was supposed to be his last day as per the agreement of the deal he made with his buddy. Thought, after yesterday's events, how could he suddenly just up and leave Twilight? Disappearing like a one-night stand and never seeing her was out of the question because she might tell Princess Celestia about him, and that was not the kind of recognition he wanted.

The unicorn just wished he could spend all day in here. He didn't know how, but the guard pulled himself out of bed. Emerald still had a job to do, and as his sense of duty, he had to see it through. The stallion looked at himself in the mirror as he was about to wear his armor when he received a scroll. The object magically appeared in front of him before dropping into his hands. The guard was hesitant about opening it as he feared that Twilight might have already told on him, and this message was from the princess. It seemed the guard better start enjoying his last moments, as he would either be fired or banished.

With a hesitant sigh, Emerald unfurled the scroll. His eyes looked first at the writing before he began reading it. To his surprise, it wasn't a letter from the ruler of Equestria, but rather a letter from the studious mare. It wasn't a letter that said she would tell on him to her mentor but rather asked him to come over to the tower as she wanted to have a conversation. There wasn't much detail regarding the conversation, but the guard could figure out what she wanted to discuss. However, the mare only requested that the guard come in casual clothing. It did raise an eyebrow for Emerald, but that was the least of his worries.

After rummaging about his closet, the guard managed to find something suitable. The unicorn wore an unzipped hoodie, which was colored black, with silver pauldron-like additions to his sleeve and white lining. His undershirt was navy blue with a red patch in the center. His pants, similar to chaps, colored black on the outside and navy blue on the inside, lined with silver-white edging. His pants were held together with a dark blue belt and silver belt buckle. The pants also had a red pocket.

"Well, here goes nothing," said Emerald, taking one final look at himself in the mirror.

He adjusted his mane before heading out the door. Even the walk felt a bit heavier than usual as the guard felt like he was approaching the gates of Tartarus. The stallion arrived at his destination as the tall tower lay before him. Emerald approached the door as he jiggled the knob and was left open; the door swung with a creak as if to signal the awaiting punishment at the top of the stairs. With no turning back, the unicorn stepped inside and closed the door behind him with a thud.

Each step up was a constant reminder in Emerald's mind. He soon reached the top of the stairs as he came into the room. The guard looked about as he immediately spotted the studious mare; Twilight had been waiting for the guard since sending her message as she sat at a table in the middle of her room. The lavender mare had a straight expression with her arms crossed as Emerald sat on the opposite side of the table. Neither said anything, or rather, Emerald was hesitant as he knew Twilight was in firm control of his future.

Safe to say, the silence was deadly. The young guard didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should remain quiet and wait for Twilight to speak or be begging on his knees before the studious mare and pleading for her not to inform the princess about their activity from yesterday. And the cold, hard look he was getting from her didn't make him more comfortable. The pair continued to sit silently for quite a while; the only sound was Emerald tapping his right foot as it kept in time with his beating heart. Sweat rolled down his face as Twilight kept her harsh expression.

"So... listen," said Emerald as he finally broke the silence between the two. "I just want to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what transpired yesterday, and I fully overstepped my boundaries. I understand if you feel the right to inform the princess and tell her how I uncomfortably violated you. Now I know that saying sorry isn't going to take back what happened. But maybe we could... I don't know, bury the hatchet and continue with our lives. We could forget everything that happened; you won't ever have to see it again after today. Deal?"

Twilight took in the apology that the guard gave her. She didn't show it due to her blank expression but was lulling over what had happened between them the prior day. As she finally spoke, the mare kept her gaze on the unicorn before her.


Emerald gasped upon hearing Twilight's answer. He got even more afraid when he noticed the mare standing up.

"No. I won't agree to that deal," said Twilight, putting her arms behind her back and walking along the table toward the guard. "You were right. What you did overstepped some boundaries. And I could report you to my mentor and let her deal with this. Or I could report you to your superior office and let them figure out what punishment to give you."

Twilight was leaning back as her hands were placed on the table; she kept looking at Emerald from the side. The guard figured that the mare wouldn't accept his attempt at a peace treaty as he began to prepare to pack his stuff up and disappear mentally.

"However... I'm not going to do that. Instead, I have something else in mind."


The young mare once again took aback Emerald's attention before him.

"With what happened between us, it set off something. It's something I can't fully describe, but... I want to understand what it is. So that's why I'm conducting a little independent study."

"Independent study?" said Emerald as Twilight flicked her finger to make a clipboard appear, as on it were some papers.

The mare also made some glasses appear and put them on; despite having clear 20-20 vision, she felt they added to the look and made her feel even smarter. Emerald was already having an effect as he admitted the mare with glasses made her look a bit cuter. That thought ceased when the clipboard was presented before him as it hit the table.

"This here is a contract that I wrote myself. It states that not only will you help me with my independent study, but also be the focal point of it. Since you want to avoid any trouble, this is the best way to do that while also helping me understand this phenomenon." stated Twilight as she made a quill appear. "Feel free to sign."

Emerald glanced over the contract and was amazed that the studious mare, no younger than him, could create such an elaborate piece of work. It seemed like something a professional lawyer or delegate would have made as it highlighted how smart Twilight was and what a bright future she could have if she went into politics. The unicorn gave a skim through the different pages as most of it was standard boring, useless information that didn't mean shit in any regard. However, he did notice three clauses on the front of the contract that pertained to the subject, which he figured meant him.

"Before I do anything, care to elaborate on what these mean?" asked Emerald as he pointed to the three clauses.

"Very well," said Twilight as she jiggled her glasses before leaning over and explaining to her subject. "These clauses are in place to ensure you fulfill your requirement during the independent study. Think of it as your regular duties as a guard. Failure to do so, and well... there are consequences."

"That I get," stated Emerald as Twilight pointed to the first clause.

"The first clause states that by committing to being a part of the study, you are to follow any request that I have when experimenting with no to little rebuttal. Failure to do so and you'll be reported to the necessary authority," said Twilight. "Sign here."

Emerald looked to where Twilight pointed her finger as he grabbed the quill offered by the studious mare. He then brought the point to the paper as he signed it with his name.

"Okay, clause #2. By agreeing to the first clause, you will follow my orders, and when I say I want something from you, you will do it. In turn, this affects the second statement, which means you are required to perform whenever the experiment takes place. If I ask you to perform one of my experiments someplace that's not private, then you must do it. In addition, all experiments will be conducted here, in the tower, for privacy and comfortableness until otherwise stated." explained Twilight as she pointed to another dotted line. "Sign here as well."

Emerald understood as he wrote down his signature once more. The guard then looked at the final clause of the contract as he read it but couldn't make heads or tails about it.

"And just sign this; don't worry about it," said Twilight rather quickly as if to brush over that part.

"Hold on. What is that clause?" asked Emerald.

"Nothing," said Twilight as she turned her back to her subject and firmly held the clipboard.

"If you want a subject, then I'm entitled to know what the hell I'm signing!" Emerald demanded the studious mare tell him what the final clause meant.

Twilight signed as she put her arms down. The mare turned to face the guard.

"The final clause states that when the study comes to a close. Both parties acknowledge each other and vow never to speak of it to anybody."

"Well, let me ask you this: how long do you intend for this study to be?" asked Emerald, as he only had a certain amount of time of being assigned to the mare.

"As long as it takes," responded Twilight.

Emerald let out a deep breath. After hearing that, he had more thoughts plague his mind. The guard was aware that the mare knew he was just her protector till the end of the moon. However, she was unaware of Emerald's deal with his buddy, Onyx, about his last day as he was promised a chance to change positions. Now, that was before all of this happened. And given he had already signed most of the contract, Emerald's sense of duty compelled him to go through with it. He could tell Onyx tonight that he'd remain on the job of being Twilight's guard; he could devise an excuse and delay it until the end of the moon. But after that... well...

"Very well," stated Emerald.

Twilight seemed to smile at the guard after hearing him compile. She then presented him with the clipboard as the guard signed the last dotted lines. The studious mare looked at the clipboard to make sure everything was in order as she smiled and used her magic to teleport it away along with the quill in Emerald's hand.

"So... what now?" asked Emerald, unsure what to do.

"Now..." said Twilight as she took off her glasses that she didn't need and placed them on the table. "I start with a hypothesis."

"Huh?" said the stallion, confused by what the mare meant.

The mare approached the guard, and she grabbed his shirt with both hands to pull him in close. Before Emerald could respond, Twilight pressed her lips to his. The stallion was caught off guard by the mare's sudden action as he had no clue what this had to do with the independent study she mentioned. The kiss didn't last long as Twilight pulled back and released her hold of the guard. Emerald looked at the mare as he finally got his bearings straight; Twilight took a step back and brought a hand up to her chin as she observed her subject.

"How do you feel?" asked Twilight.

"Um, confused." was all Emerald said.

"How do you feel... inside?" clarified the mare.

"Inside? Um, well, I... I-I don't know. I'm still trying to process what you just did."

"Interesting," muttered Twilight as she made clipboard and quill appear; the studious unicorn held them in her magic as she began to record her findings. "Entry Log #1. Upon executing the hypothesis, the subject does not emit the same feeling as before. Rather confused, stunned. Perhaps something is needed to ignite the same feeling as in the library. Further testing is required."

The mare talked outloud as she wrote down what she was saying. Emerald heard all this and tried to understand what Twilight was saying as he wondered what kissing him suddenly had to do with the study. The small exchange between the two ponies felt different compared to the incident in the library. He couldn't exactly put it into words, but it felt... nice yesterday when they kissed like silk pajamas hugging you as you lay on a soft bed. It was like the sun beating down on a cold, lonely place and giving warmth to a surviving flower as it bloomed and soaked in the rays. This time, the small peck they shared felt... empty. Like... there was no meaning or nothing behind it. Emerald wondered why that was.

"Alright. Follow me," said Twilight, levitating her quill and clipboard. The mare grabbed her glasses she didn't need and put them on as she walked away.

Emerald followed the mare as they came to a bookshelf. Twilight reached a hand up and grabbed a book to pull it out. The book retracted back into place as the entire shelf began to move to the side. The guard was surprised to see that as Twilight began walking down some stairs. The stallion finally got that amazing trick out of his mind as he began to follow suit. The small flight of stairs led to a secret room. Inside a lab that Twilight had set up personally to conduct many experiments.

"Figures you'd have your own lab," said Emerald as he first saw the massive area full of equipment.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Twilight from the bottom of the stairs as she glared back at the guard.

"N-Nothing. I just meant that since you're the pupil to the princess, it means you must have some pull to get things that you want," said Emerald.

"Hmm," the lavender unicorn said as she approached a machine.

Emerald reached the bottom of the stairs as he looked about. Twilight used her magic to pull a lever. The wall behind Emerald began to change as it was revealed to be a set of panels; when they pulled back, there was a massive window. The guard approached the window as he placed his hands on the glass. He looked out to see Canterlot, thinking he could see his quarters from up here. The guard quickly looked down as it registered in his mind just how high up they were. What looked like two tiny dots or ants were other ponies going about their day, not knowing that Emerald was looking down at them from the tower.

"It's a nice view. From up here, you can see everything, but nobody can see you from down there," stated Twilight as she finished firing up a machine as it whirred.

"Cool," said Emerald, still enjoying the view.

"Put this on!" stated the studious mare as she slapped some sensor to Emerald's forehead.


"Don't touch it!" said Twilight as she had to recalibrate the machine.

The sensor took in information about the stallion as it sent the data to the machine. Twilight saw it as she made the correct calibrations with her hands while she had her horn lit up to record the data and observations she made from looking at it. Emerald's horn then lit up with a green aura as it seemed his magic was responding to the sensor the mare placed on him. A small, tingly feeling flowed through the guard's body as Twilight finished her calibrations. The sensor was removed from his forehead and floated over to Twilight as she stepped back from the machine with something in her hand.

"Now, wear this," stated the mare.

"Okay, what's this?" said Emerald as he didn't like the mare just asking him to try things without an explanation.

"Ah, remember the contract. Clause #1. Whatever I said for you to do, you do it with little to no rebuttal." stated Twilight.

"I get that. But can you at least provide me with some explanation? For all I know, that device could be some hypnotic helmet that'll put me in a trance. And then you'll command me to be at your beck and call, and then you'll ask for me to overthrow the princess so you can rule Equestria." stated Emerald.

"Hypnotic helmet? What are you talking about?" said Twilight as she felt what the stallion said to her was nonsense and jibberish.

"I read some science fiction in the library yesterday," stated Emerald.

"Ugh. That poor excuse for reading material. That's laughable. True science is hardcore facts and data. Hypothesis, experiments, and calculated numbers can allow you to arrive at a definitive and definite answer." stated Twilight as she felt disgusted about having this talk with Emerald since she was a hater of that genre of reading that tried to present itself as significant.

"Gees, I didn't know you feel strongly about it," said Emerald.

"It disgusts me! You'll never see me caught dead reading one of those romanticized novels of science," scoffed Twilight. "But anyways, this isn't a hypnotic helmet like you mentioned; it's simply a way for me to monitor your brainwaves."

The mare placed the helmet on Emerald as it fit comfortably on the unicorn's head.

"This will allow me to track and record the needed data. Along with some other stuff. Now then, flip the switch on the side." instructed Twilight. Emerald brought a hand up to feel for the switch; he found it and did as the studious mare instructed. "Excellent, now follow me."

Emerald followed Twilight as they approached a treadmill. The mare used magic to remove Emerald's unzipped hoodie and place it on a nearby table. She lifted his shirt and attached some sensors to his chest as they transmitted data. The mare glanced at the guard's abs once more as they were still as she imagined from yesterday's session. She didn't let the guard see her ogling his body as she put his shirt down and walked to a nearby desk.

"So what am I doing now?" asked Emerald.

"Now, we're going to move on to some trials. Nothing special, just enough to test your strength, stamina, endurance, and other physical conditions," stated Twilight as she began to grab a nearby lab coat and slipped it on as she now tied her long hair back into a bun.

The mare turned out as she was now dressed like a scientist. A rather attractive and sexy scientist as those thoughts ran through Emerald's mind. The guard tried to put those thoughts away, but it was rather hard not to imagine that with how Twilight dressed. Though he didn't know it, what he was thinking was turning into data points as the helmet picked up on that. The information was being sent to the machine as it began to record some data for Twilight to look at later. The mare then began to approach her subject as Emerald regained his composure.

"Alright, let's begin," said the mare as she started up the treadmill.

The thing began to move as Emerald found his legs moving slowly. The stallion treated this like a normal visit to the gym as he began to pace himself even during the slow walking. Twilight upped the speed after a few minutes of looking at the guard and seeing the data being sent by the sensors under his shirt. The slow walk turned into a brisk powerwalk as Emerald felt it and adjusted his breathing to compensate for the sudden speed. Once again, after some time passed, Twilight upped the speed even more as it now forced Emerald into transition into a light jog. The royal guard had paced his breathing from the beginning as he was prepared for when Twilight changed the speed as he focused on his technique and breathing.

The studious mare noticed the concentrated look on Emerald's face as she recorded it on her clipboard. See peaked at the machine behind her to see the data it gave her as she wrote it down. The lavender unicorn then upped the speed on the treadmill as the guard changed from a light jog to a light run. This process and experiment kept going as Twilight recorded every bit of detail.

Emerald was reaching the end of his limit as he was now in a full-on sprint. To his surprise and Twilight's, this experiment lasted about 30 minutes. Both were amazed that the stallion had this much stamina and energy as he was reaching near the top speed of some of the fastest unicorns. However, he could feel his momentum slowing down and energy starting to run out fast.

"Come on. Just a little more!" said Twilight as she shouted out words of encouragement to her test subject to push. "You're almost done!"

Emerald looked up as his arms rested on the treadmill's handles, and his legs were still kicking. The stallion felt like he could drop any second, but his determination and will told him not to give up and push for the last bit. With that thought locked in, Emerald began to power through the final stretches of the exercise. Twilight noticed that sudden brainwave patterns were being recorded as she looked at Emerald to confirm that whatever motivation he was using to push through was showing.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Emerald was taking deep breaths as he could hear the countdown to signal when it would be over.

"Seven, six, five..."

The stallion used some motivated words from his training Sergeant from back at boot camp to not quit and keep going.

"Four, three, two, one!"

Twilight shut off the treadmill as Emerald was never more relieved to hear a countdown. The treadmill began to slow down as Emerald's legs began to follow suit. While proud he didn't give up in front of the mare; the stallion soon felt the effects of pushing himself. His legs wobbled as he felt some pain in them. The unicorn let the treadmill carry him as he fell to the floor and ignored the thud because his legs were too painful to feel.

Twilight was off to the side, jotting down some final observations as she looked at the machine the treadmill was hooked up to. She wrote down the data before using magic to grab a breaker from a nearby table. Emerald was spread out on the floor like a starfish, struggling to regain his breath and intake some air. A shadow loomed over him as Twilight bent down, removed the sensors from his shirt, and held them briefly in her magic as she grabbed the beaker with her hands.

"Here," stated the mare as she handed the beaker to Emerald.

The stallion extended a hand out to take the object from the mare. He struggled to sit up as the pain from his legs coursed through and affected his mind. Once seated, the stallion looked at the beaker with the mysterious and colorful liquid. Normally, he would question something that didn't look like something from a lab. But at this point, he was too tired to think logically as he brought the beaker to his lips and began to down the liquid.

"So, how does it taste?" asked Twilight as she stood with her clipboard.

"It's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. It tastes like... blueberry creamed soda. I don't know. Ug," said Emerald as he didn't hate the taste per se but found it odd as there was just a hint of aftertaste.

"Okay, and how do you feel?" asked Twilight as she wrote down Emerald's response.

"I feel... energized. Rejoivenated even. Like all the energy that I had is now back." stated Emerald as he stood up, and to his surprise, the pain he felt in his legs was gone. In fact, he was full of vitality and spirit as he didn't look like he'd gone thirty minutes of nonstop running. "I feel like going another round or even taking on Equestria's toughest foes."

"Vitality potion, success. The subject has fully restored his energy levels and shows no sign of fatigue. Though, the taste is rather questionable." said Twilight as she looked at the small device in her hand and pointed it at Emerald, who was flexing his muscles. The device registered the stallion's levels, giving the studious mare an interesting detail. "Discovery: It seems the subject has not only restored himself, but the potion gives a bit of extra drive to the person. Initially serving as backup storage for energy. Will test that in future experiments. Could prove useful for some more rigorous testing."

The mare detailed her findings as she approached Emerald, who was examining himself when the studious unicorn approached him. Twilight put back on the sensors to Emerald's body as they went to another section of the room to conduct more experiments.

One by one, Emerald ran test after test. And each time, Twilight was recording her observation and data being received by the stallion. At this point, the guard had removed his shirt, and Twilight couldn't help but look at it. The mare tried not to taunt her data with her wild fantasies and watchful gaze, but it proved a bit difficult as the sweat from Emerald rolled down his body while doing some situps.

Focus, Twilight. Don't taint science!

The mare tried to tell her inner self not to get distracted by the stallion doing her tests, which proved difficult. Emerald reached the final set of his exercise as his midsection ached. Twilight handed him another beaker full of the energized potion, and within seconds, Emerald was back to his old self. Twilight wrote down what she needed as she used her magic to transform a nearby table into a bench press.

"I'm sure you know what to do with this," said Twilight.

Emerald politely nodded as he approached the bench. He sat on the edge as he laid back and was positioned under the bar. The stallion placed his hands on the metal bar as he could already indicate the weight. Despite knowing he could handle it, the stallion knew that if he didn't hold it properly, it could slam down on him for serious damage. Taking a deep breath, Emerald grabbed the bar, removed it from the resting place, and moved it above him as he began to do some sets. The guard kept steady breathing and an eye on the bar, knowing he didn't want to pull a muscle or tear something.

The young stallion had a horrible experience of suffering a torn pec during his younger years in cadet school. Onyx was with him that day when he suffered an injury that affected him. Thankfully, the surgery proved successful, as Emerald could continue his training as a royal guard, but he couldn't do any physical lifting for several moons. And it was even longer before he was back to his old self. Being young when it happened had its perks, as Emerald's body could heal itself from the scarring injury rather quickly. But he knew that even though he wasn't much older than when he first suffered, he didn't want to risk it.

Twilight eyed her subject as the stallion focused on his breathing and balancing the beam. She sat on a table with her legs crossed as the mare titled her glasses. The lavender unicorn was studying Emerald's form as she noticed him slightly tense. Probably from an experience that involved bench pressing, but regardless, he was doing pretty well. Yet, her mind did wonder as she eyed the muscles along the stallion's body. She didn't know why, but seeing that and sweat glistening down made her body react. In a way, she couldn't describe it, but she found her nether regions slowly getting a bit damp. The mare tried her hardest to focus and remember this was all in the name of science and her independent study project.

In the end, Emerald bench-pressed an impressive number of sets, as he called it. The stallion placed the bar gently back on the rack as he let out a deep breath and sat up. His arms ached as he opened and closed his hand to relieve some of the tension and crack his muscles. Once more, Twilight approached the stallion and gave him one final energy tonic.

"Great work," said the mare as she used her magic to remove the sensors from Emerald's body as they were all done testing for the day.

Emerald downed the elixir as it reenergized his systems. The stallion stood up and cracked his head as he set the beaker down on the table that had his shirt.

"That's all the testing for today," said Twilight as she had her back turned to her subject and was writing down some final observations.

"Great, so. What do I do now?" asked Emerald as he grabbed his shirt and held it.

"Now... there's one final thing," said Twilight as she removed her useless glasses.

The scholar turned and approached the stallion as she grabbed his shirt and set it back on the table behind him. Emerald was confused until Twilight grabbed his face with both hands and pulled him into a kiss as she closed her eyes. The stallion followed suit as his hands slowly were placed on her hips. Twilight's arms then moved to wrap around the back of Emerald's head as she moaned into her mouth.

The mare wanted to see if this kiss was any different than the one they started way back at the beginning. And it was. Compared to the initial one, it was hollow and empty. It lacked something. But here. This one. It was full of passion and warmth. The two ponies could also feel it as one of Emerald's hands lifted into Twilight's hair and undid the bun she wore as her hair fell majestically past her shoulder like a gentle waterfall. They soon opened their mouths and allowed their tongues to reconnect.

The passion between the two ponies was there as they explored each other's mouths. They broke apart for a second as a single strand of saliva connected their lips. Immediately, Emerald dived in for another kiss as Twilight's hands began to move down and feel Emerald's muscles along his arms, chest, and abs. As for the guard, he removed his mouth from Twilight's and kissed her jawline and cheek before moving to her neck. The studious mare kept a hand on his head as he delivered a row of kisses along her neck as she moaned. Emerald's right hand moved downward from Twilight's waist to her leg as he rubbed her thigh before forcefully grabbing, and pulling it up. The mare felt it as she yelped, kissing the stallion before her as her other leg bent down and jumped. Twilight now held onto Emerald as her limbs wrapped around his body.

The stallion was holding the mare up by her thighs as he turned them around to gently place Twilight on the table counter as they kept kissing and moaning into each other's mouths. Soon, they reached the end of this little euphoric moment as they broke apart. Twilight still had her legs wrapped around Emerald's waist as she stared into the eyes of the guard that was to protect her this moon. Nothing was said for a good solid while as the pair just stared into each other's eyes. A simple grazing of the fingers as they touched the other's cheek sent chills and shivers down their spines as it registered in their mind.

"So... how do you feel now?" asked Twilight in a lulled state of mind.

"Like... a cool breeze hitting my face on a warm summer's day. Like the ice cream that melts on top of a delicious apple pie," said Emerald.

Twilight seemed to be affected by the stallion's words. She didn't know why, but how Emerald spoke just resonated with her. The silver tongue on the guard had turned the princess' pupil into puddy. The pair remained silent for a bit longer as Twilight finally unwrapped her legs around the guard, signaling their little experience was over. Emerald stepped back as Twilight put her legs down as they dangled from the table. The guard was beside her, hunched over and looking down as if contemplating what had happened again between them. Twilight also had her head down.

"Be here tomorrow for some testing," said Twilight.

"Okay," Emerald responded, putting on his shirt without looking at the mare.

The guard grabbed his hoodie and flung it over his shoulder as he proceeded to head out of the lab and tower and to his quarters. Twilight was alone, sitting on the table with her head still down. The girl made a quill and her notepad appear as she spoke.

"Final Oberservstions for the day: The warm feeling that happened the other day returned. But what caused it? And from what, I have no clue. Maybe attraction. Attraction to the opposite sex? No, it is more than that. But perhaps it plays a role. Further study is required."

Emerald was heading back to his quarters as he entered the barracks and opened the door to his room. His best friend was already waiting for him as he was stunned to see Emerald without his armor.

"Hey, bud? Where's your armor?" asked Onyx.

"Oh, well... the princess' pupil asked me not to wear it today," explained the unicorn to his earth pony friend.

"Well, the good news is that today was your last day. Tomorrow, you'll get your dream of protecting something worth wild. The Royal Treasury.

"Y-Yeah, I am," said Emerald before taking a deep sigh.

"Ain't you excited?" asked Onyx to his pal.

"I am, but... I was wondering if it's okay to continue with my position," said Emerald.

"What? Em, do you seriously want to continue to be a babysitter? No offense, bud, but in the beginning, you complained about having to watch over the princess' student."

"I did. And while it seemed good then, I've slowly come around to it."

"Oh. So... you finally got a bit friendly with the princess' student, huh?" said Onyx.

"Well, I mean," stuttered Emerald as he rubbed his neck while looking away for a second, "In a way. Me and Twilight have managed to speak at least, and she doesn't treat me like I'm invisible."

"Twilight?" said Onyx with a raised eyebrow.

Emerald facepalmed himself mentally for saying Twilight's name outloud when his pal didn't know that was her name. He regretted that he blurt it out as he had no choice.

"Yeah, that's her name. She told me."

"Okay. I see now. You finally got her to warm up to you. And she asked that you call her by her actual name. See, what I'd tell you, bud? She's got power, she's got influence. Nice one, man. If she's asking you to address her by her name, then she's already pulling some strings with the princess and will help you get a big promotion." said Onyx, as that was his belief for why his bud rejected the offer of being moved.

"Y-Yeah, that's why," said Emerald as he decided to go with that explanation; he couldn't disclose the details of his little study with Twilight for personal reasons and because he also signed an NDA.

"Well, a plan's a plan. Good work, man," said Onyx as he patted his buddy on the shoulder for being able to cozy up with Twilight and would soon be on the fast track to glory.

"Thanks. Oh, um, by the way, she asked me if I dress like a normal person when I'm with her. Just a personal preference for her." said Emerald.

"No problem, Em. I'll put in a report. Let the others know so they don't scold you for not wearing your uniform." stated Onyx.

"Appreciate it, man."

"Hey, what'd I say? Trust the process, right? Look at where you're going now." The Lieutenant smiled as he slapped Emerald's back before leaving his friend's quarters.

"Trust the process. Yeah," said Emerald as he should be happy about this, but smiling was tough.

The guard simply sighed as he decided to get ready for bed. Tomorrow was a whole other day. And whatever awaited for him and Twilight.

Chapter 3: Next Lesson Plan

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The days to follow were ones of interest. The next day, Emerald went to Twilight's tower again as they continued with more experiments that the studious mare had set up for him. After each time they finished for the day, the mare would always kiss him as it divulged into a small session of passionate kissing. In the moment, both ponies gave in to their emotions as they acted like animals in heat, but once the moment died down, their brains switched back to normal as they just carried on like nothing happened. It did give Emerald some thought as to why it happened.

The stallion was currently in a tank of water as he was testing to see how long he could hold his breath. Twilight held a small stopwatch while timing all of Emerald's trials. The stallion was showing progress as he was now up to 10 minutes. Soon, the stallion emerged from the water tank as he took some mouthfuls of air.

"Not bad!" said Twilight as she stopped the stopwatch and wrote down Emerald's latest time.

The studious mare ignited her horn as she made the tank disappear and put Emerald back into his regular clothes. She floated over one of the energy tonics as he downed it and regained vitality.

"Well, you'll be pleased to know you've seen significant improvements since we started. Overall, your stamina, conditioning, and vitality, in general, have gone up by 12%. To put it into perspective, I've compared it to your test results during your physical exams for the Royal Guard."

"How did you manage to get my scores?" asked Emerald.

"I have my ways," said Twilight as she wrote down Emerald's final numbers.

"So, any other tests that you need me to do?" asked the unicorn.

"No. We're done for today. However, tomorrow, we'll be doing something different."

"Okay. What?"

"I got some errands to run."

"And what does that have to do with me?" asked Emerald.

"Whenever I go, you go. Remember," stated Twilight.

"So, you just need me to follow you. Like an actual babysitter?" said the stallion.

"Don't be late!" said Twilight.

"Well... at least I won't be stuck here," stated Emerald as he left the mare's lab.

Twilight watched until Emerald left. She then turned back to her journal as she made a book appear in a flash. The girl opened the book, and the cover was a statue of a mare and stallion, as both had no clothes. The lavender unicorn turned to a specific section of the book as she began to take notes.

"Everything is going according to plan," said the mare as she devised and worked out the final details of her experiments for the next part of her independent study.

The next day, Emerald arrived at Twilight's tower at the designated time the mare asked him to come. The stallion saw the mare putting several books in her satchel as she had to stop by the Canterlot Library to return some things. The pair went to the library as Twilight returned the books she rented. Once that was taken care of, the pair began to get on with Twilight's chores, or rather, the mare did as Emerald just stood by and watched while keeping an eye on her.

"So... Ms. Sparkle..."

"You can call me Twilight," stated the mare as she looked over some garments. "As far as I know, nobody knows you're a Royal Guard without identifying your uniform. So unless you want to draw attention by always referring to me as Miss, call me by my name. Besides, you're my assistant, so... act like it."

"What do you mean?"

Emerald soon got his answer as he was starting to be handed things. The stallion was seeing what the studious mare meant as he was starting to become her personal pack mule. Twilight began to throw clothes upon clothes one by one as they soon buried the stallion under it.

"Come on. Keep up!" said Twilight as she walked away with Emerald sighed before using his magic to make the giant pile on top of him float and land in his arms as he carried them.

"So... Ms, I mean, Twilight. Care to tell me a bit about yourself?"

"And why would I do that?" asked the mare as she eyed the stallion.

"Cut me a break, please. I already agreed to be your lab rat. The least you can do is answer some questions I have about you." stated Emerald.

Twilight sighed as she looked at her guard.

"Very well. If you must know, I'm a child of two. I have an older brother. You should know who he is: the Captain of the Royal Guard."

"C-C-Captain of the Royal Guard?" said Emerald as he got a bit scared after hearing that. "You mean to tell me that... your brother is..."

"Yup," smiled Twilight as she got in the face of her guard. "So... if you do anything that I disapprove of. Well... you better start running."

Emerald gulped as he felt a slight terror after hearing Twilight mention who her big brother was. The mare seemed to notice that the stallion before was affected by her statement as she smiled. She then turned back around to a rack of clothes as she noticed something.

"Oh wow, this is simply amazing," Her fingers slowly move across, feeling the fabric of a t-shirt with the picture of a kitten. Twilight just brushed over it as she just looked over. It looked to be around her size as she gave a smile.

Soon, almost as if on cue, a mare wearing a black polo shirt and black jeans moved. She was a slightly tanned mare, blond-haired mane and tail, clearly wearing too much makeup, with her tits out in the air. She smiled, looking over towards Twilight first, giving a smile.

"Hello, miss. Is there anything I can help you with?" asked the salespony.

"No, thank you. Just looking to buy some stuff. But I do ask, do you have a changing room nearby?" asked Twilight.

"Right over here," said the mare as she led Twilight, who gestured for Emerald to follow as he had no choice.

"Here you go. If you need anything, feel free to ask," said the mare.

"Much appreciated," said Twilight as she used her magic to place the giant pile Emerald was forced to carry and set it on one of the chairs behind him.

The studious mare told the stallion to take a seat as she used her magic to pull some of the clothes with her as the door shut with a thud. The stallion sighed as he slumped in the chair, glad to finally get a rest from all the carrying he had to do.

"And is there anything I can help you with, sir?" asked the mare to the guard.

"Oh, no. I'm not shopping for anything."

"Are you sure? 'Cause we happen to have a sale on suits. 50%." asked the mare as she tried to use her skills to convince Emerald to buy.

"Again. I appreciate the offer, but I'm good."

"Very well. If your girlfriend needs anything, don't hesitate to ask," said the mare as she left.

"Girlfriend? Um, she's not my..."

Emerald tried to tell the mare that Twilight was more of an acquaintance, but she was long gone.

"Hey, Emerald. Can you help me? I need your advice on this." said the mare.

The door was pulled open as Twilight stood with a too-big shirt and baggy jeans.

"Am I really that small?" asked the mare.

"Well, I'm probably not the most keen expert on fashion, but they seem to be a tad bit big," said Emerald.

"I knew it. Thanks. Oh, and I need you to do something." The mare made a clipboard appear in the stallion's hand as a quill also appeared. "I need to hear your thoughts and scores for every outfit I try on."

"Why?" asked the stallion.

"Remember. Clause #1. You do whatever I say with little to no rebuttal. It's for the independent study." stated the lavender mare.

"Fine," sighed Emerald.

The mare smiled as she closed the door and changed into another set of clothes. Emerald began to scribble on the clipboard as he wrote down Twilight's first outfit, made notes about it, and scored it using the princess' rubric. The second outfit Twilight emerged with was a simple one. A yellow T-shirt that fit her more comfortably and shorts that stopped above her kneecaps. Emerald had a blank look as he just wrote down the mare's attire and gave it the appropriate score using her rubric. One by one, Twilight was trying on different outfits and getting some feedback from Emerald on his opinion. In the end, the studious mare ran through 20 different clothing combinations.

"Alright, how about this one?" asked Twilight as she opened the door and presented herself.

The mare wore a pink sweater jacket with a hoodie; she tied her mane into a bun and put on a pair of cosmetic brown oval-shaped glasses.

"Heh. Cute," admitted Emerald as he wrote that down.

"Is this too casual or not enough?" asked Twilight.

"It works. If anything, this is probably the best outfit I like," Emerald said.

"I see. In that case, I'll also take this one.

"Great. So we're done?" asked the stallion.

"Just... one thing," said Twilight as she snapped her finger.

Another pile of clothes appeared next to Emerald as the stallion knew what that meant. He leaned back and groaned, only for the clipboard he was holding to vanish. Soon, the clothes next to him also floated into the room.

"Don't worry about taking notes for these," smiled the mare as she closed the door. "Okay. Now, onto... the next part of the experiment. I'm... nervous."

"Well, at least that's less work on my part," said Emerald.

"Alright," said Twilight as the door opened.

Emerald reeled his head back down and froze upon seeing the mare. Twilight stood in a bathing suit; however, the stallion was at a loss as the sight before him left him speechless. That bathing suit, already a tight little number that barely matched the width of her arm when it was on a rack, was being stretched to the limit over Twilight's divine curves. Her ass struggled to keep its heart shape over the dip of black leather biting into her cutie marks. And the funbags up front? Being squished into those straps made her cleavage look like a canyon!

Emerald felt a sudden feeling inside, and all the blood in his body seemed to stop rushing to his head as he looked at this... this... angel before him. Twilight was shown to be a bit nervous as she stood there with her arms behind her back and was nervous about revealing this much to someone she barely knew.

"So... um, do you... like this one?" asked the nervous mare.

"Um... um, well, I... I..."

The guard was fumbling and stammering up a storm as he couldn't give the mare a clear answer. Mainly due to the fact of the view he saw before him. Twilight could see that despite her nervousness, the next part of the book she rented out of showing herself in these outfits worked as Emerald couldn't speak straight. She immediately closed the door and was shown leaning against it as she slid down. The mare put a hand to her chest as she could feel her heartbeat kicking up.

"That was... scary. But... also thrilling," stated the mare as she remembered these feelings for accurate data points. "Okay, breathe, Twilight. You still have more trials to do. Breathe." The unicorn took a minute to compose herself as she willed herself to overcome her nervousness to continue this part of her independent study.

When Twilight closed the door, Emerald immediately regained the working function of his brain. The stallion put a hand to his head as he was processing what had happened. Twilight had come out in a bathing suit that really showed her off, and upon seeing it, he felt like he couldn't give her a straight response. With her gone from his field of vision, he regained the oxygen needed to speak.

"What... was that?" said the stallion to himself.

"Emerald. Are you okay?" called out Twilight from behind the door.

"Y-Yeah. Just... needed a moment," said the stallion to the studious unicorn.

"Okay. So, how do you feel about this?"

The door opened as Twilight showed off her next set. Twilight kept the top of the bathing suit as she added some jean shorts. Safe to say, if Emerald thought Twilight was sexy before, the new piece of garment elevated that. The guard had a perfect view of that bobbing rack of chest meat once restrained by the outfit. Those tits of the lavender mare had the perfect bit of bob, sag, and heft—enough for him to be certain they were real and spectacular. Her ass, while safely encased in that pair of jean-shorts she'd had, still peeked out from that tight 'V' of denim and the pink lace of a very elegant pair of low-cut panties.

"Well?" asked the mare.

Once again, Emerald was at a loss for words. Twilight, now a bit more confident, showed herself off at her guard. While still trying to come up with words, Emerald gave the mare a nod as that was enough for the lavender unicorn. She closed the door and began to change once again. This time, Twilight came out in a bit more revealing and even more sexy clothing. Twilight was standing there, wearing a very revealing teddy. The fabric was still slightly showing off her nipples while they stuck out; it was a crimson red that managed to show off her body. At the same time, she swayed back and forth. The guard's response this time had him dropping his jaw; Twilight did another brave act on her part as she slid her hand over her body, caressing her fingers as she kept her eyes on him like he was the only pony in the entire world.

"Do you like what you see?" asked the mare.

Emerald's brain was too far gone as he nodded at this point. The stallion admired the voluptuous mare standing before her as she showed herself off to him. Twilight closed the door again and began to change. This went on for about a while as Twilight tried different clothing combinations. Among the different assortments, one of Emerald's favorites was a corset with a white g-string since it showed off her frame even more delightfully while she was modeling for him, as she gave a wink. Emerald groaned as underneath his pants, he had a somewhat bulge that had been slowly growing with each of Twilight's outfits, and right now, it was pretty noticeable if one looked down.

As for Twilight, she merely caught a second glimpse of it, and she could see that her book was right, which meant that when they got back to her lab, she could proceed with the next phase. As for right now, the mare used her magic to make Emerald move from the chair into the changing room with her as the stallion was against the door, with the mare having her arms around his neck. Right now, the pair acted like they were the only ones in the world as Twilight's knee instinctively rubbed against Emerald's groin. The stallion felt it as he tried hard not to make any sounds to avoid them being discovered.

Thought with how they were positioned and the fact that he could feel Twilight's breast pressing into him, he could feel his brain slowly slipping. Feeling them against him, he could tell they were soft and full; it took whatever willpower he had control over not to reach a hand up to touch them as he feared even more trouble.

"Do you like what you see? Is it sexy for you?" She leaned in closer, her lips close to touching his.

"Yes, it's perfect for you." Emerald would whisper back slowly, getting more into it as he was inches away from her lips.

The two kept their gazes on each other as they soon met. Their lips touched. It was a simple peck that lasted a good five seconds. Upon releasing, Emerald brought a hand up as he gently gazed at Twilight's cheek, to which she leaned into it with her eyes closed and let out a soft moan. Before anything else could happen, Emerald's other hand fell on the doorknob as he grabbed it and quickly allowed himself out. Twilight looked at the door and felt a tinge of sadness but soon smiled as her book turned out to be correct. Following all the steps and procedures that her book told her, she was, for sure, ready to start the next stages of her independent study when they got back to the tower.

Outside, Emerald was bent over with his hands on his knees. The stallion was breathing profoundly heavily, almost like he had a heart attack. And it was given how close he was to Twilight in that outfit and how he felt her kneecap rubbing against his phallus.

"Is there anything I can assist you with?"

"Ah!" yelped Emerald as the salesmare from before spoke and spooked him as he fell over.

"Oh, dear. My bad. I didn't mean to startle you." said the mare as she approached him.

"It's okay," said Emerald as he sat up. His little buddy had now softened as it seemed his fear made it go down, to which he was thankful.

At that moment, Twilight exited the changing room back in her original attire as she had neatly folded all the clothes she tried on.

"And you, miss. I take it you found what you liked?"

"Indeed. I'll also be taking these," said Twilight as she presented the folded pile of clothes that she noted Emerald liked from his expression and gave them to the salesmare. During the rest, she snapped away back to their original spot.

"Excellent," said the mare as she began to take the pile to the counter.

Twilight looked down at Emerald, who sat beside her on the floor as she smiled. The mare began to walk in front of the stallion as she headed to the counter. The guard sighed as he got up and dusted himself off as he began to head over to where the studious mare was as it was time for him to be pack mule again.

Once Twilight paid for her clothes, she carried one bag along with her satchel across her body. As for the remaining bags, Emerald was stuck carrying them. It wasn't long before they arrived back at the mare's tower as Emerald struggled to climb, given he couldn't see over the bags. Twilight's voice was the only guidance as the mare did her best to instruct the stallion where to place his foot.

"And now turn left," said Twilight.

Emerald did that; he bumped into the edge of the mare's bed and fell over. The bags tumbled as they all landed on the mattress. He turned around and looked at Twilight as the mare sighed. She shook her head before her horn lit up and collected all the bags and clothes that fell as she neatly put them in her closet.

"Sorry about that," said Emerald with a sheepish smile.

"Just follow me," said Twilight as she set the bag she was holding and approached her bookcase.

The mare reached up to unlock her hidden door as she pulled the specific book back. It triggered the mechanism as it slid to the side and revealed the wooden door. The mare began to walk down the steps as Emerald took a moment to collect his breath from all his carrying before venturing into the lab. He noticed the mare had slipped on her lab coat and put on those useless glasses as she wrote down her observations that she noticed during her little modeling for the guard. Twilight mumbled to herself as she looked at the book she had checked out earlier for reference and looked up something as it would be crucial for the next step of her independent study.

"So, anything..."

"Do you find me attractive?"

Emerald was totally caught off guard by what he had heard. The stallion was left in a state of confusion as Twilight turned to face the guard.

"Do you find me... attractive?" repeated Twilight, though she spoke slightly softer.

"Um, well... I..." Emerald was rubbing his neck as he struggled to find the words. But who could blame him? Twilight just pulled that question out of her flank and point-blank asked him without any hint or buildup. In the end, the unicorn nodded.

"A nod won't suffice," stated Twilight. "I want a direct answer." The studious unicorn approached the guard; she got close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck to ensure he didn't try to escape and forced him to look her in the eyes to avoid any attempt of bluffing. "Do you find me attractive?"

"I-- I. I think... you're a very pretty young mare in your own right," said Emerald.

"Just pretty?" said Twilight.

"No... I mean, you're talented. Smart, very smart. And... um, well-"

Twilight sighed as she knew what Emerald was doing. She let go of him and turned around. She didn't show it, but her fingers were dwindling as she prepared to ask her subject the next question.

"How did it feel?"

"Excuse me?"

"My chest. When I pressed it against you in the changing room, how did it make you feel?" asked Twilight.

"I... I don't think..."

"I want an answer! Need I remind you of the contract you signed!" said Twilight, as she needed Emerald to answer her question as part of her independent study. "Be honest."

The guard ran a hand through his mane and rubbed his neck as he recalled when Twilight pulled him into the room, and he felt her breasts pressing up against him.

"It felt... nice. Everything about it. How it felt, how they looked."

"Did you imagine... touching them?" asked Twilight as she got even more personal.

"Yes. I... imagine what they would feel like," admitted Emerald as he rubbed his neck.

Twilight didn't say anything as she stood there with her back turned. A long period passed as it was nothing but silence. Emerald began to sweat a bit as this was the longest silence between the two ponies. Soon, she turned and approached the stallion.

"Close your eyes," said the mare as Emerald raised an eyebrow. "Close your eyes."

Emerald complied as he did what the lavender unicorn asked of him. Twilight was now taking some deep breaths as she prepared herself for the next step she was about to take. Soon, the sound of clothing was heard.

"Okay. Open your eyes."

Emerald did that as he was taken aback by what he saw. Standing before him was the studious mare as she was on her knees. And in front of her was his phallus as it was semi-hard; the unicorn had unzipped his chaps and slid down his garments just under his cock as it was directly into her face.

"Twilight... what..."

"The next procedure of the study. We've already done simple gestures, feelings, and, as of today, feeling one's posture above the waist in the changing room. Now is the next part, sexual stimulation." said Twilight.

"Um, sexual stimulation?" said Emerald.

"I'm sure you recall when I rubbed my knee against your phallus and testicles," stated the mare as she stood up and used her scientific term to address the guard's genitals. "Well, I need a sample of your seminal fluid."

"Seminal fluid? Why don't you just call them..."

"Because I have to use the correct terminology. I can't just go around calling it a... a c-cock and... calling them balls. That wouldn't be scientific." stated the mare.

"It'd be easier," said Emerald.

"Enough with this discussion. Now then... have you ever masturbated?" asked Twilight as she picked up a clipboard.

"What kind of question is that?" said Emerald.

"A perfectly normal one. So, have you ever masturbated?" repeated Twilight as she pushed up her glasses.

"I... I mean, yeah, who hasn't? But I do it in moderation." admitted the guard.

Twilight wrote down his answer as Emerald felt a tad bit weird. And not just because he had his pants down, showing his package in front of the mare, but also because she asked that question.

"Show me."

"WHAT?!!!" said Emerald as he almost yelled.

"Demonstrate to me," said Twilight as she repeated her statement calmly like it was almost normal.

"You're asking me to... crank one out?!" the guard stated.

"If it's not too much trouble," said Twilight as she responded in that same tone.

"You don't just... ask someone to let one out? That's... that's..."

"We're both young adults, and we're mature enough. As far as I'm concerned, we're the only ones here."

"Y-Yeah, but... I... you..."

Emerald was at a loss for words as he couldn't figure out how to put this situation into logical reasoning for Twilight. Ultimately, the stallion couldn't find the explanation, so he gave up and sighed. The guard looked at his little buddy and put his hand on it. With a deep breath, he began to stroke it. Despite not looking at her, the guard felt Twilight's gaze. Yet, as he continued to stroke, he found it to be a bit difficult. Twilight kept a keen eye on her subject. Observing his technique and seeing his face, trying to see what was occurring in his mind. The studious mare could tell the stallion was having difficulty doing the task she requested.

"Is there an issue?" asked Twilight.

"No shit!" said Emerald as he stopped stroking and looked at the mare. "You asked me to... jerk one off out of nowhere? What do you think? We guys can just let it rip whenever we want?" shouted the guard.

"Well, according to data. Across age groups, more males are reported to masturbate than females. About 73.8% to 48.1%." said Twilight as she tilted her glasses.

"Man, we give ourselves a bad rep," muttered Emerald after hearing the numbers regarding male masturbation.

"Okay, how about this? What if I help you by enticing a reward of sorts?" stated Twilight.

"A reward?" said Emerald.

"A positive reinforcement proves to be an effective way of motivating someone," explained Twilight.

The mare then began to take off her lab coat as it dropped to the floor. Emerald was confused until he saw Twilight remove her shirt, leaving her in her bra. The guard gulped as he saw her purple-colored bra that matched her skin as she undid her hair bun but kept her fake glasses on.

"Perhaps this will help. I want you to envision my breasts. You can look at them if it helps you to achieve ultimate pleasure." said Twilight.

"I'll... try," said Emerald, already staring at the mare's breasts through the fabric. And how they were pushing against it, almost begging to be freed.

The stallion put his hand back on his package as he lifted his gaze to be fixed on the mare's breasts. Immediately, he felt a difference, as he felt his cock starting to grow a bit just by looking at the purple mounds on the unicorn's chest. Emerald began to stroke as he kept his gaze on Twilight's chest and envisioned those purple wonders. Twilight also noticed the change in Emerald compared to his first attempt as she wrote it down on her clipboard.

In the guard's mind, Twilight's breasts were just the perfect size. The stallion had seen the images of all the porn magazines his comrades had as they often asked him for his opinion on the featured mares. To Emerald, he felt like the sizes shown were nothing but imaginary as they didn't seem real. But Twilight's... they were anything but fake. The pale, curved flesh bulged from the back lace of her bra; they almost seemed to glow against the dark fabric. They were large enough to fill his hands comfortably and balloon against his fingers as he squeezed. Emerald found his hand moving faster, his hesitation vanishing.

"Interesting," muttered Twilight as she wrote down an observation. "What are you thinking?"

"Your... breasts," said Emerald as he vigorously pumped himself.

"Any specifics?" asked the mare.

"Really?" said Emerald as he grunted.

"Remember," stated the mare.

"Fine. I envision... touching them. I picture myself squeezing them, touching them to feel their fullness. I imagine putting my cock between those lush mounds and even sucking them off."

"Suck them?" said Twilight as she wrote that comment down. "Anything else?"

"I imagine having my way with you," said Emerald as he could feel himself reaching his limit.

In the stallion's mind, he saw Twilight sitting on her bed as she was naked. The mare then spread her legs out to reveal her hidden treasure, enticing the guard. In reality, Emerald had backed up to a desk as he gripped it with his free hand to steady himself upon reaching his ultimate climax. His hand moved the fastest since he started as Twilight noticed the guard was about to finish. Within seconds, Emerald grunted as jets of white semen flew from the head of his cock and onto the floor. He kept jerking as a few more powerful spurts occurred before finishing.

The stallion was leaning against the edge of the desk as he breathed heavily. Twilight, who had been watching this experiment, was shown writing some things down as she took some notes. She flashed her horn; next to Emerald was a vial of the energy elixir as the stallion looked at the mare. She gestured her head for him to drink it as Emerald grabbed it and brought it to his lips.

"How do you feel?" asked Twilight as Emerald gulped the last of the tonic.

"I'm good," said the stallion as his vitality returned after jerking off as the mare asked. "So, can I finally pull up my pants?"

"Not yet," said Twilight as she wrote some things down.

"Come on! I just jerked himself off in front of you! What else do you need?!" shouted Emerald, as he felt he had made enough weird requests for the mare.

Twilight took off her fake glasses and set them down. Her back was turned to Emerald as she was shown reaching behind and unclipping her bra. The guard was stunned seeing her do that, and he didn't notice Twilight was on her knees and in front of his cock until he felt his tip bump gently against her nose. The stallion was stuttering as he didn't know what was happening.

"What are you doing?" said the guard.

"A good experiment doesn't just use one piece of data. For consistent results, you must conduct multiple trials. And this one requires a hands-on approach." said Twilight as she observed Emerald's phallus. "Plus, I'm a mare of my word. Since you did what I asked, I will reward you."

"Reward?" said Emerald.

"You mentioned about feeling my breasts. And how you want to... stick your... your... c-c-c-cock in between them," said Twilight; she almost didn't want to call Emerald's package by that word as it felt dirty. No pun intended.

Emerald didn't know what to make heads or tails about this situation. Per her request, having to jerk himself off in front of the mare was weird enough. Now... having the mare before him and about to let him bury his cock between her beautiful breasts. This had to be a prank. Some form of blackmail that she was recording to present to her mentor. It had to be. There was no way a mare this intelligent, innocent, beautiful would let this happen. Right?

But according to Twilight's expression, it didn't seem to be. He looked into her eyes as it seemed the unicorn was dead on doing what she wanted.

"Time to acquire a sample for my research," said Twilight. "Before I begin... can I ask? Do you like them? Are they... too big for your liking?"

Emerald couldn't believe it. This mare kept catching him off guard. Whether by her actions, the questions she asked, or whatever she requested of him. Just... how did she constantly do it?

"Well..." asked Twilight as she awaited an answer.


"R-Really? You... like them? I mean, even if they're a bit big."

"I don't mind. It just means... that there's more to love. Besides, to me... they're perfect."

"You... heh. You're a smooth one, you know. Hearing you say that... it... make me feel... well, I don't know," said Twilight as she looked up at Emerald. "Well... go on. Go ahead and touch them. I don't mind if... It's you. Just be gentle. Please. They're... sensitive."

Emerald looked at the mare as he raised his hand slightly to touch them. Upon contact, Twilight winced as she felt Emerald's hands, the muscles in them as they began to get to work. The fingers felt her breasts as they dug into her fur and how they rotated them. Soon, the stallion made the unicorn stand up as he leaned in for a kiss. The mare wrapped her arms around his neck as Emerald kept fondling her breasts.

"Oh...oh. Mmmm...oh. Oh, that feels so good. That feels so good! I...I never thought it would feel this good." said Twilight as she broke from their kiss and looked down to see Emerald's hands making her feel such wonderful pleasure.

Emerald brought her in for another kiss as his hands continued their assault. The stallion's hand made Twilight's nipples hard as the mare felt her body react to the sudden jolt as she gasped.

"Stimulant... pleasure..." said Twilight as she repeated her thoughts to write down for later. "You... can suck on them, now."

Emerald gasped after hearing that as he looked at the mare in the eyes. A nod and seeing her consent, he dove his mouth onto one of her breasts as Twilight lost it and moaned.

"Mmmpf! S-Suck on them! Oh, yes, yes, yes!" said Twilight as this pleasure was indescribable. There was nothing in any of the textbooks that she read that mentioned how good it would feel. "Don't stop! Keep going...please. Your tongue feels so good! Your hands feel so good! Mmmpf!"

The stallion soon put his hands on Twilight's waist as he lifted the mare. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he turned around and set the mare on the desk. Twilight removed her arms and leaned back to pump her chest out as Emerald continued to devour one of her breasts while rotating and caressing the other, all while Twilight reeled her head back and let out moans of intense pleasure.

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes, yes, yes! Oh, keep doing that! That feels incredible!" said Twilight as she felt in heaven.

Soon, Emerald ceased his assault on the studious mare as she lifted her head to look at the stallion. The lavender mare looked at her guard as he grazed her cheek. Twilight unhooked her legs from around Emerald's waist as he stepped back; the mare then got off the desk as she bent down in front of the stallion, and was eye to eye with his now rock-hard cock. She touched it with a finger, and it twitched in response; Twilight was observing Emerald's cock.

"It's so big Sorry, I...I'm not used to this. Seeing a real one and having a real live one right in front of me is much better than in my research. Just seeing these big testicles...and this penis...oh, and that smell! Oh...I never imagined how strong it would smell. It's so masculine. Oh...this might require additional investigation in the future...if you'd be up for it."

"Sure," smiled Emerald.

"Okay... ready," said Twilight as she was prepared to execute the next part.

The mare grabbed her boobs and used her magic to guide Emerald's cock as it was wedged perfectly in between them. Upon contact, both felt good, and it only got better as Twilight began to move her breasts as they rubbed along the stallion's penis.

"Does it feel good?" asked Twilight as she kept moving her breasts.

"Y-Yeah," said Emerald as he found it hard to respond, given how good of a job Twilight was doing. Safe to say, the imagination that he had earlier about feeling his cock in between her breasts was even better in reality.

"Oh, good. This is so exhilarating! Having your big, manly...cock snuggled between feels so intimate. I...I can feel you. I can feel how hot you are. I can feel how hard you are. I can feel you throbbing. Can you feel me?" asked the mare.

"Yes, Twilight. They're so soft. And warm." confessed Emerald as he patted her head to signal he was enjoying Twilight pleasuring him.

"Glad you like it? Is there... anything I can do to make you feel even better?" asked Twilight.

"C-Can you... talk erotic?" asked Emerald.

"You mean... like what my books say as 'talk dirty'?" asked Twilight.

The stallion merely nodded as Twilight recalled that section of the book. It was a form of foreplay conducted between a male and female to help increase arousal and mutual sexual pleasure. The studious mare thought about it as she looked at Emerald and began to do as he requested.

"How does that feel, huh? Can you feel my breasts stroking your big, hard, meaty cock?" said Twilight as she began to talk dirty.

"Y-Yes," said Emerald.

"I'm gonna move faster. You want me to?" asked the mare, keeping up the act.


Twilight smiled as she picked up the speed of her breasts. With Twilight upping her speed, Emerald nearly lost it at how much more it felt.

"It feels so good having your big, hard cock fucking them! You're making me hot. Go on! Fuck my tits. Thrust as hard as you want." said Twilight as she egged Emerald on.

"Be careful what you wish for," stated Emerald as he managed to speak and put his hands on Twilight's shoulders. The stallion then began to thrust as hard as he could.

"Oh, fuck! That feels so good!" said Twilight as Emerald made her feel good. "Give it to me! Give me your cum! Give me everything you've got! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Twilight yelled for Emerald to release, and a few thrusts later, it happened. The stallion groaned and grunted as, from his penis, he fired several shots. Some of them hit Twilight's face and dripped onto her breasts as the stallion let loose all he held back from the insane and intense sexual pleasure. The guard kept his cock, now slowly softening, in between Twilight's breasts as it rested there. Twilight felt the semen of the guard on her face as she wiped some on her finger and looked at it.

"Consistency. Sticky. Thick." said the mare as she brought her fingers to her mouth and licked the liquid off her fingers. "Tasty. Sweet, yet salty."

The studious mare then began to lick the semen on her breasts slowly; she used magic to make the liquid on her face dribble down toward her mouth as she licked it off. The mare swallowed the stallion's cum with one gulp as she opened her mouth to show she had downed it completely. Emerald looked at the mare licking his cum as it made Twilight look hot; the sight of this academic and intellectual mare and how she was slurping up his semen like a common whore was almost enough to make his cock regain its hardness.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?" asked Twilight.

"I... I kind of lost control there. It's just... You felt so good that I-"

"It's okay. I'm glad that I could make you feel good," said Twilight, as she wiped the last bit of Emerald's cum and looked at her fingers. "It smells so good. And it tastes even better." The mare sucked on her digits as Emerald found it hot, seeing Twilight work her tongue. "Mmmm...oh! Oh, that's good! That tastes so good! Where...Where's my notebook? I have to write down these observations! This is valuable data!"

Twilight got up and removed Emerald's cock from her breasts as she headed to where her clipboard was. She didn't wear her bra or upper clothing as she was too focused on writing down her observations as if she would forget them.

"We are definitely doing this again! After this...I'm motivated to continue this independent study of male-female relations even more," said the lavender mare as she furiously wrote her notes.

Emerald began to pick up his pants and undergarments as he eyed the mare. She was too focused on cross-referencing her notes and checking her book as she made some edits. The stallion could see that she was so busy engrained in her books that he knew it would be pointless to get her attention.


"That's all for today!" said Twilight, scribbling something.

"Right," said Emerald as he used his magic, and in a flash, he was fully dressed.

The stallion took one last sip of the tonic as he regained vitality. He looked at the mare, who was still topless and writing down. Emerald put his hands into his pockets and slowly walked up the stairs. He looked back at the mare before heading out as their little session was complete, and the pair were now acting as if nothing had happened. Ultimately, the guard began to leave the tower as he returned to his quarters, leaving the studious mare to her studies.

Chapter 4: Orgasms and Showers

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Nighttime had fallen on Canterlot. Apart from the local nightclub industries profiting from all the night owls, everything was quiet. However, in the barracks of the Royal Guard, one stallion was tossing and turning in his bed. Emerald struggled to sleep as his dreams were plagued by what had happened during the day.

Following Twilight's recent experiment, Emerald succumbed to more by the studious mare. According to Twilight, she justified that she needed several results to ensure the results of her study were accurate. And so, she would often suck him off when they finished whatever she had him doing as the mare had impressed him. He saw Twilight as this perfect little mare who was nothing but innocent. She was a studious mare who cared about getting high marks and impressing her mentor, yet after that initial taste of Emerald's cock, she was obsessed with it. With the number of books she referenced and checked out, there seemed to be a little pervert inside the once-innocent mare.

The latest of their little sessions resulted in Twilight trying their session outside the tower. According to her research, excitement, and adrenaline was good motivation for helping one's sexual life. The mare told him that during the excited stage, the body prepares for sexual activity by tensing muscles and increasing heart rate and blood pressure. So, to get the best possible excitement, the pair made their way to the library. And for the entire duration, Emerald was to sit at a table with Twilight under him. The guard was to remain silent and avoid making loud noises to avoid unwanted attention while Twilight sucked him off.

The stallion felt so uncomfortable as he feared for his life and job. His reputation as a guard if some local found out that he was having his dick sucked off in a public place and by the princess' pupil of all ponies served as a good excitement that within a few minutes, it became erect. Twilight smiled at herself as she began to get to work. The mare was sucking his tip and bobbing her head back and forth as she applied some techniques her books mentioned to help her achieve sexual stimulation. The mare had one of her hands go down into her shorts as she began to play with her clitoris.

While Twilight had the easier job, Emerald did his best to remain silent. They may have been in a part of the library that most didn't come to, but that didn't mean they were safe. All it would take is someone to pass by their section to see the guard acting uncomfortable to question things. The stallion was putting all his training to use not to make a sound, but given Twilight's ruthlessness in attacking his member, it proved to be quite a challenge. The mare started by sniffing Emerald's cock as she jotted the smell for her notes. Taking a deep breath, she dove her mouth onto his member. The guard felt the mare's tongue as she was sucking his member like a lollipop, and she continued to make her way to his balls. Her marehood seized upon itself, and her marish juices gushed from her cunt once more, the flavor assailing her taste buds and sending her reeling with bliss.

Emerald was being sent on a pleasure train the likes he had never experienced before. The guard placed a hand on the mare's head, avoiding her horn as he helped move her head up and down. Twilight upped the ante as she took one of the stallion's balls in her mouth; she nearly sent him over the edge from just the contact. The studious mare placed her hands on Emerald's knees to get a firm grip and allow only her head to move. From the moment she got her first taste of cum, specifically Emerald's cum, Twilight had become addicted to it. The taste and consistency were impossible to describe, but it felt so good. So good that she needed it. She wanted it. She lusted for it so much that she planned to make it a part of her diet by swallowing a load of the stallion at least once a day.

Emerald groaned at how skilled Twilight was at sucking him off; guess all the books she read did pay off. The studious mare then changed her technique as she removed her mouth from Emerald's member before attacking it from the side. That nearly sent Emerald overboard as Twilight's tongue coated his member with her saliva. The lavender mare moved her head from left to right while sucking the cock in front of her with her tongue; she then changed back to being in front of the member as she moved to the underside. Slattering it with saliva while bobbing her head back and forth. Twilight swirled her tongue around his shaft, adding another layer of pleasure as she gave it everything. She didn't gag. She didn't hesitate. Every fiber in her being dedicated herself to giving the best blowjob in Equestria.

"Twilight... T-Twilight..." said Emerald as he tried to get the mare's attention.

She was too focused on the task in her mouth that she didn't listen to Emerald's plea that he was about to burst. The guard couldn't suppress a moan as it escaped his lips from having the star pupil of the princess sucking him off. He soon reached his limit, letting loose and firing off his semen. His cock exploded in her mouth, filling it with hot, salty semen. She gagged as she shot up from her position, hitting her head on the table, but not before Emerald landed a shot of cum in her face by accident.

The thud was fairly hearable as Emerald immediately panicked. He looked to see if anybody was coming as footsteps were heard. A shadow approached their section as the old librarian appeared to peek into it. Emerald was now repositioned to have his back turned to the old mare as he turned to see her. She asked him if he was alright, to which he gave a thumbs up as her answer. The librarian seemed to buy it as she smiled and went. Once she was gone from sight, Emerald turned to look down as Twilight was still bent down and looking at his member. The mare was licking her fingers and lips of his warm semen, swallowing it like honey.

"Excellent work," said the mare.

"Just get out from there, quick!" said Emerald as they pushed their luck far enough that he backed up and allowed the princess' pupil to come out.

Twilight emerged from under the table as she saw the stallion turn away from her so that he could put his member back into his pants.

"I don't know why you are hiding it from me. I've already seen it," said Twilight with a smirk.

"It's a guy thing, okay. Don't ask me!" said Emerald as he turned to address the mare before adjusting himself and turning back around.

The mare quickly passed a hand over Emerald's crotch, causing it to swell up again.

"I wouldn't mind having some more later," answered the mare with a somewhat cheerful smile that messed with the guard's mind. She then began to leave, leaving Emerald to contemplate himself.

The guard awoke as he finished recalling his day and sat up in bed. The stallion touched his head as he tried to make sense of this situation with Twilight. To think it all stemmed from his being assigned to her as her bodyguard and them kissing in the library. He couldn't make heads or tails about whether it was a blessing or a curse. Seeing his member poke his sheets didn't help either, as he groaned and pulled back to reveal his little guy. Half mast as his dreams of recalling today's events affected it.

"I know, bud," said Emerald to his member as he groaned, almost like it was thinking the same thing.

Safe to say, Emerald didn't get much sleep after that. Morning came as he opened his eyes and had some bags under them. He groaned as he rolled to his side and pulled the pillow over his eyes to try to get some sleep. However, it seemed he couldn't even get that as a scroll magically appeared and flopped next to his head. He grabbed it from Twilight, the mare telling the stallion to come over right now as she wanted to go over some new lessons with her guinea pig. She also told him to bring an extra set of clothes per her order. Emerald groaned as he just sent the scroll away and turned, hoping that he could skip today's meeting.

Another scroll appeared as this one landed on Emerald's head as if Twilight had purposely teleported it to land on him. He opened it as another message from the princess' pupil, the studious unicorn reminding the royal guard of the contract he signed and the guidelines he had to follow less he wanted to risk being fired or worse. And given how he was messing around with the star pupil, he was digging his grave more every time they did. Twilight had him by his balls, literally.

"Why did I kiss her in the library?" asked the stallion as he groaned before getting ready.

The guard took a slight detour as he stopped by Pony Joe's doughnuts to pick up breakfast for him and Twilight. He often heard from the mare's mumblings when she was focused on her research about doughnuts from a place she visited often with her parents. The guard entered the establishment and tried one from the owner; the guard was amazed at how good it tasted that he had purchased a box full. He was heading to the mare's tower as he climbed the many stairs and soon arrived at the top. Immediately, he saw the mare by some desk as she was scribbling some stuff down onto some scrolls.

The stallion placed the doughnuts on the table in the middle of the room, knocking on it to make his presence known. Twilight snapped out of her focused trance as she saw Emerald standing there.

"You're late!" said the mare as she got up from her chair.

"Well, I got you some doughnuts," said the stallion.

"I don't care. I asked you to be here, precisely 13 minutes, 43 seconds, and.... wait... did you say you got doughnuts?" said Twilight as her nose picked up the scent.

Emerald opened the box as he revealed the sweet treats. Twilight had her mouth water at seeing the round objects as she only got that way with two other things. One of them was currently attached to Emerald and under some clothing.

"Alright. I'll excuse this tardiness. But just for this once." said the studious mare as she grabbed a doughnut and began to munch on it. The lavender unicorn relished tasting it as it had been so long since she last had one. Emerald smiled at seeing Twilight enjoy the doughnuts as he found it adorable in a dorky way. Adorakable? Yeah. That was the best word to describe Twilight.

The breakfast brought by Emerald put Twilight in a rather good mood. The mare had eaten way more than half of the box as the stallion was impressed by how she could eat so much and yet not have any effect on making her fat. It amazed the guard at how the studious unicorn managed to retain her figure, though with how much sweets she ate; he was sure they would go to the mare's hips or perhaps her ass. Either way, he wasn't complaining, as that was something he liked about Twilight's body. Her hips and ass, they were just how he liked it. Especially her ass. He would always go for the latter if anybody approached Emerald and asked him what he liked more between a mare's tits and her ass. The reason is that there was less to be disappointed about.

Putting that thought out of his dirty mind, Twilight wiped her mouth of crumbs as she addressed Emerald.

"Thank you for bringing breakfast. It's been so long since I last had a doughnut from Pony Joe's."

"My pleasure. I'll be honest. I didn't know the place existed until today. But I'll say this, they make some damn good doughnuts." Emerald took a bite of his, knowing it was full of carbs that he could easily burn off.

"Well, I appreciate you doing this."

"At least I'm not just serving my purpose as a fucktoy," stated Emerald as he finished his snack. "So... what do you have me doing today? Do I need to start dropping my shorts?" said the stallion as he began to go for his zipper.

"Actually, no. Well... at least, not yet," stated Twilight as Emerald stopped. "First thing, did you shower before you came here?"

"With how you demanded me to come over, I had to skip it. I applied some floral fragrance from my buddy."

"Okay. Well, that's not important. Because after what I have planned today, we both will need one. Anyways, I'm getting off track." said Twilight. "So... today's experiment is going to be different. So, you recall how I said you'll be rewarded if you continue to do what I say or ask?"

"Yeah," confirmed Emerald.

"Well, the past two weeks since we started these sessions, you've been doing the tasks I ask for. Even the other day, I asked us to perform an experiment in the Canterlot Library. I could tell you were slightly uncomfortable about it, but you still went through with it."

"Yeah, well... I guess you can chalk that up to my stupid send of duty and wanting to fulfill my honor as a guard. That you and have me by the balls, literally." responded Emerald.

"Yes, well, maybe one should have rethought their actions that moment in the library," said Twilight. "Regardless, we're here now, and what's done is done. Now, I believe I should reward you for a job well done for putting up with my methods and procedures."

"What's the reward?" asked Emerald, sighing.

Twilight didn't initially say as she removed her purple boots, leaving her in her socks. The guard was confused until he saw Twilight removing her belt and starting to lift her shirt.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on!" called out Emerald as he stood up with his hand out. Twilight looked at him as she had her arms crossed at the base of her shirt. "What are you doing?"

"I'm undressing. This is part of your reward and part of our next experiment," said Twilight as she went back and lifted her shirt to pull it over her head.

The mare folded her garment and sent it on the table as Emerald looked at Twilight, the unicorn wearing a darker purple bra. Twilight knew Emerald was watching her as that was what she was hoping; just from the sight of Twilight standing in a bra, Emerald's member started to feel something. While he may have favored a mare's ass more, Twilight's breast filled out her bra quite nicely. The mare, however, kept her shorts on as she looked at Emerald.

"Since I'm always pleasuring you, you'll be the one pleasuring me this time."

"Uh-huh. And... how exactly?" asked Emerald.

"For this experiment, you are allowed to touch me. However you may wish, there's one thing you can't do. You can't touch my shorts or my... pussy," stated Twilight, not fully ready to address her vagina by the term.

"Okay. And... what's the point of all this?" said the guard.

"The point is for you to make me feel good. You know... give me an orgasm, as it's referred to," said Twilight nervously.

"So... let me see if I got this right?" said Emerald as he clasped his fingers together, put them to his face, and sighed heavily. "You want me to touch you, but anywhere near your "oven" is off limits, and the whole purpose of this is so that I can make you cum?"

"Um, well, p-precisely," said Twilight, slightly embarrassed after hearing Emerald lay it out in laymen's terms.

"Why?" asked the guard, as he wasn't fully the purpose of this experiment.

"Because I read in a book that while touching one does give arouse. It's also based on mood. Basically, without me going into too much detail, the bottom line is it's not where one touches someone but how they do it." explained Twilight.

"How?" said Emerald as he was even more confused. "My brain is just.... oh, gees."

"Just... try it," said Twilight as she leaned against the side of the table with her arms behind her back with a slightly nervous look.

Emerald sighed as he stood up and approached the mare to stand before her. The guard looked at the mare; he could tell by her blushed face that she was still unsure about this idea, but he could also see she did want to go through with this. The stallion put a hand to his chin as he began to think about Twilight's little game; the guard was really thinking about how to make the mare orgasm if he wasn't allowed to touch her sensitive parts.

From Twilight's perspective, the mare examined the guard like he was trying to solve a complex math problem in school. In a way, it was cute to the studious unicorn to see the stallion before her, a member of the Royal Guard, having trouble with something simple. Most ponies would jump at the chance she gave Emerald and would have already done something, but Emerald hadn't, as he was still trying to think.

A good while passed as Emerald was still looking over Twilight and trying to devise his plan.

"Are you having troub..."

"Just give me a minute, will you!" Emerald told the unicorn. "This isn't the first time you've dropped a bombshell on me out of nowhere and expect me to come up with the right answer."

"S-Sorry," said Twilight for suddenly dropping this on the guard as she continued to lean against the table with her arms behind her while looking away.

Eventually, Emerald began to move as he approached the mare. Twilight was still looking to the side when the guard grabbed her chin with his right hand to make her look at him. He looked at the mare before leaning in and kissing her. It lasted for about seven seconds as he pulled back to look her in the eye; he dove back to capture her lips before removing and trailing along her chin and kissing her shoulder. The stallion's hands moved around Twilight to grab her hands as they were held to their side while Emerald kept kissing her left shoulder, sending shivers to the mare.

Twilight then wrapped her arms around Emerald's neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled the mare in so her breasts pushed against his chest. The scent emitting off the mare soon invaded Emerald's nose as the pair removed their mouths from each other but kept their foreheads touching. They kept gazing into each other eyes as Twilight was already starting to feel something inside; Emerald's plan was already starting to work as it excited Twilight. The mare shifted herself to have Emerald's erection against her waist as if to taunt him into breaking the rule she had in place.

The stallion fought against it as he knew Twilight was doing it to add more pressure on him. He soon continued with his plan to make Twilight experience an orgasm as he dove back to capture her lips. He brought a hand up to cusp one of Twilight's breasts as the mare felt it, even through the fabric. She felt pleasure on two fronts; the obvious one was Emerald playing with her breast while the other came from his mouth and how he kissed her neck and collarbone.

From what Emerald could gather, it seemed that Twilight was enjoying what he was doing. The cues he got from the studious mare told him that he was working his way to making her have an orgasm as the sound of her breathing and heartbeat had gotten faster. He then executed the next part of his plan as he pulled down the right side of Twilight's bra to expose her breast. The cold air hit the mare, sending more shivers down her spine and reaching a new maximum when Emerald's mouth latched onto it. The soft flesh in his mouth and how he sucked on her nipple, Twilight leaned her head back for a bit as she relished this wonderful feeling. The mare soon looked at Emerald, working his magic as her hands on his shoulders tightened.

The guard removed himself from the breast and planted kisses down her body. He came to her stomach and noticed its smooth planes; he planted kisses along her cute belly button. It made Twilight squeak that she had to lean back and lay on the table. The lavender mare lifted her head to see Emerald still kissing her stomach and belly button as she felt her marehood getting wet. She then saw him go lower as he reached her waist. She was about to remind him of the rule but soon felt his hands behind her legs slowly going up as he felt them. Firm, supple thighs ran up into her shorts and away from his eyes and fingers. He massaged them as he examined the short.

"You said I couldn't touch your pussy, but you never said anything about your ass," whispered Emerald into Twilight's ear as his hand caressed her ass.

"You... you... clever," Twilight didn't finish commending Emerald for finding a loophole as he pressed his lips against her to silence her.

The stallion had his hands caressing her butt as he grabbed the straps of her panties and slowly pulled them down to expose her ass. Her underwear stopped under her marehood as Emerald's hands returned to fondle and rub her bubble butt. It took considerable willpower not to grab the edge of the short, pull it down, and devour what Twilight was hiding from him, but Emerald kept his composure and did not let his lust take over. Twilight moaned as she started to feel all of Emerald's effects as her marehood got wetter and wetter with each passing second.

Twilight's breathing became heavy and quick as her marehood was now drenched. All of what was happening to her body, Emerald kissing, sucking her right breath while he used his magic to massage and twirl her left breast while his hands just played with her ass; all three things working in sync, in rhythm as they affected the mare to where she couldn't hold it back in and let out loud moans. Soon she felt her limit reach as she got Emerald to look at her; the guard removed himself from sucking her breast as she grabbed the side of his face to pull him hard into a kiss as she came.

The mare moaned into his mouth as she finally achieved what she wanted. She just had an orgasm. After a few moments, they broke the kiss as they pressed their foreheads together, with Twilight panting for air. Her legs wobbled as they lost some strength from her ejaculating as her marehood juices dripped along her legs. Emerald looked at the mare he was holding up as he could tell from her face that he just made her experience big. Soon, he got her to look at him as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Congratulations. You did it," said Twilight. "This experiment is a success."

Once she gained strength, Emerald removed his hands from Twilight and allowed her to take some steps forward. She grabbed her shirt to put it back over her and straightened out her shorts before heading to her desk.

"Evoking your partner's desire is more than just what you do to them; it is the fact that you do it. That kind of emotional connection can deeply intensify sex to a level that physical acts cannot achieve alone, " the studious mare wrote down her observation.

Emerald sat down in a chair and drank water to regain himself. He downed the whole thing in one trip as he awaited for Twilight to finish writing down what she wanted. The mare was focused on recording her observations from their experiment, as she wasn't paying attention to the guard trying to get her attention.

"Twilight? Twilight? Twilight!" said Emerald, trying to get the mare's focus as he sighed.

The guard attempted to ask the mare if he could use her bathroom to clean himself from all the sweat and musk he acquired during their heated session. However, she was distracted by her notes as he just helped himself use her bathroom. The stallion approached a door, opened it, and took in the mare's lavatory. Nothing fancy: white marble floor, walls, a small shower area with a sliding door, and a nearby sink. Emerald soon began to undress as he stepped into the shower area and turned the water on.

The stallion felt the water hit his fur as it gave him a sense of relief. He could wash away the musk and dirt on him as he felt reborn. The guard was so into the warmth of the water that drenched him that he was unaware of someone else entering the shower. Emerald scrubbed his neck as a pair of arms wrapped around him; the guard noticed the arms as he turned his head to see Twilight in the shower with him. He looked confused as the water wet the mare's mane, who seemed to smile at him.

"What are you doing?" asked the guard as the mare released her hold of the stallion, who turned around to face her.

"The next experiment. Showering together," said Twilight.

"Oh, come on!" shouted Emerald.

"Remember. Whatever I say," stated the mare.

The guard could only sigh before he gasped; Twilight had already made her move as she wrapped her hands around his member and began to stroke it. Within seconds, the cock Twilight was holding stiffen and became erect. Emerald couldn't hold back an audible moan at not only Twilight's handjob but the added effect of the water on his cock as it served as an amplifier for the mare's technique. The stallion bit his lip to avoid cumming too soon, but it was proving difficult, and Twilight knew that as a smirk appeared on her face. Most other ponies would kill to be in Emerald's situation of having a hot mare jerking them off in the shower as her smooth touch was indescribable.

Just then, Emerald grabbed one of Twilight's hips before moving down to her folds. The mare gasped at the stallion's sudden touch as she felt his fingers on her folds. By doing that, Twilight ceased her handjob and moaned, allowing Emerald to catch a break from her assault. She looked at Emerald with a look of pleasure and annoyance for what he did without her permission.

"Two can play at that game," said Emerald, trying to get back at the studious mare.

"Game on!" said Twilight, as she wouldn't lose this challenge.

She moved her hand from Emerald's cock to his balls as he gasped. The mare massaged his balls as Twilight smirked before losing it as Emerald stuck his fingers into her pussy; it was clear both didn't want to lose to the other. The pair then had their horns glow as their magic emitted; Twilight used her magic to stroke Emerald'c cock while rubbing his balls, and Emerald had his magic twisting Twilight's breasts while he fingered her cavern. It was an all-out war on who could submit to the other and make them cum first; neither side was willing to give an inch, but the intense pleasure each felt, they were slowly losing their hold.

The pair soon began to reach their limit as Emerald felt himself about to release. He removed one of his hands from Twilight's pussy to place it on her shoulder as he got the mare to look at him.

"Twilight... I'm... gonna..."

He didn't finish as Twilight cut him off by leaning forward to wrap her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his. The mare deeply kissed the stallion as they closed their eyes; the warm embrace of the other's tongue sent the ponies into bliss as their bodies jolted. They just tuned out everything, including the sound of the water falling over them, as they focused on each other and their touch. The pair just let loose, and both reached their climax. Twilight had juices flowing from her pussy down her long legs while Emerald's cock was positioned upward, and it sprayed the mare's body, with some getting just under the mare's breast.

The two ponies relished in the warm feeling after ejaculation as it added another layer to the mood. The water was starting to wash Twilight's juices off her leg as she made an effort to dip some of her fingers into Emerald's semen that was on her body before it disappeared. The studious, kinky, perverted mare brought her fingers to her lips as she tasted the most delicious thing she was now addicted to.

"Mmm..." said Twilight as she sucked her fingers off seductively as the sight of it made Emerald's cock slowly start to reharden. Twilight noticed the guard's throbbing member as she looked at her guinea pig with a smirk. "You still got the energy to continue with the experiment?"

"I... think so," answered the stallion.

The water passing over Emerald's groin affected him; the intense throbbing at the base of his cock after such an intense orgasm already left him sore. The guard held his cock to position it to where the water didn't make him wince.

"Maybe we should wait until you're ready. Until then?" said Twilight, as she could tell that this new experience would require a bit more time, especially since they didn't have any elixirs nearby to recover Emerald's vitality like their past experiments. Plus, she, too, was a bit exhausted and wanted a moment to catch her breath. The mare noticed a bottle of body wash as she grabbed it and looked at the guard. "Mind helping me wash my body?"

Emerald nodded as he grabbed the bottle; he popped it over and poured the syrupy liquid into his hand as he rubbed them together. The stallion looked at the mare, who was slightly nervous about this part of the experimentation. He eventually landed his hands on her chest as he began to scrub it. Emerald began to scrub her breasts as he got a hold of them, which elicited a moan and gasp from Twilight; the soapy suds added a layer of stimulation that made Emerald's fondling even better.

All the sounds that Twilight was making helped Emerald's cock to recover as it began to get harder with each sound. The guard explored Twilight's chest and every aspect of her breasts, tracing his fingers around her nipples and squeezing them. The stallion even pushed a finger into her nipples. It really set off Twilight as when he pushed off with a pop, her breasts bonged, nearly causing the mare to lose her balance.

Emerald then grabbed some more body wash as he began to lather up Twilight's body. Her hips, her ass, her smooth legs, the guard was doing his duty of ensuring he washed the mare thoroughly and didn't leave a spot of her fur unclean. Each rub the guard did cause Twilight to let out a series of moans. As Emerald was washing her ass, he couldn't help himself as he squeezed it; Twilight moaned as Emerald then dove his other hand into her clit as he washed that area of her. It caused the studious mare to push her body against her bodyguard as her breasts pressed against his strong chest while she also felt his dick against her stomach. The close contact from the studious unicorn made Emerald's cock throb as the mare pulled the stallion in for a deep kiss.

The pair soon broke their kiss as Emerald raised his hands to cusp her cheeks. He leaned in for another quick kiss before attacking her neck with kisses as Twilight closed her eyes and placed a hand on Emerald's head to encourage him. The stallion pulled back as he touched her shoulders and turned the mare around. He put his arms around her as he cleaned and touched her breasts from behind as she threw her head back. Twilight backed into the guard's chest as he cleaned her body.

"My turn..." spoke Twilight as she managed to get that out between her panting.

Emerald was confused until Twilight touched his shoulders to turn the guard around. She then had him sit down as she was on her knees and pressed her breasts against his back. The feeling of having Twilight's breasts going up and down against his back made his cock eject some precum; Twilight was also having her hands explore Emerald's body just as he did to hers. She left a bubbly trail as she felt every inch of the guard's body; most importantly, his abs and muscles felt strong as diamonds but soft enough to fall asleep in them. The studious mare found her target as she moved down Emerald's thighs before grabbing the rock-hard shaft and gently caressing his balls.

"Are you ready?" asked Twilight as she could tell both regained their strength to continue their experiment.

"Yeah," said Emerald.

Twilight loosened her grip and pulled Emerald around to face her. The mare then began to lower herself as she sat in Emerald's lap, the guard placing his hands on her hips to hold her as her pussy was rubbing against his cock. Just the mere touch of them making contact, Emerald could feel how hot and wet Twilight's clit was. The mare felt how hard the guard's member was as she could only imagine how it would feel inside her. It was tempting, and both knew it. Before either could let their bodies take control, Twilight began to bounce up and down as she rubbed her clit against the shaft. The shape and texture were something new to Twilight as despite knowing how it felt with her mouth and hands on multiple times; she got a new perspective on it using her cavern.

The two were riding a new wave of emotion as the water gently splashed over them. Emerald took charge as he pulled Twilight in closer, connecting their lips. The pair were on a new level of sexual nirvana as the water flowed down their backs; Emerald moved his hands down to Twilight's butt as he began to massage the two luscious cheeks.

"Mmm... yes!" moaned Twilight through her mouth as she opened her eyes to look directly into Emerald's.

The two had traces of red on their face as they just got lost in each other's eyes. The friction between the two felt so good; electricity flowed through their bodies as jolts of excitement, and adrenaline, fueled their emotions and mental state. The mare fell into a state of lust as the only way to satisfy it was relief; with a few more strokes, the pair got their relief. After a couple more thrusts, Emerald and Twilight reached their peak. The stallion's member couldn't hold back, and the pleasure got too much to handle, and he fired off steams of his seed; Twilight also let loose as she orgasmed her most today. Bits of Emerald's cums stuck to Twilight's body as she could feel how hot and sticky it was. Their juices mixed due to their parts touching as Twilight extended a hand down to wipe some on her finger; the mare brought it to her mouth, and the new taste was even better.

The mare just kept sitting in Emerald's lap as he held her firmly. Nothing but silence remained as the only sound was the water dropping down on them. Small bits of fog had started to form, only added to the steaminess between the two ponies. The guard raised a hand from Twilight's hips to caress her cheek as Twilight's magic turned the knob and shut off the water. Another moment of silence followed that as the mare kept her eyes on the guard; her mane was all wet, as was Emerald's, though it wasn't as bad as hers due to his short mane.

"I think we should get out," said Twilight to the guard.

The mare planted one last gentle kiss on Emerald's lips before slowly getting out of his grip. The stallion stood up as he witnessed the mare's backside to him as she wrapped a towel around her body; the towel allowed the guard to see all of Twilight's curves, and he couldn't help but think that it made her more beautiful. Twilight gave one last look over Emerald as she tightened her towel; a look of concern came across her face as she exited the bathroom. Emerald heaved a sigh, part of him wondering what this independent study would bring and whether he was living up to Twilight's expectations as her subject.

Chapter 5: Nirvana

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"So, I told Granite, if you ain't gonna give me at least the next two days off, you can forget about ever trying to get into my sister's panties!" said a royal guard.

The other guards all laughed at their comrade's story as they let out a hearty chuckle. The guards were in a bar; they sat at a table filled with drinks. One of the guards was Emerald; compared to his comrades, he just kept quiet and half-listened to his buddies telling stories about today's events.

"Em? Em!"

"Hmm, huh?" said the private, looking at his buddy Onyx.

"I said, tell us about today's day with the princess' pupil."

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old," said the guard to his Liuenetant and other comrades. "Managed to get through six books today."

"Eh, a new record, huh?" said a guard as he sipped his drink.

"Yeah, a new record," responded Emerald sheepishly, as he wasn't fully lying. Twilight did go through six books of sexual techniques for them to perform as it nearly left the private completely drained.

The guard downed his drink in one swing as he slammed his glass on the table.

"Another one, please?" said the guard as he signaled to the bartender for another drink.

"Damn, Em. That's like your ninth one already. I thought you were a light drinker." said a guard.

"Well... I've.... been practicing holding my drinking number," lied Emerald.

He didn't want to tell his buddies the truth, and that was because of all the energy elixirs that Twilight had him take during their experiments. Not only did it restore his vitality, but it built up his endurance and toxicity levels. In short, he'd gone from barely holding a drink to now being able to drink most of his friends and patrons in the bar under the table. It seemed Twilight's energy tonic didn't just affect Emerald's vitality but the cells in his body, which also affected his metabolism as he ate more than usual due to how it burned faster than his comrades.

"Anyways, your babysitter adventures are coming to an end. Tomorrow's your last day, bud. And I managed to talk with some folks, and guess what, you're gonna be guarding the castle's front gates." said Onyx as he managed to hook his buddy up by getting a position that was sure to get him noticed and promoted.

"Yeah, that's great," said Emerald as his drink arrived, and he began to sip it when it finally registered what was said and spat it out immediately. "Wait, tomorrow?!"

Emerald blinked when he realized he had sprayed his lieutenant with his drink.

"S-sorry bud, I..."

"No worries, Em. I was gonna take a shower tonight anyways," said Onyx as he began to wipe himself off.

Tomorrow, already? Has time really flown by?

It only felt like yesterday when he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and was doing his job as Twilight's test subject for her independent study. And now... here he was... At the end. Emerald was caught off guard by that piece of information when he shouldn't have. But now, realizing that his time with Twilight was essential at its end, the guard had many thoughts running through his mind. The primary being of Twilight and how she would act knowing their independent study was reaching its end.

After their night of drinks, Emerald returned to his room as he looked to get some sleep. However, the thought that he would wake up and his final day as Twilight's guinea pig plagued his mind. It plagued his mind so much that he couldn't sleep properly; Emerald should be happy that he managed to tough it out and honor his responsibility of being Twilight's bodyguard for the moon after their incident in the library and that he would be getting a job that he could finally get recognized to be promoted after being a private for three years. Yet... why wasn't he? It wasn't something he just thought of; this was something he'd been thinking about since he agreed and signed the contract with the bookworm.

The start of Emerald's final day was different than usual. Upon getting whatever rest he could, the guard was contacted by Twilight through a scroll that she wanted to meet him at Donut Joe's for some breakfast. Other than a curious look, the guard complied as he soon arrived at the establishment and saw the bookworm at a table, reading.

"Hey!" called out Emerald to get the girl's attention.

"Hey," responded Twilight as she lifted her head from the book to acknowledge her test subject.

"So, why did you ask me here to come her-"

"Hold that thought," said Twilight as a plate of donuts arrived and was seated before the pair. "Hope you're hungry."

Before Emerald could say anything, his stomach began to growl as he was reminded he hadn't eaten yet. Feeling betrayed by his stomach, Emerald remained quiet and complied as he began munching on his donut plate. He didn't pay attention to Twilight, but he would have seen the studious unicorn smiling at him if he had. And it wasn't a smile she often wore as a mask during their experiments; it was a genuine smile.

"So, did you enjoy it?" asked Twilight as she sipped her tea.

"Yeah. It was delicious," stated Emerald.

"Good. So let me ask you: are you good at escape rooms?"


Emerald's response was clarified when Twilight brought them to their destination. A building that had a glow-up sign on the front with several puzzle images on it. The guard was confused about why the lavender unicorn wanted to bring him here, but she was giddy like a filly and grabbed his hand to drag him inside. The two were given a room upon entering, and the door shut behind them. The guard approached the door to open it when he found it locked.

"Um, hello? The door's locked!" shouted Emerald.

"Of course it is," said Twilight as she stood without a care in the world. "We can't leave until we solve all the puzzles in this room to get the key for that door."

"And why did you pick this activity!" shouted Emerald as he looked at the mare.

"Because... I wanted us to do something fun."

"You mean for you," the guard bluntly responded, as he wasn't having fun.

"Yeah. So let's get started," said Twilight as she turned to begin to work on a puzzle.

"Oh, gees," sighed Emerald after facepalming and approaching the mare.

"I have a face and hands, but no fingers or arms? What am I?" said Twilight as she read the initial clue they were given for the room.

"Mmm. Well, I'd say a clock, but I don't see one in here," said Emerald as he looked about the room to see any sign of a clock to answer the riddle.

"I'm impressed you solved that riddle," said Twilight.

"Yeah, turns out not all royal guards are dumbasses," snickered Emerald as Twilight rolled her eyes at the guard for calling her out on saying that all royal guards were all muscle and no brain.

"Well, we may not have a clock, but... oh, we have a sundial!" said Twilight excitedly as she approached a sundial in the corner.

"Why didn't they just say that on the clue?" complained Emerald, wanting to escape this torture as quickly as possible.

While it may not have been Emerald's first idea of having fun, he just chose to play along with Twilight's idea. Little did he know that it wasn't just one single escape room they were doing, but several that were all connected. It was a miracle that he survived with the nerdy mare as she was having a ball.

While he may have let Twilight's mind run free and do almost all the work, he did find her energy and enthusiasm to be rather cute. Seeing the gears work in her brilliant mind and how it translated on her pretty face was a sight to behold, the way her eyes sparkled upon solving a puzzle and moving on to the next like it was nothing. After today, Emerald would miss seeing Twilight's face lit up in moments like these.

"Alright, last room," stated Twilight as they passed through a door leading into the final room.

The final room was, go figure, a library as it was filled with books. It was a small room with shelves on the walls; the wall in front of them had a cabinet and a portrait of Princess Celestia hanging. Emerald took it all in before looking at a table next to the door as it was a clue as to how to escape the final room.

"They say knowledge is power. But to leave this final room, you must find the correct book. Within is the key."

"Okay, so among these thousands of books, one of them must be the way out. Now the question is, which one?" wondered Twilight as she began to think.

Emerald just looked at the portrait of the ruler of Equestria as he noticed something off. He squinted to see that the eyes weren't looking at him but angled upward as if pointing at a certain section of the room. The guard approached the portrait and looked in the direction of the eyes as he noticed a nearby ladder.

"So, obviously, the key is a book. However, there's tons of books here," said Twilight as she began to ramble on.

"Yup," responded Emerald as he pulled the ladder; he saw the spot where Celestia's eyes were pointing and began to climb while not paying much attention to the bookworm.

"So, if I know my teacher as I do," boasted Twilight, "it means that one of these arcana books must be the key.

"Yeah, sure," responded Emerald as he reached the top of the ladder and looked about.

"But only narrows it down to 10,763. How else can we narrow it down?" wondered Twilight.

Emerald scanned the books near his level while looking for something related to the princess. He soon stopped as he noticed a book with a sun emblem on its side as it got his attention. The private pulled the book when he heard something click; he looked at the portrait as it began to lift, as behind it was a small tunnel.

"So, Emerald, I figured it out!" said Twilight, unaware that the guard already solved the puzzle. "It's..."

"Solved it!" shouted the stallion.

"What?" said Twilight as she turned to see the portrait of her mentor lifted and the tunnel. "How did you..."

"It was easy. Now let's get out!" stated Emerald, as he didn't want to explain.

"Ugg, fine!" groaned Twilight as she exited the tunnel with a grumble.

"Alright, are we done with this, 'cause I'm hungry?!" stated the guard as he had enough escape rooms and just opened the door to the end and walked out.

Twilight growled at Emerald's antics. The pair soon stopped by a Hayburger joint as the guard was amazed at how much the bookworm had ordered. If he thought she could eat before with the donuts, he was impressed again by the ten bags of food that the unicorn ordered, as almost everybody in the joint was amazed.

"Damn! I never pictured you to be the type to pig out," said Emerald at how Twilight immediately opened one of the bags of food and began to down the hay fries and hayburger in minutes while making noises.

"So good!" stated the mare with a mouthful of food as she walked out.

Emerald tossed some extra bits on the counter as he went after the mare with her pile of food. The pair made their way toward Twilight's tower as they passed by many ponies in the street who were stunned by the many bags of food that followed Twilight, who was enjoying her happy place. By the time they arrived, Twilight had finished her last meal and was licking her lips for any leftover sauce from the many hayburgers she had eaten.

"Thanks for lunch!" said Twilight.

"Yeah, just next time, tell me you're gonna eat like a pig, so I make sure to stock up on bits!" said Emerald as he had to pay a pretty big tab for all the hayburger deluxe that the studious mare ordered. "So... Twilight, we need to talk?"

"About what?" said the mare as they reached the top, with the unicorn heading over to her desk.

"Well, I'm not sure if you've been paying attention, but... today's my final day of being your bodyguard."

Twilight approached her desk and was going to go over some assignments for her mentor when she heard Emerald mention today being his last day serving her. While the guard didn't see her expression, Twilight was shown having some disgruntled.

"Yeah, I know," responded the mare calmly.

"So, as you know, that means I'll be moving on to my new assignment tomorrow. And... I just want to set the record straight between us. Make sure that we part ways on good terms and that there's nothing left between us that needs to be resolved." said Emerald.

"Part on good terms, huh?" said the studious mare as she was shown writing something down.

"Yeah. So, I want to talk about the independent study. With all the experiments that I've been performing for you and obeying the guidelines of the contract, it's clear you got enough data for this project, right?"

"Y-Yes," responded the unicorn a bit hesitantly.

"Yes to that, we're good, right?" asked Emerald for some clarification.

"Yes," answered the unicorn mare.

"Yes, to that question, right?"


The guard was confused as he didn't seem to understand what Twilight was saying. The mare sighed as she turned to look at the guard; the two ponies looked at each other as Twilight made some chairs appear by the table.

"Have a seat," instructed the mare as Emerald sat down while Twilight sat in the chair facing him.

The two just sat and didn't say anything as they just looked at each other. For Emerald, he was waiting to see what the mare would say, while Twilight was wondering how to put into words what she wanted to say.

"So, about the study. I appreciate all you've done to comply with it. Some of the things I instructed you to do were rather... unusual. But despite all that, you kept your word and fulfilled them. So, on that front, I am grateful that you helped me with my study. And that you fulfilled your job as my test subject despite me blackmailing you."

"Yeah, it... was challenging, I'll tell you. But, I'm a stallion of my word. It's how I was raised; my father said if I commit to doing something, I see it to the end. That and, well... you had me by my balls. Literally." stated Emerald.

Twilight cracked a small chuckle, hearing Emerald mention the blackmail.

"You wanna know a secret?" asked Twilight. "I wouldn't have told on you."

"What?" said the guard, flabbergasted at what he heard.

"I wouldn't have told. Don't get it twisted; just because I wouldn't tell that doesn't mean I could forget what you did. I set that punishment to help make sure you stuck to the guidelines. A bluff. But... really... it was moreso for me to make sure that I kept you here to do all those experiments. I... wanted you to be the subject." confessed Twilight as she looked away.

"Wow, I just... I don't know how to respond to that," said Emerald as he didn't know if he should be offended that Twilight tricked him or honored that the mare wanted him to be the core focus of her project.

Another moment of silence filled the void as the two ponies exchanged glances at each other.

"So... are we good? No tension between us?" asked Emerald, wanting to end this relationship and project on good terms.

"Well..." said Twilight as she stood up and turned her back to the guard; the mare made a scroll levitate near her as she looked at it. "There's one little thing left for the study to be completed."

"What's that?" asked the private.

"It's... something that requires both of us being... close. Very close."

"What is it?"

"Are you sure? This one, you... you can say no, and I would be fine. Mostly." mumbled the mare that last word to herself.

"Well, in that case... what do you need me to do?" asked Emerald.

"You're... you're gonna go through with it," asked Twilight.

"I said I'm a stallion of my word. Plus, you said the study isn't over yet. And the day isn't over yet, either. So..." said Emerald as Twilight had a tiny smile on her face. "Do you need me to start undress or what?" asked the guard.

Twilight made the scroll disappear as she took a deep breath. The mare turned at her guard before approaching him; she stood before Emerald, bent over, and grabbed both sides of his face. The studious unicorn then pulled him in as she pressed her lips to his; Emerald fell under Twilight's spell as he pulled the mare in to sit on his lap, which resulted in her putting her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss. They began to turn off their brains and let their emotions take control, as evidenced by their making out while embracing each other. After a few minutes, they separated to catch their breath.

"Wow..." said Twilight, placing her fingers on her lips.

The two ponies locked eyes while stroking the other's cheek. The look in both was different; it was a look neither had in the past or for any other of their experiments. For Twilight, she felt comfortable. She felt safe being in Emerald's touch. How he held her made it seem like he could absorb any pain and hurt she may have had. Looking at the guard, she had one thing that flooded her mind. Her brain now took control of the mare as, almost in a trance, she got off the stallion's lap and was on her hands and knees in front of him. She then found her target as she reached Emerald's shorts and fumbled with his zipper.

The guard saw the mare pulling his cock out as he expected Twilight to suck him off like usual. However, she didn't. Instead, he saw the lavender mare removing her panties under her skirt as she slid them down her legs. She stepped out of her underwater, but it still hung around her left boot. Twilight then got back on Emerald's lap as she grabbed his shaft with a free hand while positioning herself. It was then that Emerald knew what the mare was talking about: there being one final experiment. The studious unicorn wanted to cross the line that they set for themselves.

The guard looked at the mare, wanting to see her response. The look in her eyes reassured him that she did indeed want to go forward. She did want this. She wanted this. He couldn't resist it anymore. All his past attempts of holding back were set loose. Emerald took one last deep breath as Twilight lowered herself onto his shaft; the mare felt the warmth of his tip entering her opening. The feeling was indescribable. It was... unbelievable. The stallion heard her take quick breaths, slowly taking in his length. They both knew what was coming. They knew enough about sex to know what happens to mares when they lose their virginity. He locked eyes with her, asking if she wanted to do this. She kissed him. That was it.

Twilight impaled herself on Emerald's cock, popping her hymen as it sent a feeling and shockwave throughout her body. She wanted to cry but kept the scream inside, not wanting Emerald to think he was hurting her. He froze, unsure if she was all right to continue. After about a minute, he felt her relax as she sat in his lap, his full length buried deep in her pussy. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she began to grind.


The guard looked to speak and ask about the mare's safety when she silenced him by pressing a finger to his lips. Twilight gave him a reassuring look.

"I'm good," said the mare as she continued to grind.

Emerald began to match the rhythm, the feeling of being inside of her almost beyond his understanding. He heard that sex was good, but this? This was... no words. The utter pleasure was mind-boggling. He felt Twilight grip the back of his shirt with her hands. The pain of her hymen breaking was gone. Once twisted in pain and hurt, her face portrayed happiness and bliss. Their breathing, movements, and heartbeats were all moving in perfect harmony. Twilight felt a feeling coming from her stomach, as did Emerald. The walls of her insides clenched around his meat, giving him extra stimulation. Their breathing became fast and rapid as their orgasms rippled through their bodies. His cock flooded her insides with his white seed. She gasped at the feeling. She felt so full and happy.

Twilight remained in Emerald's lap as the stallion remained in his chair and didn't fall out despite their grinding. However, right now, they were more focused on important matters. Emerald looked at the mare as he sighed of utter contentment. It registered in the pair of what they just did. After weeks and weeks, experiment after experiment, and it all led to this moment. The moment they just had. They did it.

The two had a million thoughts flowing through their minds after they realized they had just had sex with each other. And just like that, a switch inside both of them flipped on. It was like a fire was ignited in them as they began to move; Emerald grabbed hold of Twilight as he laid her on the floor before him. The fire in him erupted from his soul. It started as slow, low embers, but now, it was a raging forest fire of passion. The pair kept their eyes on each other, never once looking away.

Her legs were now positioned near his shoulders, and he almost kneeled on her hips. His still-hard cock was in her waiting pussy, as if guided by some invisible hand of fate. Wordlessly, he began to drive into her, harder than before, fueled by the fire in him. Twilight gasped, the pain of her broken hymen all but a distant memory. Replaced with only the intense throes of his hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him as if he were a dream and would vanish if she woke up. Each push, each pump, and each grind sent new waves of pleasure for the both of them. Their minds were lost in the sea of lust. Faster, faster, faster. Each motion was dictated by the pair's look at one another, each time having more meaning, more desire. All of it, the two needed, and right now, they were getting it. The tempo increased with each passing second until, finally, Emerald shot another load into her womb. The sudden rush of semen was all it took for Twilight to reach her climax.

As he collapsed off of her, the royal guard heard Twilight panting, matching his breathing. Neither said a word for what seemed like an eternity. He sat up, his eye reflecting his own clear state of mind.

"Twilight?" said Emerald.

"Yes?" responded the mare.

The guard stood up and offered his hand as he helped the mare up. He lifted her by her thighs as he turned and walked toward the mare's bed. He gently laid her on it as he turned his back to her to begin undressing. When Emerald removed his last bit of clothing, he turned to see Twilight sitting on her bed as she removed her clothes and was now nude like him. Her lavender, slender form, illuminated by the setting sun and rising pale moon, made her seem like a goddess. Her dark sapphire blue hair, moderate purple, and brilliant raspberry streaks splayed out behind her like a blanket of calming water. The fire had returned, this time, like a roaring fire in a fireplace. Welcoming and warming.

The guard climbed into bed as he approached the mare and kissed her deeply. It was a passionate and deep kiss, conveying all the feelings and emotions of the two in a single moment. He wrapped his arms around her nude form, memorizing every bump, every wrinkle, every little detail of her fur. Her hands were equally roaming through his mane, over his back. He broke the kiss to suck on the supple flesh of her neck. She tasted so sweet, like a ripe piece of fruit. He trailed down her neck, making his way down to her erect nipple. The tit vanished into his mouth as he sucked and licked it, causing Twilight to moan lustfully.

They soon shifted their position so the mare was on top of him, as her thighs rested on either side of Emerald's head. The mare rested her hands on the headboard as she gripped them while the stallion had his hands going toward her butt. For the stallion, he could feel the intense heat emitting from Twilight's glistening pussy as he licked his lips. The scent coming off also added the perfect seasoning to entice his senses, motivating his member to get hard again. Without a second thought, the guard dove in with his mouth, sending Twilight into a flurry of moans. Her thighs tightened upon feeling the contact of Emerald's tongue as he felt them pressing against the side of his head.

The stallion brushed her entrance with his tongue to set the pace as he got a few hip bucks from Twilight. Twilight brought one of her hands from the headboard to Emerald's head to serve as another grip holder as the long, slow licks from the guard became so blissful. While he kept his frontal assault, Emerald cared for Twilight's backside; his hands caressed her cheeks until they found her pussy. Two digits slipped inside her, and the guard could feel Twilight arch her back immediately, letting her mane fall over her shoulders as her head turned upward to let another strained moan into the air.

Emerald soon found his target as he dove his mouth back into Twilight's g-spot; Twilight's hand immediately went to grab the guard's head, making sure to avoid his horn as the pleasure was too much, and she let it take control, evoking her to moan. Her thighs tightened more as her toes curled to show how much pleasure she was in; her breathing became more shaky as she struggled to take some in with all the excited sounds she was letting out to signal what wonderful bliss she was experiencing.

For a moment, Emerald looked up from his tongue attack to see Twilight's tits bounce as it gave another motivation to the guard to make this mare on top of him feel good. He felt his member throbbing as it ached a bit, wanting so badly to feel the mare's inner caverns around it again, the sound of Twilight being pushed closer and closer to her orgasm. Hearing Twilight's cries of being lost in ecstasy boosted Emerald's confidence and drive, as he wanted to see the mare's face when she succumbed to her orgasm.

Twilight was starting to lose it, both in body and mind. The assault from the guard was too much to handle as her body shook, and she had to grip the headboard to keep from falling off. The feeling of his fingertips inside her made her wetter, which translated into her scent becoming stronger, which affected Emerald; it served as a distinct trigger as the stallion felt this primal urge to make this mare climax. To show his dominance over the mare that he was an alpha male. Emerald picked up the pace of his efforts as he was driven by this sexual urge to claim Twilight; he twirled her g-spot even faster and swirled his tongue harder against her clit.

"Please don't stop," Twilight breathlessly begged the stallion. "Please... please..."

Her response made Emerald go faster as his tongue danced around her clitoris. Twilight's body squirmed upon feeling the stallion's attack as the intense pleasure building up and about to release pushed her closer to that edge of relief. It wasn't long before it all happened.

Twilight's body tightened around Emerald's head; her body jerked around the feeling of Emerald's tongue as she fell forward. The guard kept the pressure up to make the mare feel good as he felt her cum on his face. Twilight's intense gasps and moans subsided as she descended from her sexual nirvana high. For Emerald, he felt a sense of pride in not only giving the mare the most pleasurable ride of her life but also the fact that he asserted his dominance over the more intelligent mare. The primal urge inside Emerald's mind remained, but it was tempered after seeing the fruits of his work. However, his cock throbbed extremely as it longed to feel the mare's pussy around it again so that he could defile her sacred sanctuary again.

Twilight was still coming down from her intense ride as her gasps became less sporadic. She was enjoying the feeling so much she didn't notice that Emerald was sliding himself into her. The sudden feeling of the guard's length and his mouth's attack on her nipple gave her a very high wave of pleasure to her core. The two were a chain of passion and ecstasy. His thrusts were slow and deep, sliding deep into her moisture cave. Her gasps and the slapping of flesh on flesh filled the air. She was going insane. She had to be. Her reason was drifting further and further away. Just as quickly as he drove into her, he pulled out. He motioned her to turn over, which she did without a word.

Twilight was on her hands and knees, with her bubble butt pointed at the guard. Almost teasing and enticing the young stallion to have his way with her, and the feeling inside her loins so badly ached for his shaft. He didn't disappoint, hovering over her back and entering her again. She missed it even though he was just in her a few seconds ago. She had to have it in her. She felt his hot breath on her ear as his head rested on her shoulder. She turned her head, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. The force of his hips smashed against her body, the bed rocking to the movements. The guard wrapped his arms around her as he kept on thrusting, wanting more, wanting to feel her back, but more importantly, the mare herself. She felt his muscles as she moaned; the feeling of him hugging her like a pillow, and she would disappear by letting it go. He grasped one of her hands as he felt his climax coming. He groaned, almost growled, as he blew his load into her for the third time tonight.

Twilight's head dropped down after the orgasm, resting on one of the pillows on the bed. She could see underneath her and saw his cock pop out of her, a waterfall of sperm oozing out of herself and the penis. She couldn't believe it. To her surprise, it was still hard. After three shots, it was still hard. Was he really horny for her? It was insane. What was more insane was that she wanted it.

Emerald sat on his butt as Twilight turned around with her mouth open and licking her lips. Twilight's mouth drooled as she eyed her meal like a hungry predator; she was starving, and Emerald had the perfect meat to satisfy her hunger. She dove without hesitation and gobbled up Emerald's shaft in her mouth; it was incredible. Compared to her previous suckings, Emerald tasted more manly and robust. She couldn't place her finger on it, but there was something else added to this mix compared to their other times, a certain sweetiness that lingered on her senses. Was this how she tasted to the guard? Her head bobbed up and down on it at a furious pace. He made a sharp intake of air through his teeth at her enthusiasm. She was starving for his seed, and who was he to deny her? Almost on command, he shot his 4th load into her waiting mouth. Twilight didn't waste a single drop of the precious white cream as she swallowed it all in loud gulps.


That was all Twilight said as Emerald fell on his back. The guard looked at his member to see it was still hard and raring to go. In the past, he often used those energy tonics Twilight made to get his cock hard, but right now, it was all adrenaline. All the sexual thoughts and energy he held back were being released and affecting the guard's sex drive; Emerald didn't know where he found this near-superpony amount of sexual energy, but he didn't care. If Twilight Sparkle wanted more, then he'd give her more. She crawled on top of him, wanting to take the wheel in this ship of sex they were both sailing on. Standing up a little, she positioned her still-wet pussy over his hardness and lowered herself onto it. They both gasped loudly, almost screaming at the new sensation. He felt the full weight of her body focus on his cock while she felt him through her being, reaching new places she didn't even know she had. After a minute of adjusting, she began to slowly grind against him, her butt cheeks jiggling and shaking with each pulse. He grabbed her head, giving her better balance and grip to focus more on pleasing them in this sensual act.

God, why did she feel so good? Why can't he stop? The simple fact is he couldn't.

All the teasing, making out, groping, kisses, hushed words of praise, longing, and wanting led up to this. The ultimate expression of their relationship. Every inch of fur, every strand on his head, every bone in his body, every cell in his blood screamed at him to keep going. He would keep going as long as she looked at him with those moderate purple eyes, urging him to keep going. Her grinding became fiercer and more urgent. She was getting close. So was he. Together. Together as it should be. Both brought their lips to meet as they kept on being connected. It had now evolved, and it blossomed into something truly wonderful. He grabbed her hips, feeling her tremble as yet another powerful orgasm rocketed through her nervous system.

The two ponies were in the throws of serious love-making. Twilight's legs were wrapped tightly around his waist as if preventing him from escaping from her, not that he wanted to. His arms entangled around her form, almost possessively holding a rare treasure. His hips were grinding into her slowly but with a steady pace. Their lips locked in a slow, passionate lip lock. Their eyes were firmly focused on each other as if the world around them didn't matter. The first thought for anybody if they saw them was that they were unreal. Even now, they still had the energy and stamina to have sex. The second thought would be much more meaningful. There was tenderness, a yearning, a close affection in this sexual act. The brushes of skin. The whispered words of care and devotion. The calming effect upon each other. This was beyond intercourse and the feelings of gratification that came with it. This was something else.

The tender, post-orgasm sensitivity had already worn off at the prospect of another round, and Emerald's member twitched inside of Twilight's clit, earning a soft coo out of her.

"Ready?" asked the mare.

Emerald didn't respond with words as he raised his hands to grip her thighs and thrust into her. The mare felt it as she moaned, feeling the shaft warmly fill her. Twilight placed her hands on the guard's chest to keep her from falling off and balancing herself while riding the cock she loved. The stallion couldn't get over the warm embrace of Twilight's inner walls as he felt them gripping his cock in a vice-like grip, not wanting to let it go. The force of his thrusts made Twilight's as the soft-spoken sounds he got from the mare as Emerald took a moment to look at the mare. Seeing her face, twisted in bliss pleasure, her near-perfect goddess body, and her soft fur made the studious mare more beautiful. In his mind, at this moment, Twilight was even more beautiful than the Princess of Equestria. Or maybe that was just his lust-filled mind talking. As the royal guard took all of the lavender unicorn's features, he felt a familiar feeling in his chest. He began to kiss every inch of the mare as he wanted to savor this moment; his hands moved to Twilight's back to help ease her down while he leaned up. He then dove his mouth to capture one of her breasts as it got a reaction from Twilight, who didn't expect that, as she removed her hands from his chest.

Twilight rested her chest on Emerald's as she let out a long, satisfied moan. His tongue danced around her coat, and the mare shuddered upon feeling it as the pleasure shot through her body. Every time Emerald explored Twilight's body with his mouth, it got her to make some new sounds as they motivated her to keep going and see if he could make the mare sing to the heavens just how good she felt.

Emerald's body also lit up from all this excitement and pleasure. Twilight's muscles tensed up with every thrust the guard gave her, coupled with him sucking off one of her breasts. Emerald's free hand kneaded Twilight's other breast, adding more pleasure to the mare than she almost yelled. The only sound that filled the room was their slaps and the moans from Twilight's voice. She dug her nails into the guard's shoulders and tensed up even more; Emerald took more risks with his tongue as it caused the bookworm to arch her back as her stomach pressed against him. Her nails dug deeper into his shoulder as a sharp moan escaped her lips, her pussy clenching even harder around Emerald's cock.

The slaps are barely enough to overcome her moans, but with one last arch of her back, Twilight lets out a long, strained moan and lets her inner walls convulse against Emerald's member yet again. After a certain deep thrust, Twilight let loose another orgasm as her pussy hugged Emerald's shaft tighter than ever before. The chain reaction set off as even the guard released everything he had and blasted off his semen inside the mare's cavern. The guard held onto the mare to ensure she didn't fall off and to give her wish of not wasting a single drop; every pulse of his member inside the mare sent another intense flame of ecstasy throughout Emerald's body and filled his mind with passion. In the end, his muscles gave out as he released his grip on the lavender goddess in his arms, his shaft slowly slipping out of her moist folds as the two gasped for air while looking at each other. Twilight nuzzled against the stallion below her as she rested her head against his neck; a soft hum broke from her lips as she snuggled closely against the guard. Emerald moved an arm to wrap around the mare and hugged her tightly to feel her skin against his as the warm feeling returned to their senses again.

When concentrating on a task or hobby, losing oneself in whatever they are doing is not uncommon. For this young pair, it was the sex. It was late into the night when they finally gave in to their need for rest. But by the time they had finished, both had climaxed ten times, though neither could keep that kind of information straight, given what they had just done. Emerald was completely spent, more tired than ever from any workout or past experiments he performed with or for Twilight. The young guard laid on the studious mare as she was also tired.

Both of them were covered in sweat and sexual juices. Their eyes were similar to people who had just eaten a big meal: tired, full, and utterly satisfied. His head was on her shoulder, buried in the pillow beneath them. Twilight's eyes stared up at the ceiling, half asleep and half awake.

"Twilight?" he spoke, half turning his head so she could hear him.

"Yeah?" she replied in a quiet, tender tone.

"Are you ok?" Emerald reached and caressed her soft, tender cheek.

"Yes. Yes, I am." she chuckled softly, nuzzling into the palm of his hand.

"Good." Emerald then booped her right on the nose, making her giggle.

"Are you ok?" she asked, stroking her lover's hair.

"I'm... tired," he replied, short of breath.

"It's ok. Just rest." Her soothing voice rang.

Using every bit of energy Emerald could muster, he drugged his hand to meet Twilight's hand. He interlaced his fingers between hers. Nothing more needed to be said on the subject.

He knew.

She knew.

Nothing else.


"Shhhh. Rest now. Just... rest."

With that, the guard passed out into a deep and restful sleep on top of the mare. Twilight smiled weakly, pulling him close, her hand buried deep into his hair. Cuddling next to him, she soon drifted off into dreamland. She felt safe and protected, as always, when he was nearby. This was their moment, their world, their own little piece of heaven, and they would stay here as long as they could. This was the best thing he could do for her. If anyone asked why he did such a thing, he would answer:

"She needed me."

Chapter 6: The Following Day

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The sun rose as Equestria was welcomed to another warm and hopeful day. The rays of the morning star covered the city of Canterlot like a blanket, for one pony, they were fast asleep in their quarters. The sound of snoring indicated they had a hard night full of activity. Emerald awoke with a groan as his eyes sensed the sun's rays despite being closed. He slowly opened his eyes as he put a hand out to cover them and help adjust the light entering his retinas.

"Morning already?" groaned Emerald as he sat up. The unicorn guard yawned as he sat up and stretched his limbs. "How... how did I get here?"

The royal guard was wondering how he ended up in his own room, as the last thing he recalled was smelling the scent of lavender. As Emerald put his hand to his head to cease some pounding, his memory returned as the events of last night played in his mind.

It was sometime in the middle of the night as the moon was high above the sky. The light from the moon shined through a window as it peered into a room; the room belonged to none other than a studious unicorn as she was fast asleep. Twilight lay on her side with the blanket covering her naked body as her hair was spread out. Near the bedside was Emerald as the stallion was putting on the last of his clothing; after a wild and pleasurable night, the guard was looking to head back to his quarters. He turned to look at the mare as the smile on her face meant that she enjoyed their night.

Emerald couldn't deny that he also enjoyed it, but... it was over. His duty as Twilight's bodyguard was done, and now... he would be moving on to his next assignment. The stallion headed to the stairway and heard a soft squeak just as he headed out. Twilight moved about in her sleep as she hugged the pillow she rested on, imagining it was Emerald. Upon seeing her act, the guard sighed as he returned to the bed and stood over the studious mare. He gently planted a kiss on her head while running his fingers through her hair and gently stroked her forehead.

"So long... Twilight," said Emerald as he said goodbye.

The guard turned and headed down the stairs and out to the tower as he returned to his quarters. The memory ended as Emerald removed his hand from his head.

"Right... now I remember," said the guard. "Well, hopefully, the next guard she has isn't too bad."

Emerald then got up as he prepared himself for his new assignment.

After getting clean and dressed, Emerald exited his room as he proceeded toward his destination. The guard was scheduled to meet his buddy, who would give him his new assignment and show him to his new post. Emerald made his way to the castle as he saw the many guards walking about on patrol; the unicorn saw his buddy as he was currently directing some guards to their post.

"Lieutenant Onyx!" shouted Emerald as he made his presence known and followed procedure.

"Private Emerald!" said Onyx as he dismissed the guards who disbursed to their post and saluted at his friend.

"What's up, bud?"

"Well, you seem to be in high spirits today," said Onyx as he noticed his buddy happier than usual. "Pleasant night?"

"Well... you could say that," chuckled Emerald, rubbing his neck. "Anyways, I appreciate you hooking me up with this, bud. Can't wait to get started."

"Yeah, about that, bud... um..."

"Is something wrong?" asked Emerald as he saw his buddy struggling to find his words.

"Well, yes, I mean maybe. Walk with me, bud," said Onyx as he gestured for his pal to follow him.

"So, what's up?" asked Emerald as the two guards walked along the castle gardens. "Am I not going to be in front of the castle?"

"See, that's the dilemma. I had everything ready for you, bud, for your new position, but... I got this letter from the Princess this morning. Take a look at it." said Onyx as he presented the scroll given to him by the Princess of Equestria and handed it over to Emerald.

The private took it and looked at it. He began to read the Princess's writing as his eyes widened at the words on the piece of paper; Emerald then looked at his buddy once he finished reading it several times.

"Is this... real?" asked Emerald.

"I thought the same thing, bud. But... it checks out. It seems the Princess has been so impressed by your work as her pupil's bodyguard that she personally informed the Princess about keeping you on duty." stated Onyx.

"She... asked the Princess for this request?" reiterated Emerald as he found it hard to believe that Twilight informed her mentor to have him remain her bodyguard.

"Yup, and she approved of it. You must have done some good work if she's asking to have you remain her bodyguard for the foreseeable future. At least right now. So... what did you do to make her really like you?" asked the Lieutenant, wanting to know how his buddy impressed the princess' pupil.

"I... I can't even describe it," sighed Emerald.

"Well, whatever you did worked. I guess, though, this isn't what I had in mind when I said to help you get noticed by the Princess. But hey, you know, the princess' student put in a good word, and now she's taking notice of you. So, my plan kinda worked, ish." said Onyx. "Maybe this might be better for you. Maybe if you continue to do good work for her student, the Princess might ask for you to be part of her bodyguard squad. That's way better than guarding the castle gates."

"Yeah, I guess," said Emerald, still baffled by Twilight's request to her teacher to keep him as her bodyguard.

"Trust the process, right?"

"Trust the process," sighed the private as he just made the letter vanish. "So... what do I do now?"

"Well, since this came out of nowhere, I've gotta work out the details with the others and move some stuff around. That's going to take time, but... as for you, bud. Well... I guess you got the day off. So, enjoy it." smiled Onyx as he was willing to let his best friend have some time to himself.

"You sure? Not that I'm rejecting your proposal, it's just..."

"Go ahead, bud. Take the day off. Like I said, this is going to take some time to fix. But we'll meet up with the guys later for some drinks. Cool?"

"Cool. I appreciate you helping me again, bud. Even if... this isn't what you had in mind." said Emerald as he gave Onyx a quick bro hug as they chuckled.

"Don't sweat it, Em. You helped me a lot in cadet school; now, I'm returning the favor. It's what bros do." responded Onyx to his pal. "See ya later, Em."

"See ya."

Emerald saluted his friend as he left to handle some business and paperwork. The private then made the letter reappear as he looked at it; he glanced at it before seeing the signature of Twilight's as he lifted his gaze to see the mare's tower in the distance.

"Looks like we gotta have a serious talk," mumbled the guard while looking at the building.

Twilight was in her secret lab as the mare was wearing her lab coat; she was looking under a microscope as she was currently doing some experiments for her other works.

"Mmm. Fascinating," mumbled the girl as she saw what was happening after dropping some drops onto the speck she was examining and seeing its chain reaction.

"Biology is stable, yet when induced with a highly concentrated liquid, it forms separation," said the mare as she recorded her observations.

Twilight was about to look at another sample when she heard the door upstairs swing open. She merely glanced up to see Emerald standing there; the mare had just returned to her science as the guard, now in his regular clothing, began to walk down the flight of stairs.

"Hey," said Emerald with a firm tone.

"Hey," said Twilight as she didn't bother to look at the guard and focused on her microscope.

"Working hard?" asked the guard.

"For your information, I'm busy doing some extra credit for myself," scoffed Twilight.

"I see. You really are passionate about science and magic, huh?" said Emerald.

"It's my talent. Anyways, why are you here?" asked the mare.

"I'd figured you'd be answering that!" stated the guard as he made the scroll appear.

The studious mare looked at the guard holding the scroll of her teacher. She levitated toward her as she glanced at it while reading; it clicked in her head why the guard was here and came in so suddenly as she sighed and made the scroll flicker into embers.

"So?" asked Emerald.

"What does it matter?" said Twilight as she rolled her eyes and walked away.

The mare grabbed another sample as she looked to return to her microscope but saw it wasn't on the table. She blinked as she heard a whistle and saw Emerald holding it; the guard wanted some answers from the mare, and he was going to get them one way or another.

"Talk," said Emerald.


"Give me answers, or I'll destroy this thing!" shouted the guard.

"You wouldn't?" said Twilight, not buying Emerald's bluff.

"You want to take that chance?" said Emerald, holding his other hand up as his horn and hand lit up with magic.

The guard was serious about destroying Twilight's equipment, but the mare sighed and gave in.

"How ironic that you're blackmailing me now," mumbled the mare.

"Yeah, learned it from an adorkable mare. Now... you going to give me an explanation?"

"Fine," said Twilight as Emerald ceased his magic.

Twilight leaned against the table and turned to the side to look at Emerald. The mare eyed the stallion that served her so well the past moon as her bodyguard that the least she could do was explain her logic to the guard.

"So... I talked with my mentor and... I told her how impressed I was with your work. Don't fret; I didn't mention our activities if that's what you're worried about." said Twilight. "All I said was that I was pleased with your services and requested you be my bodyguard for the foreseeable future at least."

"Okay, well... that's good to know," said Emerald, glad the Princess didn't know about the special services the guard was doing with Twilight.

"So, there you have it? Happy?"

"That's not your real reason, is it?" countered Emerald.

The slight hesitation that Twilight did confirmed the guard's statement.

"Why does it matter what my reasoning is?"

"It matters to me," said the stallion as Twilight placed her hands on the table. "You owe me that for... everything I did for you."

Twilight remained in silence as she processed what Emerald said. The mare struggled to tell the guard her real intention behind her request to keep him on as her bodyguard. The unicorn's guilty conscience was taken much as she let out another sigh.

"I... I'm not sure. I mean, I'm not totally confident about why I did what I did. But... I can't fully explain it. But last night, when we... did it, I felt a sense of clearance. Let me ask you, did you enjoy last night?"

"It was... okay," responded Emerald.

"Just okay?" said Twilight.

"It was... exceptional," said the guard as he did have a wonderful time with the mare standing before him.

"Glad to hear that," said Twilight, having a small smile about her and Emerald's love-making session was a success for both ponies. "I guess... when we did it, I felt warm. It felt so good. I can't put into words what I felt, but it... felt so right. I'm not making any sense, am I?"

"Well, no. I mean... I understand what you're saying," said Emerald as he was feeling the same way as Twilight following last night's activity.

Silence soon followed as neither pony said anything to the other. The room was so quiet that you could hear the slight breeze hitting the window as it seemed to whisper to the pair's ears. Almost enticing them to speak or take action.

"So... what do we do now?"

"I guess we're friends," said Twilight. "Friends with... benefits, if that's alright with you?"

"Well, that's... not something I was expecting," said Emerald, as he didn't hate the idea of Twilight's proposal. Just that it was unexpected.

"I'll accept that," said Twilight as she took off her lab coat.

The guard looked at the mare as she undid her hair bun; Twilight then approached Emerald, wrapped her arms around his neck, and gazed into his eyes. The stallion looked at the mare as he placed his hands on her hips; the two ponies looked at each other differently regarding last night's activity and their small conversation. Twilight soon pulled Emerald in as their lips made contact; the kiss was simple, filled with just as much passion as their lust-filled ones.

It didn't last long either as Twilight pulled back and Emerald stroked her cheek. The mare smiled as it got the stallion to smile; she rested her head under Emerald's chin and closed her eyes. The guard could feel Twilight's heartbeat as it gave off a calming sound; he tightened his embrace around the studious mare as he lulled over the thought of not only continuing to be her bodyguard. Maybe it was for the best. When they finished last night, there were lingering thoughts as he wondered if this would change their relationship. Now... he didn't know what to think.

Well, at least he would still see Twilight. The guard didn't notice it, but inside, he was developing something for the mare. Not just because of the sex they had but because of her other qualities. One thing was certain: having a mare like Twilight all to himself was a bragging right he would take pride in. If only he could tell his boys that he was not only getting laid but with the princess' pupil nonetheless. But for Twilight... he was willing to keep this special relationship between them a secret until they were ready.

Side Adventure #1: Saving a Model

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"Next time you ask me to cover your ass, you better be paying, Cobalt!" shouted a guard at his buddy.

"It ain't my fault that you were too stupid not to check before opening the door, Jay!" said a pegasus.

"Another stupid debate?" asked Emerald as he sat down with his drink.

"If only, bud," stated Onyx as he downed his latest drink. "So, how was today with the princess' pupil?"

"It was... fine," said Emerald as he stirred his drink.

"You've been saying that for the past few days, Em," called out another guard who was also a unicorn.

"Well, what else do you want me to say, Blaze?" responded the private.

"Anything! Literally!" said the earth pony next to the unicorn. "You've never once mentioned what you do while you watch over the princess' student."

"So, I guess you want to hear about her boring talks and lectures about magic and reading, huh, Comet?" said Emerald to his friend.

"We'd at least get a few more words," cackled Comet.

"Alright, guys. Come on. Emerald's doing us a favor by sparing us the boring and tedious details of watching over the princess' student." said Onyx, trying to calm things down. "If I were in his position, I'd go insane by the third day of just listening to her rambling."

"I guess," sighed Comet as he drank his drink.

"It's better than listening to those two argue," said Blaze as they all turned to see Cobalt and Jay still fighting over what happened during their shift.

"Alright, let's lighten things up. Who's up for some darts?" asked Onyx.

The group of buddies spent the next two hours going through several intense darts games. Onyx had a commanding lead from the start, up by three games. However, as it went on, he started to lose his lead, as the others started to catch up. Soon, they moved on to the final games as the last ones standing were Onyx and Emerald, the private looking to beat his best friend/superior to showcase some authority over the others.

"Alright, stand back!" said Onyx as he had three darts in his hand.

He closed one eye and aimed before throwing his first dart. It landed on a twenty. He threw another dart, which landed in the section worth five points. Onyx took one last deep breath as he threw his last dart. It sailed through the air and landed midway through the 16 strip.

"Damn! So close!" said Onyx as he was but four points away from reaching zero.

"Alright, Em. You're up! If you can reach zero this turn, you win!" said Blaze, as the private needed to get a total of 25 points without going over to win this turn.

"No pressure!" said Jay as he downed a mug of hard cider.

"Right," said Emerald as his friend gave him the three darts and approached the board.

He saw the target as he held up a dart and concentrated; Emerald pictured what numbers he wanted to get as he threw his first dart. It traveled through the air. The first dart landed where the private wanted as it stabbed into 13 part of the board. Emerald then his second dart after figuring out what number he wanted; however, he miscalculated as the dart lost some hangtime and dipped. It landed on the 8 section of the board, and Emerald realized what that meant.

"Shit!" said the guard.

"Double time!" shouted Comet.

"You know the rules, Em!" said stated Jay. "You gotta double up your score to reach zero."

"Yeah, I know," grumbled Emerald as he was put in a sort of bad position.

Since his second dart missed his intended target, his total was now 21. This meant that he needed four points to win, but it had to be doubled as the total. To win, he would have to aim at the 2 part of the board while getting the dart in the double-ring space so that it would count as the four points he needed to win. It was hard enough having to aim his dart so that it dipped to the lower half of the board, but to get in that small space was even harder since it was much lower.

"Four or you lose, Em," stated Onyx.

The guard took in the words of his buddy as he lifted his hand holding the dart. He closed an eye and concentrated, the private trying to calculate the proper angle to get the dart to go where he wanted. Once Emerald was confident in his stance and angle, he threw his dart. The object sailed through the air as time seemed to slow down; everything moved in slow motion as the dart's sharp point was looking to hit its intended target. The dart dipped as Emerald held his breath while the others leaned in; the dart made contact with the board as it was embedded. Silence followed for a bit until Emerald finally looked at the board. Surprisingly, he got the right angle in making his dart dip and landed it in the double-point spot as he had just won the game.

"I... did it?" said the private, amazed that he won.

"Nice one, Em!" shouted Jay as he downed a shot of cider while cheering his name.

"Three cheers for the private!" shouted Comet as he got some cheers from the nearby patrons.

"Congrats, bud. You beat in a close game," said Onyx as he approached his buddy.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" said the stallion as he had a smile appear on his face.

Following Emerald's victory at darts, the group of guards ordered another round of drinks. They soon began to leave the joint as they returned to the barracks; Emerald informed his friend that he was going for a little stroll through town. Onyx reminded his friend to be careful and not stay up too late as he waved goodbye to his pal. With that, Emerald went on his night stroll.

Emerald was walking through the streets of Canterlot as the cool night breeze hit his face. The guard felt a small shiver despite wearing a hoodie as he rubbed his arms; he was passing through one of the rich neighborhoods of the city as many of the lights were still on. Undoubtedly, the nobles and rich ponies who lived in them were still up and mingling with each other, talking about politics and their wealth. Emerald could hear their boasting laughter and snooty cackles as he walked by some windows.

The guard kept on going his night stroll when he noticed something. In the distance, he noticed a mansion at the end of the street. It was located near a quiet part of the city as most other houses had their lights shut off; however, the guard was paying attention to three shadows that seemed to be moving about. The three shadows came to the gate surrounding the mansion lawn wearing hoods and masks; the guard quickly snuck closer to see what was happening. Emerald took cover behind an alley as he peeked out to see the three figures looking at the gates.

One of the shadows had their horn ignited with magic as they used an unlocking spell to bypass the gates' security and open it. The trio of ponies snickered as they kept quiet while slipping through the gate; Emerald took his chance as he ran toward the gate and managed to get in just as it closed behind him. The guard then ducked behind some bushes as he crawled to a nearby tree and peeked out again. The robbers he saw before were now going up the lawn to the front door, as it seemed they were here to do some business.

The trio leader signaled for the other two to find ways in as the smaller one, a pegasus, took to the air and landed on the roof. They noticed the chimney and began to slip down it. Emerald could see these ponies were here to steal as the right thing would be to get help; however... the gate was locked after it closed, and there was no way he could get help and get back here before the robbers escaped. Not to mention, the residents who lived here might be in trouble or worse. So, the guard decided to take matters into his own hands as he heard the pegasus unlock the mansion door and let his comrades in. Emerald used his skills to get close to the mansion as he made it to the door and entered.

The pony that this house belonged to was a rather important figure. Mainly for their status, but for who they were associated with. Fleur de Lis was a pony model who was quite well-known among the elites of Canterlot and the city itself. The mare had returned from her current photo shoot earlier in the day as she was exhausted beyond belief. Her associate and partner, Fancy Pants, were currently away handling some business with one of his associates as the mare had the place all to herself. And right now, she was getting ready to turn in to recover from her draining day.

"Oh la la. I love it," said Fleur as she admired the latest robe that Fancy purchased for her. It was a black and red dress robe that emphasized her sexy body; any stallion would fall head over heels at seeing her as it got the mare to fantasize.

"I'll have to say thank you to him when he returns. Well, then. It's time I get my beauty rest." said the mare as she yawned and proceeded to bed.

Fleur got in under the covers and used her magic to shut off the lamp before putting on a sleeping mask and drifting off to dreamland. While the mare was upstairs in her room sleeping, the robbers had entered downstairs as they took a quick look around.

"Alright, let's get to work. Breakker, take care of whoever is here. Rhea, you check the other rooms. And I'll take the others." ordered the leader.

"On it, JD. I mean, yes, sir," said the female pegasus as she let a slip of the tongue out by revealing her leader's name.

"Just get moving!" shouted JD to his two comrades.

They saluted before they all split. Emerging from the shadows was Emerald as he frowned. He would have to take each of them out individually while also trying to protect the mansion's owners. The pegasus named Rhea felt giddy when she entered a room filled with priceless artworks. She got to work and put every painting inside her magically enhanced sack as it was sucked in; the pegasus was unaware of someone else who managed to follow them.

"Like taking candy from a baby. This is going to be an easy score," cackled the pegasus as she put the last painting inside her sack.

The mare tied up the bag and slipped it over her shoulder. Just as she prepared to exit and proceed to the other rooms to collect treasures, their whole world went dark.

Upstairs, the much larger pony of the trio was doing his job as he scoured about the place, trying to find whoever was there and subdue them. He wrenched a door open as he found himself in Fleur's room. Breakker saw the beautiful mare sleeping as he approached her bed and swiftly placed his large hand over her mouth as Fleur awoke suddenly. She tried to scream for help, but her cries were muffled as the large stallion used his other hand to yank her sleeping mask off; she now saw her intruder and screamed more, but it was still muffled.

"Shut up! Shut up!" shouted Breakker as Fleur was at the mercy of her intruder. "Less you want to end up in a bodybag, I suggest you pipe down."

Fleur's eyes widened hearing that as her screaming ceased a bit.

"Good, little pony. My, are you a sexy thing," said Breakker as he licked his lips and ripped the blanket off of Fleur as he saw the unicorn wearing her robe.

Fleur's screaming returned as she didn't like the intruder having perverted thoughts; she felt his hand tracing her body; it felt horrible and disgusting as she tried to break free from his tight grip, but she couldn't. Fleur then found her hands tied against the headboard as she started swinging and kicking her legs. Breakker smiled as he enjoyed seeing his prey squirm as he caught one of Fleur's legs before grabbing the other and tying them up. Fleur was trying to scream, but a piece of cloth was stuffed into her mouth, and she couldn't make a noise.

"Breakker! What's taking so long?!" shouted the stallion's leader as he stood in the doorframe.

"Sorry, boss. I just... got distracted," said the larger pony as he stepped to the side, revealing Fleur tied up on the bed. The unicorn was still trying to break free but couldn't as JD rolled his eyes upon seeing Breakker's intentions.

"It always has to be a mare," mumbled the leader while facepalming. "Just hurry up with her. We still got a lot of room to explore!"

"You got it, boss!" saluted Breakker as his leader began to walk away.

The larger stallion then turned to look at Fleur as the mare was helpless. He approached the bed and got on top of the mare as her eyes said it all, full of fear, as she felt one of his hands grip her neck. She then felt his other hand stuck into her robe as it was opened up, and Breakker placed his hand on her breasts; the mare was being violated as she started to cry a bit at how roughly the intruder was handling her chest.

"Oh, I have plans for you," snickered Breakker as he licked his lips, eyeing the sexy mare. "Now... when I get back. You be a good slut and obey less... you want a permanent scar." The pony revealed a dagger as he held it close to Fleur's face. Breakker pressed the dagger's tip to Fleur's cheek as a simple trace, leaving a mark as a bit of red liquid appeared.

"Are we clear?" asked Breakker as Fleur, having tears in her eyes, nodded. "Good."

The stallion then got off Fleur as he went to check the nearby rooms for anybody else. Fleur could feel tears rolling down her face as it seemed her fate was about to be something she wasn't looking forward to. While the mare was wrestling with the thoughts in her head, a shadow was shown approaching her. They then placed a hand over her mouth as her head was turned to look at her new intruder.

"Shh!" said Emerald as the moonlight revealed his face.

Fleur thought the stallion had brought one of his friends to tag team her but was surprised when she saw Emerald looking back at the door before removing the cloth from her mouth.

"You okay?" asked Emerald.

Fleur couldn't speak as she was frightened by all that had transpired. She could only nod as Emerald noticed the small cut on her face; he put two fingers on Fleur's cheek, and his horn began to glow. The mare was stunned to see this stranger helping her as she felt his fingers touch her skin. The model could feel the tiny muscles in them as she noticed his horn beginning to glow; the cut on Fleur's face then began to disappear as her fur returned to the flawless perfection that it was.

"That should take care of that."

"Thank you," said Fleur in a soft-spoken tone, finally getting a word out to her savior.

"Don't thank me yet," said Emerald as he began to work on freeing the mare from her bonds.

The guard was trying to untie Fleur's hands and could see that the brute of a pony wasn't as dumb as he looked. The knot he used to secure Fleur's hands was advanced, as finding the loose thread was tricky. Fleur could see Emerald struggling to free her as she feared the larger pony would return.

"Don't worry, I'll have you out soon," said Emerald as he gave a hopeful smile to Fleur in an attempt to cheer her up, which worked as the mare returned the smile. For the model, she could see that Emerald was someone who cared and wouldn't let any harm come to anypony.

Just then, the pair heard some footsteps. It seemed Breakker was coming back as Fleur panicked. Thinking on his feet, Emerald stopped untying as he grabbed the cloth and shoved it back into Fleur's mouth. The mare wondered why the stranger did that as he grabbed her cheek and had her look him in the eye.

"It's okay. I have a plan. Trust me." said Emerald as he had the hand holding Fleur's cheek and began to caress it.

Fleur looked at the guard while he gently stroked her cheek as she seemed to trust the unicorn on what he was doing. She gave a simple nod as Emerald flashed another smile before slipping away into the shadows just as Breakker returned.

"Hope you didn't miss me," chuckled Breakker as he was pleased to find that it was just Fleur who was in the mansion, as it meant he could have his way with her without any interruption.

Fleur saw the large stallion approach as he held his dagger. The brute was unaware of Emerald or that he was up on the ceiling, looking down at his target. Fleur noticed Emerald as she ensured her gaze wasn't directed at him; Breakker stood before the bed and grabbed Fleur's face.

"Now... get ready," snickered the large stallion.

As if on cue, Emerald made his move. He jumped down as a thud was heard.

The massive body of Breakker fell to the floor in a dead slump as Emerald finally managed to drop the pony on the floor. He then tossed the body of the pegasus he knocked out earlier on top as he cracked his back. The guard then grabbed the dagger from the brute, and he used it to cut the bonds of Fleur; the mare sighed as she felt her hands being freed, and she grabbed her wrist to rub them as Emerald cut the bonds holding her feet together.

"Come on!" said Emerald, extending his hand to Fleur.

The mare put her hand in his as she felt more of his muscles, causing her to turn a bit red before Emerald began to guide her out of the room. The guard peeked his head out, surveying every way before dragging Fleur behind him. The pair made their way to a room as they entered.

"Thank you," said Fleur.

"No problem. Here, take this," said Emerald as he handed Fleur a device and the dagger he stole from the brute. "Stay here and call for help. Don't leave this room until someone comes to get you. No matter what you hear, don't come out." instructed the guard to the unicorn.

"What are you going to do?" asked Fleur.

"Just stay here. Trust me," said Emerald as he peeked out the door before slipping away. Fleur locked the door behind the stallion as she hoped he knew what he was doing.

"Where the hell are they?!" stated the pony named JD.

He'd been looking for his comrades as he had collected his share of priceless goods and was looking to get out of here before the royal guard or, worse, the princess showed up. The pony walked down the main flight of stairs; Emerald saw him before jumping and landing before the earth pony.

"Who are you?!" asked the earth pony.

Emerald didn't give a response as he rushed forward and tackled the stallion onto the stairs. The intruder felt Emerald's hand on his neck as he tried to choke him out; he managed to get his feet under the guard and kicked him in the stomach to remove his grip. Emerald stumbled as the robber coughed before rushing at the guard and looking to throw a punch, but Emerald saw it and put his foot out to trip the earth pony and make him tumble forward. The pony crashed into a nearby table as it tumbled and scattered the stuff.

The intruder got to his knees and looked at Emerald as he growled. He pulled out his dagger and slashed and swung at the guard, who backed up and avoided them. He caught the robber's wrist and twisted it to make him drop the weapon before kneeing him in the midsection and flung him to the ground.

Emerald got on the intruder and began to wail him by punching his face. The earth pony caught one of Emerald's punches and then headbutted the guard off him. The guard grabbed his head as the intruder grabbed his shoulder and began to throw punches into his midsection before flinging him into a nearby bookshelf as it crashed upon impact. The guard struggled to get up as the intruder walked toward and kneed him; he then began to punch the guard in the face. Emerald struggled to defend himself as he had his horn activate his magic to hold back a punch as he headbutted his foe.

The earth pony stumbled off as Emerald rushed in with some quick strikes to his midsection before delivering a jumping knee to his face; it sent the earth pony to the floor as he landed with a hard thud. Emerald clutched his side as he leaned against another bookshelf, letting out deep breaths. The stallion was glad it was over as he looked up and saw a vase on top of the case wobble before it fell and shattered on his head. Soon, his world went dark as he landed with a thud.

"Anything else, ma'am?" asked a royal guard as he talked with Fleur regarding the break-in.

In the background, his men were taking in the robbers as they began to walk out of the mansion.

"I'm just thankful that I had this strong, handsome guard come to my rescue," said the model as they looked at the nearby couch where Emerald lay with a towel on his head.

The guard awoke with a slight headache and bump as Fleur noticed him after she called for help and went to find him.

"My pleasure," said Emerald, trying to put on a brave face while clutching his head.

"Well, you were lucky he was nearby. What's your name, kid?" asked the guard.

"Private Emerald, sir," said the stallion to the older guard.

"Congrats on doing your job, cadet. I'll make sure the princess knows of this act," said the older pony as he saluted the cadet, which Emerald returned. "Take care, ma'am. Have a good night."

"Ta-ta!" said Fleur as she escorted the guard to the door and saw him off.

Once the guards left, Fleur returned to Emerald as she saw the stallion remove his towel, and the bump on his head was gone.

"Would you like some tea?" offered Fleur.

"Sure. If it's not too much trouble."

"It's no trouble at all."

The model then left to make tea for her guest as Emerald sat up. The guard groaned as it wasn't the pain that hurt him but that he got taken out by a simple porcelain vase; he hoped that when the rest of the guards heard it, they didn't know that he got defeated by something so inanimate. Hopefully, none of the boys teased him, but he doubted that. Emerald twisted his neck to crack some tense muscles when Fleur returned with a cup.

"Here you go. I put some sugar in it," said the mare.

"Thanks," said Emerald as he grabbed the cup and sipped it as Fleur sat beside him.

"It should be me thanking you. Who knows what might have happened if you didn't come along when you did."

"Yeah, well... I was just doing my civic duty, is all, ma'am."

"Please, call me Fleur. After what happened, you've earned the right to address me.

"Well, thanks for patching me up, Ms. Fleur. And for the tasty tea," said Emerald with a smile as he sipped some more.

The mare took in the smile of her savior as she felt something tingly inside. It intensified more as the model looked at the guard's physique, and thoughts ran through her head.

"Here, let me damp your forehead," said Fleur with a sneaky smile as she grabbed the cloth.

"I'm good, I can-"

Emerald didn't finish his statement as Fleur was all up in his face as she pressed the towel and dampened his forehead. The guard was nervous not so much from Fleur doing it but that he got a clear view of her breasts and cleavage. The unicorn stallion saw the two jugs on the mare's chest as they shook in his face. Fleur's plan to seduce the guard was working as she purposely made her breasts jiggle as she could feel the guard's gaze on her.

"Oh, you poor thing. Coming in and saving me. I feel I should reward you." said the model mare with some seductiveness in her tone.

"Um, that's not... um, necessary, ma'am," said Emerald, not once taking his eyes off Fleur's breasts.

"Oh, but I must," said the mare, continuing to shake her things while rubbing his forehead.

"R-really, you don't," said Emerald as he felt his member starting to get hard at how the mare was teasing him.

"But I insist," said Fleur as she put a finger to Emerald's lips and looked the guard in the eyes.

The stallion was at the mercy of the made as she had a hand slipping to pull down a bit of her robe and the bra she wore to expose and flash the guard her nipple. The mare laid out the bait for her trap as Emerald's cock began to stand up through his pants; Fleur saw it as she smiled, knowing she had done her job. The model got up and began to walk around the couch, with Emerald looking at her as she swayed her hips to entice the guard even more. She stopped in the middle of the stairway and gave a wink to the stallion.

"Follow me," whispered the mare as she exposed some of her back shoulder and walked up.

Emerald kept his gaze on Fleur until she was out of sight. The guard turned back to look at his member as he tried to get it down, but it wouldn't. He cursed himself and his perverted brain. To think that he had just saved a hot mare from being robbed and potentially raped, and now she was offering to give him an enticing reward, and he wasn't getting up without a second thought; part of it had to do with it coming out of nowhere and the other half had to do with a certain lavender mare. The guard could so easily walk out, but he wasn't. Emerald struggled with his brain and penis until he finally decided and got up.

The guard approached the bedroom door, pushed it open, and Fleur lay on the bed. The mare lay on her side as she still wore her robe and had a lustful expression. Emerald took a deep gulp as he entered, with the door closing behind him, signaling no way out. Fleur saw her savior approaching her as she began to undo her robe's knot and opened the front of her robe. The mare wore a scarlet bra and panties as she shifted her position to be on her knees; Emerald approached the bed and grabbed his face with her hands.

"Here's your reward," said Fleur in a calm, lull tone as Emerald felt her hot breath.

He put his hands on the mare's hips as she pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss. The mare moaned, as did the stallion whose hands went up her back and removed her robe to leave her in her undergarments. It was flung to the ground, as was Emerald's hoodie. Fleur began to pull up his shirt and felt his abs and chest muscles, the mare letting out more moans as Emerald grabbed her and laid her down on the bed. The guard had his hands feel the model's body as they went down to her thighs and felt how smooth they were; they soon changed to grab her ass cheeks as it got a squeak from the mare.

Fleur was in a world full of pleasure. To think that this stud that saved her was not only a gentle lover, but he knew how to push the right buttons as he gave her heights of pleasure that she'd never reached with any other previous partners. They soon sat up, and she was in his lap. Emerald kept kissing her before removing his mouth from her lips and kissing her chin. The guard then moved his mouth to her neck and began to assault it with kisses as Fleur reeled her head back momentarily to let the stallion have his way. The way he kissed, how he touched her, whoever this stud was, she was lucky to have him tonight as she moaned in his ear to egg him further on.

The mare then pushed Emerald to the bed as she stood over him. She planted kisses along his body as her hands trailed behind; they went downward until they reached their target. Emerald's cock was bulging through his garments as Fleur could tell it was big. However, it was much bigger when she pulled down his garments and saw the shaft standing full at attention. Safe to say, she was not disappointed as she licked her lips. The model then dove down and captured the guard's shaft in her mouth as she began to suck on it; Emerald groaned as he felt how warm Fleur's mouth was as his dick was being cleaned off.

The mare upped the ante as she popped off, sucking Emerald's cock to stroke it a bit. The mare then undid her bra, allowing her breasts to pop out with a boing as Emerald saw them without their restrictions. The mare saw how Emerald adored her breasts as she then brought them down to sandwich the guard's cock. Emerald felt Fleur's breasts as the mare squeezed them to stimulate the guard as she smiled at his pleasure-filled face.

Emerald was letting out moans as he felt Fleur's touch, the mare smiling before she dove her mouth to suck his cock while her breasts were stroking it. The guard placed a hand on the mare's head as he helped the mare to bob up and down as he found it hard to hold back. Fleur then removed her mouth from his cock and smiled before replacing her breasts with her hands.

"Fleur, what are y-"

The guard didn't finish as the mare grabbed the base of his cock with a hand as her horn glowed. Her magic wrapped around Emerald's dick as the guard felt the grip, and the mare's magic began to stroke him as the new touch caused him to moan.

"I'm stimulating all the little nerves in your cock, Emerald," smiled Fleur as her magic caused the guard to moan loudly. "I'm sure you'll find it very pleasurable."

"Ah, Fleur, fuck! Shit!" said Emerald, feeling the mare's magic stroking his shaft, pushing him to the edge.

"Increase the intensity and..."

When Fleur did that, Emerald couldn't hold it back. His cock fired off his seed as it went in all directions. The mare used her magic to put the cock in her mouth as she devoured the tasty treat of Emerald; taking in his scent and the taste of his delicious cum, it was almost too much for Fleur as she gulped down huge loads of the guard's sperm. Emerald looked at the model mare as it was clear all her past flings enabled her to take all of his cum without spilling any or choking as she cleaned his dick and swallowed.

"You're definitely the best I've ever tasted. At least, so far," said Fleur as she smiled at Emerald.

While Emerald was recovering, Fleur took off her panties and was on all fours with her ass raised. The guard looked at the glorious object as she shook it.

"I'm waiting," teased the mare.

Emerald crawled toward the mare's ass as he rubbed her buttcheeks. He spread them out and dove in as he began to feel the mare's pussy with his fingers. The model felt the stallion's skilled fingers as she nearly came from just them entering for a few seconds. She then gasped as she felt all of Emerald's fingers enter her pussy as she gripped the bedsheets and moaned into them in an attempt to silence her moans, despite them being all alone. Emerald saw how he was making the mare wet as he fingered her pussy even faster as the mare raised her head to look up.

"Oh, Emerald! I'm about to come!" said the mare as she felt her body tingle.

The warning given by the mare soon came true as a few moments later, her pussy released and shot out her cum. Emerald pulled his fingers as they were soaked with the mare's juices; he brought them to his mouth as he tasted them and found them quite enjoyable.

"You're not bad yourself," said Emerald as he commented on Fleur's taste.

The mare then backed her ass up to be pressed against the stallion's member. Emerald sandwiched his dick between Fleur's cheeks as she grinded the shaft to get it hard again.

"Let's see if you can handle this ass," taunted Fleur, followed by a giggle.

Emerald laid back on the bed as Fleur got on top of him and positioned herself to have her back facing the guard. The mare grabbed his shaft as she angled it with her pussy; with one motion, she descended on the guard's cock as just sliding in alone caused her to moan.

"Shit! You weren't kidding when you said you were big!" moaned Fleur as she could barely fit all of Emerald's cock inside her.

The guard placed a hand on Fleur's ass as the mare adjusted and allowed herself to be comfortable with the large meat stick. Once she got used to it, the mare began to move as she bounced her ass up and down.

"Oh, your pussy... is so warm," moaned Emerald as he lifted his head a bit to see Fleur squatting up and down as she rode his dick.

"God damn, you're so big, and I love it!" said Fleur, as she never had a dick like this.

The sound of the mare's asscheeks clapping could be heard, along with skin slapping. Both ponies were being sent on a ride of utter pleasure, for Fleur, none of the past stallions she seduced gave her this feeling. A feeling of making love. With Emerald's skill in making her cum with his fingers, he was even more skilled with his dick. The way it felt inside her filled her insides to the fullest and reached her cervix.

"Yeah! Don't stop, please!" Emerald said as he enjoyed himself. The guard brought his hands to the mare's ass as he helped her to bounce up and down on his dick while massaging them.

"Oh, I won't. I'll ride you for as long as you want," said Fleur to the guard, as she wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Emerald heard that as he gripped Fleur's ass even tighter, causing the mare to make a surprised sound. It was soon replaced by pleasure as she stuck her tongue out and felt her insides reshape to match Emerald's cock.

"You love my ass bouncing on your dick, Emerald?" said Fleur as she looked back at her savior.

Her response was a set of moans that Emerald let out as she picked up the pace and had her ass bouncing up and down like crazy, trying to push herself and him to their limit. It worked as Emerald felt his dick surge as something built up.

"Mmm... I'm gonna cum!" warned the stallion.

"Do it! Cum inside me! Just let it all out!" yelled Fleur as she couldn't hold back and screamed at the top of her lungs.

After a few more deep thrusts, Emerald released and came as Fleur felt it and screamed. The pair let out a loud moan that harmonized as the stallion fired off jets of his stream inside the mare as it filled her up. A few seconds later, the pair gasped for air as Fleur had her ass resting while still having Emerald's cock in her as she refused to let it go until she was done with it. The guard was panting as he processed what was going through his mind.

Fleur soon turned around while still having Emerald's cock in her. The mare looked at the guard as she leaned in for a passionate kiss as their tongues danced with each other again. The kiss ended as Fleur pulled back and whispered into Emerald's ear.

"Let me show you how this model can really work her magic."

"I can't wait," whispered Emerald.

Fleur chuckled as she placed her hands on Emerald's chest and began grinding her hips on the guard's lap. Emerald placed his hands back on the unicorn's ass as they began to moan loudly. The mare moaned as it was even better the second time; she looked at the stallion she had pinned down with lust-filled eyes and a seductive smile.

"Mmm, you're such a naughty boy. I could ride you all day," said the mare.

Fleur grabbed one of Emerald's hands and brought it to her breast; the guard knew what to do as he began to massage it while moving in a circular motion and twisting her nipple. The actions by the stallion stud caused the model to moan as she threw her head back in pure bliss and pleasure. The feeling of Fleur's breast, much like her ass and pretty much her entire body, was soft and smooth to the touch; the way she looked, to her breast jiggling, to how she moaned and screamed his name to the heavens, it was like the guard was making love to an angel.

Emerald thrusted upwards even harder and faster as he pushed the tip of his cock into Fleur's womb. The mare knew that after this experience, every other stallion she bedded would pale compared to Emerald, so she would milk this, figuratively and literally, for all it was worth. The mare may have been in control at the start, but it was clear that Emerald was in the driver's seat as Fleur was nothing but a mess. A hot mess who simply wanted to be dicked down.

"Give me your cum, Emerald! Give me your fucking cum!" shouted Fleur, as she looked down at the guard as she was bouncing like her life depended on it.

The guard felt his primal urge activate as he grabbed her hips and ass and tightly pushed her down and up. The mare was at the mercy of this dominant alpha as he gave it to her... hard. A low growl escaped Emerald's lips as he thrusted to the point he was pistoning in and out of the mare's helpless pussy; Fleur moaned louder than before as her eyes shot up, and she stuck her tongue out. Her breasts furiously bounced with each rise and fall as Emerald took those as encouragement to push harder; her perfect hourglass figure also added more motivation to break this slutty model mare. Fleur was powerless as she was so weak against Emerald and his tactics that she fell on his body and lay there while the guard pounded her brains.

Emerald then switched their positions so that he was on top, allowing him more control. The guard spread her legs out while pushing deeper inside of her while he leaned down to kiss her. Her walls wrapped around his cock even tighter, as they didn't want to let go. Soon, the mare locked her legs around him to keep him secured.

"Don't you dare think of pulling out!" demanded Fleur as she broke the kiss.

"I wasn't planning to," growled Emerald.

He picked up his speed and looked to reach the final stretch of this part of their race. Emerald pinned the mare down so their chests were touching as he let the inner alpha inside come out; the lewd sounds of the mare served as the call to the stallion to mark the mare as his property by painting her with his cum. The sounds of wet slaps and perverted moaning filled the room, the same with the bed making its rocking sounds. After a while, Emerald pulled away from Fleur's neck, leaving a noticeable love bite. His breathing grew heavy, and his climax was getting closer.

"Fleur! I'm close!" said Emerald.

"Fill me up, you stud! Claim your prize for saving me!" shouted the mare.

She wrapped her arms around Emerald's neck and pulled her savior into a deep kiss. Her long, slender legs tightened around the stallion's waist as he pumped harder into the model. The pair could repeatedly feel Emerald's tip pressing against her womb as the chain reaction occurred. Emerald moaned inside Fleur's mouth as he fired his hot seed deep inside the mare's cavern; she felt it as she also exploded and sprayed her love juices all over the guard's shaft. The pair felt a sense of bliss as Emerald painted the mare's walls white with his seed. The guard broke the kiss as he and Fleur panted heavily.

The mare released her grip on the guard as Emerald pulled himself out of her pussy; his cum dripped onto her as Emerald lay beside her. Fleur soon rolled on top of the guard as she smiled at him. The mare planted another simple kiss on the stallion's lips as she stroked his cheek.

"My, my. You know how to please a mare," said Fleur.

"I've... had practice," chuckled Emerald sheepishly as Fleur did.

"I can tell," said the mare as she had a hand reach down to the guard's shaft.

It was semi-hard as the mare began to stroke it. Despite going at it just moments ago, Emerald groaned as his dick still wanted more, with Fleur's stroking added to that. The mare kept her lust-filled gaze at the stallion who saved her.

"I'm not done with you yet," purred Fleur.

The pair went at it for the next few hours as Fleur intended to enjoy this night for as long as possible. With his improved stamina, Emerald was looking to give the mare what she wanted. He pushed the mare's face down to the mattress as he mounted Fleur and pulled back her hair; the stallion went balls deep into the unicorn as he began to move in a thunderous rhythm that evoked the mare to squeak.

"Yes! Yes! Give it to me! Ugh, you're so good, Emerald!" shouted Fleur as she enjoyed being treated like a fuck toy for the royal guard as she submitted to the male.

"You like that, don't you?" said the guard as he smacked a hand against one of her cheeks. "Don't you, you slut!!!"

"Yes!" said Fleur as Emerald smacked her ass again, leaving a print on her ass to mark her as his property.

Emerald felt a sense of pride at being dominant as he slammed into Fleur's cunt while clenching his teeth at how tight she'd gotten. He added more to the pleasure as he yanked on Fleur's hair, making sure not to hurt her as the mare lifted her head and had a blissful expression.

"Pull my hair! Harder!" shouted Fleur as Emerald obeyed and yanked on the mare's mane in time with his thrusts. "Is that the hardest you can fuck me, boy? Give it to me! Break all my slutty holes! Make me your bitch! Break me!!!"

Emerald's primal instincts returned as he hiked Fleur's ass up even higher and slammed full force into her pussy. The mare stood on her head as she saw Emerald's dick going in and out of her cunt relentlessly as it was covered in their juices. The adrenaline and rush from this stimulated her sexual excitement as Fleur backed up her ass when Emerald thrusted forward to get his dick deeper. The guard was lost in a sea of lust as all he wanted to do was break this mare in.

"Yes! Inseminate me!" shouted the model unicorn.

Emerald's horn glowed as his magic began to fondle Fleur's breasts; the mare nearly lost it from all her pleasure from the back and front. Emerald grabbed Fleur's arms to reel her back into him as he turned her neck to get her to look at him before pulling her mouth in for a makeout kiss. The mare closed her eyes to submit to the guard as one of his hands twisted her nipples; Fleur's eyes rolled to the back of her head with her tongue lolling out as she was lost to lust.

The mare was so far gone that she didn't notice Emerald putting his arms under her thighs and shifting their position as he was now sitting on the edge of the bed; the guard had the mare in a full nelson as he was jackhammering into the mare who could only bounce up and down on autopilot due to her mind being broken.

"You like being a dirty broodmare, huh, Fleur? Take my cock!" demanded Emerald, his instincts taking over.

"Yes! Smash my fuckhole into pieces! Ruin me! All I want is to please you however you want!" said the mare as Emerald drilled into her.

Fleur's sanity was long gone as she moaned the loudest she'd been the whole night. She couldn't think straight; she couldn't think because of the sexual pleasure that she was receiving. And right now, that was all she could focus on as sounds were let out and heard. The stallion was now going full force with his thrusts as he applied more power to the mare, begging for this. The pair drowned out everything as they only cared about each other and getting to that sexual nirvana. Nothing but them, the sounds of flesh being slapped, the sounds of them lost in lust. Both needed only one thing: a night of passion.

"Fleur... I'm getting close!"

"Ah, shit! Do it! Drain your balls inside of me!" screamed Fleur.

They tried to hold it a bit longer, but the build-up was too much. All the pleasure they each had was forming into a final one. After thrusting upwards one more time, Emerald shot his cum inside of Fleur, which pushed her over the edge as she felt the inner caverns of her pussy being filled with the warm substance, making her feel full. After releasing his seed, before losing his strength, they both leaned back on the bed. The guard gave one final spank to the mare's ass as Fleur was lying on Emerald's chest. Both of them panted and were catching their breath.

Hours later, the pair continued their sexual experience. The bed sheets were all messed up and wrinkled, indicating how into the pair were. Emerald had Fleur pinned to the mattress as he had her left leg extended up and resting on his shoulder as they were in a sailboat position. Emerald was on his knees as he was driving his cock so far into Fleur as it was poking her stomach, but the mare was too addicted to the feeling even to think. Grunts came out of the stallion's mouth as he looked to submit his dominance of the mare truly; Fleur leaned her head back, mind full of lust as only one thing weighed on her mind, and that was getting fucked by this majestic stud.

"Fuccckk. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" expressed Fleur, letting it all out.

The guard leaned in and locked his lips with the unicorn as they moaned. He grabbed her breast and squeezed it well before pulling on her nipple. Fleur's eyes rolled in the back of her head when she felt her nipple pulled and twisted.

"FFUUCCKKK!!" Fleur moaned whorely as her orgasm was building up more and more.

"Fleur! Here it comes!" called out Emerald as he was close, ramming as fast and hard as he could into her.

"Give me it! I enjoy... being your bitch! Make me... your fucking mare! Let me squeeze everything out of those balls!" yelled Fleur as her shouting nearly broke the glass of the nearby windows.

"Sweet Celestia!" Emerald could feel the walls closing in on his cock.

The mare screamed out, clinging onto him desperately as her own cunt was about to break. Then, all at once, Emerald gripped Fleur's legs as if trying to rip them off as his semen fired. The mare shrieked the loudest as the window nearby shook and shattered from her screaming; the pair's cum sprayed all over the bed and sheets as Fleur felt every ounce of Emerald's seed fill her up completely. It lasted a few minutes as the guard wanted to ensure the mare took all his seed and didn't let a single drop go to waste. Emerald ceased his pumping as Fleur's climax had reached its end.

The guard fell, resting on Fleur as he made sure not to put his entire body weight on the mare as she was out of strength. The stallion looked down at the mare as she was recovering from their intense ride; the blissed-out face indicated that she was still relishing it. Fleur soon snapped out of her daze as she grabbed Emerald's face and pulled him in for one final kiss.

"Thank you," said Fleur as she got what she wanted.

"My pleasure," said Emerald.

Soon, sleep began to overtake the pair as their eyes began to close. After a passionate night, they finally fell under the effects of exhaustion as they drifted off into a deep slumber.

Chapter 7: Accomplishment

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"Extra, extra, read all about it!" shouted a pony, voicing himself in the center of a busy street.

The pony was waving about some newspapers as many stopped to get one and began to read the latest news. The city of Canterlot was going about its usual mode of busyness as tons of activity occurred. The castle was shown as it was having its own share of activity. Emerald stood before a large set of doors as he paced back and forth; the unicorn guard looked worried as the soldiers guarding the doors remained still.

The mumbling from the private could be heard by passing maids in the hallway as they rolled their eyes at the young stallion before going about their duties. Emerald was taking some deep breaths as he tried to calm his mind.

"This can't be happening! This can't!" stated the unicorn guard.

"Private Emerald!" said a voice.

The guard straightened up as a mare came into view. The mare had a white coat, dark brown mane, lighter brown eyes, and a cutie mark below her business skirt of an ink pen and inkwell. The mare was a few feet shorter than Emerald as she had a clipboard in her arms.

"The Princess will now see you," said the mare as she turned to the guards who opened the doors.

"Oh boy," said Emerald as he stood behind the mare; the doors slowly creaked open, and the incoming light was starting to blind him as he placed his helmet on. He put a hand up to cover his eyes as he remembered how he got himself to this moment.

Emerald awoke to the sounds of some birds chirping as their song served as his call to wake up from his slumber. The guard moved the covers off him as he felt the sun's warm rays shine down on him; the unicorn tried to sit up only to feel something on his chest. He looked under his cover, and there was Fleur; the model was resting on top of him as she snuggled against her savior.

"What happened?" questioned the young stallion at seeing the naked mare on top of him. He then quickly had a flashback to last night and how he and the mare went at it well into the night they passed out from exhaustion.

"Oh, I'm fucked," said Emerald, as he was worried about how this would translate.

He heard a small squeak as he looked to see Fleur starting to wake. The model yawned as she rubbed her eyes before looking up at Emerald and seeing the face of her savior from last night.

"Good morning," said the mare in a soft lull.

"Yeah, morning," said Emerald as he was responded.

"I haven't had that good of a time in quite a while," said the mare as she traced her finger along the guard's chest.

"Yeah, it was nice. But I think it's time I leave," said Emerald as he tossed the covers off them and sat up.

"So soon?" asked Fleur, covering her chest with the blanket as Emerald picked up his clothes from the floor.

"Listen, I'm honored that you allowed me into your bed, but I really need to get back to the barracks before anybody finds out I'm missing."

"And here I was hoping for some morning fun," said Fleur as she crawled forward a bit.

The mare got behind Emerald, sitting on the edge of her bed, when she wrapped her arms around him. The unicorn rested her head against his back before whispering into his ear.

"It's still a bit early. Which means most ponies won't be up. Which means we still have time for one more round." said Fleur softly.

"Look. As tempting as that is, I need to get back before anyone notices I'm gone."

Fleur sighed as she tried her best to convince the guard to stay just a bit longer.

"Very well. But you might want to wash up. Feel free to use the shower." said Fleur.

"Thanks," said the guard as he gathered his stuff and made his way to the bathroom.

Fleur saw Emerald enter the bathroom as a sinister smile came across her face. The guard turned on the water and let out a satisfying sigh when it splashed on his fur. As he began to clean himself, a thought about a certain lavender mare came across his mind. Emerald wondered how he would explain this to Twilight; would she be angry when she found out? And he knew she would, a mare as smart as her, not to mention the guards saying they'd report the break-in incident to the Princess last night. There was no way she wouldn't put two and two together to think of what might have happened with him and Fleur.

The guard was so lost in his own thoughts that he was unaware of hearing the bathroom door opening. The unicorn soon felt a pair of hands being wrapped around him as he was taken by surprise.

"I figured I'd join you," said Fleur as she was in the shower with Emerald and had executed her plan to trap the guard. "Why waste water?"

Before Emerald could say anything, Fleur moved her hands down to grab his member as she began to stroke it. The stallion felt the mare's touch as with the water dripping down on them; it served as an extra stimulus as the guard felt his shaft getting erect as it soon stood at attention. Fleur saw it and smiled, knowing she got what she wanted. The unicorn turned to look at the mare. She pulled his face in and brought their lips together as she moaned into his mouth. Emerald tried to remove himself from the mare's seductive tactics, but it was pointless as the lust invaded his brain.

Just one more, right? Besides... she's right. It's still early.

Steam rose from the shower as the guard and mare were in the throws of their passionate lovemaking. Fleur was leaning against the glass door while her back half was being pushed against Emerald, the guard ramming his shaft into her depths with a hearty grunt as his inner primal instincts began to come out. The mare gave a low moan as she grasped the shower wall for support and pressed her fingers against the glass.

"So big..."

"Tell me what you want?" Emerald asked as he pumped into the mare.

"I want you to fuck me."

"Louder!" demanded the guard.

"Fuck me!"

"Louder! Like you mean it, you naughty mare!" stated Emerald as he let his inner lust come out.

"I want to fuck me! Oh, Celestia! I want you to continue to fuck my pussy with your big cock!" shouted Fleur as she gave in.

Emerald smiled as he pushed himself in even further and nearly hilted his entire length inside the mare's tight walls. He knew she could take him, the sounds escaping from her mouth, the various positions they did last night, and how tight she felt even after all their fucking. Their juices lubricated the guard's cock that it allowed him to glide effortlessly in and out of the mare's cavern as he grabbed her ass tightly. The firm grab from Emerald enticed Fleur more as she relished being nothing more than a fuck toy for the guard that saved her.

"You love being filled with this dick?"

"Y-you'll ruin me for any other stallion after this!"

Hearing that made Emerald smile as if hearing that any other stallion that Fleur would fuck once he left wouldn't match him. It served as a humble brag for the private and his pride, but also as a motivator to really rail the mare to remind her of who she belonged to and who could give her the relief she needed. The rough thrusting turned up as the guard pummeled the model mare as her voice orchestrated around the room. His thick, hard rod disappeared and reappeared with every motion while exploring and tugging on the mare's inner cavern.

While Fleur was riding the dick for all she was worth, Emerald had his own pleasant view as the mare's ass was all he focused on. The way it bounced and jiggled due to his actions, every impact made her cheeks wobble, and seeing them clap just fueled the stallion as he let his inner alpha male go wild. His pace quickened as he wanted to see how much he could get that fat rear to jiggle. Emerald turned to look at the glass wall and saw the reflection of the mare; it was a triumphant view. Fleur's large bosom was pressed up against the glass, her hardened nipples scraping against the smooth surface while her face was a display of ecstasy and pure lust, lips agape and tongue nearly hanging out.

"Oh, this fucking cock!" yelled Fleur. "Oh, I love it! I LOVE IT!"

"You like being treated like a common whore, huh? Don't you?!" barked Emerald as he delivered a hard smack on her ass that it echoed.

"Oh, yes!"

"Tell me how much you love it!"

"Oh, I love it!"


"I Love It!"

"Louder, you cumslut!"

"I FUCKING LOVE IT!" shouted Fleur as she let her lust infect her brain. "Please don't stop! Make me cum! Give it to me!"

Another slap followed Fleur's cries of ecstasy as Emerald could feel Fleur starting to tense up. The guard knew that the mare was starting to reach her limit, as it was only a matter of time before her climax occurred. The stallion then adjusted his position to grip her hips better, moving fast enough as he jackhammered into the mare. The mare then released as her climax came; Emerald grunted as he also let loose and fired his seed into her depths. Emerald's whole body locked up as he continued to fill her, with bits of white strings of his seed falling to the shower floor from her stained thighs.

Fleur lost her balance for a bit before Emerald caught her; the stallion kept his grip on the mare as he turned her around and lifted her. Fleur instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around the guard, lifting her as he walked toward a bench in the shower and sat down with the mare in his lap. Despite her panting, Fleur unwrapped her legs from around Emerald and swung them over his legs to straddle herself. Without any communication, the guard knew what to do as he placed his hands on her butt to lift her; Fleur placed her hands on his shoulder as she let the guard guide her to be above his member before sinking on it and letting out a relaxing moan. Her calm composure started to crack as she got past halfway, and when she finally bottomed out, Emerald was treated to the sight of a seemingly lovestruck unicorn who was obsessed with his cock.

The mare then rosed her body before dropping down as she began to ride his shaft. An audible slap was heard when her ass bounced off his thighs. Her chest was bouncing in time with her motions as Fleur was working herself into a drunken lust state that all she wanted was Emerald's cock to fill her up every day. The royal guard let the mare set the pace as he just enjoyed seeing the view of the mare bouncing on his dick like he had hit the jackpot. The model leaned in to kiss the guard as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Just know... after today... if you ever visit me, or... need to just fuck... I'm here. I'm willing to let you fuck me whenever you want. That's... your true reward for saving my life, Emerald." said Fleur as she whispered into the guard and gave him a present that he hoped he would enjoy.

"I'll... certainly remember that," grunted the guard as he felt the mare's motions starting to slow down.

Emerald hoisted Fleur up as his grip on her tightened. His hands were on her ass while she had hers on his back for support; the pair looked into each other's eyes as they had a loving gaze. The mare then felt her back being pressed against the shower wall as he pushed back inside her again. Emerald's cock was working itself on going in and out, endlessly pleasuring every inch of the mare's walls, wanting to reshape the inside so that only his cock would fit in. Fleur wrapped her legs back around the guard, holding her as he kissed her deeply. His hips began to move faster as they reached the crescendo of their latest symphony. The mare's moans echoed into his mouth as she could feel Emerald fucking her into the wall. She broke their kiss as she was panting heavily and looked at the stallion.

"I can't hold on! I... can feel it..."

"Let it all out! Let my cock make you cum, Fleur!"

As if on cue, it happened. The overwhelming love session caused the mare to go numb as her body locked up. Emerald pushed himself as he let Fleur ride out the wave of pleasure before gripping her and hammering into her harder than before. The inner alpha came out as he went wild. His surge of cum fired from his cock and into her awaiting depths, hilting the mare inside and filling her to the max. The mare felt every drop of the stallion's hot seed as she took it all with a pleasure-filled smile; Emerald emptied himself into the mare as he hugged her even tighter, not wanting to pull out till he was sure he deposited every drop into her bank. Bits of his cum leaked out from the mare as it dripped down her thighs before dropping down and being washed away by the shower spray.

"Thank you," said Fleur softly as she passionately kissed Emerald one more time, and the guard returned the gesture as he moaned into the mouth of the model.

After they showered, Fleur gave Emerald a card with the location of the modeling shoot that she often did. She told the guard she would help him destress from tough days if he decided to stop by. With a simple nod, the guard left as he had to return before his comrades noticed he was missing. The private somehow managed to return to his quarters without anybody seeing him; Emerald was relieved as he flopped onto his bed and looked for peace. However, a knock on his door signaled the end of that.

"Sorry to bother you, Em. But, this is for you," said Onyx as he presented his buddy with a scroll.

The private took the scroll, unfurled it, and began to read it. As he read, his eyes widened, especially when he saw that the letter was signed with the Princess' insignia.

And that led to where we are now. Emerald was nervously pacing in front of the throne room doors. The guard was worried as he was about to meet with the Princess of Equestria. She had heard about his actions regarding the attempted robbery and wanted to speak with him. The Princess' aid led the stallion through the doors as he was welcomed to the throne room.

Emerald had heard tales from the Princess' personal bodyguards about how elegant and beautiful the throne room was, but seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't find the words to describe it fully. He walked behind the mare on a red carpet that led to a stairway, and at the top sat none other than Princess Celestia. The ruler of Equestria and the literal goddess of the sun. The alicorn sat comfortably on her throne with her legs crossed as she wore her royal golden regalia.

The guard and the mare stood before the stairs at the bottom while they kept their heads down. However, Emerald did have an upward glance at the Princess, as he'd only seen her a few times upon his service, and one of them was his orientation. And right now, if he was being honest, the Princess was every ounce of beautiful she was. He had plenty of buddies who had fantasies about bedding the mare; he could see where they were coming from, her features, her looks, her assets, especially her behind, as he could tell it was plump despite sitting down. But right now, his life was on trial, and he might as well just die on the spot.

"Private, please bow before the Princess. Princess Celestia!" said the mare as Emerald immediately did what he was told.

"Thank you for the formalities, Ms. Inkwell. You may leave," said the alicorn as she dismissed her advisor.

Emerald kept his head down as he didn't dare lift it; less he wanted to disrespect the ruler. Silence followed as it added more to the pressure the guard was feeling. Soon, Celestia stood up from her throne and looked at the royal guard who had been brought before her.

"You may rise," said the Princess as Emerald did that but kept his head down. "What is your name?"

"Private Emerald," said the guard.

"Look at me."

The guard lifted his head as he stared at the alicorn. As Emerald gulped, she spread her wings to make her even more intimidating.

"How long have you been in service, Private Emerald?"

"Three years," said the guard. "I joined after cadet school."

"Mmm," Celestia transitioned her arms into a thinking pose as she tilted her head to rest on her right hand with her eyes closed. A few moments passed before the white alicorn spoke. "Tell me, are you currently the bodyguard for my student?"

"Uh, y-yes," said Emerald nervously as he seemed to stutter. He knew Twilight hadn't told her teacher about their "activities," but he feared she might know what they were doing.

"Tell me, Private? Do you know why I called you here?" asked Celestia.

"N-No," stated the stallion.

"Really? I think it's rather clear why," said the alicorn as she began to walk down the stairs.

With each step that Celestia took, Emerald's heart thudded. His heartbeat was in sync with Celestia's footsteps; the closer she got to him, the more it beat. It was like the final sound one would hear before the cold hand of death claimed its victim. Celestia soon stopped as she reached the bottom of the stairs and stood before the guard. Now, up close to him, Emerald could see that the alicorn towered over him as he was intimidated by her size.

"Let me tell you why you're here," said the Princess sternly.

This was it. Emerald's fate had finally come.

"Last night, there was a reported break-in. And you were found at the scene of the crime. Is that correct?" asked Celestia.

"Y-Yes, your Majesty."

"Tell me, what were you doing at that time?" asked the alicorn.

"W-Well... I merely went for a nighttime stroll. I was passing by when I noticed three figures lurking about the estate. I saw them sneak into the house, and I knew that they were a threat. I knew I couldn't do anything."

"And why?"

"Because... of my mother. When I was younger, there was a break-in at my own home. My father did his best to protect us, but when he was pinned down, my mother tried to help, and well..."

Emerald could feel tears start to form as he found himself crying. The stallion hadn't told the story of his mother in a long time, as it was still fresh in his mind as the day it happened.

"I'm so sorry," said Celestia, as she could tell it was a sensitive subject for the guard.

"Forgive me for getting emotional in your presence, Princess," said Emerald as he got rid of the waterworks. "Anyways, I didn't want anybody to get hurt or worse. That's why I did what I did."

"Your father, was he also a guard?" asked Celestia.

"Yes. Major Axiom."

"Ah, I think I recall seeing him a few times. And how is he?"

"Well, he's... resting," said Emerald, as that was all Celestia needed to know who gave the guard a more grieving expression. "At least my father got to see me graduate and be a part of the Royal Guard before passing."

"Mmm. Private Emerald, you have my deepest condolences for your family. Now, if I may ask you, what is your reasoning for being a part of the Royal Guard?"

"Well, my father, first and foremost. He's like my role model; I want to do my part and protect the place I call home," said Emerald.

"I can tell you mean it," said Celestia as she scanned the guard before her. "And based on how dedicated you are to your job, as evidenced by my student's letter, you have a good heart, Private Emerald. Well, for such a good deed, you deserve a reward or a recognition."

"P-Princess?" said the unicorn as he looked at the alicorn with a look.

"Step forward and kneel," said Celestia as Emerald did what was instructed. "For your years of service and valor of last night's actions, Private Emerald, you are now granted the title of Captain."

"C-C-Captain?" stuttered the stallion as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Rise," said Celestia as the guard did that and looked at the alicorn.

One of her bodyguards approached him and placed a medal on his armor. The shiny object glistened as Emerald looked at it; he almost wanted to cry again as he couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

"As such, you will be moved from the barracks to your own personal quarter. As well as you have new responsibilities. Do you accept?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, Princess!" said Emerald as he saluted his ruler.

Celestia nodded as the guard turned and marched out of the room, as he kept a dignified look. Once he was past the throne room doors, and they closed behind him, he let his true emotions out. The stallion fell to his knees as he bawled his fists and looked upwards. Tears formed and fell down the sides of his face as he continued to look up at the sky.

"Thank you... thank you," cried Emerald.

After all this time, the stallion finally got what he wanted. He finally received his dues, and now... here he was, being promoted to a rank higher than his buddy Onyx, and the Princess of Equestria also recognized his worth. For the royal guard, he was also glad to have made his family proud. They may not be present to celebrate with their son, but he could feel them smiling down on him.

"Dude, no way!" said Onyx as he saw his buddy and the medal he had.

"I can't believe it either, man," said Emerald.

"Hey, congrats!" said Onyx as he pulled his friend in for a bro hug as they held it. "If anybody deserves it, it's you, man."

"I appreciate that, bud. But I also have you to thank," said Emerald as they broke their hug. "You've had my back since day one. You told me to trust the process, even when I felt like I was getting nowhere. And to your credit, your plan kinda worked. I got the Princess to recognize me, and now... I got my promotion. Thanks."

"Don't mention it, bud. We're bros. We're family. If your mom and dad were here, no doubt they'd be proud of you." said Onyx, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I know," nodded Emerald.

"So, how's the babysitter gig gonna factor into your new promotion?" asked Onyx.

"Well, I'll be doing that less than usual. The Princess has already informed her student that I won't be with her like normal. I'll still be assigned to her every other day." Emerald said.

"Alright, then. But hey, we gotta celebrate. Tomorrow night, I'll round up the gang, and we can go for some drinks!" suggested Onyx.

"It's on me!" smiled Emerald.

"It better," stated Onyx as the two friends laughed. "Good job, bro. I'm glad you finally got your dues."

"Couldn't have done it without you. You're a true friend," said Emerald.

"Well, I got to go. But tomorrow night. It's party time!" said Onyx as he left his friend.

Emerald watched his buddy leave until he was out of sight before pulling something out. It was a locket as he opened it, and inside was a picture. The picture was of the guard's parents as he nearly cried a storm looking at them.

"Hope I made you proud, Mom and Dad," said the stallion as he kissed the photo of his late folks.

Emerald was heading to check out the new place that Celestia had moved him into when he passed by a set of doors. Just then, a hand reached out to grab him as the guard was pulled in. Upon entry, it was darkness until a light filled the entire room. Blinking his eyes, Emerald now saw who had dragged him in, as it was none other than the pupil of Princess Celestia.

Twilight stood there with her arms crossed as she didn't seem to be happy. Emerald could tell something was on the mare's mind as he feared being in a small area as she stood before the door. Silence filled the room for a few moments as neither said anything, or rather, Twilight was waiting for the guard to speak.


"You couldn't tell me yourself?!!!" shouted Twilight.

"Keep it down!" said Emerald, as he didn't want any nearby servants to hear them from inside the cleaning supplies closet.

"I cast a soundproof spell. So nobody can hear us!" said Twilight sternly.

"Oh, that's good. I mean, oh no!" said Emerald as he realized the closet was now a torture chamber.

"Oh, you'd best believe it's trouble! Because I had to find out from Princess Celestia that you didn't show up this morning because she summoned you. And then... I'm told you're being assigned to me every other day!!!" yelled Twilight, not worried about anyone coming in.

"If you'll just..."

"I can't believe this!" said Twilight as she temporarily turned around and huffed. "I was a fool to trust you."

"Can I just..."

"I should tell Princess Celestia what..."

"Can I say something?!" said Emerald as he covered Twilight's mouth and pinned the mare to the wall.

Twilight looked at the guard who pinned her as she looked into his eyes. She merely gave a nod as Emerald removed his hand from her mouth; he sighed as he took a seat on a nearby box that was sturdy enough as he looked at the mare who crossed her arms.

"Okay. First off, I'm sorry. Alright, but I didn't know that the Princess was going to summon me. It just... happened." said Emerald. "And the reason she summoned me is because... of something that I did last night."

"What?" asked Twilight.

"Last night, I was out, and I saw some robbers trying to break in and steal stuff from someone's house. So I went after them. I found they tied up the mare of the house and got her to safety before taking them out." said Emerald. "The Princess was informed about my actions and rewarded me with a promotion. I'm no longer a Private. I'm now a Captain."

"Mmm," said Twilight after hearing Emerald's story.

"Figured you'd at least congrate me," chuckled Emerald nervously as he could see the mare wasn't interested. "Well, anyways, now my new job means I won't be around you as often."

"Yeah, so it seems!" said Twilight.

"Look, I'm sorry if I didn't tell you. Believe me, if I knew beforehand, you'd be the first one I'd tell."

"What about your parents? Shouldn't you tell them?" stated the mare.

"My parents... are gone," said Emerald as he felt a heavy weight on his shoulders.

"I'm... sorry," said Twilight as she softened her expression, finding out about Emerald's family.

"Don't be. I've learned not to grieve too much. My dad got to see me graduate and join the Royal Guard. I only wish he lived to see me get this promotion. But I know... he's smiling down on me. Along with my mother."

Twilight popped a small smile, hearing that as she was happy that her bodyguard got the recognition he deserved. However, a part of herself was a tad bit jealous that he wouldn't be near her as often as he was in the past. But why?

"Well, congrats. I... glad the Princess recognized you," said Twilight as she looked to exit.

"Hold on! There's something I should say," said Emerald as he stopped Twilight from opening the door.

The unicorn mare looked at the guard as he took a deep breath. Emerald knew he shouldn't say what he was about to say, but he felt obligated that Twilight should at least know.

"Um, well. After I rescued the mare of the household, I... ended up spending the night with her. Now, understand, I did my best to say no. I thought about you and how you would react, but I... couldn't do it." said Emerald as he looked at Twilight before flinching away, expecting the mare to start blasting him.

However, nothing happened. Emerald looked as Twilight stood there with her arms crossed, and her expression remained unchanged.

"Um, Twi?"

"Yes," said the mare.

"I told you what happened."

"You did."

"Aren't you... upset?"


"Well, you know, the fact that I slept with another mare other than you."

"We're not in a relationship, right?" said Twilight. "We're not; what's the correct term, "dating," hmm? Our relationship is strictly business. You're an associate to me. So why would I be upset that you slept with someone other than me?"

"Um, well, you see... gees, this isn't the reaction I was hoping for," said Emerald, as he couldn't argue with Twilight's point that their relationship was more business than a personal one. "So, you're good?"

"Let me be clear," said Twilight as she approached the guard and backed him into the wall. "Just because I said I'm not bothered with you sleeping with other mares doesn't mean you can go off and do it with every single one that crosses your view. Unless you're ready to have several children running about!"

"I'm not that kind of stallion," assured Emerald to the Princess' prized pupil.

"Good, and second..."

Twilight then brought her hand onto Emerald's crotch as the stallion felt it and tensed up. He felt the mare's fingers dig into his chaps as he could feel her trying to get his cock to be erect, which was working due to her magical touch. A small smile crept onto Twilight's face as she could see the results of her work on display. She soon crept her hand into Emerald's pants and stroked his member to get it nice and hard.

"Know that at the end of the day, this cock belongs to one mare. And that regardless of how many times you use it to please other mares, it's a priority to please me whenever I say. Understood!" said Twilight as she flexed her authority.

"Y-Yeah, I... get it," said Emerald as he struggled to get his words out due to how good Twilight was stroking his member as it begged to release.

"Excellent," said the mare as she removed her hand from his pants and pulled out Emerald's cock.

The guard let out a heavy breath he was holding as he panted. The tension and torture that Twilight did got his buddy erect and now craved release. Emerald looked ahead as he was welcomed to a beloved sight; Twilight had bent over and pulled down her panties as she lifted her skirt with her magic. The closet room was barely big enough for two ponies; now, with an erection, there was even less room as Emerald's cock was literally inches away from Twilight's sacred space.

"Since you missed this morning, you have to make it up to me," said Twilight; before Emerald could respond, she backed up and took his cock inside her. The final barrier between stallion and mare had just been breached as Twilight sank herself onto Emerald's huge, hard erection. Inch by inch, the mare felt the guard's cock sliding right up her hot, dripping twat.

It pulsed inside her with a comforting heat that left the brainiac at a loss for words... and the way it throbbed. She couldn’t be expected to put all this down in any way that made sense. The light pressure from the cock grazing her insides already felt like pure bliss... but when the blood pumping inside his wretchedly plump stallion muscle made it swell up just that tiny bit more, every single sensitive inch of her insides suddenly felt like it was being squashed all at once, taking that existing sweet sensation and... ramping it up until she felt so good she might cry.

I've missed this.

I've missed how she feels.

Both ponies relished the feel of each other as they'd forgotten how good it felt to have their parts connected as one. The feeling of Twilight's pussy made Emerald nearly forget his pleasure-filled night with Fleur, as the mare's pussy had that effect on his physique and his cock.

"Emerald... Fuck me."


"Fuck me. Fuck me until you cum! As many times as it takes to drain your balls in me! Do it! Fill my vagina up with your seed!" said Twilight, letting the lust take control.

And with that, Twilight's dam burst. Emerald cocked one leg like an animal as he perched on top of Twilight's ass, sliding in and out of her moist cunt. He held on for dear life, going for slow, rhythmic thrusts at first... and then speeding up into hard, deep, full-length thrusts, a deep and powerful pound-pound-pound of wet flesh slapping together that echoed around the cramped closet.
"Guhhhh! Mmm! Fuck! Oh, how I've missed this feeling!!!" screamed Twilight.

The stallion mounted Twilight as he fucked her hard and deep, whines of very pleasured anguish slurred from her lips. The moans of screaming delight and sounds of pleasure motivated the guard to mark the mare as his own. Twilight's eyes rolled to the back of her head, his leg draped over her, his balls hammering out a counterpoint to the smack-smack-smack of his cock, churning her insides to mush. She hung her head, a low groan of "Mmmmppphhhhh!" escaping the luscious mare as she squeezed her eyes completely shut.

The session caused Emerald to do something as he reached for some of Twilight's mane, which the mare felt as she smiled.

"Pull my hair! Pull my hair!" screamed Twilight, wanting more.

The guard did what he was told and pulled Twilight back so that she faced him and allowed both to stare deeply into the other's eyes. The hot slaps of their rhythmic rough sex reached a new point as they echoed around the room despite it being soundproof. The two ponies were in it as anybody who would pass by and open the door would be welcomed to a sight. The pair were like a pair of sex fiends, glued together at their hips and mouths. Their tongues swapped spit with each other while exploring the other's mouth as if to look for any hidden treasures. All the while, Emerald kept pumping Twilight's pretty pink pussy as his balls slapped against her bubble butt.

They had gone from innocent individuals to lust-filled demons. The only thing they cared about was sex. Emerald felt his balls starting to churn as he knew what that meant; Twilight also felt it as she felt her inners tighten around his shaft.

"Do it! Let me have it!" said the mare. "I need it!!!!!"

The smell of sex had twisted both minds as that was the only thing on their minds. And they intended to see it through. Twilight arched her back against Emerald's as she shifted her position on the floor to allow more of his cock to go in deeper inside. Emerald removed his mouth from Twilight's to take a moment to look at his work. His cock was so deep inside her, stirring her insides to the max, her lavender hair haloing her lovely features, the bookish vixen's expression twisted in a mask of ecstasy. The work was a beautiful piece of art he was holding as he looked to make it even more beautiful.

"Harder! Give it to me... harder!" Twilight slurred. Her hips rolled, fucking right back against him, her body writhing in place.

The smack of each thrust got louder. The thud of their hips meeting, his balls swinging against her ass. Twilight's mindset turned primal as her only instinct was to be bred and claimed by this stud of a stallion. Emerald's pheromones unlocked his inner animal as he picked up his speed. The rapid thrusts turned even faster and harder as Twilight smiled, knowing her sexual nirvana was but moments away. Twilight's smooth and tight pussy mixed with her lovely voice was like angels singing to him on his way to the great beyond.

"Dad, if you could see me now," mumbled Emerald as he imagined his father grinning from above at how his son managed to snag a mare like Twilight that he could have his way with whenever he wanted.

The final moments of their intense session occurred. Twilight felt Emerald's balls getting to release as she lolled her head due to how his cock speared her to her very core. The sounds from both reached an all-time high as the final note of this symphony rang out. Emerald hilted his cock inside Twilight's snug pussy as he poured everything into it. Emerald's cock exploded inside of Twilight, her sweet coos only spurring him on. Her moans of bliss echoed Emerald's grunts as they created a harmonious sound. The thick wave of cum surged inside the mare; hot, warm, filling, and not to mention the taste of it.

The guard deposited every inch of his seed inside of the mare as he felt her milking him to ensure that he did. Emerald instinctively wrapped his arms around Twilight's midsection, fanning his fingers out around her belly, and seized her in a death grip, hanging off her ass as he filled her to the brim. Rope after rope of cum was shot into the studious unicorn mare as she relished the feeling of it, as her she took all she could, with bits of it leaking out of her hole. Emerald fulfilled his duty as a male, and he felt proud to know he accomplished his mission. Twilight's tongue lolled from between her lips as she struggled to regain her mind. She was nothing but a drippy, mindless mess.

"Twilight," whispered Emerald as he turned the mare's head to look at him before pulling her in for a deep and passionate kiss, which she returned.

The pair broke apart as they kept looking at each other.

"I guess... I can cross off... sex in an enclosed space off the list," said the mare before kissing the newly promoted guard.

"Listen, I, uh, a few of my friends and I are gonna celebrate my promotion tomorrow night. And I want to say thank you to you as well. You know, for helping to put a word with the Princess as she recognized what a good job I've been doing as your bodyguard. So, thank you. And if you want, maybe you could join us tomorrow?" asked Emerald as he stared into Twilight's eyes, stroking her cheek and holding her tighter.

"I'll... think about it," spoke the mare softly.

"Okay," responded Emerald before leaning in for another passionate kiss, which Twilight relished.

The pair remained inside the enclosed space for quite a while as they looked to recover from their intense session. No pony came by and opened the closet cause if they did, they would have another mess to clean up.