Mirror Existence

by Kentavritsa

First published

She builds, or renders a Cottage for herself and her companion: Twilight Sparkle. The cottage appears to be normal, at the first glance; but inside, it is much larger since the space is folded to make it possible. She finds a Floo in the basement,

She builds a cottage, as an addition to her tiny village.

The space is folded, to give more space; aside from acclimatizing her and her friend to the world she is about to explore.

Twilight follows her to the other side of the Floo.

It is late autumn on the other side, just a few weeks before the school year begins. Leaving just enough time to prepare for the new school year and buy all the needed supplies.

But of course, this trip goes Diagonally. (the Diagon Alley)

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Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???
Comments: Appreciated
Puns: Intended

Ps: I may change the tags as the story develops, just as I may have to adjust the description and summary.

Up the Stairs: 1

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I had just rendered myself a small cottage, in the same style as the once my Ponies are living in.

Outwardly, it looks just like a regular cottage. I stick to the appearance, in order for the building to fit in with the surroundings. Well, why not? Why bother making a new style, when I really don't have to?

Only once inside, the space is folded and compressed in a clever manner; permitting for many more and much larger rooms, than would have appeared possible.

The cloaking room appears to be normal, as I am alone as I am entering the house. The floor had been laid with ceramic tiles, polished to a beautiful glossy sheen. The walls had been laid with dark oak wood panels. Just as the ceiling had been coated with a thin layer of mate black silicone to hold the pin-prick LED light star skape in place.

Obviously, there is a shoe-rack, jacket hangers and hat-rack covering the wall opposing the door into the house. On the middle of the wall, I can see the door to the living room. Only, the door is lacking the handle and key hole one had been expecting. In the place of the handle; I can see a hexagonal plaque, controlling the door; just as I have an identical plaque controlling the door out.

I extend my right arm, pressing the palm of my hand onto the plaque; feeling the inherent warmth of the black silicone coating the control mechanism, opening the door. As I am spreading my fingers wide, the door eagerly slide up quietly before me; in order to grant me entrance into my home, only sliding shut behind me just as I had cleared the threshold.

As I enter the living room, I notice that the floor had been laid with a light oak-wood parquet; otherwise, the room itself is identical to the cloaking room I had just left behind me.

I have a flight of stairs to the right and left, leading up to the second floor where my bed room is located. I had opted to use the bed room behind the first door, leaving the second room on this side to Twilight.

I enter my bed room, just as I had entered the living room; stepping into the room, barely even registering how the door slid shut behind me. I have the door to the toilet on my right, mirroring the room in which Twilight had chosen. Though I guess I could as well refer to my room as the Girl's room, on the account I am a girl from birth. I have both the toilet and shower behind this door, but for now I forgo examining the facilities on the account of knowing what is behind the door. I had after all designed the building myself

On my right, the plaque is red, metallic bloody red; on my left it is blue, electric metallic blue.

I extend my right arm, pressing the palm of my hand onto the red plaque; spreading my fingers wide, stepping into the bed room of my choice.

The rooms themselves are identical; but the room behind the red plaque is for my female form, while the room behind the blue plaque is for my male form. While I am genuinely a girl; I could choose to use either room, exiting the room as a girl, or a boy all depending on which room I had entered.

This may be a bit confusing, at first; but the magic employed, is what makes this feature work.

This is the cottage I had opted for us to inhabit. On second thought, there are a few details I do not recognize. Apparently, this is not purely a pony design at heart. How or why, I do not know. Should I? Why? I am simply looking forwards to experience the surprises and explore what is in store for me.

Of course, I am not exploring this alone; Twilight will be experiencing this, right along with me. Whatever may happen, we will be enjoying it together for all it is worth.

In my bed room, I have my bed leaning against the wall opposing the door through which I had entered; with the night stand by the side of the pillow. I have the twin doors to the wardrobe on the foot side of the bed, leaving just enough room, for me to comfortably make the bed.

The room itself, is sporting the same features as the other rooms: the same floor, the same walls, and the same ceiling.

The wardrobe closest to the door is holding my clothes, while the second or inner wardrobe is holding the bed linen. At first, I just see a set of regular clothes, such as I usually wear. Yes, I do have a set of nighttime clothes as well; black cotton panties and tops. All very tight and comfortable to sleep in. (If I may say so, myself)

I like my clothes made in cotton. It is what I am used to, from years of experience.

My bed, just as my bed stand is a deep, dark pink cherry wood. Just the way I like it. I had chosen a glossy black silicone for the sheet my bed is made with, just the same black as my night wear; my panties and my top.

I have a crystal-clear silicone pillow, squishy and soft to lay my head to rest on. Like the pillow, the quilt is a matching crystal-clear. Three inches thick and cooling me as I lie to rest for the night. The pillow has Twilight's mark, just as the upper border of the quilt.

Wearing nothing but my black panties and top, I fold up the corner of the quilt up against the wall; before I sit down onto my bed, sliding my feet in under the quilt and fold the corner back down over myself.

I feel the weight of the quilt holding me in place, while keeping me cool. I lay my head onto the pillow and close my eyes.

As I wake up, it is the following morning; I fold the quilt up against the wall, before I slide my feet out from under the quilt and sit up on my bed.

“Thud thud!” is heard, as my feet hit the floor as I push myself off of my bed and stand up on my own two feet.

“A new day..” I mumble to myself, as I am walking towards my wardrobe where I intend to swap into my daytime ensemble.

The sun is up, the day is already warming me up. Standing before the wardrobe, I quietly open the doors in excitement of what is to come. I slide my panties down, kicking them into the wardrobe; before I am pulling my top up over my head, only to leave it on top of my panties.

Had I looked down, I would have noted how Ponyo already had changed her clothes. I am wearing the white underwear; based on the accessories designed for her.

With my nighttime underwear off and in a pile, I extract my white daytime panties and step into them, pulling them all the way up. Finally, affording them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.


As I had dressed up for the day, I slide the doors to the wardrobe shut and turn around; walking over to the door, lifting my right arm and extend the palm of my hand towards the plaque. I feel the gentle warmth under the palm of my hand, like a loving embrace as I am spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door; stepping out of the room, only for the door to slide shut behind me as I had cleared the threshold.

Just as I had stepped out of my room, I can make out hints of commotion coming from outside my room. Slowly, in a measured gait; I walk across the floor to the door to the balcony overlooking the living room. Carefully, I open the door and step out; stopped momentarily, by the railing preventing me from falling down to the floor some seven feet below.

Seven or even eight or night feet isn't all that much; but it could make a very uncomfortable fall, particularly if you are not prepared for the fall in the first place. Which you most likely are not, when you step out of your bed room.

The wooden railing reaches up to my chest; just under where my breasts are, small as they may be. For a preteen, I guess I am just about the right size. I am perfectly fine with my size, nothing I pay any particular mind to, in the first place. Why? What's the point?

There is a light pitter-patter of feet following me as I move towards the flight of stairs, walking down to the ground floor. Even if there may be a hint of squeaking noises to my steps in the clothes I am wearing. Well, I guess I enjoy these little noises. Why not?

It is kind of part of me, so why should I be bothered? I rather like it.

Halfway down the stairs, I turn my head towards the living room, where I find Rarity and Pinkie Pie siting, partaking in a discussion.

“A very nice Cottage!” Rarity points out, as if she wanted me to pick it up, as a snippet in a discussion.

“Yes!” Pinkie agrees.

“Hello, Pinkie and Rarity!” I exclaim, as I turn towards the living room just after I had cleared the flight of stairs.

“Good morning!” Rarity exclaims, and Pinkie soon echoes her greeting with her usual exuberant excitement.

“Good morning..” I respond, and nice to see the two of you!” I then add.

“Nice to see you too!” Rarity responds, and Pinkie nods vigorously as she is echoing the statement.

“Twilight is waiting for you, downstairs!” Rarity puts forth.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am turning towards the flight of stairs down.

I hum a tune to the noises of my steps, as I continue down the flight of stairs. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I find a fairly long hall before me. While there is another flight of stairs leading further down, I choose the hall towards where I am expecting to see Twilight Sparkle waiting for me.

Exactly how long is this hall, and just how large is this cottage?” I ponder, as I walk by the doors lining the hall.

Just as I reach the door; I see it sliding up, before me. Twilight is indeed sitting by the sofa on the right of the room. She has a large pile of unsorted muffins on the table before her. The muffins lie on a plate, just waiting to be enjoyed. Trust Pinkie to fix our breakfast, and with a pile of delicious Muffins.

A black Cat named Penelope is laying under the table, lazily resting. After a moment, she is moving towards the large fireplace opposing the sofa. Curiously, the fireplace is a full eight feet tall and eight feet wide. A fairly large fire is roaring comfortably in the middle of the fireplace.

Penelope is lying by the fire, with a nod as if to say something. She lie down, waiting for us to finish our breakfast.

“Our cat, Penelope..” Twilight explains, seems she wants to tell us something?” she then continues.

I continue, enjoying the muffins Pinkie had prepared for us.

“Yes, I guess she wants us to follow?” I respond, in an uncertain questioning tone.

As the last muffin had been consumed, we walk over to the fire. After a minute of hesitation, the fire turns green. We step into the fire. “The leaky Cauldron” is heard, just a moment before we are stepping out of the fireplace on the other side.

<---- --- --->

The Floo(f): 2

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I had just stepped through the floo, with Twilight by my side.

To the surprise of everyone who saw it; not only did we walk out side by side, Penelope is stepping out between the two of us, as if it had been nothing.

“Curious...” I supply.

”So, there is a Pub, on the other side of the fireplace?” Twilight responds, looking at her surroundings with eager eyes.

“So it would appear!” Penelope responds, with a snicker to her voice.

“What..” a girl close by exclaims; “the cat spoke?” she then inquires.

“Don't be silly..” her sister points out; “not even an Animagus can speak, in her animal form!” she explains; “Professor Minerva McGonagall explained this, last year!” she concludes.

“But, but..” the younger girl sputters; “I swear, the Cat spoke!” she persists.

“Wait, she did?” Penelope inserts.

“Obviously..” the older girl responds, before she realizes who asked.

“Were ARE my Manners..” Penelope exclaims; “My name is Penelope, but I usually go by Neko; Japanese, for Cat” she then elaborates.

“Nice to meet you, Penelope..” Astoria Greengrass responds; “I am Astoria Greengrass!” she continues.

“I am Julie Trotter..” I present myself; “..and it is very nice to meet you, as well!” I continue.

“I am Daphne Greengrass..” she supplies; “Astoria is my younger sister!” Daphne continues; “I'm taking my younger sister to Diagon Alley, to help her acquiring supplies for her upcoming studies at Hogwarts school for Wizardry and Witchcraft!” she concludes.

“While it is an expression commonly applied in polite conversation, but it is nice to meet these two girls!” Penelope ponders, snickering to herself.

“Such a fortuitous event, for us to stumble into you here, at this point in time!” Penelope suggests.

“Indeed!” Daphne exclaims; “A shopping trip is so much more enjoyable, aside from safer in the company!” she puts forth.

“I take it; you have been here before, Daphne?” I inquire.

“Yes, I have!” she confirms; “I go here once a year to buy my supplies for school!” she explains.

“Assuming you had your breakfast, before you arrived; I guess we could go directly to shopping, I think we need a new wardrobe!” I probe.

“Yes, we did..” Astoria confirms; “and I guess going to Madam Malkins is as good a place, as any!” she then continues.

“Shopping for clothes may not be my favourite pastime, but I still need all the clothes I am expected to wear, while I partake in the education!” Twilight puts forth; “And even if I could acquire these clothes elsewhere, it is also an integral part of the experience I am looking forwards to!” she then explains.

“Yes, I guess it is!” Astoria ponders.

While we were talking, we had been walking out of the way; moving over to the back of the pub, ending up facing the wall hiding the entry to the Diagon Alley. “..three across..” Daphne explains, as she moves her wand, tapping the brick.

“How neat!!” I exclaim; Flashy, yet elegant!” I then continue.

“This is the Wizarding way to do things!” Astoria puts forth.

“Yes, I guess it is..” I respond; “If it had been me, setting this up; I would have used a very different method, and you would barely have noticed it in the first place!” I elaborate.

“Oh, yeah; I noticed, back home as I moved in!” Twilight acknowledges.

I notice how Twilight is distracted, as she is focusing on the magic playing out before our very eyes.

“How would you have set it up, Julie?” Astoria inquires.

“I just place the palm of my hand on the surface beside the wall, the door slides out of the way as I spread my fingers..” I suggest; “I guess I could show you, some day; if you were to visit me, back home!” I offer, indirectly inviting them over to Twilight Town without actually stating so.

“Just one floo away, I guess?” Astoria inquires.

“Yes, as convenient as taking the bus..” Twilight suggests; “anyone can take the bus, right?” she suggests.

“Yes, any Witch or Wizard could take the Knight Bus; even in the middle of the day, or when fleeing from danger!” she continues.

“It can be a bit discomforting, but at least anyone can..” Daphne supplies; “it is safe and convenient; even if some find it less than comforting!” she suggests.

“This looks like a narrow backstreet with the cobblestones and all!” Twilight mumbles, as she finally notices where we are going.

“We have none of these, back home in Twilight Town!” I put forth.

“Twilight town?” Astoria exclaims; “Where is that? “ she inquires; “I have never heard of it!” she elaborates.

“Sorry, it can not be found on any map..” Twilight points out; “the community is too new, I guess!” she explains.

“It's but a floo away!” I point out; “Just say; Twilight Town. And you go to the town hall of Twilight Town!” I exclaim.

“Some of us likes to be ahead of the curve; blazing the trends, so we have both a Town Hall and Floo!” Twilight supplies.

“Yeah, at least you do have those!” Astoria acknowledges.

“Oh, and here we are..” Penelope proclaims; “Madam Malkins; Robes for all Occasions!” she elaborates.

Astoria opens the door, and we spill into the room. All four of us, and Penelope the Cat. The door chime goes off, thus informs Madam Malkin of our arrival. I am sure, she is enjoying a few out of season visits like ours. She had to sit around, watching the store, for next to no return; just in case someone needs a robe or some other clothes.

“Greetings, Children; welcome to Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions!” she exclaims.

“Aw, a Cat!” Malkin exclaims, as Penelope makes her review in her store.

“Yes, but of course!” Penelope responds; “Greetings, Madam Malkin!” she then continues.

“I heard, you were permitted a Familiar at Hogwarts; so I brought my cat: Penelope with me!” I point out, snickering.

“Yes, Cats are on the list of permitted Familiars at Hogwarts!” she confirms.

“That is very convenient..” I put forth; “because I would hate to leave her behind, for several months at a time!” I explain.

“I understand!” Malkin responds; “so, who goes first?” she then continues.

“Astoria..” I offer, pushing Daphne's little sister to the front of the line.

“Thank you, Julie!” she responds, as she is accepting the place at the front of the line.

As we watch, Malkin starts measuring Astoria; before she moves over and select the black fabric for the first robe, intended for her to wear. Once she has assembled the pieces of fabric into a single garment, she fastens the individual parts into a united suit; before she fuses the fabric into a wearable robe for Astoria, finally copying it into the full selection of robes.

While Malkin is working, her first and second assistants quietly move into the room; “Next girl..” the first and second assistant announce; “Here!” I respond; “Here!” Twilight responds; whereupon we step over to the respective assistant.

The process is identical, so I do not exactly miss out on anything. I just get to experience to be the target of the attention; which is an experience all on its own, I'd might add.

Astoria's order is finished, as Malkin select each additional garment to fill out the order. Of course; which Twilight and I will have our own set, soon enough.

Once Astoria's order is packaged; Daphne produces the coins to pay for the ensembles and claim the package for Astoria.

Twilight and I pay for our respective order, before accepting the packages respectively.

<---- --- --->

Luggage at Truckle's Trunks: 3

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“Where do we go from here?” Astoria inquires.

“I would prefer to go to the Bookstore!” Twilight supplies.

“We do need to acquire all the course literature..” Daphne agrees; "but it is not the first store we need to see at this point!” she continues.

“How about to secure the luggage space before we purchase anything more?” I inquire.

“You would enjoy having a book bag, in which to store all your books, Twilight!” Daphne confirms.

“Oh, yes; I believe I would enjoy having one of these, in order to carry all the books I intend to buy, comfortably!” Twilight concedes.

“If you don't know Twilight, like I do; she intends to buy the entire store, at least one copy of each book they have in store!” I explain.

“Oh, oh; ooh!” Astoria and Daphne respond.

“Books hold all your knowledge safe!!” Twilight points out; “and I desire to have all the knowledge, safe!” she then concludes.

“Makes sense, I guess!” Astoria agrees.

“And, we're here!” Daphne exclaims; “Truckles Trunks!” she explains.

There is a merry jingle from the door, as we step into the store; alerting Mr. Truckles to our arrival, leading him to approach us a moment later.

Mr. Truckle calmly approaches us with a winning smile; “I am Mr. Truckle!” he is presenting himself.

“Greetings!” I respond; “We need three book bags for attendance at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” I conclude.

“Yes, but of course!” he responds; “Right this way, and I will be showing you what I have to offer!” he now explains, before he is leading us further into the shop.

Along the way, Twilight reads the labels on the trunks, as he is leading us towards the expected trunks.

“Wait..” I exclaim, "you have an entire apartment in a single trunk?” I inquire, as Twilight reads “Deluxe apartment”.

“Oh, yes..” he responds; “these are the deluxe apartment trunks!” he responds; “Expensive, but very much worth every Gallion; if you are in need of the space, while traveling!” he now explains.

“How large is it?” Twilight exclaims, in excitement.

“The Regular undetectable enchantment permits forty by forty feet of internal space..” he explains; “these trunks does come with an array of useful charms to support all the desired conveniences!” he then points out, listing the included charms applied to the specific trunk.

“Could you include an extended Library, Potions/Alchemy lab and a Greenhouse in a trunk of this style?” Twilight now inquires

“I could..” he admits; "if it is what you need!” he continues.

“Could you use Oak wood, or Cherry wood to decorate the Trunk; internally as well as internally?” she then continues, inquiring.

“Yes, I could decorate your trunk with either of these options; as well as any other type of wood available, supported by the Impervious charm!” she clarifies.

“Do I get a Cloaking room, a Sitting room, Bed room, Kitchen and such conveniences in my Deluxe apartment?” I inquire. (Knowing I have the funds to purchase the trunk I am looking for.)

And here I thought you were looking for the Standard Hogwarts trunks!” Mr. Truckles ponders.

“Wait..” I ponder; “Can you fit a second Floo into a Deluxe trunk?” I inquire.

”I could!” he responds; “but why would anyone want it?” he then inquires.

“An internal Floo between our trunks, and one connected to the greater network!” Twilight suggests.

“Oh, that would make a bit more sense!” he responds, chuckling.

“Though I feel as if you're pushing the boundaries beyond what I could justly call a Deluxe Apartment trunk here!” he points out.

“I care more about the Product, than the Label!” Twilight points out, snickering merrily.

“You could make a new label, and put this in the catalogue if you like!” I suggest.

”Yes, I guess I could...” Mr Truckles muses.

Astoria and Daphne Greengrass stand mouth agape, just listening to the ideas being presented before them.

“Are they serious?” Astoria mouths, as she is following the conversation as if from afar.

“I do not know..” mumbles Daphne, in response; “but I guess I would love to see the trunks, if they end up purchasing them!” she continues.

“I take two Oak, two Cherry..” Twilight finally proclaims; “and one each, for our friends Daphne and Astoria Greengrass!” she then concludes.

“Excellent, excellent..” Mr. Truckles exclaims; “What wood would you young Ladies prefer?” he then inquires out of Daphne and Astoria.

“Could you have black Ebony for facade?” Astoria inquires.

“I could, and it would look great!” he confirms.

“Could we get the same Pink Cherry or Oak for the interior of the trunks?” Daphne inquires.

“Yes, you could!” he confirms.

“Would you use matching facades for the book bags?” I inquire.

”Certainly!” he confirms.

“Great!” I exclaim.

We follow him, as he walks over to the book bags, selecting the once matching our requirements.

“Here, these should serve you well!” he explains; “However, it will take me a few hours to create your trunks..” he points out; “could you come back, to fetch them; after you concluded your shopping?” he suggests.

I sign for the purchases and leave him with a deposit on the undelivered trunks.

“Thank you, for your purchase..” he exclaim; “and welcome back!” he then adds.

“Thank you, Truckle!” I respond; “We will see you, by the end of our shopping!” I conclude.

With that, we walk out of the shop, book bags in hand.

“Next stop; Madam Malkin's Robes for all occasions!” Daphne puts forth.

“Oh, yes; we do want to dress like proper Witches!” I respond.

“It isn't, as if the books will be going anywhere!” Astoria points out.

“Besides, you can Owl order any books at any time!” Daphne explains.

“Owl order?” Twilight snickers.

“Order by Owl is the most common and convenient way to get things here!” Astoria explains.

“If only I had an Owl; I could ask to serve me, for this!” Twilight ponders; “But I guess we could make due, Phoenix ordering!” she suggests.

“You have a Phoenix?” Daphne inquires, most incredulously.

<---- --- --->

Madam Malkin's Robes for ALL Occasions: 4

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“I guess we are a bit early in the season..” Daphne suggests; “because this should have been much busier than it is right now!” she concludes.

“Everyone buys their robes for Hogwarts in the last minute?” I inquire.

“Well, maybe not the last minute; but a week or two, before we have to be at the King's Cross Station!” Astoria supplies.

“I always prefer to be well prepared, getting out to get everything before the rush!” I put forth.

“Thus we are here, right now..” Astoria suggests; “rather than at the suggested time, a week or two before departure!” she concludes.

“I am also curious, about the new school!” I prompt; “And she is a bit of a bibliophile, or Book Horse as the joke goes!” I supply.

“A studious nature goes well with lofty goals and grand ambitions!” Daphne points out, with a hint of a proud giggle to her voice.

“I love my Books!” Twilight points out; “Books don't betray you or stab you in the back..” she proclaims; “but Books can hold your secrets, quietly; just as they hold the secrets to your success, in a comfortable format!” she then concludes.

“Back stabbing is something we have to learn to deal with in the Slytherin House!” Daphne concedes.

“Just that Father expects us to reside in Slytherin!” Astoria continues.

“From what I have read; Raven Claw is the best house, for students!” Twilight pushes forth.

“Not to say that any of the other houses are bad, or by any means inferior!” I point out; "They just cater to different personalities!” I continue.

“Different Families subscribe to different houses, based on traditional ambitions and personal beliefs!” Astoria puts forth.

“I hail from the Most Ancient house of Sparkles!” Twilight proclaims; “I can trace my lineage back to the Paradise Estate, in excess of 6000 years back!” Twilight announces, snickering.

“Whoa!!” Astoria exclaims; “We hail from the house of Greengrass!” Daphne offers; “We can trace our linage on the family tapestry back at our mansion!” she then continues.

“A family tapestry..” I echo; “how very convenient!” I conclude.

“It certainly is..”Astoria agrees; “and we are proud of our heritage!” Daphne proclaims.

“..and, we're here..” Astoria points out, as she is opening the door to Madam Malkins store.

The chimes goes off, notifying the shops proprietor of our arrival. We step right in, into the store

I am looking around, curious; just as the Witch steps up to us, looking at us as we are approaching.

“Welcome to my shop: “Madam Malkins Robes for All occasions!” she greets us.

“Greetings, Madam Malkin!” Twilight exclaims; “Hello!” we chorus a mere moment later.

“You need Hogwarts Robes?” Malkin inquires.

“Yes..” I respond “Yes..” Twilight fills in; “Yes, please!” Astoria concludes.

“I think my robes should be fine for at least one more year!” Daphne concedes.

“Ah, yes; your robe seems to fit you just fine, Daphne!” Malkin agrees.

Astoria steps up to the Witch, expectantly. Of course, I had ushered her forwards, ever so gently. I could wait, but someone had to step up to be the first to be measured. Astoria just so happened to be the first in line. Almost as if her name had selected her to go first.

A set of measuring tapes flew out from their hiding-place just out of sight; approaching Astoria, taking her every measure. A quill takes note, before the Witch starts to prepare the first robe for Astoria.

Of course Twilight pushed me up to take the next spot; only for the measuring tapes to fly up towards me, taking each measurement required in order to Malkin to complete my Hogwarts wardrobe.

Very little was said, during the measuring; creation of our robes as we were outfitted with our very own wardrobe to prepare us for the stay at Hogwarts, for our studies.

Not that I was about to complain, though.

Since Daphne already has her wardrobe completed, Twilight came next. With that, we were done.

We all pay for our respective wardrobe, as Malkin had selected each garment for us in turn.

Naturally, we had selected the finest deluxe wardrobe. She had known neither Daphne nor Astoria could have accepted anything less. Coming in their company, neither Twilight nor I could accept anything less, either.

Besides; I know Rarity would have massacred us over it. “You have to dress in style!” she points out; “You can't wear anything less than the very best!” she always points out.

This was the finest available, so it is what we chose to have. With all the clothes neatly stacked away and shrunken, we're ready to step out of the shop.

The door makes it merry chime as we step out, and her shop is once more empty and quiet.

Just as the door is closing behind us, a pair of Owls appear before us, approaching us.

“Mail?'” Astoria inquires.

“Seems like it!” Daphne responds.

Daphne retrieves some Owl treats, while Astoria is accepting their two letters from Hogwarts.

“Curious..” I respond; “Owl mail?” Twilight exclaims, as the other Owl is approaching her.

She eagerly accept the letters, while Daphne offer the second Owl some owl treats too.

“Okay, it's official!” Astoria exclaims; “We're accepted to Hogwarts!” she then elaborates.

Maybe this should have been expected, but still. With our letters in hand, it is confirmed that we had been accepted to partake in the education at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

“Typical, Owloviscious is still in Ponyville!” Twilight mutters under her breath.

“He would have been quite useful, right about now; wouldn't he?” I suggest, whereupon Twilight nods in affirmative.

Finally dressed as a proper Witch, we can continue our shopping. Of course, Witches and Wizards are no longer staring at us, as if we did not belong; now, as we finally wear proper Witch robes.

“Next stop, the bookstore!!” Twilight exclaims.

“Yes, I guess we could as well go to the bookstore now!” Daphne responds; “Flourish and Blots!” Astoria supplies.

<---- --- --->

Flourish and Blots Bookstore

Flourish and Blots Bookstore: 5

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“Here we are, Flourish and Blots..” Astoria points out; “The bookstore, where we pick up the course literature for Hogwarts!” Daphne concludes.

I eagerly open the door, as I step in; followed by Twilight, Astoria and Daphne.

“Just remember, you can Owl order any book you like from their Catalogue!” Astoria points out.

I pick up four catalogues, one for each of us to browse at our leisure.

“Right this way; they have the course literature in boxes, for each year!” Daphne explains; as she is picking up her box, followed by Astoria picking up her box for the first year.

“Oh, how convenient!” Twilight exclaims, as she is picking up the full set in a single go.

“Yeah, I guess it is!” I respond, as I follow her example; “While there may be the off chance of them changing the literature down the line!” I put forth.

“Yes, but I want to read through the entire set; before we get onto the train, just to get the full picture of what is before me!” she points out.

“I guess; that makes sense..” Astoria concedes; “at least, for a Book Horse?” she then ponders.

“If they take Owl orders, would they accept Phoenix orders by chance?” I inquire; “We could acquire an Owl parliament, for this purpose; but I would prefer to go by Phoenix, if possible!” I put forth.

“They probably would, as unexpected and uncommon as it may be!” Daphne puts forth.

“Wait, you have a Phoenix?” Astoria inquires.

“Well, why not? I inquire; “I know Princess Celestia has one!” I then add.

“Spike had one, he saved from Dragons!” Twilight points out.

“Spike?” Daphne inquires; “Who?” Astoria continues.

“Spike, is my Nr. One assistant in the Golden Oak library in Ponyville!” Twilight explains.

“I also have an Owl, as my night assistant at the library!” Twilight then elaborates.

“Since you already have an Owl; you would have experience, handling Owls?”Daphne inquires.

“I assume Owls are Owls, everywhere!” Twilight puts forth.

“Most likely!” Astoria agrees.

“This is where the coarse literature is waiting for us!” I put forth, as I pick up a box for first class.

“Yes!”Astoria confirms, as she is picking up her own box.

Daphne goes over to the pile for her class.

“Of course..” Astoria suggests, as she sees Twilight picking a box from each pile of books.

“I want to read through the entire set!” Twilight explains; “Each class in turn, that is!” she concludes.

“That is the Book Horse way!” Penelope snickers.

“I guess it is!” Astoria concedes.

“Trust me, that is how Twilight does it!” I supply.


Before we knew it; Twilight had picked up one box for each year, all seven boxes.

“Books, books; lovely books; books, books..” Twilight chants; “so many books; all for me, to enjoy!” she concludes.

“Where are the old editions?” I inquire, facing the nearest girl tending the shop.

“Over there..” she offers; “but, why would you want any of the old books, when you have the new books up front?” she inquires.

“You never know!” Astoria puts forth.

“I want to have the old editions, to compare with the new books!” I suggest, informing the girl.

“Wait, what?” Astoria inquires.

“Missing descriptions, exempt sections; everything that was cut from the later editions!” I elaborate.


While I am explaining, why I and Twilight want the older editions; Twilight is walking up to the section, where the older books stand around and wait for someone to want them. With me talking, up front; none is paying attention, to what she is doing in the back of the store, where the old editions are.

Twilight is out of sight, and out of mind; almost as if she had cast the: Notice me Not charm, on herself. Only when she is utilizing the spell, it is much stronger than one would have been expecting.

Hay Cart’s method, or the spell to enter the book; in order to gain a clearer image, of what the book says. Twilight clearly goes over each and every book, before she is making up her mind; selecting the once she is interested in, leaving the rest of the books where she had originally found them.

Only; she is leaving large gaps in the pile of books, deep gashes in the selection.

Once she had selected her books, she returns to where we are waiting for her.

“You found a few books, to your liking?” the girl inquires.

“Yes, a few..” Twilight responds; “just some light reading; for when I get home, tonight!” she elaborates.

That is quite a few books, she selected!” the girl ponders.

I follow Twilight to the counter, Astoria and Daphne in tow; ready to pay, for our respective purchases.

“Guess I can as well pay for my books first, while Twilight is on her way!” Astoria suggests, as she is turning towards the counter.

As Astoria is walking over to the counter, with her book box in hand; Daphne soon follows her, just a few steps behind.

Naturally; I could not just stand here, permitting my new friends to wait for me. I walk after them; knowing Twilight will be back, soon enough. Just that Twilight loves her books; having problems, leaving any desired books behind.

Well, how could I blame her?” I ponder; “When I know how she feels about books and why!” I conclude.

I watch Astoria pay for her books, before Daphne pays for hers. The next moment; I pay for my own books, only waiting for Twilight.

Twilight lines up her books; almost as if she had never done anything else, in her entire life.

I can only guess; this is the experience shining through, aside from how she is prioritizing things.

I notice, how Twilight is stacking her books away; just as fast and efficiently, as she had been as she lined the books up at the front of the counter.

Is she stocking up for a Library?” the girl ponders; “Or, is she opening an entirely new Library?” she considers, giggling.

Either way, she gotta love her books, all the same!” the girl concludes, as she sees us walking out of the store.

<--- --- --->

<Ps: Personal Libraries is a thing, here; I hope!>