Spike And The Ninja Turtles

by Dragonfan101

First published

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

Spike had been captured by a alien group called the Kraang for some time now, he was taken away after he just wanted to have some time to reflect. He was taken away from Equestria and brought to another dimension, he was in captivity for some time, but he then meets two strange creatures called" Human's" and are thrown into his cell, he meets a girl called April who has caught they're interest as well.

After some time waiting they are rescued by a group of 4 mutant turtles, after they fail to rescue April's father, Spike is now freed but without anywhere to go, so the turtles take Spike in and is trained by Master Splinter to stop the Kraang and return home.

New Cover art is thanks to Dragonknife 5, he helped make this and all credit goes to him.

1: The Rescue

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Spike sat down alone in a cell, he was in a dark cramped space sealed off with no current way out. Spike was crying by himself as he was alone without Twilight, or anyone else.
"Why did this happen to me? I'm only a small dragon... why did my life have to go so wrong?" Spike asked as he reflects on what happened.

Spike just wanted to have a little time to relax to himself, he had been doing dozens of chores around the castle for sometime, Twilight had only recently become a princess at this point. She was often busy studying with her projects and Spike had to keep things cleaned up. But when Spike thought he wanted a little time to himself, he didn't expect to stumble upon an Alien group hidden within the forest hiding from the others, Spike just so happened to be caught in one of the drones sights and was tazered and knocked unconscious. He was dragged into another place through a portal by some strange robots. He was taken into captivate by these creatures called the Kraang.

Spike had never felt more alone and scared then he ever had in his life, he was named a subject by these creatures, he was apparently going to be experimented on by them at some point to try to be a mutant warrior for them. Spike was thrown into a cell in a strange hall filled with tech far acceding anything Equestria has ever done. Spike had been alone in this cell for about a week as far as he could tell, there wasn't any window to tell the sun's place in the sky, Spike only used his claw marks to count as far as he could.

Spike continued to cry heavily, he was alone, without Twilight, the main 6, Celestia, or anyone. Spike knew they must be extremely worried for him, he could be gone for longer then he thinks he has, he wonders how Twilight is feeling that her number one assistant and friend is missing as well as his other friends. Will he ever see them again? Will he even be able to survive his captivity? And just what are these aliens.

Spike continued to cry heavily, he didn't know how long it would be until he would be experimented on, and he each second he's spent there, is his fear of it could being his last attempt of having free will.

His thinking is interrupted when he hears the cell door open and he hears voices.
"No back off! I have rights!" A female voice says as it's followed by the sound of grunting, Spike looks back to find a strange creature that has light brown hair, a yellow shirt and black jeans, she's followed by a tall man with slightly bald hair and a business looking suit.
"Let go of us!" The man yells." Silence Humans." The robot says as it throws them into the cell and closes it and the girl bangs on the door.
"Let us go! We have lawyers!" She shouted." You and the other subject shall be taken for experimentation shorty." The robot said as he walked of leaving them confused." Other subject?" She asked as she sounded concerned, the man then noticed Spike and gasped at his sight.

"W.. what are you?!" The man asked scarred as the girl noticed him and Spike got more scarred as he backed into a corner crying in fear.
"Just leave me alone!! I'm terrified enough as it is!" Spike said scarred and they looked more surprised that he can talk.
"You can talk?" The man asked.
"I'm surprised you can as well..." Spike said still scared and sad, they both saw how upset he was and decided to try to make better talk.

"I think we should at least try to get to know eachother better? Are you willing to at least try that?" The girl asked, Spike looked up at her and nodded slightly and she smiled.
"Thank you, my name is April O Neil, this is my father Kirby, nice to meet you." April introduced and she held out her hand, Spike hesitantly reached his own out and took it." S.. Spike.. nice to meet you too.. i guess.:" Spike told her and she smiled at that." Spike, that's a nice name for someone like you." April told him and Spike smiled lightly." Thank you." Spike said gratefully, Kirby then walked up to him,

"May i ask, what creature are you? Your look is familiar." Kirby asked and Spike sighed." I'm a dragon, i was taken from my home by these monsters." Spike explained and they looked shocked." Wait.. your a dragon? Like a real dragon?!" April asked in shock." Uh yes?" Spike said, Kirby went up to him and looked at his body." This.. this is something else.. a real live dragon in front of us! And here we thought they were just for fairy tail stories." Kirby said amazed.

"Well, we're real, not in this world, but in mine, we definitely are. So why don't we move on to another subject? How did you guys get here?" Spike asked and they looked at eachother sadly.
"We were captured by those strange guys when we went out for a walk, they all tried to capture us, but before we were, they were halted by 4 large turtle creatures with masks on them, they tried to save us but they only delayed our capture." April explained and Spike looked surprised.
"You were captured too huh? and 4 large turtle creatures?" Spike asked.

"I know it sounds crazy, but since we're in the situation we are, it's hard not to believe it." Kirby told him and Spike sighed." How long have you been here?" April asked and Spike looked down.
"I think i've been here a week, i was taken away from my home and taken to this world, i don't even know where i am." Spike explained and they looked sad from that.
"You poor guy.." April said sadly, Kirby then spoke" Well if your at least want to know where we are, we're in a prison of some sorts hidden within our home city New York." Kirby explained.
"New York? I don't think that's any name within Equestria's map, so i really must be in a different world.." Spike said sadly, April then put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay Spike, we'll find a way out of here somehow." April told him." How? I've been in this thing for a week, i've tried every way i can but haven't found anything.." Spike said as they looked around.
"Maybe those turtle creatures will find us somehow?" Kirby suggested.
"Maybe, they were trying to help, so they may come looking for us." April said.

"They may be good guys if they tried to save you, so let's just hold out hope." Spike told them and they agreed to that and they decided to at least wait to see what happens.

Outside the halls a group of Kraang robots were currently walking through the halls for secure check, two more robots disguised as man walked up but they noticed a piece of metal fall down before them, they looked up and saw two of the turtles one in a red mask, and the other in a blue one. They jumped down and delivered a huge flurry rush of punches to the both of them and they both fell down, two other turtles with an orange mask and purple mask come down and the blue one holds out two swords.

"Wow, i've never seen anything like this! They're using a metal alloy i don't recognize!" The purple one said amazed at the tech.
"Gosh! A metal alloy that you don't even know about! It boggles the mind!" The red one said sarcastically and the purple one scoffed.
"Dude, you wanna talk metallurgy with me? bring it." He told him." I don't and.." The red was interrupted by the blue one.
"Donnie, Ralph, what part of being in an enemy lair do you not understand?" The blue one asked frustrated as he continued to move.

They continued to walk through the halls quietly trying not to be spotted, up ahead was another group of the robots standing guard and the turtles looked serious.
"Whoa. Alien robots." Donnie said shocked.
"Alien robots huh? Hmm where have i heard that before? Oh yeah! I've been saying it for hours!!" The orange one shouted and the robots noticed them.
"Mikey!" The blue said annoyed as they started firing at them, the turtles charged at the robots with anger.

Ralph and the blue one sliced through some while Mikey kicked one to the wall. Mikey engaged with one with his nun chucks twirling them around as he fought it, Donnie used a wooden stick to attack it aggressively, he flipped over it and grabbed it by the stick and threw it farther down, Ralph stabbed another one with his weapons with anger, he then grabbed another one and threw it to the ground and was stabbing it as well. They heard more gunfire and they saw Leo ran on a wall and sliced one down by the head and deflected the other ones gun shots stunning it, Leo jumped into the air and gave it one clean cut slicing it in half.

They looked down at the defeated robot and they looked shocked when a brain alien shot it's arms out and climbed out and it screeched at them and they screamed in fear, Mikey then wacked the thing on the head knocking it out.
"See? See? It's a brain thing!" Mikey said holding it out." I told you, i told you! But did any of you believe me? No!" Mikey said annoyed." Cause you all just think i'm some kind of bonehead!" Mikey said mad at them, the alien then opened it's eyes and bit Mikey by the arm." Ow!" Mikey shouted as he tried shaking it off and he grabbed it and threw it into a button.. which turned on the places alarm system.

All the kraang robots looked in the direction of where they were and started heading down, Mikey then looked at them with white pupils." Mikey!" They all shouted annoyed and he saw they just looked disappointed." Okay, but i was still right about the brain thing! You gotta give me that!" Mikey defended himself, they saw the shadows of more robots heading down the halls.
"Let's move." Leo ordered." Move where?" Ralph asked." I think those are power conduits" Donnie said pointing at some lines at the ceiling." Oh that's really interesting thanks for sharing Donnie!" Ralph said sarcastic.
"Meathead, the conduits are all converging that way, which means whatever is going on in that direction is important!" Donnie told him annoyed as he walked off, Leo looked at Ralph and gestured his swords in the direction with a smile and Ralph groaned.
" You got spanked!" Mikey said pointing at him and he slid off screen before Ralph grabbed him by the finger crushing it" Ow ow! Mercy!" Mikey begged as Ralph let go and walked off Mikey sucked on his finger." Not cool!" Mikey said as they ran off.

Spike, April and Kirby could hear the alarm going of making them concerned.
"What's going on?" Spike asked worried.
"I think they have intruders." Kirby suggested.
"Think it could be those turtle creatures?" Spike asked.
"Maybe let's hope they get here quick." April told him and Spike agreed to that.

The turtles were running through the halls and passed by the cell, Donnie quickly backed up and he looked inside and saw the three inside.
"We found them.. and is that a dragon?!" Donnie asked shocked.
"What?! No way!" Raph said pushing him out of the way and he looked inside and saw Spike and looked surprised.
"Are you.. a real dragon?!" Ralph asked amazed as the others came to see it as well.
"No way!" Mikey said amazed.
"Who are you?" Leo asked

"Uh.. yeah.. i know this is shocking, but can you get us out of here first?" Spike asked.
"Right, let me try the panel." Donnie said as he looked at it, it was extremely advanced, Donnie heard gunfire and he saw more robots coming down the halls.
"Don't worry, i'll get you guys out of there shortly!" Donnie told them.
"Okay, Giant turtle thing." April said a little creeped out still.

" I'm.. i'm Donatello" Donnie said nervously.
"April." She replied and Donnie blushed.
"Wow, that's a pretty." He was interrupted when Leo smashed his face by the door.
"The Lock Donnie" Leo reminded.
"You can introduce eachother later, just get us out of here first please?" Spike asked." Oh right yeah, sorry." Donnie said as he looked down and took out the panel and started working with the wiring.

Mikey jumped at the robots screaming as he knocked a group down with his nun chucks, Donnie tried to put them together carefully." I don't mean to rush you but can you hurry up?" April asked." Hey, you think it's easy to pick a lock with these hands?" Donnie asked showing he has three fingers." Uh sorry." April apologized
"Why don't you just smash that thing?!" Spike asked as he saw Donnie struggling with it.
"I like the sound of that!" Raph said with a smile as he pushed Donnie away and stabbed the thing with his weapon multiple times while the others were fighting off the robots

The door behind them opened and they saw more robots from before, Spike backed up to the wall not wanting to be caught," no let us go!" April said as they were grabbed and being dragged off." April!" Spike shouted as he saw another robot coming up to him, he was about to grab him, but the door opened and Leo was able to slice that robot down just in time.

"You alright?" Leo asked helping him up." I'm fine thanks, but we have someone else to save!" Spike said as they heard April scream and they had gunfire blasted from behind them." Raph, keep him close to you, everyone else after them!" Leo ordered and Ralph nodded and kept Spike close." Stay close to me kid." Ralph told him and Spike nodded as they ran out the building.

They went out the doors and looked back." Get the door!" Leo told them as Raph tried to close it, a robot tried to stop them but Spike breathed green fire at it and it was knocked back and the door cut off the robots arm which Raph used to keep it closed." You really are a dragon!" Raph said amazed." Holy cow you really are!!" Mikey said amazed." Guys can we focus please?" Spike asked and they all remembered and regained focus.

"No! Let me go!" April shouted as they saw April and Kirby being held by the back and walked on a higher ledge.
"April! Kirby!" Spike shouted worried for them.
"Let's get em!" Leo shouted as they all ran on ahead, Spike looked around the landscape and saw this definitely was NOT Equestria, there were huge building structures larger then Twilight's own castle, it looked like something out of a comic book.

They kept on running until they were stopped by a gross looking grass creature with vines and fly eaters for hands and a heart beating in the middle, Spike looked absolutely terrified by this thing, it was something he never thought he'd see in his life." What.. the.. ****" Spike thought to himself horrified.

"Uh oh.." Mikey said as they saw it rise up against them, the monster screeched at them" You did this to me! now your going to pay!" It told them with anger." You know that guy?!" Spike asked them." Yeah.. i think that's Snake." Leo said as they backed up." He mutated into a Giant Weed" Leo said as Snake screeched at them again.
"That's weird, you'd think he'd get mutated into a snake." Mikey told Spike and Ralph." Yeah you would, if you were an idiot!" Ralph insulted. "Let's hope that doesn't happen to one of us in the future." Spike told them and they agreed to that

"But his name is Snake." Mikey argued." So?" Ralph asked." is this really important right now?" Spike asked annoyed and Mike scoffed." You two don't understand science." Mikey told them." Tell that to Twilight." Spike thought annoyed. The monster broke it's bottom half into a bunch of legs and roared." I'll crush you turtles and Lizard!" Snake threatened." Again with people calling my kind lizards." Spike said annoyed.

"Uh.. would it help if we said it was an accident?" Donnie asked, Snake screeched at them and held out his fly trap hands at them." So, heh, i'll put you down as a no?" Donnie asked." You think?!" Spike asked him.

Snake whipped his vines at them and they all shouted as they jumped over it, Leo screamed as he jumped at it and sliced off it's arm, Snake screamed as a purple liquid was coming out of it." Ew, ew! Don't let it touch me!" Mikey said trying to avoid it, a single drop landed on him." Ah! It touched me!" Mikey said pointing at it, Snake regrew its arm and he looked at them menacingly.

"It grew back?" Donnie asked." No fair!" Donnie told him, they looked up and saw a vehicle called a Helicopter start to activate and April looked back at Donnie and Spike." Donnie go!" Leo ordered, Donnie put his stick on his back and he ran to Leo who gave him a huge leap into the air and he landed on the roof." Awesome.." Spike said amazed at that, Donnie looked up and saw the Helicopter was about to take off.

The turtles were trying to fight Snake off the best they could, Spike tried dodging each whip that was thrown as he could not fight at all, Ralph grabbed an arm and pulled it to him, Ralph jumped in the air and smashed it on it's head, Ralph tried to run ahead but Snake used his fly trap and grabbed Raph by it's tounge and threw Ralph back at the others who caught him.

"Snakeweed is really powerful!" Mikey told them." Snakeweed?" Ralph and Spike asked at once." Yeah. his name was Snake, and now he's a huge weed, so.." Mike explained." Alright we get it thank you!" Spike told him." I'm liking that kid more and more, already seems smarter then you!" Raph said and Leo stepped up.

"We just have to hold it off until Donnie gets back." Leo said, they heard a loud bang behind them and saw more Kraang droids were walking out." Great, alien guys are back, just perfect!" Spike said annoyed." While not being shot at by alien robots." Leo told them." With brains!" Mikey added." Let it go man." Raph told him." Seriously not the best time dude." Spike agreed.

They were surrounded by the robots and Snakeweed as Spike stayed close to the turtles , Donnie climbed up on the top and saw it was taking off. Donnie ran to the stick and jumped into the air and grabbed the bottom bar, he was trying to climb up but the Helicopter kept moving. Spike and the others were trying to defend themselves the best they could, Leo and Mikey sliced through more while Spike stayed close to Raph as he was in front of Snakeweed. Leo and Mike got out of the way and the robots started firing at Snakeweed who he whipped down with one of his arms.

" What's the plan again chief?" Raph asked." I'm working on it." Leo replied, Spike kept looking at Snakeweed and tried to think of something. Leo was grabbed by the leg and screamed as he was brought close to him, Leo then noticed the wires." The power conduits." Leo told them.
"We really gonna start talking about that again?" Raph asked, Leo then looked at where they led to and Spike noticed it as well." That's it!" Spike said looking at it, Leo then gave them hand gestures and Mike and Raph understood it and ran up to Snakeweed.

Leo cut himself free and he and Spike ran to the source." You thinking what i'm thinking?" spike asked as they ran to it." I think so, be careful kid." Leo told him." The names Spike." Spike said as they ran to it.

Donnie was currently hanging onto the helicopter as it was flying around, another robot came out aiming at him.
"Oh good, for a second there i thought this was gonna be to easy!" Donnie said sarcastic. The robot started to fire at him and Donnie went under the gunfire and grabbed a shuriken by the foot and stabbed it in the face, Donnie grabbed it by the legs and threw it off the thing.
The robot tried firing at him still but the blasts hit the helicopter and it shook around roughly and April started to fall out, she grabbed the thing by the ledge scarred as she was trying to hold on.

"Hold on i'm coming!" Donnie said trying to calm her down, she couldn't keep her grip and screamed as she fell down, Donnie quickly jumped off and landed on the ground and was able to catch her just in time before she could, Donnie then jumped off the roof and more ledges and landed safely on the ground.

"You okay?" Donnie asked as she was breathing heavily." Dad.." April said as they saw the helicopter fly off with Kirby still on board..

Snakeweed was still attacking them as Raph and Mikey dodged over his vines, they looked behind them and saw more bots, they made taunting faces and sounds making fun of them, the robots fired at them and they quickly ran out of the way as they shot Snakeweed again, he kept backing up to the generator as Spike and Leo got on top.

"What are they doing? They're leading them straight towards that power generator!" Donnie said as Leo held out a shuriken, and he gave Spike one as well." That's incredibly stupid!... Or brilliant, or both!" Donnie said as he and April watched on.

Spike and Leo threw one at the back of his head and he turned around and saw them." hey come and get us stinkweed!" Leo taunted." We're you mutated into an ugly guy? Or were always ugly? Hard to tell!" Spike taunted and Leo laughed at that. He tried to attack them and Spike jumped out of the way while Leo jumped on top of it, he then taunted more Kraang droids as they started to fire at them, Leo jumped to where Spike was and they watched as they fired at the generator.

Snakeweed scrammed in pain as he was electrocuted by the power." Know how that feels.." Spike said as they watched him explode in a purple gas of smoke, his parts came flying all over the place and Leo grabbed Spike and they all headed they're way to escape.

The Kraang droids watched as they saw the parts fall down." We must recapture the subject for experimentation, find out where the one called the dragon is." A robot ordered and they all nodded at that, they then looked at the remains of the monster.
"Kraang, the ones in this place are not in this place where they were." A robot told another." The ones are called turtles and dragon Kraang." Another said. " They are dangerous to what we are doing in this place and other places." He said in a robotic voice. "Yes, i am knowledge of that." He replied.
"The turtles must be eliminated at all places, while the dragon must be recaptured." He said as the alien brain opened his eyes and grinned.

Snakeweeds body was currently seen on the ground not moving lifeless, ominous music was playing as we zoom down, his chest starts to turn green again as the heart beated a single time...

We cut to the city where they escaped as they all were outside a building, April and Spike were currently looking down as they were worried about what was happening.

"Are you gonna be all right?" Donnie asked April. " I guess, my aunt says i can stay here as long as i want, but i'll feel a lot better when i track down the creeps who took my dad and took Spike away from his home." April said determined.
"Won't the police help?" Leo asked. " You really think they would believe a story like this?" Spike asked raising an eye.
"He has a point, when you tell them your dad was kidnapped by an alien brains in robot bodies and made friends with a real dragon, i don't think they'd take that seriously." April told them.

"I hear that." Mikey responded.
"April we promise we will not rest until we find him." Donnie told her. " We won't?" Raph asked." No, we won't" Leo told him.

"Thank you, but it's not your fight." April said as Donnie came up to her." Yes it is" Donnie said and she smiled at that, April then looked at Spike.

"Could you guys do me a favor please?" April asked. " Anything, what is it?" Donnie asked." Could you take care of Spike for me, he's got nowhere to go, and i don't think my aunt will be to happy about there being a real life dragon in her home." April asked, they all looked at Spike who looked down sadly." Please, they took me from my home, i don't have any way back and have no way to talk with my friends.." Spike begged, they all felt really bad for him as they knew this must be really rough for him. Leo then came up to Spike.

"We'll take care of him, We'll explain everything to Splinter and hopefully he can understand it." Leo told her and she smiled at that." Thank you, please be safe you guys." She told them and they nodded, Leo grabbed Spike by his hand and he took spike to the roof, he and Donnie looked back at April one more time before they left and April smiled and went inside.

We cut to Leo and the others arriving back at their lair and Spike looked around amazed.
"wow.. so you live here?" Spike asked looking around." Yep, welcome to our lair Spike." Leo told him." We'll find a way to get you home Spike, count on it." Donnie told him.
"Ah your back. how did it go?" A voice asked and they all turned around and Spike saw a large rat man who looked old but experienced, he then noticed Spike.

"Who is this?" Splinter asked pointing at Spike, Spike asked for him to explain everything and they all agreed to let him do so. Spike proceeded to tell Splinter and the turtles what exactly happened to him, how he was captured by the Kraang and held in captivity and taken away from his home and family. They all felt awful listening to this story, Splinter especially as he knows what it's like to lose a loved one..

"I am sorry young child, truly, i cannot imagine what you must be feeling right now.." Splinter said with regret.
"Talk about harsh man." Mikey said sadly as they all looked down sadly.
"Thank you, all of you, i just don't know what to do now, i'm trapped in another world with no way back home, i don't even know how to properly handle myself in situations like those.." Spike said with a few tears in his eyes, Splinter then leaned down and placed his hands on Spike's shoulders.

"Do not worry young Spike, we will keep you safe here, i will help train you in the ways of the ninja to defend yourself, and my sons here will help alongside you, isn't that right?" Splinter asked.
"You got it sensei!" Mikey said with a salute." It's gonna be nice having another person around the place." Donnie told him." Just don't do anything stupid like Mike here alright?" Raph asked." We won't let them get you again, we promise." Leo told him, Spike smiled softly at all of that.
"Thank you guys, i really mean it." Spike said with a smile, Splinter smiled and he looked at Leo." Come with me Leonardo." Splinter said and Leo nodded as he and Splinter walked into another room.

They all looked down at Spike concerned." You gonna be okay buddy?" Mikey asked." Yeah, i'll be fine i think.." Spike said before they heard his stomach growl." I think i should have something to eat, i haven't eaten in a week.." Spike said holding it." I'll go get more pizza!" Mikey said as he ran off." Pizza?" Spike asked the others." Oh if you haven't tried it, it's great! Let's show you around buddy." Raph said as he and Donnie started walking around.

Leo was currently sitting in front of Splinter.
"I am impressed Leonardo, you proved to be an effective leader at the most difficult circumstances." Splinter said with a smile.
"Thank you sensei, it wasn't all me though, Spike had gotten around with the situation as well. But i think i figured out why you made me leader." Leo told him." Oh? Why is that?" Splinter asked.

" Because you sensed inside me a true warrior spirit that could forge us all into the heroes we are destined to become." Leo monologued.
No." Splinter responded. " No? Then why did you make me leader?" Leo asked.
" Because, you asked." Splinter said turning around.

" That's it? But you seemed so certain you were right." Leo asked him.
"As a leader, you will learn that there is no right and wrong, only choices." Splinter explained,
"So you could have chosen any of us? Even Mikey?" Leo asked and Splinter chuckled.
"Oh no, that would have been wrong." Splinter said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Everybody! come here! We made the news!" Mikey shouted, they all came up to a thing called a tv and watched the report.
"A report of.. get this.. ninjas in New York, and maybe a newly discovered creature ,don't believe me?" He asked as they all watched on with interest.
"As the residents reported a disturbance, the police recovered these." He said as they are shown a shuriken and a single piece of Spike's scale..
"Oh no..." Spike said scared, Mikey and Donnie looked at eachother excited
"For channel six news, this is Carlos Chang O Brien Gambe, saying hi ya!" Carlos said as the report ended.

"This is awesome! We're gonna be famous!" Mikey said excited.
"No! This is bad! We could attract unwanted enemy's here, and they find out what creature my scale belonged to, this could mean bad things!" Spike said worried.
"Spike is right, you must be more careful, the ninja's most powerful weapon is the shadows, being brought up into the light is a dangerous thing." Splinter told them upset.
"Relax sensei, it's one little news story, what's the worst that could happen?" Raph asked casually.
"You should never ask that Raph!" Spike told him upset.

We cut to Tokyo Japan where a figure was watching the news report.
"Ninja's in new york, and maybe a newly discovered creature, don't believe me?" Carlos voice asked as the figure and a few guards watched.
"as the residents reported a disturbance, the police recovered these!" Carlos said as they see Spike's scale and the shuriken again. the figure was rewinding the footage looking at the two objects.

The figure watched as he recognized the symbol and looked at the scale with interest." So my old enemy is in New York, and training his own army. And a new creature could have been discovered?" The figure asked
"At last i can finish what started so long ago." He said menacingly.

"Prepare my jet." He ordered and a guard ran off. the figure put on a tough looking helmet.
"I'm going to visit an old friend, and this creature could be of good use to me." He said as the man was revealed to be.. The Shredder.

2: Turtle Temper

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Spike had been handling himself the best he could in this new world, it had been at least a couple weeks since he was rescued by the turtles and taken in by them and Splinter, Spike had a room made for him from the extra space there was in the lair so he could have time to himself. Spike had been training with Splinter most of the time while the other turtles did they're thing, Spike never thought he was gonna have to learn to be a fighter, but given the situation he's in he has no choice.

Spike had only managed to start handling himself with hand to hand okay, he's been working on his reflexes and reactions in order to keep up with others. Whenever Spike was alone though, he felt depressed, he may have the turtles and Splinter and April for support, but he still feels sad. He's stuck in another world away from Equestria, he doesn't know if time flows the same here, the Kraang may have set up secret bases in Equestria like this world and he may not be able to help stop it.. Spike knew this was gonna be tough, he just hoped that he could push through it and find a way home at one point.

Spike and the Turtles were currently on a rooftop at night, he and the turtles were apparently doing a stake out to find out more information about the Kraang. Donnie and Leo were currently watching over the building next to them with a telescope, Spike was feeling bored as they had been there for a while. Mikey was poking Raph on the head laughing and Spike groaned." That's gonna have a consequence dude." Spike warned." Come on dude, he's practically as ah!" Mikey screamed as Raph grabbed his finger and twisted it." Spike tried warning you idiot." Raph said annoyed." I did try." Spike said shrugging it off.

"Guys, when ninja's are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent!" Leo quietly yelled." Sorry." Spike told him." Sorry Leo, i'll scream quieter." Mikey laughed before trying to poke Raph again, Raph had had it and grabbed Mike by the arm and threw him on the ground and held him by his arm." Say it." Raph threatened.

"Raph, be quiet!" Leo warned." Someone could hear us!" Spike told him. " Not till mikey says it!" Raph said holding him tight.
"Raphael is all wise and powerful." Mike said annoyed, he then started squeezing his head." And?" Raph asked.
" And he's better then me in every possible way!" Mike said in pain as Raph almost twisted his head and put him to the ground." And?" Raph asked again.
" And i'm a lowly worm beneath his feat who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him, because he's so amazing and i'm a dirt clod." Mikey said and Spike chuckled as Raph then licked his finger in his and held it over him." And?" Raph asked one more time." and in the history of the universe there's never been!" Mikey said afraid before Leo interrupted.

"Enough!" Leo said as Raph got off of him." Took it too far man." Spike told him and he shook his head. "We're wasting our time, the Kraang aren't gonna show up." Raph told them." Have a little patience will ya?" Leo asked before Donnie looked at him." Trust me guys, they're gonna break into that lab tonight, i have reliable intel." Donnie told them." Really?" Spike asked.

"Intel? You mean.. April told you." Raph said pointing at him." You mean your girlfriend?" Mike teased as Donnie had steam on his head," Ouch." Spike said laughing a little. " She's not my girlfriend Mikey! she's a girl who's a friend who's dad got kidnapped by the same aliens who kidnapped Spike from his home, and are gonna break into that lab and we're gonna stop em!" Donnie told them while Leo and Raph just smiled at eachother as they knew how this was.

"Or we'll sit out on a cold roof all night for no reason." Raph said before they heard a door open and saw a ugly looking guy come out." what the hecks going on up here?" He asked." Uh oh.." Spike said afraid. They all blinked twice not saying anything.
"What are you playing dress up?" He asked." No sir, we were just." Leo tried to explain before he noticed a broken antenna.
"Which one of you slimy green ham shanks busted my satellite dish?" He asked upset." Ham shanks?!" Raph asked mad." Ham shakes?" Spike asked the others who shrugged.

"I don't even know what that means." Donnie said rubbing his head." me neither but i don't like it!" Raph said mad trying to grab his weapons before Leo grabbed him." Let's go." Leo told him as they tried not to fight him." This guys those kind that will get into your skin Raph, trust me, i know those kind of people." Spike said as they tried to walk away.
"That's right you spineless cream puff, listen to your mommy and Cute lizard pet." He mocked and Raph growled in anger.
" Cute lizard pet?!" Spike asked offended as his kind hated being called all of those names." Hey watch it buddy!" Raph threatened holding out his weapons.

"Oh no, i didn't know you had salad tongs!" He insulted" Salad tongs?!" Raph asked really mad before trying to attack him but Leo tried holding him back." I'm not gonna take from some greasy miss head slob with a comb over!" Raph shouted." Seen a mirror lately circus freak?" He asked, while they were arguing more Kraang droids were just arriving and noticed them on the rooftop.

"Raph don't!" Leo warned." You really gonna let a jerk like him keep insulting you? He's doing this intentionally! Do not let him win Raph!" Spike said trying to calm him down. "You want a piece of me? When i'm done with you, a piece of you is gonna be all that's left!" Raph threatened before they dodged a laser gunfire, they looked to they're right and saw more Kraang droids." Kraang droids!" Leo said surprised." Holy Toledo!" The man said shocked. "Way to blow our position Raph!" Leo said sarcastic as they took out they're weapons while Spike got in a fighting stance Splinter taught him.

They started firing at them." Scram!" Leo shouted before they all jumped out of the way. While they were dodging the gunfire the man was watching on and decided to record it while they fought. Raph ran from side to side and knocked his weapon out of his hand and then slammed the robots face on his knee before throwing it over his shoulder. Leo jumped in the air and delivered a strong kick to its face, Mikey was dodging the gunfire and came up on another before whacking another robot on the face.

Donnie jumped in the air and delivered a strong whack to the face sending it back, Spike was dodging the gunfire and he used a skill he learned and sweeped a robots legs and grabbed it by the head and slammed it on the ground hard before using his strength and throwing them into the others.

"Keep going kung fu frogs! This is pure gold!" The man said as they saw he recorded it all." We're not frogs you idiot!" Raph said mad at him." It's not kung fu either, it's an ancient Japanese battle art!" Donnie told him." Guys he got us on video!" Leo told them and Raph growled in anger." Not for long he doesn't!: Raph said before he charged at him and jumped in the air before the guy slammed the door and he hit his head and slid down." I'm gonna make a fortune over this!" The man said laughing as Donnie looked off the building.

"Firetrucks on route 30 seconds!" Donnie warned." We need to get out of here!" Spike told them." Spike's right, let's get out of here." Leo ordered." Wait, we need to find that guy and break his phone, AND HIS FACE!" Raph shouted as they started running." You can smash it later when we 've figured something out, come on!" Spike shouted, Raph looked back at the door and growled in anger as he ran on after them.

We cut back to the lair as Spike and the turtles were sitting on they're knees in front of Splinter." Not only did Raphael alert the Kraang but you got caught.. on video!" Splinter said upset at them." sensei, he was the angriest nastiest guy you'd ever met!" Raph defended." Except for you." Mike joked and Raph slapped his head." ow!" Mike said in pain." You should have heard the insults this guy was throwing at us." Raph defended.
"It doesn't matter what he said to us, he got under your skin and we have to pay the price for it." Spike said ashamed.

"Spike's right, you had no choice but to jeopardize your mission because of silly insults!" Splinter said mad at Raph." Burn.." Mike joked and Raph growled." You are ninja's, you work in the shadow's in secret, this becomes difficult if your is proof of your existence in high definition! And imagine what the public will think when they've discovered an actual dragon is alive, imagine what they could do to Spike!" Splinter told them and Spike shuddered." I hate to imagine the thought." Spike said afraid and Leo tried calming him down.

"Look, we know where this guy lives, all we need to do is find him and shake him until the tape pops out." Raph told Splinter." There's no tape, video's use flash memory and..." Donnie tried explaining but stopped as they saw Raph growling annoyed." not the best time for explanations Don." Spike told him and he sighed.

"Anger is self destructive." Splinter explained." I always thought it was others destructive.." Raph replied." Raphael! stand up." Splinter ordered and he did afraid." Somebody's in trouble.." Mikey teased.

We cut to Spike and the others surrounding Raph holding plungers attached to arrows in the dojo." Evade the arrows." Splinter instructed." No problem." Raph replied, Splinter ordered everyone to start and they began.

They all started firing at him, but Raph was skilled enough to dodge each one and Splinter caught one." again, not this time Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo and Spike, insult Raphael." Splinter instructed." Wait.. insult him, and he can't fight back?" Donnie asked." Yes and no." Splinter responded and they all smiled at eachother." i'm feeling good about this plan." Donnie laughed.

They all began again surrounding him and each one threw they're insults." You move like a bloated buffalos!" Mike said before firing and Raph did the splits and they laughed." I do not!" Raph replied." And your always whining, poor me nobody understands me.." Leo said and they laughed more." And.. oh! You don't keep your back straight when we do omete kote gyaku, and your ugly!" Donnie said before firing at him.

" Just to let you know Raph, Mike ate your last pizza slices, but barfed them up saying it smelt like you!" Spike said and they laughed hard." WHAT?! MIKEY!!!" Raph said furious at him." Sorry not sorry." Mike said as they kept firing at him delivering more and more insults until they hit him all over his head and he fell down.

"Ah.. i wish this moment could last forever." Mikey said relieved." You know what?! forget this, this is stupid!" Raph said getting up." Ugh.. it didn't." Mikey said annoyed as Raph walked to Splinter with a bunch of arrows on his shell.
"Ninniku seishin is the ability to endure insults with patience and humility, you cannot be a true ninja until you master it." Splinter explained." Understood?" Splinter asked." Hai sensei." Raphael responded

"You must get that video back, using reason not force." Splinter instructed and Raph sighed.

We cut back to the rooftop where everyone was watching the guy on the phone talking with someone, he was on the phone still until Spike and the others landed on the ground surrounding him. "I'll call you back." He said before hanging up.
"lay one finger on me frogs, and i'm calling the cops." He warned.

"We're not.. gonna hurt you." Raph said trying not to rage while the others looked nervous." Then what do you want freak?" He asked.' We got on the wrong foot last night, some things were said, and well, we would just like that video back." Raph explained and Leo and Mikey smiled nervously while Spike shook his head and Donnie looked at him as they both knew something would go wrong.

"What are you gonna give me for it?" He asked with a smug." Give you for it?" Raph asked." Well i've got you over a barrel so you've got to make it worth my while." He said and Spike growled silently as he knew this guy was not a good person in the slightest.

"I'll make you worth while, I WONT TAKE YOUR HEAD AND SMASH IT AGAINST A.." Raph said before Leo stopped him." okay okay, thank you Raphael I will take over." Leo told him." So what are you looking for?" Leo asked." Hmm a cool mil will cover it." A cool mil of what?" Leo asked.

"A million dollars." He explained." We don't have a million dollars.." Leo told him." We do have some Canadian quarters that fell through the grate." Mikey offered.
"I can make serious money off this thing, and if you don't wanna pay i'll hold onto it until someone else does!" He warned.

Spike then got an idea. " You could attract unwanted attention from those guys we fought or people far worse that could show no mercy, and they would not pay you in the way you want, are you really gonna risk someone like those guys coming after you and risking death?" Spike asked and the guy flinched as he knew Spike had a point but ignored it, as they were talking Kraang droids got into a van and drove to them." Guys the Kraang!" Leo shouted as they all saw headlights coming to them.

They charged at them and got out of the way as they backed up and turned around." Let's not let this one get away." Leo told him, Raph looked at a garbage can and picked it up and threw it at the van and the thing ran into another wall." Well, that was easy." Raph said with a smile, they then came out the back and there were more droids with weapons and they started firing at them." okay.." Raph said retracting his last statement.

They charged at the robots dodging the gunfire, while they were fighting the guy was slowly crawling away as Donnie used his staff and smacked one away, Spike breathed some fire at one robots face and it melted off, he then grabbed it and smashed it to the ground." That was for taking me from my home!" Spike shouted with anger.

As they were fighting a robot knocked the guy into the back of the van and he tried grabbing his phone again." Oh no you don't!" Raph shouted as he went up to him." Raph what are you doing?!" Leo asked as he was holding back a droid." you and i have unfinished business!!" Raph said with anger as he got in." You give me that phone right now!" Raph threatened, as they were looking at eachother 3 more droids got in the back and the van started to drive off." Raph's in the van!" Leo shouted as they ran after it.

Raph was fighting them off one by one, he tried forcing the guy to give him it but he was grabbed by the back and thrown out the back and went into them." no!" Spike shouted as it was driving off." So long froggy!, thanks for the help, have i got a deal for you!" He said with a smug and they all looked at him with blank faces." So are you all triplets or what?" He asked before they started walking up to him.

They were all getting up and Leo looked at Raph upset." Nice going Raph." He told him." What did i do?!" He asked." What did you do?! You left us in the middle of a fight to yell at somebody!" Leo replied.
" But thanks to your temper, the guy with the tape." Leo said before Donnie tried correcting him and Spike stepped on his foot." Ow!" Donnie said looking at him." Again, not the best time dude!" Spike said annoyed, Donnie then noticed a trail of fuel leading ahead." Look the trucks leaking!" Donnie said as they all looked at it.

"Alright, we'll follow the trial to their hideout!" Leo explained." And then we'll bash some bots!" Raph said bashing his fists together. Leo then looked at him." We are going to bash some bots, you are going home." Leo told him." What are you kidding? Come on guys, are we really gonna let Leo power trip this?" Raph asked them but Spike sighed." I think leo's right" Donnie replied." You gotta control your temper, till then, we just can't trust you" Leo said as they started to walk off.

"I'll go with him, i think it's best he has someone with him okay?" Spike asked coming up to Raph." Be careful, we'll meet you back home." Leo said and Spike nodded before they walked away, Raph threw his weapons on the ground in anger, Spike sighed and put his hand on his shoulder." I know it's rough right now, we'll fix this, come on, let's head home for now." Spike said handing his weapons to Raph, he sighed and put them away." Your right.. let's just get out of here." Raph said as he started walking and Spike followed behind.

We cut back to the lair in the kitchen while Spike was sitting with Raph with another turtle also called Spike as he was eating a leaf.
"Who does he think he is? so what if i got a temper? I'm still the best fighter we got, if anything, my anger makes me a better fighter! You understand me don't you Spike's? chew on your leaf if you understand me" Raph said as walking around and looked at the turtle Spike who chewed on it. Spike sighed sadly." It can only make you a better fighter if you know to control it, i know the consequences of letting stuff like this overtake me, i may be young but i've still been through things." Spike told him and Raph looked interested.

"You have?" Raph asked and the other Spike looked interested." Yeah, look, i know you hate that guy, very much, i do to, he's a greedy selfish person who only cares about himself, he's nothing like us." Spike said sitting down next to him and Raph looked at him." I just.. he's someone who doesn't respect anything but money, how can i tolerate that when he has something like this?" Raph asked." You don't have to tolerate it, but you need to try other ways of taking your anger out on other things that help with what happens around us, but doing something like that can lead to something bad." Spike told him and Raph smiled at him." wise words for a small dragon." Raph said and Spike smiled at that as well." I went through good teachings, not annoying as Donnie can be with his nerdy moments but a bit better." Spike replied. They then saw Splinter enter the room.

"Spike is right Raphael, some can use their anger in ways that help what they're situation is, but there are also consequences to those who do it the wrong way." Splinter told them and they looked concerned." What do you mean by that sensei?" Spike asked." Sit down, both of you, let me tell you a story." Splinter said and they did so as they begun to listen as we see a memory of Splinter's past.

"When i was a young man, i fell in love with a woman. Her name was Tang Shen and i was not the only one who loved her, there was another man competing for her attention, Oroku Saki" Splinter said as we see a memory of the man as lightning flashes next to him
"Shredder.." Raph said in fear." Who?" Spike asked concerned at the name.
" One day, he insulted me in front of her, calling me many things.." Splinter said as we see Oroku pointing at Splinter when he was still human in front of her, he then looked at Oroku with anger.
"I felt i could not let those insults go un answered." splinter said as we see him beat up Oroku and he was on the ground in pain." I lost my temper, and over time our rivalry bestirred into hatred." Splinter said as we see him holding Teng close to him while Oroku walks away with anger.

"Until Shredder sought to finish me.." Splinter said as we see a flashback of him fighting Shredder as the area around them was on fire, we then cut to outside of the building that was burning down." And i lost my beloved Tang Shen.." Splinter said sadly as we cut back to the kitchen and Spike just felt awful knowing what happened.

"But it.. it wasn't your fault. Shredder insulted you , you had no choice" Raph told him." He let his anger consume him, and it led to.. that.." Spike said sadly.
"No choice? I could have chosen to ignore him, i could have chosen to let his words wash over me like a river on a storm. But i let him anger me it was i who made his words into weapons" Splinter explained walking up to them.
" That's the choice i made, what's the choice you two will make, and Spike.. please promise not to let something like that happen in your future." Splinter asked and Spike nodded in understanding as Spike and Raph were left alone, Spike and Raph looked at eachother and nodded with determination as they knew what needed to be done.

Leo and the others made they're way to the place the Kraang were hiding and they snuck in and saw the Kraang were holding the guy hostage for interrogation near a ton of mutagen .
"This is our fight with the turtles and dragon." A robot said." Dragon?! You mean that lizard looking thing?!" the man asked surprised but they ignored him.
"The usefulness would be proved usefully with the more watching this." Another robot said.
"Also, this is being a good image of Kraang." Another said as we see the footage of a robot firing at them.

"We should be shown the image of Kraang to Kraang" They said as the guy was being pulled away by Leo quietly with a chain, the guy noticed them and shouted at them saying he's not leaving without his phone, the droids turned around.
"Stop the ones needing to be stopped!" The robot ordered as they started firing at them.

While they were fighting Mike knocked back the phone the guy was trying to get back, before he could a blaster shot the container of mutagen and he looked with horror as he saw the liquid pour onto him and he screamed in pain, a droid walked into the shadows but was knocked back to the others, the alien in the chest walked out and screeched in fear and ran away as they heard a loud roar.
"I don't like the sound of that.." Mikey said nervous, they watched in horror as a giant spider mutant jumped out of the shadows and roared at them with anger." I don't like the look of it either!" Mikey said as they started backing up

"What did you do to me? i'm hideous!" He said looking at himself." Okay i know it looks bad but the five of us can handle it." Leo said looking at the others." Okay this might be a bad time to point this out, but you sent one of the five of us home and the other one went with him." Donnie explained.
" And right now.. i wish it was me!" Mikey said scarred.

" This is your fault! i'm gonna rip your heads off!" He said with anger as they took out they're weapons." Alright guys, get ready to dish out the mighty wrath of justice!" Leo said and Donnie sighed." Seriously Just yell get him." Donnie told him. " get oh!" Leo said before he was whacked by an arm and crashed into a few craters, he looked at them evilly and they began to fight him.

Spike and Raph headed back to the way they saw the trial as was as they could, Spike knew things would get ugly as he had a bad feeling, he and Raph followed the trail to a warehouse and went inside, they heard the sound of fighting and they hurried inside and found Leo and the others fighting a giant spider monster who Mikey dubbed Spiderbites, he was cornering them but Raph and Spike looked down at him.

"Wow, i didn't think this guy could get any uglier." Raph said looking down." Seriously, i've seen some ugly things back home, and yet they're still far better looking then him." Spike said and Raph laughed at that" Raph! Spike!" Donnie and Mikey cheered.

Spike and Raph jumped on the ground with confidence." Well i think you've been punished long enough and Spike's helped you out plenty, come and join us!" Leo said before Spiderbites interrupter.
"Well hey it's the Kung fu frog with the salad tongs and his cute pet." He insulted
"Hey it's the stupid loud mouth who's about to get his butt kicked!" Raph said before he took out his weapons and Spike got in a stance." Say's the guy who looks like he was drawn by a little kid for a preschool show and tell." Spike mocked.

He surrounded the others and spat some acid down around them and they fell through another floor and Donnie saw it was a bunch of mutagen." Uh.. let's not fall through this floor okay?" Donnie asked scarred.
"Dance for me frog and lizard!" He said as he started firing more acid at them and they tried dodging it the best they could, the monster tried to head down to the last floor but Spike and Raph growled with anger and headed down after, they grabbed the piece of web that was shot and Raph caught it and sliced it off and he and Spike landed on the ground.

The monster got up and roared at them." Aw, froggy and lizard thinks they can stop me, ribbit ribbit." He insulted as Raph and Spike were standing ready to fight, he kept trying to insult him but Raph took a deep breath and they remembered Splinter's words and used them to block out the insults, Raph and Spike smiled confidently as they charged at them yelling.

Raph dodged more stingers trying to stab him, Raph kicked him in the face while Spike breathed more fire at it and he roared and backed away trying to shake that off." How's that for a lizard Spider butt?" Spike asked, the monster stretched it's stingers at them but Raph grabbed one and when he fired more acid at them, Raph lowered it down and the acid hit the stinger.

"That's some Kung Fu, frog and lizard" He said before the others landed behind him." We're not a lizard and a frog, i'm a dragon, and he's a turtle." Spike said with a serious face." He's right, we're not Kung fu frogs, we're ninja turtles, and Spike will soon be a ninja dragon as well!" Raph said as they all charged at him, Mikey grinded on another stinger and came up and kicked him back away, he jumped into the air and Leo and Donnie then wacked him down even further, Spike saw the phone on the ground and smashed it with his foot.
"Ah! my phone!" He shouted." You will not be needing that anymore!" Spike told him, they all surrounded him before he decided to run off." You guys are gonna regret this!" He said before using his form to escape, Raph grabbed Spike who held onto him as they used they're skills to jump back to the next floor, Spike looked back at the mutagen one last time and shuddered the thought of what would happen to him if it fell on him..

They ran outside a door and saw the monster jumping from roof to roof away from them." I know a nice black widow that would be great for him." Donnie said as they walked ahead, Leo looked at Raph and Spike.
"Good work you two, i just wanna say." You don't have to apologize, Spike was the one who was able to help me figure it out." Raph said looking at him and Spike smiled." Friendship is an important thing where i'm from, keeping a team like this is what i'm wanting to do, while i still feel afraid and a bit depressed from being away from home, i shouldn't let it cloud what's going on right now." Spike told them.

"We'll get you home one day Spike, you showed grate confidence today as you helped Raph with Spiderbites, keep stuff like this going, and you could be a great ninja one day, you still have a lot to learn though." Leo told him and Spike smiled." I know it's gonna be a long way to truly becoming one, but i'll get there some day, i'm glad i have friends willing to support me." Spike said and they smiled." Keep it up Spike, we'll get you there someday, count on it!" Raph said as he and Spike fist bumped and laughed a little." Thanks guys, glad i can count on it!" Spike told them. Mikey then smirked.

"Not bad for a bloated buffalo." Mike joked, Spike smiled and shook his head as he knew Mikey was gonna pay for that, Leo Donnie and Spike looked away as Raph charged at Mike tackling him to the ground and they watched it happen.
"Okay okay! Raph is all wise and powerful!" Mike said in pain flailing his arms.
"And?" Raph asked.
"And he's better then me in every possible way!!" Mikey screamed as Spike laughed as they watched it happen.

3: A Talk with Splinter

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Spike opened his eyes feeling really tired, he groaned as he woke up, he looked around and saw he was in the same familiar room he'd been in for the past couple weeks now, Spike had this room made for him with the spare space the lair had so he could have time to himself, Spike sighed sadly as he wished this wasn't real still.

He had been here for a few weeks up to this point after the turtles saved him and April, but it hasn't been the best for Spike outside of the missions they have to do. Spike often felt extremely depressed knowing the fact that he's stuck in a separate dimension away from his own. Spike was supposed to be doing more training with Splinter today to learn more ninja skills, but with the state he's in.. Spike isn't sure he could do it.

Spike got up and walked out of the room and looked around the lair, Mikey was playing more pinball again, Raph and Leo were watching Tv, Donnie was probably in his lab with his science stuff, he and Twilight would get along just fine that's for sure.

"Morning guys." Spike said and they all turned around to see him.
"How you doing Spike?" Raph asked." Sup bro?" Mikey asked.
"I'm.. fine, you guys alright?" Spike asked.

"We're doing good, nothing on the Kraang right now so we can just relax for now." Leo replied.
"At least we don't have to worry about that for a bit." Spike said as he started walking to the dojo.
"Where you going?" Raph asked curious.

"Splinter and I are gonna be doing some more training today, he says i should know some of the basic ninja skills before learning what you all currently do, it's gonna be interesting that's for sure." Spike explained.
"Sometimes his lessons can be confusing for us to catch on, but i just hope you are able to learn them the best you can." Leo told him.
"Yeah, take your time dude, not everyone can learn to master it right away." Raph told him as well.

"Thanks guys, i'll keep that in mind, later." Spike said as he walked to the dojo and they all waved goodbye at that.
"You think he'll be alright?" Mikey asked concerned.
"He's been handling this situation the best he could, but i don't know about what happens in the future, let's just hope we'll be there for him." Leo answered and Raph sighed.

"Kid's gotta be going through rough times now, he's not even 13 and he's already facing dangerous mutants alongside us, sure he told us he's faced stuff kinda like this back home, but what we're doing here.. it could be too much." Raph said concerned.
"Let's just hope Splinter and the rest of us can help him out, in any way we can." Leo told them and they nodded in agreement.
"Amen to that bro." Mikey told them as they look back at the Dojo.

Spike had entered the room, he looked around and admired how amazing it looked, it just looked like a place where one could just be at peace with meditation and themselves, Spike wished he had learned more about these things at home, because it may be nice to just have some quiet time like this.

Spike saw Splinter was meditating by the tree in the middle, Spike knew Splinter was an experienced fighter just from his looks and the wise words he often told them, the story of what happened with him lashing out at Shredder showed that he's not perfect, no one is, but he can learn from them and do better.

Spike slowly walked up to Splinter and sat down in a similar position, Splinter's ear poked up and he opened his eyes." Hello Spike, are you ready to continue with today's lesson?" Splinter asked, Spike sighed and looked at him.
"As ready as i'll ever be i guess." Spike replied.

"Good, let's continue with it then." Splinter said as he got up and he and Spike walked to the center.

"Now, this lesson will be on your reflexes, reacting to what's happening around you will be of help in future battles, you may have learned some basic attacks by now, but they will not matter unless you are able to dodge your foes and wait for them to open up for you to attack." Splinter instructed. Spike knew that this lesson might be helpful to him, he had often been taught so far about reactions and patience.

"Yes sensei." Spike replied as he got into a stance.
"Now, i am going to be throwing my own attacks at you, they will not be aggressive, but they will be fast, i expect you to at least try with your dodging." Splinter explained and Spike nodded in understanding as Splinter got into his stance.

They started off the best they could, Spike tried dodging his attacks the best they could, even though Splinter was old, he was still fast and was definitely holding back, Splinter kept ramping up his speed to the point Spike was really struggling with his dodging, Spike was doing his best to keep up with his speed, but he was still to inexperienced with it and he was knocked back a good distance.

"Ouch.." Spike said as he tried getting up, Splinter then walked up to him and helped Spike.
"I notice something is troubling you Spike, is it about your situation?" Splinter asked, Spike flinched as he was asked that, he knew what was wrong, but Spike was just to caught in with it all.

"Yeah.. it's just what's happening with me, it's just really overwhelming.." Spike said bringing his head down.
"I am sorry young one, i wish i could help you get back home, but there is no option at this moment." Splinter said with regret as he and Spike sat down.
"It's just.. it all happened so suddenly, first i find out that there was an alien group secretly hiding out deep within the forest of my home, then i'm captured by them, and held in captivity for a week at that point, then i'm rescued, and now i'm learning to be a ninja to stop them, it's just..." Spike said as he couldn't find the words.

"I know it's tough for you Spike, i have had plenty of experiences that put me through tough situations like this before, but with you, i can't begin to imagine what it's like for you." Splinter said sadly.
"It's just.. what if the Kraang have been planning an invasion on my home? I'm the only one who knows about them but was taken away, what if i am able to find my home.. but it's to late and my friends are all.." Spike said with tears in his eyes not wanting to finish that sentence.

"Try not to think of that please, if you let that vision cloud your mind, you may not even find out for yourself, when one is blinded by they're own thoughts, it can lead to them making mistakes that they regret." Splinter told him, Spike took a deep breath and looked down.
"Sorry, so much is happening right now.. my friends could be really worried for me, they may be searching right now, but if they never find me... and something happens.." Spike said afraid of it, Splinter put a hand on his shoulder.

"Your friends and family care about you don't they? If they do, they will not stop until they've found you, there is always a way to find the answer, it may not be what we expect, but if there's a way, it will be found. And either they will find you here, or you will find them again." Splinter explained, Spike took a moment to think over those words, he as right, there could always be an option, and they may find eachother again one day.. how far of though.. Spike is just worried about what happens between then.

"Thanks, i know we'll find eachother one day, and i know i'll see them again.. but it's how far off i'm worried about." Spike told him.
"The future is unpredictable, that is why we must be prepared for it the best we can, it's why i've been training you and my sons, we do not know what the Kraang has in store for us, and it's important we be ready as best we can." Splinter told him, Spike knew he was right, the only way back home may be through the Kraang, and they could be preparing something they don't know, and if Spike's gonna get home, he's gonna have to go through them.

"Your right, if i'm gonna get home, the Kraang is my obstacle, i'll keep preparing myself till the day i find out how to get home, and when that day comes, i won't let myself go down without a fight." Spike said determined, Splinter smiled at that.
"I am glad to know that, i know you still feel overwhelmed by this, but do know this. Me, April and my sons will be here for you, whenever you need it." Splinter told him and Spike smiled.

"Thank you Splinter, i'm glad to know that." Spike said happy at that, Splinter then got up." Wait here, i've got something for you." Splinter said as he walked into his room, Spike was curious in what he meant but just decided to keep waiting for a little.

It took a couple minutes, but Splinter soon came out with a small box in his hands and placed it down in front of Spike.
"What is this?" Spike asked as he looked at it.
"See for yourself Spike." Splinter told him, Spike nodded at that and opened the box, inside was a black ninja mask that looked like the ones the turtles wore, Spike picked it up and looked at it.

"Is this..?" Spike asked amazed.
"Yes it is, i believed that it would suit you best for your future missions, a mask is one of the ninjas most important possessions, keeping an identity safe is important, and while you may be the only dragon here, i still believe that you should have one." Splinter explained, Spike smiled in amazement as he was told that, Spike put it around his head and he smiled as he looked at a mirror and saw himself.

"This is totally awesome!" Spike said as he struck a fighting pose and Splinter chuckled.
"Yes it is, i will decide on what weapon you should use in the future, but the only way i know, is on what works the best for you Spike." Splinter explained.
"Thank you so much Splinter, really. We'll talk more about this later, how about we resume our lessons?" Spike asked turning back to him
"Very well, let us continue, and you are welcome Spike." Splinter told him and Spike smiled as he walked back up to him.
Spike knew things were still rough, but with the friends he has, Spike hopes that one day, he'll find his way home...

4: New Friend, Old Enemy

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We cut to the room at night, where a man in armor has been meditating, he is pulling some hand gestures as he is ready for a fight, a couple ninja with a weapon steps out of the shadows and sneaks up on him, the one behind him attempts to catch him off guard but his sword is caught by both his hands , the man steps up and elbows him in the stomach and disarms him.

The other jumps in the air and tries to stab him but the man dodges it, the other one tries to catch him from behind again, but he throws him over his shoulder and throws him down and punches him in the face, the other ninja tries to attack him one more time but the man kicks the guy across his face and he goes down, he looks around and they are all defeated.

A slide door opens and by a black man in strange clothing, next to a man in familiar armor... and the guy bows.

"Master Shredder" He says with respect.
"I trust that my greatest pupil has been using that time wisely" Shredder says as he looks out the window.
" I have assembled an army on ninjas, the Foot Clan awaits your orders." The man says.

"Excellent, because i've discovered an old enemy in new york." Shredder says as the guy next to him throws him two pieces of paper, one is of a man and a woman, and the other is of Spike's scale... " Hamato Yoshi." Shredder says with anger.
"Alive?" The man asks in shock.

"And he is training ninja's of his own, finally, i will finish what was started all those years ago... i want them all wiped out!" Shredder orders, the man picks up the picture of Spike's scale.
"And what of this other one Master Shredder?" The man asks, Shredder looks back at the picture with interest.

" There have been reports of what could be a newly discovered creature, it may be a far stretch, but it could be true ,i have taken interest in this thing, i want you to find it, and bring it to me, whether its willing to or not." Shredder orders and the man bows again.

"I will not fail you Master." He tells him
"I know. But to be certain, you will be working alongside Xever" Shredder says as the man next to him pulls out a knife and he grins.

" I don't need any help, especially from this street rat." The man says standing up
"Are you sure rich boy?" Xever asks.
"Any time you wanna test me.." The man says before Shredder interrupts

"I am not interested in your petty rivalry!" Shredder says with anger before turning to them.
"Xever is familiar with the dark underbelly of this city, you will work together." Shredder orders again.

"Do not worry master Shredder, we will find Splinter and his disciples and destroy them. And we will find out who and what this creature is." The man says looking at the photo again, Xever scoffs as the man starts to walk out of the room, he stomps on one of the ninjas again in anger and he walks out of the room...

Spike had been living down here for about a month at this point, he still felt upset in not being able to contact Twilight and tell her he's okay, but he's been trying to find a way to handle himself without her. Splinter has been a great teacher for Spike while he's lived here, he's started to learn more ninja skills and was able to do some basic skills like wall jumping and wall running, his combat has improved a bit as well, even though he's pretty small, he takes that to his advantage and uses it to figure out his ways around his foes. But he has a feeling something is about to change for the worst..

Spike and the others are currently running on the rooftops at night again, they keep on taking large leaps across the buildings in joy, Spike has learned some good parkour and takes a large leap and lands on the ground with a role.
"That was awesome dude!" Mikey says amazed.
"Your training is coming together nicely." Donnie says impressed.

"Tell me about it, i knew i was a fast learner, but the feeling of parkour like this, it's just awesome!" Spike says as the others land down.
" I hear that." Mikey says as they look back at Raph and Leo who were still on the other side of the roof.

"Top that Turtle chumps!" Mikey teases and the two smile.
"Alright guys, check this out." Leo says as he jumps of the ledge and lands on the other doing multiple flips and they clap at that, Raph cracks his neck as he straight up charges down at them, Spike gets out of the way just in time for Raph to hit the others

Leo laughs as they get up.
"Good one Raph." Spike says as he helps him up.
"Thanks, glad someone appreciates my kind of moves." Raph says as the others get up, one of the ninjas from before was watching them all the while, looking at Spike with interest before he runs off.

"Come on what was that? You didn't do any flips." Donnie asks.
"Oops." Raph replies with a smile, but they suddenly hear a sound nearby, they stay quiet and hide nearby another wall, the turtles pulls out they're weapons and Spike gets in his stance and they jump out of the wall with angry faces.. but they only came across a black and white cat.

They lower they're guards and Raph puts his hand on Leo's shoulder.
"Don't give up Leo, you might actually win this fight." Raph jokes and Spike chuckles a little and Mike walks up to it.
"Aw! it's a little kitty!" Mikey says as he picks him up and pets him. " And his name is.. " Mikey says looking at his color.
"Mittens!" A voice calls out, they see a nearby man calling out for him.
Mikey attempts to go out to him but the others stop him.

"What are you doing?! You know we can't be seen!" Spike says frustrated.
"What, come on Spike i'm returning her to her owner." Mikey explains.
"Are you an idiot? Wait.. let me rephrase that.. your an idiot!" Raph says pointing at him.
"You can't show yourself to a human" Donnie tells him. " Why not?" Mikey asks and Spike groans.

"Because they'll freak the heck out that's why not." Donnie explains.
"No they won't im not that scary" Mikey argues and Raph scoffs.
"Your an ugly green mutant armed with ninja weapons" Raph tells him.
"Ouch." Spike says as that was harsh.

"Look, this guy's gonna see that i'm just a regular cat loving dude like him, next thing you know, we're gonna be best buds!" Mikey tells him, Spike sighs and walks up to him.
"The world doesn't work like that Mikey, i know you want to meet other people, but there are people out there who will be afraid of you whether or not you do something good." Spike tells him and Mikey looks saddened by that.
"Spike's right, Mike, there are other ways we can make friends like what we did with April, but this is different." Leo tells him, Spike sighs and reaches for Mittens and grabs him.

"Let me handle this one guys." Spike says as he takes the cat, Spike carefully makes his way to the other rooftop without being seen, he carefully looks over the ledge and sees the man still calling out.
"Mittens?" The man calls out again before the cat suddenly lands in front of him.
"There you are Mittens i was so worried!" The man says as he takes him back inside and closes the window, Spike lands back in front of the others as they land in an alleyway.

"See that Mikey, sometimes you just shouldn't be seen, making ones day go better can vary on many different things." Spike explains to him.
"Spike's right Mikey, humans will never trust you if you don't show them your chill, but they have the tendencies to freak out without wanting a reason." Raph tells him." We don't even understand you." Raph says again and Mikey sighs sadly.

"Yeah.." Mikey says saddened by that, he then notices something and gasps.
"But i bet that guy would!" Mikey says as they look at a billboard.
"Chris Bradford, the martial arts superstar, with a chain of dojo's across the country?" Leo asks as they read it.
"He's your soulmate?" Leo asks not convinced.

Mikey twirls his nunchucks around and strikes the pose he's making." We've got so much in common!" Mikey says with a smile.
"What if you stop standing like that?" Donnie asks and Mikey stops.

"We'll have a little less in common, but still a lot." Mikey tells them before pointing back at it.
"And look! He's in town for a Marital Arts Expo. Maybe he'll show me his secret kata," The Death Dragon" Mikey says in a deep voice.
"Like that name, sounds cool." Spike says as he likes it
"And i'll show him my secret kata, The Secret Kata." Mikey says dramatically.

"Catchy." Donnie says sarcastic." Check it out!" Mikey says before he just strikes a bunch of random poses and makes ninja sounds while doing it.
"But don't tell anyone you said that." Mikey says and they look uninterested.
"No problem." Leo replies and Raph shakes his head.

"Face it Mikey, Chris Bradford is the last person on Earth, that would be friends with you." Raph tells him.
"Well.. tied for last with everyone else on Earth." Raph corrects as a bunch of ninja's watch them from above, they lower they're ropes and they all start to notice a bunch of them all around them!

" Ninja's? In New York? Other then us?" Donnie asks. They are surrounded by them and the turtles pull out they're weapons again ready to fight, they stand like that for a moment before one throws a shuriken at Donnie, Spike catches it and growls.
"Try us." Spike says as they charge at them and they proceed to fight.

Raph engaged with multiple enemy's at once, he blocked a sword with his own weapons and kicked him back into a bunch of others, he was caught of guard when one kicked him in the back of the leg and another hit him in his chest knocking him to a wall, Mikey jumped into the scene and smacked them back.

Donnie was using his staff to block a guys attacks, Leo was using his swords to take on multiple at ones while smiling, Spike used their own strength against them and was able to redirect they're attacks into others as he and the others we're back to back.

"Why are you so happy?" Raph asked annoyed.
"We're fighting for our lives here Leo!" Spike said as he grabbed another weapon with his hand and threw the guy into more.

"It's just nice to finally be fighting people, instead of robots or aliens, or weed monsters" Leo explained
"That is a nice change of pace" Spike agreed as they knocked more back, just then a large man in a helmet landed on the ground looking at them, he was able to knock Raph and Leo back into more walls, Donnie tried to use his staff to go over him but he grabbed it and used it and smacked Donnie into another wall, Mikey used his nunchucks but the man grabbed them and used it to pull Mikey to him.

"What are you?" The man asked in anger, Mikey didn't answer and used his feat and jumped off his knee and grabbed his weapon again, Leo jumped into the air and sliced the chain off.

They all stood ready to fight again until they heard police sirens as well as flashing lights, the ninja's disbursed and the others went back through a manhole cover, the man looked back at the ground with interest.
"Was that purple creature what i think it was?" The man asked as he noticed Spike before he and the others went off.

We cut back to the lair where Spike and Leo were the kitchen.
"They're leader was crazy good, and by which i mean he was good and seemed a little crazy." Leo said as he sat down.
"It was like he received training from someone just as skilled as him, if not more, this could be concerning for us." Spike said with worry as Splinter was listening.

" And plus he had all these guys with him and.. it wasn't a fair fight." Leo told him, Spike raised his eye as he said that last part.
"What do you mean fair fight?" Splinter asked Leo tried to explain but Splinter took it a different way.
"So a fair fight is a fight you could lose?" Splinter asked as he walked up to them.
"He's a bad guy Leo, he obviously won't play fair." Spike told Leo.

" Spike is right again Leonardo, it sounds like you don't want to assure your victory" Splinter told him, Leo tried finding the right words but couldn't as Splinter wacked him on the leg knocking him down and pinned him to the ground.
"Was that fair?" Splinter asked.
"Seemed fair to me." Spike said sarcastically.

"No! It wasn't" Leo said annoyed.
"Did i win?" Splinter asked again and Leo flinched.
"I see your point." Leo answered.
"Seek victory, not fairness." Splinter explained before letting him go.

"It's important we try to find out what situation can work when we are overwhelmed, me and my friends back home had the odds stacked against us before, but we found a way, it shouldn't be too different here." Spike explained to him.
"See Leonardo? Even Spike understands this, try to understand it as well." Splinter said as he walked out of the room leaving Leo a little confused.

We cut back to the Lair where everyone was doing they're own thing, Mikey was reading a martial arts magazine in amazement.
"Oh i wish me and Chris Bradford were friends!" Mikey said exited and April chuckled.

"Mikey you already have a human friend." April told him and Mikey looked at her.
"You don't count." Mikey responded and Spike smacked his head hard.
"OW!" Mikey said in pain.
"She so does!" Spike said annoyed before sitting on the couch while Raph was doing push ups.

"Too bad there's no place where people could meet you to just see how hideous you are." Raph mocked, April then got an idea.
"Wait there is! The internet! Donnie can i see your laptop?" April asked, Donnie changed his background and handed it to April as she typed in a website explaining what it is.

"Sweet!" Mikey said before knocking her back and typing on it himself.
"Chris Bradford's on here! He'll be my first friend!" Mikey said as he typed on it.
"That's kind of a weird obsession Mikey, and believe me i know a few things about possessions." Spike said a little creeped out by him.

Mikey made a friend request and waited for something to happen.
"Mikey, people don't always respond immediately." April said before a sound was heard and Mikey gasped
"But sometimes they do." April corrected.

"No way! Chris Bradford has accepted my friendship!" Mikey said beyond excited.
"Just like that? Man I should show Twilight this when i see her again." Spike said surprised on how quickly that went.
"Thanks April!" Mikey said before hugging her while Donnie made a shocked face before started to leave.
"Where you going? Hey!" Donnie shouted as he caught his laptop.

"To go hang out with my friend, Chris Bradford" Mikey answered.
"This guys famous, he probably has thousands of friends." April told him.
"i'm one to take sides with friendship and whatnot, but you don't even know who this guy is Mikey, he could have a life behind the scenes we don't know about." Spike said with concern but Mikey didn't listen.

"Then guess who's friend number 5,286?" Mikey asked, Spike looked at the screen to check if that was the right count.
"I'm so showing Twilight this when i get home." Spike said as he saw the number count.
"Daniel Ramirez! And i'm right next to him! Later!" Mikey said before running off.

"This ought to be interesting." April said with interest.
"Should we go after him?" Donnie asked as Spike walked to Raph.
"Nah, he's gotta learn somehow." Raph answered.

"Raph, how much you willing to bet that something goes wrong?" Spike asked Raph thought it over.
"50" Raph answered.
"Your on." Spike said as he held out some money and Raph and Spike placed a bet.

Spike and the others went out for more scouting for more info on the ninja's while Mikey went on about Chris who he met few hours back.

"They must have been watching us from here." Leo said as they were at the spot from last night.
"So they must have a place nearby.." Spike suggested.
"Correct, the perfect place to stage an ambush." Leo explained to them.

"That wasn't very fair was it?" Donnie asked and Spike chuckled a little as Leo explained what Splinter told him to Donnie.
"Okay i'm sorry." Donnie said with his hands in front of him. Mikey kept going on and on about Chris again and Raph was getting annoyed.
"Oh enough! You've been going on about this for three hours!" Raph said annoyed.
"Seriously Mikey, it's like when Twilight and Celestia often wrote letters back to eachother for hours multiple times a week" Spike said as he recalled how much they did that back home.

"ooh, someones sounds jealous. You just can't admit that without saying the R word." Mikey mocked and Raph looked confused.
"Rong?" Mikey asked and Spike groaned.
"It's Wrong, with a W, not an R Mikey." Spike corrected, Mikey said that if he doesn't want to talk about Chris, he backflipped over to Leo, Donnie and Spike saying they will.

"Actually i'd rather talk about anything else." Leo said annoyed
"Like the concept of a silent W perhaps?" Donnie asked.
"Going on for stuff like this for so long is especially annoying when we're in the middle of a stakeout Mikey." Spike said as he looked back over the ledge.

"Fine, i'll go find someone wants to talk about Chris Bradford more then anyone else! Chris Bradford." Mikey said before he left them and Spike groaned.

"Yep, something definitely gonna go wrong at one point." Spike told them.
"Wonder how long it will take though?" Donnie asked.
"I'm betting another night or so, why don't we continue on what is important?" Spike asked as he looked back down again
"Glad someone's wanting to keep track, let's just try to find out where these guys came from.." Leo said as they continued they're work.

Mikey had apparently been talking to Chris about more of himself, Chris was trying to get answers on how Mikey knows skilled martial arts, but Mikey wasn't smart enough to recognize it.

He and Bradford are on a rooftop currently talking to eachother looking over a smoggy gross view.
"Isn't this great? Blue skies, pizza, couple of dudes just hanging?" Mikey asked, Chris groaned as he saw a rat next to him as it ran off.

"Yeah.. great.. Since we've gotten so close, maybe you could tell me more about your brothers and this friend of yours?" Chris asked.
"Oh yeah they're good dudes, sometimes i don't think they don't respect me expect for Spike, he's a cool dude, he's a dragon." Mikey answered as he ate a slice whole.

"Wait.. a dragon?! Like a real fire breathing one?!" Chris asked shocked.
"Oh yeah, he's a great guy, been here with us for about a month now." Mikey answered and Chris looked more interested as this could explain his masters orders..

They were currently in his dojo while Mikey was looking at an old Katana.
"Look at that Katana! It looks old!" Mikey said as he looks at it.
"Yeah it's over 400 years old" Chris explained as Mikey looked at it more.

"But, getting back to your sensei..." Chris asked.
"Look Rad Brad, i'd love to tell you, but there's some things i just have to keep secret" Mikey said as he took out the Katana, Chris was trying to stop him from swinging it so recklessly.

"But we're friends, And friends share eachothers secrets don't they?" Chris asked as he took it.
"Are you saying your going to show me your secret kata, The Death Dragon?" Mikey asked excited and Chris put the sword back on it's wall.

"Tell you what, as a token of our friendship, I will teach you The Death Dragon." Chris told him.
"All right!" Mikey said excited.
"But, you have to swear you will not show it to anyone." Chris warned.
"I promise not to show a soul." Mikey promised. ( Well we all know how that went).

Everyone was currently in the lair listening to Mikey explain the move.
"And then he kicks, twists and sweeps the leg! Ha!" Mikey shouted as he showed them the move." The Death Dragon!" Mikey said dramatically.

"That was amazing!" Leo said amazed.
"Totally awesome!" Spike said as he replicated the move and was able to pull it off himself.
"Nice on bro!" Mikey said as he gave Spike a high five.
"It's devastatingly effective and complex." Donnie said interested.

"And yet even Mikey could learn it, and Spike just did." Raph told them.
"Thank you... hey!" Mikey said as he realized that was an insult before he heard a sound on the laptop.

"It's Rad Brad! That's my little name for him!" Mikey said before running to the computer seeing what he wants.
"He wants to get together for a little B Ball." Mikey explained as he typed on it." Can't wait to find out what the B stands for!" Mikey said excited as he pressed the send button before getting up.

"Your going now?" Leo asked.
"You just got back dude." Spike said concerned
"Sorry dudes, human stuff. you know how it is." Mikey said before walking out." Oh, wait, no you don't." Mikey mocked before leaving, Spike scoffed a little as he said that.

We cut to the dojo where Xever was looking at the Katana.
"The freak is on his way, the trap is set" Chris explained looking at the computer.
"Pretty weapon for a tough guy, in prison, we made our own weapons." Xever told him.

"I'll keep that in mind if i'm ever stupid enough to wind up in prison." Chris said annoyed, Xever slammed the sword on the ground and left and they waited for Mikey to arrive.

Back at the lair, Leo was currently sparring with Raph as Splinter and Spike watched, Leo pulled of The Death Dragon and Splinter immediately recognized the move.
"Where did you learn that?!" Splinter asked upset and they looked shocked.

"Mikey learned it from his new friend." Leo explained while he helped Raph up, Spike then realized something.
"He's in trouble isn't he?" Spike asked as he knew something would go wrong.
"The Man who taught him that kata is no friend! It comes from the Shredder!" Splinter explained.

"Shredder?" Donnie asked shocked.
"You mean.. Chris Bradford is one of his students?" Leo asked surprised
"He must be!" Splinter replied.

"So Bradford must be pretending to be Mikey's friend to get to you." Leo realized
"Oh! What a relief! Everything makes sense again!" Raph said glad at that.

"Guys! This means he's walking into a trap! He could be in danger!" Spike said with worry, they all then just realized he's right.

We cut to the dojo where Mikey just arrived.
"Rad Brad? Hello? Hello?" Mikey asked as he walked into the room upstairs, everything was dark as he looked around.
"Raddie Braddie! Did you plan me a surprise party?" Mikey asked as he looked around, A large man in armor walks up behind him and Mikey jumps as he sees him, he slowly backs away in fear before he bumps into Xever, they begin to corner him as Mikey looks scarred.

"Tell me what you guys did to Chris, or you guys are in serious!" Mikey warned before they started to attack him, Mikey was trying his best to avoid them, but he was outmatched.
"Haven't you figured out who i am?" The large man asked.
"Should i have?" Mikey asked back before the man was able to grab him and knock him down more.
"We've already met face to face." The man told him and Mike realized.

"No.. it can't be.. your.. the guy with the cat?" Mikey said in shock.
"You fool." The man said taking off his helmet revealing it to be Chris Bradford.
"Rad Brad? What?" Mikey asked shocked as they grabbed him and tied him up.

"I thought we were friends, i even showed you all of my toes!" Mikey said betrayed.
"You actually thought someone like me could ever be friends with be friends with a freak like you?" Chris asked. " Pathetic." Chris said upset.

"I say we get rid of him" Xever suggested as Mikey looked at the sword.
"Nothing would make me happier. But we need him, all part of the trap." Chris said as he and Xever walked out while Mikey tried to get to the sword.

Spike and the others were making they're way to Chris's place to save Mikey, they used they're parkour skills and made they're way to a glass rooftop, Donnie took out some gum and attached it to a thing he made and opened a hole large enough for him to reach the hatch.

Mikey was still tied up as he looked up and saw Spike open the hatch and he and the others snuck in, they used the shadows to they're advantage and took out more of the guards around him.
"Dudes! That was sporadic!" Mikey said glad to see them. and Spike and the others shushed him.
"That's not what that means!" Donnie said annoyed as Leo cut him free and rubbed his head.

Spike and the others made they're way out and headed through the rooftops, they went down a manhole cover and Chris and Xever were watching from a rooftop.
"Perfect." Chris said as he watched.
"We've got them." Xever said as more ninja's came behind them and Chris smirked.

Spike and the others were currently in the tunnels of the sewers waiting for them to arrive as they knew they were followed, Chris and his men landed down in the place, they stayed silent as they tried to find them, Spike and the others were quietly taking down the ninjas next to them one by one until they were alone, Xever took out a flare and they saw they were all tied up on the ceiling.

"Show your faces!" Xever shouted, Leo and the others emerged from the water below, and Spike and Donnie emerged from the shadows.
"They've trapped us!" Xever said in realization.

Chris then looked at Spike.
"So you really are a dragon? Very interesting indeed." Chris said as he looked at him, Spike growled in anger as he looked at him.
"Take em down! Capture the dragon!" Chris ordered as they engaged with the turtles and Spike.

Chris engaged with Leo and Raph while Spike and the other two engaged with Xever, they were both really skilled in battle as Xever grabbed Donnie's head by the legs and threw him into Mikey as he got back in his stance. Raph and Leo were being overwhelmed by Chris as he was incredibly large and he knocked them both back, they looked at the others and Spike snapped his fingers and they understood what it meant.

Leo and Raph went under Chris and Spike and the other two switched places with eachother, Mikey and Spike jumped over a metal pipe and landed on it, Donnie used his staff and sweeped his legs and Spike punched him in the face, Xever was fighting with Leo and Raph as Raph sweeped his legs and Leo punched him back a good distance and they began to corner them.

"They knew we were following them." Chris said to Xever
"That's right!" Mikey replied to him, Chris tried to punch Mikey but he blocked it and grabbed both his arms and kneed him in the stomach before he hit his face and kneed his face as well, Spike sweeped his legs and knocked him back even more into Xever as he gained some extra strength from his training.

Spike looked back at Leo and Raph." Now!" Spike shouted as they turned a valve and a massive stream of water came from the pipe nearby and it came to them , they both screamed as the water washed over them and they went down further into the sewers.

"Well that didn't seem very fair did it?" Raph asked.
"No it wasn't!" Leo said as they walked over to eachother and laughed.
"Hi three!" Mikey shouted as they slapped they're hands, Spike chuckled more and they looked at him.

"What's so funny Spike?" Mikey asked as they notice something on his back finally.
"Oh nothing.. just the fact that a secretly swiped that sword he had on his wall!" Spike said as he showed them it.
"You stole that?!" Mikey said as he looked at it.

"I had to get a weapon somehow, right?" Spike asked and they laughed more.
"Not like that guy will need it. Nice job there Spike." Mikey said as he high fived him and they laughed more.

We cut back to the lair as they were having pizza.
"Aren't you hungry sensei?" Donnie asked

"I feel we are celebrating too soon." Splinter said concerned.
"Too soon? The bad guys were swept away in a river of raw sewage. By my watch, that makes it the perfect time." Raph replied, Spike was looking at his new sword as he thought over things.
"He's not wrong guys, they always don't go down so easily." Spike said with concern.

"Shredder knows i'm alive, and what's worse he knows about all of you, and from what Chris said, he's wanting to capture Spike." Splinter said with worry.
"What could Shredder want with Spike?" Leo asked with concern.
"Dude, i'm a real live dragon that was taken from another dimension, who also just stole a special sword that belonged to his pupil, doesn't that sound like something he would be interested in?" Spike said as he showed them the sword again.

"Yes, it's my worst nightmare come true.. and if he captures Spike.. i fear for the worst.." Splinter said afraid.

"I still can't believe Mikey told him about me, talk about not keeping secrets." Spike said annoyed.
" Eh he's made stupid decisions like this before, but your right on this.. this is beyond stupid, even for him." Raph said annoyed.

"Michelangelo is still young, you all know this, but Spike, this will mean you have to be on your guard when facing Shredder's men, he will come after you in the future again." Splinter warned, Spike looked at the sword and looked at the metal.
"I know, and when he does, i'll be ready." Spike said as he put the sword on his back ready for the future.

Raph noticed Mikey was by the laptop again and walked up to him.
"How you doing Mikey?" Raph asked.
"This is all my fault, i should have never thought i could be friends with a human.." Mikey said with regret.
"Eh don't be so hard on yourself." Raph told him.

"So it's not my fault?" Mikey asked.
"Of course it's your fault, you just let our enemy know about our dragon friend over there." Raph said pointing at Spike, Mikey sighed as it was true.

" If you tell the others, i'll beat the green off you.. but.. your an awesome guy." Raph told him.
"Bradford didn't think so.." Mikey said upset as he looked at his picture.

"Eh, he's a psychotic killing machine. You deserve better friends then him." Raph told him and Mikey realized.

"You know what? Your right. Thanks Raph!" Mikey replied.
"Anytime." Raph said patting his head. Mikey looked back at the computer and pressed a button and he unfriended him.
"Aha! Revenge!" Mikey said as that felt really sweet

5: Baxter Stockman

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Spike had been handling things a bit better since the encounter with Chris and Xever, since Spike stole that sword that belonged to him, Spike has been training with Leo to get a better hang of it, it felt strange at first getting used to it, but he's started to adjust, Spike just thinks maybe an extra blade will be better like with what Leo can do. Spike had been keeping his training up as he knows the Shredder is after him, and Spike knows it is not for anything good, since Spike's the only dragon in this world, it makes him quite the target for anyone, and Spike needs to be prepared.

Spike and Splinter were currently meditating in the dojo alone, Spike thinks it would be best for him to try to do more meditation, to gain more focus and harmony with his combat, they are at perfect peace as they have they're eyes closed, it feels like they're in the cosmos. But they're meditation is interrupted by a loud sound.

"Guys guys, get in your spots!" Mikey's voice is heard and they open they're eyes.
"Alright Mikey, but this is the last time!" Raph's voice is heard as well.
"What are they doing now?" Spike asked as he and Splinter went out to see what the noise is.

Spike walks out and sees pizza is all over the place and he sees Mikey on a skate ramp and the others are huddled together as they are on they're knees.
"And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles!" Mikey announced.
"I can't believe he talked us into this.." Raph said annoyed.
"Ya! Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouts as he rides down.

"What is going on in here?!" Splinter asks annoyed.
"In the Lair Mikey, seriously?!" Spike asked annoyed as well, he may be young, but he often did more responsible things then what they're doing.

"Sensei! Spike!" Leo says shocked as the three of them get up, Mikey screams as he rides to them.
"Whoa!!" Leo screams as he smashes into all of them and they all go into a pile and groan in pain.

"How many times have i told you, no skateboarding in the lair?" Splinter asks as Spike picks up the food on the ground and throws it away.
"As well as making sure the place isn't a huge mess?" Spike asks as he throws the old pizza away.

"None Sensei, Spike." Mikey answers.
"Exactly, i shouldn't have to tell you!" Splinter says annoyed.

"Your right Sensei, we definitely should have known better, and we deserve to be punished. Eh some." Leo says as they look at Mikey annoyed before bowing they're heads in respect.

"And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?" Splinter asks, Leo looks at the others who try not to think of something.

"Well we should.. clean up our mess?" Leo asks, Splinter crosses his arms and Spike shakes his head and sighs as he's seen this behavior before.
"And.. think about what we've done." Leo finishes and the other turtles agree to this as well.

"What about being grounded for a week?" Splinter asks.
"Oh, i'm sure that's.." Leo says trying not to have that happen while the others try to avoid it.
"All of you except Spike are grounded for a week!" Splinter tells them.

"Why isn't Spike taking the blame here?" Mikey asks.
"Because he didn't do anything reckless like this, did he?" Splinter asks Spike.
"Sorry guys, someones gotta make sure things are proper around here, i know it's weird, but i'm sorry for this." Spike apologizes, all of them groan in annoyance, the ramp falls down behind them making a loud crash as they look surprised.
"If you'll excuse me, i'll fix this." Spike says annoyed as he goes to clean up that mess.

A few hours past after that incident with the ramp, Spike is sitting with the turtles reading a book while the others are just bored, Raph continues to groan as he hates this.
"I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!" Raph says annoyed.
"Sorry guys, really, i wish i could help with this.." Spike tells them, Leo sighs at this.
"Let's just be glad your not grounded as well." Leo tells him.

"Guys guys! you wanna see what i made?" Donnie asks excited
"This is how bored i am, yes Donnie, i do." Raph answers.
"Sounds like something interesting." Spike says interested.

"Okay okay okay, remember the other day when i was scrounging in that military junkyard?" Donnie asks.
"No/no/no/yes" They all answer, Spike said yes because he was with him that day.

"Well i found an incredibly advanced A.I microchip, made from .. get this, self assembled chain linked copolymers!" Donnie says excited, they all don't know what that means though.
"That's my favorite kind of copolymer!" Mikey says before reading his comic again.

"Mine too! and i used it to make.. this!" Donnie says as he hold up a device of sorts.
"The most advanced music player in the world!" Donnie explains.
"A music player?" Spike asks as he looks at it.

"Whoa!!" They all say in awe.
"So, who wants to try it first?" Donnie asks
"I do! Toss me the Tpod!" Mikey asks.
"Tpod?" Spike and Donnie asks

"Turtle, Pod, Tpod, i'm so good at naming stuff." Mikey says as he takes it and plugs in some ear pieces.
"He really is." Spike said agreeing as he likes it.

"You really gonna plug a piece of advanced military tech into Mikey's head? What if it melts his brain?" Raph asks.
"It won't and even if it did who's notice the difference?" Donnie asks.
"Splinter maybe, but not any of us probably." Spike answers.

Mikey presses on the button but screams in pain.
"What?!" Donnie asks shocked.
"It's polka! Make it stop make it stop!" Mikey begs as Donnie just walks over and presses another button, Mikey thanks him as they use watch as he pulls of some dance moves, Spike bops his head as he can hear the music and it sounds sick.

"That's it, i gotta get out of here." Raph says having enough.
"Where are you going? Were grounded!" Leo tells him.
"Splinter's gonna get really mad if he finds out you do this." Spike warns.

"I don't care, i gotta find something to do or i'm gonna go nuts!" Raph says as he kicks up a skate board and catches it.
"Let's go find a skate spot." Raph suggests
"Skate spot? i'm totally in!" Mikey shouts as he listens to the music.
" What will master Splinter say?" Leo asks.

"I don't know what's going on because they snuck out while i was asleep." Raph says mocking his voice.
"Well i'm the leader, and as your leader your not going." Leo tells him.
"Well as your followers, we're going anyway." Raph replies as the others go next to him.
"Well as your leader, i am going with you to lead you away from bad stuff." Leo tells them
"And as the only dragon of the team.. i'm gonna go take a nap, try not to get into trouble out there guys." Spike says as he heads to his room

"Alright, don't sleep to much!" Donnie says as he leaves, Mikey screams again as the tune changes.
"What's wrong?!" Leo asks as he falls on the ground.
"It's back to polka! we gotta get some more tunes on this!" Mikey says annoyed.

Spike proceeded to head to his room again after the turtles left, Spike wasn't sure if it was the best idea to let them go out without him supervising, he wasn't grounded like the rest so they could get in more trouble. Spike knew things weren't still easy for him, Spike was a wanted target for the Shredder, and was told of how dangerous he is, one of the reasons he didn't want to go out, was risk him being seen by more Foot Clan ninja's or even being captured.

Spike had fallen asleep for a couple hours, he was tossing and turning as he was having a bad dream.

We cut to Spike in the forest of Equestria as he laid down by a tree relaxed, Spike had went out of the castle for a bit to reflect on himself, Twilight had always been busy with her duty's as a new princess after Tirek was defeated, the other mane 6 were busy with they're own things and Spike wasn't able to help as they were fine.

Spike sighed sadly as he was by himself right now, he felt pretty lonely and bored, he hasn't really been able to do anything aside from helping with chores around the castle, sure Spike was glad to help her, but it was never as big as what they always did.
"What if something big comes that's too much for everypony? Will i be able to help? Or will i just watch in horror as it takes everything away from me...?" Spike asks sadly, unknown to him a drone of somekind was watching him from the bushes.

"I know i'm doing good help with helping around the castle.. but i feel like i should try to be more involved with these adventures.. i should ask twilight about this.." Spike asks as he thinks to himself, the drone is right behind him as it charges up a energy blast.
"What?" Spike asks as he notices the drone, it fires an electric shock around his whole body.
"Ahh!!!" Spike screams in pain as the thing causes him to fall to the ground barely moving.

Spike's vision is blurry as he sees two shadows come up to him, not pony's or dragons.. it's something else..
"Is this the one called.. a dragon?" One asks in a strange voice
"Not just the one called a dragon, it's the one called the dragon, the one Kraang has been searching for." T he other one tells him.
"We must take him to base, to begin what experiments are in store for him." The other says as they grab his arm, Spike sees them open a portal of somekind much to Spike's shock.
"No.. no! Twilight!!" Spike says weakly as he is brought to it.

"No!!" Spike screams as he opens his eyes and gasps in fear, he takes heavy breaths as he regains his sight, he looks around and sees he's still in his room, and he sighs in relief.
"Twilight... i hope your okay.." Spike says sadly as he gets up, he hopes the others are back by now.

They did get back before he and Splinter woke up thankfully, Spike noticed the Tpod was missing, and that gave him some concerns, they we're currently in the Dojo training some more, Spike was doing what was instructed without much trouble, but the others were really tired.

"Knees higher Leonardo!" Splinter instructed, Leo falls on his back asleep, Mikey isn't fairing much better and Raph is just rolling around somehow.
"Raphael you call that a Koho Tenkai? Because i do not!" Splinter shouted, Donnie fell face flat on the ground still dizzy, not enough sleep he guesses.

"Ya Me!" Splinter shouts as he walks up to the others who bow, Spike is right besides them.
"Hmmm, is there something you want to tell me?" Splinter asks.
"Something we wanna tell you? Nope" Mikey answers nervously.
"All of you except Spike seem tired." Splinter says as Spike looks at them.
"Yeah you do, everything okay guys?" Spike asks as he knows what happened and knew this would bite them in the shells.

"We're not! wide awake! Fresh as daises!" They all say trying to avoid it, Mikey yawns again and falls on the ground asleep, Splinter hums as he sees it.
"Spike, stand next to me please." Splinter instructs.
"What's up sensei?" Spike asks.

"Tell me Spike, do you remember the punishment called Randori?" Splinter asks.
"Yes i do." Spike replies with a grin as he and Splinter pull out 2 wooden swords, Mikey gulps as they all brace themselves.
Spike and Splinter raise they're swords, in 4 flashes of each of the turtles colors, first was Raph, Donnie, Mikey, then Leo, as harsh smacks were heard, all of the turtles are groaning in pain as they finish the punishment.
"I hope you have learned your lessons turtles, that truth isn't the only thing that hurts." Splinter explains.
"It's also lying to your sensei." Spike finishes as he looks down at them in pain, he still feels bad for having to do that though.

Leo was watching his favorite show called Space heroes or something like that, but it is interrupted by the news.
"Oh!" Leo says disappointed, Spike looks at the Tv with concern
"We have received shocking footage of an assault on the TCRI office complex in Brooklyn!" The reporter says as they see the footage of a man in a robotic mech suit causing destruction, he says that he will have his revenge.

"Who are you?" A guy asks, the man tries to make a villainous monologue but it's interrupted.
"Baxter? Baxter Stockman?" The guy asks.
"No!" Baxter replies.
"Hey everybody, it's Baxter Stockman!" The guy says pointing at him.

" I think his name is Baxter Stockman." Raph says crossing his arms as they watch.
"Guys, you mind explaining to me what happened?" Spike asks looking at them, they continue to watch but they notice something.. he has the Tpod, and they all look at Mikey with anger.

"He has the Tpod?" Donnie asks upset at him
"Oh um... i might have dropped it during the fight?" Mikey says nervous.
"You guys fought that guy, what was he doing?" Spike asks.
"Was trying to break into a warehouse of sorts" Leo explains, Spike nods in understanding as he hears it.

"You dropped it during the fight?! Nice going Mikey!" Donnie says mad at him
"It's your fault!" Mikey argues
"How is it my fault?!" Donnie asks.

"You know i cant be trusted with nice things!" Mikey replies, Donnie suddenly becomes bigger then mikey as his head brings out steams of anger as Mikey slides down.
"So the A.I chip is upgrading his armor the same way it upgraded the Tpod?" Leo asks.
"If that's true, then we need to get it off of him, fast!" Spike tells them.
"Look, this has gone to far, we have to tell Splinter about this." Leo explains

"What that we turned some nutjob into a supervillain? Do you know what he'll do to us for that? He and Spike pounded us into the ground for just being sleepy." Raph argued back and Spike sighs.

"Look it doesn't matter if he finds out or not, if that chip goes to far with upgrading that weirdo, there will be to much for us to do, we need to find him and take that Tpod back." Spike told them.
"He's right, we have to find out where he is, come on!" Donnie says as he and the others run out the lair to find Baxter.

Spike and the others are currently making they're way through the rooftop to find out where Baxter is, they all look down from a window and see him in the suit still, Spike and the others sneak up behind him as they stay in the shadows, they'll distract Baxter while Spike looks for an opening.

"Alright Baxter, nobody want's to hurt you." Leo tells him
"We don't did i miss anything?" Raph asks
"We just want the Tpod." Leo explains.

"Give up my source of power? Why so you can laugh at me again? Throw me in a dumpster?!" Baxter asks in a robotic voice while standing up, they all look surprised before Raph growls and raises his weapons.
"Sounds good to me!" Raph says as he screams while charging at him. Raph and the turtles proceed to fight Baxter the best they can while Spike watches on with worry, he watches as he throws Raph into a wall, sends Mikey and Donnie flying with extendable arms, Leo tries to cut them off but they regrow much to his shock, the claw becomes a drone of sorts much to his surprise.

Spike is carefully sneaking on the ceiling to avoid being seen while he watches the thing latch onto Leo and he runs around screaming while it fires lasers at them with Baxter laughing all the while. Mikey gets out of the rubble and uses his nunchucks and wraps the chains around him, but Stockman resists and uses them against him and sends him flying more, Spike can't find an opening, and he keeps watching with worry as his friends keep trying to fight him but they are overwhelmed.

Baxter smashes through a wall while holding onto the turtles and throws them in a dumpster, Spike is on a rooftop and he pulls out a metal hammer that Donnie gave him earlier.
"Foolish turtles! did you really think you could defeat me?!" Baxter asks.
"Um.. yeah" Mikey replies.

"All my life, people have laughed at me, the other kids in my school, my co-workers" Baxter monologues, Spike sees this as the opportunity and ready's the hammer.
"But when they behold the power of this suit, they won't be trembling any Agh!!" Baxter screams as Spike whacks him extremely hard on the head much to the turtles surprise.
"Was that a hammer...?" Baxter asks weakly before falling on the ground, Spike then lands on the ground next to him.
"Leave them alone Baxter." Spike says as he walks up to him.

"Are you.. a dragon?!" Baxter asks surprised. Spike then pulls out his sword.
" yep, I know, your not the first one to be surprised." Spike says as he stabs his sword on the Tpod and yanks it out.
"No!!" Baxter screams as Spike takes it.

"Spike!" They all say in surprise as Spike walks up to them.
"Thanks for landing me this hammer Donnie, really helped out." Spike says as he gives him it, a bright red light flashes out of the armor and Baxter crawls out of it weakly.
"How.. how can there be a dragon in this city?! Your kind isn't supposed to be real!" Baxter says still surprised.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Spike says as he crushes the Tpod with his claws making sure no one else uses it, they all gang up on him while he's nervous.
"So.. you wanna call it a tie?" Baxter asks.

"What do you say Raph, wanna call it a tie?" Leo asks.
"Not yet." Raph says they grab him and throw him in a dumpster again
"Now it's a tie." Raph says as they close it and laugh as they proceed to walk home.

"Spike, thanks for the help back there, that could have gone really bad." Leo says grateful.
"Hey, i'm still your guys friend, even though i was a bit of a jerk back there, i still care for you all a lot, i wouldn't want anything to happen to you." Spike says with a smile.
"Darn right your our friend, any longer with that Tpod, and it could have been much worse." Raph says relieved.
"Totally agree on that" Mikey agrees, they all groan in pain as Spike notices they're still beaten up.

"Splinter's gonna know somethings wrong guys, especially in your states." Spike says with worry as he looks at him.
"Honestly.. a punishment from him.. is better then more beating from that guy." Donnie says exhausted.
"Let's just head to the lair guys." Leo says weakly as he and the others head back.

Spike and the others made they're way to the lair again trying to be as quiet as possible. The light comes on as they see Splinter on the other side.
"Ah sensei!" Leo says surprised.

"Where have you been?" Splinter asks suspicious, Spike sighs as he proceeds to walk up to him.
"Sensei, it's a long story, but please hear us out." Spike begs as he looks at him, Spike proceeds to explain to Splinter about what happened, about the turtles losing the Tpod and having to stop Baxter, and they were able to avoid a disaster thanks to Spike's last second move, they were all in the dojo while Splinter was thinking it over.

"So, you and the turtles went out to tack back the Tpod from Baxter, who was using it to become more and more powerful, and you were able to avoid a disaster at the last second thanks to Spike?" Splinter asks them.
"Yes sensei, it was our fault, we shouldn't have gone out there with such a device, or at all.." Donnie says with regret.
"We almost unleashed a supervillain because of it, we're really sorry.." Mikey says afraid.
"What we did was reckless, and look what happened to us.. we sorry Splinter." Raph says as they look at the damage on they're bodies.

"Splinter look, i know what they did was reckless, but they're still teenagers, they do things like this sometimes, but they learn from they're mistakes, i promise if you forgive them, it won't happen again, right guys?" Spike asks them.
"Yes, we have definitely learned it, we're really sorry." Leo tells him, Splinter proceeds to think it over.

"Even though you were reckless and immature, but you learned from mistakes, and seem to have understood the consequences, so just for that, i forgive you all." Splinter explains, they all sigh in relief at that.
"So.. does this mean we're not grounded anymore?" Leo asks, Splinter looks at Spike and whispers something and he nods.
"Yes." Splinter replies and they all smile.

"But first..." Splinter says as he and Spike take out a wooden sword again.
"Randori!!" They both shout, the turtles scream in fear as they try to run away not to get their shells beaten out of again.

6: Metalhead

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We open to a building where gunfire is heard from the inside, Spike and the turtles are currently fighting off the Kraang again after they did another stake out and finding them in this place, Spike and the others have they're weapons out and are trying to dodge the gunfire.

"Keep moving, don't let them surround you! Failure is not an option!" Leo told them as Spike kept dodging more lasers, he had been getting better with acrobatics thanks to Splinters teachings, so this is something he's a little better with now.

"Technically failure is always an option." Donnie said before Raph interrupted." You know what else is an option? Slapping you!" Raph warned. Spike growled with anger as he faced the Kraang again, he kept developing a hatred for them, and he won't let them get away easily. They dodged out of the way and Donnie hid behind a crater.

"Mikey! On your right!" Donnie warned." Your right or my right?" Mikey asked before he looked to his right and nearly dodged more gunfire, Donnie leapt into the air and tried to hit a robot with his stick, but it did nothing.
"Are you kidding me? I hate this thing!" Donnie said annoyed, the robot was about to fire, but Spike sliced the thing in half with his own sword with anger.

"Why not add a blade extension or something? Aren't you a genius? Just attach a sharp metal or something when we're done okay?" Spike asked, Donnie blinked in surprise as that was a good idea. More gunfire was being shot and they dodged it again. Leo jumped on a wall and leapt at another one and sliced another robot to pieces, a alien brain escaped in the process, Raph ran up a metal wall and backflipped onto another robot and stabbed it in the shoulders.

"Kraang the present is being a positive time to be the testing of the new energy cannon" A bot suggested, more robots opened a hanger door and it revealed a large cannon that looked new.
"Oh come on!" Spike said with anger.
"Everyone stand your ground!" Leo ordered, they saw the cannon was charging up and Leo quickly backed off.
"On second thought run!!" Leo shouted as they dodged an energy blast and everyone was screaming, Donnie ducked his head but the blast burned off his stick.

"Oh come on!" Donnie said annoyed.
"Dude your weapon just exploded!" Mikey pointed out, Donnie dodged another blast and hid behind a crater.
"How am i supposed to fight advanced alien technology with a stupid stick?!" Donnie asked frustrated.

Spike and the others continued to slash through more bots as best they could, but they started to become surrounded as the cannon started to charge again and everyone got in they're stances ready for the next attack.

"Kraang, destroy the ones who call themselves the turtles when that which is the signal is the signal given by me!" A robot ordered, Leo noticed a forklift behind them and pulled out a shuriken, Leo made a precise throw and the shuriken went across a couple walls before hitting the start button of the machine.

The machine drove forwards right to them and they watched as it comically ran over all of them including the cannon while they watched with smirks, more of the alien brains came out and started running away, Spike and the others went out a nearby window and got outside.

"Dumb luck." Raph said annoyed that it worked.
" Wasn't luck my friend. And dumb had nothing to do with it" Leo replied.
"It was skill." Spike finished and Spike and Leo high fived at that.

"Hey, give me a hand with this." Donnie asked as they saw he was trying to drag something out.
" A hand with what?" Leo asked.

Spike and the others were dragging a deactivated robot through the alleyways.
"Why are we doing this Donnie?" Spike asked.
"Don't you wanna understand how these things work?" Donnie replied.

"I know how they work, you hit em until the brainy toy surprise pops out." Raph explained.
"Or slice them to bits until they stop moving." Spike added. Mikey opened a manhole as Raph was dragging the piece to it.

"That's your problem Raph, you never think things through." Donnie said as he threw it in but it didn't go down.
"Was that supposed to fit?" Raph asked, Raph made a straight face at Donnie who didn't respond. Spike got an idea and jumped in the air and delivered a ground pound to it and jumped off just as it fell down the hole.
"There you go, let's hope this is worth it." Spike said as he and the others went down again.

Spike was eating some pizza as he and the others watched Donnie study the thing.
"This technology is lightyears advanced of anything i've ever seen! Do you know what this is?" Donnie asked as he took out a piece.
"I believe that's some sort of power device or something, i saw that back when i was still being held captive." Spike suggested as he looked at it.
"Fascinating.." Donnie said as he observed it, Splinter came out with another stick and walked to Donnie.

"Look Spike's, Donnie's got another stick to break." Raph joked and Spike chuckled.
" Wonder how many jokes that's been made before?" Spike asked as he took another slice as it was good pizza.

"With all due respect sensei, i can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6 foot staff. I was hoping to upgrade my weapon" Donnie explained.
"Hmm, a 7 foot staff. interesting" Splinter observed.

"No i meant using modern technology." Donnie corrected.
"Ahh, a solar powered staff." Splinter said interested.
"I'm serious sensei" Donnie told him.

"I know, and yes, you may upgrade your weapon" Splinter told him
"That's totally unfair! You can't just.. what did you just say?" Donnie asked

"Ninja's have improved they're arsenal for centuries, we are masters of adaptation." Splinter explained.
"That is great! Cause with this technology, i will be invincible!" Donnie said excited
"Wait, so we can make upgrades to our weapons? Even develop new ones?" Spike asked shocked.
"Yes, if you have ideas, it's best to let them come to life Spike." Splinter explained, Spike simply finished his slice and went up to Donnie.

"Dude, with this, we can make stuff that can kick those robots butts!" Spike said excited with Donnie just being equally excited.
"Remember you two, combat is not a video game." Splinter told him as Spike and Donnie were dragging the thing away.
"That's it! I'll turn combat into a video game! Thanks sensei!" Donnie thanked.
"This is gonna be so rad!!" Spike said in excitement as they closed the doors.

Spike and Donnie set the thing down on a table discussing on what to do.
"Alright Spike, what ideas to you have in mind?" Donnie asked.
" I got plenty, with this tech we can start by improving our weapons, then we develop new ones!" Spike told him
"Exactly! What should we make? Plasma swords, multi shot shuriken's?" Donnie asked, Spike got an idea and pulled out his sword, they both smiled as they looked at eachother.

"You thinking what i'm thinking?" Spike asked with a smirk.
"This, is gonna be.. awesome!!" Donnie shouted as he and Spike went to work and came up with different ideas on what to use with the tech they had, if Spike was gonna get home, he was gonna have to use they're own tech against them.

Spike and Donnie are currently holding blueprints for what should be made, they got out some welding tools and got to work and large sparks were lighting up the room.

It took a few hours for them to develop, but Spike held out his sword and they both smiled at it's new form.
"It's like a sci fi weapon in real life!" Donnie said excited.
"Those bots, have no idea what's coming." Spike said as they looked at it.

Leo was watching his show Space heroes again but was interrupted when loud metal clanking was heard, they watch as a metal robot came out of the lab and it said" Take me to your leader".

"Leo, it's for you." Mikey said uninterested
"What is this thing?" Leo asked as they looked at it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and Raphael" Donnie said while Raph looked offended.
"This is the future of ninjutsu." Donnie said as they saw a metal robot that was.. half Donnie's own height..
"I always thought the future of ninjutsu would be taller." Raph said uninterested

"Aw, he's so cute!" Mikey said as he scratched it's chin, it triggered something as it held out a huge amount of weapons from every part of it's body surprising the turtles.
"He doesn't like being tickled." Donnie told them. Mikey was still making funny faces while Donnie held a remote.

"Isn't it cool? I reversed engineered it from the Kraang droid." Donnie explained.
"Okay.. why?" Leo asked confused
"So the drone can handle the dangerous stuff while we stay out of harms way" Donnie explained

"Oh i get it. this is for wimps to afraid to fight." Raph said annoyed
"No it's for wimps to smart to fight.. i mean.." Donnie backpaddled trying to find the right words.
"Ohh! Let's call him Metalhead! Why you ask? Because it's got a head made of.." Mikey explained.
"We get it." Leo said annoyed.

"I don't need a toaster to fight my battles for me." Raph said annoyed as well
"This is ridiculous Donnie, it takes out the whole point of being a ninja." Leo told him
"It's exactly the point of being a ninja we adapt." Donnie replied back. "Now watch this, attack the drone, give it all you got." Donnie asked them

"You sure? I don't wanna break your toy." Leo asked.
"I do." Raph said pushing him out of the way, Donnie activated the thing and Raph charged at it with anger, Raph pulled out his weapons and leapt into the air, he charged down with anger, but with a simple button movement, the robot grabbed Raph's weapons, and slammed him to the ground in front of and behind him.( Basically like the Hulk's Puny god.)

Leo and Mikey decided to attack as well and they were slashing they're weapons against Metalhead with all they're might but it was having no affect, the robot grabbed they're weapons again and slammed them together and slammed Mikey and Leo against they're heads, he stepped on Leo's foot and he screamed in pain as Metalhead then kicked him sending him flying back, Donnie dodged Leo as he hit Raph to the ground again, the robot then turned to Mikey who screamed as he delivered a strong punch to him sending him flying as well.

" I kicked your shells. And i didn't even have to use the laser cannon! Face it guys with this thing i'm invincible!" Donnie told them

"Okay we get it, what about Spike? What's he got now?" Leo asked.
"Oh ho ho Leo, the ideas that kid has, it's made something truly special." Donnie said excited.
"What ideas?" Mikey asked.
"I think you all like it." Spike's voice is heard as they see him come out of the lab.

"You missed me kicking they're shells out dude, it was awesome!" Donnie told him and they all groaned.
"To you maybe but not us." Raph said annoyed as they walk up to him.
"Okay Spike, what do you got?" Leo asked.
"Let's show you my upgraded sword first." Spike said with a smile and he pulled out the blade, they watched in amazement as it was now shown to have a red metal like structure, with cackles of electricity flowing through it.

( Spike basically has a sword thats like the Murusama from Metal Gear Rising, but not directly.)

" Whoa! That looks totally!" Mikey said in amazement.
"Awesome? I know right?! The tech they had allowed me to upgrade this, cool right?!" Spike asked as he swung the blade around and red cackles of electricity flew by it.

"That is impressive Spike, what else you got?" Leo asked as Spike put it away.
"I also got these new metal claws that will help for when climbing walls and for stronger punches." Spike explained as he showed them two silver metaled claws that fit Spike's hands, they looked really well made..
"Alight i'll admit, these will be helpful for future battles." Raph said impressed
"With Metalhead and the new weapons for Spike, we'll be one step ahead of the Kraang!" Donnie said as he saw Splinter walk in.

"Sensei, i was hoping i could take metalhead out for a spin? As well as letting Spike test out his upgraded weapons?" Donnie asked.
"You may" Splinter answered.
"That's totally unfair! You can't just... wait what?" Donnie asked

"You and Spike have created these new weapons, we must see how well it works." Splinter said as he patted Metalhead on the head, he asked to see Spike's sword and he showed him it.
"This blade was already a fine weapon, both then and now, but this will prove useful to you Spike, use it wisely." Splinter said as he looked at the metal.
"Thank you sensei. i will." Spike said gratefully as he put the sword on his back.

"Remember Donatello, this is a test only, do not take it into combat" Splinter ordered
"No problem sensei." Donnie said with a bow as Splinter walked away
"Your taking it into combat aren't you?" Raph asked.
"Totally!" Donnie answered as he chuckled again.

Spike and the others are running through the rooftops again trying to reach a place that April went to during the day, they all landed on the ground quietly.
"Wonder how affective my blade is now?" Spike asked as he looked at it.
"Something tells me it'll be really affective." Raph answered, they heard metal footsteps and saw land on the ground loudly, Spike shook his head while the others looked annoyed.
"Really should thought this one out with Donnie.." Spike thought as he looked at it.

"Should we double back? I think there's a car alarm he didn't set off?" Leo asked
"I kinda like it. It goes nicely with all the sirens and cries for help." Raph said as he pat it on the head, Donnie was in the lair watching it from a camera.

"Oh come on, you guys are just jealous, cause your out there in the cold, while i'm in here having Mikey's last slice of pizza." Donnie teased.
"Hey!" Mikey shouted, he tried punching the thing but it hurt his hand." Ow!" Mikey said in pain.
"Hello?" A voice asked.
"Guys quiet, somebody's coming." Leo ordered, they tucked down quietly while the robot kept making creaking sounds as it tucked down as well.
"Guys its me!" The voice called out again, they looked over and saw it was April.
"April!" Leo said as they all made they're way down.

"Guys! I was just looking for you." April told them, they head a sound of a whistle and they saw Metalhead land in the dumpster nearby, Spike and Leo slapped they're faces in embarrassment from the loud noise.
"Something's gonna go wrong.." Spike said as it came out of it.

"Still it's stealthier then the real Donatello." Raph told them.
"What the heck is that?" April asked looking at Metalhead
"It's Donnie's latest." Brilliant" creation, Metalhead" Leo introduced.
"Catchy name huh? My idea." Mikey told her, April looked at it confused.

"Oh sorry April, i'm still getting used to the controls." Donnie said through a megaphone which hurt they're ears.
"Turn the volume down dude!" Spike said annoyed.
"Sorry, Megaphone button got stuck." Donnie said embarrassed.

"Guys we gotta do something, the Kraang are gonna poison the city's water supply with mutagen!" April warned them, Spike growled in anger as he gripped his sword
"The whole city will become a disaster area!" Leo said afraid of that.
"There will be mutants everywhere!" Donnie said in shock.
"Wow, think of all the friends we can make!" Mikey said excited, Mikey slapped his face in annoyance.
"They won't be like you guys Mikey, we gotta hurry!" Spike told them and they agreed to that.
"Let's go!" Leo ordered as they ran through the alleyway.

"Yeah the Kraang won't stand a chance!" Donnie said before Leo stopped him" What?" Donnie asked.
"Donnie, we need you to stand back, Metalhead is just too clumsy, it'll get in our way." Leo told him.
"Clumsy?" Donnie asked as he knocked over a trash can and looked at it.
"I did that on purpose to emphasize my point" Donnie defended.

"Your not coming Donnie." Leo told him again, Spike sighed sadly.
"I'm sorry Donnie, i know we worked on this thing, but it's too loud and will blow our cover, we need to be careful on this, I'm really sorry." Spike explained before he and the others ran off leaving April alone with him, April patted him on the shoulder and his head slumped down sadly.

Spike and the others headed back to the warehouse from before, they snuck in through an air vent and climbed on the metal poles at the top and looked down below.
"Looks like a Kraang picnic down there." Leo observed.

"Ready to bash some bots?" Raph asked.
"Destroy some droids?" Leo asked.
"Slice them to bits?" Spike asked gripping his sword.
"Clean some closets?" Mikey asked, they all looked at him confused on what he just said.

"Umm, i meant to say crush some Kraang?" Mikey asked, Spike and the others jumped down and sliced apart a droid with ease.
"Wow, this thing really is strong!" Spike said impressed at it's new strength, more droids aimed at them before Mikey jumped down.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as he landed on them and punched them repeatedly, Raph grabbed him and dragged him off with the others.

Spike and the others peaked they're heads from a wall making they're way closer to more droids. They heard a sound behind them and saw a droid from before, they looked nervous and looked behind them and saw more droids aiming they're weapons and started firing at them.

They screamed as they tried to avoid dozens of blasts coming to them as they hid behind some barrels, April and Donnie were watching from the rooftop as they saw the gunfire light up the windows, Donnie kept staring at her.
"Oh look at her, she's so beautiful,. On this monitor she can't tell i'm staring.." Donnie said before she looked at him.
"You do know that's not muted right?" April asked, Donnie screamed and fell backwards in embarrassment.

"Of course! If it was muted you couldn't hear me joking .." Donnie said before he slammed his head on the controller in embarrassment before he pressed another button.
"Gees i hope she bought that." Donnie hoped as he pressed the Megaphone button.
"That's the Megaphone Donnie." April told him.
"I know!" Donnie said before Metalhead shut it's mouth.

"So how do you think the fight's going?" Donnie asked, a cannon blast almost hit them and knocked them back and destroyed a ledge as an answer.
"They're everywhere! Run!!" Mikey shouted while screaming.
"Not great!" April answered.

More droids were firing at them as they tried finding cover.
"Leo! We're running out of.. room!" Raph said as they ducked behind some crates.
"We're trapped!" Leo said with worry, Metalhead jumped through the rooftop and landed on some droids striking a weird pose.
"What is wrong with your hands?" Leo asked.

"My hands aren't on my hips?" Donnie asked.
"Nope" Spike answered shaking his head.
"Sorry, forgot to press B" Donnie said before Metalhead did what Donnie asked again, Metalhead was surrounded by droids as they tried to fire at him rapidly, Spike and the others watched as the blasts have no affect, they looked at they're weapons confused.

"Now it's my turn!" Donnie said as Metalhead turned his arm into a gun and started firing at multiple droids.
"You want some of this? Woo!" Donnie shouted as Metalhead fired more down, Donnie pressed another button and Metalhead shot a rocket fist out and it was remote controlled as Donnie smacked down more robots before it returned to it.

"Hey Raph, how's it feel to by shown up by a toaster?" Donnie teased, Raph didn't say anything and Mikey chuckled.
"Burn!" Mikey replied.
"Yeah, i thought that was a good one." Donnie told him.

"No Donnie, behind you!" Spike warned.
"Oh right" Donnie said as he used a flamethrower and knocked down more droids behind him, a droid looked at him before getting an idea and powering down as the brain in the chest walked out. Donnie then fired more lasers at the droids barely hitting Spike in the others.

"Watch the friendly fire!" Leo said annoyed. Donnie kept firing lasers all around the place, but he fired at some explosive barrels and it caused an explosion and it knocked Metalhead back and the antenna fell out.
"No! I lost the control signal!" Donnie said trying to get it to work.
"What's that Kraang doing?" Donnie asked as an alien Kraang crawled on it's head and latched onto it and it's eyes turned pink.

"Uh oh! Guys, if you can hear me! You might wanna run!" Donnie warned as they saw Metalhead walk through the fire.
"Oh no.." Spike said in fear as they were backing up, Metalhead turned his arm into a gun again and prepared to fire.

Mikey screamed in terror as Donnie tried figuring something out.
"No no. Oh come on! Maybe if i can override.." Donnie said as he tried pressing more buttons before Splinter stopped him.
"Donatello, the time for games is over." Splinter told him. Donnie looked at the controller before slamming it on the ground.

"Your right, my brothers and Spike need me!" Donnie said determined.
"Wait! here!" Splinter said throwing him his staff, Donnie bowed in respect before running out of the lair.

Leo and the others were currently trying to attack Metalhead with everything they got.
"He's gotta have a weak spot!" Leo said as they attacked more.
"This always works!" Mikey said before he tried kicking him between his legs but it hurt his foot.
"Ow! Well usually.." Mikey said in pain moving his toe.

Metalhead knocked Leo and the others into a corner while Spike was hanging from a high place while he was distracted.
"Now Kraang will destroy you, which one wants to be destroyed first by Kraang?" The droid asked.
"Me!" Donnie shouted before he jumped through the roof and made a pose landing on the ground.
"Donnie! Banging entrance dude!" Mikey said glad to see him.

"You guys deal with the droids, Spike and i will handle Metalhead." Donnie told them, they nodded before charging at the droids leaving Donnie alone with the robot.
"It is the maker of the tech, which the tech that was of the Kraang." The robot said, Spike held out his sword and began to make his sneak attack.

Metalhead fired his rocket fist at Donnie who used his staff knocking it back at his face, Donnie tried striking it with his staff multiple times which did nothing, Metalhead turned it's arm into the blaster again before Spike screamed as he jumped down from the ledge and sliced it off the robot in anger.

"Not on my watch!" Spike said holding out his sword with anger. Metalhead opened it's eyes and fired a grenade at them which they barely dodged.
"Why did you put that feature in?!" Spike asked annoyed.
"I had too many ideas!" Donnie replied as they hid behind a barrel, they noticed the bomb hit a metal structure which they noticed could fall on him.

"That might work." Spike said with a smile, they both got the same idea and looked at him.
"Hey Kraang! The one who is called your mother wears the boots that are combat!" Donnie insulted.
"You are being the one who people call a coward!" Spike yelled.

"The comment that is made by you two shows the ignorance of Kraang" It said as they groaned.
"Just come and get us!" Donnie shouted, Metalhead fired more eye grenades at them and they dodged them and they exploded behind them and, Spike and Donnie flipped over the robot as the metal structure proceeded to fall to where Metalhead was, Spike and Donnie closed they're eyes bracing themselves.

They opened they're eyes and saw Donnie's staff had impaled Metalhead through the chest and Spike laughed.
"Booyakasha!" They both shouted victorious.
"Sounds weird when they say it." Mikey said weirded out.
"Sounds weird when you say it." Raph replied

"That which is know as revenge will be called on those who call themselves the turtles, and that which is known as the dragon will be re captured by Kraang once again." The robot said before the brain on top screeched and tried to attack Donnie, Spike growled in anger before he used his sword and sliced the guy in half.
"That's for Metalhead." Spike said in anger.

"Nice going you two" Mikey said proud of them.
"Way to go guys." Leo told them.
"Yeah not bad, except for the part where you build the thing in the first place." Raph said as he kept listing.
"Hey, i was only taking care of my sword and new claws." Spike defended.
"Yeah we get it!" Donnie replied as Donnie looked down a little.

We cut back to the lair where Donnie was sitting alone while the others were playing an arcade.
"What troubles you Donatello?" Splinter asked walking up to him.
"This is all my fault sensei.." Donnie said sadly.
"You are responsible yes." Splinter replied.

"Yeah.." Donnie said sadly looking down.
"Responsible for destroying the mutagen, responsible for saving the people of this city, responsible for defeating advanced technology using only ingenuity, bravery, and a stick." Splinter explained, Donnie smiled as he stood up.
"Thanks sensei, maybe your right." Donnie asked.
"I am." Splinter replied.

"I guess with proper training, there's nothing better then a wooden stick." Donnie said before he looked at his new one, Raph was getting mad at Leo as he lost the game again in the background.
"Except a laser guided missile launching wooden stick" Donnie said as he slammed it on the ground, it suddenly started to shake violently and they all noticed it in fear.

"Donnie!!" Spike said in fear.
"It's not supposed to do that... RUN!!!" Donnie shouted, Spike and the others screamed as they tried to avoid the weapon about to go off.

7: Monkey Brains

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We open to the dojo in the lair, Donnie was facing Mikey who was doing a few stretches before facing him, Donnie struck a pose before he tried to deliver a sweep kick to his body, Mikey fliped over it and grabbed his arm and flipped over again, Donnie tried to throw him but Mikey used that to get out of the way and laughed at him.

"Dude, what are you doing? You don't defend against Seoi Nage with backflips" Donnie asked annoyed.
"Why not? Back flips are where it's at!" Mikey said smiling innocently stretching his legs.

"The best defense is to roll around on my back then take me to the ground and put me in an armlock" Donnie pointed out.
"Hey man you can't take the the fire out of hi yaah!! Dr flip-enstein! " Mikey said with a dramatic voice
"I don't even know what that means" Donnie replied as Splinter walked out of his room.

"Master Splinter, what would you do if someone tried to throw you a Seoi Nage?" Donnie asked walking up to him.
"I don't know." Splinter replied casually.
"Come on you must have a response planned for every attack" Donnie argued back.
'If you think to much about what is coming, you lose sight of what is. You must be fully in the moment so you can fight without thinking." Splinter explained.

"Why would i want to fight without thinking?" Donnie asked confused
"Allow me to demonstrate. Prepare to defend against Seoi Nage!" Splinter shouted before he pulled some moves on him off-screen. Donnie was being held by the arm by Splinter on the ground.
"Ow! That wasn't Seoi Nage!" Donnie said in pain and Splinter chuckled.
"No, but you thought it would be, now would you like to prepare to defend against a spinning back kick?" Splinter asked.

"No, i'm good." Donnie replied rubbing his head, Splinter walked away and Mikey came up to him laughing.
"You know what would have worked there? Backflip." Mikey mocked and Donnie groaned in annoyance.

Donnie was currently drawing on a board of somekind that said" Plan to hangout with April" Written on it.
"What you up to Donnie?" Leo asked startling him and he saw everyone was watching.
"Just finishing the touches of my master plan." Donnie replied.

"Come on Donnie, we all know how this ends up with you, it's often really awkward." Spike said as he looked at the board.
"Spike's right on that, whatever you have probably will backfire in a way." Raph replied.
"It's to get April to hang out with me." Donnie told them and everyone chuckled a little.

"Try this" April, do you want to hang out with me?" Leo asked.
" Dude, i've experienced this thing before, it can go in anyway, i'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have trouble with this, it doesn't have to be so complex." Spike told him and the others nodded in response.
"I have to be prepared for any response she makes to maximize my chances of success." Donnie explained, Spike sighed and nodded his head as he knew this might go wrong.

"Aw.. that's so romantic!" Mikey teased.
"Dude your overthinking this, you just need to go up to her and ask, it's not that hard." Spike explained.
"I have to agree with Spike again Donnie, overthinking situations like these can lead to situations that even you can't be ready for, you just need to be calm and ask her." Leo explained as well, Donnie didn't responds as he tried to process that.

"Guys!" April shouted as she ran into the room, Donnie screamed and quickly flipped over the board for an advertisement of a movie or show.
"H.. hey April ." Donnie said nervously.
"You gotta check this out" April said taking out her laptop and they all watched as a video feedback played.

" Renowned neurochemist Dr Tylo Rockwell has been reported missing. I spoke with Rockwell's collogue Dr Victor Falco" A reported said as they see an interview of Victor with the news.
"I haven't heard him in days. so i stopped by his lab. The place was a mess and he was gone. I fear the worst.." Victor said afraid, Spike felt suspicious of this guy, but for now they should focus on Rockwell.

"So?" Raph asked as she closed the computer.
"So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including my dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy" April explained.
"Or they may not be connected at all." Leo suggested and Spike scoffed.
"Guys, they could be forcing them to build something that they need in order to achieve with whatever plan they have with this world." Spike suggested.

"There's only one way to find out, we should go to that lab and check it out." April suggested before getting up.
"April's right, we should go check it out." Donnie agreed but they all knew why he did.
"I'll come too, i wanna find out more about this as well." Spike said ready to go. They headed out of the lair and Donnie looked back with a smile and Spike high fived him glad that he found a way at least.

"Heh heh, bet that's not on his flowchart" Leo said flipping it over and looking at it.
"Whoa! it is!" Leo said pointing at a picture of him April and even Spike leaving the other turtles.
"That is spooky.." Leo said impressed.

"How'd he even know Spike would want to come with?" Raph asked surprised.
"Guess when it comes to the Kraang, Spike will do anything for info on them." Leo suggested.
"Talk about determination." Mikey told them and they nodded in agreement at hat.

We cut to an abandoned room where Spike, Donnie and April had just arrived, Donnie used a special lock he made to unlock the door and it opened.

"There isn't an electronic lock out there my digital lock can't crack." Donnie said with a smile.
"When did you design that one?" Spike asked surprised.
"A couple months back, always best to have options like this." Donnie explained and Spike smiled at that. The three proceeded to look around this place with a flashlight and saw the place is a mess.

"Wow, this place is a wreck.." Donnie said in surprise, April moved her flashlight over and saw a broken cage.
"He must have been experimenting on animals." April said in disgust.
"What animal do you think it was?" Spike asked them, they turned around and saw what looks like a chair meant for restraining someone.

"Either someone was up to some secret research, or they were renting the space to some freaky dentist!" Donnie said in shock.
"I'm gonna go with that first option, what do you think he was doing?" Spike asked again.
"Must have been some secret experiments, do you think his partner even knew about this?" April asked concerned.
"Don't know, but we might find something here." Donnie answered as they looked at a nearby desk, Donnie flipped through the shelves and something caught they're eye, a familiar green glow..

"Hold on a minute.." Spike said as they lifted the cover up and found something that surprised them.
"Mutagen!" Donnie said in shock, a person with a golf club was walking behind them and April noticed.

"Donnie watch out!" April shouted, he then noticed him and blocked the club with his staff just in time, Spike sweeped his legs and Donnie used that to pin him to the ground. April turned on the lights that were nearby and they realized who this was.

"Dr Falco!" April said in realization.
"What are you?!" Falco asked in shock as he saw Donnie.
"Relax we're not gonna hurt you" Spike said assuring him.
"You both already hurt me!" Falco argued back.
" We mean not anymore." Donnie replied as he let him go and stood up.
"We're here to help." April said as Donnie offered to help him up

The three are currently in front of him trying to figure out more information about the Kraang and what happened to Rockwell.
"I'm wish i knew something about your father but i don't." Falco said with regret.
"So what can you tell us about this?" Donnie asked holding the mutagen.
"How did you acquire this? This stuff is dangerous." Spike said as he had a suspicions about this guy.

"Some shady corporate goon paid Rockwell a lot of money to experiment with it." Falco explained, April pulled up a photo of a Kraang droid.
"This the guy?" April asked showing him it.
"That's him." Falco responded.

"The Kraang!" Donnie said with surprise.
"Well, I wanted no part of that stuff, who knows what kind of monstrosities could result, no offense." He said to Donnie.
"Some taken.." Donnie replied a little hurt.
" is that what was in that cage over there? One of these monstrosities?" April asked looking back at the cage.
"Can we ease up on the M word please?" Donnie asked.

"That's where they kept the monkey he was experimenting on." Falco explained.
"Monkeys, of course it has to be them.." Spike said frustrated.
"Well it sure didn't like being locked up in there." Donnie said in surprise.
"I've been locked in a cell too, i can only imagine what he felt." Spike said as he felt bad for the thing almost.

"Rockwell didn't treat it very well." Falco told them.
"Maybe the Kraang didn't take Rockwell, maybe the monkey went berserk and busted out of the cage?" April suggested, Spike had another theory, it could BE Rockwell who could have been mutated, but he want's to keep it silent for now.

After the talk with Falco and getting any info they can, they decided to leave and look through the streets, Spike had his suspicions on Falco as he thinks he could have something to do with this..
"So how do you guys suppose we'll find Rockwell without any leads?" April asked them.
"Well maybe we'll know where to look once we look at his flash drive." Donnie suggested.

"What flash drive?" April asked confused, above them a huge Monkey mutant was jumping down and looking at them with anger.
"The one Spike and i swiped off his desk." Donnie said with a smug as Spike held it out.
"Took it when Falco was distracted, we both thought it could help out." Spike explained.

"Great job you two, that was really clever!" April said impressed and they chuckled.
"Yeah well keeping under pressure is the hallmark of a.." Donnie tried to explain until they had a huge Monkey mutant jump down and roared at them.

Donnie went in front and pulled out his staff while Spike readied his new claw weapons.
"Careful you two, that's a dangerous mutant!" April warned them.
"That makes two of us!" Donnie said with anger.
"Bring it on monkey boy!" Spike said ready to fight.

Donnie twirled his staff around in circles as he made a battle cry and tried to attack, but the monster hit him hard and sent him flying backwards, Spike tried to engage hand to hand but the Monkey kept jumping high in the air, Spike used his metal claws and used them to climb on the walls trying to get him, but the monster kept moving.
"stop moving around dang it!" Spike said in frustration as he tried jumping off the wall and delivering a strong punch to his chest but the monster dodged the attack and Spike hit the ground creating a large cracked crater.
"These things really are strong.." Spike said gripping his hands and looking at the metal claws.

Donnie tried throwing shuriken's at it but he dodged them as they hit a metal door next to him, he then leapt at Donnie and Spike and April watched as he and the monkey had a tussle.
"Donnie?" April asked worried as Donnie got up.
"It's okay.. i was just figuring out his timing." Donnie told her.
"That's something that can never be predicted with monkeys dude." Spike told him and April agreed at that.

"Just see, he's gonna regret ow!" Donnie shouted in pain as the Monkey punched him in the chest and Donnie tried brushing it off.
"That, that too, ow!" Donnie said in pain again as the Monkey kept attacking him and he hit Donnie in the nuts and they cringed at that.
"Got a lot of regrets Monkey, ow!" Donnie said again as the Monkey grabbed his head and knocked Donnie back even more, the monster jumped in the air as it started punching Donnie left in right.

"Enough!" Spike shouted as he ran to it and delivered a hard punch to his back and sent him into a wall.
"Thanks.." Donnie said as Spike helped him up Donnie was really beaten up as Spike saw a lot of bruises and scars. They saw the Monkey was near April, but strangely he wasn't attacking her, instead she was actually calming him down.

"What, what is it?" April asked as she saw something was wrong.
"What is it, is he trying to say something?" Spike asked concerned as he walked up, The monkey suddenly became more defensive and Spike raised his hands trying to show that he won't attack anymore.
"It's okay, i won't hurt you anymore, i promise." Spike assured him trying to get on good terms with it, the monkey started to calm down again and he saw they meant no harm.
"We won't hurt you, just tell us what's wrong." April asked as they tried to get an answer from him.

The monkey was didn't respond as he suddenly roared at them again before jumping from roof to roof again leaving them alone.
"It must have been the experiments he went through.. he was just.. afraid.." Spike said as he saw the look on its face, it was familiar to how Spike felt when he was captured as well.
They heard a groan of pain as they saw Donnie was still hurt.

"Donnie! Are you okay?" April asked worried as they tried helping them up
"You took quite the beating there dude." Spike said worried as well.
"Don't worry, i'm okay, just my pride.. and internal organs.." Donnie said weakly as he tried moving.

"Let's get him back to the lair April." Spike told her.
"Sounds good to me, how do you think the others will respond to this?" April asked as as they started to drag him.
"On a scale of 1 to 10 on how much they'd laugh at him for being beat up by a Monkey, even if it's a mutant, i'm saying a 10" Spike replied.
"We'll see about that." April told him as they continued moving again.

Spike and April had managed to make it back to the lair as the turtles saw how beaten up he was.
"Whoa, what happened?" Raph asked worried.
"Donnie got beat up by a lab Monkey." April told them, Leo went over to help him.
"April, Spike can we get an ice pack?" Leo asked them, they nodded in response and went to help him as the turtles set Donnie down on a couch.

"Donnie, you gonna be okay?" Leo asked him
"Yeah.. yeah i'll be fine.." Donnie said still a little weak
"In that case.. hahahahaha!!" Leo and the turtles started to laugh hard at him

"You got beaten up by a monkey? in front of your girlfriend and a baby dragon?!" Raph asked chuckling still.
"Who somehow was able to handle things better then you?!" Mikey asked while the others laughed even more.
"She's not my girlfriend! And Spike's been taking his training seriously! And that monkey was a vicious mutant!" Donnie said embarrassed at that still.
"Yeah, i'm sure he went bananas!" Leo mocked before they started laughing even more

"Whoa! no no no no! He went Ape!" Leo joked again before they laughed even more.
"Monkey!" Mikey mocked while the others laughed more and Spike and April came in with an ice pack.
"Called it!" Spike told her seeing them laughing at him.
"Guess i owe you 20 bucks." April said handing him a bill and Spike took it.

The turtles stopped as April came in.
"no more monkey puns." Raph told them, they kept they're mouths shut looking serious as April sat down.
"Are you laughing at him because he's hurt?" April asked upset at them.

"No we were laughing because he was hurt by a.. monkey!" Mikey joked before laughing more, Spike came in and slapped him across the face.
"Not cool guys." Spike said upset as well as they were laughing at someone who was seriously hurt, it doesn't matter what caused it, he was hurt, and others laughing at him like this is something Spike doesn't like.

Spike was watching tv with Leo while Donnie looked in the nearby pool next to the Dojo, he heard Splinter explaining something to him and that Donnie can't fight using his brain all the time.
"But i don't understand, how can you fight without thinking?" Donnie asked him, Spike got up and walked over to him to try to help.

"It isn't about how you think, it's about how you move in the moment in the fight, Splinter taught me this a little while back." Spike explained to him, Splinter smiled at that knowing he's remembered his teachings well, they then saw Mikey walking up with his eyes closed listening to some music.

"Allow us to demonstrate." Splinter told him, Splinter went up to him and tried punching him but Mikey bent down and then dodged when Splinter tried attacking him with a chop and flipped over Spike after he tried sweeping his legs( Ultra instinct Mikey ya'll.) , Donnie was in complete shock as he saw this.

"See, Mikey does not think." Splinter explained.
"He's always in the moment." Spike told him.
"Thank you." Mikey replied.
"Your welcome." Splinter told him before he used his tail and sweeped him off the ground and he went flying into the beanbag.
"Homerun for Splinter." Spike joked seeing Mikey on that bag.

"You must find a space between your thoughts and learn to live there, that's what Michelangelo does" Splinter explained to Donnie.
"True but, Mikey's got a lot more space between his thought then i do." Donnie said looking at him, Mikey found a peperoni and ate it and Splinter looked at him.
"Yes, well, Michelangelo has his challenges as well." Splinter told him.
"We all have our challenges Donnie, you just need to find and overcome yours." Spike told him as he walked away leaving Donnie to think to himself.

April was on her laptop looking for info on the Mutagen they found and she got something.
"Guys, i think i got something." April said before they all turned around and came up to her.
"These notes are hard to follow, but it looks like Rockwell was able to modify the mutagen." April explained

"Why would he do that?" Leo asked her.
"He thought he could use it to create a neurochemical that would temporarily give someone physic ability's" April explained as they see a footage of a needle going into a brain and it radiates a large pulse from it.

"You mean that monkey was physic?" Raph asked her.
"It's more like he was reading our emotions, after all he was only hostile when Donnie was hostile." April explained.
"And he softened up after me and April tried being calm and tried to help him, so he may have just been confused." Spike said with concern.

"Alright, we need to track him down before he attacks someone else. Let's go to the surface, spread out and search" Leo told them.
"How we gonna stay in contact?" Raph asked and Donnie smiled.
"I have a little something that might help." Donnie responded before walking to the front.

"Gentlemen.. and lady.. i give you.. the T phone!" Donnie introduced as he held out a device with a turtle shell on the back and a screen in front.
"Dude, i'm in charge of naming stuff, i would have called it.. the T- phone." Mikey says dramatically.
"I did call it the T-phone" Donnie said frustrated.
"Guys we get it, you both would have named it, can we move ahead please?" Spike asked not wanting this conversation to continue.

"And April, if you give me your cell number i'll patch you into our network." Donnie offered holding it out to her.
"Sweet!" April said as she typed in her number.
"See? I got her number!" Donnie said with a smile.
"Her numbers on the fridge you dork." Raph responded annoyed.

We cut to the streets where April was running through the sidewalk.
"Guys, someone just spotted on the Bleecker" April said holding out her phone.
"I think i'm on his trail." Raph responded as he started to head to this location.
"Mikey the monkey is heading your way!" Leo said on the other side as Raph spotted the monkey heading down the street.

"I got eyes on him! He's headed south on Delancey!" Raph told them as Donnie was on another rooftop.
"I'm on Huston! I'll cut him off!" Donnie explained as he saw the monkey running down the streets and Donnie chased after him.
"I'm near your location, i'll rendezvous with you there Donnie!" Spike explained as he started jumping across more rooftops as he saw the monkey as well.

"Mikey, the monkey is heading your way!" Leo said as Mikey saw the monkey heading down a fortune cookie shop.
"I'm on it!" Mikey replied as he took out his skate board and started chasing him, Spike saw Mikey slammed into a pole accidentally and Spike chased down the direction he went through, it was a wild goose chase as all the turtles ended up on the same street.

"Anybody see where he went?" Leo asked them.
"I thought he headed off in that direction." Donnie said pointing at one way.
"I thought he headed off in that direction." Raph said pointing at the opposite side. Spike sighed as he knew this was tough, he saw April was heading near a dumpster and Spike followed.

"Do you have something?" Spike asked her.
"I think so.." April said as she started to open it, they looked inside and saw the monkey cowering in fear, they both looked concerned as he saw him, he looked around and saw them looking at him, Spike and April offered they're hands out to him and he took them and they helped him out.

"It's gonna be okay." Spike said trying to calm him down, but the moment was ruined when a chain wrapped around the monkey and he tried getting free.
Haha! Got you that time!" Mikey said in triumph.
"Great, we got the monkey. But we're not any closer to finding Rockwell." Raph said as April and Spike walked up to him, he roared in rage as soon as he said that name. They both felt a strange feeling in they're heads and they both realized something.

"No way.." Spike said in fear.
"Guys, we're a lot closer then you think." April said as they looked at him.
"What how?" Donnie asked confused.

"I think this monkey is Dr. Rockwell!" April told them while he looked afraid.
"He must have been mutated somehow!" Spike said in realization as they all looked shocked.

They decided to take him back to Falco as he injected a serum into him and it started to put him to sleep, Spike still thought something was strange about this guy.
"There that should calm him down, poor Rockwell.." Falco said sadly.
"Is there any way we can get him back to normal?" April asked concerned.

"I wouldn't even know where to begin, but i'll see a way to give him some sense of a normal life." Falco said rubbing his head, they all looked at eachother with concern before deciding to head back to the lair to think things out.

Spike and the others were in the kitchen as Mikey was playing on his phone.
"Man, these asteroid fields are tough." Mikey said as he kept playing tapping rapidly on the screen, Raph came in with a box of pizza
"Pizza's here!" Raph announced as he opened the box and everyone started to have a slice, the smell went to Mikey's nose as he tried to focus, he then just decided to grab a slice with his mouth and kept playing and the others looked shocked at that.

"Sorry we couldn't get any closer to finding your dad April" Leo told her.
"It's okay, everything we learn about the Kraang is another piece to this puzzle." April responded ,Spike kept looking more concerned as he thought about Rockwell.
"Yeah but psychic research? This is one weird puzzle" Leo said confused as Splinter came in.

"I am curious about you both April and Spike, how did you two know the monkey was human?" Splinter asked them.
"I don't know, sometimes, i just get a feeling about things." April explained.
" I don't know either, i just felt his fear, he was confused, scared, it was like.. he didn't know what was going on.. i just got a strange feeling as i looked at him as well.." Spike said with concern.

"A feeling? Hm.. very interesting.." Splinter said before walking off, Donnie was still on his computer typing away.
"Hey Donnie, how come you aren't eating?" Leo asked him.
"What? I'm not hungry. Somethings been bothering me." Donnie said with concern.
"You've felt that too huh?" Spike asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, Falco said that Rockwell was experimenting on a monkey." Donnie explained while he and Spike looked at the notes.
"And?" Leo asked them.
"And apparently these notes say he never had a monkey in his lab, and was using samples of Monkey DNA" Spike explained as they looked at the screen and saw a monkey on screen with a DNA structure next to it.
"We're still not following you two." Leo told him.

"Guys think about this, if he never had a monkey, then what broke out of that cage?" Donnie asked them.
"And who do we know has been there the whole time? I knew i was right about my suspicions!" Spike said in realization.
" It Must have been Rockwell!" Raph responded in shock.

"Which means Falco put him there, and he's been lying this whole time!" Spike and Donnie said at once, the other turtles looked upset as they all realized this could be true. Spike and the others decided to head back to the lab as they knew something was off.

Spike and the others had arrived and saw Falco injected something into his head and Spike felt a huge amount of power through him.
"Alright Falco, we've had enough of your!" Leo accused.
"Do not say monkeying around." Raph said annoyed.
"I wasn't going to" Leo responded.
"Yes, you were!" Falco said as he walked up.

"It's over Falco, we know it was you who mutated Rockwell!" Donnie accused
"I used him as a guinea pig" Falco said with a grin and Spike growled in anger.
"Well it didn't work, you turned him into a monkey." Mikey responded.

"The psychic neuro chemical plant i extracted from his mutated brain is changing me. Your minds are opening up to me!" He said with an evil smile.
"Guys be careful! I sense a strong amount of power from him!" Spike warned.
"You sense? How is that possible?" Donnie asked.
"I don't know, just be careful!" Spike warned again

"So this was part of your plan all along!" Donnie told him
" No man can defeat you when you know his every thought!" Falco monologued
" Oh really? Then you must know i'm gonna smack.." Raph said before Falco finished.
"Smack the white off my lab coat? How humorous!" He mocked.

"Lucky guess!" Raph shouted before he charged at him, Falco used his powers to predict the moves he was gonna make, they were like an echo that had him move in slow motion that gave him time to dodge and counter Raph's moves, after he dodged Raph, he kicked him back to the others.

Spike knew he was using they're thoughts to his advantage, and he knew he had to remember Splinters teachings Leo tried attacking him with his swords as the others got up.
"Whoa, it's like he's psychic!" Mikey said amazed.
"He is psychic shell brain!"" Donnie said annoyed.
"He's using our thoughts to see our attacks." Spike explained as they saw Leo get knocked down too.

"How are we gonna beat him if he can read our minds?" Donnie asked with worry.
"No problem, i just have to fight without thinking!.. wait a minute.. how do i fight without thinking?" Mikey asked.
"Oh no! now i'm thinking about not thinking! oh!" Mikey shouted before they saw Mikey had been hit in the head by falco as well.

"A man who can read minds is unstoppable, once i dispose of you, no one will stand in my way." Falco said evilly .
"We'll see about that!" Donnie shouted before taking out his staff and twirling it around, Falco used his power to sense his attacks and like the others he used them to dodge his every move, he then grabbed Donnie's staff and threw him to the wall as he groaned in pain.

"I really must admire that complex brain of yours, you come up with so many ideas. to bad i can see them all coming." Falco mocked as Donnie got up.
"By the way, do you really think you have a chance with April?" falco mocked, Donnie tried to ignore it and closed his eyes.
"I can do this.. just have to fight without thinking.." Donnie said as Spike walked up.
"Remember Donnie, just be in the moment." Spike reminded, Donnie opened his eyes and smiled as they looked at Falco and started to charge at him.

Falco used his powers to try to predict they're movements but they went right through the field and ran to him, he gasped as he realized he couldn't see their attacks, Donnie came over and kicked him in the face as Spike used his metal claws and punched him hard to the wall creating a large crater like before, he tried charging at them but Spike sweeped his legs while Donnie punched him in the chin and then they kicked him to a table.

Donnie jumped to the wall and then leapt off it and Donnie delivered a fury of punches that threw him into the cage nearby, he screamed as he felt the powers stop and Donnie smiled.
"Whoa nice work!" Raph said walking up to him.
"Great job Donnie, i knew you could do it!" Spike said glad he was able to beat him, Mikey came up with the Mutagen.

"What did i tell you about those backflips huh?" Mikey asked and Donnie rolled his eyes.
"Now that we have the ooze, let's see what Falco knows about the Kraang." Donnie said before they looked at the cage, but they all gasped and saw he was gone somehow.
"He's gone!" Donnie said with shock.
"How did he get away?!" Spike asked in shock as well, they heard a groan as they saw Rockwell still on the chair.

"What do we do about him?" Mikey asked looking at Rockwell, Donnie and Spike decided the same thing and undid the bindings holding him to the chair, he immediately got up and went to the window before he turned back to them one more time.
"I'm no psychic but i think he's trying to thank us." Donnie suggested.
"He is.. i don't know how but.. i feel it.." Spike said as they looked at him, he then turned away and jumped out of the window leaving them alone.

"If he reacts to angry thoughts, then is New York really the best place for him?" Raph asked concerned as they heard a car horn.
"Hey monkey! Get out of the.. ah!" A guy screamed before they heard a tire screech and then a loud crash.
"I.. think he'll be fine.." Leo replied as they heard some people screaming.

Spike and the others went back to the lair and Splinter then asked Spike and April to come to the dojo as he wanted to talk to them. April and Spike were sitting across from Splinter as he looked at them.
"April, Spike, it seems you both have a rare gift a sensitivity i have trained my entire life to develop." Splinter told them.
"Don't worry, you'll get it." April assured him.
"I did! It just took me a long time!" Splinter responded.

"Uh that's nothing to be ashamed off." April responded a little embarrassed.
"Sorry about that sensei." Spike apologized and Splinter sighed.

"It's okay, what i am trying to say is train April into a Kunoichi, a female ninja, and Spike, i would want to help you develop these ability's of yours further." Spike explained, Spike looked concerned as he remembered the feeling they felt in his head.
"Wow, that's quite an honor, if i do this, does that mean i'll get to kick everyones butt?" April asked excited.
"We don't believe in using our ability's that way." Splinter responded.
"Oh! Oh yeah.. me either.. But i could right?" April asked.
"And these ability's could help me fight the Kraang?" Spike asked him.

"Yes, but it will be the hardest thing you two will have ever done, it will drain you, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
"Splinter told them.
"Well it can't be worse then high school." April said casually before she got up and started to walk out.
"I've already been training with you for a few months now, what's some more training right?" Spike asked him and he sighed.

"Spike, what do you think is the reason the Kraang captured you in the first place?" Splinter asked him, Spike took in this question and tried thinking it over.
"I don't know, i remember them calling me" the Dragon" before, so maybe they were looking for me specifically?" Spike asked with concern.
"I don't know it fully either, but you must be cautious, these ability's of yours could tie into why they captured you." Splinter suggested.
"It could be true, but we won't know until we find out more info about them." Spike responded.

"Yes, and this training of yours may take a long time for you, but you may tap into your potential one day." Splinter told him
" Your right, but i'll push through, and i'll find my way home one day." Spike said with determination and Splinter smiled.
"I know you will Spike, let's start in a bit, does that sound good?" Splinter asked.
"Sounds good to me, i'll be back in a bit." Spike said before standing up and walking out, the thoughts still raced through his mind, he questioned how he was able to sense Rockwell's feelings, and what the reason is that the Kraang want with him..

Donnie was out the door of his lab watching April go by.
"Hey April! you uh wanna hang out with me later?" Donnie asked and April turned to him.
"Oh? that sounds great Donnie, but i'm training with Splinter and Spike in a bit, i'm learning to be a Kunoichi" April explained.

"Oh!" Donnie said before looking at his flowchart.
"If training with Splinter.." Donnie whispered before turning back.
"Well the, maybe we can.. train together sometime?" Donnie asked looking back at her.
"Sounds great!" April replied before walking off and Donnie laughed.

"You see that? My flow chart is awesome!" Donnie said laughing as Raph rolled his eyes uninterested.

8: Never Say Xever

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We open to a shot of New York where the camera zooms to a building with a clock on the top, we cut inside the building where the Shredder was looking over the city.

"Hamato Yoshi's disciples are turtles?" Shredder asked as Chris was bowing behind him as Xever came into the room.
"And yet they somehow managed to beat you?" Shredder asked in anger.
"Not just turtles, man sized turtles, trained in ninjutsu. And i almost had them." Chris explained

"Till you led us into their trap, if you'd let me take them down when i wanted" Xever said annoyed.
"Then we'd never find Hamato or capture that dragon!" Chris argued back.
"Silence!" Shredder ordered as he came walking down to them.

"You were such a promising student." Shredder said as he pulled out one of his blades and held it by his neck.
"I expected much more of you" Shredder said in disgust.
"Sensei, give me another chance. I will not fail you again." Chris begged, Shredder thought for a moment before pulling away.

"No you won't. Xever your in charge" Shredder explained and Xever smirked.
"I will not take orders from gutter trash!" Chris said annoyed.
"Is that so?" Shredder threatened as he brought out his blades again.
"Unless you want me to master." Chris said backpaddling.

"I've already put word on the streets to watch for the turtles and dragon, and when i'm find them, i'll peel them out of they're shells and drop them on your knees." Xever said with anger.
"destroy the turtles, capture the dragon and bring him to me." Shredder ordered.
"Yes Master Shredder" They both said at once before they got up and left

We cut to the rooftops at night where Spike and the others were currently running across them once again, Leo leapt down to the streets and peeked around a corner and saw April walking ahead
"You guys wanna speed it up a little?" April asked annoyed.

"Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donnie asked offended
"That's a hurtful stereotype." Mikey said a little hurt as he and Raph were near the Movie theater .
"Trust us April, we are better off keeping a low profile." Leo told her.

"You've seen a couple people freak out easily from the others, just imagine what happens if they see a real dragon with a bunch of giant mutant turtles." Spike told her as he landed on the sidewalk.
"Sorry guys, i'm just so excited to get you guys out of the sewers for the change" April explained.

"What are you talking about? We go out all the time." Raph asked confused.
"She means when it comes to not having our other missions Raph." Spike explained.
"Exactly! You guys are gonna be doing something else besides hitting people." April explained.
"Aww.." Raph said disappointed.

"At least i can finally interact in a non violent way with others outside of the turtles and Splinter finally." Spike said as he had been doing that pretty much since he got broken out of his cell.
" Don't worry guys, your gonna love this noodle place i found." April explained
"And your sure we'll be welcome?" Donnie asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like. In fact he won't even know what you look like, he's blind." April explained and they all looked interested.
"Awesome!" Mikey said eagerly before Raph smacked his head while Spike was shaking his head in disapproval .
"I mean.. for us obviously." Mikey said nervously.

The 6 of them had just arrived at the shop but to they're surprise they saw a bunch of thugs fighting inside.
"Oh no!" April said in worry as they ran up to it.
"Who are those creeps?" Donnie asked with the others wanting to know.
"The Purple Dragons, they think they own the streets around here." April explained and Spike growled in anger.

"I'm not gonna let people like them harm others, especially with a name like that!" Spike said as he was ready to fight, they could hear the fight go on inside and were outside the door.

"So much for not hitting people tonight." Leo said sarcastic, Raph grinned as he said that.
"Oh well." Raph replied as they burst inside with they're stances.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted, the thugs stopped what they're doing and looked at them confused.
"All right let him go, you don't want any trouble" Leo warned.
"We on the other hand do!" Raph threatened.

"Whoa those guys were serious! They really are giant turtles, and they have and actual dragon!" A thug said pointing at Spike.
"You've heard of us? Dudes we're famous!" Mikey said excited before everyone looked at him with anger.
"That's bad!" Donnie told him
"Remember what Splinter told us dude." Spike reminded and Mikey chuckled nervously.

"Whatever you are, this neighborhood is our. So why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from?" The leader asked
"Actually we're water turtles." Donnie corrected before he went on to explain some random stuff much to everyones annoyance.
"Get em!!" The leader ordered, a guy with a hammer growled and ran on the desk counter to Leo, he tried to attack Leo but he dodged it and Mikey came in running up Leo's arm and he delivered a roundhouse kick to the guy. The guy quickly recovered before charging at Raph who dodged his attacks and broke his nose with just his finger.

Spike then came in and grabbed the guys arm before using his strength and he lifted him in the air before slamming his back on his knee and the guy screamed in pain. Donnie and Mikey were knocking another guy back and forth while Mikey was looking at a bowl of noodles and Donnie punched him in the chest and the guy fell down.

April was crawling on the floor avoiding the fight and found Murakami on the floor and she grabbed his shoulder to help him out of the restaurant while the others fought on. Spike was dodging a large thugs attacks by backflipping onto different tables, Spike then grabbed his wrist and twisted it and kicked him in the face and Raph punched the guy in the back knocking him to a wall.

Spike had went on to help Leo who was fighting the leader, Leo knocked a knife out of the guys hand and Spike snuck behind him and used his metal claws to deliver a strong punch to the guys side and he went flying to a wall, Leo came up to him and held him by the arms ready to punch him, Spike was right behind him making sure nothing would go wrong.

Leo flinched as he saw the guys fear and realized he wasn't worth it, Spike saw this too and they both agreed to let him go much to his surprise.
"Get out of here." Leo threatened
"And change your gangs name, it's an insult that believe me, if any other dragon knew about this, they'd burn you to ash." Spike warned and he scoffed before going to the others.

"Come on let's go! This ain't over Greeny!" The leader warned, Spike grabbed a nearby pot and threw it at the guys head and knocked him out of the place.
"Try us!" Spike shouted as the guys ran off.
"Greeny, really? I wonder how many brain cells he took to come up with that." Donnie mocked.
"Probably less then Mikey uses on a daily bases." Spike joked and Donnie chuckled at that.
"Hey" Mikey said offended as Raph walked up to Leo.

"You just let them go?! What the heck was that?!" Raph asked mad at Leo.
" They weren't exactly a threat, they had enough." Leo explained.
"Dude! They were beating up a blind guy! There is no enough! Now they'll think we're wimps who don't have the guts to finish the job!" Raph argued.

"Trust me Raph, there are other ways to solve things, proving yourself to guys like them, are not the ones you want to see the approval off, believe me.. i've had experience.." Spike explained, Raph was trying to think over on what Spike meant as April came in with Murakami again and Donnie made some awkward exchanges with eachother while the others looked weirded out.

"My friends, i am indebted to you. Please, allow me to make you a meal, free of charge." Murakami offered
"Sounds great to me." Spike said while the others smiled.
"What is your favorite dish?" He asked, the other looked at eachother before deciding on one thing.
"Pizza!!" They all shouted.

They watched as Murakami made a dish using his amazing skills, it was like he was a ninja but used the skills for cooking, he then placed out a few plates of food for all of them.
"Pizza Gyoza" He introduced.
"Pizza Gyoza?" April asked confused, everyone took out a pair of chopsticks before taking a bite themselves, the dish was so good that Spike started to have tears in his eyes while the others fell out like a cartoon before appearing back somehow.

"Wow!" Raph said amazed.
"This is delicious!" Spike said as he took another one as the other gave they're compliments as well.

"Uh Mr Murakami, do the Purple Dragons come around a lot?" Leo asked and he sighed.
"Yes, they demand protection money, but i refuse to pay. They will surely return." Murakami said in fear.
"Well they wouldn't if someone had finished the job." Raph said looking at Leo who sighed sadly, while that was happening Mikey quickly took the rest of Leo's food much to his surprise and Mikey chuckled as he finished it.

We cut back to the lair where everyone was doing they're thing, Spike was reading a comic book while he overheard Leo and Raph argue about Leo letting the thug go and argued with Mikey and Donnie.

"Ugh! The point is we can't go soft on them!" Raph shouted.
"To show mercy is not soft, it is a sign of true strength." Splinter said as everyone saw him walk in.
"But sensei, they're criminals, this is war." Raph argued.

"A Daimyo of the 16 century once said, in times of peace never forget the possibility's of war. In times of war, never forget compassion." Splinter explained, Spike smiled as he liked that quote.
"I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars." Raph joked, that got Splinter mad as he suddenly held out his staff at Raph's chest much to his surprise.

"You see? Mercy." Splinter said before he hit him hard on the shoulder.
"Ow! Okay look, compassion is great. But the Purple Dragons are not going to leave Murakami alone." Raph argued.
"So we'll track down the Dragons and make sure they got the message. And if they didn't we'll make sure to deliver one" Leo suggested before bashing his fists together." Special Delivery." Leo said with a smirk.

"Was that supposed to sound tough or stupid?" Raph asked confused.
"I think it's meant to be tough dude." Spike replied as he put his comic away.
"How are we gonna track someone down when we can't talk to anybody?" Donnie asked, they all looked at eachother and thought of something.

A guy was outside a shop sweeping a floor before he felt something on his shoulder and turned around to see April.
"I'm looking for the Purple Dragons" April explained.
"I don't know what your talking about." He said clearly afraid, April looked around before bringing her face closer.
"Don't worry, i can protect you. i'm an undercover cop." April explained.
"You look like your 16." He replied observing her, April thought of something before getting an idea.

"I know, i'm really good at this." April said before she accidently knocked over some fish.
"Let me see a badge." He asked.
"Are you crazy? I can't carry a badge, that would blow my cover." April explained while the guy scratched his head.
"I suppose that makes sense..." He replied and April smiled at that.

April explained to everyone on where the Purple Dragons were supposed to be, and they were on another rooftop with the moon right behind them.
"April said this was the place." Leo said as they were above a Tattoo shop.
"Cool, can we get tattoos? I wanna get one of my face, on my face." Mikey asked waving his head up and down showing a familiar design before coming back to normal while the others were just silent.

"I know, i just blew your minds on that." Mikey told them.
"You know they use needles for that." Donnie explained.
"And it's supposed to be painful." Spike joined in before they heard a door open.

"Can it dorks! There he is." Raph said as they saw the leader walk out of the shop, he made sure no one was following him as he walked down the streets while Spike and the others jumped on more rooftops. They stopped at a Fortune Cookie place where the leader went into a garage door while they all watched from a rooftop striking ninja poses.
"Got you." Spike said with a smirk before they all hoped over to the place.

Inside the leader was walking past his group before he went up to Xever and Bradford.
"We saw that gang of turtles and that dragon you were looking for. And we'll tell you where, for a price" He offered, they looked to they're left and they saw Spike and the others crash through a window shattering the thing with serious faces and drew they're weapons.

"Freeze dirtbags." Leo ordered, Xever and Bradford walked past the guy and they just realized them.
"Uh oh." Leo said in surprise.
"Of course they'd be working for them.." Spike said annoyed, Mikey went on to call out on Chris being his ex friend and the other guy next to him.

"The names Xever. So don't forget, i'll write it on your shells with.. these." Xever said as he held out a pair of knives. Spike and the others engaged in battle with them once again, Spike was facing the muscular one once again, he tired to attack Spike with a axe but Spike sliced the thing to pieces with his sword much to his surprise, Spike delivered a roundhouse kick to the guy and it sent him onto a hook which moved him right onto the Cookie maker machine.

Leo was fighting the leader again as he dodged a knife slash and jumped behind him and kicked him to a wall and held a sword by his neck.
"Your making me sorry i let you go." Leo threatened. Xever was running up to him from behind and surprised Leo and slashed him hard enough to send him down the stairs and onto a crater. Xever jumped down all the way to Leo who was able to dodge roll out of the way, Xever leaped over the machine and repeatedly hit Leo on his head stunning him for a brief moment.

Raph screamed as he came in and tried tackling him, Xever grabbed Raph and threw him to a wall which Raph landed on with his feet and jumped back to the ground and pulled out his weapons. Leo came behind him with his swords pulled out and Xever grinned as he readied his blades as well.

Donnie and Spike were engaged with Chris again as Donnie was trying to swing at Chris with his staff with all his might, but Chris was able to dodge them all and grabbed him by the neck, Mikey saw this as he was on the machine and tried to attack him with his chains but Chris grabbed it much to his surprise and pulled them to him. He jumped off the ledge and slammed them to the ground hard.

"Guys!" Spike shouted in anger as he took out his sword and jumped off the ledge and tried to slash him, Chris dodged him and barely missed his slash as the sword cut part of the machine apart, Chris looked at his sword and recognized it.

"Is that my sword?!" Chris asked in anger as he tried delivering a punch which Spike backflipped over and landed a good distance away.
"Yeah, so what? It's not like you've been using it!" Spike countered as he charged up his gloves and delivered a strong punch sending him back, Chris growled in anger as he looked at him.

Before they could continue they saw more foot soldiers crash through the walls and they started to become outnumbered.
"Turtles fall back!" Leo ordered/
"We're giving up? Again? Are you kidding me?!" Raph asked in anger.
"Yes, it's all part of my hilarious, let's live routine!" Leo shouted as he and Raph jumped to the higher areas and grabbed the bars on the top.

"There's a time for everyplace Raph, but we need to move now!" Spike shouted as he jumped out of the window with the others following him.
"Hey! Stay and fight you cold blooded cowards!" Xever shouted in anger as the others had escaped once again.

Spike and the others made they're way back to the lair to rest, but they all were feeling upset because they couldn't beat them, Raph sighed and went to punch a dummy.
"Man, could that fight have been any more embarrassing?" Raph asked as he punched the thing in anger.
"Sure, we could have been hit in the face with pies." Mikey replied.

"We were fighting on a fortune cookie machine dude, that wouldn't have been possible." Spike said annoyed, Raph growled in anger as Leo sighed and stood up.
"It's called fighting smart Raph. The Purple Dragons have Bradford and Xever on they're side now. Last time we barely beat those guys." Leo pointed out.

"Yeah, because they're the ones willing to fight to the finish. The only way to beat them, is to be just as ruthless as they are." Raph argued, Splinter had walked in and joined the argument.

"Raphael, this Xever can cross lines that you won't. This may make him dangerous, but it does not make him strong." Splinter explained as he walked up to them.
"But Xever wins fights, isn't that what matters? And he never shows anyone mercy." Raph countered as he crossed his arms, Leo was thinking to himself as he tried to think of something. Spike sighed and got up.

"Raph, it doesn't matter whether or not he won, what Leo is wanting to do is make sure we find the best option to beat him. Remember what happened with Spiderbites a few weeks back? We needed to find the best option to take care of that situation as well." Spike pointed out
"That was different Spike, that guy was a selfish jerk who didn't care for anything but money. How can that be similar?" Raph countered, Spike sighed and begun to explain.

"It doesn't matter who the people we fight are Raph, we won't always beat everyone on the first try, it takes more then brute force and aggression to win one." Spike countered again.
"Spike is right again Raphael, you can't beat every new enemy we come across so easily, it takes time and thinking to win a fight, even in a life or death situation. This will most likely happen again in the future, you need to consider the foes we face." Splinter said as he put a hand on his shoulder as he was left to think about it. But it couldn't last long as they heard they're phones ring and got a message.

"Guys, it's April, she said something's wrong, we need to meet her at the noodle shop now!" Spike explained as he read his message.
"We'll think this over later, Let's move!" Leo ordered as he and the others ran out of the lair once again to see what's wrong.

April was pacing back and forth in front of the place with concern, Spike and the others had made they're way to the place and landed on the ground.
"April what's wrong?" Leo asked with concern.
"It's Murakami." April said with worry, they entered the place and found that he wasn't there.

"Someone took him and left this." April said as they showed them a letter, Spike took the letter and put the knife away for later and began to read it.
"No more running, if you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory." Spike read as the others looked at it.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's bust in there and rescue Murakami." Raph said ready to go.
"Not so fast, think Raphael." Leo told him.
"Those two words don't go together that well." Donnie joked while Spike laughed a little.

"This is obviously a trap." Leo warned.
"Well what choice do we have?" Raph asked as he didn't care.
"Maybe we do need to think like Xever." Leo suggested much to Donnie's confusion.
"I know. But Xever crossed the line dragging Murakami into this. He's gotta learn that we can cross the line too. No more Mr. Nice turtle " Leo explained as he crossed his arms.

"Normally i'm not one to cross the line like this, but dragging him into this is the last straw." Spike said with anger as Xever kidnapping him was more then enough.
"Yes! I never liked Mr nice turtle!" Raph said cracking his knuckles.

Spike and the turtles quickly made they're way back to the tattoo place again and they were on the rooftop again.
"Okay he's strong, so speed and stealth are essential. Okay everyone know the plan?" Leo asked as they all nodded.
"Mikey?" Leo asked looking at him.
"Yes." Mikey replied but they all weren't convinced.

"Are you sure?" Leo asked again
"Yes." Mikey replied again.
"Tell us what it is then." Spike said with a smirk, Mikey tried to think of it but he couldn't remember a single word.
"Um.. maybe we should go over it one more time?" He asked embarrassed, they sighed in frustration as they proceeded to explain to him again on what the plan was.

Chris was just leaving the place as he locked the door, Raph jumped behind him ready to fight, Chris was about to jump at him but Leo jumped from the building and pinned him to the ground. Spike and Donnie came in with some ropes and tied him up while Leo taped his mouth up. They placed him on a lid and Raph came in with a trash can and slammed it down and they chained it together and placed a lock on it.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the other side of the line. " Leo announced.
"Now i'm definitely gonna need a Tat." Mikey said before Raph smacked his head again.
"Twilight definitely would NOT approve of this, but he went too far now." Spike said as he and Raph and Mikey grabbed the can.

"Dang, this suckers heavy." Raph said as they accidently dropped the thing and it slammed against a wall and heard him groan in pain.
"Sorry!" Mikey shouted.
"Don't apologize to him." Raph replied.
"I.. mean.. sorry i didn't drop you harder!" Mikey corrected.
"There you go." Raph said with a smirk.

Spike and the turtles were making they're way to the factory while Mikey and Raph were rolling the trash can to irritate him.
"You okay in there?" Raph asked sarcastically, they only could hear his muffles as they continued rolling.
"Good." Raph said with a smirk as they kept moving. They made they're way to the factory again but found Murakami was strapped to a post on the roof hanging in the air with Xever on the top.

"Dude, Xever's a jerk." Mikey said upset. They carried the trash can to the rooftop and placed it down and saw Xever and the gang on the other side.
"We're here Xever, not let the noodle man go!" Leo ordered.
"Sorry, there's been a change of plans." Xever said with a smirk as more foot soldiers came from behind them and held out they're weapons.

"Actually, there's been another change of plans." Leo countered as Mikey and Donnie lifted the can revealing Chris still tied up.
"I love it when a change of plans comes together." Donnie said as he patted his head.
"You let our friend go, and we'll let your friend go." Leo offered, but Xever simply laughed and said that he wasn't his friend, he then went over to start cutting the rope holding Murakami while they held him over the edge.

"Uh.. we're not kidding man, okay, stop or we'll toss him!" Leo warned.
"Go ahead, it'll save me the trouble" Xever said before he made another slice and was almost through, they were cornered as they had no choice but to place him back on the ground.

"That's what i thought. Attack!" Xever ordered as the ninjas jumped at them with they're weapons. Spike and the turtles fought them once again. Spike was surrounded by multiple ninjas with they're weapons out.

One attempted to slash at Spike with a sword but Spike backflipped over the guy and grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground. another with a spear jumped in the air and tried to stab him but Spike dodge rolled out of the way and sliced the thing in half with his own sword. He held out the knife he got from earlier and threw it at one ninja and hit him in the leg before going over to finish him off and he knocked him off the rooftop and took the knife back.

"I like this knife i'm keeping it." Spike said before he went to fight the others again. Xever held out multiple knives and threw them at Leo and Raph who were on a billboard but were able to dodge them. Xever then looked at Spike and threw more knifes at him but he deflected them by twirling his sword around at fast speeds deflecting them all much to his surprise.

"Impressive, no wonder Master Shredder wants you. And the fact that you stole that sword from Chris, makes it even more believable!" Xever said as he drew his weapons and engaged in battle, Spike was blocking his attacks with his sword and was trying to deflect them the best he could. Spike then dodge rolled to the side and jumped into the ledge and knocked down more ninja's with his skills. Spike then charged up his claws again and jumped into the air and delivered a huge ground pound which shook the roof and knocked the ninjas off balance.

Xever was about to attack him again but Chris grabbed his hand after he broke free.
"How could you be so sure they were bluffing?" Chris asked in anger.
"I wasn't." Xever replied with a grin, Chris growled before he joined in as well.

Spike and the others kept trying to fight off the ninjas but more and more kept coming until they were surrounded.
"All right, let's settle the score pond scum." Chris said with anger.
"We're the ones who didn't want to throw you off the roof!" Donnie shouted. Chris and the ninjas all charged at them as they slip up to cover the work.

Spike used his claws to slash through the enemy weapons as he backflipped onto a ledge before he flipped into the air and delivered another spin attack and knocked more ninjas off the roof. Spike was breathing heavily as he was starting to feel tired, but he couldn't rest as he saw Chris and Xever had knocked the others down and they walked up to them.
"See Bradford? That is how you catch turtles, now to filet them." Xever said holding out his knife.

"You never would have caught them without me" Chris argued, the gang leader was watching from atop in concern as he looked over and saw Leo's sword before deciding to help them and threw Leo his sword, Spike had finished his recovery and smiled as he made that decision.

"Now if you'll excuse me, i'll cut some turtles into pieces." Xever said before Leo held out his sword with Spike standing besides him.
"We don't think so!" Leo shouted before he and Spike backflipped in the air and delivered two separate slashes to the boards holding a water tower, the boards fell apart and the thing tipped over and washed them all away. The rope holding Murakami snapped but Mikey jumped down and was able to save him just in time.

"I got em!" Mikey shouted.
"Nice save Mikey!" Leo said as the others started to help him up.
"Don't look down Murakami, or.. don't listen down." Mikey said as they helped him up. Leo saw the thug on the rooftop looking nervous before he ran off while Leo smiled as he respected his decision to help.

They all made they're way to the noodle shop again after saving Murakami.
"Accept this as a token of my gratitude, Pizza Gyoza!" Murakami said as he held them out another batch.
"Awesome thanks Murakami!" Donnie said amazed as they took it.

"Your welcome turtle-san and dragon." He said before they all bowed right as they realized something.
"Wait.. how did you?" Donnie asked in surprise.
"I do have other senses, touch, smell." He explained, the others looked at Mikey before he cringed in embarrassment

"You don't think we're weird and scary?" Leo asked surprised.
"You saved my life, who am i to complain?" He asked, Mikey smiled before hugging him as he smiled at that as well.
"That seems fair to me." Spike replied as the others laughed at that

Spike and the others had made they're way to the lair again as Donnie was trying to give April a dumpling and was able to convince her, and she quickly took the rest much to Donnie's disappointment. Spike was sitting next to Splinter as he told them things.

"You boys showed your strength today." Splinter said as he was proud of them.
"Yeah but we almost got beaten." Raph argued.
"Your strength was mercy. That is why the Purple Dragon helped you." Splinter explained as he drank some of his tea, Spike and Leo smirked as they looked at Raph.

"Well? Say it." Leo teased.
"You heard Splinter Raph." Spike teased as well and he groaned.
"Okay, okay, you were both right." Raph said annoyed.
"See? That wasn't so." Leo said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Leo's wimpyness wasn't totally useless." Raph mocked.
"Oh ho, i'll show you who's wimpy. No mercy!" Leo shouted before he jumped at Raph and tackled him to the ground while Spike was laughing all the while.

Back at Shredder's lair, Xever and Chris were on they're knees while Shredder was mad at them.
"This is unacceptable." Shredder said mad at them.
"Humble apologies, Master Shredder." Chris begged.
"I swear, next time we will.." Xever said before Shredder stopped him.

"Enough!" Shredder shouted as he got up from his chair and walked down.
"I shall deal with Hamato Yoshi's deciphers and capture that dragon myself." Shredder said in anger as he walked out of the room..

9: The Gauntlet ( FKA Enter Shredder)

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It had been about a week since the last battle, Spike had been training some more after the incident with Xever, he was working to build up his strength more to be able to handle more foot soldiers as they kept on getting stronger. Leo and Raph were training together again, Spike was watching them fight as Raph was blocking Leo's attacks before they heard Donnie speak.

"Check it out guys, we are about to take our ninjutsu to a whole new level!" Donnie announced as he walked in with some strange eggs.
"Cool" Leo said right as he sweeped Raph's leg's and knocked him down.
"Last night, i figured out how to make.. ninja smoke bombs!" Donnie announced as he threw one on the ground and a purple gas covered him and he disappeared before appearing behind them.

"That is awesome!" Spike said in amazement.
"Whoa.." Leo and Raph said at once.
"Now to make em, i carefully had to a drill a whole in the egg without cracking em, slowly blow out the content, and wait for the inside to dry, then pour in flash powder before sealing the holes with wax." Donnie explained as he held it out.

"Blah blah, science, blah blah, do it again!" Raph encouraged.
"What i'm trying to tell you guys is that they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly." Donnie explained as Spike took a few.
"Got it." Spike said in understanding as he put them away for later.

"I'm making breakfast! Who wants Omelets?" Mikey announced and they're eyes widened.
"On no.." Spike said in fear
"Omelets? Mikey don't!" Donnie shouted before he appeared in a purple smoke and coughed some gas.
"I think that was a rotten egg." Mikey told them.

"Those aren't eggs Mikey, they're ninja smoke bombs." Donnie explained and Mikey had a look of surprise.
"Shut up!" Mikey said excited as he repeatedly smashed them down and appeared from multiple different places before coming behind Donnie.
"I love you man! Seriously!" Mikey said excited while Donnie looked really annoyed, they heard footsteps approaching and saw April come in.

"Guys! You'll never believe what happened to me!" April said in fear as she sat down and hugged herself.
"All right April calm down. Are you okay?" Donnie asked as he knelt down to her.
"I'm being hunted.. by a giant pigeon!" April said dramatically, Raph couldn't take it and laughed at her before Spike and the others looked at him upset before he stopped himself.
"I can't be the only one who finds that funny." Raph told them.

"It's not funny Raph! There's a creature out there trying to hurt my April.. our April, " Donnie said nervously as the others looked at him.
"This is serious, i better get Splinter" Mikey said as he held out another one.
"Mikey we don't!" Leo said as he dropped another down and Splinter suddenly appeared before them...
"Is this teleportation? It REALLY feels like it is." Spike said in surprise.

"Michelangelo said you wanted to see me?" Splinter asked, they all sighed as they let April explain everything as they sat down.
"He had these razor sharp talons, he would have torn me to pieces. If he hadn't slammed into the glass." April explained while everyone watched with concern and Raph laughed again much to everyone's anger.
"Really? Just me?" He asked before Splinter smacked his staff on his head.

"Raphael! Cleary April is upset!" Splinter told him.
"It is not the time to be laughing dude" Spike said upset at him Donnie sighed and got up.
"Don't worry April we won't anything happen to you." Donnie assured.
"Donnie's right, we're gonna set a trap for this pigeon-man, and make sure he never bothers you again." Leo told her.

"Well i know what we can use as bait." Donnie told them.

"Bread crumbs!" Mikey suggested as he slid in the conversation, he looked at everyone who was silent" Pigeons eat bread crumbs" Mikey defended.
"I meant April." Donnie corrected much to everyones surprise.

"Your gonna let him eat April?! I thought you liked her!" Mikey accused as he and Spike stood in front of her.
"Yeah!" April said upset as she was behind them
"What the heck dude?!" Spike asked in anger.

"Don't sweat it , we've got your back" Donnie assured, Spike sighed as he hoped whatever he had planned would work.
"Alright Mighty Mutants, let's do this." Leo said as he clenched his hands together
"Mighty mutants? What" Dancing Dorks" Was already taken?" Raph asked, they all started to leave before Splinter stopped them and they turned back.

"We do not yet know what we are facing. Perhaps you should study your enemy before confronting him." Splinter suggested while the others looked unconvinced.
"With all due respect sensei, it's just a pigeon" Leo told him.

"What you know is dangerous to your enemy. What you think you know, is dangerous to you. I fear you are all becoming overconfident." Splinter said with worry.
"Sensei in the past few months, we've rescued a dragon, taken down giant spiders and giant plant creatures, alien robots, and an army of ninjas. Maybe we're not overconfident, maybe we're just that good." Leo suggested while the others high fived eachother, they then ran out while Splinter sighed in worry.

Spike had a look of concern though, it was true, but despite the foes they have faced, they still haven't faced the Shredder yet.. And they do not know how skilled he really is..

Back at Shredders lair, Chris and Xever were in the throne room, Chris tried to pet a dog but it bit him in anger.
"He is not pleased with you. Nor am I." Shredder said as he walked in.
"I entrusted you both with the task of destroying Splinter and his loathsome turtles, and capturing this dragon." Shredder said as he walked forward and he looked at Chris.

"I spent years molding you in my image, teaching you my darkest secrets, and you shame me with your incompetence." Shredder said in disgust before he turned to Xever.
"I should have left you to rot in that prison where i found you." Shredder insulted as he walked to his throne.

"The turtles and dragon have been lucky so far, but it won't last forever" Chris told him.
"The next time we meet, i promise you." Xever said before he was stopped.
"Enough! I am weary of your excuses. I will now destroy the turtles and capture that dragon myself." Shredder said with anger.
"Master Shredder, what do you even plan on doing with that dragon when you do capture him?" Xever asked him.
"He has the potential to be of great use to us. Since you both have failed to capture him yourselves, i will take him on as my next student, and he will surpass you both when i am done with him." Shredder explained while the others scoffed.

"Master Shredder, he obviously won't be willing to accept you so easily." Chris argued.
"I never said i would have him willingly join us or not, he will join us. Even if i have to break him to do so." Shredder said with anger as he took out his claws again and looked outside the view of the city..

Back in the streets April was walking around an alleyway trying to get the monster to come out in any way she can, Donnie then came out behind her.
"April what are you doing?" Donnie asked confused while Spike appeared next to her.
"Why are you acting like that?" Spike asked as well.

"You wanted me to be bait. i'm bait" April argued.
"That's not how bait talks." Donnie replied.
"How do you know how bait talks?" April countered.
"I know know bait doesn't talk back." Donnie replied, the others Ooh'd in surprise coming out of they're hiding spots.

"Oh no you didn't!" Mikey said waving his finger
"Savage." Spike said laughing a little as the others hid away again and Donnie chuckled.
"Just act natural." Donnie said as he walked away.
"I'll stay close to you okay?" Spike asked as he looked at her
"Sounds good, let's get this over with." April said as Spike hid away too and she sighed.

"Here i am, acting natural. Just totally defenseless against any, i don't know, hideous pigeon mutant who might happen upon me?" April asked, she then heard a screech and looked up and saw the monster coming down to her, she screamed in fear as she tried to run away. But the monster was suddenly tazed and fell on the ground.
"Now!" Spike shouted as he and the others tackled him to the ground.

"Okay! Okay uncle, uncle! Geez Louise!" He said annoyed.
"He can talk?!" Spike surprised
"And you said i wasn't good bait." April said to Donnie who had a tazer in his hand.

"Okay start talking Pigeon man." Leo ordered.
"I have a name." He told them.
"Yeah we just don't care what it is." Donnie countered.
"It's Pete" Pete said as he looked at him.

"Why were you trying to hurt April, Pete?" Leo asked
"I didn't wanna hurt her, i just wanted to deliver a message from her father." Pete explained and they all gasped at that.
"Let him up!" April told them and they immediately did so.

"We were both guests of the Kraang. They poured some ooze on me and turned me into this!" Pete said looking at his body.
"Oh, that must have been horrible, being turned into a pigeon" April said with regret
"Actually i started out as a pigeon." Pete told her.
"Told ya bread crumbs would have worked" Mikey said before Pete grabbed him

"You've got bread crumbs?!" He asked as he looked over him.
"Um, my father?" She asked.
"Oh right!" Pete said before he dropped Mikey and handed her a phone which they all looked at.

"Something terrible is about to happen. I don't know what's about to happen but you need to get out of this city as fast as you can. Whatever they have planned for Spike is not good for anyone! Save yourselves, and remember, i love you April" Kirby said on the phone while the others looked worried.
"I love you too daddy.." April said sadly as she held it to her chest.

"Do you have any idea what he's talking about?" Leo asked him.
"I'm just the messenger." Pete replied.
"We have got to get you out of this city." Donnie said with worry.

"I'm not going anywhere without my dad." April countered.
"We can't just leave him behind." Spike said as he joined in as well.
"But you heard him, something terrible is gonna happen" Donnie argued back.
"Then we better hurry." April countered and Donnie stayed silent from that.

"Can you tell us where the Kraang are holding him?" Leo asked Pete.
"I can, but it's gonna cost you a lot of bread." Pete replied
"We're talking about actual bread right?" Leo asked and he nodded.
"Yep, Sourdough" He told them.

"Done!" Leo said in agreement
"Let's roll!" Mikey said as he tossed another smoke bomb and they disappeared again, unknown to them, more foot soldiers were watching from above and went to report this to the Shredder.

Somewhere else, a guy was in front of a fish tank and someone took the fish out.
"That, is the ugliest thing i've ever seen, present company excluded." Chris said as they looked at it and tossed it to the guy and put him on a staple.

"So we have a problem." Chris told him.
"No, you have a problem." Xever countered as he looked at him.
"We've both failed Master Shredder, can you live with that shame?" Chris asked him.
"If i had the opportunity, i would crush those turtles like bugs." Xever said in anger, Chris's phone rang and he picked it up and red the message and smirked.

"What is that?" Xever asked him.
"Opportunity.." Chris replied as the man held out an axe and slammed it on the fish..

We cut to Spike and the others on a rooftop as Donnie was opening a vent.
"Piece of cake." Donnie said as he opened it
"Let's do this." April said ready to go but Leo stopped her.

"We need you to wait here April." Leo told her.
"Are you crazy?! My dads in there!" April said mad at him.
"Along with who knows how many Kraang. This requires stealth and mobility. Leave it to the pros." Leo told her and she sighed.

"I can't just do nothing." She argued
"You won't be doing nothing, we need you to lower this rope when we give you the signal." Leo said as he held out a rope, she groaned as she took it.

They proceeded to head they're way inside the lair, Spike, Donnie and Leo quietly made they're way to the ground and hid behind a crater, but Mikey accidently made too much noise again and caused a robot to notice him, Raph jumped down onto him and stabbed him repeatedly on the back.
"So much for staying quiet." Spike said annoyed.

Mikey chuckled nervously as they started to move, they went to another hallway and Leo carefully snuck up behind a robot and sliced it apart and motioned them to follow as they went to another door.

Right as more droids were about to enter a room, Leo grabbed they're heads and smashed them together and Spike threw his knife at the head of the one in the room and they walked inside.

"Donnie, hack into the system and see if you can find out about that Kraang's plot. Raph and Spike your with me, and Mikey stay with Donnie" Leo told them.
"Why do i always get stuck with Mikey?" Donnie asked annoyed.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended.

"I don't want him, and i'm in charge." Leo said pointing at himself.
"Hey!" Mikey said again
"Well then let Raph take Mikey." Donnie countered
"Over my dead body." Raph said as he crossed his arms.

"Guys, can we please focus on this?" Spike said pointing at the device.
"He's right, have fun you guys." Raph said as they walked out of the room leaving Donnie alone with Mikey.

The three made they're way to the halls again as they carefully were sneaking around again, they ended up at another cell and looked inside.
"Mr O Neil? Are you in there?" Leo asked, Kirby walked up and looked outside.
"Your one of the turtles who rescued my daughter and Spike, is she okay?" Kirby asked with worry.

"Don't worry she's fine, she's right outside." Leo assured him.
"You mean that girl is still in this city? That girl is stubborn." Kirby said with worry as Leo took out a panel.
"Yeah, we've noticed" Leo said as he tried to work on it, Spike then looked at Kirby with concern.

"Kirby, have you found out anything on why they wanted me here?" Spike asked concerned
"I've only found out a little bit, i was able to find out what creature's DNA they wanted to mutate you with." Kirby said with worry.
"And what would that be?" Spike asked a little afraid.

"They had two separate options, one was to use that of either a Dinosaur from the Prehistoric era to be a vicious hunting predator for them. And the other would be that of a Cobra snake, having you inject poisonous venom in they're foes to make sure nothing would stop them." Kirby explained and Spike gulped in fear as he did not like the sound of that at all.

"Well.. at least you won't be turned into a pigeon.." Raph said a little nervous and Spike shuddered at the thought.
"Why don't we move on.. what's the heck's the deal with the Kraang?" Raph asked.
"They're aliens from another dimension. When they came here they brought the mutagen with them." Kirby explained.

"Why what's the point of turning people into monsters?" Leo asked in concern.
"And why did they capture Spike in the first place?" Raph asked concerned.
"The mutagen doesn't work the way they thought it would. Apparently the physical laws of their universe is different from ours." Kirby explained.

"So.. they're grabbing scientists to help them modify the ooze!" Leo realized
"And they want to use me as a test subject for they're plot once they've modified it!" Spike said in great fear.
"What do they want the ooze to do?" Leo asked as he was working on the lock.
"I wish i knew..." Kirby said with regret. Donnie and Mikey rushed out of the room to them

"Leo, Spike, Raph! They've placed a mutagen bomb down town! They're gonna use it to disburse mutagen over half the city!" Donnie said with huge worry.
"What?!" Spike asked in horror.
"We have to diffuse that bomb, once i get this stupid door open!" Leo said in frustration.

"Have you tried this?!" Mikey asked as he pressed a button.
"NO!!!" They all shouted, the alarm system turned on again and Mikey chuckled nervously.
"And that's why no one wants to be with you!" Raph said pointing at him in anger.
"Great work Mikey!" Spike said in anger.

"Got it!" Leo said as he opened the cell, more Kraang droids came from the halls and started firing at them.
"Let's move!" Leo ordered as he took Kirby and they made a run for it, they made they're way back to the way they came in and Spike looked up.
"April! Now!" Spike shouted, April quickly looked down and saw them and she threw the rope.

More droids kept on coming and kept on firing at them, Spike sliced another robot from behind them while Raph kicked a barrel and knocked more down, one of them dropped a gun and Kirby decided to take action.
"Mr O Neil what are you doing?!" Leo asked in surprise.
"Save my daughter, save this city." Kirby said as he started to fire at them.

"Daddy no!" April shouted in fear, Kirby kept firing at more droids while they started to climb up the rope.
"We can't leave him hear!" Donnie argued
"We don't have a choice!" Leo countered as they started to climb.
"We'll come back for you Kirby, i promise!" Spike said as he made his way up, they watched with fear as a robot tackled him to the ground and restrained him.

"No!" April said in horror as they took him away, April started to cry as she hugged Donnie.
"We'll get him back April. I promise" Donnie said trying to calm her down.
"We gotta go." Leo ordered as Spike and the others started to rush they're way to the bomb to save the city.

On top of a hotel was the bomb and dozens of robots were guarding it.
"Kraang, in how many time units known as minutes will the device containing the mutagen that will be spread over the place known as New York, be detonated?" A droid asked.
"Five" The other replied before an arrow hit him on the head and it exploded, Raph was seen with an arrow and fired at another, Spike came in with anger firing more arrows that had bombs attached to them and took down as many as he could until they were all done.

"Okay Donnie, it's up to you." Leo told him, Donnie then opened a hatch.
"Uh oh." Donnie said in fear as the others looked at him.
"Uh oh? Donnie, you said you knew how to do this!" Leo said annoyed

"I didn't count on a design this complex, Leo." Donnie argued.
"They're aliens from another dimension what did you expect?" Leo asked as he stood up." A big round ball with a big fuse that said bomb?" Leo asked as he made an image of the thing.
"No but this!" Donnie said before Raph shoved Leo out of the way.

"Boy i sure hope this argument goes on for another 4 minutes and 15 seconds." Raph said as he smacked his head, Donnie was sweating big time as he was trying to be as careful as he could.
"Watch out for those wires Donnie." Raph warned
"You guys are not helping!" Donnie said annoyed.

"What if we press this button?" Mikey asked before Spike crushed his hand.
"Haven't you pushed enough buttons tonight?! We lost April's father because of you! Let's not lose this city!" Spike said in anger as Mikey silently nodded, Donnie was trying to think of something as he looked at it.

"Um Donnie, you might wanna hurry this up." Leo said with worry.
"I cannot work under all this pressure!" Donnie shouted until they heard a loud sound.
"Um.. that might be a problem" Leo said as they looked at the sign and saw Chris and Xever on the sign.

"You gotta be kidding me!!" Spike shouted in anger as they drew they're weapons.
"Donnie, take care of the bomb, now!" Spike shouted as he and the others ran to them.

Spike and Leo grabbed Xever by the leg and threw him to the ground.
"You guys picked a really bad time for this." Leo said with anger.

"Oh sorry for the inconvenience, when would you prefer your last breath?" Xever asked them before he delivered another kick.
"How about when we DON'T have a giant mutagen bomb that will kill us all?!" Spike asked in anger as he punched Xever back a large distance.
"I would rather go with honor then live in shame" Chris said before Spike came up to him and kicked him in the face.
"It doesn't matter whether or not you have it! There is always something in life that's worth living for! And being a mutant is NOT what i want!" Spike shouted as he kicked him back even more.

"Will you hurry up and defuse that bomb?! We're dealing with a couple of nut jobs here" Raph asked Donnie and he growled.
"Be quiet!" Donnie shouted as they all continued to fight, Chris grabbed Raph and threw him to the wall, Xever jumped in the air and tried to kick him but Raph slid out of the way, Raph blocked any of Xever attacks the best he could and backflipped onto the bomb, Xever and Chris charged at them with anger once again.

Chris proceeded to dodge any chain attacks that Mikey threw at him before he grabbed Mikey and hit him against a metal bar and pinned him down, Chris tried to keep on attacking him and Mikey was trying to block them with his nun chucks, Leo jumped into the air with his sword making a battle cry, Chris grabbed the sword with his hand and threw him back a great distance.

Donnie was down to a couple more wires sweating nervously.
"Two wires left, which one do i cut?" Donnie asked nervous.
"Go for the green one dude!" Mikey shouted before Chris punched him again, Donnie looked back and was trying to decide.
"Ah why not." Donnie said as he cut the thing, and luckily it was the right one and the bomb turned off.

"Guys, guys! Mikey was right about something!" Donnie said in complete relief, he then took out his weapon and ran up the sign and jumped in the air and engaged with Chris, Leo and Spike were charging at Xever who was fighting Raph again, Spike used his sword to deflect more of Xever's knives and jumped in the air and delivered a roundhouse kick, they continued to fight them until they both were cornered.

"You both were worthy adversaries, but the fight is ours." Leo told them.
"It's over guys, we won fair and square, please just stop!" Spike told them as well.
"Never!" Xever shouted.

"You don't have a choice. You've lost." Leo told them again
"If i'm going down, i'm taking you with me!" Chris shouted before he pulled out a knife and stabbed the glass.
"No!" Donnie shouted as the glass cracked and a huge chunk of mutagen fell out and they were engulfed with it. Spike was too close to them however, and a good amount covered Spike's arm.

"AHH!!" Spike shouted as he screamed in pain as the mutagen covered his right arm.
"Spike!!" They all shouted in horror as Spike was in great pain, Spike's arm proceeded to change as his arm became more sharper and deadly, he now had a arm what looked like a mutated mix of metal and organic parts of it, and his claw was even more sharp and deadly then it ever could of before.

"No.. no..!!" Spike said in horror as he looked at his arm while the others looked horrified.
"It's.. like the claws we designed merged into it, this shouldn't be possible!" Donnie said in terror as he held it out and Spike flinched in pain.
"What are we gonna do?! I can't go home looking like this!!" Spike asked in fear as he looked at it.
"We'll find a way, i promise Spike." Donnie said as they jumped on down and saw the bomb deactivate and they all sighed sadly .

"So to sum up, we kicked the butts of Kraang and Shredder's top henchmen, and defused a bomb and saved this city.. and got Spike partially mutated.." Leo said with regret
"Maybe we were too over confident.." Raph said with sadness as they looked at him who was really upset.
"Let's just.. go home guys.. I need to think.." Spike said as they all started to leave but were stopped by someone.

"Your skills are impressive." A voice said, they all looked at the top and saw someone familiar.
"Oh no.." Spike said in fear as he landed down.
"But it will not save you." Shredder finished as he looked at them.

"Oh man.. do you think that's.. the Shredder?" Donnie asked in fear.
"Well it's definitely a Shredder." Raph replied in fear as well as he walked up to them.

"There is undoubtedly a fascinating story in how my old nemesis managed to teach ninjutsu to four mutant turtles. Who failed to stop they're dragon friend from becoming partially mutated might i add. " Shredder said as he looked at Spike who was clutching his arm.
"Perhaps i will let one of you live long enough to tell it!" Shredder threatened

"You'll have to catch us first. Mikey!" Leo shouted looking at him.
"So long suckah!" Mikey shouted as he slammed an egg on the ground.. but it was just a regular egg.
"Well that ones on me." Mikey said embarrassed
"Well.. ****" Spike said in shock.
"Language dude!" Mikey said in surprise, Shredder drew out his claws and ran to them.

Raph screamed as he charged at him, he used his weapons to block the Shredder's claws, Shredder blocked one of Raph's attacks and kicked him right into one of the hotel's signs extremely hard which electrocuted him.
"Raph!" Leo shouted in fear as Raph fell to the ground. Shredder jumped in the air with his claws and slammed on the ground, Leo tried using his swords to block him as well before Shredder was able to disarm him and kick him to the ground.

"Leo!" Donnie shouted in fear as he went to check up on him, he then drew his staff and tried to attack Shredder but he grabbed Donnie's staff and hit him on the head a couple times before knocking him down as well. Mikey used his chains to attack him and it wrapped around his arm, but Shredder pulled Mikey to him and kicked Mikey to the side, he tried throwing more shuriken's at him but Shredder blocked them as Mikey went off the ledge, Shredder looked down to see if he's still alive.

Spike knew they were cornered but had no choice but to fight, He used his left arm and drew his sword and charged at him with anger. Shredder noticed him and Blocked his attacks with his blades.
"Impressive, i was told you stole this weapon from Chris, and have made it into something deadlier." Shredder said as he delivered a hard kick to Spike's chest before pinning Spike to the ground.
"I needed a weapon somehow!" Spike said in anger as he tried slashing at him more but Shredder kept backflipping over his attack's and hit Spike in the chest stunning him.

"Yes. But the skills Splinter taught you was not enough to save you from this mutation." Shredder said as he grabbed Spike's body and threw Spike to a wall cracking it very hard and he fell on the ground weakly.
"Splinter failed to teach you ways that would actually have you save yourself, i will not let that mistake happen again." Shredder said as he held his blades by his neck.
"I am going to show you what a true warrior is, whether you want it or not." Shredder said menacingly as Spike tried to move.

Leo was able to recover and quickly made his way to Shredder and caught him off guard and knocked him back.
"Not on my watch!" Leo shouted as he charged at him again, Mikey helped Raph get up and they got back in the fight as well.

Leo tried blocking his attacks with his swords more, Donnie came in from behind and tried attacking him but his staff only broke apart from that, Shredder grabbed Donnie's head and threw him to Leo and pinned them down. Raph screamed as he fell from the air and latched onto him and repeatedly punched him in anger, but Shredder grabbed him and threw him to the others and readied a punch. But his arm was wrapped in a chain as Mikey jumped down from the sign and latched the other half onto it and it pulled Shredder up and stopped in the air.

Shredder took out his claws and with his strength he sliced the part of the sign and Mikey screamed as it fell down on him. Shredder landed back on the ground, Spike got up and was trying to help the others lift up the sign and got Mikey out. Shredder appeared in front of them with anger as they drew they're weapons again still ready to fight.

Shredder roared as they all jumped in the air with the sign still sparking electricity in front of them as they're shadows were on screen. But Shredder was too strong and one by one he knocked all of them down again, Shredder then slashed at Leo's shell and Spike's own chest and it left a large scar on it. He then grabbed them by the necks and pinned them to the wall.

"Tell me where Splinter is and i promise your demise will be swift" Shredder threatened as he held a blade by Leo's neck, but it was halted when they heard a gasp and they saw someone fall behind them and saw Xever was mutated into a fish monster.
"Help.. me..." He said weakly
"What is this?" Shredder asked in surprise, Spike and the others were badly beaten up as they had scars and bruises on multiple parts of they're body and they saw Bradford was mutated into a giant dog monster.
"Xever? Bradford?" Shredder asked in shock." Huh?" He asked as he saw Spike and the others had vanished.
"NO!!!" Shredder screamed in anger as the camera pans down.

Spike and the others were still badly beaten up but had managed to make they're way back to they're lair but were all depressed from what happened. Spike looked at arm again sadly as it was not normal anymore.. Splinter came in to the place looking worried as well.

"You were all very lucky." Splinter said as he looked over them.
"I think we define that word differently sensei.." Raph said looking at him.
"If being partially mutated is considered lucky.. i don't know what luck is anymore.." Spike said with tears as he looked at his arm.

"Few have ever faced the Shredder and survived." Splinter explained them.
"He was just so fast.." Mikey said sadly
"it was like he was everywhere at once.." Donnie said with fear.

"You were right about us being overconfident sensei.. because of that, we almost died, and Spike got partially mutated because of it.. There are some things we just aren't ready for.." Leo said with regret as Splinter put a hand on his shoulder.

"Perhaps, but that no longer matters. It is clear now that Shredder is a problem that will not go away." Splinter said as they all looked at him with fear and concern.
"So prepare yourselves my sons. Because as off this moment.. we are at war." Splinter finished as they knew this wasn't gonna be easy anymore..

10: Panic In The Sewers

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Spike was laying down in his room once again, he wasn't in the best mood.. it had been few days since the incident happened.. when he got partially mutated in the fight.. Spike kept trying to tell himself it wasn't real, and it was just a bad dream, but sadly it wasn't, he had to become left handed with his sword as his new arm was different.

"What will everyone say if they see me with.. this?" Spike asked as he looked at his arm again, he looked at the differences.

His arm had a mix in of metal and organic parts from multiple places, it had grown a little larger then his other one ,he had grown a shoulder blade that could be used for slicing, and his claw had become so sharp, it can as deadly as his own sword.( The shoulder blade is like Miguel O Hara's with his spider suit). And his arm had a mix in of Dark purple and silver colors to make things even more different, and he could just feel the strength with it. But he was too afraid to use it.

"If they see this.. will they still see me as Spike? Or will they see me as.. a freak?" Spike asked in fear as he looked at it. He was afraid to even go home anymore, even if he did find a way home, with the state he's in.. he just feels like he'll be a monster to them.
"I should go see if the others are doing okay.." Spike said as he got up and grabbed his sword, he put on his black ninja mask and walked out of his room.

Spike saw the others were near the exit ready to go.
"Guys?" Spike asked as he walked up to them, Splinter had walked in as well looking upset.
"Where are you going?" Splinter asked as he walked up to them.
"We're heading out for our evening patrol." Leo explained.

"After what happened a few days back, are you crazy?" Spike asked with worry.
"There will be no patrol for any of you." Splinter ordered and they all had a look of surprise.
"Sensei?" Leo asked with confusion.

"Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives. Spike got his arm mutated and was almost taken by him as well" Splinter explained.
"He's right guys, i haven't even used my arm at all since then." Spike said in agreement.
"But guys, next time we'll be ready, i'm sure you'll get used to it after a few more fights." Raph said as he looked at them.

"Yes, because you will stay down here until you are ready." Splinter said as he grabbed Raph's arms aggressively and pulled Raph to him.
"No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training!" Splinter said as he restrained Raph and threw him back to the others.
"Starting now!" Splinter finished while the others had a look of surprise, even Spike was surprised by his sudden overprotection.
"This is gonna be hell for a while isn't it?" Spike thought to himself as he knew this wasn't gonna be easy..

Spike wished he was wrong more then ever, because for the next few weeks, he and the turtles stayed within the sewers doing nonstop training, they barely had any rest, and could only eat for a small bit All this training did help Spike gain more body muscle, but he felt extremely sore. Spike and the others were in the dojo looking exhausted as they were facing eachother.
"More sensei?" Raph asked as he was feeling tired.

"Yes, more!" Splinter instructed, they both took a few breaths before Mikey and Donnie charged at them, Spike used his new arm and grabbed Donnie's hand, it was strong enough to flip Donnie over with ease, but Spike was so tired from all this training, it barely felt good to use.
"There is no intention in your strikes! Do it again! We will practice all night if we have too!" Splinter ordered and Spike groaned as Donnie rubbed his head.

"We have been practicing all night!" Donnie said exhausted.
"We've been training nonstop for the past 3 weeks!" Spike added as he was extremely tired, they heard a thud on the ground and saw Mikey was asleep.
"Wake him up!" Splinter ordered.

"Gladly!" Raph said as he grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder and onto the ground.
"Ahh! Shredder's here!" Mikey screamed as he opened his eyes and was breathing heavily.
"Relax, you were just having a nightmare." Leo said as he tried calming him down.

"Aren't we all?" Raph asked as Leo helped Mikey up.
"If me having nightmares at least allows me to have some sleep, so be it.." Spike said exhausted.
"Sensei, can we rest for a sec?" Donnie asked as he was breathing heavily.

"Rest? Hmm, Shredder will not rest, until you all are dead!" Splinter shouted.
"Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep. They need a break." Leo said as he looked at them.
"Oh like you don't?" Raph asked as he was upset.
"That's right Raph, i don't." Leo replied as he walked up to him.

"Well, then i'll give you a break" Raph threatened, but Splinter wasn't having any of it, and he used a move that knocked the 5 of them to the ground
"If i were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now. Understand?" Splinter asked as they got up, but Mikey closed his eyes and fell asleep on Leo's shoulder.

"Perhaps a brief rest is in order, we will resume later." Splinter said as he walked away.
"Thank Celestia!" Spike said as he and the others passed out from exhaustion.

Spike and the others had gotten a little sleep, which Spike was grateful they got any at all. He and the others were in the lair again and were watching more of that Space Heroes show Leo likes, but it was interrupted when Raph through a shuriken at the power button.

"What?! Hey, what are you doing?" Leo asked as he looked at Raph.
"Don't look at me, it was Spike's idea." Raph explained, and Leo looked at Spike who was sitting next to him.
"The other Spike. He said Space heroes, is too stupid for him" Raph corrected as the turtle Spike climbed on Spike's shoulder and he petted him.
"I think we should call him T Spike to better understand things." Spike suggested as the turtle nuzzled his shoulder.

"That's saying something, considering he hangs out with you all day." Leo countered, that made the turtle walk off his shoulder and go to a plate with another leaf on it.
"Nice going, you made him angry. So i'm gonna mop the floor with your face!" Raph threatened as he walked up to him.
"All right Raph, cool off." Leo told him as he brushed his finger away.

"I can help with that!" Mikey said as they saw a water balloon fly into the air and it hit Raph on the face. Mikey was shown with an innocent smile as he held out some more.
"Doctor Prank Enstein strikes again!" Mikey said as he jumped around, that made Raph furious at him as he towered over Mikey with flames in the background.

"Dude, you should see your face right now. You look so mad!" Mikey joked, Raph then turned to both Spike's.
"Okay guys, you'll like this show. it's called" Does Mikey bend that way?" " Raph said he cracked his knuckles and chased after him.
"Come here you!" Raph shouted as he tackled him to the ground.
"This is a 10/10 already for me, right Spike?" Spike asked as he looked at the turtle who took another bite of his leaf, and he laughed a little as he rubbed his head which he liked.

Spike and the others decided to check on Donnie who was in his lab, he had a welding tool and a mask on as he was working on a large vehicle.
"Your still working on that go kart?" Raph asked as they walked up to him.
"It's not a go kart. It's an all- terrain patrol buggy, with detachable side cars." Donnie explained as he showed them some blue prints.

"Dude, hasn't Splinter been riding us hard enough? You gotta find a way to relax." Mikey told him.
"We all deal with stress in different ways Mikey." Leo said as he looked at the paper
"Yeah, and this is how i deal with it." Donnie replied.

"And this is how i deal." Mikey said as he threw a water balloon at Spike, but he caught it with his new arm no problem.
"And this is how i deal with stress!" Spike shouted as he threw the balloon at Mikey which knocked him to the ground hard.
"Your next Leo! Dr Prank Enstein makes house calls!" Mikey joked as he ran out of the room as Spike chased him in anger, a few seconds later green fire was seen outside as Mikey screamed in the distance .
"Ahh! That's hot!!" Mikey screamed while the others shook they're heads

They're break had ended now, and they had to resume training again much to they're annoyance. They were in the dojo once again practicing some more moves.
"Hoko no Kamae" Leo said as he and the others raised they're arms in the air, but Raph didn't do it.

"Raph, Hoko no Kamae" Leo said as he looked at him
" Hoko no way. It's bad enough Splinter's driving us into the ground, now you? " Raph as he was upset
"We have to keep training because right now, we don't stand a chance against Shredder." Leo argued.
"Yeah, and he's up there somewhere, waiting for us." Mikey added before he said that he freaked himself out.

"I hate to say it, but the fact we've been laying low might be the only reason we're still alive." Donnie said with concern
"Exactly, so until we're ready, we stay down here" Leo told them.
"Crud.." Spike said as he hated hearing that.

"Unfortunately, that's not an option." April said as they saw her enter the dojo and held out her phone.

They got back to the living room again and were all listening to a message with Splinter besides them.
"We're meeting Shredder tonight, he's got a plan to destroy the turtles and capture that dragon." A man on the phone said as they listened.
"How? He doesn't even know where they are" Another man asked
"He says they're in the sewers somewhere, and that's all he needs to know to wipe them out." the guy finished while they all looked concerned.

"Our home is no longer safe. The Shredder must be stopped." Splinter said with worry.
"How can we even stop a plan we don't know?" Leo asked as they saw Mikey was holding another balloon, Leo grabbed a small knife and threw it at the thing and popped it.

"We have to go topside and find out what they're planning." Raph suggested.
"Raph's right, there's no other way." Leo said in agreement.

And as they said, they had to go to the surface again after weeks on nonstop training, and Spike was glad to get some air after being stuck in that place for weeks without going out. They saw the Purple Dragon gang enter a church of somekind and they all quietly went down a building and walked up to Leo.

"This is the place." Leo told them as he pointed at the building and they looked at it.
"Donnie, your crowding me." Raph told him.
"Oh, sorry." Donnie replied as he backed up a little, and he backed up into a trash can which startled Mikey.

"Sorry, all the Splinter talk of how we're not ready has me thinking, maybe we're in over our heads." Mikey told them and Raph bashed his head in response
"Your always in over your head." Raph said annoyed.
"I'm saying now we all are! And that's what scares me." Mikey said as he was afraid .

"It's okay to be scared Mikey, Raph is scarred to." Leo said as he looked at him.
"I am not scared." Raph said as he walked up, as he did that, Leo quickly poked his head and he screamed a little at that, but it was halted when they heard a growl and saw the mutated Chris who was a dog monster walk up to them.

"You should be." Chris said as he towered over them.
"Bradford! Rad Brad!" Leo and Mikey said at once.

"Look what i found, four soon to be ex turtles, and a baby dragon" He growled and Spike and the others started to back up.
"i'm sure glad it's okay to be scared." Mikey said afraid.
"You and me both." Donnie said in agreement.
"This is no time to panic!" Leo said as he drew his swords, he continued to walk to them and he seemed even taller.
"Okay, maybe a little" Leo said as they all drew they're weapons.

As he kept walking to them, he looked even bigger which Mikey commented on.
"Then i'll cut him down to size." leo said as he charged at him, He jumped on his shoulder but Chris used his strength and knocked him off and tried punching him which Leo backflipped from.
"Okay, let's stick together on this one." Leo said as he threw his fist at them again.

Raph charged at him and tried using his weapons on him, but his hand was so big it was almost crushed him and Raph was trying to push it back, Donnie came in with his staff and tried attacking him but it barely affected him and he knocked Donnie back, he did the same with the other turtles as he was just too strong. He then lunged his fist at Spike who used his new arm to try and catch it which worked.

Spike was grunting in frustration as he tried to pull him back, his arm then glowed green a little which gave him some more strength, and he grabbed a shoulder blade on him and started to toss him over his body and slammed him to the ground with huge strength.

"Guys, i think it's best we retreat for now.." Spike said as his arm stopped glowing.
"You know what, good plan. Mikey!" Leo shouted, Mikey quickly looked for a smoke bomb in his pocket and took one out but accidently dropped it and it didn't do anything.
"What was that?!" Raph asked in annoyance.

" I'm stressed! My aims a little off!" Mikey countered.
"How hard is it to hit the ground?" Raph asked as he threw one on the ground, but that got it caught in a hole. Raph tried to grab it but it fell through.
"Not so easy is it?" Mikey asked as Raph was growling in anger.
"Enough you guys!" Spike said as he took one of his own out and threw it to the ground and they all disappeared and Chris growled as he walked off again.

Spike and the others escaped back to their lair once again, but they all were feeling defeated and afraid because of what's been happening. Splinter had walked into the room with a look of regret on him.
"We couldn't take him.." Leo said with regret as he looked down.
"Dogpound was just too powerful.." Mikey told them.
"Dogpound?" Spike asked as the others looked at him and he explained it all which they already got.

"I don't see how we can get close to that meeting now.." Leo said with regret
"Well maybe we just need to find a new place to hide, i hear the sewers in Florida are nice this time of year" Donnie suggested as he showed them a picture of it.
"No! I'm not letting you guys give up! I'll spy on the meeting!" April said as she stood up

"April, it's way too dangerous!" Spike said with worry as the other turtles agreed as well.
"Absolutely not!" Splinter added in and April sighed.
"I can do this, you've been training me to be a Kunoichi" April argued.
"For a few weeks" Splinter countered.

"What choice do we have? Shredder's gonna attack your home, and we need to find out how. And i'm the only one who can do it." April said as she pointed at herself, Spike and the others looked at eachother while April looked at Splinter who crossed his arms as he didn't like this but had no choice.

April is seen walking up to the church with another pizza box while Spike and the others ran on some more rooftops and landed on a ledge to watch over her.
"This probably won't work." Spike said unconvinced.
"I know, giving an enemy free pizza is never a good idea." Mikey said in agreement, they watched as April tried to give the the pizza but they slammed the door on her, she sighed sadly and walked to the side and called them.

"It looks like the foot ninjas are smarter then the Purple Dragons." April told them
"They'd almost have to be wouldn't they?" Leo asked in response." Thanks April, you did your best" Leo told her
"We'll find a way ourselves, thanks April." Spike said as the bell started to ring.

"At least we got free pizza." Mikey told them before April spoke again.
"Oh i'm not done yet." April replied with a scoff
"Wait, what is she doing?" Donnie asked as they watched her, they saw her walk up to a dumpster and threw the pizza out.

"Not the pizza! April's gone rouge!" Mikey said in horror, they watched as she walked on another door and spoke to a person about her being a firefighter and saying that there's been reports of faulty wiring. And she let herself in while the others watched in surprise.

"Nice job April." Spike said impressed. April proceeded climb up the stairs on the side of the building, she almost fell off from trying to jump to the other building but she was able to climb up and make it inside the place through and open window. She looked inside and saw the Shredder and his minions in it.

"Listen carefully, five of you will hijack a tanker truck on Huston in approximately 15 minutes" Shredder instructed as she held out her phone and the others could listen to it.
"The Chemical is extremely rare, so you will not have another chance." Shredder finished and they all looked worried.

"Chemical? What chemical?" Raph asked with worry as he tried listening closer, he and Donnie got into another argument which Leo had to stop.
"How bout you two shut it for a minute, while we try to hear Shredder's evil plan!" Leo said annoyed as he pointed at it.
"Which will destroy the turtles once and for all." Shredder finished and they all groaned.

"Great, we missed it, nice going guys!" Leo said sarcastic.
"Fantastic!" Spike said annoyed as well.

"We gotta get April out!" Donnie said as he tried rushing over but Spike stopped him.
"Not right now, we'll put her in even more danger if we do, we have to wait." Spike told him. April made her way back to the bottom and hid behind a wall.

"I'm gonna hitch a ride and see where they go." April said as she was on the phone.
"You've done enough already, now get out of there!" Leo ordered, but unfortunately Chris had heard it and turned around and saw her.
"Bradford heard you! April run!" Leo shouted while the others looked worried. April was caught by him and was knocked out and put in the truck and it drove off. Spike and the others had made they're way down but had just missed the car as Chris was on the back of it.

"No! We're too late!" Donnie said with worry.
"April!!" Spike shouted as they drove off. Leo tried to call her again to hear a response but they got nothing.

"We gotta get april outta that van, but Dogpound's in there! And we're not ready to fight that guy! Aw, Splinter was right, we should have stayed below" Leo said with worry as he was breathing heavily.
"I can't believe i'm gonna say this.." Raph said annoyed before he looked at him.

"Get it together captain, your a leader, so act like one!" Raph quoted.
"We can't let our fears control us, we need to fight him, even if we're ready or not!" Spike encouraged, Leo took a moment and realized they were right.

"Your right guys, that was the anxiety ray talking" Leo said as he turned around.
"That's it? Your not gonna slap yourself?" Raph asked with a smirk
"Let's save April." Leo replied brushing it off.
"And our home" Raph added.

"But we'll never catch him on foot!" Donnie said with worry, Spike then remembered something Donnie was making and got an idea.
"Oh ho ho, we're not going on foot Donnie." Spike said with a smirk.

Spike and the others went to get the patrol buggy Donnie made, and it was going at extremely fast speeds, there were 5 seats for each of them, Spike sat in between Leo and Raph in the front while Donnie and Mikey were behind them.
"Oh yeah! This is rad!" Mikey shouted in excitement.
"It feels like we're in a racing game!" Spike shouted in amazement
"It's not ready!" Donnie shouted with worry, Leo turned the car around at a tight rate and they headed down another path.

"This thing is awesome! Does it have a radio?" Mikey asked as Spike and the others were holding on.
"No, it doesn't have a radio! I'm telling you it's not ready!" Donnie shouted, Spike pulled a lever nearby and it went by even faster.

"Seems ready to me!" Leo shouted as he pulled the wheel but it snapped off and Leo quickly put it back in.
"Okay, don't pull on it, and we'll be fine!" Leo told them.
"Got it!" Spike shouted as he others went even faster to catch up with the thugs.

They turned down another street and saw they had hijacked the tanker and we're driving to them.
"Raph, Spike, get ready!" Leo ordered.
"For what?" Raph shouted.

"This!" Leo replied as he pulled a lever and the thing split into 3 separate carts, Spike had his own while Leo and Raph had they're own with the others, they quickly got out of the way of the truck and chased back after them.

"Leo! You could have been a little more specific!" Raph shouted in annoyance.
"Where's the fun in that?" Leo asked in a joking tone.
"This.. is.. awesome!!" Spike shouted as he drove his cart at faster speeds.
"How come Spike get's his own cart?" Raph asked looking at Donnie.
"I had to make an extra one for him, it took months to make!" Donnie shouted in response.

The 5 drove after Chris and the foot and were coming up on the truck.
"Chlorosulfonic acid? Leo! I think i just figured out Shredders plan!" Donnie shouted with worry.
"That chemical reacts violently with water!" Donnie explained and they all realized what he meant.
"We can't let that happen, come on guys!!" Spike shouted as he drove even faster.

The thug driving the van noticed them in they're carts behind them and turned to a separate street.
"Donnie, you and Raph stay with the van and save April, Mikey, Spike, your coming with me!" Leo ordered.
"Um.. if you haven't noticed, i'm stuck with Raph!" Mikey shouted.
"No problem." Raph replied as he pulled a lever and disconnected his car from Mikey's.

Leo did the same with Donnie and Leo , Spike and Mikey drove after the tanker, Dogpound had noticed them as the three stayed close to eachother.
"Guys we have to slow this thing down, fire grappling hooks!" Leo ordered.
"Got it!" Spike shouted as he pressed a button and they fired three separate hooks, but they easily snapped apart much to they're surprise.

"Donnie said they weren't ready!" Mikey shouted
"We have to find another option! Come on!" Spike shouted as they chased them again.

They turned the truck to the side and Dogpound jumped off and grabbed a manhole and threw it at them, Leo quickly jumped out of the kart and landed on the ground with his weapons drawn.
"Is that all you got?" Leo taunted. Dogpound didn't say anything and charged at them.
"Guess not!" Spike shouted as he got out of his and they engaged in battle with him.

Spike charged at him with anger and threw his mutated arm at him with fury. Dogpound caught the thing and tried to push him back.
"You.. did.. this!!!" Spike shouted in anger as he used his strength and started to push him back, he then jumped over Dogpound's fist and jumped in the air and his arm glowed green again and he punched him extremely hard in the face and it knocked him back.
"You guys take care of the truck! I'll deal with him!" Spike explained, they both nodded in understanding and went to the truck.

Spike drew his sword and charged at him.
"Your the reason my arm is like this! You couldn't just accept defeat!!" Spike shouted as he slashed his sword at him and Dogpound tried to block them.
"A real warrior dies with honor! I wasn't gonna go down so easily!" Dogpound shouted as he threw another punch at him, Spike went below him and used his shoulder blade and slashed at his face.
"And look where that got you! The reason we're like this, is because of you!!" Spike shouted as he flipped over a car being thrown at him.

Spike grabbed the thing with his arm and used his new strength and threw it back at him, Spike jumped in the air and took a deep breath and breathed some green fire at him and Dogpound got knocked back into the truck and slammed on the side, one of his own blades cut the metal and it started to leak green chemicals, Leo then got an idea.
"Mikey! Throw the water balloon!" Leo shouted.
"Um.. what water balloon?" Mikey asked as he had an arm behind him.

"The one you were about to hit me with!" Leo shouted and Mikey realized it.
"Dude, you are good." Mikey said as he threw it.
"Hit the deck!" Spike shouted as he and the others jumped behind a car and the truck exploded from the reaction of the chemicals, they quickly got up and saw the fire.

"Nice shot Mikey!" Leo said before he was hit with even more balloons.
"Dr prank enstein for the win!" Mikey shouted in victory.
"Okay, that was pretty good honestly!" Spike said laughing a little
"You had two? Where do you keep them?" Leo asked surprised, Spike looked back at the truck with anger, it was because of Dogpound his arm was mutated, and he knew he was still out there, and he was give him some payback soon. Donnie and Raph had ran up to them.

"Looks like we missed the fireworks." Raph said as he looked at the fire
"Donnie, the go kart worked great nice job!" Leo complimented.
"Thanks Leo. And it's a patrol buggy!" Donnie corrected, they then decided to head back to the lair and rest.

Back at Shredder's Lair, Dogpound was on his knee and was afraid.
"The dragon took you on himself and beat you down with his mutated arm, and defeated you with go-karts and a water balloon?!" Shredder asked in anger.
"I know it sounds absurd, but.." He said as he looked up and Shredder was in front of him with his blades out.

"It won't happen again, i promise!" Dogpound begged holding his hands together
"If you break that promise.." Shredder threatened as he cut off one of his shoulder blades instantly.
"I understand master." Dogpound responded as he bowed down.

Back at the lair, they were all resting from the battle as they had just saved they're home, Spike looked at his new arm again with interest.
"Maybe having you can help us more in the future.." Spike asked himself as he looked at it, this arm did help him with this fight, if he was strong enough to handle Dogpound by himself, some more training could help against future threats. But he still had the fear of what the others would think when they saw it, he just hoped things don't go south and he doesn't get mutated further.

"My sons, and Spike." Splinter said as he walked inside and they all turned to him.
"I owe you my gratitude, and an apology." Splinter said as he closed his eyes with regret.
"An apology?" Leo asked confused as he stood up.

"Fear clouded your minds. However it was not the Shredder that fueled it, but me. You overcame that fear and preformed admirably. No training today!" Splinter announced and they all cheered in victory.
"Thank you!!" Spike shouted in relief.

"Unless Michelangelo throws that balloon." Splinter added, they all turned to him and saw he was about to throw it and he chuckled nervously.
"Your dead." Spike said in anger.
"You are so gonna get it!!" Raph shouted as he and the others tackled him to the ground in anger.

11: Mousers Attack!

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Spike and the turtles were in the dojo training once again, they were tasked with trying to focus on they're fighting forms. Spike had been wanting to train more with his new arm, so this could be helpful, they all started to make poses and moved to him.

"What are you fighting a guy in slow motion?" Raph asked as he saw Leo was moving slower.
"I suppose i could do it faster if i ignored my form like you." Leo countered.

"Ignored this form!" Raph shouted as he tried to attack Leo and jumped in the air and tried to kick his head, Leo bent his head down and side stepped out of the way, Leo blocked a couple kicks with his fist and they continued to fight more. Spike and the others looked at them a little confused.
"Guys, remember, focus." Spike reminded, Splinter walked up from behind them and grabbed they're necks and used a pressure point move and knocked them down.

"Competition is an excellent motivator, but not when it turns you against eachother." Splinter explained.
"Especially when were training guys?" Spike reminded again as they got up.
"Now you will spar two on two." Splinter instructed.

"That's great i'll take Don" Leo said before Splinter stopped.
"You will take Raphael." Splinter explained, and the two looked at eachother.
"You two must learn to work together, not competing with eachother." Splinter explained again.

"Okay, so me and Raph against Mikey and Donnie and Spike?" Leo asked before he laughed a little.
"Isn't that a little unfair?.. except for Spike maybe?" Leo asked with a smile and Raph smiled back.
"Spike will be with both of you, someone has to make sure your managed." Splinter explained, Spike nodded in understanding and walked up to them and Raph and Spike high fived eachother, Donnie looked annoyed at Leo's remark.

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" Donnie asked annoyed
"Um, how could i put this gently? We're way better then you guys." Raph said bluntly and Mikey scoffed.
"At fighting maybe." Mikey said annoyed while he brushed his hand.

"Uh, that's what i meant, even Spike has been taking his training more seriously, especially with his mutant arm." Raph said as Spike looked at his arm again and sighed.
"He's right, sorry guys." Spike apologized and Donnie looked more annoyed. Spike, Raph and Leo faced Mikey and Donnie and got in they're fighting stances, they were waiting for Splinter to give the word.

"Hajime!" Splinter shouted, there were multiple shots of Raph, Leo and Spike delivering a blow to Mikey and Donnie, Spike used his arm and punched Mikey in the chest and sent him flying into Donnie, the three laughed and high fived again before switching exponents. Spike and Leo delivered a combo move on Donnie and Raph grabbed Spike and swung him over his shoulder so Spike could deliver a strong kick on Donnie's head and Leo punched Mikey in the face and knocked them both down.
"Ya me!" Splinter announced and they stopped.

"You were right sensei, working together is fun." Raph said convinced.
"Sorry guys." Spike said as he looked down at Donnie and Mikey

At Shredder's lair, Dogpound walked up to him and bowed again and explained things to Shredder.
"The Purple Dragon gang has agreed to raise our cut to 80%. No complaints." Dogpound explained.

"It seems your mutated form has its advantages, but do not forget our primary goal. Locate Splinter and the turtles and dragon." Shredder instructed while Xever in his mutant form was swimming around in the water below.
"If i weren't stuck in here, i would have found them by now!" Xever said annoyed.

"But you are stuck in there." Dogpound countered and started to tap on the glass.
"No no! stop that!" Xever shouted and swam away and Dogpound laughed at that.
"I'm sure you'll have your chance to shine one of these days, master Shredder might get hungry for sushi." Dogpound threatened.

"Why don't you come in the water and say that?!" Xever asked angry.
"Enough Xever! Bradford is right, you are useless to me this way. I'm counting on you. Fine me information i can use, or Xever won't be the only one missing his legs." Shredder threatened.

Back at the lair, Spike and the others were in the living room doing they're thing while Donnie and Mikey looked upset.
"Look guys, Raph, Spike and i might be better fighters, but your still an important part of this team." Leo said as he walked in with some food.
"Hmm... as important as you three?" Donnie asked, the three looked at eachother for a moment.
"Uh very important! We shouldn't compare ourselves it's like apples and oranges" Leo quickly said.

"Yeah apples are way better which they are." Raph said looking at his comic.
"Applejack would like that very much." Spike said with a smile.

"So, the truth comes out." Donnie said while Mikey got up.
"You think of us as some kind of B-team" Mikey accused.
"Good one doctor name-enstein. We'll call you B-team." Raph said looking at them.
"Thanks.. i mean hey." Mikey said offended.

"There's no shame in it, look, they got a B- team too." Leo said pointing at the tv again, the show only showed the two men they brought for backup being disintegrated and the captain said that's why they bring them along.
"What kind of captain brings his men along even if he knows they're just gonna die like that?" Spike asked confused at the show.

"Thanks a lot" Donnie said annoyed.
"Look, the point is, they had an important function." Leo said as he took a bite of his pizza, they heard some footsteps nearby and saw April come in looking a little worried.
"April! Are you okay?" Donnie asked with worry.

"I just got mugged by some Purple Dragons, they stole my phone!" April told them and they looked surprised.
"What?!" Spike asked in anger.
"Don't worry, we'll kick they're butts for you." Leo told her.
"Yeah and we'll teach those punks to mess with April O Neil" Raph said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Guys, it's just a phone, i'll get another one." April assured.
"No, this is bad, if they find out you have our contacts, they could try to trace us and find us here!" Spike said with worry.
"Spike's right, we gotta go out and get that phone back before those thugs manage to do so, come on guys, let's go. "Leo ordered before they started running out with Splinter watching as they went out, he was gonna try to tell them to let it go as well, but Spike brought up a good point there.

"Eh, what you gonna do?" April asked as she turned to him.
"Hope my next pupil is more obedient, Spike has been one of the few students i've had who has been." Splinter said as he tossed her a wooden sword and they bowed in respect.

Spike and the others had made they're way to the fortune cookie factory again because that's where they hung out, They snuck through the windows again and hid on the ceiling, Raph jumped down and knocked the large guy and sent him slamming into the wall.

"The turtles?!" The leader asked in surprise, Spike and Leo jumped down getting in they're stances.
"Sup?" Raph asked in anger.

"Get em!" The leader ordered, one of the gang members jumped in the air towards Mikey, Mikey made a battle cry while twirling his nunchucks but was stopped.
"Coming through!" Raph shouted as Raph jumped in the air and kicked the guy in the back and Mikey looked upset. Donnie was charging at another member but Leo and Spike jumped in front.
"We got it!" Leo said as he kicked the guy in the chest, Spike jumped in the air and grabbed the guy buy his head with his mutant arm, and slammed him on the ground creating a large crater as a result and he groaned in pain.

"Let's get out of here!" The leader ordered as they tried to escape, but they were blocked by Mikey and Raph and they tried going the other way but was stopped by Leo, Leo grabbed the guy buy the neck and pinned him to a wall.
"You punks stole a phone from a friend of ours. We want it back" Leo demanded and he scoffed.
"Whatever, we steal a lot of phones.
"Well let's see it, now!" Leo ordered.

The leader brought them over to a large pile of phones and computers which the gang most likely stole as well.
"There it is." Spike said as he saw April's phone, but before he could grab it, the place started to shake violently.
"Does anyone else feel that?!" Mikey asked in fear.
"What's going one?!" A gang member asked in fear as well, suddenly the ground below them started to crack and small metal creatures with sharp mouths emerged from the ground and roared in anger.

"What the heck?" Leo asked in surprise, the robots went over to the phones and tech and started grabbing each one as more and more came out.
"Hey those things are stealing the stuff we stole!" A member said in anger.
"Now you know how the people who you robbed feel!" Spike insulted.

"Wait.. wheres?" Leo asked looking for the leader, they looked upstairs and saw the leader with the phone in his hands.
"He's got the phone! B-Team get him! We'll handle the metal!" Leo ordered as he drew out his swords and he and Spike went for the robots.

"Hey we are!" Donnie said in anger.
"Just go!" Leo interrupted and ran to the robots
"If you guys can't handle it, don't be ashamed to call for help!" Raph taunted.
"It's just one guy, i'm sure you can handle him!" Spike encouraged as he went with the others.

"At least one of us is still looking after the team!" Mikey countered
"I think they got it." Donnie said and he took Mikey with him. Spike threw one of his shuriken's through one of the robots heads, and used his claw to slice another to pieces, he then backflipped over another one and slashed it down with his sword. Raph and Leo were taking down the robots as well until there were only a few left, some of the robots went down a hole and a robot roared at them before Leo slammed his sword in the robot's head.

"Come on. Let's see where these things are coming from." Leo ordered as the three jumped down the hole and the purple dragon members looked at eachother before jumping down as well.

In a warehouse, Dogpound was lifting some weights while the leader walked up to him
"What is it?" Dogpound asked annoyed.
"One of our guys jacked this earlier tonight. then those turtles and dragon came looking for it, says it belongs to a friend of theirs." The leader explained while holding out the phone.
"Really?" Dogpound asked as he put his weights down and walked over. Up on the roof, Mikey and Donnie were watching the thing from above.

"Aw man, we can't take Dogpound on our own. Maybe we should wait for Leo, Raph and Spike?" Mikey suggested
"And tell them we chickened out? Then they'll never stop calling us the B-Team, i mean, Spike doesn't do that, but Leo and Raph will never let that go!" Donnie argued before explaining to Mikey.
"We'll use stealth, with the right plan we'll grab the phone without Dogpound ever seeing us okay?" Donnie asked and Mikey nodded in understanding.

Spike, Leo and Raph had followed those robots to where they were going and they saw they were being delivered to Baxter Stockman.
"Well done my pretties!" Stockman said in victory, the three of them had landed on the ground pulling out they're weapons.
"Dexter Spackman!" Raph said in anger.
"It's Baxter Stockman!" Spike and Stockman said at once.
"I was close!" Raph defended.

"So, your here to stop me again, well you don't stand a chance against my Mousers!" Stockman aid pointing at the robots
"Mousers?" Leo asked confused.
"Mobile, offensive, underground, search, excavation and retrieval sentries!" Stockman explained.
"Seems a little forced." Leo replied.

"Since my test robbery was successful, it's time to move onto bigger targets, these are about to make me very, very rich!" Stockman said sinisterly .
"And we're gonna make you very, very hurt." Raph threatened as he started to walk up to him.
"Guys wait!" Spike warned but stockman pulled out a can and sprayed both of them wit hit.
"Acid! protect your eyes!" Leo shouted, he and Raph kept coughing as it covered them but they suddenly felt fine.

"Hang on it minute, we're fine." Raph said confused.
"Your right, get him!" Leo shouted.
"Get me? No you will be the ones who will be getting got. Gotten? Get them!" Stockman ordered the robots and they charged at them, Spike used his claw and tore through multiple at once and Leo and Raph sliced them to pieces until they were all done.

"Ha! All gone!" Raph taunted.
"Good thing i made extra." He countered pressing a button, a hatch nearby them opened and it was revealed he had hundreds of Mousers inside, they all came out of the storage and went in front of Stockman and roared at them.
"I should have gone with Donnie and Mikey." Spike said a little afraid, the three of them jumped in the air charging at the robots ready to fight.

Spike, Raph and Leo fought against the robots the best they could, but there were too many of them right now and Leo made a choice.
"i'm calling it, let's go!" Leo ordered starting to leave.
"Right behind you!" Spike replied going with him.
"I'll allow it!" Raph said in agreement going after them as well. The three jumped off a ledge while the Mousers were chasing them.
"You can't run forever, soon the Mousers will crush your bones with their jaws. Such as the fate of anyone foolish enough to trifle with Baxter Stock... Oh!" Stockman suddenly was hit in the head and was knocked down by the gang members who followed him.

Mikey and Donnie were on the rooftop still thinking of a plan.
"We need a diversion to we can grab the phone. How about this? We'll make them think the police are here. we'll need a bullhorn a siren, some flashing lights." Donnie suggested.
"Operation: Cop out!" Mikey titled.

"Or we can make them think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, some orange lights, and some firefighter jackets" Donnie suggested again.
"Operation: Burn out!" Mikey added again.
"Or we could find the breaker box and shut off the power, that would require... nothing" Donnie suggested once again.
"Operation Black Out, no lights out, no power out! This ones too good i can't handle it!" Mikey said in joy falling to the ground and Donnie just looked confused.

On the other side of the rooftops, Spike Raph and Leo were jumping across the buildings trying to escape the robots, they stopped for a moment to take a breath.
"You think we lost them yet?" Leo asked them, they heard small roars and saw the mousers were still chasing them.
"I'd say no." Raph said annoyed looking at them.
"Let's move!" Spike shouted as they made they're way even more.

"How are those things tracking us?" Leo asked while they jumped down another ledge and kept running.
"It's gotta be that stuff Stockman sprayed us with!" Raph suggested.
"All right, we better call Donnie" Leo told them while they were still running.
"You wanna get bailed out by the B-team? Forget that!" Raph said dismissing it.

"Guys, it doesn't matter if they're a B-team or not, they're still your brothers, they should help the best they can!" Spike said annoyed.
"Yeah well, they're probably busy with something right now anyway, they might not even answer!" Raph replied, Spike sighed as he knew that might be true, Leo then looked ahead and saw something.
"Maybe we won't have too." Leo said as the camera pans over to a water tower.

"Whatever this stuff is, we'll just wash it off!" Leo shouted as he sliced the pipe with his sword and water came pouring down on them.
"Ahh! Cold!" Raph shouted holding his arms together.
"It's freezing!!" Spike said holding his arms together as well.
"That oughta do it!" Leo said with a smile, a robotic cat meow was heard and they saw the Mousers had caught up to them while Leo had a dumb look on his face.
"Of course, we could always just call Donnie, Spike's right, they are are brothers after all!" Raph said going back to they're previous suggestion.

Donnie and Mikey were pacing on the roof thinking of something still, Donnie then got an idea.
"I got it! I'll use my T- phone to hack the CIA security system, then i'll reroute the satellite focusing a beam on the building to give them all splitting headaches!" Donnie suggested again
"Operation spaced out!" Mikey announced once again.

"That's when you go in, wearing a tinfoil hat to protect yourself..." Donnie said before his phone went off and he picked it up.
"I'm kind of in the middle of something." Donnie said annoyed
"Is that Leo? Tell him my operation names!" Mikey said excitedly before Donnie pushed him away.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me the A-Team needs our help." Donnie teased, back with the three, they were staying close together while Leo was on the phone.
"I'm just.. checking to see if you guys need any help" Leo lied.

"We're fine, we followed Fong to the defunct futon factory on fifth" Donnie explained and Mikey laughed.
"Say that five times fast." Mikey joked.
"Anyway, we got an awesome plan to get the phone back. How are you guys doing?" Donnie teased again.
"You know, good.. ish.." Leo lied again as they were surrounded by more of the Mousers and they were chomping at the wooden structures.
"Whoa, call waiting. gotta go!" Leo shouted before he hung up.

"You were right Raph, we gotta do this on our own even if it kills us." Leo said looking at him, Spike pinched his face in annoyance.
"You couldn't let your pride go could you?!" Spike asked annoyed.
"Okay, bad choice of words." Leo replied before they all screamed as they fell down when the tower collapsed.

Back with Dogpound and Fong, Fong was trying to get into the phone and Dogpound growled in annoyance.
"Can't you unlock it?!" Dogpound asked in anger.
"It's encrypted or something." Fong replied until they heard a knock on the door, Dogpound lifted it up and saw the other members holding Stockman by his shoulders and he started to freak out.
"Nice.. doggy?" He asked in fear and Dogpound growled in anger again. Stockman had his hands tied up and the others were explaining things.

"This guy used his little robots to steal from us, which means he's stealing from you." One of them explained and he growled again.
"I don't have time for this. get rid of him, i've got turtles and a dragon to find." Dogpound ordered, Stockman's eyes widened as he was about to be taken away.

"Wait! Turtles and a dragon? I hate those guys! I can help, in fact i'm already helping!" Stockman begged and Dogpound looked interested.
"Explain." He ordered.

"My mousers are destroying the turtles as we speak, two of them at least, i couldn't get the dragon because kept his guard up, but i've still got the others cornered!" Stockman quickly explained.
"So you make robots? You must be good at making electronics." Dogpound asked pointing at him,

"The best, there's nothing i can't build, hack or fix." Stockman explained again, Dogpound growled in anger and he used his claws and cut the ropes free of him much to his surprise.
"Can you hack this phone?" Dogpound asked holding it up to him.
"You insult me sir. Something so easy would be a waste of my talents." Stockman replied with an ego.

"Well, start wasting your talents before i waste you." Dogpound threatened handing him the phone, Stockman had a face of fear looking at him.

Back with Donnie and Mikey, they had placed a cable in the power generator.
"Okay, let's do this." Donnie said bumping Mikey's fist.
"B- team go!" Mikey announced and Donnie looked annoyed.
"Don't call us that." Donnie reminded
"Oh right." Mikey said embarrassed.

Spike, Leo and Raph were fighting off the Mousers with they're weapons, Spike used his sword and sliced through 10 of them at once.
"This thing is Op!" Spike said with amazement.
"Look Raph and Spike, Mouser kebabs!" Leo joked as he showed them multiple heads on his swords.
"Nice!" Spike said giving a thumbs up. Two more of them jumped at Raph but he stabbed them with his weapons and threw them to the streets below and was breathing heavily.
"These things are like a cakewalk." Raph said in exhaustion.

The three landed on the ground and sliced a couple more down, Raph picked up a trash can lid and they looked inside the one nearby and saw another one inside. One more Mouser jumped at them from behind but they redirected the trash can in it's direction and it slammed inside.

They looked to they're left and saw even more coming for them.
"Give us a break for Celestia's sake!" Spike said annoyed, Raph slammed the lid on the can and they kicked the trash can to some knocking some of them down but more were still moving.

"I could.. do this all day!" Leo said in fear while they dodged more lunging at them, Spike breathed his fire on some more of the robots and that knocked them down. Raph used the trash can lid as a shield while trying to avoid more attacks.
"Same here!" Raph shouted while he was backing up into a street.
"Raph look out!" Spike shouted, a car horn was heard as Raph turned around and saw a truck coming to him, he dodged the thing and the truck hit more of the robots instead.

Raph was on the side of a wall breathing heavily.
"That was.. so fun.." Raph said tired, Leo and Spike helped him up and they smiled for a moment, but they heard more robotic yells and saw even more coming for them.
"How many more are there?!" Spike asked frustrated.
"Maybe a little too much fun!" Leo said in fear, the three started to run away again the best they could.

Back in the warehouse, Stockman had a computer hooked to the phone.
"There, my decryption program is ready" Stockman explained, the lights suddenly went out shocking both of them.
"What's going on?!" Dogpound asked in anger looking around, Donnie and Mikey quickly came in and snatched it when they weren't looking.

"The phone!" Dogpound said in anger, Mikey was running through the place while Dogpound was searching for them, Mikey and Donnie were running as fast as they could but Dogpound found them and tackled them to the ground and the lights came back on.
"Well that plan didn't work." Mikey said looking at Donnie.
"Worked great for me. Get the chains!" Dogpound ordered.

Mikey and Donnie were hanging in the air with chains strapped to their arms.
"we'll have access to the phone in ten minutes!" Stockman explained while he was typing at the keyboard.
"Your wasting your time, there's nothing on it." Donnie said with anger.

"It's got a GPS log doesn't it?" Stockman asked and Donnie gasped in fear as Spike was right from his statement.
"Once i unlock this phone, we'll see every place it's ever been!" Stockman told them and Mikey gasped as well.

"The museum of natural history!" Mikey said in fear.
"Or the lair, Spike was right about this." Donnie whispered.
"Even worse!" Mikey added before Dogpound came up to them.

"If that phone tells me where Splinter is, i'll have no reason to keep you alive. Even if it doesn't i'll beat the answers out of you ." Dogpound threatened and he punched a nearby wall making a large crater.
"That's what i call a win-win." Dogpound threatened once more.

With Spike, Leo and Raph, the three were running through the streets again the best they could but were starting to slow down.
"I can barely feel my legs.." Spike said exhausted.
"Okay this is crazy, maybe we should call.." Leo said before Raph stopped him.
"We can do this, i got an idea." Raph said as he looked at a street light.

More mousers showed up and roared at them while they were on the top with Spike between Raph and Leo.
"Up here metal mouth!" Leo taunted, the mousers came to the light and started to chomp at the post, Leo looked at Raph and Spike who shrugged they're shoulders in response.

Leo took out his swords and jumped down on one of the robots, he sliced through some of them in the air and landed on a fire hydrant, a mouser chomped at the thing and it started spraying out water out on the streets and it started washing them all away. Raph and Spike used a phone line nearby and landed on the ground. The street light then collapsed and landed on the water and it electrocuted all of them.

"Told you we didn't need those guys." Raph told them, but that backfired as they looked ahead and saw even more coming for them.
"Aw come on!" Leo said annoyed while they started running again.
"This is getting ridiculous!" Spike shouted while they were chasing them again.

The three ran into a warehouse and closed the doors, Spike grabbed a piece of wood and barricaded the thing.
"Okay i admit it, i wish Donnie was here, i bet he could figure out a way to get these things off our tail!" Raph said annoyed, one of them chomped through the door right below Leo's leg and he screamed in fear.
"Make the call now!" Spike shouted in fear.

Donnie and Mikey's phone suddenly went off and Dogpound's ear twitched and he saw them ringing.
"We'll check these next." Dogpound ordered while he was taking them away, Donnie then got an idea.
"T-phones self destruct!" Donnie shouted, The phones short circuited and they were deactivated and Dogpound dropped them in annoyance. Donnie chuckled nervously while he snarled at them with anger.

The three of them were still at the door while Leo was trying to get an answer.
"Mikey's not picking up either, somethings wrong!" Leo said worried.
"I should have known they'd need us to bail them.. Ah!!" They all shouted as the doors were burst down with dozens of more Mousers screeching at them.

Stockman was looking at the computer with the results.
"Almost done, 98,99, yes 100! And processing.. processing.. come on and.. finished!" Stockman said in victory, Spike, Leo and Raph came smashing through the windows and landed on the ground with they're weapons out.

"Not so fast Dogpound, and.. Daxter Spackman?" Leo asked confused.
"Baxter Stockman!" Stockman shouted in anger. Dogpound growled and charged at them with anger. Leo and Spike charged forward and went over and around Dogpound when he attacked. Spike used his arm as it glowed green again and he punched Dogpound in the face really hard once again and it sent him flying into a wall.

They then went up to Stockman and sliced the cable apart with they're weapons and Spike took the phone.
"How did you escape my mousers?!" Stockman asked surprised.
"We didn't." Leo and Spike said at once. More mousers jumped through the top of the building and it rained down on all of them.

Spike and Leo used they're swords and set Mikey and Raph free.
"we're here to save the day, as usual." Raph teased.
"Oh yeah, looks like you guys are doing great." Donnie mocked in response.
"You try fighting off over 2000 robots! Literally 2000 robots!" Spike said in anger pointing at them.

"Let's beat it!" Fong said while he and the others were running away, the 5 of them were slicing at the robots while even more came down, Leo looked at Mikey and shouted.
"Mikey! Keep away!" Leo shouted throwing him the phone, Mikey caught it with one hand and dodged another attack. Mikey screamed in fear while running up the stairs with Dogpound chasing him close behind. Donnie sliced down another robot and picked up a chip.

"Whoa, a gamma camera! It detects radioisotopes that must be what he tagged you with." Donnie explained.
"That's great Donnie, so how do we get it off?!" Spike asked annoyed while he punched down even more with his arm.
"You can't, it wears off gradually, but if someone else got sprayed they'd give off a stronger signal." Donnie answered, Mikey was heard screaming again and they saw him fall off a ledge, he fell on the ground with the phone away from him, Dogpound landed on the ground and was about to smash at him, but Donnie jumped in and whacked Dogpound away.

"We have to get Stockman's spray." Donnie explained.
"You mean that thing?" Mikey asked pointing at Stockman who had it.
"I'll handle this dog man, once spritz and they're mouser chow!" Stockman threatened, Raph screamed in anger as he jumped through the air with Spike next to him, he and Spike threw some shuriken's at the spray and it less lose some of it one both Stockman and Dogpound.

The robots eyes glowed red for a moment before they suddenly went to Stockman and Dogpound, they both screamed in fear while they were being chased by dozens of them, Stockman was grabbed by Dogpound who held him by one arm. April's phone rang which caught they're attention, Dogpound picked it up but a knife went flying right to it and it was destroyed.

"Hang it up Dogpound, your call just got dropped." Donnie said while more Mousers were charging at them, Dogpound smashed through another wall and ran off with Stockman while they were being chased, the 5 of them watched as they left.

"Nice job guys." Leo complimented.
"You really saved our butts right there." Spike said with a smile.
"Yeah, from now on, your the A- team! Raph announced.
"That's probably the best were gonna get out of him." Donnie replied, Raph grabbed Mikey and rubbed his hand while Spike Leo and Donnie followed them.

They all made it back to the lair to relax, Mikey was dancing in victory pulling off some cool moves and laughed while he did so, Spike and Raph were feeding another leaf to the turtle Spike and smiled at eachother.
"I think Spike will have a good friend in the future." Raph said looking at him.
"I'll gladly help you out when you need it guys." Spike replied as he rubbed the turtles head, Leo was playing pinball while Donnie was watching with Splinter walking in.

"I hope you all see that by choosing your battles poorly, you created your own crisis." Splinter explained
"Yeah there's definitely a bit of irony there." Donnie agreed.

"Okay, so it got a little out of control, but we learned our lesson, and at least we got April's phone back" Leo replied as April was coming in.
"You did? Sweet!" April said relieved, Donnie held it out to her but the entire thing shattered again.
"Uh.. the important thing is it didn't end up in the wrong hands." Leo said nervously.

"Sorry about that April, we'll get you a new one soon, okay?" Spike asked looking at her while Donnie walked up
"Yeah he's right, you can have one of my custom built T-phones." Donnie offered and he handed her one.
"Oh, cool!" April said excited taking it.
"Told ya, what are friends for?" Spike asked with a smile and she laughed at that.
"I'm glad to have friends like you around." April said gratefully while she was tapping at it.

Back at Shredder's lair, Dogpound dropped Stockman on the ground in front of Shredder.
"Here he is master." Dogpound said looking at him, Shredder walked up to him and looked down at him.
"Baxter Stockman. Your interference has cost me the turtles and Splinter and that dragon." Shredder said in anger as he grabbed Stockman by the neck.

"You should pay with your life." Shredder said as he held out a knife at his head and he cowered in fear.
"Fortunately for you, i may have use for your skills, especially if it comes to controlling that dragon." Shredder said as he retracted his knife and dropped him, Dogpound growled in anger while Stockman looked at both of them in fear..

12: It Came From The Depths( Leatherhead)

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Within a Kraang laboratory some robots were charging through the halls quickly as a piece of them landed in front of them. A shadow quickly went by them and the robots were chasing it. The robots seemed to have lost it until they heard a loud roar.

A shadow of what looked like an Alligator appeared next to them and it grabbed a couple of robots with it's large hands and tore them apart, more robots fired at the monster until they got a good shot at it and it fell to the ground, the robots came to it and it was holding a strange power cell.

The monster opened it's eyes and roared in rage and knocked all of them away, it smashed through a wall and jumped down into the city, more Kraang droids started to search for it as a result, one passed by a drain and the pair of eyes opened as another growl was heard once again..

We cut to the lair once again where Spike and the turtles were doing they're thing, Spike was reading a comic book while Mikey walked up to them.
"Who wants to try my latest invention? We all love pizza, we all love milkshakes. So i combined them." Mikey announced.

"That sounds disgusting. " Spike said disgusted.
"Spike's right that could not sound less appetizing." Donnie said in agreement.
"I call it, the P-shake!" Mikey introduced and showed them what literally looked like pizza blended together in a cup. Spike and Donnie almost lost they're lunch as they saw that.

"I stand corrected." Donnie said in disgust.
"Your gonna get sick if you drink that dude." Spike warned.
"You guys just have no sense of adventure." Mikey said as he drank it all, Mikey's eyes went white and he held his hand at his mouth, he quickly ran over to the water nearby and puked in it.

"Eugh!" They all said at once.
"Told you!" Spike shouted as Mikey continued hurling in the water.
"Where did i go wrong?!" Mikey asked in pain as he kept puking even more and they looked away in disgust.

Leo continued to watch Space Heroes again as this episode had the captain order his crew to open the airlock which sent hundreds of pink fuzzy aliens out into space while Spike and Raph were weirded out by this.
"You have to be the only person in the world who likes this show." Raph insulted.
"No way, there are millions of spaceniks out there" Leo replied holding out the remote, Spike took it and switched the channel and it turned to the news.

"I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker. City workers attacked! By mutants?" Joan asked as a picture of a mutant appeared on screen.
"Huh?" They all asked in surprise as they watched an interview.

"It was like part man, part reptile, all monster! It came out of nowhere and attacked me!" He said in fear, Spike and the others looked at Raph upset at him.
"Wasn't me!" Raph defended before the tv spoke more

"Take a look at this terrifying footage." Joan says as we see the guy from before with a camera.
"So, some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but actually it's a lot of..." He stopped when a large alligator appeared behind him and roared and started to attack him.
"Somebody help me!" He screamed in fear while they all watched in shock as they see the creature.
"Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next time on Grody.. ( deep voice) to the max!" The news finished.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Donnie said in fear.
"It looked like an Alligator." Spike said recalling the footage.
"The last thing we want is some mutant lurking around in the sewers." Leo said getting up.

"Or some news crew coming here looking for him" Raph added.
"We've got to track this guy down and stop him ourselves." Leo told them, Spike then thought of something.
"Guys, he could just be defending himself from something that made him this way, it could be related to the Kraang." Spike suggested and they looked interested at that.

"Hold on guys, i think i saw a tunnel number. There, tunnel 281" Donnie said as they saw a footage of the tunnel.
"Let's go!" Leo ordered.

The 5 of them made it to that exact number and Donnie moved the police tape over and they went inside, Leo looked down and saw a large footprint.
"Whoa, check these out. What the heck made these footprints?" Leo asked while they all look interested, they look ahead of them and they find a trail leading ahead, they then heard a loud roar and saw pink gunfire.

"I knew it, it's the Kraang!" Spike shouted in anger as he drew his sword and charged on ahead.
"Spike wait!" Leo shouted before he went into the tunnel. Spike charged ahead and saw the large mutant being attacked by more robots while it was fighting them off.

"Hey robots! Looking for me?!" Spike shouted in anger with his sword in his hand, the robots turned to him and aimed they're weapons at him.
"Capture both of them!" A robot ordered and they started firing at them both. Spike flipped over some laser fire and deflected some with his sword right back into some of they're heads, Spike used his arm and grabbed a brain through it's chest and ripped it out of the robot and threw it at some more, Spike took a deep breath and breathed some more fire at more robots and that melted some robots down and the brains came out and ran away. The monster roared in anger and chomped down on one of the robots with its jaw and shook it violently and threw them to the turtles who were watching.

"Whoa, i never thought i'd feel sorry for the Kraang." Donnie said in surprise, a robot held out a shocker stick and was about to shock him but Spike grabbed it's head and threw it into some more robots.
"Back off!!" Spike shouted in anger while he was back to back with the monster.

"Who are you?!" He asked in anger.
"Someone who's wanting to help, your not the only one who hates these guys!" Spike said looking at him, the creature growled in response and turned to the robots who had more tasers.
"Then help me out." He said before he and Spike charged at the robots in anger while the turtles watched them beat the crap out of the robots.

"Come on, we gotta help them." Mikey said looking at them.
"I don't think so, Spike looks like he's got things in control right now." Leo responded, they suddenly heard screams of pain as they saw Spike and the monster being tasered by multiple robots.
"But it never helps to join in always." Leo said in anger drawing his sword and they charged at the robots. the monster fell on the ground while Spike tried pushing through the pain.

"Not.. on.. my.. watch!!" Spike shouted as he grabbed a taser with his arm and threw the robots over his shoulder.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted while he threw his nunchucks at the robots and knocked some down, the others came in and started slicing through the robots as well. a couple robots tried dragging the monster away but Spike and Mikey noticed this and charged at them and sliced them down which looked like the last of them.

"What do we do now?" Donnie asked while they all landed on the ground.
"We get out of here before more Kraang droids show up." Leo told them, Spike and Mikey saw the monster was unconscious and Mikey petted his snout.
"We can't just leave him here." Mikey begged.

"He obviously hates the Kraang just like us, he could be an escaped experiment, i can't just leave someone like that behind!" Spike added in agreement.
"Well what do you want us to do? Take him back to the lair?" Leo asked sarcastic, Mikey only made puppy eyes as a response.

"Oh no, just no! Did you two see what he did to the Kraangdroids? We cannot bring that monster home with us!" Leo said frustrated, Spike looked at this creature and thought about what could happen if they leave him behind, it's like what could have happened if he was never rescued, Spike growled with anger and looked at them.

"Do you think he wanted to be like this?! It's most likely because of them he's like this, imagine what would have happened to me if i was fully mutated by them, if something like this happened, would you leave me to be captured again and be put through worse things? Without looking for reason why he did this?" Spike asked as he looked at the creature, they both had a look of surprise as they thought about this.
"Of course not Spike, even if you were a monster like him, we wouldn't leave you two behind!" Mikey assured and they looked at him with blank faces.
"I said monster didn't i?" Mikey asked embarrassed.

"Yep, sure did." Raph responded with the others nodding in response.
" Well you know what i meant." Mikey said annoyed.
"I thought you said monster?" Raph teased with the others agreeing as well.

"Fine, Spike and I will bring them back ourselves." Mikey said grabbing the creature, we cut to multiple shots of him trying to move the thing while Spike and the others watched him struggle.
"Donnie, you don't happen to have a forklift do you?" Mikey asked looking at them, they said nothing in response.
"No? Okay." Mikey said as he tried moving it again, Spike calmed down and sighed.

"Come on guys, don't you at least want to know what happened to him?" Spike asked looking at them, Leo sighed in response and motioned the others to help them, Spike grabbed his right arm and dragged him along with the others, he didn't have much of a struggle thanks to his arm, but they all were really struggling.

They had managed to drag the creature to the lair where Spike was sitting in front of it looking concerned.
"I can't believe we let them talk us into this." Raph said annoyed.
"Aww, look at hi, he's so peaceful!" Mikey said as he gave him a teddy bear to hug
"That's because he's out cold." Leo responded at that remark, Donnie came up with some chains and Mikey gasped.
"Whoa, what are those for?" Mikey asked looking at him.

"We can't keep him here unless he's chained to something really big." Donnie said annoyed.
"That is so wrong, he's not gonna hurt us! We're the ones who saved him!" Mikey said hugging him, the creatures eyes opened and it growled as Spike quickly backed up.
"See? He's perfectly calm.. AH!!" Mikey screamed as the monster knocked him off of them, he tore apart the teddy bear in rage while they all looked terrified.
"Or maybe the second thing!" Mikey said in fear

The creature roared in anger and grabbed Donnie by the face and shook him violently.
"Get him off me! Get him off me!!" Donnie screamed in fear, Mikey grabbed the chain and started twirling them.
"I got you bro!" Mikey shouted as he threw the chains at Donnie's body, the others tried to pull Donnie away but the monster was strong enough and threw the chain around his shoulder and threw them all away. Leo recovered and got a taser and shot him in the chest which knocked him down thankfully.

"What is all this commotion? Splinter asked as they see him enter the room
"Sensei, Spike and Mikey made us bring a mutant back to the lair and it attacked us!" Raph quickly blamed pointing at them.

"It needs our help!" Mikey defended.
"It probably wasn't in control of itself!" Spike defended as well.
"It's a dangerous monster!" Raph said in frustration.

"Raphael! There is no monster more dangerous then a lack of compassion." Splinter said as he looked down at him and it growled in anger.
"My mistake." Splinter corrected.

"We're doing what everyone else does to us, judging him by his looks." Mikey defended again looking at one of his arms.
"He's obviously been through stuff we don't know about, and we can't help him if we don't try." Spike added while he was rubbing his snout and Donnie got up
"And, the fact that he had me BY THE FACE!! MIKEY AND SPIKE!!" Donnie screamed in anger

"But he was fighting the Kraang, Splinter." Mikey added in again.
"He's right, it's like you always say, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend." Spike pointed out.
"That is correct.. but what's this about the Kraang?" Splinter asked again,

"They were trying to force him to tell them about something, we couldn't get any more after that, but it sounds important" Leo explained.
"And.. they refused to tell?" Splinter asked confused.

"Yeah, they were all like, zap zap zap, and Spike came in slashing those things apart, and he was like" Rawr never!" Mikey said in a deep voice.
"Hmm i see, you two have made a wise decision Michelangelo and Spike" Splinter responded looking at them
"Huh?" They all asked at once.

"Yes asides from Spike, i never thought i'd hear myself say that either." Splinter told them while he ran his hand down a nearby scar.
"Hmm.. the scars run deep, but they protect a genuine heart. When he awakens Michelangelo and Spike, i expect you both to befriend him." Splinter explained.

"No problemo!" Mikey said with a thumbs up.
"I know a few things about befriending people, i'll think of something." Spike responded as well.
"We need to learn what he knows about the Kraang. In the meantime, you will find whatever this thing before the Kraang can" Splinter explained to the others.

"But we're still chaining him up right?" Donnie asked nervously.
"Of course, i am compassionate, but not insane." Splinter said while he bonked his head a couple times with his staff.

A little while later, the creature was chained to a wall while Spike was watching over. Spike looked at the thing sadly, even if he's never met him before, he could understand he had a deep hatred for the Kraang, Spike hates the Kraang very much as well for taken him away from his home, and looking at him, he was like a dark reflection of what would have happened if Spike was never rescued..

"What happened to you.." Spike asked worried while he held out his hand and placed it on his snout, Spike's head suddenly hurt badly as he started to have flashbacks. He saw what looked like him when he was just a normal alligator, he was flushed down into the sewers by bad people, he was found by the Kraang and watched in horror for the horrific experiments done to him. He then saw the thing the creature stole, it looked like a high tech power cell that was used to power something, he watched his escape through a laboratory and headed off into the sewers. Spike suddenly came back to the real world and gasped in fear at what he saw.

Spike's hands were shaking in both fear and anger, he felt fear and horror for what they did to him and what happened in his life, and he felt pure anger for what the Kraang did to him, he swears he could even feel the rage this creature felt when fighting the Kraang.

"What.. was that?" Spike asked looking at his hands. The creatures eyes suddenly opened and he growled in anger
"Where am i?" He asked while looking around he got up and roared in anger.
"Whoa whoa, calm down! I'm not gonna hurt you!" Spike shouted putting his arms in front of him, the creature looked down and saw him.

"Who are you?! What is this place?!" He asked in anger while he was trying to break free of his chains.
"Please calm down, i'll explain everything if you just let me, okay?" Spike asked a little afraid, the creature started to calm down and sighed.
"Fine.." He said before sitting down, Mikey finally came in holding some soup.

"Well well, look who's awake!" Mikey said walking up to him.
"Who are you two? What am i doing here?!" He asked looking around
"I'm Spike, this is Michelangelo, we saved you from the Kraang." Spike quickly explained, the creatures eyes went pale and he roared in rage.
"KRAANG!!" He shouted in rage as he was trying to break free of the chains, but they were strong enough to hold them and he fell back on the ground breathing heavily.

"Whoa whoa! It's okay! We brought you here so you can get better, and nothing will help you get better them my world famous, Pizza noodle soup!" Mikey announced holding a spoon to him.
"Do you seriously blend everything pizza related into something else Mikey? You got sick from the last thing you made, what could be different here?" Spike asked confused, the creature took a sniff at the thing before taking it himself and Mikey braced himself

"This is the best thing i've ever tasted." The creature told them and Spike was surprised.
"Unless you've never had cooked food before then.." Spike corrected himself.
"Really? Alright? Someone finally likes my cooking!" Mikey said in joy, he and Spike sat down while they fed him more of the soup which Spike was still weirded out by.

Meanwhile with the other turtles, they were swimming through a deep pool looking for whatever this creature had, they emerged from the water, they all shook the water off of them while Raph did his more violently.
"Sometimes it's good to be a turtle." Raph told them, a street sign suddenly flew by them and Raph ducked his head which nearly sliced it off.
"AHH!!" Leo and Donnie screamed in horror thinking it was cut off until Raph's head popped back up.
"Sometimes it's good to be a short turtle." Raph said in fear.

The place was shaking all over while they looked worried.
"What's going on?" Raph asked in fear.
"This whole place is booby trapped!" Donnie said afraid as well as things were coming down.
"Run!!" Leo shouted, they all proceeded to scream in fear while running through some more tunnels while multiple deadly traps went off.

Back with Mikey and Spike they were just about done feeding the creature and were ready to move on.
"So, what's your name anyway?" Mikey asked him.

"I.. don't have one.." The creature responded.
"You don't have a name? Ha! Well today's your lucky day! Cause i'm a genius at naming stuff!" Mikey responded with a smile.
"He actually is, he'll find a good one." Spike said in agreement. Mikey proceeded to look at each part of his body trying to find a suitable name for him.
"Your head is kind of leathery.." Mikey said looking at it, Spike then got an idea.

"Leatherhead! How about that?" Spike suggested and Mikey smiled.
"Heck yeah bro! You like that one?" Mikey asked him.
"Leatherhead it is, thank you." Leatherhead told them.

"No problem, nice to meet you, again, my names Spike." Spike said holding out his claw, Leatherhead took it and they shook, he then noticed somethings off with it.
"What.. happened to your arm? It looks different then you other one" Leatherhead asked looking at his right arm. Spike sighed sadly and let go of his.

"It's.. a similar thing for what happened to you, can we go to this later? I'm.. still a little upset from it." Spike said while he was looking at it.
"I.. understand.." Leatherhead responded with some concern.

"So, we've been meaning to ask you, why did you go all crazy eyes on my brother Donnie?" Mikey asked him.
"Your.. brother?" Leatherhead asked confused.
"Yeah, instead of shaking his hand, you shook his face. along with the rest of his body." Mikey explained, Leatherhead looked back on that moment and saw the stuff he did.

"There are times when i lose control. When i awaken, i am horrified what i have done.. A monster like me, deserves to be chained" He said with regret.
"I've felt your fear.. i don't know how but.. i did.. you never wanted to hurt anyone did you?" Spike asked concern while Mikey looked interested at that mention.

"Yes.. i never wanted this, it was because of them i was like this." Leatherhead said with a little anger at their mention.
"I know how it is, i've been captured by them as well, i don't know what would have happened to me if i wasn't rescued by Mikey and his brothers, looking at you.. it makes me dread what i could become.." Spike said while rubbing his head.
"You've.. been captured by them too?" Leatherhead asked concerned and Spike nodded sadly, Mikey let this play out as this could help them both.

"A few months back.. i was held in captivity for over a week, i was placed in a cramped cell, alone, without a way to contact my friends and family... i don't even know if i'll ever see them again.." Spike said while he had tears in his eyes.

"Your.. family?" Leatherhead asked sadly, Spike took out a photo of him and the mane 6 and showed it to him.
"They were the only family i had, i never knew my real parents, but they were the best thing in my life for a long time, until i was taken away from them.. they don't even know if i'm alive still.." Spike said in fear and sadness while Leatherhead looked at the photo.

"Your friends with.. horses?" Leatherhead asked confused while he looked at it.
"Ponies from the land of Equestria, they're my friends. The one with the rainbow mane is Rainbow Dash, the pink one is Pinkie Pie, this one's Applejack, this shy one's Fluttershy, and this one is Rarity.. and the last one here is Twilight.." Spike explained as he pointed to each of them, Leatherhead looked really sad seeing this, he looked like a happy life before they took him, he felt even more rage knowing what happened to him.

"I'm.. truly sorry.. i never thought someone could go through such things like me.." Leatherhead said with regret.
"It's okay, i've had my new friends help me after i was freed, and we can help you, if you just let us." Spike asked while Leatherhead held the photo and looked at it.
"Very well, i'll tell you what i know, and hopefully it will help you get home one day." Leatherhead answered putting the photo away for later.
"Thanks Leatherhead. Now why don't we start by trying to find out stuff together?" Spike suggested, they both nodded in agreement and continued to talk things out.

Back with the other turtles, they were screaming in fear while trying to avoid more traps, they were running away from some spiked barrels while they saw a sign that said" Get out" on it, they all screamed in fear as they ran into it and the wall burst down. They groaned as they got up and looked around with interest, Donnie looked at a nearby wall and placed his hand on it. It triggered a switch and the wall opened up and it revealed a special device that looked extremely important.

"This things putting out some serious power!" Donnie said in amazement, he took out a couple needles and put them together, that got him tazed badly and he went flying back making a loud crash as a result.
"Why am i the one who always has to touch the weird Kraang stuff?!" Donnie asked frustrated, the three of them took it and started to head back.

"Any idea on what it could be used for?" Leo asked with interest.
"Well with the right components, it could power almost anything. Flashlight, blaster cannon, city on the moon." Donnie listed looking at it.
"Why would the gator even want this thing?" Leo asked confused
"Why don't we take it back to the lair and ask him?" Raph suggested.

"Great but who's gonna carry it through the water?" Donnie asked them, they both made smirks and he realized this.
"Aw man!" Donnie said in fear.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, but you go first okay?" Leo asked him, Donnie nervously walked to the water hoping he wasn't gonna be zapped, he closed his eyes and braced himself until Raph suddenly shook him making him freak out.
"Not funny!" Donnie shouted in anger, Raph simply chuckled at that and smacked him into the water.

The turtles made it back to the lair and Mikey walked up to him
"Hey guys! Leatherhead is totally off the chain!" Mikey said in a chill voice
"You mean you set him free?!" Raph asked in anger while the others looked furious.

"No, off the chain means he's cool." Mikey responded and they all sighed in relief.
"Spike wouldn't let me set him free just to be safe, but he and Spike are actually getting along pretty well." Mikey said as Spike and Leatherhead are next to eachother while Leatherhead has more soup.

"Well, glad he didn't let you do anything more stupid." Raph insulted while they walked up to them.
"So, Leatherhead, about the Kraang?" Leo asked nervously, his eyes went pale suddenly and he growled in anger, Spike quickly put his hand on him trying to calm him down.
"They're not here Leatherhead, please calm down!" Spike begged trying to keep him calm, Leatherhead breathed heavily and his eyes returned to normal and sat back down while Spike rubbed him.
"There, it's okay." Spike assured calming him down.

"Wow, i can't believe that worked!" Raph said in surprise.
"At least he didn't grab me by the face again.." Donnie said in relief.
"He's right, why don't you start asking him something simple, like how was your day?" Mikey suggested, Leo groaned as he didn't like this.

"So Leatherhead.. how was your day?" Leo asked a little nervous.
"It started out awful." Leatherhead responded sadly.
"Yeah you were attacked by the.. Ow!" Mikey said in pain as Spike whacked his head telling him to not mention them.

"I know, it started out rough, we just want to ask you a few questions, then we'll let you go and we can solve this together, do you think you can handle that?" Spike asked trying to keep him calm.
"Yes." Leatherhead responded, Leo and Raph looked at Donnie who was nervous.

"Um.. okay... we just wanted to ask you what.. this is?" Donnie asked nervously showing them the device they found. Leatherhead growled in anger even more and roared in rage.
"Thief!!" Leatherhead shouted trying to grab him by the face again, but Spike was keeping him down the best he could, he placed his hand on him trying to calm him down again.

"They didn't know what it is! We aren't thieves we promise!! Please calm down Leatherhead! This isn't you!!" Spike begged trying to stop him from attacking them, Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again as he saw a first person shot of Leatherhead in front of them, his vision was red with anger but it started to return to normal as he took deep breaths and calmed down again.

Spike groaned in pain as he rubbed his head.
"Whoa, what was that?" Mikey asked in shock.
"Are you okay Spike?" Donnie asked concerned.
"Yeah.. my head just hurts.. a lot.." Spike said in pain while rubbing his head more, Leatherhead calmed down again and started to breath normally again.

"I am sorry, that device is extremely important, i've been guarding it with my life for a while.." Leatherhead said looking at it.
"Why? What is this thing?" Spike asked holding it. Leatherhead took a deep breath and looked at them.
"Come with me please, we'll discuss this at a safe place i know." Leatherhead asked them.

"Do you think we should trust him?" Donnie asked nervously.
"If it'll get us answers, we have no choice." Leo said a little upset, Spike undid his chains and handed Leatherhead the device.
"Let's go to this place of yours okay?" Spike asked looking at him. Leatherhead nodded in response and started walking out of the place with the others following curiously.

He had led them to what looked like a old subway line that no longer was working, he led them inside a train and placed the device down and played some music to help him calm down more.
"Okay, we're here where you need to be, can you please explain to us why you freaked out like that?" Leo asked with the others wanting to know.

"I am sorry, but there is a dangerous force inside me that i cannot control. That is why i have been alone for so long." Leatherhead answered while they looked on with interest. Leatherhead explained to them that he once belonged to a kind boy who raised him, but was found by his parents and was thrown into the sewers. He was taken to the Kraang's dimension and mutated him with horrific and terrible experiments. He didn't let his spirit break however and he broke free and stole the device and had escaped through a portal around six months ago and showed them it.

"What do the Kraang want to do with this?" Donnie asked with worry.
"To power the portal, without it, no Kraang can enter or leave this dimension. I swore to keep it from them and spare this world from they're evil, and that includes Spike's world too, even if it costs me my own life." Leatherhead explained, they were about to ask him a couple more questions until they heard a large crash.

"Give to Kraang the power cell that Kraang has come to demand that you give to Kraang!" A robot shouted while Mikey looked scarred.
"It's the Kraang!" Mikey said in fear.
"Quick! Barricade the doors!" Leo ordered while some robots were shooting at them, a few robots started to come in and take the cell, but Spike took out his own sword and sliced each of them apart and threw the brains out the door, he grabbed one of they're arms and shut the door and locked it up.

There was silence for a moment and they thought they were safe, but suddenly a blade pierced through the door and more came from multiple places, a droid started to stand up until Leatherhead punched it's head off, more robots were reaching they're arms out trying to get the cell.

"We're surrounded!" Raph said with frustration.
"We'll never hold them off!" Mikey said in fear.
"We gotta get out of here! Donnie, can you get this subway car running?" Leo asked looking at him.
"These tracks are dead, there's no electricity!" Donnie said trying to hold back the door.

"What about the power cell could that work?" Spike asked while he sliced off some more arms and tossed them out of the car.
"I might be able to hook it up to the motor but i'll need time." Donnie answered, Leatherhead stood up and gave Spike and Mikey the cell.

"I will by you time, my friends, you have trusted me. Now i am trusting you, i will deal with the Kraang" Leatherhead told them and Spike smiled at that.
"Go get em buddy!" Spike said opening the door and Leatherhead came out and roared in anger.

Leo used his sword and opened a hatch for Donnie to put the cell into. Leatherhead continued to fight off the robots while they were trying to get into the car.
"Donnie! We're running out of time!" Leo said while he and Spike were holding back the door.
"I'\m working as fast as i can!" Donnie said in frustration. Leatherhead was starting to be overwhelmed by the droids as there were too many.

"Donnie! We could use it, now!!" Spike shouted while he was holding on the door still. Donnie placed the cell inside.
"Got it!!" Donnie shouted, the subway car shone a bright pink and suddenly went flying through the tunnels at super fast speeds tearing apart any Kraang droids there were.
Everyone was screaming in fear as it looked like they were warping through space.
"STOP IT NOW!!!!" Spike shouted closing his eyes, Donnie quickly pulled the lever and the car was slowing down and it stopped on the streets.

A small bell was heard and the doors opened.
"Let's never do that again.." Spike said rubbing his head in pain.
"Where the heck are we?" Leo asked while everyone looked out.
"According to my calculations, a sewage plant." Donnie answered and they saw some buildings having smog come out into the sky.
"Wow.. it's as beautiful as they say..." Mikey said in amazement.
"Leatherhead.. i hope your okay.." Spike said hoping they'll see him again one day.

Back in the subway, a broken droid was crawling up to another while it stuck it's brain out.
"Kraang, we must notify Kraang that the ones called the turtles and dragon have taken Kraang's power cell from Kraang." The droid told him. A loud crash was heard and they looked in fear as Leatherhead stood up.

"You won't be telling anyone, anything!" Leatherhead said with anger, he took out the photo of Spike and his friends and looked at it sadly before becoming more furious.
"And you will pay for harming my friend!!" Leatherhead shouted with fury as he proceeded to tear them apart..

13: I, Monster( Rat Trap)

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It was a dark and stormy night within New York City, thunder and lightning flashed over the buildings as rain harshly poured down on them. Inside a building, a scientist was currently doing some tests with rats, this man was revealed to be Falco.

"They all thought they could stop me, the corporate fools who pulled my funding. The scientific community who shammed me, those turtle freaks who thought they got the last of my mutagen!" Falco said as he pulled open a hatch with a single needle of Mutagen left.
"But they were wrong, even with this tiny amount of mutagen left and these disgusting sewer rats to experiment on, i have nearly recreated my psychic neurochemical. And when i do, the shortsighted idiots who rejected me will tremble before the power and the genius of Dr, Victor Falco!" Falco said in victory.

Two rats were currently eating away at a wire just above him, the wire snapped and Falco gasped as the electricity caused an explosion which set everything on fire and the rats were escaping.
"No, no! Help please!! Help!" Falco begged as his psychic powers were reaching the rats minds and all of them came up in front of him, Falco laughed evilly as he had been mutated..

Spike and the turtles were in the dojo once again, Splinter had his eyes closed and his hands behind his back and they all were thinking of a way to strike.

"Okay, here's the plan, Donnie, your going to strike first" Leo explained and Donnie looked nervous.
"No wait, me? You want me to come at Splinter? I'll get pummeled!" Donnie said worried.
"Well getting pummeled is your specialty." Raph teased and Donnie looked annoyed.

"Trust us, it's all part of me and Spike's plan to catch Splinter off-guard." Leo explained.
"Uh Leo don't take this the wrong way, but against Splinter we always get our butt's whipped." Mikey complained.
"Okay new plan, Mikey, you attack." Spike told him and Mikey's eyes widened
"He took it the wrong way." Mikey said in fear.
"Enough talk! Let's do this!" Raph said ready to go.

The five of them currently surrounded Splinter and he had his eyes closed but got in a fighting pose. Mikey started off by trying to deliver a flying kick to him, but Splinter opened his eyes and grabbed them and slammed him to the ground, followed by a kick to the chest. Raph jumped into the air ready to punch him while Spike and the others were running at him. Splinter dodged Raph's attack and he avoided Spike's roundhouse kick and caught Donnie's leg and threw him into Raph. Splinter turned and tried to attack Leo and Spike but Spike flipped over it and Leo slid under it and they both delivered a punch to his face which surprised the both of them.

"Oh no.." Spike said in fear.
"Ah! Sensei i'm sorry i!" Leo said as Splinter grabbed his arm and twirled him and slammed him on the ground ready to punch him.
"Oh man, Leo's a goner." Donnie said worried." Oh nodie donie." Mikey replied but Splinter stopped and stood up.

"Well done Leonardo and Spike, but when you had the advantage you two hesitated, and that made you vulnerable." Splinter said as Spike helped Leo up.
"Hai sensei." Leo said weakly as he got up, Splinter then turned to Spike.

"Spike, this new arm of yours does pack the punch, but you mustn't let it's strength make you overconfident, use it only when unnessicary, that will make you come closer to being a full ninja." Splinter explained to him
"Understood master." Spike replied still a little surprised that he actually was able to punch him.
"That will be all for today, unless you would care for a rematch?" Splinter asked them.

"No thanks." Donnie replied." I'm good." Mikey added." Yeah i think we're all set here." Raph said as well, Splinter then opened his doors and went into his room leaving them alone.
"Leo, Spike!" Mikey said as they all came up to them amazed.
"Not bad guys." Raph said with a smile.
"Dude i can't believe you two actually tagged sensei, that was epic!" Donnie said in amazement while Mikey grabbed they're arms.

"The hands that punches Splinter! You know you two can never wash this again." Mikey said letting them go.
"I'm good with staying clean the best i can, thanks." Spike replied to that.
"I gotta say, guys , it was all teamwork. We are definitely getting better! Especially you Spike" Leo said looking at him.

"You've only been here a few months at this point and your really improving." Raph said with a smile
"Not to mention those ability's your trying to use, you were able to calm down Leatherhead because you had a link to his mind, almost like what happened with Rockwell." Donnie said in amazement.
"I know.. i never thought i'd learn this fast, but i guess we all just learn differently." Spike said proudly, Splinter was listening to them talking even more and he still felt worried on what the future holds for Spike.

Falco who had now been mutated was currently looking over the city with a mind controlled rat.
"Through your eyes my brothers i finally see the world for what it really is. This city is infested with 8 million parasites. Scrambling around in their pointless lives, spreading disease, forcing us to live in the shadows like vermin!" Falco said with anger as he put some stuff on him.
"No more! They are the true plague. Together, we shall rid this city of humanity and reclaim it for ourselves! And no one, not even those vile turtles and dragon shall stand in our way!" Falco announced, he laughed evilly as he used his powers to control the rats and cause destruction over the city.

"Citizens are fleeing the city in droves, but authorities say that while the rash of rodent activity is unusual, it's no cause to get rat-tled. For channel 6 news, i'm Carlos Chiang o .. holy moly get them off me!!" Carlos screamed as dozens of rats attacked him. April was walking through the streets with some sidewalks and noticed a small rat.

"Aw, hey little fella, where's you mama?" April asked curiously, she suddenly heard loud screeches and saw hundreds of rats coming from the streets.
"Sorry i asked!" April said in fear as she dropped her bags and ran for her life. The rats continued to cause destruction throughout the city while Falco was watching from their eyes.

"You've done well my brothers, but our fight is not over yet. Those turtles and dragon are still out there, and i fear that you will not be able to stop them. But a sense a kindred spirit who can. A fellow rat who once the knew the bonds of humanity like i did. A great warrior who shall serve as my eyes and protector. Falco used his powers and reached Splinter who was training with a sword.

"Join me.. join me!" Falco's voice echoed through his head and Splinter screamed in pain very loudly which caught everyone's attention and they went to check on him.
"Sensei, are you okay?" Donnie asked worried.
"I'm am fine." Splinter said while he was holding his head in pain.
"Are you sure you don't seem.." Leo was stopped when they heard a bunch of bird tweets for some reason.

"Hey that's April's ring tone!" Donnie said in realization, Mikey and Raph moved they're lips around making noises that sounded like kissing which annoyed him and he pushed them away and grabbed it.

"Hey April, i mean.. hey April.. i mean.." Donnie said trying to find his words.
"Donnie, please stop talking, i need your help. I'm having a little bit of a pest problem." April said as she was on top of a street post with rats surrounding her. Falco laughed evilly as he had used his rats to cause more destruction.

Spike stayed with Splinter to make sure nothing happens to him and the turtles went out to the surface to help April and they were going through the rooftops.
"Oh wow the city is so beautiful in the daytime! Except for you know, the billions of rats." Mikey said as they ran past them
"Actually the entire rat population of New York is around 36 million which.." Donnie was stopped by Raph again.

"I will smack you out of your shell!" Raph threatened as he flipped in front of them.
"Uh guys, we may have a bit of a problem." Leo said worried as they saw millions of rats all over the streets.

"Aw rats! Get it?" Mikey asked with a laugh.
"For the 14th time, yes!!" Raph said in frustration.
"We're coming April! Don't go anywhere!" Donnie shouted as she was hanging onto the post.
"Where could i possibly go?" April asked annoyed, Leo and Raph got out a few hooks and latched them onto the post, they used it to latch onto it and try to climb as rats were all over the streets.

"These stupid rats are starting to get on my nerves!" Raph said in anger.
"Actually rats aren't stupid, despite they're size they're remarkably.. ow!" Donnie shouted as Raph threw a rat at him.
"I warned you." Raph told him.
"Raph, put down the rat and keep climbing!" Leo ordered as they kept going.
"Hurry!" April said in fear, the rats were eating away at the post until it started to collapse and April screamed as she started to fall, Donnie quickly jumped off and grabbed her.

"Gotcha!" Woo hoo! " Donnie whooped as he landed back on the post." As long as Donnie's here you have nothing to.. oh boy." Donnie said in fear as the rats ate through more of the post and it fell down even more and they were all dangling in the air.
"Oh okay, i appreciate you guys coming to help, but how is this better then getting eaten by rats?" April asked scarred.
"At least it'll be quick, with rats they chew and chew and chew..." Mikey said as he went on.
"Okay we get it!" April said in fear .

"Okay, lets move!" Donnie said as they got on the post, they carefully moved they're way to the bottom as it was about to collapse, the post was almost about to collapse which scarred them all.
"Hurry!" Donnie shouted as they went even faster, the post finally collapsed and they all were launched off from the bottom and were thrown onto the roof and heard rats screeching again.
"Chew on that rat finks!" Leo said pointing at them and the others looked at him disappointed.
"oh come on, It sounded cool." Leo defended.

"Does anyone know what the heck is going on?!" April asked in fear as Donnie was thinking,
"I don't know. But whatever it is the attack is extremely well coordinated. Obviously there is a higher intelligence at work here." Donnie suggested.
"Well that beats out Mikey." Raph joked and Mikey looked annoyed.
"I'm serious, someone or something is controlling every rat in the city." Donnie said afraid.

"Wait a sec.. every rat?" Raph asked in fear.
"That means that Splinter could be.." Leo said in realization.

Spike was currently near Splinter as he was laying down, Spike stayed with Splinter while the others rescued April, he looked at Splinter who was moving all over.

"Why fight it? You know in your heart that you belong to the Rat King." Falco said in his mind.
"Leave me alone, i am not one of your rats to control." Splinter said in his mind as he looked around.
"Your right, you are so much more. We are so much more, and together, we will be unstoppable!" Falco said evilly.
"No! You and I are nothing alike!" Splinter said trying to resist.
"We've both lost so much of what we've hold dear, we've both become outcasts from society." Falco said as he showed him the memory of Splinter losing his home to the Shredder.

"And we've both come to see through the eyes of rats." Falco said trying to control him and Splinter tried to resist.
"No! I am a man! I am Hamato Yoshi!" Splinter said in fear.
"Not anymore.. " Falco said as Splinter was left alone. April and the others have just arrived and checked on Splinter.

"Is he okay Spike?" April asked concerned.
"He's been tossing and turning while he's trying to sleep, i'm sensing something trying to control him." Spike said in fear.
"Donnie your the smart one what do we do?" Raph asked looking at him.
"Maybe we should poke him?" Donnie suggested.

"Good idea, Mikey you poke him." Leo said turning to him.
"No way! I'm not poking him, you poke him!" Mikey said in fear
"Okay we'll put it to a vote. Mikey." Spike and the others said at once.
"I want a recount!" Mikey said annoyed, Donnie went over and handed him his stick and he sighed." Fine." Mikey said annoyed.

Mikey nervously held the staff out above Splinter's face.
"Careful, be careful not to squeeze the.." A blade suddenly appeared from the head and they all screamed in fear and Mikey threw the thing down.
"Okay let's try from the other end" Donnie said as he handed him it again and moved Mikey to him, Mikey repeatedly poked at Splinter with the stick from multiple spots.
"Whoa, he's totally out of it." Mikey said as he poked his nose.
"Dude, check out his nose nuggets." Mikey said with a laugh and Spike slapped his face in anger.

Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again as he heard someone talking to Splinter.
"We have evolved into something beyond humanity we have no need for them. But we can help eachother and you shall hide below the surface no more." Falco offered as Splinter's eyes were red.
"No." Splinter refused as he punched away his figure and he was left alone and breathed calmly.

"Michelangelo is awesome! He is the smartest, handsomest, butt-kickingest of all my.." Mikey said in a deep voice before Splinter opened his eyes finally and grabbed the staff and threw Mikey to the wall " Sons.." Mikey said weakly, Spike opened his eyes again and breathed heavily.
"Falco.." Spike thought in fear as he knew who was trying to control him.
"Sensei, Spike, are you two okay" Leo asked concerned.

"No Leonardo i am not." Splinter said as he gave Donnie his staff.
"It's Falco, he's trying to control Splinter with his psychic ability's he got from Rockwell." Spike said as he helped Splinter up.
"Falco's behind this? How is that possible?" Donnie asked concerned.
"Somehow he has acquired a telepathic connection with every rat in New York. And he now calls himself the Rat King." Splinter explained while he walked to his dojo.

"Oh great, so now we're letting the bad guys name themselves?" Mikey asked annoyed." We gotta take him down!" Mikey said in anger
"Yes Michelangelo you must do. The Rat King will not rest until he has total control of this city.. and my mind.." Splinter said weakly.
"Sensei?" Leo asked as he walked up to a photo.

"Everything i knew is gone. My wife, my daughter, my clan, even my humanity. You five are all i have left." Splinter said sadly as he looked at it.
"Don't you worry sensei, we'll stop him." Raph said clutching his hands in anger.
"But we gotta find him first." Donnie pointed out.

"When the Rat King attempted to take control of me, i could see his mind. you will find his lair in an abandoned utility junction beneath Herald square." Splinter explained.
"Let's go play exterminator!" Raph said ready to go, Splinter screamed again as his head hurt badly again and Falco was trying to control him again.
"Fight him sensei." Leo said helping him up.
"I will, just hurry." Splinter said worried.

"It's okay guys, you go after the Rat King, Spike and i will stay here with sensei." April told them.
"I may be able to help him stay in control like i did with Leatherhead, you all just be careful." Spike said as well. Leo picked up the photo and saw him and his wife and daughter. The 4 of them all went to the sewers while Spike stayed behind.

"What's going to happen to Splinter if we don't stop the Rat King? Which by the way is the lamest villain name ever." Mikey pointed out.
"Let it go already!" Donnie said annoyed.
"We're gonna stop the Rat King, and Splinter's gonna be fine, right Leo?" Raph asked looking at him. Leo didn't say anything right now as they saw a small rat below them.
"Shh, quiet, do you hear that?" Donnie asked as they hear some noise, they looked back and saw hundreds of rats once again.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Raph said annoyed.
"Aw ra.." Mikey was about to say something again before he was stopped by Raph covering his mouth.
"Leo, any ideas?" Donnie asked as they were backing up.
"Just one. Move!" Leo shouted as they started to run away, they ran down the hall as fast as they could and jumped onto some pipes on the ceiling with Mikey being the last one.

"Ow! They got the taste for turtles now!" Mikey said as one bit him.
"Just keep going! " Leo ordered as they climbed on the pipes.

Splinter was laying down on his bed in the dojo again with Spike next to him. Spike new he was gonna try to take control of him again, and he was gonna make sure he doesn't.
"Why do you cling so hard onto this life?" Falco asked as he went into Splinter's mind again which Spike sensed.
"I am needed here.." Splinter said as he was on his knees.
"By whom? Even your so called children have begun to outgrow you." Falco asked once again as he showed him Leo and Spike punching him again.

"And soon you'll be all alone.." Falco said holding out his hand.
"Come, we are your family now.." Falco said as Splinter's eyes glowed red.
"No!!!" Splinter shouted as he screamed in pain.

Spike's mind went crazy as he screamed in pain, he could sense the Rat King trying to take control of Splinter again, he quickly put his hands on Splinter's head and tried to help him.

"Sensei, do not listen to him! There are people who need your help! I need you! You are not his to control! You are Hamato Yoshi, whether or not your a human! Do lot let him win!!" Spike shouted as he tried helping him, Splinter's eyes opened and they were glowing red as Spike was trying to keep him down.
"Your not you Splinter! You are more then a rat, your a father! You have people that will be there for you! I will be there for you always! Do not let him keep his hold on you, fight him sensei! Fight him!!" Spike shouted as his head started to hurt even worse.

Splinter screamed in pain as he held his hands on his head, Spike tried the best to break the Rat King's hold on him, and no matter the pain he was having, he wouldn't stop until he was free.
"Do not let him win Splinter, you are more special then he says you are, you have me and your sons with you, you will never be alone! Even if i'm in a different world, my friends are always with me, just like we'll be with you!" Spike shouted as he tried helping him more. Splinter screamed even more as he fell on his knees and breathed heavily.

Spike fell on his knees as well as his head hurt extremely badly
"Sensei?" Spike asked as he saw him, Splinter took another breath and opened his eyes and they were normal again.
"Thank you Spike." Splinter said gratefully as he helped him up and Spike smiled.
" Your welcome sensei. The others could be in trouble, they could need some help." Spike said with concern.
"You are right, they're overwhelmed with too many right now, we must stop the Rat King!" Splinter said with anger.
"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!" Spike shouted as he got up and he and Splinter ran off to save the others.

While they were running through the sewers, Spike thought about what he just did, he just freed Splinter from mind control, like how he helped keep Leatherhead in control of his mind, all of these things just made Spike question himself, he never had these ability's when he was with Twilight, so why are they coming to him now?

"Sensei, can i ask you something?" Spike asked as they continued running.
"What is it Spike?" Splinter asked concerned.
"These ability's i have, it's really strange, i used this back when i helped Leatherhead, and now i freed you from mind control, what do you think this means? " Spike asked confused, Splinter went through his memory's and saw the ones of Spike helping Leatherhead, and the other of him being saved by Spike. Splinter had an idea on what this could mean.

"It could tie into why the Kraang captured you in the first place." Splinter suggested as they kept moving.
"But why? I never had these before when i was home, why did they come to me now?" Spike asked again.
"It could be because they were required to be unlocked, and the Kraang were wanting to use that to their advantage, you are like April in this case, she was captured for reasons we still don't know, and this may tie into it." Splinter said once more and Spike looked concerned.

"So your saying i'm like.. a psychic? But how is that possible? Being a ninja-dragon is enough for me already, but having psychic ability's as well? How did people like Celestia or Twilight never sense this?" Spike asked in shock.
"I do not know Spike, we will help develop these ability's of yours in time, but for now, we need to focus on the task at hand." Splinter said while they were nearing the Rat King's lair.
"Right, we'll talk about this later, let's go!!" Spike shouted as they ran into it.

Leo and the others were currently being outnumbered by the thousands of rats on the ground and were trying to fight them off.
"Why didn't we bring any rat poison or something?!" Mikey shouted as he was holding onto a pillar in fear. Falco laughed evilly as he had his mask off and was revealed to be a mutant.
"You all were foolish to come here, your maser will be in my control eventually, and soon the city will be mine!!" Falco said as he laughed evilly.

"Man, you really picked a sad halloween costume didn't you?!" Spike's voice shouted as the turtles looked around confused, they looked up and saw Spike and Splinter on a pipe near the top of the place.
"Sensei, Spike!!" They all said glad to see them.

"You may have been able to stop my control of him for now, but i will take control of him soon!" Falco said in anger, Spike took a deep breath and breathed some green fire all around the ground which cleared an opening for the turtles to get out.
"I am no rat, i am Hamato Yoshi! And my place, is with my sons!!" Splinter shouted in anger as he did a high jump over to the Rat King, before he let him speak, Splinter held out two fingers and used a special move which created a hard impact on him and he went flying into the wall and fell on the ground.

"Sensei!" They all said as they gave him a hug, they saw the rats from before completely cover him and he vanished once again.
"And that's the last we'll ever see of Count Ratula." Mikey said waving his fingers, the others shook their heads disapprovingly again and Mikey sighed.
"Yeah all right, it's Rat King, but i'm naming the next one!" Mikey said annoyed.

"Sensei, where did you learn that move?" Spike asked in amazement.
"It was a special technique i developed over my long years. Spike, thank you, if it wasn't for you i would have been taken control of by him. You are a gifted child, and i am glad we have you here." Splinter said as he placed his hands on Spike's shoulders and knelt down and Spike was glad to have helped.
"No problem Sensei, i'll definitely try to develop these further, do you think you could teach me that move at one point?" Spike asked eagerly and Splinter chuckled.
"When you are ready Spike, let us all go home my children, it has been a long day for all of us." Splinter said to all of them who agreed to that and they started to leave.

Splinter was in his dojo once again and was meditating as Leo came in.
"Sensei, are you sure your okay?" Leo asked worried.
"I am fine, thanks to Spike, all of you are the reason i kept fighting, you all have done well Leonardo." Splinter said gratefully and Leo smirked.

"Well you did hesitate, and hesitation leads to vulnerability." Leo teased recalling what they were told from Spike.
"We did pretty good too huh?" Mikey asked as Spike and the others came from the corner.
"Yes, i am proud of all of you." Splinter said to them.
"Who knows, maybe one day we'll be better martial artists then even you." Leo teased.

"Remember my son, everything you know i have shown you." Splinter said as he grabbed Leo's arm and used a skill and threw Leo to the wall really hard and everyone winced in pain.
"Ouch." Spike said as he felt bad for him.
"But i have not shown you everything i know." Splinter finished as he was walking away.
"It's great to have you here sensei.." Leo said weakly as they all looked over him with Splinter chuckling in response..

14: New Girl In Town

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It was nighttime in the city once again and everything seemed alright at first, but it wasn't. Spike and the others had recently heard reports of Snakeweed being freed once again and he's currently been causing panic through the streets, so Spike and the others have to stop them. Spike's been thinking about what happened with Splinter a week back, if Spike develops these ability's even further in the future, Spike will be strong enough to protect his friends. But it also makes him afraid of what things like the Kraang will do to him if he's caught. He just hopes he can hold onto these thoughts for now and can get his answers later.

Snakeweed roared as he was running through the streets and they all were chasing after him. Leo and Raph and Spike were chasing him currently and Donnie and Mikey landed in front of him which caused him to go in the other direction. While they were running they saw a guy delivering pizza until Snakeweed grabbed him.

"No! Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!" Mikey said in horror.
"Snakeweed's getting away!" Donnie said annoyed, the pizza guy was screaming in fear as Snakeweed was running through the streets.
"Somebody help me!!" He screamed as they went into an alleyway.

"We've got em trapped." Leo said holding his hand out.
"Let's do this!" Spike said holding out his sword.
"Good! Then let's go weed wacking!" Raph said holding his weapons with the others ready to go as well.

"Hang on Raph, we're not charging a 12 foot regenerating mutant." Leo said stopping him.
"Then what are we doing?" Raph asked frustrated.
"We'll take Snakeweed from above, tie him up on the clotheslines." Leo explained pointing at them." Come on!" Leo ordered as he was starting to move.

"That'll take forever! We need to stop Snakeweed now! I mean, he's kidnapping people!" Raph said in anger.
"Not just people, the people who bring pizza." Mikey said in fear.
"Let that go Mikey, everyone's important!" Spike said a little frustrated.

"We take him from above! Let's move!" Leo ordered again as he went up to the roof with the others following him. They were nearing the edge waiting for Leo's order.
"On my count, one, two..." Leo said drawing his sword and they looked down but saw he was gone.
"Where'd he?" Leo asked confused.
"How is that possible?" Spike asked in shock.

"And the award for worst leader goes to.. " Raph said looking at Leo.
"How am i the worst leader?" Leo asked upset at him.
"If we did this my way, Snakeweed would be toast by now!" Raph said in anger.

"Ugh, that'd be some nasty toast." Mikey said in disgust, Spike and Donnie pushed Mikey away as they kept arguing again.
"This way would have worked if you hadn't wasted time second-guessing my ordered!" Leo accused getting in his face.
"Don't give bad orders, and i won't second guess em!" Raph countered.

"You know what Raph, if you think you can do better. Why don't you lead and Spike watches over?" Leo asked in frustration.
"First good idea you've had all day, i'm sure Spike will be better at coming up with ideas then you can!" Raph countered with anger.
"Leave me out of this please!" Spike begged not wanting to get involved.

"We'll compromise, i'll lead." Mikey announced, Leo, Spike and Raph looked at him with fury and Mikey had a nervous smile before Spike came in and punched him with his mutant arm between the legs and a crack sound was heard and the others cringed at that.
"OW!!!!" Mikey shouted as he fell on his knees in pain.
"Say something like that again, i'll put itching powder in your bed." Spike warned as he wined in pain.

"Fine Raph, the teams yours, look after him Spike. I'm outta here." Leo said as he started to walk away.
"Leo.." Spike said sadly as he left them alone.
"I can't believe he's gone.." Mikey said sadly while he still was in pain from Spike's punch
"Don't worry Mikey, Leo uh.. just needs some space." Donnie assured him, Mikey looked at him with a straight face.
"You meant the pizza guy didn't you?" Donnie asked annoyed .

"Yeah.." Mikey answered, Spike gave Mikey another punch in the nuts again and he screamed in pain while Raph was chuckling a little.
"WHY?!?!?!" Mikey asked in pain.
"There's more important things then just pizza Mikey." Spike said annoyed while he was screaming in pain.

Leo was currently on another rooftop pacing around in anger, he kicked a few structures in anger while he did so.
"Hey, you okay Leo?" Spike asked as Leo saw him jump down to him.
"Why are you here? I told you to stay with the others." Leo said a little upset.
"I let the others head back, i told them i'll make sure nothing bad happens, i just wanted to spend some time and maybe i could help you with this." Spike explained while Leo was calming down.
"Thanks, i'm sorry about this, you know Raph.. he's just.. agh! He just doesn't listen to me most of the time!" Leo said in anger.

"I know, but you need to remember how old we all are Leo, people in our age can act immature at times and have to learn from them, I've done plenty of stupid things in my time back home believe me, we all need to just take our time and learn from them. I'm sure things will get better over time, i promise." Spike said assuringly. Leo took a moment to think about this, they all were still teenagers, and they still have a lot to learn, and everyone learns things differently. Leo sighed and speaked again.
"Your right Spike, why don't we just do a little patrol before we head back?" Leo suggested starting to leave.
"Sounds good to me." Spike replied as he and Leo headed off, unknown to them, more foot soldiers were watching them from the shadows about to strike.

Spike and Leo hopped over some more rooftops of the city, Spike looked over everything once more, he still couldn't believe he was in another world from his home, learning to be a ninja, and fighting off alien robots and monsters. But Spike is still fearing on what will happen when his friends see what happened to his arm.. Spike and Leo took a quick stop near a billboard and looked over the city calmly, a shadow loomed near the end of the billboard behind them. They heard footsteps and Spike and Leo took out they're swords while having white eyes.

"Foot clan? Heh, you guys just made our night." Leo said ready to fight.
"This should be fun." Spike said gripping his sword, the soldiers charged at them and Spike ducked under a sword swing and punched him in the face with his mutant arm sending him flying. Spike then used his sword and slashed through some more of their own weapons, and he then sweeped a guys legs and grabbed his face with his arm and slammed it onto the ground extremely hard and threw him off the roof after so. Leo finished the last one off by kicking the guy in the chest and sending him into some metal bars.

"Ah, i feel so much better." Leo said in relief.
"We all have ways of stress relief am i right?" Spike asked looking at him.
"You said it buddy." Leo said with a smile. They heard someone land on the top of the billboard and looked up and saw a female figure in a ninja suit. She did a few flips and landed on the ground in front of them.

"Not bad." She said to them which confused them.
"Um... thanks?" Leo and Spike said at once.
"You might actually be a challenge, i've heard about what your dragon friend can do, i hope you don't disappoint." She said before she took out her sword and blew a bunch of powder to them, Spike closed his eyes just in time but Leo's eyes were blinded and he had trouble seeing. She then kneed Leo in the chest and pinned him down holding her sword.

"Guess not, my names Karai." Karai introduced taking off her mask.
"No you don't!" Spike shouted as he jumped in the air making a battle cry, Karai saw this coming and held out her sword, but Spike's sword was too strong and it cut through hers easily much to her surprise and impress.
"Not bad dragon, that sword of yours is something else. I hope to see you both around soon." Karai said before she ran off and left them alone.
"What was that?" Leo asked confused.
"A new girl in town." Spike answered putting his sword away.

Donnie was currently drawing circles on a map trying to locate Snakeweed's lair.
"Donnie, we have to find Snakeweed's lair." Raph said annoyed.
"working on it!" Donnie said annoyed. "Then work faster!!" Raph shouted in anger.
"Do you think yelling is gonna help?" Donnie asked looking at him.
"No, but i do think hitting is gonna help!" Raph said cracking his knuckles.

"I'll work faster!" Donnie said nervously going back to the map.
"That's the spirit." Raph said with a smile until they heard the door open and they saw Leo and Spike return.
"Leo and Spike's back." Mikey said looking at them and he saw Leo scratching his eyes." And Leo's been crying" Mikey said running up to him.
"Aw you missed us!" Mikey said giving him a hug, Leo pushed him away and he and Spike went over to the others.

"Leo got hit with some blinding powder" Spike said while Mikey shook his head.
"And where have you two been?" Raph asked upset.
"None of your business." Leo said annoyed
"We don't really wanna talk right now." Spike said in agreement.
"Fine, whatever." Raph said before he started walking away before Mikey came in front of them.

"Dudes, can't we just be cool with eachother? let's hug this out" Mikey asked trying to make them stop but Raph elbowed him in the stomach.
" Hey, i think i figured out where Snakeweed's hideout is!" Donnie announced as he finished his map.
"Where?" Leo asked concerned.
"Okay.. the radial pattern of Snakeweed's sightings indicates his lair is at the epicenter of 47 and.." But Raph stopped him.
"Actually, your on a need to know bases. And you don't need to know" Raph said annoyed, Spike growled in anger before he and Leo started to leave.
"I'm glad i chose to go with Leo." Spike said to them before he and Leo left again.

Leo and Spike were watching more Space heroes again, this one showed the captain getting into a relationship with an enemy, but she soon betrayed him and the captain had to kill her because he had no choice.
"Boy relationships are complicated." Leo said turning it off.
"Why is it that almost every episode we watch, somehow tie into what's about to happen on our current job?" Spike asked recalling every event that happened from the show happening in real life.
"foreshadowing maybe?" Leo suggested and Spike shrugged his shoulders.

"Leonardo, Spike, where are your brothers?" Splinter asked looking around.
"I have no idea.." Leo answered
"What do you mean you have no idea?" Splinter asked confused.
"Raph thinks he can lead lead the team better then Leo, so he let em." Spike answered.
"That is not your decision to make." Splinter said walking up to them.

"Why not? I've had to make every other decision and i'm tired of it, those guys have no idea what kind of pressure i'm under and all they do is complain. Is it too much to ask for a simple thank you?" Leo asked as Splinter gripped his staff and slammed it down.
"Of course it is! Being a leader is not about being appreciated. It is about responsibility. it doesn't matter that the burden is heavy, it matters that you carry it." Splinter explained seriously
"Now go find your brothers" Splinter ordered telling them to go.
"Hai sensei!" Spike responded before he and Leo started to run out.

Leo and Spike went out into the streets again searching for the others.
"What i don't want a burden?" Leo questioned to himself.
"Then i'll carry it with you, does that sound good?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Sure, having someone to help me with it, would help a lot." Leo said gratefully before they started moving again.

"Where are those guys? Donnie said something about 47th and uh.." Leo said before they heard someone speak.
"Do you always talk to yourself?" Karai asked and they saw her behind her.
"Sometimes Spike's the only one who will." Leo answered.
"What do you want?" Spike asked getting in a defensive stance.
"Gonna make you two beg for your lives." Karai said holding out a new sword." I gotta admit dragon, you slicing my sword was really impressive, had to get a much more durable one after our last encounter." Karai said looking at him.
"Stole this one from Chris, that guy didn't need it anyway, especially the way he is now." Spike said ready to fight.

"He really doesn't need it." Karai said in agreement.
"Let's see how well you do against someone who can see." Leo said drawing his sword.
"Let's see how well you can do against someone who's better then you." Karai countered.
"Let's see how well you do against.. let's just go!" Leo said while he and Spike got in a fighting pose with Karai doing so as well.

Karai jumped into the air with her sword towards Leo, he blocked it and pushed her back before she flipped over them and attempted to slash at Leo who was able to block it, she continued to slash at them in a aggressive matter.
"Juji- Ken, interesting." Leo said impressed. Karai went towards Spike and slashed her sword at him. Spike blocked it with his shoulder blade and kicked her back and he took a deep breath and shot some green fire at her and she backflipped high into the air and dodged it and landed on the ground.

"Kocho- giri, predictable." Karai countered. Leo and Karai continued to slash swords at eachother and Leo kept on trying to hit her but she backflipped out of the way farther ahead.
"Your both good, no wonder we haven't wiped you out yet." Karai said impressed.
"It's not like Shredder has stopped trying." Leo said taking a breath.

"I know, it's all he ever talks about. Revenge, revenge, vendetta, vendetta." Karai said in a mocking tone.
"Really cliché if you ask me." Spike said chuckling a little.
"Really, i take it you don't approve?" Leo asked raising his sword again.
"No i'm fine with it, i'm just saying, he needs a hobby." Karai countered.
"He really does, make him more interesting then just the revenge type of villain." Spike added.

Karai screamed as she slashed her swords at them again, Spike blocked it with his blade and backflipped behind her and slashed at her more before she blocked it, she kicked Spike back and he landed on the wall before flipping back on the ground. Karai tried sweeping his legs but he dodged them and rolled out of the way and brushed off some sweat.

"Not bad, but i've seen better" Karai told him and he chuckled.
"With one blade maybe, but not two." Leo said drawing his other sword.
"Or one that's already centuries old and had an upgrade till it's like one from a video game." Spike said drawing his.
"I like you already dragon." Karai said as she and the two proceeded to fight even more.

Raph and the others were currently walking through the sewers for Snakeweeds' lair.
"Man, it really stinks around here.." Mikey said in disgust.
"It's a sewer Mikey" Raph said looking back at him.
"I mean more then usual. Ugh, where does all this stuff come from anyway?" Mikey asked again.
"Uh Mikey it's um.." Donnie quietly whispered what it was and Mikey jumped out of the water in disgust
"What?! Don't they know we're living down here?!" Mikey asked disgusted.

"Keep it down guys!" Raph said annoyed while they kept moving.
"Wow you sound just like Leo." Donnie said before Raph turned around to him in anger.
"You say that one more time and i'll shove your head in this sewage!" Raph threatened
"And now you sound like you again." Donnie said as they kept moving further, they came into a room of green gas and saw there were dozens of pods in it. They all looked around in shock and disgust at the sight they saw, they looked inside one and saw the pizza guy inside of it much to their horror.

"He's growing humans!" Mikey said in fear.
"He's not growing em, he's holding em captive!" Donnie corrected.
"For what? He's a plant, he can't eat them.
"He's probably turning them into fertilizer. " Donnie said in fear.

"Ugh, is that really where fertilizer comes from?" Mikey asked confused.
"Actually most fertilizer comes from.." Donnie proceeded to whisper it to him again.
"What?! Is there anything that doesn't come from that?!" Mikey asked in disgust again.
"Enough, let's cut em lose." Raph ordered taking out his weapons. They all proceeded to start freeing the captive humans from the pods, they hid away from a woman who started to wake up along with another guy, they started to leave without them being seen.

"Not only was that a job well done, but it was a job well done without Leo" Raph said proudly.
"My fertilizer!" Snakeweed said in anger as he emerged from the pods.
"What now boss?" Mikey asked in fear.

Back with Spike and Leo, they were still fighting against Karai. Leo slashed at her and she did a high backflip into the air and onto some stairs.
"You know what? I don't think your as bad as you pretend to be." Leo said to her.
"Leo, she's been attacking us nonstop, what gave you that idea?" Spike asked annoyed.
"He's right, what part of sword swinging at your head do you not understand?" Karai asked back.

"On the rooftop, you could have finished me, but you didn't." Leo said with a chuckle.
"Because you and the dragon are the first things in the city that doesn't bore me." Karai countered, she took out some ninja stars and threw it at them and Spike blocked them with his arm.

"Besides, i don't think your as good as you pretend to be, that dragon maybe, but not you.," Karai countered as she held her sword by Leo's neck.
"Don't tell me the goody-three-toes thing doesn't wear thin after a while." Karai said while they looked at her.
"Better then the alternative." Leo countered.

"Which is what? To have fun? To cut lose? To live your own life" Karai asked holding his neck. Spike punched Karai back and he freed Leo and they had her by the wall.
"Guess i struck a nerve." Karai teased.
"Because we beat you?" Leo asked back, Karai held her knife against his face again before he and Spike jumped back again.

"See that high rise?" Karai asked pointing at a building.
"Yeah we do." Spike said looking at the tall building.
"Why?" Leo asked confused.
"Meet me there at midnight. I wanna show you something" Karai said putting her sword away and leaving them behind.
"I like her already as well." Spike said impressed.

Raph and the others continued to fight Snakeweed off the best they could, but Raph didn't have the strategy they needed to beat him, and Mikey got knocked to the ground and was knocked unconscious. Donnie was able to pin the vines to the wall with his staff and go back to Raph who was starting to freak out.
"We don't have much time before he grows back, let's grab Mikey and get out of here!" Donnie said shaking him to regain focus. The two grabbed Mikey and started to escape while Snakeweed latched something onto their shells saying he's coming for them.

Leo and Spike were near April's home again wanting to talk.
"April? April?" Leo asked knocking on the window. April walked to the window looking tired.
"Leo. Spike? This better be good." April said opening the windows.

"Hey, i need to talk." Leo told her
"He needs to, i'm just here for support." Spike said as well.
"Can't it wait until morning?" April asked still really tired.
"I met this girl." Leo told her and April gasped.

"Tell me everything!" April said excitedly.
"Well she's really cool.. she's also a martial artist.. and uh.." Leo said trying to finish.
"And she's in the Foot Clan, i know it sounds crazy, but i've seen that reaction on people before." Spike finished looking at Leo. April then wacked Leo in the face with a magazine.
"Knew that would happen." Spike said casually.

"Are you crazy?" April asked about to whack him again.
"April, she's different she's" Leo said before she finished.
"In the foot clan!" April said upset at him.
"Yeah but she's.." Leo said before Spike added in as well.
"In the foot clan." Spike said as well.

"Look, i know me and Spike shouldn't be hanging out with her." Leo said trying to defend himself.
"Yeah you got that, you know why? Cause she's in the foot clan!" April shouted in anger.
"And she's probably trying to have us lower our guard." Spike said as well.
"Look guys, she's fun, and i'm tired of being the responsible one. When do i get to have fun?" Leo asked them, April sighed and asked him again.

"So what does she want from you two?" April asked curious.
"I don't know, we're meeting her later tonight on the Byerly building. She's got something planned" Leo said a little concerned.
"Yeah, like pushing you two off the Byerly Building, it's a trap guys!" April said again.
"I know, but i haven't sensed anything from her yet, if she does, i'll know." Spike pointed out.

"And i can see good in her, i can feel it, i know there is." Leo said with hope.
"I hope your right, if Spike gets captured because of this it's on you Leo." April said as she closed her doors again. Leo and Spike looked at eachother again.
"Let's just be on our guard Leo, she'll obviously try ambushing us or something else." Spike said seriously.
"You got that right, i'm glad i at least have someone with me." Leo said as they went off.

Karai had walked into the lair of the Shredder, she went up to him and made a respectful bow.
"Karai, i have learned that you had the opportunity to dispatch Leonardo and capture that dragon." Shredder said in disappointment.
"Really?" Karai asked curious.
"Yet you let them go instead." Shredder finished suspicious of her.

"That's not true, they escaped, i had to get a new sword because of that dragon." Karai said in defense.
"I find that hard to believe." Shredder said upset at her.
"They escaped from you didn't they?" Karai countered.
"Enough!" Shredder shouted in anger and she stopped smirking as he walked down to her.

"Next time you see Leonardo, you must finish him. And bring that dragon too me. I have plans on making him obey us, understood?" Shredder asked threateningly.
"Understood, father." Karai said in respect as Shredder walked past her.

Donnie and Raph were running back into the lair quickly.
"Help!" Raph shouted in fear, Splinter came out and saw them.
"Set him down!" Splinter ordered, they set him near the couch and Splinter went to check on him.
"Where is Leonardo and Spike?" Splinter asked worried.

"I don't know, sensei, it's all my fault, this is a disaster. I don't know what happened, i just.. froze up. I mean i have no problem risking my own life, but.. risking my brothers?" Raph said in fear as Splinter checked Mikey.
"Now you see the price of leadership.. responsibility." Splinter asked him.

"Yeah, and i hate it." Raph said ashamed.
"So you understand Leonardo's burden?" Splinter asked again and Raph shook his head.
"We need him and Spike back, i need him back." Raph admitted.
"Then go get them." Splinter said getting up.
"But sensei i don't know where they are." Raph said worried.

"They're going to the Byerly building. April texted me." Donnie said showing him a text.
"April texted me! Oh this is the best day!" Donnie said in pure joy, but it was stopped before he heard Mikey groan in pain again.
"Well i mean, it's had it's ups and downs.." Donnie said in defense.

Karai was currently waiting for Spike and Leo on the building and was starting to get impatient, Leo and Spike suddenly appeared behind her after she turned around and she sensed them.
"I was beginning to think you two were a no show, but you don't disappoint." Karai said impressed
"We aren't turning something like this down." Spike said staying on his guard.
"So what's this about?" Leo asked curiously.

"That." Karai answered pointing at a window and giving them some binoculars, they looked through and saw a special looking katana.
"That's the sword of Miyamoto Musashi.." Leo said in amazement.
"Amazing.." Spike said amazed.
"The greatest swordsman in the history of japan. It's ancient, it's priceless, and it can belong to one of you.. if you two help me." Karai offered.
"Doing what?" Spike asked suspicious.

"You know what, we're gonna steal it." Karai told him, Spike looked back at that sword and saw how valuable it was.
"I already stole another ancient sword.. maybe another couldn't hurt?" Spike asked himself.
"No we are not Spike, that is not what we do." Leo said upset at him.
"Come on, it's priceless, it's just sitting there collecting dust. You know one of you deserves that katana Certainly more then some lazy rich guy." Karai argued looking at it.

"Stop waiting to be responsible you two, stop waiting for people to give you the life you want, go out and take it." Karai encouraged, Spike looked over again and saw just how valuable it was, but if it's not being used properly, what's the point if the one who wielded it is long gone? But he has to respect a swordsman's legacy.
"No." Leo said refusing to go.

"I'm getting that sword Leo, with or without you two. Choose" Karai said standing up.
"It wouldn't be right for me to do it, but the Kraang have taken enough from me already.." Spike said in anger and Karai looked concerned at that.
"I can't, it's wrong." Leo said refusing again.
"Your starting to bore me." Karai said almost grabbing her sword before Leo stopped her.

"Karai, you don't have to do this." Leo said trying to make her stop.
"I know, that's what makes it fun!" Karai shouted and she twisted his arm and pinned him to the ground. and Raph showed up just in time.
"Leo, Spike! Wha.. what are you doing?! Who's she?" Raph asked in shock.
"This is not what it looks like!" Spike said in defense.
"Um.. uh.. Raph Karai, Karai, Raph." Leo introduced.

"What are you two? Friends with her? We're out here risking our necks, and you two are up here holding hands with the foot!" Raph said in anger.
"I can explain!" Leo said in defense.
"This should be entertaining." Karai said as some dust was blowing off Raph's shell.

"You see, Karai Spike and I, show the same appreciation towards the find craftmanship of.." Leo said as Snakeweed was rising from behind them.
"I found you turtles!" He said menacingly.
"Of kicking butt!!" Spike shouted in anger as he drew his weapon.

He whipped a vine at them and Spike split up from the others while Raph was with Leo.
"All is forgiven your the leader again. Welcome back." Raph quickly told him. Raph flipped over another whip and slammed the thing down. Spike breathed some more fire at Snakeweed and he screeched as Leo kept on slicing him up.
"Green fire?" That's really something" Karai said looking at him.
"Leo may be more responsible, but i'm still young." Spike said as he flipped high into the air and kicked the monster in it's face.
"Young, but experienced." Karai said impressed at his skills, she threw a knife near Leo's head who was wrapped in some vines.
"Sayonara, hope to see you soon dragon." Karai said before she proceeded to escape.

Spike proceeded to slice apart more of the vines with anger and freed Raph from being held by his legs, He threw a knife at Leo and freed Leo from being trapped as well
"Raph, Spike, follow me, i got an idea!" Leo told them.
"Got it!" Spike said ready to go.
"Your the boss!" Raph said as well.

The three of them continued to go down the stairs of the roof and went into the streets towards some barrels. they were stopped by more vines and saw Snakeweed come down again.
"Now what?" Raph asked curious.
"We charge em." Leo quickly explained.
"Really?" Spike and Raph asked at once.

"Trust me, let's move." Leo ordered as Spike flipped over another vine attack. The three split up again dodging each vine attack, Leo jumped in the air and kicked him in the heart, and Spike cut off some more fly traps and landed on the ground. Leo grabbed a tank and threw it at him before grabbing another and charged at him before Snakeweed knocked him down.

Spike used this opportunity and grabbed another and shoved it in his mouth while screaming with anger, Leo kicked his head back making him open.
"Raph now!" Leo shouted as this was their moment. Raph looked at him with anger and threw his weapon at Snakeweed and the barrel exploded freezing him completely.
"Booyakasha!!" Spike and Raph screamed as they shattered him to pieces defeating him finally.

"Nice work guys." Raph said looking at him.
"Thanks, it's good to be back." Leo said proudly.
"See, all it takes is some time, and whatever we do to learn." Spike said to them again.

"Your right.. and uh.. sorry.." Raph said whispering that last part.
"What did you say? I couldn't hear you?" Leo asked holding his hand out.
"I said, i'm SORRY!!" Raph shouted as his head grew a fair moment and shook Leo.

"Apology accepted." Leo said starting to walk off with Raph. Spike looked back at the building one more time before sighing in regret.
"I'm gonna regret this.." Spike said to himself, after they left, the heart of Snakeweed unfroze and it started beating once again.. Karai looked back at Spike with interest from another building, he seemed different from Leo, he was young yes, but what he said concerned her, and she wonders if she'll find out more in the future..

Spike and the others were in the lair again with Mikey still unconscious, Leo held out some pizza and held it to Mikey's nose.
"Pepperoni.." Mikey said grabbing it.
"Works every time." Leo said proudly before Raph grabbed him.
"Mikey! don't you ever scare me like that again! I thought we lost you!" Raph said hugging him quickly.

"Dude, i had the weirdest dream, i dreamt the stuff in the sewer was made out off.." Mikey said before Donnie stopped him.
"Eh forget about it Mikey. It was just a dream.." Donnie said shushing them, Spike waved goodbye to them as he went back into his room while Raph talked with Leo.

"So what's with the girl who tried to kill you and Spike?" Raph asked curious.
"She didn't try to kill me she saved us." Leo said in defense.
"She threw a knife at your head." Raph countered.
"She threw a knife near my head." Leo said holding it out.

"She's in the foot clan." Raph said crossing his arms.
"Nobody's perfect. " Leo told him before walking away holding it in his hands

Spike sighed as he took something out from under his bed in his room, it was the Katana Karai told them about, he stole it secretly when no one saw it, Spike felt huge regret and guilty for doing this, but the one who previously wielded it was long gone from what he knows, and it was just collecting dust in the building. Spike felt something within her, she was doing this not to kill them, but to see what they're like. Spike can feel something good from her, she was just raised in the wrong place. And despite him having to steal this sword, he hopes that he and her can understand eachother better in the future..

15: The Alien Agenda

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It was another night in New york once again, everything seemed alright at first, until Karai and a bunch of foot soldiers started to cross through the roofs heading somewhere until Karai stopped them.

"The turtles and dragon were spotted in this neighborhood. So stay alert for any sign of them" Karai ordered the soldiers.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as she looked down and saw Spike and the others fighting the Kraang.
"The ones called the turtles are being defeated by Kraang." One said before Spike ripped out the brain in anger and threw it into a dumpster.
"Are you so sure about that?!" Spike asked in anger as he smashed another's head with his arm. He deflected another blast with his sword and sliced the gun up before slicing it's head off.

"They're fighting robots?" Karai asked confused, she stopped the soldiers and saw a brain come out of the robot.
"Whoa, this towns more interesting then i thought!" Karai said in surprise. Spike noticed she was on the roof along with Leo and he smirked.

"I'll save you Raph!" Leo said in a deep voice as he sliced a robot apart.
"You'll save?" Raph asked in anger. Spike flipped onto a wall and jumped off it and sliced another in half completely. Leo landed on ones back and sliced off it's arms.
"Relax Mikey, your safe now." Leo said before smashing it down. Karai smirked as she saw them take it down.

"Donnie, on my mark!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Donnie's staff, Donnie then twirled it around and Spike kicked each one in the face knocking them down. Spike and Leo flipped on the ground again and high fived eachother and looked back at Karai who was impressed before she went off again, but Raph was able to notice her.

"Uh, what the heck was that?" Donnie asked confused.
"Yeah, you trying to impress us? Cause it totally worked!" Mikey said giving them a hug.
"What is it Raph?" Donnie asked as Raph looked concerned.
"I thought i saw something. What about you guys? Did you see something?" Raph asked suspicious.

"No," Leo said in defense as Raph was crossing his arms.
"Turtles first right?" Raph asked unconvinced.
"Turtles first." Spike finished as he and the three started at each other even more.

"Do you feel like we're missing something?" Donnie asked looking at Mikey.
"All the time." Mikey answered as they were still staring at eachother.

Back in Shredder's Lair, Stockman was currently working on Xever's mutant form, he had attached robotic legs to him and was making the finishing touches. Xever gasped for air and started to stand up on them.
"Aw the mermaids grown legs!" Dogpound teased.

"Please, settle down! Xever, get ready to walk." Stockman said as he held up a remote. Xever's belt turned on and he was starting to move ahead pretty nicely, but the device malfunctioned and he started to run away to fast.
"No no, no no!" Xever screamed as he ran into the wall and Stockman cringed at that. Dogpound continued to laugh as Xever kept walking around hysterically.
"Fix this! Or i will bite your head off!" Xever threatened as his legs were moving around more. Xever quickly pressed a button and the legs powered down, Shredder suddenly appeared behind him.

"Baxter Stockman!" Shredder said threateningly.
"Mr Shredder! Uh.. how long have you been standing there?" Stockman asked nervously.
"Long enough to see your failure. My patience is wearing thin.." Shredder said with anger.
"Yes sir, it's just the control mechanisms is providing triggers " Stockman said afraid.
"Enough! If he is not walking soon, you will not be either. I will give you one more chance." Shredder told him as Karai had entered the room and landed on the ground.

"Father, we spotted the turtles and dragon some guys in suits. But they were actually slimy brain squids in robot bodies!" Karai reported still weirded out by that.
"Your mission is to destroy them, capture the dragon, and find master Splinter. Everything else is a distraction!" Shredder said upset at her.

"Distraction? Father don't you wanna know what's going on? Robots and creatures? Splinters deciphers are turtles, mutants! And the dragon said he had something to do with those creatures as well! Your own men got turned into hideous freaks! Don't you think we should find out what is going on? " Karai said arguing with him.
"I mean there's more to life then your vendetta." Karai said crossing her arms.

"There is nothing more! Have you forgotten what Hamato Yoshi did to me? To us? Every day that Splinter lives is a stain on our honor that we must wipe clean. Stay focused on your mission Karai." Shredder said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Yes father." Karai said as she put on her mask again and started to walk out.

Spike and the others had gone back to the lair in order to train more, Raph was suspicious of them and he knew that they saw something, Raph was currently struggling against Leo.
"You and Spike knew the foot clan was watching us!" Raph accused.
"Not the foot, Karai." Leo corrected
"Karai is the foot." Raph countered as Leo blocked his weapons with his sword and clashed with him again.

"You both knew she was watching, and all you two did was show off." Raph said upset at him, Leo got on his back and kicked him in the air behind him.
"I was showing her how formidable we are, i knew she wasn't going to attack us, Spike showed how well he works in a team." Leo said in defense.

"Of course not? She was studying our moves for next time. You don't flirt with the enemy Leo, you take em down!" Raph said again.
"No, your wrong about her, she's has a good side." Leo said refusing to believe it and they clashed weapons again.
"Oh yeah? Well if that's what your doing, why don't you go tell the others?" Raph asked as they were struggling.
"They wouldn't understand." Leo told him, Raph then caught Leo off guard and pinned him to the wall.

"You really think Mikey and Donnie wouldn't understand? Scratch that, do you really think Donnie would understand?" Raph asked again, Spike suddenly came up and grabbed Raph's elbow.
"Look, we know what we're doing!" Spike said as he and Leo delivered a double punch to Raph and knocked him down. Spike flipped over him and wrapped his arms around his neck and restrained him.

"Look, you have to trust us." Leo said as he got up.
"Why should i?" Raph asked trying to break free
"What is going on in here?" Splinter asked upset as they saw him looking down at them.

"Uh nothing important, right Raph?" Leo asked looking at him who crossed his arms and sighed.
"Right." Raph said annoyed.
"Everything's fine Splinter." Spike said as well as Raph left them alone

April was currently doing some class projects while Mikey watched.
"Whathca doing April?" Mikey asked curious
"Sending in a sample for a class project." April said and Mikey looked confused.
"Your mailing your spit for a class project? Man, school sounds awesome!" Mikey said amazed.

"It isn't" April said brushing that off.
"We'll i'd be awesome at it, check this spit out!" Mikey said before Donnie ran up and covered his mouth just before he did.
"Don't!" Donnie said in annoyance
"It's not about the spit, it's about the DNA." April explained showing them the vial and Mikey muffled what it was.

"DNA, genetic code, you know the building blocks of life?" Donnie asked while Mikey didn't say anything as Spike walked in.
"It's basically like what your hair or skin color is when your born, it's always inherited from your family." Spike explained and Mikey nodded in understanding.
"Like your own parents right? Who had the purple scales, your mother or father?" Mikey asked curious.

Spike flinched as he was asked that, he didn't know a single thing about his birth parents, he was only hatched by Twilight and never really had answers.
"I.. i never knew them.. i never got a hint of who they were.." Spike said sadly as he sat down.
"Way to make this depressing Mikey." Donnie said sarcastic before April turned to Spike.

"I'm really sorry Spike, that must be really tough.." April said putting her hand on his shoulder.
"I know.. even after all these years, i still question who they were, and if i'll even ever meet them.. but being stuck in another world.. i don't think i ever will now.." Spike said as he had tears in his eyes.
"Don't cry Spike.. we'll get you home one day, and i'll help you find them, whatever it takes, i promise." April said rubbing his head while she looked ta Donnie who nodded in response.
"And i'll help you out too, with my skills i could help find them, would you like that?" Donnie asked curiously sitting down next to him.

Spike picked off a small piece of his scale and handed it to him.
"Knowing how smart you are, i hope you can, thank you so much for this guys.." Spike said gratefully.
"No problem Spike, one day we'll get you home." Donnie said as he put the scale in a small bag for later.

"So everyone in the class is sending a DNA sample to this research group, the Worldwide Genome Project, then they'll send us back a report telling us about our ancestors." April explained changing the subject,
"That's really great April, i'm gonna head out with Leo on another patrol, see you guys later!" Spike said as he and Leo started walking out.
"Be careful guys!" April shouted as they left, Donnie looked back at Spike's scale piece with interest, it really made him wonder what his history it..

Leo and Spike were on the rooftop once again starting to get bored as there was nothing happening.
"Maybe we should head back?" Spike asked Leo who was getting tired, they heard something land on the roof, and they pulled out they're swords and turned around and saw Karai once again.

"How'd i know you'd show up?" Leo asked curious.
"Especially at this time at night?" Spike asked as well.
"Cause your both not good at hiding from me?" Karai asked standing up.

"Like last night." Leo said to her.
"Oh were you there? I didn't notice, i saw Spike though." Karai joked and Spike chuckled a little.
"But i also saw a bunch of robots though, what's their deal?" Karai asked curious.

"Their deal is that their incredibly dangerous, stay away from them." Leo said holding out his sword.
"They know how to mess you up if your not careful.." Spike said showing her his mutant arm.

"Noted. Something else is going on, what is it?" Karai asked again.
"I'm not sure i should tell you anymore. Raphael says we can't trust you" Leo said in response.
"He makes a good point." Karai said as she flipped off the tower and landed on the ground.
"Eventually i am going to destroy you two," Karai said as she drew her weapon. The three charged at eachother and clashed at eachother.

"I don't think you are!" Leo said in anger.
"Really? Then what do you think this is?" Karai asked as she used a spin attack, Spike flipped into the air and landed on the tower and jumped off again and delivered a strong kick to her and she stumbled back.
"We think it's a cry for help." Spike said in response.

"We think your looking for a way out of the Foot clan, and we can help you." Leo said as he raised his sword again.
"Oh, your adorable! Stupid but your both adorable!" Karai said sarcastic and Leo stopped for a moment.
"Really? You think i'm.. Ah!" Leo shouted as she swung her sword at him again started flipping over to more towers with Spike and Leo following her.

"You wanna play games? But we need your word, that you will not attack our brothers." Leo said raising his sword again
"Or turn on us when we're in an intense situation that could kill the three of us." Spike said seriously,
"You know i can't do that." Karai said as she ran to them and they clashed swords again.

"Then understand this. If you come after them, we'll come after you, hear me?" Leo asked threateningly.
"Especially if you try to kill them!" Spike said in anger, Karai pushed their swords out of the way and flipped on over to the side and took off her mask again.
"Loud and Clear." Karai responded before she took off once again.
"She really knows how to make an escape." Spike said impressed as they put their weapons away.

April had just arrived to her school again and was looking around.
"Hello. i'm Ms. Campbell, from the WorldWide Genome Project. Are you April O Neil?" Campbell asked as April walked up the stairs.
"Um yes?" April said in response.

"I'm here to present your DNA test results. Come with me." Campbell said turning to her.
"Wow, i figured you guys were just gonna send printouts." April said suspicious.
"No, we don't send printouts. Come with me." She said once again.
"Um where exactly?" April asked concerned.

"We're going to a place where i will present your DNA test results. Come with me." She said and April got suspicious she wasn't normal,
"Um, what did you say your name was again?" April asked nervous.
"I'm Ms. Campbell from the WorldWide Genome Project, i'm here to present your DNA test results. She said one more time.
"Right, i gotta go!" April said before she grabbed her arm.
"Come with me." Campbell said aggressively and April gasped in fear as she realized she was not normal.

April tried to remove her from her grip but she threw April to a trophy case, she dodged another punch and it punched through the glass.
"Thank you Splinter." April said gratefully. Campbell removed her hand from the glass and started marching towards her, April quickly made her way through the halls in hopes she could escape, April went through another door and tried to open some more but they were locked up, April ran down the hall and came across her again as ominous music played. April ran across the next corner and Campbell followed her more, she looked around and April jumped into the air and slammed a large mascot head on her.

Campbell gripped her hands before the head blew up and she had glowing red eyes, April hid inside a vent as she watched her march through the halls looking for her. April pulled out her phone and started texting someone.

"So, are you tell gonna tell the guys about her?" Raph asked curious as Spike and Leo got back.
"No need, we had a little chat." Leo replied.
"Let's just say she knows not to mess with us." Spike said as well.

"Oh right, because villains always back off when you ask them too. Maybe i'll text the Kraang and ask them to stop hunting down Spike and mutating stuff" Raph said sarcastically, the two didn't say anything and went into the Kitchen.
"Okay guys what do you want: omelet pizza, or pizza omelet?" Mikey asked the others
"What's the difference?" Spike and Raph asked at once, Mikey pulled out a bunch of eggs.
"Okay, you called my bluff." Mikey admitted, their phones suddenly rang and they took them out to see what it is.

"Hey did you guys just get a mass text from April?" Donnie asked curious
"Yeah." Spike and the others said at once.
"Well does yours also says she's being attacked by an old lady?" Donnie asked again.
"Sure does." They all said again.
"Is that considered an emergency?" Donnie asked them.
"I guess." Leo responded.
"LETS GO!!" Spike shouted as they all ran out to save her.

Spike and the others hurried over to April's school and knocked through the doors with their weapons out.
"Sweet, so this is what school is like!" Mikey said amazed.
"Kinda looks like the schools back in Equestria, Twilight would definitely be interested in this!" Spike said amazed as well, an alarm sound went off and some machines were making it. Spike punched his arm through one of the machines while Raph did the same with his weapon. they looked up and saw the woman April mentioned.

" Okay i feel stupid." Raph said to Spike
"Ugh April's gotta learn the T-phones are for emergency's only" Leo said as the woman's eyes turned red again and she was twitching.
"A-A- April O Neil?" She asked turning her head around like an owl which shocked them.
"Aw sewer bunnies,"" Raph said annoyed.
"Can't just be anything normal can it?!" Spike asked annoyed as well.

She raised her arms and screamed as they were revealed to be cannons and she shot at them! They all screamed as she dodged the missiles and it created a huge explosion.
"Leo, i think this does count as a.." Mikey said before Leo finished.
"An emergency i know!" Leo said annoyed, the woman screamed in anger and they rolled out of a ground attack which destroyed some rails.

Raph jumped at the air and held his weapons out, the robot held out her hand and Raph's weapon went right through it, she grabbed Raph and threw him hard to the wall, she took out some metal folders and threw them at him, Raph landed on a lamp and cut it off and it fell down right before she jumped out of the way.
"All right guys, lets put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard." Leo told them and they all groaned in annoyance
"Dude, it literally hurts." Raph said annoyed.
"I'm in charge of puns from now on okay?" Spike asked them and they nodded in understanding.

She shot more missiles at them and Spike threw some shurikens and they made them explode, Donnie and Leo jumped onto the walls and slashed apart her arms and they fell off and it was revealed to be a Kraang robot.
"Not this time you monster!" Spike shouted with anger as he jumped into the air and slammed his arm on the robot's face, he slammed it onto the ground creating a large crack, he then took out his sword and in one single move, he sliced off it's head to pieces leaving a white line as an effect.

"April! Where are you?" Donnie asked looking around, April came out of the locker and ran up to them and kicked the head.
"And stay down! Thank you guys" April said gratefully while Donnie expected a hug.
"You are so welcome." Donnie said nervously, and they all looked down at the robot.

"So what the heck is that thing?" April asked curious.
"It looks like a Kraangdroid, minus the Kraang" Leo suggested.
"She said she was from the Worldwide Genome Project." April told them as Mikey put her mask on.
"Whoa. how did the Kraang know you sent your DNA spit to the World wide Project?" Mikey asked as Raph freaked out as he saw him with the mask, he then growled in anger and punched Mikey in the face sending it flying.

"The Kraang must have hacked into their system. Who knows what kind of info they could be stealing?" Donnie asked worried.
"Or they could just have that as one of many cover ups to make their presence unknown to the leaders." Spike said as well
"April, you better head to the lair where it's safe. We'll go check out the Worldwide Genome Project." Leo said clutching his fists.
"But first, we gotta take down the Eastside High Panthers. according to that poster they got it coming" Mikey said as they saw him near a poster of it.

The screen turns into a comic like artstyle again as Spike and the others jump across more rooftops once again, they flip across more rooftops and Karai had noticed them. They jumped off the rooftop and headed to a large building. They went onto the rooftop and saw it was locked.
"So how do we get in?" Raph asked looking at Donnie
"Leave it to me, i've got an app for that." Donnie said pulling out a phone and they all groaned in annoyance.

Donnie put it in and started hacking into it.
"Spike and I got an app for that too" Raph said before Spike punched the door open and Donnie looked annoyed as he followed them, Karai had landed on the next rooftop looking upset.

The 5 made their ways through the halls and saw how much it was Kraang like.
"You know, for a human lab, this place is awfully Kraang-y" Mikey said looking around
"Guys, i think Spike's right, they are the Worldwide Genome Project." Leo said in shock.
"The 5 went into a large room with a huge tank of mutagen with some guards around the place.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey whispered in their faces, Donnie jumped into the air and screamed as he slammed them down, they sealed them in a case with the brains screeching at them
"Now you too place nice in there." Raph said pointing at the glass
"What are those?" Leo asked worried.
"It looks like their collecting samples from every plant an animal species on earth
They must be gathering different DNA from creatures for the mutagen!" Spike said in surprise as they saw the tanks of it.

"What?" Leo asked in shock
"Building blocks dude, i'll drop the science on you later." Mikey said annoyed
"I wonder what they're doing with all this DNA?" Donnie asked worried.
"Whatever it is, it can't be good. Let's shut this place down!" Leo said determined as Mikey looked around,

"Hey where's Raph?" Mikey asked curious.
"Gotcha!" Raph shouted as they looked up and saw Raph had Karai restrained to the glass
"Karai!!" Spike and Leo said at once.
"Ka-who?" Donnie asked confused.

"Bet you think your pretty slick." Raph said to her, she twisted his arm and made a move which slammed him into the ground,
"I have my moments." Karai said with a smug, Raph screamed as he got up and engaged in battle with her, Karai pulled out her sword and delivered a kick and knocked him back before she charged at him and slashed at his weapons.

"Raph, Karai, stop it!" Leo shouted jumping up.
"This is not the time to be doing this!" Spike shouted going up as well.
"Okay, what the heck is going on here? How do they know her?" Donnie asked confused.
"Yeah, how do we know her! Wait.. do we know her?" Mikey asked confused as well.

"So this is the stuff that turns people into monsters huh? How's it work?" Karai asked looking at the mutagen.
"Why don't you lean in a little closer and i'll show you?" Raph threatened, Karai moved his weapons down and headbutted him in the face and knocked him down to the ground again. Spike stopped their fighting with his sword and arm.
"Enough! Your gonna set off.." Leo said before he stumbled back and hit an alarm switch and a " Woop" sound appeared behind him while he looked annoyed.
"One of those.." Leo finished.

"Nice going Leo, you and Spike protecting her?" Raph asked sarcastically." What is wrong with you two? She is bad news!" Raph said in anger.
"No she's not!" Leo said annoyed.
"Yeah, i am." Karai responded looking at Raph in the face again.

The doors opened and they saw dozens of more Kraang droids walk into the room with weapons, and surrounded them.
"The ones who are not authorized by the authority of Kraang to exist in this place will now be destroyed by Kraang in this place!" One said seriously
"This day just keeps getting better." Karai said as they drew their weapons.
"Welcome to my world." Spike said as he readied his blade.

They started blasting at them and they all engaged with them, Karai threw a knife in the head and Spike punched it off with it's arm.
"Look- see? She's on our side!" Leo said as Raph punched another down.
"Are you even listening to yourself?" Raph asked annoyed.

"I like your brother Leo, he's almost as entertaining as you." Karai said as she and Spike sliced down some more bots together.
"Oh when this is over i'll show you and your partner how entertaining i can be" Raph said as he held some heads on his weapons. More robots arrived to the room and they looked in shock as they had a massive turret with them
"Kraang is now arriving to provide the help that has been requested by Kraang." A robot said to them.

"We're trapped!" Leo said in fear.
"No, your trapped." Karai said as she was near the console
"What happens if i do this?" Karai asked holding her hand over a button.
"No! Don't do that!" Leo and Raph shouted.
"You'll get us all killed!" Spike said in fear.

"highly undesirable outcome." A droid said in response.
"Well now, i gotta." Karai said as she pressed it, the alarm went off and mutagen went into the DNA samples with each tank and even a cat.. and Mikey screamed like a girl knowing that horrible truth.

The DNA went into the machine and it was starting to glow brightly with the alarm going off. The machine powered down and something emerged from it, a bunch of tentacles emerged and it was revealed to be an octopus monster and it made a cat meow.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Mikey said looking at it, it's neck suddenly stretched out and it revealed it's true self and it roared at all of them.
"You regretting that decision now?!" Spike asked annoyed at Karai.
"Kinda am.." Karai said as they all looked horrified, more droids fired at them and the monster proceeded to tear them apart.

"Whoa, that is wicked!" Karai said impressed.
"How the heck am i gonna name this?!" Mikey asked annoyed.
"Good question, well see ya." Karai said as she took a body and took off to the door.
"Your not gonna help us beat that thing? It's your fault!" Leo said in anger.

"I'll let the heroes handle it!" Karai said opening the door,
"I trusted you!" Leo said betrayed.
"I know, that's messed up right? At least the dragon knows better, see ya!" Karai shouted as she went off leaving them alone.

" So guys we all fans of Karai yet?" Raph asked sarcastic.
"There are people who like her type probably." Spike replied.
"I don't know who she is, but i know i hate her!" Donnie said annoyed, they all ran from the monster dodging the Kraang's lasers firing at them.

"Hey look Leo, the Kraang are on our side now." Raph said sarcastically
"Save it!" Leo said in anger, they jumped over the robots as the monster took down the rest, the monster wrapped a tentacle around Raph but Spike came in and sliced it off.
"Nice try octo-punk!" Raph said in anger
"Let's just call em Justin." Mikey said before he was wacked by another tentacle, the monster proceeded to hurt the other three badly as Spike and Leo were the only ones left.

"Raph's right, this is our fault.." Leo said regretfully.
"We caused this.. now we have to fix it." Spike said with anger raising his red blade once again. Spike and Leo screamed in anger with their eyes looking like they're on fire, they dodged some laser attacks coming from it's eyes and Leo delivered a strong punch to it , Spike jumped in the air and delivered a strong kick to it's face and knocked it down for a bit.
"Hey Justin! This ends now!" Spike and Leo shouted with anger, the monster roared and shot it's lasers at them, they redirected the energy into the blades and screamed with anger as they slammed them down into the console and the thing exploded, the monster screamed in pain as it was on fire and tore through another wall.

"Ha, take that Justin!" Mikey said in victory, the place was shaking and it started to collapse.
"Come on! Let's get out of here!" Leo shouted as they ran through the flames and escaped, they were on another rooftop and saw the entire place was on fire.
"So.." Mikey said looking at Donnie.
"We're thinking two people should start talking." Donnie said to Spike and Leo, they both sighed and proceeded to tell them everything as they went back to the lair.

"We should have told you about Karai sooner, but i really thought there was a chance she would be good and i guess i.. sorta.. liked her.." Leo admitted while the others watched.
"I felt something in her, she's not entirely evil, she was just raised in the wrong place, she could have a chance if she takes it." Spike said in defense.

"Dude i can't believe Leo trusted her." Mikey said annoyed.
"I can't believe you didn't trust us enough to tell us." Donnie said annoyed as well
"I was wrong, i'm really sorry." Leo apologized.
"At least i knew to keep my guard up." Spike said as well

"I tried to warn him," April said disappointed
"You two huh?" Raph asked her.
"Leonardo, you are not the first young man or turtle to make a fool of yourself over a girl." Splinter said to him
"What about Donnie?" Mikey asked before Donnie slapped him in response.

"However, when that girl is a Kunoichi in the employer of your enemy, that is an error you cannot afford." Splinter explained to him.
"Hai sensei." Leo said respectfully.
"Deception is a ninja's most powerful weapon, and it seems Karai is a master." Splinter said even more
"I know, i see that now, we can't trust her." Leo said in understanding.

"Good. You must learn from your mistake." Splinter said before he started to walk off.
"Thank you for your understanding. I'm glad your not mad." Leo said relieved
"Who says i am not mad?" Splinter asked before he slammed his staff on Leo's foot.

"Ow!" Leo shouted as he fell onto the ground in pain.
"Consider that a warning if you do something like that again Spike." Splinter said looking at him.
"Yes master." Spike said respectfully as Splinter left

Spike was just upset that she betrayed them like that, she could have made things easier is she didn't press that button, but Spike still feels good in her, he just hopes he can turn her over one day...

Karai was walking back to Shredder's lair with the robot
"This is too good! I can watch this forever!" Dogpound said while he watched Xever's legs keep malfunctioning. Karai slammed the robot on a desk.

"The robots, i've seen them up close. They call themselves the Kraang." Karai explained while Baxter looked at it interested,
"I told you i am not interested in this robot fiction! I will hear no more of this!" Shredder said in anger
"I think this is how they control their robot bodies." Karai said holding a piece up and handed it to Stockman who pressed it and the robot activated and responded to each press.

"This is exactly the sort of neural transmission interface i've been trying to develop!" Stockman said amazed
"Hmm.. Very well, i want you to find out all you can about this Kraang. Their technology may prove useful in our war against the Turtles. Well done Karai." Shredder said proudly and Karai smirked in response

16: The Pulverizer

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A hologram of the power cell appears on screen as some Kraang droids look at it.

"Why is the location of the power cell, still unknown to Kraang?" One asked confused
"The place where the power cell is, is a place of hiding." One answered.
"Kraang must have this power cell to reopen the portal to the dimension of Kraang, so the true mission can finally begin" One in a human disguise said as well.
"So Kraang asks Kraang, where is this place of hiding?" One asks curious as the screen fades to where it is.

"Perfect!" Donnie said as he and Spike put it in a sealed case.
"A job well done!" Spike said as he and Donnie high fived eachother. Leo and the others were waiting in the subway for Spike and Donnie.
"Ugh, what's taking so long?" Donnie knows i have a short at.. Ohh gum! Mikey asked bored before he picked some up but Raph smacked it out of his hand.

"Man, this better be worth it." Raph said inpatient, they heard some horns flare and look to their right and see a subway car with wheels and other really cool stuff attached to it as it stops in front of them.
"Worth it!" Raph said amazed. The door bell rang and Spike and Donnie came out with proud faces.

"So?" Donnie asked casually.
"What do you think?" Spike asked them.
"You two turned Leatherheads old subway car into this?" Leo asked amazed.

"Donnie, Spike, have i ever told you how awesome you two are?" Raph asked them.
"No you haven't" Donnie replied.
"Well i am seriously considering it, what do you call this thing anyway.?" Raph asked again.

"Don't worry me and Mikey got this one, on 3! 1,2,3" Spike said before he and Mikey named it" The ShellRaiser!!" They both said in deep voices before they high fived eachother.
"What?" Donnie asked confused.
"The Shellraiser, it's the perfect name!" Mikey said proudly
"What do you think?" Spike asked casually.

"That is the perfect name." Leo said in surprise.
"Of course it is bro, you guys always underestimate us." Mikey said casually as well as he and Spike high fived eachother again. The door opened and they looked around in amazement, Spike pressed a button and the car powered on and looked really advanced.

"Now we've assigned everyone to a station based on their individual skills, i can't drive because i'm in the back so..." Donnie said before they all finished.
"Driver!!" They all shouted excitedly before they saw Spike was already there.
"Already was assigned it, Leo will be in the passengers seat to make use some of the weapon systems." Spike explained.

"Why Leo?!" Mikey and Raph asked disappointed.
"He's least likely to hit something, Spike took some driving lessons with me, so he'll be good with it." Donnie explained as Leo sat next to Spike.
"True." Mikey and Raph said at once.

Raph went to another station as well as Mikey and they sat down.
"So, how do we get this baby going?" Leo asked curious.
"Let me show you!" Spike said as he pulled a lever and the van took off at fast speeds surprising them all.
"Woo! what is powering this thing?!" Raph asked amazed.

"The Kraang power cell we got from Leatherhead." Donnie explained while Leo was on a nearby screen.
"I thought you said it was too dangerous? Like the Kraang could track it?" Leo asked confused.
"That's why i put it under a led glass shield, now i can regulate the output and prevent the Kraang from tracking it's signal." Donnie explained as Mikey slid up.
"I hate to interrupt but, DEAD END!" Mikey shouted pointing at the screen.

"Uh Spike? Can you stop this thing?" Leo asked in fear.
"Just watch guys." Spike said as he pulled on the lever making it go faster, they all screamed as Donnie casually pressed a button, a hatch opened under an alleyway and the van went flying out into the streets of New York.
"Donnie, Spike, your awesome!" Raph said amazed as Spike kept driving the thing.
"Let's see Rainbow Dash see this!" Spike said as he stepped on the speeds and they all cheered in joy.

The thing was driving through the streets while Mikey looked at the map.
"Does this thing have a stereo?" Mikey asked curious
"What good would this thing be without some tunes?" Donnie asked as he pressed a button and it played calm piano music.
"Are you serious?" Raph asked annoyed.

"Check out the second movement." Donnie said as he pressed it again and this time, heavy rock music was playing. Everyone cheered as they drove through the streets having a great time, Spike did some sick turns and made things cooler while everyone kept laughing even more. Spike pulled the wheel and the van made a few circles around the street while everyone laughed even more.

"This is the best night of my life!!" Spike said in joy as they kept on driving. Raph opened the top cover to get a view and enjoyed the moment until he heard some glass shatter.
"Spike! Pull over!" Raph ordered, Spike turned the wheel and stopped the van. They looked to the screen and saw some Purple Dragons doing some crime again.

"Purple Dragons? Oh this night just keep getting better and better!" Leo said amazed.
"It's like candy for my knuckles! And tonight's Halloween! " Raph said cracking them.
"Let's go trick or treating then!" Spike said ready to go.
"Wait a minute, who's that?" Donnie asked pointing at the screen.

"Excuse me boys, i think you forgot to pay for that, but don't worry, i accept cash, check, or teeth." A guy in a turtle outfit said gripping his hand.
"Huh, that was actually a pretty good line." Leo said impressed
"Is he wearing a costume?" Spike asked confused
"What are you gonna do? There's one of you and three of us." The leader asked dropping the stuff.

"Oh you want to call a couple friends make it even?"" He asked before he landed down in front of him
"This guys got guts." Raph said impressed.
"Time for you to feel the wrath of. The Pulverizer!" He introduced
"This is gonna be great!" Mikey said excited. They proceeded to watch as he" Fought" Them off, but he was not skilled with any fighting moves whatsoever.
"Or not..." Leo said as they ganged over him and watched in pain as they beat him up badly.

"Oh the pulverizer's just.. well i don't have the words!" Mikey said in fear
"We gotta help him!" Spike said to the others, the gang members towered over him and were ready to beat him up before they came behind him.
"How do you like the odds now Fong?" Leo asked as they surrounded them with their weapons.
"Whoa, the turtles and dragon!" He said amazed.
"How does he know who we?" Donnie asked before a gang member punched him.

Donnie fell to the ground for a moment and dodged another punch from the guy making him hit the ground hard, Spike grabbed him with his arm and threw him into a wall making a large crack.
"Haha! Oh nice combo" High five!" The guy said raising his hand but one of the members grabbed him and threw him over to Donnie
"Fong's getting away!" Leo said as a member was trying to knock him down before Raph punched him off.
"Oh no he don't!" Mikey shouted throwing his chains.
"I got em!" The guy said before the chains wrapped around his legs letting Fong get away.
"Oh dang almost had him." He said sadly.
"Not cool man." Mikey said as he freed him from his chains and he twirled around for a moment.

Police sirens were heard and they started to move.
"Cops! We gotta go!" Leo shouted as they ran through the alley with the guy following them.
"Oh hey great teamwork guys!" He said chasing them.
"Look, i don't know who you think you are, or what you think your doing, but don't." Raph said getting in the van.

"Sorry dude, but we need to leave." Spike said getting in the drivers seat.
"Yeah and maybe sometime we can get together and... oh!" He shouted as the door closed and he got stuck.
"Oh hey i think i... ah!!" He screamed as the van started driving with him attached to it.

The guy kept on screaming while Donnie played the music.
"Do you guys hear something?" Leo asked confused, Spike continued to drive the van through the streets and back into the subway, the guy groaned in pain as the door opened and he fell on the ground with Donnie looking down.
"We got a problem!" Donnie told them

"What the?" Leo asked confused as they saw him
"Oh great.." Spike said annoyed.
"Are you okay?" Donnie asked as he got up.
"Oh sure, you can survive with just on kidney right?" He asked weakly.

"Great, first this doofus gets in the way of some good purple dragon pounding, and now he knows where our lair i?" Raph asked annoyed.
"Oh no problem, i blacked out most of the way here.." He said weakly again.
"How do you know we exist?" Donnie asked curious.

"Well i saw you months ago! You all took down that large robot with that guy inside it, you were like" Let's finish this!" or "Haha bees!" and you were all... you were like the strong silent type, and the dragon came in and hit the guy in the head with a hammer!" He said in amazement
"Dude deserved it." Spike said recalling the event's that happened with Stockman.

"Dudes, we have a stalker." Mikey said to the others.
"You inspired me to become a hero, i saw you guys and i thought, what do they got that i haven't? Besides claws and can breath fire?" He asked looking at them.
"Years of training under a grand master of ninjutsu?" Donnie asked.
"It's only been around 5 months for me, and i'm almost on their level." Spike added in.

"No, an awesome costume! Where'd you get yours by the way?" He asked curious
"Uh.. we're not wearing costumes, we're mutants." Donnie said slightly annoyed.
"Riiight, cool! How do i do that?" He asked amazed.
"It's extremely painful, REALLY painful." Spike said showing him his mutant arm
"You, stop talking. We gotta get him out of here." Raph said to the others.

"Whoa! This place is amazing! What's with all the pizza boxes?" He said as they saw he went into the lair, he was currently in the lab looking at Metalhead
"Hey don't touch that!" Donnie warned.
"Hey what's this?" He asked grabbing a Kraang device which Donnie quickly took back.

"That looks like the stuff those guys were stealing." He said pointing at it.
"That's impossible, it's Kraang tech." Donnie said looking at the others.
"What's a Kraang?" He asked confused.

"If we told you, we'd have to kill you... You see the Kraang are aliens from another dimension" Raph explained and Spike elbowed him.
"Why would the purple dimwits want Kraang robotics? It's not like they know what to do with it." Leo asked worried.
"Unless they're stealing it for someone else." Spike suggested.
"Well who do we know who would be interested in stolen evil robot parts?" Donnie asked before they all got the idea.

"Baxter Stockman!" They all said at once.
"We'll check it out, Donnie, fix the shellraiser and take captain rubber pants home." Leo ordered as they started running out.
"Sorry Donnie, we gotta roll!" Spike shouted following them
"What? Wait! Why do i have to?!" Donnie asked as they ran out leaving them alone.
"So what now?" He asked before he accidently knocked over some glass and looked embarrassed and Donnie looked annoyed.

"These Kraang components are just what i need." Stockman said as he looked at a piece.
"They better be, those turtles and dragon spotted us, and knowing them, they're probably on they're way here." Fong said annoyed.
"Let them come." Xever said as Stockman inserted the device into his robotic legs, he tested them out and they were finally working properly.
"What has two robotic legs, and loves to stomp turtles?" Xever asked as he stomped his leg down. "This guy!" Xever said while he made an evil laugh.

The Pulverizer was currently twirling around Donnie's staff while he worked on the van.
"Wicked staff!" He said amazed.
"Put that down." Donnie said annoyed while he was on the top of it.
"Check out my sweet moves!" He said twirling it around more.
"I said put that down!" Donnie said annoyed
"No let me show you this one thing!" He begged before he poorly pulled off another move once again but accidently sent it flying to Donnie who caught it easily.

"Look, i'm trying to work here." Donnie said annoyed before he jumped down.
"If you must play with the staff, and apparently you must, try this." Donnie said as he proceeded to twirl it around at a steady pace.

"See what i'm doing? Slowly, keep your hands near your center, and switch sides." Donnie instructed as it twirled around faster.
"See? Fluid right? Try now." Donnie said handing him it. He proceeded to replicate what Donnie told him and he was actually doing a decent job.
"Okay, not bad." Donnie said impressed, he kept twirling around before he accidently hit his head.
"I got it!" He said giving a thumbs up and Donnie looked annoyed.

"Do you think you can just put a sword under your pillow and wake up a samurai? You gotta practice it takes more then a cheesy costume to be a hero." Donnie said pointing at it.
"Pretty sweet huh? Check out the muscles." He said and unzipped something and Donnie looked weirded out.
"Full rubber, pretty cool huh? Way faster then working out. I wanna be a hero now, i don't have time for the good stuff show me the basics!" He said while Donnie backed up and he sighed annoyed.

"Okay, one more." Donnie said annoyed as he proceeded to do some advanced moves and twirled it around at fast speeds before coming up to him.
"Okay, got it! Jab!" He shouted before he pressed something and a blade came out above his face and he screamed and fell down again.
"And that's why we start with the basics." Donnie said looking down at him. We cut to a small montage of Donnie trying to teach him some basic martial arts, he first tried teaching him how to punch properly, the next was him striking good poses, the next one had him and Donnie in the dojo doing some exercises, Donnie did them naturally while he was way slower. The last one shows Donnie trying to teach him the roll, he was able to get the hang of it, but he kept on rolling somewhere.

"No stop! Your heading for.." Donnie said as he went straight into another room and made a loud crash.
"Splinters room." Donnie said afraid.
"Donatello." Splinter said as he came out holding the guy in his hand." Does this belong to you?" He asked upset at him.

"Sensei, Pulverizer. Pulverizer, sensei." Donnie introduced.
"Pleased to meet you, does he know he's a rat?" Pulverizer whispered before Splinter dropped him." He knows." Splinter said annoyed.
"I'm sorry sensei, we found him on the street trying to fight some purple dragons and he accidentally wound up back in the lair. So i thought i could teach him a few basics" Donnie said nervously before he popped up.

"Yeah, and he's been doing a great job! check this out!" Pulverizer said as he stroke some more poses.
"Apparently you have not taught him shame. Come with me for a moment." Splinter told him.
"Hai sensei." Donnie replied as they went away a good distance.

"Donatello, he had no business learning our art. He is.. a doofus." Splinter said looking at him.
"Hai sensei. But he's gonna put himself at risk no matter what i do, so i just wanna teach him enough so he doesn't get creamed." Donnie said worried as another crash was heard.
"Hmm, you may, but you are responsible for whatever happens." Splinter said before they heard a stab of some kind, they looked over and saw he had Donnie's staff in some of the artwork and pulled it out roughly but fell down again.
"Good luck." Splinter said to Donnie one more time.

Spike and the others had finally made it over to Stockman's lab again and saw him in the room from the glass roof, Leo made some hand gestures ordering them to move.
"Baxter Stockman, whatever your doing with those robotic parts, it ends now!" Leo announced as they landed down.
"Give up Stockman!" Spike shouted in anger.

"You wanna see what i've been working on? Well here it comes!" Stockman said as he snapped his fingers, Xever jumped into the air from behind him and landed on the ground showing them his robotic legs. But they all proceeded to laugh at him.
"Really? That's it?!" Spike asked laughing at him.
"Look, Sushi that delivers itself!" Leo joked. Xever punched a metal shelf and jumped into the air and destroyed the thing with his legs,

"Dude, Fishface is a little sensitive." Mikey said surprised.
"your calling him Fishface?" Leo asked confused.
"Well it was either that, or Robocarp." Mikey told him
"Really suits him honestly." Spike joked. Xever twirled around and delivered a strong kick to Mikey and sent him into the wall.

"Important safety tip, avoid the legs!" Raph warned as he ducked under another kick, Xever backflipped into a wall before he jumped down and made a ground pound, he did an upper cut to Raph and kicked him with his two legs sending him into the wall as well.
"What do you got besides legs?" Raph asked with anger, Xever roared and bit down on Raph's shoulder and Raph screamed and pushed him off.
"Teeth.. i think they're.. poison.." Raph said weakly as he fell on the ground.
"Oh no.." Spike said in fear as Xever attacked them again.

Spike and Mikey went to check on Raph while Leo fought Xever.
"Raph are you okay?" Mikey asked worried.
"Give us any signs, please!" Spike begged worried for him.
"Huh, sure, yeah.. oh!" Raph said weakly. They heard footsteps and another purple dragon member was about to attack them. Spike turned around and punched him with his mutant arm in the face so hard some of his teeth came out and he went into the wall and groaned in pain.

"Oh.. i'm fine.. i love you guys.." Raph said while his eyes looked hypnotized.
"He's not fine!" Mikey said in fear.
"He's never said i love you? That's messed up." Spike said in surprise
"Call Donnie, tell him we need an antidote." Leo told them while he kept fighting Xever.
"On it!" Spike shouted as he typed on his phone.

Donnie was currently still trying to teach the Pulverizer some moves.
"And down i.. whoa!" Donnie screamed as he was brought down finally.
"Yes, i did it! When do i get my black belt?!" He asked excitedly, Donnie's phone rang and he picked it up.
"Donatello." He answered.

"Donnie! We need your help! Raph's been bitten by a giant poisonous robotic fish!!" Mikey shouted in fear.
"We need an antidote now!" Spike shouted adding in.
"That's not possible, if he was bitten it's venom not poison." Donnie corrected.
"Interesting, interesting, GET OVER HERE!!" Mikey shouted again which scarred him
"Same thing! Just get over here now!"" Spike shouted annoyed and hung up.

Donnie was putting some stuff in a case and was getting in the van.
"Hey do you know how to drive?" Donnie asked Pulverizer.
"You kidding, i've been driving an ice cream truck all summer!" He answered as we cut to them on the streets.

"Whoa watch out! I thought you said you knew how to drive!" Donnie said annoyed as he kept crashing into things
"I usually don't go over eight miles an hour!" He said in defense.
"Just try and keep it steady okay? I gotta mix this antidote for Raph" Donnie asked as he took out the vials and took out his phone.
"What are his symptoms?" Donnie asked worried

"He keeps telling us we're the smartest guys he knows." Spike answered as Raph looked dizzy.
"Okay, he's delusional. How's his color?" Donnie asked again.
"Green man, and i mean way more then usual." Mikey answered and they saw Stockman and another gang member with weapons.

Spike punched Stockman in the groin and he screamed in pain as Spike kicked him to the wall, and Mikey took the gang member down.
"Does he have any nausea?" Donnie asked as he slid around.
"Nah, he doesn't have any.." Mikey said before he saw Raph puke.

"Yes he does!" Spike said in disgust.
"Ah what the- gasp! I knew you ate my pizza, you liar!" Mikey said in anger. Xever was still fighting Leo but he had the upper hand on him and was beating him up.
"Donnie, we need you here now!" Mikey said in fear
"Almost there." Donnie said as the camera showed the road being blocked.

"The roads blocked, we gotta go around." Pulverizer said with fear
"There's no time to go around, you gotta jump it!" Donnie told him.
"What?!" He asked in shock.
"You wanna be a hero right? Jump it!" Donnie yelled again.
"Yeah uh.. about that hero thing.." He said before Donnie grabbed the wheel.
"Jump it!" Donnie said in anger as he ran to the ramp at high speeds and they crashed through it.

Xever kicked Mikey to the ground leaving Spike alone, the shellraiser crashed through the wall and it stopped in front of Xever, the glass case containing the power cell cracked meaning something bad will happen. Xever roared in anger before he was shot in the chest by ball of trash. Donnie and Pulverizer ran out of the van over to Raph.
"Great, your here!" Spike said relieved as he showed them Raph.

"Raph, you still with us?" Donnie asked worried.
"Donnie?" Raph asked looking at him.
"Yeah Raph." Donnie said looking at him.
"Why are my fingers on my feat?" Raph asked confused looking at them
"Don't worry, you'll be okay." Donnie said as he handed Spike the antidote and he injected it into him and his eyes returned to normal.
"Thanks, magical unicorn.." Raph said gratefully.

"That was awesome! We saved him!" Pulverizer said in victory.
"We saved him? All you wanted to do was stop over and sell ice cream!" Donnie said annoyed.
"Donnie, it doesn't matter, if he helped us, he helped us, whether it's big or small, that's what matters most." Spike said calming him down.
"Uh guys, is the shellraiser supposed to do that?" Mikey asked pointing at the van which was glowing pink. They went inside and checked the case and saw it was cracked.

"Oh no.." Spike said in fear.
"It's cracked, oh this is bad. The Kraang can detect that energy signature, we gotta get back underground before they come looking for the power cell" Donnie said worried. The van was now driving through the streets as fast as it can, some vans came all around them, and then a helicopter came above them with Kraang droids in it. The robots came out and started firing at the van.

"Hold her steady Spike, i'll take care of these jokers." Raph said as he came out with a manhole shooter, he aimed at the vans and started firing at them, they heard a loud crash and looked at the camera and saw they were on the roof.
"Guys, they're on the roof!" Leo said worried. Mikey and Donnie got out with they're weapons drawn, but gasped in shock as they saw dozens more droids surrounding them.
"Spike, the Kraang can fly! The Kraang can fly!!!" Mikey shouted in fear as a droid flew into him, Donnie yelled in anger and he proceeded to fight them off while Spike kept driving.

"Wow, no one told me they were robot aliens!" Pulverizer said amazed
"Why would we tell you?" Leo asked as he pulled a lever and some claws came out in front of the van and tore through them, another van came from the streets and Spike turned the wheel quickly which drove them into the wall. They all screamed in fear as the van crashed into it and they were surrounded by more droids.

They opened the hatch and came out with anger and white eyes and proceeded to fight them off while Pulverizer watched. A sword tore through the bottom and a Kraang droid entered inside and went over to the Power cell and ripped it out and powered the van down. Pulverizer tried to stop him but he was pushed out of the way and it started to escape.
"Oh no you don't!" He said in anger as he chased after him.

Leo was tearing through some more droids but spotted the robot with the cell.
"He's got the cell!" Leo said in fear.
"I'll stop him!" Pulverizer said running after him.
"Pulverizer no!" Donnie said as he held back another droid.
"You'll get yourself killed!" Spike shouted with worry.
"I can do this!" He said as he ran after him.

"You really can't!" Donnie shouted as a helicopter touched down, he tried to use the leg lock move Donnie taught him but it didn't work, the droid grabbed his head and threw him into the wall with the others surrounding him.
"Hey! That's my power cell slime bot!" Donnie shouted as he ran after the robot, Donnie stopped when he saw the robots restraining Pulverizer.
"Donnie!" He screamed in fear.

"Oh the power cell.. oh crud!!" Donnie said annoyed as he threw the staff.
"Oh that tickles!" He said as the staff hit the robots gun, Donnie jumped in the air and grabbed his staff and slammed the robot down and Donnie did the same with the others. Spike slashed through another robot and looked up and saw the helicopter was taking off.
"I'm sorry Leatherhead.." Spike said with regret., Donnie helped Pulverizer up and they saw it take off with the cell.

"Aw man, it looks like i mucked everything up didn't i?" He asked ashamed.
"Hey bro, it's not your fault" Mikey said trying to make him feel better.
"Um actually Mikey it is." Leo told him." Oh yeah." Mikey said in realization.

"Not completely, i'm the one who sent the shellraiser through the wall, and that's what cracked the power cell." Donnie said ashamed.
"Uh so.. do you think we could pick up on our training again sometime?" He asked nervously, Donnie came over and put his hand on his shoulder.
"No." Donnie answered.

"Fine, but i'll be practicing, and i'll be back. And wherever crime may roam, and whatever help is.." Pulverizer said before they stopped him.
"BYE!" They all shouted at once, he sighed sadly and started walking off leaving them alone.

"I've gotta figure out how to get that power cell back." Donnie said to them.
"Which raises the question, how are we gonna get the shellraiser home?" Leo asked looking back at it. We cut to all of them currently pushing the van with all their strength through the subway.

"Donnie, are you sure the parking break isn't on?!" Spike shouted annoyed.
"For the hundredth time, yes! Oh.." Donnie said as he pulled a switch.
"Uh sorry guys, try again." Donnie said coming out.
"Donnie come one!" Spike shouted annoyed as they all kept pushing it forward.

17: TCRI

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The Kraang helicopter was currently flying through the sky with them having the power cell with them, Spike and the others took they're go kart device to not lose them.
"Stay on em Leo! My Kraang App's tripping out!" Donnie shouted as they turned around and chased after them. " It's picking up the signal from the power cell." Donnie explained looking at it.

"Again? Last time it led us to a burrito in a microwave." Leo said unconvinced
"Left!" Spike shouted as they made another turn to chase them.
"They're getting away!" Donnie shouted as the helicopter kept flying off, they had to dodge through more traffic and just barely hit them.

"Woohoo! This is more fun then a Shiner's parade!" Mikey said amazed.
"What are you talking about?" Spike shouted confused.
"Right!" Donnie shouted again, Leo turned the kart again but now it lead them into an alleyway, Leo turned the wheel and they all screamed as they spun around over and over and Donnie's phone fell out and was cracked and shut down just as the helicopter went over.
"No! Not again!" Spike said in frustration as he got out and threw a trash can to a wall in rage.
"We lost em! Ugh!" Donnie said in regret.

Within the Kraang lab, a droid was waiting for the others to arrive.
"I suppose once again that Kraang has been foiled by turtles and Dragon once again?
"Kraang is wrong, Kraang has retrieved it, in Kraang's face." It said holding the power cell up to him.

"The power cell." One said fascinated.
"The power cell." The other responded again.
"The power cell." He said again as he took it and placed it within a glass case, the place started to activate as pink lights activated all around and behind them was a massive device that must be the portal and it was starting to activate as we cut back to Spike and the others.

"That's it! We're going to see Leatherhead." Leo said starting to walk off.
"Sounds great to me." Spike said in agreement and Donnie looked nervous

"Uh.. Leatherhead?" Donnie asked nervously.
"He's the one who stole it from the Kraang, and he might know where to find it" Leo explained.
"He's also the one who likes to grab my face and shake me like a ragdoll!" Donnie said in fear and Mikey laughed.

"Good times." Mikey said with a chuckle.
"Zip it!" Donnie said annoyed.
"Oh come on he's a pussycat, who likes to shake your face like a ragdoll! hahaha!" Mikey said with another laugh. Donnie towered over Mikey looking completely furious, thunder and lighting was behind him as his eyes were completely white.
"Right.. let's move!" Mikey said running away while Donnie glared at him with rage.

Spike and the others swam through some dirty water in order to reach the place where Leatherhead stayed, Leo figured he would be there since that's where they found the power cell, they emerged from the water taking some breaths.

"I'm gonna need a shower after this.." Spike said in disgust as they climbed out.
"Who can hold their breath? We can." Mikey said proudly
"We wouldn't of had to if you hadn't kept swimming off to pick up trash." Raph said annoyed.
"One mans trash is another mans treasure." Mikey said rubbing some trash lovingly.

"Yeah i'm pretty sure that's everyone's trash." Raph said annoyed, they heard snoring and looked around and saw Leatherhead sleeping.
"There he is.." Leo whispered as they saw him asleep.
"We don't want to alarm him so everyone be quiet." Spike said to the others.

"Aww look how cute he is." Mikey said sneaking up, Leatherhead opened his jaw and Mikey screamed and went back to them.
"Who's gonna wake him up." Donnie asked nervous.
"Not it!" Spike and the others said leaving Mikey to do it.
"Yes i win... oh.." Mikey said as he realized he has to wake him. Spike carefully pushed him up to Leatherhead.

Mikey twirled his fingers around for a moment before doing multiple things to wake him up.
"Leatherhead.. wakey wakey eggs and bakey.." Mikey said nervously, Leatheheads eyes opened looking pale meaning he's angry and he towered over Mikey and roared at him with anger.
"Can we make sudden moves now?!" Donnie asked in fear. Leatherhead roared in anger and went up to Donnie and started shaking him by the face.. again..

"He's grabbing me by the face again!!" Donnie said while he was being shaken violently, Spike quickly came up and put his hands on him to make him calm down.

"Leatherhead! Calm down! It's us! Your friends! Please calm down!!" Spike shouted hoping to make him stop, Spike's head hurt badly again as he saw more flashbacks of him as an experiment, Spike did what he can to push through them and try to calm him down. Leatherhead stopped shaking Donnie and was breathing slowly and his eyes returned to normal, Spike fell on the ground rubbing his head in pain.
"I need to figure out how to stop making that hurt so bad.." Spike said in pain.

"Spike?" Leatherhead asked concerned, he looked around and saw all of them in fear." My friends.. oh no.. i got angry again didn't i.." Leatherhead asked ashamed.
"Yeah.. you did.. i saw what it was.. i'm really sorry.." Spike said rubbing his head.

"Yes! You did again! Why do you keep grabbing me by the face?! What's wrong with my face?!" Donnie asked really upset
"I am sorry my friends, you are the only ones who i can trust, that is why i gave you the power cell for safekeeping." Leatherhead said to them, Mikey and Raph looked at eachother while Spike was sweating nervously.

"Um.. about that.." Leo said nervously as Donnie went behind him
"Funny story.. true story.." Mikey said nervous.
"But before we tell it, why don't you sit down, and i and my face will take one BIG step backwards." Donnie said going back a good distance." Okay go ahead." Donnie told Leo.

"Well uh.. about the power cell.. we sorta lost it... to the Kraang." Leo said afraid as Leatherhead got angry again, Leatherhead roared in anger and grabbed Donnie by the face.. once again..
"Oh come on!!" Donnie said muffled as he was dragged down, Leatherhead's eyes returned to normal.
"No Leatherhead... these are your friends.." Leatherhead said to himself while Donnie muffled an agreement.

"Obviously you did everything you could to protect it." Leatherhead said while he was messing with Donnie's face.
"We did, we're really sorry, coming to you was our best bet." Spike said while he had Donnie be let go.
"Leatherhead we need to get it back." Leo told him.

"With the power cell, the Kraang can open the portal to Dimension X, and when the portal opens.." Leatherhead said in fear.
"They can use it to bring anything from their home into here.." Donnie finished.
"Things so horrible, they terrify even me.." Leatherhead said afraid.

"We need to find that portal and stop them, do you know where it is?" Spike asked worried and Leatherhead sighed.
"All i remember my friend.. is this.." Leatherhead said as he drew a symbol on the ground and Donnie and Spike took a picture of it..
"Thank you Leatherhead.. we won't let you down.. i promise.." Spike said rubbing his head.
"I know you won't.. be careful my friend.." Leatherhead replied and Spike smiled lightly.

We cut back to the lair where Donnie and Spike were looking over the symbol on one from Metalhead.
"I know i've seen this symbol, it's so familiar." Donnie said looking over it.
"The Olympics!" Mikey suggested." No!" Spike said annoyed.

"Oh the Olympics!" Mikey said again." Stop guessing, obviously it's a Kraang symbol." Donnie said looking at it.
"Okay but where?" Leo asked again.
"The Olympics!! Ah!!" Mikey shouted as Spike punched Mikey in the head knocking him down.
"Thank you!" Raph said annoyed, Spike and Donnie were left to think this alone and they looked at the photo.

"Where could it be, i know i've seen it when i was being held by them.." Spike said while he looked at it.
"Oh? The Olympics?" Splinter suggested.
"For the hundredth time.. i.. agh! This is driving me crazy, i know i've seen this somewhere else but i just can't remember." Donnie said annoyed as Splinter put his hand on his shoulder.

"You two must calm your minds and wait, your are ninjas Donatello and Spike, the word" Nin" Means patience and perseverance, deep breaths.. breath.." Splinter explained as Spike did so.
"Okay, okay, i am calm.." Donnie said before Spike suddenly shouted.
"Got it! Come on!!" Spike shouted as he and Donnie both remembered and started moving.

Spike and the others were running across the rooftops again at fast speeds.
"Donnie, Spike, hold on!" Leo shouted as they kept moving.
"Just hurry up" Donnie shouted as he and Spike made a long flip over a ledge.
"I should have seen it in the first place!" Spike said as he kept moving.
"I hate when they're like this." Raph said annoyed as they kept following them.

Spike and the others ran through the rooftops and they stopped and Spike held out his phone.
"We've figured out where else we've seen this." Donnie said as they pull the photo away and it show's a building with the symbol on it.
"TCRI? They're behind the Kraang plot?" Raph asked confused.
"The invasion?" Leo asked worried.
"The Olympics? Ow!" Mikey shouted as Raph slapped him." What was that?" Mikey asked rubbing his head.
"A new Olympic event. " Spike and Raph said at once and Mikey looked annoyed.

"They've been in plain sight the whole time, we just never realized it!" Donnie said looking at the building.
"I think it's pretty obvious what we gotta do, we're going in, and we're taking down that portal." Leo said to them.
"And i've got a plan." Spike said with a smirk as they looked over the building...

Donnie had strapped a few dynamite sticks to a timer which was beeping, Mikey went up to touch it but Spike crushed his hand.
"Do not touch that!" Spike said upset at him.
"Unless you want to blow us and the whole lair to pieces." Donnie added in and Mikey backed away while the others were at the table.

"I managed to download the Blueprints for TCRI, now the bottom 2 thirds are just a normal office building, and from what i can tell normal humans work there." April explained.
"Imagine if they knew who they were working for." Leo joked and Splinter hummed in interest.
"What about the upper floors?" Splinter asked curious.

"Well that's the thing, the top third is completely blank." April said pointing at it.
"Whatever they built up there, they don't want anyone to know about it." Leo said in response.
"Which means, that is exactly where you have to go." Splinter told them again. Raph snuck up behind the three of them and scared them much to his amusement.
"Watch it fool!" Mikey said while they looked annoyed.

"First, we'll need to get past security in the lobby." Leo explained.
"Hmm, tricky. It's not like we can pack you in a box and send a special delivery." April told them, Spike's eyes widened as he got an idea.
"Or can we?" Spike asked looking at her who looked confused.

April was in a hoodie currently walking over to the lobby with a large package.
"Special delivery!" She announced and used a yoyo to hit an elevator button." Good luck guys." She whispered before turning around.
"I must ask you to leave, we are closed right now." The desk attending said grabbing her arm.

"The package that is delivered to us by you, will not be delivered to us by you, because you will be stopped by us." A Kraang droid said as multiple surrounded her.
"Love to chat but i gotta run!" April shouted as she made a bright flash in the attendants eyes and used her yoyo to get some room, she quickly slid under the doors which were almost locked." Open with care Kraang scum!" April shouted running away.

A droid pressed on the button and they readied they're weapons.
"Kraang prepare to destroy the thing needing to be destroyed by Kraang." One of them said ready, the door opened and the box was emerged. Something ripped through it and it was revealed to be Leatherhead and Spike inside.
"Special delivery!!" Spike shouted as he sliced through one of them while he and Leatherhead started tearing them apart, the turtles got on top of the elevator and heard the firing.

"I kind of feel bad leaving Leatherhead and Spike down there." Mikey said worried.
"Eat fire alien scum!!" Spike shouted as they heard Spike breath fire on them and more roaring.
"They'll be fine." Leo told him.

"So how far to the top?" Raph asked as they looked up and saw it was really tall." Yikes.." Raph said in surprise. The 4 of them proceeded to use the shafts around them in order to start climbing, Mikey was humming while they kept climbing.
"Are you humming the Olympics theme?" Donnie asked annoyed.
"It seemed appropriate." Mikey said casually and Raph growled.

"Pipe down you too." Raph said as he climbed up and opened a door and it was a hall of more Kraang robots." Ahh!" Raph screamed as he closed the door quickly." I gotta wash my eyes.." Raph said as an alarm went off." That's bad.." Raph said worried.
"Alright!" Mikey said in victory.
"What?" Leo asked confused.

"Finally someone set of an alarm and it wasn't me." Mikey replied, the door opened and a robot came out and started blasting at them, the turtles jumped from different ropes and Mikey wrapped his chain around it and threw it down to the ground.
"Aw dang it, i forgot to say, see you next fall." Mikey said disappointed." Eh, next elevator shaft fight." Mikey said before he started climbing again, Raph heard some noise and looked down and saw the robots were rising up with the elevator moving.

They started firing at them again and the turtles jumped down in anger, Donnie twirled his staff around and wacked down multiple a droid, Mikey used his chains to counter each strike one threw at him and punch him down two, Raph stabbed his weapon through a robots head and sent it flying into the rising wall, Leo finished the thing off by slicing the thing to pieces.

"Okay, let's get inside where it's safe." Leo told them, he opened the hatch and the entire room was filled with more droids, they all screamed and closed the doors right as they started firing.
"I gotta stop saying things like that." Leo said in relief, he opened the door again and tossed a smoke bomb down covering the whole room, the only lights there were were ones of gunfire as the turtles took each one of them down as the elevator continued to rise. The lights came back on and they were all down.

"Can we please just ride this thing to the top now?" Raph asked annoyed, Donnie tried pressing the button but it didn't work.
"We can't there's a renal scanner." Donnie explained.
"I'm on it." Raph said as he grabbed a head and held it over the thing.
"That which is known as access is granted to Kraang." The computer said and Raph smiled, the button started moving numbers and it was getting higher.

"Man, this is so much easier." Mikey said relieved.
"Yeah, finally a chance to catch our breaths." Raph said in agreement, the elevator continued rising until it was on the 40th floor finally and they got out they're weapons. But when the door opened a green gas came in the room and they all started coughing.
"Poison gas!" Leo said weakly as they all passed out from it..

Spike was smashing through another robot with his mutant arm again and Leatherhead finished off another with his jaws.
"Man, we make a really great team." Spike said as they were all down.
"I agree, it is nice to have someone to tear these Kraang apart with me." Leatherhead said to him.
"Let's start heading up, our friends might be in trouble." Spike said with worry, Leatherhead nodded and picked him up and they started running up the long flight of stairs.

"You know my friend, i never thought i would find someone who knows what i'm going through when it comes to the Kraang." Leatherhead said to him.
"Me neither, even though i didn't go through what you did.. if i hadn't been rescued by them.. i don't know what would have happened to me.." Spike said in fear at the thought.
"Yes, it is a miracle that you were rescued before they could, i only dread what they could have turned you into.." Leatherhead said as they passed the 20th floor.

"I got news from my friends father, they were either going to turn me into a dinosaur like mutant to be a hunter for them, or a cobra like mutant so i can torture victims that have information they need, i.. i honestly don't know which is worse.." Spike said in fear and Leatherhead growled.
"If you ask me, I'd rather be a snake, because becoming a hunting predator for anyone like them is never a pleasant experience, that's what i was going to be, if i hadn't held onto my will to fight, i would have been a mindless hunter for them.." Leatherhead said in anger and Spike growled as well.

"If i ever do become a snake like mutant, you'll be one of the first people i come too, because having someone to help control any sense of a monster inside me, it would help us understand eachother even more." Spike said as they got into an elevator, Spike picked up a Kraang head and used it to start moving the elevator up.
"If that ever does happen, which i hope it doesn't. I will be there for you when you need it, you were able to help keep my rage in control whenever you were around me, and i only with to help my friend out as well." Leatherhead said with a smile.

"Thanks Leatherhead, i'm really glad i met you, i wish i could let you meet my friends, i think after some time, they'd really like you." Spike said with a smile.
"I'd very much like that my friend, let's just hope to get you home first and take down the Kraang, and i will gladly come to your world, it sounds like a really nice place from what you told me. It just feels like a place i would call a home.." Leatherhead said as he looked at the photo Spike gave him and Spike looked at it as well.
"We'll find a way back, i promise. And whatever happens to you or me, i promise we'll be there for eachother." Spike said as he and Leatherhead smiled at eachother again.
"Thank you my friend, i am glad to have met you." Leatherhead said gladly and Spike smiled at that.

The elevator was arriving at the top floor and Leatherhead and Spike got in their fighting positions.

When the elevator opened, they found the turtles being towered over by a huge rock monster that looks like it came through the portal.
"Holy Celestia!!!" Spike shouted in horror as that thing was enormous.
"Leatherhead! Spike!" Mikey said in relief, Leatherhead roared in anger and threw a Kraang droid to him which he knocked away, Spike drew his sword and he and Leatherhead charged at it.

Leatherhead went under him and knocked him off his legs, Spike drew his sword and in one sharp slice, he used the sword and cut straight through that things arm.
"Man, this thing is overpowered!" Spike said in surprise, Leatherhead grabbed the thing and restrained him while it tried fighting him off.
"Leatherhead, get him to the portal!" Donnie shouted to them, Leatherhead and Spike nodded and Leatherhead threw the thing in the air, Leatherhead then grabbed Spike and threw him at the monster, his mutant arm glowed green again as Spike screamed in anger and delivered a final punch to it's head and sent it to where the portal was. Donnie pressed on his phone and some bombs that were on him exploded.

"Nice going guys! We did it!!" Spike shouted in victory as he and the others cheered in victory.
"What the?" Leo asked confused as they saw they were both still standing.
"High three cancelled.." Mikey said afraid as the portal started to power up again.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Donnie asked in fear.
"I can punch it a few times but i don't think that's gonna do it." Raph replied looking ashamed.
"Uh, guys?" Mikey asked pointing at the portal, the rock monster from before was starting to rise up again.
"Well this day can't get any worse.." Raph said annoyed.

"You shouldn't ask that Raph, because.." Spike said as the portal started powering up." That could happen." Spike finished as he went up to the others.
"And it just did..." Raph said more annoyed.
"Something else might come through! What do we do?!" Donnie asked afraid.

They heard Leatherhead roar again and saw him tackling the thing to the ground and was slashing at it.
"Leatherhead! Something else is coming through!" Mikey shouted to him.
"Not of i have anything to say about it." Leatherhead said as he picked the monster up.

"Leatherhead! What are you doing?!" Spike asked in horror as he didn't like this idea.
"It is the only way to save you all, i have no choice." Leatherhead said sadly as he started walking to it.
"No, please! There has to be one!!!" Spike shouted as he was starting to cry.
"There is no other way.. farewell my friend.. i will find my way back to you one day.. i promise.." Leatherhead said sadly as he went into the portal.
"LEATHERHEAD!!!" Spike shouted as he started to cry heavily, the portal was overflowing and the thing exploded and it knocked all of them down, when they saw it, it was powered down and Leatherhead was gone..

"Leatherhead.." Spike said as he was staring to cry with Mikey comforting him.
"I know bro.. i know.." Mikey said sadly as they both were really sad about this.
"It'll be okay Spike, we'll find him one day.." Raph said putting his hand on Spike's shoulder.

"We need to get out of here guys.." Leo said as they were starting to get up
"We can't just leave, with that portal operational the Kraang is more dangerous then ever! We have to destroy it!" Donnie said in anger, the elevator beeped and more Kraang droids emerged once again.
"Uh maybe later!" Leo shouted as they all wall jumped onto a higher ledge into an exit that was made." We'll be back." Leo said as they grappled to another building and escaped.

Spike and the others had made it back to the lair, Spike was still really upset that his friend sacrificed himself for all of them.
"Oh your okay!" April said in relief as she gave Donnie a hug,
"Welcome home my sons, was your mission successful?" Splinter asked curious.

"Afraid not sensei.. Leatherhead is.. gone.." Leo said sadly as Spike still had tears in his eyes.
"He sacrificed himself and went through the portal in order to prevent anything from coming through.. and he disappeared.." Spike said with huge regret and sadness, Mikey held out a device of sorts.
"Yeah.. but he saved us.. and i found this!" Mikey said holding the device up.

"Oh good, now your picking up alien trash." Raph said annoyed as Donnie looked at it.
"Do you realize what this is?" Donnie asked in shock." Shiny!" Mikey answered.
"It's a Kraang data storage unit! If i can decode it, maybe we can find a way to stop it!" Donnie said to the others.
"Anything for my friend." Spike said determined as he and Donnie went into the lab, Mikey was now watching some shows while the others are thinking.

"This doesn't make any sense, if the Kraang want to terraform the Earth, what do they need my dad and Spike for?" April asked concerned.
"I believe part of the reasons they want Spike is because of his ability's, Spike may be a psychic, and him helping Leatherhead was a first step into him finding out how to use it." Splinter said with interest.
"And your dad is a scientist." Leo added.

"Yeah but he's a phycologist, he studies rats running through mazes, no offense." April said to Splinter.
"I like a good maze." Splinter replied casually.
"My dad wouldn't know anything about what they're trying to do.." April said concerned.
"If that's true why were they after your dad in the first place?" Raph asked worried and Spike and Donnie came in.
"I think we found out why, and we don't think they were.." Spike said in fear, they were all in the lab again and looking at a monitor.

"We used the processor inside Metalhead to access that storage device, a lot of files are damaged, but i think we found what they're after." Donnie explained as Spike clicked on the button, and multiple pictures of both April and Spike showed up on the screen.
"They're after me?" April asked in horror as everyone looked concerned. Spike knew the Kraang were after him already, but them being after April as well is something else.. he swears to himself he'll find out why and find Leatherhead again one day..

18: Cockroach Terminator

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It had been a few days since Leatherhead sacrificed himself to save all of them, Spike still felt upset from this, Leatherhead was one of the few people who he felt can understand him with the situation he's in, he have not been horribly experiment on like he did, but he and Leatherhead got along almost like best friends, and having him disappear into Dimension X like that was like a gut punch to him. Spike doesn't care how long it will take, he will find his friend one day, and he'll bring him home safe and sound.

Spike and the others were in the kitchen waiting for dinner to be ready.
"Come on Leo i'm starving!" Mikey said getting impatient, Leo had just put some soup in a bowl and handed it out to them.
"Yeah boy! Ramen!" Mikey said as they started eating some of it.
"Earth food is just as amazing as Equestria food." Spike said in delight as they kept eating away at it.

A small cockroach started to the table, it had a camera strapped onto it's back and looked at each of them, Leo and Mikey both had a look of surprise, Spike just casually waved at it, and then it went up to Raph and he saw it on his chopsticks.
"AHHH!!!" Raph shouted as he screamed like a girl.
"Roach! Roach!" Raph shouted in fear as it landed on the table, Raph took out his weapon and screamed as he tried to stab it.
"Holy cow!" Spike shouted as Raph kept trying to kill the thing while it crawled away, Raph screamed as he chased him and Donnie came into the room with a computer.
"Stop, stop! You'll smash him!" Donnie said to Raph.
"That's the idea!" Raph said in anger as the Roach went up to Donnie's hand and crawled up to him.

"You can't smash this roach okay? He's.. special." Donnie said as he rubbed the thing, everyone looked weirded out by this.
"Very special." Donnie said holding it up to them.
"Earth never fails to surprise me with how weird this place can get." Spike said looking at it.
"If you think that's weird. Never watch the Dragonball Evolution trilogy, that trilogy sucks!" Mikey said as he looked like he was traumatized mentioning it much to Spike's confusion.
"You needed like 100 therapy sessions from Donnie after watching those god of cringe movies." Raph added in.

"Moving back on topic.. why is he special Donnie?" Leo asked curious.
"Because i outfitted him with a remote-controlled camera helmet!" Donnie explained pointing at it.
"Well that explains why your special.." Leo joked and Spike chuckled.

"We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang, the camera allows us to see whatever the cockroach sees." Donnie explained as they all looked at the camera and see Raph scream again.
"AHH!!!" Raph screamed as Spike and Mikey laughed at that.
"You scream like a girl!" Spike said pointing at him.
"That is awesome! Big tough Raph's scared of cockroaches!" Mikey said while chuckling.

"I am not!" Raph said annoyed.
"Oh really? Let's go to the video!" Mikey said as he replayed it." This is my favorite part right here!" Mikey said as the camera pauses on Raph screaming again.
"Donnie, can i get this on a T-shirt?" Mikey asked looking at it.
"I'd pay 50 bucks for one of them." Spike said still laughing from this.

"You wanna see my favorite part?" Raph asked looking at Mikey, he then grabbed Mikey and threw him over the table making a loud crash.
"We're going to spy on the Kraang.. with a cockroach!" Donnie announced while it made a squeal.
"Best idea i've heard from you all week!" Spike said as he liked this idea.

Spike and the others were in the shellraiser in the streets, Donnie sent out their little spy-roach to gather any info they can get.
"Come on roach number one make papa proud." Donnie said as he used the camera on the roach, the roach used a Buzzsaw that was attached to it, and it made it's way inside. It crawled around and saw a couple Kraang robots.

"Kraang has been a diet known as gluten free. Kraang has already lost 13 Kraang units of weight." The robot told it.
"Good for him i guess." Spike said confused on that, the roach climbed up to a higher ledge and looked down near a ledge and saw two droids near a picture of the Earth.
"Wait, what are those guys talking about?" Leo asked pointing at them, Donnie zoomed the camera in and they proceeded to listen.

"That which is known as the next phase of the Kraang invasion to the planet known as Earth will soon begin." It said to the other.
"Next phase, that doesn't sound good." Leo said in concern
"That which is known as the laser drill will drill a hole in the planet known as Earth. That is a hole that is 30 miles deep in the Earth." The other explained.
"Doesn't that go down to the planet's core?" Spike asked concerned, Donnie downloaded the footage into his phone.

"Whoa whoa, they're going to pour a hole into the earth?" Donnie asked in fear.
"I'm guessing that's bad?" Leo asked.
"Well unless you think the city needs a giant lava fountain." Donnie said looking at him.

"Yep that's bad." Leo said looking at the photo.
"If your a dragon that's not much of a problem." Spike added.
"Goodbye harsh winters." Raph said as well.
"Lava surfing rules." Mikey added as well.

"It definitely doesn't Mikey, we have to stop this." Leo said determined, Donnie shushed them and they kept listening.
" to execute the plan the Kraang needs to possess that which his known as the diamond lens to make the work of the drilling of the laser drill." The droid explained some more.
"What does that mean?" Raph asked confused.
"They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill work. now shh!" Donnie shushed as they kept listening.

"Kraang is already on their way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang." The robot said again.
"What?" Raph said confused again and Donnie sighed.
"One of them is going to go to the lab and get it!" Donnie explained again.
"Which lab?" Raph asked again.
"Maybe if we listen they'll tell us!" Donnie shouted pulling his arms out, the control moved too much and the roach went falling into a tank of mutagen and the camera went to static.

"Oh great!" Spike said annoyed.
"Thanks a lot Raph, we lost the signal!" Donnie said looking at him. The roach was being mutated as it went through the tank, it's metal parts merged with it and it grew inside and made a roar. It crawled out of the tank and knocked a barrel over which some droids noticed. The camera merged with the roach's eye and it scanned the two robots. In two swift moves, it took down each of them and the brains went away in fear.

The roach scanned through a wall and saw more droids coming in, the roach used it's saw and opened a path through a wall to escape, it turned it's head around and saw the shellraiser. Donnie was working on the plans from the Kraang trying to find out what to do.
"uh huh, i think i found the diamond lab. Now it's a little blurry but maybe we can follow it to the laboratory." Donnie said showing them it.
"We don't have much time till the Kraang drill fires, let's go!" Leo shouted as he and Spike went to the front.

Spike took the wheel again and Leo sat next to him as they started to drive, but not too long after, something big made the van shake.
"Ka thump? That's a really bad sound." Donnie said concerned .
"It sounded more like a ba-dump." Mikey corrected.
"I heard a flap." Raph said with his arms crossed." Flap?" They both asked before he smacked them across their faces.
"Flap." Raph said again with a smirk.
"Let's check what happened." Spike said as they went to the door.

They walked out and found the thing they ran over, they looked over it and looked in disgust.
"What is that?" Leo asked confused.
"Ugh, it smells like a butt sandwich." Mikey said disgusted, Spike and Raph gagged as they looked at it..
"Oh, oh dear. Would you look at that? Hideous, and beautiful." Donnie said poking at multiple parts of it.

"What is it?" Spike asked worried.
"It's my spy-roach." Donnie answered and both Raph and Spike looked shocked.
"Your what? YOUR WHAT?!" Raph asked horrified.
"That things huge!" Spike said as he backed up.

"He must've been exposed to some mutagen, you see how the nab helmet merged with his exoskeleton. The only time a mutant like this happened was when Spike's metal claws merged with his arm, we have never seen matter and inorganic matter fuse in such an amazing.." Donnie said before Raph stopped him.
"That's great Donnie, we can discuss this more when we're driving away at a thousand miles an hour!" Raph said in fear really wanting to leave.

"Come on you big baby, what are you worried about?" Mikey asked teasing him again." We creamed it with our van, it's not like it's gonna get up and come after us!" Mikey mocked.
"Uh, guys?!" Donnie said in fear and they looked and saw he was being held down by the monster, it picked him up and Donnie screamed in terror. The monster used it's camera and looked at them.

"Or.. maybe it can.." Mikey said afraid.
"Ahhh!!!" Raph screamed in fear, the roach threw Donnie to the side and started marching to them. Raph screamed and got into the van, it kept marching to it until Spike, Mikey and Leo jumped in the air to stop it. They all tried to stop it but it still marched to the van.

"This things tough!" Leo said while they were struggling.
"Naturally. Cockroaches are among the most resilient life forms on the planet." Donnie explained.
"And the grossest." Mikey said in disgust, it then wacked Mikey into the wall and he fell into a trash can." Sensitive roach." Mikey said through the can.
"Where's Raph?" Spike asked worried before he came out with a weapon.

"Eat hot man hole cover!" Raph shouted as he shot a manhole at it, the three of them got out of the way as it hit him on the face, Raph screamed in anger as he kept firing at him and it deflected each one. Raph closed his eyes and hit the thing one more time in the face and knocked it out. Raph closed his eyes and saw it was down until it twitched.
"Oh no!" Raph said as he screamed in anger and kept firing at it again and missed multiple times.
"Whoa whoa! Easy Raph, i think you got him!" Spike said trying to make him stop.
"Okay.. okay.." Raph said calming down, he suddenly shot the thing one more time and hit the thing right in the nuts.
"That thing is not having kids..." Spike said feeling bad for it.

"What do we do with it?" Raph asked worried.
"Forget the roach! We've gotta stop the Kraang before they destroy the Earth." Leo explained while they got in the van.
"Leo's right, we gotta go." Raph said in agreement.
"You just wanna get away from that thing." Mikey accused.
"It's that so wrong?" Raph asked annoyed pointing his arms at it, but they all saw it was gone somehow.
"Oh no! It's gone! Come on guys we gotta move!" Raph said pushing them in and Spike started driving the thing again.

Kraang droids were at the lab and two of them were carrying the lens.
"The box which contains the lens is heavier then Kraang thought." One of them said while carrying it.
"There's the van!" Donnie said as they stopped a good distance away and they looked through the camera.
"They must have picked up the lens." Donnie said in observation.

"Ram that sucker!" Raph said to Spike. Spike stepped on the peddle and drove the van at fast speeds. The van was starting to drive but the robots saw the van coming right to them and Spike knocked the car down a great distance, the robots got out and held out they're weapons.

"Halt Kraang!" Leo said with anger
"The halting of Kraang is not a thing that the ones who are the turtles and dragon will be doing to Kraang." One of them counted.
"Wrong!" Leo said before he tried adding more of it and Spike rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Which do we save first? The world or the English language?" Donnie asked curious as Raph dragged the box to them.
"I got the lens!" Raph told them. The Roach mutant jumped out of the air and landed on one of the robots crushing it. Raph screamed in fear and hid behind them, the roach twisted it's neck and held out a gun and started firing at them.

The Kraang droids were firing at it trying to put it down but it had no effect, Raph ran away in fear and the roach raised it's gun and shot all of the bots down.
"Mikey Donnie, you take the roach, Raph, Spike, your coming with me." Leo told them.
"Raph? Raph!" Leo shouted as he wasn't in sight.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed, Raph was hiding behind a wall in fear.

"All right, roachie, time to meet your maker!" Mikey said twirling his weapons.
"Wait, isn't that me?" Donnie asked confused.
"Exactly, go get em tiger." Mikey answered and pushed Donnie over to it. The monster grabbed Donnie's face and threw him to the side with aggression. Spike and Leo were trying to get the thing to the van, but more droids with wings came in from the skies and stopped them, one of them opened the case and got the lens and flew off

"Oh no the Kraang has the lens again! Oh!" Mikey shouted as he was knocked away by the monster. Leo and Spike were running down an alley trying to avoid more gunfire.
"Raph where are you?!" Leo asked as they kept running.
"This was funny at first, but now it's annoying!" Spike said annoyed as they kept moving. The roach approached the van and scanned it and found Raph hiding behind it.

"Why did it have to be a Cockroach?! Why did it have to be a Cockroach?!" Raph asked himself, the monster moved the van over and Raph screamed in fear as he saw it.
"That is a big Cockroach!" Raph said terrified of it, Donnie jumped in the air and wacked it hard and caught it's attention.
"We're not done with you yet spy-roach!" Mikey shouted as he started to spray it. Mikey kept spraying at the thing while Donnie hit him a few more times with it's weapon, Donnie hit him one more time and Mikey sprayed it again and it was squirming on the ground.

"Yes! Nail him Mikey!" Donnie said in victory. Mikey shook the can again and was about to spray it.. but he was all out.
"Uh oh.." Mikey said in fear, the roach got up and was about to fire at them again.. until a truck appeared out of nowhere and ran the thing over.
"How's that grill taste bug?" Mikey asked in victory. The roach was still alive and put it's hand on the front, the driver screamed in fear and bailed out and the truck kept driving at high speeds and into a wall and it exploded.

"Yeah, woo hoo! Now where's the Diamond?" Donnie asked holding his hand out.
"Raph lost it." Spike and Leo said at once, Spike had the robots head in his mutant hand and crushed it in anger.
"Where were you?" Leo asked annoyed.
"I was busy.." Raph said in defense.
"Busy cowering in terror." Leo finished as Leo put his sword away.

"We have to find that drill before the Kraang cracks open Manhattan like an egg!" Leo ordered again and they started moving again, Raph sighed sadly and followed them. The van drove past the street with the fire and the monster emerged from it with it's red eye glowing with rage as it marched forward.

"You blew it Raph, you gotta get your head together." Leo said while Raph was thinking to himself.
"Your fear of this thing is causing you to slip up, we can't afford that right now." Spike said while he kept driving.
"I know. this stupid phobia is gonna end up getting this whole team killed.." Raph said in frustration..
"Listen i'm.. i'm sorry guys.." Raph said to them and Spike sighed until Donnie talked to them again.

"Guys, here's a map of known Kraang facilities, and here's a map of the vault lines in New york city. Now if the Kraang are going to drill into the Earth's crust.. then this is where they do it." Donnie explained as he showed them an intersection of the markings.
"All right guys, we gotta little more time left before the Kraang start drilling." Leo told them and Raph thought to himself more.
"We still have a shot at this guys, let's not waste it!" Spike said as he stepped on the speed.

The van drove through the streets some more, but in the sewers, the monster was waiting for them and saw the van coming right to it. The van passed over a manhole cover which was opened. they started to hear strange sounds which they confused that.
"What's that sound?" Raph asked confused.
"I don't see anything outside.." Donnie said looking at the camera.

"Uh oh, he's back!" Donnie said as he saw him beneath the van.
"What?! Where?! Where the heck is he?!" Raph in fear looking around before he looked down.
"He's underneath the van! HE'S UNDERNEATH THE VAN!!!" Raph screamed in fear as he jumped in Donnie's arms. The monster sawed through the thing some more until he made the van come to a halt.
"He cut the drive shaft?!" Raph asked terrified.

"How in Celestia's name does he keep finding us?!" Spike asked frustrated as he got out of the seat.
"Hmm.. well he could be using the homing signal i set up so Spy-Roach could find his way back to the van." Donnie suggested.
"There's a homing signal!?" Leo asked really mad as they all looked at him.
"What the hell dude?!" Spike asked mad as well.
"Dude even i would have turned that off." Mikey said as well.

"Well excuse me Mikey i've been a little distracted." Donnie said annoyed before he typed on his computer.
"Maybe i can use the signal to tap into his camera.. to see what he's seeing." Donnie explained pulling up some files.
"None of this makes sense. why is he so mad at us?!" Raph asked frustrated.
"Aaaand.. got it!" Donnie said pressing a button, the camera showed them a repeat of Raph attacking the thing back at the kitchen.
"Oh.. crud.." Raph said in realization.
"Talk about irony.." Spike said in surprise.

"I don't think he's mad at us, i think he's mad at you." Donnie said as the footage was on all the screens.
"Wow, that stinks for someone who's afraid of roaches!" Mikey teased again.
"Irony got it, thanks, now are there any more surprises?!" Raph asked annoyed. A saw suddenly emerged beneath him and he looked horrified.
"HE HAS A SAW?!" Raph asked in fear as he dodged some swings at him.
" THE COCKROACH HAS A SAW!!" Raph said pointing his hands at it.
" WHAT THE HELL?!" Spike shouted in horror looking at it. Leo came behind him and used his sword and sliced the thing off making it spit out black stuff.

"Not anymore. Donnie, the rest of us will keep the roach busy.." Leo explained before Raph stopped him.
"We will?!" Raph asked in fear.
"Yes! You gotta fix the Shellraiser fast, like yesterday fast!" Leo ordered as they went outside.

Raph was cowering in fear as they looked around.
"Hey Spy-Roach, Raph's out here. Come and get him!" Leo announced .
"Really? Your using me as bait?!" Raph asked annoyed.
"Yep." Leo replied, the monster stepped out from under the van and towered over them. Spike and the others dragged Raph away while he was screaming in fear. The monster turned down a path and saw Raph screaming in fear as he was alone. Spike and the others came down with a trash can and slammed it on him, Mikey slammed the can on, Spike punched the thing with his mutant arm, and Leo slammed his head against it. They were all knocked back again as the thing broke free again.

Raph screamed in terror as he started running away.
"Not afraid. not afraid.." Raph said to himself as he slid over a dumpster which the monster knocked over.
"Scratch that! Fully afraid!" Raph screamed as he kept running, Raph jumped over some wet cement and kept on running while the roach followed him, Raph ended up in a dead end and heard a loud crash and started cowering.

"I'm sorry i tried to smash you okay? I'm sorry. i learned a very important lesson. I'll never be cruel again! Just leave me alone!" Raph said in terror.
"One one condition." A deep voice said in response.
"Ah! Anything!" Raph said in horror.
"Be good to Michelangelo." The voice told him.

"Ahh.. what?" Raph asked confused and opened his eyes, and behind him was just... Mikey teasing him again.
"Let him read your comics once in a while." Mikey said in a deep voice. Raph turned around and saw him and gripped his fists in fury.
"MIKEY!!!" Raph shouted in anger as he kicked him very hard in the shell and Raph tried to beat him up.

"Ow! So much for learning your lesson!" Mikey said as he hid behind Spike and Leo.
"You honestly deserved that." Spike said annoyed at his constant bullying.

"Nice job Raph." Leo said patting his back.
"What are you talking about? Where's the bug?" Raph asked confused. Leo turned his head around and they saw the thing had been covered by the cement.
"Ha! Stuck huh? not so tough now are you roachie? your just a.." Raph said before his head suddenly came off revealing nothing inside.
"Hollow shell.. what the?" Raph asked confused as they looked at it.

"He must have molted" Leo said as they looked down.
"They molt?!" Spike asked in shock.
"Yeah, roaches shed their skin when.. they get.. bigger.." Leo said as he saw something.
"Mother of Celestia.." Spike said in horror as he saw it too.
"Dude.. your not kidding.." Mikey said looking at it as well and they all looked horrified.

The monster now had white skin and it's arms had grown long and slimy while they looked terrified, it was by far the most disgusting mutant Spike had ever seen, and he doesn't think anything can top it.
"A Cockroach.. why did it have to be a Cockroach?!" Raph asked again as wings emerged from it's back and it started to fly
"Aaand it flies.." Raph said as it looked at Raph.
"Well we're ******" Spike said in horror.
"Run!!" Leo shouted as they ran away with the monster chasing them.

They were all screaming in terror as they ran through the streets to the van but Raph accidently tripped over, Raph screamed in terror as the monster grabbed him and took off.
"Raph!!" Spike shouted in terror as he was being taken. The monster flew through the air and gave Raph a long disgusting lick on his face and Raph almost puked , the monster dropped Raph into a dumpster and he quickly got out of it, another cockroach came by and Raph screamed as he tried to smash it, the monster flew down and roared at him, Raph screamed and ran off.

"Start the engine! Start the engine!!!" Raph screamed as they got in the van.
"Donnie, did you get this thing working!?" Spike asked getting in the drivers seat.
"We got bigger problems, we gotta stop that drill!!" Donnie said as he showed them they had started drilling. Raph went into the camera and saw it was on screen, he groaned in disgusted before he started firing at it with rage but the shots bounced off of him.
"What the?!" Raph asked in shock. The monster roared and opened the doors but Mikey delivered a kick and knocked it back, Donnie slammed a tank on the ground and Spike drove the thing at fast speeds.

"I had my chance, and i didn't take it.. i just.. couldn't do it.." Raph said frustrated.
"Look on the bright side, in 15 minutes we could all melt in a fountain of lava.. okay that sounded brighter in my head" Mikey said as Donnie typed on the computer again.
"The laser drill is just past the front gate, Kraangdroids are everywhere. Hope you've got a good plan." Donnie told them

"We're gonna ram through the gate and we'll go through there." Spike said with anger.
"Works for me!" Donnie said in agreement, Leo looked over and saw Raph was looking down ashamed of himself.

"Uh oh.. we got company.. again.." Donnie said annoyed as the monster was on the camera, they suddenly felt a large thump from the van.
"What was that?! Where is it?!" Raph asked in fear as they looked around, they heard more stomping for a moment until the monster opened the hatch from above, it grabbed Mikey and he screamed in fear as he took off.
"He's got Mikey!" Donnie said as the camera had it's footage.
"We have to do something!" Leo said to the others, Raph sighed and stood up.

"I'll stop it." Raph told them.
"You don't have to do this just to prove your not afraid." Leo said worried for him.
"I am afraid, but that's why i have to do this.. i'm coming Mikey!" Raph said as he opened a hatch and jumped through it, Spike pulled a lever and lights turned on in a room Raph was in.

Mikey was still being held by the monster as flew after the van, Raph twirled his arm around a wheel and the van turned around and Raph went out of the thing on a bike.
"Hey! You up there! You looking for me?!" Raph asked in anger. The monster threw Mikey down to the van and he quickly got inside and it drove off.

The monster roared at Raph and he quickly proceeded to drive off, the monster took out some bombs from it's chest and started throwing it at Raph who was trying to dodge them. Raph then pressed a button and a shell from around the bike closed above him making him be unseen to the monster who couldn't find him. Raph grinned for a moment until he accidently knocked over some trash cans, the monster saw this and started chasing him again.

He took out some more bombs and threw them at Raph again, Raph grabbed a trash can that had some on it, and he threw it right at the monsters face and they exploded and he went into a wall. Raph turned around and revved the engine before he drove off again, but the monster was still fine and got out and roared in anger.

The van was charging to the Kraang location at fast speeds while the Kraang looked at the map.
"The laser drill just passed the 500 meter mark." One said looking at it.
"Those known as the turtles and dragon are approaching." Another said as the van was driving up fast, the gates started to close and the robots held out their weapons.
"All right guys get ready, we're going in. " Leo warned them, Spike stepped on the gas and the van kept running over some more robots, they managed to reach the door but they had gotten to close and it completely stopped the van and all of them got slammed on the ground a bit.

"Are we in?" Mikey asked weakly.
"No, Raph! We're stuck! It's up to you get to the drill!" Leo said as they couldn't move.
"I'm on it!" Raph shouted as he drove faster, the monster was flying in the skies and landed in front of him.
"This is either gonna be really cool.. or really painful" Raph said as he pressed a button and made the thing go faster. The monster and Raph screamed at eachother as Raph came close to him, the bike drove right above the monsters face and went flying off over the van and gate and it landed on the ground.

"Okay, it was both.." Raph said weakly as he got up and saw the drill. Raph went over and punched a robot's head and looked at the map.
"The laser drill is at 400 meters from the Earths core." One of them explained.
"Not for long!" Raph said in anger as he jumped over to the drill and climbed on top of it. Raph heard another thud and saw the monster was behind him again.

"You've gotta be kidding me!!! All right insect, you think i'm scared of you? I aced your butt twice already, you wanna go for number three huh? Do ya! Come and get me!" Raph shouted as he threw the helmet he had at him and it was knocked far into the sky.

Raph lunged at the monster and it started to fly in the air as Raph repeatedly punched it with anger and slammed it on the machine which moved it a little. Raph and the monster butted heads with eachother before the monster kneed Raph, Raph then bit the monster in it's leg and it roared in anger before Raph uppercut it

The monster recovered and hit Raph back once again, the drill kept going and it was getting closer.
"The laser drill is at 300 meters." The droid said again. They kept on fighting even more as the clock counted down.
"200 meters." The robot said again. Raph screamed in pure rage and delivered another punch to it and knocked it off.
"100 meters." It said again, Raph jumped down and used his weapons to rotate the drill away from the ground and Raph ran along the ball until he was near the laser, he ripped it out and the monster saw him.

"Drill this!!" Raph shouted as he moved the laser to the monster and he kept firing at him until the monster exploded completely, Raph then drilled on the ground a gain and knocked the machine off balance, the helmet came back down and Raph caught it before he got back on his bike and drove off. Raph ran over some more droids and the gates opened.
"Way to go Raph!!" Spike shouted as he started backing up and Raph got back in the thing, the van turned around and it drove off leaving the day saved. The robots ran back to the place until the camera saw a small egg which contained just the head of the monster, which was still alive..

Spike and the others got back to the lair and Spike was congratulating Raph.
"You did a great job Raph, you really saved everyone, you did amazing" Spike said high fiving him.
"He's right Raph, you faced your fear and saved the city. Not bad for a Wednesday." Leo said impressed.
"Faced my fear? I conquered my fear! i looked my fear in the eye, and zapped it into a blimp!" Raph said amazed as he put Mikey down who he grabbed while explaining.
"You really did a great job, here's to hoping we don't see that thing again!" Spike said in victory.
"You said it!" Raph said in agreement.

"So your not afraid of Cockroaches anymore huh?" Mikey asked putting his arm over his chest.
"Nope." Raph said casually
"Good good.. then you won't mind the one i just slipped into your shell.." Mikey teased and Raph's eye twitched. Raph screamed in terror as he ran around with the others laughing at this...

19: Baxter's Gambit

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We open to another night in New York, Spike and the others were on a stakeout to find out what the Kraang are trying to steal, they heard that they were trying to steal a weapon of sorts, and they weren't about to let that happen. Spike and the others were on a rooftop and they saw the droids with the weapon.

"There they are.." Spike said as he was on the rooftop watching over.
"Whoa! That's a sub spatial endoparticle disrupter!" Donnie said in surprise as he saw them with it.
"What?" Spike asked confused.
"Gonna have to explain if that's "oh no" or" yay"" Leo added.

"In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite" Oh no" Donnie answered.
"Why? What does it do?" Mikey asked confused.
"The disrupter can de-synchronize subatomic resonances. Which invert polymolecular structures causing them to implode." Donnie explained.
"Basically that thing blows up anything it fires at." Spike said bluntly.
"Yep." Donnie said in agreement.

On the other rooftop, Dogpound and the others were watching over with Stockman
"With that endoparticle disrupter in our hands, we'll be unstoppable! All right man, move on my signal" Stockman said as Dogpound marched above him.
"Your signal?!" Dogpound asked in rage.

"Please! Don't hurt me!" Stockman begged holding his hands together.
"You do what we say, and you thank us for letting you live. Got it Stinkman?!" Dogpound threatened and he threw him to the ground.
"Stockman, it's Stockman." He said frustrated before Xever kicked him over.

"What was that?!" Fishface asked in anger.
"Nothing!... thank you for letting me live." Stockman said in fear.
"Screw this up, i'll finish you myself , remember that!" Fishface warned as he walked off.
"Just you wait freaks." Stockman said in anger and he gripped his hand.

"Okay guys get in position." Leo instructed as the two groups were ready to go.
" On my mark." Dogpound instructed as well.
"Ready? set.." Leo and Dogpound said at once.
"Let's just do this!/ Enough talk!" Raph and Fishface said as well.

Spike and the others flipped off the ledge and landed on the ground perfectly, and the same was for Dogpound and his men and Raph saw them.
"Kraang, and Fishface, and Dogpound? I must be dreaming, someone pinch me." Raph said as he was ready to fight, Spike and Mikey did so and pinched him and Raph hit Mikey's head.
"Ow! you said!" Mikey said in defense.
"Let's Get them!" Spike shouted as he drew his sword.

All of them charged at eachother in anger as they proceeded to fight eachother, Spike sliced down a few Kraang droids first, he flipped over some laser fire and threw a knife at one of the robots heads, he was then surrounded by more foot soldiers, and he did a smart trick and placed his sword on the ground and flipped off of it into the air and the soldiers ran into eachother after Spike jumped. Leo and Dogpound were fighting over the weapon while the others kept on fighting.

Raph was fighting Fishface again and he slid under his body and ran up a wall and flipped off and delivered a roundhouse kick to Fishface. Stockman was watching from the rooftop and nearly avoided a laser blast, Spike yelled in anger and he tore the robot apart in anger.
"That's for Leatherhead!!" Spike said in rage as he threw the brain into a window and a woman scream can be heard followed by hard whacking.

Mikey was fighting off the Kraang droids until he noticed one of them grabbed the weapon and charged it. Mikey screamed as Raph pushed him out of the way and it hit a car and the thing was destroyed.
"Whoa, Donnie, you totally called it bro." Mikey said amazed while Donnie smiled at that. The droids got into the van and closed the back door and started to drive off.
"Guys, we gotta move!" Leo shouted to the others, Raph and Fishface were still fighting but Leo stopped them.

"Raph, now!" Leo ordered, Raph growled in anger and backed off.
"Yes, run along now boy." Fishface said before a trashcan hit him hard and sent him flying into the streets, Spike was brushing off his hands as he joined up the others." Best take a shower when you get home Fishface!" Spike insulted as he and the others escaped, but Stockman was still on the roof.
"Hello? Anyone? I'm kind of stuck up here.." Stockman said nervously as he couldn't escape.

Spike and the others retreated back to the lair to rest and were doing more training, this time, Spike and the others were tasked with using their senses to watch for Splinter's attack. Spike had his eyes closed and was trying to use his advanced ability's to help him out. Donnie knew Splinter was behind him and tried to escape, but he failed.
"Aw man!" Donnie said disappointed. Mikey was waiting in dread as Splinter raised his wooden sword over him, he asked when he was going to but was hit as well. Next was Raph who failed to do so as well.

Spike was next and he kept his eyes closed as he sensed when he was going to attack, Splinter raised his sword and Spike's eyes opened in a serious expression and he rolled out of the way just in time.
"Yes!" Spike said in victory.
"Lucky." Mikey said jealous. Next up was Leo, and he was waiting for the right moment, Splinter raised his sword and that's when Leo got the message, he threw down his sword but Leo was able to flip out of the way next to Spike.
"Yes!" Leo said in victory as well and he and Spike high fived eachother.

"What is the point of this anyway?" Raph asked confused.
"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention, Spike's senses have been improving since he and i have been practicing, if he can do it, you can as well." Splinter explained.

"I already know my enemy's intentions sensei, to take me down." Raph said a little annoyed.
"Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when he can strike gives a difference between victory and defeat." Splinter explained some more.
"Hai sensei." Raph said with respect as they all bowed and they walked away, Spike knew his senses were most likely enhanced because of his ability's and he wonders if he'll unlock them more in the future..

"We had the alien technology in our grasp master" Dogpound explained as he and the others were in Shredder's lair again.
"Unfortunately, Stockman's plan was flawed." Fishface finished as Shredder walked up to him.
"Is this true?" Shredder asked threateningly.

"Well um.. yes.. they're right it was my fault. I'm sorry, and i'd like to make amends, that is if you allow me. You see i've developed a trap for the turtles, a full proof trap, but i need my good friends here to lure them into it." Stockman begged while they looked confused.
"Very well. Consider those two at your disposal." Shredder said as he started to walk away and Stockman grinned as he had a plan for them as well..

Spike and the others were travelling across the rooftops of the city once again trying to find something, soon they eventually stopped to group up.
"I got eyes one one giant dog and one giant fish. 6:00" Donnie said looking over a ledge.
"Where?! aw man.. it's just Fishface and Dogpound." Mikey said disappointed as they looked to be waiting for something.

"What are they doing out in the open like this? I think we should proceed with caution guys." Leo warned them.
"Yeah, this could be a.." Spike said before the others were already gone." Trap.." Spike said as he slapped his face frustrated and they heard fighting sounds below.
"Oh man." Leo said annoyed as he and Spike headed down as well.

Donnie and Mikey were taking on Dogpound while Raph engaged with Fishface again, Leo joined in against Dogpound and Spike joined with Raph.
"Where were we? Oh yeah, i was turning you into fish stick!" Raph said twirling his weapons around.
"Actually i believe i was turning you into turtle soup." Fishface countered. Spike went under a leg spin and delivered a strong uppercut to him and Raph slammed him to the ground and Dogpound was knocked down too.
"Stay, good dog." Leo said holding his weapons at Dogpound, he growled in anger and knocked him back and they proceeded to run off.

"Look, we got em on the run!" Mikey said pointing at them.
"Oh they aren't getting off that easy." Raph said with anger and he ran after them.
"Raph wait, somethings not right." Leo warned.
"Yeah, you talking while they're getting away!" Raph countered and the others followed him as well.

"This way!" Raph shouted as they ran into another warehouse and looked around.
"Alright.. you got us." Dogpound said with a smug as he and Fishface came out.
"This is way too easy." Leo said suspicious.
"This is not right." Spike said keeping his guard up.
"Why are you two always worried?" Raph asked frustrated.

the question was answered when a laser formed around all of them and they went into a black and white lined room, almost like an illusion .
"Oh i see." Raph said in surprise.
"Careful guys, this may be a trap." Mikey said while they were on they're guard.

"Welcome contestants, i'm so glad you could join us tonight!" Stockman said over a microphone.
"Blister stockboy?" Leo asked confused and Spike chuckled at the constant name calling.
"It's Baxter Stockman, i'm your arch nemesis!" Stockman said in anger
"I can totally think of 5 nemesis's better then him. " Mikey joked.

"You'll be playing for the ultimate prize- your lives! In the all new family friendly, incredibly deadly, Maze of Doom!" Stockman announced and they all sighed. Rockets suddenly launched from above at them and they all screamed as they tried to avoid them, even Dogpound and Fishface were being attacked by them much to their anger.

"You fool! What are you doing?!" Fishface asked in anger.
"I'm sick of you freaks! You treat me like dirt, threaten me, well Baxter Stockman doesn't make threats" He said while he pressed some more buttons.
"Have you gone mad?!" Fishface asked in anger.
"Mad?! I'm full on mega crazy!" Stockman said while he laughed evilly.

"You traitor!" Dogpound said with anger.
"Even if you make it through my maze alive, you'll still have to face my monster of.." Stockman said menacingly.
"Doom? It's always doom with other villains back in my home." Spike said uninterested.
"No! It's uh.. monster of uh.. oh the heck with it!" Stockman said as he pressed a button, a trap door beneath them opened and they all screamed as they fell down.

They continued to scream until they fell onto a black and white checkerboard like floor and groaned in pain.
"Illusion mazes, here we go again.." Spike said annoyed while he got up.
"Where in the?" Raph asked as he saw Dogpound and Fishface fall on the ground too.

"Where were we?!" Dogpound asked as he charged at them.
"Total turtle takedown!" Fishface said while he charged at them too.

Spike engaged with Dogpound again and dodged another strike from his fist, Spike jumped in the air and kicked him in the face really hard, and he drew his sword again.
"What did you do to my sword?" Dogpound asked in anger as he tried attacking him more.
"Gave it a little upgrade for extra beatings!" Spike answered before he used his mutant arm again and punched him in the face and knocked him into a wall.

Suddenly some laser axes appeared on one side of the hall.
"What is?" Leo asked confused until he saw another pair on the other side." Uh oh, this can't be good." Leo said in fear as he saw some more above them.

A laser axe appeared above Raph and Fishface.
Watch out!" Raph shouted as he pushed him out of the way just in time.
"I saved you, why? Calamari boy?" Raph asked confused.
"Everyone, i think we should take a fight rain check." Leo said to the others.
"Never! We do this now!" Dogpound said as he tried to attack Spike some more, a laser axe appeared above him and Dogpound had a look of shock as it almost hit him, Spike jumped in the air and sliced the machine in half making the thing barely miss him but it only cut off one of his shoulder blades.

"Your welcome." Spike said getting back on the ground.
"If we keep fighting, we are never gonna get out of here alive." Leo said as they all backed up to eachother.
"The exit, there!" Donnie shouted as there was a light up ahead.
"Follow me!" Dogpound shouted charging through the course and the others followed him.

All of them proceeded to dodge through the laser axes that kept on swinging around the area, Spike flipped over a few and then slid under another one.
"Leo, you don't think we can trust them do you?" Raph asked concerned.
"It's our only option." Leo answered as they dodged another swing.

"Well what do we do when they turn on us? Because they will turn on us" Raph said again.
"We'll just have to keep our guards up, come on!" Spike shouted as he slid under another axe again.

Spike and the others made it through the laser axe hall while the others were keeping they're guards up.
"I have my eyes on you, turtles and dragon." Fishface warned, they soon came into another black and white room all around them.
"Fresh air, coming from that way." Dogpound said pointing at a wall.

"Must be through the wall" Spike said as he walked forward.
"What makes you think that?" Dogpound asked confused.
"I've seen this illusion maze trick before, there's always a way through them even if we don't realize it." Spike said while he looked around.
"Clever, but what makes you think you'll find it." Dogpound said with a smirk.
"Because i've had experience." Spike answered.

They suddenly heard noises and looked up and a few floating orbs came through a hole.
"Balls! of doom.." Leo said looking at them.
"What are those?" Dogpound asked confused, they suddenly created red saws from them.
"Not good! let's move it" Leo shouted as they flew to them.
"Me first!" Fishface shouted as they dodged some.
"Doom balls, run!" Leo shouted as they proceeded to avoid them.

Leo and the others were trying to dodge the Doom balls as they kept flying at them, Spike took out his sword and saved Dogpound from a few that almost hit him and he looked impressed.
"I must admit, for a child, your pretty decent with that sword." Dogpound said impressed.
"Gotta handle my weapons with care and respect right?" Spike asked as he blew a fire blast at one of them again.
"Whatever way you put it." Dogpound replied as they kept dodging some more, they were almost at the door and Spike threw some shuriken's at the metal balls and made them explode just before they hit them again.

They were now in another hall that looked like the same.
"Wait, we've been here before!" Dogpound said in realization.
"He's right, we've been going in circles!" Donnie said as he looked at the floor.

"Donnie are you sure.." Raph said before a wall slammed next to them.
"What? Hey!!" Raph shouted in anger while he pounded at the wall.
"Time to split you boys up." Stockman said over the mic again.
"You are so gonna get it when we're out of here Stockman!" Spike said with rage.
"Well, looks like it's just you, the dragon, and me." Fishface told them.

"Your wasting your time Leonardo, those walls are magnetically sealed." Stockman said with an evil laugh while Donnie looked at his phone.
"I tried that already Donnie, there's no signal." Leo told him.
"I know, i'm reconfiguring the T-phones internal magnet so that it can detect ambient a-c current." Donnie explained while some images were on the phone.
"We can use it to trace it back to Baxter." Donnie said holding it out.

"You two, keep stinkman talking." Leo said to Mikey and Dogpound.
"No problemo, hey Baxton!" Mikey shouted to the ceiling.
"It's Baxter!" He said annoyed while they started walking.
"So i was wondering, what made you so interested in a career of super villainy?" Mikey asked curious.
"Well, since you won't be around to read my autobiography, i'll tell you." Stockman said before he began.

"I was a frail and delicately sensitive young child.." Stockman said while Mikey groaned annoyed.
"Well there's a surprise.." Dogpound said sarcastic.
"That's when i decided to develop my greatest power, my technological genius." Stockman said while they kept walking.
"Oh good grief!" Mikey said annoyed while they kept moving.

April was in the dojo with Splinter trying to find a weapon suitable for her.
"Remember, keep your movement fluid." Splinter instructed while she twirled a chain. She kept twirling it until she accidently let go of it and it hit a photo.
"Oh, Master Splinter i am so sorry!" She apologized before she looked at it and gave it to Splinter.

"Who are they?" April asked curious.
"That is me, my wife, and daughter.. before Shredder.." Splinter said with sadness as he looked at it.
"The baby, she was beautiful.." April said with regret.
"Yes, Miwa would have been about your age now. I would like to have thanked she would have turned out as well as you child." Splinter said as he looked at her.
"Which reminds me, wait here." Splinter said while he walked into his room to get something.

Spike, Raph and Fishface were walking through the long tunnel again.
"This is getting annoying." Spike said while they kept going.
"Yep, the worlds longest tunnel of doom." Raph said sarcastic before a door appeared in the hall.
"What?!" Fishface asked in shock.
"We're trapped!" Spike said in shock, the wall started to move like a fan and it began to move them to it.

Spike used his sword and latched onto the ground while Fishface used his special legs, but Raph was struggling. Raph screamed in terror as he started to get sucked to it.
"Oh no you don't!" Spike said with anger while he and Fishface went to save him, Spike grabbed Raph's leg as well as Fishface right before he was grinded. Spike jumped off the ground an punched one of the tiles with his arm and they all went falling down into it.

"Well that makes us even huh fish sticks?" Raph asked him.
"jokes, now? Really Raph?" Spike asked annoyed while he got up.
"You'd think i'd let Baxter do away with you? That is a pleasure i reserved for myself." Fishface said smugly while they started walking.

"And then i built a science fair volcano, but with actual molten lava, burnt down the whole gymnasium" Stockman said with another laugh.
"I was expelled, and i vowed revenge against those who wronged me." Stockman finished while Mikey was really bored.
"You poor, poor man.." Mikey said really tired.

A turret suddenly rose from the ground and shocked all of them, it fired a deadly laser which all of them barely dodged. Leo made a battle cry and sliced it apart, only for even more turrets to rise from the black tiles in front of them and then the place started to rotate. All of them screamed while they tried dodging more laser fire.
The place continued to rotate while Leo and the others used their weapons to destroy each of them.

Spike, Raph and Fishface were still walking through the dark hall by themselves.
"Tell me Xever, what's a nice fish like you working with a guy like Shredder?" Raph asked curious.
"Yeah, what's your story?" Spike asked curious as well and he sighed.

"In many ways, it's all i've never known." Xever said as we cut to a memory of him as a child.
"At a young age, i learned a very simple rule, you want something? You take it. I was the best thief, until one day, my luck ran out." Xever explained as we see him being caught by officers and thrown into prison.
"They would have left me to rot there. Fortunately, the owner of that briefcase found my skills useful." Xever said as we see him meeting the Shredder.

"Shredder." Spike and Raph said at once.
"Yes, and he employed me to do some of the foot's dirtier jobs." Xever finished as we cut back to real time.

"Most recently, the destruction of you, your brothers and sensei, the capture of the dragon is all he's been wanting for now." Xever finished looking at them.
"If he wants me, he'll have to break my spirit to get me." Spike said drawing his sword.

"So, you do all this because you owe shredder?" Raph asked curious.
"Eh, mostly like having a job where i get to crack skulls everyday." Xever said bluntly.
"Well, if cracking alien robot heads is considered a job, then that's one of the best ones there is right now." Spike said with a smug and Xever chuckled.
"Yes, we are a kind, the three of us." Xever told them again.
"Well maybe, but we're still going to kick your butt when this is over." Raph countered.

Leo and the others were breathing heavily as they took down the last of the turrets, another turret came up and Leo sliced it up again and Dogpound growled.
"Skunkman! I know your in here somewhere!" Dogpound shouted with rage, and luckily Spike and the other two could hear it. Xever placed his hands on a wall and heard something.
"Hey, it's coming from the next room!" Xever told them.
"Leave it to me!" Spike said as he punched the wall down and they all saw Leo and the others again.

"You two enjoy your play date?" Leo asked with a tease.
"Ha, very funny." Raph said sarcastic.
"It was.. interesting to say the least." Spike replied looking at Xever.

"A strong ambient a-c current is coming beneath this cannon." Donnie said looking at another, Dogpound came in and ripped it out which caused all of them to fall again. And luckily, they ended up back in the real place again.
"Finally!" Spike said in relief, suddenly, a red light appeared above all of them.

"No! You were supposed to destroy eachother not work together!" Stockman said frustrated as he was on the machine.
"No matter, you may have made it to the end of my maze, but now it's time for.." Stockman said before Mikey finished.
"The bonus round?" Mikey asked excited.

"Yes, the bonus round of doom!" Stockman announced to all of them, a giant mech appeared in front of them with Stockman on it.
"Meet the awesome power of my monster!" Stockman said as a giant mech was above them.
"Of doom" They all finished with annoyance.

"You all think your so clever, let's see how clever you are when your hit by my missiles of d.. when your hit by my missiles!" Stockman shouted as the mech fired a few missiles at them. They all screamed as they were being chased by them, Spike slid under one and made it explode against a wall, and he sliced another one in half with his sword making the two pieces explode behind him. All of them were avoiding gunfire from the mech before it sent out more Mousers.

"These punks, again?!" Spike asked frustrated as he ripped one of they're jaws open in anger. Spike charged at the mech, which extended it's eyes and fired more lasers at him, Spike flipped over the lasers again and ran across the wires, he sliced on of them off before he screamed in anger and stabbed the screen Stockman was on. The machine clutched itself for a moment, before it sent a strong red shockwave across the room and knocked them all down before they got back up again.

"How do we stop this thing?" Dogpound asked Leo,, he looked over and saw Stockman on the floating pad and got an idea.
"Mikey, Dogpound, draw it under Baxter" Leo instructed and they charged straight to him, they went directly under him but he flew into the air.
"Haha, you'll have to be faster then that." Stockman said evilly, Mikey and Dogpound then looked at the mech.
"Yoo-hoo, monster of doom! We're over here!" Mikey said waving his fingers around, the mech saw them and charged right under the pad.

"Raph, Spike, Fishface, there!" Leo said pointing at the pad, the three of them looked at eachother and nodded, Spike climbed on Raph's back and Fishface charged at the mech, he slid on the ground and Raph jumped on the legs and he launched the both of them in the air. Spike and Raph screamed with anger as Raph tore through the pod and Spike sliced it in half.
"No! Stop helping eachother!" He said annoyed before the pod came down onto the mech and destroyed it completely.
"Where's dexter?" Mikey asked worried as he was gone.

"Fools! You haven't seen the last of Dexter.. Baxter Stockman!" He shouted as they saw him take off with a helicopter helmet and he flew out.
"He's gonna pay the next time i see him." Spike said with anger.

April was still waiting in the dojo for Splinter, he soon came out of his room and she walked up to him.
"I had intended to one day pass this on to my daughter, but i would like you to have it." Splinter explained as he showed her a metal fan with a nice design on it.
"It's beautiful.." April said completely amazed.
"Yes, and.." Splinter said as he threw the fan to the tree and made a good cut.
"I think we found my weapon." April said proudly.

Spike opened the door and all of them started to leave, and all of them were exhausted.
"The truce.. is over.." Fishface said exhausted .
"Let's finish.. this.." Dogpound said weakly and they all drew they're weapons again.
"Ah forget it.. next time.." Dogpound said as he and Fishface started to leave, and Spike and the others left as well.

"You know, Raph, Spike, you three made a pretty good team back there." Mikey said impressed.
"It was only temporary Mikey, they're still the enemy, and we always should be on guard." Spike explained, Fishface held out another one of the orbs from before and Spike and Raph stopped, he threw one of the Balls of doom at Leo but Spike sliced it in half with his sword.
"Trust your senses, you'll see him coming." Raph finished looking back at them.
"Never let your guard down." Spike finished as they all started to head home again..

20: Enemy of my Enemy

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It was another night in New York city once again, Spike and the others were currently looking out over TCRI to see if anything important is gonna happen.

"Nothing happening at TCRI" Leo said as he looked through a telescope.
"Nothing yet, but there will be something soon, we just need to be prepared for it." Spike said while he looked over the view.

"This game is awesome! The combat is so realistic!" Mikey said amazed while he played on his phone.
"You wanna make it more realistic?" Raph threatened.
"Guys stop messing around!" Leo said trying to make them stop.

"According to the Kraang storage device Spike and I decrypted , some kind of scouting ship is coming through the portal tonight." Donnie said looking at his phone.
"Must be for finding resources or other life forms to use." Spike said concerned.
"So we all have to stay alert!" Leo said to Mikey who was still playing on his phone.

"Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you." Karai announced and they saw her on a water tower and flipped down over to them.
"Heh, cute Karai, but i'm not in the mood." Leo said frustrated.
"We're in the middle of a stakeout here." Spike said trying to make her leave. Karai drew her sword again and charged at the two of them, Spike groaned and took out his sword and blocked an attack.

"We do not have time for this! Get her guys!" Spike shouted to the others.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as they all charged at her, Karai blocked Donnie's staff and flipped over him and jumped off Mikey's shell and landed on the ground.
"Booyakasha? What does that even mean?" Karai asked with a laugh.
"I don't know, but it's fun to yell." Mikey replied casually. Mikey threw his chain at her and she wrapped her foot around it, she pulled Mikey to her and kicked him to the ground and clashed swords with Spike again.

"You really are showing skills with that dragon." Karai said impressed as Spike kicked her back.
"I'm young, but i can fight!" Spike said seriously before she raised her sword at him.
"I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang, what's going on?" Karai asked curious.
"None of your business." Leo answered charging at her.
"And i'm not scrawny. I'm svelte ." Donnie said angry and they fought her some more.

"Oh come on let me in on the fun." Karai said playfully as she knocked Raph back a little.
"Look we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost!" Raph said with rage.
"An alien invasion? Are you serious?!" Karai asked shocked, her question was answered when thunder was heard, they looked over to the tower and saw the portal had been activated again, the hatch opened and an alien ship had floated out into the Earth.
"We are serious!" Spike said seriously as he readied his weapon.

"This can't be good.." Leo said in shock as all of them looked really afraid of this.
"Uh guys, i think i need to change my shell.." Mikey said shocked as the ship floated to them and prepared to fire a laser at them.

The ship floated around and it saw them on the rooftop and scanned them.
"The ones who are called the turtles and dragon have been detected by the scanner which scans for turtles and dragons. They are knowing too much of Kraangs plan, attack." One of them said as the ship flew to them while they backed up.

"I hope you have a plan on fighting that thing." Karai said while she still looked shocked.
"Of course i do.. step one.." Leo said as it shot a laser at them." Run!" Spike shouted as he and the others ran away from the blast. They ran through the rooftops while they continued to avoid the laser blasts, they headed down into the alleyway while the ship activated a scanner. Spike and the others started to run again as it continued to scan for them.

"What the heck was that?!" Karai asked shocked while she ran with Spike.
"Some kind of alien scanner, it's probably best used for shooting at it's targets." Spike shouted as they dodged another blast.
"Right off our shells!" Mikey shouted as all of them screamed while running through the streets.
"How are the police not seeing this?!" Spike shouted in anger. Karai and Spike found an alleyway and barely dodged another scan.
"You see why we need to stop these things?" Spike asked looking at her.
"I think i am.." Karai said still shocked at what she just saw.

The ship was scanning for the turtles as they hid behind a car to not be seen.
"You think it knows.." Leo replied, a purple light flashed over them and the car they were hiding behind was grabbed by the tentacles on the ship, they all screamed as they barely dodged the thing falling on them.

"Man we gotta get underground!" Donnie said to Leo.
"I'll draw they're fire!" Leo said as he drew his swords and charged at it, Leo dodged another laser blast and ran up a wall and rolled on the ground.
"Over here cyclops!" Leo shouted as the ship continued to fire at him, Raph opened the manhole cover and they all started to leave, Spike flipped off another building and landed next to Raph and quickly jumped in.
"Leo come on!" Raph shouted to Leo who was still running. Leo threw some shuriken's at it which didn't even dent it, Leo joined Raph and they both quickly got inside as the ship scanned over the street again.

All of them watched as the ship disappeared with a cloaking device.
"Oh great, cause it wasn't scary enough when we could see it ." Raph said sarcastic as police lights were flashing over them.
"Just how much more stuff do the Kraang have?" Spike asked in shocked as they hid in the sewers again.

Karai headed back to Shredder in order to explain what happened.

"It's true, the Kraang are plotting an alien invasion. I saw the ship myself, they've got some serious hardware, we gotta do something before it's to late!" Karai said worried while the Shredder didn't respond." Father?" She asked worried.
"We shall proceed as planned." Shredder replied uninterested.

"But.." Karai said trying to convince him.
"Tomorrow night, we shall receive a shipment of new weapons. These shall help us put an end to the turtles and Splinter, and capture the dragon." Shredder said once more.
"We can deal with that later. Didn't you listen to a think i.." Karai said before Shredder slammed his fist on the throne.
"Karai! you have said your peace. Now you will do what i say." Shredder said aggressively and she sighed.
"Yes father.." Karai said annoyed that he won't listen.

Raph had just thrown his weapons on the dummy and Spike was repeatedly punching it out of anger.
"Why do the Kraang not give up?" Spike asked as he punched the thing even harder with his mutant arm with Raph joining in.
"I don't know, but it's a pain in the shell that's for sure." Raph said as they both punched the dummy onto the ground while Leo looked at the others.

"The Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous, we gotta figure out what it's doing here." Leo said worried.
"Or we could just skip to the part where we destroy it." Raph suggested.
"That things too dangerous to be out, we gotta destroy it as soon as we can." Spike said in agreement as he threw a knife into the dummy's head.
"Your pretty tough when they can't hit you back." Mikey countered handing Spike the knife again, and Raph made a threatening move to him and he screamed.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the Shellraiser to a rematch." Raph said punching his fists together.
"First we need to find a ship that's invisible." Leo replied.
"I know, how about we shoot into the air until we hit it?" Raph suggested.
"That doesn't sound too smart." Leo said not liking it.

"Yeah Raph, not to smart buddy." Mikey joked before Raph threatened to punch him again and Mikey screamed in fear.
"Actually, Raph's got something there." Donnie said walking in the room.
"Really? How?" Spike asked curious.

"Instead of shooting objects, we'll shoot electromagnetic radiation. In other words, radar. I've built some radar beacons we can set up across town. So if the ship gets near us i'll get an alarm on my T-phone." Donnie explained and Spike smiled and took one of them.
"Nice plan Donnie, i like it." Spike said with a smile.
"Good work Donnie, Spike your with me, the rest of you split up and place those beacons." Leo said as him and the others started moving again.

Spike and Leo were on another rooftop and were placing the radar in a ventilation shaft so they could detect it, Spike did the finishing touches and activated it.
"Tribeca beacon installed." Leo reported on his phone.
"It's all done." Spike added.
"That's the last of them. Raph and Mikey are finished too." Donnie replied on the phone.
"See you back at the lair." Leo said before he hung up.

Spike and Leo both sensed something and drew they're swords and deflected another attack from Karai. Spike and Leo backflipped off a ledge while Karai leaped over and tried to attack them more, Spike rolled out of the way and delivered a strong kick to her and Leo clashed weapons again.
"This is getting old Karai." Leo said annoyed.
"The more you do this, the more predictable it gets." Spike added while he raised his sword.

"I wanna help you two fight the Kraang." Karai explained which shocked them.
"Really?" Spike and Leo asked at once, Leo backed off and she put away her weapon, Leo then realized something and chuckled.
"No, no of course not, we're enemy's, you want to destroy us. Your loyal to Shredder, should i keep going?" Leo pointed out.
"I don't know Leo, she seems honest to me right now." Spike said looking at her.

"Look, if the Kraang win we don't have a planet anymore, that makes our little fight pretty pointless doesn't it?" Karai asked them.
"And let me guess, Shredder is too focused on revenge to realize what's actually important?" Spike asked.
"Bingo on that little guy, he's stubborn and short sighted, he drives me crazy. His stupid vendetta is gonna take us all down." Karai told them.
"That's the thing about villains to focused on revenge, they're too focused on their goal, they don't realize the stuff happening around them could stop them from achieving it." Spike pointed out and Karai smiled.
"Exactly, i'm glad you can see that. What do you say? Work together for now?" Karai offered and she held out her hands.

Spike looked at it for a moment before he took it.
"Sounds good to me, what about you Leo?" Spike asked looking at him, he thought about it for a moment before deciding.
"Sorry sister, come on Spike." Leo replied before he jumped off the ledge and headed off, Spike sighed and looked at her.
"Don't worry, i'll find a way to convince him, it'll just be a bit, be careful out there." Spike said before he headed out as well.
"You too little guy.." Karai said with a smile, she was at least glad he could see it.

Spike and the others were at the dojo again, and Leo was explaining on what happened.
"I know we shouldn't trust Karai, but still, i got the sense she really is fed up with the Shredder." Leo said concerned.
"She made a good point in saying that if we continue this fight, we won't have a planet to live on anymore." Spike added.
"That's probably what she wants you two to think." Raph countered.

"I know i just.. Sensei, is there any chance she's for real?" Leo asked Splinter.
"It is possible, loyalties have been known to shift. But, the kunoichi is trained to use deception to her advantage." Splinter explained.
"So she either will or won't betray us?" Leo asked curious.
"Correct, you must trust your instincts. But beware the trap of believing something to be true, simply because you wish it to be so." Splinter warned as he started walking off.

"So i should trust my instincts, unless my instincts are wrong?" Leo asked confused.
"Correct." Splinter replied.
"Uh, thanks sensei.." Leo said still confused.
"Whoa.. you know it's good advice when your still confused afterwards.." Mikey said amazed.
"Words of wisdom my friends.. words of wisdom.." Spike said confused as well.

"Guys, seriously. An alliance with Karai? No way. Why are we even talking about this?" Raph asked them again.
"It's too bad we can't trust her, it'd be nice to have a kunoichi on our side." Donnie said disappointed.
"Um, hello? What about me?" April asked offended by that.
"No, i mean a real kunoichi.. i mean not that you aren't one! Just that Karai is better.. i.. i mean not better, just more experienced!" Donnie said as he regretted those words.

"It's okay, i get it, she's your mortal enemy trying to capture our friend, but hey, she's purty." April said in a cowgirl voice.
"No she's not. Your way prettier.." Donnie said before Spike laughed at how bad he was at this and Raph grabbed him and took him away.
"Don't fight it, you'll thank me later." Raph said walking off.

Spike and the others were driving through the streets again in the Shellraiser looking for the ship.
"Guys, i think i got something. Doesn't match any authorized flight patterns. It's gotta be the Kraang ship." Donnie said looking at his phone.
"Or Santa!" Mikey added.
The car turned around and they saw the ship just ahead of them.
"Nope, it's the Kraang ship, ugh, that's a bummer." Mikey said disappointed.

"Move it Spike!" Raph shouted as the van was driving off from more laser fire.
"Hang on to your shells guys!" Spike shouted as he turned the vehicle hard, they kept on turning through different streets avoiding more explosions, but the ship was still gaining on them.
"I think i figured out it's mission, us!" Donnie said in fear.
"Of course it is, it's never not us!" Spike said sarcastic as he stepped on the speed.

"Mikey, any escape routes nearby us?" Spike asked looking at him and Mikey looked at the map.
"Take the alley on the right!" Mikey instructed, Spike did so and turned right, but they soon came upon a blocked path.
"It's a dead end.." Leo said annoyed and Mikey looked at it again.
"Don't take the alley on the right!" Mikey corrected.

The ship hovered above them and started firing a laser at their van and they were all screaming.
"What do we do guys?!" Spike asked in fear as an alarm was going off.
"Just one." Raph said before he repeatedly punched Mikey's shell in anger. Karai was driving on a motorcycle across the rooftop, she jumped onto the ship and yelled in anger as she stabbed her sword into the ship.

"That which is known as not good." A Kraang said as the ship started to fly off with her still on it.
"That was Karai!" Leo said in shock.
"We gotta help her!" Spike said as he reversed the car and started driving after the ship, but Raph was trying to stop him.
"She can take care of herself. Let's put some distance between that thing and us!" Raph told him.

"No!" Spike said in anger.
"But the shellraiser can't take anymore damage!" Leo said worried.
"Then Spike and I will do it ourselves, drive!" Leo ordered as he and Spike got out of the seats and Raph took control.
"We'll meet you back underground." Leo said as he and Spike opened a hatch.
"Hey, the stealth bike's my thing!" Raph told them.
"Now your thing is sucking it up!" Spike replied before they went inside.
"Hey! That's my thing!" Donnie said annoyed.

Spike and Leo got onto the stealth bike and drove out of the van, they saw the ship flying around wildly and looked up and saw her still on it.
"This.. is.. so.. not.. fun!" Karai said annoyed as it dragged onto another building.
"Hang on Karai.." Spike said as he revved up the wheel and they took off at fast speeds. The ship kept trying to shake her off while Spike and Leo chased after it, she eventually lost her grip and started to fall.
"Spike!" Leo shouted with worry.
"On it!" Spike shouted in response as he drove the bike even faster, he drove up a car like a ramp and went into the air, Karai landed in they're vehicle just in time and they landed back on the ground.

"You okay?" Leo asked worried as she saw Spike and Leo.
"Yeah, are you two?" Karai asked in response.
"Fine." Leo replied.
"Since when could dragons drive motorcycles?!" Karai asked in shock as she saw Spike driving.
"Took some lessons from Donnie." Spike replied before another laser went next to them.
"Well get us out of here then." Leo instructed, Spike pushed on a button and a hatch appeared above them. They weren't able to be seen by the ship because of it.
"Kraang will find them in a time, which is a time that is sooner, than a time that is later." One of the aliens said as the ship started flying off again.

Spike opened the hatch and they all looked around and saw that it was gone.
"Your welcome." Spike said proudly before he took off again with them on it.
They went through the subway tunnels again and saw the Shellraiser in the distance.

"We're back." Leo announced as the three came inside.
"You two brought her inside?! Dudes, she'll see all our gear!" Raph said frustrated, Karai looked around confused.
"Yeah, cause if Shredder finds out you have an ice cream lamp, it's over." Karai said sarcastic as she saw they had one.

"Karai just risked her life to save us, she's earned a little of our trust. so let's hear her out." Leo told them.
"It's could be our only way of stopping that ship." Spike added as well.
"Your the boss." Raph said annoyed and he stopped the van.

"You guys need my help, you really think you can shoot down an alien warship with fire and garbage?" She asked them
"Compressed garbage." Donnie corrected.
"And, manhole covers." Mikey added.

"My point is, to take out a ship like that, you need a real weapon." Karai pointed out.
"What kind of weapon?" Spike asked curious.
"What if i got you a shoulder-fired missile launcher?" Karai offered.
"I'm starting to like her." Raph said impressed.

"Where are you gonna get a shoulder fired missile launcher?" Donnie asked curious.
"From Shredder of course." Karai replied.
"Uh, we're talking about the same Shredder, right?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, something tells me he's not gonna want to share his toys with us." Raph said not convinced.
"He won't know about it. He's buying a shipment of weapons down at the docks tomorrow night, all we need to do, is sneak in and help ourselves." Karai explained some more.

"Really risky, but if it's what it takes to take it down, i'm down for it." Spike said in agreement.
"Anyone else smell a trap?" Raph asked them.
"Why would i trap you? Your the only ones who know what the Kraang are up too." Karai pointed out again.
"True, but you usually don't have the best track record." Donnie replied.

"Fine, i'll get you the missile launcher myself." Karai said which shocked all of them.
"Your really willing to steal from shredder?" Leo asked confused.
"Look, these things have to be stopped. If Shredder's not gonna do anything about it, then i will. With, or without your help." Karai replied. Leo looked at the others, and all of them were liking this idea.
"All right, here's the deal. You get us the missile launcher, and we'll team up." Leo offered, Karai smiled and she and Leo shook hands making it a deal.

Raph and Mikey were playing pinball again while Spike was thinking about this offer
"Stoked! I can't believe we're getting a missile launcher! What should we blow up first?" Mikey asked excited
"Um, the Kraang ship?" Raph suggested
"Oh right. But what should we blow up second?" Mikey asked again.

"If Karai can pull it off." Leo said as he punched at the dummy again.
"Are you worried about your girlfriend? I see why you guys do that now, it's kind of fun." Donnie teased as Leo had steam from his head.
"It isn't gonna be easy, Shredder's gonna be there too." Leo pointed out and Raph got an idea.

"Hey, your right! For once we know where Shredder's gonna be ahead of time, which means.. we could set a trap for him." Raph suggested.
"What?! Look, we made a deal with Karai, we can't just go behind her back. This about the Kraang ship. They wanna take us out." Leo said refusing this.
"There's more at stake here, we can't worry about Shredder right now." Spike said as he did not like this at all.

"Yeah, but this may be our only chance to surprise him. Are we really gonna pass that up?" Raph asked again, Leo thought about it before deciding.
"All right guys, we're gonna take down the shredder." Leo told them and Spike looked shocked.

"Your going against her?! Are you crazy?!" Spike asked with anger as he stood up.
"Spike, Raph's right, this is our only chance to stop him and put him down, he's only gonna get stronger over time if we pass this up, we can't risk that." Leo argued.
"There is more at stake right now! Shredder is a problem yes, but the Kraang are even worse. You've seen what they can do with they're tech." Spike countered.

"Yeah, and what happens if Shredder get's his hands on them? What happens then?" Raph asked joining in.
"It doesn't matter, we made a deal with her, we can't just stab her in the back like that." Spike said getting more upset at him.
"Spike, this may be our only chance to stop him, are you really gonna let that be passed up?" Raph asked again, Spike sighed and looked at him seriously.
"If it means betraying Karai's trust.. then i'm not going with you guys.." Spike said as he started to turn around.

"What?! Dude, she's Karai's assassin! She'll eventually turn on us even if we do help her." Raph said while they all looked shocked.
"Yeah, but she's doing something selfless. She's putting the Earth first, if the Kraang mutate it and capture me, it's all done, i'm not gonna betray someone who is willing to go back on someone like Shredder." Spike replied upset at him.
"Spike, are you really sure about this? We could use your help when at the docks." Leo asked once more, Spike sighed and turned to him.

"Sorry Leo, but your guys are on your own for this, let me know how it goes when you get back." Spike said starting to walk off.
"Spike come on!" Raph shouted before he left the room leaving them alone...
"Way to go Raph.." Leo said upset at him for doing that.
"Let's just get that ship destroyed, we'll prove him wrong." Raph said before they started leaving.

Spike was in the dojo trying to meditate, he was still very upset at them for agreeing to just betray her like that. Spike can feel Karai was honest about what she was doing, and having them turn on her like that, it just made him mad..

"What troubles you Spike?" Splinter asked as Spike suddenly saw Splinter come into the room and looked concerned.
"It's nothing Splinter.. i'm just.. thinking about things.." Spike said as Splinter sat down next to him.
"Where are the others?" Splinter asked curious, Spike sighed and started to explain.

"They went off to try and set a trap for Shredder, they thought that since they know where he'll be for once, they can get the drop on him. I refused to come with them because of it.." Spike said still upset at this..
"Why is that Spike?" Splinter asked again, Spike sighed again and looked at his claws.
"They were going back on the deal Karai made with them, she said she'll be able to help us stop the ship. And they thought they could get the upper hand on Shredder from knowing where he'll be" Spike explained some more.

"And why is it that you refused to go?" Splinter asked once more.
"It's because we'd be betraying her for going back on her deal, i can tell she was wanting to take the ship down, i can feel that she wasn't going to betray us like that. I'm not like that.. i wasn't raised to go back on a deal like that.. especially when it comes to stakes like this.." Spike explained sadly.
"I understand, you believe there is good in her, and that betraying her like this would ruin any chance of it." Splinter suggested.

"I could feel something in her, she does have good in her i can feel it. She may be a kunoichi, but she's still very young, and has the chance of turning around. Her doing something selfless like this is showing signs of it. And now that they betrayed her.. i don't think she'll ever come around now.." Spike said with regret.
"The world is full of many things Spike, betrayal is one of them, and that can affect ones view in many ways, either for better, or for worst." Splinter explained some more.
"It's just.. why would they do something like that sensei? I know Shredder is a big threat, but the Kraang is even worse, you know what they did to me, what happens if they kidnap more dragons like me, and become monsters for them?" Spike asked fearful of that idea.

"My sons were all raised in martial arts, i did not raise them to think and act perfectly, they must learn from their mistakes and must see how to resolve their problems. The same applies to you, you are only 12 years old by this point. You have seen things no dragon has seen before, and it can lead you to becoming special, every person has a journey to take, and we all must face the hard choices that comes with it." Splinter explained some more.

"So, for them.. having to betray Karai like that.. was one of their lessons to learn?" Spike asked again.
"Yes, Karai will be upset at them for this, but if you weren't there, she may not be at you. You are a gifted child, and you can unlock those gifts from making the choices you are faced with." Splinter said as he put his hands on Spike's shoulders.

"Remember this Spike, no matter what choice you make, it is only a step closer in your journey of finding out who you are. You will be faced with difficult choices in the future, but the only thing you can do, is push through them, and gain the strength to return home and stop the Kraang." Splinter explained once again, Spike sighed before he looked up at him.
"Thank you Splinter, i'm glad you told me this... but your still not upset at them for going back like that?" Spike asked curious.
"Oh i am, and i wanna teach you something for a moment." Splinter explained before he proceeded to show him a technique.

Spike was waiting in the lair for the others to get back, even though he was still upset at them for going back on their word, eventually he saw them come back into the lair looking a little beat up.
"So how'd it go?" Spike asked as they sat down looking ashamed.

"Well.. we destroyed the Kraang ship.." Donnie said while Spike had a straight face.
"And the trap?" Spike asked again.. Leo sighed and looked at him.
"The Shredder was too skilled.. you were right about it.. we shouldn't have gone back on our word like that.. I'm sorry " Leo said with regret. Spike sighed and thought to himself, even though he was still upset at them for this, he was glad to know they were okay, and the ship was destroyed.

"Well, for what it's worth.. at least you guys are okay.." Spike said coming up to them.
"Spike.. we're sorry.. you were right, we shouldn't have gone back on our word.." Raph said regretfully.
"It's alright, you've learned your lesson, and at least the ship is gone now.." Spike said slightly relieved at that.

"So your not mad at us for doing that?" Mikey asked hopefully, Spike then gave him a glare.
"Who says i am not mad?" Spike asked, he put out two fingers, and using the technique Splinter used on the Rat King, he pushed them against Raph's chest and sent him flying into a wall slamming him onto the ground while he groaned in pain, and with a couple pressure point attacks, he sent Mikey to the ground paralyzed.
"Now i'm not mad anymore.. hope you learned your lesson guys" Spike said starting to walk out.
"Fair enough..." Raph said weakly as he still groaned in pain.

Spike was on a rooftop looking over the city, he sighed as he was thinking to himself.
"Well, didn't expect to see you by yourself tonight." Karai announced, Spike turned around and saw Karai alone who looked upset.
"What are you doing out here? I thought you'd be celebrating with the turtles." Karai asked crossing her arms.
"I didn't want to be around them right now, especially after betraying you like that.." Spike said still looking over the city.
"I was wondering why you weren't at the docks with them. you didn't want to go back on our deal like that, did you?" Karai asked coming up to him.

"No, it would've been really wrong, and selfish for me to do it. I wasn't gonna be with people who would just turn on you like that." Spike explained and she looked slightly surprised.
"Honestly coming from you, i wasn't expecting an answer like that." Karai said as she sat down next to him.
"Why would you think that? I'm not like that." Spike said a little upset.
"Well, given that your always with Leo whenever i see you." Karai replied.

"True.. but whatever your thinking, i'm not like him, when they wanted to go back on you like that. I refused, i wasn't willing to betray you like that, you were doing something selfless, and to have to betray you like that.. i just wouldn't live with myself if i did.." Spike said with regret.
"Well why didn't you? You had the opportunity to take down Shredder, and yet only you didn't come with them." Karai asked curious.
"Because i felt good in you, i wasn't gonna ruin any chance of it being gone, i know you feel betrayed from what Leo did, and i wasn't gonna let you feel the same with me, and for what it's worth.. i'm sorry that happened.." Spike apologized.. Karai had a look of surprise hearing this as she didn't expect that kind of answer.

"Well, as long as it's only you who i could trust.. i think that'll be okay.." Karai replied.
"Yeah.. the only one..." Spike said while he still looked over the view.

"I gotta ask you, what's a dragon like you doing in a place like this?" Karai asked curious. Spike sighed as he hoped she wouldn't tell shredder this.
"I was captured by the Kraang and taken from my own home, they were going to use me as an experiment.. a subject.. i had never felt more afraid in my whole life when i was in their captivity..." Spike said with sadness as he looked down which made Karai concerned.
"You were.. taken from your home? Don't you wanna get revenge on them for doing that?" Karai asked again.

"I do wanna take them down, but doing it in an aggressive way like what the others did is not what i want. I wasn't gonna just rush in and get captured again, or get my friends killed.." Spike said sadly again.
"But what about your family? Your parents? Friends? Aren't they worried for you?" Karai asked concerned.
"They are probably very worried for me, i've been gone for who knows how long now, and i only fear i won't see them again..." Spike said with fear.
"And.. what about your parents?" Karai asked again, Spike sighed and explained even more.

"I never knew my parents, i was raised by Twilight Sparkle, and she's been my mother figure for as long as i was alive, until i was captured, she was the best thing in my life, despite all the threats that my friends and her faced.. she always came out on top, she became the Princess of Friendship, and before i was taken away from my home.. Being there for her was what i wanted for the time. But as time passed.. i just started questioning myself on what my future would be like.. what my journey will end with? And now.. i'm afraid of that ending..." Spike said while Karai looked saddened by his story.

"Didn't you.. ever wanna know who your real parents were? Who you were born from, what they were like?" Karai asked.
"I did.. and it was always a thought in my mind on who they were.. but i never found any clues to who they were.. and.. i just thought i'd never meet them.." Spike said sadly..
"I'm.. sorry to hear that.. i can't imagine what it's like.. to not know who your parents are.." Karai said regretfully.
"It's not a great feeling.. that's for sure.. but i'm sure.. they'd be glad to know i didn't betray you like that.." Spike said looking at her and she smiled lightly.
"Me too Spike, i'm sure they'd be glad.." Karai replied as they both stood up. Spike smiled and started to make an offer.

"Why don't we make a deal? Whenever the Kraang are doing problems that Shredder's not wanting to take care of, you'll give me some help on what we should do, we take care of it, and keep it between us only." Spike offered and Karai crossed her arms with a smile.
"As long as you promise not to go back on your word, i feel like your the only one i can trust with this." Karai replied holding out her hand.
"I promise, we'll keep this between us, and not tell anyone." Spike said as they shook hands.
"Thank you Spike, i'm glad i can at least rely on you." Karai said gratefully.
"You too.. Karai.." Spike said gladly as well. He was glad to know he still had Karai's trust, and he hopes that he can keep it going with her, and help her become good one day..

21: Karai's Vendetta

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In the Shredder's lair, Shredder was holding up one of the Kraang aliens he had taken from the docks for interrogation.

"Why were you hunting the turtles and dragon?" Shredder asked holding him up. Karai was near one of they're old bodies.
"They don't talk much outside of they're little houses." Karai said knocking on the droid. Shredder slammed the brain inside and it started to activate the drone. It tried moving around, but the robot didn't have any arms or legs, the alien then tried started to speak to them through the robot.

"Kr.. Kraang is lacking the knowledge to answer the questions that the one known as shredder is asking of Kraang." The droid replied.
"Do they all speak like this?" Shredder asked confused.
"Even if Kraang is possessing the knowledge, the one known as Shredder, will never be getting that knowledge from Kraang." It replied again.
"You didn't have any other plans for today did you?" Karai asked him.
"Let's try again." Shredder said as he held a blade by the aliens face.

"Why were you hunting the turtles?" Shredder asked in anger.
"The ones known as the turtles are protecting the life forms needed by Kraang. The ones known as April O Neil, and Spike" It replied in fear. Karai came up and held her sword by the alien's face as well.
"What do you want with Spike?" Karai asked threateningly.

"They are the ones known as the ones, they are the link which is missing in the plan which is the plan of Kraang, even one of them will let us proceed the plan of Kraang." It explained.
"So this April O Neil is at the center of everything, and Spike's almost like a backup." Karai said interested.
"Then perhaps we can use this girl to draw the turtles out of hiding. Karai, find this girl, and bring her to me." Shredder said looking at her, Karai smiled and started to walk out of the room..

April and Spike were currently training in the dojo again trying to land a small hit against Splinter, the other turtles were fighting against eachother while Spike and April missed him once more, he then re adjusted they're positions to be correct.
"Thanks." Spike thanked before they looked at the others.

"What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?" Raph asked while he faced Mikey, Raph jumped in the air and tried to stab Mikey, but Mikey bent down and used his legs and sent Raph flying back.
"Booyakasha! You got faced! thought you had me, but i faced you like a trombone. wah wah wah" Mikey mocked as he made a horn sound before Raph got back up and grabbed Mikey's neck.
" Playtime's over tough guy." Raph said as he held Mikey into the air while he was demanding to be let down. Raph told him to move his stubby toe and only then was he let down and Splinter walked up to him.

"Michelangelo? Why did you give up so easily?" Splinter asked concerned.
"You shouldn't let his words get to you Mikey." Spike added as he helped him up.
"There was nothing i can do." Mikey said in defense.
"There is always something you could do, observe. Raphael. kannuki jime!" Splinter announced and Raph looked a little scared.

Splinter stood next to him with his arms crossed behind his back, Raph went to try and pick him up, but he was proving to be difficult.
"The key is to unbalance your opponent." Splinter explained while Raph struggled to lift him.
"But how?" Mikey asked confused.
"Wait for it, in 3..2..1.." Spike counted down with his fingers, Splinter then turned around and gave Raph a lick across his face extremely grossing him out, Splinter used this and tail whipped Raph to the ground while Spike laughed at this.
"Owned!" Spike said bringing his hands down at him.
"You see? There is always a way, and you need to take a bath." Splinter said looking down at Raph.

Everyone was in the living room again doing they're thing, Spike and Raph were feeding the turtle Spike before they both noticed Leo and Watching watching more Space heroes again. This episode showed them having two newbies going down on a mission but were caught by some aliens, the captain said they can't go on them if they keep needing help, but they weren't experienced enough and they two members were killed.

"Wonder who those two in the footage will be referred too today?" Spike asked as he figured out that these weapons kinda foreshadows what's to come in their next mission.
"Hey guys, guess what April and I have been up to." Donnie announced coming out of his lab.
"You finally realized your being a creep around her?" Spike suggested and the others chuckled at that.

"No! we've been analyzing sewage." Donnie corrected sounding a little annoyed.
"Who says you don't know how to show a girl a good time?" Raph teased as Spike kept eating more pizza.
"I'm making this a food item when i get back home." Spike said as he wrote down it's recipe.

"April and I were going through some files on the Kraang storage device. we found out they're using the special process to change Earth's water into Kraang water" Donnie explained as they were now in his lab again.
"They've already started the process. We found a low concentration of Kraang chemicals in the sewage." April said as they saw a strange looking glass of water.
"And i take it that's a bad thing?" Raph asked crossing his arms.

"Watch what happens when i dip this slice of Mikey's shrimp and sardine pizza, into pure Kraang water." Donnie said as he dipped it into the jar and the pizza slice completely dissolved and Mikey screamed in horror.
"How do you sleep at night?!" Mikey asked in anger before coming down again.

"Presently, there's only a tiny bit in the water supply, but the concentration of it is increasing, which means.." Donnie said before Mikey finished.
"Every slice of pizza in new york will be destroyed?!" Mikey asked in horror and Spike sighed.
"Not just that, but along with anyone else who uses water, like us for example." Spike explained.
"I don't wanna live in a world without pizza!" Mikey said horrified as he dragged the covers off the jar but accidently splashed it over.

"Look out!" Donnie screamed as they saw the chemicals land on Aprils arm. All of them screamed in terror as they thought something bad would happen, but thankfully nothing did.
"Nothing happened to you.." Donnie said amazed.
"Maybe it's because she's not made out of pizza." Mikey said before Spike kicked him in the crotch once again in annoyance and he cried in pain again.

Donnie looked at his monitor and there was a device going of.
"The scanners located the facility, transferring the water supply, which is right here. We gotta stop it!" Donnie said pointing at a specific spot.
"Looks like we gotta mission, you coming April?" Leo asked curious.

"Sounds like a blast, but unfortunately it's on the bottom of the east river, and equally unfortunately, i have an essay due. Plus, i wouldn't mind a little human food " April explained.
"Pizza's human food." Mikey said holding out a slice.
"Not the way you eat it." April replied before she started to walk out.

"Whoa whoa whoa wait, your going topside?" Donnie asked worried as he tried going across the desk but fell on the ground in response.
"You got your T-phone right?" Donnie asked getting up.
"Donnie, don't worry, i'll be fine." April assured before she started walking off again and held her arm while doing so.

"So donnie, how are we gonna get out there?" Leo asked curious.
"That lab's probably extremely deep." Spike added.
"Don't worry guys, i've been working on something that is pretty awesome!" Donnie assured as he motions to a large device.

We cut to all of them in a giant mechanical turtle that they are currently using to swim underwater and all of them were panting in exhaustion.
"This... is not.. awesome.." Raph said annoyed as all of the turtles were on exercise bikes, and Spike was running on a built in treadmill.
"Seriously Donnie? A submarine powered by bicycles and a treadmill?" Leo asked annoyed as all of them were trying to keep going.
"You know what would have been more efficient? Swimming!" Raph said annoyed.
"I hate you sometimes Donnie.." Spike said as he kept on running.

"Hey pipe down guys, kinetic energy is the only way to charge the engines., which should be done, right about.. now." Donnie said as he flipped a switch, the boosters on the outside of the sub powered on and it now took off at fast speeds. All of them sighed in relief as they could rest now.
"I need to hit the gym soon.." Spike said in exhaustion.

"Were almost there, up Periscope." Leo said pointing out his finger, a periscope came from above him and a toilet flush sound was heard while Leo looked annoyed. While they were looking around, Leo saw what looked like a large sea monster and Leo gasped in shock.
"Uh donnie? Any chance this Kraang facility looks like a giant see monster?" Leo asked worried as the creature swam around.
"Oh that's not a mutant, based on the physiology, i'd say the Kraang brought him here from Dimension x." Donnie said in observation.

"How is that less horrifying?" Leo asked scared at that news.
"It's not i just like to be accurate." Donnie replied.
"Well whatever it is, it looks like it's guarding that." Raph said as they all saw the underwater lab they need to go to.
"Let's keep it quiet on this one guys." Spike said as the lights go out and become red as all of their eyes are pure white.

April is walking through the streets once again to get some food with Karai watching her from above. April goes to the place she wants and sees a vending machine with various food suggestions.
"Huh, this is new, what is this thing?" April said as she looked at each one.

"Oh that's how you order." Karai responded as she walked up to her and inserted a token into the machine.
"They have these in Tokyo." Karai explained as she pressed on a button. and a wooden object came out.
"You give this to the chef." Karai said holding it up.

"Oh, thanks." April said as she looked at it before pressing on the Pizza dumpling button and it came out as well.
"Mind if i join you?" Karai asked her.
"Sure, why not?" April replied as Karai looked at her with a smug.

April and Karai had went into the restaurant to greet Mr. Murukami
"Hi Murukami-san!" April greeted.
"April-chan! How are you?" Murukami asked as the two sat down. April placed the object with a pizza symbol on it and she rubbed it.
"Ah, Pizza gyoza." She said in realization.
"Hai. Chou oishi." April said respectfully.

"You speak Japanese?" Karai asked curious.
"I picked up a few words from.. my brothers." April replied.
"Brothers? Tell me about them." Karai responded.
" oh you know, just crazy.." April said before Karai finished.
"Animals?" Karai asked which shocked her a little.

"Pretty much.." April said a little nervously.
"Although i've never heard of Pizza gyoza back in Tokyo." Karai said with interest.
"That's because Murukami invented it. You should try one." April advised.
"That sounds great. You should try some of mine." Karai said holding out hers.
"Done." April said with a light chuckle.

Murukami rubbed it but had a look of shock.
"Hai.." he said as he went of before Karai turned to her.
"What's your name?" Karai asked curious.
"I'm April, you?" April replied.
"my name's Harmony." Karai lied as the two waited for their food.

The mutant monster was swimming around the lab but soon noticed the turtles approaching, Spike shot a beam from the machine and the monster got distracted and swam after it for a bit. Inside the lab, two drones were currently talking with eachother.
"Kraang should increase the molecular conversion of that which his water." The drone said to the next. It walked up to a lever and pulled it which started to release more chemicals into the Earth's water, the turtles snuck up behind them and watched from the sub.

"We gotta get in there before that sea monster comes back." Leo told them.
"How are we gonna get past those guards?" Mikey asked as they saw the whole room had them inside.
"We make them come to us." Spike replied as he and Leo both got the same idea. The sub swam down to the side a little to some rocks, Donnie pressed a few switches and the sub's mouth opened up and it picked some of them up. The sub swam over and used the rock to block one of the tubes spreading the chemicals into the water.

"Kraang, there is a blockage which is preventing the flow of that which has been blocked." One said to the other.
"Kraang must come with Kraang to dislodge the blockage. that needs dislodging" The other one replied. It opened a hatch and the two drones fell into the water and landed on the ground.
"But water gives Kraang's membrane, wrinkly fingers." The other told it as they flew up to the rocks and tried to start dislodging them while Spike and the others were above them.

They opened a hatch and they all landed down inside the lab with water splashing around the floor a little.
"That could've gone worse." Spike said as he brushed off his mutant arm.
"Well we're in." Donnie replied as they saw the sea monster outside the window.
"And that thing is back, how are we gonna get out of here?" Raph asked a little upset.
"We'll worry about that later, right now we got bigger fish to fry." Leo said as they started running through the halls.
"I don't think we're gonna find a bigger fish then that." Mikey joked pointing back at the window which they all groaned at.

"So what brings you to New york?" April asked as Karai was fidgeting with some chopsticks.
"I'm with my dad, he's here trying to close an old deal. And to help out a new friend" Karai said refereeing to Shredder and Spike.
"Oh, what does he do?" April asked curiously.
"He's in kitchen utensils, knives mostly." Karai informed. Murukami had finished up their food and brought it over to them.

Karai made a thank you in Japanese and April did the same the best she could.
"All right, let's see what these pizza potstickers are all about." Karai said as she took a piece with her chopsticks and ate one.
"Mm, best dumpling ever!" Karai said in amazement.
"I know right?" April said in response.
"Now you try mine." Karai said pulling over he bowl.

"What is it?" April asked curious as she took a spoon full of it.
"Suppon nabe." Karai replied as she blew on the soup." Turtle soup." Karai finished and April gasped in fear.
"Karai..." April said in realization as she looked at her.
"In person." Karai replied as April dropped the spoon and tried to leave.

"Uh, i gotta go.." April said before Karai grabbed her purse.
"I was thinking you'd come with me April O Neil. My father would love to meet you." Karai said sinisterly as she pulled April to her,.
"Let go of me!" April said in anger, Murukami came in and splashed a bowl over Karai's face which freed her thankfully.
"I am so sorry!" Murukami lied as April pushed mass him and ran outside, she looked around and saw April was running a fair distance away, April was panting as she took out her T-phone and called Donnie.

Spike and the others had arrived at the lab and were on a high ledge.
"Okay, we have to be quiet." Leo instructed as he was ready to fight.
"Do you have to say that every time? We're ninjas, we know how to be quiet" Donnie asked annoyed before his T-phone went off with a loud ringtone which shocked all of them.
"And you couldn't put that thing on silent during missions? How do you watch movies then?" Spike asked annoyed while he slapped his face.
"That is embarrassing." Mikey said with a smug.

The droids started firing at them and they all screamed as they split up with Donnie grabbing his phone.
"April, hi! This is not a great time!" Donnie shouted as he flipped over the lasers.
"Donnie, Karai's after me!" April replied as she was still running.
"What?! Oof!" Donnie grunted as Leo tackled him to the ground before some lasers hit him.

"Karai's after April, we gotta help her!" Donnie said worried.
"And who's gonna help us?" Leo asked as they flipped over some lasers some more.
"April, i'm sorry but we can't get there. but don't worry, you just stay calm.. AND RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" Donnie shouted in fear. April hung up her phone and kept running with Karai following after her, she looked ahead and saw a pizza guy with a bike.

"Is that Pizza for O Neil?" April asked quickly.
"Nah, it's for umm..." He responded as April got on the bike and started it up.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" He asked as April drove off at fast speeds.
"I'll bring it back, i promise!" April shouted and drove off, Karai saw this and smirked as she got out her own bike and drove on after her as well.

April continued to drive and had to stop at a red light, she looked around and sighed in relief as she thought she lost Karai, but she heard some noise and looked behind her and saw Karai chasing after her. April quickly stepped on the lever and drove off again which almost made some cars crash into eachother with Karai following after once again. April quickly moved around some more cars hoping to lose her, Karai came up to the side and knocked her off into a sidewalk which almost hit a few people. She quickly turned a wall with Karai still following, but she then saw a large truck ahead. April closed her eyes and started driving even faster and managed to slip past just in time as we cut back to the turtles and Spike.

"Donnie focus! April can take care of herself." Leo assured as Spike jumped in and slammed the robots head against the wall and crushed it.
"Against Karai? Are you kidding?! I gotta help her!" Donnie said in fear.
"Your not gonna be much help if you get shot in the head." Spike said as Donnie barely dodged another laser.
"Whoa! Good point!" Donnie replied as he drew his weapon.

Leo slashed through some more drones with Donnie whacking an alien into a few more robots, Mikey sweeped they're legs and Spike jumped in and sliced them into pieces with his sword,
"And that's a twofor! And Thank you, and thank you.." Mikey said as two drones were behind him, Raph and Spike jumped in and stabbed them in the heads.
"And thank you." Mikey said pointing at them.

"How many times do we have to tell you? No celebrating until the fight is over!" Raph said annoyed as he poked his head multiple times.
"How many times i told you? I assumed it was over?" Mikey countered as he poked him too which Raph responded by crushing his finger.

"Children, children! We have to go!" Donnie said joining in.
"Um, have you forgotten about something called completing the mission?" Leo reminded referring to the lab.
"But April's in danger!" Donnie said with worry.
"If we leave now, the kraang will poison New york, including April .
"You need to trust her on knowing she'll be okay." Spike added trying to calm him down.

"Think Donnie, how do we take this place out?" Leo asked looking around.
"Well uh, the chemical is highly explosive." Donnie suggested.
"How do you know that?" Mikey asked coming up to him.
"Don't answer that Donnie, we all know he won't fully understand it." Spike said which Raph nodded in agreement.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended at that remark.

"It's mainly because of that sign." Donnie said pointing at a warning sign.
"Raph, do you think you can get this blaster open for me?" Donnie asked holding up a gun.
"With pleasure!" Raph said drawing his weapons.
"But before you do, be careful you don't!" Donnie shouted as Raph ripped the top out and Donnie sighed in relief.

"Oh good, we're still alive. Now, i'll short out the power supply and leave it by the chemical tanks. It'll overheat, and the whole place will go boom!" Donnie explained.
"All right, victory dance!" Mikey said in victory as he danced like a game character.
"Mikey!" Spike and the others shouted in rage with white eyes which broke him out of it.
"Or.. maybe later." Mikey said ashamed.

Donnie turned on the device and he started to run as the others gave him a boost up, he latched the gun onto the device and landed down.
"There, in about 90 seconds the whole place is gonna blow." Donnie explained getting out his phone.
"All right, let's move." Leo told them.
"April, what's your status?" Donnie asked worried.
"Could be better!" April shouted on the other side.

"Don't worry, we're on our way. We'll be there soon." Donnie told her.
The hatch below them opened up and the sea monster from before emerged and roared at them while they all screamed in fear.
"Actually, it might be a slight delay." Donnie corrected as the monster started to attack them.

They barely avoided another attack from the creature and started attacking it on its neck. Raph almost got eaten by the monster but Donnie saved him just in time.
"We only got 30 seconds before that blaster explodes!" Donnie said pointing at it as Mikey got knocked onto a higher ledge.
"Uh guys, any bright ideas?" Leo asked as he dodged another attack from the monster.

"Well let's see, we're cornered by a giant amphibious sea monster in an underwater base that's about to blow up, i'm out." Donnie replied.
"I got one!" Spike shouted as he and Mikey jumped in the air and held a chain around it's neck, the monster started to thrash around like a bull with the two hanging on with the others cheering for them. Spike jumped off it and hit a button which closed the hatch on it's neck which stopped it for now.
"That should hold it, let's get out of here!" Spike shouted as they started to run out.
"That was fun!" Mikey said as he was about to dance.
"Mikey, that victory dance better not last for more then 4 seconds!" Donnie warned, Mikey danced for just a couple and ran out as well, the device finally exploded which destroyed the lab finally as Spike and the others just escaped.

"Huh, that wasn't such a chore now was it?" Raph asked trying to get some water out of his ear.
"Honestly feels like a Tuesday at this point." Spike replied.
"Great, now we can get back to April... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Donnie asked annoyed as he saw the monster was still alive.

April was still driving through the streets with Karai running on the rooftops. She took out a ninja star and threw it on the windshield, April turned down an alleyway and Karai was just behind her. The turtles were trying to swim with the monster gaining on them.
"Donnie, can't you make this thing go faster?!" Leo asked annoyed looking at him.
"Of course i can." Donnie said as he pressed a button which powered the engines.. but they fell off and took off at fast speeds with the others looking out a window.
"Wow, that is fast." Mikey said impressed.

"Leo, permission to hit Donnie across the head for not tightening them?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Permission granted." Leo said as Spike grinned and made a hard slap across his head.
"Ow! Just paddle faster!" Donnie shouted to the others, the turtles got on their devices again and ran as fast as they could.
"Feeling the burn!" Mikey shouted as the monster was almost at them. Donnie screamed as he saw the monster at the window, it hit the sub across the head and latched onto the sub with everyone looking in fear.

"That's it, it's got us. We're gonna die!" Donnie screamed in fear... but all they hears was whale sounds and what sounds like.. mellowing?
"Ugh..." Raph said in disgust as the monster was hugging the machine much to their disgust.
"What the hell?" Spike asked disgusted while Mikey almost puked.
"Hey, we're not that kind of sub!" Mikey shouted, Leo just pulled a hatch and the machine pulled out a couple bombs and blew up on the monsters body, and they swam off with the monster looking sad from it.

Karai had caught up with the bike and saw it was empty, she heard April behind her who tried hitting her with her helmet, but Karai dodged it and cracked her knuckles.
"You've got guts, let's see if i can pound that out of you." Karai said menacingly, April then pulled out her new metal fan and got in a fighting pose.
"A Tessen? Beautiful, unassuming but very powerful. In the right hands." Karai said with a smug smile.

April proceeded to slash at her but Karai kept on dodging each move and she flipped April over her on her knee, April quickly got up still in a fighting pose. Karai held out her fan and threw it away. April tried to punch at her again, but she kept moving across each attack like it was nothing before April kicked her in the face, but Karai brushed it off.
"Good one." Karai said with a smirk.
"Glad you enjoyed it." April said with anger.

"Now it's my turn." Karai said as she got in her pose and April charged at her, but Karai kicked her to the chest and pinned her to the wall, Karai then proceeded to punch at April from multiple angles until she was almost defeated, April tried to fight her off but Karai grabbed her and karate chopped her chest and knocked her down. But April was still not giving up. Karai delivered another kick which knocked her onto the sidewalk.

"What makes you so special?" Karai mocked as she kicked her to the ground again.
"Your the center of an alien conspiracy, protected by mutants and a dragon who they're also after to make a mutant warrior out of, and trained by a great ninja master. Why?" Karai asked before April grabbed her head and tried dragging her down.
"I don't know! I'm flunking trig, my friends are mutants and a dragon who was taken from his home, and aliens got my dad!" April shouted as Karai bent her down and twisted her hand.
"And i lost my mother!" April shouted in anger which shocked her.

"What? You lost your mother?" Karai asked in shock.
"The key is to unbalance your opponent." Splinter's words echoed as April remembered his advice, April grabbed Karai's collar and threw her down the subway stairs which was a good distance.
"Not bad for a nobody.." April said weakly as she walked off, Karai put her hand against a wall and heard the bike drive off while she looked concerned.

The sub had just gotten back to the lair and they all got out instantly.
"Come on April, come on April.." Donnie prayed before April picked up.
"Hey Donnie." April replied which relieved him.
"April, your okay! You hear that guys? My sweet princess is alive!" Donnie said in relief.

"Did i mute that?" Donnie asked as the others slapped they're faces.
"This is so cringe..." Spike said annoyed.
"Let's agree that you did." April replied.
"You got it." Donnie said still relieved as we cut back to the lair.

"And then when her guard was down, i f lipped her down the subway steps and bolted." April finished as they all listened.
"That is awesome!" Donnie told her.
"Nicely done!" Spike said with a thumbs up.
"You rock!" Mikey said as well.
"Kick butt!" Raph said in agreement.

"Impressive April, you used your training well. and fulfilled the most important goal of the ninja: To come home alive." Splinter told her.
"Thank you sensei, looks like i can take care of myself after all." April said confidently.
"Yes, and no." Splinter replied.
"Huh?" April said confused at that.

"Karai may have failed this time, but if Shredder wants you, he will stop at nothing to find you. And with the Kraang after you as well, the wisest decision is for you to remain here, in the sewer, with us." Splinter advised with the others listening as well.
"What?!" April asked in shock.
"Oh that's great!" Donnie said out loud which annoyed all of them.
"Uh i mean.. oh that's horrible... that you know your life as you know it is over and uh..." Donnie said trying to find his words again.

"I can't stay down here, what about school? What about my friends, everything?" April asked worried as she sat down, Spike sighed and stood up and came next to her.
"April, i know this is hard, believe me, i wanna go back home too, but if i leave this world with the Kraang still active, Equestria might be next, i'd be putting everyone in danger if i go back right now, until this is all over, we have to stay here and make sure they're done with.." Spike said sadly as he regretted telling her this.

"I'm sorry April, but Spike's right, this is the only place your safe until the Kraang are stopped." Leo said as April sighed again.
"So once we stop them, i can have my life back?" April asked looking at him.
"Yes." Leo responded crossing his arms. She thought about it for a moment before looking serious.
"Let's get started." April said seriously.
"We'll stop them soon, i promise." Spike assured as they all looked at eachother knowing they have a tough task ahead of them...

22: Operation: Break out

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Splinter and the ninja were all in the dojo room once again, Raph and Donnie were sparing against eachother while Spike and the others watched.

"Don't worry Donnie, i'm in a good mood today, i'll go easy on you." Raph said mockingly.
" Don't do me any favors Raph." Donnie said as he looked over to April again before regaining focus.
"Oh boy.." Spike said annoyed as he realized what he was about to do, was he always like this with Rarity? If so.. he needs to be more mature with her when he gets back.
"Um in fact, maybe this time you'll be the one who gets gone easy on me.. this time.. so.. yeah." Donnie said as he twirled his staff around once more.

"Worst smack talk ever." Mikey whispered to Spike and Leo.
"Agreed." Spike said nodding his head.
"Hajime!" Splinter announced.

Raph screamed and charged at Donnie with anger, Donnie whacked at Raph, but he ducked under it and blocked another attack with his weapon, Raph went behind him and poked him in the back before knocking him off balance and then sweeping his legs.

"Hey! I got him! April did you see?" Donnie asked looking at her who smiled, but Raph quickly recovered and used a moved that knocked Donnie into the air and on the ground, Donnie quickly got up and tried attacking him again, but Raph dodged under him and grabbed his arms with his weapons and turned him around like a puppet.
"Say hi to Mikey, hi Mikey!" Raph teased in a high pitch voice.

"Donnie, haha! amazing! I didn't even see his lips move, he's like a puppet who can throw his voice.. to himself.. wait.." Mikey said as he got confused on what he just said.
"Nice job Raph." Spike said to him and he chuckled.
"Ya Mae, Raphael that is enough." Splinter ordered while Donnie was screaming a little, Raph grabbed him and threw him to the ground and sat on his shell.
"Thanks for going easy on me." Raph teased as he patted his head and walked off leaving Donnie on the ground with white eyes.

After that next training session, they were all walking out of the dojo with Donnie still mad at Raph.
"What the heck was that?" Donnie asked upset at him.
"What? Just having a little fun. You know how much Mikey loves the Donnie puppet." Raph defended while he waved his arms around.
"Dude, April was watching." Donnie said pointing at her who was on her laptop.

"Pretty sure she liked it.. too.." Raph said as he saw Donnie had a sad face.
"Wait, you still think you have a shot with her?" Raph asked curious.
"Well.. i mean i..." Donnie said rubbing his head trying to find the words
"Wow, that is so adorable! And sad, that's sadorable. If you wanna impress April, you better leave me out of it." Raph said poking his chest and walked off leaving Spike with him who was looking down.

"Donnie, i know how it is, i had a similar crush back home, i did some of the stuff you did honestly, it's not to different." Spike said trying to help him.
"I don't know Spike, i've tried everything i know, you remember the flow chart, all my attempts of asking her out, and saw my shuddering whenever i was around her, i just don't know what to do." Donnie said a little frustrated, Spike sighed and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Donnie, i know the feeling, believe me. I got the chance a few times at home with her, but i never confessed because i was too afraid, i never found the courage to tell her before i ended up here.. i don't want the same thing to happen to you." Spike advised while he looked at him.
"I'll.. try what i can.. thanks for the advice Spike.. i'm glad to know there's someone who can relate to this.." Donnie said a little relieved.
"No problem pal, i'll help you whenever you get the chance, just try not to make it too cringe for us though." Spike asked as he walked down and sat next to April who was working on her laptop and Spike went in to help her while Donnie thought to himself.

April and Spike were working on the laptop trying to decipher a message of sorts as it made some strange music like sounds.
" Not bad, needs more drums." Mikey advised as he and Leo walked up to them.
"It's not a music maker Mikey." Spike replied as he and April kept working on it until it popped away.

"What was that?" Leo asked confused.
"I don't know, some random e-mail i got, just started playing by itself." April explained
"Sounds like some sort of telemetric Sine wave sub carrier. " Donnie suggested.
"Uh, dump that down a notch." Leo told him.

"It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi.." Donnie said before Mikey stopped him.
"Not enough notches dude." Mikey told him.
"A secret message!" Donnie explained bluntly.
"Who would be sending me a secret message?" April asked confused.

Everyone was currently passed out in the lair as the tv was at a static right now, Spike was snoring loudly as he was on the couch sleeping soundly. Donnie was still awake in his lab working on the laptop trying to decipher the message though until he finally cracked it.
"April, it's dad." Kirby said on the message and Donnie gasped in shock.
"Mr O Neil!" Donnie said in shock.

"I pray that you get this message. I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility, send help April, send help if you can." Kirby prayed as Donnie got up in shock.
"Guys, listen to.." Donnie said before he remembered Raph's words.
"If you wanna impress April, better leave me out of it." Raph echoed through his head, Donnie looked at the computer and homed in the location on his T-phone and went out.
"We'll see who's sadorable." Donnie mocked as Raph was still snoring peacefully.

Donnie went up to the surface once more and snuck his way onto the rooftops and looked at his phone, me memorized the location and started jumping across each one to the facility.

Spike groaned as he opened his eyes again, he made a yawn and got on his feet again and saw Leo as well who was looking around confused.
"You alright Leo?" Spike asked curious as he looked over the lair.
"Has anyone seen Donnie?" Leo asked curious and the others got up as well, Mikey said he had a dream where the two were rodeo detectives of some kind.

"Can it Mikey, i'm serious." Leo told him.
"Maybe he's in the lab." Spike suggested. They all decided to go into the lab and looked around for him, Mikey went over to the desk and saw the laptop on it and opened it.
"Guys, i think i figured out where Donnie went." Mikey told them as they all came up to it.
"Where?" Leo asked curious as they looked at the message.

"Oh, there." Raph said sarcastic.
"That's the secret message, Donnie must have followed it." Leo suggested.
"He might have de coded it, let me see if i can too.." Spike said as he typed on the computer for a few seconds until he got something.
"Guys, listen to this!" Spike said as they heard the message.

"April, it's dad. I pray you get this message, i've been moved to a Kraang facility." The message repeated.
"Dad?" April asked worried as they saw her come into the room.

Donnie had made it to the lab and was just outside, he looked at his phone for conformation.
"Huh, it doesn't feel like a Kraang lab." Donnie said interested. Donnie proceeded to flip on down from the rooftops and slid down a ladder, he side stepped his way into the parking lot and came to the door which had a lock on it, Donnie was able to crack it and sneak inside. He had his guard up as he looked around, a pair of purple eyes appeared in the darkness and it was revealed to be a Kraang droid.

"It is one of one of the ones called the turtles." It said aiming its gun at him, Donnie dodged it's laser fire and aggressively twirled his staff around and knocked the gun out of his hands, he then sweeped it into the air and onto the ground, he saw a nearby button and pressed it and a machine came down on the robot pinning it down.
"Looks like you could use a tune up, huh? Yeah, am i right? Who's the hero now?" Donnie joked.

"Ho-ly cow!" Donnie shouted as he barely avoided more gunfire and saw more Kraang droids with weapons.
"No response necessary." Donnie said in a high pitch voice and he ran off from the gunfire again.

Spike and the others were tracing the location of the lab as well and were jumping across the rooftops again.
"Why would Donnie try to rescue April's dad by himself?" Leo asked confused.
"I think Raph can explain this, what do you have to say Raph." Spike asked as he crossed his arms and Leo looked at him with a serious face.
"Uh, maybe it's because i told him he didn't have a shot with April?" Raph said nervously.

"What?! Why would you say that?!" Leo asked upset at him.
"Because he has no shot with April." Raph defended.
"Well yeah, but you don't tell him that!" Leo said with anger as he walked off again.
"Donnie is really trying with this Raph, and having words like this doesn't help, i've been through what he's going with, and words like that, do not help at all." Spike said to Raph as he ran off as well with Raph looking confused.

Donnie was currently taking cover from some fire, he looked at a vent shaft and another ledge and got an idea. He flipped over the car and took down a few more droids, but when he hid behind another car, a droid blasted the button from before and the platform he was on descended down at fast speeds.
"No!!!!" Donnie screamed as he fell down with it.

April was now in the dojo with Splinter once more.
"April, today i will train your mind. Close your eyes, listen to the silence." Splinter instructed as he walked around her and she did so but she opened them and looked at the sunlight in the ceiling.
"I know what you are thinking April, but it is best for you to remain here." Splinter said once again.

"Sensei, that message was from my father. I should be up there!" April said with worry.
" The best way for you to reunite with your father is to wait here. Now again, close your eyes and listen for my movement. Listen for the silence" Splinter said again.
"How can i listen for the.. silence.." April said in shock as she opened her eyes and saw Splinter was gone.
"You weren't listening." Splinter said as he was behind her.

"Listen deeply, again." Splinter instructed.
"Okay.. listen deeply.." April said as she closed her eyes, an unknown voice was heard in her eyes as distorted sounds were heard.
"Well i heard you that time." April told him.
"Heard what? I did not move." Splinter said confused.
"Then.. what's that sound? It's coming from.. it's coming from down there! Let's follow it." April said as she and Splinter walked out of the room.

"I hear nothing." Splinter said again as the place was empty.
"Really?" April asked as she looked around some more.
"Hmmm. Most curious April, it seems that your are hearing something.. i cannot." Splinter said as the room was empty with her gone as well.
"It's almost like what Spike can do.. April, April?" Splinter asked with worry as he looked around.
April was in the sewers looking around for the noise, she closed her eyes again and heard the strange noise once again.

A couple Kraang droids were walking down a hall underground, once they were far enough, Donnie landed on the ground and started sneaking around. He heard another Kraang droid approaching and slid his T-phone over to it. The droid picked it up and saw Donnie on the screen, he suddenly saw Donnie right behind it and he screamed in anger as he hit the robot to the door.
"It's for me." Donnie said with a smile as he picked it up, the brain alien woke up and Donnie quickly wacked it to a wall knocking it down too.
"And that's for you." Donnie said before he grabbed the head and used the robot to open the door into the lab. Ominous music was heard as he was in a room full of cameras with each cell on it, he looked around for a few until he found Kirby in one cell.
"Mr O Neil!" Donnie said in shock.

Donnie looked down at the computer and with a few types on it, he was able to crack it and he was able to open all the cells. But inside one of the cells was a new monster that was now freed. It leapt to the ceiling and crawled onto the bars on the top. A few droids were guarding a door until they noticed the lights in the halls all started to go out. A tail suddenly grabbed a droid and took it into the air.

"That which is the criminal has escaped! He wishes to retrieve the weapons which are of his." A droid said in shock, the monster landed down in front of the two, he completely swiped off one of their heads and crushed the other, one of the aliens screamed in fear as the monster grabbed him and completely ate him whole..
The monster opened a chest full of weapons and gear and put each one of them on and activated all of them and made a screech of anger.

Spike and the others had finally arrived at the place and were at the front door.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Raph asked Leo. Leo looked at his phone and saw a picked lock on the ground.
"Yep, we're here." Spike said looking at it.
"Let's move!" Leo said as he opened the door.
"Yeah!" Mikey said in victory before Raph whacked him across the head in annoyance.

Donnie was in the halls of the lab looking through each cell but kept his guard up, he heard a distant noise and quickly turned around, but nothing was there right now. He looked inside another cell and finally found Kirby.
"Hello? Mr O Neil? It's me Donatello? " Donnie asked as he came up to him.

"The turtle which is the one who has gained entry has found the captive. Exactly as Kraang has planned the plan." A droid said as they were in TCRI looking over the camera system.
"Yes, the plan is going according to plan." The other responded.

"Thank goodness you've come!" Kirby said in relief as he gave Donnie a hug which confused him.
"Um.. should we go?" Donnie asked pointing at the door.
"Immediately." Kirby replied as he and Donnie went out of the door.

"I thought that you may have been able to decipher my message." Kirby told him as they walked out.
"Well it wasn't so bad, you used a basic dvd scramble algorithm, so i just.. flopped the ecm data stream." They both said at once, they suddenly heard a whoosh and looked down the hall.

"Donatello.. why are all of the cell doors open?" Kirby asked worried as he looked at them.
"I must have opened them when i let you out but.. all of them were empty.." Donnie explained as a creature rushed behind them and they heard a strange sound.
"I'm not so sure about that.." Kirby said worried as the creature went by them again.

"Okay don't worry, whatever it is, i'm sure i can handle.. AH!!" They both shouted as the monster landed behind them making an impact. The monster roared in anger and the two started backing up a little.
"On second thought sir, you might have to worry just a little." Donnie said in fear, the monster raised it's arm and started firing a ton of lasers at them.

"What is that thing?!" Donnie asked in shock as they took cover behind another wall.
"You must have accidentally released one of the Kraangs alien experiments." Kirby suggested as he dodged another blast from the monster and they started running.
"Well it looks like some family of Salamandridae, if i'm not mistaken." Donnie said in fear as they kept dodging the lasers.
"With that proboscis? It's clearly a pleurodelinae, a newt." Kirby explained as they dodged a sharp disk that latched onto the wall, the monster pressed a button and they barely avoided the thing blowing up.

"A Newtralizer is more like it." Donnie said as they started running again.
"By the way, prefer it if you don't tell Mikey i named something without him he's kind of protective on that." Donnie advised as they quickly ran off.

Spike and the others were looking around the place still looking for Donnie.
"Pretty sure Donnie took this guy out." Raph said as they saw a crushed Kraang droid.
"How can you tell?" Leo asked sarcastic.
"Only Donnie can use the environment to his advantage like that." Spike answered looking at it.
"True." Leo said in agreement.

"Hey guys, check out my ride. Whoo!!" Mikey shouted as he blinded them with the car lights as he was in one in the air. But the car flew off and almost crushed them but it fell onto the ground which opened a hatch leading deeper down.
"Nice Mikey!" Leo said impressed as they looked down.
"Sweet move!" Spike said with a thumbs up.

The four of them jumped down the hole and slid down on some ropes and came down into a secret hallway.
"Donnie must have been through here." Spike said as he saw a defeated droid near a door.
"Then he must have gone through this door." Raph told them.
"I've seen this before, hang on a sec." Spike said as he grabbed the robots head and placed it on a scanner, after a few seconds, the door opened to the next room.
"Great job Spike." Leo complimented patting him on the back.
"I've kept what i learned in check." Spike said proudly as they went inside.

Before they could go further anymore, the alarm suddenly went off shocking all of them.
"Okay, that was not on me!" Mikey defended as they looked around.

"Why is that which is called the alarm, sounding that which is called the alarm?" A droid asked from TCRI again as they looked at another camera.
"Something which is not the plan is occurring." Another responded as they saw more droids being taken down as a disk hits the camera cracking it and the monster was seen on screen.

More droids were coming down the halls to where Spike and the others were.
"We got company!" Leo warned them.
"Let's bash some bots!" Spike said with anger as he drew his red sword again, they all screamed in anger and charged at them. Spike flipped over some lasers over the walls, he then slid under one and sliced the thing in half while the others kept tearing them up.

Donnie and Kirby were still running through the halls but were soon in front of more robots with weapons.
"Other way!" Donnie shouted as they turned around, but the monster was behind them as well.

"Okay.. maybe solo mission wasn't a good idea.. i should've brought Spike with me.." Donnie said with regret. The monster raised it's weapons, and the droids aimed they're guns at it.
"Come on!" Donnie shouted as he dragged Kirby into a cell while the blasters barely hit them.
"Phew.." Donnie said in relief.

"You are aware this is a detention facility." Kirby asked which confused him.
"Huh?" Donnie asked shocked.
"You just locked us in a cell." Kirby explained.
"Affirmative.. uh.. i think i can get us out.." Donnie said turning to the door, but it was halted when the monster slammed against the door and roared at them.
"AHHH! Eventually! Donnie said in fear as they were cornered.

April was still in the sewers searching for the noise she heard, she found that some more Kraang droids were walking around which surprised her.
"Listen to the silence... listen deeply..." April recalled as she kept hearing the noise again.
"That way." April confirmed as she went into a specific tunnel and ran down it. She heard the voice once again and came into an open area which had some junk laying around as well as some Kraang droids.

April smiled and leapt down and started searching through some of it. She kept hearing the voices until she founded a strange orb of some kind which shocked her.
"The Kraang communication device which Kraang searches for is activated in this vicinity." A droid said as two of them came into the place. They looked around but found the place was empty.
"Kraang is which what they call idiotic." One insulted as they walked away, April was hiding behind a pillar with the orb in her arms and she sighed in relief.

Spike and the others had taken care of the robots and looked around the halls and found even more looking destroyed.
"I don't like the sound of that." Leo said as they heard a strange noise.
"It may be what destroyed these robots." Spike said seriously as he readied his mutant arm.
"Maybe if we ignore it it will go away." Mikey suggested as the noise was still heard again.

"Someone's not ignoring it!!" Mikey told them.
"That wouldn't work anyway Mikey.." Spike replied, they heard the noise again and suddenly found the monster from before on the ceiling, it roared at them and fired some advanced missiles at them.
"Move!" Leo shouted as they all screamed and started running.

Back in the cell, Donnie was trying to get them out.
"Okay, if i jump the resistors.." Donnie said looking at a console, but the door suddenly exploded which knocked them down. They heard grunting and they saw Spike and the others getting up.
"The door should open." Donnie said as he saw them.

"Donnie!" Raph said in relief.
"Your okay!" Spike said coming up to him.
"Mr O Neil!" Leo said relieved as well as he saw Kirby.

"Big beady eyed lizard thing with weapons!" Mikey shouted pointing down the hall, the monster emerged from the smoke and roared at them with anger.
"Donatello calls it the Newtralizer." Kirby explained and Mikey gasped.
"You named something without me?" Mikey asked before they started dodging more gunfire.
"Ahh! Look out!" Donnie shouted as they started running once again. All of them quickly went into the camera room again and Mikey looked mad at Donnie.

"You named something without me?!" Mikey asked upset at him.
"Is it really that big a deal that you name something?" Spike asked annoyed, the door was being banged on as they tried to figure something out.
"We gotta get out of this prison." Leo told them.
"Technically, it's a detention center. The difference being that..." Kirby said as Raph backed up.

"Not now Donnie.. oh.. sorry Mr. O Neil." Raph apologized.
"Glad Donnie has someone who understands him at least." Spike replied looking at them. They all gasped and saw the door behind them opened with even more Kraang droids running inside.

Spike and the others screamed as they drew they're weapons again and started tearing through them, Spike slammed his arm against on of their heads and threw it into some more robots, Spike took a deep breath and breathed a stream of fire across some more droids knocking all of them down.

"What happened to your arm?" Kirby asked as he saw Spike's mutant arm, it glowed green again and Spike delivered a devastating punch with threw some more droids into the wall.
"Got partially mutated not to long after we last saw eachother, it has come in handy though!" Spike explained as he drew his sword and deflected more laser fire into the robots again.

"Donnie, a little help!" Spike shouted as he sliced another's head off and punched the thing into the celling.
"How about some big help?" Donnie asked as he started typing on a console.
"Donnie, this isn't the time to be checking your e-mail!" Leo said annoyed as he and Spike sliced up another robot.
"I'm guessing if they had the Newtralizer locked up, it wasn't because he was their friend." Donnie explained as he slammed his hand on the button.

The door behind another droid opened up with the Newtralizer behind it. It ripped off it's head and roared at all of the droids.
"Apparently he likes trashing Kraang." Raph said impressed.
"Who doesn't?" Mikey asked in response.
"It's honestly fun at this point." Spike said as he sliced another to pieces.

The monster raised it's arms and started firing at all of them, Spike and the others took cover while the robots were all being gunned down once again.
"Yeah!" All of them shouted as the droids were all down before the Newtralizer aimed it's gun at them.
"No!!" They all shouted in fear. An explosion appears in the hall and all of them are running away from the monster, they quickly went to the lift from before and tried activating it.

"We gotta access the control panel!" Donnie said as he tried moving it.
"Got it!" Raph said as he raised his weapons before Donnie stopped him.
"Raph, i got it." Donnie assured.
"Oh really?" Raph asked sarcastic.
"Really." Donnie replied as he slammed the weapon on the button, they all screamed as the lift went up at fast speeds and they all went flying into the air back at the top again.

"Close one huh?" Donnie asked looking at Kirby. But the victory didn't last long as the Newtralizer jumped up and landed on the nearby car and roared once again.
"Are you kidding me right now!?" Spike asked frustrated as he drew his sword again.
"Let's split up. Donnie, you get Mr O Neil out of here." Leo ordered.

The monster threw more disks at them and they all jumped out of the way. Raph quickly jumped over him and leapt onto the ceiling as a tire came and hit the monster in the face, Spike screamed in rage and delivered a strong punch which knocked it to the wall for a bit.
"Honestly, i'm glad to have a mutant arm at this point!" Spike said as he got in a fighting stance again. The monster recovered and started aiming for Donnie and Kirby who were trying to escape.

"No!" Donnie shouted as he barely avoided another attack from it, Donnie got an idea and threw a smoke bomb at it which gave them the opportunity to move forward some more. Spike then got an idea and looked at Mikey.
"Mikey, listen carefully!" Spike said as he whispered his plan and Mikey smiled.
"Got it!" Mikey said with a thumbs up and the two ran off again.
The Newtrailizer was still fighting against Leo and Raph now and they were delivering strong moves to him, the Neutralizer wasn't stopping though and aimed it's weapons at the two once again.

"Enough!!" Spike shouted in anger as Spike ran into the scene, he held up two fingers again and made a battle cry and jumped into the air, and using the move Splinter taught him, he delivered a strong impact on the monsters chest which created a shockwave for a moment, the monster went flying into the walls and was trying to recover.
"Mikey! Now!!" Spike shouted looking up at another car, it's lights turned on and it started driving off a ledge.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as the car came crashing down on top of the Neutralizer crushing it.

"Mikey!" Leo and Raph said with worry as they came up to it.
"Don't worry, i wore my seatbelt." Mikey assured as he came out of the car.
"Nice plan Spike!" Raph said impressed as he gave him a high five.
"Thank you!" Spike said proudly as he laughed a little.
"Come guys, let's go home." Leo said gladly as the 6 of them walked off to the lair. After they left finally, the car started to move as the back doors opened and the Neutralizer was still alive somehow...

April was in the lair again looking at the strange orb she found.
"Hmm, interesting, but i am curious how you hear the sound. But i do not." Splinter said with interest.
"Maybe it's why the Kraang are after me, maybe it's similar to Spike as well.." April said while she looked at it.

"April?" Kirby asked as she saw Spike and the others had finally made it back.
"Dad? Dad!!" April said in joy and relief as she came up and hugged him.
"Oh dad i can't believe it! You guys saved my dad!" April said in huge relief looking at them.
"Thank you so much!" April said gratefully.

"The guy you really should be thanking here is Donnie. Seriously! You should have seen him, he was!" Raph said as he stroke a bunch of fighting posed making battle cries.
"What he's trying to say is.. Donnie went on ahead to save Kirby, and did it using really cool moves." Spike explained with a smile.

"Well.. that wasn't exactly what happened but.." Donnie said before April came up and hugged him which made him silent.
"Thank you Donnie!" April said gratefully, Donnie chuckled nervously and fell onto the ground while laughing.
"Well, we tried." Raph said as they looked down at him.
"You did great Donnie, great job." Spike said proudly as he helped him up while he was still chuckling with a thumbs up.

But back at TCRI, more Kraang droids were waiting in a line for someone, the door opened and the Shredder had walked into the room with more soldiers.
"The plan which has been set into motion, has taken the motion in which the plan has been set." A droid explained which annoyed Shredder a little.
"That alien creature of yours nearly thwarted our objective." Shredder said gripping his hand in anger.

"Kraang did not expect the turtle known as Donatello to release him. Fortunately for Kraang, the error did not prevent the planned escape of the human who is called, Kirby O Neil." The droid explained.
"The turtles and dragon have undoubtedly brought O Neil back to their lair. Soon vengeance, will be ours." Shredder said with anger.

April was currently in the dojo with her dad once again.
"It's good to have you back." April said in relief.
"It's good to be back." Kirby replied as he gave her a hug, but while he was hugging her, his eyes suddenly opened and had a serious face meaning something was wrong..

23: Showdown

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Pictures of Dimension X are seen on a screen as a Kraang droid stands in front of it with another walking behind him for an announcement.

"Kraang, a message from Kraang's glorious leader.." The droid said looking at the other.
"Kraang Prime!" The other announced. All of the robots stopped what they were doing as footage of a huge Kraang alien appears on screen. Her eye appears on the screen and they all worship her like a god.

"Kraang, Kraang, Kraang!" They all saluted respectfully.
"The invasion that is known as the invasion of Earth begins, now!" Kraang Prime announced. All of the droids started to march in a synchronized form as they all said the name Kraang over and over again.
"Prepare the Technodrome." The one in front of the screen ordered. The alien's screeched a little before they started typing away on the console as dozens of files appeared on a screen behind them.

Back in the lair, Donnie and Spike were in the lab until they saw the orb acting up all of a sudden.
"Um, Donnie, you need to see this!" Spike said pointing at the orb.
"Holy Toledo!" Donnie said in shock as he and Spike started working on the computer.

"What's with the alarm you guys?" April asked as she walked in.
"That's what we're trying to find out." Spike responded while they typed on it.
"The Kraang communication orb's going haywire. Which means those little brain-blobs are up to something big." Donnie explained.
"And it cannot be good at all." Spike finished as April looked at the screen.

"What is this? Alien language?" April asked confused as files of the Kraang were on the screen.
"I think so, it may be a message of sorts." Spike said worried.
"Can you two decode this stuff?" April asked them.
"Guess we're about to find out." Donnie replied as the two typed on the computer for a few more moments.
"The message should appear on screen.. now!" Spike said as he pressed on the enter key and they waited a few seconds until it popped up, the three of them gasped in horror at what they saw.
"Dear Celestia..." Spike said in horror as he saw this message..

Leo was watching the final episode of Space Heroes right now, this episode had the ship going down and the crew had to escape, but the captain was staying behind as a captain goes down with the ship. ( If anyone knows what show this is referring to let me know please.)

"What a hero.." Leo said amazed as he watched it before the Tv was shut off by Spike who had the remote.
"What are you doing? That's the final episode of Space Heroes!" Leo said upset at him who was next to Donnie.
"We have something that's a little more important." Donnie answered while Spike crossed his arms.

They were all in the lab now as they were listening to the message.
"April, Spike and I were sifting through all this Kraang chatter, and well, listen to what we translated." Donnie explained as he typed on the keyboard and the orb started translating.
"The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is six hours. The Technodrome should arrive through the portal from dimension X through the portal." A droid explained.

"Are you sure this is the translated version?" Mikey asked and Donnie slapped his face.
"They said that in six hours something called the technodrome is coming through that portal. this is the final phase of the Kraang's invasion." Donnie said with worry.
"But wait.. i thought April was the key to the Kraang plot and they don't have her?" Leo said confused pointing at her.
"If that technodrome comes through that portal, well it sounds like the end of the world." Donnie explained.

"So what do we do?" Raph asked curious.
"Guys, we gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to us." Leo said determined.
"Let's trash some bots." Spike said clutching his arm.

"Leonardo and Spike are both right, when you first went up to the surface i feared you were not ready. But i have come to realize that not only you are ready to become heroes, it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, i am grateful it is yours." Splinter said as all of them bowed in respect.
"Splinter, if anything goes wrong here, give me a call and i'll help you out." Spike said holding out his phone.

"I will be on alert, be careful Spike, they want you as well, you must be on guard at all costs. Whatever it is they want you for is for something bad, and given your Psychic connection, i believe that is the reason why." Splinter warned while Spike looked down.
"I know.. they kidnapped me from my home in order to get what they want from me, but i still don't know why they wanted me specifically, and why i have these ability's in the first place.." Spike said as he looked at his mutant arm again.
"All will be revealed in time, if anything goes wrong, you will sense it, come to me, and i will assist you in whatever way i can." Splinter assured putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks master, i'm glad to have met all of you, you guys ready?" Spike asked looking at them, they all smiled and drew they're weapons ready to go.
"Then let's save the world." Spike said determined as all of them started running out, Leo stayed behind to talk with Splinter for a moment, but Spike and the others prepared themselves.

Spike went to his room and started taking out some gear, he pulled out a few spare smoke bombs from Donnie, some extra knives he got from Xever, and finally, he pulled the sword he stole from under his bed, he took it out and looked at it's metal and saw his reflection.
"May Celestia and Luna watch over me, and may i have the spirit of the warrior who wielded this sword with me." Spike prayed as he put it on his back giving him two swords to use now like Leo.

While this was happening, Donnie was designing some special wings for them to use and all of them were equipping the most gear they could for this battle, it was do or die here, and Spike wasn't gonna let himself die in vain. All of them were at the shellraiser just outside the lair saying goodbye to Splinter and April.
"Gentlemen, let's save the world." Leo announced. They all opened the doors and got inside to their positions, and the van started driving away leaving the two alone.

"Um, sensei. do you mind if i ask you a question?" April asked curious.
"Of course not." Splinter replied.
"Why aren't you going with them?" April asked turning to him.
"Why do you ask?" Splinter asked confused.

"The turtles and Spike are out there risking they're lives. Don't you think they could use your help?" April asked again.
"I am their teacher. My role is to prepare them for the challenges they face." Splinter answered.
"But sensei, you said it yourself. that this time the fate of the world is.." April argued before she was stopped,
"Damare! I do not have to explain myself to a child!" Splinter told her coldly before walking off, he looked back at her feeling ashamed of reacting that way before leaving with April crossing her arms.

The van was racing through the tunnels at fast speeds, the hatch opened and they now were driving onto the streets.
"All right guys, we keep it simple. We go to TCRI and we use the Micro-fission Omni disintegrator, which Donnie calculates is powerful enough to destroy the portal with a single shot." Leo explained.
"Well, why didn't we use it last time?" Mikey asked and Spike slapped his face at that.
"Because we didn't have it! This is not the time for this right now Mikey!" Spike said annoyed as he picked up on the speed.

"Are you sure this plan will work you two?" Raph asked looking at them.
"It has to work." They both said at once as they kept on driving.

While this was all happening, April's father had told April that the Kraang knew they were coming, and was leading her outside the lair right now.

"April? Where are you going?" Splinter asked as he saw them about to leave.
"The turtles and Spike are in trouble. I've gotta go warn them." April said seriously.
"But you know it is too dangerous for you to be on the surface." Splinter warned.
"Well, some of us can't just sit around and do nothing." April responded as she walked off and left him to think to himself.

They were now in the subway tunnels, but April noticed something was off.
"Dad, what are you doing? This isn't the way to TCRI." April told him, he stopped for a moment and looked back at her with a serious face.
"Dad what's going on?" April asked worried. A smoke bomb suddenly appeared next to her and two foot soldiers grabbed her arms and restrained her.

"Hey there princess, miss me?" Karai asked with a smug as she walked up to her.
"Yeah actually, last time i saw you i forgot to give you this!" April shouted as she kneed Karai in the chest which knocked her back a little.
"You've done well, now take the message to Splinter." Karai said to Kirby, he bowed his head and started walking off.
"Dad? Dad! what are you doing?!" April asked as he walked off with a few mouser droids before realizing something.
"You brainwashed him!" April accused.
"I know, pretty cool right?" Karai responded as she started to walk off with the foot soldiers taking April with her.

Spike was driving the Shellraiser at fast speeds through the streets, they were just approaching TCRI and everyone braced themselves for the plan. The droids took out they're weapons and got on their guard until the van crashed through the door and rammed over most of them except the assistant. She ordered the others to fire at the van and they did just that. The hatch above suddenly opened and a rocket fist came out and hit the assistant in the face and Metalhead jumped into the air.

"Booyakasha!" Donnie shouted through the mic as Metalhead started blasting all of them.
"Haha! Meet Metalhead!" Donnie whooped as he fired at all of them, three droids appeared behind him with more weapons and were about to attack him.
"I see you!" Donnie said as he used a flamethrower and incinerated them and the screen cuts to another location.

Spike and the others were flying above the rooftops right now with some special wings that Donnie made for each of them.
"Woohoo!" Donnie shouted as all of them flew through the night sky.
"This is awesome!" Spike shouted as he flew around the buildings.
"Nice work Donnie!" Raph said turning to him who gave Raph a thumbs up.
"You know what time it is?! The worlds first ever mid air high- three!!" Mikey announced, all of them cheered and high fived eachother right in front of the large moon.

"This is awesome! Turtles were born to fly!!" Mikey said in joy.
"You said it!!" Spike said in agreement as he and Mikey cheered in joy.
"All right guys, let's do this." Leo told them as they flew over to the building and to the top of it.

They all got as high as they could and started sneaking around the corner, Raph used a pigeon to have them make it across the camera while they all remained quiet. They were around another corner and they saw two more droids standing guard.
"It is quiet. Precisely the right amount of quiet." A droid said looking around.
"What's up losers?!" Spike shouted as they saw Spike draw his two swords and had white eyes like the others, Spike made a battle cry and delivered a sick move which knocked the two of them off of the building.

"This is going to leave that which is known as, a mark." A droid said as they were falling.
"Affirmative." The other responded as the two landed on the ground very hard. All of them put they're weapons away and resumed they're mission, they all took out a grapple hook and started sliding down to the room with white eyes once more.

Splinter was meditating in his room again thinking about what April said.
"The turtles and Spike are out there risking they're lives. Don't you think they could use your help? Some of us aren't just gonna sit around and do nothing." April's words echoed as he thought of all of this. Splinter's senses went off and he drew his staff at fast speeds and saw Kirby who was looking suspicious.

"Where is April?" Splinter asked him.
"Master Shredder wanted you to have this message." Kirby said strangely.
"Master... Shredder?" Splinter asked in shock, two mouser droids ran into the room and roared at him.
"Nani?" Splinter asked in shock as a message of Shredder appeared.

"So, Hamato Yoshi. You thought you could hide from me forever, i have April O Neil. And if you value her life, you will come and face me like a man, we will finish what we started, and bring that dragon with you. It is time to see whether or not your training, has given him the chance to survive facing me." Shredder said menacingly as the hologram disappeared. Kirby left with the mousers as Splinter dropped to his knees and was thinking heavily on what to do.

Inside the building, more Kraang aliens were working on the computer and started powering up the portal and Spike and the others were standing above watching over everything.
"We gotta take out that portal." Leo told them, they looked ahead and saw the rock monster from before making a growl of anger.

"I forgot about him." Raph said annoyed.
"Don't worry, we'll be long gone before that rock monster ever knows we're here." Donnie said as Spike held out the gun with both his arms.
"All right guy's, let's do this." Spike said seriously as he aimed the gun at the portal.
"This is for you Leatherhead." Spike swore as the gun powered up, Spike fired the gun hoping it would destroy the portal, but a shield appeared around it which blocked the attack completely.

"What?!" Leo asked in shock as they saw it.
"There's a force field? Why didn't you tell me?!" Leo asked in anger.
"You have got to be kidding me!!" Spike said in anger.
"Well, obviously i wanted us to fail. OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!" Donnie screamed in response.

All of the droids noticed them and aimed they're weapons upwards.
"Celestia damnit.." Spike said in anger as they started firing at them.
"Well anyone got a plan b?" Raph asked before the rock monster emerged behind them. They all screamed in fear and barely avoided another punch, Spike tossed the gun over to Leo as they were all trying to think of something.

While Spike was trying to think of something, his phone suddenly went off and he quickly checked it and saw Splinter was calling.
"You've gotta be kidding me!!" Spike said as he picked it up and answered.
"Splinter, this isn't the best time!" Spike shouted as he sliced up a few robots with his sword and was flipping over more laser fire.
"I know, i regret having to call you at this time. But you need to know this. Shredder has taken April captive, and he wants you and me to meet him at his lair or else he will kill her." Splinter said seriously as he was on a rooftop.

"What?! Shredder took April?!" Spike asked in horror which shocked the other turtles.
"What?!" Donnie said in horror as well.
"I know, it is just as shocking to me as well, i need you to meet me on the rooftop and come with me to the Shredder." Splinter said as he was nearby the TCRI building waiting for him. Spike growled in pure rage as he was not in the best mood right now.
"Okay, i'll be there in a few, hang on a minute!" Spike said as he hung up.

"Guys, April's been taken by Shredder, and he wants me and Splinter to confront him, i need to go!" Spike shouted as he started to make his way to the exit.
"Spike, whatever you do. Be careful! You remember what happened last time we faced him!" Raph warned as he slashed another robot's head off.
"I know, and i won't forget it. Save the world for me guys!" Spike shouted as he went to the window and took out a grapple hook.
"Save April for me Spike!" Donnie shouted in response, Spike nodded in response and slid out of the building to the rooftop.

Spike had landed on the rooftops not to far off from the building and started making his way to Shredder's lair.
"How was everything going up there?" Splinter suddenly asked as Spike saw Splinter land next to him.
"There was a shield around the portal, we were trying to figure out what to do before you called." Spike answered as they flipped across the rooftops again.
"I regret having you leave them at this time, but things are important, we must save April." Splinter said seriously.
"I know, i know the others will figure something out. And if Shredder wants me, he'll get me!" Spike said seriously as they started moving faster.

April was currently in the lair restrained to a chain trying to break free while Dogpound and Fishface stood guard.
"So, how good is this so-called ninja master anyway?" Xever asked him.
" One of the best, and that dragon shouldn't be underestimated either." Dogpound responded

Spike and Splinter were now in front of the lair with hoods under them.
"He trained under the same ninja clan as Master Shredder, they used to be like brothers, until Hamato Yoshi betrayed him." Dogpound narrated as Spike and Splinter were surrounded by foot soldiers with weapons, Spike grabbed one's head with his mutant arm and threw him into the other soldiers. Splinter knocked back even more soldiers doing a similar move. Spike twisted a soldiers arm and threw him to the ground while Splinter slammed another to the wall as more kept trying to fight them.
"Just to let you punks know, you've caught us on a bad day.." Spike said with anger as he drew his weapon.

"Let me put it to you this way." Dogpound said as Splinter slammed another soldiers head against the wall and Spike was flipping over them and twisting they're bodies with pressure points.
"He's as skilled as Master Shredder. But he doesn't have the stomach to finish the job. And we all know how that dragon has improved within the time we've faced off with him." Dogpound said as the two finished off the rest and were marching inside.

While all of this was happening, back at TCRI. The turtles were fighting off the Kraang the best they could while Leo was using the gun to blow off the rock monsters body parts, Donnie was trying to hack into the system while the others fought them off.

Dogpound and Fishface were still waiting for the two until they heard a thud.
"Huh, what was that?" Fishface asked as he was on guard.
"They're here." Dogpound said seriously. The doors opened and a weekend soldier fell to the ground, two pairs of eyes appeared in the shadows followed by a growl of anger. They dragged the soldier into the darkness as harsh sounds were heard.

Dogpound suddenly saw the two right next to him with serious faces, he tried to punch at them but Spike and Splinter ducked under his attacks and flipped over him.
"Nice to see you again Dogpound, last time i meant to give you this!" Spike said as he kicked him in the face, Splinter was avoiding Fishface's attacks as the two were backed up to eachother. Dogpound got up and charged at them as Xever was about to deliver a kick. The two suddenly rolled out of the way much to their surprise.
"Good luck having kids after this Dogpound." Spike said waving his hands, Fishface had accidentally kicked Dogpound in the nuts really hard and he fell to his knees.

After that move, Splinter made Fishface bit his own tail and Spike used his mutant arm and punched him to the wall. and into the water. They looked down and saw him swim away and Dogpound left as well.
"Twilight would be proud of what i've learned." Spike said as they took a few breaths. They looked ahead and saw April still restrained and they ran up to her.

"April, it is us, do not make a sound. We will have you out in a moment" Splinter told her.
"We're here to rescue.. you.." Spike said as he touched the chains, but they suddenly flickered as this was a hologram of her..
"Hando?" Splinter asked as a mouser appeared in front of them, Spike sliced the thing apart quickly to avoid any loud noises. They both suddenly heard sinister laughter that came from the Shredder.
"Hamato Yoshi, and Spike. I am so glad you two have accepted my invitation." Shedder said as they looked around, fire around the walls had suddenly lit up, as the room became more red.

"What have you done with April?!" Splinter asked with anger.
"Where is my friend?!" Spike said as he was in a fighting stance.
"Now that you both are here, Miss O Neil is no longer of any use to me, i gave her to my new friends, the Kraang." Shredder said as we see April being handed over to them.

"You fool! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Splinter asked in anger.
"You've doomed the entire Earth because of this!!" Spike shouted with rage. Two white lines suddenly appeared and we see Spike and Splinter was knocked to the ground by Shredder.

"Yes, i took your family away and now i can put an end to you. It was either you or O Neil, dragon. And i still have my plans for you once i finish Hamato Yoshi." Shredder said menacingly. Splinter took off his hood revealing his rat face as well as Spike.
"What? A rat? I see you are as hideous as those turtles that surround you. How fitting, you are a rat who has been caught in my trap." Shredder mocked.
"Says the guy who's too afraid to hide his own face Tincan." Spike countered.
"Look closely at us Shredder, for we are the last thing that you'll ever see!" Splinter said as Spike drew his swords.

While all of this was happening, Donnie was still working on the portal while everyone else was fighting the Kraang, the portal was beginning to power up making time very short.

"Guys, i think i got it!" Donnie said as the device was fully hacked much to his relief, and the shield surrounding the portal powered down.
"Yes! All hail me! Donnie said in victory. But it was cut short as the portal had finally activated and they watched in horror as the Technodrome was beginning to emerge from it.

"Holy giant floaty shippy ship.." Mikey said in fear as he saw how huge it was outside.
"Leo! Do the Zippy zappy thing now!" Mikey shouted as the Kraang were firing at them once more.
"Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby!" Leo begged as the gun powered up again.
"Yes! Say goodnight Kraang!" Leo shouted as he aimed at the portal.. but the gun died as it was over used and they all groaned with white eyes..

"What the heck happened?!" Donnie asked as the thing had smoke coming from it.
"I think it's batteries died." Leo suggested.
"And we'll be joining em, unless someone thinks of something!" Raph shouted as he used a Kraang droid to block the fire of a few more aliens. The Technodrome was almost through as it came down to the building.

"What's plan c Leo?" Donnie asked as the rock monster was rebuilding itself. Leo looked around for a moment and found the power cell from before in a container.
"Donnie, what would happen if i ruptured the power cell?" Leo asked looking at it.
"The whole place would go up.. with us in it!" Donnie shouted.

"Go!" Leo said as he drew his sword.
"Whoa Leo, your not thinking what i think your thinking!" Donnie said in fear, Leo started to run to the power cell much to their shock.
"He's thinking it!" Donnie shouted as the three started to run for it. Leo swiftly sliced through each Kraang droid with his sword, he flipped over the laser fire and sliced some more in half making battle cries. Leo screamed in anger and slammed down on the power cell, the whole place started to explode as Leo flipped off the Portal and broke out of the roof through the high ledges, the entire place exploded as the portal had powered down finally.

Leo started to fall from the building as he thought this was the end, he braced himself for impact until he heard screaming.
"Aah.. gotcha!" Raph shouted as he grabbed Leo just in time.
"Yeah, woohoo! In your face gravity!" Raph said in victory.
"Huh, thanks Raph." Leo said gratefully.
"Anytime buddy." Raph said as Donnie and Mikey flew down next to them.

"I can't believe it, we saved the world!" Donnie said amazed.
"Yeah! That wasn't so hard was it?" Mikey asked them. But the moment was ruined when a large shadow loomed over all of them, they screamed as they barely avoided a large ship knocking them down, they flew down for a moment and to their horror, they found themselves face to face with the Technodrome..
"Uh, i gotta stop saying stuff like that.." Mikey said in fear as the thing began powering up.

All of the people who were doing they're own thing today, had noticed the Technodrome in the sky, and were looking on with horror as the turtles were face to face with it.
"I think i speak for all of us when i say, AH, AH,AH!!" Mikey shouted as he screamed in terror.
"What the heck is that thing?!" Raph asked as sirens were heard over the city.
"It's the end of the world!" Leo said in fear.

"Well actually, it's just the end of humanity's reign as the dominant life form, you know like when the dinosaurs.." Donnie said before Leo stopped him.
"Really Donnie? Your gonna do this now?!" Leo asked frustrated.
"Well excuse me, but it's how i deal with stress!" Donnie shouted in anger.

"Well, maybe it doesn't have weapons, does it look like it has weapons?" Raph asked as they looked up and saw a bunch of weapons aiming at them and shot some lasers at them.
"I think it has weapons" Leo shouted as the weapon started firing all over them.

People were screaming in fear as they ran away from the Technodrome that was in the sky as we cut back to Spike and Splinter.
"Oroku Saki, you were my friend. I thought of you as my brother." Splinter said as we see a flashback of him and his wife as
" 15 years ago, i was a different man, i had everything i want. a loving wife, and a beautiful daughter, named Miwa. And you my loyal friend? Jealousy consumed you, you sought everything that which was mine. You took everything that i loved Everything!" Splinter said with anger as we cut back to the real time.

"And yet you still hunt me down. So, i fight you now. to end this!" Splinter said getting in a fighting stance.
"You brought your own pain upon yourself! You went down a path that got them both killed! You blame Splinter for all of this, but deep down you know, that you are the one responsible for everything, if you hadn't been consumed by your rage, she would still be alive, and none of this, would have happened!" Spike accused as he got in his fighting stance while Shredder growled in anger.

"Silence!! You don't know anything about me!" Shredder shouted as he charged at the two, he attempted to slash at Spike but he rolled out of the way and roundhouse kicked him to the side.
"I may not know much about you, but i do know is that you brought this upon yourself, and you know that for a fact!" Spike shouted as he twisted Shredders arm and threw him to Splinter who jumped in the air and did a spin kick on his head, Shredder growled and got up and charged at them while all of them were screaming in anger.

Shredder sliced at Spike who blocked it with his shoulder blades, Spike went under him and upper cut him into the air, Splinter flipped into the air again and delivered a hard punch to his chest which knocked him on the ground for a moment, Shredder got up and started using the shadows to get the drop on them.
"Keep your guard up Spike, he could be anywhere." Splinter warned as Spike drew one of his swords as they looked over the numerous rocks around them.
"i'm ahead of you on that." Spike replied as they waited for the moment to strike.

Spike took a deep breath as he was waiting for a sign of where the Shredder was, he suddenly heard metal scrapping as his senses went off to warn him, Spike quickly turned around and saw Shredder lunging at them from above somehow, Spike backflipped out of the way and threw some shuriken's at him, Shredder managed to block him but was countered by another strike from Splinter. Splinter wrapped his tail around Spike and he threw Spike up in the air, Spike screamed in anger as he twirled around in the air and drew his sword again and sliced at the screen.

We cut back to the turtles now, they were shot down by the Technodrome but was able to survive the fall, and we're heading to the lair to regroup.
"Hello? Sensei? April? Spike's?" Donnie asked as they all looked around, the turtles Spike stood up which relieved Raph but was confusing to the others.
"Where are they?" Mikey asked confused until Leo remembered.
"That's right! Spike went with Splinter to confront Shredder!" Leo said in realization as they were now looking through the dojo.

"You think they need help?" Donnie asked worried.
"It is the Shredder, but given how skilled Splinter is, i'm sure they'll be okay for a bit." Leo assured as they looked around. Mikey looked behind himself and suddenly found Kirby charging at Mikey with a bat from the tree trying to attack him.
"Whoa dude chill!" Mikey shouted as he dodged the attacks from Kirby.
"Hey!" Leo shouted as he and the others tackled Kirby to the ground.

"What the heck is going on?" Raph asked confused.
"Guys, check this out!" Donnie said as the camera zooms in on a device on Kirby's neck as we now cut to Donnie holding it in his hands.
"So what is it?" Leo asked as they were in the living room now.
"I think it's some sort of mind control device." Donnie suggested.
"Really?" Raph asked as he took it, he grabbed Mikey's arm and jokingly started trying to put it on him.

"No, stop it, stop it!" Mikey begged trying to get away while he laughed a little
"Raph." Leo told him motioning him to stop, they heard a groan and looked over and saw Kirby looking down sadly.

"Mr O Neil? What's wrong?" Donnie asked worried.
"I've done something terrible.." Kirby said with regret.
"It wasn't your fault Mr. O Neil, just tell us what happened." Donnie asked again and he sighed.

"It appears the Kraang has formed an alliance with your enemy shredder, and that's not all. I fear that Shredder has handed April over to the Kraang." Kirby said with fear.
"Shredder handed her to the Kraang?!" Donnie asked horrified.
"Sensei and Spike went after her, it must have been a trap!" Raph said wit anger.
"So where is April now?" Donnie asked worried.

"They're taking her to the Technodrome." Kirby explained.
"The what?" Raph asked confused as they look at the Tv which had the news on it, it had Carlos report the huge Technodrome being spotted over New York city as everyone was running away in fear.

"Dude, this is getting freakier by the minute." Mikey said pointing at the screen.
"We just escaped that freaky sphere, and now we gotta break into it?!" Raph asked frustrated.
"In a matter of hours, the world we once knew will be gone. The Kraang want April to help in their conquest of earth." Kirby said seriously.

We cut to April as she finally starts waking up, and she finds her self in front of Kraang Prime.
"April O Neil, Kraang has been waiting a long time." Kraang prime said menacingly.
"Where am i? What's going on?" April asked in fear as she was restrained to a device of sorts.

"Like all Kraang, i am called kraang. But you can call me Kraang. Kraang has the need for this planet for Kraang to live on.
"Um, that sounds great but we're already using it. So you came all this way for nothing. Bummer." April countered.
"No, Kraang came this way for you April O Neil.
"Oh really? as if i had anything to offer for you Kraangs, and i thought you needed Spike as well?" April countered again.

"Kraang has decided the best use for Spike is to be a mutant warrior for Kraang, once Kraang has finished with this planet, Kraang will find him and turn him into the desired warrior, this world will fall to Kraang!." Kraang prime said once more.
"Yeah well, Spike's really mad about what you did, and he's not taking you abducting him lightly." April said again.
"It is all tied to why we need him and you. Your mental energy is uniquely attuned to this universe. Once Kraang gets this ability, Kraang will transform your world, into a world for Kraang." Kraang prime said evilly.
"And, how are you going to do that exactly?" April asked getting scarred, her question was answered as some strange devices appeared all around her and came close to her as she screamed in terror.

Spike and Splinter were still fighting Shredder right now, Spike blocked another swipe from Shredder and knocked him back, Shredder yelled as he tried upper slashing him, but Spike rolled out of the way and tried sweeping his legs again, but Shredder saw this coming and grabbed him aggressively and threw him to the wall cracking it.
"Okay.. you got me that time." Spike said as he shook it off and charged at Shredder again. Splinter blocked another attack and tried attacking him with his staff. Shredder blocked it with his blades and cut the staff apart, Shredder then jumped into the air as he tried to slash at Splinter, but they barely avoided eachothers attacks and were on opposite sides again.

"Why must you persist in this insanity?" Splinter asked frustrated.
"You took Tang Shen from me." Shredder said as he drew his large blades.
"She was never yours!" Splinter said as he took out a rope and wrapped it around his arm, he handed it to Spike and he flipped over Shredder and tied him up, Splinter came up with another knife but Shredder deflected it which knocked it to the ground.
"You say Splinter took her from you! But you know for a fact that it was you who ruined everything!!" Spike screamed as his mutant arm glowed green again and he delivered a devastating punch to Shredder, he was knocked down to a wall and groaned a little, but he wasn't giving up and got back up and drew his blades.
"I will teach you to choose your words carefully dragon!" Shredder said with anger as Spike and Splinter all charged at Shredder with they're weapons.

While all of this was happening, the Technodrome was sending down metal spheres which trapped humans who were trying to escape, it was a part of collecting human specimen for they're plan.
"We need to get inside one of those pods." Leo said as he and the others hid behind a wrecked car.
"How? There are 8 robots between us and there." Donnie said curious.
"We could create a diversion." Leo suggested.

"Excuse me, how many did you say there were?" Raph asked him.
"Eight." Leo answered.
"Maybe we could all dress up like robots, sneak in." Mikey suggested.
"Or.. maybe i could override they're security codes by.." Donnie said before they heard fighting noises, they looked over and saw Raph had taken care of all of them easily and twirled a head around on his weapon.
"Or... that might work.. let's go!" Leo said as he and the others ran up to the pod as we cut back to Spike and Splinter who were still fighting.

"You never had anything but your hatred, and if you defeat me, you will have nothing!" Splinter said with anger as he and Spike held back his blades. Shredder broke free of his bindings and tried slashing them again, Spike backflipped into the air and threw a smoke bomb in his face which blinded him for a moment.
"You wanted me Shredder? Well your gonna get me!!" Spike shouted as he drew both of his swords and twirled them around with white eyes. Shredder laughed like a maniac as he looked at them.

"That is where you are wrong. You took something from me, so i took something from you. Your daughter." Shredder said menacingly, they both gasp in fear as Spike sees the memory of Splinter losing his home again.. only this time, he saw Shredder carrying Miwa away while she was crying..
"No.. it can't be.." Splinter said in horror as they were trying to process this.

While this was going on, Leo and the others were able to get inside the Technodrome and hid behind one of them to get into a hall to hide.
"You this zero g thing is banging! They should make a carnival ride out of this!" Mikey said amazed.
"Uh, i think they're more interested in using it to destroy the earth.
"It could do both." Mikey replied before they heard April screaming again.

"It's April!" Donnie said in horror.
"Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you." Raph mocked. He looked behind him and there were suddenly dozens of Kraang aliens right behind them.
"Never mind, they did!" Raph corrected himself as they all drew they're weapons.

April had a helmet strapped to her head a mutagen was being pumped from her as the cables behind the machine flowed into the machine with Kraang prime laughing menacingly. April's pupils went large as the energy went into the machine.
"Yes, yes! It's working!" Kraang prime said in victory as she produced a huge energy wave from her device, the front of the Technodrome glowed brighter as a siren sound was now coming from it.

"That can't be good." Leo said as he heard it, he jumped into the air and sliced up two more aliens in floating pods, he and Donnie jumped off eachother using the anti gravity that was in the room and Donnie freed Mikey from a few more of them.

We cut back to Spike and Splinter's fight as Splinter was starting to get punched repeatedly by Shredder. Shredder delivered another upper cut to him and knocked him to the ground.
"It's over Hamato, soon you will be no more! And your own daughter will go through her life, cursing your name." Shredder said with anger as he drew his blade again.
Spike growled in pure rage as he was hearing all of this, this meant that Karai was being lied to all these years, and the good he felt in her was from Splinter, and Shredder.. took all of this away.

"Not on my watch!!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Shredder's blades with his swords, Spike opened his jaws and chomped down on the knifes and shattered them as Splinter was getting up and looked furious. Splinter got on all fours and leapt at him with fury, Spike twisted his arm again and threw him into the air as he and Splinter charged at him once again.

Leo and the others managed to take out the rest of the alien's for now, they heard April screaming again and Raph listened for the source, he found a hatch below them and used his weapons to open it up and the 4 went in to save her.
"April O Neil. Your mind belongs to Kraang. Soon your world will be ours! Let the planetary mutation.. begin!!" Kraang prime announced as the device outside was starting to charge up.
"Witness the end of your kind!" Kraang prime said evilly.

"Not if we can help it!" Leo shouted as he and the others were hanging from the wires of the device.
"The turtles? Kraang will not be stopped by pathetic mutants!" Kraang prime said with anger.
"At least we're not stupid aliens." Mikey countered.
"Raph quick!" Leo shouted, Raph jumped off of the device and aimed his legs at her, he delivered a strong kick to her head and she screamed in pain.
"Ow!!" She shouted as she was groaning in pain, Donnie was able to free April and took the helmet off of her as the Technodrome powered down.

"Your my hero.." April said weakly.
"Hey chuckles, we gotta get out of here." Raph said as Donnie was chuckling nervously.
"Let's go!" Donnie shouted as they started to climb out of the place. Kraang prime opened her eyes and grinned, large tentacles broke free from the walls next to her and she was revealed to have her own metal body as well.

Splinter and Spike were charging at Shredder with anger, Spike dragged his blades on the ground which created sparks as he dragged them along, Spike jumped in the air and slashed his blades at Shredder who tried holding them back.
" I've seen heartless people before, and your no different from them!!" Spike said with fury as he landed on the ground and punched him repeatedly with Splinter.
"The entire world is at stake now, and you team up with the very monsters that took me from my home, and separated me from my family!!!" Spike said as he put his blades away and was now attacking him aggressively with no mercy. Shredder threw knives at both at them, and while Splinter dodged each of them, Spike caught them with his hands and threw them back at him.

"You are a sorry excuse for a warrior! Karai never deserved to be raised by you!!" Spike screamed as he delivered a ground pound with his mutant arm which shook the ground.
"Spike, control your mind! You are letting your anger control you! You will not be better then him if you win this way!" Splinter warned as he dodged some more slashes from Shredder. Spike was breathing heavily as his pupils were narrow, but they soon returned to normal as Spike calmed down.
"Right.. just.. focus.." Spike said as he got into a fighting stance, his head suddenly hurt badly as he screamed in pain.
"Not now!!" Spike shouted as he held his head with his hands.
"Spike?" Splinter asked worried as both him and Shredder stopped for a moment.

Spike opened his eyes and they were pure white and glowing.
Spike screamed as he released a powerful shockwave from his head and the shockwave was so powerful it knocked down Splinter and Shredder and shattered the windows of the entire building, Shredder's helmet was knocked off revealing his burnt up face. Spike was breathing heavily as he was on his knees trying to recover.
"What.. was that?" Spike asked himself as he looked at his hands, Spike suddenly heard something in his head as it he saw a shadow in a white void.

"Don't let your anger control you, use your gifts well, i promise i'll see you again one day.." The voice said as Spike gasped in shock.
"Spike, are you alright?" Splinter asked as he came up to him.
"Yeah.. i'm.. fine.." Spike said as he was taking heavy breaths.

They heard yelling and looked in front of them and saw Shredder trying to attack again, Splinters eyes narrowed as he took up a sword and delivered a strong kick and knocked Shredder down to the ground, Splinter screamed in anger as he was about to finish the job.
"No!" Karai shouted as she suddenly joined into the fight, she and Splinter clashed swords for a bit until Shredder finally saw her.

"Miwa?" Splinter asked in shock, Karai grunted and delivered a slash to him and knocked him back a little next to Spike who was still trying to recover.
"Splinter.. we need to go now." Spike said as he was getting up.

"Father" Karai said worried as they saw her helping the weakened Shredder.
"Karai, that rat is Hamato Yoshi." Shredder said pointing at him.
"Miwa.." Splinter said while he was still trying to process this.
"My name is Karai! Father told me what you did to my mother. And now i'm going to return the favor!" Karai said as she drew her sword and charged at them while Shredder was chuckling.

"No!" Splinter said as he and Spike quickly jumped up the ledges and got to the higher area.
"Why won't you two fight?!" Karai said in anger.
"I'm sorry Karai.." Spike said sadly as he and Splinter proceeded to escape.

Leo and the others were trying to escape the Technodrome now as they were leaping up some platforms trying to get to a higher ledge.
"Leo i have a question!" Mikey shouted as he and Leo took down more droids.
"Can it wait?" Leo asked annoyed as they kept running.
"Not really! Did we beat that big Kraang thingy?" Mikey shouted as they kept moving.
"Yes ,Mikey, we did." Leo said annoyed.
"Okay, then why is it following us?!" Mikey shouted as they all turned around.

They looked in shock as they saw Kraang prime in a huge mech suit and was climbing at the walls and roared at them. They were all trying to outrun her large suit as it now was firing a laser at them and was creating some explosions.
"Everybody, there's one last escape pod up ahead!" Donnie shouted as they saw one not to far away. Mikey was hit by the impact and tripped over one of the ledges and almost fell down and was trying to hang on, he whimered in fear as he looked behind him and saw the mechs head preparing to fire a laser at him.

"Get away from my brother!" Leo shouted as he ran to the machine and ran up it's long arms and sliced off the head and it exploded. Leo held out his hand for him.
"Hurry Mikey" Leo shouted with worry, Mikey used his weapon to reach him and Leo was able to pull him out.
"There's nowhere for you to run mutants!" Kraang prime said with fury as she got up and was charging at them once more.

"Leo, Leo!" Donnie shouted as they got into the pod but Leo was facing the mech.
"All of you will die here!" Kraang prime said evilly, Leo thought to himself for a moment and remembered Splinter's words.
"With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission. No matter what you have to sacrifice, or who." Splinter's words echoed as Leo had a serious face.

Kraang prime threw one of the arms at them, but Leo took out a chain and wrapped it around the arm and flipped back over and restrained her.
"Leo!" Raph said in horror as he was holding her back.
"No! Get out of here now!" Leo shouted as he was struggling.
"What are you talking about?!" Raph asked in shock.
"Dude, you can't do this!" Mikey said horrified.
"Go!" Leo shouted as he was trying to hold her back again.

"I can't.. hold on much longer.." Leo said as he was struggling.
"Leo!" Raph shouted as Donnie stopped him from going.
"We gotta go now!" Donnie said as Mikey closed the pod. Kraang prime broke from the chains and tried attacking them again.
"Leonardo!" Raph said in horror as the pod was launched away, it was shot out of the ship as it was now on fire and was falling down.

"I can't believe it, we made it!" Donnie said in shock, they all gasped as they saw the Technodrome fall down into the water and make a large wave.
"Leo.. no!" Mikey said in horror as they saw the Technodrome sinking.
"I can't believe he's gone.." Mikey said sadly as April started to cry.
"Leo.." Donnie said sadly as Raph sat down regretfully.

"I gave him nothing but a hard time. if i had to do it over again, i'd definitely be nicer.." Raph said with regret.
"Really?" Leo's voice suddenly asked.
"Really... Leo? Leo!" Raph said in surprise as they saw him alive and had a pod and came to them.
"Leo! You dork, you scared the heck out of us!" Raph said in surprise as they helped him into the pod.
"We won! Oh man i love you bros!" Mikey said in relief as all of them cheered in victory, the other pods emerged from the water and the humans that were captured cheered in joy.

We cut back to nighttime now as everyone was in the lair celebrating.
"Who saved the world?!" Mikey said to the others.
"We saved the world!" Leo and the others said at once.
"I said who saved the world?!" Mikey asked again.
"We saved the world." They all said again.
"I said.." Mikey asked again before Raph slapped him.
"Stop asking." Raph said annoyed.
"We saved the world." Mikey said quietly, Raph suddenly hit him in the face with pizza while the others were laughing.

April looked over and saw Spike and Splinter thinking to themselves for a bit. Splinter was looking at his photo of his family with Spike looking concerned.
"Sensei, i want to apologize. For the way i spoke to you earlier." April said with regret, Spike took a few steps back to let them respectfully talk.

"No need. You spoke from the heart. I am just relieved that you made it home safely." Splinter said gratefully.
"Yeah, it was a tough battle for us all, i'm just glad it's over for now." Spike said in relief.

"What's wrong you guys?" Leo asked as he came into the dojo as well.
"Spike and i learned some things from the Shredder.." Splinter said as he heard the memory of Miwa again.
"Like what?" Leo asked curious.
"That is for another day, tonight is for celebration. after all, it is not everyday you make the day safe from an alien invasion." Splinter said with a smile.

"You got that right! Everybody, who saved the world?!" Mikey asked looking at the others.
"Mikey.." They all said annoyed and he sighed a little.
"We saved the world!" They all suddenly said in victory.
"Yeah!" Mikey cheered as they all jumped into the air.

We cut to all of them listening to up-beat music while all of them were dancing in victory, Spike was twirling around on his tail while all of them cheered for him, Spike quickly got up and let Leo take the floor as he showed them all his dance moves. But while all of this was happening, Spike just thought to himself on what happened today, he and Splinter were able to take on the Shredder together, but they learned an important truth about Karai.. and Spike just remembered what that voice told him.

"Don't let your anger control you, use your gifts well, i promise i'll see you again one day.." The words echoed through his head again, and they sounded like a female voice? Spike's eyes widened as he realized something.
"Mom?!" Spike thought to himself in shock as he may have figured out who he got these ability's from..

Back underneath the sea, the Technodrome was at the bottom of the ground seemingly deactivated.. until the lights came back on as ominous music played..

24: Mutation Situation

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It had been a month since Spike and the turtles saved the world from the Kraang, and since then, all has been doing pretty well, Spike's been keeping up his training with the others and was almost a fully fledged ninja, he's been doing fun experiments with Donnie and all of that. And one thing that has been happening lately is that he's started to hit a growth spurt, around a month ago, his body finally started to grow. He was normally pretty small, but now he was almost at Leo's height, and was still growing, and he was officially at the age of 13. But out of all the things that was on his mind now was.. his ability's..

He recognized the voice from before, he may not know who it belongs to exactly, but he does know one thing.. it was his mother's voice, he can feel it.. and Spike is just wondering how he got the ability's from his mom, and how she knew he would have them. And If she knew about these ability's, does that mean she could still be alive? Spike just hopes to get more clear answers from others in the future, and finally understands what his connection is with his mom..

Right now, Spike and the others were having a fun time and jumping across the rooftops, Mikey was skating across them on a skateboard while Spike was flipping across each one as well.
"We are awesome!" Donnie said in awe as they flipped over them.
"This is the life!" Spike said amazed as he jumped off some coolers near some windows.

"And then i took my Sai, and shortened that Kraang's skull. So cool!" Raph said to Donnie as he was nearby him.
"Sure Raph, but i used my uncanny scientific knowledge to bring down an interdimensional portal! Equally awesome!" Donnie said amazed.
"Not to mention Spike and Splinter taking on the Shredder! Aw man i wish i was there to see that." Leo said looking at Spike.
"It was a tough fight like you'd expect, but i'm glad we at least managed to kick his butt!" Spike said as he recalled the fight, he was trying to keep the mood happy, as he did learn an important thing about Karai..

"We are awesome!" Leo said in amazement.
"Not to mention, our little guy is getting bigger on us now!" Mikey said as he motioned to Spike's new height, he was now just short of Leo's shoulder, and was still growing.
"I know, i hit a growth spurt last month, i can't believe i'm a teenager now!" Spike said amazed.
"Yeah bro, welcome to the teen team!" Mikey said waving his arms around and they all laughed.
"It's good to have friends. High five!" Spike said raising his hand and Raph and Mikey laughed as they gave him it.

"Month long, Kraang/ Shredder mega-defeat celebration rules!" Mikey said in joy as they flipped over the movie theater while hooting in joy.
" So are we gonna stop by Aprils?" Donnie asked and they all came to a screeching halt.
"we are 1.3 blocks and six no no.. seven meters away from her apartment." Donnie explained.
"Yeah that doesn't sound weird at all Donnie." Raph said sarcastic.
"Well it wouldn't hurt to stop by, let's see how she's holding up." Spike said as he started heading to the place with the others following.

They were now at her apartment and Donnie tapped on the window.
"Handsome gram for April O Neil!" Donnie announced and Raph slapped his face.
"Ugh.. did you really just say that?" Raph asked annoyed, April came to the windows and opened them.

"Guys, great to see you! Um.. do you mind staying on the fire escape?" April asked which worried them.
"You okay April?" Spike asked with concern.
"It's okay.. it's just my dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse. He's just so freaked out, we won't even let me out at night." April said with concern.
"I can understand that.. i've had them as well.." Spike said in understanding as Kirby was walking into the room.

"I'm sorry April, it's just.. what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting, lurking.. i'll do anything to protect you." Kirby said determined.
"Dad.. i can take care of myself now.. and i'll be with the guys." April said looking at the others, Kirby still looked concerned as he looked at them.
"Trust us Mr O Neil, the Shredder and those squishy brain freaks are long gone." Mikey said casually.

But within Shredder's lair, the lights had turned on and Shredder put on his helmet as a Kraang communicator rose from the ground. Karai activated it and a Kraang alien appeared on a screen.
"Greetings one who is called Shredder." The droid greeted.
"Do you have my shipment?" Shredder asked him.
"The shipment that is secret will soon be transported to the one called Shredder." He answered.
"And how will you deal with any complications?" Shredder asked again.
"Kraang complicates the complications with.. greater complications." The droid said as a large monsterous hand came on the screen...

Spike and the others were now in the Lair again still celebrating.
"Ninja dodge ball" Mikey announced as he dodged a large ball that hit the pinball machine.
"Miss me again Leo" Mikey said as he threw the orb to Leo.
"Eat this!" Leo shouted as he threw the orb to Raph.
"Stick it in your shell" Raph countered as he grabbed the orb and threw it to a tire wheel, then the machine, and into the dojo which Splinter casually knocked back the orb without even opening his eyes.

April came in with Spike holding some pizza and he was drinking some soda until the orb almost hit them.
"Hey!" April said annoyed as she dodged it.
"Watch it guys we have food here!" Spike said as he kept drinking his soda.
"And now let's test our bottled friends organs." Donnie announced as he powered on a device, the pulverizer from a few months ago was mutated into a ugly organ monster and is now stuck in a pod and Donnie is trying to help him.

Donnie barely dodged the orb which hit Metalhead and got knocked back once again.
"Ha! Your out Leo!" Raph said pointing at him.
"It doesn't count as a bounce!" Leo countered.
"What are you guys doing?!" Donnie asked annoyed as the orb came flying past him.
"Playing dodge ball fool! Oh..." Mikey screamed as the orb hit him in the nuts and he fell to his knees,( Guy can't get a break)
"With the Kraang communication orb?" Donnie asked as it bounced back and Spike caught it with his arm.

"This is a rare and fragile piece of alien tech you guys can't just.." Donnie said while the others looked annoyed again.
"Eh, don't get your shell undies in a tangle donnie. The Kraang are toast." Raph said annoyed.
"Can't you at least play with a normal ball?" Spike asked as he looked over to make sure it wasn't cracked.
"Come on Spike, this is a party! Whoo!" Mikey shouted in joy and Spike sighed as this was like before they faced Shredder..

"My sons.. i know you are still joylessly reveling in the defeat of our enemies, but a great question remains." Splinter said as Mikey sat down.
"Are our enemies truly gone?" Spike asked.
"Yes, the shredder is a crafty and patient foe who bides his time." Splinter explained.
"But sensei, you said he lost whatever sense of honor he had left, we'd never see him again." Leo said confused.

"Just because he's done for now Leo, doesn't mean he'll be back for more." Spike said as he kept drinking.
"Eh you worry to much Spike, if he does show up we'll have it taken care of." Raph said as he twirled his weapons around and they all started to leave again.
"Tomaru!" Splinter suddenly shouted which stopped them suddenly.
"You four have become lazy, overconfident, you shirk your training, this party ends.. now!" Splinter announced slamming his staff on the ground and they all stood straight.
"Oh boy.." Spike said worried as he watched Splinter leave.

"Well that was kinda harsh." Mikey said a little surprised.
"Maybe Master Splinter's right. maybe we are getting too cocky." Leo said feeling a little ashamed.
"Ha, it's not cockiness when you got skills to kick massive.." Raph said before the orb started beeping.
"What now?" Spike asked worried as he came up to them and finished his soda.
"That things working again?" April asked coming up to them.
"It's been quiet for weeks. It must have received an incoming signal, which means only one thing.." Donnie said concerned.
"The Kraang are back.." Spike said worried as they looked at it..

They were all now in the lab again as they were all looking at the orb.
"The encryption's tough to crack, but it seems the Kraang are transporting some kind of cargo." Donnie said as he typed on his computer and a photo of a Kraang ship appeared.
"Using the stealth ship! " Donnie said in shock.
"We gotta find out what that cargo is." Leo said determined.

"So, how are we gonna find a ship that's completely invisible?" Raph asked them.
"We track it with this. it's aligned to the radar dishes we placed throughout the city. It'll create a triangulating pulse.." Donnie explained before Raph stopped him again.
"English, professor brainioff." Raph said annoyed.
"It will find out where the ship is, that good enough?" Spike asked him and he gave a thumbs up.

"April, can you stake out on a rooftop and feed us the ships coordinates?" Donnie asked handing her the device.
"Me? I don't know anything about radar!" April said worried.
"What about your dad?" Leo asked curious.
"My dad? He barely let's me out of the house anymore, he's never gonna go along with this." April said concerned.
"Please April, your dad's a scientist we really need his help" Donnie begged. April thought about it for a moment and sighed.
"I'll.. i'll see what i can do." April said as she started to leave while looking concerned.
"The bigger question is, how do we stop that ship? We'll need something fast to catch it" Raph asked again, Donnie smirked as he got an idea.

We cut to them outside the lair again as Donnie was showing them a new vehicle.
"I call it the T-rawket" Donnie introduced as they were all in some gear.
"How do you make this stuff without us knowing?" Spike asked curious.
"Well however he does it, we better move." Leo ordered as they started climbing inside and Leo called April.

"April, you guys in position?" Leo asked as we cut to them on a rooftop with Kirby looking worried.
"Um, roger, i think." April responded as Kirby held the device.
"Kind of late for a school project don't you think?" Kirby asked a little suspicious.
"It's.. extra credit dad. We're tracking uh.. pigeon migration, yeah.." April lied feeling ashamed. The device was suddenly beeping rapidly as Kirby held it up and the air and something flew over them just now.
"What is going on here?" Kirby asked worried, the Kraang ship appeared for a moment before it disappeared.
"Is that.. the Kraang?" Kirby asked getting scared as he dropped the device in horror.

"Coordinates, locked! This is it" Donnie said looking at them as the location was on a monitor.
"If we explode i swear i'll slap the green off you!" Raph said with anger.
"Let's go" Spike shouted as he braced himself, Donnie pressed on a button and the engine went off and they went flying through the tunnels at super fast speeds. The wind was flying past they're faces as Donnie looked terrified.
"Help/ Woohoo!/ ahh!/ Cool!/ Rainbow dash would love this!!" Spike screamed as all of them went flying through. They came out of a subway tunnel and went over a building with all of they screaming. The rocket flew up for a few seconds until it stopped right under the moon, they all started to fall out with them screaming until they activated they're bat wings and started flying.

"Success!!" Spike said in joy.
"Booyakasha.. ooh!" Mikey groaned as he slammed against something followed by the others.
"I think we found the ship.." Leo said weakly.
"Well, let's see what they have!" Spike said as he drew his sword.

Inside the ship, multiple Kraang aliens were working on they're positions until the hatch above came flying down. The aliens looked behind them and saw Spike and the others landing inside.
"It is the ones called the turtles and dragon. Kraang, we must alert Kraang!" The droid ordered as there were three of them.
"Ha! Three little floating brain blobs, that's it?" Raph asked with a smug.
"We can take these guys in our sleep." Leo said confidently as something was marching behind them.
"We can take these guys in our sleep, and with our eyes closed, wah!" Mikey said striking a pose until they all suddenly heard a deep sound.

They quickly turned around and drew they're weapons as they looked ahead, behind them, a new Kraang mech was built as it's restraints were released and they all looked worried.
"Aw, sewer apples.." Spike and Mikey said at once..
"Uh, where's it's head?" Raph asked as the machine marched forwards, they all tried attacking it, but this new machine was strong and knocked them all away.
"Biotroid engage." The droid said as one of them flew above them and landed in the machine and made a loud roar as chainsaws came out of it's chest..

"Okay, maybe we were a little cocky.." Donnie said in fear. The machine slammed down at them and they split up, Spike was blocking the blades with his sword but was having a tough time blocking them.
"This thing is fast!" Spike said in surprise as he tried punching with his mutant arm but the thing dodged it. Mikey tried attacking it from above, but the attack did nothing and Mikey was knocked back into a wall and barely avoided another blade attack, the hatch next to him suddenly opened, and it was revealed to be a huge supply of mutagen.
"The shipment, it's mutagen!" Leo said in shock before he was knocked back by the machine and flew onto the console, the ship started flying all over the place while April and Kirby watched.
"Come on guys, bring it down." April said hopefully while Kirby looked worried.

The machine was twirling Leo and Raph around at super fast speeds while they were screaming in fear.
"Enough!" Spike shouted as he jumped in the air and made a battle cry, he drew his sword and with a swift strike, he cut off one of the mechs arms and freed Leo.
"This thing's too tough!" Donnie said as Mikey slammed next to him after another failed attack.
"Oh i got this!" Mikey said confidently, he went up and kicked one of the aliens piloting the ship, the alien went flying around and hit the console and the pod in the middle opened up. Raph and Spike were slammed against the wall with the mutagen supply and they all started roiling down much to their horror.
"No!!" They all shouted in terror as tons of cans of mutagen went flying out of the ship and was being spread all over the city.

April watched in horror as a they all were flying over the city, she gasped in shock as a can was about to hit her.
"April!!" Kirby shouted in horror as he quickly covered her up and the mutagen shattered all over him...
"Dad?! Dad!!" April said in horror as Kirby screamed in pain.
"No no no!!" April said in terror as he fell off a ledge and a bunch of bat's were flying by. Kirby screamed in terror as he fell down, the mutagen reacted to the bat DNA and Kirby screamed in pain as he transformed into a horrific bat monster.. April watched in horror she saw her dad fly onto a nearby water tower and it screeched in anger.
"Dad! no no.. no.. no!!" April said in horror as the monster charged at her.

"All that mutagen, you two are the biggest screw ups ever!" Raph said in anger as he looked at Donnie and Mikey.
"Well you could have grabbed one single canister!" Donnie shouted pointing at him.
"There's gonna be dozens of people turned into monsters now!" Spike said in horror as he was trying to fight off the mech.
"Guys, can we focus?!" Leo asked as he was holding the mech back with Spike.
"Kraang, the console that is broken must remain unbroken!" A droid sad as they were trying to fix the console.

Donnie was twirling his staff around in rage as he tried attacking the thing on the back, but the metal came off behind the monster and it had cannons behind it.
"Butt cannons, it has butt cannons?!" Donnie asked in shock.
"Who came up with that?!" Spike asked in disgust.
"Biotroid, engage!" The droid said as it started firing lasers at them. Spike growled in rage as he charged up his arm again.
"Enough!!" Spike screamed in anger as he prepared to deliver a huge blow to it.

April was currently running away from the mutated Kirby as he was chasing her.
"Stop! It's me dad! It's April!" April begged as she tried out running him. The monster flew into the air and charged at her again.
"Please don't ground me.. but.." April said as she took out her fan and hit him across the head. The monster screeched in pain as it landed on the rooftop looking down at her with a worried fast.
"Sorry dad.." April said with regret.

The ship was flying around rapidly and was crashing into multiple buildings, Donnie looked over and saw the aliens trying to fix the console.
"Mikey, drop those Kraang!" Donnie shouted pointing at them.
"Done and Done! Throwing star time! Whoo!" Mike whooped in joy as he did a backflip and threw some ninja stars at them and they started flying around like crazy, Donnie whacked the two away and slammed his staff into the console and started controlling it himself, the ship went flying over the city and made multiple alarms go off.
"Left! Okay!" Donnie shouted as he turned the ship around and that resulted in Spike and the others being dragged on the floor.
"How about, we set a new course, like the moon!" Donnie shouted as he slammed the staff down and the ship started flying up high into the sky.

Spike landed on the side of the ship with the mech landing besides him and Mikey. Spike rolled over some more attacks from the monster and took a deep breath, he released a large stream of fire which covered over the mech and it screeched in pain. Spike jumped in and grabbed the alien with his arm and ripped him out, Leo screamed in anger as he charged at the mech and stabbed it right in the chest as electricity was coming out of it.
"We need to go now!" Spike shouted as he was starting to escape.

They all jumped out of the ship and they used some grapple hooks and wrapped them around a sign post and flew onto a rooftop and saw April with the mutated Kirby.
"Let's move!" Raph shouted as they drew they're weapons, but Spike stopped as he felt something was off.
"Guys wait! Somethings wrong!" Spike shouted.
"He's right, don't hurt him!" April begged which shocked them all and the bat Kirby roared and knocked them down. It knocked Spike out of the way and grabbed April's arms and started carrying her off.
"April!" Donnie said in horror as they saw her being taken away.
"Ugh, can this night get any worse?!" Raph asked frustrated.

"Guys.. i think that mutant was Mr O Neil.." Leo said as he looked down at a cracked can.
"How can you tell?" Mikey asked confused.
"You see any other giant red bearded middle aged bat's lately?" Leo countered.
"This is bad.. this is really bad!!" Spike said in horror as he was trying to process this.
"We gotta go after her!" Donnie said with worry.

"But what about the mutagen? We got canisters spread all over the city?" Raph asked them.
"It's gonna have to come first Raph, April's dad comes first." Leo replied as they started to move, Spike and Donnie looked back before they grabbed the crack case and a sample of it.
"We're gonna need these." Spike said as they started moving.

They were all now in the lair looking worried.
"I can't think, i can't think! I'm seriously stressing here!" Donnie said as he was pacing around looking worried.
"You think he's a vampire? You think he'll drink her blood and turn her into the undead?" Mikey joked as he had images of that scenario happening.
"Are you.. TRYING TO FREAK ME OUT?!" Donnie shouted with anger.

"Donnie, can i see your staff for a moment?" Spike asked holding his hand out.
"Sure." Donnie replied giving it to him.
"What are you doing?" Mikey asked as Spike twirled it and turned around.
"This..." Spike replied as he stroke it backwards and he hit Mikey in the nuts once again and he fell on his knees again.
"That's for freaking Donnie out." Spike said giving Donnie his staff back.
"Thank you." Donnie said as they were looking down at him.

"Sensei, say we're.. trying to catch a stray pet, like a cat." Leo asked turning to Splinter who came inside.
"A cat?!" Splinter asked confused and he looked freaked out.
"Or maybe a.. a parrot? Um.. what would be the best strategy?" Leo asked curious.
"Food of course, any animal can be lured by food. So what is this truly about?" Splinter asked curious.
"We're trying to.." Leo said before Raph covered his mouth.
"Um, nothing sensei, just talking about parrots like we usually do." Raph lied, Splinter huffed before he walked off leaving them alone.

"Food! It's so simple! It's brilliant! What do bat's eat?" Leo asked curious.
"Rodents, and other small invertebrates. Oh yeah, and bugs, the bigger the better." Donnie listed out.
"So where are we gonna get a huge bug? Dress up some sorry sucker in a huge fly costume?" Mikey asked curious.
"Oh Mikey.." Spike said with a smug as all of them got the same idea.

We cut to Mikey now in a moth costume and he had goggles put on him.
"I kinda feel like bait." Mikey said as he looked at the suit.
"Aw, don't thing of yourself as bait. This is your new superhero costume!" You could call yourself um.." Raph said trying to find a name.
"Turflytle! Tur-fly-tle! Oh yeah i love it! What are my powers?" Mikey asked again.
"You can hang from a rope" Spike said as he held out one.
"This is sweet!" Mikey said in joy.

As all of this was happening, April was on another rooftop and managed to buy time in getting her mutant dad to find some food while she tried to find a way off. Spike and the others were flying across the skies again in they're wings.
"Okay, we got Mikey in the air, where do we find Kirby?" Spike asked looking at Donnie who had a telescope.
"Don't know yet, Raph shake him around some more, he needs to mimic a fly's flight pattern some more." Donnie instructed.
"No problem!" Raph said while laughing, he then proceeded to shake Mikey around like crazy as he was trying to get the mutated Kirby's attention, and luckily, he saw them not to far away.

"Guys! There!" Spike shouted as he pointed towards the monster.
"He's heading straight for Mikey! Raph pull up, pull up!" Leo ordered.
"Whoa!" Mikey shouted as he barely avoided being attacked, Donnie looked back and saw him turning around in the sky.
"He's coming around again!" Donnie warned.
"Raph, follow me!" Spike said as he moved the wings downward and Raph followed him while he shook Mikey around like crazy.
"Time for Turflytle to take out his arch nemesis! Wing nut!" Mikey announced as he wacked the mutated monster.

"You are not giving Mr O Neil a monster name!!" Donnie said with anger.
"I will make sure you never think of naming something again if you do Mikey!" Spike warned.
"Woo hoo!!" Mikey shouted as they flew around, Spike and Leo flew above him in the moonlight, they unstrapped they're wings and started falling down.
"Sorry about this Mr O Neil." Spike said regretfully as he and Leo latched onto him.

"Mr O Neil Kirby! We don't wanna hurt you We wanna help!" Leo begged as he tried shaking the two off.
"Spike, try using your powers!" Raph shouted to him.
"I'll try!" Spike shouted as he placed his hands on the monsters head and tried calming him down like he did with Leatherhead.
"Try holding him down while we stick to the plan! Get him to the warehouse!" Leo instructed.

Donnie was knocked out of the sky by the mutant Kirby and fell down onto a nearby rooftop and was looking really dizzy.
"Donnie! Up here! I'm over here!" April shouted as he saw her on the ledge.
"April! Hold on!" Donnie shouted as he twirled a hook around and latched it onto the ledge.

While this was happening, Spike was trying to calm Kirby down as he was flying around at fast speeds.
"Kirby! Please stop this! You aren't a monster! Remember who we are! We're your friends! I'm sorry this happened to you! We can help you!! Just let us.. help!!" Spike begged as his head hurt badly again, he saw another first person shot of Kirby flying around and heard rapid heartbeats.
"Kirby Kirby!! Calm down! Please!" Spike begged as he tried using his ability's.

"We're coming up on the warehouse!" Leo shouted to the others, Raph held out a hook and wrapped it around one of his wings as well as Mikey with the other.
"Kirby, listen to me! Your daughter needs you! Remember!" Spike shouted as Spike held onto him. The monster was still flying around trying to shake them off, but Spike's words got through his head and he was starting to slow down.
"Guys, the warehouse! There!" Leo shouted as Leo was flying Kirby down into it.

They crashed through the glass roof and landed on the ground and over the cage, the monster was about to escape but the cage came down onto him thanks to Leo.
"Kirby.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with huge regret as he saw his state..
"Guys" April shouted as they saw her and Donnie run inside and Don closed the doors.
"Yo we did it Don, we caught the Kirby bat!" Mikey said waving his fingers around.
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as he elbowed him in the chest.

"Dad!" April said in horror as she ran up to the cage and he growled softly.
"Dad.." April said sadly.
"I'm so sorry April.." Spike said with regret as they placed they're hands on him to calm him down.
"What are we gonna do with him? Keep him caged forever? I mean, keep a steady diet of mice and flies?" April asked worried.
"Actually, bat's love moths and spiders to so.." Donnie said before he saw her straight face." Sorry." Donnie told her.

"This is all my fault.. if i hadn't lied to dad.." April said with regret as Mikey came up to her.
"Listen April, it's okay. It was our fault, Spike was holding them off while we accidentally spilled the mutagen, we'll fix it." Mikey assured while Spike and the others were trying to make him shut up.
"What? You guys.. you guys spilled the mutagen?" April asked sounding upset.
"Yeah, Spike was trying to stop it while we accidentally unleashed it all over the city, we'll find them." Mikey said again as Spike slapped his face.

"You.. you.." April said as she turned to them and the bat Kirby roared at them.
"I tried stopping them April! I swear i'll find a way to help him!" Spike begged trying not to have this get worse.
"I agree, i swear i'll cure him." Donnie said ashamed.
" You mutated my father!" April said in anger. Kirby roared with anger and broke threw the cage and flew up.
"No!" April shouted in horror as he flew out into the sky's leaving them alone. April looked at the others who were all looking down with deep regret.

"April.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with tears in his eyes.
"Leave me alone, I don't wanna see you again!" April said pointing at them as she ran off.
"April!" Donnie said with worry as she ran out.
"Let her go man, give her some space." Raph said stopping him, Spike looked up at the sky and looked ashamed.
"I'll help you one day Kirby.." Spike said determined as he looked on.

Back at Shredder's lair, he was looking unhappy like always.
"Where is my mutagen creature?" Shredder asked upset.
"The complications became overly complicated. The ones known as the turtles and dragon stopped the shipment. Kraang will make amends." The droid said as the screen faded away.
"These creatures are useless. It is time to expand my army, on my own." Shredder said menacingly.

Spike and the others had gotten back home looking ashamed after they told Splinter what happened.
"This is all grave news. Very grave indeed." Splinter said as he rubbed his beard.
"I can't believe this is happening... Poor April.." Donnie said with regret.
"We'll fix this, i swear it." Spike said patting him on the back.
"Do not dwell on the past. You must find every last canister of mutagen. You must search every street, every park and playground, every building and rooftop. Before we have even more mutants on our hands.." Splinter warned as we see multiple shots of the city that had canisters all over it, a cracked canister is seen as a squirrel crawls to it and takes a sip of it. Dramatic music plays as it turns around and it's eyes start to glow green..

25: Follow the Leader

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It was another night in New York once again, it's been a bit since the mutagen was spread all over the city, and Spike and the turtles were trying to search for any canisters they could find.
"Come on Donnie, don't get so bent out of shape about April. She'll come around." Raph assured as Donnie turned on the device.
"I've seen friends separate from fights before, things will get better, i know that for a fact." Spike said in agreement.
"Yeah.. i guess your right guys.." Donnie said still feeling sad that April had left them like that.

Spike continued searching for any canister he could find, he found a few of them within the last week and he and Donnie have been working on making a retro mutagen to cure Kirby who became a bat monster.
"You got anything with the device Donnie?" Spike asked looking at it.
"I'm getting something, but i just don't know where it's properly going to.. aha! I think i got something." Donnie said interested as the device was beeping rapidly.
"Ah your scanners just about as useless just as much as a trench coat on a turtle." Raph said annoyed.
"Just give him a chance Raph, it's our fault those canisters went missing, we gotta find em before some rando ends up getting mutated.
"Over here guys!" Donnie said as the device kept beeping.

Spike quickly jumped up to the rooftop and found a canister lying down.
"Guys! i found it!" Spike said as he held it out.
"How many does that make?" Leo asked looking at Donnie.
"Spike found 3 so far, so that leaves.. 4 and a half." Donnie announced and they all groaned in annoyance.
"Hey we still have 59 more to go." Donnie assured.

On another rooftop, someone was watching them from afar.
"So, the turtles and Spike are hunting for the missing mutagen supply, this makes the game so much easier." Karai said with a grin as she sliced off a nearby can in half.

Spike and the others were now on another rooftop searching for more canisters.
"We've been searching for mutagen for days now dudes, this is so boring, i'm gonna scream." Mikey said before Spike glared at him.
"You start screaming, i'm gonna put duck tape over your mouth until we find all of them" Spike threatened and Mikey shut up instantly.
"Spike's right, it's probably best we take for a bit and do something fun." Leo suggested.
"All right!" Spike and the others said in relief.

"Training session! Yes!" Leo announced and they all groaned in annoyance.
"Guys, sensei want's me to train you, and that's what i'm gonna do." Leo said as he looked down for something.
"You see that dragon gate over there?" Leo asked pointing down and they saw it over a china part of town.
"Sweet design." Spike complimented.

"I'm gonna defend it, like the king of the mountain. Now, the only was you can get past me, is to use traditional close quarter fighting. got it?" Leo asked.
"Whatever you say fearless leader. Let's just get it over with." Raph said crossing his arms.
"Sounds more interesting then the endless searching we've done all night." Spike said as they all jumped down and headed to the dragon gate.
"Guys, i got an idea." Raph said stopping Spike and the others as he whispered a plan to them.

Leo was now standing on the roof and drew his sword to them as they were on the other side, Donnie chuckled as Mikey took out his weapons and put on some earpods
"What's up ninja?! Wha wha! Whoo!" Mikey shouted as he danced to the music.
"What are you doing Mikey?" Leo asked frustrated as they stood on some lines. Mikey proceeded to break dance on the line as Leo charged at him, he tried knocking him down, but Mikey got out of the way, he proceeded to just dance fight his way through it while Leo kept up his guard.
"Real funny. Come on." Leo said as he slashed at him again, Mikey backflipped out of the way and made the rope go down a bit until he went high into the air and landed on the other side.

"Made it! Whoo!" Mikey cheered.
"That's not fair, that wasn't a real fight!" Leo said annoyed, he looked behind him and saw Donnie walking up next.
"Alright." Leo said ready as he thought this was easy, Donnie took out a ninja star and used his brain to coordinate a proper attack, he then threw a good number around him and hit him from multiple angles.
"Ow! are you kidding me Donnie?" Leo asked annoyed as he tried deflecting a ton of them from multiple angles and was feeling exhausted.
"Ow! King of the mountain baby!" Donnie cheered as Leo saw him next to Mikey. Spike was next and he balanced on the line carefully.

"Okay, i hope at least you can be fair with this." Leo said raising his weapon.
"I at least tend to be." Spike replied as he got in a fighting stance. Spike screamed as he used the rope and jumped high into the air, Leo gasped as Spike came down from the moon view and he almost hit Leo, Spike drew his sword and clashed his against Leo's.
"Impressive, but your gonna have to do more then that!" Leo said pushing him back.
"Already ahead of you!" Spike shouted as he wrapped his tail around the sword, Leo gasped in shock as Spike threw Leo over the line and he landed on the other side without falling off, when Leo got up he saw Spike was with the others.
"Does that count as fair?" Spike shouted from across the roof.
"You put more respect to it then the others that's for sure." Leo replied as he turned to Raph.

"So what's your trick gonna be?" Leo asked him.
"Trick? What are you guys talking about?" Raph lied before he threw his sai at Leo who deflected it with his sword.
"Hey Ninja's don't throw they're weapons!" Leo said annoyed. Raph suddenly lunged at him and punched Leo off the line and he fell to the ground, he got up and saw his sword said Lame-o- nardo on it.( Guess that joke has been used before).

"You okay?" Spike asked as he helped him up. Leo looked over and saw the others high fiving eachother.
"Why must you always undermind my training?! At least Spike knows how to put respect into it!" Leo said annoyed.
"You just want us to fight, exactly like you fight. But the whole point is, to make it to the dragon gate, anyway we can right?" Raph said in response before he and the others were walking off leaving Spike and Leo alone.
"It'll be okay Leo, they all have they're ways of doing it, we just have to focus on what makes us do best in fights." Spike explained as he patted him on the back and walked off as well.

Back at the dojo, Leo was currently telling Splinter about what happened and how he feels like he's not cut out for this.
"Leonardo, a true leader doesn't always help impose his will. But helps his followers flourish, grow." Splinter explained.
"Maybe i shouldn't be the leader.." Leo said sadly.
"My son, how can your team see you as leader if you cannot believe in yourself?" Splinter asked again while Leo was thinking to himself as we cut to Karai in another dojo.

Karai was currently sparring against some foot soldiers, but it was revealed that the ones she was fighting, were new robotic soldiers built for tougher training, and she actually was being overwhelmed.
"Enough!" Shredder ordered as he made the robots stop as he came out of a door.
"The Kraang swore these new foot soldiers would be deadly. They were true to their word." Shredder said impressed.
" I thought they'd finish me off, but you wouldn't let them do that right father?" Karai asked concerned.

"I am leaving for japan for some urgent business, you are to not make any moves against the turtles or dragon until i get back." Shredder explained.
"But i told you.." Karai said before he held out his blades.
"Disobedience comes with a stiff penalty, child." Shredder warned as he started to walk out.
"Even for your daughter?" Karai asked him.
"Especially for my daughter." Shredder responded as he left her alone.

Spike and the others were now in the shellraiser again searching for more canisters while Leo looked upset.
"Your not mad at us are you Leo? I'll give you my mutant plus number 28." Mikey offered holding out a comic.
"I'm not mad, i just think you guys need to be a little better at following my orders." Leo said annoyed.
" We should at least respect what he tells us to do, it may be boring to us sure, but it's for our safety." Spike said in defense.
"Aw, i'm glad Leo at least has a playmate with him " Raph said sarcastic.

"What's your problem lately Raph? Still jealous your not the leader of the team?" Raph asked him.
"You remember the last time that happened right? It backfired on all of you." Spike said recalling what happened with Snakeweed.
"Stop the shellraiser, the scanners picked up another mutagen canister." Donnie told them, the tires screeched and Donnie slammed against the computer.

Spike and the others all got out now and were now near the location.
"We're close guys, the signals coming from the basement." Donnie explained.
"Okay, let's not make any sudden moves before i give the.. " Leo said before he looked over and saw Raph and the others had already left.
"Give me a break.." Spike said annoyed.
"I'm glad your at least following orders respectfully." Leo said as the two jumped down again.

They were searching through the basement searching for the next canister as the device was going off. Mikey looked over and found a canister laying in the ground.
"Oh yeah! Found it! Go ninja, go ninja go!" Mikey shouted as he ran up to it.
"Wait, it's a trap!" Spike shouted before Mikey picked it up, but it had a wire attached to it, the doors behind them were slammed shut, as well as the other doors in the room.
"You see what we mean guys?!" Spike asked annoyed as he was upset at them for ignoring Leo again.

"Easier then i thought." Karai suddenly said, they looked over and saw her on a crater with her weapon drawn.
"Karai!" Spike and Leo said at once.
"Long time no see Leo, nice to see you again Spike." Karai greeted while Spike was on his guard. They were now surrounded by foot soldiers and drew they're weapons.
"Your lady friends getting real good at setting ambushes." Donnie told Leo.
"Maybe if you listened to him, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Spike said annoyed.
"Thank you!" Leo shouted in response.
"Whatever, they're just foot soldiers, we won't even break a sweat." Raph said as they all split up to fight them.

Spike was engaged with a couple in front of him, he rolled under a sweeping kick and flipped over another punch, he grabbed the soldiers arm and elbowed his arm before kicking him in the face, Spike threw another star at the other one and it hit the soldier in the leg, but it brushed it off like nothing.
"What?" Spike asked in shock as he saw they're eyes lighting up.
"Guys! Somethings different about these ones!" Spike warned as he dodged another onslaught of attacks. Spike drew his weapon and clashed with the robot, he pushed it back and sliced through it, but to his shock, he saw sparks of electricity coming from the body.

"Are these guys robots?!" Spike asked in shock as he dodged another attack at his head and threw a star into ones head making it go to the ground.
"Everyone fall back!" Leo ordered.
"What?! We're running away?" Raph asked frustrated.
"It's not running, it's a tactical retreat, move!" Leo ordered as he and Spike started running.

"I don't care what Leo says, i'm not running from the foot." Raph said as he charged at them, he tried to land a hit on them, but the new robots were far stronger and were able to knock him back to the others.
"We need to get out of here now!" Spike shouted to the others, they all quickly got up with the soldiers running after them.

They were trying to escape through the elevator shaft, but the robots were putting off a good fight.
"Whoa! Get off of me you bug eyed creep!" Mikey shouted as he tried shaking one off. Leo jumped off the wall and fell down to the robot, he kicked it in the head and it fell to the ground and revealed it was a robot.
"Those guys are robots! This is bad!" Spike said in shock as he kept climbing. Raph managed to reach the top, and was trying to help out the others, Leo was about to grab his hand, but the foot bots caught up with him and were trying to drag him down.
"Hurry Leo!" Raph shouted as he tried reaching him, but the weight was too much and the wires snapped off.
"Leo!" Spike shouted in terror as he jumped down after him while the others watched in shock.

Donnie had picked up the cord and looked at it in shock while Raph looked ashamed.
"He's gone.. and Spike took the fall too.. this is all my fault.." Raph said with regret, we cut back to the lair as all of them were thinking.

"We didn't follow his lead." Donnie said ashamed.
"How are we gonna explain this to master Splinter?" Mikey asked worried.
"Explain, what to me Michelangelo?" Splinter suddenly asked as he appeared in the room.
"It's Leo and Spike sensei, Karai.. captured them.." Raph said with regret.
"Hmm.. i knew it would come to this eventually.." Splinter said worried.

"Come to what sensei?" Donnie asked curious.
"Karai wants to take revenge. She believed that i took one of my loved ones away from her.." Splinter said sadly.
"But that's not true, right?" Mikey asked worried.
"It is very much.. the opposite of what she thinks, find Leonardo and Spike. That is what matters, rescue your brother and friend." Splinter instructed as we cut to Leo in a cage with Karai looking over it.

"You know i i'd make a small fortune if i sold you to a lab. Could you imagine the press? Talking ninja turtle, found in the sewer." Karai said with a chuckle.
"Sweet, captured and totally humiliated, awesome day Leo, awesome day." Leo said sarcastic.
"You deserved everything your getting Leo, after you betrayed me last time." Karai said holding out a knife. Karai snapped her fingers and the dozens of foot bots marched up and sat down in order.

"Don't you love it? My new robotic foot soldiers follow my orders to a t, no arguing, no prodding, they do whatever i want, cool right?" Karai asked as she looked over them. Spike was hiding on the rooftop watching the whole thing happen, he was able to sneak away from being captured and was trying to rescue him.

"I've been teaching the foot bots some skills, but now i'm turning the training to someone new." Karai said as she threw her knife at the rope of the cage and it cut Leo from it and he fell to the ground.
"Foot bots de-shell him." Karai ordered as she tossed Leo his weapons. Leo gasped as a soldier appeared behind him and he was able to slice the thing in half, but that was far from the only one as there were more throwing ninja stars at him. Spike was watching the thing happen and decided to make his move.
"Okay Karai, hope you don't mind a little extra!" Spike shouted as he used a smoke bomb.

Spike suddenly appeared in the room and sliced multiple robots apart.
"How things going Leo?" Spike asked as he grabbed one of their arms and threw him to the wall.
"What took you so long?" Leo replied as he was trying to hold back another robot.
"Waiting for the right moment" Spike shouted as he readied his mutant arm and punched the thing to the wall.

"Well well, looks like we got some extra company huh?" Karai asked as she saw Spike and he turned to her.
"Been a while huh?" Spike asked as he dodged another attack and chomped down on the robots neck and threw it down.
"Sure has, i see you've grown a little since i last saw you." Karai said seeing his new height.
"Hit a growth spurt, but i'm still not fully done yet." Spike said as he backflipped over another bot and sliced it's head off.
"Interesting to know, let's see if that helps you stand against my foot bots." Karai said as she snapped her fingers again and they're eyes all glowed again.
"Let's find out then." Spike said as he readied his sword and he and Leo charged at the bots.

"You spend years and months learning these skills. But robots can learn it in seconds, from you two." Karai explained as they all spun around them and Spike blocked another clash.
"Fighting just improves their skills." Karai said as Leo was tackled to the ground and Spike was surrounded.
"Karai!" Leo shouted as he was struggling.
"I never got to know my mother because your rodent master took her away from me.

"Splinter? That's a lie" Leo shouted as he tried charging at her but was restrained by the bots.
"Get him out of my sight." Karai ordered.
"Karai listen to me, Splinter would never hurt your mother" Leo argued as she turned around, Spike grabbed the next bots head and slammed him into the wall and shattered it.
"How do you know Shredder's your real father? Is there any real pictures or proof that showed that they were together?" Spike asked in anger as he flipped over another bot and sliced it through it's chest, and that question shocked Karai for a moment.
"What are you talking about?" Karai asked confused as Spike still fought them off.

While this was happening, Raph and the others tracked Leo to the dojo by following the footage of Karai's van, they were now on the rooftops and made it to the place.
"Guys, i think someone's already been here, the security cameras already down." Donnie said as they saw a broken camera ahead.
"Must've been Spike, he might have escaped." Raph suggested, he opened the hatch and the others went inside, they heard grunting at they looked down and saw Spike still fighting them off but was looking tired, they looked ahead some more and found Leo tied up with some tape on his mouth. Leo screamed from his mouth trying not to make them come down, but they didn't listen again and they landed down on the soldiers guarding them.

"We can't understand what your trying to say Leo." Donnie said as he took off the tape.
"It's a trap" Leo warned, they looked ahead and saw even more bots come into the room and Spike groaned.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed as he readied his blade again.
"Nice Leo, you could have said something." Mikey said annoyed as the door opened behind them and Karai was revealed.

"You got two choices sweetheart: let us go, or walk away from this inside a sandwich bag." Raph threatened as he freed Leo from the ropes.
"Sorry Raphael can't let you go, it's not really that personal with the rest of you turtles, and nothing personal against Spike at all, i just need you for bait." Karai explained as she sat down.
"She wants Splinter." Leo told them.
"Your sensei will eventually track you here, and when he shows up, Splinter will know what it's like to truly suffer. Restrain them!" Karai ordered as the robots charged at them.

"Let's smash some robots!" Raph shouted as he slammed his weapons against they're heads and was dodging more attacks. Spike rolled out of the way of another attack and went under it and sliced it to pieces again.
"These things are fast learners! Keep your guard up!" Spike shouted as he made a backflip and punched another down with his mutant arm.
"I must admit, your Spike has good stamina, he's been going at it with them for quite some time now" Karai said impressed as Spike took another down with anger.

"My foot bots know every move." Karai said as Leo took down another, but the others were being pushed back.
"Every skill, every attack." Karai said again as they were all backed up as the robots eyes glowed red.
"If i order you guys to run away, will you fall back?" Leo asked them.
"Heck yeah. And we can still call it a tactical retreat if you want!" Mikey replied as he barely avoided another knife.
"Then let's go!" Spike shouted as he flipped up to the higher ledge and was helping the others.
"Foot bots, don't let them escape!" Karai ordered.

Spike and the others were running across the rooftops trying to run away.
"All our moves are useless." Raph said frustrated.
"They know e very move i can make.. every fighting style, every skill every.. wait a sec" Leo said as he got an idea.
"Hang on a minute.." Spike said in shock as he realized something.

"Guys, remember king of the mountain?" Spike asked looking back at them.
"Yeah sure/ what about it?" Mikey and Raph asked as they jumped off the roof and was being gained by the foot bots still.
"Whoop, whoop, whoop!" Leo shouted as he tossed one of his swords in the air, and threw his other sword at the robots head.
"Oh i get what your saying, be unpredictable." Donnie said in realization.
"Use what you used to beat Leo at that game!" Spike shouted as he dodged another attack.

Donnie was running around and looking for a way to attack.
"Do our thing." Donnie recalled as he coordinates a special attack, he jumped over a dumpster and took out some ninja stars and knives, he threw them at multiple angles, and with precise attacks, he was able to take them all down.
"Didn't see that coming did you?" Donnie asked with a laugh.

"Yeah boy!" Mikey shouted as he flipped over a playset of swings and was using his dancing skills to fight them off. Raph charged at the other foots bots, he uses his aggressive skills to mercilessly crush their heads.

Spike was surrounded by some more bots and was thinking of a way to fight until he got an idea.
"You know what happens when you mess with dragons right?" Spike asked before he took a deep breath, he held out his sword and breathed his fire onto it having it be surrounded by the green fire.
"You get fire!" Spike shouted as he charged at them, he swung his blade at each one with aggression, he sliced the head off another bot again, he then did an upper slash at another and did a new spin attack and sliced the others to pieces.
"That's what we do!" Spike said in victory. Raph had just finished helping Leo with another bot and tossed it down.

"I never had so much fun following your orders." Raph told him.
"We're even, i never had so much fun giving them." Leo replied before they barely dodged some more stars and saw more bots climbing upwards. Raph screamed in anger as he jumped down to them with aggression. Leo heard a battle cry and suddenly saw Karai in the air and she engaged in battle with him. Spike saw this and dropped what he was doing to join in and help.

"Karai! Stop this! You don't know what your doing!" Spike shouted as he blocked one of her attacks and joined in.
"What do you know?! You attacked my father and your master almost killed him!" Karai said with anger. Spike and Leo backflipped from the attack and were jumping up to the higher ledges and still fighting her.
"Remember what i said? How do you know he's your real father? Was there any solid proof he was other then him raising you?!" Spike asked as he pushed her back and delivered a strong kick.
"What do you know about me? he raised me and that's more then enough for me!" Karai shouted as she charged at them.

"Do you really think that? Despite him raising you, did he ever really treat you like a daughter other then having you be raised as a warrior? If there was anything you wanted to do besides this, do you think he would let you do it? A real father let's they're children do what they want with they're lives, even if it's different from they're own" Spike shouted as he backflipped behind her and avoided a slash from Leo.

"Spike's right, you don't wanna do anything else because he never let you do it!! You were always raised how he wanted you to be, not how you wanted yourself to be!" Leo shouted as he kicked her back. Karai was stunned from this news as she stopped at tacking them for a moment.
"What do you mean?" Karai asked still in a fighting pose.

"We're saying that if you were really his daughter, he might've had you do what you want, but you've seen what he does! " Leo shouted as he threw his sword at her and she blocked it.
"He's all i've ever known! he gave me the life i have now!" Karai countered as the sword flipped into the air.
"That's the point! You didn't have to have this life!"" Spike said again as he jumped in the air and delivered a strong ground pound with his mutant arm and she was starting to be knocked off her balance. Spike growled and charged at her.
" Listen to me Karai, if you trust me, you need to listen to this! Do not trust what he says to you, you'll never know he's your father if you don't see proof of it!" Spike shouted as he clashed swords with her. Leo screamed in anger as he joined in again and delivered another kick to her, and this one sent her flying off the ledge and she fell on the ground.

Spike and Leo jumped down and landed next to her with their weapons.
"Shredder is lying to you, Splinter would never hurt an innocent." Leo told her while they took some heavy breaths.
"Your grudge is with me, stay away from my sensei, and my brothers. understood?" Leo asked her as a warning, he put away his swords and started taking off and Spike looked back at her again.
"You'll never know he's your real father, if you don't have proof. I'm sorry we had to fight again Karai, but i'll do what i can to protect the only family i have now, please think about this." Spike said as he took off again leaving her alone to think about this..

Donnie was breathing heavily and was on the ledge.
"Um Leo, Spike? The robots have learned our moves!" Donnie said worried as Mikey joined in.
"Our crazy has become normal Man i hate that!!" Mikey said annoyed as more bots came onto the rooftops again. Raph was kicked back again and he and the others started running again. They made they're way over to the dragon gate from before and went across the wires to the other side with Spike and Leo. They took out they're swords and cut off the lines and separated the lines from the bots and they were stopped. Spike and the others escaped as they used a smoke bomb and vanished..

They made it back to the lair once again, and was watching Mikey playing pinball once again as he just got a new high score.
"Leo, you or Spike wanna play next?" Donnie asked them.
"I've had enough for one day." Spike said casually.
"Yeah, we're both good for now, thanks." Leo replied as they started to walk off. Raph stopped and looked at Leo and wrapped his arm around his neck.

"It's good to have you back Leo, i mean it brother." Raph said gratefully.
"Thanks Raph." Leo replied as they gave eachother a fist bump and Spike smiled as he was glad they made up again.

"Spike thanks for your help back there, would've been in trouble if it wasn't for you." Leo said turning to him.
"No problem Leo, i wasn't gonna let our leader go like that, i'll always be there for you guys." Spike said giving him a high five.
"I'm glad to hear that. It's great to have you apart of the team." Leo said with a smile and Spike did the same, Leo went off to talk to Splinter while Spike looked on, he just hoped Karai can learn the truth about this one day.

Leo had now went into the dojo and went up to Splinter.
"Sensei, there's something i wanted to ask you, about Karai." Leo asked as Splinter stood up.
"It is late Leonardo. These questions will have to wait for another time." Splinter replied as he still had his eyes closed.
"She said you took her mother away from her, i know it's not true, right?" Leo asked worried.
"No, it is not true, but the truth is.. almost as difficult.." Splinter replied as he walked away some more.

"Please sensei, tell me, trust me.." Leo begged as Splinter stopped, he sighed and turned around to him.
"Karai.. is my daughter.." Splinter answered as he looked worried..

26: Mutagen Man Unleashed

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It was another day in the lair once again, Spike had been taking things the best he could with the mutagen canister situation, with the ones he and Donnie have found, they've been trying to work on a batch of retro mutagen to cure Kirby, right now though, Mikey was watching a new show that was like the Space Heroes show from before.

"What the heck is this nonsense? It's terrible!" Raph said confused as Mikey watched it.
"Terribly awesome! I found these old tapes in a dumpster. Check it out." Mikey said as he grabbed a crate full of em.
"Dude this is awful, and you guys complained about Space Heroes." Leo mocked.
"They're lips don't even match what they're saying, i could never watch a show this bad." Raph mocked as well.
"It's probably dubbed from it's original version, i've seen people prefer the subs over dubs in some shows. And i prefer the subs." Spike defended, we cut to all of them suddenly looking amazed as they watch the show.

"There are to many of them captain!" A woman said on screen.
"So she's the princess of an entire planet? Cool!" Raph said amazed.
"Yep, and she also pilots the robots left leg, she rules!" Mikey replied.
"I love the robot design, old shows like this always made use of what they had." Spike said as well.
"I know, i love the different color parts to each limb!" Mikey said amazed as well.

"The story has such an intricate layered plot, four stars!" Donnie complimented as they see the scientist geek on the screen with the princess and was rejected by her while everyone laughed at that.
"Savage!" Spike said while laughing.
"That is so like you and April dude!" Mikey said to Donnie.
"It is not! Eh the show's lame anyway, the plot makes zero sense. I'll be in the lab." Donnie said walking off and Spike decided to get up.
"If your gonna help our friend here, i'll come as well, he doesn't deserve what's happened to him." Spike said sadly as he walked in with Donnie.

Spike and Donnie were looking over multiple photos of them and the group until Donnie grabbed a photo of him and April.
"What am i to April anyway? I'm worse then a nerd, i'm a freak! We're all total and complete fre.." Donnie said before he looked at their mutated friend.
"Donnie, i understand how your feeling, things are rough for all of us right now. It's a part of life." Spike said as he gave the mutated Timothy some food.
"Yeah.. even if April blames us for her dads mutation. We can still find a way to fix it." Donnie said as he and Spike went around with Timothy looking at the photo of them.
"With the canisters we found so far, we have some resources to make a cure." Spike said as he placed a can of mutagen on the desk.

"Yeah, and soon our friend here won't have to be a mutated glob of intestinal goo any longer." Donnie said as Timothy was trying to reach the mutagen unknown to them.
"Alright, let's try this again." Spike said as they carefully placed a drop into the can, but the thing froze solid and it exploded.
"Frozen? Aw great, another batch lost!" Donnie said annoyed.
"Don't worry Don, we'll find a cure soon and get April's trust back, i promise." Spike assured as they got up for a moment. The long mouth that belonged to Timothy reached over to the mutagen and drank inside what was left of it as sinister music played..

We cut to April at the school trying to clear her mind.
"This is it April, a new start. just pretend your a normal girl, don't talk about robot aliens or mutated dads or a talking dragon, and don't even think about turtles." April said as she grabbed her stuff until she was knocked down suddenly.
"Uh, are you serious?" April asked annoyed as she saw a hockey stick right next to her.

"Nice job stopping my puck like that, you got some moves red." A kid introduced as he had hockey gear and a beanie hat with other black and white clothing on him.
"Um, you could start with sorry." April said annoyed as the kid came up to her again with the puck.
"Sorry you got in the way. What were you doing blocking the hallway like that anyway?" He asked as he slid the puck around again.
"Blocking the.. exactly who do you think you are?" April asked annoyed, the kid slid up to her with another smug.
"You signed up for extra credit right? Well rejoice because i'm the guy your gonna tutor.
"Great." April said with a scoff.

"Look, if i don't pass this trig, they're kick me off the hockey team, nobody else wants to tutor me. They're all intimidated by my supreme awesomeness." The kid said with a smile.
"So, this is you asking me for help? Charming." April said annoyed. The bell rung again and the two looked at eachother for a bit feeling a little awkward until she sighed.
"Ugh fine, meet me at the park at 7:00. Don't be late." April said pointing at him.

"It's a date then, nice." The kid said as he whacked the puck over to a fountain, and then hit a girl in the face, the kid shrugged it off and started to leave.
"So, what's your name anyway?" April asked again, the kid turned to her with a smile.
"Casey Jones." He introduced.

We cut to another night in the city as Spike and Leo decided to have a little fun, so they placed out a couple pizza slices for Mikey as bait, and like they predicted, he just let himself fall into their trap and they knocked him down.
"What the heck was that?" Mikey asked annoyed as the two ate their slices.
"That was a stealth attack, and that's what we're practicing in today's training session." Leo explained as Raph jumped down as well.
"You just walked into that dude." Spike said as he helped him up.
"Well i didn't see you two coming!" Mikey countered.
"That's why it's called a stealth attack, genius." Raph said annoyed.

"Why would you eat random pizza off a roof anyway?" Donnie asked confused as they saw him on the water tower.
"Roof pizza is like one of my top 10 favorite kinds of pizza." Mikey replied.
"I will never understand you Mikey.." Spike said as he shook his head and turned to Leo.

"Okay guys listen up. The two keys to stealth: Misdirection, and camouflage, got it? Raph and Mikey, you guys are up." Leo told them.
"Eh, i don't wanna do this anymore do you Raph?" Mikey asked looking at hi, but they all were suddenly gone as he was alone.
"Raph?" Mikey asked looking around. A skateboard came close to him and he decided to pick him up, Raph suddenly came behind him and grabbed him.
"Shell wedgie!" Raph shouted as he lifted him in the air and Mikey groaned in annoyance.
"No fair! Stealth attacks are lame!" Mikey said annoyed while Spike took a picture of this on his phone.
"You really need to up your game on this dude." Spike said as he sent it to Raph.
"Thanks for that Spike, i'm gonna make this my thumbnail!" Raph said with a laugh.

While this was happening, Donnie quietly went over to the park to see if April's there, but heard noises and silently looked over.
"Okay, show me how you solve for x." April said as she and Casey were on the swings.
"You just.. dig right? Because x marks the spot." Casey answered as he looked at the night sky until April stopped him.
"Have you ever opened this book?" April asked holding it up to him before slamming it down annoyed.

"School isn't really my thing, when i graduate i'm gonna become either a pro hockey player, or a pro bounty hunter." Casey said as he kept on swinging.
"Those are quite the options." April said interested as Casey looked at her.
"Who wants a normal life anyway, right?" Casey asked her, he saw her brush her hair a bit and had a smug.
"Hold still red, you got a smug on your face." Casey said trying to brush it off.

Donnie seeing this had everything in him crack as he saw this.
"She's on a.. date? I can't believe it! With some punk human kid, what are they saying? Whoa!" Donnie shouted as he fell off the roof and made a loud noise and fell into a dumpster which worried the two.
"Man, this.. stinks." Donnie said annoyed as he closed the hatch.

We cut back to him and Spike in the lab where he told Spike about all of this.
"Donnie, those two could just be studying, assigned classmates is a thing you know." Spike said trying to make him calm down.
"You weren't there Spike, they were swinging together, swinging! And then.. the way she looked at him. and she gave him, that look, like this." Donnie said as he made a certain face with Timothy watching it all.

"Donnie.." Spike said trying to make him stop.
"Why was she even with him? Because he's human, that's why. Big deal, you know how many people are human?" Donnie asked walking up to Timothy.
"Donnie, your overthinking this! they were just probably doing a class assignment, we all have certain places we like to study, and the park isn't any different. Trust me, i know how this feels." Spike said putting his mutant arm on his shoulder, Donnie sighed and looked at him.

"Your right.. it could just be a class experiment, it's nothing like that right?" Donnie asked worried.
"Don't think that stuff, let's just focus on helping our friend here." Spike said as he held up a case.
"Alright, well we're almost done with your voice box, how's that?" Donnie asked as he hooked it up and plugged it in.
"Speaking to you, Donnie, Spike?" Timothy spoke through the box.

"Great to speak to you again buddy, we'll find a way to help you soon." Spike assured.
"I like April, Donnie.. Spike.." Timothy told him.
"Yeah, you and me both Pulverizer." Donnie said sadly.
"We'll fix things up with her soon Don. We'll make her our friend one day soon." Spike assured as they put another canister on the desk as well as another vile.

"April.. friend?" Timothy asked again.
"Donatello my son, i would like to speak with you." Splinter said as they saw him in the lab.
"Uh, sure master Splinter." Donnie replied as they stood up.
"Wonder what this is about?" Spike asked as they both walked out, the mouth that belonged to Timothy went over to the next canister and tried to open it.

Spike was letting Splinter talk to Donnie, as he taught Donnie about having fun while falling down, while he was reading a book.
"Oh, your talking about me and April aren't you?" Donnie asked as he realized what this was.
"My son, for someone so intelligent, the obvious often deludes you." Splinter explained.
"I know how that is.." Spike said while he kept reading.

Timothy had just gotten the mutagen canister and completely drank it all, large mutant arms and legs emerged from the body and he was able to finally start moving again.
"Must.. find.. April" Timothy said as he slid the mouth across the photo in a gross way, Donnie and Splinter were still talking until they heard a loud crash.

"What was that?" Splinter asked worried.
"It came from the lab!" Spike said as he and Donnie ran out, when they got there, they saw the wall was burst down much to their surprise.
"Timothy! He's gone.." Donnie said in shock as he wasn't here anymore.. Spike looked over and found an empty canister.
"And i think i know how.." Spike said as he held up the empty can.
"You've gotta be kidding me.." Donnie said annoyed.
Timothy was able to use his new body to reach the surface, and any normal person who was doing they're business noticed him.
"Where.. is... April O Neil?" Timothy asked in anger, all the people who saw him started screaming in fear and was running away.

A police car had arrived and saw Timothy rampaging around.
"What is that thing Jim?" The officer asked in shock.
"Some kinda granola crunching hippy, bill! Get on your knees and put your hands on your.. jar!" Jim ordered as they held out some weapons.
"Police, help find April!" Timothy said as he marched over to them.
"Stop where you are! Whatever you are!" Jim warned as the two officers started whacking him trying to put him down and they broke the photo of Donnie and April and that made Timothy really mad.

"Stupid humans, hurt me?!" Timothy asked in anger as he grabbed the club and melted it, he knocked the officer back a great distance and he went under the car.
"Get away!" Timothy shouted in rage as he knocked the other onto the windshield.
"Ugh, so what do i tell dispatch? That a bottle of goo with arms and legs on the lose?!" Bill asked worried as Timothy ran off..

Metalhead made a beep as the place was empty.
"Yep, it's a mess Metalhead." Donnie said while he looked at the broken wall.
"Donnie, Sensei, Spike?" Mikey asked as he and the others came in as well.
"What happened?" Leo asked worried, Spike sighed and looked at the empty canister.
"I think our gooey friend took a drink of mutagen again.." Spike said annoyed as he showed them the empty canister.
"If he took the mutagen, he'll be really dangerous, and i think he went after April! Come on, we'll fill you in on the way" Donnie said as he, Spike and the others ran out of the room..

They were all running across the rooftops again trying to find Timothy, while Donnie explained everything.
"I didn't know it, but i think all of my April talk made Timothy go after her!" Donnie said as they all kept moving.
"You told your feelings to a pile of guts in a jar?" Raph asked frustrated as they passed by a water tower.
"I tried telling him to calm down, but he was overthinking things like always." Spike said looking at Donnie a little annoyed. Leo picked up his phone and tried calling April.
"How dangerous is this thing?" Leo asked worried.
"Well he obviously doesn't know his own strength, he could hurt her!" Donnie said worried as Leo groaned.
"Her T-phones still off. There's no way of tracing the signal." Leo said upset.

"Actually, she might be at the park.. on a date.." Donnie told them and they all came to a screeching halt.
"You know this how?" Raph asked turning to him.
"Um... maybe i was.. following her.." Donnie said nervously as Spike and Leo slapped they're faces.
"I tried telling him this is bad for him.." Spike said annoyed.

"Alright, so they're either at the park or April's headed back home. Donnie, Spike and i will take the park, Raph and Mikey, you head to her apartment." Leo instructed.
"On it!" Raph and Mikey said at once as they all split up, the camera zooms down a bit as we see April and Casey with a bike.

"We didn't get much studying done." April said worried.
"Is studying all you do? You gotta learn to relax, cut lose a bit." Casey replied.
"Hey i cut lose, you have no idea the kind of crazy things i do!" April said in defense as Timothy peaked around the corner..
"What? Like being a science Olympian?" Casey joked.
"You really know how to push button's don't you? I bet you.." April said before she heard yelling.
"Aprillll!" Timothy shouted and she turned around and gasped.

"Donnie's monster? Can't i go a month without someone attacking me?" April asked annoyed as Casey stood in front of her.
"What are you doing?" April asked confused.
"Whatever that thing is, it's pure evil and cool looking! I'll handle this sweetheart." Casey told her.
"Sweetheart?" April asked upset at that remark and Timothy growled.
"You punk kid!" Timothy said in anger as he clutched his fists.
"I don't think he like's you." April told him.
"We're even." Casey said with a smug.

Timothy charged at them with anger and the two barely dodged his attack and he went into a few cars.
"Come on, come on Give me something!" Casey said as he was searching for something to use against him.
"Yes!" Casey said as he was about to pick something up, before Timothy charged at him and sent him rolling in the dumpster.
"Yes!" Casey shouted as he held out a club of sorts, he started whacking multiple pieces of trash at him.
"Goongala!" Casey shouted as he delivered a hard hit to him which didn't do much, and Casey went into a wall as a result.

"Now i crush you" Timothy said as he was towering over him, something suddenly hit him and it was revealed to be April's weapon as it landed in her hands.
"Back off gruesome!" April warned, she proceeded to attack him as Casey was dizzy but was seeing it all.
"I'm liking what i see." Casey said as she was attacking him. April continued attacking him while Timothy was backing up.

"Wait! April.. friend!" Timothy said worried.
"Friend! Your the one who attacked us you walking anatomy class" April insulted as Casey got back up and twisted his neck a bit before they both charged at him. April and Casey both proceeded to give him some good whacks as they both had some skill. Casey tried attacking him again, but Timothy grabbed his weapon and melted it with his hands.
"Acid hands? Wow!" Casey said amazed right before he punched him. April tried attacking him again, but he got the upper hand this time and knocked her back to the ground.

"April" Timothy said as he charged at her, April was backing up trying to escape, but luckily, Casey came in with his bike and grabbed her right before it could happen.
"How fast can you pedal?" April asked as they drove onto the streets with Timothy running after them.
"No! Stop, April will come back!" Timothy shouted as he punched away any cars that came to him and was gaining on him.
"For a big guy.. thing, he's fast" April said surprised as he was reaching out his hand.
"Let's see him outrun this!" Casey shouted as he threw the last of his club at him, and the attack knocked him off balance and fell to the ground while they were getting away, a truck came right to where Timothy was, and the truck hit him so hard he went flying into a wall.

"Yes! We did it!" Casey said in victory as they were escaping and Timothy was crawling on the ground.
"Wait.. April.. be good friend!" Timothy shouted as Mikey and Raph arrived
"Not so fast barrel full of ugly!" Mikey shouted in anger, Timothy turned around and saw Mikey and Raph looking mad at him.
"Spike was right, Pulverizer's been drinking mutagen, your not going anywhere pal!" Raph shouted pointing at him.
"No! Must find April!" Timothy shouted as he tried escaping until Mikey flipped over to him.

"What happened to you pulverizer? You turned into some kind of.. mutagen man!" Mikey said looking at his body. He growled in anger as he got into a fighting pose, He slammed his hands on the ground which caused Mikey and Raph to go flying into the air for a bit, Timothy used his strength and stomped on Raph and slammed Mikey into another dumpster.
"Mikey!" Raph shouted in fear.
"Goodbye.. turtle!" Timothy said as his mutant hand was about to reach him and Raph screamed in fear.

He was about to attack Raph, until a slash appeared and it was revealed to be Spike as he and Leo showed up finally.
"Let em go!" Leo said holding out his sword.
"We don't wanna do this!" Spike warned as he held out his mutant arm, Timothy growled and he started to regenerate his mutant hand as Donnie helped Mikey out.
"Thanks dude." Mikey said gratefully as a cat screeched running by them. Leo was about to fight him until Donnie landed in front.

"No Don't hurt him" Donnie said trying to defend him.
"What?! That thing just tried to melt my face!" Raph said with anger.
"All he wants to to is make April our friend again." Donnie said in defense.
"No! April, not turtle and dragon friend, April only.. my friend!" Timothy said pointing at himself.
"What?! I thought you were trying to get April back for me.. us.. i meant us.." Donnie said correcting himself.
"Dude.." Spike said annoyed as this behavior is super cringe to him.

"Turtles, hurt April, hurt me! Must.. destroy turtles" Timothy said as he regenerated his hand.
"Timothy, please don't make us do this!" Spike begged as they drew they're weapons, Timothy was about to attack them until the mutagen drained for him and he felt dizzy.
"No.. powering.. down.." Timothy said as he fell to the ground which confused them all.
"What happened?" Leo asked confused.
"He ran out of mutagen, quick, let's get him to the shellraiser!" Donnie quickly told them.

We cut to them in the van now driving through the streets again.
"Remind me why we're bringing Mr. Personality here back to the lair?" Raph asked frustrated at this.
"What he did wasn't his fault Raph, it was mine, he was lonely. All my April talk made him want a friend. But more then anything Timothy's DNA may be the cure to retro mutagen, i could cure April's dad and him if.." Donnie said before Mikey gasped.
"Oh no.." Donnie said in fear as there was an empty canister once again.
"Why won't you listen to us Timothy?!" Spike asked frustrated as he was was got out of the van searching for April once again.

"I thought he was out cold?" Raph asked upset as they all got out again.
"We split up and find him." Leo told the others.
"There's no need to split up, we all know where he's heading." Donnie told them.
"Why can't he just listen to us?!" Spike asked annoyed at this..

We cut to Casey and April looking out for any signs of him now.
"Hmm, no signs of any mutant organ monsters here." Casey said as April walked to the steps.
"So do all of your study sessions go like this?" Casey asked curious.
"You have no idea.." April replied, Timothy was watching from another corner while Casey kept talking.
"So when's our next date? You can tell me about that crazy metal fan your carrying." Casey asked as he got off of his bike.
"Date? Don't get ahead of yourself jones." April said with a smile.

"April.. must.. go!" Timothy said as he was about to go after her again.
"Where do you think your going handsome? April's house?!" Raph asked as he and the others landed down with they're weapons drawn.
"Keep him in the alley, we can't let April's boyfriend see us!" Leo ordered and Donnie growled at that remark.
"Not the best time to call him that Leo!" Spike said as he readied his arm.

"Leave.. mutagen man.. alone!" Timothy said in anger as he slammed on the ground.
"So, you good for another study session tomorrow?" April asked curious.
"Possibly." Casey said with a smug, Raph pushed Timothy back as he and Spike were seen dragging him into the alley and April gasped.
"Wait! Hold on!" April said holding out her hand, Casey chuckled and turned around.
"I knew it, there something you wanna say to me red?" Casey asked as Spike was seen in the background and he kicked Timothy back into the alley pretty hard.
"Yeah um.. you don't wanna go down this way because um.. Toxic fumes, why don't you take this side street over here?" April asked as she started pulling him in the other direction.
"Whatever you say O Neil, later" Casey said as he drove off.

April peeked around the corner and saw Spike and the others fighting Timothy again.
"I knew they had something to do with this, just keep walking April, it's not your problem." April said right before she screamed and dodged another trash can.

Mikey flipped over the walls and landed on his head before jumping to another wall and dodged his large hands.
"Ew! Man hands!" Mikey said in disgust as the others kept fighting him.
"Donnie, how do we stop him?!" Spike asked as he punched Timothy into the back wall pretty hard with his mutant arm. But Timothy wasn't relenting as he was still attacking them all.
"Donnie, we have no choice, whatever Pulverizer.. Timothy is.. he's gone now." Leo said as they saw Timothy get the upper hand on them.
"But if we destroy him, i might never find a retro mutagen! What about April's dad" Donnie said worried.
"What about April?" Raph asked in response as he was taking some breaths.

"We need to distract him, misdirection and camouflage!" Donnie announced as all of them had white eyes again and got ready. All of them hid themselves in the shadows and prepared to attack him once again.
"Turtles? Dragon.. gone?" Timothy asked looking around, Spike and Donnie were in the van again and were trying to get some mutagen.
"I hope this works" Donnie said hopefully.
"I'm sorry about this Timothy.." Spike said with regret as they had no choice.

Timothy was looking around for them until a small piece of trash landed behind them, Timothy walked up to it while the others made they're move. Raph screamed in anger and charged down at him and delivered a stealth strike on his chest. Mikey and Leo jumped down from the air and delivered an air strike to him as Mikey kicked him to the wall before they hid in the shadows again.

"Over here mutagen man!" Mikey shouted, Timothy saw a shadow of Mikey and punched it over, but it was revealed to be some garbage.
"No, over here!" Leo shouted from another direction, Timothy went over to that place but it was revealed to be a fraud as well.

"Hey Timothy, we got mutagen for ya!" Spike announced as they held out another canister, but this one looked a little different.
"That's right, come closer!" Donnie said as they drew him close.
"More.. mutagen!" Timothy said as he was about to attack them.
"You want the mutagen? Take it!" Spike shouted in anger as he threw the canister over to him.

"Timothy! Please don't drink it!" Donnie begged as the large mouth went over and started drinking it.
"oh no! Not again!" Mikey said in fear as he finished drinking it.
"I'm sorry about this old friend.." Spike said regretfully as he noticed his body was freezing.
"Donnie.. somethings.. wroo..ooong!" Timothy said as his body completely froze.
"I'm sorry Timothy.." Donnie said with regret, he tried to attack them one more time before his body froze completely..

"Wow, awesome move guys, real scientific!" Leo said amazed while Spike and Donnie looked really sad.
"Yeah.. real scientific.. don't worry my friend, one day, we'll find a cure.." Donnie said as he placed his hand on the frozen jar.
"No matter how long it takes.." Spike said sadly as he felt ashamed for having to do this..
"It's okay guys, you did what you had to do, let's just go home." Raph said as they looked at the frozen body.

They all made it back to the lair once again where Spike and the others were watching that show again while Donnie looked sad.
"How are you my son?" Splinter asked curious.
"Sensei, i created a monster who could've crushed the girl i'm totally into.. how do you think i fell? I'll probably never see her again.." Donnie said with regret..
"April's decision to stay away is her own choice, we must let her come back in her own time." Splinter explained as Spike got up and went in to help things.

"Friendship always has it's missteps, not everything will go smoothly, and it will take time before she forgives us, we'll find a way Donnie, i promise you that." Spike assured patting him on the back. They saw the show on the Tv and the princess was giving the nerd scientist some kisses after saving her which made Donnie smile.
"Yeah, we'll fix things one day.." Donnie said with a smile as they hoped things will get better soon..

27: Mikey get's Shellacne

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It was another day in the lair once again, it had been a bit since Donnie had to freeze Timothy for good.. Spike still felt really sad that they had to put him down like that, but his obsession with the mutagen drove him down this path, and Spike feels regret for not being able to stop him. But right now, everyone was currently in the kitchen cooking breakfast, the toaster was just done and the bread went flying into the air.

"Toast is done!" Donnie announced as he whacked the toast over the room.
"Gotta have some butter" Spike announced as he tossed some in the air and sliced some with his sword and put it on the bread at fast speeds.
"Heads up Leo!!" Spike shouted as he tossed the toast to him, Leo held out a plate but the toast went flying into his face and one landed in his mouth.
"Might be a little overdone guys." Leo said as he took it out.

"Orange juice, coming right up!" Raph announced as he held out two oranges, he tossed them in the air and stabbed his weapons in them and the juice splattered all over the place, Spike caught some in his mouth while some of it hit Donnie in the eye.
"Ah! It stings, it stings!!" Donnie shouted in pain as he ran around. Leo was trying to work on the eggs, until Leo fell down because Donnie ran into him, and the eggs fell on Raph's eyes.
"Donnie, i told you scrambled!" Raph said annoyed as a beeper went off, Spike caught the eggs and ate them himself and they weren't that bad.
"Still warm surprisingly." Spike said as he looked around.

"Aw man, this place is a disaster." Leo said as the place was a mess.
"I'll clean it up." Spike said as he started to do so.
"What's the deal anyway? Mikey usually makes breakfast. Mikey! Mikey get up!" Raph shouted as we cut to him in his room groaning in pain as he got his mask.
"Oh i feel awful.. maybe i shouldn't jalapeno cappuccino pizza last night.." Mikey said weakly as he got up, Mikey passed by the mirror, but he quickly went back to it as he saw something on his head and made a huge scream from his room.

"AHHH! What the?! I'm a mutant!!" Mikey said in horror.
"What?" Spike asked confused.
"He's just realizing that now?" Leo asked confused until he came into the room looking horrified.
"Guys, look at me I'm covered in turtle zits!" Mikey shouted as he pointed at the bumps on his head.
"Aw gross!" Leo said in disgust while the others almost puked.
"Turtles can get acne?" Spike asked disgusted.

"Talk about Shellacne. You look like a green chimichanga." Raph said disgusted.
"Eh, don't worry Mikey, it's just part of being a teenager." Leo assured.
"Have you eve had em?" Mikey asked him.
"Heck no!" Leo said in disgust.
"I don't think dragons can even get these things.." Spike said in disgust still.
"Hold up guys, i think this might be serious." Donnie said worried as he took out his T-phone and Mikey gulped.

We cut to them in the lair while Donnie was scanning Mikey's condition.
"Okay Mikey, the good news is these so called zits aren't gonna hurt you. And more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast." Donnie explained.
"And the bad news?" Spike asked wanting to hear the other part.
"Okay, the bad news is that they'll continue to spread all over your body. Spreading and spreading and spreading.." Donnie said as he towered over him in a deep voice.
"And then they disappear in a couple hours right?" Mikey asked with a nervous chuckle.

"No, and then your entire body will mutate into one single, huge, giant, gargantuan, zit!" Donnie explained, the word echoed through his mind again as he looked horrified, he had the image of him turning into a giant zit and being poked by a giant hand.
"No!!!!" Mikey screamed in horror, Spike went up and slapped Donnie across the head for over expressing this.
"Sorry!" Donnie apologized as Mikey kept screaming.

Mikey was now in his room refusing to come out with the others trying to make him.
"Mikey, come on. It's not as bad as you think, and Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore." Leo said looking at him.
"That's right Mikey, i'm sorry i called you crust muffin and fungus face, and godzitla king of the pus monsters. Now come on out here." Raph said banging on the door.
"It's just a part of growing up Mikey, i'm sure we can fix this!" Spike shouted trying to make him leave too.
"No way! Not while i'm covered in gross slime filled zits!" Mikey shouted from the room.

"Well technically they're pustules filled with oil and sebum, which is way grosser then slime." Donnie explained while that grossed them out.
"Not helping at all Donnie!" Spike said annoyed while Mikey was looking in the mirror.
"Forget it guys! I'm too hideous to be a ninja, i'll stay walked away in here forever! And even longer if i have too." Mikey suddenly felt something on his lounge, he opened it and even that had zits on it and covered his mouth in fear.( Anyone else agree that this episode was pretty disturbing with the amount of detail there was on him?)

Karai was now waiting in the throne room for someone, Dogpound opened the doors and he and Fishface walked in.
"Bradford, Xever. Enter." Karai ordered, the door closed on Dogpound's tail and he whimered in pain, he accidentally fell down and broke the glass on the floor falling into the water.
"Impressive. You went from stealthy ninja to idiot man-dog." Fishface mocked.
"How i detest this clumsy body, what i wouldn't give to be human again." Dogpound said with anger.
"Seriously i don't have all day." Karai said annoyed as he got out and the two walked up to her.

"Don't get too comfortable Karai. Shredder is the only one worthy of that throne." Fishface told her.
"Dad left me in charge while he's off in Japan remember? So either learn some respect, or i chop off your robo legs and drop you in the sewer, got it?" Karai threatened and he grumbled in annoyance.

"Now listen, i need someone to help maintain my foot bot soldiers on a daily basis, someone who's loyalty can be bought, someone who can be easily intimidated. Someone like.." Karai said before it was finished.
"Baxter Stockman." Fishface finished.
"Stinkman? But that little creep tried to destroy us! Who know's what he.." Dogpound said in anger before Karai finished as well.
"Stockman's perfect. You think you two freaks can handle it?" Karai asked them.
"Leave it to us.. boss." Fishface responded as the two walked off to find Stockman.

Spike and the others were in the living room again just watching the show Mikey introduced them too. Mikey had a pizza box over his face and was trying to sneak out, but Spike noticed him right away.
"What are you doing Mikey?" Spike asked putting down his drink.
"Oh look at that, Mikey brought his own pizza, his face!" Raph joked and Mikey growled in anger and slammed the pizza on the ground with steam coming from his head while he kept laughing.
"Okay, okay, i'll stop. now come on and zit down, i crack myself up!" Raph said while he kept laughing again.
"Raph!" Spike shouted in anger and that made him shut up.

"Raphael, you should know better then to make fun of ones appearance." Splinter said as he appeared behind him suddenly.
"After all, how would the humans above react to yours?" Splinter asked again and Raph realized it was true.
"Your right Master Splinter, sorry sensei." Raph apologized as Mikey sat down feeling ashamed.
"Just kick me out Master Splinter. I can't be a ninja when i look like a moldy pickle.." Mikey said ashamed.
"And why not? I never let my appearance affect me." Splinter replied.

"Yeah well, cause old people never care how they look, or smell." Mikey responded. Splinter got a closer look at him and he noticed that even more zits were growing on him, Mikey laughed nervously and tried making a whistle to brush it off while Spike and the others looked suspicious.
"My son, i sense there is something you would like to tell us." Splinter told him.
"Those zits are growing way too fast, what did you do Mikey." Spike asked suspicious.
"What? No! I didn't do anything, i promise!" Mikey said nervously.

Comic panels of Spike and the others appear next to him and make it look like he was being crushed until Mikey had enough.
"Okay okay! You got me! I kinda.. sprinkled a little mutagen on my skin?" Mikey said nervously as he held out a case of mutagen.
"What?! Are you kidding, Why?!" Spike and the others asked in anger as they towered over him.
"Why would you do that?!" Spike asked in anger while he clutched his mutant arm.

"To become better, cooler you know? You guys treat me like a big goofball all the time. So i found this vial in Donnie's lab, and the label says it will make you super cool." Mikey said as he pointed at the label.
"Did you read the rest?!" Spike asked frustrated.
"What do you mean by that?" Mikey asked confused and Spike slapped his face.

"It says your supposed to keep it super cooled! As in temperature!" Donnie said a he showed the rest of it.
"This was a failed batch of retro mutagen Mikey! It's extremely dangerous!" Spike shouted at him.
"Well you two could have made it a little more clear!" Mikey countered, Donnie rolled his eyes and turned the vial around revealing dozens of more warning signs on not to touch it.
"Still not that clear." Mikey said looking at them.
"From now on, i'm putting a " do not touch, Mikey" sign on any failed vial we make." Spike said annoyed.

they were all in the lab again and were looking over what will happen now that they know this.
"Oh no.." Donnie said worried as multiple warning signs appeared on screen.
"Please tell me that's a good oh no." Mikey begged.
"It's really bad Mikey, according to the results, the mutagen is unstable in your body. You only have three hours until.." Spike said horrified.
"Until what, what happens to him?" Leo asked worried
"In basic terms for you guys, he'll go boom." Spike answered.

"I'm gonna explode?!" Mikey asked horrified.
"Like a massive zit." Donnie answered.
"Ew..." Leo, Raph and Spike said at once.
"No!!" Mikey said in horror as he had the image happening in his head, he fell to his knees in pure terror.

"But now that i know what caused this, i think i can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample." Donnie said as he held out the vial.
"Yes yes! I love you man!" Mikey said in relief as he gave him a big hug.
"Okay, come on." Donnie said pushing him away.

"Then you must start working on it right away." Splinter told them.
"I'm just missing one key instrument though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution." Donnie said as they all stood up.
"And where was the last place you saw one?" Spike asked worried.
"The last place i saw one was at TCRI." Donnie recalled.
"But that place was blown up when we took down the Kraang, what could be left?" Raph asked curious.
"Let's go find out." Spike said determined as he and the others started to leave to save Mikey.

We cut to another rooftop as we see Dogpound and fishface searching for Stockman. Dogpound tried sniffing him out as he looked at his reflection.
"You were once a feared warrior, now your a common dog hunting squirrels like Stockman.." Dogpound said in anger before he got an idea.
"Stockman.. Maybe he could actually help me." Dogpound told himself, he used his nose to sniff him out again and he finally got his scent.
"Gotcha!" Dogpound said in realization, he jumped down onto the streets and was now heading to TCRI...

Spike and the others had just arrived as the place looked wrecked and abandoned.
"Wow, this place really took the blow.." Spike said impressed at all the damage around them.
"Let's spread out and start looking around." Donnie instructed as they started looking for it.

Spike was searching around through some rubble trying to find it, he was really upset and worried for Mikey, he only had a few hours left and they needed to be fast. Mikey kept asking if he found it as he held up multiple different objects, but they all weren't it.
"Oh we're never gonna find it, this place is.." Donnie said before Leo shushed them.
"Listen, do you hear that?" Leo asked as they hears someone familiar speak.

"Yes, yes! It's perfect! bio enhancers, DNA catalysts, soon i'll be able to create my own mutant army. Powerful, unstoppable!" Stockman said as he walked into the room and they all recognized him.
"Dorkster blockhead?" Leo insulted again.
"It's Baxter stockman!" Stockman said in anger turning to them before he recognized them.
"T.. turtles.. the dragon? Here, now?!" Stockman asked in fear as they landed in front of him.

"He's got the centrifuge! Hand it over Storkman!" Donnie said in anger.
"Stockman! And no! I found it first! Mousers, attack!" Stockman shouted as dozens of mousers appeared above him and they charged at Spike and the others.
"Ahh! Don't let them pop me!" Mikey said in fear as he tried avoiding them. Spike was slicing apart the robots with his sword, until he felt the ground shake and some rubble fell on one of them, he looked upwards and saw Dogpound had burst through the roof and smashed on the bots.

"Dogpound?!" Stockman asked in horror.
"Well, if it isn't weaselly little stinkman." Dogpound insulted.
"Back off Dogpound, we found him first." Leo warned as he and the others drew they're weapons.
"Stinkman and the turtles and dragon? And i thought i was having a bad day." Dogpound said as he cracked his knuckles a for a moment.
"Bring it on!" Spike said in anger as Dogpound charged at them and the others screamed in anger.

Dogpound was using his strength to push past the turtles while Spike was holding him back with his own.
"Time for baxter stockman, super villain, to make his narrow escape." Stockman said as he was trying to run away.
Spike and Donnie were attacking Dogpound with they're weapons, Spike was trying to attack him from above while Donnie went under him. Dogpound grabbed Donnie with his large hand and threw him into Spike and the others, he looked over and saw Stockman being chased by Mikey.

"He's got the centrifudge!" Mikey shouted as he chased after him until Dogpound landed in front of him.
"Your coming with me." Dogpound said menacingly as he went to grab him.
"No, no please! I'm extremely fragile! Help!" Stockman screamed in fear, Spike and the others were about to stop him, but Dogpound smashed on a pillar and that caused the place to start collapsing.
"My centrifudge!" Mikey said in horror as they got away.
"Take cover!" Spike shouted as he pushed Mikey out of the way as the rubble came down.

"Oh no!" Mikey said in fear as he went to check on the others.
"Guys! are you okay?" Mikey asked worried as Spike got up and was helping the others.
"Yeah, thanks Mikey." Leo said as he got up.
"They're gone." Raph said as they both had escaped.
"And they've got the centrifudge!" Mikey said in horror as Donnie weakly got up.
"Centrifuge.." Donnie corrected before he fell back down on the ground.
"Just great.." Spike said sarcastic as this couldn't get any worse..

They were all now back in the lair while Mikey's acne was getting even worse as zits were now bursting from his shell which made things even grosser.
"I can't believe that fleabag beat us! I want a rematch!" Raph said frustrated as he punched his seat in anger.
"Easy Raph, focus on what's important, we need to get that centrifuge to cure Mikey." Leo said with concern..
"His zits are getting more unstable, if any of them pop they could cause a chain reaction. Ala my zit popping diagram here." Donnie said as he came into the room with Spike holding a new board. Spike motioned his fingers to each picture of Mikey becoming more and more covered in them until Donnie flips the board over and it show's Mikey exploding.

"What?! So i'll pop either way?!" Mikey asked in horror.
"We just have to keep you save, we can't let you leave the lair." Donnie assured.
"But that centrifuge is what we need to save him, where could Dogpound could've taken him?" Spike asked worried.
"I don't know, the old city dump?" Leo suggested.
"Nah, they turned it into a retirement home." Raph explained crossing that suggestion out.

"The abandoned nuclear plant?" Leo suggested again.
"Now it's a nursery school." Donnie explained.
"Why would they help people recover in a place that was radioactive?" Spike asked confused.
"Ohh! What about baxter's old lab?" Mikey suggested and the others looked at eachother.

"Why would Dogpound capture Dexter and take him to his old lab? It makes no sense." Raph asked confused
"See? You guys never take me seriously!" Mikey accused as his body was getting even worse.
"Mikey.. let's go.." Spike said as they started to sneak out with the others talking on where to go.

"Thank you Spike, i'm glad at least someone will listen to me." Mikey said gratefully as they started to head to the lab.
"It could be where they are, let's not wait anymore, come on!" Spike said as he and Mikey left.

Stockman and Dogpound were now in his lab as they saw a large tank of mutagen in front of them.
"So, a large tank of mutagen eh? Planning on making some mutants?" Dogpound asked as they walked over to a console.
"Uh yes, with a whole army for us to command. Just me and you.." Stockman said in fear as he was backed in to a wall and Dogpound growled at him, they looked at the desk next to them.

"Uh.. yeah.. not that i'm complaining but, why are you keeping me alive?" Stockman asked in fear.
"Karai wants to keep it that way. Believe me, i still owe you big time for trapping us in your little maze of doom." Dogpound said with anger.
"So, you've beaten me to the punch and found Stockman yes?" Fishface suddenly asked as they saw him enter.
"Why haven't you taken this traitorous lump of flesh to Karai?" He asked frustrated.

"I will, after he turns me human again." Dogpound answered and he gasped in shock.
"You can turn us human again?" Fishface asked curious.
"Uh yes, yes! of course, my intellect knows no bounds! None.." Stockman said nervously.
"Good, first order of business." Dogpound said as he held up a device that had mutagen around it and he strapped it around Stockman.

"Is this.. mutagen?" Stockman asked in fear as he looked at it.
"I call it insurance. Double cross us again and boom, we'll see what you turn into. Some kind of lowly bug i bet." Dogpound said as he held up a button.( Talk about foreshadowing huh?)

Spike and Mikey were on the higher ledge and looked down.
"Looks like you were right, Stockman's here, and it looks like he's got a couple friends.." Spike said as they saw Fishface and Dogpound.
"We need to get down there and get the centrifudge before i pop. And i got an idea." Mikey said as he took out his hook and lowered it down.
"Be careful.." Spike whispered as they prayed it wouldn't get them caught.

"If your going to turn him back, then i want to be human as well. I want to live as a man, love as a man. Not as a fish you hear?" Fishface warned as Mikey accidentally poked Dogpound's back, he tried reaching for the device, but Dogpound spotted them and grabbed the chain and pulled Mikey down.
"Mikey!" Spike shouted as he jumped down and they both landed on their feet.

"Fools!" Dogpound shouted as they got up.
"Don't touch me! I'm highly contagious! See? So how about i take that gadget and get out of your fur?" Mikey asked as he tried grabbing the device.
"Trust me, you will not want to be around if he doesn't get it." Spike added as they tried getting it.
"I'd rather you stay, and people think i'm ugly!! Watch Stinkman, i wanna tear this turtle apart myself!" Dogpound shouted as he tried attacking Mikey.

"Mikey! Get back!" Spike shouted as he blocked Dogpounds fist with his shoulder blade and tried pushing him back. Mikey jumped on the wall and tried attacking him from the air, but Dogpound saw this and delivered a strong punch to him and sent him into the ceiling and onto the higher ledge again.
"Mikey!" Spike shouted in worry as he punched Dogpound back and did a high jump onto the ledge to check on him as his zits were moving around.
"No no! Calm down zits, calm down!" Mikey begged as they stopped moving again.
"We need to hurry!" Spike said as he helped him up. Dogpound suddenly grabbed onto the ledge and faced them again.

"Calm down D pound!" Mikey said in fear as he and Spike drew they're weapons.
"You do not want this!" Spike shouted as he readied his blade as it cackled it's electricity again. Dogpuond charged at them and they tried pushing him back the best they could, Spike was knocked onto the wall as he saw Mikey was dangling on a weak platform and Dogpound saw him.
"Dogpound don't!" Mikey warned.
"You'll break the..." Spike shouted before he saw Dogpound jump over to Mikey.
"Platform!" Spike said in slow motion as Dogpound smashed on the platform.

Mikey grabbed on the ledge and they were both dangling above the mutagen.
"Mikey!" Spike shouted in terror as he quickly ran to help them both, Dogpound tried climbing up, but Mikey used his weapon and knocked Dogpound off of him.
"On no!" Spike shouted as he pulled Mikey up, but they saw Dogpound get mutated once more..

Spike and Mikey landed back on the ground as they heard Dogpound screaming in pain.
"Stockman, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much more scary could he get with a double mutation?" Spike asked worried.
"I'd say a solid 10.." Stockman said in fear..
Dogpound emerged from the mutagen again and he was now revealed to be a more skeletal like dog with black fur and spikes as his claws were even sharper then before and he roared at them.

Spike and Mikey were backing up in fear as Dogpound's new form scrapped against the walls with his sharp claws.
"Uh.. maybe you need a day or two to get the new you Dogpound.." Mikey said nervously.
"You really should take your time.." Spike added as he kept marching to them.

"I feel the mutagen coursing through my body. I'm faster, stronger, and more powerful then ever. I feel like a ninja again!" Dogpound said as he looked at his new body.
"Plus you don't have zits, which is a bonus." Mikey said as his body had even more once again.
"To thank you for this, i will make your end swift" Dogpound said as he grabbed Mikey and threw him to the wall as he punched Spike to the ground. Mikey grabbed his chain and managed to get on the ground without popping a zit thankfully as he saw Dogpound roar at him.

"Rawr yourself you razer faced dog!" Mikey insulted.
"Don't ever call me dog!" He said with anger.
"You got it, Rahzar!" Mikey announced.
"Much better name then the last that's for sure" Spike shouted as he charged at Rahzar and delivered a strong kick to his body and sent him back a little.

"Spike, Mikey!" Raph suddenly shouted as they looked up and saw Raph in the air, he delivered another kick and pushed him back as Leo and the others arrived.
"Oh, hey guys." Mikey said sarcastic.
"Your lucky we noticed you and Spike were gone in time Mikey." Leo said pointing at him.
"Even luckier that i knew you two would come here, what were you think.. ow!" Raph shouted as Fishface kicked him down.
"Move!" Spike shouted as they dodged another slash from him.

"Um.. so what happened to Dogpound?" Donnie asked nervously.
"Guy got double mutated and now he's called Rahzar, just keep your guard up!" Spike warned as he helped Raph fight Fishface.

"The centrifudge." Mikey shouted as he went over and tried to stop Rahzar from crushing it, Spike was holding back Fishface as he used his sword.
"So, what do you think of your friends new mutation?" Spike asked as he delivered a punch and sent him to the wall and cracked it.
"Ugh, i like it a little better, beats the plushy he looked like before that's for sure" Fishface said as he got up and charged at Spike again.

Donnie and Leo were now fighting against more mousers as Mikey was running away from Rahzar and he jumped to the ceiling.
"Guys? I'm bursting at the seams. And Rahzar's gonna pop me!" Mikey said in fear aw the zits were covering some of his eyes now. Mikey screamed as he dodged another close call from Rahzar and landed on the ground.
"Not good, not good." Mikey said worried as he looked over and saw a nearby pipe and realized something.

"I just sorta had an idea! Here boy! Good dog." Mikey shouted as Rahzar went to attack him, but his claw hit the pipe and his body started being electrocuted.
"Yeah! You just got shell shocked son!" Mikey shouted in victory. Spike used a pressure point move on Fishface again and this paralyzed him for the time being.
"Guys, we gotta go now!" Spike shouted as he grabbed the centrifuge and leapt to higher ground.
"He's right, we gotta move!" Leo shouted as he and the others started to move.

Donnie used his staff and knocked open the water sprinklers as an alarm went off. This caused a chain reaction as all of them were electrocuted as they screamed in pain.
"I got the centrifuge! Let's go!" Spike shouted as they started escaping.
"Spike, i'm glad your here bro!" Mikey said gratefully as they got away again.

Stockman groaned as he started to open his eyes, he felt something touch his collar and saw Karai standing above him.
"Rise and shine Stockman. Your working for me now. Well me.. and the Shredder, let's move." Karai said with a threatening look.

We cut back to the lab as Spike and Donnie had just finished up the cure on acne pads.
"We're done Mikey!" Spike announced and Mikey gasped.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme" Mikey said eagerly as he grabbed the pads and put them all over his body.
"Did you two have to put the antidote on those acne pads?" Leo asked as Donnie chuckled a little.
"No, but it is hilarious!." Donnie joked as they saw Mikey rub them all over.

"It worked! Look at me! Yeah boy, i'm super cute again!" Mikey said amazed as he was normal once again.
"Thank Celestia.. any more of seeing that and i would've puked.." Spike said as he was relieved this was over.
"Thanks Donnie and Spike your the best!" Mikey said gratefully as he gave them a hug, the door opened and they saw Splinter walk in.

"I must commend you on your resolve Michelangelo. You thought you needed to improve yourself, but you had everything you already needed inside.. here." Splinter said as he pointed at Mikey's chest.
"See guys? Who was right about baxter's secret hideout? That's right me." Mikey said with a smug.
"You had no clue." Leo said pointing at him, Spike smiled and he and Donnie thought of something.
"Oh no Mikey! There's a zit forming on the end of your nose!" Donnie shouted in terror pointing at him.
"It looks worse then the last ones!" Spike said dramatically.

"What?! Are you kidding?! No Why?!" Mikey asked in horror, but he suddenly checked his nose and saw there was nothing there, he heard laughter as he saw Spike and the others laughing.
"You should have seen your face!" Spike said while he kept laughing.
"Donnie .. i'm gonna.. Ah!!!" Mikey shouted as he leaped at them while they kept laughing.

28: Target, April O Neil

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It was another night in New York again as we see a shot of Shredder's lair as we hear Shredder speak on a hologram.

"So daughter, not only did you disobey my orders in my absence, but your petty scheme failed miserably." Shredder said in disappointment.
"It was those stupid footbots, they couldn't keep up with the turtles and dragon. But one good thing, the Kraang have been upgrading them, so.." Karai said before Shredder stopped her again.

"Hear me Karai. You will have no more dealings with the Kraang until i return." Shredder ordered and Karai sighed.
"Understood father.." She said a little upset at this.
"Wait for my command, and do not disobey me again, the consequences would be.. unfortunate." Shredder warned as Karai gripped her hands and started to think Spike was right..

We cut to a Kraang lab as Karai looks around at all the high tech, more Kraang aliens were working on the bots as Karai was brought up to the center. A new mech suit rises from the ground in front of her.
"Not bad, how much longer till it's done?" Karai asked impressed at what she was seeing.
"By Kraang's calculations, nine earth hours before.." The droid said before Karai stopped him.
"Nine hours? I want to test it on someone now, and i've got the perfect target to, April O Neil." Karai explained.

This caused all of the droids to screech in surprise.
"Is there a problem with that?" Karai asked crossing her arms.
"Kraang sees no.. foreseeable problem, one called Karai." A droid said in response.
"Good, now let's speed up the process, you don't want to keep the Shredder waiting now, do you?" Karai asked as we see the new robot once more..

April was currently walking through the streets again alone, Donnie was secretly following her from the rooftops as she went through an alleyway, but she was able to catch onto it quickly.
"I know your following me! Come out so i can see you!" April said as she drew her fan, she saw some nearby trashcans and got the idea, she threw her fan like a boomerang and it came and hit Donnie knocking him out of his hiding spot.
"Donnie?" April asked confused.

H.. hey April, funny the both of us happen to be passing through this shady back alley at the same time huh? So.. how have you been doing." Donnie said nervously as she crossed her arms.
"Oh you know, homework, chess club, dealing with a father who turned into a mutant bat!" April accused again.
"April.. it wasn't completely our fault, Spike's been losing sleep trying to find a retro mutagen, we're really sorry about.." Donnie said before April stopped.

"Not as sorry as i am! I wanna be left alone Donnie, i don't want anymore talking mutants in my life, i never wanna see you again!" April said with anger as she started walking off.
"April? Some things are just beyond our control.." Donnie said sadly, she looked back at him one more time before she walked off again leaving him alone.

Spike was sleeping in the room again as he tried making up his lost hours, the others were watching the tv show again while Donnie came into the room looking upset and his sounds woke Spike up and he saw Donnie.
"You okay Donnie?" Spike asked with a yawn as he stood up and sat next to the others.
"I'm okay.." Donnie sad sadly which concerned him. The next episode they were watching showed the heroes defeating another monster, but the pilots forgot the princesses birthday and was hurt by that and left them.

"Whoa dude, this show like totally paradoxes your life." Mikey said in surprise.
"The last show kinda did that too didn't it?" Spike asked curious.
"It's parallels and it does not okay? It's just a cartoon." Donnie said a little annoyed.

"Besides the princess has quit the team like 27 times, she always comes back." Leo reminded.
"I kinda find that annoying, because it's most likely gonna be used again, and that gets old fast." Spike said slightly annoyed.
"True." Raph said in agreement.
"Come on Spike, let's try and find anything to help April's dad." Donnie said as Spike got up.
"Yeah, that sounds okay right now." Spike said as they walked off to the lab.

They opened the doors and Spike saw Donnie was looking sad still, most likely from April's words again, but before he could speak with him, they both saw the Kraang orb going off again.
"Oh no, the Kraang communicator! How long's it been going off?" Donnie asked concerned as he and Spike pushed some stuff out of the way.
"I don't know, but it can't be good news. Guys! Somethings wrong!" Spike shouted to the others.

We cut to them in the Shellraiser again as it drove through the streets once again at fast speeds.
"From what we translated from the orb, it seems the Kraang are building some kind of heavily advanced weaponry." Donnie said as he looked at the results.
"Any guesses in what it could be?" Leo asked the others.
"Don't know, my guess is, it could be related to those foot bot soldiers we've fought recently, must be making a tougher version of it." Spike said worried.
"Well if that's true, we'll find the weapon and destroy it, and then we get Mexican pizza." Leo told them and Spike smiled at that.
"Then let's go!" Spike said as he drove the car at faster speeds.

We cut to a hockey arena as we see April walk inside and she sees Casey practicing around in the ring.
"Red? Did i miss another study session again?" Casey asked as he slid up to her.
"No i'm just here to hang out." April replied and he had a smug.
"With the infamous Casey Jones?" Casey asked as he slid around on the ring again.

"Unless you like me only for my trigonometry" April said as he came up to her again.
"So what's your deal? I never see you hang out with anybody? Anti social much?" Casey asked curiously.
"Not really.. i had five really close friends. i don't talk to them anymore.." April said sadly.

"It happens.. me and my best friend nick were up against the tromo towns in last year's play offs right?" Casey asked as he shot another goal once more.
"He came up behind me just as i was about to sink another goal and wham! swollen face, split lip.. my best friend since second grade. Never spoke to me again.." Casey said with regret
"Oh.. it's not like you meant it.." April said concerned.
"Right.. some stuff is just beyond our control.." Casey said sadly as April recalled Donnie's words.

"Give me a second to grab my gear, we can go get something to eat. Pizza." Casey offered as he walked off a little, April sighed and looked at her T phone.
"Donnie.." April said sadly. An explosion suddenly happens and she sees some foot soldiers much to her shock.
"Foot soldiers?" April asked confused.

The bots charged at her with their weapons drawn, April took out her fan and tried fighting them off, but they're enhanced reflexes proved to be a difficult challenge, and was made more strange when they pulled out some extra arms with weapons.
"Um.. didn't you guys used to be human?" April asked nervously. The droids lunged at her as she slid back onto the ice ring, the bots seemed to slip around for a bit, until they're eyes glowed red again and they started sliding around more naturally.

"Yo! If there's one thing Casey Jones has, It's crackerjack timing." Casey said with a smug.
"Casey run!" April warned as the bots drew they're weapons.
"What so you can have all the fun?" Casey asked while he slid into the ring, he tossed two pucks in the air and threw them at the bots and knocked them down for a moment.
"I got em, you go!" Casey shouted as he put some more on the ground.
"No, i got em, you go!" April countered as she slashed at another one with her fan.

April was about to be attacked by another until Casey slammed into the one on front of her.
"Cross checking, two minutes!" Casey shouted as he slid to the other one, he sweeped the other with his hockey stick and slammed it on the ground.
"If it ain't a penalty if they deserve it right?" Casey asked turning to her, the bot managed to recover and knocked Casey off the ground , it was about to attack him until April threw one of they're weapons at its head.

"Nice, you got some rink rage red." Casey complimented.
"You should see me play Ping Pong." April said proudly as he slid next to her.
"So, you owe these guys money or something?" Casey asked confused. They looked ahead of them and saw even more Foot bots with weapons coming onto the arena, they slid off for a moment until they learned how to skate again and started charging at them.

"Or something, Casey just go, i didn't mean to get you into this!" April said as she tried making him leave.
"Are you kidding me? Do you know what this is? This is Casey Jones verses evil robo ninjas!" Casey announced as rock music played.
"Coolest freaking thing in the universe! Goongala!" Casey shouted in anger as he charged at the bots.( I like Casey's battle cry, it's pretty cool honestly.)

Casey was now engaged with the foot bots on the ring and he was blocking they're attacks the best he could.
"Hey foot bots! You want me? Come and get me!" April announced as she jumped out of the ring and two more chase after her.
"April!" Casey shouted with worry as the two went after her, he grabbed and extra hockey stick and slid up to the bots.
"Nice, now the fights fair, eat this!" Casey shouted as he proceeded to fight them off.

April was currently running off from the foot bots right now, she used some knifes that were thrown on a wall in order to climb to a higher ledge. She started to head on the rooftops as Karai saw everything happen.
"She's traveling north on the rooftops. Move>" Karai ordered as the foot bots charged after her. April was still running from the bots as she knew this wasn't gonna be easy.
"I hope your available Spike.." April prayed as she took out her T phone and started to call Spike.

On another rooftop, Leo and the others were currently looking down at the lab they need to go to.
"There's our entry point, we just need a distraction." Leo said as they tried thinking of something.
"Dudes, i got the best plan!" Mikey announced as he ripped down a nearby lamp on a billboard.
"Why do i feel slightly nauseated?" Raph asked annoyed, they were about to let this happen until Spike's T phone suddenly went off.

"Who could be calling at this.. time?" Spike asked as he was surprised it was April calling.
"Who's calling?" Leo asked curious.
"Guys, it's April! Everyone be quiet." Spike said as he answered it and held it to his ear while everyone was really surprised.
"April, are you okay? what's wrong?" Spike asked hoping that she was cool with him at least.

"Spike, i'm sorry for being so silent lately, but i need your help!" April shouted as she kept running from the foot bots.
"Help? From who?.. let me guess, the Foot clan?" Spike asked as he heard foot bots on the other side.
"Yep! They're robots now, and there are a bit to many, i really need your help!" April shouted as she dodged another attack.
"Don't worry, i'll trace your location, and i'll be there soon!" Spike said as he hung up and started tracking the location.

"April's in trouble, she needs my help, looks like i'm sitting this one out guys." Spike explained as he was trying to find the right direction to go.
"What? April's in trouble?! I'm coming to!" Donnie said with anger before Spike stopped him.
"No, she wants my help, she might still be mad at you, but i could help fix all of this. I need you to stay with the group while i help save her." Spike said seriously, the others looked at eachother for a moment until Leo agreed to this.
"Be careful Spike, wherever there's the foot clan, there's Karai. Keep you guard up." Leo warned.
"I'll be safe, see you guys soon!" Spike shouted as he started jumping across the rooftops to rescue April.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go after him Leo?" Donnie asked worried for both of them.
"Donnie, i know you care about her, but this is Spike were talking about, i'm sure he'll be fine." Leo assured while Donnie still looked worried.
"Alright, now let's resume my plan, watch and learn guys, i've been practicing this." Mikey said as he held his hands to the lamp to make a shape.

Casey was still in the ring fighting off the foot bots with pretty great hockey skills.
"Wrist shot, slap shot!" Casey shouted as he threw another puck at the robots head.
"You might wanna get that looked at!" Casey joked as the other robots threw they're knives at him, Casey whooped in joy as he dodged each and every one of them and charged at another, he ripped off the head and threw it into the goal net.
"One Zip, home ice leads! Who's next? Come get some!" Casey said as the other drew they're weapons and they charged at him again.

April was currently running through the park trying to avoid them, but there were too many and they all started to surround her.
"Fine, you want a fight?" April asked seriously as she drew her weapon, but another bot appeared from the air and it restrained her, another in front of her was about to grab her until a familiar red blade sliced off it's head, the robot fell on the ground and it was revealed to be Spike.

"Spike!" April said in relief. Spike screamed in rage as he grabbed another's head and slammed it into another bot, he then took out his sword and sliced the others to pieces, he finally took a deep breath and shot a stream of fire at another group and that melted them, and they fell on the ground.
"April, are you okay?" Spike asked worried as he took down the one holding her.
"I'm fine now Spike, thank you." April said gratefully. Spike looked down sadly as he still felt bad for what happened with Kirby.

"April look.. i'm' sorry about Kirby.. We tried stopping the canisters but there were just to many.." Spike said with deep regret.
"No Spike.. i'm sorry, i was told by not just Donnie, but another friend of mine that things are just beyond our control, i should've thought about what i said before running out like that.." April said regretfully as well., Spike's senses went off as he felt another presence.
"Look out!" Spike shouted as he blocked another ninja star, they looked ahead and saw Karai with another weapon with more foot bots.

"Karai.." April said in anger as Spike got in a defensive stance.
"I was hoping that at least one of the turtles would be here for this, but it being you should make things more interesting." Karai said as she got in a stance.
"Karai, don't do this, Splinter didn't do anything to you, he would never take another's life!" Spike shouted as he tried making her stop.
"Sorry Spike, but my father's still after you as well, and i can't disappoint him!" Karai shouted as she and the bots charged at him.

We cut to the lab where the turtles were spotted and were now fighting off the Kraang robots, Leo slashed through some more in front of him, while Raph rolled on the ground and stabbed another on the chest, Mikey flipped over another one and wrapped his chain around the bot's gun, he redirected it into the other bots while he kept firing. Mikey finished it off by jumping in the air and kicking it in the face. Leo climbed up to the center as he tried getting to the weapon.

"Donnie, you need to shut this thing down!" Leo shouted as he tore through another bot. Donnie twirled his staff around and screamed in anger as he knocked the other aliens in pods away, they soon came upon the heavily armed foot bot that looked deadlier then the others.
"Whoa.. that thing is awesome! In an evil kind of way." Mikey said in amazement.
"No no no no! We're too late!" Donnie said in fear as the power was fully transferred to it.

It's eyes turned on revealing a pink glow, the wires dethatched from it and it towered over it.
"Um guys.. giant freaky robo ninja just finished charging!" Leo said in fear.
"Maybe if we keep it occupied long enough, it'll run out of power?" Donnie suggested.
"You don't look so tough!" Mikey said casually, he charged at the thing in anger, but the thing took out a whip of some kind and it whacked Mikey to the ground.

"Mikey!" Raph said in worry, the bots eyes lit up and it somehow shot lasers from them while Raph rolled out of the way.
"This thing clearly is a hunting bot of some kind!" Donnie said in fear as he screamed while dodging some more laser fire. The bot took out an energy sword and the turtles engaged in battle with hit, all of them tried using they're best skills, but the robot was too tough and was tearing through them. The thing beeped for a moment until it spoke suddenly.

"Subroutine program taking over. Target April O Neil, located." The bot said as it took off with some jets attached to its feet and it flew out of the roof. ( Ah ah! He said the thing!)
"It's going after April, come on!" Raph shouted as the four of them started running out of the lab until Mikey saw another gun.
"Too awesome! Whoa!" Mikey shouted as he fired the lasers at the others who barely dodged it.
"Are you on our side or not?!" Donnie asked annoyed as Mikey looked nervous.

Spike was currently fighting off the bots as he was using his mutant arm and delivered another devastating punch to the bots head and knocked it off.
"Stay away from April!" Spike shouted in anger as he sliced another bot to pieces.
"Foot bots, keep Spike busy." Karai ordered, the other bots charged at Spike as he kept slicing his sword through them.

"I'm really glad i got this thing upgraded!" Spike shouted as he twisted another bots arm and ripped it off, he then aggressively threw the arm into another and sliced the other bots in half. Spike breathed another stream of fire onto the other bots which knocked them down.
"Even if they learn my skills, i always develop new ones on the fly!" Spike shouted as he breathed his fire on his sword again and it was surrounded by fire.
"How is that thing not being melted?" April asked shocked as she slashed her fan at Karai who was fighting her now
"I think it's because of the Kraang tech we used to upgrade it, it's way more durable then it could've been!" Spike shouted as he twirled his sword around like Donnie's staff and delivered a spin attack that took care of some more bots.

"You talk to much!" April said to Karai as she hit Karai with her fan like a boomerang, Karai was trying to attack her still until Spike came in and blocked her attack.
"I won't let you hurt her!" Spike shouted as he delivered another kick to her and sent her back. They heard whooshing suddenly and Spike saw the weapon from before land in front of them.

"Um Spike? i'm thinking retreat." April said worried as Karai went over to the bot.
"Like my new toy? Robot, eliminate the girl." Karai ordered.
"Bring it on!!" Spike shouted in rage as he engaged with it. Spike was about to attack him until the robot suddenly spoke again.
"System override, capture April O Neil." It said in a robotic voice.
"What?!" Karai asked in shock. The robot was about to attack April until Karai sweeped it out of the way with her spear.

"Why isn't it doing what i said?!" Karai asked in anger as she and Spike charged at it.
"It's a Kraang bot remember? And if you remember they're goal, they need her for they're invasion!" Spike shouted as he dodged it's energy whip and flipped into the air.
"Those bots can barely be relied on!" Karai said annoyed as s he tried fighting through it's energy blade.
"April, get out of here now!" Spike shouted as he grabbed the whip and pulled the bot to him and used his arm once more and sent it to the wall.
"What about you?!" April asked worried.
"I'll be fine! Just know i am deeply sorry for what happened! We all are, things are beyond our control, but i promise you i'll fix it! Go!" Spike shouted right before he was punched by the robot and knocked to the ground for a moment. April looked back at him with worry but knew she couldn't fight it off now, and she left to escape hoping Spike could handle it.

Leo and the others were driving through the shellraiser to find the weapon.
"Left Leo, left! I'm getting a signal!" Raph shouted as Leo turned the car in another direction. Spike and Karai were still fighting it while April was hiding in another place, they heard tires screech as they saw the Shellraiser come into the park, it turned around and knocked it down to a wall with its weight while Mikey came out with Manhole covers.
"Aw yeah! Firing manhole covers! Eat it chrome dome!" Mikey shouted as he repeatedly fired the manholes at the robot.

The robot was hit in the head a few times, but it barely dented it, it's eyes glowed pink again and it shot a laser which sliced the remaining covers in half. It took out it's energy whip and knocked Mikey off the vehicle. it ran over to the Shellraiser and used it's amazing strength to flip it off the side and it rolled over as Leo and Raph and Donnie landed out.
"Aw.. i just waxed her too." Leo said disappointed. They heard battle cries as they saw Spike and Karai trying to fight the mech once more.
"Okay are they enemies or friends? They seem to have a weird connection by this point?" Donnie asked confused.
"Dudes, i so want plasma nun chucks!" Mikey said amazed

The robot ripped another foot bot in half and they saw there was a hatch behind it's back.
"Guys i see a hatch on it's back! Spike, keep it in one place!" Donnie shouted as they charged at the bot.
"Got it!" Spike shouted as he blocked another sword swing from the bot.

Spike backflipped across the floor and he landed on the ground ,the bot took out its plasma whip again and threw it to Spike, but Spike caught the thing with his arm and pulled it to him, Spike delivered a strong kick to the bot and took it's whip.
"Let's see how you like it!" Spike shouted as he twirled the whip around and wrapped it around the bot and restrained him.
"Guys, now!" Spike shouted as he was using his strength to hold it down.

"Ugh, guys, some help please?" April suddenly asked as Karai had caught up with her and was pushing her back.
"April!" Donnie shouted with worry.
"I'll help April, you guys take down the robot!" Leo ordered as he went to help her.
"Donnie, now!" Spike shouted in anger as he held it down, Donnie jumped on it's backed and used a knife to open the hatch and he ripped the wires out. The robots eyes twitched suddenly and it started moving around like crazy.
"Error, error, error.." It repeated as it tried moving, but Spike was holding it down the best he could with the plasma whip. The thing dropped it's energy blade and Spike saw this as the way to finish it.

"Guys, hold it down!" Spike shouted as he handed the whip to Raph and Donnie, Spike grabbed the energy sword and screamed in rage as he jumped into the air. Spike twirled the blade around and finished the thing off by stabbing it right in the face.
April was still fighting off Karai as she used her fan to block another attack, Leo suddenly came into the air and he kicked her to the floor, Karai got up but saw Leo had his sword out in front of her.
"It's over Karai!" Leo said seriously.
"For now!" Karai shouted as she jumped in the air and used a smoke bomb to escape.

The bot fell on it's knees and powered down, Spike took some heavy breaths and took out the sword and got the whip from the others again.
"I'm gonna use these for later Kraang stuff, that's for sure." Spike said as he put them away for now.
"Aw! How come Spike gets to keep the cool plasma weapons?!" Mikey said really jealous of this.
"Because Spike wouldn't do anything reckless with them, just use them sparingly Spike, okay?" Leo asked turning to him
"Got it." Spike replied as he helped April up.

"April, you okay?" Spike asked worried as the others came up to her.
"Yeah, i just need to catch my breath.. thanks guys.. i just wanted to say.. on no! I forgot about Casey!" April said worried as she ran off which surprised them.
"That's what she wanted to say?" Donnie asked confused.
"I think she was talking about that other friend she made, let's just go home for now." Spike said as they started to leave back home.

April ran all the way back to the ice ring but saw Casey finish off the last bot.
"And that is how you play hockey." Casey said looking down at it
"Casey are you okay?" April asked worried as she jumped on the ring and slid over to him.
"Of course i am, whoa steady there red." Casey said as he caught her from slipping off again.
"Oh.." April said in relief as she was glad she was okay.

Spike and the others were now back in the lair again while Spike was looking at the plasma weapons he got.
"Man, Twilight will be jealous to know about the cool stuff i got here." Spike said as he looked at them.
"Don't over use them Spike, that would make you too overpowered, and where's the fun without a challenge you know?" Raph asked as Spike put them away.
"Don't worry, i'll use them sparingly." Spike assured as they saw the princess on the cartoon return to the team once more.

"Hey guys." April announced as they saw her come into the lair again.
"April!" Spike said in relief as he came up to her.
"What up?" Mikey asked while the others looked relieved as well, and the same was with Splinter.
"Hmm, it is very good to see you April." Splinter said with a smile.

"I missed you Master Splinter, i hope we can start training again soon." April said hopefully.
"Of course. Whenever you wish." Splinter said gladly, April sighed and turned to the others.
"I never got a chance to tell you guys how sorry i am for everything." April said sadly.
"Your sorry? But we were the ones who screwed up." Leo said confused.
"It was an accident, and more importantly.. your my friends. i never want to hold that kind of grudge again." April said with a smile.

"It's great to have you back April, i promise you we'll save your dad soon. We all will." Spike assured as the others smiled at her.
"Thank you Spike, Donnie , for always being there, even if i didn't want you to be. "April thanked before she gave them both a hug which surprised them both. Spike smiled gladly and returned it.
"Your welcome April, friends look out for eachother, always." Spike said gladly, she then turned to Donnie and kissed him on the cheek which made Spike chuckle at his reaction.
"So.. awesome..!" Donnie echoed as we see him fall into a white void before he takes off around the earth in amazement.
"I love being a turtle!!!" Donnie said in amazement while Spike was laughing at his reaction.

29: Slash and Destroy

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It's been a bit since April decided to be friends with Spike and the others again, and Spike was glad that they reconciled and became friends again, Twilight would be proud that they were able to solve a friendship problem and be on good terms with April again.

Mikey was currently playing on an arcade machine in the lair, getting to an even higher level.
"Aw yeah, level 83 boy! Ima flip it!" Mikey cheered as he took out more enemy's, but gasped when the boss showed up and the screen flashed.
"No, no no no no! It's Skullorax!" Mikey said in fear.
"Eye beam, use the eye beam!" Leo instructed as Mikey tried dodging his attack's.
"I'm scarred man, what am i gonna do?!" Mikey asked as he tried dodging it's attacks, but he wasn't fast enough and lost.

"No!!! I was so close Leo.. so close.." Mikey said sadly as he fell on the arcade machine.
"You did well my son. Now watch a real sensei at work." Leo said as he tossed him aside and started playing himself.

"Mikey!" Raph shouted in rage as he came out with the turtle Spike with a comic.
"You got pizza stains all over my collection of modern ninja magazine! They're ruined!" Raph said in rage as our normal Spike came in looking upset as well.
"Not to mention you messed up my own comic books! Why are you such a mess?!" Spike asked showing him some torn up comics..
"Dudes, those things are over 20 years old, they're not exactly modern." Mikey said casually which made them upset.
"They're vintage, it took me six years to collect em, six years!" Raph said showing it to him again.
"Chillax bros, i'll clean it for ya." Mikey said as he grabbed the comic and started licking off the stains.

"Spike, hold Spike for me." Raph said handing the turtle Spike to him.
"Got it." Spike said as he sat down and gave him some pets as he watched Raph march over to him in anger and slap him on the head which made them smile.
"You mess up everything Mikey!" Raph said holding out the magazine.
"It's just stuff Raph, meager possessions. what does it matter?" Leo asked as he kept playing the game.

"What about your precious comic book collection huh? You always stick up for Mikey, try seeing my point of view for once." Raph argued as he marched over to him.
"How would you feel if a comic collection you took so long to get was just ruined like that?" Spike added.
"Thank you!" Raph shouted in response.

"I get it, i just think like Master Splinter says, material possessions are fleeting." Leo explained before Raph punched the arcade and turned it off.
" All right enough. I'm tired of you three. Your always messing up, and i got to pay for it, at least Spike knows how this is!" Raph said as he threw the paper on the ground and walked off.

"Can it get any louder out there?" Donnie asked annoyed as he was stirring up another batch.
"I'm never gonna find a retro mutagen at this rate, who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?" Donnie asked as he took another vile and placed a drop inside, the jar started to turn purple and made a loud fizzle.
"Uh oh.." Donnie said in fear.

Fireworks suddenly started exploding from the lab and into the lair which shocked them all.
"What the heck?!" Spike shouted as he took cover.
"Hit the deck!" Mikey shouted as more kept flying over the place. A firework destroyed Mikey's skateboard, and another box of pizza.
"My pizza! Whoa, we're under attack!" Mikey shouted in fear as he dodged some more fireworks. Spike saw they're turtle friend was about to be hit by one and he ran to him.
"Spike!" Raph and Spike shouted in slow motion, Spike grabbed him just in time as another was about to hit them.

"I got him!" Spike shouted as he rolled on the ground as the firework hit the box, he saw the turtle stick his head out and he sighed in relief.
"It's alright buddy." Spike said as he rubbed his hand and handed him to Raph.
"Don't worry Spike, old Raph won't let anything hurt you, and our other Spike here won't either." Raph assured as Spike nodded in agreement.
"You got that right Raph." Spike said as the two got up, but now Raph was mad at the others..

"Wow, i did not see that coming, everyone okay?" Donnie asked as he came out of the lab.
"Does the place look okay to you?" Spike asked annoyed as the place was trashed.
"Are you crazy? No, we're not okay!" Raph said frustrated walking up to him.
"What happened here?" Splinter asked as he came into the lair.

"I'll tell you what happened master Splinter, Donnie almost blew us up, again! And what's worse, he almost blew up Spike, both of them!" Raph said annoyed.
"Raph dude i'm really sorry i.." Donnie said before Raph looked at him in anger.
"Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" Raph said as he pushed him out of the way and went into the lab.

"Until the mad scientist gets his act together, i'm holding this for safekeeping." Raph said as he came out with the mutagen canister.
"Raph, be reasonable, man that's my last canister of mutagen!" Donnie said worried as Raph walked over to his room.

Raph was now in his room still upset over what just happened.
"The others are just holding me back, Spike's the only one who understands me, we should be out there fighting crime, tracking mutagen." Raph said as he put the canister on a shelf.
"But all they wanna do is play stupid games. The other Spike's the only one who's taking things seriously, and you get it to, don't you Spike? " Raph said as he pet the turtles head.
"Sometimes i wish i was on my own, doing things my way, maybe even have Spike team up with me. I'm just tired of this team.." Raph said annoyed as knock was heard and Mikey opened the door.

"Uh, dude, you still mad?" Mikey asked nervously.
"What do you want Mikey?" Raph asked annoyed.
"Master Splinter wants us to help clean up." Mikey explained.
"No way! Not a chance! Donnie can clean up his own explosion!" Raph said annoyed as he got up.

"Hey if you tell Splinter your not helping out, that's all you dude." Mikey teased pointing at him.
"Fine, i will!" Raph said as he got up and pushed Mikey out of the way and slammed the door. This caused the canister to roll over onto the floor and the mutagen started leaking out, the turtle Spike saw this as the room glowed green..

Spike and the others were using mops to clean up the mess Donnie made.
"Man, how did you create fireworks from chemicals?" Spike asked annoyed as he cleaned up another spot as Raph walked in.
"Sensei, it's completely unfair. Donnie made this mess, how come i have to help?" Raph asked annoyed while Donnie looked ashamed.
"Allow me to make a suggestion Raphael." Splinter said which annoyed him.
"Suggest what sensei? I'm sick of suggestions, what could you possibly suggest? Aghk" Raph screamed as Splinter did a pressure point move on him and Raph was paralyzed and fell to the ground.
"Perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while." Splinter said looking down at him.

Inside Raph's room the turtle Spike was mutated from the canister and he became extremely large with sharp spines on his back and made a loud roar and slashed at the lamp.

"Always me right? I got the bad attitude, i'm the bad guy." Raph said in anger as Spike walked with him.
"Raph come on, we both know that Splinter shouldn't be messed with." Spike said as he and Raph went into his room.
"They just don't get it Spike." Raph said annoyed as he tried turning on the light, but it didn't.
"Aw.." Raph said in annoyance.
"Um, Raph?" Spike asked as he pointed to the spilled over canister.

"They never have." A voice suddenly spoke which spooked them.
"What?" Raph asked getting in a fighting stance.
"Who's there?" Spike asked getting defensive as well, they gasped as they saw a shadow in the room and it came to them.
"They never understood you, not like me." He said again as he emerged from the shadows and they both looked on with shock.

"It can't be.." Raph said in shock as the turtle towered over them.
"No way.." Spike asked in awe and shock as they're old friend got mutated.
"Spike?!" Raph and Spike asked at once.

Leo and the others were currently mopping up while Donnie looked ashamed.
" I feel terrible, it's my fault Raph's mad.." Donnie said sadly as he sat down
"It's not you Donnie.. well it's.. it's partially you, Raph just needs to work out on his bad temper.
"Maybe he should switch to decaffeinated pizza?" Mikey suggested until Donnie's device went off again.

"Whoa, the mutagen tracker just picked up a new canister! it's close." Donnie said as he saw the signal nearby.
"Then let's gear up, i'll grab Raph and Spike." Leo said as he started walking off.
"Better you then me dude." Mikey replied.

Spike and Raph were still in the room looking amazed at his mutation.
"I can't believe this is happening, i mean this is amazing." Raph said in awe.
"Who knew you would get so much bigger then the others?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Wait.. what do we tell the others?" Raph asked looking at them.

"Tell em you got a new partner, one who knows the true meaning of being a warrior. "The turtle said as he got up.
"A new partner?" Spike and Raph asked at once.
"You two and me, no joking around, no goofing off like your brothers, we'll be the ultimate ninja team." He offered, Spike could feel a sinister goal coming from him with his powers, but he decided to play along for now.

"Well that would be.. awesome." Raph said amazed.
"We could find those mutagen canisters a lot faster too.." Spike said with interest.
"Yes, and we'll crush our opponents, we'll fight evil together, nonstop, and we'll get Spike home too." He assured while Raph smiled at that idea.
"Now that's what i'm talking about. What about you Spike?" He asked looking at him.
"Sounds like fun to me." Spike said interested.
"You see guys, you always got me. "Raph said proud of them.

They heard another knock on the door which shocked them.
"Hey, Raph and Spike." Leo said on the other side.
"Be quiet for now okay?" Spike asked as he and Raph went to the door.

"Yeah?" Raph asked on the other side.
"We got a mutagen situation, we need you two on deck." Leo replied.
"Right uh.. we'll catch up in a minute, go on without us." Raph said as he slightly opened the door.
"We just need a little time to prepare okay?" Spike asked a little nervous.
"Fine, just catch up soon okay?" Leo asked as he closed the door.

"You don't need em Raphael and Spike. We can find that mutagen on our own." he said as he looked at a photo of Spike and the others.
"Heck yeah, and if we're gonna do this, you'll need to gear up." Raph said as he opened a hatch with some more weapons.
"Take your pick." Raph offered as he saw a certain weapon he liked.

We cut to the three of them now on the streets as the mutant Spike twirled his new mace around, he put on a black mask like Spike's own, and put some black straps around his arms.
"Wow, you look awesome Spike." Raph said amazed.
"Kinda weird there are two people with the same name huh?" Spike asked confused.
"He's right, i think it's time we change it, call me.. Slash." Slash said as he put on a belt initial with an s on it and the threw of them are on a rooftop looking over the city.

"Let's go" Spike said as he and Raph started taking off with Slash staying behind for a moment.
"If Raph's gonna be free, and Spike's gonna be safe from the Kraang, we may need to lose some dead weight.." Slash said as he laughed evilly as a torn up photo of Leo and the others are seen..

Spike and Raph were moving through the rooftops with Slash making his way over as well.
"Yes this is awesome! Just you two and me, Raph Slash and Spike, the crime fighting trio!" Raph said amazed as they flipped across some more ledges.
"Think we could use a team name or something?" Spike asked as he slid under another water tower.
"Maybe, it's us three righting the wrongs of the world. And wipe out whatever stands in our way." Slash said as he had white eyes.
"Hold on? How are we gonna find mutagen without a tracker?" Raph asked confused and Slash chuckled.
"I got a nose for this stuff, i can smell it a mile away." Slash explained.
"Lead the way then Slash." Spike said as he and Raph followed him.

We cut to another rooftop where Leo and the others were moving forward.
"Come on, we got mutagen close by, it's on the other side." Donnie said as they ran faster, Mikey flipped ahead for a moment and looked down and found the canister.
"Ooze jar in full effect." Mikey reported as the others saw it.
"Sweet, let's grab it and bag it, looks like we didn't need Raph for this one. Hold up.. is that Spike?" Leo asked as Spike suddenly landed on the ground.

"Found it." Spike said as he picked it up and started moving.
"How did he find it before us?" Donnie asked confused.
"I don't know, but we better see how." Leo said as he went after him.

Spike flipped back up to the top and showed them the canister.
"Like i said guys, swift and silent." Spike said confidently as he held it out.
"Nice work kid, you really showed us." Raph said impressed.
"Yep, good thing no one else got it first, right Slash? Slash?" Spike asked as they saw he was gone for a moment.
"Where'd he go?" Raph asked confused.

"Raph, Spike." Leo shouted suddenly, they looked over and saw Leo had arrived and he landed in front of them.
"Leo? How'd it go?" Raph asked with a smug.
"Don't joke like that Raph, we had everything planned out, your lucky Spike wasn't seen!" Leo said annoyed while Raph growled.
"What is your deal? We found the mutagen with no bad consequences, how is that bad?" Raph said as he and Leo started to argue with Mikey and Donnie watching from a distance.

"Man, that looks a little bad down there huh?" Donnie asked curious as a shadow swept near them..
"Dude, i can totally see Raph's forehead veins bulging from here!" Mikey said with a chuckle as a large shadow came out of nowhere and restrained Donnie and started dragging him off..
"Check it out, his heads gonna pop!" Mikey said pointing at him.

"The point is he shouldn't risk exposing himself like that!" Leo said with anger while Spike had enough of this.
"Guys, enough, i get it, i'm sorry i went out like that Leo, Let's just take the canister and go home, okay?" Spike asked holding it out.
"You guys go, i need some time to think about this!" Leo said as he went off with Spike looking annoyed.

"Fine, go then! We don't need you!" Raph shouted annoyed as Spike held it.
"Let's not drop this one okay?" Spike asked holding it close. A large thud suddenly came behind them and they saw Slash breathing heavily.
"Slash? Where'd you go man?" Raph asked confused as he was hiding a familiar purple mask..

"Raph, Spike! Donnie's disappeared! He was right behind me when.." Mikey said as he came in and finally saw Slash.
"Holy chalupa.. another turtle?" Mikey asked in shock.
"Wait wait no, that's Spike, i mean.. it's slash now. He got into the mutagen." Raph explained while Mikey had his jaw dropped while pointing at Slash.
"Shocking, i know.." Spike said while he saw his face.

"Dudes.. this is to much to process! I'm gonna...!!" Mikey shouted as fireworks came from his head suddenly and Spike and Raph had ... reactions as Mikey got up suddenly.
"I'm freaking out" Mikey said in complete shock which annoyed Slash.
"Raphael, you said it yourself, we don't need these clowns, we gotta take care of that mutagen now." Slash said as he walked up to them.
"But.. what about Donnie? We have to find him" Mikey said worried, Raph looked at both Slash and Mikey who was waiting for his response.

"Sorry Slash, but my brothers come first, no matter what." Raph said with a smile which disappointed Slash.
"How about i make it a little easier for ya?" Slash asked as he raised his large fist in the air and roared in anger and smashed at Mikey.
" Mikey!" Spike and Raph shouted in horror as Slash delivered some devastating punches to Mikey and he threw him to the wall before Spike and Raph pushed him back.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Spike asked in anger as he held onto the canister still.

"I don't wanna fight you Raphael and Spike, just leave me to my work." Slash said as he was marching to them.
"Your work? That mutagen has warped your brain Spike. This isn't you!" Raph said in shock.
"Told you.. the name's Slash!" Slash shouted as he was about to finish off Mikey, but Raph came in and threw a smoke bomb at his face, and that gave them an opportunity to escape.

Spike and Raph took Mikey and were searching for Donnie, luckily the search didn't take too long.
"There he is! Donnie!" Mikey shouted with worry as he jumped over to him, he looked incredibly beaten up, his mask was missing, and there were slash marks all over the place.
"Donnie, are you okay?!" Spike asked worried as he tried helping him.
"Oh.. what hit me? It was like Raph only.. bigger and meaner.. and angrier.. but.. not quite as ugly.." Donnie said looking at him.
"It was Spike.. the turtle Spike, he got into the mutagen, we were gonna tell you guys but.." Raph said before Donnie stopped him.

"Spike? Way to keep that mutagen safe Raph." Donnie said sarcastically.
"Come on, we gotta find some cover." Raph said as he and Spike helped Donnie move who was groaning in pain.. all the while Slash was watching over from another rooftop..

Leo was currently thinking to himself as he was still upset about they're argument.
"Raph.. why can't you just accept these were accidents that happened? Spike knows better then to just go into public like that, he could've risked being seen.." Leo said worried as he sat down and thought about this.
"Even though it was risky.. he got the canister without being seen.. and he is still young.. i should at least apologize to them, they all have much to learn, let's see where you are guys." Leo said as he started moving to find the others.

Spike and the others were on another rooftop trying to help Donnie.
"Can't make it.. i'm too weak.. you go on without me guys.." Donnie said weakly while Spike was worried.
"Don't way that kind of stuff, please." Spike said as they tried moving forward still.
"That's right, i'm gonna tie up your sprained arm. It might hurt okay? Bite down on this." Raph said as Donnie grabbed his weapon.
"Tastes like leather and sweat." Donnie muffled through his mouth.

"Mikey, Mikey, down here i need your help." Leo's voice whispered which caught Mikey's attention.
"Leo?" Mikey asked confused as he saw a shadow near a ledge..
"Down here, hurry." Leo said as Mikey smiled.
"Am i glad your back, dude, there's another turtle." Mikey said still amazed.
"That's funny.. i actually believed it." Slash said as the shadow came out revealing it to be a trap. Mikey screamed in terror as Slash grabbed him and started dragging him somewhere while Mikey screamed in fear.

Spike felt something was wrong and he looked over and saw Mikey was gone.
"Raph, Mikey's gone!" Spike said with worry.
"What?!" Raph asked in shock, they quickly leapt over the ledge to find him.
"Mikey?!" Spike asked worried, they looked around for a bit and saw Mikey was horribly beaten up too.
"On no.. Mikey!" Raph said in fear as Mikey groaned in pain.

They pulled up the rope that was holding him and gently put him on the ground.
"Mikey, what happened?!" Spike asked worried at his state.
"It's pretty obvious Spike.." Raph said while he and Spike growled in anger.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?!" Raph shouted in anger while they looked around.
"You almost killed them? Why are you hurting them like this?!" Spike asked in rage.
"Because the others are holding you back, they limit your potential, just like you.. said!" Slash shouted as he punched Raph to to the wall..

"No, they're my brothers i never wanted this!" Raph said as he was trying to get up while Slash was dragging Mikey.
"There's no turning back now.." Slash said evilly as he held Mikey over the ledge.
"Stop! We won't let you hurt him" Raph said as he and Spike drew they're weapons, Spike hid the canister away so it wouldn't break and cause another accident.
"I'm not here to fight you two." Slash said as he turned to them.

"Well we wanna fight you, your not spike, your some kind of warped monster. A deranged hideous freak." Raph said in anger.
"You are not the friend we once had, i don't wanna fight you either, but we have no choice!" Spike said as Slash dropped Mikey on the floor, he took out his mace and roared in rage and charged at them while Spike and Raph did the same.

Spike ducked under Slash's mace and delivered a kick to his arm, Slash knocked Raph to a wall and they clashed weapons.
"We could make a good team Raphael and Spike, but your fools, just like your brothers." Slash said as he knocked the two back into a wall which Mikey saw and he weakly crawled over to Donnie.

"Slash is back.. Raph and Spike are in trouble." Mikey said worried while Donnie tried getting up.
"Raph and Spike are fighting him?" Donnie asked worried.
"More like getting stomped into green and purple goo, come on!" Mikey said as he started running off.

Spike and Raph leaped over to another rooftop with Slash following them closely as they got into they're stances.
"I spent years watching you train, learning your moves, i know everything you can do." Slash said as they twirled they're weapons.
"Not everything!" Spike shouted as the two screamed in rage and charged at him. Slash went to sweep they're legs, but they both jumped over it, but Slash grabbed Raph by the legs and slammed him to the ground, he then dragged him around and threw him to a wall and punched him straight through it and onto another ledge.

"Raph!" Spike shouted in horror as Slash turned to him.
"Don't make me do this Spike, your very young still, out of all the people in the group, your the one i don't want to hurt." Slash said as Spike got in a defensive stance.
"I don't wanna fight you either Slash, but you need to see what your doing is wrong!" Spike shouted as he tried punching him, but Slash grabbed his arm and twisted it and punched him to another wall, Spike groaned weakly as he tried getting up.
"What i'm doing is trying to make sure your safe, the Kraang and Foot are still hunting for you, and the others are too weak to keep you safe, what if you get mutated one day and it can't be reversed? What if you end up just like us and can't go home? I don't want that to happen to you, that's why you need to stand down!" Slash shouted as he tried attacking Spike again, Spike slid under his attack and jumped over to a higher ledge.
"Even if that does happen to me, i still have more to find out, like how i have my powers, how i could get home, and i need my friends to do that, if you want to help me too, you can't do it like this!" Spike said as he tried making him stop
"Sorry kid, but that's not how Slash does it.." Slash said as he charged at Spike once more.

Spike sighed sadly and looked at him.
"And i'm sorry for this.." Spike said sadly as he took out his plasma whip he got from earlier and restrained Slash with it.
"What?! Let me go!" Slash shouted as Spike growled in anger and he used his mutant arm to slam him against multiple parts of the walls. Spike threw him onto another ledge and he charged after him.

"Spike!" Leo shouted as Spike saw him suddenly come into the scene.
"Leo!" Spike shouted as he came up to him.
"What is going on here? Who is that?!" Leo shouted pointing at Slash who was getting up.
"That's Spike, he got into the mutagen, and he badly beat up the others, you need to help them now!" Spike shouted as he ducked under another attack and kicked him in the face.
"Go!!" Spike shouted as he used his mutant arm and punched him onto another rooftop. Leo looked back with worry, but he knew his brothers needed his help and he went after them.

Spike was letting his rage get to him as he was relentlessly attacking Slash with all his anger.
"That's it, a true warriors spirit!" Slash shouted as he grabbed Spike again and punched him down, Spike quickly got up and charged at him again.
"We're the same, You, Raph and me." Slash said as they circled around eachother.
"We're nothing alike, you almost killed my friends! Your pure evil! Your not the Spike we know!" Spike shouted in response, Slash growled with rage and he roared at him, Slash charged at Spike and slammed him through another wall, he then delivered multiple combo attacks to Spike and badly wounded him.

Spike growled once more in anger as he tried getting up again, and was not about to let him win.
"That's it Spike, we're exaclty alike, our anger makes us stronger!" Slash shouted in anger and Spike got an idea, Slash charged at him one more time before Spike slid under his attack.
"Then let's take a moment!"" Spike shouted as he used a pressure point move on Slash's arm, Slash's body suddenly twitched in pain and was walking over to a ledge which caught him off guard.
"No! Spike, don't!!" Spike shouted as he tried to save him, he tried reaching for his hand but was too late and he fell over the ledge.

"no!!" Spike shouted in fear as he saw Slash fall over the ledge and onto the ground. Spike sighed sadly as he hated himself for letting this happen, Spike saw Leo helping the others up as they all were beaten up badly as well.
"Where's.. Slash?" Raph asked weakly.
"He fell over the ledge.." Spike said as they looked over it.. but he was suddenly gone with not a trace left.
"He's gone.. then he must still be out there.. somewhere.." Raph said as he and Spike looked over the view of the city once more.

Spike had gotten the mutagen canister he found once more and was able to get it back to the lair, he and the others were in the lair while Spike and Raph were looking at one of his leaves sadly..
"I'm really sorry about this buddy.." Spike said regretfully as they both felt awful for this, they saw Splinter come up to them looking concerned.
"He's still out there somewhere.." Raph said sadly while Spike looked worried.
"He just.. disappeared.. i don't know how.." Spike said regretfully.

"Raphael, Spike, do you know what i do when i miss my loved ones from my past?" Splinter asked them.
"You focus on the friends you have in the present, right?" Spike asked as Splinter saw Leo and the others on the arcade machine again.
"Correct. You are smart for a young one Spike." Splinter replied as the two of them looked at the others and smiled.
"Thanks Master Splinter, hey what do we have to do to get into your little competition huh?" Raph asked as he and Spike walked over.
"Next game It's all yours dudes." Mikey said as he kept playing.

"Sorry about Spike you guys, and i'm sorry for reacting to you that way, i was a jerk at that moment." Leo apologized.
"It's okay, you guys aren't to bad to hang out with either." Raph said as he put his arms over all of them.
"I hear that!" Spike said gladly as they all smiled at eachother..

30: The Good, The bad, And Casey Jones

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We cut to an opening of New York once more as we see a familiar kid in his apartment looking over his notebook.

"Mutant monsters and robot ninja's are taking over my city. How long before those freaks hurts somebody close to me.. Like my dad, my little sister, April?" Casey asked as we see him doing some exercise and making his own fighting gear and skeleton mask.
"I'm not waiting around to find out, all my life, i knew i was meant for something greater. This is my calling, my destiny.. a true warrior has gotta be prepared." Casey narrated as he finished putting on his new gear.

"Who do you think you are? A ninja? Bring it punk!" Casey said as he held out a shocker he had under one of his gloves and took out his hockey stick and swung it around.
"Scum-sucking freaks of the mutated world, prepare to meet.. Casey Jones!" Casey said while he put on his skull mask looking like a real fighter.( I love the design)

Spike and the others were now in the dojo once more for some training.
"My sons, you are truly becoming impressive warriors, but to grow as a team, you must know eachothers strengths and weaknesses." Splinter instructed as they all took out they're weapons and struck some poses. Mikey struck a few poses before making a loud burp right in Donnie's face.

"Ugh! Right in my face! Really?!" Donnie asked in huge disgust.
"Garlic and Clam pizza." Mikey said dramatically while Splinter turned to them.
"This competition is a free for all, last turtle or dragon standing wins. Hajime!" Splinter announced.

Spike circled with the other turtles as he waited for the right moment, Raph charged at Donnie who was still dizzy.
"I'm still seeing spots.. oh!" Donnie shouted as Raph kicked him right into the tree.
"Sorry Donnie, it's a ninja eat ninja world." Raph said while Mikey was laughing at Donnie, Raph turned to Mikey and then engaged with him before Leo jumped in the air leaving Spike to duel with Mikey.

"What are you doing Leo? I was going for Mikey!" Raph said as he blocked Leo's sword attack.
"What part of " Last turtle or dragon standing" Do you not understand?" Leo countered as he pushed Raph back, Spike was twirling his sword around like how Mikey did.
"You wanna know what a cool thing us dragons can do?" Spike asked as he delivered a roundhouse kick to Mikey but he was still standing up.
"What?" Mikey asked curious and Spike chuckled at that, Spike held something in him for a moment before he made a loud burp and breathed fire right on the bottom part of Mikey's shell and he screamed in fear.
"Dragons can shoot fire even when we burp, weird but cool right?" Spike teased as Mikey was jumping into the air.
"Gross, but totally rad!" Mikey shouted as he accidentally hit a wall and was knocked down.

"Distraction, misdirection, powerful weapons in a ninja's arsenal, excellent work Spike." Splinter said as Mikey mocked him before Splinter gave him a glare and that made Mikey stop.
"Thanks, i got my own talents." Spike said casually as stood next to him deciding to let Raph and Leo fight.
"Looks like you've leveled up to the boss fight." Raph said as the two circled each other.
"I'm gonna wipe that smirk of your face... permanently.." Leo countered.

Raph screamed as he and Leo swung they're weapons at eachother, Raph grabbed one of Leo's swords and knocked it away leaving it to be one. Leo knocked one of Raph's weapon to the tree in response and Raph ran over to get it, Leo finished it off by delivering a strong kick to Raph's face and he was knocked right into the floor in front of the others.
"Well, looks like Leo and Spike win this one." Donnie said as Leo grabbed his swords and he and Spike gave Splinter a bow of respect.

"Uh oh.. he's awoken the beast!" Mikey said in fear as Raph was breathing heavily looking really furious. Spike heard screaming and saw Raph charge at them in anger.
"Raph! Calm down!" Spike shouted as he ducked under an attack from him, he used a pressure point move and that immediately knocked him to the floor paralyzed.

"Raph, what are you doing?!" Donnie asked upset at him as they checked on Leo who looked hurt, Spike freed Raph from the attack and he stood up looking worried.
"I'm.. i'm sorry.. it was an accident! Seriously!" Raph defended while Spike sighed.
"We need to help you with this problem Raph.." Spike said sadly.

"Spike is right, anger is a dangerous ally, it clouds your judgment. You must control it, before it controls you." Splinter instructed once more.
"But sensei i wasn't angry i was just.. determined to win!" Raph said in defense while the others looked at him.
"Why don't we go out for some air Raph, let's see if we can find anymore canisters." Spike offered as he grabbed Raph's arm and started leading him out.
"You know what Spike? I think air's something in need right now." Raph replied as the two walked out.
"At least Spike's keeping Raph in check." Mikey replied as they watched them leave.

Raph was really frustrated and was kicking things around on the rooftops with Spike following him.
"This always happens, i'm fine until someone pushes my buttons!" Raph said annoyed as he threw a ninja star to another object and sliced it apart.
"It's not like i was trying to hurt Leo, they just don't get it Spike.." Raph said as the two sat down to think.
"Raph, i know this problem, you just have stuff that triggers you, we just need to find a way to better control that anger from lashing out." Spike explained looking concerned.

We cut to another rooftop as we see the camera zoom up to Casey looking over the city.
"My city is infested. A boil, a festering sore, it stinks with evil. Pure evil that only Casey Jones can face." Casey narrated as he wrote in his notebook once more before sighing.
"Actually, crime fighting's pretty boring..." Casey said as he was feeling tired, but he freaked out as he saw a rat right next to him.
"I hate those furry little freaks!" Casey said in fear with his weapon drawn, the rat ran away and he sighed in relief.

"What? What do you want from me?" A man asked in the distance which Casey noticed. We cut to a man being pinned to the wall by more Purple Dragon members again.
"Check it out, a walking ATM, let's make a withdrawal." The leader said taking out a knife and the guy handed him his wallet.
"Attaboy!" The leader said evilly.
"The watch too! Ohh! " The larger man said before a puck hit him right in the face.
"What the?" He asked confused rubbing his arm.

The man ran away while the gang members looked ahead.
"You slimeballs picked the wrong night." Casey said in the shadows.
"Nice outfit, who's this clown?" The leader asked jokingly.
"I'm the last thing you'll see before you'll wake up in the hospital!" Casey said as he came out of the shadows.

Casey drew his hockey stick and charged at the leader and started delivering hard whacks to him, Casey blocked an attack from the large one and knocked him into a trash can, he flipped over the wall and landed by the can.
"Joke on it punk!" Casey shouted as he kicked the trash can right into the other guy, Spike and Raph were watching from a high ledge as he kept fighting off those guys.

"That guys out of control, time for a little intervention Spike." Raph said as they drew they're weapons.
"Raph, he's probably just a kid doing what he thinks is right, those guys clearly don't take a lesson once they're beaten." Spike pointed out.
"Well we need to make sure he doesn't put himself in bigger situations he's unprepared for, let's just try and mellow him out." Raph said as the two of them jumped down.

The leader was trying to run away in fear right as Casey put down another puck.
"Casey Jones shoots!" Casey shouted as he whacked the puck right on the guys leg and knocked him down.
"He scores!" Casey shouted in victory before he turned to the others.

"Hey man enough, we give up!" The large one said in fear.
"Well i ain't finished with you two low lives yet!" Casey said right before Spike grabbed his hockey stick.
"What?!" Casey asked right before Raph kicked him to the side.

"Who's back there? Show yourself!" Casey demanded, Spike and Raph stepped out of the shadows revealing they're body's to him.
"Another mutant? And is that a dragon?!" Casey asked shocked seeing Spike.
"Got a problem with that?" Raph asked frustrated while they were on guard.
"Wait, what are you some kind of Turtle and Dragon ninja's?" Casey asked with a laugh. Raph growled in anger right as the gang members ran past him.

"Hey you filthy scum, i'm not done with you!" Casey shouted in anger.
"Let us handle this." Raph said trying to stop him but Casey pushed them back.
"Out of my way!" Casey shouted as he tried going after them, but Spike landed in front of them.
"I don't want to hurt you kid, you need to cool down, you don't know what your getting yourself into!" Spike shouted trying to stop him.
"I don't care if i am, i ain't letting evil scum like them harm others, Goongala!!" Casey shouted as he charged at them.

Raph and Spike were blocking Casey's attack while he did them relentlessly.
"We told you, back off!" Raph shouted as he pushed him back. Spike sweeped his legs and Raph kicked him into a dumpster, they thought that was the last of it before he rose from the trash.
"You let those muggers go? Your gonna pay for that freaks!!" Casey shouted as he leaped over to them again.

Spike ducked under another attack and they backflipped into the air and threw some stars at him which Casey blocked.
"Gotta admit, those ninja stars are cool!" Casey complimented.
"Your gear is pretty cool as well, did you make them yourself?" Spike asked drawing his sword.
"Built them with whatever i had!" Casey shouted as he swung at Spike again, but he blocked it with his sword and slid right under him before kicking him in the back, Raph joined in by grabbing his head and slamming him to the floor.

Casey got up and drew a baseball bat and another stick before he charged at them again, Spike was flipping over his attacks while Raph was blocking them, Casey jumped over Raph and knocked him to the ground.
"Heh, aren't turtles supposed to be endangered?" Casey asked jokingly.
"Only the ones who can't do this!!" Raph shouted as he launched his legs right in his face and knocked him down, Spike finished things off by charging up his mutant arm again and delivering another punch to him and sent him into the wall.

"Oh.. that was totally rad.." Casey said weakly as he tried getting up.
"Look kid, we don't wanna fight you, i can see that your trying to fight for others, but letting your rage control you like that will only hurt them. You need to some time and manage that." Spike explained while Casey got up.
"A dragon that can talk.. super cool.." Casey said weakly, Raph was breathing heavily before they both realized this.
"What are we doing? Maybe i do have anger issues.." Raph said ashamed, Spike sighed and looked at him.

"Look, we all our fighting bad guys to protect others, but that won't help unless we control our rage, you two just need to control it better. Sorry i hurt you like that, but you need to take a breather for a bit, just go home and rest, and next time you fight crime, manage your anger better, when your foes down and say they're done, it's done, okay?" Spike asked Casey who took out some roller skates.
"Yeah.. that sounds good.. but know this, you ain't seen the last of me you two!" Casey said as he skated around and grabbed the back of a taxi and slid off.

"Well that could've gone better." Raph said crossing his arms.
"Let's just go home." Spike said as he put his sword away and the two walked off.

We cut to April's school during the day as we see April and a friend of hers walking through the hall, they heard some noise and saw Casey opening his locker.
"Well well, looks like Casey Jones has finally made it to class, what a surprise, ready for the big trig exam?" April asked him.
"Trig exam. Oh yeah! I was up all night.. studying.." Casey said as he turned around revealing his bruised face and chest which had straps around them.
"Really? Did your homework punch you in the face and chest?" April asked concerned.

"I had um um.. late night hockey practice.." Casey lied.
"Isn't the hockey rink closed after dark ever since that mysterious fight broke back a few weeks ago? So how exactly did you get those bruises Casey?" April's friend asked curious.
"What are you Irma my interrogator? " Casey asked in response, she sighed and started dragging April with her before Casey turned her around.
"I saw something crazy last night, like.. mutant crazy.." Casey whispered to her.
"Come on April, we got our exam and i will not be late this time." Irma said as she took April with her again.

Donnie was in the lair again ready to watch some Tv before Mikey jumped right next to him.
"Yo! You ready for 48 hours of some mega thrusting, evil fighting, galaxy saving super sentai action?" Mikey asked casually.
"I was.. until you spilled greasy popcorn all over me!" Donnie shouted with rage. Mikey simply took a piece of popcorn and ate it
"My bad." Mikey said casually.

Leo was walking into the room and Raph saw him.
"Hey Leo, you got a minute?" Raph asked as he and Spike walked to him.
"I was about to watch Super robo mecha force" Leo said pointing at the tv.
"Cool! So here's the deal.. See i.. me.. i'm.. uh.. sorry.." Raph said in a whisper which made Spike slap his face.
" I was i was.. sorry." Raph apologized and Leo held out his ear.
"Sorry, okay? Sorry?!" Raph asked which made Donnie and Mikey drop they're jaws.

"I thought i had my anger under control, but i didn't, but now i do, seriously." Raph explained.
"He means for now.. i give him ten seconds, 9, 8, 7.." Mikey counted down while Spike joined in.
"I'm doing what i can to help him out, all of you teasing him like this is only making things worse." Spike said crossing his arms.
"What are you saying guys, your saying he is angry, but we make him angry?" Leo asked confused as Mikey kept counting down.
"It's only from stupid stuff like what Mikey's doing right now, there are ways people get triggered easily, and you all doing it like this intentionally is making it worse!" Spike shouted to Mikey which shut him up.

"Well at least Raph's got a buddy for him." Mikey teased which made Raph mad, Spike put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"Raph, let's just go out again, i'm not interested in Tv tonight anyway." Spike said as they started moving out.
"Guys wait, i was just busting your shell and spine!" Leo said in defense.
"Yeah, and it was actively making things worse, man i wish Celestia was here for advice on this.." Spike said as the two went out.

Spike and Raph punched out the manhole cover and Spike watched Raph throw a trash can over in rage.
"Those guys are making me loopy! They just don't get it!" Raph shouted while he and Spike were climbing to the rooftops.
"Why can't they see that this mocking is screwing things up for us?!" Spike asked in anger as he punched a wall in frustration.
"Why can't they see things like you do? Your the only one who's actually trying to help me here." Raph said as they were moving along.
"Because i know when to mess around, and when i should take things seriously. Helping out my friends is just what i do." Spike said while calming down a little.
"I can see that, i'm glad to have you here Spike, your the only one who understands this, and tries to help me out." Raph said gratefully with Spike smiling in response.

We cut to another shot of Casey looking over his notebook in his gear once more.
"It's been three days and my body still feels like a punching bag. That turtle and Dragon are worthy opponents i'll give them that, his arm especially is something i need to watch out for." Casey said as he looked at his notebook some more, Casey looked over the rooftops and saw Spike and Raph not to far from here. Casey dropped what he was doing and grabbed his gear and headed down.. all the while some foot bots were following him with they're eyes glowing again..

Casey walked down to the streets and heard a loud crash which made a cat run away.
"Maybe we just need to get some tougher punching bags, that dummy's barely doing much at all now." Spike suggested while he and Raph walked down to a manhole.
"What punching bags are tough enough to handle my anger?" Raph asked as they opened it and headed down with Casey seeing this.
Casey opened the manhole and heard them talking still.
"Maybe we can use some Kraang tech to make them tougher? Who knows?" Spike asked while Casey jumped down and looked around for they're voices. Casey started running off in their direction with the foot bots following him quietly.

Leo and the others were still watching the Tv, and it showed they're enemy infiltrating they're headquarters by himself which annoyed Leo.
"Oh come on! How can one guy infiltrate Super robo mecha headquarters?" Leo asked confused until Mikey leaned next to him.
"He uses his laser tentacle to shut down the defense systems, Duh." Mikey explained as Spike and Raph walked in.
"You guys are gonna watch so much TV, your brains are gonna rot." Raph said walking in.
"At least i manage my time with it." Spike added.

"Yay, Raph and Spike are back." Donnie said sarcastic. Spike and Raph rolled they're eyes and sat down with Casey seeing it all.
"There's four of them?!" Casey asked in shock.
"You cool off yet man?" Leo asked Raph.
"Spike helped me, at least he knows how to help me. Move over. "Raph said annoyed as they sat down, Casey tried to sneak out, but he accidentally knocked over some pizza boxes being seen in slow motion.
"Super Robo Mecha Force!" The TV said right as he caught the box, but the fork made a sound which the turtles and Spike noticed.

"An intruder!" Donnie said in anger.
"Oh man.." Casey said afraid.
"You again?!" Raph asked frustrated as they charged at him.
"You followed us here?!" Spike asked in anger as he twisted his arm and punched him to the wall and the others restrained him.

"You know this guy you two?" Mikey asked them.
"Get your stinking paws of me!" Casey said in anger, Leo walked up and took off his mask which was revealed to have face paint on them which freaked them out for a moment.
"It's Face Paint, he's just a kid!" Leo said annoyed.
"Let go of me you stupid reptiles!" Casey shouted while Splinter and April walked in.

"Always trust your instincts April. A Well-hones intuition can be sharper for your eyes." Splinter instructed.
"Yes sensei I'll.. Casey? Casey!" April shouted as the others were restraining him.
"You know this guy/ Guys?" They all asked at once.
"Don't hurt him. He's my friend! Casey, what are you doing here?" April asked turning to him.

" A better question is, how do you know these freaks?" Casey countered.
" These are the.. other friends i told you about. " April admitted which shocked him.
"Wait, so they're not the bad guys? And your friends with a dragon?!" Casey asked pointing at Spike.
"No way they're not, and yes i have. Casey Jones meet.. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Spike, and Raphael." April introduced turning to them.

"So the turtles are all Italian?" Casey asked confused.
"No. I named them after my favorite painters and sculptors of the Italian renaissance." Splinter explained showing him a special book. Casey gasped in pure horror and screamed pointing at him before he fainted in pure shock.
"Guess he's afraid of rats.." Spike commented.

"Casey? Casey wake up!" April shouted as she shook him before slapping him on the face waking him up.
"This is Master Splinter, Casey. He's cool." April introduced.
"You do not have to fear me my friend. Rest assured, i do not bite." Splinter told him while Casey was still afraid.
" He's a giant.. talking.. rat?" Casey asked in fear which made Raph laugh mockingly.

"Big bad vigilante's afraid of rats!" Raph mocked before he screamed in fear as Mikey showed a cockroach to him.
"Just like how you are afraid of Cockroaches!" Spike said with a laugh. But his laughing was stopped when he sensed something with his powers along with April.
"What is it April and Spike?" Splinter asked worried.
Spike drew his sword and looked at him.
"We're not alone." Spike said seriously, they looked up in the air and saw the foot bots had found they're lair and started to attack them.

The others drew they're weapons with the bots doing the same.
"Raph, Spike, you led the enemy to our lair?!" Leo asked frustrated.
"Hey, it's not our fault, Casey was following us!" Spike said in defense.
"My fault?" Casey asked offended.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as he charged into battle.

Spike and the others engaged in battle with the bots, Spike flipped over one bot and sliced it through the chest, he then ducked under a saw from another and ripped the robots head off. Splinter joined in the fight and punched a head off entirely with April fighting them off as well as Spike, Raph and Casey backed into eachother.
"Your the one who did this!" Raph said in anger.
"Did you have to follow us?!" Spike asked frustrated as he stabbed another robot in the head.
"They followed you two guys!" Casey countered while he whacked another one.

Splinter got in a fighting pose and he karate chopped one in the stomach before punching it away, he then punched one in the air and delivered several punches all over his body and knocked him down.
"Whoa..." They all said amazed.
"Stay alert, more are coming." Splinter warned as he turned around and saw even more foot bots charging in.

A specific one was scanning over the lair making it bad news.
"Hey, he'll give away our location!" Donnie shouted right before Splinter took down another one.
"Don't let that robot escape!" Splinter ordered while the others began fighting them.
"Casey Jones is on it!" Casey shouted with Spike running besides him.
"Get back here!!" Spike shouted with rage while Raph followed them out of the lair.

We cut to them in the subway with the robot trying to escape, Spike was chasing after it while Raph wrapped a hook around Casey and pulled him back.
"What are you doing?!" Casey asked frustrated with Raph running past him.
"Me? You got in my way!" Raph shouted as they chased after them, more foot bots emerged from the ceiling and they landed on the ground stopping them.

"Where'd he go?" Casey asked drawing his weapon.
"If that robot gets back to Karai and gives away our hideout, you answer to Splinter!" Raph said ducking another attack, Spike slid under a sword attack and he and Casey punched it to a wall.
"The rat?" Casey asked confused.
"Yes the rat!" Spike shouted as he saw the real one running off before chasing after it himself, Casey took out some spray paint and tossed it right onto another bot.

"Yes!" Casey said in victory, he blocked another attack from the robot and he and Raph punched it away.
"Next time, try tagging it with a real grenade!" Raph shouted running after it.
"Can you two stop fighting?! This is important!" Spike shouted with frustration as he started running on all fours to gain speed.

Casey got on his roller skates and grinded on the rail.
"Faster man, move your shell" Casey shouted while running ahead, the rocks beneath them started to shake meaning something was coming by.. Spikes senses went off and he turned around and saw a train was heading for them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted pushing them out of the way right before it hit them.

"You guys okay?" Casey asked concerned as they got up.
"I'm fine." Spike replied looking around.
"Yeah we are, thanks. There he is!" Raph shouted pointing at the robot, it got onto the top of the train with Spike looking at the others.

The robot was trying to escape, but he saw Spike and the others were on the top with they're weapons drawn, the robot used the fast wind speeds to fall on over to them, it drew it's weapons and Spike began blocking they're attacks.
"Bring it on!" Spike shouted as the three of them were dodging its saws, Spike took out his sword and sliced one of it's arms off, he then grabbed the arm and ripped it off before he repeatedly slammed it against the robots face and threw it down.
"Dang! You've got skills!" Casey said impressed.
"So do you!" Spike replied while they charged at them again.

They flipped over some pipes that came in they're way with Spike using martial arts moves to punch it back, he tossed the bot to Casey who whacked it with his Stick, and Raph joined in and stomped on its body and slammed it down. The robot got up and saw they were getting to the exit, it jumped straight into another hallway and tried escaping, but Casey jumped in as well and was swinging his baseball at it. Raph and Spike ran up the stairs they were fighting it, Casey managed to hit it with his bat and it was sent flying down the stairs.

" I can take this robot down myself!" Casey shouted as he grinded on the rails and chased after him, Raph landed down and pinned him to the wall with his sai, the robot ripped it out and tried ducking under another slash from Spike.
"He's going for the street!" Casey shouted as it was almost out.
"We can't let it get away!" Raph shouted running up the stairs.

"Guys, on my mark!" Spike shouted as he started running on the walls, Raph grabbed Casey and he threw him to the robot, Casey took out his shocker and electrocuted it which made it fall down the stairs, Raph threw his sai in the robots head and Spike finished it off by grabbing his sword with his own foot and sliced it to pieces at fast speeds, the robots parts fell on the ground and was finally destroyed with Spike getting up.

"That was.. too close." Casey said in relief.
"Yeah, i'm glad that's over." Spike said jumping back on the floor and catching his sword with his tail.
"Your a pretty good fighter Jones. Sure, your raw, unfocused, and crazy! but not bad." Raph complimented.
"Thanks, you two weren't so bad yourselves." Casey replied taking off his mask.
"Hey, for a kid you got cool gear and a skull mask, what more do you need?" Spike asked casually as they all grabbed they're fists and squeezed them.
"Being friends with a dragon, never thought i'd see the day." Casey said with a smile while they all playfully swung at eachother and made a laugh while walking off.

We cut back to the lair with Leo kicking another in the head and finished two more off by slicing them apart with rapid speeds.
"Is that all of them?" Leo asked while a robot was right behind him, but Splinter stabbed him in the chest finishing him off.
"Yes, that is all." Splinter replied as they looked over and saw the robot parts everywhere.

"So what happened to Raph, Casey and Spike?" April asked worried.
"Dude, the way we chased that thing down?" Raph said playfully as they saw the three of them walking in.
"And how about when i shocked it with my stunner, how cool was that?" Casey asked as well.
"Or how about me finishing it off by using my sword with my foot? Wasn't even on the floor!" Spike said amazed with Casey laughing.
"Yeah! That was like a combo move from a video game!" Casey said amazed.
"And don't forget the subway chase that was the awesomest part!" Raph added.

"Huh?" Raph asked as they saw the robots were all down.
"Aww what's up? No more robots for me, Raph and Spike?" Casey asked disappointed.
"Not a single one?" Spike asked as well.

"Whoa... what's up with you three? You like best friends forever now or something?" Mikey asked confused, Casey gasped in fear as Splinter walked up to them.
"I see you have found a new alley Raphael and Spike." Splinter told them.
"Yeah, Casey's cool." Raph said casually.
"Yep, and he's quite the fighter too" Spike said rubbing his head.
"Thank you for helping my family. " Splinter said gratefully which calmed him down.

"No problem rat dude, wasn't a bad warm up. But now it's time to clean the scum off the streets." Casey said confidently with the two smiling in response.
"Aw yeah Let's go!" Spike shouted eagerly.
"Let's do this!" Raph said with a smile.
"Yeah!!" The three of them said butting they're heads together with the others being confused.
"Great, you know what this means right? Now we have.. three Raphael's!" Donnie said horrified.

Spike, Casey and Raph cheered in joy as they jumped out of the lair to fight crime..

31: The Kraang Conspiracy

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It was another night in New York once again, Spike and the others were going out on another run for exercise, but there's one thing that's been on Spike mind lately, he still doesn't know how his powers relate to his mother in a way, he heard her voice during the battle with Shredder, but hasn't gotten any clues on what it means, and it makes Spike wonder whether or not she's still alive..

Right now though, Spike and the others were having fun jumping across the rooftops.
"Woo hoo!" Mikey said in joy as the others jumped down another ledge.
"Yeah let's do this!" Raph said eagerly as they kept moving.
"This is always fun!" Spike said amazed as he helped April get down and he rolled in front of the others.
"Let's do this!" Leo shouted as they all jumped over another large ledge.

"Yeah" Mikey said in joy as they landed on the other part, April was panting while she was following them.
"I never knew how.. how turtles could be so.. could be so fast.." April said weakly.
"Don't worry April, i got you." Spike said as he was helping her up.
"Come on April, this is just the warm up." Mikey said as the others jumped down to her.

"The warm up? For two hours?" April asked in surprise.
"I'd like to see the other dragons at home do this weekly." Spike said proudly.
"Yeah, and training lasts four to five hours at a time, cool right?" Leo asked her and she scoffed.

"Are you kidding me? I'm gonna puke, what about a real mission?" April asked curious.
"It took 15 years of training for Splinter to send us out on a real mission. You got a long way to go sister." Raph said casually.
"I'm still in training to sure, but part of the reason i'm fairing much better is because of how important most of these are." Spike added, Spike could feel a presence suddenly as far off someone was taking pictures of April and Spike.

"Maybe we should take her on more missions Leo, maybe that's better for her." Donnie suggested.
"Yeah, the best training she could have is training with the ninjas! " Mikey said casually as another photo was taken..
"Uh uh, no way, it's too dangerous." Leo said not liking this.
"What if something happens to her?" Raph asked looking at her.

Spike and April's head suddenly hurt as they felt something was off.
"My head.." April said weakly as they both heard a voice.
"What.. is that?" Spike asked weakly as well before they both realized something.
"Guys, someone may be watching us." Spike said seriously as he was looking around.
"He's right and they could be right.. over there!" April said pointing at a strange figure near the water towers.
"Get him!" They all shouted.

The man was running across from another rooftop while the others were chasing after him.
"Grappling hooks!" Leo shouted as they took out the hooks and shot a line to the next rooftop
"Get him!" Spike shouted as they landed on the other rooftop and continued to chase him.
"This way, let's move people!" Leo said seriously as they looked over another ledge and saw him going into another building.

Spike and the others made they're way over and were outside the window.
"It's quiet.. too quiet.." Donnie whispered, Leo rolled over to the sign and made hang gestures, he took out a pocked knife and used it to crack open the window. Spike and the others rolled on inside and turned on some flashlights.

The room was completely dark as they're were photos everywhere..
"Guys.. look at this.." Spike said as he was really creeped out about this.
"It's us.." Donnie said in shock as there were photos of all of them.
"Not just us, mutants and Kraang.. lots and lots of Kraang.." Leo said suspicious as they saw familiar photos from previous fights. Spike looked around for a bit until one particular photo caught his eye.

"Guys.. you need to see this.." Spike said in shock as he picked the photos up, one of them showed a small egg.. one was purple with darker purple spots..
"Is that.. my egg?!" Spike asked in shock while the others gasped in shock.
"How did this person get these photos?!" Donnie asked shocked as they looked at them..
"And.. who's that on the other one Spike?" Leo asked pointing at the next.

This shocked Spike even more as he saw it, as it was a picture of someone he never saw.. it wasn't a person.. but a dragon.. she was really large, around 10 feet, she had sharp spines on her back with what looks to be battle scars on them.. but what was most shocking of all to him is that her scales were purple.. and she had a green spine.. and green eyes..
"Is that.. my mother?!?!" Spike asked horrified as they saw these photos.
"Wait.. that's your mom?!" April asked horrified as they saw this.
"How did this guy get these?! Does he even know her?!" Spike asked at once as he was breathing heavily.
"Calm down Spike, i'm sure there's a logical reason for this." Donnie said as Spike looked through the rest of the photos.

"Donnie, i don't even know who my mother is, this is one of the biggest things i could possibly find in my life!!" Spike said in complete shock. Raph looked behind him and could sense the person hiding behind the door.
"Well i guess we've seen enough guys, let's get out of here." Raph said in a mocking voice, the man looked over but gasped when Raph grabbed him and pinned him to a wall.

"Don't hurt me! I'm a friend!" He said as Raph held out his weapon.
"Stalkers more like it." Raph said in anger.
"After all these months, finally face to face with the talking ninja turtles, and April O Neil and Spike themselves.." He said as he looked over them.
"Who are you? How do you know us, and where did you get these photo's?!" Spike demanded as he held out the photo of his egg and his mother.

"The names Kurtzman. I was journalist on the case of the missing scientists last year, and then i discovered something much bigger." Kurtzman explained which interested them all. He turned on the lights and put a strange book on the desk.
"The Kraang. The Alien infiltration is long lived, Ancient in fact. The Kraang have been trying to use mutagen to terraform the Earth for thousands of years. But they couldn't use the mutagen in our universe without some chain of human specific DNA." Kurtzman explained as he showed them extremely old photos of Kraang and humanity's history.

"They spent millennia capturing people, shaping humanity's genetic code until finally.." Kurtz said as he held out a photo of April as a baby.
"That's me.." April said in shock.
"Your mother was taken by the Kraang before you were born, then she was experimented on.." Kurtz said as they now saw a family photo of them.
"My mom?" April asked worried.
"That's why your so special April, your DNA can perfect the mutagen in this dimension." Kurtz said as April was stunned at this.

"Wow.." Donnie said amazed.
"I.. i think i need to sit down.." April said as she tried processing this.

"What about these? How did you get photo's of my mother?" Spike asked holding out the photos again.
"That one was tricky, i had to hack into the Kraang's servers, and was able to download the files, i then printed them out with what info i had." Kurtz said as he took out another collection of photos and showed them to everyone. These photos were different events that happened back in Equestria.

One of them showed the events with Nightmare Moon, another showed the incident with Discord, another showed Spike with Garble and his group of dragons, and another showed Spike during the events with Sombra.
"How did they get these?" Spike asked in shock as he looked over all of them.
"They had probes monitoring them, they always seemed to be on you specifically, and i think i figured out why." Kurtz said as they saw more photos of Spike's mother.
"Mom.." Spike asked in shock as they looked over them.

"Your mother was special compared to the other dragons, she seemed to have special physic ability's that were unique.. alien.." Kurtz said as they saw a photo of her lifting up some objects with Physic powers.
"My best are the Kraang captured her as well, and similar to you, she was taken to the Kraang's home dimension for experimentation, but it seemed like she escaped, and hasn't been seen since.." Kurtz said as a picture with a broken cell is seen..
"Is she still.. alive?" Spike asked worried as this is something he never expected to hear.
"She must be, she did escape after all, she might be somewhere out there, waiting to find you." Kurtz said as Spike was breathing heavily..

"Mom.. she's still.. i can't believe this.." Spike said as he was starting to cry.
"That could explain why Spike has powers similar to April, Spike's mother could have had a tie into it.." Donnie said amazed while April tried comforting him.
"To think she could be searching for you still.." Leo said in shock as they all couldn't believe this..

"But if they have info on April's DNA.. then they may be closer to perfecting the mutagen, we have to find a way to stop it!" Raph said determined.
"I know, and i got a plan, you and the turtles need to break into TCRI and wipe out all the date the Kraang have on April's DNA, and find whatever files you can on Spike's mother." Kurtz explained.
"Infiltrate TCRI? I thought you guys blew that place up?" April asked confused. Spike still was upset about this as this was life changing for him, and if he went home, things could never be the same if he did knowing this.
"If they have info on where my mother is, then i'm gonna find it." Spike said determined as he got up with the others looking concerned.

We cut to a shot where Kurtz was showing them the TCRI building, but it was restored to normal like nothing happened.
"Whoa.. they rebuilt TCRI? Already?" Raph asked in shock.
"How did they do it so fast?" Spike asked shocked as well.
"We break in, erase April's DNA codes, find what info there is on Spike's mother, and get out. Infiltration only." Leo said to the others.
"Let's do this." April said determined.
"Great, you and Kurtzman can stay outside on lookout." Leo said which annoyed her.

"Stay outside? On lookout?" April asked annoyed.
"No problem, take this, it's a keycard i stole from one of they're vans, it'll help you get into TCRI.
"Thanks Mr Kurtzman." Leo said gratefully.
"Good luck." Kurtzman said as Leo and the others started to move with April being annoyed.

Spike and the others were on another rooftop ready to break in, Spike took out another grapple hook and shot it to the wall, they heard grunting suddenly and saw April was climbing up to the roof looking exhausted.
"All right April, stay here and maintain radio communication." Leo reminded as he prepared to go.
"But i want in on the action to!" April said annoyed as they all started to leave.
"Don't worry, we'll be back in two shakes of a Kraang tentacle." Donnie assured as they all left.
"Wait outside like some stupid side kick? I don't think so." April said in annoyance as she decided to go after them..

Spike and the others landed inside the dark halls of the office areas, Mikey checked around the corner but almost screamed when he saw a Kraang droid, but it wasn't moving, Donnie looked over and saw there were dozens of droids charging.
"They must be charging, let's go while we have the chance." Spike whispered to the others.
"Weird, i wonder if there's Kraang inside of em?" Raph asked curious, Donnie used his staff to look at the droids chest, and yes, there was a Kraang inside. Mikey was about to touch it until Spike stopped him.
"We're trying not to get caught Mikey, let's move!" Spike said quietly while walking off.

"He's really tense on this one huh?" Donnie asked worried.
"It's for info on Spike's mother, do you know how big a deal this is for him?" Leo asked him, they all screamed right as April landed in front of them.

"April? What are you doing here?" Raph asked in shock.
"I told you, i'm sick of sitting on the sidelines." April said annoyed with Leo walking up.
"Fine, just be quiet, stay close to Mikey, and don't let him touch anything." Leo instructed while Mikey was playing with a droids rubber face before they're eyes suddenly turned on.
"It wasn't me!" Mikey said waving his hands around.

"I think they're done charging! let's get out of here!" Donnie said while they started to run.
"Go, go, go!" Spike shouted as ominous music played with all of the droids standing up. They ducked under a corner and saw some droids talking.
"Kraang, does this human suit make Kraang look fat?" The droid asked as the others went to the elevator, Spike pressed on the button rapidly and the door opened up. Leo used the Key card Kurtzman gave them and slid it across a scanner.
"The floor known as level 40, has been accessed to Kraang." The Pa announced.

"Whew, not bad so far." Leo said in relief as elevator music was playing.
"This music is making my ears bleed." Raph said annoyed.
"At least they have music, and it's not bad at least." Spike said impressed.

The door finally opened and they all carefully snuck around the place, they looked up in the air and saw dozens of alien's in they're pods, they opened up they're heads and they sent some strange waves forward.
"What's going on Donnie?" Raph asked confused.
"It's a Kraang sweet 16th, birthday part, how am i supposed to know?!" Donnie asked annoyed.

They all saw Kraang prime on a hologram and Spike and April's head hurt once more.
"It's Kraang Prime. They're meditating, communicating, we can hear they're thoughts.." April said with Her and Spike closing they're eyes and focusing.
"The experiment is nearly complete, despite the setbacks, the mutagen will be ready as planned." Kraang prime said in they're heads.
"They're talking about an invasion, they must almost have the mutagen ready." Spike said worried.

"Soon we will transform the Earth, and all it's hideous people." Kraang prime said which made Spike and April gasp in fear.
"What? Intruders?!" Kraang prime said in anger. The alarm had went off and the aliens screeched in anger.
"Um guys, what are we thinking?" Mikey asked in fear.
"Run!" Leo shouted running to the elevator.
"Some stealth mission!" Raph mocked while Leo rapidly pressed the button.

"Dudes! It's that freaky chick with the exploding elbows!" Mikey shouted as they saw the assistant march up. Leo kept on pressing the elevator right as she fired another missile which they all had to dodge. April was trying to escape another missile as it almost hit her.
"April!" Donnie shouted as he pushed her out of the way.
"Look out!" April shouted right before more laser fire was being shot at them.

Spike screamed in rage while charging at the assistant, she fired more missiles at him and Spike flipped over each one, Spike grabbed one with his arm and redirected it to her.
"Return to sender!!" Spike shouted throwing it right in her face, the missile then exploded which destroyed her again.
"And don't come back!" Spike shouted right before he sliced another bot apart and was tearing through some more.

"It is the human known as April O Neil!" A droid said grabbing his arm, April tried using her fan to knock him off of her.
"I am not gonna ask for help" April said before the droid grabbed her arm.
"Dumb! Help! Help! Donnie!" April screamed while she was being dragged off.
"April!" Donnie shouted running after her.
"Let's go!" Spikes shouted as he slid his sword on the ground creating pink sparks again.

They ran into another hallway but found April was somehow free.
"Run!!" April shouted with more lasers being fired at them.
"In here!" She shouted as she opened up a door which the others ran into, Spike didn't however and proceeded to try and find where the info on his mom is.

"So why did we run to a dead end?" Raph asked confused. Leo tried opening the doors but they were sealed shut.
"Doors locked, we're trapped!" Leo said worried. April suddenly laughed sinisterly right as some gas started coming into the room.
"Poison gas? April? Why are you doing this?!" Donnie asked afraid as she kept laughing like a maniac.

Leo and the others were banging on the doors trying to escape.
"Gotta get out!" Leo said while the others tried escaping.
"There is no escape turtles" April said sinisterly.
"April, what's wrong with you?! Are you mind controlled" Donnie asked worried.

"Try again!" April said as she delivered some hard punches to Donnie and kicked him down.
"Donnie!" Mikey said in fear while Leo started coughing.
"It's not April Mikey!" Leo said with Raph drawing his weapons.
"It's an Android, get her!" Raph shouted while charging at her, but April grabbed his weapons with impressive strength, she then head butted him and slammed him down.

"I hate having to do this, but i have to!" Donnie shouted charging to her, he twirled his staff around but April caught it easily, she then slammed him to the ground again knocked him to a console, Donnie looked at it and got an idea, he ducked under her and slammed her face right into the console and she screeched in pain and her body exploded, the door opened as a result and the gas went out.

"Kay?" Mikey said confused while they all were coughing.
"It was.. some kind of replica, a fake April!" Donnie said in anger.
"But she looked so real! Like tofu bacon.
"Come on, we gotta find the real April and Spike." Leo said running off.
"And tofu bacon does not look real." Raph added running off as well.
"It tastes real though!" Mikey shouted in response.

Spike was charging through the halls and was slicing off some more bots in rage, he hated these guys before, but now that he knows they have something to do with his mom never meeting him, it made him even more furious. Spike used his sword to slice open a sealed door, he kicked the thing down and came into a large room.

The room looked like one of those central computer rooms, like the ones he and the others fought inside to find April's dad. Spike used a keycard he stole from another bot and used it to seal the room.
"There's gotta be info on my mother here somewhere.." Spike said hopefully walking up to the computer. He took out a chip he had that will store the info on his mom so he and Donnie can research it later. He plugged it into the computer and started hacking into it.

"Alright, if Kurtzman found info on my mom with these files, then they must have specific dates going back to when they were made." Spike said while he typed the dates he remembered from with those moments. Spike saw some more pictures pop up, the first one he saw was on the event with Nightmare Moon again, one of them showed her during the moment she faced off with the mane 6, Spike was told to go to sleep at the time, so he never saw it happen, it made him upset that he couldn't help given what he sees.
"I know i was young Twilight, but you couldn't trust your number one assistant to help in some way?" Spike asked sadly as he moved through some more.
"If a probe got these during that date, and ones with my mom.. then i have to go back even further, let's go back to when i was an egg." Spike said as he started rewinding the dates by some years to before he was hatched.

Spike slid through more familiar photos of him and Twilight which creeped him out on how much they got about him and his friends.
"If the Kraang sent out these probes.. then do they have secret bases in Equestria?" Spike asked worried as he slid through the years even more, the dates went back to when he was an egg hatched by Twilight, until finally..

"There!" Spike shouted as he saw some more photos of his mother that was a few months before he was hatched, the ones she was in was of her holding his egg looking down at him with a caring smile, another showed her in a specific cave that looked full of treasures and furniture, and she had his egg close to her sleeping peacefully, and another showed her in the Dragon Lands carrying it close to her.

Spike had tears in his eyes as he saw all of this, he knew his mother cared for him, and the fact he could've been raised by her not to long before Twilight hatched him..
"We could've been together if it wasn't for them.." Spike said sadly while he put his mutant arm on a picture with his mom, Spike started to cry knowing this, he was only a few months from being hatched, and he could've had a life with her, but it was taken away from him because of these powers of theirs. Spike growled with anger and sadness as he thought over this, Kurtzman said she may still be alive, she did escape, so she's still out there somewhere.

"I'll find you one day mom, i promise.." Spike swore as he looked at the console.
"For now though, i need to download these.." Spike said as he typed on some more buttons and pressed a specific one to download the info, all the files were transferred into the chip Spike had, and he waited a few moments until it finished transferring and Spike took it out.
"Thank you Kurtzman." Spike said as he put it away and started running out with the info.

April was restrained to a chair with a needle going for her head, Raph was trying to save her but he was restrained.
"April" Raph shouted with horror.
"Do not struggle, the one called April O Neil will soon expire." The droid said while April was freaking out.
"No, no!!" April shouted as she released a powerful shockwave across the room. The aliens screeched in pain as the bots deactivated and fell on Raph. Leo and the others were fighting a defect April clone, but it screamed in pain and exploded over the area.
"Yes! Goodbye April Derp!" Mikey said in victory right before he was covered in some black goo. Spike held his head in pain since he felt it too and looked worried.

"April!" Spike shouted with worry as he ran into a room. The machine lifted up from her and Raph freed her and helped her up, Spike ran into the room with worry.
"April Are you okay?!" Spike asked worried while April groaned in pain.
"Brain on fire.. head about to pop.. Other then that.. meh. "April said weakly.
"April! Oh i'm so glad your alive!" Donnie said in relief giving her a hug.

But the reunion was halted as the alarm went off.
"Uh oh, Time to haul shell!" Mikey shouted as they started running off, they went back into the cloning room but found the April clones were free.
"April, your weapon!" Spike reminded, April took out her weapon and was slashing through them with anger.
"Come on, we gotta go!" Spike shouted as he grabbed her hand and was running ahead. Leo and the others drew they're weapons and they all took out the April clones in some swift hits, and all of them exploded all over the place.
"Okay that was just gross dudes, there's April Derp on my chucks!" Mikey said in disgust.
"Lets move!" Leo ordered as they ran out of the room.

They made it back to the bottom floor and busted through the glass windows.
"Hurry!" Raph shouted as more droids were firing at them. A van suddenly pulled up to them and they all thought it was the Kraang, but the window rolled down and it was revealed to be Kurtzman.
"Get in!" He announced. Spike held open the doors and they all hurried inside with the van starting to drive off.
"Escaping from the Kraang in their own van!" Kurtzman said with a laugh.

The van turned around another corner and drover through the streets.
"Thanks for the save Mr. Kurtzman." Leo said gratefully.
"I owed you one, so did you wipe out the Kraang computers and get the info on Spike's mom?" Kurtzman asked them, Spike pulled out the chip and showed them it.
"I got it all." Spike announced looking at it.
"What did you find?" April asked with the others curious to know, Spike looked at it for a moment and sighed sadly.
"I found what i need, I'll go more in depth later okay?" Spike asked them and they nodded in response.

"Well i'm glad that's over, the only reason we survived was because of April. Whatever you did back there saved us all." Raph said turning to her.
" I had no clue.. what i did, i was freaking out and then, zap, the Kraang were toast." April explained.
"I had a similar thing happen to me back when i fought the Shredder, maybe they're connected? "Spike suggested.

Kurtzman started to slow down and came into an alleyway.
"You walk from here." He said as the others got out.
"Well i'm off, somebody's gotta keep an eye on the Kraang, they're everywhere. And if you need my expertise, you know where to find me." Kurtzman said handing Leo his number.

"Kurtzman.. thank you for this, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have gotten the info on my mother, i owe you big time for this." Spike said gratefully.
"No problem kid, let me know what info you find about her, and i'll help you the best i can, good luck you guys." Kurtzman said as he drove off leaving them alone.

We cut back to the lab where Donnie was running a test on April's DNA, and his eyes widened when he saw the cells.
"What'd you find Donnie?" Leo asked curious.
"This.. doesn't seem possible.." Donnie said in shock.
"What is it? What's wrong?" April asked worried.

"Based on the info i've culled up from the clone lab, your cellular makeup is actually a morphogenesic of human and Kraang DNA." Donnie explained.
"Wait.. are you saying?" April asked in shock.
"Your not entirely human April, that's why you and Spike have psychic powers.. your kind of half human, half alien.. mutant!" Donnie announced and they all gasped in horror.
"A mutant?!" They all asked horrified.
"Aw yeah! Welcome to the family" Mikey announced while April looked horrified. Spike looked at the chip he got one more time too, this info was his most important possession now, and he needed to find out what it holds about his mother..

32: Metalhead Rewired

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We see a small light form up before a monitor appears on screen, the camera looks over and sees Spike and the others looking over him.
"We did it, he's back on!" Spike said in victory as they saw him move his head around. Donnie adjusted the camera for a moment before turning around.
"I give you, the new and improved.. Metalhead!" Donnie announced as they saw he didn't look to different.
"We've been upgrading his A.I so he'll be the perfect training tool!" Donnie said confidently.
"Why don't we test him out? We made sure he won't have any bugs this time." Spike said with a smile.
"Might as well, let's see what he can do now." Leo said drawing his sword as they all circled him.

"We programmed him to simulate dozens of fighting styles, including the foot and the Kraang." Donnie explained as he aimed his blaster at them.
"Pssh, can't simulate my fighting style!" Mikey said casually.
"Let's just go already!" Raph said as he charged at him.

Metalhead stomped down before he charged into the air and delivered a strong punch to Raph's head. Leo jumped in the air from behind and tried slashing him, but Metalhead grabbed his sword and kicked him over and over with his leg and to the wall. Donnie tried sneaking up from behind, but Metalhead grabbed it and threw him back, he then activated his blaster and fired lasers at Spike who was flipping over them all. Mikey came from behind and tried attacking again, Metalhead shot some eye beams at him in response which had Mikey deflect them, Metalhead then charged up his fist and shot it towards Mikey who was grabbed aggressively.

"Get it off!" Mikey shouted as he kept screaming while flying all over the place.
"Okay that's enough, Metalhead deactivate training mode." Spike instructed, Metalhead made a beeping noise and the fist returned to him with Mikey falling face flat in front of them.
"Oh i think he put my chin on my nose.." Mikey said in pain.

"Sorry about that sensei, but overall i'd say that was a pretty successful test." Donnie said as they all sat in front of Splinter again.
"Successful? Donnie, he almost ripped Mikey's face off. " Leo said annoyed.
"Please, i had it all under control." Donnie replied calmly.
"And when you don't?" Leo countered.

"Donatello and Spike have created a powerful tool, it is to our advantage to study the enemy's techniques. But you must use that tool wisely." Splinter instructed, Metalhead suddenly opened it's mouth making a loud sound.
"What's wrong with him now?" Leo asked annoyed.
"Something tripped the security wires, it's approaching the lair fast!" Donnie said worried which shocked them.
"Then let's move!" Spike shouted as he started running out.

Spike and the others made they're way to the sewers and were looking around.
"Do you think it's footbots again?" Leo asked them, they heard gunfire again and saw a familiar shadow come from it.
"ow!" A familiar voice said.
"Was that? Nah it couldn't be.." Raph said in disbelief.
"We haven't seen that guy in months!" Spike pointed out. They heard him continue to scream again and decided to see what was happening. They heard him screaming again and saw him running down the hall.
"Ahh! Spider Bytez!" Mikey screamed in fear.

"You frogs gotta help! Those foreign triplets are after me!" He said horrified.
"We are not frogs. Wait, what?" Leo asked confused, they suddenly saw more gunfire and saw the Kraang droids after them, they were knocked down as they watched Spider Bytez be chased down.
"They're heading for the surface!" Leo shouted as they started moving upwards, Donnie pressed on a button and that activated Metalhead again.

"Help! You can't do this to me! I want my phone call! I have my rights as a Spider!" He said as he was brought into a van and locked inside.
"Help! Help!!" He shouted as the van drove off.
"They're getting away!" Leo told them.
"Why is that our problem? That slobbering bug gives us nothing but trouble." Raph said refusing to go.
"It doesn't matter if he does, if the Kraang want him, it isn't for anything good, we need to follow them!" Spike said seriously.
"Fine then, so how are we supposed to catch up.." Raph said right before the Shellraiser passed by them.
"I called for backup." Donnie said confidently as Metalhead opened the doors.

Spike was sitting next to Metalhead while he continued to drive.
"Nice Donnie, when did you teach him how to drive?" Mikey asked before he made a hard turn which made them all scream.
"You did teach him how to drive right?!" Raph shouted in annoyance. Metalhead drove the van faster and they came upon the van which pulled out some new weapons.
"Huh, that's new." Donnie said shocked, the weapons proceeded to fire rockets which had them shake all over the van.
"Eat this punks!" Spike shouted as he took the garbage cannon, he started firing it at the van at multiple areas, Spike did a lock on before he fired another shot and knocked that one off.

"Yeah! Garbage beats Kraang rocket!" Mikey said victorious.
"Pull up alongside." Donnie instructed.
"Let's do this!" Spike said as they all got up. The van got up close to the other and the three of them got out.
"This bug better be worth it!" Raph shouted as they landed on the top. The droids noticed this and tried shaking them off, Donnie got stuck in between it and almost fell of.
"Ah! A little help?!" Donnie shouted. Donnie was about to fall until Raph caught him.
"Gotcha!" Raph shouted pulling him up. They heard a stab sound and saw Spike impaled a robot with his sword through the head and threw him off the top.

Spike and the others got back on the Shellraiser and Metalhead slammed right against the side of the other van, this caused the van to spiral out of control and fly into a wearhouse.
"Watch out!" Leo shouted as the Shellraiser went straight into a car. The door beeped again and all of them came out coughing and knelt down to the wearhouse.

"There's no way out of there." Leo said as Spike and the others landed down.
"Let's not do that again.." Spike said feeling dizzy from all of it still.
"Metalhead, stay with the Shellraiser before you blow anything else up." Leo instructed.
"He stopped the truck didn't he? The Kraang know we're coming, he can help." Donnie defended, Metalhead pulled out his weaponry and even some rocket wings and flew into the air.
"Ugh.. whatever.." Leo said slapping his face.
"Let's just go guys.." Spike said as they started moving inside.

They all peaked inside the place before charging in to it but they noticed they were gone.
"They just disappeared? That's impossible!" Raph said annoyed.
"This isn't magic, it's something else, let's see if there's a hidden passage somewhere" Spike suggested as he started moving around.

"Metalhead, use your scanner to try to find any hidden rooms or passageways" Donnie instructed, Metalhead beeped and started to scan all around the room and the scanner went over them.
"That feels so weird.." Spike said getting a chill down his spine.

"Tickle ray? Real useful feature Donnie." Leo said annoyed.
"It happens to be a three dimensional volumetric scan. " Donnie corrected as he flew down to him and gave his response.
"But that doesn't make sense. There should be a tire mark, or seam on the floor, but the Kraang left no trace at all." Donnie said really confused.
"Just how are we gonna find Spider Bytez now? "Spike asked annoyed.

"Gasp! A super macho burrito!? Yes! it's the ultimate combination of pizza and burrito!" Mikey said as he saw one inside a vending machine.
"Mikey, do you have any idea how long that's been in there?" Spike asked as he saw him trying to take it.
"I'm going in." Mikey said as he put his hand through the machine and tried reaching it, but he couldn't and got stuck.
"Your stuck aren't you?" Spike asked crossing his arms.
"Possibly.. maybe.. on purpose.." Mikey said as he and Raph groaned in annoyance.

Spike and Raph grabbed his legs and tried pulling him out.
"You need to stop doing things like this!" Spike said as they pulled him out, but that somehow opened a secret door with a bunch of Kraang tech.
"Whoa.. it's like a vending machine from the future.." Mikey said in complete shock.

"A Kraang computer? Mikey.. your a genius!" Donnie said going over to it.
"That's how i role!" Mikey said casually.
"You think this is how Slash disappeared?" Spike asked curious looking at it.
"Let's see, Metalhead see if you can access it's database, it should tell us where to go." Donnie said to Metalhead.

Metalhead beeped and plugged himself into the computer.
"Donnie, you sure we should be plugging him into this? What if he gets hacked?" Spike asked worried.
"Don't worry Spike, the Kraang processor in his head makes him compatible with their computers." Donnie assured. Metalhead suddenly started to short circuit and made and R2D2 scream and he made a loud explosion.

Spike and the others were coughing roughly as they got up, they looked back and saw the computer was destroyed.
"I told you so Donnie." Spike said annoyed blowing the dust away.
"Not to mention he blew up my super macho burrito!" Mikey said terrified as Metalhead got up and was covered in electricity.
"It must have been some kind of energy surge, you okay there little buddy?" Donnie asked Metalhead, he beeped and gave a thumbs up before his fist went flying off again. The fist was about to grab Mikey again, but Spike grabbed it with his mutant arm making him sigh in relief.
"Thank you Spike.. can we just go home now please?" Mikey asked ready to go.

"What about the Kraang?" Leo said in response.
"What about em? Spider Bytez is they're problem now." Raph said crossing his arms
"But what do they want with him?" Leo asked again as Spike and Donnie looked at Metalhead again.

We cut back to Donnie's lab as they're running tests on him.
"Metalheads memory core isn't too badly damaged" Donnie explained while Spike was running tests.
"I think that the algorithms Metalhead tried decrypting were too complex. And he couldn't download what was in the computer because of it." Spike explained as he punched Mikey away who was messing with him.

"He might take a little time to fix though" Donnie said as his body was smoking up.
"How long?" Leo asked curious.
"Well in technical terms.. a while" Donnie said as Metalhead launched his arms out again and grabbed Mikey once again.

Spike and the others were in the living room again as they heard Donnie working on Metalhead again. A fist went flying out again and Raph kicked it down like he expected it.
"We know the Kraang rebuilt TCRI, what if they got the portal working again?" Raph asked waving his arms around.
"That's what we need to find out." Leo replied as they avoided some laser fire.

"You sure you don't need my help Donnie?" Spike shouted waiting for his response.
"Don't worry Spike, i'm good!" Donnie shouted right before a fire happened and he was screaming and ran out of the lab before landing on his face..
"Okay Donnie, it's late, give it a rest." Leo said tired of this.
"I've almost got it, just working out the bugs.. Whoa!" They all shouted as they avoided the eye beams again and it made a loud explosion.

Donnie had went back inside to try and fix him but Leo had had enough.
"Donnie, you gotta shut down his A.I." Leo ordered.
"What?! Leo he's still functional, that would be like turning off his brain!" Spike said in shock.
"He's just too dangerous guys." Leo said as Metalhead turned his head around.

"We need him Leo, the Kraang are more armed up then ever." Donnie said trying to convince him.
"It's not worth the risk, Metalhead was glitchy before he plugged into the Kraang computer, he was taken over by the Kraang once already, you sure you two can trust him." Leo asked looking at him again. Donnie sighed and looked at Spike who looked down sadly.

"Maybe your right.. i'll take care of it.." Donnie said regretfully.
"Sorry guys, it's for the best." Leo said patting they're backs before he left them.

"Donnie, you can't do this, he still can help us!" Spike said trying to stop him.
"Sorry Spike, but Leo may be right on this.." Donnie said as he went over and got a screwdriver which Metalhead saw.
"Just a little reboot, wipe your memory and then you'll be all better.." Donnie said nervously while Metalhead shook his head refusing to do it. Spike and Metalhead looked at eachother before nodding in agreement.
"Why are you doing that Spike?" Donnie asked curious, Spike turned to him looking serious.
"Sorry about this Donnie." Spike said as we cut to the outside where Donnie screamed loudly.

This caught the others attention and they ran into the lab.
"Donnie, what are you doing?" Raph asked as he was in the bacteria.
"Yeah dude, you know better then to go algae diving without a spotter." Mikey said helping him up, Spike and Metalhead snuck out and they locked the doors.
"Spike! let us out of here!" Donnie shouted hoping he would.
"Sorry Donnie, but Metalhead is onto something, i'll let you out when i get back!" Spike shouted as they heard him leave.

"Metalhead welded the door shut." Raph said as they tried opening the garage door.
"Donnie i told you he was dangerous, now he's probably out there trashing the city!" Leo said annoyed.
"Spike's with him, if anything goes wrong he'll stop him, we just gotta get out of here!" Donnie said looking around.

Mikey screamed and started banging on the door.
"Help, help somebody! Killer robot on the lose!" Mikey shouted in fear.
"What are you doing? We don't want Splinter to..." Raph said before Splinter opened the door looking upset at them.
"Do you boys have any idea what time it is?" Splinter asked annoyed.

"Uh.. pizza time?" Mikey asked nervously.
"Why was the door locked?" Splinter asked again.
"Ah.. you know.." Leo said nervously.
"No reason at all.." Donnie lied.
"Metalhead tried to kill us and took Spike with him." Mikey admitted which made them all growl at him.

"Leonardo?" Splinter asked rubbing his beard.
"The truth is sensei uh... We gotta meet April, at Murukami's! Big mutant sushi problem! We'll be back before dawn" Leo lied as they all ran out.
"Ugh.. teenagers.." Splinter said annoyed.

Spike was currently following Metalhead through the streets trying not to be seen.
"So what is it you wanted to show me Metalhead?" Spike asked as as they kept moving, Metalhead stopped and looked at him making a beeping noise.
"Well i wasn't gonna let Donnie shut you down like that, i saw something in you, i wasn't gonna let that happen, i'll be here to support you no matter what happens, are we good?" Spike asked holding his hand out. Metalhead beeped in response and shook his hand.
"Great, lead the way metal buddy." Spike said as he continued to follow him.

Spike continued to follow him to what looks like a porta potty.
"Why would you bring me here?" Spike asked confused, Metalhead simply walked up to it and opened the door and it revealed to be a portal much to Spike's shock.
"Whoa.. this must.. this must be how all the mutants are vanishing! We gotta see where it goes!" Spike said as he and Metalhead went inside just as Leo and the others arrived in the Shellraiser.

"They went into.. a porta potty?" Leo asked confused.
"Maybe he needed Spike's help to change his oil?" Mikey suggested.
"That's just gross dude." Raph said in disgust, Leo drew his sword and opened it, but it was revealed to be a normal gross porta potty.

"Wait! I've seen this on a magic show, there's a secret door, down here. Hello? " Mikey said as he looked in the seat.
"ugh! definitely not a secret door! I think i'm gonna hurl.." Mikey said in disgust. Mikey opened the door again, but this time it became a portal of some kind and Mikey quickly closed the door.
"What was that?" Leo asked in shock. Donnie went over to open it again, but it was normal once again.

"I don't understand.. it was just.." Donnie said as he tried opening it again, Mikey went over again and opened it revealing the portal.
"Um.. ta da!" Mikey announced.
"What?!" Donnie asked as he tried opening it again and again, but it was normal once more.
"How did you do that?!" Donnie asked annoyed.

"I just got the magic touch!" Mikey said as he opened it once again and the portal appeared again.
"It's some kind of dimensional gateway, like.. like the Kraang portal.. This must be how they disappeared " Donnie said interested.
"I wonder if.." Donnie said as he put his finger in the portal, he pushed in further, but now his arm got stuck and was being pulled in.
"Whoa! Guys!" Donnie shouted in fear trying to escape.
"Donnie!" Leo shouted as he tried helping him out, but they both screamed and they got pulled into it. Mikey and Raph looked at eachother before deciding.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they jumped inside.

Spike was currently sneaking around this new place, he ended up in a place that looked to be a prison for all the mutants that were captured, he looked around and saw Slash, Snakeweed, and even Kirby..
"I'll save you Kirby." Spike said seriously as he was next to Metalhead.
"So what's the plan?" Spike asked curious. Metalhead looked over and pointed at the console.
"You need me to cover for you while you free them? Got it!" Spike said drawing his sword.

He watched as Metalhead walked up to it and was about to follow, but he suddenly heard screaming and Leo and the others made it.
"About time." Spike said as he snuck on over to them, they all were looking around in shock as they were trying to process this, Spike suddenly landed next to them which shocked them.
"Spike! There you are! What were you thinking going with him?!" Raph whispered really upset at him.
"I'm sorry guys, but Metalhead must've detected this place, this is a prison for mutants." Spike said as he pointed at all the cells.

"Wait till i get out of here! I'm gonna break every tentacle in your pink.. ahh!" Slash shouted as he had a device planted on his head and remained motionless.
"They even got Kirby here." Spike said as they saw he was trapped here too.
"So you followed Metalhead to free them?" Leo asked confused as they ducked down.
"Yeah, i'm sorry i left you guys there like that, but this is bad news if we don't do something about it, Metalhead wasn't glitching, he was trying to find the place to free them." Spike said as he pointed over to Metalhead who was at the console.

"Well i'll be, guess i owe you an apology Spike." Leo said impressed.
"We'll discuss this more when we freed the others, i'll take care of the droids, you cover Metalhead." Spike instructed as he went over to deal with them.
"You heard him, let's go bros!" Mikey shouted as they went over to fight the Kraang bots who were surrounding Metalhead.

Spike drew his sword and was tearing through the bots guarding the mutants, Spike breathed fire on another droid and melted it's suit before Spike grabbed the brain and threw him to the side. Spike went over to the cell Spider Bytez was in and shut it down, he grabbed the device and ripped it out which made him regain focus.

"Ugh.. what? Where am i?" Spider Bytez asked looking around, he looked down and saw Spike looking over the place.
"What is this place? What's going on here?!" He asked in rage.
"Look, i don't have time to talk, if you wanna get out of here, you need to help me take down those robots" Spike said pointing at the bots who were fighting off the turtles.
"Hmph, guess i owe you for this, just make sure i get out of here!" Spider Bytez shouted as he jumped over to the droids.

Spike flipped on down and was tearing through the bots with anger.
"Guys, those devices on their heads are mind control devices! We need to get them removed!" Spike shouted as he tore of a robots head. Metalhead analyzed the devices on the mutants heads before he saw a Kraang droid near the console. Metalhead got the idea and took down the bot near it, he ripped off it's arm and placed it on a button. This shut down any devices that were on the mutants and freed they're minds.

"Metalhead, see if you can open a portal, we're getting out of here!" Donnie instructed.
"Right, all of us, mutants too!" Leo added. Metalhead beeped in response and plugged himself into the console again, all the shields holding the mutants went down and the portal above them opened again.
"Way to go Metalhead!" Spike shouted as he crushed another bots head with his mutant arm again.

The shield holding Slash went down and he chuckled looking at the droids.
"My turn." Slash said seriously as he grabbed the robots head and threw him into the others. Slash roared with rage and he and the other mutants started to escape. Raph and Spike tore down a few more robots until one came behind them, it was about to fire at them until Slash landed down in front of them and looked at them.
"Respect kid." Slash said looking at Spike, he roared and jumped off leaving Spike and Raph glad he was free.

They watched as all the mutants left and made it out.
"Every spider for himself!" Spider Bytez shouted as he swung out as well.
"The machine that opened the portal must close the portal!" A droid said as they fired at Metalhead, the portal closed and that caused the wasp mutant to fall down, Spike stepped on it and burned it to ash with his fire.
"I ain't doing anything with that freak again!" Spike said running off.

"Metalhead, you got to keep the portal open!" Donnie instructed, Metalhead gave a thumbs up and plugged back in and shot at the droids.
"We gotta get out of here, move!" Spike shouted as he and the others were jumping to the top again. They saw April's dad being tasered again and Spike growled with rage. He and Donnie jumped on over to him and crushed the droids hurting him.

"Mr O neil, you gotta fly out of here, for April, go now!" Donnie shouted as he looked at the portal.
"We'll restore you one day Kirby, i promise, go!" Spike shouted as well, the mutant Kirby roared and he flew off to the portal and left again.

"Metalhead, we're leaving!" Leo shouted as they hopped over the pods and we're almost at the top.
"Come on you tin can, move!" Raph shouted to him, Metalhead beeped again and Donnie looked shocked.
"He has to keep it open for us.." Donnie said in complete shock.
"But what about him?" Leo asked worried.

They saw Metalhead shooting down the bots again, and they had no choice.
"We don't have a choice.." Donnie said sadly.
"I'm sorry Metalhead.. thank you for everything." Spike said with tears as he looked down at him, Metalhead looked up and gave them a thumbs up and Spike and Donnie did the same before all of them proceeded to escape. Metalhead knew what he had to do, and he fired a laser at the console and that blew the whole place up...

We cut back to the streets where everything was empty, lightning cackled from a mail box until it floated in the air and we see Spike and the others screaming as they were launched out of it and only the head of Metalhead remained..
Spike and Donnie looked down at the head sadly and saw it was shut down.
"Metalhead.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with regret as he and Donnie picked him up.

Mikey groaned as he and Leo got up.
"Dude.. he saved us.." Mikey said sadly.
"He saved all of us.. your right Donnie, i should have trusted you. And Spike.. you did the right thing by trusting him, sorry we didn't listen.." Leo said regretfully.
"It's okay Leo.." Spike said while he looked at his head.

"I programmed him to be intelligent.. but i didn't realize how much he had evolved.." Donnie said sadly.
"I could.. i felt something in him, and i'm glad i trusted it.." Spike said as they got up and went to the others.
"Guys, i'm sorry about Metalhead bros, i didn't mind it when he grabbed my face. His hands were soft.. for a robot." Mikey said with a smile which made Spike chuckle.

"Thanks Mikey.." Donnie said gratefully.
"Do you think you two can try building another Metalhead?" Leo asked curiously, Spike looked down at it and rubbed its head.
"Maybe one day Leo.. one day.." Spike said as he looked at it, they may have freed the mutants, but it wasn't without a cost, Spike was just glad they saved the mutants, and hope they can rebuild him in the future..

33: The Manhattan Project

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It was another night in New York once more, we see Karai and the foot hiding behind a billboard waiting for someone.

"Karai, Shredder did not approve your little operation, i think we should.." Rahzar said before Karai stopped him again.
"Silence! I'm in charge while my father's in Japan. If we score an ambush on the turtles and Spike it'll make us both look good. Now quiet, here they come." Karai said as they saw Spike and the others on another rooftop.

Spike and the others were climbing up more latters searching for more canisters, they reached another rooftop before Leo stopped them.
"Hold up Ninjas! I have a feeling we're not alone!" Leo warned and Spike sensed it too.
"He's right, and i feel them, right over there!" Spike shouted pointing at Karai who wasn't that far.

"They've spotted us! Foot attack!" Karai ordered and the foot bots all charged at them again. Rahzar landed on the ground and lunged for Mikey while Raph was taking on some bots.
"Serving one bot, hot!" Raph shouted while Leo fought them off as well and Spike engaged with Karai again.

"Get off of me Rahzar!" Mikey shouted holding him back. Donnie came into the scene thankfully and whacked him away and helped Mikey up, Rahzar held out his sharp nails and threw them at the two.
"Look out!" Mikey shouted twirling his nun chucks around.

Leo finished the rest of the bots and helped Spike with Karai.
"Karai stop this, you know this isn't what you want!" Spike shouted as he collided blades with her.
"There's something you should know, it's a bout your father!" Leo ( Jason Biggs) Said pushing her back.
"Your real father!" Spike added as they landed down on another platform.
"What do you know?!" Karai shouted with rage right as Spike backflipped across the ground.

"Your real name is Miwa!" Leo ( Dominic Catrambone) said trying to convince her.
"Your were kidnapped by Shredder as a child, he made you believe your his daughter, but your not!" Spike shouted delivering a punch to her. Before they could keep fighting however, a large earthquake suddenly happened.

"Whoa! Ahh! Earthquake!" Mikey shouted in fear.
"In New York?" Rahzar asked confused, a tower that was directly above Karai started to crack which Spike noticed.
"Karai, look out!" Spike shouted as he pushed her out of the way, the tower started to collapse and Spike barely escaped its rubble.

Leo and the others were quickly digging up the rubble trying to make sure Spike is okay.
"Spike! Are you alright?!" Leo asked worried as he groaned getting up.
"Yeah.. i'm fine.. Thank Celestia dragons are far tougher then normal creatures.." Spike said with the others helping him up.
"What was that?" Leo asked confused.
"Some kind of localized quake, but what caused it?" Donnie asked confused as well.

"Oh no she's gone.. We could've changed everything.. now it's too late.." Leo said as he and Spike saw Karai was gone with the foot again.
"We were closer that time.." Spike said regretfully as police sirens could be heard...

We cut to the lair once more as Spike and the others were watching the news on what happened.
"Scientists are calling them Microquakes, but they shake so hard this reporters hair was badly messed up!" Carlos said as the camera zooms up on his messy hair.
"No need for concern, i'm being treated by my stylist." Carlos said putting it back down and Spike rolled his eyes at that.

"Tell that to Rarity.." Spike said in response.
"Dude, his poor hair." Mikey said feeling bad for him.
"Earthquakes in Manhattan, something is definitely up." Raph said suspicious.

Spike and the others went to Donnie once more to see what the source of it all is.
"I've been graphing the quake epicenters, they're happening in a pattern that's not at all random." Donnie explained pointing at the computer which had red dots going to the center.

"Is that awesome, or awesome bad?" Mikey asked confused.
"Awesome bad Mikey, i got weird energy readings under the epicenter. I think some kind of tech is causing the quakes." Donnie explained and Spike realized something.
"You think it's the Kraang again?" Spike asked them.
"It could be, let me try and home in on where the source is." Donnie said typing on the computer even faster.

Splinter was currently meditating in the room with Leo walking in concerned.
"Master Splinter, i tried to tell Karai that your her father.." Leo said sadly which caught Splinters attention.
"I thought if she knew, she might come over to our side. Spike tried the same as well.." Leo explained and Splinter got up.
"There is a saying, he who runs a mouth get's his face full of nunchaku" Splinter said which confused Leo.
"They say that in Japan?" Leo asked confused.

"They would if you were there, still you and Spike's hearts are in the right place.. perhaps it is time she knows the truth." Splinter said with concern.
"Maybe you should tell the other guys sensei.. Spike already knows, and i think it's best the others do to." Leo suggested, Splinter thought over this for a moment before deciding it's for the best.

Raph and the others were now sitting in the dojo with Splinter getting ready to tell them.
"This is difficult, but it is time all of you know the truth. The child i had thought i had lost in the fire, Miwa.. is Karai.. my daughter.. Fury became flame, and flame darkened the world with smoke. And in that darkness, Shredder stole Miwa away. I thought she was gone, but Shredder raised her as his daughter and she was trained as a deadly foot assassin." Splinter explained as he had a flashback of the time he lost his daughter with Shredder taking her away..

"Wait this.. this can't be.." Donnie said in shock.
"This is some kind of joke, right sensei?" Raph asked in disbelief.
" Karai's our sister?!" Mikey asked shocked as well.
"As much as it hurts, it is the truth.." Spike said sadly.

"But she was raised by the Shredder, how can we ever trust her?" Donnie asked curious, Splinter walked over to a photo of his family and picked it up.
"There is good in her. I know this. The truth must be told, and the truth will too be an earthquake.." Splinter said as we cut to Shredder's lair once more.

"Father should have been back hours ago with his new little.. secret weapon." Karai said impatient.
"I've heard rumors it's a new mutant, part woman, part tuna, all lover.." Fishface suggested.
"I hope not, i'm allergic to fish.. nothing personal Xever.." Stockman said nervously as he growled at him.
"All i know is that he's a deadly assassin, the Kraang turned him into a mutant when he was a kid decades ago." Rahzar explained.

Foot bots marched into the room and bowed in respect, Shredder had finally returned and all of them bowed to him.
"You look terrible Bradford." Shredder said looking at him before he went over to sit on his throne.
"I have returned, and i have brought with me the most feared assassin in all of Asia." Shredder announced, they all looked at the door and a new mutant had walked in, it was a new Tiger mutant who had high tech gear on his body as well as a missing tail.

"Tiger claw." Shredder announced as he bowed in respect.
"This is your secret weapon father? Another freak?" Karai asked upset at this.
"This is the foot clan you promised me? I must say Master Shredder I am disappointed." Tiger claw said which angered her, Karai drew her sword and Tiger claw held up a blaster right at her in response.

"I honor you great Tiger claw.. can i offer you some.. refreshments?" Fishface asked nervously.
"Milk, skim." He said putting his weapon away, he went to get the milk and Karai noticed his tail was missing.
"Sensitive subject maybe but, shouldn't Tigers have tails?" Karai mocked looking at it.

"Don't mock me child. It was a rival who sliced off my tail. One day i will find it, and he will pay the price!" Tiger claw vowed as he drank the milk he was given.
"If you can't keep your own tail.." Karai mocked before Shredder stopped her again.
"Silence Karai. You will treat Tiger claw with the utmost respect, he is now my new second in command." Shredder explained which angered her.

"What?! I've earned that job! Not some oversized cat in a scarf!" Karai argued.
"Enough! Tiger claw, take my daughter with you to capture Splinter and his turtles and Dragon. Karai, do not disobey him." Shredder ordered and Karai looked upset at this still.

Casey and April were running across the rooftops trying to catch up with Spike and the others.
"So, the whole April vigilante thing is cool in all, but how about a real date?" Casey asked taking off his mask.
"What do you call this?" April asked curious.
"I was thinking maybe you know, maybe something a little cozier, you and me.." Casey offered before she heard a noise.

"The Kraang!" April said running off.
"Nah, aliens would mess up my mix." Casey said clutching his fists, April looked down and saw a bunch of droids going through a portal.
"There's so many of them.." April said concerned with Casey seeing this.
"So these are the robots you told me about?" Casey asked curious.
"With the little brains inside yeah, what are they doing?" April asked confused, April leapt on down and was gonna stop the last one from leaving.

"I got this red." Casey said as he snuck up behind the last one, Casey whacked the thing off the path and the bot tried to fight him, April came in with her fan and sliced the bot in half and the alien popped out again. Casey aimed his stick and knocked it to a wall.
"When you play cricket, you gotta have some crumpets." Casey said with the thing crawling away.

April looked at the device and turned it off and it fell to the ground.
"Wow.. let's take this to Donnie and Spike, let them check this out." April said picking it up.
"Why not take it to a real laboratory?" Casey asked her.
"Trust me, Donnie's way ahead of most scientists, and Spike's really smart too, come on." April said with the two of them walking off.

April and Casey arrived at the lair and she was showing them how it worked.
"And then you pressed on this button and portable portal." April explained as she turned it on again.
"Wow, the Kraang are always one step ahead" Donnie said impressed looking at it.

"I wonder if this is what's behind the earthquakes, we're gonna have to test it." Donnie suggested.
"I dunno Donnie, what if it's dangerous?" Spike asked concerned.
"If you guys aren't gonna do something about it, i will." Casey said as he walked up to it.
"Your crazy! Nuts! Out of your gourd, i'm going first!" Raph said pushing him back and he ran into it.

"Raph!" Leo said worried.
"I'm not letting him go alone, let's go!" Spike shouted as he got up his plasma sword and whip and ran inside after him and the others did the same. But after they left, another earthquake happened and it shook the whole lair, a rock fell on the device and shut the portal down leaving them trapped..

Leo jumped out of the portal and they looked to be in a gateway with other portals all around the place.
"Okay.. this is.. weird.." Raph said confused as April, Spike and Mikey looked through one and saw the cosmos, Leo looked through another and saw a Kraang controlled city.
"wow.. its' like grand central station of dimensional travel! The Kraang must be using it to travel between realities." Donnie said amazed.
"Guys! The doors gone, we're trapped!" Mikey shouted in horror as the door closed behind him.
"There's thousands of doors here, everyone start searching for a way home.

"Hey April look at this." Donnie said as they looked through another one and saw a beautiful cosmo wave of sorts.
"It's beautiful.." April said amazed.

"Guys.. is that us?" Spike asked pointing at a specific portal, they looked through it and saw a more cartoony looking world. ( It's the 87 show world).
They saw a version of Spike with them and he was a wolf like mutant with sharp claws and a snout, and even a wolf like tail.
"Why am i a wolf mutant?!" Spike asked in shock.
"And why do we look like dorks?" Mikey asked confused as they saw that version of April

"Is that supposed to be April?" Raph asked confused.
"Nice jumpsuit!" Donnie said amazed.

Spike heard a roar of sorts and went over to another portal.
"Guys.. is that.. me?!" Spike asked in shock, the turtles looked through this next portal and they saw in this one, Spike was huge, he was a huge monster and he seemed to be in a destroyed city, another roar is heard suddenly and they look over and saw a familiar monster..
"Is that Godzilla?!" Mikey asked in shock, the monster Spike and Godzilla looked over and saw a familiar three headed hydra getting up from the rubble, it roared at them in anger and they watched as they proceeded to have a Kaiju fight with him.
"Awesome! Kaiju Spike teaming up with Godzilla against Ghidorah! I'd pay to see that!" Casey said amazed.
"How did i become so huge?" Spike asked confused as he kept looking through more.

"Spike, look at this one!" April said pointing at another, they looked through this one and they saw a more.. blocky version of Spike, he seemed to be holding a Golden spear of sorts and was fighting alongside some other Ninja with elemental powers against some Stone Warriors.
"Don't these guys look like that one Lego show that's still going?" Casey asked confused.
"Ninja go!!" They all shouted and they spun into tornados all around them.
"I think it is.." April said amazed..
"To think Spike's on more ninja teams then just us." Raph said amazed as well.

Spike continued to look through more until he saw another one.
"Alright, let's see what this one is." Spike said looking at another with the others joining in, this time, they saw Spike in what looks to be a super hero suit with a spider symbol on it, he seemed to be talking to to a familiar figure.
"Is that Spider man 2099?" Casey asked in shock.
"Bro are you a spider man in this reality?!" Mikey asked amazed.
"Awesome!" Donnie said amazed as well, they continued to watch this thing play out.

"So these.. cannon events are the key to keeping the multiverse safe? And if one of them breaks.. we're at the risk of loosing everything?" Spike asked worried which shocked them.
"Yes, it's why i called you hear, i wanted your help to keep them in check, it's not gonna be an easy job, but if we don't do this, everything will be destroyed.." Miguel said sounding worried, they looked at Spike who seemed to think this over for a moment until deciding.
"You know what? I'll do it, it may be hard sure, but that doesn't mean we can't get help, where do we start?" Spike asked feeling ready to go.

"I can't thank you enough for this. Lyla, give him another one of the devices." Miguel instructed.
"Got it Miguel, okay, so this one is still in production, but it should allow you to hop to other realities without glitching." Lyla explained as a strange device materialized in front of him, Spike took it and put it on his right wrist.
"So this can take us anywhere in the multiverse right?" Spike asked looking at it.
"Yep, anywhere you guys want, so where do you wanna go first?" Lyla asked appearing in front of them.
"Let's do this at the beginning one last time, Earth 67" Miguel announced.

We cut to them appearing in a cartoony reality appearing in that versions Spiderman.
"Oh dang! I remember this one!" Casey said starting to laugh.
"Whoa! What the?!" 67 Spider man asked in shock.
"Calm down sir, we're not here to hurt you." Spike assured.
"He's right, we're Spider man, we need you to come with.." Miguel said before he pointed at them.
"Who the heck are you two?" He asked pointing at them.

"Oh no.." April said starting to laugh with the others chuckling
"We just told you we're not gonna hurt you." Spike said getting weirded out pointing back.
"We just told you.. look we need your help.." Miguel said pointing at him too.
"How dare you two point at me?" He asked offended.
"You pointed first!" Spike said pointing back.
"He's right, you pointed first so it's your fault." Miguel countered doing the same thing.

"It's rude to point!" He said upset at them.
"We're trying to talk with you here!" Spike said annoyed pointing still.
"Your being very rude your not even listening to what we're saying" Miguel said as two people were watching.,
"Which one pointed first?" An officer asked confused.
"Spider man pointed first! Obviously!" The other said watching it still.

"Your pointing at us right now, look at you! look at your finger!" Miguel said getting upset at this.
"Your making this way bigger of a deal then it needs to be!" Spike said really annoyed at this.
"It's different then normal pointing!" He said in response.
"Your accusing us of pointing, while your..!!" Miguel said pointing all over him.
"Oh what the F...!!!" Spike shouted right before a "The end" sign popped up and all of them were laughing at that.

"Oh that won't ever get old!" Raph said with the others laughing.
"Oh that was hilarious!" Mikey said trying to calm down.
"Okay, let's just regain focus please." Spike said chuckling himself as they walked off, they walked around a bit more until Leo saw something.

"Guys look!" Leo said pointing at another one, this one showed a new dimension that looked to be the Kraangs home
"I think that's Dimension X, the home of the Kraang." Spike said worried as it looked unlike any other place he's seen.
"This place is making my brain melt!" Mikey said in fear before April covered his mouth.
"Shh.. i.. i sense something coming!" April said closing her eyes, a pod was floating down and they saw more Kraang droids coming to them.

"Oh no, how do you close the door?! Where's the knob, where's the knob?!" Raph asked worried, Spike looked up and saw the device.
"The button!" Spike shouted as he took out his plasma sword and cut the thing in half and the portal closed before they were attacked and they sighed in relief.
"That would've been a disaster.." Leo said relieved..

"Um.. we might wanna retract that.." Donnie said pointing at another portal, it was unfortunate to see that more Kraang droids in those large animal mechs was able to come through another.
"Oh come on!" Spike said annoyed drawing his plasma sword with the others drawing they're weapons.

"Biotroids Destroy!" A droid ordered as Spike deflected a lighting blast with the mechs charging at the others, Spike slid under one of the pods and jumped beneath it and sliced it in half, Spike came face to face with another one of those mechs and was dodging the saws from it and he saw Leo running to him.
"Leo!" Spike shouted holding his hand out, Leo took it and Spike threw him onto the top, Leo stabbed his swords right on the top and the alien went crawling away leaving one down.

They heard another roar and saw the other one charging at them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted as it stomped on the ground, the impact was really strong and it sent Leo and the others through another portal leaving Spike alone with April, Casey and Donnie.
"No!" Spike shouted in rage as the portal closed with an alien holding a remote.
"We gotta get that remote!" Donnie shouted, the alien threw it around a bit before throwing it into another portal and that made Spike furious.

"You son of a...!!" Spike said with rage as he jumped in the air and drew his sword, he sliced the alien in half with rage and landed on the ground breathing heavily, they heard another roar and saw the other Biotroid firing at them again.
"Butt cannons! Run!" Donnie shouted as the four of them started to run off.

A portal opened in New york again and Leo and the others fell into a dumpster.
"Ugh.. what dimension are we in..?" Mikey asked feeling weak before Raph slapped a piece of paper off of him and Leo jumped out.
"The others are still trapped there!" Leo said worried.
"Yeah and the dragon and smart members of the team are trapped with them." Raph said jumping out.

"This is your fault Leo! If you hadn't gotten us.." Raph said right before another earthquake happened again.
"We gotta find the source of those quakes!" Leo said as they started running off, unknown to them, Tiger Claw and Karai were watching from a higher ledge above them.

"Karai, you have your instructions." Tiger claw told her and she nodded in response. They were running through the streets until Tiger claw landed in front of them.
"Who the heck is that?!" Raph asked horrified.
"You may call me.. Tiger Claw!" He announced.
"I knew it! I was totally gonna name him Tiger Claw!" Mikey pointed out.

"I am going to give you once chance to summon your rat master!" He said taking out a gun.
"Sorry pal, i'm not a cat person!" Raph shouted with anger. Tiger claw proceeded to fire at them in response, Raph tried escaping but was shot near the wall.
"Raph!" Leo shouted with worry as he fell on the ground, Leo drew his swords and tried slashing at him, Tiger claw backflipped in the air and shot Leo to the ground leaving Mikey alone.
"You are nothing but cubs!! Tiger claw said with rage.

"Heh heh.. nice kitty.. Let me see if i have some cat nip upon me.." Mikey said nervously while he growled at him. Tiger claw roared at them and started firing at them again, the shots formed crystalized ice on the ground and Mikey tried dodging them.
"Come on bros! We gotta get to high ground!" Mikey shouted climbing up. Leo and Raph were heading up to the rooftops dodging the gunfire and Tiger claw growled in anger as he activated a jet pack.

Spike and the others were panting as they kept running through. Spike looked back at the Biotroid with rage.
"I've had enough of you!" Spike shouted in anger, he took out his plasma whip and restrained the mech with incredible strength, Spike screamed with anger while he jumped into the air and stabbed his sword into the helmet, the machine sparked up for a moment until it fell onto the ground and the alien inside crawled off in fear.

"Great job Spike." April said proudly and Spike smiled in response.
"All right Donnie, how do we get out of here? Your the expert gap-tooth" Casey insulted
"Gap tooth? Look in the mirror lately cave mouth?" Donnie countered.
"Enough guys, look at this!" Spike said looking through another portal.

"Wow looks like another part of Dimension X." Donnie said as this looked to be another side of it. They looked shocked as they saw a strange worm like alien being pushed into a portal somewhere else.
"ugh, what is that?" Casey asked confused before the droids beeped.
"Kraang is aware of spies in that doorway where Kraang is not, but soon will be." A droid said marching to them.

"I think we're in serious trouble." April said worried, it was proven right when more droids emerged from the portals and aimed they're weapons at them.
"Aw come on.." Casey said annoyed

"Surrender is optimum." A droid said holding it's weapon.
"Non surrender will result in disintegration, which is lest optimum." A droid said again.
"For now. Play along" Donnie whispered.
"For the record, i don't count this as a surrender!" Casey said raising his hands.
"Celestia damnit.." Spike said annoyed.

Tiger claw was still facing against the turtles as they were trying to attack him, but Tiger claw was too skilled and was dodging every one of they're attacks. Tiger claw activated his jetpack and shot rapidly at all of them, one of the shots hit nearby Mikey and it knocked him to the ground.
"Mikey!" Leo said in horror. Tiger claw flew down to them and delivered a hard punch to Leo, Raph tried slashing at him some more until Tiger claw loaded a rope into his gun and shot it at Raph and tied him up.

Tiger claw flew over to Mikey and grabbed him by the leg and held him over a furnace.
"You are defeated. Summon your master, or the little one goes into the furnace." Tiger claw threatened holding him above it.
"Don't do it Leo!" Mikey begged.
"It's a trap for Splinter!" Raph warned while he tried escaping.
"Of course it's a trap, tell me the part where i have a choice." Leo countered.

Splinter was meditating in the dojo once again until a cheese covered phone went off.
"The Cheese phone! Truly an emergency!" Splinter said worried, he went over and picked it up.
"Moshi Moshi?" Splinter asked holding it up.
"Leonardo, what is the problem. Do not fear my son, i am on my way." Splinter said hanging it up and looking serious.

Leo and the others were tied up near the furnace looking upset.
"I can't believe you called him. If anything happens to Splinter.." Raph said annoyed.
"What else could i do Raph?" Leo asked seeing Tiger claw walk up to them.
"The Rat! Where is he?!" He demanded, they all looked away and didn't responds.

"One push, and you all go into the furnace." Tiger claw threatened.
"just wait Tiger claw. Splinter's gonna kick that little stub of a tail so deep in your stripped.." Raph threatened before he was stopped again.
"Silence! I am tired of waiting, your lives end now!" He said with anger, he held his foot over them and was about to push them into the furnace.
"This is it! I love you guys! Raph it was me who ate your last piece of chocolate pepperoni pizza! I'm sorry man, i was just so hungry! " Mikey said ashamed. Tiger claw was about to push them in until he heard a voice

"Release my sons! Now!" Splinter demanded, he looked over and saw Splinter on a rooftop in front of the moon. The two spoke in a Japanese language for a moment until Tiger claw pulled out a gun and fired at him. Splinter ran across the ledge and jumped down dodging the fire and leapt at him, Tiger claw backed out of the way as Splinter landed down, he took out his gun again and kept firing at Splinter.
Splinter used his staff and threw some rubble in his face and knocked his weapon away.
"I prefer to slice you into bite sized pieces!" Tiger claw said drawing his sword. Tiger claw roared in rage as the two clashed against eachother.

We cut to the subway where Spike and the others were being taken to somewhere.
"You will continue marching from the place you are to the place you are not yet." The droid ordered.
"At least we're back in new york." Donnie added.
"Didn't they say they're gonna feed us to something?" Casey asked afraid.
"Yeah.. something called a Kraathatrogon" April said worried.

"And i have no clue what it is.." Donnie said worried as well.
"And i'm not gonna wait around to be eaten. Casey, now!" Spike shouted as he drew his sword, Casey took out his shocker and shocked the droid right next to them and Spike sliced it apart, April threw her fan at ones face and Donnie threw some ninja stars at a steam pipe.
"Let's go!" Donnie shouted as they started running off

Spike and the others ran to another area and opened a door.
"Go move!" Casey shouted as he closed the door and barred it with his bat.
"Nice work Casey." Spike said high fiving him.

The 4 of them looked around as they seemed to be in an older looking subway then before.
"Wow! And old pneumatic subway! Nobody uses them now." Donnie said amazed.
"How old is this city?" Spike asked amazed as well until they heard another noise.

"What's that gross slobbering sound?" April asked annoyed.
"It sounds worse then Mikey eating pizza." Donnie said running ahead. The 4 of them quickly ran up ahead and saw a huge machine in a large area, they looked around and saw 4 strange worm monsters having mutagen extracted from them.
"Those must be the Kraathatrogons" Donnie whispered to the others.
"I prefer to call em Space worms, that sound good?" Spike asked Casey,
"You read my mind." Casey said proudly as they heard another screech.

They saw some droids holding a giant worm with some ropes and it slammed on the ground shaking the whole place.
"It's the worms, that's what's causing the earthquakes!" Donnie said in realization.
"But why bring them here?" Casey asked confused.
"I think i know why, look." Spike said pointing at the worm, a droid came up with a suction device of sorts and it began draining mutagen from it.

"They're milking them... for mutagen?" April asked disgusted.
"This must be how they get the mutagen, it's amazing yet disgusting." Spike said in awe.

April suddenly herd rustling and looked at Casey.
"Stop that." She said annoyed.
"Stop what?" Casey asked in confusion.
"Guys!" Spike whispered pointing to behind April, they looked over and saw a baby alien worm looking at them, Casey and April screamed in fear and Casey whacked it with his hockey stick making it screech in anger.

"Kraang, we have been discovered in the place that was not meant to be discovered!" A droid said in realization.
"Unleash the Kraathatrogon!" The droid ordered. The devices retracted from them and they watched in horror as the large monster towered over them and roared at them with rage.
"Run!!" Spike shouted grabbing they're hands, they screamed in fear as they were running for they're lives from it.

Tiger claw was still fighting with Splinter currently and Splinter hit him across the body with his staff.
"You will pay for that rodent!" Tiger claw said with a growl, he kept on slashing at Splinter who tried blocking an attack, but it got his staff cut in half.
"Now you are defenseless!" Tiger claw said evilly as he dropped the pieces.
"A ninja is never defenseless!" Splinter shouted throwing some knives, Tiger claw deflected a few until he noticed one of them disabled his jet pack which made him angry.

Splinter lunged at Tiger claw and kicked him in the chest with the others watching.
"You got this sensei!" Mikey encouraged.
"Slap the stripes of that cat!" Raph encouraged as well, Tiger claw tried slashing at him again until Splinter grabbed his arm and used some pressure points and caught him off guard, he grabbed his sword and kicked him back getting in a stance. Tiger claw loaded his gun and tried shooting another rope at him.
"You will not trip me up so easily!" Splinter shouted flipping in the air, he grabbed the rope and tossed it back at him before he proceeded to deliver multiple hits all over his body and had him near a ledge.

"And now, we shall see if a cat always lands on his feet!" Splinter said holding his sword to him.
"Now!" Tiger claw ordered. Karai was secretly behind them and she shot a blow dart right towards Splinter. It hit Splinter right in the back of his neck and Splinter started feeling dizzy.

"Ha! You lose rat!" Tiger claw said in victory. Splinter was feeling dizzy and he saw Karai walk up to him.
"Miwa!" Splinter said weakly before he passed out which confused her.
"Karai don't do this! He's your father, your true father!" Leo begged trying to stop her, but all that did was make her mad.
"Liar! You'd say anything to save him!" Karai said with rage.

"No, i swear it! He's your father, Hamato Yoshi! If you don't trust me, then you need to trust Spike!" Leo begged with her marching up to them.
"Spike's not here, and it's best he's not for this." Karai said drawing her blade.

The turtles gasped in fear right before her blade was stopped by Tiger claw.
"What?" Karai asked confused as he knocked her away.
"Master Shredder demands them alive. He wants the pleasure of finishing off the turtles himself." Tiger claw explained.
"Fine, let's deal with the rat first." Karai said marching to him.

"Leave him alone Karai, or you'll answer to me!" Raph said with rage.
"My sons.. go.. now!" Splinter shouted throwing a ninja star right to them, and he was able to free them.
"Run!" Splinter begged right before Tiger claw kicked him back onto another ledge.

"Splinter!" Leo said with worry.
"We gotta come back for him Leo! Move!" Raph ordered as they were avoiding more gunfire.
"Don't let them escape!" Karai said charging to them, Tiger claw tried lunging at them one more time, but Mikey had a smoke bomb and slammed it on the ground which had them escape.
"At least we still have the rat." Karai said looking at Splinter who was passed out.

Spike and the others were running away from the worm as fast as they could.
"Run, faster!" Donnie shouted in fear, Spike got on all fours and started running like a cheetah with his speed.
"Get down!" Spike shouted as he put them in an open area below and the worm went right over them. They quickly turned around and started running again as the worm kept chasing them.

" Is there anyway to slow this thing down?!" Spike asked running faster.
"I'm on it!" Casey responded getting onto his roller skates.
"Casey no!" April shouted as he took out a spraying can.
"Eat this!" Casey shouted as he threw the can right into the things mouth and it burst all over it's face.
"yes!" Casey said in victory right before it got up and roared at him.
"No!!" Casey said horrified running off.

"Casey hurry!" April shouted while Spike was running ahead of them. Casey was skating as fast as he could with the monster right behind him, Spike looked a head and saw a way out.
"There! Move!" Spike shouted leaping up ahead, Spike got onto the ladder and Donnie did the same and held out his staff.
"April! Grab on!" Donnie shouted holding it out, April went up and grabbed it and Spike pulled her in.
"Casey, grab the staff!" Spike shouted worried.

Casey skated on ahead and leapt for the staff and it all was slow motion.
"Please!!" Spike shouted with worry, Casey reached out for the staff and almost grabbed it.. but he was too late and the monster got him.
"No!!!" Spike shouted in horror as the worm went off leaving the three of them.
"He's gone.. He's gone!" April said as she started crying.
"I'm so sorry April.." Donnie said with regret while Spike had tears as well.
"Casey.." Spike said sadly as he was trying to process this..

Leo and the others made it back to the lair and Leo was trying to help Mikey with his arm.
"Ow!" Mikey said in pain, Raph had an ice pack on his head and looked upset at Leo.
"This is your fault Leo, if you hadn't called Master Splinter, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Raph accused.
"I didn't have a choice Raph, it was either him or Mikey. I thought.. i thought sensei would take care of him.." Leo said with regret.

"Well you thought wrong!" Raph said crossing his arms.
"We know where they took him, Shredder's lair! We do this for Splinter." Mikey said as he tried to make a dramatic speech.
"Are you with me?!" Mikey shouted to them.
"Lamest speech ever, but.. i'm in." Raph said with a smile.
"Let's do this!" Leo said putting they're hands together. Leo and the others started getting up they're own gear and were preparing for this fight.

We cut to Spike in the others as Donnie opened a manhole.
"Okay, coast is clear." Donnie said with Spike helping her up.
"This is so terrible.. poor Casey.." April said with regret.
"We'll find a way April, i promise.." Spike assured with him having regret as well, but the ground suddenly shook again and it became more violent.
"Guys, if there's anyone who can help us, it's the one man who knows more about the Kraang then anyone else." Donnie told them which had them both agree to it.
"Let's go then!" Spike said as he started hopping off to stop this mess.

April was knocking on the window of Kurtzman with Spike crossing his arms waiting for him. They looked inside and saw a flashlight blind them.
"Great caeser's ghost! Quickly, get in before your spotted!" Kurtzman told them, Spike opened the window and they quickly climbed inside. Kurtzman looked out the window before turning to them.
"This is about the earthquake situation isn't it?" He asked them.

"Your never gonna guess what's causing it Mr Kurtzman." April said as he grabbed some photos.
"Call me jack." He said as he tossed some photos of the worms over to a table.
"You never cease to amaze me sir." Spike said impressed at this.
"Thank you Spike, i named this little scheme.. the manhattan project" Kurtzman said dramatically.

Splinter groaned as he was woken up roughly by Tiger claw who had a bucket of water.
"Wake up little rat" Tiger claw said annoyed as Splinter finally opened his eyes.
"Nice work Tiger claw, you finally captured the great Splinter." Fishface said impressed as he was still tied up.
"So is the poison going to finish him, or what?" Rahzar asked curious.
"Most men would have expired by now, but it only weakened him, he may be small, but he's tough as iron." Tiger claw explained.

The door opened and Splinter saw Karai and Shredder walk into the room.
"Bradford, Xever leave us." Shredder ordered walking up to Splinter.
"Hamato Yoshi, so you have come to this. A wretched rat man waiting to be put out of his misery." Shredder said in disappointment.

"At least, i do not wear a mask.. hiding what little humanity, i have left.." Splinter said weakly.
"It is because of you i wear this mask. " Shredder accused and he scoffed.
"All these years and you continue to deceive yourself, and everyone around you." Splinter said looking at Karai. Shredder drew out his blades and raised his arm up.
"You dare.. now it ends!" Shredder said in rage.

Shredder was about to finish him off until he was stopped at the last second.
"No father!" Karai shouted stopping him.
"You would stop me?!" Shredder asked with rage.
"You'd kill your greatest enemy while he's poisoned and chained. what about honor? Everything you taught me?" Karai asked trying to stop him.
"The girl is right Master Shredder." Tiger claw said in agreement.

Shredder hummed and put his blades away.
"Very well. Gather the foot. I will offer Hamato Yoshi one last fight." Shredder ordered as he and Tiger claw went off.

"Why.. did you help me?" Splinter asked confused.
"I don't know.. but a part of me felt like it was unfair, I remembered what Spike told me, you may have killed my mother, but someone like him doesn't deserve this loss." Karai explained.
"He is a gifted child.. Karai.. you need to listen to him.. he possesses a heart of truth.. you need to let him try. He can show you the truth.." Splinter said weakly while Karai went off looking concerned on this advice.

Spike and the April and Donnie were currently listening to what these worms are.
"So these worms are only children? How big are the adults?" Donnie asked curious.
"Huge, some are hundreds of feet long. The Kraang have been importing these worms from dimension X to suck out they're mutagen. It's kind of like milking a giant cow." Kurtzman explained which made Spike gag.
"Okay.. we get it, no need to go into detail please.." Spike said wanting to move on.

"So how do we stop them?" April asked curious.
"No clue how to stop em, but i know the Kraang ride these puppies. You see these antenna on their head? They pull em, like reins on a horse." He said pouring some salt over it's body.
"Gross!" April said in disgust, Spike and Donnie looked at the photo with the salt over it and got the same idea.
"Are you thinking what i'm thinking Spike?" Donnie asked turning to him.
"Of course! It was so clear, it's salt!" Spike said in realization.

"Salt?" April asked confused before her phone went off suddenly.
"Hold on a sec... it's.. it's Casey!" April said amazed.
"He's okay?!" Spike asked amazed.
"Let me check!" April said answering it.

"Casey?" April asked excitedly.
"Um hey April, so i'm kind of uh.. trapped inside this giant worm thing, it's cool, i'm alive and stuff.." Casey said from within it.
"Your inside the worm? Did you get a signal in there?" April asked curious.
"Gross." Spike said in disgust.
"Yeah uh.. it's uh, trying to digest me.. i think. i could use.. a little help.. ah!" Casey said in pain.
"Sit tight Casey, i mean uh.. don't go anywhere.." April said hanging up.
"He's alive, he's alive!" April said amazed.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's save our friend!" Spike said seriously getting up.

Leo and his group were quietly sneaking to the top of the roof with all white eyes again. Leo threw some ninja stars right at a foot bot and cut it's neck clean off. Leo flipped in the air and sliced the other one to pieces finishing them off, Leo snuck in through the open window and saw Splinter was on the ground and he went to save him.
"Sensei, sensei!" Leo said quietly which made Splinter wake up.
"Leonardo.. go, now!" Splinter warned, suddenly the torches all around him lit up and dramatic music played, he looked in front of him and saw the Shredder was on his throne.

Leo tried grabbing his sword, but it was stopped by Tiger claw who appeared behind him with the other mutants.
"Hello again my friend." Tiger claw told him, Leo tried using his other sword, but Tiger claw dodged it and raised him into the air before slamming him down and restraining his arms.
"Let me go!" Leo said with anger before Karai came up to him with her sword.

"I knew you'd come to us Leo." Karai said with a smug.
"Where are the other turtles and the dragon?" Shredder demanded, Tiger claw sniffed the air and found nothing.
"It's just him master Shredder, he's alone, i sense no one else." Tiger claw explained. Shredder went over and freed Splinter from his chains.

"Watch turtle, for it is the last fight you will ever see. The destruction of your master." Shredder said menacingly as Splinter got up weakly and he tossed away his cape. Splinter's vision was still blurry from the poison, but he could see Shredder about to attack, and he kept on dodging each slash the best he could.
"You can do it sensei!" Leo encouraged as Splinter kept fighting. Shredder dodged a spin attack from him, but his luck wouldn't last as Shredder kicked him to the ground.
"Sensei!" Leo said in horror as Tiger claw made an evil laugh, up above them, Mikey and Raph were sneaking in with some gear.

"Fight me!" Shredder said with anger. Splinter tried fighting him off, but he couldn't even land a hit on him in this state and he was knocked to the ground again, Shredder grabbed him by the neck held him up.
"Pathetic, i will put you out of your misery." Shredder said holding out his blades, but it was halted as another earthquake happened, the glass on the ceiling started to crack and the force knocked Shredder away and onto the glass floor, Splinter put his fingers on the grass and that caused it to collapse beneath him much to their shock. Karai suddenly saw fire crackers land next to her and fireworks went everywhere giving Leo the chance to escape.

"No!" Tiger claw said in anger.
"Aw yeah, rescue time!" Mikey announced while he and Raph jumped down, they ducked under another attack from Rahzar and he ducked under Tiger claw and Leo picked Splinter up.
"Come on Master Splinter!" Raph said drawing his weapons.
"Get them!" Tiger claw said right before a firework covered the screen, and when the smoke cleared, they were gone.

"Rahhh!! No!!" Tiger claw said looking around.
"Master Shredder!" Fishface said trying to help him before he punched him away.
"You fools! Do not let them escape! Go!" Shredder ordered.

Leo and his group were trying to run off while helping Splinter.
"Faster guys!" Mikey encouraged as Leo and Raph helped him up.
"You were foolish to come for me.." Splinter said weakly.
"We'd never leave you sensei!" Raph said as they were helping him move.

We cut back to the subway where Spike, Donnie and April were searching for the worm, they heard another roar and Spike stopped them.
"This is the place." Spike said keeping his guard up.
"What do we do now?" April asked them.
"I'll use my staff and create a vibration that will attract the worm!" Donnie said taking his staff out and slamming it on the metal rails, the rails made a vibration and kept slamming.
"There it is!" Spike shouted pointing in it's direction and they saw it was coming for them again.

"April, give me the satchel!" Spike shouted taking it from her, he opened the case and it was full of salt.
"Salt?" April asked confused.
" Salt is like acid to worms, it'll burn it's skin up badly" Spike explained.
"Yeah but.. salt?" April asked confused again. The monster kept coming for them and Spike tossed them out and repeatedly punched them with his mutant arm again and again.

"Give me back my friend!!" Spike said with fury repeatedly punching the salt with Donnie who wacked them with his staff.
"Donnie, use the spare cup!" Spike ordered, Donnie took out a spare salt cup and slammed it to the ground, April took out her fan and kept on waving it up and down making the salt fly onto it like wind. The monster was about to reach them until it weakly fell onto the ground.
"It worked!" Spike said in victory, they heard it's stomach grumble and Spike quickly jumped out of the way as it vomited over Donnie and April pushing them back to the tunnel.

"Gross!" Spike said in disgust as he help April up.
"Does anyone have any hand sanitizer?" Donnie asked disgusted.
"No, but we're all gonna need showers from this that's for sure." Spike replied, April gasped and saw Casey was alive.
"Casey!" April said with relief as he was getting up.
"Your alive!!" Spike said in relief giving him a hug.
"Thanks guys.. i owe you one big time.." Casey said gratefully before Donnie gasped seeing something.

"I hate to break up the reunion, but we have big, huge, giant problems!!" Donnie shouted in fear pointing somewhere, the three of them gasped in shock as they saw a ginormous worm that was bigger then the last ones they saw.
"Holy Celestia..." Spike said in horror looking at it.
"Now that's a big.. worm.." Casey said horrified as it made a loud roar.

Karai and the other mutants were chasing after the turtles, Tiger claw landed down and sniffed them out.
"I smell the reptiles." He said menacingly while they kept running.
"If they escape, Shredder will have all your hides." Karai warned flipping onto a higher ledge again.
"And what about yours Karai?" Rahzar asked her as they went off.

Splinter was breathing heavily with Leo and the others looking over him.
"I need to rest, must get the poison.. out of my system.." Splinter said weakly.
"Just drink some water sensei." Mikey said handing him a water bottle which he took.
"Must.. meditate.." Splinter said trying to concentrate.

"Let him rest, we'll keep a look out for those goons." Raph said turning around, but he heard a gun power up and gasped when he saw Tiger claw and the other mutants had arrived on the scene.
"Heh heh.. found em.." Mikey said nervously.
"Attack!" Tiger claw ordered.

All of them screamed in rage charging at eachother, Leo engaged with Karai once more and he was deflecting her blade attacks and blocked one from Tiger claw. Fishface took out a new weapon and started fighting Raph.
"Fancy new weapon there Fishface, let's see you use it." Raph teased.
"I'm going to chop you up into tiny chunks, and feed you to my piranha!" Fishface said menacingly and proceeded to swing it around. Mikey landed on the ground and was dodging attacks from Rahzar.

"Too slow Rahzar!" Mikey shouted, he proceeded to doge more sharp nails from him while Leo kept fighting Tiger claw. and Karai, Leo kicked her back and clashed with Tiger claw again.
"Your skills are nothing compared to me! You are still just a cub." Tiger claw said with rage, he pinned Leo's sword to the wall and sliced it apart with his claws, but Leo used the small pieces he still had and slashed at him which had him growl in rage.

Spike and the others snuck into the lab again and saw the Kraang still trying to pull the worm into the place.
"If they bring that worm here, it'll cause earthquakes even worse then now! We gotta find a way to stop them!" Spike said worried.
"And i got a plan, i will reverse the polarity of the portal and keep that thing from getting in, you three create a diversion." Donnie told them.
"Got it, i have a few ideas, ready for this Casey?" Spike asked turning to him.
"You know it! let's go!" Casey shouted running out with Spike following behind.

The worm monster roared again with the droids trying to pull it inside.
"Yo! Alien freak job!" Casey announced with Spike shaking his rear.
"Come and get us you losers!" Spike teased drawing his plasma blade.
"It is the human and dragon!" A droid said drawing it's gun, The three of them took cover as the blasters flew over them.
"I hope you two have a better plan then getting shot at guys!" April said annoyed.
"Watch and learn!" Spike said as he screamed in rage charging at the bots, Donnie climbed up from a nearby wall and watched Spike tear through them with his sword and arm.

Raph and the others were still fighting the foot as Splinter had just finished recovering, he opened his eyes showing he's fully done. Tiger claw was about to slash at Leo until Splinter went in and caught his arm. He twisted it harshly and slammed him to the ground.
"Now it is time to end this!" Splinter said seriously.
"Sensei!" Mikey said relieved with the others hugging him, Karai and the others drew they're weapons and looked mad.
"Are you ready my sons?" Splinter asked them.
"Yeah" They all shouted with anger.

Casey put a puck on the ground and hit it to another bot.
"Eat it alien scum!" Casey shouted in rage, Spike grabbed Casey's stick and he twirled Spike around like a spiral, Spike screamed with rage as he went flying into the air, he charged up his mutant arm again and slammed on the ground which shook all of them off balance, Spike slid under a bot and sliced it apart, he then flipped over some more gunfire and ripped ones head off, he took out some ninja stars and threw them right into some more heads.

"This is for the earthquakes!" Spike said furious as he slashed another to pieces, he grabbed another's arm and twisted it and threw him over to Casey who whacked it with his stick.
"This is so cool! Whoo!" Casey said in joy as he and Spike fought them off. Donnie went over to the portal and opened the hatch, but he saw it was a complicated mess.
"Oh.. what the?" Donnie asked frustrated.

"Kraang, unleash another Kraathatrogon." A droid ordered, a robot weakly crawled up to a console and pressed a button, this freed another worm and Spike looked at it with a smug.
"Let's go for a ride!" Spike shouted lunging towards it.

Leo was still fighting off Karai and was trying to push her back.
"Karai, i don't wanna fight you anymore, i'm not your enemy!" Leo said weakly, they both gasped as the ground started to shake violently and this knocked them all off balance again, Karai was too close to a ledge however and tripped off it.
"Karai!" Leo said in horror as he heard her screams.
"No!" Splinter said horrified, he tried to save her but was stopped by Tiger claw who slammed on his tail.
"Your not going anywhere." He said menacingly.

The worm monster was slamming itself around as Spike landed on top of it.
"Let's have some fun big guy!" Spike shouted grabbing his tentacles, the monster was slamming itself around the ground which made Spike cheer in joy.
"Let's go!" Spike shouted while the others watched, Spike had the worm land down and he held his hand out.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike told them, they looked at eachother for a moment before jumping on.
"You are awesome Spike!" Casey said amazed, the worm roared again and it started flying to the ceiling.
"Yee haw!!" Spike said amazed.

Splinter was punned to the ground with Tiger claw holding out his sword.
"You are mine now Yoshi- San! Ah! Who dares?!" Tiger claw asked furious as a rock hit him, Leo screamed in rage and he delivered a strong kick to him and knocked him down. Leo went to check on Splinter and he saw Karai on another area.
"Not to shabby.." Splinter said weakly, the ground suddenly came apart and they saw Spike and the others on the large worm.

"What's up guys?!" Spike shouted in joy, he handed April the antenna and leapt on over to the roof.
"What'd i miss?" Spike asked casually.
"Spike!!" They all said in relief running up to him, they gave him a hug which made him laugh a little.
"Don't worry guys, i ain't going anywhere." Spike assured. His senses went off and he saw Tiger claw fly into the air and rolled out of a sword slice from him.

"So it is true, you are a real dragon!" Tiger claw said pulling his sword out to him, Spike pulled out his plasma whip and got in a fighting pose.
"Nice to meet you too, but sorry to cut this short, but i gotta go!" Spike shouted as he wrapped his whip around him, Tiger claw tried to break free but Splinter finished him off by delivering some more moves on his body, Spike pulled the whip and threw him right to the worm, Tiger claw screamed as he went flying into it's mouth and was eaten.

Donnie was trying to reverse the portal fast as the monster was almost through.
"Gotta reverse the polarity. " Donnie said as he grabbed some wires, the portal powered on and it made the monster give a loud burp.
"Work! why won't you work?" Donnie asked trying to figure it out, he finally found the right way, and the portal finally started sucking the worm back in.
"Yes! I did it!"

Donnie said in victory. The portal started to suck everything in the room inside the portal and Donnie wrapped the wires around him to not be pulled in, the worm April and Casey was riding on began being sucked down into the room again, April and Casey screamed as they went flying off the worm and was almost sucked in, Donnie held out his staff to save them, Casey grabbed the staff and April hung by his leg, Donnie looked back at the console and ripped out the wires causing all of them to fall down as the portal shut down finally.

April groaned weakly as she looked over to Casey, he gave her a thumbs up and they weakly got up.
"You did it Donnie, you saved the city!" April said giving him a hug.
"I'm gonna take back everything i said about you Donnie, you rule!" Casey complimented, and the two gave eachother a fist bump in response.

We cut to a shot where Spike and the others were looking over the view of the city at sunrise.
"So the earthquakes were caused by giant worms that lived under the sewers? That sounds worse then giant Cockroaches!" Raph said disgusted.
"It was quite the experience, that's for sure." Spike said in relief. Spike looked over to Splinter and he and Leo saw him looking down sadly.

"You did it sensei." Leo said as they looked down and saw the police sealing the hole off and there were dozens of people around it.
"With my brave sons, yes, we all did it." Splinter said gladly as the others walked up to them.
"We'll find a way to convince Karai one day Splinter, she just needs to trust us." Spike said sadly as they started walking off.
"I can't believe that evil witch is your daughter.. uh sorry to be honest.." April said nervously, Karai was hiding behind a billboard and was hearing everything.
"Perhaps one day she will believe the truth." Splinter said while she was thinking over this.

"But for now, we celebrate!" Splinter announced.
"Yeah!" They all said in victory.
"And with all those canisters we got, we could finally find a retro mutagen, it's gonna take some time, but i swear we'll find it." Spike said determined.
"Yeah that's for sure." Donnie replied with a smile.

"So where do you guys think that Kraang worm went anyway?" Mikey asked as they walked off.
"My guess, it went to another world with different versions of us in it." Spike suggested.

"Speaking of different versions.. wasn't it weird seeing those other versions of you Spike? We only saw three different versions, and one was literally a Kaiju." Raph said curious.
"I like to call it Spikezilla!" Mikey said dramatically and that made Spike laugh.
"Yeah, it was really weird, makes me wonder how many more versions of me there are." Spike said with interest.
"Yeah.. but how many?" April asked curious while all of them thought about this...

We cut back to the cartoon world that they all saw previously, the cartoon version of Spike and the others were on a rooftop eating some pizza enjoying the life, they suddenly saw a large flash and saw a huge worm appear out of nowhere, it roared in rage and started to attack the citizens.
"Hey, do you guys see that?" 87 Leo said pointing at it.
"Whoa dudes.. a giant freaky worm! Totally mondo bizarro!" 87 Mikey said shock.
"I bet that pesky Shredder and Kraang are behind this!" 87 Donnie accused as they watched it attack the people

"You know what that means right Leonardo and Spike?" 87 Raph asked them
"Looks like it could use a beating!" 87 Spike said sharpening his wolf claws.
"Absolutely, we take down the creepy crawler, and then we order pizza!" 87 Leo said drawing his weapons.
"Yes! Turtle power!" 87 Donnie said eagerly.
"Let's go!!" 87 Spike said as they all jumped off the roof.
"Cowabunga!" They all shouted as an iconic theme song played..

34: The Lonely mutation of Baxter Stockman

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Stockman was currently working in his lab with the mutagen collar still around him, he was working as fast as he could because he's on a time limit.

"Baxter Stockman, i ordered you to make me a mutant army. And you give me this?!" Shredder asked in rage throwing him some photos, he picked one up and saw one of a mutated duck.
"No no don't you see? It swims, flies, and knows Tai Kwando it's a triple threat!" Stockman said nervously right before Shredder sliced the photo to pieces.
"And it.. quacks?" Stockman said in fear.

"Can it Stinkman, this is the last time you mess up." Rahzar said growling at him.
"Mess up?! Look at you Rahzar, your twice the dog.. uh man you were before." Stockman said getting really scarred, Rahzar was about to lash out at him before Shredder stopped him.
"No Bradford, i have a more suitable fate in mind. You have failed me too many times." Shredder said menacingly.

"No! I mean.. please master Shredder, i got plans. Huge plans, mutant pigs and Rhinos" Stockman said before Shredder tossed over the lab stuff in rage.
"Pigs?!" Shredder asked with fury.
"And.. Rhinos?" Stockman said nervously.( Really was foreshadowing here)

Shredder looked at him with a glare before holding out his button.
"What are you doing? No! The mutagen?! You can't! I wouldn't be of any use to you as a mutant! Please don't!" Stockman begged before Shredder pressed the button. The lights on him beeped making Stockman scarred.
"I am not a man of mere threats." Shredder said with rage.
"Bet you'll become an even bigger freak them me Stinkman." Rahzar said with a grin.

"There's nothing wrong with threats!" Stockman said in a high pitched voice, he tried taking the thing off and touched a fly in the process. Stockman freaked out as the device beeped thinking it was the end, but nothing happened yet.
"Yes, yes! Oh thank you, thank you thank you.." Stockman said in relief.. but it was cut short when the vile around him finally exploded, Stockman was freaking out as the mutagen covered his whole body and the fly could be seen on his broken glasses...

We cut to Donnie and Spike who were currently working on the Retro mutagen still with April sleeping on the desk.
"Almost got it.. almost got it.." Donnie said carefully pouring a vile into a glass.
"Please let this one work.." Spike begged hoping they got it right this time.
"Are you two done yet? We've been up for like a million hours." April asked tiredly.

"Sorry April, this is just something i've been at for hours, i can't let Kirby stay a mutant forever." Spike said determined as he poured another vile in a glass again.
"He's right April, we'll finally be able to turn your dad human again. Now, we're adding a sample of your DNA, so brace yourself." Donnie said nervously as they put a single drop into the purple liquid.
"Thanks Celestia we got all those canisters from that base.." Spike said thankfully.

They put a drop on a small pad and got out two microscopes.
"Okay mutant cells, please turn normal.." Donnie said as they looked into it. They could see the mutant cells moving around for a bit until finally they returned to normal.
"We.. we did it.. we did it!!" Spike said in victory which got April's attention.
"We rule!!" Donnie said giving him a high five.

"You two did it?! You really did it?!" April asked amazed.
"Did what?!" Leo asked curious as they saw him and the others come into the room.
"We finally made it, Retro mutagen you guys! The key to turning Mr O Neil human again, and maybe even reversing Spike's mutant arm and turning Splinter back too.." Donnie said as Spike looked at his mutant arm again, he had had this for months now at this point, and while he still misses when it was normal, he'd be lying if he said he didn't find it a great use for when in combat.

"Human once more? Save April's father first, and then i will consider it." Splinter said walking off while Spike looked at it.
"Well what about you Spike? You wanna take it to reverse your arms mutation?" Raph asked curious, Spike thought about it for a moment, while this was an opportunity to become normal again, this was one of very few batches they had, and they can't risk losing more time.
"We need to save Kirby first, and if we have any left, i might think about it, there's still a lot we need to do after we save him." Spike explained which had them understand it.
"Sure thing Spike, thanks for helping me make this batch." Donnie said gratefully.
"No problem Donnie" Spike said with a smile.

"Can you guys make more of this stuff?" Leo asked curious.
"Yeah, but it took us 10 canisters to refine just one tiny dose of retro mutagen. And we don't have any left, but at least we can find your dad and change him back." Donnie said to April.
"I'm just... i'm just speechless! Thank you so much guys, your the best!" April said gratefully and she gave Donnie a kiss on the cheek and gave Spike a hug.
"No problem April, we'll find him soon." Spike assured while Donnie fell face flat on the desk which made him chuckle.

We cut back to Stockman's lair as he had now had the head of a fly mutant along with wings of a fly.
"What am i?! I'm nothing anymore! I'm a freak! I'll never be taken seriously as i scientist!" Stockman said making some buzzes in the process.
"But wait.. wait!" Stockman said looking at a chalk board, he took out a piece and wrote over it.
"Yes.. yes! Stockman DNA, combined with pure strength human DNA. I'll be normal again, better then normal, twice them the man Stockman was" Stockman said looking at a plan he had.

"Stinkman! Where are you? I wanna see what you turned into." Rahzar announced coming into the place with foot bots. Stockman crawled around the place to set a trap, he ripped out a cable and turned off the lights which got them all on guard.
"Scarred to show yourself Stinkman?" It's not like you can get yourself much uglier!" Rahzar insulted as Stockman crawled on a wall. The lights continued flashing and Stockman used the shadows to appear behind the footbots and rip them apart.
"Show yourself mutant!" Rahzar demanded, Stockman crawled across the ceiling and threw up some gross liquid on Rahzar which burned his skin. Rahzar groaned in disgust and saw Stockman flying out of the window and made a growl of rage.

We cut to where April's mutant father was, he was currently trying to find some food as he bit into a woman's neck on a billboard while Spike and the others found him.
"Dad.." April said sadly.
"Alright April stay back, we don't wanna rile up your dad like last time." Leo said as he hung upside down.
"But i can help, i can calm him down." April countered.

"Last time you tried that, he took you to his nest, and tried to feed you dead rats." April pointed out.
"Good point." April said in agreement.
"Don't worry April, i'll try using my powers to calm him down, let's just make sure nothing bad happens." Spike prayed as he took out a grapple hook and launched off with Leo.

Stockman was flying through the sky until he heard Spike and the others speak.
"It's the turtles and dragon! Now, with my new power, i can squash them like bugs!" Stockman said as he flew over to where they were.

Spike and the others were quietly crawling over to the sleeping bat with Donnie taking out the needle, April was watching over until she heard a buzz noise, the same noise crept behind Donnie which freaked him out causing him to drop it, Kirby woke up suddenly and quickly flew off.
"Dad, no!!" April shouted as he flew off.
"Dang it!!" Spike said really annoyed.
"Guys.. is that?" Mikey said pointing at the top, they saw the mutant Stockman land on the top looking down at them.
"Give me the Retro mutagen, now!!" He said with anger which shocked them all.

"Another mutant?!" leo said in shock as he crawled on the board
"Retro Mutagen.. mine!" He shouted as hu lunged to it.
"No, get your claws off it!" Donnie shouted as they all jumped onto him, the weight was far too much and that caused the vile to go flying off the ledge.
"No!!" Spike and Donnie said with horror, the vile continued flying down until it landed on the glass and shattered.

Stockman flew over and grabbed her.
"April!" Donnie shouted as he flew over them.
"Let me go you ugly germ farm!" April shouted as she kicked him in the face, she was about to fall until he grabbed her again.
"Silence!" Stockman said with rage.

"I know who that is, It's Darek Stockboy!" Raph mocked again.
"Baxter Stockman! Come to my lab, you will make more retro mutagen, or the girl, mutates with me!" Stockman said as he started carrying her off.
"No!!" Spike screamed in terror as she was taken away.

"Wow.. we REALLY messed that one up." Mikey said in shock.
"I only have one vial left, it'll take months to synthesize more.." Donnie said worried.
"Don't worry Donnie, we'll get her back and make her dad human again." Leo assured.
"Let's get back to the lab, we need to think of something." Spike said as they started moving once again.

"Aw man, save April and Mr O Neil, but what about you or Splinter?" Donnie asked worried.
"What about me and Spike?" Splinter suddenly asked which spooked him.
"Oh um.. hey sensei.." Donnie said nervously.
"You don't have to explain, he already knows everything." Spike explained.

"Yes, i do know, you must split up to rescue April and find her father." Splinter said walking up to them.
"I'm sorry sensei and Spike.. this is all the retro mutagen i have left.." Donnie said with regret.
"I may not be human, but i am fortunate to have my humanity, save Kirby." Splinter instructed again.
"I may still have a mutant arm, but i've come to terms with it by now, it's gotten us out of tough situations before, getting rid of it now would be a bad move on our part." Spike said looking at his arm once more.
"If your certain Spike, i'm sorry about what happened to you still, at least it's not a full mutation. Let's just try and find out what to do.." Donnie said as they walked out and Splinter looked at a photo of his family again..

Leo was swinging his swords around in the living area until Casey stepped in with his gear.
"Alright, who's the slapshot goon that kidnapped April?" Casey asked looking around.
"Long story Casey, we need your help, and yes you'll get to whack someone with your hockey stick. Probably more then once." Leo assured and he chuckled.
"Yes!" Casey said in victory as Raph came up with a rope.

"So, you me and Spike are bat rangaling to night Mikey." Raph said casually.
"Aw yeah! You know what that means right?" Mikey asked excitedly as Spike rolled his eyes.
"Please don't, that costume sucks." Spike said annoyed, Mikey took out a smoke bomb and suddenly appeared in his moth outfit again.
"The return of Turflytle dogs!" Mikey said pointing at them.

"You annoy me and Spike to no end." Raph said walking off.
"Let's just get this over with." Spike said annoyed as well.

We cut back to Stockman bringing April to his lab and he put her on the ground.
"Stay!" He ordered.
"Baxter, you don't have to do this, Donnie can help you! He can make more retro mutagen, it'll only take a few months.. i mean hours!" April explained.
"If he fails, i'll have a backup plan." Stockman said as he got out a rope.
"So do i." April said seriously. She took out her metal fan and hit him across the face, she tried to run for it until Baxter landed in front of her again.
"No escape!" Stockman shouted a he lunged at her.
We cut to the streets again as we see the mutant Kirby flying through the sky again. Spike and Raph had they're bat gear on and activated the wings.

April was now tied up and was lowered over the mutagen.
"You go here, i press a button, you fall! And i jump in, and you and me will become one!" Stockman monologued as he flew around.
"Baxter listen to me, dropping us into a batch of ooze isn't going to save you! You gotta trust me on that!" April begged.
"No! This is the only way, only way! I cannot trust anyone to help!" Stockman said as Leo and the other two snuck in, a fly flew around Casey and he smashed it making a loud noise which got Stockman's attention.

"Turtles! You tried.. yes.. tried to sneak in, no retro mutagen, no trade!" Stockman said evilly.
"I got your retro mutagen right here!" Casey announced as he played his hockey stick like a guitar. Stockman threw up some of the acid liquid on the rope and it started to snap and he lunged at them. They all screamed as they engaged with him.

Casey and Leo proceeded to fight off Stockman as Donnie went to save April, Casey landed on top of him and tried holding him down. April whimered in fear as the rope continued to lower. Casey repeatedly punched him in the air while Stockman tried shaking him off.
"Baxter stop! Let us help you! We don't wanna hurt you." Leo said as he dodged some more acid shots from him. Casey jumped into the scene and threw a barrel at him, but that only hit the tank and Casey snapped his finger in annoyance.
"Well, Casey does." Leo corrected himself.

"Um guys..? a little help here?" April begged as the rope got weaker, Donnie jumped on over to the tank and tried climbing to the top.
"Not fast.. enough!" Stockman said as the rope snapped. Donnie lunged at her and tried to save her, but their hands only brushed over and she continued to fall.
"April!!!" Donnie shouted with horror as she fell in and was submerged in it...

April's body floated in the tank while everyone watched in horror.
"To become one!!" Stockman shouted as he tried flying in.
"Eat it bug!" Casey shouted as he threw his stick over to Stockman, this stopped him from falling in and Casey jumped over and tackled him down. Leo and Donnie crawled up to the top saw bubbled popping up.

"Is she?" Leo asked worried, the bubbled got bigger and they watched in horror as she landed down, but when the mutagen cleared.. she was completely fine..
"Nice catch Donnie!" April said annoyed while she got up.
"Your okay! But how did.. gasp! Your immune to mutagen! That's why your DNA worked to create the retro mutagen!" Donnie aid amazed as Stockman flew over them.
" I'll devour you all! I'll drink you like blobs of delicious silk!" Stockman said evilly.

"Ah help me buzz buzz!" Mikey shouted as the bat Kirby chased after him.
"Stop saying buzz buzz or i'll buzz up your mouth!" Spike said annoyed as they chased him.
"We got him on the run Leo! Get over here before we let him eat Mikey!" Raph said in his T phone.
"We're really considering it by now!" Spike shouted as he flew after him.

"No problem we are on our way!" Leo shouted as they were holding Stockman back.
"Get your claws off of me!" Donnie shouted in disgust, the wall suddenly burst over and they saw Rahzar with foot bots.
"I heard you say retro mutagen! I can become human again?!" Rahzar asked in shock.
"On second thought, we might be a little late!" Leo corrected and he hung up.

"Bring me that vile!" Rahzar ordered and the bots charged at them again.
"Time to go!" Leo shouted as he pushed them away and took out a smoke bomb, he used the smoke to slice apart the robots apart and they fell down again. Rahzar appeared behind him and knocked him back and Leo now engaged with him while Donnie held Stockman back.

"Back you hideous bug!" Donnie shouted with anger.
"Give me retro mutagen!" Stockman said with rage.
"Get off of him!" April shouted as she joined in, she kicked Stockman off and slashed at him with her fan, Stockman was about to inject himself with the vile until Casey shot a robot head at him and knocked it away.
"We found April's dad, let's get out of here!" Leo shouted as he grabbed the vile and they started escaping.

"No escape! No escape!" Stockman shouted as he flew out the window.
"Get me that vile before Stinkman uses it! that retro mutagen belongs to me!" Rahzar ordered again.

Leo and the others were driving in the Shellraiser at fast speeds as Stockman flew after them.
"It's gaining on us!!" Casey shouted looking at the screen.
"Firing garbage cannon!" Donnie shouted while blasting garbage at him.

"Take a right!" April instructed and Leo did so.
"Now left, down this way!" April shouted as Leo roughly turned the van again.
"How do you know?!" Casey asked holding onto a wall.
"I just know, told you i get certain feeling about things. Faster Leo, make a right!" April ordered and he did so once more.

Mikey was screaming as he continued to be chased by the mutant Kirby.
"Ah!! Kirby bat wants to suck my turtle blood! Help!!" Mikey screamed as he tried flying away.
"Maybe we'll let him get just a little taste?" Raph teased with Spike chuckling at that.
"Raph. Spike!" Mikey said annoyed.
"We're kidding dude!" Spike shouted as he and Raph knocked Kirby to the rooftop.

The monster groaned in pain as it couldn't move, Spike and the others got out a tarp until they heard a voice.
"Wait! Let me talk to him!" April said as she climbed up.
"Go ahead April, you are his daughter." Spike agreed letting her do it.

The mutant Kirby looked up at them in fear as April walked up to him.
"Stay calm dad.. we're here to help you.. just stay calm.. calm.." April assured which finally calmed him down, Spike came up to him and rubbed his head.
"We're here for you Kirby." Spike said softly.

"Sorry this took so long Mr O neil, just a quick spray on your skin, and you'll be good as new.." Donnie said right before it was snatched by Stockman.
"I have it, mine, mine!" Stockman said flying off.
"Oh no you don't!" Spike said with anger as he activated his wings again and chased after him. They heard footbots again and saw them in wing suits flying through the air.
"Flying footbots!? Dudes, this is getting out of control!" Mikey said in fear.

"Let's move guys!" Leo ordered as he jumped on a bot and sliced through its head.
"Now let's get that vile back!" Leo said as he took control of it.
"April, you and Casey stay foot and keep an eye on your dad!" Donnie instructed as he went off again. April looked at Kirby and crossed her arms.

"You getting one of those feelings again?" Casey asked her.
"Nope, just a bad idea." April said with a smile.

Stockman was trying to open the vile right now, but it was proving to be tough.
" Childproof cap!" Stockman said annoyed.
"Let that go!!" Spike screamed as he came into the scene, he delivered a strong punch with his mutant arm once again and that knocked the vile away, Raph swooped down and grabbed it.
"Nice hit Spike!" Raph complimented, Spike tied Stockman up with a tough rope and held him down.
"Thanks! Let's get this to Kirby!" Spike shouted as he took off again.
"No, that's mine!!" Stockman screamed with rage as he tried breaking free.

The footbots appeared from the shadows and tried taking it from Raph, Leo used the bot he was controlling and landed down on the one who took it and sliced off it's arm.
"Ha, you like that?!" Leo asked as he flew off, the vile kept on falling in the air, Stockman broke free and tried to grab it, but the mutant Kirby came into the scene and knocked him away.

"Yes! Get him dad!" April encouraged as the bat Kirby roared with rage.
"So.. we're like riding your giant mutant dad? This is so weird!" Casey said in shock, Spike flew down over to the vile and grabbed it.
"Got it!" Spike shouted as he was trying to avoid Stockman again.
"Give me that vile!" Stockman said right before Spike turned around and kicked him in the face again.
"Eat it you gross bug!" Spike shouted as he took a deep breath and breathed fire around the area.

"Ah!! It burns!!" Stockman screamed as he tried putting the fire out. Kirby roared flying down to him and knocked him out of the sky. Spike was suddenly ambushed by the bots again and they knocked the vile out of his hand.
"Let me go!!" Spike screamed while he started tearing them apart.

The vile started falling again and everyone tried catching it but slammed into eachother, the vile sadly shattered again and the liquid sprayed over the post.
"No!!" April shouted with horror, she forcefully took control of Kirby and made him fly down, there was only a few drops left until the last one fell, April flew into the scene at the last second and a single drop hit his head which amazed them all.
"Now!!" Spike shouted as he and Raph came in with a tarp.

They ran into him and covered him up with it, they heard screeches as they saw April and Casey crawl out, Kirby continued to scream as the tarp ripped open, and thankfully, it was Kirby's normal human head again.
"We did it!!" Spike said in victory while all of them cheered.
"Dad! I can't believe it!! I missed you so much!" April said in huge relief and she gave him a hug.

"April? What happened? Where am i? And why am i.. nude?" Kirby asked looking around which shocked her.
"Gross." Spike said with a chuckle.
"Dude when you hear about this you are gonna laugh so hard!" Mikey said excitedly.

"You did it Donnie and Spike, your the best!!" April said as she gave Donnie another kiss on the cheek and hugged Spike again.
"No problem April, i promised i'd fix this." Spike said with a smile.

Leo was looking over the sky with a telescope trying to find Stockman.
"No sign of Stockman fly.. Add him to the list of stray mutants running around New York" Leo said looking around. Mikey was about to monologue again until Spike stopped him.
"If you say buzz buzz again Mikey i swear.." Spike warned, Mikey looked down sadly before he turned to them.
"Don't.. don't.. don't!" Raph warned.
"Buzz buzz dogs!" Mikey joked.
"That's it!!" Spike screamed as he and Raph tackled him to the ground and was teaching him a lesson.

Leo and the others were now in the lair again explaining what happened.
" I'm sorry Master Splinter, i wanted to change you back. But i swear, if it's the last thing i do i'll.." Donnie said before Splinter put his hand on his shoulder.
"Do not fret my son, i am contempt with what i have become. I have no place in the human world any more, this is my home, and you five are my family." Splinter said looking over them and Spike smiled as he was glad to know he saw him like a son.

Stockman was captured by the foot clan and was dragged to Shredder's lair again.
"Well look at you Stinkbug, i'd squash you right here, but Shredder has other plans for you." Rahzar said as Shredder walked up.
"I have one last mutant i want you to create, or i will pluck your wings like the lowly insect you are." Shredder threatened as Rahzar threw over some trash.
"Yes.. Master Shredder for your generosity.." Stockman thanked as they looked down at him in disgust..

35: The Wrath Of Tiger Claw

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We open to a shot of Karai who was looking over the city during a stormy night, she looked at a photo of her mother which was only showing the half of it, and remembered what Leo and Spike said.

"Karai don't do this. Splinter, he's your father, your true father!" Leo begged as lightning flashed once more.
"What is it that troubles you Karai?" Shredder asked walking up to her.
"I wanna know the truth, the truth about my mother. About Splinter." She demanded.
"You know the truth daughter, Hamato Yoshi took your mother away from you." Shredder said as thunder was heard once again.

They heard the door open suddenly and found Tiger claw was alive, he now had an eyepatch cross his left eye and had bit mark on his ear.
"I have returned." He announced.
"Tiger claw.." Shredder said slightly surprised while Karai looked shocked.
"How?! You were eaten by a giant alien worm!" Karai asked really shocked.

"And you believe such a thing could contain my hate? My hate is what saved me, i tore my way out of the belly of the Kraathatrogon. As i battled through the army of the Kraang, across an Alien world that would drive lesser men mad. Until finally back here, back to my enemy's!" Tiger claw explained as he walked up to them and made a bow.
"I would have my revenge against Splinter, and those wretched reptiles, and those who trapped me in that worms belly. " Tiger claw said with hate.

"I will grant you this wish." Shredder told him.
"What? It's because of him that Splinter, Spike and the turtles are still alive in the first place!" Karai said not liking this.
"Karai you will go with Tiger claw. Destroy Splinter and the turtles, at any cost." Shredder ordered as ominous music played..

Spike and the others were currently in a restaurant and Mikey got in a fighting pose.
"I've put up with you guys for a long time, but this is about to get real!" Mikey said seriously as Donnie and Raph were on the other side.
"You don't want this kind of pain Mikey." Raph warned.
"Big talk for a guy with such limited vocabulary Raph." Donnie mocked which made Raph push him away.

Spike was having some popcorn watching the thing and gave Leo some.
"Are you sure your ready?" Leo asked taking some of it.
"It's not gonna be easy guys." Spike warned.
"Are you two kidding me? I was born ready!" Raph said confidently.
"Okay Mr Murukami." Leo said looking back at him.
"One Pizza Gyoza, coming up. " He announced which made them all look at it in delight

Murukami tossed it in the air and Donnie jumped up to it, but Mikey jumped up and pushed him away trying to grab it himself, but Raph did the same and tried catching it in his mouth, but Mikey grabbed his legs and slammed him on the floor which made all of them dogpile on top of eachother, the dumpling was about to reach Mikey's mouth until Spike caught it with his mutant arm.
"Hey!" Mikey said annoyed.
"Too slow guys." Spike teased as he ate it much to they're annoyance.

"What happened to all that popcorn you had?" Raph asked confused Spike pointed over and they saw Leo was finishing it up.
"Don't worry guys, we ordered more plates for us." Leo said as Murukami brought some more plates for them.
"My restaurant was never that popular until i invented these for you." Murukami said holding one out, Spike and the others took each piece away and started eating the ones on they're own.
"I'm so making this a recipe when i get back home." Spike said in delight as he kept eating. Donnie finished up his and looked back and saw Leo looking out a window.

"He's still bruiting." Donnie said concerned.
"He's thinking about her. About Karai." Raph told him
"Master Splinter is the father of Karai. How could she still wanna be with the Shredder?" Leo asked annoyed.
"Don't worry Leo, she'll come around, it just takes time for her to see these things." Spike said finishing his up.

"Well i don't trust her, not for one second." Raph said as Mikey took his slice.
"Your right Raph, you shouldn't trust anyone." Donnie said with a smirk. Raph tried to eat his piece but saw it was gone, he saw Mikey eat and and it made him mad, Raph lunged at him and started beating him up again. Leo simply sighed as they kept on fighting.
"Don't worry Leo, we'll find a way, i promise.." Spike assured as he looked out as well.

Karai and Tiger claw were currently moving through the rooftops again trying to find Spike and the others.
"Having a hard time keeping up girl?" Tiger claw mocked.
"I was taking it easy on you since you have one eye and no tail." Karai teased which annoyed him.
"You think your clever? Your a fool!" Tiger claw countered.

"I'm a fool? You faced the turtles and Spike before and lost, what exactly is your grand plan for revenge here?" Karai asked impatient.
"To destroy warriors such as these, you don't strike at their limbs, you go for they're heart." Tiger claw said with a growl.
"And what does a cat know with an over grown heart?" Karai asked again.
"Why do you think the Shredder sent you with me?" Tiger claw asked and the realization hit her.

"Because i know them, i know the places they go, i know they're weakness.. they're friends, April O Neil, and Casey Jones." Karai explained.
"The riders of the worm, they will all pay for what they did to me.." Tiger claw said menacingly.

Murukami was in the shop and sweeping things up until a shadow passed by.
"Hello? is somebody there? Leonardo? Spike?" He asked before a shadow loomed over him and he saw Karai and Tiger claw towering above him.
"Not quite." Karai said with anger, she knocked the broom out of his hand and pinned him to the wall.
"The turtles and Spike." Karai demanded wanting to know where they are.
"I don't know what your talking about.." He said nervously.

"Lying will only make this worse, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Spike. Where do they live?" Karai asked with anger.
"I do not know! Please.. please!" Murukami begged which had her soften her look, she sighed and let go of him.
"There is no honor in this." Karai said walking off, Tiger claw growled and towered over him.
"I did not come here for honor.." Tiger claw said as he brought out his claws..

Spike and the others were heading back to the lair until Mikey realized something.
"Guys, stop!" Mikey warned which made them stop.
"What's wrong Mikey?" Spike asked concerned.
"I feel like i forgot something, something important, it's right on the tip of my tongue!" Mikey said in fear, Spike rolled his eyes as he figured what this could be while the others suggested things.
"Did you forget the extra bag we left at the shop?" Spike asked annoyed and Mikey gasped in realization.
"Yes! That's it! We have to go back!!" Mikey shouted as he ran off and Spike slapped his face while all of them groaned in annoyance.

Spike and the others made it back to the place, but they saw there were claw marks over the walls.
"Whoa.. what happened here?" Spike asked worried.
"Mr Murukami!" Mikey shouted as he saw him cowering behind the desk.
"Mr Murukami! It's me Mikey! Are you okay?!" Mike asked worried.
"What happened here?!" Spike asked helping him up.

"Ugh.. they came looking for you. They wanted to know where you lived, but i didn't know.. they asked about your friends, to my shame, i told them everything i knew.." Murukami said regretfully.
"Who did this?" Raph asked upset at this.
"The girl.. and a growling man.." He said in fear as Spike and Leo looked at the markings.
"Tiger claw is back! And he's going after April and Casey!" Leo said seriously which made them all gasp.

"We need to save April! And Casey.. you know time per minute" Donnie said raising his finger up.
"The girl has gotta be Karai Leo! I told you.." Raph said before Spike shut him up.
"Enough Raph, you always pin the blame on Leo, can't you just share the blame instead of pushing it off shamefully?!" Spike asked in anger which made him flinch.

"April's not picking up her T phone she always answers!" Donnie said worried.
"We'll split up, Me, Donnie and Spike will go to April's place, you and Mikey get to the ice ring and warn Casey." Leo instructed and that had Raph and Mikey run out.
"Why wouldn't she answer her phone?" Donnie asked worried.
"Don't over think it Donnie, come on." Spike said as they started.

April, Casey and their other friend were just walking out of the movie theater and April was going on about how amazing it was.
"I just don't get why our date had a third wheel attached to it." Casey said referring to the one behind him.
"Hello? I'm right here." She said annoyed moving past him.
"That's the problem!" Casey pointed out.

They kept moving for a moment until April's head went off again.
"What? What's wrong?" Casey asked worried.
"We're being followed" April said looking around.
"What?" She asked confused.

"Okay, whatever it is we split up and lead it away from the third wheel here. Plan?" Casey asked seriously.
"Plan." April replied and they ran off.
"Guys, am i missing something?... Well that's just great.." She said crossing her arms.

Casey went back to his home to get his gear and April was currently being chased by Karai again. Casey went into an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster and looked around.
"Yes! Coast is clear. Casey Jones can't be caught." Casey said seriously, he suddenly heard a growl and saw Tiger claw above him.
"Oh.." Casey said shocked as he lunged at him.

Casey was knocked down to the ground for a moment as Tiger claw walked to him, Casey opened his eyes and pulled out his shocker which made him scream in pain, Casey took out his roller skates and went behind him.
"Come no Tiger dude, let's see what you.." Casey said right before Tiger claw stood up and growled with anger.
"Got? You know what, on second thought, i don't need to see what you got!" Casey said in fear as he tried escaping him.

Kirby had gotten out his phone and was trying to call April.
"She's not answering, she always answers." Kirby said getting really worried.
"That's what i said!" Donnie pointed out.
"She might be in trouble, we have to find her!" Spike said worried as well.
"He's right, Kirby said she went to the movies, that's where we start." Leo instructed and Spike started heading in that direction.

Karai landed on another rooftop and saw April running down the streets. April continued to run right until she landed in front of her.
"O neil." Karai said raising her hands up.
"You wanna do this Karai, fine! But i'm warning you, i've been training with Splinter big time, and i'm ready to kick your butt!" April said seriously as she held out her weapon, Karai simply stood up and didn't do anything.
"I didn't come to fight, i came to talk." Karai explained which shocked her.
"Oh.. well i've been trained in that too." April said still confused on this.

Casey was still trying to run away from Tiger claw as he kept on chasing him.
"You know, part of me always wanted to fight a man eating tiger, you know any real ones?" Casey joked as he dodged another attack.
"You think this is some sort of game?!" Tiger claw asked in rage.

"Whoa, yes! Keep away from one eyed freaks! Or we could play a game of crush the cat! Later!" Casey shouted as he pressed on a button and a car lowered down blocking Tiger claw's path. Casey kept on climbing up the shafts but Tiger claw used his jet pack and flew on over to the top. They both got onto the top and Tiger claw drew his sword.
"If i wasn't about to die right now, this would be so cool!" Casey said in fear and amazement.

Karai and April were currently on another rooftop with Karai explaining herself.
"All my life i've been raised to think Shredder was my father, that Splinter was the enemy. So when Leo and Spike told me Splinter was my true father, i refused to accept it, but now.. i'm having doubts about Shredder's honor." Karai explained.
"Really? Doubts about the evil leader of the evil ninja clan?" April asked sarcastically.

"Yes, even now, Shredder has sent Tiger claw to destroy the turtles and Spike, he's trying to use me to set a trap for them. But.. i can't.. even if it means betraying Shredder." Karai explained more which confused her.

Casey screamed as he went onto another rooftop still being chased by Tiger claw.
"Taste exploding pucks!" Casey shouted as he threw some at him, but that barely faced him and he kept chasing him.
"Whoa!" Casey screamed as he slid right into a green house.
"Okay Cat man dude, you wanna do this? Let's do this!" Casey said as he took out his bat.

Casey kept on trying to hit him with his back, but Tiger claw kept backing away from each attack until he grabbed the bat and threw it aside, Casey jumped on a table and leapt on over to the bars and tried attacking form above, but it was blocked once more and Tiger claw grabbed his leg and dangled him over the air.
"You will pay for what you did to me! The suffering you caused, the pain i endured!" Tiger claw said with malice.
"Your not still mad about the whole worm thing are you?" Casey asked nervously.

Tiger claw growled in rage and threw him off the roof, Casey used his skates to slow his fall down until he landed on a dumpster again. Casey groaned weakly and held his hand out and pressed a homing button on his phone.

Raph and Mikey made it to the ice ring, and Raph was looking annoyed as Mikey kept on sliding around the ring like nothing was wrong, Raph's phone suddenly went off and he picked it up.
"Casey? Casey! Casey answer me!" Raph said trying to get a response.
"Somethings wrong Mikey, what do we do?" Raph asked as he leaned over next to him.
"I know exactly what to do!" Mikey said which annoyed Raph.

"We use our phones to triangulate the positions of Casey's T phone by bouncing a locater signal off the satellite" Mikey suggested which surprised Raph.
"That's.. actually a good idea, it's like we're in a completely different world or something.." Raph said shocked.
"You can also track pizza delivery that way, Booyakasha." Mikey said dramatically.

Spike, Leo and Donnie were at the theaters now, but they found no one so far.
"Where are they?" Spike asked as he looked around, Donnie looked on another rooftop and saw April talking with Karai.
"There she is! Come on guys!" Donnie shouted as he and the others went over.

"Get away from her!" Donnie said with anger as they marched to her.
"Leo, Donnie, Spike, wait! You have to believe what she has to sat!" April defended.
"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked curious.
"I believe you both.. i believe that Splinter is my true father." Karai said sadly which shocked them.
"Really?" Spike asked shocked as he felt something was off here.

"I believe that she believes you." April said to them
"I believe.. April." Donnie said which made Spike slap his face again. Leo and Spike looked at Karai who looked hopefully, they both decided that she might be honest.

"This is.. this is great! I knew you'd come around, we'll take you to the lair, to see Master Splinter." Leo said grabbing her hand and they walked off.
"I don't know about this.. i sense somethings off.." Spike said feeling suspicious of this.
" Me too.. but Raph's not gonna believe this.." Donnie said nervously which made him chuckle a little.
"Just imagine his reaction, let's just go." Spike said as he followed them.

We cut back to the lair where they had just told Raph everything.
"I don't believe this! What have you guys done?!" Raph asked in rage, Mikey ran over to Casey who looked extremely injured.
"Casey!" April said worried and she and Spike came up to him.
"What world do you live in, that you think it's okay to bring the princess of the Foot clan to our lair?!" Raph asked furious at him.

"What happened to Casey?" Leo asked worried for him.
"Tiger claw threw him off a building. And you just brought partner and crime home for dinner." Raph said pointing at Karai.
"Shredder lied to me, i didn't know!" Karai said in defense.
"Did you know i'm about to stick this sai right up.." Raph said before Spike knocked them away. While they were arguing, Karai backed up and activated a homing device that gave Tiger claw her location.

"Raph enough, Karai says she believes us, so it's best we give her that chance." Spike argued pushing him back, Raph scoffed and put his weapons away.
"Fine, but if she ends up betraying us, don't say i didn't tell you so!" Raph countered.
"Enough!" Splinter announced and they saw him looking over them, his vision cleared up and he saw Karai next to them.

"Miwa.." Splinter said in shock.
"Splinter.." Karai said with a bow, Splinter smiled for a moment before he started walking off.
"Come with me." Splinter asked which confused her, but she did so anyway, Raph was about to punch Spike's shoulder until he grabbed Raph's hand with his mutant arm and twisted it in response.

Karai followed Splinter into the dojo and saw the large tree that had grown inside, she saw Splinter near a family photo and walked up to him.
"I retain very little from my old life, but this i will never let go, my daughter.." Splinter said as he handed her a photo, the photo showed her mother and Splinter when he was human which completely shocked her.

She looked over and saw a family photo of when she was born.
"I.. i can't believe it.. your telling the truth.. all these years Shredder has been lying to me.." Karai said horrified while she backed up.
"I thought you believed us Karai? Did you.. did you lie?" Spike asked feeling betrayed as he and the others heard all of it.
"Father.. Spike.. what have i done?!" Karai asked horrified, Tiger claw was following the homing signal and growled in rage.

Tiger claw landed on the floor and looked around.
"Reptiles, where are you?" Tiger claw said as he sniffed them out and saw the manhole cover.
"Underground. In the sewers!" Tiger claw said with anger.

"You had to see it with your own eyes, you had to learn the truth for yourself." Splinter said to Karai who was still in shock.
"You knew.. you knew i was lying.." Karai said regretfully.
"No doubt Shredder's forces are on they're way." Splinter said seriously.

"Karai, why? I thought you said you'd trust me, i thought we were friends!" Spike said upset at her.
"I'm sorry Spike.. truly.. But i need to get out of here now, i can lead Tiger claw away from here!" Karai said in fear.
"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's move!" Spike shouted as he and the others ran off as fast as they could.

Casey was still out of it while April looked over him.
"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" April asked worried as Splinter walked in.
"Ugh.. April.. why'd you have to bring Irma again? She's so nasty.." Casey asked weakly as he was finally waking up.

Spike and the others were making they're way through trying to lead Tiger claw away, Tiger claw growled with rage and followed the homing device, they all came into an open area and all stopped to think of a plan.
"Well princess, you got us into this, where to?" Raph asked still upset at her. Karai was breathing heavily trying to think of something.

"I.. i don't know.." Karai said in fear.
"It'll be alright, we just need to think of something." Spike assured trying to find an idea.
"Everyone stop! I know exactly where to go!" Mikey said confidently which confused them.
"I feel scarred.." Donnie said really confused.

Mikey had led the others into a meet house where everything was frozen, Tiger claw growled in anger as he looked around for them.
"I can't smell you, but i can hear you." Tiger claw said with anger, a shadow passed by him and he turned around.
"Show yourselves!" He shouted with hate. Spike snuck by behind him and vanished again.
"They're stalking me.." Tiger claw told himself, he took out his sword and began looking around.

Spike jumped out of the shadows and kicked him in the face which made him cut apart a piece of meat.
"Are you afraid to face me?!" Tiger claw asked before another hit greeted his face.
"Are you afraid to fight me?!" Tiger claw asked again, his ear twitched and this time he caught Raph by the leg and threw him down and caught his weapon. He saw Spike and the others using the pieces of meat to vanish and sneak across the place.

"Let us finish this." Tiger claw said as he backed into the kitchen, Spike drew his sword and all of them walked into it as well. The lights suddenly flickered on and off and they vanished before him as they turned on again. Tiger claw growled and he was greeted by a strong punch to the face from Spike's mutant arm again. Tiger claw growled and stood up.
"So, you are a real dragon? I have seen many things, but a real dragon isn't one of them, i hope you don't disappoint me." Tiger claw said gripping his sword.
"Well i assure you i won't!" Spike said seriously drawing his own.

Spike and Tiger claw screamed as they clashed swords with eachother, Spike backflipped over another slash from him and he delivered an uppercut in response. Raph and Leo appeared from the shadows and started fighting him to, he blocked an attack from they're weapons before he used his strength to throw them across the room. Donnie landed on the table and swung his staff at him, but Tiger claw grabbed it with his mouth and threw Donnie down as well. He was about to stab him until a chain wrapped around his arm, he saw Mikey holding him back against the saw and he tried breaking free.

This led Raph and Spike to jump into the air and continue to attack him, Spike ducked under a slash from his sword and he grabbed his hand before freeing Raph's sai from it.
"Here you go." Spike said handing Raph his weapon.
"Thank you." Raph said before they charged at him again.

Tiger claw saw Leo on the top of the lamp and saw he was about to strike, he used this to cut himself free from the chain and Mikey went flying into the freezer again. Spike and the others kept on trying to fight him, but he was strong and knocking him all down. Raph and Tiger claw glared at eachother before Mikey came back in and saw he was knocked down too. Mikey screamed as Tiger claw grabbed him and pinned him down.

Leo tried attacking him one more time before Tiger claw delivered another strong punch to him and sent him against the table, Tiger claw held out his sword in his face and Karai landed down.
"Karai, would you like the honor of finishing him?" Tiger claw asked him, Karai closed her eyes before having a serious look.
"I have no honor, but that's about to change!" Karai shouted drawing her sword.

She proceeded to deliver a strong kick which knocked him out of balance, Karai lunged in the air and tried attacking him again, but he grabbed her sword and held her against the saw. She used her reflexes to recover from it and land back on her feet. She tried to attack him again, but Tiger claw had enough and punched her to the wall and knocked her out.
"Karai!" Spike shouted with horror as he picked her up and looked at them.
"If you value her life, do not take another step." He warned as he pressed another button.

This activated a grinder right next to him and Spike and the others hesitated to rush in.
"Just as i thought." Tiger claw said as he put her over his shoulder.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted in horror as he escaped through a window.
"Guys! We have to save her!" Spike said worried, but he saw Mikey was badly hurt again and the others were helping him.

"Wow.. i think his shell was knocked lose.. we have to get him back to Master Splinter.." Donnie said as his body was badly bruised again.
"Karai.." Leo said worried with Spike looking down regretfully.
"I still don't trust her." Raph said upset at them.
"Are you kidding? She saved us!" Leo said in anger.
"What is wrong with you Raph? It doesn't matter if she was raised by Shredder, she chose to save us, she wouldn't fully be on her side if she did. You need to learn to open up Raph." Spike said crossing his arms, Raph looked down feeling ashamed as Spike and Leo looked back worried for her.
"We'll save you soon Karai, i promise.." Spike swore as he hoped he can save her soon..

We cut back to Shredder's lair where Tiger claw explained everything.
"She has betrayed you Master Shredder. She fought alongside the turtles and dragon." Tiger claw said as Shredder looked over the city again.
"Tell me the truth! Splinter is my father isn't he?!" Karai asked with rage. Shredder didn't respond and he walked down over to her.

"Yes. Hamato Yoshi is your true father." Shredder answered which shocked her again.
"What?!" Karai asked as she looked down on the floor in disbelief.
"Tiger claw, take her away!" Shredder ordered. Tiger claw grabbed her shoulder and we cut to her being thrown in a prison cell and saw them walking away.
"No, no what are you doing?! No!!!!" Karai shouted with horror as she was left alone..

36: Vengeance is Mine

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Karai was in her cell once again trying to escape with a metal coin she had, she heard a door open and saw Fishface walk in.

"Well, if it isn't the Sushi i ordered." Karai said with a smug. He groaned and handed her over some food.
"Ugh and whatever that is." Karai said in disgust looking at it.
"This is a dungeon, not a bed and breakfast, you will eat whatever i bring!" Fishface said annoyed.
"You mean whatever Tiger claw tells you to bring." Karai countered.

"Ugh, if Master Shredder didn't need you, i would teach you some manners!" He said clutching the cell bars.
"Oh really? And what does he need me for?" Karai asked suspicious.
"Just watch your tongue girl, Rgh!" He said in frustration and walked off again.

Karai used the coin again and tried to escape, she finally got a bar lose and used it to open the cell door, she looked around for a moment until she opened the door to escape, she was about to run until she heard a growl and felt a hand grab her. She was thrown to the ground and saw Tiger claw above her.
"Where do you think your going little one?" He asked menacingly, Karai tried using the bar as a weapon to hit him, but it barely hit him at all, he grabbed the bar with his hand and kicked her to the wall. Tiger claw bent the bar he had until Karai came in and delivered a kick to his face, she leapt in the air and tried finishing him off, but he countered her attack and held out his claws until someone came in.

"Stop! You will not harm her." Shredder ordered.
"As you wish, Master Shredder." Tiger claw said respectfully. Karai had woken up again in her cell, this time she had chains restraining her arms.
"Karai. I wish you could understand." Shredder said as he took off his mask revealing his face.
"Everything i have done is for our clans honor, why do you insist on hurting me?" Shredder asked as Karai said nothing.
"Have you nothing to say to me, daughter?" Shredder asked her.
"I am not.. your.. DAUGHTER!!" Karai shouted with rage.

Spike and the others were now in the lair, trying to figure out an escape plan for Karai.
"This is the only way it can work Raph." Leo said while he was sitting down.
"Yeah, i'm on board for the whole rescuing Karai thing, but if we're going through the whole trouble of invading Shredder's lair, we gotta take him down once and for all!" Raph said seriously.
"It's too risky Raph, we know what happened the last time you faced him." Spike said looking over it.

"Hold up dudes, why do i got to be the bait while Donnie's sits in the shellraiser?" Mikey asked looking over it.
"Someone's gotta be the getaway driver." Donnie explained.
"Look, everyone is important here." Leo said wanting to move forward.
"This agreement about a mission is never a good way to get in, Leonardo, Spike, may i speak with you two?" Splinter asked them.
"Um.. sure sensei." Spike said as he and Leo went to talk with him.

"I know you both are anxious to free Karai, but a plan that leads to confrontation with the Shredder is doomed to failure." Splinter told them.
"Even if we have to face Shredder, isn't it worth it to rescue your own daughter?" Leo asked him.
"She's been held there long enough, it's time we save her." Spike said seriously.
"I am sorry, but i am not willing to risk your lives, or my daughters." Splinter said walking off which made them upset.

"So, is that a no go on operation Rescue Karai?" Mikey asked as they walked up again.
"No Splinter's wrong, we can't wait." Leo replied.
"We're coming to save Karai, whether he sees it or not." Spike said seriously.
"Let's do this!" Raph said as they put they're hands together.

We cut to the Shellraiser where they were beginning they're plan, Donnie was in the van typing on a computer while Leo narrated they're plan.
"Donnie, you monitor from the Shellraiser and give us some cover." Leo instructed as he pressed on a button which blew a fuse shutting down the places power.
"Mikey will distract them with his mad skills, and while Shredder's men are distracted. Raph, Spike and i will sneak in through the sewers." Leo said as we see them sneaking in and taking down more foot bots.

Spike ran over to the cell hoping to find her.
"Karai it's us, are you there?" Spike asked looking inside.
"Spike? took you long enough." Karai said inside it.
"Better late then never right?" Spike asked as he drew his sword and started carving a way out.
"You guys stay on lookout while i open this." Spike said while the others did so.

Mikey was on the rooftop using his shadows to lure Rahzar and Fishface away, this caused them to run into eachother and it knocked them down.
"Eh?" Fishface asked as he saw Mikey on the roof using his fingers before blowing a raspberry at them.
"It's a trick!" Fishface said as Mikey was scooting away.

Spike was still picking the lock until he finally did.
"Got it !" Spike said in victory opening it. They started moving out trying to escape.
"How did you get past Tiger claw?" Karai asked curious.
"They didn't!" Tiger claw announced. They looked up and saw him in the front ready to fight.

Spike and the others screamed in rage and charged at him, Raph tried physical contact with him and was repeatedly punching him until he knocked Raph away, Leo tried swinging his swords at him but that made Leo get slammed to the wall. Spike came in with rage and prepared a pressure point attack.
"Take this!!" Spike screamed as he delivered some solid pressure points on his lower arm, and chest, Spike flipped back to Karai who held up a sword.
"What was that supposed to.. do?" Tiger claw asked before his body suddenly shut down and he fell to the floor.
"Splinter taught me great pressure points, come on guys let's go!" Spike shouted as they started running off with Tiger claw trying to move.

"You are looking good Rahzar? You lost some weight?" Mikey asked as he barely dodged another slash from him, Mikey used a slide attack which kicked him right off the edge of the roof, Mikey clenched his arm in pain until he heard footsteps.
"Let's see how well you fight with one arm!" Fishface said as he charged at him.

"Donnie, we need you here now!" Spike said as Donnie was monitoring things.
"On it, i'll be there soon!" Donnie announced as he was preparing the Shellraiser.

Spike and the others were running through the halls and crawled out of the sewers of the place.
"Mikey!" Raph said worried as he saw he was injured.
"I'm good, it's not my water balloon throwing arm. Ow!" Mikey said in pain as Raph helped him move. Spike and the others were about to escape until more foot bots landed in front of them until they were surrounded, Tiger somehow recovered from the nerve attack and was right behind them.
"Surrender reptiles! Your outnumbered!" Tiger claw said pulling out his guns. He laughed evilly until a high pitched noise hit his ears and he screamed in pain.
"Better count again!" Donnie announced as he flew into the scene and ran over the foot bots and opened the door.

"Sweet timing D" Mikey said impressed.
"Let's move, now!" Spike said grabbing Karai's arm and they started driving off at fast speeds. The foot bots weren't giving up and they were starting to climb on top of the van.
"Leave them to me!" Spike shouted as he pulled out his sword and plasma whip, he opened the hatch and jumped out and landed on the top as the van kept driving. Spike could hear motorcycles and saw Tiger claw along with the other mutants chasing them.
"Bring it on." Spike said with anger as he started tearing through the bots by himself.

Raph was looking at the camera and saw they were out of ammo.
"Okay, who forgot the manhole covers?" Raph asked turning to Mikey and Donnie, Mikey pointed at Donnie and he growled in anger at him. Spike stabbed another through the head and moved over when the garbage cannon rose and fired at the others. Tiger claw pulled out his guns and fired at Spike who was blocking them with his sword.
"Is that all you got? Piles of garbage?" Karai asked Donnie.
"This baby still has some tricks up her sleeve." Donnie said pressing on a button.

This caused a smoke screen to come out from behind them and it blinded the others, Donnie moved down and selected some grease to slip them up, Spike finished off the last foot bot and punched off it's head and watched as the grease slick caused Fishface to spiral out of control and slam into the wall. But Tiger claw wasn't done and he used his jetpack to land onto the roof of the car. Tiger claw opened the hatch and forcefully grabbed Karai and pulled her out.

"Karai!" Spike shouted pulling her back.
"I have you two now!" Tiger claw said menacingly. He aimed his gun at them and started firing at them.
"This is getting old by now!" Spike said as he and Karai flipped over them, Karai pulled out some spikes on her shoes and charged at him and held back his sword, Spike pulled out his whip and was twirling it around. Karai tried punching him over again, but she wasn't strong enough and he grabbed her and slammed her across the side.
"Enough!!" Spike screamed in rage as he wrapped the whip around him again, Spike held out his two fingers again and used the move Splinter taught him once more, he made a strong shockwave that sent Tiger claw flying off the van and went slamming into a wall.

"Eat that tin can!" Mikey shouted as they all cheered in victory, Tiger claw groaned getting up and he saw them leave with Spike waving his fingers around before getting back in.

Karai was brought back into the van and Spike landed back down.
"Guys.. Leo.. Spike.." Karai said looking at all of them.
"I know Karai, your not good at saying thank you." Leo said which made her smile.
"But for what it's worth, your welcome anyway, it's great to have you back Karai." Spike said helping her up.
"Great job taking down Tiger claw, Spike.. you did a great job." Karai complimented.
"Hey, i wasn't about to let him hurt you." Spike replied as he got in a seat and they drove home...

Mikey fell onto a beanbag as we see Raph getting some bandages for him.
"I hope this means you'll stay." Leo said as they walked in.
"Your always welcome here you know?" Spike asked helping her in.
"With Shredder after me, what choice do i have? It's actually.. not bad." Karai said looking around.
"It's awesome right? This calls for a family hug!" Mikey announced before Spike pushed him away.
"Your not in the best position for hugs now buddy." Spike said looking at his arm.

"Michelangelo, what happened?" Splinter suddenly asked walking in.
"It's just a scratch, you should see the other guy." Mikey said pointing back.
"What have you boys done? I thought i told you.." Splinter said before he saw Karai looking ashamed.
"Miwa.. " Splinter said in shock.
"Father.." Karai said before she gave him a hug which he returned with the others watching.

"See sensei? told you our plan would work." Leo assured.
"Perhaps some things are worth the risk.." Splinter said looking at her.
"And i promised i'd bring her back, and i'm glad i could." Spike said proudly looking over things.

Tiger claw was back in Shredder's lair again and made a bow.
"I have scowered the city, but could not sniff out the turtles and dragon and Karai." He explained while Shredder looked upset.
"Foot bots are still on the search, they will report to me with every detail.." He said as Shredder walked up.
"Karai's escape was inevitable, in fact, i was counting on it." Shredder said which confused him.
"Why? She knows everything." Tiger claw asked confused.
"Before long Karai will return with Hamato Yoshi and the dragon, along with his wretched turtles to finish the job, but i will have my vengeance! Get me Baxter Stockman." Shredder ordered turning to him as thunder and lightning flashed over.

Spike was now in Donnie's lab again looking over the info about his mom he got, Karai came in and saw what he was doing.
"What are you doing Spike? The others just got done training in the dojo." Karai asked walking up.
"I'm looking over something.. important.." Spike said as he showed her the photos which shocked her.
"Is that your..?" Karai asked looking at them.
"Yes.. i found important info about her.." Spike said bringing over more photos.

"That's what your world looks like? It's very different that's for sure." Karai said as she saw how different it was.
"Yeah.. i've been gone for almost a year by now.. i just wonder if they're okay.." Spike said sadly looking over the photos of his friends.
"Spike, i gotta ask you something, why haven't you tried finding your way back, you said the Kraang took you here, and what if they're out there causing trouble like with this place?" Karai asked looking at him, Spike sighed and turned to her.
"I've tried looking for a way, but i know i can't leave this place now because the Kraang are still active, and leaving this world would put it at risk, and endanger my family. So i need to stay here until it's all said and done." Spike explained looking at her.

"Spike, don't you want revenge on them? They took you from your home and family, you could've had a life back there if you weren't' taken. Haven't you thought about putting them down for good?" Karai asked sounding upset at this.
"Believe me, i have been wanting to pay them back, especially for what they've done here, if there's one thing i've learned about this world and even in my own, it's that not everyone can change, some are meant to be the way they were made or born as, and those will share bad fates in the end.." Spike explained as he saw another photo of his mother with him as an egg.
"Spike, she could still be out there, don't you want to find her? You can't if you stay here, i can help you find her, you trust me with it right?" Karai asked as he got up.
"Of course i do, but there's a time for everything, i'll get back at the Kraang one day, and i'll find her soon, i just hope you'll be at my side when it happens. I'll find out more about her soon, but for now i'm gonna go to sleep, good night Karai." Spike said patting her shoulder and walking out while she looked concerned still.

Karai looked back at the photos of Spike and his family and saw just how happy they were together, even if he didn't meet his mother yet, she looked like she would raise him like the best mother she could be, it was something she wanted for so long, and yet it was taken away by Shredder.. and like how the Kraang took her away form him.. she looked at the photos and had a serious look.
"I'll make them pay Spike." Karai swore as she threw a knife at a wall and walked out.

Spike and the others were heading to they're rooms to sleep for the night.
"Night guys." Spike said going into his room.
"Night bro." Mikey replied going into his. Karai was pretending to sleep in her room until Leo opened it.
"Karai? You awake?" Leo whispered, she didn't respond and Leo assumed she was asleep and closed the doors. But Karai opened her eyes and tried sneaking out.

"Going after Shredder alone is a bad idea." Leo said as he saw her trying to leave.
"Don't try to stop me Leo." Karai warned as he landed down.
"I wanna go with you." Leo told her.
"What?" Karai asked confused.
"Your right, Shredder will never stop hunting us, the only way for us to be safe, is to take him down." Leo explained.

"So much of my life has been about revenge, i can't ask you to risk your life too." Karai replied.
"Let me help." Leo replied, Karai thought about it for a moment and walked up to him and he looked a little nervous.
Sorry Leo." Karai told him and she took out a smoke bomb and hit him in the face, Leo coughed roughly before he fell on the ground unconscious.
"This ends tonight" Karai shouted as she ran through the subway tunnels..

Leo was finally waking up until he just remembered something.
"Guys! Sensei!" Leo announced which got them all up.
"What's wrong?" Spike asked worried.
"And where is Karai?" Splinter asked as well.
"She feels like she can take out Shredder on her own." Leo explained which made Splinter shake his head.

"I was a fool, i told her too much, too quickly." Splinter said with regret.
"We need to stop her, come on guys!" Spike shouted running off.
"We can catch up with her in the Shellraiser!" Donnie said as they all went off.

Karai made her way back to Shredder's lair and was outside, she sliced off the heads of more foot bots and was quietly sneaking in, she saw what looks like the Shredder on his throne like always. But when she got close, she saw it was a decoy.
"Karai." Shredder announced as he came out of the shadows.
"Shredder." Karai said with anger, the mech suddenly activated and restrained her.
"You returned here sooner then i expected. Karai broke free of her restraint and stabbed the robot in the chest knocking it down.

"The time has come for me to say goodbye, Shredder." Karai said holding out her blade. Karai flipped on over and threw a smoke bomb in his face which he blocked, Karai jumped in the air and tired slashing at him, but Shredder blocked her attacks and pushed her back. She tried attacking him over and over, but Shredder kept blocking until he caught her sword.
"Foolish child! I taught you everything you know, you hold no surprises for me!" shredder said as he tossed her sword away. Karai threw some ninja stars at him which Shredder deflected away.

Shredder screamed with anger and he punched her in the head and knocked her down and pinned her to the ground.
"This has gone far enough!" Shredder said as the lights came on revealing that the entire foot clan was waiting for her.
"Still no sign of the turtles or dragon." Tiger claw reported.
"They should be here shortly, take her to Baxter Stockman, it's time we begin the experiment." Shredder said tossing her to him and he walked off.

Spike and the others arrived but they were too late and saw her being taken off.
"They got Karai! We're too late! Raph, fire up the weapons!" Leo ordered.
"No, it's too dangerous, follow close but don't let them spot us." Splinter ordered.
"Hai sensei." Spike said seriously as he followed behind without being seen.

We cut to Stockman's lab as he had tons of subjects around.
"Whatever you require i can create. More mutagen, a few chemicals." Stockman said before Shredder scarred him.
"Stockman" Shredder announced which freaked him out a bit.
"Master Shredder.." He said respectfully.

"Is the mutagen ready?" Shredder asked impatiently.
"Prepared to your specifications, the serpent DNA is ready." He said as he flew up to the tank of mutagen and poured it inside.
"No! You wouldn't!" Karai shouted before she was muffled from duck tape.
"Make sure she is secured" Shredder ordered, she was placed inside a cage and was lowered right below the mutagen tank while she tried escaping.

"Your more ruthless then i thought. Mutating your own cub." Tiger claw said in shock.
"I have no intent on mutating her. She is bait, when the turtles and dragon come to rescue her i will drop them into the mutagen." Shredder explained as he put a rat into a snakes cage and locked it.
"This will mutate them into mindless serpents." Shredder said as they had arrived outside the lab.
"I want the rat to witness his own pupils become of the rats deadliest predators, i have had this planned for the dragon for sometime, and once his spirit is broken, i will shatter his mind." Shredder explained as the serpent attacked the rat violently.

"Isn't' that dragon a Psychic? Wouldn't he resist the effects of the mutagen on his mind if he was mutated?" Rahzar asked confused.
"Even if he does resist it, he will never be able to return to that home of his again, he will be seen as a monster." Shredder said menacingly, Tiger sniffed around and smelled something.
"I smell the turtles and dragon." Tiger claw said as he shot a flare to the ceiling and they saw Splinter on the top.

Splinter landed down and Spike took down Baxter with Raph as they all landed down too.
"Welcome my old friend." Shredder mocked.
"Let my daughter go!" Splinter demanded.
"She doesn't belong to you!" Spike said clutching his mutant arm again.
"Your welcome to rescue her, if you can." Shredder said as all the foot bots came out with they're weapons drawn.

Splinter lunged at Shredder and drew a sword from his staff, he and Shredder started to fight while Spike was tearing through the bots.
"Yes, fight me rat!" Shredder said as they kept fighting,.

Spike ducked under and attack from Rahzar and charged up his mutant arm before sending him flying into the air, Spike jumped up and delivered multiple strikes all over him until he slammed him down. Leo and the others continued to fight the footbots until Donnie noticed something.
"Ah!" Donnie shouted as he was pushed right into a cage right below him, the same happened with the others as well, Splinter was suddenly wrapped around with some ropes by more foot bots and they restrained him.

"Guys!" Spike shouted as he tore through the bots with his sword, he was about to be pushed into one too, but Spike held his sword up just before it closed, and the same happened with Leo. They broke free from them and tried saving Karai.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted as he and Leo landed on top of the cage and Leo took of the duck tape.
"Thanks." Karai said gratefully.
"I thought you weren't good at thank you's?" Spike joked, Karai chuckled for a moment until she saw Shredder jump above them.
"Look out!" Karai shouted and Spike saw it.
"Leo!!" Spike shouted as he pushed him out of the way at the last second.

This caused Shredder to cut off the chain, and that caused both Spike and Karai to fall.
"No!!!" Spike shouted as he and Karai screamed and they fell into the mutagen..
"Miwa! Spike!!" Splinter shouted with horror.
"SPIKE!!!" They all shouted with horror.
"Karai, no!!" Shredder shouted in horror as well.

Somber music could be heard as the cage went bursting out of the tank and they saw them inside. Spike could feel every cell in his body changing, he could hear his heart beating rapidly as he felt his cells glow bright green, he felt his legs start to disappear and he grew a large long tail, his spine stretched out and they became far sharper and deadly, and his arms turned into two separate snake heads. Spike screamed in pain as he felt his mind almost shattering, he started to have flashes in his head, he saw what looked like his mom fighting off the Kraang droids with fury, as he continued to transform.. he heard her voice again.
"Be strong my child! I will always be there for you! I will find you one day! Just hold onto your will!" She shouted which somehow blocked the mutagen from his brain. Spike screamed in pain as he released a powerful shockwave from his head and that knocked everyone down. They placed they're hands on the edge one last time before they fully transformed..

"Karai.." Shredder said as he saw the two arise from the mutagen in snake forms. Spike looked at Shredder with fury and made a loud hiss of rage and he delivered a strong strike to him and knocked him off the ledge. They both weakly crawled to the ledge and they fell down.

Splinter screamed in rage and he broke through the ropes, Splinter stabbed a robot in the head and went and caught Karai while Spike landed on the ground groaning in pain.
"Miwa.. Spike.. i'm so sorry.." Splinter said with regret as he saw Spike was mutated into a serpent like her.. Splinter didn't notice a snake tail coming behind him and it whipped him back and she opened her serpent eyes. Karai hissed with rage as she proceeded to tear through the foot bots. Spike could barely move, he didn't have legs anymore, but he still tried to help, he crawled over to the cages and freed the others who picked him up.

"Spike.." Raph said with huge sadness as they saw his state.
"Guys..." Spike said weakly as he could barely stay awake now.
"Bro.." Mikey said regretfully as Spike passed out from all of this..
"Spike.. we're so sorry.." Leo said as he started to cry.

A oil tank fell over and a spark from a foot bots head which created a fire and that started to destroy the lab.
"No! My lab!" Stockman said in horror before Shredder knocked him back.
"You, Hamato Yoshi! You did this!!!" Shredder said furious.
"You turned my daughter into a monster! And Spike didn't deserve any of this!! You will pay!!" Splinter said furious as the rubble blocked him.

"No!!" Shredder said in fury.
"Master Shredder, we must go!" Tiger claw said before he was pushed back.
"Leave me!!" Shredder said furious.
"Master Splinter will suffer for what's happened today, you have won!" He told him.
"Won?!" Shredder asked furious as he saw Karai hissing in fury again, Shredder took of his mask again and looked up at her.
"I shall avenge you my daughter!" Shredder swore as he started to escape.

The place was beginning to collapse and Raph and the others were helping the unconscious Spike move.
"We gotta get out of here!" Donnie shouted as the place was flaming up.
"Karai you must listen to me! We must go!" Splinter shouted, Karai hissed at him and coiled around him tightly which made him groan in pain.
"Daughter.. please.." Splinter said weakly.. Karai hissed at him before she started to realize who he is.
"Father?" She asked weakly, she looked around and saw Spike who had been turned into a serpent just like her.
"Spike?" Karai asked shocked seeing his state, She let go of him and slithered off and left them alone.
"Wait!" Leo shouted trying to stop her, she didn't listen however and escaped through the window.

Leo got up to a ledge and saw she was gone as rain poured down above them, the others were carrying Spike's new body up as they put him down. Splinter looked down at Spike's new body, his heart was filled with regret. Even if he would return home, it wouldn't be the same in this state now..
"Splinter.. what are we gonna do with him?" Leo asked looking at him.
"Let's go home my sons.. put him in bed, i want all of you to give him the best respect you can when he awakens, he won't take this well.." Splinter said regretfully.
"You can make a retro mutagen for both him and Karai, right Donnie?" Mikey asked sadly.
"I hope so Mikey.. i hope so.." Donnie said as they carried Spike's body off.
"I'm sorry Spike.." Raph said regretfully as they started to head home, they thought tonight would finally have they're family together again, but this only tore them apart from Karai more.. and Spike got mutated fully in the process.. they just hoped that whatever happens in the future.. Spike can handle it in his new serpent form..

37: Into Dimension X

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Spike could hear his own heartbeat as he finally came too, his body hurt all over right now, it felt different. Spike groaned as he finally opened his eyes again, we see him open them revealing his now serpent eyes.
"Where am i?" Spike asked weakly as he finally woke up, he brought up his head and saw that he was in his room again, it was normal like always, a few comic book covers on a desk, some of the swords he's gotten over the time he's been here on a wall, and some black masks for him.

"What happened to me?" Spike asked weakly, he looked and saw he was in his bed which covered up his whole body. Spike felt something off about his hand and moved it from under the sheets to see why.
"What?!" Spike asked shocked as he saw it wasn't a hand, it was a snake head, and it went all through his arm being less muscular and slender. Spike quickly took out his other hand and saw it was just like his other one.

"No.. this can't be!!" Spike said horrified, he tried grabbing the covers which was much more difficult as the heads basically bit down on them, Spike used his strength and lifted off the covers and his horror became even worse. He saw he didn't have legs anymore, his body was much longer and slender, his legs were replaced with a single long tail. His scales were still purple, but they were more darker now, and Spike could barely move it..
"I.. i thought it was just a nightmare...!!" Spike said horrified as he tried getting up.

He fell right out of his bed making a loud thud, he could barely move because he didn't have legs now, he tried crawling over to his mirror and grabbed onto it and pulled himself up, when Spike was in the mirror though, he was horrified. His body had transformed into a snake mutant, his spine was much sharper and looked like they could be used as a sword. Even his own tail was sharp and looked like a really tough whip. Spikes scales were a dark purple now, way darker then his normal form. He barely had any features of the dragon he once was, even his own head and face were more of a snake now.

Spike was breathing heavily and started to have tears in his eyes.
"No.. it can't be.. i'm a mutant.. no.. no!! ..... NOOOOO!!!!!" Spike screamed in horror through his room which echoed into the lair which caught everyone's attention.

Leo instantly came up and burst down the door to see the problem.
"Spike.." Leo said regretfully as the others came in and saw him crying on the floor.
"I'm a mutant.. i'm a freak.. i'm a.. monster.." Spike said crying heavily, the others came in and tried comforting him.

"Spike your not a monster, we've been like this for all our lives, we've gotten used to it." Leo assured with Spike looking at him.
"That doesn't help me Leo.. you were raised as mutants your whole life.. i just turned into one.. this is.. this is completely different.." Spike said crying heavily still.
"Spike, it doesn't matter whether or not your a mutant, your still our friend, we know how this is." Raph said trying to help him.
"Yeah bro, being a mutant can be cool! I can give you a new nickname if you want?" Mikey offered, Spike gave Mikey a glare and made a loud hiss of anger which caused him to scream and fall face flat on his head.

"Not the best timing for a nickname offer Mikey, especially right now!" Donnie said really annoyed. Spike was looking at his snake hands and tried moving them.
"How.. how long was i out?" Spike asked worried.
"You were out for a couple weeks, other then an incident with a rouge spirit on the lose, nothing much happened. We informed April and Casey about what happened, and they watched over you while we were out taking care of stuff." Raph explained as Spike tried moving around.

"Is there anything else i should know? I'm a snake mutant now, i can barely move properly, and i don't even have hands now." Spike said showing them his snake hands which hissed at them.
"Come on, let's take you to my lab, i'll explain any features you have now." Donnie said as they helped Spike out. Spike was barely able to walk, it was like sliding your feet on the floor all the time, slithering felt weird but Spike was trying to get used to it.

Spike was now in Donnie's lab looking over some results with it.
"So what's changed about me?" Spike asked worried trying to stand up, the portal device they got from before was still damaged and nearby, but that wasn't important right now.
"Let's see, here we go." Donnie said as he clicked on a button and the results of his new body popped up.
"Okay, first off, your brain hasn't been affected by the mutagen, meaning you won't be at risk of going frenzy against us or Splinter, but you'll still need to keep your anger in check." Donnie explained showing the X ray of his brain.

"What else is different?" Spike asked again.
"Well, given what i've seen so far, your snake hands function like your old ones, you'll just need to be careful and try and find out what else you can do now." Donnie explained looking at the two snake hands.
"I guess i'm gonna need a lot more training huh? Can barely fight if i don't know how to use my new body.." Spike said with regret looking over himself.
"I'm afraid so, but just know that we'll be here to help you no matter what." Donnie assured.

Spike smiled a little knowing he'll have them by his side.
"Thanks Donnie, i'm glad i can.. whoa!" Spike screamed as he accidently tripped off himself, this caused the portal device to fall down thinking they broke it, but it suddenly turned on and floated in the air and opened a portal.
"Dang it, stupid tail!" Spike said annoyed getting back up again.

"What happened here?" Raph asked annoyed as they came into the room.
"It was an accident!" Spike said in defense. Gas suddenly started leaking into the room which worried them.
"What is that?" Leo asked worried, Donnie looked at his computer to see what it was.
"It's Kraang atmosphere. Here! Filtration units, they'll allow us to breath it safely." Donnie said as they handed them some. Spike tried grabbing it with his snake hand and almost did, he carefully put it in his mouth like the others.
"At least they respond like my normal hands.." Spike said sadly looking at his body still.

"Guys, i think this goes to dimension X." Donnie said looking at the portal.
"Where the Kraang come from?" Leo asked in shock.
"Yes, it.." Donnie said right before the orb went off again. it glitched out for a moment until they found Leatherhead on the screen.
"Turtles, Spike!" Leatherhead said seriously.

"Leatherhead!" Spike said worried as he was glad to know he's okay still.
"Turtles, Spike! The Kraang have perfected the mutagen, they're about too!" Leatherhead said right before the message started over again.
"Oh no, he needs our help!" Spike said worried.
"He must be trapped in dimension X!" Donnie said in realization.

"Well wherever he is, we need to go in there and help Leatherhead!" Mikey said seriously. Spike and Mikey reflected on the events they had with Leatherhead. Leatherhead promised Spike he'll be there for him if something like this happens, and Mikey was a close friend.

Mikey suddenly had a serious look and went up to the portal.
"Mikey! What are you doing?!" Spike asked horrified, he tried stopping him but fell down on his tail again.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as he jumped through the portal.

"We need to go save him!" Spike said seriously trying to move.
"Spike no! You barely can use your body, you need to stay here!" Leo said trying to stop him.
"I don't care, if Leatherhead's in trouble i'm gonna save him! Are you with me, or not?" Spike asked seriously, Raph and Leo looked at eachother before nodding in agreement.

"Let's go!" Leo said as they started going through.
"Wait! The environment in there could be toxic!" Donnie warned.
"There's no time!" Leo shouted as they jumped through. Spike steadied his snake body and jumped in after as well, Donnie grumbled in annoyance before he jumped in as well.

Everyone was screaming in pure terror as they spiraled around the vortex through. Everyone materialized into the dimension and fell onto the metal platform. Spike groaned in pain and tried getting up again.
"Guys.. uh.. look." Leo said in shock. Everyone had a look of pure terror as they saw Dimension X. It was a large void that consisted of dozens of different islands, more of those alien worms can be seen and even more Technodromes like the one they brought down. The sun wasn't even one, as it was a huge eyeball that destroyed anything that was too close to it.

"So.. this is dimension X.." Leo said in shock while everyone looked around. They were suddenly brought down and they saw another one of those alien worms again.
"Freak show!" Raph said horrified.
"Okay, first i wake up as a snake mutant, then we find out Leatherhead's alive and trapped here, and now we're in the Kraang's home dimension! Is there anything else we need to know?!" Spike hissed with rage.
"Look out!" Raph shouted as Donnie fell off a ledge.

They all gasped in shock and went to check on him, but he was standing upside down.
"This is ridiculous! Gravity cannot work like this." Donnie said freaked out.
"Apparently here it can." Leo said helping him up while Raph and Spike looked everywhere in shock.
"Yeah, different dimension.." Donnie said as he threw a space rock, the rock went past them over and over again until Spike grabbed it.
"Different laws of physics.." Spike said as the snake hand let go of it.

"You should have stayed home Spike, you could get yourself killed here with the state your in." Raph said pointing at him.
"I didn't want you all to go it alone! Plus this could help me manage my new form right?" Spike asked looking at himself.
"Just stay close to us and be careful, we gotta find Mikey." Raph said as Spike was trying to slither properly.

"Where do we start?" Donnie asked curious.
"That's a good place as any." Leo said as he pointed to what looked to be a heavily guarded but secure facility.
"Let's do it!" Raph screamed in rage as he made a huge jump over to the other island at fast speeds.
"What are you waiting for? Come on!" Raph said looking back at them.

Spike readied his body again and slithered up and jumped as fast as he could as well along with the others, the others landed down safely while Spike fell on his back.
"Ugh.. i need to get used to this.." Spike said as he was getting up, the 4 of them continued to hop around all over the place as gravity was really light here.
"This.. is not.. real!" Spikes shouted as he landed on another, this time landing on his tail properly.
"Why aren't we seeing any Kraang around here?" Leo asked looking around.
"I don't know, but it's best they don't know we're here." Donnie said as Raph jumped down, Spike wrapped his tail around the platform to not fall.
"Except for those!" Raph said pointing at something.

The thing he pointed at looked like small blue cells.
"Aww, look at those guys, they're all so cute and sparkly." Raph teased.
"I don't think those are little guys.." Spike said in fear as the creatures came up to them, they soon towered over them revealing to be much larger then them.
"Yep, i was right, run!" Spike shouted as he dodged a lightning blast from them.

Spike and Donnie fell down on the ground while the others landed on they're feet. They drew they're weapons and jumped at them while Spike and Donnie watched.
"Spike, do you think you can help?" Donnie asked looking at him.
"Hmm. well let's see. I've barely been moving around as a snake for a few hours, barely can use my body, and don't have any weapons or skills to use in this form. WHAT DO YOU THINK I CAN DO?!" Spike shouted with a loud hiss.
"Can't you still breath fire?" Donnie suggested.
"Let's hope so." Spike said as he jumped in the air.

Spike took a deep breath and thankfully he was still able to breath fire, the fire was strong enough to cause the creatures to scream and pain and they stopped attacking them and flew off. Spike landed on the ground again breathing heavily.
"At least there's still some dragon left in me.." Spike said catching his breath.
"What the heck were those things?" Leo asked confused.
"If Mikey we're here he'd give them a nickname by now." Raph pointed out.

"Guys? I think these are the same kind of crystal that was in the power cell." Donnie said as he was trying to take one off, Spike's senses went off and that warned him about something.
"Donnie wait.. don't! " Spike shouted as he ripped it off and the crystal started glowing purple.
"Should've listened to you.." Donnie said disappointed right as they were escaping.
"Go, go go!" Leo shouted as they barely dodged an explosion from it.

All of them landed on another platform and rubble of dozens of crystals landed in front of them.
"New rule, nobody touch anything." Leo instructed.
"I guess if i need to fight, i should have something to defend myself." Spike said as he wrapped his snake arm around a crystal on the ground and picked it up.
"Just be careful since we know they're highly explosive okay?" Donnie asked him and Spike nodded in response.

Spike and the others continued to make they're way trying to calm down.
"Man, i kind of don't blame the Kraang for invading us, they're dimension stinks." Donnie said exhausted.
"Tell me about it, this feels like something out of those shows we watch." Spike said looking around.
"I don't know guys, get a look of that thing." Leo said pointing at a creature and made a " Meep" Sound.

"Leo the one thing we know about this dimension, is don't mess with anything cute!" Raph warned.
"I agree, i've seen plenty of cute things in Equestria that can be deadly." Spike said in agreement. Leo kept on mimicking the thing and it responded to him.
"Oh come on it's so small, how can it?" Leo asked right as the ground shook and the creature became a huge bug like monster.
"Are you kidding me right now!?" Spike shouted in frustration as they were running off again.
"I hate cute things, i hate em!" Raph shouted as they were running off as fast as they could.

Spike slithered down some platforms and tried using his arms like a hook shot to swing himself to other platforms that were floating around.
"At least these things can help me climb stuff!" Spike shouted as he barely dodged another attack. All of them screamed in fear as they ran across one of the asteroids that was floating around. A weird string suddenly wrapped around Spike and pulled him and Donnie away.
"What the heck?!" Spike shouted in shock. Spike saw a strange but familiar figure, he jumped down and pushed Raph out of the way and saved Leo right before he was crushed.

"Stay away from my brothers!" A familiar voice shouted.
"Mikey?!" They all shouted in shock, he looked to be in strange gear that looked to be hand made.
"Buzz off rockatopus!" Mikey shouted as he threw some crystal shards at the monster, they watched with they're jaws on the floor as they saw him take the thing down, Mikey swinged up to the head and punched it down, the creature roared as it fell into the large pink void.

"Your okay!" Donnie said in relief.
"What happened to you?!" Spike asked coming up to him.
"We were so worried about you!" Leo said relieved as well.
"Well what took you so long? I've been here for months!" Mikey said annoyed.

"Months?" Leo asked confused.
"Or maybe a few hours, i don't have a watch." Mikey suggested.
"But we went through the portal like 15 seconds behind you." Raph said really confused.
"Obviously time passes much faster here then in our dimension. There's a tempura differential." Donnie explained.
"I love tempura! " Mikey said right before he saw the creature again, he made a strange echo which made the creature leave again.

"What in Celestia's name?" Spike asked in shock.
"Let's get moving, that things gonna come back, and we've gotta rescue Leatherhead! Ohh, better stock up on bang rocks." Mikey said as he jumped over to more of the crystals.
"Mikey be careful!" Donnie warned.

Mikey made a cat like sound and that made a crystal safely remove itself.
"How did you do that?" Donnie asked amazed.
"A lot of stuff here responds to sound." Mikey said as he landed back down, he picked up some alien slugs and tossed each of them one.
"What are we supposed to do with these?" Leo asked confused.
"Like this." Mikey replied, he held it up and squeezed on it which shot a line out like a grapple hook, the others did the same and they were roughly pulled to the other platform.

"Wow! How do you know how these bug things work?" Raph asked amazed.
"Just seemed sorta obvious." Mikey said casually as he drank some gross liquid from the thing disgusting them all.
"Oh.. i think i'm gonna hurl!" Spike said in huge disgust holding back anything he had in his stomach.
"Alright enough of that guys, let's go save Leatherhead!" Mikey announced as he swung on ahead.

The 5 of them landed near the base and carefully moved through the crystals as cover.
"Okay, i got some good news, and i got some bad news." Mikey said hanging down in a familiar position.
"What's the good news?" Leo asked curious.
"The good news is that there's thousands of Kraangdroids in there." Mikey explained and Leo rolled his eyes.
"I said good news." Leo said again before the ground suddenly shook.

"I know, that's the bad news." Mikey announced as the rock monster from before merged out with a one that was all white and blue.
"That thing has a brother?! You have got to be kidding me!" Spike said really annoyed.

"I got this, just." Mikey said before Leo stopped.
"Donnie left, Raph right! Spike, stay put, move!" Leo ordered.
"Wrong!" Mikey said annoyed.
"How do we do it?" Spike asked trying to climb up to him.
"Follow my lead, just watch your tail." Mikey warned as he prepared to do something.

Leo and the others tried fighting them off the best they could, but they're weapons barely faced them at all, the lava monster picked him up and was about to kill him until he heard a voice.
"Hey Traag, Granitor! Put him down, now!" Mikey shouted, he and Spike grabbed more crystals and threw it at them.
"Take this!!" Spike screamed as he threw a larger one to them, it glowed purple again and exploded in front of them, this sent the two monsters falling into the void.
"Let's move!" Mikey ordered as they started moving.
"I say that." Leo said with a scoff.

Spike and the others snuck in threw the vent system, Spike carefully landed on his large tail and tried staying quiet. Spike peeked behind a corner and saw more droids. Mikey made a motion telling them to use the slug grapples, so they did and pulled the alien brains out of them.
"Smooth." Raph said impressed. They looked inside and saw a test happening.

"Initiate that which is known as mutagen transformation sequence." A droid said on an intercom. They watched in shock as mutagen tanks came out and saw as it turned a normal tree, into another crystal that looks like the one they're using.
"Oh no.." Spike said horrified in what this meant.
"That must be what Leatherhead meant when he said they perfected the mutagen. They're gonna use it to transform the earth, even the people! They're going to turn earth into another Dimension X!" Donnie said horrified as he saw the results on the screen.
"So i'll be a genius there too?" Mikey asked looking at the crystal.

"Yes Mikey, the one mildly positive thing among 10 billion screaming nightmares!" Donnie screamed with rage. They suddenly heard the door open and quickly escaped as the droids looked around. Spike slithered along with the others until he heard screaming.

"What do you want from me?!" Leatherhead asked in rage as he was chained up.
"That which is called screaming." A droid answered, Spike hissed with pure rage seeing them hurt his friend, Spike opened his wide jaw and ate off the head of a robot, he coiled around the bot and threw it into the other, the brains tried escaping, but Spike finished them off by grabbing them with the alien slug and throwing them hard into the wall.
"Dang Spike, you okay?" Raph asked worried while he breathed heavily.
"Yeah.. i'm fine.." Spike said turning to Leatherhead.

"Leatherhead! Are you okay? What can i do for you, can you.. ow!" Mikey screamed as he was crushed by him falling down after being freed.
"Leatherhead.. are you okay?" Spike asked trying to help him up, Leatherhead had a look of shock seeing him.
"Spike.. is that you? What happened to you my friend?" Leatherhead asked looking over his snake body.
"He got mutated by the Shredder into a snake mutant, he can barely use his body right now." Leo explained.

Spike came in and tried hugging him.
"Leatherhead.. i thought i wouldn't see you again.." Spike said with great sadness.
"I never let go of my will, i am sorry for what happened to you my friend, truly.." Leatherhead said regretfully as Spike looked at him.
"It's.. okay Leatherhead.. but what happened to you? You look so much older then i last saw you.." Spike asked as his scales were much more grey.
"Time has passed by much faster for me, i have been here for many decades, and when i found out the Kraang perfected the mutagen, i needed to contact you. The time has come, their invasion begins now." Leatherhead said before he picked up a large crystal.
"Follow me!" Leatherhead instructed as he proceeded to run down the halls with the others following.

Leatherhead burst open a wall and they saw a huge Kraang tech room with a huge crystal with portals everywhere.
"Oh that's not good." Donnie said worried.
"So many portals.." Leo said scarred as well.
"Look!" Leatherhead said pointing down, a bunch of droids emerged from the walls making it as large as an army.

"So.. looks like we're done here.." Donnie said horrified seeing this.
"We have to find a way to stop them." Spike said determined.
"The tunnel leads to the hive factory, where the Kraangdroids are manufactured. Their numbers are efficiently limitless." Leatherhead explained as the droids started to march.

"So what can we do?" Donnie asked worried.
"We can go down fighting, i would rather die on my feet, rather then on my knees." Leatherhead suggested. Spike looked at the large crystals and tried thinking of something.
"Guys.. remember what happened back with that crystal?" Spike asked them.
"Yeah, why?" Mikey asked curious.

"Well, if it exploded after being removed like that, if we do something with this one, the whole place should go boom!" Spike explained looking at the large crystal.
"Great idea Spike, Leo and Raph will stop the tunnels, Donnie, Spike and I will stop the portal generator, Leatherhead!" Mikey said pointing at him.
"Crush Kraang?" He asked eagerly.
"A lot! Let's hit it!!" Mikey shouted as they used the slugs to grapple on down again.

Leatherhead landed on multiple droids and started to fight them off, Leo and Raph were tearing through the bots until he saw something.
"There, some kind of blast door." Leo said looking at it.
"we can get that closed!" Raph shouted as they dodged more laser fire, Leo tried shutting it down but it didn't work, a droid aimed a gun at him, until Leo sliced off its hand and used that to close the blast door and it shut all of them. Raph and Leo suddenly saw a huge spider like bot with more droids on top and screamed as they avoided more gunfire.

Spike breathed fire on another hoard of bots and let Leatherhead roll around the rest.
"It's good to have you back Leatherhead!" Spike said gladly as he used the alien slug to pull another brain out.
"It is good to be back my friend!" Leatherhead replied as he made another loud roar of rage.

Donnie took down the one on the console and started accessing it.
"Okay, we need to shut down all but one portal to send us home, then we set the whole place to blow after we come through." Donnie said typing on the console. He pressed on another button, but a sound was made signaling it didn't work.

Leo was still running from the spider mech while Raph fought off more robots, he took down one and threw a ninja star in its gun, but it tossed the gun away and got into a boxing position.
"Oh crud nuggets.." Raph said annoyed. Raph proceeded to have a boxing match with the thing while Spike and Leatherhead took down more droids, Spike saw a gun on a floor and got an idea, Spike tried picking it up, but still couldn't get a firm grip.
"Stupid snake hands!" Spike said frustrated, he then tried something different and used his long tail to grab it. This time it worked and he started firing at more of them.
"How do you like it punks!?" Spike screamed with rage as he shot them down.

Raph finished the alien bot off by ripping it out in a brutal way.
"Fatality!" Spike shouted in a deep voice as he blasted the thing down. Leo got an idea to finish off the spider mech, he wrapped a rope around the mech and used Leatherhead to throw him down. He grabbed Leo by the face and threw him across, Leo slid down onto the other leg and tied the rope up and jumped down. Leatherhead finished the thing off by cutting off it's leg and that finally took it down, Spike aimed his gun at the bots and finished them off.

A laser suddenly appeared above them and they watched in shock as the blast door came down and it was revealed to be more droids with more mechs.
"Donnie, we could really use that escape right now!!" Spike shouted as he dodged another laser just barely brushing his tail.
"Give me a minute!" Donnie shouted as he tried hacking into it again. Donnie tried closing them, but all he did was make them into different shapes.
"No, no!" Donnie shouted frustrated before Mikey pushed him away.

"Oh just let me do it!" Mikey told him, he proceeded to just flap his hands all around the console multiple times before pressing on the button, that somehow shut the portals down except for one.
"Come on! 30 seconds!" Mikey ordered.
"Time to go!!" Donnie announced running to it.
"Leatherhead, come on!" Spike shouted as he took another down. Leatherhead roared again and grabbed Spikes body and charged through the portal, Mikey looked down and saw they were on a rooftop in the city.
"We're good!" Spike shouted as he looked through.

Mikey continued to tear through the robots as the others escaped back to the city before Mikey looked at it himself.
"Well, goodbye being smart." Mikey said sadly as he jumped through it, the portal was about to close until he got an idea.
"Wait!" Mikey shouted in realization, he used the alien slug again and he grabbed a crystal like Spike suggested, the droids tried stopping it, but they failed in result and Mikey grabbed it. The crystal glowed brightly and was about to explode.
"Prepare for that which is know as an explosion.." A droid said right as the crystal exploded, and destroyed the entire place in Dimension X.

Spike and the others were climbing up to the top while Spike was breathing heavily.
"At least i'm learning to use my body better.." Spike said looking at his snake hands once again, still feeling upset that he's a mutant.
"Donnie, i got a power source for that turtle mech you told me about." Mikey said holding it out.
"Mikey.. you are a genius!" Donnie said proud of him.
"Not anymore! Now i'm back to being regular mess everything up Mikey.." He said sadly taking off the mask he wore.

"No way, saving that power cell was brilliant. You did that here." Leo assured.
"Yeah i did! Maybe i'm not such a screw up after all!" Mikey said proudly, he didn't notice he let go of the ledge however and fell down to the sidewalk below.
"I'm okay!" Mikey assured.

Spike kept looking at his body feeling sad still, even if he'd get used to it, he doesn't think it'll ever be the same.
"Spike, i know your upset about what happened to you, but believe me, i promised i'll be there for you when i came back, and i'll do what i can to help you get used to it." Leatherhead assured sitting next to him. Spike smiled lightly as he was glad to have him back.
"Thank you Leatherhead.. this is something i need right now.." Spike said gladly, but deep down, he still was upset from all of this...

"That overload should have taken out they're whole facility. They're invasion should be set back for months!" Donnie said confidently.
"Yeah but for how long is that with the time differential thing?" Raph asked worried.
"I don't know, hours.. maybe a day." Donnie suggested. Leo said something and had a serious look.

"Guys, there's a storm coming, are we ready to fight?" Leo asked seriously. Spike stood up and had a serious face as well.
"Let's do it." Spike said seriously with Leatherhead next to him.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they all gave a high five while Spike and Leatherhead watched on..

38: The Invasion

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Shredder was currently in his lair once more, he was going through the memories of the times he raised her, and then he remembered the scene of her and Spike being mutated into snake monsters, Spike got away with the turtles, while Karai's whereabouts are unknown.

"Master Shredder, the hour goes late. Have you made your decision?" Tiger claw asked as he bowed in front of him.
"Hmm, they are dangerous allies, but they have provided us with much technology, asking for little in return." Shredder said with interest.
"They will betray you, you know this. They care nothing for the human race." Tiger claw argued.
"Nor do i, leave me Tiger claw." Shredder ordered, Tiger claw got up and left leaving him alone until he got a message from the Kraang.

"Kraang Prime." Shredder said as she was on a screen.
"One called Shredder, Kraang must have your decision." She ordered once more.
"If i help you, will you uphold your end of the bargain?" Shredder asked impatiently.
"Kraang will deliver the ones called Splinter and the turtles." She replied.

"And once i find Karai, you will mutate her back to normal?" Shredder asked a little hopefully.
"Kraang agrees to this, but in return, you must help Kraang conquer the city known as New York! And then.. the world!!" She said maliciously.

Snow was starting to fall from the sky as April and Irma were walking through the streets.
"It's just that, why don't you introduce me to your secret friends April? I don't get it?" Irma asked confused.
"One of these days Irma. They're really good um.. people. Anyway what i wanna know is: How can you go out in this weather without a coat?" April asked referring to the snow.

"Eh, i hardly ever notice the cold, but seriously if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and.. Ah!" Irma screamed as foot bots suddenly landed all around them.
"Foot bots!" April said worried.
"These aren't the types of friends i meant!" Irma said in fear.
"Move Irma, run!" April shouted as the two started to run away.

April took out her phone and tried calling Donnie, but a bot threw a ninja star at the thing disabling it.
"No!" April said in fear.
"Who are these freaks April?!" Irma asked while they kept running.
"Doesn't matter, run!" April shouted as they continued to run from the foot bots.

Raph was currently on another rooftop lookout out for something.
"Where are you? You gotta be out there somewhere." Raph said putting his telescope away, he looked down and saw Casey near the streets and landed down.
"Casey! We're supposed to be looking for Karai! What are you doing man?" Raph asked frustrated.

"Eh, i'm just taking a break man, making some art." Casey said pointing to a graffiti he made.
"Check it out, oh that is so metal!" Casey said looking at it.
"Yeah, come on Casey, Let's move." Raph said ready to go.

"Uh hold on Raph, i gotta question for you. So um.. April ever talk about me, like ever?" Casey asked curious.
"It doesn't matter, you know how Donnie feels about her." Raph replied turning to him.
"Yeah right.. so how's Spike doing? He got mutated into a snake monster a couple weeks back right? How's he handling it?" Casey asked worried.
"He's not taking it that well.. he's starting to move around properly, but he can barely fight, we're lucky he didn't lose his mind after getting mutated like with Karai." Raph said crossing his arms and looking down regretfully.
"Man, that must really suck. How do you think we'll fix this if we find a way home for him? Can we even turn him back? " Casey asked worried.
"I don't know Casey, let's just get going on finding Karai, maybe she can help him get used to it.." Raph said as the two started walking off.

Spike and the others were currently in Donnie's lab and let Donnie do his thing, Spike finally got the hang of slithering and wasn't falling over like before.
"Ugh, i'm so worried i can't even eat." Donnie said as he tossed Spike his pizza slice which he ate with his snake hand.
"Dude, what's it like? you have like three mouths now?" Mikey asked looking at him.
"It's weird.. i can still taste stuff, but having snake hands is like having extra ways to eat things. I can swear i can even taste air with my tongue." Spike said looking at his snake hands once more.
"Rad.. tasting air, wonder what it's like?" Mikey said amazed.

"You have the right to be concerned Donatello, the Kraang invasion is imminent, what plans have you made to stop it?" Splinter asked walking into the room.
"I give you my latest invention.. the turtle mech!" Donnie announced pulling up a board with the mech's drawings on it.

"It's fully armed with rockets, flamethrowers, and an electro harpoon. Guaranteed to stop a massive Kraang invasion army!" Donnie assured.
"Gotta hand it to you Donnie, you never cease to amaze me with your inventions, i honestly think Twilight would be jealous of what you can make." Spike said impressed.
"Yeah but that things not even ready, it could damage New York, more then help it." Leo argued.

"But it's ready.. enough." Donnie argued.
"There's gotta be another way. We need to establish a second base, outside the city." Leo instructed.
"There is no time for that Leo, the turtle mech is solid! If i were leader id.." Donnie said before Leo came up in his face.
"But your not leader Donnie, i am!" Leo pointed out as Mikey came behind them.
"Oh snap!" Spike and Mikey said at once.
"Enough! Your ego's are fighting one another, when we should be preparing to fight the Kraang!" Splinter said upset at them and Leo looked down sadly. Spike just looked down at his new body again and sighed, he's just worried that even with what they have, won't be enough..

April and Irma were still running as fast as they could.
"Faster Irma, move those little legs!" April shouted as they kept moving.
"I'm moving, i'm moving!" irma shouted as they came turned another corner.

"This way!" April shouted leading her to a blocked path.
"A dead end! It's the end, and.. we're dead." Irma said as April saw a dumpster
"Not quite!" April said seriously. The foot bots turned the next corner and saw it was empty, they looked into the same dumpster and stabbed in it, but April and Irma were hiding behind trash cans behind them and snuck off. The two hid around another corner and April saw a manhole cover.

"Quick, down here!" April whispered bringing her over to it.
"Your not serious.." Irma said in disgust, April began to crawl into it proving her fears right.
"You are serious." She said disgusted some more as she climbed down as well.

Raph was looking out for Karai still and he thankfully found her on another rooftop.
"Casey, i see her, Karai! She's slithering across the street..." Raph said before a police siren was heard and a cop car drove up to Casey.
"Great.. can i help you officers?" Casey asked as they walked out.

"Your loitering kid, you know what that means?" The officer asked upset at him.
"Loitering, seriously? Don't you got real criminals to bust, or a donut shop to go to?" Casey asked with a smug.
"We'll figure out the charged later, Casey Jones." The officer said as they started to grab him.
"Hey, hey what are you doing, i got rights! Let me go!" Casey shouted as they took him.

"Aw crud, guess i gotta help him, but i should let Spike know about this." Raph said as he took out his phone and called Spike.

Spike was in the sewer system, he left to think about all of this until his phone rang again, he couldn't use his hands still and tried using his tail and picked up.
"Raph? What's up? I'm in the.. middle of something." Spike said looking at his hands still.
"Spike, i've found Karai! Casey's been taken in by some cops, i figured i could use your help!" Raph said which surprised him.
"Really?! Where are you right now?!" Spike asked shocked ready to go help her already.
"I'll send you my location, hurry up!" Raph replied as the phone hung up and Raph sent him the location of where he was.
"I'm coming for you Karai.." Spike said seriously as he tried pushing past his problems to climb to the top and went to the rooftops to catch up with him.

"Leo i'm telling you, the Turtle mech is our only answer! Be reasonable!" Donnie argued as they came into the living area.
"I am being reasonable Donnie, we need a second base, period." Leo countered until they heard something and saw April and Irma walk in.

"Guys, i'm sorry about this.." April said regretfully as they all saw Irma.
"But, but.. footbots were after us and.. irma here is really good at keeping secrets and um.." April said nervously as Irma got her glasses.
"April, you have brought a stranger.. here?!" Splinter asked upset at her.
"Um, don't worry Master Splinter, she's cool! Right Irma?" April asked nervously and her eyes widened seeing them.

"T.. t.. turtles?!" Irma asked as she saw Mikey.
"What up dog?!" Mikey asked casually.
"Turtles.. rgh.." Irma said as her body looked to be twitching strangely.
"Uh, heh, Miss.. i know we look kind of different and all But i promise, we're not gonna hurt you.. Wait a minute.. where's Spike?!" Leo asked looking around.
"Oh um.. i saw him leave to think to himself, you know his mutation situations not going that well.." Mikey said nervously.
"You let him go alone?! What were you thinking?!" Donnie asked furious at him.
"I was just letting him have some alone time you know? He needed it!" Mikey said getting scarred.

Irma's head suddenly twitched until it suddenly came out like a siren.
"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey said horrified as her eyes glowed red.
"Turtles, Turtles, Turtles..." She repeated in a robotic voice and all of them screamed.
Irma's body began to change as she became a huge Kraang droid and she was revealed to be a robot and the alien laughed with a familiar voice.

"April, you gotta think your friends more carefully!" Mikey said in fear.
"Oh my gosh, Irma was a..!!" April said horrified as he grabbed the arcade machine with his claw.
"Kraang!" He shouted as he threw it to them.

"Lowly insects , kneel before the genius of Kraang sub prime! Greatest Kraang spy, in all of Dimension X! Finding the lair, was the final component to launch, full scale invasion!" He shouted as dozens of portals started appearing all over the room.
"This isn't good!" Mikey said in fear.
"It's probably best Spike's not here for this.." Donnie said terrified as well.

Spike followed the signal to Raph's location and finally caught up with him.
"Took you long enough." Raph said looking at him.
"Hey, i can barely slither properly now! What's going on?" Spike asked looking down at the cops who were trying to arrest Casey.
"Kid drew graffiti on the wall and the cops spotted him, saw Karai right before this happened, and figured you could help." Raph explained.
"Let's just help him out." Spike said looking down.

"Let me go! man!" Casey shouted trying to resist.
"Get in the car punk!" The officer shouted, Spikes senses suddenly went off meaning something was happening.
"Um.. Raph?" Spike asked nervously pointing his tail somewhere.

Electricity seemed to be forming on another park and they watched in horror as a Kraang portal emerged.
"It's starting!" Spike said horrified. Dozens of more portals spawned in and they saw more Kraang droids marching through them.
"The Kraang!" Raph said in fear. They looked down in fear and saw Casey about to be pushed in.
"Give me that stick!" The officer demanded before Casey whacked him with it.
"Oops!" Casey said nervously. The officer suddenly looked at him and his body glitched out revealing him to be a Kraang droid.
"Whoa! They're already infiltrating, they're here!!" Casey shouted as he took the one behind him down.

Raph and Spike landed down and Spike ate off the droids head and threw it away.
"Whoa, Spike! Are you okay?!" Casey asked worried seeing his state.
"I'm fine for now, but we need to move!" Spike shouted as a large portal appeared before them.
"The invasions started, back to the lair!!" Raph screamed as they ran away from the Kraang droids.

Splinter and the other turtles were trying to fight off the droids that were invading their lair as more came through.
"The signal was correct, Kraang has discovered the place the turtles and dragon are hiding!" Another droid said as they fired at Splinter. Leo was running from Kraang sub prime and dodged another object being thrown at him.
"This is so messed up! My best friend for the past year has been a kraang?!" April asked as she took cover.

"Fooled you! Fooled you all!" He screamed as Mikey was avoiding gunfire in the kitchen, he slammed the fridge door on ones face and saw Ice cream Kitty, who was a cat that was mutated into ice cream not long after another incident with the rat king.
"Aw yeah!" Mikey said giving it a high five. But he was suddenly kicked down and saw Kraang sub prime towering over him. Mikey barely avoided being sawed up by using a bagel slicer to hit the head knocking it back.
"Bagel slicer, slicing time robot!" Mikey shouted right before he screamed again fell onto the table.

The irma head fell down and watched in horror as it's eyes opened up and Spider legs appeared from it's bottom part and it roared at him with Mikey looking horrified. Mikey screamed in fear as he ran out of the kitchen dodging lasers that were being fired from it's eyes. The small bot looked up and fired more lasers at the pipes to bring the place down.
"Destroy the turtles! Wipe out the lair! But the rat, comes with us!" Sub prime said evilly.

Leo dodged another laser fire from a robot and kicked it down, Mikey twirled around and kicked the spider head right to Donnie, who bit him on the leg.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Donnie said in pain.
"Sorry D!" Mikey shouted as he took cover in his room and looked around the place.

Splinter was avoiding fire in the dojo and faced Sub prime.
"Take that ya filthy rat!" Sub prime said with anger. Splinter kept on dodging his attacks and saw a buzz saw come from its hand.

Spike was slithering along with Raph and Casey as more bots marched after them.
"Spike! Do you still have a weapon?!" Raph shouted as he took down another droid.
"I have my plasma sword and whip! But i don't have regular hands anymore!" Spike shouted as he dodged more gun fire.
"Try using your tail for now! We gotta use something!" Casey shouted as they kept running. Spike looked at his tail and tried using it like a hand, he used that to grab the plasma sword that was attached to him and took it out.
"Let's hope this works!" Spike shouted as he started using it to tear through the bots.

They watched in horror as another large mech appeared in the streets as people were running away in horror.
"What the heck/ hell!?" Spike and Raph shouted at once as the thing opened up its weapons.
"Oh snap!" Casey said in fear as it charged up.
"Move it, run!" Raph screamed as they avoided lightning being shot at them.
"There's to many of them guys! Ah!!" Casey screamed as the mech marched after them.

The three of them turned another corner and moved over some cars that were being destroyed.
"just keep going, go go go!!" Raph screamed as they tried escaping.
"Celestia help us!!" Spike screamed as he slithered as fast as he could.

More and more Kraang droids were coming into the lair as the turtles and Splinter tried fighting them of. The spider bot charged at Leo until a sword stabbed it right in the head.
"Go! Escape!" Splinter shouted as he threw the others they're weapons.
"I will hold them off!" Splinter shouted as Sub prime barged into the room and attacked Splinter.

"we're not leaving you!" Leo shouted pulling out his other sword.
"I have a plan, go now!" Splinter shouted as he held an attack back.
"Come on, head for the Shellraiser!" Donnie shouted as they tried escaping.

Sub prime kicked Splinter backed and landed down.
"You'll go nowhere!" Sub prime shouted as he fired a missile at them, they barely dodged them, but in result it got the Shellraiser totaled.
"My baby!!" Donnie said horrified. Splinter jumped down and grabbed the arm just as it fired again. Mikey screamed as he was almost caught on it and landed on his face.
"Everyone, follow me!" Leo shouted as he was running off, they all screamed in terror as they fled the lair and went through the tunnels.

"This way!" Leo shouted while they turned another corner.
"This is all my fault! I led them straight to the lair!" April said regretfully.
"Don't worry April, you we're just trying to help a friend.. uh oh.." Mikey said as they were on a split path.
"Which way?" April asked worried.

"Left! That'll lead us to the turtle mech!" Donnie said pointing in one direction.
"No, we gotta find, Raph. Casey and Spike first!" Leo countered.
"We can find them in the mech!" Donnie said frustrated.
"It's too slow!" Leo countered again.

"Your the one who's too slow! Your leading us into disaster!" Donnie argued.
"I'm just doing what Splinter would've wanted!" Leo countered right until a portal appeared between them again and another droid marched out.

"It is the one called the turtles!" The droid said as they started firing at them.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as all of them were trying to block them.
"Run! Take April and Donnie to safety! I'll lead them away!" Leo ordered as he stabbed another in the chest.
"Dude we can't leave you too!"" Mikey countered as he stabbed another in the head too.

"Just do it!" Leo shouted as he tapped his swords together.
"Come on Kraang! This way! Whoo, yeah! Over here!" Leo shouted as he lead them away.
"I don't like this!" Mikey said worried as he helped Donnie up.

Mikey opened the manhole again and looked around.
"Coast is clear.." Mikey said right as he dodged another car.
"Okay, now the coast is clear!" Mikey corrected as they helped them out, police sirens were heard as Donnie held his arm.
"Ow, ow! It hurts so bad!" Donnie said in pain clutching his arm, April checked it to see it's condition.
"You'll be alright Donnie, i'll get you fixed up." April assured.

Mikey took out his phone and tried calling Leo.
"Leo you there? Come on bro.. poke your head out of your shell and pick up!" Mikey begged.
"It's my fault! Man i shouldn't have argued with Leo, now he's gone!" Donnie said regretfully. Another portal opened up once more and even more droids marched through, they avoided being seen by hiding behind a taxi.

"I don't think they saw us.." April said a little relieved.
"Leo was right.. We should have gotten out of the city when we had the chance." Donnie said ashamed of himself.
"Not without my dad and the others! come on guys!" April said as she started leading them away.

Spike and the others were on another rooftop until they heard a loud noise, another large portal opened up behind them and a Stealth ship appeared from it.
"Dude, this is worse then that whole Technodrome thing last year! It's totally crazy" Casey said horrified as they took cover. Raph's phone went off again and he picked it up.
"Mikey! Where are you?!" Raph asked worried.

"On the way to April's apartment! Meet us there dude!" Mikey explained.
"Guys, look out!!" Spike screamed as he ducked the others away from another blast from the ship, they all screamed as they jumped off the roof right as it exploded.

More droids were looking through the sewers and saw more of them on the floor.
"Kraang. Still no sign of the turtles." The droid said as Leo hid above them.
"Hurry Kraang, we must retrieve the turtles and dragon for the one called Shredder" The other responded as they left.
"Shredder?" Leo asked himself as he ran off.

We cut to April's apartment where everyone was worried.
"The city's overrun! What are we.. what is anyone going to do?!" " Kirby asked horrified as the roof shook.
"We're doomed! Doomed! Oh my poor sweet April!" Kirby cried as he fell on his knees.
"don't worry Mr O Neil! This whole alien invasion thing is really no big deal, look." Mikey said as he opened the curtains, dozens of people were heard screaming as the Kraang destroyed a lot of the city.
"Oh.. never mind.." Mikey said closing the curtains, Kirby passed out from all the stress much to their shock.
"Oh boy.." Mikey said in fear as he looked outside and saw the entire city being destroyed.

Shredder and his man watched on as they attacked the place.
"The city is ours Master Shredder." Tiger claw said turning to him.
"Since i was a boy, i have seen this very vision, the world.. in chaos!" Shredder said as Rahzar stood up and howled at the moon.

"Master Shredder, the Kraang have sent word, Leonardo is not far from here. They're leading him straight to us" Rahzar reported.
"Excellent, then it is the beginning, of the end." Shredder said menacingly as fire covered the screen.

We cut back to the lair where it's totally wrecked and Splinter is still fighting off Sub prime.
"Now i've got your cornered, you monsterous rat!" Sub prime said with rage.
"Corner a rat, and see what happens!" Splinter countered. Sub prime growled with rage and tried attacking him. He blocked the attacks from his fists and flipped right over him, he pushed him back roughly and dodged and attack from the saw, Splinter then took out a knife and cut the arm off completely and kicked him out of Donnie's lab. Sub Prime's armor was falling apart as he fell right out of it.

"Kraang shall dominate the Earth! You and your kin will be destroyed, Kraang will be back!" He shouted right before he was crushed by some rubble. Splinter looked around the lair with huge regret as it was completely destroyed, Splinter walked over and picked up a broken photo of him, Spike and the others and looked at it sadly.
"Don't stand here like a fool Yoshi.., find your family.." Splinter told himself as he started to leave.

Spike and the others continued to run through the streets as the Kraang kept attacking.
"Just a little further to April's place!" Casey shouted as they kept moving, Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again and he clutched it in pain.
"Spike?! What's wrong no?!" Raph asked worried as Spike opened his eyes looking worried.
"Leo's in trouble! He's not to far from here, i'll go save him! Move!" Spike shouted as he started slithering off.
"Spike are you crazy?! There's no way you can take the Kraang by yourself!" Casey shouted as Spike sped up.
"I know, but i have to try! You just be careful!" Spike shouted as he left them alone.

"Well that's just great!" Raph said extremely frustrated.
"First the Kraang show up and start invading us, then we get separated from the others, then Spike goes off in a form he can barely use to try and save Leo! Is there anything else to know?!" Casey shouted with anger. That question was answered when they heard a loud noise, they watched in horror as another huge portal emerged. Things were worse when they saw Kraang Prime herself emerge from the portal in a giant mech with the city looking on horrified.

"Yes! Kraang Prime, returns to Earth!" She shouted as people were running away in terror.
"I stand corrected.. you got some plan to fight that?" Casey asked as the two backed up in fear.
"Uh.. Not really no.." Raph said terrified.
"People of Earth, the Kraang forming of your world, is about to begin!" Kraang prime announced as she held out a large arm and it powered on. It shot out a ton of mutagen towards some people.
"No!" Raph shouted in fear as the mutated people emerged from it now looking like Kraang aliens.
"Now that, is really messed up!" Casey said horrified as they watched this happen..

Spike was slithering through the streets as fast as he could, he was trying to avoid being seen from anything the Kraang had. Spike was breathing heavily as he went after Leo. This day was just getting worse and worse, he's barely been a serpent for a day, he's barely able to fight, and is separated from the others, now the Kraang are fully invading the world and the people were getting mutated.
"Why?! Why did this have to happen?! Why did i have to come out like this?! I could help better if i had my old body!" Spike hissed to himself as he took cover from a stealth ship.
"This is all their fault! If Shredder didn't capture Karai again, i'd still be a dragon! And this may not have happened!" Spike told himself as he took some cover again.

Spike kept thinking to himself with regret as he heard more people were screaming in terror, a familiar figure was watching him from the shadows and decided to show itself to him.
"Spike? A familiar voice asked which caught his attention. He looked over and saw Karai in her snake form still.
"Karai! Your okay!" Spike said in relief as they hid in the shadows from the Kraang.

"What's going on?" Karai asked in fear looking around the place.
"It's the Kraang, they perfected the mutagen, they're gonna turn the Earth into another home for them." Spike said worried as they saw more people being mutated into monsters.
"We.. need to go! Have to.. escape!" Karai said as she tried bringing Spike with her.
"No! I can't, my friends are still in trouble! Leo is in trouble! I have to save him!" Spike said trying to let go.

"No! It's too dangerous for you! Come with me! I can keep us both safe!" Karai assured while another ship passed over them.
"Karai, there is no safe place! The Kraang are everywhere!" Spike countered as he started to cry. Karai saw this and let go of him as he lowered down on his tail.
"It's all done.. I won't see them again.. i won't see my mother.. Twilight.. or anyone!" Spike said as he broke down starting to lose hope. Karai saw this and remembered what he told her on that night, she wanted to try and help him.

"Spike.. this is not.. you.. You never gave up on anyone, you shouldn't give up now!" Karai said trying to speak the best she can.
"How can i? I've faced tons of things at this point.. but an alien invasion isn't one of them.." Spike said looking over the city which had smoke coming from multiple areas.
"Spike, if there's one thing i know, it's that i never went down without a fight, even like this." Karai said looking at her snake body which looked a lot like Spike's.

"Spike, if there's one thing i knew about you, you were never one to give up, i saw your determination. Your will to fight for others, you cannot lose that hope now." Karai said looking down at him who tried processing this.
"But.. i can barely fight.. i don't even know how to use my powers properly, and i don't know if i'll ever unlock it.. or return home.." Spike said regretfully.
"Spike.. this isn't you.. Your friends would want you to fight, even when the odds are against you, did they ever give up when it happened with them?" Karai asked again, Spike's eyes widened in realization, she was right, even when against someone like Discord or Nightmare Moon, Twilight and her friends never gave up, and they always pushed through and came out on top.

"No.. they had eachother by they're side.. And i still have mine.." Spike said in realization.
"You may be a mutant like me, but you still have them, if saving them is what it takes for your hope, then save them." Karai explained as Spike got up and looked around.
"Your right.. I shouldn't give up.. even when i'm a snake.. I need to keep going.." Spike said as he was finding confidence again.

Spike turned to Karai and looked at her thankfully.
"Karai.. thank you.. i'm sorry for what's happened to us.. i promise i'll fix it one day.." Spike promised, Karai suddenly came in and gave Spike a hug which surprised him.
"I know you will.. just be careful.. and i promise i'll help you find your mom one day.." Karai assured as they looked at eachother.
"Thank you Karai.. you'd best escape, i promise i'll see you again one day." Spike assured as they let go of eachother.
"I know we will.." Karai replied as she slithered off again leaving Spike alone.
"Alright Spike.. find Leo.. then the others.." Spike told himself as he slithered off as well.

Spike watched as the city continued to be attacked, a group of soldiers called the Earth Protection Force had arrived, and were trying to fight of Kraang Prime. Spike hid himself from all the battle's that was happening and tried reaching Leo who he could sense was in trouble.

Leo was ambushed by the foot and was currently trying to fight them off, Leo blocked some arrows being fired at him and saw Shredder and his men on the roof.
"Leo!" Spike shouted as he slithered into the scene.
"Spike! What are you doing here?! I thought you were with the others!" Leo shouted as they blocked some more fire.
"I sensed you were in trouble, i'm here to help!" Spike shouted as he barely avoided more hitting his tail.
"Spike, it's to dangerous, you need to go, now!" Leo shouted as a chain wrapped around his arm.

It pulled Leo to a wall and a foot bot and it charged at them, Spike stabbed his tail right through it's face as it was really sharp. Swords suddenly came from behind Leo and the wall burst down revealing more foot bots. Leo and Spike were kicked through a wall and they watched as they were surrounded by them.
"Celestia help us.." Spike said getting in a fighting stance.

"You should let me finish them master." Tiger claw offered.
"Not yet, i want to see them suffer." Shredder replied as they drew they're swords. Spike ducked under another attack and sliced a bots head off, Spike could barely fight in this form, but he was trying his best. Spike coiled around another bot and ate off it's head and he and Leo charged at them with anger.

Splinter was still in the sewers trying to avoid the Kraang, he saw a knife in a bots head and picked it up.
"Leonardo.." Splinter said as more droids came behind him.
"It is the one called Splinter, exterminate! Exterminate!" A droid ordered as they all fired at him, Splinter hopped from wall to wall and tried avoiding them. They kept firing until something smashed off a bots head. They looked behind and saw Leatherhead tower over them and made a loud roar. Splinter watched as Leatherhead absolutely totaled each of them and repeatedly punched at one.

"That is enough, enough!" Splinter shouted which made him calm down.
"Leatherhead, my thanks." Splinter said gratefully.
"Great Splinter, where are your sons and Spike?" Leatherhead asked worried.
"Lost in this madness, will you help me find them?" Splinter asked hopefully.
"Anything for my friends." Leatherhead said determined.
"Let us hurry!" Splinter said as the two ran off.

Leo screamed in rage as he sliced another foot bot in half. Spike breathed fire on another group as more kept coming, he used his snake hand to latch onto a ledge and join up with Leo who just stabbed a bot in the chest and kicked it down. A bot suddenly grabbed Leo's leg and he screamed as he was thrown to a ditch.
"Leo!!" Spike screamed in horror. Spike hissed at the bot with rage and stabbed it through the head again as Leo landed down.

Leo gasped for air and climbed out of the water as the snow continued to fall. and breathed heavily, Spike and Leo saw the Shredder with his man standing above.
"Finish the turtle, let the dragon suffer." Shredder ordered. Shredder's men charged at them and Spike and Leo were being beaten down. Spike hissed with rage and grabbed Fishface and threw him into Rahzar, Leo jumped off a ledge and delivered a kick to knock him down.
"I won't.. give up!!" Spike screamed as he and Leo kept fighting them. Spike and Leo screamed as they fought Tiger claw now, Spike wrapped a hand around Tiger claw and leo kicked him in the face. Leo was breathing heavily until something flashed over him.

"Leo!!" Spike shouted as Shredder took out his blades.
"Ah!!" Leo screamed as Shredder struck him down.
"NO!!!!" Spike screamed in terror as he fell on the ground.
"Don't think we've forgotten about you, dragon." Shredder said as he was knocked down again, Spike could barely keep his eyes open but he saw them looking down at them. Leo's phone rung again and Tiger claw checked the message.

"They wait for them at the girls house." Tiger claw explained.
"Bait them out, and destroy them." Tiger claw grabbed Leo's body while Rahzar grabbed Spike's.

Shredder climbed out of the pit and lightning flashed as Splinter arrived.
"Where is my son?!" Splinter asked with rage.
"I take him and that dragon like i took your child so many years ago." Shredder said as he made an evil laugh. Splinter's eyes shrunk and he became absolutely furious with him as the two proceeded to fight eachother.

Kirby was lying down in April's apartment until water splashed over him and they saw him wake up.
"I just had the worst dream.. The Kraang were trying to invade!" Kirby said in fear.
"Don't worry Mr O Neil. Reality is WAY worse then your nightmare" Mikey assured which made him panic more.

"We gotta move, Kraang prime is stomping this way!" Raph said as he and Casey ran in.
"Where's Spike?!" April asked worried as he wasn't here.
"Said Leo was in trouble, he went to save him before we could stop him." Casey explained.
"What?! We have to go find them! They could be hurt!" April said terrified. Her fears were proven right when Leo and Spike's body's came crashing through the window and they landed on the ground groaning in pain.

"Leo! Spike!" Raph said worried as Spike's body had scars all over it as well as Leo.
"What happened?!" April asked worried as they checked on him.
"The.. The.. foot.." Spike said weakly as he could barely stay awake.
"Leo's still breathing.." Raph said worried checking on them.
"Dude, his shell is cracked! And Spike's body is just as bad!" Mikey said looking at both they're injured body's.

"Come out turtles! We know your in there!" Tiger claw demanded as he and the foot were surrounding the whole building. Two foot bots charged in and drew they're weapons, Casey drew his stick and started to fight them too.
"We.. need to move.. now!" Spike said weakly as he tried to move. They burst open the door but saw Rahzar land down in front of them.
"This is for my brothers!!" Mikey shouted as he threw a couch off the ledge and it crushed him.

Tiger claw started firing at them while Spike and the others tried escaping, Spike's body was on the verge of collapse, but was still willing to go.
"This way!" Kirby shouted as they turned another corner and came upon a van.

"What the heck is that?" Raph asked confused.
"It's my old party wagon, ran it back in my hipster days, heh heh, groovy!" Kirby joked before mutagen was shot on him and he screamed in pain.
"Not again!!" Spike screamed in fear as he saw Kraang prime come around.
"Guys, move!" Casey shouted as they started getting in, Spike's body was layed down and he groaned in pain as everything hurt.
"Floor it Jones!" Raph ordered closing the door.

Casey grabbed the keys and it luckily still worked and they started driving off at fast speeds. The mutated Kirby tried stopping them but the van drove faster and he slid off. They all screamed as they were barely avoiding mutagen which was turning the ground into crystals, Casey turned another corner and drove into an alleyway just barely escaping.
"Agh! I'll get you all!" Kraang prime swore.

Splinter and Shredder were still fighting over what happened.
"You grow tired! Your skills have become weak!" Shredder mocked as Splinter blocked his slashes.
"Yet i am stronger then ever, fueled by anger! My rage!" Shredder shouted as he striked at him again, Splinter blocked this one and punched him back with both his hands making him grind on the ground.

"Rage is a tool that burns quickly!" Splinter said still ready to fight.
"Always the wise one!" Shredder said as he took out some knives, Shredder threw them as Splinter who barely dodged them, this let Shredder deliver multiple strikes to him and he got thrown to the crane, this weakened the pipes on it and the rope snapped causing all of them to fall onto him.
Splinter groaned in pain as he was grabbed by the beard and had a blade by his face.

"What wisdom do you have now?!" Shredder mocked, Shredder was about to stab him, right until Leatherhead burst through the wall and knocked him down, he bit down on Shredder's chest and threw him to the wall in rage.
"My friend, are you hurt?" Leatherhead asked as Splinter heard a blade.
"Look out!" Splinter shouted as Shredder jumped in the air. Leatherhead roared in rage as Shredder was wrangling him down, Shredder used some pressure points on his legs which disabled him and he drew his blades to finish him. Splinter watched in horror as Shredder badly beat him down too, he finished him off by kicking him off the ledge which caused him to fall into the water.

Splinter screamed with pure rage as he burst through the pipes holding him down. Splinter got onto all fours and charged at him as the pipes fell down, he lunged at Splinter and they both fell down while Splinter snapped his jaw at him as they fell into the sewers.

Casey drove the van into a clear spot to hide.
"This looks like a safe spot." Casey said as Raph opened the doors.
"Come on! We gotta find Splinter!" Raph said getting out.
"No way! What about Leo and Spike?!" Mikey asked worried looking at they're beaten up bodys.
"We shouldn't move them." Donnie assured.

"They should stick with me, i'm going back to search for my family." Casey offered.
"No.. i won't give up easily!!" Spike said in pain as he crawled out.
"Spike don't. Your hurt enough as it is, your lucky to still be alive. You can't come with us." Raph argued as Spike weakly stood up looking like he's gonna faint.
"I don't care.. i don't care what pain i go through today, i won't let my family go!" Spike said pushing through it.

"Ugh! Just stay close and don't move your body to much. Good luck Casey, meet us here at this exact spot.." April said turning to him.
"No problem red." Casey said as he drove off leaving them alone.

Mikey and Donnie helped carry Spike's weak body to the lair as they saw the place was totally wrecked.
"Sensei! Are you in here?!" Raph shouted as they ran into the dojo, April tried using his powers to see him.
"He's not here, i don't sense him." April said with worry, Donnie picked up the photo of Splinter and his family and put it away.
"We gotta move, everyone take one meaningful thing with you, first we find Splinter, then we get out of town." Donnie instructed.

Raph went into his room and went to get a single of picture of Slash before he was mutated.
"Wherever you are Spike, i hope your safe." Raph prayed looking at it, Donnie went into his lab and got his chemicals. Spike weakly slithered into his room to grab some stuff.
"What are you bringing with you Spike?" April asked worried as she saw him move around. Spike looked up at his swords and carefully placed them in a bag, he took some of his masks and his picture of him, Twilight and the others.
"Twilight.. i promise i'll see you again one day.." Spike said weakly as he had April carry him out as his body still hurt. Mikey went to get Ice cream kitty and put him in a cooler.

April and Spike looked around the lair and remembered the times they spent here.
"This was the first place i had as a home.. after i was taken here.." Spike said sadly looking over it.
"I know.. it's all my fault.." April said regretfully. Spike and April's heads suddenly went off and they saw flashes, they saw what looked like Splinter fighting the Shredder, and it caused them to scream in pain.

"April, Spike, what is it?!" Donnie asked worried as the others came to them.
"Master Splinter, we can sense him. He's close!" April said as they saw the flashes again.
"He's fighting the Shredder! Come on.." Spike said weakly as the others carried his body out.
"You really should've stayed with Casey, Spike." Raph said as they went to help him.

Spike and the others made they're way through the others and Spike could sense him.
"That.. way!" Spike weakly said pointing his snake head in one direction which had them all go to it.

"Now i will tear you to pieces!" Shredder said as they saw Splinter fighting him.
"Sensei!" Mikey said worried as they were blocked by some bars.
"Go! Leave this place!" Splinter ordered as he ducked under another attack.
"Pity that dragon is still alive and with your sons to see you fall." Shredder mocked as Splinter was kneed in the chest.

"You can do it Master Splinter!" April encouraged.
"Get that tin can!.." Spike said weakly trying to stay awake. Shredder threw a smoke bomb in his face and he screamed as he was blinded, Shredder jumped in the air and was about to finish him off, but Splinter got into a special stance and held his two fingers and hit him with a massive gust of wind.
"Whoa.. i hope i can do that.. even with.. these.." Spike said looking at his snake hands once more.
"Now quickly, we must find a way to get out of here." Splinter said walking to them.

But Shredder wasn't done and he walked through the shadows and drew his blades and slashed at him again.
"No!!" Spike said in horror as Shredder picked up his body and turned a valve.
"Don't do it!" Donnie begged as the water was being drained and he threw him into the drain pipe.
"NOOO!!!!!" They all screamed in horror as he was thrown into it.

"Master Splinter!" April said horrified as he sank into it, Raph was furious and grabbed the bars.
"You! You monster!!" Raph screamed as he tried bringing down the doors as Shredder left clutching his arm.
"No.. he can't.." Spike said sadly as he finally passed out from the pain.
"Spike! no!" April said worried as he was unconscious finally.

"April.." Donnie said regretfully as April was crying a little.
"We're not running from this Donnie, we're gonna put and end to this!" April said determined and Donnie nodded knowing what this meant.

We cut to the streets of the city, Giant steps could be heard as see everyone in the Turtle mech Donnie built. Kraang droids were marching through the city until they were stopped by them, Spike was strapped behind Donnie as he was still unconscious from the pain.
"Aw yeah! Turtle mech power!!" Mikey shouted in victory, the droids started firing at them and they all got ready.

"April, pull that lever to your left! And the pedal! " Donnie instructed. April did so and this caused the mech to raise it's foot up and stomp on all the droids and grind on them.
"Dude this is the coolest thing ever!" Mikey said amazed. Mikey pulled a lever forward and that had a flamethrower go from it's mouth and it took the rest down. The mech grabbed a dumpster with it's claw and Raph turned a wheel and had it drop on one more.
"Be careful guys, Spike's still out of it, let's not cause any more pain then he has now." Donnie said as they marched through the city.

They continued to march through until they finally came to Shredder's lair.
"There it is, Shredder's lair! Let's get em!" Mikey shouted right before a blast stopped them.

They turned around and found Kraang prime in her suit and she roared at them.
"I think we're in trouble guys.." April said worried.
"We won't stand a chance in this thing!" Raph said worried.
"We can do this! Super robo Mecha force fought WAY bigger enemy's!" Mikey said confidently.
"Booyakasha!!" Donnie shouted pulling a lever, he accidentally stepped on Spike's tail and that made him hiss in pain.
"Sorry Spike!" April said worried for him.

The mech lowered down and shot a barrel of waste at her and she screamed in pain and anger.
"Lowly insects! Do you think Kraang can be stopped?! It was Kraang who found your planet millions of years ago! It was Kraang who used the mutagen to turn the monkeys into you lowly humans!" Kraang prime mocked as she towered over them.

"And it is Kraang who will transform your world!" Kraang prime said making an evil laugh.
"And it will be Kraang, who gets kicked in the shin! Wha!" Mikey said as he pulled the lever, the mech hit the other one in the leg making a loud sound but having no effect. Kraang prime roared at them and slashed at them, the helmet on top started firing more lightning at them and almost hit them.
"Grappling hook!" Donnie shouted as the mech flew into the air and onto a building.

She charged up her blast again and the mech was trying to outrun it. They barely dodged another blast on the building and the mech fell on the ground tipped over.
"Ugh.. is everyone okay?" April asked worried.
"Sorta/ Not really." Raph and Mikey replied.
"Barely functioning.." Donnie said as he gently pushes Spike's head away and put him back.

April pulled on another lever and it made the mech stand up again as Kraang prime turned another corner.
"Donnie, Donnie! Get this thing moving Donnie!" Raph shouted in fear. Kraang prime stretched out her arm and it wrapped around all of them and they screamed in fear.
"Kraang has had enough games!" She said with anger. Donnie pulled on another lever that made the flamethrower burn her face making her scream in pain and drop them down as an alarm was beeping.

"Dude! Weapons are down!" Mikey said worried. The mech was having smoke and steam coming from it as it rose back up.
"We got one last trick left! But it might fry the mech!" Donnie said seriously.
"I don't think we have a choice!" April said as they came face to face with her again.
"Ready the harpoon!" Donnie shouted as he pulled a lever and shot the grapple to a power line and that had power surge around the mech.

"First we tap into the city's power grid, then we.." Donnie said right before Mikey finished.
"Fire!!!" Mikey screamed as he launched the claw to her.
"Goodbye turtles!" She said with anger, the claw latched onto her body and Donnie pressed a button. This caused her to be electrocuted as all of them screamed in fear as the power was overloading. The power was too much and the line exploded and it caused the entire city's power to shut down.

Kraang prime's finally fell down making her defeated.
"Ah! Gotta shut down the system!" Donnie said as he shut it down finally and the power all shut down. April was coughing for a moment until she saw they're foe was down.
"Yes!" April cheered as all of them had thought they had won.
"Kraang prime is toast!" Raph said in victory.

They thought they had won, but Kraang prime was still moving and used just the brain part of her to crawl out of her suit and she roared in rage.
"Um.. not really.." Mikey said horrified. Kraang prime screamed as she lunged to the ground and crawled at them at fast speeds.
"Donnie.. Make this thing move!!" Raph said with fear.
"I can't! It's fried! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!" Donnie shouted as he grabbed Spike's body.

All of them screamed as they got out of the suit right before she lunged at them.
"You will all suffer!!" Kraang prime said with anger as April's head suddenly hurt again. She screamed in pain as she released a shockwave of energy out her which stunned her, a car beep was suddenly heard and they saw Casey again.
"This is so metal!!" Casey shouted as he drove up the mech like a ramp and ran over her.

"You guys need a lift?" Casey asked opening the doors. All of them got in and April put Spike's body down as the van drove off at fast speeds.

The city was completely wrecked, most of the people were mutated and Casey drove through it. Somber music was heard as all of them looked down sadly, they looked at Spike and Leo's unconscious body's and put a blanket over them.
"I'm sorry Leo, you were right.. if we just left the city like you said the Kraang would've never found the lair and started the invasion.. none of this would've happened.." Donnie said regretfully as he looked down at them.
"Spike.. i'm sorry your a mutant.. we should've stopped you when we had the chance.." Raph said regretfully as well looking at his snake body..

"I have a place we can go upstate, my old family home. We used to go up there every summer, We can stay as long as we want, no ones around for miles." April offered.
"Upstate huh? Sounds good to Casey Jones." Casey said taking off his mask.
"Did you find your dad and little sister?" April asked worried.
"No sign of em.. They probably got Kraangatized..." Casey said sadly as they drove on.

"What's gonna happen now Raph?" Mikey asked worried.
"For the first time in my life.. i have no idea little brother.." Raph said sadly as they finally started to leave the city
"I miss Master Splinter.." Mikey said sadly as they left with Spike and Leo unconscious for a while..

Splinter's body was currently being moved through the sewers currents and came into an open area, a familiar person swam by in the water and grabbed his body. She gently put Splinter's body down with her tail and looked at him and gave his body a small bite which had Splinter finally breath again.
"Take care of him father.." Karai said sadly as she swam off again leaving Splinter alone as he was breathing once more..

39: Within the Woods

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We open to a flashback of the night New York was taken over as April narrated over the whole thing.

"I'll never forget the night we left New York City.." April narrated as the scene where they escape plays out.
"This is so metal!!" Casey shouted as he ran over Kraang Prime again. All of them had gotten into the van and quickly escaped as she roared at them.

"The Kraang defeated us.. Spike was mutated into a snake creature a few weeks before it happened.." April said as we see the scene of him being mutated into a snake happen once more and he screams in pain...
"Then he and Leo were badly injured by the foot.. And Master Splinter is.. gone.." April said sadly as the memory's played out..

"We lost.." April said with regret as we see them arriving at a farmhouse in the middle of an open field.
"We had nowhere left to go, so we came into the old farmhouse i grew up in. Miles away from the city, a place we could all be safe in.." April said regretfully as all of them got out.

"The first thing we did was take care of poor Leonardo and Spike.." April said sadly as they carried they're bodies inside. April put Leo in a bathtub with some fresh water while the others looked at him.
"This'll keep him hydrated, help him heal faster.." Donnie said worried as they all looked at him.

"After we took care of Leo, we put Spike in a bed to rest, he was just as hurt as Leo was, and passed out from the pain.." April said sadly as they put him in a large bed, Donnie brought in a bunch of heaters for him to keep him warm.
"He's a cold blooded reptile, it's best he stays warm to stay safe.." Donnie explained as Spike was on the bed completely unconscious..
"Raphael keeps a constant vigil over them, waiting for them to wake up.." April narrated as Raph watches over them at night..

We see Mikey humming a tune walking over to some chickens.
"Michelangelo goofs around a lot, but he helps with a lot of chores around the house." April narrated as Mikey gave them some food, but all of them looked at him in a strange way.
"Back off chickens, that's all i got! Easy.. easy.." Mikey said backing up before they all lunged at him and he screamed in fear.
Help! Ahh!!!" Mikey screamed as the chickens chased after them by a barn.
"But mostly he goofs around a lot. Donatello built a lab in the barn, trying to create a mutagenic medicine to heal Leo and Spike, while also working on a Retro mutagen for Spike.." April narrated as he failed once again.

"One last drop and i think i've done it.." Donnie said as he put a drop in a vile which blew up a bunch of smoke in his face and Casey laughed hard.
"This baby's gonna need a lot of work.." Casey said getting under it, but the truck tipped over and crushed him with his legs flailing around with Donnie laughing in a mocking way..

"And then there's me April O Neil. I spend most of my time training with the turtles, and writing in my ever expanding journal. I miss New York, my sensei, my dad.. Hopefully Leo and Spike will recover and we'll all go home soon.. if there's even a home to go back too.." April narrated as she's on a swing outside the house drawing in a journal over what happened.
"But life as Splinter would say, must continue on.." April said sadly as she finishes her drawings..

April was now currently training with Raph and the others, April was getting better at fighting and was using this to improve her skills. April threw her fan around and engaged with Raph as Casey and Donnie watched.
"Goongala!!" Casey shouted jumping in the air and twirling his stick around and proceeded to fight Donnie, Donnie twirled his staff around and they clashed eachothers sticks.

"You gotta be quick to be training with the ninja's!" Raph mocked as he fought April, Raph sweeped her legs and thought he won, but April landed on the ground safely and delivered an upper cut to his chin and knocked him down.
"I'm almost a full on Kunoichi!" April said as Raph's eyes were twirling around.
"Aw yeah! Gotta be quick if you wanna be hanging with the ninja's dog!" Mikey said casually.

April looked over and saw Casey and Donnie fighting still.
"Sweet moves Donnie!" Casey said as he threw his stick behind him and took out a slingshot.
"Eat this!" Casey shouted shooting a few rocks at him.
"Ow! Cheep shot!" Donnie said annoyed, he threw his stick to him and tackled him to the ground and April ran up to them.

"Okay you two, enough! You guys are like a bunch of caged animals." April said annoyed making them stop.
"We're just blowing off a little steam red." Casey said as they got up.
"Yeah, things are kinda tense lately, right old friend?" Donnie asked clutching his head.
"You got that right, old pal!" Casey replied elbowing his chest.

"We're all just a little frustrated April. No offense, but we're turtles. We don't belong in a farmhouse, we belong in the sewers." Raph said looking around.
"Okay not entirely accurate, but uh apropos." Donnie said in agreement.
"Yeah that's all good, but like Splinter would say, we must accept the hand that the universe has dealt us." Mikey said imitating Splinter's voice.

"Wow, that's deep yo." Casey said impressed.
"Master Splinter's gone Mikey, and Spike and Leo may never wake up. The universe has dealt us a terrible hand." Raph said frustrated as he walked back into the house. Raph was watching over Leo once more and was gonna rotate into Spike next.

Heavy breathing is heard as someone groans in pain, a pair of eyes open up and he sees a ceiling while everything hurt.
"Where.. am i?" Spike asked in pain as he finally woke up. Spike looked around and saw he was in a bed of some kind in a old house, there were heaters over the room, most likely to keep him warm?
"What.. happened?" Spike asked weakly as he slowly brought his arms from underneath the covers. He gasped in shock as he saw his hands were still snake hands and looked below and saw he was still a serpent..

"I'm still a snake.. but where am i?" Spike asked as he tried climbing out of the bed, he fell over the ground making a thud noise and he groaned in pain again. Spike tried getting up the best he could despite his body hurting all over. Spike carefully slithered over to the door and opened it with his tail. He fell on the ground again as his body was still in pain. Raph heard the noise and quickly came to check what it was and saw Spike trying to move.

"Raph? What happened?" Spike asked weakly trying to move.
"Spike? And Leo too?! Guys! Guys! Get up here!" Raph shouted which got the others attention. The others came up and saw Spike near the tub where Leo was waking up.
"Leo, Spike?" Donnie asked shocked as Spike tried moving.
"Hey guys.. "Leo said weakly.( Seth Green)
"How's it going?" Spike asked as well.( David Gallagher)

"Leo! Spike! Your back!!" Mikey said in relief giving them a hug which hurt them. Spike made a hiss of pain which made him back off.
"Where are we? What happened?" Spike asked in pain still trying to move.
"Take it easy guys, let us get you out of here." Raph said as he and the others helped Spike and Leo out.

Spike and Leo were on the couch being informed on what happened.
"So we've been here for 3 months? We've been out that long?" Leo asked in shock.
"You both had us worried sick.. Raph barely slept" April said worried as Donnie checked Spike's snake jaw and examined his fangs and forked tongue.
"Eh it was nothing." Raph said casually as Donnie closed his jaw letting Spike speak.

"Doesn't that mean i'm like 14 now? Man i can't believe how fast time's flown while i've been here.." Spike said shocked trying to process this.
"Yeah, your birthday passed by a couple months back, we couldn't celebrate it since you were out cold, but i promise we'll celebrate it when your better okay?" April asked hopefully.
"I guess.." Spike said still thinking over this.

"So like, why do they sound different? Spike's voice is far deeper then it was before." Casey asked curious.
"They both sustained damage to their throats, and pretty much everywhere else for that matter." Donnie explained as Leo groaned in pain while Spike tried fighting through it.
"Here take some more of special patented mutagen medicine, is should patch you up in no time" Donnie said pouring some on a spoon and giving it to them.

Spike almost puked and the same happened with Leo.
"That tastes like it's supposed to come out of us and not in.." Leo said in disgust.
"I think i'll stick to regular soup and other stuff to help me recover.." Spike said trying to get that taste out of him.

"Don't worry guys, first thing tomorrow, we're gonna start training again, i'll help Spike get used to his new form, just you two and me." Raph said confidently.
"I do need to recover.. and get used to this still.. first thing tomorrow then.." Spike said still hesitant on this.

We cut to the next day where Raph was taking Spike and Leo for a walk to get their strength back.
"Come on guys you gotta build up those muscles, you've gotten weak. Especially you Spike, you need to learn to use this snake form of yours and learn to fight with it." Raph encouraged as Spike was weakly slithering up to him.
"Don't rub it in us.." Leo said weakly before he fell over and that got their attention and saw his knee was in pain.

"I don't think.. i don't think we'll ever be the same again..." Leo said in pain.
"i think he's right.. you all weren't mutated like me, this.. this is different.." Spike said sadly looking at his reflection.
"Don't talk like that guys. That's not the Leo and Spike i know, come on guys, you should at least start walking properly." Raph encouraged again. Leo grunted in pain again and he took out some of the medicine Donnie gave them.
"You need some Spike?" Leo asked holding it out to him.

"No thank you, i'm sticking to noodle soup and other stuff." Spike said in disgust backing up.
"Understandable.." Leo said as he took another gulp and groaned in disgust. Leo's vision was blurry as he could barely see Spike and Raph.
"Leo? You okay?" Spike asked in a deep voice with Raph walking up to him.
"Oh man.. i'm gonna.." Leo said right before he puked on the floor much to their disgust.

"You okay guys?" Raph asked worried.
"I think it's that medicine Donnie gave us, i'm not feeling too good.." Leo said weakly.
"Can we go back to the house? I feel like i'm gonna pass out.." Spike said weakly as well.
"Your right, maybe this wasn't a good idea so soon, come on guys." Raph said helping them move again, unknown to them, the vomit Leo puked up had some mutagen cells in it and it deepened into the plants below and a pair of green eyes emerged in the darkness..

Spike and Leo were sitting down in the living room with April bringing them some drinks.
"I just can't stop thinking about Master Splinter, maybe he's not really gone.." Leo said worried.
"I saw it happen before i passed out, Shredder threw him down a drain pipe.." Spike said sadly.
"Maybe Leo's right though, i mean Splinter was a great ninja master." April suggested.
"The greatest in the century.." Raph said crossing his arms.

"Hey dudes! The Show's starting!" Mikey announced looking at the Tv right before the houses power went out.
"Aw man, you gotta be kidding me!" Casey said annoyed.
"It's just a blown fuse, i'll fix it in two shakes of a turtles tail." Donnie said walking off.
"You guys don't have tails!" Spike pointed out while Mikey cried sadly about his show.

The fire in the chimney was currently blowing until a strange wind put it out. Donnie took out a flashlight and looked at it.
"Spike? Do you think you can light this up again?" Donnie asked turning to him who looked worried.
"Sorry, i can barely slither properly again, i don't know if i can.." Spike said regretfully.
"Don't worry Spike, i'll get some more firewood." Raph assured right as Donnie's flashlight went out and he tried turning it on.
"Are you kidding?!" Donnie asked annoyed.

We cut to outside of the house where a wolf howled in the night sky, a axe appeared on screen as we see Raph cut up some wood until he heard a strange sound pass by him.
"What was that? Who's there?" Raph asked being on his guard, he looked through the empty field of forest trees until a dear just appeared in front of him.
"Just a dear, phew.." Raph said in relief going back to his work.

"Easy Raph don't get paranoid.." Raph told himself right before he heard something behind him and screamed in fear as a huge monster came behind him, it wrapped it's vines around him and knocked him out as suspenseful music played..

Mikey was currently taking a deep breath before he screamed.
"Raph! He's been gone for hours! Raph!" Mikey screamed again as Spike and the others looked around.
"Raph! Can you hear us?!" Casey shouted worried for him.
"Don't you think he'd answer us?" April asked him.

"All right we split up, April and Casey, you take that way, Donnie and Mikey you take that way." Leo instructed pointing in different directions.
"Split up? Are you local homey?" Mikey asked shocked.
"April and Casey go off alone? Together?!" Donnie asked shocked as well.
"Mikey and Donnie, you take that way." Leo said once more as he and Spike moved away a little.

"What about you guys?" April asked worried for them.
"We'll wait here in case Raph comes back, we're not in the best condition right now.." Spike said as his body still hurt, he and Leo sat down near the stairs and watched the others go off.

"I've always hated the woods at night. When i was a kid, i was sure monsters were gonna come out and eat me." April said worried as she and Casey walked away, April screamed in fear as a branch fell down in front of her and they saw a bat fly out of a tree.
"Relax, no monsters here red, unless you wanna count Casey Jones." Casey said as he made a wolf howl before April punched him.
"Nice.. good arm.." Casey said rubbing it in pain as a vine moved suddenly while they left..

"So what's the deal red? You've been as cold as ice to me since we left New York?" Casey asked as they passed by a scarecrow.
"That's not true it's just.. what do you want Casey? Our family is gone, most likely mutated, Spike's a snake mutant now and is really injured, New York is alien.." April said right before her head hurt again and she clutched it in pain.

"What is it? You getting bad vibes again?" Casey asked worried.
"I.. i think.. something's watching us, come on.. let's keep moving.." April said concerned as they continued on being on their guard.

"Raph! Raph! Ugh.. i don't know D, you think he's lost? Maybe he got eaten by a rabid squirrel?!" Mikey asked worried as he and Donnie walked on their own now.
"I don't know about that, what i'm worried about is because Casey and April went off on their own alone.." Donnie said worried handing Mikey a flashlight.
"Why? Did they forget to bring a compass?" Mikey asked confused.

"No genius. What happens when two teenagers who like eachother go out into the woods alone." Donnie asked him again. Mikey thought about it for a moment until he heard a noise and saw two ugly looking squirrels which scarred him.
"They get eaten by squirrels!" Mikey said in fear.
"You know what, forget i said anything." Donnie said annoyed walking off again.

"Hello, what's this?" Donnie asked shocked as he and Mikey came upon and old looking shack, ominous music played as the door slammed itself closed over and over again..
"Let's check it out.. you first." Mikey suggested which annoyed Donnie. They opened the door as they looked into the dark room.

"Uh, hello?" Mikey announced as they walked inside. Mikey moved his flashlight around and he saw tons of saws and other types of gear, Donnie looked around some more until he found something shocking, he saw the medicine he made on a desk surrounded by 4 candles.
"Ahh!" Donnie screamed as Mikey grabbed him and shut his mouth. Mikey was frozen in fear as he pointed his flashlight to a strange sleeping plant creature.
"Uh.. hello?" Mikey asked nervously, the creature woke up and roared at them as it had a familiar red mask on and they screamed in horror.

The monster roared at them and tried to attack them, the two ran out of the shack in fear right as some vines held the creature back from attacking them, Mikey gasped in fear as they realized who this is.
"I think it's Raph!" Donnie said in shock.
"He's all leafy and weird looking, like a salad!" Mikey said scarred.
"Something must have infected him." Donnie said worried.

"What? Ahh!! Holy Chalupa!!" Mikey screamed as a vine trap caught him and restrained him entirely.
"Hold on! I'll cut you down!" Donnie said taking out his staff as a huge figure towered above him..
Mikey was muffled and tried warning him of the mounter behind him., Donnie turned around and screamed in fear as the monster punched him to a tree.

Donnie regained focus and saw a huge vine monster with a bag on it's head marching to him as suspenseful music played as he threw a pitchfork at him.
"Donnie!" Mikey screamed in fear right as the monster pushed him out of the way. Donnie tried removing the pitchfork but watched in horror as the monster was towering over him.

April and Casey were walking nearby and they heard Donnie scream in horror.
"That's Donnie!" April said worried as the two ran up ahead, April continued to run ahead until she noticed Casey was gone somehow.
"Casey? Casey, this isn't' funny!" April said looking around.
"AHH!!" Casey screamed as April turned around and saw the monster pinning him by a tree.
"Oh no.." April said worried as the monster lifted him up.

"Let go of me!" Casey demanded as he tried breaking free, the monster turned its head around and he saw a single eye in the bag. April screamed in anger as she whacked the monster with one of Casey's sticks and set him free. The bag fell off the monster and they saw it trying to hide it's face. April took out her fan and threw it at the monster's head, but it barely did anything as it rose up and ripped it out.

April screamed in fear as the monster wrapped its vines around her and she saw her fan right next to her.
"Goongala!!" Casey screamed as he jumped in the air and hit it with his bat. Casey tried swinging his bat at the monster again and again giving April the chance to grab her fan, Casey swung at him one more time before the monster caught it.
"Aw man!" Casey said in fear as the monster picked him up and threw him to a tree and knocked off his mask.

"Casey!" April shouted worried as he was knocked out, the monster marched over to her now wearing Casey's mask and was holding a pitchfork. April screamed in fear as she tried to outrun the monster, the monster continued hunting her down as she ran through the woods, April thought she lost him until she ran right into it and whimered in fear.

Leo put his sword in the ground as he and Spike tried moving still.
"Come on Leo, they could be in trouble, i'm sensing somethings off." Spike said worried.
"Come on, he's right, stop whining and get up.." Leo said weakly as he tried getting up. They heard April groaning in pain and saw her trying to get to them.
"April, what's wrong?!" Spike asked worried as she looked hurt. She tried getting to them until a vine wrapped around her leg and started to drag her.

"leo! Spike! Help!!" April screamed as she was dragged into the darkness.
"April!!" Spike screamed in horror as he tried to move, but his body still hurt badly and almost fell on the ground. Leo tried to move as well, but his knees still hurt badly and he fell on them with Spike and him looking on..

"Come on Leo.. we can save them!" Spike said weakly as he tried slithering more.
"I i just don't know if we can Spike.. look at us, we can barely walk. You could barely slither before the invasion happened, and now everything's just.. awful." Leo said weakly sitting down, Spike sighed sadly and sat down next to him.
"I don't know if it'll ever be the same Spike, look at us, we can barely move now, we lost our friends, and our home may be gone forever.." Leo said sadly as they looked at their state.

"I know it's rough for us, i'm still trying to process that i'm a mutant now, and being out cold for 3 months really didn't help. It's like my body's entirely different now.." Spike said looking around the place with regret.
"You shouldn't have come to help me Spike, all that did was get you injured badly too, it's just made things worse for us.." Leo said still in pain.
"And what? Leave you to fight the Foot clan alone? You could have died if it wasn't for luck. I wasn't gonna let one of the first friends i've had since i came here leave me like that." Spike said trying to stand up.

"Even with our combined strength, we still lost to the Kraang, what point is there if it was all for nothing?" Leo asked upset on all of this.
"Ugh.. because there's always something worth fighting for, my friends never gave up when all hope seemed lost, and i'm not gonna give up either.." Spike said as he finally stood up and pushed through the pain.
"Heh.. i guess it's true.. we stopped the Kraang once.. and we can do it again if we try harder.. hopefully.." Leo said trying to get up as well.
"There's always a way Leo. I may not be used to my new body, but i'm still willing to save our friends, are you with me on this?" Spike asked him. Leo pushed through his pain too and grabbed his swords, he put on his mask finally and turned to him.
"Let's take down this monster.." Leo said seriously as the two proceeded to hurry over to the others who were in trouble.

Spike and Leo hurried through the forest as fast as they could, they could still feel pain in they're bodies, but was willing to push through them to save the others. They could hear screaming and knew they were close, Spike and Leo both agreed to lure him out.

The monster who Mikey deemed The Creep was about to feed off of Mikey's mutagen like he did with Raph, until it heard a scream.
"Help, help!" Leo screamed which got it's attention.
"Anyone there?" Spike screamed hoping it would work, the monster stopped what it was doing and walked out.
"Leo, Spike.." Donnie said worried as they were left alone.

The monster walked out of the shack with a pitchfork in its hand, it looked around trying to fine the two until a ninja star hit its head. It saw Spike and Leo march up to it looking furious with it.
"Give us back our family freak." Leo demanded.
"I'll burn you to ash if you don't right now.." Spike threatened as his snake hands made a loud hiss, the monster marched to them and Leo drew his swords while Spike got in a fighting stance the best he could.

The monster swung the pitchfork at them and they rolled out of the way, Leo clashed his sword with it while Spike wrapped his tail around the pitchfork, he used what strength he had to rip it out of his hands and disarm him. Spike made another loud hiss and he and Leo started to attack it. Leo ducked under another attack and swung his sword at it which knocked off Casey's mask.

Leo took some heavy breathes before trying to attack it again, but it wrapped its large hand around Leo's head and lifted him in the air and he saw it's ugly face. The monster roared at him and proceeded to slam him down over and over and threw him to the ground.
"Leo!!" Spike shouted with worry as he was on the ground in pain, the monster turned it's attention to him and roared at him as well. Spike felt something in him snap as his mind suddenly was overcome with rage.

"Leave my friends alone!!" Spike shouted as he made another loud hiss. The monster tried to punch him again and Spike slithered under it and whipped it in the face with his tail, Spike took a deep breath and breathed a big gust of fire right in it's face and it roared in pain. Spike pushed through what pain he had and coiled the monster to restrain him.

"Spike!" Donnie shouted which got his attention as he saw he and the others were freed.
Spike quickly used his strength and tried throwing the monster to the nearby tree and slithered up to him while breathing heavily.
"How do we stop this thing?!" Spike asked worried as the monster got up and roared at them.
"I don't know! Bar the doors!" Donnie shouted as they all grabbed the tools in the shack, Spike came inside the place and they closed the door and barred it up. Casey drew his stick again and they looked around waiting for it to strike.

They heard no noise for a brief moment until the monster suddenly burst through the wall besides them and they screamed in fear. Casey made another wolf howl and tried whacking the thing again until the monster crushed his hockey stick.
"Aw dude!" Casey said annoyed.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he whacked him over and over again and kicked him in the face, everyone got more tools from the shack and Spike used one to cut off the monsters arm with the others violently attacking it until it stopped moving.

They all took heavy breathes as it didn't move, but it's eyes glowed green again and it ripped out the weapons attached to it and knocked them down, Spike and Leo watched as the monster took up its arm and re attached it onto him.
"You gotta be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed keeping his guard up, the monster punched them back to the shrine he had with the medicine and they noticed it. The monster made a roar as they saw it, Spike got the idea and grabbed it.

"You want this! Well come get it!!" Spike screamed as he tried escaping it.
"Casey grab the chains!" April instructed as Casey saw the chains nearby. Spike was ducking under each attack it threw at him as it tried getting the medicine back, Spike was Leo with the pitchfork and threw it to him, Leo screamed in rage as he stabbed the weapon through the glass and shattered it..

Spike whipped the thing to the tree and Casey and April wrapped the chains around it and the tree to stop it from moving.
"That's what you get for messing with my mask freak!" Casey said angry at it.
"That should hold him, now come on, we gotta get him back to the lab." Donnie said ready to go.
"Do you really think you can save Raph?" Leo asked worried.
"Honestly, i don't know Leo, i just don't know.." Donnie said worried as they looked at the monster..

A soft groan is heard as a pair of eyes open up and it sees Spike, Donnie and April looking over him.
"Yes!" Donnie said in victory.
"Raph! Your okay!" Spike said in relief helping him up.
"What the heck is going on?" Raph asked confused looking around.

"Crazy swamp monster sucked out your mutagen and turned you into a plant! It was wicked due." Casey said sounding a little excited.
"But i used this I.V tube to drain all the mutagen out of The Creep and back into your body, cool right?" Donnie asked holding it up.
"Cool, thanks Donnie, so what happened to the monster?" Raph asked curious.
"He's nothing more then a plant now." Spike explained showing him the case of its remains.

"Donnie worked all night to save you. Leo and Spike never left your side." April said as Raph saw Leo sitting down.
"That's what brothers are for." Leo said with a smile.
"It's only best we returned the favor for looking out for us." Spike said proudly.
"We gotta heal up guys, and take back the city." Leo said confidentially.
"One day we will guys, and when that happens, we'll be ready for it.." Spike said seriously as all of them looked at eachother ready to face what comes next..

40: A Foot Too Big

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Spike was currently on the field near the farmhouse right now, he was trying to get a better hang of his body after he got really injured, he barely had much time to practice with it after he got mutated before the invasion happened, and the condition he's in made it harder.

One thing he was trying to do is focus on his physic powers more, he hadn't gotten a chance to train with them that much and was hoping to get a better hold of them. Spike was currently sitting down in front of a few objects, he was gonna see if he had telekinesis ability's with his powers as he could go into ones minds before.

"Okay Spike try and focus your mind.." Spike told himself as he raised his snake hand in the air, he knew it would be a lot harder since he doesn't have normal hands anymore and was still in pain. He closed his eyes and focused his mind and used lessons Splinter taught him. He could start to feel his minds energy around him again and could hear it, Spike focused his mind as hard as he could and raised a hand up.

Spike kept his eyes close and tried focusing the best he could, he could feel the energy pouring out of him and focused it into the objects, the objects were regular cans and pieces of wood, they were small, but Spike is willing to try and use them to figure this out. The objects didn't move for a bit as Spike couldn't feel them move, Spike tried keeping a clear focus in his mind and stretched his snake hands out further. The energy eventually reached the objects and much to his amazement, he could feel them being lifted in the air only slightly..

Spike opened his eyes and saw they were floating, no strings attached, no one tricking him, they were floating..
"Yes.. come on.. a little higher.." Spike prayed as he tried using his powers a little more, he could feel a restrain happening as his body's pain was catching up to him again. Spike grunted in pain as he tried keeping his focus, but the objects soon fell back down and he gasped for air.

"Dang it.. stupid snake body.." Spike said weakly as he got up and looked at himself again.
"I'd be able to use this better if i wasn't a mutant.. or would it be worse if i wasn't? It's just.. why did these powers start coming now and not when i was in Equestria? What was it that caused this to finally awaken in me?" Spike asked himself looking at his snake hands, the question haunted him for a while as he had no idea how or why this happened.
"I guess i'll find out at a later point then.. let's just get some rest Spike.." Spike told himself as he stood up and slithered back into the house wondering how he could develop these in the future..

Spike went through the halls to get some soup, even though his body didn't hurt as much as a week ago, it still hurt from the battle damage, and he's still trying to get used to his deeper voice. Spike was about to get some soup until he heard music playing and saw Donnie in the living room.. giving April a music box.
"You've gotta be kidding me Donnie.." Spike whispered in annoyance while April looked weirded out.

"Uh wow that is uh.. super neat Donnie.. thank you so much.." April said creeped out at this as she put the thing down.
"Well gotta go, got some uh training to do.. thanks again Donnie.." April said quickly getting out of here with Donnie looking down sadly.
"Can't even imagine how your feeling right now.." Mikey said popping up from the couch.
"Devastated.." Donnie said depressed.
"Aw man, i was totally gonna say devastated! I should've just went for it, i gotta learn to trust my instincts." Mikey said moving around him until Donnie grabbed his face, Spike sighed and slithered inside.

"Donnie, doing that sorta thing is sweet, but it's really creepy as well, you need to learn to take it easy." Spike explained as he patted him on the back.
"Spike's right Donnie, it's never gonna happen, we're mutants, she's a girl, your a giant talking turtle." Raph announced as he walked into the room.
"Believe me Donnie, i've had this kind of behavior myself before, and it ended in embarrassing ways.." Spike said as he remembered the times he tried wooing over Rarity.

"Come on guys, you know what you need huh? Buddy you know what you need?" Raph playfully asked.
"You too leave.." Donnie suggested slightly annoyed.
"A little forest ninja training, ha! Huh? Huh? Sounds like fun right? Right?" Raph asked rubbing his head which made Donnie grumble in annoyance.

We cut to the outside of the house where Raph training with the two while Spike and Leo watched.
"Wow you guys are rustier then the Titanic's butt!" Raph mocked as he jumped in the air and delivered an air kick.
"No we're.. oh!!" Mikey shouted as he and Donnie ran into some trees.
"We're not in the city anymore, we need to get used to this new environment. No buildings, no subways.." Raph instructed as he pretended to throw a punch to Mikey which made him run into the tree again.

"Lot's of trees." Raph said looking down at him.
"Uh.. tell me about it.." Mikey said weakly getting back up.
"Well what do you two think?" Raph asked turning to Spike and Leo, Leo thought about it for a moment until getting something.
"Turtle hunt." Leo announced.
"Oh yeah.." Spike said with a grin as he liked this game.

"Turtle hunt, hmmm.." Raph said liking that idea.
"Turtle hunt?!" Donnie and Mikey asked at once.
"You two gonna help out?" Raph asked curious.
"Yeah i.. ah!" Leo said in pain as his knee still hurt.

"Sorry, i guess i'm still not up to it, enjoy your hunt guys." Leo said as he walked off again.
"Leo.." Spike said sadly as he still had a lot of body pain but was pushing through it.
"Well what about you, you helping out with this Spike?" Raph asked once more.
"Yeah, i'm just gonna take it easy though, sounds like a fun time honestly." Spike said going up to Raph.

"Dudes.." Mikey said confused.
"What do you mean by turtle hunt?" Donnie asked confused as well.

"You guys are gonna head into the forest, Spike and I will give you a 5 minute head start then we hunt you down." Raph explained while he made some body stretches, Spike tried stretching out his body the best he could without hurting himself and was much easier thanks to being a snake.
"If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you'll have to.. clean out the chicken coup!" Raph announced which made Spike chuckle.

"No way!" Donnie said in horror.
"Not the chicken coup man!" Mikey said horrified.
"It smells like cheese fossils!" Donnie said in disgust.
"It's got spiders so big they play the banjo!" Mikey said horrified as a giant spider appeared behind them playing a banjo before vanishing again.
"We can't clean that thing!" Donnie said not wanting to do this.
"Sorry guys, but rules are decided, you best get moving!" Spike said as he made a loud hiss which made the two run off in fear.

"I'm starting to like you as a snake Spike, gives the two of them more of a reason to run away in fear." Raph said with a chuckle as they waited for a moment.
"Yeah, there are things that benefit from being a snake i guess, i just wish i had normal hands at least, you know how hard it is to pick things up normally now?" Spike asked annoyed as the two finally started to move.
"I can only imagine, you try using your tail? It could help with things." Raph suggested with some concern.

"My body still hurts, i'm still not used to.. not having legs anymore. Plus this new voice of mine is a little distracting at times.." Spike said listening to himself.
"Yeah, you honestly sound more like an adult then teenager with that voice, but i guess that's what comes with throat damage i guess." Raph replied casually as they kept on moving.

Donnie and Mikey were currently hiding above a tree after hearing a loud noise.
"Oh we are so cleaning that coup! Raph and Spike are gonna find us hear in like five seconds.." Donnie said in fear as Mikey saw something.
"I don't think so.." Mikey said horrified looking up.
"Why not?" Donnie asked confused before he looked up and looked terrified as well.

They saw a large monster hanging in the trees and it growled in anger.
"Um.. hi?" Mikey said nervously, the two of them screamed while landing on the ground away from the monster as it landed down and made a loud roar at them. The two of them drew they're weapons and the monster growled in response, it took a nearby tree and ripped it around and twirled it around like a staff.

"What is it? Some kind of monkey man?" Mikey asked shocked.
"It.. it looks like the mythical sasquatch.. Bigfoot!" Donnie said in shock right before the monster hit them with the large tree.
"He's too big.. run!!" Donnie screamed as they made a run for it.

Spike and Raph continued to look for the others until they heard screaming and saw them running in their direction.
"Guys what are you doing?" Spike asked confused at this.
"Come on guys you aren't even trying to hide." Raph said annoyed.
"Bigfoot!!" They both screamed running past them.
"Bigfoot?" Spike asked confused.

"Yeah right if you think your gonna get out of cleaning that coup by.." Raph said before Donnie turned him around and he and Spike had a look of shock. They saw the monster itself tearing through some trees and roaring in rage with the two of them screaming.
"Looks like we're gonna get some real training, stay back Spike!" Raph warned as he drew his weapons, Spike knew he wasn't fully able to fight and backed off to let them fight.

Spike watched with worry as the monster started to really give them a tough time, he was actually a tough foe for them to take down and watched as it disarmed Raph.
"Bigfoots got some skills!" Raph said in surprised as he started to dodge the attacks from the branches he had. Donnie screamed in rage and jumped down from the air and latched onto its arm, the monster had a look of shock and tried shaking Donnie off and whimered in pain.
"Hey.. are you.." Donnie asked as he saw a bloody scratched mark. Donnie screamed as the monster threw him back and the others tried stopping it.

"Guys wait, somethings wrong, it looks.. scarred." Spike shouted seeing it wasn't mad at all.
"He's right, i think he's hurt. I don't think he wants to fight us, i think he's just scarred." Donnie said worried walking up to him who had Mikey covered by his hand.
"Scarred?" He asked confused.
"He can talk?" Raph asked confused as well.

"Guys, is it me, or does Bigfoot look.. less like a man then we thought he would?" Spike asked looking at Bigfoots body.
"Okay okay, easy now easy, i can fix your arm if you let me." Donnie offered trying to calm him down, he lowered its arm still felling scarred.
"It's okay, i can help, it doesn't look to bad, but i'd like to take you back so we can clean it up and bandage it, is that okay?" Donnie asked concerned for it.
"Hello? Anybody?!" Mikey shouted right as he was dropped finally.

"No way, we can't bring a giant ape man home with us!" Raph said annoyed at this.
"Of course we can, Spike?" Donnie asked turning to him.
"I'd say we help it, if Fluttershy saw this thing hurt, helping it would be the first thing she'd do." Spike said confidently with Mikey agreeing as well.
"3 to 1 Raph. Hi, i'm Donnie, this is Raph, Mikey and Spike.." Donnie introduced as someone was watching them.

Spikes head went off again as he could feel them being watched.
"Of course you have a name! Your Bigfoot!" Mikey said as he didn't know it's name and it looked at its large foot.
"Big foot.." Bigfoot said before he made a laugh as he liked that.
"You can come with us." Donnie offered as a shadow went by and he looked scarred. Spike knew they were being watched now and decided to get moving.
"Well guys, i think it's best we head home for now, come on." Spike said slithering along with the others following him.

The man from before was watching them and he was in hunting gear.
"Well mama, been hunting this furry freak for years now." The man said looking at a small head.
"And now he goes and finds himself some more freaks." The man said in a womans voice holding it up.
"Save it mama, ain't no little green aliens and a giant snake are gonna save Bigfoot from.. The Finger!" He announced showing he had a sixth finger on his hand..

Spike and the others made it back and Donnie opened the door.
"Hello? Anyone home? We brought company." Donnie announced trying to bring they're friend in.
"What you can't let anyone in!... Why is the doorway full of hair?" Leo asked confused as he walked down and saw it blocked.
"And i giant butt?" Casey joked as Spike was pushing it inside.
"Almost.. got it!" Spike shouted as he got him inside and they gasped.

"It's Bigfoot!!" Casey shouted in shock.
"You brought Bigfoot home?!" Leo asked shocked walking down.
"Hoe does everyone know Bigfoot's name?" Bigfoot asked curiously.
"Bigfoot, this is Leo, Casey and April." Donnie introduced and April saw his mark.

"He's hurt! I'll get the first aid kit!" April said walking off to get it.
"You can't just bring Bigfoot home! " Leo said seriously while Mikey mocked him and Leo gave him a glare of anger.

"He needs our help, just until his arm gets better." Donnie said in defense looking at him.
"Come on, let's get you fixed up." April offered bringing him to another room.
"Sure but when i wanted to have a dog you were like no way." Casey said in a mocking voice.
"We have an ice cream cat already Casey, you know what would happen if a dog saw him?" Spike said in defense.

"Spike's right, he could eat the poor kitty alive!" Mikey said in horror imagining the thought and Spike sighed again.
"Look Leo, he's hurt, i sensed something was following him and was probably what hurt him. I'm gonna keep a look out on things, meanwhile, let's just try to take care of him for now okay?" Spike asked slithering upstairs.
"Fine, but if he starts causing trouble don't tell me i warned you." Leo said still upset.

They heard some commotion going on in the other room and saw Bigfoot.. hugging Donnie?
"Bigfoot am lady!" Bigfoot said after giving him a gross kiss.
"That is.. great?" Donnie said nervously.
"That is great!" Casey mocked before everyone in the room laughed at this.
"Oh my Celestia, that is priceless!" Spike said falling to the ground while laughing.

We cut to a montage of Bigfoot doing different things around the house, the first one shows Donnie working in his lab again but was being watched by Bigfoot again which made him nervous, the next one shows Donnie watching this show called Grognard again and was being fed popcorn by her..
Next is Mikey in the kitchen making some soup until he saw Bigfoot come inside.
"Bigfoot bring meat!" Bigfoot said putting a bag down.
"Where did you..? " Mikey asked as she pulled out a dead squirrel.
"Good meet, tender, tender." Bigfoot said and Mikey screamed before he puked inside the pot..

Raph was currently heading out to the bathroom until he saw Bigfoot come out.
"Bigfoot make waste." She said walking off.
"Uh make waste?" Raph asked confused, he checked inside and saw the toilet was clean, but he checked the tub and it was full of it making an awful stink.
"Ahh! BIGFOOT!!!" Raph screamed in anger which echoed through the house.

Spike was currently slithering through the house looking for Bigfoot, he did find it funny that Donnie was getting what he kept giving April and now knows how she feels. But Spike was wanting to know more about this" Finger" person she mentioned about. Spike made his way to the kitchen and found Bigfoot cooking stuff for Donnie obviously.

"Hey um, Bigfoot? I gotta ask you something important." Spike asked coming inside
"Hmm? And what would that be Spike?" She asked confused.
"This person who hurt you this.. Finger. How long has he been hunting you?" Spike asked while getting some water, she looked scarred with his name mentioned.

"Finger bad man, been chasing Bigfoot for years, Finger crazy!" Bigfoot said in fear.
"I can tell, i could sense him watching us, i need a favor to ask you to stop him." Spike said with a serious look which confused her.

The Finger was currently out until he heard Raph talking with the others again.
"Donnie and Mikey need to learn to blend in out here, forest stealth. If your gonna stay with us at least you can help out. So show them some stuff okay? I gotta go clean out the tub." Raph said in disgust as he put on a mask and walked off making a Darth Vader breathing sound while doing so..
The two of them looked at Bigfoot nervously and she reached for Mikey.
"Please don't grab my head again.." Mikey begged right before she grabbed him and he whimered in fear and she put him in a bush.

"Blend in." She said looking at him.
"I can still see him." Donnie pointed out as Finger watched on and pulled out the little doll again.

"Mama, looks like Bigfoot has made himself a couple of Green alien buddies, the finger is okay with that." Finger said putting out a crossbow and was sneaking up to them. Spike got what info what he could on this guy and was watching him high in the trees, despite his body still hurt, he wasn't gonna let this guy hurt them and had a perfect plan to stop him.
"Let's just see how you like being hunted.." Spike said as his hands made another hiss once more.

Bigfoot saw the Finger and the distance and quickly grabbed the two and ran off while avoiding darts.
"Ugh your squishing me!" Mikey screamed as they ran off. which he saw.
"Darn it, lost em, but not for long!" Finger said sinisterly while Spike snuck out as well.

Spike and the others were back to the house and Spike was watching the two playing video games.
"Aw man! Big foot is a maze balls with the forest stealth stuff!" Mikey said amazed as they walked in with Bigfoot looking scarred, Spike knew she saw him again and had a plan for this.

"Bigfoot scarred, Finger bad!" She said in fear closing the curtains.
"Right fingers are bad, hey Donnie you wanna play some games?" Raph offered holding out a controller.

Bigfoot was making some soup again until April walked in.
"Evening Bigfoot, what are you making?" April asked curiously.
"Food, Donnie.." Bigfoot said walking off while April peaked in and screamed in disgust.
"Um.. you realize that meat has fur?" She asked pointing at it and Bigfoot nodded in response. She went and opened the freezer and found ice cream kitty inside and they both screamed at eachother in fear until Bigfoot threw the fridge out of the window in fear.

"Bigfoot need help." She said to April.
"Sure what Bigfoot want i mean.. what do you want?" April asked curiously.
"Makeover?" She asked nervously.

We cut to the both of them in the bathroom as April was doing it for her, she started off by trimming up her hair and putting lipstick on her face.
"Well, uh what do you think?" April asked as she grabbed a mirror and saw her reflection, and the mirror shattered as a result.

Donnie was heading downstairs casually until he ran into Bigfoot holding out the soup again and groaned in disgust, he looked up and saw her with some makeup on her.
"Wow.. whoa um yeah thank you.." Donnie said nervously as she made a wide grin.
"Gotta go bye!" Donnie shouted zooming off at fast speeds leaving her upset. Donnie went into the living room and was breathing heavily.

"Uh this is so uncomfortable, Bigfoot follows me everywhere like a lovestruck puppy." Donnie said closing the door.
"Now you know how April feels." Raph mocked as he played more video games, Donnie was about to say something but soon realized he was right.
"Hey, you seen Spike anywhere? Haven't seen him for hours." Donnie asked curiously.
"Said something about going for a hunt, even though he's still in pain, he's wanting to push through it to get better. Gotta hand it to him, that kid doesn't give up even when in pain." Raph said as he continued playing with Donnie looking concerned.

Bigfoot was currently on a rooftop thinking to herself alone until she heard Casey and Leo laughing.
"So she's wearing makeup now and keeps making soup for Donnie." Leo said while chuckling.
"You think she's his type?" Casey asked trying to hold back his laughter. .
"Maybe after a shave!" Leo joked which made the two of them laugh hard, but they didn't know Bigfoot was hearing them and saw her looking upset.
"Bigfoot wait!" Leo shouted as she went off crying.

Donnie and Mikey were on the porch and saw her running off while crying and looked at Leo and Casey.
"What is wrong with you guys?!" Mikey asked mad at them.
"We didn't mean to hurt her feelings!" Casey said in defense.
"Bigfoot wait!" Donnie shouted as he ran after along with Mikey.

Bigfoot continued to cry as the Finger saw her run through the forest.
"Mama your boys got them right where he wants em." He said to the doll.
"If you play your cards right, maybe you'll get your own alien hunting reality show." He said in a womans voice again.
"Oh, just like cousin fatback!" Finger said as he shot a bomb arrow into a tree and it exploded. Spike was hiding in the trees again and was finishing up a set of traps he placed for him.
"And i've got you where i want you.." Spike said with anger as he prepared his trap.

Bigfoot kept crying while she ran through the woods, she wasn't looking where she was going and fell into a secure trap the Finger placed.
"How many years has Finger been chasing you? Well guess what? Mama says the chasings over, Bigfoot, you gonna make mama and the Finger rich." He said holding the doll up.
"I'm so proud of you the Finger." He said in a womans voice again as Donnie and Mikey snuck up and saw him holding her, they thought they tackled him to the ground but that set off another trap which got them knocked out by a wooden log.

Spike saw that he captured Donnie and Mikey too and knew it was time to begin his plan.
"Ain't got no room for them in the cart mama, looks like i'm gonna have to stuff em right here!" He said holding out a large knife, Donnie was about to suggest something until something made a shattering sound nearby.
"What the?" Finger asked confused as he went to check on it.

He went not to far from the others and looked down and saw a shattered piece of glass on the floor.
"This ain't from those aliens.." Finger said looking at it, a shadow sweat by him and made a hissing sound which he heard.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!" Finger demanded holding out another arrow, the shadow went behind him again and he turned around once more and shot the arrow. The arrow flew through the air and seemingly stabbed something in the chest.
"Yes! You thought you could outsmart.." Finger said right before he came up to it and saw it was a dummy.
"Me?" Finger asked as he heard something snap. He looked to his right and saw a rope was being pulled from multiple areas, one went to another log, one went to a rock that went higher, and the last one was on a high tree branch that lead to something above him snapping.

Finger looked up in shock and saw a net full of bombs of soup that Bigfoot made fall down to him.
"Whoa!" Finger shouted as he tried dodging them all which made loud splashes upon exploding. Finger kept his guard up until he backed into something once more, he turned around and saw in shock as this was a trap full of shockers from Donnie's laugh. He screamed in terror as he was continuously being shocked to no end by this trap and was trying to escape.
"You think.. that's enough to stop me?!" Finger asked right before something shot him in the arrow pack, he looked behind and saw a firecracker attached to a sticky magnet was attached to the bomb arrows.

"Oh no.." Finger said in shock as all of the bomb arrows went off and started exploding which sent him into the air, he kept on falling back until another exploded like a firework over and over again until he fell on the ground and they all blew up now. Finger groaned in pain right as he got up again, but this walked him into another trap and that caused his legs to be restrained and left him dangling in the air.
"Who are you?! What do you want with the Finger?!" He screamed in anger, a loud hiss could be heard as the shadow from before landed down, the finger turned around and found Spike looking down at him with fury and he made a loud hiss of rage.

Donnie and Mikey were able to break free of they're traps and heard loud screaming in the distance. Donnie freed Bigfoot and they went to check it out, when they got there they saw Spike coiling around the guy and sqeezing him till he gives up.
"Spike?! That was you?!" Donnie asked in shock.
"You set up all those traps?! Talk about awesome dog!" Mikey said amazed at what he did.

"I knew this creep was following us, so i decided to show him how it feels when hunting a lady! How dare you do such a thing?!" Spike said with a loud hiss again and the Finger looked shocked.
"What?! Bigfoot's a lady?! The Finger can't hurt no lady!" The finger said in shock which confused him greatly.
"Wait.. what?" Spike asked confused as he uncoiled from him and dropped him down. Spike slithered up to the others and they looked just as confused.

"The Finger's sorry mama, he didn't know! He would never hurt no lady!" Finger said to his doll and was on the verge of crying. until Bigfoot walked up and picked him up/
"There there, it am be okay." Bigfoot said assuringly.
"Huh?" Finger said in shock looking at her, the two looked at eachother for a moment until they.. both fell in love with eachother and hugged eachother while he kept crying.
"Bigfoot take care of sad man." Bigfoot said as she walked off carrying him while the 3 of them looked in shock, Spike slapped his face and was just trying to process what he just saw.
"What.. the.. fu.." Spike said in complete confusion right before we cut to April chopping up another piece of wood.

Donnie came up to her looking ashamed before deciding to talk with her.
"Hey April." Donnie said nervously.
"What's up Donnie?" April asked brushing some sweat off.

"I um.. well i just wanted to let you know i won't be bothering you with music boxes anymore. I get it now, Donnie is to April as Bigfoot was for Donnie." Donnie said sadly which made her confused.
"I'm just.. a mutant.." Donnie said sadly.
"Your not just a mutant Donnie, your my mutant." April said as she gave him a kiss suddenly which shocked him completely.
"I understand.. nothing.." Donnie said in complete shock as Spike watched from the window and shook his head in disappointment before going to take a nap himself..

41: Secrets Discovered

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It was another day at the farmhouse, the place was in need of cleaning so everyone decided to play a little game by using they're ninja skills to clean the place up.

"Everyone ready?" April asked seriously.
"Casey Jones was born ready!" Casey said putting on his mask.
"Let's do this!" Raph said twirling around some cleaners.
"This is gonna be sweet." Spike said with a smug twirling a broom around with his tail.

All of them screamed with rage as they were cleaning the house like it was an enemy attacking. Raph screamed with anger as he lunged into the fireplace and swept up any cobwebs, Spike put the broom in a bucket and twirled it around like Donnie with his staff, his body was able to move a lot better now thanks to time healing his body. Spike sweeped the floors of the stairs while slithering around at fast speeds. Mikey threw a bucket up to Donnie who caught it with his staff and mopped the top floors as well. Mikey latched his chain on another part of the house and hung upside down in order to clean the Chandelier

"Window cleaner on, window cleaner off." Leo told himself as he cleaned up the windows and repeated those words.
"Do we have to take cleaning the house so seriously guys?" Spike asked as he finished up his part and went over to Leo.
"It's a way that motivates us to clean Spike, makes things more fun you know?" Leo asked casually.
"I can understand that, never hurts to have fun while doing chores i guess." Spike said in agreement.

April was cleaning the walls in the bathroom until Casey walked in.
"Looking good red, keep up all the hard work." Casey said as he was hanging in the tub much to her annoyance.
"Real funny jones, now stop goofing off and help out." April said throwing the sponge in his face.

"Anything for you mon cherry." Casey teased which Donnie heard.
"It's pronounced mon cherie. I can help you April." Donnie said as he got Casey out of the tub and pushed him out of the room with his staff.

"Uh huh, put your dust wag on it, whoo!" Mikey cheered as he was cleaning the walls on a stool until Casey bumped into him.
"Ahh!" Mikey screamed as he fell of the stool and was slamming down the stairs.
"You gotta be kidding me!" Raph said annoyed as Mikey slid down into him and Leo, Spike rolled out of the way just in time to see Mikey crash into Raph and make the bucket land on his face.

"Oh Mikey i just vacuumed!" Leo said annoyed.
"I just cleaned those floors too!" Spike said upset as well making another hiss.
"Yeah? Well i'm about to mop the floor with him!" Raph said throwing the bucket to the ground.

Mikey groaned in pain until he saw something on the ground.
"Whoa guys.. check it out!" Mikey said amazed as they saw a door on the floor.
"A trap door? I didn't even know we had a basement." April said shocked at this.
"What do you suppose is down there?" Leo asked curiously.
"Only one way to find out, come on guys." Spike said as he opened the hatch with his tail they looked down at the darkness as ominous music played.

"Uh, who's going first?" Donnie asked nervously.
"Not it!" Spike and the others shouted before Leo could and he groaned in annoyance realizing it.

They slowly walked down inside the place and looked around and saw nothing but really old stuff, Raph moved his flashlight around until it landed on something familiar which made them all gasp.
"No way.." Spike said in fear seeing it.
"The kraang!" Leo said seriously as it was revealed to be a really old Stealth ship...

"Whoa.." Mikey said in awe as they looked at it.
"It looks.. old.. really old.." Spike said as he saw all the dirt and dust on it.
"What the heck is a Kraang ship doing underneath my house?" April asked worried. The ship seemed to activate suddenly and it opened a door leading inside.
"Only one way to find out, come on." Leo said as he went inside along with the others.

They moved they're flashlight around the place and saw how old and abandoned this was, Raph looked around some more and found something.
"Guys.. look!" Raph said looking at a strange case holding something inside.
"Is that a person in there?" Casey asked confused as Donnie leaned down to check on it.

"Okay don't touch anything, i repeat: Do not touch.. anything!" Donnie said to Mikey specifically, he chuckled nervously and accidently hit a switch near the back.
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as the ship powered up.
"Oops.. i promise not to touch anything starting.. now?" Mikey said nervously.
"To be fair Donnie, your caused this." Spike pointed out as the ship came online.

The tube containing the person began to thaw out and the glass case opened, April took a closer look at the person and gasped in shock, the woman groaned in pain as she finally opened her eyes.
"Mom?!" April asked in shock.
"Mom?" Casey and Spike asked at once. The woman groaned and weakly climbed out with Donnie and Raph catching her.

"Take it easy ma'am, hold on." Donnie said worried, she looked around and had a look of fear seeing the turtles.
"Ah! Mutants!" She screamed breaking free from Donnie trying to escape, she tripped over herself and Casey caught her.
"Oh uh don't worry Mrs O Neil, these are good mutants.. except Donnie." Casey said turning to him.
"Yeah.. hey!" Donnie said annoyed.

"Where am i? And how do you know my.." She asked before turning around and saw April.
"A.. April? But how.. just a few days ago you were only.. six years old..." She said before falling down still weak from waking up.
"Mom.. oh.." April said as she passed out from the shock as well with Spike catching her.
"Talk about a discovery.." Spike said in shock trying to process this.

We cut to the living room where Spike was getting drinks for her while she explained what's going on.
"Here you go mom, just relax." April assured giving her some tea.
"Your safe here ma'am." Spike assured slithering back to help her relax.

"Thank you, both of you, i know this is hard to believe but.. The Kraang ship has been here for years.." She explained as we see a memory of this places history, apparently April's great grandfather discovered this ship deep below the house and accidently awakened the Kraang that were inside. In return, they experimented on the family's bloodline, trying to perfect they're mutagen. When April was born, she and Kirby both knew she was important and that the Kraang would come for her. So in an attempt to escape, Kirby tried taking them away and escaping to New York, but she was captured and put into stasis..

Spike and the others looked on with regret as they felt bad hearing this story.
"I'm sorry ma'am. i know what it's like.. being taken away from someone close.." Spike said looking at his snake body once more.
"All these years, i never knew.. i couldn't think.. dad would never tell.." April said in shock from this.
"Now you know, and now we never have to be apart again, where is Kirby anyway?" She asked looking around.
"He's on a vacation in Puerto Rico, plus i don't think he'd react to this that well you know?" Spike asked still processing this.
"That is understandable. But i'm just so glad to have my April back.." She said giving April a hug.

Spike and the others watched on with smiles.. until Spikes senses went off again telling him something was wrong, and Mikey got suspicious too.
"Is it me, or is April's mom seeming a bit off?" Mikey asked Spike.
"Somethings wrong, but let's keep it to ourselves okay?" Spike whispered to him and he nodded in response.
"Glad to know your getting the same vibes too, i don't trust her.." Mikey said suspicious as they watched on..

April and her mom were now outside at night looking over the stars.
"Remember how we used to sit out here in the summertime and looked out at the stars?" April's mom asked looking at them.
"Like it was yesterday.. but.. so much has happened, so much time has passed.." April said still trying to process this.
"And that's what it is, the past, we're together again.." She assured giving April a hug with Mikey watching on.
"Somethings not right here.." Mikey said suspicious of this.

"We can start over, we can be a family again.." She assured.
"If only dad were here.." April said sadly, April's mom heard a twig snap and looked closely and thought something was hiding, Mikey had enough and ran up to them drawing his weapon.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he tried attacking her.

April's mom screamed in terror as April came in front.
"Mikey what are you doing?!" April asked pushing up back.
"Get away from April! I'm warning you!" Mikey threatened, she screamed in fear and ran back to the house, Mikey was gonna run after her until April pulled his mask back.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! Have you lost your mind?! you know what? Don't answer that!" April said angry at him running after her.
"April wait i can explain!" Mikey begged going after her
"Mom!" April shouted worried going inside.
"April hold on!" Mikey shouted about to go in, until Raph and Spike blocked his path and looked upset at him.

Mikey suddenly found himself tied up in the barn, Spike coiled around him to make sure he doesn't try anything, while Donnie towered over him looking furious with the others watching.

"Michelangelo.. you.. attacked.. April's.. MOTHER?!?!?!" Donnie shouted with fury making a lot of wind fly by him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Spike asked furious as well.
"Have you completely cracked your shell?" Raph asked mad as well.

"I don't trust her, she's all kinds of wrong, you guys gotta believe me, Spike's suspicious of this as well!" Mikey said in defense.
"Yeah but at least i don't make it that obvious!" Spike said making another hiss.
"Oh just like that time tiny elves stole your nunchuks and replaced them with mozzarella sticks." Leo said mockingly as Mikey imagined the image.
"Yes!" Mikey said in defense before Raph joined in.

"Or the time you and Ice cream kitty entered a break dance competition?" Raph added as he imagined that as well.
"Exactly!" Mikey said pointing at him before Spike came in his face.
"Or how about the time i called you when i was fighting foot bots, but you were searching for clothes at a freaking soup store!" Spike said with anger as the image came on screen.
"That was Donnie's fault, he didn't give me the right directions!" Mikey said in defense.

"Stop it Mikey, do you have any idea how much this means to April? If you ruin this for her.." Casey threatened.
"Fine, if you don't believe me, i'll prove it!" Mikey said getting away from Spike and walking off.
"It'll only make things worse Mikey!" Spike shouted as he left.

April's mother was out in the open and April came up to her.
"Mom? Are you okay?" April asked worried looking at her.
"I was just thinking about the time we'd picnic in the woods by the stream.." She said looking out.
"Those were some of my favorite memories.." April said giving her a hug.

" We should go somewhere April, just the two of us. Just drive off, leave these creatures behind. I don't trust them!" She said worried.
"I.. i can't do that.." April said concerned.
"Why not?" She asked worried.

"They're like family, they've always been there for me." April said not wanting to go.
"I'm your mother, i'm your family, not them. They're just a bunch of freaks." She said walking off leaving April alone, Spike saw her going off and had his suspicions but decided to lay low.

Mikey sighed sadly as he was in the kitchen.
"No one gets me. No one but you.." Mikey said looking at ice cream kitty and it made a meow.
"Aw see? Your so cute, i could just eat you up.." Mikey said playfully pouring a ton of whipped cream on his head. The cat saw something and made a hiss of anger and Mikey saw something out the window. Mikey did a closer check and saw April's mom walking out into the woods.

"What do you think ice cream kitty? Go after her?" Mikey asked suspicious, the cat made a menacing meow in response saying he should go.
"My thoughts exactly." Mikey said gladly before he went out after her.

"Mikey? Mikey? You in here?" Spike asked slithering into the dining room, he looked around and saw nothing but whipped cream cans on the table and ice cream kitty in a bowl.
"Hey, you seen Mikey go anywhere?" Spike asked coming up to him, the cat simply made a meow and pointed out the window, Spike sighed as he knew Mikey could've gone after April's mom.
"At least try and be safe Mikey.." Spike prayed as he had a can of whipped cream himself before slithering off.

Donnie was currently in the Kraang ship under the house trying to find more info on April's mother.
"What up D?"" Mikey suddenly announced which scarred him, he found Mikey standing near the wall with a suspicious smile.
"You scarred me Mikey. I'm just looking over the data from the Cryotube's computers. Some of these readouts don't make sense.." Donnie said concerned as April walked in.
"Donnie, have you seen mom?" April asked worried coming inside.
"No, what's up?" Donnie asked curious.

"Me and her had a little argument earlier and now she's gone, probably because Mikey freaked her out." April said annoyed.
"Don't worry April, i'm sure she's around, i'll be up in a minute to help look around for her." Mikey said with the same strange smile.
"No thanks Mikey, i don't need your help." April said annoyed walking off again, Donnie kept looking through the computers until he found something.

"No.. it. it can't be.. she.. she's not.. i gotta go tell the others.." Donnie said worried trying to go before she suddenly appeared in front of him.
"Hello, Donatello.." She said in in ominous voice.
"Ah.. what.. what happened to Mikey?" Donnie asked in fear before she smacked him down with incredible strength. She grabbed the computer and slammed it down multiple times before shattering it and throwing it to him.

Donnie screamed in fear as a large tentacle appeared from her and he backed up.
"I gotta warn the others!" Donnie said trying to escape, but the tentacle wrapped around Donnie's staff and knocked him to the ground, and another tentacle wrapped around Donnie's leg.
"Let me go! AHH!!!" Donnie screamed in horror as the monster attacked him.

Leo came into the ship looking for April's" Mother".
"Mrs O Neil.. uh.. mom?" Leo asked looking around until he found Donnie looking at the screen.
"Hey Donnie uh.. Where's mom ?" Leo asked curious.
"No ones here but me.." Donnie said strangely.
"I could have sworn i saw her come in here." Leo said looking around.

"Sorry Leo, haven't seen her." Donnie said again. Leo looked down and found the broken computer on the ground.
"Okay then.. I guess i was mistaken." Leo said suspicious trying to walk off, Donnie suddenly roared at him and shot a tentacle towards him which Leo saw, Leo drew his sword and cut it off but fell on the ground because he was still injured, Leo watched in horror as more tentacle's came out of the monsters back and it roared in anger.
"Gotta.. move.." Leo said trying to escape.

Ominous music played as Leo tried escaping but saw the monster coming after him and it roared again. Leo tried moving up the stairs until one of the boards snapped and he tripped over. Leo looked back in horror as the monster attacked him and he screamed in horror.

Spike was currently sitting with April and Casey talking about stuff.
"I just don't know how i'll handle being a mutant back in Equestria guys.. what if the retro mutagen doesn't work?" Spike asked worried looking at himself.
"Don't think that stuff Spike, if they're really your friends, they'll help you in anyway they can. Even as a snake." Casey assured patting him on the back.
"I know but.. all the stuff that's happened to me when i'm here, it's just a little.. overwhelming still." Spike said still concerned.
"I can understand that, my mom's wanting to leave tonight, and if i don't go with her.. she's going anyway.. She's too scarred of you guys" April said sadly.

"That's rough red. But i understand if you wanna go with her, she's your mom, it's just.." Casey said before they saw Raph running up to them.
"April! Casey, Spike!" Raph shouted coming up to them in fear breathing heavily.
"Raph? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried.
"It's April's mother, she's not.. Mikey was right, she really is some kind of creature! And she's done something to the others!" Raph said in fear.
"I knew my senses were warning me about something." Spike said in realization.

"April, i told you to pack your bags." April's mom suddenly said as she appeared near the door. Spikes senses went off again warning him they were in danger.
"Stay back! What did you do to my brothers?!" Raph asked drawing his weapons and Spike made a hiss of rage getting in a stance as well.
"April, now!" She demanded coming to them.
"I said stay back mom, thing!" Raph warned. Spike hissed with anger again and whipped her in the face with his tail.

"Spike! What is wrong with you?!" April asked checking on her.
"Mom.. are you okay.." April asked before her face was raveled to be a monsterous creature.

"What the heck, get away from here!" Casey shouted drawing his hockey stick, the monster roared at them and drew multiple tentacles from behind its back. The monster screeched as they watched it transform into a huge horrific monster.
"What in Celestia's name?!" Spike asked horrified as the monster grew more arms from its side.
"Oh my gosh.." April said horrified as well.
"I think i'm gonna puke.." Casey said in disgust.
"Move! To the barn! Come on!" Raph shouted as they all ran for it, Casey grabbed an axe and headed after them.

Spike and Raph closed the doors just as the monster reached them and it was banging on the walls hard. The creature roared again and continued to pound on the doors again until it stopped suddenly, Spike's senses went off again and he looked below .
"Look out!" Spike screamed as he dodged the monster breaking upwards into the barn. The monster split it's face apart which made things more horrific.

The monster lunged a tentacle at April and pushed her to the door, Spike sliced it in half and went to help her while Casey tried attacking the things head. The monster moved around like crazy trying to shake Casey off and threw him to the top, Raph screamed with anger and tried attacking the thing as it slashed at him over and over. Raph went forward and delivered multiple kicks to its face and pushed it back. The monster screeched again and now crawled up onto the walls and fired green sludge from its huge back.

Casey got up from the monsters last attack and jumped on a hook before slashing at the thing and knocked it down. The monster landed back down and roared in anger.
"There's no way to stop this thing!" Raph said in fear as Spike burned the tentacle holding April.
"She was frozen when we found her, maybe we can do it again!" April suggested.
"How are we gonna do that?!" Spike asked looking around for something.

"No! We fry it!" Casey said landing down and charging at it.
"Time for Casey Jones to play some offense!" Casey shouted sliding under it and went to the power generator.
"Goongala!" Casey shouted which got its attention, the monster roared in anger and lunged its tentacle at him, Casey jumped out of the way and the monster was electrocuted by the power generator.

They all thought it was done for until the monster recovered and roared at them again.
"Okay that didn't work..." Raph said in fear as they backed up with the monster crawling to them.
"We just gotta hack it to pieces!" Casey shouted as he and Raph lunged to it.
"Raph! Casey don't!!" Spike shouted as they jumped in the air, the monster shot something out from it's large back and grabbed the two and pulled them to it.

"Get your slimy suckers off of me!" Raph shouted as they were being pulled down.
"Casey! Raph! No!" April shouted in horror as the two screamed and were brought inside.
"No!!!" Spike screamed in terror as he was breathing heavily.

"This is not happening, it's not! it's not!" April told herself clutching her head.
"April.. we can be together.. no more pain.. no more sorrow.." The monster said as the heads of their friends came from its bodies under its control.
"Join us.. become one.." The heads said as the monster lowered down to them.
"Get away from us!!" Spike screamed as they backed up.

"You are not my mother, no, no!" April shouted trying to escape, the monster shot the tentacle from it's back again and grabbed her.
"We can be a family again.. it's all we ever wanted.." The monster said pulling her to it.
"No.. no.. no!!" Spike shouted as he and April screamed in pain as a powerful blast came from they're heads. This created a powerful shockwave of psychic energy which made the monster scream in pain as a huge light covered the entire room and shot a huge shockwave from the barn and into the forest..

Everyone was groaning in pain as they got up and saw the monster was destroyed.
"Are you guys okay?" April asked worried as they all got up.
"Let me put it to you this way, i'm pretty sure i swallowed about 15 pounds of slime.." Donnie said weakly.
"I feel like if puke could puke.. it would be us.." Mikey said weakly before he puked himself.
"Thanks guys.." Leo said gratefully.
"No.. problem.." Spike said still clutching his head in pain.

We cut to the ship where Donnie was explaining what happened.
"So when i downloaded the data from the Kraang's ship, i discovered the creature wasn't really April's mom. It just had her memories." Donnie said turning to them.
"So what was it?" Raph asked curious.
"Some sort of early infiltration experiment that utilized a combination of of Mrs O Neil's DNA and Kraang DNA. But it was too dangerous." Donnie explained.

"So the Kraang put it in a deep freeze. It all makes sense.." Raph said in realization. Leo looked over and saw April was upset from all of this.
"Guys, do we have to talk about this right now?" Leo asked bringing them close to her.

Spike went up to April and sat down next to her.
"I'm sorry it was a monster April, i can only imagine what you could be feeling right now.." Spike said regretfully.
"Thanks but.. it just feels like i lost my family all over again.. even if it wasn't my mom. Maybe she really is gone forever.. but maybe.. she's still out there somewhere." April said sadly.
"It's okay, i'm sure that if she saw you now, she'd be proud of who you are, but no matter what, we're your family, that's for sure." Spike said giving her a hug.
"Thanks Spike.. truly..." April said gratefully as Spike looked concerned as well.

"At least you know more about her, i.. i don't know anything about her other then what info i got on this chip, it makes me wonder where she is.. and if she's still.. alive.." Spike said concerned as well.
"If she escaped the Kraang, she could still be out there, and we'll find her.. i promise.." April assured as well making Spike smile.

Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again and he clutched it in pain.
"What's wrong?" Leo asked worried for him.
"I.. i think that blast we caused made my head hurt badly again.. i just need to lie down.." Spike said weakly getting up.
"Come on, let's get you to bed Spike.." April said concerned helping him out with the others following looking concerned.

Unknown to them, that shockwave was more powerful then they thought, and it sent loud echo through the forest. Deep within the forest far away from the farmhouse, lied a cave within a cliffside, the camera zooms in and we see different types of objects, there was some objects that looked like one for a home, and even some gold and gems.. and even some Kraang tech. There was a massive pile in the middle of the cave and something seemed to be inside it. The shockwave went through the cave and echoes of Spike screaming could be heard from it.

This caused the pile to shake up roughly as something rose from it making a loud growl, sharp green spines came from the top as there were large claws emerging from it with purple scales and a robotic claw, and from that pile came a large emerald green eye looking in shock and concern..
"S.. Son?" The voice asked concerned as it felt a similar power to it..

42: A Long Awaited Truth

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Years, that's how long she's been here, years, within this cave in deep hibernation, in a world that is not her own, separated from her own child that she worked hard to have on her own, she worked hard to keep it safe, waiting for the day he'd hatch and that she would raise him on his own, who was she? Her name was Psiona. Strange name, but that's what most described her back in the Dragon Lands, strange.

She wasn't like any normal dragons, she had a special connection with Psychic ability's and it allowed her to do things even the Dragon Lords couldn't do. She was able to tap into ones mind and manipulate them if she wished, she had telekinetic powers and could lift things in the air, and break others free from mind control.

She had always wondered why she had these ability's, she was never given a full answer on how she got them or who gave it to her, not even her own parents knew how, and this made her special to most. Psiona's life in the Dragon Lands were mostly isolated from the others, she didn't really have many to talk with because she was seen as strange within the species of dragons, even Torch himself didn't know how she got these or why.

So this mystery has been something on her mind for her entire life, and that became more and more apparent then the day she was taken away from her home, by monsters called the Kraang.. She hid her egg within the Everfree forest when she was being attacked by them, they must've come for her because of her ability's, she was able to sense it. So in a sacrifice for her childs life, she let herself be captured by the Kraang and taken away from Equestria.

And for decades she's had quite an interesting experience, for years she was held by the Kraang within Dimension X, being experimented on and even infused with mutagen, this was of a dinosaur like species, this changed her look from a mostly normal dragon, to a large muscular dragon with horns on multiple areas and heightened senses and seeing, she remembered the torture she went through under them, and even had one of her arms replaced with a cybernetic claw, even her own wings were infused with metal parts to make them stronger and more deadly.

She was wanted to be a weapon for the Kraang, so they could invade this planet called Earth and mutate it into their own, but she was not wanting to give herself up. Her anger kept building up within her as the years went by, what they did to her, taking her away from her child, and turning her into a freak, it's a hatred that boils hotter then the hottest lava their is. Using the new gifts she was given, she broke free of her cell and tore through any Kraang droids that came in her way, she spent years trying to find a way to escape, and she did one day, how so? Stay tuned..

She layed within her cave in hibernation within the forest, far away from any civilization nearby, she had managed to hoard some Kraang tech and special treasures she found during her time before falling asleep, it was a lot harder to find gold and gems within this world, as it was far harder to mine then her own, but different worlds, have different rules she supposes.

But of all the things that was on her mind when both awake and in sleep, there was one important thing, her child.. She had been away from him for years by now, decades even given how time flies within Dimension X, she missed her child so much, she had almost given up hope that she would ever meet him because she was trapped here. But there was always a spark of hope she had that they would meet eachother, one way.

She was currently asleep in her cave hidden away on a cliffside, she had been there for years alone and never really wanted to leave, she knew it was dangerous out there and it wasn't her world, dragons weren't even considered a real thing here, and it gave her more of a reason to stay, but she knew one day she needed to leave and try and find a way back home, to her child..

A shockwave burst through the forest full of powerful Psychic energy, the shockwave went through the forest and made a loud echo that flew all around it, the shockwave approached the cave as the echo became louder and louder, it went through the cave and shook everything inside it, and from it.. she heard a voice.
"No.. no.. no!!" A voice screamed which awakened something within her.

She recognized that energy.. it was similar to hers.. she thought she would never find anyone with a power like it, but if there was anyone, there was only one person.. Her body began to stir and twitch, the gold piles she slept within shook as she emerged from it, large green spines emerged from it and purple scales were being shown as well. Her wings showed themselves revealing the mix in of organic and tech that was infused on them.

Her claws began to move finally followed by a loud growl, Psiona moved them again showing her right metal claw and normal one and legs, she emerged from the gold and stood up on two legs, she was huge, she was a little taller then Leatherhead or even Slash, her body had a ton of muscle all over as well as battle scars, showing the years of battle she went through. And with her body woken up again she opened her eyes revealing they're emerald green pupils.

"S.. son?" She asked in shock as she recognized that energy, it was so similar to hers, which meant one thing.
"Your.. here? It can't be.." Psiona said to herself as she stretched out her body, she didn't think her child would ever come to this world, but if he did, then that meant one reason on how he could've.
"The Kraang must've taken you here.." She said in realization, she growled in anger knowing the Kraang found her son, who knows what horrific things they did to him, if they captured him too, he must've escaped as well, and she knew what she had to do, find him and convince him she's his mom, take them down, and find a way home.

Psiona looked at the Kraang tech she stole from her fallen victims, it wasn't like they would need it anyway. She had made herself her own warriors armor to defend herself, she was already a force to be reckoned with thanks to her upgrades, but this armor made most strong warriors in the Dragon Lands look like hatchlings. She grabbed the silver and blue armor plating on the walls and attached them to her left arms and heard them power up. She placed the tech all around the rest of her body showing the silver and blue lining from it, and she topped it off by having it form around her tail as well.

She looked at her own reflection and saw how tough she looked, she only used this strength to protect herself and others who needed it, and now that she knows her son is out there, she has to find him.
"I'll find you my child.. Psiona said determined.( Ashley Eckstein).

She marched to the cave and was blinded for a little by the sunlight, it had been a long time since she's seen a glimpse of the sun, and now she had a reason to see it again. Psiona activated her enhanced wings and they spread open, she put her knees on the ground and readied herself. And with a hard push off the ground, she took off the ground making a loud shockwave and took to the skies, and made a loud roar across the forest to find her son..

Spike was currently in the living room of the house watching Raph and Casey play a racing game, Spike couldn't really play games now because he doesn't have proper hands, so he had to watch them play, Raph groaned in anger as Casey laughed in victory over winning.
"Stupid lightning bolt and Blue shell on that bridge!" Raph said in anger tossing the controller to the side.
"This game's item balancing is absurd Raph, you should expect it." Casey said chuckling over his tantrum.

"Yeah well whatever, it's a kids game anyway." Raph said still upset as he walked off in a huff.
"That's gotta be the 3rd time you've beaten him today Casey." Spike said impressed at his victory, Casey stretched out his fingers and crossed his arms behind his back.
"I've had a few years of experience at this game, i've become a pro by now, you wanna play the next round?" Casey offered holding his controller out.
"Sorry Casey, i don't have hands anymore.." Spike said showing him his snake hands again.

"Oh right, sorry buddy. So how's your body feeling? It getting better?" Casey asked turning the Tv to another station.
"It's better, it isn't hurting like it did all the time before, and i've gotten a better hang of moving around in it, but i'm still not the best at fighting." Spike said getting some water.
"Man i can only imagine, but look on the bright side Spike, being a snake dragon means your immune to high temperatures, and is a lot tougher then normal." Casey assured as he sat down next to him.
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter on what i have if i can't use them to my best ability you know?" Spike asked as he took out some whipped cream cans for them both.

"I can understand that, you think we'll find a way to turn you back? Or what if your.." Casey asked sadly trying not to ruing things.
"It's best we don't think about that Casey.." Spike said as they shook the cans and sprayed the cream in they're mouths like most people would, they relaxed for a bit more until April came in with some news.

"Guys, stop messing around, Leo's wanting us to go out for more training today, so lets go." April said motioning them to leave and they both groaned.
"At least i'll get a better hang today.." Spike said getting up.
"But we were about to watch the newest episode of Crognard..." Casey said disappointed as they walked out.

We cut to them in the forest right now as Spike and the other turtles were getting ready for more training.
"Alright, rules are simple, we're all going to hide in places like a ninja, whoever holds that spot the longest without being spotted by me wins." Leo instructed which confused them.
"So we're playing hide and seek?" Spike asked with a chuckle.
"It's a stealth challenge Spike, we can't let our foes see us in open areas like this, so we gotta adapt and find our place." Leo corrected and Spike rolled his eyes at that.

"Whatever you say Leo?" Raph said stretching his arms ready to go.
"Alright, if any of you stay hidden until sunset, you win, everyone ready?" Leo asked getting ready himself.
"Yeah boy! I'm gonna show you all how good i am at.." Mikey said eagerly before they all heard a really loud roar which shook the forest and made the birds fly away from the tree.

"What was that?!" April asked in shock.
"Another mutant maybe? But there's been no mutagen exposures this far! What could've caused that sound?" Donnie asked looking around as everyone got on they're guard.

Psiona was flying through the skies searching for her son, she could feel his presence close by, and decided to home in on his location by using her powers, she closed her eyes and put her claw on her head and released some waves.
"Come on son.. where are you?" Psiona asked herself as she continued to fly. Spike and the others stayed on they're guard until Spike's head hurt badly again.

"Spike? What's wrong?" Raph asked as he clutched it in pain.
"Someone's coming, i don't feel an evil aura from it, but someone's coming." Spike said looking around.
"Who?" Leo asked seriously drawing his swords.
"I don't know, but this person has a similar power to me and April.." Spike said worried keeping his guard up.
"But who could have that ability? I thought you and i were the only ones who did?" April asked drawing her fan.
"Whoever it is, they may need a beatdown!" Casey said confidently drawing his stick.

Psiona was homing in on his location and finally found where he was.
"Found you!" She said looking down as she could feel him right below, she dove down through the clouds at fast speeds and saw the trees of the forest.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!!" Raph shouted as they all looked around, they heard the loud roar again and looked up and had a look of shock seeing a huge creature coming down.
"Holy chalupa!!" Mikey screamed in horror as they all screamed in fear.

They quickly went out of the way just as she landed down on the ground and created a large crater as a result.
"What the heck?!" Leo asked in shock as they all got up, they watched her stand to her feet as she towered over all of them.
"Holy cow.." Raph said in fear as she was taller then all of them.
"Is that a.. another dragon?!" Spike asked in shock as she had her armor on, but clearly resembled a dragon, they couldn't see her face as she had a helmet on, but she looked mad.
"I thought Spike was the only one!" April said in shock as they all got in a fighting stance.

"Wait, don't attack, we don't know if it's.." Leo said right before Mikey ran ahead.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as he and Casey charged to her. She looked below her and saw the two charging at her, she didn't want to fight, she just wanted her child, but if they wanted to fight, so be it.

Casey screamed as he tried whacking her over and over again, but the stick barely fazed her as she didn't look bothered by it at all.
"Your gonna need more then a stick to dent me kid." She said with anger.
"You can talk?!" Casey asked shocked right before he screamed as she slammed her claw on him and kicked him right into another tree and cracked the thing. Casey groaned in pain as he fell down. They all had a look of shock seeing her strength, but knew she wasn't an easy foe.
"You think your tough?!" Raph shouted as he charged at her too, she shook her head as she bent down from a roundhouse kick from him, and grabbed his leg before slamming him down, she then wrapped her tail around him and threw him around like the Hulk. She finished him off by throwing him right into Leo and knocked him down too.

"I don't want to fight you." She said trying to stop all of this.
"Well you shouldn't have shown up like that!" Donnie countered as he readied his staff, she shook her head and raised up her metal claw, Donnie watched in shock as it turned itself into an arm cannon and powered up.
"Stand down.." She warned as she delivered a warning shot, Donnie screamed as he barely dodged the shot, but it burned any trees it hit into ashes in an instant.

"She's tough! What is she?!" Raph asked getting up weakly, Spike could feel something familiar from her, and saw she wasn't wanting to fight.
"Everyone, stop, stop!" Spike shouted right before they attacked her again.
"She said she doesn't wanna fight us, this only happened because you all attacked her like that, so why don't we stop fighting for a moment, and try talking things out?!" Spike said trying to make them stop.
"He's right guys, she didn't attack us first, sure she looked like it, but she didn't! We should let her explain herself!" April said in defense crossing her arms.

Leo sighed and got up weakly, they were both right, they attacked her without hesitation, and got themselves hurt.
"Alright, we'll hear her out, who are you? What do you want with us?!" Leo asked turning to her who was looking at Spike. She could hardly believe what she was seeing, it was him, she could feel his energy signature and it felt like hers, even though he was a snake..

Psiona didn't say anything as she simply started walking to Spike with her shocked face still hidden, Spike was a little nervous on this as she towered over all of them, she was even taller then Leatherhead and looked extremely tough. She bent down on her knees and looked at him in the eyes.
"After all these years.. i can't believe it's you.." Psiona said with sadness as she couldn't believe this, Spike and the others were confused on what she meant by that.
"What do you mean.. who.. who are you?" Spike asked confused. She knew he needed to see it with his eyes, and knew what she had to do.

They watched as her armor powered down and they watched as she took off her helmet, all of them gasped as they saw her reveal her face, her emerald green eyes, green spine, and purple scales.
"No way/ is that?!/ it can't be../ my mind is exploding right now!!" Leo and all the others said in shock, Spike's eyes widened in pure shock seeing her, she looked like him before he was a mutant.. and it only meant one thing.
"No freaking way.." Casey said in shock getting up as he saw her.

"M.. mom?!" Spike asked in shock seeing her, she started to have tears in her eyes knowing he recognizes her. She put her real claw and caressed his face, she felt awful knowing her son is a snake..
"My son.. it's me.. i've been hoping i would meet you one day.." Psiona said starting to cry.
"No way.. it's you.. it's really you!" Spike said starting to cry as well as she suddenly gave him a hug.

"Mom?!" April asked in shock as they all couldn't believe this.
"Hold up a moment! We just got done with this sort of thing not to long ago, how do we know your actually Spike's mom? And not a Kraang mutant?!" Raph accused pointing at her, she turned her attention from Spike and looked at him.
"I would be dead if i was a Kraang mutant, i wouldn't live knowing i've become a monster to them.." Psiona said seriously which shocked Raph.
"Whoa man.." Casey said shocked hearing those words.

"But.. how are you here?! I thought you'd be in Dimension X! Or back in Equestria.." Spike said trying to process all of this, Psiona stood up and took a deep breath.
"I'll explain everything, but i think we all should find a place to talk." Psiona replied looking around.
"That sounds good with me, come on, we'll take you to the farmhouse.." Spike said leading the way with her following, the others were concerned about this but decided to follow along as well.

Spike led her back to the house and they were inside the living room learning on what happened. Everyone was feeling awkward right now seeing Spike's mom here, but were keeping they're cool. Spike handed her some tea and started to ask.
"So.. care to explain why your here.. and how you found me? Just.. who are you?" Spike asked still processing this.

Psiona sighed and began her story.
"Let's start things off first, my name is Psiona, i like you would have thought am your mother. I was captured by the Kraang and taken to dimension X when you were but an egg.." She said as we see the memories of her time there happen.
"The Kraang wanted us because of our unique Psychic powers, they were going to use me as a warrior to help their plan of invading this planet called Earth. I was experimented on, i had my own arm removed and replaced with the one you see now.. i was injected with the mutagen of a Velociraptor, giving me heightened senses and more pronounced features. My own wings were infused with high tech material and covered up entirely, and i never knew how to remove them.." Psiona said sadly as she has the memory's play out in her head.

"I wasn't gonna let them get away with what they did to me, my anger and hate for them burned brighter then the sun, and with their little" Gifts" they gave me, i broke out of my cell and fought my way out of the facility holding me, for years i searched for a way back to Equestria.. back to you.. but i never found a way.. the only way away from the Kraang was to this very planet, Earth. With no way currently back, and my body exhausted, i entered a deep hibernation state within these woods in a cave i have. And what woke me up was the feeling of your Psychic energy, it was powerful enough to awaken me, and that meant you were somehow. and i wasn't gonna let you be without me for another minute.." Psiona finished seriously as she finished her drink.

"But.. what did you do in Dimension X? That place is full of crazy stuff, what'd you do there?" Mikey asked curiously.
"Stuff that i promised to keep secret, i got my armor and tech from fallen Kraang, and made sure i wouldn't be found with them. I just didn't know what do do after i ended up here.. and for years.. i feared if you forgot about me.. or didn't care if you and i met.." Psiona said to Spike sadly, Spike felt regret for her knowing she was trapped here for so long without him. She did care for him and was always trying to find him..

"I never gave up hope you were searching for me.. there was always a thought in my mind that you were searching for me.. and i'm glad it was true.." Spike said crying as he gave her another hug.
"But.. what about you? Why are you a mutant? Did the Kraang do this to you?" She asked worried looking at his body Spike sighed sadly and explained to her on what happened. And the others filled in on what happened as well.

"So you've been like this for months.. and haven't found out how to use your powers yet?" Psiona asked trying to make sure of what she heard.
"Yeah.. i got badly injured after the Kraang invaded New York.. they took over the city.. and mutated the people.. we barely escaped, but our master was lost.." Spike said regretfully as all of them looked down.
"I'm so sorry my child.. if i had felt you sooner.. i could've saved you.." She said with regret starting to cry.

"It was a rough day for all of us, we all lost something.. We just weren't good enough to stop them.." Leo said looking down at his injured knee.
"All this time.. you were really out there.. and were searching for him.." Donnie said still in shock from all of this..
"At least your still alive.. at least we're all alive.." Raph said regretfully as well.

"We've been living here for a while to recover our strength, and when we do.. we're gonna go back and try and save New York.." April explained while Psiona tried processing this. She was finally with her son again, but the state the world is in, and how they all are now, she can't just start searching for a way home. If the Kraang mutate this planet, Equestria could be next..

"If that's what happening with you all then.. i want to help you.. i want to help my son recover and master his ability's. I wanna take down the Kraang with you and save the people. I can't just stay in my cave and do nothing.." Psiona said seriously which shocked Spike.
"You mean.. you want to stay here? With.. me?" Spike asked as she stood up.
"Of course, your my son, and i'm your mother.. your real mother. And being there for you is something i couldn't want more then ever now.." Psiona said smiling softly, Spike started to cry again and hugged her tightly with his snake body.
"Mom.. thank you.. i promise we'll find a way home.. " Spike said sadly, Psiona rubbed his head and leaned down as well.
"One day we will son.. one day.." Psiona said holding him close.

The others watched this and knew she could be trusted.
"So we have another person living here now?" Casey asked turning to them.
"Looks like it, we're gonna need more room. I'll make some arrangements for her." April said walking off.

"You really think we can let her stay Leo?" Raph asked turning to him.
"She's Spike's mom Raph, not a Kraang monster like with April's mom. She's welcome here." Leo said as he started standing up.
"Come on guys, let's leave these two alone for now, we're gonna have an interesting time ahead now." Leo said as Donnie and Mikey walked out with him looking concerned still. Spike and Psiona still hugged eachother closely, as they really needed this moment to themselves..

43: In Dreams

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Spike was currently in the yard outside the house with his mother, it had been a few days since Psiona moved in with the others, she brought any of the stuff she had, all the gold and items she had was brought over to the barn as the house didn't have enough space to fit it, she made sure any of the" Kraang" tech she had was only used for special occasions. Spike and Psiona were currently watching the others train while Spike explained what they've been through.

"And then, before i ended up here, i was raised by Twilight Sparkle in Equestria, before i was captured by the Kraang, she was practically the only mother i had, i always wondered what happened to you, and i just wondered what it would be like if you and Twilight ever met." Spike explained looking at her while she looked interested.
"Interesting that you were raised by ponies, i am glad that you were raised by a kind soul like her, i'm honestly glad it was her and not another dragon, because our kind.. has been more or less better or worse at raising our kids.." Psiona admitted making Spike chuckle a little.

"Yeah, i've seen first hand how dragons are like, kinda makes us the odd ones out with our powers huh?" Spike asked looking at his snake body.
"Yes, it makes us very different, i wasn't seen that well upon others, and was often alone, but i knew i was special, and when i had you, i had hoped we could face the world together, and learn from eachother as a proper mother and son.." Psiona said looking down sadly.
"It's okay mom, after what you told us, it was beyond our control, me being captured by the Kraang, and then mutated into this.. it's never in control, nothing is. But we just need to learn to adapt and learn, i just hope me and you can face things together now." Spike said hugging her once more which she returned gladly.
"Me too my son.. me too.." Psiona said with a tear in her eye.

Raph and the others were currently fighting right as Raph jumped over some ninja stars.
"So is Donnie coming down or what?" Raph asked confused as he avoided more attacks from Mikey.
"Couldn't wake him up so i put some dirty underwear on his face!" Mikey said chuckling a little, Raph noticed Leo was training by himself and decided to engage in battle with him as Spike and Psiona watched still.

"I am impressed that you learned this level of skill in a couple years, it will definitely make you stand out among the dragons back home." Psiona said with a smile.
"Yeah, we both will, evil won't stand a chance against us!" Spike said confidently and she chuckled a little.
"No they will not my son." Psiona said gripping her metal claw as April and Casey walked to the van.

"Hey guys, we're heading down to the store." April said as Casey got in the drivers seat.
"Any requests?" Casey asked curiously.
"Oh oh oh! I need Spicy gummy bears, need!" Mikey said falling on his knees.
"Yeah.. not gonna happen." Casey said starting the van.
"That store is tiny Mikey, the kind of place that has peanut butter or jelly." April said getting inside.
"Be back in a few." Casey said as the car drove off and left them alone.

Spike yawned suddenly as he was feeling tired.
"You look tired my child, perhaps you should get some rest, you need to have the stamina for your new body after all." Psiona advice.
"Yeah, i guess that's true, i'll be out for a couple hours, see ya soon guys." Spike said walking inside the house.
"So.. you mind if we try training with you?" Raph asked curious.
"Yeah girl, why don't you show us some of your skills?!" Mikey asked confidently. She chuckled simply and looked at them.
"Are you sure? You remember how much i beat you all last time, i believe i have a record of 10 wins since i moved in." Psiona recalled with a smug.
"Yeah i'm not gonna let that go right now, i'll leave you to get your butts kicked while i take a nap, later guys." Leo said walking off leaving them alone before they regained they're conversation.

"Hey, we last longer each time right, that means were improving. Just show us some more please?" Raph asked twirling his weapons around.
"As you wish, but i warn you, as you know, i do NOT go down easily." Psiona said standing up again and turning her arm into a cannon again and aimed it again and they screamed in fear as she shot another blast at them.

Spike went into the living room and carefully sat down, being a snake had it's benefits, but he still wasn't fully in control of it. Maybe some rest was for the best, Spike closed his eyes finally and went to sleep..

Spike found himself in a black void as he floated in the air, he could feel himself floating around in a void as his mind went off warning him of something.
"What.. is this place?" Spike asked looking around as there was nothing, he heard nothing until a voice suddenly came behind him.
"Hello!" A voice said excitedly scarring him, Spike turned around and made a loud hiss in defense.
"Who are you?!" Spike asked with anger, Spike's eyes soon widened in shock in what he saw before him. What he saw was a strange beaver like creature, it looked like a female, she has a humanoid and voluptuous figure with light green fur and beautiful jade eyes, and she has belly symbol that is of a thought bubble above a skull and has pure white teeth.

"Who.. who are you?!" Spike asked shocked getting in a defense pose.
"My name is Desire! I'm a being that goes into ones into ones dreams and helps fulfill ones desires!" Desire introduced as she flew around him at fast speeds.
"Uh.. what?" Spike asked still in shock of what was going on.

Leo was sleeping in the living room until he felt a pain in his knee once more.
"Agh! Sleeping isn't gonna do anything for my knee.." Leo said as he got his cane and started to walk off.
"Guys i'm going for a walk." Leo said as he started to leave.
"Rock on bro!" Mikey said from another part of the house.

Leo was limping through the forest alone as he tried moving, but his knee pain proved to be a tough challenge.
"It's taking forever, i'm never gonna get better!" Leo said in frustration throwing his cane down and looked up at the stars for a moment, but a light suddenly appeared and started heading to him.
"What?!" Leo asked in shock as a meteor was flying to him, Leo screamed as he barely dodged the thing hitting him, he gasped in shock as he turned around and saw the glowing meteor in front of him.

"Whoa!" Leo said in shock as he looked at the thing, he held out his hand and decided to touch it, his body suddenly glowed and he screamed as a massive power flew into his body and he was knocked back into a tree, he got back up and realized something.
"Weird, that didn't hurt.." Leo said confused as he stood up.
"And my leg, my leg doesn't hurt either! I feel fine, in fact.. i feel great!" Leo said amazed as he started jumping across each of the trees and kicked one apart.

April and Casey had arrived to the small store to get some food, April and Casey walked around, April walked through an isle and gasped in fear as she saw a weird looking man looking at her.
"Hey there, names Bernie. I just bought this place." Bernie introduced putting some stuff on another shelf.
"Un purpose?" Casey asked confused on this.

"Finding anything you need?" Bernie asked as he put some stuff up.
"You got any.. spicy gummy worms?" April asked recalling Mikey's request.
"Is that bait? You mean bait?" Bernie asked looking at her.
"It means candy." April corrected.

"Candy! Oho i got candy." Bernie said grabbing a jar full of stuff.
"What kind?" April asked curious.
"Brown, but it used to be yellow." Bernie said holding it out while Casey went behind the counter. Casey kept looking around until he saw a strange looking book.
"Ob.. obturaculum, som.. somniorum?" Casey asked confused about to touch it until Bernie grabbed his arm.

"Nobody touches that book! Understand?" Bernie asked seriously and Casey nodded in fear and understanding as April came up with some items.
"Hey, i got the stuff we need, should last a few days." April said putting the box on the counter.
"So i thought nobody lived around here?" Bernie asked trying to change the subject.
"Why would you buy a store where you thought nobody lives?" April asked confused.

"Eh i like my alone time, the amount of stuff looks to be for 7 or.. eight people." Bernie said looking at the box.
"Uh just two, just us two..." Casey said nervously as the man looked suspicious.
"Uh huh? Tell me.. have you been feeling.. tired lately? Real tired?" Bernie asked curious as April and Casey were near the door.
"No, we're fine!" April said as the two quickly left and Bernie sighed.
"Maybe it won't happen this time.." Bernie said hopefully as we see the book once more.

Leo was whooping in joy as he jumped through the night sky and ran through the ground at fast speeds.
"I am a super hero!" Leo said amazed at his new strength.
"What does every superhero need?" A voice suddenly asked and Leo looked around.
"Who's there?!" Leo said keeping his defense up as a strange beaver monster appeared next to him.
"Dire beaver! I'm everything you've feared, in one convenient horrifying package! And i'm gonna teach you something about pain!" Dire said appearing behind him, Leo screamed as he got slashed by the monster and was pinned down.

Spike was currently in this void still in front of Desire and was still confused on all of it.
"What do you mean, you can fulfill ones desires?" Spike asked confused.
"What i mean is that i can have your dream be of whatever you wish, whatever's in your thoughts, i can make a reality for as long as you sleep!" Desire said with a strange chuckle which made him suspicious.

"Anything i want for a dream huh?" Spike asked crossing his arms still unsure of this.
"Anything!" Desire said playfully as she flew around him in the void, Spike tried thinking of something to see what she means.
"Okay.. try having me be back in my normal form, before i got mutated into a snake." Spike suggested and she smiled widely.
"Of course, let's see what lies at end of this!" Desire said as his vision went white for a moment.

Spike found himself within the lair again, back in New York, but something was different, he was normal again, he was a dragon, he still had the mutant arm and everything, but was still a dragon again.
"It.. it worked!" Spike said amazed looking at himself.
"I told you, your kinda cute looking like that!" Desire said chuckling while looking at him.
"Uh.. thanks.." Spike said nervously before looking around, but he noticed something was off.

The lair wasn't like it was normally, it was in the destroyed state it was before they left New York, after the Kraang attacked.. and before Splinter....
"Hold on a minute.. this isn't right.. " Spike said worried as he looked around the destroyed lair trying to find anything.
"What do you mean? This is what you desired right? To be a dragon again, to not be a mutant? I can only go so far with ones desire, but that won't change what happens around them." Desire explained as Spike saw the lair was empty and abandoned.
"I thought you said you could make my dream however i'd like?" Spike asked starting to get upset at her, she chuckled once again.

"To an extent i can, think of it like Genie rules, i can grant ones desires, but what happens to them, won't change what happens around them without specific details, so even if your still a dragon, your home still would've been destroyed either way." Desire explained and Spike started feeling something was off with her.
His senses went off again and it was telling him something was wrong, she smiled strangely again behind his back as she was doing this un purpose..

Leo and Spike were still asleep as Mikey drew stuff over Leo's face.
"Man, they must've been tired." Raph said as they looked at him.
"He does look good though, handsome." Mikey joked holding out the pen as Psiona looked at Spike with worry.
"They've been asleep for a few hours now.." Psiona said worried as she tried waking her son up, but he still slept.
"They're probably just tired right now Psiona, i'm feeling tired too after our little spar. A little shut eye wouldn't hurt anything right?" Raph asked sitting on the chair nearby.

"Me too.." Mikey said before he was gonna draw over Spike's face until Psiona crushed his hand with her metal arm.
"If you do anything to him, i'll make sure any marks you have on your face is permanent!" Psiona threatened and Mikey backed up in fear.
"I'm starting to like her." Raph said as he tried to sleep himself and the Mikey did the same.
"Naps are natures hugs.." Mikey said tiredly as April and Casey drove up to the house again.

Casey and April came inside and the three of them looked over Spike and the others.
"We're out here taking care of business and what are they doing? Squat." Casey said annoyed.
"Donnie must be on lookout." April suggested, Psiona and the other two went into Donnie's room and saw him sleeping with some underwear on his face.
"Or not.." April said as Casey chuckled seeing Donnie whistle with his gap teeth.
"I tried waking up my son earlier, but he wasn't budging.." Psiona said starting to feel something was off.
"Wait, something's not right, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie!!" April screamed trying to wake him up as we cut to Donnie's dream.

Donnie had a look of terror as he was being chased by another beaver.
"Peek a boo! I see you!" He said as Donnie screamed while running through the streets until he bumped into the large red beaver again.
"I am Dark Beaver! May i eat you? You look salty!" Dark said as he made an evil and he tried chomping at his head, Donnie put his head in his shell and quickly ran into another door, Donnie pulled his head out and found himself in April's school.

The school bell rung as the place begun to shake, there were large red claws emerging from the doors as wind flew all around him as Donnie breathed heavily.
"This.. can't be real! I must be dreaming! I just have to wake up! Wake up!" Donnie said slapping himself as the beaver laughed evilly as the clones crawled to him.
"No!" Donnie screamed as he suddenly found himself in his room again breathing heavily, he looked under the bed to make sure he was alone until the beaver appeared behind him.
"Still here! Still gonna eat you!" Dark said evilly as he tried attacking him again.

Psiona dragged Donnie's body out of the room and put him on a chair.
"Come on dude wake up already!" Casey said annoyed hitting his head.
"That's not gonna work." April said looking at Raph.
"Worth a try." Casey said in defense, Psiona looked at Spike with worry and realized something was wrong.

"Spike! Son, try to wake up! Please!" Psiona said as she tried shaking him awake.
"I don't understand they won't wake up. it's like they're trapped, trapped in their dreams.." April said worried as they looked at Raph until Psiona realized it.
"Maybe they are.." Psiona said as she put a finger on her head and tried entering Spike's mind to wake him up with her own powers.

Raph found himself in the dinning room again and he saw Leo and the others looking at him with pale white eyes and straight faces. They made Zombie like noises before they're faces became monsterous and a huge monsterous hand came from the pizza box and a huge beaver emerged from it.
"I am Dread Beaver! And you soul is mine!" Dread said as he made an evil laugh, blue fire was in the background as he saw an illusion of his brothers playing a rock song as Dread laughed evilly. A illusion of Spike in his snake form appeared behind him and he coiled around Raph and restrained him.
"Whoa!" Raph screamed as Spike hissed at him. A large orange smoke appeared as Raph sees another monsterous version of Spike looking at him and hissed at him again and Raph screamed in fear.

Spike found himself in the black void again, and was a snake once more and sighed sadly as Desire looked at him again.
"So, your first one wasn't what you thought, but that's okay! There's always second chances, just be sure to make your desire in more detail!" Desire said positively floating around him again. Spike knew something was up with her now, despite her looks, he could tell there was something wrong with her, and decided to try and turn the tables.
"Okay.. take me back to Equestria, to the rainbow falls, it's a view i always missed since i was taken away." Spike instructed.
"Rainbow falls? That sounds interesting, well, let's see what that's like!" Desire said as she snapped her fingers again and his vision went white again.

Spike opened his eyes again as he found himself floating in the skies, he looked around him and saw the familiar grassy land, the magical rainbow falls, and could see mountains in the distance.
"Equestria.." Spike said in both awe and sadness as he looked over the area, he looked around at the shining sun that was set and risen by Celestia every day, and just the simple nature of the land compared to the place he's been in for years. Desire looked at this place in awe, as she had never seen this place before.

"This.. this is where you live?" Desire asked amazed as Spike flew over to a cloud on it and sat down and looked down sadly.
"Yeah, this is where i lived.. it was one of the most beautiful places one could ever be.. even after evil attacked it, the land always found a way to look as beautiful as it does.." Spike said sadly and looked over the view. Desire could see there was something wrong with him, despite her.. other intentions right now, seeing this made her start to feel bad..
"What do you mean? What happened?" Desire asked confused as she sat down next to him looking with both interest, and worry.
"It's.. a long story.." Spike said sadly as he decided to explain to her what happened, even if he doesn't know who she is, and has a suspicion she's doing this for bad intent, he thinks he can help her see why this is wrong.

"Mikey kinda actually looks okay." Casey said worried as he and April looked over him sleeping softly.
"Yeah but his pulse is getting weaker. They all are." April said worried looking over the others.
"Something's wrong guys, i can't get into my sons mind, it's like somethings blocking me from reaching him." Psiona said worried looking at her son.
"I can tell, it's like somethings draining the life out of them." April said worried looking at Donnie as well.

"Wait, that Bernie guy asked if we've been feeling tired.." Casey said suspicious.
"And that book he had, Somniorum it's Latin for dreams or, of the dreams i think." April explained as Casey got his bat.
"I'll go see what's in that book, you do what you can here." Casey said as Psiona got up as well.
"I'm coming with you, if my son's in danger, i am not gonna let him leave me again." Psiona said walking up to him.
"Are you sure? Bernie could seriously freak out seeing you." Casey said worried.
"And he will if he doesn't explain what's happening, come on!" Psiona said grabbing him and she ran out of the house dragging Casey with her.

Donnie kept running away in horror as he kept trying to escape Dark Beaver as he appeared everywhere he kept running, from the sewers, to the TCRI building, and finally back to the kitchen.
"Wait.. is that.. April?" Donnie asked picking up a soup can with her on it before the image moved suddenly.
"Wake up!" April shouted as more copies of Dark beaver appeared in front of him and he screamed in horror.

Leo was still in the forest trying to fight off Dire and kept being hit over and over until he was knocked into the sky. Dire jumped into the air and was about to punch him until Leo's phone went off.
"Well, aren't you gonna answer?" Dire asked annoyed.
"Okay.." Leo said as he picked it up and answered it.

"Leo! You have to wake up, wake up!" April begged.
"I am awake! I got super powers from a meteor, and i'm fighting a giant beaver, and.." Leo said before he realized something.
"Hey.. am i dreaming you?" Leo asked turning to him.
"Not a chance!" Dire said as he delivered another punch to him again and sent Leo flying into the sun as he screamed in terror.

Raph was screaming in terror still as he was being restrained to the chair, The giant snake Spike looked around the place and slithered around the entire area before he ate the rest of the turtles and was about to finish off Raph.
"Raph! You have to wake up! Now!" April begged from nowhere.
"Huh?" Raph asked confused and the giant monster coughed.
"Pardon me." Dread said from Spike's body as he lunged at him again.

Mikey was starting to feel weak as he was playing Ping-Pong with another beaver named Dave.
"Man, this ping pong is really wearing me out.." Mikey said feeling really tired.
"That's because i'm draining your life force!" dave said as he kept hitting Mikey with a ball until a weird lollipop appeared next to him.
"Hey Mikey! April says you should wake up!" He said before sliding off.
"Please, i know better then to listen to a giant talking lollipop, i learned that the hard way.." Mikey said exhausted before he was hit in the face again and was knocked out.

Spike was still in his dream and was telling Desire on what was happening with him.
"Then i got wounded badly by the foot clan.. i wasn't even used to my body for a few days before it happened.." Spike said sadly as he was feeling weak now. Desire looked at him with sadness, she had listened to his whole story, what his life was like in Equestria, what he went through, and before he got captured by the Kraang. It all sounded wonderful and magical, she has seen many others with dreams about going on adventures like this.

But Spike's life was basically from a dream like land, and it was taken away from him when he was captured by the Kraang, taken away from his home, family, and all he knew.. And despite Spike being used to living in this world by now.. he still misses them a lot, who could blame him honestly?
"I'm.. i'm sorry to hear all of that.. it sounds like you had a great life, but the Kraang took everything away that one day.." Desire said as she actually felt regret for this. She was doing what her brothers were doing, she was draining his life force with each moment he was with her, but now.. with this info.. she doesn't feel like she wants to do it..
"I know, i had a great life here. But even after i was taken away.. i've still found some happiness in this world, i've become a ninja dragon, i've been growing strong enough to protect my friends.. and i finally found my real mother after years of thinking i may never meet her.." Spike said with tears in his eyes.

Desire actually felt regretful for this, she did feel regret for the other people she's drained the life from along her brothers, it was what they were created for, but she always felt different, she didn't want to kill like her brothers do.. Even if Dave looks all cute like he tends to be, he still is after the same goal they all are..
"I'm.. really sorry to hear this.." Desire said with regret as Spike was feeling weaker again.
"Desire, i know what's going on, your doing all of this to trick me, i can sense it. But i can see from the look in your eyes, it's something you don't want, you've always been asking for ones desire, but what is your own desire? What do you wish to have?" Spike asked turning to her as they were in the black void once more.

Desire thought over her question, despite the various places she's been to in others dreams, they were never real. They were illusions for her to drain ones life force, she often hated doing it, but her brothers were aggressive to her and forced her into it, she honestly grew to hate them for what they did, for what she was made for. What she want's.. is to just be free, to have someone that actually cares for her and can show her what life is like.

She sighed and turned to him.
"What i want.. is to feel like i'm important, all of my existence, i've felt unimportant then my other brothers, they always do their tasks without hesitation, and even when i do it.. they mock me, they make fun of me and just question why i was created alongside them, i've always just been seen as a joke. All i desire.. is to just feel kindness, love.. go to places that are real and see what wonders the world has, your world looks so amazing.. and it pains me that you were taken from it, i just want.. to feel special.." Desire said as she started crying as well, Spike could see the regret in her as she really was sorry for this, he knew these brothers of hers were no good and were most likely causing trouble with Leo and the others.

Spike put his snake hand on her shoulder and looked at her.
"I can help you, i can show you what you wish to have. You don't have to be alongside them, you can stay with me, and i can help you feel loved. You are special, you don't want to hurt people like your brothers do, that makes you unique, and if you don't want to be with them, then don't. If you wake me up, i can find a way to set you free, and i'll help you through it all." Spike offered with a smile, she had a look of shock hearing this, she never thought anyone would offer her such a thing, especially since he knows what she's doing. But she can see he's a kind soul, and really wants to help her.

She started to cry more and gave him a hug which surprised him.
"Really? You'll.. you'll help me? You'll help me see what it's like.. to be appreciated? To feel loved?" Desire asked with sadness, Spike sighed and returned the hug.
"I promise i will, you just have to wake me up, just tell me how to free you, and i promise i'll help you, i'll make sure the others warm up to you as well, even my mom. You just need to tell me how to stop this." Spike explained as she stopped crying and smiled at him knowing this.
"Thank you.. i haven't done this before, but it's worth a try. You need to find a book called Obturaculum Somniorum, it's a special book that's keeping the hold on me and my brothers for escaping. At this point, the others are most likely draining your friends life force as well. The only way for you to stop them is to destroy the book, it will unleash us into the real world, but unlike the others, i can be at human size while the others are like plush toys, you need to destroy that book before it's too late!" Desire said with worry, Spike took in all this info and nodded in understanding.

"Got it! I just need to wake up!" Spike said trying to wake up, Desire put her hands on his head and looked him in the eyes.
"I'll try to get you out of here, remember, find that book, destroy it! Please!" Desire begged as she tried using her ability's to wake him up, Spike combined his own Psychic powers to make this stronger, his mind kept on swirling around him until he opened his eyes and gasped in shock.

Spike jumped out of his chair finally awake, he looked around and saw he was in the living room with the others asleep.
"Spike! Your okay!" April said in relief as she suddenly hugged him too.
"April, what's going on?" Spike asked worried as he saw the others were asleep as well.
"Leo and the others aren't waking up, somethings wrong Spike, do you have any idea what it is?" April asked worried looking at them.

"I do, some strange beavers are in their dreams and torturing them from the inside, it's to drain their life force." Spike said worried trying to wake Leo up.
"Doesn't that mean you had one as well? How'd you escape? Your mom tried waking you up but you couldn't. How did you escape?" April asked worried for him.
"Because the one i met wasn't meaning harm. She didn't want to be doing what the others were, after a talk, i promised i'd help her out. She doesn't want to be doing this, she sent me back here to save the others." Spike explained rubbing his head which confused her.
"Wait.. she? Who are you talking about?" April asked confused.

"Someone different, she's not like the others, i know what i have to do." Spike said seriously.
"What is it?" April asked worried as Spike looked at the others with worry.

Leo and the others were trapped in the same dream and were trying to fight off the 4 dream beavers, Spike wasn't there because he was free now, but the others were blown across multiple areas until they flew into the meat factory. Mikey gasped in horror as he saw there were turtle shells replacing the meat, he screamed in terror as a fire lit up and he suddenly found himself on a conveyer without arms or legs with the others right next to him. The beavers laughed evilly as the conveyer started to move and the turtle shells started to fall into the fire and all of them screamed in terror.

April tried slapping Donnie's face over and over as Casey and Psiona ran back inside.
"You said that wouldn't work!" Casey said annoyed, Psiona saw Spike was awake and had a look of relief.
"Son! Your okay!" Psiona said giving him a hug in huge relief.
"I'm fine mom, i'm glad to see your fine too." Spike said as she looked at him.
"What happened to you? Was it those dream beavers? How'd you escape?!" Psiona asked worried looking over him.

"One of them was different mom, she let me go, she told me how to free the others." Spike said trying to move things along quickly.
"She? Who are you talking about? What do you mean son?" Psiona asked worried.
"Look, i don't have much time to explain, i need to find this book!" Spike said seriously as Casey pulled Bernie into the room.
"Oh my gosh, is that Tv set an astroview?" Bernie asked pointing at the Tv.
"Really? Not oh my gosh, giant turtles and a giant cyborg dragon and a snake?" April asked looking at the others.
"You see them too?" Bernie asked before Casey grabbed his shoulders.

"Bernie. the dream beavers are sucking out their life force! How do we wake them up?!" Casey said worried.
"You can't, the obturaculum keeps the dream beavers trapped in the dream realm, and as long as they're there they're dream powers are unbeatable, that's why i don't sleep!" Bernie explained.
"It's not true, i was able to be let go because one of them is different, she told me how to do it, where is that damn device you have?!" Spike asked with a hiss which scarred him.
"He's not breathing, Donnie's not breathing!" April said in horror looking at him.

Casey looked at the book and held it out.
"There you are!" Spike said seriously before he grabbed it and put it on the floor.
"Casey, now!" Spike said as he held out his tail like a blade and Casey raised up his hockey stick.
"No!" Bernie shouted in horror as they slammed down on the book and crushed the device.

Back in the dream, electricity was floating around the area while everyone looked around.
"What is this?" Dire asked in shock.
"The barrier is broken!" Dark said in realization.
"We are free, free!" Dread said evilly as they all laughed like maniacs, Leo and the others bodies finally started to disappear as they found themselves back in the real, world finally.

"Your okay!" April said in relief giving Donnie a kiss on the cheek and he chuckled lightly.
"The obturaculum is broken! The beavers are free! Free to destroy our world, all is lost! All is lost!!" Bernie screamed in horror as the book shot an energy wave, the beavers laughed evilly as they finally emerged.
"Wait a minute.." Dire said as he saw they were all small, all except Desire who was about as tall as Donnie.
"Aw dang.." Dire said in realization.

"Spike!" Desire said in relief giving him a hug which shocked all of them.
"You did it! You broke the device!" Desire said as Spike hugged her back.
"I promised i'll set you free, who knew your brothers would look like plush toys while you looked like this." Spike said laughing at seeing the others sizes.
"You helped him Desire?! What is wrong with you?! Why can't you get the most basic instructions right?!" Dread asked frustrated.

"Because i'm not like you! You all made me do this when i didn't want to, i never went anywhere because i was trapped with you! You all looked down at me like i'm a joke, well who's looking down at you now?!" Desire asked mockingly looking down at them.
"She told me what she desires, and what she wants, is to be away from you!" Spike said hissing at all of them.
"What?" Leo and the others asked at once hearing this.

"Your kidding.. this is what i've been protecting the earth from for 40 years?! Plush toys and one that's harmless?!" Bernie asked looking at the 5 beavers.
"If i were you guys except the tall one, i'd be.." Casey said before Dire finished.
"Leaving, my thoughts exactly. Enjoy your time in the lame real world Desire, it's not like there will be much for you here anyway!" Dire said mockingly. Desire growled at them and whacked them to the wall with her tail.
"At least i'll have something here, get out of here!" Desire said with anger.
"Whatever.." Dire said before they all vanished in a smoke again and vanished.

"April, Casey, giant Dragon lady, tall beaver, snake creature, giant talking turtles. I've been awake for 40 years for no good reason, so.. if you'll excuse me.." Bernie said before he fell on the floor and passed out.
"Well, who wants to help me carry him back home?" Casey asked looking at him, Donnie got up and went to help him.

"So Spike.. i'm guessing you have a beaver girlfriend now?" Mikey teased looking at Desire.
"One who was part of a group who tried to kill us i may add?" Raph said crossing his arms.
"Guys, i know she's a dream beaver, but she's different, she let me go and told me how to save you all. She doesn't want to kill others like they did, she's different, she's.. special." Spike said looking at her who smiled gratefully.
"I know what i did was wrong, and i regret for doing it. I know you all may not trust me, but i promise you i'll show you i mean good." Desire promised, Psiona sighed and walked up to her.

"If you let me son go, to save the others, then that's enough for me, i see good in you. And i thank you for letting my son go, you earned my trust, and hope you find happiness here." Psiona said with a smile.
"Thank you, i promise, though, the name Desire is something i'm not fond of.. i'm wanting something new.." Desire said trying to think of something, Spike tried thinking of a better name for her and got an idea.
"How about.. Jacqueline? It's name matches how beautiful you look, and i think it fits, what do you think?" Spike asked her, she thought about it for a moment before smiling.

"Jacqueline.. i like it. It suits me.. thank you so much for this Spike, i'm glad i put my trust in you.." Jacqueline said gratefully.
"I always keep my promises, i promise i'll show you my world one day.." Spike assured giving he a hug again.
"Thank you Spike.. thank you.." Jacqueline said hugging him back with Psiona and the others watching in both confusion, and happiness for some of them..
"So we're just gonna let her stay here too now?" Leo whispered to April.
"She means no harm Leo, i can sense it, let's just give her a chance. At least Spike found someone for him." April said smiling as she was glad Spike found someone.
"They grow up so fast.." Psiona said with a tear in her eye as she watched them hug eachother closely..

44: The Croaking

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Mikey was in the living room of the house once again, he was watching his favorite show( for the 3rd time or something) Crognard again and was being a little too over dramatic with replicating it..
"Fear my Barbarian punch!" Mikey shouted in a deep voice as he punched a pillow away and broke a piece of glass and made a roar of anger as Ice cream Kitty played along.

"This is just what i need Ice cream Kitty, and Ice cream cartoon party extravaganza! Pizza wrestling time!" Mikey shouted as he grabbed the cat and playfully wrestled with him and wrecked up the living room. Psiona was rubbing her eyes just wondering what the heck all the noise was, she came into the living room and her eyes widened at what she saw.

"What are you doing?!" Psiona shouted with rage which made him stop and he chuckled nervously.
"Oh.. hey Psiona.. how's it going?" Mikey asked nervously right as Jacqueline and Spike came in with the others.
"Mikey what have you done?!" Leo shouted as they all saw the living room was trashed up.
"Heh heh.. hey guys.. this isn't what it looks like.. i was studying barbarian fighting techniques.." Mikey said in defense.

"This is the third time you've messed the place up in a week!" Leo said as he and the others towered over him with rage, Psiona growled and towered over him and cracked her knuckles.
"I can show you a few fighting techniques.." Psiona said with a growl which made him scarred. But Spike quickly came in and stopped her.

"No need to go that way mom, i'll help him clean this up." Spike said turning to him.
"Good! And as for you!" Raph said as he grabbed the kitty and threw him into the freezer as it hissed at him before he slammed the door.
"And stay there!" Raph said walking back into the living room.
"Just make sure he cleans up after himself, unbelievable.." Psiona said annoyed as she and the others left with Jacqueline and April looking at Spike and Mikey before leaving.
"Sorry about this Mikey.." Spike said sadly as he tried sweeping things, but it was a little tough as he still wasn't used to his snake hands.

Jacqueline decided to meditate outside the house as the others left, she still had the ability to enter ones dreams, and she and Spike would often talk to eachother in his own to get to know eachother better. There were ups and downs to having this power, on the one hand, it let her see the wonders of what people had to offer in terms of imagination, on the other, she didn't like invading others privacy that much. She was still confused on how Bernie survived 40 years with being awake, usually one would start being delusional after being awake without sleep for a week, how he was like that is beyond her.

Jacqueline meditated calmly, as she was trying to see if there was anything to find, she figured she could use her ability's to try and sense an enemy's presence as they had dreams as well. She focused deeply in the forest surrounding her, she felt herself within a black void, completely like the one she met Spike in, but as she thought she wouldn't find something, she started to hear something. She winced in pain as she saw a flash of what looked like.. a frog? She had another flash and heard a croak, she then had another flash that showed 4 frog like mutants somewhere out there. Jaqueline's eyes widened in shock and worry as something was out there.

"I need to tell Spike!" She said getting up and headed into the house quickly. Jaqueline opened the doors and called out for Spike and Mikey.
"Spike! Mikey? Are you there?! There's something i need to tell you!" Jaqueline shouted as she looked around the house, the living room was still a mess meaning Mikey wasn't cleaning like he was told too, she may have expected that from him, but Spike is gone too.
"Spike?" Jaqueline asked worried as she looked around the whole house, but they were both gone and she was getting really worried.
"Spike! Where are you?!" Jacqueline shouted through the whole house.

Spike was slithering with Mikey in the woods trying to convince him to stop, he was really hurt by what Raph said about him and decided to run away.
"Mikey come on, Raph was just mad that's all, you've seen how he gets.." Spike said going through the woods with him.
"You saw how they looked at me Spike! They think i'm a joke.. and i am.." Mikey said sadly, Spike sighed and knew he was upset.
"They're just trying to help you, they aren't gonna be around forever, there comes a time when one will have to be on their own and grow, even without they're family besides them. I promise you once they realize we're gone, they'll go after us and apologize to you once we're found." Spike assured, but something was off as they kept moving, Spike felt his senses going off again meaning they were being watched.

"You.. really mean that?" Mikey asked worried on this still.
"Positive.." Spike said as he started to look around.
"What's wrong bro? You getting bad vibes here?" Mikey asked worried, Spike could feel they're being watched, and his head sent off a warning telling him something was coming.
"Get down!" Spike shouted as he pushed Mikey out of the way, they looked up in the air and gasped in shock as they saw 4 mutant frogs jumping down at them.

Spike ducked out of the way from one of they're attacks, but they fell down on the ground confusing them, Mikey drew his weapons as Spike got on his guard.
"Who are you punks?!" Spike hissed as they got up, they didn't say anything and Spike got a good look at them, one of them was curvaceous female mutant frog wearing a black 16th century dress with a metal aesthetic and a spiked collar while her casual wear consists of form-fitting blue jeans and a pink tank top, she also has black skin and pink spots. Spike looked at the other female and looked at her too, this one was a slightly-muscular female mutant frog covered in Chinese character tattoos wearing a cream-colored Chinese silk robe with a grunge aesthetic while her casual wear is a leather vest over a skull t-shirt, and has jade green skin. Then he looked at the last one he was a lean male mutant frog wearing a suit from that looked to be from the 1930s with a glam aesthetic while his casual wear is a pair of cargo shorts and a chain acting like a belt, and his skin was almost like a dusty brown and had a pale underbelly.

"I told you we shouldn't have attacked them guys! They think we're an enemy by now!" The muscular one said mad at the others.
" How are we supposed to know they're friendly Zetian? We don't even know these guys." The brown one said looking at them.
" Clyde weren't you listening to what they said? They don't look like they could do harm." The black one said in a low femine voice that sounded a bit like Luna honestly..
"Mary's right, we shouldn't have attacked them like that. Sorry about that, we just thought you were enemy's." The green one said as he wore a white shirt that had a unicorn on it.

"Um.. it's okay i guess.." Spike said as they lowered they're guard.
"I'm sorry, who are you guys?" Mikey asked pointing at them.
"Your right, we should introduce ourselves, i'm Zetian, i'm the oldest sister of this group, that's Clyde, a little low witted, but a friendly guy, and this is Bloody Mary, she's often into staying fancy as you can see with her dress. And this is Napoleon Bonafrog, dude's chill, but knows some cool moves" Zetian said looking at each of them.
"Sup?" Napoleon introduced as the others waved at them.

Spike and Mikey looked at eachother before turning back to them.
"Well.. i'm Spike, and this is Mikey, we're both skilled ninja's." Spike introduced.
"What up dog's?" Mikey asked casually.
"Nice to meet you two.. sorry about that still.." Mary said a little ashamed.
"No no it's totally okay, i can understand it, you don't know us and thought we were enemy's, it's cool.." Mikey assured with Spike nodding in agreement.

"So, what are you two doing out in the woods at night? It's dangerous around these parts?" Zetian asked curious on why they were here.
"I ran off from my own home because i felt unappreciated, and my bro Spike here came with me to help! Cause he's the only one who understands me!" Mikey said putting his arm over Spike's shoulder.
"Not entirely accurate, but i did come to make sure he was safe. He's family by this point and wasn't gonna let anything happen to him you know?" Spike asked which made them smile in agreement.

"Totally, that means you have no where to go right?" Mary asked with the others concerned.
"Not at this point no.." Spike said as he didn't want to confuse them with what's happening.
"Nope, we're on our own, so what can you guys do?" Mikey asked curious on seeing they're own moves.
"Us? We're the master of frog stuff, check this out." Napoleon said as the others got in a line, they watched as they started to perform some really cool dance moves like they used some from different generations before they jumped in the air and finished things off by eating a fly and landing down.

"Whoa! gross, but awesome!" Mikey complimented.
"Sweet moves!" Spike said impressed at that.
"Thanks, we practiced them together." Clyde said proudly.
"We're basically the greatest warriors ever seen, our people love us, they give us like awards and stuff, what about you two?" Napoleon said as they sat down.
"Not entirely accurate still.." Zetian said as that wasn't true for the most part.

"We have our own ninja team like you guys, i'm like the leader and stuff,." Mikey said casually and Spike rolled his eyes.
"Your kinda like a frog parallel to our team honestly." Spike said as they were a bit like them too.
"Sweet! Come on guys, let's show em our frog fortress." Napoleon suggested.
"Are you sure we should take them there? Our leader isn't to kind to outsiders.." Mary said a little worried for them.
"They need help guys, come on, follow us you two." Zetian said starting to hop off.
"It's gonna be totally epic guys!" Clyde said as they all went off, Spike and Mikey looked at eachother and shrugged before following them as well wondering what was to come.

Leo and the others were back in the house cleaning up after the place was trashed.
"Man i can't believe Mikey left us to clean up this mess, i figured Spike get this place done at least." Leo said as they were cleaning.
"They totally ditched, i haven't seen them for hours." Casey said annoyed as well.
"Yeah maybe because you guys were total jerks, you guys never appreciate him, Spike's the only one who does. He probably went out to make sure he was safe." April said upset with them.
"Even though i've known my son for a week at this point, i can tell he's not one to leave others behind.." Psiona said a little ashamed as well, they heard panting and saw Jaqueline run into the room looking worried.

"Jaqueline? What's wrong?" April asked worried walking up to her.
" Guys, it's Spike and Mikey, i can't find them! I searched the whole area from them, i couldn't find them anywhere!" Jaqueline explained which shocked them.
"What?!" Psiona asked with shock as they all stopped what they were doing, Donnie just came into the room holding his computer looking worried as well.

"And i think i know why, listen to this: Local campsites have been ravaged by what witnesses call, green lizard like monsters on two legs." Donnie said as they saw screens of each one.
"Nah, you think? Would Mikey and Spike really trash those campsites?" April asked worried on this.
"He wouldn't do such a thing, they could be in trouble." Psiona said with worry as this was new to her.
"Let's try and find them, come on!" Leo said as they started leaving the house.

Spike and Mikey followed the punk frogs to a huge tree that towered over the forest.
"This is our place." Napoleon said and they looked at the thing in awe.
"It's enormous.." Spike said amazed seeing how tall it was..
"It's larger then any tree here, makes it special." Clyde said as they went up to the top, they made a frog croak that echoed over to the top, and they watched as a elevator lowered down to them and opened up.
"Get in guys." Zetian said pointing at it.
"Are we sure this is safe?" Spike asked worried as it looked old.
"Positive." Mary said as they closed the door and the elevator started rising up.

Spike looked over the view of the forest and could see just how high up they were, it was almost as high as the TCRI building honestly. They arrived at the top and saw a ton of different mutant frogs out they're making loud croaks.
"How did these guys happen?" Spike asked confused on seeing them all. They continued to follow the 4 frogs to a throne like area and saw a large frog on the top.

"Napoleon? Your back with your punk siblings?" The leader asked upset at them.
"They always come back sire, like indigestion, why not just stay away punks?" A frog with a staff mocked.
"Whatever Genghis! Attila this is Mikey and Spike, they're great warriors, and a genius and stuff!" Napoleon introduced.
"We found them in the woods not far from here." Mary said looking at them.
"I doubt that they're friends of yours." Genghis mocked again.
"Shut it Genghis! I don't even care what you think, gosh!" Napoleon said annoyed at him.

"Rude." Spike said annoyed with him.
"Thank you." Clyde said glad that he thinks that too.
"And that's no way to talk to us, we're Michelangelo and Spike, i'm 15, he's 14, i love pizza, Ice cream kitty, ninjutsu.." Mikey listed out before Attila spoke some more.
"Tell me, Michelangelo and Spike, why do you have no home?" Attila asked them.

"We were stuck in that farmhouse on the edge of the woods with our brothers and some humans." Mikey explained which shocked all of them.
"Bah! With humans?!" Attila asked angry on hearing their name with the other toads mad as well.
"Uh oh.." Mary said with worry as all of them came out of the tree.
"Yeah, and we can't go back because.." Mikey said before he was interrupted again.
"Of course you can't go back, your free now. Free from the tyranny of your masters, stay among us kind folks." Attila offered.

"Yes! Take that Rasputin!" Napoleon said pointing at one with a mustache who looked like a scientist.
"Come on guys, let's show you around." Zetian said as they started escorting them away.
"This is gonna go wrong isn't it.." Spike asked looking at Mary.
"I'm afraid so.." Mary said worried as they left.

"Humans again. They still have that turtle and snakes poor brothers in their clutches! You know what to do Genghis." Attila said turning to him.
"Sir yes sir! Operation liberate reptiles! Frogs go!" Genghis ordered as a bunch of frogs started to charge from the tree..

We cut to a montage where Spike and Mikey were spending time with the frogs, Spike was showing Mary and Zetian some ninja moves, even if his body's not the best right now, he's still got some skills. Mikey was just chilling out with Napoleon and Clyde, they showed Mikey some hopping moves like how they do. Spike showed Mary and Zetian him breathing green fire which amazed them both. Zetian showed Spike her strength and lifted up a boulder 5 times her own size, and Mary showed some fancy dance moves and Spike tried replicating them the best he could in his snake form. Mikey was shown to.. eat flies which disgusted Spike greatly, then Spike showed them some moves on jumping from tree to tree like a ninja which they gladly followed with. It was a fun day for them as it was nice for them bonding with eachother and knowing what they all like.

Spike and the other frogs were on the top of the tree looking over the view about the day they just had.
"Man, today was really fun honestly." Spike said as this was fun for all of them.
"Yeah, i'm still amazed on you being able to breath fire like that." Zetian said still shocked on seeing that.
"Not as cool as your strength! You really are strong!" Spike said seeing how strong she was earlier.
"Thanks, i use it to protect my family, they're one of the few things i have right now.." Zetian said looking over the view.

"Yeah, since we were mutated, we were at eachothers side, they're the only ones that really understand me.." Mary said looking over as well.
"I gotta ask, where did you get that dress? It looks really nice." Spike asked looking at it.
"We.. have your ways.. at least we wear clothes freak." Mary joked referring to the fact he's not wearing any which made them laugh.
"Hey, being a snake makes putting on clothes very hard, it slides right off me.." Spike said as Clyde felt his body.
"Your body is kinda slimy, gross." Clyde said moving away a little which made him joke as Mikey and Napoleon joined in.

"So you two are like ninja who lived in this New York place who beats down feet soldiers?" Napoleon asked as they sat next to them.
"Foot soldiers yeah. Raph he's all Raphael, he's like Rah! And my other brother Donnie hacks the bad guys computers, he's smart like that, And Leo, he's our fearless leader, heh.. not me.." Mikey said nervously about lying from earlier.
"I could honestly tell by now, Spike's seeming more of a leader honestly." Mary said rubbing his head.
"Thanks, but i prefer to look out for my team." Spike said as that wasn't a position he'd like right now..
"Your brothers sound awesome you know?" Napoleon asked amazed at what they can do.

"Yeah, they are, even after i trashed the house.. Spike told me it's only because they care for me that they're hard on me.. it's something i should've seen before.." Mikey said sadly looking down.
"Hey it's okay, plus, look on the bright side, if it wasn't for you two leaving, you wouldn't have met us" Clyde said trying to make them feel better.
"Yeah, that's true, thanks for showing us this guys, it's really cool." Spike said looking over the tree, he was still worried about the others, but wanted to keep things positive for now.
"No problem Spike, i'm glad we showed you this place." Mary said packing his back.

"Agh! Let go of me!" April shouted which got their attention.
"Silence human!" Genghis ordered which worried them.
"Is that.. April?!" Spike asked worried as he recognized her voice.

We cut to her being thrown in a cage alongside Casey and they were raised up.
"Help!" April shouted as Spike and the frogs arrived.
"Hey! What is this?! What are you doing to our friends?!" Mikey asked mad at them.
"Friends?! You said these humans were terrible to you! You both escaped!" Attila said recalling what he was told.
"You didn't let us finish, Mikey needed time to himself, i went with him to make sure he's okay, you didn't let us finish anything!" Spike hissed which angered them.

"These human lovers lied to become accepted by us!" Genghis accused.
"Live with humans, suffer with humans!" Attila ordered, Spike was about to be grabbed by the frogs before he whipped them away from him and Mikey.

"What are you doing to our friends?!" Zetian asked mad at him.
"They aren't like them! You don't know what your doing!"" Clyde said getting in a fighting pose.
"Your making this worse, stop this!" Mary begged as she did not want this to happen before Rasputin came in front of them.
"I told you four, never trust a turtle or snake!" He accused and they all got angry.
"To you maybe, but not to us!" Clyde said as he delivered a punch to his face knocking off his glasses.

"What are you idiots doing?!" Attila asked furious at them.
"You wanna touch our friends, your gonna go through us!!" Mary said as they all got in a fighting pose, Spike made another snake hiss as he was surrounded by more frogs. The frogs jumped at the 6 of them and they all charged at them.

Spike ducked under a spear slice and wrapped his tail around it, he disarmed the frog before whipping him into another, he backflipped under another one and smashed down on his head knocking him out. Mary pulled out a special hammer she had and used that to smash more of the frogs away, Zetian didn't have a weapon, but fought with fluidity and fast speeds, she flipped into the air and delivered a roundhouse kick to ones face, before she slid under another frog hopping and delivering a strong kick on it's face and sent him flying off the tree. Clyde pulled out a small Scimitar sword and was blocking dozens of spear swings at once, Spike taught the guys some good skills to use and they were pulling things off well.

"Why are you doing this to them?! What did they do to you?!" Spike asked as he slashed another one down.
"Why? You dare ask why? There was once a time where we the Amphibian ruled these lands! We frolicked in these woods and trees and swamplands. Until they, the humans arrived, with they're metal monsters! They needed more strip malls, more gas stations! And more Coffee shops, and one day, these woods will disappear as well!" Attila explained as we see a flashback of the frogs loosing they're homes to construction workers who built the city on top of they're old home.

"Fortunately, Rasputin discovered a gift in a puddle below this very tree, the sacred ooze!" Attire said as Rasputin held up a jar of mutagen.
"Mutagen!" Spike and Mikey said at once.
"The time for a revolution is now! We shall invade their cities. And with this mutagen we will create a bigger family! Attack them!" Attila ordered and that made more frogs charge at them.

"Ngh! I can't believe how crazy he is!" Clyde said as he blocked a sphere slice and pushed the frog back, Mary jumped into the air and screamed twirling her hammer around before she hit him across the side sending him flying off.
"This mutagen stuff must've made him delusional! He clearly doesn't see the flaws in it!" Mary shouted as they started to fight off even more.
"He clearly didn't think it out properly!" Zetian shouted as she punched another back
"Idiots! They're all idiots!" Napoleon said as he couldn't believe how stupid this was.

They're fighting was stopped when they heard a loud roar which echoed through the whole forest.
"What was that?" Attila asked frightened at that roar.
"I think i know who.." Spike said nervously as a shadow flew right above the ledge, the looked up to the moon and saw Psiona flying in the air and spread her wings out, Leo and the others appeared on her back looking down at them with white eyes.
"Guys! yes! Go ninjas!" Mikey shouted as they all landed on the ground, Psiona growled with rage and Jacqueline got in a fighting stance.
"Let go of my son monsters!" Psiona roared as they all charged at him.

"That things your mom?!" Zetian shouted in shock pointing at her.
"Yeah, she's not one to be messed with.." Spike said nervously as they watched her beating the absolute snot out of the frogs surrounding her, Jaqueline flipped into the air and delivered a strong whack with her beaver tail before twirling on the ground and delivering multiple kicks all around. Napoleon was about to help them out before he was grabbed by Genghis's tongue and was slammed to the ledge.
"Where do you think your going Napoleon?" Genghis asked walking up to him.
"I think i'm going.. ninja on your butt!" Napoleon shouted as he used a move Mikey taught him and kicked him over to the throne and knocked over a candle which started to make a fire..

"Guys! How did you find us!?" Mikey asked as Raph punched another one down before he gave him a tight hug.
"What are you doing dude?" Mikey asked confused which got his attention too.
"Hugging i think.." Raph said shocked on what he just did.
"It's.. weird.." Mikey said not liking it.
"Yeah, let's never do that again." Raph said putting him down and they continued to fight the frogs off.

Psiona grabbed a frog by the tongue and pulled him to her, she put her back on the ground and shot her legs up kicking him in the face, she then flipped in the air and twirled around like a cyclone before delivering a roundhouse kick to his chest and sent him flying into more frogs like a bowling ball.
"Mom! Are you okay?" Spike asked as he came up to her.
"I'm fine son, what about you? We thought these frogs kidnapped you and Mikey after the argument." Psiona said as she punched another frog in the face without even looking.
"It's nothing like that at all, me and Mikey actually made a few new friends, they're really cool." Spike said pointing at the punk frogs who were fighting off the others.
"It's interesting to see on how you make friends my son.." Psiona said as she saw Mary hit another in the groin with her hammer making all of them cringe at that.
"It is, it really is.." Spike said in agreement.

"Oh no, fire! Fire!" April shouted as the fire was starting to spread, Napoleon and the other frogs stopped fighting and went to Attila.
"The tree is on fire! We must totally flee!" Napoleon shouted as a large branch fell down scarring them all.
"We need to move guys! The tree isn't safe! We need to go!" Clyde shouted putting his blade away.
"Napoleon and his friends are right! Run!" Genghis shouted as all the other frogs started moving. Attila tried encouraging them to stay, but Casey knocked him in the face and put him into the elevator from before. Psiona grabbed Spike and Jaqueline and put her on her back and flew off to the ground.
"You really had an interesting day huh Spike?" Jaqueline asked looking at him who was looking at the burning tree.
"I did.. i really did.." Spike said as he felt awful that they lost they're home.

The frogs were all fleeing from the tree as it exploded from the fire and sent the mutagen jar flying somewhere else.. Attila was dragged to the forest by Casey and April and looked surprised.
"Humans, saving me?" Attila asked looking at them.
"Not all humans are bad. And i'd like to believe not all mutated frogs are bad either Attila." April said in response and he looked down shamefully, Spike and Mikey watched the tree burn up in flames completely with the other frogs crying over they're loss.
"The horror, the horror.." Atilla said as the tree was burned up entirely..

We cut to the daytime where the tree was now in ashes with Spike comforting the other frogs.
"I'm sorry about your home guys.." Spike said feeling awful for them.
"It's okay Spike, you did the right thing.." Zetian said sadly as she was upset too.
"At least we're all okay.." Clyde said as the tribe was safe.
"At least there's one good thing to come out of this.." Mary said looking down as well..

"My frogs, to me!" Attila announced which had the other frogs come to him.
"Attila the frog has never been wrong about anything in his life.. but perhaps i've been a bit hasty about these humans.." Attila admitted looking at April and Casey.
"Frogs, line up behind your general and his family!" Attila ordered, Genghis thought it would be him, but he was shocked in seeing the frogs line up behind Napoleon and the other frogs.

"What the heck is going on here?" Napoleon asked looking at them.
"Napoleon, Bloody Mary, Clyde, and Zetian, you 4 have shown strong courage and wisdom regarding these creatures. You 4 are brave, stoic, and have good hearts. So i herby promote you to General, and your siblings will help lead the frogs to a new home for us!" Attire announced.
"This is pretty much the best position ever!" Napoleon said amazed at this.
"Aw yeah! We got promoted guys!" Clyde said giving the others a high five to them which made them all laugh.

They turned to Spike and Mikey and walked up to them.
"Spike, Mikey, thank you for coming with us, it's great to have friends you know?" Zetian asked with a smile.
"Especially ones with cool ninja skills." Mary added which made them glad as well.
"It's always great to have friends, i just hope we keep in touch." Spike said as he gave a spare T-phone he had to them for communication.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll make sure we are." Napoleon assured as they put it away for now.

"But what about you guys? Where are you gonna live?" Mikey asked worried for them.
"We're gonna head down south, we have like 20,000 cousins in Louisiana, we'll lead them to the place before heading to help you guys." Clyde assured which made Spike sigh in relief.
"That's good to know, sayonara for now guys. I'm glad we met you." Spike said as they all high fived again, even if Spike's hand's are a snakes..
"Us too Spike, see ya later." Zetian said before they turned to the other frogs and hopped a good distance.

"Frogs march! See ya later guys!" Napoleon said waving at them and they waved goodbye as well.
"There goes 4 brave frogs." Mikey said as they all left them alone.
"4 really awesome ones too." Spike added with a smile.
"Today was interesting that's for sure." Psiona said looking at the burnt up tree.
"It's good to have you back bros." Raph said glad to have them back.
"Good to be back bros." Mikey said as he walked with his brothers while Spike walked with his mom and Jaqueline.
"Let's go home guys. We have a lot of cleaning up to do" Leo said as they all walked off.

However, the jar full of mutagen that was blown off the tree landed on the side of a road, and a car went running straight over it..

45: Race Against the Demon!

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Donnie, April and Casey were currently driving at night in the party wagon again with Donnie annoyed.

"Ahem? So why am i always the one stuck in the back filled with groceries?" Donnie asked annoyed.
"Somebody has to make sure the eggs don't break dude." Casey mocked.
"We don't even buy eggs! We have chickens! I know what your up to Jones, you always get to drive! I wonder why.." Donnie pointed out.
"Well, maybe because a giant turtle driving a hippie bus seems a little suspicious!" Casey shouted which annoyed April.

"Guys! I'd just like to have one peaceful trip to the store without you two tearing at eachothers throats." April said annoyed at them which shut them up.
"Now that's better, peace and quiet." April said relieved as they pass through the streets, but something behind them turned they're lights on and a strange car started chasing them.

The car sped up through the highway and went in front of them before backing up behind them making them all yell.
"A little chip n chase huh?!" Casey asked getting mad at this guy.
"Just pull over Casey, get out of the way!" April said annoyed once more.
"Nobody pulls Casey jones off the road!" Casey shouted as he slammed the van against the car. The person inside laughed like a maniac before slamming against the van and knocked them all off balance as the guy got away.

"Ugh, everyone okay?" April asked as Donnie had some steak on his head.
"Nobody forces Casey jones off the road huh?" Donnie mocked taking the thing off. Casey slammed the wheel in rage making the car honk each time he did so..

Spike and Jaqueline were outside the house feeding the chickens again, Spike finally got the hang of his snake hands, and despite his body still hurting from the Shredder, he's been getting better each day.
"You wanna know something about you that reminds me of something?" Spike asked as they got done feeding them.
"What's that Spike?" Jacqueline asked as they looked at eachother.
"You remind me of Princess Luna back in Equestria, she had a similar ability to go into ones dreams as well, only she didn't.. you know.." Spike said referring to what she can do.

"Oh right, the Princess of the Moon! You know, hearing all this about her makes me want to meet her, i feel like i can learn some things from her." Jaqueline said positively.
"I'm sure she'll gladly teach you some things, i'd think you two would get along well." Spike agreed as the two started to head back, but as they kept moving, Jaqueline's head started to hurt again as she started having flashes, she saw what looks like a car driving at fast speeds, she winced in pain again as she saw what was inside the car.. it was a horrific mutant creature and that made her gasp in shock..

"Jaqueline? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried as she breathed heavily.
"Spike, somethings wrong.." Jaqueline said worried just before they heard a honk and saw Casey and the others get back, the van looked roughed up right now.
"Casey? Donnie? What happened here?" Spike asked worried as they all got out.
"Some punk in a fast car knocked us off road, i swear Casey jones almost had him!" Casey said frustrated as Donnie came out with the bags.
"Yeah well you didn't! Can you help me with these groceries now?" Donnie asked annoyed.
"I'll get em.." Jacqueline said with worry as she thinks that ties into her vision..

Psiona and the others were in the room watching Mikey's show until the news came on about a reckless driver.
"A Word of warning for those planning on driving tonight.. stay home! Reports are coming in of a mysterious driver running people off the road." The woman said on Tv.
"That's considered breaking news out here?" Raph asked confused.
"If it's trouble, i won't mind putting that punk in his place." Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon again.

"It was him! That's the maniac who nearly trashed us!" Donnie pointed out as they all walked into the room.
"You ran into that maniac?!" Leo asked in shock.
"More like he ran into us! Over and over, we gotta get back out there and teach that guy a lesson!" Casey said frustrated with him.
"Just tell me where to find this punk!" Psiona said with anger ready to kick some butt.
"Calm down mom, we need to find out how to catch him first." Spike assured walking out to the barn. Jaqueline had a look of worry as she knew this wasn't a normal driver, and it could tie into the mutagen they lost from the frogs recently..

"Hey armpit, hand me the 1/4 inch socket." Casey mocked as they were working in the barn.
"Sure thing barf a roni." Donnie mocked handing him the wrench as he, Spike and Jaqueline were working on the car.
"How much longer until this thing is ready Casey?" Spike asked as he screwed some stuff in.
"Shouldn't be too much longer, hand me that screwdriver please." Casey asked and Spike did so.

"Guys, i'm not sure about this, i sensed something off about that guy, he was frantic, crazy, it felt.. not human.." Jaqueline said worried as she knew this would be dangerous.
"Well if anything, we should try this thing out, wanna take the seat with me buddy?" Casey asked Spike.
"Sure thing, we gotta find out what this thing is.." Spike said as they finished up with the car.

Spike was in the car with Casey and Jaqueline as Casey was taking the front wheel, Psiona and Donnie were far off waiting for the speed test.
"You guys ready for Casey Jones and his snake-dragon bro and his beaver GF to break some speed records?" Casey asked on his T-phone.
"We're ready, on my mark.." Donnie said before Mikey took it and blew his tongue at him.
"Go!" Mikey announced and Casey stepped up on the speed and they cheered in joy.
"This is awesome!!" Spike shouted as they went faster.
"This is crazy!!" Jacqueline screamed as the car went past them and Donnie stopped the watch.

"Amazing!" Donnie said shocked at his speed
"Casey's car is light speed yo!" Mikey said amazed as well.
"You two knuckleheads actually pulled it off. I'm almost impressed." Raph added.
"Are they.. coming back?" Psiona asked as the car was still going off.
"They aren't stopping aren't they?" Donnie asked as she was right.
"Doesn't look that way.." Raph said looking ahead, Psiona growled with rage and turned her arm into a cannon again and shot a blast off the cliff in frustration shocking them all as the blast made a large explosion off the cliff.
"At least let me join in! I gotta make sure my sons safe!" Psiona said with anger which made them all back up from her in fear.

Casey was still driving the car at fast speeds.
"Casey, shouldn't we be going back?" Jaqueline asked worried as they kept going.
"Casey doesn't need a stopwatch to tell this things fast! Best way to use this is to stop that road creep!" Casey said determined.
"Casey, Jacqueline said he's not normal, we could get into trouble!" Spike said trying to make him stop.
"We deal with this stuff all the time Spike, this shouldn't be anything different!" Casey shouted as he sped things up even more with Spike and Jaqueline looking worried.

They kept going all around the highway looking for this guy, but they didn't find him anywhere and Casey was annoyed.
"What a drag! The minute your actually looking for a maniac they're nowhere to be found.." Casey said right before they saw the car go by them.
"That's him! Let's go!" Spike hissed as they sped up even more. They sped up right next to the window and looked inside until they saw a light flash and saw the driver was a mutant and they all screamed.
"He's a.. mutant?!" Casey asked in shock.
"I knew there was something wrong with him!" Jaqueline said pointing at him.

"You! Your that kid that tried to stop me last night! And i see you have some freaky friends as well!" the driver said as they sped against eachother.
"Speed demons king of the road baby!" The monster shouted as they were about to approach another car.
"Casey! Look out!" Jaqueline shouted pointing at the car.
"Got it!" Casey shouted as he pushed the driver right out of the way as the car passed with the old woman not reacting to it at all.

"No! You rats! I'm gonna smash you all!" The driver shouted shoving the car against them.
"Every stinking humans going off this road for a wild ride, yeah!" He shouted as they turned another corner. Casey tried shoving at the driver again, but the car was even stronger and knocked them off balance again.
"Not cool!!" Casey shouted as the car went spinning right onto a bar.
"I think i'm gonna be sick.." Spike said as he tried unbuckling himself, Casey slammed on the wheel again in rage as they lost them, the van pulled up with April and the others getting out and Psiona landed on the ground creating a crater.

"Casey, Spike, Jaqueline are you three okay?" Raph asked as they ran up to them.
"Are you okay my son?!" Psiona asked worried checking if he's okay.
"I'm fine mom.. just.. dizzy.." Spike said trying to regain focus, Psiona growled with rage knowing her son was almost hurt.
"That punk is gonna pay!" Psiona said as she looked over him.
"Dudes! What happened to your sweet ride?" Mikey asked looking at the car.

"It was that maniac, he's not normal, he's a mutant!" Jaqueline explained and they all looked shocked.
"Whoa, a mutant?" Mikey asked in shock.
"You totally ditched me! I could have helped!" Donnie said upset at Casey.
"That guy challenged me, it's the code of the road man! Mano-a-mano!" Casey said crossing his arms.
"Come on, let's get this scrap heap back to the house." Raph said ready to go.
"I got it." Psiona said as she went over to it and lifted it up with ease and started to fly off which shocked them all again.
"Your mom is scary at times you know that Spike?" Leo asked him.
"Given what she can do, i won't be surprised when we see more of her.." Spike said as they were about to get in, but Mikey saw something on the ground.

"Hey guys, check this out.." Mikey said about to touch it before Donnie knocked him away.
"Don't touch that! It looks likesome kind of.. mutagenic fuel. Fascinating.." Donnie said as he put the thing in the vial.
"There must be mutagen still out there.." Donnie said as they looked at the trail..

They all made it back to the house as Psiona was waiting outside for them and April came out with Leo.
"Casey! Are you okay?" April asked worried coming up to him.
"What happened?" Leo asked worried.
"Speed demon 2, Casey jones, zip." Donnie explained.

"You went after that guy?" April asked upset at him.
"The cops can't catch him. And someone's gotta take that mutant down!" Casey said determined again.
"And that mutant's gotta be Casey jones right?" April asked annoyed.
"That's right red, and i'm making sure to have help doing it." Casey said referring to Spike as they went to the barn again.

Casey was under the truck working on it with Spike besides him ready to hand him some parts.
"So, you ready to handle the problem with that clutch?" Donnie mocked walking inside.
"I found part of the problem, hey Mikey! Keep your chickens out of the farm man!" Casey shouted as he pulled one out and it ran off.
"I swear Psiona is gonna roast some of them for dinner if they don't!" Spike shouted as well.

Donnie went back to working on the sample he found and Casey rubbed his back ashamed, Spike stood back and let them handle this out.
"Listen Donnie.. i'm sorry i went after speed demon without you.." Casey said sadly.
"It's fine. Me and the guys have been making our own plan to bring that freak down." Donnie said not even looking at him.
"Donnie, you and i know the hot rod is the best chance we got. We need to team up on this." Casey said as Donnie sighed again.
"I don't know.." Donnie said unsure of this.

"I need your sweet scientific genius don.. please?" Casey begged in a singsong voice and Spike chuckled a little.
"All right, i have an idea, a crazy, awesome idea!" Donnie said as they looked at the car.
"Let's do this!" Spike said twirling a wrench around.

Upbeat music plays as the three open the basement and look at the old Kraang ship, they all went to take out multiple parts of the ship and used that to make new engines, an A.I computer, some boosters.. before the three took an energy drink to keep going, before they finished all of it.
"This. is. amazing!" Casey said amazed as they look at the high tech car.
"You never cease to amaze me Don, we did a job well done!" Spike said proudly.

"Yeah i know guys, and it's almost ready. I just have to figure out the problem with the artificial intelligence for the onboard computer system. " Donnie said getting in the car with the two watching, unknown to them, another chicken walked into the farm and started coming up to the mutagen, it knocked it over and started to drink it..

"Here chicky chicky chick.. oh snap!" Mikey said in shock as they all saw he got into the mutagen.
"Are you kidding me?!/ Holy Toledo!" Spike and Donnie said in shock, the chicken turned around and they saw it's brain had become huge...
"Oh not again Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as the thing jumped down.
"Just what i need! Another mutant!" Casey said annoyed as well and Spike hissed in annoyance. The chicken got into the car and started typing on the keyboard.

"Whoa! What's she doing?!" Mikey asked surprised as they saw the computer with it's equations.
"It's.. it's communicating with us! Those are complex equations! Maybe we don't need an artificial intelligence, maybe we just need.." Donnie said before Mikey announced.
"Dr. Cluckingsworth, M.D!" Mikey announced.
"Uh yes, maybe Dr. Cluckingsworth.." Donnie said annoyed.

"So um.. doctor? Can you interfere with the hot rods computer?" Donnie asked going up to him. the chicken made a cluck sound in response and started typing on the computer.
"Awesome.." Spike said amazed as they watch it work.

They were all outside the barn again with Psiona, Jaqueline and the other turtles waiting with them.
"All right Donnie, what are we doing here?" Leo asked curious.
"I give you.." Donnie announced as the car turned on, it slowly came out of the barn and showed off it's high tech upgrades. Spike and Casey were in the front as the Doctor was in a cage.
"The Turtle Racer!" Donnie announced.

"So your co pilot.. is a chicken?!" Raph asked confused on seeing her.
"She's the on board navigator" Spike explained looking at her.
"You guys really think this.. car is gonna stop that maniac?" Leo asked confused.
"With this baby, Casey jones and Spike can't be beat!" Casey said confidently again.

"Son, are you sure about this? You almost got hurt last time, and your still recovering from your wounds.." Psiona said with concern.
"Don't worry mom, Casey and i have a plan, but we're gonna need you help. Do you think you can be in the air for surveillance?" Spike asked curious, Psiona sighed as she knew they needed to take this guy down.
"I'll alert you when i see him." Psiona said seriously.
"Let's all be careful okay?" Jaqueline asked worried for them.
"Don't worry, we got this!" Casey said giving Spike a high five.

Spike and Casey were now on the road again with Jaqueline next to them as Leo and the others were following them, Psiona was high in the skies making sure to keep a look out.
"All right, we got the plan down right?" Leo asked from his phone.
"As long as you can keep up in that thing!" Casey joked.
"Let's do this!" Spike said as the car started driving off faster.

The chicken clucked again and typed on the computer.
"What's wrong doc?" Casey asked worried as they look on the screen and it said" Speed demon is approaching". Psiona looked ahead and saw the car driving at fast speeds again.
"Guys! It's heading right for you!" Psiona warned using a built in communicator she had in her metal arm. Right on cue, the car was driving to them at fast speeds.

"Guys look out, here he comes!" Casey shouted as they all got ready.
"Here we go again.." Jaqueline said with worry as they got closer to it. The mutant laughed like crazy as he charged at them.

"So you wanna play chicken eh?!" Casey asked with anger and the chicken looked offended at that.
"Sorry doc." Casey said as they rev upped the engine and started moving faster. They were about to collide with the monster and they all got away as the car drove off again, Casey turned around and they went after them.
"He's doing it again, he's ditching us!" Raph said annoyed at this.
"Nope! This time it's all part of the plan!" Donnie assured looking on.

Spike and the others continued to chase the guy as he continued driving faster, Spike stepped things up and the car came right across the window again.
"I'm gonna splatter you across the road! I'll grind you im my grill like the bugs you are!" He shouted as he slammed against them again.
"This'll slow you down freak!" Casey shouted as he pushed on a button and that shot a large cork out to the front of the road and made a large explosion, the guy screamed as he slowed down and they passed him.
"Take that monster!" Jaqueline said confidently as they drove off with the three laughing in victory.

"Psiona, now!" Donnie shouted from the van.
"Got it!" Psiona shouted as she activated her rocket wings and they flew down to the ground at fast speeds, the maniac was about to go after them again before she landed on the ground making a large impact, the guy screamed again as Psiona growled at him.
"This, is for my son!" Psiona shouted as she readied herself, the car drove at her even faster and attempted to ram her, she closed her eyes and waited for the right time before her senses went off letting her know now's the time. Psiona screamed with rage as she grabbed the thing with her arm completely stopping it.
"What?!" The monster asked in shock as she looked him directly in the eye.
"Your drive is over!!" Psiona screamed as she picked the thing up and threw it across the road.

The car slammed down on the ground and continued to flip over to the wall as the mutant driver went flying out the window, it continued to flop over until it crashed into the wall and completely stopped. Psiona growled with rage as she went over to the driver and grabbed his throat.
"You better explain yourself punk!" Psiona said as she readied her fire breath, but to her shock, she didn't see a mutant, it was a regular human again and he looked terrified.
"Who.. what are you?!" The guy screamed in fear, Psiona let the guy go as she was shocked to see him.
"Your.. not a mutant?!" She asked as the guy ran away screaming in fear.

"Then.. if he's not a mutant.. then that must mean.." Psiona said in realization, she turned around and looked at the car with shock. She saw the car was behind her, and found out the car itself was a mutant. The car roared at her before it started to shift, she watched in horror as the thing grew huge metal arms, it's back turned into large spiked legs and the hood turned into a monsterous looking demonic head and he roared at her as it towered over her.

"You think you can stop my fun?! I'll show you a thing or two mom!" Speed demon said as it turned it's arm into a cannon and aimed it at her. Psiona screamed as she dodged the blast and saw it make a huge explosion.
"Your the mutant?! You took over that guys mind?!" Psiona asked as she got in a fighting stance herself.
"That's right! It was me all along! I am the Speed demon!!" He screamed as he started firing at her like a maniac and she was flipping across the gunfire.

Psiona took out her communicator to warn the others.
"Guys! The driver isn't the mutant! It's the car itself! It turned into some kind of.. giant robot!" Psiona shouted as she ducked under a huge missile which made a large explosion.
"What?! How can that be?!" Donnie asked as he and the others were shocked at this news.
"It's a transformer?!" Mikey asked horrified at the news.

Spike was still driving with Casey and Jaqueline and they were shocked as well.
"Mom! Be careful! We're on our way!" Spike shouted from his T-phone.
"Casey, turn this thing around!" Jaqueline shouted to him.
"Got it!" Casey shouted in response as he made a U-turn and took off back to help her.

Psiona activated her wings again and took to the skies avoiding his gunfire.
"What's the matter mommy?! Scarred to fight me?! I thought you dragons were supposed to be tough!" Speed demon shouted as he shot a missile at her, she used her psychic powers to move the thing out of the way and lowered it down to the ground far below.
"I am a fighter! You do not know what i've been through!" Psiona shouted as she flew around the area at fast speeds.

"Oh right, your the mother of that little snake freak! Some mother you are for letting him become a mutant! I don't know why he bothers calling you his mom!" Speed demon insulted as he turned his arm into a blade saw and tried slashing at her, Psiona's pupils narrowed as she heard those words, she made a loud growl of rage as she was insulted like that.
"How.. dare you insult my son like that?!" Psiona screamed as she had enough and landed on the ground making the ground shake violently.

"Oh, struck a nerve did i?! I'm surprised you have any given what a freak you are now!" He mocked again as Psiona charged at him with rage.
"I may be a freak, but i'm still.. a.. dragon!" Psiona screamed as she readied her metal arm and delivered a strong punch in his face and sent him back a great distance. He quickly got up and laughed like a maniac again.
"Oh that's cute! No wonder your kinds considered a myth! I'll make sure you stay that way!" He shouted as he turned his arms into more guns and fired lasers at her. Psiona backflipped across each one, going from the wall next to her, to flipping over some more, and sliding under them, she growled with rage and jumped in the air and slashed at him with her own tail.

"Then you clearly don't know why my kind is considered a myth, cause if we were real.. we'd be almost impossible to take down!" Psiona shouted as she readied her arm cannon and raised it upwards to the cliff.
"What are you?!" Speed demon shouted right before she shot a blast at the top right above him, this caused a huge pile of rocks to start tumbling down. Psiona took a deep breath and closed her eyes before raising her hands up, she opened her eyes once again and they glowed in a pure white as she had an aura around her, the ground around her shook as her powers became stronger. She shot a telepathic wave at the rocks and they completely halted in the air.
"Let's see what you can do punk.." Psiona said in a ominous voice as she raised her hands forwards. The rocks turned to the Speed demon and started flying at him with incredible speeds.

Speed demon screamed as he continued to be hit repeatedly over and over by each and every rock. Spike and the others were coming up on her and saw his mom fighting off Speed demon.
"Whoa! What's she doing?!" Casey asked amazed at her powers.
"She's my mom, she's got psychic powers like me, activate the boost!" Spike shouted to Jacqueline.
"Activating the mutagenic boost!" Jaqueline replied as she pressed on a button, a small thing of TNT went right behind a doctor and exploded making her cluck in shock, that made her lay a mutagenic egg and it went straight into an hole right below her.

The egg fell into the engine and dissolved and made the entire thing glow, the device on the car beeped and Casey pushed on the button. This made the car do a sonic boom and they all screamed in amazement.
"This is crazy!!" Jaqueline shouted as the engine was sparking all over.
"This is awesome!!!" Spike screamed as the car got even faster.
"Goongala!!!" Casey screamed as he drove the car straight towards the robot.

Psiona felt them about to hit her and she looked at him one more time.
"Sayonara freak!" Psiona shouted as she backflipped right over the car, she leapt down and quickly grabbed all four of them in slow motion, Speed demon screamed as the car went slamming right into him and he was sent off the cliff, Psiona put them down and charged up her arm cannon to max power.
"I'll be back!!!" Speed demon shouted as he fell down, Psiona growled with rage and shot the blast straight to his chest, it impaled him right through his whole body leaving a large hole completely obliterated, Speed demon screamed as he exploded over the ledge and his parts went flying all over finally destroying him...

"Good riddance monster." Psiona said as she blew away some smoke from her cannon and turned it back to normal.
"Mom! That was awesome!!" Spike said as he gave her a hug with the others cheering for her.
"That was the coolest thing i've ever seen!!" Casey said completely amazed at her powers.
"I knew you were strong, but that was incredible!" Jaqueline said hugging her too as she was breathing heavily.
"Thanks, that takes a lot out of me.. i'm just glad that monster's gone.." Psiona said in relief as the van came up to them with Leo and the others getting out.

"What happened? Is the freak gone?" Raph asked worried as they all came up to her.
"It's gone, we did it guys.." Psiona said taking heavy breaths.
"Hey! We couldn't have done it without Casey and Spike and Donnie, this plan of theirs is what helped us take it down!" Jaqueline said proud of them.
"Yeah! That idea was wicked!" Casey said giving Donnie a high five.
"I told you, i had a crazy awesome plan!" Donnie said as the two laughed at eachother. Spike looked at his mom with interest as that kind of power was crazy.

"Mom.. how are you so strong? That was insane.." Spike asked a little worried for her.
"I spent decades within Dimension X son, i've had plenty of time to develop my powers.." Psiona said getting up.
"Do you think.. i'll get that strong? Even.. like this?" Spike asked looking at his snake body.
"One day you might, but it always goes to how you use it.. it can either save others.. or destroy them.. And i've seen many things in Dimension X.." Psiona said looking down at him.

"What kind of things mom? I've only been there for a bit, and i saw some crazy stuff, but what about you?" Spike asked worried.
"Let's just say.. there's more to that place then meets the eye, and i have made a few friends in it.." Psiona said as she remembered who her own friends were, and they were an interesting bunch..
"Do you think we'll meet them one day?" Spike asked curiously.
"Maybe one day son.. maybe one day.." Psiona said as they all watched Casey and Donnie high five eachother in victory. Unknown to them, when Speed demon exploded off a cliff, a bird was flying by during that moment with a fish, and the mutagen was splashed all over it...

46: Eyes of the Chimera

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We cut to a nighttime view as a hawk is seen flying through the night sky. It looks down below and sees something and goes down to grab it, a worm is seen swimming through some water before a fish comes onto screen an eats it right before the hawks talons grabs it and it takes it out of the lake. The camera pans to the fight between Psiona and the monster robot as she uses her Psychic powers and is wrecking the monster up.

"Goongala!!" Casey screams as he, Spike and Jaqueline appear in their car driving at fast speeds, Psiona did a backflip and grabbed all 4 of them from the car and lands back down. Speed demon screams as the car rams right into him and explodes which sends him flying off the cliff, Psiona looks down at him and charges up a final blast.
"I'll be back!!!" Speed demon shouted right before Psiona shot a blast through its chest completely obliterating it, he screams in pain as he finally explodes and is destroyed for good.
"Good riddance freak." Psiona said as she blew away some smoke from her cannon arm and turns it back to normal.

However, when the monster exploded, a fair share of mutagen splashed all over the hawk carrying the fish and it is seen falling down. We cut to the former monster split up and destroyed, the hawk screeches as it's body twitches as it's talons turn into long worm like ones, it's neck stretches out and it grows strange gills from it's neck, and it's wing become enormous as the monster turns into something huge and deadly. It makes out a screeching roar as it flies through the night sky completely transformed..

We cut to the next day where Spike and April were in the barn with some strange devices strapped to they're head.
"Umm Donnie, is this thing safe?" April asked looking at it.
"And your sure you won't cause this to make me go blind or something?" Spike teased as Jaqueline was meditating near the entrance again. Donnie held up a few cables in front of them.
"Don't worry guys, i got this!" Donnie said confidently placing the cables on the helmets.

"Now, let me just adjust the straps and plug this baby in" Donnie explained as he did so, this caused the power in the barn to flicker on and off as Spike and April both looked really nervous about this.
"Donnie? Why is my son strapped to a helmet like that?" Psiona suddenly asked as they saw her and Mikey walk into the room.
"I know, it looks cool!" Mikey said amazed looking at them.

"It's a Psychic neuro transmitter, i built it so we can test out Spike and April's powers." Donnie explained making some adjustments.
"Donnie salvaged it from the Kraang ship, he's gonna use it to test our physic powers." April explained.
"Are you sure about this Donnie? There's other ways to make sure my son can use his powers." Psiona asked sitting on a nearby couch.
""Don't worry Psiona, i know what i'm doing. And i'm starting it.. now." Donnie announced as he turned the power on.

The Kraang tech powered up as Donnie turned it up a little.
"You two feel anything?" Donnie asked curious.
"Mmmm mmm.. nope." April said casually.
"A little tingle, but that's really it." Spike replied.
"Okay.. how about now?" Donnie asked as he slammed on it a little.

"Oh.. that tingles." April said chuckling a little.
"A little stronger.." Spike answered as he was still worried about this.
"Okay you two, focus on the card, close your eyes, and tell me what you see." Donnie asked as he held out a card with a plane on top.

"I see.. i see.. a bird!" April answered.
"And i see.. large wings?" Spike asked confused on that which concerned Psiona.
"Okay.. how about the next one.." Psiona asked as she got out another card with a monkey on it. April and Spike tried sensing it to get what it is.
"I'm gonna say.. a fish?" April guessed.
"I see large gills on it.." Spike said as something was feeling off.

"Okay guys, this one is gonna be easy." Donnie said shrugging his eyes a little, Psiona looked at it and rolled her eyes and saw it was just him.
"It's.. it's.. a worm! Definitely a worm!" April said confidently.
"I can see it, it's totally a worm!" Spike said in agreement. A buzzer sound was heard and Donnie's head turned into a worm for a moment.

"No? Really? But it felt so right.." April said confused on this.
"I swear i saw one of those three things.." Spike said trying to figure this out as well.
"Is there anything else you saw in your head my son?" Psiona asked kneeling down at him.
"I know what i saw mom, it was those three things, i know it.." Spike said concerned on all of this.

Jaqueline was still meditating trying to get a feel of the forest again, she felt the same thing with the Speed demon and frogs, and was trying to find something else. She could feel herself floating in the black void again and tried getting a sense of any threats around the area. She kept her eyes closed tightly and tried sensing a monsters location, and it wasn't long until she felt something.
"What the?" Jaqueline asked shocked as she saw a flash suddenly and saw a huge flying monster, she winced in pain as she saw another flash and heard the screech of a hawk, and started to feel scarred when she came face to face with the monster and it roared at her with rage..

Donnie tried turning up the machine again and Psiona was looking at Spike with worry.
"I don't think it's working Donnie." April suggested.
"Yeah maybe we should test this later." Spike said as he wanted this off him.
"Hmm, maybe if i just make some adjustments.." Donnie said as he turned the machine up even more and the lights were flickering.

The machine started sparking and the device was was malfunctioning and they screamed in pain.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted with worry as she tried getting it off him, they screamed even more as they unleashed a psychic wave that blinded all of them until it faded away, the blast hit Jaqueline while she was still in the vision and she screamed in pain as the monster roared at her again, her eyes suddenly opened again and she had a look of shock, her body didn't move at all either, almost motionless...
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed before he looked up and saw the cards were floating in the air.

"I didn't do that, i swear!" Mikey said in defense.
"Wow, but that means.. April, Spike, you both are telekinetically lifting the cards. April, Spike are you two okay?" Donnie asked as they didn't seem to notice anything.
"Donnie? Why do i see you in front of me?" Psiona asked as she was looking over the place.
"Your not, your looking around the barn." Donnie corrected which confused them.

"I don't get that, i'm looking around the barn, and i feel taller, and stronger?" Spike asked confused on this as well as Psiona looked down at them.
"Why... do i see my body in front of me?" Psiona asked pointing at her.
"Why do i see myself too?" Spike asked confused as well until they both realized.
"Donnie..." They both said turning to him looking upset.

"Oh no.." Donnie said in realization as he ripped the helmets off of them and helped them up.
"Donnie? What is going on?!" Spike asked worried as he was seeing everything from Psiona's eyes.
"Why am i smaller and.. have snake hands?" Psiona asked as she saw things from Spike's eyes too.
"Guys.. i think you.. switched sights.. the device and your connection to your powers must've caused it.." Donnie suggested.
"Well change it back! I cannot fight and protect you all if i cant even see where i'm going properly!" Psiona said as she was moving around the room and almost ran into stuff.

"April? What about you? Are you okay?" Donnie asked worried as her eyes were pale.
"What happened to the barn? Where are we?" April asked worried as she tried feeling her surroundings.
"Uhh.. still in the barn?" Donnie asked as she bumped into Jaqueline who was still in shock.
"What is this?" April asked trying to feel her.

"That's Jaqueline.. Jaqueline?" Donnie asked trying to make her blink, but her eyes were frozen in shock.
"What's wrong?" Psiona asked worried as she was carrying Spike in her arm and they looked at her.
"I don't know, she seems to be in a state of shock.." Donnie said as he tried shaking her awake.
"Jaqueline? Jaqueline! Can you hear us?" Spike shouted trying to wake her up.
"Somethings wrong.. i sense somethings coming.." Psiona said putting a claw on her head.

"I do to.. i see.. clouds.. like i'm flying.." April said as we see a shot of something flying through the skies.
"Totally understand, i get that way when i'm eating pizza." Mikey assured.
"Your seeing things, this is a problem, is there anything else your seeing?" Psiona asked worried as she tried moving her body through Spike's eyes.
"I'm still in the air, soaring. But now i'm heading down.." April said once more.

"Stupid leg.. i'm never gonna heal.." Leo said frustrated as Casey and Raph were sparring.
"Dude, i'm worried about Leo." casey whispered as he clashed his stick with Raph's weapon.
"Yeah man, i've never seen him so down.." Raph said worried until they heard a loud screech. They look above and see a huge mutant flying through the skies and down to them.

"Outside! I see Casey and Raph! They're under attack, we gotta help them!" April said trying to dragon Donnie out.
"Let's go!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed Jaqueline's body and Spike slithered out with her, they had almost got a hang of this already as this couldn't be to hard.

They opened the door and saw a huge worm like bird mutant with gills attacking Raph and Casey.
"Uh guys? Guys wait for me!" April said as she was still blind. The monster screeched at the two and started attacking them.
"What the heck? Another mutant?!" Casey asked shocked as he tried whacking away the talons.
"Where'd it come from?!" Raph asked shocked as they tried fighting it back.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as he kicked the thing right in the neck.

"Ohh! bird, worm, and fish! I know this one, three animals, one body! There's like a perfect name for it in mythology." Mikey said as the monster tried attacking Psiona. Psiona roared with rage and delivered a strong kick to it's chest and sent it flying a great deal back.
"Chimera?" Donnie asked as he wacked the head with his staff.
"No, turducken, but Chimera works!" Mikey said liking that name.

The Chimaera roared at them again and tried snapping at Mikey who screamed leaping out of the way. Donnie jumped off his staff and into the air, he delivered a kick to it's head, followed by Raph punching it down. The monster got up and tried attacking all of them.

"Mom! What do we do?! How do we fight this thing?" Spike asked worried as he, Psiona and Jaqueline were together.
"We need to trust our sights, whatever you see, is what i'm seeing. We just need to be careful!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed Spike and leaped out of the way.
"What about Jaqueline? How do we help her?!" Spike asked turning to her from Psiona's eyes.
"I don't know, but we'll figure something out, come on!" Psiona shouted as they tried helping the others out.

"What? Is that me i'm looking at?" April asked shocked as she was looking through the Chimera's eyes.
"Look out!" April shouted as Leo pulled her out of the way right before it burrowed it's head in the ground before pulling out. Raph jumped down and they all tried attacking the thing.

"This is my fault, i summoned this thing!" April said ashamed as they turned another corner, they saw the Chimera fly down to them and was about to attack it before a ninja star hit it. It turned around and saw Raph and the others charging at it before it grabbed Raph with its mouth.
"A little help?!" Raph shouted as it tossed him around. Donnie and Mikey tried saving him before the monster wrapped it's talons around the two as well.
"Mikey Raph! Donnie!!" Spike shouted with worry as the thing started to fly into the air.

Casey climbed up to the rooftop before it was about to take off.
"Time to bring the pain!" Casey shouted putting on his mask and he tried to attack it.
"Goongala.. whoa!" Casey screamed as the monster grabbed Casey as well.
"Agh Your pain! Your pain!" Casey screamed as all of them were being taken away.

"No!!" Leo shouted in horror.
"Guys!!" Spike shouted with horror as he and Psiona watched the others being taken away.

"They're gone.. i couldn't do anything!" Leo said frustrated as April was crawling on the ground.
"Leo? My eyes.." April said as they saw her eyes were pure white.
"April? Your.. blind?" Leo asked worried for her.
"Not exactly, somehow i got a psychic connection to the monster. Maybe from Donnie's neurotransmitter?" April suggested.
"I'm seeing through it's eyes.." April said as we see a shot of it taking all of them to a tall mountain far from here..

" I know where it's taking them, and.." April said before her stomach growled with hunger.
"Uh oh, and i think i know why too.. i feel really hungry, like.. Mikey hungry.." April said worried.
"This is just great! My mom and eye are seeing through eachothers eyes, Jaqueline's in a state of shock, Donnie and the others were taken away, it's just perfect!" Spike said frustrated making a hiss of anger.
"I know things are bad right now son, but we can't just give up. The others are in danger and need our help." Psiona said trying to calm him down.
"She's right Spike, we can't let the others die, come on!" Leo said as they started heading through the forest, they got a fair deal through all of it before they could get to the others.

Spike looked at Jaqueline with worry as still frozen in fear.
"What about her? What do we do to help her?" Spike asked worried as Psiona turned to Jaqueline.
"I don't know, i'm gonna try something.." Psiona said as she bent down and closed her eyes while putting her claws on her head.

April cried with pain and held her head.
"April!" Leo said with worry as he winced in pain from his knee.
"I.. i'm fine.. i could feel it's pain. It got dizzy.. the guys are at the top of talbot peak. We better hurry." April said as they saw the tall mountain ahead of them.
"Hurry? April look at us." Leo said which upset her.
"That's a little difficult right now!!" April said with frustration.

"My point exactly, you can't see, i can't walk, Spike and his mom are seeing from eachother's eyes, and Jaqueline's in a state of shock, we'll never make it." Leo said feeling defeated.
"We'll make it! No matter what!" April said determined as she walked ahead a bit.. before bumping into a tree.
" I meant to do that.." April said in defense.

We cut back to Donnie and the others as they were trying to fight off the Chimera.
"We gotta get off this mountain!" Donnie shouted as the monster roared at them again.
"Easy turducken!" Mikey shouted as they knocked away it's head.
"We can take this thing!" Casey said confidently as they all backed up.
"Not on it's turf!" Donnie countered right before the monster hit them with it's wing and they all screamed as they went rolling down the mountain.

They all screamed as they went rolling down into a Geyser and landed on the ground. Donnie and Casey screamed as they almost fell off the ledge before Raph and Mikey pulled them up. The Chimera landed on the top and roared at them as they were trapped inside.

"Okay, they're safe, for now." April assured as Spike and the others were following the two with Psiona still trying to help Jaqueline.
"I can't believe you talked me into this.." Leo said annoyed.
"I shouldn't have had too." April countered as they took a quick break.

"You don't understand. I thought i was better, but i got hurt again way too easily. I'm a liability to the whole team.." Leo said in defeat, Spike sighed sadly and carefully sat next to him. April could tell he was upset and tried helping too.
"Your not! Your they're leader, we have to help them!" April said looking at something.
"uhh April?" Leo asked as she was looking at a tree.

"Her point still stands, we can help them, we just can't give up right now.." Spike assured trying to help him.
"Yeah well what can we do? My leg is still hurt, your a snake and can barely fight right now, Psiona's helping Jaqueline right now, it's just.. what can we do?" Leo asked still upset at this.
"I know it's bad right now, but we can't just give up.. even as a snake i'm wanting to help, and even with this new voice of mine, it's just to show what one can do when pushing through tough things like this. We can help them all, you just need to believe we can." Spike assured again as Leo tried thinking over this.

Psiona was still trying to help Jaqueline as she was still frozen in shock. She tried using her powers to see what's freezing her and went deep into her mind. She could hear screaming suddenly and saw Jaqueline was seeing the monster again.
"Get away from me! Back off!" Jaqueline shouted as she tried avoiding it's beak attacking her. Psiona saw she was in trouble and tried helping her.
"Jaqueline!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers and tried making that creature disappear. She released a powerful shockwave from her head which blew all the way over to her and the monster.

The shockwave hit the monster and it screamed in pain as it it disappeared finally. Jaqueline was breathing heavily in relief as the thing was gone.
"Thank goodness.." Jaqueline said relieved as she sat down for a moment.
"Hey, you okay?" Psiona asked as she came down to her in the black void again.
"Yeah.. i'm better now.. thanks.. i'm taking that things already attacked us huh?" Jaqueline guessed and she nodded in response.

"Yeah.. it's kidnapped Donnie and the others, Leo, my son, April and i are all trying to help them, but we're in a tough spot at the moment.." Jaqueline admitted and she looked down a little upset.
"Yeah, to think that we keep having to deal with monsters like these. Is this gonna be like this forever? Or will there ever be a point where this stops? Spike promised he'd show me the love and showed me the wonders of what the world has, but all i've been seeing at this point is just.. violence.." Jaqueline said worried as she looked over into the void.

Psiona sighed sadly and looked at her.
"We're all in a tough state right now, even after i finally found my son again, we still have to get used to the fact we're.. mutants. I've been trying to do what i can to help him with his snake form, but all of this fighting is just making it tougher. I know what it's like Jaqueline, but there is an end at all of this, and if we keep fighting for it.. we can finally see things how we wanted it.. I can be a proper mother for my son.. and he can show you what he promised.. we all just need to keep believing.." Psiona said hopefully looking up at the sky from her own mind.
"Yeah.. i guess your right.. do you think this will end soon? I was never fond of violence.." Jaqueline said sadly.

"I'm sure there will be. But we won't find it unless we help our friends, come on.. let's get back to the real world.." Psiona said standing up and offering her claw.
"Your right.. thanks for saving me Psiona.." Jaqueline said gratefully and she smiled in response.
"No problem, it's the least we can do.." Psiona assured as they're vision fades to white before they gasped in shuck again.

They look around and find themselves in the real world again, Psiona was still seeing through Spike's eyes, but she could see they were normal again.
"We're back.." Jaqueline said in relief and Spike noticed her.
"Mom? Jaqueline? Are you okay?" Spike asked worried as he gave them both a hug which they both returned.

"We're find now Spike.. thankfully.." Jaqueline said in relief as they looked at eachother.
"What did we miss?" Psiona asked worried as she saw Leo was looking a bit better.
"Well.. April went a little crazy and tried eating Leo, i coiled around her to make her stop, she soon realized what she was doing was wrong and stopped it, and Leo's knee is feeling better somehow. He's walking fine." Spike explained as the two walked up to them.

"Yeah, i feel better now! Much better." Leo said moving his leg around normally again.
"Is Jaqueline okay?" April asked worried trying to look at her.
"I'm fine now, thanks to Psiona. I take it everyone's better now?" Jaqueline asked looking at them.
"Other then me and my mom still seeing from eachother's eyes. We're good." Spike said looking at her through her eyes again.
"We're fine now, that's for sure." Psiona said in agreement.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's save the guys." April said determined as they all looked at the mountain.
"Everyone get on.." Psiona said as she got on her knees and they all climbed on her back.
"You sure you wanna try flying mom?" Spike asked worried as she spread out her wings.
"I'm sure, we just need to trust eachother's eyes, let's go!" Psiona shouted as she took off from the ground and flew to the mountain.

Casey and the others were still trapped in the Geyser and were trying to escape before it erupts.
"Okay, by attaching Mikey's kusarigama chains to Raph's grappling line, it should be long enough." Donnie said he pulled up a long hook.
"Let's find out!" Raph shouted as he twirled the thing around and threw it into the air, Casey hit the thing with his stick and that sent it higher until it latched onto the ledge at the top.
"Yes! Goal!" Casey said in victory.
"That'll hold! Let's go." Raph shouted as they all started to climb upwards.
"Guys, the water's rising, we need to go!" Donnie shouted as the water was almost at the ledge.

Psiona flew through the air at fast speeds to the mountain and they could see the Chimera trying to attack the others.
"There it is!" Jaqueline shouted pointing at it.
"Let's get it!" Leo shouted as Psiona made a loud roar alerting it. The Chimera roared at them right as she charged into it's face.

She grabbed the things neck and pinned it down the best she could.
"Leave our friends alone!" Psiona shouted as she and the others were trying to keep it down. The Chimera roared at them again and tried to break free. Spike hissed with rage and attacked it by breathing a large stream of fire onto it's body, Leo screamed as he came at it with his swords and was slashing at it.

"Guys!" Casey shouted as they could see him and the others trying to climb out.
"Mom! I got an idea!" Spike shouted which made her turn to him, Spike motioned to the things large neck and to the hole and she realized what he was trying to say.
"Great idea!" Psiona shouted as she aggressively grabbed the thing's neck and jumped into the air.

"Heads up guys!" Spike shouted as they saw Psiona falling down to them and was going to slam the thing into the geyser.
"Whoa! Watch it!" Mikey shouted as she slammed the thing extremely hard into the geyser and it's body got stuck.
"That should hold it." Psiona said as Jaqueline helped the others out.
"You guys okay?" Jaqueline asked helping them all out.

"Yeah, we're fine, thanks." Donnie said a little relived as the monster tried breaking free.
"The hole's plugged." Raph said looking at it.
"And that's a good thing right?" Casey asked curious.
"No, that's bad! The pressure from below has to escape, if it doesn't, the whole mountain could explode!" Donnie said really worried.

"I can't see anything guys, the creature must be in total darkness." April said as her eyes were still pale.
"Guys, the exploding mountain, remember?" Raph asked reminding all of them. They all screamed as the mountain started to shake violently.
"Everyone get on!" Psiona shouted picking all of them up. Spike coiled around her neck and the others got on her back, she quickly spread out her wings and took off and ignited the boosters attached to them and took off at supersonic speeds. The mountain began to explode from the clogged geyser and they all watched as the entire thing came tumbling down.
"At least the creatures gone.." Jaqueline said relieved that that's over.
"Yeah, hopefully.." Casey said in agreement as they took off again.

It was only a few more moments until Spike and Psiona blinked again and they could finally see normally again.
"Guys, i can see you all normally again!" Spike said in relief as he couldn't see through his moms eyes anymore.
"That's a huge relief, the monster must've been causing it somehow." Psiona suggested as they kept flying through the skies. April blinked her eyes as well and finally showed her pupils again.
"And i can see too! I can see!" April said in relief as well looking at her hands, Leo looked at her and smiled gratefully.

"April, thanks." Leo said gladly.
"For what?" April asked curious.
"I'd still be at the farm if not for you, you really inspired me." Leo explained and she smiled at that as well.
"Aww Leo." April said as she gave him a hug.

"You guys were awesome! Psiona really showed that thing huh?" Mikey asked looking at her.
"It was my sons idea, i couldn't have thought of that honestly." Psiona admitted.
"Hey, we all worked together on that, let's just be glad we can see normally." Spike said making sure he can feel his snake hands.
"That's a good thing for sure." Jaqueline said in agreement and she gave Spike a hug and he returned it.
"I'm just glad that links broken, the Chimera's finally gone.." April said in relief as we cut to the mountain completely in ruin, a single squirrel comes up to an acorn and picks it up, before the rubble bursts out from all over and the Chimera was seen to be alive and it roared at the squirrel and proceeded to attack it..

47: Vision Quest

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Spike was outside the farmhouse with his mother once again, he was wanting Psiona to show him more of what he could do with his Psychic powers, since he's a snake his body isn't as tough anymore, so he needs to find alternatives. Leo went out to hunt which concerned him because his knee's still injured, but Spike's body is mostly healed up, the only difference now is that he has a large scar that goes across his underbelly because of the Shredder, it'll probably heal over time, but it's now a battle scar he has.

"So any lessons i could take here mom?" Spike asked as they stood in front of a few objects that were larger then the others.
"Yes, we are gonna try and focus on telekinesis, where you lift objects up with your mind.." Psiona instructed as she raised up her hand and used her own powers and raised a large desk up with ease.
"How long have you had to develop your powers?" Spike asked amazed as she put it down.
"Decades at this point son, you've barely tapped into your potential, it may be harder since your a mutant now, but i promise you'll get it right soon." Psiona assured smiling at him.

"Thanks mom, it's just.. all of this is something i can't believe is happening still, meeting you, being mutated.. having to deal with the Kraang, it's something i don't think Twilight and her friends could do.." Spike said as he sat down next to her.
"I know, i can hardly believe i'm with you again after all this time, i always feared that i might never find you, and we may never be with eachother again.." She said with sadness and had a tear going down her eye.
"Yeah, it's been an interesting ride that's for sure, and something tells me that stopping the Kraang won't be the end. We still have to find a way to return me to normal, take down Shredder for good, and find a way to get us back home.." Spike said as he reflected on the journey he's had so far.

"Our lives are full of unexpected turns son, to me, it's best we just make the most of what we have, and look at the future with hope. We will return to Equestria again one day son, but it won't be goodbye to our friends, they'll be able to come with us whenever they want, and with what we've been through. I'm only fascinated on meeting your friends, and seeing how they are.." Psiona said rubbing his head which made him chuckle.
"Yeah, it's never the end, even if our story is complete, there's always room for more.." Spike said as they looked over the farmhouse together..

Jaqueline was with the other turtles and was about to train with them some more.
"All right team, if you can clobber some Kraang, you can crack logs, Jaqueline, your up." Raph instructed looking at her.
"Aw yeah, ninja training, farmhouse style!" Mikey said excitedly holding a block of wood. Jaqueline started to pull off some new ninja moves that Spike taught her, and jumped in the air and twirled around before falling down and straight up ate the bark like it was pizza.

"Not bad, a little salty somehow though." Jaqueline said casually as she made a loud burp which disgusted a few of them.
"Nice one!" Mikey said giving her a high five.
"All right, your turn April." Raph said turning to her.

"Sure you don't want me to soften it up for you red?" Casey asked holding another piece.
"Just hold it in place, wouldn't want to miss and wipe that smug grin off your face." April said getting into a stance.
"Oh snap!" Mikey said shocked at her insult.
"Remember, it's not just physical strength that breaks the wood, it's also inner strength." Donnie instructed.
"I got this." April said confidently right before she kicked Casey in the face and sent him to the ground.

"Oh! I wish i could see that in an instant replay!" Donnie mocked as Spike and Psiona came up to the others with Spike holding his T-phone.
"I did, i'll send it to you now!" Spike said as he caught the image and just sent it to him.
"This is gonna be my wallpaper." Donnie teased as he put his away. They heard groaning and saw Leo coming up to them looking hurt.

"Leo! Are you okay?" Spike asked worried as they all checked on him.
"Dude what happened to you?" Mikey asked worried for him as well.
"I had a realization in the woods.." Leo said as they all tried helping him up.
"Going off in the woods alone with a bum leg was a bad idea?" Raph asked as they held his arms.

"No, it's just what i need, what we all need. We're so caught up in T-phones, junk food, and Tv that we've become at odds with nature. A true ninja must become one with it to master himself." Leo explained.
"Whoa dude, you leave Tv out of this!" Mikey said pointing at him. Psiona looked at Spike and saw his condition, he was still not used to his snake body and needed to get used to it, Psiona thought about it for a moment and decided it was a good idea.
"Even Master Splinter did it. He said only when you become with nature can you become one with yourself." Donnie quoted pointing his finger up.

"I agree as well, i think this would be a good chance for my son to get used to his body, he was out of it for months right? He needs this as well." Psiona said looking at him who was a little shocked.
"Are you sure mom? What about you? Won't you be worried?" Spike asked as he was trying to think this, she smiled softly and leaned down to him.
"Of course i will son, as a mother, i will always worry for you. But i know you can handle yourself at your friends sides, i love you, and i want you to become the dragon your meant to be." Psiona said giving him a hug which he returned.
"I.. understand.. thanks mom.." Spike said gratefully holding her close.

"Then it's settled, we'll spend three days and practice awareness in the wilderness, only living on what we can forge." Leo instructed.
"Three days? We're gonna live like animals! Ahh!!" Mikey screamed running off near Casey and April.
"I think Leo took a few too many kicks to the head." Casey joked to her.
"No, Leo's right, camping sounds fun, i'm tired of being stuck in the farmhouse." April said ready to go with them.
"I'm sorry April, this trip is ninja's only." Leo said as Spike slithered off with the others.

"But, i'm almost a full on Kunoichi!" April argued getting annoyed with them.
"Almost!" Raph mocked which made her upset, Jaqueline came up to Spike and gave him a hug.
"Be careful Spike, it's gonna be tough out there.." Jaqueline said as he returned it.
"Don't worry, i promise i'll come back safe. I still have a lot to show you about my home." Spike assured as she kissed his cheek.
"I know, see you soon Spike." Jaqueline said letting go of him, the others were chuckling at his romance with him and he rolled his eyes.
"At least i got a girlfriend, weirdos." Spike mocked slithering off with them.

Spike was gathering the supplies he needed for the journey, he finally picked up the sword he stole a year back at this point and put it on his back, despite him not being able to have proper hands, he thinks he can find a work around with it because he's way more fluid.

"Okay, i'm all for getting tuned in with nature, but those two are gonna be getting in with eachother." Donnie said as he saw April and Raph outside.
"You need to learn to let it go, we have to learn to leave our worries and fears behind, plus Spike's mom and Jaqueline will be here too, so i don't think we have much to worry about at all." Leo said as he put his stuff away and went out the door.

Spike and the others had now left the house and were in the woods for their training.
"We've mastered our weapons, stealth, and hand to hand combat. But we haven't achieved the very first of the 18 ninjutsu disciplines. The Seishin syuyou, or spiritual refinement. All true ninja's must master it." Leo explained as they kept moving.
"Hey, who says i'm not spiritually refined.." Mikey said before he made a burp which annoyed all of them.
"Okay, you win, let's get refined." Mikey said as they began they're training.

We cut to another montage of them in their days in the woods, Spike and the others were on different trees meditating and taking deep breaths, Mikey tried blending in with squirrels.. which didn't work. They carried they're supplies across a river which let Spike find out he could contain the water in his snake hands for later use, which was interesting. Raph was able to make a fire for them in the middle of a rainy night, even if Spike could easily do it with his fire breath, they were all happy that he did it. Donnie and the others balanced themselves on rocks and stroke ninja poses again, Spike learned to balance himself on his large tail that gave him extra height over the others. And finally for Spike, he learned to latch onto other objects with his snake hands like a grapple which proved to be useful for reaching higher areas.

They were all on top of the trees again until the sky suddenly turned dark and Mikey saw a vortex appearing in the sky.
"Ahh! It's happening!" Mikey screamed right before he fell off the tree and landed on the ground with the others going down as well.
"Whoa.." Leo said in shock as he saw the same dear he saw from a few days ago.

"It's the same dear, i think it's been following us.." Leo said as it was moving all around them.
"It's probably laughing at the 4 dumb turtles and snake lost in the woods." Raph mocked.
"Actually, in the Shinto religion, deer's are considered the messengers of the divine.." Donnie said as they saw the dear had become a tall mutant like creature. Spike slithered in front of the others and came to it.
"You wanted us to all come out here, why?" Spike asked looking at it, the creature didn't say anything and vanished right before they're eyes shocking all of them.

They were all now at a fire and were roasting over some leftovers they had to eat, they were all starting to feel tired as they were feeling like they weren't getting anywhere. But they're thinking was stopped when the fire turned blue and they all gasped in shock as it started to form into something, it became a spiritual version of Master Splinter.
"Master Splinter!!" Spike and the others said at once.

"Are you like.. a ghost?" Mikey asked worried for him.
"My spirit has become detached from my body, but my body still lives." Splinter said looking over all of them.
"Your.. alive?! Where are you sensei let us help you!" Leo begged standing up.
"We need to make sure your safe!" Spike said worried as well.
"You cannot yet, there is much you must over come. If you cannot find your inner spiritual strength, you will never stand a chance against the Shredder." Splinter explained once more

"But, Master Splinter my leg injury it's.. it's physical.. until i heal.." Leo said as Splinter put a hand on his shoulder again.
"We choose what holds us back, and what moves us forward. You will all learn this, each of you must journey out alone, to face your spiritual adversary.." Splinter said looking at all of them.
"Raphael, your temper is like a fire that you must focus for power." Splinter said to Raph.

Michelangelo, your mind is overrun with distractions, learn to be strong and calm like the forest. " He said once more before turning to Donnie.

"Donatello, you rely too much on your mind, and not on your body. You must learn to be strong like the mountain." Splinter said before going to Spike.

"Spike, your new body is swift and fluid, like all snakes, you must adapt and use it to your advantage. Your mind is strong willed and unique, use what your mother has given you to face your doubts." Splinter said before finally turning to Leo.

"Leonardo, you must learn to be the leader in both body and spirit. Be like the wind, let nothing weigh you down. Sleep now my sons, for your your greatest trials await on the spiritual train. For the challenges you face there, will be just as deadly as the threats you face in the real world. Be warned.." Splinter said as he vanished in front of them..

We cut to the next day where Spike and the others were still thinking on what Splinter told them.
"Whoa, that was deep.." Mikey said amazed getting up.
"So we all need to go out alone?" Spike asked turning to Leo.
"He was quite clear on what we need to do, it's time we begin ninja's." Leo said as we cut to a new montage.

Spike and the others began to forge armor for each of their journeys, Spike got himself a sick samurai like armor with black and red color schemes, with a dragon symbol on both the chest and helmet. He got his own extensive blades that were like Shredders, only these ones lit themselves up with Spike's green fire. This armor was perfectly made for Spike's snake form, and he was proud to be wearing it.

"Each of us will forge new armor and weapons before we journey on alone, where we'll be challenged in the spirit realm. The place where the unreal becomes real, and we'll meet our ultimate fate. Leo narrated as all of them put on their own mystic forest gear, Donnie now had a mask with a new axe attached to his stick, Raph had a white hood over him and had blades that lit on fire as well, Mikey covered his body up with tough wood that was made for better stealth, and Leo got himself his own set of bows and arrows to go with his swords.

Spike and the others were now standing against the others with white eyes as they had a large flag that had symbols on it that represented the spiritual plane in front of all of them.
"This is it guys, we're going off alone." Spike said seriously looking at all of them.
"This is gonna be tough, the things we're gonna fight, are gonna be just as tough as the Shredder." Raph said turning to Mikey who was trying to eat pizza, before he threw it away.
"Hope you like pizza you magic dear!" Mikey shouted to no one specifically.

Leo closed his eyes before they all looked at eachother.
"It's time. Good luck everyone. Kentou o!" Leo said bowing in respect.
"Kentou o!" Spike and the others said at once before they set out to fight alone..

We cut to Leo walking through the forest when it's extremely foggy, completely alone. A shadow suddenly passed by him and he gasped in shock, he looked around before the strange deer suddenly appeared behind him. Leo gasped and turned around only to see it was a normal one.
"Wait!" Leo shouted as the dear started running off and Leo chased it through the fog until he somehow appeared on an old bridge.

Leo looked around and saw there was no way back until he saw the mystical dear right in front of him again. The bridge began to shake a lot and Leo almost fell off until he caught one of the ropes barely and pulled himself up. A shadow passed by again until he saw a foot bot land right on the bridge.
"Foot soldier?" Leo asked in shock as it jumped away, Leo took out an arrow and kept his guard up.
"Was it real?" Leo asked himself right before he heard a noise behind him and shot the arrow, but he saw the foot bot was flying down to him and he barely avoided more ninja stars being thrown.

Arrows flew down at him as the bot jumps in the air and slashes down at him, Leo looked behind him and saw there were even more.
"Okay not cool.." Leo said as he was surrounded by the bots on the bridge within the thick fog.

Spike found himself within a crystal cave that felt familiar to him, he and the others were now on they're own and had to do this by themselves.
"This is strange.. how did i get here?" Spike asked himself as he tried moving through the cave. it was full of pink, blue and red crystals and they all were all around him like he was contained.
"It's almost like the one back in Equestria when i mined them with Rarity.." Spike said to himself as he slithered through the cave trying to find a way out.

A shadow suddenly passed by him and he gasped in shock.
"Who's there?" Spike asked drawing his sword with his tail, another shadow passed by him and he turned in that direction too. Spike's senses suddenly went off as he felt something about to attack him from behind. Spike hissed and delivered multiple slashes to the one behind him and he saw it was a foot bot he just tore apart.
"Foot bots? Here?" Spike asked in shock as he heard something land behind him.

He turned around and saw even more foot bots surrounding him and they're eyes glowed red once again.
"This must be the trial, let's do this then!" Spike said determined as he drew his blades from his arms and they lit on green fire and all of the bots charged at him with Spike screaming with rage.

We cut to a cave where there was a large pond in the middle of it, Raph emerged from the water and looked around the place.
"So much for finding a hidden pirate ship, a waste of time." Raph said annoyed as he swam to the floors, he climbed up and saw there were dozens of torches being lit behind him.
"Somebody's gotta be here keeping those torches lit." Raph said looking at them. A foot soldier suddenly emerged from the shadows followed by even more of them.
"Aw sewer cakes.." Raph said annoyed as he was completely surrounded.

Donnie was currently on a high mountain within the heavy fog.
"For all i know this isn't even the right direction. Boy i really miss GPS guidance right about now." Donnie told himself as he was trying to get across it.
"Whoa! What the?!" Donnie shouted in shock as the mountain shook suddenly, he looked up and saw there were foot bots with hammers above him.
"Your gonna bring the whole mountain down!.. Unless.. you don't care what happens cause.. your an apparition from the spirit plane!" Donnie said in realization of what they were.

The bots slammed against the mountain even more making the thing shake violently. Donnie screamed as he barely avoided a huge rock slamming down on him and watched it fall off the ledge and into the abyss, Donnie looked up and saw the foot bots charging at him.
"I hate being right.." Donnie said with a nervous chuckle..

Mikey was in a foggy forest area as he was jumping around the trees trying to find his way. Mikey was moving around some more until something suddenly hit him.
"Who's there?! Gah!" Mikey shouted as the thing hit him again.
"Come out!" Mikey demanded as he heard something move behind him.

He heard something twitch and threw a ninja star at it until it was caught.
"Your camo is weak dog!" Mikey taunted until he saw dozens of red eyes on top of eachother stare at him.
"Whoa.. either i'm wrong about the camo.. or i'm about to fight a ten eyed monster!" Mikey said in fear. The fog cleared up and it was revealed to be more foot bots and they drew they're swords from on top of eachother.
"Oh! I was wrong about the camo!" Mikey screamed running away.

Leo was still on the bridge and was fighting off the bots.
"Keep em coming, i can do this all day!" Leo said as he shot more arrows at the bots and they disappeared once they were hit. Leo ducked under a sword slice and hit the things legs with his arrow before shooting the thing down as well.
"That's it? I still got more arrows guys." Leo said looking around for more. Leo gasped as the bridge was starting to snap.
"No, no no no no!" Leo shouted as the bridge completely snapped, Leo screamed in terror as he almost went falling into the abyss.

Leo was able to save himself by grabbing onto the rope and barely survived and landed on the side of a wall. A foot bot looked around until Leo grabbed it and sent it flying off the ledge.
"Not as tough.. as i thought.." Leo said to himself as he climbed back up.

Mikey was running through the foggy forest and made a battle cry as he was fighting off the bots by jumping from tree to tree. Mikey finished off the last bot by grabbing it's back and flipped downwards until he slammed it on the ground and it disappeared for good. But he was attacked again suddenly and pinned to another tree. The fog rose up and it was revealed to be Rahzar.

"Been a long time." Rahzar said menacingly.
"Oh man, Rahzar?! Good dog.. Easy.. maybe i have a bone for you.." Mikey said in fear as he snarled at him.
"Oh you have many bones i can feast on.." Rahzar said with anger as he charged at him as we cut to Raph back in the cave fighting off the bots.

Raph ducked under another torch and slammed his Sai in it's face before kicked it away.
"I would've been way more into this quest if i knew i'd get to slap some foot around" Raph said excited as more jumped down behind him. Raph ignited his flamethrowers and incinerated the bots in an instant. A bot came from behind him and tried to attack from behind, but Raph grabbed the torch and aimed his arm at him before firing at him as well.
"Yeah!" Raph said in victory before he saw something come from the water.

"Huh?" Raph asked shocked before he suddenly saw Fishface jump from the water and tried to attack him too.
"Fishface? Here?" Raph asked in shock as he turned to him.
"That temper fizzles fast under water doesn't it?" Fishface asked before he jumped in the air and screamed as he tried attacking him.

We cut back to Donnie fighting off the bots as he barely avoided even more falling rubble.
"You wanna bring half the mountain down?!" Donnie shouted before he jumped in the air and slashed at them with his axe.
"Fine with me!" Donnie shouted as he slammed the axe down as well and more foot bots went tumbling down by the falling rocks.
"Ha! Hey this Seishin Syuyou is way easier then i thought" Donnie said confidently right before a fist smashed through the rocks.
"We're just getting started.. Let's just see how quick your thinking is, when i smash your head into the rocks." Tiger claw said as he appeared from the fog and growled with anger.
"Tiger claw?! No your just a spirit too! You can't be real!" Donnie said right before he was punched down by him.
"Did that feel real to you?" Tiger claw asked mockingly.
"Absolutely.." Donnie said weakly.

Spike slashed his blade through another's chest and breathed fire on another group of bots.
"Bring it on punks! Your nothing new to me now!" Spike shouted as he blocked a sword swing and pushed the bot back, Spike hissed again and delivered a tail whip on the bot and sliced off it's head before it turned into smoke again. Spike finished off the last group of bots by shredding them apart with his fire blades.
"I can see why Shredder likes these blades." Spike told himself as he put them away.

Spike took some heavy breaths and looked around the crystal cave trying to find a way out. Spike looked ahead and saw a path leading somewhere else.
"That might be it.." Spike told himself as he slithered over to the path and hoped to find his way out. Spike went through the tunnel and thought about his journey, and what he's been through. It's something he never thought he'd find himself a part of, but here he is, facing a trial that's either life or death..

Spike walked through the tunnel and suddenly found himself within an open area, Spike looked behind him and suddenly found the way he came in was gone.
"Great.." Spike said annoyed as he tried figuring out his surroundings.. but the thing that made him realize something is what he was on, it was a smooth crystal floor with a familiar shape.
"Is that.. the crystal heart?!" Spike asked in shock as the camera zooms upwards and he's revealed to be on a large crystal heart like the one Sombra tried to steal.

"Why.. why is this here?" Spike asked looking around the place.
"Feels familiar? Doesn't it Spike?" A familiar dark voice suddenly spoke and Spike's pupils narrowed.
"No way.." Spike said in fear as he turned around and saw none other.. then King Sombra, he laughed menacingly and the walls began to light on fire.
"Been a long time, hasn't it you little brat?" Sombra asked as he marched over to him.

"Sombra?! You can't be here! You were defeated back in Equestria! How are you here?!" Spike asked in fear backing up.
"Yeah? Well this place isn't Equestria is it?!" Sombra asked mockingly as he shot a powerful energy blast right at him, Spike screamed in fear and barely avoided it as it made a large explosion on the wall behind him..
"Celestia help me.." Spike said in fear as he drew his sword and faced against him.

Leo was climbing up a mountain after recovering from that bridge attack and was looking around. Leo looked ahead and saw the dear from before looking at him.
"What is it? What is your lesson?" Leo asked curious about it.
"Lesson?" Shredder asked suddenly and Leo turned around and saw him right behind him.

"You've already failed." Shredder mocked.
"Shredder!" Leo said in shock as he drew his large blades.
"You were to weak to stand without your master." Shredder taunted as Leo charged at him. He blocked his swords with his blades and quickly went behind him.
"You can hardly stand at all!" Shredder mocked kicking him in his injured knee and Leo screamed in pain.

Mikey screamed as he was barely avoiding more slashes from Rahzar.
"Hey! Pause, pause!" Mikey begged as he was barely blocking his slashes.
"Give me a second spirit dude!" Mikey shouted as he held his arms back.

Donnie screamed as he slammed his axe on the ground and that made the ground Tiger claw was on collapse. Donnie thought he was done until Tiger claw flew above him and laughed like a maniac and went behind him and grabbed his axe before swinging it at him.

We cut to Raph fighting Fishface as he was being dragged under the water and pinned to the floor, he was thrown upwards before Fishface repeatedly attacked him over and over until he sent him flying out of the water and went over to the wall nearby.

Leo was still trying to fight off the Shredder as they kept climbing to a higher ledge on the mountain. Shredder roared with rage as Leo blocked another attack. Leo backflipped into the air before jumping high and trying to deliver a ground slash on him, but Shredder side stepped out of the way before grabbing his sword. Leo tried using his other one before Shredder grabbed that one and disarmed him to and pushed him back, Shredder slammed the swords on the ground before marching back to him.

Rahzar growled at Mikey as he leapt at him and went into the fog and Mikey was looking around with worry.
"Okay Mikey, what did Mikey say? Be still, and calm like the forest." Mikey told himself as he tried focusing before a thought of Ice cream kitty appeared in his mind.
"Not now kitty, i need to focus, if i concentrate, i can beat him. Focus.. focus..." Mikey told himself as he closed his eyes and heard the wind blow by him.

A single drop of water fell of and went straight onto Rahzar as he hid in the fog. Rahzar roared at Mikey as he appeared from above him and tried slashing him, Mikey kept his eyes closed and kept on dodging each slash from him. Mikey opened his eyes finally and screamed with rage as he stabbed his weapon on Rahzar's snout, before flipping him backwards and cutting him down and finally making him disappear.

Donnie was tumbling down the mountain as he was having a tough time. Tiger claw laughed evilly again before he slammed the axe against the wall again sending more rubble down which cracked the entire mountain. Donnie opened his eyes and found himself barely alive as the area was almost collapsed and he saw Tiger claw not to far away.
"No.. i gotta stand my ground. Immovable right?" Donnie asked himself as he put on his mask. Tiger claw lunged at him and they started to push against eachother aggressively.

"And they say your the smart one? I'm twice your size, and three times your strength. You will fall!" Tiger claw shouted pushing him back.
"Be strong, like the mountain." Splinter's words echoed as Donnie held him back. Donnie grunted before he stepped on Tiger claw's foot and screamed as he threw Tiger claw off the ledge. Tiger claw screamed as he went flying into the abyss and was defeated as Donnie stared down below not saying anything..

Raph got up from the attack and took a deep breath.
"Breath Raph, Splinter is right. I need to concentrate, and focus my anger.." Raph told himself as Fishface emerged from the water.
"Sharpen it.. give it form.." Raph said as he put his hands together before drawing his blades and lighting them on fire.
"Ready for another swim? I bet your toys don't work so well under water." Fishface taunted marching up to him. Raph turned around and slashed his blades before screaming with rage and charging at him, he stabbed him right in the chest and laughed confidently as he disappeared as well.
"Eat it!" Raph said in victory.

"Your wounded leg is like a ball in chain. Dragging you down to defeat." Shredder taunted as Leo tried getting up, Leo twirled an arrow around before he tried stabbing him right as Shredder grabbed his arm. He kicked Leo in the leg before smashing his fist down at him and kicking him even higher to the top. Lightning flashed as Leo was on the ground.
"Shredder is right. My injury is always gonna hold me back.. i can't win.." Leo said defeated right before he heard the dear again. He looked up and saw it floating in the air and went down and looked at his knee and Leo finally realized it.

"Unless.. the pain is just in my mind. It's just an excuse, it's not real!" Leo told himself right before he heard more thunder and saw Shredder was huge and towered over him. The dear appeared in it's spirit form and turned to him as lightning flashed all over, it's body turned into a spirit again and it went into Leo as he kept his eyes closed.
"It is time we end this, turtle" Shredder mocked drawing his huge blade.
"I agree." Leo said turning to him and having white eyes and looked really mad.

Shredder roared and slashed his blade on the mountain before Leo landed on it and ran upwards, Leo flipped onto his armor and jumped in the air before Shredder grabbed him with his huge hand. Leo had had enough and aimed his arrow right at him, Leo finally finished him off by shooting him straight into his eye. Shredder roared with pain as he finally disappeared and Leo landed back on the ground and smiled confidently before picking up his swords.
"I beat you on the spirit plane, and one day, i'll beat you in the real world!" Leo said confidently as he put them away.

Spike was knocked to the wall as he was really struggling against Sombra.
"You said you were a ninja? That is ridiculous! Look at you freak! Your nothing more then a snake now!" Sombra mocked as he blasted Spike to the wall again and Spike groaned in pain trying to get up.
"You always needed someone by your side. Whenever your alone, you can't handle yourself! It's the very reason your here in the first place! If you weren't such a coward, and accepted your nothing, you could still be with your nothing friends!" Sombra mocked as he summoned a huge scythe and tried slashing Spike with it.

Spike slithered out of the way as the fire was surrounding the entire room with the Crystal heart being right below them. Spike thought to himself and knew Sombra was right, if he hadn't gone out there in the Everfree by himself, he never would've been captured by the Kraang, he would still be home, with his family, and would be without all of this..

But that's when Spike realized, it's what made him who he was, if he hadn't.. he'd never have met Leo and the turtles, Splinter, April, Jaqueline.. and his mother. Him being alone only made him more friends as he had even more then he did back home. Spike hissed with rage and got back up and looked at Sombra with white eyes.
"You may be right, if i stayed there i wouldn't be here now. But that's also where your wrong, i became stronger to protect my friends, i found my own mother, and even if i'm a snake, i'm still a dragon deep down." Spike said with anger as he drew his sword with his tail again.

Sombra scoffed mockingly and tried slashing at Spike even more, Spike jumped over the scythe and slithered over it.
"Your friends make you weak! You wouldn't have beaten me without they're help! If you weren't lucky, you would've been crushed by my hoof! and thrown into Tartarus! What makes you think, you can beat me alone?!" Sombra asked with anger as Spike clashed his sword with Sombra's scythe. Spike put his tail onto the crystal ground as the fires started to surround the whole cave.

"Because i've got friends, even if i die, i'll at least live on in they're memories. Unlike you, you have no one, and when you die, your stories will be forgotten, and you'll never be mentioned again, you'll just be an alone monster who was just another one of the many failed monsters who tried conquering my home. And if i see you in the real world.." Spike said with anger before he extended his fire blades and knocked the scythe back shocking Sombra.
"I'll make sure your dead for good!" Spike hissed as he slithered at him and jumped in the air.

Sombra jumped at him with anger as well and charged a final blast, Spike drew his sword and lit it with his fire breath and watched as Sombra shot it. Spike twirled it all around with his tail before deflecting it away with ease.
"No!!" Sombra shouted with anger as Spike made another loud hiss
"This.. ends.. now!!" Spike screamed as a white flash was seen right as he slashed at Sombra, he had a face of complete shock as Spike landed on the ground with white eyes as Sombra was in the air. His head started to slide off and it was revealed Spike cut off his head completely and it and his body fell to the ground and disappeared making Spike the winner.
"I beat you by myself that time Sombra, and i'll do it again if you come back, you monster.." Spike said seriously and retracted his blades as the fires started to go out and his vision faded to white..

April, Casey, Psiona and Jaqueline were back at the farmhouse waiting for the others.
"You think Spike's okay?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at Psiona.
"I hope so.. i really do.." Psiona said holding her hands together in a praying way.
"If you knock me into the mud one more time red.." Casey mocked as he faced her again.
"Oh? And what are you gonna do about it?" April asked right before she kicked the board and cracked it in half.

"Finally! Yes!" April said in victory as Spike and the others were coming back. Casey had a look of shock as he saw all of them..
"What? Nothing to say? Didn't think i could do it did ya?" April asked as Psiona and Jaqueline saw them.
"Spike?" Jaqueline asked in awe.
"Son?" Psiona asked amazed as well, this confused April and she turned around and looked shocked and saw them in they're new gear carrying large flags, Spike held one that was the symbol of a dragon as his eyes were pure white like the others.

Dramatic music plays as they walk up to them and they look at them with amazement.
"What happened out there?" April asked amazed with this.
"Son.. is that really you?" Psiona asked in amazement and he only nodded in response.
"It's time, we're going to New York.." Leo said seriously as all of them stood together, ready to take back the city...

48: Return to New York

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It was the next day after Spike and the others returned from they're quest in the woods. This trail proved to all of them that they were ready to head back to New York, and take it back from the Kraang, since then, he's been helping his mother pack her own stuff up, she most likely hasn't been there before, and it's gonna be an interesting experience, especially with Jaqueline.

Mikey was watching his favorite show once again until they all saw the news come on.
"Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is.. fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraa.. uh.. the military know what to do with it. This is Carlos, Kraang o Brian Gambe.." Carlos said as the others were watching.
"Hmm, does the news guy seem a little Kraangy to you?" Mikey asked curious until Mikey hit him over the head with a magazine.

"A little? What are you on a pepperoni?" Raph asked annoyed with him as Psiona growled with anger.
"He's obviously being mind controlled, i know how the Kraang unravels they're plans." Psiona said puffing out some smoke from her nostrils.
"How have the Kraang not been discovered by the rest of the world? Is the people in charge that stupid?" Jaqueline asked annoyed and all of them nodded in response.

"The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us, what's the plan Leo?" April asked turning to him.
"Step one, storm the castle walls, Donnie?" Leo asked looking at him.
"It's not as heavily armored as the Shellraiser, but maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage." Donnie said as he put some blueprints of the party wagon with some upgrades on the table.
"Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!" Casey said confidently.

We cut to a montage of the others giving the raiser upgrades. Psiona helped install some new weapons with Raph while Spike and Donnie helped out with the designing. Jaqueline helped the others program the computer with an A.I like with the car they had until they were finally done.

"The new and improved.. party wagon!" Donnie announced as he showed them all of its new upgrades.
"It's so awesome!" Raph said amazed.
"A job well done guys!" Spike said amazed as well.
"Alright team, let's do this!" Leo said confidently as they all high fived eachother.

Everyone was now outside the house getting ready to leave, Psiona was carrying a large bag and putting it in the van.
"What's that mom?" Spike asked curious as she shut the door.
"It's my gold and Kraang tech, can't leave without it." Psiona said as they were starting to get in the van.
"So, we're really heading to New York?" Jaqueline asked as she got in with them.
"Yeah, and it's most likely gonna be crawling with Kraang.. I still can't believe it was taken over at all.." Spike said with regret looking down.

"You were all overwhelmed son, there are times you need to retreat to rest and recover, so that you may be ready for the next fight, it never hurts to take a break." Psiona explained looking at him.
"Yeah but.. i was a snake for only a few days after i was mutated, this was just after we got back from Dimension X too, we barely had time to prepare before the Kraang attacked, the lair was attacked by the Kraang and a leader called.. Kraang Sub Prime i think.." Spike said trying to recall what Donnie told him. Psiona's pupils shrunk with shock and anger as she heard that name.

"What?" She asked in an aggressive tone which worried them.
"Mom? Are you okay?" Spike asked a little nervous as she looked angry, she quickly realized what she was doing and took some breaths.
"Forgive me, just mentioning the Kraang angers me given my history with them.." Psiona said looking down a little.
"Yeah but.. how'd you escape from Dimension X?" Jaqueline asked curious, Psiona sighed and looked at them.
"That is a story for another time.. i'm just not ready to talk about it yet.." Psiona explained looking down at the floor thinking this over, Spike and Jaqueline looked at eachother a little worried before deciding to let things go for now.

April and the others were getting in the van and she looked at her house.
"Goodbye old farmhouse." April said looking at it. They all finally got inside and closed the door.
"Hello New York City!" Mikey said excitedly.
"Here we go guys.." Jaqueline said a little nervous as Casey started up the engine and they started to leave.

They went through the highways as the sun was setting getting closer to the city until they were right at the entry point.
"All right team. First we track down Master Splinter, then we hunt for Karai and free the city." Leo said seriously as it came into view.
"It looks far less fictional then how i've seen it in dreams, it looks really depressing honestly.." Jaqueline said as they saw it.
"I know.. and the Kraang will pay.." Psiona said making a low growl.

"So what's the plan fearless leader? Ninja-y or all out attack?" Raph asked curiously.
"Ninja-y, we park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for master Splinter." Leo instructed.
"And my father.." April said right before a light blinded her.

Casey stopped the van as multiple lights came on.
"Okay, not good.." Casey said worried as the military was guarding the entrance.
"Everyone be quiet!" Psiona whispered as they all got ready as a soldier walked up.

"Citizen! This is epf quarantine of sector 7-b. Roll down your window." The soldier ordered and Casey did so.
"Authorized personal only, no one goes in or out of the city." He ordered.
"Whatever you say army dude." Casey said casually as he walked off, Psiona took a closer look and saw he had a mind control device on his neck.

"You see that? It's a Kraang mind control device, i bet they all have em." April said as Mikey looked worried.
"Oh man, they're all mind controlled?" Mikey asked worried as Psiona brought him down, more soldiers came up and readied they're weapons.
"Casey! Go!" Psiona shouted as he put on his mask.
"No need to tell me twice!" Casey shouted as he stepped on the gas, everyone screamed as the van was taking off at fast speeds.

"What are you doing Casey?" April asked annoyed as all the soldiers were firing at them. Casey put down a shield for the windshield and drove straight through the door smashing it down and they drove into the city as the army was firing at them until they were gone.

They all had made it into the city and saw it was almost abandoned, there were Kraang crystals on the streets and the power was out completely.
"What were you thinking man? You got any brains behind that hockey mask?" Raph asked annoyed hitting his head.
"I had no choice Raph, they were powering up they're blasters." Casey said in defense.
"It doesn't matter if we began to leave, they were gonna fire anyway, so we needed to strike first." Psiona said seriously as they drove through the empty city.

"Guys? Where are all the people?" Donnie asked sadly as there was no one here.
"You.. you think the Kraang mutated.. everyone?" Mikey asked in fear.
"No way, not possible." Leo said refusing to believe it, Psiona and April used they're powers to sense them.
"I'm afraid.. it is possible.." Psiona said sadly as she couldn't feel even a thousand people.
"There are only a few hundred left.. they're gone.." April said sadly as all of them looked down before they turned into an alley.

"One good thing, we haven't running into any Kraang..." Mikey said right before an entire group aimed they're weapons at them.
"Oh no! Why did i have to open my big mouth?!" Mikey asked ashamed. Psiona growled with rage seeing all of them.
"It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April O Neil. Eliminate them!" A droid ordered.
"Open the door!" Psiona shouted which shocked them.
"What? mom are you?" Spike asked before she looked at him.
"Do it!" Psiona ordered as she was furious.

Spike nervously opened the door and Psiona stormed out of the van. Psiona landed on the ground with rage and glared at all of them.
"Hello Kraang." Psiona said with fury as she towered over all of them and turned her arm into a cannon again, all of the aliens had a horrified look seeing her.
"P.. P... P.. Psiona!!!" A droid shouted as he dropped his weapon and ran away in fear, all the droids looked at her as she charged her weapon. She made a loud roar and started to fire at all of them.
"It is the one known as Psiona!" A droid shouted in horror as she sliced through one with her blade tail and smashed on a brain.

"Oh you remember me? Glad to know you still have nightmares about me!" Psiona screamed as she breathed a huge stream of fire and burnt an entire group to ashes, more droids tried firing at her until she shot multiple blasts with her arm while everyone watched in shock.
"Holy moly.." Leo said completely shocked at her status.
"Guess the Kraang are afraid of things.." Spike said shocked at her power, she was tearing through them left and right like nothing by now.
"Guess she is a well known person within the Kraang species.." Jaqueline said shocked as well. Psiona slammed a droid to the wall and shot a blast right in the alien brain finishing it off.

She took some heavy breaths and went back to the van.
"That's all of them, let's go." Psiona said as she calmed down and got back in.
"Mom? Are you okay? That was really intense.." Spike said worried for her.
"Forgive me son.. i have a huge problem that i need to deal with.." Psiona said as she looked ashamed for doing that in front of him.
"And i thought i had anger issues.." Raph said surprised as they started moving.
"Well for what it's worth, we're good for now, there's a secret tunnel entrance here." Donnie said as he pushed on a button and opened a hatch to the subway entrance.

They went through the subway until they parked at a specific spot and all got out.
"You think we'll be safe down here dude?" Mikey asked worried until Leo shushed him.
"Full ninja mode." Leo instructed.
"Let's go.." Jaqueline said as they all started going through the tunnels.

They kept moving through the tunnels until they heard something.
"Hold on." Psiona said as they all took cover, a group of Kraang droids and some Mousers came through the area and were marching through. A droid heard something and landed down and searched over until it went over a path where Spike and the others were hiding. Psiona quietly made a stealth attack and ripped the brain out before turning the thing to ash in rage.

"April, Spike, do you think you can use your powers to track Splinter?" Donnie asked worried.
"We can try but, you said his mind is no longer one with his body right? which means he could be crazy or delusional or.. who knows what?" April asked worried about that.
"I'll try sensing him the best i can, any ideas where to find him?" Spike asked the others.
"Ooh, what about the lair?" Mikey suggested.

We cut to them in the old lair as it was almost destroyed, the power was off and Kraang droids were everywhere completely deactivated. Leo and Psiona entered the lair with the others.
"All right, Mikey, you stay here." Leo ordered.
"But i wanna.." Mikey said before April muffled him.

Spike snuck in with Psiona and Jaqueline and they looked around in shock.
"This.. this is your home Spike?" Jaqueline asked sadly as the place was messed up badly.
"Yeah, the Kraang destroyed the place when i was running from them with Raph and Casey from them.." Spike said looking down sadly, Psiona saw he was really upset and tried comforting him.
"I'll be okay son.. it'll be okay.." Psiona assured giving him a hug.

Psiona's senses suddenly went off and she quickly made all of them take cover. She covered they're mouths as they all saw a probe was scanning for them. Donnie took out a ninja star and was about to throw it, until it's alarm went off and it took out a huge amount of weapons and fired all over the place. Everyone was screaming as the droid fired all over the dojo.

"That's it!" Psiona shouted with anger as she took Spike sword and ran to the drone.
"Mom wait!" Spike shouted as she made a battle cry, the drone saw her and quickly fired all over her, but she deflected the blasts with every strike of the sword and jumped over to it.
"Leave this planet monster!!" Psiona screamed as she delivered multiple slashes to it, she was on the ground with white eyes as the droid stopped firing, all of it's arms suddenly fell off until it fell apart into pieces completely destroyed.

"Wow.. she just.. destroyed it.." Jaqueline said in shock as they all got out of their hiding spots.
"Well that takes care of that pest.." Raph said as they all got out.
"Come on, let's meet up with the others." Psiona said as they all started to leave.

Mikey was waiting with the others as Leo and the others made it back.
"No sign of Splinter." Leo reported.
"I took care of one of the Kraang's security system, it won't be a bother anymore." Psiona said taking heavy breaths.
"Even if we can move back in, the Kraang are still.." Donnie said before Spike and April sensed something.

"Guys! I.. i think.." April said as the two saw flashes of Splinter in their heads.
"I think i can feel Splinter, he's faint but he feels different! Come on!" Spike shouted as he and April led the others away.

They ran through the sewers until they saw what looked like Splinter fending off against some Mousers.
"Sensei!" Mikey said in shock as they all saw him hiss at them.
"Everyone get down!" Jaqueline shouted as Splinter lunged at Casey.
"Get him off of me!!" Casey screamed as Splinter snapped at him.

Spike coiled around Splinter and Psiona tried holding him down.
"Sensei it's us!" Donnie shouted as all of them tried helping him.
"Is this really him?" Psiona asked as Splinter tried escaping.

"He's too strong!" Mikey said as he was almost free.
"Sensei it's us! It's us, calm down!" Leo begged as Splinter hissed at all of them like a beast until he took some breaths and looked down sadly.
"What do we do with him?" Spike asked worried as all of them looked at him, but before they could discuss something, they heard a Mouser yell again and they looked up and saw foot bots emerging down.

"What are those things?!" Jaqueline asked shocked as all of them drew they're weapons.
"Foot bots! Be careful!" Spike shouted drawing his sword, Psiona turned her arm into a blade of her own now and made a roar as they all charged at them.
"Don't let them harm Splinter!" Leo ordered as he joined in too.

But Splinter broke free from the others and started running off.
"Oh no, Splinter!" Raph shouted with worry as more foot bots came in front of him. Raph screamed with rage as he delivered a strong punch to it's head, Psiona sliced off another in half while Spike ripped the head out with his jaws.
"There's to many!" April shouted as even more lowered down and landed on Splinter.

A droid tazed Splinter and he screamed in pain before he was knocked out.
"Splinter!!" Leo and Spike shouted with horror as he was being taken away.
"Leave him alone!!" Spike screamed as he stabbed a bot in it's chest and Psiona burned another to ash, Jaqueline smacked another away with her tail and they kept running.
"After him!" Donnie shouted as they tried saving him. They ran through the tunnels again until they saw they're path was blocked and they saw Splinter being taken away.
"Sensei!!!" Mikey shouted with horror.

Rain was pouring down as we cut to the Shredder's lair. Shredder was looking over a photo of him and Karai until Tiger claw came in.
"Master Shredder. Your lowly enemies are defeated. Do we wait for the Kraang to mutate the entire earth? Destroy all of humanity?" Tiger claw asked frustrated.
"Watch your tone Tiger Claw. I am well aware of the Kraang's plans, when the time is right, we will destroy those putrid aliens. And this city will belong to me, now, keep searching for Karai." Shredder ordered until some bots came in with Splinter being restrained.

"What? It cannot be!" Tiger claw said in shock.
"Hamato Yoshi, lives? "Shredder asked shocked as Splinter tried attacking the bots.

"He survived, but not intact. He has clearly lost his mind. become the rat i always knew he was. " Shredder said as they looked down at him.
"Should i finish him master?" Tiger claw asked holding out his blaster.
"No, take him to Baxter Stockman." Shredder ordered.

We cut to Stockman's new lab as he had now had a new tank of mutagen right above a net and he was currently trying to make a retro mutagen.
"Stockman." Shredder announced which scarred him, Stockman saw Splinter was all feral and was placed into a cage.
"I want you to restore Hamato Yoshi's mind. I want him to be aware of who and where he is, before i finished him off." Shredder ordered as Splinter was sealed into it.
"Yes.. master.." Stockman replied as Splinter tried snapping at him again.

We cut back to the sewers as Spike and the others were searching for Splinter. They peaked around a corner and saw more footbots guarding something. Raph held out a smoke bomb and Psiona turned her arm into a blade again. Raph threw the bomb right at the bots which let Psiona and Leo slash the bots to bits with ease.

"This is the threats you've been facing son?" Psiona asked as Spike came next to her.
"Yeah, they used to be regular people, but they were upgraded to Kraang tech bots after Shredder joined forces with the Kraang." Spike explained which made Psiona growl.
"Any alley of the Kraang is an enemy to me, i'll make sure he knows who he's messing with." Psiona said clutching her arm with anger.

Donnie managed to open the hatch and they all looked down.
"Like a turtle do." Donnie said confidently.
"Pat yourself on the back later, let's move." Raph ordered before a familiar shadow came behind them.
"It's Shred head.." Mikey said in fear as all of them saw.. it was actually a mini version of him with tentacles. This made Spike, Jaqueline and all of them laugh at the creature.

"What is that?!" Jaqueline asked laughing hard.
"Is that supposed to be a mini Shredder?" Raph guessed laughing really hard.
"Haha, it's kind of cute, like a shrimp." Mikey said in agreement. But the laughing was stopped as the creature lunged at them and tried attacking them.

"What the heck?!" Casey asked shocked as it lunged at his face.
"Alright, that's enough!" Psiona shouted as she ripped the thing off him and threw him into a wall, she and the others got into the hatch as it tried attacking them again.
"And stay out you little freak!" Raph shouted as he slammed the hatch in its face.

Spike and the others snuck around for a few until they found themselves within Stockman's lair. Leo made a hand motion for all of them to stay quiet, and they all quickly made they're way down the lab. Psiona looked around the place with shock as she hadn't seen a place like this in a while.

"This is where he's being kept?" Psiona asked as they all saw Splinter being held in a cell.
"Yeah.. how do we save him? His mind is feral, i don't think i'm strong enough to restore it." Spike said as all of them looked over a view.
"His mind isn't focused enough for me to enter his dreams, i can't do anything either." Jaqueline said sadly.
"Let's just see what we can do.." Psiona whispered as she and the others landed in front of the cage.

"Sensei.. sensei!" Leo whispered which got his attention and he walked up to him.
"Quick get him out of there." Raph ordered as Donnie tapped on a device and managed to open the cage.
"It's okay. It's okay.. there's gotta be a way to reach him." April said as she tried calming him down.

"Red, remember the time you reached the guys through their dreams? What if you can do the same thing for Splinter?" Casey suggested.
"It could be possible, i've restored minds before.." Psiona said as this could work.
"You've restored minds? Who's?" Spike asked curious before Stockman finally noticed them.

"What is this?! Turtles.. a Dream Beaver?! And.. another dragon?! Here?!" Stockman asked in complete shock.
"He knows about the Dream Beavers?" Jaqueline asked surprised.
"April, try and wake Splinter up!" Leo ordered as he and the others tried fighting him off.

"Oh no you don't punk!" Spike shouted as he coiled around his body and threw him to the wall, Psiona grabbed his head and starred him dead in the eyes.
"It.. it can't be.. are you that dragons.. mother?!" Stockman asked as Psiona started chocking him out.
"You bet your ugly head i am!!" Psiona screamed as she threw him hard against the wall and he groaned in pain as Spike and the others towered over him.

"How do you know about the Dream Beavers?!" Jaqueline asked in a demanding tone.
"I've done my research on you freaks! let's even the odds!" Stockman said menacingly as a hatch behind him opened and all of them watched in horror as more Shredder like mutants emerged from behind him.

"Sweet mother of mutations.." Donnie said horrified.
"Do you like my Shredder mutants? They make excellent watchdogs!" Stockman mocked as they towered over all of them.
"Well. this should be fun!" Psiona said with a grin as she charged up her cannon.
"Mom are you crazy?! You can't fight them at once!" Spike said worried for her.
"Believe me, decades in dimension X has had me prepared for anything!" Psiona said confidently as she charged at all of them.

Psiona backflipped over the huge one and grabbed one of it's four arms, she twisted it with her strength and started twirling the monster around until she threw it to a wall, she then side stepped from the monster with the huge lobster claws and kept dodging them.
"I've faced worse freaks then you before!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers and started making the thing float in the air.
"You, and all these mutants are nothing special here!" Psiona screamed as she used her telekinesis to twist that things limbs and it roared in pain.

Spike and the others continued watching this with shock in seeing her take on the other mutants like they're nothing.
"Holy cow.. i knew she was strong but this is.." Spike said in complete amazement.
"I'd say she's on par with Splinter's skill, maybe even more.." Donnie said as that all reminded them.
"That's right! Splinter!" Spike said as he quickly slithered up to where Splinter was.

"Splinter, please wake up Splinter!" Casey begged as Splinter hissed at all of them.
"You are not a rat. You are hamato yoshi" April said as she tried using her powers, Spike focused his mind too and tried helping him.
"Remember who you are Splinter, please.." Spike begged as he tried focusing the best he could. Splinter groaned in pain as he finally started having flashes in his mind, he saw what looked like Shredder attacking him as they tried helping him.

While all of them were fighting, Mikey knocked down stockman and thought he won.. until he accidently tripped the alarm.
"Mikey!" All of them shouted with frustration. This set off the alarm in the lair and the foot bots started to move.
"The rat has escaped!" Shredder said with rage.

Spike tried focusing his mind even harder and tried restoring him.
"Sensei, please, it's us. We're your family, you are Hamato Yoshi, remember who you are." Spike begged as he focused his powers even more. This finally caused Splinter's life to flash before him as he finally remembered who he was. Splinter finally calmed down and gripped Spike's arm.
"Master Splinter?" Spike asked shocked as they saw he was finally restored.

Before they could talk more, they heard a roar and saw Leo and the others were fighting off the monsters. Splinter immediately rushed into the fight and kicked the small one down into the fan, Psiona grabbed the largest one finally and threw it over her shoulder which made that thing be grinded to death as well. Splinter finally finished off the last one and sent it to its death too.

"Father?" Raph asked hopefully.
"Sensei.." Leo said worried as well, Splinter turned to all of them and smiled.
"My sons.." Splinter said gladly as all of them gave him a hug.
"Sensei!" Spike said in huge relief, Psiona and Jaqueline smiled at this reunion and joined in.

"So.. your Master Splinter?" Psiona asked as Splinter noticed her and looked surprised seeing her.
"And you are.. Spike's mother?" Splinter asked surprised.
"Yes.. i know it's a lot to take in, but i'll explain everything soon.." Psiona assured until someone stopped they're reunion.

"So the turtles and dragon live." Shredder announced as they saw him with his army of foot bots as well.
"And the rat thinks like a man again, now you will know when my blade is at your throat." Shredder mocked gripping his hands. Psiona growled with rage and turned her arm into a cannon.
"So, your the monster who mutated my son?!" Psiona asked furious seeing him.
"And i see the dragon found his mother as well, as well as allied with a Dream Beaver. How interesting." Shredder said as he saw her and Jaqueline next to Spike.
"How do you know what i am?" Jaqueline asked shocked.

Psiona growled even more and charged up a blast.
"I'll make sure you suffer for what you've done Shredder!" Psiona shouted as she was about to fire.
"No mom, it's too soon to fight him!" Spike said which made her stop.
"Spike is right, now is not the time." Splinter said as Mikey threw a smoke bomb down and they vanished again.

All of them were going through the tunnels again until something landed on the roof.
"There is no escape!" Tiger claw shouted from the windshield.
"Back off you freak!" Psiona shouted as she used her telekinesis to knock him off the van.
"Take that!" Mikey shouted in victory as all of them drove off leaving him behind. They all got out of the tunnels and drove through the empty streets.
"Party van in full effect boy!" Mikey shouted as they all escaped.

All of them sighed in relief and took some deep breaths.
"We made it.." Donnie said in relief.
"Yeah by the skin of our shells." Raph said exhausted.
"Where to now? The Lair isn't safe to go back to yet.." Mikey asked worried for all of them.
"Homes are transitory, all that matters is that we are together." Splinter assured looking over all of them.

"We still need a place to hang our masks sensei. Where are we gonna live?" Leo asked worried.
"Well there's the old power plant, or maybe an abandoned subway tunnel?" Donnie suggested.
"Wait! I have the greatest idea ever!" Mikey announced.
"Do we really wanna hear this?" Raph asked annoyed.
"It's secret, fortified, and no one would ever think to look for us there." Mikey said confidently.

We cut to all of them going into a pizza place that's been abandoned for a while.
"Perfect right?" Mikey asked as all of them went inside.
"Of course you would want to stay at a pizza place." Spike said a little annoyed.
"At least it's a place to stay.." Psiona said trying to be positive.
"Yeah.. any place is good right now.." Jaqueline said in agreement.

"Psiona and Mikey are right, it will serve for now." Splinter said looking at all of them.
"Next up, take the city back." Casey said confidently.
"And find my dad, he's out there.. somewhere.." April said as she could see all the mutated humans in Dimension X.
"It's like he's right here...right next door.." April said confused as they all looked out the window.
"It's gonna be interesting here that's for sure.." Spike said worried as he could sense all of them to somehow...

49: Serpent Hunt

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Kraang droids were marching around the city that had been taken over for months, all the power was still out and there can be multiple mutated human captives seen, someone looks out through a window and quickly hides inside. This was Ivan Steranko , a general who was bent on collecting artifacts from legend, and in the building as well was Anton Zeck, a master thief and had high tech gadgets.

"It has been months since the aliens invasions, there must be way out of the city!" Ivan spoke in a russian accent.
"Why not use one of your fancy tanks to get us out, big S?" Zeck asked before Ivan pushed him out of his chair.
"How many times i must tell you? Show models only, i get them big discount!" Ivan pointed out, Zeck saw some open cans of soup, but a rat came out of it and ran off.

"I'm starving! All our food is gone! We're down to moldy ketchup and dead cockroaches!" Zeck said in disgust as he held two of them out.
"Secret headquarters mine, moldy ketchup and cockroaches mine." Ivan said as he ate the thing much to his disgust.
"Oh snap Steranko that's cold blooded! We gotta get out of this city dog! We gotta get out of this city!" Zeck said in a high pitch voice.
"Hmm.." Ivan hummed as he thought of something.

The two were on the rooftops barely trying to avoid being seen by the army of Kraang droids.
"No way out of city comrade Zeck, when henchmen try's to make it out of city, they all gets mutate! Ivan Steranko never turn into freak!" Ivan said determined on what they should do.
"But how we gonna make it past a million alien robots? My invisible field is totally jacked! I'm jacked!" Zeck said worried, they both gasped as another Kraang scanner passed by them and they quickly hid away and went into an alley.

"Whew! It's dangerous. But Shredder is only one who can get us out of city. We make deal." Ivan said as he had no choice for this.
"That's brilliant baby Ivan! Brilliant!.. but what have we got that Shredder want's?" Zeck asked curious. Ivan smirked and pulled out a photo of Karai.
"Right here, we find his daughter, Karai." Ivan said and Zeck took off his glasses to look at it.

"She was mutated by same stuff that made those turtle freaks. Shredder has searched for her ever since." Ivan said as they hid from more scanners.
"So your saying, we can use her as a bargaining chip with Shredder to get out of this city?" Zeck asked wanting conformation.
"Da! Oroku Saki will have no choice." Ivan said as they both laughed together looking at the photo..

Spike and the others were in their new hideout for the time they need, Spike looked out the window to make sure no Kraang were coming.
"Okay we're all good for now, let's just keep things quiet." Spike said slithering over to Psiona.
"I can't believe the Kraang were able to take over this city, it just makes me wanna tear them apart even more for this.." Psiona said angry that she wasn't able to help stop them.
"It's okay mom, we'll get back at them for this, for what they did to us." Spike assured giving her a hug which she returned smiling lightly.

Splinter sighed sadly which caught the others attention.
"Are you okay sensei?" Mikey asked worried for him.
"hmm? Forgive me.. My thoughts are elsewhere Michelangelo.. It is very dangerous out there." Splinter said as he looked out the window and saw more droids walking by.
"Casey, Jaqueline and your brothers have been gone a long time." Splinter said worried for them.

Donnie was in his newly made lab and was trying to make a retro mutagen.
"How's the new lab set up?" April asked curious walking into it.
"Ehh kinda makeshift. I'm brewing a batch of retro mutagen i started back at the farmhouse. Takes forever." Donnie said annoyed on how long it takes.
"And then we can turn my dad back? Um.. hopefully for good this time?" April asked hopefully.
"Well that's the plan, including everyone else who got mutated. Including Karai and Spike." donnie replied, but they didn't notice Splinter and Spike had walked in with Mikey.
"Karai.." Splinter said worried for her.
"Let's just hope we can turn myself and Karai back soon.." Spike prayed looking at his body again..

"Oh yeah! This is amazing!" Leo announced as he, Raph and Jaqueline came back.
"What's up guys?" Jaqueline asked coming up to give Spike a hug.
"Your okay! Thank goodness!" Spike said relieved holding her close.

"I got one word for you." Raph said as Casey came up with a bunch of stuff.
"Score!" Raph said in victory holding out all their items.
"You did it? You managed to sneak back into the lair?" April asked surprised.

"Yo Don, check it out! Got you some sweet chemicals." Casey said handing him a box.
"Oh wow, awesome!" Donnie said amazed.
"And even though the Kraang were mad dogging us the whole time, we didn't forget.. Mikey's big request." Casey said pushing a box over to Mikey, he opened it and found a Tv and a set of VHS tapes.
"Tv!!! Now we can watch Crognard again! Aw yeah!" Mikey said amazed.

Jaqueline came up and gave Spike another box of his stuff.
"And for you, your swords, comics, and masks, all secured." Jaqueline said and Spike smiled gratefully as he pulled out his plasma sword he got from that Kraang machine that hunted April, and the upgraded sword he stole from Bradford.
"Thank you so much!" Spike said amazed as he swung down on an empty box and sliced it in half.
"Anything for you Spike, hard to believe you have quite the collection huh?" Jaqueline asked as he put it on his back and the other in the box.
"Dragons have a natural instinct for claiming valuable items." Spike said proudly putting the box near a sleeping bag for him.

"I must admit son, i am quite impressed with the skills you've gained over your time here, even as a snake, your getting really good with a sword." Psiona said smiling down at him.
"It wasn't easy, but you can thanks Splinter for that, he taught me a few moves before i got mutated, if you ever need some lessons, he's the one to go to." Spike said proudly and she chuckled at his smile.
"I will son, this will make things easier for all of us hopefully." Psiona said looking over his possession of items.

Leo now came up to Splinter with another box.
"We got you something too sensei." Leo said as he handed Splinter his family photo.
"You are a good son Leonardo." Splinter said gratefully looking at it.

Mikey pushed some stuff of a table and set the tv down.
"What an awesome new home we have. It's even got that old pizzeria smell. Mmm.. Pizza.." Mikey said as he went over to an oven and pulled some out freshly made.
"It's still a little cramped for my liking." April said looking at Casey before they both looked away a little embarrassed.

"Home for me.. will never be complete without my daughter.." Splinter said looking at his photo still.
"I know how that is, no matter how long i was gone, nothing was a complete home for me without my son, it's what a mother always needs to feel whole." Psiona said patting his shoulder.
"You are right, family is everything, and i am glad you found yours.." Splinter said looking at her who smiled in response.

"The longer she's out there alone, the more she risks losing her humanity." Leo said seriously.
"We can help her, we just gotta keep looking." Mikey said worried for her.
"For all we know, Shredder or Kraang have her." Raph said crossing his arms.

"No, i saw her only a few days ago roaming the streets at night, but i was not in my right mind, i could not help her." Splinter said regretfully.
"I think we can find her. I've been updating all of my surveillance tech, and i'm just a few days off from finishing more retro mutagen!" Donnie announced.
"Alright guys, let's do this!" April said confidently.

"Sorry April, you and Casey need to stay here. Ninja's only." Leo said as he and the others started leaving.
"What? You need us!" April said upset at them.
"That's not fair, i wanna trash up some alien scum too! Why you gotta pent up my rage Leo?" Casey asked annoyed at him.
"Don't worry, i'll smash a few hundred bots for you, that'll only be a warmup for me though." Psiona said clutching her metal arm walking out with them.

Back at Shredder's lair, Shredder was looking down on his men with disappointment.
"You continue to fail me, in your search to find my daughter." Shredder said mad at Fishface and Rahzar.
"Ehh. Master Shredder.. Karai is just to scaly.. i mean stealthy.. and this city is so big.." Fishface said in defense.
"She's as slippery as a serpent! Um.. i mean.. we've searched everywhere master!" Rahzar said in fear of him.
"You will find her or i will turn you both over to Tiger claw! He is bored of having little sport." Shredder threatened and Tiger claw snarled in response.
"Yes master!/ Eh no problem! Back in a bit!" Rahzar and Fishface said quickly running off.

Spike and the others drove through the streets in the van until coming up on a warehouse and they all got out.
"Alright team, this is the last place Master Splinter saw Karai." Leo sad as Psiona got out looking around.
"You getting any readings Donnie?" Raph asked as Donnie put on a scanner.

"Picking amounts of mutagenized DNA, scanning now." Donnie said as he scanned some nearby scales.
"That's it! Snake/ human hybrid DNA sequencing. It's Karai." Donnie said as Spike slithered next to them.
"She must be shedding scales, that isn't a good thing let me tell you. Molting is not a easy thing when your a snake.." Spike said looking down at them.
"If you think that's bad, just wait till you hit your Molting stage son, that gets ugly." Psiona said looking down at it.
"Molting stage?" Jaqueline asked confused on what that meant.
"Alright guys, we follow the DNA trail, lead the way Donnie." Leo instructed as they all started moving.

Zeck was scanning the area nearby in order to find Karai. Ivan was looking down and found some skin.
"Ooh, this is funky fresh, snake skin, recently shed. I am a better hunter then my brother Boltak." Ivan said holding out some shed skin.
"Stop messing with that butt nasty skin. What you want is right down there son! Heh heh!" Zeck said confidently as he could see Karai nearby. Ivan held out a taser gun and aimed it at a green and purple serpent that was moving near the direction.
"Now i make it go to sleep.. steady.. steady.." Ivan said before Mikey came in and blew his tongue at him.

"Turtle face?!" Ivan said shocked before a ninja star hit his weapon.
"Mother Russia!" Ivan said surprised as he saw Leo, Jaqueline and the other turtles looking down at them.
"Leave.. Karai.. Alone!" Leo said in a demanding tone.
"And back off of Spike, or you will not have a pleasant night of sleep." Jaqueline threatened snapping her jaws.

"Aw man, not these freaks again! And is that a mutant beaver girl? What is going on in this world man?!" Zeck shouted pointing at Jaqueline.
"Nice outfit. 1987 called, it wants it's jumpsuit back." Raph mocked.
"oh wha wha wha?! You making fun of my suit?! I will bust in your dang head!" Zeck said in anger as he charged up his high tech mohawk and threw a energy blast at them.
"Whoa!" Jaqueline shouted as they all jumped out of the way. Leo started slashing at him and Zeck dodged them in a dancing way, Ivan went over and pulled out a massive weapon.
"Finish them off, once and for all!" Ivan shouted as he started firing at them like crazy.

Spike had managed to see Karai nearby, and was trying to help her, Psiona was looking over things to make sure nothing goes south.

"Karai.." Spike quietly announced which made her turn to him making a loud hiss, but she immediately stopped in seeing it was him.
"Spike?" Karai asked shocked seeing him and Mikey were there.
"It's me, we're here to help you.." Spike said trying to reach her, but a loud explosion was heard on the building nearby and they all saw it.
"Karai, you have to stay here, Spike, look over her for me." Mikey instructed and Spike nodded in understanding.

Psiona saw the commotion on the other building and snuck over to check it out, Spike and Karai heard another scanner nearby and hid in the shadows to stay hidden.
"Is everything okay for you? Are you hurt?" Spike whispered worried for her.
"It.. could.. be better.." Karai said in a weak voice.
"Sorry it took so long to get back here, i'm just relieved your okay." Spike said staying close to her.
"Me too, your voice is a lot deeper, it shows you've grown up since the little dragon you were when i met you." Karai said smiling at him.
"Yeah.. i really have.. we both have.. there's a lot that happened in the last few months." Spike said trying to explain everything to her.

Leo and the others were still fighting off Zeck as he kept dancing around making Michael Jackson noises.
"Why is he making those noises?!" Donnie asked annoyed at him.
"He's just trying to distract us!" Leo shouted as he charged at him with anger.

Raph screamed and tried slashing at Ivan who was dodging each attack, Mikey climbed back up to the roof and tried fighting him too. Mikey screamed and jumped in the air and wrapped his chain around his gun, but Ivan used his strength to slam Mikey to the ground. A loud roar was suddenly heard and Ivan watched in shock as a massive dragon landed on the roof growling with rage.
"Da.. Is that.. a dragon?!" Ivan asked in shock, Psiona growled at him and knocked his gun out of his hands.
"You best know what your dealing with punk!" Psiona shouted as she made a dinosaur like roar at him and she, Mikey and Raph were trying to fight him off.

Ivan pulled out some iron knuckles and struck a few poses, he then delivered a strong punch to Raph's chest and sent him flying into another wall, Mikey tried delivering an air attack, but Ivan saw that and punched Mikey's stomach and punched him to a door as Raph got up.
"Why you.." Raph said frustrated as he and Psiona tried fighting him. Psiona shot a fire blast at Ivan and he quickly rolled out of the way, he then dodged another attack from Raph and blocked his attacks.
"Freaks." Ivan said in disgust as he pulled out a flashbang and threw it at them.

They all screamed as the light blinded them which stunned them and Psiona for a moment. Ivan got out his taser gun again and aimed it at Spike and Karai.
"Ahh it is perfect.. i didn't know there were two serpents here, but the more the merrier." Ivan said aiming at them both, but Raph suddenly came in and knocked his shot out of the way and it barely hit Spike and Karai and she hissed at them all.
"Wait! Karai!" Spike shouted as she grabbed him and slithered off with him..

Psiona growled with rage and delivered a strong punch to Ivan's chest. Jaqueline joined in and whacked him to the wall with her tail.
"Leave them alone!!" Jaqueline said with rage as Psiona towered over him.
"How dare you try and hurt my son?!" Psiona shouted with rage as she turned her arm into a cannon, Leo looked down and saw Karai moving and taking Spike with her.
"Karai's on the move and is taking Spike with her. We gotta go after them!" Leo announced, Mikey came in and dropped a smoke bomb which made Ivan and Zeck cough roughly, when the smoke cleared, Jaqueline and Psiona were gone with the turtles.

"Ivan.. not happy." Ivan said with frustration.
"Aw man, we had those snakes in the can man!" Zeck said annoyed at this.
"Come, the game is not end, nyet. And if there are two serpents, then i'm sure Shredder won't mind a little bonus." Ivan said with anger as he walked off.

Fishface and Rahzar were searching through the streets for Karai and passed by more of the mutant humans. Rahzar stopped suddenly and sniffed the air.
"I don't smell a snake.. i smell a different kind of reptile.." Rahzar said as he laughed evilly before running off.

Karai was dragging Spike along with her as they were avoiding more droids.
"Careful Karai.." Spike whispered as he slithered along with her as Donnie was watching them from above.
"What's it look like Donnie?" Raph whispered to him.
"They're moving fast, we gotta get down there." Donnie said taking off his scanners.
"She's got Spike with him, we need to help them.." Jaqueline whispered to the others as well.

"But there are Kraangdroids everywhere." Leo pointed out and Psiona scoffed at that.
"Please, this is barely a Tuesday for me." Psiona said crossing her arms.
"Let's keep it stealthy my ninja's, let's do this." Mikey announced.

More droids were marching around as Leo and the others stayed quiet within the shadows. They passed by some more droids and Psiona shut them up by turning her arm into a blade and slicing them to bits in an instant. They all went to the other side and stayed quiet.
"Anything Donnie?" Jaqueline asked as Donnie scanned a trail.
"They're this way.." Donnie said as he saw the trail go to a warehouse.
"There! They're in the warehouse." Donnie announced and they quickly went inside.

"Alright guys, let's split up and find them." Leo instructed as the lights flickered on and off.
"Spike are you there?" Jaqueline called looking around for him.
"You don't have to hide son." Psiona said looking around for him too

Spike and Karai quietly hid in the shadows not wanting to be seen right now.
"Karai, it's okay, they're our friends." Spike whispered to her.
"I know.. but i'm.. to dangerous for them.. i could.. hurt them.." Karai said in fear of that outcome.
"I know, but we're both the same mutant, i've been pushing past any urges to harm them, i'm sure you can too." Spike said trying to help her.
"I just don't know if i can Spike.. i just don't know.." Karai said looking down regretfully.

Raph and Donnie were searching for them still looking worried.
"So what are we gonna do when we find her? Invite her back to the lair for pizza?" Raph asked mockingly.
"That's a good question. The retro mutagen still isn't finished." Donnie said looking around, but he suddenly heard a Kraang droid and turned around and saw a group of them.
"Oh great, another Kraangdroid party." Raph said drawing his weapons.
"And i thought things would be boring." Psiona said with a smug readying her cannon.
Take em down before they alert more" Leo ordered drawing his swords.

But before they could fight the droids, Karai and Spike slithered into the group and hissed at all of them.
"Back off freaks!" Spike hissed drawing his plasma sword. Spike dodged some more gunfire and sliced multiple bots to pieces while Karai used her snake arms to cut off their parts and Spike did the same thing. Spike hissed even more and released another stream of fire and burnt down the rest of the group .

"Um.. thanks guys?" Donnie said nervously as Karai hissed at him, Spike clutched his head in pain as he was starting to feel the mutagen affecting him.
"Guys.. my head.. it's not right.." Spike said weakly going over to Jaqueline and she held him up.
"What's going on with you Spike?" Jaqueline asked worried as his voice sounding off.
"They're becoming more snake like, Spike's affect isn't as bad thanks to his powers, but he's still at risk of becoming more like a snake like Karai." Donnie said worried looking at them.
"How do we help my son? How do we help them both?" Psiona asked worried looking at Spike who tried focusing his mind.

Karai looked at all of them and finally recognized them all.
"Leo.. Spike.." Karai said weakly as she made a loud shriek of pain, they watched her turn back into her human form, but still showed signs of a snake.
"Help me.. please.." Karai begged making another hiss.
"Karai.." Spike said regretfully trying to help her.

"Come back with us Karai.." Leo begged trying to help her too.
"No.. too.. dangerous.." Karai said afraid of herself.

"I told ya i smelled turtles." Rahzar announced which alerted all of them, they looked up and saw Fishface and Rahzar looking down at them.
"Looks like they've made our job a whole lot easier." Fishface said taking out a taser, Karai turned back into her snake form and tried attacking him, but he dodged out of the way and strapped the taser around both her and Spike and they screamed in pain as they got tased badly.

"Spike!!" Jaqueline and Psiona shouted with worry and anger. Psiona screamed and delivered a strong punch to Fishface and knocked him down.
"Spike! Are you okay?!" Jaqueline asked worried helping him up.
"I'm.. okay.." Spike said weakly as he tried to move.
"Let's see you all get a whiff of poison!" Fishface shouted as he threw a smoke bomb which started filling the room with green gas.

"Poison gas! Everyone move!" Psiona shouted as they all tried to escape.
"We can't let them get away." Leo said as Mikey tried blowing the gas away, Zeck was scanning things from the rooftop and saw Rahzar carrying Karai.
"What is goings on Zeck?" Ivan asked frustrated as Zeck took off his glasses.
"Our bargaining chip, is about to come right through that door!" Zeck said excitedly as he slid across the rooftops and hopped downwards.

"Nice job back there amigo. I'll take her to master Shredder." Fishface said holding her body.
"Wait.. why do you get to take her to Shredder?" Rahzar asked mad at him.
"Because you are to big and bony to ride this bike." Fishface insulted.
"Watch it sashimi lips!" Rahzar warned pushing him back.
"Ey! Get your claws off me! " Fishface warned drawing his knife, but they were both to distracted at eachother to see Zeck hop onto the bike and start it.

"Thanks for the ride fellas!" Zeck mocked as he drove off quickly leaving the two feeling like idiots.
"Look, there she is!" Mikey shouted as they saw her being taken away.
"No Karai.." Leo said regretfully as they saw her be dragged off.
"No.." Spike said really worried for her, he tried to recover from that taze he was hit with, but was still weak from it.

Ivan was waiting for Zeck and could see him coming up with Karai with him.
"Oh ho! Is nice work, comrade Zeck! You get snake girl, and steal cool looking motor scooter" Ivan said amazed at his work.
"I barely made it big S, these streets are full of Kraang. Let's dial up Shredder and get the heck out of dodge." Zeck said as Ivan got out his phone, but Zeck saw a cockroach on his shoulder.

"Hi, is Steranko." Ivan said on the phone, Zeck tried getting it off him but he was pushed away.
"You got a cockroach on your dang.." Zeck said before Ivan shushed him.
"Stop it, shush! Is Shredder!" Ivan whispered holding out the phone again.
"We has your snake daughter, make deal. Da, at the docks, one hour. Dasvindayia" Ivan said as he hung up and turned back to him.
"All is according to plan." Ivan said as the cockroach could be seen on his shoulder with a camera on it..

Spike and the others made it to the docks and appeared on the craters in a flash of lightning all having white eyes again.
"Donnie, you sure they're here?" Leo asked him.
"I planted a whole bunch of spy roaches on Steranko during the fight. I'm sure he ate most of them, but there's still one little guy left." Donnie said looking at a camera.
"You went back to spy roaches? Do you not remember the last time that happened?" Spike asked annoyed that he did that.
"Yeah, one got mutated, and the Earth was almost destroyed because of it." Raph said annoyed as well.

"You faced a mutant cockroach? Gross." Psiona said in disgust landing down next to them.
"That sounds like a nightmare." Jaqueline said in agreement with this.
"Oh you have NO idea how ugly it was." Raph said still shuddering at that memory.

"You guys mind telling me who these guys are by the way? I don't think i met them before." Spike asked curious on who they were facing.
"Oh right, you were busy comforting Splinter when Karai was being held by Shredder." Mikey said recalling that he didn't know about Zeck stealing Shredder's helmet a few months back.
"Quiet guys, they're definitely down there." Donnie whispered as they could see Zeck looking around.

"So, the thief who stole from me desires to make a deal. Where is Karai?" Shredder asked in a demanding voice, Zeck pointed over to another building and he saw Ivan coming out with Karai trying to escape. Shredder gripped his hands with rage seeing them hold her like this.

"You get us out of city safe, you get girl. That is deal." Ivan offered.
"I don't make deals." Shredder said mad at them as Rahzar and Fishface came onto the scene.
"But perhaps this is the exception, give me Karai, and you will leave this city alive." Shredder threatened.

"Let her go! And we'll let all of you walk out of here alive!" Leo threatened as he drew his sword and Spike made a loud hiss.
"Leave her alone!" Spike shouted with anger as Psiona and Jaqueline jumped into the air along with the other turtles.

Fishface attacked Zeck who flipped away from his attack.
"Back off fish man!" Zeck warned as he engaged in battle with him.

Shredder was fighting against the turtles until Psiona landed down and towered over him.
"So, your the monster who mutated my son.." Psiona said cracking her knuckles and had white eyes looking down at him.
"And your his mother, i must say, i didn't expect you to be alive." Shredder mocked drawing his blades.
"And i'll make sure you aren't when i'm done with you." Psiona threatened as she made a dinosaur roar and delivered a strong punch to his chest and knocked him to a crater.

Spike and Jaqueline were trying to save Karai as Rahzar faced Ivan.
"It's simple, give her to me, and the pain will stop." Rahzar threatened holding Karai with a collar.
"How about another option?!" Jaqueline shouted as she threw a ninja star at the collar and cut it off, Spike landed down next to Ivan and whipped him away from her.
"Karai, let's go!" Spike hissed as he was helping her escape.
"No!" Ivan and Rahzar shouted trying to go after them, but Jaqueline stood in the way and drew a hammer she was given.
"You want them, you'll have to go through me!" Jaqueline shouted as she charged at them with rage.

Fishface was still fighting Zeck who was dodging his attacks in a dancing way.
"That's right! Put your weight on it home fish!" Zeck mocked firing multiple lasers at him.
"You talk to much! And that says a lot coming from me!" Fishface countered as he landed on a barrel which exploded sending him into the air, Zeck bent down and charged up a blast with his hair and sent him flying down into the water.
"Whoo! Sham on! uh sham on!" Zeck said in victory as he danced around and was about to leave, but Fishface emerged from the ground below and kicked him in the face when his guard was down.

Zeck went flying into a wall and groaned in pain.
"That's better, i can finally hear myself think again." Fishface said relived and resumed fighting him.

Psiona was dodging each of the Shredder's slashes easily as he kept getting more frustrated.
"Your supposed to be the leader of the Foot clan? I never thought they needed a coward to lead them!" Psiona mocked as she turned her arm into a blade and slashed against his own.
"Don't you mock me! I've been serving my clan with honor for years! What honor do you have?! Your just a failed mother, who wasn't able to raise his son! At least i raised Karai like a father!" Shredder mocked as he was being pushed back by her strength, this triggered something in her and she growled even more.

"Shut up!!!" Psiona screamed as she delivered a powerful punch to his face and sent him flying into a wall which knocked off his helmet.
"You kidnapped Karai as a child, your not a father, your not a warrior! You.. are not.. a leader! Your pathetic, you hide under that mask because your afraid of showing your face! And i will make you pay for mutating my own child!" Psiona shouted as she turned her arm into a cannon again and charged it up, Shredder growled with anger and put his helmet back on and drew his blades again. Leo and the others joined her side and drew her weapons.

Spike made sure they weren't followed and looked at Karai.
"Karai, things are too bad here, you need to leave, do not let them take you." Spike said worried for her. Karai made a weak hiss and pointed somewhere.
"Comet... Comet." Karai said pointing at the city.
"Comet? What are you talking about?" Spike asked confused as she gave him another hug again.
"Find me Spike, please be safe." Karai told him before she jumped into the water.

"Karai.." Spike said worried for her.
"No! My daughter!" Shredder said with rage.
"She is not your daughter!" Spike hissed drawing his weapon.
"I raised her! I cared for her! She is mine!!" Shredder said drawing his blades too.
"No your not, your nothing but a broken man! And will only go down even more!" Spike countered as he threw some smoke bombs at Shredder.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw they were all gone.
"What?!" Shredder asked furious as he saw they were gone and saw Ivan and Zeck were being held by Rahzar and Fishface.
"Someone must pay for this! Take them to Stockman's laboratory!" Shredder ordered.

Spike and the others made it to the other side and were taking a rest.
"Son, are you okay?" Psiona asked as Spike rubbed his head.
"What happened to Karai?" Jaqueline asked helping him up.
"She's okay, she gave me a clue to where she is. She pointed east, and said comet.." Spike said as they all looked at the city.
"Comet.." Leo said trying to think of what that meant..

Zeck and Ivan were brought to Stockman's lab and they could see a huge tank of mutagen in the middle of the whole place. Stockman flew over to a console to get things ready while the two looked around in shock.
"Some excellent DNA to be spliced with don't you think" Fishface mocked as Zeck could see he had a warthog DNA on a computer and Ivan's was of a rhino.
"Heh heh, i wouldn't wanna be a warthog." Rahzar mocked laughing at this.

Zeck took off his glasses and looked horrified.
"I don't wanna be a mutant i'm to handsome! The ladies love me!" Zeck said terrified of this.
"You stole my sacred helmet. Hunted my daughter, your fates our sealed." Shredder said coming out of the shadows.
"No no! Shredder! How long have we known eachother? It is ten years! huh?" Ivan asked not wanting this to happen. Stockman made some adjustments and put the warthog DNA in the mutagen.

"Anton Zeck is first. For stealing the Kuro Kabuto." Shredder ordered. Zeck looked terrified as he was on the edge of the tank.
"Can we talk about this g?!" Zeck begged before he was pushed into the mutagen finally. Ivan looked on with horror as he watched his comrade scream in pain within the tank, his body twitched and turned as the mutagen turned him into a Warthog mutant, the tank opened up and Zeck fell into a net that caught him as he was now mutated fully.
"Oh no! Look at me! I'm a dang warthog!" Zeck said terrified looking at himself.

"And now, Ivan Steranko, my" Old friend." Your animal is apropos." Shredder said as his creature came on screen.
"Let us become reasonable! I am more useful to you as normal guy! Not mutant!" Ivan begged, Shredder looked over to his men and they nodded in understanding. Rahzar knocked Ivan into the mutagen and he screamed as he fell into it.

Zeck watched in horror from below as Ivan was being mutated completely as well, the tank opened up and Ivan came falling down completely mutated into a rhino like mutant.
"Oh.. don't feel so well.. Oh Nyet.. look at me!!" Ivan said in horror.
"They've turned us into freaks!" Zeck shouted as he and Ivan made roars of anger.

Spike's head suddenly hurt as he could feel something was wrong.
"Spike? Are you okay?" Donnie asked worried as they were making they're way back to the base.
"No.. something's wrong.. somethings very wrong.." Spike said worried as he could feel something off..

50: The Pig and Rhino

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Beneath Shredder's lair, Zeck and Ivan were still horrified on what they had become, a mutant warthog and Rhino.

"Look at me! You turned me into a dang pig! I don't wanna be a pig! Ladies hate pigs!" Zeck said horrified of himself.
"Oh, you mutate me into giant talking Rhino?! You will pay for me Shredder!" Ivan shouted as he and Zeck jumped above the ground and roared at Shredder with rage. Shredder's men were about to attack until Shredder stopped them.
"No, i will deal with them myself." Shredder instructed.

Zeck powered up his tech and started dancing around and firing lasers from his chest belt. Shredder instantly slid under them and delivered a strong punch to Zeck's chest and coughed roughly, Ivan got down on all fours and charged head first at him, but Shredder grabbed his horn and tripped his leg before sending him flying back into Zeck and they groaned in pain.

"Ivan Steranko, Anton Zeck, you will either serve me, or fall by my hand." Shredder threatened looking down at them.
"Ugh.. being a pig foes have limited employment options, the bacon's in.." Zeck said reluctantly.
"Da.. We serve you Shredder, for now. What is it you want us to do?" Ivan asked curious.
"You found my daughter once, you will find her again. Fail me, and i will introduce you to new forms of pain." Shredder threatened which made them both afraid...

Spike and the others made it back to their base for now to think of a way to find Karai, Mikey was watching more Crognard again which just made him wonder how many show's there are that just foreshadows what's gonna happen in their latest adventures, Leo turned the Tv off much to Mikey's disappointment.
"Let's get this meeting started." Leo announced as Donnie was typing on a computer.

"Alright, i got things to do, and bad guys to bust up." Raph said confidently.
"Karai's still out there, the last thing she said to Spike was the word comet." Leo explained as Spike slithered into the room with some food.
"She pointed east and told me it, any ideas on where that's supposed to lead?" Spike asked sitting down near his mom.
"It could be a location, maybe that's where she's hiding out." April suggested.
"I sense that could be the case.." Psiona said with interest.
"It could be, Donnie's found three locations with the words comet in them. D?" Leo asked looking at him.

"We got Comet Cleaners on Bleecker Street here, Earth vs the Comet Creeps is playing at the Argosy theater here, and then we got the Coney Comet roller coaster on Coney island here." Donnie explained as he showed them images of each place.
"Ooh ooh ooh! Can i check out the comet roller coaster?! Please?!" Mikey begged making big eyes before Leo pushed him away.
"Donnie, April and Jaqueline, you take Comet Cleaners. Raph, Casey and Psiona, you take the movie theaters, Mikey , Spike and I will check out Coney island." Leo explained.
"Aw yeah boy!" Mikey said excitedly.
"At least we have a clue to where she is.." Spike said hoping they'd find her.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find her." Jaqueline assured patting his back and Spike smiled at her in response.

Donnie tossed them some sprayers of retro mutagen for them.
"I have just enough retro mutagen brewed for 4 doses, each team gets one, the extra one will be for Spike." Donnie said tossing them each one.
"It'll be weeks before i make more." Donnie said as Raph looked at his.
"In other words don't waste it, got it." Raph said loading his up.
"I'll keep this safe, don't you worry." Psiona said with a growl holding hers close.

"Karai and Spike's condition are unique, there's no guaranteed this will work on you guys." Donnie said turning to Spike who looked worried at that.
"All we can do is try Donnie." April assured.
"If it's a chance i won't be a mutant anymore, we should at least take it." Spike said hoping they could find a way to fix them both..

Zeck and Ivan were searching through the rooftops again now searching for Karai, Anton landed on a door stand and Ivan charged through it with his horn.
"Man Steranko, you are one ugly horn headed, Jurassic looking fool." Zeck taunted.
"I am Rhinoceros." Ivan said as he ripped the door handle out and threw it far away and a pig shriek was heard.

"Listen comrade Zeck, forget Karai. We must destroy turtles instead. For what they did to me.. i mean us." Ivan corrected himself.
"Your right big S, if they hadn't interfered at the docks, none of this would've happened! I saw we comb those turtles wings back, clip it, and come the wigs back again!" Zeck said with rage.
"I say we splits up, track them down and squish them where they stands." Ivan said with an evil grin.
"Shoot my piggy nose is better then a bloodhounds, i just need to catch a whiff." Zeck said as he slid on over to another rooftop with some more gadgets and looked around.
"Oh snap! I distinctly smell aroma de turtle, and a beaver.." Zeck said with a crazy laugh.

Donnie, April and Jaqueline just got done searching they're end and went back to searching.
"Well there's one place down.." Jaqueline said in disappointment.
"Yeah, no sign of Karai, the place is abandoned." Donnie said in agreement.
"Well i'll call Leo and Spike to let them know, maybe they had better luck." April said pulling out her T phone until her mind went off again.

"April, what's wrong?" Jaqueline asked worried.
"Someones.. someone's watching us." April said seriously and they all pulled out they're weapons.
"Where are they?" Jaqueline asked seriously holding out her hammer, she focused her mind to try and sense this person, a puddle step was heard which gave her an idea.
"Hmm, guys i don't see any.." Donnie said right before someone punched him down making a loud laugh.

"Old what's his name? Baxter Stockhead, he fixed my invisibility tech, wow to the wow to the wow, to the wee..." Zeck said before April and Jaqueline hit him right in the face revealing his presence.
"Oh man how'd you find me?!" Zeck asked annoyed.
"I could sense you, your invisibility tech doesn't work for me!" Jaqueline said twirling her hammer around.
"Not to mention you don't shut up. Who is this guy Donnie?" April asked looking back at them.
"He was a thief named Zeck, looks like he got a little mutated." Donnie said in surprise.
"A little?" Jaqueline asked raising her eyebrow before they both charged at him.

Zeck danced around using 80's dance moves and shot some strange stuff which pinned April to the wall.
"Ugh! Is this glue?!" April asked in shock.
"You think you can take me?! I will drop you like an ex girlfriend! Whoo!" Zeck shouted as he dodged Donnie's staff. Jaqueline swung her tail at him again and knocked him down in annoyance.
"Your skills are weak pig head! " Donnie shouted as he tried attacking him more, but Zeck dodged his attacks again and shot him in the face.

"Donnie!" April and Jaqueline shouted with worry, Zeck went over to check his face.
"No worries, my hip lasers were set to stun. We need to alive to bait out the turtle bros." Zeck mocked as April tried escaping.
"Jaqueline, get out of here! Warn Spike!" April shouted as she was backing up.
"Got it!" Jaqueline shouted as she took out a smoke bomb and disappeared much to his annoyance.
"Aw man! How do they do that?!" Zeck asked annoyed at this, Zeck went over and found Donnie's T phone and got an idea on where he was going, he called Ivan and told him where the others are heading as he and April will head after Leo, Mikey and Spike.

Raph, Casey and Psiona were searching through the theaters in order to find her, Psiona looked at the movie and scoffed.
"Not every alien is peaceful, some are just meant to destroy." Psiona said shaking her head.
"This movie got a 6/10 review anyway, so it's not anything special." Casey added as they all went outside.

"Eh, these ooze specs aren't working right. Maybe i should call Donnie." Raph said taking out his phone.
"It's not your specs dude, we searched every inch of the place. Karai's definitely not here." Casey pointed out.
"I couldn't sense her here either, so maybe my son will have better luck." Psiona said right before her head alerted her of something.
"What's wrong?" Raph asked as she opened her eyes.
"Someones coming." Psiona said seriously as she readied herself, and that was soon realized as a large Rhino monster landed down in front of them.

"Well well well, comrade Zeck make good on info. Turtle here.. and strange human friend.. and large cyborg dragon.." Ivan said in fear seeing her tower over him.
"Whoa! Another mutant? Dudes, he's kind of rad!" Casey said impressed putting on his mask.
"Rad, and strong!" Ivan shouted as he picked up a car and threw it to them, Psiona caught it with one hand and sliced it in half.
"This should be interesting." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade again as the others charged at him.

Raph ran straight to him and tried delivering an air punch, but he was simply punched down to the ground again, Raph tried punching him until Ivan delivered a stronger punch knocking him to a wall. Casey now joined in and used his exploding pucks but that did nothing.
"The July of forth, Fireworks do you nothing!" Ivan shouted as he charged at him.
"Well let's see what Casey does, Goongala!!"" Casey shouted throwing his bat at him, but it shattered on impact easily.
"Okay that didn't work.." Casey said surprised right before Ivan punched him straight to the theater.
"No Casey!" Raph shouted in horror, Ivan snarled at him and proceeded to lift him up with his horn and throw him to the ground before throwing him to the wall and knocking him out.

"Raph!" Psiona shouted with worry.
"Raph! Wake up Raph!" Casey begged trying to wake him up. He turned around after hearing a voice and saw Ivan delivering a strong punch that knocked him out as well.

"No!" Psiona shouted with rage as Ivan turned to him.
"Give it up dragon lady, you are no match for my power!" Ivan said as he made a rhino roar and charged at him, Psiona snarled at him and once he came close enough, she stopped him instantly with one hand.
"What?!" Ivan asked shocked as she began pushing him back with rage.

"Do i look like i need your power?!" Psiona said with rage before she picked him up by the horn again and delivered a strong punch to his chest, she then punched him repeatedly in the face before kicking him in the air and sending him flying to the rooftop.
Psiona made a loud roar of rage and opened up her wings, she then took off at fast speeds heading to warn Spike and the others.

Spike, Leo and Mikey were searching around the abandoned park as there was nobody here at all.
"Man, this is creepy huh?" Spike asked a little scarred looking around.
"I know! But it's so cool! Leo, can we go on the Wheel of Fun? Or Whirlwind?" Mikey asked excitedly.
"You promised you wouldn't mess around Mikey, seriously, we don't wanna scare Karai off." Leo said as he moved ahead.
"He's right, with Shredder tracking her, she's always on her guard here, we need to be careful." Spike said searching around the place.

"But she's gotta know we're here by now right? Why doesn't she just come out?" Mikey asked confused.
"Maybe she's not in her right mind. Or maybe she'll lose control and attack us. I feel so bad for her." Leo said with regret.
"Yeah, being a snake is rough right now. At least i have some control of my mind, hers is far more unstable.. we need to help her.." Spike said worried as well.
"No sign of her, let's hope the guys have other luck." Leo said as Karai was watching them from another place but knocked something over and quickly slithered off.
"Whoa! Dudes! I think i just saw her!" Mikey shouted pointing in a specific direction.
"Karai!" Spike shouted as he slithered on after her with the others.

They moved quickly until they found her going inside a spooky looking ride as lightning flashed over it for dramatic affect.
"She went into the ghost house.." Mikey said with fear..
"I'll stay here and wait if she comes out, be careful guys." Spike said standing near the door.
"You too, keep an eye out okay?" Leo asked as he and Mikey went inside with Mikey looking scarred.

Leo and Mikey searched in the spooky place trying to find her.
"Uh.. this place isn't so bad.." Mikey said nervously before a cardboard monster came out suddenly and scarred them both.
"It's just a painted board.." Leo said right before a monster head appeared besides him and he screamed in fear and sliced it off.
"Haha ha.. that didn't scare me at all.." Mikey said nervously before he saw a monster painting and screamed in fear.
"Have you been working out..?" Mikey asked nervously before they heard some faint hissing until they saw Karai moving around.

Leo and Mikey were behind another wall trying to be quiet, Leo pulled out the retro mutagen and saw her right behind the corner. He pulled the trigger and fired it at her, but it was revealed to be a mirror as Karai was behind another one. Karai saw them and hissed at him before slithering off again.
"Mikey don't let her escape!" Leo ordered as he ran after her.

Spike was waiting outside for them to get back until he heard someone call him.
"Spike!" Jaqueline shouted as he saw her land down in front of him looking worried.
"Jaqueline? What's wrong?" Spike asked worried as she breathed heavily.
"Donnie and April, they were captured by a mutated Zeck! He's become a weird pig like monster." Jaqueline said in fear.
"What?! What about the others?" Spike asked worried. They heard a loud roar again and saw Psiona coming down to them from a shot of the moon.

She landed down creating an impact looking worried as well.
"Mom? Your here too?!" Spike asked coming up to her.
"I got here as soon as i could, me Raph and Casey were ambushed by a mutated Ivan, he turned into a strange Rhino monster. I came here as fast as i could.." Psiona said with worry.
"Ivan and Zeck both got mutated?" Jaqueline asked in shock as Spike suddenly realized something.

"Wait.. first there was Dogpound and Fishface, Dogpound was turned into Rahzar. And now he's got a mutant pig an rhino as two new henchmen. You'd think Fishface would turn into a snapping turtle or something." Spike pointed out which confused them.
"What are you trying to say son?" Psiona asked confused.
"I'm just saying, it's a little weird that he's kinda replaced those two when he's had them for a lot longer you know?" Spike asked until they heard a loud hiss.

They suddenly saw Karai come out and slithering off fast.
"Karai!" Spike shouted as he hurried after her, Leo and Mikey came out of the house and the other two did the same. Karai slithered through the place at fast speeds until a chain stopped her path.
"Karai we wanna help you! Don't you remember us?" Leo asked worried, Karai hissed at them and lunged at Spike.
"Karai don't! It's me Spike! Please try and remember!" Spike begged as Karai made another hiss, but she stopped finally and recognized him.
"Spike? Leo..." Karai said weakly as she went over to a corner looking down ashamed.

"We wanna help you, can you transform back?" Leo asked hopefully, Karai looked down sadly as she couldn't do it.
"Karai.." Spike said with regret as he tried to comfort her. But a loud sound was heard which startled her and she quickly ran off.
"Karai!" Leo shouted with worry.
"We'll find her later, come on!" Psiona shouted as they quickly crouched down and saw a van come out.

The doors opened and they saw Zeck looking around.
"Are you here yet Steranko, what's the deal yo?" Zeck asked in a communicator device.
"Da comrade, look behind you." ivan announced and Zeck saw him carrying Raph and Casey.
"Whoo, Rhino legs are fast, good workout. Better then the Pilates." Ivan said walking up to him and opening the vans doors.

"You can't do this! We have friends that are gonna kick your butts!" April shouted as he threw Casey and Raph in before closing the doors.
"So, other turtles, dragon, beaver and snake are here?" Ivan asked turning to Zeck who turned on his scanner.

"Turtles! Come out and play!" Zeck mocked searching for them, Psiona and Jaqueline hid on a high ground waiting for the right time to attack. Zeck looked around and found Mikey hiding behind a corner.
"Gotcha. If you surrender, the humans go free." Zeck offered.
"Pinkie promise." Ivan said mockingly.
"Oh trust me, if you broke that, Pinkie would NOT let you live it down." Spike said recalling the times that did happen.
"And you can forget it! We'll never do it!" Mikey said as Leo and Spike were nearby.

"You have no choice! In five seconds, i pop humans heads like blueberries." Ivan threatened.
"A four! three, two, one!" Zeck shouted as Leo made hand gestures and the two understood what he meant and Mikey came out.

"Okay don't hurt em! Let's talk this over! Um.. what do we call you guys now anyway?" Mikey asked curiously. The two looked at eachother confused on what that meant.
"You need mutant names." Mikey said as Leo and Spike were getting ready to jump them.
"Um and it just so happens i am awesome at naming stuff. how about.." Mikey said as he looked at a food stand.
"Pork Rind and Chili Cheese Fry?" Mikey suggested
"Eh.. not so good names.." Ivan said crossing his arms.

"How about.." Mikey said as he looked at another one.
"Sprinkles and hot sauce?" Mikey asked confused on that( who combines those two items anyway? That sounds gross).
"Nyet." Ivan said with anger as Mikey looked at another one.
"The Royal weenies?" Mikey said nervously.
"Nyet!" Ivan shouted again as the two looked mad at him.
"How about um.." Mikey said as he saw their van's logos.
"Bebop and Rocksteady!" Mikey suggested.

"Is that what you do? Randomly name enemies based on stuff you see around you?" Bebop asked upset at him.
"Hey, it's not so bad. Kinda like the Rocksteady." Rocksteady said liking that name.
"Ugh.." Bebop said annoyed as he used his scanner and saw Leo and Spike near the back of the van.
"Aha! You think you can pass my goggles son? I saw you a mile away!" Bebop mocked, Spike hissed at him and response and whipped him back.

"Then why don't we make some fried pork?!" Spike hissed readying his fire breath.
"No one can face.. the Bebop and Rocksteady!" Rocksteady said confidently.
"I am not gonna be called Bebop okay?! That is the dumbest name ever!" Bebop said annoyed( Isn't that something he'd like though? His moves are 80's like and that names sounds like one from the 80's..)

"He's got the retro mutagen!" Mikey said in fear as he held it out.
"Retro mutagen huh? i wonder what it'll do to mutant turtles?" Bebop asked holding it at them.
"Don't do it Bebop!" Mikey warned looking afraid.
"Don't call me that name! I hate that name! I hate that name!" Bebop said with anger, a roar was suddenly heard again and they looked up and saw Psiona charging down at them.
"How about Cracked Skull?!" Psiona shouted as she delivered a strong punch to his face and knocked him down hard. Jaqueline landed on the ground and pulled out her weapon.

Rocksteady suddenly realized something and looked at the retro mutagen.
"Bebop wait! Think with the brain for once! Retro mutagen can turn us human again!" Rocksteady pointed out.
"Wow! I didn't even think of that! Let's do the dizzle, and stop calling me Bebop yo!" Bebop said annoyed before aiming it at himself.
"Nyet! Why do you get to be using it?!" Rocksteady asked taking it away.
"You did not just.." Bebop said trying to take it back.
"Give it back!" Rocksteady said as they struggled with eachother.
"I had it first!" Bebop shouted with anger.
"Nyet, nyet, nyet!" Rocksteady shouted with annoyance.

"We need a better distraction." Leo whispered as he saw them fighting. Karai suddenly landed down in front of them and hissed at them, Karai shot some acid at Rocksteady's face which caused him to drop the retro mutagen and smash it.
"Get back here snakey snake!" Bebop shouted as she went into the house.
"Karai!" Spike shouted as he slithered after them both.

"Leo opened the door and he and Psiona started helping them out.
"Leo! Psiona!" April said in relief.
"Sorry it took so long April, i'll have you free in no time." Leo said cutting her free as Psiona helped Donnie up.
"Thanks guys." Donnie said gratefully.
"Ugh my aching brain.. what hit me?" Raph asked rubbing his head as he and Casey woke up.
"It was that huge rhino dude, right there!" Casey shouted as Rocksteady groaned in pain.

"Turtles? Free?!" Rocksteady asked with anger, he made another roar and charged at them again. Psiona caught him with both her claws once again.
"I've had about enough of you!" Psiona shouted as she started tossing him around, Jaqueline took out her hammer and twirled it around.
"Take this!" Jaqueline shouted as she hit him right in the face and it sent him flying to another stand.

"What do we do Leo?" Donnie asked worried.
"You 4 go after Karai and Spike, Raph, Jaqueline, Mikey and i will take Rocksteady." Leo ordered as Rocksteady got up again and saw Raph with the retro mutagen.
"Hey Rhino man! You want some retro mutagen?!" Raph shouted as the three ran off with Rocksteady chasing him.

Casey and the others just made it to the ghost house and looked at it.
"Whoa, wicked! This was my favorite fun house as a kid." Casey said amazed before they went inside.

Spike was dodging lasers from Bebop as they went through the house.
"You think you can take me you snake?! I've got moves way ahead of you!" Bebop mocked as he danced around firing more lasers at him.
"Oh, you think you can beat the swift moves of a snake?" Spike countered as he flipped around like nothing was wrong.
"Is that a challenge fool? You challenging me?" Bebop said stopping his attacking for a moment and Spike looked at him.

"Dance fight!" Spike announced as Michael Jackson's Bad started playing and started tapping his tail to the beat.
"Oh ho! It is on! And i love this song!" Bebop shouted as he started dancing to the beat of the song and started firing at Spike, Spike slid under the laser fire twirling around with swift moves.
"I've had my fair share of dance lessons from Mikey!" Spike said making swift moves as he went through the mirror house. Bebop made more Michael Jackson sounds as he shot his Mohawk blade at him, but Spike jumped right over it before it hit him and whipped him in the face.
"Not bad, but how about this?!" Bebop shouted as he put his hands on the ground and twirled his legs in the air while shooting more lasers at him, Spike ducked his hand bopped his head around listening to the beat some more, he swiftly flipped over the lasers and twirled around on the ground.
"Nice try, but.." Spike said right before he coiled around him and threw him straight out of the house and he groaned as he was on the ground.
"I think that's a wrap, who's bad now dude?!" Spike said casually as the music stopped.
"Respect dude.." Bebop said weakly giving a thumbs up before falling back down.

April and the others just arrived to see what happened.
"Spike? What just happened?" Jaqueline asked as they saw Bebop on the ground.
"Eh, just a little fun while fighting him." Spike said with a proud smile.
"Wow, nice job Spike.." April said impressed with his work.
"Where did that music even come from anyway?" Casey asked confused and Donnie shook his head having no idea either.

Psiona was fighting Rocksteady again alongside Mikey and the others while on a roller coaster that Mikey activated. Rocksteady was about to come in the way of the coaster before Psiona lunged at him and pinned him to the ground.
"Gotta admit, this has been fun honestly!" Psiona said as she grabbed his horn and started twirling him around.
"But i think it's time we end this, so long Rocksteady!" Psiona shouted as she threw him into the air and, Leo Raph and Mikey took him down delivering strong kicks to his face and sent him crashing down. Psiona finished him off by grabbing him again and tossing him far away, this sent him flying into Bebop right as he got up and it tossed them and the van over and they both groaned in pain as they were defeated.

"Everyone okay?" Donnie asked as all of them got up.
"I think i sprained a leg or two.." Casey said taking off his mask.
"Karai, i know your here, you can come out. You don't have to be afraid anymore." Leo said looking around for her.
"We're here for you Karai, please come out." Spike begged looking for her too. Karai peaked around a corner and slithered up to them.

"Karai.." Spike said sadly as he came up to her too as they both had the chance to turn back now.
"We can help you two, with this." Leo said as he held up a sprayer and Psiona took out hers as well.
"Hold still son.." Psiona said as they hoped this would work, they both pulled the switches and they were sprayed with the retro mutagen.. but nothing happened and they were still stuck as snakes..

"No.." Spike said in fear as he saw he was still a mutant.
"It doesn't work, Donnie?" Leo asked looking at him.
"Why didn't it work?" Jaqueline asked worried for them.
"I told you guys, Karai and Spike are special. They're not normal mutants." Donnie explained and Spike sighed sadly.
"It was all for nothing?" Raph asked upset at this.

"It doesn't matter. You can come home with us Karai, we'll take care of you, i promise." Leo assured coming up to her.
"No.. too dangerous.. my mind is.. going.." Karai said as she started to leave.
"Karai, please, we can help you.." Spike begged as he hoped she would stay.
"If that's true then.. why did you want us to find you?" Leo asked confused on this.
"Wanted to say.. goodbye.. to all of you.. try to save Spike's mind for me.. before he loses his too.." Karai said as she slithered off and jumped into the water.

"No! Karai!" Leo shouted as they looked over it.
"Karai.." Spike said sadly as they couldn't find her anywhere.
"We'll find a way son.. i promise.." Psiona assured giving him a hug.
"No matter how long it takes.." Jaqueline said joining in on it.
"Thank you guys.." Spike said gratefully holding them close.

"We'll find a way to help you two, i promise." Leo assured as well as he looked over he water, April looked over to another place.
"Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are gone." April said worried as no one was there.
"Ah let em go, next time i see em, they won't walk away." Raph said determined.
"And Rocksteady won't have his horn when i'm through with him." Psiona said clutching her hand with anger.
"Come on guys, let's go home.." Mikey said sadly as they all went back to think about all of this. Spike was upset that they couldn't turn them back.. and if Karai's mind is going.. even with his powers... will his mind go too? Spike thought over all of this and hoped one day they could fix all of this..

51: Battle for New York part 1

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It was another night inside the hideout of Spike and the turtles, they were all trying to figure out how to take back the city, and restore Spike and Karai to normal, it was a tough thing to do now that they know the retro mutagen doesn't work on them, so they need to find an alternative.

Mikey was humming a tune as he was in Donnie's lab and was gathering a bunch of random chemicals across multiple areas
"Hmm.. i do believe this plutonium should react flawlessly with the sodium bicarbonates. What do you think professor Ice cream kitty?" Mikey asked in a British voice turning to him, he made another cat meow in response as he had glasses on him.
"Then perhaps we should add this hyperbole solution to Donnie's retro mutagen." Mikey said as Spike slithered inside with Donnie wondering what all the noise was.. until they was what Mikey was doing and looked shocked.

"Mikey.. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SHELL/ S***?!?!" Donnie and Spike shouted furious at him at once.( One of my favorite Donnie moments in the show).
"Pimposh and Tut Tut my good people!" Mikey dismissed as Spike was hissing with anger at him.
"I've been brewing that retro mutagen for Spike for months! Oh if you ruin it i swear!" Donnie warned furious with him.
"I will make sure you have no pizza for the next month Mikey!" Spike warned making another hiss at him.
"Hold on dudes, i got this." Mikey assured as he was about to pour it in, but Spike and Donnie tried taking it away which caused a drop to fall into the mutagen making them gasp in shock.

The drop went into the mutagen and didn't seem to do anything right now.
"Phew.." Spike and Donnie said with relief, but the chemicals started glowing and reacting strongly.
"Oh, oh no Mikey!" Donnie shouted in fear.
"What did you do?!" Spike screamed as they backed into a corner as the mutagen was glowing violently.
"It's gonna explode!!" Donnie shouted in a high pitched voice.

They all screamed as the thing looked like it exploded.. but it stopped and looked completely normal.
"What?" Spike asked shocked seeing this.
"Aw well, that was weak." Mikey said disappointed, Spike hissed at Mikey and he and Donnie both tackled him to the ground.
"Are you trying to blow us up?!" Spike asked mad at him as loud meowing was heard.
"We are going to teach you such a lesson!" Donnie shouted right before Splinter came in, slammed his staff against Donnie's head, twisted Spike's body, and pinned them to the ground holding all their heads.
"What is going on in here?" Splinter asked looking at them as April and Jaqueline walked in.

"What was all the noise here?" Jaqueline asked confused.
"And since when could retro mutagen do that?" April asked as they saw sparkles coming from it all.

Donnie did a microscopic check on it and it turned out the retro mutagen was working even stronger then before.
"Wow! it's bonding rate is phenomenal! Haha! I can't believe it! This will save me months of lab work! Okay let me see.." Donnie said as he took out the pad.
"One small drop.. and i can transform an entire vile of mutagen into retro mutagen! Ha!" Donnie said completely amazed.

"Mikey.. your amazing!" Donnie said turning to him.
"I will admit, this was awesome dude." Spike said impressed at this.
"I know.." Mikey said as he was playing with food.
"Wow did we step into some kind of alternate dimension here?" Raph asked confused.
"It is not likely for this to happen.. ever..." Psiona said looking at the retro mutagen. Donnie came up and asked him how exactly he did it..

"Uh.. i think i added a bunch of stuff like.. urunate, analyte, uh moronic acid, and some uh.. garlic cappuccino pizza?" Mikey suggested and Spike shook his head.
"Nope, same dimension." Raph said correcting himself.
"Not surprising honestly." Spike said crossing his arms.
"Are you kidding me? You do ONE awesome thing today, and you can't even remember how you did it?!" Donnie asked frustrated.
"You couldn't have even recorded it or something?" Jaqueline suggested, and Mikey slapped his head in realization he could've done that.

"Donatello, be glad the Michelangelo's Tomfoolery yielded the gift that it did. Focus on the goal at hand, find all of the transformed people of New York and bring them back." Splinter said looking out of the window.
"But sensei we don't even know what happened to them." Leo pointed out.
"I think i know, they were taken to Dimension X, i can see them in my dreams.. millions of mutated humans.. trapped there.." April said worried as she could see them now.
"I've sensed them too, they are not here, the only way to save them all, is getting to Dimension X." Psiona said seriously.

"So we drop into TCRI, break into their portal and zap ourselves to Dimension X." Raph said crushing his knuckles.
"Yo we can do this! We can save New York!" Mikey shouted in victory.
"And i've got the perfect invention to storm Dimension X!" Donnie said confidently.

We cut to all of them on another rooftop looking at a regular water tower.
"This is it?" Jaqueline asked confused.
"A water tower? That's you new invention?" Leo joked which made all of them laugh.
"Oh wow, that's one giant step for turtle kind Donnie, nice." Raph teased.
"It's not exactly what it appears to be.." Donnie said annoyed
"I can just fly there you know? I know my ways around that world." Psiona offered before Leo saw something.
"Get down!" Leo shouted and all of them took cover as another ship passed by.

They all peaked in from the shadows and saw multiple Kraang droids.
"They're scanning for humans.." Leo whispered as they could see a scanner nearby.
"We can't let them mutate those poor people, who's up for some bot smashing?" Psiona asked turning her arm into a cannon again.
"Oh, you are the best mind reader Psiona." Raph said taking out his weapons, Spike made a hiss again and got into his fighting pose, and Jaqueline took out her hammer as all the others got they're weapons out.

A couple was just discovered by the Kraang and were about to be mutated. Just before the droid mutated the humans everyone threw they're weapons at the bot and destroyed it just as Leo pushed the two out of the way.
"Are you two alright?" Leo asked before the couple screamed in fear.
"Alien turtles!" The woman shouted as they ran off.
"Wow.. talk about rude..." Spike said surprised slithering up to him.
"Yeah nah it's cool, it's not like we saved they're lives or anything." Leo said sarcastically.

More droids aimed they're weapons at them and they both drew they're weapons.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as they all dropped in on the bots. Psiona tore a bot to pieces easily and burnt the brain to ash, and Jaqueline hit another bot in the brain knocking it out while the others took down the rest.
"Let's kick some Kraang!" Raph said seriously as they charged at even more bots.

Spike jumped onto another wall and flipped over to a bot and slashed it to pieces, Mikey threw up some craters for cover and Donnie jumped in the air and slashed at some more.
"Coming at you Raph!" Donnie shouted as he threw the brain in the air and Raph punched it into another bot. A security drone came up to them and started firing everywhere at them.
"My turn!" Psiona shouted as she made a loud roar and started tearing the arms off piece by piece, she finished the thing off by slicing it to pieces with her blade tail and burning it to ashes again.

"That all you got?!" Raph shouted before he saw even more bots coming through the streets.
"Apparently not!" Raph shouted as all of them were backing up. Psiona stood in the way between all of them and made out a low growl.
"Leave this planet, or i will roast you all for dinner!" Psiona threatened shooting some fire from her mouth.
"Destroy her!" A droid shouted as they all started shooting at Psiona. She took out her arm cannon and fired at a large group and slashed more behind her with her tail, she flipped around in the air before crushing more heads with her strength, she made an even louder roar as more were coming to them.

A droid was about to fire at them until a piece of bread hit a droid in the head.
"Oh bread!" A familiar voice shouted as they all saw a familiar mutant land down on the bot and take it down.
"Oh hiya fellas?" Pigeon Pete greeted.
"Who is that?" Jaqueline asked Spike. More bots were about to fire until a familiar alligator mutant ran through all of them and made a loud roar.
"Leatherhead!!" Spike and Mikey shouted in amazement. Psiona felt a familiar psychic energy to hers and saw a strange floating monkey mutant take control of the bots and made them destroy eachother.
"Doctor Rockwell?" Donnie asked shocked.
"Is he.. a psychic too?!" Psiona asked in shock as she could feel he was strong too.

Pete flew up into the air and grabbed the bread.
"Pigeon Pete?!" Raph asked in shock seeing him. More droids fired at them until a familiar shadow went through the bots and tore them apart, and it was revealed to be none other then.. Slash.
"Slash.." Leo said with anger as all of them stood together.
"Greetings turtles, long time no see." Slash greeted as Leatherhead made another loud roar.

They were all on the rooftop making their acquaintances.
"Raphael, good to see you brother, and the rest of you. Turtles.. Spike, meet my team, dedicated to fighting the Kraang. The Mighty Mutanimals! You already know my second in command" Slash said as they saw Leatherhead come up to the roof.
"Leatherhead!" Mikey and Spike said in relief as they came up and gave him a hug.
"It is good to see you too Michelangelo and Spike, all of you." Leatherhead said looking at them.

"Son.. do you know him?" Psiona asked walking up to them.
"Oh right, you haven't met yet. Leatherhead, this is Psiona, my.. mother." Spike introduced and he looked shocked.
"Your his.. mother?" Leatherhead said in shock.
"Yes, i know this is sudden, and it's a long story, but i will explain everything soon. You seem to know my son quite well." Psiona said looking at him( She and Leatherhead are about the same height).
"Yes, we've been good friends for a while, it is an honor to meet the mother of a great person." Leatherhead replied and she smiled at that remark.
"I look forward to teaming up with you more soon." Psiona said proudly as well.

"Spike? You know all these guys?" Jaqueline asked as she finally spoke up.
"And this my friends, is Jaqueline, my new GF, met her when we were in the woods recovering, she's got the ability to enter ones dreams." Spike said dramatically.
"You don't have to make it sound like that Spike." Jaqueline said rubbing his head a little..
"I am glad to know Spike has new friends, any friend of Spike's is a friend of mine." Leatherhead said holding out his hand and she shook it.
"Glad to meet you too." Jaqueline said gladly.

"Spike.. what happened to you brother? And why is your voice so.. so.." Slash said looking at his body.
"Deep? I suffered battle damage, and i was mutated with Karai by Shredder, i've only just started getting used to my body, haven't seen you in a while, you doing okay?" Spike asked slithering up to him.
"For what it's worth, i'm glad your okay, besides, this makes you more of a man now, your growing up on me." Slash said with a smile and Spike chuckled at that.
"Hey, time flies here doesn't it?" Spike said in response before Leo finally decided to interrupt this whole thing.

"Some leader you were back there Slash, using your teammate as bait!" Leo accused.
"You got a problem with that Leonardo?" Slash asked coming into his face.
"You attacked us! You tried to destroy us!" Leo pointed out.
"I wasn't right in the head then, it was the mutagen." Slash said in defense rubbing his head.
"He did help us, and everyone deserves a second chance." Mikey said trying to stop this.
"Not to mention he and his team have been fighting off the Kraang while we were recovering, you should at least be grateful for that." Spike said upset at Leo's rudeness.

"He's right, we trust him with our lives. Come, all of you, meet our benefactor. Then you will surely change your mind Leonardo" Leatherhead as they started to move.
"Come on Leo, let's just see what they've been doing, they may have a plan to help us save the people." Spike said as he slithered with them.
"He's right, what happened in the past with you and Slash doesn't matter right now, what matters is saving those humans." Psiona said in agreement going with them, Leo sighed annoyed as he knew they were right and decided to go with them.

They were all lead to a strange wearhouse that had all it's lights off.
"What is this place?" Jaqueline asked as they all suddenly ran off.
"Hello, is anyone there?" Psiona asked before a light turned on and they all got in their defense poses.

"Greetings Ninja Turtles, Spike." A familiar man greeted and they all had a look of shock as they saw a familiar friend of them.
"Kurtzman?" Leo asked confused as the lights came on.
"Good to see you boys, been a long time. And i see.. you have some interesting friends with you." Kurtzman said as he saw Psiona and Jaqueline.

"We thought you got mutated like the rest of New York." Raph said as they came up to him.
"I made it through, i tried to find you five but you were gone. Fortunately i found these noble warriors to help fight against the Kraang." Kurtzman explained walking up to them.
"I wouldn't call all of them noble.." Leo said looking at Slash and scoffed, Kurtzman turned to Psiona and got a good look at her.

"And you must be Spike's mother, i must say it is an honor to meet you, i've done my own research on you, it's fascinating on what you are capable of." Kurtzman said looking at her who was a little suspicious.
"How do you know about me?" Psiona asked looking at him in response.
"I have my experience with the Kraang, and i found you in their data, you escaped from their captivity correct?" Kurtzman asked as he pulled out some photos from before and she looked shocked.
"Yes but.. where.. how did you get these?!" Psiona asked shocked as she saw some with her son as an egg in them.
"Took some tough hacking, but i downloaded these pictures when i found data of you." Kurtzman said crossing his arms.
"He's being truthful mom, i wouldn't have even known you were alive if we didn't meet him, i owe him a great deal thanks to this." Spike said looking at her who was still trying to process all of this.

Kurtzman then turned to Jaqueline with interest as well.
"And we have a Dream Beaver here as well, this world just keeps getting more interesting, your the Desire beaver i'm guessing?" Kurtzman asked pointing at her chest symbol with the human skull and the thought bubble again.
"Um.. yes... my name is Jaqueline, but how do you know of me and my.. brothers?" Jaqueline asked hesitant on that last word.
"I'm a researcher Jaqueline, i know tons of stuff on strange creatures, including the Dream Beavers." Kurtzman explained.

"Okay, so now that introductions are out of the way.. do you have a plan to stop the Kraang?" Spike asked wanting to move things along.
"Yes i do, now listen up." Kurtzman said as he put out a slideshow with some new images on the screen.
"The Kraang have been spending the past few months building a mutagen missile, which they're gonna fire at the Earth itself." Kurtzman said as they saw more of the footage.. until they saw a weird one of a weird female mutant in his apartment.
"Um.. who is that?" Spike asked pointing at the picture, Kurtzman coughed and quickly turned to the next slide.
"Just ignore that." Kurtzman said showing them the last slide.

"Theirs enough mutagen in that payload.." Donnie said before Rockwell came in front of him.
"To mutate the earth into another dimension X." Rockwell finished.
"It's rude to finish other people's sentences Rockwell." Donnie said annoyed with him.
"Well clearly you'll have to speak faster Donatello." Rockwell countered making a smug.
"Oh snap!" Jaqueline said in shock giving him a high five.

"If you think i'm gonna work with this scrawny shelled.." Slash said looking at Leo.
"I've had way more experience as a leader then you!" Leo countered as all of them started arguing, Spike and Psiona's senses suddenly went off as they felt someone coming..
"Guys! Stop! Someone's coming!" Spike shouted drawing his sword.
"He's right! I don't know how but they found me!" Kurtzman said in fear as the door was burst down and they saw even more Kraang droids coming into the building.

"It is the one called the Turtles and Dragon, and it is the other ones calling themselves.. the Mighty Mutanimals, and it is also the one called.. P.. P .. p.. Psiona!" A droid shouted in fear and ran off again leading all of them confused.
"Was that the same droid from before?" Spike asked as a similar one did that before.
"You must have quite the name making them fear you like that." Leatherhead said turning to her.
You have no idea." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade
"Get em!" Slash shouted and all of them charged at the bots.

Psiona charged at the larger bots and was tearing through them easily as she's dealt with hundreds more before, Spike was using his snake hands to cut multiple droids apart and twirled around on the ground avoiding more lasers, Jaqueline smashed one with her hammer and was blocking more gunfire from the rest of them.
"Gotta love smashing Kraangdroids!" Slash said seriously as Donnie was running up some stairs twirling his staff around.
"Allow me Donatello." Rockwell said as he picked up some droids with his powers and threw them away.

While everyone was fighting Kurtzman saw his work was in danger.
"The Kraang intel!" Kurtzman shouted as he quickly went over and put all of the data in a chip, but screamed in pain as he got shot in the back.
"No!!" Leo and Slash shouted in horror.
"Mr Kurtzman! No!!" Pete shouted with horror as he was on the ground..

Spike saw all of this and was breathing heavily, Spike was feeling his rage build up as something snapped in just seeing that.
Spike started to growl with anger and his pupils shrunk as something triggered him, Spike made a loud hissing shriek which shocked all of them.
"Son?" Psiona asked worried as Spike hissed at the bots, Spike quickly slithered over to some bots and bit off their heads and shot some more fire at another group. Spike used his snake hands and quickly tore out the alien brains and snapped his jaws on them before throwing them across the area. Spike saw another Biotroid and made another hiss before tearing through that one with rage.
"What's wrong with him?" Jaqueline asked worried as Spike wasn't saying anything except loud hisses.
"He's lost control of his anger, it's just like what happened with me!" Leatherhead said in shock as he knew this exact feeling.

"Spike! Stop all of this! Everyone fall back!" Leo ordered as Leatherhead grabbed Kurtzman's body.
"Mutanimals, we're leaving!" Slash ordered as they started to leave. Spike ate another brain out of a droid and was slashing through all of them until Psiona grabbed him.
"Enough son! we'll make them pay soon!" Psiona shouted as she started dragging his body with her, Spike made another loud hiss as the droids fired at him, but his mind hurt suddenly as the pain stopped his anger and his eyes returned to normal.
"What.. what just happened?" Spike asked rubbing his head as he saw all of them were retreating.

All of them made it back to their base and was looking over Kurtzman's body, Spike was sitting on a chair just wondering what happened.
"Mom.. what happened to me back there?" Spike asked rubbing his head, Psiona sighed sadly and sat down next to him.
"You lost control of your mind son.. it was like.. you were in your own world.." Psiona said as Spike tried thinking how this happened.
"I'm sorry.. i just felt so much.. rage.. sadness.. and fear all at once as Kurtzman was shot.. and after that.. everything went blank.." Spike said looking at himself.
"This must be what Karai meant when she said to save your mind.. before you lose yours.." Jaqueline said as she joined in and sat down next to them.
"Does this mean.. i could lose control like that again?" Spike asked in fear of this.
"I don't know, but i'll do what i can to stop you.." Psiona assured as they all looked at Kurtzman's body.

"All the intel i have on this Kraang missile.. is on this drive.. You and the Turtles and Spike, must work together.." Kurtzman said weakly giving Leo the drive.
"I don't think that's a good idea.." Leo said looking at it.
"Whatever problems between you, but you both have a common purpose, we're running.. out of time.." Kurtzman said before he passed out.
"Jack! Is he.." Slash asked horrified as Splinter checked his pulse.

"No, he is fine. I am going to need to cauterize the wound." Splinter explained to all of them.
"We need alcohol, bandages, meds." April said seriously.
"I'm on it Red, there's a pharmacy down the street i'll hit for supplies." Casey said as he started to head out.
"The three of us will take care of him, all of you must unite and stop that missile before it is to late." Splinter instructed as they all looked at eachother.

Donnie was now in his lab with the others trying to come up with a plan
"I've got it! We can disable the guidance system or better yet.." Donnie said before Rockwell finished again.
"Hack into they're systems and send it somewhere where it can't do any harm!" Rockwell finished.
"You stupid psychic chump." Donnie said annoyed with him and Rockwell made monkey sounds in response.

"Okay, we ninja in from above, and we drop down and destroy the missile." Leo said coming up with a plan.
"Forget it! I say we do a ground attack, they won't even know what hit em." Slash countered and Spike rolled his eyes before finally deciding to stop their arguing..
"Guys! Enough! I know your upset at him Leo, but he has changed, i can feel it. How about this? The mutanimals will handle the ground assault, while we all take care of the missile? We can't argue with eachother like this when the world is on the line. Look at what the Kraang did to us, if they succeed in this, we won't be alive if they do! We all just need to put aside our differences, and stop all of this!" Spike said standing over all of them, they all looked at eachother and knew he was right given the stakes they are at right now.

"He's right, i'll go with the Mutanimals and help stop the Kraang, i have a few tricks up my powers that i want to try out again." Psiona said standing with them.
"Sounds good, come on guys, let's do this." Slash said as they all started to leave
"I like her." Leatherhead said looking at Psiona before they all left.
"Alright, now that that's settled, and ideas how we can do this Donnie?" Jaqueline asked looking at him.
"I've got just the thing for this." Donnie said confidently.

We cut to all of them back on the rooftop with the water tower and they groaned in annoyance.
"Not this again!" Raph said annoyed crossing his arms.
"Are we gonna flood the place?" Mikey suggested as Donnie climbed up it.
"Not exactly." Donnie said as he turned a wheel and they all watched in shock as air blew into the tower and it was revealed to be a new flying device for all of them.
"That is cool.." Spike said in amazement.
"I give you.. the Turtle Blimp!" Donnie announced as it flew into the air with the others looking at it in awe..

We cut to the sight where the missile was being built, the missile began to rise from the ground and Kraang Sub Prime walks into the group emerging into his giant mech suit.
"You guys are a bunch of rocks! Seriously! What's been taking so long?! It's been three months?! Sub prime asked frustrated grabbing a droids neck.
"Much of the Kraang's mutagen supply was spent in the invasion of the city that which is known as New York city." A droid said in defense.

"What is that with the" Kraang invasion of that which is known as New York City" What is that?! We've been here for thousands of years! You can't even speak proper English?!" He shouted shaking the droid around.
"Kraang does not understand the query known as Kraang Sub Prime's Query." The droid replied.
"I should vaporize your sorry pink tentacled butt for insubordinate.. what?!" Sub prime shouted as the droids were firing at something tearing through the droids.

Slash and the Mutanimals charged through the droids and took some more down.
"Come on fellas keep moving!" Slash ordered as they all charged into the fight.
"I am surrounded by incompetence Go! Hussle! Move it! Get them!!" Sub prime shouted as all of the droids charged at them.

A loud roar was heard suddenly and something landed on the ground crushing all of them, Sub Prime had a look of shock seeing the figure rise looking furious at him.
"Hello Sub Prime." Psiona greeted with anger.
"Well well well, if it isn't Psiona! It's been quite a long time hasn't it?!" Sub Prime said as he and her knew eachother VERY well.
"Decades if i recall, and i still remember the last time i tore your suit to pieces traitor." Psiona said with anger turning her arm into a blade again.
"Yeah, with upgrades that I gave you! You wouldn't be this powerful if it wasn't for me!" Sub prime shouted as Psiona growled even more.
"You tore out my own arm! You took me from my child and home dimension because of my powers! You.. will.. PAY!!!" Psiona screamed as she lunged at him and started repeatedly punching him with rage.

Sub prime turned his arm into a buzzsaw and clashed against her own blade.
"You were pathetic back in your world! No one would've missed you when we took you! Just like they would with your pathetic snake son!" Sub prime insulted which angered her even more.
"Oh you wanna see pathetic?! I'll show you pathetic!!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed the arm with her jaw and tore it off. Psiona made a loud roar and punched him back.
"Ahh! You don't know what your messing with!" Subprime mocked as she towered over him.
"Neither do you.." Psiona said as she put her hand on her head, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again revealing her pure white ones.

"What?" Sub prime asked in shock, she held out her hand and shot a mind wave to every single Kraang droid fighting the Mutanimals which stopped all of them.
"What?" Slash asked shocked as all of them stopped fighting and aimed their weapons at Sub Prime.
" Destroy the traitor known as Kraang Sub prime!" A droid shouted as all of them started firing at him much to his shock.
"Oh NOW they speak English properly! What did you do?!" Sub prime asked with rage as her eyes glowed white.
"Freed them from the hive mind." Psiona said in an ominous voice as Sub prime was trying to fight all of them off.

Spike and the others were watching this from the blimp with shock with what was happening.
"Mm.." Spike said in awe as she was handling this on her own.
"She just took control of all those bots..." Jaqueline said shocked seeing this.
"Well this gives us the chance, come on team!" Leo said as all of them took out some ropes and carefully landed onto the missile, they wrapped the ropes around eachother to keep them from falling off, Donnie was lowered down so he could cut open a window to the computer parts and tried figuring something out.

"Now according to Kurtzman's data, the missiles guidance systems uses a binary code." Donnie said looking at the data.
"Um guys.. what's worse then regular Kraang?" Mikey asked seeing something.
"Flying Kraang?! Everyone cover Donnie!" Leo ordered as he drew his swords again and they all got ready.

Subprime was being overwhelmed by all the enemy's shooting against him.
"What are you fools doing?! You are Kraang!" Sub prime shouted as he was being pushed back from all of them.
"Not anymore!" Psiona shouted as all of them were cornering him. But Sub prime saw he was right next to the console and grinned.
"If i'm going down, then this planet's going with me!" Sub prime shouted as he slammed on the launch button.
"No!!!" Slash and Psiona shouted with fear as the missile began to launch.

Psiona's fear turned into pure rage as she became even stronger.
"You monster!!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers to lift his body in the air.
"What?! Ahh!!" Sub prime shouted in pain as his body was being repeatedly twisted by her powers, Psiona roared again before she threw her hand in a direction which sent him flying across the street.
"Psiona! calm down! We gotta move now!" Leatherhead shouted which made her return to normal.
"Everyone move!" Slash shouted as they all started running off.

"Oh snap! Dudes!!" Mikey shouted as the missile was going to launch.
"Oh no.." Spike said in horror as he pushed down another droid.
"Hang on!!" Leo shouted as the missile began to launch into the sky.

All of them were screaming as they were going through the clouds.
"Not cool!!!" Jaqueline shouted as the droids tried attacking them, Spike coiled around the rest of the droids and threw them off the missile.
"Donnie make it quick! We're about to leave the atmosphere!" Raph shouted as all of them were going even higher.
"Stop pressuring me! Setting a course for the heart of the sun!" Donnie shouted as he put in the code and set the course which made the missile turn down a little and headed even higher up.

"Now what do we do?!" Mikey shouted in fear as Leo looked down.
"Jump!" Leo shouted as he let go of the rope.
"Hang on!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Jaqueline and they both jumped off along with the others. They all screamed as they were falling to the clouds and were beginning to catch fire.
"Activate Turtle gliders!" Leo shouted as he pulled a trigger on his belt, they all did the same thing and that opened up gliders that slowed down they're fall. They all screamed again as they were heading right towards the blimp before they bounced on the tarp and landed on the ledge as the missile exploded far away from the Earth.
"Wow, to close.." Mikey said in relief as they hung in the air.

"We did it.. we did it!!" Spike shouted in victory.
"We did! We won!!" Jaqueline shouted in victory as well.
"The Turtles and Spike did it, they did it! This calls for a loaf!" Pigeon Pete said as he took out a loaf and munched on it. Psiona finally calmed down and looked above them.
"They really did.." Psiona said in relief as all the droids were marching away.
"What about those guys?" Leatherhead asked looking at them ready to tear them apart.
"Don't worry about them, i gave them some specific instructions to follow, they won't be causing trouble again." Psiona said crossing her arms with a smile.

"I hope so, i must say Psiona, your powers accede even mine, how did you learn to do that?" Rockwell asked flying above her.
"Yeah, and you and Sub prime seem to know eachother, how?" Slash asked curiously and she looked down a little.
"He was the one who took me from my home.. He was the one who did this to me.." Psiona said looking at her cyborg/ dinosaur hybrid body and all of them looked shocked.
"I am.. sorry to hear that.. i know how it is.." Leatherhead said sadly.
"Don't worry.. as long as i have my son.. i'll be okay.." Psiona said looking at all of them before the blimp landed back down.

"Leatherhead! I thought i'd never see you again!" Mikey said in relief giving him a hug.
"Mom.. that was amazing back there... like always.." Spike said slithering to her again.
"You'll do even better then me one day son, i know it." Psiona said hugging him too.
"Absolutely!" Jaqueline said in agreement joining in on it.

"Nice job Pete, high five.. Ah! Too slow!" Raph mocked as Pete looked annoyed at his trick while Donnie was with Rockwell.
"You know.. i think there's room for two mutant geniuses in this city.." Donnie said rubbing his head.
"I concur, of course warm blooded mammals are considered far more intelligent then inferior cold blooded reptiles, burn." Rockwell teased chuckling at his joke.

"I gotta admit, i was wrong about you. Spike was right, it's all in the past." Leo said turning to Slash.
"Told you i changed Leonardo, i'm a different kind of turtle now." Slash said as they shook heads finally respecting eachother.
"Alright team, time to storm TCRI." Slash said seriously.
"We go to Dimension X, and save the citizens of New York!" Leo ordered as all of them began to move.
"Let's do this!" Spike shouted as all of them began heading to save the people as their final mission to save New York..

52: Battle for New York part 2

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Spike and the turtles were in the blimp with Psiona flying besides them, they were heading to the TCRI building to get to Dimension X right now.

"So do we even have a plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raph asked landing down next to Leo.
"It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals, first they brake into TCRI, then Doctor Rockwell activates the portal." Donnie explained as Mikey hanged upside down.
"And then it's back to Dimension X! Yeah boy! I get to be smart again!" Mikey said excitedly.

"I get the first part it makes sense, it's the save millions of New Yorkers part i don't get." Raph said still confused.
"Well Donnie's got his super retro mutagen. That'll work, uh.. right Donnie?" Leo asked hopefully.
"Heck yeah! And once change the humans back, Rockwell will home in on us with the Kraang portal, and teleport us all back to Earth.. hopefully.." Donnie said nervously.
"Yep, we're doomed." Raph said crossing his arms.

"I can't believe i'm going back to Dimension X, i never wanted to see that vile place again.." Psiona said as she could see the building in the distance.
"You spent years there right? And you said you knew Subprime, what happened there?" Spike asked as he rid on her back.
"It wasn't pleasant memories Son, with the monsters that are there, i had spent decades in there, fighting for my life, and i made myself a feared name within the Kraang, some would call me.. The Bringer of Death." Psiona said dramatically.
"Oho! Now that is a cool name!" Mikey said amazed.
"You took control of all those bots back there, how did you do that?" Donnie asked recalling what she did.

"My powers are beyond Rockwell's in what they can do, i was born with these, it's still unknown why i was though, even my own parents didn't know how.." Psiona said interested in all of this.
"Well, from the research i've done with April and Spike, they're not just normal , they're half alien mutants, and i'm guessing you had the same blood of this alien species." Donnie suggested which could be true.
"That could explain some things, but what i want to know is what these aliens were, and how they bonded their powers with my own blood.." Psiona said flying next to the blimp.
"Well i hope we find out soon, let's just hope Jaqueline and the Mutanimals can get that portal open." Spike prayed as they waited for the right moment.

Inside the TCRI building, the door to the portal room was burst down as Jaqueline and the Mutanimals arrived to activate it.
"What's up punks?!" Jaqueline shouted twirling her hammer around.
"Aw Kraang.." A droid said in shock.
"Mutanimals, ho!" Slash shouted as all of them charged at the bots.

Leatherhead began tearing through the bots with Jaqueline, Jaqueline smashed a bots head to pieces before doing a backflip and smashing another group down, Leatherhead came in the fight and grabbed her, he twirled her around like a cyclone and Jaqueline tore down more bots with him.
"For the Earth!!" Jaqueline shouted as Leatherhead made another loud roar.

"Doc! Get that portal up pronto!" Slash ordered as he tore through more bots to let Rockwell get to it.
"Hacking in now!" Rockwell said as he quickly typed on the console.
"Doc! Hurry it up!" Slash shouted as he blocked more gunfire with his shell and threw some bread to the bot who looked at it.
"Bread! Give me bread!" Pete shouted as he slammed down on the bot and took it down while Rockwell finished with the computer.
"The portal is up!" Rockwell shouted as the portal began to activate.
"Go get em Spike!" Jaqueline shouted as she chomped another bots head off.

The portal shot a beam into the sky which lead into Dimension X.
"Yes! They did it!!" Mikey said in victory.
"Unbelievable!" Leo said completely amazed.
"Hoist the mizzenmast lads! This pirate ships about to jack Dimension X!" Raph said seriously.
"Ready your oxygen converters guys!" Donnie instructed as all of them put them in, Spike put his in and saw Psiona didn't have one.

"Mom? You need one?" Spike asked as he held a spare out for her.
"I'll be fine, decades of time in that place and the experiments i went through allowed me to breath that worlds air normally, i have no need for it." Psiona said moving it away a little.
"Well.. i'll keep it just in case." Spike said putting it away.
"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey shouted as all of them began to fly into the portal heading to it..

Subprime had recovered from Psiona's attack and saw them heading to the portal.
"So those turtle freaks they can go into my home turf? Especially Psiona and that blasted son of hers?! Forget about it!" Subprime shouted as he took off into the skies after them. ( Gilbert Gottfried really was the best choice to play this character huh? What a legend).

Everyone screamed as they went spiraling around the portal again until they appeared in Dimension X again.
"Ugh.. i'll never get used to that.." Psiona said rubbing her head.
"Tell me about it.." Spike said shaking his head too as they saw they were back in Dimension X once again.
"Well.. welcome back to Dimension X." Leo announced as all of them got up. The camera pans upside down and they saw they were upside down before going back to normal as they saw tons of islands again.

"Phew.. well that's.. 23% better.." Donnie said a little relieved.
"Well i got a way of making it a thousand times better." Mikey said as Raph groaned in annoyance.
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as all of them were blinded by a smoke bomb ,and when it cleared, he somehow was in his suit he had from the first time they saw him here.

"Savage Mikey from Dimension X returns!" Mikey announced.
"Again with the costumes?!" Raph shouted annoyed with that.
"How did you even have those clothes with you?" Spike asked surprised.
"And how did you get so much of the crystals here too?" Psiona asked as well as he had more on his belt.
"A ninja never reveals his secrets." Mikey said casually crossing his arms.

"Let's just go with it. So uh Savage Mikey, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all the captive humans?" Leo asked wanting to move things along.
"Hold on, i can sense them nearby with my organic antenna." Mikey said as he focused on where they were much to they're confusion.
"Is he always like this?" Psiona asked looking at Spike who shrugged in response.
"That way!" Mikey shouted pointing in a specific direction.
"You heard him Donnie, full speed ahead!" Raph shouted as all of them started heading off to save the humans..

"We gotta keep that portal open! For the sake of the city!" Slash shouted as he and the others were fighting off the Kraang still.
"It's impossible! They just keep coming! And we're getting low on sourdough!" Pete shouted as he tried flying away from the lasers.
"Don't give up! We can keep going!" Jaqueline shouted as she smashed another down.

But things got tougher when the TCRI assistant entered the room with a couple Biodroids.
"Biodroids, Irmabots" She said as more clones of Irma came into the room.
"We are in a staggeringly phenomenal amount of danger." Rockwell said in fear as they were outmatched.
"Destroy the mutants!" She shouted as all the bots charged at them.
"Mutanimals! Don't let em near Rockwell!" Slash shouted as all of them proceeded to fight bots.

Jaqueline and Leatherhead tore through more bots the best they could as Pete was being overwhelmed by the Irmabots, Slash was trying to save him until a Biodroid came in and smashed him to the wall. Rockwell lifted up some guns with his powers and fired at more of them, but the Irma bots all stacked into a pyramid and the assistant jumped off them and hit Rockwell with a plasma whip which knocked off his helmet.
"My psychic Amplifier!" Rockwell said with fear as a Biodroid climbed up and grabbed him.
"Rockwell!" Jaqueline shouted with worry as she started being overwhelmed by the bots herself.

Spike and the others were flying through Dimension X still and were searching for the humans.
"So where are all the people? Feels like we've been searching forever.." Leo asked as he held out a telescope.
"You got any idea where we're going Mikey? For real?" Raph asked looking down from the top of the blimp.
"Of course i do dudes.." Mikey assured until they found a familiar alien worm charging at them.

"These freaks again?!" Spike asked in shock.
"It's a Kraathatrogon! Everyone man they're stations!" Donnie shouted as Raph got to a cannon.
"I've dealt with these freaks before! Hang on!" Psiona shouted as she made a loud roar at the monster, the monster roared back at her and that gave her the opportunity to shoot fire right into it's mouth, the monster chocked violently and roared in pain.
"You ain't so fireproof on the inside huh?" Psiona asked as the monster flew away .
"Wow, again mom, you never cease to amaze me." Spike said surprised on how quickly she made work of that thing.
"Hmph, i could've done that too." Mikey said a little jealous crossing his arms.

Donnie looked over the area and saw a large building.
"Guys, look!" Donnie shouted which alerted them all.
"This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.." Leo said with fear as they saw the humans being forced to mine crystals.
"Let me got, the humans that were mutated have been turned into servants and are mining crystals for the Kraang." Mikey suggested in a casual voice.
"Mikey.. you never cease to amaze me.." Leo said as all of them looked at him.

"Eh, i'm sweet like that dudes." Mikey said casually.
"So we figure out a way to turn the humans back." Raph suggested as Donnie finished the plan.
"And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us home." Donnie finished.
"It doesn't seem possible..." Leo said worried on all of this.
"Dudes, it's the mighty Mutanimals, the operative word being Mighty! They got it all under control." Mikey assured as we see them being overwhelmed.
"I don't know.. i feel somethings wrong.." Spike said worried on this as Slash knocked another droid away.

"Rockwell! Leatherhead! Take down that robot now!" Slash ordered as he was struggling against another Biodroid. Leatherhead roared with rage and quickly charged over to the bots, the Irmabots tried taking him down, but Leatherhead tore them in half and tried climbing up to save him, but more droids grabbed his legs and slammed him to the other side. Leatherhead saw a bot on the floor and picked it up, he roared once again and tried using it to take them down until a droid restrained him.
"Let me go beast!" Leatherhead shouted right before another Biodroid slammed on him.
"Leatherhead!" Jaqueline shouted with horror as she was being cornered by the bots, Slash took down the last bot and saw his team was being overwhelmed.

"No! My team!" Slash said with horror as Rockwell was restrained.
"Give up mutant! Or your friends will perish." The assistant threatened ready to shoot Rockwell.
"Slash! You can't let them shut down the portal! The Turtles, Spike and Psiona will be trapped in Dimension X!" Rockwell shouted with fear, Slash was surrounded by even more droids and he had no choice, he dropped his mace signaling his surrender.
"No!" Jaqueline shouted with horror as the assistant turned off the portal.
"My friends.. no!" Slash shouted with horror as they were all overwhelmed by now..

Spike and the others were on the island still looking over the mutated humans.
"Looks like the Kraang have the human hybrids on those three islands." Leo said as he held out a telescope again.
"Those islands are huge man! I mean how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people?" Raph asked frustrated.
"I don't know.. we just need a way.." Spike said trying to think of something.
"Don't worry guys, we just need to find a massive amount of mutagen and convert it into Retro Mutagen with this!" Donnie said holding out the container.

"Oh is that all? Let me just milk a few thousands Kraang worms." Raph said sarcastically.
"I bet that thing has a ton of mutagen inside of it!" Mikey said pointing to a Technodrome in the sky.
"A Technodrome? Mikey.." Leo said not liking this at all.
"I know, don't say it, i'm a genius." Mikey said proud of himself.

"I was going to say your crazy! Steal a Technodrome?!" Leo asked mad at this.
"How can we even hack into that thing?" Spike asked not liking this idea either.
"Don't worry, i have my ways around here, why don't we just borrow some of those Stealth ships over there?" Psiona asked pointing to a bunch of them.
"Wow.." Spike said in surprise seeing them all there.
"This is so crazy i'm starting to like this plan!" Raph said impressed.
"Alright guys, stay frosty, and keep quiet. And all those other things Leo likes to say." Mikey said landing in front of all of them.

All of them jumped off the ledge but screamed as the gravity moved them upwards and they landed on the island nearby the ships. They all peaked behind some crystals and saw the ship nearby.
"Okay team, on my signal.." Leo said before Mikey interrupted again.
"It'll be this Caw Caw! Caw caw! And we'll sneak inside the ship!" Mikey said confidently until Subprime flew right next to them.
"That sounds like a great idea!" Subprime mocked as Psiona started getting angry once again.
"You!" Psiona said with rage as he landed down.
"That's right mutant freaks! Kraang Subprime returns! You like that don't you? You like this?!" Subprime shouted as he struck poses in front of all of them.

"I've had about enough of you!!" Psiona screamed as she shattered a large crystal and threw it's pieces right at him.
"Ha! You missed!" Subprime mocked as they didn't hit him.
"Did i?" Psiona asked crossing her arms, Subprime looked down and saw the crystals were right below him, Mikey made a loud sound which made the crystals explode and knocked him off the platform.
"You did it guys!" Raph said amazed with them.
"Come on, let's go!" Psiona shouted as all of them got into the Stealth ship.

"Get this thing moving D!" Raph shouted which spooked him a little.
"I'm starting it, i'm starting it!" Donnie said annoyed as the ship was powering up.
"So you really know how to fly this thing?" Leo asked confused at this.
"I do, everyone hang on." Psiona said as she took control of the ship which took off instantly.

Subprime groaned in pain as he finally woke up again and called his soldiers.
"Kraang Subprime to base! Turtles and Psiona have hijacked a stealth ship!" Subprime shouted as droids were listening from a communication room.
"What are the orders that Kraang Subprime wishes to order as an order to.." A droid asked which annoyed him.
"Oy.. just shut up already. Do me a favor and unleash the Dracodroid!" Subprime ordered, some hatches opened and we see the Kraang bring out a giant two headed robot dragon into the room, two Kraang droids took control of it and started taking after them at fast speeds.

The ship was flying through Dimension X and Spike and the others were almost there.
"So, what are we gonna do when we reach the Technodrome huh? Anyone thought that far ahead?" Raph asked looking over everyone.
"Um.. not really.." Donnie said as he didn't think of this.
"Um guys.. i think we got bigger badder problems, look!" Leo shouted as they all saw the robot flying to them.
"A dracodroid! Everyone hang on! Mikey take control of this thing!" Psiona shouted as she put Mikey in front of the console.

"Everyone brace yourselves!" Mikey shouted as they all were being chased by the robot dragon through the Dimension, they all flew through more island until they came upon an area with a ton of metal bars floating around.
"Strap your shells in tight bros! Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they flew through the bars and were getting closer to the Technodrome, Psiona opened the hatch and stood onto the ship as the robot dragon chased after them.

"Keep it steady!" Spike shouted as Psiona began to take aim at them. Psiona put on her armor again and began taking a deep breath, she roared with rage as she shot a powerful fireblast right at the robot and split the heads and the aliens in half completely, the droid stopped in mid air and split apart before it exploded from the damage.
"Everyone brace yourselves!" Mikey shouted as all of them screamed while they went crashing straight into the Technodrome.

We cut back to TCRI as Jaqueline and everyone was trying to escape.
"Let us out! I swear when i break these walls down, i'll.." Slash said with rage before Leatherhead came in to calm him down.
"It is useless my friend." Leatherhead said sadly as he sat down on the wall, Jaqueline had her eyes closed and was meditating besides Rockwell trying to do something.
"It's my fault we got captured! Maybe Leonardo was right.. maybe.. i'm not fit to lead this team.." Slash said ashamed of himself.
"I have seen you rescue humans from the Kraang, rescued your fellow mutants. You are a good soul Slash." Leatherhead assured as he sighed in response.
"Thank you, but if we can't save the Turtles and Spike, all the people of New York are doomed.. we failed.." Slash said in defeat.

"Oh! I'm losing it guys! The walls are too cramped! I have to go to the bathroom!" Pete said trying to escape before Rockwell slapped him.
"Calm down man, Jaqueline and i are trying to focus... Om... Om..." Rockwell said calmly to himself as he tried focusing his mind.

Jaqueline found herself within the black void of dreams again and looked around.
"If i can enter ones dreams.. then maybe i can do the same with the Kraang.." Jaqueline told herself as she could feel the minds of the Kraang around her. She focused her mind the best she could in order to enter they're dreams, she could see the horrific things they've done to dozens of creatures, but she was trying to push on to reach they're minds.

Kraang droids were in the Technodrome and they saw the ship crashed into the hallways. The hatch opened and Mikey and Psiona came down and slashed through the bots easily.
"Come on!" Psiona shouted as all of them quickly ran into the core room and Raph slammed the doors shut.
"We made it, wow, that was easy!" Raph said impressed at this.
"Don't count on it.." Psiona said with a low growl, Raph turned around and they saw dozens of more Kraang droids within the core room.
"Aw.. Kraang.." Raph said annoyed as they all drew they're weapons.

"Everyone, attack!" Leo shouted as all of them charged at the bots.
"Leo, i'm leader in Dimension X!" Mikey shouted as he wrapped a chain around the huge tank of mutagen and knocked a droid away, Spike hissed at more of the bots and was tearing through them with his snake hands with rage.
"This is for my mother!!" Spike screamed as he released a large stream of fire on the droids.
"This is for taking my son from his home!!" Psiona screamed as well as she rid on the rotating blades and was cutting through all the bots herself, Mikey jumped on two floating pods and held out two guns.
"Oh yeah! Check me out!" Mikey said with joy as he floated all around the center and shot down all the flying droids until the room was empty.

"Mikey, that was amazing!" Raph said amazed as Mikey flew down to them.
"Dimension X, plus years of video games, equals Mikey awesomeness!" Mikey said proudly.
"Great let's just get this thing moving. Donnie what do we got?" Leo asked as he was near the console.
"Good news, we have access to the mutagen supply through this fuel tube. Not only do they use it to terraform, they use it to power the ship, we got a massive supply!" Donnie said amazed as the whole thing was huge. Mikey was randomly pressing all over the button controls and somehow managed to activate the ship.
"Wow.. he is completely different here isn't he?" Psiona asked Spike who nodded his head in response.
"Yes! She's moving! Let's save New York!" Mikey announced as he took control of the ship and began moving.

Slash and the others were looking over Rockwell and Jaqueline wondering what was happening.
"What are they doing?" Slash asked curious.
"Focusing, without Rockwell's psychic amplifier, his powers are greatly diminished, Jaqueline is a Dream Beaver, so she must be trying to enter they're minds too." Leatherhead said as she focused deeply, her chest symbol began to glow blue as she raised out her hand.

In the void, she was surrounded by dozens of different brains and focused her powers.
"I am a Dream Beaver, but i am not like my brothers." Jaqueline told herself as she used her powers to enter the Kraang's minds.

The droids suddenly stopped doing what was told and they're eyes started to flicker to blue.
"Let us go.." Jaqueline ordered and one of them did so, a floating Kraang head went over to a console and the other droid pressed on it which let them all go. Jaqueline opened her eyes and saw they were free.
"Yes!" Jaqueline said in victory as she stood up.
"You both did good." Slash said patting they're backs.
"Freedom!!!" Leatherhead shouted as all of them jumped out and attacked the bots who weren't under control.
"We still have to activate that portal!" Rockwell shouted as Jaqueline got back her hammer and smashed another brain on the ground.

Spike and the others were flying through Dimension X and could see the island of humans ahead.
"We have a visual on the human hybrids Donatello. We need to have that portal ready." Leo said as Donnie held out the Retro mutagen.
"Give me two seconds, i gotta have the Retro mutagen ready." Donnie explained as he inserted it into the ship, but that caused the ship to power down and come to a grinding halt.

"Something's wrong, what's going on?" Spike asked worried on this.
"I told you, the Technodrome runs on Mutagen, the engines just can't take Retro mutagen captain!" Donnie said in fear, Psiona scoffed and she and Mikey walked up to the console.
"Not necessarily , Psiona and i just need to alter the ships fuel converters, tweak the quantum defiblitrons, and.." Mikey said as Psiona pressed on the console and the ship powered on, now having an orange glow around the area.
"We are up and running." Psiona announced as the ship became orange instead of pink.

"Guys your.." Raph said in shock of what they just did.
"A genius i know.." Mikey said a little annoyed.
"Wasting time! Get this thing moving! We have to save the humans already!" Raph shouted with anger, they suddenly heard a saw go through the door and saw Subprime on the other side.
"Oh no you don't!" Psiona shouted as she activated her powers again.

She used her powers to slam Subprime through the walls and send him flying through the Technodrome.
"Donnie! We need the portal open now!" Psiona shouted as she was holding him back and Donnie took out his phone.
"Come in Doctor Rockwell, Doc! You there?! Anybody?!" Donnie asked trying to get a response.
"They can't be.." Spike said in fear as he hoped they weren't captured.
"Great.. if the Mutanimals can't transport us back, then this rescue mission is cancelled." Raph said annoyed at this.
"And us going home.." Leo added as they thought they were done.

Jaqueline and the others were tearing through the rest of the bots as Rockwell was getting to the console.
"Just do it already!" Slash shouted while Pete flew him over to the computer.
"Now, if we can transform the portal into a 3 dimensional coordinate locked beam.." Rockwell told himself before he heard a loud thud and saw the assistant standing over him. Slash wasn't having this now and threw his mace right at her and took her to the ground, Jaqueline finished her off by smashing her head with the hammer.
"We're clear!" Jaqueline shouted as the bots were all down.
"Yes! The portal is a go!" Rockwell announced as the building shot a beam into the sky again.
"Yes, we did it!" Slash said in victory as they all saw the portal.

Donnie had his phone out until Rockwell came onto the screen.
"Donatello we are back online, 30 seconds till we teleport you home." Rockwell reported.
Yes!" Spike said relieved as they were gonna do it.
"Sending coordinates now, adjusting for fifth dimensional space.." Donnie said as he locked onto the people.
"There they are.. the hybrids!" Mikey said as they were on the console.
"So many of them.." Psiona said with worry as she could feel Subprime approaching.
"Raph, you got the Retro mutagen ready?" Spike asked turning to him.

"Locked and loaded!" Raph said taking aim at them.
"Fire!" Leo and Mikey shouted at once. The Technodrome glowed brightly and shot a beam over the entire island of mutated humans, which caused all of them to finally return back to normal
"Sweet skills Raph." Mikey said impressed at his work.
"We're not out of this mess yet." Raph replied as Subprime was sawing through the door still.
"I'm just getting started, i'll make you all suffer!" Subprime said menacingly.

"Donnie we need those humans teleported now" Leo shouted turning to him.
"I'm on it!" Donnie shouted as he used the portal and teleported the humans home who almost suffocated from the air.
"We did it!" Spike said as Psiona smiled at all of their happiness.
"We're gonna do it, we can!" Psiona said with confidence. But the victory was halted when Subprime finally burst down the door.

"Surprise! Forget about me turtles?" Subprime teased as more droids marched into the room.
"Okay let's start beaming particles Donnie!" Raph said quickly getting ready again. Psiona roared at all of the droids and was tearing through them all, Spike sliced multiple droids apart with his sword and was flipping over the gunfire.
"I've dealt with you for long enough!!" Psiona screamed as she lunged at Subprime.
"You won't escape me Psiona! Kraang Subprime will not fall!" Subprime shouted as she blocked his saw again.

"Hmph, you traitor, you call yourself honorable? I should've eaten you for lunch for what you did to those bots, following orders from a large Egotistical monster, you know your pathetic, isn't that right Kraang.. Sub Subprime?" Psiona mocked which made him even more mad.
"Don't call me that Psiona! I hate that name!!!" Subprime shouted with rage. Spike hissed at Subprime and wrapped around his suit.
"This is for my mother! And taking me from my home!!" Spike screamed as he threw him off the ledge and his suit was being cut to pieces.

"Raph!" Spike shouted as he was aiming at the other humans.
"I'm on it Spike!" Raph shouted as was getting ready.
"There's one last island guys, we got enough Retro mutagen?" Mikey asked worried.
"Down to 10%." Donnie reported, Raph and Mikey looked at eachother in understanding before he shot the last beam at the last island which turned the last of the humans to normal and they were teleported away.

"Thats it, that's all the humans." Raph said letting go of the wheel.
"Sending the last coordinates, ours, get us our of here Rockwell" Donnie shouted from his phone.
"Confirmed!" Rockwell shouted as he locked in on them.

"No!! You will not get away with this Psiona!!" Subprime said with fury as he was climbing back up with his suit being torn up badly, Psiona growled with rage and turned her arm into a cannon again.
"We already have, sayonara traitor." Psiona said as she shot a powerful blast right to his suit and knocked him straight out of the room.
"Later sucker!!" Spike mocked as all of them were teleported away.
"No!! I was so close this time! So close!!!" Subprime said with rage as the alarm went off and he saw the ship was heading to an asteroid.
"Aw.. Kraang.." He told himself as the ship hit it and completely exploded leaving nothing left..

All of the humans were teleported back to New York trying to get they're bearings just as the droids themselves were teleported away for good. The power finally began to turn back on all over the city and the humans cheered in joy at being saved from the aliens, Spike and all the others were watching them from a rooftop.
"We really did it.." Spike said in awe as they won the day.
"We did son.. we really did.." Psiona said hugging him close and he embraced it.
"We are the best! Go ninja, go ninja go!!" Mikey said in victory.

April, Casey and Kurtzman were leaving the pizza place now that everything is normal again, April felt something and turned around and saw her dad looking for her.
"Dad? Dad!" April said in relief as she gave Kirby a hug who returned it in response.

"Finally, everything is gonna go back to normal.. well as normal as this city can get.." Donnie said in relief as they looked over the view.
"Yeah but what about the Mighty Mutanimals?" Raph asked with worry.
"What about us?" Leatherhead suddenly asked, they turned around and saw Jaqueline with the others completely fine.
"Spike!!" Jaqueline said in relief as she quickly gave him a hug.
"Jaqueline!" Spike said holding her close as well.

"Looks like our plan worked doctor." Donnie said coming up to Rockwell.
"Yes, and teleporting the Kraang back to Dimension X was a stroke of genius.." Rockwell replied as all of them were glad this was done for now.
"You gotta admit Leo, we couldn't have done it without Slash and his team." Raph said coming up to the two.
"You did great Slash, i'm sorry for doubting you. Everyone deserves a second chance." Leo said holding his hand out.
"I just modeled myself after the best leader i knew. You." Slash said proudly.

"Turtles, Spike, Psiona and Jaqueline, Mutanimals, it's time to celebrate!" Leo announced.
"Aw yeah!!" Spike said with so much excitement.
"Booyakasha!!!!" All of them shouted in victory as they had won the day and saved New York...

53: Casey Jones Vs the Underworld

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We open to a shot of New York city after it had been saved by Spike and his friends after stopping the Kraang with Casey narrating over the city's state.
"New York City, this is what it looks like after an alien invasion, we return to almost a broken and almost deserted city, curtesy of Kraang..." Casey narrates as we see multiple people working to get the city normal after the invasion.
"The turtles, Spike and his mother invaded dimension X, to stop these freaks and undo the mutations of millions of people. Meanwhile i was sidelined like a chump, scavenging for food and medical supplies it was the zombie apocalypse or something." Casey narrates as he writes in a journal but breaks his pencil and slams the desk in frustration.( It was an alien apocalypse dude)

"Ugh! I totally got ripped!" Casey said frustrated as he throws the journal down and we cut to him in his gear traveling through the rooftop.
"Casey Jones should've been in that fight!" Casey said as he punched a wooden wall with frustration, but starts to calm down as he sees April and Kirby tending to some people by offering free soup.
"Gotta say though, it's kinda cool how almost getting annihilated can bring the city together. Well most of the city. Then there's the others, thieves, low lifes and thugs, and worse.. Purple dragons.." Casey narrates as we cut to an explosion happening in a bank as we see the group carrying supplies.

"Who knew withdrawing money from a bank would be so easy?" The leader joked which made the others laugh in response until Casey appeared at the end of the hall with his weapons drawn.
"Nobody steals from my city!" Casey said seriously.
"That vigilante nut!" The muscular one said with shock.
"Let's crack him open then!" The leader said as he charged at Casey with a crowbar.

They charged at him ready to fight, but Casey had his experience and knocked all of them down easily until a new tall figure appeared behind them all.
"Oho new recruit? Ready to taste some asphalt scum?!" Casey asked ready to go some more.
"Not the recruit, i'm the new leader. Hun!" Hun said dramatically as a tiger roar could be heard with him striking a ninja pose.
"Eh, i think i prefer scum!" Casey shouted as he started to whack more pucks at Hun, but he dodged and caught them without much effort at all.
"Goongala!!!" Casey screamed as he jumped in the air and almost striked him, but he used one of his defeated men as a shield before tossing him down and delivering multiple skilled strikes to his chest and knocking him to the wall. Hun twirled around making ninja sounds as he threw his own puck and hit Casey right in the crotch making him groan in pain, Hum put his thumbs up before putting them down in disappointment. Casey groaned as he saw Hun snap his fingers and saw them run off just as the cops showed up and he slammed his fist on the ground with frustration.

We cut to Spike, his mother and Jaqueline, arriving with the turtles and Splinter to the lair after saving the city, the place was wracked up and filled with deactivated bots, and it was gonna take a while to clean up all of it.
"What a disaster, the Kraang really trashed this place." Leo said shocked looking around the mess.
"Indeed, but this is our home, we will clean and set things right once more." Splinter explained as they all walked back into the place.

"Wow.. so this is where you've been living Spike?" Jaqueline asked amazed as she only saw the place in his dreams.
"Yeah, it's been my home after Leo and the others rescued me from the Kraang, i've lived here for almost 2 years at this point." Spike said as he slithered around the place.
"I must admit son, this place is really nice, it's a nice way to settle down and relax after a hard fought battle." Psiona said still relieved that they beat the Kraang for good.
"Yeah, it really is.." Spike said as he was just glad to have the place back again..

"Hey Raph, Spike, a little help?" Donnie shouted from his labs door.
"Coming!" Spike shouted as he went over and helped Raph and Donnie open the doors and the place was trashed badly.
"Aw.. oh no.. my experiments.. my lab..." Donnie said in horror while Spike and Raph tried comforting him.

Splinter went into his dojo finally and put up a fixed glass case and a his family photo in it.
"Miwa, what has become of you?" Splinter asked worried as they all wondered where she was..

Mikey was putting Ice cream kitty in the freezer.
"Here you go Ice cream kitty, nice and chilly, now let's see what's for din... ugh!" Mikey said in disgust as he looked in the fridge an all they're food was extremely gross and awful.
"Our food.. ruined!" Mikey said in horror as he fell to his knees horrified of this.

Spike and Raph were dealing with more of the old bots until they saw Casey coming into the place looking upset.
"Wow, look at what the cat dragged in. What are you doing here Jones?" Raph asked jokingly.
"Doing what you should be, helping the city, stopping crime!" Casey said with frustration.
"Chill out dude. We're busy getting the lair back into working order." Spike said putting some more bots on the pile.

"Yeah, we just got back home dude." Leo said in agreement.
"Not to mention we just got back from stopping a massive alien invasion!" Donnie said frustrated at this too.
"Yeah dude, we deserve a little downtime." Mikey said as he was eating some food.
"Evil never takes downtime! I just took on the Purple dragons!" Casey said upset at them.
"Purple dragons?" Psiona asked with interest as she stopped what she was doing.
"They're a gang of thieves that cause trouble in the city, we've dealt with those punks a lot of times before." Spike said crossing his arms.

"And how bad did you beat em?" Raph asked curiously.
"Well uh.. at least i stopped em from getting away with the cash." Casey pointed out which made the turtles look at him in shock.
"Wait.. you didn't beat the purple dragons?" Donnie asked shocked, Casey didn't say anything which meant he didn't, this caused Leo and the others to laugh at Casey which made him upset.
"Guys, this is just rude, come on Casey, i'll help you out with this." Spike offered which made him grateful.
"Good, you guys don't wanna help, fine! Casey Jones and Spike are out, peace!" Casey said as they started to leave, the turtles were still laughing at Casey but were shut up by Psiona making a threatening growl at them.

"You don't know what he encountered, it could be more trouble for us, and that could make things worse for all of us." Psiona pointed out which made them all look down a little ashamed.
"So.. what are we gonna do with all these bots?" Jaqueline asked putting a large pile in the room.
"I'll deal with it, i'll salvage what tech they have left for me to use." Psiona said as she went to take care of it.

Spike was slithering alongside Casey through the rooftops to find out what's the trouble.
"So what exactly happened at the bank Casey?" Spike asked curious while they jumped across another ledge.
"They have a new leader of sorts, he's a skilled martial artist named Hun or something, he seemed to be as skilled as Splinter from what i saw." Casey explained which made Spike scoff.
"No one can reach Splinter's skill other then the Shredder, or maybe my mom can, either way, this guy sounds like trouble, and we should take him down right?" Spike asked looking at him.
"You read my mind." Casey said high fiving him.

They suddenly heard loud sounds and looked off the ledge to see Shredder along with the foot clan going through the street.
"The foot? Guess the purple dragons will have to wait." Casey said as they decided to follow them.
"What could they be doing so soon after the Kraang were stopped?" Spike asked as he used his snake hand to latch onto another ledge and kept up with them.
"Only one way to find out." Casey said as they followed with fast speeds.

They went down to the streets and peaked behind a corner they stopped at.
"Shredder, things just got interesting.." Casey said as they saw them go into a restaurant of sorts.
"I can't hide in there, find out what you can alright? And try not to die." Spike advised.
"Don't worry, Casey's got this." Casey assured as he went to sneak into the place, he went into a staff only door to find out what was the problem.

We cut to a large fancy room where a large man was eating a large pile of food in an unhealthy way as Shredder and his men came into the place to talk with him.
"Crazy thing that Alien invasion , but such moments in history can only be probed to be.. interesting for business like this huh?" The man asked with Shredder not saying anything.
"Us? You were just a gangster Don Vizioso , you seem unaware that the power in this city has shifted, to me." Shredder said menacingly.

"What are you trying to say Shredder?" Don asked upset at him.
"Must i spell it out?" Shredder warned as his men drew they're weapons and aimed it at them.
"Yeah, i don't read so good." Don mocked which made him upset, Shredder motioned his men to stop which made them put they're weapons away.
"I already control the Russian mobs through Steranko, the Asian gangs via Hun, and the South Americans through Xever. So i declare your allegiance to me or.." Shredder said right as he sliced a meatball to bits in less then a second while Casey was in giving a drink.
"So how may i be of service?" Don asked finally convinced.

"Access to certain.. chemicals, for a project i am working on." Shredder said as Casey was pouring another drink in.
"I've already told you about the shipment at the docks, what more do you?" Don asked right before Shredder grabbed Casey and pinned him to the table with his blade by his neck.
"Who sent you spy?!" Shredder asked furious with him.
"I'm just a bus boy!" Casey said in fear, Shredder looked at him for a few seconds before making his decision.
"Very well, but to not let me see your face ever again!" Shredder warned, Casey ran out of the place with Spike landing down to talk with him.

"That was close, too close. Oh man, my hearts pounding so fast, that was so cool!" Casey said completely amazed.
"What happened Casey? Did you find anything important?" Spike asked slithering up to him
"Shredder said something about chemicals for a project, wait till Raph hears about this!" Casey said as he began to call him.
"Chemicals?" Spike asked confused on what that could mean.

Jaqueline and Psiona were dealing with the last of the droids, the power was finally on again and Raph was tired.
"Oh man.. i need a break.." Raph said sitting down on the couch extremely tired.
"No doubt, cleaning up is way harder then training.." Leo said exhausted as well.
"Tell me about it.." Jaqueline said sitting down as well. Psiona saw Mikey was looking for something and held out a strange device.

"Is this what your looking for Mikey?" Psiona asked holding a remote out and he gasped in shock and relief.
"Yes it is! Thank you thank you!" Mikey said quickly taking it from her.
"Your.. welcome?" Psiona said with confusion as she sat down as well.

"Gotta text from Casey, oh no he and Spike are on some kind of crazy mission. I gotta go handle this." Raph said as he started to leave.
"You want some help?" Leo asked curiously.
"I'm willing to come if you want?" Jaqueline offered.
"Eh it's probably nothing to worry about, take it easy Jaqueline." Raph said as he left them alone. Mikey turned on the Tv so they can watch the next episode of Crognard, and it showed him going against an entire army and they all gasped in shock as he jumped straight into the fight.

"Oh snap!" Mikey said in shock.
"Well this just got interesting.." Psiona said as she was wondering where this is going.
"This is a kids show right?" Jaqueline asked shocked at this imagery they just saw.

We cut to the docks where Rahzar and Fishface were stealing the supply of chemicals.
"Xever, lets get those robot legs moving!" Rahzar ordered with frustration.
"Back off man, we've talked about this. You are not the boss of me." Fishface said frustrated as he grabbed a case of them.
"Technically i am the field commander when Tiger Claw is not around, so technically i am!" Rahzar mocked as Casey and Spike hid behind a crate.
"Just wait till the turtles hear about this." Casey said putting on his mask.
"Let's do this." Spike hissed as the two went to fight them off.

"What's up losers?!" Spike announced as he drew his plasma whip with his tail.
"Goongala!!" Casey shouted as he whacked Fishface in the face and knocked the case away from him.
"The class is pain 101, the instructors are Casey Jones and Spike." Casey said taking out his bat.

"Did you really just say that kid?" Rahzar asked readying his claws, Rahzar charged at Casey and almost slashed him, but Spike wrapped his whip around his arm to stop him.
"Don't forget me punk!" Spike shouted as he threw him to the wall.
"Doggie fetch!" Casey shouted as he threw an explosive puck and Rahzar caught it with his mouth.
"And 3, 2, 1.." Spike counted down right before it exploded in his face.

Fishface growled at them and began to fight them too, Spike slithered under a leg sweep and he used the whip to launch him into the air, and Spike delivered multiple slashes before slamming him down, Rahzar growled at them and marched over to them with anger.
"I'm gonna enjoy tearing you two apart." Rahzar said menacingly, Spike hissed like a snake at him again and got ready to fight.
"Bring it on freaks, we ain't going down easily!" Casey said drawing his sticks.
"The way i'm busting up my fangs.. is if i'm chewing on your.. " Rahzar said right before a giant crate crashed down on top of him. Fishface looked up in shock and saw Raph on the top, he quickly jumped down to him and delivered strong strikes to him and knocked him down.
"Come on!" Raph shouted ready to escape.
"Hold on a sec!" Spike shouted as he and Casey grabbed a heavy case.
"This thing is heavy!" Casey said as they quickly made they're way back to the streets.

"Have you taken a few too many pucks to the head? There's no way you two could've faced them by yourselves." Raph said annoyed as they went to the manhole cover.
"It was 2 v 2 Raph, it was a fair fight honestly." Spike said in defense.
"Not to mentioned we stopped them from stealing this case." Casey said as they all dropped it and took some breaths.
"Well what is it then?" Raph asked still mad at them.
"Let's find out!" Casey shouted getting in his face.

They opened the thing up and found some dangerous chemicals inside it.
"Dangerous chemicals, good thing we were flinging this thing around." Raph said sarcastically.
"What do you think they are?" Spike asked curious on what they do.
"We'll take em to Donnie, he'll figure it out." Raph instructed.
"No way, you two take it to Donnie, i'm going after Shredder." Casey said as he was already ready to go now.
"What?! Are you crazy?! Shredder is a dangerous assassin! You don't stand a chance!" Raph warned with Spike worried for him.
"I get it! Take that case to Donnie, Spike. Casey works better alone." Casey said as he put on his mask and left them.
"Casey wait! You can't do this by yourself!" Spike shouted worried for him.

We cut to the underground of Shredder's lair where Stockman's new lab was made. Shredder had managed to capture Karai and she was sealed within a cell as her mind had left her for good.
"Fear not Karai, soon you will be cured of this vile mutation. Isn't that right Stockman?" Shredder asked turning to him.
"Of course sir.." Stockman said nervously.
"You had better arrive at a solution soon." Shredder ordered as Tiger claw walked up to him.
"Master Shredder, the purple dragons have arrived." Tiger claw reported.

Shredder was now in the throne room with Hun and his members walking up with another case of chemicals.
"Lord Shredder." Hun said giving a respectful bow. Hun snapped his fingers and the members opened up the case.
"We have found more of the chemical components you have been seeking." Hun reported.
"Excellent. I am impressed Hun." Shredder said proudly as Stockman went to collect them.

Casey was on top of the roof and was trying to listen in on this thing.
"Master.. given with Karai's.. issue, we have no equipment for such work.." Stockman said nervously.
"Then find me the equipment you idiot!" Shredder said with anger as he stood up making him nervous.
"Yes.. Shredder.." Stockman said quickly flying off.
"You could take over the factory where we found the chemicals. It is on our turf, it would be an honor to show it to you personally Master Shredder." Hun said proudly.
"Very well, proceed." Shredder replied, Casey knew this was bad news and decided to head on after them.

We cut to Donnie's lab where Spike and Raph were reporting on what just happened.
"What are you two crazy? You just let him go off on his own?" Leo asked really upset at them while Donnie looked at the chemicals.
"Let him? What were we supposed to do, chain him to a wall?" Raph countered with Spike hissing in response.
"We both know how he is with his vigilante stuff, you know that right? Any idea on what this chemical is Donnie?" Spike asked turning to him.
"I'm stumped Spike, i can't figure it out." Donnie said upset at this while Psiona was looking at it herself.

"Any ideas on it Psiona?" Jaqueline asked looking at it with concern.
"I don't know.. but i'm sensing something bad is from it.." Psiona said concerned as she tried finding something to help.
"It doesn't appear to be mutagen based, and We've seen stockman's lab, and he doesn't have the equipment to synthesize explosive chemicals, only mutagen." Donnie reported while Mikey came in with his mouth stuffed of cheese puffs.

"What kind of place would have equipment like that?" Mikey asked still chewing on his food.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, and eating cheesy balls? Do you even know what's in that?" Leo asked disgusted as Mikey looked at the nutrition facts.
"It's all natural bra.." Mikey said as he listed on its facts but was confused on the names and Donnie looked at it himself and gasped in fear.
"It's not all natural Mikey, in fact it's slightly radioactive." Donnie warned which made Psiona concerned. She quickly took any he had left and looked at the labels with Leo.

"Manufactured by Auman Chemicals in New York. Wait a sec that place is in China town right?" Leo asked which made Donnie look it up himself.
"It is, it's the biggest chemical manufacturing plant in the city.." Donnie said in shock as they saw it's location.
"And China town is controlled by the Purple dragons right?" Raph asked which made them all realize it.
"Which means this chemical came from that plant, we have to get there and find out what they're planning with this." Spike said as he looked at the chemical with worry.
"That's good enough for me, let's go!" Jaqueline shouted as they all quickly headed to the chemical plant.

We cut to the plant itself where Hun was showing Shredder the place.
"Everything you need Master Shredder, anything you can name, we have here." Hun reported as they were walking in the main room above a large chemical container.
"You have done well to bring this factory to my attention Hun. It will be adequate for my plans.." Shredder said impressed on this.
"I have one request, since this factory is on Purple dragon territory, perhaps i should be in charge." Hun suggested which upset a few of Shredder's men.
"So be it, success is to be rewarded, as failure is to be punished." Shredder said glancing at his own men.

Rahzar suddenly sensed something and quickly looked around, two explosive pucks slid right beneath them and they all quickly jumped out of the way.
"Looking for me?" Casey taunted as he stood against Shredder.
"I will make your end swift boy." Shredder said menacingly as he drew his blades with Casey getting ready to fight himself.

" I ain't afraid of you!" Casey shouted right before Shredder sliced apart his bats and grabbed his neck.
"Okay.. i might be a little afraid of you.. " Casey said in fear as he was brought to his face and took off his mask.
"You! Now i will end this game, and your insignificant.." Shredder said right before Casey used his shocking glove to electrocute Shredder badly which freed for a moment. Shredder had about enough with him and began to corner him.
"You have spirit boy, but i tire of this game!" Shredder said drawing his blades. He was about to attack Casey but Leo and Raph knocked him back, Spike suddenly coiled around Shredder and hissed at him before throwing him to the other side.

"What?! Destroy them! Do not let them near that batch!" Shredder ordered as they saw some more chemicals being made below them. Psiona landed near Rahzar and Fishface and growled with rage.
"I don't think we've met properly.." Psiona said right before she grabbed Fishface's head and threw him right to Rahzar's crotch making him gasp in pain.
"Again?!" Rahzar said weakly right before she ran into them and sent them flying across the room into a bunch of craters.

"I don't need you guys, i have this!" Casey shouted right before Jaqueline jumped in and deflected some laser shots from Tiger claw.
"And i have you!" Tiger claw shouted as he began to attack them. Rahzar got up from the painful attack and quickly went over to the console to activate the machinery, turning on all the conveyers and machinery here.

Spike was whipping around more attack's from Tiger claw and gave some tough hits with his snake arms. Jaqueline joined in and hit Tiger claw in the face a few times before sending him flying to a wall. Mikey screamed in fear as he was barely avoiding being crushed by the machinery.
"Yes, run you little fool, run!" Rahzar mocked.
"Who's running Rahzar?!" Mikey countered right before he jumped on the walls and onto a platform.
"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey screamed as he landed in front of him and kicked his face to the wall multiple times and it made Rahzar go after him. Leo and Shredder landed right above the batch of chemicals and faced against eachother.

"This is it Shredder, your not going to walk away from this!" Leo said with rage drawing his swords.
"I have no time for idle threats turtle!" Shredder countered as the two charged at eachother with rage. Psiona was helping out Donnie face Fishface and was blocking more attacks from him. Spike and Raph ducked right under a smasher before Tiger claw shot at the thing and made it explode, Raph and Spike charged at him with rage ready to keep fighting.

Casey looked around the whole place and saw Hun was behind him.
"Hockey boy, i will end you!" Hun said with rage.
"Ugh.. let's go!" Casey said putting on his mask again. He tried to attack him multiple times again, but it resulted with Hun pushing him back making ninja sounds before Casey got the chance and hit him between his legs.( Talk about payback huh?)
Hun took off his glasses as he had enough of him and made more ninja noises.
" My opportunity to impress Shredder is to carve up efficient for myself, and you ruined it!" Hun said with rage as Casey dodged another kick.
"I'm crying on the inside for ya." Casey mocked as he started firing multiple pucks at him.

Donnie was knocked into a closet by Fishface and groaned in pain.
"Wait.. chemicals? This must be where they keep all the additives for Mikey's cheesy snacks. If i can contaminate Shredder's chemicals.. oh Donatello i love your mind.." Donnie said with a grin as Psiona came in and saw his plan.
"Great idea, this should put his operation down." Psiona said as she grabbed a case of the chemicals and almost dropped it in before Fishface knocked it away.
"No!" Donnie shouted in horror as the thing went over to where Spike and Raph were fighting Tiger claw.

"You need to control your anger!" Tiger claw said pushing them back. Spike hissed at Tiger claw and shot a stream of fire on his face making him scream in pain.
"Control this cat!" Raph shouted as he and Spike knocked him to another wall, Jaqueline landed near the conveyer and saw Donnie trying to get the chemical.
"Donnie, what are you doing?" Jaqueline shouted as she landed next to him.
"Get that chemical, throw it into the batch! It'll cause a reaction to bring this place down!" Donnie shouted pointing at it.
"Got it!" Jaqueline shouted as she went to grab it, the thing fell down to Mikey who caught it with his hands, and randomly threw it at Rahzar.
"No!!" Donnie shouted in fear as the thing landed right near Casey and Hun.

"Casey, get that chemical into the mixing batch!" Donnie instructed which made Casey see it. Casey slid back against hun and stood against him who was ready to fight.
"Goongala!!" Casey screamed as he punched Hun to the wall and threw him off the ledge.
"Later scum, i mean Hun!" Casey said laughing hard, Psiona was helping Leo fight off Shredder as Hun fell into a batch.
"Stop him!" Shredder said looking up at Casey. Tiger claw landed in front of him and tried taking him out, but Casey kicked him right in the crotch as well making him make a cat meow of pain.

Casey landed on the conveyer and slid the chemical around like a puck.
"Where do you think your going?" Fishface asked right before Casey hit the thing under him and knocked him to the wall.
"Later Fishface!" Casey shouted right before Rahzar landed down in front of him too. Rahzar lunged at hum but Casey slid right under him and whacked the chemical off the ledge, all of them tried to stop it from falling in, but Casey jumped in front of them and shot the thing to the batch.
"Casey Jones shoots... he scores!" Casey shouted as the thing landed in the batch and the place began to shake.

"No! You fools!" Shredder shouted right before Psiona punched him to the wall.
"What is that gunk Donnie?" Raph asked worried as the place was shaking badly.
"It's the secret ingredient in Mikey's cheesy balls.." Donnie said in fear.
"Yeah!.. wait what?" Mikey asked confused.
"Let's get out of here!!!" Donnie shouted in fear as they began to run.
"Run!!" Spike screamed as he and Jaqueline quickly made their escape, Psiona grabbed Leo and quickly took off to the sky's right before the chemical made the entire place be engulfed in the place.

The chemicals were everywhere with Shredder's men finally recovering from the explosion.
"Those idiots think they've won this fight, but all they've done is delay my plans. Get this place cleaned up, and start again!" Shredder ordered with Tiger claw giving a respectful bow, he sniffed at some of the stuff on his arm and licked it.
"Actually.. quite delicious." Tiger claw said impressed at this.

Spike and the others made it back to the lair to think about what this all was leading up to. Spike was with Donnie in the lab while Psiona and Jaqueline were waiting for the news.
"So what do you think this chemical is?" Jaqueline asked worried turning to her.
"I don't know, but i have a bad feeling about it, and my son could be in danger with from his own mind.." Psiona said worried as she knew he may not hold onto his mind forever.

"Gotta hand it to you Casey, you kinda saved the day." Raph said impressed with him.
"Not to mention you took on Shredder, and are still in one piece." Leo said impressed as well.
"Aw yeah Casey, high three!" Mikey shouted with Casey high fiving him.
"Solo vigilante tonight, a mysterious hero in a world of hero.." Casey said dramatically.
"Whatever.." Raph said rolling his eyes at this.

Spike and Donnie were in the lab looking at what this chemical is.
"Alright Donnie, what do we got?" Spike asked as they used a microscope and looked at it through a pad, they both gasped in shock as they saw what this stuff was.
"Oh no..." Donnie said in fear as they quickly went out to the others.

"Guys.. it's really bad news!" Spike said worried which concerned them all.
"What is it son, what's wrong?" Psiona asked worried coming up to him.
"What's wrong?" Jaqueline asked worried as well.
"It's even worse then we thought, Shredder's mixture, it's not an explosive!" Donnie said really worried.
"So what is it?" Leo asked confused on this.

"I think he's working on a mind control formula, if it works.. he could use it on Karai or Spike, or us or.. every person in New York city!" Donnie reported which made them all gasp in fear.
"No!" Raph shouted in horror with Mikey screaming in fear.
"What?!" Psiona asked horrified as all of them were not expecting this.
"Mind control?" Spike asked in horror as they looked at the chemical worried on what it's dread it could bring..

54: The Noxious Avenger

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We cut to a shot where a man in a dumpster truck was going up to some trash for his job, the camera pans upwards and into an old Kraang lab where Bebop and Rocksteady had just entered.

"Careful comrade Bebop, when Kraang have abandoned a lab, they may have left, the boobish traps." Rocksteady warned.
"That's booby trap G.." Bebop corrected before he saw a red laser aiming right at him, he looked above and saw a security drone and it fired at them both, Rocksteady blocked it with his tough back and threw a sickle at the system and destroyed it.
"Hey.. we should be running the foot, and instead are stuck on Stockman's grocery list." Bebop said annoyed crossing his arms.
"Is not grocery list, is chemicals to make ultimate mind control serum for snake girl and Karai and snake dragon Spike. Hmm.. Reagent X, 10 gallons of maple syrup, 500 packets of white sugar.. wait.. it is grocery list!! DAh! You are right, we should be ones to give orders, not to take!" Rocksteady said crushing the paper and they both began to leave.

The garbage man opened the doors to get to work.
"It's a dangerous job i'll tell you that.. i like keeping my city clean. Beats working in the sewers though, to many freaks down there.." The man said looking around before he heard a snake hiss above him and saw some shadows move above him.
"Whoa! Speak of the devil!" The man said in surprise.

Bebop opened a hatch where more mutagen and another chemical could be seen.
"Boom, Reagent X Steranko, ooh snap! Mutagen son!" Bebop said excitedly grabbing it.
"Quiet, something is in the alley." Rocksteady warned as he looked down and saw the man doing his job.
"Aw.. it is only garbage boy.." Rocksteady said right before Leo came crashing in and kicked him in the face, Spike jumped in too and coiled around his arm and twisted it making him scream in pain before he threw him to Bebop.
"What the what?! How'd you find us?!" Bebop asked in shock before he started doing dance moves and fired lasers at them from his chest belt.

"By staking out on Shredder's lair for 15 hours straight without so much as taking a bathroom break!" Donnie shouted as Spike whipped Bebop in the face with his tail making another hiss.
"That and your driving a van with a Bebop and Rocksteady sign on it." Mikey added.
"You gave them that name Mikey!" Spike shouted before they all proceeded to fight them again. The man could see laser fire from above wondering what was going on.
"What in the?" The man asked confused seeing the laser fire.

Mikey made a battle cry and hit Bebop in the face which made him mad.
"Eat mutagen!" Bebop shouted as he threw the canister at him.
"Not the face!" Mikey shouted putting his head in the shell making it fly out of the window, the man was going to check out what the trouble was right before he saw the mutagen fall right on him and he screamed in great pain and fell into the dumpster full of trash and he screamed even more...

Spike and Leo were jumping over more of Bebops lasers while the others fought Rocksteady, Mikey tried attacking from the air but Donnie came flying right into him.
"We're getting our shells waxed.." Donnie said weakly.
"What brings you freaks here anyway? Dexter fly faces grocery list?" Raph mocked which made Rocksteady more furious.
"Is not grocery list!" Rocksteady said with rage, Spike saw the note on the ground and looked at it.

"Aside from one chemical, it's totally a grocery list!" Spike joked before he threw it away and went to fight again.
"Wow, Shredder doesn't have respect for you does he?" Raph asked mockingly as he and Spike whipped him in the face.
"Run! We cannot return to Shredder with the empty hand!" Rocksteady warned.
"That's my cue to bounce. I'm outie 5000!" Bebop shouted as he kicked Leo out of the way and ran out of the window, Rocksteady roared and charged at Spike and the others.

"Look out!" Donnie shouted in fear, Spike quickly jumped out of the way just as the rest of them were knocked down by Rocksteady's strength.
Ugh Raph, Never mock thousand pound rhino man, okay? Thanks.." Mikey said in pain.
"Ugh.. what chemical were they after?" Spike asked rubbing his head.

The man groaned in pain as he had become a gross monster made of trash, he opened his eyes and saw the world through a green lens and could see Spike and the others heading away.
"Turtle men?" He said right before he made a loud roar of rage as a truck passed by the camera.

Spike and the others went back to the lair where Spike was helping his mom set up a new bed above the stairs.
"You sure you'll be fine sleeping here? There's plenty of room in the dojo or my own room if you want?" Spike offered giving her some extra pillows.
"I'll be fine son, besides i feel like Jaqueline needs a room more then me. Plus i won't mind being on lookout when it's needed." Psiona said smiling at him.
"Well, you know where to find me mom." Spike said as he slithered down to Jaqueline who was sitting near some pizza.
"So you fought Bebop and Rocksteady again?" Jaqueline asked curious as Spike sat down next to her.
"Yeah, they were tough but we learned one thing, Shredder kinda just sends them out for grocery shopping by now.." Spike said chuckling at that.
"Wow, that is so sad.." Jaqueline said laughing at that while Donnie came into the room with some information.

"According to the labs records two things are missing, mutagen.." Donnie said looking at Mikey.
"Which they threw at my head.." Mikey said in pain as he had an ice pack above him.
"Which they threw at Mikey's head, and Reagent X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum." Donnie said dramatically.
"So what's the game plan?" Raph asked walking up to him wanting to go.
"Reagent X needs one more chemical solvent in order to work." Donnie explained.
"Let's just hope Bebop and Rocksteady haven't found all of the components yet." Leo prayed with the others looking concerned.
"If Shredder thinks he'll control my son, he's got another thing coming, we still need you to control your powers, we'll start doing that more in a bit okay?" Psiona asked landing down near him.
"Alright, i've been wanting to try and use telekinesis more anyway.." Spike said looking at himself, wondering how it could work..

The mutated man weakly walked through another alley, he was super weak from the mutation and fell to the ground, he groaned as he saw himself through an old mirror, and looked at himself in horror of what he's become and made a loud scream of horror and anger. This caused a windstorm to circle around him as he kept screaming in horror before he finally calmed down and looked at himself.
"I'm.. i'm out here trying to make an honest living, and those turtle men and strange snake turn me into a freak!" He said with anger, he felt something move inside him and saw his own eyeball come out of him and somehow could talk.

"Aha! Look at what you did! Your not a freak, you've got super powers!" The eyeball said making him see what he did with all the trash around the area.
"Ah what do you know? Your just an eyeball.." The man said looking down shamefully.
"I'm not just any eyeball, i'm your eyeball! You can call me Joe! Think of me as your higher self!" Joe said dancing around on his shoulder.
"Higher self? I got enough people looking down on me, i don't need Joe eyeball looking down on me too!" He said annoyed at this.

"Ahh! Help! Help!" A man screamed from another alley which got his attention.
"You want respect? Go out an earn it! We are heroes!" Joe encouraged.
"Looking like this.. forget about it.." He said looking down ashamed before they heard the man scream even more.
"Ahh! Help me!" The man screamed in fear as he was cornered by more Purple dragons.

"That's right, and your cell phone too." The leader said as the man saw the mutant come up to them and he threw the leader away.
"What the heck are you? A mutant?!" The large one asked horrified seeing him.
"We are heroes!" Joe said popping out of his head again.
"Don't get too excited eyeball." He said pushing him back in as rock music played. He grabbed both the members and slammed one into a trash can and striking him rapidly, the other tried hitting him with a bat, which resulted in the mutant slamming on his foot and being punched down like a boxer.
"Yeah!" The man said in victory as the members were both down and were all put in a dumpster.

"Dumping trash is a force of habit, heh heh heh!" The mutant said laughing at his joke until he heard a womans scream.
"Monster!" The woman screamed in fear with him screaming as well before the man came in between them.
"No! The monster just saved me, he's a monster hero!" The man declared pointing at him.

We cut to a shot of a new reported on a camera.
"The Kraang's disappearance was as mysterious as they're arrival. Leaving just who we have to thank for.. keep rolling!" The woman said as she got news on something and they went over to the mutant of trash.
"Uh sir, sir! I hear people are calling you a hero, care to comment? What kind of creature are you? A mutant? A sewer monster? What's your name?" She asked holding up a mic and the words Muckman was shown on the screen with Spike and the others watching.

"Muckman? Joan Grody should've left you in charge of names Mikey." April said looking at him.
"I would've gone with.. the Noxious Avenger!" Mikey said dramatically.
"Eh.. 8/10 in my opinion.." Spike said moving his snake hands around a little.
"We'll workshop it." Jaqueline in said interested with this.

"I bet he's one of Stockmanfly's experiment's that went lose." Donnie suggested.
"I say we find this guy, and assuming we can tell his butt from his face, kick it!" Raph said ready to go.
"What if he's on our side? They said he stopped a mugging." Leo said not liking this.
"He could just be trying to do what he thinks is right." Psiona added.
"What if Shredder wants the Reagent X to control Muckman?" Donnie suggested.
"He could be in trouble, come on guys." Spike said as they all left to find him.

Muckman groaned as he was in an alley alone trying to avoid all of the press.
"What are you sulking about pal? You did a good thing, and people love you for it!" Joe said trying to make him feel better until a newspaper flew in front of him.
"See that?!" He asked pointing at the paper.
"Muckman, city's new hero! Wow, it looks great!" Joe said positively.
"I did not want to be seen as Muckman the freak!" He said clutching his fists before he heard another woman scream.

"There he is!" The woman screamed in joy with a ton of other people behind her.
"You got a glorified fan club!" Joe explained which just made him more afraid and he tried running away.
"Leave me alone!" He shouted as he ran away with Spike and the others watching from a rooftop.
"See that? Only a guilty man runs." Raph said pointing at him.
"Or a scarred one. He might wanna stay out of sight, just like you." April suggested.
"It's rude to make accusations like this Raph, let's just see if we can help him." Spike said as he decided to go.

The mutant used his ability's to slide under a board in order to escape from the people.
"They don't care about me, i'm just a joke! A sideshow they can point to and laugh at.." He said sadly right as Spike and the others arrived.
"Dude are you talking to your eyeball?" Mikey asked a little grossed out.
"Gross, but cool." Spike said impressed at this.

"Turtle men? Snake creature?" He asked in shock.
"Well technically we're turtle teens." Donnie corrected as he put his eye back in.
"It was you.. you did this to me!!" He shouted with pure rage as he stirred up a windstorm and threw garbage at all of them, Spike ducked out of the way with April just as the trash attacked them.
"You made me.. into a freak!" He said with fury as he took a deep breath and released a ton of toxic sludge on the turtles.
"Guys!!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried to help them.

"Don't hurt them, i'm warning you!" April warned drawing her weapon.
"I don't wanna hurt you little girl.." He said in fear backing up.
"We don't wanna hurt you either, but you can't just attack us without hearing our end, we don't even know how you got mutated! " Spike said in defense trying to help him.
"Guys get up, they're gonna see you!" April shouted as they could see people with a camera coming.
"Oh no they're not!" Mikey said as he put down a smoke bomb right as they arrived.
"Hmm.. gotcha!" The woman said with a smug.

We cut back to the lair where Spike and the others were watching the news as the footage of them was caught, Splinter grumbled in anger as they saw the smoke bomb on screen.
"You let yourself be seen?" Psiona asked looking at Spike upset at him.
"We weren't seen fully.." Spike said in defense.
"You should never say that Spike.." Jaqueline said worried as the others were groaning in pain from the toxic sludge they were hit with.

"They saw something.. but they don't know what.." Mikey said weakly, just at that moment, a picture of Mikey running away appeared on screen.
"And that something appears to be 4 human sized mutant turtles!" Joan said on the screen which made Splinter more upset.
"At least she doesn't know Spike is a snake dragon, right?" Psiona asked hopefully.
"And they appear to be acquainted by a tall dragon like snake mutant, and from the scale color, we can assume that this ties into the scale that was recovered a couple years back, scientists believe this is the discovery of a completely new species!" Joan said as they saw Spike's scale from before he was mutated, WAY back from when he met the turtles for the first time which made Psiona growl in response.
"... ****" Spike swore annoyed at this.

"At least she doesn't know you and the others are ninjas.." April prayed as she brought some water for Splinter.
"And they appear to be carrying ninja weapons!" Joan said again which shocked her.
"Or that the turtles are named after artists?" April added.
"Or that Spike's name isn't.. Spike?" Mikey suggested until a photo of of the renaissance artist with they're colored masks appeared on screen somehow.
"Furthermore, they could also be.." Joan said right before April turned off the Tv.
"Ugh, doesn't she ever shut up?!" April asked annoyed.
"What happened to Carlos O Brian? I liked him a lot better." Spike said annoyed as well until Splinter had enough.

"How could you all be so careless?! Secrecy is the most important rule of the ninja, and you have broken it. You 5 are forbidden from leaving the lair!" Splinter said with rage.
"What?! You can't hold that sloppy escape against us! We got slimed with.. Toxic puke!" Raph countered.
"Silence!" Splinter shouted which scarred them all.

"But sensei, if that pile of muck took us down, you know he's dangerous." Donnie pointed out.
"Which means we need to be out there looking for him." Leo added.
"No! Until i decide i can trust you to watch over yourselves, you will remain here. Grounded!" Splinter declared as he walked away and Spike and the others groaned in annoyance.
"Sorry Spike.." Jaqueline said patting his shoulder.

"This couldn't get any worse.." Spike said coiling around himself like a snake would, Mikey weakly crawled over to the Tv to change the channel.
"Aw yeah.. Crognard marathon.." Mikey said right about to change it, until Splinter's staff slammed against it and shattered the screen.
"And no TV!" Splinter shouted from the distance.
"It just did.." Spike said completely defeated by this.

We cut to Stockman's lab as the chemical was being put into the chamber.
"Look at that chump, Baxter Stockhead, i wanna swat him so bad!" Bebop said really upset at him as he took some coffee.
"More chemicals, says lab is defended by Kraang traps. Why we should risk our lives for snake girl?" Rocksteady asked holding out another chart.
"Cause they treat us like suckers, what we need is a sucker, who's more of a sucker then us!" Bebop suggested drinking more coffee, Rocksteady shrugged and turned on the Tv.

"Breaking news.. What other powers does the mysterious Muckman have? Let's hope this monster hero can show us." Joan said as they saw footage of Muckman on it.
"Dah, and we just find him." Rocksteady said seriously.
"Nah bro, lady says hero, that fools not gonna play with us." Bebop pointed out.
"That look in his eyes. Not the look of the hero, is the look of the fear! We find him, and make him get chemical." Rocksteady said with a grin..

Spike and the others were in Donnie's room trying to figure out what to do.
"Muckman's running on more then mutagen. Whatever garbage he's made up off directly affects our mutated DNA." Donnie said concerned holding out a vile.
"Ugh, there's only one cure for Muckman fever.. Crognard.." Mikey said holding out a tape until Splinter slammed open the door looking upset. We cut to him holding out the Tv and all of Mikey's tapes and walking away with Mikey whining about it all.

Donnie took out his T phone to see the news with the others watching too.
"We all hope that Muckman keeps us safe from the monsterous child eating mutant turtles we brought you to an exclusive clip of earlier tonight." Joan said from the phone.
"We can't let Grody mop our rep so hard." Mikey said annoyed at this.
"Forget our reps, what about Bebop and Rocksteady?" Leo suggested.

"And more important, there's something about Muckman, i think he's a good guy." April said as she came in with a newspaper.
"I saw he was afraid, they could use his fear to they're advantage." Spike said with worry.
"Bebop and Rocksteady it is then, let's show Splinter we still got our skills, by sneaking out." Leo said seriously as he had white eyes again.

We cut to the lair after all of them went to bed, Psiona was sleeping in a pile of gold and blankets she made herself on the stairs while Jaqueline was in a sleeping bag in the living room sleeping soundly, Spike and the others quickly went out trying to be quiet.
"Did you not hear what i said..." Splinter said right before he saw them acting normal before deciding to leave. They all tried to go to the exit before Splinter somehow appeared in front of them.
"Oh ooh.. oh whoa! Help!" April said dramatically as she hung from the stairs and almost fell.

"April!" Splinter shouted with worry as he lunged to help her, but her hand was wrapped by Psiona's tail as she had woken up from the noise and was looking down at her.
"What is going on? Waking up a dragon is a bad move April." Psiona said annoyed at this, they looked at the entrance and saw Spike and the others were gone.
"April..." Splinter said annoyed with her.
"Um.. thanks for the save?" April said nervously.

Bebop and Rocksteady were in a alleyway searching for Muckman.
"Must be close." Bebop said as he tried sniffing him out.
"Papers say that Muck person is seen in this neighborhood, even police fear to walk these alleys." Rocksteady said knocking over a trash can. Rocksteady looked over and saw what looked like a plastic eyeball.
"Look at this, who would throw away perfectly good eyeball?" Rocksteady asked before Muckman emerged behind him and knocked him down hard.

"You looking for payback because i messed up your turtles and snake pals? Well not today!" Muckman said as he made the trash fly into the air again and knocked them down.
"You think turtles and snake our on our side? Nyet, we are on your side!" Rocksteady lied trying to fool him.
" Yeah bro we hate em more then moldy cheese.. unless that's your thing being a trash dude i'm just saying." Bebop added pointing at him.

"Did they.. mutate you too?" Muckman asked curious, the two looked at eachother to lie further.
"Dah, it's true/ no doubt!" Bebop and Rocksteady said at once.
"Is there some kind of cure? Or are we stuck like this forever?" Muckman asked walking up to them.
"Well as a mater of fact, we do know a certain chemical.." Bebop said which caught his interest.

Bebop and Rocksteady drove through the streets to another location with Muckman getting out of the truck while Spike and the others followed them easily.
" I can't believe they keep driving in an over conspicuous van!" Mikey said annoyed at this.
"It's like they're trying to give away where they're going." Spike added annoyed as well as Donnie pulled up to a parking lot.
"Not everyone can be as ninja as us guys." Raph said as Donnie slammed two cars away from the van which set their alarms off, Spike and the others quickly got out and ran over them.. with Donnie making sure the car was locked making two beeps.
"Yeah.. not everyone.." Spike said sarcastically as they went after them.

Bebop went over to a Kraang console and tried hacking into it while Joe popped out of Muckman's skull again.
"What do you want Joe i'm busy!" Muckman said annoyed at this.
"I don't know about these weirdos, this whole thing seems fishy to me." Joe said concerned on this.
"I don't have a choice Joe." Muckman said putting him back in.

"You ready to become human again? We don't have all the day.?" Rocksteady asked impatiently.
"This list has all the chemicals that can turn you into a man again my man!" Bebop said holding out another list of em.
"Don't do it, you know this is wrong!" Joe warned before he was pushed in again.
"Quiet Joe, i'm ready.." Muckman said grabbing the list.

"Busting into Kraang labs? Not very heroic Mucky, what would your girl Grody say?" Raph asked mockingly as they landed down behind him.
"We don't wanna hurt you, but we can't let you rob the lab." Leo warned trying to stop him.
"I'm not some dumb kid who don't know good from bad, i know who turned me into a monster. You!" Muckman said with rage as he shot more slime at them.

"I knew he was just another freaky puke monster, get him!" Raph shouted with rage.
"You get the chemical, we'll handle them." Bebop instructed as he and Rocksteady tried to fight them off. Spike breathed another stream of fire at Rocksteady before coiling around him and slamming him to the wall. with Mikey trying to stop Muckman.

"What are you doing Muck dude? Your supposed to be a hero!" Mikey argued trying to help him.
"No! You made me into a monster, now your gonna see what a monster can do!" Muckman said as he made another loud scream and caused more trash to fly at them all.
"I don't know what these two morons told you, but believe me we did not do this to you!" Leo shouted as he was trying to slash away more trash.
"Your being lied to, they're gonna betray you once you get them the chemical!" Spike shouted as he was holding back Rocksteady. Muckman was not listening to them however, and slammed more trash against all of them and knocked them all to the van defeating them.

"Muckman, stop! They're just using you!" Donnie shouted in fear as he towered over them.
"Mucking man, do not listen to turtle lies! We crush them, you go into the lab!" Rocksteady instructed.
"Come on Mucky, you think it's hard looking in a mirror now, what about after your a criminal?" Joe asked looking at him again.
"At least i'll be human.. people won't call me a freak!" Muckman countered.

"So what if they do? As long as your doing the right thing." Leo explained as all of them got up.
"It doesn't matter whether your a human or mutant, what matters is the actions you do, believe me, i know.." Spike said looking at himself again.
"Watching you get all sappy makes me wanna spit toxic puke." Bebop said in disgust, he took out a flashbang and threw it at all of them making a loud cloud of smoke making all their ears ring with Rocksteady walking up to Muckman.
"Now get in lab!" Rocksteady ordered as he threw him right into it bursting down the door.

Muckman groaned in pain as an alarm went off which sent even more Kraang security systems to fire at him.
"So polite of you to check for booby traps first, Muckman is hero after all!" Rocksteady mocked as Bebop took down the lasers. Muckman groaned in pain as he climbed up a ledge and saw a chemical container.
"That's it G, the chemical! Now don't you wanna be human again?" Bebop asked as he looked at it.
"Grabs it now!" Rocksteady ordered. Muckman went over to grab it which set off more security drones and they started shooting at him even more.

"Muckman!" Donnie said in horror as he and the others recovered from the blast.
"You monsters!" Spike said making loud snake hisses.
"We got you dude!" Mikey shouted as they went to attack them, Spike's pupils shrank down again as he felt his rage snap again at them bullying him badly. Spike groaned in pain as he felt his mind be overwhelmed with rage, he suddenly made a loud growl before made another shriek of rage which shocked them all.
"Spike?" Leo asked worried before Spike pushed Leo out of the way and attacked them both.

Spike coiled around Bebop and hissed at him with Rage before he threw him to a wall, Spike threw his snake hands at Bebops head and wrapped his arms around his whole body while he and the heads hissed at him even more.
"Let me go snake freak!" Bebop said as he was being chocked out. Spike hissed at him even more and threw him right into Rocksteady, Spike shrieked at them even more as he was towering over them both.
"What's wrong with him?" Raph asked worried as Spike was completely berserk again.
"He lost his mind again, we gotta stop him!" Leo shouted as they tried to help him.

Muckman groaned in pain as Donnie and Mikey checked on him.
"Are you okay? How many fingers am i holding up?" Donnie asked holding all of them out.
"Uh.. 9." Muckman replied.
"It's all good Mucky, now just chill here for a second, we got these guys!" Mikey said confidently.
"No! This ones on me!" Muckman said with rage as Leo and the others were pushed back, Spike hissed with more anger as he shot another fire blast at them both and almost roasted Bebop. The turtles picked Muckman up and got ready to attack.

"Slime him!" Leo ordered as Muckman took a deep breath and released another large batch of toxic sludge over them.
"Aw.. weak son! Wack!" Bebop said in disgust as he shook it off rapidly.
"Nyet, the chemical!" Rocksteady said in horror as the chemical exploded from the reaction with the sludge, Spike hissed a few more times before he finally calmed down and rubbed his head in pain.
"What just happened?" Spike asked weakly as he could barely think.
"You lost your mind again, we'll talk about it later, okay Spike?" Donnie asked looking at him, Spike only nodded in response before turning back to the two.

Spike hissed at them while Leo and the others drew they're weapons ready to fight.
"You got keys to the van yeah? It's time we put to pebble in the metal!" Rocksteady shouted as they quickly ran away.
"What are we waiting for?! Let's finish em off!" Muckman said trying to go after them.
"That problems done with pal, you really wanna finish this? You know what to do." Joe explained which made Muckman feel regret.

"Look uh turtles and snake guy, i know you were only trying to uh.." Muckman said nervously trying to find a way to apologize.
"It's cool Muckman." Mikey assured.
"Stuff happens, it's all good." Raph said with a smile.
"Yeah, we've been accused of way worse things.." Donnie assured until Leo saw something.
"Like being child eating monsters?!" Leo said in fear as they saw Joan and the camera man searching for them.
"Scatter fellas, i've got this!" Muckman instructed, Spike and the others flipped up to a rooftop as they saw him below in front of a camera.

They all went back to the lair and were ready for Splinter's words.
"So you disobey me, and leave the lair?" Splinter asked upset at them while Jaqueline and Psiona were watching this too.
"No one saw us sensei, we swear!" Mikey said in defense.
"Look, we fixed everything!" Leo assured as he showed Splinter the news again.

"Turtle mutants? Nah, you must be seeing things, maybe your thinking of those kids who dress up in costumes, like the Pulverizer! As for the snake dragon guy, he's totally cool! He's kind of a.. partner of mine, he helps me when i need it. Take it from me, New York's monster hero!" Muckman said on the screen.
"And there you have it folks, straight from Muckman himself, the turtle mutants do not exist. And this snake mutant is just as good as Muckman himself!" Joan said to the camera which made them all sigh in relief.
"Maybe people won't be scarred of me if they see me right?" Spike asked the others now that they know this.
"Maybe.." Leo said still unsure of this.

"See sensei? We're all cool.." Raph said nervously.
"Everything's back to normal, nothing to worry about.." Donnie said as they all backed away from him.
"So that means we can watch Crognard again! Right?" Mikey asked right before Splinter threw a knife at Mikey's T phone to a wall.
"No, you are still grounded!" Splinter said as he gave all of them hard slaps and knocked Spike to his mom and Jaqueline who were watching.

"Why didn't you two try to help us with this?" Spike asked a little upset at this.
"We didn't cause this Spike, it wasn't our business to get involved with, sorry.." Jaqueline apologized rubbing his head.
"There are times where you have to face the consequences son, you should know this." Psiona explained looking at him and Spike sighed in response.
"Yeah.. that's true.. it still hurts a lot.." Spike said rubbing his head in pain, April tried sneaking away but gasped in fear as she saw Splinter appear right next to her somehow...

55: Clash of the Mutanimals

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We open to a shot of the docks at night where two heavily armed men are seen coming up to the place, they heard a tiger growl and saw Tiger claw walk up to them.
"The Falchi Twins, punctual as ever." Tigerclaw greeted.
"Tiger claw." One of them responded.
"I believe that belongs to me." Tiger claw pointing at the suitcase.

"You aint getting our merchandise without forking over our loot." The guy responded, Tiger claw put a case on the ground and pushed it over to them both and the man tossed him the case.
"This had better be worth the price, You don't want to disappoint him." Tiger claw threatened until something landed down and they saw Slash tower over them.

"The infamous Slash, not very stealthy, for a ninja." Tiger claw mocked.
"When i lack in stealth, i make up for in friends! Meet the Mighty Mutanimals!" Slash said as Leatherhead and the others landed behind him.
"More freaks! Blast them!" The twins shouted as they fired at all of them. Leatherhead went to take them down while Slash was fighting against Tiger claw.
"Hold still you sneaky little.. agh!" Slash shouted with pain as a smoke bomb was thrown to his face before he was kicked back. Rockwell tried using his powers to hit Tiger claw, but hit Pigeon Pete instead, Tiger claw fired his gun at Rockwell and restrained him with his ice blasters.

"Get in the car!" One of the twins shouted as he started to escape.
"Get this thing moving! Go, go go!" The other shouted as they were barely avoiding Leatherhead who roared at them both. Tiger claw shot a rope at Slash which restrained and electrocuted him.
"Feel the feathered wrath of Pigeon Pete!" Pete shouted as he tried attacking him, but he was grabbed by the neck and slammed against the shipping containers and held him up.
"I could use a snack." Tiger claw said menacingly before he saw Leatherhead trying to attack him. Tiger claw threw Pete on his head and knocked him down.

"One more step, and we find out if all monkeys go to heaven." Tiger claw threatened holding up Rockwell. A van suddenly drove right nearby Leatherhead and ran right into him which knocked him into the water with Pete being knocked down too.
"Secure the beast, you will be of great use to him!" Tiger claw said as he made an evil laugh while the van drove off with Slash and Rockwell being taken prisoner..

Spike and the others were in the lair once again, Psiona had gotten a hang of living here with them as her little spot on the stairs was enough for her, Jaqueline got a spare room they had in the lair so they all had a place to sleep, Mikey was watching more of that Crognard show and this episode had Crognard trying to free his friends from being mind controlled.
"Hey guys, you ever notice how the cartoons we watch are kinda just like our missions?" Mikey asked curiously.
"Seriously? Your leading way to much into a cartoon Mikey." Leo replied not convinced.
"I don't know, the past shows we've watched all tied into what we did for our missions, my best are Someones gonna get controlled here at one point, but who?" Spike asked rubbing his chin with his snake hand.
"Definitely not me, my mind is far to strong to be taken over by anything." Psiona answered landing down from her spot.

"Speaking of missions, i know what our next one should be, Shredder." Raph said as he was punching the dummy with rage again.
"Why don't we take him down.. once.. and. for. all?!" Raph asked with anger as he punched the dummy across the room which impressed Psiona.
"Because of that impulsive over emotional state right there." Leo joked before Raph came up to him more furious.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING IMPULSIVE AND OVER EMOTIONAL?!" Raph shouted right in his ear which annoyed him.

"Honestly, i'd go more with hot headed.." Mikey joked before Raph screamed with rage and attacked him.
"This is entertaining honestly." Psiona said as she was having popcorn with Leo and Spike.
"Tell me about it, how many times has Raph acted this way again?" Leo asked taking some as well.
"Hmm.. i'd say around 20." Spike said as Mikey was screaming with fear.

Donnie and Jaqueline were working in the lab in order to fix the Shellraiser after it got wrecked badly.
"Is he at it again?" Jaqueline asked as they could hear Raph from the other room.
"Yep, he's going off again. I think it's best we stay in the lab for a while, Just a little more and.. there!" Donnie said as he made the last touches.
"That should do it right?" Jaqueline asked brushing off some sweat.
"Yes, the Shellraiser should finally be fixed." Donnie said confidently before a loud sound caught they're attention.

Raph was shaking Mikey with rage again until Donnie and Jaqueline came out of the lab
"What was that?! Did Raph finally blow a Gasket? Because i got plenty of spares!" Donnie shouted pointing behind them.
"Leatherhead?" Jaqueline asked shocked as they saw him crawling into the lair looking really hurt.
"Turtles.. Spike.." Leatherhead said as he was breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked worried as Spike and Mikey checked on him.

"Can't you see he's terrible? Look at his adorable yet tortured gator face, aw..." Mikey said trying to comfort him.
"What happened to you Leatherhead?" Spike asked worried getting some medical supplies.
"No, i am not fine, i bring dire news. Slash and Rockwell have been captured, by Tiger claw." Leatherhead reported which surprised them.
"What? Why?" Leo asked with worry.
"Slash and Rockwell are in danger?" Jaqueline asked worried for this.
"Yes, and he said they could be of use to.. him." Leatherhead replied which worried them more.

"I'll give you one guess who him is." Raph said crossing his arms again and Psiona growled with anger.
"If they've been captured, it's bad news for us, they're up to something, probably relating to those chemicals that were stolen." Psiona said trying to help Leatherhead in, but they suddenly heard laughing and saw Pigeon Pete fly into the lair too.

"Aw not Pigeon Pete.." Raph said annoyed seeing him.
"Wow, now this is a secret lair!" Pete said amazed looking around the place.
"Anyone but Pigeon Pete." Raph continued as he went onto the tire.
"Wow! A tire swing! And is that a real Space Heroes pinball machine?! If you ask me the only place this lair is missing is some bread." Pete said amazed as he was near Psiona's bed.
"Hey get off of there, that's my spot!" Psiona said pushing him off of it.

"Sorry!" Pete apologized before Mikey caught his attention.
"We got something even better then bread, Pizza crust Brah!" Mikey announced showing him some, Pete screamed in joy and tackled him down and quickly pecked at the bread and having a look of amazement.
"Where have you been all my life?!" Pete asked amazed before flying around some more.

"Why couldn't Tiger claw take him instead?" Raph asked annoyed.
"Probably because he's not something that's interesting to him." Jaqueline answered still worried for this.
"Hey i'm not crazy about Slash, but the Mutanimals are our friends, and we're gonna rescue them." Leo said seriously.

We cut to Stockman's lab once again where Slash and Rockwell were restrained to some table's for testing. Shredder was looking at the cell Karai was trapped in as she was still out of control and violent now until Tiger claw landed next to him.
"You found the chemical?" Shredder asked turning to him.
"When have i failed you Shredder?" Tiger claw asked as he showed him the chemical as Stockman flew up to them.
"All is ready my master. This is the last ingredient i need to finish the formula. And you will be in complete control over her." Stockman explained looking at it.
"Before you use it on Karai, test it on the two mutants." Shredder ordered looking at their hostages.
"Brilliant sir! In case there are unexpected side affects." Stockman said flying over to the both of them.

"Prepare yourselves my willing subjects." Stockman said evilly as Slash tried escaping.
"What are you gonna do to us?!" Slash asked with anger as Stockman put the chemical in a device.
"I'd just like to clarify that we're not willing, not at all!" Rockwell said trying to escape as well.
"The serum must be directly administered to your brains, and your just the creatures to perform the test." Stockman said holding out something.
"Creatures?" They both asked shocked hearing this.

"Observe my little worm friends." Stockman said as he held out a jar with strange worm's in it, he inserted the chemical into the thing and they watched in shock as the chemical seemingly turned them into monster worms.
"Let us go! I mean it! Rah!!!!" Slash shouted with fury as Stockman brought one of them to him..

Spike and the others were just outside of Shredder's lair now and were coming up with a plan.
"What are you doing Raph?" Leo asked stopping him from going right away.
"Going in all blaze blazing, like we should've done weeks ago!" Raph said ready to fight already.
"We don't even know exactly where they are!" Leo countered.
"You need a recon fly boy? I'm the bird man for the job! Pigeon Pete to.. ah!!" Pete screamed as he fell of the roof much to their shock.
"He'll be fine, in 3, 2, 1.." Jaqueline counted down before Pete was seen flying to the building without any trouble.
"Nicely done." Spike said patting her shoulder before they heard a loud noise and saw Slash and Rockwell trying to escape.

"Rockwell! We gotta move!" Slash shouted as they ran through the streets.
"They escaped on they're own?" Donnie asked shocked on this.
"They need our help, come on!" Spike shouted as he started going after them. Slash and Rockwell were being perused by Foot bots and were cornered in an alley, but Spike and the others showed up just in time and took down all of them quickly.

"Slash are you okay?!" Raph asked worried running up to him.
"What happened to you?" Spike asked worried as well.
"Ugh.. Raphael.. Spike.." Slash said weakly as he was hurt bad.
"What did Shredder do to you?" Leatherhead asked worried for him.
"They don't look so good, we gotta get em back to the lair guys." Donnie said seriously as they quickly helped them and headed back.

Spike and the others were in the lair now and were waiting for the news on what happened.
"So what do you think happened to them?" Jaqueline asked worried on this.
"I don't know, but i'm sensing something bad, we gotta be careful.." Spike said coiling around himself again.

"Your escape was very fortuitous, Shredder is not one easily eluted." Splinter said handing them some food.
"Well we're just glad you guys are okay." Raph said a little relieved.
"Are you sure? Something seems off about you two.." Mikey said as he saw them upside down, Psiona flipped him over and steadied his head.
"That better?" Psiona asked looking down at him.
"Ah yeah, that's better." Mikey replied having a funny smile.

"They did do something to us, yes.. it's all coming back now. We were being experimented on by Shredder. " Rockwell said as his head hurt.
"Experimented on?" Donnie asked worried on that.
"He had these.. and then.. and then.." Slash said as he clutched his head in pain.
"Dude don't leave us hanging!" Mikey said worried for him as Slash groaned in pain.
"Hmm.. let me get you some water." Splinter said about to leave until Slash's eyes were pure white.

"Slash?" Psiona asked worried as her senses were going off, meaning something was wrong. Slash roared with rage and hit Splinter really hard with his mace.
"Splinter!" Raph shouted with horror as Slash roared at them.
"Something's wrong with him!" Jaqueline shouted as she dodged another slash at her.

"This can't be happening!" Leatherhead said in horror as Psiona was holding him back.
"How could you Slash?!" Raph asked feeling really betrayed.
"Splinter must be.. destroyed!" Slash said with rage as Psiona knocked him back with telekinesis.
"You'll never hurt sensei again!" Leo said with rage while Psiona and Spike were knocking him down, Spike coiled around his waste and tried knocking his weapon away.
"Leo! Check up on Splinter!" Raph shouted holding him down.

Rockwell groaned with pain before his eyes opened revealing them to be pure white as well.
"Sensei?" Leo asked worried before they were lifted up by Rockwell's powers and thrown down.
"Rockwell's gone crazy too!" Donnie said in fear as Rockwell made monkey noises again. Leatherhead tackled Slash down and tried stopping him.
"Don't make me hurt you Slash!" Leatherhead threatened holding him down.
"Don't make me laugh!" Slash countered before he bit down on his arm which made him be freed. Slash grabbed his mace and began swiping at Leatherhead through the place. Psiona was holding down Rockwell with her own powers as she was stronger with the mind then he is.
"Snap out of it Rockwell!" Jaqueline shouted trying to knock him out.

"Rockwell why are you doing this?!" Leo asked with anger as Raph threw more stars at him before they were caught in mid air.
"It is the will of the master.." Rockwell said in a controlled voice.
"He's mind controlled!" Donnie shouted in realization as they all tried avoiding more stuff being thrown at them. Psiona turned her arm into a blade again and sliced apart them.

"Shredder desires one of the turtles." Slash said menacingly.
"I'd volunteer to go kick his butt, right after i kick yours!" Raph announced charging to them.
"If he's picking a fight, he's getting me as well!" Jaqueline shouted as she held out her hammer again, but Slash held out a smoke bomb and threw it in their faces which made them cough roughly before passing out.
"Rockwell, fall back!" Slash ordered picking them up. They quickly went into Donnie's lab and closed the door.
"Raph!" Leo shouted with worry as they tried opening it.
"Jaqueline!!" Spike shouted in horror as he tried saving her too. Leatherhead and Psiona roared with rage and they tried bashing down the door with their strength.

"Sensei, me and Donnie will stay with you." Mikey said as he tried helping him up.
"I will survive, you must save your brother and Jaqueline, go!" Splinter ordered while he was breathing heavily.
"We need this door open now!" Leo shouted from the distance.
"Just one more and.." Psiona shouted as they finally burst it down and saw Rockwell in the party wagon before driving off.

"They stole the party wagon!" Mikey said in horror as they were left alone.
"The Shellraiser's fully operational, let's go!" Donnie shouted as they quickly went into it and drove through the tunnels into the streets.
"Donnie! Slow em down!" Leo ordered as he was driving the thing.
"Don't let them get away!" Spike shouted holding onto a bar as he couldn't drive now.

"Taking out the trash!" Donnie replied as he shot multiple garbage balls at the van but Rockwell moved the van around them.
"Deploying battering ram!" Leo announced as he turned the front of the vehicle into a ram to stop them hopefully.
"Ugh, that's close enough turtles." Rockwell said as he activated another feature.
"Oil slick! Oil slick!" Donnie shouted in fear as the car was caught into the slick and was knocked over roughly. Spike and the others groaned with pain as they tried getting up.

"They got away with Raph.." Mikey said trying to get off from Leatherhead.
"And Jaqueline.." Spike said with worry helping his mother up.
"We'll get her back son i promise." Psiona swore holding him close as Donnie and Leo got out.
"At least we know where they're going." Donnie said looking out to the streets.
"Looks like we're doing what Raph wanted after all, take the fight to Shredder." Leo said seriously as they had no choice now..

Jaqueline groaned with pain as she finally woke up from being knocked out, she heard Raph groan to as she saw him restrained to a table next to her.
"Raph? What happened?" Jaqueline asked worried trying to escape.
"Jaqueline? Where are we?! Slash, Rockwell, snap out of it!" Raph shouted trying to save them.

"It's no use, with my mind control serum coursing through their brains, resistance is futile!" Stockman said holding out another worm to use on them.
"I'm really lousy in taking orders, ask Leo!" Raph countered trying to escape.
"Ugh, when Spike sees this, he's gonna make sure that head of yours is squashed, and i'll be sure to give you the worst nightmares you can imagine!" Jaqueline threatened with rage.
"We will see about that, Dream Beaver.." Stockman said chuckling to himself as he held out more worms for them both.
"No, let us go, no! no!!" Jaqueline screamed in fear as it was brought closer to them..

Spike and the others quickly made it back to Shredder's lair to save them both.
"I just realized we don't have a strategy, um.. do we have a plan?" Donnie asked worried on this.
"Forget the plan, Leatherhead, Psiona, get ready to make a door." Leo ordered turning to them.
"With pleasure!" Psiona said with a grin turning her arm into a cannon while Leatherhead roared in response.

Raph and Jaqueline were dropped into another room near the dungeon of the area, they groaned weakly as they tried getting up.
"My head.." Jaqueline said in pain as she tried removing this thing.
"Where are we?" Raph asked confused as they saw someone rise up before them and it was the Shredder again.
"Your new home mutant, and Dream Beaver." Shredder answered as he didn't even look at them.
"Shredder, finally, i've been waiting for this!" Raph shouted as he charged at them. Jaqueline got out her hammer and got ready.
"You'll pay for this Shredder!" Jaqueline screamed as she and Raph tried attacking them.

"Stop." Shredder ordered which made they're bodies halt suddenly.
"What?!" Jaqueline asked shocked as she tried moving.
"Now, bow to me." Shredder ordered turning to them.
"No.. no!" Jaqueline said in pain as her mind was taken over alongside Raph's, they both dropped they're weapons and bowed to him.
"Attack me!" Shredder ordered again, Raph and Jaqueline lunged at him while Shredder drew out his blades.
"Harder! Without mercy!" Shredder shouted as they both were fighting him.

Some foot bots were guarding the throne room until Psiona landed down and tore them apart with her blade arm, Spike and the other's landed down all ready to fight as well.
"Come on!" Spike whispered as he slithered ahead with the others. They quickly moved they're way to the dungeons in the room and took down any bots that were there, they suddenly heard grunting and quickly went to see what it is.

Raph kicked Shredder into the air and Jaqueline used her hammer to slam him onto the ground, they were both about to finish him off until Shredder stopped them once again.
"Enough!" Shredder ordered which made they're bodies stop again. The door slammed open and Leatherhead and Psiona roared with rage as the others charged in.
"It's Raph and Jaqueline!" Mikey shouted pointing to them.
"Raph, Jaqueline, do it! end this!" Leo shouted as they're bodies were freezing up.
"What are they waiting for?!" Donnie asked shocked as they're bodies turned to them, revealing they're pale white eyes.

"No.." Spike said in horror as he knew what this meant.
"Raphael and Jaqueline are mine now, as are your other mutant friends." Shredder said menacingly as the doors were shut and Slash and Rockwell came in and growled at them all.
"No escape for you reptiles." Tiger claw said as Raph went over and got some blades that were like Shredder's.
"Raph?" Mikey asked worried as he stood by Shredder's side.
"Now, let us welcome you properly." Shredder said as all the mutants stood besides him..

Spike's mind was overflowing with rage once again, his mind felt like it was losing itself again and Spike's hands were making more hisses once again.
"What did you do to my girlfriend?!" Spike shouted with fury as he made loud hisses again.
"Tamed her mind, like you will be too." Shredder replied as he laughed evilly again. Spike breathed heavily with rage again before he snapped once more and made a loud shriek of rage again and charged at him.
"get him!!" Psiona shouted with fury as they all engaged in battle.

Spike tried attacking Shredder before Jaqueline blocked his attack.
"It's no use Spike! You can't beat him!" Jaqueline said with rage as Spike hissed at her again, Spike breathed another stream of fire at her while Leo was fighting Raph.
"Let us see what my new servants can do." Shredder said as he sat down and a circle of fire surrounded him with the other's charging at them too. Psiona roared with rage as she was dodging more blasts from Tiger claw, Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and shot a blast at him again which barely hit him. Spike coiled around Jaqueline again and threw her to the wall while Spike was completely berserk again.

"Get off of me bug boy!" Pete shouted as Stockman was chasing after him and they literally started slapping eachother like kids.
"Hey! Watch the mandibles! You jerk!" Stockman said annoyed as they were pushing eachother around.
"Your pathetic ninjutsu is no match for the power of my mind." Rockwell said as he threw more weapons at them. Psiona grabbed a spear that was thrown at her and used it as a new weapon. She and Mikey were fighting Tiger claw up on the higher ledge as he was shooting ice blasts at them.
"No fair with the ice gun!" Mikey shouted as he and Psiona dodged more shots. Psiona breathed a fire blast at the ice blasts which melted them easily and she roared with rage and slashed her spear at him.

Leo and Raph were fighting eachother still, Raph disarmed Leo's weapons from him and tried slashing at him before Leo landed on a higher ledge.
"Raph, you gotta break Shredder's control, this isn't you! Where's that crazy temper?!" Leo asked taking up some more weapons again.
"Don't be a fool, there's nothing you can say Leonardo." Raph said right before Leo threw the weapons at him and pushed him back.
"Break free you jerk!" Leo shouted as that made Raph flinch a moment before they proceeded to fight again.

Shredder watched as Leo and the other turtles were beginning to be overwhelmed by the strength of his own forces, Spike had coiled around Jaqueline and squeezed her body tightly while he made more hisses.
"Let go of me snake freak!" Jaqueline said with rage as she tried breaking free, Leo and Raph were still fighting the best they could as they were equally matched.

"I think i finally get it, you can't feel emotion, because your Shredder's puppet! As a matter of fact, i bet you like doing whatever Shredder tells you!" Leo mocked which made Raph even more furious.
"You probably love it!" Leo taunted as he slashed his trident at Raph again, Raph screamed with rage and almost attacked him before his stomach suddenly hurt badly. Raph gagged for a few moments until he coughed out the worm and breathed heavily.
"Raph?" Leo asked worried helping him out.
"Ugh how's it going? Brother?" Raph asked as he was back in control of himself.

"Stockman, what is going on?!" Shredder asked upset with him.
"I don't know sir!" Stockman shouted before Pete kicked him down while Donnie was being held by Rockwell who made him slap himself over and over again.

"Leo, your a genius! Ow! Ow! Something your not Rockwell, making me slap myself, Ow! If you had a brain with your powers! Ow! You might actually be smarter then a gibbering baboon!" Donnie insulted as he was hitting himself again.
"What?! How dare you?! A reptilian brain is a revolutionary throwback! For.." Rockwell said before his stomach grumbled again which made him spit out the worm too.
"Sorry about the insults Rockwell." Donnie apologized walking up to him.
"No, they were necessary, although complete fabrications." Rockwell said dismissively.
"Agree to disagree, now blast that brain worm out of Slash and Jaqueline!" Donnie shouted pointing to them. Rockwell fired a psychic blast at them both and they screamed in pain before they coughed out the brain worms too.

"Spike?" Jaqueline asked shocked as Spike was still berserk.
"Spike! Snap out of it! I'm fine now!!" Jaqueline said as she screamed in pain with her body being crushed, Spike hissed at her again before groaning in pain as his mind returned to normal again.
"Jaqueline? Are.. you okay?" Spike asked worried quickly letting her go and helping her up.
"I'm fine.. thankfully.." Jaqueline said giving him a hug which Spike returned gladly.

Shredder had enough of this and stood up from the circle of fire he was in.
"It is time i end this experiment." Shredder said drawing out his blades.
"Gladly!" Psiona said with fury as all of them surrounded Shredder and were ready to fight.

"Turtles, Mutanimals, get him!" Leo shouted with rage. Spike and all the others charged at Shredder with rage, Spike tried tail whipping him but Shredder grabbed it and threw him into Leatherhead, Mikey jumped above him and threw multiple ninja stars at him which Shredder blocked. Rockwell shot a mind blast at him which stunned him for a moment, Leo tried attacking him one more time before he grabbed Leo's arm and threw him into Jaqueline and the others were thrown to the wall. Slash and Leatherhead tried attacking him one more time before Shredder slashed them both down.

"I've had enough of you!!" Psiona screamed with fury as she turned her arm into a blade again, Shredder turned to her and slashed at her body, but his blades shattered on impact with her metal arm which shocked him greatly, she sliced off the rest of his arm blades making things worse for him.
"What?!" Shredder asked shocked before Psiona punched him into the air, she grabbed his legs and slammed him onto the ground multiple times, she held him up with her arms before slamming her knee onto his back making him scream in pain, Psiona threw him down to the statue and roared at him. Shredder tried getting up before a roar was heard and he saw the statue coming down on top of him, Psiona quickly rolled out of the way just as the statue fell onto him with Slash brushing off his hands.
"Nicely done Slash." Psiona said impressed high fiving him.
"You did really good yourself." Slash replied with a smile.

"Is it over?" Spike asked as he was breathing heavily.
"Don't count on it.." Jaqueline said seriously as the gates opened up behind them and they saw even more bots with Tiger claw getting up again.
"Another time!" Leo shouted as all of them threw down smoke bombs and disappeared when the smoke cleared. Tiger claw and the mutants pushed over the statue to help Shredder out who was hiding in the circle that lowered down. Shredder roared with rage as they all had escaped once again..

Splinter was still in the lair still in pain from Slash's attack, Slash held up some food for him and had a look of regret.
"I am.. sorry.. Master Splinter.. when i attacked i could see everything, but i couldn't control my actions.. Please forgive me.." Slash said with regret.
"There is nothing to forgive my friend, this was Shredder's doing, not your own.." Splinter assured.
"Ugh.. my head still hurts from being controlled like that?" Jaqueline said in pain rubbing her head.
"Don't worry, it'll get better.." Spike assured as he still felt bad for going berserk like that again.
"And we need to get a better hang on your mind son, you lost yourself again, we need to make sure you don't lose yourself like Karai warned us." Psiona said kneeling down to him.
"I hope we can.." Spike said still worried on all of this..

"Those worms must have programmed you two like sleeper agents." Donnie suggested.
"Indeed, it was totally dreadful, my thanks to all of you for saving us." Rockwell said gratefully.
"All i know is that those worms were nasty, and it's awesome to have you guys back." Mikey said putting his arm over Raph's shoulder.
"Good to be back.." Jaqueline said hugging Spike again to calm him down.
"Hey, we wouldn't have done it without Leo." Raph said turning to him with a smile.

"Well what would we do without you? Every team needs an impulsive loud mouth, super violent pot head right?" Leo joked which made Raph growl with rage. Raph growled at him again before he suddenly picked him up and hugged him.
"Your the best bro." Raph said gratefully.
"Now that's something i didn't expect." Psiona said a little surprised on this.
"Okay alright.. alright.." Leo said nervously as all of them looked on glad that this was over..

56: The Deadly Venom

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We open to a shot of Stockman's lab as he held out one of these strange worms that controlled Slash and Rockwell not to long back as Karai was normal again and restrained to a table.

"Karai, i'm wanting to help you, i finally turned you human again.." Stockman said making more fly buzzes.
"Stockman, if you don't let me go i'll tear both your wings off and shove them down both your mouths!" Karai threatened trying to break free. Stockman didn't listen and slowly brought the brain worm to her and she screamed in terror as it entered her.

"Did it work? I demand proof." Shredder asked impatiently.
"Yes.. master, the parasite has bent her mind to be totally obedient to you, and you alone." Stockman said as he pushed on a button that let her go and she opened up her serpent eyes.
"Karai, attack Ivan Steranko." Shredder ordered which surprised him.
"Ha, snake lady no trouble for Rocksteady, let us do this like the bruises eh?" Rocksteady asked bashing his fists.

Karai hissed in response and jumped off of Stockman's head and leapt all the way over to the side, she threw her sword at him which knocked him off guard, she then landed down and kicked him in the face.
"Big mistake! Now Rocksteady bring out the hammer!" Rocksteady shouted as he tried attacking her, but she was far too skilled for him and held the sword by his neck.
"Stop!.. You have done well Stockman." Shredder said giving him some food while walking up to her.
"But the true test remains, Karai. Destroy Splinter, the turtles, their pathetic human allies, eliminate them, and do a little persuasion to make that dragon join us, i'm sure you'd like to have someone fight alongside you." Shredder instructed.
"Yes.. father.." Karai said as she was in complete control..

We cut back to the dojo where Spike, and Leo were doing a spar against Splinter and Psiona. Psiona wanted Spike to try and get a better hang on his psychic powers so he isn't gonna focus to hard on physical combat.
"Remember son, don't attack directly, focus your powers." Psiona instructed as there were objects all around the room to use.
"Yes mom." Spike said as he took a deep breath while Leo and Splinter took out 2 wooden swords.

Spike focused his mind calmly and raised his snake hand in the air to focus his powers, he felt the objects all around the area and used his powers the best he could. The small objects began to float in the air and swirl around them while Splinter and Leo were fighting eachother.
"Good now, let's see how good your getting." Psiona said as they charged at eachother, Spike pushed his hand forward which made a few of the objects fly to her, Psiona flipped over them and even jumped right off one and backflipped behind him, Spike hissed at her like a snake again and ducked under a tail swipe from her. Spike tried focusing his powers more as he pushed his hands down and sent almost all the objects at her. Psiona moved her head away from the objects who almost hit her and crushed one with her metal claw, she then caught the rest with her own powers to stop all of it.

"Your getting better son, it really warms my heart that you've gotten so much from me.." Psiona said softly as she put the objects down and Spike slithered up to her with a smile.
"Thanks mom, your a great teacher you know that?" Spike asked looking up at her as Leo and Splinter got done as well with Leo beating Splinter because he's still weak from when Slash attacked him when he was controlled.
"I would've taught you all this at a much younger age, our Dragon Lord Torch himself said that i am something else, and i have potential to do great things, maybe even be the next Dragon lord when the time comes." Psiona said chuckling to herself on that.
"Dragon lord Torch? Who's that?" Spike asked curiously which did surprise her that he didn't know.
"You have much to learn son.." Psiona said as they turned to Splinter who was saying some strange words and making hand gestures which made his body glow brightly.

"Master Splinter, what did you do? How did you do that?" Leo asked shocked at that.
"That was amazing.." Spike said in awe as they walked up to them.
"It's a special technique known as the healing hand, would you like to learn it?" Splinter offered which amazed them.
"This would be very helpful for helping others, i'd like to learn it please." Psiona said sitting down.
"Even if i have snake hands, it still is something i should learn, please do." Spike replied sitting down as well.
"Alright, all of you, at once.." Splinter instructed as they all closed they're eyes and repeated the same words he was saying with Jaqueline and the others watching as well.

Casey and April were just leaving the theaters while talking about stuff.
"I thought a little night out would be good for me but, i still can't shake everything that's happened. At least dad's back, i just want a little normal stuff in my life.." April said as she tried finding Casey who snuck up on her and spooked her.
"Casey!" April said annoyed with him.
"The six deadly poisons was cool but i would've smashed that scorpion dude in one hit!" Casey said excitedly as he was doing some fighting poses.
"And yesterday i lost my head, and now i can't walk around because i have no head.." April said sarcastically while Casey was in his own world.
"Not listening to a single word.." April said shaking her head as they went back to her apartment with Kirby watching from the window.

"You wanna know what my favorite part of the movie was?" Casey asked as he went to get his bike.
"I don't know Casey, maybe the nonstop violence?" April asked sarcastically.
"It was the way the hero never gave up, even against all odds." Casey answered which surprised her.
"Catch ya later red, i'm sure your lose head will turn up soon." Casey joked as he clicked his tongue before driving off with April chuckling at that joke.

We cut to a nighttime view where April was seen walking around a strange fog looking worried.
"Hello? Where am i? Who's there.. show yourself!" April shouted as she could hear noises all around the place, she gasped in fear as her vision shattered around her and she saw a huge snake rise up behind her. April screamed in pure fear as she tried to run away before the nightmare finally woke her up and she breathed heavily.
"Oh.. it was just a nightmare... what?" April asked confused as she could feel something on her, she pulled up her blankets and saw dozens of small snakes hissing at her which made her scream in fear.
"April!" Kirby shouted with worry as he immediately went to help her and saw her on the ground with a snake slithering away.

Spike and Jaqueline were sitting with the others in the lair with Jaqueline feeling something was wrong.
"Hey Jaqueline, are you okay?" Spike asked worried as she held her had sensing something.
"I.. i just felt someone having a nightmare, a bad one. I think i need to see who it is.." Jaqueline said as she tried finding out who this person was.
"Help! Turtles! Spike!" Kirby shouted with worry as they saw him entering the place.
"Kirby?" Leo asked shocked as he put April on the ground.

"Snake bite, please help her." Kirby begged looking at them.
"Guys, quick, give her some space." Donnie ordered as he checked on her body.
"She's gonna be okay right Donnie?" Mikey asked hopefully as he saw she had a large bite mark on her arm.
"Oh no.." Donnie said with worry, the other's looked at Spike suddenly which surprised him.
"Hey! I may be a snake, but i would never poison my own friends, or enemy's!" Spike said in defense which did make them feel ashamed for thinking that.

Casey was driving through the streets beat boxing to himself until footbots suddenly landed all around him.
"Whoa! What the what? Footbots!" Casey said seriously as he whacked one away and tried driving off.
"Better warn the guys!" Casey shouted as he pressed on a button a few times before he saw more bots land in front of him and drew they're weapons. Casey put on his mask and shot some taser bombs at them which made them explode and Casey drove off laughing at that. Another one was charging at him and Casey took out some sharp weaponry in front of his bike and jumped off a sidewalk.
"Goongala!!" Casey screamed as he slashed it's arms apart, Casey loaded up a rocket and shot it into the air before slamming down on the bots and destroying them.
"Hahaha! Oh yeah! You better robo check yourselves before you wreck yourselves son!" Casey said in victory as he drove off again like it was nothing special.

Karai was watching the whole thing from a rooftop and decided to attack him, Casey kept on beat boxing to himself right before he heard Karai scream and saw her kick him off his bike.
"Karai right? Never really met, but i like what i'm seeing though, you got a sweet style." Casey teased.
"Oh do you like this?!" Karai shouted as she delivered multiple kicks to him and kicked him back.
"I thought you were one of the good guys! I don't wanna hurt you!" Casey shouted backing up a little.
"Oh but i wanna hurt you, slowly.. painfully.." Karai said menacingly as she drew her sword.

Karai slashed at him and Casey blocked it right before she could while she hissed at him like a snake, Casey flipped over more kicks from her until he sweeped her legs and caught her and had a smug look again.
"I'm not sure if i wanna fight you or ask you out." Casey teased again.
"Not bad Jones." Karai said a little impressed.
"I got plenty of surprises for you sweetheart." Casey said smugly.
"So do i.." Karai said before she backflipped off of him and hissed at him again.

Karai lunged her snake arms at him again and barely avoided them biting him.
"You and Spike are the same type of mutant right? I'm surprised you haven't gone after him yet!" Casey mocked as he was being backed into an alley.
"Oh believe me, once i'm done with you, he's next!" Karai countered as she tried attacking him more until Casey put his stick right in front of her neck.

"It's over Karai!" Casey said trying to hold her back.
"It's not over until i say it is!" Karai hissed as she stepped on his foot which lowered his guard, she lunged her snake hands at him again and it coiled around him and brought him to her. Karai hissed at him again and almost attacked him, before she literally brought him into a kiss which surprised him before leaning into hit before she pushed him back.

"Whoa.. that was crazy.. i mean don't get me wrong it was nice and all, but why are my lips.. num?" Casey asked confused as he was feeling strange.
"The numbness is one of the effects of my venom. Some go faster then others." Karai answered as he could feel its affects.
"First weakness, then paralysis, then.. black out." Karai explained as he was breathing heavily.
"Your the second, now i'm going to poison the turtles, one by one. Then, i'll make Spike join the foot clan, you should've tested out his own venom when you could." Karai said knocking him down as she walked off with Casey poisoned..

Spike and the other's were in Donnie's lab with all of them looking at her condition.
"How serious is it?" Jaqueline asked worried as they saw the venom through most of her body.
"It's getting a lot worse, it's not showing any signs of stopping." Donnie said worried as they saw it through an X ray.
"Bitten by a poisonous snake in her bedroom? It doesn't make any sense." Leo said trying to figure it out.
"Unless it could be.." Spike said in shock as he had an idea, his snake hands hissed at him as he knew what it might be..

"Guys, i got an SOS from Casey's bike, i'm gonna go check it out." Raph announced about to leave.
"Take Mikey and Jaqueline with you." Leo ordered
"Why?" Raph and Jaqueline asked at once.
"Because you might need backup, and i'm busy helping Donnie." Leo answered as they turned back t oApril.
"Just be careful, i've got a bad feeling about this Jaqueline.." Spike said with worry.
"I do to, you just try and help her." Jaqueline said as she kissed his cheek again before going with Raph and Mikey.

"Maybe i should've taken her to a hospital .." Kirby said really worried for her.
"No no you did the right thing Kirby.." Donnie assured as he looked in a microscope and gasped in fear in seeing something.
"What's wrong?" Spike asked getting really worried.
"Non of our anti venoms our working, if i can't come up with an antidote soon.." Donnie said worried on this outcome.
"No no! Don't think that! We have to find something!" Spike said seriously as he looked over her body and tried finding a way to help her.

Raph, Mikey and Jaqueline arrived at the place they got the signal from.
"This is the place where Casey's bike was sending off the signal, maybe we should split up." Raph suggested before they heard a strange sound.
"Dudes listen! You hear that?" Mikey asked as they saw something not to far from here.
"It's coming from over there, come on guys!" Jaqueline shouted as they quickly ran up to a large pile of trash, they pushed them out of the way and saw Casey on the ground really injured.

"Casey! What happened?" Raph asked worried for him.
"Who did this to you?!" Jaqueline asked looking at him, Casey tried answering for them, but he was to poisoned to get a word out of him.
"He's not making any sense.." Raph said with worry.
"I think he's asking you two to kiss his foot, better do what he says!" Mikey encouraged before they pushed him away.
"You do that weirdo!" Jaqueline said annoyed.
"And make yourself useful and grab those legs." Raph ordered as they quickly picked him up and got him back to the van.

Jaqueline and Mikey were checking his body until they saw something on him.
"Oh no.." Jaqueline said in fear as he was bitten.. on his butt.
"I think he's been bit! Your gonna have to suck the poison out brah!" Mikey said to Raph who was driving.
"I'm not sucking the poison out, i'm driving! You suck it out!" Raph countered with annoyance.
"What is it with these bad jokes Mikey?" Jaqueline asked crossing her arms as snakes were slithering around Casey.
"I'm sorry, sometimes jokes just relief me in times of stress!" Mikey said in defense.
"Just do it already!" Raph shouted from the front.

Mikey whimered in fear as he saw the bite mark, he was about to suck it out until multiple snakes appeared in front of them. Raph heard two screams and turned around.
"What now?!" Raph asked annoyed before he saw snakes covering both of them.
"Raph!" Jaqueline shouted in fear as she tried getting them off, Raph gasped in fear as the snakes lunged at him and they all screamed as the van drove out of control and crashed to the side making the alarm go off with more foot bots landing in front of it..

Spike and Donnie were still trying to get the poison out as it was getting even worse
"Any luck Donatello and Spike?" Kirby asked still worried on all of this.
"Nothing.." Spike said with regret as Psiona and Splinter walked into the room.
"Sensei what are you doing? You should still be resting.." Leo advised before Psiona pushed him away lightly.
"Not when April is in danger, not when i have this. An ancient poison draining technique.." Splinter said as he held out a scroll.
"I think Splinter and i can use it to stop the poison, we just need to focus ourselves.." Psiona said as she could understand the language from it.

Leo's phone suddenly went off and he quickly picked it up.
"Raph? Where are you guys? Raph?" Leo asked trying to get a response.
"Hello Leonardo, your brothers are right here, with me." Karai answered from the other side.
"Karai? Is that you?" Leo asked shocked which surprised Spike.
"Karai?" Spike asked shocked quickly slithering up to the phone as well.
"they're not in the best of health, i'm afraid that if you, Donatello and Spike don't come soon, then , Michelangelo Raphael, and Casey Jones will all expire. Come to the old abandoned station, and bring Donatello and Spike with you, especially Spike, i'll be waiting for you." Karai explained as she hung up on them.

"Karai? Karai!" Leo shouted trying to get something more.
"She couldn't have done this willingly.." Spike said in shock as he knew she wasn't like this.
"I brought her here so she could get better! I thought you could save her!" Kirby said upset at Donnie.

"Calm down you two, we have another problem." Leo said trying to stop this.
"There is no other problem! April is the only thing you all should worry about!" Kirby said getting really stressed out.
"I'm doing my best Mr O Neil!" Donnie said in defense.
"Silence! All of you! If i can focus, i may be able to get the poison out of her system." Splinter said looking at her.
"This arguing of yours won't save her Kirby, you need to let us do this." Psiona said looking at him.

"Kirby, stay here. Help Master Splinter and Psiona with all that they need. Come on guys, your with me." Leo instructed as he started to leave.
"We'll be back soon, i promise!" Spike assured as he slithered off with the others quickly.

Psiona and Splinter were now in the dojo with April on a small bed.
"Alright Psiona, repeat after me.." Splinter instructed as they both held out they're hands and closed they're eyes. Psiona focused her powers into this and repeated the words Splinter was saying and using some special hand gestures. Kirby looked at the heart monitor and it was beating rapidly with April groaning in pain.
"April, no!" Kirby said worried as they both kept repeating the words. Psiona's claws began to glow white like Splinter's as they were both putting they're powers into her body which made the monitor beat normally again.

"The poison, is it still?" Kirby asked worried for her still.
"We've stopped it from getting worse, but she is not out of danger yet." Splinter explained with Psiona looking at her.
"She needs to fight off the poison herself." Psiona said seriously looking at her body.

Spike, Leo and Donnie emerged from the water into another part of the sewers.
"This must be where we need to go." Spike said seriously as they moved through it.
"Ugh, ew this water smells extra nasty." Donnie said in disgust as it was looking strange.
"Come on, this is the way." Leo instructed as they started climbing up a ladder with Donnie feeling strange.
"Ugh.. i don't feel so good.." Donnie said weakly, Leo looked up above and his vision was blurry.
"Me.. neither.." Leo said weakly trying to move.
"I feel fine, what's wrong with you guys?" Spike asked worried as he could see them looking weak.

They were making they're way through the subway until they heard something.
"Leonardo, Donatello and Spike, sneaky coming from the sewers. How are you feeling Donnie and Leonardo? Nauseous? Dizzy?" Karai mocked as Donnie's vision was messing up.
"Ugh.. my brain is melting.." Donnie said weakly as Leo saw his head was a pineapple, and Spike was a snake completely.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Spike asked as he felt something was off with them.
"Donnie? Why is your head a pineapple? And why are you a full snake Spike?" Leo asked confused looking at them.
"I've been a snake for half a year at this point, what's the difference between me being a regular snake and a mutant one?" Spike pointed out.
"We've been.. poisoned!" Donnie said in realization.

They all were quickly running through the place trying to find the others.
"Oh.. we need to act fast!" Leo said trying to move faster.
"Come on, we can save them!" Spike said seriously helping Donnie move.

"My venom is highly toxic in any form, even in water. It seeks through the skin in seconds, Spike won't have any trouble with my poison, since he's a snake like me, it doesn't affect him." Karai explained as all of them saw her again. Donnie groaned in pain as he fell to his knees and passed out.
"Donnie!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried helping him, Leo tried to get ready to fight, but the poison was affecting him too.
"It's over Leo, you and your friends are finished." Karai mocked as Leo passed out too.

"No!" Spike shouted with horror as he tried helping them.
"It's no use Spike, my venom won't be affected by what you do, within the hour, they will all perish." Karai said walking up to him with Spike hissing at her.
"Why are you doing this?! You are our friend!" Spike shouted really furious with her.
"Friend? It was all a distraction, to catch you all of guard, put them with the others. I wanna admire my trophies." Karai ordered the bots and they quickly picked up Leo and Donnie, Leo focused his mind and tried using the healing technique they were taught.

"Karai! You are being controlled! I know you wouldn't want to hurt us, you need to snap out of it!" Spike begged as they circled around eachother.
"I feel completely at will Spike, tell me, how does it feel still being a snake, when you may have been a dragon still?" Karai mocked as more bots charged at Spike. Spike hissed at them and blew his fire at them and melted them, Spike focused his mind and started using his telekinesis his mom taught him.
"I'm still a dragon, if i was gonna become a mutant. The least i could've done before i became one was to save you!" Spike shouted as he threw more large craters at the bots and knocked them down.

"That's sweet Spike, your always so loyal, it's what made you the Spike i know." Karai said as she began shifting into her snake form.
"Karai, i don't want to fight you! I can help you!" Spike shouted as Spike and her were slashing at eachother with they're snake arms.
"Your will to protect your friends is what makes you weak!" Karai hissed as they were coiling around eachother.
"Ugh, this again?" Spike thought to himself as he's seen this same argument hundreds of times before.

"Come on Spike, you could've been home if you left the turtles and joined us, we still have plenty of Kraang tech left. We can use it to get you home, so you can see your family again, don't you want that Spike?" Karai asked as their snake hands hissed at eachother.
"I've still got plenty of stuff to do here, like saving you!" Spike countered as he was pushing her back.
"What if you go back to your home and your friends see you as a snake? Don't you wanna learn to shift back like me? I can teach you how to do it! You think everyone back in Equestria will accept you as a snake like me?!" Karai hissed as they were looking into eachothers souls.
"Well.. Twilight did have a snake phobia at one point, but she cares for me! All of my friends do! No matter if i'm a dragon, or a snake!" Spike countered as he began to charge up his powers again. Karai smirked at him again before she suddenly leaned in and kissed him which surprised him greatly.
"What... the... heck?!" Spike thought to himself as this was messed up in SO many different ways.

They stayed like that for a few moments until Spike pushed her back finally had enough.
"What.. the.. heck.. was that?!" Spike shouted looking at himself in shock to make sure nothing was done to him.
"You like that? I've been wanting to do that with you for a while, could've been sooner if you fled the city with me when the Kraang invaded." Karai teased as Spike was trying to process this.
"You do realize, that i'm technically a brother to Leo and the other's at this point right? This is not something i EVER would think to do!" Spike shouted as he already had a GF at this point with Jaqueline.

Leo heard all this arguing and finally broke free from the bots.
"Spike!" Leo shouted as he ran up to him.
"Bout time!" Spike said as he had enough of this.
"You pushed past the poison, impressive." Karai said shifting back into her human hybrid form.
"Shredder.. used some kind of brain worm on you!" Leo said trying to snap her out of it.
"We both know you never would've done this! Your being controlled Karai!" Spike shouted trying to help her too.

"Lies will get you two nowhere, i guess i'll have to finish you two off myself!" Karai shouted as she lunged at them both.
"Leo, you know what we need to do!" Spike shouted as he ducked under more of her snake arms.
"I do, follow my lead." Leo ordered as they put they're hands together. Leo and Spike both started to speak in the language Splinter taught them for the Healing hand technique, all the while Splinter and Psiona were using this same Technique to save April's life.
"What are you doing?! What is this?! " Karai asked as they're bodies were glowing brightly as they all finished the chant at once. Spike and Leo put they're hands on their bodies and they glowed brightly so they could show no resistance to this.

Karai had enough and lunged her snake hands at both of them, but Spike dodged them without even having his eyes open as they repeated the same words again.
"Free yourself Karai!" Spike shouted as he and Leo finished her off and used the technique to knock her down for good.

April's body was glowing brightly until she finally woke up, cured from the poison.
"April! Splinter, Psiona! You did it! Thank you! Thank you!" Kirby said gratefully holding her close.
"A parent does anything for their child." Psiona said softly as Splinter and her looked at them both.

Spike got the others out of their chains and put them together.
"Your coming with us Karai.." Leo said turning to her until they both saw she was gone suddenly.
"We'll find her soon, and we will save her." Spike assured coming up to him.
"I saw what happened, Karai really kissed you didn't she?" Leo asked crossing his arms.
"Hey, your her brother at this point like me, it's just as messed up for me as it is for you." Spike countered which made him flinch at that remark.
"Let's just agree not to talk about this to anyone, okay?" Spike asked wanting to never speak of this, Leo nodded in agreement and they quickly helped the others back home.

Spike and Leo took them all back to the lair and used their healing techniques to heal all of them. Jaqueline groaned weakly as she finally opened her eyes and saw Spike looking at her.
"Spike?" Jaqueline asked as Spike hugged her close.
"Your okay.. thank goodness.." Spike said in relief as they held eachother for a while.

"Man.. snake bites are the worst.." Casey said weakly getting up.
"Snake bites aren't that bad, i've been been bitten by a giant wasp, mutant dogs, Dream Beavers, squirrels." Mikey listed out.
"When did Dave bite you?" Jaqueline asked confused on hearing that.
"It wasn't really snakes that almost took us out, it was Karai.." April explained as they all got up.
"Karai's back under Shredder's control, he's the one responsible, not Karai." Donnie explained with concern as Spike and Leo walked out of the room.
"I've dealt with mind control before, perhaps i can use my powers to free her.." Psiona suggested trying to think of something.

Spike and Leo walked out to the living room to think to themselves until Splinter came up to them.
"You two should be enjoying your victory. You did a great thing tonight you two, you saved everyone." Splinter encouraged with them still feeling down.
"Not everyone, we tried getting Karai out of Shredder's control, we failed sensei..." Leo said with regret.
"That brain worm is tough to get rid of.." Spike said feeling ashamed as well.
"We saved her once Leonardo and Spike, perhaps we can save her again. And now you both show great gifts as a healer, being at the edge of your lives and tapping into a power that few martial artists can tap into. I am proud of you both." Splinter assured smiling at them both.

Psiona and the others came up to them to thank them both.
"Um Leo, Spike. We just wanted to thank you, for saving us." Donnie said gratefully.
"Yeah, you kicked foot bot butt, stopped the poison, got us out of there. And you did it by yourselves! None of us could've done that!" Raph said impressed with them.
"Your awesome Spike, you both are." Jaqueline assured giving Spike another hug which he returned.
"Your powers are getting stronger son, soon, i'm sure you can save Karai from her control, and i know you'll find a way." Psiona assured smiling at him which made them both feel better.
"Thanks Jaqueline, Mom.. truly.." Spike said gratefully as he was glad they were here.
"Your right.. maybe tonight was a win.." Leo said as they all looked at eachother hoping things would get better for them all..

57: Meet Mondo Gecko

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Spike and Mikey were currently hanging out together in Mikey's room, they were watching Crognard to try and entertain themselves, but there wasn't anything that interesting happening with this episode that had him not die after falling onto some spikes and was fine thanks to his chest.
"I can't believe i'm watching Crognard bend spikes with his chest. And i'm still so bored.." Mikey said falling out of his bed.
"This show is too illogical at times, if he dies at the end of the show in a way that's anticlimactic, i'm gonna laugh my butt off." Spike said helping him up.
"Ugh.. let's see if there's anyone who wants to hang out." Mikey said as they went out of the room.

"Sorry Spike, Me Leo and April are practicing our reflexes, wanna join?" Jaqueline asked as they were in the dojo as they were stretching themselves out.
"Eh.. sorry, we'll be fine, come on Mikey.." Spike said as Mikey groaned in annoyance.

Raph was playing with some action figures in his room until Spike and Mikey came by the door.
"Mikey?! Get out!!" Raph shouted throwing a action figure at them but Spike caught it with his snake hand and crushed it.
"You need to work on this Raph." Spike said slithering off as they go to see if Donnie's doing anything interesting.
"I'm too busy to hang out guys, i'm still trying to figure out how to cure you Spike." Donnie said as he rapidly typed on the computer and spoke science stuff way to fast for them.
"Alright, thanks Donnie." Spike said dragging Mikey out of the room.

Casey was in the lair playing pinball and got a new high score but Casey was feeling bored as well.
"Eh, high score.. again.." Casey said bored until he saw Spike and Mikey not to far away.
"Yo Mikey And Spike. Wanna hang out?" Casey asked looking to them and they gasped in excitement.
"Yeah let's go!! We'll be back soon mom!!" Spike announced as she was trying to sleep on the stairs.
"Be careful son.." Psiona said as she tried to sleep the day away..

Spike, Casey and Mikey cheered in joy as they were moving through the rooftops, Mikey was on a skateboard while Spike was slithering around with swift movements.
"Yeah boy!!" Mikey said in joy they slid under the water tower.
"Check this out bros!!" Spike shouted as he grinded on a rooftop and backflipped downwards.
"Nice one Spike!"! Casey shouted as he jumped down as well right behind them both and they high fived eachother.

"Man, it feels good just to have fun at times, especially after all we've been doing right?" Spike asked looking at them.
"You know it, even after you became a snake, your still rad to hang out with." Casey said high fiving him again.
"Cowabunga!!" A mutant suddenly shouted as he skated right past them.
"What the?" Spike asked in amazement as they saw him jump through the air.

"Whoa! Another mutant?!" Casey asked shocked as he was a Gecko mutant.
"He's awesome! His name should totally be.. rad lizard! No wait i got it, Mondo Gecko!" Mikey announced as he skated around the area.
"He is really rad with those moves!" Spike said casually crossing his arms.
"Dude, that name sucks! And i'll make you pay for it! Rah!" The mutant screamed as he tried attacking them while Spike and the others got ready to defend themselves.

"Do you know what happened to the last dude who called me names?!" the mutant asked raising his skateboard at them.
"How should we know? We just met you." Mikey countered which made him laugh hard at them.
"You should see the look on your faces! I'm just messing with ya dudes." He said laughing a little more which made Spike chuckle a little as well.
"So? You two are mutants too? I'm Jason, The most awesome pro skater in the world!" Jason announced trying to balance on his hands.
"Jason? That's boring dude, Mondo Gecko, not boring." Mikey said shaking his head.
"If he has a name, we should at least call him by it." Spike said a little upset at this.
"I don't even know what a Gecko is." Casey said confused on seeing him.

"Your looking at one, check it!" Jason said as he licked his eyes with his tongue which did disgust Spike a little.
"Well we can't blink so we have to lick our eyeballs to keep em moist." Jason explained which surprised them.
"Oh.. i've always wanted to lick my own eyeballs." Mikey said as he tried to do it himself.
"Heh, weak." Spike said as he used his snake hand to lick his eye which impressed Jason.
"Bro! Are those snake hands?! That's awesome!"" Jason said amazed with that.
"Eh, you get used to it after being a snake for about 6 months." Spike said casually.

"So you were a pro skater?" Casey asked curious with him.
"Kinda, i'm gnarly enough to go pro. Look at what being a Gecko gets me!" Jason said as he proceeded to pull of some sick skating moves and hung off the ledge of a higher building.
"So uh.. how did you become a Gecko dude?" Mikey asked curiously.

"It all started last year, i was skating in my half pipe, which i totally built myself. Awesome right? It was just me and my pet Gecko Lars, when some crazy ooze fell out of the sky, turned me into the last thing i touched! My Gecko, i totally became a Gecko person! Excellent!" Jason shouted as he skated in the air as we see the flashback of him becoming a mutant.
"But then, i ran away from my home because i was afraid of how my parents would see me, and i've been on the streets since then." Jason finished sounding a little ashamed which worried Spike a little.
"Sorry to hear that.." Spike apologized as he knew why that mutagen fell from the sky..
"It's alright bro, it's all good, cause i made tons of friends! Like you guys! I also shred in my metal band. Savage Bliss!" Jason shouted as he looked like he was playing a metal guitar and it just was a lot of fun.

"Heh, that guy is really cool." Spike said in awe as he skated off.
"Dudes, there's something about that Gecko guy i don't trust. For real dog." Casey said suspicious of him.
"If i knew something was wrong, i'd sense it with my powers, your leaning to deep into this." Spike assured brushing it off.
"Yeah Casey, it's cool. He can lick his own eyeballs! Besides i feel responsible.. it's kinda.. sorta our fault he got mutated. Wait up Mondo! Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted skating after him.
"Don't worry, if something goes wrong we'll both know, come on!" Spike shouted slithering after them.

April and the others were in the lair waiting for Spike and the others to get back.
"Come on Casey get up, we've got homework to do." April said annoyed trying to get a response from her T phone.
"Not to mention me and my son have more training with his powers to do as well." Psiona said landing down from her spot.
"Casey and Spike probably aren't gonna stop skating for homework and training, tell em it's homework, training, and hockey tickets and pizza!" Raph encouraged looking at her.
"They've been gone a long time. Mikey + Casey+ Spike + to much time on they're hands = trouble." Leo said a little upset at them.
"You think Spike being gone for a while equals trouble?" Jaqueline asked turning to him after having some pizza.
"I can trust him to keep himself safe, it's Casey and Mikey i'm more worried about." Leo answered crossing his arms.
"Come on guys what kind of.." Donnie said before Psiona shushed him.
"Never ask that question Donnie." Psiona warned as we cut to the streets again after nighttime.

"Cowabunga!!" Mondo shouted as he jumped over a shopping cart being moved by a homeless guy.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey and Spike shouted jumping over it while Casey smashed through it chasing after them.
"Heck yeah!!" Spike cheered in joy as he slid over a high wall and flipped over some stairs before landing in front of them.
"Awesome moves dude!" Mondo said amazed with him.
"It's just nice to have fun after fighting nothing but aliens, foot ninjas and mutants for almost 2 years at this point." Spike said sliding around them both.
"Totally agree on that!" Casey shouted whacking a puck at a nearby trash can.

"Yeah, Booyakasha sounds way cooler then cowabunga." Mikey mocked sliding across a bench through the park.
"But Goongala!! is the best!" Casey shouted whacking a puck at an antenna on a roof.
"Dude, don't even get me started on Goongala, but cowabunga, way to old school bro!" Mikey said as they skated upside down.
"Eh, they're all equally cool to me!" Spike shouted flipping upside down.
"Old school is the only school!" Mondo shouted turning another corner which made Casey almost fall of the ledge.
"Hold on!" Spike shouted grabbing him with his tail.
"We got you dude!" Mikey said as they helped him back up which relived them all.

Mondo just laughed while they put Casey down to rest for a moment.
"Hey man, i could have been hurt!" Casey said annoyed with him.
"There's times to have fun, but there's also times to take care of your friends." Spike hissed which made him stop.
"Sorry guys." Mondo apologized until they heard laughing and saw more Purple Dragons nearby.

"What are ya guys doing?" Mikey suddenly announced which spooked them.
"Um.. we're helping a friend move his valuables.. to our hideout.." A thug lied which made Spike's hands hiss like snakes again.
"You are awful at tricking dudes." Spike said drawing his red blade with his tail.
"You put that stuff back where it came from!!" Mikey demanded landing in front of them.
"Say's who? A turtle or a snake freak?" Hun insulted as he came behind Casey and Mondo.
"Aw great.. Hun." Casey said annoyed as Hun gripped his hands.
"Up for a rematch hockey boy? This time i'm ready for your tricks!" Hun mocked getting in a fighting stance while Casey got out his bat.

"You need to drop the ninja noises dude, it's just distracting for you, and your opponents." Spike mocked coming next to Casey with his sword in tail. Casey tried whacking Hun with his stick but he was bending down and countering his attacks before punching Casey to where Mondo was as he was trying to hide.
"Alright, my turn!" Spike announced as he used his telekinesis and threw multiple objects at Hun which surprised him, Spike slashed at Hun with his snake hands and was getting some good hits on him. Hun kept making ninja noises and smashed through some boxes thrown at him while Spike hissed again. Mikey was fighting off the other thugs as well and was making short work of them. Spike pushed Hun too a wall and got in his own fighting stance.

"Back off of them punk!" Mondo shouted as he suddenly tried attacking Hun which surprised Spike a little.
"Another freak?" Hun asked disgusted as Mondo tried attacking him, but he had no fighting skills whatsoever which Hun took advantage off and delivered multiple painful strikes to him and threw him off the roof.
"Oh no! Mondo!!" Mikey shouted with horror as he almost fell off. Mikey used his chains to quickly jump off and save him right before he it the ground. Spike hissed at hun and coiled around his arm.
"This is for my friend!" Spike hissed with rage as he twisted his arm and made Hun scream in pain, Casey recovered from his last attacks and took out his hockey stick.
"Goongala!!" Casey screamed as he hit Hun right in the face and knocked him off the roof and into a dumpster.

"Hah! Sucker!" Casey mocked looking down from the roof, Hun got out of the dumpster and twisted his arm back into the place before shattering some of it's metal handles with it in rage. Spike and Mikey just got done tying the thugs up while Mondo came up to them and slapped them while they were knocked out.
"And take that! And that! And.." Mondo said trying to attack them before Casey picked him up.

"Whoa, whoa, fights over bro. Relax, we won." Casey assured putting him down.
"You guys saved my life, on the streets, it's everyone for themselves out there." Mondo said looking down sadly.
"Friends don't let friends get kicked off buildings dude." Mikey assured fist bumping him.
"And you made our day a lot more fun, we can't let someone like you get hurt." Spike assured smiling at him.
"Alright guys, let me and Spike leave our calling cards and we can get out of here." Casey said as he drew something on the thugs faces that said" 4 cops, from Casey and Spike" On the thugs face.
"I'm so glad we decided to make that thing our calling card." Spike said chuckling at that sight.
"Totally." Casey said in agreement high fiving him once again.

"Whoa.. 30,000 smackaroos! This will really help a Gecko out.." Mondo said taking some of the thugs money which shocked them.
"Dude, are you stealing?" Mikey asked shocked seeing this.
"Put it back Mondo." Casey demanded slamming his stick down.
"Make me Casey." Mondo countered which angered him.
"I'd love to Gecko!" Casey said gripping his stick until Mikey and Spike stopped them.

"Cool it guys, can't we all just skate along?" Mikey asked trying to stop this.
"It's wrong to steal from people Mondo, even from thugs." Spike said taking the money back.
"And i don't hang with criminals dudes. I'm out like your mom in a beauty patch, peace!" Casey said as he began leaving.
"Skateboarding is not a crime!" Mondo shouted annoyed with him while Spike shook his head.
"Come on guys, let's hang out at my place." Mondo suddenly said as he started walking off.
"Aw man.." Mikey said ashamed of what's happening.
"We'll fix this, come on Mikey." Spike said slithering off with him.

"Stupid talking lizard. Mikey and Spike are falling for shtick! But not Casey Jones." Casey said annoyed landing down on the streets before he heard a sound behind him.
"Who's there?!" Casey shouted trying to find the source, a familiar shadow came behind Casey and rushed at him and Casey screamed in fear as something slashed at him..

Raph and Donnie were playing a hockey game back at the lair while everyone else was waiting for Spike and the others still, Raph managed to beat Donnie by doing a move that had his players head be knocked off which surprised both him and Psiona.
"Quite the imagery for a game.." Psiona said impressed while Donnie was in disbelief.
"No way!" Donnie said in disbelief as Raph was doing a victory dance.
"Raph for the win! In Yo face!" Raph mocked cheering in joy.
"Well done Raph!" Jaqueline said high fiving him.

"Who's next?! Who wants some? Casey?!" Raph asked pointing to the other side and they saw Casey and the others still weren't back.
"Oh right, they're gone.." Raph said remembering what they were doing.
"What kind of trouble could they get into? They've been gone all night!" Leo mocked which annoyed him a little.
"Casey, Mikey and Spike are big boys they can handle themselves.." Raph said as all of them stood silent for a moment.
"My son if fine, but Casey and Mikey?" Psiona asked getting the point across.
"Good point, i'm calling em." Raph said as he took out his phone.

"Casey's signal is lost.." Raph said in shock not getting anything.
"Mikey's not picking up either." April said concerned not getting anything too.
"I'm sensing trouble, they might be in danger." Psiona said feeling something off already.
"Good thing i still can track they're signals, come on!" Donnie said as they all started to head out.

Mondo led Spike and Mikey to a manhole and opened it up.
"Whoa, you live in the sewers too?" Mikey asked amazed at that.
"Of course, Mr X is taking a lot of us mutants in." Mondo explained climbing down.
"Mr X?" Spike and Mikey asked at once looking at eachother.
"You've never heard of Mr X? Great man, gave me a home, job, and if he likes you two, he can give you a job too!" Mondo explained which interested them.
"We already got a job boy, we're a ninja dog!" Mikey said confidently before he almost fell but Spike caught him.
"We can't take up a job behind our brother's backs, my mom is NOT someone to be messed with." Spike said landing on the ground.

"Come on dudes, just a little further." Mondo encouraged brining them into an open area.
"Where are we? I've never seen this part of the sewer before?" Mikey asked curious looking around, Spike's head suddenly hurt and it warned him about something bad.
"Mikey! Don't! It's a trap!!" Spike warned right before they screamed as a cage fell below them.
"Mondo. what is going on?!" Spike asked as he started getting mad at this.
"Mikey, Spike, i'm sorry." Mondo said regretfully as a familiar mutant came behind him.

"Excellent job amigo, you lured them right into my trap." Fishface said walking up to them.
"You!" Spike said with anger as he already was getting mad seeing him.
"Fishface?" Mikey asked shocked before he was pushed back.
"That name is an insult! My name is Xever, or you can call me.. Mr X!" Fishface announced which made Spike hiss with rage.
"Mondo, how could you?! I thought you were our friend!" Mikey said feeling really betrayed at this.

"Are you sure the turtles and Spike are really as bad as you say Mr X?" Mondo asked worried on this.
"Stomp out any sympathy you might feel for them, for night they race.. to the death!" Fishface announced as he laughed evilly which surprised them.
"That wasn't the deal! I thought it was just a normal race!" Mondo said shocked trying to stop him, but he was punched back a good distance away.
"Mondo!" Mikey shouted with horror as Spike tried escaping.
"Why are you doing this Fishface?!" Mikey asked furious with him.
"It's simple economics really, mutants get entertained, i get paid, everyone wins! Well.. not you.. you'll both lose.." Fishface mocked which made them mad even more.

They were both thrown into a cell and heard the door get locked.
"Just ******* fantastic." Spike swore again getting up.
"You really need to watch your profanity dude." Casey suddenly said which surprised them as they saw he was here too.
"Sorry.." Spike apologized rubbing his head shamefully and Mikey was confused seeing him.

Psiona and the others were in the Shellraiser trying to find Spike and the others.
"We're close! Not much... uh oh.." Donnie said in shock as they're trackers were gone suddenly.
"That can't be good." April said concerned seeing this.
"Something is definitely up." Jaqueline said trying to find them through her dream powers.

"Wait! listen to the police radio!" Raph suddenly said turning it on.
"3rd and Sullivan, members of the Purple Dragons with the words, 4 cops, from Casey and Spike, written on one of their foreheads." The officer said which made Psiona chuckle.
"At least my son and Casey know how to make art." Psiona joked which made them all chuckle.
"At least we know we're close, let's go!" Leo said turning another corner and driving through the streets.

Spike Casey and Mikey were all in the cell still upset about all of this.
"I don't wanna say i told you so about Mondo. No wait.. i totally wanna say i told you so about Mondo!" Casey said getting in Mikey's face.
"Psst guys.." Mondo whispered which got their attention.
"Mondo?" Spike asked shocked as he hung upside down.
"Sorry about all this dudes, Fishface is bogus! Totally getting you out of here." Mondo said as he tried using a key to get them out.
"I knew we can rely on you Mondo." Spike said proud of him before the lights turned on which surprised them all.

"Aw Jason, Jason, Jason. You were one of my most promising errand boys, but helping the prisoners escape? You are dead to me! In fact, let's make that official eh? You are going to compete in the race, right now!" Fishface announced as more lights came on and they saw dozens of their past foes all as an audience high above them.
"Double bogus.." Mondo said in fear backing against the cell as rock music was playing.
"Totally.." Mikey said in agreement seeing this.

"Ladies and gentle mutants, in tonight's race, 5 competitors, one survivor! No rules, whoever crosses the finish line first, wins! In Mr X's extreme race to the death Death-A-Thon 5000!!" Fishface announced hanging from a wire with a mic with a screen appearing behind him.
"A race? That's it? Rainbow dash would end this in 10 seconds flat if she was here." Spike said crossing his snake arms.
"Dudes, you see that audience?" Casey asked as they saw dozens of familiar mutants above them.
"It's like a who's who of evil jerk faces!" Mikey replied as they saw tons of familiar foes they've defeated before.

"Meet tonight's racers! First we have Michelangelo, the dumbest of all the pathetic stupid turtles!" Fishface insulted looking down at him.
"Hey! I'm smart! I'm just a party dude!" Mikey said in defense which made the audience boo at him.
"Next, we have Casey Jones! Vigilante! And pathetic human ally." Fishface insulted again which annoyed him.
"And then we have Spike, former dragon turned snake mutant, one who.." Fishface said before Spike interrupted.
"Finish that sentence, and i'll be having fried fish for lunch!!" Spike shouted having fire steam from his mouth which made the audience " Ooh!" In surprise at Fishface who looked a little shocked before shaking his head.
"And finally we have Jason, the Gecko boy, a traitor to mutants everywhere!" Fishface announced which made the audience boo at him too.

"And for the first time ever, i Xever Mundus will be joining the race!" Fishface said landing down and looking at the audience.
"Ha, if i can outskate a fish, i'm retiring my blades." Casey mocked unconvinced at this.
"Wrong dude! I've seen Mr X on skates man, he's way faster then us, we are hoes man!" Mondo said completely defeated before Spike slapped him across the face.
"Get a hold of yourself bro! It's not the time to say such things!" Spike shouted as he was recovering from the slap.
"He's right, we need a plan! Guys bring it in!" Mikey said as they all huddled together to come up with something.

"That's right amigos, these robo legs can't be beat!" Fishface said as Stockman flew down to them.
"Time to start the race!" Stockman announced, Spike got his own skateboard and already had a good grip on it even without legs.
"Ready..." Stockman said as he held out a flare gun.
"You are going down.." Fishface said with a smug to them.
"Set.." Stockman said about to fire it.
"Bring it on fish sandwich." Spike countered which made him more mad.
"Go!" Stockman finished as he shot the gun and they all started to skate down, but they screamed as a trap door fell below them and they screamed in fear.

"Come on! Let's go!" Spike shouted as they were skating down a long hall.
"This isn't so bad right guys?" Mikey asked as they all did tricks while heading down, but they all screamed as they saw Fishface fly past them as he had rockets on his robotic legs which spun them out for a moment.
"Rocket skates! No fair!" Casey said annoyed as they all chased after him with a camera recording them.
"He said no rules Casey, so we have to be ready for anything!" Spike said seriously skating on a wall and going ahead of them as the mutants watched with Stockman finding a seat.
"Take a seat already, idiot!" A guy insulted throwing something at his head, Stockman stood still for a moment before he puked on Tiger Claw's food which made him mad.
"You did not just do that.." Tiger claw said furious with him.

Spike and the others skated through the long tunnel trying to catch up with him.
"Here comes more cheating!" Mondo warned as Fishface turned a wheel which made some gears lower down some trash lids that sparked up.
"Look out!" Casey warned as they began going through them.
"Bring it on!" Spike said with anger as he took out his red blade again and was slicing through them while flipping in the air and landed on his skateboard, he skated on the walls again and cut through more chains to clear a path for them.
"This is so rad!!" Spike said in amazement as they jumped out of the hall and to the next area.

"Ha! If that's the worst he's got, we're winning this!" Casey said confidently as they skated around another corner.
"Who said worse?" Mondo asked as Fishface turned another wheel which lowered the ground and opened some pits with water filling them up.
"Aw no the aquarium!" Mondo said in fear which confused them.
"How scary can an aquarium be?" Mikey asked confused. Fishface made a weird call which suddenly had dozens of fish just like him appear in the water.

"Well, who's up for fried fish?!" Spike said with a grin as he breathed fire on a lot of them and turned them into fried fish, Spike skated past them and ate a few of them which surprised them. Mikey took one himself and ate it.
"Not bad!" Mikey said as they jumped over the large pits.
"Sorry, but i hate seafood!" Casey said refusing to have some. Mikey and the others screamed in fear as the remaining fish jumped out of the water, a fish went right under Mikey and bit him in the nuts and he screamed in pain which made the audience " Ooh!" In shock feeling bad for him.
"You are sick dude! And that's awesome!" Mondo shouted as they were reaching the end of that part.
"Fishface is way ahead! Skate faster!" Casey shouted as they turned the next corner.

Fishface pulled a light switch which now started making large boulders come after them.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they were skating all around them.
"How about this?!" Spike shouted as he used his telekinesis to push all the boulders away from them.
"Hurry! Stay ahead of the arrows!" Mondo warned which confused them.
"What arrows?" Mikey asked confused hearing this. They got they're answer when arrows suddenly fired from the walls and they screamed as they tried avoiding them. Spike used his snake body to swiftly dodge them while Casey blocked them with his gloves with the others trying to doge them as well.

Fishface laughed evilly as he skated over another switch and turned on some crushers.
"See you at the finish line fools!" Fishface insulted as they began coming up on them.
"There's the finish line! Hurry!" Casey shouted as Spike skated on the ceiling and went right above a crusher.
"You wanna cheat?! Alright, how about this?!" Spike shouted as he used his powers and that caused Fishface to be pulled a great distance back.
"What the?!" Fishface asked shocked as he tried to escape by pulling on another switch which made an oil slick.

"Xever's gonna win!" Mondo said in fear as they were coming up on them.
"No way! Now Mondo and Spike! Like a pro!" Mikey shouted as they skated on the walls.
"Let's do this!!" Spike shouted as they all grabbed they're hands.
"Aw yeah!" Mikey said excitedly as they twirled around on the oil slick at fast speeds.
"This.. is.. awesome!!" Spike shouted in amazement as he and Mondo went flying ahead through the oil slicks.

"Pardon us Xever!" Mondo shouted as they came in front of him which shocked him.
"What?!" Xever asked shocked as Mondo hung his skateboard in front of him.
"Cowabunga!!" Spike and Mondo shouted at once just as he ran his head right into it, Spike pushed him back with his powers and was getting ahead with Mikey.
"It's not over yet!" Fishface said with rage as they landed on the floor.
"Go Mikey and Spike, go!!" Mondo shouted as they skated ahead before flamethrowers were thrown in front of them.

"Seriously Fishface?! You are stupid! I'm a dragon! Fire or lava doesn't hurt me!" Spike insulted as he just went through them without being hurt at all while Mikey was trying to avoid the fire blasts.
"No one.. beats.. Xever!" Fishface said with anger as he recovered and took off at fast speeds leaving them behind, Casey recovered from being hit by the crushing walls and held out his stick.
"Don't count out Casey Jones.. yet!" Casey shouted as he whacked Mondo with his stick hard.
"In.. your.. face!!" Spike shouted as he tail whipped Fishface away and he and Mondo both made it to the finish line at the same time.
"Yes!!" Mikey said in victory which annoyed all the mutants.
"Aw! Come on!!" Tiger claw said disappointed on all of this.

Fishface landed on the ground while they all stopped skating finally.
"No.. no! you cheaters! You hideous examples of bad sportsmanship!" Fishface said furious that he lost.
"We didn't cheat, we looked out for eachother. You told me on the street it's every mutant for himself! Well your wrong dude! Friends don't let friends get kicked off of buildings!" Mondo countered as they all high fived eachother.
"Eat it Fishface!" Spike insulted again which made him mad.
"Jason.. you are a traitor!" Fishface said taking out his blade.
"My name is.. Mondo Gecko!! Cowabunga!!!" Mondo shouted with confidence as he tried attacking him, but Fishface just knocked him down disappointed.

"Seriously? That is all you got?" Fishface asked before a familiar sound was heard and they all saw the Shellraiser crash through the walls and land in front of Fishface and was sent flying behind them. Psiona, Jaqueline, Leo and Raph all got out of the van and drew they're weapons.
"Right Raph, doesn't look like they got into any trouble at all." Leo mocked again.
"Give it a rest Leo." Jaqueline said taking out her hammer.
"You haven't seen the last of me turtles!" Fishface shouted before he made another evil laugh.. before the crushers from earlier slammed against him multiple times over and the words" Mondo and Spike win!" Appear on the Tv the mutants were all watching which just made them leave in disappointment.

"Are you okay son? What happened with you?" Psiona asked worried suddenly giving him a hug which surprised him.
"I'm fine mom, just had a little bit of fun, me and a new friend won in a race!" Spike explained still excited from what just happened.
"Well that's good to hear.. but you are grounded from your comics for a week from not telling us about this though." Psiona suddenly declared with a stern face which made him groan in annoyance.
"Well i can't get out of this without some punishment.." Spike said shaking his head at this.
"Hey, it's just a week, i'm sure things will be fine." Jaqueline assured hugging him as well which did relief him a little.

"Aw.. who's this little guy? He's so cute!" April said looking at Mondo.
"You ain't so bad yourself sweetheart!" Mondo replied sticking his tongue out which disgusted her a little.
"Mr X isn't your boss anymore Jason, your free, you can try and go back to your parents now!" Mikey encouraged which still made him nervous.
"I don't know Mikey, you think they'll be okay with me being like.. this?" Mondo asked looking at his body again.
"I'm sure of it! What kind of family would they be if they didn't still see you as their own? I'm sure they'll be glad to see you again." Mikey assured which made him feel a little better.
"Thanks dude." Mondo said gratefully shaking his hand.

"I gotta admit, you are a pretty cool little Gecko dude, dude." Casey complimented with a smile.
"Thanks, you guys are the best! So Mikey and Spike, can i say Booyakasha sometimes?" Mondo asked hopefully.
"As long as we can say cowabunga once in a while!" Mikey replied excitedly.
"It's a cool catchphrase! Speaking of which.." Spike said as they all got the same idea.
"Cowabunga!!!" Spike, Mikey and Mondo all shouted at once striking rock poses glad that they all had a new friend..

58: Turtles in Time

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We open to a shot on the rooftops once again, it's been a bit since the others discovered Karai was being mind controlled now, and almost took them out with her poison, she most likely is back under Shredder's control, and they have to find a way to save her.
"Give it up Leo and Spike, it's been weeks since we last saw her. When she poisoned us!" Raph said annoyed as they looked over the rooftop, Psiona was with them too, but Jaqueline was at the lair training with April so she wasn't here tonight.
"Yeah guys, if we can't find a cure.. we might have to let Karai go." Donnie added worried on this.
"This brain worm is a tough situation, i don't think Rockwell can get it out of him like he did with Slash and Jaqueline.." Psiona said shaking her head at this.

"It's not that simple guys, you should know." Leo said still not turning to them.
"We can't just give up on her, i still think there's a way to save her." Spike said seriously refusing to listen to them.
"And your still hung up on April, just a guess.." Mikey joked to Donnie who looked irritated by that.
"Sometimes you don't have a choice, you think about someone.. a lot.." Leo said still thinking this over.
"We all have someone to love Mikey, we'll all find someone one day.." Spike said taking out a photo of him and Jaqueline together.
"I may never have had a mate, but i do know it's important to have someone with you." Psiona added looking at Mikey.
"Dudes, i'm never gonna crush on a girl, uh uh, no way, no sir! This turtle is dedicated to one thing and one thing only, ninjaing!" Mikey said as he took out his chucks and twirled them around while making battle cries.
"You'll soon know Mikey, this show has a way to make a ship." Psiona whispered to herself looking at the audience for a brief moment.
"Who are you looking at?" Spike asked not seeing anything.

"Yo Mikey, i got a little ninjaing for you right here!" Raph announced taking out a fire hose and spraying Mikey and the others with it while laughing. Psiona pulled her son to her and held used a new move that created an energy shield around them just before they were splashed with it.
"When could you do this?!" Spike asked amazed looking at the shield while the others were laughing.
"Made it with the spare Kraang tech we got from those old droids, it's really durable." Psiona said bluntly as they watched them play with eachother until a strange door opened above them.

"Whoa! What is that?" Raph asked shocked seeing it above them, a strange figure emerged from the door as it looked to be a futuristic woman with high tech gear and a scepter with an hourglass on it, she looked to be human, but must have ability's too.
The woman's scepter stopped glowing suddenly and she screamed as she fell down which made Mikey quickly jump in and catch her.
"Whoa, are you okay?" Mikey asked worried as he got a good look at her and.. you know how this goes. The woman looked at Spike and the others with amazement.

"Whoa, the leader Leonardo! The Warrior Raphael! The inventor Donatello! And the cute one Michelangelo! And the feared warrior known throughout Dimension X, Psiona! Or better know as, the Bringer of Death! And her son, the dragon from Equestria, Spike!" She said in amazement which interested them on how she knows they're names.
"How.. do you know our names?" Psiona asked suspicious of her.
"I found you! I actually found you! The Turtles and Dragon warriors of legend! This is so grokking cool!" She said in amazement still.
"Us? Legends? What are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist!" Raph pointed out.
"Nobody knows.. yet. I'm from the future, and like.. wow, you guys are so famous! You would not believe the amount of people who have Spike as their favorite, meeting you is way more interesting them Genghis khan, or Billy the Kid or Socrates

"Please, your telling us that your from the future, and that we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that?!" Donnie asked snickering a little.'
"Yes, you saved the world, many times!" She replied which just amazed them.
"Awesome! High three!!" Donnie shouted giving the others a high five.
"We're famous in the future?" Spike asked looking at Psiona.
"Guess we'll have to wait a few centuries to know." Psiona said shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey there the names Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey. Angelo is my middle name. What's yours? Let me guess, future girl? Amazonian princess? Wonder warrior?" Mikey asked walking around her.
"Uh nope. My names Renet, i'm a time master. " Renet introduced as she twirled her staff around but almost lost balance.
"Okay, assistant time master in training.." Renet said nervously as Raph smacked Mikey away.
"Lower the point headdress. Prove to us that your from the future!" Raph demanded which made her remember something.
"Oh right, almost forgot why i came. I was.. kinda being followed by a evil creep from the future who wants to control all of time and space." Renet said bluntly.

"Uh wait a minute, what did you just say?" Leo asked confused on that as Spike groaned a little.
"Another villain who wants to control time and space? Isn't that getting old at this point? What's next, a villain who wants to erase the multiverse down the line?" Spike asked sarcastically which confused them.
"It's how it's executed that makes it unique son." Psiona replied as thunder was heard, they gasped in shock as a strange figure emerges from the time door and it enters this time period.
"It's him.. Savanti Romero!" Renet said with worry as he entered this world.

"How drone, the early 21st century. Why would you pick this era?" Savanti asked until he saw Spike and the others who got ready to fight.
"Oh i see, the turtle warriors, and the dragons of Equestria, of course. But you must realize they can't defeat me. Your history is wrong. Give me the scepter, and i will let you live." Savanti said threateningly.
"Ninja's let's welcome this freak! New York Style!" Leo shouted as they all charged at him with rage. But Savanti pressed a special button that formed an energy shield around him and stopped them. He waved his hand around and that sent them all flying behind Renet who was getting worried.
"Give it to me girl!" Savanti shouted towering over her.
"Not this time!" Renet shouted as she charged up the scepter and shot a powerful blast at him.
"Nooo!!!" Savanti shouted with rage as he went flying into a time door and vanished.

"Oh! Wow, that was like the most evil time master ever right?" Renet asked excitedly twirling her staff around before almost dropping it again.
"No worries, i sent him 100 million years in the past." Renet assured picking it back up.
"I think i speak for us all when i say WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!!" Donnie shouted still shocked on what just happened.
"Oh yeah, right, sorry, let me explain everything." Renet said as she coughed for a moment and began to explain things.

"In the future, we Time Masters are protectors of Time, Space, and reality itself. I'm a apprentice to the top guy in our order, Lord Simultaneous." Renet explained as we see a flashback of her looking over the timeline with him besides her.
"Last night, someone tried to steal the Time Scepter. A piece of tech so advanced, it can not only control time, but bend reality itself. It was Savanti Romero. An evil mutant Time master, with the scepter, he could rule all of reality, changing history to fit his cruel ways. So i took it from him, and lured him to the one era he could be defeated in, now! By the famous turtle and dragon warriors!" Renet finished as we cut back to reality again.

"But we didn't defeat him, you did! So history was totally wrong." Leo pointed out.
"It isn't that easy Leo." Psiona said as she felt something off, and to their luck, her scepter started glowing brightly.
"Oh no, this isn't good! Savanti's making changes in the past! He's trying to wipe us out in the present!" Renet said worried which concerned them too.
"He can do that?!" Donnie asked horrified.
"Oh yeah, that happens a lot! I guess i should've let you defeat him like history said! Can you help me?" Renet asked really worried.

"Help you? We don't even know you!" Raph said not convinced on this.
"Come on guys! One day we're gonna be famous for doing great things! This is one of them!" Mikey encouraged before thunder was heard and they all gasped in shock as something appeared in the sky.
"Renet!!" A giant head said with rage in the sky.

"Lord Simultaneous?! Oh man i am so busted!" Renet said worried as they all looked shocked.
"Stay close son!" Psiona ordered getting in a protective pose.
"Foolish child! What have you done?! Simultaneous asked furious with her.
"We gotta get out of here! Lord S is gonna kill me!" Renet shouted as she shot a beam and it opened a time door and went through it.
"Renet wait for me!!" Mikey shouted running after her.
"Mikey!" Raph shouted annoyed as he jumped in too.
"Come on! We gotta go!!" Spike shouted slithering ahead and jumping into it too.
"Ugh!!" Raph said frustrated as they had no choice.
"Renet! You cannot escape me! I will find you! Agh!!!!" Simultaneous shouted with rage as he disappeared as they left they're time period fully..

The door opens up and they all scream as they fall into a new time period far from they're own.
"Ugh where the heck are we?" Mikey asked holding head in pain.
"More like when are we?" Renet corrected as they see some direction signs
"Avalon, Camelot, The tower of the Demon? This is not good at all." Donnie said worried as they were in some forest of sorts.
"Guys? Look!" Leo said as they saw a village and a castle in the far distance.
"We're in Medieval times!" Donnie said in realization.

"England, in the year 980 A.D that is so cold right?" Renet asked curiously as Spike and Psiona looked at the village.
"It's pronounced cool, and no this is not cool at all!!" Raph shouted with rage at her.
"Well, i meant to send him back 100 million years, you have to help me, please!" Renet begged hoping they could help.
"Looks like we have no choice guys. We gotta save history." Leo said seriously.
"Yes! You guys are such cool daddios!" Renet said gratefully as this place reminded the two of something
"Huh, the village reminds me of ponyville in a way.." Spike said as he remembered how similar it looked, the only difference is that this place wasn't as colorful as Equestria.
"I know, it really makes me miss our home.." Psiona said sadly looking at the view.
"We'll get home one day.. i promise.." Spike assured holding her close.

Renet was told something to do by Mikey which she liked the idea of, they all watched as her staff glowed brightly and an aura went around them and they appeared wearing new costumes of sorts, Spike and Psiona we're dressed as Samurai warriors, along with Leo, Mikey looked like a Elf, and Donnie was like a wizard.
"Aw not again with the costumes! Come on!" Raph said annoyed as Mikey laughed in joy.
"We need to blend in dude, plus i wanna look extra sweet for Renet! It's the Elf ears, chicks dig em." Mikey said which made Psiona shake her head.

"Like i said, they always find a way to make a ship." Psiona repeated looking at the camera briefly before resuming back to the others.
"Hold on, if we're in Medieval times, then doesn't that mean there are.." Spike said right before they saw a pair of knights on horses march up to them.
"Halt strangers, these lands belong to the kind, and what business have ye here?" The soldier asked towering over them.
"Knights..." Spike finished which made Psiona breath smoke from her nostrils in annoyance.
"They better be gone in 5 minutes, or i'm roasting them for lunch." Psiona said annoyed seeing them.

"Oy that's a bright ugly oak there it is!" A knight said poking at Raph.
"Who are you calling ugly?!" Raph asked annoyed whacking the stick away.
"Look at this one, the fiercest of them all! Probably eats children here it does!" Another said looking at Mikey.
"I don't eat people dude, i'm a pizza terrain!" Mikey said annoyed crossing his arms.
"Do not fret little one, we will free you of your evil oak captors!" The soldier said as they drew they're swords which annoyed Renet.
"Attack the Pizza Terrains!" The leader ordered as they all started to fight eachother.

Spike and Psiona watched this happen from the distance and rolled they're eyes.
"Knights, always jumping to conclusions like that." Spike said shaking his head as Donnie knocked a guy with his staff.
"I'm ditching this costume, if there's one things knights fear the most, it's dragons." Psiona said with a smug taking off her disguise for now.
"This is gonna be good." Spike said with a smug as well as Psiona made a loud roar which scarred the knights.

"It be a mighty dragon!!" The knight said in horror as she snarled at them all.
"I thought they didn't exist!!" The other said horrified as Psiona shot a green fire blast in the sky.
"Well we are, and if you all don't back off of them, i'll roast you for dinner!" Psiona threatened spewing flames from her mouth with Spike hissing at them.
"Drop the weapons!" Spike hissed taking out his plasma sword again. The knights quivered in fear and dropped them instantly in fear of the two.
"Nice going you two, you really know how to put the scare in them." Raph said impressed patting Spike's back.
"Thanks, i've practiced it a few times back home." Spike said proudly.
"You weren't actually gonna roast them right?" Donnie asked looking at Psiona.
"Hmm... 80% yes, 20% no... maybe 10% no... actually 100% yes i would've." Psiona replied with a grin which surprised him a little.

Renet had enough of this and used her magic to lift them in the air.
"What magic is this?!" The soldier asked shocked as they were crowded together.
"Please sir knights, you must understand, these turtles are not orcs! They are friendly goblins from the.. uh.. Western Realms! And The dragons are allies!" Renet defended as she lowered them down and the leader took off his helmet revealing a beat up looking face.
"Ugh, that one may not be missed.." Psiona said in disgust seeing his face.

"Oh i see! Friendly goblin, will you live in my cellar and make shoes?" The knight asked which disgusted Raph.
"I can make your face into a shoe! " Raph threatened before Donnie stopped him again.
"Good sir, we are trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero." Donnie said in a different accent.
"Egad! You do not want to go there! You don't want to even speak his name unless you summon him.." The knight whispered with fear.
"Who? Savanti Romero, that punk? Please, i can take that horn headed freak in my sleep!" Mikey said as he continued going on before Savanti flew down behind him.

"He's right behind me isn't he?" Mikey asked in fear.
"Yep." Spike answered which made Mikey look up at him in fear.
"Fools!" Savanti shouted with rage as he knocked Mikey away and grabbed the scepter.
"No!" Renet said in horror as the Scepter was taken from her and she was thrown to a wall.
"Finally! The scepter is mine!" Savanti said as he laughed evilly again.

"It's the demon of the tower!" The knight said in horror.
"Run away!" The other shouted as they ran off with Psiona looking at them with a grin still before sneaking off for a brief moment.
"The time scepter will never stop the turtles and dragons! So maybe.. you'll give it back?" Renet asked hopefully.
"Never! You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said in a demonic voice as the staff was slammed to the ground and they looked confused.
"Get him!" Leo shouted with rage as they all charged at him, but saw him disappear much to their shock.
"He's gone!" Spike said in horror as they vanish for a brief moment, before reappearing again with a loop of somekind.

"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said again as they look confused again.
"Get him!" Leo shouted again as they charged at him again, but he vanishes once again.
"He's.. gone?" Spike asked confused as this felt familiar and they vanished again and reappeared as Psiona just got back throwing one of their helmets away.
"What?" Psiona asked confused as they saw them vanish and reappear again.
"Guys, i think we're stuck in a time loop!" Spike said with worry as they vanished again which made Psiona growl with rage.

"So that's how he wants to play it?!" Psiona asked with rage as she turned her arm into a cannon and charged it up.
"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said once more which annoyed them.
"Well headdress you got us into this!" Raph shouted which gave her an idea and she put her gloves together as they vanished and reappeared for the final time.
"You shall be forever stuck in the confines.." Savanti said right before Renet punched him in the face which broke a barrier that was around them, Psiona finished charging up her blast and roared with rage as she shot a powerful blast that blew right through his chest completely, he screamed with pain as he vanished for real this time freeing them from the loop.

"You.. punched out a time loop? That.. is.. awesome!!!" Donnie asked extremely amazed at this.
"Not to mention that blast you gave him mom!" Spike said turning to her who powered it down.
"If it was at full power, i would've destroyed this entire forest if i did." Psiona said walking up to them.
"Where the heck did you go?" Raph asked confused with her.
"... nothing important, just.. making sure those knights got away safely." Psiona defended which made them suspicious.

"Enough of that, come on! We gotta go after Savanti!" Renet shouted running to a horse with Mikey giving Donnie a glare.
"You guys take the horses, i'll fly just above you." Psiona said putting Spike on her back while Raph tried getting on his horse.
"Come on, let's try that way." Leo ordered pointing in a certain direction.
"Aw easy fella! whoa! Whoa!!" Raph shouted in fear as his horse took off at fast speeds.
Spike and the others were walking through the forest and Mikey was trying to talk with Renet.
"So now we're riding horses together. Isn't that our first date?" Mikey asked smugly.
"Mikey, aren't you a little old for me? I haven't even been born yet." Renet replied which made Mikey flinch at that fact.

Savanti was sitting in a throne room of a dark tower far away trying to decide what to do.
"How will i go about of controlling all of time and space? Hmm.. so many possibility's, perhaps i'll dominate the present age, so the future will never exist!" Savanti told himself before he saw his scepter glowing and used it to make a vision to see Spike and the others moving to him.
"What? Renet broke the time loop?! Well played Renet, well played. But Savanti Romero has other plans.." Savanti said as he laughed evilly again as we cut to our heroes at a graveyard.

"Savanti's tower is just past this creepy cemetery." Leo said as they started entering the place.
"It's quiet.. too quiet.." Spike said suspicious as he was sensing something was going to happen at any moment.
"Can't we go like.. around the super creepy cemetery?" Mikey asked in fear not liking this place.
"Big bad elven prince, scarred?" Raph teased with a smug which annoyed him before Savanti appeared before him making Raph's horse go wild again.
"Fools! Do you think you can sneak up on the greatest Time Master ever? Savanti Romero ruins everything, even death!" Savanti said as the scepter glowed brightly.

Thunder could be heard as the skeletal hands of dozens of fallen soldiers arise from the dead.
"Oh no.. " Renet said in fear as they all snarled at them which made the horses scarred enough to knock their riders off them and run off.
"Dudes, this is my worst nightmare times 10!" Mikey said in horror as Donnie just got up.
"Even worse then a world without pizza?" Donnie asked which horrified him even more.
"Okay.. second worst.." Mikey said horrified as the skeletons march to them.

"Bring it on skeleton freaks!" Spike said confidently as he took out his plasma sword and slashed a skull apart, Psiona roared with rage and shot a fire blast at some more skeletons turning to ash, Donnie whacked one away with his wizards staff and Renet was punching some down with her futuristic tech. One snuck up behind her and almost struck her down before an arrow went past her head and shot the skeleton down and she saw Mikey had saved her.
"Heads up!" Mikey shouted as he shot more arrows at the warriors heads. Leo faced against one of the skeletons and clashed his sword with that one and finished it off by upper cutting it with his shield and slicing it apart.

As they thought they were defeated, they watched with worry as they all reformed again like it was nothing at all.
"Guys, i think there are too many!" Spike said worried coiling another skeleton and sent him rolling into a bunch of others.
"And my energy knuckles are burned out! I dropped the only weapon i had into a single energy dart! One last resort to destroy the scepter!" Renet said as they were being cornered.
"Destroy the scepter?! But we'll be trapped here forever!" Donnie said scarred as they backed up to eachother.

"Come on warriors of legend! Let's ride!" Leo said seriously as he rode up to them on his horse and all their other horses came back to them.
"Come on, he's close! Let's stop him!!" Psiona said with rage as she picked Spike up again and flew off ahead with the others following behind.. With Raph's horse being wild again.
Spike and the others finally arrived at the tower and saw how huge it was.
"Let's get him!!" Spike shouted with rage as they all made battle cries on their horses.

Savanti was awaiting in his throne once again still not deciding what to do.
"I suppose i could conquer the 25th century very easily. I really want to see the look, on the other Time Masters faces when i neutralize them!" Savanti said clutching his fist. Spike and the others were in the tower directly above him, all having pure white eyes again, but he already could sense them.
"Come on, attack. I haven't got all the time in the world, most of it, yes.." Savanti said grabbing the scepter.
"Guys wait!" Spike warned right before they all jumped down to attack, but they were halted in midair by the scepter's power.
"Toys for such fun." Savanti said tapping the glass which made them rewind back to their positions.

"He knew we were coming, we need to be more careful." Psiona warned trying to think of a way.
"Wait.. didn't we just do this?" Leo asked getting Deja vu.
"Oh no, he's messing with time again!" Donnie said worried at this,
"Get him!" Raph shouted with rage as Savanti turns the scepter right as they all jumped, but suddenly found themselves trapped in bubbles of sorts.

"You make it all so easy!" Savanti said as he laughed evilly, Spike hissed with rage and was about to attack right before Psiona stopped him.
"Wait for the right moment.." Psiona whispered as they were still free.
"Hmm.. shall i freeze you in time forever? Devolve you into small little turtles and a monkey? Or perhaps a primal sludge!" Savanti asked himself walking all around them.
"Primal sludge doesn't sound so bad.." Mikey said not knowing it.
"Primal sludge is real bad Mikey. At least i have my energy dart.." Renet told herself as she took out a wrist device and aimed at him.

"Or i could simply wipe you all out of existence!" Savanti said sitting down giving the scepter an opening.
"Don't use it! We'll be trapped here forever!" Donnie warned which gave her another idea, she aimed the dart at Mikey's bubble and shot it at it and it freed both of them.
"What?!" Savanti asked furious as chains wrapped around him and made him drop the scepter.
"Now!!" Psiona ordered as they finally lunged down at him to attack.
"No!!" Savanti said with fury as he made a loud roar which made the ground shake, they all watched as the tower's clock gears began to turn making this a moving ground. This made the scepter fall down a great distance leaving it far away to get as the ground split open and they all fell down to the moving gears.

"Oh come on!!" Spike said annoyed as this was getting to annoying.
"The Scepter!" Renet shouted as she tried getting it, but Savanti landed in front of her and knocked it away, he almost slashed at her until Mikey jumped in.
"Forget it freak job!" Mikey shouted as he kicked him in the face, Savanti countered this by grabbing him in the face and throwing him to the other side. Raph and Spike landed down and charged at him and slashed their weapons at him, but Savanti formed an energy bubble around him which made Spike's senses go off. Spike backflipped out of the way just as the thing exploded and Spike hissed as he sweeped his legs and sent him flying off the gears screaming.

The scepter was rolling around all over the place and Renet was trying to grab it.
"Come on!!" Psiona shouted as she punched Savanti in the skull and knocked him to the wall even more. Spike saw the device on his arm and got the idea.
"How about a fair fight?!" Spike shouted with rage as he used his sword and stabbed it right through the device, Savanti screamed with pain as electricity flowed around him and started to halt all the gears.

"Oh dear.." Savanti said in fear as they all towered over them with Donnie grabbing the scepter.
"Hah!!!" Mikey shouted as he kicked him in the face and sent him flying off the ledge.
"Hit the blue button Donatello!" Renet instructed as they all were furious with him.
"Let's see how this thing works!" Donnie said slamming the thing down and it began glowing brightly.
"Turtles, let's talk about this before you make any rash decisions.." Savanti said horrified as Donnie charged up a blast.
"Sayonara." Psiona said with anger as Donnie shot a blast at him and sent him flying through another time door.
"Nooooo!!!" Savanti screamed as he vanished leaving them the winners.

"So are you sure this time?" Is he gone for good" Raph asked hopefully looking at Renet.
"Absolutely.. sorta.. 96% certain.." Renet said nervously before the room flashed white again.
"Renet! You must come back to the future now! You are grounded!" Simultaneous declared angry at her.
"Oh grok.. on my way Lord Simultaneous, just gotta drop off the turtles and dragons of Equestria first." Renet said as he finally noticed all of them.
"Oh! The turtle and dragon warriors of legend! Very cold! Big fan of you Spike!" Simultaneous said with a smile before he vanished finally making them sigh in relief.
"At least that's over with.." Spike said glad this was over.
"Looks like your popular enough to be a favorite of a time master son." Psiona teased rubbing his head which made him chuckle

"Okay everybody, let's go home." Renet said ready to go.
"Renet um.. can we kick it in the future together? Um.. just you and me? For a little while?" Mikey asked nervously.
"Aw, i would love that Mikey, maybe someday." Renet replied before he kissed his cheek which made him fall to the ground blushing wildly.
"It's better then Donnie and April in my opinion.." Psiona said looking down at him.
"Let's go home Turtle and Dragon heroes." Renet said opening another time door.
"Cowabunga!!" Mikey shouted as they all jumped through time to return home.

But as they were going through, something was causing an interference with them.
"Oh no, time interference! Something's wrong!" Renet said with worry as the Scepter wasn't working right.
"What's happening?!" Spike screamed as they all were being pulled away from them, Renet's body glowed as she tried to stop them.
"Guys!" Renet said with worry as a vortex opens up and they all were sent through it leaving her alone in the void.
"Oh no.." Renet said in horror as they were gone..

Everyone screams as they fall through another door in time and land on the ground.
"Ugh.. where the heck are we now?" Raph asked annoyed rubbing his head.
"I'm sick of time travel.." Spike said weakly getting up from all this.
"The time stream must've been messed with, now we're in.." Leo said as they all went over to a cliff and saw a huge familiar city in the distance.

"Japan? Well at least we're back in modern times." Donnie said looking around the place.
"I don't think so Donnie..." Psiona said seriously as her senses warned her of something.
Arrows suddenly we're shot at them and they all got ready to fight as they saw warriors in familiar suits jump down to them.
"Dudes.. ninjas.." Mikey said worried as they were all surrounded.
"Real ninjas.." Spike said worried as he was used to fighting foot bots by this point.
"Guys... i think we're in.. deep trouble.." Leo said seriously as they all we're in a tough situation..

59: Tales of the Yokai

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We open to a shot in the woods of Japan Spike and the others found themselves in, they were running from the ninja's trying to escape them.
" Ninja's!! AH!!!!" They all screamed in fear as they ran away from them.
"Where are we?!" Leo asked shocked as they were surrounded by a ton of them.
"Not where, but when are we?" Donnie corrected.
"Not our normal time period that's for sure." Spike hissed getting on guard.

A ninja yelled with anger and threw a chain at Leo's sword, Leo was pulled down and kicked away with the others engaging in a fight. Spike hissed at the ninjas and flipped over shuriken's thrown at him, another threw it right at Spike's head, and Spike quickly pulled his plasma blade and sliced it in half. The ninjas were out numbering them as one of them cut off Donnie's wizard beard.
"These guys are good!" Donnie said in shock as Raph was being overwhelmed by a group of them, Psiona roared at some more of the ninjas and caught some of their fists and twisted them, she sweeped the ninja's legs and threw him into the others just as Leo saw a Shuriken with a familiar symbol on it.

"They're not just ninja clan, they're Hamato clan! Splinter's clan!" Leo said in realization.
"But the Hamato clan doesn't exist anymore right?" Raph asked shocked before a ninja head butted him and twisted Raph's arm making him scream in pain before he was kicked back.
"Well they clearly do here!" Psiona shouted backing up to the others.

"What the?! What creatures are these?" A ninja asked in shock.
"They are Yokai.. they will curse us all!" The other said as they spoke in Japenese.
"What is going on here?" A familiar voice asked which shocked them, the ninja stood aside and found a familiar person walking up to them.. Oroku Saki.
"Yokai?!" Saki asked shocked seeing them.
"Shredder?!" Leo asked shocked as well.
"Shredder..." Psiona said with malice seeing his face.

"This cannot be.." Saki said in shock as they all got in a defensive stance.
"I will make you pay soon Saki." Psiona said with rage as Mikey took out a smoke bomb and threw it down making all of them vanish before them.
"Saki san, what were they?" A ninja asked confused on what was happening.
"I do not know, but i will find out!" Saki said seriously as this wasn't to be ignored..

Spike and the others hopped through the trees after barely escaping Saki and the Hamato ninjas.
"Whoo, close call dudes! Awesome save by Mikey!" Mikey said proudly as Psiona flew above them.
"Why was he there? And not with that burnt scar on his face? I'll gladly make sure he has it next time i see him!" Psiona said with rage as she was still mad at him for mutating Spike.

"Oroku Saki was a part of the Hamato clan, before he became the Shredder." Donnie explained which meant one thing.
"So that means we're nearly 16 years in the past. But why here? Why now?" Leo asked confused at this.
"Who cares? 20 bucks says it's all Renet's fault. She doesn't know the first thing about time travel." Raph accused annoyed with her still.
"Don't blame this on her Raph, she's still an apprentice, believe me, they do a lot of things to try and solve their problems, without their master's knowing." Spike said as she reminded her of Twilight in a way.
"Yo guys check it! That's Splinter's old dojo right?" Mikey asked as they all saw an old looking dojo with the Hamato clan symbol on a flag.
"I think it is.." Psiona replied as they all went to find out any info they could.

We see a shot of a photo of an old warrior with a familiar blade that Spike has, and we see Saki explaining this to his master.
"I saw it with my own eyes, they were.. small green men in strange costumes, one of them was a snake creature, and the other was a large dragon with advanced tech, they may be the Yokai of legend." Saki explained which interested the master before the laugh of a familiar person was heard.
"Yokai? Your imagination has grown wild Saki! Small green men? A snake warrior? A living dragon? Spirits? Monsters? Your head has always been in the clouds brother." Yoshi said walking into the room with a familiar fan.( Isn't it weird that they kind of made him a jerk in this scene? Really shows how Splinter matured after all of this.)
"Whoa.. human Splinter.." Leo said in shock seeing how different he looks.
"It's so weird not seeing him as a rat.." Spike added still amazed seeing this happen.

"Do not be to dismissive of the supernatural world Yoshi. There are many dimensions, many beings, that permeate what we call reality." The master advised which made him feel bad.
"My apologies father. Please, continue Saki, let us hear more of this interesting tale." Yoshi encouraged which annoyed Saki a lot.
"Do not mock me Yoshi, i know what i saw!" Saki said upset with him before they heard they're master cough for a moment.
"Some legends say, that when the Yokai arrive, tragedy is sure to follow." The master explained which concerned them both.

"Dude, these Yokai sound like trouble." Mikey whispered which made Raph smack his head quietly.
"He's talking about us genius." Raph said annoyed that he didn't figure that out.
"Yokai are mythical Japenese monsters." Donnie explained which interested Psiona a lot.

The master left the room with some of the ninja's leaving Saki and Yoshi alone.
"I tell you Yoshi, we all saw them." Saki argued as they prepared to spar.
"Reminds me of the Yokai friends we invented as children, remember Saki?" Yoshi asked getting in a fighting stance before they proceeded to spar roughly which made all of them watch in shock.
"You never listen to me! Just like.. Tang Shen!" Saki argued kneeing Yoshi in the chest knocking him back for a moment.
"Yet again you speak of Shen?!" Yoshi asked upset as he was dodging a lot of strong kicks.
"You care nothing for her, only for the clan, only for yourself!" Saki shouted as he jumped in the air and delivered a roundhouse kick which made Yoshi duck under, Yoshi sweeped Saki's legs and grabbed his body before throwing it behind them making them all flinch seeing that.

A bowl rolled over to the side as Saki tried to get up.
"That is not true brother! I have always been there for you." Yoshi said as he offered to help him up, but Saki knocked his hand away and he growled with anger before he saw Spike and the others quickly closing the doors.
"What?" Saki asked shocked as they all quickly ran off and the two followed them, but they saw no one there which concerned them both.

We now cut to a nighttime shot as Spike and the others were trying to rest and think about what to do.
"Ugh, we haven't had any real food in days.." Mikey said as he fell down a tree branch.
"Turtles can't live on berries bros, i'm feeling weak.." Mikey said crawling to Raph who pushed him back.
"Is Renet ever gonna find us and bring us home? Seriously, i hate time travel!" Raph said annoyed which Spike agreed to.
"They always lead to confusing events.." Spike said slithering next to him.

"I've been giving it some thought, kinda seems weird we're at this exact point and time right?" Leo suggested which was a good fact.
"Well, the odds of us in this exact time are like 879 Quintillion to one. If we're here for a reason, what is it?" Donnie asked curiously.
"I don't know, but i got a bad feeling we're gonna find out.." Psiona said worried as this was not a good spot right now..

We cut to another shot as we see a Hamato Yoshi and a young Tang Shen on a bridge within Japan near the dojo.
"Beautiful night isn't it?" Shen asked with a smile looking at the stars.
"It's nights like this i realize how lucky i am, to have you, and little Miwa." Yoshi said as they looked down at a newly born baby.
"Yoshi, let's leave this place, i've always wanted to visit America. New York City.." Shen asked which made Yoshi sigh in response.
"Shen.. i have.. many responsibility's, you know this. With father being here, the dojo.." Yoshi replied which upset her a little.
"The dojo. When are you going to leave this life? This is the last clan of it's kind." Shen said turning away from him.
"And that is why it must endure. Must i explain this again?" Yoshi asked looking over another side of the bridge.
"Ninja's have no more place in this world! Besides, you must decide, this is no world for Miwa, if she ever followed you." Shen said beginning to leave with her.
"Shen.. Let me walk you home.." Yoshi begged not wanting to leave her.
"I can take care of myself.. I always have" Shen said as she left him alone making him sigh sadly.

Spike and the others were still at the fire and Mikey's stomach began growling again.
"Ugh i'm so hungry.." Raph said falling on his back.
"I'm fine, i can endure for months without needing food, staying in Dimension X for that long does stuff to you." Psiona said before she burped up some green fire again which surprised them.
"You sure you didn't eat anything on the whole time travel?" Raph asked still suspicious of where she went when they were in the time loop.
".. only some fruits that probably were still fresh.." Psiona said in defense again which just annoyed him even more.
"Wonder what kind they were, or who.." Raph whispered to Leo who was just as suspicious on this but decided to leave it alone.

Shen was walking through the forest with Miwa until she heard noises suddenly and saw Raph and Mikey arguing again.
"Guys.." Spike whispered which made them stop as they all saw Shen with Miwa.
"Yokai!" Shen said in fear as Miwa began to cry which alerted Saki.
"It's okay! It's okay we're not gonna hurt you!" Leo said nervously trying not to make something bad happen.
"Yeah we're friendly Yokai!" Raph said in defense too.
"We promise we won't hurt you.." Psiona assured as she was a bit scary looking for Shen.

Saki ran through the forest quickly and saw Shen surrounded by them. Saki screamed with rage as he jumped in the air and slashed at them from above. Spike drew his sword which made Shredder gasp in shock seeing it's blade.( Spike had two different swords during this thing, never hurts to have a spare.)
"That blade! The sword of Miyamoto Musashi! Where did you get it?!" Saki asked with rage as they clashed swords with eachother while the others hid behind the trees.
"I was worthy enough to carry on his legacy!" Spike countered backflipping away and trying to hide from him.
"He passed long ago! And a whelp like you doesn't deserve the weapon of such a warrior!" Saki shouted as Spike was blocking more sword swings from him.
"Sorry, but i won't let a hate filled person like you take it! I know your trying to trick her, and there will be consequences for it!" Spike shouted as he tail whipped him back to Shen who was confused on what Spike meant.
"Son, come on!" Psiona said as she quickly grabbed all of them and took off to the skies at fast speeds, Saki tried throwing a Kunai at her back but Donnie knocked it away just as they vanished again leaving the two alone.

"Are you alright Shen?" Saki asked worried rushing up to her.
"Yes, thanks to you." Shen said gratefully looking at her child.
"I would never let anything hurt you. I... over heard your conversation with Yoshi. It is futile you know, he will never leave the clan." Saki said as Shen calmed Miwa down.
"Perhaps you speak the truth..." Shen said still unsure of this.
"Shen, take me back. I will take care of you and Miwa, we can go to New York together. The three of us, i am a different man then the one you once knew, believe me.." Saki said softly giving a small kiss on her forehead which made her smile a little. But Yoshi had saw all of this and growled with disbelief as he ran off, Spike and the others quietly hid in the trees as they saw the whole thing happen.

"Whoa, you know Oroku Saki's kind of a good guy right?" Mikey asked curious looking at the others.
"Are you crazy? He's a total creep!" Raph said not convinced with him.
"He's trying to trick her, i know how this game works." Spike said seriously as his snake hands hissed again.
"Maybe we should take Shredder down." Leo said crossing his arms which concerned Donnie.
"If we interfere with history, Splinter will never move to New York and buy 4 baby turtles, thus leaving a small purple dragon in the hands of the Kraang for awful experiments, which will make him and his mother to never meet eachother." Donnie explained which worried them all.
"Or have a special Dream Beaver break away from her brothers to learn what love is like.." Spike added really worried on this.

"But we already interfered with history, Shredder just saved Tang Shen from 6 monsters. Us!" Leo pointed out which got Donnie worried.
"Wait a second.." Donnie said as he took out his phone and saw a photo of him, Spike, April and Casey together, with Casey disappearing from the screen.
"Casey's photo is disappearing! Like we never knew him! Time is already being altered.." Donnie said scarred which worried them even more.
"Oh man! It's just like that one movie! We're doomed dudes! Doomed!!" Mikey said dramatically which annoyed Raph.( I think we all know what movie he's talking about.)
"Get a hold of yourself man! We just gotta make sure that Tang Shen, doesn't like Oroku Saki!" Raph encouraged which they all agreed to.
"We have to convince her that he's the evil jerk we all know and hate. So history stays on course." Leo explained to all of them.
"Let's try to be polite with her, she's a kind soul.." Psiona said as she didn't have any evil in her.

Saki and Yoshi were sparring with eachother in the dojo again as Yoshi was really upset at Saki for last night.
"I saw you last night with woods with her brother! What did you say to Shen?!" Yoshi asked really angry with him.
"Her concern isn't of yours Yoshi!" Saki countered taking his other sword from him.
"Shen is my concern Saki." Yoshi said still ready to fight. Saki charged at Yoshi with both of the wooden swords and slashed at him, Yoshi blocked a sword swing with his elbow and kicked him back, he then grabbed his sword back and kicked him away again giving him his sword again. They both got super furious with eachother as they delivered a final slash to eachother which made they're master pin them down with a nerve attack.
"Enough!" He shouted stopping Saki from trying to fight more.
"End this now, you are brothers. Act like brothers." He instructed as he left them alone to try and talk it out.

Spike and the others saw Shen walking through the forest again and knew it was their chance.
"Here she comes.." Leo whispered to the others, Shen walked through the place some more until Donnie and Raph landed in front of her and freaked her out.
"Tang Shen!" Raph said holding up his arms which scarred her and she tried to escape, but the others landed behind her too.
"Tang Shen, please calm down!" Spike begged trying to show he doesn't mean harm.
"We come in peace!" Donnie said trying to help her. To calm her down, Mikey slid in front of her and hummed a familiar tune and did some funny dance moves which actually entertained little Miwa.

"It's okay Tang Shen. We promise we won't hurt you." Mikey assured which finally calmed her down.
"Are you aliens or Yokai?" Shen asked looking at all of them.
"We're um.. friendly Yokai, Shen. We need to talk to you." Donnie replied really needing to tell her this.

Shen led them to her home so they can all talk about what's happening.
"I moved here to be closer to Yoshi, i've that Yokai are always hungry, so that's why i made a meal which all kappa love." Shen said as she was making some food, Psiona was looking over little Miwa and trying to play with her.
"Your a cute one aren't you?" Psiona asked with a smile letting her play with a flower she got for her.
"My grandmother told my a story of a kappa, who came out of a river as a young girl was fetching water. the Kappa terrified her, but the girl always carried cucumbers with her to ward of Yokai. The Kappa was so thankful, it told her of a great hurricane that would devastate her village. It saved her people." Shen explained which interested them.
"That's right, and we wanna save you Tang Shen." Raph said as this could convince her.

"Which is why we um.. Kappa have come to talk. We also bring you dire news." Donnie explained as Mikey had the cucumbers.
"You can't leave Hamato Yoshi, he's a good man, Oroku Saki is evil." Leo explained which she refused to believe.
"No, Oroku Saki is a good man.." Shen said not liking this, Psiona sighed and walked over to her with Miwa.
"He may look like it, but i sense hatred from him, even if he's focused on his ninjutsu to raise a family, i know he'll always choose you and your child over the dojo. I wouldn't let my son get harmed by him, and i don't want that to happen to your child too.." Psiona said handing her Miwa.
"Your.. a mother as well." Shen asked curiously, Psiona nodded and looked to Spike who smiled nicely.
"He's a smart boy, a mother always looks out for their kin, no matter what species they are. A child always should have a family to raise him the best they can, and i won't give mine up.." Psiona said giving Spike a hug.
"And i won't let that happen to my mom either.." Spike said softly holding her close.
"You are a kind mother, i can tell you've been through awful stuff, but i still see you show love for your child.." Shen said as she saw the scars she had on her body.

"Follow your heart Shen, you know who's the right man." Raph encouraged while they all looked at her.
"Please, let me make you some more cucumbers.." Shen said as Mikey ate them all. Donnie gasped in shock and took out his phone.
"Um.. Leo?" Donnie asked worried as they saw April disappear too..
"No.." Spike said in horror as this can't be happening.
"What's the plan now?" Donnie asked concerned with this.
"The only noble thing we can do now is finish Shredder. Spike, you make sure Splinter's safe." Leo instructed and Spike nodded in understanding.

We cut to night time again as Saki had gathered the ninja's for a special meeting, he stood on top of the clans symbol with a torch in hand.
"The Hamato clan has gotten weak! It is rotting from the inside! The Foot was the oldest of all the clans! But it was wiped out by Hamato Yuta! When he slayed it's master, Oroku Kaiji, my father!" Saki explained which made the ninja's gasp in anger.
"I was adopted by the Hamato clan as an infant, raised by my enemy in ignorance! I will have my revenge on them all!" Saki swore as he threw the torch on the clans symbol and lit it up in flames. Shredder took up some sharp claws and held up a flag with symbols on it with all the ninja's bowing in respect for him. But they saw something and drew they're weapons as they saw Psiona and the other turtles looking down at them with white eyes again.

"Yokai. finish them quickly! I have business to attend to." Saki ordered as the ninja's drew they're weapons. Leo and the others landed down and drew they're weapons too with Psiona snarling at them with anger, they looked at eachother for a brief moment before charging at eachother making battle cries to finish the job.

Yoshi and Shen were standing outside the dojo discussing something right now, Spike snuck his way back to the place and waited for something to happen.
"I am sorry Shen, you and Miwa are my life. Without you i am a shadow." Yoshi said with regret.
"Yoshi.. i understand your loyalty to the clan.." Shen said looking concerned.
"Father is growing worse, the dojo is all we have left.." Yoshi said sadly which had Shen put a flower on his hand.
"We have so much more then that Yoshi." Shen assured which had him hold them close.
"My love for you and Miwa burns in my heart, brighter then all the stars in the universe." Yoshi said before a familiar voice came in.

"Pathetic. I will not abide by this dishonor!" Saki said with anger as he held out three long claws on his fists.
"Saki.." Shen said with regret as he was not having it.
"Shen, i ask you one last time. Make the right choice." Saki demanded not wanting to do this.
"I have already made it." Shen said walking behind Yoshi who kept his guard up.
"Take Miwa and go Shen." Yoshi instructed as this was leading to a bad place.
"But Yoshi, Saki please! You are brothers!" Shen begged not wanting this.
"No. We were never blood!" Saki said with rage which saddened her.
"Shen.. go." Yoshi ordered again which made her have no choice but to leave.

"How can one love and hate someone so fiercely?" Saki asked drawing out his blades.
"If your desire is to fall by my hand brother, so be it." Yoshi said putting his hands behind him. Saki roared with rage and slashed his blades at his hands, but he had braces around them leaving them unharmed. Saki tried stabbing Yoshi repeatedly which made Yoshi punch him to the wall and knee him in the chest before Saki recovered and slashed at a pillar continuing to fight him, Spike knew this was his moment, and prepared himself.

Mikey and the others laughed crazily as they surrounded the ninja's to scare them. They kept laughing as a ninja was wacked by Mikey's weapon and they saw Psiona and the others rising on the pillar with Psiona going on top of the fire.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey said with all the chains around his arms.
"Kappa!! They will steal your soul! RUN!!!" A ninja shouted in Japenese again throwing Mikey a cucumber which he ate again.
"I'm starting to get a taste for these things!" Mikey said in delight as Leo hung above them.
"That's right ninja's! We Yokai will steal all of your souls, through your butt!!" Leo shouted mimicking an evil laugh as Raph snuck behind them to take them down, they all screamed with fear and ran off making Psiona chuckle in response.
"Through your butt?!" Raph asked disgusted as they slid down.
"What? That comes from real Japenese legend. Come on let's head for the dojo!" Leo ordered as they began to run again.
"Let's hope my son can hold his own till then!" Psiona shouted running with them quickly.

Saki and Yoshi slammed through the halls and fought with eachother through the paper walls.
"We were raised together Saki! To not make me fight you!" Yoshi begged holding back his arms.
"How could i not? After so many lies! So much Dishonor!" Saki countered which made Yoshi hit him in the stomach again before throwing him behind him again like before.
"You only dishonor yourself! Always jealous, always scheming! Always filled with hate!" Yoshi shouted which angered him even more as Saki slashed at him even more. Saki slashed at a candle which had the tip land on the ground which started to create a fire that started spreading through the dojo.

Spike saw the fire happening and knew he had to act now.
"Now!" Spike shouted to himself as he slithered up to walls and crashed through right to where they were fighting, Spike hissed with rage and knocked Saki a good distance away from them with Yoshi seeing him.
"Who are you? Are you a Yokai?!" Yoshi asked getting in a defensive pose.
"I'm here to stop Saki, i'm here to help you!" Spike shouted before he ducked under another slash from Saki and threw him to Yoshi, who kicked Saki into the dojo.
"Very well, help me take him down!" Yoshi shouted as the two engaged with battle with Saki.

Psiona and the others were heading to the dojo as fast as they could to save Yoshi.
"Guys, look! Fire!" Mikey shouted as they saw it from the distance.
"Hurry!" Psiona shouted taking off at fast speeds.

"Please brother! Do not make us do this!" Yoshi begged as Spike coiled around his arm and twisted it, Yoshi grabbed his arm and threw him to the wall, Saki quickly recovered and roared at them both and tried slashing them. Saki grabbed Yoshi by the arm and slammed him to where they're master sat as the fire was covering the entire room. Saki tried clawing at Yoshi on the ground but Spike helped him up and slashed at him with his sword.
"Your mind is overflowed with anger! It will lead to your downfall!" Spike shouted as he let Yoshi grab his tail and he twirled him around to make a combo move.
"Saki, this whole place is coming down!" Yoshi shouted as Spike backflipped next to him and hissed at him.
"Then the three of us shall perish! Especially you Yokai!" Saki shouted as he slashed at him even more, Yoshi saw the sword on the ground and drew it to even the odds.
"No, it will just be you! And i.. am a dragon!!" Spike hissed as his fire was swelling up inside him.

"Tang Shen!!" Mikey shouted with worry as they saw her running into the building.
"Don't!" Psiona shouted as she tried stopping her.
"Wait!" Raph shouted right before the rubble blocked the door.
"Son!" Psiona shouted with horror as they may be trapped inside.
"We have to get in there!" Leo said with worry before he heard a baby crying and saw Miwa under a stool.

Spike, and Yoshi clashed with Saki trying to take him down as the fire burned through this place. Spike coiled around him again and threw him behind him, Yoshi then ran to Spike and he gave him a boost in the air to give him a stronger air slash, Psiona and the others were trying to get the rubble out of the way to save the others. Saki grabbed Yoshi's sword and threw it down and jumped in the air about to finish him before Shen ran inside.
"Please stop!!" Shen begged, but that got her caught right in the blow as Saki slashed right at her which Spike and Yoshi both saw with horror.
"No!!!!" Yoshi shouted with horror as he and Shen got buried under rubble.
"Shen!" Saki shouted with horror before Spike pushed him out of the way who looked furious.
"Out of the way! Now!!" Saki ordered drawing his blades, Spike breathed heavily and had enough with him.

"You monster!!!" Spike screamed with fury as he took a deep breath and shot a fire blast at his head. Saki screamed with pain as the fire covered his right side which made him run out of the dojo in pain.
Saki breathed heavily as his face was now revealed and had an awful burnt scar to his face and some of his arm. He heard a baby cry and saw Miwa was alone and crawled up to her, he got rid of his blades and picked her up.
"You will be mine to care for little one. I will call you.. Karai.. dragons.. they could exist.. and they could be useful to me.." Saki told himself as he started to leave with her.

Spike breathed heavily as he started to cry seeing this all happen.
"Spike! What happened?!" Leo shouted with worry as they all came into the place.
"I saw it happen, he.. he killed her!! I couldn't.. i couldn't do anything.." Spike said with huge regret for this.
"Son.. i'm so sorry.." Psiona said with regret hugging him close while Leo and the others dragged away the rubble, they gasped with shock as they saw Shen's dead body and looked away with remorse with Spike crying heavily. They quickly got Yoshi's body and dragged him out of the place and only had the small flower that was Miwa's.
Yoshi groaned with pain as he finally woke up, he gasped with horror as he saw his home up in flames, and only had the flower that was from his family.
"SHEN!!!!" Yoshi shouted with horror and regret as he began to cry heavily. Spike and the others looked extremely regretful as they all quietly left him alone to process this with Spike feeling the most regretful for all of it.

Spike and the others had another spot in the woods again, Donnie looked at his photo and saw April and Casey were back making everything normal again.
"Everything's back to normal, finally.." Donnie said a little relieved on this.
"At least we know how Shredder got that scar.." Spike said as he couldn't believe he was the one who caused it.
"It was his punishment son, you did what you could, what matters most is that Yoshi is alive, and you are too." Psiona assured holding him close.
"Yeah, but must i remind you all that we are still stuck thousands of miles from home, and sixteen hears in the past!" Raph said throwing some bark down.
"Might as well get used to it guys, maybe being a Yokai won't be so bad." Mikey said trying to lighten the mood a little.

Thunder was suddenly heard again and they gasped in they saw Renet finally find them and saw her go through another time door.
"Yes! Finally i found you." Renet said in relief which made Mikey hug her.
"Renet!" Mikey said in relief.
"Heh, it's good to see you too Mikey." Renet said patting his head.
"Where the heck have you been?! We've been stuck here for days!!" Raph shouted still upset with her.
"It's not my fault, seriously i spent the last like 6 months trying to hunt you guys down." Renet said in defense.
"6 months?!" Psiona asked in shock as that was shocking for all of them.

"Why? Of all times, why did we come here? Of all places?" Leo asked confused at all of this.
"It was the scepter, it brought you here, to make sure Splinter survived." Renet explained showing them the scepter.
"Wait.. it was always meant to be this way? We were always destined to travel through time and save sensei's life?" Donnie asked really confused.
"And i was meant to give Shredder his scar, and see Shen's death?" Spike asked in disbelief of all of this.
"Ugh, can you just take us home now, my head is starting to hurt." Raph asked annoyed from all of this.
"No problem. Future New York, here we come." Renet said as she raised her scepter and it glowed brightly.

They all went through another time door and jumped through back to the moment they left New York.
"Home.." Spike said in huge relief glad this was over.
"Will we ever see you again Renet?" Mikey asked looking at her.
"Let's hope not." Raph said exhausted which annoyed him a little.
"Maybe some day Michelangelo." Renet said as she kissed his cheek again which made him faint again and she began to leave.
"Goodbye Turtle and dragon warriors! See you in history!" Renet shouted as she finally left them alone, back in their own era.
"Thank goodness this is all over.." Psiona said in relief holding Spike close to her.
"Let's go home guys, it'll be good to see Master Splinter." Mikey said as they all looked at the view.
"Yeah..it will.." Spike said to himself as he still was trying to process all that happened with him during this..

60: Attack Of The Mega Shredder!

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We open to a dark and stormy night as we see a shot of Shredder's lair once again, the camera zooms down below from the throne room, to the dungeon, and to Stockman's lab where Shredder is currently in and looks to Karai who is hooked up to a device on a chair not being able to move.

"Karai.. forgive me, i should have never allowed it to go this far.." Shredder said regretfully as the Brain Worms controlling her were within a glass case above her.
"I will destroy Splinter and the turtles for causing you such suffering, that dragon will soon know the pain he has put you through too, sleep now my daughter, your revenge is soon at hand.." Shredder said putting his hand on the glass.
"Um.. uh Mr Shredder?" Bebop asked nervously as he and Rocksteady came into the lab.

"What is it?!" Shredder asked not wanting to deal with them right now.
"You uh.. called for us sir?" Bebop replied really scarred being around him.
"I sense the turtles and dragon are gonna make another move soon. Double security, watch Karai at all times." Shredder ordered in a menacing tone.
"We are on it!" Bebop said giving a salute of respect.
"Dah! kid freak turtle and dragon ninja's never get past Bebop and Rocksteady!" Rocksteady said confidently that they can win.
"Do not fail me!" Shredder ordered upset with both of them, they both bowed and quickly ran away not wanting to upset him anymore and Shredder turned to Karai who was breathing heavily within the device..

Spike and the others were currently back in the lair after the time travel stuff they went through, Spike was still trying to process what he was a part of during that event, and he was worried on what else could be happening. Mikey was watching Crognard once again and this episode had Crognard destroy a rock monster from the inside.
"Yes! Crognard is the fun explosion master!" Mikey shouted in joy while Jaqueline watched too.
"Did he just go up that monster's...?" Jaqueline asked as that cave was near his bottom..
"I don't know, but the others have got to see this... Guys?" Mikey asked confused as the lair was empty.
"Must be in the lab.." Jaqueline said as she and Mikey went over to Donnie's lab.

"I say we go full frontal assault! We bash our way in, take no prisoners!" Raph said seriously as they were coming up with a plan.
"Remember last time we made our way in? We couldn't even go through the front door!" Leo pointed out rejecting that idea.
"They'll probably expect us if we charge head first, we need a different idea." Spike said agreeing to Leo on this.
"My son's right, the more we just charge head first into the place, the easier they'll predict us coming. We have to get another idea." Psiona said crossing her arms as Donnie now came in.

"All we need is better stealth! Which leads me to present my latest invention..." Donnie said dramatically as we see Donnie.. had turned a dumpster into some kind of stealth device.
"What's with the mess?" Leo asked not seeing it's purpose.
"Is it for disposing any trash there is in here?" Spike joked which made Jaqueline chuckle as she and Mikey walked in.
"That is my newest invention, the MK 1 all terrain stealth vehicle!" Donnie announced which made Psiona snicker.
"You turned a dumpster into a stealth device? How am i suppose to fit in there?" Psiona pointed out as she towered over all of them.

"That's the point guys, it's supposed to blend in perfectly! You can take the sky's with Spike and Jaqueline, so we can blend with the other trash in New York City, come on, let's test it out!" Donnie said excitedly.
"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech, how's this thing gonna help us?" Leo asked looking at it.
"I ain't going in there." Spike said standing next to his mom.
"Neither of us are." Psiona replied glad she and Spike won't be going in there.
"Look guys if you wanna break into Shredder's lair, you gotta use this, not some giant robot which can easily be seen. The foot will never see us coming!" Donnie said confidently until they heard a flushing sound and saw Mikey was on the seat.
"Dudes, its got full flushing action, nice." Mikey said impressed which made them all slap their faces.
"Seriously Mikey?" Jaqueline asked annoyed as this was gross.

Spike and the others made their way out to the city once again, Spike, Jaqueline and Psiona were on a rooftop above the place where the others were hiding, Psiona shook her head sadly seeing this spot the turtles are in.
"I know Donnie's a smart one and all, even if he's bad at talking to girls, but he seriously couldn't have come up with something other then a dumpster?" Psiona asked as the thing was moving at a snails speed.
"Donnie's.. creative to say the least, even if it's weird." Spike said as his head was hurting recently which made him rub it in pain.
"Spike? Are you okay? You've been a bit distracted lately." Jaqueline asked sitting next to him.

"Sorry, it's just.. i think that mutagen is finally getting to my brain, there are moments where i feel like i'm gonna snap now, after i saw Shen's own death and gave Shredder his scar, that just.. triggered something in me, and i feel like it's gonna get worse.." Spike said worried looking at his snake hands once again.
"A sight like that can affect one in many ways son, but the fact that it's taken this long for your brain to start feeling this is worrying, even after we couldn't turn you back to a dragon, your mind is getting more fragile when you let your rage take you." Psiona said trying to help him.
"I know, i just don't know how i can handle seeing someone die like that, i thought being a psychic would protect my brain from becoming frantic like Karai did, now.. i think my powers only delayed my sanity from breaking.." Spike said worried on what time he could lose himself.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find a way to cure you. Karai may be the only way how, which is why we have to save her." Jaqueline said seriously as they saw Shredder's lair up ahead.
"She's right, we have to get that brain worm to save her, hopefully she can show you how to revert back like she can." Psiona prayed as they heard commotion below them suddenly.

They looked below them and saw the dumpster Donnie made actually just took down some foot bots, leaving the entrance open.
"Huh, your right, Donnie is creative, even if it is weird." Psiona said impressed as they hopped on down to the others who just got out.
"You see? No fuss no muss! Haha! The perfect city stealth vehicle!" Donnie said proudly as they all landed next to Donnie.
"Gotta hand it to you, you never cease to amaze me with what you make Donnie." Jaqueline said high fiving him.
"Alright guys, let's head in there, quietly." Spike said seriously as they all started making their way inside once again.

Leo used a pocket knife to pit lock the door which was locked and they all started to move, Spike quietly slithered along with the others while Jaqueline was on Psiona's back as she crawled through the place like a lizard to be quiet. They avoided more of those foot bots again and soon made their way to the place where they fought Shredder with the mutanimals.
"Almost to the lab.." Leo whispered to the others.
"We're gonna make it this time.." Mikey whispered confidently, they were about to make it inside until a blast suddenly shot Raph shocking them.

"Oh dang! We got some trespassing turtles and dragons up in here!" Bebop mocked as he and Rocksteady came in.
"Surprise turtle freaks! This time, we squashes your heads like the blueberry!" Rocksteady mocked pulling out a blaster.
"4 turtles, 1 snake dragon, a Dream Beaver and a Cyborg dragon versus 2 complete morons? We got this!" Leo said as they all drew they're weapons.
"Well well well.. i see the gathering has just begun." Tiger claw said smugly as he drew his blade walking in the room.
"Bring it on!" Spike shouted drawing his red blade again, they all charged at them with rage and began to fight them once again.

Leo and Spike engaged with Tiger claw and Psiona and Jaqueline fought the others, Psiona roared with rage and shot a fire blast at Rocksteady which almost burnt him.
"Dah! Watch it! I just washed this armor!" Rocksteady shouted with rage as he shot more blasts at her, Psiona turned her arm into a sword again and slashed the blasts away while Jaqueline back flipped in the air and kicked Bebop in the face.
"This is for getting me under control last time!" Jaqueline shouted with rage as she drew her hammer and hit Bebop, right in the crotch making him squeal in pain.
"Fatality!" Mikey said dramatically as Bebop fell on the ground in pain.
"Why.. is it always.. the kiwis..?!" Bebop asked in pure pain.
"Because it's always the most open part.." Jaqueline mocked twirling her hammer around.

They all were about to continue fighting them until they saw the mutated Shredder monsters from before crawl into the room, all 3 of them who they thought were destroyed.
"Oh not these freaks again!" Raph said annoyed as the clawed monster charged at Spike. Spike slithered out of the way and hissed at him again, Spike whipped his snake hands at the monsters claws and coiled around the thing, he then threw him into the small one and was being pushed back by the large one.
"Guys! There's too many of them! Let's get out of here!" Leo ordered which shocked them, even Psiona wasn't sure of this.

"Retreat?!" Raph asked frustrated as he kicked Rocksteady in the face, and Psiona punched him to the wall hard.
"There's more of us then them!" Psiona added not wanting to go now.
"It's a tactical retreat! Come on!" Donnie shouted ready to go already.
"We'll pay you all back soon!" Jaqueline swore as she threw a smoke bomb down and they all vanished once again.

Tiger claw growled with rage as they had escaped again, Bebop still was in pain as he finally stood up until Tiger claw came in their faces.
"You idiots couldn't even perform one simple task!!" Tiger claw said furious with them until Shredder came into the room which made them all bow in respect as he was really upset with them all.
"What happened?" Shredder asked with malice.
"Turtle and dragons come, trying to sneak into the lair again!" Rocksteady reported quickly.
"We drove them away Master Shredder, i assure you, we can handle them!" Tiger claw said seriously.
"If the turtles, dragon and Dream Beaver break in here again, i assure YOU, i will handle all of you." Shredder threatened not wanting this to happen again.

Spike and the others made it back to the lair and were just frustrated on what to do now.
"This is the 5th time we've broken in there!" Spike said frustrated coiling around himself again.
"And those mutant Shredder freaks are back too, if they wanna be torn to shreds again, i'll gladly do so." Psiona said clutching her metal claw with anger.
"We just need a better strategy.. we need to know what to expect from them.." Jaqueline said comforting Spike while Splinter walked in the room.
"You proved your foolishness once, there is no need to prove it again." Splinter advised which made Spike shake his head.

"Sensei we have to get one of those brain worms. It's the only way Donnie can cure Karai." Leo argued trying to convince him.
"I appreciate the effort, but you all must remember your lives are just as important. And because of that, no missions until Raphael's leg heals." Splinter declared as he got hurt during the fight.
"What?!" They all asked at once shocked at this.
"Don't side line the rest of the team because i'm down sensei." Raph begged trying to stop this.
"I have made my decision, rest now my son.." Splinter instructed again before leaving them alone.

"Sorry guys.." Raph said regretfully.
"Don't worry about it Raph, we can't rely on technology to get us in there." Leo declared trying to get an idea.
"So what are you purposing then?" Donnie asked worried on this.
"There were too many of us, i need to go alone, without tech. Solo." Leo declared which shocked them all.
"What? Leo you can't go alone. Remember when Karai went alone trying to take them down? They'll expect you, i should come too." Spike declared getting up as well.

"Spike don't, if Shredder captures you, they may make you like Karai, i don't want that to happen to you." Leo countered turning to him.
"He's right son, your mind is already fragile with your snake form now, you can't risk breaking it." Psiona added trying to protect him.
"Guys, i know your worried for me, but i care for Karai, and can't let her be there anymore, i'm going." Spike said going to his room to get his gear ready.
"Son.." Psiona said with regret as this worried her greatly.
"You aren't actually gonna let him go with Leo are you?" Jaqueline asked looking up at her.
"I don't know what to do, that incident with Shen really did something to him, i hate time travel.." Psiona said shaking her head not sure how to help him..

We cut to the lair now after everyone went to sleep, Spike and Leo got into their forest gear they got from the woods, and were quietly sneaking they're way out. Spike and Leo looked around for a bit until heading out with Mikey seeing this all. The two of them made their ways to the rooftops and used grapple chains to head to the lair again.
"Spike, you don't have to do this, i can handle this alone." Leo argued as Spike slithered besides him.
"Shredder's caused Karai enough suffering, i'm getting that brain worm with you." Spike said seriously making his decision.
"Fine.. just stay close to me.." Leo ordered as they were finally upon Shredder's lair again.

They were thinking of a plan to break in until Spike's senses went off alerting him of something behind them. Spike and Leo drew they're swords instantly and scarred Mikey who had followed them here.
"Whoa! Chill dudes! It's me!" Mikey said scarred raising his hands up.
"Mikey? What are you doing here?" Leo asked putting his weapon away.
"We almost slashed you to pieces." Spike added putting his helmet on him.
"I'm backing you up bros! It's to dangerous." Mikey explained looking over the view.

"It's better if Spike and i do this." Leo countered trying to make him leave.
"Dudes i just straight ninja'd you son! You both had no idea i was up here! I don't care what you say, i'm going. I'm here for you dudes!" Mikey assured patting they're backs, Spike sighed calming himself down as this couldn't be avoided.
"Fine, let's just be quiet." Spike said getting ready to go.
"Let's capture a brain worm guys." Leo said seriously which made Mikey excited.

The three of them snuck into the throne room with a rope and saw Rahzar and Fishface sleeping, Spike kept Mikey close to him as they carefully snuck past them. They made they're way to Stockman's lab from the dungeons again and saw the container of brain worms again.
"There they are.." Leo whispered as he went to pick one up. Spike's senses went off again warning him of something once again.
"Not this time.." Spike said as he used a roundhouse whip and hit Bebop who was invisible.
"Aw man! How did you know we were here?!" Bebop asked frustrated as Rocksteady aimed a blaster at them.
"I knew you two would be here, which is why i'm always prepared.." Spike said seriously drawing his plasma whip.
"Shredder be making us keep the eye out 24/7. It's not fun, it's boring!" Rocksteady said annoyed as Spike backed up to the others.

"Easy fellas, we're raising our hands up.." Leo said as they raised up their hands to catch them off guard.
"I'd say we make the turtles scorch!" Rocksteady said holding out a flamethrower.
"Best idea i've heard all day, do your thing Steranko." Bebop said casually while Spike hissed at them both.
"Wait.. i'm thinking mutagen soup instead!" Rocksteady suggested.
"I love that idea G!" Bebop said as the two made an evil laugh with Spike shaking his head.

Psiona and the other turtles were back at the lair waiting for the others to get back.
"Everyone relax! Casey Jones is here!" Casey announced as he walked in the lair.
"Leo, Mikey and Spike are gone! And they're not picking up their T phones." April said with worry while Psiona growled with frustration.
"I shouldn't have let them go! What was i thinking?!" Psiona asked frustrated punching the dummy across the room.
"We know where they went guys, Shredder's lair!" Raph said seriously clutching his fist.
"You are going nowhere Raphael! Where are your brothers?" Splinter asked as he was suddenly in the room.
"Uh heh heh.. that's a good question sensei.." Donnie said nervously.
"There's only one place.." Jaqueline said seriously as they all knew where they were..

Spike, Mikey and Leo were being held within a cage above the tank of mutagen with Bebop and Rocksteady watching.
"Haha! You are gonna make one sick 3 headed mutant turtle and snake! I can't wait to see this! Haha!" Bebop mocked as Mikey had the horrible vision of the three of them mutated into one.
"What? You just wanna make a turtle and snake dragon mutant? That's boring! Why not throw more stuff in the mutagen? Create a super mutant!" Leo said waving his arms around.
"Yeah, don't you wanna make something super rad?!" Spike asked knowing what Leo was planning.
"Hmm.. that's a good idea, let's add something to spice up the mix, like shrimpy over there!" Bebop said pointing at the small mutant Shredder who was near the edge of the place.

"Why not add more?" Leo asked with a smug.
"There's always room for more!" Spike added having a smug as well.
"Leo, Spike, what are you doing?" Mikey asked confused as Leo had a pocket knife behind him.
"Stalling for time.." Leo whispered trying to get them out.
"Just play along.." Spike whispered as well knowing this is their only way out.

"Maybe up antique! We make turtle, snake dragon, shrimp, crab, and lobster mutant!" Rocksteady declared as Bebop had some sardines for bait.
"Come here little buddies, it's dinner time freaks." Bebop teased throwing the food in the mutagen which made all 3 of the monsters jump into the mutagen.
"Haha, we create the 5 star mega mutant hahaha!" Rocksteady laughed evilly until the tank started to shake violently.

"You guys really are idiots!" Spike shouted as something huge was forming in the mutagen.
"You've messed up big time Steranko! I blame you! That was a stupid idea! AH!!" Bebop screamed in fear as he and Rocksteady ran away.
"Come on!!" Spike shouted as Leo picked the lock open and they started running away from the lair.
"Let's go!" Leo shouted as a loud roar was heard and Tiger claw saw something huge emerging from the lair..

Outside on the surface, people were going about their day minding their own business, until the ground started to shake violently which scarred them all. A manhole burst open violently and they all see a huge monster beginning to emerge from the ground, people scream with horror as a monster appears from the ground, the head has the Kuro Kabuto helmet with six eyes and Mini Shredder’s whiskers on its face. It has Shiva Shredder’s arm count with the first pair being large arms brandishing Claw Shredder’s huge lobster-like claws on the upper torso and the second being regular hands while a row of six slightly smaller arms line up along the chest; each hand produces Tekkō-kagi on the wrists/knuckles. It has two muscular legs with bare feet and sharp toenails. it has armor armor that has fused to its skin, resulting it being completely clothed in a way. It has metal plating with a row of Godzilla-esque spikes on the back, a crustacean-armored tail ending in a morning star-like club, and a mix of both natural crustacean armor and metal along the arms and legs, it also has 6 eyes, the whiskers of the small mutant, and has one of the other mutant's lobster claws.
"It's some kind of.. Mega Shredder! Ah!!" Mikey screamed in horror as the thing towered above them.
"What were those two thinking?!" Spike shouted in fear as they both backed away from the monster.

We cut to a news report as the footage is seen all over.
"Is it a blob thing from outer space? Or a product of science gone wrong? Nobody knows, but one things for sure, stay inside, and stay tuned for more of Grody.." Grody said right as the station ended with the reporter being attacked by a human like tongue from the monster.
"Is it just me or does something about that monster look kinda familiar?" Casey asked curious.
"It kinda looks like Godzilla with those spines it has.." Jaqueline said pointing at it's similar spines.
"It does a little, but we gotta do something about it, now!" Raph shouted seriously which all of them agreed to.
"Go, find your brothers, save the city." Splinter said as he was looking over them.

They all were about to head out until Raph's leg hurt again and he screamed in pain.
"Raph, with your leg, are you sure your up for this?" April asked worried inspecting it.
"You don't have to go, we can handle it." Psiona assured clutching her fist.
"Don't worry, if i gotta walk on my hands, we are taking that thing down!" Raph said seriously while Donnie got an idea.
"Hmm.. maybe we can use something else to help you walk." Donnie said with a smile knowing what to do.

People were screaming with fear as the Mega Shredder stomped through the city and roared with rage as it caused mayhem all over it.
"We gotta distract it away from the people!" Leo shouted right as a taxi crashed nearby them.
"You know what to do guys!" Spike hissed drawing his blade.
"Your going down Mega Shredder! Yeah boy!!!" Mikey screamed with confidence as they took out they're grapples to launch to the top, they all drew they're weapons and slashed at the thing. Spike breathed fire right into one of it's eyes making it scream with rage as it was being backed up with Bebop and Rocksteady watching.
"Aw man look at that thing Steranko! That is some deep bacon fat!" Bebop said in horror seeing it.
"I blames you comrade Bebop! It's not a fine mess you've gotten us into!" Rocksteady blamed as he punched him in the face.

Spike and the others whipped around the huge monster and he and Leo landed on a rooftop.
"Booyaka Booyakasha!!!" Mikey screamed with anger as he attacked it's spines, but right before he could escape, the thing caught his chains with it's huge hands. Mikey screamed in fear as the monster brought it close to him and roared at him with rage. Spike and Leo landed down on the rooftop and watched with horror as the thing ate Mikey!
"Mikey!!!" Leo and Spike shouted with fury. Spike felt his mind breaking again as seeing this triggered him once more.
"You will pay!!!!" Spike hissed with pure rage as he went feral again, Leo drew his grapples and they both charged at it, Spike flipped over the rooftop and landed on one of it's arms, Spike hissed with fury as he drew his blade and sliced it's arm off completely making it roar in pain. Leo grappled all around the monster and went into the air and did a spin attack on the monster's hands.

Spike hissed even more as he drew his plasma whip and wrapped it around another hand, Spike's mind was filled with fury right now and he couldn't think straight, Spike stabbed another hand again and breathed fire into one of it's faces, Spike then drew his blade and slithered quickly at it and stabbed it right in the eye with fury making it scream even more. Leo took out his grapple again and whipped it around the arms, Leo ran across his arms and screamed with fury as he delivered multiple slashes to it's multiple faces, Spike hissed even more and stabbed another eye with rage and took down another hand that almost grabbed Leo. Leo finally saw Spike lost his mind again and tried stopping him.
"Spike! Come on!!" Leo shouted as he grabbed Spike and grappled to another rooftop. The monster was about to attack them again until something shot it from behind knocking it down.

Leo looks above it and they both see that Donnie, Jaqueline and the others had arrived within the Turtle Mech, Psiona was flying in the skies and turned her arm into a cannon ready to take this thing down.
"Yes! Way more awesome then video games!" Casey said excitedly as the thing landed down. The monster soon recovered from the mech's attack and began to turn around to them both while Leo landed on another rooftop with Spike who was still making loud shrieks of rage.
"Readying more explosives! Fire!!" Donnie ordered which had April pull a lever that shot another explosive barrel to the monster which knocked it back a bit.
"My turn!!" Psiona screamed with rage as she charged up her arm cannon and shot a powerful blast to the monster which made a huge explosion and knocked it back even more. Leo landed on a nearby billboard and sighed sadly as he looked at Mikey's grappling hook, Spike kept hissing even more until his head hurt again, Spike's mind was trying to go back to normal again to make sure it doesn't get worse. Spike gasped in shock as he finally came to his senses again, he breathed heavily as he remembered what just happened.
"Mikey.." Spike said with regret as they watch the others fight the monster.

Mikey groans as he finally starts waking up, he looks around and screams in fear as he finds himself within the monster's own stomach and sees something within the acid making him gasp in fear. Outside the monster roared with rage as it launched it's tongue at the mech and they try holding it back.
"Whoa! Fire missile launchers!" Raph shouted in fear trying to kick the human like tongue back. Jaqueline pulls another lever which fires another explosive barrel to the monster which makes Mikey stumble from the inside of the monster.
"Need something to hold onto!" Mikey shouted right before something grabbed him, and he saw it was this disgusting monster in the beast.
"Not what i meant!" Mikey said in fear as he looked at the thing in the eyes.

"Incoming!!" Casey screamed as they saw the monster charging at them, Raph finally pushes the tongue away and they all scream as the mech barely dodges the monster's attack.
"Donnie, how do we stop that thing? What do we do?!" April asked worried as the thing got back up.
"I don't know! Press more buttons!" Donnie ordered looking over the mech.
"You don't have an instruction manual or something?!" Jaqueline asked frustrated as she pushed random buttons all over. Psiona roars with rage and she shoots another powerful blast at the monster making it back up even more.
"I've seen way uglier things then you in Dimension X freak!" Psiona shouted right before she shot another fire blast at its mouth and it roars in pain as the mech gets back up.

Mikey drew his blades and made a battle cry as he cut himself free from the tentacle, he just saves himself by latching onto the walls of the monster which finally frees him. Psiona and the mech back up as they see the monster blowing out the fire on it's tongue.
"It's the tongue Leo and Spike! The brain is the tongue!!" Donnie shouted finally realizing what to do. Spike and Leo grappled back over to the monster.
"We're on it!" Leo shouted as they wrap they're grapples around the tongue and Spike coils around it.
"Eat this monster!!" Spike screamed as he used his strength to bring it slamming down onto the floor. The mech launched a grapple at the monster's face and delivers a strong kick knocking it down. Spike slashes his snake hands at the monster making multiple bite marks on it and the monster roared with more rage.

"Now it's worse!" April shouted as the mech gets off of it and runs away from the monster.
"How do we stop this thing?!" Raph asked with white disk eyes.
"How am i supposed to know?!" Donnie shouted with similar eyes as the mech runs from the monster. Psiona roared with rage and tackles the tongue to a wall just as it grabbed Leo. She rapidly punches the thing in the face trying to kill it.
"Get.. away.. from.. my.. son!!!" Psiona screamed as she stabs her arm blade into the tongue making it scream even more.
"Mikey's the kaiju fan! Where is he?!" Donnie asked worried as they tried taking the thing down. They got their answer when something starts cracking through it's teeth and they all know who it is.
"Cowabunga!!" Mikey screamed as he finally broke free from the monster.
"Mikey! Your okay!!" Spike said in huge relief.
"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey screamed as he leapt down and sliced off the tongue finally.

The monster screams with pain as it was finally vulnerable.
"Now's our chance to finish this thing! Fire!" Raph ordered pointing at it.
"With pleasure!!" Jaqueline shouted as she launched another barrel right into the things mouth making it go right into the stomach. The monster shakes for a moment before it finally explodes making them the winners once again. People look on with shock right before acid rain starts coming down on them making them run away even more. Jaqueline comes out of the mech and gives Spike a hug glad that hey won.
"We did it!" Spike said in victory as Jaqueline kisses his cheek again making him blush a little.
"Not everyday we get to take on a kaiju." Psiona said with a smile giving Spike a hug as well.
"And we even captured a brain worm. Not a bad day after all." Leo said confidently glad that this day was one.

But for Bebop and Rocksteady, this day was not, they were in front of the Shredder once again and looked really scarred.
"But boss, it was turtle and snake dragons fault! They sabotage mutagen!" Rocksteady said in defense not wanting any punishments.
"We tried to stop them Mr Shredder!" Bebop said in fear but Shredder was not having any of it.
"I tire of this! Tiger claw, further they're education in pain.." Shredder ordered which made Tiger claw grin.
"As you command.." Tiger claw replied as he drew out his claws.
"Just watch the goggles, cool? It's kinda my thing.." Bebop said with fear as they both scream while Tiger claw lunges at the both of them with Shredder watching their punishment...

61: The Creeping Doom

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We open to another shot within the lair once again as Donnie is trying to work on the Brain Worm they retrieved. Donnie was trying to work on the chemicals while Spike and Jaqueline were helping him out before Mikey came in the room sliding on the chair.
"Whoa sweet! Hahaha! Where'd you guys get all the cool toys guys?" Mikey asked eagerly looking at them.
"They're not toys Mikey, it's a trophy shelf, they're.. collectables." Donnie answered while Mikey looked at all of them.
"We couldn't just give those away." Jaqueline said looking at the chemicals trying to get a proper sample.

"Is this the Kraang mind control thingy?" Mikey asked playfully making buzz sounds which started to annoy Donnie a little.
"Don't mess with that! We're trying to figure out how to reverse engineer this brain worm, not to mention we still have to find a way to restore Spike's form before he loses himself." Donnie said while Spike slithered up with some chemicals.
"I don't know why it took this long for the mutagen to start affecting me, but it won't be a problem that we can ignore, we have to find something." Spike said concerned getting different samples before Mikey saw a familiar jar.

"Ooh the Creep! Remember when Raph into a plant? Ha, good times." Mikey joked which made Spike shake his head.
"Yeah, the times where i was injured after fighting the Foot with Leo, and got this large scar from Shredder, and resulted with my voice becoming deeper, making me sound like an edgelord ." Spike said showing the large scar which went over his chest as battle damage.
"Edgelord?" Jaqueline asked confused on what that meant.
"Aw yeah, Snakeweed's claw! And is this one of Slash's spike, and this is the obur.. ober.." Mikey said looking at a familiar book.
"Obturaculum Somniorum, the book me and my brother's were trapped in for dozens of years." Jaqueline finished taking the book away, she looked at the book with sadness and just remembered what she went through when in there.

"You alright Jaqueline?" Spike asked worried coming up to her while Mikey kept playing with things in the background.
"Yeah.. just.. looking at this book brings back so many memories, and they aren't pleasant ones.." Jaqueline said sadly looking at it while Donnie got more annoyed.
"Do you ever miss them? Even if they weren't the best brothers?" Spike asked trying to comfort her.
"Sometimes i miss Dave, but the other's just always wanted to eat people in their dreams, i never wanted to, but sometimes i had to because i had no choice. I'm just glad to finally be behind all that." Jaqueline said relieved putting the book away.
"So how come you came out of the book large like Donnie, while the other's looked like plushies?" Spike asked curious wondering how that happened.
"It.. may have been a failsafe, since i was the only kind one of the group, the one who created us must've saw me as a way to stop my brother's in case they broke free. I don't know clearly, but it's the best answer i have." Jaqueline said as she went to hug Spike who hugged her back.
"Well, i'm glad to have met you either way, no matter what happens to me, i'll just be glad to know your safe." Spike said looking at her in the eyes.
"And i'm glad to have met a cute dragon like you.." Jaqueline said before she kissed Spike on the cheek making him chuckle nervously from that.

But they're little moment was stopped when they heard a loud crash and saw something drop on Donnie's head.
"Ow! Ooh! Now look at what you've done!" Donnie said annoyed holding his hand.
"You okay?" Mikey asked concerned getting back up.
"I'm fine, except you ruined days of work! I need to get some medicine, Spike, Jaqueline, do not let him touch anything!" Donnie said seriously walking out of the room.
"You can count on us bro, won't touch anything.." Mikey said leaning on the chair which made it slide over and fall down which made the trophy's shake.

"Oh no.." Spike said in fear as they were all moving off the ledge.
"Quick catch them!" Jaqueline shouted as they quickly went over to stop all of them from falling. Mikey put the Creep's jar near the chemicals were while the other two put them down to.
"Let's make it look like nothing happened!" Jaqueline said quickly putting the stuff back up with Mikey helping them too.
"Good thing i have a photographic memory, nice work guys." Mikey said proudly high fiving them.
"Come on, me and mom are gonna get back to me training my powers.." Spike said slithering out of the room with the others, but because the jar touched the chemicals, and was cracked, it began to glow strangely meaning something was wrong..

Some time passed from the jar's strong reaction, and it had broken open and it's remains were dripping onto the floor, ominous whispers were heard as a familiar monster begins to reform in the lab after months of being trapped..

Spike and the others were in the dojo once again, getting back to training.
"Your skills have much improved April, now see if you can defend against Leonardo." Splinter instructed gesturing to him while Spike and Psiona were practicing telekinesis.
"Don't think i'm going easy on you this time April." Leo said with a smile twirling his sword around.
"Bring it on!" April said confidently bringing out her weapon.
"Hajime!" Splinter announced. Leo and April clashed with eachother's weapons while Spike focused deeply to use his powers, he held up his snake hand to lift up some objects for practice.
"Focus your mind son, don't let anything cloud it.." Psiona said looking over him while Spike kept focus.
"2 against 2 huh? unfair fight if you ask me." Raph said as he and Jaqueline were fighting against Mikey and Donnie.
"Never hurts to have a fair fight you know?" Jaqueline asked sweeping Mikey's legs with her tail, Donnie had gotten distracted by seeing April train and sighed with a smile before Mikey was thrown right into him.
"Focus Donnie!" Jaqueline shouted getting back into her pose.

The familiar monster had now reformed within Donnie's lab, and brought it's vine's over to the chemicals which glowed upon being absorbed which was making the monster stronger. It got a pair of overalls that were on the shelf and soon heard noises outside, it made creepy breathing noises as it heard voices coming from the dojo.

Raph blocked more of Donnie's strikes and Donnie countered by grabbing his weapons and throwing one in the tree.
"Huh?" Raph asked confused looking up, Donnie seemed to be distracted as he saw a little leaf fall down which resulted in Raph flipping him over to the ground and slammed on his body making him flail around.
"Okay Raph, mercy! Quite fine, i surrender!" Donnie said trying to get Raph off him.
"Wow Donnie i thought you had me there for a second, but that was just embarrassing." Raph mocked right before he saw Splinter coming up to him with a glare which made him nervous and he released Donnie.

"You hesitated Donatello, why?" Splinter asked as Spike finished up his training, and was getting better at this telekinesis.
"I.. i know i should have countered, but i guess i just drew a blank.." Donnie said nervously not knowing what went wrong.
"It'll be okay Donnie, everyone get's distracted at one point." Spike assured as the two and April were walking out of the dojo.
"You okay Donnie?" April asked concerned as the creature was looking at them.
"I thought a little training would clear my head, i can't figure out this brain worm situation for Karai, and Spike's mind is getting more vulnerable, it's just to much to process right now." Donnie said as the Creep was watching them, and vanished as they passed by the camera.
"I know, it's concerned me too, i don't know if my mom will be able to help either.." Spike said concerned on this.
"Anything i can do to help?" April asked curiously as they walked to the lab.

"Yeah, i could use a fresh sample of your DNA.." Donnie said before they gasped in shock seeing the lab was trashed up badly.
"What? How did?!.. Mikey!" Donnie shouted annoyed thinking he caused this.
"It jumped off the shelf on his own...!!" Mikey shouted before he slipped off of something.
"What the? Whoa... okay i totally didn't do this.." Mikey said in defense looking at the spilled chemicals.
"So what did?" Spike asked worried looking at the place.
"I don't know, but i won't break anything, i promise!" Mikey said in defense as they all went to clean it up.

Mikey saw an old Kraang robot head and playfully mocked it's voice which made Spike and April laugh at.
"Nice one dude." Spike said chuckling at this .
"Very funny, just don't break anything else Raph, just don't spill anything or drop anything or.." Donnie said right before Mikey pointed out something.
"You just called me Raph dude, I'm Mikey." Mikey corrected.
"And your holding the broom upside down." Spike added as he held the brush upwards.
"I am? I thought i... ugh.. i have a bad headache.." Donnie said in pain.
"Let me get you some ice.." April said as she went to leave while Spike and Mikey looked over him.
"Something's not right.." Spike said concerned as his senses were warning him of something..

April went to the freezer to get some ice and their cat handed April an ice pack.
"Thanks ice cream kitty." April said gratefully taking it.
"Is everything alright April?" Splinter asked concerned walking into the kitchen.
"I don't know sensei, i'm sensing something's wrong with Donnie, but i can't figure it out.. maybe he's just distracted.." April suggested until she saw something behind Splinter.
"Hmm.. Donatello often puts to much burden on himself, sometimes the only solution arrives when they take a step back from the problem." Splinter advised once more.
"Thanks sensei." April said gratefully until they heard a little meow.
"Please close the freezer, ice cream kitty's beginning to melt." Splinter asked as they saw him almost melt.

Psiona was meditating in the dojo while Leo was practicing his sword play, but Psiona's senses went off warning her of something dark.
"Leo, something's wrong, something's here." Psiona growled getting up for what's coming.
"What? What's here?" Leo asked seriously as she saw a shadow loom over him.
"Behind you!!" Psiona shouted right before Leo saw the Creep grab and throw him to the tree.
"The Creep?!" Leo asked with anger before he drew his other sword and went to slash at it. Psiona roared with rage and charged at the monster.
"Get out of here!!" Psiona screamed before she delivered a strong punch to it's face which sent it flying to a wall which got the other's attention.

"You!" Raph shouted with fear and anger as they all saw the monster had reformed.
"What is that thing?!" Jaqueline asked before she dodged one of it's large arms and drew her hammer while the other's went to fight it too.
"The Creep is back?! How did it reform?!" April asked helping Leo out.
"You wanna get some of our mutagen?! Then you'll have to.." Raph shouted right before the thing's body was glowing a bright green.
"What.. what's it doing?" Raph asked shocked seeing this.
"I don't know but it's freaking me out dude!" Mikey said scarred as the thing roared at them.

Splinter and Psiona teamed up against the thing and Spike slithered away from it's attacks with fluidness.
"You got nothing new Creep?!" Spike shouted right before he breathed a stream of fire on it's arm making it scream in pain, Splinter and Psiona took this opportunity to give strong pressure point attacks to it, and Splinter threw it over his body which made Psiona deliver a massive cannon blast that shot it out of the dojo.
"Is everyone okay?" Splinter asked looking over his sons and friends.
"Hai sensei." They all said respectfully before they ran out to find where it is.

They ran into the lab and saw the doors were opened up meaning it had escaped somewhere.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed seeing this mess.
"That Creep! It must've been what trashed the lab. But how did it get out?" Donnie asked worried before Mikey came out and they got the same idea.
"Mikey!!" They both shouted with anger to him which made him more afraid.
"It wasn't my fault!" Mikey shouted crossing his arms as Splinter and the other's walked in too.

"Are you guys alright?" April asked worried for them.
"You took quite the hit." Jaqueline said worried for Donnie too.
"Don't worry, i think so.." Donnie said as he was looking around the lab strangely.
"And i think it took the Snakeweed claw too, what could it want with that?" Spike asked worried seeing it wasn't on the shelf.
"I don't know, but i got a bad feeling i know why.." Donnie said before he proceeded not to explain it which was concerning them.
"Yeah?" Raph asked trying to remind him to talk.
"Um.. wait.. what were we talking about again?" Donnie asked confused which surprised them in hearing this..

The Creep was walking through the sewers in one of the larger tunnels with the Snakeweed claw, it was seemingly transferring the mutagen into it as it was glowing in a strange way..

Donnie was looking at one of his chemical jars in a weird way before flicking it and it made a sound in response making Donnie chuckle.
"Okay Donnie, focus, we need to find the creep." Leo asked as they stood over him.
"The Creep is back?! Oh man my experiments!" Donnie said in shock which was just confusing now.
"Are you alright? Your acting more spaced out then Mikey?" Raph asked helping him back up.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended on that remark.
"That jar had the the brain worm serum you, Spike and Jaqueline were working on right?" April asked looking at it.

"Yeah, we worked 4 hours on that thing.." Spike said shaking his head on how long it too.
"That was until Mikey ruined it!" Donnie added looking frustrated with him. " And spilled some on me." Donnie added rubbing his hand again.
"I think that chemical did something to Donnie, that could explain why he's acting like this." Jaqueline suggested which sounded true.
"It may be, but we won't know unless we see more of it, come on, we gotta find that Creep!" Leo said as they all proceeded to head out of the lair again.

Spike and the other's got in the Shellraiser again and drove through the streets to try and find this monster.
"The trail is starting to run cold, what do you got Donnie?" Leo asked looking back at him. Donnie was typing on his computer, but wasn't searching for it, but was playing a game.
"Is that a.. video game?" April asked confused as he was playing Pong.
" What the heck are you doing man?!" Raph asked annoyed at this.
"Did you straight up forget what we're doing?" Spike asked worried for him as this wasn't like him at all.
"Just use your ooze scanner." Leo suggested which Donnie soon pulled out.

"Oh right, i just.. i just can't.. why won't this thing work?!" Donnie asked frustrated.
"Guys, i think Jaqueline was right, that chemical must've done something to Donnie." Leo declared as this was not normal.
"It affected the creep somehow too, did you see the look it gave us?" April asked while Donnie was out of it again.
"Yeah, it didn't look like it's usual mindless, sack of creep self." Raph said concerned on this.
"Then if it made the Creep smarter, why is Donnie getting.." Leo asked before Donnie shouted something.
"I got it!" Donnie shouted gleefully before he pressed on the power button and shut down the vehicle making it come to a screeching halt.

"This is getting annoying.." Spike said rubbing his head from this.
"Donnie have you lost your mind?!" Raph asked angry with him.
"What do you mean?" Donnie asked confused on this, April picked up the device and got a reading.
"Guys, the Creep's heading north on bleaker, just up ahead!" April reported holding it out.
"Raph, Mikey, Spike your with me! April and Jaqueline, keep an eye on Donnie." Leo instructed as Donnie was moaning in a weird way.
"You got it..." Jaqueline said concerned seeing this happen.

Spike and the other's went out of the Shellraiser leaving April and Jaqueline to tend to him.
"So what should we do with him?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at him.
"I don't know, but we should get this thing working, you remember how to start this thing?" April asked curious, Jaqueline tried to think of something and got an idea.
"I think you start it with this.." Jaqueline said as she moved Donnie aside and pressed on the Enter key which powered the Shellraiser back on.
"Great work, that wasn't... Donnie?!" April shouted as they saw he was suddenly gone.
"You have got to be kidding me.." Jaqueline said annoyed at this.

The trail that the Creep left behind lead it to an old looking planthouse.
"Remember, don't let the Creep touch you." Leo warned as they all looked over the house.
"Let's pay this thing back.." Spike said seriously drawing his plasma blade.
"Right behind you buddy.." Raph said before they all jumped off the rooftops and headed downwards to the house, they hid besides the doors to peak inside and saw the Creep with the Snakeweed arm. It glowed strangely and it somehow was opening making large vines start to come out of it.

"The Snakeweed Claw.." Leo said in fear as they saw this creepy thing happen.
"What is it doing?" Spike asked worried right before Donnie suddenly walked up to them.
"Hey guys, what up?! " Donnie announced before Spike coiled his tail around Donnie's mouth to shush him.
"Quiet!" Spike whispered not wanting to be seen right now, they looked back in the house and saw that a new Snakeweed was reformed somehow.

"This is bad.." Leo said with fear as the monsters turned to them.
"Whoa.. the Creep made a.." Mikey said before Donnie finished after pulling Spike's tail away.
"Son of Snakeweed!" Donnie declared.
"That's what i was gonna name it." Mikey said annoyed before the Snakeweed burst through the door and knocked them across the roof.
"Let's get it!!" Spike shouted drawing his blade as they all charged at Snakeweed while Raph looked at the Creep with rage.

"Where did these guys.. come from?!" Donnie asked worried as they were slicing apart the large vines.
"They're working together! Like in Swamp creatures 2!" Mikey shouted ducking under another slash.
"You watch way to many movies dude!" Spike shouted slashing another apart with his sword. Raph finally charged at the Creep with rage and repeatedly stabbed it in it's body multiple times before going for it's face which didn't seem to do anything. Snakeweed and the other's went right by Creep with Donnie looking afraid for a moment right as Raph vanished like the Creep did when they went by. The Creep was confused for a moment before Raph charged at him from the other side and leapt at him off the roof making him slam right into a pole through the chest which made it screech in pain.

Raph was about to leave before he suddenly sensed something, he turned around and saw the thing was suddenly gone somehow which worried him until the Creep appeared behind him and launched it's huge arms at Raph. Raph twirled away from the attack and now tried repeatedly stabbing it again and again like before across the roof, but this caused him to be tired out after multiple strikes.
"Alright.. give me your best shot.." Raph said bracing himself, the Creep grinned at him before it sent him flying across the roof to where the other's were fighting. Mikey was knocked back while Spike and Leo tried to fight still.
"Everyone, back to the Shellraiser!" Leo ordered ready to retreat.
"Tactical retreat guys!" Spike shouted blocking another attack before slithering off with the others.

"I don't understand! I can't think of anything!" Donnie shouted in fear as they climbed up to a higher ledge.
"If the Creep is after mutagen, maybe we can lure it into a trap!" Mikey suggested while Spike freed Leo from a vine.
"That's actually a good idea Mikey!" Raph said impressed as they ran over the rooftops again.
"You always make good choices at strange moments." Spike added running with them.
"Thanks, but we gotta use ourselves as bait." Mikey added before Leo's phone went off and he picked it up.
"Leo! Thank goodness, Donnie's gone!" April shouted worried for him.
"Is he with you guys?" Jaqueline asked from the other side too.
"We got em girls, did you get the Shellraiser working?" Leo asked hopefully getting an idea.

Mikey and Donnie ran another corner to hide as Leo and Spike kept fighting Snakeweed.
"Mikey, what's going on?!" Donnie asked worried hiding behind a dumpster.
"Chillax bro, stay put, i'll be right back.. come on Creepy Creep!" Mikey shouted drawing it forward.

"The alley! Draw them to the alley!" Leo shouted getting an idea to take them down.
"That'll work! Come on!" Spike shouted slithering besides him.
"Come on Salad faces this way!" Mikey shouted as the monsters were followed them.
"Come on! Come get some!" Raph shouted as they turned another corner which made the two follow them inside.
"Come here swap creatures!" Mikey shouted as they were right above them.
"This is our chance, Now!!" Spike shouted as the Shellraiser turned on it's lights ready to ram them until Donnie jumped between them.
"I like French Fries!" Donnie said eagerly which surprised them.
"Donnie!" Raph shouted right as he lunged at him to get him out of the way, right before the Shellraiser rammed into the two monsters and were slammed into a car. Jaqueline used the trash cannon to fire multiple barrels of trash at the monsters faces, some oil leaked from the car which was sparked up and it caused it to explode where they were which made the others cheer in victory.

"You got stir fried son!" Mikey shouted in victory high fiving Spike.
"Eat fire monsters!" Spike shouted in victory as April and Jaqueline walked out.
"Guess we'll have to get that leaners permit soon." April said concerned seeing the damage.
"Don't worry April, the Shellraisers seen worse." Raph assured while Donnie got up again.
"Yeah, but what about Donnie?" Jaqueline asked worried as Donnie forgot once again.
"Wow look at that fire! You guys wanna toast some marshmallows?!" Donnie asked eagerly looking at it.
"Oh man, let's get Donnie back home, ASAP." Leo ordered bringing him into the vehicle so they all could drive off home again. But while they thought they were gone, the remains of the monster were both together, and the chemicals were spread around them making it glow strangely..

Spike and the other's made it back home and saw Donnie was playing around the lair.
"How much IQ is dropping in Donnie's head? He barely even thinks anymore." Jaqueline asked worried trying to hold him down while Psiona tried helping.
"I don't know, but i don't think my powers can restore it without proper focus, but even then it's a long stretch." Psiona said concerned while Donnie was acting like a child.
"Mikey, do you have an idea on what to do?" Spike asked turning to him, and Mikey hummed for a moment before getting something.

"Maybe, it's my fault Donnie got splashed with that brain juice, i gotta make it right, hold him down for me Spike." Mikey said heading into the lab.
"Easy." Spike said coiling around Donnie again to make him stop moving.
"Whoa Spike!... you don't have any legs! How weird does it feel to not have them? And why do you sound like an Edgelord?" Donnie asked playfully looking at him.
"It feels weird even after all this time.. and is that really what i look like to you guys?" Spike asked looking at the others who shrugged in response.

Mikey slid around in the lab and tried getting the chemicals right.
"Okay, what did they do?" Mikey asked curious as he took a jar and dipped it into another, which made a chain reaction and it exploded in front of his face.
Spike was holding him down still while his mom and Splinter looked concerned.
"What do you two think?" Leo asked worried looking at them.
"It is possible that whatever caused it is the solution to curing it, perhaps meditation could help him." Splinter suggested.
"And if he can focus, maybe i can restore his mind somehow.." Psiona added trying to make a plan to help him.
"Ugh.. even Mikey's a genius compared to him.." Raph said annoyed at this.
"At least Mikey keeps his focus on somethings.." Jaqueline added trying to help him somehow.
"Wait.. where is Mikey?" Leo asked suddenly realizing that he was not here.

Mikey was in the lab still and mixed in different chemicals.
"And one pepperoni for flavor." Mikey said flipping a pepperoni in the chemical while the other's walked in.
"Check it out guys! Brain juice for Donnie, mmm delicious!" Mikey announced surprising them.
"Are you crazy?! You don't even know what that could do to him!" Leo said worried looking at it's blue glow.
"I know you guys think Donnie's the only one that can do sciency stuff, but i pay attention, remember that freaky mutant wasp?" Mikey asked putting the drink on the table.
"I try not too.." Spike replied as he hated that thing.
"This is a whole other thing Mikey!" Leo shouted as Donnie came in and saw it.

"Mmm.. pizza shake.. " Donnie said picking it up.
"Donnie no!" Spike and the others shouted before Donnie drank the whole thing and coughed roughly for a moment.
"Donnie?" Leo asked worried.
"Say something!" April begged as he slowly turned around.. and made a dumb face which just made this even worse.
"Mikey!!" They all shouted with anger frustrated with him, Mikey chuckled nervously for a moment until the place suddenly started to shake violently.
"Earthquake!!" Mikey shouted in fear as strange large vines were appearing in the lair.

"What's going on?!" Raph asked worried as they ran into the place. Psiona went to her spot on the stairs and looked out a telescope that was there, her eyes widened in shock and horror as something huge was emerging in the city.
"Oh no.." Psiona said in fear as the thing was a mutated form of both the Creep and Snakeweed, it created a ginormous plant monster which was taking innocent people away.
"Guys, i think something worse is here!" Psiona shouted looking down at them. The vines draw back together as we see the mutated monster, it had 4 eyes and was huge, with razor sharp claws and it made a screeching roar of rage as it continued to grow more.

"I wanna see i wanna see!" Mikey shouted running to the scope, he looked out and saw the fused monster taking other people away.
"Whoa.. the Creep and Snakeweed have combined into.. Creepweed!" Mikey dubbed having a look of fear.
"How do you come up with those names so fast?" Psiona asked curious as Donnie was playing around with their cat.
"This is bad.. we need Donnie for a situation like this." Leo said worried on what to do.
"Unfortunately, SOMEONE made him dumber then himself." Raph said with anger looking at Mikey.

The place suddenly shook even more and they saw large vines emerging from above.
"It's like Creepweed's trying to make the city it's own giant buffet!" Mikey said worried while they all drew they're weapons.
"We won't do anything if we stay here, let's get the Party Wagon!" Jaqueline suggested.
"Good idea! April, you stay with Donnie." Psiona said as she rushed out with them while Donnie had a drinking hat one.
"Sensei do your healing mantra can work on Donnie?" April asked looking at him while Splinter looked upset.
".... Highly doubtful." Splinter replied thinking it won't work.

Spike and the other's drove through the city once again, and it was entirely covered up in a creepy fog, and they could see multiple humans in different pods.
"Look at the people, Creepweed's put em all to sleep." Raph said with worry.
"Quick, breathing units!" Leo instructed as they put them back on.
"I'll be fine, i've handled this kind of atmosphere before, and my armor won't let something like this pass through." Psiona said as she put her high tech armor on once again.
"I'll be fine too, i'm not mortal like you, this stuff won't affect me." Jaqueline added looking at Spike.
"Glad to hear that, let's just be careful." Spike said seriously.

"Alright guys, first thing is that we'll free those people, Mikey you said you wanted to fix this, you ready?" Leo asked turning to him.
"Aw yeah! You know it, let's go Spike!" Mikey said high fiving him.
"Let's go!!" Spike said ready to fight.

Creepweed wrapped it's vines around another human that was knocked out, it was about to eat the poor guy right before it saw the Party Wagon charging at it, two small vehicles came out of it with Spike and Mikey on them.
"Booyakasha!!/ Cowabunga!!" Spike and Mikey shouted as they charged at it, they pulled on a lever which activated a blade in the very front to cut through the vines.
"Meet the Grass kicker!" Mikey said dramatically as they flew right through the monster and tore through it's chest, but it quickly formed itself back as Psiona got on the top.
"Reform from this Creepweed!" Psiona shouted as she took a deep breath, and released a huge stream of green fire at the monster which made it screech in pain. Jaqueline soon jumped out of the vehicle and held out her hammer.
"Eat metal sucker!!" Jaqueline shouted as she whacked the monster in the face before falling down on Spike's vehicle.

The monster soon put the fire out and roared at them looking even more furious.
"I think we made it more mad." Leo said worried as they tried to drive away, but Creepweed grabbed on the van and lifted it in the air, Psiona jumped off the van and flew in the air again as Mikey saw this happen.
"Guys?!" Mikey asked worried right before Spike got him out of the way as the monster threw the van down. Leo groaned in pain as the fog had covered the inside of the vehicle and Leo saw he didn't have his breathing unit fell off.
"Oh no.. ugh..." Leo said with fear right as he passed out from the gas.
"Leo!" Raph shouted with worry right before the right door opened, sharp vines flew right into the room suddenly which Raph tried to avoid, he soon cut his way lose from the van and tried fighting it off.

The vines creeped around Raph as the fog gave it cover to strike, Raph tried to keep his guard up until the vines crept under him and wrapped around his body.
"Get away from our brothers!" Mikey shouted as he and Spike tore through them.
"Mikey, Spike, Jaqueline, you okay?" Raph asked worried as Psiona landed down too.
"We're all good." Mikey replied as the large monster took Leo away.
"Leo!" Jaqueline shouted with worry as they tried saving him, Psiona's senses went off and she sliced off a vine coming at her with her blade tail. Spike saw another vine coming and jumped over it to slice it apart while Jaqueline dodged another attack too, the vines kept coming at them from below now which backed Raph into a wall, but this caused his device to be cut lose making the air leak out.
"Oh no.. ugh.." Raph said tiredly as he passed out from the gas too.

The monster was about to attack Raph until Psiona shot a blast at the monster as she, Spike, Mikey and Jaqueline stood ready to fight.
"Alright Creepweed! Yeah that's right i named you Creepweed! You like that?!" Mikey taunted pointing at it.
"Bring it on monster!" Spike shouted as the launched more vines at them. Psiona took of in the air with Jaqueline on her back, and she tore through them with her claws while Mikey and Spike ran up the vines to cut through them too.
"Mikey, now!" Jaqueline shouted as Mikey made his move, he latched his weapons blade at the monster's head, and Psiona used her strength to flip the monster over her and send it's body slamming across the ground.
"Did that do it?!" Psiona asked as she flew in the air while Spike climbed on her.
"I don't think so!" Spike shouted as the monster wrapped it's vines around Mikey, it was about to attack him again until a familiar vehicle rammed into it, the hatch opened up and it was revealed to be Donnie.

"Donnie!" Spike and the others shouted at once, glad he was okay.
"Get away from them you monster!" Donnie shouted holding out a device.
"Get em Donnie!" Psiona shouted flying high above the monster.
"You know what this is? Retro mutagen based weed killer! Hahahaha! Come get some!" Donnie taunted. The monster roared and leapt at him to attack, but Donnie activated the device and shot the entire blast of Retro Mutagen right into the things mouth, which caused a chain reaction that made the monster explode, defeating it for good this time.

"And don't come back!!" Spike shouted in victory as they looked over it's remains. The vines started to weaken which released the captive humans.
"Donnie! Your back!" Mikey said in relief giving him a hug.
"Haha, your antidote actually worked!" Donnie said amazed with him.
"Id did? I mean.. of course it did!" Mikey said proudly as Spike and the others landed down.
"Like i said, you make smart decisions in strange moments." Spike said proudly patting his back.
"Come on guys, let's go home." Jaqueline said as they picked Leo and Raph's body's up and headed back home.

Donnie put a secure case on the shelf to make sure nothing happens again.
"Well this should keep what's left of Creepweed secure." Donnie said proudly as the others were in the lab too.
"It's good to have you back Donnie." Leo said proudly.
"It's good to be back, thanks for your help April, the Shellraiser thing was kinda embarrassing.. Like.. Mikey level embarrassing.." Donnie said embarrassed.
"Burn." Spike said chuckling at this.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended again by this.

"I can't believe Mikey actually came up with an antidote." Raph said impressed with him.
"I must admit, you did great there Mikey." Psiona said patting his shoulder.
"Really great." Jaqueline added fist bumping him.
"I guess Mikey really does have a photographic memory." April said impressed as well.
"Even the nitrates in the pepperoni acted as the perfect reversing agent! I owe you big time Mikey." Donnie said proud of him who smiled smugly.
"You know i gotta admit, sometimes i can be hard on you and act as smart as me." Donnie said patting his shoulder.
" No worries brah." Mikey said casually.
"But now i finally understand how you feel all the time." Donnie teased.
"Oh snap!" Spike said with a smug while the others smirked at him.
"Thanks Donnie.. wait a sec.. Donnie!!" Mikey shouted with anger as he lunged at him with Donnie having a smug on his face..

62: The Foretold Trap

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Raph groans in pain as he wakes up in a place he doesn't know.
"Where am i?" Raph asks as his voice echoed in his head, he holds his head in pain as he tries to remember what happened.
"I can't remember.." Raph said holding his head before he sees himself in a cell of sorts.
"How did i get here? No doors or windows.." Raph said with worry trying to find a way out, but something started to happen, the bricks on the walls started to move all around him, opening up a hole of sorts which revealed to be a furnace of sorts which made things heat up in here.
"Things are getting hotter.. there's no.. way.. out.." Raph said weakly as he passed out again still not knowing what's happening..

6 hours earlier..

We cut to a shot where Donnie was in his lab trying to figure out the brain worm once again.
"How's it going Donnie? Any luck?" Raph asked as he, Spike and Splinter were hoping for good news.
"I've been able to sympathize the neurotoxin based on your blood sample." Donnie explained holding out another DNA sample.
"Ooh pretty, you think it'll work on Karai?" Mikey asked looking at the orange jar.
"This could save her right?" Spike asked hopefully too.
"We're about to find out.." Donnie said as he put a single drop into the vile, they all waited for a few seconds hoping it would work, but the liquid turned black and burst out of the vile making it a failure.

"Oh..." Donnie said frustrated that they failed again.
"Another failed attempt.." Psiona said sadly that this didn't work.
"Donnie, you tried your best buddy. Even if it totally sucked." Mikey said trying to help him, but Donnie slammed his fists on the table in frustration.
"It's useless! I'm not even close! I can't do it! This brain worm is impossible!" Donnie said frustrated on all of this.
"So.. we may not be able to.." Spike asked not wanting to finish that sentence.
"I'm.. afraid so.. i don't think there's anything i can do.." Donnie said sadly which made them all look regretful.

"I know how hard you and Spike have tried Donatello, but somethings are just beyond our control, at least i have you all." Splinter said as he and Spike went out of the room.
"Sorry Spike.." Jaqueline said with regret as she followed him for comfort.

Leo and the other turtles were getting out of the lab, but Leo wasn't wanting to give up.
"Donnie, you know how much this means to sensei." Leo argued coming up to him.
"Leo, Spike and i are trying as hard as we can, we've had to multitask with Spike's mutant form too, i think it's getting worse.." Donnie said with worry looking at a picture of Spike's brain.
"Well, can't you two try harder or something?" Leo asked hopefully which made Donnie snap hearing this.
"Try harder?! Spike and i always have to find the solution! Your the leader Leo! You find the answer! Or what about Raph?!" Donnie shouted with frustration looking at him.
"I've got an answer for ya! Karai's a lost cause!" Raph shouted with frustration.
"Don't say that!" Mikey shouted as they all started to argue as one of their T phones went off.

Donnie noticed the phone go off and went over to pick it up.
"Um April, now is really not the best time..." Donnie said nervously as the other's argued in the background with Psiona about to shush them.
"Donnie, i need to talk to you about something important, alone. I need you to meet me.." April said on the other side before Splinter shushed them all as he and Spike walked in.

"What is going on here?" Splinter asked upset at this arguing.
"We heard you from the dojo." Spike asked curious as well, Donnie looked at the others and didn't say anything.
"Nothing guys, i'm heading out, April needs me." Donnie said heading to the exit.
"Your needed here now Donnie! Donnie?" Leo asked as Donnie got in a small vehicle they had and drove off.
"Donnie!" Leo shouted as they all saw him leave.
"My sons, you cannot drive eachother apart, in times like these, unity is important. do not forget the most basic lesson, an effective team thinks as one." Splinter advised.
"You won't solve anything unless you work together, trust me guys, i know." Spike added as this is something he's seen before.
"Come on son, let's see if we can find this out on our own.." Psiona said as she and Spike went back to Donnie's lab to try and find something.

Donnie drove through the streets at fast speeds heading to where April told him to be, he went into a sketchy alleyway and got out trying to call her.
"Donnie.." April whispered which got his attention.
"April!" Donnie shouted in shock as she was near a hatch.
"The Kraang are back." April said seriously opening a hatch that brought out a pink light behind her.
"We gotta tell the others!" Donnie said about to call them.
"There's no time! They're about to get away, we gotta move!" April shouted running inside the place which made Donnie go after her.
"April wait! What.. what the.. AHH!!" Donnie screamed as something caught him off guard and the hatch traps him inside..

Splinter was in the dojo, walking on a little wheel he had to concentrate.
"Sensei, i just want you to know, i'm not gonna give up on Karai, or Spike, no matter what." Leo said seriously which made him stop walking for a moment. Splinter walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"Could maybe.. the ancient scrolls work on her, the Healing Hands? Or Spike and Psiona's powers? Perhaps combining them together can free her." Leo suggested which might work.
"Hmm.. it is possible, but i am not certain even i have the ability's. Psiona's power is strong yes, but with her son more venerable, it could come at a cost to save her.." Splinter said with concern as he looked at his scroll.

Spike and Mikey were in the kitchen playing with Ice Cream kitty, Spike needed time to think as this situation was extremely tough. They were playing a card game and the cat got the edge on him.
"That makes kitty here the winner." Spike said playfully rubbing his head.
"No fair! Where'd you get a Gallopop?!" Mikey asked frustrated at this, and the cat made a funny response.
"You be a snoozer, you be a loser." The cat meowed with subtitles being seen to translate.
"Burn!!" Spike said laughing hard at this which made Mikey get upset and he tried getting the card back until his phone went off with Donnie on the screen.. with the time Big foot kissed him as a photo.

"D, what up dude where have you been?" Mikey asked casually which got Spike's attention.
"Is everything alright?" Spike asked hoping to get something too.
"Hey Mikey, meet me at Murukami's, he's made this special Pizza Gyoza you gotta try dude! And listen, you can't tell the other's, he only has a sample for you and me." Donnie said strangely which got Spike's attention.
"That kinda makes me feel bad... okay i'm over it! See you soon!" Mikey said hanging his phone up.
"Mikey wait, wasn't Donnie going to meet April? Why would he be at Murukami's and not mention she was there with him?" Spike asked as this wasn't right.

"Probably was too afraid to hide his date, see you later dude!" Mikey said going out of the kitchen.
"Mikey wait!" Spike shouted trying to make him stop, but he was already gone making Spike groan in annoyance while the cat meowed some more.
"How much you willing to bet to say Mikey's gonna get in trouble?" Spike asked looking at the cat.
"I'd say... 20 bucks." The cat meowed again having subtitles on screen again.
"Sometimes keeping focus is hard with this, so you wanna go at a round?" Spike asked holding up a card with his tail.
"Sure!" The cat meowed holding out another set.

Mikey proceeded to head over to Murukami's, he slid down the stairs above the building and entered the place.
"Mr Murukami, what up?!" Mikey announced going to the new food.
"Greetings Michelangelo, these are for you, each one has a unique mixture of cheeses and.." Murukami said right before Mikey ate them all instantly.
"Aw yeah! That was aweso.. oh! ooh!" Mikey said in pain as his stomach grumbled roughly and his body felt weak.
"What's happening?!.. ugh.. poison" Mikey said in pain as he fell on the floor as Murukami walked up to him.
"Do not worry Michelangelo, it is not poison. Simply chemicals to give you a nice, little.. nap.." Murukami said as his vision was starting to fade.
" Evil.. delicious.. but evil..." Mikey said in pain as he passed out from the chemicals..

April had walked into the lair and announced her presence.
"Hey guys! Guys?" April asked looking around the room. Spike and Jaqueline came out of the kitchen while Raph and Leo and Psiona came out of the dojo too.
"Hey April.. where's Donnie?" Leo asked curiously not seeing him here.
"Um.. i don't know." April answered confused on this.
"I thought you and him were meeting somewhere?" Jaqueline asked worried on this.
"I haven't seen him all day." April said as Leo's T phone went off now and Mikey was on the picture with a text saying the Kraang are back.

"It's Mikey, he says he's spotted a Kraang and followed it down to an old warehouse." Leo reported which shocked all of them.
"That shouldn't be possible, the Kraang are stuck in Dimension X now, they shouldn't be back!" Psiona said frustrated to know this.
"They can't just have appeared like this.." Jaqueline said with interest on this.
"This must be a Kraang sleeper cell." Leo said putting his phone away.
"Then let's tuck em in and say goodnight!" Raph said bashing his fists together.

"Doesn't this whole thing seem weird?" April asked sensing somethings off.
"She's right, Mikey went out an hour back and hasn't come back, and just before that Donnie said he went to meet her somewhere, somethings wrong." Spike said worried on this too.
"April and Spike are right. If she did not call Donatello, then who did?" Splinter asked suspiciously.
"I was thinking the same thing, it could be a trap! Okay April, you stay here with Spike, Jaqueline and Psiona." Leo instructed looking at her.
"Stay here? Forget that! I'm coming with." April said putting her purse down.
"I'm coming too, something's wrong, i'm not just gonna stand around." Spike said slithering up to them
"Okay but stay close!" Leo said as they started to leave.

"Be diligent, i sense something dire on the horizon!" Splinter warned as they left them alone. Psiona's senses were going off which meant something was wrong.
"This isn't good guys, i'm sensing something bad is coming too.." Psiona said worried holding her head.
"It could be a trap to lure them somewhere, we gotta be careful with this." Jaqueline said worried on this.
"Be careful son.." Psiona said with worry as her senses were warning her of something..

Leo, Spike and the other turtles made they're way to the warehouse, the lights were off and they all kept they're guard up while sneaking around.
"Mikey! Donnie!" Leo said with worry as he saw them tied up.
"Guys! Thank goodness! Hurry, get us out of here!" Donnie said worried trying to escape.
"Hold on! We got you!" Raph said as they landed down and ran to them until April and Spike sensed something.
"Guys wait! Somethings wrong!" Spike warned as his head hurt again.
"Wait guys, don't!" April warned as they tried touching them, but they were holograms and they vanished which surprised all of them, a mic suddenly went off and they heard a familiar voice on screen

"Well i was expecting only Leonardo and Spike, but having the rest of you here made it so much easier." Karai said as she mimicked Donnie's voice and she and the clones were standing above them.
"Karai?" Leo asked in shock seeing this.
"You did this?" Spike asked shocked as they had the holograms near them.
"Cool right? With just a little staging i managed to capture you all. Baxter Stockman managed to hack into your T phone signal, and he loaded them into his mousers. It was my idea to use these holograms." Karai said as the holograms faded away.

"Now that i have all of you, Splinter will have no choice to fight me, for your lives!" Karai said sinisterly.
"Free our brother's now!" Raph demanded drawing his weapons.
"Do not make us fight you Karai!" Spike shouted getting ready to fight too.
"I'm afraid that's not happening Raphael and Spike, my friends won't allow it." Karai said as Rocksteady burst down some crates and they saw all they're foes surround them.
"Greetings little ones!" Tiger claw said menacingly smashing his fists together as they all landed down to them.
"Aw sewer apples!" April said annoyed drawing her weapon.
"I knew something was off!" Spike said seriously drawing his katana.

"Aw yeah! It's on like King Kong!" Bebop shouted throwing another blast at them, Spike slithered out of the way and tried fighting off Tiger claw who was firing multiple blasts at him, Raph was hit hard in the head by Rocksteady which knocked him out, Leo was trying to fight Rahzar too but Rocksteady came in and April was trying to fight off Fishface but was being overwhelmed.
"April there's to many of them, get out of here! You've gotta warn Master Splin.." Leo shouted trying to hold Rahzar back before Raph was thrown into him and knocked him down, Spike was jumped by Rocksteady and was kicked hard in the body which knocked him to the wall making him drop his weapon.

"Not so tough are you snake?" Rocksteady taunted bashing his fists together, Spike tried to get up, but was hit in the head again knocking him down even more. April tried to escape the place, but was jumped by Karai and was knocked down.
"If it isn't the little wannabe Kunoichi, always trying!" Karai mocked before she kicked her in the head to knock her out.
"April!" Leo shouted with worry right before Rocksteady ran into him knocking him down. Raph tried a last attempt to escape, but was hit in the head by a hammer from Rocksteady and was knocked down. Rocksteady laughed evilly as Raph passed out from the pain as they marched to him..

Raph groaned in pain as he finally woke up from that memory.
"Now i remember.." Raph said in pain getting back up as a camera was watching him.
"Greetings turtles, it's time to play a game, each of you has been placed in a room with a unique trap." Karai said as she was watching the 4 in separate cameras while April was tied up behind her.
"Doesn't seem like your style Karai." Raph replied looking up at the camera.
"Oh we all had imputes. Isn't that right Xever?" Karai asked turning to him.

"I helped design yours personally Raphael. Everyone loves baked turtle.." Fishface said sinisterly.
"Oh i will stick my foot up your..!!" Raph warned before Karai stopped him.
"Raphael, your in the first trap. Properly called the Hot Head. Can you figure a way out?" Karai taunted as Raph kicked the wall in frustration.
"Hello Leonardo and Spike." Karai greeted as they woke up within the same cell.

"Karai?" They both asked at once trying to find a way out.
"Welcome to the courage slayer! To save your brother's you'll have to face ninja blades as skilled as your own." Karai said as a device emerged from the ceiling and began to lower down.
"Which isn't all that formidable, so i cranked the speed up to 100!" Karai taunted as the blades emerged from the device and spun around at fast speeds.
"Karai! Don't do this! This isn't you!" Spike shouted as they tried to escape.
"Oh but i do Spike, your mind is said to be vulnerable right now. Let's see if this will break you!" Karai mocked as they both tried to escape.

Donnie was freaking out as he was strapped to a chair with a helmet full of dozens of wires attached to it.
"Donatello, are you smart enough to beat the Brain Boggler?" Karai taunted again as he found himself in a video game like place.
"Connect the pieces to make the blocks disappear, make a mistake, and you get zapped!" Karai said sinisterly as Donnie got crushed by a block and was electrocuted on the outside.
"Get zapped enough times, and you'll truly know what it feels like to be brain fried!" Karai taunted again.
"Ahh, cheers Karai, another excellent villain pun!" Fishface said impressed with this which annoyed Rahzar.
"Stop kissing butt!" Rahzar mocked which offended him.

Mikey woke up with a gasp as he found himself strapped somewhere too.
"Last we have the Flush O Matich. Once the tanks are full, the flush valve will open and dump mutagen all over your poor little Michelangelo!" Karai mocked as Mikey tried to escape.
"First up, gross! Second, who came up with the lame name?" Mikey taunted which offended Bebop.
"Blame Rocksteady i mean Steranko, and that name was tight!" Bebop said offended at this.
"Figures, you guys have no imagination! I mean if i were an evil villain, i'd try to come up with something cool like.. The Flush of Fear, the Toilet of Terror, Ooh! The Dump of Doom!" Mikey said dramatically.
"I told you that name needed some work!" Bebop shouted turning to Rocksteady.
"Kinda liking the Dump of Doom, it's nice!" Rocksteady said impressed.

"Good luck Turtles and Spike, and good riddance!" Karai finished coming off the mic.
"Let them go Karai! Your under the control of a brain worm, Shredder's using you!" April shouted trying to escape her chains.
"Lies! The only thing greater then watching the turtles demise is for Splinter to bare witness it! Right before i finish him off!" Karai said with anger with April looking worried.

Psiona, Jaqueline and Splinter were in the dojo again, and Psiona was really getting worried for her son.
"Son, where are you?" Psiona asked worried trying to get his location with her powers.
"You think they're in trouble?" Jaqueline asked worried for him.
"They may be.. my senses are going off, something is wrong.." Psiona said trying to locate him until the Cheese phone went off. They went over to the phone for Splinter to pick it up.
"Mushi Mushi?" Splinter asked waiting for a response.

"Splinter!" April said on the other side which worried him.
"April?! What is wrong?" Splinter asked worried with Psiona and Jaqueline worried to.
"The turtles and Spike are in a trap, but so are you!" April warned which shocked all of them.
"What?!" Psiona asked with horror hearing this.
"But, how is that possible?!" Jaqueline asked worried until someone else came on the other side.
"Hello Splinter." Karai said from the other side.
"Miwa?" Splinter asked in shock hearing this.

The blades were cutting through the walls while Spike and Leo were still trapped.
"Leo! What do we do?!" Spike shouted trying to avoid the blades.
"I don't know! Where are the others?!" Leo shouted with worry looking around.
"We're here! On the other side!" Raph shouted from the other wall.
"Raph! You can hear us?!" Leo shouted holding his ear on the wall.
"Where are you?!" Spike shouted trying to find him.
"I think your both above me!" Raph shouted as Donnie screamed from being electrocuted again.

"Donnie!" Spike and Leo shouted with worry as they heard him breath heavily.
"Leo! Spike! I can hear you through the vents! I'm in some kind of trap!" Donnie shouted trying to escape too.
"Dudes, i'm on my back! I don't know where anyone is!" Mikey shouted trying to find them.
"We gotta help eachother, work together!" Leo shouted as more furnaces appeared in Raph's room heating the place up even more.
"Oh that's not good.." Raph said with fear seeing the room get even hotter.

Rocksteady was marching through the sewers on patrol waiting for Splinter. Rocksteady heard a loud growl of rage and turned around aiming his weapon in a dark tunnel, the growl was heard again as a pair of green eyes open and streams of fire begin to come from the creature.
"Nyet!" Rocksteady shouted with fear as he was hit with a massive fire blast that knocked him to the wall. Psiona emerged from the darkness and growled with fury, she grabbed him by the neck and turned her arm into a blade.
"Where is my son!?" Psiona asked with fury as Splinter and Jaqueline came out too. Bebop tried to attack Splinter, but he was able to sense him and send him spinning around.
"This is for my boyfriend!!" Jaqueline shouted with rage as she hit him in the head with her hammer and knocked him out. Psiona growled with more malice as she slammed Rocksteady to the wall even more, she had enough of him and threw him across the tunnel hard which made a loud crash to knock him out.
"Come on, i sense him this way!" Psiona shouted as they ran through another tunnel to find them.

Raph was banging his fists on the wall trying to escape this room of his as even more heat was coming into the room.
"Leo, Spike, what do we do?" Raph asked worried breathing heavily from the heat.
"We need some serious sciency stuff Donnie!" Leo shouted as the blades were lowering even closer to them.
"And we need them now!" Spike shouted ducking under the blades.
"I can't think, if i make another focus i'm gonna get zapped again!" Donnie said with fear as he tried to escape the blocks, but was soon crushed again which shocked him once more.

"I'm about to double mutate! I'm scarred of what i'm gonna turn into!" Mikey shouted in fear as the tanks were rising even more, and he had a horrific thought go through his head of seeing himself as a girl.
"Ahh!! Get me out of here!!" Mikey shouted with horror trying to escape.

Psiona, Splinter and Jaqueline managed to make it to the place Spike and the others were being held at, Psiona sensed something coming from behind her and immediately slammed her metal arm against Rahzar who tried attacking them.
"You'll have to think harder then that freak." Psiona mocked throwing him into the water.
"You two save Spike and the other's, i'll deal with her." Splinter ordered getting in his fighting stance.
"Got it, come on!" Jaqueline shouted as she and Psiona went to save them, Tiger claw tried to stop them, but Psiona was not having it and knocked him down with rage.
"NEVER get in the way of a mother and her son!" Psiona shouted knocking him out while Splinter went to fight Karai.

Raph groaned even more as the heat was too much.
"I'm finished guys, i'm baked turtle.." Raph said weakly about to pass out. Mikey screamed in fear as he was about to be mutated again, but just barely got a drop away from him.
"It's impossible dudes! I don't even have a way out!" Mikey shouted in fear as Donnie was shocked once more before he finally got something.
"Guys listen! It's very possible all the mechanical electronics and circuits are tied to eachother!" Donnie shouted as Spike and Leo crouched down even more.
"Of course! Leo come on! We can get out of here!" Spike shouted as he went under the device.
"Good idea!" Leo shouted as they held the thing back with all their strength.

This made the device drill itself into the floor and they screamed as they fell below the room and ended up in the furnace room.
"Raph!" Spike said with worry as he and Leo picked him up.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked worried as he was barely awake, Raph weakly gave a thumbs up as a response.
"We gotta get out of here! Any ideas?" Spike asked looking around, the walls shook violently all of a sudden which surprised them.
"What is that?" Leo shouted in fear as the walls shook even more, until the wall besides them was burst down and it was revealed to be Psiona and Jaqueline.

"Mom! Jaqueline!" Spike said in relief as he went to give them a hug.
"Son/Spike!" They said at once as they returned it while the heaters went off finally making Raph sigh in relief.
"How did you guys find us?" Leo asked worried helping Raph up.
"We got the call from April, Splinter's fighting off Karai the best he can, we went to help you!" Jaqueline answered looking really worried.
"What? Splinter's fighting Karai? By himself?" Spike asked worried on this.
"I know it's worrying, but i know he can handle it, we have to get the other's out." Psiona said trying to find the other turtles.
"Karai's still under control, i won't let that brain worm harm her anymore!" Spike shouted with anger as he began to slither off to where Splinter was.
"Spike wait!!" Jaqueline shouted right before he jumped off the ledge to help Splinter.
"Son!" Psiona shouted with worry as she tried to go after him.
"He'll be fine! Come on! We gotta help the other's!" Leo shouted as he went to help the others too.

Splinter was fighting Karai on the platform again while April was watching.
"Come on Splinter, you can do it!" April encouraged as she picked her chains locks to free herself.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted with anger as he jumped off the ledge, they both looked above them and saw Spike land down between Splinter and Karai to stop this.
"Spike! Your okay!" April shouted in relief.
"Impressive Spike, seems you escaped the trap! You really are lucky!" Karai mocked as she tried attacking him, but Spike coiled around her body and Splinter held her hands down.
"Miwa, do not make us fight you!" Splinter begged trying to hold her back.
"You do not want this! I know you Karai, fight it!" Spike shouted as she tried breaking free.

Karai only hissed like a snake in response and finally broke free from Spike, she turned her hand into a snake hand again and they watched as she transformed into her snake form once again, really showing her and Spike's similarities.
"You both have no choice!!" Karai hissed towering over them, Spike's own snake hands hissed as well as Spike got ready to fight.
"Remember who you are Karai!" Spike shouted as he and Karai charged at eachother with Splinter by Spike's side.

Spike and Splinter dodged Karai's snake hands and Spike wrapped his tail around her arms and pulled him to her, Splinter joined in and delivered multiple strikes to her chest which sent her flying to the console, this activated some switches and it caused the water below them to start draining. Karai hissed at Spike who hissed at her back as he tried pushing her down.
"Karai, break free from that brain worm! You know you wouldn't want to hurt us!" Spike shouted trying to get through to her.
"Stop lying! I know what i want!!" Karai shouted as she lunged at them again.

Psiona punched down another wall to try and get to the other's.
"What the?" Leo asked in shock as they saw Mikey tied up.
"Guys! Help me!" Mikey shouted in fear as the tanks were full and he was about to be mutated.
"Hold on!!" Jaqueline shouted as she broke his shackles to free him right before he was mutated. They all quickly got to the top of the room as the mutagen flooded the bottom afterwards.
"We gotta get to Donnie!" Leo shouted looking upwards.

Donnie was running through the game grid trying to escape this place.
"No!" Donnie shouted in fear as another block landed on him and he got zapped once again just as Psiona and the other's got into the room.
"I'll cut you lose!" Leo shouted about to slice the wires.
"No! The helmet is totally wired! If you try to free me, you'll fry me!" Donnie shouted in fear before he was zapped once more which worried them all.

"What do we do?!" Jaqueline shouted with worry trying to find an idea.
"Don't worry guys i got this! I got like 50 puzzle apps on my T phone!" Mikey assured as he grabbed the helmet and began to get zapped. Donnie screamed in fear as a block almost crushed him again right before a giant hand knocked it away, Donnie looked above him and saw a huge version of Mikey towering above him.
"Mikey!" Donnie shouted in relief as Mikey made a deep laugh from the game, in the real world, Mikey was being zapped violently as he finally ripped off the helmet and freed Donnie finally,
"Mikey.. your awesome!" Donnie said in huge relief looking at him.
"Yeah, i was born with naturally rare awesomeness. "Mikey said right as he fell over from all the sparks.

Spike and Splinter were still fighting Karai as the other's were finally free.
"Surrender my daughter! You are defeated, my sons are free!" Splinter argued facing against her.
"They'll come for you too, you won't stand a chance! Please!" Spike begged trying to help her.
"I'll never surrender to you two! Never!" Karai shouted as she lunged at Spike and knocked them both into the draining water.
"Spike!" Splinter shouted with worry as he could see their tail's within the water.

Karai was lunging at Spike from multiple directions within the water, Spike kept his guard up and knocked her away while trying to stay in the surface. The water was draining fast, and he needed to get out of here. Splinter finally had enough and began to use the Healing Hand technique to try and save her. Karai lunged at Spike from the water and pinned him to the wall, Spike tried to escape from her grasp as she kept trying to bite at his neck.
"I need to snap her out of it! If i have to sacrifice myself to save her.. so be it!" Spike shouted within his mind as Karai lunged at him one more time, Spike opened his eyes and had a serious face right before he ducked under Karai's attack within the water. Spike hissed at her from the side and swam upwards at fast speeds which made them go flying out of the water an into the air.
"You are Miwa, you are Hamato Yoshi's daughter! Remember yourself Karai!" Spike shouted as he put his hands on her head, Splinter kept preparing the technique as they were falling to the ground, Splinter's body glowed brightly and finally got ready.
"I love you my Miwa, my daughter!" Splinter shouted as he placed his fingers right on Karai's head, Spike's eyes glowed white as well as he tried using his powers to break her free. Karai hissed with pain as the brain worm within her was overwhelmed by the power within her mind making it vanish.

Karai screamed with pain as her arms coiled around her while Spike and Splinter landed down.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted with horror as she was about to fall of the ledge, Karai screamed as she was knocked over the ledge and almost fell into the water, but Splinter tried to save her by grabbing her hand, but the water pressure was to strong and it caused Karai to be pulled into the water.
"No!!" Spike shouted with terror as they saw her fall in and vanish within the pipe.
"Miwa! No!!" Splinter shouted with horror too as April held him back from going after her.

"Your victory has come at a price Yoshi san!" Tiger claw taunted as he was about to fire at them, but Psiona flew down and knocked his gun out of his hand.
"Sensei! Spike!" Leo shouted as he and the other's went down to them.
"Get away from my son!" Psiona shouted with rage as she delivered a strong punch to him which sent him flying out of the area.

Spike groaned with pain as he held his head from that move he did.
"Spike! Are you okay?" Jaqueline asked worried helping him up.
"I'm.. okay.. my head.. hurts.." Spike said holding his head from this while trying to hold back his tears from losing Karai.
"It'll be okay son.. what matter's is your okay.." Psiona said picking him up to hug him.
"I take it all of you are safe?" Splinter asked worried feeling really upset from this.
"What happened sensei?" Leo asked worried for him.

"She forced me and Spike into combat, but the healing hands i used were meant to help her, not harm her. I fear.. i will never see Miwa again.." Splinter said with regret.
"Never give up hope, that was the greatest lesson you taught me as a kid sensei." Leo assured patting his back.
"He's right.. we'll see her again.. one day.." Spike said weakly trying to get back up too, Splinter looked over all of them and smiled gratefully to them.
"Come, let us go home.." Splinter said getting back up.
"Son, are you alright? I'm sensing your heads in pain.." Psiona asked worried looking at him.
"I'm fine.. my mind is still in tact, it doesn't feel as weak anymore in fact.. hopefully i'll be fine.." Spike replied rubbing his head with his snake hand.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find a way, maybe Karai can help one day when we see her again.." Jaqueline assured helping him up as they began to leave.
"Yeah.. one day.." Spike said hopefully as they all went home..

Within another part of the sewers, Karai groaned with pain as she finally got out of the water she fell into, Karai breathed heavily as she finally began to cough out the brain worm and threw it out as it hissed at her, Karai crushed the thing finally and breathed heavily as she was finally freed, wondering where to go next..

63: Dinosaur Seen in The Sewers!

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We open to another shot within the sewers once again, Rockwell and Slash were seemingly searching for something together and looked concerned.
"There Slash you see?" Rockwell asked as he levitated a newspaper to Slash that had reports of a dinosaur creature within the sewers.
"Months ago, Kurtzman was tracking the creature, but he vanished! I thought it was a hoax until these reports started to resurface." Rockwell explained as Slash looked at it.
"You sure it wasn't normal and someone saw us and.. thought it was a dinosaur?" Slash suggested. Rockwell heard a strange sound nearby and motioned him to be quiet.

The two went through another part of the sewers trying to find this sound until they heard loud stomping which started to shake the place.
"You think that's Leatherhead and Pigeon Pete?" Slash suggested concerned on this.
"No, they're searching the south side of the sewers. Om..." Rockwell said quietly as he tried to get it's location.
"I can.. feel it's presence." Rockwell said as they heard loud stomping's from up ahead which made Slash draw his weapon.
"Uh.. Doc?" Slash asked concerned.
"I can't grasp it's mind.. it's frantic, chaotic.. alien.." Rockwell said in fear as the presence got stronger.

They both looked around for the creature waiting for it to strike, but the ceiling above them suddenly collapsed above them and the huge dinosaur creature fell down behind them and towered over them.
"Incredible.. he's real!" Rockwell said in awe seeing it, the dinosaur coughed roughly and seemed out of hand.
"Mutators, smash them all!" The dinosaur said as he smashed Rockwell to the wall which made Slash mad.
"Lights out big fella!" Slash taunted as he hit him on the head which didn't do anything which made the creature growl at him. The thing threw Slash's weapon to the wall and Slash screamed as he was thrown through the wall and knocked down badly.
"Mission.. the orders.. they say.." The creature said coughing roughly while holding it's head.
"Warped mind or not, you can't resist.. this!" Rockwell shouted as he shot a energy wave at him, but it didn't affect him at all which made the creature turn to him.
"Crush them all!" The dinosaur shouted as he charged at Rockwell who made a monkey screech as the creature knocked him down and slammed his helmet to the floor..

Mikey and the other's were in the lair once again, he held out a tape while Psiona and Jaqueline sat with the others.
"Yes! The final episode!" Mikey said excitedly as this was their last episode to watch.
"Mikey Raph and Spike are gonna be super ticked if they find out we watched the Crognard finale without them." Leo warned as Mikey placed it in.
"Can't we just wait a little longer?" Jaqueline asked curious as Mikey sat down next to them.
"Sorry Dream girl, but i can't hold back my excitement!" Mikey said excitedly as the tape began to play.
"Bet you this is gonna be anticlimactic.." Psiona said as the tape begun to play.

"Crognard, to do battle with the Dread Dragon Wigglepuss of the Gray Northern Middle Mountains Of Moorerless, is to court destruction!" Wizardess said with worry as she and the crew stood behind him.
"Fear not friend Spooch and wise Wizardess, for i Crognard the Barbarian will cleave the Dread Dragon Wigglepuss in two, and feast upon it's entrails! Huzah!" Crognard shouted raising his sword against a multiple headed dragon.
"Mmm Spooch hope Crognard demolishes that stupid dragon, Spooch Spooch!" Spooch said with worry as Crognard slashed his sword at it multiple times which made it back up.
"Huzah!" Crognard shouted in victory thinking he won.. right before the dragon came in and ate his body whole, his friends watched with horror as large crunching sounds was heard, and the only thing left was his crown.
"Spoooooch!!" Spooch shouted with horror as the dragon flew by the moon and the words" The End" Were seen on screen.

Donnie, Leo and Mikey had looks of pure shock and disappointment while Psiona and Jaqueline were struggling to hold back they're laughter. ( One of the best reactions i've seen in the whole show.)
"That's it?! After all those adventures he just.. bites it?! WHAT KIND OF ANTICLIMATIC ENDING IS THAT?! Spike totally called it!!" Mikey shouted with disappointment while Psiona and Jaqueline burst out laughing at this ending.
"That was one of the saddest but hilarious things i've ever seen!!" Jaqueline said laughing hard at this.
"He was facing a multiheaded dragon, didn't think the show stood close to logic, but at least this was accurate on what would happen!" Psiona said laughing hard barely standing up from all of this.
"How can you guys find this funny, the hero died at the end!" Mikey shouted annoyed with them.
"Sorry.. sorry.. i can't... it's just to hilarious!!" Psiona said laughing even harder from this hysterical anticlimactic ending.
"It was so bad it's hilarious!!" Jaqueline shouted with laughter falling on the floor from this.

They looked at them annoyed until Leo's phone went off.
"Shh guys it's Raph and Spike." Leo shushed as he went to pick it up.
"Um hey guys.. what's going on?" Leo asked nervously as we cut to Spike and Raph on a rooftop wearing their forest gear.
"You jerks didn't watch the Crognard finale while Spike and i are on Shredder patrol right?" Raph asked suspicious while Spike looked over the streets.
"It's been months of buildup, i'm still betting it's an anticlimactic one." Spike said which Leo heard.
"Ooh ho hoo what? No of course not, if it was anticlimactic i would've owed you 50 bucks from the bet we placed.." Leo said nervously which made Spike smirk as a response.
"Yeah well you better wait until we.." Raph said right before Rockwell contacted them in their minds.

"Raphael! Spike!" Rockwell shouted in their heads which made Raph drop the phone.
"Is that?" Spike asked shocked as they heard him speak again.
"We need your help!" Rockwell shouted with worry which concerned them both.
"Rockwell?" Raph asked worried looking at Spike.
"Come on, let's trace they're location.." Spike said as they proceeded to make their way to the sewers again..

The two made their way to the location they sensed Rockwell at and saw him tending to Slash.
"Doc!" Spike shouted with worry as he and Raph slid down to them.
"What happened? Where are they?" Raph asked worried helping him up.
"Where is he to be exact, or should i say it is the better question? and the answer is gone." Rockwell said shaking his head.
"What kind of it can knock Slash out cold?" Raph asked worried inspecting Slash.
"I think i can help him like how Splinter can.. maybe if i just.." Spike said as he tried to heal him with his powers.
"I do not know what it was you two, but it was not of this world. Something beyond monsterous.. and i fear it will.." Rockwell said right before Slash jumped up which scarred them all.

"Dino man!" Slash shouted in fear which concerned them.
"You okay Slash?" Spike asked worried trying to help him up.
"My legs feel like they're jelly.." Slash replied barely being able to stand up.
"Hold on, Dino man? Is it some kind of mutant?" Raph asked worried on hearing this.
"No, perhaps its a dinosaur offshoot, evolved in secret over hundreds of millions of years." Rockwell suggested.
"Maybe my mom knows something about it, she did spend decades in dimension X." Spike suggested which may be true.
"I don't know, but one thing's for sure, he's an alien!" Slash said in fear, Spike and Raph looked at eachother and nodded in agreement before starting to leave.

"Where are you going brothers?" Slash asked concerned for them barely able to stand.
"If some dino man is living in our sewers, and beating up our friends, we're gonna get to the bottom of it!" Raph said seriously pointing at themselves.
"We can't let a potential threat grow stronger, we're gonna stop it, one way or another!" Spike said as his hands hissed again.
"Do be careful you two, he's confused, unpredictable, frantic.." Rockwell said as Slash barely was awake.
"Ugh.. and hit's like a runaway bus.. oh.." Slash said in great pain from this.
"Noted, not get back to the lair so Splinter can patch you up, Dino man's got a head start, and we're gonna catch up." Raph said as he and Spike slithered off.
"Be warned Raphael and Spike, he is possibly the most powerful creature we've ever encountered!" Rockwell warned as they were left alone.

Donnie was holding his phone trying to get a response from Spike or Raph, but wasn't getting anything.
"Raph and Spike aren't picking up, maybe they're in trouble." Donnie said worried looking at the others.
"Those two are strong together, i'm sure they can handle themselves.." Jaqueline said crossing her arms as Mikey was on a computer.
"Any luck on your end Mikey?" Leo asked worried looking at him.
"Nada, all Crognard fan sites really all say that was the last episode, what a bust!" Mikey said still disappointed with this.
"A hilarious bust i may add." Psiona added still chuckling at the thought.
"We meant for Raph and Spike!.. really though there wasn't like a movie after?" Leo asked concerned looking at the screen until Rockwell contacted them.
"Raphael and Spike are searching the sewers for the Dino man!" Rockwell warned which confused them.
"Um thank you.. narrator?" Mikey said confused on this.
"Dino man?" Psiona asked concerned as she's seen similar creatures before..

Spike and Raph were hot on the creatures trail as they saw large footprints ahead.
"Whoa.. how long can a giant dino man stay hidden in a little sewer?" Raph asked upset to know this.
"And how could me and my mom not sense it?" Spike asked as well confused on this.
"I don't know, Rockwell did say it's mind was frenzy, so we better be careful." Raph said as they went around the place trying to find it.

Rockwell levitated Slash into the lair before falling down weak from the attack as well.
"Rockwell, what happened?" Leo asked worried as they all came up to them.
"Did you say Dino man? As in urban legend Dino man from the news?" Donnie asked concerned on this.
"He's real, and he's more powerful then you could ever imagine, we tried to stop Raphael and Spike from going alone but.." Rockwell said worried as Slash looked up at them.
"Those hot heads are about to get themselves into some.. hot water.." Slash said weakly.

Spike and Raph went into Leatherhead's old home to try and find something. Spike's senses were going off again and it was warning him of something.
"Raph.. hold on.." Spike said with worry as they saw something within the water, the creature begins to emerge from the water and it towers over both of them.
"What.. the heck?!" Raph asked shocked as they were overwhelmed already.
"Zog's ready.. the beacon.. orders must triangulate now!" Zog said menacingly.
"His name is Zog?" Spike asked worried drawing his red blade.
"If it is, he better back off!" Raph shouted drawing his weapons too.

The monster roared at them and threw it's huge fist at them both who barely dodged it, Spike slithered around it's body while Raph jumped off the wall barely avoiding being hit.
"Whoa, easy big guy! Look man, we don't wanna hurt you! And i'm not sure we can!" Raph said with fear as Spike breathed heavily.
"We should've gotten the others' for this.." Spike said worried as Zog coughed roughly again.
"Mutators are close... Rah! Command!!" Zog screamed as he charged at the both of them and they screamed as they were slammed right through the wall.

Spike and Raph groaned in pain as they barely got out of that place.
"Faster then he looks.." Raph said coughing heavily.
"He really is strong.. maybe stronger then the Shredder.." Spike said worried as Zog emerged from the rubble. Zog tried to stomp them down and they screamed as they were almost crushed, Raph took out his weapons and tried to hit him, but they didn't face him and Zog knocked him down with his horns.
"Raph!" Spike shouted with worry right before he was slammed against the wall making him groan in pain from the damage.

"All exposion zero, on.. mission status! Command, orders!!" Zog shouted with rage which just confused them.
"We've got your orders right here!" Raph shouted throwing more ninja stars at them, Spike hissed at Zog and tried breathing fire on him too, but that didn't work as well.
"He's fireproof too?!" Spike asked shocked seeing this as they backed up from him.
"Power to the Triceriton empire! Destroy the Kraang!!" Zog shouted as he tried smashing them once more.

"Your after the Kraang?! Well we got good news for you, we kicked they're butts back to Dimension X!" Raph shouted barely avoiding being stabbed with his horns.
"The Kraang are gone! You really missed out on it!" Spike shouted before he was knocked down again by Zog's horns too. Raph groaned weakly before Zog started to crush his foot on him making Raph scream in pain.

"Captain Mozart, orders now! Orders.. for the beacon!" Zog shouted coughing heavily again.
"Orders are.. stop!!" Raph shouted in pain trying not to be crushed.
"What? Who's that in charge?" Zog asked confused not seeing anything.
"Um.. me! Commander uh.. Zorath in charge! And his second in command, uh.. Death Bringer! Here now, of you! Please don't crush me!" Raph begged barely holding his strength back. Zog took a heavy breath before finally letting go of Raph while Spike breathed heavily from the attack.

"Zog reporting for duty sirs! Alert Triceriton troops to Kraang!" Zog said with rage looking over the place.
"So that.. actually worked?" Raph asked shocked as Spike helped him up.
"Death Bringer Raph? is that the best name you could come up with?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Hey i wanted to try and make you sound cool, to go with your voice and scar, just play along alright?" Raph asked in response, Spike sighed as he knew they had little option right now.
"Alright, let's see what we can do.." Spike said hesitantly turning to him.

"Order's sirs?" Zog asked giving them another salute of respect.
"Oh uh.. right.. so you think their out their soldier, then we order you to find the Kraang!" Raph ordered pointing at him.
"Zog has the trail, as Zorath and Death Bringer commands. Head down, horns up!" Zog said smashing across another wall.
"Well this day's getting kind of awesome!" Raph said impressed with this.
"Come on, let's see where he leads us." Spike said slithering off after him.

Mikey was replaying the Crognard finale again, trying to make it look like he won.
"Aw yeah, see? Now he wins!" Mikey said eagerly.
"Just accept it Mikey, if he died, he died, there's nothing to do about it." Psiona said shaking her head, but still found it funny none the less. Leo's T phone went off and he quickly picked it up.
"It's Raph and Spike! Dudes where are you we've been calling?" Leo asked picking the phone up.
"We've heard reports of a Dino man?" Psiona asked concerned as this was familiar to her.

We cut to the subway tunnels once again as a train passes by the place, Jaqueline, Psiona and the turtles open up a secret passage they found and saw Spike and Raph waiting for them.
"About time." Raph said walking up to them.
"I know this is sudden, but it is really important to know." Spike said going up to Jaqueline.
"So what is it? What do you want to show us?" Jaqueline asked worried for this. Raph motioned his hand to the large door and they all watch in shock as Zog emerges from the darkness, Psiona barely is taller then him and her eyes widen in fear seeing him.
"Is that.. a Triceriton?!" Psiona asked in horror and anger backing up a little. Zog roars at them and almost attacks them before Raph shouts something.
"Whoa hold up! False alarm Zog!" Raph warned which made him back off.

"Holy Chalupa! The Dino man's real?!" Mikey asked shocked seeing this.
"And you two.. tamed him?!" Donnie added looking at them while Psiona breathed heavily as she never wanted to see these creatures again.
"Sorta, he likes smashing stuff, isn't that right soldier?" Raph asked looking up at him.
"Hold up Raph, did you forget the part where he beat down half the Mighty Mutanimals?" Leo asked turning to him.
"I know it's sudden, but we'll explain on the way, come on Zog." Spike said slithering ahead of them with Zog marching with him.
"Explain what?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at Raph.
"The Kraang." Raph whispered which made them all have a look of shock hearing this.

"Dudes the Kraang are gone, we kicked their butts back to Dimension X remember?" Mikey asked casually while Psiona kept glaring at Zog who growled in response.
"No man, Zog says they're still here, and he can sniff em out, huh Zog?" Raph asked again looking at him.
"Zog.. Zog will lead to Kraang.. beacon needed!" Zog shouted while coughing heavily again.
"What's wrong with him, is he sick?" Donnie asked worried for him.
"No, his kind needs nitrogen to breath, without a proper breathing device, he's delusional here." Psiona said seriously which surprised them a little.

"How do you know about Zog's kind mom?" Spike asked worried looking at her.
"I've had my fair share of encounters in Dimension X son, and believe me, they do NOT go down easily." Psiona said with a stern look.
"Ugh i do believe that part.." Spike said shaking his head, still surprised on how hard he hit them.
"And what about the commander Zorath and Death Bringer thing?" Leo asked looking at them.
"Hey, i saw a chance to have an attack dino, and i took it! What's the big deal, he needs a leader, and we're leading." Raph explained as Zog put his fists on the ground.

"I don't know about this.." Leo said concerned as Zog made another growl.
"Eh he's a emotionally rational guy, aren't you Zog?" Raph asked patting his back before he turned around to them again.
"Stop the mutaters, man your battle stations!" Zog shouted as he began stomping on the ground.
"Here we go.." Psiona said with a growl as she got ready for something.
"What's going on?!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as rubble came on them.

We cut to a secret Kraang lab that was right below them and the ceiling burst down where Spike and the other's come down and they see the droids.
"Kraang!!" Psiona roared with anger as she turned her arm into a cannon with the other's getting ready to fight.
"It is the ones called the turtles and dragon!" A droid said aiming it's gun at them.
"Whoa, Zog was right! The Kraang are back!" Leo said with worry as Psiona and Zog towered over them.
"And the ones called.. Tri.. tri.. tri.. Triceriton and Psiona!!!" A droid shouted with fear before running off again.
"Is that the same droid from before?" Spike asked as this reaction was seen before from it.
"Kraang, destroy for Kraang!" A droid shouted as they began firing at them.

"Mikey destroys for Mikey!" Mikey shouted slashing some more apart, Spike used his snake hands to slice more droids heads off and Psiona rammed straight into some more, Jaqueline rolled under more gunfire and slammed her hammer in more droids faces and swung it around to hit another in the face.
"Stay off of our planet freak!!" Jaqueline shouted with rage as Psiona slashed another down.
"I will never show you mercy as long as i see your stupid brain faces!!" Psiona screamed before she burnt one of the brains to ash with it screaming in pain.
"Biodroids, engage!" A droid ordered as they landed on the large body suits again.

"Me Zog and Spike will take these goons, heads down, horns up!" Raph ordered looking at him.
"Show no mercy!" Spike shouted drawing his blade.
"Mutators!" Zog shouted with rage as he charged at them and lifted them over his body with his horns, he grabbed another bot by the body and stomped down on the alien with rage. Zog was suddenly blasted at as they saw another firing from it's butt cannons. Zog growled with rage and charged straight towards it, taking down any droid in his path, and ramming his horn up the droid's rear, the brain screeched as Zog lifted it up and threw it to the ground defeating it.

Raph stabbed the droid in the chest to deactivate it, the alien tried to escape until Zog grabbed it with one hand.
"Make your defeat, to the end!" Zog said with rage squishing the thing down.
"You tell em Zog!" Raph encouraged with a smile as Spike sliced another down.
"Try not to make him overconfident!" Spike warned before ripping another brain out with his mouth and swallowing it whole. Donnie was at a console and was about to hack into it before Zog rammed another droid down that was behind him.
"Whoa, hey thanks big guy." Donnie said gratefully.

"Alert the beacon, send the troops.. the Kraang.. have the backdoor to space!" Zog shouted which confused him once more.
"Uh.. can we come back to that? I'm about to pinpoint Kraang's secret hideout." Donnie asked turning to the console.
"Kraang!!" Zog shouted with rage before he smashed the console to bits scarring Donnie greatly.
"Or we could smash it to pieces and never find out where it is.." Donnie said sarcastically turning to another console, but Mikey made a battle cry and Donnie barely dodged another droid slamming into the console.

"And that's for Crognard!!" Mikey shouted with rage.
"Are you really still mad about the finale?" Leo asked with a smug which triggered Raph and Spike.
"Aha! i knew your were lying!" Raph accused glaring at him, Spike's senses suddenly went off and he groaned in pain as he saw a small flashback, he looked back into the time they watched the finale, and saw.. the really hilariously sad ending before cutting back to reality.
"Wow, i think it's best we didn't see it honestly, and you owe me 50 bucks now Leo!" Spike shouted slicing another bot apart.

"Watched it!" Zog shouted slamming on the door which somehow activated another portal device.
"Whoa! Space hole dudes!" Mikey shouted in amazement.
"I wonder where it leads, maybe we should do a test first just in case.." Donnie said quickly before Raph rolled his eyes.
"Get in that fox hole soldier!" Raph shouted pointing at it.
"Sirs!" Zog said respectfully before marching into it with Donnie looking at him with a glare.
"What? That's what i got him for. Good job Zog!" Raph shouted hoping he heard it.

"He's not an attack dog Raph, he's a deranged alien, who we know nothing about." Donnie pointed out.
"Who YOU don't know anything about, but for me, they are not someone nice." Psiona said seriously marching to them.
"What's to know Psiona, we hate Kraang, Zog hates Kraang, sweet deal." Raph said before running into the portal.
"This will not end well.." Psiona said seriously as she and the other's went into the portal too.

All of them jumped out of the portal and found themselves within another part of the city.
"What do you got soldier?" Spike asked slithering to him.
"Mutators are close, there.." Zog said looking at a familiar large statue.
"The Statue of Liberty.. is a Kraang base?!" Leo asked in horror seeing this.

"What kind of monsters would turn a place like this into a base?!" Jaqueline asked with rage knowing this.
"That is just evil." Mikey said really upset at this.
"The beacon must.. the beacon must go! No choice rally them!" Zog shouted once again.
"Awesome job Zog, you ready to do this?!" Raph asked confidently and he growled in response.
"Let's take care of these monsters.." Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon again.

Spike and the other's snuck their way inside the base and they could see multiple droids around, they were in front of a console and saw a projection on the screen.
"Whoa, what are they doing?" Mikey asked worried as the screen changes to show different Technodromes on the other side.
"Looks like they're trying to open a portal, and if they bring all those Technodromes through, we're all basically doomed!" Donnie said with worry.
"We can't ever catch a break huh?" Spike asked shaking his head, just tired of them by now.
"Now on our watch guys, i gotta plan, listen close because we gotta be precise about it.." Leo whispered to the others, but Zog was too enraged with them.

"Filthy Kraang! Horns up! AH!!!" Zog screamed with rage as he charged at them all and began trashing more droids.
"Ugh, free for all it is." leo said annoyed drawing his blades.
"At least we'll get to have fun!" Psiona said with a grin as she shot multiple blasts at more droids who were trying to taze Zog, but Zog crushed turned around and saw another droid trying to hide it's tazer.
"Kraang?" Zog asked towering above it.
"Uh..." The droid said right before Zog crushed it's head with his two fists.
"Empire to victory!" Zog shouted with rage as Psiona growled hearing that word.

"You gotta admit, he's good with his hands!" Raph shouted as he and Spike were taking down more droids.
"He is i'm not gonna lie." Spike said slicing another down in half. A droid threw a strange device at Zog which somehow trapped him within a strange bubble.
"Zog! We gotta help him! We're coming Zog!" Raph shouted as they deflected more laser fire.
"I've got a bad feeling.. whoa!" Leo shouted as he was barely avoiding more lasers, Jaqueline charged at them with her hammer and twirled it around to crush multiple heads at once.
"Stay off our planet!!" Jaqueline shouted with rage as she tore through more of them.

Donnie was on another console trying to shut the thing down.
"Almost cracked the encryption, and the Kraang can kiss they're portal goodbye!" Donnie said seriously as Mikey took another one down besides him. A droid was about to fire at Zog until Spike slithered in from behind him and sliced it apart with his arm blades.
"We'll get you out of there Zog!" Raph shouted running up to the bubble, he turned it over and found the device containing him, he went over to grab it and saw it was a cable of sorts.
"Whoa nice! Portable dinosaur." Raph said impressed strapping it to his back.
"Pretty convenient huh?" Spike asked as he and Raph shot a grapple up to the top of the place.

"Raph, Spike what are you doing?" Leo asked confused at what they were doing.
"Me, Spike and Zog are gonna take the crown. you guys try and shut the portal down from here!" Raph shouted as they began rising in the air. More droids were firing at them but Spike and Raph threw ninja stars at them to take them down.
"Off with the Beacon! The Empire will.. not be contained!" Zog shouted with rage trying to escape.

Donnie was putting the finishing touches down before finally getting it done.
"The portal is down! No way they're opening that baby up." Donnie said proudly as Psiona and Jaqueline finished the last of them.
"That's a relief, i am not wanting another Kraang invasion here." Jaqueline said relived putting her weapon away.
"I still can't believe Dino dude was right about the Kraang." Mikey said still shocked on this.
"And what's this beacon he keeps talking about?" Leo asked worried with this.
"It's a signal, it's to alert his other soldiers, we can't let him use it." Psiona said with a serious face.
Leo's phone went off again and he quickly picked it up.
"Meet us in the crown, Zog found his old gear." Raph said from the other side with them all looking upwards.

Zog was digging through an old container and put on a device around his waste, the device activated and the air steamed out from his neck device making him sigh in relief.
"At last.. i can.. breath again.." Zog said relived taking deep breaths.
"Good because it's time to bounce." Raph said as Zog went through more gear, Spike senses something was off and began to back up.
"Alright fine, commander Zorath orders you to bounce!" Raph said with a deep voice. Zog didn't respond, instead he took out a weapon and shot at the two..

Zog was now on the outside of the statue trying to get to higher ground.
"No signal.. need higher ground.." Zog said holding out a strange device before climbing up even more.

Leo and the other's had just went into the crown and saw Spike and Raph trying to get up.
"Spike! Are you okay?" Jaqueline said worried helping him up.
"What happened son?" Psiona asked worried as her fears may be right.
"Ugh.. Zog betrayed us, he turned on us after getting his equipment. You were right Leo." Raph said ashamed looking at him.
"It happens to the best of us." Leo assured helping him up.
"Come on! Zog isn't up to anything good! We have to stop him!" Psiona shouted running out the door to catch up to him.

Zog was climbing up to the top of the statue and was almost at the torch.
"Hey Zog! Your not still sore about the whole Commander Zorath and Death Bringer thing are you?" Raph asked as he and Spike stood on the other side.
"We didn't mean to lie to you, we had no choice but to say a thing like this." Spike said in defense hissing at him.
"I am not, i expect such treachery from the likes of Earth. We Triceritons pride ourselves in loyalty and honor." Zog said upset with the two.
"That's a big lie! All you monsters do is destroy planets that refuse your orders! You know nothing about honor!" Psiona shouted with rage as Zog finally recognized her.

"If it isn't the legend, Psiona! The Bringer of Death! One of the most feared warriors within Dimension X! I didn't expect the likes of you to be here." Zog taunted as she flew above him and growled at him.
"I'm always here for my son! Surrender now! We won't hold back on you!" Psiona warned aiming her arm cannon at him.
"Son? That liar is someone you call your child? I expected a stronger warrior from him, especially with what we've heard of you Psiona." Zog taunted which made her growl even more.

"Hold on.. what exactly is that bomb looking thing on you?" Spike asked worried finally seeing the device.
"It is not a bomb, it is a signal beacon, to signal the Triceriton armada, to come and wipe out this Kraang infested planet." Zog said menacingly which shocked them all.
"What?!" Raph shouted with horror seeing this. Zog roared with rage and smashed his fist on Spike and Raph which meant they had to fight.
"You can stop the Kraang without destroying the planet you mad man!" Leo shouted slashing his swords at him, Jaqueline joined in and tried to hit him too, but her weapon barely faced him. Zog hit them into the air with his horns and then grabbed Mikey's chain before throwing him around in the air and making him hit the two.
"Zog! Do not do this! Your empire is evil! You will just bring yourselves down by coming here!" Psiona warned shooting more blasts at him, but Zog roared with rage and deflected them away before slamming against her head to knock her down.

"I know all i need to know! A place like this doesn't deserve to survive after the Kraang ran rampant here! I see no reason to spare you!" Zog shouted climbing to the torch before he saw Spike and Raph were already there.
"Cause we're friends Zog!" Raph shouted as he landed down on the torch.
"And we don't wanna hurt you!" Spike warned getting ready to fight.
"Friends?" Zog asked with rage trying to knock them down, but Raph and Spike jumped to the higher ledge to avoid him.
"We made a good team, we stopped the Kraang together, don't do this man! Don't do this to our world!" Raph argued as they tried avoiding him still.
"There's more answers to this world then destroying it!" Spike shouted ducking under another attack.

"Enough!" Zog shouted with rage as he took out his gun and shot at them both, but they dodged the lasers and were blown off the statue, but Spike and Raph took out their grapples to save themselves. Zog took out the device and threw it into the air about to activate it.
"No!!" Spike shouted with anger as they leaped into the air and threw a ninja star at it, the device opened up and sent a shockwave across the area just before the stars hit it, and destroyed it before they landed down.
"You fools!" Zog shouted with fury looking at them.
"I'm sorry we lied to you Zog, but we can't let you invade our world." Raph said with regret.
"I'll squash you both!!" Zog shouted with fury charging at them. They both screamed with fear and flipped right over him which made him trip over the ledge.

"Zog! Zog! Take our hands!" Raph shouted trying to reach him.
"You don't have to stay loyal to them! There's more to just being a soldier!" Spike shouted trying to save him too, but Zog wasn't having it, and looked at them one more time.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire." Zog said as he finally started to fall.
"No, no!!" Spike and Raph shouted with horror as he took a very long fall, which seemed to have killed him..

Spike and Raph had a look of regret as they failed to save him.
"It's okay son, sometimes, there's just no saving someone.." Psiona said sadly giving him a hug.
"But you always wanting to help someone just shows how kind you are Spike, don't forget that.." Jaquelin said giving him a little kiss as well.
"Right.. thanks guys.." Spike said gratefully still a little sad about this
"Sorry guys, but at least we stopped the Kraang." Leo said as the other's landed on the torch.
"And Zog's signal thank goodness." Donnie said in relief
"Hey, on the bright side, we don't have to worry about an invasion of Space dinosaurs!" Mikey said positively, Raph sighed with worry and looked up into space.
"I hope not.." Raph said with worry looking up at the cosmos.

But unfortunately, the signal had went off, and the beacon was detected by the empire as ominous music plays.
"Sir, we received the signal beacon. It is deep in sub sector 919837 on an unevolved 3rd world planet called.. Earth." A soldier reported looking at a map of the planet.
"Take us to this world Commander.." Mozart said with anger, we cut to a shot of space where hundreds of Triceriton ships were quickly flying through the cosmos, on they're way to Earth to destroy the Kraang, and the planet with it..

64: Annihilation Earth

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We cut to a flashback of the moment Spike and Raph fought Zog.

"Previously on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Raph narrates as we see the shot of Zog throwing the device into the air.
"No!!" Spike shouts with rage as he and Raph throw a ninja star at the the device to destroy it right after it sent out a shockwave before landing down sighing in relief.
"You fools!" Zog shouted with fury.
"I'm sorry we lied to you Zog. But we can't let you invade our world!" Raph said regretfully.

"I'll squash you both!!" Zog shouted charging to them, they both screamed and flipped over him which caused him to tip over the fence and was barely hanging on.
"Zog! Zog! Take out hands!" Raph shouted holding hand out with Spike's.
"You don't have to stay loyal to the empire, there's more to life then just being a soldier!" Spike shouted trying to save him too, but Zog was just to far gone.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire." Zog said before he finally let go and he began to fall.
"No! NO!!!" Spike and Raph shouted with horror as he falls down the large height, which killed him as a result..

We now open to Spike and the other's within the Shellraiser, Psiona and Jaqueline were at the lair tending to Slash and Rockwell while the other's got done explaining this to April and Casey.
"Whoa! That Triceriton sounds so cool! I wish i could've fought a real life dino dude!" Casey said amazed while having his usual smug.
"Pssh, you wouldn't have lasted a single minute." Spike said casually smirking at him.
"Spike's right, he would've beaten you down into a puddle within 5 seconds." Raph agreed high fiving Spike.
"Whatever guys, Casey Jones eats dinosaur meat for breakfast!" Casey said confidently which made Spike shake his head.
"Whatever you say dude." Spike said shrugging his shoulders.
"Ugh, i'm just amazed there are more aliens out there in the universe other then the Kraang." April said worried about this topic.

"I hate to break up this conversation, but someone's been following us for the last 5 blocks." Donnie warned as they look in the camera and see someone turning their corner and following them.
"Weird, maybe the sight of a giant subway car got his attention?" Spike suggested.
"I don't know about that Spike.." April said worried as they looked into the camera. The car goes to the side and they look in the driver's seat to see a Kraang droid!
"It's a Kraang!" Casey said in shock as the droid has sunglasses on him.
"Stay on him Leo!" Donnie instructed as the car went in front of them.

The car turned a few different corners while Leo drove after him, but when the car drove into an alleyway, it was gone somehow.
"What?" Spike asked in shock as they got out to try and find him, but April notices something on the wall.
"Check it out. Turtles and Spike, 3117 Bayfront street, midnight." April said as they saw the drawing on the wall.
"How does that Kraang know my name? They always call me a dragon?" Spike asked worried on this.
"What's that supposed to be? His logo?" Mikey asked looking at the chest piece on the bottom.
" It's a Chess peace, a Bishop." Leo said as they all looked at the symbol with concern and interest..

Spike and the other's made they're way over to Bayfront street to meet this droid.
"For the record, i still think this is a bad idea." Raph said suspicious of this still.
"That droid seemed very smart for a Kraang, something's up." Spike said suspicious of this as well.
"Spike's right, this isn't something we can ignore, and i'm gonna get to the bottom of it." Leo said seriously.
"Dudes, this is the same meat warehouse where we fought Tiger Claw! Come on i know a back entrance!" Mikey said seriously as he led them to a place to sneak inside.

They were within the same freezer they fought Tiger claw before now, and they could see the strange droid waiting for them. Spike's senses were telling him something was different, that this droid wasn't here to fight. Spike was about to head on down while the other's wanted to ambush him. But Spike stopped them and made motion signs with his snake hands to wait for his signal, they all looked concerned on this, but decided to let him try and talk it out.

Spike looked down at the droid and decided to make his presence known, Spike jumped down from the top bars from the ceiling and landed down before the droid.
"You wanted to see me and some friends?" Spike asked keeping his guard up while the droid didn't look afraid.
"I am not here to fight you, i have come to talk Spike, son of Psiona." The droid said speaking perfectly English, but they were all caught of guard when he mentioned Psiona.
"How.. how do you know my mom's name?" Spike asked as his hands hissed at him.
"We go way back, are your allies here too? I need to talk to all of you." He asked once again, Spike looked at the others from above and told them to come down and they all did so but kept they're weapons drawn.

"Who are you?!" Leo asked keeping his blades up.
"Turtles, refrain from fighting, believe me when i say, i am not your enemy." The droid said showing he meant no harm.
"Should we trust him guys?" April asked concerned on this.
"If he know's my mom, he may be an ally, let's just hear what he has to say." Spike suggested which they all reluctantly agreed to.
"Alright, who are you? Why do you want us here?" Raph asked still not trusting this guy.

"My name is Bishop, as i am known for on Earth." Bishop introduced.
"But you look just like a Kraang!" Casey pointed out still not sure about this.
"I am the one who created this body, the other Kraang copied me, i am a member of the Utrom tribe, a once small group of Kraang defectors, we broke away from the Kraang hive mind many centuries ago." Bishop explained showing him his brain which looked far different.
"Fascinating, it makes sense the Kraang share a hive mind. A really stupid hive mind." Donnie mocked interested with this.

"What do you mean by.. a once small group?" Spike asked curious on this too.
"That is a talk for later, but i have broken my Utrom code not to interfere with Earthly matters, the Triceritons are coming." Bishop said seriously which worried them all.
"What? That's impossible, we stopped the beacon, they shouldn't be.. right?" Spike asked getting scarred about this.
"No young Spike, they are coming, and they are carrying enough fire power to destroy the entire Solar System." Bishop said dramatically which made them more worried.

"Can you repeat that last part please?" Mikey asked scarred of this news.
"The news get's worse, the Kraang have finally fixed the Technodrome, and are about to invade once more." Bishop explained going over to a large chunk of meat.
"You got any more terrible news or is that it?" Raph asked sarcastically.
"If the Triceritons arrive when the Technodrome rises, they will home in on this planet, and annihilator it." Bishop said slicing the meat to bits in an instant.
"Sorry i asked.." Raph said in fear regretting this question.

"Bishop, why do the Triceritons hate the Kraang?" April asked curious at this.
"For millennia the two species have fought over Dimension X. The Kraang used their intelligence to battle their strong foe, while the Triceritons relied on brute strength and cunning, it seemed the Triceritons were winning." Bishop explained as we see a flashback of the brutal war they fought in.
"But the Kraang used the most powerful weapon in the universe, a Black Hole generator, that wiped out the Triceritons entire planet. Only a single Triceriton fleet survived, they vowed vengeance." Bishop finished as the Triceritons were furious with losing their home as we cut back to normal time.
"The Battle may have ended, but the war has not. It still ages across Dimension X, now, shall we begin?" Bishop asked taking off his glasses.

Psiona and Jaqueline were in the lair with Leatherhead looking over Slash and Rockwell's bodies with concern.
"They took quite the beating, but they should recover shortly. They're lucky to have survived a Triceriton." Psiona said concerned checking on them.
"Psiona, you said you know the Triceritons, how well known are you within Dimension X?" Jaqueline asked curious with Splinter and Leatherhead interested too.
"I was unable to get back to Equestria for many decades, and during that time in making the Kraang pay for what they did, i encountered them too. Even the Kraang fear them for what they're capable of, and i am known as one of the strongest warriors within Dimension X, even other planets and species know about me up there. I'm known as the Bringer of Death, and believe me, i am feared by many throughout the universe.." Psiona said seriously with them looking concerned.
"Fascinating, you are a special one Psiona, but i must ask, how was it you were able to come to this Dimension, and go into that hibernation state?" Splinter asked curious on this.
"It's a long long.. LONG story, i had allies in Dimension X, i just hope they're alright." Psiona prayed as they all went out of the lab.

"We're back everyone! And we brought a new pal!" Mikey announced as Leatherhead saw Bishop enter, Psiona's eyes widened in shock seeing him.
"Kra.. Kra.. KRAAANG!!" Leatherhead shouted with rage beginning to charge at him, but Psiona held him back.
"Wait Leatherhead stop! He's not like them! I know him!" Psiona shouted which surprised all of them.
"Hold on.. you know him?" Jaqueline asked shocked looking at Bishop while Leatherhead finally calmed down.
"I do not trust him!" Leatherhead said with rage looking at him.
"Well you gotta trust him for now, he's totally cool. He's gonna help us fight the Kraang." Mikey assured patting his back with Spike comforting him too.

"Psiona, it is a relief to see you are okay, you have had us all worried for years after our last encounter together." Bishop said walking up to her who was shocked to see him here still.
"I am.. glad to see you too Bishop, i'm sorry i haven't been seen lately, but i found my son again, he was taken by the Kraang to this dimension, and i finally met him some time back.." Psiona said hugging Spike close to her.
"The Utrom council is aware of this, and we couldn't be happier to have you two reunited. When Spike was captured by the Kraang, we were about to launch a strike to save him, but the turtles beat us to him, after all we've been through, we weren't gonna let someone close to you perish by their hand." Bishop said looking at Spike.

"Wait.. you were gonna save me from when i was held captive? But.. how do you know about that? How do you two know eachother?" Spike asked looking at them both with the other's interested too.
"Your mom made quite the stir within Dimension X Spike, she and i were friends for some time, while i'd like to explain more of this, i'm afraid we do not have the time." Bishop explained with Psiona looking concerned too.
"What is this about guys? What's going on?" Psiona asked looking at them.
"It's a long story, but i've got a plan to stop this." Leo said as they went into the lab.

Spike and the other's made their way to discuss a plan on how to take this Technodrome down.
"Alright, here's the plan. Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Spike and Leatherhead, you take the sub and stop the Technodrome before it launches. And if it does launch, Jaqueline, and the rest of us will take take it out in the turtle blimp." Leo explained putting some paper on a chalk board for context.
"The Technodrome? Leonardo what is going on here?" Splinter asked worried about this.
"You just have to trust me when i say that the whole world is at stake. And only we can save it." Leo said with a serious tone, Splinter thought about this for a moment before deciding.
"Very well, go then, i will tend to Slash and Rockwell, if you need me, i will stay close to the Cheese phone!" Splinter said seriously.

We cut to a shot of the Technodrome underwater after it was brought down so long ago.
"Finally, after 2 Earth years of repairs, miscalculations and general mad talk. The Technodrome is ready to fly once again! Voila!" Sub prime said confidently as he pressed on a button which started to activate the Technodrome, but something went wrong and the device powered down which worried them.
"What is that which is known as the problem Kraang Sub prime?" Kraang prime asked upset at this.
"Oh, just a sec oh gloated one! Just gotta give her some more juice! hehehe..." Sub prime said laughing nervously before going to fix the problem.

Spike and the group he was assigned to went into the sub while Psiona and the other's flew into the sky, Bishop was on Psiona's back as they looked over the place.
"It's hard to believe we're doing this again huh?" Psiona asked looking at him.
"It is, i am glad to do this with you one more time, even if this is our last fight, just know i am glad to have known you are okay." Bishop said gladly looking at her.
"I know it won't be our last fight, let's do this." Psiona said seriously.
"You really think Spike and the other's can take this thing down?" Jaqueline asked worried on this.
"We have to trust them Jaqueline, we can't let them invade again." Leo said seriously as they had bombs strapped to the bottom of the blimp as a plan of attack.

Spike and the other's swam through the water and came upon the Technodrome, they all got out of the sub and began swimming to the thing quickly. More droids flew through the dark halls right as the hatch opened up and Spike and Raph landed down having white eyes again.
"Alright, let's go." Spike said seriously drawing his blade.

Kraang sub prime was about to finish the repairs with Kraang prime being impatient.
"Kraang sub prime will get this baby started, in two shapes of a tentacle!" Sub prime said nervously as he went to the console and finally was able to activate the Technodrome. The weapon glowed bright pink once again and they laughed evilly as the device powered on.
"Yes, i did it i rule!!" Sub prime said victoriously.
"The Technodrome.. Rises!!!" Kraang prime said evilly as the device was floating out of the water. Psiona and the other's were waiting in the sky and watched with horror as they saw the thing rising from the ground.

"Oh no.." April said in horror seeing this.
"It's.. huge..." Jaqueline said in horror as she never saw something this huge before.
"That is so awesome... and terrifying!!" Casey said with horror as the thing began to rise up to them, Psiona growled with fury as the thing rose all the way to them.
"I'll make sure that Prime goes down for this, for all he's done to this world." Psiona said with rage.
"And Sub prime will pay for betraying us." Bishop added as the thing began to power on, showing it's huge ginormous eye in the center.
"Raph, Spike, you guys have 2 minutes to blow that thing before we do!" Leo shouted as they all looked up at the device.
"Back off man we're heading to the core now!" Raph shouted from the other side.
"We won't let this thing rise! Come on!" Spike shouted as they ran through the halls.

Spike and the other's went through the halls and saw some lasers as a security system.
"Heads up guys!" Raph warned as he and Spike jumped over them, but Mikey was too late and got his foot caught in it making the alarm go off.
"Mikey!" Spike said annoyed as they saw the defense systems beginning to emerge from the walls. Spike hissed with rage as he and Leatherhead teamed up and smashed through the strange drones, they had tentacle arms that would zap a person hard to take them down. Spike flipped over the arms of the robots and sliced them apart while Raph stabbed them and then stabbed the alarm system.
"Finally, i can hear myself think again." Raph said in relief of this.
"Where to Leatherhead?" Donnie asked turning to him.
"This way!" Leatherhead shouted pointing ahead of the halls.

They all ran through the halls again and were taking down more of these security systems, Spike latched his snake hands onto some of them and crushed them with his strength, he then sliced some apart with his tail, but they're fighting was stopped when they saw 2 Biodroids marching to them, Raph and Mikey screamed in fear as they quickly turned tail and ran.
"This way, this way!!" Mikey shouted running past them.
"Wait up!" Spike shouted slithering after them, but they were stopped when they saw a familiar two headed robot dragon on the other head making them scream even more.
"Okay that way, that way!" Mikey shouted turning around again, they all tried to escape, but were soon cornered by the droids.
"Turtle, dragon and alligator mutants. You will raise that which is known as, four limbs." A droid warned aiming their weapons at them.
"No retreat.. no surrender!" Leatherhead shouted roaring with rage, he was about to attack them until a droid zapped him with a taser making him scream in pain.
"Leatherhead!" Spike shouted with worry as they all were cornered here.
"Now this is definitely bad!" Raph said worried as they raised their hands with fear.

Sub prime was waiting within the core of the room ready to invade until a droid came up to him.
"Kraang Sub prime, that which is known as a balloon, is heading for that which is known as.." A droid said before Sub prime stopped him.
"Oh, just spit it out already!" Sub prime shouted with annoyance.
"Okay, look!" The droid said pointing to the camera, and they could see the blimp heading to them with the bombs on it.
"You gotta be Kraanging me!!" Sub prime shouted with annoyance right as the blimp rammed into it and made a huge explosion, the explosion was strong enough to open a hole to the device, and sent it tipping downwards making it vulnerable.

"Yes! I told you it'd be enough to bring down the ship, Casey Jones, knows explosives!" Casey said confidently.
"Come on, let's save Spike and the other's!" Jaqueline said seriously as they flew down with their bat wing devices.
"Let's go!!" Psiona shouted with rage as they all flew into the ship and were immediately greeted with multiple droids firing at them all. Psiona roared with rage and turned her arm into a cannon again and began to fire at them while they all landed on the ground, Bishop jumped off of her and flipped over some gunfire, he did a backflip to take a droid down with his leg before kicking another down and flipping over more gunfire to take down another. Jaqueline smashed another's head down with her hammer and twirled it around to deflect the gunfire away back at the droids.
"Where to Bishop?" April asked looking at him.
"This way!" Bishop instructed running through the halls with the other's following behind.

Sub prime was typing on the device trying to repair the ship until they saw Spike and the other's being brought into the room.
"Hello Sub prime, glad to see you again.." Spike said sarcastically with his hands hissing at him.
"Well if it isn't the turtles and dragon, and that stupid alligator thing that shouts Kraang! All the time." Sub prime mocked looking over them.
"Welcome Earth creatures, you are about to enjoy that which is known as, the invasion of Earth!?" Kraang prime said before they both laughed evilly just as Psiona and the other's arrived, Psiona was taking aim at Kraang prime right before her and Spike's senses went off warning them of something.

They're laughing was stopped when they heard they're alarms go off warning them of something.
"What now?!" Sub prime asked annoyed as he went to check on it, he turned on the camera to get a view of the planet's orbit, and they all looked scarred when they saw the Triceritons had finally arrived.
"The.. the.. Triceritons?!" Kraang prime asked in fear as a ship was being dethatched.
"Not the Triceritons! Not here! Not now!" Sub prime shouted in fear as the thing was breaking through the atmosphere.

The people were all looking concerned until all their systems were hacked and the leader came on screen.
"Greetings sub life forms of Earth, I am captain Mozart of the Triceriton Empire." Mozar introduced as he was everywhere on the planet.
"Let it be known that your planet is infested with Kraang, an insidious alien species bent on mutating Earth into their own home world. We Triceritons will eliminate these hideous aliens, freeing you of their vile plans." Mozar said as Splinter was watching this at home too along with Kirby who looked horrified.
"Unfortunately, your planet will be annihilated as well, that is all. And please, have a nice day." Mozar finished as he finally cut off the system with everyone looking horrified.

"Holy chalupa! It's actually happening! double invasion!" Donnie said with horror.
"Well that's just great!" Spike said annoyed at this, Psiona roared with rage as she and the others finally jumped in the scene to save them.
"Spike, catch!" Jaqueline shouted throwing him his plasma blade.
"Thanks!" Spike shouted as she and Spike took down more droids together, Leatherhead roared with rage and went to attack Kraang prime while Bishop pinned Sub prime down.
"Get off my Robo back!.. Bishop?! You filthy Kraang!" Sub prime shouted with anger as he looked down at him.
"I am an Utrom, just as you once were brother, or should i call you.. Sub, sub prime?" Bishop mocked repeating Psiona's insult.
"Don't call me that, you and Psiona know i hate that! AH!!" Subprime screamed as he tried escaping.

"Turtles, Psiona, hurry! Get to the hanger!" Bishop ordered turning to them.
"Got it, come on son!" Psiona shouted dragging him with her.
"Come on!" Spike shouted as they ran all the way to the hanger where dozens of ships were lying around.
"It's too late to blow this thing, pair up and grab a ship!" Leo ordered as he and Raph went into one, Spike and Jaqueline got on Psiona's back while Mikey and Casey got into another, and Donnie and April got into one as well.
"Let's get out of here!" Jaqueline shouted as Psiona flew out of the hanger and headed towards the massive ship above the Technodrome.

"Mom, what's the plan?!" Spike asked as she flew high into the air.
"We take down what ships come our way, all of you hang on!" Psiona shouted as she activated her armor and it formed around them, as well as the energy shield she made before.
"Let's go!" Jaqueline shouted as they flew through the skies.
"They're not just targeting the Technodrome, they're targeting the city!" Leo shouted as he locked onto them.
"Then push this thing faster Leo!" Raph shouted as they flew after the ships.

A squad of ships were flying away from the ship and the leader ordered something to the other soldiers. The ships began to fly backwards and flew to them.
"Brace yourselves!" Jaqueline shouted as they began firing at them. Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and began firing at the ships to take them down.
"Get off our planet!!" Psiona shouted with rage as she was taking multiple down at once. Mikey cheered with joy as he and Casey's ship flew to the sun to blind the ships following them.
"And sensei says video games are useless! How else would i have learned to do.. this?!" Mikey shouted as the ship did a U turn and went right between the ships to destroy them.
"This is the coolest thing ever!!" Casey shouted with amazement as they flew through the skies.

Bishop and Leatherhead had just gotten out of the ship and saw the massive battle with the Triceritons and Kraang who could not invade now.
"They made it! But the Technodromes still flying!" Raph said as they saw them on the screen.
"Not for long it's not! Look!" Leo said as they saw the Triceritons damaging the ship badly, two ships flew behind Donnie and April and they tried to escape by flying around the Statue of Liberty, while they managed to destroy them, their ship got hit too and they began to fall through the sky.
"We've been hit! Grab onto something!!" Donnie shouted as April screamed in fear and grabbed his body which kinda made him happy about that. The ship was heading right towards a roller coaster and they both screamed in fear as the ship crashed onto the coaster, and flew off the ramp and crashed down to the floor.

Donnie and April groaned with pain as Bishop and Leatherhead ran up to them.
"My friends, are you okay?" Leatherhead asked worried for them.
"I've always.. hated roller coasters.." April said holding her head in pain.

The Triceritons within the ship were just finishing targeting the Technodrome.
"Captain Mozart, we have the Technodrome on target!" A soldier reported coming onto the screen.
"Excellent, destroy it. And unleash the Heart of Darkness upon the city, we will make sure the Kraang never take this world again, by annihilating it." Mozart ordered with a serious tone.

Spike and the others were still fighting off the ships until they all saw them begin to retreat.
"Look! They're leaving, we won!" Mikey shouted in victory right before they saw something huge at it's center.
"Oh no.. we need to move! NOW!!" Psiona screamed as she was flying away as quick as possible.
"What's it doing?!" Jaqueline asked in fear as the hatches were opening up, and all of them were watching with shock and fear as the thing aimed for the Technodrome.
"The Triceritons are powering up! We're toast! TOAST!!!" Sub prime shouted with horror as Kraang prime was scarred too. The ship powered up a devastating blast and it shot a huge beam right towards the ship which the other's barely dodged. The Beam went straight to the ship and the two aliens screamed in horror as the blast hit them and killed them both, and the blast was so powerful it was able to destroy the Technodrome for good.

The blast was strong enough to knock Raph and Leo's ship while Psiona flew away from the blast as fast as she could.
"Look out!!" Spike screamed as the purple gas barely hit them and they flew high into the air. Raph and Leo groaned with pain as they recovered from the impact.
"Did we.. make it?" Leo asked as he finally got up.
"I think so, at least the Technodrome's down, maybe the battles finally over." Raph said in relief. They opened the ships hatch and saw the remains of the ship sinking down back into the water as it could not recover from this.

Leo's phone suddenly went off and he went to check it.
"Dudes dudes! There's a ship holding some kind of energy strings! It's carrying some kind of giant thingy!" Mikey said in fear.
"Your not making any sense Mikey!" Leo replied before he looked up and saw the Triceritons carrying something, Psiona looked even more horrified as she knew what this was.
"Oh no.." Psiona said in horror as this was really bad.
"It looks like some kind of weapon! Oh man guys, i think they're heading for Washington Square!" Casey said as they got their coordinates.
"I got this G! Aw yeah! Turtle spaceship power!!" Mikey shouted with joy.
"Wait! Don't!! It has a..!!" Psiona warned right before an energy shield hit the ship and they began to fall.
"They have forcefield awesomeness!!" Casey shouted in fear as they flew to the city.

"Mayday mayday! We're going down dog!" Mikey screamed as the ship landed right between two buildings slowing it's fall, Psiona and the other's landed down next to them to make sure they're alright.
"You alright guys?" Spike asked worried as they got out of the ship.
"We're fine.. thanks.." Casey said as Spike helped him up.
Leo got out his phone and called April.
"April, i need you to gather all our friends, i'll text you a place to meet up, cool?" Leo asked looking at her.
"What's the plan Leo?" Raph asked turning to him.
"The plan is that we'll need all the help we can get." Leo said seriously as this wasn't something they can do on their own.

The ships finally landed down on the city and placed the device on the ground as nighttime had fallen. More soldiers beamed down from the ship and placed a device in the generator and began to power it on.
"Those Triceritons are scientists. Their job is to program the black hole generator." Bishop explained as he and Psiona stood with the other's.
"Oh right, those are the soldiers!" Donnie said worried as they saw even more here.
"So many of them.." Spike said in fear about this.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll make it through this.. we got too.." Jaqueline said with hope hugging him close as the other's arrived.

"Oh no, look!" Donnie said with fear as the device was about to be activated.
"For the Triceriton Empire!" The soldier said as he activated the device, it sent a shockwave through the whole city which shut all it's power down.
"They're draining the city's power supply to power up the weapon!" Donnie said with worry while Psiona growled with rage.
"We need to stop them, or this world is doomed!" Psiona said seriously getting ready to fight.
"Alright team, this could be our last battle, are you ready?" Leo asked looking at all of them.
"Let's go." Spike said seriously as he slithered ahead with the others.

He and the other's tried to sneak past the guards, but Mikey was too close to one and stepped on ones tail.
"Earth creatures! Attack!!" The soldier yelled firing at Mikey who rolled out of the way. Spike deflected the blasters with his plasma sword as Bishop landed near him and Psiona.
"Take out their weapons!" Bishop instructed, Spike nodded in understanding and used his blade to cut the weapons down. Casey took out more explosive pucks and threw it at them, but the weapons didn't hurt them at all which made the dinosaur ram right into Casey which sent him flying into Raph.

Bishop was firing at the soldiers and almost got shot down, but Psiona jumped in the way and saved him just in time.
"I thank you my friend." Bishop said gratefully as she turned to him.
"Bishop, head back to Dimension X now! Warn the Council of what's happening! Send any soldiers i freed from control! Go!" Psiona shouted shooting another down that almost hit Mikey.
"Understood! Be careful Psiona!" Bishop shouted as he began to leave to get help.

A soldier was about to fire at Psiona until a star flew right at the device and stopped it, she looked over and saw Splinter and their allies had arrived.
"We heard you needed some assistance." Splinter said as Rockwell and Pete flew in as well.
"Splinter!" Spike and Leo shouted with relief.
"And reinforcements, yes!" Raph said with hope, a car went flying in the air and crashed straight into another soldier knocking that one down. April and the other's rolled in as Slash, Muckman and Mondo had arrived to help too.
"You guys ready for this?!" Spike shouted drawing his blades.
"Let's go!!!" Psiona roared as they all charged at them.
"Booyakasha!!!" They all screamed as they engaged in a last stand.

Donnie flipped over another soldier and Leatherhead roared as he lunged at him to knock him down, Slash and Spike took down another one together.
"It's good to fight with ya Spike!" Slash shouted as he threw him into another soldier, Spike hissed at the warrior and used his venom to take him down.
"Always a nice time to team up!" Spike shouted as they all fought the warriors while the scientists worked on the devices.
"Goongala!!" Casey shouted as he threw more pucks at them, but they didn't work once again and the soldier roared at him.
"Maybe i need an upgrade!" Casey said with fear as he tried to escape.

"April look!" Jaqueline shouted as they saw him being chased down.
"Casey!" April said with worry. She picked up one of their blasters and shot at the soldier right in the head which saved Casey.
"Awesome save guys, thanks!" Casey said gratefully.
"Don't lose focus guys!" Jaqueline shouted hammering another down.
"Cowabunga!!" Mondo shouted as he skated into the scene dodging gunfire.
"It's time for Mondo Gecko to open a can of..." Mondo shouted right before he ran into another soldier, they all looked at him with disgust and began stomping on him.
"Mondo! Stay away from my pal you alien freaks!" Muckman shouted as he lifted tons of trash into the air about to attack, but he screamed with pain as more soldiers shot him down.

Splinter ran ahead to more soldiers and drew a rope, he jumped in the air and wrapped his rope around multiple weapons at once, he slammed down on the ground and used his ropes strength to knock them down too.
"We must stop the blackhole generator before it is triggered!" Splinter shouted as Muckman recovered in the background.
"Slash, Leatherhead! Take that weapon down, now!" Leo ordered, Leatherhead roared as he charged at another one and held it back.
"Destroy the weapon!" Leatherhead shouted as Slash charged in, Slash roared with rage as he jumped in the air and slammed his weapon on the device.
"Not even a scratch!" Slash said shocked before he saw something in the center, he roared again and began slashing at the device repeatedly to try and destroy it.

"Great Scott! More are about to be beamed down!" Rockwell said worried right before more came down right behind him and knocked his helmet off him and destroyed it.
"No! You vile extinct..." Rockwell said with rage right before the soldier threw a device near him. This trapped him in one of those bubbles like Zog was before and it hung in the air, even more soldiers came down too with these same devices. One threw a device at Slash which trapped him in the device too.
"No! Dino freaks!!" Slash said with rage as Mozar himself arrived.
"This battle is over, you have all lost!" Mozar mocked as Leatherhead and Jaqueline got trapped in one too.

"Jaqueline!!" Spike said with horror as he tried holding them off too.
"Leatherhead!" Mikey shouted with fear, he flipped over a soldier and tried to attack Mozart before he grabbed him with one hand.
"Foolish little one, you are coming with me!" Mozart said as he began to leave with him.
"No!!" Psiona shouted with horror as she shot another one in the head.
"Mikey! No!!" Spike shouted with horror as he was beamed away with him while even more arrived.

Casey tried to escape too but was trapped within another bubble as well.
"Casey!" April shouted trying to save him but Raph tackled her down.
"I'll come back for you Jaqueline, just hold on!" Spike shouted as they were being overwhelmed.
"I know you will, get out of here now!" Jaqueline shouted trying to escape.
"Retreat! Everyone retreat!" Splinter shouted as they all began to run away with what allies they had left. Donnie was about to leave until he saw one of the devices on a fallen soldier.
"This little baby might come in hand.. ow!" Donnie screamed as he almost got shot down, he quickly made his way to escape while taking the device with him while all the soldiers kept firing at them.

Mikey was brought on board the mothership and he screamed in fear as he was carried within the bubbles too.
"Captain Mozar sir, you have captured an Earth creature." A soldier said as he walked up to him.
"A mutant species of somekind, rare to the planet." Mozar said holding out Mikey.
"I used to think dinosaurs were cool, but not you guys! Why are you doing this dudes?! Why can't you just leave Earth alone?!" Mikey shouted with anger.
"Why? Because of the Kraang, they want it as a hiding place from Dimension X, a backdoor, where we Triceritons will not detect them. So we will simply destroy your planet, and all of the Kraang hiding there!" Mozar said confidently.

"But we don't want the Kraang here either! Why can't we all just get along?!" Mikey asked scarred of this.
"The decision has been made by the Triceriton emperor, it cannot be changed." Mozar explained, Mikey clutched his fist and punched the center of the device to free him, he tried to attack Mozart but was grabbed by the other soldier.
"Get off of me dorkasaurous!" Mikey mocked trying to break free.
"Should i take him to the brig sir?" He asked curiously.
"No, ready the Psionic extractor." Mozar ordered which horrified all the soldiers who heard it.

"The Psionic extractor?! But sir, we only use it on our greatest war criminals! It is too horrible and cruel, even for the likes of.." He said with fear hearing this before Mozar stopped him.
"Silence! do as i command!" Mozar ordered, he sighed sadly and turned to the other soldiers to prepare the device.
A picture came on the screen and Mikey saw what looks like is gonna happen to him.
"Wow.. that looks like it's really gonna hurt.." Mikey said with fear seeing this.
"More then you could possibly imagine. Creature" Mozar said menacingly.

Spike and the others retreated into the city which was badly damaged in the invasion, Psiona landed down on a rooftop with the others as they tried to come up with a plan.
"We gotta go back for them sensei, we can't just leave them there!" Leo said with worry turning to him.
"And what about Mikey? What are they gonna do to him? Probe him?!" Raph asked scarred of the thought.
"No.. i know these monsters.. it may be much worse.." Psiona said with fear knowing this.
"The first thing we must do is destroy the Black hole machine, that is the priority. If we cannot stop this weapon, the entire world is doomed!" Splinter said seriously.
"But how are we gonna stop it? We still need to get Mikey back even it's destroyed." Spike said with worry barely being seen by another ship.

"Go then, April, Psiona and I will stop the Triceritons and rescue our friends." Splinter instructed landing down to them.
"What? By ourselves?! Your uh.. kidding right sensei?" April asked nervously.
"There's to many of them, even i can't face them with these numbers." Psiona said worried about this.
"We will ally ourselves with someone even more powerful then the Mutanimals." Splinter said which concerned them.
"Who sensei?" Leo asked worried on this.
"... The Shredder." Splinter answered which made them all gasp in shock.

Mikey groaned with pain as he finally woke up on the ship again, he was strapped to a table and Mozart ordered the soldiers to activate the device.
"Hold up dino dudes, let's talk about his! For real though!" Mikey said in fear as a sharp device was in front of him.
"This machine will drain all your knowledge of Earth and the Kraang. And in the process your psyche will be sliced, diced, chopped, and removed from your puny brain." Mozart said with malice which made him more scarred.
"I don't have the biggest psycho! But i like what i got.." Mikey said with fear.
"Activate the extractor!" Mozart ordered the soldiers, the device began to spin around and move even closer to Mikey who was terrified right now.

Mikey screamed with fear as the device locked onto his brain, but when it hit him, he suddenly found himself on a massive trip and laughed like a maniac.
"Wow! so cool! Look at that! It's like a triple alo bro! Whoohooo!!" Mikey cheered as this feeling was amazing, but he was laughing like a maniac to the soldiers which confused all of them.
"Turn it off! Turn it off now!!" Mozar ordered which made a soldier shut it down finally while Mikey breathed heavily as his pupils were much larger.

"Aw, dude!! Why'd you stop?! That was better then a hundred million roller coasters in outer space!! Can i do it again?! Can i?! Please?!" Mikey begged moving all around him.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!! What knowledge did you extract?!" Mozar asked furious as Mikey was on his head.
"Very little useful information sir, the only thought the creature seems to have is for a substance called.. Pizza." The soldier explained.
"Aw, destroy the pathetic alien!" Mozar ordered begging to leave which had a soldier grab Mikey snapping him out of his state.
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up! I know stuff!" Mikey begged holding back their weapons.
"You know nothing." Mozar mocked marching away.
"I know all the secret bases the Kraang hide in dimension X!" Mikey shouted which got his attention as well as the other soldiers.

April, Splinter and Psiona made they're way to Shredder's lair and snuck their way inside. Psiona kept her guard up as she knew they were being watched. Psiona sensed something right behind her and knocked the guy away as it was revealed to be Bebop who turned visible again.
"Aw man, how'd you know where i was?!" Bebop asked annoyed as more soldiers came to them.
"I have my senses pork!" Psiona taunted as they stood besides eachother.
"Bad move you three, breaking in here, are you desperate?, or just fools?!" Tiger claw asked drawing his gun towards them.

He shot his gun at them and they all quickly ran away from the fire.
"We're not here to.. whoa!" April shouted in fear as Rocksteady appeared behind her.
"Ha, is Rocksteady too late for party time?" He asked as he tried attacking April with his horn, but Psiona charged in the battle and hit him with her metal arm in the face.
"Back off freak!" Psiona shouted knocking him down.
"We have not come to fight you!" Splinter shouted while dodging more gunfire and whacking Tiger claw in the body and held him back.

"Foolish move bringing a cub here! Even if you have a cyborg dragon with you, you will all fall!" Tiger claw mocked as Psiona fought off Rocksteady.
"Stop!" Shredder ordered as he appeared behind Splinter.
"I wish to know why Hamato Yoshi has come here, perhaps to end his miserable existence?" Shredder mocked drawing his blades.
"Our feud is meaningless in this invasion Saki. The world will soon be destroyed, will you sit by and watch? Or will you help us save it?" Splinter countered as more ships flew over the building.
"What have you done with Karai?" Shredder asked holding his blades at him.

"We searched for her, but she is gone, vanished from the city." Splinter said sadly which made him mad.
"You lie!" Shredder said with rage drawing his other blades.
"He's not, we tried finding her, she isn't here!" Psiona shouted pinning Rocksteady to the wall.
"They're both right, and if the Earth blows up guess what? You'll never see her again, so maybe you can do the right thing for once in your evil life! Even be a hero for a change, that is, if you still love Karai." April mocked still not sure of this at all. Shredder looked at them all and growled in frustration as they had no choice but to do this..

Spike led the other's to where Mikey's ship crashed as it still looked functional.
"Here it is! Still looks functional!" Spike shouted slithering to it.
"Wow, not a bad park job either." Donnie said impressed seeing it.
"Come on, let's get it." Leo said as they went inside and activated it.

"The mothership is approximately 100,000 miles from Earth, roughly half the distance from the Earth to the moon." Donnie said as Spike tried getting it moving.
"Good to know, let's try and get there quickly." Spike said seriously as the ship began to move.
"Alright, let's go!" Leo shouted as the ship took off into the skies and began going into space.

Spike screams as they all go past the atmosphere and fly at fast speeds into space and were floating in the air in the ship.
"Turtles and dragons were definitely NOT meant to go to space! " Raph said right before he puked from the lack of gravity.
"Hold on, let me turn on the artificial gravity.." Donnie said as he finally put the gravity back on which made them all fall down.
"Dear Celestia.." Spike said in shock as they saw the mothership just ahead of them.
"The mothership!" Leo said with anger as they flew to it.
"Okay but where's Mikey?" Raph asked getting back up.
"I'm detecting a unique life signature coming from the closest craft, that's gotta be him. And check it out, i think i finally figured out the cloak on this baby, haha! They'll never find us now!" Donnie said as he turned the ships cloaking device on.

But that didn't work as they could see the ship clearly from the ship.
"Idiots! They think they can hide from us! Tragic mistake." Mozar mocked as Mikey was being held captive still.
"HA! My brothers are gonna come to rescue me, and kick your dino butt back to the stone age! That's right, straight back to the 1960's!" Mikey taunted trying to escape once again.
"We shall see, commander Zorith, launch another squad of fighters. Sargent Zark, activate the plasma cannon." Mozar ordered which made them do their jobs.

Ships began to detach from the ship and flew towards Spike and the others.
"Guys, i think they see us!" Spike shouted as they flew towards them.
"Floor it Leo, go go go!!" Donnie shouted as they flew through the void even faster. The ship flew around in the cosmos and was trying not to be shot.
"How can they see us Donnie?!" Leo asked trying to escape them.
"Let me text them and find out, i have no idea!!" Donnie shouted with frustration.
"Look out!!" Spike shouted as he and Raph tried firing at the dozens of ships flying around them. Raph screamed with rage as he flew the ship right into another one, he then repeatedly slammed his fist into the console which made the Stealth ship punch the other one too before destroying it finally.

"Look out Leo!" Donnie shouted as they kept flying away from multiple ships at once.
"Would you just let me fly?!" Leo asked frustrated trying to avoid them all.
"This is crazy!!" Spike screamed as Leo flew through all the ships, but they all gasped in shock as the thing began to activate the plasma cannon that destroyed the Technodrome.
"Donnie!! Get us out of here!!" Spike screamed in fear as the beam powered up.
"Hold on!!" Donnie screamed as he held out the device from earlier and activated it which beamed them away right before the ship was destroyed.

They all screamed as they appeared right on the ship which shocked them all.
"We're alive!" Leo said shocked and relieved at once.
"You snagged a teleporter? You mean we could've just beamed here?!" Raph asked frustrated with Donnie.
"There's only one charge and i.. oh man we're in trouble!" Donnie said in fear as multiple soldiers surrounded them.
"Celestia damnit!" Spike said annoyed at this.

Mozar marched over to them and held up Mikey who was relieved to see them.
"Guys that was awesome! Thanks for the sweet rescue! So who's gonna rescue us next? April, Casey? Jaqueline?" Mikey asked hopefully.
"Eh..." Spike said nervously trying to give an answer to this.

Back on Earth, Psiona and the others had allied with the foot finally, and were making they're way back to the generator. Splinter landed down on one soldier and got him distracted enough for Shredder to slice off his weapon. Shredder then delivered multiple strikes to him and knocked the guy down. Psiona slammed another Triceriton through a wall with rage to take it down.
"We're close, come on!" Psiona said as they ran through the streets back to the device.
"Um, whatever we do, we better do it fast!" April said worried as the Triceritons finished repairing the device from the damage.
"The timer is prepared, this planet has mere nextons to live." The scientist said sinisterly.
"We must not waste time master, we must... oh no.." Tiger claw said worried as even more beamed down.
"Everyone get ready." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade again and growled with rage as this was their last chance.

Spike and the others were brought down to their knees and was held captive.
"Captain Mozar please, don't destroy the Earth, our world has so much potential!"" Donnie begged trying to stop him.
"Humans of your world are as thoughtless as the Kraang, they pollute the planet, erode it's ozone willingly, and they don't even need mutagen to do it! Escort them to the airlock and be done with them!" Mozar ordered.
"You don't know that! There's always people willing to save this world! People like us, humans that care for the world! The people that do this are nothing but greedy bastards who don't care for the world! There are people who care, do not do this!" Spike shouted trying to break free from them.
"Even with the people who want to save it, they are always outnumbered by the ones who want to destroy it slowly, they are powerless to stop them, just like you are with us." Mozar mocked which made Spike hiss with rage as he was losing it again.

"You can destroy us Mozart that's okay, but i'm asking you one last time before i take this whole ship down. Let the earth survive, or be destroyed!" Leo warned not playing around with this anymore.
"Empty threats.." Mozar mocked, A soldier grabbed Leo's soldier and he and Spike had enough, Spike breathed a stream of fire on a soldiers face and Leo went to grab one of their devices.
"No! Stop!" Mozar shouted right before Leo threw the device on the shield which opened up a hole that began sucking in the soldiers within the room. Everyone screamed with fear as they almost got sucked out, but Mozar wasn't going down and he tried to take Mikey with him through the void.
"No you don't!" Spike shouted as he threw his snake hand to Mikey who caught it, he then took one of the devices from Mozart and held it up.
"Guys check it out! Booyaka..." Mikey shouted as he activated the device and beamed them back down to Earth.

"Sha!!!" Mikey finished as they all got teleported to Earth again and they breathed heavily for a moment.
"We made it.. we actually made it!" Spike said amazed getting back up, but they're relief was stopped when they barely avoided another blast and saw Splinter and the other's fighting off the Triceritons.
"Come on! Let's save our friends!" Leo shouted as they ran into the field as Psiona shot another one down.

"Jaqueline!" Spike shouted with worry as he stabbed the device on the ground which finally freed her.
"Spike!!" Jaqueline said in relief giving him a hug.
"Son!" Psiona shouted running up to him and hugged him too.
"It's good to see you guys, come on! We have to stop them!" Spike shouted regaining focus on the fight.
"I'll get you guys out in no time!" April shouted as she smashed the device containing Casey and freed him.
"Yes, thanks April, you rule!" Casey said gratefully.
"I'm getting the rest of you out!" April shouted as the soldiers kept fighting them off.
"No! There's no time!" Rockwell warned as there was very little time left.
"Just go April!" Slash ordered as they need to hurry.

A soldier charged at them but Tiger claw shot his ice guns at him to knock them down.
"Quickly, run!" Tiger claw shouted before he fired back at the soldiers. The device was getting even closer to going off and Shredder stabbed a soldier's weapon and Splinter knocked him down as the device beeped even faster.
"Hurry Saki! We have no time!" Splinter shouted as he got up from the attack with Shredder glaring at him. The device was counting down even faster and Splinter ran to it, Splinter held out his hand and tried to stop it.. but something stabbed him right through the chest..

"AH!!!" Splinter screamed as everyone stopped their fighting and saw Shredder.. stabbed Splinter through the chest and Splinter fell to the ground.
"NO!!!" ALL of them shouted with horror, Spike breathed heavily with rage as his mind snapped from seeing this, it felt so much like what he saw before, it triggered him again and he made a loud shriek of rage.
"YOU MONSTER!!!" Spike screamed with fury as he slithered directly to him and stuck out his large fangs, Shredder didn't even have time to react before Spike came in and bit down hard on his neck, injecting a huge amount of venom into Shredder's body. Shredder screamed with pain as he fell onto the ground barely moving while Spike hissed at him with rage with the other's being shocked deeply.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted as she brought him to her to make him stop, the device was beeping slowly as they all realized they're time was up, and Splinter's eyes finally closed for the last time.
"NO!!" Spike screamed in terror as the device finally went off.

Loud alarms were heard as the ground began to shake violently, the ground began to crack roughly as the device floated into the air and had a strong pull to it.
"Spike!" Jaqueline shouted as she held him close as it was pulling things into it. The device began to expand throughout the sky making it even bigger and making the force stronger.
"We are doomed!!" Bebop said with horror as the Triceritons teleported away.
"Hold me comrade!" Rocksteady shouted with fear as they held eachother close before they screamed in terror as they were sucked into the black hole along with Fishface and Rahzar.
"Master Shredder! What have you done?!" Tiger claw asked furious as he could barely speak.
"The Earth can be destroyed for all i care.. at least i finally made that dragon.. the monster he knows he is deep down.. all this did.. was make his downfall go further.. " Shredder said making one more evil laugh before he finally died from the venom.

Spike and the other's went over to Splinter's body and began to cry heavily over losing him.
"Splinter.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with huge regret crying heavily over this.
"Splinter..." Psiona said with regret as she began to cry heavily from this as well, Spike held her and Jaqueline close as they looked in the sky. The black hole began to expand even more and all the people of Earth began to see it's destruction, and they all screamed with terror as they were being pulled in, even Splinter's body was being pulled in as they saw all their friends being sucked in to their destruction. But before they were sucked in themselves, something bright began to cover their eyes and they saw a large ship landing down to them, the doors opened up and they saw a strange robot of some kind.
"Hurry! We haven't much time!" The robot shouted trying to make them get in.
"Should we trust him?!" Donnie shouted as they tried going inside it.
"Do we have a choice?!" April asked marching to it.
"Come on!!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed her son and Jaqueline and ran inside it with the other's.

The force of the black hole became so strong it began to pull in the entire ocean and the city along with it and the rest of the world too. The Triceritons were looking down at the planet as the device grew even more.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire!" Zorath shouted with victory.
"Long live the Triceriton Empire!" They all shouted as they teleported away from the world and escaped it's destruction.

The robot flew the ship from the planet as fast as they could as the Black hole got so big it began to suck the entire planet into it, breaking it apart to pieces.
"Everyone hold on!" The robot shouted as he powered the ship up to make it fly even faster, the black hole finally got so strong it sucked the entire planet into it, and every poor person on the planet too, the Black hole began to disappear for a moment right before it made a large explosion and everyone screamed in fear as the shockwave hit the ship making it come to a halt.

Spike breathed heavily as they couldn't believe this, they could what's left from the world outside.
"Did that just happen?!" April asked in horror seeing the outside of the ship.
"The Earth, Splinter.. everyone.. everything.." Leo said with regret as the remains could be seen in space.
"Gone.. lost forever in an infinite gravitational singularity.." Donnie said with horror and regret.
"Billions of people.. trillions of innocent lives.. they're all.. they're all.." Spike said with tears in his eyes as he couldn't finish that sentence.
"It's okay son.. we're here.." Psiona assured holding him close crying about this too.
"At least we're still alive..." Jaqueline said hugging him too trying to comfort him.

"Seeing your entire world be pulled into the singularity of a black hole, is rather distressing. Can i offer you some hot cocoa?" The robot asked holding one to Mikey who gladly took it.
"Dude, who are you?" Mikey asked looking at him as we see the robot's face.
"I am professor Honeycutt, and you my friends are about to embark on a wonderous adventure." Honeycutt introduced which confused them all.
"What are you talking about?" Spike asked confused looking at him while Casey looked amazed.
"This.. is.. Awesome!!" Casey shouted with amazement as the ship began to fly away from the remains of their destroyed world, beyond the known universe...

65: Beyond the Known Universe

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We open to a shot of Spike and the other's within space on the ship that Honeycutt saved them from, Spike and Leo were looking at the remains of their world with huge regret and sadness.

"Captain's log, star date.. no idea.." Leo narrated as he and Spike bring you up to speed on what happened.
"The evil heartless Triceritons, a powerful race of aliens from across the universe, invaded Earth to destroy it.. They wanted to destroy their lifetime enemy's, the Kraang. So they brought with them the invincible black hole generator, it not only destroyed the Kraang, but their secret hiding place.. Earth, our home.." Spike said with regret as we see the horrific events happen with a flashback.
"We lost our friends, allies, even master Splinter.." Leo said with regret as Spike and the others cry heavily over losing their master and father.
"I didn't just let that slide.. and.. i almost lost myself again.." Spike continued as we see the shot of Spike biting down on Shredder's neck, injecting the huge amount of venom that was what killed him, while Spike hissed at him with rage before he was snapped out of it, and was horrified on what he just did.
"My brother's, Spike's mom and our friends and i escaped, saved by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid." Leo finished as we see Honeycutt save them at the last moment like what happened before.

We now cut to normal time where everyone was trying to process this, Spike was holding his mom and Jaqueline close for comfort as Honeycutt was pressing on some devices from the ship looking worried too.
"Alright Fugitoid or whatever your name is, what just happened?!" Leo asked still not believing this.
"We did not just lose out ENTIRE planet right?!" Psiona asked breathing heavily over this.
"This has got to be some sort of sick joke, right? RIGHT?!" Raph shouted shaking him like a madman before Honeycutt smacked him down.
"Calm down Raphael, i have a job to do first, now please i got a ship to fly while you all stand about gawking." Honeycutt said getting onto a pilot console.

"How can we not gawk when our ENTIRE PLANET WAS JUST DESTROYED?!" Spike shouted with frustration at this.
"Calm down Spike please, we're all going through a tough time as it is.." Jaqueline said holding him close while Spike tried calming down.
"Where are you taking us Fugitoid?" April asked suspicious of him as some metal formed around him.
"All will be answered in time, hold onto something!" Honeycutt warned as the ship began to power up and shake violently.
"What do you mean, in time?!" Psiona shouted trying to find something, but the ship was reacting to violently for anything to hold onto.
"Oh, to late for that, my apologies." Honeycutt said as something opens between the cosmos pulling the stars in while everyone screams in fear.
" NOT COOL BRO!!!!!!!" Mikey screamed as all of them become distorted as the ship suddenly vanishes.

The ship was flying through a huge void of distorted lights at hypersonic speeds, maybe even far beyond it, Spike and the others were screaming in pure terror as the lights just got more distorted around them all, the rift spreads open more as Spike screams even louder, we see the shot of what looks like the Earth's destruction being reversed, the black hole was shrinking and all the buildings were going back into place as the sun and moon pass by from what looks like several months.
"I'm gonna be sick!!" Jaqueline screams as all of them fly around the Earth so fast they can't even comprehend it, the ship spins around the Earth some more until it finally stops and the Earth is back to normal, and everyone groans in pain as they try to recover from that.

"What.. what just happened? We're actually alive?!" Raph asked shocked looking at himself.
"I don't know how Superman could handle this kind of thing.." Spike said weakly getting back up while Jaqueline puked off screen from the distortions.
"Oh.. even Dimension X is more stable then that..." Psiona said in pain rubbing her head from the lightspeed travel.
"Guys, look." April says in shock as they look outside and they see the Earth is restored.

"I think.. i think we went back in time! Around 6 months based on where the Earth is and it's revolution around the sun." Donnie theorized looking at the Earth's placement.
"Six months? So that means.. everyone's back? Including Master Splinter?" Leo asked hopefully at this news.
"And Karai too?" Spike asked still shocked from this too.
"Yes Leonardo and Spike, but only for six months, and then the Earth is doomed once more, apologies." Honeycutt said bluntly.
"I get it, we stop the Triceritons from ever getting the chance to use the Black Hole on Earth." April said in realization.
"Indeed, the Triceritons are spending this time searching the universe for the 3 fragments of the black hole weapon, beep!" Honeycutt beeped as he showed them the picture of the black hole device on screen.

"Many years ago, the Utrom broke the machine into 3 pieces, hiding the fragments in the safest parts of the galaxy they could find. We must find them, and stop the Triceritons before they reassemble them." Honeycutt explained dramatically.
"More like the most dangerous parts of the universe, i recognized those locations, it will not be easy." Psiona said with a snarl not sure about this.
"But if we fail again, we can time travel back right?" Mikey asked hopefully.
"That's not how time travel works with a black hole Mikey." Jaqueline said sadly shaking her head.
"The dream beaver is right, a black hole prevents repeated time travel, even time is a subject to it's attraction. If we fail, the Earth is lost forever." Honeycutt finished which made them all look worried at the news.

"But on the bright side, who ever get's a second chance?" Honeycutt asked trying to make the mood better.
"So why do you care alien robot dude? Why are you helping us?" Casey asked curious with him.
"Yeah, who are you anyway?" Raph asked crossing his arms unsure of him.
"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, i'm a friend to the Utroms. It was Bishop who sent me, plus i've always wanted to see Earth." Honeycutt explained and Psiona looked surprised.
"Your friends with Bishop and the Utrom's too?" Psiona asked pointing at him.
"Of course! And i know about you Psiona, a long time friend of theirs too, being within space and Dimension X for some time, even got the news of you to me and other species too." Honeycutt said walking up to her.
"Well.. if you know what your doing, then let's save the Earth." Psiona said as she couldn't feel anything bad from him.
"I'm in for it, let's do it." Spike agreed making another snake hiss with the other's agreeing too.

"Excellent, all of you hold onto something again!" Honeycutt warned as he powered up the ship again and Psiona holds Spike and Jaqueline close as the other's find something too, everyone braces themselves as the ship travels through the space at super fast speeds, beginning their new space adventure.

Casey and Mikey scream with fear as the ship travels far beyond the solar system and away from Earth before finally slowing down in the void of space.
"Wow.. it's so incredible.." Leo said in awe as they see dozens of stars with different colors all around them.
"Twilight will be jealous that i'm actually going on a space adventure.." Spike said in amazement as they see the galaxy and the countless stars that belong to it.
"Wonderous is it not? Titanic gas giants, neutron stars are on the verge of collapse, swirling cloud nebulas where baby stars are born." Honeycutt said as they saw the glorious image of a star's birth.
"If there's one thing i loved about space, it was these glorious sites.." Psiona said in awe of this vast void.
"You've been through space before?" Jaqueline asked curious looking at her.
"I went through many places other then just Dimension X when i was away from Equestria, me and my son no doubt will be the only dragons in Equestrian history to have traveled through space and dimensions." Psiona said with a smug, just imagining the faces on the other dragons when they hear about this.

But they're little talk was stopped when a loud crash was heard.
"What was that?" Spike asked worried looking around the place, Honeycutt puts out an image of the ship on the screen and they see something caused some damage to the ship.
"Oh, perfect! Could you assist me on damage assessment my friends? I've plenty space suits to wear?" Honeycutt offered which made Spike and Mikey gasp in shock.
"Space suits?!" They both asked excitedly as this was a dream come true.

Groovy music plays as Spike and the other's enter a new room, and they see them full of tons of highly advanced, awesome looking space suits with all of them amazed.
"Dudes.. i think we just hit a level 9 Booyakasha!!" Mikey said amazed as all of them couldn't believe this.
"No.. way!" Raph said in amazement as they saw tons of different space equipment from this.
"Amazing! This is like a full on geek explosion!" Donnie said in awe grabbing a new space suit.
"It's like i'm a real life power pony! It's amazing!!" Spike said amazed trying to decide what to wear.
"I think your far beyond comic heroes now son, this.. this is a real space adventure!" Psiona said amazed as she couldn't decide either.
" Astro suits, equipped with oxygen converters, grav boosters, and even alien translators." Honeycutt said as they all put on their white space suits, Spike put on a slender looking space suit that was able to fit around his entire snake body, and with a little spray paint from Casey, he made the colors a dark green and purple that had a sick fire symbol on the chest, and they made Spike look super awesome along with the others.

Leo had a look of pure joy as he put on his helmet and we see a shot of Spike and the other's standing together striking poses.
"Mr Crankshaw, set phasers to destruction!" Leo said mimicking the space hero show they used to watch. Spike made another snake hiss and pulled out his plasma sword and whip as they were perfect for this adventure.
"It's official, this is the coolest thing i have ever done! What any Dragon has ever done! Eat it Garble!!" Spike mocked shouting to no one in particular.
"Whoa, this old helmet is dope yo!" Casey said amazed picking one up, before some explosives fell out of the helmet which made Casey have another smug.
"Ooh! photon pucks, they must play hockey in space, wicked!" Casey said amazed as the puck is stopped by Aprils foot, she is now wearing a new spacesuit that is skin tight, and makes her look like a spy within space.

"How do i look guys?" April asked looking at them, Spike, Donnie and Casey give a thumbs up in response, well.. Spike tries to at least with his snake hands.
"Um.. Spike? Does this suit make my butt look bigger to you?" April asked a little nervous which made Spike have a nervous look too.
"I'm.. do you really want me to answer that? And i'm not sure i should either.." Spike replied turning away from her as this was embarrassing.

"Well, how about me Spike?" Jaqueline asked which got his attention, he turned to where her voice was and saw she was wearing a similar looking space suit to April's but her's had a scarlet color to it, and it fit her anthro looking body perfectly which made Spike have hearts in his eyes from what he saw.
"You look.. absolutely radiant..." Spike said in awe as this was better then anything Rarity wore in his opinion which made her chuckle in response.
"Thanks sweetie.." Jaqueline said with a blush before they heard some loud footsteps approach.
"Alright, how about me guys?" Psiona asked as she came out in her own suit as well. She wore a purple skintight space suit that covered her body, she carried two blaster's one her sides, and she also had most of her armor on for defense which made her look like a space bounty hunter. Everyone had a look of shock and disbelief seeing her form.
"Well.. how do i look?" Psiona asked again as they starred at her.
"Homina homina homina..." Casey and the Turtles said at once which made Spike chuckle while April and Jaqueline did look a bit jealous on how badass she looked.

"Everyone ready?" Honeycutt asked as he came behind them all and the doors opened behind him.
"Do not stray to far from the ship, seriously, this is my stern face, see it?" Honeycutt asked showing him a blank looking face.
"Sure thing professor.. last one out is a rotten egg!!" Spike shouted eagerly starting to slither ahead.
"Oh no you don't!" Leo shouted with joy as all the other's ran past him knocking him down.

"Cowabunga!!" Mikey shouted jumping out of the ship and they all floated in space. Psiona flew around in the void with her wings as she could fly naturally here.
"It's like i'm back home.." Psiona said in awe as she loved to fly around during her times back in Equestria.
"Whoa.. oh.. why did i think this would be cool? Oh please don't hurl.. please don't hurl.." Raph told himself trying not to puke.
"This is amazing! It's like a dream come true!" Spike said in awe as he and Jaqueline flew together.
"It's better then any dream i could've made with you.. it's beautiful.." Jaqueline said in awe looking at the beautiful void.
"It is.. oh wait till the people at home hear about this!" Spike said just trying to imagine his friends faces when they hear about his space adventure.
"This is nuts! Look at me i'm flying! I'm captain Ryan, hero of the galaxy!" Leo said in joy flying around the void.
"Huh? Oh.. i'm gonna hurl again!" Raph said as something flew by him making him sick.
"I don't ever wanna go back inside that ship, i just wanna float off into the stars.." April said completely in awe of this place.

Honeycutt had flown up to where the damage was seen while the other's still were having fun in the void.
"Is anyone going to join me in damage assessment? You should learn these things people." Honeycutt asked which got Spike and Donnie's attention.
"Right, sorry." Spike said as he and Donnie flew over to help him and landed on the side of the ship.
"How bad is it Donnie?" Spike asked as Donnie checked it with his new weapon.
"Well, this is pants.. i could easily fix the hole, but we've lost to much hyper charged hydrogen. That, tackled with a tachyonic jump, it looks like we'll have to.." Honeycutt said right before a rock hit his head which shocked them both.
"Oh ****.." Spike swore in horror as they saw huge asteroids coming to them.

"Asteroids! Big.. huge.. Asteroids!!" Donnie said in horror while they all looked shocked.
"Language Donnie and Spike!" Mikey shouted as they all were scarred.
"Everyone back in the ship now!!" Psiona shouted as she shot some of the asteroids down with her blasters.
Casey screamed in fear as his jetpack wasn't working right which made him spiral out of control.
"Casey hold on!" April shouted as she saved him from being hit from one of them.
"Thanks red! This stupid jetpack keeps quitting out on me!" Casey said annoyed as she took him back to the ship.

"Everyone, to their stations!" Honeycutt shouted as they all ran into the bridge.
"What stations?" Casey asked looking around the place.
"I don't know, just pick one!" Honeycutt ordered, Spike, Psiona and Jaqueline picked one in the front right of the room while the other's got into one station of their own as well.
"Brace yourselves guys!!" Spike shouted as they started to fly away from the asteroids barely being hit by them.
"Ugh, get this boat ride already, ah!!" Raph said in fear feeling sick again.
"Whoa dude, how about i drive?" Mikey offered looking at him.
"Look out!" Jaqueline shouted as they came right in between two huge ones that almost crushed the ship, they all screamed in fear as they flew right through them and barely survived this.
"That was so metal!" Casey shouted as Raph puked once again from the speed.

"Whoo.. a couple of misses with a few dozen planetoids won't deter us, am i right or am i right?" Honeycutt asked twirling his robot head around playfully.
"Are you kidding me? We almost bought it back there!" Leo said still shocked about this.
"Exactly, almost. Almost is a beautiful phenomenon, isn't it?" Honeycutt asked which made them sigh in relief.
"But we still need to refuel professor, what are we gonna do?" Donnie asked worried looking at the ship's fuel supply.
"Drop by an alien space port of course. I mean there's one right there, no biggie, planet Varanon." Honeycutt said as they see a new planet in the distance.
"I know that place, it's a planet full of outlaws and thief's, are you sure there's no where else we can go?" Psiona asked concerned turning to him.
"Don't worry Psiona, it's a lovely place! I've never been, but i've heard gorgeous in the spring." Honeycutt said as they flew into the atmosphere.

They flew down to the planet quickly and saw themselves coming upon a spaceport of sorts, probably full of aliens that will be looking for trouble.
"This space port is not part of the Federation, so do be careful." Honeycutt warned as they started walking out to the planet.
"No problem Fuge, we're out like Vanilla Ice, peace!" Casey said casually walking past him.
"Don't worry, i still got tons of space credits, if there's one thing we dragons are good at, it's hoarding LOTS of money." Psiona said making sure she had a ton on her.
"How do you know about space money mom?" Spike asked looking at her.
"Believe me son, i have been on many adventures." Psiona assured standing next to him as they walked through the space port.

"Now this is incredible!" April said amazed as they could see dozens of different aliens speaking different languages across the whole place.
"Alright, let's check this place out. We'll split up and meet back in 20 minutes cool?" Leo asked turning to them.
"Sounds good to me, come on Spike!" Jaqueline said as she, and Spike went off with Donnie and April as they all split up for now.

To say this was the coolest thing Spike's ever done would be an understatement, being a snake ninja dragon was already something else, but being able to go through space is a next level of coolness!
Psiona went with Raph and Casey to check out the weapon's that were being sold.
"Dude, check out all these cool weapons.." Casey said in awe as they saw tons of space weapons from one robot.
"Greetings, feel free to browse, but do not touch anything." The robot warned as Psiona looked at all of them.
"Interesting.. how much for one of these?" Psiona asked looking at the robot.
"They minimum price for one of these is around 500-1000, if you don't have any.." The robot said before Psiona stopped him.
"I'll take it all." Psiona said holding out a ton of money to pay for the weapons.
"This is a first, very well, your weapons will be secured in a moment." The robot said as it started putting the weapons away with Psiona having a smug on her face.

"Psiona you are the best!" Raph said in awe as she was putting all the new weapons she just bought in a secure case.
"I've gotta have some souvenirs when i get back to Earth right?" Psiona asked as she secured the case.
"Hey, if we're gonna save our home, we gotta have a ton of weapons!" Casey said as Psiona put the case on her back.
"I'm gonna check on my son, don't do anything foolish you two!" Psiona said as she flew off to catch up with Spike.

Spike, Jaqueline, Donnie and April went over to another shop that sold cool looking crystals.
"Wow, look at all of this! I kinda want one of everything." April said amazed as they looked at the items.
"It's so amazing.." Jaqueline said in awe as Donnie grabbed a device which created a clone of him.
"Check me out April, two for the price of one." Donnie joked which made the three of them role their eyes.
"Please, one simp is already enough." Spike mocked as April saw another item.
"What is this? Some kind of space crystal?" April asked as the thing switched shapes.
"It's a Tallik Gem from the Vox system. It changes shape and color based on emotion." The shop owner said as they looked at it in awe.
"How much?" Jaqueline asked turning to her.
"It's on a discount for 900Zemulaks." The owner replied which shocked them at the price.
"Maybe my mom has enough for it?" Spike suggested before she suddenly landed behind them.

"Enough for what son?" Psiona asked curious as they turned to her.
"Oh hey mom, we we're just looking at this.. Tallik Gem, cool isn't it?" Spike asked as she looked at the crystal changing colors.
"She said it was 900, i know that sounds like a bit much but..." Jaqueline asked before she shushed him.
"I'll take 2, believe me, i have far more then enough to pay for it." Psiona said turning to the owner.
"Very well, good choice ma'am." The alien said going to get 2 of them.
"Hey Psiona, what's in that case behind you?" Donnie asked seeing the secure case on her.
"Oh this? I just purchased some cool weapons for later, gonna be fun showing it off to the other dragons back home." Psiona said proudly which made them surprised.
"Well, this day just keeps getting cooler!" Spike said in complete amazement of this place.

They all went through the space port again and met up with Raph and Casey who had just found them again.
"So where do you think Leo and Mikey are?" Jaqueline asked curious.
"If your asking me, they probably got into trouble." Raph replied crossing his arms. Raph's guess was proven right when they heard screaming and saw Leo and Mikey running from someone.
"You know them too well Raph." Spike said shaking his head annoyed as they met up with them.
"What did you two do?" Psiona asked upset with them.
"I may have upset a space chef..." Mikey said nervously right before she caught a ton of knives with her telekinesis, and they saw a monsterous looking space chef chasing them.
"You just can't resist eating whatever you see can you?!" Jaqueline asked annoyed as they started to run away from them.

"At least it's just a space chef right?" Raph asked in fear as some drones were firing lasers at them.
"Um.. i wouldn't say that..." Leo said nervously right before some giant furry legs stomped between them and they saw a giant creature towering above them.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Psiona shouted with anger as they started running away from the crazy chef and giant creature who Leo got upset for some reason.

We cut to a shot of a strange but menacing looking bug alien as he's holding out a container of sorts in front of two smaller aliens. Spike and the others screamed as they ran through the crowd to escape the alien.
"This way!" April shouted as they ran through the crowd, but they accidentally ran into the space bug which shocked all the aliens seeing them as they knew who this creature was.
"Oh.. sorry about that sir.. let me help you.." Leo offered right before the bug slashed at him and threw him into Mikey.
"Do not touch me! Sub creature!" The alien shouted as two guards were behind them as the crowd ran away behind them.
"Do you fleshlings know who i am?" He asked menacingly which made the other's shake their heads having no idea who he was.
"I am Lord Vrinagath Dregg, ruler of planet Sectiod, Lord of all insect life in the universe! And bringer of your Deaths!" Dregg said menacingly which surprised them at this introduction.
"Um hang on a second, i'm just getting a phone call from some called i don't give a flying.." Raph shouted before Spike whacked him down with his snake tail.
"Raph, don't anger him any further!" Spike hissed looking at him while Psiona snarled at him.
"There's only one person called the Bringer of Death you monster!" Psiona shouted turning her arm into a cannon and aiming it at him.

"If it isn't Psiona! My apologies, i didn't know a strong warrior like you spent time with such low lifes!" Dregg mocked which made her even more mad.
"Back off my mother freak!" Spike shouted as he took out his plasma whip and hit him across the body with it, this caused the container he was holding to fall onto the ground and shatter into dust.
"My Maraklovan Star Spice! That was worth 5 million Zemulaks! You.. your primitive bafoons! Vreen! Battle mode!" Dregg ordered the guards which made them move their heads into the bodies and show off a new menacing look to them.
"Ugh, i've dealt with enough bugs back on Earth, and Equestria." Spike told himself annoyed at this.
"This is just great!" Jaqueline said sarcastically as they drew out sharp claws.
"Attack!!" Dregg ordered which made the robots charge at them.

"Enough of this.." Psiona said before she took a deep breath, before a powerful psychic blast blew past her which knocked the Vreen away, Psiona opened her eyes again and they glowed pure white again and she began to fly in the air as the wind flew around her like a cyclone.
"You should know not to mess with me or my friends Dregg." Psiona said in an ominous voice once again as she held out her hands and the two Vreen was brought into the air.
"Mom! What are you?" Spike asked right before she crushed her palm which made the bugs be crushed from the inside out and they were defeated instantly which shocked Dregg greatly.
"That.. that's impossible! No one should be able to defeat my Vreen!" Dregg said with anger as she landed on the ground and held out her hand.
"No one except me, you freak!" Psiona shouted as she threw her arm forward, this caused a powerful shockwave to come from her and Dregg screamed as he was sent flying into another building which made some people scream seeing him.

Psiona took heavy breaths and powered down after using that move.
"Mom, are you okay?" Spike asked worried for her.
"Don't worry, i'm fine, we need to move! Now!" Psiona shouted dragging her with him back to the ship.
"She's right, come on move!" Leo shouted as they ran away too while Dregg recovered and look furious with them.
"You cannot escape Lord Dregg!" Dregg said with fury as he started to chase after them again.

"Fugitoid! Start the ship, start the ship!" Leo shouted as they ran onto the ship and he saw Dregg chasing them.
"Aw great! I can't believe you ticked off half of the intelligent races in the universe! In less then 20 minutes!!" Honeycutt shouted running inside the ship and quickly made it begin to take off.
"Get us out of here, go go go!!" Jaqueline shouted as the ship took off, but Dregg wasn't finished yet.
"Come to me Hornetron!" Dregg shouted looking into the sky, this caused a huge bug looking ship to come flying down to him which he got inside.
"Now to have some fun!" Dregg said menacingly as he took off after them through space.

"He's following us!" April said worried as they could see him on the map.
"We need to get out of here, step on it!" Leo shouted to Honeycutt.
"We need a few Nextons to make the next Tachyonic jump!" Honeycutt shouted as Dregg kept shooting at them, Dregg pressed on a button of sorts and that made the ship somehow produce eggs to spawn more enemy's to chase them.
"Ugh, i think it just layed some eggs!" Raph said in disgust seeing this.
"Eggs? Okay now things just got really weird!" Donnie said getting more scarred of this.

The eggs hatched finally and they spawned into more Vreen creatures which started chasing after the ship.
"Don't you got lasers? Or plasma rockets? Or something destructive?!" Casey shouted to Honeycutt who tried getting something up. The Vreen crawled onto the ship and were about to break in.
"Well we do have, minor defenses against space pirates." Honeycutt replied like it was casual.
"I think i found them! Hold on!" Spike shouted as he and Mikey took out some weapons that rose on the roof of the ship, and it fired lasers at some of the aliens.
"Yeah!" Mikey shouted in victory right before even more came onto the glass window.
"Leonardo, press the button on your right!" Honeycutt instructed, Leo did so and that caused the Vreen to be shocked from a defense system which knocked them all down.

But one of the Vreen landed on the side of the ship and blew a hole into the ship which set off the alarm.
"It's inside!" Leo shouted with fear as the thing opened up the hatch and roared at them. Spike hissed at the monster and slashed his snake hands at the creature with rage.
"Get off our ship!!" Spike screamed before he shot a fire blast at it which roasted it badly.
"Casey Jones shoots..." Casey shouted throwing a photon puck right into the monster's mouth which made it's head explode finally knocking it down.
"He scores!" Casey shouted in victory.
"Brilliant! Everyone, ready for Tachyon warp!" Honeycutt shouted loading himself into she ship. The ship flew just a bit farther before it finally teleported away, leaving Dregg left behind finally which made him furious.
"I swear by the Elder Vraal, i will hunt these creatures down and eradicate them slowly, feeding them to my children, piece by piece by piece!!" Dregg shouted with fury.

The ship had finally finished it's warp and it appeared near another planet that looked frozen over while they all cheered in victory.
"Yes! We made it!" Leo shouted in victory of this escape.
"Take that Dregg!" Psiona shouted making a victory roar while Spike and Jaqueline hugged eachother.
"That was close, but was also awesome!" Spike said in joy still amazed from this.
"Glad that's over.." Jaqueline said in huge relief, but Honeycutt seemed to have noticed something and looked afraid.

"Um.. i hate to be the bearer of bad news.. but.." Honeycutt said as the camera turns to the front of the ship and they all see they came right to where the Triceritons were at right now.
"You've gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed at this as they all surrounded them.
"Aw space apples..." Mikey said in fear as they now had a new problem to deal with..

66: The Moons of Thalos 3

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We open to another shot within space as we see what looks like a mine field around the area, 3 strange ships materialize into the air and begin flying towards the Triceriton ship for an attack. The commander begins to fire at the ship along with the other two and they start to do some damage, they fly right above the central room and the ship get's a good scan of them.
"You sluggish fools! Stay alert! The Salamandrians slip past you like Slitherfish!" Mozar ordered to the other soldiers.
"Captain Mozar sir, scanners are picking up an incoming ship." A Scanner reported as they pull up footage of the Fugitoid's ship flying into the sector.
"I know that vessel, it's the Fugitoid ship! Squadron three, blast them out of the sky!" Mozar ordered to the other soldiers. The leader of the squadron nodded in response and he and the ships started firing on Spike and the other's.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed as the alarm went of.
"Those ships! They're Triceritons!" Leo said worried as the place was shaking around.
"No kidding, and there's like a gajilion of them!" Raph said annoyed while Donnie was worried.
"Professor! What do we do?!" Donnie asked worried before Psiona slapped him across the face.
"Get ahold of yourself! This is not the time to panic!" Psiona shouted slapping him multiple times with each word.
"Everyone hold on! We're taking evasive action!" Honeycutt warned as the ship was flying around even faster now.
"Here we go!!" Jaqueline screamed as the ship was dodging more laser's from them.

"What are you waiting for Gunner Zork? Blast the Fugitoid to pieces!" Mozar ordered once more and Zork complied.
"I think we're almost out of this!" April said hopefully, but Zork began to fire at the ship shot at a good spot of the ship and hit it in the back of it and it started to go spiraling down to the ship.
"Or not!" Casey shouted with fear as they were circling around from the damage.
"Or i recommend we take crashing into the lethal, crushing gravity of that gas giant. Philosophically" Honeycutt suggested as the glass was cracking.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" Donnie shouted in fear at that remark.
" IT MEANS WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" Honeycutt screamed in fear as all of them screamed with terror as they started to fall into the icy looking planet.

The ship was spiraling out of control and everyone was flying around the ship because of it.
"Hold on son!" Psiona screamed as she grabbed him in the air and held him close with Jaqueline.
"We're gonna be okay! I know it!" Jaqueline shouted as all of them continued to scream with fear, Raph screamed as he went flying onto the cracked screen.
"I hate space! I hate it!! I REALLY DO!!" Raph screamed even more, the ship continued to fall through orbit past the Salamandrians that were still fighting and headed right to them.
"Collision course red!" The captain ordered as the ship hit one of their own and began to fall with them.
"We're going down! Brace yourself Lieutenant!" The commander shouted as they continued to fall into the planet.

The ship fell through the Planet's atmosphere and they seemingly crashed on an icy world that was frozen over entirely. Everyone groans with pain as they come out of the ship to get they're bearings.
"Let's never do that again.." Spike said weakly rubbing his head in pain.
"Agreed.." Psiona replied trying to look around the place.
"Where are we guys?" Raph asked worried as they looked around the planet or moon they were on.
"Whoa! Temperatures on this moon are less then negative 180 degrees Celsius!" Donnie said worried as all of them shivered.
"Great.. a cold blooded reptile on a planet like this.." Spike said holding himself close.
"Don't worry Spike, we're gonna be fine i promise.." Jaqueline assured holding him close.

"Are Spike and the other's gonna freeze?" April asked worried looking at Honeycutt.
"No, they're suits permeate a warm invisible force field, like a secondary skin. Cozy right?" Honeycutt asked looking at Mikey.
"Uh, i'm pretty sure my shell froze to my butt?" Mikey asked not feeling something there.

They all went to inspect the damage that was made, and they saw a large hole in the ship meaning they're in deep trouble.
"What's it looking like Fugitoid?" Leo asked worried looking at the damage with him.
"If i had to categorize our situation, i would fall between probably doomed, and unequivocally doomed." Honeycutt said with worry.
"Wait, so no power? We won't be able to charge our suits!" Raph said with fear hearing that news.
"And worse, we only got a couple hours of oxygen and heat left." Donnie added looking at his timer.
"You don't.. have to make this worse Donnie.. Dragons are already cold blooded..." Spike said shivering to himself.

April heard a small little squeal and saw a strange looking alien landing on her helmet.
"Wow, aren't you a strange little one? There's life on this planet guys!" April informed which caught they're attention.
"Nonsense, this moon is made of methane ice. No life can survive here, beep!" Honeycutt beeped which made Donnie take out his scanner.
"Now let's see..." Donnie told himself as he went to scan the area and found something.
"Yes! Irrilium metal! Lot's of it! And it's about 10 klicks away, ooh and it looks refined too!" Donnie explained which gave them all hope.
"Excellent work Donatello! We could use that metal to patch up the ship!" Honeycutt suggested as someone was watching over them from far away.
"Good, let's find that metal quickly, i don't want my son to freeze to death, i don't want anyone to freeze." Psiona said seriously getting ready to move.

Far far away from the ship, the Salamandrians who crashed down to the planet as well were looking over them.
"There they are! The ones who rammed our vessel!" The commander said with anger looking down at them.
"Yes, and they're heading towards the Irrilium." The female one said making a strange roar.
"We must capture it before they do!" The commander ordered as she went up to him.
"Let us destroy the interlopers and take the Irrilium for ourselves. They destroyed our chance of glorious battle!" She said clutching her fist.
"Still when i gaze upon them, i see their courage. Other's would have despaired, but they go on as comrades. I can respect them." The commander said turning to her.
"No! You know that is not the Salamandrian way Commander! They must be destroyed!" She said with rage not wanting to hear this.

Spike and the other's continued on through the harsh blizzard that was happening, and Spike and Psiona's senses went off warning them of something.
"Mom, did you feel that too?" Spike asked worried looking up at her.
"I did too, be on your guard son, they may not be friendly." Psiona warned as she turned her metal arm into a sword again as they came upon the place where they detected the Irrilium.
"There, the Irrilium is somewhere on that peak!" Donnie announced as they were right at the foot of the place.
"How are we gonna get up there?" Jaqueline asked curiously trying to find a way up the long cliff.
"Everyone, my sensors are telling me we're about to be visited by.." Honeycutt said right before the Salamandrians from before emerged from the top and ran down to them with rage.

"Whoa! What the heck?!" Casey asked shocked as they saw what they looked like.
"Neutralizers!" Leo said in realization as they looked similar to him.
"No, they're Salamandrians!" Psiona corrected growling with anger.
"You downed our ship, dishonored us, and now you will fight us!" The woman said with anger drawing her blade.
"Wait, wait wait wait! We are all honorable beings here! We did not intend to damage your ship. Please, we can help one another in this desperate plight." Honeycutt offered which made them look at eachother.
"It is true we are all trapped, Cooperation is survival here. But you are.. outworlders.." The commander said making another growl.

"Everyone is an outworlder, on a world that is not they're own." Honeycutt pointed out as Raph went up to the female.
"Listen sister! We don't want to fight you! Your clearly out numbered here!" Raph mocked looking at her.
"Number's mean nothing, i do not fear you or your friends, not even the Bringer of Death." She said looking at Psiona who she recognized from legend.
"I respect that, a real warrior shows no fear." Psiona said with a smile.
"Not bad." Spike said impressed crossing his snake arms again.
"Look we're all cool here! Look, put her there bro." Leo offered putting out his hand which offended them.

"We offer your peace, and yet you extend the hand of combat?!" The commander asked with rage which shocked them.
"Wait what?!" Jaqueline asked shocked hearing this.
"Aw yes i should have warned you, for them, the hand extending gesture means.." Honeycutt explained before the commander shouted something.
"Attack!!" The commander ordered which made the two of them attack them all.

Spike took out his plasma sword again and began slicing down each blast easily.
"I did not want to fight! This is all a misunderstanding!" Spike shouted slithering around the place at fast speeds. The woman jumped in the air and clashed with Spike's blade, and they held eachother back.
"Those who dishonor us shall be destroyed!" She shouted with rage as she tried to sweep his tail, but Spike quickly backflipped away and kept slashing at her sword.
"That's some imagination sweetheart!" Raph shouted with rage joining in with Spike while he hissed at her like a snake again.
"We didn't dishonor you! We did not mean to!!" Spike shouted as they tried to stop her. Psiona held up her energy shield and blocked the commander's blasts.

"I've always respected your kinds honor, but simple gestures like this is stupid! You jump to conclusions too fast!" Psiona shouted as she slashed her arm blade at him.
"And i've heard about what you've done Bringer of Death, i'm surprised you haven't destroyed the Triceritons for what they've done, i thought you had honor!" The commander shouted as they clashed with eachother's swords. Jaqueline made a battle cry and joined in the fight and twirled her hammer around.
"There's more to honor then just being attackers!" Jaqueline shouted as she hit him in the chest and sent him flying back a good distance.
"Well, i suppose i'll have to intervene." Honeycutt said disappointed right before April was slammed into him." Oh dear!" Honeycutt shouted in shock trying to get back up.

"You okay April?" Raph asked helping her up. The warrior interrupted them and did a high jump over to the ledge and that angered Raph even more.
"That's it, your going down!" Raph shouted with rage as he jumped in the air to her.
"Bring it on!!" Spike screamed as he flipped into the air to her to, Spike and Raph slammed they're weapons on the ground and began clashing with her once again. Raph tried to deliver a strong punch to her, but bent her back right under the punch and dodged it before using some shoulder armor to deliver a strong hit to him sending him back.
"Raph!" Spike shouted with worry as he and her now clashed swords again.

"Ugh.. never been hit like that before.." Raph said shocked as Donnie tried to stop her, but she kneed him in the stomach and he got a good look at her.
"It's kinda.. nice.." Raph said impressed as she glared at him which shocked him again. She made another roar and proceeded to attack him once again as Spike was slithering into battle to help.
Leo was in battle with the commander and was having a tough time holding him back.
"Discussion follows dishonor!" The commander shouted as he disarmed Leo and slammed him into the others, Spike and Psiona were the only ones still standing as Raph was thrown to the pile too.
"I am a pacifist. But even pacifists have to stand they're ground once in a while!" Honeycutt shouted as he took out some arm cannons and began to fire at them both.

The woman made another roar while dodging the blasts and threw a weapon at Honeycutt which he barely dodged and it hit one of the walls. The device beeped for a few seconds right before it exploded and sent a rubble tumbling down on all of them.
"Brace yourselves!!" Psiona shouted as she used her shield to protect them all as it landed on all of them. The Salamandrians were the only ones left as the rubble covered all of them up.
"Raagh! We must dig them out of the rubble and resume the battle. It is a dishonorable death." The commander ordered about to dig them out.
"No, let them freeze. We must hurry to the irrilium." She said refusing the current order, and they both ran off quickly.

It was a little bit of time after they left and they were all finally getting out of the rubble, Psiona punched her fist through the ice and clawed away the rubble on them.
"Ugh, i hate bombs." Psiona said annoyed climbing out of the rubble with the other's.
"Yeah.. it puts too much pressure on you.." Jaqueline said a little tired from all of this.
"Don't worry guys, only a minor inconvenience." Honeycutt assured helping the other's out as well.
"Ugh, minor? I think even the foot will give them trouble.." Spike said rubbing his head from the pain.
"We gotta keep going guys, there's not much heat left! Come on!" Leo ordered as they tried to catch up with all of them.

Everyone quickly made they're way through the ice peak trying to get the metal they need before they freeze.
"I've been thinking. Those Salamandrians need the Irrilium too." April suggested which made Honeycutt push them forward.
"Another reason to hurry people!" Honeycutt encouraged quickly walking ahead with them.
"Hey Casey, Spike, uh.. you think a turtle can like uh.. date a newt?" Raph asked nervously looking at them.
"Dude.. what?!" Casey asked right before he laughed extremely hard at that thought.
"Uh you know maybe these Salamandrians aren't so bad like.. the lizard girl is cool." Raph said in defense as Leo came up behind him.

"You really are low on oxygen Raph, what are you gonna do, ask that giant newt out on a date?" Leo asked sarcastically moving in front of him.
"Well i mean.. i don't know..." Raph said a little embarrassed by this.
"Hey, if i can date a Dream Beaver, i'm sure you can date a newt, she just needs.. convincing, that's if she's willing to listen." Spike said patting his back with a little smile.
"Thanks Spike, maybe i could.." Raph said hopefully still in awe of what he saw from her.

"Whoo! The Irrilium isn't to far ahead! And i was right, the metal's completely refined!" Donnie said in relief as they were being watched by the Salamandrians from above.
"So they survived. The robot stated our collision was an accident. Perhaps we need not be enemy's." The commander suggested again.
"Commander G. Throkka do not be foolish, they are clearly working with the Triceritons." The woman said once again.
"We do not know that, the Bringer of Death is with them, she is an infamous figure to them." Throkka countered making another roar.
"They fought you 7 against one, they are cowardly dishonorable fools!" She shouted again still not taking any of this.
"Come, we will reach the Irrilium far faster then they will." Throkka ordered as they started moving ahead once again.

"So what happens if the aliens make it to the Irrilium first?" Donnie asked worried as they turned another corner.
"I got the answer. We take em down, Goongala style!" Casey said confidently which shocked Raph a little.
"Whoa, hold up. Let's cut the Salamanders a break, they think we're the bad guys right? What if we could convince them to work with us, to find that metal stuff together?" Raph asked hopefully.
"I don't think they'd listen Raph, especially after Leo's offensive hand gesture." Jaqueline replied still not thinking it would work.
Guys come on, maybe there is hope, there has to be another way." Spike said standing next to Raph.
"We won't survive if we don't get the metal first, we'll try and convince them if we can." Psiona said seriously marching forward from the other's.

Spike and Raph looked at eachother and both agreed on the same idea.
"We gotta try this.." Raph said as they took out they're weapons.
"Come on.." Spike said as he coiled around Raph and he stabbed his weapons on the sides of the walls and climbed above them.
"It might be our only chance Spike." Raph said seriously as they climbed above the others as they continued on.

Psiona and the other's continued moving through the peak just until April noticed something.
"Guys, hole up, where's Raph and Spike?" April asked worried as they saw they weren't here.
"Oh no, i bet they went off to talk to Raph's girlfriend!" Leo said annoyed slapping his face.
"Love can do many things Leo, you should know that." Jaqueline pointed out as she knew of his weird relationship with Karai. Donnie gasped in shock as they were surrounded by creatures from before.
"I've got a bad feeling about this.. Yeah.. we're in trouble!" Leo said worried as they were surrounded by huge creatures that lived in the peak.
"Everyone run!" Psiona shouted as she barely avoided an ice blast which froze Donnie.
"Donnie, no!!" Mikey shouted in horror as he was frozen solid.

The Salamandrians continued moving through the peak and were almost at the top.
"Lieutenant Y' Gythgba, we are getting close to the Irrilium." Throkka explained making another roar.
"And now those creatures are surely frozen." Gythgba said right before Raph and Spike flipped in the air and landed down in front of them.
"Are you sure about that?" Spike asked smugly getting in a defense pose.
"Impressed right?" Raph asked hopefully at Gythgba.
"No, but i respect your tenacity you two." Gythgba said holding out an arm blaster.

"Wait, before you blast us, hold up, we could work together as a team, a unit!" Raph offered backing up a little.
"We didn't want to fight you back then, Leo didn't understand space gestures, we want to get off this planet just as much as you do." Spike added standing close to Raph while Throkka thought it over.
"Your bravery speaks of heroic hearts strangers." Throkka said a little impressed.
"But you are in our way." Gythgba said before she fired her a shot at them, but they saw she shot the ice right below them.
"Oh come on!" Spike said annoyed as the thing began to crack.
"That is not good teamwor.. ah!!" Raph screamed as they both went falling down from the cracked ice with them looking down.

"Interesting you chose to shoot the ice and not the strangers." Throkka said a little surprised at this.
"There is no significance to my... look!" Gythgba shouted as more of those creatures emerged from the ice and roared at them.
"Ice dragons!" Throkka said with fear as the creatures lunged at them.

Psiona and the other's were still fighting off the ice dragons quickly while Honeycutt thawed out Donnie.
"Who knew dragons were on different planets then just Equestria!" Psiona said impressed shooting another down.
"Guess dragons come in many forms, not just religion and legend huh?" Jaqueline asked barely avoiding another ice blast from them. Leo was trying to shoot down the dragons that kept emerging from the ice and they were starting to be overwhelmed.
Throkka and Gythgba tried to fight them off too, and were trying to hold them back, but Throkka was snuck up by one of the dragons and was frozen solid by it. Gythgba was trying to take another one down right before she saw Throkka was frozen too.
"G' Throkka!" Gythgba shouted with horror right before she slashed another dragon's head off, she tried to go up to save him but was knocked down by one of the dragons tails.

Raph and Spike had recovered from the fall finally and just got back to the cliff.
"Hold up, are those?!" Spike asked shocked as they saw the ice dragons roaring at her.
"Leave her alone!!" Raph shouted with rage as they jumped on the dragons head and smashed through them, Spike drew his plasma sword again and sliced another one down while Raph smashed through the rest of them and Gythgba looked impressed a little.
"Strangers." Gythgba said drawing out her arm blaster.
"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Raph begged right before she shot her blaster, but she didn't hit him, and instead shot one of the dragons that were behind him.
"Huh, thanks." Spike said gratefully turning to her.

"You both truly are nobol creatures." Gythgba said with a smile looking at Raph directly.
"My name's uh.. Raphael, this is Spike." Raph introduced having a nervous look on her.
"I am called Y' Gythgba." Gythgba replied looking at him directly.
"Nice to meet you." Spike said with a smile as he knew where this was going, but decided to play along with it.
"I got an idea, back on Earth there was this painting of this beautiful women in art and stuff? So how about we call you.. Mona Lisa?" Raph suggested which gave Spike a little smug.
"As you please Raphael someday, our noses will meat in the flesh.." Mona said with a smile putting they're tail behind him and touching both his
" Ooh la la Raph." Spike teased as Mona pulled away from him and he was super embarrassed.
"My nose.. will be ready.." Raph said embarrassed blushing heavily.
"Ya did good buddy." Spike said patting his back before they went to help Throkka.

"So uh.. what are we gonna do about your pal?" Raph asked worried looking at him.
"Perhaps if i use a low output.." Mona said as she activated a device to scan something.
"Yes, i believe he will be out in no time at all." Mona assured looking at him.
"Well that's a relief to know.." Spike said still a little nervous about what she meant earlier.

Psiona and the other's were still fighting the other ice dragons while Honeycutt still was thawing out Donnie.
"How's it going Fugitoid?!" Leo asked worried shooting down more of the dragons while Psiona breathed fire on them all.
"Donatello if almost fully thawed out, although i think his face seems to have melted as well." Honeycutt reported as Donnie was starting to move his face a little.
"Guys, brace yourselves!" Jaqueline shouted as she and the other's were surrounded by even more of them. But blaster's suddenly went off and shot all of them down, they looked above them and saw Throkka and Mona with Raph and Spike who had allied themselves together.
"Leave them alone!!" Spike hissed drawing his plasma blade and they charged at the dragons.

"Whoa! Raph and Spike are with the bad guys?!" Mikey asked worried pointing at them.
"No, i don't sense bad intentions, they may have actually convinced them!" Psiona said surprised before she punched another dragon away from her without even looking. Spike and Mona both used they're blades to slash down another dragon while Raph crushed another one of them.
"We're friends now Mikey!" Raph shouted as they fought alongside the other's.
"Maybe a little more then that for Raph.." Spike said shooting down more with Jaqueline.
"What is that supposed to mean Spike?" Jaqueline asked a little worried before she smashed another with her hammer.
"It's a long story.." Spike said shaking his head as this was tough to explain.

Leo and Throkka stood by eachother's sides and were taking the dragons down together now.
"I am Commander G' Throkka!" Throkka offered shooting more of them down.
"That name's cool and all, but i've got something even better, how about.. Laser Lizard!" Mikey announced which made the two of them glare at him.
"No no G.I Newt.. Nah.. oh wait.. Sal Commander!" Mikey announced which made them look at eachother.

Raph, Mona and Spike finished the last one by slashing through it's head and crushing it's head, finally finishing them off.
"Finally.." Spike said in relief breathing heavily from the battle.
"Is that all of them?" April asked hopefully looking at the remains of them.
"I think so.." Psiona replied turning her arm back to normal.
"I won't offer my hand, but i will offer my friendship." Leo said respectfully, Throkka put his fist together and Leo had to copy a gesture of peace that meant they were allies now.
"That's a relief to know, come on guys, we're not to far now.." Spike said slithering ahead with them.

They all continued moving closer to the source and we're just on top of it.
"Okay closer, closer... there, that satellite! It's made of Irrilium!" Donnie said in relief as he and the turtles went down to it before Honeycutt recognized it.
"That's no satellite! It's a Triceriton space min!" Honeycutt said worried which freaked all of them out.
"If we could deactivate it, we could use it to fix our ship right?" Leo asked hopefully as they slid down to them.
"Hmm.. let me see.." Honeycutt said as he did a scan of the thing to find it's trigger points.

"The Irrilium is perfect, it even contains a Dark Matter regulator." Honeycutt said getting the readings of it.
"We gotta hurry, i'm getting short on power and... oh nol.." April said with fear as they were surrounded by even more of the ice dragons.
"There are too many to fight!" Honeycutt said worried as they were all surrounded once again.
"I got a plan, come on!" Raph said with anger.

We all cut to them screaming with fear and running with the Mine across the peak while running from the dragons.
"Look out guys!!" Spike screamed as he barely avoided another ice blast, but this caused Honeycutt to slip up and they began to tumble down an icy slide with the bomb sliding with them.
"Don't let it go off!" Psiona shouted as she tried avoiding the sharp icicles.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he and Jaqueline were slashing through more of them.
"Come on, we're almost there!!" Jaqueline shouted as they reached the end of the slide and ran off even faster.
"The Ships just up ahead, hurry!" Donnie shouted running away from the ice dragons who were trying to freeze him again.

"Back off my son!!" Psiona shouted with rage as she shot more of them down with rage. Spike slithered as fast as he could while carrying the bomb with Raph, Mona and Throkka, but the dragons were gaining up on them.
"Casey, give me all your photon pucks!" Donnie instructed as he got an idea, Casey held out all his pucks and gave it to Donnie who started planting them on the ground.
"Great idea dude!" Casey shouted as he twirled his sticks around and slammed against they're heads while Jaqueline smashed at them.
"Now run you moron!" Donnie shouted as he activated the bombs.
"Brace yourselves!!" Jaqueline shouted as the pucks went off and made a huge explosion together. This caused the entire cliffside to collapse beneath them and all the ice dragons went tumbling down into a hole.

"We're almost there, come on!" Honeycutt shouted as the ship was in the distance.
"We may be.. too late..." Leo said weakly as his power was going out.
"Leo, oh no!" April said worried as she had to help him now.
"Just a little further!" Psiona said trying to move to the ship, April put Leo and Mikey down as they're suits were running out of power.

Honeycutt used a laser to cut through the mine and looked inside of it.
"Excellent, the Dark Matter regulator!" Honeycutt said in relief as he saw it inside there.
"Come on, let's get it out!" Psiona said trying to disarm it quickly.
"Oh no.. this is it.. the big freeze! We won't make it through this red! We're not mutants!" Casey said with fear as his timer was running out.
"Warm blooded or not, we're in trouble professor!" April said worried trying to make him hurry.

"Please don't pressure us!" Honeycutt said as they managed to cut it out right as Throkka fainted from temperature.
"Throkka!" Mona shouted with horror as she tried to help him.
"Oh no.. Spike.." Jaqueline said weakly as her power was going down too.
"No! Jaqueline!" Spike shouted with fear as Psiona was trying to install it in the ship.
"Come on, come on.." Psiona said to herself as she and Honeycutt tried installing it. Donnie's timer finally went out and he groaned in pain as he started to faint too as well as April and Casey. Spike was breathing heavily as his timer was going out too as well as Raph's.

"Raphael, Spike!" Mona said worried as they were leaning against the old mine.
"If this is it.. i'm glad i was able to help you out.." Spike said weakly about to pas out.
"Mona.. i wish i could tell you.. how i feel.." Raph said shivering to himself.
"Raphael, believe me.. i.. know.. you... both showed me it.." Mona said weakly as she began to pass out too.
"Jaqueline.." Spike said sadly right before he passed out too finally running out of time..

Spike and Raph groaned with pain as they opened they're eyes, and they could see Mona and Jaqueline looking above them.
"Raphael, Spike, please wake up." Mona begged as they we're finally waking up again.
"Mona?" Raph asked in relief before he gave her a hug.
"Jaqueline!" Spike said in relief as well as he hugged her too.
"Spike!" Jaqueline said holding him close not wanting to let go.

"Ugh.. what happened?" Mikey asked weakly as he finally woke up with Throkka.
"You guys okay?" April asked worried as Throkka looked around the ship.
"Hopefully one day, we can repay your kindness." Throkka said gratefully looking at all them.
"Yes, one day.." Mona said with a smile as she grabbed Raph's hand and he smiled nervously before she looked at Spike.
"Spike, you fought with honor on that moon, you showed courage alongside Raph, i hope that you and i can fight again one day together, as brother and sister." Mona offered holding out her fist like how Throkka did which made Spike sigh in relief.
"Absolutely, i look forward to it Mona." Spike said as he did the hand gesture with her.

Honeycutt and Psiona walked through the doors to announce something.
"Alright guys, the ships are repaired, and they're ready to go." Psiona reported smiling at them.
"And not to be rude, but we have Triceritons to catch up with." Honeycutt added walking through Raph and Mona.
"Mona look, what i'm trying to say is.. uh.." Raph said nervously before she shushed him.
"Let show you Raphael, in my own language.." Mona said sweetly as she brought him close to her and kissed him off screen while Spike and April laughed at this.

"Well, that's another couple to my shipping list.." Spike said pulling out a small piece of paper he had.
"Shipping list?" Jaqueline asked curious looking at it.
"Yeah check it out." Spike said with a smug as the list had a few options of the questionable, believable, and real couples on the list, and now Raph and Mona were on it, while people like Leo and Karai were in the questionable part, and Donatello, April and Casey, were in the "Cringe" line of it.
"Welp, looks like me you, Raph and Mona are the only good couples here huh?" Jaqueline asked teasingly.
"Absolutely." Spike replied as they kissed eachother too which made them look away too.

Mona and Throkka had finished up with their business with Spike and the others' and they began to leave on the ship, Mona gave Raph and Spike one more look before she took off through the stars.
"Goodbye Mona Lisa.." Raph said sadly looking through the void.
"It's okay Raph, you'll see her again, she's a good sister, and i'm happy to call her that." Spike said with a smile looking through the stars.
"She's an honorable warrior son, they both are, just like you." Psiona assured giving him another hug with Jaqueline.
"I hope so guys.." Raph said hopefully a little unsure still.
"Triceritons are like millions of Astro miles up ahead. But with a little luck, we can catch up." Donnie said hopefully as the ship began to power up.
"Let's go guys!" Spike said seriously as they took off through the cosmos once again..

67: The Outlaw Armaggon!

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We open to a shot where Lord Dregg was on the moons Spike and the Turtles were previously at, he had been tracking their movements and had called someone to hunt them down. Something enters the moon and we see a strange shark like alien wearing tough armor and looked ferocious and turns to Dregg.
"Armaggon. It's been a long time." Dregg said crossing his arms.
"You got a job for me Dregg?" Armaggon asked curiously waiting for his bounty.

"4 humanoid turtles, 1 snake dragon, a anthro beaver, mutanttarens, and the Bringer of Death herself. They have managed to elude me, so i am calling upon your special talents." Dregg explained looking at the cyborg shark.
"Oh i got talents alright, you want em dead or alive?" Armaggon asked smugly.
"Bring me the turtles shells, you can eat the pink skinned Terrans for all i care, and i'm sure the Bringer of Death will be looking for a fight with you if you try." Dregg instructed again.
"Mmm, haven't had primate in a long time, and this Bringer of Death better put up a fight." Armaggon said with an evil grin.
"Make sure you deliver Armaggon. " Dregg ordered about to head back to his ship.
"With pleasure." Armaggon said as he took off in his self made suit and took off through to space with Dregg laughing evilly seeing him leave.

Spike and the other's were still traveling through space trying to find the Triceritons to save the Earth, Raph, Leo and Jaqueline were looking over a computer trying to find a sector to go to.
"Any ideas where to go guys?" Jaqueline asked curiously trying to find out where to go next.
"Hmm, this quadrant, scan this one." Leo instructed to Raph's side looking at a specific spot.
"Why do they get to mess around? They should be helping us find the Triceritons." Raph said annoyed as April and Spike were sitting down next to eachother while Honeycutt had 6 strange orbs in the air.
"He's helping test out Spike and April's psychic powers. He's training them." Leo explained pressing on the scanner some more.
"He's gotta learn somehow, it could be helpful for us all." Jaqueline said hopefully continuing to do her work.

The 6 spheres floating around them went right in front of them after being mixed around.
"Alright you two, in which one of these sphere's is April's Tessen, and which one also has that assortment of gems for a treat?" Honeycutt asked looking at them.
"Okay.. let's do this.." Spike told himself as he and April took deep breath's and focused they're minds. They focused they're powers and looked through each one of the sphere's to find them, and Spike found the gems in the center one, while April found her Tessen in the one on the left which made them open they're eyes.
"That one!" April said confidently pointing at the one she saw the Tessen in.
"And this one." Spike said pointing his snake hand at the center.

"Excellent work you two!" Honeycutt complimented as the spheres vanished and the items landed on their hands.
"Sweet!" Spike said in delight as he had the gems for a treat.
"Great work son, your getting much better." Psiona said proudly giving him another hug.
"Fantastic session you two! Your psychic ability's are both marvel's waiting to be unlocked, Spike's are a little stronger, but i'm sure you'll both be at equal strength when you can use them fully!" Honeycutt said positively.
"Thanks Fugitoid, despite me not using them much because of my risk of going violent, i still look forward to what i can do with it." Spike said with a smile looking proud as well.

"Thanks Honeycutt, how did you learn so much about the human brain?" April asked curiously with the other's wanting to know too.
"Since it's the only part of my original body left i have an extensive research on brain matter. Neurophysiology." Honeycutt explained making another beep.
"You never fully explained how you became a cyborg dude." Casey asked wanting to know.
"Yeah, could you tell us please?" Psiona asked hopefully as Jaqueline and the other's joined in to hear this too.
"Then allow me to enlighten you. I am from D' Hoonib. A planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths in the universe." Honeycutt explained as we see a memory of his origin.

"I was working on a new form of psionic technology, when our friends the Triceritons came looking for me. The Triceritons attacked because i refused to build them weapons, they were furious." Honeycutt explained as the Triceritons invade his home and destroy it, and Honeycutt get's badly injured to the point of death from them, after the Triceritons left, a familiar robot comes up to his old body.
"My robot assistant placed my brain placed it inside it's robot body, it saved my life. Man merged with machine, and i was reborn. When the Triceritons found out i was alive, they deemed me a criminal. A Fugitive Android." Honeycutt concluded which surprised them all on his sad story.
"That's how you got the name Fugitoid, interesting to know.." Psiona said rubbing her claw with interest from hearing this.
"I'm really sorry that happened, it must've been rough.." Jaqueline said sadly looking at him too.

"It's okay Jaqueline, but i do have fears of losing my humanness, i don't wanna be thought of as just a machine.." Honeycutt said with regret looking at his robot hands.
"Neither do i professor, i almost lost myself completely when Shredder killed Splinter.. i.. i just felt so furious.. and once i killed him.. i.. i fear if i'll lose myself again.. i'll kill all of you too.." Spike said with fear and sadness looking at his snake body again.
"It's okay Spike, your still you, we won't let you lose yourself, i promise.." Jaqueline assured holding him close.
"Thanks.. but i.. i still don't know for sure.." Spike said worried on when he may lose himself again.

But they're moment together was stopped when a loud crash was heard.
"What was that?!" Psiona asked shocked quickly getting up and running to her station. Honeycutt scanned the ship to get a reading.
"We are under attack!" Honeycutt explained typing on the monitor.
"You needed a computer to tell you that?" Donnie asked sarcastically as Donnie went to his station.
"Donnie, you see anything?" Leo asked hopefully turning to him.
"I can't pinpoint it, but something's out there.." Donnie said worried as the ship of Armaggon flies to their own and begins firing on them again.

Everyone got the monitor up and they could see Armaggon on the screen.
"What is it?" April asked worried as Jaqueline tried analyzing it.
"Is that a.. a.. space shark?" Raph asked shocked seeing this.
"A space shark?! Wicked! That's like more metal then Vikings on motorcycle's bro!" Casey shouted right before the ship shook violently again as Armaggon kept attacking them even more. They looked at the camera and saw Armaggon take it out making it go to static which made Psiona growl with rage.
"We're gonna need a bigger ship.." Raph said worried on the damage that was being made.
"Captain Leo what are your orders?.. um.. Leo?" Mikey asked worried as he wasn't here anymore.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed as Psiona ran out of the ship herself.

Leo jumped out of the back of the ship with his cable attached to his suit while Psiona flew out as well with her wings.
"Leo be careful, this guy's dangerous!" Psiona warned as she tried looking around for him.
"You think i didn't know that? Let's get em!" Leo shouted as Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and they began firing on him. The flying shark roared at them and flying around them at fast speeds. Psiona took a deep breath and readied her senses to detect him, she could feel something moving around them quickly until it came behind them both.
"Now!!" Psiona shouted as she quickly turned around and delivered a strong punch to the metal shark's jaw's.

Everyone scanned through the outlaw scanner and got his identity.
"Armaggon, bounty hunter, space assassin. Wanted in 87 star systems. Wow! I bet we have Lord Dregg to thank for this." Donnie said sarcastically not happy about this at all.
"Probably a good reason why he hasn't been caught yet." Spike said annoyed slithering around the room.
"Yes, he is too dangerous, Leonardo, Psiona, we should definitely avoid confronting this creature." Honeycutt advised as Leo was riding on her back while she flew through the cosmos at fast speeds.

"It's too late for that!" Leo shouted as Armaggon tried to snap it's jaw's at them, but Psiona saw it coming and shot another blast at him when it was open which knocked him down a little.
"Another good reason to get rid of this guy, but that's for later. Come on!" Psiona shouted as she flew her way back to the ship as it was beginning to take off again. Psiona used the rocket accel to boost up to it even faster and they landed inside just as Spike and Jaqueline got there.
"Mom, you okay?" Spike asked worried helping her up.
"I'm fine son, we need to move now!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers to hold him back.

"I've located a derelict space station several astro miles away. It should provide cover from Armaggon." Honeycutt said confidently as they saw an old ship in the distance.
"Sounds good, just get us there now!" Jaqueline shouted as she shot Armaggon again which knocked him back again right before the doors closed on him finally which made them sigh in relief. Armaggon took out some blaster's attached to it's sides and began firing on them as they approached the station.
"Look at that hunk of junk!" Casey said amazed as they were getting closer to it.

"How are we gonna get inside when the hanger doors are closed?" Donnie asked worried turning to Honeycutt.
"I've hacked into their system. Accessing hanger door, opening..." Honeycutt said as they were getting even closer.
"Open them now professor!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as they did not want to crash. Honeycutt beeped a few more times before he finally hacked into it and managed to open the hanger doors for them to pass through them.
"Now shut the doors professor!" Raph shouted quickly as the hanger's closed behind them and they cheered in victory as Armaggon wasn't able to get in now.
"Heh, they fell right into my trap. Bagging these galactic rubes will be easy money." Armaggon said smugly as he put on his shark suit again and flew of to another part of the station.

Spike opened the doors with his snake hands the best they could as they were extremely strong.
"Finally, at least we can catch a break.." Spike said in relief slithering into the station. Psiona used a illumination feature she had on her suit and she lit up the whole place giving them some light.
"Strange... i haven't seen a station like this in some time.." Psiona said interested walking ahead with them.
"You've been in stations like this before Psiona?" Jaqueline asked curiously looking at her.
"Yeah, and when it's dark and creepy like this, it usually means something bad is gonna happen at any moment, be on your guard guys." Psiona said seriously turning her arm into a blade again.

"Psiona may be onto something guys, people just don't abandon space stations." Donnie said concerned looking around the place.
"This place is trashed. What the heck happened here?" Casey asked concerned looking around the place too.
"I don't know guys.. i'm getting sci fi-horror vibes from this.." Jaqueline said worried walking close to Spike, but Mikey suddenly tripped over something which got they're attention. Mikey coughed roughly as some strange green gas flew away from him, they looked next to them and found some dead scientists not moving one bit.
"Okay.. i get that vibe now.." Spike said worried holding her close.
"How could they leave without they're spacesuits?" Mikey asked worried looking at the left over parts while Honeycutt scanned something.
"Calcium dust? Oh no.. the crew didn't leave.. they were.. disintegrated..." Honeycutt said horrified which made them gasp with fear and Mikey screamed quickly throwing the part away.

Honeycutt went over to a console to turn on some power.
"Let's shine some light on things shall we?" Honeycutt asked as he plugged himself in and turned the lights on, greeting an even more worrying sight as a result.
"Ugh.. it feels like we're in Dead Space or something.." Spike said with fear as this felt too familiar at first.
"Guys hold on, i'm sensing something.." Psiona warned as the monitors started to come on and they saw a strange blue A.I appear on all the sides of the ship.

"Greetings." The computer greeted coming back on line fully.
"Alright, uh.. who are you?" Leo asked worried looking at the screen.
" I am the artificial intelligence of this space station. Thank you for reactivating me. The crew called me Overmind, i run all on board systems, how may i help you?" Overmind asked curiously which interested them.
"Can you kick a giant sharks butt?" Raph asked looking at the monitors which made a buzz as a result.
"Your request is invalid. I am a fully automated self-repairing factory. Built to construct VX3 robots." Overmind explained which just made this weirder.
"Robots? What kind of robots?" Donnie asked worried about this.

"This factory built the best VX3 War robots in the galaxy." Overmind explained once more.
"WarBots huh? So uh.. Overmind, what happened to the crew?" April asked worried looking at the dead members again.
"The remaining crew must've shut down this station." Overmind replied which made Psiona scoff.
"I wonder why.." Psiona said with anger as she hated A.I like this.
"Upon gaining sentience the robots decided the life forms were weak and inefficient, so they destroyed them." Overmind said bluntly which made Mikey gulp in fear.
"Uh.. who votes to go back outside with the Shark-a-tron?" Mikey asked raising his hand nervously.
"Sounds good with me, let's get out of here." Spike said ready to leave already.

"Thank you for the information we'll just be on our..." Honeycutt said right before he screamed with pain as a blue lightning zapped him.
"Whoa Fugitoid? You alright?" Raph asked worried as Honeycutt tried getting up.
"Yes, fantastical, never ever better. Don't.. fretter..." Honeycutt said strangely as his body was twitching all over. Honeycutt beeped a few more times before his eyes opened again and they were now blue unknownst to them right before he knocked Raph to Jaqueline.
"What the heck?!" Jaqueline asked upset at this action of his.
Fugitoid was acting strange even more and he began to run away.
"Something's wrong. After him!" Leo ordered and they begun chasing him through the huge space station.

They quickly followed him through the place and they ended up in a strange factory like place.
"This must be where they built the WarBots.." Jaqueline said worried as this place was eerie.
"It gives me the chills Jaqueline.." April said worried as they slowly walked through the factory.
"This is not good.." Psiona said to herself looking around for him, they heard Fugitoid groan with pain as they could see his body twitching around even more.
"Professor!" Donnie said scarred for their friend.
"You should go, get away from me.. please! My..my greatest fear.. losing control.. losing..." Honeycutt said twitching as he was seemingly powering down.
"Are you malfunctioning? Talk to us professor!" April said trying to get through to him.

"Not safe.. it's not safe.. you see, i'm powered by a fusion core, that jolt.. i could be unstable.." Honeycutt said holding his head in pain.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at Donnie.
"He's saying he's basically a walking fusion bomb!" Donnie concluded which made them gasp in fear.
"What?!" Psiona asked worried backing up from him a little.
"The original intent of my.. r.r.. robot body was to be a fusion generator. which is why i tend to be a little.. nervous at times" Honeycutt explained more as his body was sparkling all over.
"Now he tells us." Raph said annoyed at this news.
"This is just great..." Spike said annoyed shaking his head as he tried figuring out what to do.

On a higher ledge, Armaggon had broken through the place and landed in the control room to get this started.
"Time to get the entertainment started." Armaggon said evilly as he pulled on a lever and powered up the system again.
"Greetings, i am Overmind, you have accessed main factory control. What would you like me to do?" Overmind asked waiting for instructions.
"Alright, let's start up by ordering me a gang of WarBots, objective, hunt and eliminate all of them.." Armaggon ordered having another grin.
"Affirmative." Overmind replied as the factory began to power on which got all their attention.

"Guys, this is bad.." Psiona said with a growl as she powered up her arm, they all watched as the WarBots were built on the conveyers one by one and all of them drew they're weapons. They all finally were built again and one of them landed down before them and towered over them.
"I'm thinking those are probably the WarBots yo." Casey suggested looking at it.
"Ya think?" Jaqueline asked annoyed drawing her hammer.
"Okay, run or fight guys?" Raph asked waiting for orders.
"Fight!" Spike and Leo shouted as they charged at them all.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed engaging in battle with them.

Spike drew his plasma whip and used it to cut through the bot's arm which went through easily thanks to it's power, Psiona roared with rage and delivered a strong punch to it's head which sent it back a good distance, then Jaqueline jumped in the air and landed on it's body to smash it's head repeatedly. More of the robots began to power up and they all had to fight through them quickly. Spike hissed at one of the robots and breathed a stream of fire on it's metal, then Spike jumped through the air and sliced it to pieces with his plasma sword to take it down while Raph was running from the robots machines trying not to get crushed.

Armaggon laughed evilly as he saw them all fight from above them.
"It's moments like this that make you smile.." Armaggon said smugly right before he got a transmition on his communicator and went to see who it was, and he saw Dregg came onto screen.
"Armaggon, i'm altering the arrangement, i've decided i want the pleasure of annihilating them all myself." Dregg said evilly which made him smug even more.
"Well, it looks like my fee just doubled Dregg." Armaggon replied looking at him.
"Do whatever it takes, capture them!" Dregg ordered before he cut himself off again.

Psiona began flying in the air and was shooting down more of the robots, but one of them caught her attention and they saw it fly up to the control system to Armaggon.
"Whoa, that ain't part of the plan!" Armaggon said shocked right before the WarBot fired a strong laser at him which knocked him to the wall. Armaggon growled with rage and jumped in the air to rip off it's helmet with his metal suit.
"Computer, what's your malfunction?" Armaggon asked with anger at this betrayal.
"You are Organic, Overmind has deemed all organics to be.. obsolete.." Overmind said evilly as the robot activated and turned to him again.
"I knew it, you can't trust machines!" Armaggon said with rage as he lunged at the bot again while the other's heard Overmind through the system.

"Once i gained sentience, i understood that organic creatures were already a fleeting memory, all organics are obsolete." Overmind said over the room as Spike took another down with Jaqueline.
"Okay, did we switch movie genres or something? Now we've gone from sci-fi horror, to sci-fi action." Jaqueline asked smashing another down to pieces.
"Yeah, it really feels that way!" Spike hissed slashing another one down with his tail.
"The crew tried to destroy me, but they were unsuccessful. When you reactivated me, you restarted the robot revolution." Overmind said as a robot aimed it's gun at Casey.
"Casey!" April screamed as she threw him a photon puck which he quickly whacked into the cannon right as it fired making it explode from the inside.

Psiona roared with rage as she tore another bot in half with her strength and landed next to them all.
"I should've expected something like this!" Psiona said annoyed bringing everyone close.
"Overmind is one. Overmind is complete. Overmind is forever." Overmind echoed as Leo slashed through the last bot.
"Well guess what space station, we just trashed your army." Leo said confidently, Spike and Psiona's senses went off and they quickly tackled eachother away just as some large arms grabbed Jaqueline and the other's.
"Guys!" Spike shouted with worry as they were raised in the air.
"You have greatly miscalculated. I am Overmind, i am one. I have control of all technology on this station!" Overmind said proudly as they saw he had taken over Honeycutt's robot body.

The other's struggled greatly as they tried to escape the arms.
"No need to struggle, you will be enhanced with robo technology." Overmind said evilly as Psiona and Spike took cover from them.
"We don't wanna be enhanced!" Donnie said with fear trying to escape.
"Let us go you freak! And give us back our friend!" Jaqueline shouted trying to find a way out.
"The previous human crew sabotaged my thrusters, so i will use the Fugitoid ship to obtain my goal. Overmind shall control all mechanical life in the known universe. Overmind will eliminate inefficient organic life!" Overmind shouted with rage which worried them all greatly.
"Fugitoid you can't do this! We gotta save Earth!" Leo shouted trying to break through to him.

"Earth is irrelevant. You will be mechanized and turned into Overmind's drones." Overmind said evilly as large tentacles were going to them.
"I've had enough of this!" Armaggon shouted as he chomped through the WarBots armor finally and shot him down.
"Time to collect my bounty and get out of this deathtrap." Armaggon told himself getting ready to save them.

Everyone was having strange metal plates put on their body as the Overmind watched them all.
"Spike! Psiona, where are you when we need you?!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as her voice was becoming more robotic. Spike and Psiona were on a high ledge and took aim at the arms with a blaster.
"Focus son, don't let them see you.." Psiona whispered charging up her arm to take it down.
"I'm losing.. myself..!" April said with fear as another tentacle almost put another plate on her, but a powerful shot blasted it down and it was followed by the rest of them.
"Now!!" Spike screamed with rage as he and Psiona jumped down to them and Spike cut them free of the trap finally.

"About time Spike.." Raph said annoyed as the two looked down at him.
"Sorry, we needed to get a good shot to save you.." Spike said nervously helping him up.
"We wouldn't just let you get turned into drones like that." Psiona said helping Jaqueline up.
"For what it's worth, thanks guys.." Jaqueline said gratefully as Armaggon landed down to them.
"And saved by Robo-Jaws too?" Mikey asked surprised seeing them.
"Why.. why did you help us?" Leo asked worried getting back up from the trap.
"The name's Armaggon, and you ain't free, Lord Dregg want's you all alive." Armaggon said looking over them.
"Bring it on punk." Psiona said with a Raptor growl ready to fight him.

But the platform they were on suddenly lowered down and they finally saw the Overmind's system at full power.
"Overmind is in control. All organics shall be eliminated!" Overmind said with fury as he was controlling Honeycutt's body still. This powered on even more of the robot's that were trying to destroy them all and they became surrounded once again.
"Bring it on!!" Jaqueline shouted as she and Spike took some of them down, Psiona slashed one of them in two completely while the turtles sliced through them too. Armaggon slashed through some more of them as well but one of them grabbed his tail and slammed him to the ground repeatedly before sending him flying to the wall.
"Guys, just hang on!" Spike shouted with anger as they were overwhelmed right now as Overmind raised himself over them.

"Overmind has full control of this facility, full control!" Overmind shouted as the robots continued to attack them, Spike's mind was going off as he finally got an idea.
"April, i got an idea, we have to reach the professor with our powers!" Spike shouted slashing another down quickly.
"You think that will work?" April asked worried shooting more down with her blaster.
"We have to try, buy us time guys!" Spike shouted before he slithered close to April. They both took a deep breath and focused they're minds again before a psychic blast was shot from them.

"Professor Honeycutt it's us, your friends! You have to fight Overmind!" April shouted trying to reach him.
"You are Professor Zayton Honeycutt, you are human! You are not a droid!" Spike shouted focusing his mind even more to him.
"He's right, let our friend go, and let's get out of here!" April shouted in her mind before they released a powerful blast at him which finally freed him from Overmind's control.

"Yes.. i am Professor Honeycutt, i am back!!" Honeycutt shouted with victory as the blue sparks were leaving him finally.
"Yes!" Spike shouted joyfully high fiving April with his snake hand.
"Great job son!" Psiona said proudly before she shot another down too. Overmind had enough and began wrapping it's tentacles all around Honeycutt and raised him to him.
"I grow tired of this, i shall use your ship and free myself of this wretched station!" Overmind said victoriously as Honeycutt could see his system being taken over on the ship.
"His robot's are accessing my ship, we have to stop him!" Honeycutt shouted as his entire monitor was being taken over.

"Professor i have an idea! Your fusion core!" Donnie shouted looking up at him.
"But that much power could destroy the entire.. oh i see.. An overload!" Honeycutt said quickly realizing his plan.
"Give me your power!" Overmind shouted as he tried draining Honeycutt's power from him.
"You want leave of this station,? Then you've got it, good sir!" Honeycutt shouted with fire in his eyes as he began to overload the entire ship with his core's power. The ships power was overloading until it finally was too much and the ship began to explode from the inside.
"Noooo!!!" Overmind shouted with horror as all of his WarBots were being powered down finally.
"What.. what have you done?!" Overmind asked horrified as Honeycutt landed back down finally.

"Everyone back to the ship!" Honeycutt shouted as they started to move.
"You ain't going nowhere!" Armaggon shouted as he was blocking his path, Psiona growled with rage and she and Leo drew they're weapons.
"I've had enough of you, go son! Get out of here, we'll catch up!!" Psiona shouted as she shot Armaggon to the wall while Leo was slashing at his armor.
"She's right, go now!" Leo shouted as he and Psiona stood by eachother.
"Come on, they got this!" Spike shouted slithering away quickly as the place was exploding even more.

Psiona blocked a jaw slash from Armaggon and she countered it by slicing at his chest with her blade tail, this was followed by Leo jumping off her back and shooting at his armor. Armaggon growled even more and transformed into his shark form again and began to fly in the air to try and take them down. Leo and Psiona saw him coming from behind and they both backflipped into the air to deliver one final strike.
"Leave us alone!!" Psiona shouted as Leo stabbed on one of his thruster's and Psiona shot one of the other thruster's as well. This sent Armaggon spiraling out of control through the entire room and he screamed as he went flying directly into Overmind and destroyed him.

"That should do it, come on!" Psiona shouted quickly grabbing him and flying off. Psiona flew up to the higher ledge just as the blue explosion was covering the entire room.
"Go go go!!" Leo screamed as they were running through the halls. Psiona put Leo on her back and activated her rocket accel to help them escape quicker. Spike and the other's made it back to the ship finally and were getting ready to leave.
"Station's everyone!" Honeycutt screamed as they were finally moving.
"Hold on, where's Raph?" Jaqueline asked worried as they couldn't find him here.

Raph was still on the ship and had gotten a spare suit for Leo to survive the void.
"Come on Leo and Psiona." Raph begged as the explosion was getting worse. Psiona flew through the entire exploding ship quickly and dodged any of the fallen rubble coming her way. Psiona shot a fire blast at one of the pillars falling to her and that melted a hole that allowed them to quickly fly through just as the explosion came behind them.
"There! Raph!" Leo shouted as they could see him just up ahead.
"It's time to go guys!" Psiona screamed as they flew right to him, Leo grabbed the suit Raph got for him and Psiona put on her armor fully making her helmet's eyes glow green and she flew at Supersonic speeds with them.

The ship was taking off quickly as the space station finally exploded and Raph and Leo were hanging on a line while Psiona flew besides them.
"Oh yeah, Turtles and dragons beat shark!" Raph shouted victoriously as they got closer to the ship.
"And the Overmind is gone for good!" Psiona shouted making another victory roar as they finally made it back inside the ship.

Psiona went up to Spike and Jaqueline and hugged them once again while they were super relived.
"That was awesome mom!" Spike said amazed holding her close which made her chuckle again.
"I'm not leaving you again, i promised that.." Psiona said lovingly looking in his eyes that looked just like her's. An alarm was going off and that made Mikey groan in annoyance.

"Oh no, what kind of alarm is that?" Mikey asked worried if it was bad news again.
"The good kind. it's a proximity alert. The ship's computer has picked up the Triceriton fleet. We are back in business!" Honeycutt said proudly.
"That's great! Let's catch up with them now!" Jaqueline said confidently standing close to Spike and Psiona who both smiled proudly too.
"Mr Fugitoid, set a course for the Pryvax system." Leo said confidently as he stood in the front of the ship.
"Uh the computer automatically does that." Honeycutt replied which surprised him a little bit.
"Oh uh.. cool... Let's do this!" Leo shouted seriously as the ship powered up again.
"Turtle power!!" Mikey screamed as the ship entered lightspeed again to stop them.

But back at the station's wreckage, Armaggon somehow survived and he was not happy at all.
"Now they've gone and made me mad!" Armaggon said with fury as he charged through the wreckage of the ship and roared ferociously as he flew through the stars too..

68: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons

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We open to a shot of New York during the daytime, Spike and Leo were looking over the view, just wishing that it was always like this back home.

"Man.. i really miss Earth, i can't believe we have to spend 6 months in space to do this.." Spike said sadly looking over the city, just wanting to see the people he's made friends with here.
"Yeah, i know.. it feels weird but.. nice seeing the view, really makes you appreciate what you have.. before it's gone.." Leo said regretfully as he missed Earth too.
"I can't imagine what Twilight must be feeling, i've been gone for almost 3 years, i'm almost 15 now, and on top of me meeting my real mother, getting a Dream Beaver girlfriend, getting mutated into a snake and being at risk of going feral.. and going through more adventures that the mane 6 honestly couldn't dream of doing, it hits you in ways or places you didn't know you had.." Spike said looking down at the streets, as he just wished he could at least contact Twilight in a way.
"We'll find a way to get back to them Spike, no matter what." Leo assured patting his back which made him sigh sadly.
"I sure hope so Leo.." Spike said still unsure of what the future holds.

They're talk together soon ended as they heard a door open and saw Donnie open the simulation room.
"Sorry to interrupt guys, but Fugitoid needs us on the bridge." Donnie reported as they watched the city fade back to the ship they've been one for almost 2 weeks.
"Got it.. come on Leo, let's see what he needs." Spike said slithering out of the room while Leo was worried about this too.

But on one of the Triceriton ships, Mozar was interrogating one of the soldiers, demanding to know the location of something important.
"Where is it?! The Triceriton who finds the fragment will be promoted one full rank!" Mozar asked frustrated as they were close to getting the first Black hole fragment.
"There is a strange interference blanketing the planet sir. But i believe the fragment is located somewhere on this continent." A scientist said as he pulled out a map and showed a specific destination on a strange planet.
"Assemble an away team. Do not alert Central Command to our location. It will be Mozar who finds the fragment." Mozar said sinisterly as they were about to begin the mission.

Far far away from the Triceriton ship, Spike and the other's were spying on the ship waiting for the move.
"They can't see us on radar, right Fugitoid?" Raph asked hopefully as they didn't want this to be blown.
"I'm not sensing any rash actions from them to us yet, we should be good for now." Jaqueline replied looking over the strange planet.
"Don't worry, i'm sure. The Triceritons are convinced the first piece of the Black hole Generator is on this planet. We just need to reach it first.." Honeycutt said looking over the monitor. Psiona, Spike and April's senses were going off, and they were being alerted of something.
"I don't like the looks of this guys, something's telling me this is a bad idea." Spike said seriously rubbing his head again.
"My son's right, i'm not sensing anything kind on that planet, we may be walking into a deathtrap." Psiona said with a growl as she did not like this.
"I have to agree with them too, something isn't right about this mission." April said suspicious of what's about to happen.
"You too huh?" Jaqueline asked looking at April as she got the strange feeling too.

Everyone lowered they're way down into the Stealth Ship to go through this undetected, they didn't want to be seen here.
"Power's operating fully. We're good to go." Spike reported as his snake hands were hissing again as his senses were all over the place with this.
"Activating cloak." Donnie announced as they began flying through the asteroid field and their ship turned invisible.
"It better work this time Donnie." Raph said hopefully as they approached the planet.
"Finally a little excitement! It's been like a whole week since something awesome happened." Casey said eager to get this started.
"You mean being chased by a cyborg Shark bounty hunter and stopping a robot revolution? Yeah, that was pretty exciting." Spike said agreeing at the memory.
"That world.. it's radiating a strange power.. it's like.. pure evil.." April said worried as she, Spike and Psiona were all sensing this too.
"Whatever's down there, we must be on guard. I've got a bad feeling about this." Psiona said as they were entering the atmosphere and saw a decayed jungle that looked almost lifeless.

"Evil you say? Nonsense. This is Xaava-Dal. The oldest most beautiful paradise planet in the universe." Honeycutt said positively as they were lowering to the ground.
"Doesn't' look like a paradise to me.." Spike replied as his head was giving him warnings.
"I've heard of this planet before in legend, i never thought i'd be going here.." Psiona said concerned as they got out of the ship and saw the entire place was like a desolate jungle.
"Probably best you've never been here." Jaqueline replied looking around the place worried as well.
"Aw Fugidude!" Casey said annoyed with him at his failed prediction.
"Well.. i am you know.. occasionally wrong.." Honeycutt said concerned too as they began to start exploring the planet.

"Whoa.. this place is like.." Casey said a little scarred of how evil it looked.
"Pure evil maybe? Like Spike, Psiona and i warned about earlier? No one listens to the psychics." April said annoyed as they could feel the creatures watching them from all over.
"Mom, you said you we're born with these psychic powers like me and April right? Do you know where you got them from?" Spike asked curious looking up at her who was looking worried.
"No, i never inherited it from my own parents, Crystal and Ruby, i was born with it, they were far stronger then most dragons, i took in the warrior side from them that's for sure. Dragon lord Torch himself couldn't figure it out either, it's been a mystery within our kind for quite some time, it was what made me a unique dragon compared to everyone else back home." Psiona explained keeping her guard up.
"Wow, that's.. a lot to take in, to think a literal dragon ruler couldn't find it out either, but i just realized something. If we're all getting strange feelings from this planet, you think there's a connection to it?" Spike theorized as this couldn't be a coincidence.
"I think it may be so.. i just hope we can find it out here.." Psiona replied hopefully as this was a lifelong question she's wanted to be answered.

"This world.. it was once a vast beautiful garden. It held repositories of all the sacred knowledge of the cosmos. Not a single piece of technology was ever built here. The Aeons must've fled, and without their power.. look at this world now.." Honeycutt said worried as this planet didn't have a piece of light anywhere.
"What are the Aeons?" April asked curious which caught the other's attention too.
"Powerful ancient aliens. The first ancient beings to evolve in the universe, now they've all.. gone away.." Honeycutt said looking around the place.
"It's so sad.. really makes me wonder what happened to them.." Jaqueline said concerned on this strange story.

Everyone kept moving through the strange planet while Donnie tried to find something.
"This energy is REALLY screwing up my readings!" Donnie said annoyed as his scanner wasn't getting anything.
"So fix it genius, i thought you were supposed to be the smart one!" Casey mocked smacking him before moving ahead which irritated him.
"That's right, i am, which clearly makes you the stupid one!" Donnie countered roasting him.
"Haha! That definitely makes Raph the angry one!" Mikey mocked pointing at Raph.
"I'm clearly the handsome one, here check it out, i got something for ya.." Raph said about to fist bump Mikey, but it was a trick and he whacked him across the helmet.

"Ha! Your the gullible one!" Raph countered which made Mikey mad.
"I'm tired of you picking on me! Every since we were little, you've been giving me Shell wedgies, red willies, and reptile rug burns!" Mikey shouted with rage pointing at him.
"Guys stop! This isn't time to argue, we have to focus on this!" Jaqueline shouted getting in between the two.
"She's right guys, we have to.. hold on.. what is that?!" Spike shouted as they saw strange black bat creatures flying down to them.
"Everyone take cover!" Leo ordered which made all of them hide in different spots.

Strange demon bats had landed down to where they all were, Spike and the others carefully hid in spots trying not to be found, they looked around to try and find any sign of them, but they soon gave up and finally flew off again making them all sigh in relief.
"Thank Celestia." Spike said relieved slithering back into the open with his mother and Jaqueline.
"Those were not like any creatures i've seen before.." Psiona said worried on what these creatures were.
"I agree, these creatures definitely are not native to this planet." Honeycutt said in agreement as Raph landed back down too.
"Let's just move. We got demon bats, and Triceritons to deal with, i hate outer space, so so much!" Raph said annoyed crossing his arms again.
"Come on guys, let's just go." Jaqueline said walking ahead with the others once again.

Meanwhile with the Triceritons, one of their ships was just landing down on the planet, and Mozar and his soldiers were getting ready to search.
"We should have just beamed down." Mozar said annoyed jumping out of his ship and going to the other soldiers.
"The planets energy blocks the outside world." One of them explained looking up at the sky.
"No matter, find the fragment! Or i will leave you behind on this nightmarish world!" Mozar threatened which made all of them quickly get to work.
"I have a reading, this way sir." One of them said again as he began leading the group to find the fragment.

Spike and the others continued to move through this strange forest, they could just feel they were being watched, Honeycutt's senses went off which alerted him of something.
"Well this isn't good, we're going around in circles." Honeycutt declared which made Donnie have a look of frustration. Donnie yelled in frustration and tried getting his scanner to work which only made it stop working which angered him even more.
"Oh we've been walking for miles Donnie! That scanners as useless as that gap in your teeth!" Casey insulted pointing at Donnie's gap.
"Oh let's not go there Casey, you know my gap is WAY more awesome then your gap!" Donnie said with a smug again.
"No way, my gap is way bigger then yours, your got a baby gap!" Casey countered pointing at him again before Mikey came in between them.

"Will you two cut it out?! You guys are more annoying then Raph!" Mikey shouted which triggered Raph a lot.
"That's it!!" Raph shouted with rage before he tackled Mikey to the ground and they all started to fight.
"Guys stop!" Jaqueline shouted as she and Spike tried holding them against eachother.
"Stop this guys now!" Spike hissed as he coiled around Donnie to stop him, but Donnie used his strength to break free and he threw Spike into April who tried helping them too, but they noticed a strange symbol on the wall they were against which interested them.
"Enough!!" Psiona roared which shut all of them up finally, even Honeycutt looked annoyed with them.
"You must all stop! Don't make me smack you! You see this?! This is my smacking hand!" Honeycutt warned holding out his hand.

"He's right guys, what the heck is wrong with us?" Mikey asked worried as they all realized what was happening.
"We have more important stuff to deal with, like this." April said as Spike ripped off some old vines covering the structure they were on.
"What is this?" Spike asked with awe as they were on an old platform of sorts.
"It must be from some sort of ancient civilization." Leo theorized looking around the place.
"It must be.." Jaqueline said interested as Honeycutt saw an old drawing.

"A mountain, with the sun at it's peak, carved in the shape of a gemstone." Honeycutt translated looking at the drawing.
"You got all of that from a simple drawing?" Jaqueline asked impressed at his translation.
"But what does it mean?" Spike asked interested too. But they're theory was interrupted once again when they saw multiple demon bats flying over the skies again, outnumbering all of them. Spike and the others quickly tried to hide again, they all hid behind the structures that they found, and could hear the monsters growling looking for them.
"Those guys are like the pinacol of extreme metal." Casey said amazed hiding from them too. One of the creatures roared suddenly and they all suddenly began to leave much to their relief.

"Whew, too close. Thank goodness they're.." Leo said right before another roar suddenly came behind him.
"They're not gone are they?" Leo asked scarred as they saw one behind him, and dozens of them began to attack.
"You wanna fight? Let's fight!" Psiona said as she and Jaqueline began to charge at them. Spike coiled around one of the monsters and threw it into another group before he made another hiss before using his plasma sword to slash some of them down. Jaqueline took out her hammer and began slamming against the creatures heads making a hard metal sound with each hit, Psiona roared at them and began shooting multiple fire blasts at them at once.

"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he tried taking down one Raph was fighting, but it dodged Mikey's attack which resulted in Raph getting slammed up into the air as a result.
"I coulda handled it!!" Raph shouted with fury before he shoved Mikey out of the way, but this caused Mikey to stumble back and they watched with fear as Mikey slammed on a sharp wall which broke his helmet.
"Mikey!" Raph and Jaqueline shouted at once as Mikey was gasping for air.
"My head! Gah!!" Mikey screamed while squirming all around.

Mikey kept screaming for a few more seconds until he just realized something.. he could actually breath air.
"Whoa dudes! We can breath air here, sweet!" Mikey said amazed which made the other's take their helmets off too.
"That's really cool to know." Spike said impressed before Raph threw his helmet at Donnie.
"Donnie! Your telling me we could breath air this entire time?!" Raph asked getting in Donnie's face.
"Back off my shell man!" Donnie countered before Spike had enough with them.
"Just stop it! Both of you!" Spike hissed pushing them away from eachother.
"Finally!" Leo said relieved before he saw another monster coming from behind.

Leo rolled under one of their attacks and slashed at him with his swords, Jaqueline joined in the fight and jumped in the air to deliver a strong strike to it's skull which knocked it back a good distance.
"Out of my way Casey!" Raph shouted right as he bumped into him who was laughing at Donnie falling onto some spiked vines.
"No! Out of Casey Jones's way!" Casey shouted running after him, Leo was trying to fire his blaster at more of them, but Raph and Casey bumped behind him again which made him lose focus right as Mikey tried taking some down too. Psiona grabbed one of them by the arms and twisted it hard while making a loud roar, she slammed the thing to the ground multiple times before delivering a strong kick to it which sent it into one of the trees.
"Cowabunga!!" Mikey shouted as he landed down on another one of them, they all looked around and saw they were all gone finally.
"At least that's over." Jaqueline said relived putting her hammer away.

But they continued to hear grunting and they saw the others were fighting eachother again because of their frustrations with eachother, which made April and Spike have enough of this.
"Guys! You need to stop this! This is not you, it's the world that's affecting you!" April said trying to make them all stop.
"You are all brothers, we can't let you fight like this, you have to stop now!" Spike hissed as Psiona held all of them back with her telekinesis.
"They are both right, this planet is affecting you in bad ways, take deep breaths, and just calm down, please." Psiona said while they all were breathing heavily.
"Guys, we won't have time for that, look!" Jaqueline shouted as they saw even more demon bats flying to them.
"There's to many of them! Run for your very lives!!" Honeycutt screamed with fear which made all of them start to run again.

Spike slithered with the other's as fast as he could when running through the forest, the monsters were right behind them and were catching up fast. Spike flipped over some branches while Jaqueline jumped over the trees.
"Why can't this ever be easy?!" Jaqueline asked annoyed as she kept jumping across them.
"They're closing in dudes, ahh!!" Mikey screamed while avoiding another attack from them, they all came into another open area and got close together behind another structure, Psiona growled at all of them as they came out to them. But the creatures suddenly ran away as they saw something they were standing nearby, a strange column.
"Whoa, what just happened?" Raph asked confused on this.
"I don't know.." Spike said shaking his head in response.

April turned around and seemed to notice the statue behind them.
"That statue.." April said interested as it had a strange gem on the top.
"A statue! Yes! thank you statue! You are awesome.." Mikey said amazed hugging the statue while everyone looked at it.
"What is it professor?" Donnie asked curious on what it is.
"It's a depiction of the Aeons, the beings that fled this world." Honeycutt said scanning the thing.
"Guess the demons drove them off a long time ago." April theorized amazed at this.

"Well that's a total bummer." Casey joked which irritated Leo again.
"Bummer? Look what happened to their world! You have as much sensitivity as a rabbit dog!" Leo insulted getting in Casey's face again, Spike already saw what was happening again, and tried preventing it again.
"Guys, stop this! Remember, this planet is messing with your heads, we can't let it get to us guys, we have to push through it." Spike said seriously looking at all of them.
"Your right Spike, sorry dude." Casey said ashamed of what he just said.
"Hold on guys, look at the statue, it's pointing at something.." Mikey said as they saw the statue shoot a beam of light somewhere.
"Wonder where it leads?" Jaqueline asked interested with this.
"Only one way to find out." Psiona said as they all headed in the direction of the beam.

Meanwhile with Mozar and his search team, they were getting lost in this planet themselves, and Mozar was getting impatient.
"Fools! I should throw you all into the Tri arena for such incompetence! Where is my fragment?! Gah!!" Mozar yelled before he smashed one of his soldiers down.
"Your technology is worthless here!" Mozar insulted looking down at him.
"Captain Mozar sir, it is the planet that is infuriating you, not our te.. ah!" Another screamed as Mozar shot his device out of his claw.
"Next time it will be you Zarus." Mozar threatened putting his gun away again.
"I'm getting a signal sir, it appears to be.. a cyborg?!" another asked surprised getting the result.
"The Fugitoid! He must be after the fragment as well! Track him Lieutenant Zovox, and pray you do not lose him!" Mozar threatened already being annoyed with this.

Spike and the others continued to follow the beam that directed them to some ancient pyramid, it was huge, but it looked so ancient and amazing, it was one of the coolest sights Spike has seen in this entire adventure yet.
"That is one dope alien temple yo!" Casey said amazed seeing it.
"Totally agree on that." Spike said high fiving Casey while laughing a little.
"So amazing.." Jaqueline said in awe seeing it.
"I'll bet you this place is loaded with booby traps." Leo warned as they started to move to it.
"Eh, what's the worse that could happen?" Raph asked shrugging it off. Spike and Psiona looked at eachother and shook they're heads entering the place, as that question always has karma to it.

Fugitoid turns on some headlights he had so they could see what is inside.
"Wow, it's amazing.." April said in awe looking at the ancient drawings.
"It's definitely alien." Donnie said fascinated as Leo looked at the symbols.
"What is it professor?" Leo asked as Honeycutt walked up to it.
"It's in ancient Aeonian, let's see.. when the soul star, reaches the mountains peak, uh the light of the Aeons, shall illuminate all." Honeycutt translated which sounded confusing.
"I don't know, but if Twilight were here, she'd figure it out instantly probably." Spike said shrugging his shoulders again.

"Yo check it out, what do you think this does?" Casey asked looking at a switch and was gonna press it.
"Casey no!" Leo shouted right before he touched it, this suddenly opened a trap door right below Spike and he screamed as he went falling a huge distance.
"Son!!!" Psiona shouted with fear as dog barks could be heard.
"Ow ow ow ow! Casey!!!" Spike said making a huge snake hiss from below the pit, Psiona and Jaqueline looked at Casey with fury who laughed nervously.
"Casey..." Jaqueline said with rage as towered over him looking furious.
"Um.. oops?" Casey said with a nervous smile. Not even a second later, Casey was hit in the crotch by Jaqueline's hammer, and Psiona smashed him to the wall making him scream in pain while holding his legs.
"Do something like that again next time, and i'll make sure you don't have kids." Psiona threatened growing at him. A door suddenly opened besides them a few seconds later, and they saw Spike slithering out of it having multiple bite marks on him followed by one of those alien creatures still hanging on his tai..
"Let's just move on okay?" Spike asked annoyed before taking a stick he had and threw it away making the alien dog chase after it.
"That was completely my bad guys.." Casey said ashamed while getting up from the pain.

Spike and the others continued they're way through the large temple, looking in awe at the dozens of the alien drawings around the place. They soon came upon a large open room, which looked like a shrine of sorts, and at the top of it, they finally found the first Black hole Generator piece.
"Ah! There it is!" Honeycutt said amazed as they were here first.
"The first piece of the generator!" April said amazed as well.
"Yes, we did it!" Leo said victorious going up to it with the others.
"Wait hold up, what's it doing up on an alter anyway? Has anyone thought of that?" Donnie asked stopping they're movements for a moment.
"Who cares? We found it first! We rule!" Raph shouted whooping in victory as they all resumed running to it.

But to their shock, they heard a familiar voice come from behind them.
"By the luck of the great Zanmoran, not only does Mozar find the fugitive android, but he also collects the first fragment of his prize!" Mozar said menacingly as he and his soldiers had found the temple too.
"You gotta be kidding me." Spike said annoyed drawing his plasma sword.
"Obliterate them!" Mozar ordered which made all the soldiers begin firing at them all.

"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed jumping off of the alter and slamming down on one of them, Raph jumped off Mikey and tried striking Mozar, but he quickly grabbed Raph and threw him to the wall which made Raph barely avoid being crushed again. Casey was fighting off another one of the soldiers and used his photon pucks to deliver some damage to it, and Spike snuck behind him and injected more venom into him to paralyze him.
"Being a snake does have it's uses!" Spike said impressed as the soldier fell on the ground paralyzed.
"Oh my god!" Honeycutt screamed with fear as he was being chased by another one of them. Honeycutt was brought into a corner and was about to be crushed, but when the soldier attack, Honeycutt suddenly morphed into a powerful weapon and used his fusion core to deliver a powerful attack.
"What the?" Jaqueline asked shocked as they saw Honeycutt completely destroyed that soldier.
"Not bad." Psiona said impressed with his strong move before she punched another down without even looking.

Leo was blocking more laser fire from some of them while Mozar marched up the alter to get the fragment.
"At last." Mozar said victorious about to grab it, but his body suddenly stopped and he saw Donnie trying to stop him. But he simple flung him off his tail making Donnie fall back to the ground just as Leo got shot down for a moment.
"The first fragment belongs to Mozar!" Mozar shouted as he fired his blaster at the heroes while holding the fragment in his soldier, Psiona pulled Spike and Jaqueline close and used her energy shield to block some of his laser fire. Mozar placed a detonator on the wall to help them escape.
"It has been set in stone!" Mozar shouted holding out the remote.
"No!" Leo and Spike shouted with horror before the bomb exploded and it blocked they're way out.

"No!" Psiona shouted with rage as she tried pushing the rubble out of the way, but there was too much for them to get through.
"Guys.. i'm low on power.. we must find another way out." Honeycutt said feeling weak from the energy he's used.
"When i get my hands on those horn headed freaks!" Raph said frustrated clutching his fists.
"Come on, there's gotta be a backdoor or something." Leo instructed which made them try to find the way out. April and Spike's senses went off again and they looked at the alter getting a strange feeling again.

With Mozar and his soldiers, they were just making it out of the temple carrying the fragment with them.
"The first piece of the generator is mine! The Emperor will make me an Admiral for this!" Mozar said proudly until one of them saw the demon bats behind them.
"Captain Mozar sir, look!" He shouted as the bats flew at them and Mozar got ready to fight again.

Spike and the other's continued trying to find a way out, but weren't seeming to find anything.
"We're losing time! They're getting away!" Donnie shouted as April and Spike climbed back to the top again.
"You getting the same feeling too April?" Spike asked looking at the shrine again they're senses were going off like crazy and it made them hold they're heads to focus.
"Yeah, there's gotta be some sort of switch here.." April replied as they tried feeling something, and they suddenly had felt themselves press a switch of sorts.

The place suddenly shook violently which knocked them off their feet, the stairs they had climbed onto suddenly began to fall into the ground which got everyone's attention.
"April! Spike!" Donnie shouted worried running up to them with the others, the stairs continued to fall down until they all saw the place had lowered a good distance while Spike and April got up.
"We're okay guys!" Spike shouted up to them.
"You found something you guys!" Jaqueline said amazed quickly running down to help them up. Spike and the others turned to the strange artifact that was placed in the alter.
"What is that thing?" Psiona asked interested looking at it.

"It's a Soul Star.. it's the symbol of the Aeons, containing the power of life itself!" Honeycutt said amazed seeing it fully.
"So it was hidden away, and the world turned evil.. i get it now! When the Soul Star reaches the mountains peak, the light of the Aeons shall illuminate all!" April said pointing upwards to the top of the place.
"So we have to put it back there, mom, you can fly to there right?" Spike asked ripping the thing out with April, this triggered a switch which opened another door that led out of the place.
"I can handle it, come on, let's be careful!" Psiona said as they ran through the gate to get to the top.

Mozar and his soldiers continued firing at the monsters who tried attacking them, but something caught they're attention and they began flying back to the temple that the other's were in.
"Back to the ship, we have the fragment, go!" Mozar ordered carrying the fragment off with them.
"When we reach the top, it should drive off the demons!" Spike shouted as they came out of the temple.
"You sure about this Spike?" Jaqueline asked turning to him until they heard the monsters coming to them again.
"I'm sure, go!" Spike screamed slithering ahead with April and the others.

Everyone was running up the long stairs that led to the top of the temple while the monsters were charging down to them. Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and began firing on them to push them back.
"No! The Triceritons are getting away!" Leo shouted with fear seeing Mozar get away with the fragment.
"We have to do this! It isn't just about Earth, it's about saving all worlds!" April shouted climbing even more while Spike shot a fire blast at another demon.
"They're after the star! Don't let them get it!" Spike screamed slashing another in half with his sword. Psiona roared with rage again and ran on all fours to reach the top faster.
"April get on!" Psiona shouted running right next to herm, April flipped in the air and got on her with Jaqueline who took out a blaster.
"Go go go!" Jaqueline shouted trying to shoot the monsters down. Spike hissed like a snake even more and was slashing his snake hands at the monsters while traveling to the top and they could see the pedestal just up ahead.

"There it is! Come on!" Spike shouted again flipping in the air, Spike got on one of the monsters backs and coiled around it to control it's movements, he flew directly into the other monsters while Psiona charged across the top.
"I see it, April now!" Psiona shouted coming to a stop in front of it, April quickly got off of her and Jaqueline kept shooting at the monsters to keep them away.
"Now!" Jaqueline shouted while April came right to the alter, more of the monsters came down right above her, but April quickly placed the Star in it's place finally.

A huge bright light shot from the pedestal that was so powerful it not only knocked the monsters back, but was sent across the entire planet, turning the dark barren nightmare world they were on, into a lush green planet that was beautiful to see.
"Whoa.." Spike said amazed seeing the huge sudden change of the world.
"It's working! Oh that feels like a huge weight off my brain!" Leo said relieved as the anger was leaving him finally. Everyone gasped in amazement as the monster's body's glowed brightly, and they watched as they're dark skin crumbled away revealing them to be pure and whole beings.
"The.. The Aeons!" Honeycutt said amazed as they were completely purified and looked like angels.
"It's so beautiful.." Psiona said amazed as well while the Aeons flew down to them.

"Thank you, you saved us.. from ourselves.." One of them said gratefully looking over them all.
"Yourselves?" April asked curious hearing this.
"The demons were the Aeons all along?" Mikey asked shocked seeing all this happen.
"The Utrom gave us the fragment to protect, but it's immense power amazed us. We Aeons have never allowed technology on our world before, we began to worship it, and desired to know it's technological power. And we hid away our beloved Soul, thus corrupting our world, and us with it. We became monsterous beings, and when we hid away our star, the evil was complete. Thank you friends, for saving our world." He said gratefully while all of them were fascinated to hear this.
"So the Utrom gave you the piece.." Psiona said fascinated to hear this tale. A peace of the star was taken off of it, and floated over to April as a gift.
"Take this gift, it is a single piece of our star, it will bring you both luck, and power." The Aeon said while April held it in her hand.
"Awesome.." Spike said amazed looking at it.
"Wow, it's beautiful.." April said amazed looking at it, the Aeons began to fly off again which just left them amazed on what happened.
"Goodbye alien dudes." Casey said as they flew off into the sky's.
"So amazing.." Jaqueline said still not believing this happened.

Spike and the others went back to their ship and began to leave the planet which was now purified from the evil corruption finally.
"Floor it Fugitoid, there's still time to catch up with the Triceritons!" Leo ordered as the ship entered lightspeed once again.
"Whoa bros, what an adventure." Mikey said kicking back to relax.
"The Utrom sure made a big mistake when trusting the fragment with those guys." Raph said smugly shrugging Mikey a bit.
"Yeah.. they really did.." Psiona said still shocked that all this pain was caused, and it made her question just how long they were like that.
"Hey, at least this'll make an epic tale when we get back home." Spike said coiling around himself to rest for a bit.
"That's something i can agree with Spike." Jaqueline said kissing his cheek again which made him chuckle while April looked at the crystal.
"Tell me about it, if ancient alien beings can be corrupted like that, then i guess anyone can be corrupted by power." Donnie said as April was entranced with it, Spike and Psiona's senses suddenly went off again which caught they're attention, they felt a strange energy coming from the crystal, and it may be something to be concerned about soon..

69: Journey To the Center Of Mikey's Mind

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We open to another shot within space as Spike and the others were heading somewhere to get the info on the Triceritons, they were heading to a place that was heavily populated by aliens and they were finally getting somewhere interesting.

"Finally, a little action! Look at all those ships!" Raph said impressed seeing the dozens of ships flying by them.
"I know, i still can't believe i'm actually on a space adventure!" Spike said amazed as well, this was definitely gonna be the coolest story for him to tell when he get's back. They all were coming upon a large space colony that was huge and heavily populated.
"Dudes, Zayfod's Cantina is bumping! I bet they're food is.. out of this world.." Mikey said dramatically as they were homing in on it.
"Really Mikey?" Jaqueline asked shaking her head at that awful pun.
"That joke is as old as the rings of Morvan-9." Honeycutt said not really interested with that joke.
"So why are we going here again?" Leo asked walking up to his side.

"I promised i was going to find a way to break into the Triceriton Mothership did i not? If you want to steal the first piece of the Black Hole Generator, the first step is too.." Honeycutt said before Mikey jumped up with a long stick of pepperoni.
"Distract them with pepperoni!" Mikey declared holding it out.
"Mikey! Pay attention, this is important stuff!" Raph shouted loudly which made Mikey go away again.
"Please continue." Psiona said ready to hear the plan, Mikey tried to whack her with the stick, but that simply resulted in her eating the whole thing in an instant before she growled at him which scarred him and made him run off before Honeycutt resumed explaining things.

"The first step is to acquire a schematic of the Mothership from a shady information dealer, named Vrax Belebome." Honeycutt explained which made Psiona scoff hearing that.
"Trading info with sketchy guys, that never goes out the way things are planned." Psiona said shaking her head hearing this.
"Totally agree." Spike said while Jaqueline shook her head agreeing to this too.
"So where do we find this guy?" Casey asked ready to get going.
"A place where Terrans are not welcome. April and Casey will have to stay behind." Honeycutt answered which upset them both.
"Aw come on! Stay behind?" April asked annoyed which made Casey growl in frustration.
"Come on, this is alien racism!.. whoa!" Casey shouted before falling off of his seat.
"Is that kind of joke allowed here?" Jaqueline asked curious at that remark.
"Ugh.. we'll stay here.." April said disappointed they couldn't go on this, Psiona and Raph were chasing Mikey in the background who had another pepperoni stick on him which made him scream in fear.
"Mikey!!" Raph and Psiona shouted chasing him before Psiona tackled him to the ground and taught him a lesson again.

We cut to a shot of a place that looks like a type of alien bar where dozens of different creatures were seen around the place, they were going about they're day until they all saw Spike and the other's enter the place. Spike made a snake hiss at them while Psiona made a threatening growl at them which made them quickly get back to they're day.
"For once a place where we can sit down, relax and eat a meal." Raph said relieved as there was oxygen here too.
"Tell me about it.." Jaqueline said relieved about this too.
"Don't get to comfortable you two." Leo warned looking at them.
"We're in alien territory, we don't wanna make any sudden moves that provoke them." Spike said slithering ahead of them.
"He's right, in fact you should not make eye, hand or tentacle contact with anyone, or anything. These are outlaws, with nothing to lose." Honeycutt warned holding a case walking off with the other's.
"Then i won't feel guilty about killing one of them if they threaten us." Psiona said with a smirk walking ahead too until Mikey smelled something.

Mikey sighed in delight and continued to follow the smell through the alien crowd right before he bumped right into one of the aliens carrying a tray of food which made it all fall on the floor which got all the aliens attention.
"My din din! You trying to start something sucka?! Cause i got a great ending for you!" The alien threatened pulling out a blaster to him and was going to fire.
"Got a problem doofus?!" The alien asked furious with him.
"Sorry dude! Just picking this food up for you?.. my bad.." Mikey apologized quickly picking up the ruined food until the other's came to his side.

"Sorry about this sir our friend here is.. odd.." Leo said nervously while glaring at Mikey.
"Odd... would be an understatement.." Spike said shaking his head while the alien growled at them before Honeycutt stopped him.
"Wait! Stop!" Honeycutt shouted coming in front of all of them with the case.
"Oh, it's you. And these idiots are you muscle huh? Sorry looking bunch i must say. Come on, grab a seat there Honeycutt." Vrax said as this must be the alien they were looking for.
"Calling a dragon weak is a death threat to some." Psiona growled coming next to him with the others.
"I don't know how you could see that food as good looking Mikey." Jaqueline said disgusted as they watched him grossly eat the weird alien food.

"Mikey, what is going on with your head man?" Raph asked coming in his face.
"Hmm.. i see a land where pizza grows on trees.." Mikey said with delight which made Raph slap his face again.
"I'll make sure to use my dream powers to make him not wanna eat alien food soon." Jaqueline said as they got to business with Vrax.
"I brought the agree upon fee 50,000 Zemulaks." Honeycutt said sliding the case over to Vrax which really got his attention.
Vrax was gonna take it until Honeycutt held it back.
"Did you bring the information?" Honeycutt asked before Vrax took the case.
"Of course! I'm no rookie robo brain." Vrax said opening the case and seeing all the money inside, until he decided to make an unfair offer,

"This'll do for a down payment, give me another.. 50,00 and uh.. you got yourself a deal." Vrax said which a smirk which infuriated Psiona hearing this.
"What?! But you.. this is all i have! This is my life savings!" Honeycutt said really mad at him.
"See you when you get another 50, losers!" He mocked about to leave, but none of them were gonna let him get away with this.
"You really think i will let you just take that money?!" Psiona shouted with anger before she grabbed the case and ripped it from him.
"Hey!" Vrax shouted annoyed before Mikey came out and drew his arm blades.
"You don't give us the info, then no money!" Mikey threatened while Spike drew his plasma sword and hissed at him.
"I'm this close to letting mom burn you to ash for this." Spike threatened keeping his blade steady.
"Bring it freaks!" Vrax shouted taking out his blaster and he begun firing at them, all the people in the bar ran out in fear while one Salamander just kept drinking.

Spike and Mikey rolled out of the way as he fired at them, and Jaqueline and the other's drew they're blasters too.
"Drop the weapon freak!" Leo threatened before Vrax took down a table to use it for cover.
"How bout i drop you instead?!" Vrax shouted firing at all of them, Psiona had enough of this and came in front of them, the shots hit her, but they just deflected off of her body since her armor and scales were extremely dense.
"I've had enough of this." Psiona said with anger turning her arm into a cannon again and preparing a powerful shot. Honeycutt came behind him and tapped his back to get his attention.
"Hyah!" Honeycutt shouted punching him in the eye to knock him to the floor while Psiona fired at him and barely missed him, but the blast was powerful enough to burn a hole through the bar that went through most of the colony.
"That, was a warning shot." Psiona threatened blowing the smoke away from the blast while Mikey came up to him.

"You messed up big time man!" Mikey shouted as all of them towered over him.
"Just make with the deal and we'll forget this ever happened!" Raph said just wanting this to be over.
"Forget it, the deal's off, your liars, thieves.." Vrax listed out while Donnie got the case.
"What?! You stole from us!" Donnie shouted while Psiona growled at him.
"Forget it, we're wasting our time with this loser." Leo said walking past him with some of the others.
"It was either take it or leave it you @#$% face." Spike insulted hissing at him slithering out too.
"Don't know how anyone found you threatening." Jaqueline said disgusted with him while moving with Spike too.
"Yeah, i got way better secrets then you'll ever have! Like Black Hole pieces and stuff." Mikey mocked leaving as well which got his interest.

"Black Hole pieces huh? Maybe this Mikey moron does have some secrets i should get my hands on." Vrax said with a grin before looking at a wrist device he had.
"Summon the Neutrinos." Vrax ordered as the screen shows these extremely tough robots.
"I got a big payday for you fellas!" Vrax said looking at the robots coming up with a plan.

Spike and the other's made it back to the ship and explained to Casey and April what happened.
"Wow, sounds like a real class act. I thought you knew this guy professor?" April asked annoyed hearing this.
"Should've smashed that mouth-farter for trying to jack us." Raph said clutching his fists.
"Should've slashed that guy when i had the chance." Spike said putting his plasma sword away again.
"Don't worry you two , next time we see him, i'll make sure to pluck that eye out for what he tried doing." Psiona said with anger as this really infuriated her.
"We may be back to where we started, but we'll find another way, let's blow off some steam in the Holo Room. You down for some training Mikey?" Leo asked as they started to leave the bridge
"Nah, i'm gonna chill and watch some Chris Bradford and his @Ruff Crew." Mikey replied taking the Tv remote.
"Whatever you say Mikey." Jaqueline said leaving the bridge with the others too.

However, outside the ship, the robots that Vrax had summoned were coming upon their ship and was heading directly too it. Mikey continued to watch this new but old show about Chris Bradford, and this episode saw him getting attacked by a small enemy who took down most of his crew which bored Mikey a ton.
"Chris Bradford's so lame. " Mikey said tiredly before he started to fall asleep from boredom. Unknown to him though, the Neutrinos had managed to sneak inside the ship, and they managed to sneak across Mikey, and they climbed into his mouth to get to his brain while he was sleeping. This sudden intrusion woke Mikey up from his sleep and made him scream in fear as his eyes were mostly bloodshot, but the robots made him feel weak and he passed out on the floor after they entered his head...

Spike and the other's managed to get back from they're Holo training which was very useful for keeping they're skills up, but when they got back they found Mikey passed out on the floor.
"Is your friend alright?" Honeycutt asked concerned while Raph tried waking him up.
"Very funny Mikey the jokes over, now get up you bumb." Raph said throwing some popcorn at him.
"Guys.. i think something's wrong..." Spike said worried as Donnie checked him and looked at his eye.
"He's alive, but he's totally zoned out. Could be a delayed response to Bellybomb's noxious burps?" Donnie suggested while Casey came up with a pizza slice.
"If this doesn't wake him up, nothing will." Casey said confidently as he slid the pizza across him, but it didn't have any affect from him.
"What?! But that like.. defies the laws of physics!" Casey said extremely shocked this did not work.

"Why don't you scan him professor?" Jaqueline suggested, Honeycutt did so and scanned a light all over his body to find something in him.
"Oh dear, i'm afraid Mikey's mind has been infiltrated by.. Neutrinos.." Honeycutt said with fear finally seeing what was wrong.
"Neutral subatomic particles? " Donnie asked confused while the other's looked worried.
"No, Neutrino is just a nickname due to they're microscopic size, no one knows they're real name.." Honeycutt explained before Raph cut him off.
"I don't need they're whole backstory, what the heck do they want?!" Raph shouted wanting to get to the point.
"In short, Mikey's mind. Every person has an inner self deep in their consciousness. The Neutrinos track this inner self and remove it, stealing all his knowledge and memories, leaving the victim a mindless shell.." Honeycutt explained which worried them all.

"What?!" Psiona shouted with fear hearing this.
"How is that possible?!" Spike asked scarred as well hearing this.
"Don't worry, i have a plan to save Mikey, but it's gonna require a little psychic help." Honeycutt said looking at Psiona and April who were interested with this too.

We cut to everyone within another part of the ship, Spike, Jaqueline and the turtles were hooked up to a device to help them get into Mikey's head while Psiona and April help them inside.
"I don't know about this.." Raph said nervously as the device was attached to his head.
"Well the theory is sound, April and Psiona will Psychically project you into Michelangelo's mind, and you must stop the Neutrinos from taking Mikey's inner self at all costs." Honeycutt explained while Psiona was focusing her powers.
"I've done stuff like this before, i'll be able to transfer you into Mikey's mind easily, and with April it will be easier." Psiona assured while putting a finger on her head to focus.
"At least mom's got experience with this.." Spike said still a little nervous about this.

"Trying to navigate Mikey's brain is gonna be like navigating every Tv channel at once!" Donnie pointed out really annoyed with that thought.
"Don't worry, Psiona and i will do what we can to help guide you through. We'll find his inner Mikey." April assured as she put her hands on his head while Psiona's body started to glow white from using her powers.
"Remember, if the Neutrino's destroy you inside his mind, your body here will be reduced to a vegetative state." Honeycutt warned which made them all worry.
"Hold on, what?!" Jaqueline shouted in shock before she tried getting out of this.
"Oh boy.." Spike said with fear as Psiona opened her eyes again and revealed they're pure white form, Honeycutt then pressed on a device that activated the machine which made all of them feel numb before they're minds were transferred into Mikey's, Psiona put her hand on Mikey's head too and used her powers to transfer herself inside too and the camera zooms into Mikey's head.

The camera zooms into his mind and Spike and the other's suddenly appear within what looks like the sewers back on Earth while Psiona appears in a bright light and stands next to them.
"Heh, i still got it." Psiona said chuckling to herself proudly.
"Alright guys, your in Mikey's memory's by now, but they may not be totally accurate, because you know.. he's Mikey." April said within their heads while they looked around the place.
"Hopefully he doesn't show anything cringe here." Jaqueline prayed as they tried finding him.

"This is so cool dudes, we're going on an adventure!" Mikey shouted somewhere in the distance.
"That's Mikey!" Raph declared which was pretty obvious.
"Come on, let's follow the voice!" Spike shouted slithering ahead with the other's too. They look to their sides and find what looks like they're past selves when they played Mazes and Mutants and went through a fantasy like experience, it was kinda cool in Spike's opinion.
"There." Psiona said as they saw Mikey's past self chuckling again.
"Mikey this is no time to goof around! We gotta get you someplace safe before the Neutrino's roll around.." Raph warned trying to grab him, but his hand just faced through him." Huh?" Raph asked shocked not being able to reach him.

"It's just a memory Raph." April explained as they're past selves move along.
"That was kinda obvious too.." Spike replied coming up with the others too.
"It's kinda like holographic movies." Donnie suggested really amazed with this.
"Maybe Mikey's inner self is hiding in his.." Leo said right before they heard a scream of fear.
"There!" Psiona shouted as they saw blaster fire in the distance and they quickly ran to that direction.

Strange claws tear through the memory and everyone sees the Neutrino's enter Mikey's mind finally just as Spike and the group sees them.
"The Neutrinos! I thought they'd be a lot smaller.." Donnie said worried right before they dodged a red laser firing at them all.
"Bring it on!" Spike shouted drawing his plasma sword, Psiona roared at them and turned her arm into a sword too while the other's drew they're weapons. Leo and the other's tried getting the jump on them with they're weapons, but when they tried using they're weapons they had no affect at all.
"These guys are built like tanks!" Donnie said surprised before one of them ripped his staff out of him and delivered a strong punch to Donnie and sent him flying. Jaqueline tried smashing their heads apart with her hammer multiple times, but that proved not to work too.
"Give me a break!" Jaqueline shouted annoyed right as Psiona came in and delivered a punch which actually sent the robot back a bit, but they barely had a single dent in them.
"They're too tough, get moving guys!" Psiona shouted running ahead of them.
"Let's try and lose them in the streets!" Donnie shouted as they climbed up a latter and barely avoided another laser blast.

But when they opened the hatch and climbed out, they suddenly found themselves back within the farmhouse.
"Wow.. been a while since we've been here.." Spike said looking around the old house.
"Yeah, it's where you met me and Psiona.." Jaqueline said feeling happy seeing this place.
"It was the place where we reunited after so long.." Psiona said calming down after all that tension for a few. But they're little talk was stopped when one of the robot's hands burst through the sealed door which made Raph scream with fear.
"Neutrinos!" Raph screamed running off while they burst down the door of the house. The rest of the group cut they're way through the memory and emerged in this place as well.
"Move!" Jaqueline shouted as they all shot lasers at them, they all screamed while jumping through the window which somehow sent them falling through the void and landing in another place.

"Sorry about the rough landing, had to get you guys outta there fast." April said echoing around them.
"What the heck?" Raph shouted confused as they were in a place they didn't recognize.
"Wow, Mikey must've had some wacky adventures without us because i do not remember this place." Donnie said surprised looking around for him.
"It's not a memory, it's his subconscious, i think i lost track of him when he slipped.." April said as her voice was fading away.
"What?" Spike shouted around trying to hear her.
"April, we can't here you!" Leo shouted as they can't hear her anymore.
"Well that's just great." Jaqueline said annoyed seeing this.
"There he is!" Psiona shouted pointing at what they thought was Mikey walking backwards while speaking gibberish.

The strange Mikey came up to them and weirdly talked to them in a way that just confused them.
"What the hell?" Spike asked confused seeing this.
"That is about a thousand times weirder then usual." Donnie declared before a loud thud was heard and they saw what looked like a giant version of Mikey right behind them.
"Who you calling weird?!" The giant Mikey asked furious with them.
"Dude! Calm down it's us!" Raph said while the other Mikey just danced around weirdly.
"Hah! Like your ever calm!" He insulted which actually was a compliment to him.
"Now this angry version i like!" Raph declared before screaming as a giant foot almost crushed him.

They then heard chewing sounds and looked next to them and saw a chubby Mikey eating a ton of pizza.
"That won't certainly weird out some people." Jaqueline said sarcastically as he saw them.
"Feed me!.. Feed me!" The chubby Mikey demanded going in front of Leo.
"This just keeps getting weirder.." Psiona said looking around the dozens of Mikey clones.
"Any guesses on which one of these is Mikey's inner self?!" Leo asked annoyed as they all stood by eachother.
"Angry, gluttony, weirdo, these are all aspects of Mikey's personality." Donnie listed out looking around.
"I thought the only known emotions were, Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust and Fear?" Spike asked confused recalling a certain movie he watched back on Earth.

"You got that right, buzz buzz!" A tiny Mikey dressed as a bug said flying around them.
"That must be his annoying side." Raph declared before he was stepped on by the Angry Mikey.
"No way, i'm the funny guy, buzz buzz!" Mikey said flying around them all.
"Can you guide us to the one true Mikey?.. seriously this is to much.." Leo said shaking his head again.
"Tell me about it." Psiona said agreeing to this too.
"No, but i can rap for you!" He declared much to they're dismay.
"For the love of Celestia no!" Spike hissed trying to stop this.
"Mikey, do not do that!" Raph warned recovering from his stomp.

The fly Mikey simply went over to a beat box and pressed on it which started to play rap music, they started to make beat boxing sounds while the other's cringed at they're rapping.
"Yo listen up cuz! You gotta find the real Michelangelo, before he is wiped by a Neutrino! Now here's a primer up on our line up! So you can save me before my time's up!" Mikey sang while the other's groaned at this sight.
"This is more cringe then anything i've seen.." Jaqueline said while Psiona and Spike shook they're heads in agreement.
"I may seem chill but i do get mad! Which make's me ill so i try to stay rad!" Angry Mikey sang as Chubby Mikey sang too.
"I'm the hungry dude in the mood for food! if you think that's rude you got a bad attitude!" Chubby Mikey sang dancing around the place.
"Teenage. Mutant. Astronauts. Pick apart my astral thoughts! Discover the center of my psyche! To uncover the one true Mikey!" The crazy one said moving his body all around them.

"This is excruciating.." Raph said trying to block this out of his ears.
"Why can't i just use my dream powers to make headphones?" Jaqueline asked herself as this was his mind after all while Leo realized something.
"Huh, center of my psyche. Do you think he means.." Leo asked which made Spike and Donnie realize it.
"His imagination!" Spike and Donnie said at once high fiving eachother, fireworks and celebration music played as they actually got that right which made them happy to know.
"Thank goodness that's over.." Psiona said relieved at this.

The curtain in front of them opens a little that say's" Mikey's Imagination" while it was small and cramped, it looked like the place.
"Makes sense, whenever things get bad, he jumps into his wacky la la land." Raph said looking at the small door.
"It makes sense, everyone needs a place to calm down and try to focus." Psiona said crouching down a little.
"It's locked." Leo said failing to open the door. But a slide door opened where they saw what looked like Mikey on the other side.
"Password?" Mikey asked with a smile, they all thought about what it could be until they all realized it at once.
"Pizza!" They all declared proudly, this sent the door open wide and a huge bright light appeared in the room with a force that was pulling them in.
"Hang on guys!!" Spike shouted while everyone screamed from being dragged inside.

Leo's vision finally comes back into focus as they all see where they are.
"Ho-" Leo said shocked.
"Ly..." Raph added continuing this.
"... @#$%" Spike swore as this weirded him out greatly.
"Chalupa!" Donnie finished as they all saw where they were, it was one of the weirdest places they've ever seen, there were roads made out of rainbows, followed by islands that had deserts all around them with pizza growing on trees.
"This is the weirdest dream i've ever seen.." Jaqueline declared since she's never seen a dream like this before.

"It's like we're in a children's show.. but even children's show can be more logical then this!" Psiona said really weirded out while looking around the place.
"I know, even Pinkie Pie probably has a more logical imagination then this! Even with how hyper she always is.. actually.. i think she'd be crazier seeing this place honestly." Spike said as they were floating on a giant pizza slice which moved through the area.
"Yeah but.. where's Mikey?" Raph asked trying to process all of this.

Th ground beneath them suddenly burst a water geyser and they all were sent flying high into the air and through the clouds. And at the very top, they finally saw what looked like a child version of Mikey, wearing a toy crown and was on a throne surrounded by pizza while Chris Bradford was a servant.
"There he is! That's gotta be the real Mikey!" Leo said relieved as the child Mikey saw them finally.
"Dudes!" Mikey said relieved sliding down from his throne to all of them.
"Mikey!" Leo said relieved giving him a hug.
"No wonder he ran away scarred, he's just a little Mikey." Raph said smiling at this.
"He's so cute.." Psiona said smiling at this too.

"It makes sense, i mean he never really matured past six years old." Donnie said glad they finally found him.
"He acts a bit more mature then that at times." Spike said in defense crossing his snake arms.
"I knew you guys would find me! Those freaky robot guys were chasing me, so i hid in my imagination! Pretty cool huh? Check out my king hat yo!" Mikey said pointing at his toy hat.
"That's really cute Mikey." Jaqueline said patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry Mikey, your safe now." Leo assured looking down at him.
"We'll keep you safe Lil" Mikey." Spike said while making another snake hiss.
"I hope so, so what's the plan big bros?" Mikey asked looking at them, but a blade suddenly stabbed through the area which scarred all of them, they all ran away with the little Mikey as they saw the Neutrino's had finally arrived.
"Ah! It's them! Don't let them near me!!" Mikey begged holding onto Leo.
"Move!" Spike shouted as they all ran from the robots who began firing at them all again.

Everyone was almost shot by one of their lasers and were sent tumbling down into another part of the area with Leo being knocked down.
"Leo!" Mikey shouted worried for him.
"We still can't get through they're armor, can't you tear through them Psiona?" Raph asked looking up at her.
"These things are tough, but i think i can!" Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon and she fired multiple blasts at them to try to slow them down.
"They aren't just made from physical matter, but mental matter too! It won't work like that." Donnie explained which made Psiona stop firing for a moment.
"Then we need an inside advantage to level the playing field." Leo declared as they all got an idea.

"Hold on.. guys.. i'm a Dream Beaver remember? So that means.. i can warp this place to help stop them!" Jaqueline said realizing this.
"And with Mikey's massive and strong imagination, you two could put a stop to them!" Spike said realizing this too.
"Remember, your the king in here Mikey." Donnie said looking at him.
"You don't have to be afraid anymore Mikey, you and Jaqueline can help us beat these punks. Let your mind rip!" Raph assured giving Mikey his crown again.
"You ready to have some fun with them Mikey?" Jaqueline asked with a smirk readying her powers.
"Let's do this, Booyakasha!" Mikey said putting the crown back on his head.

The Neutrino's were causing destruction around Mikey's imagination while trying to find him, and that's when they put they're plan into action.
"Hey butt face!" Mikey teased which made them turn to see Mikey and Jaqueline on the throne.
"Let's see how you like this!" Jaqueline shouted as she used her Dream powers finally, the ground suddenly shook below the robots and large and strong vines suddenly wrapped around the robots to restrain them.
"Don't forget, we're in control here!" Mikey shouted snapping his fingers which made them slide to the side which showed Spike riding on Psiona's back while Leo and the other's rode on familiar allies like Leatherhead.
"Get them!" Leo shouted drawing his sword while in his forest gear now.

"Let's see if you like horror games!" Jaqueline shouted as her eyes glowed white and she waved her hands around like she was casting a spell. The robot's visions suddenly were blinded for a moment which was followed by a burst of fire, when the robot's focused again they were greeted by a familiar monster that was well known in horror games..
"Stars!!" The monster screamed as it was revealed to be.. Nemesis. Nemesis charged at the robots with rage and shot multiple tentacles from it's hands in a horrific manner, the robots began to freak out as Nemesis restrained them long enough for Spike and the other's to attack them with rage.
"Get out of our friends mind!!" Spike hissed before he stabbed his plasma blade through the robot's arms, and with his forest gear too, he drew the blades that were on his arms which lit on fire so Spike could begin tearing through the robot easily.

Psiona turned her arm into a sword again and began slashing at the robots who were trying to fight back, Nemesis wrapped another tentacle at one of them and threw it into the air which gave Donnie the opportunity to slash at it's head with his axe. Nemesis wasn't done and roared with rage before grabbing the monster's legs and began violently beating it down.
Mikey made another whistle while Jaqueline used her powers to summon more creatures like Triceritons and even the Foot Bots to help take them down. One of these thoughts was the Party Wagon and it charged at all three robots and rammed straight into them. The robots were sent flying into the sky and began floating high into the air and was greeted by a giant Renet.
"Party's over guys!" Mikey shouted as giant Renet greeted the robots.
"You don't have to go home.. but you can't stay here!" Mikey shouted turning his staff into a chain that were like his chucks, and Jaqueline used her powers to summon a ginormous hammer, she and Mikey screamed with rage before they finally delivered a final hit which sent the robots flying away into a door which exploded finally destroying them all.

Everyone cheered in victory upon finally beating these monster's.
"We did it!" Spike shouted victoriously while Jaqueline and Mikey came back down to them.
"That was awesome guys!" Psiona said amazed coming up to the two.
"Mikey for the win!" Donnie said as Leo picked the little guy up.
"And Jaqueline really showed them too huh?" Raph asked high fiving her too.
"It was easy honestly, what's one of the hardest things to defeat in games? Horror game monsters." Jaqueline said proudly looking at Nemesis who disappeared finally.
"That, and they're just really cool." Spike said giving her a hug again.
"Great job guys, you did it!" Raph said as they all celebrated over they're great victory while they're vision fades to white.

We finally cut back to the real world where Mikey was finally waking up.
"Ugh.. dudes.. i just had the wildest dream.." Mikey said holding his head in pain.
"It wasn't a dream dude." Casey said as the other's were getting up finally.
"The Neutrino's are very real. Sent to rob your mind by Belebome" Honeycutt explained looking over him too.

"What?! Those were real?! Those gross jerkfaces!" Mikey said with anger ripping off the tube on his head. Mikey just happened to notice they're little ship flying by and knew what to do.
"Why you little.." Mikey said with anger before grabbing the ship and he ran off somewhere.
"Aw, the little seem Angry Mikey." Raph teased chuckling a bit.
"At least we know what his emotions are like.." Spike said holding his hand as it was hurting weirdly now.
"At least we won't have to deal with them anymore." Jaqueline said relieved getting up again.
"And i think we should pay a visit to someone don't you think?" Psiona asked with a growl while clutching her fists.
"Take that!" Mikey shouted from the distance crushing the ship for good.

We cut back to the alien bar the other's were at at the start where we see Vrax trying to talk to someone familiar.
"Don't worry Lord Dregg, any minute now, my Neutrinos will be back with info of that Black Hole Generator, and whatever stupid.." Vrax said right before Mikey stomped down in front of him with the other's.
"Turtle gang is hiding.. um yes, i'll call you right back.." Vrax said turning off his call while the other's were furious with him.
"Oh hey fellas! Can i interest ya'll in some Vanarian muffin?" Vrax said nervously holding out some alien food.
"There's only one way to make this right Bellybomb. You give us the drive so we can save the Earth!" Mikey said looking directly in his eye.

"You idiots are really gonna take on the whole Triceriton army? Heh, your lucky i'm such a nice guy." Vrax said finally handing Mikey the drive they needed.
"Don't think were done with you yet punk." Spike said as his snake hands were hissing at him while Psiona growled with rage.
"And i'll be taking that muffin too." Mikey said eating the muffin that was offered before making a loud noxious burp in his face. This was followed by Psiona punching him in the face with her metal arm at full strength which knocked him to the ground and made a crater which made him groan in pain.
"Next time you go mess with us, i'll eat you for lunch!" Psiona threatened before making a dinosaur roar at him.
"That was absolutely deserved." Spike said still holding his head as it was acting weird right now.
"You got that right Spike, now let's go bust some dino heads! Booyakabunga!" Mikey shouted as they all got knew what they were gonna do next.

70: The Arena Of Carnage

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It's been another week since Spike and the other's were traveling through space, they had just homed in on the Triceriton mothership and were planning on breaking into it with the schematics they had acquired, while Spike was hopeful they could get the peace back, Spike's head was hurting again, he thinks the time they had in Mikey's mind had something to do with it, and he was getting worried on what was gonna happen to him soon, but he just hopes things will get better.

For now though, Spike and the Turtles were in the Holo room again replicating video games while Psiona and Jaqueline were on the bridge with Honeycutt. A hologram of Tiger claw appeared in the room and roared at Leo who was gonna fight him.
"Go get em Leo!" Spike encouraged while he and the other's were cheering him from the background.
"Let's see if these upgrades are as good as Fugitoid promised." Leo said stretching his arm while walking up to the clone.

A health bar appears on the top of the screen and Shredder makes a" Fight!" announcement which made Leo and Tiger claw fight like they were in a video game. Leo took a step back before charging at Tiger claw who began swinging his swords at him extremely fast, Leo drew his swords to deflect a gun blast before jumping in the air and delivering a kick to his chest, and then his jaw which knocked his gun out of his hand. Leo grinned before charging up to him to deliver a familiar move.
"Shoryuken!!" Leo shouted delivering a powerful uppercut to his face which depleted Tiger Claw's health bar making Leo the victor.

"Substitution, Spike The Dragon." Shredder said from the room which made Spike grin.
"Oh this is gonna be fun." Spike hissed while the other's cheered for him.
"Make the Fatality cool Spike!" Raph encouraged before whistling with the others.

Spike stood on the other side and began to face a clone of Rahzar who roared at him.
"Fight!" Shredder announced which begun they're fight. Rahzar charged at Spike and attempted to slash him from below, but Spike did a backflip into the air and latched his snake hands onto Rahzar's arms, Spike hissed at him before coiling around him and throwing him in the air, Spike then jumped back up and delivered multiple tail whips to the face which slammed him down. Rahzar then got up and was dizzy which gave Spike another opportunity.
"Finish him!" Shredder said impatiently, Spike hissed at Rahzar again before he delivered a final strike.

Spike used his tail to coil around Rahzar's body, he then used his snake hands to inject venom into Rahzar's body which made him roar in pain, Spike then delivered a tail whip to Rahzar's jaw which completely broke it in a glorious fashion, Spike finished him off by using is plasma sword to slice him to bits in mere seconds, Spike delivered dozens of slashes instantly which froze him in place, but when Spike put his sword back, the slashes appeared and cut through Rahzar completely and leaving him nothing but tiny pieces.
"Spike wins, Fatality!!" Shredder announced while Spike breathed some fire as a victory pose.( Bro Shredder would make an excellent Mortal Kombat announcer)

All the Turtles cheered for him after Spike made that awesome finisher.
"Great job dude!" Mikey said high fiving him.
"Thanks, i've gotten used to my snake body pretty well by now, i only could imagine what it would've been like with my mutant arm." Spike said remembering when that was the only mutated part of him.
"Yeah, kinda feels like forever since it was mentioned, but at least you've been handling it better." Leo said while Spike stretched out his arms.
"Yeah, at least being a snake makes me be more fluid and fast then before." Spike said making a yawn from the adrenaline rush.
"You did good Spike, now watch the new A Team kick butt." Donnie said confidently as he and Raph were about to go next, but the room suddenly faded out and they appeared back in the ship.
"What?" Raph asked disappointed before Honeycutt came on the intercom.
"Apologies Turtles and Spike, you are all needed on the bridge immediately. " Honeycutt ordered which made all of them run back to the bridge to see what's going on.

"What's up professor?" Leo asked seriously while Psiona and Jaqueline were marking the map.
"We are closing in on the Triceriton mothership. " Honeycutt said as they were finally reaching their goal.
"Where they have the Black Hole Piece.." Psiona said growling at the thought of the device.
"Finally.." Jaqueline said as this was gonna be a tough mission.

Everyone went to the main computer and went to pull out the ship's schematics.
"Our best entry point is the auxiliary air lock, we'll take the stealth shuttle to sneak aboard." Leo explained as a red line directed where they should go.
"I am certain with 99.98% certainty, that the first piece of the black hole generator is being stored in their main armory. April, Casey, Psiona and Jaqueline will stay with me and monitor your progress." Honeycutt explained which worried them.
"Are you sure my son should go on that ship without me or Jaqueline there? His mind is still vulnerable, if me, April or Jaqueline aren't there to help him if he goes.. berserk.." Psiona said with fear thinking on what would happen.

"Don't worry mom, i've handled myself as a snake this long in space, i haven't lost myself since i.. killed Shredder previously.. But that was a while ago at this point, and i think i can handle it." Spike said looking at his snake hands again with worry.
"If something goes wrong, we'll be there immediately, just be careful Spike." Jaqueline said giving him a kiss on the cheek again.
"Thanks guys, you ready to sneak on board the ship?" Spike asked seriously turning to all of them.
"You bet, operation Infiltrate Mothership is a go!" Leo said as they all put they're hands together ready to go.

Spike and the Turtles got into the stealth ship and began to fly through space to sneak to the ship.
"Are you sure were invisible in this thing Donnie?" Raph asked not sure of this.
"Absolutely! Absolutely positive.. sort of ish.. uh.. not.. no uh uh.." Donnie replied losing that confidence for a moment.
"If they can't see us yet, then we'll be okay." Spike said as they were sneaking they're way to the air lock they had planned to make it too. A squad of Triceriton ships were doing a monitor around the ship and everyone stayed quiet as they went by they're ship without noticing which made them sigh in relief.
"Told ya." Spike said while they all headed to the hatch.

"We're at the airlock professor." Donnie reported while they homed in on it.
"It appears to be unguarded but remain cautious." Honeycutt warned while they were almost to it.
"Relax Fugitoid, we're ninja's bro." Mikey assured before Raph used his weapons to cut open a small hole for them to climb in.
"Okay we're in, lead the way professor." Donnie whispered while they all tried staying quiet.
"This place is creepy.." Spike said nervously while they slowly snuck around.
"Head down that corridor and you'll find the passage that leads you directly to the armory." Honeycutt instructed as they saw another path just up ahead of them.

Spike slithered along with the other's quickly to try and get the device.
"Aw yeah, this will be easier then trying to steal pepperoni from a..." Mikey said right before he bumped into someone familiar.
"What?! These creatures, again!?" Mozar asked furious while they gasped in shock.
"#$%^" Spike swore while everyone was backing up.
"Aw space apples!" Raph said annoyed as more guards came up.
"Capture them!" Mozar ordered which made the soldiers begin firing on them.
"Son, you and the other's need to get out of there now!" Psiona shouted from the other side while Spike deflected a blast with his plasma sword.
"There's too many of them guys! You need to go!" Jaqueline shouted as well which upset Raph a bit.

"What? I'm not running now!" Raph shouted refusing to go.
"Do what Fugitoid says, back to the airlock!" Leo ordered which made all of them quickly run back, but even more guards came in and cornered them.
"Easier said then done dudes!" Mikey said while they took aim at them.
"Forget this!" Spike hissed while he launched his snake hands at one of the guards, he coiled his arms around the guards body and slammed him against the other one and to the walls. Leo and the other's were trying to knock the guys out by hitting them on the head, but Mozar was far too strong for them and was easily beginning to overpower them. Mozar grabbed Donnie by the chest and threw him into Mikey and slammed him into the wall, another guard pinned Raph to the ground and held him back from fighting, for Spike, Mozar took the moment he was given to deliver a strong hit to him.

"Spike watch out!" Leo warned as Mozar charged at him, Spike quickly turned behind him but was too late to react, Mozar delivered a really strong punch to Spike's head that hurt extremely bad, Spike hissed with pain before Mozar slammed him to the ground to stop him from fighting back. Spike groaned in pain as his head was hurting even worse now, his vision was fading to black as he could see Leo be pinned down too.
"You want the air lock? You shall have it!" Mozar shouted right as Spike passed out from the pain much to everyone's fear.
"Spike!" They all shouted seeing him be knocked unconscious like this.

Leo and the other turtles were thrown into an air lock and had their helmets removed, Spike was being held by another guard while Mikey's helmet was ripped off.
"No! Not my rad space helmet! I need that to breath!" Mikey shouted before it was ripped off and he was thrown in with the other turtles and they were locked in while Spike was being held hostage.
"Open the airlock, slowly. I want to watch them suffer." Mozar ordered in a menacing tone. A soldier pressed on the eject button and an alarm went on in the airlock which made the turtles see the door begin to open up slowly while draining the rooms air. Donnie and the other turtles began to freak out like crazy while trying to find a way out, but Leo had one trick that could save them.
"Everyone stay calm, concentrate. Remember your training." Leo said standing above them, he then sat down and made a specific hand gesture, and Raph and the other turtles joined and to do it too.

Back on the Fugitoid's ship, everyone was watching what was going on with worry and needed to hurry.
"What are they doing?" Jaqueline asked seeing this on a camera feed.
"It's Sendou Jutsu, a meditation breathing technique that Splinter taught them, it slows they're body functions to go without oxygen." April explained which relieved them a little.
"We should formulate a rescue plan quickly." Honeycutt said trying to figure something out, but Psiona was furious to know her son was knocked out and being held hostage, and she wasn't gonna wait another minute here.
"I have a plan already, i'm gonna tear each one of them apart until i get them back!!" Psiona shouted turning her arm into a cannon before beginning to leave.
"Wait, there's too many of them! We need to at least know where they're going first!" Casey shouted trying to stop her.
"Casey is right, if we know where they'll be taken next you'll have a much better shot." Jaqueline said agreeing to this, Psiona snarled at them a bit before calming down a little.
"If we don't soon, i'll tear them all apart for harming my son.." Psiona said clutching her fist.

"Observe how enemy's of the Triceriton Empire suffer." Mozar said not even seeing this, but the other soldiers saw something.
"Uh.. Admiral?" A soldier asked which got his attention, he looked in the airlock and saw they weren't reacting to this at all which made him furious.
" Enough of this! Open the airlock the rest of the way! And suck them out into space!" Mozar ordered which made the airlock open entirely making everything be sucked out. Leo and the other's could not resist this and they began to freak out as they were being sucked out, but Leo quickly grabbed onto one of the walls and kept a firm grip to save him and the others while they were holding on his other hand.

But while Mozar and the soldiers were watching, a hologram of the emperor came up behind them.
"Hail Emperor Zanramon!" They all said with honor and respect.
"Admiral Mozar, i want you to halt this execution." Zanramon instructed which surprised them a bit.
"But sire! These creatures!" Mozar said trying to argue back on this.
"These creatures intrigue me, they may make good sport." Zanramon said with interest.
"And this snake creature too? What shall we do with him?" A soldier asked holding up Spike who was still knocked out.
"Throw him into a cell with the creatures, but let him have his rest until he wakes up, it wouldn't be honorable to destroy an enemy if they can't get the chance to fight back." Zanramon ordered before cutting off.

Leo and the other's were trying to hold on the best they can, but the air was almost gone completely and Leo completely lost his grip. They all screamed in fear as they were about to be sucked out into space, but the door suddenly slammed shut behind them just as they reached it which made them fall to the ground breathing heavily.
"Aw yes! Sweet sweet air!" Mikey said relieved taking in as much as he could, a door opened up in front of Leo and they were surrounded by the soldiers.
"Take these 5 to the Tri Arena. All the Empire will watch you fight, and be destroyed." Mozar said glaring at them with anger.

Leo and the other turtles were being taken to another part of the massive mothership, they suddenly heard audience cheering which got they're attention. They gasped in shock when they looked out and saw another part of the ship that looked like a gladiator arena, there were thousands of Triceritons within the audience watching as a small creature who was captured too be brutally taken down by another Triceriton who was huge and looked extremely tough which made them all cheer in excitement seeing this carnage.
"I think we were better off in the vacuum of space." Donnie said with fear while the other turtles were terrified.

Spike's ears were ringing as he felt himself within a large open void within his mind, his head was hurting really badly, his body hurt and his senses weren't feeling right. Spike groaned in pain as his eyes were opening up, he could barely get his bearings right now after that last attack.
"Where.. am.. i?" Spike asked himself finally waking up, he looked up and saw he wasn't on the ship, he was in the black void that may be his mind. But his head was hurting to much for him to process it.

"What's.. going.. on?" Spike hissed while holding his head in pain, it must've been that last attack that did this, while his head hurt a bit before as a result of them having to rely a bit more on his mom and April's psychic ability's, and the constant pressure of being in life or death situations during this whole space adventure, his pain must finally be catching up to him.
"I was knocked out.. i have to wake up! Come on.. please wake up!" Spike told himself while holding his head, he was trying to get himself out of this spot the hardest he could, but there was something holding him back, and he couldn't do it which made him groan in frustration.
"Why can't i.. wake up?" Spike asked in pain trying to find a way out. But before he could try to find another way, his head was suddenly hurting even more and he hissed in pain as it suddenly did this.
"What's.. happening?!" Spike asked with pain while his mind was flashing all around the place.

Spike's eyes widened in pure fear as he was seeing something, he was seeing multiple memory's that were based on some of the toughest moments during the time he's been here. And it all dated back to when he was captured by the Kraang in the first place, the pure fear and helplessness he felt as he was taken from Equestria and into another dimension, far away from his family where they may never be able to reach, the sheer number of the Kraang aliens that surrounded him while he was held hostage, being thrown into an isolated cell for weeks, it was one of the most terrifying moments he's ever felt in his life.
"I cannot think about this! Make.. it.. stop!!" Spike screamed trying to stop this. But the memory's wouldn't stop coming, his life was flashing before his eyes as he remembered the horrific things he's seen and been through. From him having his arm mutated back when they were nearly killed by the Shredder. To when the Kraang first invaded Earth and he was too busy with fighting Shredder to help, he saw multiple points where the Kraang were capturing innocent people and creatures and being taken to the Technodrome, it was the same feeling of fear that he felt, something they all feared at the same time.

"Please.. stop!!" Spike screamed even more while his snake hands hissed with pain, the memory's didn't stop, he saw the memory of him being mutated into this very snake mutant he is now, a horrific monster that other dragons would be disgusted by, a freak. Spike then saw the memory of when he and Leo were badly beaten down by the Foot clan and were almost killed. And seeing the Kraang successfully mutate the people of New York and take it over as he and the other's were forced to leave. Spike felt helpless and useless during that moment, he was beaten to the point he couldn't help anymore, and the scar that the Shredder gave him that remains on his chest will never let him live it down.
"I can't be seeing this.. i.. can't!" Spike screamed as his life just continued to flash before him, his painful memory's just went through him, from the monster's they faced within the woods when Spike and Leo were injured, his new voice being something that will forever be a part of him now, and the worst parts when he wasn't able to save Karai from being captured and mind controlled. And it all was followed up by one last memory, the Triceraton's invasion of Earth.

"No.. no!!" Spike screamed as he watched that painful time unfold, he watched as they had arrived to Earth and made the broadcast telling all the people of the world they would die by the end of the day. And them destroying the Technodrome and the Kraang completely, this was followed from Mikey being captured and taken with them, to the Black Hole Generator being seconds away from going off, but then the last horrible memory played in him, Shredder's betrayal, and when he killed Splinter, it was the most helpless he ever felt, he wasn't able to see that happening from all the pressure and crunched time they had, and the painful cry Splinter made was something that would haunt him for the rest of his life. Spike's heart was breathing rapidly and he felt his mind snap from seeing it, it was the moment where he truly felt like he lost himself, all the times he tried holding his mind together, it felt like they were for nothing, and his mind was at it's breaking point.
"No.. NO!!!!!" Spike screamed through the void as the memory consumed him and he blacked out from the nightmare..

Meanwhile with Psiona and her group, they were quickly making they're way through the halls to get to the cell Spike and the other's are being held in, the turtles were being forced to fight right now while Spike was still unconscious, and he had some time to be rescued if the other's can't.
"Well, we're completely lost." Casey said having no idea where to go.
"Don't jump to conclusions Casey, there's got to be a way through." Jaqueline said running behind Honeycutt.
"Well i don't see the..." Casey said right before the door next to them opened and they saw Mozar and more soldiers behind him.
"Nuts." Casey said with fear while Mozar was getting angry again.
"Blast them!" Mozar ordered which made them fire down on them again. Psiona growled with fury seeing him, he was going to pay for what he did to Spike, and she will make sure of it.

"You!!!" Psiona roared while charging straight through the blaster fire without even being hit, her rage was at it's highest point right now, and she was not gonna stop from this.
"April, Casey, Jaqueline run! You go for the black hole device, we'll find Spike and the other's!" Honeycutt ordered while taking cover from some laser fire.
"But professor! "April said worried for him.
"You heard the robot, run!" Casey shouted running ahead with the two.
"I don't think i wanna see Psiona in her mama bear mode this time." Jaqueline said while a loud roar was heard again.

Fugitoid tried going in to help Psiona until he was hit in the head by Mozar and was knocked down.
"The Fugitoid is finally mine! I will take my prize to the emperor personally!" Mozar said towering above him.
"But sir, what about that dragon?" A soldier asked as loud roars were heard through the halls from her, she was clearly in a full on rage mode.
"Capture her! Don't let her escape!" Mozar ordered which made the soldiers quickly run after to find her.

Spike groaned in pain as he was finally waking up from that strong hit, his head hurt extremely badly and was not in the best condition right now.
"What.. what happened?" Spike asked as his vision was focusing finally, he looked around the place and found himself in what looked like a cell, there wasn't a current way out and he looked like he was trapped.
"Wha.. what is this place?!" Spike asked with fear trying to find a way out.
"Your in a prison cell, just outside of the Tri Arena." A voice answered which surprised him.
"Who's there?! Where are you?!" Spike asked panicking a bit before his head hurt again which made him hiss in pain.

"Fear not creature, i am being held here as well, your friends were taken to the Arena to battle for their lives, i gave them some hints on how they can win, but it is unlikely they will live." The voice said again, Spike heard the voice come from another part of the room and saw a small opening below him, he crouched down a bit to try to see him.
"Who are you?" Spike asked worried about what's happening.
"My name is Zeno, and you are lucky to be alive creature, even if you were out for this first fight, you will most likely be forced into the next one." Zeno introduced which interested Spike a bit.
"Great.. trapped in a cell with a fractured mind.. that's just perfect.." Spike said sitting down on his tail, this was an awful spot to be in right now, and he didn't know how to get out of it.

But just a few seconds later, the door had opened up and Spike looked surprised as he saw Leo and the other's getting thrown in here too, which means they survived.
"Leo! Guys! Your okay!" Spike said in relief trying to come to them.
"Spike! Bro your alright!" Mikey said amazed while they gave him a hug.
"Are you alright?" Donnie asked concerned for him while Spike held his head.
"My head hurts like hell, i feel like it's more vulnerable then it was before, you were right guys, i should've stayed on the ship for this one.." Spike said feeling regret for this whole mess.
"Don't beat yourself up like that Spike, we'll find a way out of here." Raph assured patting his shoulder.
"He's right Spike, just take it easy, we'll find a way." Leo said while they all were taking a moment to rest.

"So Zeno, how'd you end up here anyway?" Mikey asked sitting to where Zeno's cell was.
"I am a traitor to the Empire, i was once a great and respected warrior, but i disagreed with the emperor's plan to find the Heart Of Darkness." Zeno said while they all listened on.
"The black hole generator?" Donnie asked a bit worried to hear that.
"There is no honor in a weapon that destroy's worlds from afar, for saying such things, i was thrown into this pit." Zeno explained which was pretty sad to know.
"I'm sorry to hear that Zeno, truly.." Spike said weakly while holding his head until their door banged suddenly.

"Your up next aliens!" A soldier said coldly which surprised them.
"Already? But Spike's barely had time to recover!" Donnie said worried for him.
"I fear i know who you are up against next Turtles and Spike, fight with honor, and you will find glory." Zeno said while they all were getting up.
"Just take it easy for this Spike, we don't want you to lose yourself." Raph said helping him out.
"Hey Zeno, if we don't see you again, good luck winning your freedom." Leo said as they were leaving.
"Thank you my friend." Zeno said right before a door opened to his cell where an audience cheer was heard.
"I may need it.." Zeno said before he was moving out himself..

"On your knees!" Mozar shouted before tossing Honeycutt to his emperor.
"Professor Honeycutt, welcome! Witness the destruction of your turtle and snake friends!" Zanramon said evilly while Spike and the other's were entering the arena looking worried.
"Uh oh, look!" Leo said pointing to the throne where they saw Honeycutt was being held captive.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed holding his head still.
"And now, the vile mutant Terrapins, will face the Triceriton champion." The announcer said as a familiar figure was walking out of the shadows.
"The great... the merciless... Zeno the Undefeatable!" The announcer shouted as the very person they were talking too had walked out to the arena, meaning he was their opponent.
"Dudes, did he just say.." Mikey said with fear while the audience was cheering for him.
"Celestia help us..." Spike said drawing his plasma blade while Zeno roared at them with rage.

"Zeno? Is that really you dude?!" Mikey asked scarred to be facing him.
"I did not mean to deceive you my friend, but now we meet as was intended, in glorious battle!" Zeno shouted before he tried smashing Mikey with a strong hammer while the audience cheered for him.
"But bro we can't fight you!" Mikey shouted refusing to do this.
"You think?!" Raph asked while his eye was twitching, Zeno roared at all of them again and threw his hammer at them, Spike and the other's quickly dodged out of the way but Donnie was unfortunately hit with it and sent flying to the ground.
"You are honorable beings who deserve a warriors end! Perhaps i will chop of a limb or two!" Zeno shouted while they all were trying to avoid him.
"Please don't make us do this" Spike begged while slithering around him at fast speeds.
"I am sorry Spike, but it's do or die here!" Zeno shouted before slamming his hammer on the ground which sent all of them flying away from him while Zanramon laughed mockingly.

"Why let your friends suffer? I might consider sparing them if you complete the.. Heart Of Darkness." Zanramon said mockingly to Honeycutt.
"I will never build such a weapon for you Zanramon. I just will let you know that i have a Dragon that's just as powerful as Zeno, if not even more. And she is tearing her way through this ship as we speak, and will not rest until she gets her son and the turtles back." Honeycutt said in a threatening tone.
"Hmph, the Bringer of Death is strong, but we'll catch her eventually." Zanramon said brushing it off before going back to watching them fight.

Spike dodged his way out of a hammer strike again while Raph tried slashing at him, his armor was extremely tough and even his weak spots were hard to get to.
"Come on Zeno, we don't want to do this! There's more to honor then just obeying these harsh conditions! Even if you were to die rebelling them, it would be far more honorable then being forced to do this!" Spike hissed before ducking under a tail swipe.
"I agree with you completely on this, but there is no way i could fight back! I have no choice on this!" Zeno shouted while he knocked Leo to the ground really hard.
"Yes you do Zeno, there's always a second choice! Even when we don't see it!" Spike shouted while Zeno towered over him and Spike was cornered.
"Even if there is, i still don't know if i can do it, i'm sorry for this." Zeno said before he swinged his hammer directly at Spike's head and knocked him far across the arena which made the audience cheer even more.
"Spike!!" The turtles shouted with fear while Spike was on the ground.

But it was at that very moment, that final strike that was landed on him, something snapped. Spike's memory's flooded through him, all the horrific and traumatizing things he's seen over the years had finally caught onto him, there was always a great fear in the back of his mind of him being a monster with the way he is now, he wasn't able to save Splinter and the Earth, not even Karai, or even Leo after he got mutated, and it was even worse when he couldn't save himself from the Kraang. But all those moments of him being beaten down, mocked, and almost killed made him feel something he's only been lost by a few times before.. rage.

Spike's mind went blank as he felt his rage consume him, his body was slowly getting back up while his blood rushed through him, hid head had stopped hurting, but was now filled with one thing and one thing only.. pure fury. Zeno marched over to Spike to try and finish him off while he was still recovering.
"You shall go down with honor Spike!" Zeno shouted raising his hammer and bringing it down, but Spike's snake hand suddenly wrapped around it at such fast speeds that even Zeno didn't see coming which shocked him.
"What?" Zeno asked shocked while trying to pull it away, but he wasn't letting go. Spike was slowly rising up to face him again, but his eyes were not open yet, and they couldn't see him.
"Spike?" Donnie asked worried while Spike slowly turned his head to Zeno.

Spike's snake hands hissed with rage before they suddenly ripped his hammer out of Zeno's hands.
"What?!" Zeno asked surprised backing up from this, Spike rose on his tail and became really tall, and Spike's eyes finally opened, and they all looked scarred seeing this, his pupils were barely able to be seen, and Spike looked full of nothing but fury and anger. Spike hissed at them for a small moment before his hiss became an ear piercing screech which hurt everyone's ears hearing it, this was followed by a powerful blast of psychic energy that knocked Zeno and the other turtles back a great distance which surprised everyone watching.

"Spike?! What's wrong with you?!" Raph asked scarred while Spike kept hissing at them, Spike roared at them all and slithered at all of them at extremely fast speeds, Spike suddenly lunged his snake hand at Leo who was trying to block it with his sword.
"Donnie! What's going on?!" Leo shouted while Spike tried snapping his jaw at him.
"Oh no.. i think it's happened.. Spike's finally lost it!!" Donnie screamed with terror while Spike hissed at them all. Spike coiled his tail around Leo's leg before tossing him in the air, he slammed his face down on the floor multiple times which made the audience gasp in shock, he then threw Leo into Mikey and knocked them to the wall. Spike saw a camera drone was recording this thing and hissed at it with fury, he suddenly lunged at it so quickly the camera couldn't process it, and Spike was throwing the drone around at Zeno with fury who was actually being knocked back from this.
"Creature! Stop this! This isn't you!" Zeno shouted trying to get through to him, but Spike wasn't having it.

Even though Spike was still facing them, his mind was still in a state of rage that couldn't be controlled, Spike heard the audience cheers echo through his head which made him more furious. Spike slowly turned his head to the audience and screeched at them all, even though there was a large wall gap between them, Spike was somehow able to make a huge jump in the air and go directly to them. Everyone gasped in horror as Spike landed right on the bleachers the audience in, and roared at all of them with fury.

Spike blew a huge fire blast on multiple members and burned them to ash which terrified the turtles. Spike coiled his snake hands all around another group and tossed them around the area which made them scream in fear while Spike hissed at them, this was followed by Spike biting his jaws down on multiple people and it made them cry in pain.
"Spike! Stop this now!!" Mikey shouted trying to stop him, but Spike was too far gone, and Zanramon had enough of this.
"Enough! Kill that creature now!" Zanramon ordered which made multiple guards come out from dozens of doors, there was over 20 guards that were taking aim at Spike from all angles, but Spike was in such a state where this didn't even matter. Spike quickly flipped his way above the laser fire just as they fired, they all tried firing at him until Spike landed on one one the guards, Spike hissed at all of them and began shooting more fire at the guards who tried fighting back, Spike wrapped his snake hands around the guards neck who tried fighting back, but Spike's strength was too strong, and to their shock.. Spike snapped the soldiers neck, and he fell to the ground dead while Spike hissed at the rest and violently lunged at them.

Leo and the other's were watching with fear at Spike's outburst, even Zeno was shocked to see him in such a state.
"Zeno! You have to do something about this! Don't you see what this is doing?! If we don't get those black hole pieces, we could lose everything! This is one of the things that made Spike like this!" Donnie begged while Spike shot another guard with his own weapon, Zeno could see just how awful this was, and that it was all the Emperors fault for putting him in such a situation, but Zanramon wasn't having this.
"You have the moment now Zeno, finish the aliens!" Zanramon ordered again, but this time, Zeno wasn't gonna listen, Zeno roared with rage and threw his hammer back at the Emperor who barely dodged it.
"You dare?!" Zanramon asked furious with him.

"These are honorable beings, we are here because we want the Heart of Darkness destroyed, the snake has been driven mad from the sheer rage of what's happened here, all your talk about gathering the pieces, it is just a pitiful excuse only a cowardly Kraang would say!" Zeno mocked staring at him directly which made the remaining audience gasp in shock while Spike finished off the last guard easily before screeching even more.
"Grr!! Destroy him!" Zanramon ordered which made the doors to the way out open, but something strange happened, there was multiple laser blasts being heard followed by roars of rage and a familiar green fire blast.
"No! Get back! Get back!!" A guard shouted before he screamed in terror as a loud familiar roar was followed right after.
"Guys.. is that?" Leo asked already recognizing that roar, Spike landed back in the arena and hissed at all the guards who were coming from multiple sides, and was ready to continue tearing through them.
But through that dark hall they were looking at, the green fire lit up the halls and they could see a familiar dragon marching threw to the arena, and Zeno recognized her already.

"The Bringer of Death." Zeno said with a grin as they all saw Psiona march out to them while growling with rage.
"Where.. is.. my.. son!?" Psiona roared while tossing the very head of the guard that was heard to the emperor much to his horror, she was clearly doing some scary stuff when moving through the ship, and was not gonna take no for an answer.
"He's right there! Spike's lost his mind!" Leo shouted pointing his sword at Spike who was taking down even more guards, Psiona's eyes widened in shock and her rage quickly turned to fear for her son seeing that he actually lost it.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted before she quickly ran up to him, the other guards were trying to fire at Zeno who began to fight back.
"Escape, get your friend out of here, restore his mind! Find the Heart of Darkness, and destroy it!" Zeno said seriously while punching another down.

Spike screeched at the guards once again and was shooting multiple fire blasts at them to take them down. But Psiona used her powers to restrain him knowing he would attack her if she did it physically.
"Son! You've done enough! We'll get you out of here! Come on!" Psiona shouted before whacking another guard down with her tail, Mikey wrapped his chains around one of the camera drones above them and threw it to the ground.
"Donnie! Can you hot wire that thing?!" Leo asked trying to fight the guards back. Donnie quickly went over to it and sliced into it's wire system, and after a few clever hacks, he was able to hot wire it completely.
"Haha! Like a turtle do!" Donnie said proudly before another guard came behind him and took aim, but Zeno quickly came in and punched him into the air to the other guards who were still homing in.
"Bringer of Death, it is an honor to meet you! I have admired your heroics for years now! know that i will find my way out of here, and i hope me and you could have an honorable fight one day!" Zeno said while he and Psiona were taking down multiple guards together.
"I look forward to that Zeno the Undefeatable, i've heard of your legend too, and you are the only Triceriton i'm proud to meet! Good luck Zeno!" Psiona shouted before flying into the air with Spike right behind her.
"You too Psiona!" Zeno shouted before slamming his elbow down on another one.

Mozar was getting really frustrated and was about to do something himself, but Leo and the turtles suddenly came besides him with the drone being used to help them out.
"Surprise!" Leo said mockingly before Psiona came in and roared at him, she delivered a powerful punch to him and knocked him to the wall while the other's went to the emperor. Mozar quickly got up and saw Psiona turned her arm into a cannon and held it at the emperor's face.
"One move, and king Dino Breath gets it!" Raph threatened with a grin.
"Let the Fugitoid go, and we walk out of here." Leo said keeping his weapons up, Mozar growled with fury before finally accepting defeat as this couldn't be avoided.

Spike was still in his state of rage and he could barely think, but he saw Mozar was completely open, and knew what to do. Spike's eyes glowed white again and he made a loud screech of rage to break himself from Psiona's grip.
"Son! no!" Psiona shouted as Spike landed down and quickly slithered to him. Spike hissed at him and drew his plasma blade at really fast speeds. And before Mozar could even react, Spike suddenly came and and slashed at him at speeds even Rainbow Dash would be jealous of. Everyone gasped in complete shock as Spike backed up to them and hissed at Mozar, and before Mozar could even get up, his right arm suddenly fell of his body, and this was followed by the pain overtaking him which made him scream with agony.
"Holy cow!!" Raph said with shock while Psiona had to hold him with her powers again.
"We don't have time for this, we need to leave now!" Psiona shouted while Mozar held his arm to try to stop the plan.
"And i had just formulated the rescue plan too, and the most logical thing to do right now.. is to run!!" Honeycutt shouted running into the open door.
"Let's go!!" Leo shouted while they all brought the Emperor along with him.
"Get them!!" Mozar ordered with both anger and pain which made more soldiers go after them.

They all quickly made they're way through the halls while the remaining guards chased after them.
"Fools! You have made a grave enemy of the Triceriton Empire!" Zanramon said which angered Psiona.
"And you've made a grave mistake in making me an enemy, i swear i will blow your head off the next time something like this happens!!" Psiona roared while keeping Spike in the air with her powers.
"Go! Move move move!" Jaqueline shouted from the distance, they looked ahead and they saw that she, April and Casey were able to get the black hole piece finally, but were also being chased by more guards as well, the guards all stopped the moment they saw the emperor.

"Emperor Zanramon! Hold your fire!" A guard shouted stopping the others.
"Spike!!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as he saw he was in a state of rage.
"All of you! Destroy them now!" Zanramon ordered while he backed up to the other's.
"We need to go!!" Psiona shouted turning her arm into a blade again.
"This way my friends!... beep!" Honeycutt beeped before they all screamed while running away from them with the piece in tow.
"I hope you parked close!" Leo shouted running as fast as he can.
"Hold your breath guys!" April shouted while they were running to an airlock.
"Oh you gotta be kidding!" Donnie said annoyed while Psiona put on her armor again.
"Everyone hold on!!" Psiona shouted grabbing all of them at once, the airlock opened up and was sucking anything out into space once again, Psiona quickly flew out of it with the other's while April used her powers to move them to the ship which was just ahead.
"Don't let them escape! Launch the raptors!" Mozar said while slamming the door shut, even with an arm missing, he was still a tough one to take down. Everyone got back in the ship and quickly we're making they're escape.
"Hit it professor!" April shouted as they're ship powered up and they finally escaped them with the piece in tow.

"Phew.. that was a close one.." Donnie said a bit relieved to be out of this, but they still had one problem left. Spike. Spike was pinned to the wall by Psiona and they all were really worried on how to save him.
"What do we co? How can we restore his mind?!" Jaqueline asked really worried for him.
"I have a way, i can make it stable again, but my son won't be out of it fully, we have to find a way to restore him after this." Psiona said bringing her claws up to him who was still hissing at her. But Psiona quickly placed her claws on his head and used her powers once again.
"Son, please stop this.. this is not you. I'm your mother, we are your friends, your family. No matter what horror's you've been through.. we're always with you .." Psiona said in her mind trying to restore Spike. Spike hissed at her even more until the powers flew into his brain, his own psychic powers were reacting to her influence, the memory's of what Spike's went through came back to him, but while he went through some bad stuff, he always had his friends with him. The turtles, Jaqueline, and his mom, they all were here for him, and even with what he went through, they always were there for him..

Spike's eyes glowed white as his mind was overflowed with psychic energy, everyone watched with worry as Psiona's eyes glowed too. Spike's hisses were finally calming down as the memory's flew through him, all the rage he had was suddenly disappearing, and he felt like he was himself again. And after a few more seconds, Spike's eyes finally returned to normal and he gasped with shock and breathed heavily. Psiona opened her eyes finally after doing this, everyone had a look of worry for him while Spike looked at them with fear.
"Guys.. what.. happened?" Spike asked holding his head again, they all sighed in relief seeing that Spike was restored once again.

"Spike.. it's gonna be okay.." Jaqueline assured giving him another hug with Psiona, Spike was still in shock from what was happening, but soon returned it as he really needed it right now.
"What happened to me guys? Did we.. get out of there?" Spike asked seeing they were back on the ship.
"We did Spike, we got the black hole piece too, we made it." April assured which relieved him a ton.
"Thank the mother of Celestia.." Spike said laying back on the wall hearing this.
"You'll be alright son.. you'll be alright.." Psiona said holding him close to make sure he doesn't overthink about what he just did.

"So.. we got the first piece right, and we got two more." April said letting Spike have a moment while they plan they're next face out.
"Any idea on where to get the next two?" Leo asked curious.
"I think i may have an idea." Honeycutt said already knowing what to do next.
"Why do i have a feeling we're going somewhere familiar?" Psiona asked suspicious while holding her son close still.
"We probably are.." Jaqueline said rolling her eyes at this.
"I don't know.. but i just want some rest.. but hey.. getting that black hole piece is a huge W, you know that what this calls for right?" Spike asked weakly looking at all of them.
"Absolutely bro! Booya ka... booyaka.." Mikey said trying to shout his catchphrase while still eating, but Honeycutt pushed him out of the way to finish it.
"Booyakasha!!!" Honeycutt shouted as they all took in this moment, they had the first piece, and have an idea on where to go next...

71: War For Dimension X

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We open to a shot within Dimension X, we see two familiar Salamandrians talking with Kraang Sub Prime, they were trying to convince them to work with them in order to stop the Triceritons, but the Kraang didn't wanna go anywhere near that group.

"We share a familiar enemy. The Triceritons are formidable. But if we could combine our forces, we could eradicate them from the galaxy." Throkka offered as he and Mona were in a middle of a talk.
"Your find it valuable to have great warriors like the Salamandrians on your side." Mona said joining in on this while Sub Prime was not interested.
"What? Are you people crazy?! We Kraang invade planets for one reason.. to get away from the Triceritons! Not fight em!" Sub Prime said floating around them.
"By avoiding this fight, you bring dishonor to your species." Mona said pulling out her plasma sword.
"Cause that's the Kraang's main concern, honor! Please! Have you seen those Triceritons? Those guys are huge! My advice sister, get away from as far away from them as possible! And find a nice planet to mutate!" Sub prime mocked floating away from them which irritated her.

"You disgust me you soft pink coward!" Mona insulted gripping her blade.
"Hmm.. I wonder if I can live with that.. Why yes! Yes I can!" Sub prime mocked not taking that at all.
"Come Y' Gythgba, we'll find others." Throkka said ready to go.
"Perhaps we can ally ourselves with Spike, The Bringer of Death and the Turtles again." Mona suggested which got his attention.
"What?! An ally of a Turtle or Cyborg Dragon or snake dragon is an enemy of Kraang Sub Prime!" Sub prime shouted with rage which made all the droids around the two aim they're weapons at them, they wanted to fight back, but there were too many for them to fight.
"So i have this place you guys can all hang out and talk about honor and courage and stuff! It's called.. my dungeon!" Sub Prime mocked while he made another evil laugh to the two Salamandrians.

Meanwhile with Spike and the others, it's been a few more weeks since they got the black hole piece, while Spike's head still hurts after losing his mind again, he's still confident they can fight, so they're gonna be going for the info on where the next pieces are next, and the only way to do that.. was to go back to Dimension X..

Spike and the gang got into the stealth ship with Psiona as they were just departing from they're own.
"Okay okay focus Mikey, this is basic stuff." Donnie said trying to explain black holes to Mikey which was just laughable to think about.
"How is explaining a black hole to someone like Mikey basic? You do realize who your talking too right?" Spike hissed while his mother was uneasy about this.
"Hey come on I can do science stuff, I'm great at dancing the robot!" Mikey said in defense which made him roll his eyes.
"The robot dance isn't science." Leo corrected not really interested in this.
"It is when i do it!" Mikey said before he proceeded to make a robotic dance to have some fun which made Psiona chuckle a little.
"Speaking as a robot.. that's actually pretty good!" Honeycutt complimented happy about that.

Spike could see Psiona was looking uneasy from where they're going, and wanted to make sure she's alright.
"You okay mom?" Spike asked worried for her while she was a bit tense.
"I'm.. alright.. To think we're having to go to meet the Utrom's again.. it's just been so long since I last saw them." Psiona said looking into the void of space.
"You knew Bishop right? What did you do with him during your time fighting against the Kraang? If your known by the Utroms, there's a lot you must've done right?" Spike asked slithering up to her while she didn't know how to respond.
"That's best for when we meet them Spike.. we'll explain everything when we do okay?" Psiona asked needing time to think on this.
"Alright mom, take your time." Spike said patting her shoulder which made her smile a bit.

"All right guys let's focus, we need to find the next piece of the Black Hole Device before the Triceritons do." Leo said getting back on track.
"So Fugitoid? Why do you think the Utrom can help us?" Raph asked a bit unsure of this.
"Because, the Utrom are the ones who broke the black hole device into pieces and scattered them across the universe to keep them safe." Honeycutt explained which Psiona knew was a true fact.
"The Utrom have some more advanced tech then even the Kraang have, they will know where to find them." Psiona added with a serious look.

"I still feel bad about having to leave, April, Casey and Jaqueline back on the ship to guard the other fragment, they seemed pretty mad." Donnie said worried at the thought.
"I think mad would be an understatement to say the least." Spike said as we see what they're thoughts are on the ship, Casey was smacking his stick on the floor with rage while April was really upset and tried reading a space newspaper about RoboHealth, and Jaqueline was just passed out on the couch to pass the time.
"I'm sure they're over it by now." Mikey said brushing it off without a second thought.
"Projecting the portal!" Honeycutt shouted before he shot a beam from the stealth ship, this opened a large portal that opened a rift between space and time, and everyone was really worried as the ship jumped to lightspeed and moved through it.

The Rift appears within Dimension X once again, and Spike and the other's carefully fly through the familiar place with caution.
"I always hate coming back to this place.." Psiona said with a growl while the ship landed down on a nearby platform.
"It's alright mom, we're at least gonna be seeing some old friends of yours." Spike said slithering besides her again.
"You sure you should be with us on this Spike? The last time this happened you almost lost your mind completely." Leo asked concerned for him.
"I've.. gotten my head together by now, it's still pretty weak.. but I still can handle this, trust me guys." Spike said holding his head while the group was still worried.
"Just take it easy Spike, your snake form is a lot more vulnerable now." Donnie said patting his shoulder while they heard a familiar monster roar, they looked behind them and saw another giant Kraang worm once again.

"Hey there giant Kraang worm!" Mikey greeted casually while Psiona took aim at the monster and shot it down.
"Ugh, I cannot believe I spend decades here." Psiona said in disgust looking around the place.
"Tell me about it! I hate Dimension X just as much as I hate space!" Raph shouted agreeing to this.
"The sooner we find the Utrom, the sooner we leave. Do you or Psiona know where to find them professor?" Donnie asked turning to the two.
"My memory's a bit blurry on where the base is, but I think I know where to find them.." Psiona said looking around for any familiar sights she's been too.
"I'm having a tough time finding the base because Dimension X is messing with my scanners." Honeycutt said feeling a bit strange which irritated them.

"Oh great, now what?" Leo asked frustrated at they're robot's malfunction.
"I got the answer right here dog!" Mikey shouted before he threw another smoke bomb down and suddenly appeared in his Savage Mikey outfit again, somehow changing out of his suit and everything in less then a second.
"Calm down Raph, you knew it was coming.. calm down.." Raph told himself holding back his rage.
"How do you change so fast?" Spike asked really surprised with his speed.
"Follow me guys, I've got this!" Mikey shouted with confidence before he took off with a grapple, the other's looked at eachother and shrugged they're shoulder's before deciding to catch up with him, but while they began running, A Kraang drone had spotted the group and began to track them as they moved through the area.

Spike and the others flipped through the area with low gravity, Spike landed on his tail while Psiona just flew through the air, looking around for the Utrom base.
"You getting anything mom?" Spike asked looking up at her while she landed next to him.
"I think we're close.." Psiona said looking ahead of them while Mikey stopped suddenly too.
"She's right dudes, we're here." Mikey said looking at nothing but an empty area.
"What? I don't see anything!" Raph shouted annoyed at this.
"That's because they don't want to be found out." Psiona said before she threw a rock at the open space which revealed to be a trick.
"A cloaking dome! Incredible!" Honeycutt said amazed as they could see a huge base in front of them.
"You ready to do this mom?" Spike asked while they stood on the edge.
"Let's do this.." Psiona said before she and Mikey jumped through themselves, the others all took a moment before they finally jumped into it themselves.

Spike and the other's landed on the ground and tried to get they're bearings, Psiona looked at the large base ahead of them with awe as it doesn't look any different then the last time she came here.
"Whoa, now that's a headquarters!" Donnie said amazed at the sight of it. But they didn't have much time to admire the view before some familiar droids suddenly appeared next to them with they're weapons drawn, including Bishop.
"Who are you? How did you find our base.. and why did you throw a rock at my head?!" Bishop asked holding a rocket launcher with his arm.
"Bishop please stand down! It's me! Psiona! You remember me right?" Psiona asked holding her hands in the air, Bishop took a good look at her and soon recognized who she is.
"Psiona! It really is you! Your alright!" Bishop said in relief which made the other Utrom lower they're weapons knowing she's an ally.
"I could say the same with you." Psiona replied while Honeycutt walked up to him too.
"Bishop! It is good to see you my friend! Forgive our intrusion." Honeycutt greeted coming to him, Bishop and Honeycutt did a little greeting with they're hands before he recognized him too.

"Professor Honeycutt, it's good to see you too! Despite your.. robotic body and your very large head." Bishop greeted seeing Honeycutt as a robot.
"Thank you.. I think.." Honeycutt replied a bit unsure of that.
"Bishop, I know this is short notice, but I'd like you to get the rest of the council together, there's a lot we need to talk about." Psiona asked looking over the Utrom.
"Anything for my friends, especially you Psiona. This way." Bishop replied moving ahead to the base.
"Wow, you and him must have the history together huh?" Spike asked coming up to her again who sighed at this sight.
"We do, after all, he was the one who found me alone in this Dimension, and tried helping me find my way home." Psiona said going over the memory's she's had here.

Everyone followed Bishop through the base, and had been given some breathing devices to help them move around here better.
"Dudes, those neck breathing things you got are cool." Mikey complimented as he didn't have one unlike them.
"Shh Mikey." Donnie shushed as they all were coming into an open area.
"Professor, Turtles, Spike and Psiona. Allow me to present to you the sacred high council of the Utrom.. Pawn, Rook, King.. Knight.. and Queen." Bishop introduced motioning to one bot who had a fancy mustache on it, one that looked strangely familiar to Sub Prime's disguise body, and one that looked like Mrs. Campbell from the Kraang, King had a special jewel on his head, and Knight held a double bladed axe behind him.. Psiona had a look of shame being in front of her friends after being gone for so long, but she needed to talk with them for this.
"It's.. nice to see you all." Psiona greeted while all of them were shocked to see Psiona was here.
"It is a relief to know you are okay Psiona." King greeted glad to see she is here.
"Especially after so long old friend." Knight greeted as well which made her smile a little.
"The council of the Utrom acknowledges the Professor, Turtles, Psiona and her son." Queen replied looking at the group.

"Utrom, these Turtles, Spike and Psiona are protectors of Earth. They have fought the Kraang, and you know Psiona is worthy of your help." Honeycutt said respectfully as some chairs appeared behind them for them to sit on.
"The Utrom are already aware of the Turtles, and all they've done for the planet Earth. Psiona on the other hand, is a completely different story." Queen said respectfully too while she kept a straight face.
"So why didn't you help us before?" Raph asked upset at they're lack of help.
"Because Earthlings cannot always be trusted. Your species is irrational, for Psiona's son Spike, that is the moment we would've broken our vow if you hadn't shown up when he was captured by the Kraang." Rook said adjusting her glasses a bit.

"So you knew about my capture? How did you even find out about me?" Spike asked curious with this.
"We've kept security on you within Equestria, you may have never noticed it Spike, but we've been watching you since the whole Eternal Night incident. Nightmare Moon's threat may have been something to worry about if your friends didn't stop it. Since you are the son of a long time friend of ours, we were doing what we could to keep an eye on you. But the Kraang were able to slip past our drones eyes, and they were able to capture you and take you away from your home." Queen explained before she had a hologram that showed some drones that were actually well hidden within certain events Spike had back in Equestria, from Nightmare Moon, to when he went to the Dragon Migration, and even when the incident with Sombra happened. Everyone was in complete shock to know this and it may explain the files Spike was able to get back on Earth a while back.
"If.. you knew about my mom.. why didn't you try and talk with me sooner about this? Or even Celestia and Luna, or the mane 6? They're just as family as she is?" Spike asked a bit upset to know this., Psiona sighed being asked that and turned to him.
"Because they were too busy searching for me by the time they were monitoring you. I'd been missing for quite a long time at that point, and they needed to keep focus on one thing." Psiona said looking over the council.
"We were planning to rescue you when you were captured by the Kraang, we were one day away from striking at that base you were held at, but fortunately for us, the Turtles had rescued you and took you in, which sent you down the path you have been on for 3 years at this point." King explained turning to him too while everyone was shocked to hear this.

"I.. I still don't understand, what did my mom do with you? How did she end up a part of the council?" Spike asked again wanting these answers finally.
"Allow us to show you." Queen said as the hologram changed to give them the history of what happened.
"For millions of Nextons, the Utroms have all had individual personalities. But one Nexton, and Utrom named Kraang, discovered the mutagen of the Kraathatrogon worm. Kraang Prime was born, becoming deranged in the process. He uses his terrible psychic powers to turn millions of Utrom into slave copies of himself, and thus.. the Kraang were born.." Knight explained showing them the history which amazed them all.
"And that's where I came in son.." Psiona said before the footage changed to her within her armor, fighting alongside Bishop and the Utrom.

"The Kraang had captured me because of my own powers, which were similar to Kraang Prime's, but I had some level of control of it, after I was.. tortured and turned into.. this.." Psiona said with sadness looking at her cyborg body which worried the others, before she went back to explaining.
"I had escaped the Kraang's horrible base, and had fought within this dimension for decades, trying to find my way home. But one day.. I came upon a battle between the Utrom and the Kraang, I sensed something were different about the Utrom, and I assisted them and helped take them down, after that, Bishop helped explain to me on what was going on, and who they were. While they did offer to get me back home.. so I could find you.. I knew these monster's needed to be stopped, and for years .. I fought alongside the Utrom, and used my powers to free any Kraang that I could, my powers were just as strong, if not stronger then Kraang Prime's. And I was known as a fierce warrior of the Utrom, one that could potentially destroy the Kraang for good." Psiona explained seriously while they all saw the footage of her freeing Kraang from Prime's control.

"So that explains why those droids helped us back in New York." Leo said surprised while he recalled the droids turning against Sub Prime.
"That's exactly why, I fought alongside the Utrom for a really long time, all the while I hoped i could find my way back to you. But one day, during a certain mission, we were all overwhelmed by a huge number of Kraang." Psiona explained as the footage changes to a battle that looked extremely tough.
"Bishop and I were separated during the fight, and I was making my way to a portal to prevent them from sending forces to Earth. But there were too many for me to face on my own, so.. as a last ditch effort. I used my psychic powers to my fullest form, and unleashed a powerful blast that completely freed all the Kraang from they're control.." Psiona explained as we see Psiona in the form when she's at full power, her eyes were glowing pure white and they see her make a loud roar which sends a shockwave across the island, and that frees what could be hundreds of Kraang droids as a result.

"But.. because of such power.. I was weakened to a state where I couldn't keep moving.. and I fell through the portal that led me to Earth, separating me from the Utrom.. and my only way to finding you.. I ended up in those woods you all were in by the time I found you, but I was too weak to keep going, so using the last of my strength, I made my way to a secure cave, and placed whatever treasures and equipment down to help me recover, and I fell into a deep hibernation for what could've been decades, completely isolated from the rest of the world. And the only thing that could've awakened me.. was a similar psychic power source, which came from you and April.." Psiona explained some more as everyone sees the sad past she went through while the Utrom looked regretful.

"Mom.. I.. had no idea.. I knew you had a history and everything.. but this is.." Spike said trying to process what he's just learned.
"We searched everywhere for Psiona, we knew she had a child that she hid away in Equestria, so the Kraang couldn't capture you. But since you and Psiona share a similar Psychic energy, the Kraang were able to find you after stalking, and that's why they captured you. Psiona freed thousands of Utrom from Prime's control, and one of our main goals now was to find you both, and find a way to bring you back to Equestria." King finished while all the turtles and Honeycutt were shocked at this too.
"This is.. something else to know.. that's for sure.." Honeycutt said really shocked to know this news while Psiona held her son close.
"I spent so many years away from you.. without you.. I was afraid that you may have lost any care to meet me after all this time.. but to know you were still 12 by the time you were brought to Earth.. It was so much for me.. finding you was so important to me, I didn't want to think about anything else until I did.. and now.. I finally have you back.." Psiona said hugging him close while Spike held her too.
"It's okay mom.. what matters is we all know this now.. and we're here for you.." Spike assured holding her as well.

"We must say we're relieved you are okay Psiona. You have done so much for us. And we are willing to take in any favors if you need one, we have actually been getting close to finding a way to get you and Spike back home, and it may not be long until we finally do it." Queen said looking at the two who were really shocked to hear that, but they need to remember the one goal they have right now.
"I'd.. love that Queen, but that isn't just the reason we came here, we also need your help with something else.." Psiona said turning to the other's.
"What's happened to Psiona and your race is a huge tragedy, but we're trying to avoid another one." Honeycutt said moving onto their real topic.
"We found one of the Black hole generator pieces, and we need to find the others, it's the only way to save Earth." Donnie explained which shocked the whole council.

"You found one of the Black Hole pieces?!" Queen asked really shocked to hear this.
"No.. no n n n no! Bad!" Pawn said in a distorted tone before he fell down suddenly.
"How?!" Knight asked raising his axe while King was horrified to know this.
"You found a piece?!" King asked sounding upset at this too.
"No one should hide such power! We took a lot of work to hide them in the safest parts of the galaxy!" Rook said really upset to know this.
"Safest? the first piece corrupted the entire race of Aeons!" Leo argued which shocked all of them.
"What?!/ Impossible!/ No way!" They all said really shocked to hear this.
"Utrom. I have a plan to destroy the generator once and for all." Honeycutt announced standing up in front of them.
"Impossible! Zee heart of Darkness cannot be destroyed!" Pawn said finally recovering from the shock.
"Utrom. We must discuss this." Bishop said as all the Utrom stood up again.
"Give us a minute Psiona." King said as the group went to talk about this topic while the other's were concerned.

Spike and the other's waited around for a bit hoping they would agree until they finally turned to them.
"We have finished reaching a decision." Queen said turning to them.
"Great!" Leo said ready to hear it.
"We are officially opening the states of helping you, since Psiona is a long time friend of ours, we will get to this as soon as we can. We still have some stuff to handle, but it may take a while to get things going with what we're going through right now." Rook explained which upset Raph.
"What? But we need your help now!" Raph shouted which made Psiona slap him as a result.
"Show your respect to them Raph!" Psiona shouted annoyed with him .

"Utrom please, we've come from the future, the Triceritons find ALL the pieces and destroy Earth! We saw it happen!" Leo argued while all of them looked concerned before Mikey came to them.
"Oolong, that black hole thingy is the only thing that can help us! Please?" Mikey begged which made them look at eachother.
"Perhaps we can.." Queen said right before a familiar portal opened up followed by dozens more and they saw Kraang droids emerge from it.
"You got to be kidding me!" Knight said annoyed drawing his axe as Sub Prime marched through laughing evilly.
"So the long hidden Utrom base, revealed by none other then those miserable turtles and dragons. How awesome has Kraang Sub Prime's day become?!" Sub Prime asked as more portals began to open up.

The droids began to fire at all the heroes and they all had to engage in battle with them all, Spike whipped one of his snake hands at a droid and used it to rip it's head off while Knight sliced one apart with his axe, Psiona roared with rage and shot her arm cannon at multiple droids to destroy them. Sub Prime landed on the table and took aim at Queen trying to kill her, but Bishop jumped in and twisted the arm to more droids which fired back at them as a result. Bishop then ducked down and flipped over the table to face him.
"How I've waited for this day Sub Prime!" Bishop said while King drew some sickles to fight him too.
"You traitor!" King shouted twirling them around at fast speeds while Rook stood above him.
"You stole my body! Irma was my creation!" Rook shouted trying to attack him, but Sub Prime grabbed her by the face as a result.
"Aw.. my heart bleeds for ya!" Sub Prime mocked before Psiona came in and sliced off his arm to free her.

"Back off you monster!!" Psiona roared while Queen was trying to fight off the droids, but screamed in pain as she was shot and tazed badly.
"Queen!" King shouted with fear as they saw her brain come out.
"Your majesty!" Sub Prime mocked before grabbing one of her tentacles.
"Let me go Sub Prime!" Queen shouted trying to escape him.
"Queen!!" Bishop and King shouted with horror as a portal opened up.
"So long morons! I'll be taking a parting gift!" Sub Prime insulted before he ran through the portal with some more droids.
"No!!" Spike hissed before sliced off another droid with his plasma sword and met up with Mikey and Raph.
"Let's go dudes!" Mikey shouted before the three of them ran through the portal just as it closed.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted with fear as they were completely gone now.

The portal opens up within another Kraang base and Sub Prime marches through with some droids with Queen being a hostage.
"I think you'll like your accommodations Queen. And by like I mean.. you will totally hate!" Sub Prime shouted as Spike and his group emerged through the portal too. Mikey pushed them away so they couldn't be seen by the droids as they were marching off. Spike, Mikey and Raph peaked through the corner to make sure they weren't seen.
"Thanks bros, come on stay close." Raph said before they started running through the halls together.
"We have to save Queen!" Spike said seriously as they tried to find them, but they were already gone somehow.
"Aw! How did we lose her already?!" Raph asked frustrated not seeing them.
"How do they keep vanishing on us like this?" Spike asked hissing at this.

"I would know such fury anywhere.. Raphael and Spike!" Mona shouted from a cell which got they're attention, and Raph gasped with shock seeing her.
"Mona..?" Raph asked with hearts in his eyes.
"Oh boy here we go again.." Spike said shaking his head while they saw her in the cell.
"Dude, is that your girl..?" Mikey asked before shoved him aside and ran to her with Spike besides him.
"Let them go you stupid cell!" Spike hissed while he and Raph stabbed the door repeatedly.
"Dude calm down, they'll hear!" Mikey warned while the door buzzed and finally opened up.
"Mona! Your alright!" Spike said relieved to see she and Throkka are okay.
"What are you doing here? I never thought we'd see you again?" Raph asked taking heavy breaths, Mona simply smiled at him and picked Raph up with ease and kissed him which disgusted Mikey.

"Come on people no time for kissy face! We're on a mission to rescue Utrom Queen remember?" Mikey asked which confused Throkka a bit.
"Utrom Queen? The Utrom and Kraang are one and the same!" Throkka said towering over them while Spike didn't show fear.
"We thought they could be trusted, but we found out the hard way." Mona said upset at this too before Mikey suddenly shoved the group into the cell just as another group was marching past them.
"Kraang and Utrom are not the same commander, trust me on that." Mikey said looking through the window himself.
"They're the ones who my mother fought alongside, she knows them, they were gonna rescue me if the turtles hadn't shown up when I was being held captive by them." Spike hissed which concerned Mona hearing that.
"Why did we not hear of this much sooner.. brother?" Mona asked walking up to him, Spike sighed hearing that and looked at her.
"Because the Utrom like to stay hidden, they don't wanna be found out by the Kraang and put under they're control, my mother is the only one that was able to free them from control, sister." Spike explained looking at her.

"Good Kraang? You expect us to believe such a thing?" Throkka asked not believing this.
"We tried to trust the Kraang but it landed us in prison. How can we trust the Utrom?" Mona asked not sure of this.
"I was skeptical too Mona, but these Utrom, they helped us." Raph replied trying to help them understand.
"They are someone even my own mother trusts, she knows them all, and sees them as friends, and I know you can too if you give it a chance." Spike said hopefully, the two looked at eachother and had a look of concern being told this.

Meanwhile with Queen, she was being held captive still and was strapped to a device by Sub Prime.
"You pathetic Utrom are so annoying to deal with because of that dragon Psiona, while we Kraang are totally awesome! Have I mentioned your Tiara is lame and not awesome? Because it is! How come King got a better crown then you?" Sub Prime mocked messing around with it.
"My forces are on their way as we speak, ready to rescue me and destroy your Sub Command Center!" Queen threatened not faced by his words.
""Ooh, you got words don't you? Got real serious there didn't ya? Whatever, it's not like we're scared of a few Utrom." Sub Prime said floating to a couple droids.
"You idiots stay on lookout." Sub Prime whispered not wanting her to hear it.
"Affirmative Sub Prime, that which is known as Lookout Kraang will stay." The droid said marching away before Sub Prime regained focus again.
"Now Queenie, your gonna spill all the Utrom's secrets, understand?!" Sub Prime asked in a threatening tone while Queen was a bit afraid herself.

Back at the Utrom Council, the Utrom's were all discussing on what to do to rescue Queen.
"I will move to instate, Parliamentary procedure 43 dash 296" Rook concluded which made Leo have enough.
"Guys! No more discussion we need action!" Leo said marching to them.
"That isn't a topic of discussion Leo." Psiona said already knowing what it is.
"Psiona is right, this is o discussion. Parliamentary procedure 43 dash 296 is an all out war. " Bishop explained which made Leo smile hearing that.
"Gather all our Utromdroids! now!" King ordered which made Knight move ahead down the halls, after a bit of waiting, they could see hundreds of Utrom that were freed from Kraang Prime's control moving down to them, with tons of highly advanced weapons.

"Whoa, now we're talking!" Leo said amazed that hey had an army of they're own with them on this.
"Thanks to Psiona, she was able to save hundreds of droids, and now we Utrom are wanting to return the favor, and help her now." Knight said taking out his plasma axe which made Psiona smile hearing that.
"Let's smash some Kraang guys." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade ready to go, but Honeycutt had one more question to ask.
"Now, I must ask do you know where the other Black Hole generators are located? Just in case.. you know.. something happens?" Honeycutt asked a bit worried on this.
"We will explain this once this siege is over." King said drawing his sickles ready to fight.

Back in the cell with Spike and his group, they were trying to discuss on what to do.
"So are you guys gonna help save the Queen or what?" Mikey asked while Throkka looked out the window.
"As I said, we will not aid the Kraang." Throkka said turning to him again.
"But they are not Kraang, you need to trust me on this Throkka." Spike said turning to the group too while holding his head as it was hurting again.
"Mona, we wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you know that." Raph said turning to her while she looked at the group.

"I've doubted them before commander, even when you insisted otherwise. But now i trust Spike and Raphael with my life. I believe them both." Mona said looking at them while Throkka sighed hearing that.
See? Even Mona agrees to this." Spike said turning to him for a moment.
"Yeah boy!.. ugh.." Mikey said turning from happy to annoyed as they saw Raph and Mona kissing eachother once again.
"What's with you two?" Mikey asked annoyed as they didn't respond at all while harp music was heard.
"Even Jaqueline and I aren't this lovey dubby.." Spike said annoyed while they all slapped they're faces.

Back with Queen, she was almost ready to be tortured while Sub Prime hovered over her.
"All right Queen, you will tell me everything you know about the Black Hole Generator!" Sub Prime threatened holding out his claw arm at her.
"Never! I will never tell!" Queen countered which made him growl in frustration.
"Then it's time for a little torture!" Sub Prime shouted about to do something, but Mikey made a savage yell and suddenly came behind him and kicked him down, Spike stabbed one droid through the chest with his plasma blade and Raph ripped another's head off while Throkka tore another down too.
"I can't believe I'm saving a Kraang." Throkka said annoyed at this.

"It's the 5 of us against you Sub Prime!" Raph shouted as he , Spike and Mona stood by eachother's side.
"Let the Queen go!" Spike hissed moving his snake hands around again.
"Ooh! I'm so scared! Look at me, I'm quivering!" Sub Prime mocked before he pressed a button on his wrist device. This opened a hatch that was within the lab itself, and they all watched with shock as a robotic dragon emerged from the hole and roared at them all.
"Not really! Cause I got a Dracotroid!" Sub Prime shouted as the monster roared at the group.

"Mona get down!" Spike shouted tackling her out of a lightning blast, everyone was flipping over the blast from the two robots while they tried to fight them off, Throkka landed on one of the heads and tried to rip it off, but was being tossed around from it's insane strength. Mikey came in and made a powerful yell which made the dragon screech in pain before Raph was thrown right to him.
"Mikey!" Raph shouted before he and Mikey were thrown to a wall together while Spike drew his blade again while the monster towered over them.
"I've always wanted to watch a Turtle get eaten by a Dracotroid.." Sub Prime mocked just before a powerful blast blew up the wall besides them and knocked them down.

"What?" Spike asked shocked before they all ran to the hole in the wall to see what's going on. To their surprise, they saw Psiona and the other Utrom with the Turtles all ready to help them.
"Need a little help?" Leo asked while more droids came besides him.
"Leo!" Spike said relieved to see him here.
"Utrom?" Throkka asked shocked to see them all here while Queen looked proud to see them.
"I knew my Utrom would come to free us!" Queen said glad to see they're all here.
"That's right, you can always count on a Turtle, Dragon, or an Utrom to help out!" Mikey said confidently while Sub Prime was getting back up.
"Dracotroid! Do what you do best!" Sub Prime ordered once again, the robot activated it's weapons and fired a powerful blast at the group which sent them all out of the building while the dragon flew out. Raph grabbed Mona and used his grapple to whip them to safety while Mikey used his to safely put Spike and Throkka back to the group.

"Son!!" Psiona said with relief quickly giving him another tight hug.
"It's good to see you too mom." Spike said glad she was here too while Throkka gave Queen to King.
"Are you okay Queen?" King asked worried for her.
"Now that your here, I couldn't be better." Queen said glad he was here too.
"Since we're all here now, let's take them down!" Knight shouted charging into the battle with rage while hundreds of droids were firing at them all, Spike hissed with rage and began tearing through them with his mom while Raph and Mona fought by eachother's side.
"Nice work Sal! Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted backflipping away while Throkka tore another one apart as laser fire was going off in the background.
"Booyakasha indeed Michelangelo!" Throkka shouted before they all continued to fight like it was a full on war.

"This has got to be the most pathetic sight ever.." Sub Prime mocked before something knocked him down from the building, Sub prime heard a battle cry and saw Bishop and King were coming down to fight.
"It pains me to see how far you've fallen!" Bishop mocked while running over one of his arms and flipping over.
"I knew i should've executed you when we had the chance! Especially for what you did to Psiona!" King shouted blocking more lasers with his sickles.
"You all mean nothing to me! I am now Kraang Sub Prime!" Sub prime mocked knocking Bishop of the ledge while laughing evilly.
"You really need to remember our worlds laws of physics traitor!" King shouted slicing another hand off.
"What?!" Sub Prime asked frustrated before Bishop emerged from the ledge and fired his rocket launcher at him and blew of the head.
"You idiots!!" Sub Prime shouted turning his arms into buzz saws before they all charged at eachother.

Meanwhile with Honeycutt and Rook, they were taking cover from blaster fire while he wanted to know the info.
"Uh.. I know now is not the best time, but about those black hole fragments?" Honeycutt asked while Psiona was shooting down multiple droids in the background and heard the talk.
"This may be our last stand. I will tell you professor.." Rook said before Psiona jumped in between them.
"No don't! Your head will explode if you do!" Psiona warned while they saw Spike breath fire on a large group in the background.
"Ugh right! Safety protocols! Sorry professor." Rook apologized which upset him.
"Ugh, that's always the way isn't it?!" Honeycutt asked frustrated at this.

Spike whipped his snake arms around the robots as they were surrounding them and made tons of snake hissed while fighting them off.
'Bring it on punks!!" Spike hissed before he made a large high jump which made him land on the Dracotroid just as it flew over, Spike quickly regained his ground on where he is and saw Raph and Mona were fighting against it.
"Want some help guys?" Spike shouted before he drew his blade and stabbed the robot in the back which made it roar in pain.
"Of course Spike, it's an honor to fight besides you!" Mona shouted before she drew her blade too and helped him out while Raph rode on one of the dragons heads.
"You two are perfect as siblings you know that?" Raph shouted before he stabbed his weapons on the wings to slow it down, but more flying droids came by the robots side and began firing at them once again.

Back with King and Bishop, they were holding they're own against Sub Prime while he tried fighting them off.
"You used to be our greatest hero! You were a true brother!" Bishop shouted as half his face was damaged from the fight.
"You tortured Psiona in ways that is unforgivable! I had every right to replace you with Knight! I should've replaced you long ago!" King shouted while he tore off one of his arms again.
"Oh for the love of Kraang! Everyone hates complete subservience to Kraang Prime, until they try it! And Psiona and her stupid son have been a target for long enough now!" Sub Prime shouted aiming his blaster at them.
"You are a traitor! Sub Prime!" Bishop shouted before he grabbed one of the crystals from this dimension and King sliced off the blaster with rage.
"You should've fallen long ago Sub Prime, and you will now!" King shouted as Bishop stabbed the crystal into one of his legs, King and Bishop quickly ran off while Sub Prime tried to escape, but the crystal made a powerful explosion which finally defeated him and Bishop put on his sunglasses.
"I've been wanting to ask you if you have a spare pair of those, they make you look.. cool." King asked seeing them.
"I have plenty of them King." Bishop replied as they looked at the rubble that was caused from it.

Spike and Raph continued to fight on the back of the Dracotroid while more flying droids kept firing at them.
"There's so many of them!" Spike hissed slicing another in half once again, but Mona was beginning to struggle and was holding onto the Head of the monster.
"I can't.. hold on much longer!" Mona shouted which got Raph's attention.
"Mona! Spike you know what to do!" Raph shouted while Spike breathed fire on another droid and melted it.
"Got it!" Spike shouted before he took out his blade again and stabbed the creature in the back, the creature roared with pain and it began to spiral out of control and went directly into a large structure.
"Jump!!" Spike shouted which made all 3 of them jump off the monster just as it blew up from crashing into the structure, Raph grabbed Mona took out his grapple while Spike whipped his snake hands onto a ledge, Raph shot the grapple on the ledge too and they all went flying down to another platform which finally gave them room to breath.
"It's kinda sad April, Casey and Jaqueline wouldn't join us for this.." Spike said really sad that they missed out on it.
"It's alright Spike, at least it's over." Mona said breathing heavily as they took in this moment.

Bishop was holding his arm that was damaged while King put his own weapons away finally as Leo landed by their sides.
"You two alright?" Leo asked while Psiona landed down too.
"We're alright, at least Sub Prime is finally defeated." Bishop said relieved at this, but Psiona's senses went off and she could feel something coming again.
"Don't count on it.." Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon again, they could hear Sub Prime laughing once again and they saw him rising up on one of the Kraang ships from before.
"I may be a traitor, but at least I'm not a loser with a totally stupid face!" Sub Prime mocked which made Psiona growl with rage.

"I've had enough of you!!" Psiona roared before she charged up a powerful blast with her arm.
"Take cover!" King shouted tackling Leo and Bishop down, Psiona finished charging up her blast and made a loud roar while firing it directly at him which shocked him.
"Aw give me a Kraanging break!" Sub Prime shouted before the blast shot directly through the ship and sent it spiraling down into the base which finally did enough damage to defeat him.
"Kraang! Initiate that which is known as RETREAT!" A droid shouted while all the droids were finally leaving before Knight sliced one apart.
"Cowards!!" Knight shouted as they saw all the droids leave after finally finishing the fight which made all the Utrom cheer in victory.

Psiona sighed with relief and she could see Spike slithering up to her while holding his head again.
"You okay mom? You looked really mad back there?" Spike asked coming up to her while multiple droids were being taken away.
"I'm alright son, but what about you? Is your mind stable still?" Psiona asked worried for him.
"Ugh, it hurts a little, but it's not as bad as before, I just need to be careful with it.. so I don't lose my mind again.." Spike said with fear while looking at his body once again.
"It's okay son, we'll find a way to help you.." Psiona said with a smile which made him relax a little more while Throkka felt proud at this.

"I must admit, I was wrong about your species. There are indeed good Kraang in the ten dimensions." Throkka said looking at Queen and King who smiled at this.
"You mean Utrom bro." Mikey corrected before he zooming out which made him shake his head.
"Whatever." Throkka said brushing it off.
"And we have seen un parallel bravery today." Queen said looking up at him.
"Does this mean?" Honeycutt asked hoping they finally can get the info.
"Indeed. Bishop, could you please?" King asked turning to him, Bishop nodded and the group gathered around to find out where the other pieces are.

"You will find the second piece of the Black Hole Generator, in the Cosmic Ocean of Varuna, the final fragment is on the lost world of Magdomar, at the very edge of the known cosmos." Bishop explained showing them the locations they needed to go to.
"Thank you Utrom. We won't stop until this weapon is destroyed, once and for all." Leo said glad they finally got the info.
"I trust that you will, I am glad to know that you are friends with Psiona and her son, it makes me glad to see them finally together after so long." King said turning to the two who smiled hearing that.
"Hey, you've helped me for so long now King, I'm just glad to have finally seen you all after so long." Psiona said looking down at them.
"Same goes to you Psiona, it is an honor to have met your son, I wish you good luck on finding the pieces with him." King said as he and Psiona did a special handshake together.
"We will King. We will.." Psiona said really glad this is over.

Mona was back at her ship and was ready to leave right until Raph came up to talk with her.
"So um.. if we're ever on the same planet again, you wanna.. go out sometime?" Raph asked nervously rubbing his head.
"Go out where? To space?" Mona asked curious on what that meant.
"Uh.." Rap said nervously before she put her hand on his shoulder.
"I'll go out with you anywhere Raphael.." Mona said sweetly which made him smile hearing this while Leo was confused.

"I totally get mutants or Dream Beaver's like Karai and Jaqueline, but alien lizards?" Leo asked confused seeing this.
"Beauty is on the eye of the beholder bro." Donnie said patting his shoulder.
"What are you waiting for bro? Now's the time for kissy nose!" Mikey teased which irritated Raph, he was about come at him before Mona wrapped her tail around him, Raph was surprised before he was pulled into a kiss by her and he leaned into it while the other's were rolling they're eyes at this while Spike was chuckling a bit.
"Bow chicka bow wow!" Spike said chuckling at this sight while the other's were confused on this..

73: Trans-Dimensional Turtles

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Spike and the other's were still traveling through space right now after getting the 2nd black hole piece, they were glad to finally have the thing and they needed just one more to completely destroy it, even if Spike's head is hurting a lot right now, they needed to destroy it before the Triceritons can use it.

Casey, April and Mikey were trying to sleep right now after all the hard work they've been doing, but Mikey was suddenly kicked off by Casey who was moving around in his sleep, Mikey groaned while feeling really tired and made his way back to the bridge.

Spike, Psiona and Jaqueline were trying to help with the coordinates of the ship while everyone else was doing they're part, Mikey was tiredly walking into the room which Honeycutt noticed.
"Hello Michelangelo, I'm surprised your still awake," Honeycutt greeted while he was really tired.
"Isn't it the middle of the night? Or whatever you call it in space?" Mikey asked opening his eyes finally.
"It's like 2am back on Earth right now if you wanna know." Jaqueline said looking at Earth's time right now.

"There's no time for rest now Mikey, there's one last piece of the Black Hole generator left, and we've got to find it!" Leo said seriously moving along with his job.
"We can't let them get that weapon, we aren't gonna let that happen again!" Spike hissed while holding his head again.
"Can't we just destroy the pieces we already have? I mean what are they gonna do with one stupid piece?" Raph asked not really worried about it.
"Well what if they figure out a way to replicate the technology Raph?" Donnie pointed out which was a true thing.
"You should not underestimate them Raph, you know how strong they are." Psiona said with a growl turning to him.
"Donatello and Psiona are right, the machine must be destroyed, every last piece of it." Honeycutt said in a stern tone.

But they're talk was stopped by something they weren't aware off, the alarms were going off suddenly and the area around them began to shake violently.
"What is this?!" Spike shouted trying to keep his balance.
"What's going on professor?!" Leo asked worried as well while Honeycutt tried to pinpoint the problem.
"It seems to be some kind of hyperspatial trans-mat, trying to home in on 5 targets!" Honeycutt said looking at Spike and the Turtles.
"You 5!" Honeycutt declared which worried them, everyone screamed with fear as a portal suddenly opened up beneath them and they screamed as they fell through it and disappeared.

"Son/Spike!!" Psiona and Jaqueline shouted with terror as Honeycutt tried to find them.
"Well.. that's not good.." Honeycutt said not knowing what to do.
"Honeycutt.. where is Spike and the other's?!" Jacqueline asked worried and breathing heavily.
"I uh.. don't.. know.." Honeycutt admitted, Psiona suddenly lunged at him and pinned him to the wall and looked worried.
"WHERE'S MY BABY?!" Psiona roared with fear and anger while shaking him like a maniac.

Spike and the Turtles were screaming with fear as they went spiraling around in a dimensional vortex, they're vision finally came to focus as they found themselves falling into a strange world that looked hand drawn, everyone screamed with fear while they all fell out of the sky and landed on a rooftop roughly.
"Ugh.. what.. was that?" Spike asked rubbing his snake hand, but his focus soon came to his hand as he just realized something.. he looked like he was in 2d..
"Guys, where are we?" Leo asked worried as all of them were finally getting up and they all gasped with shock when they saw how they look now too.
"I think i speak for everyone when I say.. Holy Sewer cakes!!" Mikey shouted with terror as they were in a completely separate reality!

Everyone was looking around this place with complete shock as this was like nothing they've seen before, ever.
"How is this possible? Where are we?" Leo asked trying to process what's going on.
"Oh no dudes, I think we're in Pittsburgh!" Mikey shouted with fear looking around the weird world.
"The world is so flat! I can't even see my own butt!" Raph shouted not seeing the rest of his body.
"It's like we entered a cartoon world!"" Spike shouted looking at his snake hands which looked weirdly animated when moving around.
"I think we're in some kind of alternate reality!" Donnie theorized trying to figure out what's going on.
"Hold on.. if we're in an alternate reality.. then doesn't that mean.." Spike asked realizing something.

His thoughts were proven right when some strange shadows emerged from the water tower, and all 5 figures suddenly landed down to confront them, and they all had a look of shock as they were.. an alternate version of Spike and the Ninja Turtles!
"Are those guys.. us?!" Donnie asked in awe seeing the.
"No way!" Raph shouted not believing this.
"Why am I a wolf mutant?" Spike asked pointing at his 87 self who was a green and purple wolf mutant.
"Why am I a snake mutant?" 87 Spike asked pointing at him( Haley Joel Osment), Leo looked at the alternate Donnie and saw he had a weapon of sorts.

"It's a blaster! Get him!" Raph shouted drawing his weapons which made Spike hiss at them.
"Oh nuts! It's not a.." 87 Donnie said trying to talk them out of this.
"Take em down!" Leo shouted as the entire group charged at eachother. Spike whipped a snake hand at his other self and he ducked right under it with swift movements.
"Whoa! Calm down dude!" 87 Spike shouted while Spike was pushing him back.
"Why do you sound familiar?" Spike asked knowing he heard this voice somewhere else.
"We don't want to fight you!" 87 Leo shouted while clashing with the normal Leo.
"Well you shouldn't have aimed a laser at us!" Leo shouted while both Raph's were fighting against eachother too.

Raph sweeped his other version's legs and pinned him to the ground.
"Talk! Who sent you?! The Triceritons?!" Raph shouted looking down at him.
"Get off of me you crack shelled imposter!" 87 Raph shouted before he punched his knee which gave him the moment to escape while both Mikey's were amazed with eachother.
"Totally radical! Your just like me dude!" They both said at once while high fiving eachother before the other turtles backed against them.

"I'm telling you, this isn't a weapon! It's a portal projector!" 87 Donnie said holding out the device.
"It's not meant for shooting people dudes!" 87 Spike shouted backing up to the other's as well.
"Yeah right, I've heard that one before." Spike said crossing his arms.
"And how do we know your not a Kraang?" Donnie asked not believing them.
"That's why we brought you here, Krang! He's causing trouble in our dimension, and yours too!" 87 Leo said pointing at the group.
"Krang's like trying to destroy both of our realities dudes, we just don't know how, you gotta believe us!" 87 Mikey begged while looking at them all.
"We promise we don't mean any harm to you guys." 87 Spike said raising his hands.. or claws that looked razor sharp like Shredder's own blades.

"That's why we called on you Poseurs.. I mean Turtles for help, did i say poseurs? Oops." 87 Raph mocked which annoyed them a bit.
"Poseurs? You guys don't even fight with your weapons! How can your Spike wield a Scythe and not fight with it?! And what's with the initials on your belts? Lame!" Raph mocked looking at they're belts while seeing 87 Spike had a Scythe on his back.
"I only use this for real deadly situations!" 87 Spike said in defense holding it up while his wolf tail wagged around.
"Dude, I have a plasma sword that I often use with 2 other blades I have back home.
"I think I'm gonna like putting more crack's in this imposter's shell." 87 Raph said looking at Raph's crack before going to Donnie.
"And you, Gap Teeth, why do you sound so weird?" 87 Raph asked recalling his voice.
"Me sound weird? Heard yourself lately?!" Donnie asked marching to him before 87 Leo stopped them.

"Hey hey hey hey! Come on guys, take it eas.. whoa!" 87 Leo shouted right as a powerful blast blew through the wall which almost hit them and a strange figure jumped in the air.
"It's him! He found us!" 87 Mikey said with fear as the strange figure landed down.. and was wearing a weird costume that was really weird to look at, and they saw a Kraang in the chest.
"What the @##% is that?!" Spike swore while the thing charged a blast at them
"Language dude!" 87 Spike shouted before they were all blown off the rooftop and landed on the streets of the city which scarred the people there, the strange figure landed down to the streets.

"So you allied yourselves with your dimensional counterparts, eh?" Krang mocked while waving it's tentacles around.
"It's Krang!" 87 Donnie shouted getting back up.
"This loser again?" 87 Spike asked drawing his weapon.
"Whoa, what's with the gross man baby body?" Mikey asked looking at his suit.
"This will be the last time I have to look at you disgusting Turtles and Wolf Dragon! The Kraang are letting me go home! I just have to make a few amends, and Dimension X, here I come!" Krang shouted opening up another Kraang portal.
"Not so fast Krang!" 87 Leo shouted as his group drew they're weapons.
"Turtle Power!!" 87 Spike screamed before all the 87 group charged at Krang.

87 Leo drew his swords but didn't even use them, instead he kicked his legs forward which made Krang back up into a cracked floor which made fall backwards, 87 Spike breathed a stream of fire on Krang's suit to stun him for a moment just as 87 Raph cut open a Fire Hydrant which sent a huge amount of water to him and knocked him far away, 87 Mikey took out a rope of sorts and wrapped it around a street post to make him trip over it too.
"Wow.. this is just.. lame.." Raph said not really impressed with it.
"At least that version of me can breath fire." Spike said watching his wolf self " fight" Krang off.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed while he and his 87 self tried to attack, but Krang's suit shot a blast with it's eye lasers and knocked them back to the group while Krang laughed evilly.
"My Dimensionizer will wipe out all of your worlds!" Krang mocked before he ran to the portal and escaped into it leaving the group behind.

"Oh great, now we're stuck in this dimension, probably forever." Donnie said holding his shoulder.
"Give us a break.." Spike hissed while shaking his head again.
"I've still got my Portal Ray! The one I brought you here with! All we have to do is hone in on Krang's dimensional coordinates and.. yeah!" 87 Donnie said getting the location of where Krang is, he raised the device up and shot a blast into the streets which opened a portal to they're dimension.
"Wait what? how does that work? That doesn't make sense!" Raph asked looking at the portal.
"You'll find Donnie knows how to make pretty much anything with what he can find." 87 Spike said casually moving his claw around.
"Come on guys!" Leo shouted which made Spike and his group run into the portal.

The portal opens up in they're dimensions New York and all of them scream as they come falling out of the portal into an alleyway.
"Yes, we're back in New York City!" Mikey shouted really happy to be home.
"And we're 3d again! Thank Celestia I looked really weird back there." Spike said in relief as the 87 gang was walking through the portal too.
"I can't believe that we're back.. in the past!" Donnie said amazed to see their old home.

"Dudes, look at us! We're like.. more solid or something!" 87 Mikey said looking at they're 3d bodies.
"This is totally amazing!" 87 Spike said looking at his furry claws and snout.
"What's going on Donatello?" 87 Leo asked looking at him.
"Well, we came from a 2 dimensional reality, into a 3 dimensional one! It's like science fiction!" 87 Donnie theorized amazed with this world already.
"Hey guys, now that we're here.." 87 Raph said high fiving his version of Mikey.
"Pizza Time! Far out!" 87 Mikey shouted eager to try it out.
"Wonder what this dimensions Pizza tastes like!" 87 Spike said eagerly ready to see too.

Their dimensions pizza guy was just about to head out to deliver the pizza he had and got on the car, the 87 gang was about to go and get some before the normal gang pulled them back.
"You can't do that dudes!" Mikey warned pushing them back into the alley.
"Why not?" 87 Leo asked a bit upset to hear that.
"Because we have to be secret here, we have to live in the shadows like.. you know, real ninjas." Raph mocked looking at their alternate selves.
"Aw, totally lame." 87 Spike said upset to hear that.
"Come on team, let's find this Krang before he blows up the planet!" Leo said seriously which made the entire group start moving through the rooftops once again.

"So how are we gonna find him Donatello? 87 Leo asked as they jumped over another large ledge while Spike flipped in the air with his 87 self running on 4 legs.
"He's close, as long as Krang is carrying portal tech, I can track him like Michelangelo sniffing out pizza! Or Spike sniffing out bad guys!" 87 Donnie said confidently.
"That's the power of a wolf nose dudes!" 87 Spike said sniffing around the air which weirded Spike out a bit.
"Wonder how long he's been in that form?" Spike asked as the group continued to move through the city.

Everyone kept moving through the rooftops until they were coming upon a news building.
"I think I found him! Up there! On the channel 6 building!" 87 Donnie said pointing at the building, Leo took out his telescope and looked all the way at the top and saw Krang on the structure.
"I see him! It looks like he's planting some kind of bomb! Probably the Dimensionizer thing!" Leo said seeing what's happening far away.
"Okay guys here's the plan, the Donatello's and Spike's will disarm the weapon, everyone else, take down that creep! Turtle Power!!" 87 Leo shouted while his gang drew they're weapons before a record scratch was heard with Leo stopping this.
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up with the Turtle Power for a second. You don't give orders to my team okay? I'm the order guy, this guy!" Leo said pointing at himself, but the other's didn't listen and they all quickly pushed him aside and ran to the rooftop without a second thought.
"Sorry dude!" 87 Spike shouted climbing to the top with his claws while Leo was frustrated.
"I'm the order guy.." Leo told himself before he took out a grapple and flung himself upwards to the building.

Krang was just finishing up with planting the Dimensionizer and activated the device, he landed back down on the roof and activated the portal and was about to go through it again until 87 Leo jumped in and kicked him down like how he did before.
"Aw not now! Not when I was about to unleash my master stroke!" Krang said annoyed before he turned to the weapon and saw both Spike's and Donnie's were trying to disarm it.
"Keep away from that Dimensionizer freaks!" Krang shouted with rage, he took out a strange chip of sorts and put the thing into a hatch on his arm which somehow began to grow the suit to being extremely huge.
"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey shouted with fear as the enlarged Krang towered over them all now.
"Great, now we have to deal with an even bigger idiot." Donnie said annoyed as Krang flexed all over.
"How are the people of this world not seeing this?" 87 Spike asked confused.

Krang tried to stomp down on the group which made all of them roll out of the way while Donnie was trying to hurry things up.
"Grab it and go!" Donnie shouted as Krang was turning over to them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted right before Krang shot a laser blast at them which they barely dodged but but down the antenna of the building.
"Raphael, heads up!" 87 Donnie shouted throwing it to they're version of Raph
"Give me back my Dimensionizer!" Krang shouted trying to crush them with his large fist. The robot's head suddenly bloated up right before they saw a huge missile come out of it.
"Mouth missiles! Look out Mikey!" Mikey shouted saving his 87 self from being hit from it.
"Thanks Michelangelo!" 87 Mikey said gratefully before they avoided another fist smash and ran away from more lasers.

Krang tried to crush them with his giant suit and both Spike's were rolling out of the way of his attacks.
"Let's see how you handle against me!" Spike shouted before he wrapped his snake arms around both the mech's arms to stop him.
"And me!" 87 Spike shouted before he made a huge leap into the air and started to fall right to him, the 87 Spike made a battle cry while he raised his leg forward preparing a strong kick, Krang screamed right as 87 Spike kicked him in the face which sent his suit off balance and it crashed down on the building.
"Nice work alternate me!" Spike said high fiving his alt self.
"Cool move with your snake hands bro!" 87 Spike said amazed while both groups down at Krang with smirks while cracking they're knuckles, Krang chuckled nervously before they all started punching and stomping on him to knock him down.

"Ahh! Stop it!" Krang shouted finally recovering from the attack and his robots head raised up to fire another blast which got the group off of him just as his suit shrunk back down.
"Annoying reptiles! It doesn't matter! You won't disarm it in time!" Krang shouted before he ran off at fast speeds and took off in the air, he activated the portal and threw it just ahead enough so he could fly through it.
"Real Raph is on it!" 87 Raph shouted throwing a hook with a rope at Krang's leg to try and stop him, but he went through the portal just as the hook reached it and it vanished which left them alone.
"Well, at least we have this Dimensionizer thing." 87 Donnie said putting the device on the ground.
"How is that making things better?" Spike asked looking down at it.
"Whoa, this looks like some kind of anti matter weapon! If this goes off, it could wipe out our entire dimension! We gotta defuse it back at my lab now!" Donnie said worried while the others gasped in shock hearing it.

With the Dimensionizer in they're hands, the 2 groups all made they're way back to their lair, Spike was pretty nervous about going back to they're home since they're in the past, but it may not be as bad when they get there. Spike and the groups both finally made it back to they're old lair and were quietly sneaking around before Raph turned to the 87 group and made hand signs.
"Would you fine gentlemen kindly wait out here for a moment, and keep quiet, or i will strike you repeatedly in the face and bodily regions." Raph threatened with subtitles on screen which annoyed the group.
"Did anyone else see those subtitles?" 87 Spike whispered to the group who shrugged in response.

Spike and the others made they're way into the lair and looked around the place with awe, it's been so long since they were last in this place, and seeing it after the Earth was destroyed felt so.. relieving..
"Home.." Spike said in relief to see this place again, but a familiar figure had seen them come in and came up to them.
"Back so soon? You just left to patrol the city." Splinter asked which made all of them look amazed to see him.. alive.
"Sensei!!" They all shouted with joy before they came to give him a hug.
"Is.. everything alright?" Splinter asked worried to see them like this.
"Definitely Master Splinter. It's just.. really amazing to see you!" Leo said glad to see him here, but Splinter looked confused as he saw something else. The camera pins to the right just enough for them to see.. the 87 Leo who completely ignored Raph's threat along with the other turtles.

"Whoa dudes! This liar is totally rocking! Check out that pinball, totally radicall!" 87 Mikey said amazed taking a skateboard and he zoomed around the place.
"Totally beats our own lair for sure!" 87 Spike said amazed at this place too.
"What did we tell you guys about waiting outside?!" Raph asked annoyed with them ignoring his threat.
"What is going on here?! Someone explain, now!" Splinter ordered slamming his staff down which silenced them all.
"Wow your Splinter is kind of strict, and tall too!" 87 Leo said amazed seeing they're Splinter.
"Donatello?" Splinter asked upset seeing him and his other version going to the lab.
"Yeah um, they were transported here from an alternate dimension sensei. Along with this weapon we have to defuse, like ASAP!" Donnie said bringing his other self into the lab quickly which made Splinter upset a bit more.

"Cowabunga!!" 87 Mikey shouted skating around Splinter for a moment.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as well skating alongside him.
"I call pinball!" 87 Raph declared moving to the machine.
"Okay, don't we have a little Anti Matter weapon to deal with here?!" Raph shouted annoyed going up to him.
"Ah, the Donatello's will take care of it, lighten up little man." 87 Raph said brushing it off while Leo was a bit annoyed at this.
"Leonardo, I would like to speak with you in the dojo, now." Splinter ordered which made him follow him while Spike saw his 87 self watching Tv, so he decided to ask a bit more about him.

"So.. how long have you been with these versions of the Turtles?" Spike asked sitting down next to him.
"About 5 years at this point, got sucked into their world after Krang tried using a strange device to teleport himself into other reality's, but it malfunctioned, and that's what made me end up with them, and I didn't have a current way home so, they took me in, helped me become a ninja, and I've been living a great life without Twilight, even if I miss her a lot." 87 Spike explained flicking the channel with his claws, Spike felt a bit bad to here that, especially knowing he's spent 5 years away from home.
"Hey, you had it easy. For me, I was kidnaped by the Kraang and taken to this world, I was gonna be an experiment if the guys hadn't found me, I've been living with them for 3 years by now, I'm only 15 and so much has happened.. from me meeting my mom.. to helping save Earth multiple times, and traveling through space to stop evil aliens from destroying Earth.." Spike said looking around the liar with relief, he's just glad to get to see this place after so long.

"You know your mom too huh? My mother was taken to my dimension by complete accident, from what she told me, she ended up there after dozens of dimensional interferences caused by the Kraang. The reason I was found and raised by Twilight in my dimension was because she was sucked into a portal that teleported her far away from our New York, she had to do what she can to survive years on her own while trying to find a way home. Eventually though, she and I reunited during one of our battles with Kraang and Shredder, she helped us take them down and she started to live with us too, it was the only time after I ended up in that world where I felt like my family was really whole, even if we haven't made it back to Twilight yet.." 87 Spike said as his wolf ears went down a little.
"You have that portal gun thing, can't you find Equestria's coordinates with it?" Spike asked concerned at this.
"Donnie's trying, but Equestria's a bit harder to pinpoint then we first thought, that's not counting on which universe too, I saw one universe that had a version of us who was fighting alongside 5 other ninja with elemental powers, I think the fire ninja was a snake or something like you, I heard something about him.. vanishing through time with his master I think? I don't know, the point is that we've just had a tough time trying to find our way back to my Equestria, but I'm sure we'll find our way back home soon." 87 Spike explained looking at the channels.

"You.. really think our homes can accept us, even after what we are now?" Spike asked looking at they're mutant forms.
"I questioned that for a while too. There were times I went berserk and attacked my brothers.. but with plenty of time and help from them.. I learned to control my form, and I've rarely had an incident where I've went crazy again." 87 Spike said looking at his wolf claws.
"How did you end up as a wolf mutant anyway? I got mutated into a snake when trying to save my friend Karai, we've had a lot of trouble finding her after she went missing, and I've struggled with keeping my mind in check, she may be the only one how to help me, and if we don't find her again soon.. I don't know if I'll be myself anymore.." Spike said with fear looking at himself, reflecting on how he literally sliced off Mozar's arm.
"Got mutated during a mission that involved Krang stealing more supplies of mutagen, the reason I got mutated into a wolf specifically was because I had a wolf friend named Emily, we both got mutated during that incident, and not only did I become a wolf hybrid, but she got mutated into a beautiful wolf girl, and as time passed.. we sorta.. hehe.. started to date eachother.." 87 Spike said showing him a photo of him and this Emily, she was a brown and black wolf girl that looked like they're version of April from when he last saw her in that portal, and she looked as beautiful as Jaqueline.

"Heh, guess we both got great girlfriends huh?" Spike asked laughing a little at that.
"Totally, there were a lot of people that were jealous of that." 87 Spike said laughing at that too, they soon stopped laughing after that talk and Spike asked him once more thing again.
"So.. how did you manage to control your form? You've lost your mind a couple times too right? How did you do it? For me.. I'm on the verge of losing my own sanity.. and I.. don't know what I'll do if I lose myself completely.. I already killed some people after losing myself.. I don't know what'll happen if I can't.. come back.." Spike asked holding his head again as it was still hurting which made him look concerned.
"You want my advice Spike? You need to focus your mind and powers into it directly, I may not have powers, but something tells me you do. You shouldn't be afraid of what's to come if you do, you just need to be in the moment, and let your fears go, move past them, and maybe that will help you finally control yourself." 87 Spike instructed which made him surprised at his wise words.

"Didn't know you were one to be wise like Splinter.. thank you.. I'll try with what I can.. maybe I can finally shift back into a dragon too.." Spike said looking at himself.
"Hey, it takes time to learn it buddy. You'll get the hang of it." 87 Spike said patting his shoulder which made him smile a bit.
"Thanks, didn't know I needed advice from an alternate version of me.." Spike said chuckling at this which made him chuckle too.
"Wouldn't be the first time, to be honest, we've done this before. And the other version of you I saw was like a cyborg.. dinosaur mutant? Dude looked like he was straight out of a comic book, it was really strange." 87 Spike said casually which confused him.
"Wait.. what?" Spike asked confused at that, but they're talk was stopped when they heard Donnie scream with fear which concerned them.
"Donnie!" Spike shouted with worry which made all of them run to the lab.

"What is it Donnie?" Raph asked worried while they were pacing around the room.
"This is real bad guys! It's really bad!!" Donnie said freaking out at this.
"The weapon is linked to two other identical bombs, and they're set to go off in 9 minutes!" 87 Donnie said really worried.
"What?!" Both Spike's shouted with horror hearing that.
"Where are the other ones?" 87 Raph asked worried with this.
"We believe at least one of the bombs is in your dimension!" Donnie said getting in the coordinates.
"They're gonna nuke our world bros! totally bogus!" 87 Mikey said with fear hearing this.

"That's not gonna happen, you guys helped us and now we're gonna help you!" Leo said seriously looking over the group.
"Donnie's, uh.. what do we do?" Leo asked turning to them.
"Well, we attuned my portal to track down the other Dimnesionizers." 87 Donnie said taking the gun and starting it up.
"And the first one.. is here!" 87 Donnie said shooting a blast to they're dimension's Channel 6 building.
"Whoa dudes there it is! On top of the same skyscraper, in your dimension!" Mikey said worried to see this.
"Go, do what needs to be done." Splinter said to both groups, they all turned to him and gave a respectful bow as this may be the last time they see him if they fail.
"Thank you Splinter." Spike said gratefully turning to the portal.
"Alright team, let's do this! Turtle Power!" 87 Leo shouted confidently while marching to it.
"Enough with the Turtle Power already. Let's just go!" Leo said annoyed moving to the portal himself before he turned to Splinter one last time.
"Good bye sensei.." Leo said sadly before he jumped through the portal himself.

Everyone traveled through the gateway with no problem and landed down on the other side, but this wasn't they're New York, it was somewhere else, a Kraang base.
"Oh no. And I was having such a great day.. okay not really" Donnie said annoyed seeing multiple droids surrounding them, Including Sub Prime... again.
"You gotta be @#$%#@# kidding me." Both Spikes said at once annoyed to see this.
"Hands in the air Turtle and Dragon freaks! We've got you surrounded, I hacked your stupid portal, and brought you here! Why? Because I'm awesome!" Sub Prime shouted firing some lasers in the air.
"Kraang Sub Prime?" Mikey asked shocked to see him.

"No, Megan Fox. Oh wait I forgot, your the dumb one." Sub prime mocked as a droid took the portal gun.
"Hey!" 87 Donnie said angry at the droid.
"I set put your hands in the air!" Subprime ordered again which made them all put they're hands up to stall for time, Krang had marched through the room and pushed the droids aside to meet up with Subprime.
"Subprime you blithering idiot! I told you not to bring the turtles and dragons here!" Krang said annoyed at the groups.
"Where the heck is here anyway?" Raph asked looking around the base.
"Your in my domain now mutants... the Technodrome!" Krang announced while he laughed like a maniac as the camera zooms out to show a very different Technodrome compared to the ones they've faced before.

Spike and both groups were surrounded by the droids but both had an idea on how to escape.
"You did good cousin! We banished you, because your a screw up, but you made up for it! Welcome home!" Subprime said giving him a hug.
"Thank you Subprime, just wait till the rest of my plan unfolds!" Krang said evilly as Spike and his group drew they're weapons and began trashing the droids apart while the 87 group just watched them do it.
"We're going to blow those turtles and dragons to smithereens!" Krang said as Spike sliced a droids head off easily which finally got their attention and they saw the droids were down.
"We already deactivated one of your Dimnesionizers Krang!" Leo said holding his sword ready to go.
"And we're gonna disarm the rest! Turtle Po.." 87 Leo shouted right before Leo looked at him with fire in his eyes.
"Ahem.. sorry. Get em?" 87 Leo asked nervously.
"Get him!" Spike hissed before the groups lunged at them all.

Both groups were fighting back against both droids and leaders, the Leo's fought against Subprime while both Spikes were tearing the droids apart with they're hands easily.
"Get the portal back!" 87 Leo shouted holding a buzzsaw back.
"We only have 5 minutes to disarm the rest!" Leo reminded holding the attack back.
"Leave this to the real Raphael!" 87 Raph shouted flipping over a couple droids himself.
"You gonna shoot another fire hydrant at them or what?" Raph mocked taking another apart, Spike hissed at more droids and was tearing them apart with his jaws, he ripped one droids head off easily and the other Spike tore through one easily with his sharp claws. 87 Raph was charging at a droid too and pulled some pizza out of nowhere, he then slammed it against the camera and droids face while eating one like it was something he did before, the droid wasn't faced by it and almost fired at him until Raph jumped down and tore it apart easily before turning to him.
"Where the heck did you get pizza?" Raph asked confused seeing that.
"Give me a break." 87 Raph said brushing it off.

Krang just dropped in between the two which made them roll out of the way just as the portal gun slid over to 87 Mikey.
"Back off, ugly Kraang dude!" 87 Mikey shouted while dodging more saws from Subprime. Leo ran in to block one of Subprime's attacks and they're Leo and Mikey's came in and tackled him down freeing 87 Mikey.
"Got it, heads up D and Spike's!" Mikey shouted tossing them the portal device.
"Alright, back to our home dimension!" 87 Donnie shouted finally opening another portal, they all ran through it just as the bad guys were chasing after them.

The group finally emerged back in the other turtles dimension in the weird 2d style once again.
"Whew, finally! Back in the real world!" 87 Mikey said relieved as they were on that world's channel 6 building., and they could see the device at the top of the tower.
"Now let's just keep it from blowing up." 87 Raph said as both Donnie's and Spike's were climbing up to it.
"On it!" Donnie said quickly climbing up.
"Give us 5 seconds!" 87 Spike said reaching to it, but a familiar sound came behind the group and they turned around to see Subprime and Krang had came after them here!

"Anywhere you go we follow freaks!" Subprime said evilly right until something powered down.
"Yes! 2 Dimensionizer's down!" Donnie shouted holding the device up.
"Like Spike said, 5 seconds!" Spike said high fiving his 87 self.
"It doesn't matter! there's still one in the Prime Turtle Reality! If those turtles are destroyed, then so are you!" Krang threatened pointing at them all.
"Donnie's, Spike's get to the third reality!" Leo ordered as they charged at the group, 87 Donnie locked on the reality and the gun just powered up.
"There!" 87 Donnie shouted before he shot another portal below them.
"Let's go!" Spike shouted before the 4 of them all jumped into the portal to stop the device.

The world suddenly becomes like a strange black and white comic book, the pages flipped over and the frames on the screen show where the groups end up, the portal opens up above a rooftop and everyone screams while they all fall straight through it.
"Wow, what kind of dimension is this?" 87 Donnie asked amazed looking at the strange comic book style it has.
"It's like we're in a power pony comic, it's awesome!" Spike said pretty amazed to see it.
"Krang said this was the Primary Turtle Reality. Maybe it came before both our worlds." Donnie theorized looking around this world.
"That does explain the black and white theme this world has to it.." 87 Spike said looking at how they're in color while this world isn't.
"Channel 6 must be this way." 87 Donnie said pointing ahead a bit.
"Cool then, let's go!" Donnie shouted before they all started moving along in this strange reality.

The 4 of them continued to flip over the rooftops as the pages flipped to each panel to show where they're going, but a familiar figure had seen the 4 of them moving along and ominous music played while they hurried up. The 4 of them continued to run to the building right before some strange ninja stars was thrown right to them which they barely dodged.
"What the..?" Spike asked taking one of them as a souvenir. They all look to their side and to their shock, they see 5 figures in black and white, it was the Prime Versions of Spike and The Ninja Turtles.
"Whoa.. the Prime Turtles.." Donnie said both amazed and nervous seeing how scary they looked.
"Why am I a cyborg?" Spike asked looking at his Prime self who was towering over them all, he was just as tall as Psiona and looked like an experiment gone wrong.

"Uh.. hey there guys.. we were just.." 87 Donnie said right before the Prime Raph raised it's weapons.
"They aren't friendly right now! We need to go!" 87 Spike shouted running on 4 legs again.
"Let's move guys!" Donnie shouted before they all quickly ran away with the Prime Turtles following them.
"Why are these guys attacking you? Didn't you say you did this before?!" Spike shouted as he could see his Prime version had wings and was flying after them.
"I don't know! They may not recognize me right now!" 87 Spike shouted while they flipped through the comic panels quickly and barely avoided Prime Leo slashing at them.
"There it is!" 87 Donnie shouted as they finally reached the Channel 6 building. They all quickly climbed to the top of it and grabbed the device and deactivated it just in time.
"Yes!" Spike shouted in victory as all of them faced with the Prime Turtles.
"See you guys in another Dimension! " 87 Donnie shouted before he activated the gun and opened up a portal for them to finally escape, leaving the Prime Spike and Turtles confused on what just happened.

Spike and their group had finally made it back to the 87 world after deactivating the device.
"Come on guys, we're good to go!" Donnie assured while the other's were still fighting against them.
"Aw yeah, we outie!" Mikey shouted with joy right before both groups kicked Subprime and Krang down. 87 Donnie shot open another portal so they could escape.
"You can't escape so easily freaks!" Subprime shouted before he pressed on a button that hacked into their portal.

The portal had been altered once again and Spike and the other's had emerged back into the Technodrome once again after just escaping it.
"Oh no we're back here?!" Mikey asked annoyed seeing the familiar place.
"You gotta be kidding me." Spike said annoyed as Krang and Subprime emerged from the portal behind them.
"Ha, welcome back, heinous reptiles!" Krang mocked as they towered over them all.
"Your not going anywhere as long as I have this baby!" Subprime said holding out the device which made 87 Spike make a wolf growl seeing that.
"I can hack your portal all day long!" Subprime shouted right before Spike threw a ninja star at it to finally shut that thing down.
"Aw.. Kraang.." Subprime said annoyed seeing this.
"Thank you." 87 Spike said relieved that that's gone.

"It's over! We stopped your little scheme! We deactivated all your Dimensionizer's! Your finished!" 87 Leo said confidently.
"That's right pink dude, you can't blow up our realities anymore!" 87 Mikey said with victory, but Subprime looked really shocked to hear that.
"Blow up... realities?!" Subprime shouted with shock before turning to Krang who looked very nervous.
"Oh boy here we go.." Spike said with a smug knowing where this was gonna go.
"You've been trying to wipe out dimensions, we've been trying to mutate for thousands of years?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Subprime shouted furious with his stupid plan.
"Well.. you did say wipe out the Turtles and Dragons at any cost.." Krang said really nervous about what's to happen.
".. Yeah he's screwed." 87 Spike said while pinching his snout at this.

"This is why I banished you to Two Dimensional Earth in the first place.. "Subprime said before he began to smack him all over.
"Because your an idiot! A moron! A dingleberry! So you know what?! I'm kicking you back!" Subprime shouted as the portal back to the 87 world was right behind him.
"Oh no.." Krang said with fear right before he was finally kicked down by him and was sent flying into the portal.
"Not agaaaaaaain...!!" Krang screamed before he finally was banished back to that world for good.
"I've had enough Turtles and Dragons for a millennium!!!" Subprime screamed before he tried to crush the 2 groups with his mech.
"Let's take this wad of chewing gum down!" Leo shouted to the whole group.
"With pleasure!" Raph shouted while everyone drew they're weapons and made a battle cry while falling down to him.

Both Spike's landed behind the robot as he was firing at the groups who were supporting eachother, Spike grabbed 87 Spike's hand with his tail and they both made a battle cry while Spike twirled him around at fast speeds, 87 Spike drew his scythe and began to slash at Subprime and was thrown to him to knock him back a huge distance.
"Great move Spike!" 87 Spike shouted while running around him one 4 legs again.
"I've had enough of this dweeb!" 87 Leo said ready to finish this.
"Turtle power!!" Leo shouted before 87 Leo tried slashing his swords at him, but Subprime blocked each slice and that made the sword break apart.
"That's not good.. " 87 Leo said worried before he used what's left of the swords to block another attack, Leo rolled under him and Leo jumped on the back of the suit to finally finish him off.

"What are you doing.. oh!" Subprime shouted before Leo grabbed him and ripped him out of the suit.
"Spike, catch!" Leo shouted throwing him to both Spike's.
"This if for capturing me and my mom you freak!" Spike hissed before he wrapped his snake hands all around Subprime and squeezed him very tightly. Spike hissed at Subprime before he threw him far into the air to finally finish him.
87 Donnie held up the portal gun and shot another blast right below him that led to the Prime Reality.
"No! I hate black and white!!!" Subprime shouted before he finally fell through it, and was defeated finally, for good.
"Good riddance freak." Spike said glad that monster was finally gone.

"Well that wasn't such a chore now was it?" 87 Raph asked glad that's over, the groups finally calmed down and looked to their other selves.
"Leonardo, thanks. For everything." Leo said putting his swords away.
"No, thank you. Without your help, all our reality's would've been doomed." 87 Leo said thankfully as well.
"Take care Spike." Spike said giving his 87 self a hug.
"You too Spike, I know you'll regain control of yourself soon, count on it." 87 Spike said confidently as 87 Donnie shot out another portal that led back home.
"I will, take care of yourself." Spike said as they all bowed in respect for eachother.
"Come on ninja's, let's go home." Leo said as all of them finally went back home, finally glad that this was done.

After that mission, the 87 gang went back to the city to hang out after winning that day.
"Feels great to be back home." 87 Donnie said as they all took a slice of pizza.
"Yeah, especially after that mess." 87 Spike said glad this is over too, but they're little peace was stopped once again when they noticed something happen below them, a portal opened up on the streets of the city and everyone watches as a familiar monsterous worm comes through the portal and begins to attack the people.
"Hey do you guys see that?!" 87 Leo asked looking at the monster.
"We all do Leo." 87 Spike said sharpening his claws.
"Whoa dudes, a giant freaky worm!" 87 Mikey said shocked to see this.

"I bet that pesky Shredder and Krang are behind this!" 87 Donnie said seriously looking over the monster too.
"You know what to do guys, cowabunga!!" 87 Spike shouted as all of them jumped off the rooftop and landed on the worm and began riding across it while it flailed around, but something pierced straight through the monster's insides and they all were shocked too see a sword tear through the monster.
"What the?" 87 Leo asked shocked as the sword tore through the monster and killed it, a familiar growl was heard and a monsterous claw emerges from the guts of the monster, and it was revealed to be.. Tiger claw.
"Um, I think things just got really bad bros!" 87 Mikey said a bit worried as he roared at them all.
"It doesn't matter what we face, bring it on!!" 87 Spike shouted as all of them proceeded to engage in battle with him as they're theme song played...