> Ancient Guardians 2: Multiverse Games > by autobotfan15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Path of Many > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alter Path, a unicorn, stood in a room looking at many orbs floating around. Each time an orb floated close to him he would glance deep into it. Many of them made him smile, like the orb that showed Sunset Shimmer playing her guitar along side a living animatronic band in a pizzeria or the orb that showed Princess Luna having fun at a Nightmare Night Festival with the Siren head also playing games as it threw a pumpkin at a target like a baseball. To him he felt at peace looking at these worlds but that was cut short as a knocking came from a big door at the side of the room. He sighed as he turned his head to the door. "Come in." The door opened and in came a hooded pony. His white pegasus wings poked out of his hood in holes. After walking in he looked at the orbs still floating around. He glanced at one which showed a little house head playing with the Cutie mark crusaders. "I see you've been having fun. Must be hard dealing with all these villains from different points in time." Alter Path sighed again as he spoke up. "Maybe, but sometimes when it comes to a huge problem we sometimes have to open the door and let the monsters in." "And I see you've only dealt with the big villains from the main timeline verse. Correct?" Said the Pegasus. "Yes and as far as I'm concerned I'd rather not deal with millions of other villains from those smaller universes you keep going on about." "That is why I'm here. I want to help you experiment with these universes. At least in my way." Alter path groaned as he looked at his winged friend with a stern look. "I must've been telling you this for a hundred times for many years already. We are not putting two equestrian souls from different time lines against each other. You know I'm ethically opposed." The pegasus looked at him with a smug look. "This coming from the guy who put hungry wendigos, a Martian army, and a train monster in the pony world timelines?" Alter Path stared for a bit. "Touché, but you know that's different." "Just like how my plan is different. Look I know you don't like it, but do you really want to see the suffering continue? You and I both know we all can't be everywhere across the many timelines. Don't you want to see the villains of these smaller timelines get what's coming to them?" "Your plan involves using your own tools and homemade contraptions that could kill lives we don't need to be messing with. My plan involved combining entities from different universes and dimensions, and mixing them into Equestria through my complex jump spell. Now please leave me alone Time Lapse. I'd rather not have this debate at this time." "Oh come on, can I at least experiment just one time?" He asked. "When I say no I mean no!" Alter snapped. The Pegasus, named Time Lapse, sighed and left the room leaving Alter Path alone with his orbs. As he wandered down a barely lit hallway, he thought hard about his plan and what his friend said. He knew he should listen to him but deep down the voices in his head were telling him to do it anyway. All they were doing was reminding him of the suffering and the pain in those universes. He swear he could hear the screaming of an innocent mare being tortured to death as she begged for mercy. In the end the voices won the internal battle of decision. "Fine, if he's not willing then I'll just do it myself anyway. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. At least that's what Discord would say." He said to himself. Time Lapse pulled out a scroll from his cloak. It had the words 'Multiverse Jump Spell by Alter Path' in big letters along with small but readable instructions. He went into another room and pulled out a necklace and placed it around his neck. The necklace had what looked like bits of a unicorn horn encased in some kind of crystal. He pulled out the spell scroll and read it. He concentrated hard and soon a portal opened up. He smiled as he admired the glow it emitted in the barely lit room. Just then the door opened and an earth pony mare, also wearing a dark hooded cloak, entered. She stopped as she saw what Time Lapse has done. "HEY! What do you think you're doing?! That's not your spell to use!" The mare attempted to rush Time Lapse but he immediately jumped in the portal and closed it before she could even get to him. The mare just stared dumbfounded at the now empty room before sighing. "Oh Alter Path is not going to be happy with this." Somewhere in an unknown place, Time Lapse wandered through what looked like a forest trail. Soon he emerged and found himself on a cliffside overlooking the town of Ponyville. He knew this Ponyville had a monster hidden under the guise of a friendly face. He spoke to himself as he continued taking in his surroundings. "Every universe has a quirk. Some little, some big, anyone can be a hero in one place while they can be a villain somewhere else. Some universes even have villains that never exist anywhere else. But no matter what happens, even those villains will pay and suffer." He looked down to see the many citizens enjoying their day. He then noticed the Lyra Heartstrings of this universe nailing a flier on the side of a wall near a shop. It was a poster for a missing pony. Upon closer look it was a picture of Rainbow Dash and that she was last seen about a week ago according to the date. "Lets see what monsters I would like to play a game with." > The Factory Worker and the Baker: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie smiled as she worked in Sugarcube corner. The smell of fresh baked goods would be enough to make any living creature hungry. What no living soul knew was the special ingredient inside. As she carefully spread more icing on a new birthday cake she baked, she could've sworn she could hear Mrs. Cake having a long conversation with someone. Curiosity soon overtook as she placed the icing spatula on the counter and peeked out the door leading to the dining area. There at the cash register was Mrs. Cake talking to both Twilight Sparkle and a Police Officer. All three of them carried a concern look on their face. "I'm sorry you two. I don't know what else to tell you. At some point last week me and my family left for a vacation and left Pinkie in charge. That one pony who works at the train station can vouch for me. I hope Rainbow is alright." "It’s s alright ma'am, we believe you but we will check to make sure." Said the Officer. Pinkie carefully reeled her head back inside the kitchen but unfortunately the creaking from the doors got Twilight's attention. "Pinkie?" Pinkie walked out forcing a smile on her face. "Oh Hi Twilight what brings you and this officer down here? Donuts?" "No we aren't here for food. Pinkie have you seen Rainbow Dash? Nopony has seen her for a week and the weather factory team can't work well without her. I know I saw her come here and that was the last I saw of her." Pinkie nodded in understanding but deep down she was scared as the thought of what happened to Rainbow in her basement came back. She didn't think ponies would get this worried then again most of her previous victims weren't national heroes. She tried her best to not look suspicious in the slightest as she answered her question. "She was here then she left. Nothing important happened here." The officer raised a brow. "Are you sure? Many ponies pass by here everyday and not one of them has seen Rainbow leave this place." "Well you know Rainbow, she flies too fast for the naked eye." Said Pinkie. "Alright you lot. Let us know if you see her." Said the Officer as he and Twilight left. Mrs. Cake sighed as she went over to a stroller that had her babies in it. "I'm going to the hospital to check on my husband. Think you can manage this place by yourself for the next few hours?" Pinkie perked up and smiled. "You betcha!" "Thank you dear, I still find it weird he was going down to check the basement for something then the next moment he's on the floor with his legs broken. He's not that clumsy." Pinkie watched as she left but frowned the moment she was out of sight. What happened to Mr. Cake was no accident. "Its getting harder to keep my secret, especially from the cakes. What am I going to do now?" She didn't wonder for long until the doors opened and a hooded pony entered the store. The pony removed his hood to reveal his head. He smiled as he approached the store counter. "Hello and welcome to Sugarcube Corner. May I help you?" The visitor smiled. "Yes, I hear you're really good at taste testing the quality of pastries and I need your opinion on my own creation." "Oooh a fellow baker. Sure I would love to taste test." The strange Stallion pulled out what looked like a cupcake from his hood and gave it to Pinkie. She immediately gobbled it up. "Huh it taste good but familiar. What's in it?" "Oh a little something to make this confectionary a real knock out. Now I want you to do something else for me." "Uh ok what else would you like? A muffin?" She asked. "No, now you take a nap." Suddenly Pinkie's eyes widened as that sounded so familiar. She suddenly felt herself get drowsy as the Stallion in front of her grinned. The last thing she saw before sleeping was a bright light in the store. The gears of the Rainbow factory grinded and turned as the machines inside worked their magic. Above on a platform a pegasus named Rainbow Dash watched as her workers kept the machines running. She saw another pony named Dr. Atmosphere approached her. "The last of the rejects have been fed to the machine ma'am." He said. Rainbow smiled at him. "Good when can we expect more? We are little behind on our quota for the month." "Based on what I've heard from a few flight schools, probably by tomorrow if we're lucky. There is also a stallion in your office wishing to speak with you." Rainbow scowled at him. "Did he say whose he with? You know I don't like spies. It's bad enough we were nearly caught by one of Luna's guards." "He said he's a friend who has contraptions that could help us with production. He knows about our dilemma." Rainbow sighed and left. He soon entered her office where a hooded stallion sat in her own chair. "Hey! Visitors don't sit there." The guest grinned as he hovered out of the chair. "My apologies but with my tools you'll never have to worry about unwanted visitors as they would be the least of your worries." Rainbow rolled her eyes in annoyance. She had no time for games. "So you know about our problem? What do you have to help us?" He grinned "Just a simple creation. It's called chloroform." All of a sudden the stallion was in front of Rainbow in a flash and shoved something in her face. Rainbow barely had time to process before a strong odor overcame her senses and immediately fell to the floor in a heap. > The Factory Worker and the Baker: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash slowly regained her bearings and she became more awake. The last thing she remembered was a pony in her factory office. Now awake she looked and the first thing she noticed and felt was the damp concrete floor. She slowly got up and noticed the room had only one door and a strange looking table that looked like a giant Buzzsaw wheel. On one side of the room there was a film projector and sheet while on the other side there was what looked like a giant clock. She then saw another unconscious pony on the ground across the room. "What the...? Pinkie?" She then noticed she was wearing some metal harness with a strange device on it. It looked like a winch that had a cable connecting it. She soon saw and it went through a part of the table and it was at that moment she realized she had the same harness and contraption too. "What the heck?! Help! Help!" Slowly Pinkie Pie woke up. She rubbed her eyes and quickly looked around. As soon as her eyes landed on Rainbow her eyes widened a look of horror struck her face. "What the Tartarus?! How are you here!? How are you alive!? I finished you off!" Now Rainbow was confused. "What are you talking about? Better yet, where are we? Is this one of your early Nightmare Night pranks?" Before Pinkie could respond they soon both heard a sound and looked to see what looked like an intercom speaker. "Hello Pinkamena Pie, Hello Rainbow Dash. I want to play a game. You both came from two different universes. But despite being from two different worlds you both have one thing in common. You both have harmed innocent lives all for the sake of a sick business pleasure and practice. Now you will know what its like when the tables have turned." Both mares looked confused. "I don't follow." Said Rainbow. "Me neither" said Pinkie. "Perhaps you both need a visual aid." Said the voice as the film projector turned on like magic. Pinkie Pie watched with horror as failed pegasi fillies and colts were fed into a machine only for colors to be drained out. But her reaction was nothing compared to Rainbow as she watched footage of herself being ripped apart only to be made into cupcakes. As soon as the film ended both mares looked to each other in horror before scowling at each other. "You Sick TWISTED MONSTER!" yelled Rainbow. "Sick?! Twisted?! You're the one killing children!" Snapped Pinkie. "Enough! You're both guilty of heinous acts and now you're both gonna be fighting for your lives like your victims. As soon as I start the timer the winches on your harnesses will begin retracting and the saw will start spinning. You'll have two minutes to try and pull yourself away before the cables fully retract and pull you both in. Meaning in order to save yourselves, you must take the life of your partner." Rainbow attempted to fly above the saw but then to her surprise the saw slowly angled itself upward. The intercom voice chuckled. "I saw that coming. The saw will aim for who ever is closest and don't try to use it to cut the cable. It's made from indestructible material." Suddenly they heard a sound. They then noticed the devices which were on their fronts started retracting and the saw was turning only to starting spinning fast. "Live or die make your choice." The clock started ticking. Pinkie looked to the clock her mind was racing as one question came through her skull. How does this voice know what they've done? She didn't have time as she suddenly felt a tug. "What the!? What Are you doing?!" "Playing by the rules!" snarled Rainbow as she flapped her wings fast. Pinkie could feel her hooves sliding on the ground as she tried to pull back. "Rainbow! Think about this! We can work together and get back to where ever we came from and pretend we never saw each other!" "NO! You're gonna kill me like you did to the other me! Fat Chance!" The two were now really tugging each other's cables hard. Rainbow's wings flapped so hard they almost flapped faster than a humming bird."Grrr Come on!" Pinkie was now dangerously close to the saw as she screamed and it was there the adrenaline went into overdrive and she was now pulling back hard. She was now inching further away from the blade which could mean Rainbow was now getting much closer. Rainbow saw the blade and was now getting scared. "Wait Pinkie! We can talk about this!" "Like you said. FAT CHANCE!" Yelled Pinkie as she poured the last of her strength into one final tug as Rainbow's neck came into immediate contact with the saw. Blood spurted everywhere as the saw dug into her and soon sliced her head off. Suddenly a steam whistle sounded, the clock stopped ticking, and the saw turned off along with the winches. Pinkie stopped and looked at the gruesome sight before her. The leader of the Rainbow Factory was on the floor blood everywhere and her head in pieces. Pinkie tried to process this so hard she didn't feel the harness suddenly pop off her body. But she could hear the voice of her captor. "Congratulations Pinkie. You managed to survive. I think you deserve a reward before you can go home. Come through the door and claim your prize." Pinkie then remembered the door and walked through trying her best to ignore the smell of Rainbow's blood. There in the other room was a small table that had a nicely decorated cupcake with sprinkles and a lighted candle. "Don't worry its not like the other one you tried." Said the voice. Pinkie trotted up to the cake, sniffed it and started eating it. To her it felt like bliss and joy but that was cut short as the voice came back. "Enjoy it while you can. You still need to handle your participant reward. You see Pinkie there was a reward I had planned for both you and Rainbow. Because the true joy of a game is taking part. And before you ask Rainbow will still get this reward despite being dead." Pinkie gulped the last bit of cupcake as she looked around trying to at least find the source of the voice. "What is the reward?" "The secrets of what you've both done getting exposed." Pinkie immediately felt her color drain and her blood run cold. "WHAT!?" "A wise man once said whatever happens in the dark always comes to light. Oh and I lied. The cupcake you ate has the same sedative I gave you but not as much though. Have a nice rest and by the time you wake up you'll be home to a world that has seen your true colors and crimes." Before the mare could do anything she soon found herself getting drowsy again and then passed out on the floor. > The Factory Worker and the Baker: Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Atmosphere paced back and forth while occasionally glancing at his pocket watch. He heard something about Rainbow Dash stepping out for a bit to talk business with a visitor but for some reason she hasn't come back yet. "Where is she? She never leaves and skips out on work. She knows what's important for this place." He says to himself. All of a sudden a random pegasus worker ran up to him. "Sir, we have a problem! A huge problem!" "What do you mean? Have there been delays in the next batch of failures?" "No, but from what we are seeing outside they might not never come." The worker said nervously. Dr. Atmosphere now felt nervous as this could only mean several things and none of them were good in his mind. He still had to ask. "What do you mean?" Suddenly an explosion echoed through the facility as the two heard the sounds of a struggle along with multiple loud voices coming from another part of the facility. "FREEZE!" "HOOVES UP!" "NOPONY MOVE!" Now knowing what's going on Dr. Atmosphere fled down the corridor. Many questions were rushing through his head like how did they find out and where is the manager? He soon entered a large room where many workers were taking a lunch break. "SHUT IT DOWN! CODE BLACK! BURN WHAT EVIDENCE WE CAN AND RUN!" Panic filled the break room as all the workers tried to run but they didn't make it out as a wall exploded revealing two furious alicorns. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks as the two rulers along with some guards flew in and tried restrain all the remaining workers. Dr. Atmosphere attempted to fly out but was soon caught by Celestia's magical grip. She was soon right in front of her face. The stallions was petrified he couldn't do anything but stare deep in the princess's barely rage contained eyes. Celestia opened her mouth and asked one question. "Where is Rainbow Dash?" She asked, her voice as cold as a blizzard. Dr. Atmosphere shivered as he finally found his voice. "We don't know. She left for some business meeting but didn't say when she would be back." Luna walked up her eyes also looking like she was about to go Nightmare Moon on him. "You better not lie or you'll be screaming for mercy from the lower pits of Tartarus." The doctor gulped in fear. Just then a guard ran up to them. "Your majesties we found her, or rather what's left of her." The alicorns and the doctor were confused. Celestia did order the guards to attack any one who resisted arrest but not kill. They soon found the manager's office where there were guards and a few other ponies in suits looking over the office like it’s a crime scene. The ponies quickly gave the royal sisters a wide berth. What the alicorns saw made their jaws dropped. There sitting in the office was the body of Rainbow Dash. Her head was nowhere to be seen. On her dead body were words that seemed to be carved into her belly. They said, 'Killer has been killed, you're welcome.' Celestia shook off her shock and slowly turned to her sister. This was just as bizarre as the photos of the pegasus device she received earlier along with a file filled with disturbing details. "Go to Ponyville and find my student. Let her know what happened but try not to start a panic. We may need her help in finding the other ponies involved including the children." Meanwhile in another universe. Pinkie Pie sat in her jail cell under heavy guard. She should've thought this through as she woke up. The moment she was spotted many ponies ambushed her and she got quite a beating from her now former friend Applejack. It turns out someone has sent a file of rather gruesome pictures to a local newspaper print. It was agreed she would spend the night in the Ponyville police station then the next day she will be escorted to Canterlot where she would either be put through a long trial or be executed. She soon heard hoof steps approaching she turned to see Twilight Sparkle. Her face unreadable. The two stared at each other through the bars. It was until Twilight opened her mouth. "Why?" Pinkie didn't answer as she felt it was pointless. Twilight's faced changed to an emotion that was a mix of rage and heartbroken as she yelled. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! AND TO OUR OWN FRIEND TOO?! WAS I ON THE LIST AS WELL?" Pinkie still didn't answer. Twilight soon calmed down as she looked to her. "I hope you truly get what's coming to you and if by some miracle you even get a chance to taste freedom again, don't expect me to let you back into our lives. I now have a responsibility now. Because of you I'm hoping we can find two friends to take the place as the bearer of laughter and loyalty. You're lucky the cakes didn't know what was going on. They're gonna remove everything and turn your basement into a small memorial for your victims." Pinkie just shifted her eyes down. She really didn't care anymore. She knew by the time she gets to Canterlot she'll be dead by either hanging or something just as drastic. "Goodbye Pinkie, I'd wish you luck but I won't waste my breathe on something you don't deserve." Outside a hooded figure watched the interaction through a window before turning to open a portal. "Well this was fun but maybe I should try what Alter did and maybe have some interesting friends help me out. I wonder what more fun and games I can make." He entered the portal and closed it. > A Test Against Time: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity walked through the streets of Ponyville one crisp evening. Her face looking devoid of life. It had been weeks since that fateful day. The day she lost her best friends to Starlight Glimmer's own friendship test. After that experience Starlight vanished and was never seen or heard from again. The Royal Guards tried searching for her but it was no luck. Spike, devastated was taken back to Canterlot and is currently residing in the castle. To Rarity finding the killer and Spike's wellbeing were the least of her worries. Ever since the test, she suffered nightmares and would cry herself to sleep. Many ponies tried to comfort her and give condolence but she turned them away, including her parents and Sweetie Belle. Nothing would ever cheer her up and that to her was telling her to take a walk to a place where she could end it all. She walked right outside town and soon came to her destination. A set of Railroad tracks. She stared at them for a bit before stepping on and sitting down facing one direction. Then a faint whistle sounded. It echoed through the night. Rarity, for the first time in a few weeks smiled for she knew what that whistle meant. "Trains... They can take you anywhere, more importantly they can take you away. Don't worry my friends. I'll be joining you all soon." She closed her eyes as she felt a rumbling beneath her followed by the sounds of metal wheels on rails. She just waited hoping for this to be quick. Then, to her surprise, she heard the sounds of metal screeching. This was odd to her she knew the train was close but she felt it was still too far for the engineer to acknowledge there was something on the track. Soon came the sounds of a groan followed by hissing steam. Rarity opened her eyes but in front of her wasn't the usual small pink train, but instead was something bigger. She looked up to see a pair of red glowing eyes staring down at her. Meanwhile Starlight Glimmer herself was in a hotel in Manehattan. She knew it wouldn't be long now. She had everything she needed to flee the country by boat. Tomorrow she would sail away from Equestria and hopefully find some place to lay low. Her disguise hasn't failed her yet. It all worked so well. Her so called friendship test was success to her. True she only spared one pony but she knew Rarity was already broken. She couldn't help but look back on the test and grinned. Then to her surprise came a knocking. "Room service." Came a voice. Starlight was confused. She didn't order any room service. Either way she went to the door and there standing was a pegasus in a bellboy uniform with a suitcase. Now Starlight was even more confused. Why would bellboy also be room service as well. "There must be some mistake. I didn't order anything." The Stallion smiled as he pulled something out of the suitcase. "I know, I just wanted to get inside without security noticing same as you trying to flee the country. After what you did in Ponyville." Starlight gasped but before she could say or do anything, a baseball bat has struck her in the face. Her head got filled with pain as she passed out on the floor. > A Test Against Time: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer stirred awake. She could still feel her head throbbing in a bit of pain. The first thing she noticed was that she was not in a fancy hotel anymore. She was inside what looked like a crudely build shack. There was a dresser, a window, a filing cabinet, some boxes, and a door that had a lock. She also saw what looked like an intercom speaker in one of the corners on the ceiling along with a clock hanging on a wall. But the strangest thing of all was the ground. She noticed two big rails going through the room. They looked like they were bound by a few wooden beams. She suddenly realized and looked out the window. She saw a set of train tracks and it confirmed her suspicion. The shack she was in was on a railroad line. Panic begin to set in. She tried to use her magic to teleport but to her growing horror she couldn't use her magic. Just then a sound came from the speaker and a voice followed. "Hello Starlight Glimmer. I want to play a game. You've spent your adult life filling innocent lives with false beliefs, time traveling and causing problems. Despite all of that you were given a second chance by one of the most merciful alicorns in the land. However when you were given that second chance you turned your back and betrayed her by killing her with an experiment along with most of her friends. Now I give you a test." Starlight's fear spiked up as the voice continues. "This shack has anti magic charms outside, limiting your magic to only use levitation. The window is made of strong plexiglass so you can't break it. The door will lead you to an escape, but where's the key? There are actually two keys that will work. One is hidden somewhere in this room while another one is actually hidden in yourself." It was then Starlight felt something and looked over her own body. She had surgical stitches on her stomach, her right flank and her left foreleg. The voice continues. "You can search those stitches painfully with the surgical tools in the first aid kit in the room or you can search this shack but be warned everything here either has the key or has a painful trap. You'll have until twelve fifteen to find your way out or the twelve fifteen train will come and destroy this shack with you in it. Just so you'll know this isn't the usual train. You'll know it when you see it." Starlight looked to the clock. Her fear went up again as she read the time. It was five past twelve. "Live or die. Make your choice." Starlight's mind was racing a mile a minute. "Ok calm down and think. How does this guy know what I did? Did he actually recognized me? Is he working for the royal sisters?" She looked back to the clock. A minute has passed. She has nine minutes to get out. She looked to the dresser and opened it with her mouth. She reached only for something to to snap at her muzzle. She screeched as he pulled out and saw a mouse trap with small nails on the hammer. It clamped tightly on her nose as blood trickled out. She tried to pull it off but she only managed to get it off with a nail or two still stuck to her face. She then opened a nearby box and reached in with her hoof only for a small bear trap to clamp on her right foreleg. She screamed as she tried to shake it off. Only for it to nearly sever her foreleg. A few minutes passed and Starlight was looking worst from when she started. She had needles from many traps, as well as a black eye from a box that had a metal gauntlet fist on a spring. She laid on the floor in exhaustion. She didn't know how much more she could endure. She then realized there were more hiding places in the shack than there were stiches on her body. She looked to the clock it said twelve thirteen. Then a faint whistle sounded. She looked outside the window. The tracks curved in the far distance. So she wouldn't have to worry about something suddenly coming over the horizons. There in the far distance, yet traveling fast, was the thing that would end her sooner. She gasped as she quickly levitated the surgical kit and began undoing the stitches starting with her foreleg. There was nothing but blood and muscle. Then she moved on to her flank. She cliched her teeth and hissed as her skin ripped. She was basically cutting her cutie mark in half to get inside. Just then she saw something shining sticking out. She beamed as she pulled the key out and limped to the door. Her forelegs making it hard to even walk. The shack began shaking as the train got closer and closer. Starlight quickly shoved the key in, turned it, and tried to crawl out the door when... CRASH!! The sound of a horrific crash and the sound of wheels on rails echoed through Starlight's skull as the mammoth train thundered by with heavy coaches. After it passed she let out a cheer before she looked down and her mood changed to fear again. The train has cut off her lower body. Her flanks, hind legs, and tail were on the track. It was then the pain kicked in and she screamed louder than before. She then heard hoof steps. She looked and saw the stallion from the hotel. "Well Starlight I can easily say this game was half a success." "Please help me! I'll do anything! I don't want to die!" Starlight pleaded. Time Lapse chuckled darkly. "Like the victims of your test? You only gave one a chance. This place is not far from the town of Ponyville. That noise should alert some inhabitants. I'll let them help you. Tootles." He said as he left. "WAIT! NO!" Moments after Time Lapse disappeared in the trees, she then she heard more hoof steps and saw Zecora and Apple Bloom approach her. They gasped as they quickly fled to get the police and maybe an ambulance. > A Test Against Time: Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crime scene at the tracks was unfathomable as ponies in suits, guards and doctors examined the scene. Some were looking through the pieces of debris. Princess Celestia was on the scene as she approached a medical tent. Nurse Red Heart exited the tent carrying an unreadable expression. Princess Celestia looked down at her and asked. "Report Nurse." "She's dead your majesty. We tried our best to keep her alive with our magic so she can talk. But she lost a lot more blood and any organs that were damaged were beyond repair. The only bits of information we were able to get out of her was some kind of train and a strange pegasus." She explained. Princess Celestia nodded in understanding. "Put her in a body bag. We still need to find any members of her family. It would only be there that we decide if she even deserves a funeral or a cremation." Princess Celestia walked away from the scene. After she found a secluded area, she cried. Something she hasn't stopped doing since she learned of what happened to her student. "Don't worry Twilight. You can rest easy now. The lessons you've learned and inspired will never be forgotten." Starlight Glimmer awoke in a strange place. The last she remembered were the distance sounds of hooves heading towards her, then nothing. She then realized she was not outside anymore and she was back in one piece. She could only ask herself, did someone save her or did she die and she's in some afterlife. Looking around she noticed two rows of benches and windows. She then realized she was in a long railroad passenger coach as she felt vibrations and could hear the sounds of wheels on rails. "Hello? Anypony here?" Suddenly the doors behind her open. There stood Time Lapse. "Hello Starlight." Starlight felt scared as she backed up. Time Lapse just chuckled. "Oh Starlight, I'm not your eternal punishment, but they are." He said pointing to the door behind her. The doors behind Starlight opened and there stood Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They both looked like zombies with sharp teeth, were growling with rage, and looking at Starlight like a lion staring at an antelope with hunger. "Oh yes Starlight. These two will be your traveling buddies for quite sometime. Enjoy your punishment trip on the train to eternal pain in lower Tartarus." Starlight Looked at them with fear before quickly turning back to Time Lapse. "My WHAT on the train to WHERE?!" But unfortunately for her Time Lapse opened a portal and stepped through before closing it. Starlight nervously turned to the two monstrous mares. Starlight could only smile nervously. "Uh forgive me?" Rainbow Dash leapt in the air and immediately started attacking the screaming Starlight. Rarity trotted inside her house after a busy day. It had been a few days since her near suicide attempt. Ever since that night she was attending therapy and was spending more time with her family and of course sending and receiving letters to and from Sassy Saddle and Coco Pommel. Of course there was someone she really couldn't repay more than the beast that stopped for her. Speaking of which she could hear a faint ghost like whistle in the night from an open window. Rarity could've sworn she could also hear screaming as well. She shrugged it off and sang a little song. "They still say at night, when the wind is blowing right..." "You can hear the lonesome whistle from that train." "How could I know, that I would miss him so.” "Old Samson was his name." > Little Wonders: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Macintosh bucked another tree and watched as the apples fell down and into buckets below. Aside from the sounds of the gentle breeze and the occasional chirping of birds, it was quite a peaceful and almost quiet day for the stallion. No noises to bother him and certainly no silly antics to throw off his work. He was just about to pick up one of the buckets when he heard hoof steps approaching. He turned to see his sister Applejack approaching. The mare had a look of worry and exhaustion. She looked like she hadn't slept well in days. "Big Mac, any sign of Apple Bloom in this part of the orchard?" "Nope" replied Big Mac. "I don't understand this. She never runs away. Even Granny won't sleep and Winona can't pick up her scent." Explained Applejack. Her face filled with worry and exhaustion. "I'm sure she's fine." Said Big Mac as he went to another tree. He suddenly he felt himself being grabbed and he was face to face with Applejack again. This time her face filled with rage. "Don't you even care?! She's been missing for four days! Judging from that reaction I assume you know something right?" Big Man's face was surprised as he shook his head no. Applejack calmed down and let him go. "I swear you better do more helping in searching and if I find out you had something to do with this I'll...I'll..." She trailed off only to turn and run back to the farm house in tears. Big Mac sighed in relief. It had been four days since he did a dirty deed in the cellar of the farm. Getting rid of the three corpses was easy for him. He went back to work bucking trees. He didn't work for long though when a hooded stallion wandered up to him. Big Mac raised a brow as the visitor stopped in front of him. "Can I help you sir?" The visitor cleared his throat. "Oh yes. You see my uh daughter was flying her kite but a huge gust of wind snapped the string and it flew into one of your trees. Any chance you can help get it out? I think I saw it crashed in that tree over there." "No problem sir." Said Big Mac as he headed to the tree the visitor was pointing at. But as he got closer he couldn't see a kite anywhere. "I see nothing up there sir." He said looking up through the branches. "Oh its up there maybe shake a few leaves and fruit off. You might see it." Big Mac then gave a mighty kick to the tree. Some apples did fall off as well as some leaves, and a big cinder block that landed on his head. Big Mac stumbled before crashing on the ground. The last thing he heard was laughing. Cheerilee sat on a lawn chair admiring her work while sipping a glass of lemonade through a straw. It had been two months since the theatre fire incident. Her garden had never looked more beautiful. Not a single weed in sight. It was peaceful in her garden. However the same could not be said for the rest of Ponyville. Many ponies were heartbroken at the lives lost, especially for the children involved. No one was wiser to what really happened, but Cheerilee knows since she was the one that committed the arson and had gotten away with the murder of a classroom. She was about to take another sip when she heard the sound of a pony approaching. There at the gate was a stallion wearing a hooded cloak. "Excuse me Ma'am are you by any chance the school teacher known as Cheerilee?" Cheerilee removed her sunglasses and got up. "Why yes I am. How can I help you sir?" "I want to enroll my daughter into your school but I don't know where to go." He explained. Cheerilee smiled but deep down she hoped this potential new student is not another weed. "Oh we can discuss it inside. Would you like to come in?" The stallion smiled as he walked up further. "Certainly." The two entered the house. Cheerilee went over to pick up a tea kettle to make some tea. After a bit of brewing she came into the living room with two cups of tea. "So where is your daughter? I would like to meet her." "Thought you would never ask. Here she is!" Said the stallion as he pulled out what looked like a syringe and quickly injected the mare with the fluid. Cheerilee was in too much shock to react. Suddenly she felt sleepy. The last thing she heard before hitting the floor was the stallion speaking. "Mmm good tea. I wonder if I can share the recipe with the others." > Little Wonders: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Mac stirred awake his head filled with ringing as he remembered the last thing he saw was some block on his head. He got up only to realize he wasn't on the farm anymore. He was in some kind of empty warehouse. It looked more like a giant long airship hangar. All around him were what looked like piles of scrap metal and parts that either came from factory equipment or locomotives. Right behind him was a giant metal door. He didn't think for long until he heard groaning. He turned and then saw Cheerilee on the floor also waking up. She looked up and saw the red Stallion. "Big Mac? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Where are we for that matter?" All Big Mac could do was shrug. He was both concerned and confused by all this. He then noticed a film projector pointing at a wall with a white sheet attached to it. Then all of a sudden the two ponies heard a sound coming from some intercom, but they couldn't find where its coming from. "Hello Macintosh and Hello Cheerilee. I want to play a game. You both came from different universes wanting to seek lives that were peaceful, carefree and quiet. But to do that, you both did terrible things. You murdered young innocent lives. Let me give you a visual aid." Said a voice as the film projector started plating. Both could only watch in horror at the murders they committed being played on a film projector. Big Mac was confused on how the cutie mark crusaders were being killed by Cheerilee if he already killed them. Cheerilee was thinking the same thing but remembered what the voice said about universes. They were both asking how does this guy know? Soon the film stopped and the voice continued. "You think these young victims are monsters? No, you're the monsters then again what you might face soon would probably be worst." Cheerilee looked around and asked hesitantly. "What do you mean?" "Put your ear by the door" said the voice. Both ponies went to the big metal door and put an ear on it. They can hear the sounds of skittering and growling creatures from behind it. "You two must run to escape or be eaten by the little monsters. Oh and watch out for any traps that might spring from the piles of scrap. Only one can escape who ever leaves first lives." Just then the metal door slowly started to lifted up. The growling was becoming increasingly louder. "Live or die make your choice." Big Mac stared at the bottom of the door only to see small appendages reach out. Some looked like spider legs, others looked like claws of different creatures. He turned to see Cheerilee already racing away. He then followed after her in hot pursuit. It didn't take long for him to catch up to her. They soon passed a looming pile of garbage which then exploded like a volcano and out came what looked like large darts. They flew high in the air and soon rained down on them. One pricked Cheerilee in the flank while two pinned Big Mac in the head. Big Mac shook them off but he could feel a huge headache come on. Cheerilee looked behind at another scrap pile behind them and gasped in horror. On the pile was a huge spider it was roughly the size of a regular pony. Right below Cheerilee could make out more shapes and it was an army of grotesque creatures. Amongst them were more giant spider, timber wolf cubs, and Roc hatchings. They looked viscous and hungry. The two ponies kept running every so often the monsters would either get closer or one of them would step into a trap. Suddenly to their relief and surprise they saw an open door that was slowly closing. Above the door was a sign sayin 'only one can exit.' Big Mac poured what adrenaline he had left and raced to the door. His hoofs hitting the ground with a thump. Just when he was about to reach he then felt a set of hooves hit him in the back of the head. It was Cheerilee who managed to leap in the air and landed on his head. Big Mac could only watch as Cheerilee slides through the opening like a baseball player at the Homeplate. The moment Cheerilee got through the door slammed shut. Big Mac tried to charge the door but it wouldn't budge. He slowly turned to see the monsters now closing in. All he could do was try and fight but that became fruitless as he was now a big meal for the little young monsters. Cheerilee panted as she dusted herself off of all the darts, dust and debris she caught. All she could do was listen to the sounds of Big Mac's screams as he was being tore limb from limb. Just then, in the small room she was in, she saw a speaker and a voice began. "Congratulation Cheerilee, you managed to make it through. Too bad I can't say the same for Mac. I think you deserve a reward. Please enter through the door to your right." The mare noticed another door that had the picture of a trophy on it. She entered only to see a portal. "I rewarded your garden with a new exotic plant." Said the voice. "Oh uh Thank you?" She said hesitantly. "No problem...Don't forget to feed it and be ready for when the world knows what you did." Cheerilee's fear went up again. "Excuse me?" "That's the participation reward. Your sins being exposed. If I were you, I would hide this portal will lead you home." "But is this portal gonna put me in my house or in-" "No more questions you go now!" Cheerilee then felt herself being sucked into the portal like a vacuum. The portal closed as Cheerilee then found herself in the middle of town. Thankfully it was night time so Cheerilee attempted to flee town only to see guards patrolling the perimeter. She then went home only to not see anything new in her garden, but as she got to her door she then felt something grab her leg. "What the-" She then felt herself being dragged to her garden by a green vine as she saw something big rise from behind her flowers. > Little Wonders: Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres was alive with activity. It was filled with so many friends and family of three deceased fillies. The secrets of what happened were revealed as a colt named featherweight discovered a folder filled with photos and gruesome details. The contents of that folder were soon made public by both the Foal Free Press and the Ponyville Express Newspaper. It didn't take long for Scootaloo's parents to catch the first train to Ponyville. To say the town was horrified would be a gross understatement. But none were more mortified than Applejack. She couldn't believe what her own brother had done. Speaking of which, it seemed as if Big Macintosh has disappeared off the face of the planet. No matter how hard ponies looked, there was no sign of him anywhere. Today a funeral service was held on the farm. Many ponies came to offer their condolence for the loss of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Applejack stood far away from the crowd as many ponies gathered around the three coffins. The tears in her eyes were pouring out like a small stream of water. "Mom...Dad...I'm sorry. I couldn't protect her." "Now don't go thinking like that missy. Neither her or your parents would think you're to blame." Said Granny Smith as she hobbled up to her eldest granddaughter. "But I should've known something was wrong especially with Mac not caring! I should've even checked that Celestia forsaken basement!" She cried. Granny Smith bought her in for a hug. "I know darling, I should've known something was wrong with him too. But don't you worry none. We can get through this after all..." She trailed off as Rainbow Dash and Rarity also trotted up to them. Both their faces looked like they both have been crying a lot. "You're not the only one who lost someone dear and you still have friends." Applejack looked at Rarity and Rainbow, both mares were giving her a look of understanding and just like that they all shared a group hug. This will be a difficult road but together they can brace the weather and make sure no tragedy like this happens again. In another universe, Twilight Sparkle was trotting along the streets of Ponyville. The streets were nearly empty. She thought it was because most ponies were either still mourning over what happened at the theatre or they were scared to come out after what the Newspaper said about the recent discoveries. The Ponyville Express received a file about how Cheerilee started the fire and how she murdered her own students in the days leading up to it. Twilight was hoping to find more answers at the teacher's house. But as she got closer she noticed a crowd ahead. The ponies there looked like they were surrounding Cheerilee's garden. Twilight raced up hoping it wasn't going to be a violent mob. As she got closer however she didn't hear shouting or even threats. The ponies didn't even looked angry. They looked scared as they stared at something. Twilight pushed her way through the crowd and saw something. There in the garden was what looked like a large fly trap plant. Cheerilee was in it's mouth with her head poking out of the opening. She looked like she was struggling to get out. She saw Twilight and looked at her with desperation. "Twilight get me out of here! Please!" Twilight charged up her horn to help but then, much to Cheerilee's shock, her horn started dimming until it stopped glowing. Twilight then looked into her eyes. Her face looking like it was barely containing it's rage. "No..." Everyone stared at her. Cheerilee was scared and confused. "No? Twilight why would you-" "You think I would help somepony like you? After what you did to your own class? Were you gonna get Spike next!?" Said Twilight, her voice rising in rage. The crowd then remembered what was in the newspaper that came. Just like that the memories came back to all them. Filthy Rich spoke up from the crowd. "She's right! Maybe you do deserve this after what you did to my daughter!" He snapped. "And to my dear sister!" Added Rarity. Soon many parents were now shouting their agreements to the school teacher. Many shouted for her to get swallowed or go to Tartarus. Rainbow Dash hovered closer to the plant. She eyed it up and down. "I wonder what would happen if I kick it." Cheerilee had a hunch and she didn't like it. "Please! I just wanted my class to behave! I just wanted to-" "I I I, teaching is not about you. This is for Scootaloo!" Snapped Rainbow as she kicked the plant in the side. That did the trick as the plant sucked in the screaming killer teacher. The crowd cheered as they felt the children have been avenged. They weren't sure if the plant would digest her or just keep her trap but they knew she won't be harming anyone else. Twilight said she would stay and study this plant as they figured out what to do. As the crowd slowly dispersed Rainbow Dash looked up to the sky. "That was for you Scoots...I hoped you saw it." Not too far away Time Lapse watched the scene. He gave a dark chuckle as he opened a portal and closed it after stepping in. > Interlude: The Unexpected Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alter Path stood in the same room looking through whatever orbs floated by. He saw an orb that had Fafnir the wendigo having tea with Princess Celestia. He then saw an orb that had the long horse having some kind of picnic with Zecora. He then saw an orb that had Pinkie Pie being dragged to some wooden platform only to have some rope tied around her neck. His eyes widened at the last one and immediately levitated it near him. Only to now see Pinkie Pie hanging by her neck while a crowd cheers. He gasped at the horrid vision. "What was that?" he asked himself. He looked at the orb closer. "That can't be right." He levitated many orbs close to him so he can compare. "Let's see Train Eater prowling, Slender wandering, Samara playing..." He went through the many orbs until he saw another one he didn't recognize. It was a large black train charging over a bridge. "Was that always there?" He then noticed the orbs that were unfamiliar. He was confused there should be nineteen orbs, not twenty four. He glanced through the five new ones. A weather factory being shut down with a lot of pegasi arrested. A mass vigil being held outside of Sugarcube corner after the hanging of Pinkie. The large black train again. The skeletal remains of a stallion with a harness on inside a coffin. And a mare named Cheerilee being digested in the belly of a monster. "This can't be right. Someone is doing something." He said to himself as he left the room and went down the halls. He didn't walk far as he noticed a crowd of creatures down the hall having a hushed conversation. As soon as an earth pony mare noticed Alter Path she hushed everyone. Alter walked up and cleared his throat. "Do any of you know what's going on? I'm suddenly seeing new story orbs I don't remember making." The other creatures, who were all wearing dark hooded robes just looked nervously at each other. Time Lapse laughed as he wandered on a forest trail in another universe. He felt he was having the time of his life. "Oh ho ho this is more thrilling than I imagined. So many worlds I can play with oh where can I go now..." His necklace glowed as he spawned many orbs that showed different worlds. "Lets see a monstrous candy mare who turned an entire town into her slaughter house? Maybe this human changeling emperor who couldn't forgive and let go of his grudge? Ooh ooh or maybe this Sunset Demon who took her rage out on everybody for a cyber bully. Or maybe..." As he continued pondering he didn't notice black veins that were slowly spreading from his cutie mark. Alter Path paced back and forth, growing increasingly annoyed. "Ok I'm getting tired of asking questions so one of you is going to tell me what is going on." He then pointed to an anthropomorphic goat wearing a cloak over her red shirt and a long black skirt. "Muriel! I know you know. So tell me." Muriel the goat was flabbergasted. "Darling, I- I'm sorry I can't." "Oh really was it one of your seven kids like that adopted human boy?" "No he would never-" Just then a big orange jellyfish with one eye raised a tentacle. "Alright Alright Everyone calm down." "Well look who decided to step up. What do you know Stinger Flynn?" "Ok I'm going to tell you what's going on but you're not gonna like it." Meanwhile outside a huge castle in a nearby forest a red anthropomorphic alligator was fishing in a lake. He hummed a happy tune as he waited for a bite. When suddenly his piece and quiet was interrupted. "WHAT!?" The shout startled him a bit and the trees had birds flying out in a fright. He looked to the large castle on the mountain which had a similar design to Canterlot Castle. He let out a small chuckle. "Sounds like somebody is messing around the multiverse. It's only a matter of time before... consequences come to bite them." "I can't believe this! None of you tried to find and tell me!?" A large black dragon with purple eyes pointed to the black earth pony mare. "We wanted to, but Epoch here insisted we find Time Lapse first. We're still trying to figure out what universe he's in now." Alter Path face hoofed. "That's something you guys are always forgetting. There are millions of universes and timelines he could be in. Finding him would be like finding a needle in a haystack the size of a mountain, maybe two. Never the less we need to find him soon. The more he keeps going around the multiverse without proper control the more he can damage himself and lose his sanity to chaos and darkness. I nearly lost control when I put Slender Stallion in Equestria. We need to search harder NOW!" All the creatures saluted and left for a different room Epoch was about to leave when she felt a hoof on her. She turned to see Alter now having a look of disappointment. "My room, we need to talk." Epoch nodded and followed him. Both of the ponies know as Guardians they need to keep, not only the multiverse safe, but themselves as well. > Update: Ideas and voting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll continue this in 2024 but for now I would like some suggestions from you commenters. What fandom made villains or corrupt heroes should Time Lapse nab next? Candy Mare (Something sweet to bite), Emperor Jason Wright(From the ending verse where he becomes changeling king), Sunset Shimmer (From Solar Eclipse), Applejack (from Apple sleep experiment) or maybe Xenolestia (from the TCB Verse)? Or maybe something you can suggest. You can even suggest two for an actual game combination. Maybe even give me a game idea as well. I cant wait to hear your ideas. -Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year > Joust of Wrath: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia looked through the many military reports. It would seem her plans were working well in her favor. About half of the Northeastern part of the United States was already being covered be her ever expanding dome of conversion. It felt like only yesterday her whole country had teleported to the planet called Earth. At first relations between her subjects and the humans were alright, but all that changed when the conversion bureaus started changing humans. Not only physically becoming ponies but becoming mentally obedient as well. The world tried to fight back but the dome Equestria was in was impossible to break through. Not even a Russian nuclear missile could break it. The whole world could only watch or run from the dome that was stealing their lives as it expands inch by inch. Princess Celestia smiled as she knew it won’t be long before the humans could see no more fighting is needed. She was about to sip at a cup of tea when a guard came in. “Forgive the intrusion your majesty, but there is a pony outside requesting your presence. He says he knows a perfect plan to help this world be better.” Celestia perked up and stood up. Finally her plans could speed up. “Please send him in.” The guard left only for a white pegasus wearing a black hooded cloak to enter shortly after. He bowed respectfully at her. “Ah your majesty it is great to be in your magnificent presence.” “Of course dear subject rise and tell me what plans you have to help this world.” She said. The pegasus simply reached into his cloak and pulled out a strange looking ball. Celestia looked at it confused. She was even more confused as the pony threw it at her hooves. Suddenly the ball let out a stream of smoke. Celestia was surprised and coughed as she started to feel sleepy.”What is this?” She looked to the stallion only to now see him wear a gas mask. “Just a little sleeping gas for you. Have a nice nap.” The changeling hive was buzzing with either workers serving the hive or drones patrolling the skies around. In one room a human with scars looked out the window of the activity. Jason Wright sighed as he looked on. It had been many weeks since his invasion to Equestria, his trial with the elements, the burning of Ponyville, and the death of Discord. For all he knew Equestria was probably crippled from losing the trust of its heroes but he no longer cared for that nation. At this point he wouldn’t even care if it disappeared. Suddenly he could hear a door behind him open. He turned to see a changeling drone standing there with a stack of scrolls and envelopes. “Good morning mighty Emperor.” Jason groaned. “How many times must I tell you to knock!” He snapped. The drone flinched at his tone. “Eep! Sorry sir but we have all this mail and-“ “Where from?” He asked “Equestria sir.” Jason groaned once again. “More pleas from Celestia or Pinkie invitations?” “Both.” “Put them in the pile Thorax.” Said Jason as he pointed to a pile of unopened scrolls and envelopes. All of them from Equestria above the pile was a sign saying ‘to the furnace’. It would seem Jason would outright ignore any mail from that nation. He’s not even gonna bother with the pardon deal Celestia sent him. Thorax did what he was told and dumped the mail in the pile, but he couldn’t help but feel sorry for both his ruler and the Equestrian nation. But he knew his leader would not be willing to even talk to them. He left the room leaving Jason alone. A few minutes later the door opened again. Jason was now deeply annoyed. “Thorax! What did I just tell-“ WHACK! Next thing Jason knew he was on the floor clutching his head in pain as he now saw a Pegasus in his room. He was holding a shovel. The only thing that now went through his thoughts as he was passing out was “How?” The stallion chuckled as he looked down at him. “Rest your head, it’s time for bed.” > Joust of Wrath: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Wright awoke with a headache the size of a castle. He slowly regained his bearings as his mind tried to process where he is. The first thing he felt were his legs, which felt were bound and attached to something. He then realized for some reason he was sitting up on something. Slowly his eyes regained vision as he looked down. He then saw some weird device that almost looked like an LED clock with wires. “What…” He continued looking over himself and realized he was on what looked like a mechanical horse crossed with a bike. His feet were strapped tightly to what he assumed were pedals. He was also wearing a suit of rusty metal armor. He then saw a familiar pony across the room. “Celestia?” Princess Celestia laid in the floor. She was wearing a little bit of rusty metal armor on her, had a strange ring on her horn, and what looked like a humanoid dummy made of tin and wires poking out of many parts. Some of those wires went to strange red tubes. It was then Jason saw the letters on them and his fear went up. TNT. Jason continued to look around the room that almost looked like a garage of some kind in a panic. “What the Hell?!” Celestia stirred awake. She groaned as she tried to get up, already feeling the weight of the tin man on her back. She looked at the strange thing then towards the human on the other side. “Who are you?! Where are we?! Are you with the HLF?!” Jason was now struck with confusion. “I’m sorry, what? Don’t act like you don’t remember me princess. Is this some game to get me to sign that pardon thing you sent me?” Now it was Celestia’s turn to be confused. This human didn’t look like the leaders of any country she knew. She doesn’t even recall sending a pardon document to anyone. But before she could say anything they both heard a sound and saw a nearby television turn on. How did they not notice that they’ll never know. After some static the face of the stallion they both met was now on the screen. The face grinned as he spoke. “Hello Celestia. Hello Jason. I want to play a game. You both came from different universes where you both developed a wrathful grudge against the other species and instead of taking a sensible approach, you both responded with darkness in your soul.” “Where have I seen this scenario before?” Jason asked himself. “Now hold on there! What are you talking about? What I’ve done was for the benefit of both societies.” “Are you sure about that?” Asked the Stallion. Soon the TV played what looked like images from different worlds. Jason could only watch in shock as this Celestia started a war of both humans and ponies. A war that started when humans were being forced to convert into ponies and become mentally obedient as a result. Soon Celestia saw the footage of this human becoming the changeling emperor and caused chaos in Ponyville in the form of fire all because of his harsh treatment which would fueled his grudge. Celestia scowled at the human as the footage ended. “I knew it. You humans are just as vile as I thought. This proves your kind are warmongers.” Jason snapped his head back at her. “Hey! What happened to me was the result of your student failing and Discord being a-” “ENOUGH! You both had many other options, some of which more logical and less horrific and you chose a path I dare say Tirek or Sombra would choose. Now you have limited options in this game. The devices strapped to you are connected to a timer. When I start the game you’ll have ten minutes to kill your opponent. To do that you’ll have to attack your opponent’s contraption. Each hit will speed up the timer. When the opponent’s timer hit zero, BOOM!” Celestia tried to use her magic but soon found it difficult. The stallion chuckled. ”I saw that coming so I put an inhibitor ring on your horn. There by limiting your magic.” Jason heard a click and looked at the timer on the back of the fake horse head. It lit up and showed ten minutes. “Live or die. Make your choice.” Jason mind was racing as questions raced through him but he didn’t think long as he suddenly felt a jolt. Celestia rammed her body to the side of him. Jason quickly looked at timer. It once said 9:50 now it said 9:20. Celestia charge at him again but missed as Jason now used the pedals on the contraption. He then used his hands to turn what he assumed was the steering he then saw a spear on the floor and quickly grabbed and threw it at the alicorn. The spear struck the tin dummy in the side. Celestia gasped as her timer now read 8:55. Her magic was limited to only levitation. She soon saw a dagger on the floor and aimed it at the now charging human. At first she aimed for his head but then thought he might have sharp reflexes so she shot at his contraption’s head. The dagger hit its head with a clang and just like that Jason lost a ten more seconds. The battle waged on with both the human and the alicorn either hitting or missing. The armor they both had shielded their skin from harm but not the bombs they strap to. Both their timers read three minutes. Jason looked towards Celestia she was panting. It was then he noticed a small opening in the dummy’s neck. All that fighting must’ve exposed it. Using the last of his strength he threw a dagger at the neck. Sparks shot out. The dagger was lodged in there. Celestia looked at the timer on the dummy. 2:30 2:12 1:52 That did the trick. With the dagger lodged in the wires, it was causing the timer to speed up. Jason saw that his timer was only at two minutes and forty five seconds. Celestia looked at the dummy in a panic. She could only watch in horror as the timer got closer to zero. She knew she didn’t have time to reach Jason with the exhaustion she had. She looked back at him with a look of hatred in her eyes. “I learned this saying from your kind. I hope to see you in Hell.” 0:00 BOOM! As the smoke cleared Jason could only stare at the gruesome scene in front of him. There was Celestia’s exploded body. Her burnt body had a very large chunk of the middle removed. Jason nearly gagged at the smell it was now emitting. He then heard a beep and a click as he now felt his body being released from the mechanical bomb horse. The TV came back on and the face of the Stallion came back as well. “Congratulations Jason, I guess we can both agree even gods can be killed.” Jason scoffed at this. “She wasn’t a god, she was a soon to be tyrant.” “Regardless you won. But before you leave I think you deserve a special reward. Come through the opening door to claim it.” Said the Stallion on TV as a door in the room opened up. Jason walked through to see what looked like a hallway with many doors. Down the hall he could see a large red door labeled exit. He began walking down the hall towards it ignoring the other doors. He was halfway through when he heard a door from behind him creak open. He turned around fast and saw to his surprise a human skeleton. It looked like it was dressed as insane patient in a stray jacket. Jason then saw, on the door it came out of, was a label saying ‘Psychos’. Jason started getting scared again. “What is this?” Then came a voice on an intercom. “Your reward is a taste of what you left behind but bought with you anyway. A taste of how evil some humans can be. That skeleton is a ghost of a psychopath.” Jason then noticed the labels on the other doors as they slowly opened. “What the? Corrupt cops? School shooters? Terrorist?! Serial killers!? Evil Dictators!?” “And so many more.” Said the voice as many skeletons started walking out in different clothing style to match the door they came from. Jason, now scared again ran to the exit door only to find it not budging. It was either locked or stuck. “No no no! You can’t do this! I’m not like them!” “But you are” said one of the skeletons as they all slowly approached Jason. “No please let me out!” Jason yelled as he banged on the door. The skeleton were getting closer and closer as they chanted. “One of us. One of us.” Meanwhile in another room Time Lapse watched everything through a security camera. He grinned as the skeletons grabbed Jason and started betting on him with bony fist. He gave a dark chuckle. “Hehe looks like he’s boned. But after a bit of them torturing him, I’ll send him back.” He didn’t realized his hind legs and flanks were now becoming more black as dark veins pulsed. He also didn’t even feel one of his eyes, which was blue, was now turning red. Princess Celestia looked over the reports from Ponyville. She could only imagine how lost all the ponies must feel. She was about to sip at a cup of tea when a guard came in. “Your majesty Emperor Wright requested to see you.” Celestia was surprised. She didn’t expect to hear or see him again so soon. “What does he want?” “Not sure your majesty. Even Chrysalis doesn’t know. His face looks like he’s practically devoid of life.” Explained the guard. “Send them in.” Jason and Chrysalis walked into the throne room. The former just looked straight with his eyes widened, and his mouth in a small frown. He looked as if he saw a ghost. Chrysalis on the other hand just looked at him in concern. Jason walked up, bowed in Front of her and presented what looked like a small stack of papers. Celestia levitated them to her. All this was the paperwork she sent him. His pardon was signed. She looked back at him only to see him walking towards the doors. “Jason?” “Don’t bother Celestia. Ever since he reappeared in the hive he’s been like this. He keeps saying he and I quote ‘needs to fix things better’ or something.” Explained Chrysalis as she also turned and left. Princess Celestia could only look at the paperwork then back to the door. “Uh…ok?” > Joust of Wrath: Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna sat in the large office as she read over some written documents. She put them down as well as remove the reading glasses she wore. “I can say I’m rather grateful your nation is willing to offer its help despite the protesting I heard about in New York.” The human who sat across from her nodded. “We are a nation that strives for unity. I’m not one to destroy every last enemy. Besides some ponies actually made friends during the war. Remember Lyra of the human and equestrian peace movement?” “Yes last I heard she made great strides and has been doing really well in a place called California.” Said Luna. “And because of her story she has been one of your kind playing a major role in fixing your sisters mistakes alongside Twilight Sparkle. Speaking of which have there been any signs of Celestia?” Asked the human. “No but the nation is keeping a watchful eye out for her. I assume your nation is doing the same?” Asked Luna. “Yes, the military is watching your borders and the international space station is keeping an eye on the sun to make sure she doesn’t do anything to it. That is if she tries anything.” “I was never able to control your moon so I don’t think you’ll have to worry. I believe we have covered all we need to discuss today.” Said Luna as she stood up. The human got up as well. “Agree, it was a pleasure doing business with you your majesty.” Luna smiled softly at him. “Please mister President we are both leaders. You can just call me Luna.” The president of the United States smiled back at her. “In that case you can call me Joe.” Twilight Sparkle and her five best friends met in a recently rebuilt sugarcube corner. To them it was strange how they got here. One day the town still looked destroyed from Jason’s fire the next day the changelings came back with tools and supplies and the whole town was rebuilt in a matter of days. During the reconstruction Jason was seen helping out around town. Many ponies either kept thier distance while some accepted any help he was giving them, free of charge, and even if he didn’t have to do it. What was even stranger was that he was literally doing it with an almost forced smile plastered on his face. Twilight’s friends could only share thier feelings in the matter. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think I preferred his vengeful self better.” Said Rainbow Dash as she watched Jason from a window picking up garbage. Twilight nodded in agreement. “I actually spoke to Chrysalis she said she didn’t do anything and he’s not under any spell.” “Then why in tarnation is he doing this? It’s like he’s working himself to the bone.” Said Applejack. “I don’t know maybe he-“ “HELLO EVERYPONY!” Screamed Jason excitedly as he stomped inside Sugarcube corner taking everyone by surprise. He turned to the elements and strolled right over his smile never leaving. To Twilight it reminded her of Starlight’s village. “Hey there Rainbow did you hear back from Spitfire yet? I send her dozens of letters to put you on the team permanently! Or if it doesn’t work I can have my army scare her into letting you in!” Rainbow looked at him with concern and slight fear. “Uh that’s cool Jason, but that won’t be necessary.” Jason made a mock salute. “Okely dokely. How about you Fluttershy? Have all your animal friends come back? I am so sorry for scaring them away!” “They’re fine Jason.” Said Fluttershy nervously. “Very well then. Hey Twilight, it turns out Celestia has hidden copies of your letters. I’ll deliver them to your castle as soon as they get to the train station.” Said Jason as he turned to Twilight. “Uh thanks Jason that’s uh… appreciated.” “You’re most certainly welcome!” CRASH! A wagon outside broke a wheel and most of its contents spilled out as it tipped over. “Darn it Derpy, I told you to check that wheel.” Groaned Carrot Top. “Sorry.” Said Derpy. Jason charged out. “Let me help you clean up the mess.” Jason set to work all the while he was muttering something under his breath. “Gotta be forgiving or they’ll get me. Gotta be forgiving or they’ll get me.” As he worked some ponies watched with worry. In the skies above a figure watched from a cloud. The figure was what looked like an anthromorphic white rabbit wearing a bright yellow robe and had angel wings. The rabbit watched the human with concern. “Dear goodness. What did Timelapse do to that guy?” Meanwhile outside Ponyville, another human took in his surroundings as he stepped out of the forest. He looked to Ponyville and smiled. “Get ready Ponyville, here comes Gregory.”