> Who Have You Ever Loved? > by Admiral Producer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Who Have You Ever Loved? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria was a wasteland. There were no signs of life anywhere in sight, no evidence that this once beautiful continent had been filled with peace and unity. The clouds blocked out the Sun and Moon completely, only allowing the faintest of light through the narrowest of cracks. The color of the sky was no longer a pristine blue, but a hellish orange. The ground was a desert, blowing with harsh and powerful winds. There were craters where tall hills and mountains once stood. There were dried up valleys that once saw home to pretty lakes. There were no trees, nor bushes in sight. The land had been completely wiped dry of all flora and fauna in the attack and all that was left was destruction. Dark and grey airships flew through the atmosphere in the direction of the only hill left in the land, towards a decrepit and foreboding castle that housed the elusive ruler of the primordial hellscape she called a kingdom. The engines hummed and the propellers spun, carrying the hulk of masses where they needed to go. On the hulls were the symbol of the Fire Alicorn; a purple diamond with two blue wings of fire on the sides. They were prisoner transports, carrying any pony who would dare defy the Queen to their rightful place of punishment. On the ground was an abandoned trolley car that looked abandoned upon first glance, but that notion was immediately thrown out when two light orange hooves stepped out of it. They belonged to a stallion with a blue mane and tail named Hitch Trailblazer, the once proud sheriff of Maretime Bay. He was holding a rifle in his hooves and sported a mask around his eyes the same color as his hair. Hitch had a grim expression on his face as he cautiously stepped out of the vehicle and looked to the skies above to see if the coast was clear. He couldn’t be out long and he knew it. Opaline’s spies were around every corner. They would catch he and his friends in an instant if they got the chance. Upon seeing nothing, he reluctantly turned around and gave the signal for his friends to come out. They had to act fast. Get in, get out. That was the motto. He just hoped that his former deputy was still alive. “Clear!” he shouted, affirming that there was no one out to get them just yet. He didn’t know for sure, of course, but he had his weapon on hoof just in case. Stepping out of the trolley were five mares, all with concerned expressions on their faces. The first of them to step out was a blue unicorn with a red and purple mane and tail named Misty Brightdawn. Following her was a yellow earth pony with pink hair named Posey Bloom. Behind her stepped out a pink pegasus with a red and white mane and tail. This was Windy, who had once been the head of the Trail Trotters hiking group. After her came Pipp Petals, a pink pegasus with a purple mane and tail. And finally, a purple unicorn with a blue mane and tail named Izzy Moonbow stepped out of the vehicle. The five other ponies walked towards Hitch and gathered behind him, waiting for his signal to press on. Once they saw him nod his head, they began walking forwards in the direction of the only suburb that stood for miles. “How much further?” Misty asked worriedly. Hitch glanced back at her. “We’re almost there. Most earth ponies have evacuated to the Appleloosa ruins anyway. If we can’t find Sprout here, we’ll keep going.” “Well,” stated Posey a matter-of-factly. “We’ll have to hurry. You know we can’t be out here for much longer. She’ll come for us!” Her tone at that last sentence shifted to one of fear. Behind her, a spear was slammed into the ground. It was Pipp and she was holding it close to her. Her expression was one of pure rage and it was clear judging by the way she carried herself that she desired vengeance more than anything else. It was because of Opaline that her older sister was killed, and she wanted nothing more than to deliver karma onto the alicorn. “Let her come,” Pipp spat. “Let the bastard come. I’ll stab this through her heart for what she did to Zipp!!” She took a couple of hurried breaths to calm herself. “I wanna make her pay.” “I know how you feel, Pipp.” Hitch said, his tone softening a bit. “You have no idea how I feel.” the pegasus responded coldly, clutching the spear tighter. “If you did, you wouldn’t have let it happen.” “Well we have to stick to the plan if we have any chance of making this right,” Hitch reasoned. “We can’t bring her back. But we can still free Equestria from Opaline…even without Sunny…” he trailed off at the mention of his former friend. He didn’t like mentioning her as it brought up too many painful memories that he would rather not deal with. Izzy walked up next to him, her eyes reflecting a feeling of deep regret. “This is all my fault…I should’ve never done any of this…” Hitch ignored her, sighing deeply and closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them once more. He couldn’t show weakness, especially not in front of his team. He was their only hope now and they needed him. If he faltered, so would they. He had all the time in the world to process his trauma. Now it was the time to take action. Pipp still wasn’t satisfied with his answer, however, and she stared him directly in the eyes. If looks had the ability to kill, this definitely would have been it. “Who have you…ever loved?!” Before Hitch could answer, he heard the familiar sound of chucking come from behind him. He froze where he was. He knew this voice. He had grown up hearing it for years and had to tolerate its excessive nagging. This could only be one pony, none other than his former deputy Sprout Cloverleaf. He had found his target, but he had no idea how to engage with him. He turned around, only to see the red earth pony himself sitting atop another parked tram car, staring wistfully off into the distance. His smile grew wider, almost as if he sensed that Hitch had noticed his presence at last. “Oh contraire, my little Pippsqueak,” Sprout mused sadistically. “He knows exactly what it is like to lose someone he loves. You know, like a…a father…like a best friend…” Hitch gripped his gun tighter. His eyes furrowed with anger as he approached the stallion that was once his subordinate. “Be very careful with the next thing you say.” he warned. “…like an adopted son.” Sprout finished, clearly not caring for the threat he was just issued. He turned around to face his former boss. “Isn’t that right…Hitch?” His eyes stared deep into Hitch’s soul and he was faced with unwanted flashbacks to Sparky’s death and their time together. “Dammit…” Windy cursed under her breath. “I agree, we don’t need his shenanigans right now…” Posey agreed. “Hey, dude! Just load the freak onto the tram and let’s get out of here already!” However, Hitch didn’t hear them as he was far too lost within the mental spiral that seeing Sprout again had put him into. He felt fury start to rise within him. The other earth pony seemed to radiate such levels of anger that just laying his eyes upon him was already making him want to fight. “Maybe in a way,” continued Sprout. “That pretty pink pony is right. Because…how many can die in your hooves before you grow numb to death?” “That’s not very careful.” “Now how many dead eyes can you look into…before you die inside yourself?” “I’ve been dead inside a long time,” Hitch countered bitterly. “You might not even believe it. And if you cross that line, I swear to all living Tartarus I’ll-“ “Before what, Hitch?! Kill me?!” Sprout shot back, silencing him instantly. He smiled upon seeing Hitch take a few steps back in response. He had the former sheriff right where he wanted him, and he couldn’t do any about it. “You won’t kill me. I’m your best friend. Besides…who’s going to give you a reach around?” Hitch stood there not moving an inch, his hooves slowly tightening on the trigger of his rifle. He wasn’t messing around, as much as Sprout probably would have wanted to believe that he was. As much as he needed Sprout, he was perfectly within reason to just end his life all the same. “Anyway…” Sprout explained. “You need me. You…need me to help you undo this world you created by letting him die. Poor Sparky Sparkeroni. Oh how he suffered so!” He grinned, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “I often wonder…in how many alternate timelines does Izzy destroy the world because frankly, she doesn’t have the cajhones…to get over her own grief…hm?” From behind Misty, Izzy glanced up from the ground upon hearing her name being mentioned. She stared in the direction they were, her vision getting blurry with tears. Noticing her grief, Misty turned around and put a comforting hoof around her unicorn friend’s shoulder. “So as usual,” revealed Sprout happily. “I’ll be the bigger stallion.” He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a playing card, holding it in his hoof for Hitch to see. “A pitch…Hitch.” He cackled maniacally. “As long as you have this card, a truce. But all you gotta do is tear that and I’d be happy to discuss with you in any way you’d like why you weren’t there to comfort the only pony…who ever truly cared about you?!” Hitch wasn’t fazed as he quickly launched into a counter of his own. “You know it’s funny…you talk about ponies who have died in my hooves. Because when I held your mother Phyllis Cloverleaf, and she was bleeding and dying…she begged me with her last breath…that when I kill you, and make no mistake, I will fucking kill you, that I do it slow. I intend to honor that promise.” Sprout appeared to be taken aback by that statement for but the briefest of moments. His face was one of pure shock and his body trembled as he processed the information he was just given; that his own mother was murdered and wished for his own death upon passing on. What had he done to make her that upset with him that she would curse him like she did? It didn’t make sense to him in the slightest. Then his fear turned into a feeling of relief once he figured that this was just a trick to throw him off. He smiled sinisterly and pointed at Hitch. “Ooh, you’re good. You almost had me.” He then proceeded to cackle once more, his laughs echoing throughout the surrounding vicinity. Hitch walked back to his teammates and stopped in front of Misty. “Well…he’s onboard. Not like he has a choice anyway. He goes rogue and there will be a premature bullet in his chest.” Misty nodded slowly, her eyes still reflecting concern. “If you’re sure…I still don’t think this is a good idea. He might be a loose cannon no matter what.” Hitch conceded the point. “True. That’s why I’ll put him down the moment we finish the job. I won’t allow him to live after everything he’s done.” “Where are we holding up for the night?” Windy asked him. “Somewhere he’ll never suspect.” Posey rolled her eyes. “You and your cryptic answers. Still think it was a good idea bringing this joker along?” Hitch scoffed in a derisive manner. “What do you think?” Suddenly, there was the sound of a sonic boom in the sky and Misty snapped to attention instantly. Her eyes grew wide with fear as the horrific realization that they had been caught dawned on her. She knew what this meant. They all did. It was never a good sign whenever that sound was heard as the pegasi could no longer fly. So the only explanation for the sound was the presence of either of the two evil alicorns nearby. “She’s found us!!” Misty cried, terror in her voice. Hitch and his friends spun around, only to see the silhouette of a small orange alicorn with translucent yellow wings land with a thud onto the ground in front of them. All at once, his body filled with dread. He knew this mare. He never thought he would see her again, let alone have to fight her. His mind flashed with the memories he had been trying to repress in quick succession as it all came flooding back at once. Quick as a flash, Izzy threw off the purple cloak she was wearing and got into a defensive stance. The other ponies followed her lead and brandished their own weapons. With a loud yell, Pipp hoisted the spear she had into the air and held it out in front of her, tears of anger in her eyes, preparing to impale the alicorn with all her might and at last avenge her sister’s death. Meanwhile, Sprout reveled in the chaos he was witnessing. He threw his head back and laughed evilly. He didn’t have to fear anything. None of the alicorns nor their spies had any interest in him. They would leave him alone, while the others would be captured. The only thing that was assured was their quick and easy demises. He was the hunter, while they were the hunted. Hitch stared into the eyes of the mare that had come for them. His lips trembled as the name finally slipped from his tongue at last. It was the pony he had been unsuccessfully been trying to bury from his life, and she had at last returned to it. “Sunny…” he whispered fearfully. At the mention of her name, Sunny Starscout raised her head from the ground and faced her prey. Her body was covered in cuts and bruises and she sported a fresh scar right through her left eye. She smiled sinisterly, ready to kill her victims at any moment, her pupils glowing a bright pink color. Hitch bolted upright in his bed, sweat on every inch of his face. He looked around frantically, thinking that he was still in the dream, but relaxed upon finding himself within the bedroom of the Crystal Brighthouse. Many things had changed since Opaline’s invasion all those months ago. He now had his own bed and called the place his home. He felt more comfortable being around his friends, especially now that he had no one else to talk to. Losing Sparky had hit him hard, and he was still going through the process of healing. He didn’t think he would ever get to see Maretime Bay safe and sound again, but he was wrong. The day had been won and he was safe. He had Sunny back, and harmony had been restored to the land of Equestria once more. Not only that, but it was moving towards reunification. He had heard the news of Sunny being elected as the first ever reigning Princess in centuries, and he was so happy for her. She had gone through so much hardship and turmoil and she deserved this more than anypony else. She would be a great leader and he knew it. If only he could tell her how much he missed having her back in his life… Fortunately, he didn’t have to wonder for long as the doors opened and none other than Sunny herself walked in, humming merrily and practically skipping inside like an excited filly. Her eyes were filled with joy and she seemed to be finally at peace with herself. She was no longer hurting and her optimistic self had finally returned. “Get up! Get up, Hitch!!” Sunny exclaimed, squealing with excitement. “It’s today! It’s TODAY!!” She ran to his bedside and helped him get off of the bed. She jumped up and down in place, seemingly unable to contain her elation. Who could blame her? This was one of the biggest days in all of pony history, and she was a part of it. “Hmm, what’s today again? I forgot.” Hitch asked playfully in response, feigning ignorance. Sunny frowned. “Ugh, don’t tell me you forgot already. It’s my coronation day! You told me you marked it down-“ Her tirade was cut off when she noticed him chuckling and she realized at once that her hoof had just been pulled. Her expression softened and she conceded that fact. “Aaaaaand you got me. Good one.” Hitch took a few breaths to calm his laughter. “Oh, that was just too precious. You know I would never forget your special day, Sunny. I had the date memorized. Zipp’s going to make sure the weather’s clear for us. We’re having it in the ruins of Canterlot, right? I forgot if we rebuilt it yet or not.” “Remodeling’s still going on across the rest of the city,” Sunny explained. “But Spike and Blaize were at least able to help get the castle back in working order. I trusted him to take care of it as he of all creatures would know what it used to look like under Twilight’s day.” “Good on him,” Hitch replied. “You go right ahead, alright? I’ll meet you downstairs as soon as I find something suitable to wear to the event.” She nodded and turned around to leave the room, but not before glancing back at him to give him an expression of gratitude. There were no words, but he understood what she was trying to convey. She was silently thanking him for saving her against all the odds. He watched her go and nodded back. He smiled, tears of pride filling his eyes. He felt like a proud father watching his child graduate college. He could only imagine what Argyle would probably feel if he was still around to see his daughter fulfill his lifelong dream at long last. Hitch felt like he had finally earned the respect of the stallion, even after his death. He had helped save Sunny in spite of everything and she was now here with him, fully healed and ready to take on the world. She was here because of him. “I did it, Mr. Starshine…” he whispered into the air. “I really did save her…” He felt a comforting breeze blow through the window in response. It blew through his mane before leaving and he could almost hear the stallion’s voice thanking him in the wind for the briefest of moments. It may not have been much, but for Hitch, it was enough.