MLP: The Dark Crystal

by yoman556677

First published

The Mane 6 and Spike embark on their darkest journey yet.

When Twilight discovers a strange book in her castle's library, she shows it to the rest of the Mane 6. Little do they realize that this particular book will send them on a journey across a strange land filled with unusual creatures. Here they will meet a Gelfling named Jen, who they must help on his journey to restore his world.


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It was an ordinary day in the town of Ponyville. Celestia's sun was shining. The sky was clear. Children were running and playing. The birds were singing. It was so peaceful.

The sun particularly shone on the Castle of Friendship, home to the Princess of Friendship herself.

Twilight Sparkle.

The sun shone through the window of her bedroom, stirring her from her sleep. Twilight yawned as she sat up. rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She then removed the covers as she climbed out of bed. She then took notice of her dragon assistant, Spike, sleeping in his basket. Smiling warmly, she leaned down and nuzzled him.

"Spike, time to wake up, sleepy-head." said Twilight.

Spike grumbled as he came to. Wearily wiping his eyes, he climbed out his basket saying, "Twilight, it's the weekend. Why can't I sleep in?"

"Because, Spike, it's the most important day of the year! The day we reorganize the library! EEE!" exclaimed Twilight, eagerly clapping her fore-hooves together.

Spike chuckled at that, "Heh-heh, only you would get excited about reorganizing."

"No time for that, come on! Let's eat so we can get to it!" Twilight said before flying off toward the kitchen.

Spike just shook his head and said, "Same ole Twilight."

He then proceeded to follow her to the kitchen.

An hour later, after having breakfast, Twilight and Spike were in the castle library. Twilight was flying while organizing the top levels while Spike remained below working on the lower shelves. Spike was balancing on a ladder to reach the higher shelves.

While collecting the various books, one book in particular caught Spike's eye. It was a book he didn't recognize, which was odd since he had memorized every book in Twilight's library ever since he could read.

"Huh, that's odd." He said while reaching for the book. But just as he grabbed it, he lost his balance.

"Aaah!" he cried out as he fell. But fortunately, Twilight overheard him and dove down to catch him out of the air.

"Spike, are you okay?" Twilight asked as she landed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Twilight." replied Spike as he hugged her.

"What happened that caused you to fall?" asked Twilight.

"This." said Spike holding up the strange book he found.

Twilight took the book in her magic and studied it. The book had a dark brown cover with an image of a dark purple crystal on the front. And it was titled...

"The Dark Crystal?" Twilight read aloud. "I don't remember seeing this particular book before."

She then proceeded to open the book, but as she did, a bright flash of light shined from the book, blinding her and Spike and causing her to drop the book.

"What's happening?!" asked Spike while covering his eyes.

"I don't know!" replied Twilight also covering her eyes.

The book then shot out a beam of light that arched out and traveled through the castle until it hit the Cutie Map in the throne room. Twilight and Spike followed it with Spike carrying the book. They looked at the map to see a strange holographic image above the table.

Twilight, without taking her eyes off the image said, "I think we'd better get the rest of the girls here."

Spike merely nodded in reply.

Shortly after, the rest of the Mane 6, (Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie), entered the castle having been summoned by Twilight.

"Oh, I do hope this is important, darling." said Rarity with a flip of her mane. "I am way behind on my latest order."

"I'm actually with Rarity on this one." agreed Rainbow. "I was in the middle of a perfectly good nap."

"Only you would complain 'bout not gettin' yer beauty sleep in the middle of the day." replied Applejack with a roll of her eyes.

"So, what exactly did you want to show us, Twilight? I-If you're okay with telling us, that is." Fluttershy spoke up in her soft nervous tone.

"Ooh! Is it some kind of super-fun surprise party that we didn't know about?!" exclaimed Pinkie in her peppy manner.

"Let me explain, girls." said Twilight. "Come with me to the throne room and I'll tell you everything."

Twilight and Spike lead the girls to the throne room. When they entered the girls got a firsthand look at the strange image of a purple crystal hanging above the map.

Rarity was the first to break the silence.

"Um, Twilight? What exactly is that?"

"And what the heck is it doing above the map?" added Rainbow.

"Well, it all started when Spike and I were organizing the library." Twilight began.

"And then I saw this book on one of the shelves." Spike said holding up the said book.

The girls looked at the book in Spike's claws curiously.

"The Dark Crystal?" Rarity read aloud.

"Is that what that is supposed to be?" asked Rainbow pointing at the image of the crystal.

"T-That looks kind of s-scary." shivered Fluttershy as Rainbow responded by wrapping a wing around her.

"Anyway, once I opened it, it released a beam of light that struck the map and created... that." explained Twilight ending with pointing at the image of the crystal.

"It doesn't look that scary." Pinkie said optimistically resting her hoof on the table.

Suddenly, the table started lighting up and the book opened to the first page where words started to appear.

"Hey, look!" Spike exclaimed pointing at the crystal which had shifted into a holographic screen.

Twilight looked at the book and saw the words that now dotted the page.

"I think we're supposed to read while the map shows us the images." Twilight said.

"How do ya figure that?" asked Applejack.

"Call it a hypothesis." replied Twilight. "And there's only one way to know if it's true."

She then picked up the book and started reading from it. As she did, the holographic screen began to show a dark landscape with a dark castle in the background.

Twilight began, "Another world, another time, in the age of wonder. A thousand years ago, this land was green and good - until the Crystal cracked. For a single piece was lost; a shard of the Crystal. Then strife began, and two new races appeared: the cruel Skeksis, the gentle Mystics. Here in the castle of the Crystal, the Skeksis took control."

As she continued the image changed to the inside of the dark castle where nine reptilian-like beings stood around the very same crystal they had seen.

Twilight continued while watching the image with the others, "Now the Skeksis gather in the sacred chamber, where the Crystal hangs above a shaft of air and fire. The Skeksis with their hard and twisted bodies, their harsh and twisted wills. For a thousand years they have ruled, yet now there are only ten. A dying race, ruled by a dying emperor, imprisoned within themselves in a dying land. Today, once more, they gather at the Crystal as the first sun climbs to its peak. For this is the way of the Skeksis. As they ravaged the land, so too they learned to draw new life from the sun. Today, once more, they will replenish themselves, cheat death again, through the power of their source, their treasure, their fate - the Dark Crystal. But today, the ceremony of the sun gives no comfort. Today, an emperor lies dying. Today, a new emperor must seize the throne."

The group watched as the sun shone through the Dark Crystal, causing its beams to reflect into the eyes of each of the Skeksis.

"Ugh, what horrid creatures!" exclaimed Rarity as she eyed the image of the Skeksis.

"I think they look kinda funny." giggled Pinkie.

As the image faded away, the screen changed into a portal that hovered over the map.

"W-What's that?" asked Fluttershy shakily.

"I think... we're supposed to go through." surmised Twilight.

"Are you mad?!" exclaimed Rarity. "You want us to go through that strange vortex into some world we know absolutely nothing about?"

"But you heard what the book said." argued Twilight. "These Skeksis have been ruling over that land for a thousand years. I think we're obviously meant to do something about it."

"I'm in!" exclaimed Rainbow. "I'm all for teaching those bird-brains a thing or two!" She added while jabbing.

"Exploring a new world sounds like a super fun time! I'm in!" cheered Pinkie.

"It-It would be cruel to leave all those innocent creatures at their mercy." Fluttershy piped up.

"I ain't got nothin' better to do. Count me in!" agreed Applejack.

"I'm going too." Spike chimed in. "Twilight doesn't go anywhere without me." Twilight smiled at that and used her wing to bring him in for a hug.

Rarity, seeing she was outvoted, sighed and said, "Very well. I suppose it would be selfish of me to not help others in need."

Twilight, seeing everyone was in agreement, smiled warmly.

"Okay, everypony. Gather any supplies you might need and meet back here." she declared.

A few minutes later, everyone had their saddlebags packed and ready to go.

"Everyone ready?" asked Twilight.

"I was born ready!" boasted Rainbow.

"Alright then, let's do it," Twilight declared as she entered the portal.

The rest of the Mane 6 and Spike followed after her and the portal closed behind them as the book's cover glowed ominously.

1. First Meetings

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The green grove was lush and beautiful which in this world was a rare sight. Suddenly, a portal swirled into existence in the middle of it. Out from the portal stepped the Mane 6 and Spike who began to look around as the portal closed behind them.

"How amazing is this?!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she hopped up and down in excitement.

"I know, right?!" Rainbow said as she flew in a loop-de-loop.

"Girls, focus." Twilight said sternly. "We were sent here for a reason. And we need to find out why before-"

"Girls, wait." Fluttershy interrupted.

"What is it, Fluttershy?" asked Rarity.

"I hear something" said Fluttershy.

They all listened closely and sure enough they could hear the sound of music playing from somewhere close.

"Ah hear it too" replied Applejack.

"Sounds like it's close" added Spike.

"Let's check it out." said Twilight as she lead the group in search of the source of the music.

They followed the sound of the music until they reached a small stream. Fluttershy gasped as she suddenly stopped.

"What is it, Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy pointed ahead. When the group looked to where she was pointing, they too gasped at what they saw. There, sitting by the stream, was a strange creature playing some sort of pipe instrument. The creature was brown in color, walked on two legs, and had jet-black hair.

"Wut in the Sam Hill is that?" asked a bewildered Applejack.

"I-I don't know..." replied Twilight, who was equally baffled. "But from the looks of it, I think we can assume that it's a male."

Twilight then began walking toward the creature.

"What are you doing, Twi?!" whispered-yelled Rainbow.

"We won't get any answers just standing here. Besides, from all indication, he doesn't seem dangerous." said Twilight, looking back before continuing forward.

She slowly approached the creature and when she was close enough, she cleared her throat.

"Um, excuse me." she spoke.

The creature paused in his playing, turned around, and noticed the alicorn standing behind him with a tentative smile on her face.

"Oh. Hello. I didn't see you there" he responded.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. So far, introductions were going well.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm sorry for interrupting, but my friends and I couldn't help but overhear you playing your music." Twilight explained.

"Friends?" questioned the creature.

Twilight then waved the rest of the group over from where they were standing.

"These are my friends." said Twilight, introducing each of them. "This is Applejack..."

"Howdy." greeted Applejack, tipping her hat.


"Charmed." replied Rarity with a bow and flip of her mane.

"Rainbow Dash..."

"The one and only!" bragged Rainbow as she landed on the ground in a 'cool' pose.


"Um, hello." whispered Fluttershy, bashfully smiling.

"Pinkie Pie..."

"Hiya!" chirped Pinkie, while hopping up and down.

"And my loyal assistant, Spike."

"Number one assistant to be exact!" boasted Spike, while puffing his chest out.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you." said the creature. "My name is Jen."

"It's nice to meet you too, Jen." replied Twilight extending a hoof which Jen shook.

"So, what brings you here?" asked Jen. "I don't think I've seen you around here before."

The group looked among themselves nervously, not sure if they should tell him that they came from another world.

"Well... let's jus' say we ain't from around these parts." Applejack said.

"For now, let's just say that we come from somewhere far away." Twilight finished.

"Like, really, really, REALLY far away!" Pinkie added on.

"I see." replied Jen.

"And because we're not from around here, we're not exactly familiar with the creatures of this land." Twilight continued. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you?"

Jen paused, a faraway look in his eyes, almost as if he was reliving a painful memory.

"I am a Gelfling." he finally answered. "I am... the last of my kind."

The ponies and dragon gasped at the reveal. Never in all their days had they encountered a creature who claimed to be the last of his kind.

"Oh, my gosh." said Fluttershy flying over to give him a comforting hug. "I'm so sorry."

Applejack removed her hat in silence. For she knew what it was like to lose loved ones.

"It's alright." replied Jen. "I've learned to live with it over time. Besides, my master taught me that the ones you love are never really gone."

"Master?" Twilight questioned.

"My teacher." elaborated Jen. "He's the one who took me in and raised me after my clan was destroyed."

Twilight smiled nostalgically, reminded of her own mother-daughter relationship with Celestia.

"Anyway..." Rarity cut in. "As Twilight said, we were drawn here because of your music. Could we perhaps hear you play some more?"

"Sure." Jen obliged taking out his pipe.

Jen began to play the same tune that he had been playing before. The ponies and dragon sat down to listen to the beautiful tune. Unbeknownst to them, this was only the calm before the storm. And if they had known what was to come, they might not be so relaxed.