> Fallout Equestria: Desperados V3 (Bonds of Platinum) > by Dice Warwick > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Prologue __________________________________________________________________ Everything was set for the ritual perfectly. Even though much of the book had been damaged by time, the tech developed by the Ministry of Arcane Science had proven useful at recreating the lost parts. Though I loathe to give Twilight any credit, she was Celestia's apprentice for a reason, where my tutelage was merely by tradition. So the magic circle was finished, and the required enchantment was in place over it, along with the appropriate stand-ins for the relics. Even now I could feel the magic pulse, as though anticipating what we were about to do.  And at the center was an ancient statue, it still looked as though made from pristine marble, without a blemish. If we didn't know better, we'd have thought it was just a new art piece made to imitate a mare from ancient Pony's times. But no, this statue, this mare dates back from before Celestia herself, from before the founding of Equestria. “Majesty, everything is ready. But are you sure this is a good idea? Nopony is turned to stone for no reason, much less be left chained in a cage and tossed to the bottom of the Celestia Ocean.”  My good friend asked again for the umpteenth time. I understood Blackcharry's worry, as her family had an all too close relationship with forbidden magic. Her brother is one of the few librarians allowed in the forbidden section of Celestia's library.  “I know, I know, but that's what your assaultrons are here for,” I told her in false confidence. She looked over at the robots, five with vibroblades and five with plasma blasters. “If this was another kind of thing, then ya, this protection would be overkill. But there's no telling with ancient magic. You remember our attempt at time magic, where it simply refused to work how it should have, even at one point just not doing anything at all.” Blackcharry let out a long sigh as she trotted over, only to then trip over her own hooves. Trotting over and helping her up, I pulled back her bushy mane to see that she wasn't wearing her glasses. “Again! You keep complaining how dangerous this is, but then trot about without your glasses when you're blind as a bat.” It was frustrating, but she had been like this since we were foals, always worrying about others, yet neglecting herself. If she put even the slightest bit of effort into her appearance, Blackcharry would be the most beautiful mare in Equestria, which I had to admit, made me a little jealous. Unfortunately, Blackcharry was a terminal introvert and hated being the center of attention, having chosen to be more my shadow than taking over her family's duties, leaving it to her younger brother. And she, unfortunately, fit the part perfectly. With how dark she was, as both mane, tail, and coat were different shades of dark purple, though she did have natural highlights of an adorable bright pink poking out here and there. When we were next to each other, it did appear as though she was my shadow then an actual pony. For the longest time I hated it, but now, it has become a comfort to me. “Blackcharry, it's going to be fine. We're in one of the safest places in Equestria, and we are both very magical mares from the two most magical families in Equestria. There is nothing to worry about.” I reassured her. My friend rolled her eyes at me. Just because your ancestor is Princess Platinum and mine is Clover the Clever, doesn't mean we can deal with any magic. It just means we have had the best schooling in magic.” She corrected me. I let out an annoyed huff. “Celestia herself instructed us in magic, that has to mean something.” “It means we should know better. Have you ever contacted Celestia about this!” She argued. Getting annoyed, I argued back. “As I told you, she hasn't been talking to anypony anymore, not even me! And what about you, I'm sure the Blackroots would love to get in on this!” “You know just as well as I, my family would hoard any knowledge gained from this. And getting anything out from them would be like pulling out hooves.” She argued back. We both let out an irritated huff, letting the silence fill the room. “I know it's stupid,” I admitted. “We don't even know who this pony is, for all we know she's just some poor victim who knows nothing. But-” “We must find out.” Blackcherry finished my sentence as she held onto my hooves. “I understand, but I'm just worried. Everypony is going crazy, this war, we've already seen how it ends, and in as many ways possible. Yet Nopony would listen, worse, the Ministry tried to get Luna to lock you away.” Blackcharry pulled me into a hug, holding me tight. “Just promise me, after this, if it doesn't give you what you seek, please give up. We might not be able to save Equestria, but maybe we can help it survive.” “And how do I do that if we're all dead?” I asked. “No way I'm taking that offer to join Stable 1, it just feels… off to me.” She looked away, clearly guilty of something. “Well, I may have been making some private deals with the CEO Appalboom over a private Stable in exchange for tech,” she told me. I didn't have a good feeling about that either. “If you're telling me to join a Molly Manticor Stable, I'd rather die.”  It was a mystery to me why the Blackroots started the restaurant chain and then filled it with the creepiest robots ever. Well, I did know it was to test the AI programming, but did they have to make it extra creepy too? Blackcharry rolled her eyes. “No way I'd do that. My father on the other hoof, I wouldn't be surprised if he had one built under his mega mall. No, I commissioned one on the Marewaii Islands, underneath the new Tenpony Tower that just finished being built. I know you don't like the Ministry of Arcane Science, but having a hub of theirs above you will only insure your safety.” She then let me go, giving me some room. “Just think about it, okay.” I nodded. “If this turns out to be nothing useful, I'll consider it.”  Returning our attention to the ritual, the time was almost now. The sound of heavy Hoofsteps came from the ancient stairs, making me wince a little. I could never stop worrying about damaging my family's tomb, but it was the only place we could perform this ritual without the Ministry's interference.  Coming down the flight of stairs was a squad of power-armored ponies, their armor ill-suited for their position. The armor of the Steel Rangers was better suited for earth ponies, whereas the Platinum Guard was an all-unicorn regiment. So all of them had old traditional helmets on, just normal steel plates, and no advanced tech. “Princess Majesty, we've Isolated the hill like you commanded. There should be no risk to civilian lives.” The Knight Captain informed me, the only pony among them not in power armor, choosing traditional plate over new tech. But as stoic as he was, concern was still clearly on his face.  “You have something to say, Knight-Captain?” I asked, fully knowing that he too had his doubts. He made sure to sit up straight before telling me, minding his manner as the old traditions demanded. He was an old stallion after all, as old as my grandfather. “We're just concerned. If it is potentially this dangerous, then you and the Lady Blackroot should be elsewhere, and a court mage should be performing this task.” He meant well, but the Knight Captain was Wolfley out of date with how much Equestria had changed. Maybe if he had not been forced to retire as general early in the war, things might have been different and remained more civil. But that was all in the past now. “There are no court mages anymore, they are all part of the Ministries now. Anyways, there aren't ponies talented enough to do this safely other than us. It will be fine, but I just want to be careful” I told the Knight Captain. “Just stand by and help us if we need it,” Blackcharry told him. The Knight Captain still didn't look so sure but still smiled a way a grandfather only could. “It's a bit shocking how much you two have grown. It feels like yesterday you both were just little fillies playing under Celestia's legs. Now you're casting advanced magic with such a serious look on your face. It makes me wish I could do so much more.” “No, you've done more than enough. No way you could have known this war was coming, or how much the aristocracy wanted it.” I told the knight captain. “If things go well, then maybe we can turn things around.” He sighed and trotted to his position. “I pray so, too many lives have been lost as it is. Blackcharry and I got into our position, both magic circles which had magical instruments in each. Blackcharry had a lute made from ancient and beautiful wood, it having been enchanted by Starswirl the Bearded himself. For me was my golden Harp, it having been passed down from mother to daughter Since before Equestria was founded. "Ready?" I called out, and everypony nodded. "Then let's start!" Both Blackcharry and I strummed our instruments and magic pulsed in the air, swirling through the magic circles as we played an ancient tune, the magic following the lines along the ground, and into the petrified pony. The ancient stone cracked, forming patterns on the mare that resembled blue swirls as the rest of her glowed brightly. Marble flaking away like dried clay, the mare beneath the stone was finally revealed to us. She resembled a birch tree in fall, with an off-white coat and gray hooves, along with a long and wild gold and brown mane and tail. On her body were swirls of blue paint much like the blue cracks, from which even I could feel magic radiate.  The ancient mare looked around, gently touching the magic circle around her with curiosity. "Felly rydw i wedi cael fy rhyddhau o'r diwedd, ond beth yw'r hud rhyfedd hwn yr ydych chi'n tybio i'm trapio ynddo?" She sounded regal, confident, and a bit bemused. But I also didn't understand a single word of that.  Looking over at Blackcharry, she frowned and shook her head, "I don't recognize the language." Great, I was hoping not to cast any more magic than we had since the risk of cross-magical contamination was incredibly high. The ancient mare looked rather annoyed at us, and a brilliant golden over glow formed on her horn. With a flick of that horn, everything then went dark. Stunned, it took me a moment to realize she had just dispelled all magic around us, no, not just dispelled, but somehow sent away all the magic. I even tried to cast a spell, only to get nothing. Again, an overglow formed over the ancient mare horn, and roots burst out of the ground under her, forming a throne on which she could sit. She then sent her magic out, it falling over everypony but myself and Blackcharry, the two of us safely in our magic circles.  "O faint sydd wedi newid, ac eto does dim byd mor wahanol â hynny. Mae ffyliaid yn meddwl y gallant oruchafu â mi mewn hud a lledrith, fi, un sy'n cario gwaed Dewines, Brenhines Coedwig Faye. Dy enw yw Draiocht Beithe, a mynnodd gael gwybod pwy ydych chi i feddwl y gallwch chi fy rheoli?" As she spoke, all the ponies she had cast upon fell under her thrall, and in unison, translated her words. "Oh how much has changed, yet nothing at all is all that different. Fools think they can outmatch me in magic, I, one who carries the blood of a Sorceress, I the Queen of the Fay woods. Thy name is Draiocht Beithe La Fay, and I demanded to know who you are to think you can control me?" I gritted my teeth, fully aware I had fucked up. This Draiocht Beithe La Fay was far stronger than I could imagine, and in one move, had us outmatched. "I am Princess Majesty, of the Equestria Royal family, a descendant of this nation's founder, Princess Platinum. I seek to learn your secrets in magic, and end a war that will end in tragedy." Beithe materialized in front of me, no flash, or pop, she was simply on her throne, then in front of me. "Princess Platinum?" Everypony spoke for her. "I see, no wonder you have so much confidence. To think my little Platinum would found a nation of her own." She then chuckled loudly, and maliciously. "Then am I to presume that ponyland had fallen to the wendigos, as I had cursed it to be?" Several pink beams shot at Beithe, but the ancient mare simply vanished and appeared behind her assailants. Two assaultrons moved swiftly and with grace, attempting to kill Beithe, but she simply levitated the two robots into the air and pulled off their weapons in one swift motion. "How curious, I have seen many golems in my time, but none with such artistry and cold intent." Both of the robot's heads began to glow, charging for a powerful beam attack, but with no effort at all, Beithe ripped off the heads and tossed them to Blackcherry's hooves.  My friend was holding their controller, tapping rapidly for the other assaultrons to attack. Blackcherry gulped nervously as Beithe materialized in front of her. "Unfortunately they are vastly inferior to what I can make with magic alone. Though, if you join me, I may share with you how to improve those scraps of junk." I could tell that my friend was considering it, but I also trusted her completely.  "Not going to happen," Blackcherry told Beithe as her assaultrons closed in on Beithe, only for things of stone to burst from the ground, and engage the robots. Monsters made of magic and stone quickly ripped apart the most advanced robots I knew, overpowering them like childsplay. It was a display of pure ferocity that left us stunned and put a smile on the ancient mare's face. But Blackcharry wasn't done and tossed me a gemstone as Beithe was distracted. “Go, I'll do what I can to hold her here!” She yelled. Catching it, the engraved gemstone pulsed with magic, enough to cast one spell stored within it. The spell was teleportation, and I knew where to go.  Concentrating, my mind focused on Celestia's tea garden. If anypony can fix this, she could.  With a pop and a flash, I found myself… outside my family's tomb. I looked over Clover Hill, several Platinum Guards looking back at me in concern.  “Princesses Majesty, is everything alright?” One of the guards asked as he rushed over. Giving him a stern look, I yelled out my command. “To arms, prepare for battle!”  The Platinum Guard readied their battle rifles, yet had nowhere to point their rifles at.  Then the ground began to shake, and the doors to my ancestral tomb rattled violently, buckling under some extreme force. The thick stone doors then exploded open, one nearly hitting me as it rolled off down the hill. From the tomb a tree had burst forth, rising high up as it sprouted branches and leaves. On one branch was Beithe, holding my best friend in her magic as the other Platinum Guards were tangled up in the surrounding branches. "Oh, you're not going anywhere, my dear Majesty. Not when there is so much for you to tell me." Beithe spoke with a dark glee in her eyes. She then tossed Blackcharry, and I dashed to catch her, pulling out what little magic I had in me to keep her from slamming into the ground.  “Blackcharry! You okay?” I called out. She let out a groan. “I guess the talisman didn't work?” She asked. Materializing in front of me, Beithe grabbed me with her magic, holding me firmly in the air. The Platinum Guard attempted to engage, but a wave of magic from her sent them all to the ground, and another spell held them there.  I struggled, but so long as she prevented me from casting any magic, I was completely defenseless. "Before I tell you anything, what's your relationship with Princess Platinum, any why have you been turned to stone?" I asked, hoping that maybe I could glean some way to defeat her. Beithe sighed as she looked down at me. "It's a tragedy relay, and a long story about a princess whose father was murdered by the bastard warlord he served, and a mother who was tricked into bearing his child. That princess then had to watch the bastard's son of that union become king of Ponyland, praised by all… loved by all... So I played the same trick on him as his father had done to my mother! “ She then teleported my harp to her, smiling at me. “I bore a son, and that son of mine.” She then strummed the harp, playing a beautiful and magical tone. “He then had a daughter who was given the name, Platinum." My eyes went wide in realization as she laughed, I wanted to deny it, but the harp only played for my bloodline. There might be magical trickery involved, but that was the least of my concerns right now. Then her laughter came to a sudden stop, and she sneered at me. "But that bastard refused to acknowledge his son, so if he would not give him the crown, then I would take it for my son." A depressed sigh escaped Beithe's muzzle. "And I was so close. The round table shattered, and my brother was doomed to fall. But Starswirl had to just return at that moment with his companions." She then smiled, wide and half mad. "Who would think the talentless Platinum would be the winner in the end? Sad she didn't inherit my power, but it seemed she at least passed it to the next generations." She then tapped her horn to mine, and I felt something deep within myself be drained, and I could do nothing to stop it. I began to feel weak, and everything started to become numb to me and the world turning gray. "Enough!" With a command of authority and a blazing burst of light, Beithe was forced back, shielding her eyes from the light. "I know not who you are, but I will not let you harm my dear niece," Looking up, Princess Celestia stood between me and Beithe, the ancient unicorn looking upon the alicorn in shock. "No! Starswirl found one!" Celestia narrowed her gaze at Beithe. "Yes he did.. and you must be…” her eyes narrowed in recognition. “Queen Beithe, the Fay Witch. Starswirl had warned me about you." Beithe had a look of displeasure on her muzzle, as though she had eaten something rotten. "Then, I'm sure you know-" Violently, Celestia grabbed Beithe with her magic and slammed her into the ground. “I no longer have the patience for such games!” With a flash, we were back inside the tomb, and both Blackcharry and I were in our magic circles. Celestia herself holding Beithe in the center. "Seal her back, and do it now!" She demanded  My friend and I both picked up our magical instruments and strummed the strings, playing the ancient tune. The magic came rushing back, as though like displaced water, flowing through me and into the magical circles. Beithe cackled loudly. “Oh descendant of mine, the magic that once held me has long since degraded, and only by my chains was I kept imprisoned. In time I will return, and I will reclaim my right as queen of all ponydom. I have all the time in existence, but I will have my crown, my throne, and the gods will-” Her body became rigid as stone overtook her. It wasn't the beautiful marble we had found her as, but a dull gray stone. Even now I could feel the magic pulse from her, threatening to break free at any moment. Standing next to Beithe was the regal form of Celestia. She had stern, wise, yet very tired eyes. None of the ornamentation that commonly decorated her could be seen, and her feathers required pruning. Looking at her, and seeing that she had not been taking proper care of herself, I felt ashamed. Both of how I messed up and that she had to save me when she was in this shape. "Th… this is all my f-" Celestia embraced me into a tight hug, it was almost burring with how warm she was as I was buried in her chest fluff. "You idiot, why didn't you come and ask me for help?" Tears began to well up in me, "I… I thought I could fix… everything. I just needed more knowledge. But I didn't want to worry you." "I wish ponies would stop worrying about me and start worrying about each other. Please don't ever try this again, Majesty. I've lost… too much already, and I can't bear to lose more. Not to this war, and not to some ancient evil best left forgotten." "But we're going to lose everything if we don't do something," I told Celestia, feeling powerless. She just held me tighter. "It's no longer our role to play anymore. I and the royals aren't the ones leading Equestria. It's up to my sister and the Ministries to lead them. Even if we know it will end in disaster, all we can do is get out of their way, and help them back up after the fall." I hated it, I hated it so much. Over a thousand years of tradition and peace, all thrown out in the name of victory. No, it will be a pyrrhic victory at best. If only I was old enough to have stood by Celestia's side at the time and helped her avoid this war, then she wouldn't have had to suffer.  Sighing, I looked over at the still glaring Beithe, a smirk on her muzzle, all frozen in fragile stone. "What are we going to do with her? Because of me… her breaking free is only a matter of time." A crack then formed on Beithe as though threatening to explode at any moment. “Look, even now she's chipping away at her prison.” Celestia let me go as she sighed heavily. “It's unfortunately true. Such a mare cannot be kept sealed under normal magic. Starswirl told me she was a mare who had the favor of ancient and dangerous powers, such powers that cannot even be named, or risk bringing them into our world.” Trotting around Beithe, her horn glowed, casting spells on the evil mare. “This can hold her for a bit longer, but until the war is over, we cannot do much more than maintain this seal. And having royals return here regularly to do that is going to attract unnecessary attention.” “Princess Celestia,” Blackcherry spoke up. “If I may suggest, could a more mechanical solution work.” “Yes, if we have robots do most of the maintenance, then it won't require frequent visits from us,” I added. Celestia closed her eyes for a long moment to think. “That could work. No, that is a brilliant solution, and one only my apprentices would think up.” She then looked up at the mess of plant matter Beithe left behind. “And this would make a good cover for adding that tech. It has been hundreds of years since I had the security wards updated. And with the war going on, when we do falter, the exiles might return to reclaim what is theirs, and must never have.” I cocked my head. “What now?” “Something before even my time,” Celestia said with a smile as she trotted over. “Princess Platinum took many artifacts with her from the old lands. Much of which can be found deeper in this tomb. They were things given to her grandfather by Starswirl to be protected, all so that tragedies may not occur again. The same duty you will inherit in due time.” “Platinum's grandfather… you mean Pendragon, right… wait, does that mean-” I began to ask, but Celestia shook her head. “No, Excalibur isn't here. Not even I know where Starswirl had taken the sword. But enough of the ancient history, we have much work to do. Blackcharry dear, how soon can you procure those robots, the tech needed to recast the spell, oh and industry-grade talismans.” Blackcharry thought about it for a moment. “If you're willing to file the request, Princess, then I can have it all here by tomorrow.” Celestia smiled. “I'll do that. I'm already sure ponies noticed the tree sticking out of the tomb, along with my apprentice. The tabloids are going to milk this dry for months.” She then looked back at me, her eyes still showing how tired she must have been. “Majesty, sorry that I haven't been… around. Let's have some tea after all this, it's been too long after all.” I had messed up, greatly so. Yet Celestia had a way of making it feel like everything will be alright. I knew it wasn't going to be alright, I had already seen what was to be. How the Ministries ruined everything, and how the Zebra let their fear rule them into committing a most horrendous act.  Maybe it was time to just accept it, and entrust the future to the next generations.  ………. Sorry Harp, I couldn't change the future. It's all up to you now to save our family. __________________________________________________________________  2XX years later  -Harp Melody- Special Strength: 3 Perception: 7 Endurance: 4 Charisma: 9 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 7 Luck: 4 Skills -Barter- 65 -Science- 80 -Speech- 80 -Unarmed - 10 -Guns - 25 Trait: Good Natured - Harp focused on less combative skills growing up. Instead, she focused more on social and constructive skills. Trait: Small Frame - Due to her small size, she has +1 Agility but your limbs are more easily crippled (25% extra limb damage). Unique Trait: Blood of Platinum - As a direct descendant of Princess Platinum, Harp has a natural aura of authority and power which is both magical and social. When performing magic cal feats, Harp gains a 2x power boost and has unique dialogue options open to her. Learned Perk: Princess Training - Charisma. Learned Perk: Educated - You gain two more skill points every time you advance in level. Learned Skill: Take Charge - Sometimes just giving orders is all a pony needs to do to get things done. When Harp Melody gives out commands in combat to her friends/companions, they gain a 5% boost to damage, accuracy, and critical chance. Perk: Presence- Harp commands the attention of those around her. The average pony will have a somewhat positive opinion of her before even knowing her. Perk: Empathy- Harp has grown to understand the ponies in the wasteland and knows how she must talk to them to get a favorable or negative response from them. Perk: Guardian Dulhan- As though death itself had come to drag the wicked to the river stix, it appeared like a nightmare. In battle, a strange headless pony in black armor will come to Harps's aid. The entity is dual-wielding two revolvers that are engulfed in blue fire. The presence of this pony gives Harp an unnatural aura when around death. This greatly increases her ability to eliminate. As mysteriously as the pony appears, it vanishes, leaving behind the smell of brimstone and installing terror in those who have seen it. -Gear- -Phorminx's Enforcer: A simple compact revolver that is easily concealed. It was once used by Harp’s father, Phorminx. It was gifted to her for safekeeping. This revolver has a +10% to critical chance and critical damage. -Lelantos rifle: A prototype bolt launcher using a revolver system. This air rifle is devastating at medium range. It uses easily recovered steel bolts. It is powered by Mirage pony magic. No other race can effectively use this gun unless they're willing to strap spark batteries to it. -Companion- Order: Harp’s recon drone. Its VI system has evolved into an early-stage AI. And is equipped with two Lelantos rifles. The drone can also be installed with up to three spell talismans. Order lets Harp fight without having her put herself in direct danger. __________________________________________________________________ As the Smuggler crested over the hill, I stood up in my seat to get a better view.  "That's a lot of fucking grass," Star said from the gunner nest, she then let out a chuckle while looking through her spyglass. "It's like an ocean of that shit. I can't even see where it ends." She was correct, as far as my eyes could see, there was an unending field of green with a shimmer of red and yellow as the wind blew over it, creating waves in the grass.  "Wait, the Great Prairie looks just fine, I think? Then why is everypony so hard on food?' Slowtrot asked as he stood up from the driver's seat. I looked over at our companion. "Maybe the grass is poisoned, like back on the Marewaii Islands," I suggest. Rolling next to us on her loud motorcycle, Live Axle tapped on the Pipbuck 2000 we installed on the bike, and spoke to us over our Pipbuck radio. "Harp is right. That grass isn't the same grass from before the war. It's Demon Grass, fine to eat if you're a Brahmin or any other two-headed mutant, but if we eat it, prepare to shit yourself to death. Oh, and it has thorns, lots of nasty hooks like thorns, so don't go running through it. It ain't pretty I can tell ya." Looking back at the Great Prairie, it was infested with poisonous, thorny grass, which looked almost a pony high. "Anything else grow there?" I asked Live Axle. She shook her head. "Not much. Demon grass has dense roots and chokes everything else out. I heard farmers hate the shit, and even have killed brahmin ranchers who tried to plant it near them. Then salted the earth" "So a mutant invasive grass." Azure pondered as the Lurker looked over the sight, sketchbook, and pen out. The crab pony's ridged tail stuck up like a sail, which had been funny the first few days of our journey, but now I was worried that it might accidentally get snapped off at some point. But he had reassured me that if he did lose part of his tail, it would grow back in time. "This might be one of the few places looking forward to a drought. Kill off the grass and burn the land. Though there is so much land here, that probably won't work in the long run." I sat back down and checked my pipbuck's map. "Maybe, but that's none of our concern. Let's see, there should be a path to Platinum Hill a little over a hundred miles from here." Several beeps came from my robot drone as Order spoke through my pipbuck. "A hundred and forty-five miles when accounting for staying on the edge of the Demon grass. Further accounting for reduced speed from uneven terrain, we should arrive at the road by nightfall." A sigh came from Slowtrot as he sat back down. "That's at least good news, I rather not have to fight off a pack of night stalkers again." "Can you not say shit like that!" Star growled at him. "I bet it's your weird luck we kept on driving into their dens. Each time you say some shit about how peaceful everything is, we then get into a fight or something." She then sat back down and cuddled Cavall, our friendly Ghost Nightstalker pup. "At least you're a good boy, yes you are!" Cavall let out a happy bark as he accepted the head pats.  "I know the answer, but can't we just cut through the grass?" I asked Live Axle. She shook her head. "Only if you have something like a tank, but even the tank ghouls don't drive through the grass. Ponies die every year getting stranded in that shit, trying to cut their way to some ruins, only to have the grass grow behind them, and them getting lost in it." She then kicked a tire on the Smuggler. "And I wouldn't risk getting the rubber ripped up too. If it was just a small patch, then ya, let's do it, but a days travel through the shit will rip the rubber down to the metal" She had a point. Even if I could keep the Smuggler's engine supplied with magic, if a tire blew, we'd be shit out of luck. At the very least we didn't need gas masks to get through as well. Small blessings and such. However, it made me wonder how this could have happened, how the Demon grass came to be. Was it a random mutation, a zebra plot from during the war, or did we do it to ourselves?  A mystery I was curious about, but not enough to want to go out of our way to investigate. It was also probably best to let some things stay a mystery, nothing good ever came from digging up the buried past as my mother would say.  "Well, let's get going! Unless you all want to camp out on the mountain again." I told everypony  Both Slowtrot and Live Axle revved on their engines, eager to get off this Celestia-forsaken mountain range. From what my Pipbuck map showed me, it should be flat land from there, and a day's travel to Platinum Hill if we pick up the speed. From there we should reconnect with the rest of the Desperados. Now to hope nothing crazy happens when we get there. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 1: The Warband Camp, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 1: The Warband Camp, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ My body ached, having decided that sleeping in an actual bed was a bad thing, yet I felt far too comfortable to even try and get up. It was the paradox of getting more than enough sleep, which I felt better than I had in a long time, yet I felt like shit. Worse was that my time of the month had come, and my abdomen was feeling cramped and bloated at the same time. It wasn't intolerable, but it wasn't ignorable either. It was just going to be one of those days where I'll feel like shit all day long if I didn't get some medicine. The silver lining was that I knew I wasn’t pregnant, which I had been irrationally worried about since my time with Pyrope.  It wasn't like I was ignorant about where foals come from, or how to use protection, but using an over two-hundred-year-old contraceptive was a dubious idea. I had almost not even taken it too, if not for Star teasing me. Why? I still don't know. Maybe it was an excuse to stop, to give up. If I was with a child, then it would be irresponsible for me to continue this journey. But even that would get somepony killed. Like with everything I do, I end up getting somepony killed. Just like with my family, my friends, and so many innocent ponies back on the island. I almost got Star killed, though she lived, but my poor planning had put her in that position. I wasn't even sure it was her when she returned to me, with how her magic felt so different now. She even acted like it was nothing. She had been shot and drowned, and it was my fault. So I just wanted to stay in bed and ride out this pain. I deserved it after all. Unfortunately, other ponies had plans for me, of which sleeping in wasn't part of it. "Wakey, wakey sugar!" A now slightly visibly pregnant Cherry Knot said as she pulled up one of the tent's blinds, letting the sun in onto my face. Was it her fault I even thought to just let myself get pregnant, as most of the mares in our little Desperados herd were with foals now? Again, why was that prison mixed-gender in the first place? And Star already had a daughter. Maybe I just let myself get influenced by all that. "I'll fucking gut you, ya whore!" Star grumbled as she woke up as well, Cavall hopping off her and giving Star a lick on her face with his forked dog tongue. "Try me, and I'll make you regret it," Cherry said back with a sneer. Pushing myself up, several of my bones making cracking sounds as I stretched, drawing attention to myself. "Both of you, it's too early for that!" Looking around, not only were our Desperados mares from the NCRCF packed in here, but so were the majority of the ghost nightstalkers. The snake dogs had found their favorite ponies and were using them for warmth. Unsurprisingly, Henbane was practically buried in the nightstalkers. I don't know why, but they seemed to like her the most, so she had been designated as their caretaker and trainer. It worked out well, as she had experience with raising barn dogs, of which these nightstalkers were half that. The other half was some ornery rattlesnake that can turn invisible. I was still surprised any of these mares here even passed the Desperado's initiation, with most of them all having been wasteland whores before ending up in the prison. Truthfully, I had expected them to just take the deal of moving into Desperado territory and pay tribute, yet here they were, and I was left as their "leader." "Right boss, sorry about that. Old habits and all." Cherry said as she trotted over to where we kept our clothes. All of it was set aside to be washed, even my underwear, as the wasteland caked in dirt and dust over everything, all not helped by our sweat. I hadn't even realized that I smelled so badly until Cherry pointed it out last night. The Union Bandits hadn't complained about our smell, but then again, they could eat pure toxic waste. "Speaking of which, I'm washing all of your clothes, for both of you, So I prepared a few things for you to wear in the meantime." Slowly, I trotted over, my body still waking up from my long sleep. But the closer I got, the more I hated what I saw. The first item was nothing more than frilly ribbons, reminding me of something my brother would get one of the maids to put on for him. The next wasn't much better, more underwear with a light covering, which looked a lot like what a high class whores would wear. I hated myself, but not enough to try either of those two. "No… I'd rather go out nude." I protested, fully knowing that most ponies in the wasteland barely wore anything as it was. "So please tell me you got something that covers more, lots more." Cherry chuckled and pulled out my hostess dress from the Ruffled Feathers. I gave Cherry a less than pleased glare and the mare winked back at me. "Sorry sugar, but all of the cloth went to making bandages or repairing the tents. This is all you got right now." "Maybe I should just throw on my usual clothes," I suggested  "Fucking no way that'll happen." She pantomimed herself gagging. "I mean, the amount of dirt we washed out of you all was Celestia damned too much. And those clothes are so drenched in dirt and sweat that it would be a miracle if they were not permanently stained. That's a damn shame too, a dress like that is a rarity out here ya know." With a sigh, I trotted over to the outfit to at least have something on. "Fine, just be careful with that dress, it's made from ballistic weave, so it's probably one of a kind." "You can always try my leotard again?" Star suggested as she trotted over, her long messy mane untangling itself before my very eyes. I was still getting used to her being a kelpie now, and not just a normal earth pony that we thought she was, and the fact that she could control her mane like this made me rather jealous. "I'll pass. I still don't know how you even like having that on?" I told her. The leotard felt tight, even on me, and I was smaller than my friend. And how it pressed up onto my body only made me feel more exposed. It also reminded me of my years of ballerina practice, making the tips of my hooves hurt just remember it all. Star shrugged. "To each their own. Well, I'm going to go find Slowtrot, and get some pain meds for us." "Us?" I asked. "You are having cramps aren't you?" She asked and I hesitantly nodded. "Good, I was a bit worried those pills might be faulty, but since we started syncing up, I at least had to ask." A chuckle came from Cherry, but I shot her a glare to shut her up. "Well, if those pills were faulty, you'd have been first to know." "That's for sure," Star said with a laugh. "And hay, having zony foals sounds adorable, I mean, you look cute yourself." "Star, I'm-" "Not a zony, I know," Star said, cutting me off with a cocky grin. "Anywho, once I get those painkillers for us, I'm going to go find Thunder Crack and the other moms, for you know, mom stuff." It was good to see that Star wasn't so angry anymore, but it was clear that being separated from her daughter was still affecting her. It was too dangerous to bring Bridget with us and she knew it more than anypony. Safer to leave the filly with her gun-obsessed aunts and uncles in the Gunrunner compound, than with us out in the wasteland. "I'll be heading straight to Arras once I'm ready, I'm sure he'll love the guns we brought with us. Also, I need to greet the leader of this camp, since I'm technically a Desperado leader myself." I told Star. She chuckled. "Don't you mean elder?"  I shot my friend a dirty glare at the comment. "I'm far too young to be called an elder!" Star backed up, still smiling. "Alright, I get it. It's not that I don't understand, and all, you are the boss of this little herd. Well, if they try and get you to do something you don't want to, just let me know and I'll break a leg or two. Watching Star trot out, her form shifting a little to hide her Kelpie aspects. Cherry sighed as she began brushing my mane. "That mare is a doll. She would have fit right in with my gang. Fuck, if she can shapeshift like that, she'd make a shit ton of caps with her mane alone." It was a bit annoying that I could properly imagine what Cherry was suggesting, and not feel that disturbed by it. Still gross, but it did make sense in its way. It made me feel even more grateful for Stars mother, as I was sure that without Prism Paints influence, Star would have either become a cutthroat monster, or just another whore. Probably both, now that I think about it. "Couldn't you and the others have done anything else other than whoring at that time?" Letting out a huff as she gently untangled a knot from my mane. "It was that or going raider. Things might have improved in the wasteland after the clouds cleared up, but for mares like me and the girls, it wasn't that much better. Sure we could have tried to farm, or scavenge, among other things, but prostitution was less risky and paid well. Or at least that's how it started for all of us. It was all fun and easy, but then you realize you are months into a pregnancy, turning tricks for only a tenth of what you made at the start, all while getting beaten by a pimp because you're not making enough caps for his chem addiction." Cherry then let out a long sigh. "I actually started as just a barmaid and hostess, honest work you see, much like the other girls. It started small, but each one of us was slowly drawn into prostitution, a cuddle here, a kiss there. By the time I realized what was going on, I was jacking off one stalling while getting fucked by another. Hard to turn back once your that far in, or thats what I had been tricked into thinking." "Right, Star warned me about that with the boss of the Ruffled Feathers. He wasn't persistent, but he wanted Star and I to join the brothel." I even remembered the ultimatum he gave me when I almost shot the deputy. Don't regret it, but it was entirely a bad move on my part. "Say, didn't you start killing clients? You never did tell me why." "Oh, right, now that's a funny story… well not ha ha funny, more an oh he's dead, funny," Cherry said, and I could tell she was cringing as she tried to explain. "You see, our pimp had a heart attack and died, probably because of all the chens he’d taken. Well, that left the boss in charge, the one before you. We didn't know how to keep clients from running out on us you see, so we were getting fucked both figuratively, and literally. I guess the boss had a chip on her shoulder, as she was a real stallion hater that one, but she did well to hide it at first. So when we were trying to figure out how to stop the stallions from cheating us, she took it into her hooves and just shot any that tried to fuck and run. Eventually, bodies piled up, and the NCR came and cracked down on us."  Bodies piled up? I could imagine that rather easily. Not like my family had clean hooves after all. I did have to deal with the aftermath of a purge, all those bodies in the water, eyes just looking at me… "You alright, Harp?" Cherry then asked. My thoughts derailed as I refocused on Cherry. "I'm fine, just remembering something. You know, let's not talk about such things, it's… depressing. I want to know what you and the others have been up to?" I asked, changing the subject. Cherry wound up my mane so it became a tight bun on the sides, placing a few sticks inside to keep them in place. "Not much. Our tailoring skills are being put to use in repairing the armor, and the stallions are getting some combat training. But mostly were making our place as the Nightstalker tamers. Turns out ponies are far more well behaved with you when ya got an invisible snake hound as your guardian. So it's been rather nice compared to life before, though there is that ever-present cloud of war over our heads." "I'm sure you'll be fine, war is more than just ponies killing each other. Even then, I doubt the Desperados would want a pony like you on the front lines." I reassured her. "Even so, I can't help but worry. But if it isn't one thing that's a problem, it's another." She said as she started on my tail. "Oh, did you hear about-" Cherry then went on about the gossip in camp as she helped me get dressed, nothing major, just the little things going on. Henbane was sleeping with Crankshaft regularly now, the local Desperados took a major shine to our nightstalkers, and how the leader here was Arras descendant by over ten generations. Fortunately, it also seemed that Cherry and the others were reframing from old habits, or at least as much as possible, as STDs had only popped up a few times among the locals, and they were taking their medication regularly. However, we may need Slowtrot to check everypony just in case. Dressed, I threw on my Desperados vest just so that I don't stick out too much and removed the sticks from my mane and tail, letting them bounce into a more natural swirl. Trotting out of our tent, I found a small crowd of Desperados, all watching as Azure and Live Axle were hauling a few of the gun cylinders we got from the Union Bandits, Live sporting the GAR rifle on her back for all to see. Seeing me, Azure chittered his outer mandibles and trotted over. "Ah, good timing Miss Harp, we were just about to deliver these to the elders." He looked around, his ( + ) shaped pupils scanning the crowd before glancing at Live, with one side of his outer mandibles then cocking sideways like a smirk. "As you can see, word has already gotten out that we procured some mint-conditioned artifacts. Unprofessional, but nothing anyone can do once the cat's out of the bag, as the saying goes." Letting out a frustrated huff, Live Axle trotted over as well. "Ya, ya, it's my fault! I didn't even tell Transmission and Suspension all that much about it. Didn't think they'd have the time to even tell everypony. I guess Mom was right, the only thing faster than light is gossip." Though having a crowd gawking at us and our prize was annoying, I still trusted the Desperados to keep their hooves to themselves. They were mostly a bunch of thugs, but they weren't thieves, and they certainly didn't screw with ponies that they considered kin. Still, that was Arra’s herd, who knows how the local Desperados would even act? "Any issues from the local Desperados?" I asked. "Cherry informed me the basic gossip, but she's just as much of an outsider as I am." "You mean Swift Firemane's warband, their chill, though a bit more hard-headed than our lugnuts, oh and a lot more hot-blooded." Live explained.  "I wouldn't worry too much about them sticking their muzzles where they don't belong. If they're not out patrolling the outer city or the roads, Swift has them sparring. Though that's what my friends told me, and they're, ya know." Transmission and Suspension were not all that smart mares and had terrible taste in stallions. That was good to know, though I was still a bit worried that something might happen. "What's your opinion, Azure?" His fin antennas twitched as his large fin tail swayed a little, reminding me how alien he was. Thankfully the sun was out or he'd also be a big green lamp with how he glowed. "Can't say much yet, but it's clear that the Warband are far more militant than Elder Big Papa's herd. So long as we don't try and start a fight, or give in to any provocations, they shouldn't give us much trouble. But that's far easier for me to say since I have that perception-blocking magic going on." "I doubt they'd want to fight ya even if they did see ya coming," Live said with a chuckle. "I mean, look at ya, you're a big glowing pony-shaped crab monster. Though the worst part is when ya talk fancy, and use those big words." Azure shrugged. "Well, that's nothing new for me." "Same," I said in solidarity.  Looking at the ponies here myself, there were a few Desperados I didn't recognize, meaning they were part of the warband. Their clothing wasn't much different, looking a bit thicker and with more metal studs over hard leather. The Desperados symbol was also a bit different, with the flaming skull wearing a horned helmet instead of the wide-brim stetson hat that Arras's group had. I also noticed they all had similar guns at their hips, that being sawed-off double barrel shotguns, and scrapyard SMGs, both painted in the Desperados colors. Though some had what looked like Grover battle rifles, the wood looked much lighter than the ones we have, and the metal was like a polished stainless steel than the darkened steel those rifles normally had. There was something even odder about the rifles, as they had brass parts, and a strange symbol on the buttstock, a skull with- "Hay Harp!" Star called out as she trotted through the small crowd, hauling another one of the gun cylinders. "Here, take four, Slowtrot said only two, but no fucking way am I trusting a stallion to know our pain, and how much painkillers are enough." She said, tossing me a small bottle along with a Stable 27 canteen filled with water. I did just that, taking four pills and guzzling them down with the water.  Live Axle looked at us in annoyance, so I offered her the bottle of pills. That got an eye roll from her. "Ya know I don't need 'em. Already missed my time of the month last week." She grumbled. At this point, and from what I was hearing about Henbane, Star and I were probably the only mares not pregnant in our herd, which would make me the only mare of us, to not have gone through a pregnancy. Not that I wanted to be, but strangely I was feeling a bit left out. "So where's Slowtrot?" I asked. Star cringed a little. "Rack End caught him just as we left the stallion's tent, and she was looking rather… intense." "Right, I should have warned you about that," Live said with a hint of guilt. "Dad is out contacting another herd, and Mom is in one of her moods. Dad normally calms her down, and if not him, my sister would." Right, Dead Axle was currently near dead and petrified right now, leaving no one to calm that terrifying mare.  "But don't worry, Slowtrot will be fine… mostly?" Live said nervously "She just wants to help make him more of a stallion, you know, getting bulked up and being able to fight." I looked at Star and my friends nodded back at me. "I'll talk to Thunder Crack about it, but I'm sure Slowtrot will be fine. A few hours of intensive training won't kill him." She was right, but Slowtrot was still from the wartime era, not the wasteland. So I was a bit worried. "Are you okay with this, Slowtrot is you're… will be your husband after all?" I then asked Live. The Desperado mare shrugged. "Ehh, I can see where mom's coming from, he is a bit on the scrawny side after all. And a bit of muscle never hurts a stallion." I shrugged as well. It wasn't like Rack End was going to kill him… yet. I looked back to Star, and the cylinder on her back. "I guess you're helping us take the guns to Arras then?" Star nodded. "Since Slowtrot can't right now, I might as well." __________________________________________________________________ Trotting through the camp in the day, I got a better view of it that wasn't possible when we arrived last night. We were at the bottom of the northeast end of Platinum Hill, where the ground was a bit flatter and there was enough space for the Desperados to park their vehicles. The large round tents were made of the same thick canvas I had come to know, all decorated with integrity woven tapestries and painted animal skulls. Along the border of the camp were old telephone poles, which had large sheets of canvas were suspended between them to reinforce the border between Platinum Hill and Desperado’s camp.  It was clear that this camp was far more permanent for the Desperados but set up so that they could easily leave at any time. All the tents were set up in the same way as they had when they were camped near New Appaloosa, though with a lot more order. There were also a few rather well-built fire pits and small water towers. Such things can't simply be picked up and moved, but with enough time, they could be broken down for transportation. I also took notice of a pumpwell, of which a large sign hung above, warning all to not drink the water due to it being tainted. Nearby was a crude-looking, yet sophisticated, water purification device. It looked more like a backwater booze distiller than something to make safer to drink. "The water here can't be that bad, can it?" I asked Live.  "Trust me, all the groundwater here and along route 50 is poisonous. A foal hood friend of mine died from drinking it. Not sure why he did, but it might be because of a dare." Live told me. "How about where you're from, how bad is the water there?" Thinking back, I was quite ignorant about the water situation on the Marewaii Islands. I knew ponies struggled to get fresh water, but it wasn't until I left my stable that I saw its first hoof. "It's not so much that the water is tainted on the islands, but that what fresh water there can't support the population on the islands. We're surrounded by water, but it's all salt water, so I guess we do the same thing as what you're doing here." "Nothing new under the sun, I guess," Live said as we trotted on. Reaching the elder's tents, it was an imposingly large spot, as they used several telephone poles to cover five larger tents with what looked to be one big half-moon-shaped tent, along with a large fire pit in front of it like a centerpiece. The fire crackled from the pit as the smoky smell of cooked fruit, veggies, and meat drifted from it. To my delight, Arras was tending to the fire pit, cooking skewers on a grill at the pit's end. Seeing us, the ancient ghoul smiled and waved us over, his eyes lighting up in joyful surprise when he saw the GAR on Live's back. "Well I'll be, I heard you brought us more guns, but you managed to get your hooves on a Royal Guard Automatic Rifle!" Arras said with glee as he waved us to come closer.  Taking the rifle from Live, he thoroughly inspected it, even removing parts to check it, and adding a bit of oil to the rifle. Live Axle looked very proud of herself as though she was the one to have recovered the ancient rifle. "So you do know the rifle Elder Big Papa, I had a feeling you would if it had Celestia's cutie-mark stamp on it." "Know it, I was issued one during the war," Arres said with a chuckle. "They were built and inspected by Gabby herself, and used for the protection of VIP. The zebras didn't know what hit them when I dragged one of these through the mud to take out a Gatling gun nest. Didn't even need to fire a shot, they knew they were dead as soon as they saw me above them and surrendered." Putting the rifle back together, Arras let out a long sigh. "Back then we could still be civil with each other, even shared a spot of tea with those two gunners the day after. I think one was a father of three, and the other was in the middle of his apprenticeship as a gardener.” He paused for a moment, lost in the memory. “If we only knew how bad it was going to get." He then eyed the cylinders and smirked. "Ahh, that makes sense now, old pre-Ministry indefinite gun storage drums. Celestia had those used during the ceasefire, as part of our disarmament in anticipation of the peace treaty." "I'm guessing that the peace treaty never happened?" Azure asked. Arras nodded. "Before it could happen and the war could be officially over, the Littlehorn Massacre occurred. I'm sure Slowtrot can better go into details about that time, as his memory of it is far fresher than mine. Sadly, a lot of it was a blur even back then for me, too much boozing at the time you see." Gently putting the rifle down, he then passed a skewer to Live and me. "But enough about ancient history, tell me about what you all were up to, and how you managed to get your hooves on such prizes." As I sat down to explain the last few weeks, Star and Azure dropped off their cylinders and went on their way. I explained PC's farm, the raiders infested with cruel jokes, and later the discovery of the Zebra infiltration robots alongside the behemoth siege robot. Arras looked concerned as I described how Quicktrot took over the robots and planned to use them to keep the wasteland as it was. He nodded a few times waiting for my story to end. "You can say we dogged the proverbial megaspell there. To think of the damage that Quicktrot mare could have done if she managed to get that sedge robot out of that mine. It also sickens me that ponies had sold out our nation to that extent, and allowed zebras to smuggle a death machine into Equestria. Yet I'm not surprised with how the Ministry's treated everypony." "And that's why we're still here and they're not." Spoke a stallion from behind Arras. Trotting out From the elder's tent was a well-built and tall, tan unicorn stallion. He sported several scars, and plenty of warpaint, along with a red, orange, and yellow mohawk mane, along with a long braided tail. Like everypony here, sported the same black vest, but it was far more decorated with studs and had the warbands skull on the side. He had some of the same weapons as his herd, but I also noticed a very large pistol, made of the same materials as the odd battle rifles. On each side of him was a mare, twins from the look of them, both with dark coats and deep red manes, along with looking too soft and clean to be Desperados, yet felt dangerous all the same. Both sported small black hats on their heads, which were decorated with gold and large brightly colored feathers, along with black veils over their faces. They also wore thick intricate black dresses decorated much the same as their hats, making them completely stuck out. They also had the same pistol as the stallion, but with it, they had what must be a sword, though the blade looked impractical, long and thin, with a hilt that resembled a decorative basket.  They both clung to the stallion's jealousy, glaring in a way that unnerved me. Though the magic coming off them was strange, it didn't feel odd or wrong, more that it was naturally dangerous.  "Swift, you're finally up," Arras said, lacking any enthusiasm as he offered the stallion a skewer. “And I see your wives are up as well, a rarity I've come to have known.” The stallion, whom I was sure was Swift Firemane, took the skewer as he sat down on a rather large and dusty cushion, both mares joining him, sitting in a more dainty way. “When my darlings choose to be awake or asleep is none of your business.” Swift then took a bite out of the skewer, eating it all in one go. “And I do need my sleep too, ancestor.” He said before swallowing his meal. “As I am a hard-working stallion after all." “Very hard working.” One of the twins said as she rubbed his arm. The other looked in my direction for a moment, a smirk on her face. “We also keep an eye out for those who don't belong. Never know when an assassin may show up.” The ghoul let out an annoyed huff. "When has fucking your little haram become hard work? Or do you think harassing the locals is hard work, maybe watching the demon grass grow leaves you exhausted?” For a moment the two looked like a grandfather scolding their grandson over decorum and work ethic. And thinking about it, that wasn't far off from the truth. Taking two more skewers and passing them to his wives, Swift tossed his used one into a nearby bucket. “Are you still upset over the other night, ya crotchety old corpse? Aren't you the one who wants me to start having children, well I'm working on it!” “And ya doing it too damn loud!” Arras snapped. The first twin, who was far clingier than her sister, let out a chuckle. “Oh, the ghoul is jealous. I bet he can't even get it up anymore, the poor thing.” The other sister had pulled out a black cloth fan with red lace, using it to cover her muzzle. “Sister, do mind your manners. He may be a disgusting undead, but he is still the elder here. Anyways, the elder’s long-awaited guests are here” Her eyes fell firmly onto me, and had a predatory intent to them. “You must be Harp Melody, the leader of that band of whores and thieves? I'm Lair Darkheart, and this is my sister Hollow Darkheart.” She then rested her head on her husband's side. “And I assume you already know who this stallion is?” “Swift Firemane.” I answered. “And though I want to argue with your assumption of my herd, you're not far off the mark. “Slowtrot and Star here are my seconds, and Live Axle is the one helping our integration into the Desperados.” Swift let out a short laugh as his eyes focused on Live. “Ha, I should have known it was you, it's been too long Live. I see you're finally growing out of that stupid side buzz cut of yours. Though it's a shame it's only after you've already been taken. Also, my condolences about your sister. I had hoped your mother would finally accept my request and have you two join my harem like your father wanted." Live Axle looked annoyed by that, letting out a huff as she shifted uncomfortably. "Pops only wants that because he ran with your pops when retaking Umberfoal from the tin cans. Anyways, ain't no way moms letting me or my sister move out of Elder Big Papa's herd and into a warband. But you're always welcome to fight her over it." Lifting his hooves definitely, Swift let out a nervous laugh. "You got me there, even I'm not so brave as to fight that crazy bitch. Well, whoever the poor bastard that's joining your family, send him my condolences." His attention then fell onto me as I finished off a grilled bit of carrot, his tone filled with suspension. "I had wondered who Elder Arras's new favorite was. Didn't expect it to be some scrawny zony that looks as though they came out of a whore house." "Watch your tongue, colt!" Arras warned the war chief. But Swift just laughed him off with a chuckle. "Or what, I am the leader of this territory, and my herd isn't made up of foals and milking mares. You're the one coming to me to lead this so-called war over in the West, so I'll talk as I wish. And if you're putting so much trust in this little mare, I doubt whatever is stirring up trouble in the West is anything more than just a tributary with more confidence than sense. Actually, it's more likely that the other elders are finally losing their minds, and seeing dragons where there are just hills." For the first time since I've come to know Arras, he glared with a wave of intense anger, all directed at Swift. “Colt, if your father was still with us-” “Father died because you wouldn't listen to him!” Swift growled. “And now you're doing the same. Now stop calling me a colt, and address me by my rank!” The two stared each other down for a moment, the tension between them thick. Clearing my throat, I drew their attention to myself, deciding to add my perspective on all this. “As much as I am appreciative of Arras defending my honor, Swift isn't far off the mark about my attire. Sadly, it happened to be laundry day, and all that was available was this hostess dress. As for what awaits us in the west, I have it on good, if spiteful authority, that the enemy isn't just some stupid wastelanders or ambitious raiders.” Tapping on my pipbuck, it began playing the tune Quicktrot had mocked me with. The song filling me with dread. “We're in all likelihood dealing with the Ponies Republic of Marewaii. Don't let the name fool you, they're just as much a dictatorship as the Enclave was, though from what I've dealt with, the PRM are far more advanced in their propaganda." I got a skeptical look from Swift, so I further explained. "Essentially, they used the idea of equality to push their agenda of complete control. Nothing new, that is until you learn how they bring about this equality and control.” Turning off the tune, I then took a deep breath. “It's unknown how long they've been doing this, but they have been implementing cybernetic brain implants to control their population. A friend of mine saw it first hoof, even had the scar from where the cut opened her head to put a chip in it." That got an eyebrow raised from Swift. "As in what, like an internal shock collar?" I shook my head. "No, that would be something my family would do. What the Equalists are doing is to make a pony part of a network, a hive mind as you can say. In it, those fully devoted to their cause drown out any dissenting mind, force you to think as they do, and suppress any free will. Effectively, you become all the same, you all become equally brainwashed." There was a long pause as Swift chewed on another skewer, giving what I just said some thought. Tossing his second finished skewer to the side, he then addressed Arras, "And you believe this?" The ancient ghoul looked a bit miffed by the war chief's assertion, pointing a skewer at the young Stallion as he said. "It's not about belief, but trust. I trust that she wouldn't lie about this, and so I'm taking the proper precautions when sending ponies to investigate." His eyes then looked past Swift, gaining the same distance and dark look I had seen so many ponies have in the wasteland, but with Arras, it had the added two hundred years of experience. "And frankly… such an evil sounds like par for the course now. And it's not like both ponies and zebras weren't experimenting with cybernetics and fucking with the brain. As many of my brother and sister had joined me, just as many fell to the hoove of the Ministry and their mad machinations." Swift rolled his eyes. "Which story is it now, because I've heard them all. Is it the robobrain, or the lobonomight? By Celestia, you've told me about the psych ward a hundred times before." Arras finished off his skewer, tossing the thin metal stick at the bucket near Swift's hooves, it catering loudly. "And I'll tell those stories a hundred times more so that you don't make their mistakes. But it seems that you're letting your ego get too inflated." "Pot and kettle, ancestors, pot and kettle," Swift said as he got back up, Hollow rising with him, her weapons clanging about as she trotted off with her husband. Lair stayed for a moment, eyeing me before letting out a yawn. “Let's have this conversation another time, it seems that my husband and sister are a bit too riled up to continue. Maybe later tonight, over some drinks. My family makes some rather fine rum which we can share.” Getting up, Lair joined the other two, her steps far more quiet than a mare in a dress should be, even her weapon didn't clang together. It overall made me feel rather nervous about that mare specifically. Her sister, Hollow, on the other hoof, felt as though she fit right in with the Desperados.  Strangely, as those two mares trotted off, their hoofprints didn't look quite right. They had boots on, so it was hard to tell what was wrong, but the imprints of the hooves were all deeper at the tip, and not spread out evenly like normal ponies hoof prints. "My apologies Princess Harp, last I'd seen Swift, he was such a polite young Stallion," Arras said with regret in his voice. "Filled me with pride when I heard he became a war chief, and formed this warband under him. It's why we need him to join us in the northwest, not sitting on his flank here. As wise as I have become, my old bones will only hold the young back. But over the last few days, I've had to accept that the colt I'd told stories to all night long, has let his power go to his head. As an elder, we are expected to lead by example, not flippantly throw decorum to the side." "It's fine Arras, he's not the first pony I've dealt with that's like that. Frankly, it's far more common than I like. But as a royal, even though I had no power or responsibility, my mother made sure I knew how to play the game." I told the elder before finishing my skewer. Arras chuckled, "I'm sure she was keeping the possibility you might be the next queen in the back of her mind. As you said, it was an active fear of your siblings, right?" I nodded. "Mirage ponies outnumbered the deep dwellers… the unmodified ponies I mean. And it was by over a thousand to one. Though I was sure mother just didn't want me to be more of a disappointment than my bastard existence was." Taking the finished skewers from me, he tossed them into the bucket as he patted me on the shoulder. "Harp, trust me when I say this, but royals don't treat their disappointments like that. As a pony who's seen royal bastards, from what you told me, you've not been treated like one. It just… must have just been complicated for your mother." That made me feel a little better. If anypony would know, the pony who served as a royal tailor and soldier, under Princess Majesty would know. Unfortunately, I will never get to know the truth. If my mother wasn't killed by the pirates, she would still be dying from blood cancer. Even then, her true emotions were always her closest guarded secret. "Thanks," I said, forcing a smile. "Maybe you can share one of those stories with me?" Arras took a moment to think, but Live Axle butted in. "Oh, tell the story about Brainless Bark." The old ghoul nodded as he put more skewers on the grill, removed a few slightly overcooked ones and gave them to us. "Yes, that might be appropriate. We always called Tree Bark a brainless moron, but never did we think the Ministry would make it a reality." We listened to his story as others began to join us, young and old alike. Arras continued to grill as he fead what were likely his many descendants, and the descendants of his friends.  In the back of my mind, I wondered how many of them were going to die. Their blood on my hooves, all because I couldn't just quietly kill myself like a normal pony.  __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 2: The Warband Camp, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 2, The Warband Camp, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ I had patiently listened to Arras's stories as he effectively fead his herd, along with many of Swift's own as well. Much of it was stories about the friends he knew long ago, and how so many of them sacrificed their lives so that the Desperados could live. Some went out in a blaze of glory, others fell into a nightmare situation. The story of Brainless Bark itself was a depressing one, as Tree Bark was a stallion who took the fall for a crime that never happened, as Arras had explained. Power tripping Ministry ponies, he blamed. As it turned out, criminals with long records didn't have many rights, and because of Tree Bark being not very smart, he was easily tricked. The last trick being that he unknowingly took part in some brain experiment. Where Arras found him after the war with his brain replaced by arcano tech, lobotomized as he described his friend. His actual brain was used to make a robo brain robot, though Arras never found the robot with his friend's brain, and doubted he could have ever fixed his friend. As Arras put it, if Tree Bark had not taken the fall, it was possible that Arras himself, along with several others of the Desperados leader would have been taken and lobotomized. An act that might as well have destroyed the Desperados, and insured that many ponies here would never have been born. Watching the ponies as they came to listen, or just get a skewer, I got a good feel for the difference between the two herds of Desperados. Arras's herd was mostly made up of families, from the elderly to the infant. Though most of them were the rough and tumble types, they were also responsible, honorable, and cared deeply for their kin. Swift's herd on the other hoof was made up of mostly young stallions, all well built and ready for a fight. With that was a lot of bravado and showmanship. There were mares too, but only a few looked like fighters, the rest didn't seem to be Desperados, and we're only here for domestic work, or for night time entertainment.  "Oh the wenches, ya, they're not Desperados, but mares from our tributaries, the settlements and towns under our protection along route 50." A Desperado mare answered a question of mine. "Herds like Swift's are horrible at taking care of themselves, and they can get downright raider-ish at times in terms of stench. So tributarie mares who join herds like the warband are treated quite well, and sometimes they get a Desperado husband out of the deal." Right, that made a lot of sense. Likely their lives improved if they become a wife of a Desperado, even if they are not one themselves. "And what if they become pregnant, but not yet a husband?" The mare rolled her eyes. "Hope ya have not been whoring about, if that's why you're asking?” I quickly shook my head at that, clearing the misunderstanding. “Well assuming the stallion didn't get themselves killed, and we know the kids are theirs, he’ll be a husband soon enough or get his shit kicked in. We don't tolerate a stallion who fucks and runs you see, family is important after all, and if he does that to a tributarie, he'll do it to one of our girls. Well, there are a few herds that'll pull such shit, but their bearly Desperados. So ya, if one of our stallions gose and knocks up a mare, he's best to take responsibility, even if it's at the barrier of a shotgun." With my curiosity sated, I thanked the mare for her time and trotted off. I still hadn't gotten a good look around the camp, and needed to know where anything was. "Order, any points of interest you can point out for me?" My pipbuck buzzed for a moment before my drone responded through it, showing me a green, but detailed image from above. A photo of where all the vehicles were parked appeared on my screen. "It seems that the Desperados set up camp next to an old parking lot. you might find it interesting to see what vehicles the other Desperados herd uses. If not, there is also an old gift shop down there. No idea if it's still a gift shop or not." Next was a large ring in the center of the camp. "The Desperados also have an arena, though it seems it is mostly used for exercise and training." My pipbuck flickered, now showing me Platinum Hill. The photo focuses on a dirty shanty town along the outer edge of the hill. "There is a bustling market not far outside the camp. It is quite full of ponies that look like they're from both east and west Equestria." The screen shifted, and now I was looking at a cleaner part of Platinum Hill, with the main focus on a rather ancient looking building with a very large garden around it. It looked far too familiar, but I couldn't put my hoof on it. "This part of this place looks a lot better maintained, with proper buildings and walls. But this one building stands out as it seems to be made of stone and not brick, along with a flourishing amount of greenery surrounding it." Then an image of a diner appeared, in which power armored ponies stood around it. "Nere the top is a diner, my lady. Likely from the wartime, and seems rather well maintained." Just past the diner was a ruin, it was made of stone, and likely far older than anything here. What I guessed was flowers were everywhere around it, with what I presumed were robbed ponies tending to them and the same power armor ponies guarding the entrance. "Lastly is an ancient ruin, tightly secured by more power around ponies." I was curious. "Order, can you get a closer look at the power armored ponies, just zoom, not physically." The screen flickered and became a video feed, showing me a closer, if a bit grainy look at the power armor. "That's Steel Rangers right there." Star said as she looked over my shoulder, a skewer in her mouth. I nearly jumped in fright. "Seriously, please don't do that." I said, then returned my attention to my pipbuck. "What are Rangers doing here?" Star quickly finished off her skewer, washing it down with a bottle of beer. "Oh, Thunder Crack told me about them. Turns out that Platinum Hill is one of their bases, like where they actually raise families and such. It's why the Desperados don't run the whole city, just the outer city. Oh, and then there's this Platinum Guard, who are like Steel Ranger, but not." "Wait, back up, this is a city?" I then asked. "It happened in the last few years after the Enclave fell." Spoke the Desperados pegasus mare, Thunder Crack, as she trotted over. A young foal hung off a hammock across her chest, and several others followed her. Thunder gently pointed over at Arras, where a line of foals had already formed. "Go, eat!" She told her children, who quickly rushed off to join the others. "So, like how New Appaloosa grew after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows?" I said questioningly. Thunder Crack nodded. "Once things settled down and ponies stopped trying to kill each other so much, trade began to flourish. Now this started before the Gardens of Equestria open up new trade routes, but even after that-” "Raider and mutants were still a problem." I said, finishing what she was about to say. The mare shrugged. "Yes and no. The raiders were mostly crippled at the time with everypony wanting to be heros and all, so there weren't not enough chemmed out ponies around yet to be a major problem for traders. The real big problem was all the Enclave Remnants in the mountains and other old places. And after the radiation was gone, it was first come first serve for anypony who can reach the now radiation free zones. Oh which, the Reminiants were quick to grab whatever they could get. This also meant killing any would-be pathfinder that even came nere their new hidden bases, or clearing out those already there. As much as waste ponies creep me out, I do feel sorry for them. The day we became free of the radiation was the day they were thrown into chaos and death." That would be a major problem for travelers, since pegasus could strike from anywhere. "But not here, since there's no mountains or anything?" "E'yep. Though there were a few times they tried by cloud. But since the skies are commonly clear here, and the clouds here like to go fast, it makes any attempt to invade easy to spot." Thunder explained. "It's also why route 50 is still the best road to take going between Manehattan and Vanhoover, since it's just long flat land. Platinum Hill is more or less a stopping point for anypony traveling along route 50, as most ponies don't go further south from here since the ruins of Cloudail and Canterlot are still very dangerous. It's also why the Enclave tried to take this place, as it's a fortification and the best place to set up a logistics hub if you're planning to take over Equestria.” “Right, the map Arras gave us made sure we stayed as far from Cloudail as possible before reaching the mountain range.” Percussion Cap's farm had fortunately been along one of those safe routes, but took us far from the main route through the mountains.  “And it's those mountain ranges why ponies rather pay us to use our road, then risk running into the Enclave. Add Platinum Hill having a road connecting it to Route 50, and it’s easy to imagine this place becoming wealthy from all merchants passing through, and why ponies have started setting down roots here. Not to mention the ponies already here keeping this place one of the most civilized settlements in the wasteland. So naturally, Platinum Hill exploded into a trade city, despite the Steel Rangers objection. But they can go fuck themselves" "About them?" I then inquired. Thunder dismissively shrugged. "Not much to say about them, they're only here because of the Platinum Guard, and from what I know, they also send their older elders here to retire. Now the Platinum Guard on the other hoof, their something else. The Grand Pegasus Enclave would have taken this place if not for them." "Really now?" I said, cocking an eyebrow. "Let me?" Thunder as she reached for my pipbuck. Letting her, the mare spoke into my pipbuck. "Order, focus on the two ponies guarding the big ruins at the top of the hill." Watching the screen of my pipbuck, I saw two power armored ponies standing vigilantly. But unlike the Steel Ranger power armor, the armor here had bulbous protrusions on the side and a horn on the helmet. I then saw a spark of magic jump between them, vaguely reminding me of something that didn't sit well with me..  "That's Tesla Armor!" Star exclaimed. "I'm sure of it." Thunder's eyes opened up in surprise. "Didn't think you would know of Tesla Armor? Even the Enclave didn't know about it, or at least the higher up didn't tell anypony." "Well back on the Blackwater, when I was a foal, there was an old templar acting as an advisor for Captain Black Powder. He loved to knock others around while in his holy armor." Star explained.  "And they had tesla armor? I can't see how a gang of sea raiders could even maintain such sophisticated technology. My own power armor had to be shelved just to prevent it from wearing out." Thunder said skeptically. Star only shrugged as she said. "Hay now, I only knew how the Blackwater worked, not anything else." "I think I know." I piped up. "Before I ended up in the wasteland I was aboard a ship called the Weeping Pegasus. The ship itself was a hybrid battleship carrier that had to be between forty to fifty years old." Thunder raised an eyebrow at that. "I got to talk with some of the crew, ones not related to the Corps Bridge, and they told me about a floating city called Avalon, where they make most of their tech. Ships, vertibucks, guns, and even power armor. Though none of it in great numbers." For the first time, Thunder showed concern on her face. "If they have access to a factory and tools, then I can see them maintaining power armor. That's how Redeye managed to expand as far as he had, and all he was doing was making guns and ammo." "You think the Platinum Guard are connected to the pirates?" Star asked. "Oh, no way!" Thunder said dismissively. "From what I know, they've always had that armor. Mark 2 Tesla armor I remember them calling it. Fancy stuff too, and probably the most expensive armor from the war I bet." Now that sounded strange, unless the name of their group was related to it. "Sounds like they're connected to the Equestria royal family in some way. But then why here?" "Wait, you don't know?" Thunder asked, and I shook my head. "Seriously, Elder Big Papa told us he wasn't going senile, and he forgot to tell you of all ponies this. The reason why the name Platinum is thrown around all over the place here is because on top of that hill is the tomb of Princess Platinum." I took a moment to just process, my mind racing at the implications of it. The tomb of my ancestors, and from what our history books read, it is a repository of historical artifacts kept safe behind layers and layers of ancient magic. A place where only the royals can freely go. The voice of a stallion spoke up from behind us, causing me to breathe in an involuntary gasp. "The Princesses tomb? But isn't that on Clover Hill? Same for the Platinum Guard." Slowtrot said. Thunder shrugged. "How should I know, maybe they moved the tomb." A gravely chuckled came as Arras trotted over. "Right, the tomb, I must be going senile if I forgot about that." Thunder was about to say something, but the old ghoul just shot her an annoyed glare. "But no, it wasn't moved. Ponies just started calling this place Platinum Hill because of the Guard, to the annoyance of the guard themselves. Sadly, most ponies don't remember Princess Platinum anymore, same for Clover the Clever or the other founders. Even now Celestia and Luna have become more legends than historic figures." He then looked over at Slowtrot, "how about you son, were you ever here before, well, all this?" "A few times when I was a foal." Slowtrot answered. "Both my grandfathers were Equestria military, with one as part of the Trottingham Guard, and the other was a Royal guard. So my family would go see the Platinum Guard parade once a year." Arras nodded with a smile. "Right, my family would as well when I was a foal. Even had an uncle that joined the Platinum Guard. So I do my best to show em respect, and make sure the Desperados don't cause em much trouble." "Not the Steel Ranger though." Thunder said with a chuckle. The old ghoul chuckled as well. "Naw, those fools lost their way long ago. The Applejack Rangers though, I can respect them, even if they're a bit too soft." His milky white eyes then drifted towards me. "If you want to visit the tomb, the Platinum Guard still offers tours to those interested. But since more of the Steel Rangers permanently moved in here, they've been trying to keep outsiders out when possible. If it wasn't for the Coven of Clovers and the Guard, the inner city would be locked out to everypony not a Ranger." I raised an eyebrow. “Coven of Clovers?” "Right. As Slowtrot said, this place was originally called Clover Hill, since Clover the Clever lived here long ago. So naturally, many gifted Unicorns would gather here to visit her teahouse and learn from the past. School trips, university students, independent academics, those types. So you can imagine that quite a few of them were here when the bombs dropped, along with plenty of other tourists. Those academics would then take shelter inside the teahouse, and eventually become the Coven of Clovers, and the founders of the inner city." "Right, other than the Platinum Guard, there were several hooded ponies that knocked us around magicly. Expecaky that mare, the one in the big floppy hat." Thunder commented. Arras nodded. "The Tea Witch Magnificence, she's certainly a scary one. I'm sure you'll be seeing her soon, Harp. That old mare loves to keep track of all the important ponies that pass through here, and I bet she's already taken notice of you." "I'll keep all that in mind." I told him. "Anything I should know about her when I do see her?" "Just mind your manners and you'll be fine. The old mare is a dangerous and cunning sort, but clings to the old world ideal of civilization, keeping all the dirty dealings out of sight." Arras informed me. "Oh, and if you're planning on going into the city, take any of my Desperados with you. I know you can handle your own, but I'd rather you be safer when possible." More and more, Arras felt like what a grandfather might have been like if I had one. Which made sense since he was practically all Desperado's grandfather in some way. "She can just join us." Live Axle spoke up, now joined by her friend's, Transmission, the slightly more level headed mare with major bad luck with stallions, and Suspension, a termily masochistic lesbian who likes to be taken by stallions, to the frustration of her wife. The main reason Live was traveling with us now, other than her marrying Slowtrot, was to keep her away from those two. Without her sister, Dead Axle, around to keep an eye on them, Live would be at the mercy of the two idiot's influences. "I'm… not sure." I said, unable to force myself to put my hoof down. "Oh come on Harp'y!" Suspension practically wined out. "It be fun, unless you want to spend some time with me, alone?" Ew no. I may like mares, but I do have standards. "Shut it Susy!" Transmission grumbled. "She already has her own problems, she doesn't need you adding to them. Anyways, finding a new partner is why we're even heading out, there must be a decent stallion or two in the market." My hopes for them to be normal were up for a moment, then came crashing down. Looking to Live for help, she just shrugged back at me. "Well, we'll meet you at the gate, unless there's a stallion here you like." Transmission said with a laugh, leaving before I could try and protest. A nervous chuckle came from Live. "Sorry about them, Suspension got kicked out of her hut by her wife, again, and Transmission is well, feeling lonely." I watched as Live then quickly trotted off to catch up to her friends. "I guess without Dead Axle around, those two have been a bit worse lately." Slowtrot suggested. This got a sigh from Arras's. "A fool she might have been, but Dead Axle did know how to keep others steady. The longer she's not around, the more I feel I should have listened to her more. Especially after seeing what Swift became." "She's not dead yet." Star added. "When we bring her back, then you should at least offer your ear to her." "Perhaps," Arras said with a hint of melancholy that I knew all too well. He then looked at Slowtrot, his thin brow raised a little. "And you son, you sure you should be just standing here. Last I heard, Rack End was putting you through the drills." Nervously, Slowtrot chuckled. "Ya, you're probably right. But how'd you know?" The old ghoul smiled. "Rack End is one of our combat trainers, and I just saw her with Tartarus in her eyes. Didn't take me more than that to know you must have slipped away from her. Speaking of which, you got like… ten seconds before she finds you." Panic erupted in Slowtrot's eyes as he ducked down. "Harp, help me!" I immediately knew what he was asking for, and no, I wasn't activating that magic attached to him. "I umm…" "Please!" He begged. Looking around I saw the mare, Live Axle's mother, and she had a very pissed off look to her.  My mind then swirled, usable to think of a good solution, or if I did do something, what if it went bad again. It wasn't like anything good ever happened because of me. I then felt a slap on my flank, the surprise causing me to spurt out magic as I collided into Slowtrot. In less than a second, Slowtrot vanished and I hit the ground. Looking back, Star stood there with a mischievous smile on her face. Before any of us could say a word, Rack End stormed into our circle with fire in her eyes. "Now where is that no good layabout!" Rack end growled, her eyes darting between Star and I. "Girl, relax!" Thunder Crack said as she trotted up to the aggressive mare. "That Stallion isn't a born and raised Desperados. You need to slow down." Rack End got muzzle to muzzle with the Pegasus. "I aint no way taking advice from an Enclave whore!" Thunder's eyes became very serious as she stared Rack End down. "I'll pretend you didn't just say that, and we can go to the watering hole to cool our heads. Anyways, maybe you should go easy on that stallion, unless you want him to be more like Swift." Rack End snarled, but then with a deep breath she finally calmed down. "Fine, I'll let him go for now, but that stallion needs more muscle on his bones. Can't have him stay weak if he's marrying into the family." Giving me a wink, Thunder led Rack end away. "Oh tell me about it, before y'all shot me out of the sky, I was about to marry some government pencil pusher. It's for the Enclave my father told me, but I knew he just wanted the security of our family being attached to a bureaucrat." Brushing myself off, I shot Star a dirty look. "Why the fuck did you do that? We don't know where he's going, or if it's safe there?" Star rolled her eyes at me. "Maybe you should stop hesitating Harp. You're the leader here, so stop it with the Err's and Umm's, okay." "I'm not!" I protested. "Sure you are." Star said with a huff. "I'm going to the gate, come with us or not, but when you're ready to talk about it, I'll listen. It's the least I can do." Letting out a sharp whistle, Cavall appeared from nowhere to join Stars side, where the two then trotted off. After a long moment, Arras spoke up. "You got some good friends, maybe not the brightest, but I'd take a good friend over a smart one anyday. Treasure them." "I know, I know." I said as I lightly kicked the dirt, feeling shitty about everything. "It's just that, sometimes I feel that I'm not a good friend. I mean, if I was a good friend, there'd be ponies still alive." Arras gently patted me on the shoulder, a genuine concern and understanding in his eyes. "Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of the same thing. From the war to the wasteland, so many better ponies than I should have been standing here in my place. Now go, the worst thing you can do is do nothing at all." With a sigh, I nodded my head and trotted off, a marker appearing on my E.F.S. along with a note from Order. "Star and the others are this way. If you become separated from Star, just look for the blue marker." The note was accompanied by a cartoon version of his drone body, reminding me a lot of the Stable Colt cartoons that played all the time back home. On my own, I still got some looks from the Desperados, with most busy with whatever they were up to. Arras's herd had already gotten used to me, and after some of the shit Star and the other mares got up to, they saw me as the one to least worry about. Still, my outfit likely didn't help, as what was clearly mares from Swift's herd looked at me with noses slightly turned up. Not the Desperados, but the tribute mares, either thinking I was some whore trying to steal a stallion, or actually competition. Either way, they were wrong, but trying to prove it would be a fool's errand. "Hay, isn't that Arras's new favorite." A stallion spoke up. "Ya, and look at her, all weird and small." Another said. Shooting an annoyed glare at the two, they were rather muscular stallions with painted helmets and armor on that looked like they were stripped straight from a Steel Ranger. Not fully covering them, but enough that I could tell that the plates had once been part of power armor. On their backs, they both had a fairly heavy looking rifle, more a cannon than anything, and across their chest was a banollear with some serious large bullets on them. "Oh, I think we made her mad." The first said as he trotted into my path. The second then laughed as he blocked the path behind me. "You maybe, but she's giving me those dick sucking eyes." Great, two bravado filled stallions lacking any manners, they're probably why so many ponies call the Desperados raiders. "Listen here. If you two even try anything, it will be the last thing you will ever do." Stopping his laughing, the second stallion grinned. "Oh, they all say that, then its all, harder, fuck me harder." "Missy, do you know who we are?" The first said, puffing out his chest. "We're Swift's personal heavy troopers. This armor, we earned it ourselves, strate from the tin cans." I wanted to say that I wasn't impressed or intimidated by the statement, but after my own fight with a Steel Ranger, Spritz Cookie, I knew that trotting around with the carved out armor of a Steel Ranger was no idol statement. That mad Steel Ranger nearly killed me and everypony, and she didn't even have her armor. Actually, her not having her armor was probably the only reason we were even able to kill her. Even still, not like I was going to let two lug heads intimate me like this. "Impressive as that might be, I advise you to shut your traps and get out of my way. Or do you want to embarrass Swift more than you already are?" "Swift's got our backs, what do you have, some old ghoul." The second mocked, but something seemed off, as the first stalion seemed to have straightened up very stiffly. "And don't think we haven't seen that whore house of yours." The second clicked his tongue. "I know your type, thinking you can get it easy by just fluttering your eyes and lifting your tail. Well, trust me when I say, we'll make ya work for that, long and hard." He looked over at the first stallion, who was now saluting. Turning himself, he straightened up and saluted. "Seriously, Reeds, Platinum Hill does have a brothel if you're so hard up." Swift Firemane said disapprovingly. "And Slick, save the intimidation tactics for the tin cans. Were all Desperados here," his eyes then drifted down at me, "even if some are less Desperados than others." Swift then slapped Reeds on the side, making a loud clunk sound. "Now both of you go to the arena if you have energy to be a nuisance." Both stallions again saluted Swift and trotted off. "Charming duo. Reminds me of two stallions I had the displeasure of suffering." I told the Warchief. "And which one did you fuck, or was it both?" The asshole asked. "Neather, but one did impregnate a zebra I know." I told him, my mind now wondering if Bitter Tea was doing alright. "Now if you could so kindly fuck off. I have places to be." The big stallion let out a huff. "Not even a thank you, ungrateful sow." I glared at Swift, my magic flaring up, causing me to shimmer. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you have no responsibility over the ponies following you. Here I thought you were a leader, a pony who stands as an example to others. Not some oversized colt playing frontier ponies and buffaloes!" "And you, what gives you the right to call yourself a leader? All I see is some fucked up small zony, with nothing to her name." Swift snorted out, a smirk across his muzzle. "Look at those legs, can you even fight on your own with them noodles? A pony like you and all those others with you are a disgrace to the Desperados, and Arras is a fool for bringing any of you into our family." I laughed, I couldn't help but laugh. His words, I heard them all before. Members of my own family mocking my horn, calling my existence a disgrace. The look in his eyes, the tone of his voice, and the feeling of arrogant bravado. But he wasn't from my family, he was just some wasteland barbarian, thinking I would be insulted by his claim that I didn't belong. I didn't belong anywhere, and never did.  And I didn't care. "Oh, what's so funny?" Swift asked in annoyance. I looked the stallion in the eyes, not flinching at his glare as I said, "What's funny is your failed attempts to intimate me. Beat your chest all you like, and have those mares inflate your ego. But when we meet the enemy, the ponies they will fear and send assassins out for won't be you, it will be ponies like Arras and ponies like me. You are just some savage, and will remain until you start listening to your betters and civilize yourself." A snort came from Swift, blowing his hot air in my face. "Just another highborn that thinks you're better than everypony else. I'll enjoy seeing you sing another tune when the wasteland comes crashing down on your head. Maybe I'll even show you pity and share my bed with you." Rolling my eyes at that, I let out a long sigh. "Sorry to tell you this, but you're far too late to see that, and even further from my type. Now go back to your wives, and have those mares lie to you and stroke your ego. Since you clearly need it. "Watch your tongue, bitch!" He growled. Laughing, I turned away and began trotting off. "Try and make me, and see what happens." If Swift said anything more, I wasn't listening, I didn't care to. It was probably better that I get away from all this for now, maybe do some therapeutic shopping. It had been too long since I last got to go shopping. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 3: Merchant Road, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 3, Merchant Road, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ Having rejoined with the other mares, feeling annoyed, and needing a distraction, I was more than ready to spend some caps. It was good fortune that we had both plenty of caps to spare, and Arras had lent us some as well. I was worried that the locals might be a problem at first, but I quickly realized that most of them paid us no mind. Likely because of the Desperados on patrol, providing some assembly of order here. Though it was clear that the order only extended to basic laws, and everything else was left to anarchy. The city itself was like a shanty town built on top of an ugly version of Canterlot, with off white walls that had scrap poking out of it, that supported very shoddily built homes on top. There was even a third story here and there, likely built on hopes and dreams, rather than anything sold. And all topped with demon grass thatched roofs. Just imagining how painful it must be to have that kind of roof fall on you made me cringe. I passed by a construction site, where the building had clearly collapsed in on itself, revealing that the frame was in fact made of scrap, and the bricks looked to be made from mud and some kind of plant, probably demon grass. The smell from the building was rancid, worse than everything else here. Right, the smell, the further we ventured into the outer city, the worse the smell was. A mix of piss, shit, spoiled milk, and a lot of rot all mixed together into an inescapable stench. Fortunately it never got so pungent that it was unbearable, but it was making me feel a bit ill all the same. "What is even that smell?" I asked as I used my pipbucks levitation spell to cover my muzzle with a rag. "It's like the buildings are built with whatever that smell is coming from." Your about right, Harp'y." Transmission said with a smile. "We Desperados shared what we know about construction with the ponies here… though they clearly cut corners here and there." "I'm afraid to ask, but what did you teach the ponies here about construction?" I further asked. Transmission shrugged. "You know, the basics. Making lye, and bricks and walls from mud, straw and shit." I needed to make sure she wasn't screwing with me. "The and shit, that's figurative, not literal shit, right?" "Brahmin shit actually helps keep the bricks together. Smells rancid, even after drying, but it works.' Transmission clarified. "Though from what I've heard, lately they've been making walls from woven demon grass, and covering it in the stuff. It works, but doesnt give the building that extra stability it needs when building something on top of it." Looking at the collapsed building, I did see that it had some walls that were thin and had shattered. "Hay, Harp." Star spoke up. "Didn't the Union bandits build their homes in a similar manner?" "You mean with adobe." I answered. "Ya, but they weren't using scrap as a frame, and it didn't smell as rancid." "Radiation does that." Live cut in. "Also I think their mixture was probably better than whatever the ponies here are using. That and they are building their own homes for their own clan. The ponies here on the other hoof, ain't." That made some sense. Unlike the bandit clan, or PC's farm, the ponies that were building here likely didn't live in those same buildings. So they didn't care as much for quality, only that they get payed.  "Say, Arras did tell me that the Desperados do have their own Adobe homes, but why not here?" I had to ask. This time Suspension answered. "So we don't get soft. The big buildings are for keeping the big guns, or for bad winters, but rarely for living." "Some herds do, even maintain buildings for other herds to stay when winter kicks in. But traditionally, we like to stay mobile and make it hard for our enemies to target us like with what the Sharif and Blue Skies did." Transmission added. "Right, it makes sense if you have a lot of enemies." I breathed in again, and almost gagged. "Okay, I get all that. But why does it smell so rancid out here?" My ear twitched as I heard the sound of water hitting a hard surface, and my eyes drifted to an alleyway. There I saw a mare just squatting, unloading her bladder. Then, further answering my question, not far from the mare, a floor above, another pony tossed out the contents of a bucket into the alley, clearly pony waste. "Never mind, I think I know why." With a sigh, Live said, "that's also why we choose to be nomadic, no trotting around in our own filth if we move before it even gets close to being bad." New Appaloosa wasn't all that great, but it did have some sewage management, and after seeing this, it really made me miss that town. Most of all, I was starting to miss home, and having a working sewagesystem. Despite the appalling sewage management, there was beauty to be found, as the ponies here were quite dedicated to decorating what they could. It was surprising to see the plentiful amount of dull to vibrant green and yellow cloth wrapping around nearly everything, with scraps of other colors popping out here and there. Same for a lot of ponies, who were wrapped in greens and yellows, unlike the sun bleached grays and browns I had become accustomed to out in the wasteland. It was all still so very crude, unlike the Desperados camp with their intricate tapestries, but it was clear that the ponies here were doing their best to make something more than just a place to survive. Then there were the merchants, with some still the dusty looking ponies I've seen before, but there were also ponies and other creatures dressed in rainbows of colors, and decorated with shiny trinkets. There was a dear that used his antlers to advertise his jewelry. A griffin covered in gold chains, selling refurbished guns. A very tall unicorn with a strange accent and headgear, selling old rugs. There were several zebras selling various goods from all over the world, I think. And to my shock, and clearly others as well, was what had to be a Kirin behind a bear stall. I could only guess he was a Kirin due to the sign above him saying “Kirin Beer.” "Amazing, I never thought I'd ever see so many creatures before. Last time I even saw close to this many, they were all pirates… and trying to capture me." I said in amazement. "Oh ya. Before the clouds cleared up and the gardens were used, most outsiders avoided Equestria. Now creatures come from all over to stake their claim." Transmission said as she then pointed at the Kirin. "And what is even that thing, it looks like some weird mutant dear." Right, most of the Desperados were rather ignorant, still strong and reliable, but ignorant. I was sure it made Arras quite depressed to know this. "Mutant or not, this beer tastes pretty good." Star said as she held a mug with her pipbucks magic, and a foamy mustache on her muzzle. "Though it does look like piss." "Oh, I want to try!" Suspension said in excitement. "Me too!" Transmission joined in. Live and I decided to not take part in trying the Kirn beer. I didn't want to impair my own mind with whatever might be in that beer, and Live was actually thinking about her own pregnancy. Fully in the market now, we got to browsing the stalls and seeing what was for sale, and for anything we might need. Where before it was random merchandise from traveling merchants, here there were actual shops selling quality goods.  "Come here lovely mares, hens and jenny's, come and see the finest textiles from Arabia, all for cheap!" Called out another fairly tall and thin stallion, with the same kind of accent and headwrap. His shop, an actual shop inside a building, was adorned with rolls of cloth all about, and in a rainbow of colors. And though he said cheap, it was clear that most of the cloth sold here were far from cheap. Then again, with the lack of colors I've seen in the wasteland, stuff like this must cost a leg or two. "Say, Harp, wasn't Cherry looking for some good quality cloth?" Star asked as she pointed at a roll of deep red cloth. Getting closer, it was clear that Star's idea of quality wasn't what I thought of as quality. "I'm not sure she'd be interested in this. I mean its cores, the thread count is clearly low, and the dye isn't evenly applied, which eather means shoddy work or poor dye was used." Star tilted her head, clearly not understanding. "A mare who knows her textiles!" The store's merchant said as he trotted over, the pony was almost twice my height, but held a rather friendly, but fake smile as he bowed slightly. "My name is Omar, son of Omar… it’s a family name passed down from father to sons. May I inquire where you came to such knowledge, as such knowledge is woefully rare in these lands, as I have discovered." Shit, of course such knowledge would be mostly lost out here. "Of course, my name is Harp Melody." I said with a curtsy. "Where I was born, we had a vault filled with artifacts, among them were several Textiles and clothing. Items once used by the nobility here in Equestria. I also happen to be friends with Elder Big Papa, of the Desperados, who used to be a royal tailor long ago." Omar's eyes lit up. "Oh I see, and that must be where the Desperados get their magnificent tapestries. It confused me greatly how such brutus had such beautiful works of art. But if a founder of theirs was a royal tailor, then it makes all the difference." He then ran his hoof across his own textile. "Unfortunately, textiles of royal, or even noble quality are exceptionally hard to obtain, the sultan himself makes sure quality wool is kept for his own personal use. This here is made from the mountain sheep tribes, not the softest wool, but it will keep you warm, and will not burst out into flames like linens." That… made some sense. "Then I apologize for my criticism, I haven't been away from home long, and sometimes I forget how much has been lost." I said to the tall pony. "I'm to guess you're not from Equestria then, Saddle Arabia I think you said earlier. So how are things outside Equestria?" He let out a chuckle. "Oh, I can't say for the rest of the world, but my homeland has its own problems. We did manage to avoid getting megaspelled, but the generations of civil war that followed destroyed us all the same. We've recovered since then, but for a simple Saddle Arabian like myself to find my fortune, unfortunately I must leave my home to find new markets." "That's… a good problem to have, if you're the daring type." I then looked around, eyeing his products. "Though it must be difficult to get more of this, with how far away you must be from home?" "So very true." He said with a more genuine smile. "Occasionally my brother, Omar, yes we have the same name, delivers textiles to me from Friendship City. But I have been attempting to locally sourced new thread to turn into textiles. The shaggies are a good source of wool, but their pony shepards aren't the most cooperative of ponies with outsiders. My wife has been doing what she can with what we can get, but lately shes been just helping the dress shop mare patch up clothing. Also, finding good dye is even worse here than back home, unless you love low quality greens and yellows.” "Shaggies?" I asked. This time Live stepped in. "Their two headed sheep, like the brahmin and radstags, among others" She explained, and I just tilted my head, causing her to sigh. "Radstags are two headed deer. A lot of the creatures that used to live here became two headed retards, or so the elder says. Something to do with eating demon grass, some think." "Yes, and I was surprised shaggies could even live here, with the demon grass and all. Strage how their main food source is also what commonly kills them." Omar said with a sigh. "It's a damn shame how much wool is wasted by just untangling the sheep from that damn grass.” "And the dye! What's wrong with it?" I further asked. The Saddle Arabian scoffed in annoyance. "It's the demon grass again. As it's the only thing that grows in abundance around here, it's the only source of plant dye, but it doesn't give a good quality color for dye. Worse, even boiling it for the colors makes one sick. Oh how it makes me miss my homeland so much." That sounded quite the shame. Looking at my own vest, the embroidered flaming skull popped out from the black, making me realize that something like this couldn't have been all that cheap to make. "Say, Live Axle, where do the Desperados get the materials for their vests and tapestries?" Live thought about it for a moment. "Well the vests are brahmin leather, but the tapestries, I think they are shaggy wool, same for the tents. We have a few tribute towns northeast of here that process the wool as tribute. As for the dye, I think there is another tribute town in the west that makes it, but you'll have to ask Elder Big Papa about it." "I'll do that since I have a sneaking suspicion that the Desperados here don't have the head for trading." I commented. That got a nod from Live. "Mostly the Elders conduct trade, and let us younger ponies crack skulls where they need cracking." A skeptical, yet genuine smile formed on Omar's muzzle. “That does make sense if the Desperados can obtain so much quality cloth. I'll need to talk with my brother about it next time he is over. Maybe he can help you, Desperados with trading. It would be good business for all of us. Though, then again, I have my doubts.” His eyes drifted to the other end of the store, where Transmission and Suspension were less than gently holding a roll of Textile. To my displeasure, Suspension then tripped, resulting in her tearing the cloth. "No, no, I perfectly understand." I said as I pulled out my tin of caps and sighed. "I'll buy that roll, and if the elder sees wisdom in trade, I'll make sure the Desperados that come around are less… rambunctious." Leaving the textiles shop, and giving Suspension a talking too, we got back to browsing the market. Much of the stores here were selling local products, that being materials made from demon grass, brahmin, radstag, and even shaggies. One shop was even selling two headed rabbits as pets or food. I grew rather concerned with the amount of two headed animals around her. "Are they even safe to eat? I mean, if everything else became two headed and all?" "It's fine." Live Axle informed me. "I think it's only if you eat the demon grass directly. Though Elder Big Papa said that what caused the two headed births has gone away long ago, so we needn't worry about it. But the damage it caused is clearly permanent." Looking at the two headed mutant rabbit, I couldn't help but feel disgust. Compared to the jackalopes, these rabbits looked diseased and half dead, hardly pet material. One even threw up right in front of me, causing me to back up. "Please don't tell me you ever had one of those as a pet?" Live shook her head. "Hard to have a pet when you're on the move all the time. But there are some tributaries that raised them, I think they're the same ones that raise shaggies. Used to be more of em, but weirdly most of the rad-bit farm towns starved off, even though they had plenty of rad-bit's to eat." "Maybe ponies weren't meant to eat only meat." I commented. "Probably." Live said in agreement. "But they are good eating." As we moved on, it was becoming clear that the most common product, aside from demon grass materials, was meat and leather. Unsurprisingly there were quite a few griffins managing those kinds of stores, some of them being full on restaurants with griffin patrons. I suspected that most were Talons, with the ones on the job being the more armed and aware. Dried and salted meats were probably the most common food here, and I could swear that the griffins were using it like money over caps. Stopping at a rope and sack store as Star gawked at a sausage dealer's produce, I took a closer look at the rather sturdy, but rough rope. "So, is this really all made from demon grass?" I asked the rather bored-looking merchant." "No, it's synthetic fibers from the mythical Stable zero zero." The merchant said sarcastically. "Yes, everything here is demon grass, it's all we got to work with." "Must be tough, with the thorns and, you know." I said sympathetically. The pony shrugged. "I wouldn't know, I just sell it." She then lifted up a rather well cared for hoof. "See this, it wouldn't look so nice if I worked the demon grass." "Seriously, why's that?" I asked. She sighed. "You can't get rid of demon grass by just cutting it, the shit grows back too fast. Ya got to pull it up, roots and all. Can't use your mouth to grab it, thanks to the thorns, and it is too tough for most unicorns to use magic, so a pony got to use their hooves. The process cuts up the hooves mighty badly, and most of the ponies who do it for a living can't trot around much account of their hooves getting worked raw." I cringed at hearing that. I was about to ask why, but already knew the answer, it was working their hooves to the skin, or starving to death. And probably good protective gear was expensive, or didn't last long.  "I guess the same problem goes for processing the grass?" I further asked. The merchant nodded. "De-thorning, drying, and beating the grass into usable fibers takes time. And speaking of time, are you going to keep wasting mine?" Leaving the merchant be, I moved on, looking for anything else that might be interesting. I did find a store that sold wasteland produce, such as carrots, tatos, and razorgrain, along with what I was sure was Percussion Cap's corn. The bigger golden corn sat next to some rather dull and thin corn I guessed was wasteland corn.  There were a few more unique shops nestled in all the meats and demon grass. A pottery shop that was less than impressive to me, but seemed to be doing excellent business wize. One shop sold bones and other animal products, why, I don't know, but there seemed to be a demand for it here. There were also at least two weapons dealers, four chem shops, a scrap store, a repair shop, and mercifully a used clothing store. Actually being able to go clothing shopping was like a healing potion for my soul, even if most of the clothing was over two hundred year old raggs. Unfortunately if there were any gems in this shop, they had long ago been sold. "Look, this jacket and skirt can definitely be salvaged!" Live said as she showed me her findings. It was a rather cute, if patchworked outfit. "Maybe Cherry can stitch them up." "We do have that roll of cloth I had to buy." I suggested as I eyed Suspension sternly. The slightly older mare took notice, and the outfit she was being a bit rough with was carefully put back. "Anyways, if it is colder up north like you say, Then it's not a bad idea to have the girls sew us some padded clothing or something." "You mean cloth armor?" Live then asked, getting a head tilt from me. "Ya know, two thick layers with shaggy wool stuffed in between, then it's all stitched together. Not the best at stopping bullets, but a club or knife has trouble getting through. It also makes good warm weather clothes during the winter." I shook my head. "No not quite, but that's something to keep in mind." I then reached out and felt the patchwork jacket, feeling how thin and worn down it was. "I mean just making it more comfortable for the cold. Most of the clothing here is a bit too… thin." "Oh, I know what you mean." An older, and slightly pudgy pegasus mare in a rather elegant, though patchworked, dress said as she trotted over. "When I first found myself down here I thought I'd finally find new materials to work with. Unfortunately the wasteland was just as bad, if not worse when it came to clothing as the Enclave was." She then gave a polight curtsy. "My name is Frilly Ribbon, a seamstress and owner of this store, and it does my heart good to know of other ponies who share my own interests in quality threaded. Those Saddle Arabian's at the other end of the market are good ponies, but they care more about just the cloth, and little about the clothing they will be made into." Letting out a sigh of relief, I curtseyed back. "Oh yes. I can't say I know much about sewing, or making dresses, but it has been quite depressing with how few quality clothing is out here in the wasteland. I know that's how it is, but for the last few weeks I've had only a few outfits to wear." I did a little shake of my leg to show my hostess dress. "This dress was the only clean thing I have, sadly enough." Frilly Ribbon took a closer look at it and nodded. "Oh, I see what you mean. It's a nice, if provocative dress, but not for everyday use. I can even see some of the threads starting to fray. A true shame. Unfortunately, as you probably can tell, I mostly just sell refurbished clothing, though if you ever need something fixed, I do repair work as well. Now if you want something of real quality, the Hilltop Boutique up in the inner-city has a collection of well maintained old world dresses and suits. The owner, Hartwin, he's quite the skilled tailor, which is surprising for a griffin, and less hoity compared to the other residents of the inner-city. He even makes lightly and heavily padded cloaks for winter, though he doesn't need any clothing to make a mare feel warm at night."  Frilly then nudged and winked at me, making me realize that she might not just be pudgy, but possibly… expecting. "Thanks, I'll have to check it out." I then eyed my companions. "Though, will it be safe up there? Still new here, but from what I'm told, the Desperados aren't in control up there." The pegasus gave me a knowing nod and smile. "The Steel Rangers are a rather troublesome bunch, but so long as you stay on the market road, you should be fine. Though you might want a change of clothes first, the Desperados aren't on the best terms with the inner-city. If you have the caps for it, the Hilltop Boutique will sell you some clothes no questions asked. Like I said, Hartwin isn't hoity, a real gentile griff. Oh, and if you do that, they'll probably think you're related to Crystal, which might help keep the Steel Rangers off your flank." I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, but who?" "Thought as much." Frilly said. "She's a mirage pony. I just didn't want to assume you're related to her, it happens to me all the time when other Pegasus stop by that's not with the Rangers or Desperados."  "A… mirage pony! But how, where did she come from, where is she?" I asked, half panicked. If this pony was an equalist, it could be disastrous. Or maybe she's with Orthurus, which would solve so many problems for me. Frilly motioned her wings in a defensive manner, "settle down now, I love my gossip, but you can't mob me with questions." I took a deep breath to regain control over myself, "well can you tell me what you know?" I asked as I passed her a few caps. She smiled as she took the caps, then got to talking. "Frankly, I know more about Mirage ponies because of Crystal then I will ever want to, that mare is a right chatterbox and prankster you see. But I'm surprised you don't know where you all came from. I mean, Cantercross is practically a Mirage pony colony from what I've been told. That said, she was visiting from Destruction Bay to meet up with a steel ranger prosthesis, something she and her wife, Dr. Tibia, have interests in. Unfortunately, there seems to be trouble brewing in the west, and Crystal and her family have been stranded here, of which I'm sure the Steel Ranger are not keen to help with. If you want to pay her a visit, she is are staying with Elder Lamington's chapter, you will find them less hostile to outsiders, if a bit eccentric." "Thanks for the info." I said, my eyes drifting over the store and I presented her a few more caps. "Before we go, do you have any clothes you keep in the back? You know, away from unwashed hooves." "I do happen to have some well preserved relaxed wear that I haven't put out on sale yet." Frilly told me as she took the caps. Leaving the store with Order carrying a carefully packed bag of dresses, and one roll of cloth I sent him away to drop it all off with Cherry. It felt like a risk sending him off, but it wasn't like I was alone.  "So, one last stop then?" Live asked. "The boutique, yes, I want to see what's in there, and maybe visit this Crystal if possible." It was a toss up which I wanted to see more. Frilly's good clothing was okay at best, a real shame really, as she was skilled, but the quality of cloth she had at hoof was rather poor. But learning how mirage got here did eat at my brain, as I was worried that I might not like the answer.  "Let's do both." Star said with a smile. "I do want to see what another mirage pony looks like. But first." Star then whistled over at Suspension and Transmission. "Hay, we still got some boring shit to do, let's meet up later." The two other Desperados mares both shrugged and trotted off.  "Wow… that was easy." Live said. Star chuckled. "Learned it from your sister." __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 4: Merchant Road, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 4, Merchant Road, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ All we needed to do was keep trotting up the market road to reach the boutique, the road was one big spiral up the hill that passed through the outer-city and inner-city, ending at the tomb of Princess Platinum. The further up we went the less crowded it became as more specialized shops became the norm. Things that didn't require heavy hoof traffic to make sales, as the shops offered more necessary goods, often for the locals themselves over selling to other merchants. And the higher we trotted, the more well built the building became, and the less everything stank, even the road was now made of brick over compressed dirt. Finally reaching where the outer-city ended and the Inner-city started, a solid wall separated the two, a white wall made of brick, cement, and topped with pointed scrap metal. Two Steel Rangers stood guard at a closed gateway, unmoving, and armed with a minigun each. Live Axle let out a sigh. "So they finished their damn wall I see." "I imagine the uptowners in New Appaloosa would have loved their own wall too." Star snarked. Taking a deep breath, I trotted up to the guards and with the most diplomatically pleasant voice and smile, I said. "We request passage through this checkpoint." Slowly, one guard tilted his head to get a better look, making me feel even smaller than I was. The Ranger didn't talk for a long moment, too long to just be thinking, which made me nervous. Wh3n then the ranger spoke, it was in an uncaring robotic voice that oozed mal contempt. "Leave and go bang rocks together… savage."  Rude! So I cleared my voice and clarified. "I'll say again, we request passage through this checkpoint. If there happens to be a tax or official approval, then it behoove you to inform us of such a necessity."  The Ranger returned to his previous position, and repeated. "Go bang rocks together, savage." "Ugg" Live let out with a huff. "Stop wasting your breath, Harp, the tin can got bolts for brains. Unless one of them scribes do them reprogramming shit on em, ain't no way they can think for themselves. It's why the NCR has been pushing the Rangers out of the east coast, despite how much they claim their superiority." Despite their taunting, the two Rangers didn't move.  I thought about how to go about this, and how we can get passage. Waving our pipbucks at them was a bad idea, as the last Steel Ranger wanted to kill us for it. Actually, mentioning Star Paladin Spritz Cookie was a bad idea all around, as we did kill her. Maybe going back and asking Arras if it was possible to get a diplomatic invite. I was sure the Rangers couldn't just turn down the other big power here, and it might get us some extra privileges on the other side. But who knows how long it will be until they agree to let anypony pass, and with how we could leave any day, I would rather not get the invite a month from now.  Anyways, my ancestor's tomb isn't going anywhere, not like if I leave I'll never get to see it again. Unless something like Canterlot happens again. Star then trotted up to one, and whistled. "So this is power armor." She even tapped it. "If that Star Paladin Spritz Cookie had it, she'd have crushed us easily. Ain't that right, Harp?" I was caught off guard by Star's actions, causing me to blurt out with a nod. "Ya, we're lucky she didn't have any armor as a matter of fact."  Oh fuck, what did I just do!? One of the Rangers looked at the other, then down at Star. "Star Paladin Spritz Cookie, do you know where the lost Paladin is?" Star smiled at the Ranger. "That bitches corps is probably with the NCR right now, good riddance to utter trash." The Ranger lifted up a hoof, and brought it down at Star with great speed. Fortunately, Star saw it coming and jumped back in time. "The Star Paladin is an exemplary example of a true Steel Ranger!" Oh fuck, this is ecalating quickly. "An example of an insane mad mare, if that's what you mean!" Star taunted. Then we heard the sound of rotating barrels. Looking over, the other Ranger had their gun at the ready and pointed at us. "One more word, Desperados scum." Before Star can fuck around any further, I trotted in fron of her, but kept my mouth shut.  It was a long and tense moment, but the ranger eventually stopped spinning their gun and aimed it back down.  Turning around, I glared at Star. "The fuck was that!" She rolled her eyes. "You were just standing there, twiddling your hooves, so I thought provoking them would get the attention of more important ponies. How was I supposed to know they'd get so angry? And you really think they'd fire their guns in the middle of a city?" I looked around, and saw small signs of gunfire here and there. "Star… think for a moment. Would Spritz Cookie have fired a mini-gun in the middle of a city." My friend clicked her tongue in annoyance. "The bitch would have set everything on fire just to get a toaster." Returning my attention back to the rangers, it was clear we were not getting in without help. "We'll be back with a formal request, and better manners." "Don't flatter yourself, savage." The first Ranger spoke. "No damn way were letting any Desperados scum in here." The other ranger snorted in agreement. "Once the Platinum Guard sees the truth, we're purging all your kind from this place."  That… didn't sound promising. But I was sure with Arras's help, this issue was only going to be temporary. Still annoying that we had to head back already, but it's better than starting a fight. Laughter then came from behind us, causing my spine to tingle in disgust. "Oh, what this, I think the tin cans want to fight!" Trotting up the road in their heavy plate mockery of Steel Ranger armor was Reed and Slick. Slick waved at us, and mockingly called out, "hey there Live, heard ya got knocked up by some pissant weakling. But it's still not too late to pick a real stallion." Star eyed Live, asking, "who the fuck are these two losers." "Swift's personal heavy trooper." Live answered. "Whom, should be back at camp." "And let the old sack of bone's new pet go running off to the tin cans." Reed said, his voice filled with suspicion.  Live snarled back, "Show some Celestia damn respect for your elders! Or do you want Crankshaft to fuck you two up again?" Reed dismissively ignored Live as he trotted past us, eyeing up the Ranger, which was impressive as Reed was nearly as tall as the Ranger in their armor. "I thought ya were told to not shut that fucking gate! What are ya, so scared of us that you must hide behind your walls?" The Ranger got muzzle to muzzle with Reed. "We don't listen to savage scum like you! Elder Shortcake has decreed that your kind stop polluting our air, no matter what the other Elders say!" The other Ranger then spoke up, minigun barrel ready and spinning. "Bitch and moan all you like, but nopony recognizes Swift's authority here. Now scram! Or face our justice!" Slick lifted his oversized gun, the bit trigger of his battle saddle moving to his mouth. "I think some fools need to learn their place!" He then looked back, and the movement of his cheek was a clear sign he had just winked at us.  I needed to act, or we were all going to get fucking killed. "Star, hold Slick in place!" I commanded, and the two of us rushed forward to get between those two idiot's. Star staired directory into Slick's eyes, freezing him in place as I stared up at the ranger. "Nopony needs to die today, so stop getting provoked!" The ranger looked down at me, then pointed their minigun at my face. "No, they're right, you savages need to learn your place!" Right, I was sick of this and sick of being called a savage by some tecno-cliptomaniacs. Feeling with my magic, I could sense the spark battery in the gun, and drew it to me, though it's not enough to just drain it, I did prevent the power from flowing into the gun, powering it down. "What, how?" The ranger baucked, but then lowered their head at me. "No matter." Raising their hoof to stomp, I only grew more annoyed, and drew the magical power from the armors spell matrix, shutting it down. I then glared at the other Ranger, who was also getting ready to fight, and did the same, the power flowing to me causing me to shimmer. Fortunately Live had also acted, and had her personal service rifle pointed between Reed's legs and at his royal jewels. "Now, is everypony cool? Because at this point if we kill all four of you, I'm sure this will be treated as just an unfortunate incident. Just four idiot's that got themselves killed, you understand?" I yelled. Reed snarled at me. "You really think Swift will take that lying down. I'll fuck ya raw for th-" "Ya can't fuck nopony without a dick, Reed!" Live said, poking his balls with her rifle. "Swift will take what I have and be grateful for it!" I told the dumbass Desperados, then turned my attention back to the Steel Rangers, making sure magic flowed into their helmets. "And you two, so much for the pride of Equestria's elite forces. Back home, the royal guard would have you two beaten and hung for just being such an embarrassment!" "Oh, they finished the wall already?" A grime covered mare spoke up, catching everypony off guard. The unicorn was more mane and tail then pony, not showing any care for what was going on around her.  "Ummm, Harp, what's going on?" Slowtrot asked, really catching me off guard. Losing control of the magic, the armor of the two Steel Rangers came back to life. "Like we will cower to scum like-" "Enough!" Another pony said, a unicorn in a brown hooded cloak, that was covered in live clovers which were growing all over it. "Any more attempts at fighting, and the Coven of Clovers will be forced to act!" That got the Steel rangers to stop, but Reed decided to be an ass. "Oh, so scary, the witches are angry." The hooded unicorn clicked her tongue. "You should be, with Elder Arras here in Platinum Hill, Swift's authority is no longer recognized as the voice of the Desperados. Any further brahminshit from the Warband will be seen as rogue action, and free for everypony to purge from this city! You understand?" Reed glared down at the hooded unicorn for what was a long moment, as though trying to burn through her skull. But Reed finally gave up, spitting in the unicorn's face before trotting away. "Slick, let's go, this shit ain't worth the headache." Slick stumbled back, his breath heavy and looking a bit pale. Nodding vigarusly, he joined Reed, and the two fucked off. "I much prefer it when ponies like them are fighting raiders and mutants, then being a nuisance here." The hooded pony said with a sigh. Then she returned her attention to the Steel Rangers. "And the same goes for you, knights! This isn't the wasteland anymore, you can't just swing your guns around killing ponies, and not expect to get away with it. Those times are over!" She then trotted up to the gate, not looking at them, saying with authority. "Gate, now!" With a huff, both Steel Ranger returned to their position and soon after, the gateway opened. Stepping through, the hooded unicorn looked back, and motions us to follow. "Come now, unless you like the smell of piss and shit." With a sigh, I trotted after her, joined by my friends, and the new mare.  "I'm guessing we just had a close call?" Slowtrot said. "Twice actually." Star told him. "I might have provoked the Tin Cans a little, but Harp cleared that up." "Then tweedle dumb, and twiddle ass showed up." Live added. "They're morons, yes, but I don't remember them ever being this bad before" The hooded unicorn then stopped, pulling back the hood and showing her face. She was a pale marble white mare with a long and straight obsidian black mane that barely just hid pink highlights. "You can blame Swift Firemane, and his new wives for that. Those new mares of his stroke his ego to no end, supply his warband with new weapons and gear, and through that the warband has become arrogant. It does my Elder's heart good to have Elder Arras back here to reestablish order among the Desperados." "Weeping!" The new mare cried out, rushing over and hugging the now not hooded mare. "Why do you sound older? Didn't I tell you, like, not stress out over finding a stallion?" The hooded mare, Weeping I guess her name was, pushed the other unicorn off her. "Damnit Fuzzy, of course I look older, it's been years since you ran off! And I'm not stressing over stallions anymore, I'm married with two foals! Actually, how are you even alive? Everpony was sure you died when you didn't return and nopony could find you!” Slowtrot trotted up, and I knew I wasn't going to like what he might say. "About that, I might be able to explain that." "Please don't tell me, this time you brought a pony back with you?" I said, hoping for a no. Unfortunately, Slowtrot nodded in confirmation. "Bumped into Fizzy in the ruins of the mega mall, we were hiding from robot mascots when I returned here, and she accidentally came with me." "Ohhh, that's how I'm, like, back here?" The mare, Fizzy said in awe This got an eyebrow raise from Weeping. "So, teleportation. That's nothing new to the Coven." I cleared my throat. "Well, not just that. You see, Slowtrot actually falls through time… involuntarily." Weeping gave me a not so pleased look, the kind that was unsure if I was serious or not, but it was a bad thing either way. "Aside from the fact that time magic is a forbidden art, not just among the Coven, but throughout history among every creature that can cast magic. It is proven to not work, no matter how much it's used.” She stopped to look around for a moment, making sure nopony was eavesdropping. “If time magic is involved, then you'll need to talk to Elder Magnificence, if anypony knows if it's true, and how, she will.” “I've heard that name before, Elder Arras told me that I'll probably be seeing her at some point.” I then looked at myself, and my dress. “Though I didn't expect it to be so soon. As you can see, we are not properly dressed for meeting such an important pony.” “That you are not. But it's not so urgent that you need to see her right now, but sooner the better. Anytime today would be best.” Weeping looked over past me and at our newest addition. “Especially since Fizzy is back because of you. I'll schedule an appointment with my Elder, just get her cleaned up and all of you properly dressed. Also, leave your vests, though we don't have an issue with the Desperados, we rather not give the Steel Rangers a reason to be more of a pain in our flank.” Her horn then glowed with magical power. “Fizzy should know the way to the Coven, but if you get lost, look for the house surrounded by green.” With a flash, Weeping was gone. Left on our own, we just looked at each other in confusion. Star then broke the silance, openly asking, "what the fuck was all that?" Either not understanding a rhetorical question, or just not understanding anything at all, Fizzy answered. "Like, that was Weeping Willow. She's, like, a member of the Coven of Clovers." I stared at the mess of purple mane, hardly seeing a pony under it, and wondering if she was in fact all mane and tail. I could see hooves, and what looked like bits of a grime covered dress from under the mane.  "Who are you?" She lifted her hoof to herself, "I'm, like, Fizzy Fusion Pop! I like Sparkle-Cola, writing, drawing, and I'm really good at giving all sorts of hugs. My favorite color in pink, my favorite food, aside from Sparkle-Cola is a classic Manehatten pizza. Oh and I'm really good with foal, and hope to have my own one day!” “Thanks, that's enough!” I blurted out before she could give us her life story. Turning to Slowtrot, I hoped for something not random. “Are you alright, and what happened?” “When I time jumped, I ended up back at Molly Manticore's Mega Mall, but after the bombs dropped. Sadly, none of the bombs had dropped on it, and despite it being a ruin, the mall was still running.” Slowtrot explained, nervousness in his voice. “Weirdly, some of the maintenance robots thought I was still working there, and let me trot around in peace. Well, that was until Molly saw me, then things went all nightmare nights. Thankfully I ran into Fizzy, who helped me get away, for a time. We ended up hiding in a box, but… I think Molly has thermal vision, because she found us right away. Then we popped here, and you know the rest.” Right, I didn't even know where to start with all that, other than being relieved that Slowtrot didn't get hurt. Looking over at the grime cover mare that we were probably stuck with for now, I decided to just give up and accept it for now. "Maybe we should go back for now, and help Fizzy get cleaned up before we go to the Hilltop Boutique." A gasp came from Fizzy. "The Hilltop Boutique! It's been, like, forever! It's this way, follow me!" We watched as Fizzy galloped off, only to trip on her overgrown mane, then get back up to only trip on it again. It really reminded me of my elder sister Rare Pearl, and how she tripped over herself whenever she'd go out without her glasses. Actually, Fizzy reminded me a lot of both my sister Rare Pearl in how she trotted, and my sister Silk Carnation in how she talked.  Thinking of them made my heart ache, as I can only hope that they're alive and well. __________________________________________________________________ Taking in the sights of the inner-city, it certainly felt different, with it not just being clean, but even smelled nice like flowers. The terracotta brickwork and scrap was replaced by solid clay brickwork, clean cut wooden frames, and properly applied lime paint. It all looked as though we had trotted into the ancient past of Equestria, reminding me of some of the ancient paintings of Canterlot from my family's vault.  The stores here were far bigger and spread out, looking nothing like the places in the outer city. There was a bakery, a smithy, a bar, and even a cafe that advertised fresh coffee. This place felt absolutely isolated from the wasteland, which it probably was. The ponies here on the other hoof didn't look so friendly. Oh they were nicely dressed compared to the ponies of the outer-city, but expectedly they were giving us the side eye.  I looked at myself and sighed. "Maybe we should come back in more decent clothing. We look like a pack of fools." "Naw, we just look like outsiders." Fizzy said with a wide smile. "The ponies here aren't going to change their opinion just because we look nice, but it helps. Took me a few months for them to accept me, but that's the same anywhere." "I guess you're experienced with that?" Live asked. Fizzy nodded. "It was the same when I lived in Friendship City, where I was just another orphan from the wasteland. But in time I became one of them, as I wasn't, like, another raider, slaver, or bandit spie, just me. As for here, It's not like they hate outsiders, but their experience with them hasn't been the best since trade picked up. That's why they started building that wall… well, build that wall I guess." "I can't imagine it got any better." I pondered as we trotted. “So, if you're from Friendship City, why did you move here?” “things… happen.” Fizzy said, her tone losing that happiness from before, so I decided to not press her on about it. As we trotted further up, some of the stores continued to be specialized, from jewelry and accessories made by artists, and even an electronic shop amazingly enough. We even saw a proper looking clinic.  "There it is!" Fizzy then pointed out at a fairly decorated building. It had several dressed mannequins on display behind what had to be security glass.  To my amazement, the dresses didn't look old-world-fashion, but something newer. There was what looked like a segmented red robe, and a red dress. Another dress looked like stable barding, and next to it was a suit of similar design.  "Right, Live and I will go inside and talk to the owner, the rest of you stay out here and not cause trouble." I told them. Fizzy looked hurt. "But, like... why?" I rolled my eyes at the audacity of this dirty mare. "You, more than anypony needs to stay out! Not only do we hardly know you, but you're covered in filth, and smell like sour milk. Once we're done here, we're taking you to the Desperados and getting you cleaned up."  "Oh, okay! Thanks." She said happily. So both Live Axle and I trotted into the boutique, making sure we wiped our hooves first. The bell on the door almost acted like a signal that we were entering a different world, one I missed so much. It was like I returned home, the shop was a bit bigger than my closet and almost as full of dresses. The colors were a gentle pastel rainbow, all properly organized so that not one color dominated over the other, all on a canvas of a very light blue, almost off white. The air itself was absolutely lovely, smelling of lavender with a hint of mint. "You sure we should be taking that Fizzy mare with us? Who knows where she's been, or if she's dangerous?" Live then asked as soon as the door behind us was closed. I nodded in agreement. "I know, I know. But if she has connections with the Coven of Clovers, then we probably shouldn't just abandon Fizzy. Also, time magic isn't something that happens without cause, like a roll of the dice. My ancestors, Princess Majesty, suspected that there are greater powers at work to keep ponies from messing with the timeline." Live cocked an eyebrow at me. "So you think she got pulled back with Slowtrot because… something either decided to let it happen, or wanted it to happen? Sounds all religious and shit."  "It is what it is. I mean, if Slowtrot haddent gotten that Lazarus serum from Thorn Roseland, both you and I would be dead. That's not something I would consider a mere coincidence." I told her. "Yet he didn't have enough for my sister as well." She snarled back at me. That was true, but Dead Axle wasn't lost to us just yet. "We haven't given up on her. If we can get to Despoines, then we can find more Lazarus serum. I promise you that we will save your sister." Live took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "I know, I know. It's just… I miss her." She then trotted further into the boutique, and I followed. In the center and behind a circle of draped desks that displayed several hats, was a dandy looking older male griffin with a rather refined looking handlebar mustache. He stretend his back as we approached, showing no sign of disgust as he smiled at us. "It's been too long since I've had a Desperados visit my boutique, and two lovely mares at that. I do hope you're here for my dresses, I am after all, Equestria's finest dressmaker and surgeon." "Surgeon?" I asked in surprise. The griffin chuckled. "Well, yes. One cannot become as talented as I out of nowhere. I started life as a Talon field medic, where my tailoring skills came to use in sewing up the many injuries my fellow Talons would receive. I also practiced my passion on their armor regularly, patching up tears and bullet holes. After saving up enough caps, and knowing the right ponies, I now have this wonderful place." "You must love telling that story." Live snarked. "I do, but most ponies and griffs here don't appreciate the many talents of a Talon Veteran. The Desperados on the other claw, like yourselves, do respect my other talents. It also helps to properly warn you to not fuck with me." He explained as I now wondered if he had several guns hidden and ready to be used. "Anyways, my name is Hartwin Winters, and how may I aid you on this fine day? Looking for padded armor, or just winter clothes?" I trotted further into the store, taking in this slice of paradise within all the ugliness of the wasteland. Most of the clothing was just fully restored old-world-fashion, with some stylish takes of what had to be modern fashion. There was also the padded clothing I was told about, though it was rather boring looking compared to everything else, with most having a black and white checkered pattern.  "Mostly we're just browsing for today. Frilly told me that I'd find quality dresses here, though I do have some interest in winter clothing." I informed Hartwin. "But If we were to buy something more appropriate for the Inner-city, something affordable yet stylish, what would you recommend? As you can see, we're lacking the appropriate style." A sigh cane from Live, "That's an understatement." Hartwin nodded back at us. "Oh I know it, you Desperados got the rough and tumble style down. Far from the delicate sorts like the ponies and griffs here." "Delicate griffins, now that's a laugh." Live chuckled out. Chuckling with her, Hartwin trotted out from behind his counter, and toward the old-world-fashion clothing. "Well there are a few old Talon families here, though I can't quite call them Talons anymore. Hit their big score, retired here, and raised several little brats that couldn't tell the difference between a clip and a magazine." I was about to ask how a pony couldn't tell the difference between a paperclip, and a paper magazine, but realized it must have something to do with guns. The bullet holder is called a magazine after all. "And are you one of them?" Live asked as she looked at the selection. "Oh, is that the fall line?" The griffin gave Live a knowing wink before answering her second question. "It is, or as close as I could get it. Finding enough intact pieces of Rarities last clothing line hasn't been easy. And remaking them has even been harder." Hartwin said as he pulled out one dress to display. "A shame that the bombs dropped right before nightmare nights, as Rarity had left hints to her winter lineup, but it was clear nothing had been completed yet." Joining them, the dresses shown were heavy with the earth tones of browns, reds, and orange, along with splashes of bright pastel yellows and green. Most being light dresses that still covered the body, providing some warmth and protection from the wind.  I had to give it to the griffin, he got it rather close to the actual thing. Unfortunately, it was rather easy to tell where he had to improvise, what must have been a misinterpretation, and more importantly that he got the wrong year. "This is rather impressive, but this is actually the previous year's fall fashion from the war. The last fall fashion was themed after Sweet Apple Acres, and the actual production of it was delayed due to high demand. Unfortunately the bombs dropped a few days before it went public." Both Live and Hartwin looked at me with concern. "Ha! I knew it!" Yell a griffin hen from the floor above.  Jumping down, and landing elegantly was a young adult griffin hen, dressed in something similar to the fall fashion on display. It was a rather adorable brown overall skirt with a light pale pink blouse, brown flat cap, socks of the same color of the blows, and the most adorable shoes decorated with red, orange, and yellow ribbons. The griffin herself was pure white, aside from her black talons and beak, along with the pale blue, almost silver eyes. And perched on her beak was a pair of silver glasses  She lept to me, grasping her black talons to my hooves, her face getting close to my own. "Tell me, have you, like, seen the last fall lineup, and maybe, like, if you do, the winter as well?" Fuck was she cute! "Bianca!" Hartwin grumbled. "What did I say about grabbing the customers?" "Sorry dad." Bianca said dejectedly as she let me go and took a step back. "But nopony, like, knows about the last fashion line but a few ghouls, and their brains are all, like, mush. I mean Lady Mag clearly knows, but she gives me the creeps." Hartwin let out a sigh that reminded me of my mother when one of my siblings got obsessed over something stupid. "Please don't even mention Lady Magnificence like that, you do know she has ears everywhere?" The younger griff rolled her eyes. "And that's why she, like, gives me the creeps." Turning her attention back to me, she curtseyed, but how she did it was a bit off, more like she was imitating a curtsy she read in a book, which she probably was. "Hello miss, I'm Bianca Winters, seamstress, fashion designer and like, the next owner of the Hilltop Boutique." "Apprentice seamstress, and apprentice designer." Hartwin corrected. "Now if you may, I have business to conduct." Collecting myself with a deep breath, I got my business face on. "Yes, we can discuss all this later, when we're… better dressed. On that, it will be more than the two of us that requires new outfits. I have two… three ponies outside that will need outfits. Two mares and a stallion."  "What about Transmission and Suspension?" Live asked. "Do you really want them trotting around here?" I asked back. Live let out a huff of annoyance. "Ya, you're probably right, but they're not going to be happy about it." She was right, those two were probably going to have a tantrum if we didn't come back with something for them. I wouldn't put it past Suspension to steal a dress just because she felt left out. "Right, add two more dresses, but they can be something on the cheap end, the kind you expect to get quickly ruined." "Say no more, I know exactly what you're looking for." He then looked at his daughter. "Bianca, go get the ponies from outside, we'll need their measurements. And this time make sure they're the right ponies." Hartwin looked over at me, brow raised.  Oh, he needed names. "Right, I'm Harp Melody, this is Live Axle, and the other three are Star Charter, Slowtrot, and…" "A Fizzy Fusion Pop." Live, answered for me. The pleasant, but all business smiles on Hartwin's face dropped as Bianca let out a gasp. "Miss Fizzy is back!" Bianca exclaimed as she rushed out.  "I'm getting the feeling that Fizzy is going to be a lot of trouble." Live commented Hartwin groaned, "you have no idea." __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 5: The Coven of Clovers, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 5, The Coven of Clovers, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ After getting our measurements, Hartwin quickly sent us on our way, and let us know that Bianca will be delivering new outfits to the Desperados camp shortly. He didn't seem happy about it, less so when Fizzy tracked in grime, but he wasn't willing to turn down honest caps over it. Though I was sure he marked up the price, at least I'll have an appropriate dress now.  It's just been too long since I last had a proper dress to wear. Or cute slippers. As we waited back in camp, I had Cherry go and get Fizzy cleaned up, though I was unsure how long that'll take, with how unwashed that mare was.  "It's been less than a day, and you already picked up a new pony." Henbane chuckled. "Blame Slowtrot this time." I told her. Henbane raised an eyebrow and then asked. "Was it that weird time jumping thing he can do?" I nodded and she face-hoofed. "By Celestia, he can pull ponies back with him now. That weird healing potion shit was crazy enough." "Not just that, but it seems that Fizzy's a bit famous around here." Star added. "Or infamous from how a few ponies have talked about her." That was right, it didn't feel as though Fizzy was anypony important, but it seemed that she had a big effect on the ponies that knew her. I just hope this wasn't going to draw us into needless drama. “Sounds like a pain.” Henbane said with a sigh. “Oh, I took a peek  and have you seen them?” “Seen what?” I asked, feeling a bit confused. Now Henbane chuckled. “That mare, Fizzy, she's got massive tits between her legs. And she wasn't pregnant either. She must have Holstein ancestry to have utters that big.” “Seriously, like how big are we talking?” Star asked curiously. “Like…” Henbane moved her hooves around to demonstrate the size, which seemed to be sizable. “A melon I guess, and a fair sized one at that.” Star whistled in surprise. “That's big. I think there were a few mares like that on the Blackwater, but I think you needed a potion to get them like that, or was it just being a milk maid.” “A Lactation potion.” Fizzy spoke as she trotted in. “They're used to induce a mare's milk production, but have the side effect of permanently altering the body if used for too long.” The mare wasn't just clean, but had her mane and tail trimmed, not by all that much, but enough that it wasn't taking over her entire body or threatening to trip her up. She had a pale lilac coat, with a very thick dark lavender mane that had natural fuchsia pink highlights in it. The mare was a bit extra curvy, reminding me of my sisters, though Fizzy had a shorter horn compared to them. And her face, it was beautiful, being that right sort of round, a beauty mark near her lips and bright fuchsia eyes that almost seem to glow, making her heart shaped pupils stand out even more. Wait… heart shaped pupils? “Ummm… not to be rude… but-” “The fucks wrong with your eyes?” Star cut me off with the absolutely rude sounding question.  Fizzy looked away, then ruffled her own mane to hide her face. “I… umm… like… don't know. It's always been this way. And thanks for the wash, I'll be going now, sorry to… um.. interrupt you.” Shooting Star an annoyed glare, my friend sighed and trotted to Fizzy. “Sorry about that, it was rude of me.” She then motioned for Fizzy to join our little group. “Trust me, we've seen weirder, so don't be shy.” Star then stopped for a moment, then looked at me, the pupils of her own eyes taking on random shapes. “Please stop trying to copy her eyes, Star, your normal eyes are annoying enough.” I told her. “Right, she is a Kelpie.” Henbane said with a bit of disgust in her voice.  As Fizzy joined us, Cherry trotted back in, looking a bit dazed. Worried, I asked “Cherry… are you okay?”  Cherry giggled as she flopped down next to us, a strange magic lingering on her. “S… sorry about that.” Fizzy said. “Ponies sometimes get like that if they look at my eyes for too long.” Great, just what we needed, more cursed eyes. Feeling out with my magic, I probbed Fizzy, and felt a tremendous amount of magic in and around her. This mare was indeed super magical, but it felt unrefined, much like most ponies who know nothing of magic. Focusing on her eyes, the magic was more concentrated, feeling more like a talismans than anything like normal eyes, and in feeling them, I got a potent sickly sweet feeling, with something more in it… something… powerful. “Harp!” Star almost yelled, breaking whatever trance I had been in. “Geese, you okay?” She asked as she wiped my muzzle with a rag, where I saw blood dabbed off from where she wiped my nose. “Ya scared me there for a moment.” “Th… thanks.” I stammered. “Checked her magic… something strong there.” “Well shit, we got another freek to join the club.” Henbane jokingly said, then turned her attention to Fizzy. “So what cha's dark past? Most of us are escaped cons, with Star here a cursed eye pirate, and Harp a genuine princess with crazy teco-magical powers.” Fizzy seemed unsure, though with her face covered, it was hard to tell. “Well, umm… it's, ya'know, like the usual. I’m just a normal wastelander, with normal… ummm, ya'know normal wasteland problems.” Something was weird, not too long ago this mare was all bubbles and happiness, but now she was completely shutting down. Maybe we were coming on too hard, or she was worried we might do something. “It's okay, you don't have to tell us anything just yet. And don't worry about the Desperados, they're rough around the edges, but good ponies… mostly.” “Hay, we're more than rough around the edges.” Live spoke up as she trotted in, Slowtrot and Bianca behind her. “Also, we got the new duds.” “Transmission and Suspension were also pleased to get their dresses.” Slowtrot said. “But we may need to get one for Rack End.” Live let out a sigh. “Ya, Mom may be a massive bitch, but she's still a Mare, and likes looking pretty now and then. So embarrassing.” Jumping passed them, Bianca bounded to Fizzy and gave her a hug. “Miss Fizzy, you look like you again! And it's been so long, you must tell me where you've been for these last eight years?” “Eight… years? But it's only been, like, a few months? And… um, is that really you Bianca?” Fizzy asked, sounding even more confused. We all looked around at each other, with most eyes falling on me. So I took a deep breath and explained. “Sorry Fizzy, but when you returned to Platinum Hill with Slowtrot, you didn't just teleport, but you also got pulled through time as well. I guess Slowtrot got sent roughly around eight years into the past this time.” There was a long pause as I was sure Fizzy was about to freak out. Yet we didn't expect how calm she ended up being about it. “Oh… Pecan is going to be so upset that I haven't contacted her!” She said in a very mild panic. As we just stared at her, Fizzy tilted her head for a moment, then clapped her hooves together as though she just released how serious this was. “Right, sorry. Pecan is my best friend back in Ursas Rest, I just promised to send her a letter now and then so that she wouldn't get worried.” With a sigh, Bianca patted Fizzy on the head. “You really haven't changed at all Fizzy.”  “And you changed a lot!” Fizzy replied. “I mean, not only are you tot's bigger,” Fizzy then leaned in, as though getting a better look at the griffin. “But you're, like, beautiful too, ya'know! Like, you got hips now!” Letting Fizzy go, Bianca stepped back and did a little twirl. “I'm even modeling for the boutique now, just like you did. Dad grumbles about it all the time, wanting me to learn some Talon skills, but guns are just, so ew. I mean, like, what does a mane clips and old magazines have to do with guns anyways?” “Oh I know, and some ponies get so mad when you call those bullets holder thingies, like, bullet holder thingies.” Fizzy said in agreement. I looked over at Star, who was face hoofing, saying, “the Gunrunners would have an aneurysm if they heard that.” “I think I understand why Hartwin looked so frustrated, his daughter is exactly the kind of griffins he complained about.” Live chuckled out. Clearing my throat and getting the attention of Fizzy and Bianca, I trotted up and asked. “Not to sound impatient, but can we see the clothing we ordered? Bianca smiled and pulled off her saddlebag. “Oh yes, right here.” She proceeded to pull out five sealed packages, each with a name on them. “All refitted for each of you, and if any pony or griff asks where you got them, tell them the Hilltop Boutique made them.” “Oh!” Fizzy then said loudly, trotting to her recently cleaned saddlebags, which were just two Sparkle-Cola coolers on a harness. “I almost forgot, you all should try this!” She opened a cooler and pulled out several Sparkle-Cola bottles. “I recovered these from the ruins, and their limited edition.” “Oh no, not that!” Slowtrot gasped. We looked at him as he cringed. “That's Special Dark Sparkle-Cola, it was made during the last year of the war, and was rather controversial, as the owner of Sparkle-Cola said she'd never make alcoholic soda.” Fizzy then giggled like a mad mare. “It's not just Special Dark, but Molly Manticore's Special Dark Cherry Sparkle-Cola, it has more sugar, more caffeine, and more alcohol. I only thought it was a legend, but look, I have the real thing, a find of the century! No! It's the greatest find of all pony kind!” The dark, rocket shaped bottle had an image of a cartoon Manticor on it serving pizza. It made no sense to me, but seeing the cartoon pizza made me want some pineapple. “Oh, right.” Bianca said with a sigh. “I'd forgotten how obsessed she is over her Sparkle-Cola.” I could only face-hoof, as I knew having Fizzy with us was only going to get weirder and weirder. __________________________________________________________________ After Cherry recovered from what had to be a charm spell, she helped us get dressed, and get on our way. As a sorry gift, Fizzy gave her one of her Special Dark Cherry Sparkle-Cola's. We quickly confiscated the drink, as we were sure that there was more than alcohol in that drink that could harm her unborn foal. Henbane was also offered the drink, but turned it down. As it turns out she doesn't like Sparkle-Cola, which confused Fizzy on how anypony would not like the drink. I was a bit worried about going through the market again, not wanting to get my new clothes dirty, or its smell to linger on us, but Bianca knew a few shortcuts we could take. Unfortunately the route she was taking us had an even worse smell to it.  “How can this city smell even worse!?” I complained. “I know, but that's the tannery and candle makers for you, always has smelled bad, and always will. Luckily it's almost always downwind of the inner-city.” Bianca said, covering her own nostrils. “But this is our working district, so there's like, less ponies just mulling about here, and the workers keep thieves out, ya'know. Oh, and my father has a good relationship with the tannery and other businesses, so they don't mess around with me and my friends.” She wasn't wrong, other than a few less well off ponies hanging out in the back allies, this part of the city was rather peaceful. Small workshops were all around the place, with most of them working on some craft or another made from Demon grass. Their hooves were chipped and worn down, some ponies looking absolutely unhealthy, but they didn't look like they had no hope, just determination to get their work done. I also noticed several water distillers here, each one billowing out smoke as it boiled large drums of water. The smell of toxic burning grass mixed with the smell of burning shit, which explained why it was here of all places. There was also what had to be giant water filters that the ponies poured the untreated water through first… I think. “It's, like, certainly grown since I left!” Fizzy comments. “Is mister Rawhide still around?” Bianca shook her head. “He died years ago, spending too much time working in the tannery, ya'know. Why did you go out with him anyways, the stallion wasn't good looking, and rather poor. You could have any stallion you wanted, some were throwing themselves at you.” Fizzy let out a sigh filled with longing. “He totally loved the sodas I made, like, actually liked them, not, like, pretending to like my sodas like the others. He was also nice to you, never talking behind your back, ya'know. Oh, and most of those stallions had partners already, like no way am I taking part in cheating.” A smile formed on Fizzy’s face as she lightly ribbed Bianca. “How about you? Any griffin roosters?” Bianca blushed, lightly pushing Fizzy back. “Oh, no way, ya'know. I'm waiting for, like, mister right. Anyways, like, you were the one who told me to not just give myself to anypony. Ya'know, value my body.” Fizzy hugged her friend. “I'm happy to hear that.” Something about how Fizzy spoke had a hint of desperation under a heavy helping of protectiveness. Knowing how bad other mares had it in the wasteland, I could only guess that she had been through more than she was willing to share. Something I was probably best not asking about. The smell lessened as we trotted along, a breeze helping to push it away from us. Eventually reaching another gate, this time guarded by two power armored ponies that didn't quite look like Steel Ranger. They had glass bulbs on their shoulders and flanks, which magical sparks jumped across all the way to the horn on their helmets. Their armor itself was much more polished silver, with a rich royal purple talibard draped over their back, sides and front. One of them turned their head to us as we approached, and from it was the clear voice of a mare. “Bianca, you do know your mother hates it when you come out to this part of the city.” “It's fine Violet, I was just delivering a package for my father. See, I'm all safe. Oh, and look at who's back.” The young griffin stepped aside and presented Fizzy. “Is that you Fizzy! Like, oh my Celestia, it's been, like, forever!” Violet practically squealed.  “Guard! Control yourself!” The other power armored pony said in a stern feminine voice, then looked down at our group. “As much as I like to let this reunion happen, but we're still on duty. Now state your reason for passage.” Both Bianca and Fizzy looked a bit depressed for not being able to have their meet and greet, but I was thankful for not having to endure another mare who says “like” way too much. “We've been invited by the Coven of Clovers, and wish to look around. I also hope to visit the tomb at the top.” I told the guard. “Very well. Just don't stir up trouble and leave before sundown, the gate will be closed at night and trespassers will be fined.” the guard informed us. “Also, due to recent events, the tomb of Princess Platinum is closed. I'd advise visiting the Hilltop Diner for more information on the matter.” “Closed, but why?” Star asked. Violent let out an irritated huff. “Steel Rangers, that's probably why.” “Guard, another word and you will be doing double shifts.” The other mare warned, then addressed us again. “As said, please visit the Hilltop Diner for more information. Platinum Guard squires are stationed there to answer any questions for the public.” Leaving the two guards behind, we trotted back into the inner-city, where my nose was grateful to get away from the stench. “They're a lot more chill than the tin cans.” Star said with a sigh. “It's a bit freaky actually.” “Tin… cans?” Bianca asked. “Steel Rangers. How do you not know that, everypony calls them tin cans.” Star answered in mild confusion. “Well I, like, never heard that term before.” Bianca argued. “Anyways, their Platinum Guard, not Steel Rangers. They don't have that obsession over technology like the rangers, and recruit from the Inner-city.” “The tin cans like to keep things within the family, if you know what I mean.” Live Axle said with a chuckle. Both Bianca and Fizzy turned around with inquisitive looks on their faces, asking, “what do you, like, mean?” “Ahh… nothing, nevermind.” Live quickly gave up and trotted ahead. __________________________________________________________________ Much like the market street of the Inner-city, the residential area was just as lovely and well built. Skilled brickwork, wooden frames, clean lye paint with thatched roofs on top of two story, sometimes even three story buildings. The residents here had small but lush gardens, with plenty of decorations that looked as though they were competing for whose garden has the most colors. I even saw several cats and dogs lying about, looking not just healthy, but a bit fat. Fortunately Cavall had learned his lesson at Percussion Cap's farm, and didn't go chasing the cats. I doubted that the city cats could put up the same fight as the barn cats had, but even I knew to not underestimate a cat. Several ponies did look at us suspiciously, but they were quick to get back to whatever they were doing, likely seeing us only as outsiders, but not troublemakers. It also became very apparent that unicorns vastly outnumbered any other pony here. I saw a few non-unicorns, but only some. “How are you all even able to build all this?” I really had to ask. Bianca scratched her beek, thinking for a long moment. “Uhhh.. history isn't, like, my thing. But I think it's because of the Platinum Guard. They kept order after the war, I think, so ponies were able to rebuild here. I know that recet trading has helped everything grow, such as all the white paint stuff is new.” “Right, we did get a new tributary that's been making lye for us.” Live said. “We don't need much of it, so we let the town trade it out under our protection. Same for concrete, wood, and some other material that Platinum Hill just buys up. Really, most of that stuff we get just goes into maintaining our roads and fixing our vehicles.” That sounded like the Desperados, they did like staying on the move. “If you maintain roads, then why was the road we took to the city just rocks and dirt?” “Simply put, the demon grass is why. It breaks through everything that isn't over two hooves thick, or that's how it was explained to me.” Live answered.  “Right, the materials needed to make roads that thick for this region must be astronomical.” I commented. “Some have tried.” Bianca cherped up. “Like, using really big rocks, or like, lots of bricks. So far, only the road between Platinum Hill and Umberfoal has been successfully paved, but thats like, not a long road.” Curious, I asked, “Umberfoal, I've heard that before, is it a settlement?” “Town actually, pre-war too.” Live answered. “It has one of the few surviving bridges in the Grand Prairie, and is also a port for ponies traveling along the river from or to Friendship City. It's also Swift's home base, and why he has authority here.” It started to make sense why that brutish stallion had any influence here. “So, if he ever wanted, he could stop almost all trade here.” “E'yep, but that could cause the third Steel Ranger, Desperados war. Of which Elder Big Papa rather not have happened.” live further explained. I didn't feel surprised that the two had been at war with each other before, or that they were itching for another one soon. As we trotted, the smell of mint tickled on my nose, along with lavender and other floral smells. Curiously sniffing the air, I trotted ahead of my group and rounded a corner. There was another wall, higher than the ones that separated the houses, but it was made of wood, living wood. Somehow, the wall was a cross pattern of pruned branches all grown into themselves and with vines interwoven within it. Beyond that could see several white trees with black spots poking up from the other side of the wall. They were tall enough that I could even see baskets with plants growing inside,  hanging from the trunks and branches.  From the other side I could also hear music: a flute, a harp, a lout, and a small drum, all in harmony as they played simple tunes. My pipbuck crackled as Order spoke through it. “Care to see the other side, my lady?” “Do it.” I told Order. On my pipbucks screen I saw four ponies playing their music, and another obscured by a large hat. A few other ponies were busy tending to the large garden, and one other was reading a book to several unicorn foals. Orders feed then crackled, and the view shifted, now looking at the mare whose face was obscured by what was a comically large floppy hat. “You do know it's rude to spy.”  With a flash, Order appeared next to me alongside a hooded pony, my drones propellers buzzed as he spun around in an attempt to correct itself. “Error my lady, error!” I sighed. “Power down Order.” I commanded and it did just that. “Sorry for spying, I got a bit ahead of myself.” Weeping Willow pulled back her hood, with only a little sign of emotion on her face. “It's of little concern to us. We aren't some secret organization like the other unicorn enclaves. But we do prefer you to go through the front door, as manners are important.” “Hay Weeping!” Fizzy called out, trotting over to give the other unicorn a hug. “How's Mag doing?” Weeping let out a very annoyed sigh. “Why always the hugging, Fizzy? And don't call her Mag, she is eather Elder, or Mistress Magnificence. Now let me go.” But Fizzy just hugged harder. “But I heard I'm missing eight years, and that's eight years of hugs to catch up on!” “I got a husband to do that with Fizzy, so now let me go.” The poor mare was looking sick in Fizzy’s hold, as though allergic to her touch. Weeping looked so uncomfortable that even her mane started to curl, of which her hidden pink highlights poked out, looking just like Fizzy’s.  Actually, both mares looked very similar. Not like sisters, but possibly relatives. “Oh, all right.” Fizzy relented, letting Weeping go. “You said you have foals, can I see them? I bet they're adorable?” Again Weeping sighed. “Just… just follow me, Elder Magnificence is waiting for you all.” She trotted off, and we followed. Leaning over to Bianca, I asked, “So what's the deal with Fizzy and Weeping?” Bianca smirked. “Weeping was also one of our other models years back, got forced into it by her mother. Weeping absolutely, like, loves the color black, and being all depressed and stuff, so her mom hoped, like, modeling would snap her out of it. I think Fizzy mistaked Willow's personality as somepony that needs extra love, and did everything to cheer her up. Hugs every day, free soda that was extra sweet, oh and, like, dating advice. From how Willow put it, it was the most torturous time of her life.” “She certainly doesn't wear much black anymore.” I commented. “Just not when working.” Bianca said with a chuckle. “She's our best customer, like, always orders custom outfits from dad. Always black, and even, like, really spicy lingerie.“ Lingerie? As in underwear. I'll need to remember that for later. Rounding another corner, we could see the entrance, it being a large gateway, decorated with basket filled flowers and other plants. Also at the gateway to the Coven of Clovers was several ponies, including a Steel Ranger and a Platinum Guard, who were arguing loud enough for us to hear from where we were.  “Again, maybe this situation wouldn't happen if you stopped letting those savages into this city!” The ranger bellowed. A nearby and chubby unicorn rubbed his temples. “I know and agree, Star Paladin, but then who is going to patrol the roads? I don't see the steel rangers pitching in, and I know the Platinum Guard don't have the numbers to do that and safeguard the inner-city.” The Guard let out a very annoyed huff, then spoke in masculine and regal voice. “The Desperados are only a problem because the rangers are making them a problem. We've had a cordial relationship with the Desperados long before the wasteland, and even now it's mutually beneficial. Yes, Warchief Swift Firemane is an ass, but just a few days ago one of their elders had arrived.” “Like we'll ever respect the authority of a mutie savage, or his inbread savage offspring!” the Ranger growled. “This place is one of the few remaining untainted pockets of civilization, and to let those rock banngers even outside the gate is an insult! The Desperados, and the horde of leeches that followed them here are a danger to everything we all built, it's only a matter of time until they burn everything to the ground like they've done with the rest of Equestria.” Weeping trotted ahead of us, addressing the ranger. “Star Paladin Tiramisu, how many times have you been told to not start shouting outside our front gate!” A broom then appeared next to Weeping, whom she then hit the Steel Ranger with on the head. “This is a place of learning, not a debate hall. The elder will see you when she wishes, not when you demand it!” She then turned to the portly stallion. “And Mayor Morning Mist! Stop letting the rangers drag you around, it's disgraceful for a pony in your position. Now the two of you begone, or we will be forced to make you leave.” “Not until I see your Elder!” Ranger tiramisu growled. “It's… it's just that… well… the city council meeting wouldn't be the… well, the best place to have this… discussion, ya'know.” Mayor Morning Mist nervously stammered out. “Is it because the Desperados will be sitting in on the discussion?” I asked as I trotted over. I could feel Tiramisu’s glare through their helmet. “You, you're the one who tampered with my Knights armor!” “Self defense, and that's all I have to say.” I then looked back at my friends, and told them, “and we'll say nothing more!” “Of course, you savages already have a limited vocabulary, so I never expect more than grunts from your kind.” Tiramisu said with spite as they then trotted away.  I then turned to the mayor, and put on my best political smile. “Mayor Morning Mist was it? I'm sure if you have any complaints about the Desperados, I can relay them straight to Elder Big Papa. Or, I can take you straight to him, and you can tell him directly.” The mayor looked even more nervous. “No, no, I can wait untill the city council. No need to stir the pot so soon. And I look forward to meeting this Elder Big Papa, he sounds like a reasonable stallion.” We watched as the mayor quickly made his exit, waddling away. “Another spineless politician.” I said with a hiff. “It's like they’re a different species of pony or something.” “Funny that, Elder Magnificence says the same thing.” Willow said before turning her attention to the Platinum Guard. “Let me introduce you to my husband, knight captain Gold Leaf.” His helmet made a hissing noise as he removed it, revealing a rather handsome unicorn stallion. He had a nearly golden mane with a dark blue, almost black cote. “Thanks for the save honey. I rushed over as soon as I heard the Star Paladin stomping this way, but I didn't expect him to drag the mayor over as well.” “No, it's fine. Just having that fool stopped at our gate is enough. If Tiramisu had made it inside it would have been ten times harder to get him to leave.” Weeping said as she rested her head on her husband's armor. “At least with Elder Arras here, things might finally start to calm down.” “I don't know honey.” Gold Leaf sounded more than just doubtful as he spoke. “The Rangers have been wanting this fight ever since they were driven out of Umberfoal, and it's only gotten worse since their schism. As much as I respect Steel Hoove, doing what he did and then dying on everypony, it only made things worse for ponies like us.” “I know dear, I know.” Willow said as she tapped lovingly on her husband's armor. “But I trust that things will be alright. You are here for us after all. Now get going, you know how your sister gets when you're away from your post for too long.” Gold Leaf kissed his wife on the cheek before putting his helmet back on, then looked my way. “Thanks for keeping the situation from escalating at the market gate, be sure we'll be keeping a closer eye over there from now on.” As the Platinum Guard trotted off, Weeping Willow motioned for us to enter the Coven of Clovers. “Enough standing out here, let's get inside and have some tea now will we.” __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 6: The Coven of Clovers, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 6, The Coven of Clovers, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ If the Outer-city was like a wasteland version of ancient Equestria, and the Inner-city like ancient Canterlot, the inside of the Coven of Clovers gateway was like trotting into pre-Equestria times. And if this was Clover the Clever’s teahouse, then the stones used to build this place might actually be from the lands ponies lived in before Equestria itself. Unlike the lye painted brickwork and cut wood that was common in Platinum Hill, this place used cobblestone and logs as building materials. What looked like runes were carved into everything, giving off a faint hint of ancient magic that was similar to talismans, yet fundamentally different. Plant filled baskets were everywhere, made of some long wood like materials, all bursting with herbs and flowers. There was also an abundance of small animals, many of which were pure white with red eyes, darting about like phantoms.  I also noticed that the air here was more than just clean, it felt rejuvenating. “Wait? Is that aromatic oil in the air?” I asked. Weeping Willow nodded. “We make several herbolic materials here, which are used by the residents of the city to keep themselves healthy. Or as healthy as you can get here. Our most popular product is our scented healing oils, for obvious reasons.” “I bet, Platinum Hill has always had a bit of a smell to it, but like, it's so much worse now.” Fizzy commented. “Well, that happens when the population grows by over ten times within less than ten years. As annoying as the Steel Rangers are, building that wall was a good move. As hospitable as we like to be, we also like to keep the outsiders at a safe distance. Having such a clear border, It helps our more xenophobic neighbors stay calm and to themselves.” Weeping told us as we trotted into the building, entering a warm and cozy room with a little fireplace in use. “Sit here, I'll go get our elder.” Everything here looked considerably old and well cared for, with polished wood, soft cushions, and even a raw iron chandelier covered in candle wax hung overhead. The windows here were made from small diamond shaped pieces of glass, fitted together by cross sections of metal, and each piece engraved with magic. On a windowsill was a small open container with a small candle inside, on top of it was a small water filled pottery bowl that steamed with vapor, which gave off the smell of the scented oils. “Amazing.” Slowtrot said as his eyes darted around. “I don't remember it all that well, but isn’t this Clover the Clever's teahouse?” “That it is!” A mare spoke with a chuckle. “Though we have added to the buildings, we've made sure not to alter the original parts as much as possible.” A nearly pure white unicorn mare trotted in, draped in a white robe and wearing a fairly large white floppy hat that covered her face, which just barely hid her pure white mane. “Even then, even if we wanted to, Clover the Clever made sure this place couldn't be simply tampered with. Blow this place up, it will repair itself in due time.” The pure magical force this mare irradiated slapped me in the face. It was powerful like Fizzy’s, but refined to an absurd degree.  “Right, I remember that story.” Slowtrot spoke up. “Supposedly, Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane and Mayor Puddinghat kept accidentally destroying Clover's house. So as a response, she meticulously enchanted every piece of her home, and moved it out into the middle of nowhere… wait… are we at Clover Hill? But They keep calling this place Platinum Hill.” “Spoken like a pony out of his own time. But yes, unfortunately, over time ponies do tend to forget things, and names change because of it.” The mare said. “Right, before we continue, let us introduce ourselves. I'm known as Elder Magnificence, though I prefer to be called the Tea Witch Mag, or just Mag. And don't mind Willow, she's very much a stickler for tradition and ritual.” Before I could stop anypony, Star asked a question that shouldn't be asked, “you sound way too young to be an elder or a ghoul?” Again Mag chuckled, then lifted up her big floppy hat, revealing that she had no eyes, just smooth fur over where the eyes should have been. Even more terrifying was that  now I could see her face better, she had no lips, just more smooth fur and a slit for her mouth, same for her nose. “Let's just say that my situation is rather complicated. I mean I should be lucky, taking a megaspell to the face and living isn't something most ponies can boast about. Though my face was melted by it, I am very much still alive. And before you ask, yes I am a ghoul, just not a Bailfire ghoul like most others. Equestria's megaspell tends to have a much more variety of effects when making undead.” “Like temporal ghouls.” I spoke, remembering those poor souls trapped inside the R&D stable, with blacked out eyes, and unable to die. Mag tipped her hat back down. “Ghouls made by time magic, I presume?” I nodded back. “There was a half collapsed time space megaspell back where I'm from, I got tossed into it right after a friend of mine managed to finish getting it to implode.” Slowtrot raised his hoof. “I was the one who started the implosion. That was around two hundred and eleven, maybe twelve years ago.” Mag waved her horn over us, it glowing with a silver light. “Yes, I can see it now, you both certainly have residual time magic stuck to your souls.” “What!” I nearly yelled, then magically had my mouth shut. “Please do not raise your voice so suddenly, I happen to have sensitive ears. As do the walls.” Mag told me sternly. She waved her horn again, and her magic surrounded everypony as it spread out like a bubble. “There we go, that should keep others from needlessly listening in. And as for you two, yes, it seems that both of you have had a piece of your souls chipped away, the stallion more than the mare. In its place, filling the gaps is something that doesn't belong to this world.” “The pipbuck 2600, it had an error that shaved off the user's soul. That's how Quicktrot was born.” Slowtrot said. “Wait, but I never put it on, just downloaded its program into my pipbuck!” I retorted. “Best to not speculate too hard on the subject of souls, they are fragile things that can be damaged easily. But we have plenty of time to ponder on the hows and whys, so maybe you should start by introducing yourselves to me.” Mag said calmly. “All three of you; Slowtrot, Star Charter, and of course you, Harp Melody. Or should I address you by your official title?” She had no eyes, but it felt as though she was seeing right through me. I shook my head. “That's not needed, you can just address me by my name.” Mag smiled as she lightly clapped her hooves. “Alright, then could you three start from the beginning. But before you do, Bianca, shouldn't you be heading home? Your father will start to worry if you take too long.” “But, like I haven't seen Fizzy in, like, forever!” Bianca said with puppy dog eyes. “I'm blind Bianca, giving me that look will not work on me. Now go home, and let your father know you're alright. Anyways, I'm sure you will have time to see more of Fizzy later.” Mag told the young griffin.  Giving Fizzy a dramatic hug, Bianca then left, leaving the five of us with the unusual ghoul. Weeping then trotted in, levitating a silver platter with six tea cups, a teapot, and a plate piled with cookies. Placing it down on a small table in front of Mag, Weeping proceeds to pour tea into each cup before leaving with the teapot. The aroma of the tea was nostalgic, almost making me cry as I remembered my home. “This can't be, can it?” I asked. Mag levitated a cup and took a sip. “Royal Tea, grown here and brewed perfectly. It happened to be rediscovered several years ago, and managed to make its way up to us. Unfortunately we can only grow so much of it here, making quite the delicacy.” “Ehhh, Sparkle-Cola is better.” Fizzy said as she sipped her own cup. Mag let out a sigh. “Sadly, its refined taste is lost on most ponies.” I tasted it myself, and it's subtle floral, but bitter taste filled my mouth, just like the tea mother brewed. “It really is royal tea, the same that Celestia cultivated.” Looking at the mare, I was sure she knew who I was, or at least knew enough. I didn't know if Arras told her about me, or if she just knew, but I didn't feel worried about it. Strangely, she gave off the same feeling as my mother. Her tone, how she drank her tea, even her magic felt a bit like my mothers. “Right, where do you want us to start?” __________________________________________________________________ We got to talking, Slowtrot about his time in the R&D stable, Star about her life before the wasteland, and I about the events right before I landed in the Followers free clinic. It felt good to be able to tell more ponies about all of it, to not hide who I was, and my mistakes. Unfortunately, I think I said too much, as I got to the end of my tale, a very purple mare then gave me a very big hug. “Oh, that's so sad! Having to live through such a horrible thing!” Fizzy cried out as she was almost suffocating me with her mane and body. “I know exactly how you feel!” “Fizzy, please don't hug my guest to death.” Mag warned. She mercifully let me go, though I still had to pull a bit of her mane out of my mouth. “S… sorry.” Fizzy apologized. “It's fine.” I replied, taking a moment to catch my breath. “But what do you mean by knowing how I feel?” She looked away, losing the enthusiasm she had before. Mag clapped a few times, getting our attention. “A story for later, so best to leave it as one of many wasteland tragedy's.” Weeping returned with another steaming teapot, of which Mag sniffed the air and smiled. “herbal tea, just what we need to relax.” Not wanting to pry into a stranger's past, I took Mag's word on this. Anyways, I already heard way too much about tragedy in the wasteland. How Cloudy nearly starved to death waiting for her rather, only to get used and abused later. Brass Chain being assaulted for what her father did, and left with alcoholism and a foal she can barely look after. And as much as I hate Ashy Oaks for what she did, I couldn't blame her. It wasn't like her hatred was misplaced, just that she couldn't let it go. “So we told you about ourselves, what about you, and this place? I mean, Platinum Hill is remarkable in of itself, to think a place like this could exist after the war." I asked Mag. The tea witch sighed. “It was not without its hardships, but thanks to the Platinum Guard, the Steel Rangers, and even the Desperados, the madness that consumed the rest of Equestria was greatly subdued here. A pocket of order you could say.”  “Wait, if that's true, then couldn't you have helped the rest of Equestria?” Slowtrot asked,  then frowned. “What happened?” “Same thing as the rest of the world at the time. The end of the war was only the start of another tragedy.” Mag told us, a neutral expression forming on her muzzle. “We avoided the madness, that is four sure. Where much of Equestria had a glut of mentally damaged ponies self medicating themselves on any and every chem, the the territories of the Grand Prairie were a rather dry place filled with ponies who shunned the new culture and its vices.” “What does self medicating ponies have to do with anything?” Star then asked. Surprisingly, Slowtrot answered the question. “It's probably where the term raiders come from. In the last year there were a lot of ponies suffering from wartime stress disorder, and used chems to keep themselves stable. But now and then a group of them would just snap and omit crimes as a group. The newspapers called them raiders, as they would commonly loot places, often for alcohol or pharmaceuticals.” Mag nodded slowly, a solemn look on her muzzle. “Yes, I remember that. Thank Celestia I had become blind before the worst of that time. The things I heard were hard enough on my soul, and how it crushed my friends hurt me even more. Making our way to Clover Hill did them good, for as long as it lasted. Unfortunately the Zebras made sure that the Grand Prairie couldn't be used to revive Equestria. Though it was never bombed directly, they did detonate very dirty megaspell above the lands, poisoning the ground and air. To make things worse, the pegasus closing up the sky prevented the radiation and other toxins from leaving the land, which ensured the groundwater was poisoned as well.” “That's how Elder Big Papa and his crew became a ghoul. From his stories, they rode back and forth along route 50, getting ponies out of the hot zones.” Live added. Mag again nodded. “And for that we are forever in their debt. I, and my friends and I would never have made it here if not for the Desperados and Rainbow Dash.” I and Slowtrot stood up in shock, but were then magically forced back down before we could say anything.  “Yes, I met Rainbow Dash after the bombs dropped, a most fortunate turn of events.” She then took a long sip of her tea, leaving us waiting. “But if you're wondering where she is, as so many others, unfortunately I do not know. Once she had insured Clover Hill could survive on its own, she up and vanished.” Putting her teacup down, Mag took a moment before continuing. It was clear the next part wasn't something she was fond of talking about. “Around that time the Demon Grass started appearing, many suspected the Zebras, and they might be right, but knowing the Ministry's… who really knows. It turned a terrible, but manageable situation into a nightmare. The few safe zones we had, which were growing food, would become overwhelmed in time by the weeds. So many ponies found themselves cut off from us, and either died trying to get out, or starved to death, too scared to brave the grass.” “Wait, it couldn't have happened that fast? To overtake the Grand Prairie, it must have taken years.” I pointed out. “That it did.” Mag said with a sigh. “But by the time we knew the danger, it was too late. Those damn cows, they thought they had won with their new food, spreading it all over the place. I guess they got what was coming to them in the end, but even I wouldn't have wished that on the zebras. The pathetic creatures you know as the Brahmin are the ones who doomed the Grand Prairie, and even after we found out how dangerous the grass was, and told them to stop, their minds had become too addled to know how to stop. Worse, without a proper communication network, we were unable to warn any others in time. Even the Steel Rangers scorched earth policy wasn't enough to slow the spread. Just too much land, and not enough ponies. Our only saving grace was that that mountain range to the south and rivers to the north kept the grass contained.” “So everypony settled here.” I said, starting to grasp how bad it must have gotten. Actually, it sounded much like how bad it got in the Marewaii Islands Metro. Too much like what happened on the Marewaii Islands. “By Celestia, don't tell me-.” Mag raised her hoof to stop me, nodding solemnly. “What was a spread out population of self-sufficient ponies very quickly became a condensed population with quickly dwindling food supplies. We thought about sending ponies away, but the south was a radiation hot zone, winter was setting in so the north was freezing over, the west was a long empty road at the time, and the east was still suffering from raider madness. It pains me to remember how powerless I was to help them. Ponies starved, and pushed to extremes, yet desperately clinging onto civility and love. So many ponies sacrificed themselves so that others could live. And when it seemed like the end had come, that's when Lieutenant General Apple Flora arrived looking for Rainbow Dash and our local Steel Ranger platoon.” We all raised an eyebrow at that. “Right, you're not Steel Rangers. Apple Flora was Applejack's cousin, and the one who wrote the codex that the modern Rangers follow religiously. Though back then those rules made sense, as it was a different time that required extremes. It didn't help that back then, it was common for some chem mad raider to be running around with a death ray, or other dangerous tech.” She took a moment to sip her tea before continuing. “Well, Apple Flora quickly got to work resolving the situation, sharing their food with everypony, providing medical aid, and helping reclaim Umberfoal so that we could use the river again. But it was just a bandage to a bigger problem. Too many ponies in too small of an area to support them.” A bitter frown formed on her muzzle. “There wasn't any other way to solve the issue but let her take much of our population. It was no better than selling them off into slavery, but it was that or face starvation all over again.” “Wait, but the Rangers don't take slaves, normally.” Live blurted out. “In all but name, they were. In all but name.” Mag said with a sigh. “But with those ponies, the Steel Rangers were able to spread out and secure many military outposts that fell to raiders, along with recovering tech from those who were misusing it.” Live Axle looked like she was having a migraine as she then asked. “Oh don't tell me, you're saying, that most of those tin cans that have a bug up their ass, they came from… here?” “Yes, many Steel Rangers can trace their lineage from the survivors of the Grand Prairie, which is also why they are so dead set on keeping this place away from the wastelanders. And why were we unable to just tell them to leave.” Mag then finished off her tea. “But thanks to them taking much of the population off our shoulders, Platinum Hill was better able to manage our situation and build the hill into a proper settlement.” “I see, makes sense why you weren't able to help the rest of the wasteland. Hard to do that when you have your own problems forcing you to rebuild from scratch.” I thought out loud. “But still, this doesn't explain about you. Just who are you, or to be exact, who were you?” Mag smiled. “Right, I never did say. Well long ago I used to be quite the beauty, and some say I still am, but I feel like an old hag nowadays. During the war I was the body double for a very elusive princess, even took over her public life as she and her family took shelter in a stable ahead of time. It was like a wish come true, no longer being a shadow, and over that week, I grew to hate it so much.” My mouth dropped open as I realized, I was sure of it. “You mean… Princess Majesty?” She nodded. “Yes, during the war I was Princess Majesty's body double, always ready to die in her place. At some point I became her Luna and she my Celestia, though I had no right to such jealousy. And in the end, I couldn't turn my training off, though it was for a pony I cared about just as much.” Willow trotted in, taking our finished tea cups, Mag smiling as she did. “Willow's ancestors, and my dear friend, was Lady Blackcharry Blackroot, a name at least two of you should know.” “A founder of Molly Manticor!” Slowtrot blurted. Willow visibly shivered as she trotted away. “Not just that, she's a cosigner in several of Majesty's research papers, including the dissertation on time traveling magic.” I added. “She also happens to be the founder of the Coven of Clovers, which was rather fitting.” Something about how she said that felt that it had deeper meaning to it, but before I could ask, Mag continued. “Fizzy too, is a Blackroot, though it's a bit more complicated for her.” We looked over at Fizzy, who waved back at us with a chuckle. “Even I was surprised when I found out that Willow was my cousin. Well, distant cousins. I thought I had no family, then like bam, family!” Mag cleared her throat. “Yes, it even shocked me when I saw her. Fizzy happens to look exactly like her ancestors, that I thought Blackcherry had come back to life… not to say I actually saw her, but you know.” “Similar magic.” I guessed. “Yes, very much so.” She replied. Thinking about that, it didn't sound right. A trained unicorn would have more refined magic, not a wild wellspring. But as I thought, I saw Magnificence place her hoof to her muzzle as though to tell me to not say anymore about it.  “Alright, I'm sure everypony has had enough history for the day. Time for the main subject at hoof.” Mag announced. “Right, the time magic. Is there anything you can tell us why Slowtrot keeps jumping through it?” I ask. “As you clearly know, time traveling is a self correcting magic.” Mag began to explain. “Both Majesty and Blackcharry suspected that a higher power was responsible for this, like how Celestia and Luna controlled the sun and moon. It's also why Celestia made time traveling forbidden, as to not catch the eye of whomever might be controlling it. Actually, Majesty suspected that Celestia knew the truth, but it was something she couldn't tell others about.” Mag took a moment to scratch her chin, nodding a little. “If we go with this idea, that there is a greater power at hoof when it comes to time magic, then we can guarantee that Slowtrot's time jumping isn't random. That something is controlling where and when he jumps, possibly with a plan.” “Like sending him to the trenches and getting a trench gun.” Star pointed out. “Or the Lazarus Serum from the city of Despoines.” I added. “Or rescuing our foolish Fizzy from the Mega Mall.” Mag said. “Yes, if you put the pieces together like that, then it makes sense. Something out their has a plan, and though Slowtrot may not be the best pony for it-” “I'm the only pony who can, the only one saturated with time and space magic.” Slowtrot said as he nervously scratched his leg. “I may not be all that smart, but… I know enough that I know… megaspells, radiation, and being exposed to it all… wouldn't that make me a… well, a ghoul?” The realization hit me like a sack of bricks. He was right, being that exposed to a megaspell couldn't be healthy, yet how was he fine… why wasn't he like those poor ponies in the R&D stable, he was exposed to the same megaspell after all. Mag let out a sigh. “In all likelihood, you very much are, but the nature of the magic is different.” she pointed to herself. “The megaspell that hit me was designed to break through magic and melt a pony. Fortunately, I was already part way a ghoul when I took the hit, so only my face was affected. It may just take time for your ghoulification to set in, but you never know with chaotic magic.” “if… that's true… then what about my…” Live tryed to ask, but couldn't quite get the words out. “Will be fine. You're with child right? Then it should be fine. At worse, it will be a healthy Waste Pony, or be an earth pony with some extra magical spark.” Mag said, calming Live down a bit. “Now I think it's time that we end things here, it isn't good for one's health to stay inside with stagnating air after all. How would you all like to see our garden, and smell our flowers?” Mag then asked everypony. Fizzy was first up, raising her hoof. “Oh I do, I like, totes love your garden, granny!” For a split second Mag grimaced, but quickly returned to her smile. “Fizzy, what have I told you about calling me that?” Turning away, Fizzy twittled her hooves. “But aren't you, like, super old?” “That I am.” Mag said with a smile, her horn glowing with magic. “So show me some respect!” A silver overglow then wrapped around one of Fizzy’s ears, and tugged at it. “Hay! Ow! Like that hurts gr… Lady Mag. Like let go!” “Not until you learn your manners.” Mag told Fizzy, practically dragging her out by her ear. Mag then looked over at us with a huge grin on her muzzle. “Come now, let's get some fresh air.” __________________________________________________________________ Leaving the ancient tea house and into its back yard, it looked like a thriving forest from an old storybook. From the Birch trees to the green walls, along with the plant filled baskets hanging off of everything, which held a plethora of herbs and flowers. Under our hooves was actual grass, soft and green, and small stone structures decorated the large yard. A little white mouse ran past my hooves, holding a pencil as it made its way to a group of unicorn foals. The group were listening to an elderly stallion read a book out loud as the foals took notes. Listening, the stallion was going over the fundamentals of magic, specifically the necessities of protection spells when casting magic that affected the body.  Even though I couldn't cast magic like the rest of my family, as a foal I was still forced to learn all this. Though boring, it did put into perspective how impressive it was for a pony to cast teleportation on themselves, as the risk of losing a leg was rather high. The pirates had their cheat with slip teleportation, requiring two ponies to send a third from one pony to the second. And there were arcano-tech devices that could use teleportation, though most were janky. My eyes drifted back to the mouse, watching it paw over the pencil to a foal. “Curious?” Mag asked as she trotted next to me. “About the little critters?” Looking around I noticed that everypony else had wandered off, now exploring this place. I also noticed that Magnificence was casting another spell, this one similar to that of Azure's natural perception blocking.  I nodded, and Mag explained. “They are the descendants of lab animals that I rescued from a Ministry of Arcane Science lab long ago. It was a rather selfie and short sighted thing I did, as it's not like they couldn't just get more.” A pure white rabbit hopped over to Mag, who she picked up and placed it onto her back, where two white mice joined it. “Save a few, and then turn a blind eye to the millions that suffered. Still, at least here they can live and be happy.” “Sounds like Platinum Hill.” I commented. “Very much so.” She replied. “A small sanctuary in a world that is suffering.” “So… I'm guessing you want something from me? Or want me to do something for you?” I then asked.  “you are… correct.” Mag said, a hint of sorrow in her voice. “But before I ask you anything, please tell me, did Majesty find peace in the end?” I took a moment to think about that, digging up Majesty's journals in my mind. “It's hard to tell from her journal alone. Most of it was just about day to day things, and bits of wisdom she wanted to pass on. I also suspect that there were other journals, ones only meant for the crowned queen. But, I did get the feeling that she seemed filled with regrets in the jornal I did read, yet at the same time, a sense of hope as well. It was like she was reaching through the pages to try and guide us.” “That sounds like her.” Mag said with a sigh. “The world on her shoulders, and always just out of hoofs reach to resolve it. She even got chewed out by Celestia for attempting time travel to stop the war. The results were as predictable as every ponies attempt at time traveling.” “Strange, now that I think about it. She did mention that it was possible, but it involved a strange blue box.” I said, remembering one odd page in my ancestor's jornal. “Hmmm.” Mag scratched her chin. “A blue box you say. There was one time I took over for her, and she was standing near one.” Mag then shook her head and let out a huff. “Oh never mind that, my bones are too old for a mystery like that anymore.” Mag then sighed, full of regrets and a sense of futility. “And because of that, I have a request for you.” I watched as she then whistled, catching Fizzy’s attention and waved the mare over. As Fizzy trotted to us, she looked nervous as white mice climbed all over her. “Fizzy dear, when you left, you forgot a few things.” From her robes, Mag pulled out a book and a pair of very thick glasses.  “Oh, so that's where I left my spare glasses!” Fizzy exclaimed as she put on the glasses. Pulling her mane back the glasses completely obscured her eyes, and a fair amount of her face. Also, I was sure of it, that the glass was made from soda bottles. As for the book, it looked like a very girly scrapbook, covered in drawings of hearts, and giving off a sickly sweet magic that can only mean trouble.  Shoving the book into Fizzy’s hooves, Mag looked less than pleased as she said. “And please, don't leave it in such a random place again. You know how dangerous this thing is, and you left it in Weeping's dresser. Took us weeks to find out she was being affected by it. Never thought she'd ever put on that much pink.” Fizzy looked genuinely sorry as she carefully put the book away. “Right, d… did anything bad happen to her?” “Fortunately no, Weeping is, if anything, a very magical and mentally stable pony.” Mag said to Fizzy's relief. “But if that thing fell into any other ponies hooves, it would have been a disaster.” Nervously, Fizzy chuckled. “Oh I know.”  “Excuse me, but what's all that about?” I asked, feeling it had a lot to do with what Mag was about to ask of me. “Right, remembering how Fizzy said she knew how you feel?” Mag asked and I nodded. “Well, I guess Fizzy can fill you in on the details, but in short, she was born into a rather nasty cult that turned raider. Nothing all that unusual as cults go, but unfortunately its leader, Fizzy’s father, was a direct descendant of Blackcurrant Blackroot, Blackcharry's brother you see. And unfortunately, Blackcurrant was a stallion who had access to many forbidden cursed books.”  I cocked an eyebrow. “Um, are you telling me that book is an ancient cursed book?” Fizzy chuckled nervously, as though she was holding back on saying the word “oops.” “Yes and no.” Mag said. “As hair to the cult, Fizzy was made to memorize a certain book. That same book was later destroyed along with the entire cult. But Fizzy was spared, and placed in the Friendship City orphanage. Looking at the book, and how bright and overly decorated it was, I quickly figured out the issue. “So the book is actually inside Fizzy’s head, and she's able to remake it. And let me guess, that cult wasn't all destroyed, was it?” Mag nodded. “Yes, that sums up the problem. Remnants of the cult survived, and are seeking out Fizzy so as to have her lead them. Not that she'll have the choice in the matter if they ever catch her. So long as the knowledge of that book is in her head, they will never stop chasing her.” “Okay, but what exactly do you need me to do about that? If it's inside her brain, there's not much anypony can do that wouldn't result in a lobotomy.” I asked. Fizzy lifted up her hoof. “Oh, I know! There's a thingy in Molly Manticor Mega Mall. I can trade that knowledge for power or other things, and through that, rid me of the book in my head.” “As dubious as it sounds, I actually believe Fizzy.” Mag said as she forced Fizzy’s hoof back down. “The Blackroot were heavily invested in Molly Manticor, using it to train AI programming which was later sold to the open market and to the Ministries, making them unbelievably wealthy. They were also a very secretive family with an obsession with the occult. Everypony knew they were using robots to dig in the forgotten places, using the automatons to haul dangerous artifacts that can easily corrupt the minds of ponies. It was also suspected among those in the know that the Molly Manticor restaurants were used as camouflage for ritual sights.” That… was a lot to take in. “Right… so, you want me to escort Fizzy to this Mega Mall, and help her forget the book?” it didn't make any more sense saying it out loud. Mag smiled at me, which without any lips, was rather unnerving. “Yes, that is exactly right. And if you need any more convincing, just ask yourself this. Why is it now that Slowtrot recovered Fizzy, and to here of all places she was returned to.” She was right, that is if we assume that there are greater powers at play. “And lets say I refuse?” “Then you refuse.” Mag said calmly, but coldly. “I believe we have free will, nothing else screams that more than the sun and moon now moving on their own, like beasts set free into the wild. We might as well be playthings of powers we could never understand, but those powers have long since stopped playing with us. Yet even though, sometimes I feel that one of those powers keeps an eye on us, even sometimes tries to guide us.” I think I understood what she was trying to tell me, that even though I can refuse, I probably shouldn't. “How dangerous is that book? It can't be any worse than megaspells?” Fizzy opened her book to a random page, in which I saw an illustration of two ponies in the mists of intercorse. But as I looked at it, I found it quite fascinating, and maybe, a bit… arousing. The book was then slammed shut by Fizzy, causing me to flinch in shock.  “It's the book of Venus.” Fizzy explained. “Also known as the lessons of Venus. Supposedly she was a goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. And the book teaches a pony how to invoke her powers.” I again cocked an eyebrow. “Wait, and how is that bad?” “Just imagine it.” Mag then said. “To wield such powers is to make all fall in love with you. Or to make two ponies fall madly in love with each other. I've seen it several times, where ponies make love potions, only for it to be a sickly sweet poison. Princess Cadence also has a similar such power, in which if she abused it, she could make nearly anypony lick her hooves or kill for her.” “And if it were to fall into the hooves of a bad pony… nothing good would come from it.” I said, now starting to understand the scope of this issue. “I'll… need to talk with the others about it, is that okay.” “Please do.” Mag told me. “But until then, can you keep an eye on dear Fizzy. We are unfortunately too busy to keep her out of trouble, you see. And she may prove useful to you in case things become hectic.” Mag then chuckled to herself. “You can think of it as fate actually. Just as Clover the Clever and Princess Platinum were close companions, so have their descendants been close companions man6 times before.” I looked at Fizzy, but didn't see it. No way was Mag telling me that Fizzy was a descendant of Clover the Clever.  I shrugged anyway. “Alright, until we decide if we're going to help Fizzy or not, we'll look after her.” “Oh, you're like, not going to regret this!” Fizzy squealed as she hugged me, making me regret this as I found it hard to breathe. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 7: Platinum and Steel, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 7, Platinum and Steel, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ “Seriously, you could have said no,” Star whispered as we trotted further up the hill. “Ya, I mean, Fizzy ain't our problem.” Live whispered from my other side. I glared at the two of them “Why don't you two go tell the over two-hundred-year-old super unicorn, no?” They both rolled their eyes at me and backed off, giving me some space. After we had soaked in the atmosphere of the Coven of Clovers, we set out to see why the tomb of Princess Platinum was closed, since we were already up here and dressed. Unfortunately Fizzy was coming along as well, now as part of our group by request.  The deeper we trotted into the inner-city, the more we felt the Steel Ranger's presence and their ever-watching eyes. Mostly it was the red-robed ponies with many pockets, called scribes, of which most looked quite young. There were quite a few strong-looking ponies in rust red and gray military-style jumpsuits, of which were all armed and trotting around as though on patrolling. We even saw a few power-armored ponies and robots standing guard outside a few buildings. “Is it always like this?” I asked Fizzy “E'yep, the rangers are, like, very protective of their territory. Something to do with artifacts, documents, and foals.” Fizzy told us. “Ya, this is a tin can breeding ground,” Live said with a groan. “Only rarely do they recruit from outsiders or the locals here. I think they have something like a breeding program so that their blood doesn't get too thick.” It did make some sense since the Steel Rangers have existed since the war, they needed places to raise their young. Hidden military bunkers were likely far from the best place for a foal to grow. Also, they probably needed a place for different Ranger chapters to meet up from time to time, along with preventing inbreeding, or moving around Rangers who didn't fit in their group. I also imagine that a place like this would be used to sort out information and keep the rangers on the same page on things. Maybe to prevent infighting, or accidentally attacking their own. As we trotted along, making our way to the market road, I was surprised to see a pegasus in power armor, painted in the rust reds and grays of the steel rangers. Actually, as I looked around, there were a few pegasus mixed in with the other ponies. It wasn't a lot, but more than I have ever seen outside of my own home. “Say, did the rangers absorb the Enclave like the Desperados did?” I asked Live Axle. She thought about it for a moment, answering with a “Maybe. I think Thunder Crack mentioned that once. That the Rangers did take captives, but executed most of them. I guess they kept whoever they spared. Most other Enclave that didn't get captured just fucked off and became a problem for other ponies.” “Misery loves company I guess.” Star comment. I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing that the Rangers had flying units now, but so long as we weren't fighting them, I'd rather not pay it too much mind. A loud thud came from our side, and we looked to see an imposing Steel Ranger in power armor looking down at us. “Care to explain where you found that arcano-tech?” He wasn't just looking at us, but at Order, who was hovering next to me. I should have known this was bound to happen, Spritz Cookie did want to kill us just for our pipbucks. So an advanced recon drone with two thaumaturge weapons bolted to its sides would raise a few eyebrows here. Order must have been in their sights since we arrived. “It wasn't found, Order here was made and given to me by my father!” I informed the ranger in my best, and naturally, Canterlot accent. “Now if it is illegal to have an Orthrus Recon Drone here, I will send it away, if not, please don't bother us.” A clear huff of annoyance came from the ranger. “I doubt that mutie, and a nice attempt at a Canterlot accident, unfortunately, it's as fake as your story.” Now that pissed me off, but before I could protest, the more mane then pony jumped in, hugging me. “Hay, why are you, like, being mean to my friend!” Fizzy half pleaded half wined. “It's not nice to bully others, ya know!” The Ranger was confused, managing to say a “what?” As they struggled to find any words. Fizzy continued, “Ya, she only got here, and you're, like accusing her of being a liar. That's like, so mean!” The Ranger let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, I'll believe the mare, but this must be reported to Elder Shortcake, and advise that you must turn in your tech to be properly cataloged!” That was… surprisingly civil. I still didn't like it, but complying with his “advice” was probably a good idea. They were unlikely to take our stuff, not unless they wanted to piss off the other factions here and be called raiders. Anyways, if worse comes, and they do take them, Order could just take our stuff back.  “Fine, and where do we go to get our tech cataloged?” I asked. “We have a tech lab run by our scribes, they will send a pony to get you.” The Ranger told us. “Alright, we will be at the diner, as I have reasons to be there, will that be a good place to wait for them?” I told the Ranger. “If you can, staying here would be preferable.” The Ranger suggested. “That's not happening,” Live said with a hint of a snark. Speaking up before anypony said anything stupid, I told the Ranger, “Sorry, but we rather not bother the ponies here. I'm sure your superiors will understand since obstruction of the flow of traffic can cause problems in case of an emergency. It is best if we wait someplace where we are not being an obstruction, so just let your scribes know that we'll be at the Hilltop Diner.” An audible click of a tongue came from the Ranger, as they then told me, “That will be fine, please wait there, a scribe will be there to see you shortly.” It was clear they didn't want us to go there, but weren't going to just force us to stay here or direct us somewhere else. I could only guess that what happened at the gate got around, and now the Rangers were being careful to not cause a scene. So he trotted back to let us pass, and we continued on our way. “Obstruction of the flow of traffic? What was even that?” Star asked with a chuckle. I sighed. “It's a real thing in the Marewaii Metro. So many ponies live down there that even a small group of ponies standing in a walkway can cause a blockage of ponies. I even heard that a few times ponies got so jammed up, that it caused deaths.” I told my friends. “It's a serious issue when you're crammed underground with tens of thousands of ponies.” “That sounds terrible!” Fizzy gasped. “Have you ever, like, experienced that?” “Fortunately, no,” I told her. “But I did trot through a place called Charon's Stop, a station where the destitute gather, and many waste away without hope.” Remembering that place, and the smell of rot and death that it gave off, it did feel fitting at the time. Like I was entering the realm of the dead in preparation for joining them. But now, thinking about it, it was the opposite. Those ponies were desperately clinging to life, hanging on by mear threads in hopes of salvation, and I couldn't understand them at all. Just then I got another hug from Fizzy. “That's so sad, but I bet they weren't without hope, nopony is without hope!” Weirdly, her hug and her words did make me feel warmer. It wasn't much, but it was enough to refocus my attention on the task at hoof. I wanted to visit my ancestor’s tomb and needed to know why it was closed off. __________________________________________________________________ Reaching the market road, the Ranger's presence died down, replaced by the more relaxed Platinum Guard. Passing by the Hilltop Boutique, we saw Bianca at work cleaning the mannequins and dusting the area around them. She was cute looking, reminding me of my maids back home, and how adorable they were in their dresses. I hope they are doing okay, maybe still working in the stable despite it being under pirate control. There were other stylish ponies and griffins around, even a deer in a vibrant green dress sitting at a restaurant. I could only imagine that this place looked a lot like Canterlot did before the war, filled with life and well-dressed creatures.  It made me imagine how life would have been if the war never happened. I'd never been born, I knew that, but if I was, I'd have been a unicorn, living the life of a royal. A real royal, not the shadow of royalty my family had become. Likely having tea with my mother and Celestia, learning magic from the princess herself, and preparing for when it was time to take over my mother's buricatic duties. Now… Now I can only hope that my sisters Rare Pearl and Silk Carnation were alive and well, and my eldest sister, Silver Majesty, was dead. Though I never got along with my elder sisters, Rare was at least more focused on her duties to bother with me, and Silk was just into herself, treating me like any other pony, less than herself. Silver on the other hoof was a cruel and pathetic traitor that deserves to be erased from history itself.  “Harp, you okay?” Star asked, the five of us have stopped.  “I'm good… just thinking of home,” I told her as I looked at a classic diner, it was as though straight out of a photograph.  I then sighed as I saw a promotional poster, on it was Fizzy in a diner uniform, holding a serving tray with several glasses of varied colored bubbling drinks. “Come try our signature sodas today!” it read. We all looked at Fizzy who looked at the poster, a bit of drool coming from her mouth. “I so want to try them.” She said, as though not recognizing herself. Inside, the place wasn't too busy, with only a few ponies at several booths. The ponies working were relatively young, younger than me by a year or few, and in the same classic diner uniform from the poster. Everything was clean to a mirror shine, even the floors, which didn't look as though it had over two hundred years of hoof traffic.  One freckled unicorn mare trotted over, smiling wide. “A party of five?” “No… well yes. We're here to inquire about the tomb, and it being closed to outsiders.” I told the mare. Her smile didn't drop as she spoke. “Yes, we can help you with that. But first, take a table, and order some food and drink. All proceeds here go into the maintenance of Equestria's oldest heritage site, so we hope you enjoy what we have to offer and return for more.” Shrugging, I told her, “might as well, one booth for five.” With that same smile, she told us, “Right this way” and trotted over to a larger booth in the corner. As we followed my eyes darted about, seeing all the nicknacks and photos, each one likely an artifact from over two hundred years ago. A signed photo of Lilac Lace next to Golden Joystick, both famous actors during the war. A photo of the King playing his famous guitar with the staff sitting around him. Even a photo of Princess Majesty and Princess Celestia framed up in gold! There were quite a lot of photos of Princess Majesty here, sitting with all sorts of ponies. What was a surprise was a smaller photo of Princess Majesty, sitting outside with the Desperados, the original Desperados from during the war. “Hay, I found a photo of Arras!” I said out loud. Live Axle bolted over, looking at where my hoof was pointing. “Well fuck, Elder Big Papa was a real stud in his day!”  In the photo was an older, but not yet old stallion. The tan unicorn was a barrel-chest silver fox, who had several scars, some of which were clear gunshot wounds. Arras sat next to Majesty, a wide smile on his face as he raised a glass in the air with the other Desperados. Strangely, Majesty wasn't looking at the camera like in all the other photos, but at Arras, almost longingly. Moving on and taking our seats, the hostess gave us a menu as she told us, “A pony will be with you in a moment to take your orders, and to answer any questions.” Then trotted off. “I got to say, those uniforms are really cute,” Star commented as she watched the young mare leave. A statement I couldn't argue with. “Say Slowtrot, did they dress like that during the war?” “It was a common look for ponies working in any Ministry of Moral diners.” He told us, not sounding all that happy about it. “Personality, I ate at family-owned diners, though thinking about it, they too were likely owned by the Ministry of Moral as well.” Right, Slowtrot was still adapting to not being under constant observation by the Ministries. He had come a long way from trying to watch what he said all the time, something I could empathize with. It put things under the perspective of why everything went so bad when Equestria fell, as the Ministry was driving everypony insane just to win that damn war. And even now, the shadows of the Ministries still hang over us. In the corner of my eye, I could see, six posters of each Ministry, with each Ministry mare on them with a message. Unnervingly out of all of them was Pinky Pie, her eyes bearing down on everypony with the message “Pinky Pie is Watching You, FOREVER!” Which I could only guess had meant to be comforting to the citizens of Equestria, but from how Slowtrot used to react, it was far more sinister and oppressive. Turning my gaze away from the past, and to the now, I looked at the menu to see what they had to offer. And I was genuinely surprised to see an interesting selection. Their main dish was called the Hilltop basket: a cheese brahmin burger with a side of Tato fries and any cola of our choice, of which there were six. Other dishes were grilled carrots on a bun and a pumpkin omelet. The drink was a Hilltop-Cola, which I was sure was going to be just Sparkle-Cola but made locally, with five different variants of it. Slowtrot frowned as he looked at the menu.  “You okay?” Live asked. She sighed as he put it down. “I'm fine, I was just hoping they had hayburgers.” “Sadly, hay isn't cheap to transport to these parts.” an older mare said, dressed in a more business version of the diner out, and holding a notepad. “We can only reliably grow tatos and carrots around here, along with brahmin of course. Now, may I take your order?” She had a name tag on her blouse, stating her name as Silver Leaf, and rank as Knight Captain. “Oh, I want-” Fizzy began to speak up, but was cut off by the knight captain. “The Hilltop basket and one of each soda, correct.” Silver Leaf said. Fizzy nodded and Silver sighed. “You haven't changed at all, Fizzy.” Fizzy herself chuckled. “It hasn't been much time for me, Silver. But you look like you still work too much.” Silver levitated her notepad right into Fizzy’s muzzle, poking her with it. “Because I have an important job to do here, unlike some airhead we know that wandered in out of nowhere, and made a huge mess before vanishing!” Again Fizzy put on that apologetic “oops” face with a slight giggle.  Pulling her notepad back to her, Silver then addressed us. “Putting personal business aside, if you can make your order, I'll then answer any of your questions.” After a quick deliberation, we just all ordered the same thing, the Hilltop basket, but a different cola each. Once done writing our orders down, Silver started talking again. “Right, so you wanted to visit the tomb of Princess Platinum, and likely the museum of Equestria history as well. Sadly it is currently closed due to a break-in. Nothing was stolen, but just getting past our security and cracking open a few locks has our Elders worried.” That made sense if there recently had been a crime, though not stealing anything is weird. Unless they were not after any simple artifact or ancient jewelry, but something more magical. But anything like that would likely be in the inner chambers of the tomb itself, which is likely protected by a magical barrier that only the royal family can open. Then why worry, I doubt anypony today would even know what's in the tomb, much less how to open it. Wait, that might be why their elders are worried. Maybe they weren't there to steal anything but to learn about what could be stolen. “I see, that is most worrying. Any chance the tomb will be open soon?” I asked, not wanting to pry or stir the pot. “Tomorrow. Tours will start again in the afternoon after the private tours are over.” Silver told us. Private? Maybe someone important was here. “I guess all that extra security they put up is still working then.” Slowtrot then said, sending a chill down my spine. “I mean they only keep the real relics in the inner tomb.” I tried to kick him but found my legs too short to reach. “And that's only accessible to the royal family and the Princesses.” Silver put on a big, but not too-happy smile. “Yes, we have maintained the security here since before the bombs dropped. The same security that protected this hill from a direct megaspell attack, and kept the radiation storms out.” She was changing the subject, and as I could guess, the secrets to how the tomb security works were a secret. Then Slowtrot just blurted it out like it was common knowledge. At least he wasn't outing me as a princess as well. “Oh ya, I remember Elder Big Papa talking about that.” Live spoke up. “When the storms started in this region, Platinum Hill was one of the only safe places to stay and still stretch your legs.” The smile on Silver's face became more genuine. “Very much so, and it's why Platinum Hill became home to so many ponies since the end of the war. Despite being off the main road and the rivers.” “Say, not to sound ungrateful, but why run this diner?” I asked, further diverting the conversation from security.  “Simple actually.” She said in an upbeat, yet overly rehearsed tone. “We use the diner to train up our squire's teamwork skills. It also helps us filter out those who can work under pressure, and those who can't. Along with responding to the public in a friendly manner.” “Something the Steel Rangers could learn from.” Star snarked. “That we can agree with.” Silver said with a sigh. “Unfortunately the rangers are very insulated in their beliefs and are very suspicious of outsiders. Something we have been trying to help them with for generations now, but in recent years has proven fruitless. They are still technically our brothers and sisters in arms, so if you do try and antagonize them again, we will see you as a threat.” “We understand,” I said before anypony else could blabber about the incident at the gate. Silver then put her notepad into the pocket of her apron. “Good! Now it won't take long for your order to be made, and the colas will be out shortly. I hope you enjoy yourself, and if you have any more questions, please let us know.” As she left, I glared at Slowtrot.  “You had to mention their security, didn't you?” He raised his hooves. “What, it's common knowledge. I mean ponies were talking about the big incident in the tomb for months.” I raised my eyebrow at that. “What incident?” Slowtrot scratched his goatee for a moment as he dug through his memories. “Right, it was some sort of zebra attack, I think, somehow getting into the tomb and activating some ancient magic. A big old tree even popped out of the tomb and Celestia herself appeared to stop whatever was going on. It's why it was such big news, as Celestia hadn't been publicly seen for years since her last attempt at a peace deal ended in disaster. After that, new security measures were put up around Clover Hill, all fully funded by the royal family and Celestia.” Strange, I was sure that the protective barrier keeping others out of the inner tomb had existed since the tomb was made. Unless a royal had let a zebra in there would be no way for them to get in. Also, despite the war, Princess Majesty had written that the Zebra Imperial family was still on respectful terms with the Equestria royal family. No way they would ever do anything to damage Princess Platinum's tomb. Actually, why would they even bomb this place directly, it makes no sense at all. If anything, they would want to capture it intact, as I'm sure there are probably Zebra artifacts in there. Shaking my head and pushing those thoughts aside, I then said, “Slowtrot, you're forgetting that what's common to you isn't common anymore. Actually, a lot of it is lost or forgotten now, remember.” He practically deflated as I told him this. “Ya… I guess being in this diner just… I don't know, maybe it made me forget that it's all gone. It does feel like I returned to my own time, though the smell is way different.” “You mean the smell of meat?” I asked. He nodded. “Oh ya, you'd have ponies throwing up from the smell alone. It's why I hoped they served hayburgers here, if you ever get the opportunity to eat some, they're the best thing you could ever have.” Star let out a laugh. “Back on the Blackwater, we were lucky to get anything that wasn't hard tack or gruel. Sometimes though, on good days, the church would have fish for us to eat. Grilled just right and served with garam. Now that's good eating.“ “Ever hunted your own Radstag?” Live then asked, and everyone just shook their heads. “Not the best meat in the world, but real satisfying when ya kill and butcher it yourself. And my mom makes a mean venison stew.” “Oh, if you ever visit Friendship City, their Manehattan pizza is the best. Cooked on a razorgrain crust with a tomato base, and topped with brahmin cheese and salami. Oh, and tomatoes, not tatos, Friendship city is very particular over their tomato garden since you can hardly find tomatoes anywhere else.” Fizzy added in. It felt like she said that last part more out of reflex than any real interest, likely something ponies told her all the time in her youth. Eyes then fell onto me, and I shrugged. “Speaking of pizza, though I rarely ever ate outside of my stable, I did get to go to this one ball, where they served some odd dishes. The one I liked a lot, but my family hated, was called the Angry Marewaiin. It's a pizza with a ranch and hot sauce base, with toppings of bacon and pineapple. It became my comfort food when I was ever feeling down.” A thud came from Slowtrot as he let his head hit the table and breathed out, Nott on a pizza.” Fizzy on the other hoof, got excited. “You like pizza too! We should, like, make some together! Also, what's a pineapple? Is it an apple, but… piney?” I wasn't very sure that was possible here, but it had been a long time since I had anything like the food back home, so trying to recreate some wasn't that bad sounding. “Maybe tomorrow, we can ask Arras if he can help. As for pineapples, they're not apples, just a spiky fruit.” We all started to laugh, actually enjoying ourselves, only stopping with our random conversations when the food and drinks arrived. It was hard to deny, but it smelled awesome and tasted just as good. Our server informed us that the burger was based on a traditional Talon dish that was common in Griffinstone. I guess it made sense that griffins would have traditional meat dishes, even grinding them up into paddies. Though a bit disturbing to think about. As we ate, we talked about the past, and eventually, the subject of colas came up, and Fizzy’s connection to them. The subject brightened up the already bright mare, who was more than happy to talk about her favorite subject. “When I lived in Friendship City, I worked at their brewery making cola. That's where I, like, learned everything I needed to know about cola, and more. I also helped make beer and other alcohol since that's, like, what they sold most, but I was personally responsible for making cola.” She explained proudly. “Why cola if beer is more popular? I mean, alcohol and such?” Star asked, sounding a bit confused. Fizzy scratches her chin for a moment. “I think a lot of it was sold to the guards watching the wall. I was always told to make it extra caffeinated, sometimes even to add potions to it. My super night cola was popular… until a few guards went colorblind.” “You put cat’s eye in it, didn't you?” I asked. “Did I? Oh right, I did! How do you know?” She asked back. I let out a sigh. “Because one of the side effects of the chem cat's eye is color blindness.” Realization washed over Fizzy's face. “Ohhhh… makes sense… I think.”  “Excuse me, but if ya had such a nice job in Friendship City, how'd you end up all the way here?” Live asked. Fizzy became quiet for a good moment, much of her excitement fading. “Well… things happen.” A chuckle came from Live as she jokingly said, Whatt, did ya get caught sleeping around or something.” *SLAM!* Fizzy's hooves hit the table, startling us all, even the other patrons here stopped talking for a moment as she said with a growl “I didn't cheat on him!” We sat there, in silence, as everypony else in the diner got back to their own thing.  Live looked a bit ashamed as she said. “I didn't imply… I mean… sorry, that was inappropriate of me.” Finishing off her fourth cola, Fizzy let out a huff, causing a ripple in her mane. “No, it's okay. I shouldn't have gotten angry.” Pushing her now empty cup away, Fizzy took a deep breath. “I was engaged to the brewmaster's son, and everything was wonderful. But I, like, had a bad reputation. He knew about it, but, like, still wanted to be with me. Yet… some other mares managed to convince him I wasn't, like, faithful, and he called the engagement off.” “And you had to leave? That's a load of brahminshit!” Live said angrily on Fizzy’s behalf. But Fizzy shook her head. “No, the brewmaster settled things, even gave me what was meant to be my wedding gift. She believed me and was just as upset as I was. No… I was, like, an idiot, that's what happened. The mare, the ringleader behind it, and the now expecting mother of my ex called me to make amends. I, like, left the safety of Friendship City to talk with her, only to trot into a Redeye slaver trap.” “That's just… horrible!” I said in shock, and got nods from everypony else. “Did you ever get payback, and how did you get free? You didn't spend time in Fillydelphia, did you?” “I didn't… none of that.” She said solemnly. “I was taken to Ursas Rest and auctioned off there. I guess my natural charm made ponies go a bit crazy, and it caused problems. The boss of Ursas Rest then took me and kept me safe there. I even got to do a bit of my old job in the casino. So it wasn't all bad. Though by the time I left, I just couldn't bring myself to see how things were in Friendship City, and came this way instead.” “Then she became our problem.” Silver Leaf said as she put a piece of paper on the table. “Your bill, and don't take our attitude the wrong way. We loved Fizzy, even missed her, but she's… a bit much.” A small smile formed on Fizzy’s muzzle. “Th… thanks. I missed you too Silver… and sorry for leaving like that.” Silver let out a sigh. “No, don't apologize. It was my fault for putting you on the spot like that. Proposing to another mare out of the blue, I was completely out of my mind for doing that, and when I knew full well you're not into that.” I looked from Silver to Fizzy and back to Silver, Wait… what!?” The Knight Captain rolled her eyes at me. “It's called being gay, and if you get a bug up your ass ab-” “Ya I know what gay is, I like mares too!” I said, cutting her off. “Just that this is a bit too out of the blue, and in public. Maybe you should take this conversation someplace more private!” “Oh… uhhh… sorry.” Silver said, actually blushing as she looked around, seeing eyes on her. “right, well thank you for eating here, and we hope you come again.” We watched as Silver awkwardly returned to the back and out of sight. Star then nudged Fizzy. “Wow, you are popular.” “Ya, but I, like, have no interest in mares, so it was really weird when I noticed that Silver had a crush on me. I might have, like, panicked when she proposed, and rushed out of town.” Fizzy admitted. Then her eyes turned to me, and I just could feel her wink. “So, like, don't fall for me as well.” I almost gagged. “No, you're not my type.” __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 8: Platinum and Steel, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 8, Platinum and Steel, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ “Hello!” Spoke up a rather thin and awkward looking Steel Ranger scribe. We had paid our bill and left the diner, where this stallion was waiting for us. “I… I'm assistant scribe Lima Beem, co… could you pl… please come w… with me!” I was less than sure this was a Steel Ranger, but his robes looked right. “All… right. Lead the way I guess.” I said. Lima Beem turned to trot, but then tripped over his own robe. Getting up, he had a nosebleed, which made it fortunate that his robe was also red. “Not sending their best, are they?” Star whispered mockingly,  I sighed. “Maybe, but we did promise to let them cataloged our tech. So let's just get it over with.” Following the awkward scribe, we trotted back to the Steel Rangers area of the city, but unlike before, there were less Rangers and more robots. Protec-a-ponies, Mister Helpers, Sprite bots, and even an Assault-a-pony keeping guard. As for the Rangers most were just scribes, and quite a few were looking after foals and other young ponies.  “This looks like egghead central.” Live Axle commented. “It… It's our research and education sector. M… many young scribes are e… educated here before j… joning a company.” Lima Beem stuttered. “Not Research and Development?” I asked. The young scribe shook his head. “Only r… research and education. D… developing new tech is d… dangerous, and restricted to only s… senor scribes. Untrained and un… undisciplined minds are the d… destroyer of worlds. Only th… those who have proven  th… themselves should choose the f… future of pony kind. That's wh… what Elder Velvet teaches us.” I could see the logic, as peasants wouldn't know the first thing about leading other ponies, and I was sure Orthrus had a similar view on ponies as well. “Ya, we know that, but who said the Tin Cans are the arbiters of who should lead pony kind?” Live Axle argued with the young stallion. “And the Desperados are worthy of that honor I bet?” A mare mockingly asked. She was an older scribe in a stylish but a very much scribe robe. Actually, it was the same kind I saw sold at the Hilltop Boutique.  Live rolled her eyes at the mare. “At least we're doing things for ponies out in the wasteland.” The mare puffed up her chest, letting some fluff out. “You mean the extortion and threats you do in Umberfoal? ” “Oh, and ya Ranger were any better. We know how your chapters get food when far from supply lines. Autocannon diplomatically I think it's called.” Live shot back. “I'll neither confirm nor deny such accusations.” The mare said, practically admitting to it. Stepping in, I went to defuse this situation before it got any worse. “Hey now, we're here just to get our tech cataloged and then leave, nothing more. So if anypony has a problem, take it up with the Platinum Guard!” The mare looked at me, then at Order, my pipbuck, then over at Lima Beem. What looked like a bemused expression on her muzzle turned to that of annoyance. “Lima, why are you taking them to Elder Red Velvet's deconstruction office?” Lima Beem looked rather nervous as he stammered out, “E…elder Sh…shortcake's orders m… mam.” “Of course!” The mare said with a groan. “Let Elder Velvet know that head scribe Crème Brûlée has taken charge of this. And that she still owes me a hard frame sprite bot for keeping the Coven of Clovers off her donkey ass after what she did.” The young scribe nodded and trotted off in a hurry. Crème Brûlée then sighed. “Sorry, internal politics is a bitch, with Shortcake and Velvet acting like queen bitches. Thank Celestia they don't get along. Now come with me before one of them sends some knights over to convince you to go with them.” “Alright, and thanks.” I told the mare as we followed.  Rounding a corner, we came to a less than clean part of the city, where they clearly worked on robots, power armor and… prosthetics! Bits and pieces of tech were all over the place, mostly on shelves or hanging on chains, but there were boxes and boxes of scrap and parts in every nook and cranny that they could fit. It was far from the ultra clean inner-city I had seen so far. “This place is… quite the mess.” I said. Crème shrugged. “A bit. We're more focused on figuring out how things work and how to fix them than to polish everything to a spit shine like the cleanfreek Shortcake likes to have things.” Looking around I then froze as I saw something very familiar, an advanced prosthetic brandishing the two headed symbol of Orthrus. It was the kind Orthrus mass produced for the average mirage pony, its size likely for a teenager. It even had the micro cybernetic connector where it attached to the body. “How did you get th-” The leg then straightened out in a jolt, causing me to stumble back in shock! “Got 'em!” A mare yelled in laughter, from within the workshop trotted out an older mare in a greasy jumpsuit with rolled up sleeves. She had two cybernetic front legs, golden yellow stripes, a pair of underdeveloped wings and an underdeveloped unicorn horn. She was a mirage pony, a genuine mirage pony! Then I remembered what Frilly Ribbon had told me. “You! You must be Crystal Harmonium!” Crystal smiled wide, posing as though in the spotlight. “Guilty as charged. I see that my infamy has spread to the younger generations!” She then reached out to shake my hoof, her magic flowing to her cybernetic leg just enough that I could tell she was plotting something with it. “So what's the news from Cantercross, or did you come from Destruction Bay first. News from those parts has been unreliable these days.” Shaking her hoof, it detached, which I wasn't at the least surprised by. Instead I was rather curious about the make of the leg, as I didn't recognize it. “Is this custom made? It's certainly not old tech, and has more cybernetic than normal legs tend to be, it also lacks a talisman slot like most modern cyber-prosthetics.” The mare took her leg back, looking disappointed. “I guess I can't get em all, all the time. So what, you an up and coming techy? And your accent is a bit too thick to be a younger generation. That prim and proper, sing-songy accent sounds straight from those Orphic Queendom fools.”  I curtseyed at her. “You are correct, the name is Harp, I'm actually from the Gathering Island, not Equestria.” Crystal’s eyes shifted a little as she cringed. “Fuck, so you assholes finaly follow Mister Wizard out here. Just so you know, Marewaii has no jurisdiction here, and I got protection from the Rangers. Ain't that right Marshmallow Sundae?” Another scribe poked her head out from the back, oversized goggles on her face, and one bulky looking cybernetic foreleg. “Um... I guess? What did you do this time?” I loudly cleared my throat to regain their attention. “I'm not here to collect any bounty or enforce some law. And even if I was, like you said, Marewaii had no jurisdiction here, much less the Orphic Queendom.” Crystal breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, good. That's right, no way any of them would come this far out for me after so long.” Star trotted up, an inquisitive look on her face. “Sounds like ya pissed a lot of ponies off to be that paranoid. What did you even do?” Taking another deep breath, Crystal sat back and shrugged. “Used to work for the syndicate as a black market cyber doc. Then got involved with Mister Wizard, and it was all downhill from there. Helped him raise a ship from the ocean along with some weird crab monsters, and then we managed to make it to Equestria on pure hopes and prayers. I then ditched that psycho before he went full power mad, and started my new life.” Star then looked at me, clearly not understanding most of that, so I translated. “She worked for bad ponies doing bad things, then joined up with the pony the helped to completely fuck up the islands. That same pony is the one who developed the chem, Chill.” Star shrugged at that. “Well, I can't say I haven't made that mistake before.” Returning my attention back to the other mirage pony, I decided to just not press her on her criminal past and focus on the now. “Right, it might be hypocritical to ask you this, but how did a Mirage pony like you end up all the way here?” “She was officially invited as to share her and her wifes knowledge on cybernetics and other tech” Crème Brûlée answered. “You see, my little sister, Marshmallow, is currently the Steel Rangers foremost expert on cybernetics. But unfortunately our knowledge is still lacking, and our only other expert, up and vanished before she could fully share her knowledge with us.” Marshmallow trotted out, and the scribe was utterly covered in tech. “It was amazing to see her work, and the wonders we could have learned from her and her family if not for that Red Eye!” We all reflexively cringed at the mention of Red Eye. Crystal on the other hoof dismissively puffed air out at hearing his name. “Ya I bet those 101 stable ponies were amazing. But probably impractical too. Now Solaris tech, that’s real technology.” We all ignored Crystal as Star asked, “your saying a pony from Red Eyes stable survived?” Marshmallow nodded. “Ya, and she was amazing, like full cybernetic, yet seamless to the point she almost looked normal. Also, the mare had a picture perfectly memory, she only needed to see how something was done once, and then she could recreate it! But I'm sure she's changed her face and name by now, so there's no way to find her so long as she doesn't want to be found.” As Marshmallow gushed about the mysterious cyber mare, her eyes then drifted up over at Order, her pupils looking massive through her goggles. “Now what is that!” “Order, land for the scrice.” I command. “Yes my lady.” It answered as it landed on a nearby table. Crystal trotted over along with Marshmallow and Crème. “Well ain't this quaint, it’s a modified Orthrus recon drone. Never seen these guns before, but they're clearly thaumaturge weapons.” “Thaumaturge weapons?” Crème said questioningly. “That's ballistics which use magic as an exelarint instead of chemical explosion, right?” Reaching out and pressing on a latch, the talismans port of one of Orders bolt launchers opened up, exposing the talisman. “E'yep, this here is a bonafide mirage pony gun. We use our own innate magic to power this talismans, which pressurize the air tanks. Hmmm, oh, and here's another talisman slot.” Her hoof moved to nere the end of the barrel of the gun. “A minor vortex talisman, very clever. This here spins the projectile, increasing stability and power. The pony who made this is a real genius, definitely not, Orthrus or Ironshod make.” I was rather shocked that she managed to glean that much from just the talisman placement alone. Then Crystal clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Now the modification to the robot, even this repair work, this is clearly wastelander quality. They were good, I'll have to admit that, but it's obvious that they knew nothing about this tech.” “And the robot? Is it some kind of sprite bot?” Marshmallow asked as she waved a device over Order, making a lot of beeping sounds. Crystal nodded in confirmation. “From what I remember, the Recon Drone was Stable-tec's reimagining of the sprite bot. A bit more compact, some modability, and can be installed with talismans. Though this one is clearly a later model than the ones I saw used.” She then looked over at me. “Say, where'd you even get this? No way those Orthrus ponies would give an Orphic pony their toys?” “It's a long story, but let's just say that my father worked for Orthrus, and gave me Order as my personal guard.” I lifted up my pipbuck hoof. “He had a lot of connections, you see.” The three mares then rushed over to me, examining my pipbuck.  “Oh wow, I've never seen a pipbuck like this before!” Marshmallow exclaimed. “Certainly, it's much sleeker, like a 4000, but different, very different.” Crème added. Crystal turned my leg to reveal the Orthrus symbol. “Thought so, this must be an Orthrus talisman pipbuck, and clearly a more advanced version then the ones I sto… seen, ya, the few I've seen.” She was clearly about to admit to stealing from Orthrus. Letting me go, the three mares backed off. Crystal looked at me with suspicion, but not wanting to ask about how high up my father was in Orthrus. “Say, how did you get this far out from the Islands, miss Harp?” “I got caught up in a teleportation accident actually, landed in New Appaloosa along with Order and what I had on me.” I admitted, bit omitted that it was by megaspell, and anything else the Steel Rangers didn't need to know. I was sure Crystal didn't believe me completely, but she and the rangers had nothing but my words to go off on, and it would remain as such.  Crème Brûlée then clapped her hooves together, getting everponies attention. “Alright, so we got three pipbucks, a new kind of robot and several thaumaturge weapons. Even if they're not ours to keep, this is a huge find!” She then looked at us with a serious glare. “Is there any other tech in which we should know about?” I looked at my companions, getting several shrugs from them. Thinking about it, we did have some other tech, but nothing major. “Right, anything else we have will be with the Desperados. That being our vehicle, the smuggler, and its main gun, its a gatling beam gun. Unfortunately the gun is currently out of commission until I finish imprinting new beam talismans. Then there is our collection of pipbuck 2000's, and a talismans for petrification and one for de-petrification.” I informed them. Crème face hoofed. “You got to be fucking kidding me! how do you have so much advice tech?” “Luck.” Slowtrot said. “Truthfully, the Gunrunners made some of it.” Star added. “There is some more, but nothing that advice, just salvage from a dead stable. Though, if you wish to see any of it, you will need to talk to Elder Big Papa first. It is currently the property of the Desperados.” Crème let out a long sigh. “That's going to be a load of Brahminshit. No way the other Elders will even accept that the Desperados has even more tech.” “How many Elders do you even have here?” I asked. “Currently, four.” Crème told us. “You already heard about Shortcake, she's the second most influential Elder here. And Velvet, who is third, and most violent of the Elders. Then there is our brother Lamington, who is the least due to becoming elder by circumstance then by proper tradition. The most influential Elder is Peppermint Cain, an old timer who took over after the previous elder died in Umberfoal, fighting the Desperados.” That last point was clear,the Rangers and Desperados have bad blood, real bad blood. A slight chuckle  came from whom I expected it to come from. “Elder by circumstance? What, does that even mean?” Live asked. “Long story short, our chapter is made up of the Rangers scattered by the skysim. Lamington couldn't just leave them lost, and pony by pony, we searched for them and brought them back into the fold. Unlike the other chapters here, we're a bit of an oddball chapter because of it.” Crème explained. “Anyways, if we don't have to go through Swift Firemane, maybe we can keep the peace long enough for us to visit you in the Desperados camp, and take a look at that tech. But until then, we need to take a closer look at what you got here.”    __________________________________________________________________ It took a bit longer than I liked, with the two scribes insisting on opening my drone up to see the inside. Order didn't like it either, but it kept their complaints private. They even took an extra look at our pipbucks, though only Slowtrot had anything they really wanted information from. As interested in Orthrus talisman tech as they were, it was also technology that only mirage ponies could properly use, and something they associate with being more like unicorn magic then arcano-tech. Loud thumping caused my ears to twitch as several power armored Steel Rangers trotted over to us, who were then greeted by Crème Brûlée. “Ad Victoriam Knights, I'm guessing Elder Shortcake has sent her complaints.” The knight leading the group let out a montone huff. “As always chief scribe. Elder Lamington has already moved to cool the situation down, but wishes that you wrap this up shortly before other scribes move in like vultures.” “You mean, the longer they stay, the likelihood of accidents will become more certain?” Crème replied. The knight nodded. “Among other possibilities.” The knight then looked over at us, “Do we at least have something to show the other elders, or is it just more toasters?” Crème smiled at that. “Actually, you can tell my brother that we managed to rediscover some old medical remedies from the war, and the schematics to a medical scanning device developed by Stable-Tec. We also have more examples of post-war advanced tech, something we could reproduce, but lack the innate magical ability to use. One more thing, we may have the ability to access the Desperados camp now, and get to study the tech they have there. That is, so long as no fights break out, or something happens to our guests.” “We'll relay that message immediately, Ad Victoriam!” The knights then quickly left. “I take it that we should go?” I asked. “Unfortunately so.” Crème answered as she trotted over to her sister. Marshmallow was currently giving Cavall a belly rub, enjoying the ghost nightstalkers presents. “As civil as we are right now, the Rangers are no less isolationist than we ever were.” “Your chapter seems friendly enough, why the difference?” I further asked. “Simple actually. For the longest time, our chapter was completely isolated, and more a family than an actual chapter. When the whole schism happened, we didn't fight amongst each other, but talked things out. We decided that going Applejack Rangers wasn't the best idea for us, but doubling down on dogmatic thinking wasn't good either. My brother, Marshmallow and I then left to find our lost brothers and sister as the rest of our family stayed where they were, safeguarding a vault of tech.” Crème explained. “Also, as much as I'd like to spread cybernetics to those in need, it's also too dangerous for just anypony to receive.” Marshmallow spoke up, her voice a bit solemn. “We lost a good friend over cyberization. It couldn't be helped, but I want to avoid repeating such a tragedy again. And thanks to Crystal here, we're close to a major breakthrough.” “You mean cyber psychosis? I remember that still being a problem in the Islands.” I commented. “Yes and no.” Crystal said as she trotted over with a cleaner and more smooth working Order floating next to her. “I bet the powers at be know full well why it happened, but keep their lips tight about it, out of self interest.” I cocked an eyebrow at that, but before I could ask, Crystal answered. “Cyber psychosis is just wartime stress disorder combined with phantom body syndrome. I've seen the end result of a cybered up mercenarie getting triggered, and it's really ugly. Unfortunately, the only ponies immune to this are psychopaths, and I don't think I need to explain to you why that is.” Crème cleared her throat, “as much as I like to get into another long discussion, we best get moving. Anyways, Harp, I doubt your friends could stand another hour here.” I looked back, seeing them sitting around and very bored. “Right, I guess we should move out. It's about time we returned to the Desperados anyways.” “I'll escort you to our gate, it's less likely any knights will stop you if I'm your guide.” Crème offered. “That would be most welcomed.” I then turned and addressed Marshmallow and Crystal. “It was nice meeting you two, and again, thanks for tuning up Order for me.” They waved as my friends joined me, and following Crème, we were off. “Say, if your chapter ain't like the others, does that cause you problems?” Star asked. Crème let out a sigh. “Yes and no. For the most part, we're still family, and we all follow the codex to the letter. My chapter just mainly focuses on the preservation and safeguarding of technology, where the others are more focused on keeping tech out of the hooves of those who would abuse it. As much as we'd like to help the wasteland like the Applejack Rangers, we understand that some tech is just just too dangerous to be lenient about. Maybe in time we can open our doors more, but that's still generations off. This slight difference in beliefs does cause some friction, but in the end we're still on the same side.” As we trotted, we finally got to the edge of the Rangers district, and much of the tension I did feel from being here, lessened. “That's good to hear, and I do hope that day comes soon. I can't help but both agree with the Steel Rangers and disagree with them. As much good they can offer, I know that any technology can be bent to a horrific porpoise.” “That we know all too well.” Crème said with a smile. “A shame you're with the Desperados, because I'm absolutely positive you'd make a fantastic scribe.” I laughed a little at that. “Maybe. My own father wanted me to work for him in Orthrus. Mainly to protect me, but he also said I’d make an excellent scientist, and possibly more. Anyways, if things go well, I'll be more than willing to host several scribes in the Desperados camp. Swift may be an ass, but Elder Big Papa isn't so pig headed as to not hear you out.” “I hope so! Getting to look at an actual gatling beam gun sounds awesome!” Crème said with a chuckle. “Well, until next time. I'd say don't be a stranger now, but best you stay away unless you're invited and with guards.” “Trust me, that's nothing new for me at all.” I told her and we shook hooves. Trotting away, we had returned to the clean residential district of the Inner-city, with the gateway out in sight. “Weirdly, they weren't that bad, for Tin Cans at least.” Live Axle said jokingly. “It is amazing how much the Steel Rangers have changed since the war.” Slowtrot reminisced. “To think the military elites would go full knightly order. Then again, I never thought our air force would be taken over by the Enclave, or the Navy would go full religious pirates.” “When you put it that way, the Ranger sounds the least insane of the bunch.” Star said with a chuckle. “Then again, they did have to deal with the wasteland for over two hundred years, that would drive any group mad. I only had to deal with the wasteland for around twelve years, and I already hate most ponies out here. If it wasn't for-” Fizzy stopped Star's little rant with a hug. “I'll cheer you up!” she announced as Star struggled to breathe through Fizzy's mane. “Let me go brahmin tits!” Star protested as she pulled Fizzy’s hooves off her. “Hugs aren't what I need right now, so keep your hooves to yourself. Relenting, Fizzy backed off. “S… sory.”  With a sigh, Star patted Fizzy on the shoulder. “It's alright, you meant well. It's just that, cheering up isn't what I need right now, but I am managing.” “Alright, but if you ever need cheering up, just let me know.” Fizzy said with a smile. “Oh, and if it's not me you want a hug from, but a stallion, I can help with that too. I'm really good at finding interested stallions.” The rest of us nearly tripped over ourselves. “Umm, what?” I asked awkwardly. “Oh yes, when I worked at the Ursas Den casino, my main job was as an escort. Getting ponies to spend more, drink more and leading them to the Showroom.” Star face hoofed. “No, you don't need to do that either, I ain't looking to get laid right now… maybe.” “Star!” I exclaimed. “What? You go and fuck Pyrope, but I can't just think about getting my rocks off?” Star blerted out. Both Live and Slowtrot looked at me in confusion. Letting out a sigh, I told everpony, “No, we are not having this discussion in the middle of the city. Let's just get back to camp and talk about this never!” Live Axle then trotted up to me, whispering to me. “But seriously, how was it?” I glared at her and Live backed off. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 9: A Black Flag, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 9, A Black Flag, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ Again returning to the Desperados camp, we were pleasantly surprised to find both Reed and Slick trapped in stockades. The crud, but fully fitted wooden planks kept them from doing anything more than loudly complaining or glaring at us as we trotted over.  “Now that's a good look on ya two, that's for sure!” Live mocked the stallions. Slick growled at her as Reed snarled out, “Come closer and I'll be a good look on ya!” Trotting over, it was clear the two had been roughed up, both sporting black eyes, among other bruises. “I'm guessing your little stunt at the gate wasn't well received?” “Fuck you bitch.” Slick said, spitting at me. A brown something then hit Slick in the muzzle, and soon after the smell of actual brahmin shit assaulted my nose, causing me to step back in disgust. Trotting over was Crankshaft, the big, burly, and tattooed Desperado, looking more angry then I had ever seen him before. “Ya both refuse to learn!” He snarled, wiping the shit off his hoof and onto Slicks face. “If Grams was still with us, she'd be ashamed of ya!” Slick chucked. “Aww, grandma's little colt is upset.” Crankshaft back hoofed Slick, and then Reed before he could say a word. “Another word. Another fucking word, and I'm braking a leg!” Both stallions just glared at Crankshaft, not saying a thing. Throttling over to us, Crankshaft let out an exasperated sigh, the stallion himself looking like he hadn't been getting enough sleep. “Sorry about them, Big Papa says we got to love our family, but they're too much like their parents to deserve unconditional love.” “What, brothers, cousins?” Star asked. “Cousins thankfully.” Crankshaft said with a smile. “Gram got me out of their herd when I was still young, but sadly had to leave those idiots behind.” My eyebrow raised at that. “If you don't mind me asking, but why?” “Long story short, chem abuse.” He told us before motioning for everypony to follow him as he trotted away. “Not every Desperados herd is as well put together as Big Papa's Route 50, some have even gone full raider and had to be put down. My old herd has always been on the edge of that, as they were the biggest chem pushers in the region, but they started using their own supplies. My own parents tried to get control of the situation, not that they were much better, just smart enough to not get high on their own supplies. But some idiot caused their own trailer to blow up when my parents were collecting the chems from it, killing them and those nearby. Gram came over to pay respects, and left with me when she saw how bad it had gotten.” “That's horrible.” Slowtrot gasped, “I guess there's nothing like the Foul Welfare Agency out here.” Crankshaft physically shivered. “And thank Celestia for that.” We gave him an inquisitive look at his response. “It's another long story, and a rather grim one at that. But as for my old herd, they're still out there, rotting away in some forgotten corner of our territory. Probably why those two are here, it was either join a warband, or waste away like their parents. Actually, if it wasn't for their personalities, I'd have been proud of them. Too many ponies just let the wasteland consume them, and become a shadow of themselves.” “Ya, but seriously,  what the fuck is even wrong with them? Last I met those two, they were just your normal assholes. Not suicidal assholes?” Live asked in an annoyed tone. Crankshaft shrugged. “Elder Big Papa wants to know that too. The situation here is too tense to be natural. But we suspect it has to do with those Darkheart sisters.” “Let's not forget that the Tin Cans seem to be doing a right job in making everything tense.” Live commented. “You mean that Umberfoal place, what even happened there?” I spoke up. “Also, the Coven of Clovers also suspects Swift's wives as well, so it's not an unfair assumption.” Crankshaft let out a chuckle. “A powerful stallion being driven mad by love, not the first time I've heard that. But it will be hard to prove if they're plotting anything, and any accusation would only result in Swift doubling down. As for the rangers, clashes between them and us are fairly common, the last major one being over Umberfoal. It's a strategic position due to the rivers crossing it, and after the skysim with the Applejack Rangers, several chapters fell back to here. With so many rangers in one spot, they up and decided to kick us out of Umberfoal which spurred us into declaring war. Both the Platinum Guard and Coven of Clovers had to step in to stop the fighting. Unfortunately it wasn't until, both Swift's father and the Elder of the local Ranger chamber had killed each other.” Letting out a sigh myself, I quickly grasped the situation. “So basically, if we piss off Swift and cause infighting, that could cause the Steel Rangers to act?” “Worse actually, if there is infighting, then the Rangers could convince Platinum Hill to push us out, possibly even to surrender Umberfoal.” Crankshaft told me as he shook his head. “The last thing we need is to be fighting two wars.” “Not to mention the other threats out there.” I lamented. Felling a bit down, I then decided that changing the topic was in order. “So, I can't imagine getting those two idiot's punished was easy, how'd you do it?” “Simple actually, Rack End got pissed off, along with almost every parent in camp.” Crankshaft told us. “It's one thing to start a fight when you're all fighting aged ponies, but this camp has foals and elderly in it now. And after Ashy Oaks attempted to wipe us out back near New Appaloosa, none of us wants that trouble right now. A stampede of angry mothers isn't something to ignore after all. That said, thanks for keeping things calm.” “Well, for what it's worth, almost everypony in the city didn't want that flight. The Platinum Guard will be keeping a closer eye on things to prevent another incident like before.” I told him. We then stopped outside our tents, Crankshaft giving me a soft, but not the happiest smile. “Still, thanks. If Grams was still with us, I know she'd make ya something good to eat as a reward.” “Ya, I wish I could have saved her, if only-” I began to say, but Crankshaft cut me off. “No if onlys. Grams died protecting those who couldn't protect themselves, just how she hoped to go out.” He said right before patting me on the shoulder. “We can't save everypony, so just focus on those you can reach, and hope those you save will save others. Now go take a break, Elder Big Papa got a big meal cooking in celebration of your find. That GAR you got him has him in a good mood.” “That I will. After the day I've had, there's a lot for me to process.” I told him, and Crankshaft then trotted off. Turning to return to our tent, Slowtrot moved to enter the Stallion tent, already removing his outfit. As much as I liked my own dress, once we were back in our tent, I quickly had it unbuttoned, and put it away neatly, leaving me in my white underdress. It wasn't much, but I was also getting used to almost everypony in our herd being underdressed. Live and Star just took everything off, and leaving it on the ground but Fizzy actually kept it all on. “You can take some of it off.” I told her. “I’m… good.” Fizzy said nervously, having lost all that life she had just a moment ago. Worried, I asked her, “are you okay?” She nodded. “I'll be fine. It's just that if I don't cover up. Ponies tend to, like, stare at me. A lot.” She clearly looked uncomfortable as she spoke. “And when they, like, do that, they then try to talk to me. Not that I don't like talking with others, but right now, I'm, like, kind of out of energy for dealing with other ponies.” Star trotted over, giving Fizzy a bit of a hip bump. “I can understand that. It's really tiring having ponies talk behind my back all the time, it made me want to give em a black eye. Must be even worse with those tits of yours.” Rubbing her leg, Fizzy now looked downright shy, a complete flip from how she was not long ago. “Ya… they don't help either. But I just, you know, don't feel like being around so many ponies right now.” She then began to fidget. “But if I had a calren, or a blank book, I'll feel better soon.” “How's that supposed to help?” Live asked. Fizzy shrugged. “I don't know, it just does, for me.” A journal and pencil then landed next to Fizzy. “You can have this,” Azure said, appearing out of nowhere. Startaled and shocked, I instantly covered my body with my hooves. “Wh… when?” The Lurker rolled his eyes. “Miss Harp, you needn't cover yourself, ponies don't interest me in the slightest. And I was here before you all got back. I just happened to do some sleuthing on Arras's request, and there's something you might want to know.”  Relaxing, I then trotted over to him. “Is it anything urgent?” “It's something you might want to know sooner than later, but nothing that needs immediate attention.” He explained. “Just come see me in the stallions tent after you've finished settling down.” “Right, I'll do that. Celestia knows, my brain needs a break from… everything.” I told Azure. Then my eyes drifted to the book and pencil. “But are you sure you can just give those away?” “The blank book, ya it's fine. I can emphasize with Fizzy in needing alone time, introversion can be challenging when so many people are around you after all. I also did a bit of shopping as well, found a pony that was selling books, and made a trade. Made sure I had plenty to spare. Though I'm sure the history books I got are heavily propagandized, sadly that's true no matter what dimension you're in. Still, it should give me more insight on what your culture used to be like.” “That's actually rather depressing now that you pointed it out. Makes me wonder how much of my own history I was taught was just propaganda.” I pondered to myself. Azure let out a rather long sigh. “When you live as long as I have, it becomes very clear that history in of itself is around three fourths propaganda.” “And how old are you?” I asked the lurker. He shrugged. “I stopped counting after fifty when I became a hermit. So I don't know how old I was when I started treasure hunting, but I've been doing this for over a hundred and eighty years now. So I gotta at least be over two hundred and fifty.” “H… how long can you live!?” I asked in shock. “Oh we don't get old like other creatures, though the time between molting does get longer each time. But so long as we take care of ourselves, a Lurker can practically live forever.” Azure informed me. “Oh and, there are things we can do to induce molting if we really need to. so even an old shell isn't that much of an issue.” I watched as Azure left, my mind bouncing about on how old he could actually be, and if there were any creatures here that could be older than him? Also, a hermit, why was he a hermit? Pushing those thoughts aside, I trotted over to my own sleeping spot to rest my legs, just flopping over onto the large cushion like a robot that ran out of power. “Harp, if you need us, we'll be at the old gift shop. Supposedly that's where some of the other mares are, doing some arts and craft shit.” Star told me. Live rolled her eyes. “What she means is that we're going to hang out with the other mothers as the mending clothing and shit. My mom has been badgering me about joining them since I'm expecting, the bitch. Not like she even needed to, since I already hang out with them more than mom does.” The two then left, leaving me alone in the tent with Fizzy. The mare trotted over to me with her blank book and flopped down on a cushion not far from me. I was a bit worried she was going to start babbling about cola or something, but instead she just opened her book and started scribbling. Taking the silence for what it was, I opened the box with our talismans that I kept near my cushion, and pulled out one of the blank industrial quality talismans. I had only managed to finish working on one of the purple quartz gemstones, imprinting a beam spell onto it.  Our long ride to Platinum Hill made it difficult to concentrate, but as Pyrope had said, industrial quality talismans were far tougher then military quality talismans. It also happens to be that they are harder to imprint spells onto, taking a lot more time. It was probably why the military didn't use them, since it would be more expensive and take longer to make. Best to go with cheap and easily replaced. Why did I ever think military quality ment good quality? As I concentrated, remembering the shape of the spell, the power and intent, then replicating it inside the cut gemstone. Making sure not too much magic went into it so to not break the gemstone, but not too little or the spell wouldn't take. Doing it manually wasn't easy, but without access to an arcano-tech imprinting machine, this was the only way. Strangely, the sound of Fizzy taking pencil to paper helped clear my mind, bringing me back to my foalhood when mother would teach me about magic. Mother was already an old mare when I was a foal, and though I did my best to not think about it, it was obvious I was a bastard, since the pony I had thought to be my father died a year before I was even born. Yet she still raised me in her home as one of her own, not sending me away as other bastards were. Actually, it wouldn't have been hard for my mother to just cover up my birth and have me raised as a maid, or have me taken in by my real father. I know that's what happened with Silk Carnation and her bastard daughter. Maybe that's why Silky never treated me that badly, since she was absolutely devastated when she found out she couldn't keep the foal. Silver Majesty on the other hoof was in high spirits because of it. That was one of the few times Silky ever came to me as a sister, even cried in front of me. She wasn't a bad sister, it was just that our family wasn't normal. So much responsibility was expected of us, and so many vultures waiting to pick at our bones. Maybe, If I ever get the opportunity, I should go looking for my niece. If any of my family escaped the pirates and made it to Orthrus, she probably did.  The spell took proper form, solidifying inside the talisman. It was far from being complete, but parts of it had stuck in enough that stopping now wouldn't reverse my progress. Again my mind wandered to the past, to my mothers lessons. How to concentrate and meditation. How to feel with my magic, have it take shape. She taught me spells and their effects. I learned why most unicorns couldn't do more than basic levitation, as most spells were actually several spells carefully woven together. Without practice and education, Unicorns were likely to hurt themselves then cast a spell. It was frustrating to me back then, as I wasn't a Unicorn. I'd never cast a spell like my family could. It made me so jealous, and angry… and depressed. But the longer I'm out here, the more I miss it all. Also, A unicorn likely couldn't do what I did with those Steel Rangers. I never even knew I could do that, forcefully diverting the armor's power from its spell matrix to stop them from moving or firing their guns. Same for helping the Gunrunners with their spark batteries and making that talisman copping device. Also, the Smuggler wouldn't run as well without me providing it extra power.  If only I had realized all this sooner, maybe I'd still be with them, and so many ponies wouldn't have died because of me. More of the talisman was reaching completion, and I released I had been here in silence for quite a bit. Fizzy was still busy doing whatever she was with that book, her hole focus on it. It was weirdly bothering me, with how quiet it was. I could hear the ponies outside, but inside our tent, it was just still. Maybe it was just that another pony was with me, yet nothing was being said.  As though feeling an itch, I needed to say something. “Say… do you miss them? Your family I mean.” It was a long moment as Fizzy continued to do whatever she was doing, slowing down before glancing at me. “I… sometimes do, or maybe I, like, miss the idea of them.” “The idea?” I said inquisitively. “It's hard to explain, and It took me a long time to understand it myself.” She said, sounding unsure. “Are you sure you want to know, it's not a good story.” I let out a sigh. “Trust me, my family had problems, lots of problems. Last I saw of my brother was right after he perged a station. I never even found out why he had all those ponies… removed. Only that it had happened.” Their faces were watching me as I swam through that corpse filled water, desperately trying to keep Vibraphone's head above it. Their eyes were all dead, but each one was staring at me, blaming me for what my family had done to them.  “H… Harp, you okay?” Fizzy asked in concern. Slapped my face, breaking my concentration. I needed to force that memory back down, put it in a box like mother taught me. As a royal I can't let such things affect me! “I'm fine.” I told her with a smile, unsure if it was fake or real. “don't worry about me. I'm actually curious what it was like, a cult I mean.” Fizzy took a deep breath, slowly letting the air out of her lungs and she was centering herself and likely digging up her memories. “As a foal… it wasn't bad, not for me at least. Father and my mothers showered me with love, and never once hurt me. I never went without food, and all that was expected of me was the memorization of the Book of Venus. So didn't understand all the other stuff going on at the time until I was an adult.” She lifted back her mane and up her glasses. “A pony doesn't get eyes like mine just because they're being raised as the cult leader's successor.” She then let her mane drop back down. “They were attempting to summon our goddess, and I was to be her vessel.” “Oh… ohhhh!” I said, realizing the implications.  “Ya, looking back at it, it was real fucked up, all of it.” She then bitterly chuckled. “Thank Venus that my eyesight has always been bad. I never quite understood the things they were doing around me because of that. Not the drug use, or all the sex. Even now I'm not sure how much of it was consensual. I'm sure my father could cast charm magic like I can, so I don't even know if my mothers even did love me, or was just charmed into loving me.” A sigh then came from Fizzy. “But even still, sometimes I miss them. How my father would hold me, and my mothers would sing to me. If it wasn't because of the cult and that black book, I'm sure they would have at least been decent ponies.” “You keep saying mothers, you had more than one?” I asked. “Five mothers, though I don't know which one was my real mother, but my father had to have five. It is the number that Venus is associated with, so it has power when invoking her magic.” She explained. “I'm sure I had siblings too, and a lot of them, but I was never allowed near them. Only my father and mothers were allowed near me.” “Ya, I get that.” I told her, empathizing with her a bit. “For a long time I wasn't allowed to associate with ponies outside the stable. I had thought it was because I was a shame on my mothers, and to keep me pure until they found me a husband. But the more I think about it, I think my mother had been protecting me. Unfortunately that protection didn't feel like it.” I was starting to feel down again, so to distract myself I refocused on whatever Fizzy had been doing. “So what's in the book?” She got a bit defensive, hiding it a little. “Just a little art and some writing, nothing all that great or interesting.” Now I was curious. “Order, bring me that book!” “Yes my lady!” Order replied from my pipbuck, and before Fizzy could stop it, the drone swept down and grabbed the book, dropping it in front of me. Looking down at it, I cocked an eyebrow. On the first page was a sketch of a mare with a stallion's private part in her mouth, and on the other page was a very graphic story of it. Looking at the mare I began to recognize certain features that were unmistakable. My eyes then drifted up at Fizzy, who looked quite embarrassed now. “Did you… make porn… of me!?” She chuckled nervously. “S… sorry. It's a habit of mine.” Closing the book and giving it back to her, I decided that I wasn't going to let it bother me. “Just ask next time, okay.” “Oh, then could you tell me about your experience? For a story I mean.” Fizzy then asked excitedly. “N.. no fucking way…” then I thought about and shrugged. “Ya know, fuck it. Just change the ponies in the book.” It was weird, but after the brahminshit I've seen in the wasteland, this was rather tame. Getting caught up in talking about our more recent life, it was probably the closest thing to actually girl talk I've ever had. Star and Live were mares as well, but they were too rough about girly stuff. Cloudy was very girly, but I was also dating her at the time. But Fizzy was just a normal mare, well a normal mare with charm magic and other crazy stuff. What I was not expecting was how much experience she had with stallions, making me feel rather meek in comparison. She didn't go into any grate details, but I got a feeling that she wasn't all that proud of her body count, and that not all of it was her own choice, though she never once mentioned rape or anything like that. It just felt that at some point in her life she was put into a bad situation and made the best of it. We also seemed to have the same taste in stallions, which was neat. Just as she got into giving me advice about what I should try the next time I'm with a stallion, Cherry returned with our laundry. As much as I'd like the conversation to continue, I took that as my cue to go. So getting dressed in my normal clothes, and keeping the underdress on for extra layers, It was my time to go.  “Say Harp.” Cherry asked. “Can we dress up Fizzy? All that clothes gives me ideas.” I laughed. “She's all yours.” Feeling the red ballistic weave cocktail dress and Stable-tec jacket back on me, I nolong felt as exposed. Stepping out, the sun was starting to get low, so I adjusted Vibraphone's Metro-Cola hat to shade my eyes, and trotted over to the other tent. Inside I saw the yak Amralt and the thief Pilfer were playing cards with a few other ponies, paying me no mind. It took a moment for me to find Azure, even though he was in plain sight, requiring me to sense with my magic to get past his perception blocking.  The Lurker was writing in one of his journals, with the same focus as Fizzy had. Trotting over, he thankfully wasn't drawing porn, but making notes about Demon grass.  “Researching about grass?” I asked him. “A little.” Azure replied. “Botany isn't my thing, but I do know a few things. Unfortunately what I know means nothing here, as everything is magical here. Still, it doesn't hurt making notes of it.” He then tapped on one book that was labeled as property of the Coven of Clovers. “For example, a mare by the name Blackcharry Blackroot theorized that the demon grass is a mutant variant of a zebra grass, which likely was smuggled here as research materials or as to intentionally cripple the region. If true, there could be a type of zebra lands animal that could be imported to keep the grass in check.” “Is it okay to have that book?” I asked. Azure put his notebook on top of the book in question. “I'll be returning it soon, so no worry.” Putting the book theft aside, it was time to find out what he wanted to tell me. “So, what did you find out that I must know?” “Right, we probably should move to someplace less… watched.” One of his antennas then pointed to the side of the tent, where I could see a faint outline of a pony too close to the tent to not be listening in.  “And where might you suggest?” I asked. His mandibles moved to make a smile. “Actually, I found a rather nice spot.” __________________________________________________________________ Following the Lurker, he took us to what was a bar called “The Old Buzzard,” which was filled with ponies, with plenty of them Desperados. I even saw the Kirin from the market dropping off a keg of their own drink. The owners of this place were clearly Talon mercenaries, as much of the staff were griffins, and all armed. Taking a seat at a booth between some very chatty ponies, and a group of loudly laughing griffins, we both ordered a pinet each of their house brew. It was rather funny watching Azure squeeze in, as his tail was more like a sail than anything. “Damnit, I do hope I molt soon, I can at least break my tail to segmented it.” He complained. “It must be really weird to have your body change like that.” I said, feeling some sympathy for my crustacean friend. He groaned. “You have no idea. Not having my claws is bad enough, but this tail is not suitable for tight places. Anyways, it should be safe to talk here.” I looked around, seeing how busy it was here. “Are you sure about that?” “Very.” He said confidently. “From here we can see the entrance, and if any pony wants to hear what we have to say, they'll need to get right up to the table. Now if you look carefully, we're not the only ones having a private conversation here. But please, only use your eyes to look, don't turn your head more than necessary.” Doing as he said, and with only the slightest move of my head, I looked around. It wasn't hard to notice once I looked for it: ponies using mugs to hide their lips as they spoke, or leaning in to talk quieter.  “I see, that's rather clever.” I told Azure. He chuckled, “I know, and that is why I wish someone told me this trick when I first started treasure hunting. Talking in quiet places almost got me killed a few times before I started doing this.” “Is your… profession that dangerous?” I asked the lurker. “Only if you make it dangerous.” He said as our drinks arrived, Azure then tipping a slightly chubby hen a few caps before she left. “Fortunately it's normally not as exciting as they make it seem in books and films. Most artifacts are only worth anything to collectors, who sign very strict contracts to higher people to find said artifacts, and who'll later put the artifact in a museum. So the chain of ownership is a very important part of the job, and because of that, people in my profession are fairly friendly with each other. That said, when you start flapping your mandibles about a big job recovering valuable artifacts, the local thieves start paying very close attention to you. And they're often too stupid to understand what is actually valuable or dangerous.” “That… makes sense I guess. But what about things like raiders or mutants?” I further asked. “It really depends on where you are, as most places aren't a blighted hellscape of a wasteland, though some places can be worse. It's a completely different world, remember. Different dangers, different rules, and different magic.” Azure then took a moment to drink some of his beer. “Wow, is this mostly just water? I think I could breathe this if I was desperate enough.” I took a sip as well, and found myself disappointed. I could barely taste the beer, and what I could taste wasn't that good.  “Anyways, let's get to the subject at claw… or is it hoof, I guess you wouldn't use the word hand here?” Azure looked at his own hoof shaped appendages with disappointment. “It hoof, we use the word hood in such sentences. Though the Griffins do use the word claw instead of hoof, so both work.” I informed him. “That's good, the last thing I need is to get back home and accidentally say things like everypony and such.” He said with a chuckle. “Now getting back on track, like I said, I did some sleuthing, and found something you might be interested in.” “Let me guess, it has to do with Swift's two new wives.” I guessed. Azure nodded. “I guess them being a problem isn't a big secret, and using women to manipulate men is an age old tactic no matter where you go.” “Wait, using… women?” I asked, abbit confused on the terminology. “Sorry, I ment using mares to manipulate stallions.” He clarified, and then pulled out a small notepad from his jacket pocket, flipping it open and pushing it to me. “I saw this and it reminded me a lot of that symbol you and Star told me about.” It felt like a massive hole had formed in my stomach, threatening to devour me from the inside. On the notepad was a drawing of a teardrop inside a thorned ring. Even without color I recognize it as Thorn Roseland's cutie mark, and the main symbol of those who worship her as a prophet.  “Are you sure?” I asked, hoping it was just a mistake. Azure nodded. “This symbol was on a few of their things, jewelry, weapons, and even a small altar. But it wasn't the most common symbol.” He flipped a page on his notepad, revealing another symbol, this time a heart shaped skull with two crossed swords. “This was imprinted on almost all their things, and most prominently on the many bottles of alcohol they had. Where the other symbol felt more religious, this one feels like a branding, or a family crest.” “Darkheart, you mean?” I asked, seeing the logic. “Yes, and from my investigation, it's clear that those two sisters are part of something bigger, and I don't mean just being pirates.” He flipped the notepad again, where I saw several symbols on what looked to be a book. “Unfortunately I couldn't read what was inside, but it seemed to hold more importance than another book they had about Thorn Roseland. But I recognize occult stuff when I see it.” He lost me again, so I just tilted my head. “Right, sorry.” Azure apologized. “Think magic, but taken from a higher power. Generally it's always bad news, as those higher powers are indifferent at best, and malevolent at worst.” Pulling back his notepad and closing it, he Azure then let out a sigh. “Seeing that, I took it as my time to go, as bad things happen when around the occult for too long, and decided to talk to ponies instead.” Flipping his notepad, he then continued. “From what I was to gather, the Darkheart sisters arrived in Umberfoal, along with their extended family, a good six months ago, trading alcohol. They were looking for land to settle down, and a settlement had recently opened up. Swift wasn't originally open to the idea, as a few ponies mentioned, but the trade of guns and a few drinking parties changed his mind. Supposedly the marriage only happened because one of the sisters ended up pregnant after one of those parties, the clingy one I think. Oh, and the other sister isn't actually married to Swift, but nopony knows why she acts that she is. And lets see, right, as of recently, the Darkhearts, along with growing some sort of orchard on their land, have also joined up with the Warband in holding Umberfoal.” That was just a lot to take in, so I took my beer,andI shot it down the back of my throat, drinking it all in one go, then slamming the mug back down. “Well, thats just fucking grate, Thorns Chosen aren't just alredy here, they've already started integrating themselves into the Desperados!” “My thoughts exactly, though it might not be Thorns Chosen.” Azure pointed out. “That said, it is often the fastest way to convert a civilization to a new religion by being the claw that rocks the cradle. Or to try and convert the leader directly.” Azure said, his words only making me feel even worse.  “You think that could be their goal?” I had to ask. He let out a sigh. “I can't say for sure, but I did scan over the holy book about Thorn. The tenants laid out by their prophet are straight out of a warlord mentality, in which the only options for outsiders is to convert, to become slaves, or to die. Coexistence wasn't an option.” I took his drink and knocked that back too. “Well, this isn't going to end smoothly. No, it's going to be a bloody mess, that I'm sure of.” “Only if you let it, miss Harp.” Azure said to me with a grin in his mandibles. “I heard that you were making friends today, maybe they can help? Also, and it may be my own bias talking, you could just ask them directly. In my experience, people of faith like that tend to be rather open about their goals.” That was something to think about. Instead of being cloak and dagger about this, just cut to the chase and ask them. “I'll need to talk to Arras first.” __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 10: A Black Flag, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 10, A Black Flag, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ Though the beer was rather weak, I wasn't that big of a pony, so I was feeling a bit buzzed along our way back to the Desperados camp. Azure was a big help getting other stallions to back off as trotted, as the sight of the glowing crab pony quickly killed any desire to convince me to have sex with them. And those who had other motivation would be convinced to try somepony else by the barrel of Order’s guns. It was rather funny, and personally I didn't mind the attention, I just wished it wasn't from malnourished and likely diseased ponies.  “Hay Azure, do your mares, or whatever your females are called have this problem?” I asked without thinking, only realizing how rude it must have sounded as soon as I asked it. “Sometimes,” he said with a shrug. “Oh, and they're called either sooks or hens, where the males of my race are generally called Jimmies or cocks. Not the naming we gave to ourselves, since our native language consists of whistles and clicks.” “Sooks and Jimmies,” I said with a chuckle. “Can't imagine what weird creatures came up with those names.” “You don't even know half of it.” Azure said back cheerfully. “But as for displays of courtship, it's generally ill advised to get so aggressive with our sooks, as they tend to be a bit bigger and with a thicker shell. Normally two males will team up to court a female, building a nest and filling it with resources to impress her.” “Two, why's that?” I asked. “Simple, our females produce two eggs after molting. In which each male is given one to fertilize and protect.” Azure explained. I let out a chuckle at that. “That sounds rather sweet, and a bit romantic. I wonder, are your females beautiful too, colorful or the like?” Azure let out a pleased sounding chitter. “Well to my kind they are. They have long and bright fins, sometimes coming in a shifting of colors, and though most can't see it, theri chitin has beautifly iridescent stripes. If you ever see a proper Lurker sook in the right light, you'd be quite impressed, that's for sure.” My mind drifted back to my friend Mayall, and how her contact with a small megaspell had changed her, making her bigger and her glow brighter. “I might have, or something close. Maybe you'll meet her someday, can't miss her with how she glowed pink and red brightly.” He nodded. “It is fascinating though, how the Lurker here evolved independently from my own. Then again magic is involved, and thinking too hard about it might give me an aneurysm.” We laughed again as we entered the camp, the foul smell of the city dieing down as the smell of motor oil took over. With the sun dipping over the horizon the Desperados had begun lighting their lamps. Most were either oil lamps burning fat, candles, or a few spark battery powered lights. There were a few fire barrels here and there providing light, warmth, and a place to cook food or boil water. It was easy to tell apart the Desperados from Arras's herd and those from Swift's. As Arras's herd were doing most things themselves, forming groups made up of families helping each other. Swift's herd were layzing about as the tributaries did most, if not all the work. It did make some sense to me, as the tributaries were working to get favors from the Desperados for their own settlements, so I wasn't going to get all high and mighty about it. Not that I have any room to talk. Trotting through the camp, we made our way to Arras's tent, finding my friends and some of my companions there as Arras was once again cooking. This time it looked like ground up meat patties and the vegetables we had gotten from Percussion Cap's farm.  Unfortunately Swift was here too, along with his wife and her sister, the twin pirates. I didn't know how much they knew, or if they were in contact with either Victoria or Purity Spiral, but feeling out with my own magic, I knew they didn't have the evil eye.  “A bit more?” Fizzy asked Arras's, as she held a bottle of Sparkle-Cola Black. The old ghoul chuckled. “Any more and I might start forgetting my age.” “Didn't stop you the last time, now did it.” Fizzy replied as though it wasn't a disturbing thought. “You’ve met Arras's befor, Fizzy?” I asked as I took a seat in our circle. “And please don't tell us you boned a ghoul?” Star added. Arras let out an annoyed huff at Star. “Now don't be rude, anyway, even if I wanted to, I don't quite have the tools for it any more.” Star looked away, a bit ashamed. “Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up something so sensitive.” The old ghoul laughed. “Oh don't apologize, I lost it over a hundred years ago. And it didn't work much before that anyhow. But ya, I met Fizzy when she was still in Ursas Rest, and she's still just as pretty as she was back then. If I was two hundred years younger and not married at the time, I'd certainly try and make her mine.  Fizzy blushed a little, or I think she did, hard to tell when she lets her mane cover so much of her face. “Always a charmer. Speaking of back then, how did it go with that friend of yours?” “Got him safely back to his descendants. Not a fan of the Pear Valley Tribes keeping feral ghouls, but it was the decision he made if he ever did go feral.” Arras said as he raised his glass up high. “Personally, I want a fural by fire, and my ashes returned to Canterlot.” He looked solemn as he lowered his glass. “Originally I wanted my ashes returned to my family's shop, or given to my sister in Stable One, but…” “Ya, I can empathize with that wish.” I said, remembering how much my family dreamed of returning to Canterlot, and restoring our ancestral home. Maybe one day, but it will need to be rebuilt brick by brick. “As sad as it is, I find it romantic.” Fizzy then said with a smile. “Maybe you could have it rebuilt before you go, you do have the time for it.” Arras paused for a moment, then burst out into laughter again. “That is true, and it would help keep my mind sharp for the next hundred years. By Tartarus, I could have pre-war Canterlot be rebuilt, with none of that Ministry nonsense.” “What's stopping you?” Swift said, his cheeks flushed with booze. “Maybe it's time you let go of the Desperados and move on already. You and the other founders.” the Darkheart sister hung onto either side of him, one whispering in his ear as the other watched me. Arras didn't look pleased with the suggestion, but didn't drop his smile. “Maybe you're right, it has been over two hundred years after all. But I'll need to talk with some old and new friends first. It has been years since I was last here after all. I'm sure they’ll have nothing but good to say about your leadership here, and that the Desperados are in good hooves.” A chuckle came from several ponies here, with the most blatant being Star and Rack End, both mares not giving a shit if they pissed off the warchief. “So we're taking advice from weaklings who hide on their hill now? Ponies who can't be bothered to patrol their own roads.” Swift said in annoyance. “Watch your tone, son.” Arras said before sipping his drink, his gaze then turning over to me. “Speaking of talking to old friends, I heard you got to visit Magnificence. Much sooner than I had guessed, but you are an unusual mare after all. So tell me, what do you think of this place? Other than the smell, I can even smell the shit and my nose barely works anymore.” Swift let out a huff as Hollow Darkheart served him a drink. A cup was then passed to me by Fizzy, of which it was Sparkle-Cola with a hint of booze. “Sparkle-Rum. It's good.” She told me and I took a sip. I was surprised to find the drink ice cold and carbonated, even more surprising was how smooth the rum was. As the warmth filled me, I let myself loose up a little. “Right, where should I start?” Taking a moment to rack through my mind, it quickly became clear where I should start. “First off, who taught those ponies how to build structures? Some of the buildings were crumbling as we trotted through, and they can't be more than a few years old!” “Told ya!” Rack End said with a chuckle. “Those wastelanders ain't shit when it comes to making anything. I knew they'd start cutting corners as soon as they could, it's why most of them choose to live in ruins then to make their own damn homes.” Another laugh came from her oldest son, Tire Fire. The stallion had been scarce since we got here, likely bothering mares in a red light district. “Ya, remember those ponies that settled in our territory a few years back, the ones who said they could grow carrots. When we left they had some ramshackle hut to live in, and when we returned before winter, they were still in that hut shivering their flanks off. Oh, and all the carrots died.” “Ugg, that was a headache. We had to take em to some other settlement so they wouldn't all freeze to death. I'm still sure they ate one of their own just to survive with how they had the shakes even after warming up.” That was a horrendous thought, and one I didn't want to go further down. “Right, the average wastelander isn't the best at… well all that much.” I said with a sigh. “Well that aside, the city is quite remarkable, all things considered. You got ponies from all over passing through, some even setting down here. With them, there are things being sold that I don't think you can find in most of the wasteland. Then there's the inner-city, which is like trotting into the past, and might be the closest thing to Canterlot other than the Marewaii skyport. Restaurants, a boutique, even the diner. Of which, we found a photo of you, Arras, from before the wasteland.” The old ghoul smiled wide, though the teeth he had were either rotten or fake gold teeth. “Right, I think I remember that, Princess Majesty was having a veterans day at Clover Hill, and insisted that I and the old squad returned for it. It was… a very pleasant day.” “And you were a stud back then!” Live Axle said a bit too excitedly. Arras let out a sigh. “I was quite the stallion I admit. But time drags us all down sadly. Don't go thinking I'm weak because of it. I can still scrap with the best of em.” “I bet you can.” I told him, but I wasn't all that sure about that. “Well, we also got acquainted with the different factions here, some good some… not so much.” “As always, the Steel Rangers are shit when it comes to first impressions.” Live commentary. “Wouldn't have been so bad if not for two numskulls throwing oil onto the fire.” Star added. Swift didn't look pleased by the commentary, but kept any thoughts on the matter to himself. “On the other hoof, both the Platinum Guard and the Coven of Clovers have been rather friendly. We also got to talk with some interesting Steel Rangers Scribes, who are currently  looking after a Mirage pony.” I told Arras. “Is that so, I might request for the po y to visit.” Arras said as he scratched his chin, then chuckled. “Mirage ponies are quite rare after all. Maybe we can save her from those tin cans bastards.“ “And get one of us killed as soon as they trot into their turf.” Swift spoke up. “Why even bother talking to those tin cans, they act all high and mighty while doing jack and shit for anypony. And have you forgotten what they've done, the ponies they killed just because they thought they knew better!” “Don't go putting words in my mouth, Swift.” Arras's tone sounded frustrated as he spoke. “But now is not the time for old grudges. Not when we might be dealing with a greater threat.” “You mean those so-called Equalists.” Swift said in an equally annoyed tone. “I'm still not convinced why we should even be listening to this zony half-acorn. She's not family, not real Desperados, and yet you're treating her as your favored granddaughter. To let an outsider in as an equal is just shameful, and one so willingly to talk with our enemies.” Before Arras could snap back at his descendant, I spoke up for myself. “I don't deny any of that, nor do I seek to be a leader among you. It's only on Arras's recomondation that I aid him in the fight to come, and I trust his judgment. Anyways, there are more enemies out there then the Steel Rangers or the Equalists. Over a week ago we had another runin with Blue Skies, the same ponies who gladly took sheriff Ashy Oaks money and attempted to wipe out Arras's herd. This time they were attempting to dig up ancient Zebra weapons so to wipe out a farm. Those same weapons, of which I have no doubt, would be turned on the Desperados out of Quicktrot's spiteful nature.” I then let out a sigh, remembering that clusterfuck. “We almost lost everypony, and it's only by luck any of us served. Even then, in our victory, I still have the feeling that she will be back, and come after everyone here even harder.” My eyes then drifted to Swift, but only for a moment and I changed the focus to another threat. “There's also the issue with Thorns Chosen, and how they've been infiltrating the wasteland.” That got Darkheart sisters attention, the twins perking their ears in my direction and they continued to pamper Swift. “Right, you have mentioned then being a major issue we might have to deal with.” Arras said, the look in his face clearly showing he knew where I was going with this. “But that's only once we get near the coastline, unless you're suggesting that they're moving inland now. It would be troubling if they were found this far inland.” “Baa! Now you're fretting over a mere cult.” Swift scoffed. “What next, panicking over a nightmare.” This hog headed fool didn't know how to shut up? “Hay now, the Chosen aren't some mere cult, I mean, it's all over the seven seas.” Star protested. “I mean ya, they're following the words of a false prophet, but underestimating them is really dangerous.” “And how would you even know! A savage like you can't even comprehend the brilliance of Thorn Redrum, much less-” Hollow Darkheart spoke up, but was interrupted by her sister.  “That's enough, sister!” Lair Darkheart said sternly. Star rolled her eyes. “I grew to the sky readin' the 'oly text as a true blood blackwater pony. Who be ye, an' what connections do ye 'ave with em?” I face hoofed at hearing Star's Blackwater accent, it coming out thick and unintelligible. Hollow Darkheart chuckled. “Oh, so you're one of them, the leftover trash of the fleets. No wonder you lost faith, as trash always finds ways to disappoint.” Star shot up, and I knew she was about to use her evil eye, but I couldn't have this escalating out of control. “Order, block Star!” Order quickly flew over, and obstructed her view of the twins. “Please sit down, Star.” I asked calmly. She did just that, looking annoyed and ready for a fight. Everypony else was now more on edge, but not enough to stop most of them from eating and drinking. Arras pressed his hooves to the temples of his head, clearly annoyed at having Azure's investigation proven true. “Swift, you call Thorns Chosen a mere cult, but then you married one of those cultists. So please don't tell me you made an alliance with Thorns Chosen.” “And what of it!” Swift huffed out. “They may be a cult, but they've become our best tributary, unlike all those other fools who ran off. I say let them believe what they want, and we get the supplies to crush what is clearly an uprising, and not an invasion like some outsider believes.” Star looked over at me, whispering “He can't be this dumb?” I shrugged and whispered back. “Looks like he is.” “And even if you are right, Swift isn't a pushover.” Hollow Darkheart said as nuzzled her husband. “He will deal with this threat rather easily.”  “Along with the backing of our family, victory cannot be denied.” Lair Darkheart spoke up. “You have seen the weapons, the well polished ones. We provided the warband with them, and can provide even more. Better yet, they aren't over two hundred year old obsolete hunks of steel like you've provided. With the warbands strength and our weapons combined, only fools would dare change us.” They were laying it on thick with their praising of Swift, but the warchief was clearly eating it up with how smug his smile looked. Lair Darkheart then smirked at me, “and what about you, do you have any claim to strength, the resource to push back any threat. Or are you just playing a wasteland hero?”  Hollow Darkheart chuckled. “Unlikely, if she's associated with Blackwater trash.” My ear then twitched as I began to realize something, and I looked over at Star, giving her the look that let her know that I still had more to say before letting her way her own piece. “You say Blackwater trash, then am I to assume you're not associated with anypony from there?” Hollow rolled her eyes. “No way we would ever lower ourselves to relying on Buccaneers. The clergy may like using them, but we of the old families are above their dirty hooves.” An annoyed sigh then came from Lair. “Sister, could you watch your tongue for a moment.” Her eyes then shifted to me, and I could see a slight shine in them from under her vale. “Let's cut to the chase, Miss Harp, whom did you assume we were associated with? Is it someone related to your companion here, another Blackwater dreg?” She moved a hoof in a dismissive motion as she asked, as though wanting this over and done with already. We were already this far in, so it was no use back out now. “A Bishop Purity Spiral and a Commodore Victoria Rosary. Those two and their Corps Brigade have crossed us before, and done something unforgivable to my friend.” Both twins went silent for a moment, glancing at each other before bursting out into laughter.  “Oh, so that's what's going on!” Lair said through her laughter. “So ya had a runin with that fallen noble from the clergy and her hounds.” “Sister, didn't she get scrubbed from the grand fleet because of her association with those heretics.” Hollow asked her sister. “Even old Flintlock didn't want her, and that mare is as power mad as they come.” “True sister, so very true.” Lair then lifted up her well manicured hoof. “We pureblood Privateers especially don't associate with upstart trash like them if we can help it. And we certainly don't answer to the clergy.” Both mares then removed her headdress, revealing two horns on their heads. The bicorn looked at me with a predatory hunger, of which I couldn't look away. “We only answer to ourselves, as any good Privateer should.” I… didn't know how to respond to this, as I was fully expecting them to be Purity Spiral's spies. Not something different entirely. The two mares, despite being nearly identical, were very different. Hollow, who had eyes of gold, had a bit more than a healthy amount of makeup on, with a glossy mane done up in ringlets, and plenty of gem encrusted jewelry. Were Lair, who had silver eyes, had the beir minimum of makeup on, a mane dun up in a fohawk that flowed into a tail, and simple gold rings for jewelry, along with even more gold and silver coins decorating her. Where Hollow came off as a very feminine lady, Lair gave off the feel of a very pretty gentlecolt. “Excuse me.” Azure then spoke up. “I believe something has been lost in translation. You call yourselves Privateers, as in pirates who've been given a letter of mark. Am I to guess this relates to your ancestors, and they just kept the titles.” Hollow looked taken aback, but Lair answered quickly. “Ay, that is correct. Our ancestors come from the Barbary Islands, not Equestria. We are true pure bloods, unlike that Buccaneer dredge next to you.” She pointed at Star, who now looked a bit more calm, if bemused by her taunting. “For many generations we were mercenaries of the seas, paid by nations to attack their rivals or to smuggle goods. We made plenty of gold during the great war, enough that we were able to build our own empire on the sea. Which isn't much different from the Desperados.” Arras let out a groan. “That explains the attitude, and what rubbed me the wrong way with you two. You're the descendants of the assholes who started the great war in the first place.” “What!?” I and several others shouted. “It's not a good story.” Arras began. “An Equestria cruise ship nere Zebra waters was attacked by pirates, who attended to take the ship to the Barbary Island to hold as ransom. The Zebra Empire went in to deal with it, but the Wonderbolts got their first, embarrassing the Zebras. From there it slowly devolved into war.” “We neither confirm or deny such accusations.” Hollow said with a smile. Arras shrugged. “Matters not, it was just the spark, the whole relationship between Equestria and the Zebra Empire was already bad.” “Right, so the Privateers are the original pirates from before the war, and I guess the Buccaneers are the ponies who came after.” Azure further probed. Hollow let out another laugh. “They came begging for our help, or so the history books say. The holy text explains how they were led to us by Roseland, and how both our groups joined together.” Lair rolled her eyes. “Not that they ever proved themselves worthy to fight besides us. By the locker, it was our ancestors who salvaged Avalon as the buccaneers just sat by and watched. Then the Redrum family took all the credit, and made the floating port into their holy city.” Now feeling more secure that the Corps Brigade weren't breathing down my neck, or at least not yet, I felt more at ease to ask. “So why are you and the… Privateers even doing out here?” “To not let those damned Buccaneers and Clergy get ahead of us!” Lair spat out. Hollow nodded. “Ever since Flintlock Hoof and her Grand Fleet staked her claim over the Marewaii Islands, she's gotten a big head, and have been moving onto Equestria. Even that steile whore she calls a daughter has been acting all high and mighty, calling herself Duchess Red Steel.” “Even the Clergy has been calling for a crusade, sending their agents out here to search for lost relics.” Lair further explained. “They likely sent Purity Spiral out here just to get her to stop badgering the nobility to give over a daughter to marry that pretty useless son of hers.” “So we have sent ponies to settle Equestria ourselves, along with making allies worthy of union.” Lair told us as she fed Swift his drink. “I do miss the ocean, but not enough to miss out on this fun.” Azure then leaned over, whispering to me, “Sounds like the Chosen are prone to infighting, maybe best to use this to our advantage?” I had to agree, as it meant that even if Purity Spiral was here, she didn't have allies with this group of pirates. Even if I couldn't trust them to watch my back, I could trust the Twins to not hoof me over to Purity Spiral. Though I would have to be worried about them trying to use me for their own gains. Nothing new about that. “Why not drink to that!” I spoke up loudly, picking up a nearby glass and raising it high. “To new friends and allies. May they prosper alongside us!” The only pony to quickly join me was Slowtrot, who then looked confused as to why everypony else had not joined in. Star then let out a sigh, raising a cup up. “So long as you're not with Victoria or Purity Spiral, I'll tolerate your existence.” Lair let out an amused huff, lifting a glass herself. “That we are not, be sure of that. So to a future filled with gold.” “And may we crush our enemies!” Hollow called out. “All our enemies!” Swift cheered. Arras then lifted up his own glass as everypony watched him. “Then I too shall toast, but to the quick resolution to the conflict up in the west, and that our warriors return to their families alive.” With that we all drank, the tension in the air fading rapidly.  As the sweet liquid rushed down my throat, soon a burning sensation ran up it. Coughing from the surprise, severe ponies laughed as I released I shot more alcohol down my throat. The warmth was almost instant as the fuzziness from the beer before returned, but stronger. __________________________________________________________________ Time went on as the sun disappeared over the horizon, our shadows dancing on the tents from the light of our campfire. Slowly, pony by pony, our group dwindled. I stuck around, sipping on water as I slowly sobered up, with Star, Azure and Arras keeping me company.  Unfortunately Lair Darkheart stayed behind as well, her eyes shining in the light of the fire like some nocturnal beast. Her face was flushed with alcohol as she chewed on a partly cooked brahmin stake. “Tell me.” I spoke up, the alcohol in my body making me feel more daring. “do you know of the city of Despoines?” She chuckled back at me. “Ay, I've heard of it. An old legend, but only that.” She then cocked her head at us. “Why would an Equestria pony know or care about the ancient legends of my kin? A city built by the pale mare Despoine, and then named after her. The first city of ponies, and where we gained the name of ponies from. Legends say, those who make it to Despoines will have all questions answered, and be driven mad by it.” Lair then shot the rest of her drink down her throat, and again chuckled. “But I was under the Idea that the ponies of Equestria had forgotten all about the ancient legends.” She then looked at Star, and again chuckled even more. “Wait, blue one, you do resemble some assholes I know?” “The Alginate family you mean?” Star said. Lair's eyes opened wide. “Ah Yes, that's it, you look just like those fucking Kelpies. So who's bastard are ya? The patriarch I bet, as he is known to enjoy his whores.” Star let out a huff, but didn't look all that bothered by it. “No, my father is his eldest son, Dead Reckoning.” She then burst out into laughter. “Oh, now that makes sense! A bastard of a bastard, a whore from a whore I bet! Oh if the Alginate family knew, they'd blow a gasket, with how their new mistress has been killing all the bastards like it was her birth mission. Mother would love to meet you, if only to hold you over the bitch Setting Sun. All high and mighty because she's part bicorn, yet all trash.” Star's eye then twitches as she lets out a groan. “By the goddesses, you gotta be shitting me!” It took me a moment to realize Star's frustration, as the name Setting Sun was one Star knew all too well. “Oh I know. Don't even know what her problem is with her husband's bastards, not like they're a threat since she's from the Barbary Islands. His previous wife's children are the real issue, backstabbers the lot of them.” Lair told us, chatting like any other mare over gossip. “Well the thing is.” Star took a deep breath, clearly not all that comfortable with the subject. “Setting Sun is my mother. And she's from the Blackwater, and worse, she's Flintlock Hoof's eldest daughter.” Lair dropped her cup, shock on her face. “No fucking way, you gotta be delusional.”  “It would explain why Purity Spiral wants Star.” Azure spoke up. I didn't know Lurkers could have flushed cheeks, but somehow he did. “Didn't make sense for her to want Star with how much removed she was from that family. But if she could be used to damage another family's reputation, then it makes sense.” That got Lair to pause for a moment, then rubbed her temples together in frustration. “That makes too much sense to not be a lie. I’ll need to contact my mother about this. It's just too juicy not to investigate.” She then smiled wide, showing us her naturally enlarged fags. “Now you got to tell me more!” “Well, that's my signal for me to leave, gossip is just not a stallion's place.” Arras said as he got up. I decided to join him, as it was now very late. Trotting along with only small fires providing us light, the green glow in Arras's eyes was far more noticeable, giving him a somewhat unnerving visage. Yet the look in his eyes was no less hard or caring. “What do you think? Of the pirates… or Privateers as they called themselves?” I asked him. Arras shrugged as he looked back at Star and Lair, the two seemingly enjoying eachothers company.  “I don't rightly know. The only time I even met any Privateers was during a bar fight, and when a group attempted to foal-nap Princess Majesty.” “Wait, they did what?” I said in shock, but keeping my voice low. “Oh ya. My guess is that the Zebras paid them to do it, but we never found any evidence of it. For all we know it was the Saddle Arabians who paid, and wanted to stage a rescue so that they could carry more favor with Equestria.” He then chuckled. “It was like an actual adventure from a shlock movie, down to us in some odd outfits and even a sword fight. In the end Majesty literally payed them to fuck off.” “As for the bar fight.” Arras took a moment to scratch his chin. “Originally we weren't even involved. The Navy had invited us for drinks after transporting us and the Princesses. She gave them a private show on the ship, you see. The navy bar happened to currently be serving a crew of Privateers, who took more of an offense to the Princesses than anything. Ancient blood feuds from how she explained it. Well it became one big fucking brawl,” Arras then rubbed his jaw. “And them Privateers love to fight dirty. One of them gave me more stitches than any Zebra had throughout the whole war.” “As for if we can trust em?” Arras said as he returned to the present, returning to my original question. “It's been well over two hundred years, and a lot can change. But I do remember that the ponies of the Barbary Island were known for their infighting. It's why Celestia wanted nothing to do with them, as she had fought with them before, long before the war, and they ruffled her feathers greatly. And that's not even mentioning the rumors of the dark rituals they perform there, if I remember correctly.” “I think I understand.” I said, taking in his words carefully. The pirates were a cruel and chaotic bunch, and always have been, from the sounds of it. Likely stabbing each other in the back as they would us. Stil, something bothered me. “But what's with this old legend?” “Despoine you mean?” Azure asked as he trotted over, the green glow of his fins seemingly brighter at night. “It's very different from the underwater city Slowtrots description. Though it could just be that Thorn named the city after the legend.” I nodded. “Maybe, but there is just so much we don't know. At least we know the twins aren't a direct threat to us, though I wouldn't trust them.” “Agree.” Azure said, “thoughts, It's probably best if we do not talk so openly about them, or your mission.” I raised an eyebrow. “How so?” “Just like Arras said, the Privateers are known for infighting. And if the Privateers, Buccaneers, and Clergy are all competing for power, then I doubt the other two don't like what those twins are doing here.” Azure explained. “So back to classic cloak and dagger spie shit then.” Arras grumbled out. They were right, and not just the pirates, but the Equalists and Blueskys must have their spie as well. “Ya, and there's no way we can know who's an enemy within the city.” “Worse, even in camp it's going to be a problem.” Arras said with a cold certainty. “Swift's tributaries are from his territory, but there's no way we know if they're working for other powers, or were simply replaced.” The old ghoul then spat at the ground. “This is why I hate taking in tributaries to our camps. It always eventually ends in disaster.” Thinking about it, he was right, where before everypony was family, now there were strangers in camp, all with their own goals, and almost none having loyalty to the Desperados. Maybe if Swift hadn't allied himself with the Privateers, then maybe things wouldn't feel so dangerous, but because he had, now it's for certain that we have spies. Of which, several must be reporting to Purity Spiral. “Damnit, now it's going to be hard to get some sleep.” I complained. Arras then hoofed a flask over to me. “Drink this, it should help you sleep.” He winked at me. “Trust me, I don't need to sleep as much as you do, and you're going to need to keep that mind of yours sharp.” With a sigh I took it. “Thanks. But just don't push yourself too hard. If anything happened to you, I doubt the Desperados would be able to hold themselves together.” “Actually, that's what scares me the most.” Arras said as he trotted off. As the old ghoul disappeared into the darkness I turned to Azure, “How about you, what's your opinion on all this?”  “From my own experience, where there is power, there are corrupt people who seek it, or good people corrupted by it.” He said before looking over at me with his cross shaped pupils. “That said, other than the city itself and the trade routes, there isn't much here for those people to desire it. At least not enough to get outside powers to cause any problems. At least that's as much as I know, and not accounting for yourself.” “So… as long as I keep a low profile, everything should be fine?” I asked, on the verge of hoping. But the Lurker didn't look sure as he looked at me. “If everything goes well, then this story will remain a boring slice of your life. Though I suggest you keep your revolver loaded and ready. Fortune may favor the bold, but survival always favors the prepared.”  I nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. The last thing I need is to be caught off guard, like with Quicktrot. No guarantee we will get out alive like that again.” We then parted ways. Even though I doubt any mare would be overly bothered by him in our tent, Azure had been insistent to follow proper manners, and chose the stallion's tent. So finding my spot, after having to climb over a few mares, I layed down to sleep.  But with how my mind wouldn't stop thinking, I opened up Arras's flask, and drank everything inside. The nocuse content was almost surip-like, and I neatly gagged. Yet whatever it was did its job, and I quickly became drowsy, dropping the flask and curling myself up tight. I then prayed to Celestia that tomorrow will be a boring day as I drifted off to sleep. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 11: Culture, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 11, Culture, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ “It wasn't my fault! The fools did it to themselves!” A stallion yelled, a baron I think, his name forgotten. “You must understand my Queen, those peasants, they're just too stupid and spoiled!” Even from behind the sheet of cloth that hid me from view, I could still see how displeased my mother was. Silver Majesty sitting next to her in her wheelchair looked bored, Rare Pearl on mother's other side was staying stoic, and my other two siblings were elsewhere dealing with the fallout of this monstrous idiot’s actions.  “Though I do agree that the peasantry are lacking in proper education.” Gilded Gold said slowly, loudly, and with authority on her throne. “But, their job isn't to manage the station. Their job isn't to order new parts for the air filters or to make sure it's of good quality. Just as it isn't their job to hire outside workers to properly fix the filtration unit when it gets clogged with pollen.” Mother's eyes narrowed at the baron. “That was your job. And yet you're alive as an entire station choked and died!” “It wasn't my fault!” The baron argued. “Silence your pitiful excuse!” Mother bellowed. “You didn't think I wouldn't have found out? That you took my coin, coins meant for the maintenance of your station and pocketed most of it. You paid the maintenance workers next to nothing, who then paid bandits to do the work for them… who then forced vagrants to do that work at gunpoint. Not only did the wildlife from the surface get it and block off the tunnels, but those vagrants reinstalled the pumps backward without any filters. The pollen didn't just slowly drift in, it flooded the station, killing everypony! And where were you? Oh, that's right, you were at the Lucky Rabbit's Foot, gambling away all of my coins meant for the station!” The baron could only look at the ground, his execution all but ensured.  A disaster like this hadn't happened since the unification of the Orphic Queendom. An entire station was lost, both flooded with toxic pollen and mutant animals. It can be recovered, but only at great cost, yet the Queendom’s reputation would forever be marked by it. And why? All because a baron was too lazy to do his job, and had a gambling addiction. So many died all for that. “Mercy! Mercy!” The baron screamed in terror as the royal guard dragged him away. “Princess Harp Melody! Come forth!” Stratus Dancer, the captain of the royal guard, called out. Trotting into view and before my mother, I kept my head low. “You know why you're here?” She asked. I nodded. “I… made an unforgivable mistake.” The cackling of a younger mare startled me as I looked up and saw Red Steel sitting on my mother's throat. Silver Majesty was still there, but in Rare Pearl's place was my nephew, Silver Crescent. “The death of a station is bad, worthy of death.” Red Steel said to me, then licked her lips, showing off her ring’s pierced tongue. “So what about the death of a Queendom? What punishment do you deserve?” She asked with a playful tone as she balanced one of her darangers on her hoof. A lump formed in my throat, not letting me answer. This only causes the crimson unicorn to smile, her silver mane fluttering in the windless stable. “How is it that you live where others have died?” Red asked. “Why did so many sacrifice for you, only to have been betrayed by you?” I stumbled back, tripping on a pony.  Stratus Dancers lay there, body slightly charred, face bloated, and several twitter mites crawling over her. “I protected the crown for what?” Stratus asked with a pain-filled voice. Getting up, I bumped into a medical bed, on it was my mother, strapped to a computer as she slowly died. “Everything our family built, gone!” She rasped. “It should've been you!” Sweet Sax said blood dripping from her gouged-out eye sockets. “How many are dying still because of you?” Rototom asked, her head dangling from her neck by only straps of frayed flesh. Trying to get away, my hooves treaded water, and I found myself in the middle of a pool filled with corpses. I recognize their faces, the staff and lower nobles from Stable 50, all looking at me as they floated there, blaming me. “It's alright, Harp, you're just having a nightmare.” She spoke to me, calm and caring. I turned to see Vibraphone, alive and well. “I'm… so sorry,” I said to her, Vibraphone sighed. “It's alright, I don't blame you, so just come here.” She told me. I trotted to my friend, my very alive friend. Her kind golden eyes soothed me. Embracing her with a hug, she patted me on the back. But as I hugged her, I saw another pony in the distance. Galloping at us, clad in black armor, and missing its head. Fear welled up in me and I tried to let Vibraphone go, but she didn't. “I'm not letting you go yet, Harp, not when you have so many secrets for me to discover.” Her embrace became cold as the headless pony got closer, and the colder I became, so did everything get darker. Soon everything felt frozen, and my vision was pure unnerving black. All except for a small blue flame, so small that even a breeze could snuff it out. I reached for the little flame, but it was just too far away, too out of reach. It wasn't worth the effort. A pale white hoof then grasped mine, helping me reach out further, and I felt warmth again, even though the flame was still too far away. “Hope is only out of reach if you give up.” The voice, was everywhere and nowhere, both beautiful and terrifying.  As I continued to reach out, I felt at peace, letting my eyes rest and forgetting why I felt so scared in the first place. __________________________________________________________________ Morning came like it had before, with Cherry letting the light in as Star grumbled and hid her face from the sun. Henbane was covered in nightstalkers and some large lump snored loudly in the middle of everything. What, who was that? Stretching and getting up, I trotted to the forren lump, looking around to count heads. The other mares were accounted for, meaning we had an extra pony. With a sigh, I pulled the blanket off the lump to see who it was. It took my mind a moment to remember, as the purple mare lay there on her back, bent over a pillow, in some sort of nightgown, and with her mouth wide open as she snored. Right, It was Fizzy Fusion Pop, our newest addition. And right now I was looking at her pair of large tits, my mind still needing time to process what exactly I was looking at. “Ya, I know. Makes a mare feel a bit inadequate looking at those.” Cherry said to me. “How… Can she even trot with those?” I asked, still baffled. Everything about her was big, with the mare being a bit tall, her hips a bit wide, and her breasts outclassing anything I'd seen. Cherry chuckled at my question. “Maybe ask her later, but right now, probably best not to stare so much, it is rude after all.” She suggested as she pulled the blanket back over Fizzy. Nodding, I trotted over to my clothes to get dressed, Cherry again helping me with my mane and tail.  “Say, maybe you should go down to the old gift shop. The mares there are embroidering the dresses you got.” Cherry suggested. Star let out a yawn, her eyes still tired from lack of sleep. “Right, they did gush over that. Also suggested turning that red cloth into winter cloaks for the foals, something to do with it being easily seen in the snow.” She then yawned again. “Maybe, I know a bit about embroidery, but only a bit. And Star, how long were you up?” I asked my friend. She shrugged and then looked at her pipbuck. “Damn, it's only been an hour since I turned in!” Raising an eyebrow at her, I had to ask. “What did you do all night?” Star chuckled. “Just talking, and drinking. The mare, Lair, she's a bitch, but I don't know… She's also kind of alright.” I could only guess it was because they had similar ancestry or something. “And did you learn anything from her?” Again Star yawned. “A little. She's tight-lipped on most things, even when drunk, but was willing to let me know about the open stuff. Such as, it turns out her family is something called a branch family, and the main family is called the Blackhearts. Supposedly they are something of a big deal on the Celestia Ocean to the east. The Darkhearts are just known for growing pomegranates on their home islands and brewing booze from them. Wine and rum mostly, and they can grow the fruit in cold weather like it's some big deal… I don't know, I know nothing about fruits.” “Anything else?” I further probed. “Ahh…Right, right.” Star let out one more, and longer yawn, causing me to yawn as well. “Lair also knows that Thorn isn't some prophet, saying she was from some family called the Redrums, and age-old rival to the Blackhearts, as she put it. Hollow believes in it, but from how Lair talks about her sister, Hollow was spoiled by their mother into being a copy of her, so less thinking and more doing as mother orders kind of thing. Oh, and if we do intend to go out into pirate waters, having the Blackhearts on our side would make things far easier.” I gave Star a skeptical glance and she rolled her eyes. “Ya I know, we can't trust her or her family. But I think we can strike a reasonable deal.” She told me. “Still, it may be some time before we need to do anything like that, so at least give it some thought.” “You're… probably right.” I conceded to Star. “It's clear that Lair isn't related to the ponies that raided my home. And we might be able to use them if possible. But I get the feeling it would be like choosing to fight timber wolves over land sharks.” One more big yawn came from Star as she patted me on the shoulder. “Ya, I get that. But that's why we got guns. Anywho, I'm going back to sleep, wake me up if there's an emergency.” Trotting off, Star found an empty mattress and flopped down, a strand of her mane grabbing a blanket and tossing it over her head. Letting my mane loose to bounce back into its curl, Cherry took a step back, having finished getting me dressed. “If you want my opinion, then you should never underestimate how petty some ponies can be, even to their detriment. My own Pa couldn't let go of some generational blood feud, and he didn't even know why they started fighting. It's why I left home, the fucker poisoning our well just so they couldn't use it.” “Or like how Ashy Oaks couldn't let go of her hate,” I said in agreement. “Like Star asks, I'll think about it. But until then, we should go eat.” “Can… I join?” A groggy Fizzy asked as she stumbled over. Her mane and tail were a mess, hiding her face, yet having a strange allure to it. How her purple and pink nightgown hung off her, and how she stood with a slight slope was a bit much to be not intentional.  Cherry let out a whistle. “Damn, you got that sexy morning mare look down, Fizzy.” Fizzy yawned as she rubbed her face. “Well I had a lot of training, now it's hard to not do it anymore.” Before Cherry could ask, I changed the subject. “That aside, ya, you can come with us to eat. You are technically one of us for the time being.” “Thanks,” she said right before hugging me, her mane engulfing me and smelling of soda. __________________________________________________________________ This time our morning meal was a hardy rad-bit stew with actual fresh fluffy bread. Turns out that the Desperados here have a surplus of razorgrain flour and yeast, and Arras’s herd were quite proficient in baking bread. As for the drinks, we got pomegranate grog, provided by Lair as a sort of gift. I wasn't thrilled about drinking so early in the morning, but the drink wasn't all that strong and tasted rather nice. Cherry Knot and Henbane were enjoying the newish dresses I had bought, looking more normal now that they weren't in their NCRCF shirts.  Fizzy herself was in a Sparkle-Cola-themed jumpsuit, heavily stained with purple and brown splotches, along with some red that glowed slightly. Her mane was tied back with a bandana, and she had her thick glasses on. The outfit did well to hide her breasts, along with the rest of her body, making Fizzy look more plain, if a bit eccentric. We were also joined by Live Axle, who had her usual Desperados outfit on, but with Slowtrots oversized jacket over it. As much as Live avoided the subject of her engagement to Slowtrot, it was clear she wasn't against it. Together, the five of us made our way down to the old gift shop and parking lot, trotting through where all the vehicles were being kept. The ponies were all busy here, with stallions working on the different vehicles, and mares mending or washing clothes. A lot of attention was on the Smuggler, where I saw Slowtrots, Tire Fire, and Crankshaft working on it for an audience. “Uhhh, what's going on there?” I asked. “New vehicles always get shown off.” Live Axle said matter of factly. “It's to compare it to other vehicles and to see if they can be improved. I guess since Slowtrots is not busy, they have him answering questions about driving it. You should go see Daisy Chain, they took her apart.” “They what!” I said in shock. “It's fine,” Henbane said with a chuckle. “Crankshaft and Tire Fire have been overseeing it. That old bulldozer was in major need of maintenance anyway, and its armor is being upgraded. There were also talks about adding an actual cannon to it. When they're done, Daisy Chain will be a proper tank.” So that's where those two had been most of yesterday. “So I guess the motorcycle is getting the same attention?” I then asked. “Naw, not yet,” Live said with a hint of annoyance. “Mom grabbed it as soon as we arrived and placed it right up next to my sister. She thinks it will soothe Dead's soul or something.” That was both morbid and rather sweet. As much as Rack End was a scary mare, she loved her family deeply.  As we trotted through the ancient parking lot, the sheer variety of motor wagons and other vehicles still astounded me. Though now there were lots more motorcycles and other smaller vehicles, most marked with a flaming skull wearing a horned helmet. I guessed it had to do with the Warband Desperados being made up of younger fighting-age ponies, who relied on mobility to get around. Where the Rout 50 Desperados was made up of families, who needed extra room, with the ability to haul their supplies and tents. The Warband's vehicles were also decorated with what looked to be trophies, some being weirdly crafted weapons, torn cloth, and morbidly quite a few of what were clearly scalps. The unmistakable look of dried skin attached to a mane was proudly on display on many of the vehicles, along with knives, axes, and other sharp implements attached to them.  “Don't worry about that,” Live said, almost reading my mind. “Ya, those scalps are real, but it's mostly just for intimidation. We mostly take them from raiders and such, or are given to us by tributaries who had to execute a criminal. Then when more reasonable ponies start causing trouble and see that, they calm the fuck down real quick.” “Wouldn't having guns be enough for that?” I ask, trying to see why this was necessary. “You would think,” Henbane said with a hint of annoyance. “ya, that's sadly true.” Cherry agreed. “What is,” Fizzy asked. Live Axle let out a sigh. “Unfortunately, some ponies don't get the message when you pull out a gun, and turn whatever is going on into a stupid game. Probably because you can survive getting shot if ya got a healing potion on ya. But getting scalped, oh you can survive that too, but you ain't going to be regrowing that mane.” That… disturbingly made a lot of sense. I still remember getting shot and bleeding out during the prison break. It hurt, yet I recovered. But if I lost my mane… Fuck! I wouldn't be able to live like that. “Ya, I think I would rather get shot.” “You and me both,” Live said. Leaving the vehicles behind, we arrived at the old gift shop, the ancient store looking well cared for despite its age. It had signs of wear and tear, such as all the windows being replaced by canvas, and the building being reinforced around large cracks and filled in holes. The large sign “Clover Hill Gift Shop” looked as though it had been damaged and repaired many times as well. Entering, the inside was well illuminated with both artificial lights and candles, letting us see the open floor where several mares sat, along with quite a few foals. Beautiful tapestries hung all over, and on the floor was a rather large rug with patterns of yellow, orange, white, and black. The building also had a pleasant smell of lavender and… fresh bread. Looking around, I saw a counter that had a plate of bread on it, steam drifting off of it. “Wait, is this where you made that bread?” “We have a small bakery in the back, as well as a proper kitchen.” Thunder Crack said as she trotted over. “Even I got a bit giddy when I first saw it. As it turned out, the Desperado's extensive cooking culture is why I decided to join them. My husband is quite the chief, even taught me a thing or two.” She then picked up the plate with her wing and offered it to us. “Take one while it's still hot.” The five of us took a bread roll each, biting into it, and it was good. Not too hard outer crust and a soft doughy inside that melted in my mouth. It was familiar, yet very different from the bread from just earlier. It tasted like razorgrain instead of wheat or flax, but something was weirdly familiar. I don't know why, but it then clicked. “Potatoes?” Thunder let out a laugh. “That's amazing! Ya, we used potatoes to make that bread. Sky potatoes to be exact, mix a bit of it with the razorgrain flour, and you now have more dough than before. Tastes good despite how it shouldn't.” “Now how the f… darn did you think of this?” Cherry asked. Live, predictable, was the one to answer. “Old wartime recipes. From what Big Papa says, most good food was going to the war, so ponies had to get creative. With stuff like flour becoming scarce, I guess they just found ways to use other stuff to make the flower last longer.” “Didn't think they could do much with sky potatoes, or any sky food for that matter.” Thunder said with a shrug. “Proved us wrong when the Desperados got to cooking all of our bland crops. Unfortunately, growing those crops in the wasteland hasn't been so easy.” “Worse, the tributaries that grow them are almost all in the mountains to the west. Since they need elevation to grow” Live, explained.  That didn't sound good. Not only were those crops in the conflict zone, but there was also the problem of the Enclave if they needed to be higher up.  A sigh came from Henbane. “That sounds about right. Sky crops are cursed, if you believe the rumors. The ponies who tried to grow them, well, it worked the first year, but the next, nothing at all. Only a hoof full of ponies managed to grow them successfully, and most of them were ex-enclave. The rest, they either had to give up or starve to death.” I finished my roll, tasting not just the bread, but other little bits inside it. “But don't you have normal potatoes? From what I remember, they should grow almost anywhere?” “You can still find mutant ones growing in the wild, but the Zebra wiped out most of the crops at the end of the war.” Thunder explained. “It didn't help that the Ministries had centralized most of the farms, making them easy targets. And what did survive, radiation storms finished off. It's why the closest this to a proper potato that anypony can grow are tatos.” That… was a depressing fact. “Well, if I ever get in contact with my father, I'll be sure to request a bank of seeds be sent to the Desperados. The Marewaii Islands managed to preserve our crops when we moved the farms underground. The vertical garden in my stable is like a forest of food.” I felt a pinch in my heart as I remembered picking cabbage with Stratus Dancer, and how she'd fly about looking for the best head to eat.  “Well, I don't know much about farming, but if you got unmutated seeds, then you'll have farmers willing to kill to get them.” Thunder said with a chuckle, then motioned for us to join the other mares. “Now enough about food, we got some dresses to hem up and make pretty.” “Excuse me?” Fizzy then spoke up. “Is it okay to use the kitchen, I want to see if I can brew some soda?” Thunder cocked an eyebrow and then shrugged. “Ya, if you want. But you sure, everypony is going to be here, so you'll be all on your own in the kitchen.” Fizzy smiled at that. “Oh that's fine, I like to be on my own when I brew.” I still didn't quite get her, at one moment Fizzy is like a social butterfly, and then she goes all wallflower. But it's better than her just hugging everypony, so I wasn't going to stop her. __________________________________________________________________ As it turned out, sitting around and sewing up clothing with other mares was rather relaxing. Mostly we were patching up holes and adding an extra layer to the dresses to prepare for winter, with the embroidery helping to keep it all together. I wasn't the most skilled at this, compared to the other mares, as magic was more my expertise, but I did enjoy the conversation. Surprisingly, among the dresses being hemmed up, was one rather beautiful white one that looked both old and very well cared for. Stupidly, I had to ask about it, only to find out it was Rack Ends wedding dress, now being refitted for Live Axle. The other mares poked fun at her as Live avoided the subject, focusing hard on her embroidery. Live was good at embroidery, stitching out elaborate patterns along the hem of a dress. They were of flaming skulls and other Desperado type of stuff, but beautiful in their own right. Cherry did as well as I expected, even cutting up a few dresses to change up the design and make them more stylish. As for Henbane, it was like she had two left hooves, stabbing herself with the needle more often than anypony else here. “So, what did you do back home, Miss Harp?” One of the other mares asked. “I'd imagine you'd be lots better at this with how dainty ya are.” “My family did buricatic work, so I mostly studied,” I explained. “Even if I wasn't to take up any major responsibilities, it would still be expected of me to aid my chosen husband in the administration of his territory. Along with hosting social gatherings, and maintaining any acano-tech. Due to the nature of my homeland, those in power have a lot of responsibilities, of which many ponies would die if we didn't fulfill those responsibilities.” One of the mares chuckled. “That got ta be a real pain in the toosh, I say. Amazing how ya even still alive with how ready to fall apart your home sounds. Makes me love old Route 50, as the tributaries don't need much attention and all. They do their thing, pay us with stuff we need, and in return, we make sure nobody messes with em.” “It's not that simple, you know that.” Thunder's correct the other mare. “Theirs breaking up fights, settling feuds, exterminating mutants, maintaining the roads, and providing aid when needed. That aside, we try not to bother the tributaries when possible.” It did sound far more relaxed than back home, though I wouldn't mind a tea party now and then. As tedious as it was to help organize and host the social events for the lower nobility, I did miss my dresses.  Lifting a leg, the jacket Father gave me had seen better days. It was a rather sturdy thing, but it had gotten damaged here and there. Looking over at Live Axle, she had already been mending and modifying Slowtrots jacket to her taste, having even removed the “R&D” patch and placed a Desperados patch in its place. “Say, Harp, that jacket, mind if we borrow it?” Thunder Crack asked. Thinking about it, I figured it wouldn't hurt for them to mend it for me. “Sure,” I told her as I removed the jacket and hoofed it over to Thunder. “Are you just going to fix it up?” The pegasus chuckled. “Of course. But I was also thinking of adding a layer to it for winter. Maybe make it more appropriate for a herd leader while we're at it.” It was getting chillier since we got to the other side of the mountains, so an extra layer wouldn't hurt. “That sounds like a fantastic idea?” Letting them be, I trotted over to check on Fizzy, the mare now filling in a few rocket-shaped bottles. The kitchen itself was a bit of a mess but had a sense of order to it in this madness. “You work fast,” I told her. Fizzy passed me a bottle with a big smile on her face. “It's easy when you know how, and when you're making small batches.” Looking at the bottle, it was frosty, and the soda inside was bubbling. “um, how'd you chill and carbonate this?” I then took a sip and found a pleasantly mild fruit taste, not too sweet, and very refreshing. “Wow, this is good!” Lifting a bottle to show me, Fizzy’s magic enwrapped the bottle. “I learned a few spells when I was working at the brewery.” The drink inside began to bubble as frost formed on the outside. “Just carbonate and frost, but that's all I need to make good cola. The drink itself isn't as good as it could be, no molasses to add in for sweetening, or any caffeine, but plenty of mutfruit. Maybe if we ask those Darkheart sisters, if they can make rum, then they must have sugar or molasses.” That was… impressive. Taking another sip of the drink, I was starting to see the benefits of keeping Fizzy around. “A shame about what happened there, I'm sure it was a great loss to them to have lost you.” “I hope not. The brewmaster is a good mare, and her son… he was just tricked, that's all.” Fizzy said meekly, defending her unfaithful ex. I rolled my eyes at that, feeling annoyed on her behalf. “You know you're allowed to be angry.” Fizzy nodded. “I know, and I was. But I'm over it now.” I cocked an eyebrow at her suspiciously. “Well, mostly over it.” She then admitted. Letting out a sigh, I patted her on the shoulder. “Fizzy, if you ever feel like venting, just let me know. Trust me, I have ponies I hate as well.” Looking at her mess, I got to wondering. “Hey, can you cook?” The mare smiled wide. “Of course I can. The brewmaster taught me all sorts of things about how to be a good wife. Dessert Salad, Caravan lunch, Wasteland omelet, and other meals a hungry husband might need, and it was really fun to make too. Miss Mag also taught me about brewing tea and making biscuits. Not to mention the mixology I learned in the Ursas Den.” That was good to know. Other than Henbane and Live Axle's ability to grill stuff, no one in our group was all that good at cooking. I wasn't as excited about cola as she was, but having a pony who knows how to make proper food and drinks was something I missed. It was a shame Fizzy wasn't with us when we were at Percussion Cap's farm, as I'm sure this mare would have made something nice. A knocking came from the kitchen's entrance, and we turned to see Cherry Knot. “Hay, Harp. There's a pony here to see you. Not urgent, but sooner the better.” “Thanks for letting me know, I'll be out shortly.” I then turned to Fizzy and smiled. “Here, let me help you clean up.” “Oh, thanks!” Fizzy replied as we both quickly got to work cleaning the mess she made. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 12: Culture, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 12, Culture, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ Fizzy and I left the gift shop, the others staying behind to continue working on the clothing. Live Axle was most set on her work, looking rather happy as she stiched up a dress as she chatted away with the mares. They were her kin, and culture, so it made sense that here was where she felt at ease. Still, it felt odd that our biker tough mare was such a natural seamstress and chatty girl. Outside we were greeted by a unicorn mare in a silver a purple dress suit, a rifle slung on her back and a saber hanging off her side. “Greetings Miss Harp, and Fizzy.” The Knight Captain, Silver Leaf, greeted us. I was a little confused as to why she was here, but manageable to not show it on my face. “Greetings Knight Captain, what brings you all the way down here? I doubt it's for the potato bread rolls.” She chuckled. “If only. No, this is a business call if anything. As you know, the situation here isn't the most… stable. We had hoped to have Arras come up and talk to our elders, but there are issues with that due to the Rangers and your elder being a ghoul. Arras knows this, as does the Platinum Guard, so Arras has elected you to take his place. He seems to hold a lot of trust in you.” I let out a sigh. “And when was this? Because it's the first I heard about it.” “Just recently, so you're not going to be the only one.” Silver Leaf told me. “Actually, I'll need to inform our Elder first, so as to clear up any confusion on this matter.” “And when is this?” I asked. “Not long, they just want to resolve a few issues with the Desperados before the council hall meeting.” She informed me. “But until then, we'd like to invite you to tour the Tomb as a guest.” My ears perked up at that last part. I was a little displeased by being thrust into more politics, but I did want to visit my ancestor’s tomb. “I guess I wouldn't hurt, and if Arras thinks I'll be a good stand-in for him, It would be rude to turn it down.” “Good, I'll escort you to the tomb then. Nopony would dare try anything if I’m with you.” Silver said stoically. “Oh, can I come!?” Fizzy asked excitedly. Silver nodded. “That wouldn't be a problem.” “Would having me join be an issue?” Lair Darkheart asked as she practically stepped out of the shadows. “Even if Arras is the elder, Swift is still the Warchief, and should have representation.” A death like glare came from Silver, but the mare then let out a sigh of resonation. “Yes, you are right, though I loathe to admit that. Come if you must, just mind your tongue.” she then returned her attention to me. “I'll give you a few minutes to prepare, and meet you at the entrance.” “Only a few minutes?” I asked. “Sorry, but I would rather not stay here for long. If you must take longer to prepare, I'll meet you at the Hilltop Diner. But it's less likely you will be able to go on the tour if you take too long.” Silver informed me before trotting off. “Me thinks she finds the Desperados too dirty for her liking.” Lair commented with a hungry grin. I rolled my eyes at her, “The Desperados are too dirty for most ponies, anyways, Shouldn't you be asleep?”  “You mean last night, nah I'll be fine. I needn't much sleep. Your Star on the other hoof, I wouldn't be surprised if she's out for a long while.” Lair then chuckled to herself, which rubbed me the wrong way. “You better not have-” I began to say, buth Lair cut me off. “Trust that I am not a fool, little princess. If I were to do anything untoward to your companions, be sure that you would never know it was me.” She then smirked. “That said, if Star invited it, I wouldn't mind showing her how untoward I can be to her.” I cocked an eyebrow. “What?” “Well, I'll be just a few minutes. Toodles.” Lair chuckled out as she trotted off, leaving me both confused and concerned. “You think she's into mares?” Fizzy asked, sounding just as confused as I was. __________________________________________________________________ There were only a few things we needed to grab before meeting up with Silver. Taking a simple scarf and my red cap, along with some money. I also made sure my revolver was properly snug under my vest, just in case. Fizzy sorted out her bottles of Sparkle-Cola, taking a few of the special darks with her, along an odd mug that radiated magic. She didn't change clothes, sticking to her dirty jumpsuit and messy mane. When rejoining Silver, Lair had only just arrived, now in a stallion's relaxed wear with a long and thick black jacket over it. She was still decorated in gold and feathers, but it was far more modest than before. Even more striking was that she wasn't hiding her face anymore, sporting just sunglasses and a small bicorn hat on her head. Strangely, she gave off a far more masculine and natural feeling now, which felt… odd. “Oh! She's, like, dapper!” Frizzy said with more excitement than I thought she would for another mare. Silver just squinted her eyes at Lair. “A bicorn, that explains everything.” Lair let out a laugh. “Why? Has my kin given you trouble before?” “No, we have not seen a bicorn here since… possibly never.” Silver said, still looking at Lair with suspicion. “But the ancient text does mention your kind, and their capacity for evil.” Clicking her tongue, Lair trotted right up to the knight captain. “Evil you say. Now I wouldn't deny such things, but… we can be no more evil than any other pony. Though, I can honestly say that my kin never tried to destroy the world just for spiteful victory. Can you say the same… unicorn?” Letting out a huff, Silver turned and trotted up the Market road. “Let's go, or we'll be late.” The three of us then followed close behind the Knight Captain, finding that most ponies gave us room as we trotted. Like before, Lairs hoof steps were absurdly quiet, and though she was adorn in gold, none of it jingled. Getting a closer look, a lot of the jewelry looked like coins, each one depicting four symbols divided by a cross section. Her jacket also looked as though embroidered with gold, giving it a slight shimmer to it. “You like?” Lair then asked. “Not sure, maybe just curious.” I told her before asking. “Why that outfit? It's nice, but-” “Not suited for a mare, oh I know.” She said with a chuckle. “My sister and mother aren't fond of my wardrobe choices, but dresses are just not… me. But tradition says that a lady must be in a dress, so I endure. So I treasure times like this, when I don't have to be a lady.” “And the jewelry?” I further asked. “Old tradition, ancient actually.” She said as she levitated a gold and silver coin from a breast pocket. “We've used the Doubloons for over a thousand years, both as currency, and for ritualistic magic. Those of the old faith decorate themselves with the symbol of our god and goddess, so that if their eyes fall upon us, we can offer them valuables in exchange for their continued indifference.” Something didn't sound right about that. “Indifference?” Lair put the coins back into her pocket. “Yes, indifference. The attention of the gods is not something a pony should desire, for it means that life will soon become… difficult. As a secret priest of the Dread Queen and King, this is one of the lessons I share with the faithful freely and often. Being alone in the world may be difficult, but never being alone, that can be far more so.” That sounded like an odd faith, and rather grim. “Wait, secret… Priest?” “Shhh.” She playfully shushed me. “It's not a secret if you say it out loud. But yes, though I am a lady of the Darkheart family, I am also a member of the secret priesthood of the Dread Queen and King. The Thorn’s Chosen aren't too fond of the old faith, so we practice in secret. Unfortunately, my beloved mother and sister are devout followers of Thorn, so I stick to my role as a lady when around them.” “Okay, but why not a priestess?” I further asked. But Lair just winked at me, but didn't answer. Fizzy on the other hoof then spoke up. “I, umm. Like, know what you mean. Not being left alone. Would you happen to know something that might help?” Lair smiled, and pulled out a gold coin. “Maybe. How about you take this, I'm sure it will help.”  Flipping the coin to Fizzy, a slight spark of magic flashed on contact with my new friend and few back, slamming into Lairs cheek.  Letting the gold coin fall back into her own cloven hoof, Lair places it into her pocket. “Ah, I think I understand. You don't mean the attention of stallions, but of something far more… tedious.” “Y… ya. Sorry.” Fizzy apologized. I wasn't sure how to feel about what I just saw, but I knew it was even more trouble. But strangely, it didn't seem that anypony had noticed the exchange, or the flash of magic. Likely because nopony cared to watch, or pretend to not to, but I had a feeling it was more that nopony but us could. “Ahem!” Silver Leaf spoke up, standing in front of an ancient stone gateway guarded by two Platinum Guards. “Fortunately we are just in time for the tour, step inside and a Square will be waiting for you. I'll go talk to the Elder and let her know you have arrived.” She gave Lair one more glare before trotting off.  “A shame, she'd be prettier if she smiled more.” Lair said in a mocking tone. Fizzy let out a sigh. “Maybe she needs a hug, but that might make her more upset if I did it.” “I think having you two around is what's making her upset.” I said with a sigh. “Now let's go before we miss the tour.” The two ponies on guard looked us up and down, one telling us, “You may enter, but the rules as follow are; keep all tools or weapons on your person at all times, unless directed to take them out. Do not touch the walls, or flowers within. Do not take part in fighting, be it verbal or physical. Naver attempt to take anything from here. And most importantly of all, follow all instructions given to you by the guard within.” Giving them a nod, the two guards stepped aside and we trotted forward. Passing the wall, we stopped at a magical barrier, it shimmering with a silver light. I knew exactly what this was, an exclusionary barrier, much like that pink barrier that blocked off the gemstone mine. But this one was made specifically by the royal family to keep all others out. Trotting through the barrier was a pony dressed much like a ranger scribe, but in silver and purple colors. “Come this way, we are about to begin.” The pony spoke. “Is this tour really that popular that you need reservations?” Lair then asked. The squire nodded. “Unfortunately, we've had several thefts and other incidents in the past. As many ponies believe they can obtain powerful weapons here.” the squire explained. “Since then we schedule regular tours for those willing to donate to the ruins upkeep.” “Donate? Must be very impressive for a pony to give up their money to take a look.” Lair said.” “Indeed it is, we put a lot of work into the maintenance of this place after all.” The squire said with a smile. “Now follow me, I'll open the barrier.”  A pendant on the squires chest glowed, and opened up a hole in the silver barrier, letting out a pleasantly nostalgic scent. Following the squire inside, I immediately noticed that the air became pleasantly warm, and a bit moist. Surrounding us were walls of plants, no, roses! Roses of every color and shape, all in bloom and well cared for. There were lilies and carnations too, also in every color I could imagine. It was like the garden back home, but so, so much more.  “Alright, I get it now.” Lair said.  We joined up with a small group of three ponies, and one dear, all of which were stylishly, yet casually dressed. A, what had to be a Saddle Arabian stallion in a shimmering robe. A mare and stallion pegasus, both dressed in well maintained old world clothing, including hats and scarves that obscured their faces. Then the deer, a Doe I think, yet had antlers and wore a white fur coat.  Several Platinum Guards stood about in their polished power armor, no weapons, or intimidating glares, just stoically on guard. Among them were several squires, who diligently trotted about, maintaining the flowers. Another Platinum guard, in a somewhat more decorated roabe trotted over, dismissing the Squire that led us here, then addresses us. Seeing her was actually shocking, as the pegasus mare was partly translucent. Looking as though she was made of pale blue sapphire, with her mane and tail made of an even deeper blue sapphire, and her eyes a fierce rose quartz pink. She was a genuine Crystal Pony, and she shimmered in the light. “Hello visitors.” The Crystal mare spoke, her voice considerably feminine and refined. “I'm sure some of you have been rather disappointed due to the week-long closure of this sacred place, and for that, I apologize. As part of our apology, I, Knight Sky Rose, will be your tour guide. And any questions you may have will be given extra attention.” I raised an eyebrow, and asked Fizzy. “Is she important? Other than being a literal crystal pony?” “I think so? Let me ask.” Fizzy then raised a hoof, getting the mares attention. “Miss Rose, why are you important again?” Both Rose and I face hoofed. The knight then spoke. “Good to see you back, miss Fizzy. For those who do not know, I am a descendant of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the once ruler of the Crystal Empire. Currently, I am sixth in line to the imperial throne, and stationed here to learn from the Platinum Guard for when it is time to reforge the Crystal Imperial Guard.” I was both impressed, and not impressed at the same time. She certainly had the arua of a princess, that was sure, but she was unfortunately the descent of a mistaken alicorn. Still, at least she didn't claim to be of Equestria royal blood. The Saddle Arabian then spoke up. “Ah, marvelous. Rumors of the return of the Crystal Empire have even reached my homeland. It was so tragic that such a land fell not long after returning from being lost to time.” Rose nodded to the stallion. “To say it was a struggle is an understatement. The Crystal Empire is unfortunately at the center of a magical blizzard, one that has lasted for over a thousand years, and will last a thousand more. The citizens have struggled to keep the cold at bay, and only with the triggering of the Gardens of Equestria have we been given a renewal of hope.” The Dear then spoke up, her accent reminiscent of the far north if I had to guess. “We are well familiar with such primal magic, as Olenia regularly suffers from such storms. Do you not still have the crystal heart?” Rose shook her head. “It was sadly lost in the great war, but we have found other ways to fend off the blizzard. If I remember correctly, many of which we learned from your ancestors in Olenia. A debt we have not forgotten.” She then smiled and took a deep breath. “But enough about my homeland, you are here to experience the legacy of Equestria. Starting with the garden of Princess Platinum.” Rose trotted over to one of the rose bushes, it having several different colors of flowers. “Many of the flowers here are descendants of the flowers in Canterlot, of which were flowers taken from Princess Platinum homeland. Here they are kept in what is a magical greenhouse, as you can feel, and bloom year round. Many of the flowers here will later be harvested and given over to the Coven of Clovers, in which to make perfumes and scented oils.” I was strangely enthralled as Rose continued on, explaining the history of each flower here, their meaning in the language of flowers, and famous ponies who were associated with such flowers. The garden was just one beautiful turn after another, making me wish my mother could have been here. She too loved her flowers, and would spend hours pruning her roses, and singing to herself. I remember, playing my harp as mother pruned, singing along as I plucked the strings.  “You okay?” Fizzy asked me quietly.  “I'm fine, just remembered a pleasant memory.” I told her as I wiped a tear from my eye.  The tour moved on as we trotted to an ancient stone building at the top of the hill, magic pulsing from it as it was the source of the barrier that surrounded this place. Much like Clover’s Teahouse, the stones here were engraved and imbued with magic, both ancient and powerful. Another power armor pony stood guard, only moving when Rose requested that they do. “Now mind your step, we are entering the top level of the tomb, where many artifacts are on display.” Rose told us before entering. Following, it was nice and cool inside, smelling of old stone and dried flowers. We had entered a large well lit room, light from the old world were side by side anchen brazers that burned with blue fire. All around us were ancient objects on display behind glass, either hanging on walls, inside cabinets, or propped up on stands. Things like ancient armor and weapons, paintings, jewelry, books, and a lot of carved gemstones. There were also less ancient artifacts, such as flintlock muskets, dresses, and several statues of ponies I knew of and those I didn't. “Here is our musim, in which artifacts from a few hundred years ago, to over a thousand are on display. All owned by the Equestria royal family, and protected by the Platinum Guard.” Rose informed us, as she trotted to the closest batch of artifacts. “The most recent set of artifacts, dating back over four hundred years ago, from Equestria's age of exploration.” Taking a look myself, there were several flintlock guns, a rudimentary naval uniform, sabers, a black flag, and a portrait of a mare next to Celestia and a Saddle Arabian. “Oh, I know this portrait, one like it is on display in the sultan's palace.” The Saddle Arabian said joyfully. “Several portraits were made in celebration of the alliance between Equestria and my homeland.” “Yes, and not just that, but Saddle Arabian was the first friend Equestria had made since the Crystal Empire fell to King Sombra's curse.” Rose explained. “During the age of exploration, Equestria had ended its long isolation, and reached out to conduct trade and make friends. Many alliances were made in this era, though none stayed as strong as the one with Saddle Arabia. But not all was sunshine and rainbows, as this era was what also spurred what would be known as the Barbary wars.” Lair let out a chuckle. “I know this one, my uncle would tell me the legends as a bedtime story.” This got a cocked eyebrow from Rose. “Back before Celestia came around, the Barbary Islands were top dogs, conducting raids on any creature in the region, or were paid off to ignore certain ports or boats. Well when Equestria came sailing around, the Barbary pirates treated them no different, which upset Celestia off something fierce, and instead of paying tribute, or suffering like so many others, she decided to unleash the power of the sun on us.” Rose looked a bit surprised before nodding. “This is correct, and to stop the pirate raids on her ships, Celestia formed the first Equestria navy. Of which, several members of the royal family would be her captains. Through skill of mind and magic, Celestia would then purge the pirates from the Barbary Islands and the surrounding costs.” She then pointed to the black flag, which depicted… Stars fucking cutie-mark! “Here we have the flag of pirate queen Alginate, whom fought Celestia throughout the Barbary war, known to be vicious, yet charismatic, she led one of the largest fleets of pirates at the time. Celestia herself had to fight her directly when her own apprentice had been taken hostage. The flag itself is said to mean that no matter where you are, Alginate will find her way to you. Under the flag is Alginate's guns and swords, which is said that she was a master with.” I let out a sigh. “Star is so going to want to see this.” “Hay, this alone makes coming here well worth it for me.” Lair said. “Though something is off, because the legend about Alginate was that her guns and swords were a gift from the Dread Mare herself, but they look painfully ordinary.” I kept the thought to myself, but I was sure any real artifacts were deeper in the tomb, with everything here a reproduction. “Say, Harp?” Fizzy spoke up. “Why dose that flag have Stars cutie-mark?” I froze, having forgotten that Fizzy was another moron with a big mouth. I saw Roses eye zoom in on us, now aware of a pony named Star, with a cutie-mark similar to that flag. Before I could think of anything to say, Lair chuckled and said. “Star's is Alginate’s decent, and almost all the ponies from that family have similar cutie-marks.” “Oh… I guess that makes sense.” Fizzy said, satisfied with that answer. “We should bring her next time, I bet she'll love it!” I eyed Rose, who took a long and nervous looking breath before return8ng her attention to the tour. The tour then moved on, showing off several groups of artifacts from different eras of Equestria, along with the royal family members related to them. There were books from the founding of Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, which radiated a faint hint of magic. Fascinating enough was a full suit of jousting armor, a sport my family attempted to keep alive for five hundred years before Celestia stopped it entirely. Even now the armor and lance shined without a speck of rust. “And here.” Rose spoke up, presenting several very old looking artifacts. “is our oldest artifacts, only known as the Dragons Head artifacts, they date back to beyond Equestrias founding, and were treasured keepsakes of Princess Platinum herself.” Behind glass were several beautiful swords, but promptly on display was a shattered sword, and a large battered tower shield that depicted a dragon's head on it. Below that was a marvelous dress of silver and purple, adorned with many finely cut gems to form a tree pattern, which had runs etched into each of them. I was unsure if this was the real dress, but it was certainly something that Princess Platinum would have worn.  “Little is known about this time, other than the pony tribs falling into strife with each other and the arrival of the Wendigos soon after. But it is said that at one point all the pony tribes were united under a ruler known as the dragon head.” Rose further explained. “Was this individual a dragon, or simply call that is unknown, but supposedly they were related to Princess Platinum, who took over the role of leadership after the tribes had split. The fine dress here was once owned by Princess Platinum herself, and likely worn during the exodus to Equestria.” The other tourists here began talking amongst each other and asking questions, but I myself looked upon the collection of swords, some heavily tarnished, and others in pristine condition. They were all reproductions, I was sure of that, but no less mesmerizing or without magic of their own. “Well look at that.” Lair pointed at some of the swords. “that one must have been used by a Kelpie, see the hilt, it has a torch and pomegranate engraved on it.” Her cloven hoof then pointed at another sword. “Oh, and that one must be a Bicorn’s sword, see the engraving of a scepter and cerberus on the hilt.” “How are you so sure?” I asked, but then remembered the coins she showed me, which had similar symbols. “Never mind, it has something to do with your religion I guess.” Lair nodded.  “Then does that mean this sword is related to venus?” Fizzy asked, pointing to a sword that looked like it had a hoof mirror entangled by roses as a hilt. Among all the swords it was the most beautiful, and yet the most tarnished of them all. On the grip I could see a name written beautifully in ancient ponish. “Lancelot?” I read out the name, which made me feel ill by just saying it. “You know ancient ponish?” Lair asked. I nodded. “Not much, but it was a required reading in my youth. But that sword, I guess the welder was a worshiper of this… Venus, I guess.”  “Likely, and looking at that sword, the pony must have been full of themself.” Lair commented. My eyes then drifted to two other swords, both depicting a two headed eagle over a purple shield, but one had a gold eagle, where the other had a silver eagle. Stranger was that the pomle of the silver eagle sword had a gold harp engraved into it, and the longer I looked at it, the more it felt familiar. Wait, It was Majesty's magical Harp, I was sure of it. “And last, but certainly not least!” Rose called out, gaining our attention. “Is the entrance to the tomb proper?” The Crystal pony stood in front of a large stone door engraved with Platinum. The engraving depicted the story of heartswarming itself, with how the six came together in friendship and founded Equestria. Yet, something was off. At the top of the door, the engraving was blurry, and a different image could be seen. The more I looked the clearer it became. A table, big and round, with ponies surrounding it. Two of each, earth ponies, pegasus, unicorns, they were there, but so were others. Ponies with bat wings, what had to be bicorns, and I guess were kelpies. Two more ponies were at the center of the group, one resembled Star Swirl the Bearded, but without the beard, and another with a crown. “Now we cannot allow anypony to enter here, as the relics inside are considerably fragile, and must be kept in a steiral environment, but the door itself is an artifact in itself. Depicting the story of heartswarming eve, we get a, though not detailed, look at what the founders of Equestria looked like.” I raised my hoof, getting Rose's attention. “Exuse me, but what about the engraving above it?” I asked as I pointed at the round table engraving.” “Oh, that's just an engraving of Princess Platinums garden.” she told me, pointing at the same engraving herself, as though not seeing what I saw. “We could only guess it's there for aesthetics then for any deeper meaning. As wise as Princess Platinum was, she was still a mare who admired beauty after all.” I felt out with my magic, but quickly pulled back after feeling a tremendous power reach back for me.  “Yes, that makes a lot of sense.” I said in agreement, still seeing the same image and not a garden. It was clearly magical, and not meant to be seen by anypony. But prying in anymore would only spell trouble, and the last thing I needed to do is open doors that don't need to be opened. “Well, so ends our tour.” Rose then told everypony, “now you can stick around and observe this place for the next hour, but please be sure to not get in the squires way when possible. But you can ask them any questions, and they will answer to the best of their abilities. Now, if you follow me, I can take you to where we sell perfumes and other products made from the flowers here.” The other tourists murmured happily as they then followed Rose back out. Among them, the covered up pegasus mare trotted by me, her wing tip flipping my ear. “Lancelot, what a nostalgic name.” she said in a slightly muffled voice. “What? Hey!” I called out to the mare, but as she trotted off, Silver Leaf trotted in. “Good, you're still here mMss Harp, our elder is ready to see you.” Silver Leaf told me, blocking my view of whoever that mare was. Something about her was familiar and wrong, and I didn't like it. Letting out a sigh, I knew there wasn't anything I could do about it now. “The elder, yes, let's go see them.” I took one more glance at the door to my ancestry tomb, the engraving of Heartswarming eve shifting a bit, and for a moment, showing a complete different story. One in which that big round table was left in pieces. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 13: Culture, Part 3. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 13, Culture, Part 3. __________________________________________________________________ We were taken to a side building that was still inside the barrier, but looked more old world then ancient. It was clearly the bunker for the Platinum Guard, which had to go deeper underground, as the top building was clearly too small to house every guard and squire I've seen here. Though it was likely that the Platinum Guard did live in the city proper, and this was just an office. Actually, I could just ask. “Say, Silver Leaf, do you all live here, or in the city?” I asked, bringing my curiosity to her. “Some live here, but it's not big enough for everypony.” She told us. “Unlike the Rangers, we don't like to live in a bunker, and prefer to live among our friends and family here on Platinum Hill. This place is mainly used as our armory and central command, or as a temporary shelter for civilians if we fall under attack.” Looking around, the place wasn't all that impressive, though it was clearly built to last. Plain concrete walls and floor with heavy metal doors. The only thing that gave this place any sense of life were all the old world propaganda posters. Most were of the Ministries make, with the majority of that about the Steel Rangers, but now and then there were early war posters. With early war posters side by side late war posters, I could see how much the mentality had changed. Celestia featured heavily on the early war posters, focusing more on harmony and protecting other ponies, showing little of the Zebras. But when Zebras were shown, they were simply shown as just the enemy, or as individuals forced to fight by their leaders. On the other hoof, the late wat Ministries posters focused more on victory, and how we will achieve it by any means necessary. The Zebras here all had red glowing eyes, portaided more as monsters to be crushed with great enthusiasm, then as individuals like anypony else. Seeing it, I understood why Arras's experience with the war sounded more civil, as it probably was. I could imagine Celestia doing what she could to keep things from escalating, and how it must have broken her when it eventually did. I stopped at one poster, it being the same kind as Arras kept as a tapestry. On it was Princess Majesty leading three branches of the military, the same golden harp I currently had at her side. Her mane and tail looked a lot like how I kept it, something I started to do after seeing Arras's tapestries of my ancestor. Unfortunately I couldn't completely replicate the look, likely needing some cosmetics that no longer exist. “She's beautiful.” Fizzy said as she looked at Princess Majesty. “I concur, they don't make mares like that anymore.” Lair added. Silver cleared her throat, getting our attention. “As much as I agree, but it's considered rude to gawk at a member of the royal family, even if it's just a photo from over two hundred years ago.” “What about you?” Lair asked Silver with a wink. The Knight Captain was taken aback by that a little, quickly turning away. “Please, I'm too busy for such nonsense?” Then trotted off. Lair chuckled a little, whispering to me. “She didn't say no.” Feeling a little embarrassed, I continued to follow Silver, the mare taking us to an office,  where several ponies inside were having a heated conversation. “The incident would never have happened if those damn barbarians were never allowed here in the first place.” An older mare spoke with feminine voice that had a tired authority to it. “Let's not forget how their hair's breath away from being raiders. All that old tech they have, it will be turned on us one day.” Another mare spoke, her voice a bit more scratchy and low, like a heavy smoker. “Enough! Every month with this, barbarians this, stone smashers that!” a much older mare shouted, the hint of a Canterlot accent in her voice. “The Desperados have the same right to be here as the Steel Ranger. Or must I remind you why the last war you had with them started, and why I had to step in and end it! Hair's breath away from going raider my gray flank, how many times could the same be said about the Rangers. Why the fuck do you think the Applejack Rangers formed in the first Celestia damn place for crying out loud!” “You would dare!” The first mare spoke. “I do, now get out! I have a fucking appointment, and your wasting my precious air with this brahminshit!” The older mare shouted. “Fine, but this isn't over. When the Desperados fuck up again, I'll be here to remind you the truth.” The smoker sounding mare said as her voice got closer to the office entrance.  I was rather shocked to see a donkey trot out in blue robes, symbols of a Steel Ranger scribe all over her. Seeing me, the jenny snorted. “Oh look, of course the Desperados they sent is a mutant. What next, a damn cyborg as well.” She then spat in my face before trotting off. Wiping the insult off, I then saw another mare, also in blue robes, but looking more like a paladin as she practically towered over me. Though not as thick as Spritz Cookie was, she was clearly a muscular mare. “Don't think hiding behind the Platinum Guard will protect you barbarians forever.” She sneered before trotting off. Once gone, Lair let out a chuckle. “Oh, now I feel like I'm back home.” I glared at the bicorn for a moment, then entered the office. “Sorry about them.” Silver said to me as she levitated a handkerchief to wipe off the rest of the spit. “Their, not the best example of the Rangers.” “Yet they still became Elders.” A much older mare said behind a large desk. She was almost all white, with streaks of gray in her mane, and wearing a silver and purple military dress suit decorated with four prominent medals. “I'll never forgive uncle Applesauce for what he did. Then dying on us.” She grumbled. Leaving the question of who she was talking about aside, I decided to go straight to the situation at hoof. “You requested to talk with me. Well with Arras, but he sent me in his stead.” The fairly old earth pony mare placed a pair of glasses onto her muzzle and took a closer look at me. “Right, miss Harp Melody, I received a letter about you from Arras's, and he seems to have a lot of faith in you. Too much faith if you ask me. Makes me think that the ancient ghoul is finally going senile, which only spells bad times ahead.” “A worry you share with Swift.” I commented. The old mare scoffed at that. “The young stallion just wants to stampede without anypony telling him no. Not the first, and certainly not the last. Though I can understand his hate, as he has all the right to hate the Rangers” She then motioned for me to take a nearby seat, “come now, sit.” Following her instructions, the three of us found a seat, resting our legs. “Good, now let me introduce myself.” The old mare spoke as she straightened up. “I'm elder Fullmetal, of the Platinum Guard, former elder of the Platinum Hill Steel Rangers company.” I became… confused. “Wait, you're a Ranger?” Fullmetal laughed before she said with pride. “Born and raised! But nowadays I help lead the Platinum Guard. Which hasn't been easy with how the Rangers have changed.” Fortunately, there wasn't any pony here to snark about that last comment, but I did wonder. “I was under the impression that the Rangers were always like that.” Elder Fullmetal let out a long frustrated sigh. “Yes and no. The Steel Rangers had a duty, but in most cases it didn't blind them to the world around them. There were always individuals who kept the Rangers properly tempered, keeping the Rangers strong without relying on the more hard linears. Well.. . they use to have those individuals.”   She then eyed Silver Leaf. “Knight Captain, you can leave now.” “But grandma-” she began to say, but was cut off by the elder. “That's an order!” She said with authority. “I’m not leaving you alone with three strangers.” Silver protested. “I can still fold you like a chair, Silver, now git!” The old mare threatened. Silver saluted and left, not looking anywhere near happy. “Sorry about her, she takes after my late husband, and forgets herself at times.” Fullmetal said with a smile. “It can be a problem, but at least she'll never get into the mindset of, just following orders, like the rangers do.” “I guess that's a common problem among the Rangers?” I asked. “Has always been a major problem with the Rangers.” Her eyes then drifted, falling onto Order. “Would it be okay if I took a look at your robot, first I've ever seen something like it before.” I nodded and told Order. “Let the Elder examine you.” With a few beeps, my drone landed onto Fullmetal’s desk, the old mare smiling as she ran her hoof along it. “In my youth, I’d probably have shot you on sight and taken this robot and your pipbuck, as it was the order at the time.” She then let out a sigh. “It was all I knew, but ignorance is only an excuse for foals and the uneducated, never for a soldier. A hard headed bitch I was, I didn't even listen to Uncle Applesauce at the time. Ad Victoriam, was all I'd say, then gallop out guns blazing.” Lair then chuckled. “Sounds like my kind of fun. So what happened, did ya get the stick pulled out of your ass and get fuck by it.”  “Crude description, but not entirely inaccurate.” Fullmetal said with a laugh. “I got into a relationship with a Platinum Guard Knight Captain, and fell in love. Really rounded my edges and got me to think. Since then I have been trying to soften the Rangers, helping promote more open minded paladins to elder, and broadening the rangers horizon.” “But it failed, didn't it?” I said. She nodded. “Elder Cottage Cheese and I never saw things eye to eye. Where I stepped down from my role as Elder to let the younger generation step up, he continued to hold onto power jealously His selfish actions would led to the schism, and many of my own students splitting off from the Rangers. Then those same Rangers that followed Cottage Cheese dared to come back here and start a war with the Desperados.” “Umberfoal.” Fizzy said nervously.  “Right, reports say you're several years out of time, Fizzy. Must be still fresh for you.” Fullmetal said, regret in her voice. Her eyes then fell onto me. “And that's where you come in.” “I figured it had to do with the conflict between the Desperados and Steel Rangers.” I said with a sigh. “Please don't tell me another war is brewing, we already got one out west.” “Fortunately, no. As much as Shortcake and Red Velvet want a fight, I'm not letting that happen.” her eyes then glared at Lair. “Swift, on the other hoof, has been pushing my patience. And I really want to know why?” “I have a few Ideas, but maybe the pirate can fill us in?” I suggested as I eyed Lair as well. The bicorn rolled her eyes and huffed. “Hay now, just because my sister loves an aggressive stallion, doesn't mean we're responsible for the Warband becoming more obnoxious.” “Yet, they had more self control before your kin showed up.” Fullmetal pointed out. “I just want to know what exactly is going on before another pony does something stupid, like with what happened yesterday.” Lair face hoofed. “By god, fine, if you really want to know, I'll tell ya. But you all better keep your lips stitched. Things will get difficult if ponies start saying things they shouldn't know about.”  Fullmetal looked on suspiciously, but nodded. As did Fizzy and I. “Right, long story short, my mother wants to take over the Desperados, and is using my sister and I to do it. It's a long term plan, not something short and bullshitty like using mind control or some super weapon.” She explained. “The hoof that rocks the cradle.” I said. Lair clapped her hooves together once. “Bingo! We have a smart one.” She then leaned back, relaxing more as she continued. “It's a god's awful plan, but like a daughter like a mother, sadly enough. I told them the Desperados are too spread out and it would be like trying to take over all the great families by taking over one. Hasn't worked for the last thousand years, ain't going to work now.” “So then why the increase of aggression?” Fullmetal asked. “Simple really.” Lair said with a shrug. “If my sister or, if the worst comes, I have a baby with Swift, and he dies in combat, our foals would have a direct line to leadership. Not that I'm planning to get pregnant anytime soon, but my sister is full onboard with the plan. It helps that Swift is very much her type.” So Azure was completely right about the situation. “You said it hasn't worked for over a thousand years, is there any truth to that?” I asked. She smiles wide, showing off her larger than normal fang. “Not only is it true, but it's common practice. The Darkhearts, my family, were created through such a plan. Completely decimated a great family over a hundred years back. But where one family falls, another rises to fill in the power vacuum. So ya, that's what's going on. The Darkhearts hope to push things along enough that the Desperados get into a fight, and Swift possibly dies, then they swoop in and fill in the void of power. Or at least that's what they hope will happen.” “And you don't?” I further asked. “Fuck no I don't.” Lair said with a dismissive laugh. “Not with ponies like Arras still around. Historically, plans like that only work if they don't have strong elders to lead them. That's how it always has worked, so you don't fuck with a group that has strong leaders, and instead you devour those lead by the weak.” She then eyed Fullmetal. “Since arriving in this city, I had completely abandoned supporting this plan. Something my dear, dear, sister refuses to understand.” “Too many strong leaders, and with Arras now here, it's even more impossible and foolish.” Fullmetal said coldly. “And why tell us any of this, wouldn't this put your family in a bad position?” “Wouldn't pissing off all the factions here be just as bad?” Lair answered the question with a question. “You have more to lose starting a fight here than you do with a fight within your own family.” I said, getting a nod from Lair. “Actually, it's not that big of a loss for me, as I was already separated from much of my family's drama. I do love my dear sister, but I just can't stand all the dresses and pretending to play the part of a low ranking noble lady.” As she said that, I noticed that her mannerisms were far more masculine now, even how she was sitting was more like a stallion. “But when the Blackhearts tell ya to move out, only the dead dare question them. Even then, death might not be an escape. So I read the cards, and played my role, now all that matters is making sure the Darkhearts survive this mess.” Both Fullmetal and I looked at Lair suspiciously. “Cards?” We asked. Lair pulled out a stack of tall cards from a hidden pocket  “Tarot cards!” Fizzy answered, “It's an old fortune telling art, often practiced alongside knucklebone reading, and other ritualistic magic.” Even Lair looked surprised At the answer Fizzy gave. “That's very correct. Howed a pony like you know of that.” Fizzy let out a nervous chuckle. “My father often read the knuckle bones and tarot cards to communicate with the goddesses Venus.” The jovial and carefree look on Lairs face dropped, taking on a more serious look. “A cultist of Venus are you?” Fizzy lifted her hooves up defensively. “N… no, not at all. I mean, I was to take over for my father, sortove, but they're all dead now. Happened when I was still a filly.” Lair sighed. “It's fine, I was just surprised. Cults of Venus are just bad luck among my kin. Starts out all love and joy, then comes brutal and bloody war because somepony fucked a pony they shouldn't have fucked.”  “Ahem.” Fullmetal spoke up. “So to get this straight. All this brahminshit is happening because ypur family wants to take over the Desperados by marrying in, having a foal, and sending Swift off to die. And you want out because you know the plan is stupid, and you read in some cards?” “That's the jist of it.” Lair said with a cocky smile as she drew two cards, and frowned. “Again, the hermit and ten of wands.” She then put the cards away, plastering her smile back onto her face. A long groan came from the elder as she pushed order away from herself. “I'd be lying if I said that was the dumbest thing I ever heard before. Unfortunately, I've survived several lifetimes worth of stupidity to just dismiss this.” “Should I even ask?” I asked. “No.” Fullmetal answered. “Now taking this as the truth, how do we resolve this issue? Because no matter how much influence I have over the Rangers, nothing stops them from retaliation if Swift finally does something stupid.” That, I didn't know. And from the looks of it, neither did Lair. “Oh!” Fizzy spoke up, leg in the air like we were in a classroom. “How about we talk to your mother Lair?” The bicorn shook her head. “Not going to happen. Hollow is her favorite daughter, where I'm… not.” As dumb as it sounded, it was a plan. “We should try.” I said as I thought about why they were here, and why we needed the Desperados to not get into a fight… yet. “What if we can convince the Darkhearts that the war brewing in the west is a real danger. Anyways, if Swift is killed over there, there isn't a risk of retaliation between the Rangers and Desperados.” “It's a bit grim to talk about your own kin like that.” Fullmetal commented. “Still less stupid than the current plan.” Lair pointed out. “But what guarantee do we have that the Steel Rangers won't still cause a fight? Ever heard of a false flag?” Fullmetal nodded in agreement. “I know of false flags, I'm sure your kin uses them as much as mine do. That aside we are having a council meeting tomorrow, every elder and representative will be at the main hall to discuss the city's budget and other bureaucratic nonsense. Desperados are included due to their control over the outer-city,  though Swift has been a no-show for a while now. There we can at least get the rangers to heel for a time. As much as the Rangers want a war, they'll still follow the rules as written, not to mention not wanting to make enemies of the Platinum Guard or Coven of Clovers. But, this is only if the Desperados are made to settle down.” “If my mother can be convinced to switch targets, then my sister will as well. She's always been desperate for her approval, and Swift is absolutely smitten with her. So that should help move Swift's focus away from the Steel Rangers.” Lair said, though not sounding so sure herself. “Unfortunately, this isn't something that can be anytime soon. Not today at least, and possibly not tomorrow. Mother is very much a mare of manners and schedules, even when meeting her own children you see, so rushing things is a bad idea. But I'll contact my other family members and see if they can be… made to adjust their schedule.” This was just getting more convoluted. But I was already here, and we weren't going anywhere just yet. “As for now, I can talk to Arras, and let him know the situation. Anyway, we do plan on taking Swifts herd with us to the west for the war, so nopony in Arras's herd has any interest in needles conflict right now.” Fullmetal rolled her eyes, confusing me a bit. “Sorry, did I say something off?” I asked. She waved her hoof dismissively. “No, no, it's fine. You're just using some new terminology that came about because of the last war with the rangers.” I cocked an eyebrow and she explained. “You said herd, not chapter. The different Desperados groups are called, or were called, chapters before the last war. Ponies like Swift changed the terminology to separate themselves from the Rangers, even calling himself a Warchief when he hasn't ever been in a war.” Fullmetal then sighed. “Sorry, I got into a rant again. The older I get the more I yearn for the old days.” The old mare then stretched, popping several joints. “That said, it's as solid of a plan as one made on short notice can be. Now get going, I’m becoming tired, and tell Arras that I’m looking forward to having a tea party with him in Mag’s garden.” “I'll do just that.” I told her. “Wait!” Fullmetal said right as I was about to leave. “That pin on your hat, it can't be a Royal Guard medallion?” I froze for a moment, then took a deep breath. “Yes, it is.” I said as I removed Vibraphone's hat and passed it to Fullmetal to look at it. “A friend of mine's ancestor was in the Royal Guard. When she and I got separated, I had the medallion on me. I hope to give it back to her oneday.” I said with a quiet, but futile hope. Fullmetal gently inspected the medallion before giving the hat back to me. “This is clearly an authentic Royal Guard medallion, I have one on display in my house to honor my late husband's ancestors. They are only given to those who went above and beyond the line of duty, often resulting in them retiring from the guard due to injury.” She smiled as she pointed to the image of Celestia on the medallion, where I saw a tear on the alicorn's face. “Here, this means they were protecting Celestia when they earned this medallion, possibly preventing an assassination or foalnapping attempt.” She then leaned back in her chair. “I hope you get that medallion back to its proper owner.” “I do as well.” I said, adjusting the cap on my head and then left. The door closed shut without a squeek, its well oiled hinges were like the Platinum Guard itself. Old, but in good hooves. Silver Leaf trotted over to greet us. “I'll escort you out.” She said before asking, “and what did you talk to my grandmother about.”  She was clearly protective of the aged elder, which I didn't mind. “Nothing much, just about keeping the peace.” Silver nodded. “Good. I do worry about her some days. She should be retired, not still leading the Guard when she can barely move about.” “Why is that?” I asked. She huffed in annoyance “long story short, my fathers a coward, and Grandmother worries too much. But let's not talk more about it here, or now.” Lair then trotted beside Silver, bumping her hip to the Guard's. “Then let's go somewhere else, and talk about other things. Maybe in private?” “Oh, let's visit the boutique!” Fizzy then suggested excitedly. A slight blush was of Silvers face, making the older mare look… which was cute. Unfortunately she had a similar name to my eldest sister, which killed any attraction I might have had for her. “I have some time off.” Silver said, “and it's been awhile since I went shopping, __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 14: Culture, Part 4. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 14, Culture, Part 4. __________________________________________________________________ The Hilltop Boutique was as fabulous as it was yesterday, with several different articles of clothing now on display. There was even lingerie on display further back, but mostly it looked as though Heartwind was preparing for winter. Lots of padded clothing with hoods, and fur lined leather boots. “Is that you, Harp?” Frilly Ribbons called out as she peeked from the back, the pudgy and likely pregnant mare trotting out with two saddlebags filled with cloth. The mare looked a bit disheveled, and had a slight limp, but the slight grin on her face showed me she was not in any distress. “Good to see you again, I'm glad you took my advice coming here. It's good business to have friendly relations with other businesses after all.” She then winked at me, the grin still on her face. “You should try and come in earlier and ask for the… special discount.” Her smile then dropped as she noticed Silver Leaf.  “Oh, Knight Captain, I didn't see you there?” “Good to see you out and about, miss Frilly Ribbon, not up to any mischief I hope?” Silver asked. Filly nervously laughed as she trotted to the exit. “Nothing of the sort, just the normal business between clothing merchants. Now I must go, time is money after all, and I'm wasting both the longer my shop is closed.” She quickly made her way out, the door's bell ringing a bit louder as she did. “Let me guess, she's got a history?” I asked. Silver nodded. “oh ya. Used to live in the inner city until she got caught up in several affairs. Still don't know who the father of her foal is, and nopony wants to take responsibility.” Fizzy then sighed. “So, Heartwinds type.” Another nod came from Silver. “Oh, ya.” “I guess this Heartwind and my Uncle have the same taste in mares then. Gladly, I don't.” Lair commented before winking at Silver. “I prefer the more reserved and private type of mare.” “Then maybe this Uncle of yours should share a drink with me.” Heartwind said as he came out. He was well dressed as ever, but was slightly disheveled, with a noticeable lipstick mark on his shirt collar. “Good to see you again miss Harp, and Fizzy, you're looking as young as ever.” He then looked more serious as he said, “Knight Captain Silver Leaf.” “Mister Heartwind Winters.” Silver said sternly. “I see that you're offering special discounts again.” “Maybe, but I don't see how that's any of your business.” Heartwind said as he rubbed the lipstick mark of his shirt's collar. “Now tell me, who's the new face? She's clearly a dapper one, I might even offer her that discount.” “Lair Darkheart.” Our Bicorn companion greated with a bow. “I'm sure I don't need a special discount, though, if I'm in the mood, I might consider you up on that offer. But only if you're aggressive about it.” I cocked an eyebrow at her, and she chuckled before whispering to me. “Oh come now, you can't deny that he's quite the silver fox, and clearly knows how to be rough. I can't help but be a bit curious.” “I like you.” Heartwind said to Lair. “If you're here to browse, then you're in luck, as I recently started displaying my winter line. Stylish and warm.” Lair gave me a wink, then trotted over to the older griffin. “Do you have anything that can match my color, though I do love black, it all tends to blend together.” Heartwind scratched his beak for a moment. “Something to go well with your natural red and black? Well tan is always a solid choice, it's both professional and functional, along with hiding dust better. Gray as well, but that's all business.” He then took an extra long look. “but I get the feeling that a navy blue or white might suit you better.” The bell to the door rang again, and stepping through was a beautiful griffin hen, who looked like an older Bianca. She had a striking red dress on, and was decorated in gemstones and gold all over her.  The new griffin then stopped, a bit of concern on her face. “Knight Captain Silver Leaf? I do hope there isn't anything I need to hear from you?” Silver smiled gently. “Oh no, not at all, I'm here just to browse, Wendy. I hope the mayor hasn't been giving you any problems.” Wendy laughed. “No more than usual. Mayor Morning Mist is still spineless as ever, and the guilds are just as abnoxus.” “Mom! Move your fat flank, I, like, can’t get through.” Bianca spoke as she squeezed in, holding a roll of cloth. “Oh, Silver, you're like, here!” “Good to see you again, Bianca. Out shopping I see.” Silver said to the younger griffin hen. “Managed to finally get this old-world silk out of the lockup, thanks to mom.” She said as she held up the roll of cloth victoriously.  “We had to cut a deal with Omar to pressure the Merchant Guild into not keeping it all to themselves. The usual brahminshit.” Wendy said, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “And who is your new fri… Is that you, Fizzy?” Fizzy had been sheepishly hiding behind me, slowly stepping out to wave. “It's good to see you again, Wendy.” Wendy rolled her eyes. “Oh come now, Fizzy, don't be shy! It's been years, let's have some tea.” “Y… you're not mad?” Fizzy asked. The older hen clicked her tongue. “Mad that you skipped out on our fashion show.” She glared down at Fizzy with a cold anger. “Maybe… but I've long gotten over it, so come, let's catch up on old times.” She then pointed her wing to the back where Heartwind and Lair were looking at suits and dresses. “Go tell your father that we have the silk, and then help clean up whatever mess he made in the back.” “But mom!” Bianca whined. “No buts. Just get it done and you'll be free for the rest of the day.” She commanded. Bianca sighed. “Yes mom.” As she trotted off, the young griffin waved at Fizzy, who waved back. “Now let's go to the parlor.” Wendy said as she directed us with her wing. Trotting to a side room, I was taken aback by the style of the room. Lots of polished dark wood, stained glass, and even a stone fireplace. It felt a lot like Clover the Clever's teahouse, but not as old. “You like?” Wendy asked, and I nodded. “It is of griffinstone style. Took years collecting the furniture from Talon companies from all over the wasteland, but we managed to make a little peace of our motherland.” Looking closer, though a lot of it was worn, and partly damaged, I could also see carvings of griffin on most of the furniture. A lot of it was griffins fighting monsters with swords and bows, but there were a fair amount of images of families closely together. Turning on an electric kettle, Wendy directed us to sit at a lovely little table. “So, where have you been for these last eight years, Fizzy?” Fizzy then chuckled nervously, and gave a brief explanation to what had happened to her. By the time she was done, the water had started to boil and tea was then prepared. “I see, that must have been troubling.” Wend said as she sipped her tea. “But I can't say you didn't deserve it… still, I'm glad you're alive.” “Th… thanks Wendy. And, like, sorry for running out like that, on both of you.” Fizzy apologized. Wendy groaned. “Don't apologize to Silver, she should have known better in the first place.” Silver's eyes shifted away from Wendy, a hint of guilt on her face. “She already gave me an earful about that.” “As sheltered as you are, Silver, you should have known better.” Wendy said coldly. “I guess you and Fizzy are rather close?” I then asked Wendy. The griffin Hen smiled. “Well, you can say that. Fizzy and I did live through a similar situation, as well as dealing with my dear husbands… eccentricity.”  I cocked an eyebrow. “You don't mean?” “Heartwind has a thing for prostitutes and sluts.” Wendy said as she motioned her claw in a way that clearly involved stroking a certain part of a stallion.  My eye then drifted over to Fizzy, who was hiding her face in her hooves, then back to Wendy, who only just realized that she said something she probably shouldn't have. “Oh, you don't know?” Wendy then placed her face into her claw in embarrassment. “Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought she'd have told you.” “It's fine Wendy.” Fizzy said as she stopped hiding behind her hooves. “You remember when I said I had been sold into slavery, and ended up at the Ursas Den casino.” I nodded. “Well, I, like, did a lot of work in their brothel. I was even their most popular mare for a time, for whatever that's worth.” Somehow, I wasn't shocked. A bit surprised, but not shocked. “That doesn't seem all that uncommon out in the wasteland.” “No it's not.” Wendy said bitterly. “Even among the Talons, prostitution is common. Both willingly, and less so.” “You two?” I asked. She nodded. “I unfortunately wasn't born with the strength or eyesight to fight like a Talon. So I was trained to do mediation, busy work, and a bit of medicine. I was also considered considerably pretty in my youth, with many roosters desiring me. So naturally, I was pressured into being a Talon company whore. If not for Heartwind, I'd still be a talon company whore, or just some lowly company veteran's mistress. That's why I turn a blind eye to his… fetishes. As much as I hate it, he still provides for me and our daughter. And seeing Bianca grow up never knowing how hard life can be, fills me with joy. It's also why I don't hate Fizzy, though the poor dear can't seem to forgive herself.”  I looked over at Fizzy, as she sipped her tea. “B.. but.” “But nothing.” Wendy said dismissively. “You did right by my daughter, and that's all that matters. Anyways, it's not like you kept on the relationship and got pregnant, like some other sluts in this city.” “So you did sleep with him.” I said to my friend. Fizzy nodded. “At the casino, in the Redlight Showroom, Heartwind was a regular of mine. He even offered to help me if I ever left, so when I did, I took him up on the offer.” “My stupid husband failed to mention that he was married, and kept up the charade when Fizzy first arrived.” Wendy explained. “Eventually the affair was found out, since Fizzy had become a popular model of ours, and was his type. I wasn't happy about it, but Fizzy was so sincerely horrified that she had taken part in an affair, that I couldn't be mad at her.” “You're still too kind to me.” Fizzy said sheepishly  “Oh come off it, it wasn't even your fault.” Wendy told her dismissively. “Also, you were too beautiful to be just thrown out onto the street. She was also making us a lot of money, and I'd be a fool to not exploit that.” She then let out a sigh. “Anyways, It's not like I didn't understand. If you don't have the strength to stand on your own in the wasteland, or the support of others, you either die or become a thing for others to use.” Silver shifted around uncomfortably. “Y… ya, I keep forgetting that's how life is beyond the city.” I nodded to that. “I'm not much different. Ignorant to the suffering around me. Well, until I found myself neck deep in it,” “Trust me, that's nothing to be ashamed of, it just means you're living a good life.” Wendy said before finishing off her tea. “And making yourself weak.” Lair said as she trotted in and poured herself some tea. She was out of her suit, with nothing on but black laced lingerie. Her cutie-mark was of two broken masks, one silver and the other gold, with a red and black heart underneath. As she sat, I noticed that she had rather noticeable breasts, though far smaller than Fizzy, yet weirdly the braw supporting them seemed a size or two too small. “Life itself is suffering, and we all must rise and overcome it. Life without suffering just leads to weak ponies who cannot protect themselves or others.” “Spoken like a Talon.” Wendy said. “Or a Desperados.” Silver added as she averted her eyes from Lair. Lair grinned mischievously, positioning herself so that Silver got a good view of her. “And both are survivors, am I right?” “In a sense.” Wendy said with a hint of disdain in her voice. “But they don't build, they don't improve. As soft as my Bianca is, when she takes over this business, her name will go down in history and bring great wealth to all those around her. Something the Talons have been incapable of doing since they were founded.” I remember Dead Axle mentioning something like that about the Desperados. That the worst thing that happened to them was being proven right, and now they're unable to change. I could only imagine what the Desperados could have built if they hadn't stayed in their survival mindset. A mocking huff came out of Lairs muzzle before taking a sip of her tea. “Maybe, but have you seen what became of those builders? Nothing but ruins, and by their own hooves. Still, you're not wrong. So many wonderful things were built by them.” She flared out a hoof, as to display her underwear. “Just as I can't help but love a good suit, the more secretive clothing also excites me. Things that survivors just don't make. So I do wonder what your adorably beautiful daughter will make. Though I do worry about her safety, with how vulnerable she is.” Wendy's eyes narrow. “I may not be much of a fighter, but I was still a Talon, so watch your tongue.” “My apologies, I mean no offense.” Lair curtsied to Wendy. “Just that the girl has no sense of real danger, not like you and your husband have. I've tragically seen others like her trot right into the maw of predators. Ponies that you think would be trustworthy, only to take advantage of you at the first sign of weakness.” “Your own victims I asum.” Silver said with distrust. Lair rolled her eyes at that. “By no means would I ever harm a fair lady, I am after all, a refined gentlecolt… spirituality I mean. Though if invited to do so, I am more than willing to demonstrate the brutality of this world. That said, I do worry for them, for the sweetness of honey will attract the most monstrous of beasts.” Wendy let out a sigh. “No, you're right. I worry about that every day. That some brutish Talon will take my baby away.” “Had an ex-coltfriend that wouldn't let me leave him.” Fizzy said with absolute disdain. “I was more of an objective for him to be shown around. One of my biggest regrets is that I ever thought of him as a good stallion.” “Didn't you say you were a teenager at the time, and he was… older?” Wendy asked. Fizzy looked embarrassed by the question. “Y… ya. But I still should have known better.” Wendy reached out and patted Fizzy on the shoulder. “Now now, you're not the only one here who's been entranced by those much older. Or overlooked the negatives.” “You mean Heartwind.” Silver pointed out. Lair laughed at that. “Naw, his negatives actually make him more attractive. You know what you're getting I bet.” “I am right here you know.” Wendy said in annoyance. “But yes, Heartwind may have his negatives, though he doesn't hide them. And he makes sure any creature knows that I am his number one, and will always be. Though it turns out that a devoted husband is rather sexy to mares who aren't in relationships.” She then tipped her now empty teacup at Lair. “Though I may not stop you from try to fuck my husband, that's an effort I long given up on, but I will kill you if you hurt him.” “Oh, I like you even more.” Lair said before winking. “Maybe I should go after the both of you.” Wendy didn't look phased by that at all. Just putting down her teacup and taking a deep breath. “Maybe this isn't the best time to chat about such personal things.” “Then maybe later when I pick up my new suit?” Lair asked. “Maybe.” Was Wendy's answer. At this point I gave up on whatever relationship was going on here, and just accepted that things were a bit messed up under the surface. The kind of thing was best left alone. “Soo… how much does Bianca know about this?” I asked. “Very little.” Wendy said coldly. Just then Bianca hopped in, dressed in a rather lovely floral pattern blouse. “About what?” Wendy was quick to answer. “About your father and my time as Talons.” Bianca scrunch her beek at that. “Oh, that's like, totally boring.” She then trotted over to Fizzy. “I’m free now, let's get you out of that, and in one of my latest designs! Oh, I've wanted to do this for so long.” her eyes then drifted to me, a smirk on her face. “You too, all of you. Especially you miss Lair, we need to like, get you a better bra” Something in me wanted to say no, but something else in me screamed for it. It's been forever since I got to dress up, so why not. “Bianca dear, do try not to get overly excited. But, since Fizzy is back, I'll let you use whatever we have in the store. The Knight Captain and I have more to discuss, so we'll be here if you need help.” Wendy told her daughter. The young griffin squealed as she took Fizzy’s hoof. “This is going to be, like, so fun!” __________________________________________________________________ We lost track of time as a collection of suits and dresses opened up to us, with Bianca sorting through them all to find the best ones.  It felt like I was back home, having the maids fuss over me before a ball. I had my favorite dresses that I wanted to wear, but the maids had authority over things like appropriate dresses. It was the same for Mother and the rest of my family, that though we had higher authority, we couldn't step on any other ponies hooves. If the royal guard told us where to go, we did as they said. This way if we made a mistake, the royal family wasn't at fault, so long as we stayed within our role. It was a nostalgic feeling, weirdly enough. Bianca had put me in both a sunny yellow dress, and a light green dress, something to do with it bringing out my natural colors. The dresses were simple, yet quite elegant as well. I think it gave Bianca ideas, as she said that a green dress with gold embroidery might fit me just right. Lair offered some real gold, hinting on me being in a pirate jacket. Speaking of the bicorn, Bianca had her in a tan dress decorated with dark blue ribbons. It was odd, but was a rather lovely look on the mare. She also tried on different lingerie along with the rest of us, having a much easier time than Fizzy, who required custom underwear. Bianca even put Lair in an all white suit, which ended up looking more sinister than dashing on the Bicorn. In the end, Lair actually bought and kept the tan dress on. Now Fizzy was clearly the star of the show, going through more dresses than anypony. Sadly, most had a hard time fitting her, or looked a bit odd. Turns out Fizzy had very wide hips, was a bit taller than the average mare, and of course, her massive tits got in the way of most short dresses. Her height and hips did make her a good model though, helping her stand out in even a crowd, if she ever wanted to. Fizzy also seemed to enjoy dressing up, which was rather nice to see. Whenshopping, Live Axle had her girly moments, but never to this extent. And Star had no style at all, often just throwing on some Celestia awful yellow dress. We even got to see Bianca try on a few outfits, the young griffin looking absolutely beautiful dresses in both fancy and modest outfits. Watching her, it was like looking at an Equestria not scared by war, but filled with creatures who trusted and loved each other. But as with all things, the good time had to come to an end, and we had to leave. Both because we were running out of dresses to try that matched us, and we were starting to get hungry. Bianca actually cried a little, as did Fizzy, when we left. Silver had already left ahead, which was a bit disappointing to not see her in a new outfit. As we trotted off, I couldn't help but ask Lair. “So why keep the dress, you didn't seem to enjoy them all that much.” “Like I told you, I have ro play the part of a lady, otherwise my sister will get pissy with me.” She replied. “If I return in this dress, then she'll asum I haven't been going around and seducing ladies, but being a lady myself.  It's to save me from a major headache that would come if I didn't put on the dress.” “Right, that begs another question. What's your deal? Like, I don't get you at all?” I asked in all honesty. A chuckle escaped her mouth before telling me. “A fair question since we'll be working with each other, though not an easy one to answer. In short, I am me, an individual not like my sister.” “In long?” I pressed. “A mare with issues, of which was saved by the guidance of the gods. One who enjoys the company of young ladies, but occasionally stallions as well. Mentally I'm off, having the mind of a stallion, but the body of a mare. And through discipline and education I have found inner peace.” Lair then winked at me. “But most importantly I am a mare of secrets, both of my oen and that of the worlds.” I tilted my head. “Ya, I might be even more confused than before.” “Switched souled.” Fizzy said. “Maybe. It's a term from my fathers cult, we're a ponies soul switched with another. If they are of opposite genders, it causes problems. Like one is a mare, and the body acts like a mare, but their soul or mind screams stallion.” “That's not far off, which is't surprising from a pony of the cult of Venus.” Lair said. “But no. No switching souls, or being trapped in the wrong body. I was simply born with a mental illness that needs to be managed, otherwise I could easily be driven to madness and self harm.” “And how much of this does your family know? And why tell us?” I then asked. “Other than my Father and Uncle, the rest of my family thinks I went through a phase as a teen. It's to keep the peace in my family, as my mother is very traditional, as are all my aunts, cousins, and my beloved sister.” Lair told us before lowering her sunglasses and looking me in the eyes. A sensation much like Star's evil eye washed over me, freezing me in place. “And if you dare to tell them anything, consider this peace of yours shattered, and prepare for a new war.” Lifting her glasses, the eye magic that gripped me was canceled, letting me move. “R.. right, I understand. You're showing us trust, so I should do the same.” A mischievous smile crept up on Lairs muzzle. “Fantastic, and speaking of them, maybe you should come with me to Umberfoal. I know my mother will love you, as you just got that high class feel to you that she adores.” “Sure, why not.” I said flatly. “Oh, can I come too?” Fizzy said excitedly. The smile shrank to a less menacing smirk. “Sure why not. actually, I bet they'll love you too.” __________________________________________________________________ Returning to the Desperados camp, things were calm as usual, though I was disappointed to see that the stockades were empty. I was also disappointed to see that everypony had already finished eating lunch, and were cleaning up.  Not a damn scrap left. Annoyed and hungry, we made our way down to the old giftshop, hoping they could make something. Fortunately, almost everypony we left there was still at work. A few mares had left, but Live, Cherry, Henbane and Thunder were still sitting around and working on some clothes. “I see you picked up a new mare. And one in quite the dress.” Cherry said with an unsure smirk. Lair showed herself off in it. “It's a Hilltop Boutique original. Not quite my taste, but if I were to travel in a dress, this does just nicely.” Cherry gave an approving nod as she inspected the dress. “That's true. Not too fancy, and made from sturdy material. The dark blue stitching is an interesting touch, and the dark blue ribbons are used sparingly enough that they don't overpower the look.” Henbane let out a huff. “Y'all know that's just khaki overalls made into a dress?” “I think it's cute.” Live said as she scrunched up her nose. “But why'd you not tell us you were visiting the Hilltop Boutique?” “Next time.” I told Live. A grumbling then came from my stomach, causing me to chuckle a bit. “That aside, we sorta missed our opportunity to eat. You got anything here?” A laugh came from Thunder Crack. “No problem, Henbane actually has a stew simmering in the kitchen.” “Hay now, that's for the pot pie!” Henbane complained, but then shrugged. “Ehh, whatever, I guess you can have some. I do need a few opinions on how it's turning out. I'm more used to cooking toads than rad-bits, so it may not be that good.” We watched as she trotted to the back, fainting her grumpiness. The shimmer of an invisible nightstalker following her.  “Oh, Harp, you can have this back now.” Live Axle said as she hoofed over my jacket. Holding it, the jacket was a bit heavier now, and had an inside that looked super fluffy. “Ah? What did you do?” “Not too much, just added a Shaggy pelt layer inside.” Live told me with a smile. “We had some extra in the back, so I thought, why not. Their skin is rather light and thin, so it makes garbage armor, but it's really good insulation from the cold. Now try it on!” I slipped it on, the jacket having been already a size big on me, so the extra matiral actually helped it fit more snugly. Looking at the sleeve, it was covered in subtle blue embroidery of flames and skulls. On the collar was the Desperados symbol, but the stetson hat had been replaced by a red flat top cap. “What's with the symbol?” I asked. “Well ya got your own herd, so ya need your own banner.” Live told me. “So we thought maybe Red Cap's would work nicely.” “You do seem to love that hat of yours.” Cherry added. “And it's rather catchy.” “Please don't tell me you're going to start making red cap's for everypony?” I asked as my eyes looked over at the roll of red cloth.  Thunder let out a laugh. “Hay, that's a good idea. Get the Red Caps a bunch of red caps.” Poking her head out from the kitchen, Henbane shouted. “Fuck off with that idea. We ain't no joke themed gangers.” “I second that motion.” I quickly added. Laughter then quickly began to spread to everypony, lifting our spirits. And the longer I had the jacket on, the more I liked how it felt. “I guess I can at least accept the name, for now.” I told them. “Anyways, I'll take you all to the boutique next time, along with some spending money.” I then looked at Cherry. “Oh, and please don't flirt with the owner, I'd rather not piss off his wife.” Cherry then smirked. “Oh, now I'm curious, what kind of stallion is he?” “A silver fox Griffin with a thing for sluts.” Lair said. “Not saying good things about yourself, Lair.” I snarked back at her. She did a mane flip, mocking me with a smile. “Oh, jealousy isn't a good look on you.” I rolled my eyes back at her and turned my attention to the others. “Anyways, I'll likely be busy for a day or two, so don't get excited just yet. But I'm sure they won't mide so long as Fizzy is with us.” Looking around, I didn't see her. “Um, Fizzy.”  She poked her head out from the kitchen, her mane bound up in a really poofy ponytail. “I'm helping Henbane with her rad-bit pies. But ya, I'll ask Bianca and Wendy if we can schedule a group shopping trip.” Somehow, I got the feeling that the pie was going to taste like Sparkle-Cola now. But right now, that didn't sound all that bad… I hope so at least. Letting myself take a seat, and studdy my improved jacket, the smell of cooked food reached my nose and I relaxed. I felt safe here, at least for now I did. Yet something irked me, like a bad itch. Right, the covered up pegasus mare from the tour. Why did she touch me with her wing, and why was the name Lancelot nostalgic to her. With how my luck went, I might find out sooner or later.  But right now, it is best to not worry about such things, and enjoy myself.  __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 15: Politics, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 15, Politics, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ “Right, before we go and deal with all the politics, I'll show you a few things you'll need to know.” Arras told me as he unrolled a rather detailed map of the region. I had spent the rest of the day relaxing, charging Spark batteries for the Desperados, and imprinting the talismans for our big gun. Fortunately the warband was out patrolling, so it was relatively peaceful. After that I got a proper night's rest, and a hearty breakfast.  Now I was getting a lesson from Arras's, as he wanted me to go with him to the Elders meeting. He felt it was best if I speak on behalf of the Desperados, as most ponies still had a bias against ghouls, and Swift wasn't likely to keep a cool head. it was something I couldn't argue against. Looking at the map, it was made of thick canvas, with beautifully detailed inkwork in several colors. The map must have been fairly old now, as it marked off radiation zones, and had an absolutely beautiful drawing of Canterlot surrounded by pink clouds at the bottom. At the center was Platinum Hill, and north of that was Umberfoal. A road going further north leads to the city of Whinneapolis, it being both marked as a radiation zone, and cursed. A road going through Whinneapolis went further north and off the map, where an arrow pointed up and printed in bold letters next to it was “Crystal Empire.” There were more roads, with Route 50 being most noticeable on the map, connecting the east and west of the map, only broken up in a few places by rivers, or by Whinneapolis itself. The rivers were prominent too, with one called the Smart Cookie river that went east off the map, all the way a bit over Platinum Hill. Another river, the Maresissippi, went north to south, starting just below the Crystal Empire, passing Platinum Hill, and going all the way south off the map in-between the ruins of Canterlot and Cloudsdale. Platinum Hill was situated not far from where both rivers crossed each other, with Umberfoal sitting on the river going east.  The Desperados territory stayed north of the Smart Cooke river, and only expanded out south on the west side of the Maresissippi, and extending to the west end of the map. An arrow pointing west was listed as “Road Crew Territory over mountains.” I pointed at the area where Platinum Hill resided. “I'm guessing the reason you don't control this has to do with the demon grass?” “Mostly. The demon grass is thickest in the Lush Central Plains, which is where we are. Same for the territories to the east until you hit the rivers and mountains. Demon grass also infests the surrounding territories, but we have spent the last two hundred years beating it back and making barriers to keep the shit contained.” Arras told me as he ran hisvhoof along the edge of Desperados territory. “Aside from dealing with raiders and other scum, maintaining the roads and cutting back the demon grass is why Platinum Hill wants us around. Trade from the west would completely choke up if we weren't around, you see.” “But even now it's getting choked up.” I commented.  Arras nodded. “We'll hopefully know how bad it is soon, once our riders return from the west. But until then, we must deal with local problems.” He then pulled out several small wooden squares, each with a Desperados symbol on them. Three went over Platinum Hill, all flaming skulls, one in a stetson, a horned helmet, and a new one with a red cap. “This is currently us.” he then began placing wooden squares all over the Desperados territory, and a few outside of it. Each one a flaming skull with either a different hat, or a stetson with an extra number on top.  Pointing at a Desperados herd further east, it was a stetson with the number 2 on it, Arras then explained. “This is the Route Fifty Desperados, second chap- second herd. All the Route Fifty's are led by founding members like myself, and can be trusted. The second's are lead by another Canterlot native, Morning Light, former sniper and fortunately a former Dash addict. Ghoulification was probably the best thing that happened to her, just after her marriage and children. She'll be the one coming here to take over for Swift.” “And the Rangers won't have a problem with her?” I asked. Arras let out a laugh. “Probably, but they're not going to try shit with her around. The seconds killed more Rangers during the first Desperados Ranger war then anypony has since the schism. She trains her herd in classic sniping and hunting tactics. If you want to know more, ask Live Axle, she stayed a year with Morning to learn proper gun smithing, and got the sniper bootcamp training at the same time.” His hoof then moved to the west, off the edge of the map, where a stetson with the numbers 5 and 6 were. “My friends Railway and Smoke Signals are here, both keeping the Roadcrew from expanding into our territory, and keeping an eye on the Enclave Remnants in the mountains. We don't know what's happened to my friends, but last we heard, both the fifth and sixth herds were pushed east without their elders, and have been engaging with rebels as one herd. Unfortunately because of that, information from them has been vague, but that's why we sent riders to them.” “They lost their elders?” I asked. Arras nodded. “Yes, but we don't know if they're still undead or just dead. Those two are experts in Asymmetric warfare, which is why their herds were not overrun by whatever is going on over there.”  His hoof then moved over to Whinneapolis, where a stetson with a three was placed, and a bit to its east, a stetson with a seven was placed. “The threes and sevens aren't going anywhere, with the Three’s made up of withered ghouls, overlooking our main military stockpile. We'll be visiting them to pick up some real guns if what you suspect is true. As for the Seven’s, they overlook our main necessities stockpile, there more like my herd, made up of mostly families, and overlook training young Desperados. So we'll be dropping off the non-combatants with them.” “Where's the Fours? I asked. Arras grimised. “They used to overlook Umberfoal, led by Crystal Clear, our old radio operator from the war, and a kind soul. The damn Rangers stabbed her in the back and slaughtered her herd and family. For two hundred years she maintained her post and had friendly relations with Platinum Hill.” He let out a long sigh. “If not for Magnificence and Fullmetal, we'd have seen those tin cans be put out of our misery with prejudice.” “Swift's father led the charge to avenge our friends and family, even as I advised caution as we gathered our artillery. It's debatable who was right in the end, but the result was all the same, death.” Arras said bitterly. “The bastards say they are honorable protectors, but in the end they were nothing more than butchers.” “I'm guessing the Rangers have their own view on this?” I asked. He let out a huff. “They just say they were putting down a raider and mutant infestation. That's all the excuse they ever needed to attack.” “But let's change the subject to the now, or I'll start drinking until I pass out.” Arras said as he sat back. “Likely the rangers will just spout Brahminshit, as per the normal. No need to convince them of anything, they're not going to care if they were dangerous or not. We need to reassure the residents of Platinum Hill that it's worth the effort to keep the Steel Rangers within their walls. As friendly as the locals are, most have the not in my backyard kind of mindset.” I raised an eyebrow. “So long as bad things happen outside their walls, they don't really care what is going on. That kind of stupidity.” Arras then pulled out another, smaller map, this one more simple and of just Platinum Hill. The city was split into several districts, and not just the Inner-city and Outer-city. “As much of a pain in the neck the Steel Rangers are, they also insure that the ponys outside, stay out.” He pointed to a spot in the inner city which had the Steel Rangers  symbol  at its center. “The Rangers also stay in their own little district, which the locals also like. Along with maintaining an electrical grid and allowing approved technology to the locals. For this, the rangers have quite a few wealthy ponies backing them, which is why they didn't get completely kicked out of Platinum Hill after the second war.” That sounded all too familiar, reminding me of the backroom politics that went on back home. The only reason why the Islands stayed so divided was because ponies with more money than sense didn't want any unification. There was more going on, but as far as I knew, there would have been ponies in a lot of trouble if the Islands ever unified. That mindset is probably why the Equalists were able to rise to power on the islands. Looking at the city map itself, it was a mosaic of what I guessed were different factions and zones. Just like the Steel Rangers, the Platinum Guard had their territory at the center, with the Coven of Clovers at the southern end of the Inner-city. There was also Celestia's cutie-mark filling in much of the remaining inner city, with other smaller districts that looked like they were businesses or government offices. The outer-city was even more broken up, with the Desperados on the east side, an actual area listed as Talon company territory, a large area that was the industrial district, along with merchant road being its own district cutting through everything. The large residential area was also broken up, with the biggest having a red light district at its center, and being surrounded by a ton of smaller districts that seemed to be divided by different creatures or cultures. This city was an actual city, and it hurt my head to think about it. Taking a deep breath, I focused on the task at hoof. “Essentially, we just have to make a point that if the rangers do anything to provoke us, the fighting will come to them. All while ensuring that if we were left alone, we'll stay on our side of the wall and trade will not be distributed.” I said, half to Arras and half to myself. Then added, “Speaking of trade, what about the west? Wouldn't that factor into getting the Rangers to back down?” “Trade from the west has always been less important than from the east, making it a harder sell than dropping the tax for using the rivers.” Arras explained.  “It's the Rangers silver bullet, if they get control over Umberfoal, they'll reduce the tax for merchants to use the port. They don't care about caps as much as everypony else, so it's easy for them to do. So the ponies who support them aren't going to care, so long as they get their Saddle Arabian trinkets for cheap.” “Along with selling their own products to the ponies of Friendship City and Tenpony Tower.” Spoke Magnificence as she trotted in, her large hat hiding her eyeless face. Arras chuckled as he greeted the elder of the Coven of Clovers. “Mag, ya old witch, I'm glad to see you again.” “I wish I could say the same, but I'm sure that face is as degraded as your voice.” Mag teased. “A shame really, you did have quite the singing voice. I always wondered why you never went into showbiz” “Like I told ya over a hundred times before, it's because I pissed off Ministry mare Rarity.” Arras then trotted over and gave Mag a hug, both of their joints making cracking sounds that unnerved me a bit. “So how have things been?” “Same as it had been.” Mag replied as she found a seat. “The days still blur together after the first hundred years. Only now I can understand why Celestia enjoyed teaching foals magic, it helps keep me centered and my mind sharp. Still, it amazes me how she lasted a thousand years without going nuts.” “Unlike us, she wasn't undead.” Arras pointed out. “But I understand what you're getting on about. Telling the old stories to the young, it helps remind me of who I am and why I'm here. Still, sometimes it makes me wonder if I'm being selfish by sticking around as long as I have. Maybe my friends and I are holding back the Desperados, and it's time to set them free.” Mag pulled out a whole tea set, with a steaming pot of tea from her cloak. “Maybe, but you're also keeping the Desperados centered.” placing down the tea set and serving us the tea, she then pointed at a Desperados square that was on top of the mountain range to the south east, this a skull sporting a tophat. “The Tops Desperados, so those chem addicts are still kicking around. If you and the other founders weren't keeping an eye on them, they surely would have turned the Desperados into nothing more than raiders.” Her hoof then moved to another Desperados square to the north east, this one with an antlered helmet. “and the Hunger Desperados, a shame you can never get all of those monsters. But if you weren't around, shurly they would have raped and canablized their way throut the regon.” Arras didn't look happy about hearing those two herds being mentioned. “And they also exist because of me. Both leaders were my descendants, and I still remember their faces as foals. Both blamed me for what they became, just like what Swift does now. So can you not bring up such things, not when you've prepared” Arras sniffed the air and sigh. “Yes, even my broken nose can still smell royal tea.” “No, it's important if you're going to have the dear princess speak in your stead.” Mag said as she tipped her head to me. “Sadly, there is quite the prejudice against ghoul in the city. Both inner and outer I'm afraid. So as respected as Arras is, they're likely not going to listen to him.” “Arras has mentioned that, but then what about you?” I asked Mag. She smiled, it looked more like a line drawn on her muzzle than actual lips. “I have a familiarity bias on my side. Along with being the only living founder… well, unliving. My words are much harder to dismiss, and I pose a much more immediate danger if crossed.” She explained. “Still, I cannot speak for the Desperados. That would unfortunately make it easier for them to dismiss me, and possibly question my authority.” I nodded in understanding. “We had similar problems back home. Cort politics had many rules, and even more pitfalls to avoid.” “Oh how much things may change, they also stay very much the same.” Mag said with a laugh. “I unfortunately can't say I knew how things were before Celestia stepped down, but things were quite cut throat under Luna. The poor mare was busy just keeping the nobility in line, on top of waging that awful war, and directing the Ministries whenever she had time. Even Majesty found the nobility hard to control without Celestia involved, it's particularly why she entered that Stable before the bombs were dropped.” “We had several families living in our shelters before the bombs as well.” Arras added. “Helped keep paranoia down knowing we had family safe, in case of the worst.” “Right, so you want me to speak for Arras because it will be easier for them to… accept me?” I then asked. Mag took a sip of her tea and nodded. “Essentially yes. And thanks to the existence of Crystal Harmonium, they can't just call you a mutant. You're also classically trained in diplomacy, and from what I've been told, are quite beautiful. I blushed a little. “Oh, I'm sure that's an exaggeration.” Laughter escaped Arras's muzzle. “Trust me, compared to the average mare out in the wasteland, you're quite up there in beauty. Maybe a bit above Star, though you beat her hooves down in personality.” “We're not here to make comparisons.” Mag said sternly. “But that said, if the public opinion of you is positive, it makes it all the easier to avoid needless conflicts. And you have been making quite a good impression on ponies here.” Having no reason to deny the compliment, I then just nodded back. “Fine, I get your point. If I represent the Desperados, there's less of a chance we'll get ignored or shouted down.” I then pointed at the two Desperados herds Mag mentioned. “But why bring up those two?” Mag let out a sigh. “Because if the Steel Rangers do, and you know nothing of them, you will look ignorant and any credibility you have will dry up like a wasteland toad without water. Though I'm sure you'll do just fine, as deflecting unknown topics is royal politics 101.” It was annoying that she was correct. “It was common for ponies to try to get my family to look stupid with more niche subjects at times. Even my sister Silk could deflect such questions, even if it was back to talking about herself.” “Good, but even still, knowing a bit about them will help.” Mag informed me. “Though more of an international issue for the Desperados, they are still well known enough to be held over the Desperados heads when calling them raiders. It's the same issue ghouls have and the threat of going feral. Ignorant ponies believe that ghouls can just go feral out of nowhere, just as they believe Desperados will turn raider at any time.” Arras let out an annoyed huff. “Annoying, it's actually the opposite. The so-called civilized ponies are more likely to turn raiders. My Desperados rarely ever lose themselves, and those on the edge are taken away, where they can be helped. But ttose soft ponies, remove that safety they call civilization and they lose their fucking minds.” “Not everypony is raised to understand how unforgiving the wasteland is. Even I am ashamed to admit that I've had students go raider. Too much coddling, not enough understanding.” Mad said with remorse.  She then tapped on the two rouge Desperados squares again. “That said, when the Rangers do mention these two chapters of the Desperados-” “Herds.” Arras corrected “Don't care.” Mag counters. “When either of the two chapters are mentioned, do not get stuck talking about how they don't represent the Desperados. The longer they are the subject of debate, the more ponies will think raiders. Instead, switch the topic to Elder Cottage Cheese, and how they raided stable two, and the surviving rangers from that chapter then instigated the second Desperados Ranger war.” That… made a lot of sense. “Right, that would put them on the back hoof. But why would they risk such a counter?” “Mostly, it's because the Rangers who are from Cottage Cheese's chapter, the ones who didn't turn to Applejack Rangers, are all dead. After the war, the surviving rangers were all executed by the Platinum Guard for instigating that tragedy. Because of that, the Rangers here don't claim any relation to them, and easily forget that though they don't see themselves connected, we still are. Not much different from the Desperados, you think?” “Plenty different!” Arras snapped. “Unlike those bastards, we actually clean up our own fuckups!” He let out a sigh, it was filled with pain and regret. “We take care of our own, even if it means putting them down and burying them deep. At least we give the dead proper burials, even if they don't deserve it.” Mag tilted her head down, hiding a grimace forming on her muzzle. “I know, I know. What they did to Crystal Clear, it was… deplorable.” “That's putting it lightly!” Arras grouled. “She deserved better! Not to be cut up and put on display like some morbid curiosity, and that's all you can say is-” “She was my friend to ya old fool,” Mag nearly yelled, then lowering her voice to a calm and cold tone. “Or did you forget who ordered for those Rangers to be strung up by the neck. I still remembered the last time we had tea, and that I invited her to taste our first batch of royal tea once it was done growing…” Arras took a deep breath, calming down. “Yes… I remember. Still doesn't make it any easier.” “No it doesn't, and for what it's worth, I miss her too.” Mag said softly. “But we can’t let anger and hate lead us, that only gives things like Strife power.” There was a moment of silence as I took it all in. How deep the scare went, it was something I could understand. My hatred for the Corps Brigade and the pirates were not much different, seeing my family harmed, it deeply disturbed me. And seeing how Arras responded, it was clear to me that the Desperados were incapable of negotiations with the Rangers. Not right now at least. They really did need somepony who could speak for them, but didn't suffer from their pain. “I think I understand. Where they would simply dismiss you, Arras, or bait Swift, they can't do the same to me. Also, it's unlikely they would expect a classically educated pony to be among the Desperados, So their guard will be down.” I then looked at the map again, seeing the other Desperados squares. Then another thought hit me, “Wouldn't knowing more about the Rangers help me as well?” Mag smiled at that. “Yes, but the Ranger history isn't something they like to share with outsiders. Despite how much they like to share about the Desperados. But if we were to start at the most poignant point, the second Desperados Ranger war is best.” “Makes sense, and that started with what, an ambush, assassination?” I asked. “That's rather muddy, a lot of he said she said. The Rangers claimed Elder Crystal Clear went feral, and they were forced to put her down. And the slater of the Desperados was a result of self defense.” Mag Explained  “All brahminshit.” Arras huffed. “Ghouls don't just snap and go feral. It takes days for a ghoul to get violent, and even then, the signs of their mind going are very apparent for over a month before they go off that cliff. If Crystal Clear was going feral, we would have known long before the Rangers, and have prepared her last rights.” “That I agree. We both have seen our fair share of friends slowly succumb to the radiation in their brains.” Mag said with a hint of sadness. “But, what we know, and what other ponies believe are two different things.” Taking a deep breath, Mag then continued with her explanation. “As a result of the unjustified act of so-called self defense, the Rangers had taken over Umberfoal, and day by day their numbers were being bolstered by more lost Rangers drifting in. We tried to divert as many of them to Platinum Hill and stay out of the conflict, but hard liners rarely listen to outsiders. So by the time word got around to the Desperados, there were already two chapters worth of rangers in Umberfoal, and they were quickly fortifying their position. Both Elder Fullmetal and I attempted to get them to stand down, but several rather obtuse Star Palins rallied the Rangers to ignore us, and made sure the elder with them was isolated.” “You might know one of them, Harp.” Arras grumbled at me. I sighed, having a good idea who. “Let me guess, It was Star Paladin Spritz Cookie.” Magnificence paused for a moment. “So you know of that awful mare.” I nodded. “She was with us when we escaped the New Canterlot Republic Correctional Facility. She was planning to use the other escapees to attack the NCR, where I was planning on reconnecting with the Desperados. It ended in a fight, which as you can guess, we won. Last we know, her body got dragged back to the NCR by those looking to serve out their time and return to the NCR.” Mag sipped her tea, letting what I just said linger.  “Well… that explains why the Rangers have been more… uppity.” Mag said as she put her teacup down. The ancient unicorn reached under her hat, pulling out a clipboard and red pen, striking a line on a paper. “Well, that's one bastard left to die.” “C… can you even read that?” I asked, a bit confused. “Oh, I may be blind, but magic opens up new ways to see.” She smiled again, and I felt magic reach out to me. “Actually, that's also why I'm here. Not many ponies have such a strong ability to sense magic, or a natural capacity for it. So I thought, why not teach the young princess more on sensing magic.” I was taken aback by the offer, but also curious. “So not… casting it?” Mag shook her head. “No, not casting like a unicorn. This is an older magic, one anypony can do if properly trained. Though it takes years and years to even try it.” “But I don't have years.” I pointed out. She smiled and asked. “Do you trust me?” I looked over at Arras, who shrugged back at me. With a sigh, I then asked, “must it be now?” “No.” Mag said with a smile. “But this will help with the negotiation to come, and understand why the wounds run so deep.” “Alright. If it will help.” I told her Her magic touched me, and mine touched it, the two mixing, and I felt light…  __________________________________________________________________ “What in Celestia's name is the meaning of this!” I yelled… no, it was Mag, that was her voice, and her magic. Her body felt weird, which was probably because she was a ghoul, yet something else felt off. It was weird, yet… comfortable? So you can feel it, but that's a mystery for another day. Right now feel with your magic, and see how I see. Mag's voice echoed in my head, her magic directing me. It was much like my ballet instructor bending my body into form. Accepting it, I let my own magic be manipulated, memorizing what I can as it happened. Light filled my eyes, but it wasn't light, it was magic. Like normal I could feel them, but now they were taking shape, giving me sight without seeing. The land, the sky, the ponies, they all had magic in them, I already knew that, but now… shapes and colors. The world took shape like a watercolor painting, each magic blending where they touched. The world was also speckled with the green radiation drifting through the air. Then I looked at the scene before me. Several ponies were standing in front of me, hovering in the air… no… I see it, they were in power armor. In the distance, more of them, and a pit… bodies, they were throwing bodies into the pit! “We don't answer to you, witch! Return to your hut!” One Ranger in decorated armor spoke with a cold mechanic voice. “Then you will answer to me!” Yelled Fullmetal, the old mare sounding only a bit younger.  The Rangers let out a dismissive laugh. “No, we'll not. Not to a traitor, or a witch.” Loud thumping came up the hill as everypony looked, and a long column of Steel Rangers could be seen coming. Leading them was an older pony in blue robes and looked considerably panicked. As he arrived, the Ranger Elder nearly fell over as he stopped to catch his breath. “Lady Magnificence, Mother. You two mustn't rush ahead like this, this is Ranger business, they're not going to listen to you.” “Ad victorium Elder Popcorn!” Several of the rangers said with a salute.  “Don't you fucking ad victorium me! Who sanctioned this… this massacre! Do you know what you have done?” Elder Popcorn yelled in half rage and half panic. “The Desperados are going to want blood for this!” “You mean the raiders and mutants.” One Ranger mocked. “Star Paladin, what's your name?” Popcorn sternly asked. The pony removed their helmet, and though their face was blurred, I know exactly who it was. “Spritz Cookie, Elder. Star Paladin Spritz Cookie.” She said, a smirk on her face. “The fact that you've let these savages live so close to the city, even controlling such a strategic point is a dereliction of your duty. The codex-” “Don't quoat me the fucking codex to me!” Popcorn again shouted. “All of you, get inside the main hall! This mess you made, I… I need time to think.” “Fine, Elder. But this discussion isn't over.” Spritz sad as she and the other Star Paladins trotted off deeper into Umberfoal. Elder popcorn turned to Fullmetal and Mag, looking like he aged ten years in but a minute. “My Celestia, this is an utter disaster.” “Poppy, let me take control of this.” Fullmetal asked her son. But Popcorn shook his head. “No, you no longer have that authority. Anyways, even if you still had the authority, there's so way they're going to listen to a reformer. No, only I can take the reins of this and keep them from spreading this madness any further.” He took a long breath, regaining his composure. “I'm a proper member of the Steel Rangers, and I will do my duty to the end.” “You can ask us for aid. I could teleport those Star Paladin's to the moon.” Mag offered. “If only that would solve this mess. But no, this must be done by the Steel Rangers, nopony else.” Popcorn said solemnly. “You both need to return to the city, if the Desperados even think you had any hoof in this… I can't imagine the bloodshed that'll follow.” The rest of the Ranger collom trotted up, led by another pony in decorated power armor. “Elder, what is your command?” The Star Paladin asked.  “Return to the city, you'll be acting Elder until I return. And make sure Shortcake and her Rangers stay out of this, all that tech she brought still needs to be secured and cataloged.” He ordered. “But Elder, are you sure? Tiramisu could certainly-” the star Paladin began to say, but a glare from Popcorn stopped the Ranger. “My daughter only just got promoted to knight, and you want her to not just lead a chapter, but two!” Popcorn growled back. “This is an order, return and hold down the fort. When the Desperados come, I need them to have no reason to attack the city, but if they do, I need you to protect it.” “I understand Elder, yet still. Both our Chapter and Shortcake's could help.” The Star Paladin argued. “Potato Pie.” Popcorn said softly. “This isn't something we can solve by a show of force. The Desperados aren't some band of raiders, and they're not going to fight us with sticks and stones. The Rangers here have started a war, one the Desperados are fully ready to fight. One… we used to be ready to fight. Now go, protect our brothers and sisters.” Potato Pie nodded and backed up. “About face!” He yelled, and all the rangers that were following him turned around like a wave. “Ad Victoriam, Elder Popcorn.” He said before turning around himself. “Ad Victoriam.” Popcorn repeated before turning towards Umberfoal himself. “I'll try and contact the Desperados Elders, see if they can keep this from escalating out of control.” Mag offered. “Please do, we don't need this war to spread out past Umberfoal.” Popcorn said as he trotted off. Fullmetal angrily kicked the ground several times. “Even in death, Cottage Cheese is taking my son from me!”  And so began the second Desperados Ranger war, it started because of ignorance and hate, and fueled by rage and sorrow. __________________________________________________________________ My vision returned and I was back in Arras's tent. Everything felt the same, but my vision felt… off.  I also felt a bit sick “Give it a moment, magic sight can strain the body a lot the first time using it.” Mag calmly said to me. “Maybe don't jump the poor mare with advanced magic.” Arras said in a disapproving tone. “After all this time, you still have that bad habit.” Mag shrugged. “Not like we have the time to do things the old fashion way, and actually experiencing it is the best way to learn.” I was feeling better, if only by a bit. “So, why did you… show me that?” I asked. “Partly, to get at the heart of the matter.” Mag levitated the tea set, where it vanished under her robe. “And that the conflict was a complicated and messy affair. Popcorn was, and Potato Pie is a Steel Ranger fundamentalist. Though not as viscous as those Star Paladin's, the now Elder Potato Pie is Steel Ranger first and forever. Though he believes the Rangers were wrong in what happened at Umberfoal, he also believes that the Desperados should never been there, and the death of Popcorn was unjustified.” “Swift's father, Overdrive Firemane, rushed in with several herds of Desperados, and besieged the fortified town before we gathered our artillery.” Arras further explained. “He didn't care who was or was not responsible, he just wanted revenge. Not that I blame him.” “I was able to contact Arras and the others, who kept the Desperados from attacking the city or anypony else. But by the time we were able to bring everypony to the negotiation table, the fighting had been going on for a month, and the death toll was… significant.” Mag told me. “As Popcorn had predicted, it was a fight the Steel Rangers were no longer capable of fighting. The Desperados in their justified rage had leveled Umberfoal, but several of the main instigators had scattered once it was clear they weren't going to win.” “Spritz Cookie among them.” I added. Mag nodded. “I personally hunted a few of them down, and Fullmetal had a few hung for what they did. Little constellation for the damage they brought on us. But still, we cannot condemn the Rangers, not the ones here, as they had no involvement in that war, all thanks to Popcorn's quick thinking.” “Dosent stop the tin cans from praising those bastards.” Arras huffed. “Ya, the Ranger that guarded the merchant road gate revered Spritz Cookie.” I pointed out. “It's no different to those who still respect Autumn Leaf, or Redeye. The ends justify the means, as they say. Those same means that created the Wasteland.” Mag let out a sigh, her hat tilting forward a bit. “Not to say I'm innocent of this myself. That all said, this is what you'll be up against, those with end goals, and little care in how they achieve it.” That I could understand. “Yes, I should be able to navigate myself around such ponies. But is there anything else I might need to know, like recent events, or other history?” “Small details mostly, but you should know about the important issues at hoof.” Mag told me as she smirked. “Oh, and did you get all of that down, creature.” The hairs over my body bristled as Azure spoke up. “A fair bit. Though could you go over the negotiations for me. What were the terms, and how long did it take?” “I really should be use to him by now.” I said to myself as I took a deep breath to get my heart to stop pounding.  I relaxed as Mag told Azure the finer details of the peace negotiations between the Rangers and the Desperados, revealing that the Rangers used to manage the outer-city as well, but it was then given over to the Desperados. An irony that didn't pass anypony by. That war started all because the Rangers felt that the Desperados were too close to the city, and now, they were in the city itself. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 16: Politics, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 16, Politics, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ After getting properly washed up, and dressed in my outfit from the Hilltop Boutique, I found myself in all too familiar territory, politics. Though now I was at the front, representing others, then being kept in the back, hidden away. Arras had also gotten dressed up, but little anypony could do to make him look less ghoulish. Still, he looked a bit dashing in a suit, making me wish I could have seen him in his prime. Next to him was Rack End and Crankshaft, both in more casual, but far from stylish suits, which wasn't helped by the pistols they kept boldy on them. Swift on the other hood did little to make himself presentable, sticking to his warrior look, though it was clear he had at least washed up. Thankfully Hollow and Lair seemed to balance out the stallion's roughness with ladylike appeal. Almost made me forget that Lair barely thought of herself as a lady, much less a mare. And flaking them were Reed and Slick, in lighter armor that wasn't going to provoke the Rangers, but still had their big guns on them. I had Star Charter and Fizzy with me, both in far more appropriate and stylish clothing, with Star's dress being from the boutique and Fizzy using a lovely blue dress from her own stash. And if it was not for Star bringing all her weapons with her, we'd likely look like a completely different faction, and not here to kill. I myself felt a bit awkward having the Desperados vest over my dress, but I needed to represent and it was the best place to keep my revolver. Order then beeped before asking, “Are you sure you're going to a negotiation?” I sighed. “Yes, but due to recent history, the Desperados made sure they could stay armed at all times. Especially when dealing with the Steel Ranger. It's a trust issue I can understand.” “Then why am I disarmed?” Order buzzed out in annoyance. “Because your job will be to record everything, and not be viewed as a threat. Anyways, you still have your shock talismans, so you're far from disarmed.” I told Ordered. In my E.F.S. Order showed a cartoonish version of itself sighing. “Yes my lady.” At this point it was undeniable that Order was a fully independent AI now, something that was both exciting and concerning to me. But It was also not something to worry about today. “Hey Harp, are you sure you don't want the others to join?” Star asked as she trotted over. I shook my head. “Probably best to give them a break from Rack End, anyway we need ponies to check out Umberfoal for us.” Slowtrot and Live were taking a trip to the port town, taking Azure and Tire Fire with them. The main goal was to give Azure enough time to look around, as the others ask around. Also, Tire Fire really wanted to shoot the G.A.R. being used as the Smugglers turret. “We really need to know how far the Darkhearts have rooted themselves into the Warband, and if their up to anything we need to know about.” “Right, kinda forgot about that, long night and all that.” Star said with a yawn. Her sleep cycle had gotten all over the place since we got her, partly because Lair kept her up with wanting to hang out. “Too long, maybe just tell Lair you need your sleep.” I told Star before giving her the side eye. “And I hope you're not planning on sleeping with her?” Star rolled her eyes back at me. “Oh please, I'm not that desperate. That said, for a mare she is my type, has that trouble feeling to her, but without all the drama.” I froze for a moment as Star winked at me playfully, “I kid, nothing of the sort is happening, I'm not even interested in any kind of relationship right now.” She then patted me on the shoulder. “Anyways, I think we're ready to go.”  “Are you sure you're ready?” I asked her. Wiggled her flank, which fluttered her now shorter skirt, and let a peek of the leotard under that. “Oh ya, I got the girls to mend up my dress so that it's less restricted and can better hold my weapons. If shit goes down, I ain't tripping over myself.” “And the leotard?” I pressed further. She actually flipped the skirt up for a moment. “Because why not. And it does keep the dress from rubbing up on my fur due to my weapons.” I politely curtsied, pulling up the dress a little. “Well let's just hope we don't find out how well you can fight in that.” Star rolled her eyes again. “Ya ya, I understand. This ain't my first time around snooty ponies. I'd much rather just punch those ponies, but ya, unless guns are drawn,  I'll be fighting with just words. Makes me miss being a hostess and getting to deck a pony who's too friendly with their hooves.” “What, no no, you don't throw hooves as a hostess, that's bad for business. You leave that to the bouncers” Fizzy cut in.  “I was also a bouncer, along with an exotic dancer.” Star added. Fizzy’s ears doorped. “Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have assumed.” Laughter came from Star as she patted Fizzy on the shoulder. “Naw, you're good. Being underestimated helped me out a lot when I worked at the Ruffled Feathers. But why are you coming?” “Elder Magnificence felt it would be best if I stayed close to Harp. If anypony starts to get heated, I can calm them down.” Fizzy answered. “Right, that charm magic shit you got.” Star acnolaged.  “And between the two of you, we should be able to keep anypony near us from trying anything.” I told them. “That is, so long as either of you don't act on your own.” I then warned them. “Oh, I think you have other ponies to worry about.” Lair said as she trotted over, each step was quiet and floaty. It was hard to tell if she was even trotting at all. Looking past her, Hollow was clearly fussing with her own dress as she ordered the tributaries around. Swift just watched, a smirk on his face. “Your sister seems excited.” I said with concern. Lair rolled her eyes at that. “My beloved sister does love her social gatherings. Unfortunately we are only a minor branch family, so she was always just a small fish among sharks. Here she gets to be the shark, even though this isn't a ball or bankwet.” Oh I knew exactly what she was talking about. My eldest sister, Silver Majesty, just loved tearing down lower nobles. Mother always hated that about her, and was likely why she paid Rare Pearl more attention.  “I'm sure it won't make a difference, this will take up the rest of the day. And if I know anything about politics, the real negotiation happens behind closed doors, not on the open floor.” I said with a sigh. “I hear that. Before coming out here, the closest my family came to politics was keeping everypony drunk for the Blackhearts. An addled mind is quite easy to manipulate after all.” Lair said with a laugh. “That said, do avoid stepping on my sister's hooves. For both our sake.” “Oh sister of mine!” Hollow called out as she trotted over. “Why are you hanging out with… them again?” Disdain dripped from her voice like she had a poisonous gland in her maw. “Oh my beloved sister. My pomegranate brandy, with a side of bread pudding.” Liar's voice was sickly sweet, and far too feminine as she spoke to her sister. “Let's not forget who's representing the Elder here. Anyways, I was just reminding Miss Harp who holds the reins here, and why. The Goddesses do, after all, respect the strong.” “So very true sister of mine, you always are looking ahead for us.” Hollow said a wide smile, her eyes drifting over to me. “Harp, was it? Do take care not to embarrass my husband. We have a bright future, and it being marred by ignorant nonbelievers is something I cannot abide.” With the same smile, she trotted off back to Swift. “What does Swift even see in her?” I asked. Lair let out a huff. “Would you believe it if I said it was her personality?” I cocked an eyebrow. “There's no way it can be that.” Hollow then returned to bossing around the tributaries, even a few Desperados, I even saw Reed get bossed around like he was a foal.  “Ya, I really don't see it.” I commented. Lair shrugged. “Some stallions just really like a mare who takes charge. Though they must take care to not get cucked.” “Cucked? Do I want to know what that word means?” I asked. A laugh came from Lair. “Probably not my lady, but let's just say it involves a weak stallion who wallows in their weakness. But enough of that, it seems it's time we get going. I'll run interference for my sister and Swift, and make sure they don't cause too much havoc.” “Thanks, and I'll try to smooth things over with the locals.” I told her. “Any word from your own?” “Not yet, but my uncle had received my message. I trust that he will pull through and get my mother to reconsider her current goal. Truthfully, besides my father, he's the only pony that can get her to change her mind on anything without the threat of execution.” She told me as she began to trot away. “I'm sure by the end of the day, you'll be getting an invite from my terrible, yet beloved mother.”  “One thing at a time.” I told myself.  Trotting over to Arras, the old ghoul had just finished sharing a drink with Rack End, the two a bit red in the cheeks. “Are you sure drinking at this time is… a good idea?” “We'll be fine, by the time any real negotiations start everypony will be good and sober.” Arras told me. “Also, their booze is generally shit.” Rack End added. “Anyways, It's not like we're going to be the ones doing the talking.” “And If you two do, It's my job to stop ya.” Crankshaft grumbled as he adjusted his tie, the suit he had on clearly a size too small. “Otherwise, well just hang back and let ya do your thing, Harp.” And thank Celestia for that. “I know, I know, it's not professional and such.” Arras said as softly as a ghoul could, likely seeing my skepticism on my face. “But truth be told, we really can't stand such stuffy events. And a political meeting is about the worst kind of stuffy you can get. Trust me, we'll not be the only ones drinking before this, and you rather have us a bit loose then annoyed. Truthfully, were only going to be there as heads to be counted, and make sure certain ponies doesn't feel snubbed.” “Ya, I understand.” I said, remembering how my family had to go to so many events only because it was expected of us, not that we had to do anything there other than sit and smile. “I guess I'm just getting a bit jittery.” Arras laughed as he levitated a hip flask and a shot glass. “Here, just take a bit of medicine.” Shrugging, I let him fill the shot glass with booze, and I tossed it down my throat. It fucking burned, and caused my body to shiver. “What the… uh, fuck!” “Pure triple A grade rocket fuel there.” Arras told me. “Okay, but what is it?” I asked. This time Rack End laughed. “It's literally rocket fuel. Some Desperados about a hundred years back found out that strong booze can make a good substitute for that magical shit they used during the war. Just don't drink it near any open flames, somehow it makes fire invisible. A few of the herds have also been experimenting with it in making new engines, though it's been slow going.” That… was a terrifying thought. “Wait, you have rockets!?” “Nothing like what the Ministries used, but ya, if need be, we can rain fire on anypony that fucks with us, or just get drunk on its fule.” Again Arras laughed. Non-magical rockets, who knew. My pipbuck then beeped, and a message from order popped up in my vision. “Lady Harp, it is nearly noon, the Elder council meeting will begin soon.”  “It looks like it's time.” I told the others as a bit of warmth entered my cheeks. “So let's not shoot anypony if we can help it.” __________________________________________________________________ The location was just a bit off the market road inside the Inner-city, an open place with several large and beautiful buildings. It reminded me of the pictures of the capital building of old Canterlot, before the Ministries took over. I always hated their brutal, big flat concrete style of building, but understood due to the war. But here, classic brickwork with a hint of Manhattan's heyday.  Several members of the Platinum Guard were waiting for us, directing us to the largest of the buildings. Clearly not wanting anypony to wander. “This is an amazing place.” I said to Arras. He shrugged. “It's also the most corrupt place in the entire region.” He said with a grin. Pointing over at one building, which was decorated with statues, and was rather busy. “That's the guild hall. If you want to run a shop in Platinum Hill, you go through them, often paying a merchant fee, trade tax, and sales tax. Likely to more than one guild if you're unlucky.” His hoof then moved to a much planer looming building, but one that had a sense of authority to it. “There is the legal office, the Platinum Guard may keep the peace, but they don't write the rules. If somepony realy wants to fuck you over, they send a donation to them.” “And the building we are entering, is where all the most powerful ponies in the region conspire together to keep themselves in power.” Rack End added. Arras paused for a moment, clearly thinking about what she just said, then nodded. “Basically.” Entering the large building, the first room was very open, and decorated with paintings new and old, same for bronze statues. All of it yelling at me on how much the ponies here want everypony to know how important they are. Security was also tight, with well dressed Talons guarding doors, along with both Steel Ranger and Platinum Guard present. “This way.” Our guide told us as she trotted to a side door, down a hallway, and then to another open room. “You can wait here, just make sure your security keeps to themselves.” Watching the mare leave, my eyes drifted to one end of the room, where several tables were, each one with a selection of food. My stomach grumbled at the sight, but I resisted just trotting to it. Star chuckled. “I'll go test the food for poison.” She said before trotting off. “At least they left us something.” Arras said, sounding a bit annoyed. “Last time they just shoved us in an empty room.” “The last time for you was over a hundred years ago, I'm sure just having a room to spare was a luxury back then.” Fullmetal said as she trotted in. “Anyways, the ponies here may be assholes, but they're not idiots. Snubbing the Desperados would only bring their legitimacy into question.” Arras snorted at Fullmetal, clearly not a fan of her. “Didn't stop them from supporting the Rangers twelve years ago, kid.” Fullmetal grimaced. “It was a chaotic time then, but things are getting better.” “For you maybe, but we're still fighting the accusations your chapter started.” Rack End spat out with hatred pointed at Fullmetal. “Now now, maybe you both should go eat, it's going to be a long day afterall.” I told Arras and Rack End, trying to defuse whatever this was. “Oh yes! I think they even have Sparkle-Cola.” Fizzy jumped in, guiding the two angry Desperados away. Fullmetal trotted over, letting out a long drawn out sigh. “The past always haunts you at the worst of times.” “I guess you were a real bitch in your youth?” I asked. The old mare nodded. “Actually, I almost helped start a war with the Desperados as a knight. Lets just say that my Elder was a heavy fundamentalist and I was really good at following orders. Elder Magnificence fortunately managed to settle things down, but by then we made sure everypony associated the Desperados with raiders. Even after we were told to stop, I continued to do it for years before being dragged back to Platinum Hill. Just doing my duty I’d say, then clog my ears with woole to any criticism.” “Didn't think the Rangers were the kind to use propaganda?” I said in surprise. “The Elder at the time was a historian, and a fan of the Ministry of Image. She also hated the Desperados with a passion that I still don't understand. The bitch chose to shoot herself in the over having to even explain or apologize.” Fullmetal explained. “It took me a long time to understand the damage I had done. Or how long some pony’s memories are. I think I only fully came to understand when the second Desperados Ranger war kicked off. In the end, I was just as responsible for what happened at Umberfoal as Cottage Cheese was.” “Including your son?” I asked. She nodded. “Mag told me she shared that memory with you.” The old mare took a deep breath, remembering the painful memory. “It's shameful that the most proud moment I felt for him was also when he chose to die. He’d had never been in that position if he wasn't chasing his mothers past, but without him there, it's likely that other Ranger chapters would have been drawn into the fighting.” “He was a good pony.” Magnificence said as she joined us. “Misguided and a bit blind, but still a good pony. Much like yourself, Fullmetal.” “Thankfully, with age comes wisdom.” Fullmetal said solemnly.  “Which is sadly, not true of everypony.” Mag added before turning to me. “But with youth, comes new ideas.” “I sure hope so, because I barely know what I'm doing right now.” I told her. “Anyways, new doesn't necessarily mean good.” Mag smiled at that. “Sad, but true.” “History to the side, how long will we be waiting here?” I asked. “Not long, they're just getting the stage set, and letting ponies mingle.” Fullmetal told me. “The Rangers are on the other side of the building, so no worry about any fighting until the meeting starts. Also, you should have a few more guests before hoof too.” “Let me guess, those guests will be here to talk to you two, not us?” I questioned. Mag nodded. “Very sharp. Unfortunately, due to the Desperados keeping out of Platinum Hill politics, most ponies here write them off. Not that they don't play political games with the Desperados, but it's more that they don't feel that it's necessary to ask them first. The Desperados may not care about politics, but it sure does care about them.” “True for everypony.” I said with a sigh. “So anypony should I expect?” “The mayor of course. He may be in the Rangers pocket, but he still has to pretend to be neutral. A few of the Guild masters, mainly the merchant and production guilds. Since the Desperados control the territories were we get most of our common goods, they be suicidal to piss you all off. Talon company too, but they, unlike the others, have a good relationship with the Desperados, though not a working relationship.” That sounded a lot like the usual types. “I guess we're lucky that nopony seeks to coury favor from the Desperados. Brown nosers are… very annoying and fake.” Both of the old mares let out an understandable sigh, with Mag then letting out a single laugh. “Still not as bad as it was during the Canterlot court, the lobbyists back then had brown nosing to an artform.” A plate of food was then levitated in front of me by Stars pipbuck. “It's all safe, but a bit bland.” I tried a cracker with cheese, and found Star was right. “Maybe it pairs well with a drink.” Fullmetal took one as well, tasting it and looking less than pleased. “No, they just gave you stale crackers and cheese. Likely from the great war stockpile we keep in case of emergencies.  I'd avoid anything that can properly expire, unless you want food poisoning.” Star shrugged and ate a little cake on the plate. Looking over at the food table, the Desperados had barely touched it, with most of them having brought their own food and drinks. Rack End had also prevented Fizzy from eating or drinking, getting a few Desperados to share their own stash with her. “Is this… normal?” I asked. “Since the last war.” Mag said. “Crystal Clear was like a bridge between the Desperados and Platinum Hill. She placed a lot of trust in us, and received it in return. Her housing all those stray Steel Rangers in Umberfoal, was also a sign of trust she was offering.” “And they repaid her hospitality with death.” Fullmetal huffed. “Even if Platinum Hill chooses to be blind to that fact, the rest of Equestria hasn't. The whole war caused even more chapters to go, Applejack Ranger, and a few regions to rethink their relationship with the Steel Rangers. It's why there are so many Rangers here, as there's no place for them to go that isn't hostile in some way.” “Which is the real same.” Mayor Morning Mist spoke as he entered, along with an autarage of ponies that screamed politicians and business ponies. “To have but a few rouges ruin the reputation of the Steel Rangers. After all the good they have done for the wasteland, to be demonized in such a way.” Thankfully none of the Desperados felt a need to snark. Actually, they were very quiet as they watched me closely. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, knowing that depending on what I say next, it could change how my new family thought of me. “Well, opinions of the public are easily swayed by the truth… just as they are by lies, isn't that right Elder Fullmetal.” It was a dick move, but the elder was a tough mare. “Unfortunately it's true.” Fullmetal replied, not looking hut by my deflection onto her. “The events of Umberfoal and their aftermath are left at the hooves of the Steel Rangers. Something we cannot say the same for the Desperados who leveled the town in their vengeance.” The mayor raised an eyebrow. “So… the chem fiends and cannibals didn't exist?” “Mainly internal issues.” I loudly stated. “The Desperados take care of our own, even if it means purging them. And last I heard, when was the last time the Desperados started a war, or endangered this city. From my own knowledge, we have kept to ourselves mostly, so mind your accusations.” Mayor Morning Mist was a bit taken aback, but quickly regained his composure. “Right, that is… true. But that still doesn't change the fact over all the trouble the Desperados have been causing lately.” “Good mayor, why do you think Arras is here in the first place?” I asked the portly stallion. “Yes, Swift's warband is a young and rowdy bunch. Maybe too rowdy for my own tastes. But they needed, not here, but elsewhere, and so they will be coming with us to the west. If this is your main problem, then all you need to do is wait, and it will solve itself without you wasting everyone's time.” That shut him up. But not the ponies behind him. “You're a fairly eloquent and well dressed mare for a, Desperado. May I ask who and where you are from?” A fairly thin and tall stallion asked. “I'm Abacus, guildmaster of the outer-city merchants. And this well fed fool-” “I can talk for myself Abacus!” A much shorter and rounder stallone spoke up. “Names Piggy Bank, Guildmaster of the Inner-city merchants.” Merchant politicians, probably both the best and worst politicians anypony could deal with. I curtsied at them, applying just the right bow to show respect, but not place myself lower than them. “Harp Melody, of the Desperados, leader of the Redcaps, and my home of origin is the Marewaii Islands to the far west and over the Luna ocean.” Piggy Bank scrunched up his nose. “Marewaii Islands you say. Up until recently we had thought it but legend, something of the old world lost forever. Must have been quite the journey to get here, with the issue of those sea raiders roaming about.” “Oh yes, I know all about them. Though my appearance in Equestria was more magical than nautical.” I explained as vaguely as possible. “Then you must be most fortunate, the stories we hear from those who sail have been… not for polite company.” Abacus said as his eyes scanned the room. “Pray tell, how did you end up with this group of… ruffians.” And here was the main question. So I took a deep breath. “It's a rather long story I'm afraid, but let's just say Arras was a close friend of an ancestor of mine, and accepted me as though I was a long lost member of his family. Being so far from home, you can imagine how such a gesture can mean to a pony. Anyway, though as rough as they are, the Desperados do have their own culture and charm. I'm sure one day, their beautiful tapestries will hang in museums, telling a story of how life in the wasteland once was. Truth be told, I'm surprised you ponies haven't made commissions of them. Imagine having a portrait of your beloved, but as a tapestry you can take wherever you go.” Interest flashed in their eyes, but before this train of thought could continue, mayor Morning Mist decided to derail it. “As lovely of a thought as that might be, we are not here to talk about art. Even if it's of the more unsophisticated kind. But about the conduct of the Desperados.” Abacus cleared his throat. “Morning Mist, that isn't why we're here, not yet at least.” “Yes, we needed to talk to Lady Magnificence.” Piggy Bank spoke up. “The shipments of perfume have yet to be delivered, and there are quite a few ponies growing less patients.” Eyes turned to Mag, who just smiled. “Oh, of course, how did I forget? They'll be ready by tomorrow, just send the guild representatives over to pick up your crates.” Both guild masters gave a polight, but annoyed smile.  “That we will do.” Abacus told her. “Now that our business has concluded, it's best if we return to our waiting room.” I smirked. “Are you sure, we do have plenty of snacks here. Maybe take a bottle of wine back with you.” Piggy Bank laughed. “Oh, that's a splendid idea. The other guild masters are quite the drinkers and eaters, so it's always a struggle to get to good choices with them around.” Panic flashed on the mayor's face, and he quickly moved to block Piggy Bank. “Sir Guildmaster, maybe best if we don't take from the Desperados, it is bad form after all. How about I take you to my office, where I keep my own top shelf drinks and eats. Both of you.” Mayor Morning Mist quickly ushered the two Guildmasters out, who both winked at me as they left.  Fullmetal let out a whistle in surprise. “I think you just made some friends in high places.” I myself let out a long sigh. “It's an old trick I learned from one of my sisters. Though there is no such thing as a free lunch, merchants do appreciate it if you can offer them one at a discount.” Magnificence began to laugh, taking a moment to settle down. “Majesty used to say the same thing. Getting one politician to pay for the booze of another just to save face, it does help to endear yourself to even the most stubborn mules. Actually, though I might be mistaken, it was also a favorite trick of Celestia, though I think she did it out of boredom then as a way to forge connections.” “It's also a favorite trick of the Talons.” A griffin in a sharply dressed suite spoke as he trotted over. “Though it's rare for us to do it to politicians.” “Garith!” Swift bellowed as he trotted over, hoof bumping the Griffin. “So your back, that's excellent news!” “My company's contact had reached its conclusion, so we've returned to find another wealthy patron in need of guns and claws. Unfortunately we got ourselves wrapped up in the local politics as you can see.” Garith explained. “Speaking of which, who's the new hen, she doesn't look like a Desperado.” “I'd watch your tone!” Star told the Talon. “No, she may not be a fighter, but she's plenty dangerous. Not to mention good at making friends.” Swift rolled his eyes. “Likely friends with other soft ponies.” Star smiled wide, showing off her extra, almost shark-like fangs. “True, but that's only some of them.” She then tossed her SMG to the griffin. “take a look, it's an original.” Catching the beautifully designed Griffinstone Typewriter, Garith examined it closely, his eyes going wide. “This engraving, it's certainly Gunrunners make… wait, this was made by Hardballer himself, how the fuck did you get this? Guns like this cost an arm and a leg, littraly.” “Hardballer was a close friend, and like a father in a way.” Star said, a hint of sorrow in her voice. “Before joining up with the Desperados, we had a close relationship with the Gunrunners.” Garith tossed the SMG back to Star. “Was, did something happen to the old buzzard?” Star nodded. “Let's just say somepony couldn't let the past go.” Garith looked down at Star, understanding in his eyes. “A sadly all too common fate for most Talons.” He then drew out a large and rather nice looking revolver. “Got this one from Horus, Hardballer's brother. It's a .44 magnum, and has never failed me when I needed it the most.” “Horus, now that takes me back. Have you met his wife, a real crazy mare, but also really cool looking with her eyepatch and such.” Star practically gushed. “Ya, I know her, not a pony you want to get into a fight with. It's like fighting a yao guai.” Garith said with similar energy. Swift looked at me and let out a huff. “They're not going to shut up any time soon, are they?” “Does he have a kid?” I asked. “A few.” Swift said in an annoyed tone. I let out a sigh. “Then no, they only just started.” __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 17: Politics, Part 3. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 17, Politics, Part 3. __________________________________________________________________ The Elders council had finally gotten on its way, with everypony entering a large room where two long tables sat parallel with each other. Each seat had a nameplate, along with a glass of water and a microphone. Both Elder Magnificence and Elder Fullmetal were seated at one end of the table as neutral Parties, with a podium at the other end for a speaker who would control the flow of this meeting. I was placed between Arras and Swift, with our security and friends standing behind us. They were to be observers, and a subtle way to keep any one group from trying anything stupid, mutually assured slaughter as Arras called it. On Swift's side were two griffins and several shady looking ponies that were either underdressed or overdressed in accessories. One stallion even had mirrored sunglasses and a few too many gold chains, and a mare had so much makeup on that she was dangerously close to looking like a clown. But in Arras side was a lot more reasonably dressed ponies, including Abacus and even Omar. Our side was everypony that represented the outer city, which really did show off how divided the city was by just looking at the Inner-city elders and representatives. Across from me was Elder Potato Pie, looking a bit older from Mags memory, as he now sported white streaks along the side of his mane. Either side of him were Red Velvet and Shortcake, the two I met in Fullmetal's office, and next to Shortcake was a not even old and rather handsome stallion by the name Elder Lamington. Mayor Morning Mist was next to Red Velvet, and Piggy Bank was next to him. There were several other ponies here, including Wendy, who was representing some sort of parents group. One pony that did catch my eye was a rather beautiful mare in a toga with a golden headdress that had the image of Celestia on it and was currently in prayer.  They were all well dressed and seemed rather calm, which would have set me at ease if not for several Steel Rangers in full power armor and sporting heavy weapons. Even the Platinum Guard and Coven of Clovers standing guard looked rather nervous at the Rangers. “Of course they come ready to kill everypony in the room.” Swift huffed in annoyance. “That would include their own elders if they started shooting.” I pointed out with a sigh. “Who thought bringing an automatic grenade launcher was a good idea?” “It just shows how far the Steel Rangers have fallen.” Arras said in disappointment. “In Celestia's time, nopony would dare bring anything more than a side arm.” “We did bring two autocannons with us.” I reminded Arras, “But still, it shows how little we trust each other.” Letting out another huff, Arras mumblec out, “they started it.” As everypony mumbled amongst each other, there was then a loud tapping coming from several speakers, where I looked around and saw Gold Leaf standing at the podium, dressed in a rather dashing white suit, reminiscent of a Royal Guard dress uniform. “Greetings everypony, griffins, and others who have joined our wonderful city. We appreciate you all coming here to civilly settle several disputes currently going on. I know tensions are high, so we hope these matters can be resolved today, and stay solved for the foreseeable future.” “Exuse me, but why the fuck are we here?” Spoke a rather old griffin hen, who looked as though she jumped through a meat grinder several times. “I know the Buck Knife Talons are contracted to the city, but it aint our responsibility to how it's run.” Gold shuffled through a few small paper rectangles before answering. “Right, your former leader adjusted the contract when it was renewed, giving the Buck Knife Talons a minor say in city politics.” The griffin Hen clicked her tongue. “That bitch, she knew I hated politics.” “Moving on, there are a few subjects we first like to address before our main subject.” Gold spoke as he again shuffled the papers. “First off, the subject of extending the plumbing system to the outer city.” “You mean tearing down several districts just to get rid of us!” spoke up the stallion in sunglasses and too many gold chains, accompanied by several other ponies who gered in agreement. He then smiled, showing off several gold teeth, and oozed with vice and irresponsibility. “I say we're doing just fine as things are.” “Slum.” Abacus addressed the rough pony. “You just don't want your Red Light district and chem dens exposed to the light. We all know you don't care about the ponies living there, why else do you keep letting them shit in the back allies.” “You know that shit is brahminshit.” Slum said dismissively, smacking his mouth with almost every word. “It's ponies like you why we have such a hard time. Always capitulating to the inners, and stabbing us outers in the back!” Abacus rolled his eyes as turned his attention back to Gold Leaf. “I've already talked with the ponies in the industrial district, and along the merchant road, they are open to the idea for installing a sewage system. Unfortunately the merchant road district will be tricky, as we have a lot of merchants unwilling to move, and worry that construction might cause a few home collapses.” “The industrial district has simulator worries, but the colts can do most of the work themselves, so long as you let them. They know how their buildings are built, they built them after all.” The mare with clown makeup said to everpony.  “Same for the Talons district.” Garith spoke up. “Many of us are already planning to move out for our next contract, and last thing we need is to return to find our family living in gutters because you fucked this up.” “Actually, that brings us to our second subject. Building codes.” Gold Leaf then brought up. “Too many structures are falling in on themselves in the outer-city, and we need proper building codes to stop it.” Abacus let out a sigh. “Though I agree, you must remember that unlike the ponies of the Inner-city, most ponies outside don't have the caps to rub together for quality anything. Unless you can lower the cost to build these new buildings, all it's going to do is expand the inner-city as you push out the outer-city residents.” “That doesn't sound like a bad idea.” Piggy Bank said getting several chuckles from a few other well dressed ponies on his side. “And pray tell, why do we want those kinds near here anyways?” Slum smacked his mouth again as he began talking, making it hard to even understand him. “hay now, coming here with that brahminshit, yaknow. All up in our spaces, and acting like you better than us!” Watching Slum, I noticed that he had a voice in his ear, a very well dressed but covered up pony. Was it the same pony from The tour? Abacus face hoofed. “Slum, Will you shut up!” “Fuck ya egghead!” Slum spat back. As the argument started, I leaned over to Swift, quietly asking, “who that pony anyway?” “Slum is the biggest landlord in the Outer-city, and a real piece of crap. Didn't even earn what he has. Inherited it all from his father, and only stays in charge because the city's criminals like him.” Swift whispered back. “That said, he is good business for us, and I rather keep it that way.” Great, one of them. A pony that keeps all those around them living in squalor just to line their pockets with perty coins. Likely, he pays Swift off for protection, meaning I'll have to support Slum just to not piss off the Warband. The argument whent of for several minutes, going absolutely nowhere as Abacus supported improvements, but only at low cost, and Slum wanting none of it at all. Now and then Abacus would gain an upper hoof, but from behind Slum the covered up pony would whisper in his ear, and somehow the moron landlord would make an argument that pushed Abacus back. Often stating prices and costs, which Abacus couldn't argue for.  It was strange, as the pony behind Slum set off alarms in my head. Feeling out and seeing with my magic, but only ever so slightly so as not to harm myself, I felt. There wasn't anything wrong with… her, it was a mare… and a pegasus. I then pulled back, not learning much, but at least getting something. “How odd, I'm sure you're thinking it.” Mag's voice resonated in my mind. “Worry not, just a little telepathy, and no, I can't read your mind. But I did feel you check on our mysterious mare. Best we keep an eye on her, as smart ponies helping scumbags only spells trouble.” I nodded, saying nothing. The arguments continued, each pony going on longer and longer to defend their position and attack anypony against them. Sometimes bringing up an event in the past, other times throwing out speculations or conspiracies. “That will be enough.” Gold Leaf spoke up, finally ending the argument. “We can continue this later, but let's move onto the next subject.” His hooves removed a paper, then pulled another one up. “The request to restrict the movement into the inner-city and issue passes has been denied.” Several of the ponies on the other side looked rather annoyed. Elder Potato Pie leaned in and spoke up. “I understand and respect the Platinum Guard's way of doing things, but there has been more rats scurrying around lately, and it be in everyponies intrest to restrict their movements.” One of the well dressed ponies also spoke up. “Yes, theft is on the rize, and we know where they're coming from. Even mayor Morning Mist joined in. “Same for vandalism. It's almost everyday now, and the residents are getting anxious. What will it take for you to stop letting everypony in? The Platinum Guard also have foals too, will you put them at risk?” Gold Leaf kept his cool, keeping to a monotone voice as he told Morning Mist, “We are doing everything in our power to keep Platinum Hill safe. But isolationism isn't the way to do it. We understand your worries, but blocking off access to the Inner-city is only going to force the criminals underground, and not stop them from getting in.” Several ponies argued against Gold Leaf, but the Platinum Guard held firm. It was clear that the government here wanted better control of who could enter the Inner-city, with the Steel Rangers in full support of it. Like before, the arguments went nowhere as each pony got more and more long winded. But this time it was more fierce and eloquent, except for the few times Slum butted into an argument that he wasn't part of. Each pony was less arguing for the best of everypony, and more pushing for whatever benefited them the most, which was to be expected. All while, the Steel Rangers kept mostly quiet and the Desperados and I just watched this shitshow.  I was starting to think the Platinum Guard was doing this just to tire out the politicians before it was our turn to start shouting.  Eventually, and mercifully, the argumentation ended, with absolutely nothing resolved. Glancing over at us, and then the Steel Rangers, Gold Leaf then spoke again. “With our normal business concluded, it is time we get to the subject at hoof. The right of management over the Outer-city, and if it should change hooves again.” Before Gold Leaf could continue, Swift slammed his hoof down, causing a loud crack noise. “Nothing is up for debate here, and never will be. Our control over the Outer-city is our right by conquest, and only by conquest will it be taken from us. The blood you Rangers spilt unjustly, you're lucky we didn't puge you completely from this city!” “We were not involved in the second war, savage, and the surrender of the Outer-city was only to curb your bloodlust. But it seems that appeasing your ilk was a mistake if you don't even grasp the basics of this meeting.” Elder Potato Pie said sternly and confidently.  Arras then spoke up. “I was there when Equestria first went to war, and there when the bombs announced its end. I worked with your first Elder in quilling the madness, and was there when she finally arrived here to help. If Elder Apple Flora was here, she'd have y'all dishonorably discharged. Oh how low the Rangers have fallen.” “Silent ghoul!” Red Velvet hissed.  Great, they were trading history already. “Excuse me.” I spoke up, gaining every creature's attention. “We are not here to debate history, we all know it, and only a fool would deny the truth of what happened. That all said, even if the Ranger here had no involvement in that war, it was still instigated by Steel Ranger. If it was a rouge herd of Desperados who had instigated such a terrible war, be sure we would have accepted responsibility over it, and its consequences.” I then glanced over at Swift. Sso there is no need for the beating of chests of who owns what at this moment, we already know what is ours and what isn't.” Turning my glance back to Elder Potato Pie, I said my words with still certainty. “We are not here to start a war, or to open up still healing wounds. But to reaffirm what everpony already knows is true.” Elder Potato Pie looked at me closely, his eyes not betraying his own thoughts. “You're the new Desperados, the one the thing picked up. I'm surprised to see that the most well spoken of the bunch is some crossbreed mutant.” My ear twitched at that, but I manage to keep a straight face. Elder Lamington then spoke up, “Miss Harp, I am to assume you are a Mirage pony, correct?” “Yes, I originate from the Marewaii Islands itself, and ended up in Equestria by teleportation accident.” I answered. Lamington gave Potato Pie a side eye for a quick moment before continuing. “So, then you don't have any connections to Destruction Bay or the Spectrum Alliance?” I shook my head. “I've only heard of the place and the organization, but never had the opportunity to see them with my own eyes.” Other than a few ponies mentioning Destruction Bay as a Mirage pony colony, I knew nothing about it. Same for this Spectrum Alliance, with Arras simply saying that it's a peaceful Enclave Remnant led by a small diamond dog.  “My only real affiliations are with the peacekeeping group Orthrus, and the likely now fallen Orphic Queendom. Both are Marewaii based.” I explained. I had a feeling that the name Orthrus might interest them, since it popped up on the radio a few times, with the news of a massive airship getting around on the west coast. Though they made sure not to say anything out loud, Lamington’s whispering to his peers was likely about that. With the quiet returned, Gold Leaf returned to the subject at hoof. “As I said, we are discussing the management over the Outer-city, and here to negotiate if it should or shouted trade hooves. With the recent disturbances caused by the Desperados, many have begun to question if they should remain in their position, or if it's best to vote on another group to take over.”  “Ohh, you soft ponies are all scared of us?” Swift mocked, not helping the situation. A mare sat up, a look of disgust on her face. “See that, right there! They can't go one minute without making threats or other rude behavior. Ever since our predecessors hoofed over control of the outer-city's protection to them, they've just let the degeneracy of Umberfoal spread to Platinum Hill!” Swift rolled his eyes, “Spread nothing, all this was already here, all the tin cans did was convince you it didn't exist.” “We kept such things away from the decent ponies. Where you let it all run amuck.” Elder Shortcake spoke up. The mare's voice was loud as she talked normally, demanding attention even without the mic. “Look at the inner-city, with help from the Steel Rangers it has become a shining beacon of civilization, where the outer city remains just another extension of the wasteland. Even with the Platinum Guard's help, you haven't done anything to develop the city, only spread rot to it.” I moved my hoof to cover Swift's mic, getting a glare from him as I spoke up. “With all due respect, it's neither the job or duty of the Desperados to develop the city, nor is it the Steel Rangers. It is the city's duty to develop, and if it fails to do so, that's the city's fault. The Desperados duty is to maintain order and trade within the city, not to act as nannies for ponies who can take care of themselves.” I then raised an eyebrow at Shortcake, and asked my own question. “And what is it you're trying to develop the city into? What goal does the Steel Rangers have in controlling this region, and where do the citizens of this city fall into your plans?” “We have little interest in controlling this region, nor the citizens of Platinum Hill. We merely wish to maintain the stability of this region. Something which the Desperados are not capable of doing.” Elder Shortcake replied. “Stability, that's an interesting choice of words, Elder Shortcake.” I said in a disappointed tone. “Was it not rouge elements in the Rangers that nearly destabilized this region around ten years ago? Or should we talk about how your own Elder Cottage Cheese sparked the formation of the Applejack Rangers? Do you wish for us to have a history lesson or not?” “I concede to your point.” Elder Red Velvet protested. “But the fact remains that the Desperados do continue to cause problems. Do not think we don't hear about the extortion racket you all perform up north. The so-called tributaries, who risk having their own enslaved by you if they cannot produce, and even then you demand a tribute of so-called workers?” I saw Arras twitch his ear, so I placed a hoof on his shoulder and spoke for him. “It's called a tax, you do have that here, don't you? It is required for the maintenance and protection of the lands we claim as our own. And if not for us, the slaver lord Redeye would have had free range to use Route 50. Something the Rangers had no interest in dealing with, even as he targeted the chapters of your brothers and sisters i. His territory.” I then spread my hooves out, as though presenting this room. “So, Unless you're saying that the Platinum Hill government makes enough of its own money to afford building this, and can afford its protection on its own without a tax, I advise you to watch your words. Now Elder Red Velvet, I'm sure your wize in the ways of the Steel Rangers, and a very capable leader, as there is no way for you to have become Elder if you were a fool. So if you wish to keep talking about economics with me, I'm happy to teach you the basics.” That shut the donkey up. She was likely hoping to strike a nerve and make the Desperados look like fools. And with how the Desperados did control their territory, I was sure they weren't the best when it came to tax laws, much less explaining its necessity.  It was time I took control of the flow in this discussion, and to stop letting the Rangers lead it. “Now I understand that the citizens of Platinum Hill have their concerns over the Desperados presence in the city, and with our control over the main trade routes. We're not perfect, not by a long shot. We have our own internal issues as you all know, and we're currently dealing with a developing external issue out west. As you've probably heard. But, the Desperados have a vested interest in keeping the flow of trade stable. This includes maintaining the trade routes, purging raiders, and keeping the demon grass from spreading. Our goals alline with that of Platinum Hill. But what of the Steel Rangers goals, because I doubt they care for the city other than as a strategically advantageous location. Or am I wrong?” “Miss Harp Melody.” Elder Potato Pie spoke up, his gaze showing years of experience behind it, along with years of sleepless nights. “In all this you are correct, yet woefully uninformed. Platinum Hill is our home, and many of us were born here. This goes back generations, all the way to the founding of this city with the home guard chapter of the Steel Rangers during the great war. That very same chapter I am the elder of. Our interests may diverge, but we are no less invested in the safety of this land and those who reside in it. Though the Desperados may be skilled at what they do, of which we don't wish to interfere with, we simply believe that providing security for Platinum Hill isn't one of the things you are skilled at.” “We are plenty skilled!” Swift protested. “It is you Ranger who have proven yourselves wanting.” I quickly spoke up to keep this from becoming a yelling match again. “The Desperados focus on individual freedoms, this had both its advantages and disadvantages. I'm sure Abacus of the Outer-city merchants guild can attest to this. As the free trade offers the opportunity of growth, and helps those who may not normally have the ability to start a business of their own.” The guild master sat up to attention from hearing his name called. It was a gambit calling on him, but besides following the mayor around, he did seem to have his priorities in not disturbing business. “Yes, though there have been difficulties after the transition of power from the Rangers to the Desperados, the freedom the Desperados has given us has allowed business to forish in ways not expected.” “Mostly cheap goods!” Piggy Bank spoke up. “I remember when the outer-city market was flush with reasonable goods, and respectable storefronts.” A sigh came from Abacus. “Back then they were almost all owned by the inner-city market. The reasonable goods were just the used or unwanted goods of the inner city.” “The textiles out for trade were woefully inferior.” Omar spoke up, and for a brief moment he gave me a wink. “As much as I love the wears of the Inner-city, and conduct much business with them, an outsider like myself can see that if I were to move my shop there, I wouldn't have a business for long. The outer-city is far more forgiving with their fees and tax, and as brutish the Desperados are in enforcing the laws, they also don't loom over our shoulders like the Rangers do. You may think you're cleverly hidden, but I know you keep Rangers all over the city to watch us.” “We don't deny that we keep this city safe through uninformed observation. It's better than having power armor around every corner.” Elder Lamington admitted. This was going in a good direction… was. “And what about the red light district, and the surrounding shanty dredges?” Mayor Morning Mist asked with a smirk on his face. “You think rampant chem abuse, whore houses, and other unsanitary things are good for the city. How many diseases are spreading because of it?” “There are hiccups.” I began to say, trying to think of a way to steer this conversation away from this subject. But before I could find the words, the worst pony possible spoke up. “Oh here we go again with this brahminshit, yaknow.” Slum said as he smacked his mouth. “It all honest business, not clean, but yaknow, what is clean business? You’s all use it too, just not tell nopony, act all better than us, like ya don't smell ya own flank!” I face hoofed as the argumentation started, with some ponies defending their “honor” as others call them out. Looking from Slum, to the mayor who kept adding fuel to this fire, and I knew this was one big fat trap. Everypony hated Slum, and he was put up as being on our side. “It's alright, we expected this.” Mag telepathically told me.  The argumentation kept on going, with ponies bringing up the past, and throwing out speculations. Bringing up things the Rangers did and didn't do, and the same for the Desperados. Frankly, everypony sounded like assholes of a sort from what everypony was shouting. “Enough!” Gold Leaf called out. “It is time we take a break, or you all will be bickering for another two hours!” I looked at my pipbuck, and was surprised to see he was right, it had been nearly two hours. “Please return to your respected waiting rooms, we've prepared food and drinks ourselves for you all, so no need ordering out or leaving the premises.” Arras let out a sigh, “well that part is over, now for the real negotiations.” I looked over at him before sighing myself. “at least there wont be more yelling. __________________________________________________________________ Back at the waiting room, the Platinum Guard had delivered, leaving us with several plates of burgers, carrot and tato fries, along with bottles of Sparkle-Cola and wine that weren't over two hundred years old. The smell alone made my stomach rumble in anticipation. Before I could even pick something, Fizzy had already run over and got me a sampler of everything. “Eat! You did skip lunch, so eat.” She said, almost shoving a mini burger into my muzzle. It was good, the brahman burger meat was juicy, and had several spices mixed in, along with the cheese and a few leaves, all in between a bun. I then washed it down with a watermelon Sparkle-Cola, the taste being lighter than regular Sparkle-Cola, and more refreshing. “I needed that.” I breathed in relief “Same.” Star said before stuffing her face with a burger, and washing it down with some wine. “Ahhh. Not to shit on the food before, but this isn't shit.” “You should try the Cosmic Sparkle-Cola, it's, like, made with carrots!” Fizzy suggested as she wiped off a bit of drool. “Oh, or the Planetary Sparkle-Cola, that one is made with pumpkins. You know what, I'm thirsty.” Star and I watched as Fizzy trotted off to collect one cola of each, and a burger. “I'm starting to think she's addicted to Sparkle-Cola.” Star said in concern, and I nodded. “Thats actually possible!” Spoke a familiar voice of a mare. Head scribe Crème Brûlée's trotted inside, dressed in a rather revealing outfit for a Steel Ranger. “Maybe have one of our doctors take a look at her?” Behind her was the tall and quite handsome Elder Lamington, who looked way too young to be called an Elder. “Crème, you know that they don't just treat outsiders, anyways, I'm sure it's just a joke.” He said as we watched Fizzy go back for another Sparkle-Cola. “I hope so at least.” I looked at the two rangers skeptically, but seeing that they were here, and without an armed guard, I felt it must be a show of goodwill. “Thanks for the visit, Elder Lamington and Head Scribe Crème Brûlée's. May I inquire about this visit?” I asked. “Yes, I know it is most peculiar for those such as us to be here.” Elder Lamington began to say, but we unfortunately had another pony jump in. “Ya, so fuck off tin can!” Swift so eloquently spat out. “Warchief Swift Firemane, it is good to see you again. And in good health.” Lamington said with a smile that was anything but pleasant. “Our last meeting did leave you a bit black and blue.” Swift let out a huff. “If ya want to go again, I'm more than happy to throw down!” Oh fuck no! “Fizzy!” I called out as the two leaders began to square up. Lamington tilted his head up, looking smug. “Though I'd love to, I'm not such a barbaran to give into baser urges.” “Show him who's the strongest!” Hollow cheated her husband in the least trashy, but still trashy way. Fortunately, Star, Lair and Crème jumped in to help de-escalate the situation. “Not the damn time ya morons!” Star grumbled as she stood between them. “Maybe issuing a formal duel is in order, don't you think?” Lair suggested. “If you throw one damn hoof, then you're getting your rations cut!” Crème threatened. Both large stallions paused for a moment, both thanking things over.  Then Fizzy showed upm tossing the both of them a bottle of Sparkle-Cola. “Drink, no fighting!” She demanded, before lifting her glasses and winking at them, “or I might have to punish you.” Both stallions were frozen in surprise for a moment before looking away from Fizzy and drank the cola. “Seriously, I'm not so stupid to start a fight here, unlike the tin cans.” Swift grumbled. “I was here to talk, not to fight.” Lamington defended himself. “Mainly to Lady Harp here, who happens to have in her possession technology we would like to study.” I offered him one of the samplers. “I did suggest that. If the negotiations go well. I'm sure we can offer your scribes access to our camp.” “You don't have that authority!” Swift growled.  I glared back at him. “My authority is my own, as is who I decide who gets to study what is in my possession. And I would rather have them study the tech where we have eyes and control.” “Suit yourself.” Swift said as he rolled his eyes and trotted off. Lamington let out a sigh. “The divide between us is as bad as ever. And when the Steel Rangers are still rebuilding our numbers and powers. Not just because of the skysim, we also lost many of our brothers and sisters from attacks all over during those chaotic years. Last thing we need is yet another war.” He then took a bite out of the burger and drank the cola. “Right now we need is new ideas and solutions.” He smiled warmly at the burger, “things like this, which ponies love. If we did more of this, and less pushing others around, then we wouldn't have so many enemies.” “That I can agree. The Desperados mood has already improved thanks to this food.” I said as I glanced around, seeing a more relaxed atmosphere. “That's good to hear.” Said Silver Leaf as she trotted in. “Grandmother said that the food here was crap, so I had the diner whip up something for everypony. And don't worry, we're charging the city for this, if at a discount.” I curtsied at the knight captain. “Thanks plenty. This might even get Swift to cool his head. Even if it's only by a little.” Silver curtsied back at me. “Certainly hope so. It really doesn't matter to us who controls the outer-city, but the last ten years has shown us that the world is changing. If the Rangers had stayed in control of the outer-city, they wouldn't have allowed the changes that had happened here. And they certainly wouldn't have let so many outsiders nere the city. And if things were like that, we might soon be left behind by powers that are currently growing around us.” “Unfortunately it's true.” Crème said. Lamington nodded at that. “We Steal Rangers are very proud of our traditions and history. Sometimes to a fault I have to admit. I let out a sigh. “A friend of mine said the same about the Desperados. That if things continue to change and the Desperados don't, then we'll eventually lose everything.” I then asked them, “Speaking of change, how were things before the outer-city changed hooves?” “Orderly, but no less a shithole.” Silver answered. “As now, it was where the poor lived and worked, but rarely anypony had any business there. But now, there's a busy market and just as busy a manufacturing district. Though it has made ponies like Slum far wealthier then we would have liked.” “It's called providing to a market, ya feel.” Slum said as he smacked his mouth annoyingly, trotted in with the covered up mare by his side. “And we doing real business, even cleaning shit up. Ain't that right friend.” The mare covered her muzzle as she spoke. “Most certainly.” The voice, it was the mare from the tour at the ruins… and I recognized her voice now. “Where there were but lost sinners, now they are being saved. By the grace of the goddesses and their prophet, the discarded and forgotten ponies of Platinum Hill are finding new strength in faith.” “Back up Harp!” Star growled as she got her gun, Outlaw, ready. “Oh Star, you're being rude.” Bishop Purity Spiral spoke as she revealed her face to us. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 18: Politics, Part 4. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 18, Politics, Part 4. __________________________________________________________________ I went from annoyed, to relaxed, to stressed, back to calmed, then right to a fucking migrain.  All as Purity Spiral just smiled at me. “It's good to see you as well, Princess Harp Melody.” The Bishop said, her voice oozing with ill intent. “I unfortunately cannot say the same for you, Lady Purity Spiral.” I told her as politely as possible. “To each their own.” Purity said dismissively, a smile stuck to her muzzle. “And I know what you're going to ask, so I'll cut to the chase. The Thorns Chosen have come here to offer aid to the downtrodden of the wasteland, among them, the forgotten ponies of Platinum Hill. Isn't that right, good sir Slum.” Slum smiled wide and he pulled Purity closer to him, showing that actually, all of his teeth had been replaced with gold. “Oh ya, like food and medicine and shit. Ponies just need to read from some book and then, free shit. It's like a real good deal, and I thought it myself.” Star face hoofed at that. I glanced over at Lair, and even through her vail I could tell the mare was absolutely annoyed. “Harp, care to explain what's going on?” Silver asked. “Let me.” Purity Spiral spoke up before I could say. Freeing herself from Slum, and quickly dusted herself off before curtised toward both Elder Lamington and Knight Captain Silver as she introduced herself. “I’m Bishop Purity Spiral of her holyness, Thorn’s Chosen, leader of the denomination of the Blessed Spears. We are currently on a pilgrimage here in Equestria in hopes of saving souls and bringing our lost children back to the fold. Isn't that right, Star.” “Don't even try me!” Star growled. A sigh then came from Silver Leaf. “Great, another cult. Though we will not impede you in your… pilgrimage. But please do not attempt to force yourself amonour citizens.” “We'd never, the Chosen have always shown nothing but the best manners on every occasion.” Purity Spiral lied. A very annoying laughter Came from behind us as Hollow trotted forth. “The Blessed Spears being well mannered, now that is an oxymoron. And Bishop, you only hold that title because your mother caught the plague and finally stopped making everypony around her miserable. Sadly, you're just like her, in every rotten way.” Purity Spiral kept the happy look on her face, as though it was a plastered on mask. “And who might you…” her eyes scanned Hollow, revealing a dissatisfaction in them. “A Blackheart… no, not quite. They'd never send their well-bred daughters here. Must be one of the trash families that still live on the Barbary Islands. Can't be the Goldhord branch family, their competent, or the beautiful Longhorns… Oh right, you must be one of them bottom feeding farmer families, what was it again?” “Dark Hearts you miserable sow!” Hollow practically shouted. Lair jumped in, caressing her sister. “Sister beloved, don't give such a ruined mare the satisfaction. Her faith after all, is only for show, isn't that right, Bishop?” “I don't know what you mean by that.” Purity Spiral said in disdain. Hollow let out an annoyed huff. “Well, mother will be hearing about this, that garbage has dragged itself nere our hooves!” Then trotted off over to Swift, clinging to the stallion. Removing her vail, Lair then spoke up again. “Now before we get into a debate on the interpretation of Prophet Roseland's words, may I suggest if you are to continue your pilgrimage here in Platinum Hill, go contact the Sanctified Cannons in Umberfoal. Last thing we need is a holy war between denominations right after we avoided a war between militant powers.” “That I can agree.” Purity Spiral said with her face still in that plastered on smile. “Lets go Slum, we afterall, only came here to introduce ourselves.” “Ya, no need for fighting, it's bad for business.” Slum said as he followed Purity out. Looking over, both the Platinum Guard and Steel Rangers looked concerned. Silver then spoke. “I get the feeling that we're not dealing with just another cult?” Lair shook her head. “Founded by war hero, Admiral Thorn Roseland, the Thorns Chosen is a good and proper religion that has spread throughout the seas for the last two hundred years.” “Admiral?” Lamington said with a hint of confusion. I stepped in, remembering what Slowtrot had told me about her. “The Equestria Navy, supposedly she converted her fleet into religious sea pirates over the Luna ocean, then spread from there.” “That… sounds concerning. But would explain why the boats one day just disappeared years after the war.” Crème Brûlée then said, getting everyponies attention. “Early on the Steel Rangers had our own fleet of ships, and we used it to stop many of the early raiders and reclaim military bases and bunkers. They were also recovering our brothers and sisters trapped overseas as they decommissioned our bases over there. But one day they just stopped returning. Also, that mare mentioned the Barbary Islands, why does that sound familiar?” Lair let out a short laugh. “It better sound familiar, Equestria and the Zebraca megaspelled my homeland a year before you did it to each other.” That got everyponies attention. “Oh right!” Crème Brûlée almost shouted. “It's in the documents on live testing of megaspell weapons and their effects, along with the research on bailfire bombs. The Barbary Islands are listed as test sight beta for operation purge. But all the documentation states that the megaspelling was a hundred percent successful.” Lair rolled her eyes. “My ancestors were pirates hundreds, if not a thousand years before all this shit. They knew that as soon as one side started winning the great war, they'd come after us next. Or as soon as they could spare their resources. The Barbary Island had so many hidden bunkers that I doubt you all barely got half of us. After that, my ancestor’s just had to wait a few years for the radiation to lower, then the world was ours for the taking.” She then grinned at Crème. “It's highly possible they're the ones who got your boats, but then we may never know.” Crème let out a long sigh. “I'll have to relay this new information to the other scribes, their… not going to like digging up ancient history. Well most of them, some have been waiting years yo do a deep dive into the archives.” “But it does give us another reason to not push for retaking the outer-city, and potentially starting a fight with the Desperados.” Elder Lamington then said. Silver nodded. “Last thing we need is a religious revolt spurring from within the citizens. And if Swift's wife is one of them, it's all the more concerning.” “No, it's worse than that.” I spoke up. “You know that new singer on the radio, Victoria, she's actually partnered with Purity Spiral.” “Victoria is from the Blackwater, where I was born. The place is were Thorn founded her religion, and Victoria is very connected to it.” Star added. “All the more why we must keep the peace.” Elder Magnificence said as she trotted in alongside Fullmetal. “It's harder to keep religious ponies in check if we are in a state of conflict after all. But if we can keep things calm, I'll make sure that the Coven of Clovers can suppress such groups. Wouldn't be the first time after all.” “The Gladoligists you mean.” Fullmetal said with a huff. “Those crazies are why the rest of my mane went white.” “Among several others that passed through this city. I'll contact the Daughters of the Sun, and see if they can run interference for us in the faith department.” Mag told Fullmetal. “Their the local religion here in Platinum Hill.” Silver told me. “The mare in the toga and gold jewelry was the elder sister of their temple.” Fullmetal then trotted up to me, a smirk on her face. “If it isn't one thing, it's another. Isn't that right.” I nodded at the old mare, and she dropped the smerk. “That all aside, you did quite well out there in catching those fools off guard. Won't happen again, but that just means they cannot make anymore broad statements.” “Anything I need to worry about?” I asked. “Mostly you just need to keep your credibility up. Avoid ultimatums and declarative statements. Also avoid leaning on either the Platinum Guard or the Coven of Clovers for help. We must stay neutral in all this afterall.” Fullmetal told me. “Yet you're both here?” I questioned. Fullmetal frowned at that. “Yes, but there's nothing for us to say to the other side. We also have ponies over there representing us.”  “Willow and Gold are with the Rangers, and listening to them bitch and moan.” Mag told us. Elder Lamington then cleared his throat. “Though I do agree with you're-” “Oh hush, I still respect the Rangers, but Red Velvet is just one of those fools I just can't stand.” Mag tutted out. “I know that donkey actively plots ways to get rid of me, always ranting about the mutants and such.” I could see Lamington visibly give up on that argument. “Well, even if the other chapters are closed for more friendly relations, I still want to keep our doors open. Maybe in time we can repair the damage between our factions.” “Foal steps.” I told the elder. “My mother once told me that when the blood turns bad, don't expect it to be cleaned out in your lifetime. You either must commit to never seeing it resolved in your lifetime, or pulling the problem out from the roots. For half measures will only breed suffering.” Lamington closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. “Your mother must be well versed in early Equestria literature, a rare thing in this age. I'll have to reflect on that later, but until then, I should return to my side, or the other Elders will start to get annoyed.” “Let's just hope this doesn't drag out for days.” Crème Brûlée said as she gave me a wink. “Oh, and I'd like to look at your thaumaturge weapons again, there's a few scribes who've shown interest in them.” Waving them goodbye, the two Steel Rangers made their way out. I then turned my attention to Fullmetal and Mag. “Tell me the truth, will this get resolved favorably. I'm not so foolish to think words alone will change anything.” “Damn straight.” Arras spoke up as he trotted over. “Those idiot politicians wouldn't budge unless you pay them too, and last I knew, the Rangers ain't letting us near them.” Mag sighed. “You're drinking too much Arras, but… you're not wrong.” “Fortunately we just need to delay this until you all move out.” Fullmetal said, the old mare had a slight mischievous grin on her face,  like the rad-rat that got into the pantry. “Which is considerably easy since the Rangers are just as bad at politics as you Desperados.” I cocked an eyebrow at that. “And yet they got all of the Inner-city on their side.” Mag chuckled at that. “They have familiarity with the inner-city, but they don't recruit from the city, and rarely mingle with the citizens.” Fullmetal nodded. “They've always been extremely insulated as a group, and if it wasn't for places like this, inbreeding would have been a major problem for them. But that all said, most ponies here are as scared of the Steel Rangers as they are of the Desperados. Truthfully, since leaving the Rangers, I've come to see both parties as two sides of the same coin.” “Oh fuck that!” Arras protested. “Ain't no way those tin cans are anything like us! No, not since… he left us.” “He?” I asked. “Star Paladin Steel Hooves.” Mag said solemnly. The name, it was the Steel Ranger from the book of the Lightbringer, and the one who started the Applejack Rangers skysim. Fullmetal let out a sigh. “Not many knew it, but Uncle… Steel Hooves was a wartime Canterlot ghoul, forever trapped in his power armor.  Not that he minded. He was one of the major voices of reason in the Rangers, having served under Applejack himself, even then the Rangers would never let him become Elder.” “Arras and the Desperados were the ones who found him years after the war, some time after becoming ghouls themselves...” Mag said, but began trailing off. “We were the only ones who could go into that part of Equestria at the time, since Cloudsdale and Canterlot had become feral ghoul hot zones.” Arras said, putting down his bottle of wine. “The fool was still doing his duty alongside the remains of his chapter, protecting the few sane ghouls left in the region from the insane mutants in the area. Took a year, but we convinced that stubborn fool to come up to Platinum Hill with us, where he was able to reconnect with the other Rangers.” “It was nice, despite knowing his condition, to have a pony I knew to be still alive.” Mag sighed. Arras then let out a laugh. “He was also quite the card shark, even robbed a tank ghoul blind in one game. And to think he would go first.” Arras looked down at one of his own hooves. “Year by year, we're all going.” Mag chuckled. “Forever the old stallion, aren't you. But ya, were not immortal, and we all must go some day. But before then, maybe focus on leaving this world in a better state.” That got a chuckle out of Arras. “It's a bit hard to do that with how old I am. Still… you're right. I'll put my hatred to the side for now, and let Harp do her work. Anyways, between what's goin out west, and those religious nutjobs, we have bigger problems than ornery technophiles.” “Speaking of which, how are you going to at least get the Inner-city to not support the Rangers?” I asked, getting the conversation back on topic. “Right, well you've already gotten your hoof through the door by showing them you're not some thug, but a pony who can actually talk.” Mag said with a wide, lipless smile. “Now you just need to show them your equals.” “Easier said than done.” I sighed out. Star patted me on the back. “You'll do just fine. Trust me.” “If you need a pick me up, you can try this!” Fizzy said, passing me an unlabeled bottle of cola.  I pushed the cola away. “Maybe later, and thanks, both of you.” Lair took the bottle and poured a bit of it into a cup, sipping it. Her expression was rather neutral after drinking it. “very… mutefruity.” She said before finishing the cup. “Anyways, I'm sure those Steel Rangers will let their fellows know about the brewing religious tensions. If they're smart, they'll want to stay out of the outer-city until it's resolved. I suggest pressing that as an issue, since my sister is very much part of that issue.” “I wouldn't mind it if the Rangers did take over and stomped out the Blessed Spears. Nothing more than buccaneer rabble fainting vertue, all while showing no class at all.” Hollow spoke up as she shuffled over, then eyed Star with contempt. “And you, you're one of them too, aren't you?” Star rolled her eyes. “The Blackwater is home to The Prophet's Merciful Voice denomination. And I doubt Purity Spiral can sink her hooves into that cantacarus lot of nuns. Victoria maybe, but not that bitch I can say for sure.” “Right, the Blackwater is where Thorns first church was founded, ain't no way the clergy is letting Purity Spiral take them over.” Lair said before trotting over to her sister and bumping her flank. “Sister beloved, maybe we should give the Blessed Spears a visit, I'm also curious about this Sisters of the Sun cult.” Hollow baked at that. “Heathen cults and heretics, Sister mine, are you trying to get excommunicated?” She then smiled. “But it's not a bad idea to investigate these groups, and make sure they're not dangerous.” Lair glanced over at me and winked, causing me to worry. “We should take a few ponies with us as well, what do you think, Harp?” I thought it was a terrible idea, but if Purity Spiral was up to something, I needed to know what. “Might as well.” “Oh, I want to go too!” Fizzy spoke up excitedly. “The Sisters of the Sun are really nice, and their temple is beautiful.” Star sighed. “Ain't no way you're going anywhere near the Blessed Spears without me there.” Well that settles that. I didn't like others making decisions for me, not anymore, but it would be foolish for me not to investigate. At least if things do go wrong, it won't be completely my fault this time. __________________________________________________________________ Returning to the negotiation table, things quickly got back to arguing about the day to day stuff. Mostly between the Inner-city and Outer-city over funding and regulations. Now and then the Rangers or Desperados would have a say, but it rarely amounted to just a comment and nothing substantial. Unfortunately Slum was causing most of the trouble, the moronic stallion having Purity Spiral in his ear, and having him interject her opinion when it would be most effective. I could only speculate what her motives were, but it seemed that she wanted to keep the outer-city in a messy and uncontrolled state in which she can draw ponies into her religion and under her control. The only good news on all this was that the Steel Rangers were now eyeing Purity Spiral with suspicion. If we're lucky, then the ponies on the other side might start to think things are a lot more fucked and will be willing to back off. I just need to convince them that letting the Desperados deal with it is the better play. But there is the problem, convincing a group of ponies who have their mind set on goal. Still, what is Purity Spiral trying to do here anyways?  “Alright, that's enough everycreature, I think we have enough input on this subject. Best if we move on.” Gold Leaf mercifully cut in. “Now let's continue on the subject of who should remain in charge of the Outer-city's security. To recap, the Steel Rangers have accused the Desperados of dereliction in this duty, allowing criminal elements to flourish. Where the Desperados have denied this accusation, and stated they promoted freedom of growth within the outer-city.” I quickly spoke up, not wanting the Ranger to take control of this negotiation from the start again. “I'd like to add that the accusations the Ranger had brought forth, much of the same accusations can be layed at the Rangers own hooves.” I then shot Elder Potato Pie, a smug glar, hoping to get under his hooves. “Or are you going to deny the last twelve years?” To his credit, the elder didn't show any emotions, Potato Pie simply leaned into his mic. “To miss Harps credit, she is not entirely wrong. Since the… skysim, we had issues with our wayward brothers and sisters. Something we have spent plenty of time correcting. Elder Lamington can attest to this effort, isn't that right?” Lamington then spoke up. “It has been a difficult effort, but we have managed to reunify the Steel Rangers. Many broken chapters were left adrift without proper leadership, which led to drastic actions for survival. Those guilty of major offenses were dealt with swiftly and properly. It only saddens me that we weren't able to reach this goal sooner, and avoid the actions of malicious actors.” He meant well, but it was clear that Lamington was avoiding the subject of the second Desperados Ranger war. I wasn't going to push that issue, as I doubt the inner-city would care, and it may reflect badly on me if I just attack and not promote ourselves. “That be as it may, it doesn't change what has happened. As it doesn't change the fact that the Desperados have been a source of stability in this region for generations, right to the founding of Platinum Hill. No, we haven't made ourselves part of your city, but as I have stated before, we still do maintain the major trade routes.” “Yet you cause problems for the citizens here!” Shortcake spoke up, retreading their accusations. “Fights within the city, alcoholism, chem abuse, and don't think we don't know how comfortable the Warband is with Slum and the other rabble.” On cue, Slum cut in, with Purity in his ear. “Hay, it's not my falt that several popular business are run on my properties, and now and then I pay the Desperados to help me collect the rent.” Ya, that's not helping… no, actually that dose! “Aside from the questionable businesses, Slum dose have a point.” I said, getting quite a few eyebrows. “The Desperados are willing to offer mercenary work, much like the Talon companies, but unlike the Talons, we do have an invested interest in keeping order here.” I then turned to the two Talon representatives. “No offense.” They didn't seem bothered by the minor accusation, with Garith leaning in to speak. “It's just a difference in threat between Talons and Desperados. We Talons are trained to either severely mame or kill. The Desperados are better at simply threatening ponies into paying up without needing to draw a knife.” The other griffin chuckled at that. “Ya, bringing a Talon with you for a rent dispute is what you call, overkill. You gotta have a lot of caps to do that shit regularly. I mean, the younger chicks can do such work, but if anything happens to them it will turn into a bloodbath.” That seemed to make several ponies here uncomfortable, mostly the representatives of the outer-city who rely on the Desperados for such security. So it was time to push the issue. “Dear Elder Potato Pie, if you were to regain control over the outer-city, would you provide the same services? Have your knights escort the landlords as they collect their rent, or evict those who refuse to pay. Will you keep knights at the various bars and other clubs as a reminder to not get too rowdy? Or will you just secure the merchant road and industrial district as you push everypony else out?” Though Potato Pie didn't show much change in his face, there was enough that I could see that I had finally gotten him in a corner.  “And what's wrong with that!” Red Velvet blurted out. “much of the outer-city only exists as it is because of the Desperados negligence, what is wrong with cleaning up the trash that has built up around our walls.” And somepony… well donkey, was too stubborn to not put their hoof in their mouth. The other landlords now looked very uncomfortable, and a few seemed to be getting angry. “Because if you try, you're only going to cause a riot.” I told Red calmly.  Red Velvet smirked. “and we will just push those raiders out.” I could hear several ponies face hoof at that. “Excuse me.” spoke up Purity Spiral, having taken Slums mic. “And you may be?” Gold Leaf asked, not looking happy about this mares audacity. “Purity Spiral, Bishop of the Blessed Spears of Thorns Chosen.” Purity said as she curtsied. “I also happen to be a tea plantation owner and merchant, in which I plan to ship my product though here as a business venture. Among other in demand goods of course.” “And why are you speaking?” Gold further asked.  Purity Spiral grinned. “Well, I happen to know that the west trade routes are currently… not advisable for use. Leaving the east routes as your main source of trade. I also happen to know that pirate activity is on the rise along the east coast, yet trade ships are allowed to pass… if they pay tribute.” “To the point, Miss Purity.” Gold said sternly. But I knew where this was going, and didn't want this bitch to continue the flow of negotiations. “She's one of those pirates, and has the power to stop all trade by ocean.” I spoke up loudly and clearly. “And that religion she is a Bishop of, is the main religion of those pirates. Meaning that if you harm their followers, she'll have a casus belli for a holy war.” That got everyponies undivided attention. But Gold then sighed, “Miss Harp, though arguments are allowed, such accusations are a stretch too far.” “Oh, what I'd ever do to you.” Purity said mockingly. I bit my tongue, trying to regain my cool. That bitch, it was her kind that raided my home, threatened my homeland. I wasn't going to just let her have her way… but, arguing about things the locals didn't understand wasn't going to help. But I now did have an idea. “My apologies, I have some personal, and unpleasant history with the Thorns. But that aside, I do have one thing to point out, though I have a few questions to ask my own about.” Both Swift and Arras raised an eyebrow at me. “If the Steel Rangers were given the outer-city back, and the Desperados were fully pushed out of Platinum Hill. Would you continue to maintain the trade routes through the city?” The negotiation hall burst into muttering as they all understood the ramifications of my question, but quickly died down as Arras lifted his head.  “I… don't believe in making the innocent suffer. So-” Arras began to say, but was cut off by Swift. “They're our roads, and we decide who uses them!” Swift was loud, and his voice had a hint of hatred to it. He then eyed Arras like a disappointed son looking as a weakened father. “and if we decide nopony uses them, then nopony will. If we decide that it costs extra to move food and water through our roads it costs extra. You can use the route to the south, but the NCR ain't all that much friendly with the Rangers eather. So, the elders may wish for peace, but they are stuck in the past. You either show us respect or you might as well prepare to starve.” “Careful with your words, savage!” Potato Pie grumbled. “No, you should watch your words!” I said sternly, then took a deep breath. “Elders of the Steel Rangers, Platinum Hill may be your home, but what have you done to improve the lives of the ponies here? Or have you all just kept to yourselves and let the city grow without you? If push comes to shove, trust me on this, the Desperados will not need to even shoot one gun to defeat you, not a drop of blood spilt. Food and water, how much can this city produce without outside support? I'm sure if we wanted to, within weeks we'll be able to force the city to throw you all out for but crumbs.” Everypony was silent, except for Potato Pie, who narrowed his vision to me. “So much for the mare wanting peace.” “Peace… There are many routes to peace, and not all of them are peaceful.” I said to him as I looked him in the eyes. “But unlike you, we have options, we have friends. What do you have? I doubt you have friends that aren't just more Rangers. And your options, tell me, how can you get around an embargo without resorting to using your guns. If you had either the friends or options, then you wouldn't be begging the ponies here for help. The Desperados don't need Platinum Hill, but the Steel Rangers do. Without this sanctuary, the Ranger would be doomed to crumble into but just more rusted fragments of the past.” “You dare!” Shortcake spoke up, but Potato Pie lifted his hoof to silence her. “So that's how it is then. Is falling back to threats all you have?” Potato asked me. I chuckled, seeing the absurdity in that question. “Dear Elder, you clearly don't understand that politics is all about threats. Violence is, in the end, the source of all power. If we cannot back up our words, then all it is is hot air. You have your power armor and guns, we have a ready to fight army, with artillery that can be quickly put to use. We also happen to control all the farm's and trade routes along route 50, and you, you have a scattering of old military bunkers filled with dangerous arcano-tech tech. The only reason why Platinum Hill is having this negotiation is because they don't want either of us to burn this city down as we kill each other. By Celestia, if we weren't a threat to you, there would be no way you'd have agreed to come here. It would be easier to just wipe us out like you did at Umberfoal, oh wait, you lost that war in the end!” Potato Pie gritted his teeth as he glared at me, likely hoping his stare alone could kill me, but he had no such eye magic. It was no use talking to the elders now, so I turned my attention to a different target. “Mayor Morning Mist, I'm sure you'll agree that nopony here wants violence. Just as much as you'll agree that everypony here wants the trade routes to stay open. So why do you want to piss us off so badly? Are you looking to get impeached, or do you think you can survive on just the southern trade route? I mean Percussion Cap will love to sell her crops to your city… until she finds out how you treated us.” A bit of color drained from the mayor. “Y… you're acquainted with Green Lake Farm?” I nodded. “We recently helped her with a major raider problem, same for the town of Amethyst Sands you see. So we’re on their good side, though we did piss off the Golden Harvest Farmers Union, so they might sell to you.” Several ponies shifted around uncomfortably, telling me that they knew enough that they didn't like that idea. But it was time to wrap this up, otherwise I'll sound like a belligerent. “That all said, we rather not cause such troubles for the city, we even want to improve relations with the Rangers.” Swift shifted to say something, but I drained the magical power from his mic so his voice didn't get amplified, and I could speak over him. “I know it's not the best situation for anypony, but instead of debating on who controls what, maybe it's time the Ranger earned their stay. If you don't like how we conduct our business, then maybe you should offer to do it instead, maybe come with us as part of security. Help us maintain the roads and cut back the demon grass. Not now of course, but maybe after Swift's warband leaves with us to the west. Then when Morning Light arrives to take over, you can negotiate with her on how you'll work together.” Potato Pie's eye twitches at the mention of her name. But that caused me to smile. “Morning Light is going to be more experienced then Swift here, and her chapter will be far more disciplined. So all the complaints you have shouldn't be a problem. Unless that's your main problem, you want the Desperados out before the one pony you truly fear shows up?” “Enough of your threats!” Potato Pie growled out at me, then took a deep breath to calm himself down. “I… we get your point. But in the end, it's the city who decides what will happen.” Looking around, it was clear that I had gotten to the ponies here, many of them whispering amongst each other. Though the Rangers might be able to reduce the tax of goods coming and going out of the city itself, it didn't matter if we ended up raising all trade tax from Umberfoal. And if the Rangers started a war, the city would be doomed. Not to mention possible riots from the outer-city. In the end, the Steel Rangers didn't have much to offer the city, any everypony was starting to realize it. But the Desperados, we controlled the lifeblood to the city, and we can easily snuff them out at any time. Oh the city could survive, but not as it is now. This is probably what the Coven of Clovers and Platinum Guard wanted to avoid, and I intend to help them. But, sometimes a firm hoof is needed, otherwise fools will continue to be fools. That is what mother would tell me. “I think we're done here.” Elder Lamington spoke up as he got ready to get out of his seat. “We'll need to discuss this amongst ourselves, as new information has come up. Isn't that right, Mayor?” The other Elders shot Lamington a dirty look, but the mayor quietly got up, wiping a bit of sweat off his brow. “Right, yes. It's best if we… rethink this situation.” We watched as the mayor quickly made his exit, tail figuratively between his legs. With a sigh, Gold Leaf then announced. “Today's negotiations are now over, and we thank you all for showing up and not getting into a hoof fight. We'll reconvene at a later date yet to be announced. Please keep yourselves available until then.” With that I relaxed, but the stress of everything now making me feel 50 pounds heavier. Looking over, I then saw, Purity Spiral as she waved at me, the bitch clearly plotting something, but that could wait for tomorrow. Right now, I need a stiff drink. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 19: A Moment to Relax. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 19, A Moment to Relax. __________________________________________________________________ Somehow, though I wasn't complaining about it, some of us ended up back at the Coven of Clovers to view the sunset. Magnificent was adamant I come, and bring my friends along too. So Star and Fizzy were with me, and Lair tagged along. Hollow hopped at the word tea party, but backed out as soon as she noticed that Mag was a well preserved ghoul. Even Purity tried to pry herself in, but Mag wizly shut that down. “A shame Arras couldn't come.” I said as I held the steaming teacup.  “True, but he has a family to tend to afterall.” Mag said before taking a sip. “The same can be said for you lady Magnificence.” Weeping Willow told her Elder as she dropped off a few biscuits. “I'll be heading home now, so please don't summon me unless it's an emergency.” “Aww, you can't stay?” Fizzy asked. Willow shook her head. “I got foals Fizzy, and they take priority over a tea party.” With that Willow trotted off. I caught Lair staring at Willow as she left. “She’s married, yaknow.” Lair shrugged. “I can still take in beauty with my eyes. Anyways, I only mess with married mares if invited. No way in Tartarus will I make the same mistake as my ancestor had.” I cocked an eyebrow at that. “Let me guess, somepony got their dick cut off?” This time she laughed. “Something like that.” “She's talking about the origins of the bicorns, or so they believe.” Mag spoke up. “So you know our lore, a rare thing in this era.” Lair said in amused surprise. “But yes, we believe that it happened during the ancient age of gods, all because two pony heros had decided to get married. One wanted the most beautiful mare in the land, who was loved by Venus herself, and whom was still a foal at the time, so big ick. And the other wanted a goddess, and that goddess was the dread queen herself. Long story short, they marched right into Tartarus and into the Dread King himself, who was none happy about their visit. Now their forever guests at his dining table, and their tribe, so to avoid his wrath, pledged themselves to the Dread King's eternal service. The Dread King would then turn them into the bicorns, in which we still worship him today.” “Then what about the Thorn? I doubt they like you not worshiping the goddesses?” Star asked. “Oh, worshiping the goddesses is fine for us. I mean after Celestia figuratively and literally dropped the sun on us around five hundred years ago, we learned that though our gods may be indifferent to our actions, the sun goddess isn't. So when Thorn’s cult showed up, it wasn't hard mixing the faiths and blending in to avoid war. Thorn herself actually helped with the transition, convincing the secret priesthood to play along, Thorn did have Bicorn blood and all.” “Right, you mentioned something like that. That her real name was Thorn Redrum.” I said. Lair nodded. “A fairly prominent family at the time, real bigshots on the Barbary Islands. Her mother was actually listed as a high priestess of the Dread King before her death. If my memory serves me right, she died in childbirth, which was a bad omen for us. Well, I guess dear old Thorn wanted to follow her mother's hoofsteps and now Redrums are a holy family. Big old lies, but lying is what the Redrums are good at, only second to murder, as their family name implies.” “You said Venus in your story too?” Fizzy nervously asked. That got a sigh from Lair. “Ya, and that's a bitch and a half story in itself. Sadly I can't tell ya much about it, or risk getting the Dread Queens attention. There's a lot of rules when it comes to occultic lore, of which is names and historical events. So let's just say that Venus, despite being a goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, is also the cause of more war and death around the world than any creature had ever seen. Well, that is until the great war.” Fizzy deflated a bit after hearing that. The poor mare was as kind as a pony can be, so I had no doubt it wasn't fun knowing she had such a connection to such a being. “Wait, how can some god of love and beauty cause so much death?” Star then asked. Lair grinned from that. “Dear Star, I remember you mentioned you had a daughter you love so much. If she was ever taken, how much blood would you spill to get her back.” Star didn't even think about her answer, just saying, “the blood would flow until she was in my hooves again.” “And so the old legends say as much. If not more.” Lair then sipped her tea, like any lady should. “Yes yes, I think I have some understanding of that. Never met her myself, but supposedly Celestia would warn Cadenza about that.” Mag said whimsically. “Being able to warp a pony's emotions so easily can have dire consequences. It's why such things like charm magic used to be very restricted, if not outright banned. Though it never stopped ignorant ponies from attempting it.” “Ay, it's also a problem out on the Barbary Islands. Where you got witches and sirens aplenty. Always tempting ponies with dangerous magics and ideas. And the ponies who are permanently affected by such magic are all too pleny.” Lairs voice was lower than normal as she told us about the dangers, attempting to make herself sound spooky. “My Uncle and I nearly got eaten by a coven of Witches once. Got us all thinking we'd enter safe harbor, and began picking off our crew one by one, with none of us even questioning why things were so… clean.” “A safe haven spell.” Fizzy said nervously, getting a nod from Lair. “It casts an illusion in a pony's mind, along with giving them a feeling of safety. You must brew the spell, and turn it into a fog so that it can affect as many ponies as possible. I think its original purpose was to keep ponies calm in times of strife, making it a benevolent spell meant to prevent panic.” “And like most magic, was perverted for evil.” Lair pointed out. “But thankfully, my uncle is well versed with mind altering magic, and had a system with his crew. So once that system was broken, he took action, and broke the spell. From there he showed those Witches his 10 gage shotgun, and they had a blast.” “A very peculiar stallion to have such a talent. Though I can't imagine he's all that sane to be so effective against mind magic.” Mag pointed out. “You'd be correct Lady Elder. Though as sane as Uncle is, his time fighting the evils that the Barbary Islands attracts had done its toll on him. Twice now he's had much of his memories erased, and a past self of him has become his schizophrenic voice in his head. I also think that voice married some sentient zebra cursed that got stuck onto him.” Mag face hoofed. “That's got to be… all made up.. or most of it?” I asked nervously. “I know that the sentient curse is a real thing. My friend out west had one, but got rid of it when it killed a friend of his.” Star told us. “Anyways, Quicktrot Fragment might me something like that.” Everypony else raised an eyebrow at that, so I decided to explain. “She's a spectral entity that can possess ponies through a pipbuck, and take control over technology such as robots.” “She's also batshit insane and vindictive. Probably because she was made with a part of Thorns soul.” Star blurted out. This time Lair, face hoofed. “pleas tell me your just fucking with me.” Star and I locked eyes and I shook my head.  With an annoyed huff, Star kept her mouth shut, and let me explain. Last thing we needed was any unnecessary information about Thorn or Phobetor getting out, not with the religious nutjobs around. “Best ask Slowtrot about the details, the whole event happened during his timeline. But essentially, there was a prototype pipbuck that Thorn used to get around memory checking magic. It also happened to shave off pieces of a pony soul when used. The damn thing somehow ended up with Slowtrot, who was sent to the Stable-Teh R&D Stable to get it removed. There's two other ponies who then used the pipbuck, and their soul fragments merged to its own entity.” I tapped my pipbuck. “Order happens to have that pipbucks coad and magic, but not its soul.” “I am special.” Order said with a hint of pride. “Harp, you're missing the important factor.” Star said to me. I glared at her for a moment and then relented. “The fourth soul is that of a nightmare, which is probably why it's able to possess other ponies.” A long sigh came from Mag. “Now that you said it, I think I know who you're talking about.” that got a surprised look of shock from Star and I. “Before the second Desperados Ranger war, we were having a problem with the Gladoligists. A group of fanatics who revered some con artists from the wartime.” “Oh, that sounds familiar.” Lair snarked. “Well, fortunately it never grew past being just a cult, but in that year they became very dangerous. Their leader began having visions from Gladmane himself, leading his flock to lost cashes of food, guns, and tech. That resulted in mass conversions to their faith and even recruiting several raider bands.” Mag explained, taking a moment to sip her tea before continuing. “We all got lucky, and the cult was put down before any major damage happened, and the only eye witness to it that could be found was some old alcoholic mecanary. The mare told the NCR that the cult leader, and some other ponies were being controlled by some ghost in their pipbucks. That or she was just drunk throughout it all.” “That sounds like Quicktrot's M.O. Last we dealt with her, she was attempting to dig up zebra warbots, along with a large cache of guns.” I told her. “That's definitely something I'll need to talk with uncle about.” Lair said with a sigh. “How about we not keep talking about such things, it starting to give me a headache. How about this Sisters of the Sun cult. Please tell me their not crazy or anything.” “Oh no, their very friendly!” Fizzy blurted out happily. “They do a lot of charity, and tell stories about Celestia.” “They originate from the Celestia museum just outside Applewood. It's an ancient tourist trap that housed a lot of the history about Celestia… among which a lot it is embellished.” Mag told us with a noticeable lack of interest.  “Outside of Applewood…” I said as I slowly realized something. “Slowtrot’s from there, maybe head know more on it. That aside, is that all they do? I mean, what do they exactly believe?” “Mostly just story telling and charity work.” Mag said with a nod. “As for belief, they essentially believed that Celestia will one day return, and when she does, they will show her that ponies are worthy of her rule again. Oh, and because of that, they're rather obsessive about recruiting ponies to their faith. In fact, most ponies are only part of the Sisters of the Sun just to get the sisters to stop bothering them.” Lair let out a chuckle. “Doesn't sound that different from the sun goddess cults back home. A bit weird, but generally good ponies. Well, good compared to everypony else on the islands.” “That's good to know.” Mag then passed out the last of the biscuits to us. “That said, I wouldn't worry about them getting violent, but due avoid singing your name to anything.” That sent a cold shiver down my spine as I ate the biscuit. So simply, we will be going to an annoying cult, then to a dangerously annoying cult, then to a less dangerous, but still a dangerously annoying cult.  Joy… Our chatting then switched to less annoying subjects, such as food, clothing, and little bits about the city we liked. All as we watched the sun set. It was actually quite a beautiful sight to see. The demon grass was like an ocean as the light reflected upon it, very different from the sunset over New Appaloosa, and one I never got to properly see back home. Sad as it is, I could only imagine how beautiful the sunset over the Marewaii Islands could be. __________________________________________________________________ This time we arrived just in time for dinner back at camp. Well, most of the Desperados had already eaten, but Arras had made sure to have some food ready for us. Tonight it was something called a Desperados pie, more a bowl of thick stew covered in a sheet of razorgrain crust, but it was nice. Tender and juicy meat, hefty vegetables, all in a thick bone and beer gravy.  “Say Arras, is all this cooking always a Desperados thing, or is it from the old-world?” I asked, feeling curious about where this kind of cooking came from. He chuckled. “A bit of both actually. It has been over two hundred years after all. But most of our dishes were originally based on our MRE's early in the war. Oh the food was so good back then, it even made our zebra captive cry in joy. We always kept a few extra MRE for the few times when we weren't fighting each other, and traded those MRE's for things the Zebras had that we didn't. The griffin mercs loved our MRE's too, but they always complained about how vegetarian our food was, and went hunting for game to add to their food. Biggest culture shock for us, seeing them eat meat, but then look at us now.” Lair let out a chuckle. “Then meating my ancestor’s must have been a real trip. Unlike Equestria, meat has always been part of our diet.” “True.” Hollow said as she hid her muzzle with a fan as she ate. “Though I absolutely love a good barbecued pork, I can't say I appreciated the smell of those pig farms back home.” Arras let out a sigh. “Actually, it was a big rumor that your kind were cannibals. Many ponies were terrified over the thought of being captured by the pirates.” “Fortunately, cannibalism is very rare among our kind, and a kill on sight if found, as it may spread the laughing plague. Even now the Zebras haven't forgiven us for spreading it to them.” Lair said with no hint at a lie or joke. Both Star and I facehoofed. “You're telling me, that raider sickness came from you ponies?” when Lair cocked an eyebrow at me, I explained further. “From what I know, it's a sickness that sponges up the brain, and causes ponies to laugh uncontrollably, along with making them extremely aggressive and violent.” “We met an old mercenary who's immune to raider sickness, and had seen the sickness destroy an entire town.” Star further explained. “That… sounds like it.” Lair sounded considerably annoyed by this information, but not enough to get her to stop eating. “Well, I'm not going to pry into who that mercenary is, but being immune to folded prions isn't something that speaks well on their ancestors.” “Well, back onto less… distressing topics.” Arras redirected the conversation. “A fair few of our dishes were actually developed by Griffin mercenaries that had joined up with us after the war. This was before the Talon company had formed, so the griffins were a lot more spread out and lost at the time. And thank Celestia for them, with how poor the crop harvest was getting each year, foods that once sustained us, now weren't enough. No matter how much we ate, we were going to starve. Drove a few ponies mad, but adding meat to the dishes fixed that problem almost overnight. Well, for those who can keep it down that is.” As the fire cracked, I took another bite of the harty pie, a piece of Rad-bit filling my mouth as I chewed. Back on the Marewaii Islands, we could grow our own food easily, though it still was expensive for most, so pork was the food of the peasants. Even then, mother made sure we ate a wide variety of food, including pork. It made me wonder, how would I have reacted if I was allowed to never eat meat, only to end up here in the wasteland. “I think Thunder Crack mentioned that.” Star blurted out. “How she and several other pegasus got really sick from eating meat.” Arras chuckled. “I remember that. But it wasn't the meat that made them sick, it was the water. The meat just gave them a stomach ache since they weren't used to it, the water made them… well, maybe not say it while we're eating.” Dysentery was my guess.  Like before, we kept on talking as the fire crackled, and once drowsiness began to hit me, I excused myself as I returned to our tent. Inside, I found Fizzy brushing Cherry Knot's mane and tail, chuckling to each other quietly. “I can't say I've ever had it that wild, but griffins were always quite the ride.” Cherry said with a sigh. “And it helped that they were genuinely clean, though the ones that visited us were… less so then the common Talon.” “I bet. I like, only heard the horror stories about how it was for mares like you. As bad as it was, I was like, lucky to be there then out here, yaknow.” Fizzy said solemnly. Cherry nodded, “That I can agree. Though last I heard, the Redlight Showroom isn't as extreme as it once was. Probably because the rougher clients are staying out of the NCR territory.”  Trotting over, they both glanced over and smiled at me. “Talking about hard times?” “That's one way to put it.” Cherry said with a smirk. “But ya, when I heard that Fizzy was a Redlight Showroom mare, I had to hear more about it.” “And… actually, I don't know how to continue this conversation.” I said, feeling rather embarrassed. Again Cherry chuckles. “That's fine, and it's probably for the best if you don't. Prostitution is after all, not something to brag about. But ya, compared to me, Fizzy was lucky. Decent pay, security, the ability to tell clients no, and access to medicine such as contraceptives. At least when you get out of the business there, you're not riddled with STD’s and a foal or two. And that's if you're even still alive.” I felt a pressure on my back, and turned to see Alpha nuzzling me. Given the big nightstalker a pat on the head, I let her sit next to me. “It makes me wonder, if things were ever like this before the war?” Cherry shrugged. “All I know is that ponies, and other creatures desire sex. Always have and always will. Though I bet things weren't as fucked up as it is now.” She then smirked. “Speaking of sex, have you found anypony here you're interested in?” Warmth filled my face as I blushed, making my embarrassment to the question easy to see. “I… no, not really. Well, there is this…” I glanced over at Fizzy, and immediately Didn't want to say that Bianca was my type. “It's Bianca, isn't it?” Fizzy said, reading my mind. With a sigh, I nodded. “She's really cute, and sweet. I… really like that. S… sorry” Fizzy let out a laugh. “She is cute. I bet there are lots of ponies and griffins that want her attention.” She then smiled softly at me. “If it was you who she dated, I know you wouldn't hurt her.” “Ya, but I don't think she’s into mares.” I pointed out. “Then what about any stallions? You got to have seen one that you would fuck?” Cherry crudely asked.  I rolled my eye at that. “If I were… maybe Elder Lamington.” Querly, Fizzy gasped. “Oh I know, he's like, super handsome!” As weird and embarrassing this conversation was, it also felt… normal? Or at least it felt nice just to talk a lot about nothing, something I couldn't do back home. But here, we were all just Desperados, and just mares.  So with my mind at ease, and forgetting what we were going to do tomorrow, I turned in for the night and quickly fell asleep. __________________________________________________________________ I felt hot, icky, and my throat was dry and scratchy. I hated it, and hated how the maids just ignored me as I layed in bed. Stratus Dancer did come over once her shift was over, and she wasn't happy to see me like this. I wanted her to stay, but she had to leave and get a doctor. It was nice of her, but I don't want to be left alone.  A soft humming then broke the silence, the voice of a mare that was familiar, yet strange. I tried to look around for who it was, but my vision was blurry. “It's okay, just rest, your medicine will be here soon.” Mother spoke, lacking that cold authority I was familiar with. She sounded older, tired, yet warm. “M… mom?” I tried to speak up, but my dry throat made it hard to. “But… you can't… be here. I'm-” “Oh hush now my little dove, let me be a mother.” Mom said playfully.  When was it the last time she called me that? Or spoken to me so softly?  Mother alway had to keep up a strong front, even as she grew weaker. Just getting old, she'd say, but I knew that can't be it. Yet I never had the bravery to ask for the truth. Queen Gilded Gold then chuckled as she read some papers on my nightstand. “A peer review of Orthrus talisman's and their application for casting spells.” She paused for a moment, letting out a suppressed sigh. “In light of Phorminx's exertion of keeping one simplified spell per talismans, I believe that though reasonable, it's an issue of gemstone quality. By making or mining higher quality talismans, a more complex spell matrix can be used. And with a more complex spell matrix, can several simplified spells be interwoven.” “Please don't, it's embarrassing.” I pleaded. “Oh all right, Little Dove.” Mom said to me warmly as she put the papers back. “But it's not bad, real smart even. I unfortunately don't understand talismans all that much, I only learned classical magic afterall.” I groaned as I looked away from my mother. Not that I could see clearly. Maybe this was how Rare Pearl saw the world without her glasses, which made me sympathetic for her. “It's out of date though. Phorminx wrote another paper on the limitations of artificial gemstones, and… everything I researched and wrote is just garbage.” “Still, I'm impressed you're able to do this much.” Mom cooed as she patted my head. “Silk is… well herself, and though Rare is smart like you, but she's more politically minded than magically. Then Silver… she's so talented, yet just so angry.” “What about brother?” I asked. “He's… as I expected him to be, and way too much like myself.” There was a hint of sadness to her voice, of which I knew why. Brother was ruthless, and very protective of our family. But he was also too willing to choose violence over compromise. Rare Pearl often had to mediate for him, and if Silver was ever with him, disaster would soon follow. “What about me?” I asked. “You, you remind me of your great Grandmother, Queen Mythril Melody.” Mom answered. “Mythril was quite the smart mare, and so very kind. But when it was necessary, she could be ruthless and cruel. It was because of her I was able to take over as the next queen, as she taught me everything I needed to know about being a monarch.” “Even the bad things?” I further asked. Mother nodded. “Especially the bad things. Kindness isn't hiding the dark truth and pretending everything is wonderful. For ponies like us, we must understand how cruel things can be, and become stronger by it.” “I… I don't like it.” I pouted. A chuckle came from my mother as she kissed my cheek. “I know, and I don't like it either. But for good ponies to do nothing, that is all the evil ponies need to win. And you're a very good pony, Harp, so please stop blaming yourself. What happened to the islands, what happened to us, it was an… eventuality.” I turned to look at mother, my vision clear, but mother wasn't.  “And there's a difference between the horrors of unintended consequences and the horror of your intended consequences.” Gilded Gold said to me, her voice becoming faint like the wind. “But most of all, to do nothing, and be apathetic, is the worst thing you can do.” Reaching out to grab my mother, my hooves passed through her like she was air. “Please don't go! I'm sorry, just don't go!” Mother smiled as she faded. “That I can't do, but please take care, and trust in yourself what is right.” __________________________________________________________________ My eyes shot open as I sat up, but the tent was too dark to see. “You okay?” Star said, her eyes shining in the darkness. “I…” My memory of the dream was already fading, but I still remember enough of it. “It was just a dream, a good dream.” “Didn't sound like one?” She snarked. I sighed. “It was, but I just didn't want it to end.” Trotting over and sitting next to me, Star gave me a hug. “I guess I can understand that. I've been dreaming about mom and Bridget lately… I miss them so much.” Taking a deep breath, Star let the air slowly leak from her nose. “You want me to sing you a lullaby?” “I'm not a foal.” I protested. “But a bit of music wouldn't hurt.” Star chuckled as she let go of me, and began to hum. Laying down I then remembered my mother doing the same for me when I was a foal. But it wasn't the same, mother was tone deaf after all. But still, the memory of it helped put me at ease.  Maybe I'll see my mother again, and she could sing to me. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 20: Faith, Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 20, Faith, Part 1. __________________________________________________________________ Thanks to Star finally getting some proper sleep and waking us up, we got to watch the sunrises as Arras cooked us some breakfast over a campfire. Simple eggs, hash tatos and strips of bacon. The light from the sun reflecting off the deu covered demon grass was absolutely mesmerizing, and combined with the gentle cool breeze was comforting. It all made the tea that Mag left us all the better. “So… how bad is it?” I asked Azure as he sat next to me, near the Smuggler. The teacup disappeared under his mouth claws as he took a sip of the tea. “Hard to say, but from my own experience with such matters, the Darkheart’s are very entrenched with the Warband over in Umberfoal. Their numbers are fairly small, comparably, but they are considerably crafty. Though Swift's own ponies are in charge, the important ones have drank the proverbial kool aid.” “Cool… Aid?” I said questionly. “Ancient saying from another race. Simply, it means they've given into a belief so strongly that they will drink poison if told to.” He explained. “Fuck, thats bad… but what about the rest of the Warband?” I further asked. “It's a bit mixed, but most of the Desperados are rather ambivalent to the faith. It's just the ones left in charge that have been converted.” The Lurker explained. “The rest of the Desperados accept it only because the Darkheart’s are supplying them with booze, food, and guns. As for the ponies to watch out for, there is Nightfall Darkheart, the mother of those twins. She doesn't seem to interact with the Desperados much, and focuses on managing her own family and those following her. Of which seems to be a mix of soldier types, and servant types. Then there's Bishop Pitch Blackheart, with quite a few priests and priestesses. They are the one who’ve has been doing the converting, though this Pitch seems to be very proactive and from what I can tell, is quite the seductress.” I let out a sigh, “seriously?” He nodded. “Well, unless how you ponies mate is actually very different from what mammals normally do, then I'm sure he was fornicating with at least two of the Desperados leaders. Though the odd thing is, they were all male. That said, it was hard to tell at first glance,  but that might just be me.” The image in my head was both disturbing, yet a tad bit fascinating. “This is… not surprising if I think about it. And the third?” “Yes, that would be Pewter Darkheart, Nightfall's brother in law.” Azure said with a curious expression. “He's an… interesting pony. As much as I can tell, he's been keeping Pitch from converting all of the Desperados, all while aiding Nightfall in controlling Umberfoal. Stranger, the stallion actually caught me-” “What!?” I blurted. Azure shrugged. “Yes, and even I was taken off guard, but I think it has to do with magic and how experienced a pony is with it. Remember, Magnificence also detected me, and she was blind. Well, though he didn't tell me much, he did explain that your plan, though responsible, may have a major hiccup as you know” “Purity Spiral.” I answered Again Azure shrugged. “Though his details were vague and he clearly didn't have all the information, he seemed to suspect something was going on in the city that needed to be dealt with. So it's safe to assume that this hiccup is Bishop Purity Spiral. Best to get clarification fr9m him, and speaking of that, he is very much interested in meeting with you. Didn't call you by name, but I'm sure the Lady of Platinum's blood is you.” Letting out a sigh, I shoved a fried egg in my mouth, savoring the flavor before swallowing, then said. “Is my identity even a secret at this point?” Azure let out a laugh, which didn't sound quite right as it had two tones to it. “Oh, don't I know that feeling. Keeping a secret that seemingly almost everyone already knows. Anyways, when you do go to Umberfoal don't seek Pewter out, but go see Nightfall, and absolutely avoid Pitch before seeing her. Something to due with a Nightfall and Pitch having a power struggle, and Nightfall tends to hold grudges easily if she feels snubbed. Or so I was told.” “That… sounds a lot like my eldest sister. And let me guess, this Bishop Pitch is waiting for any opportunity to embarrass Nightfall?” I then asked. That got a nod from Azure. “Petty bickering as I see it.” Finishing off my tea, I put down my breakfast plate, the food all gone. “Thanks for informing me, and sorry for using you like this.” The lurker gave a slight bow at me. “It's alright, things like this come with the profession. You'd be surprised how often I've been hired to spy on someone's spouse to see if they're cheating. Or discovered a friendly hidden village, only to find out that it's an outlaw hideout. It would be my head on a pike if I'd accidentally put them on a map and some higher official’s family got kidnapped because of me. Now go, enjoy this little slice of peace, I'm getting the itch to draw this wonderful scene.” Giving Azure a hug, I then trotted back to my circle of friends. Anlong with Arras, Slowtrot, Star Charter, and Live Axle were here as a more private get together. We had taken the Smuggler out to a more remote location out of the city, where it was unlikely to have any prying ears nearby. A little clearing of the demon grass that made sure anypony had to get close to us to listen in. The main reason for this was to go over our plans for today, as we were once again very bussy. As much as I like Fizzy, and trusted Lair enough to be sure she'd keep our secrets, this needed to stay between us and us alone. Star eyed me, a smirk on her lips. “So, their Bishop is a faggot. Maybe we can sacrifice Reed and Slick to him?” Nopony laughed at that as I joined them. “I'll consider it, but please never say that again, the image in my head isn't fun.” Now that got a laugh from both Live and Star. Arras then put down his cup, a spoon in it clanking about. “Still, it's a disturbing thought that my own could be seduced so quickly. With Swift it makes sense, that Hollow lass is quite fetching, but by another Stallion… dark magic must be involved.” “Naw, it makes sense, Big Papa.” Live said, getting Arras's full attention. “The Warband is made up of a lot of the stallions from outlier Herds, you know, those super strict ones that like to have a lot of foals. Stallions from them that don't take wives are often shunned and pushed to the edges of camps. So it's not surprising that a lot of em are actually secretly faggots.” The old ghoul let out a huff. “Right, I forgot that does happen now. Makes me miss old Equestria, when ponies just didn't give a shit about that. I'll have to look into those herds after this war is over.” “Are you sure?” Slowtrot then asked. “Equestria, in my time, was very into just stallions and mares pairing up.” “I ment pre-war Equestria.” Arras told him. “Once the war heated up something fierce, ponies began dying and the Ministries knew if we didn't have a new generation to replace them, we'd all be in trouble. So they pushed parenting programs a lot, including that horrendous foal welfare agency.” “Well the stallions fucking stalions situation aside, we need to figure out how to kill Purity.” Star then pointed out. “Easier said than done.” I said with a defeated sigh. “The bitch likely has a trap for us, and spies all over the city. She probably knew we were here the night we arrived. And I'm pretty sure I know what she wants.” “To get into the tomb.” Arras answered. I nodded. “No other reason for her to be here. Other than causing chaos.” “By why? What's in the tomb that she wants?” Slowtrot asked. “Does it matter?” I asked back and he shook his head. “All we know is that she wants something in the tomb, and we can't let her have it.” “What about asking the Platinum Guard for help?” Star asked. Live quickly answered for me. “And tell em about Harp being a literal princess, they'd never let her leave out of duty.” “Shit, you're right. Those Platinum cans would lose their shit if they found out.” Star mumbled to herself. “At least we have Elder Magnificence to help us.” I pointed out. “Maybe she and the Coven of Clovers can get the Platinum Guard to help us without telling them about me.” Arras didn't seem so sure about that, even as he nodded. “I can ask her about it, but I'm sure she's already aware of the issue and is planning accordingly. But I’d be careful, Mag may be a good mare, and has been a good friend to me, yet she's always felt off to me.” I cocked an eyebrow at him and the old ghoul let out a sigh. “It's just that she's… too much like Majesty, yet lacks her spark. I don't know who she was before she became a body double for the Princess, but the first time I met her it was absolutely unnerving.” “None the less, we'll need her help if Purity makes a move on the tomb.” I said, taking Arras's warning seriously, but also with the knowledge that we had only a few ponies we can truly rely on. In the end, Mag is loyal is to the Coven of Clovers, not to the Desperados or to me.  “I know it's dumb, but what about Lair Darkheart?” Star brought up.  “She gives me the creeps.” Live comment  “Ya, and it would be foolish to trust a Barbary pony, much less a one from the pirate families.” Arras pointed out. “Maybe we should wait until after dealing with her family, if they don't get along with Spiral as you say, then that could help us.” Slowtrot suggested. “True, but also a mistake.” Azure spoke up from the Smuggler. “The issue is that anybody can using Harp for their own goals after all. So long as they're in a possession to gain power by using her, they're a danger.” We were all silent, Azure's words resonating in my mind. Just like at Amethyst Sands, my mere presence made me a target for anypony who knew the truth. And it was even worse here, as the tomb likely held artifacts of both cultural significance and of magical power. “How about this.” Arras then spoke up. “We trust Magnificence to keep an eye on things, since we have no other options, and do our best to keep everypony else in the dark.” “The issue is if this Purity Spiral then tells anypony.” Slowtrot suddenly said, causing a wave of dread to wash over me. “So, the sword of Damocles hangs over our head.” Azure said before explaining. “A saying, where a man was given all the power and privilege of a king, but had a sword hang over him by a hair.” I knew of a similar story, but couldn't remember it at the moment. “That's an appropriate example of our situation. There’s no guarantee Purity wouldn't do such a thing if she doesn't get what she wants, or even if she does get whatever she's after. I'd say just kill her, but I have a feeling that if she were to die, she'd take Platinum Hill with her.” It was a grim conclusion, but one that couldn't be denied. Purity Spiral revealing herself to us was more than likely her way to show us she had power over us. If it were anywhere else, then we'd have given her a fight. I was then passed a plate of what food was left. “Eat, you're going to need the energy.” Arras told me. Using my pipbuck's levitation spell, I ate another piece of bacon, the savory and salty meat giving me some energy. “Thanks, I'm sure I'll need all the energy I can get.” __________________________________________________________________ Dressed up in our best clothes, our group and a rather bothersome addition trot to the Inner-city, where Willow was waiting for us. Star, Fizzy and Lair were fairly calm and unbothered, but Hollow was a different story. She hated the outer-city, hated the ponies in it, and understandably she hated the smell. Yesterday she barely made a peep, though she was also attached to Swift the entire time. “Now this place is an example of how real ponies should be living, nothing like those things on the other side. It reminds me a lot of Old Royal, but without those ghosts.” Hollow blabbed as she trotted in her overly designed dress. If it turned out that she was actually wearing three dresses stitched together, I wouldn't have been surprised.” “Ghosts?” Willow asked. Lair fortunately answered. “Old Royal is a major city on the Barbary Islands, built on top of the previous Royal cities, so it has a lot of ghosts hanging about. It getting megaspelled didn't help much, and now we got ghosts called shadow ponies all over it. Didn't stop ponies from moving back in and rebuilding the city.” “That sounds… familiar.” I muttered. “Wait, moved back in? But what about the radiation?” “The dregs rarely care about such things,” Hollow answered dismissively. “That and we got our tricks for clearing chaotic magic… mostly.” Lair explained. “Old Royal is still very much dangerous, so we only visit it when our Fathers return home from a voyage.” “Sister dearest,  don't you go there with Uncle quite often?” Hollow then asked. Lair rolled her eyes, “Yes, but that's only for priesthood duty, not for my own enjoyment. It's our job to maintain the seals and conduct exorcisms.” I was tempted to ask further, but we had arrived at our destination. It wasn't hard to miss, as we entered through an archway, we saw what was clearly a temple dedicated to Celestia. Much like with the Coven of Clovers, with its grand garden, but much bigger and far more decorated. There was even a fountain in which a marvelous statue of Celestia was the centerpiece. There were ponies all over, most just lazing around or having a picnic. Among them were some ponies in togas, who were remarkably stunning looking.. “This place is very… relaxed.” Star commented. Willow sighed. “Yes, so do try and not cause a ruckus. The temple of Celestia is not just a place of worship, but also where the more influential ponies in the city send their young to study. Or just send them here to be watched over if the parents ever need to leave for a time.” “And let me guess, the temple gets considerable amount of donations from those ponies.” Lair asked. “Of course, but don't go thinking there's corruption to be had, as the priestesses are considerably devout, and give back what they are given… to the point we've had to bail them out several times.” Willow explained. A quiet mocking laugh came from Hollow, “Wasting money on charity only makes ponies around you weak, don't you know that?” “Not helping those in need only, like, weakens your soul.” Spoke the same toga draped mare with the golden headdress from the negotiations. The unicorn was marble white with an almost cotton candy pink mane that dangled in many ringlets. “Celestia taught us this, and we must take it to, like, heart.” “Good to see you, Blossom.” Willow said coldly. Blossom responded by giving Willow a big hug. “Oh don't be so, like, standoffish with me big sis. You know mom and dad want you to come by, like, more often, along with the kids.” Willow looked just as ill as when Fizzy was hugging her. “Sis, now's not the time. I'll go see mom and dad later.” Letting go of Willow, Blossom then greeted the rest of us. “Oh right, you're here for the tour. I'm elder sister, Cherry Blossom, and welcome to, like, Celestia's Temple!” She then practically hopped over to Fizzy with a big smile on her face. “I bet you didn't recognize me!” Fizzy looked stunned. “Is that really you Blossom? You're, like, absolutely beautiful! I mean you were beautiful before, but what happened?” “An old world ghoul doctor passed through, and they happened to have a lot of knowledge about medicine. Following his instructions for a few years, Blossoms illness was gone and she's now too full of energy.” Willow explained. Fizzy then began to cry, and gave Blossom a hug. “I'm, like, so happy for you!” “And I, like, missed you too, Fizzy!” Blossom said, also with tears in her eyes. After a long moment, the two let each other go, and things calmed down. “Well, I got to go, Blossom will show you around.” Willow said in a bored and disinterested tone, then trotted off. “Does she not like the place?” I asked. Blossom let out a long sigh. “No, she just… doesn't have fond memories here. Due to my illness, my parents gave all their attention to me, and neglected my sister. Things are, like, much better now, but repairing relationships isn't something you can solve by magic alone. Mother actually stepped down from her position of elder sister when she realized what she had done, and has been, like, focusing on fixing the rift.” That was surprisingly heavy. Then Blossom put her hooves together in prayer. “It's one of the many lessons we learn from Celestia herself. Even she had made her mistakes, neglecting her sister and thus, causing the birth of Nightmare Moon. We mustn't neglect our families, friends, and even those we barely know, or cracks will form in which darkness can find its way in.” “The goddesses don't make mistakes, you know what kind of blasphemy that is!” Hollow said scornfully. “Oh, but it's, like, from her own words itself.” Blossom confidently said with a wide smile. “We have the most extensive documentation of Celestia's life within the temple, including a video interview of her itself. It’s, like, totes awesome.” Hollow actually looked surprised by this. “You… have a video of the Goddess?” Blossom then grasped Hollows hooved excitedly. “Yes, let's go, like, watch it! I've seen it like, hundreds of times!” With that, Hollow was dragged off by the very excited Blossom. Left by ourselves, I then suggested, “should we… look around?” And got a nod from the other three. Though the grounds outside were an immaculate example of natural beauty and serena peace, the inside was cluttered with both artwork and junk. Artifacts all, but the dirty bobblehead of Celestia and Luna hardly seemed worth any kind of worship. There were also a lot of framed photos, mostly from what looked like official events, such as ribbon cutting and the like, but also photos that looked less like that got Celestia's permission first. I found myself looking at a rather beautiful painting, and feeling a bit annoyed.  “What's the matter?” Star asked, then looked at the abstract painting. “It's… something.” She then looked at the display plaque in front of the painting. “Lets see, painted by the pony Von Grow, a famous painter known for innovative art, as well as cutting off one of his own ears. This painting of Celestia is the last surviving example of his work.” “Except, it's a fake.” I told her,  Star then smirked at me. “Let me guess, your family owns the real painting.” I shrugged. “Vincent Van Gogh is the real painter, and was a Griffin from Griffinstone, though had no ear to cut off, he did mutate the side of his head and made a portrait of it. The Griffinstone Royal family and Equestria royal family regularly exchanged art before the Griffinstone economy collapsed, and they entrusted us to protect a lot of their cultural works until they recovered.” I pointed at the painting, “it's hard to see, but this plagerit doesn't have the same eye for detail as a griffin has, and so the colors are a bit off, and a bit too bright.” We moved on, where a collection of decorative plates was on display. But it wasn't fine pottery, glass, or silver, but cheap plastic with images of Celestia on them. “You got to be kidding me!” I said with a sigh. “What?” Star asked. “My family has those too… I actually use them as a foal.” I told her.  Star let out a laugh. “I bet the ponies here would have a fit if they knew that.” Looking around, I then saw Fizzy and Lair looking at a series of bright orange pottery that wasn't under glass, and free for ponies to touch, of which Fizzy was. They looked familiar… then I felt the strong sensation of radiation.  “Shit!” I rushed over, and with my pipbuck magic, took the orange plate from Fizzy. “Don't! It's dangerous.” Putting it back and holding my pipbuck over it, and fast and loud clicking could be heard. Lair face hooded. “You ponies actually used radioactive material to coat plates and bowls.” “From what I've seen, that's not all that unusual. Look at the plaque.” Star pointed at the display plaque and began reading. “A common set of pottery, the bright and beautiful orange was to represent the sun for the summer sun festival, and was the last which Celestia attended. Because of this, this set was wildly popular as a collectors item, and could be found in many homes across Equestria.” I also face hoofed. “Should we tell anypony?” Everypony shrugged. Moving on, the four of us found ourselves at some sort of art exhibit for foals. It was macaroni portraits of Celestia, which was weird, as macaroni was food? Seeing a temple mare trot by, I had to ask. “Mam, sister, why are you using macaroni for… this?” “Maca… what now?” She said, tilting her head. “The little thing the foals used here to make portraits of Celestia.” I explained as dumbly as possible. Her eyes brightened. “Oh yes, the art toobs! Yes, they are, like, gifts from Celestia for the young to make effigies of her holiness, we have many examples of this, and plenty of the stuff for years of service to come.” “Like, Bianca used to make necklaces and bracelets with them!” Fizzy added. Okay, odd. “How much of it do you have, and do you know what they are made of?” She tilted her head the other direction. “Well we have plenty and plenty of the toobs, like, totes lots. But sadly, like, the knowledge of how to make them is lost. The day no more can be found will be, like, totes sad.” Lair leaned over to me and whispered. “Probably best to not tell them it's just pasta, folks like this are unpredictable when you reveal such simple secrets to them.”  I nodded, then told the sister, “then I pray the… toobs never run out.” She then gasped and grasped my hooves. “Then let's pray together!” She was surprisingly strong as my hooves were held in place by her own. “Oh Celestia, please bless us so that we never be led astray, and can guide others to the ideals you saw in us. Oh Celestia, please forgive our flaws, for we are still unworthy of your love, though you love us all the same. Oh Celestia, continue to shine the light on us, for it is you, and your love warms us all and gives us the strength to continue on.” After that, she let me go… then gave me a hug, which Fizzy joined in. “Ummm… thanks.” I croaked out. I was eventually freed, in which I then needed a rest from all the love. After a long moment, I was finally ready to look around again, but decided not to ask the local sisters anything if I can help it. What I could put together after seeing what they had on display, the Sisters of the Sun were honest true believers, and very well meaning, but had a fanatic devotion to Celestia that bordered on the absurd. Everything about Celestia was taken as truth. Which made me grateful that Celestia herself was very careful how she presented herself to the public, along with guiding words whenever possible. So as ignorant as the sisters were, they were at least guided in the right direction.  “So… Do you have any of these in your family valt?” Star asked me, getting an inquisitive eyebrow raise from Lair. Before me was a series of small statuettes and drawings of Celestia, all beautifully done, but some were a bit… provocative. Even more disturbing was a full body, and detailed costume of Celestia. Looking at it all made me quite embarrassed to be here. “N.. no, and I doubt my family would even want them.” I thing looked at the plaque, reading, “artist unknown, these works of art were recovered from a vault in Canterlot, the owner likely being a devout follower of Celestia.” “Devout isn't the word I would use. Maybe obsessed.” Lair commented. Fizzy pointed at a few paintings of Celestia provocatively laying on a fainting couch. “Oh, I like, had a photo taken of me like this. Actually, that position she’s in isn't all that comfortable, or that one either.” “But it can be fun,” Lair said miscellaneously. Shugging, Fizzy just said, “Only if you like uncomfortable positions.” I wasn't going to dig into that. “Say, maybe we should go get Hollow and move on.” There wasn't any argument, so Fizzy took us further into the temple, where things were less cluttered, and more private. There was a room dedicated to looking after foals, and a room for more private worship and study. Reaching one darker room, a projector was playing a video, it being a documentary of Celestia, with the hallmark of the Ministry of Image all over it. The music, the architecture, and even how the ponies talked and dressed was all from the wartime. “Celestia withdrawing from society was her full endorsement of her sister Luna, trusting her to follow through in ending the Zebra threat and not wanting to hold her back. What a wonderful and wise big sister she is, letting go of the old ways so that the new can bring victory.” The documentary pony said, as it showed Luna and the six Ministry mares together in front of a portrait of Celestia. It was all propaganda, which was understandable. If the ponies had known that the war had broken Celestia's heart, as Majesty wrote down, it might have shaken their resolve to fight. The video then stopped, Lair having paused it. “Sister dear, it's time to go.” To our utter shock, Hollow was actually crying. “Oh… okay, just give me a moment, I need to fix my mascara. To see the goddesses and hear her speak… it was overwhelming.” “Let me help.” Blossom then levitated Hollows makeup kit, and cleaned her up fairly quickly. “Like, your totes, beautiful again!” “Thanks.” Hollow said before joining us. “Alright, let's see those dredges now, I can't think the Blessed Spears have anything as wondrous as this place.” leaning over to Lair, I whispered. “Your sister is quite… emotional.” Lair nodded as whispered back as she let the video play again. “Hollow is very much a lady, and very devout in her faith. Even without Thorn's cult, she'd likely still been a follower of the Sun Queen.” I wasn't sure how to feel about that, but it at least made me less worried about being around Hollow. As crazy religions go, worshiping Celestia was at least not going to lead you to mass murder and other crazy stuff. Maybe getting Hollow away from Thorns Chosen and with the Sisters of the Sun would help us out. Maybe the Sisters of the Sun could even be used to convert ponies away from Thorns Chosen. All wishful thinking, but at least it's one full of hope. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 21: Faith, Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 21, Faith, Part 2. __________________________________________________________________ Returning to the outer-city was as depressing as it always was, but with an added layer of poverty as we were entering the residential area then the Market Road. A group of Warband Desperados were there to escort Hollow, and guide us to where the Blessed Spears had infested the city. This part of the city was a labyrinth of poorly constructed brick buildings that only stayed up because they all lent on each other, though some just barely. Ponies living in tightly packed homes that were smaller than even my closet back home, and most only having rags to protect themselves from the cold. The stench was even worse here, as the unmistakable smell of death lingered in the air, both of old corpses and fresh. And though the lye paint was here too, graffiti was everywhere, some resembling that of raiders, though with less mad ramblings. “How does this city even support all these ponies?” I asked one of the Warband ponies. One shrugged. “None of my fucking business.” Another huffed, a mare with an eyepatch. “Most do manual labor, like gathering demon grass and processing it. Or work a stint in a quarry and shit like that.” “Some are just freeloaders and thieves.” Another said. “It's almost every day we got to beat a squatter, and half ta time their all chemed out.” Star let out an annoyed sigh. “Sounds like raiders waiting to happen.”  “Oh ya,” the mare said, “but they got no place to go, so they kill each other more than the normal ponies. Though we're sure some have become cannibals, which is a bitch of a problem.” “As is the dredges, no wonder Purity Spiral settled here.” Hollow said mockingly. “It would also help cover for any new Corps Brigade members who can't control their hunger.” Star bitterly said. I couldn't deny that possibility. This place wasn't just good for converting ponies to her religion, but also finding new ponies to turn into Corps Brigaders.  As we trotted, we came to an area where the pathway widened, and there was lots more activity. Much like a theater entrance, there was red cloth draped over the street to make an archway, with several lamps hanging off it.  “Here we are, the red light district. Well, the biggest one in the city.” one of the Warband ponies told us, then pointed to the far end. “If you need to leave, a city gate is just at the other end.” So this place was accessible from the outside, which was probably rather convenient and strategic. “Fizzy, did this place exist when you were here?” My friend tilted her head for a moment. “I think so, but it wasn't this… tight, or far into the city before. The owner, I think his name was Scum, tried to recruit me a lot, but I had no interest in a whore house. I guess the city just grew around this strip?” “Makes sense.” Star said. “The Ruffled Feathers is much the same. It was actually built outside of New Appaloosa, but the town just kept growing until the tavern was on the outskirts.” “It's very much the same back home, with lots of bars and other establishments having city's grow around them. Well unless they get burnt down and the owners killed.” Lair told us. “Oh, like with our old instructor and her whole family. It was the talk of the town, all about who she pissed off to get her whole lineage wiped out.” Hollow said before poking one of the Warband. “Now take us to the church, just standing here is making me feel dirty.” I glanced at Lair, and saw a pinch of pain and hate in her face before she returned to normal. “You okay, Lair.” She smiled back at me. “As fine as I ever could be. Now let's go before a pickpocket marks us.” Following, this part of the city was like an epicenter of vice, with prostitution, gambling, drunkenness and chem abuse all out in the open. Though it wasn't as crowded as I thought such a place would be, it was still during the day. Actually, there were quite a few ponies more busy with cleaning than attracting consumers, which also made sense considering the time. Then I saw our destination, it being hard to miss with the flags covering it, each sporting the same cutie-mark of a red teardrop surrounded by a ring of green thorns. There was a line of ponies entering the building with several ponies in dark robes guiding them. One pony stood at another entrance, dressed in a nearly black green robe, watching us with a wide smile and a chrome and brass shotgun. Hollow smiled at what was clearly a priest. “Greetings father, I'm Hollow Darkheart,of the Darkheart family. I'm sure you know of us, and we wish to see your work on saving these pitiful souls. As well as to show our respect to the Goddesses and their prophet, the saint. I'm here with my sister, Lair Darkheart, and members of the Desperados Redcaps.” The priest bowed to Hollow. “It's good to see the Privateers deem us worthy of your attention. It's rare for those not of the Blessed Spears to show such charity.” Laughing in the most polite, yet valid mocary Hollow could manage, she then curtsied to the priest. “Well, the Blessed Spears were the Prophets most trusted warriors, even before her revelation. A shame though, that your ancestors couldn't protect the Prophet in the end. So we tend to keep a respectful distance from you so as not to offend. Dirty hooves and all, as you know.” Both didn't seem to like each other, as both were smiling, but just not with their eyes as well. Opening the door for us, I could tell the priest had several nasty scars poking out from his robe, and a tattoo of Thorns cutie-mark on the back of his neck. He also eyed me with the cold stare of a killer, sizing me up with a malicious feeling. Inside, things were a lot more colorful and warm, along with the smell of something I couldn't put my hoof on. It was a strange complex mix of sweet, zest, and herbal that made me feel more refreshed. Both Lair and Hollow smelled the air and let out a relaxed sigh. “What's that smell?” I asked them.  “Eucalyptus incense.” Lair told us. “It is from a tree that grows far to the south, on a mysterious and dangerous continent island. The incense is prized for its calming effects, as well as for repelling insects. I can only guess that Purity Spiral grows her own tree to be willing to use the stuff in a place like this.” “We had a few trees of our own, but they turned out to be very flammable, and nearly burnt down our estate when some idiot tried to kill ants with a magnifying glass.” Hollow said with a half chuckle.  Lair rolled her eyes at her sister. “I remember that you're the one who just wanted to set them on fire with fathers rum.” she then turned her attention back to me. “If you're interested, I can see if mother will trade some of her incense for us to use. We sadly ran out long ago.” “No pony told us the flies were this bad here.” Hollow complained. A door then opened and two mares entered, both in the dark green, almost black robes that the priest had. “Oh, you must be the ponies Bishop Purity had told us about. Praise the prophet we were here to greet you.” They said in union as they bowed. I was immediately put on guard, as the magic coming off them was that of the evil eye, the same as Stars. So I whispered to my friends, “avoid looking them in the eyes.” Star nodded, but Fizzy just tilted her head. “Praise the prophet indeed.” Hollow said, curtsying at them in a way to denote her higher status. “It's a shame there are so few devout followers here, it makes this city stink of sin.” One of the priestesses laughed as the other eyed us suspiciously. “It certainly does, now would you like to sit in on our service, we are currently inducting new members into our family.” “Most certainly.” Hollow replied. The priestess that was eyeing us then motions to a set of stairs. “Please follow us up, we have a balcony you can watch from.” Taking the offer, we trotted up, down a hallway, and into a larger two story room. Below us were two rows of cloth covered benches in which many ponies sat, all watching a pegasus at a podium reading from a book. The stallion was draped in fine robes much like the priests and priestesses, but with a long pail scarf hanging from his neck. He was also absurdly handsome, almost unreal in how clean he was, and both looking masculine and feminine all at the same time. Star looked less than pleased by the sight of what was clearly the head priest. “Right, of course he'd be here.” “Who?” Fizzy asked. “You mean that pretty stallion?” Star nodded. “That's Utopian Vision, Purity Spiral's son.” “I've only been told about him, but I didn’t think it was that accurate.” Lair said as she licked her lips. “Not exactly my type, but close indeed.” Hollow lightly jabbed her sister. “It's inappropriate to lust after a pony of the cloth, dear sister. And rather low of you to even think about letting the spawn of that mare touch you.” Lair lifted a hoof up to defend herself. “Sorry sister mine, it was uncouth of me to even think of such things.” “It certainly is, and more so considering your position. I m3an, you already have Bishop Pitch to consider, despite his… oddness.” Hollow said, pestering her sister. Returning my attention to the church, though still made of scrap and poorly made bricks, it was actually rather impressive looking. Using sheets of what had to be white canvas to cover nearly everything, much of the ugliness of the building was hidden away. Candles and mirrors were everywhere, bathing the room in an orange flickering glow as dots of light danced all over. Behind the podium was a massive flag of Thorn’s cutie-mark, in which Utopian Vision stood underneath. As I returned my attention back to Utopian Vision, his and my eyes met, and I was overcome with a sense of… wrongness. I couldn't look away as his eyes seem to entrap me, and force a calm onto me. Hooves grabbed onto me and forced me back, breaking eye contact with him, and freeing me. “You alright Harp.” Star asked as one of her eyes was now bloodshot. Fizzy then hugged me, a sickly sweet glow coming from under her glasses. “That was scary, his eyes were… like, something wrong.” Both my friends then let me go, and I looked over at the Darkheart sister's, who had covered their eyes with their hoofs. The two priestesses seemed to be entranced. “What was that?” Lair gritted her teeth. “Eye magic, but it's strange. Like a mix of that evil eye with Fizzy’s charm.” she then passed me a pair of spare sunglasses, “use this, it has some protection from eye magic.” As the world became dimmer with the shades on, I looked down again to see that several ponies had joined Utopian, with older ponies having brought instruments, and a small group of foals in robes.  “Now please join me in the song of prayer!” Utopian Vision then spoke up, a wide smile on his face. The foals began to hum as the other ponies struck up a resonating somber tune. Magic filled the room, almost enveloping me, and I could feel a distant presence watching. Healed, the pain of independence  beautiful, our wise and trusted friend  We, united in one vision  Rise to sing of sorrow's end  He, the bringer of the vision  Bids you answer to his call  Praise the great and powerful  Utopian Heed the ruler of us all  For we're all  One And the work's begun  For Venus  And we all run  To our golden son  For Venus  For Venus  The ponies down below were entranced, singing in unison to Utopian's words, praising him. I could both feel and see magic seeping from the crowd, it sparking in the air, feeding the candles, drifting to someplace unknown, and with a bit of it flowing into Utopian himself, making his own magic stronger. Here today we sing our story  With Utopian we have found our home  Love once was for all  But love now is his alone  Free we are now from each other  Brothers, sisters, daughters, sons  Where once we dreamt of independence  Now we stand and dream alone  For we're all  One And the work's begun  For Venus  And we all run  To our golden son  For Venus  For Venus  “Blasphemy!” Hollow muttered as Utopian began repeating the song. Lair put a hoof on her sister's shoulder, and shook her head. “Just play along dear sister, this isn't the place to show your cards. We can report it to Bishop Pitch later.” she then looked at me, a scowl on her muzzle. “We need to get out of here, right now.” We turned to the door we came from, only to find the two priestesses blocking it, their eyes wide open and bloodshot, giving off the same magic as Utopian. Then they spoke in unison. “Please, stay. You haven't gotten to meet the high priest yet, and he's almost done.” “Gwaaa!” Star let out, blood now seeping from her mouth from biting her own tongue. “Fuck, it's like with Victoria!” A pair of sunglasses was taken from Hollow's pocket by her sister, and placed on Star. “Oh… that's better.” We then turned to Fizzy, who blinked at us, and smiled. “I'm alright, I don't think, like, the magic affects me much.” The door then opened, and the priest from before stepped through, similar sunglasses on and his shotgun at the ready, along with the two priestesses, who drew their own pistols. “Now, come with us, high priest Utopian wishes to meet with you.” The priest said as he motioned with his shotgun for us to move. Before Hollow could complain, Lair spoke up. “Most certainly, it will be our honor to meet with the fair high priest.” As we moved, I could feel the watchful eyes of ponies on me, from other priests and priestesses to even the entranced ponies below. __________________________________________________________________ The room we were forced into was lovely, decorated with well polished wood and velvet, all ruined by a painting of Utopian Vision and Purity Spiral looking down at us. “Again with the paintings.” Star muttered. The two priestesses stood guard in the room, the blood from their eyes now staining their cheeks. The magic from them had returned to normal, no longer given off the same sickly sweet feeling that Utopian had. “How much trouble are we in?” I asked Lair. “Lots, maybe only a little. It depends on what they want.” Lair answered. Hollow kicked the floor, “their the ones in trouble, treating us like this!” Letting out a sigh, Lair continued. “I can only guess their acting so brazenly because there wouldn't be any inquisitors around here, and by the time anypony can investigate, they'd be long gone. As for what they will do with us, other than you, the rest of us are residents to mind control, so I doubt they're going to try and turn us.” “Great, I'm the weak link.” I huffed out. The door then opened, and lightly stepping around us, Utopian Vision trotted behind a desk, his eyes giving off a strange glow for a moment. He then sat there for a long moment, saying nothing. First holding his hoof in prayer, then picking up a brush and adjusting his mane.  Star let out a groan of frustration. “Stop it with the damn pruning, ya peacock. What do you want from us?” Utopian didn't even pay Star any attention for another long moment as he finished starting out his mane. “I… would like you to join me.” His voice was soft, very unlike when he was at the podium, or singing. “You saw the power, felt it... It can be yours as well. Accepted Aphro-” “Dare not say her name ya fool!” Lair cut him off loudly. “Where is it that you learned such names, and why embrace a thing that has long left this world.” His mouth and eyes opened wide with excitement. “But the goddesses of love and beauty didn't leave us, she'd never! She was betrayed, and forced to leave by the vile gods of the underworld. To be separated from her children, and have them be subjected to entropy and death, how cruel is that. Under the true goddess we lived forever, unaging, undying, forever young and beautiful.” “You betray the prophet!” Hollow accused. “The Redrums betrayed us first, denied my ancestor’s  from setting a hoof on Equestria until now. All for their false faith!” Utopian said as he spread his hooves and wings out wide, as though presenting us a grand truth. Lair placed her hoof on her sister again, calming her. “And again, where did you learn this… faith?” Slowly, Utopian put his hooves back together in prayer. “We've always known. Mother taught me, and grandmother taught her. I've even visited our homeland, the homeland of all ponies, where we were of the noblest family in the land, cloaked in pride.” I didn't like the sound of that at all. Then, he pointed a hoof at me. “And you, your ancestors ruined everything, then denied us access t9 Equestria and the two alicorns!” His hoof lowered and calm returned to him. “But all is well now, soon our blood will mix, and what was taken from us will be returned. Together we will reunite all pony-kind under the warm embrace of the true goddess.” This was mad, but puzzle pieces were fitting together. “Are you a descendant of… Lancelot?” I asked, remembering the sword in my ancestor’s tomb, Purity mentioning the ponies name, and his mentioning having a connection to my ancestor’s.  Utopian smiled. “Yes, Knight Lancelot, pride of the Prance and champion of courtly love. Mother would tell me stories of him as a foal. Of his great deeds, and heroic spirit, flying through the sky with his banner held high. But his ideals of love were rejected, and for this, ponyland was forever cursed!” He spoke passionately about his ancestor, an accent reminiscent of Prance slipping out, though it had a somewhat more guttural feeling, much like Star's own Blackwater accident. Listening to his story, it would explain what Star told me, about Purity Spiral's seemingly hatred of Princess Platinum, and how my ancestor barred his own from Equestria.  This was a fucking blood feud going back over a thousand years.  Might as well feed it then. “Sounds to me your ancestor was a failure.” I commented, which shut Utopian up as he shot me a dirty look. “And courtly love, I remember reading about that in ancient Prance culture, which was something my mother warned me to never emulate. Cheating, taking on multiple partners, and the stealing of partners that belong to others, all for the sake of love.” I let out a mocking laugh. “Things like that are why Prance never rose outside of Equestria's shadow, and could never hold onto a good leader for any length of time. Sounds to me your ancestor's ideals are the doom of nations.” Utopian's eyes lit up as he spoke, his voice itself resonating with magic. “Love is what powers magic in this world, it is what powered the crystal heart in the Crystal Empire, as well as the elements of harmony. Love is power, and you will be damned if I let you deny that!” I felt wrong, and unable to control myself as my hooves slowly reached for my glasses. “I'll show you what true love is, and through it, you will belong to me.” Utopian spoke, and I couldn't resist. “Love can be, like, a poison.” Fizzy then spoke, breaking what hold Utopian had on me. “And too much love, misplaced love, and unwanted love is like, totes toxic!” She had removed her thick glasses, showing her heart shaped pupils as her eyes glowed with power. “You must know this?” Utopian's eyes glowed back, but were a more dulled green compared to Fizzy’s iridescent pink. He opened his mouth several times, looking like a gasping fish before finding the words. “This magic… it's so… pure! Like the true goddess herself! I must have you!” Tilting her head up, and looking down on Utopian in disgust, Fizzy spoke, her own voice filled with magic. “Know this, I am the vessel for which Aphrodite herself will reside, and she will not tolerate your tainted magic to mingle with mine!” Something was wrong, and the magic didn't feel like Fizzy, but something so much more… dangerous. “We denounce you, and your perversion of our pure ideals, our pure love. Take your tainted soul to the inevitable, where it belongs!” As though like the power to a light being cut, all magic then stopped, and became irrily still. Star, Lair, and Hollow all stumbled, and Utopian fell over. I looked over at Fizzy, my friend still radiating some magic. She looked at me, then to the door. “We… should, like, get the fuck out of here.”  I nodded and we helped Star get on her hooves. Lair was already stabilizing herself as she helped her sister. “Wh… what just happened?” Lair asked as she winched.   “We entered this room and… it's all blank?” Hollow said in confusion. Stable on her own hooved, Star glared at the defenseless Utopian, and I knew what was on her mind. “Star, no! Not here at least.” I told her, as she let out an annoyed huff and made her way to the door. The two priestesses were on the ground as well, but not fully unconscious as they clenched their heads and were slowly stirring. Below us, the congregation of ponies were all slumped over, but pony by pony, were waking up as well. So we rushed to get out before we were trapped again. Finding the stairs, we rushed down to the back door, only to slide to a stop as a double barrel shotgun was pushed into Star's face. “The Bishop knew this would happen.” Said the Priest from before, looking unaffected by whatever had happened. “Young lord Utopian is still too green with his newly obtained powers. A shame, but not unexpected. Now what to do with ya miserable lot?” “You will let us pass, heretic!” Hollow demand. He laughed. “Heretic, ay! I’m of the Blessed Spears, Thorn Roseland's first and most loyal of soldiers. Decedent of Thorns Raiders, who helped her rise to power as we raped and murdered throuth the oceans of the great war! Be it Zebra or pony!” The priest smiled, showing teeth that had been filed down to points. “We are not Heretic's, but the holders of her true vision, and through us her work will be done.” Lair clicked her tongue, disgust on her face. “Including burning down our temples and libraries, just after we recover from the great war. You Buccaneer only know of following your order and bringing misery to the seven seas.” The priest maliciously laughed at us. “So you read those records too, oh how they were a fun read. Forcing you Privateers to bow your heads as we strung up the bodies of your so precious secret priests. Our lady Roseland was able to do what none of you could ever, and unified the Barbary Islands under her flag. Oh how I wish I was there to witness it!” His smile then dropped, as he raised his gun out of our way. “At least I'll get to see the second burning of your secret temples. Now go, go and piss your eyes out to mommy.” “I'll have you-” Hollow began to say, but was pushed by her sister. “Dear sister, we must leave!” Lair implored Hollow as she continued to push her sister to the door. Letting us pass, the priest stared at me, and whispered. “And you, dear princess, Pope Redrum is most excited to see you one day, don't disappoint and go dying on us.” A cold shiver ran down my spine as we left the church. __________________________________________________________________ In silence we left the Red Light District, having rejoined our Warband escort, and making sure none of them had ever stepped a hoof into that church. Fortunately none had, though two of them had recently been to Umberfoal and spoke fondly of the bishop there. But at this point, I'd take a convert of whatever the Sanctified Cannons are over the nightmare that were the Blessed Spears. With Hollow a bit further ahead, and with her protection detail, I felt it was time I get a few answers to what just happened. “Lair, how much do you remember?” I quietly asked. “Enough.” She told me. “I can't explain much, but I guess you're as deep into secrets as I am, I'll answer what I can… Princess Harp.” Shit! Now that card was open to her, things might be more difficult. So letting out a sigh, I had only three questions to ask. “Firstly, what was that power Utopian had, second, what happened to Fizzy, and three-” “Why did that priest let us go?” She finished my question. “For your first question, I'm not sure. It feels like it was a combination of the evil eye with a siren's voice, all while invoking charm. But it all felt tainted, like the magic was forced together to make a more powerful, yet unstable magic. Likely, Utopian was used in an experiment, possibly he's the finished result.” We then looked back at Fizzy, who was in a bit of a daze, and being looked after by Star so that she didn't wander off. “It's only a guess.” Lair said nervously. “But if what Fizzy said is true, then we just had a close encounter with a god.” “Venus you mean?” I asked. Lair nodded. “If Fizzy is a vessel, then her own magic is attuned to that of the goddesses of love and beauty. Any why she rejected Utopian, I can only guess it's because the goddesses fickle, and was disgusted by whatever twisted magic was in Utopian. We can only count ourselves lucky, and Venus could only bring a miniscule fraction of her power out.” A long sigh then came from Lair. “As for why we were able to leave, even after learning everything… that's simple.” “A pony up top is pulling on the strings.” I said, getting another nod from Lair. “Ponies like the Corps Brigade and Purity Spiral wouldn't be able to operate like this without higher support. Likely it's the Redrum family, because it's always the Redrums causing trouble for everypony.”  Lair levitated her fortune telling deck of cards out, drawing a few before re-shuffling the deck. “Bad cards… always bad cards these days.” She then glanced at me, a serious look on her face. “It's best to assume that Purity Spiral has entrenched herself deeply into the city, and cannot be simply removed.” “Not until Purity Spiral gets what she wants.” I said. Lair cocked an eyebrow at me, then realization washed over her. “The tomb of Princess Platinum, you mean.” “It's the only thing here that will have what she'd want, I'm sure of it.” I then looked back at the city, and a grim truth became so very clear to me. “She must have known I was coming this way, and is now holding this city hostage.” “Are you sure? I doubt she'd know that much.” Lair argued. Star then stepped in. “Unless Quicktrot told her. That wraith was practically waiting for us at Amethyst Sands. Slowtrot did say that Quicktrot and Victoria had met, so it isn't far-fetched that they've talked.” That was true. As much as I hate to admit it, we've been dancing in Quicktrot Fragment's hoof from the day I woke up in New Appaloosa. It was only by the skins of our teeth we managed to survive and prevent her from getting what she wanted. So It isn't hard to believe that Quicktrot wouldn't tell Purity Spiral or Victoria on where we were heading, since she already knew the Equalists were out west after all. If Purity Spiral already had a hoof hold here, it wouldn't be hard for her to start brainwashing the ponies in the city.  “Lair, how fucked are we?” I asked, feeling dejected. Taking a deep breath and looking up at the blue sky, she didn't say anything for a long moment. “There's an old legend, one about a jar that held all the evils in the world, along with the curse of mortality. Its guardian, who felt nothing for pony kind or any creature for that matter, and saw herself as a god, would spitefully open it. As everything spilt out, ponies rushed to close it, but were too late to stop what had been put into motion. Yet they had saved one thing, a tiny little flame, so weak that a breeze could snuff it out. That little flame would save the world, and give all living things the power to fight evil, so long as they protected it. That flame was called, hope.” Lair then smiled. “As long as you don't lose hope, you'll always have a way to fight evil.” “And where will we find this… hope?” A nervous Fizzy asked. “Since we're dealing with archaic bullshit here, my uncle might have a few solutions. Also, it never hurts to ask a Bishop about how to get rid of another Bishop.” Lair told us as we left the Red Light District. __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 22: Faith, Part 3. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 22, Faith, Part 3. __________________________________________________________________ The event of dealing with Utopian Vision, the Corps Brigade, and the Blessed Spears, had me quite rattled. All made worse by the fact that we avoided one trap, only to find that we had long trotted into a bigger one. If it wasn't for Lair, her sister, and Fizzy being with up, Star and I would likely be hostages of Bishop Purity Spiral by now. And from what Star had told me, being impregnated by Utopian was likely my fate if we had been taken captive. The thought sent a cold chill of disgust down my spine. So, I needed a stiff drink once I got back to camp, which Fizzy provided with her stock of Sparkle-Cola Dark Cherry. The shit was like punching myself in the face with artificial sugar and cheap booze, and worse, the bottles were just plastic covers that didn't pour properly. We actually had to break open the cover to Fizzy’s horror, and found a simple cheap bottle of whisky inside. “Fim and Flam’s cherry whisky.” Slowtrot read the bottle, “Artificially flavored and sweetened.” He then took a sip from a shot glass and gagged. “Ya… that's certainly a Flim and Flam drink.” “You've tried it before?” I asked, taking the bottle back. He nodded. “Cheap booze was everywhere back then, and Flim and Flam tried to corner the market. But it was all recalled for some reason.” Laughter came from Arras as he trotted over. “Oh I remember that shit, the artificial flavoring and sweaters were highly flammable, and could be used to make cheap molotov Cocktails. If you purify it for higher alcohol proof, it's practically a Celestia damn fire bomb.” I drank the booze straight from the bottle, gagging, but forced it down. “Sounds dangerous.” Arras's raised his one goodish eyebrow. “Fuck, how bad was it?” “Think mind controlling cult with dashed out cursed magic, and you’ll be close.” Star told him. A long sigh came from Arras's, as he took another bottle, braking its plastic cover, causing Fizzy to faint. “so let me guess, were going to have to deal with it or risk loosing the damned city?” I nodded and he took a long pull from the bottle, practically drinking half of it without gagging. “Just what we needed, more brahminshit. At least the Coven of Clovers and Platinum Guard will be escorting the Sisters of the Sun, so if shit goes down, those innocent mares will be well protected. But what about our kin? I'd be a fool to think the Desperados haven't been targeted.” “That's hard to tell, but I'd be surprised if none of the Warband haven't been corrupted by Utopian. At least we can be sure the ones at Umberfoal are clean of them, though they're going to be a different problem.” I sermized. A snort from behind caught me off guard, and Swift took my bottle. “What brahminshit are you slandering my ponies about?” He then chugged the booze before spitting it out, a bit of the spray getting on me. “Fuck, this is some real bad shit!” Now that he is here, I might as well ask him. “There's an actual mind controlling cult forming in the Red Light District, and it's possible some of the Warband have been compromised. Do you know any of your ponies that spend more time than necessary there?” He looked down at me like I was a blivering moron. “Bitch… it's the Red Light District, almost all my ponies spend more time than they should there. If I wasn't married, I'd spend time there too.” Arras's face hoofed. “It's better to ask if any of them don't go there.” “Reed and Slick don't go near the Red Light District, they hate being around chem dealers.” Swift told us in all seriousness. “Hollow already informed me on the issue, and I'm gathering my more straight edged ponies to deal with it. I'll be putting them under Reed and Slick's direct command while we're in Umberfoal, and have them protect the families until I return.” Arras's looked genuinely impressed. “Please don't tell me you've gotten into mentats.” The younger stallion huffed in annoyance. “Oh come off it ya dried corps. I care about my own just as much as you do, and the three of us must act to protect our herds. Be it the fucking tin cans, or from some damnible cult.” I cocked an eyebrow. “Three?” “Don't get a big head about it Redcap, ya made those tin cans scurry off with their balls in your pocket, and I respect that.” Swift told me before taking a deep breath. “And… after thinking about it, if I was left to defend the Desperados, I'd have fuck it up. I've done a lot of real fighting, but I ain't all that good at fighting with words, that's all.” Loud Laughter then came from Arras's, as he trotted over and patted Swift on the shoulder. “Now that's the colt I remember, where have ya been son?” “Don't!” Swift said sternly. Arras stopped laughing, but held a smirk on his face. “I'll stay here and keep in contact with both Coven and the Guard, along with preparing the camp for a possible fight. I can feel it in my bones that this is going to turn ugly, and if we're not ready, we're going to lose ponies.” “Agree. And like Harp said, we have more enemies than just the tin cans.” Swift said as he shot me a glance. “If we're caught off guard, then it will only open us for the tin cans to finish us off.” “That might be what Purity Spiral wants, to get any of our own under her thrall to force the Steel Rangers to attack.” I suggested, but hoped it wasn't. “It would help district everypony as she moves to her true objective.” “Which is?” Swift then asked. “That I really like to know.” I looked at Arras, and he shrugged, leaving me to decide for myself. I could lie, but eventually the truth might come out, and this fragile trust I've developed with Swift might crumble. It was also possible that he'd make a wrong move if I lied. “Her real target, what she's after… it’s me.” That got a chuckle out of Swift. “And what's so special about you?” “I can open the tomb of Princess Platinum.” I told him. “Even though I'm a bastard, I'm still a direct descent Of Princess Platinum, and Purity wants something in that tomb, I'm sure of it. Also, I think she wants revenge for her own ancestor, meaning it's also an over a thousand year old blood feud.” Swift clicked his tongue. “That's… if true, is some real brahminshit. But… it would explain why the old fool is so fond of ya. So, how are we doing this?” “Were first going to talk with the Darkheart’s, if we can get their support, then they might be able to rain in, Purity, and her Blessed Spears. Might as well use religious nutjobs to fight religious nutjobs.” I explained, all while leaving out our original plan, not that it mattered at this point. Taking a moment to think about it, Swift slowly nodded. “That sounds better than my plan. Though I'd rather not talk to my wife's religious group, their Bishop just creeps me out.” “Well,  sooner the better, considering our position.” Arras told us. “I'll hold down the camp as you youngins solve this clusterfuck.” I thought about grabbing the last bottle, but felt it wasn't worth the headache, or pissing off Fizzy. “Alright, let's get moving. The longer we wait, the tighter, Purity will pull this noise around our neck.” __________________________________________________________________ As the Smuggler rolled down the road outside Platinum Hill, I couldn't help but look out at the sea of grass that surrounded us. And it made me wonder if the demon grass hadn't taken over, could this place have helped Equestria recover. Maybe, but there were other problems too, such as the Enclave, and that mutant calling itself the Goddess, both now gone thankfully. Yet, new threats are appearing, and there is no way to tell how dangerous they can become.  “You okay, Harp?” Live Axle asked me.  She sat in the passenger seat next to me in place of Azure, who stayed behind to keep an eye on things. Slowtrot was driving as usual, with Star and Caval in the gunner seat. Fizzy, Swift and the Darkheart sister's all sat in the trailer being pulled behind us. We needed to move quickly, and this was our solution. “Let's just say I'm not looking forward to what comes next.” I told her. “True, all this smells of trouble. But I'm sure if Dead was with us, she'd have a good grasp of what to do.” Live said solemnly. “Maybe, but I do know she'd have been able to break this tension.” I then looked up at Star, who was resting on our G.A.R. turret. “How about you, Star?” She didn't move, just looking down at me with a sense of foreboding in her eyes. “Nervous, mostly. We're meeting a Blackheart aren't we? Nobles like that were like boogie mares back on the Blackwater. My own so-called mother would threaten me with them, telling me if I didn't shut up, a noble would drag me away to be their pin cushion, or sex slave.” Live balked at that. “Who the fuck would tell a little foal that!?” “She was a massive bitch and hated me.” Star said bitterly, then smiled. “And if I play my cards right, I might get the opportunity to beat her shit in for all that she did to me.” “Right, you said that Setting Sun was Admiral Flintlock Hoots daughter?” Lair asked over our Pipbuck 2000 coms. “Maybe, I only remember my father mentioning it when I was a foal. That if he found Desponies, and married my mother, he would get to be the captain of the Queen of Knives.” Star explained. “Then he gave me my name and left, likely got himself killed out there since I never saw him again.” “Sounds like he was working for the wrong master.” Hollow spoke up through our radio. “If he was an Alginate, he should have thrown his lot in with other Privateers, not to some Buccaneer dredges.” A huff from Lair came loud and clear through the radio. “Sister dear, maybe you should shut up for a moment.” The radio then cut out and the sound of muffled shouting could be heard further back. If Hollow's mother was anything like her, this was going to be a real pain. “Say Harp?” Star then asked, getting my attention. “Why are you bringing… that?” Next to me was Majesty's harp, kept safe in an armored case.  “I have a feeling it will be needed. And who knows, some ponies might enjoy a bit of classical Equestria music.” I said as I patted the case.  The Smuggler bumped, causing everything to rattle, and my attention to return to the ocean of demon grass. Playing the harp was an option, but I also felt that I might need it for other reasons. Majesty left it with Arras for a reason after all, and soon I might find out. I hoped not, but at this point I needed to be ready for anything. __________________________________________________________________ Umberfoal came into sight, it being a large tent town surrounded by thick stone walls and ruins. Though the demon grass covered nearly everything around it, I could still see several craters and the remnants of trenches. The entrance to the town had an archway, in which hung several Steel Ranger helmets, all painted in orange and yellow. Off to the side, and made as visible as possible, were several dead ponies hung by the neck, each one with a sign on them denoting a crime.  There was also a crowd near the entrance, watching as a pony was being ready to be hung. A sign on him saying “murder.” Rolling into a parking lot, there were more Desperados vehicles, of which sported flaming paint jobs, and scalps hanging off the sides. There were also several carts that were distinctively not Desperados, most being merchant carts, or simple transportation. The Warband themselves were on guard, with a few sitting in a nearby tower, long guns at the ready. “There's one of the Darkheart’s goons.” Live pointed at a mare in a some kind of black uniform with gold trim, with a flat cap on their head of the same color. She was also armed with a chrome and brass rifle that looked a lot like a Grover battle rifle. “There's not many of them here, but they have that look of a killer in their eyes.” “She also looks like a soldier, uniform and all.” I commented. “Looks like Equestria Navy, but more black and gold instead of blue and white.” Slowtrot said through the radio.  That… made a lot of sense. “They're my Fathers sailors,” Lair told us through the radio as we rolled into a parking lot. “Trust me, they are among the best of the best sailors in the seven seas, outside those who work for the main families of course.” Note to self, don't piss off the professional killers. Once we came to a stop, I hopped out, order picking up the case with Majesty's harp in it. The others also joined me as we saw the sailor mare trot over to us with unnerving grase.  “Lady Hollow, Lady Lair! It's an honor to see you again.” The mare said with a salute. Up close, I could see that she was another bicorn, but with ivory white horns, a claw mark on one side of her face, and a large tattoo of Lair’s coin on the other side. “Shall I escort you two to see the Lady Nightfall, or Sir Pewter?” “To our mother of cores, Chum.” Hollow told the mare. The sailor then eyed the rest of us suspiciously. “And what about these dredges?” “Careful, Gunner Chum, we do have a few VIP's with us.” Lair said sternly. Chum didn't look all that happy about that, her eyes drifting to Swift. “Yes, I know of sir Swift, but until the captain gives his blessing, I aint recognize him as one of us.” Swift and Chum then glared at each other for a moment before she glanced over the rest of us. “So, who be the others I should be minding?” Lair trotted up to me, almost presenting me like a gift. “This is Harp Melody, leader of the Desperados Redcaps, and a pony of higher birth and education. Also, no friend to the Buccaneer, who had wronged her and her family.” “The Buccaneers wrong us by merely existing, but far enough.” Chum said dismissively, enen eyes Star. “And let me guess, the kelpie here is important?” Lair smiled wide at that. “You have no idea. This is Star Charter, of the Alginate family, only foal of the Alginate faily head’s eldest son. Also happens to be Flintlock Hoof's granddaughter.” “Sure, and I'm a Blackheart. Lady Lair, you fucking know better then to believe any old hogwash a pony spews from their asshole.” She then let out a sigh. “I'll take you to your mother, since she's going to want an explanation over our latest guest.”  As the sailor began to march off, with us following, I had to ask Lair, “she's rather… disrespectful for a soldier?” “She's a privateer, not a soldier. My father only outranks her because he pays her, and she's paid very well to do a job, not to be nice about it.” Lair explained. “Your father's only captain because we chose to vote him as such, Lady Lair. Please don't think that a few coins is the only reason why we're here.” Chum said sternly. “He also happens to own your ship, Gunner.” Hollow snipped at him. That got a laugh out of Chum. “Ownership is very… easily lost out at sea, my Lady.” Hollow then pouted as we trotted into Umberfoal proper. This town wasn't much different from the Desperados camp in Platinum Hill, though it was far larger, and with much bigger tents. Some of which looked like shops and other places of service, though most of the signs marking these tents used pictographs, with very little writing on them. There were also traveling merchants here and there in the spaces between the tents, selling their meager junk. I also saw quite a few ponies that just sat about, covered in dirt and thin as rails. “Let me guess, there's a lot of refugees from the west here?” I asked out loud. “I aint privy to the shit going on out west, but ya got your hoof on the gold there.” Chum told me. “Not that I give a flying fuck, but every damn day more of em trickle in, and we try and send em to the city, but thees drege land fuckers keep being sent back here.” Swift let out an annoyed huff. “The piss-ants city folk do let these ponies into their city, something to do with merchant tax, and immigration restrictions. So they just dump these ponies onto us. Scum had been helping us smuggle em in… but I now got the feeling that might have been a mistake if he's in with that Bishop bitch.” And there it is, more bad news. No way to know how many refugees had been converted, or turned into Corps Brigaders.  As we got deeper into Umberfoal, we could see the pier, where several boats and rafts were docked, along with a few proper buildings that rose out of the ground. There were a lot more ponies down there, along with carts eather loading on or off the boats. Also, the smell of fish hit my nose, but it lacked the salty smell I was familiar with, taking on a more earthy wet smell. Ponies quickly got out of our way as we trotted to the pier, all under watch by the Warband, who saluted Swift as we passed by. Making quick timing, Chum guided us to one of the brick buildings, a bar that was way too much like the bar in Amethyst Sands, but bigger, and with a second floor. Several more pirate sailors were inside, sitting in strategic locations that let them see everything going on. The Desperados were here too, but were much less vigilant. Now the bar didn't have anything like the symbols of the Goddess of the Glow, thank Celestia, but it did have a few noticeable symbols of Thorns Chosen here and there. But mostly, the bar was decorated like a Desperados home, with tapestries, painted skulls, and weirdly, metal artwork that resembled motorcycles or guns. One large tapestry looked to be of the second Desperados Ranger war, showing the two factions fighting in great numbers, both up close and firing artillery at each other. “Lady Nightfall is on the second floor, should I go get sir Pewter?” Chum asked. Lair nodded. “Please do, and don't mind telling Pitch just yet, I'd rather not deal with him so soon.” Chum then smirked, “Are you sure, he is your fiancee after all. I'd think you'd want some alone time with him.” A murderous glare came from Lair, it filled with magic and wrath.  Laughing, Chum trotted off. Star, Fizzy and I all looked at Lair with wide eyes. “Fiancee!?” Lair rolled her eyes. “It's an arranged political marriage, nothing I had a choice in.” Hollow let out a short and curt laugh. “That wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me dear sister, but you had to join that priesthood and piss mother off.” “Ya ya, you told me this a hundred times already, now let's go.” Lair huffed as she trotted up stairs. On the second floor, we could smell the distinctive smell of Eucalyptus incense, along with a change of decorum. Gone were the tapestries and painted skulls, and in their place were portraits and sculpture. Paintings of ships were common, but there were a few family portraits of different groups of ponies, with one that looked familiar. “Is that you?” I asked, pointing at a family portrait that had two young twins in it. “Naw, that's grandmother in her youth. Twins run in the family, and often skip a generation. Her sister was the previous owner of fathers ship, but don't ask us which is which, nopony really knows.” Lair explained.  Hollow then pointed as another portrait, one with a young mare with blue horns and two older ponies that looked absolutely cut up, yet radiated nobility. “Here's our mother before she became a Darkheart. The Bloodstone's are a prominent, if small, family with a distinguished record of producing inquisitors.” “Grandfather and Grandmother were renowned witch hunters in their heyday. But as you can see from their portraits, it did take a toll on them.” Lair explained. Seeing this reverence to family made me feel nostalgic, reminding me of when I'd view the portraits of my own family and ancestors. I even saw what I might have looked like if I was a unicorn from the portrait of great grandmother Queen Mythril Melody, who had the same colors as me, but without the gray stripes. Trotting through an open doorway, which had a solid wooden door that didn't look as though it belonged at all. Maybe imported? We found ourselves in an office bedroom, where an older mare stood, looking very much like the twins, but with beautifully blue horns. The mare kept her red mane in a bun, with a thin drill between each of her horns and ears. She was also decorated in a lot of gold, hanging off her ears, horns, neck, and even the bun. Nightfall then looked over at us, and her eyes were the deepest blue I had ever seen, and they felt as though looking right through me. “Mother!” Hollow practically squealed as she rushed over for a hug. “Oh my precious Hollow, it's good to see you in good health. I had become worried when that bitch showed up.” Nightfall's voice was that right amount of depth for an older mare, both alluringly mature and sternly cold. Hollow let her mother go, and sighed dramatically. “Oh, it was awful mother, just simply dreadful. To think the damnable Blessed Spears would be here, and for their Bishop to insult our family, what disgraceful behavior.” Nightfall smiled at her daughter, then kissed her on the cheek. “Well it matters not, as I'll see to it that they are properly punished for their insolence.” She then kissed her daughter on the other cheek. “Now why don't you go rest, it's still in the middle of the day for the goddesses sake, you should be sleeping.” Stern eyes then fell onto Swift. “You, worthless son in law, go take my daughter to the guest room, and make sure she gets her beauty sleep!” Swift let out a huff and trotted to his wife, escorting her out of the room. Once the doors closed, everything then felt still, and so very cold. Nightfall Darkheart stood up straight, head held high as her eyes looked down at us. “Tell me, Lair, my beloved and troublesome daughter, what in the Prophet's name is fucking going on!? Why are the Blessed Spears doing this far inland, and why is that bitch Purity Spiral breathing my air?” Lair let out a groan of frustration. “No, are you okay lair, or, did you get enough sleep Lair? Just straight to business?” Nightfall trotted right up to Lair, getting muzzle to muzzle with her daughter. “You wanted out from this family, so you're being treated as such. I didn't have eight foals for one of my two surviving gems to turn her back on me, ya ungrateful whelp!” She then backed off, a look of disappointment on her face. “If it weren't for your engagement to Bishop Blackheart, I'd have never let you join us on this expedition! So now start talking before I start yelling!” Glancing back at me for a moment, Lair took a deep breath. “Long story short, Bishop Purity Spiral wants into Princess Platinum's tomb, likely to retrieve an artifact of her ancestor, or some ancient magical mcguffin. The clergy are clearly backing her, likely with the Redrum family's direct involvement. Their goal is clear, since if there is an artifact of Celestia anywhere, it be in that tomb, which would help reestablish their legitimacy over the fleats. And unfortunately, the key to getting into that tomb is right here in this room.” I curtsied at Nightfall. “Names Harp Melody, Leader of the Desperados Redcaps, daughter of Queen Gilded Gold, a direct descendant of Princess Platinum.” Nightfall didn't look impressed. “Seriously, she looks like a Zebras failed attempt at an alicorn. What is she anyways?” I quickly absorbed the magic around me, causing a nearby light to flicker on and shine brightly as a shimmer surrounded me. “I am what's known as a Mirage pony, and trust that my blood has gifted me with great magic.” The older mare then locked eyes with me, causing me to lose focus and my magic dispersed, leaving me unable to move. “Clearly not great enough to resist my own magic. Now who are you realy?” Nightfall said as she released me from the stare.  I was left… unable to think of an answer. Outside of my word,there wasn't really much I could do to prove my nobility. A knock then came from behind, and an older bicorn stallion with black horns stood behind us, dressed in a fine suit and a warm smile. His eyes studied me closely, giving off a sense of wisdom that only years of hardship could grant. He then looked up and over at Order, which was holding the case with the harp in it. “Dear sister-in-law, I believe she has an artifact that can help prove herself.” I was shocked, in disbelief in how he even knew. “Is that so, Pewter?” She asked. “Then show me it.” “Order, give me my harp.” I quickly ordered. My drone beeped and placed the case down, and opened it for me. The golden harp shimmered in its own right, its mythril strings sparkling with magic. “This here is Majesty's golden harp, it will only play for a member of the Equestria royal family.” I offered it to my friends, with both Star and Fizzy plucking several strings, and getting not a note from the harp, but only a dull thrum. I then plucked one string, and the harp made a note that resonated with magic. The stallion, Pewter, trotted around me, curiosity on his face. “Now this is fascinating, I can feel the old magics from this, and those symbols, their fey script, not something used for well over a thousand years.” Nightfall then glared at me, “so, a witch then?” Pewter let out a light huff, as though amused. “Hardly, this harp is clearly a finely crafted piece of art, and the magic from it is exceptionally pure. If a witch was involved in its making, then the witch hasn't been involved with it for a very long time.” I raised my eyebrow at him. “Witches are those who use dangerous and blasphemous magic. Magics not approved by the Prophet's church you see.” Pewter explained before turning back to Nightfall. “This does look authentic, and is an exact match for the one on those old posters from the war. I think we can trust that her words are true.” He then glanced over at Star and winked. “And Lair mentioned you as well, Star Charter, daughter of the Alginate family, and twice removed I am to believe?” “I think the term was, twice whore born. But thanks for trying to be polite.” Star told him. “So a bastard, this world already has too many of your sort.” Nightfall scoffed. Pewter then trotted over Nightfall, each step as quiet as a cat's paw, much like how Lair trotted. “Dear sister-in-law, show some faith. Especially now that real trouble has shown itself. The Blessed Spears have never shown our family any kind of trust, even to the truly faithful like yourself. Maybe this is a sign from the prophet, that we have the weapons in which to fight. I know you don't trust the secret priesthood, nor should you, but we are in this together.” From a pocket, Nightfall pulled out a metal tin, in which she took out a cigarette. “Fine, I'll show theis nonbelievers some… faith. But why should I care about what Bishop Purity Spiral wants? So long as we have secured plentiful land and familiar connections with the Desperados, the bitch can have the city. She could even burn it down for all I care.” “Mother-” Lair began to speak, but Nightfall loudly stopped, interrupting her. “No, you will remain silent, I want the so-called princess to convince me.” Nightfall's eyes fell onto me, filling me with uncertainty. “It does involve her family after all, and if she cannot speak for herself, then I have no interest in even lending an ear.” Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I needed to focus and think. This mare wasn't going to be convinced of anything so long as there was no benefit to her. Ponies like her, I knew them well, though greedy, simple coins could never make them move, nor would emotions. Land and power, that's what matters, for that's how they gain even more power and wealth, where they'd form a legacy in which to pass on. That's what her plan with the Desperados amounted to after all, having Hollow produse a foal with Swift, and use that foal to take control over the Warband. Possibly use that control to then give her family more land and power. But she was also a mare of faith, as far as I knew, and likely distrusted any outsiders greatly. “Lany Nightfall, first off, I'm no fool to what your plans here are. The hoof that rocks the cradle afterall.” I told her, but did not get a response from her. “That all said, if we lose the city, and Swift is blamed for it, any promise you had with him will be but ash in the wind. As the ownership of anything out in the wasteland is nebulous at best, only backed up by your ability to keep it.” I then plucked a string from the magical harp, making a beautiful sound. “And even if the deal stands, you don't think that Bishop Purity Spiral would not spitefuly come after you, and take all that is yours. It wouldn't be hard for her, as she clearly has supporters higher up, otherwise I doubt they would let her worship some other god.” Nightfall raised an eyebrow at me, and I continued. “Likely, Purity Spiral is after an artifact, one my own ancestor likely took from her own, one that involves the worship of some old goddesses now only worshiped by cults. Her son was also using some dangerous magic, attempting to enthrall us, and only thanks to your daughters that we managed to get away. So now imagine it, a city in which through both dark and ancient magic, is now under the thrall of Purity Spiral, and you're sitting here, like a fly in her ointment.” I needed one last thing, a small push. “But, let's say you help us prevent this, something our elder Big Papa would gratefully appreciate. The founder of the Desperados himself, owing you a debt. Imagine, both a rivle removed, and greater influence within the Desperados.” The room remained silent for a long moment, Nightfall's eyes sizing us all up. “Personally…” she said, stopping to chew on her words before saying any more. “I rather not test my luck with the clergy. I don't need you to know that the Bishop has ponies pulling on her strings, nore that it would be beneficial to help you. But I also know the wrath in which the Clergy will drop if crossed, and trust me, you can never hide from them. That said, one cannot gain great rewards without great risk. And, being able to obtain vast tracts of land… only a fool would turn their nose up at that.” Nightfall then let out a long sigh. “Leave, I need to talk with my belovedly troublesome daughter in private.” Lair stepped forward as Pewter trotted past her. “I'll take them to my tent, once you finish informing your mother, come see me there.” Pewter told his niece before addressing us. “Now come with me, there is much we need to discuss.” __________________________________________________________________ > Ch 23: Faith, Part 4. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout: Equestria Desperado’s V3: Bonds of Platinum Ch 23, Faith, Part 4. __________________________________________________________________ Pewter's tent was a bit aways, and far from the crowds of ponies near the pier. The tent outside was decorated with skills and wooden talismans, with a ring of stones around the tent, each having a symbol carved into it. It overall gave a foreboding feeling, only made worse by the magic that radiated off of it all. “Spooky.” Star said. “Wouldn't the chosen have a problem with this?” I asked the stallion. The old stallion just smiled. “Come on in and I'll explain, lady of Platinum blood.” We did just that, entering the tent, and being hit with the strong smell of Eucalyptus incense, among other smells. The inside was fairly dark, making it hard to see, but I could make out at least four bookshelves filled to the brim with books and other oddities. Pewter cast a spell, and a little spark jumped to a candle, lighting it, then the flame jumped to another candle and another, filling the tent with light. Looking up, I could see a white pentagram painted on the ceiling of the tent, it radiating a soft and protective magic. “It's safe to talk here, though you already said more than you should have.” Pewter told me. “But considering your situation, that's understandable.” “Well, when your enemy has all the cards, you're left with only a few options.” I said back to him. “As is life, but we can talk about that later. Since it will be taking our full attention all too soon. As for the Chosen and their views of the Secret priesthood, we Privateers have made sure the Chosen see our faith as an extension of their own. The Sanctified Cannons were, after all, founded for those porpoises, so that the clergy can keep us under their iron hoof.”  The stallion then levitated a large bottle and several small glasses, placing them all on a nearby table. “Now I am sorry to drop all this on you when we have just met, but I'll be needing you to escort myself and my niece to Whinneapolis, not now of course, but after this mess is over.” I was taken aback by the sudden request, and a bit confused. “Why?” “I know why.” Slowtrot then spoke up. “It's the mall, right?” Pewter nodded, “Molly Manticor Mega Mall, there's something there that has been left to rot for too long, and you, you are our key to it.” He then pointed at Fizzy, “same for you, avatar of Venus.” Fizzy took a step back, looking nervous. “Y… you know!” “The dread queen has sent me hints, but your magic is one I know well. Well, as far as I can remember, but you do feel like a vessel. Same for Lady Star Charter, first born of the first born, but your name alone is all I needed to hear to know what you are.” “And that is?” Star asked. Pewter smiled. “An Alginate of course. The name Star Charter isn't something any pony is given among the Privateers after all. Star Charter was also the name of a famous Oracle and priestesses of the Dead Queen in the Barbary Islands history. Legends say that even now she serves by the Dread Queens side, ever watching her direct descendant, and offering them aid when needed.” Strangely, Star looked very serious, saying nothing. “But, Barbary Islands history and mythology isint why you're here, and the details of my request can wait until this current matter is resolved.” Pewter told us as he poured everypony a drink, it smelled quite sweet and fairly strong of alcohol. “And am I to guess that the matter has become more serious, if you're willing to spill such secrets as being a Princess.” He levitated me a glass, as I took a sip, the taste of it was exceptionally strong in its sweetness, and very high in alcohol. “Wow… this is… something?” “It's a port wine, our family's specialty. One bottle can cost your average pony a leg or two.” Pewter told me as he then shot the small glass of port down his throat. “It's also good for placating spirits when they get upset for one reason or another.” Finishing the small glass myself, I then got straight to business. “Yes, the situation is far worse than we assumed, and the longer we wait the more, Bishop Purity Spiral will gain power.” “And she has formed a cult of Venus, and uses magic to control ponies.” Fizzy added.  “Her son, Utopian Vision, has been given the evil eye, as some other magical brahminshit.” Star also added. We then looked at Slowtrot and Live, who then shrugged back at us before drinking their port. “Venus is it, always the trouble maker. She may be the goddesses of love, beauty and fertility, but she's also the daughter of war and destruction. And wherever she goes, tragedy follows.” Pewter said with a nod. “Can you give me the details, I'd ask my niece, but it will be awhile before her mother is satisfied.” “Yes, but… will Lair be okay?” I then asked. The older stallion chuckled. “Nightfall may be harsh, and a bit impatient, but she still loves Lair dearly. Unfortunately, Lair doesn't fit into the role that her mother wished for her, so there is friction. It has taken a while, but their relationship has greatly improved from where it was when Lair was younger.” I could only take his word for it, and then got to explaining What had happened at the church. Pewter had a few questions, wanting little details here and there, along with the song and what the priest said to Lair.  Pulling out a book, and flipping through the pages, he then foround. “Right, this might be what it was you had encountered.” Looking at the book, the writing was esoteric at best, b7t practically unreadable to me. “Sorry, I tend to forget that only a few can read such a script. But here describes what's called a gospel choir, one of many names it has, where through the power of joint song can ponies be entranced, and their magic intertwined. It's a natural magic which ponies possess, and greatly help ponies when working together. But those who can grasp such magic can then inject their own magic into it, even harvest it for other porpoises. Likely, Utopian Vision is using the evil eye to cast a charm spell into the song, and then through the gospel choir, spread the magic out.” That sounded bad. “Any way to counter it?” Slowtrot asked. “I mean, the Ministries were always paranoid over the Zebras using mind controlling magic. Always keep an eye on your nabors for strange behavior. They'd tell us all the time. So I'm sure they had countermeasures.” But Pewter shrugged. “Can't say we have anything useful for this situation. Maybe for one pony at a time, but that takes a long time to untangle a pony from such a spell. The main issue is that this magic uses one's own magic to control them, so it's like trying to convince a true believer that their god is false. I'm sorry to tell you, but this is a fucked up situation.” “But there got to be something, like, ya know, a way to convince the mare to, like, go away?” Fizzy asked. Laughter came from outside the tent. “Oh, but there is one thing.” It was a very feminine, yet off voice. trotting in was a mare in a very similar robe as Utopian, but with a bigger hat, finer cloth, and the symbols of Thorn's Chosen were clear and visible on her. She was an ashy gray bicorn mare, with a golden mane and tail wrapped in green and blue cloth, and silver horns and hooves. “Sorry, but I couldn't help but eavesdrop. As fun as it is to entertain the fair Bishop, I can't help but find old hag boring.” “It's rude to barge in, Bishop Pitch Blackheart.” Pewter said gruffly. “And I don't care, high priest Pewter Darkheart of the secret priesthood.” She said to him as Pitch trotted to me. “And you… no, not my type.” I then remembered what Azure told me, and that this Bishop wasn't a mare… yet he was the most mare looking stallion I had ever seen, even his makeup could rivle sister Silk. “Ahhh… sorry to disappoint?” Pitch rolled his eyes at me. “What a shame, I was hoping for… more than that.” “Umm… miss, you said there was something we could do?” Fizzy asked. He studied Fizzy, laicking his lips befor shaking his head. “No, not you either.” He then passed by Star and up to Slowtrot. “Oh, I always like the shaggy ones, what do you say?” I felt something off, magic flowing from him to Slowtrot, I was about to step in, yet Pitch's magic then became erratic, causing him to step back. “Well, I guess that's a no.” Clearing my throat, I repeated Fizzy’s question. “Sir Blackheart, can you answer the question? What can we do to stop, Purity Spiral?” The Bishop let out a sigh as he turned to look at me. “Alright, if you really want to know, then it's simple. Just give the bitch what she wants.” “Brahmanshit!” Live and Star blurted out. I took a deep breath instead. “Please, good Bishop, explain to us. How is giving, Purity Spiral, what she wants, going to help us?”  Pitch Blackheart laughed as he trotted over to a bed, only to be stopped by Pewter, then turned back to us. “Right, well I guess you don't quite see the advantage of it, I mean, the bitch isn't going to charge up into that tomb if she can just trot in peacefully. Less ponies, less chaos, and so much more… boring.” “I get that, but how does this help us?” I said again. Trotting over to me, the mare looking stallion rubbed my cheek with his hoof. “Oh, but that's up to you. Only a fool would trot into such a situation without several backup plans. Never go off alone with an enemy without a dagger, gun, and sniper watching your back. I like to keep a bomb or two on me as well. Nothing says don't fuck with me like mutualy ensured slaughter.” That… sadly made a lot of sense.  Pitch then smiled. “Oh there it is, the gears are turning, and a murder is brewing.” “But what about the civilians? I'm sure, Purity Spiral has contingencies." I further asked. A look of disappointment fell on Pitch's face. “Seriously, why worry about the poor fools who can't care for themselves. Are you so weak that you can't bear a bit of death?” I glared at the stallion. “It's not weakness, but compation!” “It's no use.” Pewter said. “If what you told us is true, then Bishop Purity Spiral has set the board in her favor, and you're either going to have to abandon this city, or sacrifice lives to save it.”  “That's how it works among the clergy. You don't gain any ground unless you're willing to spill a lot of blood.” Pitch said softly. “That's how Thorn Redrum set things up, so that her followers don't become soft and complacent. Oh how I loathe the Redrums and their distasteful hobbies.” “Seriously.” Star huffed out. “Are there any of you who actually believe in your religion?” “Of course not, true faith in Thorn only runs among the ignorant lower classes. For ponies like me, and ponies like Purity, it's all a game of power.” Pitch said flippantly. “Or ponies like my mother and sister, who despite their personality, are pure of heart, and very trusting.” Lair said with a sneer as she trotted. “Now if you would, Pitch, go fuck off and keep an eye on Bishop bitch.” A wide smile formed on Pitch's face as he trotted over to Lair. “Oh what a wonderful dress, you look adorable.” He then attempted to touch her, but Lair slapped his hoof away. He then tried again, only to get his hoof slapped away one more time. “How rude, is this how you treat your fiancee.” “Fuck off freek!” Lair growled as they began slapping at each other's hooves like a retarded game of paddy cake. Trotting over to Pewter, I had to ask, “is that… normal?” The older stallion sighed. “Yes, this is normal. The two have very dominant personalities, so they don't quite get along. At least they're not shouting at each other.” “Then why are they engaged?” I further asked. “Politics.” Pewter said. “It's to ensure the Blackhearts keep control over the Darkheart’s, along with the secret priesthood. It was either Hollow or Lair that would marry Pitch, and Lair loves her sister too much to giver her to that sadist.” Looking at the two, though they didn't seem to like each other, they didn't seem to outright hate each other. “So, nothing new under the sun then.” “Eyep.” Pewter said as he watched the little fight. “Anyways, you should consider Pitch's advice. The clergy are cutthroats, and if anypony would know how they think, it would be one of them. We want Purity Spiral gone just as much as you all do, it's sadly just a calculation of how much you're willing to sacrifice to do it.” “Is that what the Secret priesthood did? That Blessed Spears priest said they burnt down your temples.” I asked. “Sacrifices must always be made to secure the future.” Pewter said solemnly, then pulled back the blanket of the bed, revealing a little filly with obsidian horns, who couldn't be a year or two older than Star’s Daughter. “Though the Dread Queens are indifferent to our suffering, she respects those who protect the next generation. Those who were killed by Thorn had sacrificed themselves so that the young could carry on the torch. Now we play Thorn’s little game, but once the music fades and the dancers collapse, we will remain, still passing on the old ways.” “I… I understand that. But I'd rather not let her into my ancestor’s tomb.” I said, uncertainty in my voice. “The destruction she could cause, not just to the city, but to my family's legacy.” “A legacy is only what you hold dear. Everything else is just… history to be misinterpreted.” He then smiled, reminding me of my own father, who just like Pewter, I barely knew. “I can't say what is the right answer for you, as I have my own family to protect. But I can say that those who wish us harm, want us to avoid risk, to find the safe and easy path, then never stray from it. Makes us predictable, and easily controlled. By the time you notice you're in danger, the noose has already been fitted around your neck.” I hate to admit it, but there was a point there. The only reason we were in this mess was because Quicktrot Fragment knew where we'd be heading, and likely told Bishop Purity Spiral. Traps are easy to set when you know where your target is going. Then again, Purity could have been already doing this for some other plan, and we just fell into it. All the same, we were here. The bicorns were an odd group of ponies, each one feeling wicked in their own right, but not evil. More that they were molded for much harder lives, lives that couldn't ignore weakness. The Desperados were much of the same, molded by the harsh wasteland, and embracing it. Mother molded me for the harshness that was life as a noble, where every move I made, every word I said was scrutinized, never knowing if my next meal would be poisoned.  But this was no different then when I trotted willingly into Silver Majesty trap, my elder sister wanted me gone, and I was too cowardly to just end it all myself. If I had not done that, then the Pirates wouldn't have discovered life on the islands, but then Vibraphone would not have been sent out to find me, and she would not have guided the Enclave to safety. Then I would never have met my father, or knew the truth about him and mother. How much harm or good have I done? I might never know. But letting Purity Spiral gain power here would doom this city, I knew that for certain. “If I were to give Purity what she wants, how do I turn it in my favor?” I asked the stallion. “From my experience, it often involves turning the object of desire into the trap itself.” He said with a smirk. “Once I tampered with a mind control device that a rival of mine wanted, wiping the memory of everypony in the room, my own included. Left myself a note on how to find a pony I could trust, and to leave the others with me behind to die.” I raised an eyebrow at that. “All your memories?” He nodded. “I have memory orbs to help fill in what I've forgotten, among other tricks.” “But… why?” I then asked. He glanced over at Lair, then over at the filly in bed, before returning to look at me. “There are things I value more than myself, or my memories. All that I lost, I would lose eventually with age, but they will carry on, and through them the future is assured.” Pewter then pointed over at Pitch. “He may not be the best pony to take advice from, but I assure you, he knows what needs to be done to win.” Taking a deep breath, I had to accept that my opinions were few, and I was going to need to put my faith in ponies I just met.  Trotting over to the two fighting Bicorns, both looking ready to start actually attacking each other, I cleared my throat to get their attention. “Good Bishop Pitch Blackheart, is it alright if we talked.” I then glanced back at my friends. “Alone.” The Bishop smiled at me, it having a hint of cruel curiosity that reminded me of my eldest sister. “Oh, it's more than alright, I was starting to get bored of this company. None are my type as it is.” __________________________________________________________________ Leaving the tent in silence, I found two priests and one red robed mare waiting for us, none saying anything as we trotted. I didn't want to start pelting the stallion with questions, and he knew what I was going to ask, so there wasn't any need for words. As we trotted, the amount of ponies in the area decreased, along with the noise, until it was all a soft background mer mer. Before me then laid a graveyard, a nearby pillar with the inscription of, “Here lies the heroes of Umberfoal, bringing justice for those unjustly slain.” “A monument to the second Desperados Ranger war.” I said as I looked over at the field of gravestones.  “We have similar practices among the Privateers.” Pitch said. “Not keeping the bodies, no, we give them away to the deep below. But carving their name in stone, in that we honor their memories.” He then glanced at me with cold eyes that had clearly looked into the abyss. “Though my role in this faith may be but a puppet show, Iaam still expected to do my duty, and guid the souls to righteousness. To honor the dead, and bless in new life. That is where we gain our power, afterall.” “You mean…” I began to ask, but Pitch let out a huff. “No, nothing like magic, or the things Pewter can do.” He said bitterly. “It's all political theater, and through the faith of the masses, we are granted great influence. But we must all play our role, or a new pony of faith must replace us.” I was starting to understand. “Purity Spiral included?” “How do you think that dumb bitch became a Bishop? Oh, by no means was it through hard work and faith, that I can assure you.” he then chuckled in an all too feminine way that made me nearly forget that he was a, he. “When I was but an acolyte, Purity's daughter, a Dystopian Vision, was a sensor of mine, and a known bastard of archbishop. She was fortunately raised by her grandmother, the previous Bishop, and hated her mother with a passion. So a lot of Purity Spiral's darker secrets managed to make it down the grape vine. Such as how Purity Spiral was a considerable slut, and had fucked her way into power… which isn't all that unusual for the clergy, the issue was that she got pregnant, and with a pony that didn't want a foal… twice.” “Great, more debortuary, and how does this help us?” I asked. “I'm getting there, little zony.” He said mockingly. “Well, Purity's good old mother was the former Bishop of the Blessed Spears, a position that would have been given to Dystopian due to Purity's problematic personality. And I mean, a very problematic personality. But it seemed that somepony with considerable power thought differently. A pony that rather has a Bishop they can control over one that they might not be able to control. And there is your wedge.” “That Purity Spiral isn't a real Bishop, but a puppet Bishop?” I answered questionly. “Oh, nothing hurts us members of the Clergy more than having our pride be chipped away at. Or to stir decent in the ranks, then having your faith in question.” Pitch said as he trotted over to the mare in the red robe. “Say, sister Sprocket, if I wasn't properly ordained, would that be a problem?” A metal claw shot out of the robe, stopping right before Pitch's muzzle, and the mare then spoke in the most guttural accident I had heard yet. “I'd ripped yar throat out for being a dirty heretic, giving false blessing upon the holy tools in which the prophet had so mercifully gifted us.” As she spoke, her brown seaweed like main flopped out, it somehow wet. Reviewing herself to be a kelpie, the mare pulled her mane back in, which showed a crude cybernetic eye that seemed to be bolted to her skull. “I'd do it for yar blaspheming if yar weren't ordained by the pope himself.”  Pitch looked back at me with a wide smile. “And there it is. The heart of the matter.” “So… if I can put Purity's faith in question, then the Blessed Spears might turn on her?” I guessed. “Unlikely.” One of the priests spoke up. “But a loss of confidence would slow any work she is trying to do, and possibly get an inquiry from an inquisitor.” “Inquisitors aren't notoridly dogged when investigating another member of the clergy.” the other priest said. Pitch then sighed. “Unfortunately, they don't take inquiries from those from other sects and denominations seriously, only from within.” “Because if they did, you'd all do it to each other.” I commented. “But it was clear that Purity doesn't follow your faith… unless her being ordained is all that matters.” “That-a-girl, nail on head!” Pitch said as he clapped his hooves together “legitimately is what matters, and so long as we have the blessings of our pope, we are nearly untouchable. So that begs the question, how does one put a bishop's legitimacy into doubt? How do you shake the bitch into dropping her guard?” So that was my in, driving a wedge between Purity Spiral and the Blessed Spears. As far as I knew, Purity Spiral's gang was two… no three factions of its own. Her cult of Venus, the Blessed Spears, and the Corps Brigade. The Corps Brigade! “That's it! The Corps Brigade were purged from the grand fleet, could that cause a problem for Purity?” I then asked. Pitch looked both surprised and a bit annoyed. “Realy, a solution already. I was hoping you'd be tormented by the question for days, and maybe beg to suck my cock for more advice.” “Answer my fucking question!” I demanded. That got a smirk from the Bishop. “it may, but I've heard nothing of this. The grand fleet is a Buccaneer fleet after all, not worth much attention from their betters.” “But the Blessed Spears are Buccaneers after all. And so is the Corps Brigade.” I pointed out. He raised an eyebrow. “And any proof of this? You can't possibly have been there?” This time I smirked. “Not when it happened, no. But Victoria herself confirmed that she lost all communication with them. Was rather upset about it too, and since I happened to be aboard the Weeping Pegasus before it happened, I do have an idea of what likely happened.” Pitch nodded as he thought. “The Weeping Pegasus you say, That is the Blessed Spears ship, if my memory serves me right. Not an all that famous ship, but one that was regularly an escort ship for the Pope, due to the Blessed Spears once serving directly under Thorn herself. If Purity Spiral lost that ship, it would be a massive scandal. That is, if you have evidence.” “Order!” I commanded, and my drone floated over to us. A buzzing sound then came from the mare in red as she practically vibrated as she watched Order. “Do you have the recordings from the Weeping Pegasus, or from Victoria?” Order bobbed his body in confirmation. “My original programming has me set on auto record of all audio, and compressed for later investigations.” Beeping several times, his audio fizzled for a moment before a tinny audio of a stallion speaking. “Bellies growling in hunger, bodies ravaged by sickness, and muscles pushed beyond by tireless work. I know you feel this pain, as we all feel it, as I too feel it…” right, it was the sermon that priest had given aboard the Weeping Pegasus. The audio continued as ponies talked amongst each other. The deep voice if the griffing inquisitor, Iron Wing, Carving Dolls guttural accent, and my nephew's boasting about our family's superiority.  “Miss Vibraphone Echo.” It was Iron Wing calling out my friend. “So this advanced technology, I do hope it's not just mostly well maintained stable-tec gizmos.” My gut wretched as I heard Vibraphone speak, answering the Griffin's questions, not having any choice but to tell him what she knew. “Maintained stable-tec materials is to be expected, Orthrus use to be Stable-Tec long ago. But since then, things have changed. You…” “Order, enough!” I commanded. “Play the audio of Red Steel's deal with me.” That got Pitch to raise an eyebrow. Red's voice cut through clearly, sending a cold shiver down my spine. “Alright princess, since I like you, why don't we make an agreement. You play along with me, and maybe…” -------- Closing my eyes I remembered it all clearly. “...we can come to a deal.” Red said as Vibraphone was being dragged away after receiving a blow to the back of her head. Red Steel stood confidently, her crimson gown hiding any bloodstain on her, along with her weapons she kept hidden underneath. “What about it?” “Wh… what deal?” I asked hesitantly, a gunshot in the distance causing me to flich. Was it a maid who just died, a guard, or a cousin of mine, I dreaded to find out, and deeply wished nopony else would die today. Red pulled out a fan to hide her muzzle, the one Silk used all the time. Oh Celestia, please be alright. “You help me take over all this, and I keep you on as an advisor.” Moving the fan a little, I could see a malevolent grin. “Trust me, I never had any intention of all this death. But, Carving Doll really wanted a fight.” “You murdered my brother!” I growled. “Oh please, how was I supposed to know he was real royalty and not just some local self proclaimed royalty. Anyways, only a fool would keep such a murder happy pony at your back. I should know after all.” She then poked my cheek with my sister's fan. “But hay, I have learned from my mistakes, and managed to keep a few of you alive.” “Silk Carnation?” I asked. Red nodded and let the fan drop to the ground before stomping on it. “But I don't need to keep all of you alive, just enough of you to give me legitimacy. To make sure the population stays placid. That said, I can even give you a choice of who I keep. Like, maybe the annoying cripple. You two seem to really love each other after all.” I bit my tongue, not wanting to cures more than I have, Silver betrayed us all, and for this. “Fine, just don't hurt Silk, she's harmless, and a good negotiator when she tries. So I'll play along, for whatever you need me to do.” “Good girl, I had a feeling you'd understand. That damn cripple wouldn't stop making demands, as though she has all the power.” Red then levitated one of her derringers, motioning it under my chin. “You all may be super magical, but… there's ways around that.” -------- “Now once the ship belongs to me, and I have the full backing of my mother, we'll be quite busy with bringing this island under my new banner.” Red’s voice spoke through Order as I opened my eyes. The audio cut off, and Pitch was left rubbing his chin. “Now… that is some strong evidence. Along with the news of Red Steel's rise to becoming a Duchess over on the Marewaii Islands, then this lines up quite well.” “But how will it help me?” I asked, still grasping at straws. “Even without the Blessed Spears, Purity still has the Corps Brigade.” Pitch waved that off dismissively. “Of no concern. None at all. The important thing is the damage to Purity's reputation. Once her status as Bishop is in doubt, she'll lose any control over anypony until she can reasert her position. This also means the power imbalance between her and the Corps Brigade will shift, and Purity may find herself on the wrong end of the cutlass. Now, when you do this matters the most, as I suspect that Purity isn't going to be as trusting of the Corps Brigade as she is to the Blessed Spears.” “And when she goes to take whatever relic she's after, she's not going to take many, if any, of the Corps Brigade with her.” I pondered out loud. “Since they answer to Victoria, not her.” The red robed mare trotted in-between us. “Forgive my rudeness Bishop but may I take this mare and the most holy of tech. It behooves us to work quickly, or risk losing this window of opportunity”  “Do it, but be quiet about it Wrench Mare. You make too much noise as it is.” Pitch told the mare. “Oh, and Princess. I do look forward to working with each other.” __________________________________________________________________