Overwatch: Soldier 111

by Flip_The_Table

First published

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

Introducing Soldier 111 Or Anon, a figure of mystery and resilience in a world ravaged by conflict. Once a proud member of Overwatch, he now roams the desolate wastelands as a Junker in hiding, his past obscured by shadows and secrets.

Soldier 111's journey is marked by trials and tribulations, his path fraught with battles fought and alliances forged and broken. But amidst the chaos of his solitary existence, fate brings him face to face with Twilight and Spike, two unlikely companions on a quest of their own.

Twilight, a determined young woman from a world of ponies magic, and Spike, her loyal companion, seek to reclaim Twilight's stolen crown from the clutches of the shadowy organization known as Talon. Their paths converge with Soldier 111's, and together, they embark on a perilous mission to retrieve what was taken from them.

The Mirror to another world (edited)

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Today felt strange, Twilight Sparkle mused as she and her friends journeyed to the Crystal Empire for a significant visit. Their agenda included meeting not only Princess Cadence but also Princess Celestia. Since being crowned the next princess, Twilight had embarked on a journey of learning how to fulfill her new role, making this trip vital for her and the future of the realm.

"Why me?" she pondered quietly, casting her gaze downward. "I'm just a solitary pony who happens to have experience with magic." Lost in thought, she was soon interrupted by one of her friends inquiring about their next steps. Twilight would then confide in her friend, admitting that adjusting to her newfound wings hadn't been easy. It felt as though they had a life of their own, harboring an inexplicable aversion toward her.

Unbeknownst to them, deep within one of the alleys, a mysterious figure lurked, patiently awaiting the next move. Glancing back at a cloaked pony behind them, the figure nodded subtly before vanishing into the mist, shadowing their target as the other individual faded into obscurity. Meanwhile, Twilight pressed onward with her companions, the urgency of their journey weighing heavily upon them. However, a sudden chill crept up her spine, causing her to glance back at the surrounding houses uneasily.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" Spike's voice broke through her thoughts, drawing her attention back to the group. With a faint nod, she replied, "Uh... yeah, I'm coming," trotting back to join them. As they continued, atop a nearby house, a swirl of black mist dissipated into another alley, prompting Twilight to mutter in bewilderment, "What the..." Upon their arrival, Twilight inadvertently collided with a guard before clearing her throat nervously. She was warmly greeted by Princess Cadence, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia, who extended their welcome to her and the rest of the Elements, detailing the plans scheduled for the following day.

As they dispersed, Twilight found herself lost in her thoughts, still grappling with the question: "Why me?" Trotting down the halls, she mulled over her doubts. Spike noticed the unease etched on her face and halted, causing Twilight to come to a stop as well. "What's wrong?" Spike inquired, prompting Twilight to glance down at him. "Oh, it's nothing, Spike. I've just been thinking, that's all," she replied softly as they entered her room together. "Really? Because the rest of us don't think it's nothing, Twilight. What's been bothering you?" Spike pressed, concern evident in his voice."It was that obvious?" Twilight thought, inwardly chastising herself before sighing softly. "I just don't know how to feel about being this," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I get it, Twilight. The Crystal Empire is a bit... different," Spike began, attempting to offer reassurance. "No, no, that's not it," Twilight interjected, interrupting him. "I mean being a princess." With a heavy sigh, she removed her crown, delicately placing it on the nightstand. "Sure, I'm an Element of Harmony, but why do I need the crown and these wings?" She glanced at her wings pensively. Spike rubbed his chin in contemplation before turning to her. "Why is that?" he questioned.

"I don't know. I mean, it's too late to go back, but I just don't feel... ready to take over, and to live forever," Twilight confessed, her gaze drifting downward as she wrestled with her thoughts. Suddenly, Spike placed a claw on her leg, drawing her attention. She looked down at the small dragon, who gazed up at her with a warm smile.

"Twilight, you don't need to worry about that. That's the future. You need to focus on today," Spike advised gently, his words bringing a small smile to Twilight's face as she nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I guess I still need more time with this, even if I have to deal with these stupid wings!" Twilight exclaimed in frustration, attempting to make them flap to no avail. "Let's just go to sleep," Spike suggested, settling down onto his bed and closing his eyes. Twilight groaned as she attempted to find a comfortable position, her wings sticking straight up before she finally managed to settle down. With a sigh, she began to drift off to sleep, preparing herself for whatever challenges tomorrow might bring.

As night fell, the hooded figure from earlier concealed themselves as night guards patrolled the area, silently making their way past. With utmost caution, the figure continued on, evading detection by any guards. Eventually, they reached the door to the new princess's chamber, where their prize awaited, sitting innocuously on a nightstand next to the bed.

The crown emitted a soft, blue aura as it levitated toward the hooded figure, who deftly placed it into their satchel. With cautious steps, they retraced their path back outside, but a sudden noise made them freeze in place. Twilight stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open as she noticed her crown missing from the nightstand.

"My crown! Someone stole my—" Her words caught in her throat as she glimpsed a figure near the door before they dashed off. "Someone stole my crown!" Twilight's alarmed cry roused her friends from their sleep, prompting them to join her pursuit of the fleeing pony. "I've been spotted! Go to plan B," the thief muttered, turning a corner only to find themselves face-to-face with two guards. Twilight and her friends caught up, effectively cornering the thief.

"Now, thief! Give me back my crown! You're done!" Twilight demanded, her voice laced with determination. The figure chuckled before removing their hood, revealing a vibrant yellow and red haired pony. Twilight was short-lived as black mist swirled around the figure, coalescing into a towering black beast with a haunting white visage, causing Fluttershy to tremble in fear.

"I'm done? Heh, no, I think you are done here, Twilight Sparkle!" the theif taunted before teleporting behind the guards. Meanwhile, the beast took shape, clutching something ominous as black mist engulfed the hall. A deep, menacing voice reverberated through the air, chilling Twilight and her friends to the bone.


The room began to disintegrate around them, forcing Twilight and her friends to dodge around corners to evade the chaos. As the cacophony subsided, they cautiously peeked around the corner, only to find the two guards lying lifeless in the hall, a grim testament to the danger they faced."What... what was that?" Spike's voice trembled with unease as he looked to the others for answers. Applejack took charge, urging them to press on while she attempted to call for help.

They continued their way, hastening their pace until they caught up to the pony and the beast standing near a mirror. "Thanks for the crown, your highness. Talon will take good care of it!" the pony declared before leaping into the mirror. The beast followed suit, its laughter echoing ominously as it dissolved into mist and disappeared into the mirror as well. Twilight stood in shock, her eyes wide as she watched them vanish. Slowly, she turned back to her friends, her ears drooping in dismay as the reality sank in - her crown was gone.

Celestia gazed solemnly at the mirror, a flicker of regret in her eyes as she wished not to see it again. She explained that the pony, Sunset Shimmer, was once her student but had left after encountering some difficulties, disappearing into the mirror. Now, with her return to steal Twilight's crown, the situation became significantly more problematic.
"The crown symbolizes the defense of Equestria, and without it, our foes become nearly impossible to stop," Celestia emphasized, her tone grave. The group listened with growing apprehension as she continued to speak.

Rainbow Dash piped up, suggesting that she and the others accompany Twilight on her mission, sparking excitement in Pinkie Pie. However, Celestia cautioned against it, warning that a larger group would attract more attention and potentially leave Equestria defenseless. She explained that if Twilight missed the next full moon, she would be trapped inside for a long time until the next 30 full moons.

"But if I go in, would I change?" Twilight inquired, her gaze searching the princess's eyes for answers. Celestia nodded gravely in response. Spike, unable to contain his anxiety, chewed on his claws, watching Twilight closely as she was handed a pack. The group rallied around Twilight, cheering her on as she approached the mirror. With a determined expression, she lifted a hoof to the portal, ready to embark on her mission. Suddenly, Spike dashed forward, gnawing on his claw before impulsively leaping into the portal, leaving the others startled and uncertain. They exchanged uncertain glances before turning their attention back to the mirror, unsure of what to do next.

Flip the table presents…


Feeling the inexplicable pull of the portal, Twilight struggled to maintain her composure, but the force proved too strong, causing her to succumb to darkness. Unbeknownst to her, Spike had jumped into the portal alongside her.

As Twilight slowly regained consciousness, she felt the solid ground beneath her, confirming their safe arrival. "Uh, Twilight?" Spike's voice interrupted her daze, prompting her to focus. With a start, she realized his presence. "Spike, why are you here?" she inquired, her vision beginning to clear.

"Sorry, I got a little nervous... I just couldn't let you..." Spike trailed off, his words faltering as he glanced over at Twilight. Suddenly, she noticed something odd about him. "Wait... Spike? Why are you a dog?" she questioned, confusion evident in her voice. "Don't worry about me... I should ask what you are?" Spike responded, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Twilight lifted her hands to inspect them, only to find two peach-colored hands staring back at her. A wave of panic washed over her as she screamed at the sight of her altered form.
Spike, still retaining his purple color but displaying more dog-like instincts, scratched his ear nervously. Twilight continued to examine her transformed body, her heart racing with anxiety as she took in the unfamiliar features.

"What does the rest of me look like?" she asked, her voice trembling as she attempted to stand up. Spike struggled to find the right words, ultimately blurting out, "Like you... but not you." Twilight leaned against a nearby wall for support, taking in their surroundings as they both tried to come to terms with their altered appearances and the unfamiliar world they found themselves in.

Twilight surveyed the desolate surroundings, taking in the sight of ruins strewn with junk and dried-up dirt. The buildings, though in odd shapes and predominantly made of stone, boasted a good number of windows. The inhabitants shuffled about, covered in dirt and clad in tattered clothing. Examining herself, Twilight noted her clean clothes, a stark contrast to the grime and disarray surrounding her. "But where am I?" she muttered, her gaze returning to the portal, now appearing as a simple wall. Tentatively, she extended a finger towards it, finding it solid and real, eliciting a sigh of resignation. Turning her attention to a large door nearby, she read the sign: "Junkertown?"

With a determined resolve, Twilight steadied herself and took slow, cautious steps forward. Spike, now in his dog form, easily navigated the terrain, having walked on all fours before. However, Twilight, now a towering peach-skinned creature, found herself adjusting to the unfamiliar experience of walking on two legs.As Twilight and Spike cautiously explored the unfamiliar terrain of Junkertown, they encountered a curious man who approached them, eyeing Twilight with bewilderment.

"Oi, what's wrong with you lot?" the man exclaimed, scrutinizing Twilight's appearance.

"Uh... I don't know," Twilight replied, uncertain of how to explain her situation.
"Why do you look like that?" the man persisted, clearly perplexed. Confused, Twilight glanced down at herself before realizing the man's concern wasn't about her appearance, but rather the absence of dirt covering her.

"What, this?" she gestured to her clean clothes, puzzled. The man shook his head in disbelief. "Nah, where's all the dirt? It's standard Junker rules," he explained, rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Dirt?" Twilight echoed, her confusion growing. Suddenly, the man gasped and hastily retreated back indoors, leaving Twilight and Spike exchanging puzzled glances.

Determined to find Sunset and reclaim her crown, Twilight pressed on, her resolve unwavering. "You may know how it works here, but I will get my Crown back!" she declared silently as they made their way towards the market, unaware of the presence lurking nearby, watching their every move.

Welcome to Junkertown! (Edited)

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Junkertown Crabby Hotel, Lot
Monday, 8:00 AM

A chilling breeze grazes my back, jolting me from my slumber. As I shiver, it's as if the heavens themselves command my awakening. Initially tempted to ignore it, the realization dawns upon me: there are tasks awaiting completion. With a gentle shift, I rise from my bed. Unfortunately, in my haste, I misstep, slipping on my shoe and tumbling face-first to the floor. Fortunately, luck is on my side, sparing me from colliding with the wardrobe.

Grunting from the pain, I also feel the cold seeping through my body, along with some water spilling onto my underwear. I curse under my breath, knowing full well that Trashbeard has left his sink running upstairs again. It's moments like these that make me dread what the day has in store.

"I fucking hate Mondays," I mutter to myself before mustering the determination to rise and shuffle over to the showers. I hastily throw on my clothes, shielding my eyes from the grime that threatens to cover my body, all the while hoping it dries up my damp underwear along the way.

"That'll be 15 bolts!" Grubsworth's voice breaks the morning haze.

I hand over the payment before grabbing my worn-out cloak and swiftly making my exit. As the wind whispers through the cracks, I catch sight of a poster adorning a nearby wall, its edges curling like a wilted flower, showcasing tonight's fight.

"Ah, Wrecking Ball against the runner-up? Heh, sadly, he won't win that fight," I remark, earning nods of agreement from some passersby. Adjusting my belt, I stride out, stealing a glance at the bell tower's time. It's 9:30 AM, just an hour left before I have to head to work. Wouldn't hurt to check the market for some more pork.

"Random stuff! Anyone want some random stuff?" I hear one of the shoppers say while I scan the bustling market, spotting the usual array of guns, trash, and metal parts. Making my way towards the weapon smith, I know I'll need more ammo for work. Asking for some simple bullets for my pistol should do the trick.

After a minute of searching, it becomes apparent that pork is not available at the market today. Hopefully, there will be more tomorrow. As I resign myself to this fact, a peculiar sight catches my eye. A girl and a dog stroll past me, both immaculately clean, navigating through the bustling market. I blink in disbelief, briefly entertaining the notion that I might be hallucinating. However, a second glance confirms it: this girl is indeed pristine in the midst of the grime and chaos of the junker market.

"Excuse me, have you seen a crown?" The girl's voice cuts through the market chatter as she addresses a nearby shopper. The shopper looks back, then suddenly shouts and hastily flees upon realizing he's facing someone clean. The girl exchanges a puzzled glance with her dog before continuing her search, only to be intercepted by a towering junker.

"Hello, little lady, what are you doing here?" the junker queries, leaning down intimidatingly. She instinctively backs away, only to bump into another junker. "Where are you going?" the second one demands.

"I, uh, am looking for help," she stammers.

"Oh no, not them," I mutter under my breath, recognizing Ricky and Ticky, notorious members of the wrecker crew known for their destructive antics. The girl visibly gulps as the purple dog steps forward, seemingly preparing to communicate in some manner.

"Leave her alone!" I interject, my voice cutting through the tense atmosphere. Ticky laughs dismissively before seizing the dog. "Spike!" the girl yelps, clearly distressed, as one of the junkers grabs her.

"Damn it..." I curse silently, feeling a surge of frustration. I pivot on my heel, then stride purposefully toward them. "Ah, there you are, sister!" I announce, breaking their focus and drawing all eyes toward me.

"You got me worried! Thank you, Wreckers!" I express my gratitude, offering them a handful of bolts. Ricky chuckles before releasing the girl and eagerly grabbing the bolts. "Don't mention it," he replies gruffly, nodding at me. Ticky follows suit, dropping the dog and offering a nod of acknowledgment.

I nod back at them, patting the girl reassuringly as we hastily retreat to a nearby corner and slip into the safety of an alleyway. Once out of earshot, I exhale heavily, cursing myself for losing a whopping 40 bolts in the process. "They're gone," I announce, glancing back at the now-empty street. The two companions blink in relief before sighing lightly. The girl settles down, panting lightly, and begins fixing her colorful hair. She looks up at me and mutters a quiet "thanks," to which I nod in acknowledgment.

"Now, what the hell are you doing here? You know Junkers don't take kindly to clean folks!?" I exclaim, incredulous at their apparent lack of awareness. They both frown at my words, as if I'm the crazy one.

"I... I did not know that," the girl admits softly.

"Wow, Rarity would hate this place," the dog jokes, earning a weary chuckle from me as I rub my face in exasperation. The pair looks at me with confusion, prompting the girl to ask, "Why did you help us?"
I glance away, observing the oblivious passersby before turning back to them. It's apparent that some dirt has rubbed off on my face. "I'm not like these people," I explain, gesturing to the bustling market around us. "But you should know, before you just walk right into—wait, how did you get in?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued. The girl nervously laughs, exchanging a glance with her dog. "I, uh... teleported here?" She offers uncertainty.

"Teleported? But they don't have that kind of technology here, unless..." My hand gravitates toward my gun as suspicion creeps in. "You're a spy," I conclude, my tone wary. The girl starts to wave her arms frantically, shaking her head. "Oh no, no, I'm not a spy! I was just looking for my crown!" she panics, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I promise, please! I'm from another world because someone stole my crown!" she blurts out, then hastily covers her mouth with her hands, as if realizing she's said too much.

"Another world? Somepony? What are you even talking about!?" I demand, my skepticism evident as I holster my gun. She looks away sadly before speaking again. "I'm all alone out here, me and my... dog," she says, meeting my gaze once more. Despite my doubts, her eyes and emotions seem genuine. I'm torn between disbelief and uncertainty, unsure of what to make of her story.

"Who are you?" I inquire, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She rises to her feet, brushing herself off and adjusting her hair before responding, "My name is Twilight. Twilight Sparkle," she introduces herself before gesturing towards her dog.

"And this is Spike," Twilight introduces her canine companion, who nods up at me. 'Twilight? Spike? Boy, these names sound like they're from some fantasy,' I muse silently, before sighing and extending a hand. "Names Anon. Nice to, uh, meet you... Twilight," I say, pronouncing her name slowly. She nods in understanding, then glances at my hand before tentatively taking it in a gentle shake.

"Never shaken hands before?" I inquire, curious.

She shakes her head, then holds up her hand. "I never had hands before," she explains matter-of-factly. It's a surreal notion, considering her claim of being from another world. Spike, her dog, hops onto a nearby dumpster and looks over at me. "So, what's with you?" he asks, breaking the momentary silence.

"What?" I reply, caught off guard by Spike's direct question.

"Why are you here? If you're not one of them, then why?" he presses, his curiosity evident. I shift uncomfortably, realizing that it's been years since I've engaged in a conversation like this. Sure, I interact with junkers frequently, discussing the underground circuit and the champions they admire. But deep down, I harbor secrets of my past, a past I've worked hard to keep buried. Memories of him resurface, threatening to derail my thoughts. No, I can't afford to dwell on that now.

"I've been living in this city for quite some time, just... hiding, really," I admit, wiping the sweat off my face with my hand.

Twilight furrows her brow but doesn't pry further. Instead, she moves or rather, wobbles over to a nearby wall, peering out cautiously at the menacing figures lurking beyond.

"Can you help me?" she asks, her voice tinged with desperation.

"With what? Your crown thingy?" I snort, adopting a skeptical tone as I lean against the wall. Twilight nods eagerly, hope shining in her eyes as she gazes at me. "You may be the help I need to find it. My whole world could be in danger," she pleads earnestly.

"Yeah, and seeing those guys and that black-masked thing is one scary ordeal," Spike chimes in, his concern evident.

I sigh, rubbing my face in frustration. I'm already late for work, and getting involved in this situation could land me in serious trouble. Yet, as I glance back at Twilight and see the hope in her eyes, I feel my instincts to protect someone kick in once more. I sigh again, feeling conflicted as I mull over what to do next.

"Okay, fine. I'll help, but you'll need a bit of a dress-up," I concede, my decision made. Grabbing my knife, I approach Twilight and offer her the blade.

"Junkers wear ripped and torn clothing. It's best to look the part," I explain, handing her the knife. She fumbles with it, dropping it to the floor. "Uh, sorry, still don't know how to use my hand yet," she laughs nervously.

I sigh, then show her how to hold the knife properly before demonstrating how to cut her dress to achieve the desired effect. Once done, I stand up and gather some dirt, proceeding to cover her body with it to complete the disguise.

"So why do junkers have to be covered in dirt?" Twilight asks as I pick up some dirt, preparing to disguise her. I pause, considering her question, before responding.

"It's just part of their tradition. The queen demanded it," I explain, lifting the pile of dirt and preparing to throw it over her. Twilight closes her eyes as I scatter the dirt over her, completing the illusion.

"Queen of junk?" she questions, clearly puzzled. I chuckle at her confusion before clearing my throat to respond.

"The Junker Queen rules over all of Junkertown. She sets the rules, and the junkers follow. However, junkers are divided into different factions," I elucidate, pulling out a tin plate to reveal my license plate emblem, symbolizing my affiliation.

"I'm a scrapper, and those big dudes back there were Wreckers," I confirm, tucking my plate back into my pocket. Spike settles down nearby, listening intently to our conversation, while Twilight wears a frown, clearly displeased with the explanation.

"That's... senseless!" she exclaims, voicing her disapproval. I nod in agreement with her outburst, understanding her perspective. Adjusting my scarf, I meet her gaze along with Spike's, nodding lightly in acknowledgment. It's clear that this journey is going to be anything but straightforward.

"Well, that should do the trick!" I say, patting Twilight's back reassuringly as we emerge from the alley. This time, the townsfolk don't react with panic upon seeing her. "That's just... strange," she remarks, struggling with her steps. I offer her assistance, and Spike does the same, as we continue our walk through town.

"Well... welcome to Junkertown!" I announce cheerfully, eliciting a few cheers from nearby junkers as we proceed onward. 'This day can't get any stranger, can it?' I ponder silently as we approach the Crabby Hotel, making our way to my apartment.

"This is going to be a strange day indeed," I muse to myself, bracing for whatever peculiarities lie ahead.

Magic at the palm of his hands! (Edited)

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Junkertown Crabby Hotel Lot
Tuesday, 9:30 AM
Living Room

Anon had stepped out for the time being, mentioning something about "planning" to assist Twilight in her search for her crown. Spike had grown accustomed to lingering around here, but being denied the comfort of the bed left the dog/dragon feeling rather disheartened.

Twilight was fortunate to have the couch to herself, at least. It seemed that living here had taken its toll on the bed and furniture. Spike yawned before licking his nose, then hopped off the couch to wander around the hotel.

"Man, how long is it going to take for him to show up?" Spike groaned, flopping onto the ground. Twilight reached out to rub the top of the dragon's head, causing his tail to wiggle as he panted lightly. Spike groaned again, clearly tired of being just a dog.

"It's okay, Spike. Anon said he's getting a map of Junkertown, I believe?" Twilight reassures him as the tired dog rolls onto his back, still seemingly exhausted. With a skeptical expression, he rolls his eyes. "I have a bad feeling about this guy," Spike grumbles, causing Twilight to look away and cross her arms defensively.

"Yeah... but I can't shake the feeling that he wants to help," she admits, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Spike glances back at her, his eyes reflecting the memory of Anon's bravery when he helped save them from the Wreckers. It's clear that Anon possesses the qualities of a fighter, a strong one at that.

"You really think so?" Spike questions, prompting Twilight to meet his gaze. She then shifts her gaze toward Anon's room, recalling their interaction from earlier that morning.

Twilight recalls the scene vividly: the man adjusting his scarf and donning his gloves, his eyes scanning over her and the dog as he checks his handgun's ammo. She watches intently as he secures the gun in its holster, the audible click resonating in the room.

"So what happens next?" she inquires, looking up at the man expectantly.

"Simple. You stay," he replies curtly, causing Twilight to gasp and stand up abruptly. "What? Why?" she protests, glaring daggers at him. Anon frowns, lifting a hand to silence her. "There's a good reason. Firstly, I have a job that I can't miss. Secondly, you don't know how things work around here," he explains, holding up two fingers for emphasis before striding toward the door. He pauses before opening it, lifting a third finger as he does so.

"Third reason, you don't know about Junkertown!" Anon adds, just as a bucket full of dirt smashes into his body followed by a plate, inciting a heated argument from the neighbors. The commotion crescendos into a loud explosion, shaking the room.

Twilight is about to speak, but she hesitates, resigned to the chaos unfolding around them. She sinks back down onto the couch in silence.

"I'll be back in a while. I'll make sure to bring a map back too, but... don't touch my stuff," Anon instructs firmly before closing the door behind him, leaving the two alone amidst the turmoil of Junkertown.

Spike looks around the room and then back at Twilight, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He dashes toward the door, prompting Twilight to hurriedly follow and intercept him.

"What are you doing?" she asks, catching him before he can reach the door.

"We're gonna look around!" Spike replies with a toothy grin, his excitement evident.

Twilight furrows her brow at the rebellious dog, attempting to prevent him from opening the door. "We can't just go and snoop around in someone's private room!" she insists, her voice tinged with concern.

"I would!" The man from upstairs chimes in, prompting Spike to wag his tail excitedly once more. Twilight lets out another groan of exasperation as Spike manages to slide the door open and bound onto the bed. She follows his lead, stepping cautiously into the room.

Looking around, she notices the sparseness of the room. Trash litters the floor, and there are some loose clothes strewn about. It's the kind of room that belongs to a young colt who refuses to clean up, with a mother who has given up trying.

However, Twilight's attention is drawn to the closet on the far side of the room. Slowly, she reaches over and opens the door, revealing a collection of rags, similar shirts and pants, and the gray wrapping the man uses for his gloves. Nestled at the bottom of the closet, almost hidden from view, is a box. Curiosity getting the better of her, she picks up the box and opens it, revealing... a photo.

Twilight examines the photo closely, studying Anon and the two other individuals depicted. Anon appears younger, dressed in armor similar to what he wears now, alongside two others clad in different colored armor. The one in the middle wears blue armor plates and an open coat adorned with a strange symbol, with a half blue visor covering his face. The other figure, to the right, sports black and grey armor and coat, without a visor, and is shown carrying what Anon referred to as a "gun" on his shoulders.

"How odd..." Twilight murmurs, puzzled by the image before her. She carefully places the photo back into the box and returns it to its original spot in the closet. Meanwhile, Spike discovers a metal coin atop the dresser. It bears the same peculiar symbol as the one in the photo. Twilight picks it up, feeling the smooth texture of the coin as she examines it closely, her curiosity piqued.

"Who was this guy?" Twilight ponders aloud, glancing back at Spike for insight. Spike sniffs the coin before replying, "I don't know. Maybe he was someone before he became a junker."

As they exit the room and return to the couch, Twilight's eyes catch sight of a small rectangular object lying nearby. Anon had referred to it as a remote. She picks it up, turning it over in her hands as she examines it with curiosity.

With newfound dexterity, Twilight adeptly picks up the remote, a testament to her growing mastery of her human form. Anon had struggled to explain the complexities of this world to her, emphasizing the aftermath of a devastating war and the existence of a race called the Omnics, who had played a pivotal role in the conflict but now coexist with humans in an uneasy peace.

Anon had also warned her about the deep-seated animosity toward Omnics in Junkertown, stemming from their perceived role in the destruction of their homeland, turning it into a desolate wasteland. As Twilight navigates the TV remote, she can't help but long for the guidance and wisdom of Princess Celestia. Turning on the TV, she gazes at the screen, pondering the events unfolding in this unfamiliar world.

Twilight's heart swells with hope as she watches the news coverage of the progress toward an Omnic peace treaty. The images of Mondatta and Zenyatta engaging in dialogue with humans, advocating for the liberation of their kind, fill her with admiration. Despite the challenges and prejudices they face, these noble beings persist in their pursuit of peace.

She can't help but smile at the sight of these fighters for peace, their resolve unwavering despite the odds stacked against them. In that moment, Twilight is filled with a renewed determination to find a way to help this world, to contribute to the cause of unity and understanding between humans and Omnics.

Twilight's smile fades as the news takes a somber turn. The announcement of Mondatta's tragic death sends a wave of sorrow through her. She watches with a heavy heart as the reporter details the events leading to his demise.

"We believe it was an assassination attempt. As Mondatta was leaving, an explosion occurred, followed by gunfire that claimed his life," the reporter explains solemnly, the images of the scene flashing across the screen.

Twilight's mind reels with disbelief and grief at the senseless loss of such a powerful advocate for peace. Her determination to make a difference in this world is strengthened, fueled by a desire to honor Mondatta's legacy and work towards a future where harmony between humans and Omnics is achievable.

Spike lets out a whimper, sensing the tension in the air as the news report continues. Twilight watches Zenyatta, the remaining Omnic leader, with a mixture of admiration and sadness. His calm demeanor and message of peace resonate deeply with her.

"He's so peaceful," she murmurs, a faint smile gracing her lips. Spike yawns and settles down next to her, his presence bringing her comfort and warmth. Twilight's smile widens as she leans into him, grateful for his companionship.

She continues to watch the news, eager to learn more about the world and the challenges it faces. With each story, she becomes more determined to find a way to contribute to peace and understanding in this unfamiliar yet intriguing place.

In a clandestine facility, a towering figure stands vigilantly, observing the world's tumultuous events and identifying potential targets. His attention is drawn as two individuals enter the room.

"So you have it?" he inquires, his gaze fixed on them. The woman nods, producing the crown and tossing it over to the man, who catches it effortlessly with his large metal hand.

"And you say it holds magic?" he questions, inspecting the crown closely. The woman confirms, stepping forward to reclaim the crown.

"With this, magic will change everything for Talon," she declares with conviction.

"How will it work?" the man presses for details.

"I simply need time to work on this. Once I establish a connection to the magic, we will be able to rectify this mess," she explains confidently.

"There is one problem," the tall figure remarks, causing the woman to furrow her brow slightly. He directs his gaze toward both of them.

"You mentioned before the mission that the ponies would come after the crown," he continues. The woman sighs, acknowledging the validity of his concern.

"My time with Talon allowed me to locate six portals that lead back to Equestria," she explains, bringing up a screen displaying several red dots scattered across the world. "However, thanks to Reaper, we have the capability to access any portal at will," she adds, nodding toward the black-robed man standing nearby.

"But that still doesn't help if they're here or not," the tall figure insists.

"They are here in this world. What gives us the advantage is that their portal transports them to a random destination," the woman, Shimmer, reassures him.

"So these other portals..." he trails off, contemplating their potential.

"They would be there and far away from us, giving me time to work on this," Shimmer concludes confidently. The man chuckles, acknowledging her resourcefulness.

"You've done well, Shimmer. Just make sure to keep yourself busy," he instructs, and the two nod before exiting the room.

Alone once more, the tall figure gazes at the crown, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Magic at the palm of my hand," he muses, placing the crown on a pedestal before returning his attention to the globe, plotting his next moves with newfound power at his disposal.

I’m a junker not a hero! (Edited)

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Junkertown Crabby Hotel Lot
Saturday, 2:00 PM
Living Room

Four days have passed since Twilight and Spike took refuge in my home. Four days of relentless searching for this elusive crown. I would have given up by now if I didn't believe with every fiber of my being that it's real. My instincts drive me forward, urging me not to relent, for I know that failure could mean something far worse for my world...

Luckily, my boss, Rockhoof, granted me the next week off due to an unexpected tornado warning. While scrap looting is off the table for now, it means I have more time to focus on finding this crown.

I've been teaching Twilight the ropes of survival in this town. She may not like it, but it's better than sitting idly by. Meanwhile, I've been training Spike, the talking dog, in combat and protection. Taking him on trips with me has been beneficial; his fearlessness makes him a valuable ally. Although Twilight didn't suggest it, her understanding of the world would likely lead her to accept it easily.

Today was going to be a significant test of our efforts. I sit on the couch, glancing over at the map I provided to Twilight to aid in our search for the crown. Thanks to my detailed explanations, we've made considerable progress, and if all goes well, we might be able to locate the crown in less than two more days. At least, that's what I'm hoping for…

"So I believe we could start somewhere over at the main road here," Twilight suggests, pointing to the rat's hideaway on the map. I ponder her choice silently, wondering why she chose that particular location. With a sigh, I roll up the map and hand it back to her. Spike hops off and waits eagerly by the door, signaling that he's ready to go.

"You know, I'm getting kind of tired of getting dirt on my body," Twilight remarks as we descend the steps outside the hotel. I chuckle softly, empathizing with her sentiment. "Yeah, I agree. You cost me 15 bolts!" I tease, rolling my eyes as we turn down a nearby street, ready to begin our search.

"So, what is this 'rat's hideaway,' Anon?" Twilight inquired as we passed by some intoxicated junkers. Spike, sensing something unpleasant, recoiled and shivered before moving closer to us as we continued on our way.

"The rat's hideaway used to be the epicenter of the town's criminal activities," I explained. "But after two individuals named Jamison Fawkes and Mako Rutledge caused too much havoc in the main part of town, the Queen had had enough. She banished them, effectively putting an end to the chaos."
Twilight gasps as she takes in the sight of the rundown surroundings. The once notorious rat's hideaway now lay in ruins, abandoned by the Queen and inhabited by downtrodden townsfolk seeking solace in drink and shared misery. She averts her gaze, visibly disheartened by the desolate scene, while Spike lets out a whimper of discomfort.

As I approach the bar, Twilight stands by my side, both of us surveying the grim surroundings. "Okay, this is kinda creepy," Spike remarks, his unease evident as he watches a group of Wreckers stumble down the streets, one of them slipping on a discarded toy car.

"Oi, brat! Watch where you're going!" the Wrecker shouts angrily as the boy looks down at the flattened toy car, his eyes welling up with tears. I avert my gaze, not wanting to get involved in the confrontation.

"It will never be the same—Twilight?" I call out, noticing her absence. I quickly turn back and spot her with Spike. Panic grips me as I realize she's approaching the Wrecker, her expression determined.

"Sir, it was an accident. There's no need to—" Twilight begins, attempting to defuse the situation, but the Wrecker cuts her off abruptly.

"Shut up!" he snaps, his attention turning back to the frightened boy who quickly flees the scene. The Wrecker's frustration mounts as he turns back to Twilight, brandishing a knife with a menacing grin.

"Lady, I'm gonna make you wish you didn't do that!" he threatens, advancing towards her. Sensing the danger, Twilight begins to back away, her eyes wide with fear.

But before he can make any further threats, I step in front of him, forcefully bumping him back and adopting a stern expression. He regains his balance, glaring at me with hostility.

"Get. Going," I command firmly, my symbol visible on my glove. The Wrecker hesitates for a moment before begrudgingly turning away and disappearing into the dilapidated surroundings of the rat's hideaway.

"A Scrapper telling me, a Wrecker, to beat it? Ha!" the Wrecker scoffs, attempting to assert his dominance. I ignore his taunt, rolling my eyes as I turn towards Twilight.

"Go to the bar. Wait. I'll be done—" I start to say, but Spike's warning cuts me off.

"Anon, look out!" Spike shouts, alerting me to the imminent danger. Reacting quickly, I pivot just in time to see the Wrecker lunging towards me with his knife. I grab his arm, twisting it sharply and wresting the knife from his grasp. With a swift motion, I trip him, forcing him to kneel before me. Holding the knife close to his head, I maintain control as he pants lightly, subdued.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the Wrecker stammers, fear evident in his voice as the knife presses against his neck. I gaze down at him, my expression unwavering.

"You may think you're in charge here, but no... you use that bullshit of a title to take claim over everything... run away and don't fucking look back!" I growl, my voice laced with contempt. With a swift movement, I stab his leg and kick him to the ground.

Twilight backs away, startled by my actions, while Spike whimpers and hides behind her. As the Wrecker struggles to rise, he glares at me with a mixture of anger and pain. "Y-you messed up, Scrapper! My—I mean, the boss will have your head for this!" he threatens before limping away, disappearing around the corner.

I stand there for a moment, the weight of my actions settling heavily upon me. Despite the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, I can't shake the feeling of unease at what I've just done.

As I walk back over to the bar, Twilight looks at me with a frown while Spike settles onto a stool. "That was a close call," Spike remarks, glancing between me and Twilight.

Twilight clears her throat, her expression stern. "Why did you do that? I get he had a knife, but you don't just hurt people!" she protests.

"Look here, 'princess.' I didn't want to bother with the ass. You went ahead and tried to 'talk' to him," I retort, rolling my eyes at her disapproval.

"I tried to make him calm down because he was shouting at a kid!" Twilight insists, her frustration evident.

"Well, I'm sorry, but trying to make the situation less problematic with a Wrecker is impossible!" I retort sharply, glaring at her as she waves her arms in frustration.

"Did you forget that my main purpose is to make everyone a friend?" she counters, her tone pleading. Her words prompt a laugh from me.

"You think you can make a 'friend' in this city? Look here, Twilight. Junkertown is a place where people hate people!" I scoff.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe you could have made a difference," she persists.

"Me? Ha! Very good. Why would I make a difference?" I scoff dismissively.

"Deep inside, I see the heroics in your eye!" she insists, her words catching me off guard. Memories of old arguments resurface, leaving me silent as I contemplate her words.
"Heroic? Me? No, I'm not that guy anymore," I think to myself, shaking my head. I turn back to the bar, where a beer slides over to me. "A hero? Heh, I'm not a hero, I'm a junker," I declare, taking a swig before tossing ten bolts onto the counter. The barkeep chuckles.

"Ah, young love. Takes me back to my days," he muses.



"What?" we all echo, momentarily confused by the unexpected comment.

Twilight blushes and looks away, while Spike shoots a disapproving glance at the barkeeper. I choke on my drink, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Letting out a sigh, I rise from my seat and approach Twilight, pulling out the map.

"Look, I've lived in this city for some years now... I was in your shoes when I first showed up, but there was nothing I could do," I explain, my tone tinged with resignation. This time, Twilight meets my gaze.

"I'm at a point where I don't care about these people, because they only care for themselves," I continue, my gaze drifting back to her. She steps closer, her expression softening.

"I don't know what I should say, but... try not to hurt them... please?" she implores.

"Okay... maybe we should, uh, get looking for your crown," I suggest, attempting to change the subject. She nods in agreement. "Let's go," she replies, determination evident in her voice. Spike takes the lead, sniffing the ground as we continue down the street, hopeful that we'll find the crown.

Despite our efforts, our search at Rats Hideaway yielded no results. Disheartened, we stumbled upon a tiny restaurant nearby. Twilight recoiled at the sight of the meat dishes, reminiscing about her world where such fare was unfamiliar. However, after some persuasion, she tentatively sampled the food, and to our surprise, she seemed to enjoy it immensely. Watching her relish the flavors, I found myself reflecting on the simple joys of life that we often take for granted.

Spike, ever the opportunist, managed to swipe a treat, prompting a playful chase between him and Twilight. As they dashed around the restaurant, laughter filled the air, and for a moment, the weight of our mission lifted, replaced by the warmth of camaraderie and shared moments of joy.

"Well, here I thought you only ate fruits!" I joked, lighten the mood.

Twilight smiled faintly. "It's probably due to the portal. It changed me, so it must have altered my cravings and other habits," she explains, running a hand through her hair as Spike frolicked nearby. "But there's one thing I still have," she adds, catching my attention. "I don't know how humans can do it, but I still feel my magic," she says, holding out her hands for me to see.

"Huh... that is strange. No human has ever had magic. We don't even care. Technology is what we desire. We use it for everything! We even rely on technology in hospitals," I say, recalling my own unsettling experiences with medical care in Junkertown.

Twilight laughs before she shares an anecdote about a town she and her friends once encountered, where they had a similar experience but with a different outcome. As she speaks, I find myself intrigued by her tales of adventure and the fantastical world she hails from.

"So where should we look next?" Twilight asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

"Well... hate to say it, but we should wait a day or two," I replied, turning down a road with Twilight close behind.

"Why?" she asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

"You forgot that I stabbed a wrecker in the leg, Twi," I said matter-of-factly, prompting a slight blush from her. "Oh, right... well, I guess we should plan this out then," she conceded.

"Yeah... we should," I agreed, the gravity of our situation sinking in as we contemplated our next move.

[Junkertown search rate: 15%]
[Anon Y Mosu: 100%]
[Twilight Sparkle: 100%]
[Crown: Negative]
[The mission carries on...]

It’s wrecked or be WRECKED! (Edited)

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Junkertown crabby hotel lot
Monday 9:00 AM

Another day, another search begins... But Twilight informed me that her gateway home was... gone. She said that her chance of return is now lost, and she's looking a bit homesick, so I told her to stay at my apartment. Spike was eager to go and train today, so I decided to take him and explore around.

But so far, I think... that girl is going to change. Without a way home, it means that she has to adapt to this new reality. Anyway, I'm outside with Spike as we make our way to the Bombers District, home to the scrappers. Spike was starting to get used to the surroundings and stopped hiding behind people. He may be a dragon from his other world, but here, he's a beast among the wolves.

"So, uh, what's the story about this place?" Spike asked.

"Huh? Oh, well, this was recently built for the scrappers. I was thinking about moving here, but we'll see what I mean," I said as we passed the sign. Not even a minute passed before sounds of glass breaking and gunshots filled the air. Spike shivered as he looked around the more populated area. "So, you're still thinking about moving?" Spike said, looking up at me as I laughed. "No, I think where I am is fine," I said before ducking as a bomb was launched at a house and exploded.

"What's going on? Sweet Celestia, they're biting each other's arms!" Spike said, watching more of the junkers fight. I sighed, rolling my eyes. *We're never going to find this crown here!* I thought before I saw some Wreckers pick up some scrappers and punch them into the wall.

"Uh, Anon! Mind telling me what happened over here?" Spike said, jumping over a passed-out body. I looked down at him and sighed. "This was one of the recent areas that the queen made after she had the crown," I explained to the dog, who then scrunched his muzzle in confusion.

"Wait, what if the Junker Queen had the crown?" Spike asked, looking up at me. "No way. If I know her, she would break the thing or shove it down someone’s throat," I laughed.

"Darn, another dead end... What should we do?" Spike asked, looking up at me. I rolled my eyes once again as I noticed the wrecker from the other day. He was drinking a beer but spat it out as he saw me. He muttered something to the other Wrecker and then got up and walked over to me... oh, shit.

"Oi, Scrappy!" The Wrecker said, walking up to me with a face full of anger as he grabbed my scarf. "You listen here, you little piece of crap. You listen to us... and if you decide to mess with us... you get WRECKED," he threatened, lifting a fist for a punch. I braced myself, knowing I had to take the blow. His companion joined him, cracking their knuckles. I let them deliver the blow... I didn't want to risk angering the queen by fighting back against her Wreckers, so I had to take it. Spike whimpered as he watched me stay still. A fist connected with my head, causing me to stagger back, feeling blood trickle down my brow. But before the next blow could land, Spike growled and lunged, biting the man's leg.

As the Wrecker's companions tried to kick Spike off, I attempted to move to help him, but I was stopped by a knife to my shoulder from the first Wrecker. "I warned you, you bastard... now you get to watch your damn dog die," he snarled. Despite the pain, I watched helplessly as Spike was kicked to the ground. Anger surged within me. It was time to teach these thugs a lesson.

With a grunt, I forced the knife out of my shoulder and swiftly retaliated, cutting the Wrecker's leg again. Then, I dashed forward, stabbing his hand and head-butting him, causing him to drop the knife. Without hesitation, I reached for my pistol, aimed at the other Wrecker, and shot his arm. I then turned my attention back to the first Wrecker, firing another shot into the same spot I had stabbed him in the leg.

As I set Spike back down, his whimper tugged at my heart. I scanned our surroundings, realizing that we were now surrounded by a crowd of scrappers and Wreckers, all eyeing us with a mix of curiosity and hostility.

"We need to find a way out of here," I muttered, my mind racing with possibilities. "Stay close, Spike."

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the crowd. It was rough and authoritative, cutting through the tension like a knife. "Hold it right there!"

With Spike's reminder fueling my urgency, I picked up the dog and ran, my muscles straining with each stride as we dashed through the crowded streets of Junkertown. The distant shouts of the pursuing Wreckers echoed behind us, growing louder with each passing moment.

Ahead, I spotted a narrow alleyway between two dilapidated buildings, barely wide enough for us to squeeze through. Without hesitation, I veered sharply into the alley, my heart pounding in my chest as we navigated the tight space. The walls felt like they were closing in on us, but there was no turning back now.

As we sprinted through the chaotic streets, the shouts of the pursuing Wreckers grew louder behind us. I glanced around desperately, searching for any means of escape. That's when I spotted it—the towering wall that separated the lower district from the upper parts of Junkertown.

"Come on, Spike!" I shouted, grabbing him by the collar as we veered towards the wall. With a surge of adrenaline, I propelled myself towards it, using the momentum to scale its rough surface. Spike yelped in surprise but clung tightly to my side as we ascended.

My muscles strained with exertion, but I pushed myself harder, driven by the urgency of our situation. As we reached the top, I threw myself over the edge, rolling to a stop on the other side. Spike landed beside me, panting heavily but unharmed.

"How did you..." Spike began, but I cut him off with a quick shake of my head.

"No time to explain," I said, scanning our surroundings for any sign of danger. The distant echoes of the Wreckers' shouts spurred us into action once more.

"We need to find cover," I said, grabbing Spike and pulling him along as we melted into the bustling crowd. As we disappeared into the throng of people, I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. We had narrowly escaped our pursuers, but our ordeal was far from over. With determination in my heart, I led Spike through the maze-like streets, our eyes fixed on the horizon as we continued our quest for Twilight's lost crown.

The angry shouts of the pursuing Wreckers echoed through the narrow alleyways, sending a chill down my spine. I tightened my grip on Spike, feeling the weight of his presence reassuring me amidst the chaos.

"We need to move fast," I whispered to Spike, my voice urgent. "They're not giving up easily."

Spike nodded in agreement, his eyes wide with apprehension. "Where do we go?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I glanced around, searching for any sign of escape. "We'll have to find a way to lose them in the maze of streets," I replied, my mind racing with possibilities. "Stay close to me, and follow my lead."

With Spike by my side, we slipped deeper into the labyrinth of Junkertown, our footsteps quick and purposeful as we sought to evade our pursuers and find sanctuary amidst the chaos.

The gravity of our actions' dire consequences became increasingly burdensome as Spike's whimper caught my attention. The impending descent of the Queen's wrath loomed over me like an impending storm. "We must find a means to keep a low profile," I murmured to Spike, my voice heavy with worry. "Remaining here any longer is not an option, especially since the crown isn't here either."

"Twilight might not be happy," I said.

"She's already not," he replied. "Our way home is gone. We have to wait so long just to get it opened again... and you are all we have for help," he continued as I looked away. Memories of an argument with Twilight flooded back.

"The hero look," she had said. I remembered feeling a bit weak hearing myself being labeled as such. I sighed as I picked the dog up and pet his head, causing him to pant lightly.

"You've done good, Spike... thanks for helping me," I said, soon remembering the stab wound. He licked my face before giving my cheek a lick, causing me to chuckle. He blushed and quickly apologized.

"So, any tips while we try and get back?" He asked, now resting in my arms as we walked down the hall. "Dogs follow simple commands, attack or watch... you're different but that doesn't mean you can't fight. Like if I whistled, you'd hear a simple command..."


"Yes, but it's not as easy as just saying 'bite them.' You must know a weak spot on them. Humans usually get bitten on the arm to try to disarm them if they're wielding a weapon," I explained.

"I wish I didn't have to fight... I never want to hurt anyone," he said, causing me to stop and ponder his words. He's young, for a dog or a dragon—whatever he is, he's young and sees the world with the innocence of a child. I looked down at him as he glanced around, trying to take in his surroundings.

"I wished that too... but the world always seems to find reasons to perpetuate hate," I said, this time placing the dog down as I sighed, leaning against the wall.

"What should we do now?" He asked.

"Home... and maybe rest... and then tell Twilight the news," I said, spotting the familiar road up ahead. I contemplated what to do next regarding the whole Queen situation... she's not going to like it one bit.

"Ah! I don't like that one bit!" The Junker Queen shouted, hurling a trash can at a wrecker as the three of us formed before all kneeling before her. She paced back and forth, squeezing a small toy in her hand. "Never, and I mean never, shall a scrapper hurt my soldiers!" she snapped, pulling out her knife and stabbing it into the wall. The queen then rubbed a spot off her special bike. "Any information on this 'Scrapper'?" she asked.

"Oh! His name is Anon Mous, ma'am. He, uh... kind of kicked our asses," the wrecker said, wincing with a messed-up leg. The Queen scoffed and pulled her knife as an image of the man was handed over. Oh... him.

"That no-good dingo! Find me his address! And bring him here with all his teeth intact! I'm going to show how we punish rogue junkets in my town!" she declared, prompting cheers from all the Wreckers. She lifted her knife up, grinning at it menacingly.

"This will be bloody good," she chuckled, laughing loudly before abruptly stopping to notice her men still present. "The fuck are you doing? MOVE YOUR ASSES!" she shouted, prompting the group to cheer and rush out of the chamber, guns loaded and cars starting.

"This will be your last day living here in Junkertown... 'Mous' heh, more like moss, ha ha!" she sneered, her laughter echoing through the chamber as she prepared for the confrontation.

[Junkertown search rate: 45%]
[Anon Y Mosu: 98%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]

The running never ended (Edited)

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Junkertown Crabby Hotel Lot
Tuesday 9:30 AM
Living Room

"And so we must take precautions," I explained, pointing to the map of Junkertown. Yesterday, I had to break the bad news to Twilight. She's still not happy about losing her portal home. Now, hearing that I have to move soon too, she's even more displeased. Time is wasting, and we still have no clue about where this stupid crown is! I grunt and slump onto the chair, frowning at the TV as the news continues to play in the background. Maybe moving to London is safer now... it's been a while, and I think I can find someone for favors. I stopped as Twilight picks up the map and rubs her chin in thought.

"I might have an idea," she said, placing the map down in front of me. "Maybe we could try and sneak into the castle to find the—"

I interrupted her before she could finish. "Twilight, as much as I want to help you find this crown, I'm not risking my life to search for it at the queen's home," I said firmly, crossing my arms. She groaned and sat down next to Spike, starting to scratch his head in frustration.

"We've got to think more clearly on this. I might have some options that are either the right or wrong call," I said before raising a hand. "One. We give up searching," I stated, causing both Twilight and Spike to protest instantly.

"But!" I interrupted them. "We look somewhere different," I said, standing up to flip the map over to show the world map. "Now, I won't really recommend America. That whole state is crawling with Talon agents, and I'm not looking to be killed off that easily," I explained, pointing at the marks indicating their potential locations.

"Wait, that word Ta—" Twilight was interrupted again as the door was knocked loudly. "OI, SCRAPPER!" Shit! I stood up tall, shocked to hear what sounded like a wrecker outside my door. "Fucking— how did they find me that fast?" I thought before grabbing my holster and gun, getting my gear on. I adjusted my scarf and looked back at Twilight and Spike. I nodded towards my room. "Go to my closet, I have some gear for you and Spike," I whispered as I slowly walked to the door.

The door was knocked loudly again as Twilight and her dog made their way to my room. "Oi Anon, please come out... I don't want any trouble," my neighbor said, making me slowly take my pistol out and clear my throat.

"What do you want?" I asked through the door. Sounds of men laughing lightly as one guy cleared his throat. "The Queen wants a word with you, Mous," said one of the wreckers. Confirming my suspicions, I gripped my pistol tighter, now looking back at Twilight. She had a similar set to mine, but her scarf was shorter and matched the color of her hair. Spike now had a collar on that was attached to some small plated armor around his neck.

"The queen, huh? What for? She and I are on good terms," I said, making the group laugh even louder. "Yeah, right. As if a scrapper like you would ever be able to talk to the queen! I mean, you're not like those other strange guys in black and red armor and—"

"Shut up, Grubber," a wrecker said.

I grunted a bit as I looked around the apartment for something. Then I saw my window and got an idea. The group muttered before the knocks grew louder, and the wood began to creak. Twilight and Spike stepped back from the door and walked over to me.

"Anon... I don't like this idea at all," she said, looking at the window and already guessing my plans. "There's more in there! Wreck the door!"

I gasped and quickly grabbed Spike and Twilight's arms, dashing towards the window. "Hold on tight!" I shouted as the glass shattered and we fell to the ground. Quickly, I pulled Twilight close and turned Spike away from the ground as we landed hard. It wasn't my first time, so I got up swiftly.

Not long after we jumped, gunshots rang out, causing people all around us to run away. Twilight covered her head as bullets whizzed past, and Spike began whining and panicking.

"Come on! We've got a head start! The front gates are a good way away, so move!" I said, putting my pistol back in its holster. Twilight got up and dusted herself off, following closely and picking up Spike along the way as we started running.

Not having much luck, we heard the wreckers shouting as we turned the corner. The gates were on the other side of town, and we were on the opposite side. Now thinking about it, we might have to make some noise once we're close... because the gatekeepers won't just let us through. "Hey, Anon! They're gaining on us!" Twilight said, running close to my side as we dashed down the hallway. It was difficult trying to stay ahead when the junkers just stood and watched us run past them. But soon, we stopped as we saw the one thing I wished I didn't. Not too far away, I saw... the champion of all Junkertown, Wrecking Ball…

"Hamster sounds... the hamster says... stand down..." the ball said, cocking its guns. Twilight gasped at the rodent but shivered at the sight of the weapons. Soon, the Wreckers were behind us and grabbed Twilight and Spike.

"Twilight!" I shouted, quickly running up to the wrecker and punching his gut, freeing the two. Thinking fast, I handed my gun to her and shouted, "RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" She nodded and ran down the alley, with some Wreckers giving chase, leaving a few and the ball with me. I glanced back at the champion and then at the remaining grunts, ready for whatever came next.

"Shit... gotta say... big fan of your fights," I said, looking over at the hamster. He nodded slowly before smiling lightly. "Hamster sounds... He says thank you," the ball said before slowly walking up, but then stopped. The hamster then crossed his furry arms together and nodded at the two wreckers, one of whom grabbed my shoulder, but I shoved him off. The hamster then frowned. "You are smarter than this, Mous," the ball said, with the hamster nodding in agreement.

"I'm not... I just wanted..." I stopped as I saw the grunts come back with Twilight and Spike. I gasped, seeing the bruises on her arms and Spike not looking the same. I growled, "What the fuck did you do to her and the dog?" I said, making the wrecker grin. "She's in trouble just as you are, scrapper—"

"Hamster sounds... the hamster says... we do not hurt the females... and bang?" The hamster then slapped the top of the ball, who then looked at the grunt and shot a bullet towards his leg, making him fall down. The one behind me panicked. "Mr. Wrecking Ball! I'm sorry for my friend's action—" The hamster lifted a paw.

"Hamster sounds... the hamster says not to pull stunts like that again without permission," the ball said before walking up to me. "Anon Y Mous, you are under arrest for disobeying the law in Junkertown. The Junker Queen wishes to see you. If you resist, we will open fire," the ball stated, making me grunt. We had failed the escape, and it was going to be a lot worse now... fuck! I slowly raised my hands up and nodded to Twilight to do the same. She sighed and compiled as the Wreckers surrounded us. Twilight was in cuffs, and Spike was picked up with a muzzle guard on. He blinked in horror and looked over to me with hope, but I looked away. I didn't want him to see me like this... Soon, I was shoved to the ground.

"We will inform the queen. We'll see you there, Mous," the ball said before turning into a ball and rolling away. But as the champion was gone, the wreckers all chuckled lightly and walked up to me.

"Now that he's gone... we can show you what happens when you mess with us, scrapper," one of the goons said before kicking me straight in the face. Soon, I felt my back getting kicked by more grunts.

Ah, got it! Let's adjust the scenario accordingly:

Twilight's voice pierced the chaos, her eyes wide with horror as she and Spike struggled against the iron grip of the Wreckers. I lay helpless on the ground, battered and bloodied, my senses reeling from the onslaught. Spike's frantic barks echoed through the air as he strained against his restraints, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and fury.

"Stop!" Twilight's cry rang out, her voice trembling with raw emotion. But the Wreckers showed no mercy, their grip tightening as they continued their assault.

With a surge of adrenaline, Twilight fought against her captors. Spike's growls grew louder But the Wreckers were relentless, their blows raining down with brutal force. I lay helpless, my body battered and broken, the warmth of my own blood seeping into the cold pavement.

The Wrecker's ominous declaration froze the air, sending shivers down my spine. Before I could fully process his words, the cold barrel of my own pistol pressed against my abdomen, its weight a cruel reminder of my vulnerability.

"No!" I snapped, my voice cracking with anger as I struggled against the hands that held me captive. With a surge of desperate adrenaline, I lashed out, aiming to knock the weapon from the Wrecker's grasp.

But fate, in its merciless whims, had other plans. In the heart-wrenching moment that followed, the pistol discharged with a deafening crack, the world around me exploding into a haze of agony. A searing pain ripped through my belly, stealing the air from my lungs and leaving me gasping for breath.

I crumpled to the ground, my vision swimming with tears as waves of pain washed over me. Twilight's anguished cry pierced the chaos, her frantic struggles against the Wreckers a blur of motion in my fading awareness. Spike's frantic barks mingled with the cacophony, a symphony of fear and desperation.

I felt the world go quiet for a split second as the gunshots rang in my head. I felt the wreckers let go of me, making me look down at my body. There it was... the bullet wound. Blood was covering my shirt in red. I then looked up and blinked for a second. I swear I thought I saw him... my captain... Gabriel... along with Cole, Genji... then I saw my commander Jack... I couldn't help but smile.

"Cap... tain... what's on the agenda?"


Anon is needed

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Junkertown Jail cells
Tuesday 12:30 AM
Jail cell 189

In this unfamiliar world, Twilight felt a sense of helplessness wash over her as she looked upon her injured friend, Anon. Tears welled in her eyes, her heart heavy with sorrow and fear. In her world, she possessed the ability to heal with magic, but here, she was stripped of that power, left to rely solely on her limited knowledge and skills.

With trembling hands, Twilight began to tend to Anon's wounds as best as she could. She recalled the basic first aid techniques she had learned back home, applying pressure to stop the bleeding and gently assessing the extent of his injuries. Every movement was a struggle against her own inadequacy, a silent plea for strength and guidance in the face of adversity.

As she worked, a deep sense of responsibility weighed heavily on her shoulders. Anon and Spike were counting on her to keep it together, to be their pillar of strength in this time of crisis. And beyond them, there were countless others back in her home world who depended on her return.

With each passing moment, Twilight fought to suppress the rising tide of despair threatening to overwhelm her. She drew upon the memories of her past triumphs, the bonds of friendship that had carried her through even the darkest of times. For Anon, for Spike, for everyone she held dear, she vowed to persevere, to keep hope alive in the face of uncertainty.

Twilight's frustration boiled over as she looked down at Anon's unconscious form. She gently placed his hands at his sides, willing him to stay strong despite the ordeal they faced. Hours had passed since their capture, and with each moment, her anxiety grew.

"No, he's just passed out," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with desperation. But even as she spoke the words, doubt gnawed at the edges of her mind. If only she had her magic, she could do something to help him, to ease his suffering.

With a growl of frustration, Twilight clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. She refused to succumb to despair, to let her lack of magic render her powerless. Closing her eyes, she focused on her breathing, willing herself to find a solution, however small. Twilight's determination grew stronger, her resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. She may not have her magic, but she refused to let that define her. For Anon, for Spike, for everyone who relied on her, she would find a way to make things right.

Twilight's heart lurched as she watched Anon's condition deteriorate before her eyes. Panic surged through her veins as she pressed down on the bandages, trying desperately to staunch the flow of blood. But her efforts were in vain as crimson stained the fabric, a grim testament to the severity of his injuries.

"Oh no, no no no!" Twilight's voice trembled with fear and desperation as she frantically assessed the situation. Anon's groans of pain pierced the air, his movements feeble and disjointed.

And then, as if the universe itself conspired against them, a new horror unfolded. Anon's body convulsed with a violent twitch, sending shockwaves of terror through Twilight's already fragile composure.

"He's having a stroke!" she gasped, her hands shaking as she struggled to keep her voice steady. Panic threatened to consume her as she frantically searched for a solution, her mind racing with a jumble of thoughts and fears.

With trembling hands, she reached out to Anon, her touch gentle yet urgent. She whispered words of reassurance, a feeble attempt to offer him comfort in his moment of need. But deep down, she knew that time was running out, and she was powerless to stop it. All she could do was pray for a miracle, to cling to the fragile hope that somehow, someway, they would find a way through this darkness together.

Twilight's cries for help echoed through the empty cell, her voice a desperate plea in the silence that surrounded them. But as her pleas fell on deaf ears, despair threatened to consume her, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched Anon's condition worsen before her eyes.

Twilight's heart skipped a beat as the door swung open, revealing not a rescuer, but the hamster she had encountered earlier, now standing before her, its stature slightly larger than she remembered. A surge of surprise washed over her, mingled with a glimmer of hope.

"Please... save him," Twilight pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion as she implored the unusual creature before her.

The hamster regarded Anon with a thoughtful gaze, its expression unreadable yet strangely determined. With a nod of its head and a reassuring chirp, it stepped forward, its movements deliberate and purposeful.

Twilight watched in amazement as the hamster began to work, its paws moving with a surprising level of dexterity as it examined Anon's injuries. Though she couldn't comprehend the creature's actions, she felt a surge of gratitude welling within her.

Twilight's eyes widened as the hamster made a gesture, and with surprising agility, the ball, now revealed to be a towering mech, began to roll toward Anon's side. She watched in astonishment as the mech extended a mechanical appendage, its movements precise and purposeful, to assist Anon.

"He says... that your healing work is lazy," the synthesized voice of the mech echoed through the cell, its words ringing with a mix of criticism and understanding. Twilight felt a pang of embarrassment at the blunt assessment, but she knew there was truth in the mech's words.

A surge of gratitude washed over her as the mech continued to assist Anon. "He also said that you really care about this man." Twilight's heart swelled with emotion at the recognition, a sense of validation warming her soul despite the dire circumstances.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Twilight wiped the tears from her cheeks and watched as the mech skillfully tended to Anon's wound, its mechanical precision a testament to its expertise.

As Anon's twitching subsided and he sighed in relief, Twilight felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. The mech's actions had brought them a moment of respite in the midst of chaos, and for that, she was truly grateful.

"Why do you risk your neck for him?" the ball translated, its synthesized voice carrying the hamster's inquiry. Twilight's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected question. "He... is... he has been helping me the last couple of days... wait, why do you care?" she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

The hamster sat in front of her, its expression thoughtful as it conveyed the ball's translation. "The hamster says that you are different to this town, and your ways of healing match the style for an animal. Are you some kind of doctor for the lunar colony?" the ball asked, its synthesized voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

Twilight blinked in surprise at the suggestion. "What? No. Why?" she responded, her mind racing with questions. But before she could voice her thoughts, the hamster's demeanor shifted, its smile fading into a frown as it placed a paw on the floor, its expression pained.

"An old friend he knew left him there, and was worried about the dog," the ball relayed, its words sending a chill down Twilight's spine. The mention of Spike filled her with a sudden wave of concern, her thoughts racing to her faithful companion.

Gasping at the thought of Spike being in danger, Twilight dropped to her knees in front of the rodent, her eyes wide with worry. "Please, can you tell me more? Is Spike okay?" she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and urgency.

"Alive and well," the ball declared, offering a glimmer of relief to Twilight's worried heart. With a sense of gratitude, she watched as the hamster hopped back inside the mech, nodding in reassurance.

Her hope flickered as the ball continued, "Your friend will live, but in an hour you and he will be seen by the queen." The gravity of the situation settled over Twilight like a heavy cloak. The prospect of facing the queen filled her with a mix of apprehension and determination.

But before the mech could roll away, Twilight's voice cut through the air, halting their departure. "Wait!" she called out, her gaze pleading as she met their eyes once more.

The mech and the hamster turned back to her, their attention fully captured by her plea. In that moment, Twilight knew she had to seize the opportunity to ask for their help, to ensure the safety of Anon and Spike, and to uncover the truth behind their unexpected encounter with the queen.

As Twilight held onto the bars, her gaze locked on the departing mech and hamster, she couldn't shake the sense of intrigue and mystery that surrounded them. "Who are you? And why did you help Anon?" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty cell.

The hamster shrugged in response before pressing a button on the mech's console. "He is the captain of the Wreckers, but few know him as Hammond... so don't call him that," the ball relayed before the mech rolled away, leaving Twilight alone once more.

Twilight watched them go, her mind swirling with questions. 'Hammond... what an odd... hamster,' she thought to herself, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic creature and its mechanical companion.

But her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Anon's groan, drawing her attention back to him. Rushing to his side, she found him breathing slowly, a flicker of relief washing over her. "Good," she murmured, wiping a few locks of hair from his face as she looked away, her emotions swirling inside her.

When she looked back at Anon, she was met with a sight that warmed her heart – a small smile forming on his face. Twilight couldn't help but smile in return, her worries momentarily forgotten as she continued to stroke his hair, offering what comfort she could in their uncertain circumstances.

As Twilight poured out her remorse to Anon, a heavy weight settled in her chest. "I'm sorry, Anon... I tried to run... and I— I nearly killed someone..." Her words hung heavy in the air, laden with guilt and regret.

With a heavy sigh, she released her grip on Anon's hand and sank down to sit beside his bed, her gaze fixed on the bars of her cell. The looming presence of the junker Queen, coupled with their captivity, cast a shadow of uncertainty over their future. But Twilight refused to surrender to despair. Deep down, she knew that there was still hope, that they could find a way out of this dire situation.

"We have only an hour left... I need to find my crown... no... I first need to focus on getting my magic to work!" Twilight's resolve hardened as she spoke, determination burning bright within her. Closing her eyes, she hummed softly to herself, channeling her inner strength as she delved into her thoughts.

An idea sparked within her mind – a mind reading spell. It was risky, but in their desperate situation, Twilight was willing to try anything. With a deep breath, she focused her energy, reaching out with her mind in search of Anon's thoughts.

As she concentrated, a faint tingling sensation filled her senses, a sign that her magic was responding to her call. With renewed determination, she pressed on, delving deeper into the recesses of Anon's mind, searching for any clue that could aid their escape.

Minutes passed in tense silence as Twilight's concentration deepened, her brow furrowed in concentration. And then, like a whisper in the darkness, she felt a faint presence – Anon's thoughts, swirling with a mix of emotions and memories.

With a firm resolve burning in her heart, Twilight stood up, her determination unwavering despite the challenges ahead. She cast one last glance at Anon, his form resting fitfully in sleep, before her gaze shifted to his bandages. The sight of his injuries served as a grim reminder of the dangers they faced, but Twilight refused to let fear hold her back.

Closing her eyes, she drew upon the inner reserves of her strength, channeling her energy into a focused concentration. With each breath, she felt a subtle shift in the air around her, a tingling sensation that hinted at the latent power waiting to be unleashed.

Focusing her mind, Twilight extended her hand toward Anon's head, her touch gentle yet purposeful. As she made contact, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, a connection forming between her and the sleeping man before her.

With unwavering determination, Twilight delved deep into the recesses of her newfound magic, exploring its uncharted depths with a sense of wonder and curiosity. It was different from the magic she knew, unpredictable and raw, but she embraced it nonetheless, determined to master its mysteries.

As she concentrated, a soft glow enveloped her hand, illuminating the dim confines of the cell with a warm, ethereal light. With each passing moment, Twilight felt her connection to Anon strengthening, a bond forged through shared trials and tribulations.

And then, as if guided by an unseen force, she began to weave a delicate spell, a whispered incantation that echoed through the confines of her mind. With each word, she felt the magic respond, bending to her will with a newfound sense of purpose.

As Twilight concentrated, her mind reaching out in search of Anon's thoughts, she felt a spark of energy crackling in the air around her. Her heart skipped a beat with excitement and anticipation. "Anon... clear your head... let me hear you... please..." she whispered softly, her voice a gentle plea in the midst of chaos.

With her eyes tightly shut, Twilight focused all her energy on maintaining the connection, blocking out the surrounding noise and distractions. She could feel the magic swirling around her, responding to her will with a newfound sense of clarity.

"Oh my gosh! It's working! Okay, okay... focused," she thought to herself, her determination unwavering as she delved deeper into the depths of her magic. With each breath, she felt herself drawing closer to Anon, their minds on the brink of convergence.

And then, in a sudden rush of sensation, Twilight found herself transported to another realm – a world of chaos and conflict, where gunshots echoed in the distance and shouts filled the air. Before her eyes, humans clad in strange armor clashed with hordes of omnics, their battle raging on with ferocious intensity.

Amidst the chaos, a young boy darted forward, his determination shining bright amidst the darkness. Twilight watched in awe as he ran towards a man, his every movement filled with purpose and resolve.

With a gasp, Twilight realized that she was witnessing Anon's memories, his past laid bare before her in vivid detail. She felt a surge of empathy wash over her as she experienced the tumultuous events unfolding before her eyes, a silent witness to the trials and tribulations that had shaped Anon into the person he was today.

As Twilight observed the scene unfolding before her, her heart clenched at the sight of the young boy's determination. "Sir! I wanna fight too!" he declared with unwavering resolve.

A bittersweet smile graced the man's face as he regarded the boy with a mixture of pride and sadness. "Heheh, you got guts, kid... but I need you here. Keep the people safe, okay, soldier?" he replied, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she studied the man more closely, her mind racing with recognition. "He's one of the men from the photo!" she thought aloud, her eyes widening with astonishment as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Before she could dwell on her revelation, the young boy snapped to attention, executing a crisp salute before darting back towards the group of children. As the troops prepared to depart, Twilight watched with a sense of awe and admiration, her heart swelling with pride for the brave souls who stood ready to defend their home.

As the scene unfolded before her, Twilight felt a lump form in her throat, her eyes misting with unshed tears. The tender exchange between the young Anon and his father filled her with a sense of longing and melancholy, a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the enduring legacy of love.

"Dad, dad! Kill some baddies for me, please?" the child's innocent voice echoed through the air, drawing a chuckle from the man as he scooped the boy up in his arms. "Of course, kiddo!" he laughed, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

But as Twilight watched, the scene began to shift and blur, the passage of time unfolding before her eyes like a bittersweet symphony. The child, still young Anon, grew older before her, his features slowly maturing with each passing moment.

And then, as if in the blink of an eye, the young Anon stood before her, his gaze fixed on a weathered tombstone. Twilight observed the scene unfolding before her, a pang of sorrow gripped her heart at the sight of the tombstone bearing the name "Inno M. Mous." The significance of the name was not lost on her, and she felt a surge of empathy for Anon as he stood before his father's final resting place.

"Dad... I'm going to fight... I'm going to be a hero... just like you were once," Anon's voice broke the solemn silence, his words carrying a weight of determination and reverence.

With a heavy heart, Twilight realized the truth behind Anon's resolve. His father, Inno M. Mous, had served as a trooper, a defender of justice and freedom. The scratched-out year on the tombstone and the trooper name, "U.S.A Trooper 111," spoke volumes about his father's sacrifice and service to their country.

As Twilight turned around, her eyes widened in astonishment as she witnessed Anon's transformation, his form slowly maturing to match the image from the photo. Clad in the same gear as the men from the photo, he walked alongside them, a determined expression etched on his face.

But her attention was drawn to the moment when Anon veered off the path with the grey man, leaving the blue man behind. A sense of foreboding washed over her as she watched the group continue their journey, accompanied by a man wearing a cowboy hat and another who appeared to be a cyborg of some kind, along with a woman.

Their steps echoed in the dimly lit room, their movements purposeful as they reached a dark office with a broken window. Twilight's heart raced as she watched them stand before the shattered glass, their silhouettes outlined against the faint light filtering in from outside.

As Twilight approached the window, her heart pounded with trepidation at the scene unfolding before her. The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unease as the cowboy, addressed as Reyes, faced the ire of his companion.

"Reyes, what did you do? This is not the plan!" the cowboy snapped, his voice laced with frustration and anger. Twilight's eyes widened in shock as she watched the exchange, her mind racing to make sense of the situation.

But before she could comprehend the gravity of the cowboy's accusation, her gaze was drawn to the figure lying motionless on the ground below – a body surrounded by men in black and red armor. Panic surged through her veins as she realized the danger they were in, the looming threat of imminent conflict sending a shiver down her spine.

As the men in armor looked up and shouted, Twilight's instincts kicked in, urging her to seek cover. She flinched instinctively as Anon leaned out of the window, his presence a stark reminder of the perilous situation they found themselves in.

As tension mounted in the room, Anon's voice sliced through the silence, his words carrying a weight of urgency and concern. "Uh, captain? We got company," he announced, his tone tinged with apprehension.

Twilight's gaze darted to Anon, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and confusion. She watched as the others turned their attention to him, their expressions shifting from determination to wary alertness.

The cowboy, his demeanor hardened, strode over to the cyborgs, revolver in hand, while Reyes, the leader, prepared himself with two shotguns. "Looks like we're going with plan B," Reyes declared, his voice firm and resolute.

With a sense of unease settling over her, Twilight hesitated for a moment, grappling with the realization that Anon had been a part of this group. Questions swirled in her mind, doubts and uncertainties clouding her thoughts.

But as the others dashed out of the room, Twilight remained rooted to the spot, her gaze fixed on Anon. She saw him standing still, his breath coming in quick, shallow pants, a furrow of concern marring his brow.

As Twilight's surroundings shifted, the dimly lit room transformed before her eyes, morphing into the stark confines of an interrogation room. The once familiar space now felt foreign and oppressive, casting a shadow of unease over her senses.

In the center of the room stood Anon, his form tense and apprehensive as he faced the stern figure of the commander, the blue man from their earlier encounter. His expression was stern, his eyes betraying a hint of disappointment as they bore into Anon with unwavering scrutiny.

Twilight felt a knot form in her stomach as she watched the scene unfold, a sense of foreboding creeping over her with each passing moment. She could see the weight of the situation bearing down on Anon, his features drawn with worry as he sought to explain himself to the commander.

"Look, Commander. I had no idea on this... he just... went rogue, sir," Anon's voice echoed in the silence of the room, his words strained with desperation as he tried to convey his innocence.

But the commander's expression remained stoic and unyielding, his gaze piercing as he regarded Anon with a mixture of suspicion and disappointment. The familiarity that once existed between them seemed to fade away, replaced by an air of distrust and hostility.

Twilight's heart ached for Anon as she witnessed the scene unfolding before her, a sense of helplessness washing over her. She longed to reach out to him, to offer him comfort and support in his time of need, but she knew that she could only stand by and bear witness to the unfolding drama.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she listened to the exchange between Anon and the commander, her heart heavy with anticipation. The tension in the room was palpable, each word spoken carrying the weight of their shared uncertainty.

"I don't think of you that way, 111... You're a tough kid, but I don't know if this group is good—"

The commander's words hung in the air, his tone grave and contemplative as he voiced his doubts. Twilight watched Anon closely, sensing the turmoil brewing within him as he grappled with his allegiance to the group.

But before the commander could continue, Anon's voice broke through the silence, his words filled with a sense of resignation and introspection. "None of this... sir, Commander Chase has been questioning our work, and what I think she says is right... I... I joined this agency to be a hero... for my father... but now I see it... I'm no hero," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret.

Twilight's heart went out to Anon as she witnessed his moment of vulnerability, the weight of his realization evident in his every word. She could see the conflict raging within him, torn between his ideals and the harsh reality of his circumstances.

With a heavy sigh, Anon rose to his feet, his movements deliberate as he removed his badge from his robe. The gesture spoke volumes, a symbolic renunciation of the ideals he had once held dear.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as Anon made his decision and turned to leave the room, his words echoing with a sense of finality. She watched him go, her heart heavy with a mix of sadness and admiration for his courage.

But before she could dwell on the moment, the door burst open with a force that sent a jolt of surprise through her. As the scene shifted once again, Twilight found herself yelping in surprise as she witnessed Anon running down the halls of the burning building, his figure illuminated by flickering flames.

Her eyes widened in shock as she watched Anon spring into action, his every movement a testament to his bravery and selflessness. He dashed through the chaos, helping people to safety with a determination that stirred something deep within her soul.

And then, amidst the turmoil and destruction, Anon's gaze fell upon the blue man once again. Twilight's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the reunion unfold, a sense of apprehension gripping her as she waited to see what would happen next.

In that moment, Twilight knew that Anon was no longer defined by the group he had once belonged to, nor by the mistakes of his past. He was a hero in his own right, driven by a sense of duty and compassion that set him apart.

Twilight's heart raced as she listened to the exchange between Anon and the blue man, her eyes glued to the unfolding scene before her.



"What are you doing here?"

"Helping the people, sir!"

Twilight felt a surge of pride well up inside her at Anon's response, his unwavering commitment to helping others shining through even in the face of danger.

"Okay... get them out. I'll handle this," the blue man commanded, his voice firm and authoritative as he directed Anon to focus on the task at hand.

With a determined nod, Anon sprang into action, his every movement a blur of motion as he dashed through the burning building, shouting out names and guiding people to safety. Twilight watched in awe as he risked his own life to help others, his bravery and selflessness shining brightly amidst the chaos.

But just as she thought the worst was over, a massive explosion rocked the building, sending Anon crashing to the ground. Twilight gasped in horror as she watched him struggle to rise, a sense of helplessness washing over her.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she watched the scene unfold before her. Anon's valiant efforts to save the trapped individuals were abruptly halted as a piece of the building came crashing down, pinning him beneath its weight.

Panic surged through Twilight as she watched Anon struggle to free himself, his face contorted in pain as he grappled with the debris that held him captive. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew, a sense of helplessness gnawing at her insides.

But just as despair threatened to consume her, Reyes appeared at Anon's side, his presence a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos. With a strength born of determination, Reyes lent his assistance, helping Anon to his feet and guiding him to safety outside the burning building.

Relief washed over Twilight as she watched them emerge from the inferno, her heart swelling with gratitude for Reyes's timely intervention. She knew that without his help, Anon's fate could have been far more dire.

Twilight's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the scene unfold, her senses overwhelmed by the chaos and destruction surrounding them. Anon's struggle for survival, Reyes's selfless bravery – it was all too much to bear.

"You need to leave! You're badly hurt," Reyes urged, his voice strained with concern as he dragged Anon outside to safety. Anon gasped and coughed, his body wracked with pain from his injuries as he stumbled out of the burning building.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror as she watched Reyes's determination to help others, even at the risk of his own life. She felt a surge of admiration for him, a profound respect for his unwavering commitment to his duty.

Reyes's actions spoke volumes about the kind of person he was – brave, selfless, and willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good. And as he handed his black beanie to Anon before rushing back into the inferno, Twilight couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the fate that awaited him.

As Anon shouted in desperation and Twilight's own voice joined his in a chorus of fear and anguish, a sense of helplessness washed over her. She knew that there was nothing she could do but watch as the inevitable unfolded before her eyes.

And then, in a blinding flash of light and heat, the missile struck the building, unleashing a devastating explosion that tore through the complex with merciless force. Twilight gasped in horror as the explosion engulfed everything in its path, leaving nothing but destruction and devastation in its wake.

"CAPTAIN!" Anon's desperate cry echoed in her ears, a haunting reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of heroism. As the smoke cleared and reality came crashing back around her, Twilight found herself back in the confines of her cell, her heart heavy with grief for those who had been lost in the explosion.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as the doors to the cellar swung open, revealing a group of wreckers standing menacingly in the doorway. She watched in horror as they wordlessly picked up Anon by the legs, dragging him out of the cell with little regard for his injuries. Twilight herself was roughly tugged out of the cell, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Anon groaned in pain, still unconscious from the ordeal, as Twilight was pulled along beside him. Despite the agony coursing through his body, he remained asleep, unaware of the danger they were in.

Twilight said nothing as they were dragged away, her thoughts consumed by the grim reality of their situation. She knew that they were in grave danger, but she also knew that she had to stay strong, for Anon's sake and for Spike's.

As they were led down the darkened corridors, Twilight's eyes fell upon a thrown room where a woman sat, holding Spike in her lap. A malicious grin spread across the woman's face as she looked down at them, her eyes gleaming with malevolence.

Twilight's heart sank as she guessed the woman seated on the throne is the Junker Queen herself. Her reputation preceded her, a ruthless and cunning leader feared by all who dared to oppose her.

As the Queen grinned down at them, her eyes alight with a sinister gleam, Twilight's grip tightened with determination. She knew that they were in the presence of a formidable adversary, one who held the power to dictate their fate with a mere flick of her wrist.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here? Trouble makers?" the Queen's voice dripped with contempt as she addressed them, her tone laced with malice.

Twilight's jaw clenched as she met the Queen's gaze, her defiance unyielding despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them. She refused to cower in the face of tyranny, determined to stand her ground and fight for their freedom.

With a silent vow to protect Anon and Spike at all costs, Twilight squared her shoulders and prepared for the battle ahead. She knew that their journey would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but she also knew that they had each other – and together, they were stronger than any foe they might face.

As the Queen's laughter echoed through the chamber, Twilight steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. For in that moment, she knew that their fate rested in their hands, and she was determined to write their own destiny, no matter the cost.

[Junkertown search rate: Target not located]
[Anon Y Mosu: 34%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Twilight: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]

Escape Junkertown!

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Junkertown’s main chamber
Tuesday 1:00 AM
Thrown room

Experiencing the searing pain of a gunshot wasn't new to me, but this one felt different, worse somehow. My mind was a fog of confusion, unable to grasp what had transpired. The throbbing ache in my back only added to the discomfort, reminiscent of being dragged across rough terrain for hours. Amidst the agony, a nagging feeling gnawed at me, hinting at something more sinister at play, whether it be further injury or some other unforeseen trouble.

As I gradually regained consciousness, I felt a firm finger pressing against my arm, prompting a hiss of pain as the sting of my gunshot wound pulsed through me. Gritting my teeth against the discomfort, I pushed myself onto my knees and rubbed my face, my senses slowly coming back to me. Taking in the room before me, I cursed under my breath at the sight of the disheveled surroundings. My attention was drawn to the Junker Queen, cradling Spike in her lap, her touch seeming almost tender despite the discomfort etched on his face. Had he attempted to escape?

"Hello, Moss. Rested well?" The Junker Queen's voice cut through the haze as she rose, gently placing Spike on the throne. His eyes met mine briefly before he darted towards Twilight, seeking solace in her presence. "Twilight, are you alright?" I asked, relief flooding through me as she nodded in response. But before I could fully register the moment, my attention snapped back to the Queen, a knife gleaming menacingly in her grasp as she directed it towards me.

"I've had my fill of fun and games," she declared, advancing towards me with measured steps. "I never intended to challenge the rulership, but your inept guards have pushed me to..." Her words trailed off as the blade drew dangerously close to my neck, the pressure increasing with each passing moment. Despite the threat, I maintained my composure, meeting her glare with steely resolve. Silence hung heavy between us for what felt like an eternity, until finally, a chuckle escaped her lips as she withdrew the knife, the tension dissipating momentarily.

"You see, scrappers never do that... what makes you so special, Moss?" Her question pierced through the air, causing me to avert my gaze. My eyes found Twilight, who was attempting to soothe Spike's distress while he whimpered softly behind the muzzle guard that restrained him. "Can you please remove that thing from the dog... I can't stand seeing him like that," I pleaded, my voice heavy with empathy as I glanced downward. The weight of Spike's stare bore into me, even as the Queen chuckled lightly in response to my request.

"So you care for this dingo? Ha! Very well, but he is mine now!" Her declaration rang through the room as she snatched Spike up and removed the muzzle guard, tossing him onto her throne. "Spike!" Twilight's cry echoed with concern, her attempt to rise thwarted as she was shoved back onto her knees. The Junker Queen leveled her knife at me once more, her tone laced with finality. "I welcomed you to my city, Moss. Yet, you've brought nothing but trouble with my men. I gave you fair warning... and now, you'll pay the price for it." Horror washed over me as I contemplated the fate that awaited not only myself but also Twilight and Spike.

"Wait! What about them?" I motioned towards Twilight, my desperation evident in the gesture. The Queen's laughter filled the air before she seized Twilight by the neck with her gauntlet-clad hand.

"Ah, Twilight! Cease this, release her now. Your quarrel is with me, not her!" My demand rang out, but the Queen dropped Twilight with a dismissive gesture, turning her attention to her bike. "How shall we proceed? A bullet, a beating, or perhaps a collision with a vehicle?" Her words dripped with malice as she strode over to her axe. Panic surged within me as I scanned the room for anything, my gaze landing on a large decorative bone on the roof. It was a long shot, but it might just be our saving grace. With Spike trembling beside me, frozen in fear, I formulated a plan. "I think I have an idea," I thought to myself before letting out a sharp whistle, capturing Spike's attention.

"Ah, decisions, decisions... Perhaps the mighty Junker Queen should opt for a more fitting weapon to dispatch this pitiful soul," I remarked, subtly signaling Spike to glance up at the oversized bone suspended above. Catching on to my plan, he nodded eagerly, leaping off the throne to search for a route up. Twilight's silent question hung in the air, but I remained silent, focusing on maintaining the facade. The two wreckers seemed oblivious to Spike's movements, their attention fixed on the impending execution below. With the Queen now positioned directly beneath the hanging bone, our plan was poised to unfold.

"You know, for once, you're right, Moss... There's nothing quite like the sight of my axe drenched in blood," she remarked, signaling her Wreckers with a snap of her fingers. They swiftly subdued me, pressing my head to the ground as the Queen prepared to deliver the fatal blow. Just as the axe was poised to descend, Spike's intervention came just in time, gnawing at the rope holding the bone aloft.

"Wait, stop!" Twilight's desperate plea rang out, her confusion adding to the chaos. Ignoring her, the Queen raised her axe high, boasting of Junkertown's ruthless reputation. But her proclamation was abruptly silenced as the bone began to plummet. Spike yelped as he slid off, landing safely behind me and Twilight, while the massive bone crashed down upon the Queen, forcing her to relinquish her weapon in the process. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly rose, delivering a punch to one Wrecker and a kick to the other before helping Twilight to her feet, our escape now within reach.

"We need to get out of here!" I exclaimed, scooping Spike up in my arms. "Anon!" Spike's voice was urgent as he nuzzled my chin and cheek, a moment of warmth amidst the chaos. "Any ideas, Twi?" I asked, turning to her for guidance. She tapped my shoulder, directing my attention to the Queen's bike. With a smirk, I wasted no time in mounting the bike.

My movements halted as I heard the Queen's enraged growls and her futile attempts to free herself from beneath the bone. "You'll pay for this, Moss!" she spat, reaching desperately for her axe. Ignoring her threats, As I worked on hotwiring the bike, the Queen's frustrated attempts to free herself echoed through the room, her enraged growls serving as a backdrop to our urgent escape. "Hurry, Anon!" Twilight urged, her voice laced with a mix of fear and determination. With a final twist of the wires, the engine roared to life, a symphony of defiance against the Queen's tyranny.

Sensing our chance, I gestured for Twilight to climb onto the bike behind me, ensuring Spike was securely tucked away beneath my shirt. His presence was a comforting weight against my chest, a reminder of the stakes we faced and the need to protect each other at all costs.

As we prepared to make our escape, the Queen's threats only fueled our resolve. With a defiant smirk, I revved the engine, the vibrations beneath me a tangible declaration of our defiance. "Hang on tight," I called to Twilight. Ignoring the Queen's enraged shouts, I flipped her off defiantly before revving the bike's engine and tearing out of the castle with Twilight clinging tightly to my back. As we raced through the winding corridors of Junkertown, adrenaline coursing through our veins, I couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph at our daring escape.

However, the Queen's fury was not so easily quelled. With a fierce determination, she retrieved her axe and unleashed a wild barrage of swings, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoing through the halls. In a fit of desperation, she grabbed a nearby radio, her voice dripping with venom as she broadcasted her orders. "The bastard stole my bike! Wrecking Ball, get them!"

The urgency in her voice only fueled our determination to stay ahead of whatever forces she sent our way. With each passing moment, the distance between us and Junkertown grew, but we knew the Queen would stop at nothing to reclaim what she believed was rightfully hers. Our only hope was to outrun her pursuit and find sanctuary beyond the city's borders.

"Twilight, use this!" I shouted, thrusting the gun into her hands. She yelped in surprise but managed to grasp the rifle, her eyes wide with uncertainty. "But I don't know how to use it!" she shouted back, her panic mirroring Spike's whimpering under my shirt.

"We don't have much time, just do something!" I urged urgently as we navigated around a corner, the Wreckers hot on our trail. With a mixture of fear and determination, Twilight clutched the gun tightly in her hands, her eyes darting between the weapon and the approaching danger.

As the chaos unfolded behind us, marked by the screams of the wreckers, I breathed a momentary sigh of relief. "Good work! Wait... where's the gun?" I asked, scanning our surroundings frantically, realizing the weapon had vanished from Twilight's grip. "I used it," Twilight confessed, her grip tightening around me as we sped through the chaos. Despite my initial frustration at her choice, there was no time for recriminations now; our focus had to remain on escape.

As we raced past the rat hideaway, I hoped desperately that we could lose our pursuers in the labyrinthine streets. However, our hopes were dashed as Wrecking Ball, in his formidable machine, managed to catch up, rolling alongside us with alarming speed.

"The front gate is close, be ready!" I shouted over the roar of the engine, preparing for whatever obstacle lay ahead. But before we could reach safety, Wrecking Ball surged forward, positioning himself dangerously close to us.

"Hang on— Oh, shit!" I exclaimed as Wrecking Ball's presence loomed large beside us. Twilight's unexpected greeting to the mechanical menace left me momentarily stunned, my gaze shifting from her to the looming threat outside.

"Hi Hammond!" Twilight's cheerful greeting to Wrecking Ball caught me off guard, prompting me to shoot her a bewildered glance. "The fuck is Hammond?" I muttered under my breath, my attention quickly returning to the task at hand as I skillfully navigated another sharp turn.

Twilight's yelp of surprise echoed my own as we banked around the corner, the rush of wind and adrenaline fueling our desperate bid for freedom. Ahead, the front gate loomed into view, tantalizingly close and mercifully open. A surge of relief flooded through me at the sight, spurring me to push the bike to its limits as we raced towards the beckoning promise of escape.

"Close all gates to the city!" Wrecking Ball's authoritative command rang out, sending a shiver down my spine as I heard the gates beginning to creak shut behind us. Bullets whizzed through the air, narrowly missing us as Wrecking Ball took aim with his gun, the threat of his firepower looming dangerously close.

With Twilight's panicked shouts and Spike's terrified plea echoing in my ears, I gritted my teeth and focused on the task at hand. We couldn't afford to falter now. As we raced towards the closing gate, the Wreckers stationed atop it unleashed a barrage of gunfire, their relentless assault threatening to cut short our bid for freedom.

Twilight's cries of fear mixed with Spike's desperate plea intensified the urgency of our escape. With the gate inching closer, I pushed the bike to its limits, a surge of adrenaline coursing through me as we hurtled towards the narrowing gap. The gate was our only hope, and failure was not an option.

"Hold on, everyone!" I shouted, my heart pounding in my chest as I released the brake and gunned the engine, propelling us forward with newfound speed. The relentless barrage from Wrecking Ball's turrets intensified, but it was too late; we were already escaping the clutches of Junkertown.

As we burst through the closing gate, Spike's exuberant cheers filled the air, punctuated by Twilight's joyous laughter. "We're out... we did it!" Spike exclaimed, his excitement contagious as I couldn't help but join in their jubilation.

Glancing back at Junkertown receding into the distance, a mix of emotions washed over me. The years spent surviving in that harsh environment flashed before my eyes, but now, we were free. No more tattered clothes, no more dirt-streaked faces, no more constant struggle for survival. As we raced away from Junkertown, the landscape stretched out before us, a vast expanse of possibility. The wind whipped through my hair, carrying with it a sense of freedom that I hadn't felt in years. Twilight's laughter and Spike's barking filled the air, their joy infectious as we left our troubled past behind.

As the adrenaline of our escape began to ebb, a sense of relief washed over me. We had defied the odds and emerged victorious, forging our own path away from the oppressive grip of Junkertown. Ahead lay a world of endless potential, where the only limits were those we imposed upon ourselves. With a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, I turned to my companions, their faces illuminated by the golden light of the setting sun. "We did it," I said, the words heavy with the weight of our shared triumph. "And now, anything is possible."

My laughter rang out, buoyed by the sheer exhilaration of our escape, as we spotted a road stretching out before us. Turning to Twilight with a beaming smile, I spoke with unwavering determination, "We're going to find your crown soon, okay, Twi?" Her smile mirrored my own, a radiant expression of hope and anticipation, as she wrapped her arms around my back in a tight embrace.

Feeling Spike's gentle embrace around my belly, I winced slightly as his touch grazed my wound. Sensing my discomfort, Spike withdrew, his remorse evident in his eyes. "Sorry, it's just... I couldn't stand that place anymore," he muttered softly, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and relief. With a reassuring pat on his head, I smiled warmly.

As we continued down the road, the warmth of companionship enveloped us, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and newfound camaraderie. With each passing mile, the weight of our past struggles seemed to lighten, replaced by a palpable sense of optimism for the future. Twilight's determination to reclaim her crown served as a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there was always the possibility of redemption and renewal.The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, I felt a sense of peace settle over me.

As we turned down the road, a small town came into view on the horizon, its quaint charm a stark contrast to the rugged landscape we had left behind. With a sense of cautious optimism, we approached the town, hopeful that it would offer us sanctuary from the harsh realities of the outside world.

As we neared the outskirts of the town, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, perhaps we could find a sense of normalcy, a respite from the constant struggle for survival that had defined our existence in Junkertown.

Though most of the population consisted of junkers, I remained hopeful that the townsfolk would be welcoming and accepting of outsiders like us. After all, in a world where alliances were forged in the crucible of adversity, perhaps here, in this small town, we could finally find the crown. With that thought in mind, we ventured forth, eager to begin the next chapter of our journey.

Sunset grunted in frustration as she made her way down the dimly lit hallway to her boss's room. With each step, the weight of her responsibilities seemed to grow heavier, a constant reminder of the challenges she faced as a member of her organization. As she entered the room, she was met with the sight of Reaper and her boss, their attention focused intently on a large screen displaying footage from one of Australia's surveillance cameras.

Her eyes narrowed as she observed the scene unfolding on the screen: two humans and a dog riding a bike, their figures illuminated by the glow of the setting sun. Something about the image stirred a sense of recognition deep within her, igniting a spark of intuition that urged her to pay closer attention.

"Miss Shimmer, it seems we've found our little pony," Doomfist's deep voice resonated in the room as he rose from his seat to tower over Sunset. She responded with a contemptuous snort, her gaze unwavering as she met his gaze. "As I suspected, they've utilized a different gateway, indicating the presence of one in Australia," Sunset explained, her tone tinged with a mix of determination and frustration. She turned her attention to the figure driving the bike on the screen, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"Looks like she's got a royal guard with her too," Sunset remarked, her voice cool and calculated as she observed the figures on the screen. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she analyzed the situation, already formulating a plan of action in her mind.

Before Doomfist could respond, Reaper stepped forward, his sudden movement drawing Sunset's attention. She watched intently as he spoke, his words carrying a weight that she couldn't ignore.

"No... I know that man," Reaper's voice was tense, his clenched fist betraying his inner turmoil. Sunset exchanged a glance with Doomfist, her curiosity piqued by Reaper's cryptic revelation.

"He is an Ex-Overwatch agent, his name is Anon Mous," Reaper continued, his gaze fixed on the figure of Anon on the screen. Sunset's mind raced with possibilities as she processed this new information. An ex-Overwatch agent... the implications were significant.

"He knew Reyes a long time ago... when he was younger," Reaper added, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia tinged with bitterness. Sunset absorbed his words, sensing that there was more to this story than met the eye.

"So... an Overwatch agent is helping the princess? Not good at all... Sunset," Doomfist's voice cut through the tension in the room, his gaze fixed firmly on Sunset. She met his gaze with a steely determination, her arms crossed defiantly.

"I didn't know that there are more out there. I thought that all of them were killed off," Sunset replied defensively, her tone laced with frustration. She had thought that the threat of Overwatch had been eradicated, but now it seemed that there were still remnants of the organization lurking in the shadows.

Before the conversation could continue, another woman emerged from the darkness, her presence commanding attention. Sunset's eyes narrowed as she studied the newcomer, her instincts on high alert. "Widowmaker..." Sunset's voice dripped with disdain as the top assassin strode past her, her eyes rolling in exasperation at the woman's presence. She watched silently as Widowmaker approached their boss, her posture rigid and her expression unreadable.

"Sir, I have returned with our target dead. I request another mission," Widowmaker stated bluntly, her voice as cold as ice. Sunset's gaze flicked to Doomfist, her curiosity piqued by the exchange unfolding before her.

Doomfist turned his attention from the screen to Widowmaker, his gaze piercing as he considered her words. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly, his decision made. "Very well, Shimmer. Keep a close eye on the cameras. Moira will be attending to the crown. Reaper and Widowmaker... find and kill that agent... and bring the girl here to me," Doomfist ordered, his voice firm and unwavering.

Sunset nodded in acknowledgment, her mind already racing with the implications of their new directive. With the hunt for Anon Mous and the princess now escalated to a matter of life and death, Sunset knew that the stakes had never been higher. As she prepared to carry out her orders, she steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to prove herself worthy of her boss's trust.

As Reaper and Widowmaker swiftly departed, Sunset's curiosity watched the screen and sees their conditions. She turned to her boss, a questioning look in her eyes as she observed his contemplative expression.

"Judging from their conditions... they're moving away... out of the country," Sunset remarked, her voice laced with intrigue as she analyzed the situation. She watched as Doomfist remained silent, his gaze fixed on the screen displaying the agent's image.

Without a word, Doomfist continued to observe, his mind undoubtedly calculating the next move in their deadly game of cat and mouse. Sunset couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her as she waited for his next command.

Finally, Doomfist tore his gaze away from the screen, his eyes betraying a steely determination. "You'll be a simple fly... swatted off the world for good... be ready, Mous," he declared, his voice carrying a chilling promise of retribution.

Sunset nodded solemnly, her resolve hardened by the weight of their mission. As she prepared to embark on the hunt for Anon Mous and the princess, she knew that the coming days would test her to the limit. But with her boss's words echoing in her mind, she was more determined than ever to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

[Location: Searching...]
[Anon Y Mosu: 64%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Twilight: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]

Filler: Guns and Magic

View Online

[mission: leave Australia]
Thursday 8:00 AM
Train storage cargo

"Ah, Anon," Twilight remarked, settling beside the man with her arms crossed, Spike nestled comfortably on her lap. They occupied a train cart cluttered with boxes and assorted gear, their chosen means of departure from Australia promising to be a lengthy journey. Sneaking onto a carriage bound for England, its purpose shrouded in mystery, seemed their best option. And as for Anon?

"What?" he asked, sitting up, his weariness and lingering wounds evident. "I think I found a way to use my magic," she said, prompting the man to shift and sit upright against a metal box. "But I thought you said our world didn't have magic?" he interjected, wincing slightly as he adjusted his position. Twilight nodded slowly, her hand rising as she recalled their encounter in the cell back in Junkertown.

As Twilight concentrated, her mind reaching out in search of Anon's thoughts, she felt a spark of energy crackling in the air around her. Her heart skipped a beat with excitement and anticipation. "Anon... clear your head... let me hear you... please..." she whispered softly, her voice a gentle plea in the midst of chaos.

With her eyes tightly shut, Twilight focused all her energy on maintaining the connection, blocking out the surrounding noise and distractions. She could feel the magic swirling around her, responding to her will with a newfound sense of clarity.

"Oh my gosh! It's working! Okay, okay... focused," she thought to herself, her determination unwavering as she delved deeper into the depths of her magic. With each breath, she felt herself drawing closer to Anon, their minds on the brink of convergence.

Anon simply stared up at the roof, his expression distant. Despite the pain, he shifted again, this time ignoring the discomfort. A louder hiss escaped him as he settled back onto his back, the sudden thump startling Spike awake.

"What... What's going on?" Spike asked, moving over to Anon. He sighed, lying down next to the human and slowly drifting back to sleep. Anon smiled at the gesture, gently petting the top of the dog's head. "Nothing much, Kid... go back to sleep. Twilight and I were just talking," Anon reassured him, and within moments, Spike was asleep again.

"So you were reading my mind while I was out?" he asked, causing the woman to flinch slightly before nodding slowly, her gaze falling. "I... I'm sorry, I should have—" she began, but he interrupted her by lifting a hand to dismiss her apology. "Nah... it's all good. Something tells me you were gonna find out about me," he said, still petting Spike's head. He glanced over at Twilight with a serious expression before sighing. "Yeah... I used to be one... a hero. I was one of the last recruits to enter Overwatch," he explained, a faint smile on his lips before his expression turned pained, recalling the interview with a certain gorilla who accidentally threw him out the window.

"But let's not talk about that. How about this whole magic thing? How did you do it?" he inquired, turning his attention back to Twilight. She shifted her gaze to her hands, displaying them. "I used my hands instead of my horn. I think I have to use my body instead of my head now, which makes it more... difficult," she explained, lowering her arms before pointing out, "but mind-reading spells are no joke. It's pretty advanced. But if I can do that, then all my other spells should be able to help," determination evident on her face. Anon rolled his eyes but maintained a smile, halting his pets on the dog's head.

"What should we do with him?" Anon asked, nodding towards Spike. Twilight rubbed her chin in thought before gasping with an idea. She got up, wobbling slightly from the train's movement, and soon stood tall over the man.

"Anon, I wish to be trained," she declared, prompting the man to snort and burst into laughter. The determination on Twilight's face wavered as she observed his reaction. "Sorry, sorry... you said 'train,' heh," he chuckled before slowly getting back up, feeling the wound less as he stood tall.

"Okay, but you know it won't be easy. I told you that the world hates each other, so a bad guy is around any corner," he cautioned, placing a hand over his chest and forming a fist. "I, Anon Yogic Mous, promise to find your crown and save your home world. I will not let anyone harm you, and I'll train you till the day I die," he declared, prompting Twilight to hold back tears before she embraced him in a hug.

"Oh, thank you!" she repeated, hugging the man tightly. He chuckled and gently patted the top of her head. Breaking the hug, she moved over to her dog, Spike, who was now awake. Spike licked his chops before rubbing his head on Twilight's knee. Anon slumped against the wall, then slowly sat back down, his strength not yet fully returned.

"I'll help, but I need some rest," he murmured before slowly drifting off to sleep. Twilight settled next to Spike, picking him up and cradling him against her chest as she reclined against a nearby crate, disregarding the hardness of the floor.

"He's really going to help us... he really is," she remarked, smiling softly. Spike glanced over at Anon, who was now snoring lightly, and then back at Twilight with a grin. "I like him. He smells off, but he's nice... reminds me of Dad," Spike reminisced, recalling the times Anon had protected him, despite the danger.

"I'll be strong too! And do my best to help!" Spike declared before his leg started shaking as Twilight rubbed his belly. "Whoa... what... are you... doing?" he cooed, still shaking his leg. Twilight giggled and stopped the rubbing, pulling Spike into a close hug.

"I can see how he would be like Dad... I like him too," she said, smiling warmly at the human. He had found them, saved them, and risked his neck to help. She had said it once before, and she believed it: he may not say it, but he was a hero, at least to them.

Anon stood by the door, his gaze fixed on the water surrounding the train. Pulling back, he closed the door behind him. "Well, we're on the seas now. I think we'll be in London in a few days, so that gives us some time to do some training," he announced, cracking his knuckles. Twilight and Spike watched as the man paced back and forth.

"Now, since we're hiding on here, gun training will have to wait. That leaves us with hand-to-hand combat," he explained, walking over to a metal crate and pulling out some wraps to cover his hands.

"Now, before I go on, just remember, punching hurts a lot at first. So be easy with punches and don't go too hard, or else you might break a knuckle," Anon cautioned before glancing back at the metal crate. Twilight nodded, observing intently as the man suddenly moved his feet fast.

"Keep your feet moving; it could throw your opponent off guard," he advised before coming to a stop and demonstrating with his right arm. "And then go for a jab," he said, slowly extending his arm and tapping the crate a few times to demonstrate the proper technique. Afterward, he reared his arm back and bent it. "Or go for a hook. It's a good way to break your opponent's guard so you can then go for a jab," he explained, executing a hook followed by a jab.

He then demonstrated with his left arm. "You can also go for a move called an uppercut," he said, bending his arm and lifting it up toward the air. "But it does leave an opening if you miss, so time your moves right, because if you do..." He stopped, shifting his feet again and bringing his arms up in a guard. He shifted forward, jabbing the crate a few times, then followed with hooks, finishing with an uppercut. The crate fell down with a small dent, leaving both the woman and the dog in awe.

"Wow," they both exclaimed in unison, impressed by Anon's demonstration. Twilight asked, "Did it hurt?" to which Anon nodded. "A little, but always know what you are going to punch," he advised, walking over to the crate and showing the dent. "Either you would get hurt or," he pointed at the dent, "or they would. Always be ready for what would happen."

Now, he stood up and crossed his arms, stepping up to Twilight, who slowly got up and looked at him, standing still. "Come at me," Anon instructed, causing Twilight to flinch. "You want me to hit you?" she asked, a bit worried. Anon nodded before frowning even more. "I want you to try," he said firmly. Twilight nodded slowly, bringing her arms up and copying the stance Anon had shown her, listening intently to his instructions on how to move.

And soon she went for a jab, but it was swiftly slapped out of the way. Twilight gasped in surprise. "What was—"

"Again," Anon said in a stern tone, interrupting her. Twilight was taken aback, remembering that he was once a soldier. She nodded, taking a breath, and went for another blow. Anon swiftly moved to the side and slapped her arm again. She grunted in frustration and tried again, this time with less hesitation, copying the forms Anon had shown her.

"You can't let other kinds of emotions control your body all the time," Anon explained before grabbing her arm mid-swing. He felt her other arm hit his head, but he didn't flinch. She gasped as he shoved her to the floor, looming over her. "Because you'll be dead... Now, again... we've got days for this," he said, offering her a hand. Twilight grabbed his hand and got ready.

The first day was mostly an introduction to hand-to-hand combat. The next day focused on magic practice, which proved difficult without a teacher around. However, Twilight had some ideas on how to use magic. She eyed the metal can sitting precariously on Spike's head as he tried to stand still. With determination, she lifted her hand and grunted, making a movement with her finger, but no luck; the can rolled off the dog's head, spilling some beans on his muzzle.

"No luck again," Spike commented, licking the beans off his muzzle. Anon grumbled, seeing no effect happening. "What's so important about magic anyway? I see it as nothing more than a useless tool," he asked, crossing his arms. Twilight frowned, mirroring his action with a hint of impatience on her face.

"Anon, magic is not a tool, it's who you are, it's your soul," Twilight explained, lifting her hand up. Anon rubbed the top of his head, confused. "That's nice, but this world doesn't have magic. That's why things like wizards or dragons are all myths," he said, rolling his eyes before noticing Spike frowning at him.

"Uh... sorry," he apologized, before turning back to Twilight as she adjusted her scarf. "I know this world has it because I can sense your magic too," she insisted, making him frown and look at his hand before waving his finger. "Magic, go!" he exclaimed, but nothing happened.

"Anon... that's not how it works. Judging from your brute strength, I'd guess you'd be an earth pony. But for someone like me," she continued, lifting a finger up, not noticing the glow on the can behind her. Anon and Spike both eyed it before looking back at her as she continued speaking. "And that's why unicorns are more unique with magic," she concluded, lowering her arm as the glow on the can stopped.

"Uh... okay... so then why do humans not know magic then? Got any ideas?" Anon asked, to which Twilight shrugged. "Your world thinks magic is fake, so they don't care. Or maybe it's that thing the Tekhartha's talk about," Twilight suggested, making Anon smile a bit.

"You follow them?" Anon asked, to which Twilight nodded, her eyes shining a bit. "Mr. Zenyatta's words of peace are one thing I could follow. I might even believe my mentor could help them. Peace is one thing we should all seek," she said, making Anon look away with a sad expression.

"I wish you luck on that..." he said, getting up and walking to the cart door. Twilight frowned and blocked his way, making him look at her with surprise. "Anon, peace is possible. You're just seeing it like it's endless. There is a way to find it," she insisted, making him frown now.

"And why is that? Twilight, I used to kill people for a living because they happened to pull a gun on someone's throat and end it. Omnics will always be judged, and no one will care. I've tried it. It's not possible for even a peace-making agency, and it was made for that!" Anon snapped, his frustration evident.

"Violence isn't always the answer, Anon! It's about your choice of right or wrong. The world is not your enemy; it's your own thoughts," Twilight countered, putting her fist up. Anon noticed the fist was glowing now, and he gasped as the fist hit his chest, sending him back against the wall of the cart.

Twilight placed both hands on her mouth in shock at her action. Anon lifted a hand up to reassure her. "That... is progress," he said with a tired smile before slumping to the ground, exhausted. Spike ran over and sniffed the man's hand before looking at Twilight with confusion. She sighed and soon helped Anon up.

Their moment was interrupted as the train made a sudden stop. Both of them held onto something for stability. Anon looked out of the cart door and sighed. He then looked back at the two and smiled, opening the cart door all the way. "We're here," was all he said before adjusting his scarf and hopping off the cart.

Twilight looked at Spike before adjusting her scarf and picking up the dog, following close behind Anon.

As the two walked out, they were met with the sight of a big city just a good minute away from them. It was huge, so searching for the crown would be difficult and would take a while to find it. Anon took a step forward and lifted a hand up at the city, smiling at the two.

"Twilight Sparkle. Spike the dog. Welcome to London," he declared.

[Mission Complete: Escaped]
[Anon Y Mosu: 100%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Twilight: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]