> Dragon's Maw > by DrySpell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reaching Your Boiling Point > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon could still recall the wise words of his father when he was younger. Words he carried with him his entire life, and lived by righteously. “Over your lifetime, you’ll find many things in life you’ll hold dear. Of those, you’ll find things you want to stand up and fight for. But only when you find something you’re truly willing to die for will you come to appreciate the life you’ve lived.” Powerful words, etched into his heart by the blade of experience. He’d never forget them, nor would he ever stray from them. And, as he stared at the textbook in front of him, he could finally confirm that they were true. “So, let me get this straight.” Anon glanced up from the dusty book in his lap and at the speaker a few feet away from him. A purple glow surrounded her horn, a similar light surrounding the book. “You’re willing to die sticking your dick in a dragon’s mouth to confirm the old accounts of some likely insane dragon fetishist of the ancient era?” Anon blinked, then smirked. “Yeah, pretty much.” He shrugged and shook his head. “I see that something must be done, so I’m doing it. That’s called initiative.” “That’s called reckless ignorance, actually,” said Twilight in rebuttal. She lifted the book away from him and then continued. “I suppose I should be applauding your eager attitude towards research... But there’s a fine line between dangerous curiosity and plain stupidity. And you’re not even close to the edge.” Anon acted fast, snatching the book back from her magical grasp. The dusty old tome had a well-kept leather spine and a latch to keep it shut. The dull, golden letters etched into the front was the title: Richard Gihver’s Account of Dragon Anatomy. Also known as Anon’s new path to enlightenment. “This guy was clearly someone worth following.” Anon turned the book around, revealing a particular page to Twilight. “He died for his research. All I want to do is follow in his great footsteps. Is that so bad?” “It is when I know you’re just horny and bored.” She sighed, then returned her attention to her original search. A plethora of library books lay scattered all around the pair. From research reports to children’s books, Twilight had it all. “Seriously, there are a million experiments I could use your help with, but you’d rather chase dragon tail.” “Dragon head, Twilight. Dragon head.” Anon laid back in his seat, a smug grin on his face from his pointless correction. “Plus, I’d be helping out a lot more if my reward was…” Anon flipped to a specific page. The one he’d found first to set him down this path. “The unity between a cloud’s softest touch and the fires of a volcano’s depths. A demon’s kiss to an angel’s touch. A—” “I’ve read the damn book!” yelled Twilight. The book slipped from his fingers again, finding its place in a pile beside her. She sighed, then met Anon’s annoyed glare. “Look. How about this? If you help me find the research material I need, we can take a trip to the dragon lands.” Her eyes narrowed. “And no more than that, alright? I’m not helping you play matchmaker to your certain doom.” “Deal,” Anon shot back immediately. He looked up at the books stuffed in the shelves that neither Twilight nor he had pulled down yet. “What are you looking for again?” “I was looking for my mother’s cookbook,” she explained. “I wanted to make her cookies, but forgot the appropriate ratios for the—” “Oh yeah!” Anon smirked, then reached down to his side, in the corner of his seat. A few seconds later, he was holding a thin red book out towards Twilight. “I snatched this a while ago. Wanted to see how long it took for you to notice.” Twilight’s dumbfounded look was only matched by her confused expression. She lifted the book from his hands, looking over the cover. A few seconds later, she snarled at Anon, red blooming across her features. “You’re a jackass.” Anon smirked, then hopped out of his seat. “A jackass that’s about to get some dragon dome!” Startled, Twilight flinched in surprise as he threw a fist into the air triumphantly. “Whooo! I’m pumped!” After his outburst, her unamused expression returned. She put her palm on her forehead and sighed. “This is such a stupid idea…” It took a balloon ride over Equestria for Anon to finally grasp the reality of his situation. He was in a different world. Being cooped up in Ponyville for most of his displaced life had done little to help him in that regard. But, as he made his way over rolling hills, expansive desserts, creeping ancient jungles, and finally a large expanse of sea, the whole picture began to reveal itself. The entire experience was an unprecedented, magical beauty. “We’re almost there.” Twilight’s voice snapped him out of his stupor and grabbed his attention. There was an island on the horizon with mountainous peaks poking out from the tree line. Anon joined Twilight at her side, and watched the land get closer. “So… what’s your plan?” “Plan?” Twilight’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. “You can not be serious…” she grumbled. “Okay… let’s say we land right now. What do you do?” Anon blinked with a blank expression. Judging by it, Twilight could tell the question never even crossed his mind. “I’ll just ask the first girl I see,” he said with a shrug. “Simple.” “No, not simple!” With another, longer sigh, she took a seat on one of the balloon’s benches. “You’re basically already throwing your life away doing this, but I might as well give you your best shot.” Twilight’s horn lit up and a book from her bag lying on the floor slipped from the flaps. She flipped through it until she found the page she was looking for, spreading it out far enough for them both to see. “Dragons are very temperamental. They don’t take kindly to other races impeding on their territory.” “Mhmm…” Anon pulled back from the side, taking a seat next to Twilight. She cleared her throat before pointing at a section on the page. A passage beneath the image of a staff with a big, red crystal atop it. “Thanks to Spike, me and the girls have a friendly relationship with the current Dragon Lord, Ember.” Twilight looked up, meeting Anon’s curious glance. “But other, random dragons may not take kindly to a new face.” “Not an issue,” quipped Anon with a confident smirk. “Who wouldn’t love a face like this?” “Uh-huh.” Twilight rolled her eyes, then returned them to the book. “Anyways, you’re unlikely to capture a dragon’s attention without offering them something of value.” Twilight flipped the page, revealing a new passage. “Historically, this has come in the form of bits, tasty gems—” “Dick.” Twilight peered over at Anon, who’d retrieved the book he brought from Twilight’s bag. The leather spine was regrettably recognizable. “Says here that good ol’ Gihver just waltzed up and dropped his pants, wooing the current Dragon Lord on the spot.” “A friendly reminder that this book is more than likely self-published. Its accounts are shaky at best.” Anon frowned but kept quiet. Twilight sighed, then returned to her book. “While his offer may have been a mystery, thankfully, I have prepared a few gifts that may sway a dragon in your favor.” “Wait… really?” Anon raised an eyebrow and smirked. “That’s… surprisingly supportive of you.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well… being truthful, I am interested in how human-dragon mating would go. However morbid it may be.” She looked over at Anon, whose smile began to grow. “I so got you on board!” Grumbling something under her breath, Twilight shook her head and didn’t respond. Instead, she looked over her shoulder and realized how close the island had gotten. Acting quick, her horn lit up and gripped the flame nozzle. Lowering it slowly began their descent. Anon closed the book and looked over the edge as they approached the sandy beach of the island. Getting close felt like walking into a sauna. The very air was heated as it blew through his hair and along his skin. A faint charred scent drifted on the wind as well, and the grumblings of upset volcanoes rang out as well. He’d seen many weird places like this from afar, but actually touching down on them felt even stranger. “Wait… that’s not…” Anon hummed in confusion, but Twilight didn’t respond. Following her gaze revealed a small group of figures gathered on the beach below. Not unusual, considering this was a populated island. But, considering Twilight’s reaction, Anon felt a bit of caution creep into himself. The basket hit the sand with a dull thud, only a few dozen feet away from the group. Twilight stuffed her book back into her bag, then slung it over her shoulders. With a short wing flap, she was out onto the beach. Anon resorted to using the door. “What an unexpected visit, Twilight.” A voice that immediately commanded attention. So much so that even the nonchalant Anon had to look up. “Or… are you Starlight?” “Holy shit…” mumbled Anon. With one glance, the beauty he’d felt from the desserts, jungles, and seas faded into the corners of his mind. Two true monuments of nature’s creation were sitting right in front of him. “Those are some absolutely massive—” “D-Dragon Lord Ember! Nice to see you in person again!” Anon’s eyes widened. Realizing he was standing in front of the Dragon Lord was shocking, but getting jabbed in the kidney by Twilight’s elbow was the cause this time. “It’s Twilight, by the way… Why are you out here?” “My scouts told me they spotted a balloon heading here with a purple pony and some other thing onboard.” Ember’s eyes shifted to the two dragons at her side, both wearing helmets covering their finer features. Still, Anon could see their eyes fixed on him. “Thought I’d come out here to welcome you.” “Oh, there’s no need to worry about him. Us.” Twilight offered her a big smile. “We’re just here for some, um… sightseeing?” “It’s alright, Twilight.” Before she could turn to face Anon with a glare full of fury, he’d already stepped in front of her. He’d recovered from her sneak attack and now stood strong with a serious expression. Then again, getting comforted by him in a situation like this eased her nerves like standing over a pit of fire would. “I’ve decided. She’s the one.” “The one?” repeated Ember, an eyebrow raised. “Is this some kind of pony thing I don’t understand?” “Hmm…” With his wits about him once again, Anon finally gave Ember a proper once-over. She was definitely a dragon, all right. Blue skin, lizard-like features, and a set of wings spreading from her back. A set of bony horns sprouted from her head, curled inward like a demon’s. Glancing down just a bit further, he was caught in the same trap that snared him in the first place. “Damn…” “The way you glare annoys me for some reason.” Anon looked back up to meet her gaze, but couldn’t get the image out of his head. The dress she wore covered her well, but it didn’t keep her figure hidden at all. The curve of her body was easily noticeable from just a short look. “Apologies.” Anon adjusted his tie. Blowing this was unacceptable. He glanced over at Twilight, who seemed dumbfounded at his change in demeanor, then made his move. Lifting the book he’d brought with him up to his chest, he gave his most charming smile and opened his mouth to speak. “Are you familiar with the works of—” “Is that Dick Gihver’s Account of Dragon Anatomy?” Anon’s eyes widened and his body stiffened. After squinting her eyes at his chest, Ember continued. “ Looks like the original, too.” “Y-Yeah, it is…” He cleared his throat. “You know about it?” Ember looked up and off into the distance, not glancing at anything in particular. “It’s the inspiration for a really popular erotic novel here.” She glanced at her guards, who silently confirmed her words with a nod. “Pretty old, though. Heard that my grandma met him as the Dragon Lord and helped him write it.” “Helped him as in…?” Ember nodded, confirming his suspicions. “Heard he didn’t live much longer than that, though,” hummed Ember. “Turns out ponies and dragons ain’t too compatible.” “That may be true, but one test isn’t enough to come to a good conclusion, right?” Anon smirked. This was it. All his nonexistent planning had to come to a head now, or he’d lose his chance forever. Not that he had any logical backing for that. That’s just how it felt. “How does a retest with yours truly sound?” Ember raised an eyebrow, and looked between him and Twilight. “Why would I do that?” she said simply. “Was him burning his dick off not enough of a warning for you?” “Well, see, that’s the thing.” Anon curled his hand into a fist and beat his chest. “I’m not a pony. I’m a human.” He smiled with confidence. “I’m built different.” “Not that damn different…” murmured Twilight. “So that’s what you are, then? A human?” Ember’s confusion was clear on her face. She scratched the side of her head, looking him up and down again. “What exactly does that mean?” “It means I’m the rarest creature on the planet. The last time a human was here was before your universe came into being.” Anon glanced back at Twilight. “At least, that’s what she says.” “And you, as an incredibly rare species, decided to throw your life away bedding a dragon?” Again, Anon blinked. He turned to Twilight, then back to Ember, an odd look of confusion on his face. “I mean, yeah,” he answered simply. “Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You’re worth dying for.” Other than the rustling of the wind blowing against the tree line, the group fell into silence. Ember’s expression was hard to read, but it seemed like she was pensive. Anon could almost see the gears turning in her head behind her sharp red eyes. Finally, after a long bout of silence, a small smirk appeared on Ember’s face. “Gotta say. You’ve got the guts of a dragon, human. I like that.” She lifted her staff up just enough to tap against the sand. Then, she turned on her heel, beginning to head deeper into the trees. “Follow me.” The look on Twilight’s face revealed that she was just as taken aback as Anon was. He turned back to Ember, but she was already walking through the trees. He quickly hopped to follow along. The wild path through the forest’s growth slowly gave way to a more earthy walkway. Rocky terrain put Anon on alert, while Twilight opted to float over most of the jagged debris. Sweat began rolling down hiss back the further they traveled inland. He wished he’d dressed a little lighter, but remembered that he could shed them pretty soon if he was lucky. Soon they came across a long, thin, and winding pathway over the ocean. It led to a rocky structure resembling a castle detached from the island. The spires and archways were dull, red rock carved into a mountain, but it looked regal enough. After a cautious climb, the group made it to the front doors where several other guards were waiting. With a nod from their lord, they quickly opened the doors, leading the pair inside. “Welcome to my home,” called Ember, extending her hand out. Despite the rudimentary exterior, the interior was well decorated. Banners, chandeliers, expensive rugs, the works. More importantly, the lack of airflow seemed to increase the heat around them twofold. Ember looked back, waving a hand at her entourage. “You two can return to your duties. As for Twilight, if you’d like—” “I’ll stick around, actually,” said Twilight. Her horn lit up again, retrieving another book from her bag along with an inkwell and feather. “He’s just here to get laid, but I’d like to document it, if that’s okay.” She shot Anon an annoyed side eye before continuing. “Maybe something written by me will stop horny idiots from acting rashly in the future.” “Suit yourself.” Ember turned her attention to the side, down a hallway where a grand door sat. “My room’s right over here.” The three of them continued alone, reaching their destination in less than a minute. Ember lifted her scepter, tapping it against the door twice. After a few seconds of silence, the door began to part with a low rumble. Anon’s hand was barely enough to stop the hot blast of air coming from the new opening. As they stepped in, several blue fires burst to life, illuminating the dark room in an instant. Stone pillars stretched to the back of the room. A platform raised a bit above the floor against the wall. On top of it were several leaves, presumably from the foliage around the island. “Is that a pit of fucking lava?” The question slipped out of Anon’s mouth without thinking. A yellow glow washed the bottom half of the rocky platform in its light. The churning lava popped every few seconds, with a few jets of the stuff nearly reaching the platform. Nearly. “Course it is. This is a volcano.” Ember began walking to the back, her tail swiping back and forth as she went. Anon’s newly formed second thoughts were quickly drowned by the sway of her hips as she walked. She turned back with a cocky smile. “What’s wrong? Too hot for you?” “Nope,” he lied. Immediately revealing his lie, he tugged at his tie until it came loose. Afterward, he flicked each button of his blazer open. The dress shirt followed soon after. He dropped the clothing down to the ground, leaving only his tank top to cover his chest. “So how are we doing this?” “Well first, I’d like to get a closer look at what I’m working with.” Ember reached the end of the walkway, a short flap of her wings taking her up to the platform. Resting her scepter down against it, she turned back to face the duo. “I’ve heard that ponies are hung, but have bad stamina. I wonder what a human…” She blinked. “You’re already naked?” “I don’t like to waste time.” Anon, who’d quickly stripped down to his birthday suit, loved to waste time. The real reason was the copious amount of sweat dripping down every inch of his body. He turned around to Twilight, who seemed to be doing fine, then pointed up at Ember. “Little help here, Twi?” “Sure thing.” Before she finished speaking, he was cloaked in her magic. After a small heart attack from being carried over lava, he touched down just a few feet from Ember. She’d taken a seat, with her legs crossed and her eyes solely focused on his lower half. “Hmm… not too impressive, but I can work with this.” She reached forward, spreading her claws wide and grabbing Anon’s cock like a remote. Her thumb claw glided over the top, causing it to twitch. “It’s a good thing you’re raring to go.” “I’m no stallion, but it’ll get the job done.” Her hand was rough, but not entirely unpleasant. She rubbed the top of his shaft for a bit before jerking it towards her. Anon kept his eyes wide open. Those claws didn’t look dull. “Hey, you don’t happen to have a boyfriend or anything, right?” “Boyfriend?” she glanced up, but didn’t stop her pulling. “Is that some special sort of friend you humans have?” “I’m just wondering if you’ve done this before,” Anon clarified. “It may not look like it, but I’d like to keep my delicate equipment intact. At least, until I stick it in.” “You humans are odd creatures.” Switching up her technique, she began to twist her wrist. This steadily roused Anon’s cock to full readiness. Her grin was devious. “Prepare yourself, human.” With her palm underneath the shaft, she lifted the tip up to her mouth. Her tongue flicked across her mouth before she opened it wide. Rows of sharp white teeth gleamed in the light. Anon gulped. He’d start sweating if he wasn’t already dripping. Yet, instead of putting it in, her tongue began to loll out of her mouth. It slipped down, hanging just above her chest. Next, it curved upward, the two prongs of its tip hovering just underneath her tip. She wiggled it beneath him seductively, before going in for the kill all at once. Immediately, Anon winced. His body tensed up as her tongue wrapped around the head, slithering down the shaft with ease. As much as he’d like to ignore it, the subtle sizzling sound of her saliva against his skin was deafening. Still, she continued without pause. Her tongue tightened its grip on the shaft, wrapping it like a ribbon. His groans of pain only seemed to make Ember chuckle. But that was only the beginning. As soon as she got her grip right, through some unnatural miracle, her tongue began to pump him like her hand once did. Anon craned his neck back, letting out a moan despite the situation. “Hate to disturb you, but I have to ask.” Anon’s eyes lazily tilted to the side, where Twilight was floating. “Could you describe the experience in a short, quotable sentence?” A single stream of saliva slipped out of his mouth. “The infinite cosmos is swirling before my very eyes.” Twilight nodded, then looked down at her book. “Got it.” Her quill began scratching against the parchment, murmuring as she went. “Subject suffers from the effects of heatstroke within moments.” Her words went in one ear and out the next. Anon’s mind felt like it was melting into goop. Not because of the heat, as Twilight thought, but because of her bomb-ass head. Her tongue, while definitely hot, felt like a strip of velvet coated in clouds. This went beyond the concept of softness and into something indescribable. Her sticky wet saliva made him shiver like he’d bitten into some soft serve. “Hmm…” Ember led him closer, into the belly of the beast. Her tongue may have felt like sticking his dick into a pot of boiling water, but her mouth felt like the heat of an oven. His balls bounced as they bathed in a warmth he could barely even feel. In fact, as his cock began to travel along the flat of her tongue and down her throat, he couldn’t feel much of anything at all. “Oh god…” His balls rested against her chin, as hot as an oven’s outer glass. Even though he was in possibly the softest and tightest squeeze of his life, there was little left to gain from it. On his way in, he’d found that he was just girthy enough to feel the sides of her teeth rub against him. He turned to Twilight again. “He was so fucking right.” “I’m… glad to hear it?” Again, the words barely registered in his mind. This time, it was because he had a job to do. Perfectly positioned for an opportunist such as himself, Anon grabbed hold of her two horns with a tight grip. Her eyes widened as he pulled his hips back, stumbling in the process, before thrusting in with a wet, gooey squish. Nerves be damned, he was going to dick down this dragon. Anon had no time to play nice. He pulled back as much as could before ramming forward with as much strength as he could muster. Ember’s claw raised, then rested on his hand, but he continued with a brisk pace. And so he continued, just like that. His balls swung with vigor, smacking against her chin. His hips thumped against her face, spurting out a jet of saliva each time he did so. His cock plunged deep, tickling the back of her throat with his tip before yanking back out like a bath stopper. She squeezed his hand with each thrust, and her sharp eyes slowly began to soften. His heart began to beat harder against his chest. He may not have been able to feel much of the sensation, but the sight of face fucking a dragon still made his brain go dummy. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep this up much longer. True to his word, A few seconds later, Ember’s eyes widened in surprise. Picking up on that context clue, he thrust in one last time, feeling his balls squeeze closer to his legs. Before long, a thick jet of white spewed out from her mouth, splashing against his lower stomach and the top of her chest below. More cum followed suit, slipping down her chin and joining the puddle on her breasts. Finally, after a few seconds of silence, Anon yanked himself free of her mouth entirely, slapping his meat right onto her nose. Thinking little, he jammed his thumb into the hole he left in her mouth and, after wincing, pulled it upward to reveal the inside. “Fuck yeah…” As he’d expected, cum had splattered all along her mouth. Some dripped off her teeth, while most sat in a thick puddle on her tongue. A little dribbled down her face, thanks to his dick’s last hoorah. Speaking of his dick, there was little left to write home about. Turns out a bout with intense heat was bound to get him a little scorched. Burn marks and red, bloated skin traveled all down the shaft, right to the head. Small cuts and gashes had formed along the length, but most were cauterized by the intense heat. Still, upon closer inspection, Anon realized the slightly red streaks inside the pearl-white blobs. Ember closed her mouth, with Anon having little time to pull away. She looked upwards, swallowing down the mess in her mouth. Afterward, she opened her mouth again with a sigh. “You’re definitely no pony,” she said, licking her lips. Her claw flicked across her face, wiping the last of the cum away. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that kind of stamina.” She eyed his lower half which still twitched like it had before. “And it looks like you can still go…” “Excuse my rudeness, Lord Ember.” The pair turned to Twilight, who’d both forgotten she was still there. As stoic as always, she pointed toward’s Anon’s dick. Or, whatever had replaced it after that ordeal. “But what part of that looks like it’s still able to go?” Anon nodded, grabbing himself by the base. “Gotta agree with Twilight on this one,” he remarked. Flopping it around, he chuckled. “Not getting much more use out of this bad boy. Will say it was totally worth it, though.” “Noted.” Twilight scribbled into her book again. Ember looked between the two of them before bursting out in laughter. Anon glanced at Twilight for an answer but found an equally confused look. Without responding, Her tail slipped behind and around him, catching him off balance. Grabbing his shoulder, she managed to put him on his back and mount him in one fell swoop. Anon blinked a few times. The leaves at his back were quite soft, despite their look. Or maybe he was also damaging the nerves in his back. “It’ll be able to go until I say otherwise, human.” One of her claws pinned his arm to the rock. Unnecessary. With her lording over him, he wasn’t in too much of a hurry to leave anyway. “You didn’t think you’d be the only one to get something out of this, did you?” “That is fair,” said Anon, turning to Twilight. He nodded at her as if trying to convince both of them in the process. Ember grinned, then pressed a claw to the top of her dress. The fabric easily gave way, her breasts jumping out with ease. “These should keep you occupied.” Her words barely registered before Anon grabbed one in his hand. It felt nice to be able to feel something once again. And this was a hell of a thing to feel. Big, hefty melons the size of his head or larger. His fingers sank in as he squeezed them. “Mhmm… while you’re working on that…” As fucked up as his lower half had gotten, it was still long, hard, and raring to go. Her claw glided up to the tip and her hips rose just the same. With her chest closer to his, he took the moment to latch onto her hanging breast with his tongue. He lapped at her puffy nipples like a thirsty cat. Her claw wrapped around the base of his head, rubbing it against her lips before pressing down. It barely took a second before Anon realized the problem. For a moment, numbness crawled from his stomach out to the tips of his fingers. Ember’s body twisted and bent unnaturally. His vision had warped. After a few seconds, things began to return back to normal. Well, as normal as scorching temperatures against every inch of his skin was. “Hmm!” Ember grunted, shoving the rest of him inside her. Her head tilted back and a plume of fire burst from her mouth. Her teeth bared and eyes narrowed, she glanced back down “That hits the spot…” Anon pulled back from her bust, letting his head rest against the leaves. “G-Glad to hear it…” he panted. He could definitely tell his condition was worsening. Sweat was rolling down his body like a faucet. His entire body, at least what he could feel, buzzed with energy. The skin on his fingers felt like it was bound to split and burst into flames at any moment. Despite that, the sight of his dick covered in the sticky juices of Ember’s pussy made it all worth it. Just as he had, Ember wasted no time getting right to the action she came for. She slammed into his thighs with a mighty slap, growling as she did so. Her claws dug into his skin, and Anon let out a grumble of his own. Her tail flicked back and forth as she raised her ass into the air again. Her next plunge down stole the air from Anon’s lungs. “Hmm, yes…!” hissed Ember. Her thrusts down got faster, more potent. The rock beneath them rumbled under her surprisingly hefty attack. “I thought you were small and wimpy, but it feels like you grew in size out of the blue!” “That’s probably from the heat swelling,” said Twilight. Ignoring her, she continued ramming into him with her body. Had he been able to feel it, he’d have discovered that dragon pussy was the softest known material in the world. Smooth like satin sheets, while tight and wet just as her throat had been. The heat spoke for itself. Every now and then, jets of her arousal would splash outward, climbing up his stomach. It sizzled for a second before disappearing. They only left a black streak of scorched flesh behind. “Y-You humans are truly interesting!” Ember moaned. Her tongue flitted in time with her thrusts, which were only getting faster by the moment. “Any pony would have burst by now… and no dragon can scratch that itch like you can…” Ember’s eyes turned predatory like a snake eyeing its unassuming meal. Anon opened his mouth, his voice dry and cracked. “W-What can I-I say…” He lifted his arm, which had grown too weak to grab anything, and thumbed his chest. Despite everything, he flashed her a cocky smile like he had when he sauntered in here. “Built… different…” Ember bared her teeth, tongue licking against its wicked sharp points. “I’ve made up my mind!” Ember leaned back, sitting up straight on his cock. Her claws rested against his stomach, and she stuffed the last bit of his cock inside of her. Anon could see the smallest bulge underneath her belly button. He was confused for a moment before realizing his body was shaking with orgasmic pleasure. A glob of cum bubbled out from her cunt, quickly pooling on his stomach and drifting down the side of his body. “I’m keeping you.” “G-Good to... to…” Anon’s response drifted into a half groan, half huff. Still, it didn’t seem to affect Ember. She pressed her tits against his chest, lifting her lower half up and dislodging him from her pussy. He couldn’t see or feel it, but the wet pop gave him some sort of comfort. It confirmed that there was still something there, no matter how fucked it may have been. “So… is it still worth it?” Anon’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. At first, it was to meet Twilight’s eyes, but he quickly realized he didn’t have much choice. The ringing in his ears got louder, muting any sound around him. Where he once felt a blazing fire, there was only a frigid, still cold. Somehow, through it all, his eyes still worked. And he was pretty confident in his mouth reading. Twilight smirked, then closed her book. “Don’t worry. You can sleep now.” His eyelids became much heavier after she spoke those words. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, his body had given out. The darkness that followed matched the cold. And finally, after he was truly alone, he drifted off toward the abyss, with only his thoughts and regrets to keep him company. Well, judging from his decision-making up to this point… it’s not like he had many of those. In a twisted way, Anon was glad to die. He could confirm what many had debated the afterlife to be like. When he finally opened his eyes, a bright, blinding light washed over him. He couldn’t move at all, and he felt nothing. Every few seconds, a dull beep rang out somewhere at his side. Then, all at once, his senses sharpened to a point. Everything came crashing down on him at once. “Hell looks a lot like a hospital room.” “Ah, you’re awake.” His eyes were the only thing he could move. An attempt to move his neck came with a sharp pain stuck through every cell in his body. He shivered in pain, unable to yell out. “T-Twilight?” croaked Anon. At the call of her name, she leaned over his body, waving her hand nonchalantly. “What are you doing here? Are you… God?” “I might as well be,” she said with a smirk. “I don’t think there’s a magician in the world who could’ve brought you back here in one piece.” She averted her eyes. “Mostly one piece.” “I’m alive?” He looked down at himself. His chest and arms were heavily bandaged. He was hooked up to so many machines that he had to give up counting the wires. In response, Twilight brought a clipboard up to her face. “Define ‘alive’.” She flipped to the next page and cleared her throat. “Every cell in your body is on the verge of death. You have cuts ranging from small lacerations on your stomach to deep gashes on your shoulders. I had to surgically remove your penis since it took so much punishment.” She flipped the page back down, then glared at Anon with a frown. “And you have diabetes.” “Aw, man…” whined Anon. “You took my dick off?” Twilight nodded, and her horn lit up. A few seconds later, a container full of blue fluid hovered above him. Inside was a familiar face. “Hey, that doesn’t look too bad! A little bigger than I remember, though.” “This is a recreation. Your real one looks like the burnt branch of a dead tree,” explained Twilight. “You can thank Ember for the size adjustments. Looks like you made a fan out of her.” “When can I put it back on?” Twilight flipped through her pages again. “In about a year,” she hummed. “If you’re lucky.” Anon looked past her, at the blank ceiling, silent. Twilight raised an eyebrow, but let him be. Only after a minute had passed did he open his mouth once again. “Hey, Twilight?” “Hm?” “I’m totally going back there.” He tried to smirk to the best of his ability, but it fell flat. “Cause it was so fucking worth.” Twilight’s eyes widened, and she blinked a few times in surprise. Her horn lit up a final time, bringing a quill up to her clipboard. “A… very stupid idea…” She ran the tip across the page in a line. The words “Secure Vol. 2” were scratched out with it. She smirked, then placed the clipboard on a nearby desk. “But not unexpected in the slightest.”