What Can Go Wrong?

by TheKing2001

First published

After Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow go out of town for some trading business or whatever so I offered to watch their sisters.

So apparently Rainbow is dragging Applejack and Rarity out of town to go to some trading place to buy some stuff or whatever it is they do there so I offered to watch Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. For some reason, Pinkie and Fluttershy keep asking me if I need help while Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity keep asking me if I'm sure. I can easily look after three girls. After all, what can go wrong?

Day One

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“Are you absolutely sure you got this darling?”

I groaned and resisted the urge to slam my head against the wall of my house repeatedly. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow stood in the hallway giving me a concerned look.

I had agreed to watch after Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo while their older sisters (and role model) went out of town for a week. And for some reason, the three keep asking me if I got it. And don’t even get me started on Pinkie and Fluttershy. Those two are constantly asking if I need help.

“Yes, Rarity for the nine hundredth time, I got this. I’m from a magical world of talking ponies, I’m pretty sure I can control three teens for a week,” I said flatly as they all looked at each other. “They’re just three kids, it’s not gonna be difficult or anything.”

“Have you meet mah sister?” Applejack asked and folded her arms. “Ah love Bloom and all, but she’s a handful.”

“And so can Scoots at times,” Rainbow added as she leaned against my wall. “I know I’m me and all, but if you need help, Fluttershy and Pinkie are a call away.”

“I’ve literally helped defeat three sirens who took over the school. Three girls are gonna be a piece of cake compared to that.”

The three gave each other doubtful looks again as I rolled my eyes.

“Look, do you trust me?”

“Of course darling! Otherwise we wouldn’t have agreed to let you watch them. It’s just well, they are a force to be reckoned with when they are all together. Don’t even get me started when Sweetie Belle is alone,” Rarity said with a shudder and handed me a bag of pills. “Bed time is eight for Sweetie, here are her bedtime medications because she has trouble sleeping. Do not let her cook or your kitchen will burn down.”


“Apple Bloom goes to bed at the same time. Do not let her have apple juice after seven thirty or she goes crazy.”

“Same with Scootaloo,” Rainbow added. “Apple juice is fine but bed time is firm.”

Applejack opened the door and three blurs rushed inside the house as I raised an eyebrow slightly.

“Hey girls!” I grinned as Scootaloo kicked her shoes off into the corner.

“Woah,” Apple Bloom said as she looked around in awe. “Ya live here?”

“Was that a pool in your back yard?” Scootaloo asked curiously as Sweetie Belle set her shoes down gently and neatly, no doubt Rarity’s influence.

“How did you afford this place?” Sweetie Belle added.

“Girls!” Rarity announced and they all looked at her intently. “Sunset is gonna be watching you three for us for a week. You are to be on your best behavior. If she tells us you three girls did anything wrong, you will be grounded. Am I one hundred percent clear Sweetie Belle?”

“Yes Rarity!”

“The same goes for you Apple Bloom and ah mean it,” Applejack said sternly. “One mistep and ah will make ya clean out the pig pen of all the manure.”

Rarity turned slightly green as Apple Bloom grimaced and I chuckled.

“Same with you Scoots. You’re awesome, I know you will be on your best behavior. Now let’s hit the road!” Rainbow Dash cheered as she shoved a protesting, startled Rarity out my door as Applejack paused to look back at me.

“If ya need help, Fluttershy is just a few houses down. Have a good week Sugarcube,” Applejack tipped her hat as I started shoving her out my front door.

“Yes, yes Applejack I understand. You three have a good week, don’t let Rarity get cold at night, love you fam stay safe,” I said as I shut the door and locked it. I made out Applejack blush as she strode to her car and it disappeared down the curve as Rainbow waved. “We don’t need any help from Fluttershy or Pinkie, now do we girls?”

I turned around and looked around in confusion at the empty space behind me where Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and
Scootaloo had been standing.


I finally found the three upstairs looking at my shelf of stuff from Equestria as I smiled faintly.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked knowingly as Sweetie Belle jumped. “It’s an Equestrian Lilac. It’s scent calms us down and promotes peace. Took me a bit to find one when I visited after the Battle of the Bands but it’s worth it.”

“Pretty!” Sweetie Belle declared as she sniffed it. “I like the smell.”

“Me too.”

“What is this?” Scootaloo asked and held up a rock as I smiled.

“That’s a rock from my home town. It’s very rare to find, forms underground in a egg like thing. Only a few dozen are found every few years. Princess Twilight and I went looking for them.”

Scootaloo gave a nod as she gently it set back down on the shelf as I pointed a tree branch.

“That tree grew in the back yard of the house I lived in as a filly. Of course, it’s owned by somepony else now but I pulled some strings,” I chuckled as Apple Bloom examined it.

“Thank ya kindly for agreeing to look after us. How did you get a place like this?” Apple Bloom asked curiously as I shrugged. “In high school, no less.”

“I brought all my bits here. So I decided to get a house like I had back in Equestria. It’s been my home for God knows how long at this point. And yes, I have a pool. You three have been gone almost all summer otherwise I’d have let you swim in it. It’s been pretty hot this summer.”

“Dang right it has,” Scootaloo complained as I opened a door in the hallway. “I’ve only been here for two weeks after camp and all I’ve worn is my tank tops.”

“So has Dash. This is my spare room where you girls will be sleeping. I’ll be making sure you girls are asleep before I go to bed. And yes, you can watch TV as long as it’s appropriate. I got some movies over there-”

“Movies!” Sweetie Belle shouted as she and Apple Bloom rushed to my book cases full of movies as I gave them confused looks. “She has Beauty and the Beast!”

“The Lion King!”

“All the Batman movies!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she joined them. “Wow.”

“Thanks, I think?” I mused as they all grinned widely.

“We love movies!” Sweetie gushed as she continued examining the rows of movies. “I didn’t know you had so many!”

“Well, when I first came here I didn’t really know much but one thing I did know was movies and books. It took a me a long time figure out how to get a DVD player to work, let alone my TV but once I did, I was watching movies for months to help learn about this new world. Humans have an entirely different sense of humor compared to ponies.”

Sweetie Belle hugged my waist excitedly as I gave her a startled look. I knew the girl was super friendly like this but I’ve never really had it happen to me.

I hugged her back as she squealed.

“You’re so awesome!” Sweetie announced happily as I blushed faintly. “Do we really have to go to bed at eight?”

“Don’t tell your sisters this but I’ll let you stay up till about nine thirty. As long as you take your medicine at nine. And as long as you three behave, you can stay up till nine every night. Just promise to clean up any mess you make and don’t touch anything from Equestria, my keys, streaming area or my guitars. And my room is off limits, got it?”

“Got it!” The three girls said in unison.

“And don’t get in the pool without me there to supervise. Now come on, I ordered pizza while I was looking for you three. Bring your bags upstairs while I go downstairs and wait for it to get here.”

“Yes ma’am!” Scootaloo saluted as the trio raced down the stairs and I chuckled.

“The girls were so exaggerating when they said these girls were a handful. Puh-lease, they all seemed very sweet. This is gonna be a piece of cake like I said.”

I started walking down the stairs as I listened to the three laugh with a smile.

What can go wrong?

Day Two

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“And here’s your pops,” Sweet Leaves said with a smile as she gently set down some two liters of pop. “Dang Sunset, you having a party or something in there?”

I looked around the five pizzas at her as I shook my head with a smile.

“Nah just watching Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for a week while their sisters are gone,” I answered as Sweet Leaves gave me a concerned look. I never really talked to the girl before so this was a first.

“Oh well good luck in there,” Sweet Leaves said as she patted me on the shoulder. “Trust me, you’ll need it. I was there when Fluttershy watched them and well, it was an experience. I’m rooting for ya.”

“Thanks. And drive safe!” I called out as Sweet Leaves nodded and winked as she held up her phone and pointed to the pizza box as I stared down at a phone number written on a sticky note with a smile and the words Call Me under it. I turned bright red as Sweet Leaves got in her car and drove off, making a mental note to save the number. “Girls, come help me with the boxes please.”

The three appeared out of nowhere behind me and I handed each of them a pizza box.

“Thank ya kindly Sunset!” Apple Bloom smiled up at me as I picked up the pops and placed them on top of my own boxes.

“Ooh you got her number! Go Sunset!” Scootaloo cheered as I directed the girls to my kitchen. “Gonna call her?”

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly as I got some paper plates down. “Never really talked to her until today.”

“I say go for it. Your house is big enough,” Sweetie Belle commented as she helped me open the boxes. “Ooh sausage my favorite.”

“That sounded dirty,” Scootaloo snorted as I groaned and rolled my eyes.

“Don’t let your sisters hear you talk like that. Or tell them I knew otherwise Rarity will murder me,” I warned as they all nodded sheepishly. “I mean it.”

“Yes Sunset,” they said in unison as I stepped back to let them get however many slices they wanted.

“Now no messes on my carpet or couch please otherwise you’re gonna be cleaning it up. I can be fun but I value cleanliness in my house,” I said as I brought out cups of pop for the girls and set them down in cup holders. “I want this to be a fun week. And if you all behave tonight, maybe I’ll let you all go swimming tomorrow afternoon depending on the weather.”

“Epic!” Scootaloo cheered as I smiled warmly at the three. I had spent a good amount of time around the three, mainly with their sisters or playing soccer with the three. I was still a bit surprised that Sweetie Belle was Rarity’s sister.

The two couldn’t be further from different. While they shared a love of fashion, Sweetie Belle was much more eager to get messy and do outdoorsy stuff.

“What movie do you all wanna watch?” I asked curiously as I knelt down and started thumbing through my large collection. “Got transformers, star wars, the matrix movies, jurassic park, the movies you all saw earlier and more. Oh and Jaws!”

“AJ really doesn’t like me watching horror movies like Jurassic Park or Jaws. Says it’s too scary for me or something,” Apple Bloom said uncertainty as she undid her bow and set it on the coffee table. “But I still do sometimes. But don’t tell her that or she will skin me alive and I personally like having my skin.”

“That’s a horrific mental image,” Scootaloo muttered as we shuddered. “Did Pinkie ever let you read her horror book she wrote?”

“Uh no?” I said nervously. Pinkie could be quite a character at times so I wouldn’t put it past her. And she could be very in character when she wanted to be. The things I’ve seen that girl do and say are honestly mind blowing and frankly, a bit nerve wracking.

“Probably for the best,” Scootaloo commented as she bit into her pizza.

“So what made you want to volunteer to watch us?” Apple Bloom asked as she locked eyes on me. “I know there’s more to the story, I’m not stupid after all.”

I stared at her with a raised eyebrow as she copied the motion with a flat expression. She was more intuitive than I had imagined in all honesty.

“I just want you girls to like me and more importantly, feel comfortable around me. I know everyone at school loves me now and stuff but well, I was worried you three would think I was stealing your sisters away from you,” I admitted as the younger girls looked at each other and started laughing.

“Seriously?” Scootaloo asked as she pounded her chest a few times. “You’re not stealing our sisters away from us or whatever. They make an equal amount of time for us both.”

“Exactly,” Sweetie Belle nodded with a smile. “It was our suggestion to include you with us more. Helping the farm with Apple Bloom, playing soccer with Scootaloo and Rainbow, painting with me, Rarity and Watermelody.”

“I appreciate it. More than you three know,” I said honestly as I picked out a film. “How does Passengers sound?”

“Isn’t that a romance movie?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously as I flipped the case over, reading the back before I blushed.

“Okay not that one. Rarity gave me that a few weeks ago as a gift. How about Midway and then Titanic II?” I asked as the three looked at each other, having a silent discussion as I waited patiently.

“We accept your terms,” Apple Bloom nodded as I gave a thumbs up. “Ya ain’t gonna eat?”

“I will once I start the movie for you girls,” I promised as I pushed a cd into the DVD player. “I had a feeling you three would want to watch some, so I already have it set up. I’ll be back. Gotta go uh call some one.”

“Oohhhh,” Sweetie Belle called out as I blushed and sped walked into the kitchen. “We will be here!”

I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly as I put Sweet Leaves number in my phone. I didn’t even remember memorizing it but oh well.


“Wow, answered on the first ring. That’s impressive,” I smirked as I leaned against the counter.

“Yeah well, break time. It hasn’t even been an hour yet,” Sweet Leaves commented. “My break is about up so wanna get dinner? I can stop by tomorrow if you want once the girls are asleep.”

“Yeah sure. We can talk about stuff then. We don’t really know each other,” I said as she gave a faint laugh. “I can text you my address if you forgot.”

“Yeah, I know. Makes things fun. I’ll see you then, have a goodnight.”

“You too.”

I smiled faintly as I hung up, tossing some cheese pizza onto a paper plate.

I turned around and stared at the three girls grinning sheepishly at me.

“You heard all of that, didn’t you?” I asked as Apple Bloom nodded.

“Maybe,” Sweetie admitted with a shrug. “Sorry for intruding. We just wanted to ask if you wanted to join us.”

“Yeah I’ll be right out,” I smiled back.

“And where’s the bathroom?” Scootaloo asked as she crossed her legs. “I’m practically dancing over here.”

“Down the hall to the left,” I pointed as she gave me a grateful look and took off running. “I don’t know why people are acting like you three cause chaos everywhere. You are well behaved.”

“We try,” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said in unison as they both hugged me.

If only back then I knew things were going to get crazier in the near future.

Morning Of Day Three

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I stifled a yawn as I rolled over in bed, pulling the blankets up closer around me. It may be hot as fuck outside, but being wrapped up in warm blankets was the best feeling on earth.

“Careful Sweetie Belle,” I faintly made out Scootaloo talking and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, looking at the door. “You remember what happened last time you used the microwave.”

“I forgot to take the spoon out once! Once! And I never hear the end of it,” Sweetie Belle grumbled and I tensed up. “Besides, we aren’t using the microwave. We’re using a stove.”

“Lawd have mercy,” Apple Bloom said and I pictured her shaking her head. “Ah got a bad feeling about this.”

I gave a shrug and buried my face in my pillow. If she had Apple Bloom and Scootaloo there, it shouldn’t be that bad. Right?

I heard a crashing sound followed by the smoke detector going off and I shot up in bed, throwing the covers off. I yanked a shirt and a pair of sweatpants on, not even caring that they are dirty as I ran to the door.

I stood in the kitchen doorway with wide eyes, staring at a Apple Bloom shutting the stove off with Scootaloo facepalming as Sweetie Belle stood staring at the stove with a pan on the floor.

“What in Celestia’s dappled flanks just happened in here?” I asked as the three spun around.

“Oh morning Sunset! I was trying to make you breakfast and coffee in bed because you’ve been super nice to us,” Sweetie Belle grinned as Scootaloo nudged a black....thing on a plate.

“Tried is the key word here,” Scootaloo commented as Sweetie shot her a dirty look.

“What is that?” I asked curiously and poked it.

“Well, it was toast with eggs and sausages,” Sweetie admitted as she blushed and my eyed widened. There’s no way in Equestria that used to be toast, let alone eggs or sausage. “Are you gonna try it?”

I’m not gonna lie, trying that was the thing I wanted to do least but Sweetie gave me puppy dog eyes that I couldn’t refuse so I nodded.

“Ah’ll be praying for ya,” Apple Bloom said as I picked up a fork and stabbed a sausage. With a sigh, I took a bite and resisted the urge to gag.

“You don’t like it, do you?” Sweetie asked as I forced myself to swallow.

“No it’s uhm very good! Keep practicing,” i encouraged and forced a smile.

“See, I told you two she would like it!” Sweetie snapped as she turned away.

“I did,” I lied and Sweetie Belle grinned. “Why don’t you three go in the living room while I make you three breakfast too?”


The three ran out of the kitchen as I slowly stared at the mess.

“Sweet Celestia,” I muttered as I threw away the “breakfast” Sweetie made and covered it with other garbage. “How can one girl cause so much chaos? She and Discord would get along freaking great.”

I gave a low groan as I went to work on cleaning the insane amount of dishes those three had managed to create.

How they did this at ten am, I’ll never know.

I crossed my legs as I laid on my chair near my pool, idly watching the three girls.

“Hey,” I lifted sunglasses slightly to look at Fluttershy and Pinkie walking up the to gate and unlocking it.

“Hey Fluttershy,” I waved lazily as I examined her floral swim clothing and I gave her a grin. “Looking hot. Yo Pinks.”

“Shush you,” Fluttershy blushed as I laughed as she sat on the chair next to me. “You remind me of Rainbow Dash with you sunglasses. You look nice yourself.”

“How’s it been going with them?” Pinkie asked curiously and gestured to the three girls.

“Pretty good. Sweetie Belle tried making me breakfast in bed,” I answered and the two grimaced. “It was an experience in itself but I appreciate the gesture. It was nice of her even if most of it was unedible.”

“Yeah she means well,” Pinkie admitted.

“Agreed one second. Scootaloo! Don’t shove Apple Blooms head under water please!” I called out and she gave me a thumbs up. “You girls should have seen my kitchen. It was like a tornado went through there. A Sweetie Belle tornado.”

“I remember when she tried baking with me once. It was well, unique,” Pinkie grimaced as she tossed her shoes in a pile near my door. “Love that kid to death, all of em but they are a handful, even for me.”

“Now that’s a shocker,” I gave her a smug grin. “You watch the Cakes kid all the time and they’re crazy! How they do half the shit they do is beyond me. I don’t even want to imagine if they have kids in Equestria. A unicorn Pumpkin Cake or pegasus Pound Cake honestly is my nightmare.”

“Mine too,” Fluttershy agreed as Pinkie jumped in the water. “Don’t you have a date tonight?”

I glanced at her over my sun glasses, setting down my alcoholic beverage as I raised an eyebrow slightly.

“Yeah with Sweet Leaves. She dropped off pizza to my house the other night and asked if we could so I was figured screw it. I’ve been single for a few years now so might as well try to change that,” I explained as I took another sip of my alcoholic lemonade. “She told you? It’s not a prank, is it?”

“No. She’s actually very excited about it, she called me at three am about it. But don’t tell her I told you other wise I may die,” Fluttershy warned me as she gave me what I like to call The Look.

“Yes ma’am. Just stop Looking at me like that please,” I begged in mock fear as she rolled her eyes and I snickered. “I plan to get tan as hell. Gotta show off after all.”

“Your body is already nice,” Fluttershy pointed out. “I don’t see why you need to get tan.”

“Paying attention to my body, now are we?” I asked with a teasing grin as Fluttershy blushed. “Whatever would Sweet Leaves think about that?”

“It’s not like that. Just uhm she talks about it a lot. It’s a bit uncomfortable but I did agree to be there for her,” Fluttershy admitted as she shifted on her chair. “I could use tan, maybe people would actually like me then.”

“Hey,” I set down my beer and glared at her. “You’re hot in your own way. Shy is cute these days. I heard something about Roseluck being interested in you, same with Bulk Biceps. Apparently Rosie has some competition.”

“O-oh dear,” Fluttershy hugged her self as I smirked. “I’ve only ever spoken to Bulk.”

I gave a nonchalant shrug in response.

“A lot of people notice you. Especially since you helped take me down,” I answered with a neutral tone. “Fluttershy taking down the big bad Sunset Shimmer with magic? You got on a lot of people’s radar with that. Hell, you all did.”

“I’m not sure if I like being on people’s radar for taking you down. Makes you sound like a dog,” Fluttershy commented with a scowl as I chuckled.

“In that case, my bark is just as scary as my bite,” I teased as she snorted. “I know that was cringy and cliché, don’t remind me or tell anyone. Especially not Sweet Leaves or Rainbow Dash.”

“No promises. Do you actually like Sweet or are you just trying to convince yourself you do?” Fluttershy asked as I paused.

I didn’t entirely know that answer. Sweet Leaves was a fairly nice girl from I heard and knew from my freshman year when I followed her for blackmail. She pretty much keeps to her self but can be pretty aggressive if someone comes after her friends, much like Baton Switch. Lyra, Vinyl, Roseluck, Rainbow and Trixie.

I’m surprised they haven’t formed a group chat yet. I’d pay to see how long they could tolerate each other in it.

“Yeah, I think I do,” I answered finally as we watched Apple Bloom climb out of the pool and dry off with a towel speckled with apple designs on to no ones surprise really.

Fluttershy gave me the largest smile I’ve ever seen on her face as she squeezed my hand.

“In that case, I hope it goes well for you both.”

I internally hoped the same.