> Meeting of Two Worlds > by JediWyrm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset leaned back against her girlfriend's bed, upon which said lover was longing upon working on some dress designs. In her hands lay the length of pink scarf she was working on. Looking at the instructions and at the recent work she did on it, she noted the place she messed up before nodding and going back to adding more length. She made sure to do the end that had the three balloons on it as that was the more complicated side. "So why aren't you fixing the mistakes as you go along?" Rarity asked. Sunset turned her head to look at the ivory girl and answered, "I'm using this one to learn, and it's for Pinkie. The more unique it is the better. Don't worry, I plan on making all the others more carefully, especially the one for you." As she made the scarf she was also carefully weaving a single red and gold thread throughout so that it would be hidden. The two girls quietly hung out working on their own projects simply enjoying each other's presence. One the pink scarf was done, Sunset picked up a ball of yellow and pink yarn as well as the three butterflies she had previously made. "So I get that the scarves are going to be a present for each of us, but what's the occasion?" The other girl wondered. "Well, part of it is a surprise, but it's also to thank all of you for standing up for me during the Memory Stone stuff. Just want to make something for you all to show how much I appreciate your friendship." The red haired girl replied as she slowly made the first chain for the second scarf. Continuing to work on their projects the two girls switched to chatting about the latest gossip. A couple weeks later found seven girls sitting in a booth at the Sugarcube Corner, Six of them had packages sitting in front of them with the last smiling as they all opened their gifts. Sunset watched as a couple of the girls were shredding the wrapping paper while others were meticulously peeling the tape and unfolding it. Once they had all pulled their scarves out, she pulled her own out of a bag and put it on. "I partially explained this to Rarity already, but these scarves are a thank you for being my friends." She started but got interrupted by all the girls. Speaking over each other they state that thanks weren't really necessary but that they were happy to accept the gifts. Holding up a hand, She continued, "I also wanted to mention that I've been chatting with Princess Twilight and we've arranged for her and her friends, the Equestrian versions of you all, to come visit for a short time. This Saturday at noon is when they'll be coming through." While Pinkie Pie immediately started babbling about all the fun stuff and parties she can do with her other self, it took the other girls a few seconds to fully process. They had all talked to Sunset about what their alternates were doing, and their curiousness about them. "Well, it'll been nice to meet another person who appreciates apples the same as ah do." Applejack stated. Fluttershy timidly said "I hope the other me is nice." "Finally someone as awesome as me to challenge." Rainbow remarked. Rarity was scrolling through outfits on her phone as she mumbled, "What should I wear to make a good impression. Definitely something I made myself, but should I go fancy, casual, business, or classy?" Twilight just watched alongside Sunset having been the only person who has meet her Equestrian counterpart. A short while later the group parted to go prepare for the weekend. Sunset giving Rarity a ride home. As she dropped her girlfriend off, She requested, "Rares, can you get the girls to all wear their scarves. It'll help identify who is who while we are meeting the others." The purple haired girl thought for a moment before answering, "Of course Darling. Wouldn't do to get any of us confused and end up with someone in the wrong world. Though with the portal able to be open whenever it's at least an easy fix." > Seven meet Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Saturday, shortly before noon, all the girls meet up in front of the school. Sunset smiled as she saw that Rarity did manage to get the others to wear their scarves. Opening the book she sent a quick note to Princess Twilight that they were all gathered and ready. The first person to step out of the statue was said Princess, coming out on her hands and knees before standing up. A little unsteady before finding her balance, she then turned as a blue-skinned woman with rainbow coloured hair followed through. Helping her friend up and giving her a quick word before shifting to the next person. The third one through was purpled hair with porcelain skin. Gasping a little at having come out on her hands and knees, but looking critically over her clothes before nodding in approval she steps aside as the fourth woman comes out. Twilight helped her up before the yellow skinned woman goes to hide behind her pink hair. The fifth person bounced through the portal, pink skinned and haired already standing up and drawing the eyes of eneryone making them almost miss the last person coming though. The orange girl with blonde hair picked her hat up and stood up. As they all had gotten their balance Princess Twilight turned around an announced, "Hey everyone. These are, well, you but from my world." Everyone moved up to make their greetings as Sunset took a better look at the two Pinkie PIes. Looking over the others they each had some obvious differences, but the Pinkies were identical. Even down to the scarf both were wearing. Moving over to them she takes a closer look and spots the various mistakes, some accidental and other intentional, on both accessories. "Pinkie, what does your alternate self have an exact copy of your scarf?" Sunset asked, working to keep her voice calm with just a hint of sadness. Pinkie replied, "Well it was such a nice scarf, and it matches us so well, I decided that it wouldn't do if I was the only me with it." The other Pinkie Pie took one end of her scarf and shoved it into her hair where it was quickly pulled fully in. Letting more sadness creep in, the red haired girl states "I made that scarf specifically for you as a symbol of our friendship. If the other Pinkie would like a scarf I'd be glad to make her one." Both Pinkie's hung their heads a little as Sunset put her hand towards the scarf-less one. Said girl pulled the scarf back out and handed it to her. Looking around she sees that all the others had paired up to learn about their other selves. Turning to go check on the other pairs Sunset states, "Well talk about how you've obviously been crossing between worlds later." > Rainbow Dashes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset walked up to the two girls with rainbow hair. One slightly taller, with more defined muscles than the other and wearing a version of military fatigues and boots. The other was wearing leggings, athletic shoes, a tight fitting top with a light jacket bearing the school's sports team logos on it. "Rainbows." Sunset greeted as she reached them. "Hey Sunny. Other me was just saying she's part of the Wondercolts. Funny how it's the same name as our teams here." The shorter Rainbow stated. Smiling the red haired explained "In Equestria the Wondercolts are an elite aerial unit. Think the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds here. They handle extreme weather and dangerous aerial attacks. Stunt shows are also common when they don't have much else to do." Looking over to said military person she continued "Quite the achievement to join them so young. Must be a hell of a flyer." "Yeah. Caught their attention with a rainboom, then kept it by being awesome." Rainbow Boasted. This world's Rainbow asked "What's a rainboom?" "It's where I go so fast, break the sound barrier causing a wave of my magic to burst out in a giant rainbow." Staring at her taller version she said "That's so cool. I wonder if I can do something similar with my magic." "You said your team was also called the Wondercolts. What kind of team is it?" Requested the Equestrian Rainbow. The sporty girl replied, "Well, nearly all the sports, though soccer is my specialty." "What's soccer?" "WHAT'S SOCCER?!" Exclaimed Rainbow before she dove into a lengthy explanation of the sport. Sunset shook her head as she turned around to head over to a different pair. > Applejacks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking up to the two farmgirls, Sunset waved. As both of them tipped their hats to her, it was clear that one was several inches taller and far more muscled. Both wore variations of farm clothes, though the smaller one's hat had some embroidery on it. "Now then, if that's what an acre is, with a couple dozen of them yew've got quite the solid little operation. By my reckonin' Ah've got nearly three hundred." The Equestrian Applejack stated. Looking at her other self with some slight awe, she said "Yew must have quite a helping of farmhands to harvest all them apples." "Nah, Just Big Mac, Applebloom, and me. Granny will come out to surpervise, but she mainly just relaxes at home." Replied the taller woman. Sunset remarks "All that with just three of you, and probably you and Big Mac doing most of it. Impressive." Looking a bit proud, she states "Well, Big Mac by himself can buck the back half of the orchards. Plus the girls help out often. I always make sure to save them some zap apple jam to thank them." A bit confused, the smaller farmgirl asked "What's zap apple jam?" Sunset turns to her friend and explains "Special type of apple due to their proximity to the Everfree Forest. It's really good. Princess Celestia has a standing order for a couple jars." Pulling out a jar filled with a rainbow preserve and giving it to her smaller self, "Ah brought some to give to you. Twilight said you don't have as much magic in this world so Ah figured you wouldn't have any." As the two girls start discussing the business of apple farming, Sunset turns to head to another pair, with a mental note to get some of that jam from Applejack. > Pinkie Pies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset waved Princess Twilight over as she approaches the two Pinkie Pies. The only thing differentiating them is the scarf that was made by Sunset. As the two walked up to the pair of pink girls the latter hung their heads a little. "So how long have you two been swapping places?" Sunset asked. The Pinkie with a scarf replies "Ever since Princess Twilight figured out how to open the portal whenever and has generally kept it open." "We haven't taken the incorrect Pinkie on any of the Major adventures we've had?" Requested the red-haired girl. "Nope. While we have enjoyed some of the general chaos of everything, we always made sure that whenever something big started to happen that we swapped back." Stated the non scarf Pinkie. Twilight asks "What happened when you first visited Equestria?" "Well, I was exploring your castle when I saw out the window the Sugarcube Corner. So I went over there to try out the treats" "But I saw her and thought she was just another of the lake clones who had escaped, which is why I pulled her aside" "Once I explained who I was we decided to have fun exploring each other's worlds and taught the other everything we needed to know." The two Pinkies explained. Pinching the bridge of her nose Sunset stated "Well, as long as you two are in your proper world when something big is happening, and don't cause trouble for the other." Princess Twilight stays back to keep talking to the pair as Sunset heads off. > Raritys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset walked up to the two fashionistas and wrapped her arms around her Rarity, giving her a quick kiss before looking at the Equestrian one. She was wearing a well-made business outfit and had more refined features, with a slightly larger bust and hips. Seeing her raise an eyebrow at the two lovers, Sunset simply says "Pinkie." Nodding the other Rarity states "Very understandable darling, she often gives me headaches. The two of you make a lovely couple. I was just explaining about the little adventure we had getting my shop in Manehatten up and running. Honestly I can't wait for this Rarity to get her own shop going. Her handiwork is beautiful." This world's Rarity proudly states "She was particularly impressed since I can't use telekinesis to do the sewing. Showed her the sewing machine I use and some of the designs I have made." "All very wonderful designs too. There aren't many bipedal creatures in Equestria, and I don't think the diamond dogs can appreciate high fashion." Snorting Sunset remarks "Yeah. The few I met were always obsessed with trying to acquire gemstones." "I should tell you about the time I was captured by a few. They wanted to use my special talent of finding gems. Didn't take me too long to trick them into doing the hard work of digging the gems out and had them wrapped around my hoof by the time Spikey came to save me." "Oh yeah, I think Princess Twilight said something about Spike not being a dog in Equestria. What is he?" Rarity asks her other self. Smiling the other fashionista answered "He's a dragon. So I make sure to pick up a few extra gemstones, especially rarer ones, to give him to eat." "Eat?" Sunset then says "Yeah. Dragons, particularly young ones need to eat gems to help grow. Rarer ones usually have more nutritional value." Giving her girlfriend another kiss, Sunset turns to go to another pair. > Twilights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Princess Twilight had finished lecturing the two Pinkie Pies she returned to chatting with her other self. Sunset had already moved over to her and was discussing using her drone to take some photos. Princess Twilight seeing the small flying camera was intrigued. "That's a neat device. Tell me what it can do." She asks her human version. Excited at talking about tech, Twilight explains "Well, the sets of blades allow it to fly, which gives it a fair amount of utility. I built it up from a kit, and have been adding to it's programming. Currently it's set up with a camera, but can have some cargo capacity. Though it can't carry much so if I wanted one that could I'd have to build a larger rig, probably one with 6 or even 8 sets of blades." "That's so cool. Can you tell me how you built it?" The princess asked. Sunset pulled out her phone and checked some stuff before saying "You know, there's a store we can grab a kit for you. Be neat to see how well it transfers between worlds." Princess Twilight's eye started to sparkle as she states "I can already see all the fun experiments I can run to check how it works, and how to use magic to improve it." "I wonder if we can do anything like that on this side." Sci-Twilight, as Pinkie dubbed her, remarks as her eyes start sparkling as well. Sunset's own sense of magical and scientific curiosity pricks up at this as she suggests "If we use our amulets we can figure out how magic in this world works well enough to imbue your drone." She continues to chat for a while before arranging a time for them to get together and work it out before turning to go to the Fluttershys. > Fluttershys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset walked up to the two timid girls. One was taller and with a much more prodigious bust, which considering this world's Fluttershy's sizeable assets was quite remarkable. While both were fairly nice dresses, hers was clearly of a sturdier fabric and was wearing an apron over it. As she walked up she noticed that the devil in bunny form was currently relaxing against said bosom. Trading a quick glare she shifted to smile at the two girls. "I see you've went you usual route and brought out Angel." Sunset remarked. "Oh, yes. I couldn't help but show her my lovely little angel bunny. She has a similar one herself, as well as all the other critters around her home." Fluttershy says. The Equestrian one states "I had just finished going over all the various animal friends I help out. Though I was saddened to hear about how poorly people on this side tend to treat wild animals." Sunset nods before replying "Unfortunately humans still haven't really learned to get along with their world. I think it's due to how minute the presence of magic is." "We have started to get some legislation going to better take care of the planet and undo a little of the damage. Though there are those organizations that cause more problems than help." This world's animal lover states as her face contorts in anger. Sunset quickly says "Well, I figured the two of you would get along the easiest. We're all going to move over to the sports field so the Rainbows can get some exercise." Noting that her words have managed to get Fluttershy away from one of the very few topics that raises her ire, Sunset and Princess Twilight lead everyone around the building. > The final chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eleven girls sat on the bleachers as the two sporty members of their group ran around the field kicking a soccer ball. They had just finished a race where the Equestrian Rainbow Dash just barely won. Sunset had an arm around her Rarity while the two Twilight's were building a drone for the Princess to take back. The Applejacks' competitive spirits had gotten roused and were arm wrestling and debating joining their Rainbows to make it a two on two. Both Fluttershys were looking around watching some of the birds as the PInkie Pies worked to arrange a quick party. The other Rarity was leafing through some of the fashion magazines which sketching out some designs that this world's Rarity was offering advice. Sunset smiled as she watched everyone getting along with their alternate selves. Looking back at the Rainbows and Applejacks as the ones from this world started to use their amulet powers to get an advantage, she sighed and got up to go referee.