The Model, The Bolt, and The Bedroom

by Steel Quill

First published

Fleur de Lis and Soarin decide it's time to try for a child, with great enthusiasm.

The long and winding paths of so many lives in Equestria can cause countless roads to criss-cross over one another and weave together seamlessly into an unexpected but blissful road. Such is the case for one Fleur de Lis and one Soarin the Wonderbolt: happily married, hard-working, and deeply in love. So how can one improve on such a strong bond as theirs?

Princess Cadance knows a way. And with her advice, Fleur soon finds herself facing a whole new mindset involving her husband and what their family can become.

Kinks/tags: MxF, Anthro, Happy Married Couple with no drama, Tiny dash of Prench accent, elixir usage, seduction, dirty talk, Impregnation, breeding, cock worship, oral, vaginal, many creampies, excessive cum, spooning position, standing sex, Fleur’s retirement from fashion.

Artwork by Kannakiller! Commission by an anonymous user.
2-1-24: Featured same day! Thank you very much!

The Model, The Bolt, and The Bedroom

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The fashion world is a dominating, dangerous, and evolving line of work that can break a lesser pony.

You have to deal with so many things at once, both personal and not, that juggling them all and keeping things balanced should be seen as a feat of strength worthy of the Royal Sisters themselves. Maintaining one’s appearance, keeping a continuous public profile, staying ahead of an industry that prides itself on surprises and new ideas, never once making a stain upon your record with any kind of misstep, and above all else, having a charming smile that would make anypony do a double take to look again at your beauty.

Few can do it. But Fleur de Lis is one of the few.

It was this remarkable skill, a natural grace on any fashion runway she walked upon, that helped propel her to the top of every and any modeling list. She could make garbage become priceless refined cloth on her figure, and make diamonds seem so radiant, you’d have thought she’d plucked Luna’s own stars from the sky upon her fingers. Every step she’d take was almost ethereal, every turn and every cocked hip making cameras flash like sparks from clashes of metal. There was nothing that she couldn’t make look good.

Fortunately for the world, Fleur was not a mare solely dependent on her looks to get to where she was in life. She was not mentally elevated above the clouds of her peers, but was kind and giving. She stayed down to earth, the unicorn benevolent to her fellow models and friends to the point that some pondered if she was almost some sort of saint of the arts. Her generosity extended to multiple charities she oversaw and donated to, helping to benefit those who were not as fortunate as her. In times of crisis for Canterlot’s less fortunate, she was one of the first at the ready to lend support and do what she could to ease suffering.

So it should come as no surprise to see the model present at one of the more prestigious gatherings in Canterlot, a celebration hosted by Princess Cadance herself in lieu of Celestia and Luna being away. It had humored Fleur to see that Cadance hadn’t blasted everything in the castle ballroom with pink as some liked to believe she’d do. There was still some of course, but it was complimented with flashes of red drapery here or yellow furniture there. It certainly made the room feel brighter than normal.

“Well, at least the purple dress idea wasn’t the flashiest part of the evening.” Fleur noted to herself. She had just been granted a fresh wine glass from a passerby waiter, eyes surveying the room from her spot near one of the wide windows that revealed the city beyond the castle walls. Here and there, she recognized the occasional noble or socialite who frequented these events for social credit and to flaunt their presence. Lady Stoutbarn, for instance, was on her fourth retelling of how she acquired her latest diamond necklace. She’s already blown up the story twice from the level of “lucky to happen upon it” to “destined to find such exquisite craftsmanship”. But she always was a little bit of a boaster.

“If you wanted flashy, I could always dig out all my medals and do my best war general impression?”

The playful tone behind the voice wasn’t the only reason her lips curled into a smile, as Fleur regarded the blue-maned stallion coming up beside her. He stood taller than her by about half a foot, and sported an athletic form that filled out the Wonderbolt military suit he had on. It wasn’t the spandex tight suit they wore to fly in, but more of a ceremonial type she often commented as being crisp, if a little tight on the edges. He had forgone the hat at least, which left his smiling expression unobscured by shadows or anything else.

“Soarin. Honestly.” She giggled at his suggestion, “If you were to do that, everyone might imagine you to be drunk. One of the nicest stallions in the Bolts, barking orders and telling unending war stories?”

“Hey, if it keeps the cadets in line,” he trailed off, shrugging before relaxing next to her. She leaned against his side with practiced ease, and delighted in the almost automatic way his arm weaved around her middle to embrace her. He never shied from showing her affection, and she adored him for it. “Might need to get a few ponies drunk just to make this party really swing around. Have you seen anypony else here? Hardly any of my squadmates came by.”

“Were they too busy?”

“I think it’s more they just wanted to see who had the best excuse to not show up.” He replied. “I have the opposite; the best reason to show up.”

Fleur cocked an elegant eyebrow at the stallion. He took hold of her free hand, a golden ring with a glittering diamond on it’s ring finger, and brought it up for him to kiss her knuckles. “You, of course.”

She grinned widely at the remark. “Flatterer.” She told him before kissing him gently, the liplock lasting only a moment due to the light clap of somepony’s hands approaching them. Looking to her left, Fleur straightened up as Princess Cadance herself approached them, flanked by two guards for security. “Your Majesty!”

“Oh, none of that. I think it’s lovely to hear those one-liners. Shining used to do them all the time back when we were younger. Still sneaks them in, time to time.” The Princess of Love remarked. “How are you two doing tonight? Faring well with all this hot air?”

“Well enough, ma’am. Not our first social gathering with plenty of boasting and flexing of wallets or stories.” Soarin said.

Cadance playfully winced and waved a hand at Soarin. “Ma’am. Oh, please. Just Cadance. Or Her Majesty if the press get too nosy. I’m definitely not old enough yet to be a ma’am.” She joked. “I’m glad to see you both doing well. Feels like it’s been a little while since your schedules let you both be in the same place at the same time.”

“Funny enough, we once were in the same place, but only three minutes from each other. We had no idea.” Fleur told her. “I was working a racing shoot, and he was there to judge competitors. We had no idea we were probably only a few doors away from each other!”

The alicorn laughed at the story, Soarin joining as well. He glanced aside and Fleur followed his gaze, recognizing several other military members from other branches. “Tell you what hun; let me go and check on these old timers and see how they are. Think you can keep a Princess occupied for a spell?”

“Moi? I could keep a whole city charmed with a runway, two outfits, and a long enough catwalk.” She told him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Go ahead, dear. Tell them I am still owed a Poker night!” The unicorn watched her partner depart and sighed to herself.

“I adore you two.” Cadance remarked, bringing Fleur’s attention back to her. The alicorn had waved away her guards for the moment, who stepped away but kept within distance to protect her at a moment’s notice. “Your story of coming together is literally a good reminder of the magic I try to show the world.”

“You honor me, Lady Cadance.”

“No, really!” Cadance insisted. “A successful runway model and fashion icon and a Wonderbolt commander. I sometimes fudge the details a little; wasn’t it him who approached you first? At the Gala a few years ago?”

“You are correct. The Gala itself wasn’t bad, but the entertainment was a little lacking. I was outside observing the night sky made by Princess Luna, and he happened to walk up from behind. I half expected some sort of corny compliment or pick-up line. Instead, he bluntly told me that he too needed something to look at other than flashy jewelry and too familiar tapestries. We struck up conversation, and I expected perhaps to be asked on a date sometime. I would’ve said yes then, but he remained just friendly. It intrigued me.”

Fleur took a sip of her wine and continued. “Intrigue led to friendship the next time we met. Then friendship to deeper bonds, to first dates and travels together. To him proposing to me at the Equestria Games, to our wedding at Rainbow Falls. He remained loyal to me always, and never once treated me like a prize trophy. When one of his fellow commanders had challenged that he was neglecting duty and had grown soft from being married to me, he not only out-raced them, but had them apologize to me for the dishonorable language. He didn’t care they insulted him; it was me he cared for most.”

Cadance sighed and shook her head. “Truly magnificent. That much devotion is truly special.” She glanced around and Fleur noticed her horn glow alight for just a second, enough to make the air around them shimmer a little through a magic the model recognized as a privacy spell. “But does he stay as noble in private? Girl talk, you understand. Shining acts disciplined and all when in public, but in private?” She made a growling noise with her throat.

Fleur laughed at the alicorn’s blunt remark. “I have never once felt unfulfilled by him. It was not the way he made love that told me he was a keeper; it was his insistence to cook for me and to look after me when all was said and done that made him special. He learned how to make Tomates Farcies-sorry, stuffed tomatoes,” she corrected herself, “on a recipe I once told him I used to enjoy as a child. Who can say no to a man who would go to such lengths for moi?”

“Definitely a keeper. He sounds like he rings in a check mark at every turn.” Cadance noted. “But speaking of kids…there’s no issues, is there? The amount of prayer messages I’ve received about blessing new pregnancies, don’t get me started.”

Fleur shook her head, smiling a small grin. “It is definitely not from a lack of trying.” She assured the alicorn. Swirling her wine in a gentle motion, the unicorn continued. “It is more that he and I both have agreed to always support the other. We did not want to negatively affect one another’s career or life, or make us feel we had to make sacrifices. I am not opposed at all to being a mother, especially to his children. It’s just…we were both in a flurry of work and the timing never seemed right to think of changing it. What isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it, is the saying?”

“Amen to that.” Cadance noted before nodding at the stallion in question, who was busy regaling his fellow comrades with something of his younger days no doubt. “But you know, I also know things can change out of nowhere. Unexpectedly, and in that you find the most powerful displays of love and a bond between husband and wife you couldn’t have foreseen.”

“How do you mean, milady?”

“A certain bird or three tells me you’re looking to find a way to exit the fashion industry. Is that true?”

Fleur’s eyes widened. The amount of people who were even slightly aware the unicorn had been seeking an exit from the industry had been sworn to secrecy. But alicorns did work in mysterious ways, she knew. “I…am surprised you would be aware of that. I have told few of my intentions.”

“Oh, it’s safe with me, don’t worry. There’s always a gossip or two I catch wind of, and going off your reaction, that one is true. So you do want out?”

“I…” Being put on the spot in front of a royal monarch like Cadance was not a usual predicament for the model. But courtesy and sincerity both rang true in her, and she exhaled slowly before looking the alicorn in the eyes. “I do. I do not hold a grudge against the industry, nor my fellow models or anypony. It is just…I feel like something is waiting past it. I can do more beyond it. I still want to continue to do charity for those in need, I still want to help. But it’s just…the same motions, the same gestures, the repeated praisings…a spark is needed again.”

Cadance snapped her fingers and pointed at her. “Exactly. And doing the same old, same old just makes you yearn for it more. You need something to change your life so it goes on a new path and not the same circle you’ve walked around for years.”

Fleur nodded. “Do you have any suggestions? I could just as easily decide to stop, but you seem to have an idea in mind.”

The alicorn smirked deviously, making her feel just a moment as if she were a pigeon in front of a hungry cat.

“The key to your release lies in the confines of Mr. Soarin’s slightly too tight, if stylish, pants.”

The unicorn had the decency to blush, but Cadance continued. “It might be a little much of me to say so, but I am always one to encourage the growth of families and the love they share. My husband, Shining, has been an ever constant support to me and only became all the more loveable when he became a father. I have a feeling the same could be said for you and Soarin.”

“But I have never…well, I have never tried to see myself in the light of being a mother.”

“No one ever knows how to be a mother until they are a mother.” Cadance told her, gesturing with her wine glass. “Believe me that even as an alicorn, there’s no guidebook. But I will tell you that bringing my little Flurry into this world has given me a new purpose, one I’d give my entire empire for.”

Fleur only nodded. “Where is Miss Flurry anyway? Is she at home?”

“Being babysat by Sunburst, a very talented and friendly unicorn. All of Twilight’s reports on him tell me he’s quite the good man for looking after someone like Flurry. Might even be a family man himself one day if certain parties get their butts moving and stop hiding behind their desk and paperwork.” Fleur wasn’t quite sure what to make of that comment, but didn’t let it stop the alicorn as she dug out a piece of paper from the inside of her dress and held it out to Fleur, who took it. “These are instructions on how to make a little pick-me-up for Soarin to make sure he’s in proper shape to really grow the family. Trust me; it works.”

“I see. And this won’t lead to any weird effects, will it? He’ll still be my husband?”

“Of course he will be, you have my word. He’ll just go from flying stud to baby making stud.” She replied with a wink.

It took Fleur about three days to decide on the matter, after the event had passed and she’d allowed herself time to think on it. Leaving her career behind her to become a mother wasn’t the route she had thought of first, it was true. But she didn’t have reason to doubt Cadance purely out of uncertainty; if there was one woman Equestria knew to be a mother figure, it was Cadance. Some would’ve said Celestia, but she never did sire her own offspring…yet.

But one night, after the pair had made love and Fleur found herself resting with her head against his bare chest, his heartbeat soft in her ears and thoughts of Cadence's words rolling around in her mind, she made her decision. She loved Soarin dearly; he was the perfect man to her, and cherished her as much as she did him. He had never once been disloyal or made her feel uncomfortable at all. He brought out the best in her. He would be a wonderful father. She smiled to herself and let her husband’s heartbeat lull her to sleep that evening.

When the next morning came, Fleur went to work and began with the instructions Cadance had given her to create - as she understood it - a fertility mixture to put in Soarin’s food. The pair’s home together in Canterlot was always well stocked, and a few basic goods were involved in it. A simple trip to the nearest pharmacist and a stop by a potion shop as well fulfilled the rest. The resulting concoction, after following the instructions to the letter, was actually…not magical looking at all. If anything, it seemed almost like she’d made a fruit milkshake, but with little fruit at all.

“Well…better to try than to wonder for eternity.” Fleur told herself in the kitchen. Soarin had taken to drinking smoothies and milkshakes lately in the mornings. It was part of a new health routine his doctor had recommended to supplement his body since he was starting to cross into middle age. But according to Cadance's instructions, this particular concoction would revert some of that enough to make him feel more like the stud he was back in their earlier years. The liquid flowed smoothly, disappearing into his smoothie she’d prepped for him that morning. It was pinkish in color, with a red tint in the middle but blended in perfectly with his drink.

“Morning, hun!” His voice made her jump a little, adding a dash extra by accident before she turned to face him. Her magic that had been carefully holding the concoction vanished it out of sight above the fridge itself. Soarin never looked up there, thankfully. “Oh hey! Adding a dash of flavor to the mix?”

“You could call it that, perhaps.” Fleur said, adopting a relaxed smile as Soarin plucked up the plastic bottle containing his smoothie. “I was talking with some friends and they mentioned this little flavor additive that gives a spark of energy. Would you mind to try it?”

“Would I? What flavor is it?” He asked.

“Well I couldn’t quite get apple pie as a flavor. So you may have to let strawberry do for now.”

“You know, one day, ponies will see the genius of the apple pie.” Soarin quipped at her, making the model giggle before he took a healthy swig of it. Watching carefully, Fleur saw him lick his lips and seem to ponder on it before he beamed at her. “Hey this is great! It’s kinda got like a uh…like some fluff to it. That’s a word.”

“Not going to suddenly fall over?”

“Nah. If anything, I think it’s great! Keep that coming for awhile, for sure!”

The unicorn relished her husband’s enthusiasm as he drank down the rest of it. Idle chatter carried them through the rest of the morning, and Fleur observed as her husband seemed more energetic and pepped than usual. Grateful to see no strange reactions - not that she doubted Cadence's methods - the model allowed herself to be at ease and to simply let magic do its work.

Over the next few days, that magic did indeed do its work. Some changes were subtle, admittedly. Soarin began to be more enthusiastic in his activities, like exercise or going out with her. He seemed to bear more excitement and interest - something she’d never think had waned before - to them being together. There was a glow about him that made him seem more present, more attentive. More than once, she found herself ogling her own husband when he’d walk around in just sweatpants and no shirt, his musculature on display for her savoring eyes.

Physically, he seemed to tone up more as well. He always maintained a healthy exercise regiment since he was still a Wonderbolts member. But even so, Fleur could almost feel a difference happening for him. Where the years had begun to take their toll and reduce his toned form just a little, as one might expect, he was now suddenly going the opposite way. He regained tone, his muscles seemed stronger, his four pack tighter around his middle. The unicorn had felt her face warm just from being held against him at night, idle thoughts of mischief teasing at her imagination.

Of course, with her own schedule of things, she couldn’t just let him ravish her. Not yet. It made that Friday all the more tantalizing for the model, having cleared her schedule for the weekend to follow and applying just the right kind of careful planning that made her life easier. No surprise photoshoots, no sudden unexpected trips, “Oh terribly sorry, but I can’t go to Ponyville this weekend” excuses prepared. Not even an invitation from an Element of Harmony was going to interfere.

“He should be home any minute now…” Fleur commented to herself as she ran through a final mental checklist of prepping for her husband’s return home. She knew most would feel anxious in her spot, trying to capitalize on something in the works for several days now. But the anxiousness only seemed to heighten her excitement, her hopes for what might come to pass. She had zero doubts about her husband’s attraction to her being strong as ever, it was more that she just stood on the precipice of something entirely life changing. It was like doing her first walk on the catwalk again, only now it was on a path far longer and far more complex than a simple pose, heel turn, and walk.

Sautez et le nouveau apparaîtra.” She murmured to herself before hearing the front door open from her spot upstairs. Grinning to herself, she checked her appearance over one more time and called down to him. “Is that you, Soarin dear? Back already from exercise?”

“Hey hun!” His voice sounded cheerful, further bolstering her spirits. He always took a jaunt for exercise through the neighborhood, mixing flying in the sky with running on the ground. It helped him keep in shape and certainly did wonders more than once for her entertainment while watching him. “Phew! Cleared the whole course I made even faster than last week! Maybe they can teach an old dog new tricks, huh?”

She could not help the soft laugh that left her lips, walking down the stairwell at an easy gait, her bare feet a light patter upon the wooden stairwell. Soarin had his back to the stairs, taking off his shoes to leave at the entryway as a habit. His wings gave a light flex behind him as he moved, stretching out before folding in and relaxing. Fleur couldn’t help an admiring gaze of his carved form, the pegasus having gone out with only sweatpants on and a sleeveless t-shirt.

“I see no dog; only zhe handsome stallion I love.” Fleur commented. “But if you seek a new trick, perhaps a suggestion?”

“Hmm?” It was then that Soarin turned around to face her, and came to a stop as he took in her attire. The model was dressed in only a bathrobe, it seemed, her hair brushed and styled to flow down her shoulders at the back while the front had one eye covered. She’d applied just a hint of makeup, enough to simply highlight the full lips she had and enhance the sultry stare she was giving him with eyeshadow. A slight shake of her shoulder revealed the bare white furred body beneath the cloth, making Soarin’s eyes drift over her curves for a moment.

“I would offer the choice of dinner, a bath, or myself for you, my husband. But tonight…” she trailed off, her magic untying her bathrobe’s loose bindings to make it simply slide off of her body like flowing water. Now naked, the model couldn’t help the proud smile on her lips as her husband’s eyes widened while taking in her curves: full breasts that still sat high and perky, slim stomach that led to wide hips and a delightfully full rump around the back, long legs he ached to touch.

“’s about you just eat me for dinner, sweetie?”

Soarin’s wings flapped out again, whether in his control or not, making Fleur stifle a snort in her throat. However, she couldn’t stop the light squeal of surprise that left her mouth as he seemed to suddenly rush at her, lifting her into a princess carry as he went up their stairwell. He took them two at a time, and she held onto him with her arms around his neck as he held her close.

“Seems you found your second wind, mon amore?” She giggled, feeling Soarin’s hand squeeze her rump that he had in one hand’s grasp.

“I found all the wind I need in seeing you, you beautiful woman you.” He growled out, making her smile in delight as he led them both into their bedroom. It was a carpeted, plush looking bedroom, with a large enough bed to suit them both easily. On the far side of the room, with the curtains drawn, was a glass doorway leading to the small balcony that looked out over the other Canterlot properties nearby. Sometimes they had morning breakfast out on it, and sometimes he was her breakfast when they felt particularly naughty together.

Tonight, however, she had him right where she wanted him.

Soarin’s footsteps were muffled by the carpeted floor as he kissed her, holding her close in his arms and letting the mare return his passion with equal fervor. With a practiced grace, he let her down easily so she could stand, continuing their kissing session as she clung to him with both arms, one hand drifting along his mane while the other roamed over his bare back. Soarin’s hands showed his interest as they both reached down and cupped a handful of her bountiful rump. The way he squeezed made her give a soft laugh into his mouth, making them break the kiss for a moment.

“I love you.” He let out, staring down at her. His eyes held desire and affection in equal parts, directed solely at the unicorn naked before him.

“And I you, my beloved.” She whispered back to him before stretching up to kiss him again. This was a brief one, as much as she savored the taste of him, before she pulled back to kiss his cheek, then down to his neck, before pulling his head down to let her whisper in his ear. “I want to try something new tonight.”

“What did you have in mind?” He whispered back, peppering her own neck with light pecks that tickled her skin.

“I want you to take me utterly, completely raw.”

“And when you say raw…”

Her fingers brushed over his chest slowly. “No protection. No magic to prevent a true union. I want my stallion, my husband…to breed me.”

This did make Soarin pause, enough to lift his head up and regard her. She could feel his lust throb in his pants against her middle, yet she loved how even despite this, he still cared enough to wait. “Like…wait, for real?”


“We’ve never done that. I mean, well, on safe days. But…”

Fleur nodded slowly and chanced her hand further down along his middle, fingertips grazing over firm muscle. “We have always been kind to one another, no? Considerate. Careful. But in all these years…I can think of no better way to improve our bond even better, to truly be your wife, than to be the one to bear your children.”

He tensed, but not in rejection. She could feel anticipation wavering in him, but his lust was resolute. A part of him did desire it after all, like any man in love with their partner. “But…your career…I’d throw mine away in a heartbeat for you, but I couldn’t just ask you to-”

Her other hand came up and covered his lips with a single finger, making him stop. “Your heart is one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever been given, more precious than any paycheck, any gift, anything in the world. I can think of no better exit from the fashion world than to announce to them all that I am to be the proud mother of my husband’s child. Besides, think of the benefits, hmm?”

Fleur slowly kneeled down in front of him, knees hitting the carpet and putting her head directly at a level with his crotch. He was twitching now, pushing her to keep going. “No more needing to buy so many condoms…no more practicing that anti-pregnancy spell…just fun, lustful nights where you can fill me full of your seed…where this wonderful, delightful tool,” she described him as her hands tugged down his sweatpants, his boxers coming with it to reveal the jet black cock waiting behind it. It had already emerged from his sheath and was still growing, letting her lean in to place a kiss along its base with ease as she continued, “can rut me again and again, and I’ll take him every time. From tip to base, until every inch of you is loved by moi.”

Soarin’s hands balled into fists at his sides as his member spoke of his own lust for him, words failing him in his restraint. Fleur appreciated his strength of will to not just go wild, and found herself just as enchanted with him as he was with her. His physique up this close was something to marvel at, and as her hands came up to caress his length, she took care to kiss his tip, again and again, further stoking the flames in him she wanted to raise to a blistering fire.

“But perhaps a little warmup to…how do you say? Stretch zhe muscles?”

She offered no further explanation to him, letting the audible sound of her lips enclosing around his tip and suckling on him do the job. The groan that left the stallion pushed her on, dipping her head down further and stopping only when she felt him throb in her hold. He was just the right blend of cleanliness yet sweaty musky male that made her sense of self fall apart, to let the prim and proper woman become her husband’s one and only answer for his lust. She slurped and let her tongue wet his length as she withdrew back, but she was stopped short of letting go of him by his hands at the sides of her head.

The unicorn’s eyes gazed up at the lustful orbs of her husband, and her pussy clenched in delight at seeing how badly he wanted her. He yearned for her, a silent statement made clear as he pulled her hair back and out of her face. Soarin’s grip at the back of her head kept her hair bound in a long ponytail for her while she dutifully sunk back down, bringing another moan from his lips as she sunk past halfway, feeling him reach into her throat. She stopped short of hitting his base as a gagging sound came from her mouth, yet she didn’t pull away. Her body trembled as pleasure pulsed from her core outwards throughout her.

Slow and steady, she withdrew back, leaving a healthy sheen of spit to lubricate him and make it easier to take him in again when she sunk back down. Back and forth, slow and loving, her blowjob was the work of both lust and love. Lustful in its hunger for him to fill her, loving in its care to pleasure every inch of him she could touch with lips, tongue, and hand. His balls were massaged by one spare hand, letting her relish the weight in them. The prize she was after lurked inside, her fingers gently rubbing and caressing his ballsack while her mouth worked him over.

“Fleur…you’re amazing, honey. I…fuck, I love your mouth.” Soarin praised from above. Fleur’s whole face warmed as she gagged around him again, and moaned only as she pulled back. Her wants were conflicting; she wanted to have him finish inside her mouth and throat, gods, even to hose her down and make her an absolute mess. The thought alone made her pant for air. But the idea of that load splashing inside her, filling her full of seed and love…

She felt liquid trickle down her thighs and knew her answer.

With one final dip down, Fleur brought herself back up, tapping three times on his thigh to get him to release his grip. The silent code worked, and he bore no resistance in helping her stand with an offered hand she took. But she bore no complaint, instead moving towards the bed and getting on her hands and knees with her rear sticking out towards him. A flick of her tail to the side left her entire soaked nethers on display for him, the pink of her waiting pussy revealed by her fingers parting the lips further apart.

“I want it, Soarin. Come,” Fleur cooed to him as she gave herself a teasing shake for his entertainment, her curves jiggling in just the right delightful way, “and make me a mother.”

Her invitation was barely past her lips before her world seemed to explode in sensation. Soarin, faster than even she could’ve predicted, was upon her, aligned, and shoving every delightful, fantastically thick inch of his cock into her as if he would die without her touch. She screamed, the only sound she could think to make as he fully sheathed himself inside of her. Sometimes, Soarin was tender and gave her time to stretch and adjust. He never once moved without her permission.

But this, this was a far more bestial side of him this time. She felt a little pain from taking such a sudden hot, thick rod into her like this, but it only heightened her pleasure. She pushed back into him, smacking her rump into his groin and giving a playful moan when he reached down to grab her butt with both hands. Her tail batted against his bare chest, and she moaned again when he pulled back. Every inch of her pussy clenched around him, keeping tight and trying to make him stay.

Only for her to throw her head back in ecstasy as he slammed inside her once more, hard and rough strokes that let his desires be known as his balls slapped against her underside. The sound was only barely audible over the bed creaking for a moment as Fleur adjusted, before the rapid smack of stallion against mare filled the air.

“Yes! Yes, my love!” Fleur cried out, rocking her body back against his thrusts to make sure it hit good and deep into her each time. His black cock was undeniable for her now, something she couldn’t be without. The toll of waiting for the elixir Cadance had given her to take effect meant she had held off all the same, and now she was feeling it more than ever as her husband claimed her. She was adjusting and plenty wet enough for him to slide with ease, aiding him in rutting her faster to his liking.

If Soarin was trying to speak, it failed to leave his throat beyond the sounds of grunts and exertion as he worked himself in and out of her. He was an everlasting piston of pleasure for the unicorn, and she could feel him swelling already inside her. She clenched around him, letting loose a deep moan of her own through ragged gasps as he thrust through her orgasm, reducing her to nothing for a few seconds but a dutiful hole for his cock to fill.

“Finish inside! When you finish. Oh gods, I want your cum, husband!” She called to him, wanting to rile him further. “I want your sperm! Your seed! Zhe life you give me!”

Her urgings pushed him on, and Fleur wondered just how long his Wonderbolt stamina could hold out. But she got her wish fulfilled as only a few more seconds of rapid thrusting remained before he hilted inside of her, squeezing her award-winning rear end tighter and keeping himself buried inside to release his cum into her. The torrent that left him scrambled her mind as the heated sensation of thick, sludge-like cum washed over her innermost depths, painting the pink white and making her moan into the bedsheets.

“Yes…oh yes…” she gasped as throb after throb of his seed splashed into her. A moment’s awareness peeked through the haze of lust in Fleur’s mind after a few seconds to realize two crucial facts: One, there was a likelihood that Cadence's elixir had not only enhanced her husband’s sex drive, but also his fertility. Just one shot of it would’ve probably done the job, and she’d been giving him the elixir for a week. Which meant she was definitely going to be full of foals by the time he ran out of gas.

The other fact was that her husband was a Wonderbolt and one of their best, and he was already virile enough as it was. So it shouldn’t have surprised her too much when she felt him lay her on the bed alongside him, spooning her from behind while hoisting a long leg up with one hand, the other enveloping her middle from underneath her to draw her close to his body as his still hard cock twitched inside of her.

“Fleur,” he groaned into her neck.

“Yes, my love?”

“I don’t think…I can stop myself.”

“Then don’t. Don’t you dare.” Fleur told him as she reached up and held onto the back of his head with her hand. “Give it all to me. Give all of yourself to me. I want to take it all, my dearest.”

He adhered with little hesitation, rocking his hips little by little to start working up another round of lovemaking. Fleur welcomed it, turning her head back and kissing at her husband’s cheek, his face, and finally finding his lips when he moved to meet her. It was a hungry kiss, one with tongue and want in equal parts that let her groan into his mouth as he claimed her again. The wet sounds from earlier now had a richer, goopier quality almost to them as he churned and worked through the creampie he’d given her already.

“Can you feel it, my love?” She gasped out when their kiss broke off. “How much this pussy adores you, loves you, wants to give you all of it? We can take all you have to offer and more. Every drop of cum. Every thrust. Every bit of you. We love it all.” She encouraged him, egging him on. His pace quickened, making her realize it was working. The unicorn kept going as best as she was able, her body being racked with pleasure the whole time.

“We want your every seed, every chance to bear a foal for you. We love you so much. We love this cock - oh! - and how big it is. How thick it is. It’s you, you big, beautiful - ohhhhfuck - stud!”

The bed was repeatedly bumping into the wall now, still holding firm but creaking and rocking from their movements. Soarin’s hold on her around her middle prevented Fleur from moving too much, allowing her to relish the steady pounding her pussy was getting from him. She briefly wondered if his roughness might make his seed splash out of her womb instead of staying in place, a thought that made her clench tight around him as a climax rocketed through her. He was hitting spots she didn’t even know she had inside her, stars dancing in front of her eyes.

“Fuck…fuck…fuck!” Soarin growled out. His hand crossed over her midriff and cupped her breast, squeezing it firmly as another grip to hold onto her with as he took her for himself. The heat between them was enough that Fleur was sure she was sweating a storm, an image reinforced by the idea of her sweating, laboring husband hammering away at her from behind. His heavy breathing was in her ear, and he groaned into her shoulder before biting on it, making her mind nearly go blank.

“Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck!” She chanted out, tensing up before squirting around the thick cock working its way back and forth out of her nethers. Had she any sense beyond the ecstasy continuously coursing through her body, she might’ve noticed how all of her was tingling from head to toe. But that was forgotten amidst the bigger sensation of being shagged senseless by Soarin’s larger form.

“Too tight…gonna…cum again!” He growled out. She could feel him swelling again, stretching her lips and her pussy’s depths as she clenched around him, making him gasp out.

“Yes! More! More for me!” She raved, half delirious. “All of it inside! Cum inside me!”

He answered the call with gusto, hilting deep inside her and letting her experience the feeling of his climax bursting from his tip once more. The intimate angle they were in became almost like a pinning move for Fleur, unable to move away or detach herself by any means. She was nothing but a receiver for his thick seed, splashing and flooding her womb full of cum. Their position made it all the better as she felt each pulse, each throb, against her sensitive walls. She looked down, and believed she could even see the bulge of his length within her.

Her weak moan was her answer to his gasping breaths as he laid there with her, resting as his orgasm dwindled down. It was a curious sensation, to be so full as she was. Plugged full of stallion cock and packed with enough cum to match five normal stallions, it felt like. When he withdrew, she nearly cried out as the warm sensation pulled away from her nethers, a sloppy sound almost that would’ve made a lesser woman blush. Yet she was proud.

And still yearned for more.

“Sun and Moon, Fleur,” Soarin panted from beside her, “It’s like our honeymoon all over again.”

“Indeed. And yet, we are still not done yet, non?”

Soarin took a second. “The spirit is willing. The flesh is…confusingly energetic.”

She giggled and shifted for a moment, letting his member rest against the valley of her butt so she could grind slowly against it. “Don’t be confused. Embrace it. Besides, what is zhe old saying? Things come best in threes?” She questioned. “From behind. On zhe bed. My dear husband, one yet remains.”

His hand lovingly stroked her front, moving from her breast to her belly. “ it weird if I find it kinda hot to think of you pregnant?”

“Non.” Fleur’s accent came on thicker as she continued to grind against him, feeling him stiffen and swell little by little. A dollop of leftover cum dripped onto her butt cheek, making her shiver. “We must finish zhe show with a grand display. Zhe reward is my bearing your foals. Zhe way to get there…well, you can decide. So long as I can enjoy it with you.”

“Hmm…any way I want?”

“Mmhmm.” She expected something perhaps romantic. He could take her slowly, intimately. He was often of such a mind after they made love. It would be no less passionate, but -

“Up we go!”

“Wha-!” Fleur’s surprise came from the sudden move by her husband to hoist her up, lifting her with his strength as he stood on his two legs firmly on the floor. He had her turned to look at him, her legs instinctively wrapped around his backside. This put his member right up against her entrance, a physical showcase of just how deep into her he could reach. She felt her face warm as she beheld it, slickened still by her own love juices and shining in the dull light of their room. “Bold, are we?”

“Gotta be bold to be a Bolt.” He pointed out cheekily. She smiled back at him and brought her arms around his neck to better hold onto him. He didn’t struggle to hold her, and lifted her up to align himself with her entrance once more. Twice done, the unicorn gave a low moan as he slid in with ease. She was well stretched by this time, and gladly took the charge to sink down until he was fully sheathed inside her.

Any other words or sass was lost as he kissed her, firmly and with the passion of a man aiming to claim his prize. Fleur returned the liplock as best she could, squealing a little as he took hold of her rump and used it as a grip to work himself into a rhythm with her to thrust deep inside her. Her light pink hair waved behind her shoulders as he bounced her, working their bodies together to let her feel the force of his thrusts as he claimed her.

“I love you. I love you so, oh! So much!” Fleur gasped out between kisses. Every firm muscle of Soarin’s body was at work to please her, she realized, and she did her best to return his fervor with her own affections. There wasn’t too much she could do though, but the trust of being in his embrace did plenty to entice her as much as the continuous thrusting of the heated rod inside her pussy. The lewd sounds coming from it got her thinking, and she leaned her head down to rest her chin on his shoulder, her mouth by his ear.

“Can you hear it, Soarin? Zhe sound of how your wonderful cock takes your wife’s cunny. Zhe sound of your seed working to give me your foals. But I want more, husband, more. More of you. More of your wondrous cock. Fuck me. Fuck me and let me have it all!”

Her beckoning soon had Soarin working faster, shooting past his steady rhythm of bouncing her to now rocking her whole body with jackhammer-like thrusts that had her eyes roll back into her head. Her legs slipped a little in their grip around his middle, sweat making the limbs slick but she persisted in clinging to him with everything she had. He was panting, red faced and sweat trickling down his brow. It was one of the most ravishing sights she’d ever witnessed.

“Imagine it,” She continued to egg him on, voice wavering from his rough movements, “of waking in zhe morning. To look upon moi and see my belly full of your children. To put your hand upon it and feel zhem kick. And when zhey are born, we will raise them together. A proud wife and husband.”

He had foregone all manner of pacing now, as his only goal seemed to be reaching that final climax. Fleur had long given up trying to keep tabs on her own count of orgasms; the way her husband was clinging to her, claiming her so forcefully, so dominantly, all in the name of impregnating her. She could tell she was near delirious, drunk off of lust and Soarin’s cock. The rapid plap plap plap of his balls slapping against her rump was as loud in her ears as his own grunts and the creaking of the floor.

“You’re goddess damn right.” Soarin got the words out between gasps. “I’ll take you every day, every night if I have to. I want. I want you to have - fuck - my kids! You, Fleur!”

The emotional declaration made her climax erupt as much as the feeling of his cock kissing her womb did, the unicorn crying out as she squeezed around him tight. It did nothing to deter Soarin’s pacing, and soon they were upon each other’s lips again in a heated fervor, lips and tongues crossing one another as he worked himself up towards a third climax.

“Yes, yes, yes!” She begged of him, clenching tight to try and make it all the more enjoyable for the stud rutting her senseless. “Cum for me, mon amore! Cum inside zhis cunt and make it yours!”

“Fleur! I…fuck! I’m cumming!” He declared, hilting into her a final time and moaning into her collarbone as she embraced him, holding on for dear life and clinging to him as if to stay alive by physical contact alone. For the third time that evening, liquid heat blossomed inside of her, spreading throughout her being and making Fleur cement the idea for certain: she was going to bear this stallion’s foals. For now and for forever, as long as she could do it. He was hers, and she was his.

Two months later

A tray bearing breakfast and fresh lemonade was being carried by Soarin from the kitchen upstairs to the bedroom. The stallion was smiling, relaxed and looking every part an at-home morning husband complete with bathrobe over his torso and slip-on slippers over his feet. All he was missing was a cup of coffee, but that could come after this small delivery. He could hear his wife’s voice from the hallway, and slipped into the bedroom with little effort as his wing pushed the door open for him.

“Non, Photo, it is done. Zhis is zhe next chapter of my life now. It takes precedence even over all else.” Fleur said into her phone, still resting in bed with the sheets over her lower half. She was looking patient, but smiled at seeing her husband approaching. “Zhe Royal Sisters couldn’t even convince me. Now please, excuse me; I see my husband and wish to spend zhis morning with him.”

“I take it she didn’t expect this news right off?” Soarin asked as he set the tray up for her, staying next to her as the unicorn set her phone down with a sigh.

“She was hoping to convince me for a special shoot. Zhat woman is insistent on photographing all aspects of life, which I suppose is her profession to be fair. But still! There are limits!”

Soarin laughed and shook his head. “I don’t suppose I should send her an apology card in the mail?”

Fleur huffed and tugged the sheets down off of her. The reveal exposed not just the elegant silk nightgown she had slept in, but also the noticeable bulge of her belly that poked against the middle of the sleepwear. She was only two months in, but the doctor’s positive assessment the day before had been a delight for her. The unicorn rested her hand on her belly and shook her head.

“Apologize for zhem? Zhe twins? Not a chance, my husband.”