Adventures of the Sun Prince (Season One)

by Swift Comet

First published

Join Helios Dawn in his adventures across Equestria.

Helios Dawn, son of Princess Celestia, always had a sense of adventure and thrill seeking in his veins. His longing for adventure is finally answered when he and his older surrogate sister and younger adoptive brother Spike are called by Celestia to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration. This finally proves to awaken Helios’s drive he longed for, and with his family and newfound friends he will fulfill his longing desires.

Birth of a Star

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The silence of the night is broken by the wailing of a mare in labour.

Princess Celestia, the main monarch of Equestria is laying in a hospital bed covered in sweat, breathing heavily and wracked with bodily pain. She has recently entered labour. Doctors and nurses stay by her side and help as much as they can with the delivery of the baby.

“Push your majesty! Push! The foal is almost out!” encouraged one of the nurses.

“It’s almost done, just one more mighty push and the baby is delivered. C’mon Princess, you are so close.” said another nurse.

Celestia inhales another deep breath and pushes with all her might, her body straining from the stress of giving birth. Her efforts finally pay off when the room is filled with the cries of a newborn foal. Celestia breaths heavily from exhaustion and lies back down on the hospital bed, tired but satisfied and happy at the successful birth.

The lead doctor of the operation, Herbal Remedy cleans the newborn of amniotic fluid and hands them to Celestia.

“Here you are your majesty. He’s absolutely gorgeous.”

Celestia gladly took her newborn foal in her arms and smiled with joy upon seeing him for the first time. He has a pure white coat, a mane and tail coloured red and yellow and has sky blue eyes. On his head is a horn and on his back are a pair of wings, making the colt an alicorn like his mother.

“Hello there little one. Welcome to Equestria.” cooed Celestia as she gently strokes the mane of her son while slightly tearing up herself. Her newborn yawned and snuggles up against her chest for warmth.

Herbal Remedy walks up next to his sovereign and smiles at he heartwarming scene. He clears his throat to address Celestia.

“Your majesty, I’d like to say that your son is very healthy and has no negative conditions, so you both are free to depart for tomorrow. We’ll do a few basic checkups on him the next morning before you leave.”

Celestia nods as she looks up at him. “Thank you Herbal Remedy. I thank you and all your staff for helping me in the delivery process. You have my gratitude.”

Herbal Remedy and the rest of the team who helped with the delivery bow their heads in respect to their monarch for her praise.

“There’s no need to thank us your majesty. We ensured the birth of your son would be safe and quick, and it’s the least we could do for you.”

One nurse butts in to ask, “What do you plan on naming your son your majesty?”

Celestia looks down at her newborn who was fast asleep in her arms. He looked so innocent and peaceful while sleeping. He is her pride. Her joy. Her little sun ray. Her little Helios.

Celestia decided that will be her son’s name.

“I will call him Helios Dawn.”

The nurses murmured to each other excitedly. That is certainly a fitting name for the new prince, because he shines as bright as the sun’s morning rays. Herbal Remedy nods in agreement with the name.

“A wonderful name for him. Helios will surely do you proud in the future.”

“He will. I know he will do many great things and will one day lead Equestria to success.” says Celestia with pride.

Herbal Remedy nodded in agreement before deciding to usher the medical team out of the room to give their princess and her newborn some space and rest. Once they are gone Celestia lovingly hugs her sleeping son close to her heart and begins to close her eyes, the earlier labour process having taken its physical toll on her.

As she nears sleep Celestia thinks about one last thing before entering her slumber.

‘If only your father were here now. He would be so proud and overjoyed at the sight of you Helios. Aether. Wherever you are I hope you are hearing my voice, because I know our son will do Equestria proud one day, and you too as well.’

Friendship is Magic Part 1

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Helios Dawn is currently laying down on the floor and reading a book on Everfree wildlife in the library study of one of Canterlot Castle’s many towers. The young sun prince is now 10 years old. His mane and tail were sleek and wavy, his white coat glistened in the sunlight, his well-kept horn is polished cleanly, his sky blue eyes shine with prominence and his wings were strong and healthy, perfect for flying. Adorning his flanks is his cutie mark, a golden compass with four outward pointing sun rays facing north, south, east and west.

Walking past Helios is his surrogate brother, Spike the Dragon. Spike is a baby dragon with purple scales, green spines, two claws and lime coloured eyes. He was born a few years ago during part of a entrance exam/freak magic accident that saw the baby dragon hatched from an egg and a magic surge saw him suddenly grow to titanic size before being shrunk back down, curtesy of Helios’s mother Princess Celestia.

Helios looks up from his study book to address Spike. “Hey Spike, where you going?”

Spike, who is carrying a red present wrapped in gold ribbons in his claws, answers Helios. “Oh I’m going to Moon Dancer’s party today, and I’m planning on giving her this present.”

Though as soon as Spike got to the door it is suddenly swung open with force, sending Spike and his present crashing to the ground. Helios winces at the sudden door slam and Spike’s subsequent meeting with the floor.

“Spike! Spi-ike! Spike?” asks the pony who knocked the door open. In enters Twilight Sparkle, magical protégé of Princess Celestia and Helios Dawn’s surrogate older sister. Twilight is a lavender coloured unicorn with a purple mane and tail with a pink streak running through both of them and violet eyes. Her cutie mark is a six pointed purple star surrounded by five smaller white stars. She looks around before spotting Spike lying on the floor, dazed and with a ruined present knotted into his tail.

“Ah there you are. Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies. What's that for?” asks Twilight as her eyes land on the ruined present.

Spike explains it is a gift for Moon Dancer, but Twilight rebukes his offer to join the party in search for something else of importance. Helios stands up from his spot and walks over to Twilight.

“Hi Twilight, how are you doing?”

Twilight looks over her shoulder and smiles as she sees her younger brother. “Hello Helios. Sorry for barging in unannounced, I’m currently busy trying to find something related to Nightmare Moon.”

Helios raises a skeptical eyebrow when Twilight mentions Nightmare Moon. “Nightmare Moon? Don’t you realise that is just an old pony’s tale made up to scare foals into behaving themselves?”

“No Helios, this is something more than an old pony’s tale I’m afraid. It’s a danger that concerns all of Equestria as a whole. It is paramount that I know what relates to her”, said Twilight as she anxiously paces around the library.

Spike finds what Twilight was looking for and Twilight grabs it out of his claw using her magic, causing the purple dragon to accidentally fall of the ladder he was standing on and Helios to grimace again. While Helios helps Spike up Twilight reads the Predictions and Prophecies book about the legend of the Mare in the Moon. It is said that she wanted to rule Equestria with eternal night a millennium ago before being banished to the Moon. But now with the summer solstice soon approaching and the subsequent Summer Sun Celebration too it means Nightmare Moon will also return with the aid of the stars in escaping her imprisonment.

Twilight gasps in disbelief before looking at her two younger brothers. “Spike! Helios! Do you both know what this means?”

Both Helios and Spike shake their heads in unison. “No.” “Not a clue Twilight.”

“It means we must inform Princess Celestia of this matter urgently. Please take a note, Spike.”

Spike takes out a piece of paper and quill and starts writing down what Twilight says.

My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!” explains Twilight.

“Preci… Preci…” struggles Spike to get the word spelling right.

Twilight shakes her head and replaces it with another word, threshold, but Spike also doesn’t know the spelling to that one too. Helios rolls his eyes before grabbing the paper and quill out of his brother’s claws and helps with writing the correct word down and handing the items back to him. Twilight slightly giggles at Helios helping Spike with grammar correction before getting serious again.

For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Spike finishes the final words before rolling up the letter, tying it with red ribbon and blowing magical green fire onto it. This changes the letter into a cloud of wispy green smoke and it flies out the window and heads towards Princess Celestia.

While Twilight waits for a reply from her mentor Helios Dawn takes the chance to talk with his sister.

“Twilight, don’t you think you are being paranoid?”

“Paranoid? Helios, don’t you realise just how serious this is?! I’m talking about the safety of the entire kingdom at stake here from the return of a maniacal madmare who wants to cloud Equestria in eternal darkness.” explains Twilight, slightly aghast at Helios’s sudden accusation.

“But Twilight, even if you believe in this sort of thing do you think anypony else would believe your words as well?” questions Helios.

Twilight is taken aback by that question. “No but…”, Twilight sighs, “Look Helios, this isn’t something to scoff at. If Nightmare Moon truly is returning not only will the entire kingdom be in danger but so will you and your mother be as well. I can’t afford to let you be in harm’s way. I promised Celestia that I would protect you.”

Twilight gently strokes Helios’ mane as the latter’s ears droop in shame. Twilight was promised to by Princess Celestia that she would look after her son while she is busy with her royal duties and that she treats him like a brother.

“I’m sorry Twilight. I just don’t like seeing you so worked up.” says an apologetic Helios.

Twilight gives a comforting smile and pulls Helios into a gentle hug. “It’s alright Helios, I’m not mad. Just safety conscious for your well-being. Besides, my world is nothing without my little bro.”

Twilight playfully boops Helios’s nose, causing the both them to giggle at the gesture. The moment of bonding is broken by the sound of someone belching. Helios and Twilight look to the side and see Spike holding a letter that was by Princess Celestia.

“Aha. I knew Princess Celestia would want to take immediate action.” says Twilight as she takes the letter with her magic and opens up to read. But when Twilight reads the contents she is flabbergasted. Celestia replies in the letter she should stop ‘reading those dusty old books’ and live a little. The letter further explains that Twilight should take Spike and Helios with her and travel to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, and most of all that Twilight should ‘make some friends’.

Helios ponders on the contents of the letter while Twilight is busy panicking. What could his mother be planning if she wants him to tag along with his adoptive brother and sister to Ponyville. He has never really questioned her judgment and wisdom so he decides to ride along with the plan and see what entails for the foreseeable future. Overall this trip to Ponyville is causing excitement for him as it stirs his love for adventure that he yearned for so long. Helios can’t wait to see where the path of fate takes him and his family.

An hour later the trio find themselves being hauled to Ponyville on a flying chariot dragged by two of the royal guards from Canterlot. Helios smiled giddily as he watches the landscape pass beneath him. He’s never been outside of Canterlot before so this is a completely new experience for him. The chariot lands in the centre of Ponyville, a dainty and quaint little town a few kilometres south of the Equestrian capital.

Helios, Twilight and Spike hop off the chariot, thank the two guards and decide to explore around.

Twilight and Spike were discussing the earlier letter and how Twilight is still mixed on Celestia’s decision to make friends. While his siblings bickered Helios spots the first pony of this town approaching them. She has a light pink coat, a poofy dark pink mane and tail and light blue eyes. Her cutie mark is a trio of balloons, two blue and one yellow.

“Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about. Come on, Twilight, just try!” says Spike as he encourages Twilight to engage in conversation with the stranger in front of them.

Twilight hesitantly speaks up to greet the pink pony in front of them. “Uh... hello?”

The mare in front them just does a dramatically prolonged gasp when spoken to before speeding off, much to the surprise and utter confusion of the three siblings.

“Huh? That was weird.” says a bewildered Helios.

“You could say that again little bro.” agreed Twilight as she is in the same boat as him.

Helios sighs, knowing that this is going to one interesting day that’s for sure, but at least his enthusiasm outweighs his curiosity.

“So where are we off to now?” asks the sun prince.

Spike takes out both a map of Ponyville and a checklist. “Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres.”

The three headed to Sweet Apple Acres. Helios could see why it’s aptly named so. Apple trees dotted the perimeter as far as the eye could see. Standing on a hill is large red barn and standing to the right of it is a medium-sized farm house.

As the trio entered the vicinity they are startled by the sound of somepony gleefully hollering. Twilight, Helios and Spike look to their left and see an orange coloured earth pony wearing a stetson bucking apple trees, which in turn causes the fruit to fall down into baskets waiting at the base of the trees. She also has a blonde mane and tail and green eyes. Her cutie mark is a trio of apples.

Twilight sighs as she approaches the mare with the stetson. “Let's get this over with... Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle—”

Twilight is abruptly cut off when the mare grabs her hoof and shakes her so hard that Helios thought his sister’s arm would fall off.

“Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!” excitedly greets the mare named Applejack, who spoke with a southern drawl in her voice.

“Friends? Actually, I—“ Twilight hesitates before being cut off again.

“So, what can I do you for?” asks Applejack.

Spike and Helios snicker at Twilight’s awkward attempts at initiating a proper conversation. Twilight slightly glares at the two before turning her attention back to Applejack and clearing her throat.

“Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?”

“We sure as sugar are! Would you care to sample some?” asks Applejack, wanting to offer her hospitality to Twilight.

“As long as it doesn't take too long...” Twilight reluctantly says.

Applejack bangs a ladle loudly against a pot, and this draws in a massive conglomerate of ponies to the area where Twilight, Helios and Spike are. Applejack proceeds to introduce the trio to her massive family, each one having an apple related name.

“Woah, that sure is one large family.” says Helios, both impressed and surprised at the sheer size of Applejack’s family tree.

“Sure is sugarcube, we Apples have family in all parts of Equestria.” Applejack proudly says while lightly ruffling Helios’s mane, much to his amusement.

Twilight tries to ask if she could leave but instead has her mouth stuffed with a confectionery. Twilight again insists on leaving but a young filly with a butter yellow coat and red mane and tail and wearing a pink bow in her hair asks her if she will stay for brunch, pleading with innocent eyes. The purple unicorn tries to dismiss the invitation but the disappointment in the Apple family’s voices is enough to reluctantly convince her to stay.

What follows is Twilight being force fed a bunch of tasty apple treats, much to her insistence that she isn’t hungry. While that is going on Helios sits on an opposite table nibbling on a delicious apple fritter.

“Mmmm~. Wow! If I didn’t know any better I’d say this one of the best things I have ever eaten.”

“Well ahm glad ya’ like our food.”

Helios is startled by the sudden voice next to him. He looks right and sees the filly from earlier who pleaded for Twilight to stay.

“Oh goodness! Don’t startle me like that.” exclaims Helios as he holds a hoof to his chest.

“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” says the filly while softly giggling at Helios’s reaction.

“So what’s yer’ name? Mine’s Apple Bloom.” she reveals.

“Helios Dawn. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” he excitedly says as he shakes Apple Bloom’s hoof.

Apple Bloom then looks up and sees the horn on Helios’s head. She also notices the wings on his back and the realisation hits her.

“Wait. Are you an alicorn?” asks Apple Bloom with surprise.

“Oh me? Yeah I am.” Helios says proudly as he opens his wings.

“Ah thought the only alicorn to exist in Equestria was Princess Celestia herself.” says the young apple farmer, not able to believe there is a second alicorn right in front of her.

Helios is a bit surprised since he thought he is well known throughout Canterlot as the Prince Heir, but it looks like not all of Equestria knows about him or his lineage. He decides to keep his profile hidden for now.

“I guess that makes me unique.”

“Uh huh. I’d never imagined ah would meet an alicorn up close, much less one the same age as me.” says Apple Bloom. She thinks for a moment before getting an idea. “Say, would ya be interested in meeting my friends later on? Their name’s are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

Helios’ ears perk up at the mention of meeting more friends his age. He smiles and nods at Apple Bloom. “Sure, I’d love to meet your friends sometime soon.”

“Great!” exclaimed Apple Bloom as she hugs Helios, much to the sun prince’s surprise, but he reciprocates the gesture.

Helios is snapped out of the moment when Twilight calls out to him, though her voice is a bit strained. “Helios, c’mon. We gotta go.”

“Oh! My sister is calling me. Listen, I’d love to stay and chat but we’ve got more important things to do at the moment.”

“Sure Helios. I’ll see ya at the Summer Sun Celebration.” Apple Bloom says as she lets go of the hug. Helios hops off and gallops to Twilight and Spike’s side. The purple unicorn was bloated after the stuffing she received from brunch banquet.

“Okay you two, let’s go.” Twilight says as she waddles out of the orchard. Helios looks back and waves to Apple Bloom as he leaves. Apple Bloom waves back while watching the trio disappear over the horizon.

The rest of the day was spent with the three siblings checking out the rest the preparation list and meeting three other ponies during the procedure.

Thie first was a speedy pegasus named Rainbow Dash. She has a baby blue coat, magenta eyes and ironically a rainbow-coloured mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a red-yellow-and-blue tricoloured lightning bolt shooting out of a cloud. The trio first met her when she accidentally crashed into Twilight and both sprawling into a mud puddle. Rainbow attempted to clean and dry the purple unicorn’s mane, but it resulted in a ridiculous looking mane style. So ridiculous that Rainbow, Helios and Spike broke into hysterics. Rainbow Dash explained that she was in charge of keeping the sky clear for the celebration and that she will show off to the Wonderbolts, an elite team of stunt flyers during the event. Twilight mockingly challenged that they wouldn’t accept Rainbow for her sloppiness, only for the pegasus to disprove Twilight’s claim by clearing the sky in ‘ten seconds flat’.

The second pony they met was a unicorn named Rarity. She has a marble coat, indigo eyes and a purple coloured mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a trio of diamonds. The three siblings first met her at the Town Hall where she was busy decorating the interior. Spike instantly developed a crush when he laid eyes on her, much to Helios and Twilight’s amusement. When they first introduced themselves to Rarity she freaked out when her eyes landed on Twilight’s messed up mane. Rarity would drag the reluctant unicorn to her boutique and fix up the aforementioned messy hairdo, and also fit various outfits on Twilight. Twilight explains that she is from Canterlot, and Rarity exclaimed with delight that she wishes she could live in Canterlot and experience all the grandiose the capital had to offer. Rarity’s ultimate dream is meeting Princess Celestia’s distant nephew Prince Blueblood and eventually marrying him. Helios silently thought that would be a bad idea given his experiences with his cousin’s awful attitude and lack of respect. The trio eventually filed out of the boutique while Rarity was distracted.

The third pony they met is another pegasus named Fluttershy. She has a butter-yellow coat, jasmine-coloured eyes and a light pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a trio of pink butterflies. The three met her while she was busy helping a flock of birds practice a choir for the celebration, but Twilight’s first hand impression startled Fluttershy and scared her birds away. She was very timid when Helios noticed her apprehensive responses. Just when the group was about to leave Fluttershy immediately spotted Spike and her demeanour changed drastically, as she had never seen a baby dragon up close before. The sibling trio plus Fluttershy trudged on until they reached the Golden Oaks Library, a hollowed out tree that served as the town’s main library. It was currently sunset and Twilight wanted to get away from everything happening around her, so she made the excuse that it was past Spike’s bedtime and dragged both him and Helios inside the dark library.

Just when Twilight and her siblings thought there would be some calm life had to throw another curveball in the form of surprise party with all the townsfolk inside the library as soon as the lights were turned on. Turns out the pony who organised it was the pink mare the trio met earlier in the early afternoon. Her name is Pinkie Pie and she really had loads of energy in her system. She was busy rambling about how she was surprised to see Twilight since she is new around Ponyville and set up this party to welcome her. Twilight attempted to drown out the noise by pouring herself a drink, all the while the ponies she met earlier today gathered behind her. Though turns out the drink Twilight was swallowing was not juice but actually hot sauce. Twilight’s entire mouth burned up from the intense heat of the sauce and she raced up the library stairs to a private dorm so nopony would see the unfolding embarrassment on her face from drinking the condiment.

But throughout the whole day Helios got gradually concerned with his sister’s wellbeing. All this pressure on her to prevent Nightmare Moon’s return and reluctancy to make friends was taking its toll on Twilight.

While the party was busy raging downstairs Spike and Helios went up to the bedroom where Twilight was laying in, opening the door and seeing her completely miffed from today’s events.

“Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting "pin the tail on the pony"! Wanna play?” asks Spike in an effort to get Twilight to come downstairs and have fun.

No! All the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is?!” yells Twilight, absolutely frustrated and not in the mood for games.

“It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun! You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!” Spike says enthusiastically as he returns back downstairs.

Twilight mockingly imitates Spike’s voice, just to show her pure indignation at the current development that is going on. Helios, ever the voice of reason carefully walks up to the bed and hops on.

“Sis? Are you alright?”

Twilight looks up at her little brother and her expression falters to one of defeat.

“No Helios, I’m not. I just don’t understand why your mother decided to send me on a fool’s errand. How can making friends exactly help with me having to stop Nightmare Moon once she returns? I came here to learn about the Elements of Harmony, but so far all this friend-making has kept me from it.”

“Twilight, I think you are being unfair to yourself.” says Helios as he attempts to console her. “So far the ponies around town have all been really nice and not once have they not shown any regret for showing us their hospitality. You should try giving their friendship a chance. Heck, I made a new friend today with Applejack’s younger sister Apple Bloom.”

Twilight ears slightly perked up at that. Helios has always been known for being a friendly and outgoing colt, even though he is basically royalty. But for him to make friends with a filly about his age without them acknowledging his princely status is a surprise since most Canterlot ponies would have recognised him. Maybe there is more to life than just reading old tomes and scrolls.

Twilight lies down on her side to face the window. “I don’t know Helios. I am so worried that I don’t know if I want to make friends.” Twilight looks up at the moon shining through the window and quotes from the earlier Predictions and Prophecies book she read during the morning. “"Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night." I hope the Princess was right... I hope it really is just an old pony tale...” says Twilight as anxiety creeps over her face.

Helios ponders for moment before adopting a sly smile on his face. He places both his hooves on Twilight’s belly, much to her confusion.

“Helios, what are you—“ Twilight is suddenly cut off when Helios starts to tickle her abdomen. This causes Twilight to laugh out loud because she is very ticklish down there.

“Hahahaha! Helios! No! Cut it out! HELIOS!” roared Twilight with laughter as the sun prince doesn’t relent from his tickle attack, him laughing in tandem with Twilight as he cheers her up. The tickling and laughter goes on for approximately 5 minutes until the little alicorn ceases to let Twilight breathe.

Twilight is still giggling while playfully glaring at Helios. “You little rascal. Come here!”

Twilight grabs her little brother and gives him a noogie on the mane, the two siblings laughing with delight as they have fun.

“Does that feel better Twilight?” asks Helios as he looks into Twilight’s gleaming eyes.

“Hehehe. Sure it made me better, thank you Helios.” says Twilight as she hugs Helios close to her chest. The two siblings lie down to catch their breath. Helios takes the the chance to ask the purple unicorn a question.


“Yes Helios?” asks the unicorn.

“We’ll always have each other’s back’s, right?”

Twilight thinks on that question for a moment before answering, “Yes, we’ll always have each other’s backs. Besides, what is life without my little brother.”

“And what is life without my big sister.” agrees Helios as he snuggles up against Twilight’s side.

The moment of bonding is interrupted when Spike open up the door again.

“C’mon you two, the Summer Sun Celebration’s about to start soon, we’re gonna miss the sunrise.”

Helios and Twilight sigh before getting up, not wanting to be left out from the event that will happen soon.

Twilight, Spike and Helios arrived at the Town Hall where the sunrise will commence in a few minutes. The trio of siblings stand in the middle of the hall to get a good view of the balcony on top. Pinkie stands behind them and babbles on on how excited she is for the grand reveal. Twilight’s mind however is more concerned with something else and looks up through the glass canopy. Helios notices this and mirrors what Twilight is doing and looks up at the moon. Helios sees four stars interlock with the moon and the shadowy patch on the celestial body suddenly disappears.

‘Something about this does not feel right.’ thought Helios as his gut is telling him to stand vigilant. The guards sound the fanfare and the mayor of town stands on the podium to address the citizens.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” Ponies cheer as the ceremony is soon to begin. The mayor continues, “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...”

“Ready?” quietly says Fluttershy to the birds to begin the choir.

“Princess Celestia!”

The curtains open, but much to everypony’s shock she isn’t there. Helios is dumbfounded. Where is his mother when she is supposed to be attending the most important event of her life?

Twilight echoes the same sentiments next to him. “This can't be good.”

“T-Twilight… where is my mother?” asks a concerned and scared sun prince.

Twilight attempts to calm her little brother down. “I don’t know Helios. Stay close to me.”

There is panic amongst the crowd because they don’t where their beloved princess is. Things go from bad to horribly worse when a dark blue miasma suddenly seeps into the building and coalesces on the balcony. A deep, sinisterly female voice permeates from the smoke, one that’s sends chills up everypony’s spines, including Helios.

“Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.”

Emerging from the smoke is a black alicorn with a flowing dark blue mane and tail covered with stars. She has a sharp black horn, draconic-like wings, blue sclera and wears armoured regalia. Her cutie mark is blue crescent moon. The mysterious dark alicorn’s presence alone was enough to instil fear in all the ponies present in the hall.

“What did you do with our Princess?!”

Rainbow Dash, ever the defiant daredevil tries to attack Nightmare Moon but is held back by Applejack grabbing onto her tail with her teeth. Nightmare Moon darkly chuckles at everypony’s cluelessness.

“Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?”

Pinkie Pie thinks this entails more guessing games and tries to figure out Nightmare Moon’s name but fails. Applejack stuffs the pink party pony’s mouth with her hoof to keep her quiet.

Nightmare Moon isn’t amused and continues spurring on her questions.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

Twilight finally musters the courage to address Nightmare Moon. “I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!”

This startling revelation causes all ponies to gasp in horror. They didn’t know the legends of Nightmare Moon were true! Nightmare Moon however revels that somepony finally remembers who she is. “Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.”

Twilight and Helios dread what she is about to say. “You're here to... to...”, Twilight couldn’t finish her statement and Nightmare Moon evily laughs, declaring that the night will last an eternity.

Helios is paralysed in fear to the spot under Twilight’s body. Here stands Nightmare Moon, the old foe of his mother, who now, wants to rule Equestria through permanent darkness. He doesn’t know whether to run away and hide or stay and find out what will happen. All he knows is that he, along with Twilight will have to find a way to stop Nightmare Moon and find his missing mother. What Helios doesn’t know is that this is more than just a random coincidence, this is part of a larger event set in motion, and he has a role to play in it. This… is merely the beginning.