Life ain't musical.

by Demirurg95

First published

Rarity has to work in cahoots with a shady looking guy if she wants to escape the situation she is in currently.

Life ain't a musical and Rarity realized that pretty quickly. Unable to find a decent job after graduating and with her parents refusing to support her in any way, the young woman was forced to become a janitor in some run down school, where every student is either a vile hooligan or a drug abuser, or a mix of the two. However, the wanna-be fashionista might have a chance to rise to glory after she meets with a particular someone.

Cover art by The Pit

The Offer

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Rarity sat down on the creaky gym bench. Her disdain towards the idea of even being inside this vile place had long evaporated or at the very least, was replaced with pure apathy. And yet, despite it being her “office” for the past one month, Rarity was still surprised at why it was always so empty. One would think that the vagabonds that inhabit this building would come here more often, seeing how the gym was both poorly lit and offered enough free space to collapse on after injecting whatever substance they used to get high.

But, Rarity reminded herself, such details didn't matter as she at least had a quiet place of her own where she could collect her thoughts and most importantly - stay away from any trouble. But just as she pulled out her mirror, which the fashionista cleverly hid inside her cleavage, the door opened and inside walked an unknown figure. The hoodie of this stranger, while baggy, couldn't hide their broad shoulders and bulky upper body, a trait most boys in this school shared.

“ ‘Sup, coach?“ he hissed out mockingly as he came closer and without any invitation, dropped himself next to Rarity. The woman gave him a quiet, yet scornful look before she moved a few inches away from him. In a sign of protest, the young punk spat out on the floor and said, “C’mon, lady, is this how you treat the guy who saves your butt cheeks from being clapped?“

“I beg your pardon?“

“You heard me, fancy panties. If it wasn't for me, by now you would've been pregnant with triplets!” he grinned. Rarity grimaced before closing her mirror and hiding it back inside her cleavage. “Uhh… Thank you… I suppose. But at least you could have told me your name before diving into such intriguing details.”

The hooded teen huffed and pulled back his hoodie, revealing his face to Rarity. His skin had a light purple shade to it and his eyes were the same ruby green color as his hair that styled into a flashy mohawk.

“The name’s Spike.”

Rarity couldn't help herself but let out a small chuckle as she introduced herself. “Heh… Rarity, it is… A pleasure to meet you.”

“Did I say somethin’ funny? “

“Oh no, it's just that a friend of mine had a dog that was named Spike. Plus, you kind of look like him.”

Spike frowned, unamused by the comparison and turned his head around, staring into the distance for a moment. “Any other clever remarks you want to make?“

“I apologize, I did not mean to insult you.“ Rarity felt her cheeks turning rose red. She looked away from the boy, a bit surprised by the turn of events. But luckily for her, it seemed as if Spike wasn't the type to hold a grudge as he once again smiled when turning his attention to her. “It’s fine, babe. Say, why is a doll like you stuck in a shithole like this place?”

Rarity sighed and leaned against the wall. “The story is a bit… Complicated. Plus, it doesn't involve high octane action so I doubt you would be that intrigued by it.” she crossed her arms as she looked at Spike. The young punk chuckled and leaned back as well, resting his head on his forearms. “Hey, no one asked you for the details. Just focus on the important stuff.”

“Okay, if I had to summarize it, it would probably be something on the lines of…”

“Hmm… No real qualifications, no previous recommendations… Ms. Rarity, could you please give me one good reason as to why I should hire you?”

Rarity squirmed in her seat, nervously pulling her skirt over her knees. “T-The advertisement said nothing about having any sort of previous experience!”

The principal laid back in his chair. He mumbled something under his nose before putting on a fake smile as he looked in Rarity's direction. “Since it seems that this might be your first job interview, let me give you a small tip. Possessing some sort of skills is ALWAYS required if you want to be hired. And they must relate to the job in one way or another.”

“Well… I can read. And write. Which seems to already be more than what these hooligans are capable of.”

The principal stared at Rarity before chuckling as he put down his glasses. “You said it, not me.” The old man then looked aside, gently rocking his chair back and forth as he pondered over. The last thing he wanted to deal with was a spoiled bimbo, that would be of no benefit and one that could bring too many headaches. But on the other hand, such fine girls were not that common in this part of town and having one of those sway their lovely hips around the corridors would be a breath of fresh air.

“Miss… Uh, Crumbles, while I can't hire you as a teacher, I could offer you to volunteer as a janitor. It's a lot easier than simply hiring you as you can technically leave anytime you want.”

“But doesn't that mean I won't get paid? “

“Well… Technically yes, but we can come up with some sort of solution. Say, I could strip some dollars off from the staff’s salary if you make sure to wear something a bit more… Revealing, especially when working around my office, heh.“ He smiled creepily. Rarity's dignity screamed in the back of her head, but she simply ignored it and with a shaky voice said out loud, “I accept the offer.”

“Wow… I knew this guy was trash but this… And you say the reason you’re stuck here is ‘cause ma’ and pa’ refuse to pay the bills? “

Rarity shrugged her shoulders and responded wearily, “It is what it is. It is not like I have much of an option, and no, making fries is not one of them.”

Spike nodded and his eyes drifted aside. At least the bitch knew what she wanted, as stupid as it may seem. The two spent another minute in silence, before the green haired punk gently tapped her on the shoulder. “Fancy panti- Rarity. I get that you are in some deep shit right now and I was thinking… Maybe I can help you.”

Rarity did not know how to respond to this. Her curiosity wrestled with a vague feeling, resembling dread. She may lack the necessary life skills, but she wasn't that big of an airhead, especially when it came to shady dudes like this one. The young woman then quickly put on a more neutral expression and tried to sound as uninterested as possible. “How exactly? “

“Welp, it's pretty simple. You and I go back to my place, you show off them tiddies to the camera and the horny virgins that watch throw away their savings at you. It's brilliant! “

“... You want me to shoot porn? “


“There is no way I am going to humiliate myself in front of thousands of people just for a couple of bucks!” Rarity stood up in a fit of anger and headed straight to the door. But just before she could leave, Spike sprung up and grabbed her by the arm. “Like working here is any better! If you come with me, I can at least make sure you are safe.” He said as he pulled her away from the handle.

“Why should I trust you? How should I know you won't just pimp me out to some meth head or worse, sell my organs?!”

Spike let go of her and reached for his pocket. With a stone cold look he took out a hefty bundle of money, rolled together, and handed a couple of hundred dollar bills to the baffled fashionista.

“Wh-What’s that?“ She asked, confused.

“What you get if you accept my offer, babe.”

Rarity looked at it once more. They were real, no doubt in that. And this tiny fraction weighed more than the miserable scraps that were promised to her by her boss. Her thumbs stroked the smooth surface before she looked up at the punk’s smug grin. Blushing, Rarity mumbled out “I accept your offer.”