> Where the Heaven meets the Earth > by RamielRedshade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- You lived a simple life. Wake up, work on the farm, have a little fun, sleep, and the cycle would repeat itself day after day. A simple and enjoyable existence that was interrupted by a message from THE Celestia herself. Why would she need to see you? ------------------------------- Earth ponies were wardens of nature, pillars of communities and protectors at heart. It wasn’t strange to correlate the stability and success of a farm or small city with the presence, or lack thereof, of earth ponies. While not as glamorous, dazzling and showy as the pegasi or unicorns that could soar to the sky and use all kinds of magics and spells, the earth ponies instead had a very reduced amount of spells they could call upon, which they could wield with extreme skill and to great effect. Like making plants grow, increasing their yield and keeping them healthy, or their simplest yet most important feature: their physical strength. For an earth pony, lifting boulders, pulling wagons or toiling day in and day out without feeling exhausted was as simple as breathing, and it was one of their most emblematic abilities. Trying to outrun, out punch or out lift an earth pony was a fool's errand, unless you were a very powerful sorcerer, or you picked a foal to face against, and even then, some were still really exceptional. You were born to such a race. Since you were a young foal, you helped in the family farm, learning the value of the land and how important it was to keep the balance between nature and ponykind. Starting to work since you could walk, or so your father liked to boast to every other farmer when there was any harvest festival. That wasn’t something you remembered, but you knew you loved working, and eating as well! So, you grew, and grew, and GREW some more, until even the tallest of ponies had to look up to you, making your size one of your most distinctive features. You weren’t the brightest or the most special pony around, and the best thing you could put to your name was the untold hours you put into helping at the farms, not only your families, but whoever could need you could call upon your help. If there was a load too heavy to carry, a drought that was threatening the crops, or a wild beast was causing issues, everyone knew they could call upon your help. Which is why you were so surprised when the pegasi messenger came to the farm, bearing a message from Princess Celestia herself, summoning you to her castle. There was little explanation beyond the summon itself, without any description or clue as to why you had to go there, just that you had to as soon as you could. Your family was happy, thinking it was a great opportunity, and that you were being called to be given an award for all the help you have given to everyone in the city of Ponyville. You were not so sure if it was for something like that, because if that was the case, many other ponies would have been summoned through the years to be given such honor, and this was the first time, to your limited knowledge about history, that such a thing happened. The letter didn’t give an estimate of how long you would be there, or for what to be prepared, so you weren't sure how many clothes to pack, or even WHAT to pack. Deciding to err on the side of caution, but choosing to not go overboard, you start looking for enough clothes for a week. Rummaging through your clothes, you find a few pairs of serviceable clothes that had served you well enough, at least since your mom refitted them for you, because you were still growing from time to time, and it was hard to chose clothes when you had to keep in mind that they would need to be replaced in a year or so. Sighing, you started to think about the kind of clothes that you would be taking with you. Deciding, once again, to simply go for the 'better have it and not need it' angle, you carefully put the formal suit inside your bag and put it beside your bed to make sure you didn't forget about it in the morning. Nodding to yourself, you went to the farm to finish up on as much as you could to make sure the tasks that were meant to be done by you didn't end up being dumped on your family. Specially considering that there was a system build around the fact that you could simply lift most things with ease for planting and harvesting to be done quickly. Or the wrangling of the oxen the family still kept around after lending most of them to other farms when you started doing the work of most of them. Huh, this was going to be a little complicated. "STEEEEEEEEELYYYY!!!", a sudden very loud and very energetic scream almost had you jumping a full 5 feet in the air. Turning around to see where it came from, even after you already knew WHO it was, you remembered that of course, if there was any news that were related to you, there was no chance that it would reach her, and that she would run as fast as her hooves could take her. Bracing, more for her safety than for yours, you opened your arms, ready to receive her, you saw her arriving in the horizon, a smoke cloud signaling the speed and strength of her unstoppable charge as her amazing lungs let her keep screaming the whole way, even while running. "Damn, Pinkie has either been practicing cardio, or she is really surprised by the letter", you muttered as you waited, watching her get closer and closer, sweat accumulating on your brow as you braced for impact! You were familiar with the process, so, when the ballistic missile of happiness and sweetness that was your childhood friend was coming towards you at full throttle, you knew what to do. Widening your stance, putting your hooves at shoulder height, lowering your core and arms extended to the sides, you waited. When she got within jumping distance, she shot herself at you with all her strength, because of course she would, but you were used to this, even if in the past this tactic of hers ended with you on your back and her straddling you. The way she looked at you every time she managed to take you down was something that made you deeply uncomfortable, because she has been doing the same thing since you were both kids. Not that the face she made each time you did manage to catch her was any better, though. "HEYA! DIDYOUGETALETTERFROMPRINCESSCELESTIA HOWDIDITHAPPEN?! DIDYOUKNOWHER-", the minigun that was her mouth kept spouting for longer than most people were capable of, but you knew better than to try and stop her in any way, so you simply held her up, getting her close, so she could finish, in a more controlled way, to hug you. Arm's going around your neck and holding fast, she dangled there for a second until you simply used your arms to hold her up, patiently waiting for her excitement to die before you could have a conversation. "Haaaa, Haaaa, haaaa… Hello Steely!", after regaining her breath, she sweetly greeted you, a beaming smile on her face that the sweat and flush from her exertion only served to enhance, as if she didn't just try to rush you with a perfect football tackle. "Howdy' Pinkie, always a pleasure to have you here. How many times do I have to tell you that trying to tackle people is dangerous?", you greeted back, a lopsided smile forming on your face as you tried, and failed, to try and look at her disapprovingly for her reckless actions. Mostly because she was squeezing herself against you as hard as she could, her legs now trying to circle your torso as she enjoyed her perch, happily rubbing herself against you. "But Steeeeelyyyyy, I only do it with you. It's not like you don't like catching a beautiful filly like me, right?", she batted her eyelashes at you, trying to charm you into letting her have her way. You tried to keep up the slight scowl on your face for a bit more, but her wide smile was just too powerful, and no matter how strong you were, Pinkie just had a sway over you that was hard to overcome. "Awwww, chucks. I can never stay mad at you, sweetie pie", you kissed her forehead and leaned down, trying to set her on the ground. … ……. …………. "Erm, Pinkie? I don't mind the hugs, but I have some stuff I need to do. Pinkie", you tried to get her attention, but she went completely still, and you were feeling a bit worried that she might have actually hurt herself during her jump. As gently as you could, you pried her from you, and finally got to see her face. Blinking at the strangely intense look on her face, you decided to simply let her stay where she was, and to simply try to work around it. It wasn't like most of the things you needed to do couldn't be done even with someone being attached, you do. You decided to have a little fun with her, she was the one that liked to get handy all the time and try to play it off as 'harmless fun between friends', and pushed her chest against you all the time, or sat on your lap, or kissed you on the mouth, or… If you didn't have any reason to try and prank her back, reminding yourself that she had been teasing you for most of your lives surely did!! You first looked around, not wanting to inadvertently do something in public that might create a big drama. Like that time Pinkie sneaked into your room and your parents found you sleeping together, with you not knowing how she ended up there, considering your room had no windows, and the door had a lock. You decided that getting personal with her behind was the most important thing to do first, so, while keeping her attached to you with one arm, you reached below, and noticed that, luckily for you, she was wearing a skirt, with no shorts below, which she almost never did, for some reason. So, you got to feel her soft skin yielding to your touch, her firm ass feeling so soft to the touch that you couldn't believe it belonged to a real girl, the sensation of her flesh spilling between your fingers as you tightened your grip made you want to let her go and just sink your fingers as deeply as you could in her, but no matter how good it felt, you would never risk her safety for something like that. But you were a smart guy, even if some ponies thought otherwise, so you didn't need to put her at risk to make the cake and eat it too. You went to sit down, her legs loosening their hold on you when she felt a solid support below them, and with that, you had BOTH hands free to start caressing her, and getting to know her ass more intimately. Sinking your hands into her behind and relishing on the way her breath started to wash over your neck as she tightened her hold on it, you started to rub and pull, spreading her now, thanks to your position, you had a front row seat of the way her ass deformed under your fingers, the fact that even with your size you could not completely encompass any of the huge cheeks, which just made you want to spread your hands as much as you could to see if you could. "Uhhhh~", Pinkie started letting out a few interesting sounds, the increasingly intense feeling of your blood rushing south, your length hardening and starting to press against her nethers, a shudder running through her whole body, that was followed by her pushing herself even harder against you, burying her nose into your neck. "Ya finally back to the land of the living?", you said distractedly, still focused on the task at hand. "You are being bad Steely, you can't do that to a giIIIiiirrrl~", her voice hitched when you pulled her cheeks apart, her core pushing insistently against your now painfully hard erection, the needy way she pronounced your name sending a shock of electricity down your spine. "I'm the bad one here? You want me to stop?", you took the chance to nibble on her exposed neck, enjoying the way she tried to shimmy away, but her desire to keep holding on to you made the movement completely ineffective. "Nuuuuhuuuu", she once again nuzzled against your neck, rubbing herself up and down your body, her voice taking the characteristic whiny quality she would always use when she wanted something. This wasn't necessarily the first time you both had gotten physical, after all, no matter how much you tried not to notice, Pinkie Pie was not a girl that would allow herself to be ignored, ever. She finally separated a bit from you, letting you see her flushed expression, and the way her lips were softly parted, looking at you directly, her eyes hooded and teary looking up at you, almost crying for you to do something without saying anything. Your mother raised you to be a lot of things, and none of them were to be a gentleman that left a lady waiting! Taking a hand out of its important mission, you gently cradled the back of her head, your fingers threading through her soft hair and closing the distance, locking lips with her in an intense and chaste kiss, still softly testing the limits of what you could get away with, and for now you were content with simply enjoying the way her body melted against you, her hands moving to your chest and massaging it, which reminded you that your other hand was still hard at work making sure to remind every part of her ever plentiful pie. "Why do you tease me so much~? A girl can only take so much, you know? It's not fair that you get to do this to me with no repercussion, you villain, you rascal, you enemy of woman!", she started to softly bat her hands against your chest, the strength that would normally put dent's into steel feeling like soft taps against your skin. You laughed at her tantrum, hands still enjoying her behind as she kept putting at you, before you remembered the reason you were here, and why she came to you in the first place, "Ah, you wanted to ask me about the letter, right?", you stopped moving your hands, but kept them right where they were. "Ah, right! Why did Princess Celestia send a letter to you?! Did you meet her in the past and never told me?! What kind of friend are you!!", she went back to her energetic self in the blink of an eye. "Ah, I don't know, Pinkie. It took me by complete surprise, I thought I was dreaming or somethin' when the pegasi filly came out of the sky and dropped the letter in my lap, and went away without explaining nothing", you let her know everything that happened, not bothering to hide any detail. "Ohhhh, maybe its a secret mission? Or maybe she wants to meet the super awesome, amazing, strong and handsome best friend of the incredible, fantastic, bombastic, frutifantastic and super smart Pinkie Pie!!", she threw her hands in the air as she finished doing her normal presentation of both of you in a single breath, her eyes sparkling in excitement. "Maybe", you shrugged, unsure as her about the possible point of the summon, and now moving your hands deeper. The tips of your fingers teasing her covered womanhood, and feeling the heat and wetness radiating from it. "Are you going to keep touching my butt?", she narrowed her eyes at you, her flush visible even through her pink coat. Without missing a beat, you squeezed again, a smug smile on your face. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She seems to think your smile is an insult that can't go unanswered, she pushes off of you, making to maneuver and to start fiddling with your belt, and figuring what she wanted to do, you helped her by lifting yourself a little and letting her open your pants. You release a sigh of relief as your dick gets to escape its prison, your clothes were comfy, but they weren't precisely the most airy pair you had. "Ahhh, I never get tired of seeing it~", the delighted coo from Pinkie made you look down, and the sight sent a fresh surge of pleasure running through you, as you saw your length rest against her clothed belly, your flared head resting beneath her breasts as she stared at it with wide, sparkling eyes and even let out a giggle when a particularly strong squirt of pre landed on her cleavage, which she proceeded to scoop with a finger and bring it to her face, taking a loooong whiff of it, before putting it inside her mouth, making sure to stare directly into your eyes the whole time. "Want to do something fun, Stud?", she said as she started unbuttoning her shirt, freeing her breasts, and letting you know that she didn't bother wearing a bra today. Her sweaty and shiny tits, looking particularly delightful under the morning sun. You were a patient pony, a very level-headed individual that didn't buckle under pressure and was always the voice of reason when needed, something you were particularly proud off. But everyone had their limit, a place where your will and soul screamed that enough was enough, and this seemed to be the limit for your patience. So, with as much gentleness as you could muster, you lifted her, appreciating the way she bit her lip as she tried to release herself, and you remained unmoved, before you settle her down, her body stretching and bared to your eyes. Her opened shirt letting you feast your eyes on her heaving tits, her rumpled skirt lifted and showing the world the fact that her underwear was already soaked through. "You are really a special girl, aren't you? You hear I am going away for a bit, and your first reaction is to come running for me, with those flimsy panties, and without any bra… You wanted this, didn't you?", you take a hold of your length, admiring her body and then directing your leaking tip to her face, and enjoying how her mouth half opened, eyes crinkled in delight as she looked at it loom over her face, her giggles getting louder and louder, as drops of your pre fell on her face. "Are you going to do something about it? I am a just an innocent and defenseless filly, is the big, scary Steely going to finally crush me?", she sent a smile your way that would look cute if she didn't follow it with opening her mouth, the expression wouldn't be as obscene as it was without her moving her tongue in slow circles, and beckoning you to trust inside her wet mouth. Gulping, you guided your length to her mouth, any thought about the mechanics behind the size disparity disappearing from your mind as her tongue started to trace the ridged of your penis, paying particular attention to your spewing urethra as it kept leaking like a faucet. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Pinkie's tongue, slowly and steadily feeding more of your length to her mouth, feeling a light resistance as she started to open her mouth wider her hands encircling you and pulling you towards her managing to fit the flare of your tip inside her mouth, making you let out a gasp at the sensation. Looking for a better position, you leaned forward, kneeling and putting your hands at the sides of the girl, the lewd, wet sounds of her sucking and slightly choking when you accidentally leaned a bit too far forward. With your eyes closed, your other senses were completely engaged, and a very familiar sweet and salty. Following your nose, you felt your muzzle make contact with a damp piece of cloth, and when it shuddered in response, you knew what exactly you had in range. You supported yourself with only one hand, and with the other you moved the ruined undergarment aside, and were welcomed by the sight of Pinkies smooth and mound and her wet and engorged labia, her legs trying to stay open to give you access, but twitching and trying to close every time you breathed on it. "I didn't expect you to be so naughty Pinkie, I only touched your butt, hugged and kissed you, and you are already like this? You may look sweet, but you are anything but innocent", you extended your tongue, taking a long and strong taste of her, and she finally lost the control on her legs and enclosed them around your head, pushing your muzzle against her nether and causing a chain reaction. First, you buckled a little, your balance being offset by her putting all her weight on your neck, which was already over extended forward, and, even if you were more than capable of supporting your combined weight with one arm, you still followed the laws of physics, and you tumbled forward. Thinking quickly, you extended your other hand, but the damage was done, your whole weight was already in motion forward, and it pushed more of your length inside Pinkies mouth, she buckled and trashed a bit, the hold of her legs in your neck increasing, as you felt her mouth tighten around you to an incredible degree. "Pinkie, let go I am-", you tried to warm her, even as your logical mind told you that it was useless, but you still tried, up until you felt the firsts surge of pleasure robbing you of your ability to do anything but brace against the waves of ecstasy flowing through you. Each surge was followed by a guttural sound coming from below you, as you could see in your minds eye Pinkie trying to desperately swallow down your load as you felt her throat pulse repeatedly, and at the same time, you felt wetness splash on your face, the sweet smell overpowering everything else and making your head feel like it was overloaded and about to simply give out. After a small eternity, you felt the control come back to your body, and you steadily started to stand upright, not wanting to jostle and accidentally hurt the girl beneath you by using too much force in any of your movements. You felt your dick pop out of her mouth, your refractory period causing it to go a bit soft after the strongest orgasms you have felt in your whole life, which was probably going to be replaced very soon if the way your stomach dropped at the sight that welcomed you. Pinkie was a mess. Her mouth open, frozen in a silly smile and leaking small rivulets of your cum from the sides, her tongue hanging out as she laughed, her voice hoarse and raspy, her eyes vacant as she coughed from time to time, her entire front from her breasts up painted with your seed, and as you looked up between her legs, you saw that a small puddle had formed, her legs twitching and small squirt still coming out of her pussy. You could barely recognize her, until you felt her eyes regain a bit of intelligence, closing her mouth and licking her lips, catching some stray strands of your semen that had clung there before gulping loudly and showing you her open mouth, just as wet and ready as it was before. "Wanh tah do eth aganh?", you could barely understand what she said as she tried to speak with her mouth open, but as you felt your length slowly regaining life once again, you didn't think it was necessary. You managed to unload one more time inside her mouth before post-nut clarity finally managed to get a grip on you, lifting the veil of lust from your mind and allowing you to formulate thoughts once again. As much as you desired to keep going, your duty to the farm and your family were still in the back of your head stopping you from simply taking Pinkie to your room and finishing what you started, so, with utmost care and with no little amount of regret, you took your still rigid length out of the pleasurable hell that was your best friends vice-like throat. "Ahhhh, Pinkie I have to- ugh", you tried to reason with her after finally getting away, but she simply shimmied towards you and started licking your flare, while making sure to use her hands to massage what she could not reach with her vivacious mouth. "Mhmmm?", she sounded like she cared about what you were saying, but one look at her and the way her eyes were totally focused on your dick instead of you, the same salacious smile fixed in place as she nuzzled against it told you all you needed to know. "It would be so easy to simply stay here… No! I have a duty!", shaking your head, you regained your bearings and clenched your jaw. Using all your willpower, you gently grasped Pinkies head and kept her in place while you took another, bigger step, backwards, separating yourself from her. She started to fight against your hold, something that was hard considering her awkward position, but try she did! "Pinkamena Diane Pie, listen to me", you called her by her full name, and that seemed to take her out of her rut, because she stopped fighting and looked up at you, a clearly annoyed look on her disheveled face. "Whaaaaaat? I am busy tasting your yummy cummies Steely. What is more important than that?", it was a testament to her ability to handle you that even in this situation her tone still managed to make you feel like you were the one in the wrong here, but you soldiered through. "Pinkie, I need to do other things to prepare for my trip. If I don't do them, it will cause a lot of trouble for my family, we can continue later, please?", you pleaded. She looked confused for a second, looking at you like you grew a second head and sprouted flowers in your hair, then, she looked towards the sky, before widening her eyes and getting up with a startled scream! "Oh no! I have to prepare for the party! Steely, you are right, I HAVE to go make the preparations! Why didn't you tell me it was so late?!!?", she berated you while she did everything she could to make herself presentable as quickly as she could, and you tried to help her, but her motions were so chaotic that you only managed to end up in the way as she tried to put on her panties while also fixing her hat on her head, all while hopping on one hoof. "See you later at your party, loveyoubye!", and with that, she stormed away just as fast as she came. Leaving nothing but dust in her wake. "Pinkie you forgot to…! Clean your face", you tried to warn her, trailing off as you watched her disappear in the distance, before releasing a tired sigh. "Darn, that gal is going to be the death of me one day. It will at least be a very sweet death though, hehehe", laughing at your own joke, you also tried to dress yourself, and realized the arduous labor of trying to put your still half-hard length down your overalls, something that wasn't very easy, but you managed.