Lost Tales of Equestria: Hollow

by MetalSlimeEater

First published

A doctors work is never finished.

Isaac Hollow, a plague doctor during the time the bubonic plague ravaged the Eastern world, awakes in Equestria after a near fatal accident on the way to work. Facing a new world with no clear way back home, Hollow decides to continue his mission among the odd denizens of this world, not yet realizing that there are forces in this world far scarier than any sickness.

"Welcome to the Lost Tales, a series where one small piece on the board can change the fate of a whole world. Follow along, and see what comes of this world"

Sex tag is for the sake of jokes and hinted/consequences of said action, I do not and will not write clop. Death tag...speaks for itself, though that'll happen a bit later into the story

Featured 3/2/2024: I never expected to be featured on DAY 1 of the story...yall almost made me shart myself in shock, thank you all!

Chapter 1: An audience with the Sun

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[Canterlot Castle: Throne Room]

"Thank you, Princess! I'll use that light tonight and see if it works!"

Celestia watched as the most recent guest of her day court trotted out the throne room with a smile, happy that she was able to guide the young colt through his surprisingly simple problem compared to what the Princess was usually brought to her.

To think that there are still colts to this day that are afraid of the dark! The princess's smile slips slightly as flashes of her past embrace the forefront of her mind. Though perhaps not an unfounded fear considering what usually holds power in the night.

"NEXT!!!" One of the guards stationed near the large doors of the room called out, motioning for the door to open while mimicking the fellow guard across from him's stone-faced exterior to a T...

...That is, until the next day court guest walked through.

As soon as the figure stepped into the room, every guard went rigid and held their spears close to them. Some of the guards even glared at the figure once it passed them, though they never looked it in the eye when doing so.

Stopping in front of the throne, the creature in front of Celestia stood tall and proud as it stared the ruler down. Standing on hind legs, Celestia was sure that this creature was close if not the same height as her, though the garb it bore were what truly had shifted the mood of the room all the while putting everypony on edge.

Wearing what looked like a cloak of sorts that hung down to the buckled boots on its...claws? feet? Hooves did not make that shape or fit in such a article of clothing. Perhaps it was a griffon of sort? Maybe one of those harpies from beyond the shores?

Celestia noted multitude of pockets and a tome tied to this creatures side that blended seamlessly with the underneath of the cloak, which was an equally dark shade of pants and clothing that did little to nullify the eerie presence of the creature. In what the princess deemed its right claw bore a sort of walking stick that extended up to the creatures midsection, though an odd lamp seemed affixed to its top, bearing a purple flame that flickered almost ominously. Both claw-like appendages were covered by gloves and at the top of the creatures body was a face covered by both a hood and a mask of a Raven.

Staring each other down for an eternity, Princess Celestia was just about to ask it's name when it spoke up.

"Are you the ruler of this land?"

A gravely voice spoke up, as soothing as claws on a chalkboard. It motioned its free claw to itself and did what seemed to be a curtsy.

"My name is Isaac Hollow, and I seek an audience with you, ruler."

With her wits collected, Celestia gave a curt nod, attempting to read the creature's intentions but with absolutely no facial expressions to be had nor prior experience with its kin Celestia was currently drawing a blank.

"You have my attention, Sir Hollow. What is it you seek?"

Isaac Hollow, as stated by the creature, tapped his pole against the ground twice as the flame flickered for a moment before returning to its eerie light.

"As you can guess from my attire, I am not one of this country. I hail from a land far from here, one that is riddled with plague and sickness." The creature began to pace back and forth, every eye in the room now on him as he spoke. "I spent weeks traveling around your land attempting to find a way home to aid my people once more, but during my travels I stumbled upon something quite apalling."

Returning to his original position in front of Celestia, Isaac motioned behind him to the doors.

"If you would let the next pony in line inside, as they are with me, I would be forever grateful as they are needed for this part of my speech."

The guards at the door blinked in surprise, not expecting to be called out to during the creatures audience with the princess, but a nod from their ruler gave them all they needed to know as they opened the doors once more and let the next pony inside.

To Celestia's growing surprise and intrigue, the pony that walked in bore an identical outfit to Mr. Hollow. The same black hood and drapes that covered almost every part of the pony in front of her, only without the crow mask to block her face.

Coming to a stop next to Isaac, the earth pony mare sat on her haunches and look up at the princess, with eyes that seemed vaguly familiar to Celestia.

Placing a claw on her withers, Isaac nodded once, seeming to comfort the mare as she relaxed into his touch.

"This mare and her family live out near the badlands, toiling away on a mineral farm. It would happen to be that during my travels I came across them when one of their kin were sick...deathly so. However, due to the humble lifestyle these ponies lived, they did not have the currency to pay for the doctor to travel out there and do a check up, let alone the currency for medicine to cure her ailments."

Staring around in a circle, Hollow eyed up several of the noble ponies present in the audience. "How many of you here can vouch for the welfare of those who live beneath you? How many of you can look me in my eyes and tell me that smaller towns and communities are covered medically?"

"Several towns outside of the big cities have Hopsitals, such as Ponyville and Cloudsdale!" A stout noblepony spoke out, fixing his tie as he glared at the creature. "Healthcare is available to those who need it."

Pointing his lantern staff at the pony, Hollow shook his head.

"From my time there, Ponyville is a town built next to a highly dangerous wood, one I traveled myself in search of herbs and tonic ingredients. It would look bad for the town to not have some sort of medical insurance to keep ponies from not living there." Tapping his staff against the ground again, Hollow undetached the Tome from his hip and opened it, flipping through page after page as he continued. "And Cloudsdale is a floating city, and regardless of how such a feat is possible any medical care there is only truly avaliable to those who can fly to reach it, not any sick or wounded below its streets." Shaking his head, he glanced at the noblepony once more. "What can you say of the towns on your borders away from cities and royal eyes?"

Not getting a response and stopping on a page, Hollow turned the book around and showed it towards the princess, it's pages showing an illustration of the creature in front of her and a title that said "Plague Doctor".

"I am what was known in my time as a Plague Doctor. During the plague of my homeland, we were charged with seeking the less fortunate and poor among townsfolk and treating them, regardless of pay and class." Closing the book and returning it to his hip with the clasps clicking on his leg, Hollow returned his gaze back to the mare beside him.

"This mare right here was vital in helping me save her sister from the venom of a snake that had bit the patient during their time on the field. However, if I hadn't came along and prepared the antidote there's a reasonable chance her sister would have perished."

Stepping forward, the pony removed her hood, revealing a grey toned mare underneath with a equally dim mane that acted as a curtain for one of her eyes. She bowed deeply before looking up once more at the princess in front of her.

"Please, your highness...listen to Hollow's request." She spoke quietly, far too quiet for anypony that wasn't Celestia to hear, though the emotion beneath her words held true.

"My request is simple, Princess. Help me organize a nest of my crows, and we will serve as traveling aids and healers, helping those that cannot afford the healthcare your hospitals and magic users demand from them."

Eyeing the creature carefully, Celestia stood from her throne and began to approach Hollow. Each step she took down the staircase to her golden seat weighing heavy as she thought about what he had said.

Have medical prices and healers rose in the past years? Is it in part to all the attacks and accidents that happen across Equestria? Why hasn't anypony mentioned this to her? It was true there were some towns Celestia hadn't visited in years, but she had self appointed mayors for those towns and they were required to send reports of health and welfare among their citizens monthly.

However, Celestia had an inkling that some of the nobles in the room at the moment had a part to play in this problem. Many of them were known for being greedy, and some were downright hostile to the 'lower class' as it were. It would not surprise her if news of this inflation had been surpressed to keep pockets lined with gold or if monthly reports had been exaggerated for the sake of keeping the princess off of their backs.

Stopping right in front of the creature, Celestia stared into its mask and shook her head.

"Let me see your face, Sir Hollow. Let me judge thy intentions from your own eyes."

Though he hesitated for a moment, Isaac lifted his free hand up and removed the mask, dropping the hood as well as he pulled it over his face, letting several gasps ring through the hall as even Celestia flinched at the site.

The creatures skin was pale, and what almost the entirety of his face was burned, with only the segment around his left eye being left unscathed. The burn spots had several scars on them, and if there had been a mane on its head it had long since vanished. Though what really stood out to the princess was his eyes. Celestia hand't seen green eyes this dark in centuries, and there was a certain fire in them that reminded her of the Element of Honesty.

The fire of a job needing to be done, and knowing your the only one who can do it.

"Why?" The princess asks, keeping eye contact with the creature as his face remains stone cold. "You are from somewhere beyond our plain, with no loyalties to my citizens or myself, so why do you care so much for their health?"

Looking into the burning eyes of the sun monarch, Hollow knew what he said next would determine if he got the crown's aid or not. he had been stuck in this world for months, and while he had orignally wanted to go back, there were living creatures here that needed his aid as well, and he couldn't go back until his job was done.

"Back home, I had a wife and a son. We were poor, and when the plague hit they both perished to it. No doctor or physician or healer would give us the time of day due to our class and empty pockets...I vowed to do everything in my power to not let that happen to anyone else." Hollow spoke, the fire in his eyes dimming somewhat as pain replaced it for a moment.

A sad smile graced Celestias lips, as a mental probing spell showed no hidden motives from the creature in front of her.

"You have suffered quite the ordeal, Sir Hollow." Celestia stated as she returned to her throne tapped her gold laced hoof against the ground, earning the attention of her secretary, who prepared to write whatever the princess stated into action.

"Your intentions and heart are true, Doctor. And in light of what you have shown me today I have a proposition: You speak of those who cannot afford our healthcare. So, you will travel to Ponyville and temporarily set up shop there, and in the three months time you are there you can show proof of what you have told us today then you will have the crowns full support for a country-wide effort. For now though, seek the sick in that town and aid them, proving both your capabilities and mental fortitude to do what you have said you would."

The mare beside Isaac bowed, whispering a thank you while the creature returned his mask and hood to his face, though not before Celestia could spot a grateful smile adorn his lips.

"Your most kind, Princess. Royalty back home would have never agreed to such a proposal."

Frowning at the idea of such a thought, Celestia shook her head.

"Any ruler has their duty to serve their citizens, as I do my little ponies." Turning to her secretary, Celestia leaned in close to her ear. "Raven, prepare a modest sum from the royal vaults and two of our reserve guards to go along with these two. While I am confident in his words, I want eyes on the ground monitering his actions at all times until I am sure he can be trusted with the safety of my citizens."

The secretary nodded and quietly began writing up everything that would need to be passed along as the princess returned her gaze to the doctor and his companion.

"Until the resources have been acquired and are ready to be moved, feel free to reside here at the castle until you depart. There is much I would like to ask of your homeland and your skillsets, and I am sure you and your friend are tired from your travels."

Doing one last curtsy, The doctor turned on a heel and walked out of the room, his friend trailing behind as she hid her face once more from the prying eyes that watched them leave.

I wish to trust his words, but until I know more he must be monitered. Celestia thought as the next pony was called into the room. In the end, the safet of my citizens comes first, but let us hope that creature is true to his word.

[Canterlot Castle, 10 minutes later]

"Your room for the time being, Sir." The guard who had been guiding them stopped in front of a rather big door and opened it, allowing the three of them to walk in and be met with a huge guest bedroom.

Turning to the guard, Hollow gave the pony a curt nod while his friend laid out across the bed.

"Thank you, good sir. Though I wasn't expecting such a room for a commoner such as I."

A smirk danced across the guards face for a moment before returning to the emotionless stare as he turned to the door.

"The princess is a benevolent ruler, and while she has her reserves she truly hopes you are true to your word, Doctor. If you need anything though, our guard patrols these halls frequently and will gladly assist you during your stay."

Leaving the room and closing the door, Isaac found himself alone with his friend at last. Placing his staff and mask on a table nearby, the man sat on the bed and smiled at his companion.

"Marble...thank you for your support today. While I could've possibly made my point alone, having you there made the whole situation more bearable."

Blushing at his praise, the mare hid her face in her mane and let out a soft "mmm-hmm", earning her a soft laugh from the doctor.

"No need to be bashful, it was you who decided to come with me after I helped your sister get better, after all." Hollow stated, remembering the rather grouchy patient he had helped during his time on Marbles homestead. The mare had been poisoned, and if Marble hadn't known where to find the creature Isaac might've never been able to contract an antidote in time.

"Though...I can't help but feel like I tore you from your home. If you ever feel like you want to head home, I'll make sure you get back, ok?"

Marble looked up at the doctor once more, this time with a surprisingly firm stare as she shook her head.

"I...I want to help ponies, like you." She softly muttered as she laid her head against Isaac's leg. "I wasn't much help on the farm, and Mama can use the money from my allowance to hire real help for the farm."

Sighing at her words, Isaac ran a gloved hand through her mane as a small smile tugged at his face.

"Either way, I'm thankful for your help. And once we get the crowns support you can use your share to help your family get out of that rut they're in." Hollow said, thinking back to what the Princess had said to him in the throne room.

Three months in Ponyville? Considering the forest and some of their citizens, it shouldn't be too hard to find some ponied that can't afford healthcare...or even someone who injured if recent news has anything to say about it. Hollow thought, looking at a newspaper on the nightstand speak of black vines that had terrorized the town after he had left.

Watch over me, My love. This world needs my aid before I can return home.

Chapter 2: Once upon a dream

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Dropping in from the moonlit sky, Luna landed gracefully on her hooves, feeling the cool touch of stone slabs below her as she began to walk on what appeared to be a dimly lit cobblestone path, a touch of eagerness putting a pep in her trot.

After waking up from her slumber, Luna had been informed by her guard of the newest development in the castle: A visitor that claimed to be a sort of disease doctor that dressed in dark robes and wore a birds mask. And after confirming the rumors with her sister, the night Alicorn thought it be best to dive into the creatures dreams in hopes of learning more about the individual in question, especially if the creature turned out to be lying in some sort of way.

Though Luna wouldn't be able to lie if she was asked if meeting such a creature gave her a sense of adventure she hadn't felt in far too long. The being sounded like he was from a storybook or the stuff of dreams, for crying out loud! how was she NOT supposed to be excited?

On the note of dreams, this one had dropped her into what seemed to be a countryside with both rolling hills and a forest in the distance, though Luna seemed unable to tell where on the planet this dream took place, something that didn't sit well with the princess whatsoever.

"He claims to be a foreigner...but the very stars above are unknown to me." Luna noted, following the cobble path through an lifeless field as her gaze was transfixed upwards. "Where could such a creature hail from that my very own night could seem so...different?"

Finally tearing her gaze from the stars, Luna found herself upon a fork in the road, the left road facing a rather large graveyard nearby and the right path leading down towards a collection of lights down the hill surrounding a couple of dark shapes the Alicorn couldn't quite make out.

A village, perhaps? Luna pondered, though as she approached the fork she felt her body tugged in the direction of the graveyard. Deciding to go with the flow of the dream in hopes of finding its source, Luna let it pull her all the way through the multitude of gravestones peaking from the ground.

After a short while of stepping past grave after grave with barely enough time to even spare a glance at the headstones, Luna felt her body come to a stop near a wilted tree. Nearby its fading bark was a single figure standing out among the terrain as it peered downwards at the earth.

Finally having sight on her goal, Luna took a deep breath and began to move towards the creature, though the night princess couldn't shake the pit feeling that had begun to grow in her chest as she approached.

Getting a better look at the dark figure, Luna glanced down at what he seemed to be standing over. The creature was overlooking two headstones that stood out from the rest, his attention undivided as Luna's ever approaching presence remained unknown.

Now, what did sister say his name was? Luna frowned, wishing she hadn't jumped the gun on getting excited about meeting the mysterious creature and actually paid attention to her sister's ramblings. It was something like Iraac or islaax or...

Luna's eyes widened as it returned to her, a happy smile dancing across her face for a moment for the small victory before the princess cleared her throat.

"Sir Isaac? Is that thou?" She spoke, causing the figure to stir from the unmoving trance it had been in and turn towards her, quickly attaching a mask to his face while doing so.

A raven, just as Tia had mentioned...how peculiar.

"Who are you?" Isaac asked, the sluggish tone of the voice behind the mask letting Luna know he was still within the dreams hold, something that had to change if this conversation was to go anywhere anytime soon.

Tapping her hoof against the ground, Luna felt a ripple shoot through the dream, solidifying it as Isaac shuddered in reaction, his mind unloading almost instantly.

"I..." The man faltered, glancing at the graves beside him for a moment before letting out a long sigh, returning his gaze back to Luna. "So, even one's dreams aren't private in this realm?"

Luna shook her head warily, rather surprised to hear the annoyed tone the man was using, as if he was angry about Luna even being there at all.

"I am Princess Luna, Alicorn of the night and guardian of dreams, it is our job to enter them and protect my subjects from nightmares." Luna introduced herself calmly, hoping to pacify the situation and possibly get some questions answers from the figure. "Pray tell, would you allow us the grace of asking thee about this place?"

Hollow remained unmoved, staring her down through the mask for what seemed to Luna like eternity before the man gave a slow nod.

"Very well. Though, if you wouldn't mind I have some thoughts of my own I'd like to pass by you, your highness."

Grinning widely at the rather fortunate turn of events, Luna summoned a pillow from the dream and sat on it, eager to get started.

"We thanketh thee." Luna began, watching as Hollow sat criss-cross in front of her, placing his claw-like appendages on his knees as he gave her a nod to continue. "Our first question is simple, where on Equiis do you hail from?"

Watching her carefully, Hollow body rocked slightly as he let out a breath.

"Have you and your fellow princess assumed I was from this world this whole time? Because where I am from neither magic nor talking animals exists." Isaac explained, earning him a wide-eyed stare from an shocked Luna.

Not from this world? But that wou- Mentally, Luna face-hooves as a couple of details that Luna did remember from her talk with Celestia had began to make sense. His straight-forward attitude towards us and talks of a mass plague we know nothing of would make more sense now. It would also explain why his dream consists of such foreign stars and terrain, as he is from beyond the Equestrian plane itself.

"Ah, that explains why thine stars are so odd." Luna tells the man, earning a grunt as he leans in slightly.

"Odd how? Aren't stars just stars?" Isaac asks, starting to wonder just how powerful these royals were after all? Jumping into one's dreams and from what Marble had told him were older than dirt...At this point Hollow didn't know whether to be relieved such power seemed to be used by good peo-ponies or afraid that such power could be directed onto a mere mortal if the need arised.

"The stars of this realm are of my design, as I place them every night along with the moon." Luna informed the man, rather proud to be able to teach somepony about her talents, especially one who knew nothing of them. "As my sister does with the sun each morning when she raises it."

Slightly reeling from that information, Isaac leaned back and let out a shaky breath. Scholars had barely begun to research into what was beyond the sky and past the planet, let alone the sun and the moon. And here Isaac was getting answers for how another realms celestial bodies moved! And by the hooves of living beings no less!

It would be exhilarating if his mind wasn't having such a hard time processing with the information.

Holding his head in his right hand, he waved for the princess to stop her explanation as be calmed the throbbing that was starting in his forehead. Isaac could question his own and his planets existence later, there were more pressing matters that Hollow had to press the royal on.

"So...in terms of sickness, has your people suffered from any epidemics? Any sort of mass plagues or illness that has spread in the past?" Hollow questions, shaking his head one last time as he looked the night princess in her rather large eyes, noticing her gaze was filled with concern as she frowned slightly.

"Not that we can think of, though thou must excuse our memory, as we were absent from this world for an eon before returning a few years ago, so our sister might have more information than I." Luna explained before leaning closer herself, her eyes wandering across the rather tired stance the creature in front of her was sitting in. "Are thou alright, Sir Isaac? It's not common for one to be exhausted in a dream so easily."

Slowly standing, Isaac nodded once as he leveled himself on his heels.

"I will be fine, as this is a dream my health isn't my biggest concern." He stated before glancing back at the headstones behind him, a pained breath releasing from his chest. "After all, I have a job to do, and a little exhaustion won't kill me just yet."

Following his gaze, The Alicorn couldn't stop the next question from leaving her lips.

"Those graves...who do they belong to?"

Watching his whole body tense at the question, Luna worries she struck a nerve as the man slowly turns back to face her, his shoulders broadening while his hands clench up.

"With all due respect, Princess." Isaac states, a level of venom in his words that makes Luna break eye contact with the man. "That's none of your concern."

"Forgive us, we didn't mean to-" Luna begins to apologize, but Isaac only shook his head as he starts to walk past her.

"Yes, you did. You jumped into my own mind and sanctuary uninvited and decided to press personal matters as little more than a stranger in my eyes." Hollow spat as he stopped near the exit of the graveyard, noticing everything around him beginning to fade and warble.

Is this what the end of a dream is like for those who are conscious during the process? Isaac felt his mind wander for a moment before the sound of hooves behind him brought his thoughts back to the rather irritating princess approaching from behind.

"Sir Isaac, wait!" Luna exclaimed, teleporting in front of him with a saddened look in her face. "We didn't mean to press your past, Doctor Hollow. Don't push us away for one mistake, not when we were doing so well!"

Hearing a groan through the mask, Luna looked on as Isaac lifted his hands to his face and removed the mask, allowing Luna to look at his scarred face and finally see the eyes of the man she had been speaking to.

"All it takes is one mistake, your highness..." Isaac whispered, and Luna found she could not look away from the empty gaze that had transfixed on her from the man, one that screamed of a pain Isaac seemed far to keen to hold onto. "One mistake, and you can lose everything."

Almost instantly, everything around them vanished into the void, with Hollow dissipating shortly afterwards, leaving Luna alone in the empty void of what was once a dream.

"Sir Isaac...what has thou suffered through to believe such a thing?"

[Guest room, early morning]

Yawning softly, Marble snuggled into the warmth beside her as she let out a content sigh. She wasn't sure why her bed was suddenly so warm, as even on summer days the farmhouse never really got that much warmer than room temperature, but Celestia knows she wasn't complaining!

Pushing her body into the warmth, she can't help but nose the soft patch of soothing skin she felt rub her face as a content sigh left her-


Her eyes shooting open, Marble realized she was hard-core snuggling Isaac, to the point where it looked like she was trying to melt into the man's back with the way she had straddled the man's back with her hooves!

Pushing herself backwards in an attempt to untangle herself from the situation, Marble overshoot her goal and hit the ground hard, sending a flux of pain down the side of her body alongside an annoyed groan.


Muttering quietly to keep from waking Isaac, Marble lets out a couple of Ye olde curses she learned from her mother as she slowly rose to her hooves. Taking a moment to glance at the figure still sleeping, Marble sighs in relief at the fact that Isaac remained asleep through all of that.

Quietly trotting around the bed and getting to her admittedly strewn about stuff (Hey, you try fighting your natural introversion to support your friend in front of the princess!) and let out a soft groan once more, having a feeling today would be one of those days.

Moving her robes aside, the mare looked through the saddlebags beneath them until she found what she was looking for, pulling out a rather thick tome before returning to the bed, making sure to enter it much quieter than her exit this time.

Laying on her side so her back faced the man beside her, Marble looked over the book and opened it to the last page she had been on.

Chapter 4: The five W's on how a tourniquet can and should be used to save lives.

It had been a medical book her mother had gotten for her birthday a year ago, something that her father had thought was a waste of money considering it had little to do with rock farming, but had bit his tongue when his wife had given what Marble and her sister's called the Medusa stare.

A sad sigh escaped Marbles mouth before she could stop it at the thought of her parents, thinking back to the day she left the farm rather...abruptly.

They understood why I couldnt tell them, right? I left them a note and some bits to hire someone else after I left, so things should be fine!

Marble tried to reason with herself, though it didn't stop the frown from finding a home across her face.

Who am I kidding? Momma's probably dissapointed and Papa's is definitely furious. But I couldnt had just told them I wanted to leave, there's no way I could've managed to convince them it was what I needed to do!

It didn't help that Marble knew just how much of a wet blanket she was when it came to confrontations. It had only been recently through her travels with Isaac that her temperament had begun to change. Oddly enough, when your striving to learn how to help others and keep them alive and happy, you have to learn how to be a bit aggressive if it meant getting through to stubborn ponies.

Looking over her shoulder at Isaac's sleeping form, Marble felt the frown on her face give way to a smile, her thoughts returning to that day she left once more.

We've been traveling for about five months now, and I've learned so much from Isaac and simply helping anyone we came across. Marble looked to her book, caressing the page lightly as she felt her smile grow wider, the previous feelings of sadness all but forgotten. From what he has told me, he had been a doctor back home for years, and even with being in a new world he managed to hit the ground running with learning how to help those in need.

Flipping the page, she was just about to read it when she felt the bed shift behind her and a presence loom over her from above.

"Huh, might have to borrow that book sometime. I've never seen a tourniquet look so clean."

Jumping slightly, Marble felt a 'eep' escape her as she rotated herself to face Isaac, only to have to look up as he had already stood up from the bed and was leaning over it to see what she was reading, though she didn't like that smile on his face one bit.

"Sorry if I scared you, Marble." Isaac said with a sly smile as he leaned back and walked to the bathroom, grabbing his garments along the way and leaving Marble to watch him as he retreated to the rather large restroom that was connected to the room they were in.

He did that on purpose, that lanky sneak!

Puffing out her cheeks, Marble huffed lightly as she sat up, putting the bookmark back in her book and placing it to the side.

If he's in a playful mood then I'll show him a playful mood.

Giggling to herself, Marble returned to her saddlebags and pulled out a shining sliver rock, turning her gaze to the bathroom as she began to approach it.

The rock itself wasn't too impressive, though thanks to her sister Limestone accidently cracking a bigger version of it open one day in the rain.

For some reason, if it was wet and hit with enough force it would set off a bright light...which the sister's learned the hard way by being blinded for a full day after the incident, earning a talking to from her mother and a promise to be more careful in the future.

Thankfully, this was a much smaller rock compared to the geode her sister cracked open, so the flash wasn't nearly as dangerous and could be used regularly on anypony.

It made for a great way to mess with her sisters when they came to visit though. Marble giggled once more, a mischievous smile gracing the shy mare's features as she slowly opened the door enough to where she could see where Isaac was.

Thankfully, he was looking in the mirror as he dressed himself rather than showering or anything else (Admittedly, Marble didn't really think that part through, though in hindsight him being stuck on the pooper when she threw the rock probably would've been funnier.)

Bringing the rock close to her mouth, she licked around it enough to moisten the outside, then heaved it right at the wall where Isaac's face was closest to.

Closing the door just as quickly, Marble heard the flash go off and Isaac's yelp of shock as the following sound of him stumbling backwards in the bathroom gave her a giggling fit.

"MARBLE!!!!" Isaac roared from within the bathroom, more annoyed by the fact he had been hit with that damned rock again than the fact that Marble had done it. This hadn't been the first time she had done this, and usually she saved those blasted rocks for whenever Isaac messed with her.

Recovering from the blast, Isaac quickly exited the bathroom and locked eyes with his prey. Said prey had stopped giggling and recognized the look on the man's face as she raised her hooves and shook her head rapidly.

"Oh, you thought you could blind me and not get payback, you silly mare?" Isaac growled with a smile as he slowly stepped towards Marble, who in a spurt of boldness smiled back as she got to her hooves and blew a raspberry at the doctor, making his smile go wider. "Well, I think it's about time I figured out where your ticklish...for research purposes of course."

And with that, Marbles wave of bravado was gone, as she was a VERY ticklish mare and wouldn't last a second against Isaac's very dexterous fingers. But just before she could accept her fate a knock at the door saved her from Isaac's vengeance for the moment.

"Mr. Hollow? Princess Celestia sent me to collect you and your companion. She wishes to speak you to join her for breakfast."

A guards voice echoed through the door, inciting Isaac to walk up and knock on the door twice.

"Tell her we'll join her in a minute. I have to help my companion with something real quick, but we will be there shortly."

Hearing the guard walk away after a few moments, Marble heard Isaac mutter something about the princess and long noses before he turned back to her, his smile large and his eyes hungry.

"Now...where were we?" He spoke with a laugh as Marble tried to scurry away but didn't get more than two steps before he caught her in his grasp.

Though from the smile on her face when his hands grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground to the onslaught of giggles she released when he began his assault, Marble knew she didn't really mind tickle torture as long as it was Isaac delivering it.

Chapter 3: A celestial task

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"The princess will be with you shortly."

The same guard that had come to his bedroom door, and had guided them through the rather large and maze-like style that this castle shared, stated curtly before taking his station in a corner of the room.

Offering a quick thanks to the stallion, Hollow, who was now fully dressed and had adorned his mask before leaving his room, walked alongside Marble had also dressed in her darkened robes as her saddlebags sat snug on her back. (Said mare had used the silence of the walk to the dining hall to recover from the ''payback'' the doctor had delivered back in the room for her, but hadn't been able to look the man in the face since out of embarressment of the situation.)

Marble was also quite grateful Isaac hadn't judged her for her use of the horrid giggle-snort she had released back in the room during said payback. Celestia knows her sister Limestone always gave her Tartarus for it.

Looking around the rather expansive room, Isaac wondered if the castles back home could hold a candle to the level of regality that was being shown during his time at this palace. Even the lesser rooms like his bedroom had fancier beddings, exotic furniture and pillars lined with the finest stone and gold at the top and bottoms of them. Not to mention the fanciful tapestry and what had to be chandeliers made of crystal above.

Taking in his surroundings, Hollow acknowledged that the room he was currently in was no exception. The table just ahead of him was long and narrow as to support a large dining company, and at the opposite end stood a rather large chair that made no question to whom's rear claimed such a spot. The table itself bore silver candle holders spaced evenly among decorational greenary and plating that bore either gold or silver tint depending on how close they were to the royal seat.

Taking small strides, Hollow took in the regal atmosphere as much as possible, a small part of the man enjoying being surrounded by such things, though all it took was a mental reminder of the purpose of him being in such halls to curb that growing excitement.

Finding a suitable seat three chairs down from the lft side of the royal chair, Isaac found the chair was suprisingly capable of holding his weight, being able to sink into the chair without any creaks or broken legs from the seat.

Must get a lot of visitors that aren't ponies. The thought came to Hollow's mind as a brief recollection to something he had picked up from a rather studious mare in ponyville after a visit to the towns local library...something about multiple different species that made their home in Equestria and how the mare had never seen something like him before. Quite the odd pony, that one. Though she did have that combination of wings and horn that Marble had told the doctor was unique to pony royalty, so he had made sure to humor her questions for a few hours on the promise that if he did return he would answer more questions.

A quiet laugh escapes Isaac as the image of the excited royal flashes in his mind, earning a questioning glance from his partner as she takes the seat to his right.

"It's nothing, just recalling our time in Ponyville." Hollow explains, watching a smile adorn on Marble's face at his words.

"It's a really nice town." She began, shifting in the seat to get more comfortable. "Smaller than cities like Canterlot but big enough to have more than a couple families in it, it was wondeful."

Seeing the shy mare get excited was a rare sight, something Isaac had learned quickly after she had agreed to accompany him. While Marble did have her bursts of energy her and then, it was mostly done in private (the little sneak had quite the playful side to her) she wouldclam up in public and it would cause the mare to become as talkative as the corpses Hollow used to work with back home.

Smiling at her enthused state, Hollow felt that spark inside him well again, though this time he was more hesitant to suppress it this time. Just before the doctor could give it more thought the big doors they had entered through swung open once more, this time allowing the princess entry as the sun monarch's eyes landed on the two of them.

"Good morning, Doctor." Princess Celestia said as she trotted to her seat at the end of the table and elegantly sat down into the confines of its cushions. "Did you find your chambers to be adequate?"

Giving the princess a quick nod, Hollow straightens out his back with an audible crack (something that sent a shiver down Marbles spine in the process, though the princess seemed unfazed by the sound) and placed his hands on the table in a folded manner.

"Some of the best sleep I've had in months...barring your sister's invasion of my mind during such a rest." Isaac pressed calmly while ignoring the shocked look from his companion. "I wasn't under the impression that first time guests were to be subject to a sort of magical mental probe, but I would ask that it doesn't happen again if possible."

The doctor had to give the princess credit, she managed to keep that smile on her face after the man had said his piece, though Hollow could tell it was a bit more strained than before thanks to the small tug the princess gave to her cheek bones to keep said smile intact. Turning her gaze to the guard at the door, all it took was one quick motion of her head to have said guard leave the room quickly, giving them the privacy needed for whatever was to be spoken of next.

"I assure you, my sister entering your dreams was not done out of any lack of trust or a means to violate your privacy willingly, it is purely her job and special talent to walk the dream world and watch over our little ponies." The princess stated, hoping to disperse the ever-growing tension that had began to drain the merry atmosphere from the room. This was not how she had wanted her first actual conversation with the creature to go, considering how much of a help he could potentially be for her citizens if the princess played her cards right.

"Even so, as someone who is only recently becoming accustomed to this world, I ask that Princess Luna ignores my dreams for now, at least until we are more than strangers to one another." Isaac responded, pulling a hand back to adjust his mask slightly before continuing, as said article had became uneven as he had sat down. "Now then, before we continue to discuss things of a more important note, could we perhaps get some breakfast? I know hunger calls to me and I'd rather not let Marble listen to our ramblings without something to fill her stomach with."

Feeling the princess turn her way, Marble gulped nervously before shrinking in her seat slightly, letting out a barely audible "Mmm-hmm." in agreement with Isaac.

"Very well." Celestia agreed, her horn lighting for a brief moment as a earth pony stallion quickly made his way into the room with a conga line of maids holding dishes behind him. In the blink of an eye, the once barren table now had multiple servings of steamed pancakes, varying toasts and oats, multiple syrup canisters that each bore a different color top and a rather large pitcher of orange juice at the epicenter of the breakfast buffet. Celestia always took a certain level of pride when it came to her kitchen, as her chefs never pulled their punches with any meal they delivered, regardless of who she was dining with.

Looking at the spread in awe, Hollow couldn't retain the hungry growl his stomach let out as almost all his senses were assaulted with the divine meal in front of him. Peeking over at Marble gave the doctor confirmation he was not alone in these feelings, as the mare went from leaning into her chair to hide to sitting straight up and looming aggressively over a bowl of oatmeal.

"I knew you were royalty, but this is maddening! I've never seen such a spread before!" Hollow exclaimed, earning a giggle from the princess the second the chef and his maids left the room.

"My little ponies do try their best to spoil me, regardless of how much my advisor states otherwise." Celestia sheepishly remarked, remembering the last time she had guests over the chef had outdone himself with a twenty-layer surprise cake, earning the princess her first sick day in decades due to the stomach ache that followed. "Ms. Inkwell has accused the head chef multiple times of planned assassination by confectionary assault, though it usually just takes me offering Raven one of his creations to keep her satisfied whenever she decides makes a fit of it."

"Sounds like an addiction to sweets on both of your accounts, princess. Not my first time handling someone with such a craving, nor hearing about the body of said individual begging for mercy in return." Hollow remarked, his body seeming to droop for a second before returning to its straight posture, something that went noticed only by Marble, who had lifted her oats-stained mouth from her bowl in time to see the nonverbal shift in his demeanor.

I'll ask him about it later. He's already tense from Princess Luna entering his dreams after all, and I'd rather not press him with Princess Celestia here as well. Marble tasked herself, wondering what the princess of the night had seen in Isaac's dreams to make him react the way he did, especially if it was hurting him somehow. Even back in the room Hollow had seemed more distant than usual, as if he was remembering something that kept his mind miles away from the present.

"Is that so, Doctor?" the princess responded, an impish grin adorning her features. "Tell me, are you insinuating that I eat too much?"

On hearing princess Celestia say that, Marble turned quickly to Isaac and waved her hooves frantically, but to her horror the mare was ignored as Hollow leaned in slightly, rotating his hand around in a circle as he responded all the while ignoring his panicking friend.

"While I am no expert on your kinds biology and how a healthy Equestrian should look, you must agree that even for your size you carry a bigger flank than any creature I've seen. And considering your role as a princess its hard for me to believe that all of said flank is purely muscle."

Blinking a few times, Celestia was caught off guard for what she could say was the first time in a few months at least (Twilight ascending to alicorn status was hard to beat in the shock department, even if it had been planned). Any physician in Equestria would tell her that her body was the epitome of pony design, and any doctor would commend her for her habits rather than dare say their princess was doing something wrong. Even Inkwell hesitated now and then to tell her to pull back on the sweets depending on the day the princess was having.

The doctor in front of her, though? Celestia had a feeling when she locked eyes with him that the man would not hesitate to say what was on his mind, especially if it could potentially help someone feel better or correct something that was wrong, and that royal instinct of hers had once again proved true.

Marble, however, was currently fearing for her life. She knew Isaac was blunt, tartarus it was endearing when he was direct in his approach to help others. But to call the princess overweight to her face!?

"You know, doctor. Many who share your title in this kingdom would not dare to tell me that I am potentially overweight." Celestia stated, using a stern voice she had used when twilight was young to see if the man would back down from his claim or not. After all, if Hollow truly wished to help those that weren't capable of being helped he would be essentially starting a medical war against the equestrian healthcare itself, as they would see his aid as encroaching on their talents and jobs and would try to suppress his efforts... something that had lead Celestia to make Hollow start up in smaller towns first to avoid the bigger names of the industry for the time being until he could prove his words.

"If I wanted to flatter you or give you compliments, I would've became a governer instead of a doctor." Hollow shot back dryly, his voice coming off as almost bored. "And potentially probably doesn't cover the issue, as if I was to collect a census on this city's population alone and compare your sizes to the average number of theirs, I think even factoring in your alicorn status you'd be considered on the plus side of the scale."

Leaning back in his chair, Hollow unbuttoned his coat and reached into its folds, producing a hankerchief shortly afterwards that was then raised under the doctors mask to cover a sneeze, in which said cloth was quickly put back into his coat to hopefully be discarded later as a quiet "Bless you" was spoken by his companion, who had began to calm down when princess Celestia hadn't immediately banished the doctor to the moon.

"Apologies." Hollow said quickly as he readjusted his mask again. "But keep in mind my goal is to save lives and heal your people as needed, not be your or anyone else's personal trainer, so my advice can only be taken so seriously."

With that last sentence, celestia decided it was time to stop beating around the bush, as the doctor truly seemed capable for the job both withen his morals and his worth ethic.

"While I can't say I'll be acting on your advice anytime soon, I do respect your candid approach to telling it straight." Celestia began, taking a moment to eat a pancake whole before continuing. "It will be something you'll need when your stationed in ponyville, as the citizens in that town can be quite stubborn at times and tend to listen to the firm approach more often than not." Celestia told Hollow, magicking up a hooveful of papers from who knows where as she passed them telekinetically to the doctor, who laid the documents out in fromt of him.

"What are these?" Hollow asked as Marble got up from her seat and looked in close, looking over the leftmost paper in particular with a concerned stare.

"Those four documents are about your current assignment from the crown." Celestia explained, nodding to the paper on the far left of Hollow as her smile at last fell from her face. "That first page is from an agent of mine in town. They recently suffered from an attack of black vines from the everfree forest, and while the Elements of Harmony managed to pacify the threat, some of the citizens who came in contact with the vines are now suffering from an illness the doctors in ponyville can't explain. The document given will have more details on the illness itself and its contagibility, though an in-pony check up will be required of you to discern fact from falsefied rumors and superstitions."

Moving to the next two pages, Celestia's grim expression perked up somewhat. "On a lighter note, the second document is your place of residence, which will be an open building that recently became vacant. The mayor of ponyville was more than happy to lease it to the crown, stating that if we could help her citizens get better then the building would be yours free of cost, though bills such as water and utility will still have to be paid monthly to the government as anypony else would."

"I am surprised your giving me a place at all, I was certain I would be working from a inn or a tavern of sorts." Hollow remarked, a hint of relief in his tone as he picked up on the worried look of his companion. "Quick interruption, princess. Of those who are sick, would a overly joyful pony coated in all pink be among their numbers?"

Shaking her head, Celestia noticed the young mare beside the doctor breath out harshly as she spoke. "I assume you speak of young Pinkamena Pie? From the last letter my student sent a few hours ago to me, the mare and her friends are doing well, even if they are concerned about the possible spread of this illness to their friends and families."

"Thank you, princess. My partner here was worried, though she would've never braved to ask herself." Hollow replied, using a gloved hand to rub the top of Marbles head, helping to calm her down as she let go of the worry that had been building up from looking the papers over. The mare had only recently gotten over the stress of Limestone being at deaths door, the idea of her twin sister (by a few minutes) being sick as well was close to sending the shy mare into a state of hyperventilation...though Isaac's ministrations were doing a good job fighting that feeling, even if the feeling was dulled by the gloves he wore.

"No problem, Doctor. It pleases me to see your concern for your dear...friend's family." Celestia trailed slightly before finishing her sentence, unsure as to what the relationship between the two were, but deciding to take the safe route for now to avoid stepping on any hooves. "The third and fourth pages are files from our military, and pertain to the two guards being assigned to you. the situation in ponyville has only recently calmed down, and its citizens are even more riled up than usual, so they will act as both your and the towns protection if the need arises."

"So, just in case I'm not who I say I am, you have chosen guards that could worst case detain me or best case keep an eye on me." Hollow summarized with a neutral tone, finding no issue with having a bit of protection or possible aids to help when needed. "I respect the decision, princess. I am an unknown factor after all, and having the extra muscle couldn't hurt if trips into the neighboring woods are needed."

Looking the two files over, Hollow found his gaze brought to the third document first, sporting a picture of a cheerful stallion who seemed to look quite young even for Equestrians.
Name: Holy Lance
Rank: PFC
Age: 23
Classification: Stallion (Silvery coat/burgundy mane and tail) Unicorn bearing a spear piercing clouds as a cutie mark
Notable traits/actions: Enlisted in the Solar guard for 4 years and recently renewed his two contract for another 4 years of service. Notable fanboy of Element of loyalty and has gotten into several fights with other guards 'defending' her honor.

Turning his gaze to the mare and her document, Hollow realized he wasn't sure what he was looking at as it was no pony, though the moon sigil on the creatures armor gave him an idea about who she served.
Name: Eclipsa
Rank: SG
Age: 28
Classification: Female Harpy (dark blue primary feathers with red hair and tail feathers) Bears an aged tattoo of the eastern coasts pirates on her left thigh)
Notable traits/Actions: Enlisted in the Lunar guard for 10 years and has 2 more years before her contract expires. Rated top in her unit for tactical prowess and espionage missions for the crown.

Placing the documents down, Hollow pointed to the last page with a finger, tapping the picture of the harpy twice.

"I have heard of several species living here during my time in this realm...but harpies?"

Celestia sipped from her tea as she regarded the last document, pursing her lips slightly as she nodded once.

"Indeed, there are many denizens both inside and outside of Equestria's borders. My sister was the one who picked this guard for your job, though I believe she might have picked an overqualified soldier of hers to make up for entering your dreams, as I recieved this from her not just before arriving here today."

Sighing, Hollow leaned back once more and lifted a hand beneath his mask, rubbing his eyes as he let the royals words sink in. Was this mare actually apologizing, or was this a ploy to get on his good side again to allow access to his mind once more? He certainly wasn't in a position to turn down the added help of an experienced soldier, but Hollow would have to keep an eye out for the lunar princess from here on out, in case Celestia's words didn't stop the mare from using her powers.

"Very well, regardless of the reasons I thank you both for the aid. When do you think we'll be ready to head to ponyville?" Isaac asked, eager to both put distance between himself and Luna and get a handle on the situation in the town as soon as possible.

Marble, having finished looking over the documents, picked them up and carefully placed them in her saddlebags before returning her gaze to the doctor as she silently sipped from her tea.

"Well, as the two guards would need to be briefed and there are certain supplies and legislative measures to take regarding these sort of actions, I would say be ready to recieve train tickets to Ponyville three days from now." Celestia informed the two, mkaing sure both of them acknowledged her words before letting her smile return. "Now that we have business out of the way, shall we finish breakfast? I've barely ate during our talks and am now rather famished."

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Hollow raised his hands up and took off his mask, setting it to the side as he began to eat his own servings of toast as he pointedly ignored the not so subtle staring of the princess.

Let her stare if she wants. Let my scarred face prove to her beyond a doubt that I am willing to put my body through hell itself before I let anyone else in my care fall to disease and plague alike. The thoughts echo through the doctors mind as he swallows his toast, downing a glass of milk poured by Marble to help it go down. I don't care what happens to me anymore. As long as I breath I'll make sure what happened to them never happens to anyone else.

Chapter 4: Departure

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[Two days after the mission brief, Canterlot Castle]

Being let into his room by the guard stationed outside, Hollow strode in with several bags in hand, having successfully managed to obtain supplies that had begun to dwindle during the time the doctor had spent doing research in preperation for his mission in Ponyville.

Once he had been left alone by the princess, Isaac had immediately thrown himself into studying all he could about the costs and effects surrounding the use of magic, specifically whatever he could about second hand effects magic-casting could have on those affected by the casting of it or exposure to it. While a lot of it had simply been exhaustion if overworked and spells were casted for too long by unicorns, the doctor wouldn't turn any information away as he wanted to have as much knowledge on this topic before his boots hit the ground tomorrow as magic wasn't exactly something he was well-versed in.

In fact, back in his country the idea of magic users would get one burned at the stake...though the doctor couldn't ever think of a time he ha'd ever heard of actual magic being reported back then instead of petty grudges villagers had with each other.

The supplies in question hadn't been anything strenuous to get a hold of, merely stationary tools and a few herbs that could be used in basic herbological medicine, all of which thankfully paid for in advance by the crown. To the doctors surprise, the city had shown little care for the tall creature among them dressed in all black and a bird mask, though this city was the capital of this region, so there were probably enough foreigners that passed through that desensitized the populace to outsiders.

Regardless, any lack of distraction was a blessing, as there was still so much work to be-

Well, if that's not the cutest sight I've seen all day.

Losing his train of thought and allowing the bags to fall beside his feet, Hollow looked towards the bed as his eyes laid upon the sleeping form of marble. Said mare had pushed the covers off in her sleep and was currently snuggling the pillow next to her as she occasionally nuzzled the pillowy fabric with her litttle nose.

"The ponies here have no right being that adorable." Hollow whispered to himself as he slowly backed out of the room and exited quietly, as to ensure his partners rest wasn't disturbed. Closing the door behind him with a near soundless thud, Hollow walked past the unfazed guard and began to wander aimlessly through the halls, his mind returning to the upcoming objective.

Odd vines that a random set of individuals catch an unknown pathogen from? From what the princess and the notes from the document she gave me state it seems as if the illness doesn't have a straightforward path of contamination or source of spread...though I know better. No mass illness starts without an outbreak, regardless of whether or not this turns out to be magical, and when we arrive it will be on my shoulders to not only do what these ponies could not in finding the source but to manage to stop it as well.

Coming to a stop in the middle of one of the many halls Isaac had been pacing through, the doctor felt his hands clench as a memory from the brink of his mind resurfaced, his gaze switching from the cheerfully white halls to the all to familiar sight of a death bed in his wake.

"F-Father..." The poor soul who's body and soul were forever caged withen the silken sheets croaked out, his voice shaky as Isaac knelt down before the child, reaching out and holding the boys hand in his own. "I...Where has Mother gone?"

Taking a deep breath, Hollow felt his head lower as he breathed out of his mouth, a broken sigh following right behind the shallow air.

"It's alright, Clyde. You'll see her soon, I swear." Hollow whispered, feeling the boy's hand reach up through his mask and touch the right side of his face. "Would you tell her to put the soup on the fire for me? Father has to work late today?"

Seeing the boy give him a weak nod, Isaac watched solemnly as the light left Clydes eyes, leaving the doctor alone once more in the hall with only a burning sensation where the child's hand had been.

Falling to both knees, Hollow reached up through his mask and felt the spot his son's hand had been, and did his hardest to suppress the welling emotion that dared to surge from within.

Why? Why was I spared from that blasted plague and not my child?!? Hollow's mind roared as he felt his body rock slightly, the burning sensation across his face growing as the doctors thought's began to downspiral.Why couldn't it had have been me? Haven't I earned the price of death for the sins I wrought?

As that thought rang through his mind, echoing from ear to ear in a almost wicked cacaphony of noise, a burning sensation in his wrists let Hollow know he had slammed his fists against the ground enough times to cause his knuckles to bleed through the gloves. Feeling something press into him from his side, Isaac slowly turned to his right to inspect the source of the new sensation, and was met with his face being blinded with grey as the source pulled him into a tight hug.

Marble...but how?

The doctor wasn't sure how much time had passed during the extended hug from the grey mare, but the burning feeling on his cheek had switched to a throbbing soreness in his throat, so it had been clear that he had been trapped in his companions embrace long enough for the overflow of his pain to dry up.

"H-How long..." Isaac croaked out, though he was shushed by his friend and felt a hoof stroke the back of his head.

"I don't know, but a guard came by and brought me to you. He said while doing his rounds he stumbled upon you punching the floor, and that you didn't hear him when he called out to you to stop." Marble pulled back, frowming at me as she took off my mask and stared right into my eyes. "I know your not comfortable telling me your past yet and that's fine, but don't bottle up your emotions like this, not when I'm here to shoulder some of the burden with you."

This mare, the very same mare that was more than willing to hide in the doctor's shadow whenever they went out in public, was simultaneously comforting Hollow at his lowest. Had she always been capable of such things? When he had first laid eyes upon Marble Isaac wouldn't have been too far off to say she was almost puppet like, only doing what she was asked of and barely existing outside of those bounds.

Could this be why she wished to leave the farm she was raised on? To have a chance to escape from the existence that had been carved out for her there, and to become something new as she traveled with me?

Isaac wouldn't dare complain or question her motives though, not when she seemed to be one of the few things keeping his mind and soul on the right track. If he had been alone on this quest and had one of these episodes...

Shuddering slightly, Isaac gave the mare in front of him a nuzzle to her cheek (something Marble claimed to be a sign of affection between friends when she did it to the doctor a few weeks prior) as he retrieved the mask from her hooves, placing it back on his face as he rose to his feet.

"I thank you, Marble. It seems the ghosts of my past life chose today to haunt me...though it feels unfair to force the aftershocks of such events upon you like this without paying you back."

Letting out a grunt, Marble whapped the side of Isaac's waist with a hoof before shaking her head.

"It's no burden to me, Isaac. I'm here for you whenever you have need of me, as you were there for me and my family when we needed you." With that, Marble began to walk towards the doors behind the doctor, motioning him to follow as they began to make their way back to their room, passing by several guards as traversed the castle. "Though next time, could you confide in me back in the room? These floors are lumpier than the rocks back home."

Watching the mare stretch her back out, her flank going straight into the air with a slight wiggle in the process...something in which Hollow suppressed a smirk at the two guards that passed by during the act stumbled on their next steps as their eyes traveled directly to the oblivious mare.

"Very well, as long as you try to not show off to the guards, they do have a job to do and your 'stretching' can be quite the distraction." Hollow retorted, watching as the previously stern mare had now fully returned to her shy self, noticing the guards at last as she let out a strangled "Eep!" and sped-trot out of the room, forcing Hollow to jog after the mare to keep up with her escape from wandering eyes.

"What is the matter, friend? Do the admiring eyes of these fine stallions not fill you with pride?" Isaac called out with a chuckle as he followed after the retreating mare, who was somehow looking back at him and making perfect turns around corners at the same time, a shocked glare meeting his mask-hidden amused stare...though Hollow was sure Marble knew what face he was making underneath.

"T-That's not funny, y-you turd!" She called back at him, though it took all of the mare's willpower to not smile at the scene that had somehow managed to take place. The doctor had been in a state of absolute sorrow moments before, and while she had not planned for any of this to happen, the fact it was distracting Isaac from his pain was payment enough for a little embarrassment and ribbing on her end.

She would just have to get him back for this later. The doctor would have to sleep at some point, and when he did Marble would remind him why one does not toy with one of the sisters Pie.

[The next day, Canterlot train station]

"Back to Ponyville so soon...think your sister will be excited to see us? We made quite the impression at that party of hers she threw for me, after all." Hollow asked Marble, taking a break from scanning the wary bystanders as his gaze drew to the mare beside him, who had taken the task of double-checking their saddlebags and carry-ons to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything.

"Mmm-hmm!" Marble hummed, pulling her head out of her saddlebags and attaching them to her person before turning to face the doctor. "Pinkie loved having us as company...though it will be nice to not have to share a bed with her this time."

"Indeed, nor was I wanting to use her bedroom floor as a sleeping space again. I'll have to make sure to thank the princess for the sleeping arrangements again when we next see her." The doctor agreed with a nod as a chuckle bubbled out from his chest. "Still, I can't believe those two friends of hers thought they could out-drink the creature with a bigger body density than them."

Marble couldn't suppress the giggle that came with the memories of that night. Her sister, as she did with anypony that was new, had thrown a surprise party for Isaac. And while it had taken a few minutes to get the townsfolk to get used to the crow-masked man, once they warmed up to him the party picked up quickly.

Of course, this also meant Pinkies closest friends were there, and two of the more bold ones (Marble couldn't remember much about the cyan pegasus or the Apple farmer, just that from Pinkies letters they always seemed to be locked in competition with each other) had pressed Hollow for his taste for cider. A few drinks and a rather blunt challenge from the pegasus and Hollow had found himself sitting next to two knocked out ponies.

"Greetings! Would you happen to be a Dr. Hollow?"

Turning their attention to the new voice, the pair were met with a stallion standing before them, a duffel being held in a cyan aura as he gave Marble a energized smile. "And you must be his companion that I was told about as well, I'm Holy Lance, though you can just call me Lance if you want."

Walking up to the stallion, Hollow glanced the colt over as he recalled the document stating one of his guards were going to be a silver unicorn...though the doctor wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of such a young kid watching his back.

"A pleasure, Lance. What exactly were you briefed on again? I'd like to ensure your caught up with the situation."

That, and Hollow wanted to make sure the kid knew this wasn't a game. He had seen some of the guards the king back home had stationed in town, and most of the time the younger and newer ones didn't take the job seriously.

Dropping the duffel beside the carry-ons, Lance gave a swift nod as he placed a hoof on his chest, his face scrunching up somewhat as he took a stern look upon his face.

"Gladly, I was briefed by the the princess' assistant that I was to be deployed to Ponyville to assist a Dr.Hollow and his partner in his efforts to cure an illness that has broken out there. I was also told that while I am not the only one on this job, we will be meeting Seargent Eclipsa when we disembark from the train, and was to inform you of this change of plans."

Removing the hoof from his chest, Lance let out a breath and almost instantly dropped the serious guard routine for the same smile from before.

"I'm so excited to have a station so soon into my contract! And though I do wish it was under better circumstances I can't wait for this adventure to begin."

Eyes narrowing behind his mask, Hollow crossed his arms as he shook his head, keeping his eyes locked on the yellow-eyed colt as he shifted his weight onto his heels.

"Keep in mind this isn't a storybook adventure, soldier. There are possibly lives at stake and the actions we take could benefit your country and its medical system for the better."

Gulping nervously at the strong tone coming from the masked doctor, Lance watched as Marble sighed and whacked the creature in the leg twice, nearly making Hollow fall backwards before glaring down at her.

"What? I was simply explaining to him what our goals are." Hollow remarked, pointing to the stallion with a hand. "We can't have him running around thinking this is a game."

"We also don't need to scare him out of his wits, either. Be softer on him until he can get accustomed to you." Marble softly chided Isaac before turning in the direction of Lance, using her mane to hide herself from his eyes. "S-Sorry about that...the doctor is passionate about his goals."

Sighing in relief, Holy Lance gave the mare a smile as he heard a whistle go off in the distance.

"Thanks, ma'am. Though it sounds like our train is arriving."

Giving Marble a wink, Holy Lance levitated both his duffel and the carry-ons in the air as the train pulled into the station. "And don't worry about me, Doctor! My and the Sergeants number two mission is to make sure your mission goes by as smoothly as possible."

Watching the train come to a stop, Hollow felt a surge of giddiness run through his veins as he watched the passengers disembark from the locomotive. They didn't have anything like this back in his country, and when they had first ridden the train Hollow was ashamed to admit that it had taken Marble dragging him off the device to get him to leave.

"What is your first priority then?" Hollow asked the stallion, following Lance and Marble as they entered near the back of train. Ducking into the compartment, Hollow was thankful that the trains had been built for creatures as tall as him, as walking into buildings in Ponyville had NOT been the most fun of past times...which he would have to get accustomed to again.

Being lucky enough (Or helped by a royal hoof or two) they managed to be the only ones in this car, allowing their things to take up the empty where citizens would've sat. Sitting down in a booth styled chair, Hollow watched as the colt finished up placing the carry-ons away before coming over and sitting across from the man.

"Our first and foremost job is to the crown and country, anything after that depends on our station and mission from higher-up." Lance explained, taking a moment to pause as Marble made her way over Hollow and sat on the inside of the booth, taking the chance to look out the window as the train began to pull out of the station. "As long as nothing you do endangers the local populace or is blatent heresy to Princess Celestia then I'm more than willing to aid you in whatever you see fit to task me with."

"I see. Thankfully, I'm in no mood to attempt a coup, so rest assured that your mission won't be anything like that."

turning his attention to his side, Hollow unlatched the book from his side and brought it to his lap, crossing a leg over to give the tome a place to rest as he opened its bindings, ignorant to the shocked look on Lance's face.

"Wow, and here I thought the books in the library were big, where did you get that?" Lance spoke up, fidgeting slightly in his seat as he watched the doctor glance back in his direction.

"Might as well tell you since your tasked with protecting myself and my research." Hollow sighed as he closed the book and showed its cover to the stallion for him to read. "When I first arrived in this country I found myself in a place I'd later know as Hayseed Swamp. During my arrival I got injured in a nearly botched attempt to escape some of that swamps more dangerous wildlife, and was about to pass on when the previous owner of this book found me."

"Hayseed swamp? That's like really far east right?" Lance chimed in, trying to remember the last time he had looked at a global map, let alone specifically for a place on one and failing. Guards didn't need to know that sort of stuff, anyway!

"It's close to the sea on that side, yes." Hollow answered, clearing his throat as he contiuned, though not before noticing Marble was now leaning against him as she listened in as well. "The one who found me managed to patch me up, and I spent almost a month with her in that swamp, absorbing as much knowledge as I could about this world and her skills with medicine. However, I could not stay forever, as I had a job to do, and in thanks for keeping her company and showing interest in her works, the mare gave me this book."

Taking the book in his hooves, Lance glanced at the cover again as his eyes fell upon initials engraved on the front


Taking the book back from the stallion, Hollow opened it and rested it in his lap once more. "Long story short, from what I've both been told and seen so far is that this is an Omnibook. It's got some sort of connection to it's owners in that it can display their knowledge upon the pages without having to write them down."

Looking from the book to the man before him, Holy Lance pursed his lips for a moment before frowning.

"So...it shows the owner what they already know? Aren't books supposed to do the opposite though?"

"That they are, only the last owner did something special to this one. An old friend of hers enchanted this book to where if it passed directly to a successor it would retain the knowledge of the previous owner, and said owner gave me the task of furthering her research in her stead as she no longer felt the urge to do it herself."

"So, you hold the complete and organized knowledge and research of another pony in your hooves? That's actually so cool!" Lance exclaimed, pushing his cheeks together on the word cool, something that elicited a groan from the doctor.

"Cool? I believe that is an understatement." Hollow remarked, though he dropped it as he leaned back and stretched out his back, letting his free hand rest on Marbles withers as said mare had begun to snore softly, pressed into his side in a similar way a child would to their mother. "On a different note, how long do you think we have until we arrive?"

Rocking back and forth, Lance let out a couple "Hmms" as he mulled it over before coming to a complete stop mid-rock.

"About a few hours, so if your planning on having a late night when we arrive I'd recommend we get some rest beforehand."

"That's fine, feel free to rest. I have some things I wish to look into." Hollow said, already returning his gaze to the pages in front of him, a rather informative topic on the uses of toxins in medicinal remedies appearing almost instantly as his attention tunnel-visioned instantly.

Lance, watching as the book gave its owner his subject for the time being, shrugged as he ponyloafed and laid his head down on the open seat he had sprawled across prior. While this wouldn't have been his first choice for a duty station, it beat standing guard in the sun all day. And who knows, he might get a chance to run into his idol in Ponyville, and that was worth a hundred guard duty stations! Though considering the risks of being stationed to ponyville made Lance wonder if this was the right call after all.

Oh well, how bad could a couple cases of sick ponies be?