> A time of change > by a937539 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1, New faces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 In the bustling town of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle, the resident Alicorn, was enjoying a delightful morning. She stepped outside and collected the letters from her mailbox. Sorting through them, then returning inside. “Bills, advertisements oh, here’s the book I ordered!“ she exclaimed, her excitement growing at the prospect of reading it later. But among the usual letters, one caught her attention. The rough paper exterior gave no indication of who sent it. The return address featured a mysterious symbol, a triangle with three points connected to a central point, accompanied by an infinity symbol. Twilight, perplexed by the unfamiliar address on the letter, pondered its origin. It was not uncommon for ponies to use their cutie marks in place of a traditional address. But this was usually the case for well-known ponies like herself or the princesses. Spike, her trusty dragon assistant, noticed her hesitation and inquired. “What have you got, Twilight?“ he asked. “It’s a letter, Spike,“ Twilight replied, “but I don’t know who it’s from.” “Well, you won’t find out by looking at the cover,“ Spike encouraged. “Open it.” Twilight opened the letter, reading it aloud so Spike could hear. Dear Twilight Sparkle, My family and I are travelers from a faraway land, and we have heard wonderful things about your charming town and its friendly ponies. As we are not familiar with your town’s customs, we kindly request permission to visit. We would greatly appreciate it if you could sign “I accept“ at the bottom of this letter if you grant our request. Sincerely, Ti Terra and Co Terra, Ancient Alicorns of Earth and Time Twilight’s eyes widened in astonishment as she read the letter, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling in her heart. “Ancient Alicorns of Earth and Time?“ she asked, re-reading the elegant script. Gazing out the window at the familiar sight of Ponyville basking in the warm afternoon sun, a smile spread across her face. The town thrived on welcoming new visitors. Hosting creatures as intriguing as these Alicorns would be an honor. Swiftly moving to her desk, Twilight seized a quill and dipped it into a shimmering inkwell. With graceful strokes, she wrote, “I accept!” Ponyville would be overjoyed to have you, Ti Terra, and Co Terra. Please know that among friends, formality is not required. We are a straightforward and hospitable community. We look forward to learning about your adventures and sharing a piece of our world with you. Warmly, Twilight Sparkle P.S. Don’t stress about customs! We’ll gladly guide you through anything you’re unsure of. Carefully folding the letter and setting it down. Twilight exited the library and headed toward Ponyville Square. “Spike!“ Twilight said. “We have visitors! And not just any visitors.” “We must prepare!“ Spike exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement. “Perhaps a welcoming feast? Decorations in the Square?” Despite his initial surprise at the letter, Spike’s enthusiasm matched Twilight’s. With renewed purpose, they set off to prepare Ponyville for the arrival of their extraordinary guests. - As Twilight Sparkle departed for Ponyville, the letter she left on the table started glowing. A single feather slowly emerged from the paper’s surface, as if searching for something. Moments later, the feather vanished back into the letter. The letter then grew into a doorway that was fifteen feet wide and nearly reached the library’s ceiling. A tall gray male Alicorn stepped through the portal, closely followed by a light pink female Alicorn. “She accepted our invitation. It appears that we are in a library,“ the tall gray Alicorn said as he scanned the surroundings. “But I don’t see anyone. Where did she go?” The pink Alicorn looked around, taking in Twilight’s home’s appearance, and gently nudged the gray Alicorn’s side. “Let’s look around while we wait. Maybe we can find something, a note saying where she went, perhaps?” - Outside, Twilight’s ears swiveled at the sound of voices echoing through her library after she’d left. Curiosity gnawing at her, she peeked back through the doorway, nearly bumping into the tallest Alicorns she’d ever seen. In the library’s center, two Alicorns stood in front of a shrinking portal. The first, taller than Princess Celestia, with a coat the color of polished storm clouds and a black mane cascading down his back like a shimmering waterfall, a strange faceted triangle adorning his flank. His companion, slightly shorter, was a vision in soft pink with a shimmering dark pink mane tied back with a blue hair ribbon. An infinity symbol gracing her flank. She looked around with wide, inquisitive eyes. Relief washed over her face as she spotted Twilight. “There you are! You must be Twilight the Alicorn,“ she exclaimed in a gentle voice, like wind chimes. “We weren’t sure if you’d accepted our letter! This library is simply brimming with knowledge. a scholar’s paradise, wouldn’t you agree, Ti?” Ti chuckled, the sound rumbling through the room. “Indeed Co, it seems Twilight has impeccable taste in living quarters.” With newfound purpose, Twilight trotted into the room, a wide smile plastered across her face. “Welcome, welcome! Ti Terra and Co Terra, I presume? I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I’m so happy you could make it!” Twilight gestured towards them, her excitement bubbling over. “Forgive me for not being here to greet you upon arrival. The anticipation of your visit had me running errands faster than Rainbow Dash in a Sonic Rainboom competition!” “There’s no need to apologize, dear Twilight,“ Co replied, her voice warm and friendly. “Your library is most impressive. We couldn’t help but take a quick peek while you were indisposed.” “Ah, yes,“ Twilight laughed awkwardly. “The portal, a bit unexpected, to be sure! Though undeniably impressive magic!” Ti said, “Don’t worry at all. It’s okay to call me Ti, and you can call her Co. And who’s your young dragon friend over there?” Relief washed over Twilight. “Of course, Ti and Co, it’s lovely to meet you both officially. And this,“ She said, turning to Spike who had cautiously emerged from behind Twilight, “Is Spike, my loyal assistant.” Spike, still wide-eyed at the sight of the two Alicorns, gave a small, nervous wave. “A dragon, fascinating!“ Ti said, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. He lowered his head slightly to get a better look at Spike. “Don’t worry, little one,“ he rumbled reassuringly. “We aren’t that scary, at least not most of the time.” Co nudged Ty playfully with her shoulder. “Don’t frighten the poor thing, Ti. Spike, was it? Don’t be shy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.“ She winked, her pink fur shimmering in the afternoon light. Co held out her hoof for Spike to shake. “Perhaps you could show us around this wonderful library while Twilight prepares for our arrival?” Twilight shot Spike a look that silently asked, ‘Help a pony out!’ He puffed out his chest, mustering his bravest smile. “Y-yes, ma’am. Follow me. I’d be happy to show you around.” Spike led the way, Co following behind him with a look of childlike wonder on her face. Ti, however, stayed by Twilight’s side, his gaze sweeping across the endless rows of books. “Before we delve too deeply into the topic of books, we needed to reduce our magical abilities to come through the portal. Would you object if Co and I relaxed our magic to find out its compatibility with your world’s magic? This is important to ensure safety and compatibility.” Ti said. “Oh, of course!“ Twilight exclaimed, a blush creeping up her muzzle. “Forgive me, I was so eager to introduce you to the library that I completely forgot. Please, feel free to relax your magic as much as you need.” Spike, returning from his tour woith Co. Had a curious glint in his eye and wanted to see what this was about. Twilight couldn’t help but question, “Your world’s magic and ours compatible? That’s fascinating! Tell me, is that why the portal worked so seamlessly with my letter?” Twilight’s scientific curiosity was piqued. The idea of different magical systems interacting harmoniously was a topic she hadn’t delved into before, and the prospect of learning from such ancient and powerful beings filled her with excitement. “Indeed, Twilight,“ Co replied, settling back with a sigh of relief. “Our magic seems to have a certain resonance with yours. Though, I daresay ours is perhaps a bit wilder, a bit more like the untamed forces of reality.” A flicker of amusement crossed Ti’s face. “Co likes to think she’s wilder than she actually is,“ he rumbled, a playful twinkle in his eye. “But yes, our magic seems to adapt to different realms, though remaining true to its core essence.” Twilight knew this visit was going to be unlike anything Ponyville had ever seen. These were Alicorns unlike any she’d ever encountered, with tales from distant worlds and a connection to ancient magic waiting to be explored. > Chapter 2, Books > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 “Co, I’ll go first. Would you watch me and step in if things go awry?” Ti took a deep breath, and the air in the library started gently swirling l around him. After holding his breath for a moment, he released it, and a wave of magic poured out from his body. As it did, he slowly grew taller. “Don’t worry Twilight, just checking to see if the world creaks louder with our size and magic doubled.“ “There is one issue sweety, and you startled Twilight. My turn,” Co said. Spike, who had been bravely setting out tea, yelped and scurried behind Twilight, hiding behind her leg. “Whoa…” Spike said, a mixture of awe and nervo usexcitement gripping him. “That’s… incredible.” Twilight watched as Co underwent a similar transformation. Co, noticing Twilight’s shock, reached out with an even larger wing and softly brushed one wing tip across her nose, eliciting a cross-eyed sneeze. More waves of magic cascaded off the pair of Alicorns as their size diminished and stabilized. The air grew calm, and the magic, once a vibrating wave, settled into a gentle hum around them. Twilight’s right eye twitched. She took a step back, reaching out to her desk for support and familiarity. “Don’t worry? They got bigger!... how, what about physics?” Ti, noticing Twilight’s confusion and distress. Offered her a warm smile and said. “Everything is fine Twilight. Your world is completely compatible with our magic. but, we won’t be able to use our full power.” Noticing the Tea spike set out, “Spike, Tea, that’s a great idea. This would help us all relax and focus. Thank you.” “Ah, of course!” Spike said, stepping out from behind Twilight. “Um, what do you mean, you can’t use your full power?” Twilight asked. “If we did, we might accidentally damage something. Your world is fragile to us. I would hate to hurt someone or something by freely using our power.” Co said. Taking a deep breath, Twilight forced her nervousness down. These were guests, and Ponyville prided itself on its hospitality. Besides, the prospect of learning from such powerful and knowledgeable beings outweighed any apprehension she felt. “Now, about that tea…” Twilight gestured towards the tray, a hopeful smile on her face. “Spike, my dear assistant, would you be so kind as to fetch some extra chairs for our guests?” As Spike scurried off to find more chairs, a feeling of determination bloomed within Twilight. This visit might be unconventional, even a little intimidating, but she would try to make it an unforgettable time for the two Alicorns. Ti, a look of thoughtfulness on his face, asked. “Twilight, you seemed unsurprised at our appearance. Do you have Alicorns here other than yourself?” “You’re right,” she said. “While Alicorns are rare, there some in Equestria. The most well-known are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who rule Equestria together. They are the embodiment of the sun and the moon, and their magic is incredibly powerful.” “There’s also me, of course! Though, I only recently became an Alicorn myself. Princess Celestia bestowed upon me the Magic of Friendship to help me defeat a powerful enemy.” “Alicorns are typically associated with leadership and harmony, and they are seen as wise and benevolent creatures. So, while your arrival was certainly a surprise, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Especially considering the magic you used to create the portal in my library!” “Is there anything else you’d like to tell me about yourselves and your world, Ti Terra and Co Terra? I’m eager to learn more.” “Sure Twilight, I would be happy to” Ti smiled at her enthusiasm, his thoughts swirling back thousands of years. “Well, as my letter hinted, we are Ancient Alicorn Titans. Imagine... a swirling vortex of stardust in the darkness, the searing remnants of a massive shattered star. That’s the raw material we used to build our solar system, shaping it and changing over thousands of years. Co used her magic to braid the threads of time, quickening the growth of the planets. The earth changed and formed under my direction. Together we guiding the dance of the newborn planets that filled our solar system.” “Over 75,000 years, we built many worlds. A new sun blazed forth, and basking in its light, a beautiful blue and emerald world took shape, our pride and joy. Lush forests sprouted on land I willed into being. The seas teemed with life under Co’s touch. Yet each sunset, each turning of the ages, the silence grew deeper.“ “The echoes of our voices are the only ones we heard amongst the rustling leaves of the forest. The variety of creatures we shaped walk, swim, and fly but their eyes hold no reflection of our dreams. The world we built is vibrant with life, a masterpiece, yet a heartbreaking testament to our failure.” Ti said. Twilight’s jaw practically slapped the floor. Ancient Alicorn Titans? Creators of a solar system? Her mind reeled, trying to grasp the immensity of what Ti had just said. 75,000 years? That was a timescale beyond anything she could even comprehend! Many times older than Equestrian history. “That is… astounding,” Twilight finally managed, a mix of awe and reverence coloring her voice. “To create a whole solar system… the power you both wield is beyond anything I’ve ever encountered.” A glance at Co, who seemed to be lost in a thoughtful silence, sparked a question within her. “But why come to Ponyville? And why now? Perhaps there was a reason beyond mere curiosity that brought such powerful beings to our humble town?” Twilight asked. “The loneliness…” Co’s voice, soft as a sigh, broke the silence. She met Twilight’s gaze, a flicker of sadness in her blue eyes, then glancing away with a slight frown. “We’ve spent eons nurturing life, watching it flourish on our planet, but without anyone to share it with… it feels hollow.” Co said. A deep pang of sympathy struck Twilight. The power to create worlds, but not the companionship to share them with. It was a strange burden, she realized. “Perhaps,” she said, feeling a spark of hope, “there’s something we can learn from each other. I can help you learn about friendship and connections, and you can teach me about your world and the magic that shaped it.” A tentative smile touched Co’s lips. “Perhaps you’re right, Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps Ponyville has more to offer than we initially thought.” “Don’t fret, Twilight. We didn’t mean to unload our hearts all at once. Truthfully, Co and I are pretty good at keeping each other’s spirits up. And while a single lifetime might take a long time to pass when you measure it in regular seconds, well...” He winked with a slight grin, “let’s just say time is much more... flexible for us.” “But all joking aside, seeing your library did spark some genuine curiosity. If your books hold them, we’d love insights into Alicorn biology. We’ve wondered... is it possible, given enough time, that our world might evolve beings, like ponies naturally? Since it seems yours did.” To Twilight, the notion of their lifespan being manageable thanks to Co’s time manipulation was fascinating. Time truly was a curious concept around these two. She was eager to learn more about it. “As for my book collection, I would be happy to show you,” Twilight said, leading them deeper into the library. “I have quite a few texts on Alicorns.” “Most Alicorns in Equestria seem to be born Alicorns. There aren’t many documented cases of Alicorn ascension, at least not in recent history. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are the only two who hold the magic of the sun and moon, and they haven’t shared the method of Alicorn creation with anyone.” “My own transformation, fueled by the power of friendship harnessed from the Elements of Harmony, was a unique case. Perhaps there were other ways to become an Alicorn, but nowadays, the knowledge is a closely guarded secret by the princesses.” “However,” she continued, determined to be helpful, “we do have several texts on the general biology of ponies, unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasi. Perhaps by studying their biological makeup, we can find some clues about Alicorns as well?” Noticing Co’s intrigued expression, Twilight led them towards a section of the library dedicated to advanced magical theory. “There might also be something here about the magical connection between Alicorns and the elements they represent. It’s a complex area of study, but perhaps it holds some answers.” “It’s fascinating that Alicorns can embody concepts like friendship in your case, or the sun and moon in the case of the Princesses.” Co said. Ti waited a moment for Co to stand beside him. He shifted slightly, leaning into her, the gesture almost imperceptible, and turned his attention to Twilight. “It always fascinated me too, Ti,” Twilight said, a thoughtful look on her face. “The idea that Alicorns can embody such powerful concepts… it’s truly awe-inspiring. Co’s manipulation of time and your own control over matter, those seem like fundamental forces of the universe personified.” Co smiled up at Ti. The affectionate display between them tugged at Twilight’s heartstrings. Twilight frowned slightly. “…Actually,” she said. “There’s some debate about where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came from. The historical records are murky. Some scholars believe they were indeed natural-born Alicorns, while others think they ascended to their Alicorn status in some unknown way.” “The truth is,” Twilight said, “we simply don’t have all the answers. Perhaps your visit will spark some new lines of inquiry, new ways of understanding the magic of Alicorns.” “Let’s head towards the restricted section of the library. These texts deal with advanced magical theory and might offer some insights into the connection between Alicorns and the elements they represent.” Twilight said. As they walked, Co browsed the shelves with a childlike curiosity. Her pink coat seems to shimmer with excitement, noticing her Twilight couldn’t help but smile. Reaching the restricted section, Twilight carefully unlocked the heavy oak door with a magical key hidden behind her ear. Inside, the air hummed with faint magical energy. Ancient tomes lined the shelves, their aged covers whispering promises of forgotten lore. Spotting a particularly large and impressive-looking book bound in shimmering silver, Twilight carefully pulled it out and presented it to Ti. “This one,” she explained, “is titled ‘The Harmony of Elements: A Treatise on Alicorn Magic.’ It delves into the history and theory of an Alicorn’s connection to fundamental forces, and it might just hold some answers you’re looking for.” As Ti Terra took the book, his eyes looked over the pages with an intensity that made the library seem to hush around him. He flipped through the pages, reading the ancient script. “Hmm, fascinating,” he said, his voice low. “This speaks of a connection between Alicorn magic and the very fabric of reality… intriguing.” A comfortable silence descends upon the group as Ti dove into the text, Co occasionally peering over his shoulder with a look of shared curiosity. After rapidly flipping through the book, he says. “This suggests that Alicorns gain a deep connection to the unique concept they represent through a pivotal event, like ponies getting their cutie marks. Something that profoundly impacts their mind and magic, and changes their understanding of reality.” “But only those in harmony with magic can achieve this… it raises fascinating questions about evolutionary alternatives for disharmonious ponys.” Ti said. “A progression from foals, to those who find their special talent, to those who awaken to a whole new level of existence.” Ti said. Thinking aloud, Ti continued to speculate, “Alicorns could continue evolving over millennia, absorbing the specific magic of concept they represent. Perhaps it’s this absorption that leads an Alicorn to embody a fundamental concept of reality, transforming them into Ancient Alicorns like Co and I.” “Your princesses, with their vast control over celestial bodies, must be nearing that extraordinary pinnacle! Could their concept be gravitation, or something akin to my own connection to matter? Maybe light and darkness?” Stopping to look at Twilight, Ti says “However, Twilight, you’re an intriguing exception. Your innate magical talent and power set you apart. Your potential... it makes me wonder if your path to becoming an Ancient Alicorn could unfold with unprecedented speed.” Twilight says “That’s fascinating, Ti! Your observations about Alicorn magic and its connection to fundamental concepts align with some of our own research here in Equestria.” “The idea that Alicorns gain insight and a connection through a significant event that strengthen their understanding of reality resonates with the concept of cutie marks. Cutie marks, as you know, represent a pony’s special talent or destiny, and they typically appear after a pivotal experience. Perhaps there’s a similar process for Alicorns, though on a much grander scale.” Twilight said. “The notion of an evolutionary path for ponies, from unmarked to cutie-marked to awakened, and finally to Alicorn, is an intriguing one. It suggests a progressive understanding of magic and reality. “And your theory about Ancient Alicorns, beings who transcend even the typical Alicorn status by absorbing the magic of their world for millennia! The idea of Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s potential is truly mind-blowing! “However, your observation about my own ascension makes me pause. My transformation into an Alicorn wasn’t through personal growth or absorbing magic over time. It was a sudden event triggered by the power of friendship harnessed from the Elements of Harmony. Twilight said Ti stood over Twilight, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Co and I theorize this might apply to you too, Twilight. Think of magic and chaos as opposing forces, in constant flux, like a seesaw. When one grows too heavy, the other shifts to counterbalance it. It’s possible Co and I exist because the scale tipped too heavily towards chaos in our world. We aren’t natural-born Alicorns. His eyes held a curious glint. “Perhaps you are the same. Magic’s answer to unrest in this world, destined to represent its order from birth. The princess could have felt this, it might be the reason she guided you toward ascension?” “The possability of being a balancing force in Equestria. I need some time to process that. It could suggests a greater purpose beyond representing friendship. Perhaps my destiny lies not only in embodying friendship but also in serving as a guardian of the harmony.” Twilight said. Twilight, her eyes distant. Then a flicker of realization crossed her face. “But if you suspected all that.” She looked up at Ti and Co. “It changes the meaning of your visit too, doesn’t it? There’s something else you hoped to get.“ Ti nodded, a gentle light in his eyes. “We are happy you were willing to share the library. We hoped for the chance to converse with other Alicorns and make friends. But yes, there’s more. We long to have a family of our own. Yet, there are just the two of us, and we have almost no information on.” He paused, perhaps searching for the right words. “It’s not just about companionship,” Co finished softly, “but bringing sound and joy to our world.” Twilight blushed. “A family, I never,” Understanding dawned, connecting their interest in natural-born Alicorns to this revelation. A wave of empathy washed over her. Here were these powerful, ancient beings, possessing the secrets of creation itself, yet yearning for the simple joy of a family. The loneliness they spoke of earlier took on a new dimension. Taking a deep breath, Twilight forced herself to focus. “While I understand your desire,” she began, “the concept of Alicorn reproduction is… a mystery, even here in Equestria. There are no documented cases of two natural-born or ascended Alicorns having offspring.” The weight of their hope settled heavily on her. Ti asked, “Twilight, you seem knowledgeable and close to Princess Celestia and Luna. What would you think if we sent them a letter requesting an audience?” “That’s a very good point, Ti. While the subject of Alicorn reproduction is shrouded in mystery, Princess Celestia, with her deep well of knowledge and experience, might be the best pony to consult. Here in Equestria, she’s considered the wisest and most powerful Alicorn, and her insights could be invaluable.” Twilight said. “However, requesting an audience with a princess isn’t something to be taken lightly. Princess Celestia and Luna are very busy ponys, and there time is precious.” “Perhaps, before we approach her directly, we could try some other avenues. My library holds several texts on advanced magic and the history of Alicorns. There’s a chance, however slim, that we might find some hidden clue or forgotten lore that could shed light on this topic.” “Celestia, is her time so precious she couldn’t take some time for a letter? When was the last time she went on vacation?” Ti said. “There you go hitting a sore spot Ti. Princess Celestia’s dedication to Equestria is admirable, some might even say legendary. But yes, it can be a bit…much at times.” “As for vacations? Well, that’s a bit of a touchy subject. There are whispers and rumors, of course, but no pony can say for certain the last time Princess Celestia took a true break. Some say she hasn’t in centuries, ever vigilant in her role as ruler.” Twilight said. “We would be willing to negotiate some of our time to help your princess in exchange for any help and information she can offer. The decision would be up to her. Ti said. Twilight, considered the offer from Ti and Co. It had potental benefits in easing the burdens of the Princesses, she descided to help them out with a letter. “Hmm, how to phrase this, Princess Celestia needs to know about you two, but I don’t want to sound like we’re bringing chaos to Equestria. I will help you with a letter of introduction. I don’t see any reason she shouldent consider your offer. But while we await a response from her, we can continue our research here in the library.” Twilight quickly drafted a letter to send to the princess while Co and Ti watched over her shoulder. Dearest Princess Celestia, I write to you today with news that is both unprecedented and unexpected. Two visitors have arrived in Ponyville today. They introduce themselves as Ti Terra and Co Terra. They claim to be ancient Alicorns from another world, with a deep understanding of magic and the forces that shape reality." Their knowledge and power are unlike anything I have ever encountered. They possess a unique perspective on the balance between magic and chaos, a theory that has sparked a fascinating discussion here in the library." Their knowledge could be invaluable to Equestria, and I believe their intentions are pure. They have expressed a strong desire for an audience with you, Princess, particularly to discuss matters related to natural Alicorn reproduction. Sincerely Princess Twilight Sparkle Twilight sets down the quill and rereads the letter with a satisfied smile.“ There, how does that sound? It captures the essence of your situation without causing undue alarm. If we send it now, it’s possible we could hear back later today or early in the morning. There is a mail pony that makes runs to the castle regularly since a the Elements of Harmony live in Ponyville now.” Ti, excited at hearing back so soon, looks over to Co before smiling and nuzzling her under the chin. “Twilight Thank you so much for your help, that letter sounds perfect. Let’s send it now.” Twilight says, ”It’s no problem, we are friends after all. I’m excited to hear what the princess says. This is a fascinating topic after all and I would like to know more. Maybe I could write the first book on Alicorn reproduction!” Twilight nods “Ok, I’ll send it” and folds the letter and sealing it shut, then walking outside, she places it in the outgoing mailbox, and returns inside.