All It Takes Is Luck!


First published

On your first mission with Rarity, the greatest gem hunter and rogue, you'll learn that she's keeping a secret from the world...

After joining a guild and getting Rarity, the most fabulous gem hunter and rogue in Equestria, as your party member, you'll learn that she's keeping a secret from the world, and you will see her for who she really is as you, and she does more missions...

art by InkKeyStudios on etsy of a Rarity poster and I knew I had to write a fic about it

Miss Rarity and the chest

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The world's most excellent gem hunter, a beautiful unicorn mare with fur as pure as snow, dazzling with silk smooth purple mane and those mother-bearing hips. Her body is like a goddess, but her mind was made for searching. The most brilliant and beautiful gems had a strange attraction to her, and she to them. She could sense their location through instinct, and her horn would always glow whenever they were near. She even saved the world a few times despite the odds against her! But what is a mare with no one to share her life with?
That's where I come in! Ever since I first noticed her, I made it my life mission to be a gem hunter, even hoping to make it big just like her. Maybe we even team up and fall in love while searching for gems. Hoping we can maybe have five or-


I snapped out of my fantasy, my pen still writing on the paper as I tried to figure out what had happened. My hand was cramping, and when I looked down, the page was full of words, all with Rarity's name. I couldn't help but blush as I remembered where I was, which was in the guild's lobby, with everyone staring at me.

"U-Uhh... Sorry. I couldn't help talking about Miss Rarity!" I replied to the guild front desk clerk, a mare with a rainbow-colored short mane and cyan fur. Even though she was the front desk clerk, she wasn't wearing the standard uniform; she wore a yellow shirt, jeans, and aviators.

She stared at me from her sunglasses, making me feel uncomfortable.

"R-Right. Anyway, I would like to ask you a question, if you could please. Maybe somewhere Miss Rarity had visited before! I want to see the dangers she faced off against and maybe, if I'm lucky, run into her. Ooohhh that would be so wonderful. Can you imagine?"

I couldn't see it but knew the cyan mare had rolled her eyes at me.

"You're lucky you're new in town; otherwise, I'd have kicked you out for wasting my time with your non-stop blabbing about my friend and how amazing she is."

"Friend? You're friends with the most beautiful and amazing gem hunter in the world?" I asked, my eyes sparkling with happiness.

The clerk took off her glasses and revealed her eyes, one pink and the other white, which had a small scar over that eye. She must have had quite the adventure to have that kind of scar.

"Yeah, I'm Rainbow Dash, and this is my mare friend's guild, the Elements of Harmony. We are the best guild and have saved the world the most. I'm friends with Rarity, but really, thinking she's all that? She may have moments, but she's a dork at heart."

I was about to protest, but she put her glasses back on, stopping me. "And no, you can't meet her. She's busy with a mission." she handed me another new entry form after I ruined the last one. "Here, kid, put down your info and do it without thinking about Rarity; I want to go on my lunch break. And don't talk to me about Rarity when you come back from finishing a quest, or I'll beat you."

I gulped and nodded, scared of this tall, strong mare. I quickly filled out the new form, keeping it simple to avoid annoying her. When I was done, she snatched it from my hands, quickly looked it over, and tossed it away.

"All clear, welcome to blah blah blah." she took out a party horn and blew with the most bored expression I had ever seen. "Congrats on joining the guild; please fill out a quest you wish to take, and I'll process it. That's all."

Still afraid of her, I nodded and headed for the quest board. I looked at it. The only quests I wanted to take were the ones Miss Rarity did. I turned back to Miss Rainbow, asking her which one Miss Rarity had taken in the past. She pushed her sunglasses up, rubbing her eyes with her fingers.

"Just pick one, kid."

"Oh! I will, but first, which did Miss Rarity-"

"Look, I'll tell you, okay?" She pulled out a file folder, opened it, and started listing quests Miss Rarity took. I turned back to the board and saw one that Miss Rainbow had said and pointed at it.

"That one!"

"The one called 'Find the Gem of the Earth's Core?'" she asked, and I nodded. She shrugged and tossed the folder over her shoulder. "Whatever."

I took the paper off the board and hurried back to Miss Rainbow, who snatched it and started to write down that I was taking the quest. She stopped writing as she looked at me up and down. She must have finally noticed my rouge outfit.

"Nice getup, kid, but I feel I've seen it before?"

I couldn't hold it in any longer when she said that.

"Of course you have! Miss Rarity promoted this outfit a few months back! She helped design it, too! She even-" I kept explaining to her about my outfit, even though she dropped her head onto the desk and groaned in boredom. I kept going until an upstairs door opened, and a pretty purple unicorn mare walked out and called out to Miss Rainbow.

"Dash, are you alright? I swear I heard someone out here was dying?"

Miss Rainbow's head snapped up, and she quickly cleaned up the desk and put on the guild uniform. I wouldn't have believed how fast she cleaned everything up if I hadn't seen it. The mare that called out to her walked down the stairs and took notice of me.

"Oh, hello. Are you a new member?" she asked.

I felt the air leave my lungs, and my face turned red as I stared at her beauty. Before I could stop myself, I was already speaking.

"Yes! I just joined today after I finally got my permit! See!" I quickly took out my permit from my wallet, but it fell out and was about to hit the floor when Miss Rainbow used her speed to catch it and, standing next to me, never realized how tall she was.

"Relax, newbie. Here," she said as she handed me back my permit. I know our guild master is hot stuff, but there's no need to get all worked up."

My face burned even more when I realized what I had done. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

Miss Rainbow and the guild master laughed.

"Rainbow, don't tease him." the guild master replied. She then looked over to me and patted Miss Dash's back, ordering her to return to her desk. "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a guild master. From your outfit, I take it you are a rouge? Is that right?"

I nodded, too afraid to speak and say something stupid.

"Excellent. So what is your name, and why did you join our guild?"

"My name is—" Miss Dash quickly handed my paper forms to Miss Twilight, which had my name on them, so I just answered her second question. "And I joined this guild because Miss Rarity is a member! I hope to be like her, become famous, and even meet her! Ooohhh that would be-" Miss Twilight only smiled at what I was saying, never showing annoyance, unlike Miss Rainbow, who sat at her desk and looked annoyed again.

"That's wonderful, and we are glad to have you. If you are a fan of my friend, Rarity, I can ask her to join you in this quest," she said, smiling the biggest.

"WHAT!?" Miss Rainbow and I both shouted, shocked she would ask her.

"Twilight, you can't be serious!? Why would you ask Rarity to join with him?" Miss Rainbow asked, slamming her hands on her desk.

"He's a fan of Rarity and wishes to follow in her footsteps. Learning from an experience rouge will be the best for him, and he may even become famous like her." Miss Twilight turned to me. "Am I wrong?"

I shook my head.

"See? Besides, I became a tremendous black mage thanks to learning from my teacher on the field, not in a classroom."
Miss Rainbow couldn't argue with that, so she sat back down.

"Well, it's your call, Twil. I'm just the front desk clerk. I'll send a message out to her." she started to write a message super quickly with her speed, placed it in a clear tub, and chucked it out a window with a super fast throw, even though it shattered the window.

"Thanks, Dash," Miss Twilight replied, ignoring the broken window and the scattered glass that was now lying on the floor.

"No problem, and good luck, fanboy, you gonna need it."

"Luck?" I asked her, puzzled why I needed luck with Miss Rarity, but before she could say anything else, Miss Twilight told her to go and clean up the glass, leaving us alone.

"Don't worry; my mare friend is just joking!" she told me, looking more worried. Even her eye was twitching. "Just head to the location of the quest, and I'm sure Rarity will be there quickly since I remember she wanted to find some Earth Cores gems lately. Now rush along!" she started pushing me towards the door, finally kicking me out.

"Okay? That was odd?" I told myself, walking away from the guild building and towards the forest outside town.

It didn't take long before I reached the cave and waited outside it, waiting for Miss Rarity to arrive. As I waited, I practiced my welcome gesture for when she arrived.

"Welcome to the quest, Miss Rarity! It is a pleasure and an honor to be working with you." I bowed, making sure to do it slowly. "You look stunning today. Thank you so much for coming out here, Miss Rarity." I bowed again, feeling my body heat up. "Thank you for taking the time to teach me, Miss Rarity." I bowed again, this time with my hand reaching out to no one. "Please, marry me!"


I quickly lean back up after hearing that female scream. I scan the area and hear it coming from the west of me, the same direction I came from. I drew my twin daggers and hurried off to the noise, hoping to save whoever was screaming. As I ran, I started hearing what sounded like people talking, but I couldn't determine what they were saying. I recognized the shouting voice as I got closer, making me run faster.


I bolted faster through the forest and found the path I had taken to get here. The voices I heard before were goblins as they gathered around Miss Rarity. I was gonna step in and fight them off of her, but I stopped dead in my tracks. Miss Rarity wasn't screaming in terror, no, in fact she was screaming a battle cry as she danced beautifully around the gobins with her diamond shaped daggers, slashing the little monsters down with each step she took. It was such a fantastic sight, watching her, a white unicorn with a purple and curly mane, slice the goblins up. She was like an angel of death dancing around.

When she finished off the last goblin, I didn't realize I had been staring and not helping her, but when I tried to, she noticed me and smirked.

"That's how you kill a group of goblins, darling!" she said, putting her daggers away and doing a sexy yet relaxed pose.

I didn't know what to say, but the words just fell out of my mouth. "M-M-Marry me!"

Miss Rarity giggled and walked up to me. "Hmm, no, thank you, darling. But I'm flattered." she placed her hand on my shoulder, smiling. "But just by looking at you, you will make any more happy with how handsome you are. So don't worry, and let's head to the quest. Alright, darling?"

I nodded, unable to respond and feeling my heart pound. She walked past me, but not before I heard something, almost like something ripping. I could see her hurrying along before I could ask her if she heard that noise.


I smiled and rushed after her, feeling the heat in my body, my face red.

We reached the cave, and Miss Rarity walked right in without a care in the world, but I stopped her, telling her that I should take a point and that I couldn't forgive myself if she got hurt.

She giggled at my words.

"You're adorable, darling. You can have the honor of taking point, but be careful. You're a rouge, so make use of it, and if you need help, call me."

I nodded and led the way, feeling like I could conquer the world with her watching me, but I swear, when I looked back at her, I thought I could see her fidgeting.

I couldn't believe my eyes as we moved through the cave, how easily I could cut down the monsters. My brand-new daggers were getting their first taste of blood.

"Amazing. How easy this is." I looked back to Miss Rarity, who smiled at me. "Miss Rarity, is this how all quests are?"

She didn't reply but just smiled. I felt stupid, of course all quest will be easy for her, the greatest rouge and gem hunter of Equestria! I was lucky with all these encounters, and Miss Rarity knew it, so she never joined me in these battles.

I returned to the path ahead and noticed we were close to the Earth Core's, as dark glowing brown gems could be seen. If I remember correctly, Earth Cores will make the surrounding gem brown, the first sign that they are nearby. I told Miss Rarity, and she gave me a thumbs-up, but that was when the cave started shaking, and a massive beast stomped into the cave, causing Miss Rarity and me to fall over. The monster was giant, its body a deep red, and it had many gem-like rocks covering it, including one on its head with the same glow as an Earth Core.

"Is that the boss?" I asked, shocked at its size.

Miss Rarity pulled me back before the beast could step on me, her smile gone.

"Worse, darling, worse! It's a gem monster and a big one!" she took out her daggers from her rear pouch, but when she did, I thought I saw her skirt blown up and could see her bare-NO, get your mind out of the gutter! "It's an Earth Dragon that eats and stores Earth Cores. This one is probably a guardian of this cave. Be careful, and we can do this!"

I couldn't tell if she was afraid or not, but I didn't want to fail her. "Got it! Let's do this!" I took out my daggers, ready for action.

We charged at the monster, dodging its attacks. Miss Rarity would dance like before with the goblins; she dodged every stomp from the earth dragon, and it was such a beautiful sight. She would get up close and slash at the dragon, not causing a lot of damage but enough to hurt. I stayed behind and watched as Miss Rarity did her thing, never losing a beat and dodging every attack. I could watch her do this forever, but the dragon had other plans.

It stomped on the ground and sent a shockwave, knocking us back, but we were quick and stood back up. It roared at us and shot a beam from its mouth that we couldn't dodge. Miss Rarity tried to block it with her dagger, but the beam was too intense, sending her flying towards the hole in the rocky walls.


I quickly got on my feet, rushed towards the hole, and leaped through it, never realizing the dragon was chasing me and slammed itself into the hole, causing rocks to fall. I was safe, and Miss Rarity was fine, but the hole was now blocked.

"Darling, are you alright? I can hear the beast."

I looked up and saw her reaching out her hand towards me. I felt my face burning up and took her hand. I got back on my feet, and we looked around. The room seemed to be a treasure chest room, going by the lone chest in front of us. I heard how caves and dungeons would have these rooms, and no one knew why or how they were made.

"We're trapped in here unless the chest has something we can use to escape. Wait here, darling; some chests are boobytrapped." She walked over to the chest and checked it.

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

"Trust me, darling, this isn't the first chest I've checked." She tapped it with a soft knock. "Here's a tip: If it sounds hollow, it's either boobytrapped or a mimic. Mimics are rare but nasty, but the trick is simple: tap it."

I smiled, amazed at her knowledge, and listened carefully to her lessons.

"If the sound isn't hollow but sounds like wood, like this," she taps it again, hearing her fist knock on the chest, making a wood sound. "Then it's the real deal. See?"

I just nodded and wrote in my notepad that I had taken out, writing down all the information she taught me like it was the holy gospel.

"Good. Now let's see what's ins-"

When she opened the chest, a pink mist blasted her face.

"Oh! This isn't a trap, darli-MMFFF!"

Her eyes became hazy and turned a shade of pink.

"Miss Rarity, are you alright?" I asked her, putting my notepad away. I was going to rush to her aid, but I stopped myself. Why would I come to her aid? She's a veteran in dealing with traps. She will be wearing some anti-poison gear, right? She's Miss Rarity, the famous rouge and gem hunter of Equestria! Why would she be affected by a low-level trap?

I closed my eyes with my arms crossed and nodded at the thought. She would be fine until I heard a weird noise coming from her. I opened my eyes and saw her completely tangled in purple gloo-like slime and struggling to break free. "Ummm, Miss Rarity?"


I gulped and ran over to her but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it. She was bent over and her rear was high in the air. Her skirt was being pushed up by her tail, and her bare ass was on full display. A strange feeling came over me as I stared at her ass.

"Help..." she groaned again.

I gulped and asked her a question. "Why aren't you wearing panties, Miss Rarity?"

"Just help me, darling! I was rushing to get here!"

I felt my body move on its own. I took out one of my daggers and got up close to her ass. I reached out to her and was going to free her, but I just had a sudden urge. Just by looking at her, the most well-known rouge and gem hunter, struggling to get free from a simple trap, how cute!

"What are you waiting for!? Help me!"

I didn't know why I was doing this, but my body was on auto-pilot as I moved my hands away from her, stepped away, and just watched her struggle.

"What are you doing!? Help me! Come on, darling!"

She continued to struggle, wiggling her ass. My body felt hot, and I couldn't stop the urges coming over me. Even more so when I noticed her pussy started to get wet.

"Please, darling, help me."

I took a deep breath and sighed. I shouldn't be doing this, I needed to help her. I got closer again, but the slime blasted out goo at me, but luckily, it hit my pants.

"HA! Good try, but I'm wearing the best anti-slime acid gear, all thanks to Miss Rarity, who promoted this gear! You need-" I stopped talking, noticing a sizzling noise and looking down. I screamed as my pants and underwear were gone as the acid ate away at them, leaving me nude and my cock hanging out. I quickly covered my dick and turned back my attendee to Miss Rarity, who was blushing as she saw my cock.

"D-d-darling, p-p-put your c-c-c-cock away."

"How? The slime ate away my lower gear." I told her we needed to kill this slime, so I raised my dagger and rushed towards Miss Rarity and the chest.

"Darling, watch out!" she cried out, noticing something I didn't: the ditch in front of me.

I tripped forward, falling on top of Miis Rarity's backside, and I felt something warm and wet on my cock.

"Oooooh!" whimpered Miss Rarity with a weird moan.

I looked down and realized that my cock was inside her, and that slime was now covering me, eating away the rest of my gear, and the same with Miss Rarity, until we were both nude, my dick still inside her.

"M-M-Miss Rarity, are you alright?" I asked, hoping I hadn't hurt her.


I gulped as I could see blood oozing out of her pussy. "Miss Rarity, y-y-your bleeding!"

" v-v-virginity. It's okay, darling, I'm fine. It's normal. Now, can you please help me and pull out?"
I tried to pull out, but the slime had a firm grip on us.

"Can't. We're stuck."

She turned to me, blushing bright red. "Then don't worry, darling, just stay still, and we will think of something."

I nodded, but just feeling Miss Rarity's insides made me moan.

"D-Darling? What are you doing?"

"It's not me; my dick is moving on its own," I told her, as I started to thrust, never noticing the pink mist all around us.

"Then stop it! Stop thrusting your hips!"

"I'm trying! But my body won't listen to me! Ahhhhhh!"

My cock started to pound Miss Rarity's pussy, causing her to scream and moan. The slime's hold on us was getting stronger, but the pleasure was too much. I couldn't think straight as I continued to thrust into her. she was crying and begging for me to stop, but my hips wouldn't listen.

"M-M-Miss Rarity! I'm sorry! It's just you feel so warm and soft! Soft like a warm gooey marshmallow! It feels too good! Please forgive me, Miss Rarity! Ahhhhhhh!"

"S-S-Stop it! Darling! AHHHHHH! I'm not ready to be a mother!"

I couldn't stop, and Miss Rarity couldn't free herself. My dick was pounding her insides, causing her to cry and whimper as I did it.

"M-M-Miss Rarity. This is my first time! Ahhhh! It feels too good!"

She didn't reply as I could see a tear roll down her cheek.

"Please, Miss Rarity! Forgive me! I'm so sorry, I'm not doing this on purpose!"

She still didn't respond and just cried, her eyes a shade of pink. Why was her eyes pink now? Before I could think even more about it, Rarity started to move her hips.

"N-No, I can't do this!"

"M-M-Miss Rarity! Are you trying to move?!"

"Y-Y-Yes. It's the only way to get us out of here," she answered me but it felt like she was lying.

"W-W-We're trapped. There's no way we can get free, Miss Rarity."

She turned her head towards me, and her eyes were a darker shade of pink. "Don't be silly, darling, why should we get out? Let's enjoy this forever, darling!"

I couldn't believe my ears. Was Miss Rarity enjoying this?!

"Let's do this, darling! Let's make babies!"

I tried to speak, but I couldn't as her ass started to bounce against me. I was being forced to fuck her harder, and Miss Rarity was enjoying every moment of it. I had always dreamed of doing this with her, but not like this!

"Please, Miss Rarity, you must understand. We can't do this, we're stuck. You're not yourself. I need to stop, or I will cum!"

"Please, darling, give me a baby! Please! I love you! Ahhhhhh!"

Her pussy started to squeeze me tightly, and it felt so good. "M-M-Miss Rarity. Stop doing that! I can't take it anymore! Please, you're not thinking straight. You're too smart for this! Stop! Please, I'm about to cum!"

"Cum inside me! Cum in my womb, darling! Make me a mother! Please!"


My body trembled, and I could see Miss Rarity's body spasm, and her pussy clamped down hard on my cock, her eyes going wide and her tongue sticking out.

I felt so much warmth as my seed filled her, that I could see it oozing out of her pussy. She went limp and I almost did the same but didn't. I still had enough strength to move. I pulled out of Miss Rarity, tightened my grip on the dagger that I still had, and sliced the slime off of my body, making it cringe in pain; once it did, I cut down Miss Rarity's slime binds, and she fell forward. I quickly grabbed her and placed her on the ground. While the slime crawls away and into the cracks of the walls.

"Miss Rarity?"

She didn't answer; she was passed out. I looked back at the chest and finally noticed the pink mist. I covered my face with my arm and looked inside the chest. Inside, it was a weird device pouring out smoke, but next to it was something that would free us from this trap room.

"A port crystal! With this, we can teleport back to town!"

I took it and hurried back to Miss Rarity and held her tight. I closed my eyes and thought of the place I wanted to be in town and...

"And that's why you ended up in the lobby of the guild butt naked? Oh my god!" Miss Rainbow Dash was laughing hard as Miss Twilight Sparkle was blushing.

Miss Rarity and I sat before the two, wearing blankets that Miss Twilight summoned for us. Miss Twilight rubbed her temples, trying to process everything.

"I can't believe you two did something like that. I'm very disappointed in you, Rarity," said Miss Twilight, and I could hear her voice quiver a little. "I was hoping you could teach him a few things, but engaging in sexual acts like that? That's unlike you!"

Miss Rainbow smacked Miss Twilight back, smiling as she told her and me something.
"Come on, Twi. This is Rare! You should have seen that coming a mile away! All that luck she has, and she still fell for something like that? That's hilarious!"

Miss Rarity shouted at her to shut up.

"What? That your a shit awful rouge, and the reason your well known is because all your stats are in luck." she wiped a tear from her eyes, still laughing. "That you stumble your way into greatness? That's so you!"

I gasped.

"Miss Rarity! Is this true?!"

"No! Don't believe a word she says, darling!"

Miss Twilight sighed, and Miss Rarity blushed bright red.

"Rarity, he needs to know the truth if he's going to work in this guild." She turned to me and explained everything. Miss Rarity fumbled through dungeons and monsters, but with her high luck, she could survive and find treasures no one had seen before. Until others noticed her, she slowly became famous, all because she had dumb luck.

"Can't be?" I said, not wanting to believe what she was saying.

Miss Rainbow slapped my back and put her arm around my shoulder.

"It's a true newbie! Remember what you told us about her fighting the goblins? I bet how starstruck you were, you didn't noticed her tripping over feet and stabbing the goblins by accident."

I gasped, and Miss Rarity screamed again.

"Rainbow Dash, stop telling him this! He's going to think I'm a failure! He will leave the guild and-"

Miss Dash pulled me closer to her chest, where I could see a slight hint of her breast peeking out from the uniform she was wearing.

"You said you heard a ripping noise after that, right?" I nodded, and she smirked, "Well, it was Rarity ripping her panties like always on something. I bet it was on a bush or something! You know what type of girl is called?"

I raised my eyebrow, confused and curious, and shook my head.

Miss Rarity started to pull us apart, not realizing her blanket had fallen off, revealing her beautiful body to us all. She screamed and tried to cover herself up but somehow made it worse, causing her breasts to pop out and her crotch to show.

Miss Dash came closer to my ear and whispered. "A failure girl."

I was speechless and didn't know what to think or do. Was all this a lie? I looked back at Miss Rarity, still trying and still failing to cover herself until she somehow got in a very sexual pose.

"You see? A total failure girl with dumb luck!"

I just didn't do anything, and Miss Twilight asked that she'll understand if I quit the guild and they wouldn't hold it against me. The only answer I gave was my cock peeking out from the blanket as I got hard as I kept looking at the failure of a woman on the floor.

"I think he's staying, Twi!" answered Miss Dash for me, and she was right. I wanted to stay and see more of the failure that is Miss Rarity.