My Little One Piece: Nakama is Magic!

by TimmayIsHawt

First published

The Straw Hat Pirates was sent to another world after the battle with Bartholomew Kuma...

After the Straw Hat's battle against Admiral Kizaru and Bartholomew Kuma, Kuma realized he made a large mistake. Instead of "pushing" the Straw Hats to their designated location as he planned, he managed to send them to a completely different world. A world known as Equestria, where the World Government recently made contact with and kept hidden to the public. The World Government had plans with this world full of colorful ponies, however that is until Luffy and his crew begin to wreak havoc all over Equestria.

How will the Straw Hats, who are now ponies, come to adapt to this new life...?

Authors Note:
This is based off of the anime, One Piece, and this story begins during episode 408. It might be confusing if you haven't watched the anime, and of course, I recommend that you people go watch it! It's an amazing show! Anyways this is my very first fan-fic and something I've been planning on writing for awhile now, so please give me some constructive criticism! One Piece was a huge inspiration for me before My Little Pony, so I thought how about we do a little crossover on this...? Anyways, One Piece and MLP? That's going to be one hell of a challenge.

Prologue: The Final Days of the Straw Hats

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"Oh... I'm really worried..." a soft, female voice said aloud in an infamous bar called Shakky's Rip-Off Bar on an island known as Sabaody Archipelago. Sabaody Archipelago was one of the many islands near the first half of the Grand Line. It was an island full of tall trees which were each numbered from grove one to ninety-nine and just like its name, is an archipelago. "I wonder if Luffy-chin and the others are all right."

"What are you saying, Caimie?!" A starfish with a rasta-colored beanie said, panicking slightly. "Don't say stuff that'll make us all worried!"

"But..." the green-haired mermaid responded slowly, but was interrupted by Hachi, an eight armed merman. He was laying on a table next to Caimie and Pappug, the starfish, while Caimie was treating Hachi's wounds. Hachi recently got shot by one of the World Nobles, the descendants of the founders of the World Government. Luffy was angered by this and as a result punched the World Noble. However, that triggered the battle between the Admiral Kizaru and the Straw Hats, only to be interrupted by Bartholomew Kuma. It is said if you anger or even go as far as punching a World Noble they have the rights to send a Navy Admiral towards you, which was one of the Marine's strongest fight force.

"They're strong, so don't worry about a thing, Caimie." Hachi said trying to reassure her. Caimie looked down, knowing that the threat the Straw Hats faced against was on a whole different level.

"I hope you're right..." she sighed.

"I hope, you say... you're doing it again!" Pappug said worryingly. "You've seen how strong they are, too, right? I'm telling you they're fine!"

"They're up against an admiral from the Navy." Shakky, the bar owner, told them blankly. "Even Monkey-chan and his group can't beat someone as strong as that." The others looked at her shocked. "The seas are becoming more and more fierce now. A wave larger than anything I've seen before is on it's way. They can't afford to be beaten by that wave... can you hear it?" She told them as she puffed out of her cigarette. The lights of the bar dimmed as the sun slowly began to set over below horizon, the waves of the ocean moving rapidly and strong.

Meanwhile somewhere in the middle of the ocean in the Grand Line...

"Dammit!" Luffy cried as he awoke inside Bartholomew Kuma's paw-shaped bubble. Bartholomew Kuma's devil fruit power allowed Luffy to soar through the sun-setting skies, unharmed from anything that was an obstacle to the paw-shaped bubbles path.

"Zoro! Nami! Usopp! Sanji! Chopper!" Luffy paused to catch his breath.

"Robin! Franky! Brook! Where'd he send my crew off too?" Luffy cried in pain, remembering the image of Kuma blasting away his crew with his bear paws, unable to do anything to protect them. Luffy felt hurt, knowing that there was a chance that he'd never see his beloved crew mates ever again. His body was still ragged and weak from the fight against the Navy Admiral and Kuma, essentially making him very tired.

"Where'd all of you go?! I'll never forgive that bear-like Schibukai!" Luffy panted as he yelled to nobody. He paused for a minute realizing he was still flying through the sky. "Anyways, how far am I going to fly?!"

Suddenly, Luffy remembered what Sentomaru told him about Kuma's abilities during the fight.

"They say anyone who gets blasted off by his pads is sent flying through the sky for three whole days. Though, I'm not sure whether that is true or not."

"Oh, that's right... that means... maybe everyone didn't vanish, but instead were sent flying like I was?" He questioned himself out loud in a quieter tone as he collided with the tip of a mountain on a nearby island, completely vaporizing the tip off. The collision had no effect against paw-shaped bubble, continuing at full speed to its unknown destination. It began to get darker, the sun slowly falling lower and lower.

"Maybe what the broad axe-guy said was true. In that case, I'll be flying around like this for three days? I'd die if it dropped me into the sea... and I'm hungry too," His stomach growling loudly. "Ugh... I'm so sleepy."

"Zoro... Nami... Usopp... Sanji... Chopper... Robin... Franky... Brook... everyone..." Luffy said as he finally drifted off to a very uncomfortable sleep. As Luffy was sleeping soundlessly, soaring through the sky, the bubble began to bend and turn violently. The paw-shaped bubble was beginning to be consumed by a bright light. Luffy was unaware of this as he slept, but the bright light began to grow stronger and stronger. Then out of nowhere, the bubble vanished.

Equestria, Outside Fluttershy's Cottage. Three days later...

Fluttershy trotted along her lawn, tending to all the animals that kept her at bay around the house. It was a daily routine for her that never grew old no matter how long she's been doing it. However, today was a very strange day for her. The animals have been acting up for no reason at all, and Fluttershy tried all she could to keep them calm. She obviously knew something was wrong. She just couldn't put her hoof to it. Even Angel, her pet bunny, was acting strange. Fluttershy would try to ask him what was wrong, but he would either ignore her or look up at the sky with a painful, worried expression.

She finally took a break after what seemed like hours just trying calm down half of the animals, a grim expression appeared on the shy mare's face. She sat there thinking that maybe she should go ask Twilight to help her figure out how to calm the animals, but she knew Twilight was always busy with her studies and she couldn't possibly interfere.

That's when she heard the sound of a high pitched screech, the loudest thing she has ever heard in her life, The sound nearly scared her to death. The high pitched, screeching noise took over the room, causing all the animals in Fluttershy's home to panic and hide. She looked around scared and confused out of her mind. The noise continued, however she finally regained her composure and began to investigate the source of the sound. She quickly looked out the window of her home, searching around her now barren lawn, the animals hiding from the unbearable noise. It was then out of the corner of her eye, she realized something soaring through the sky, flying faster than even a sonic rainboom. Fluttershy gazed at in in awe clapping her hooves together. At first she thought it was Rainbow Dash, but suddenly realized that it couldn't possibly be her. The deafening noise was coming directly from it and was flying a lot faster than Rainbow Dash, which surprised her. She knew that no pony has ever flown faster than Rainbow Dash yet this pony, or maybe it wasn't even a pony at all, was flying faster than anything she's ever seen. She finally gained enough courage to brave the safety of her home. She ran outside, hiding behind a bush, to get a better view.

The longer she stared at the deafening object, the more she realized it was soon getting larger and larger. Soon, she watched it zoom over the roof of her house, breaking the tip of her chimney slightly, and crashing like a meteorite somewhere far off in the Everfree Forest. Then the screeching noise finally ended . The animals around her home began to come out of hiding, returning to there respective homes. The silence bothered Fluttershy, still hearing the high-pitched hiss ringing in her ears.

I wonder if any pony in Ponyville heard this. Fluttershy thought to herself. Something urged her to investigate, but she knew the dangers of the Everfree Forest. Out of the corners of her eyes, she saw the figures of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkles approaching her.

"Hey Fluttershy! Did you see that huge object flying over your house?" Rainbow Dash yelled over to Fluttershy, grinning wildly, as the two mares slowly approached her. Rainbow Dash then saw the terrified face of Fluttershy. "Oh... heh. I guess you did."

"We heard the sound all over Ponyville and it seemed to be coming from here, do you know what happened?" Twilight looked at Fluttershy with a compassionate gaze, imagining how terrified Fluttershy might've felt during the event. Fluttershy hesitated to speak, still a bit dazed from the sound of the object but finally spoke up.

"Well... it flew over my house and kind of broke my chimney... than it sped over, deep into the Everfree Forest." Fluttershy spoke quietly, looking down at her hooves. "Oh! But I was going to investigate... but I don't think I could possibly go into the forest by myself..."

"Well, luckily we're here to help!" Rainbow Dash flew up bravely. "Right Twilight?"

"I don't know... whatever it was, it could be dangerous. Though, once Princess Celestia finds out about this, she would probably want us to investigate anyways. I'm thinking we should tell the others before we go into the forest."

"Ugh... fine. I mean it couldn't be that bad, we've been to the Everfree Forest before!" Rainbow Dash complained as she sat on the ground. "I really really wanted to see what that was though! You saw how fast that thing was flying, right?"

"Well... I don't know... I don't think it could've been a Pony or animal. No pony could've survive crashing into my chimney at that speed." Fluttershy said a tad bit worried. "Anyways, I agree with Twilight. Waiting for the others sounds like the best plan of action."

"Well... gee... thanks for ruining my mood." Rainbow grumbled.

Chapter 1: The Everfree Forest

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Luffy awoke with a start, quickly realizing he was falling. Out of nowhere he hit the dark soil below him. He laid on his back, unmoving, staring outwards into the vast blue sky. He spotted a few birds flying above him and focused his eyes on them as they slowly disappeared, hidden behind the clouds. Luffy sat up and sighed, not realizing the huge difference that beheld him.

"I survived..." Luffy sat there, a somber expression on his face. "Doesn't seem like I survived just because I'm made of rubber. But what's this thing that looks like a bear's footprint?" Luffy asked himself, looking at the paw shaped mark engraved onto the soil.

"I hope everyone else if safe like this, too." He got up and began examining his surroundings. He was in a dimly lit forest, an environment Luffy was accustomed to when he was young. "Anyways, I've gotta go back! Where is this place? And which way is Sabaody Archipelago...?" Luffy paused, trying to think of something.

"Oh wait that's right!" Luffy smiled, remembering that he was given something very important, a vivre card. A vivre card was a special type of paper that move towards the direction of the creator of the paper, and also determined his or her's life force. The creator of the vivre card Luffy was holding was a man named Rayleigh, the Pirate King's first subordinate, and Rayleigh was located at Sabaody.

"Right! With the vivre card, I can head back to Saboady along with everyone else! I'm glad everyone got one!" He said aloud. As he reached for his pockets, he finally realized something. He looked down at himself for a few seconds trying to process what he was seeing.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!" Luffy gazed at himself in awe, his eyes sparkling at the amazing sight. "SO COOL! WHEN DID I BECOME A HORSE THING?" Luffy yelled aloud happily, clapping his hooves together. Luffy stumbled over to a small pool of water, not use to this new body, and began to look at his reflection. He was a red pony, with a black mane and tail. His trademark straw hat waved happily against the breeze, as it rested atop his head. His grin grew larger seeing the hat on his head, which made him think of Shanks. However, his burst of joy lasted only for a couple of seconds, remembering he had other important things to take care of.

"I'm not wearing any clothes, so the vivre card must've fell when I was in that bear shichibukai's bubble. But... it must be somewhere nearby!" Luffy looked around desperately, searching for his one way ticket back to Saboady Archipelago. Walking around proved very difficult for him, but finally managed to get the hang of it after a couple of tries. Luffy, unable to find the vivre card, looked down at the dirt glumly.

"I'll never be able to return..." Suddenly, Luffy heard his stomach grumble. "...and I'm hungry too... SANJI! MAKE ME SOME FOOD!" Luffy screamed, then remembered that his cook wasn't here. None of his crew mates were here.

"Oh... that's right. I guess I'll look for an animal to eat. Also if this island has a town, they could probably help me search for the vivre card!" Luffy smiled and got up with high hopes. He began exploring the thick forest, hoping to find an animal of any kind or maybe even a town. He walked slowly around the dense forest for fifteen minutes, getting used to walking with this new body. However, his body was still ragged and weak from the battle, and walking was not helping his injuries.

"If only Chopper was here..." Luffy thought as he walked in his slow, turtle-like pace. No animal or town appeared before him, and he was starting to get desperate from hunger. Luffy counted how many meals he missed during the three days and came up with fifteen. That was when he heard the sound of a bush rustling not too far from him.

"Meat!" Luffy exclaimed in his mind, charging recklessly towards the direction of the sound.

An hour ago, at the borders of the Everfree Forest.

"Now, y'all sure you saw something flying into the..." The orange mare, Applejack gulped. "...the Everfree Forest?" Fluttershy nodded. Six mares stood outside the dirt road that lead into the Everfree Forest. The group consisted of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.

"Now that we have a larger group, we will be safer in numbers." Twilight told the others. "I also, just before you guys arrived, received a message from Princess Celestia from Spike while we were waiting. She heard about the meteorite and was getting complaints from Ponyville about it, so she is asking us to investigate it."

"Oh! Oh! I wonder what the flying thing is! Do you think it was some kind of alien space cupcake? I've never heard of anything like that before, but that still sounds super duper awesome!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down happily.

"Pinkie, I don't think it has anything to do with a cupcake." Rarity spoke. "If anything, I would want it to be some marvelous space gem! It would be perfect for my new dress design!" She squealed in delight. The five ponies began to giggle.

"What? I'm being completely serious." Rarity frowned.

"Well... whatever it is, the Princess wants us to investigate, so as I was saying, we should first visit Zecora. She knows the forest better than anypony, and would most likely help us search for this meteorite." Twilight said as she began walked into the forest. "Are you guys ready?"

The other five nodded and quickly followed Twilight, forming a line as they walked through the dense forest. They walked along the dirt path for what seemed like eternity. However, it was a nice day outside the cool wind blowing against their faces, although the only downfall might be the silence radiating from the forest. The only sounds were the steps of the six ponies trotting along the path, and the occasional conversation that flies by every minute or so.

The bushes rustled from time to time, startling Fluttershy. Rainbow was right behind Fluttershy in the very straight-forward line, and whenever she got scared she would always back up, bumping into her.

"Cut it out, will you Fluttershy! That was the fourth time!" Rainbow yelled at Fluttershy, but than instantly regretted it seeing the frowning yellow face of her young mare friend.

"Oh... I'm sorry... It's just-" the yellow pegasus began.

"Look, I'm telling you everything is fine!" She said in a softer tone. "Nothing bad has happened to us, and you shouldn't worry, were almost there." Rainbow flew past Fluttershy, catching up to the chatting ponies. Fluttershy stopped and sighed, looking around at the nearby trees wishing she could be one, calm and still. That's when she heard the sounds of stomping. Fluttershy stood her ground for a couple of seconds, but than quickly lost her courage as the sound grew louder and louder. She then jumped into the nearest bush. As she leapt into the bush, she realized she went completely through it and quickly began to tumble down the now diagonal, dirt ground. She tried to get her footing and stop herself from rolling, but that seemed to make it worse. At last she finally managed to stop herself, however badly sprained her right hoof..

Panting heavily, she slowly regained her senses, looking at the surroundings of her new location. It was deathly quiet and Fluttershy was scared out of her mind. She looked about her, trying to figure out which direction she rolled from, but it was hopeless. The dizziness after effect was getting to her, making her sense of direction harder to determine. She finally realized something she was not prepared for, and squealed in fright.

She was utterly and completely lost.

A couple minutes after Fluttershy separated with the group.

The group walked along, almost reaching there destination. The sun shined through the cracks of the branches and leaves, however the wind was beginning to die down. Twilight was talking about her studies with Rarity when she noticed something.

"Hey, are we missing somepony?" Twilight asked, looking at the four others. They looked over at each other, until Applejack finally answered.

"Now where the hay did that yellow pegasus go off too?" Applejack frowned. The four ponies looked around, trying to spot the missing Fluttershy hiding from something or possibly went off course. Rainbow Dash was immediately heart-broken when they couldn't find her.

"Oh no! This is all my fault!" Rainbow Dash cried aloud. The four ponies looking at Rainbow Dash with a concerned glance.

"Would yah care to explain, Dash?" Applejack eying Rainbow.

Chapter 2: Vivre Card

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Author's Note:
Just giving you guys a heads-up that I'll be busy moving from my apartment to a new house. Meaning I won't be posting chapters until I get internet in my new house. However, I will be writing them so by the time I finally get my internet back up there may or may not be a couple of chapters out. I'll try to get some chapters in, but most of my time spent will be moving furniture back and forth so don't expect a lot. Also, this may be a short chapter. Timmay out!

Fluttershy got up wobbly. Her ankle was in deep pain and moving around proved to be difficult. However, she was doing the best she can. She was scared to death right now, but quickly thought about the important things she must do first. She had to find her friends. She mustered up all the courage she had and scanned the area.

It was then she saw something on the ground. A confused expression appearing on her face, she stumbled over to it. It was a ripped piece of paper, and on the bottom-half of it had the words Rayleigh on it. Other than that, it was completely blank.

"Rayleigh?" She thought. "What is this doing in the middle of the Everfree Forest? Was this a ripped letter...? Anyways what kind of name is Rayleigh..." She had Luffy's vivre card on her hoof and noticed it move on it's own ever so slightly. However, at the time, only thought it was the wind. Fluttershy held on to it tightly and brought it with her. For some strange reason, she felt like this was important, she just couldn't explain it. She ventured onwards, going deeper into the Everfree Forest.

Twilight's Group

Everypony was staring at Rainbow Dash. The sunlight shined through the branches, making Rainbow's mane look brighter than usual. Rainbow glanced around nervously, scanning the four ponies faces. She sighed and finally began talking.

"Well... I kind of yelled at Fluttershy-"

"You what!?" The four mares exclaimed, interrupting Rainbow.

"It was on accident! I swear, and I didn't expect her to get hurt that much." Rainbow told them, with sincerity in her voice.

"That still doesn't give you a reason to yell at her like that, you of all ponies know how she is!" Rarity told her, anger rising in her voice. Rainbow looked to the ground, embarrassed and ashamed. "I want you to go look for her, and apologize this instant!"

"We don't even know where she is!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Well, you can start by checking her cottage." Rarity said as she began walking the opposite direction of Rainbow. The three mares looked at her with a sad look, and began following Rarity. Rainbow looked at them with shock.

"You guys...!?" Rainbow cried to them as they continued to walk forward, leaving Rainbow behind. She knew it was her fault, and she knew she deserved this. As they grew apart, Rainbow finally sighed and walked the other way.

"You sure it's okay to let Rainbow go on her own?" Pinkie Pie frowned, asking Twilight. Twilight looked up thinking for a minute, than shrugged.

"It was kind of Rainbow's fault to begin with, but I think leaving her behind to look for Fluttershy is even worse." Twilight said as she sighed. The Everfree Forest was dangerous, and leaving somepony behind was probably the worst decision they could've made.

"I just hope she'll be okay." Twilight looked down glumly. She knew she should go help Rainbow, but she couldn't bring herself too.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy continued venturing the Everfree Forest.

As Fluttershy ventured through the dim forest, she came across a bear paw mark, imprinted on the ground. She examined it for a second, than began running the opposite direction. She knew that Ursa Minors roamed the forest and were a rare sight, but that paw mark was recent and one could be anywhere. She stopped running as soon as she was what she thought a safe distance.

Fluttershy walked along a different route, her courage slowly growing as she noticed nothing bad happening yet, or a Usra Minor appearing anytime soon. She began to appreciate the silent forest, feeling at ease with herself. Her flank brushed against the side of a bush, startling herself for a second. She began to giggle, noticing it was only a bush until she heard the sound of hoofsteps, the same hoofsteps that scared her earlier. It slowly grew louder and louder and she couldn't get herself to move, shaking in fear. The noise stopped and a nearby bush behind her began to rustle. Her eyes grew wide, expecting something to attack her.

A blue colored bird slowly came out of the bush. Fluttershy sighed in relief and approached it.

"Hey little fella, are you-" then out of nowhere, Luffy jumped out of the bush, noticing the yellow pegasus that beheld him. They stared in silence at each other for a couple of seconds, eyes both wide examining one another. That was until Luffy screamed.

"MEEEAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!" he said as, Fluttershy began screaming, running the opposite direction. From Luffy's perspective, he saw food. However, what Fluttershy saw was completely irrelevant. What she saw was a cannibalized pony, chasing her around the forest.

"Wait! Meat! Where are you going!?" Luffy screamed. Fluttershy ran through bushes and dodged trees, trying to escape her pursuer. However, Luffy was fast and strong though and he was slowly catching up to her. That was, until he noticed Fluttershy dropping a small piece of paper she had with her. Luffy stopped, closely examining the paper. He than began to grin widely, clapping his hooves together.

When Fluttershy noticed he wasn't chasing her anymore, she slowed down. To investigate where he ran off to, she back tracked, and realized he wasn't that far away. She hid behind a tree, curiously examining the crazy pony when he came into sight. She saw the red, black maned cannibal pony wearing a straw hat standing over the small, torn paper she picked up awhile back. She looked at Luffy, realizing he was smiling at the paper and clapping his hooves.

"I wonder if he's not that bad after all... but wait Fluttershy, he tried to eat you! Don't approach him he's dangerous!" She argued with herself, deciding whether she should talk to the crazy pony or not. "He may be crazy, but you might be able to help him!" Fluttershy told herself. Fluttershy yelped when she saw his cutie mark. It was a jolly roger mark, however the only difference was it was wearing a straw hat. The same straw hat the crazy pony was wearing.

Luffy clapped his hooves happily when he heard the yellow pegasus yelp. He looked over to her, a large grin appeared over his face. Luffy than began to pull his hoof back and quickly, he launched his rubber hoof over at Fluttershy. Fluttershy screamed as he pulled her over to him. She thought her life was over as she was slowly being pulled to her inevitable doom. That was, until she realized he was hugging her tightly.

"Thank you so much! I've been looking everywhere for this!" Luffy smiled looking at the now blushing pegasus. Luffy let go of her and finally examined the yellow mare. She was a horse just like he was, but she had wings.

"It's no problem... really-" Fluttershy began.

"SO COOL! How come I don't have wings!? Where'd you get the wings!?" Luffy exclaimed, interrupting her, as he stared at the wings of the pegasus, his eyes sparkling. This made Fluttershy's face even redder, taken back by his compliments. That's when Luffy realized another thing. "Wait... did you just talk!?"

"Um... yes?" Fluttershy responded, confused.

"Wow , this place is awesome! Okay, so everyone who talks is a horse thing?" Luffy asked. Fluttershy nodded slowly, still very confused. Fluttershy began to think what could've possibly happened to this stallion. She had lots of questions to ask like how his hoof was able to stretch, and why doesn't he know anything about ponies.

"Um... just wondering-" Fluttershy whispered, but was interrupted again as Rainbow Dash flew out of nowhere, kicking Luffy right in the face. Luffy flew a couple feet by the force of the kick, causing him to crash into a tree.

"Stay away from her you freak!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she slowly landed right next to Fluttershy's side. Luffy got up, since he was rubber it didn't hurt him. Luffy looked up at his attacker and frowned.

"What the hell was that for!?" Luffy glaring at Rainbow Dash.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Rainbow Dash raged with defiance in her eyes.

Chapter 3: Luffy the Rubber Pony!

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Luffy picked himself off the ground, glaring at his attacker. He carefully picked up his hat and placed it on his head. Rainbow Dash and Luffy stared at each other for what felt like eternity, studying each other cautiously. Finally Luffy broke the silence.

"Are you trying to pick a fight or something?!" Luffy raged putting himself in an attacking position.

"Don't you dare try to hurt Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said defensively, ready to fend off her opponent. She looked over at Fluttershy, making sure Luffy didn't hurt her in any way. Bad choice. She than looked back at Luffy and noticed that the stallion's hoof was stretching towards her.

"Gomu Gomu no... PISTOL!" Rainbow Dash stared dumbly at the stretching hoof but she quickly got out of her trance and was able to dodge before it hit her. The force of the punch completely broke two or three trees that laid behind them. Rainbow Dash noticed his strength and realized how dangerous it would be to get hit by one of his... strange punches. She planned quickly and decided to attack him airborne. She took to the skies carefully watching out for his punches that flew out towards her in the sky. Luffy began to realize that she was easily dodging his attacks from up there and slowly getting closer, so he came up with another idea.

"Gomu Gomu no... GATLING GUN!" He yelled aloud, throwing off consecutive punches with amazing speed. Rainbow Dash tried to dodge all of them at once this time, but her luck was running out. She admitted she couldn't get close enough to attack him, his punches were just too fast. Finally one punch was about to make it's way towards Rainbow's face.

"Oh no... this is it!" She shut her eyes tightly but than...

"STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Fluttershy screamed. Luffy's punch stopped, barely touching Rainbow's mane. The two stopped what they were doing and looked over at the timid pony. "Um... only if you want too..." She added quietly.

"What the hell!?" Luffy asked her with confusion. Fluttershy yelped but stood her ground.

"Don't hurt Rainbow please!" Fluttershy told Luffy, frowning. "She is a... friend." Luffy looked at the cyan pegasus and back to her.

"She's your... friend?" Luffy looked at the stunned Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was not use to Fluttershy yelling loudly like that. The one time she could remember Fluttershy yelling that loudly was when she performed a sonic rainboom during the Best Young Flyer competition. Luffy than smiled widely and chuckled.

"Oh! I see, why didn't you say so earlier?" The two mares just stared at him, shocked. Rainbow Dash quickly got out of her trance and flew over to Fluttershy.

"Just who is this pony?!" Rainbow Dash whispered. "And why the hay can his hoof stretch!?"

"Um... somepony I met when I got lost." Fluttershy told her. "He seemed scary at first, but he is a nice pony."

"Gee, he sure was nice when he threw all those punches at me."

"Well, you did attack him first." Rainbow face hoofed.

"That's not the point Fluttershy, we don't know if we could trust him or not. You've seen what he was capable of." They both looked over at the bored Luffy. He was picking his nose, and looked over at them confused.

"Well... I don't know... I don't trust him one bit." Rainbow told her, anxiety in her voice. Luffy carelessly trotted over to them.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked casually. Rainbow jumped, not noticing him come up from behind.

"Oh uh... nothing important." She lied.

"Oh well, I'm hungry. Do you guys have a town? Or maybe even a ship? I want to get off this island." Luffy told them. They looked at him confusion.

"Well, there is a town not to far from here, but I don't know about the ship thing... this place is definitely not an island though." Fluttershy said. "Do you want us to take you there?"

"Now just wait a second Fluttershy, this guy is dangerous, remember?" Rainbow protested. Luffy looked at them.

"Who me?" Luffy asked dumbly. Rainbow Dash face hoofed.

"Not only is he strong, but he's an idiot too. Why does he remind me of a certain somepony..." Rainbow Dash thought annoyingly.

"I guess we can show him around town." Rainbow Dash finally agreed. "But I got my eyes on you!" She turned looking at Luffy. Fluttershy smiled happily and turned to Luffy.

"So... um... you never told us your name." Fluttershy squeaked. "And why can your hooves stretch?"

"Me? I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm a rubber hu- er... pony. Nice to meet you." Luffy told them casually.

"A rubber pony? How is that even possible?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I ate a rubber fruit. Now I'm a rubber pony."

"Ergwhat?" Rainbow Dash was just confused out of her mind. "Let's just go find the others and find what we were looking for, than we can take him back to Ponyville. We can also probably get Twilight to find how Luffy turned into rubber." She said as she flew above the large trees trying to determine were they where. Fluttershy and Luffy looked at each other as she flew up. Rainbow Dash flew up as high as she can and scanned the forest top for a few minutes. It took her awhile until she finally spotted the hut, then sped back down to her companions.

"Alright, I found Zecora's hut, you guys ready to get going?" Rainbow Dash approached them carelessly. The two nodded and began to follow Rainbow. As Fluttershy began walking, she instantly felt the pain on her bad ankle. She yelped and collapsed on the ground.

"Fluttershy, you alright?!" Rainbow Dash asked helping her up.

"It's fine... I just sprained... one of my hooves." She winced as she tried to get up, the pain that was held itself back when she was being chased by Luffy consumed her. She began to float off the ground, using her gentle wings. "I can fly remember, so I'll be fine,"

"Alright... if you say so..." Rainbow Dash said worryingly. The two followed Rainbow Dash towards the supposed location of Zecora's home. As they slowly made there way through the forest, Fluttershy and Luffy began chatting.

"So how did you get here? Were you lost in the forest?" Fluttershy asked.

"Augh... no, I think I fell from the sky and landed here." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy gasped.

"Wait... so you're the flying object we came to investigate!?" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy asked in unison. Luffy looked at them and shrugged, continuing walking in a random direction. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at each other and followed after him, well for Fluttershy's case floating after him. They walked in silence, the forest darkening by the time they reached hut. As they approached, they noticed the dim lights shining out of the windows. Rainbow Dash flew over and knocked on it a couple of times. A lavender mare opened the door, looking at her guests.

"Oh Rainbow Dash! I see you got Fluttershy back." Twilight smiled warmly, allowing the three to enter the now very crowded hut.

"Yeah... I did" Rainbow Dash sighed. Twilight noticed the red stallion with a straw hat tagging along them and decided to ask questions when everyone got comfortable. Three ponies looked up at the new arrivals as they walked through the door.

"Fluttershy! Rainbow Dash! You guys are all right!" The three said happily, but than looked over at the red stallion. Most of the mares in the hut studied him carefully.

"Who are you?" Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie asked in unison.

"Mares... let me introduce you to Luffy!" Fluttershy smiled at them. "I found him in the Everfree Forest, I think he was lost."

"Nice to meet you." Luffy said casually as he picked his nose.


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Sorry to everyone who read this so far, it seems I won't be finishing this. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this story and I just kind of wrote this out of the blue. If anyone would like to continue this story they may very well do so, but for now this story is going to be discontinued. Don't worry though, it doesn't mean the end of my fan-fics. I've been thinking of better ideas and may very well start writing them once I get settled back in from... stuff.

Yeah... i'm kind of in a writer's block right now and I've been busy with problems... seriously. Sorry for my pitiful excuses but I really have no idea where I'm going. I've been trying to think of a chapter to write but it just didn't... well work. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this VERY short fic and I hope to be seeing you guys soon. I mean like very soon. I'm actually coming over to your house right now.
