> Spike's Alternative Crush > by Pony-Berserker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Another Great Plan Goes Wrong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was observing Rarity’s house from nearby bushes. That was one of those days when his obssession about the white unicorn was driving him crazy. He couldn’t stop that. He obviously knew that there was a line he couldn’t cross in his urge to be together with her. Therefore, he could be staying in his shelter for a really long time catching glimpses of his crush. From time to time he could come up to the window to see her closer. Sometimes he hated himself for falling in love with her so easily because he was aware of the fact that he had little chances with her. But why did he have to hide himself? Rarity knew him and he was always welcomed in her boutique or her house. However, Spike thought it would be better to avoid closer contact with her. Observing her from bushes maybe was not really rational but he thought it would be better than gazing at her unconsciously while pretending to help her with her work. He knew there is virtually no way to even date her but he hoped for this anyway. This day Spike was really desperate for it. The best idea he could make up was, well, standing up next to Rarity’s house with a ‘free dates for any white-coated pony’ sign. He thought it would have worked if Rarity had come out of the house. He had been standing with the sign for nearly an hour until his crush finally left home. Spike thought it had been worth waiting for her despite other ponies laughing at him. “Good to see you, Spikey!” Rarity greeted her adorer. “What are you doing here with this sign?” Spike instinctively hid the sign behind his back. “Um, nothing.” He blushed. “Oh, Spikey. Are you protesting against something? Show me that, please. Maybe it’s worth being angry.” Rarity laughed trying to go behind Spike’s back. The dragon was slowly turning around in order to prevent Rarity from seeing the sign. “Where do I get these stupid ideas from?” he asked himself. “Oh, Spikey. You know I always get what I want.” Rarity smiled using her magic to take the sign from Spike’s claws. “Oh, that’s not fair!” he shouted. Rarity read the sign and did a surprised face. “Spikey?” “Um, you know, I, I, I, um, I always wanted to, tell that,” he mumbled blushing. “Spike, I didn’t know you like Sweetie Belle!” Rarity exclaimed happily. “I do what?” Rarity’s answer confused him. “Well, well, well, so this is why my Spikey-Wikey likes spending time around me,” she said happily. “You seek the occasion to see Sweetie Belle!” Rarity giggled. “Well, Spike, if you really want to see her, come here back in the evening. She will most probably be back from her Cutie Mark Crusading.” Spike was more than confused. His worst case scenario was Rarity not willing to see him anymore. He knew he had been wrong about that. THIS was the worst case scenario. “Um, sure, that’s what I wanted.” He laughed nervously trying to avoid eye contact with his crush. “To see Sweetie Belle. Yeah. So, see you, Rarity!” he said and ran away. Oh, childhood love, Rarity thought and started to walk toward the marketplace. Spike was slowly walking to the library, where he and Twilight lived. “How to get out of this?” he repeated the question in his head. “Hey Spike! Where have you been?” Twilight asked curiously when her assistant came in. “At Rarity’s house,” he answered grimly and frowned. “Well, I see your plan to pick up her didn’t work out. Again,” Twilight said indifferently. She always thought Spike had no chances with Rarity. “Rarity wants me to date Sweetie Belle,” Spike murmured. “Say what!?” Twilight was visibly shocked. “Yeah, my plan didn’t work out. And has side effects as well,” he said and lay on the sofa. “And I don’t want to talk about it.” Twilight rubbed her mane. “You know, Spike. I think it’s a great idea.” “Say what?” “Well, you and Sweetie Belle are children and I think you should go for her rather than Rarity. You see, Rarity is an adult mare and she thinks you are a cute little baby. Besides, you know what I think about relationships between dragons and ponies but as long as you are children, nothing wrong can happen, right? So, good luck with Sweetie!” Twilight explained and returned to her reading. Spike thought the idea through. “Sweetie Belle is Rarity’s sister. So, she is like a smaller version of her. So, dating Sweetie Belle would be like dating Rarity!” Spike worked out how to change a failure into something he had wished for. Spike excitedly ran to the bathroom to prepare himself for the inevitable date. In the evening, Spike arrived at Rarity’s house. The fashionista greeted him and let him in. “Sweetie is in her room.” She sniffed as he was passing her. “You smell great, Spikey. I see it is something serious then.” She giggled. “Well, I won’t be disturbing you then. I am going to visit Fluttershy now. Have fun.” Rarity giggled again and left the house. “Horseapples...” Spike said and went into Sweetie’s room. “Hiya, Spike!” she welcomed her guest. “Rarity told me you’d wanted to see me!” she said happily. “Yeah,” he said uncertainly. “I, I, I, I wanted to play with you, you know, like friends do.” He laughed nervously and blushed. Sweetie Belle gave him a confused look. After a while she exclaimed happily: “Sure! I’m gonna bring the dolls!” She left the room. Spike fell on the ground. “I have no idea what I’m doing,” he thought. Sweetie Belle was back a few moments later. “These are my favorite dolls! Here, you can have this dragon doll.” Spike took the plastic figure. He turned it around in his claws clueless what to do. Sweetie Belle prepared a tea party for the dolls. That would be an extremely boring experience for Spike, if he was not so nervous. He looked at Sweetie Belle. Actually, she was like Rarity. She didn’t have her beautiful purple mane but her hair was cute after all. Her coat obviously wasn’t brushed as often as Rarity’s but was white and clean as well. The longer he stared at the filly the prettier she looked like. His mind tried to fool him. Sweetie Belle was becoming a substitute for Rarity. “Nah, I’m not gonna fall in love with Sweetie Belle. She’s nice and all but she’s not Rarity, right?” he thought. “Um, excuse me, Spike. Need to visit the little fillies’ room.” Sweetie giggled and left rhe room. “I’m not gonna start thinking about Sweetie all the time I don’t see her,” he thought. A few minutes had passed. “Oh, no!” Spike knew the inevitable had happened. He felt something for Sweetie. He was aware of that because now he couldn’t stop thinking about the filly. “Rarity, what have you done!?” Sweetie Belle returned to the room. “Sorry it took so long, Spike.” “No problem, no problem, really!” Spike exclaimed excitedly. His excitement confused Sweetie Belle. “I’m glad that you are happy...” They resumed their tea party. After a while Spike said: “You know, Sweetie. I, I was thinking that, maybe, we could, you know, meet each other sometimes?” he closed his eyes and covered his face with his claws. Sweetie Belle gave him a puzzled look. “Sure. You can always come to play with me,” she answered uncertainly. “Um, no, no, I mean, you know, meet like, you know, when a pony and a dragon like each other, I mean, they meet often and you know...” “Of course I like you, Spike!” she said happily. “Oh, I mean, dating each other,” Spike struggled. “Well, we can choose certain days for your visits,” she said and began filling teapots with invisible tea. Spike facepalmed. He hadn’t seen that coming. He already lost this little amount of confidence that let him ask those questions to Sweetie Belle. After a while, he said goodbye to Rarity’s sister and returned home. “So, how was with Sweetie Belle?” Twilight asked curiously as he went in the house. “Meh, she couldn’t get my point. And now I have crush on two ponies. And they are sisters. And I have no chances with either of them! Gosh!” he answered resignedly and then shouted: “Everything is going wrong!” “Don’t worry, Spike. Some day or other your plan is going to work out,” Twilight tried to comfort his assistant, who sighed and went to the bathroom. THE END The next day at the playgorund... “You won’t believe it, girls,” Sweetie Belle said to her friends. “Spike wanted to date me! He is totally on me!” Sweetie Belle looked terrified. “Really? That’s sumthin’ new. I thought he has crush on your sis’!” Apple Bloom remarked. “Yeah, I also thought this. But yesterday I had to pretend that I’m too stupid to understand him and he left the house,” Sweetie Belle said. “That wasn’t nice, Sweetie!” Scootaloo gave her a reproachful look. “I know but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He surprised me, really...” Sweetie said sadly. Silence hung in the air for a few seconds. “Well, guys, let’s go crusading. I have a cool idea how we can get our cutie marks!” Sweetie said happily and trotted away. Apple Bloom instantly followed her. Scootaloo remained at the playground for a while. “Why didn’t he ask ME out?” she asked herself and followed her friends.