> Theta's Lax > by Theta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (So this is another idea that I had floating in my head, and it is probably VERY cliche, but please work with me. I'm not a strong writer, and this is still very new to me. But please try to enjoy this, because I had fun writing this first chapter!) *Nine years ago* "Holy shit!!!", I screamed as I ran toward the limp body of my teammate. The last game of our sophomore year, utterly the worst day of my life. I arrived next to my best friend and just collapsed to my knees. I threw off my helmet and screamed for help, and was soon joined by my coaches and and his parents. Why did he step in front of that shot? Why couldn't he just leave it to the goalie? Why did he have to be a damn hero? In one second I lost my best friend in the world, the guy who was practically a brother to me. It seemed like an eternity before the trainer rushed onto the field, and it took my teams first and second line defenders to pull me away as he shook his head, and announced that his heart had stopped beating. I couldn't fucking believe it, he was gone. The guy who stood like an immortal in my world, was dead. My best memories had been with Slim "180" Harrow, the first time I ever smoked a cigar, first joint, and hell he was the only one I told that I had slept with my mare-friend. Harrow wasn't just a teammate, or a best friend, he was family. Although we looked nothing alike, I being eastern lands and him being a native of Equestria, and honestly we didn't always get along, but he was truly, and utterly my brother. *Present day Ponyville, Theta's Lax* It was another slow day, and in all honesty, I didn't mind the lack of business. It had been almost a year since I relocated my shop and life to Ponyville. Although it took most of the winter to cut down, and form the lacrosse sticks, and another two months to make the leather and string them, so overall I spent around five months to fill my inventory. However lacrosse wasn't a large sport around here, and unfortunately there was a decline in the sports growth. It was hard advertising a sport only two or three ponies had actually heard of, and the fact that I wasn't the best speaker made it worse. The only time I ever got loud and could actually articulate my thoughts into words was on the field, and it had been a few years since I played an actual game. Today was the ninth year since I last saw Slim, alive that is. It was a little after noon, and I decided to sneak out the chest I kept under the front desk. The large wooden container held his signature stick, along with his jersey, a list of tips on how to string a stick, and...and the our first team picture. "Uhhh, howdy? You there partner?", a southern accent rang into my ears. "Oh, hi there. Is there anything you need help with today?", I responded, quickly shoving the picture back into the chest. "No, just lookin around. Ah was just wonderin', what in the hay is lacrosse?", the blonde haired mare asked in a quizzical voice. "Lacrosse is a sport that was started by the native people of Equestria, and was first seen by earth settlers. To the natives, lacrosse or tewaaraton, was both a way to become closer with him in the sky, and practice war. Honestly, you'd have to see a game to really understand it, but today's field lacrosse has ten players on the field from both teams. One goalie, three attack, defense, and midfielders. However you also have the designated "x" on attack, crease defender, FOGO(Face Off, Get Off), and LSM(Long Stick Middie). The object is like every other sport, score more points than the other team.", I said in a giddy manner. Talking about lacrosse always made me happy, and it made me happier when somepony else asked me about it,"And yeah that's basically it, anything else you want to know?" "Hmmm, well my friends and Ah would love to learn about it, and I need to prove us earth folk are twice as sporty as them pegasus! So if it wouldn't be a bother could you maybe teach us, and allow us to borrow the necessary gear?", She asked. "Well, I usually don't let others just borrow my gear, but for a pretty mare like you, how could I say no.", I hesitantly replied. There was something about this mare that was just...different. Not bad different, but something set her apart from the others I had met in Ponyville. And it was true, my gear was for sale, not to borrow. But I couldn't resist to give in to such beauty. "How about later today, say 5 O'Clock? That is if it ain't too much of a problem for you...uhh sugarcube, what did ya say your name was?" "My names Theta Gait, and yours? I'm sorry about my manners its just that I preoccupied when you came in." "Howdy Theta, mah names AppleJack!" "Wait, you're THE AppleJack? Element of Honesty?", it hadn't clicked, mainly because I wasn't all there, and when i looked up i was entranced by her emerald green eyes. "Well Ah dont like ta toot mah own horn, but yes Ah'm that AppleJack.", she replied modestly. "Oh, and Five is great for me, how many ponies will be there?" I asked blandly. "Well lets see...Ah'd say ten ponies. That wont be a problem will it?" "Not at all, however we might have to run Brave Hearts to determine anything." I said with a chuckle. "Whatever that means, and thank ya kindly for doin this on such short notice, and if y'all ever need anything apple related, don't hesitate to visit Sweet Apple Acres.", the mare blushed saying this, and I couldn't wait until five. > The FaceOff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I didn't specify this before, but they are meeting at the local park. Sorry for that lack of information, I hope not to make a mistake like that again) *Ponyville Park, 4:00 P.M.* It took less time than I initially thought to get all the necessary gear from my shop to the park, the most difficult being lugging the goals in place. Today was an amazing day to play lacrosse; it was warm, but with a cooling breeze blowing to the south. I decided to take out my old pads, as musty as they were, still fit perfectly. The game had changed so much since I had last played, one example being the looks(and safety) of the helmets. I carefully eyed the last helmet I bought, yes it was still made of the hard plastic outer shell, but the face mask was flatter and did not cover the neck as well as the new ones did. As I slipped on my shoulder pads, something stuck out from the bottom of my bag; it was something I had held dear since I was a little filly. *9 years ago* I carefully picked up the first piece of memorabilia I had ever receive, it was Mitch Marelisle jersey, and although he is long into retirement, I can still remember that game. Slim and I had won tickets during a shooting competition and decided to get his dad to take us to the game. That game was what made me want to get into the PLL, and furthermore, play box lacrosse. On that night I saw more fights than I had ever seen in my life, and the best part was, fighting was a penalty but it only had a five minute reprimand. That wasn't even the best part to me, no that in the third quarter, and it's what made me change from an offensive middie, to LSM. In the fourth quarter, the Blazers were seriously dominating the scoreboard, even with Mitch in the penalty box. I forget the name of the other player, but the following hit most likely forget his own name too. Coming straight out of the penalty box, Mitch ran full speed and trucked through him, and that alone gave me the biggest adrenaline rush I had ever experienced! *Ponyville Public Park, 4:40 P.M. "Mr.Theta, you there?", that southern accent again breaking me from my trance "Uhhhhh- Oh hey there Ms. AppleJack. I got all the gear you guys will need over in those containers. Get the pads on, and lets get started!", I said half out of reality. The next twenty minutes were a confused chaos to say the least. The Mare, which I assumed was Rainbow Dash from the multicolored mane, had not only put her arm pads on upside down, but had managed to take off the chin guard from the helmet completely."Hey, you need some help?", I offered. "Well uhh, su-sure... As you can see, I'm a bit confused. Hehehe",She responded, blushing like there was no tomorrow. "First off take the arm pads off, you have them on upside down, which would explain why they don't fit around your wrists better,",I corrected as she took off the arm pads,"As for the helmet, put it on and I'll fit it for you." The helmet slid on with ease, and all I had to do was tighten the straps a little bit, and she was good to go. I did a quick check, and besides a few wobbly helmets, everypony was ready. "Alright guys, gather round and lets do this!", I said as they started gathering around. So far were 5 mares, 3 little fillies, and 1 green haired little, uhhh, colt? "Huh, seems like you guys are missing someone, but no matter it'll be a great competition anyway!", I said, a borderline scream,"Alright to get started you guys should know how to face off. It's a simple concept, basically rest your stick's parallel to each others, pocket tucked in and next to the ball, and when I blow the whistle, you will clamp down and try to pull the ball out. After that you will battle to pick up the ball, run to the goal with it, and throw the ball into the goal. Since we have 5 adults and 4 kids, we'll split up the competition accordingly. First lets run a few practice rounds, then we'll start for real.", I finished, stoked to finally be teaching the game again. About forty minutes later, I determined everypony had a good feel for the face off, so I blew my whistle and shouted,"Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, y'all are up!" As the two mares got into position I started the faceoff like I remembered,"Down...Set...*TWEET*" I could tell the rainbow haired one was going to win, as it was obvious she was a natural athlete, even on her legs. Within a minute Rainbow Dash had scored, and proceeded to do a victory dance."Okay..., next is AppleJack and Rarity!" and again I started it with the whole "Down, Set, (Whistle sound goes here)." "Wahhhhh, AppleJack darling please be careful! I just got a ponypeti, and I would rather not go back again so soon!" Rarity complained. "Hehehe, y'all dont stand a chance! You shouldn't be worried bout your nails, instead y'all should be focused on tryna keep up!", AppleJack snorted. As expected, AppleJack won and had marginally beat the delicate, purple haired mare. "Okay, uhhh since we don't have an even number, I guess I'll go up against...Pinkie Pie!",this excited me more than anything, and if she was as high energy as I had heard, then I was in for a challenge. "Hey Rainbow, you mind calling it?" "Sure, not a prob Theta!" Now, I had to tone down how physical I got, and marginally. Not too much, she was a mare after all! "Down,Set,*TWEET*", I clamped down on the ball, and had found that the sugar crazed mare had easily beaten me, and was giggling profusely. As she pulled the ball out, I snuck around her and scooped up the ball, and it was amazing! I hadn't felt like this in years, however I wasn't as in shape as I was two years ago, and within a second the pink haired one had the ball and was running down field; in a hopping/skipping motion. Despite the peculiar way she moved, I couldn't keep up, and was easily burnt."Great job Pinkie! You easily had me beat!" "Thanks Theta,OHMYGOSHTHATWASSOFUN! Lets do it again!" Pinkie Pie spoke faster than a machine gun shot bullets. (Thats it for now, will most likely skip the CMC and Spike competions, if you want me to do them I will, but it is very hard to put into words what a Brave Heart, and this chapter has taken over 3 hours to write. Again only constructive criticism please!) > Remember Slim,dude! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Theta's house/shop, 7:30 P.M.* Damn, I've never seen somepony that competitive, let alone two of them!",I thought aloud, recapping the inevitable ending to the Brave Heart competition. Although Pinkie Pie was energetic and fast, she couldn't seem to focus on the lacrosse game for more than a minute or two, which was why she lost to Rainbow Dash. The final contest was between AppleJack and Rainbow Dash, and I haven't seen that kind of competivness since my days in the PLL. They eventually gave up and decided they were evenly matched, but it took about an hour of non-stop brave hearts to reach this conclusion. It was truly a great sight, the athleticism and competitivenss of the two was truly a sight to see. One after another, the games ended with a loss of course, but it would always be back and forth, both one-uping each other every game. The two mares literally, and figuratively, left everything they had on the field. That was a phrase I hadn't used or heard since my days of high school lax. It had taken some work, but I got most of the gear I brought back to my store, and easily cleaned each piece of equipment. However I decided to leave the goals at the park, for one it was easier this way, and two it was a perfect spot to go and relax when I thought about Slim. Shooting goals relieved my stress, and always took my mind off of whatever I was thinking about. It was both a pleasure and a pain to have memories of him. A pleasure that he and I were the best of friends, and pain to wake up and realize that we'd never chill again. You gotta realize that I am not, and I mean NOT, one to open up and actually articulate my feelings into words. Six years today. Six fucking years, and the only thing I can do to make today happy is play the sport that took his life. I could go on about 'how cruel life was' and 'it's not fair' and it might even seem like I have, but in all honesty I knew he died. I watched that, but I could never accept it, even if Celestia herself came to explain why he died. Looking at an old jersey, I recollected all the good times; the times he would want me, no, everyone to remember. He once told me,"When I die man, don't tell no one I was perfect; we both know that I was the spawn of Discord. I can't stand funerals where the dead, even if they were held dear to somepony, are made out to be more than they were. Don't disrespect me by doin that man.". *Theta's Bathroom, 9:00 P.M.* I looked at the stallion in the mirror, one marred with scars and hate. I owned a scar on the left side of my neck, along with one stretching from my forehead to the bottom of my cheek. These were the most obvious and plain to see scars, but underneath my clothes lay a multitude of others. Most had been gained by lacrosse related injuries, others by surgery, and a few from stupidity. They were the outcome of the decisions of my youth, keepsakes of mistakes, reminders of worse days. My body had seen better days, not saying I am overweight or out of shape, albeit I kept up a weekly workout regime that kept me somewhat in shape. I walked out of the bathroom, thinking about how I got the scar on my neck, the one that could have ended my life. It was our sixth year of indoor lacrosse, and the last game at that. I had been checked in the neck once already, but what made the second one cut me? Dirty plays, I found out after the game that the player whom hit me in the neck had put zip ties on the head of the stick, and cut them down to both be hidden and sharp. His check went high, and slashed the side of my neck. Being reckless and completely stupid, I thought nothing of it- that is until I got home. As I looked in the mirror before taking a shower I noticed that the cut was only about a centimeter from the jugular. This scared the shit out of me, and I had let out a shriek to let my family know as well(as if they cared). I remember that game for more than that scar, it was also when Slim broke his hand, punching a wall. He had been hit in his nads, and yelled "MOTHER FUCKER!" at the top of his lungs. Somehow he got kicked out of the last game of the season, that being one of my fondest memories of him, and a great thought to end the night on. (sorry this is such a short chapter, but I'm getting writers block, even as far as to not knowing where this will end up. I believe in short and to the point though, so I hope you enjoy this shorter chapter.Peace-Theta Gunner) > Party? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Theta's bedroom, 3 A.M.* I woke with a sweat, and yes, it was that memory that awoke me. His death wasn't tragic, but it was sudden. Nothing traumatic had happened. Beats the hell out of me why it always haunted my dreams. I guess I just missed him, or maybe it was his way of staying in my mind. In any case, this surely will not be the last time it wakes me up. I decide to get a glass of whiskey to both make me happier and get me back to sleep, and thank Celestia I kept a flask in my bedside table(A terrible habit, I know). The liquid went down with a sour taste, and a burning sensation that I have grown to love. "There's going to come a day when this won't help at all...",I muttered, half asleep. It was true that there would be a day when my tolerance to it would be too high, but for now a swig or two helped me when I was in trouble. The descent back into sleep was an enveloping and quick trip, one that I am lucky to have. I was on the brink of becoming an alcoholic;I'm barely bringing in an income, the game I loved and helped build was now dying, and I have yet to find a special somepony. It's an odd thing, the only time I deeply think about having a significant other is at night. Might be me, might be the drinks from earlier in the night, or maybe it's something that just happens naturally. "Damn, it's been a year here, and I don't even have a mare I'm interested in... goes to show that my parents are right. I am anti-social.", I thought malevolently. Anti-social wasn't the word I preferred, introverted was. Partially because it didn't sound like I was an outcast, and partially because most ponies either forgot or didn't know what that meant. *Theta's house, 7:00 A.M.* *Knock,Knock,Knock* "Ughhhhh", I was yet again woken from my slumber, but this time from a knock at my door. I slowly emerged from the comfort of my bed, and groggily made my way to the door. *Knock,Knock,Knock* "One second!" I shouted, half annoyed and half asleep. I opened the door to find a cyan haired mare standing eagerly at my doorstep. "Hey, Theta! We were thinking about throwing you a party... I mean if that's cool with you, cause ya know not many ponies know how chill you are. heh heh heh.", Rainbow Dash exclaimed, cheeks glowing red and eyes wandering all over. "Wha- Oh uhh yeah, that'd be pretty awesome. I've been meaning to be more...sociable, and I could use the help.", I replied, returning the nervous grin and surely through my darker skin one could see the crimson in my cheeks,"Soo yeah, any idea when it'll be?" "Honestly, no. But knowing Pinkie Pie, I'd say sometime tomorrow, at the latest. Anyway, I gotta go clear the clouds outta the sky. Catch ya later!" "Peace, don't sleep too much!", I shouted after the lazy mare. > Lid's > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Yo, this is overdue for so many reasons) "Shit, that Rainbow Dash has a nice ass, wish you could see all these women Slim.", I murmurred to myself. Today started off normally, with the exception of an invitation to a party, with me rolling out of bed, skipping breakfast, and opening up shop. One normal day ahead, nothing out of the ordinary; just me in an empty shop, regretting ever opening up this place. God damn, the game still hadn't spread to this area yet, and honestly I don't think it will anytime soon. DING DING DING. I looked up to find two fillies, no older than 10, looking at me with anticipation,"Ummm hi, we saw you the other day and were wondering what game were you playing?", one of them asked. "Well it's called lacrosse, little dude. It's real big from where I grew up. So you two want to see the crosse?", I asked in a hopeful voice. "Yes please!", the two exclaimed at the same time. "Alright", I said grabbing a maple stick from the wall,"well this is what the game is played with. It's called a stick or crosse, and it becomes an extra limb to you, should you decide to play. This netting is used to throw, catch, and control the ball. The stick itself is made from a maple tree, and has been carefully carved and bent to form the outline for the stick. Now given the game is played while running, so controlling the ball is essential; that's why it has a pocket. Now you rock it up and down in a similiar motion as one would rock a cradle back and forth. In fact it's called cradling, this allows one to be checked and still have the ball. It will take a week or two to get this down, and even then you'll still have much to learn, but it's a start.", I finished, taking a large inhale. The two looked at me dumbfounded, at a loss for words asked,"Mister, can you show us? We have no idea what you just said.", the one on the left replied. "It'd be my pleasure, dude.", I said, delighted to actually have kids interested in this sport,"So like I said, you have to cradle in the game; like this." Cradling the ball gave them a better image, but they still had a confused look on their faces,"The trick to it is to keep a strong grip with your bottom hand, and flicking your top wrist up and down. It'll take a day or two to get it down, but it's simple enough." I said, reclaiming my seat at the counter. "This is awesome! I'd love to have a stick, but I dont have any money and these look expensive.", The one on the right said, coming to the realisation that the sticks cost over 40 bits. "I tell you what, you two show these off and spread the word about the game, I'll give you the sticks and a few balls for free. But you have to promise to tell all your friends, and spread the word at school!", I exclaimed, feeling both pity and excitement. This was my chance to get my business going, and this was the age group I had to target if I wanted to get things going. "No way! Thank you sooo much Mister! We're going to go show these off right now! Oh man, our friends will be sooo jealous!", the one on the left shouted in glee. "Remember guys, don't throw inside or near windows. Throwing will take some getting used to, so dont chuck the balls as hard as you can. These things DO hurt. Take time to just practice throwing with each other. The target zone you both want to hold your stick at and want to throw is up by your head, basically just above your shoulder. Oh and I should probably give you two helmets and gloves, dont want you guys busting your nogins with the ball. That wouldn't be good for business.", I said taking out two old helmets, while not the newest, would do. They were basic white helmets, with flat face masks. These were the ones I wore back in highschool, and am amazed they still made them. For gloves, I gave them lower end gloves, ones that lacked plastic plates that gave extra padding, but hey they arent going to check each other. At least not until I get a team going. "Be careful and have fun guys! I'm expecting more customers in here!", I yelled as they left my store. Man this is finally going to take off! I can't wait to get a rec league going here. Finally something I can do in my free time, instead of just sitting on my ass. The next 3 hours were spent talking to children and adults alike about lax. This is definatley the busiest day I have had since I opened shop. Within the first hour I had sold enough to compensate for the free gear I had initially given out. Finally it's time to take my lunch break, and mannn am I hungry. Hmm I think I'll go to that cafe down the street, been itching to try it out. In a few minutes I stood in front of the Mane Street cafe, a small building with a 90's feel to it. The first step inside was a blast from the past. You get what you give by the New Radicals was playing over the lunch crowd, and everything you could think of from the 90's lined the wall. Postersof NSYNC and the BackStreet Boys, waiters dressed in baggy pants, green and black striped polos, and upside down visors were walking around, and the thing that takes me back most was the way the male employees had soul patches and the way they gelled their manes. A spikey maned waiter walked up to me,"This way, sir.", he said mechanically. He led me to a table with two seats, laying down a menu to look at. "What will you have to drink dude?", the teenager asked. "Hmm, I'll take a glass of ginger ale.", I said enthusiastically. "Right, I'll be right back with that in a sec, bro." Looking through the menu, everything was over priced. I mean everything, hell a burger alone was 9 bits. Better be damn worth the price, I mean it better be pretty damn good. "Here ya go, now can I take your order?" He said, a little upbeat. "Yeah, I'll have the haybacon cheeseburger and a side of fries. Thanks.", I replied, stomach now about to eat itself. "Comin' right up, dude!', he said walking away. I wonder what Rainbow Dash is up to... hopefully I'll see her tonight. > What's next? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I get started, let me say this; This story is indefinitely cancelled. The reason being, well theres no use for it, I intertwined it with my other story...However this chapter is what Theta is thinking when he finds Torque(Read the Igniting Hope if ya want to understand) The day before me, is as usual, moving slower than ever. Turning my head, I quickly glanced over at the clock, and noticed it had only been an hour between when Rainbow Dash had knocked on my door and now. Well, shit...Celestia, can't you move you're day any faster?!?/color] With the shop completely empty, I decide that I might as well close up early and just go back to sleep for a while. Locking the front door, I made sure to flip the sign as well and close the blinds on the windows. I took a slow walk towards the stairs, and I notice my old team picture sitting on the front desk. Damnit man, thought I'd forget you so soon? Walking up to the counter, I quickly snatch up the picture and place it in my pocket. With that said and done, I continued to the stairs and got back in bed. *BEEP**BEEP**BEEP**SLAM* Making sure to come down with force, I basically bitch slapped the alarm clock to make it shut up. Just like women... "Oh shit, it's four forty-five! I'm going to be late if I don't hurry my ass now!," Shooting up, I slipped on my shoes and ran out the door. I bolted straight for Sugar Cube Corner, and within minutes, reached my destination. I opened the door to find the mane six all around, partying their flanks off. "Hey! It's Theta everypony! Over here Theta silly!," Pinkie pie hollered from across the room. I walked to where they all stood, and was greeted by happy faces and waves. "Sup, dudes." "Nothin' much Theta, just being awesome!," Rainbow Dash answered right away. "Ah reckon Ah'm doin mighty fine, Theta!," Apple Jack retorted, noticeably trying to out pride Rainbow. "Yes, us ladies are all doing positively amazing, Theta dear.," Rarity elegantly replied. Fluttershy and Twilight just nodded their heads, and went back to business as usual. The rest of the night was pretty crazy...well as crazy as you can get in a small town like this, and when everyone settled down, we all sat at a table. Rainbow Dash, unbeknownst to us all, had spiked the punch with whiskey. "So*hic* So, you girrrrs prohtect Equestriaaa fromm dangirrss?," I asked, slurring heavily. "We uzee the powhers of frienddidship to stoppped the evile doers!," Twilight replied. "That's*hic* Thaatts amazingable!" Apple Jack, whom had been suspicious of the punch, was the most sober of all of us, and decided to get some answers. "So Theta, y'all are new in town...why the big change? Ah mean y'all are from a big city, why move out here?" "Yeah!*hic* Where are you from! You aren't a spy are you?," RD chimed in, she obviously was handling her booze better than most of us. "OOHHHH pwease te-tell uzz Theta!," Pinkie Pie yelled out. I felt cornered, and had been reminded of why I moved out here in the first place;Slim. "Dyyy, um well I wa-wanted to for-for-forget, yeah thatz is forget! my buddyyy whom dieddd years and years and years and yearrrrrrrrrrrz ago!," I slurred, not even registering what I had said. It took a few seconds, but I finally realized what I had said, and got up without a word. I walked to the door, shouted "GREAT PARTY!" and walked out into the brisk fall night. Shit, I need a smoke...wheres my pack of cigs?Oh yeah, I haven't smoked in years...Hey cool I found a lighter! I reached down to pick up the lighter, and found that it worked, took it and ran to the park to chill out before I head home. Arriving at the park, I saw a dark figure on my favourite bench, and decided to approach the strange pony. Hey he's got cig's! Maybe he'll spare one... So yeah, that's where I'm cutting it off. Thanks for reading, check Igniting hope if you want to read on. I know the tenses are fucked up and words aren't spelled correctly...Truth is, it's my last chapter in this story and I'm tired as fuck from working out. So I might fix it up later, might not...anyway peace! -Theta Gunner