> Warrior Cats: The Fifth Clan > by Luna Plays Minecraft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bluestar, why have you called us here?" A black she cat asked. "I will tell you when everyone has arrived." Bluestar replied. Two more cats came out of the mist. "Leopardstar, Nightstar. It's always good to see you." Bluestar said respectfully. "Same to you. I trust you have a good reason for calling us?" Leopardstar said. "Yes. It is very important, and will affect every clan." Bluestar told them. "Well don't leave us in suspense, what is it?" Tallstar appeared behind her. "Well since everyone is here, I will begin. As I said, this will affect every clan. Many strange cats will come from a different land. We must teach them our ways, and they will become a new clan, Lightclan." Bluestar said. "You all must go and tell each clan of what is to come." All five cats sat there, thinking about what was going to come. "Did you just make up the name Lightclan?" Leopardstar asked. "Yes..." Bluestar said. "Now go, and do what I told you!" Bluestar said. All of the cats walked away, grumbling. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "All right girls, one more time, and I promise not to mess up again." Twilight Sparkle said to the other five ponies. She focused on her teleportation spell, teleporting them out of the Everfree and aiming for Canterlot. Well, she failed. Twilight hiccuped during the spell and caused a bunch of ponies to end up unconscious in a forest. Fluttershy woke up first. She looked around. Unconscious cats littered the ground- wait, cats? "Oh my..." Fluttershy said and passed out again. Princess Celestia woke up next. When she saw all of the ponies that had been turned into cats, she did the thing any responsible ruler would do. She panicked. When Twilight woke up and saw the princess freaking out about everyone being cats, she went over to comfort her. "Princess it's alright! There must be a logical answer to all of this." Twilight said. "Logical answer? Twilight, i'm a cat! Your a cat! EVERYPONY'S A CAT!" Celestia yelled. "Tia, you need to calm yourself. I'm sure everything will be alright." Luna soothed her sister. "Your right. My apologies for acting that way. I need to go calm down. That means Twilight is in charge. Am I not right here? Luna thought. "Alright I wont let you down princess." The lavender colored cat said. She watched the rainbow and white cat leave, before yelling, "EVERYPONY WAKE UP!" When all of the kitty ponies were awake, Twilight spoke. "Alright. You may have noticed that everypony has been turned into cats, but don't worry, i'm sure the princesses are working on the solution as we speak." Meanwhile.... Celestia snored loudly under a tree. Back With The Others.... Twilight was about to make up more lies about everything being alright, when there was a flash. Hundreds of starry cats appeared before them. Twilight stared in awe. "Greetings. We are the cats of Starclan. You have been summoned here for a reason, and that reason is to become the fifth clan of the forest." The cats said as one. Twilight swore she heard a squee from somewhere. "All will become clearer soon. But first, you must go to the island in the center of the lake tonight and speak to the four clans. They know why you are here and can help." All of the Starclan cats said. "Until we meet again, descendants of the cats of the old forest." They finished and disappeared with a flash. "Did any of you guys catch any of that? Cause I didn't." Twilight said. "I think they said we were descendants of some cats from some old forest." Rainbow Dash said. She was a cyan cat with a rainbow tail and paws. "I believe they also said something about meeting some cats at an island tonight." Rarity, a white and purple cat said. Just then, Princess Celestia came back. "What did I miss?" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight led the group of catified ponies to the lake, where a fallen tree lay as a pathway from the shore to the island. When the princesses figured out that the sun and moon moved on their own, they were dumbstruck. They had to be pretty much dragged to the island. "Will I have to speak for you again, or can you be big mares now?" Twilight asked the princesses. "Hmmm... You will have to do it." Celestia said. Twilight sighed and led the group of cats across the tree bridge. The kittens who were once the cutie mark crusaders had to be carried across so that they did not fall in. Derpy was not so lucky, and Doctor Whooves had to fish her out of the water. But the group of cats eventually made it to the island, and met a very large group of cats. "Greetings. We have been expecting you. I am Bramblestar, leader of Thunderclan. And this is Onestar, leader of Windclan, Mistystar, leader of Riverclan, and Blackstar, leader of Shadowclan." The brown tabby said. "Uhh... Its nice to meet you all. I am Twilight Sparkle and we really need help getting home. And we have some questions too." Twilight said. "Starclan told us you would want help. They also wanted us to teach you the way of the warrior code." Bramblestar said. "Come back to Thunderclan with us, and we will help you." He turned to the other clan leaders. "This gathering is over, is it not?" Bramblestar said and leaped down from the branch he had been sitting on. He flicked his tail to motion for his cats to come. "Follow me." He told the pony cats and ran to the tree bridge. The Thunderclan cats and the newcomers followed Bramblestar back to Thunderclan camp. "Hi!" A golden colored tom said to Rainbow Dash. "Uh, hi." She said nervously. "So, excuse my manners, but why are you all so strangely colored?" The tom asked her. "I don't know. Why are you so dull colored?" She retorted. "Whatever. My names Lionblaze, what's yours?" He said. "Rainbow Dash." she replied. "Thats an... interesting name." He said. "LIONBLAZE,GET OVER HERE!" a gray she cat yelled. "Thats Cinderheart. she can be a bit crabby at times, but she's still really nice. I gotta go. See ya Rainbow Dash!" He said and went over to Cinderheart. He's cute... I mean, for a cat. Squee. "We are here." Bramblestar announced, leading them through a thorn tunnel into the Thunderclan camp. Lots of cats came out to ask about what happened at the gathering and about who the newcomers were. It was overwhelming. "Alright," Bramblestar began. "Lets get everyone acquainted, and then i'm going to sleep." Bramblestar said, and called a clan meeting. > Cancelled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second story I have cancelled in a month. It is so sad D: Anywayyyyys I cancelled this story because, A, I completely HATE writing this type of story. B, I do not see it going anywhere. and C, I have three other stories that I am working on too. But don't worry, I'm terrible at keeping my promises ;)