> A Blind Bard > by way2dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What a Graceful Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, are you awake? Helloooo?” A voice pierced the darkness. A young male's voice. “Dude, wake up. Are you alright?” A tap on the shoulder got a response out of me. A moan. My eyes were closed and I was lying facedown in the grass. “Would you be alright if you woke up outside, when you know you went to sleep inside your own bed? and why are your fingernails so sharp?” I retorted toward the voice, rolling over to do so. Sitting up was something I did every morning, so, doing so from lying on the ground was no problem. I reached my hand up from supporting my weight from my sitting position to remove whatever was on my face, and stopped. There was nothing there. “Kid,” I started. “Spike,” The boy interrupted, “My name is Spike.” “Alright, Spike” I resumed, slightly annoyed at what I thought was a male, “Can you remove whatever is covering my eyes?” I indicated to my face, at eye level to show where I meant. “Umm, mister? You are a mister, right?” He started. I nodded in affirmation somewhat confused. How did he not know that I was a guy? Isn’t he a guy as well? “There’s nothing covering your eyes… is that bad?” Spike’s voice just echoed, I did not even register his question. My brain tried to process the info and only met with failure. "I can’t see..." I started, muttering to myself."If I can't see, and there's nothing covering my eyes, that must mean... I'm blind." My voice had become a hoarse whisper by the time I had finished that sentence. Spike shuffled around nervously, or at least I thought he did from the sound of his feet. Soon, he got my attention by snapping his finger in front of my face. I looked forward. “Alright then, just stay here, I’m going to go get a friend who can help you. STAY here.” Spike’s voice echoed, two feet jogging, or at least I thought it was jogging, from how his feet were making noises on the ground. His last command seemed as if he knew what he was doing, so I just took that as a sign to lie on my back and collect my thoughts. "Alright, it seems as if I was put here by an unknown party. I know that last night I was able to see. The date is 4/28. Or at least is SHOULD be. Whats that? Oh, its a bird. What a pretty... song? The birds know actual tunes? I thought they just warbled and... a brook? Is that water?" I almost ran towards the water, but when I got up, I fell forward, pain searing through my left ankle. reaching back, I felt my ankle and ran my hand along my skin. I wasn't bleeding, but I probably had a sprain or twisted it. either way, I wasn’t walking again for at least a small while. The fact that my sight had left me had registered in my head at some point, and now, my other senses were working overtime. I could feel the ground beneath me through my hands and feet. I could hear the birds and brook, I could smell animals nearby. Most likely squirrels or something like that. Then I thought of something. Where the heck am I? "Lets see... its warm, but its a fall-warm. That means either its cold out or, I am in the southern hemisphere. There's..." I focused on my hearing and could hear clip-clops and voices in the distance. "Either there is some sort of clog festival, or there's a LOT of horses here, I’m going with the latter. Holland is NOT in the southern hemisphere. and how could someone drag a sleeping body through airport security? Let alone me sleep through take off? Impossible." I once again reasoned, getting slightly worried as the evidence didn't stack up except for the fact that the local townsfolk probably noticed a body being dragged nearby and being left behind. "Now, I can barely move, I can feel the sun overhead, and I feel like a load of poo. I’m going to sleep" I stated to the brook and the birds before nodding off. Soon, the sound of a horse in a rapid canter was coming my way. By the time the noise was near, I heard a female voice, probably the friend that spike was going to get. In anticipation I sat up, grateful that the kid came through for me. “Spike? Where is this creature? I don’t see it. Can you show me where it-is? If you don’t mind, that is?” The female voice asked. She sounded worried, and somewhat frightened. Spike’s voice resonated in response, sounding sure of himself. “It’s over here, Fluttershy!” He yelled back to this ‘Fluttershy’ person. What an awkward name. Doesn’t sound like any American name… Hey dude!, I thought I told you to stay still…” Spike told me, earning a sigh too old for how young he sounded, as if he was used to unusual events happening. All I could say in reply was “Sorry” “How are you?” Fluttershy asked, riding her horse right up in front of me. This surprised and scared me. Somehow her voice came from the horse’s mouth as it was nosing my body gently, it's soft nose pressing up against my arm, I chalked it up to being a ventriloquist. Looking to where the rider would be, I continued. “Well, besides waking up in the middle of a field or park, I seem to have twisted or sprained my ankle. I’m ravenously hungry and could really go for a drink of water.” I concluded. I think I surprised her by being able to diagnose myself in such a manner, being blind only confirmed my case. “Well, besides those things, you seem to be just fine. Though with your ape-ish stature, I doubt you can make it very far if we tried moving you with that ankle of yours.” Fluttershy started to say. Before she continued, I almost interjected with a comment about being 'ape-ish'... isnt she human too? “That may be fine and dandy, Miss Fluttershy. But isn't there any way to get me to a body of water to get something to drink?” I queried, before my hand was guided to a cool metal cylinder. I blankly stared at it and wondered what it was. I was told it was water. Upon hearing those words, I greedily drank out of the metal, and realized that it was likely a thermos, being careful to not let it spill down the front of my person. Taking a deep breath after downing the thermos, I just sat there while someone circled me, counter-clockwise. I tried to follow their motions with my ears, and after a small while of that, a question popped into my mind. “What’re you doing?” I asked, still tracking their movements as they switched directions and continued, now in a clockwise manner, something was off, though. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. As they stopped in front of me, a small force opened my jaw. The force didn’t come from a hand though, it came from something else, like a stub hard outer shell with a warm indented center... the outer portion felt reminiscent of a fingernail, or... it hit me. A HOOF. Slightly shaking my head to get the hoof from my head, whatever was holding my face backed up. A four beat walk, like a horse, a voice coming where an animal’s head would be, and to top it all off, a hoof opened my mouth. I didn’t want to admit it, but the evidence stacked in favor of Fluttershy being a horse, or for the size of her hoof, a pony. “Fluttershy, I feel fine for now, I need to ask you and Spike some questions if you'd be so kind to answer.” The girl, or should I say mare, gave her consent by sitting in front of me, if my ears weren't lying to me. “Sorry, Fluttershy, but I need this. I need to know i’m not crazy.” I apologised quickly. Spike’s two beat footsteps gave way to another thump. He’d probably sat down. I turned to the noise. “You too, I need to ask you some things later. Just, lets make sure I’m not in crazyville first.” I chuckled at my own joke while unless you count the sounds of the nature around us, my saviors were silent. I took this as a good sign to start. “Now, what I am alludes you, correct? I’m a human, a RELATIVE of the apes. Thank you for not calling me a monkey. I am related to monkeys and apes, but that’s not pertinent at this moment. What IS pertinent, though, is that you are not one of my species. Neither of you are.” All Fluttershy could do is give a small 'eep', and Spike whistled gently off to the side, clearly impressed. Fluttershy was the first to question me. “But how-” I interrupted her and pointed at my ears. “I heard you talk about apes. Also, if you WERE human, both of you would’ve known I was a male. When spike first met me, he didn’t know that.” I explained quickly, and Spike gave a small “Hmm...” before speaking. “That makes sense. Twilight would love to speak to you sometime.” At that statement I gagged. “Twilight?” I sputter out. Spike just repeats himself. “Yeah, Twilight Sparkle” At this I almost lost myself laughing. “If you only knew...” I darkly murmured to my shoes as I pushed myself back to a sitting position, thinking of that awful series. “Yeah, she’s the local librarian. Maybe you can see her sometime or maybe she can see you?” I thought he was asking Fluttershy for permission, but I couldn't tell the answer. “NOW! Back to the topic at hand. Fluttershy, I have no idea what you are, besides being a quadruped, being an ungulate, and well, nothing else. What are you?” Spike was the one to speak up, after grabbing my attention. “She’s a pony” Was all that spike gave as a reply. He said that so naturally, like if I was saying ‘I’m American!’ or something like that. He was pulling my leg. “Sorry. Nope, shes not a pony.” Was all I said. I heard a small growl and felt the scaly hand grab my hand and guide it forward, knocking me over into a crawling position. Fluttershy just went ‘EEP!’ again as my hand touched a soft limb, connecting to a cold hoof. As I ran my hand on the limb, my mind was going haywire. All I could think of was a quote from one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.’ Soon afterwards, I just sat back, and did nothing. “Well, thanks Spike.” I said to the scaly-handed kid “You’re a pony then eh, ‘Shy?” I chuckled “Spike, how far up does ‘Shy’s back reach?” I asked him. After thinking a moment and making an “Ummmm” noise, he spoke. “Fluttershy’s back reaches about your shoulder level. Maybe a bit higher. Her head is higher up than yours though.” He eventually said. “And that leads me to my second question. Fluttershy, could I lean on you to get to a patch of softer ground, preferably in the shade? All these revelations tired me out.” I managed to get out before yawning. “Sure, I don’t mind, here, put your hands on my back.” Fluttershy offered and moved her way in front of me. Rocking forward, and getting on all four limbs, I gently extend my hand and feel around, tapping Fluttershy. What I felt didn’t feel like hair or fur though, it felt like bone. Running my hand along the limb, which I was SURE normal ponies didn’t have, I felt feathers, and was now afraid. “Spike? I thought you said Fluttershy was a pony?.” Was all that I could say. He quickly returned with an answer. “Yeah, she’s a Pegasus pony. Aren’t there pegasi where you’re from?” he returned. “Well, no. Pegasi, are myths, great big horses with 30 foot wings, or something to that effect.” I responded to my bipedal companion. Spike walked over to me and held my hands, moving them away from Fluttershy’s wing. I guess he was worried i’d go into ‘denial mode’ again. He spoke again. “Fluttershy, fold your wings. I’ll move his hands away from them. He doesn’t seem comfortable around ‘em.” Was all he said while moving my hands to my right, away from that bone. Soon my hands were moving, off Fluttershy’s back to the left, probably avoiding her wing, to where her shoulder should be. Getting a grip on her back, I moved and found my footing on the ground, not before leaning into Fluttershy, which she thankfully leaned against, making for a very soft post to lean on. After standing, and while leaning against Fluttershy, we slowly made our way to a spot, in which I was told to sit down. “Mister?” Fluttershy spoke for the first time in a small span of time. “Yeah? What’s up?” I calmly responded, my brain was practically fried, but it had enough sense to be polite. “Do you want a pillow?” She sweetly asked me. All I could do was smile. “Yes please.” Was all I said. I was told to lean back. I did so, and lo-and behold, I had a small soft, furry pillow. Spike was too scaly, so it was probably Fluttershy. “I’m sorry for freaking out about your wing.” I meekly apologized to the sweet pegasus I was using as a pillow. She chuckled and I spoke again. “If you’re a pegasus, that means there’s more, right?” I got another affirmation. “If I’m going to stay here a while whilst I recover, I have to get used to those wings. Can I see yours?” A second later, after a bit of shuffling, something was draped over me. It was her left wing. “Thanks”, Was all I could say before taking it into my hand and feeling the bones, feathers, and muscle along the extra limb. Soon though, my attention dwindled as my mind told my body ‘You’re tired’ and soon I was asleep again. Before I fell asleep though, Fluttershy had mentioned that Spike left to go get 'applejack' and 'big mac'. I hope she meant booze and a burger...doubt it. > Hospital Visits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up once again. confused as to where I was, I remembered the previous events, such as meeting Spike and Fluttershy. she seemed nice enough, although I do wish I could see. I at least want to know what my saviors look like. I sighed and muttered to myself. “As if that's going to happen...” I guess I was a bit too loud, Fluttershy was twisting around. I guess I woke her up. “G’day, sleepy.” I chuckled to the pegasus who had her wing draped over me like a blanket. I examined my surroundings through my limited senses. the air was still warm, so it wasn't night, but this is going to be a problem. I need to be with someone at all times, or I won't survive in this world. let alone tell time. Moving Fluttershy's wing off me and just placing it on the ground and moving aside. I sat up against a tree, after crawling around and bumping into one. I could hear a cart in the distance, and quite a few feet or hooves to go along with it. “Fluttershy, is Spike back?” I asked my friend. or at least I hoped she thought of me as a friend and not some helpless animal. soon I got a quiet “Mhmm” and a few steps later, Fluttershy was back next to me, lying on the ground to my left her wing outstretched on my lap, and I again began to play with it, feeling the muscle, the bones, and running my hands through her feathers. she must like that feeling. I hope it isn't a stimulating spot for her... I shuddered at the thought. I didn't want to explain some things. As the cart arrived, I could hear a few voices in the distance, one of them being Spike. “Remember, he’s blind. He’ll look in your direction, but he might freak out at either of you. He freaked out TWICE at Fluttershy. Once for being a pony, another for being a pegasus.” Spike seemed to narrate my last fully conscious memories to a few strangers. Hope they're friendly enough. The cart stopped nearby, and something was either attached or detached. Spike walked up near me and I looked in his direction, eyes closed and smiling, I gave a small wave directly in front of me to show that I was indeed conscious and not sleeping. “Well, that's a pleasant change” he stated “I didn't have to wake you up.” he chuckled and I grinned even more. “Howdy stranger,” A female voice that was different than Fluttershy’s. The voice spoke up, somewhere in front of me. “Ah’m Applejack. Spike here told me that y’all needed sompony’s help getting outta here. Now how’re we going t’ do this thing?” the one called Applejack stated bluntly. “Why hello miss Applejack, how are you this fine day?” I countered I held out my hand in an attempt to start off a positive relationship with her. She took my hand and awkwardly shook it up and down a few times. Just through shaking her hoof I could tell that Applejack was indeed a pony. What type, -as Fluttershy and Spike had implied earlier, by saying PEGASUS pony, instead of just pony- I still did not know. “Well, ah’m just fine and dandy, mister.” Applejack responded with a cheery demeanor. “Now my question is that, well, how’re you gonna get into my cart here with that banged up leg o’ yours?” She raised a valid point. An idea came to my head. “Miss Applejack I don't know how far away you are, but I’d give myself a few lengths of distance, I don't want to hurt anyone by mistake.” I calmly replied to my new companion. I poked Fluttershy to full consciousness, she stilled ,and retracted her wing. I asked her to move away for a moment, and after waiting a second for her to move away I turned to my left, putting both hands on the ground. Twisting my back, I braced my good foot against the ground and supported my upper body against the tree. After a few moments and awkward shuffles gradually working my way upright, still using this tree as a support. A whistle came from the direction of Applejack before she started speaking again. “That's a mighty neat trick you got yerself pardner. I don’t think I’d be able t’ do something like that while blind.” Applejack complimented. I just nodded my head. "Spike here told me how y'all struggled to git t' this here tree from a small bit away. I gots a better idea.” The new pony simply stated before moving behind me. ducking under my legs, something moderately stiff, like a piece of tough fabric, gave to the pressure on my person, but my knees gave into Applejack's wish and I sat heavily upon the little pony. ‘Dang, she must be strong! I mean, I just landed on a little pony with all my weight.’ was all I could think before she started walking away, with me on her back. Fluttershy stayed in step with us to our left. After a few seconds, Applejack slowed down to a halt, and as I moved to get off her back, I felt that there were no bones on her back that gave the placement of wings. After dismounting, hopping slightly to regain my balance, I asked Applejack a question. “Hey, Applejack? what type of pony are you? I know you’re not a pegasus, you’ve got no wings." I questioned her. “Ahm an Earth pony. We’ve got no wings, but we sure do have some incredible stamina and strength! Not to mention, most of us have a 'green hoof'.” The mare next to me retorted, seemingly offended (or annoyed) for some reason. "Now lets git y'all onto this cart." she pounded on something made of wood. Fluttershy nudged me forward, and led me to to my right. I searched around for a bit and found the wood almost right beside me. I asked them if it was the cart. another voice popped up, and gave a deep, baritone of a voice in reply a small distance away. if this was the back of the cart, the voice came from the front. meaning I was directly behind it. I froze in fear. "What was that?" Was all I could muster out before getting a nudge from Applejack. Even without speaking, I could tell the difference between the two mares. Fluttershy just barely grazed me while Applejack almost knocked me over. "That's mah older brother, Big Macintosh. Nicest stallion you'll ever meet. Don't expect too many words from him though. He's wha' some call a stallion of few words." "Thanks Applejack." I must have visibly relaxed, because I received a few softer pats from Applejack. After asking how far up the platform was, the answer I received was encouraging. the cart's hatch was somewhere around 4 feet off the ground. turning so my back was facing the cart, I boosted myself onto the cart so I was sitting on the ledge and my feet were dangling freely below me. Scooting backward, toward the front of the cart, I soon hit the wood bracer. A thump directed in front of me caught my attention, and Fluttershy, along with Spike were in the cart. Or at least, that's what I was told. Fluttershy's body soon was next to me and Spike was contently lying on my lap, after asking permission. Once he lied down, I had to ask him. This was starting to bug me. "Spike? what're you? You never told me earlier." The not-kid contemplated my question, probably trying to put into words I could understand. "Are you afraid of lizards?" He asked. I shook my head. "Good. I'm a dragon." The dragon said coolly. I thought about it. I wanted a small amount of proof. He told me to run my hand along his back. I almost did as I was told, but right as I was about to do that, I decided against it. I had to learn to trust these creatures. Dragon OR pony. Applejack's voice came from the right, and below me. She must be outside the cart. "Sorry 'bout this y'all, but I got to get ready for cider season." my head perked up when hearing 'cider'. Applejack gave a chuckle. "You n' Dash are going to get along juuuuust fine, mister." Applejack chuckled a bit more before trotting away, probably to an apple orchard. What other ciders are there? "Where to?" Mac queried from behind me. Fluttershy spoke. "Um. to Ponyville infirmary- if you don't mind." Was all that was said, before a small lurch and an "Eeyup" from Mac. The cart ride was slightly bumpy, but it sure beat walking. Or in my case, limping. Soon the background noise of hooves and voices increased, and then a scream. The pegasus next to me sighed, and Fluttershy asked to be let down, and when Mac stopped, Fluttershy and Spike hopped off the cart and started his trek through what I thought was this 'Ponyville'. "We're here." Was all Mac said before a jingling of chains was all I could hear. Soon a set oh heavy hooves walked around the cart and I started to dismount. When I was sitting on the edge, mac stepped forward and stopped me with his head, and spoke. "You can't walk. Let me carry y'." I was happy to oblige. As I got off the cart, my foot hit Mac's back and I soon adjusted myself onto his back. he was quite a bit taller than Applejack, though by how much, I didn't know. being slightly disoriented, I leaned forward and grabbed Mac around the base of his neck. Similarly to how a person would hold onto a horse riding bareback. Not at all phased at my actions, Mac walked away. A few moments later I heard a bell jingle, then a soft voice. "Mr. Macintosh! What are you doing! The flower sisters say there's a monster ou-" The voice cut off. Seeing as the only strange thing these ponies knew next to nothing about was me, the 'monster' was probable also me. Mac cleared his throat. "Nnope. Miss Redheart, he couldn't hurt a fly, let alone hit it even if he wanted t'." He chuckled at his own joke "Why would that be Mr. Macintosh?" she warily replied. I could hear the uncertanty in her voice, as opposed to the fear from a moment ago "He's blind. This one also hurt himself." I gave him my thanks. A few slow hoofsteps closer to me, and someone, I assumed Nurse Redheart, walked up to our left. I looked in her general direction with the sightless orbs in my head. for a few moments, nothing was said. "Well then," Nurse Redheart finally broke the silence. "take him into room 3. I'll be with him shortly." Mac took a turn to the left, and then another left. Stopping and allowing me to dismount, Mac guided me to bed and helped me into it, which thankfully, was not too small for me to lie in. It also had a few pillows, and a nice sheet.The room itself was eerily quiet, and it smelled like disinfectant. I felt trapped, but I knew this was for my own good, and that I could put up with a day of it. "Nurse Redheart is the kindest pony in Ponyville, aside from Fluttershy. She'll take good care o' you. I’ll see ya around then." Mac had just spoken the longest phrases i think anypony's heard him speak, on my behalf, before he left the room. A few minutes passed in agonizing silence before someone else entered my room as i turned to face them. "Now, can you understand me?" the entrant asked. It was Redheart or, at least i thought it was.. I decided to not be a smartass. "Yes. Are you Nurse Redheart?" was all that I said. Scratching, like that of a pencil on a piece of paper, ensued. Redheart confirmed her identity, then a torrent of questions followed. Thankfully they were all medically related. The last question she asked was if she had permission to touch my person, and injured ankle. I gave it to her. A few minutes of prodding and poking, along with lots of scribbling commenced. After round 1 of 'poke n' prod' she started asking more questions about my general health. Eventually my stomach growled. All I could do was weakly chuckle. "Sorry ' bout that." Nurse Redheart asked me to open my mouth and I complied. After a few moments, she explained that if I was a carnivore she couldn't feed me. After seeing my molars though, she explained, she thought that I was an omnivore. I nodded in agreement. "So, what does your species eat in plant matter?" I answered that I didn't know what ponies ate, but her answer to my question to what ponies ate was highly encouraging. "Do you have any apples?" I asked hopefully. Redheart thankfully said that she had a few apples left. Somewhere. Redheart excused herself to grab a couple apples. Once again, the silence regained it's grip on the room. I got bored, and started to quietly sing a tune. One that came to mind, of a girl who was far away from home, and she didn't know anyone nearby. Through the years and far away Far beyond the milky way See the shine that never blinks The shine that never fades Thousand years and far away Far beyond the silky way You're the shine that never blinks The shine that never dies. A strange noise filled my ears. if I had to compare it, it would be to two coconut halves being roughly slapped together. The rhythm of them was akin to clapping though. a moment later, a few ponies walked into the room. "Well, mister, y'all din' tell us you had a set of pipes on you." Applejack's familiar voice spread throughout the room. "That was lovely." Fluttershy's soft voice continued the compliment. "Who're you?" A new voice permeated the room. The voice scoffed. "You don't look dangerous. Even if you DID have your eyesight." I laughed at this new voice and it's judgement of me. "How are you miss? What are you called?" I asked the newcomer, interested in her reaction to my lack of aggression. "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria, and only pony to have pulled off a sonic rainboom!" The pony boasted. "Rainbow Dash. huh. are you a pegasus, perchance?" I asked her "Yeah, how'd you know that? are you REALLY blind? Or are you a spy?" I couldn't tell exactly where she was, but I could tell she didn't exactly trust me. "YOU told me you were 'the fastest FLYER in... where, again?" I thought I was hearing things. Dash repeated herself. "Equestria. And I guess that makes sense.” Dash stated, as if I was dumb or something ‘of course, in a land where the most numerous species is the pony, their land’s name is 'Equestria' I thought to myself “I’m warning you, I've got my eye on you." Dash paused. "well that's what I would normally say, but seeing as you can't even see yourself, I won't need to do that. My friends probably have you covered there." I just chuckled at her joke. "Ummm, sir? what was that song? I've never heard of it before. what's it called?" Redheart asked moving inside the room after Dash's little interrogation. Eventually my room was filled with ponies. Rainbow Dash was to my left, Redheart was at my right, scratching away about something, and Applejack was at the foot of my bed, and upon entering the room, I could tell she had brought something in a bag. she passed it to redheart, who passed it to me. Feeling a paper bag, I reached inside and found some sort of non perfect orbs. I took one out and sniffed it. nothing. I held the orb and pointed to it. I was told that I was holding an apple. My jaw dropped. My next question was about the different breeds and varieties of apples in the bag. I was told that there were Braeburn, Golden Delicious, Obelisk, Akane, and a few Hauer Pippin. The Pippins were the best. I saved a few apples for tomorrow morning, I knew I was going to need them. After devouring the apples and placing the cores back into the bag, I addressed Redheart’s pervious question. “well, Nurse Redheart, that was a song from where i’m from. its called ‘Through the Years and Far Away’. Unfortunately, I cannot remember who wrote it.” Before I could get another word out, Fluttershy, who’d been hiding somewhere, landed on my couch and snuggled up next to me, and extended her wings. this time, curiously, it was her right wing, not her left. “Fluttershy?” I got a muffled response, “Why do you insist on having me goof around with your wings?” Suddenly she folded her wing and nudged me with what I think was her head. “Do you not want to play with my wings?- Sorry, but I thought-” I didn't want her getting all sad and such (my previous job tried to prevent that), so I stopped her. “No, Fluttershy, thats not it. Just, is there another reason, other than helping me not get freaked out?” For a moment there was no sound, but soon, I felt her face, still against my body, heat up. She was blushing. I think. “Well, you’re a lot better than I am at preening, and when you play with my wings, I can tell which have feeling in them and which don’t a lot better when you play with them for some reason.” I thought that there was more to it, but I let the topic drop. I told Fluttershy to lie back down, she complied, and I once again took her wing, and this time went through each feather and player with each. A clock rang somewhere and Nurse Redheart, who’d been scratching all the while,cane back to her senses and got our attentions with a few claps of her hooves. “Alright everypony, this stallion-" Redheart started “man” I interrupted.”I am a man. Mare is to woman, Stallion is to man.” Redhart caught on, and adjusted her phrase. “This MAN need his sleep. Everypony can see him tomorrow morning.” She corrected, putting emphasis on man, for my sake. As Dash, and Applejack said their goodbyes and left, Fluttershy made no move to get up and leave, so I continued to play around with the same section of wing. Redheart cleared her throat, and probably motioned for Fluttershy to leave. “Nurse, is it alright if Fluttershy stays for the night? And can I get some aspirin or something?” Nurse Redheart was silent, then spoke. “If I hear anything from down the hall in my office, you’re leaving, got it, missy?” Fluttershy cringed slightly and spoke again to me. “Sorry, I don't know what aspirin is, but if your hoof looks better tomorrow, I’ll let you go into her custody.” I nodded and thanked the nurse. she then proceeded to walk out of my room down the hall. Soon, a bit later after some more preening, Fluttershy folded her wing and told me to get some sleep, she said I had a busy day tomorrow. I agreed to go to sleep on one condition, which was I sing a song. I felt a nudge to proceed and I began to hum, for this song had no lyrics. I Hummed Zelda’s Lullaby. Soon my fine feathered friend dozed off. I decided to follow suit, my hands still on her wing. > Prim and Proper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy has been moving around a while. She was probably trying to readjust herself while trying not to disturb me. The time was perfect. I rolled over, toward the pegasus and flopped my other arm over her body. A small squeak and the stillness of her body had confirmed my suspicions, Fluttershy was trying to get up and move away from me for some reason or another. "Mister?" Fluttershy tried to 'wake' me up. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so I opened my eyes , gave what I hoped was a goofy smile and let her go. She just lied there, probably unsure of where to go from this point. Neither did I, but my stomach sure did, it growled at me to go get some food, and that meant more apples. Trying to find and eventually succeeding ay getting my bag of apples, I held a few apples out to Fluttershy. She took 2 out of the 3 that I had offered, and we ate our food in relative silence. Soon after finishing, nurse Redheart strolled into my room, her hoof steps confusing me for a moment, because of the spring in her step (probably from the sleep she got last night), before she reintroduced herself. "Mr. human. Thanks for waking up." Fluttershy hopped off my bed and Redheart took my sheet off of me. After round 2 of 'poke ' n prod', Redheart deemed me well enough to be discharged in Fluttershy's care. After a few moments, and the scratching of more paper, I was told that everything was set, and that I should get up and out of bed. Swinging my feet off the bed, and putting my feet down, I stood up. This time, the pain in my foot was at least tolerable enough to walk to a new location. Fluttershy was on my left, and using her head as a guide, we slowly made our was outdoors. Walking outdoors, was a small difference than taking two rights and a straight, flat, path of the infirmary. Ponyville's streets were made if cobblestone, and not just once but a few times, I had to stop and regain my composure. And balance. “Fluttershy? quick question. Do I smell?” I hesitantly asked the mare that was allowing me to use her as a crutch. I needed a cane, or a walking stick. Fluttershy turned her head, and gave me a small nudge.I kneeled down so that she could get a better view and smell of me. “I’m sorry, but, you kind of DO smell. -sorry- also, your clothes are in tatters. We are visiting my friends after all, so I guess its time to see Rarity” Fluttershy seemed to say more to herself than me. “Rarity, huh, well let’s go!” I posed in the classic “go that way” stance, only to have Fluttershy tug and nudge me until I was pointed another direction. This was going to be tough without eyesight. We walked for a few minutes before being redirected up a few steps and presumably into a shop. The sound of the floor beneath my feet was more of a woody sound, rather thab cobblestone. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Where everything is chique cheque and magnific. My name is Rarity, how may I help you. Oh! Fluttershy! How are you? Who is this... creature?" This voice seemed to be nearby. "Oh, Rarity, this man here needs some new clothes. Could you help him out?" Fluttershy was pleading on my behalf. Rarity didn't seem to know that I wasn't a pony. Let's see how she reacts to me. "Hello miss Rarity. It is an honour to be in your shop. Carousel Boutique, was it? Do you make stallion's as well?" I called out to Rarity. a new set of hooves made it's way toward me. Eventually the hooves stopped and Rarity's voice started again. Rarity seemed to be a pony. "Hello Fluttershy. How are you? Now, where is this stallion I was just talking to? And why is one of your animals here in my shop? Did you want me to make a suit for your little pet?" Ha! This ought t' be good. "Hello, Rarity. No I am not a pet." I simply stated before kneeling down, balancing on the balls of my feet and reaching out to pat Rarity on the head (I hope). I was soon poked in the hand with something. "OW. What was that?" I yelled, shaking my hand in pain trying to remove the. tingling sensation I felt. "That was my horn dear, can't you see that?" the little horned pony replied nonchalantly. "No, I CAN'T see, Rarity. I'm blind." I replied for what seemed like one of the first times of many. I needed to get an announcement out or somethin'. Does this town have a mayor? "Well, now that I know that tidbit of information, this makes a lot more sense. One thing of which is your fashion sense (or lack thereof)..." the pony fashionista mused to herself. She had to be a seamstress to own a dress shop. "Um. If there are Earth Ponies, and Pegasi, and Rarity here is a Pony with a horn on her head, what is she?" I asked both of the mares in my presence. "I am a unicorn darling. we use magic that... well, I'm sure that Twilight can explain this better than I can. Lets get your measurements though. Those clothes are HORRID." Rarity then proceeded to somehow wrap a piece of something around me. Probably a tailor's' tape. "Now then, you are filthy. We can't have you leaving my shop in that condition, it would ruin my reputation." Something enveloped me and lifted me into the air. It felt as if I was being held in place, probably if I could see this would be a lot worse. Soon, Rarity deposited me onto the ground in hopefully a bathroom. Fluttershy was called to me to help me wash. I undid my clothes, which included (from what I remembered) a maroon long sleeved button down shirt, a pair of denim jeans, a white t-shirt, a set of brown boots, and black socks, and a pair of boxers. I then received a towel after asking for one. Tying it around myself made me feel a bit better. I then addressed the owner of the shop.(and probably her home as well) "Hey, Rare, if you are making me some clothes, can you start with four or five sets of these?" I held up my boxers. the unicorn asked why I needed clothes underneath clothes. "Simple or long version?" I queried. The set of mares opted for simple. "My species have no sheath to hide anything. We use clothes for modesty and for practical use." I quickly replied. I already had this answer prepared. I was expecting it at one point when I realized that the dominant species is Pony, and if my experiences from home was any indication, horses(and ponies) didn't wear clothes. Then again, I WAS in a land of pegasi and unicorns. Again, all I got was silence. "Well then." the boxers were removed from my grasp. "I'll get to work right away. Any preferred color?" I pointed to my useless eyes. "Right... Anyways, see you soon. Feel free to use anything you want." I thanked her and she walked away, probably to get to work. Fluttershy helped me get into a nearby bathtub, confirming my suspicions that we were in a bathroom. As Fluttershy helped me wash up, a thought crossed my mind. "Hey Flutts, don't you have a job or something? pets? a home to look after? It's not that I don't like you, its just that you've been with me all day today and probably most of yesterday, I don't want to cause you a problem." This got a response out of the Pegasus. "Yes, although Angel Bunny will be mad when I get home, he'll understand. I'm Ponyville's resident veterinarian. Now, hold your breath." I almost didn't catch that last part. Afterward, I dried off and Fluttershy left to go get Rarity. I sat on the edge of the tub and tied the towel around my waist. Eventually, Rarity came to the bathroom with a new pair of boxers and my other clothes, freshly laundered. Thanking the generous mare, and asking her to temporarily leave, I changed and admitted her back into the bathroom. when she returned, Rarity brushed my mid length brown hair after the thorough drying I had given it earlier. She then gave me a bit of a warning. "Darling, your clothes are almost done, but my sister is here, just a warning, but she is a bit... excitable. Let me go downstairs first and explain why you are here." Rarity apologized to me. I appreciated the kind gesture. As Rarity led me to the main room and sat me down on a couch, something trotted up to me and barraged me with questions. Most were along the line of 'what/who are you' but all I could do was chuckle. Rarity cane to my defense. "Sweetie Belle, stop that and apologize!" the new voice identified as Sweetie, apologized and I waved it off as nothing. Remembering that I needed some glasses to hide my eyes, I asked Rarity if I could borrow Sweetie for a small shopping trip, and Rarity seemed almost ecstatic, basically putting Sweetie in my arms and pushing me out the door. Standing outside Carousel boutique, holding Sweetie Belle must have been a sight. Holding the filly unicorn, (her horn had poked me in the arm) she barraged me with questions before I asked her where a glasses store was. Before Sweetie responded, she asked to be let down and she ran back inside. A few moments later, Sweetie returned, and something was clanking along with her steps. I asked her what that sound was. I held out my hand, Sweetie put a bag in my hand. after figuring out the bag, I reached inside the bag, and felt a good amounts of coins. Must be the local currency. Looking down to the filly, I asked how much an apple cost. I was told that 2 bits bought an apple. Huh, similar to a dollar. Pocketing the coins, I put down my hands again and scooped up the filly. She weighed about as much as a small dog, somewhere around the weight of a labrador puppy at a few weeks old. When I was eventually led the store, and walked inside, the owner, Clear Lens, immediately realised my need for blackened lenses. I paid 30 bits for the glasses up front, and told Lens that he could send the finished product to Rarity. She would be able to find me easily enough. Lens agreed to send the glasses my way after a small chat on how the glasses should look. Sweetie was getting a bit fidgety, so after finishing negotiations, we left the store, receipt in hand, and mony pouch a bit lighter. Satisfied that my lenses would be finished soon, our stomachs were growling, so we went carefully to the market, and made our way to applejack's stall. " Well, lookie here, the stallion's up and about! Feelin' alright, sug'?" Applejack greeted us warmly as we approached the stall. "And it's all thanks to you, AJ." I complimented the hat wearing mare. "Now then, It's just abou' noon, what do you want? More Pippins?" I nodded to the seller, handing over 6 bits for 3 apples. 2 Pippins and a red gala for Sweetie. I gave my thanks to AJ and with Sweetie tucked under one arm, we made our way to a bench where we ate in relative silence. "Mister?" Sweetie tentatively asked "Can you do me a favor?" "Depends on the favor." was my response "Could you come to school with me?" I was honestly intrigued with the prospect, so I agreed to go to school with Sweetie. Yelling in her excitement with something akin to ‘yay’, Sweetie Belle dashed off toward the school building, leaving me behind. I had no Idea how to get around town quite yet nor did I think I ever would, so, I just sat there and sang a song to pass the time,and hoped that Sweetie would remember me. There once was a man His name was Magellan A Portuguese skipper The girls found him cute He sailed with five ships To find the East Indies Then come back to Spain With a bounty of loot Whoopie ti-yi-yo Oh happy Magellan Starting your journey With hardly a care Whoopie ti-yi-yo Strong, brave Magellan You’ll find the East Indies You just don’t know where They crossed the Atlantic And spotted a country Magellan said, “It’s the East Indies at last!” But then someone shouted, “Hey, that’s Argentina!” Magellan got cranky And chopped down the mast Whoopie ti-yi-yo Settle down, Magellan Put down that axe There’s no time to despair Whoopie ti-yi-yo Keep trying, Magellan You’ll find the East Indies You just don’t know where A great storm arose In the mighty Pacific The five little ships Were diminished to three At last land was sighted Magellan was happy But then someone shouted, “Hey, that’s Chile!” Whoopie ti-yi-yo Cheer up, Magellan Check out your map And don’t tear out your hair Whoopie ti-yi-yo Keep trying, Magellan You’ll find the East Indies You just don’t know where It took them five months But they crossed the Pacific They spotted a land That was dotted with palms Magellan proclaimed, “Yes! That’s the East Indies!” But then someone shouted, “Hey, I think that’s Guam!” Ay-yi-yi-yi Oops, Magellan Your fun little journey’s Become a nightmare Whoopie ti-yi-yo Keep trying, Magellan You’ll find the East Indies You just don’t know where They sailed due west To the Philippine Islands Magellan was pleased As the natives drew near But then someone shouted, “I think they’re attacking!” Magellan said, “What?” And got hit by a spear Whoopie ti-yi-yo Farewell, Magellan You almost made it It’s really not fair Whoopie ti-yi-yo Oh, ghost of Magellan The East Indies islands Were right over there! A set of trotting hooves approached me and I immediately set upon them in an exasperated voice. "Sweetie Belle, where were you? You know I can't get around too well." there was silence, so I continued my rant. "Where is the school? YOU were going to lead me there." this seemed to get Sweetie to speak. "Sorry, I'm not Sweetie Belle, can't you see the school building? Its right in front of you." The voice, definitely not Sweetie, continued. "What? Are you-" the new voice began "Blind, yes, I am blind. My eyes are useless." I finished for the voice. "I'm sorry, do you want help getting to the school? " the voice offered. "Sorry about getting upset at you, I'm just upset with Sweetie." I tried to explain. "She wanted me to come to her classes today, probably for a ‘show and tell’" at this the pony chuckled. "Well, lets go get Sweetie, shall we? My name is Cheerilee, by the way. Class can't start without me." this caught my attention. Cheerilee must be Sweetie's teacher. Cheerilee, an Earth Pony, let me use her as a post to walk toward the school. I realized we were almost there by the sounds of fillies' and colts' voices nearby. Once inside, I was guided to Cheerilee's desk, which I was allowed to use as a temporary seat. Cheerilee stepped outside to let the other foals have a few extra minutes of recess and called Sweetie inside. "Mister! How' you get here? I thought you were... oh." Sweetie had just realized her mistake. All I could do was smile and turn towards Cheerilee. "Miss Cheerilee, I hear that today is show and tell, and I am on display today. May I bother you to borrow a seat and sit in on class today? Sweetie here is my only guide home." I quickly explained and asked in the same comment. Cheerilee was quick to agree, and after a few minutes, the other foals were brought inside to continue lessons. First, though, show and tell. As everypony came up and described their object, and how the colt or filly came about said objects. So,I waited for Sweetie’s name to be called. When it was called, she trotted up to the front of the classroom and had me join her. Scooping the filly into my arms, I placed her in my right arm in a hold similarly to how someone would hold a dog with one arm, wrapping your arm around the animal and holding them on your hip,so that it was comfortable holding her and I could gesture if I need to with my left. “This is a strange stallion that Rarity had in her shop. I don’t know much about him, but I do know that he’s blind! How neat is that!” I closed my sightless orbs, now slightly self conscious. Asking permission if it was alright to sit on Cheerilee’s desk again, I let Sweetie down to go back to her seat, and cleared my throat before starting my introduction. “Hello class, I’m a human, how’re you? I’m wonderful! Now, I don’t know how I got here, so I’m going to let you ask me some questions. Now, Miss Cheerilee, I can't exactly see their delighted little faces that want to ask me questions, so if you could, call on ‘em for me, would ya’?” Cheerilee gave her consent and began the Q&A. “Oh!” I exclamed. “when you answer, tell me your names, please.” “My name’s Twist.Why are you here?” a filly asked. “Sorry, don’t know! But so far, Ponyville is better than my home, in any case.” I gave in reply to Twist “Are you the thing tha’ Big Mac had to get th’ cart out o’ the shed fer? And ahm Applebloom.” another, slightly younger sounding filly asked “Yep, and I have to say, he is one nice stallion. Thank your sister Applejack for the apples again.” “If you MUST know, I am Silver Spoon. Anyways,were you the thing that Lily and Rose were yelling about?” asked an uppity voice, that seemed to ooze self importance “Probably. Sorry” “Why is the rum always gone?” an older pony asked. This one was a mare. in a different direction than the class asked. Cheerile sighed, before speaking. “Sorry about this, Berry Punch wandered over here while drunk... again.” She left the classroom with a sigh, leaving me in charge. I called Sweetie up to me and upon picking her up, I told her to be fair and call on anypony who had their hooves in the air. I didn't notice this before, but pony’s tails and manes were very soft. “What’s your Cutie Mark?” a young filly named Diamond Tiara asked. “What’s a cutie mark?” the class gasped, buy before i could get assaulted with question, Cheerilee saved my skin with a quick explanation “A Cutie Mark, also known to some as a ‘Stud stamp’ is when a filly or colt discovers that certain something that makes them special!” All I could do was smile. “Nice, what’s yours?” I queried the schoolteacher. She told me that it was a trio of smiley-faced flowers. “Huh, I DO know what my ‘special talent’ is, though. Do you perchance have a piano? or any instrument?” Sadly I received a negatory on both accounts. “Ah well, is there one nearby?” I got a ‘mhm’ from the teacher, which made me ecstatic, music is awesome. “I have an idea, perhaps we can discuss it later?” As I got a confirmation, a bell rang somewhere, and the ponies started to shuffle out. Not wanting to be forgotten, I raised my voice to get Sweetie’s attention. “SWEETIE BELL! C'MHERE! DON’T LEAVE WITHOUT ME!” my voice seemed to shake the entire room. The room was quiet and nopony was moving. “Sir? If you said you weren't from around here, how do you know the Canterlot Royal Voice?” I was asked with a shaking hoof to the shoulder. “Huh? Canterlot Royal Voice? Whuzzat?” I tilted my head in confusion “Nevermind, we can talk about that another time. Sweetie seems to want to go home, and I have papers to grade. Nice to meet you, sir. Hope to see you in town.” I was being asked to leave politely, so after being guided outside, and picking up Sweetie, we made our way back to town. Sweetie seemed to want to go somewhere. Wonder where she wants to go... > Quaint Questions, Pesky Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As my entourage of tiny voices eventually dissipated with a few “goodbye’s” and “see ya later”, only 3 fillies remained. Applebloom, Mac and AJ’s sister, on my left, kept asking me questions about the “Canterlot Royal Voice”... whatever that was. Scootaloo, a pegasus, trotted along on my right, kept asking questions about Dash, if I had met her, and so forth. Sweetie remained in my arms, seemingly pleased that she didn’t have to walk the whole way to wherever we were headed. “Mister? Where are we headed?” a squirming Sweetie Belle asked me “Well, first, what time is it?” I asked my pony-child posse. It was 2:30 “I think it’s time I met this ‘Twilight’ pony that Rarity and Fluttters mentioned. Girls, do ya mind guiding me to Twilight’s?” I was promised a guide , but not after a verbal onslaught of ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders Guides’. Directly after said aural assault, Sweetie jumped from my arms, giving me a kick to the chest. Dang, that filly can KICK... Anyway, after stopping for a chat with some pony, I was told to stop by 3 different voices. “Mister? Can y’all climb stairs while blind?” a concerned Applebloom asked “Nnope” was my response. a moment later, knocking was heard. We must be at Twilight’s house, thanks for warning me, girls. a few moments later, a voice that I hadnt heard in a bit of time, greeted us. “One second!” a few moments later, the door opened, and, if my imagination serves me right, there was a scaly dragon at the door looking dumbfounded at me. “Guy! What’re you doing here?” I was looking (I hope) at Spike! I was pulled inside, but not before tripping up a few stairs,and flopping over the stairs and floor of the house. After being apologised to over and over by the lithe little lizard, I was guided to another seat and was asked to wait while some tea was made. Sweetie and the others were gone. They were nice fillies, but they were a handful. "Spike, do you cook? Also what tea is this?" I asked the dragon as he handed me a warm cup, after asking if I wanted any sugar or milk in my tea. I shook my head and rook the hot, but not painfully boiling cup. "Yeah, Twilight's always forgetting to eat during one of her study sessions. My job is to make sure that she eats and basically stays healthy. She can get a BIT obsessive." At this, Spike chuckled. "At least she doesn't have to worry too much about fresh air, this being a tree and all." "Wait, this is a tree?" I was dumbfounded. I got a confirmation and was guides to a wall, where lo-and-behold, was a large, seamless plank of wood. Even the rings in the walls felt continuing. My only coherent thought was Magic. Ha. These ponies pulled a neat trick. Almost directly afterward, something was moving it's way towards us. It was yelling. "Spike! Where are you? Did you finish making lunch?" The voice was female. Probably Twilight. Turning away from the tree-wall, I asked Spike if Twilight Sparkled, he said that her NAME was Twilight Sparkle, but no, she did not glimmer. Except for her horn, which sparkled and was enveloped in an aura when she used magic, like any unicorn. "Yea, Lunch is finished, come on down! We have a guest! It's the blind stallion I told you about yesterday!" Spike yelled. A few moments later, and after being guided to a new location, and being re-handed my tea, which was left in the other room, (which by the way was a delicious citrus blend) Spike guided me into a chair and was greeted by the new pony. "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Protogé of Princess Celestia and resident librarian of Books n' Branches." Twilight introduced herself. "A pleasure. Now, Spike, Rarity and Fluttershy mentioned you'd want to ask me questions, that hopefully, I can answer." I seem to have pleased the unicorn, for something akin to a 'squee' emanated from Twilight's place at the table at which I was seated. A while later, after using the restroom, which was pleasantly not too different from home, and a frantic unicorn running around the tree-house-brary™, Twilight finally returned to the kitchen where I was handed a third cup of the citrus tea, by a baby dragon. I had to hand it to the lizard. He knew the exact temperature to get water to get it to steep but not burn. Whilst Twilight was running around, Spike took the chance to warn me about her little... episodes, before returning to whatever he was doing before. Probably chores. I thanked the little guy for the warning before he left the room. "Well Twilight, let's start, shall we?" I stated to the unicorn that was scratching away at a piece of paper. "I think that since neither of us know practically anything about each other, I think that a fair exchange is in order." Twilight accepted these conditions. HumanTwilight What are you? Human, specifically, Homo Sapiens Where are you from? A small village called Colhen. Outside a city called Rocheste. Is that inside the Crystal Empire? Equestria? the Gryphon colonies? Nope. ever hear of the Southern Plains? Is thet where you are from? Yep. So. you're not from this world... Seems so. Have you ever heard of manticores? Cockatrice? Basilisk? Phoenix? Yes. In legend. Ever hear of alicorns? Nope. Only pegasi and unicorns. also legends, by the way. Really? Anyway, Spike was telling me about your pointed incisors. Are humans... carnivores? Humafs haf two tyfes of teef. One for meaf, anofer for plants. I pulled one of my lips back at the corner to let Twilight have a look. She walked toward me, and asked me to move my head around. i complied and did the requested action for a bit, before apparently being satisfied, and returning to wherever she was before, and continued scratching. As I finished my tea, Twilight levitated the cup from me, and led me to a new room. I was placed in a large, plush chair, it had overly large armrests, and placed near a fire. Wait. A fireplace IN a tree-house-brary™? Magic, gotta be magic. Unfortunately, as soon as I got comfortable, something galloped into the study and started rattling off words at a minimum of 32 WPM (words per minute). After a few tense seconds, the pony galloped off. All I could do was turn to Twilight and ask "What? How?" "Don't bother. Pinkie is just being Pinkie." Twilight sighed in exasperation, like she had tried to understand Pinkie before. Something caused a breeze in front of my face, and the pony returned. "I saaaaaiiid, Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! You're new to Ponyville, right? Of course I'm right! I've never seen you before, and I know EVERYONE in Ponyville. You must be the thing that Big Mac brought into the Infirmary yesterday! Are you ok? Of course you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here, especially on Nurse Redheart's watch. If you're new to Ponyville, you must not have friends, but you do, so that's great! I hope that Fluttershy, Spike, AJ, Big Mac, Nurse Redheart, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, the Crusaders, Cheerilee, and Twilight were nice to you! The only Element of Harmony you haven't met was me so here I am! Oh! come with me! I gotta show you something! Follow me!" Pinkie left again, so Twilight called her back. "Pinkie, I know you want to show him Ponyville, but go slowly, he can't see so he needs you to go slowly. Also, you actually need to guide him." I stood up and found Pinkie's head. Her mane was frizzy, but somehow soft. I nodded to the mares and Pinkie left the tree-house-brary. "Pinks, are you a pegasus?" I asked the mare situated at the end of my left arm I couldn't feel any wings, but I wanted to be on the safe side. "No, silly I'm an earth pony baker!" Pinkie giggled after speaking. As we traveled around Ponyville, We had gathered a bit of a crowd in our travels. I think they enjoyed that I was answering their questions. I was soon in need of using the bathroom. Again. "Hey everybo-pony. We have to get going, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask me, at any time i'm out and about." I used a small amount of what was called around here the 'Canterlot Royal Voice' to reach all of their ears, and got the party to disperse. " After walking again, Pinkie began to introduce Sugarcube Corner(the place we were headed, or so I was told) as 'The Bestest bakery between bookstores, because Bagels' bagels burn and Blueberry's birds bask behind the burners, blatantly boring their beaks in the bread.' Pinkie stopped suddenly and dashed off, leaving me behind. Sighing once again, and sitting down, I hoped that somepony would see me here and help me out. "That was much better. Would you like some help, Sir?" A schoolteacher's voice that I recognised, approached. "Cheers, Cheers. How are ya?" I asked, turning to the mare. "Fine. Just fine. I wanted to apologize for my reaction earlier. I want quite expecting the Royal Voice from you. I thought only the Princesses could use it." Cheerilee sounded thoughtful at the end of her apology. "Well Cheers, can you help a human out?" I asked "Pinkie left me behind. We were headed toward Sugarcube Corner." With that statement, Cheerilee helped me up and we started toward the Sugarcube Corner. As we walked along the cobblestone streets, I almost could hear Cheerilee chuckling, when I brought it up, she dismissed it saying, "You'll see soon, my loud friend. You'll... well, in your case, HEAR. " Cheerilee's words somewhat frightened me, but I trusted the schioolteacher.On the way, I thought about the questions I had to ask Twilight later. After I finish answering hers, of course. 1. Who are the Princesses? 2. Canterlot Royal Voice? 3. Elements of Harmony? 4. Is there a spell to let me hear a book's words? 4b. If not, can she read me the books? 5. Does this town have a bard already stationed here? Guess I'll find out soon enough. > Parties, Songs, and Dreams all Night Long > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking along the cobblestone streets, Cheerilee attempted to get me acclimated to the surrounding area by telling me landmarks as we passed, (Not that visual landmarks are much use) I WAS able to smell something approaching, something homey, sweet and sugary. “Well, here we are, Sugarcube Corner. I don't mean to leave you alone, it's just that I have some tests to grade. Have fun!" With a pat on the back of my leg and a shifting of my body, I was turned toward the Sugarcube Corner, before being left alone as Cheerilee trotted away. "Well, how bad can this be?" I asked myself quietly before reaching forward and finding the doorway, and eventually the doorknob. After opening the door, which worked by pushing IN on the knob instead of down, probably for the sake of hooves, I entered the bakery, and closed the door behind me with a small click. "Surprise!" I was once again assaulted with voices, but thankfully the voices were more varied, so it didn't hurt, the noise were just loud. The force was enough to shake me though, and I slid to the floor in shock. "Who… what… why?" I managed to stutter out before somepony trotted toward me, shifted me from the door I was on, and laid my head on their body and started cooing to me, trying to calm me down. "Shhh. It's ok. Everything's alright." The voice tried to console me, (Whom I later remembered as Fluttershy), and started to explain what was going on. "Mister, if you don't remember, you're in Sugarcube Corner for a-" "PARTY! It's your 'Welcome to Ponyville/Equestria' Party! By the way, what's your name?" It was Pinkie Pie who interrupted Fluttershy from her explanation. The two mares helped me to a chair and Pinkie left to get me some food and drink. "Sorry, Pinkie was just being Pinkie. Could you laugh this off? If you don't mind, that is." All I could do was laugh. I laughed for at least a good 10 seconds. It felt great. As soon as I finished, a couple of ponies came by and the stallion of the group introduced themselves. "Hello, Mr. Human, I am Carrot Cake,and this is my wife, Cup Cake, we’re Pinkie's employers and landlords." The stallion and mare both put their hooves on my lap and I shook them in turn. "We were wondering, are you alright? Did Pinkie do anything wrong to your culture?" These ponies, these kind and generous ponies. Without them, I'd probably be dead by now, even without being blind. "Flutts, yes I can forgive Pinkie, and you, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, I'm fine, just a little shaken up, and no, surprise parties are completely normal where I'm from. But I've a favor to ask, two actually. Can I stay here overnight so I don't have to bother Nurse Redheart for a room?" Mr. and Mrs. Cake immediately said 'Yes'. "And can I borrow Pinkie and your kitchen later?" Again, I was immediately given what I wanted. The kitchen had two conditions though. I would document how much of whatever I used and that the bakers were allowed to have a taste of whatever we made. Thanking the couple, they left to enjoy the party. Pinkie soon returned with a platter and told me that she brought cakes, crumbles, pies, custards, cremés, puddings, jello, brownies, doughnuts, danishes, truffles, mousse, cookies, ice cream, candy, tarts, flan, sarsaparilla, tiramisu, torts, scones, and much much more. (I had to stop after only half of the plate, I felt sick) And a single glass of cider. Sweet tooth much? “Mister? Are you alright? Did I not bring enough dessert?” Pinkie asked worriedly, I shook my head, and put my plate down. “Pinkie, who that I know is here, besides Fluttershy?” I asked the hyper mare that was bouncing around me watching my every move. “Well, no one's here, OOH! I've an IDEA! Come with me!” Pinkie dragged me over somewhere and another pony named Vinyl Scratch was introduced to me. “Name’s Vinyl Scratch, nice t’ meetcha. So YOU’RE the thing everypony’s been talking about. I’ve always wondered what alien songs sound like.” The mare introduced and queried to herself before an idea came to me, and I turned to Fluttershy in response. “Flutts, could you please go get Twilight? If she’s so good at magic, maybe she can transmit songs from my head into the air, like a broadcast. “HA, you don’t need that egghead, I can do that. That’s part of my special talent in DJing.” Vinyl boasted to me before, the self proclaimed unicorn told me to “GO”. The heavy bass beat started up right before the lyrics kicked in. Pony Rock! Yeah! Woo! Let's go! Scratch and Human's in the club tonight. Oh yeah, we're gonna have a good time. So grab somepony now don't be shy. It's our job to make you feel alright. (Clap your hooves!) Let's raise the roof, tonight's the night. We're gonna' party till the morning light. The house is hot, the beat is tight. We just wanna' see you ...shake it! A deep bass beat continued whilst some bleeps and bloops continued the main sound. The name's Unknown and I wanna' see you shake it. I'm the reason of this party and I'm glad you could make it. I've got the music that booms, show me what you've got. Now do your thing mares and flaunt that plot. On the dance floor is where we're living. You keep moving to the beat and the beat I'll keep delivering. Now that's a promise, we're gonna' commit. Hey, Vinyl Scratch! Spin that. Vinyl decided at this point to cut into the song while the background track was pumping from my head into the air. A’yo what's up? I'm the other half of this duo. Got my bass cannon set to max it's gonna' blow. It's Pony Rock! (It's Pony Rock!) Yeah, so get them tails a-bouncing and get them hooves up in the air 'cause we are announcing it is-! After letting Vinyl have her fun, we made this a bit of a duet. Scratch and Human’s in the club tonight. Oh yeah, we're gonna have a good time. So grab somepony don't be shy. It's our job to make you feel alright. Let's raise the roof, tonight's the night. We're gonna' party till the morning light. The house is hot, the beat is tight. We just wanna' see you... shake it! Pinkie somehow had gotten Vinyl’s attention and cut me off for the last verse, I was slightly peeved, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Everyday I'm partying! Put the lights on me. It's time for the only true party pony. The name's Pinkie Pie and I know you all missed me. But hey, wait! There's room for three. Let's get some balloons! (The pretty ones!) Let's turn up the bass! (Getting louder now!) Gummy's here with me! (He's rocking out!) Now it's a party! (With thanks to me!) Get up. Get down. Put your hooves up to the sound. Jump up. Stomp down. Everypony hit the ground. (x2) Everypony hit the ground. (x2) Get up. Get down. (x2) Put your hooves up to the sound. (x2) Put your hooves up. (x4) I glared with me sightless eyes to Vinyl and she faded Pinkie out to a supporting role to let me have the last lines. Everypony's in the club tonight. We're gonna' keep on having a good time. We got some help from Pinkie Pie. With Vinyl Scratch and Hu-uu-uu-man guy! Woah (x4) Everyday we're par-partyin' An eruption of applause followed suit, (It sounded like the ponies were stomping their hooves, what a coincidence) and I bowed toward the noise and used a minor augment to my voice. “Thanks Ponyville! It’s a pleasure to be here! I don’t know what's going to happen from here, but I want you to know that if you have ANY questions, ask Twilight Sparkle first, she knows a bit about me, and she is going to ask more later, so ask her to ask me, and we’ll get back to you.” The crowd was murmuring to themselves, so I bowed out and Pinkie guided me back towards Vinyl. “Nice job, human. What was that song? Mind if I use it in my rotation?" Vinyl approached me and poked me on the back of the knee to get my attention right before I left her workstation. "Sure, Vinyl, go right ahead. Just remember to give me and Pinkie credit." I laughed at her reaction, which was a fist/hoof bump after i held it out for a few seconds. " I'm sure Pinks won't mind." Vinyl said her thanks and trotted away, leaving me feeling drained after the adrenaline from the song had drifted away. Time to find that bed that the Cakes promised. I was unable to find the Cakes in time and promptly fell asleep in a chair. --- "Human?" Something spoke to me. "Hello? Are you alright?" I shooed the presence away with my hand and rolled over. "5 more minutes..." I grumbled before rolling over and attempting to fall asleep again, but a different voice spoke. "Please wake up, we have much to talk about, Minstrel Song." This got my attention, I hadn't told any of these ponies my name. I'd attempted to, but the few tones I have, got cut off one way or another. Sitting up and opening my eyes gave me a bit of a fright. I actually SAW something, more like somethings. Two large unicorns stood before me, with billowing manes, blowing in some unknown wind, or more likely, magic. The larger unicorn was a brilliant white, practically glowing, and had eyes of lavender, tender and motherly. Her mane and tail were a spectrum of blue, green, and pink. Her form was adorned with some golden regalia that was etched with sun motifs, save for the amethyst on her chest-piece and tiara. Her golden boots were bare of any gemstones. What struck me as odd was their height, they were much taller than Big Mac, and he was bigger than any other pony I had met. After taking a tentative step forward, I walked around the unicorn, and saw a wing and a sun mark. Probably her cutie mark. "Winged unicorns. Huh." I murmured to myself. The smaller dark pony seemed to hear me. "Alicorn, we are called alicorns." The smaller calmly corrected. The larger one must have been the one to speak my name. The smaller alicorn was midnight blue, with curious teal eyes inspecting me. Her mane (And tail) were dark blue, a few shades lighter than her coat, that had an 'outline' of the same shade of her coat. Her entire mane had white flecks scattered throughout it, giving the impression of a starry sky on a clear night. I walked back to near where I was before, but not before taking a look at Darky's regalia, a dark, black silver, except for a crescent moon that was in the middle of the chest-piece that did not interfere with her wings. The shape of the crescent on her chest-piece was the same shape of the one on her flank. The taller alicorn spoke again. "MInstrel, I apologize for this, we made you fell asleep prematurely because we need answers. This is why you are here in your 'mindscape'. This is a place in your mind that we can speak within where only the truth can be spoken. As soon as we are done here, we shall leave you in peace until we 'meet'. I also apologize for taking your name from your mind without your consent." I nodded in comprehension, and dismissed the brain probe until I had a bit more info. "I am Princess Celestia, and this," Celestia gestured to her companion "Is my sister, Luna." Upon hearing 'princess', I bowed toward them. "'Tis an honour to be in your presence, your Highnesses, permission to speak freely for our discussion?" All I heard was a chuckle from Luna "We find thyne actions humorous. Thy hast no need of worry for thyne safety. Thou shall speak freely here, for 'tis not our minds at all, 'tis yours." Luna spoke, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, anyway, before you ask your questions, do you mind if I make us a bit more comfortable? You said that I can do whatever I wanted here, why not make us comfortable?" Before the princesses could reply, the surrounding area changed from nothing to a decently sized study. The study was surrounded by bookshelves, and instruments were scattered everywhere. Papers were falling off the shelves, and it looked like a mess. On one side of the room, a fireplace roared and blazed, creating a warm and comforting light. In the center of the room, on a small coffee table was an assortment of cakes, pies, and other pastries, along with a teapot for myself. Around the small table were three seat cushions, comfortable for me, and hopefully the princesses. I took a look over to their location to see Luna's shocked face, and Celestia's pleased smirk. "Is everything up t' snuff? Can I change anything to make you more… comfortable?" Both mares shook their heads and took their seats at two of the cushions. "We are most impressed at thoust command of thine mindscape, Minstrel. Not many ponies conjure a room, nary the details." Luna stated "Thankfully, thine mindscape shows thy true colors, as it were." Luna stated before her horn glowed and a small cookie lifted itself off the table and made its way to her mouth, where she finished it off in a single bite. Methinks sorcery be here. I poured some tea into some teacups and passed the out. The princesses lifted their cups to their faces and sniffed the tea curiously before taking a sip. Personally my favorite tea is peppermint, and I wondered if the tea was peppermint to them, or if it was their favorite teas as well. "Do you like the tea, Princess? I made my favourite tea, Winter Peppermint." This seemed to surprise the Royals. Celestia looked up from her drink to me, and spoke. "Really? You didn't make Dandelion Foxglove? Thats my personal favorite." Celestia seemed surprised that the tea was 'favorite tea' rather than peppermint. Looking over to Luna, she muttered something along the lines of 'Lemon Zest'. "Back to the topic at hoof, or rather, hand, Minstrel. We wish to ask you questions and in return we shall answer a few of your own. Would you be cordial enough to answer them?" I nodded to Celestia and Luna to question me. "Dost thou knowst how thee came to be in our realm?" I shook my head at the Royals, who looked at each other sheepishly. Luna looked to Celestia, who explained. "It's our fault you are here in Equestria. My sister and I were making a solar eclipse a few days ago. We are sorry." At this the princesses looks downcast. I just waved my hand in a dismissive gesture. "What's done, is done. Only thing is, can you send me back to my hometown of Colhen?" This seemed to uplift their spirits, but only a bit. They seemed genuinely sorry about their mistake. "We can, but it might take quite a bit of time, though, we are still tired from the magic in making the eclipse in the first place. I cannot say quite yet when we will be able again." I shrugged "Just one last question, why me?" My answer was that they didn't know why I was chosen. Before the princesses were able to ask their next question, the cookies and tea disappeared. The princesses sighed. "Well, MInstrel, it seems you are waking up. We shall speak again soon. We bid you 'farewell.'" With those words, Celestia and Luna vanished, and the mindscape soon followed. I closed my eyes and let my consciousness wander back to the part of my head that it normally resided in to awaken, and to end my second day in Equestria. > ~Extra~ Christmas in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS CHAPTER WAS ALREADY UP BEFORE! REASON FOR RE-UPLOAD IS IN AUTHOR'S NOTES Also to anypony reading this, there's a small contest in the author's notes in "edits the 2nd" Dec 20: The Princesses and Twilight both said I should record my thoughts somehow, I would have used a regular journal, but given my "condition"... I can't. The upside to their solution, however, is that I can use another one of these "sonorus scribes" to record my voice and lyrics so I don't forget any songs that I have or will perform. I'll do that later though. Now, Its time to do a show! Tonight's finale is the debut of The Moon Rises, and Lullaby for a Princess. Dec 21: The ponies of Ponyville are getting ready for something BIG. They were hammering around town all day! There seems to be a holiday I didn't know about, or something. When I asked Octavia about the occurrence, all I got was a chuckle and " Don't worry, Minstrel. This is a tradition around Ponyville. Give us 3 more days and everything will be made clear." Three more days? That's Christmas Eve! Maybe the ponies have another holiday in place of Christmas, seeing as they don't have a legend about a St. Nickolas or anything or the like! If anyone should know, It's Twilight. I'll ask her tomorrow. Dec 22: The hammering continued today. Arriving in Twilight's tree-house-brary, I was set upon by Spike, the little bugger. He said that Twilight can't be disturbed, that she was working. Twilight also said "Don't bother asking Pinkie or the others, they promised not to say anything." According to Spike, at least. The dragon dragged me around town, and thankfully I was able to enlist the help of a unicorn (Colgate) to help carry presents. Spike was kind enough to wrap them for me. Thankfully, Spike's gift wasn't in the pile. That would have been awkward. I need to get to bed. Thank Luna that tonight's "amateur night" I couldn't sing tonight even if I wanted to. Dec 23: The hammering stopped today. But, soon after I woke up, Pinkie was thrust upon me asking how to make a fruitcake. After telling her that fruitcakes were meant as a bad gift back on earth, Pinkie whisked me away to Sugarcube Corner, and I was a tester to how 'traditional' and 'modern' fruitcakes should taste. This took about 3 hours. Getting Pinkie to calm down and help me locate a few gifts was easy, the hard part was getting her to Pinkie Promise not to look for her own gift or tell the others about their gifts. I wanted the money from 'the running of the leaves' to go to a decent use. I also took some time to send Luna a letter (through Spike) asking what Celestia would want and the same was done to Celestia about Luna. All the Princesses wanted was to hear the songs I wrote about them. I felt that I was in a Staples commercial with the 'That was easy' sound popping into my head. Dec 24: Hiding the presents in Pinkie Space made traveling easy. Canterlot was busy, and I had to ride on one of the guards-ponies to get through town. I can navigate the towns of Ponyville pretty well, as well as the castle, but Canterlot was another story entirely. After dropping the gifts in my apartment in the castle, with the Princesses' permission of course, and explaining the purpose of Christmas to the sisters as I had to my friends, they allowed tomorrow's festivities to be held in the Ballroom where a tree will be set up as I had described. The ponies were supportive to my rituals. When I was bought to the tree, they were spot on! At least from how they described it. They told me that the tree was fun and easy to set up. Pegasi and unicorns working together. Earth ponies growing the tree to the right size etc. Anyway, I promised the Princesses a concert, so after the Hearthswarming eve concert, (This was Equestria's founding story, something about tribes and finding a new land.) I was brought up to sing a few carols and telling one of the more popular versions of the legend of Santa Claus, I had the Ballroom to myself and my friends. The Apples of Ponyville except Granny Smith, Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Dash and Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Pinkie, the Sparkle siblings, Spike, Cadence, and finally, the Princesses. When everyone was gathered, all 16 of us, waited for midnight. The only time that anyone left the room was to go to the bathroom, and I only left to record this scroll. Dec 25: Once midnight was here, we each took a turn grabbing at the presents that were laid before us, underneath the tree. After a quick whisper from Pinkie, the presents I got for everyone, (save for the Princesses, that was already in my head, and on a set of sonorus scribes which were in my pocket) were added to everyone's piles. I told everyone that in my world, the most common procedure was to announce who was the sender, and the gift. The ponies wanted me to demonstrate, and after being told who was the sender, I found a new cloak and a set of gloves. I demonstrated for the ponies. "Thank you, Rarity, for this lovely cloak and set of gloves." After saying that where I was from every family had a different, we chose the rotation of just going clockwise. So in order, we had me, Luna, the Crusaders, the Sparkles and Cadence, Celestia, Big Mac, AJ, Fluttershy, Dash, Rarity, Spike, and finally, Pinkie. Pinkie was seated next to me, because I could somehow control her energy and help her direct it towards more usefull endeavors. So I don't get the ponies the same gift next year, I'm going to record it in list format who the pony is, the gift received, and the gift given. Fluttershy: a new medkit: a stuffed bunny for when she travels away from Angel Bunny Rarity:cloak and gloves: a fedora. Rainbow: a Daring Do book recording set : a signed Wonderbolts poster and tickets to their next Cloudsdale show Twilight: a LOT of sonorus scribes: a coupon for a 3 hour q&a session Pinkie: fruitcake: cupcake recipes Applejack: lots of cider, sweet and hard: a Santa hat. Sweetie: a song in a sonorus scribe: a copy of my newest song (other than the princess duo) Scoots: a promise to work hard in life and a hug: a new scooter, a repair kit, a helmet, and a room in my house to sleep in. (such a sweet filly) Applebloom: a desk ( to be delivered when we got back to Ponyville): a toolkit Luna: a charm that allows me to talk to either Princess: the sonorus scrolls and a quick performance ( they said that tomorrow before I left would have be perfect) Celestia: Removal of my home and stages' mortgages : same as Luna's Big Mac: being made an honorary Apple (as thanks for saving Applebloom with the Bards' Voice, Granny Smith already approves): a new yoke for winter use. it's fuzzy, warm, and not frilly. Think of fleece. Cadence: crystallised love( in the form of a pendant): a silver pendant for photos Shining Armor: a set of travel clothes: a coupon for a day off. I would cover for him and train the troops and make sure that things didn't fall apart Spike: dragons' tears: an Everfree diamond and Seapony Aquamarine. I told my companions that now that everyone had their gifts, the next thing was to sit around a fire and just enjoy each other's company. The ponies seem to like this, soon enough, though, Luna picked me up and carried me to my room. The new gifts safely tucked away in Pinkie Space, I was forcefully told to rest, and that today shall now and forevermore be a national holiday. Thanks, Luna. Thanks Celly. Dec 25 cont: The next time I awoke, I was brought almost immediately to the Princesses' throne room, sensing no one there, I was brought before the princesses, and was asked to sing "Sun and Moon" as the set of songs was being known as. After being lended a stone that played whatever music was in my head as I sang the first of the set, there was a thunderous pounding of hooves upon the floor. Luna and Celestia tricked me! They made this a public concert in their throne room! I brought this to their attention later, and said that they just has to ASK me to do a concert. All they did was squee and thank me. Anyway, once "Lullaby for a Princess" had started, the hooves stopped. After the song ended, I held up my hands for silence. Receiving none, I held me hands to my ears and nodded to Luna, she turned and Canterlocked the ponies in attendance. Thanking the ponies for listening, and coming, I asked them to spend the rest of the say with their families. The ponies shuffled out leaving only me and the Princesses, once again apologizing for tricking me, they sent me on Royal guard- aerial division- transit and got me on the train back to Ponyville. Dec 31: Today is my birthday. Walking around the town was a bit harder than usual, so, I stayed indoors and listened to the first Daring Do scroll, Daring Do and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. A few hours later, Scoots came down from her room and thanked me again for taking her in. nodding to her and saying it was nothing, I asked her to accompany me to the market. We needed more food. After a bit of shopping, we headed back home, and to my suprise, there was no party waiting for me. It made sense that there would be no party for me, I never told anypony my birthday. How would one translate a day into the Equestrian Calender anyway? I have to ask somepony that later. Later though, when I came out of my room, after taking a quick shower and started talking to this scroll, which where I am now. Now, Scoots and I are going to have a littl- “What do you want, Pinkie, I WAS recording, gotta get a new scroll now...” I reached into my new desk that Applebloom made for me -out of applewood- and attempted to grab a new sonorus scroll. I wasn't MAD, per say, at Pinkie, just annoyed, those scrolls were EXPENSIVE. 20 bits a scroll. Jeez, that's basically all I got for tips from the stage, even when I OWNED the place. “Mint, you gotta get out and enjoy your BIRTHDAY PARTY!” Pinkie led/dragged me as she brought me downstairs, all I could hear was hooves stopping, and all activities ceasing, a dull thunk meant that someone was playing ‘pin the tail on the pony’ and doesn't know that I had entered the room! soon, there was an eruption of noise as I was whisked away to enjoy the best birthday party of my life, even if I WAS blind while I was at it. Life is good, but life can be even better if you have friends to support you through it and experience it with you. Have a Happy New Year, everypony. > Regarding a Bakery's Schedule. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wake up! Wake up! Wakeupwakeupwakeup!" "Pinkie!" I bolted up in my seat, and upon regaining four of my senses, the realization of that my location had been switched, occurred. I was under a warm and soft cloth, and that was under a pony who had recently stopped jumping up and down on my person. "Yes?" I shifted over in the bed to my left to let the party pony plop playfully on the other half of the bed. which, of course, she did. I just stared blankly at the ceiling, feeling like I was roughly shoved up some stairs, and ungraciously dropped onto the bed. And considering where I was last night, wouldn’t surprise me.. the party pony started nudging me in the shoulder, and even I could tell she was barely keeping herself from dragging me somewhere. I brought my left hand over my eyes, and started massaging the bridge of my nose with  my fingers. “What time is it, Pinks?” I asked groggily, not moving my hand from my dead ocular nerves. “4:30, silly! if we don’t start now, we won't have time for your treats for a while! the Cakes want the bakery clean for opening time, and seeing as I’ll be doing most of the work, we gotta get started now!” Strange, this pony, who'd i’d been told many times recently, was random enough to have her own phrase. ‘It’s Pinkie being Pinkie’. Huh, maybe I just haven’t seen her crazy side yet. Or maybe I DID, but couldn’t SEE it. I dragged myself out of bed, and placed my feet on the ground, which was made of cold Hardwood. “Argh! Pinkie! Where’s my shoes?” Soon, my shoes(and socks, thankfully) were nudged against my feet, and I proceeded to put them on. while I was tying them, Pinkie started talking. Again. “Oh! so you CAN see! Why’d you lie to us? We would’ve been friends with you anyway.” All I could do was laugh at this. “Thanks Pinkie, I needed that, and no, I still cannot see, I just have done this all my life, I know how to tie my shoes even without eyesight.” Once my socks and shoes were on, the fluffy maned pony(the texture reminiscent my of cotton balls, by the by) led me out of the room and down the stairs toward the kitchen, where she placed my almost-useless bum onto a stool. As Pinkie ran around,  it sounded as if she was knocking over pots and pans, when a slow tired clip-clop made it’s way into the room. “What’s going on, Pinkie? Oh, hello, human.” It was Mrs. Cake who spoke. “Did Pinkie wake you?” I nodded at the comment, to which a sigh was produced. “Thanks for the bed, Mrs. Cake, I’m very gracious to your hospitality” “It’s not a problem, Dearie. Pinkie let you sleep in her bed anyway, she just grabbed the sleeping bag we keep in the attic.” SHe returned sweetly. I sighed. Another pony to thank for providing me with room and board. What was that now? Four? Six, if you include the Cakes... "Alright dearies, have fun!" Mrs.Cake then trotted away, leaving Pinkie and me in the kitchen. “Ok! what’s the ingredients?” Pinkie asked me. She was ready to record, apparently. How DID ponies write anyway? --- “Alright, not we just let them bake , and we’ll put the icing on afterward.” I relayed to Pinkie, who had placed the last batch of cake pops into one of the ovens in the Sugarcube Corner bakery. "Okie dokie lokie! Minty, whatcha wanna do?" The pink party pony pondered. I would've done a spit take if I had been drinking anything"H-how do you know my name?" I stuttered to her. I got off of my stool and groped around until I found Pinkie’s face. I was in no mood for her usual beating around the bush. "That's easy. One of Luna's Night Guard left me a scroll laat night. IT told me your name... OH!" Pinkie seems to realize something. "The princesses also said in the letter" a bit of wrinkling followed, before pinkie cleared her throat. "Minstrel Song, if you so wish, you are allowed to apply for citizenship, here in Equestria. Twilight will help streamline the process. Take her with you. Also, before Celestia or I forget, if you want a home, we have arranged for one here in Canterlot for you. When you arrive in the capitol for your Citizenship Meeting, we can discuss the details. HRH Luna " I just sat on the ground for a while. Unable to comprehend what had just happened to me over the course of a few days and few minutes. I was given a new start, no, a new life. And all I paid for this chance, was my eyesight. I MAY be somewhat reliant on these ponies in the future, but that won't stop me from living this life to the fullest. (Not that I didn't like my life before, mind you.) Sure,  I'll miss my friends, Lann, Karok, Evie, Fiona. But they have their own lives to live. We'd never forget each other. Ever. "Pinkie. What time is it?" I asked tentatively, not taking my eyes off the spot "6:30. Those cake pops took longer than we first imagined. I'll frost them later. Now!" Pinkie clapped her hooves at this point,  If you're going to get a job and become an Equestrian citizen, you need to be presentable. So let's get you to the bathroom." Pinkie then proceeded to goad me up from my shocked seat on the ground and led me back upstairs to a room. I knew we had entered the bathroom, as pinkies hooves went tick tack on the tiles. I asked her to leave, but not before asking her to let Twilight that I was coming over soon to discuss this. After the shower, and replacing my clothes, I walked out the door and toward the kitchen/main area of the building's café. Many ponies apparently liked Sugarcube Corner's food, as the entire floor was a sound of ponies talking, eating, and overall enjoyment of the day. After my ears had adjusted a bit more to the sound levels, the familiar voice of a certain pegasus I met in the hospital approached and started talking. "Hey. Whatcha up t'?" Rainbow asked before landing on my back and wrapping her front hooves over my shoulders and stepping with her back hooves on my belt, bending it slightly,  but giving her a small hoofhold. The way she was on my back only allowed my arms motion in front of me, and barely enough motion to allow me to reach behind my head and ruffle the forelock of her mane playfully before she shook my hand away and whispered something into my ear, so that nobody else could even attempt to hear her. "Hey, I'm sorry about giving you a hard time in the hospital." Dash the laid her head on my shoulder, "I just didn't know what you were, and Fluttershy is my oldest friend, I didn't want anything to hurt her. Is there anything I can do to apologize to you?" The clearly sorry pegasus asked me. I thought for a moment, and after remembering the cider bit that AJ mentioned, I turned to the pegasus and asked her to guide me over to pinkie or a Cake. Whoever was closer. Dash was rational and guided me toward the Cakes, who were working the registers. Mrs.Cake noticed me at the counter and beckoned me over. "Well, now that you're up and rarin' to go, do you mind doing me a favor before you leave, dearie?" I agreed to help out to say thanks for the room and board, and she hoofed dash an envelope, which she passed to me, which I promptly placed into my pocket. I was told to take the envelope to a pony named Bon-Bon. Easy enough. I thanked Mrs.Cake again before exiting the shop. Dash and I left Sugarcube corner,  and as Dash was my compass toward Bon-Bon's house, it gave me a moment to collect my thoughts. I recalled what the princesses had written to me, and sighed. I had a meeting coming up. Can't get all mopey right now. As we walked, Dash tried her best to keep me from making a complete fool of myself. Turning at the last moment tires a person out! Probably because I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. "Hey, Dash, you mind getting me to a bench? I don't feel too good..." I managed to stutter out. Dash just gave me an 'alright' and led me to said bench. Dash sat next to me, asking me if I was alright, to which I replied a positive, but I didn't have the energy to deliver Bon-Bon's note. Fetching the note out of my pocket, I held it in front of where I thought Dash was before speaking. "Could you do me a favor? Take this to Bon-Bon. I'll wait here." I moaned before the note was tugged from my hand. A muffled grunt of confirmation quickly gave way to a swift flapping of wings, almost giving me a few moments to rest, if not for a familiar voice yelling at me down the street, which was rapidly getting closer. "Hey! It's the stallion from before! Hi! it's me, Applebloom! What are ya doing out here, mister?" Applebloom yelled before jumping up onto my lap. "Hey, 'Bloom. Where are Sweets and Scoots? Are you all alone today?" I asked the filly, who clambered off of me and sat down besides me, to my left. "They both have 'family stuff' to take care of. Big Mac's here too! He's next to ya, can't you se- oh yeah...." Applebloom started before trailing off weakly. After managing to find teh filly’s head, I ruffled her mane, and came into contact with a piece of cloth. “‘Bloom? What’s this?” I asked, giving a slight tug on the fabric. “thats mah red bow,you do know what red is, right?” I nodded to the fily, , mister...well, what’d ya know, I dun’t know yer name! What is it?” Well, I was going to be asked sooner or later, might as well make it now. “My name is Minstrel Song, ‘Blooms, just call me Mint, a’ight?” I gave the accessorized filly a small noogie after wrapping her up in my right arm, just to have her giggle and try to escape. A thought came to mind. “Mac? You there?” I spoke in front of me, to have his response come out to my left. “Eeyep. Right Here, Mister Song.” He replied in his deep baritone voice. “What are ‘Bloom and you doing here anyway? Are you running errands or something?” I asked, genuinely curious how one of my friends spent their days. I knew he was Applejack’s and Applebloom’s brother, but not much else. “Eeyup.” Was my given response, so I turned to ‘Bloom, and asked her to elaborate. “We just finished settin’ up the stall for tomorrow, What with the Runnin’ o’ the leaves an’ all, ponies are going t’ want something to quench their thirsts afterward. You got anything like that back home, Mint?” She explained. Seemed like a Fall marathon. I nodded to the filly, while a thought came through my head. Turning to Mac, I asked him "Is ‘Bloom was old enough to be by herself for a bit, to help me out?" After another Eeyup, I turned back to Applebloom and asked her if she would do me a favor. “‘Bloom, you’re a big filly, right? Can you do me a favor? Can you wait here for Rainbow Dash to come back? When she does, tell her I’m at Twilight’s library.” I relayed to the filly, who gave a hearty ‘uhuh!’, before turning to Mac and continuing. “And can you take me over to the library? I... still don't know my way around yet...” After a few moments, and one awkward scramble up the Stallion’s back, we were off to the Library, source of prose, poetry, papers in print, and one (apparently, by Pinkie’s description) pastel purple princess pony's protege and her plum partner. After Mac let me down onto a seat which after a bit of patting around, turned out to be a couch in the library and left, Spike spoke up. "Do you want anything, mister?" the dragon asked as he scampered, around doing something.   "Yeah, do you know what Braille is?" I asked, an idea for me in my head. "Braille?  That's language for the bl-oh." Spike excused himself, in a bit later he came back before speaking." Sorry, we don't have any Braille books, I'll ask Twilight if she has any in her personal collection when she gets back.  We don't keep records of them in the public logs.  Can I get you anything else?" the dragon asked skeptically before my stomach spoke for me. “Dude, you should have said you were hungry. Sandwich?” Spike graciously inquired, before I lowered my head in defeat. “By the way, what CAN you eat?” “Uhh, I can eat almost everything ponies can, save a few... staples, like grasses and flowers. Fruits and veggies are fine though.” I answered vaguely, considering that I didn't know what dragons ate themselves, I didn't want to disgust the little guy with talk of bacon if he didn't eat meat here. For all I knew, he was an herbavore. A few moments later, Spike returned, and placed a hard, cold ceramic disc in my lap. A plate, and upon inspection,of said plate, I felt a slab of a grainy, crumbly material that had occasional pockets: bread, and something wet, crunchy wavy… most likely lettuce. There was a disc of go-   “It’s lettuce, tomato, Colby jack, and spinach. On Rye. I know you’re blind, but there’s no need to take it out on the food I made you.” I could only laugh at that before munching at the remains of my dissection. “Hey, I just realized something, I never got your name? What is it?” the dragon asked, as took away the plate from my hands, and gently place another smaller disc in my grasp. This one was a bit heavier, and Spike gently guided my hands down to my lap. After he was sure I wouldn’t drop it, her released my hands, and I gently felt around for the weight and discovered more ceramic in the shape of a teacup. How lovely. “Minstrel ‘Minty’ Song at your service." I bowed, leaning forward slightly in my seat.