> Ray's New Life in Ponyville > by TheVideoGamingGuru > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This story contains strong language, alcoholic references, and mildly suggestive themes, it is recommended for a mature audience EDIT: I made some mild edits, but I will finish the rest tomorrow, got lazy and distracted, so until then....enjoy the half finished story? " You are the reason they don't talk to you....." "Hmm?" said a man, lying face down in a bed, it reeked of sweat and alcohol. "Well, that's a new one" said the man, his voice scratchy. He saw a light coming from a window to his left, and almost immediately placed his hands over his eyes, blocking the light. Using one hand, while still covering his eyes, reached out for some tinted, aviators that were lying on a desk next to his bed, when he could not reach them he stretched forward, trying his best to grab them, and shelter his eyes from the brightness that had intruded his home, but all he got was a tumble to the floor. "Fuck" the man said, now trying to get back to his feet, placing his hands on top of the bed for balance. After several failed attempts, he stood himself up, covering his eyes from the light, and grabbed the glasses and placed them over his eyes, shielding him from the light. "Better" said the man, clearing his throat. He began stretching his arms, legs, and his neck, causing several small pops to be heard. He smacked his lips, they felt dryer then a desert, a notable effect of being hungover. He looked around the room he was in, it was small, only big enough to hold one person, two if they really tried, the room also reeked of alcohol, but it didn't really bother the man, considering he smelled of it too. He noticed a dark, brown beanie lying on the floor in front of him, he picked it up, patted it down with his hands, and placed it on his head, covering most of his long, straight, black hair. "Man, I don't think I ever got that smashed before, was I celebrating something?" said the man. The man saw a white door, and walked to it. He clutched the handle and opened the door to be greeted by a utterly disgusting hallway, the wallpaper was peeling off, the walls themselves had holes in them, and the carpet was horribly stained by something he did not want to know, and multiple patches of carpet were missing. " Oh, yeah. now I remember..." said the man, now chuckling to himself, now seeing the hallway. He staggeringly walked over to the end of the hallway trying not to fall over. The man walked though the hallway, avoiding the exposed wooden flooring. He saw some stairs, and proceeded to walk down them, wishing that he would reach the bottom floor.. When he got to the bottom floor, he saw that the lobby was equally if not more gross then the floors he passed by. The black and white tiles were cracked, and stains from soda and alcohol. There were also two green benches lined up along a wall that faced a desk. There was a man sleeping on one of the benches, he was wearing a thick patched up jacket, and dark green pants that had small rips in them. The man ignored this, and walked to the desk, and brought his fist down onto a bell, multiple times, each time causing a distinct ding to be heard each time. "Yeah, yeah im coming chill!" said a from across the hall A figure approached the desk, this figure was what appeared a old man, wearing a white tank top, and brown cargo shorts, and also wore a green golfer's cap. "Ah Ray, good to see you again, hows teh hangover?" said the old man, with an Irish accent. "Probably as you expect a hangover to be, Ed" Ray said to the old man, putting his hands behind his head "Well, if you didn't drink so much, maybe you would've get hungover as much" Ed said. "Yeah, I guess...anyways you got any mail for me?" Ray asked "Just some bills, why? You expecting something?" "Nah, just wondering" Ray said, now putting his hands in his pockets. "Well, if I get something il let you know, ok?" "Thanks, Ed. Have a good one" Ray said, now walking back to the stairs "No prob, Ray!" Ed shouted back Ray then walked back up the stairs back to the floor. When he finally reached the floor he was staying on, a cold chill swept though floor, and sent chills down Ray's back. "Wonder if a ghost is near by..." Ray thought to himself" "RAY!" came a booming voice from across the hall "Well, not a ghost, but equally scary" Ray thought to himself. Ray turned around to see a short, fat, balding man, wearing nothing, but some khaki shorts, and some white socks, Wake up.... "Hmm?!" said Ray as he woke from what seemed like a dream. "Ow, my head..." he said as he put a hoof over the back of his head. Wait a minute...hoof?! Ray immediately brought his former hand to his face to get a better look, it was a real hoof, a real actual hoof. Ray started to panic, he began to stand up, albeit groggily. He tried to stand on his two feet, but fell over. he looked to his feet, to be surprised that they were also hoofs! Ray started to look around, wanting to know where he was. H was in a forest with what seemed to be pine trees, but they were too colorful. He found his suitcase filled with his belongings to his left, and his guitar case and the guitar, still on his back. relieved that his belongings were still with him, Ray began to walk on his fours, knowing that he wouldn't be going far if he didn't. After walking for what seemed like a thirty minutes, Ray couldn't help, but feel he was being watched. He looked over his shoulders, too his sides, and for some reason over his head, but found nothing. Continuing his walk, Ray found what appeared to be a cottage. He approached the building, and found that some lights are on in the house. Assuming that someone was home, he knocked on the door with his...hoof. No one answered. He started knocking on the door more, these knocks being more intense. "Hello? Anyone here?" yelled Ray. Still, no one answered. "Ugh..." groaned Ray as he began to walk away from the house, only to hear the door open behind him. When he turned around, utter and complete shock filled his body. It was Fluttershy. He almost immediately recognized her from the show, except she was a bit more colorful then the show had shown. He stared at her for a long time, not making a noise, as did Fluttershy. "Y-Yes, can I help you?" said Fluttershy, almost so quite it could not be heard by anyone. Ray didn't say anything. "E-excuse me, Sir?" said Fluttershy, still being relatively quite. "Ok, I take it back, this IS the strangest dream, I have ever had" thought Ray to himself, as he still stared at Fluttershy. There was a dead silence between him and Fluttershy, till Ray broke it. "A-Are you...Fluttershy?" said Ray, nervously "Of course she's Fluttershy, you stupid git! What other yellow Pegasi do you know?! Ray thought to himself. "Y-Yes" Fluttershy said, almost like a whisper. After hearing that, Ray almost immediately laughed to himself,and fainted right before the Pegasus. > Chapter 2: Realization > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You should consider yourself a lucky Human..." "What?" Ray said as he woke up in a dark room. "Oh, thank goodness your awake" said a timid, soft, relaxing voice. "Ohh, man, I think I had the strangest dream, where I got teleported to a world with creatures that looked completely different from what im used too..." said Ray, starting to close his eyes again, still tired. "Oh, it sounded scary, but your ok now that your back in Equestria" said the voice again, still quite. "Yeah.." Ray said as he closed his eyes again, but then reality hit him. "Wait....EQUESTRIA?!" yelled Ray as he stood up in the bed, shocked from what he just heard. "Oh, you really shouldn't move around too much after you hit your head" said the voice again, this time more concerned. Ray could make out a figure in the dark, of what he assumed to be the voice that was talking to him. The figure lurched forward near ray, placing its hand on Ray's forehead. "You are still a little warm, you should stay in bed till your better" said the voice, as it removed its hand from Ray's head. "You stay here while I go get a lantern" said the voice as it walked to a door, opened it, and left. Ray didn't stay in the bed, he got up, and placed two of his feet on the floor and got up, tripping when he attempted to take a step, landing face first on a hard, wooden floor. "Ow" was all Ray said as he put his hoof over his face, clutching his nose. "Wait....THIS ISN'T MY HAND!" Ray thought as he got a barley good look at what used to be his hand, now replaced by a animal looking hoof. Ray looked around at his feet, also being replaced by hoofs. Ray attempted to stand up, using the bed for balance, just as the door opened, a light shining into the room. "Ohh, dear! What are you doing out of bed?, and your nose is bleeding!" said the now clearly visible yellow colored, pink mane, Fluttershy. She rushed to him, clutching the lantern in her teeth. She grabbed his arms, and helped place him back into the bed. She placed the lantern on the table that was to the left of the bed, illuminating the room. After helping him get back into bed, Fluttershy walked to a chest, opening it, rushing through its content, and taking out a small, red bag. She walked back to Ray, holding the bag in her teeth. She placed the bag on the end of the bed. "Oh, why are you bleeding?" said Fluttershy, as she rummaged through the bag, looking for something. Ray didn't say anything, and still had his hoof over his nose, preventing any blood from leaving. As he did, Fluttershy took out a a tissue, and broke it into two small pieces. "Here" Fluttershy said, as she handed him the two pieces of small balls of tissue. ray took them from her hoof, and placed them in his nose, they quickly became filled with blood. Fluttershy notices this and quickly grabbed the tissue and ripped it into two bigger pieces, and handed them to Ray. Ray quickly, took the two bloodied pieces out of his nose,and stuck the two larger pieces into his nose. Ray looked to Fluttershy, she looked worried. "T-Thank you" said Ray, stuttering mildly. "Oh, no its really ok" Fluttershy said, as she picked the bag back up in her teeth. She walked over to the chest from before and placed it back in. Ray couldn't believe what was happening. He was in Fluttershy's house, with Fluttershy, being treated by her for his wound. His mind raced with possible explanations as to why he was here, most of them being hallucinations from the alcohol. Ray started to speak. "E-Excuse me, Miss....but where did you say I was?". Fluttershy turned around after hearing him. " You are in Equestria" Fluttershy said, as she walked back to him. "Ohh...." Ray said as he felt his nose. there was a brief silence between the two, as Ray felt the back of his head. "Ow" Ray muttered as he felt the back of his head. "Oh, are you ok? said Fluttershy as she flew towards him, her wings flicking back and forth. "Yeah, im fine, just a little pain" Ray said as Fluttershy moved closer to him. " You are probably still hurt from the fall you took" Fluttershy said as she moved behind Ray, looking for anything that looked like it was in pain. " Ohh, the back of your head is red, let me go get you something for that" Fluttershy said, as she flew from the bed, and out into another room. Ray quickly looked around, wanting to find a mirror, to see what he looked like, wondering if he was what he think he was. He found a wall mirror on the other side of the bed, hanging on the wall. Ray scooted towards the mirror, still on the bed. He knew he wouldn't get far if he didn't figure out how to walk like a pony. So he placed his hind legs on the floor, his front legs quickly following. It took some time, but Ray got used to the way he would be walking, placing one of his front hoofs in front of him, then a hind hoof, and so on, and so on. He soon found himself standing front of the mirror, looking at his now Pony body. He was about the same size as Fluttershy, only a tiny bit bigger. His coat was a dark Green, almost emerald or forest green. His eyes we green, but much brighter then his coat, a Spring Green almost. His mane was short, messy, white with dark green at the end of his hair. He brought his hoof to his face, touching it, it felt like a horses coat. Now knowing that he is a Pony, he quickly turned around, wanting to know what his Cutie Mark looked like, and to his surprise, he didn't have one. "that's...weird, why don't I have a cutie mar?" Ray though to himself. He has never seen or heard a fully grown Pony that did not have a Cutie Mark, aside from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As he looked at his flank, wondering why he didn't have a mark, he noticed Fluttershy standing in the doorway, holding a basket in her hand, the basket holding some bandages. " Why are you out of bed again? You need to rest till your feeling better" Fluttershy said, in a more stern voice then before, but still quite. " Sorry, I was just wanting to know what I looked like" Ray said, now walking towards the bed. Fluttershy was a bit confused as to why the pony in front of her wanted to know what he looked like. Ray climbed into the bed, laying down on the blankets. Fluttershy flew towards him, slowly, still hold the basket. She then picked up the bandages, and began to slowly wrap them around Ray's mane and head. Ray didn't object to the treatment, although he did feel a bit nervous. As Fluttershy was wrapping the bandages around Ray's head, he began to speak. "Um, do you know what happened to my stuff?" I had two bags with me". Fluttershy has just finished the bandaging as she talked. "Oh, yes, they are in the living room, they were very heavy". "Oh, sorry about that" Ray said as as blood slowly formed around his cheeks causing him to blush, Fluttershy didn't notice. "Mind if I look at them? I want to make sure everything I have is there" Ray said, quietly, but load enough for Fluttershy to hear. "No, I don't think your ready to walk around yet-I mean if that's ok with you" said Fluttershy, nervously. "D'aaaawwww" Just like the show!" Ray thought to himself, hearing Fluttershy's shyness envelope her, he always liked that about the show, the characters were always distinguishing and intriguing having they're own personalities that were believable. He knew that liking something that others thought was strange would make him equally strange, but he didn't give a damn what others thought of him "S-Sir, are you ok?" Fluttershy said, looking at Ray as he stares into space. "U-Uhh, yeah, sorry I got....distracted" Ray said, quickly answering Fluttershy's question. "Well, that was stupid of you..." A voice in Ray's head thought. "What?" Ray asked the voice. "I said that was stupid of you to stare into space when you are talking to someone" Ray didn't speak "Now, I would talk to Fluttershy before she thinks your crazy" "Who are you?" Ray asked. He got no response. "S-Sir? Fluttershy asked. "Y-Yes?" ray answered back, "Do you think you can rest now? You are still a little sick" Fluttershy said to Ray, concern in her voice. "Y-Yes, I think that's a good idea" Ray answered back, still wondering who the voice was. Ray got under the covers and rested his head against the pillow. "Good night, thank you for your hospitality, Miss" said Ray. " Ohh, its no problem, and my name is Fluttershy" Fluttershy said. "that's...really nice name" ray said to Fluttershy, who was now blushing. "Th-thank you" Fluttershy said to Ray. As Fluttershy left the room, Ray closed his eyes, and fell into a sleep > Sequence: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You do know you are severely lucky right? Im lucky? Please tell me how A Human with your past should be happy you are in a land that accepts those who have terrible flaws. Then why aren't I? Pathetic? Refuse to accept happiness when its shoved in your face? You pick, I can't decide You know, your pretty high and mighty to criticize me when you don't know a fucking thing about me On the contrary i know everything about you, Boy No one knows everything, Voice then how come I know so much about you? . . . Heh heh. Can't answer me? No, I refuse to answer you Its gonna be hard to ignore me when I fuck your dreams up so bad you won't want to fall asleep anymore I haven't wanted to dream for a long time, Voice Voice? Is that my name? I always thought you would name me something awesome like...Awesome voice! Or Amazing Voice If I called you something you aren't, I would be lying wouldn't I? Are you saying im not awesome? That's mean, Ray If it offends you so much, go haunt someone else If I was haunting you, I would be personally fucking your life up. Wither it be in your world, this world, or mine. I would mentally destroy you. Nothing Mr. Jack Daniels can't handle You think hiding your problems behind something else will help you? It only masks the pain, it doesn't make it go away No, but it will go away with time You had two years, Ray. If it didn't go away when you killed he- Shut your mouth... I must of hit a nerve, then again I would be hurt too if someone brought up the day I k- I SAID SHUT YOUR GODDAMN Sheesh, touchy Well, as much as i would like to stay and chat, im afraid your waking up Thank God Don't think being awake will save you from me, Ray. It only makes it more fun to me... Goodbye, Ray. I will see you again very soon > Chapter 3: Disfigure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After this, I will be re-editing my previous chapters to iron out as many flaws as I possibly can. Give it time. Till then enjoy this short chapter "S-Sir? Are you ok?" A voice asked Ray. Ray was still in a deep sleep, mumbling as he did. "Sir?" The voice asked again., to Ray, the voice was more relaxing and timid then the other one. I would wake up if I were you... With that, Ray sat up in his bed, his eyes wide open, his body covered in sweat. He felt pain from his forehead, he looked ahead to see Fluttershy, on the floor, holding her hoof to her head. He must of hit her when he jolted up. "Ohh, fuck" ray thought as he quickly moved to Fluttershy, still on the floor. "Oh, man I am so sorry, Fluttershy, are you ok?" Ray asked. ""ow" was all Ray heard from Fluttershy, in a quite voice that was a whisper more then anything. "Man, second day in a new world, and iv already fucked up, what a way my life works." Ray thought to himself. You did just hit her... Only cause you scared the Holy Fuck out of me Regardless, you hit her. Maybe you should help her... Ray looked back to Fluttershy. She was crying. He always hated it when people cry, or Ponies in this case. He moved his hand over to Fluttershy, placing it on her shoulder. "I am so sorry, Fluttershy, I didn't mean to hit you" Ray said, as Fluttershy still cried. "Huh, bad Déjà vu" Ray thought to himself, Although he didn't want to know why he did. He only wanted to focus on was trying to help the hurt Fluttershy. Even though he knew it wasn't his fault. He tried to help the crying Pegasus, but she started to back away, going under the bed, hiding from him. he felt bad, even though he didn't intend for it, she was hiding from him like he murdered someone! Although this is the shyest person...err pony, he has ever seen. "Damn it, now she's scared of me, what a great day" Ray thought to himself as he tried to coax Flutterhsy out from under the bed. Well, when you hit a yellow pony with your head, you can expect your day to go to Hell... Not a good time, Voice Ahh, yes you go consult the crying Pony, I will wait right here....in you head... Ray didn't respond, "Fluttershy, please come out. I said I was sorry" Ray said to the cowering Fluttershy. She didn't say anything. Ray stood back and began pacing back and forth. "Ok, I have a crying Pegasus under a bed, im pacing back and forth like an idiot, and im trying to figure out what do while im pacing back and forth" Ray thought to himself, wondering what he could do to calm Fluttershy. When a thought occurred to him. "Huh, never thought of doing...That.......especially after...." Ray's thoughts went blank off as he made his way into the living room. "Now where did she say my bags were?" Ray said as he looked around the room.