The Tales of Prince Onyx

by Stanislas

First published

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small child of another species in the Royal Gardens. After tense thinking, she decided to take the creature under her wing, becoming his guardian. This child, later named Onyx, will try to follow in the path of his adoptive mother. Will he be able to make her proud? Will being a unique creature affect how he’s treated or his personality?
A story of love and family between a mother and her son.


(Begins before season one)

edited by xIMPERSONATORx
cover art by Shinonigga

1-The wish

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----ON EARTH-------------

Chapter 1;
The birth of a new prince.

A man was driving through the evening sky, rocketing along the road as if he was driving for his life.

He wasn’t driving for his life. He was driving for his unborn child’s life, to the hospital. His wife had been at her younger sister’s house, and her water broke. So, she was already giving birth, by the man’s assumption.

He was driving over the speed limit, but it was worth it, even if it meant a ticket to pay.

“Oh... God, if you can hear me, please... Let her be okay...”

- - - -

After a small drive, he was now waiting anxiously and impatiently in the lobby of the hospital. The father-to-be held his head in his hands in silence. Painful silence. As he did so, his heart was beating so loud that he thought that it would be heard by those around him. The man’s hands were shaking awfully. His wife was in a surgery room, because she apparently needed to have a c-section operation in order for his newborn child to be born.

Sweat was running down his forehead like bullets firing from a gun. He was paranoid, as though he was asking himself, will my child live? Which, in truth, he was.

As the minutes passed, they felt like hours to this man. But, thankfully, through a double-doorway walked the doctor, the very same doctor who would give him the verdict that he has painfully waited for.

Looking up from his hands, he looked to the doctor. “Is she okay..?” he asked nervously.

The doctor sighed. He despised this part of the job, even when the news is good. “Your wife is fine. The child, however... Sir...” placing a hand upon his shoulder, the doctor braced himself for the worst. “I’m sorry.”

There ensued a long silence between the two. That is, before the father began to weep. “No... I... I...”

“Listen, Daniel, I apologize. I really do. Your child has suffered internal bleeding. We did everything we could... But it wasn’t enough.”

The weeping grew louder. The doctor was holding the father in his arms, and the father was crying into his shoulder, as though they were father and son.

But, the embrace was ended moments later, when a nurse whispered something to the doctor. “I have to go. Your wife should wake up in about an hour or two.” he said to the father, leaving him as the nurse took him to the same room that the child’s mother-to-be was in.

“I don’t know where he went.” the nurse said, standing in the doorway.
“You mean, you lost track of a dead child?” the doctor scolded. “Karen...”

The nurse looked at the doctor. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where he could’ve gone, who could’ve taken him... I-I don’t-”

“We’ll look for him... Come on.”

- - - -

They looked for hours.

Every room.

But, with great unfortune, to no avail. The child was nowhere to be found. They had given up.

“Doctor Maarain, I... I lied.” the nurse shamefully admitted, being in the lobby with the doctor.

“You lied? What do you mean?” Dr. Maarain glared at her.

She began to tell him what she meant.

She told him that she was sitting on a chair, looking at the deceased child. The curtains that were to be closed were open, letting the night sky be seen by all those in the room. The stars were many in the sky, as many as Karen’s tears. As she sympathised for the mother, who would find out the horrible truth when she awoke, she closed her eyes, and prayed. She prayed to God, hoping that he would embrace the child’s life in Heaven, letting him become an angel. But, when she opened her eyes, the child’s body was gone.

“... I-... It... Must have been the work of God...” Karen uttered. “I-I don’t know what else...” she sniffled.

The doctor wiped away her tears of guilt. “Don’t worry, Karen. We’ll find out what happened soon.”

“Are you sure?”


-----ROYAL GARDENS--------

She walked through the gardens, each step making a small ‘clip-clop’ noise. If you were to lay eyes upon her, the sight would make you calm inside, for she held an everlasting sense of beauty and grace, She have both wings and horn and her coat a pristine white, with the mark of the sun on her flanks. Her mane cascaded like a waterfall over her head, being of multiple colors. The mane was illusive, it seemed to move in a wave-like motion. The same went for her tail. They would put people into some form of trance at first sight, as though they would say to themselves, is there a draft in here? No..? Okay.

But, as this beautiful creature walked, she stopped in place, lowering her head to hear a sound better.

The sound of her own tears hitting the ground.

“Why...” she asked herself, looking at the silent, graceful moon that hung in the sky.

She had always gotten a sense of peace when looking at the moon, yet she was the supposedly immortal deity of the sun. But the only thing she received when she looked at the sun, was a pain in her eyes. Each night, she came out here, to the gardens outside of a large, beautiful castle that rested near the top of a mountain, the castle being her own, to weep. She had made a decision in her past, that has left her to be lonely in her world. Crying silent tears of sadness and remorse, she scolded herself without words.

Something was missing in her life. Something that she would trade even her life for.
She was lost in her mind, lost in her sorrow. Lost in her regret.

That is, until she saw a shooting star in the majestic night sky.

She uttered a wish in her mind, before she became overwhelmed with her emotions, beginning to cry even more.

She opened her eyes, and sighed again, before taking the way back to her room, but when passed the roses, she heard somepony crying in the bushes to her immediate left. She looked into the bush, only to see a strange creature in the thorny foliage. She raised a brow.

“What do we have here..?”

Celestia studied the small, bipedal creature in the bush. It stopped crying when she spoke, and it looked at her. She had never seen anything quite like it in her entire life. Now, it had four legs, but instead of hooves on its limbs, it had hands. It had 2 small blue eyes and a little spot of dark hair on the top of its head. The little biped started to cry again, and she felt in her heart that she needed to help it, she somehow knew that creature was still a baby, and her motherly instincts kicked-in like morphine. So, she used her magic to gently pull the little creature out of the bush and put it onto her back.

“But what could have brought you here..?” She wondered in curiosity to herself. She took the way to her castle for return to her room with the little baby. When she was back inside, she trotted trough the elegant corridor and walked to her room. But before she did, she passed the room of her sister.She regretted banishing her, but she did not have a choice. At this time, the little baby on her back started to play around with her magically flowing mane, before he slowly fell asleep. Celestia put on a smile, one of the first smiles she had since she banished her beloved sister to the looming, lifeless rock in the sky.

When the time came to raise the sun, Celestia opened her eyes and looked to her left to see if the little biped was still with her, or if she was just dreaming. When she did not see him, her heart skipped a beat in terror, because she was sure that for one time since the banishment of her sister, she will retake happiness in her life, but it seemed like she would be alone again, for the long 20 years that remained. But she was absolutely positive that last night was not a dream, because it was so real. Too real. So, she started to look around for the baby, she looked under the bed, under the covers, even in her mane, but found nothing. She was just about to give up, and break-down in tears, before she heard a little shuffling noise from under the pillow, she almost instantly pulled away the pillow with her magic, and there it was. She saw the little baby under it. “There you are... You scared me for a moment...” She sighed with relief, now smiling at the small baby who was looking back up at her in bewilderment, its young eyes barely making out the shape of her due to being newborn. It grew the most adorable smile on its face, and Celestia smiled back, giving the child a small peck on the nose. The child reached up with its stubby arm, and touched her muzzle with its small, soft hand. Celestia’s smile widened, and she laid down with the child. “What should I name you..?” Celestia wondered aloud as the child moved around a bit. Celestia helped it do so, and now it was sitting up. She took a good look at his little body, with his little blue eyes and his onyx-black hair. She thought for a moment.
“Onyx... Little Onyx.” She smiled. “What do you think about that? Onyx seems cute, doesn’t it?” She asked the little baby, before she realised that he cannot speak. She got up, and walked out onto her balcony to raise the sun, and after doing so, she quickly returned to her little Onyx. When she reached the little baby, she heard a faint, almost inaudible noise, like a growl. “Oh, are you hungry? I’ll be back in a moment.” She lets out a smile, she knew that he cannot understand her, but she enjoyed the feeling to finally to talk to somepony and lets out all the ‘royal talking stuff’.

She went out of her door and asked a guard for some hot milk, the guard gives her a weird look before asking, “But, your majesty... You seriously want hot milk... Like for foals..? Are you not too... Old for that?”

Celestia raised a brow at the guard, before the guard gulped. “R-right away, your majesty.” he rushed off, and the alicorn returned to her bed, where the baby laid on a pillow. She let him play with her mane for a few minutes, before the guard knocked on the door with the milk and opened it, she quickly put the covers over the child, and took the milk with her magic before closed the door.

Outside, though muffled, she heard...

“Why was she in a rush?”

“I don’t know, maybe... Wait, I think I saw somepony else in there... A stallion.”

“Eh, forget about it.”

There was a small moment of silence.

“... Heh, you think that Celestia’s in hea-...”


Celestia’s eyes went wide. She glanced at the door, and shook her head. She’d deal with them later, but for now, she had a kid to feed. She took the bottle of milk with her magic, and she slowly levitated it over the baby’s mouth. The baby eagerly took it with his small hands, and began to suckle on the nipple of the bottle, his eyes now closed. Celestia smiled. When the baby had finally drank it all, he coughed a bit, and she used her magic to lift him up and give him a small amount of taps on his back. Suddenly, he let out a loud belch. She quickly glanced over at the door to listen if the guard could have heard it, but fortunately she hear nothing. “Ok little one... What should I do with you..?” She heard laughter outside of the door before she continued, “I cannot leave you here alone, but I have my royal duty to do maybe if...” She heard a conversation outside the door.

“I need to clean the room of the Princess. Can I come in, guard?”

“The Princess will need some privacy... If you know what I mean..”

“Um... Not really...”

“Let’s just say the the sheet will need to be cleaned.”

“But why just the sheet?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Shut up, Steel!”

“Hey! It’s true!”


Celestia opened the door, poking her head out. “What’s the commotion all about?” She asked with a raised brow.

“Nothing, your majesty.” The guards straightened-up.

“You may come in.” Celestia said to the maid.

The maid nodded, and stepped into the room. Celestia shut the door behind her.

Celestia sighed as the maid began to clean. “I require you to do a small favor for me, miss.” She said to the maid.

The maid stopped cleaning. “What may that be, your majesty?”

“I need you to take care of something very important to me...” Celestia began explaining how she had found Onyx, and taken him in. He was laying on the bed, but the maid didn’t notice him until Celestia pointed to him. She looked a bit frightened, but she regained her composure.

“I-I understand. I’ll take care of him.” The maid nodded.

Celestia smiled. “Be expecting a raise in your payment. Thank you. Now, I must tend to my duties.” She walked out of the room...

… Only to find the two guards beating the living hell out of one another.

Her eyes widened a bit, and her brow raised.

The guards stopped, and looked up to the Princess, one of them about to bite the hind leg of the other. They literally froze.

“Oh... Buck...” They both said in unison.

“You two are suspended.” Celestia sighed, moving on from the two of them, down the hall.


Celestia couldn’t help but smirk as she walked away.

~End of Chapter 1...~

Hope you enjoy the chapter, guys! I sure enjoyed writing it for you all. A big, special thanks to ZachTheBrony, my editor and pre-reader.

ZachTheBrony would also like to say-

“I am chair, son of lava lamp, LORD OF AIR CONDITIONER!... ENJOY THIS FIC, OR YOUR ROOM’S TEMPERATURE WILL PERISH!!! AND YOU WILL BE COLD!... Okay, maybe not really... Just... Chilly... Kinda. I’ll be working with Silver until he finishes his fic, so don’t give me the thanks, give him the thanks for coming up with such an awesome idea for a story.”

-ZachTheBrony, 2012... Something... I don’t know. BOB! WHAT THE HELL IS THE DATE!?!

“I don’t know!”




“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my- OWW! MY F*#!%!) EYE!!!”

2-Need more protection

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-Chapter 2
Haven’t found a title yet, but who cares?

The alicorn let out a sigh. She had finally finished her duties, and was done for the day. Like always, she trotted off to the kitchen to nab a piece of chocolate cake. But this time, she would take something more for the little one in her room. She did, however, wish that all was good there with the maid. She was still thinking and worrying about the child, until a baker came to her.

The baker smiled at the princess. “Good afternoon princess! Have you come for your afternoon snack?” she giggled.

Celestia looked at the baker quickly. She was a pale blue coated unicorn with a cutie mark of a bag of sugar, and a luscious but creamy beige mane. She was also a little on the chubby side, but not too much. Atop of her head, she wore a generic chef’s hat.

“Hm..? Yes, like always, my dear. But could you possibly spare me a bottle of warm milk alongside the cake?” the princess grew a soft smile as she looked at the baker.

“You don’t have to ask, your honor, you are the princess, after all.” she smiled, before she went to get what the princess had asked.

It took the baker about 5 minutes before she returned with the items she wanted. Celestia thanked her kindly, and, holding the items in a magical embrace, she walked back to her room, where she found the maid, who yawned. “Good afternoon, Princess...” she smiled at the alicorn as she walked into the room. “How have you been?”

“Oh,” the princess let out a short sigh, pausing a moment. “I’ve been fine, just a little bit worn-out from today...” she said, before she placed the cake and the milk on a small, stone end table. “... Did the child give you any trouble?”

The maid grew a warm smile, and chuckled. She pointed at the little child, who was sleeping on the bed. “About that, you simply couldn’t wish for a calmer foal, because most of what he did was sleep. Though, he did wake up once. And when he woke up, all I had to do was read him a short story, and he was asleep in a flash.”

The princess lets out a sigh, happy to know that she didn’t need to worry so much. “I can’t thank you enough for the help you gave me. So, I was wondering if you would like to become Onyx’s official foalsitter. Now, this is only when I have no other choice but to work, which is quite frequently. And, this will obviously give you a boost in your pay, and-...”

She was interrupted by the maid. “You don’t have to say any more, your highness. I accept your offer. And I’m glad you chose me.”

The princess smiled thankfully at the maid. She let out a sigh, and looked at the baby. She almost forgot to give him the small bottle of milk, so she picked it up with her magic, and levitated it over to him, lightly pecking his soft forehead. The baby’s newborn eyes fluttered gracefully open, as he laid blind eyes on Celestia. The princess began to serenade him with a sweet, soft, melodic lullaby to the baby, just as he took the bottle with his tiny, cute fingers, beginning to suckle on the nipple of the bottle, closing his eyes. Celestia continued to sing, closing her eyes, tears forming in them as she did so. Only a single tear fell from her eyes as she sung. Why, you may ask? Because this lullaby was the very same one that Celestia had sung to one of her younger relatives, who had been gone for nearly 980 years.

She looked to the maid, letting the child go back to sleep. When he fell back to sleep, she took the bottle from him. Looking back to the maid, Celestia sighed. “Miss, I do not believe I know you too well... If you do not mind my asking, what is your name? And, where do you reside?” she asked the maid.

“My name is Silver Heart, your highness. And no, I don’t mind at all, I live near the entrance of the city with my husband Crescent Shadow and my little foal of 3 months, Shadow Heart, in a little house in the Southern District.” she said. In her eyes, the princess spotted pride when she spoke of her little foal.

“But why are you here if you have a little foal to take care of?” The princess asked, raising a brow.

Silver was a little hesitant to answer, but she replied. “You see, princess, me and my husband are rather poor, and we both literally have to have a job if we want to pay for our home, so I cannot stay with him all the time. The same goes for my husband.” she said, with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

The princess looked at the poor mare, before making a quick but good decision. She smiled sweetly at her as she spoke, “Silver heart, because you have taken care of Onyx, and have not lost control, or asked for something in return...” she then went to her closet, and took out a bag, filled to the brim with bits. “Take it, Silver, and return to your family. I will need you tomorrow morning, so have a good evening.” the mare was at a total loss for words, because in the bag, there was more bits then she had ever hoped for. Tears came to her eyes, and she thanked the princess with a large hug. She rushed out of the room, and out of the castle, to announce the good news to her family.

The princess glanced at the baby, and let out a sigh. “Well, Onyx, I suppose I could read you a book...” she then took a book from the shelf near the closet, and read it to him.

After a few minutes, the princess was out on the balcony. Only mere minutes later, Celestia came back from the balcony. She had raised the moon, and now the only thing she wanted to do was go snuggle-up in her bed beside the baby, with a good fire in the fireplace.

She returned to her room, and slipped into her bed, the little prince was laying asleep beside her. She slowly closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

- - - -

3 weeks passed since Celestia had found Onyx. 3 week of pure joy, she wasn’t too happy since the event with her sister, but now, she found a purpose to live. To protect her little prince, Onyx. Each day since 3 weeks ago, she got into the routine of waking up, have some breakfast that Silver Heart brought, give some milk to the baby, then the maid usually came into her room, to take care of Onyx. During this time, she does her royal duties as fast as she could, so she could return to her baby and read him a story, the very same story she read to him since the first day.

But today, Celestia was unfortunately having a bit of stress, because Silver and her got into a big conversation about how she wanted to show Onyx to everypony else, and how she couldn’t just store him away like this for the rest of his life. But ultimately, Celestia agreed that she would show him today, just a few hours before dinner. She was slightly nervous about how everypony would react when they see Onyx. She asked herself if they will see what she saw when she looked at him, which was a little baby who needed a loving, caring mother and a family, or would they see him as a monster and something that she should banish or abandon somewhere, and forget about it?... It was making her mind sore.

She was walking through the hall to go to the throne room, but she was still asking herself questions. She, by accident, bumped into a brown unicorn stallion with a blue mane and a scar over his left eye, who wore royal-grade body armor.

The princess snapped out of it. “Oh, my apologies, Captain Shield...” she chuckled.

The Captain of the guard rose up from the floor, and bowed to the princess. “No, it is my fault, your highness. I should have watched were I was going.”

Celestia give him a little smile, and began to walk away, before she got an idea.

“Strong Shield, could you come here please?” she asked kindly.

“Of course, your highness. What is it that I can do for you, your majesty?”

Celestia asked him to walk with her outside, in the royal gardens. Celestia knew that there was a good chance that not everypony would accept Onyx, and he would probably need some protection. And who could be more appropriate for such a job than her Captain? Strong Shield had never failed a mission, and before he was captain, he was one of her best guards. She remembered that quite a few years ago, she had sent a squadron of guards into the Everfree Forest to attempt to locate a filly who had disappeared. And during the mission, they found a Manticore who was about to kill the little filly. All the guards froze in fear at the sight of the big Manticore, except one guard, who threw himself in front of the Manticore to protect the filly. This is how Strong Shield got his trademark scar over his left eye, and since that point in time, each Hearth’s Warming Eve, the family of the filly signs and sends a card to Strong Shield to give thanks to him for saving their daughter.

“Captain, are you loyal to me?” she asked, quite suddenly.

The captain hid his surprise from the question, and answered with absolutely no hesitation. “To no end, my lady.”

“Are you willing to sacrifice your life to protect me, Strong Shield?” she asked with a serious tone in her voice.

“Yes your highness, but can I ask you why you ask me these questions?” he answered.

“Come with me.” she then trotted in the direction of her room, followed by a suspicious captain. When she reached her door, she ordered the two guard who guarded it to take a small break for now. Then, she turned to face Strong Shield. “What I will ask you to do, Captain, is a highly important assignment. But you may refuse it if you so wish, though, I cannot tell you what it will be before you accept it, and if you do, I want to warn you that this assignment is one that shall and will take many years to complete, and is quite difficult. So, Strong Shield, do you promise on your life that you will do everything I say when I open this door?” she asked the captain.

Strong Shield did not take too much time to think over his answer. He knew that he would never be able to look at his own reflection if he failed or refused an assignment, or mission, from the princess. Especially one that sounded extremely important to the princess. “Yes, your majesty, I accept it and I will take all the responsibility that will come from it.”

Celestia let out a little sigh of relief when she heard the positive answer from her Captain. Then, she opened the door and walked inside, followed by Strong Shield.

”Your assignment, Strong Shield, is to protect something of utmost importance in my eyes. I’m not sure if I am positive of it, but it is quite possible that somepony will try to hurt him, or in extreme cases, kill him.” she said, approaching the bed.

The captain gulped. What could he have to protect that is so important for the princess?!

But, when she pulled off the cover, he saw it.

A little monster laid in the bed of the princess... But how could it reach this room!?! All the way coming here, they saw guards galore! And before he had come here, he saw the two guards who were supposed to still be in front of the door!

So, he did the first thing that came into his mind:

1. Protect the royalty at all costs.
2. Eliminate and remove the source of the danger.
3. If it cannot be destroyed, take a stand.

He ran, and placed himself in front of Celestia. His horn started glow, and he aimed it straight at the creature, but before he could do anything more, he feel something push him away, and saw that Celestia was now standing between him and the creature.

“Stop that immediately, Captain, he is not dangerous!”

“But Princess, how did you know if this m-... monster is really as harmless as he looks?”

“STRONG SHIELD!” she shouted in The Royal Canterlot Voice. Then, she calmed down a little. “That ‘monster’, as you titled him, is the one who I want you to protect, and is also my adopted son!’’

The guard gulped. Not only had he insulted Celestia by insulting the strange thing, but he needed to protect it, too!

Celestia calmed down, and spoke to the captain. “You see, Captain, this is the reason why I will need you. You just proved why I need him to be protected. Because later today, I will announce to the ponies that he is here in Equestria, but I do not want somepony to act just like you have, and try to hurt him, or make an attempt on his life, so I will need you to protect him.”

The captain stayed silent. In his mind, he was thinking about all the responsibility that this assignment would bring. But yes, he did not really like the fact that he had to protect a monster, but if Celestia trusted it, who he is to judge her, right?

“Your highness, I will accept this assignment, but I have one condition that I must have met.” Strong said.

Celestia raised a brow, before she let the captain continue.

“3 weeks ago, you fired two of my guards, and you know that they’re not my most important guards, but still, they have a place in the royal army. Can you allow them to retake their positions?” he asked.

Celestia waited a couple of seconds, before she whispered to the Captain...

… “Do you like bananas, Captain?”

The Captain, for some reason, blushed, and raised a brow. “P-pardon me, y-your majesty?”

Celestia smiled, and sighed before she laid on her bed, next to Onyx. “If the two guards each bring me a bag of bananas, and an apology, I will let them retake their jobs.” she then looked at Onyx, smiling more. “I do not think I will need you before I reveal him to everypony, so you may return to your business.” she said, looking back to Strong.

Strong Shield bowed to the princess, and went out of the room. He starting to walk, thinking about what he will need to do to protect the baby monster. Still lost in his mind, he reached the guard hall. He approach two stallions who did not wear the uniform. They were the two that Celestia fired. Instead of working for the Guard, they got temporary jobs... As janitors. They were in the guard hall because their lockers were there.

“Stainless Steel, Curved Bronze! You have 10 minutes to get your sorry flanks over to the kitchen, ask for two big bags of bananas, give it to your princess, and then give your apologies! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” he yelled at the two stallions.

“SIR, YES SIR!” the two stallions saluted him as they said this in perfect unison. Then, they bolted off in the direction of the royal kitchen, accidentally tripping and falling face-first onto the ground as they went.

- - - -

Celestia looked at the scroll in front of her. She had listed all the pros and cons to keeping and banishing Onyx. In total, there were more good reasons to banish him instead of keep him.

She looked at the scroll for a moment...

… Before tossing it into the fireplace, watching it burn.

She looked at Onyx with a warm smile as he slept on the bed.

“If I want to keep you, who will stop me from doing so?”


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Chapter 3

Knock knock knock!

Celestia kissed the head of her little Onyx before she pulled the covers over him, then she got out of the bed and trotted over to the door. If she had the choice, she would pass up being Princess, to spend all of her days in her room, taking care of Onyx. But when you have a full land to take care of and be in charge of, you could barely do what you wished for leisure, without some sort of political complication in one part of the country.

“Who is it?” Celestia asked calmly.

“It’s Curved Bronze, your highness. I’m here with-” Celestia opened the door before Bronze could finish what he was saying.

“Did you bring them?” She asked. The two ‘ex’-guards looked at each other before they brought forth two full bags of the fruit in which the Princess requested them to bring. Celestia took it with her magic and put the bags in her room. She would never admit it, but when somepony brought her bananas, she could hardly be angry at them. She then returned her attention to the visitors. “Don’t you two have something to say to me?” She questioned the one at her left.

“Yes, we both wanted to say that we are sorry to have fought each other in front of you, it was unprofessional and we will never, ever do it again.”

The Princess raised a brow, looking to the other guard.

Then the other one started to talk. “E-except if one of us was a traitor, THEN we would need to fight each other, but I’m sure Bronze is not a traitor. And I am forever loyal to you, your highness.”

“Steel, you know that what you said would be exactly what a traitor would say in your position, right?” Bronze asked him.

“WHAT?! Oh no, d-does t-that mean I’m a traitor!? No no no no no, please forgive me your honor, I didn’t know that I am a trai-...” Steel exclaimed nervously.

Celestia rolled her eyes before she interrupted the panicking guard.

“If you were a traitor, why would you have given me your apology, and a bag of the bananas?” Celestia asked.

“Uh... I don’t know...”

“Exactly. That means that you are not a traitor. Now return to your captain, and say to him that I have accepted your apologies.” Then, she closed her door. After hopping back up onto her bed, she reached into one of her banana bags, and took the one on the very top with her magic. She then laid down, next to where the little baby was, sleeping peacefully.


Its was time.

Outside, an immense majority of the population was there, standing in front of the balcony on the streets and lawns below, waiting to hear what Celestia would say. Strong Shield was looking outside by the window, and all seem to be in-check and normal. But in less than 10 minutes, the Princess would show them all the... the monstrosity she found in who knows where, and HE would have to protect it. He constantly wondered to himself, who wouldn’t say that this little child would grow up into something dangerous? ‘Strong had seen aplenty of dragon hatchlings in his day, which at infancy, are cute, but when fully-grown, are one of the most dangerous predators in all of the land. This creature could show no difference, but then again, how would he know? Nopony, not even the Princess herself, knew what this creature could withhold in the future! But now was not the time to sweat the small stuff.

This was the first time that he saw Celestia smile like that since he knew her, and if somepony actually managed to take away the source of joy that she had, Strong could never forgive himself. Even though he did not truly care for the creature, it was his sworn duty to do anything that her highness commands, whether it be small, or large.

Strong Shield was walking to Celestia’s room to advise her that the people were waiting outside for the big announcement, or should we say, the little announcement. Strong laughed at his own joke, before he finally arrived at the door.


Celestia was reading something aloud, looking down at a scroll wherein she had written what she would say to the people for the 6th time. She was still not quite certain on what she would need to say, and the worst part was that she needed to be ready now.

Silver Heart gently set Onyx down on the bed, before she placed her hoof on the shoulder of Celestia. She looked over to her, and smiled. “Your honor, if I may, I suggest that you go with what your heart says. A piece of paper is just that. It cannot lead nations. Only by your word, and your word only, shall they listen. ”

Celestia let out a sigh, but before she could have responded, somepony knocked at the door.

“Your highness, the time has come.”

Celestia steeled herself, and motioned for Silver to come along with Onyx as she began to walk out of her room.

She gulped.


Strong Shield was in front of the massive crowd of ponies, at the foot of the tower. Celestia was at his left, Silver Heart at his right. Strong was looking at the crowd, wondering how the ponies would react. He had already had the number of guards at the main door of the castle increased, and even more in the way to get to Celestia’s quarters, just in case. The little creature was hidden in the hooves of Silver, Celestia had asked him to take it, but he responded that if he needed to protect it, he would need to have both of his hooves free. The truth was that he found Onyx to be rather... revolting, even to look at it. So when asked to take it... there would be no way in Tartarus he would accept it.

“Citizens of Equestria... Today, you are all gathered here because I have good news for us all. In the past few days, I have found an infant with no parents, in the gardens of the castle. And after having thought about it during the past few days, I have decided... that I shall adopt him. And this would have him become the new prince of Equestria when he is an adult.”

After Celestia said this, the entire crowd was cheering. Everypony looked to like the idea of their Princess adopting a little foal. Celestia was smiling, but that smile quickly faded, as reality kicked in. She knew that the hardest part... had now come.

“I am truly glad to see how happy you are by this, my little ponies, but before we continue... I need to tell you all something. The new prince... is not a pony.”

Some gasps came from the crowd, followed by an immense amount of whispers. Suddenly, one pony raised his hoof. “Princess, is he a Gryphon?”

The Princess started to feel a bit of pressure. “No, he is not a gryphon, he is a...” Celestia took Onyx from Silver with her magic, and held him up, just so the crowd could (hopefully) see him. “Like you all can see, he is not even a species that we know of. And I know that taking him under my wing, to some, is a bad choice in your opinion. But ask yourselves, does he really look that dangerous? He is still an infant when I look at him. I don’t know what he will look like, but what matters is what he will become. If I raise him in a good way, hopefully only his appearance will differ him from us.” She took a small breath, before she continued.”I am sure that many of you have a foal or filly to take care of, but if your child was born different, ask yourself, would you continue to take care of it, or you will forget it, and not take the risks? I think that everypony here can give him a chance. It would be an act of cruelty to judge this, this lovely child, before we can even begin to know him more.” Celestia felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. She had to tense almost every muscle in her body, just to keep herself from shaking.

The people were silent. Some even fainted. Some had a look of fear in their eyes. A little group wore a look of anger, but suddenly, one unicorn start to stomp her hooves on the ground in applause, and then a another one, and another, and another. Ultimately, the entire crowd was applauding and cheering, some even yelled, “WELCOME TO THE NEW PRINCE!”.

Celestia couldn’t be happier, even if she tried. She would finally be able to raise her adopted son, without the fear of him being discovered.

But what she did not see, was the look of full-on rage from Strong Shield. He was walking back to the barracks, trying to calm himself. “Am I the only pony here who has a brain!?! She should think about all the disasters that... that that little monster can bring into Equestria! Is the Princess so selfish to only think about HERSELF, and not about the consequences that can come from keeping that baby!?! Is she bucking BLIND!?!? And what the hay is her problem to think that it will be easy to raise a creature that we know NOTHING ABOUT!?!?!?”

When he finally reach is office, he slammed the door shut behind him, and opened-up a bottle of 80% Celeska. He had finally lost it, if he was turning to the bottle. But, he was trying to drown-out the thoughts of that... disgusting little creature.


Celestia shut her door with a smile, after she said a few goodbyes to a group of mares who wanted to come and see the prince. “Finally... me, Onyx, and the rest of my banana... Maybe I will be able to finally-”


She let out a long sigh, before she opened the door. But what surprised her was that she saw Silver Heart with a little foal on her back, sucking on a pacifier. “Good afternoon your highness. I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No no, not at all, miss Silver. But may I ask, who is the little foal you have with you?” Celestia asked, her smile growing a bit when she saw the foal.

“Oh this, this is my little angel, Shadow Heart. He will be four months old in two days, and I was thinking that now Onyx is officially here, maybe my son and yours can have some time to play together, or whatever little foals do together.” Silver offered, looking at Celestia with a smile.

Celestia was gonna say that maybe it wouldn’t be quite a good idea, but she quickly realised that if she wanted Onyx to be truly, truly accepted by the ponies, she would need to do all that she could for him, to have him communicate with the other ponies.

Celestia let Silver enter the room with her foal. Celestia looked at her son, and closed her eyes. Now that she did not have to be worried about what others would say, she would be able to finally, for the first time in about 980 years, be happy and have a family, like she had always wanted.


… of the chapter, not the story, you bunch of loony toons!

4-Diary of Celestia 1

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The diary of Celestia - 1

27th of Draconoques, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today, will be exactly 6 months since I have adopted Onyx. I’m really happy at how the things have become, everypony was more, curious than frightened by him... Strong Shield had advised me that a little group of ponies hate him and we should take care of them, but I’m sure he was worried over nothing. By the way I have found that Onyx will need something for cover his body. Unlike us Pony he does not have fur and his... stallionhood was not hidden like our stallions, maybe I should ask Silver Heart if she knows somepony who can make some clothes for him or something like that.


Princess Celestia


2nd of Unicornus, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today, was the day where I took Onyx to the Royal Cloth Shop. We had spend many hours trying to find and make something for the form of his body. I think we have spend around 4 or 5 hours just for determinate what we should make, I have nearly forgotten to raise the moon, but at the end of the day, we have found what kind of clothing to make for him, and his clothes will be ready next week.


Princess Celestia


9th of Unicornus, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I had finally received the clothes for Onyx and he looks, just so cute in is black pajamas. All his clothes are made with pure black or gray, and with a little emblem of my cutie mark on his shoulder. I just find him so... I don’t know, he’s just so adorable! Maybe I’ll ask Silver Heart to bring her camera, I will never say it but, I will LOVE it when it’s time to take some pictures of Onyx.


Princess Celestia


27th of Unicornus, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I don’t know why, but I found Strong Shield acting strange when he was close to Onyx, like if he found him... disgusting... No I think is more like if he found him dangerous... Maybe I should keep an open eye on him. Anyways, I had bought Onyx a little plushie of a phoenix, I’m sure he will love it, maybe I should wait for his birthday or Hearth’s Warming to give it to him. It can be a good gift... right?


Princess Celestia


1st of Crystalia, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,




2nd of Crystalia, Year 980 after the NMM.

Dear Diary,

Today, Silver Heart had took Onyx to her house, so I will be able to FINALLY get some sleep, but... I’m still wondering why he was cry like that, since I had adopted him, he had cried about, 3 or 4 times, and each of those times lasted for around 3 minutes, not WHOLE hours!... Maybe I should use a detection spell on him.


A really sleepy Celestia


4th of Crystalia, Year 980 after the NMM

Dear Diary,

When I used my detection spell, I found out why he was crying all the time! It was because his tooth is coming out, so for the good of everypony in the castle, I have given him a anti-pain spell. Everypony will finally be able to sleep like a baby... or more like a tree.


A really happy Celestia


13th of Crystalia, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I am really worried, I had discovered that this morning when I woke up Onyx, that he had a FANG! Not big one, but it’s still a fang! That means he can eat meat, which means he came from a predator species. I was trying to hide it with some magic before somepony else could see it, so I can give myself some time to think of what I should do next. But before I could finish the spell, Strong Shield had came into my room and was trying to tell me something, I don’t know what because, before he was able to say what he had wanted to say, he saw that Onyx had a fang and after that, he tried to persuade me that ‘He is dangerous.” and “We never should have taken care of him.”’

I had convinced him, that Griffins too eat meat and they are not a threat to us ponies, but I cannot convince him of the same with Onyx... I just wish that his species was a omnivore one and not carnivore... It will be too much, and too hard to try and convince the population that he’s harmless, if they found that out.


A worried Celestia.


25th of Crystalia, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

The tooth that Onyx had, finally finished growing up and hopefully, I had discovered with the form of his new tooth I would say he is a omnivore. That will help a lot with what I have planed for him later. I will only need to ask the Griffin Kingdom to send me some... meat when he will grown up, *shudder* I’ve been thinking, that maybe he doesn’t need meat, but because I know nothing about his species, maybe it will be dangerous for him NOT have some. Now I will go sleep, because today was a really hard day with the meeting I had.


A unworried Celestia


23rd of Hearth’s Warming, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary

I am so excited, in 2 days it will be the first Hearth’s Warming Day for Onyx! I have planned everything, first we will go to the annual spectacle of the creation of Equestria, then we will go to the dinning room, I have invited the family of Silver Heart, I have invited too Strong Shield but he wants to pass this time with his family. After we will all have eaten, we will go in the throne room where I have put all the gifts, for Onyx it will be the phoenix doll, for Silver it will be a dress that she wanted since the past few month, but cost too much high for her. For her husband, (who is a wonderful husband to her) it is 2 tickets for the next galloping gala, and finally for their son, it is a certificate that I will give him for gifted unicorns. The only thing that I will miss is my dear sister... I don’t know how hard it could be for her, to be alone on the moon on the Hearth’s Warming day.

Princess Celestia.


26th of Hearth’s Warming, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I had a most wonderful Hearth’s Warming Eve, I had gotten from the family of Silver a picture of me giving a bath to Onyx (I think she knows how I love this picture of Onyx and me). After the show, we all went to the dinning room, where we all shared laughs and fun. Then when I gave then my present, the Silver family were really happy. This was the first time, since I have banish my sister, that I got a good Hearth’s Warming Eve.


Princess Celestia


6th of Winterium, 981 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

IT FINALLY HAPPENED! Onyx had said his first word! At first I was starting to begin to worry, because he is 14 months old, but he have finally say it, we where at the park, I was reading a book called “How to Eat More Without The Fat Flank” and then he say it, he had said ‘CAKE!’. It was so wonderful, so I had taken him into the kitchen and I had asked the chef to make us a big cake with writing on the top of it, with the word ‘cake’. It was delicious.


A full Celestia.


24th of Alicornia, 981 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today is the birthday of Onyx, I had bought him a another plushie, but it was a plushie of a little tiger, it even makes a little squee when you press it’s belly. Onyx was looking really happy and we had invited his friends, Shadow Hearth, the foal of Silver hearth, and for the occasion I had made myself a cake. It was a little burnt, but it was still good.


Princess Celestia


13th of Gryflius, 985 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Onyx has been with for 5 years now, 5 wonderful years of smiling, laughing and he has learnt so much. I have learned alot of things since these years I had him, first his kind walk on 2 legs, like the Diamond Dogs, and even if he likes the meat I give him, he can always eat vegetables and fruit like us, but he cannot eat plants, like hay, flower etc.. I have tried one time and he became sick for the next 4 day after that. I have discovered that his species don’t have cutie marks, so I guess when he will find out what he is good at, then we will just add a emblem of it on his clothes. Onyx started to get a little collection of plushies, he has 5 plushies for now; a phoenix, a tiger, a penguin, a pegasus, and the last one I give him was a little wolf. Strong Shield still has this strange look in his eyes when he saw him, but I think he just a little stressed.

Onyx and Shadow Hearth are always together and are always playing knight and dragon.
But I’m stressed, in less than 2 years I will need to send Onyx to school, with other ponies, but unlike us, he doesn’t have the ability to fly like Pegasus, he doesn’t have the magic of Unicorn, and he doesn’t have the strenght of a Earth pony. I have asked Strong Shield to train him a little but he had decline, saying that he is too young. I need to find a solution.


A worried mother


28th of Moon Festif, 986 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today I had a meeting with the ambassador of the Gryffin Empire. Nothing to worry about, but when we go out after the meeting, the ambassador had asked to meet Onyx, and I had accepted his request. I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling, he didn’t do anything wrong, he had just talked with him about how the Gryffin Empire works. But I’m worried, why the ambassador of the Gryffin would want to talk about that to my son.


Princess Celestia


25th of The Sun Festif, 987 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

In less than 1 week, School will start, and I need to add Onyx in one as one of the students there at the school in Canterlot. I cannot put him into the School for gifted Unicorns like his friend, Shadow Hearth because he does not have magic, the Flight School of Commander Hothead is for species who have wings... and Onyx can’t fly soooo.... The normal School of Earth, he can’t go in it because everypony there are really strong... I have only 2 other choices, The Royal School and the Inter-species School, for the first one, Onyx will not have trouble in it because he will be the only student but still, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. So the only one is the Inter-Species School, but I’m a little scared of this place... But I don’t have any other choice. I will talk about it with him tomorrow.


Princess Celestia


5-plush wars

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Chapter 5

Plush Wars

Celestia closed her Diary and hid it under her bed with her magic, the last thing she wanted is somepony to find it. Then she fed Philomena, her pet phoenix, and finally went outside. Today was a calm day for her, like each Saturday she had no meeting, no council, and no pony asking requests, more importantly; it was her favorite day of the week because she can be with her son. The sky today was clear, and she could hear the birds in her garden sing, showing the world how happy they are. Celestia found that it could be a good day to bring Onyx to the garden or to the park. So she walked into the direction of his room. Since he turned five, she gave him Luna’s room, sure she could change the decoration into something more in his color. She’d have to paint the wall in a multiple shade of yellow, red and orange, but she’d leave the roof in a deep dark blue. Since her sister will be back in 13 years, she didn’t think that her sister would mind if her room was no longer hers but was Onyx’s until she came back.

When she reached the door of her sons room, she asked the 2 guards that protect the door to go take a little break. She then knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

“Who’s there?” a little voice asked from inside the room.

“It’s me your mother, can you let me in?” She questioned back.

“Noooo! Don’t come in, I’m doing something for you!” Celestia was surprised, she always liked surprises from her son. So she sat in-front of the door and waited patiently for her son to finish whatever he is doing. When he finally opened his door to let her come in, she was really surprised. Onyx sat on his bed, and in his hand he had a strange brown book. Celestia asked what the book was, but the only answer she get was

“Mommy come see, I want to show you!” Celestia approached her son’s bed, she’d never seen this book before and she was wondering what it could be. When he opened it, she blown away by what she saw, in the book was a collection of all the pictures she have taken since she had found Onyx.

“B-But where did you find all this?” she asked.

“Well, asked Shadow’s mom, if she can bring me some of the pictures you had of me and you, and I had put them in this book, this way you will never forget me.... Did I do something wrong mommy?” Celestia give him a peck on his head before she took the book.

“Something wrong?... No, no you did not do such a thing, is more like the opposite. It’s wonderful Onyx! I will put it away and look at it before I sleep.” Onyx embraces his mother in a hug, and they both stayed like that for a few minutes.

“So Onyx, how would you like it if we go to the park today?” asked Celestia, Happiness evident in her voice.

“To the park... really? I would love to mom! it’s been like forever since we’ve last been there!” Celestia giggled at her son's excitement.

“Since forever? But we go there everyday.”

“I know, but for me, it’s like forever!” answered Onyx answered back.

Celestia and Onyx walked out of the room and went outside, heading in the direction of the park. Onyx, who was riding on Celestia’s back, looked all around him. Canterlot was always beautiful and clean, Canterlot is a place where many ponies do their business, whether It be buying food, buying clothes, or even something as simple as just enjoying the weather. But unlike every other day, dozens of ponies fillies and colts were lined up in front of the east tower.
Some looked really stressed, but others looked really happy.

“Mommy... What’s going on there?” Onyx asked, pointing to the tower with his finger.

“That, Onyx, is where the little fillies and unicorn colts go, to be the best, and join the school for gifted Unicorns” Celestia answered back. She continued on her way to the park, when all of a sudden an explosion was heard a bright purple flash followed after, appearing at the top of the east tower, along with the head of a small baby dragon. All of the ponies were running away, screaming bloody murder

“Mommy what is it?” asked Onyx

“I don’t know” answered Celestia “But you need return to your room now.”

“But mom, I don’t wan-” a sudden flash of color blinded Onyx and when he re-open his eyes, he was back in his room.
“I hate it when mom teleports me, it’s unfair.”
Onyx was sitting there, crying into his pillow, he wanted to go see what was happening, not stay in his room... He wasn’t weak! Now he had missed the opportunity to see a real dragon! A dragon him and Shadow would slay like when they are playing together. But noooooo all the fun is for the guards and his mother. Onyx was still in his bed when he heard a knock on the door.

“Go away, I don’t want to see you now mom!” Onyx yelled.

“You see Smarty Pants, it’s like I said, this is not the room of the Princess. We should ask the guard.” Said a little voice of a little filly outside.
Onyx, curious because he never heard this voice before, open his door and saw a little purple unicorn filly. who was talking to a little plushie.

“Why do you want to find my mommy?” Onyx asked. The unicorn was not moving, but stared at him, like if he was something strange and scary. The unicorn then started to slowly walk backwards.

“Wh...who are you?” she asked slowly and with a scared voice.

Onyx sighed, this is not the first time he meet somepony who was scared by his appearance. he had asked his mother about it, and she answered ‘sometimes, ponies tend to get scared about some things they don’t know or don’t understand’. But even if he knew that, he found it a little hard to get everypony to stop being scared, everypony is scared of him before they can get to know him more. Even his body guard looks at him like he was something that should not exist.

“My name is Onyx, or Prince Onyx. I’m the son of Princess Celestia.” At the word Celestia, the little filly’s ears perked up.

“Oooh, you’re the new prince! My parents had talked about you at home. I was always wondering, why you are so different to us... No offence.” She said with the biggest smile Onyx ever seen.

“Um... I would like to help you with knowing me more, but even I don’t really know who I really am... Nice plushie by the way.” he said, pointing to the little plushie at the foot of the unicorn

“Oh! This is Mr. Smarty Pants. He always helps me with my homework... By the way, I'm Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight, that is a cute name, I like it... Hey do you want to play with me, I have some plushies of mine too!” at that same time, he opened his door more, letting Twilight come in.
Twilight walked slowly into little faol’s room... or whatever he was. Sure the princess had asked Twilight, to meet her in her room for a talk about the recent outburst of magic she got this morning. But if the Prince who is a whole new specie to discover, asked her to play with him. How could she say no?
Celestia was starting to worry, she had asked the little filly to meet her in her room two hours ago, and she still is not here, and she did not take the time to go see how is Onyx after she teleported him away. So to kill some time, she decide to go see her son. Maybe she will see the little filly at the same time, lost in the castle. She walked a little more faster than usual to reach the room of her son, but when she was in-front of the door, she heard 2 voices inside.

“But who can be with him? Shadow Hearth is at the school, Strong Shield had taken some vacation days off, and I’m here....” Said celestia quietly to herself. She slowly open the door and took a quick peek of what was happening inside.

Onyx was throwing a plushie at a... book fort?...and the little filly, who was hiding under the fort, threw the plushie back at Onyx.

“Captain Smarty Pants will protect me from you! You should surrender now!” Twilight yelled at Onyx.

“NEVER! The General Philomena will save Commander White Tiger from you!” Onyx answered back.

Celestia slowly closed the door, and walk away. It was the first time her son made a friend by himself and she was proud of it.

6-Meeting The Family

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Chapter 6

Meeting The Family

Onyx woke up this morning with the need to play with Twilight again. Last night when Celestia had explained to him that she would now take the young unicorn under her wing, Onyx was happy with this news, because it means that she will come to the castle everyday to learn from Celestia, and play with him. Since he still needs to get revenge on her, and defeat smarty pants. She had won, when she had thrown Smarty Pants in his face, and hid his commander Philomena until he gave up.

Onyx was so lost in his thoughts, he did not see his cousin until he bumped into him.
“OUCH!... Hey Blueblood, what are you doing here?” Onyx asked, before he took a quick look at him. Usually Blueblood would have a clean mane, it was like as if Nightmare Moon herself was running after him.

“Get out of the way!!! And if you see my sister, tell her that you never saw me!” He screamed before he started to run away again. Onyx was troubled, his cousin never came near his room.

“BLUEBLOOD COME BACK HERE!!!!!!!!” Yelled a angry pink alicorn with... with a green mane..???

“Cadence..... why is your mane gr-”


“He ran that way.” Onyx answered back, pointing in the direction Blueblood had ran.

Cadence and Blueblood were never playing him. Usually Cadence is too busy with her homework in her royal school, and Blueblood... Well, he just never wants to be with him. At first, Onyx thought, ‘Maybe because I’m was too young?’ (Blueblood was 12 years old and Cadence is 16 years, so Onyx was younger than them both.) later on, he realised that Blueblood just didn’t like him.

“Well, I think I should go eat, before mom eats all the pancakes... Again” He thought out-loud.
Celestia was sitting in the dining room, and the only thing that restrained her from throwing herself into the big pancake mountain in front of her, was that she’d just finished brushing her mane, and she didn’t want to redo it again. So she just had taken 3 pancakes and started to eating them slowly, that was, until her son came in.

“NOOO! Mommy, don’t eat all the pancakes, somepony had put poison in them!!” Onyx yelled. Celestia immediately stopped eating them.

“And what is this type of poison?” She asked smirk, knowing her son only wanted the pancakes to himself.

“It’s a type of poison that only works on ponies, so I will need to eat them all for your protection.” Onyx said with a killer pokerface that a child his age shouldn’t have.
Celestia pushed her breakfast away, then took some bread with her magic, deciding to amuse her son. Onyx, who was smiling, like if it was the most wonderful day of his life, had sat down at his seat, then placed all the pancakes onto his plate. They both started to eat silently, until Cadence, still with a green mane, and Blueblood... who had a strange red mark on his cheek, came in. They both sat down at their respective places, even if Blueblood was now more closer to Onyx than her sister.

“Auntie Celestia, why does Onyx have all the pancakes?” asked Blueblood, Celestia had left her son to answer him.

“Because they have poison in them and I’m the only one who is immune, is me!”

“If only you weren't immune to them.” Blueblood whispered to himself, buying in to the lie, but Celestia heard him and gave him a stern look, that said ‘Bitch, fuck you, thats my son motherfucker’

They all started to eat, the room was calm, and the only noise in the room was the one, of somepony eating, until Onyx stopped and turned himself to his mom.

“Mom... why haven’t I started school yet?” he asked. Celestia choked on her orange juice, not expecting that answer. Blueblood and Cadence just waited until she regained herself.

“Why *Cough* why would you ask such a question, Onyx?” she questioned.

“Well, yesterday, Twilight was telling me, that she will start school now, and she’s 2 years younger than me, so I was wondering, why I haven’t started it yet.”

“Well, because... I was thinking about it not to long ago, but because you never asked to go to school. I was guessing that maybe, you don’t want to go there now.” Onyx was looking frustrated.

“But I WANT to learn, I want to know how things work here and share it with Twilight when she comes and meets me again.”

Celestia sighed, she did not like the idea to send her son off to school, but she had no choice.
“Well, okay then. What do you think, if we go get you registered this afternoon?” Onyx ran up to Celestia and hugged her.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you mommy! I’m gonna go tell Shadow Heart now!” He said before he ran out of the dining room. Celestia looked at him with a smile... until she couldn’t see him anymore.

“You both still need to explain to me why you, Cadence, your mane is in a color like that, and YOU nephew, we will need to have a talk about how you reacted with Onyx.” Celestia said those words, dripping with toxic venom. Blueblood gulped and started to pray for a miracle that will let him get out of this situation.


Onyx was in his room, and had packed some stuff for this afternoon. He was taking his favorite pencil, some sheets of paper, an eraser, and finally a backpack that Cadence had given him when she had visited him a little while ago. She had said that it was an early birthday gift, the backpack was black like his hair, and with a picture of the sun and the moon, on each side. When Celestia and Onyx came back from the school for the inscription, she had give him a list with many things to buy for school, and now the last thing he will need, is to prepare the lunch for tomorrow.

Onyx was in the royal kitchen, preparing a peanut butter, and jelly sandwich for the lunch for tomorrow by himself. When the door opened and Blueblood come in.

“Hey, cousin, what are you doing here, do you want to help me? I can’t reach the peanut butter.” asked Onyx, but instead of Blueblood answering him, he slapped him.

“Listen to me you junk, by your fault, Celestia cut the money I receive every week! So don’t ask me to help you, or be your friend. I’m only friends with PONIES. You monster. How can you think, you can have friends if you are not one of us?” Then seeing that Onyx had left his backpack on the floor, Blueblood opened it, and started to stomp on it. Onyx was in tears, at each stomp of Blueblood, he could hear the noises of the things being broken inside, but the only thing he can do, is watched him.

“That was for telling my sister where I was this morning.” then he walked away, but before he went out, he gave Onyx a look of disgust.

“And don’t you dare, try to go cry to the legs of your mommy. I know where you are, and I know where you hide your stupid plushies.”

“NO! Please don’t do that!” Cried Onyx. Alone on the floor in the kitchen.

7-The first day part 1

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Chapter 7.

the first day part 1

Celestia was in her bed, the fire in the fireplace making her warm and comfortable, the soft freshly cleaned blanket was just beckoning her into the bed. She closed the book Onyx had given to her, then she said goodnight to her pet phoenix and blew out the candle. She started to fall asleep, until she heard somepony knocking at her door. She let out a loud sigh, got up and opened the door, but to her surprise she saw Onyx in front of the door, with all his plushies in his arms.

“Honey, what are you doing up at this time?” She asked, a little worried.

“Ca-can I sleep with you tonight mommy, I...I don’t want to be alone.” He asked, with a shaky voice. Celestia who was worried, let him in.

“Are you alright honey? You seem to look like you’re troubled.”

“No...I’m ok.......I just want to sleep with you, ...can we go sleep, please?” He asked, then dropped all of his plushies on Celestia’s bed. Celestia returned to her bed and let Onyx rejoin her, when they were finally on the bed, she kissed him on his cheek and re-lit the candle, but before she went to sleep, she opened the cage for Philomena, who immediately laid down with Onyx and moved herself closer to him. The only noises left, was the one of the fire in the fireplace.


“Onyx....Onyx...It’s time to wake up now.......Onyx come on, you have school today.” are the first words Onyx heard this morning. At first, he was gonna jump out of the bed and run to school, but then he remembered the event of the last night, so he just ignored his mother.

“Onyx come on, you don’t want to be late, do you?” Celestia asked, who was now shaking him gently. Onyx slowly woke up and looked around him. All his plushies were still here, Philomena was now eating in her cage and no sign of Blueblood here. Celestia who was wondering why her son was so lazy this morning, took the blanket off him.

“Come on Onyx, yesterday you were so excited about this day. What’s the matter?” She asked softly, but still with a curious voice.

“....I don’t know mommy....... What if they don’t like me?....Because I’m different......What if they don’t want to be my friends or worst, don’t want to talk to me because I’m different?” He asked, tears threatening to break through. Celestia immediately hugged him.

“Shhh, don’t cry, you’ll see. Anyone that will call you a monster, are jealous that they arent as different as you, you are a wonderful child who every-mother would love to have, so never again call yourself a monster. You are the prince of this kingdom and you should not let what they say, get to you.” She said in a soft voice.

“And I’m sure you will make plenty of friends there, and you still have Shadow Heart and Twilight, right? So don’t be scared, My little prince.” Onyx, who now had a smile on his face, hugged his mother.


Both, Celestia and Onyx went outside of the castle and were now in-front of the school. After breakfast, Onyx had asked his mother to repair his backpack with her magic, because apparently he had fell down some stairs and accidentally crushed it. Sure she had accepted it and the backpack was now perfect, but she found it a bit odd that his backpack was all crushed but her son was fine, because if he’d really had fallen down some stairs, he should have some bruises or scratches, right? Although, its good he didn’t get any scratches.

They were in front of the school, and the school was filled with a lot of future students. Onyx was pleased to see so many children of his age, and by the number of them he saw, no doubt that he would be able to make some friends.

“The school will end at 4pm, are you sure you don’t want me to come get you after?” Celestia asked. Onyx hugged her.

“Don’t worry mom, I can take care of myself, and I remember my way back to the castle.” he answer back , obviously very happy he remembers the way back. Celestia kissed him on his cheek.

“If you say so, I have an old friend to go meet, so please don’t cause any trouble and remember what I said this morning. Okay now go, before you get late.” She watched Onyx until she lost him in the sea of ponies. She felt a little stressed about it, but every-mother needs to pass by this way... right?

She teleported herself to a sauna, south of the city. She walked inside and went into the cloakroom, inside were many mares talking about this and that, when the group of mares saw the Princess, they all bowed to her.

“Raise, my little ponies. I wish to ask you all to please leave me alone In here for a couple of minutes.” She asked nicely. When all the mares left, she waited 2 more minutes, to be make sure that nopony was still there.

“You can come out now Raynor.” She said to nopony in particular, until a shadow came out of a corner, The shadow was in fact, a cream pegasus with a short dark mane missing his right eye.

“You know what Celestia, I think you have a talent for ruining the fun of others. This beautiful mare was going into the bath and now by your fault, I will miss all of that.” Celestia let out a sigh.

“Even after all these years, you have not changed.” Raynor was the only pony who can disrespect her and stay alive to brag about it.

“Well everypony has their weaknesses, and mine is that cute mare... and that reminds me, my offer to the restaurant is still available.”

“We both know that If I accept that, you will bring me into your room and we discover each other...” Celestia answered back, and before he can argue, she used her magic to teleport them both to Raynor’s house, who lived closer to the little woods outside the big city.

“So what gives me the honor to receive the royal flank at my humble house?” he asked with a perverted smirk.

“I want to give you a new mission Raynor.” She said, but before she could continue the expression of Raynor went from a pervy smile, to a sad and angry one.

“You don’t need to say more Celestia, my answer is no. I had quit the royal guard, for not being brought into a new adventure. All I want is to live peacefully now, I had already given an eye for this country, I think that is enough.”

“I already know all about that Raynor, but you are the best spy our guard ever had, and this is not a mission, you won’t need to take the life of somepony, you will only need to watch my little Onyx. Normally I would ask Strong Shield, but he’s gone on vacation so please, do this for me?”

Raynor looked at her quizzically. ”So all what you want me to do, is to watch your adopted son and make sure nothing happens to him, no murder, no death.... right?”

“Yes, but I don’t want him to see you, if he knew I made you watch him, He won't trust me anymore. Can I count on you?” Raynor looked at her with a smirk, and approached her.

“Well, if you can come with me for some tea, maybe I’ll think about it.” He asked with his habitual smile.


After Onyx had left his mother, he went to join the first year group, and like how the pony in charge of the inscription yesterday had said. He would have to follow them until they had reached a classroom. Onyx had sat down in the back right corner of the class, and looked at all of his surroundings. In front of him was an earth pony with a strange, rebellious manecut that Onyx had never seen before, and was a colored blue with a sky blue pattern. His coat was just a plain white, and he had a cutie mark of a double 16th note. Despite all that, the one thing that stuck out the most, were his shades.

Then Onyx looked to the pony... I mean gryphon on his right, she was a female gryphon. Her feathers are,, a startling white color at the base, but they get darker as you go towards the tip of the feather, changing into brown and then into a greyish black, giving her a somewhat waved appearance. As her feathers move outwards, the darker the color got. Her eyes are a sharp, startling amber. Her head has a somewhat tanned brown, with five black feathers sticking out and over her eyes, giving her a somewhat uncaring appearance. Her hind legs are much like her head, a tanned brown, and the tip of her tail is white at the base, and turning brown at the tip. Her beak is unique in that, it starts a startling golden yellow, quickly turning into a white, and at the curve, a shining, charcoal black.

Onyx was going to ask the pony in front of him where he got those shades from, but then the teacher came in, all the students were now silent. The teacher was a light blue unicorn and a white mane. his cutie mark was a swirled sun.

“Okay class, my name is Sun Swirl, and I want each of you to present yourselves, this way it will be more simple to know each other. So just say your name and why you are here. Okay so who wants to start............ nopony?.........Ok then, I will pick one of you randomly.”

The teacher pointed a random pony in front of the class.

“You, you’re first.”

The little pony was a light brown pegasus with a yellow-brown mane and a lighting bolt for cutie mark. He looked stressed, or maybe just shy.

“Hi.. My name is.. is Lighting Strike, I’m a pegasus and I am here... because the for pegasus of Commander Hothead was too hard for me.” Then he quickly look down and waited.

“Good, okay so, now if you turn to the one at your right and we will continue like that.”
Onyx saw that, he would be the last one to present himself.

The next one after Lighting was a creature that Onyx had never seen before. It was looking like a unicorn but something was wrong with his fur. He had a black coat with red zebra stripes, yellow irises with slits for pupils (Kind of like a cat), his cutie mark was an ancient arcane symbol (pentagram), red and gunmetal gray hair for his mane and tail, and a blue open necked vest.

“My name is Arcanus, and I’m a Zebracorn, I came from southern Equestria and I have been sent here to learn things, that my clan can’t show me.” He was talking like if he was already an adult and looked like he was somepony always really serious.

The next one was a dark gray unicorn, she was wearing a white jacket and some glasses. She had a purple mane with some dark gray and she was looking very happy.

“Hi! My name is Aurora, I’m a unicorn as you can see, I’m here to learn, find my cutie mark, and meet some friends with my brother right here.” She pointed at the Pegasus next to her, who has the same color of mane and fur. The pegasus presented himself, his name was Orion and he was here for the same reason that her sister was.

The next one was a gryphon with red feathers from the eyes following around the the head and trailing halfway down the back of his neck. When he heard his name he quickly stood up but at the same time he dropped his pencil on the floor, some students had started to laugh but for only 3 or 5 seconds. “ name is Jernaclaw and i’m here because my parents sent me here...”

The next one was a pale blue unicorn with a blue cream mane, she was wearing a magic outfit, like the one worn when a unicorn does some magical show. “this is the great and powerful Trixie, and she is here in this school, because the magical school was not good enough for her.”
Onyx found that Unicorn really annoying, first she doesn’t speak like everypony else.

The next one before the earth pony in front of him was a another gryphon, a female this time. Her feathers were white but ended in purple, the feathers around her eyes were completely purple. ”mmp pfft, my name is Axandrea, and the reason I’m here is... personal.” was the only thing the teacher got out of her.

The next one was the earth pony from earlier in-front of him. The colt pushes his shades upwards to his forehead, as if they weren't allowing him to see properly. He held a blank expression for a few seconds, which felt like hours for the nervous Onyx who wanted to know about him more... Finally, the colt presented himself.

“I’m Vallie Scratch and I’m here to learn.” were the only words that came out of his mouth. Onyx was a little disappointed, but he decided to wait for the break to ask know more about Vallie.

The last one was the female gryphon at his right, but when she spoke, Onyx was shocked, she was not a female... It was a male. Onyx was happy he didn’t speak to him yet it would have become awkward.

“My name is Glide, i’m here because my mother think it will be the best cultural experience for me” Something about his voice makes Onyx feel like he could trust this guy.

Onyx was trying to found who will be the next one, until he realised that its now his turn to speak, all of the class was watching him, waiting for him to speak. “Uhm... Hi … my name is Onyx... I’m the adoptive son of Celestia and I’m here because I want to learn how the things work here. I don’t know what I am yet so I wish to learn what I am by studying really hard.”


The bell had finally rung, it was lunch time. Onyx was walking in the school cafeteria, trying to find a good spot to eat his lunch. Until he saw one of the gryphons who was in his class.

“Hey! You’re the one in the corner right? Name’s Axandrea, glad to meet you.” Onyx was smiling, she didn’t seem to be scared about his appearance.

“Name’s Onyx, the honor is mine, but can I ask you a question?” he asked

“Sure what is it?”

“Where do we eat in this school? I’m trying to find out where everypony else goes, but I think I’m lost.”

Axandrea lets out a little giggle, it sounded like the noise Philomena would make when Onyx brushed him.

“Well if you continue to walk in this direction you will find the place where vegetarians eat.” She said pointing to the left corridor.

“The vegetarian section?” Asked Onyx, curious like always.

“Well yes, because this school is an Interspecies school, the director chose to separate the ones who eat meat and the ones who don’t, for the security of everypony. So like this we won’t be able to scare grass-eaters like you.” She answered back.

“I’m not a grass eater, I don’t even like grass, it tastes horrible. I’m not scared of you eating meat.”

“Mom said that these are for eating meat,” he shows her his canines “I’m going to have a chicken sandwich for lunch.” Axandrea was surprised, in her mind she thought that the new prince was just a another grass-eater like these ponies, but she was wrong.

“Well well, at least you’re more cool than i thought, come with me, I’ll show you to the gang.” Onyx was happy, it was the first time, except for Shadow, that somepony invited him somewhere.


8-the first day part 2

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Chapter 8

The First Day

Onyx looked around him, he wanted to throw up, when Axandrea had said that everypony here ate meat, he never had thought that it would be raw meat! Some gryphons at his table were eating raw fish, others ate raw rabbits and Axandrea was eating... something... he did not know what it was but the smell was horrible. The table was covered in little pieces of flesh and organs, it made him sick, but he didn’t show it because he wanted to look brave in-front of her.

“So Onyx, are you sure you don’t want to try it” Axandrea asked, showing him the thing she held.

“Heh Heh Heh, thank you, but no thank, the sandwich was enough, I’m full” Onyx answered back, trying not to show the horror in his face. The only thing Onyx wanted right now, is an empty bag to throw up in.

The bells finally rang and all the students went back to class, Onyx looked at his schedule, the next class was P.E.

“Well, maybe this time class will be fun.


Onyx was waiting for the teacher to stop talking. He was a HUGE earth pony named Legend, he has a olive green coat, with a dark mane, and a dragon skull for cutie mark. He was talking about the safety rules, about how he would teach them, about how he had became a sports teacher, and about how he earned his cutie mark. It was booriiinnggg.

“And then, I found a letter where it was written The cake is a lie. Can you imagine how angry I was to have run around the entire city for nothing?” If Onyx had to choose between watching Axandrea eat, or listen to the teacher for five more minutes, he would choose the first one, by far. Finally the teacher stopped talking.

“Okay now you will team up in a group of 2. Okay...lets see... alright, I will make the teams myself and give you a color. The team who will have the most points at the end of the class will win something.” The teacher started to split up the students, Onyx was hoping to be with Axandrea, but unfortunately she was sent with a other gryphon named Glide. Onyx was teamed with the pony named Vallis, and he was happy about that because maybe he would be able learn more about him. they both took the little flag of color the teacher have gave them, Onyx and Valiis were the red team. Onyx felt the hoof of a pony, looking back it was the hoof of Vallis, who took off his shades.

“Ready to wubs the other, partner?” He asked with a smile.

“Yeah sure!” Onyx answered back even thought he had no idea what ‘wubs’ meant.

The test was easy, the first one was just a simple test to know the equilibrium of each other.
Then it was the race test, this one Onyx finish last because unlike all the other students, he walked on 2 legs, and running with four legs is faster than running with 2, even if he finished last. Vallis cheered him on while the race was going. The next test was climbing, a rope was suspended from the ceiling and one of the partners needed to climb it and touch the roof. This time, Onyx was the winner by far, since he looks like a monkey, and with that point, him and Vallis had reached second place.

Never before had Onyx felt so good, he could feel all his muscles move independently, hear his heartbeat pushing blood throughout his body, the adrenaline flowing in his veins making him alert to all movements around him. The teacher was in-front of the class, all the students were sitting at the side of the room watching the teacher explain the rules of the last test. Only the top 3 teams are able to do the next test and Onyx was in the first three. Him and Vallis are in second place, the third place was Lightning and Arcanus, and the first team was Aurora and Orion.

“Alright, when I say go, one member of each team will run to get that flag, then they will need to give it to their partner, when your partner has the flag, they will have to climb this pole and put the flag at the top, the first team to do all that will wins, and remember, no magic, no wings, just your legs!”

Onyx looked at Vallis and asked “Do you think you can do the first part, like you have seen, I’m not the best one for racing, but I can climb.” Onyx asked, Vallis poked him playfully with a large smile

“Don’t worry partner, You can do the climbing, I’ll do the running, sounds good?” asked Vallis, Onyx just nodded. They both looked at the 2 other teams expectantly, until the teacher asked the Person/pony that will be running to take their marks. Onyx along with 1 member from each team stepped up to take their marks

“Ready? Three... Two... One... GO!”


“WE WIN WE WIN WE WIN!” Onyx and Vallis hugged each other (Totally no homo), They won the last test, Onyx secretly wished that the school ended now, this way he would be able to tell his mom how he won, he was so excited.

The second place was Aurora and Orion, who both walked toward the winners.

“Nice competition, It was really impressive how you used that thing around your hoof to have a better grip on the rope!” Orion complimented. He was the one in his team that climbed the rope

“Well these are called fingers, and thanks! You and your sister were hard to beat” Onyx said with real enthusiasm.

Aurora started talking,“We should hang both hand out sometime, I came here to make friends, and you two look like some good ponies” Onyx was smiling, this day he didn’t just start school, but he made 4 friends, Blueblood was wrong and it was fine for Onyx.


The bell had finally rung, informing the students that school has ended. Onyx was on his way to the castle, thinking about what he would do when he got home. First he would show Twilight all that he had learned today, and tell his mother about the competition and how he had won, but when Onyx reached the entrance of the throne room where his mother was generally, 2 guards blocked him at the entrance.

“Why can’t I go see mommy?” Onyx asked, hoping that it was nothing too important.

“Your mother has a meeting with the king of the gryphon kingdom, your highness... She clearly stated that she didn’t want to be disturbed.” Onyx knew that sometimes his mother had royal duty to do, even if he knew that, he felt that it was stupid that he couldn’t go talk to his mom right now, so he waited in his room, hoping that Twilight would come soon.

9-Meeting with the gryphon king

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Chapters 9

Meeting with the Gryphon King.

Celestia was sitting on her throne, waiting patiently for her son to come back from school, the sun illuminating the room, she could feel the warmth of the sun shining on her fur. She was starting to fall asleep, when suddenly, a guard opened the door and ran towards her.

“Your majesty, the gryphon king is waiting outside, he wants to have a meeting with you.” Celestia was surprised by that, but she didn’t show it. Never did the King of the Gryphon Empire came meet her, but what worried her more, is the fact that she didn’t receive a letter, warning her of his visit.

“You can let him enter, I will meet with him.”

The door to the throne room opened, allowing a gryphon enter, he was bigger than the ordinary gryphon but still smaller than Celestia, he was wearing silver armor and the habitual crown that royalty wore. He looked more like a warrior ready for battle than a king. His voice was deep and strong, like a commander of an army should have.

“Celestia! how are you? I must say, I’m quite impressed at your castle, so much decoration, and look at this marvelous carpet, so soft.” He said, clawing at the carpet

“Gryffin the gryphon! I think you and I know that you did not come here to admire the decoration of my castle, so what is the reason of this surprise visit?” She asked back furiously.

“Dear Celestia, since when can a neighbor cannot visit another neighbor? You know, the northern territory can be boring sometimes, so I got this wonderful idea to come give you a little visit.”

“Enough!! Gryffin, dont play that game with me, I already know that you never leave your castle unless you have something to gain from it, so WHY ARE YOU HERE!” any trace of patience was lost was now lost in her rage.

“Well if you want to play like that Celestia... If you really want to know, I’m here to remedy a injustice, I have heard from my ambassador that you have adopted a son recently, but the son in question was a whole new species, so I was wondering; why is it the responsibility of pony kind to discover him? Why can’t us gryphon’s have our part in the treasure? So in fact, I’m here to take your son with me.” Celestia lost it, she was so shocked and so angry that the King of the Gryphon Empire had asked her that. It took ALL of her mental capacity not to shoot the King with a blast of magic.

“WHAT!!! and what makes you think you have the right to come here. Take MY son, then flee just like that?” The king just started to laugh.

“What makes me think that I have the right? Well because I have the right my dear.” Then he took out a scroll that was hidden in his armor.

“This is a trust scroll, it says that if one of the 5 kingdoms find something and the other kingdoms have no knowledge of, any other kingdom can request to have it for studying.” He give the scroll to Celestia while he was talking. She quickly took the scroll with her magic and rapidly read thew it. She remembered when her and Star Swirl made this rule, it was supposed to help the other countries learn about each other, and not leave all the knowledge to only one country.

“HOW DARE YOU! You take this centurys old rule that is used to upgrade the knowledge of each kingdoms for your personal use? This is not what a king should do!”

“HAHAHA! But you are wrong Celestia, I don’t want to take Onyx for the fun of doing it, I want to take him with me to let me and my people learn about him... and why not, we can start training him at the same time.”

“Train him, why would you want to start training him?” She asked, still shocked by what was happening.

“Did you ever look at him in a military point-of-view Celestia? You ponies are too pacifistic. Your son has the biggest potential to become the most strongest warrior in all of Equestria! He has the same mobility as a diamond dog’s, but he’s not stupid like them, he can climb faster than any of us with his body shape, I’m sure he will be harder to catch than a baby gryphon who is learning to fly for the first time. My blacksmith’s already planned an armor set for him when he becomes older. With the right training I think he will be able to defeat any enemy in his path.” Celestia rose up from her throne and walked toward the king.

“So this is why you really want him, make him a beast of wars, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I will never let my son get kidnapped by you.” The king took back the scroll and looked at her with his arrogant smirk.

“You have no choice Celestia, you have written this rule yourself and if the ruler of a land doesn’t follow they’re own rule, how do you think your people and the other kingdom’s react? You don’t want us to bring the council of 5 against you... right?” Celestia was stuck and she knew it. The Gryphon king was reputed for always turning the rules at his advantage, but she couldn’t let her son go, she didn’t want to be alone again.

“If you dare to take my son away from me, I will send the whole army of Canterlot after you, and don’t even think I won’t banish you after that.. I will make sure that your skull be thrown away into Tartarus if you dare take Onyx away from me.” The reaction of Gryffin was by far, not what Celestia thought it would be.

“Hahahahahahaha, You’re funny Celestia... like if you would have a chance against the gryphon empire, but I have not come here to start a war between our two nation’s. In truth, I want to make you a deal, we will let your son choose who he want to be with, if he choose you, I promise on my Gryphon Honor, that I will never bring this idea up again and I will not talk about this to the council, but if he chooses me... you will need to let him go and don’t try to stop me or him.” Celestia did not take the time to give him answer, for her, she was sure that her son wouldn’t follow a gryphon that he never met before.

“We have a deal, Gryffin” She answer back

“Excellent, I will be back in three days, Onyx will need to give me an answer in three days.” Then he walked out of the room. Celestia let out a sigh and started to relax, until she remembered that it was now 5pm and Onyx should be back already, so she walked into the direction of her son’s room. When she finally reached the room of Onyx and she opened his door, she felt her heart miss a beat, Onyx was not in his room and the guard who was supposed to protect the door was gone, and with the gryphon king in the city who wanted his claw on him, she immediately thought the worse.


-15 minutes earlier-
-Onyx room-

Onyx was sitting at his desk, trying to draw Philomena flying in the sky. Onyx was proud of his drawing, the wings were just perfect, not too big not too small, he was gonna start to draw the tail of Philomena until he heard somepony knocking at his door. Thinking it would be Twilight or his mother he opened the door, but he was surprised when he saw Strong Shield in-front of him instead.

“Strongy! Your back!” He said at the same time he hugged him but before he could, he quickly stopped the hug and pulled back.

“I’m sorry... I know you don’t like it when I hug you.” Onyx said with a sad voice, but to his surprise Strong Shield hugged him back. Then he entered in the room and slowly looked everywhere.

“Do you know where your mother is?” He asked, Onyx was still wondering why Strong Shield hugged him when Strong Shield had clearly stated that he didn’t want Onyx to touch him, he took his time to answer.

“Um...She is in the throne room I think, when I came back from school she was in a meeting with the Gryphon King... When did you get back from your vacation?” Strong Shield who was looking at the half-finish drawing on the table, took out a little bag.

“I just come back two hours ago, so do you want me to take you to get som ice cream?” He asked with a smile, Onyx took his shoes and followed Strong Shield who was already in the corridor.


Onyx was sitting around a table, outside of a little restaurant, eating chocolate ice cream. He took a look at Strong Shield who took a glass of something called Corolestia...

“So, now that we both have something we like, do you want to hear where I was these past two weeks?” Strong Shield asked with a smile, it was the first time Onyx saw Strong Shield smiling and he was wondering if it was because of what he was drinking.

“YES! I want to know, please tell me”

“Well if you insist, I was in the north, in a really good spot, called the Gryphon Empire.”

“The Gryphon Empire? But it’s so cold there, why didn’t you go to the south?” Strong Shield laughed at that and took another sip of his drink.

“Yes... True, sometime it’s a little more cold than here, but the Gryphon Empire is beautiful, the city is four times bigger than Canterlot, they have mountains higher than here. Everypony there is friendly and helps each other, and if you look at north when you are in the north tower of the castle, you can see the ocean. and that is only for the summer, when the winter comes, apparently you can make so many snow ponies that they don’t know where to build them.” Onyx was looking at Strong Shield like he said that the sun moves by itself.

“And this is just the landscape, the gryphons there are really friendly and are friends with everypony, I have asked them if they would be your friends and you know what, they said yes.” Onyx was looking at him happily

“Wow it seems like a really good place, I would want to go there and visit them one of these days.” Strong Shield was now smilling and stared at him.

“Well who knows, maybe one of these days, you will have the chance to go there and live a life of pure joy and smile, but remember, this sort of thing only happens one time in a life of a pony so if you have the change to go there don’t miss it” he than drank the remainder of the bottle.

“Ok now, return to your room before your mother starts to panic, and remember we never had this conversation. I dont want your mother to know that im here, i want to surprise her, can I count on you?” Onyx nodded and walked away. Strong Shield look at him until he lost it, then a gryphon took a sit next to him.

“How easy was it?”

“Easy, he have trust all what I have say.” Answered Strong Shield

“Good now take this money and go away before somepony sees us” The gryphon handed a bag of coins at Strong but he didn’t take it.

“I don’t want your money, all what I want is this creature away from the castle.” then he rose up and walked away.


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Chapter 10


Raynor was following Strong Shield since the event at the ice cream shop a couple of minutes ago, hidden in a cart, he was replaying in his head all that had happened. He had seen everything; how Strong Shield talked to Onyx about the Gryphon Empire, he had seen Strong Shield get payed by a gryphon, but strong shield refused, saying that he didn’t want Onyx in the castle. Never would he would have thought Strong Shield to be a traitor, when Raynor was still in the Royal guard, Strong Shield was already a captain, and he was the most loyal guard ever.

Raynor sighed, this mission was supposed to be the most relaxing mission he could ever have, watching a 7 year old foal, but now his mission has turned into a dangerous one. He couldn’t let Celestia lose her unique foal to a traitor like Strong Shield.

Raynor followed Strong Shield until he turned into a dark alley.

“Why is it always in a dark alley that the bad ponies go into? It’s so cliché.” he whispered to himself.

He silently turned behind a corner and hid. He looked around for Strong Shield, hoping to find him. But unfortunately he did not see Strong Shield anymore. Raynor looked around hurriedly, sweat from his nervousness obstructing his view.

‘But where is he?’ he thought to himself. He crawled out of is hiding place and walked in the alley, trying to spot where Strong Shield could have gone. Until he felt a presence behind him slowly approaching him, he quickly turned around, only to see Strong Shield holding a crossbow to Raynor’s face.

“Well well, its seems that the old Raynor is back into business. Why are you stalking me? I didn’t know your barn door swings that way.” He taunted, keeping aim the at Raynor.

“Even if you were the last pony on Equestria, I would never look at you in that way, your coat color is really too much... white for me.” Answered back Raynor, trying to buy time to find something to defend himself.

“Awww sorry to hear that.” Strong Shield mocked, still holding the crossbow with his magic. He walked in the direction of Raynor. “So what will you do now? I guess if you’re following me it’s because you heard what happened at the restaurant... Am I right?” Raynor was breathing heavily, he didn’t bring the weapon for this mission, he thought it would be easy, he had no way to fly the hay out of there before Strong Shield would shoot him, nothing in this alley had the potential to block the bolt.

“You know, we could team up, all I want to do is protect the kingdom” Raynor glared at Strong Shield

“And how in the hay, will sending the prince into the gryphon kingdom help Equestria?”

“Hahah should I really explain? Celestia is weak, she has this creature with her. What would happen if somepony took him hostage? Celestia would easily give anything to whoever took him.”

“And you think the better solution for this situation is to give Onyx to the more agressive kingdom of the 5? I know that the guards could be stupid but YOU win the prize titled ‘Biggest asshole In Equestria’ and ‘most stupid guard of the year.’” Strong Shield didn’t wait any longer, He developed a devilish grin, then he shot the bolt out of his crossbow in the direction of Raynor. Raynor tried to dodge it but Strong Shield was too close when he shot the bolt. Time seemed to flow slowly, as he felt his skin tear apart, cell by cell. He fell, clutching the wound that the bolt caused, praying to Celestia for help The metallic flavor of blood enveloping his mouth. As the Darkness started forming in his eyes he let out his last few words “F-F-Fuck... Y-You...” Then the darkness swallowed him, Taking him to the scale in Tartarus, to see whether or not he would go to elysium.

“Pfft, what a loss, you could have helped me. But you prefer to let the kingdom of Celestia rest in the princes claws.” Strong Shield turned to walk out of the alley but a gryphon blocked his path.

“I saw you take care of him” Said the emperor of the gryphon empire who was wearing his armor.

“Yes, he saw me talking with Onyx, I didn’t have a choice.” Answered back Strong Shield, nervously

“Poor little pegasus, so young.” The king swiftly grabbed his sword, his sword was in fact, a dragon scale cut in form of a sword, and struck the Strong Shield’s crossbow out of his magic, then with his claw, he grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the wall. Strong Shield tried to regain his composure but the king was already on him, with his sword on his throat.

“Bu...but why...?” Asked Strong Shield. The gryphon emperor start to laugh.

“Why? Strong Shield, Tell me this, have you ever seen a pony and a gryphon allied? I can’t be seen allied to a weak pony. You have played your role perfect, and I applaud you for that, now I don’t need you anymore. Don’t worry, I will tell Celestia that you have fought like a true hero versus the “thief” but unfortunately I have come here too late and only found your dead body.” Strong Shield was trying to get away from the emperor but the emperor’s grip was stronger.

“Good bye little pony, I wish you a good travel to Tartarus.” Then the emperor Put pressure on his sword, pushing the metallic blade into Strong Shield’s throat, slicing the sword the emperor cut the throat of Strong Shield, the blood sprayed out of Strong Shield like a fountain, Strong shield was trying to cover up the cut with his hoof to stop the bleeding, but the cut was too deep. When finally his body stopped moving, the emperor cleaned his weapon on the dead body of the ex-captain, before he walked away into the direction of the castle.

11-when all was simple

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chapter 11

When all was simple

Celestia was in her room, she just received a letter from her son who was sent with Gryffin to the Gryphon Empire last week. She looked at the scroll, it had some dry little spots of what she thought was water on it. like if her son had been crying when he was writing it, she quickly opened it and read it, her heart missed a beat, the hoofwritting was shaky and she could feel the sadness of her son through the words on the scroll.


Please I want to come home, the Gryphon’s here have took all my plushies and threatened to destroy them if I don’t follow their rules, I miss you please mommy. I’m so sorry that I picked the Emperor instead of you. I want to go come back home, I miss you, I miss Twilight, I miss my friends and Philomena, I promise I will never eat meat again If I come back, please mommy, I’m sorry! I don’t want to stay here anymore.

Celestia was in tears, she couldn’t do anything for her son, the only thing she was able to do is send him some letters. Suddenly the door of her room slammed open and a purple fog entered and soon followed by Nightmare Moon. Celestia was shocked, what was her sister doing here?

“HAHAHAHA! As I see, my sister your still so well. First you banish me, your own sister the only member of your family, then when you are given a life to take care of, you lost him in the claws of a Gryphon... and if I’m right, that Gryphon will probably return your son in a body bag”


Celestia flung up in her bed, sweat was flowing down her coat like a stream of water and her breathing was loud.

“A dream...That was all just a dream...” Celestia walked out of her chamber for a glass of water, she went into the kitchen and drank a pitcher of water. The moon was full this night, she looked through a window and she could clearly see the Nightmare Moon picture, showing that luna was still indeed imprisoned, usually the stars would shine more brightly and the moon was even more brighter when her sister would raise the moon, but when Celestia would raise it, the bright lights of the moon and the stars would be darkened. She never learned how to properly raise the moon and the stars, she only learned how to raise the celestial bodies, when luna raised the moon, it was like a beautiful painting, unlike when Celestia would raise the moon. Celestia remembered when Onyx had asked her who was the other pony In an album of celestia and luna’s



1 Year Ago

Celestia’s Room.

“And this one is when I had raised the sun for the first time.” Celestia said showing a picture of her to Onyx. “Oh! And this one, is one of my favorites, it’s when my mom let me wear her crown.” Onyx was looking at the picture, his mother was wearing the royal crown of the day and an Alicorn was looking at her happily.

“Mommy, who’s the other pony in the picture?” He asked curiously.

“Well the big one behind me is my mother, Galaxia. She was the one who ruled Equestria before me. She was a good mother and took care of me very well.” Onyx, still hugging his mother, pointed to the little filly in the picture

“And this one mommy, who she is?” Celestia looked at her sister before she slowly answered her son.

“This is my little sister Luna, she was upset this day because she always wanted to wear Mother’s Crown.” She told him with a sad smile. Then she covered Onyx with her wings to bring him closer to her, she then turned the page of the book. The next picture was of her and Luna, walking around old-time ponyville. Small tears started falling down from her face and dropped on the book.

“Mommy... why isn’t your sister and mother in the castle now?” Onyx asked innocently. Celestia took her time to find a correct answer that wouldn’t startle him, she never told Onyx that Luna was the one called Nightmare Moon. At least it will be easier to explain where her mother is, since she had already explained to him what death was.

“Well for my mother, she passed away a long time ago, and I’m sure she’d look over you and me. Now about luna... she got the need to go on vacation to clear her mind, but she will be back, when you’re older, I’m sure you and her will be great friends.” Onyx, still embraced by his mothers wings, looked at the album and asked her.

“But how can your mommy be in heaven.... You’re suppose to live forever because you are a Alicorn!” Celestia giggle.

“This Onyx is false, many ponies think we are immortal, but that is not true, in fact we can live a lot more longer than all the other ponies, we can live approximately 10,000 years.” Onyx waited a little before he returned with another question.

“So how old are you mommy?” Celestia laught before she hugs her son.

“I will only answer you if you promise me to never ask this question to a other mare ok?... I’m 2986 years old and my sister is 2786 years old. And for your cousin Cadance, she 15 years old.”

“Wow you are really old mommy.” Answered back Onyx. Celestia was speechless. being stold by your own son that your old is always a shock, even to Alicorns

“Mommy....can i ask you a last question?”

“Sure but after that its will be time to go sleep.”

“Will I live as long as you mommy?” Celestia this time didn’t find an answer, so she just held Onyx close to her and hummed a little song to help him to sleep.

Stars and moon and air ballons
Fluffy cloud to the horizon
I’il wrap you in rainbow
and rock you to sleep again.

Teddy bears of pink
Duck and limbs of white
Dont you cry my dear, I’m here now
I’il be your nightlight.


Celestia finally finished her water glass, but before she coul go out a guard pony ran to her.

“Celestia we need your help, somepony found the dead body of our captain, alone in a alley with his throat cut.”

12-I'm so sorry

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Chapter 12

I'm so sorry

Celestia followed the guard outside the castle until they arrived at the alley, to see a little crowd of ponies trying to see why the Royal Guards blocked the alley, but when they saw the Princess, all the ponies bowed to her.

“My little ponies, I will have to ask you all to return to your homes, I promise to give you more information to what is happening here tomorrow.” The ponies accepted the answer and they all returned to their business. The guard let Celestia go into the alley, as she walked through, the lingering smell of blood started to fill her nose the further down she went. As she approached Strong Shield’s dead corpse she could clearly see his body laying there, propped up against a wall, in a pool of blood. She felt her heart drop, just like that, detective Celestia was on the case, many questions arose in her head, like: what was he doing in Canterlot? Why did he go into this alley? And what did he do to deserve this fate?

“Guard, I want the patrols doubled to find this murderer, I will not let a murderer loose in my city.” Then she walked closer to inspect the body of Strong Shield. A guard walked up to her silently.

“Your highness, may I help you? I’ve already sent.” he asked. Celestia still trying to find some evidence only nodded to him, then they both were off, trying to find who murdered Strong Shield. It took several minutes before the guard called Celestia over to show her something.

“Princess Celestia, please come look at this.” The guard was holding a broken bolt in his hoof, Celestia could clearly see blood on it, and a little piece of black cloth stuck on the bolt’s tip. The guard took the piece of cloth before he hoofed it to Celestia. “Do you think we can ask the Zebras to identify the one who have worn this? I have heard they have created a powder to identify the DNA on certain items... But this now means we have two victims.” Celestia took the broken bolt and the piece of cloth.

“I don’t think it will be necessary, you see the uppermost part of the bolt is covered in blood, so that means the wound was deep, and the pony who got hit by it, should be in a hospital, I will need to send a guard at each hospital in Canterlot and look for anypony that has a wound of this type.”

“Yes your highness!” The guard started to run to go advise his superior.

“Wait, you’re a new recruit, right? Can I have your name before you go?” She asked him.

“Yes, your highness, my name is Shining Armor, tonight was my first patrol.”

“Shining Armor... I will remember that name, now go report to your superior.” Then the guard ran from the alley. Celestia closed the eyes of Strong Shield with her magic.

“You where a good captain Strong Shield, I will never forget the sacrifice you have made for Equestria, I will add a statue of you in the garden.” She close her eyes and let down the barrier holding her tears, and tears fell from her face, then she got up, and walked towards the castle.


Celestia was in front of the coffin holding the corpse of Strong Shield. The body was waiting to be buried, a circle of ponies and guards were surrounding the coffin, some were friends, members of family, or just co-workers. Onyx was silently crying under the wings of Celestia, he wanted to look strong but his heart was broken, he already knew that each living thing needs to die, but it’s still traumatizing to him. Then Celestia started her speech.

“My dear ponies, today we are gathered here in honor of the memory of Strong Shield. He gave his life to protect Equestria, and everypony in it. He trained the guard of today and protected my son.” She took a break to regain her breathing.

She could feel her coat, wet by the tears of Onyx, she coughed and began her speech again “In all his years of service, he have always shown a loyalty like no other pony has, he followed each and every rules and always gave his best, and never failed a single mission... This is why I will have the sculptor make a statue of him like all the other hero’s of Equestria that had been made for them, so we may never forget him.” She then placed the coffin in the hole and guards came to cover it with soil. Most ponies placed something on the top of the soil where the coffin was. Then each guard take off their helmets and pulled out a feather from the top, before they place it on the soil.

When everypony said their goodbyes to the captains grave, Onyx walked next to the burial and let his tears fall freely. Celestia went to his side, sat down next to him and hugged him, trying to give him comfort. They both sat there silently, trying to comfort each other. Onyx took out a scroll from his pocket.

“I drew this for you... I wish you could see it from where you are now” He placed the scroll with all the other items, the drawing was Onyx eating ice cream, with Strong Shield hugging him.

“This one is really good Onyx.” She say between sobs. “If you want you can go see your friends. I have somepony to meet, I will see you at dinner okay?” Celestia rose up and helped her son to do the same. Then both hugged each other before they headed into different directions.


Celestia entered the throne room, but the Gryphon Emperor was already there waiting for her.

“What do you want this time Gryffin, the deadline is tomorrow, so why are you here?” She asked with a harsh voice with a hint of venom.

“I’m here to close the deal, I heard what happened to your captain and I’m very sorry about that.”

“St-s-stop the deal... What do you mean by that?”

“I mean what I mean Celestia. I don’t want to take your son away from you, you are a mother and we all know how that it had been hard to banish your own sister, but for you to lose your son, too... I don’t even want to think what could happen.” While he was talking, he was walking in circles around Celestia.

“This is why I ask you this, will you let me ‘borrow’ your son for some time? I will train him so he can pro-” Celestia cut him off.

“Listen Gryffin, I don’t know what you are playing, but you coming here, saying that you cut the deal off and then, you ask AGAIN to take Onyx! This does not make any sense!” Gryffin stopped walking and looked at Celestia.

“YOU’RE playing, you’re playing with the life of your son! Listen to me Princess, why do you think somepony would want to kill Strong Shield? We aren’t at war, and your captain was too strong to be killed by a normal thief! The only reason to kill him is to reach your son, he was the bodyguard of him and now Onyx is all alone with nopony to protect him! This is why I ask you again Celestia, let me take your son, I will train and protect him, during this time you will be able to try to find the murderer.”

Celestia didn’t answer, in a way the emperor was right, but she didn’t want to give her son to him.

“He will not be a prisoner Celestia, you will be able to send him letters and we will treat him like a prince, but if he stays here, you just put his life at risk.”

“Listen Celestia, we both rule our country differently, I find the way you rule too soft, and you find the way I rule much too hard and military like, but for one time, we should put these differences aside and you should give me the right to train your son until he is ready to defend himself. I promise on my right to rule, to take care of him.” Celestia was in tears, what the Gryphon had said made sense to her, but she didn’t want to admit it, she needed her son, but if he dies, it was because she didn’t want him to be go...

“Y-you know, for the first time since I’ve known you Gryffin, you remind me of you ancestor, he would’ve said the same thing, and even if I didn’t really like him... He was a good emperor and I respect him for that... Even if he always had the habit to send me letter after letter, all filled with random questions.” She let out a sigh and thought about all the things her and Onyx had done.

“But what about his friends? He just started school and now he has to leave?”

“Celestia, do you really think that your sons friends are more important than staying alive? I dare say, maybe the murderer is already his friend. We don’t have time to think about every good and bad point.”

“Please Gryffin... Come back tomorrow... I will give you my answer tomorrow... I need to be alone, I lost a friend and now you tell me that my son could be next… I need to think.” The Gryffin walked away.

“As you wish, Celestia.”


Gryffin the Gryphon had rejoined his group outside the city. Celestia had asked him to stay outside of Canterlot if he wanted to hunt or eat meat, she did not want her little ponies to get scared. Many Gryphons bowed to him when he entered the camp. His general was sitting around a fire, eating a rabbit from the forest. When he saw the emperor come close to him he bowed.

“My Emperor, if I may ask, what did Celestia say? Do we need to call the capital to send us more soldiers?” The Emperor laughed and sat next to him.

“No my general, we will not need to kidnap the creature. If all goes how I’ve planned it, Celestia will give us her son tomorrow when I go to see her again. Tonight is a night of festivity, because tomorrow we go back to our home.” He say loud enough for all the camp to hear. This night no rabbit would be safe in the woods.


“Cadance, can I come in?” Celestia asked in front of the door of her niece. After the Gryphon Emperor had left, she decided herself that the Emperor was right, Strong Shield alone was able to take 10 royal guards when in a sparring match, so how would a thief be able to kill him? Now that Strong Shield is dead, Onyx is all alone, she had tried to find Raynor, because he was supposed to watch, him but when she called him, he never showed up.

Then she realised that, unless Onyx stays in her room all his life without going out, she wouldn’t be able to guard him all the time, and the Gryphons are the best for training somepony to fight and defend themselves... well the second best. The dragons would be the best to train Onyx, their knowledge is infinite and they are the hardest creatures to kill. But since she had banished her sister, the Dragon Kingdom did not see Celestia in a good way, saying that ‘She broken the balance of the world’.

“Yes auntie you can come in.” Celestia entered the room of her niece, she was sitting in her bed and Twilight was playing with a plushie.

“Twilight, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at your house?” but instead of Twilight, it was Cadance who answerd her.

“I’m foalsitting her, I need more bits, I wanted to gain my money by myself... Unlike my brother...” Celestia gave a warm smile to Twilight who stopped playing to listen what they werewere saying.

“Twilight... Did you finish your homework on levitation?” She asked.

“Yes, and I’ve read the whole book too, it was really interesting!” She answerd proudly. Both Cadance and Celestia were surprised that she read the entire book.

“Well... You could go to the library to take the second book if you want, here take it, it will give you access to the library in the south tower.” Celestia said, hoofing a scroll to Twilight.

Twillight lets a squee out of her and quicly go out of the room to go read more book.

“Auntie, do you really think she has the potential... I mean what if sh-” Celestia cut her off.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ve seen what she can do and I’m sure she will pass all the tests I will give her... Just like you.” Cadance sighed.

“Sometimes I wish my little brother could’ve passed the test instead of failed... Since I became an Alicorn and not him, he stopped talking to me, and he acts like if I’m not here...” Celestia hugged her niece and sat on the bed with her.

“Cadance... what do you think of Onyx?” She asked her with a sad tone. Cadance, was caught off guard by that question, it took her some time to answer that.

“I... I think he’s a good... whatever he is, if he was a pony like us, I’m sure he will be a great one, but I’m scared... I’m scared of how the population will react when he will be old enough to claim the throne, he doesn’t have magic, and because he is not like us, some could try to reject his access to the throne.” Celestia stayed silent, and thought about what she had said.

“Thank you Cadance, now if you don’t mind I have some things to do, I will see you at dinner, right?” Cadance blushed a little.

“Well you see auntie, I was wondering if I could go eat outside of the castle today... I have a... A friend to go meet.” Celestia smiled to her.

“Well okay then.” But before Cadance walked out, Celestia spoke again “Go have fun with Shining Armor.” Right then and there, a new shade of red was made.


Onyx was hiding in a bush, he rejoined his friends, he pushed all his sadness in the back of his mind so he could play hide and seek with his friends. Axandrea was hiding in a tree close to him, Vallis found a spot under a table and Aurora was... Well nopony really knew because she used one of her spells to hide from her brother Orion, who was it.

“Guys, I don’t want to play anymore, it’s been an hour and I still can’t find you.” Onyx silently laughed, Orion wasn’t really good at this game, even from this spot Onyx could see Vallis. Orion looked behind a shed for the seventh time, and by the way he would look every time he went behind there, it would take him a good 8 minutes before he come back.

“Psst Aurora... where are you?” Suddenly Aurora appeared behind Onyx, he let out a little squeak of surprise.

“Hi!... Heh, heh, heh, you should’ve seen your face, you were like ‘AHHH!’ and I was like ‘Hi!’” Onyx facepalmed to the commentary of Aurora, sometimes she was so... random?

“Hey! Can you please hush down over there? I don’t know about you, but I want to win!” Axandrea said, who was still in the tree.

“Guys... I’m starting to get cramps... do you think we could stop playing this? Orion will probably never find us anyway.” Vallis asked, still under the table. Onyx, wanting to get out of the bush, nodded and walked towards Axandrea in her tree. They all talked with each other waiting for Orion to return. But when more than 15 minutes passed, Aurora got up and sighed.

“It seems I will need to go find him now, he’s probably lost, I hope to see you guys soon.” Then Axandrea climbed down from the tree and followed Vallis.

“Me too, I will need to go, Pa and Vinyl are probably waiting for me for at dinner.” At the word dinner, Onyx practically fell down from the tree, he forgot that his mother was waiting for him, so he quickly said goodbye to his friends before he ran towards the castle.


Celestia was waiting her son, all day she had thought about what the Gryphon had told her and she had finally made her decision. When her son finally showed up, she already ate half of her dinner.

“Sorry mom, I didn’t see the time pass.” He said before he took some food from the table and put it on his plate. They both started to eat silently, Celestia was trying to find a way to bring up the subject with him.

“Hmmm... Onyx my dear, you know I love you right?”

“Well yeah, you tell me everyday...” Celestia felt her heart brake, she will hate herself for going through with this... but Cadance and the Gryphon were right, Onyx does not have magic and unless he learns to defend himself, he will not be able to protect the kingdom, Or himself.

“Onyx... I... I-I have decided to... well to...” She felt her eyes start to moisten, Onyx was looking at her, wondering what was wrong with her.

“A friend of mine... he asked me for his permission to send you with him to train you so you can be safe...” She was trying as much as she could to hold back sobs “He will come here tomorrow to take you with him.” Onyx let his fork fall.

“What?... but I just started school... and my friends... a-and Twilight... W-Why would I need to be safe?” He asked, on the verge of tears.

“I don’t want to do this... but this for your security. And you will be able to continue school there with a private teacher, and you will make plenty of new friends too.” Onyx just looked at her, his anger was visible on his face.

“But I don’t want to make NEW friends, I want to stay here. with you! I want to learn with my friends, I don’t want to go!” Celestia was in tears

“Please Onyx, don’t make this more difficult than it already is, I will show you how to send letters to your friends if you want to keep in touch with them, but you need to go with my friend for your own safety... y-you’re not like us, you don’t have magic and if you were in danger you would not be able to defend yours-” Onyx interrupted her before she could continue.

“So that’s it isn’t it, because I’m different, right? I’m leaving Canterlot because I’m not like everypony else, is that it?”

“NO! No, that’s not what I meant... I mean that because you don’t have magic, you will need something else to compensate for this, I promise you that you will not be gone forever, just a couple of years, at the most...”

“A couple of years!?, You want send me away for a couple of YEARS!? But why, what did I do to deserve this?!” Celestia tried to reach her son but he just run away from her. She use her magic to grip him and then she pulled him into a hug.

Onyx listen me, I’m not sending you there because you have done something wrong, it’s for your own protection, and trust me, I also don’t like this idea, but I hate the idea of you dead even more.” Onyx stop trying to fight the magical grip of her mother and looked at her.

“D-d-d-dead?... Why are you scared of me to d-d-dying... I’m still too young to die.”

“I know but... the one who killed Strong Shield... I think he had done that to reach you, and I’m scared for you. This is why I’m sending you with the Gryphons, The Emperor himself will teach you to how to protect yourself. During this time I will try to find the murderer of Strong Shield.” Onyx was thinking about what she had told him.

“So... Strong Shield... had... like sacrificed himself... f-for me?” He asked, unsure if he was right.

“...You can say that, if you want...” Onyx sighed, and remember what Strong Shield have said to him about the Gryphon Empire... and the promise he had with him.

“well... okay... I will do it for Strong Shield... I will become strong like him... I don’t want hi to die for nothing.” Both Celestia and Onyx hugged each other before they took their last dinner together.


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* “Can I come in?” Twilight asked at the other side of Onyx’s room door.

“Yes! Please, I-I wanted to see you too.” Twilight came in and looked at the chamber. Onyx there were some packages scattered every where, and Onyx was sitting on his bed.

“I’ve heard what have happened... I will miss you Onyx” Onyx patted beside him, telling her to come sit with him.

“Will you send me letters when I’m gone?” He asked slowly, trying to find the right words to say what he really wanted to say.

“Well sure, I will ask Celestia to send it to you, but only if you send me some letters back with what you’ve learn.” She say with her habitual smile. Onyx seemed happy with her answer but then his face became red and he took out his general Philomena from his bag.

“Twilight... C-can I ask you to take care of her when I’m gone. I know you‘ve already have Smarty Pants, but I’m sure Philomena and him will get along easily.” Twilight took the plushie with her hooves and looked at Onyx, and then she did something he never expected, she gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you, I will take care of him.” She told him as her coat gained a red tint to it. She then took Philomena and went out of his room, leaving a blushing and confused Onyx behind her.


Celestia, Blueblood, Cadance, Onyx and Gryffin the Gryphon was in the throne room in Canterlot. The rain outside the castle was beating down upon the castle roof, lightning would flash time to time, Onyx was trying to hold back tears and held on tight to Celestia’s leg.

“Let me guess Celestia, you‘ve asked me to come here because you’re ready to give me your answer, am I right?” Celestia was quiet, she asked herself about her choice, still wondering if it was the only or best solution, but before she could say anything, Onyx approach the Gryphon.

“So... you will take me with you for training... right?” The Emperor looked at Onyx and smiled.

“Yes, my little one, I have offered your mom, the choice to teach you how to defend yourself, but before we will try to find what type of fighting style is the best for you, maybe we could show you how to-” Onyx cut the Gryphon off.

“It’s all good Mister Gryffin, but will I have the right to send letters to my mom and friends when I’m there.” The Emperor was a little frustrated to be interrupted by him but he did not show it.

“Yes, you will. You will not be in jail my dear, in fact you will be treated as if you were my own son.” Onyx nodded then returned to his family.

“Mom... Can you please tell my friends why I won’t be there please?... And don’t worry, I will write to you everyday.” Then he turned towards Cadance. “I will miss you Candance, and thanks again for the backpack... By the way, a green mane is really cute with your coat.” Cadance laughed and hugged Onyx.

“Take care of yourself Onyx. When you come back I will show you how YOU will look with a green mane” They both shared a laugh, then Onyx turned towards Blueblood.

“See ya Blueblood, when I come back, I’ll show you all that I will learn.” He said with a little smile, Blueblood gulped and fell back on the marble floor.

“Mom... I love you-” Celestia ran to him, as tears fell from her eyes, she hugged him as if she would lose him forever if she didn’t, Onyx’s clothes were starting to act like sponges, hold and absorbing all of Celestia’s tears.

“I’m so, so, so sorry Onyx! Please forgive me, and take care of yourself, and if the Gryphon don’t treat you in a good way, p-please write to me a-an-and... I just love you so much my son, I’m proud of you.” She said in between her sobs. Onyx hugged her tightly for a couple of minutes, then returned to the waited Gryphon.

“I... I-I’m ready.” was all that he had said. The Gryphon smiled, as if he had won a million bits.

“Good, now come with me... It’s time to show you your new home.”



13-The escape

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Chapter 13

The escape

21st of Gryflius, 997 Years After N.M.M.

“He’s over there! Don’t let him get away!” A group of Gryphons were running in the street of Altair, the capital of the Gryphon Empire. The moon was in the sky and it’s pale light was illuminating the city. The freezing, cold air of the mountain howled over their heads, and the fact that it’s the Gryflius month, the fountain that was in the main place had frozen.

“You two, you’ll go block the main entrance of the city, you are with me, we will catch this dirty rat.” Then the commander, followed by 4 other Gryphons, ran between the houses of the city, until one of the guards spotted a shadow climbing it way up the wall that encircled the city.

“Commander over there!” The guard yelled, he took out his crossbow and aimed at the shadow, but before he could shoot the shadow the commander slapped the weapon away and the bolt shot up into the sky.

“No! The Emperor wants him alive, we’ll use the net.” One of the Gryphons took out another crossbow, but this one instead of a bolt, there was a small net attached to the bolt.

“Don’t miss him, I want to finish this as soon possible, my wife is waiting after me.” The Gryphon laughed and shot.

“Don’t worry commander, I never miss my shot.” he said with a smirk. The net flew across the sky, and like the Gryphon had said, it got the shadow on the wall. When the commander and his group finally reached the base of the wall, they saw the shadow trying to get off the net of him.

“So, you tried to run away from your father again, huh Onyx? Maybe next time, you’ll finally able to at least reach the gate of the city.” They all laughed at the little joke, Onyx who’s on the ground in the net, spat on the face of commander.

“He is not my father. He’s just a tyrant that keeps me here for his own purpose.” The commander wiped his face of spit and punched the ex-prince of Equestria. The soldiers then picked him up and escorted him back to his room, but before they could move him, the Gryphon approached Onyx and whispered in his ear.

“If it was me and not the Emperor, I would cut your little arms off and let you bleed to death and then throw your body off this mountain and watch it crash at the base of the mountain. You’re lucky that the Emperor still thinks he can make you one of us.” Onyx was not listening to him, and spat in the Gryphons face once again, which the commander answered back by hitting the head of Onyx with the base of his crossbow. Onyx’s vision started to dissipate from the beatings he was taking and he fell unconscious


17th of Heart Warming, 987 Years After N.M.M., 3 months after Onyx had left Canterlot


Three months, it’s been three months since Onyx had seen his mother or his friends. Yes he was writing letters to Celestia and Twilight, but now Hearth’s Warming Eve is coming in one week and he wants to go see them, and this is why he was in the throne room, waiting for the Emperor to meet him.

“Onyx... Ha, ha, ha, ha, what are you doing here, I heard that you wanted to ask me something... So ask me.” The Gryphon Emperor said with a deep voice, Onyx rose up from his seat and bowed to him, like the emperor wanted.

“Yes, I was wondering if I could go see my mother this week, it will be Hearth’s Warming Eve and I would like to see her for the occasion.” The Gryphon immediately lost his smile, and his piercing look fell on Onyx.

“I already told you, you can’t return to Canterlot, your not ready yet, a-and it’s too dangerous.”

“But... but I have done all that you have wanted since I’ve been here. I given my best on every task you ask me to achieve, and I never whine about it, even when it was hard, please Mister Gryffin, just this once.” The Emperor, frustrated by the fact that Onyx is still arguing with him decided to punish him.

“So you really want to go see your dear mom if I understand... right?” Onyx thought the Emperor had changed his mind because he was smiling.

“Yes, and I promise to come back after.”

“Good... but before, we should send a letter to your mom right away, this way she could come here and take you with her... Come back here with your things and bring all your scrolls, we want this letter to be perfect. I will wait here to help you with it.”

Onyx quickly ran to his room, and took his backpack that Cadance had given him before he came here, inside his backpack he had all his stuff that he had written to his mother and all the letters he’d got from her and Twilight. When he finally returned to the throne room, the emperor was waiting for him beside the fireplace, where a new fire was made.

“Come here, it’s always better to write besides a good fire, it helps to clear the mind.” he said showing a little table and a seat near him. Onyx put his backpack on the table and took a seat.

“Did you bring all your stuff? It would be a shame if you need to return to your room and leave this comfortable spot, right?” Onyx nodded and tried to take his backpack but before he could reach it, the Emperor swiftly took it from him, then he held it above the fire.

“Hey! What are you doing!? It will catch on fire if you do that!” Onyx said, trying to take it back but the Gryphon only pushed him away.

“Listen to me Onyx, I will teach you a new thing called ‘taking something hostage’ you see I don’t want you to leave my city and you, you don’t want your precious bag to go in this fire right?” Onyx only nodded, tears falling down from his eyes.

“Good, so the principle of taking something hostage is to make a deal, if you stay in this castle and don’t ask again to leave this castle, I will not let your bag fall in this fire... Do you understand?”

“YES! Yes I understand. Please give it back... Please mister Gryffin, I won’t ask you to go out again.” Onyx was in tears, and pleading with the Gryphon to give him his backpack, he felt his stomach knot up when he saw the backpack starting to get scorch marks.

“Good, good... You see it’s not hard to understand... Oh, and one last thing... Never trust your opponent.” Then he dropped the backpack in the fire.

“NOOOOO!!” Onyx tried to get it out of the fire, but the Gryphon blocked him.

14-The escape part 2

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Chapter 14

The escape part 2

Present time

Onyx woke up in the throne room, his head still hurt from the hit he got from the commander wondering why such painfull memory was playing in his head. He never forgot that day; the day he lost the last thing he had to remember his mother by. Ever since that day, the Emperor would send false letters to Celestia. Onyx rose from the floor, brushed himself off and turned towards the throne. The Emperor was sitting there, looking at him with a disdained look. Onyx only waited for his punishment like always, this was not the first time he tried to escape from this place, but each time he had miserably failed. The Emperor rose up and walked towards Onyx, and like every day, he was wearing his traditional armor.

“I had thought that the punishment you received last time would’ve taught you to try not to escape again... but, it looks like I need to upgrade the consequences this time... again.” Onyx did not move or answer. He had learned within the years that whenever Griffin wanted to punish him, there was nothing he could say or do to stop him.

“Why are you always trying to escape from me my dear? I have taught you so many things. I have given you a roof to live under, I have given you food to eat, and this is the way you repay me? I thought that I had raised you better than that, I raised you like my own chicks.” Onyx had lost his cool, he could endure the sarcasm or the pain, but never, NEVER! Would he let the Emperor act as if he was his father. The only family he had was Celestia; not this foolish Emperor.

“RAISE ME!?! You did not raise me, you had kidnapped me! For the last 10 years I’ve never seen my TRUE family. YOU... You only keep me here and ‘raise’ me until I’m good enough to be in your army! You always act as if I was your son! I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m a free pony and the one who raised me was Celestia, and unlike you, she treated me good and raised me like as if I was her own foal.” The Emperor slapped Onyx across his face with his talon.

“Don’t speak to me with that tone, I will teach you how to respect me, rat. Guard! Bring him to the dungeon. This time it will be 25. Maybe a night in the dungeon will help you learn how to respect your superiors.” Onyx didn’t try to fight against the guards grip, even if he could easily hurt the griffin, but he didn’t try it, they needed to think that he was weak for his plan to work.

The guards brought Onyx in the dungeon of the castle, unlike Canterlot, if his memories are right, this dungeon is filled with many prisoners, some are Gryphons, other are Diamond Dogs and even ponies are here. The torturer walked in front of Onyx and pulled out his whip.

“You again... I’m starting to think you like me for continue to come see me... How many this time?” The guards pushed Onyx into the room and he fell on his knees.

“The Emperor has asked for 25 and 1 night in your cells. Do your job.” The guards left the room, leaving Onyx and the torturer alone. The Gryphon pushed Onyx in front of a log planted on the floor and tied his arms around it.

“Don’t forget to scream. I like to hear the beautiful sounds of your pain,” he whispered in his ear, then he stood back. Onyx awaited the hit, trying to focus his mind on good memories of his childhood, then the first hit fell upon his back, he screamed out in pain. He could feel his skin tear apart and the blood rush out. The torturer laughed at him and he whipped him again, again and again. Tears of rage and pain fell down Onyx’s eyes, it took all his strength not fall unconscious. For Onyx it seemed to last for hours but in reality, it only took 3 minutes.

“Here we go! 25 perfect hits, I’m so proud of myself, I’m sure you will never get whips like that from any other gryphon.” He grabbed him and threw him in the cells and closed the door. Onyx hit his head when he fell to the floor in the cell, and with the beatings he’d just received, he could no longer endure the pain, the unconscious gripping him once again.

6th of Draconoqus, 990 years after the N.M.M., 2 years and 8 months after Onyx had left Canterlot.

Birthday of Onyx.

Today was Onyx’s birthday, he will be 10 years old today, but he don’t care. For the last 2 years he has done everything to please the Emperor so that maybe he would let him go back home. He had thought that if he learned quickly to defend himself, the Gryphon’s would release him, but now he understands that the Emperor will, maybe, never release him.

Onyx was sitting in his bed, waiting for his trainer to come get him like every morning, and while he was waiting, he was caressing a hen that the Emperor have given him for his last birthday. He had called her Philo, to remember his mother’s pet, and she was his only friend here. The hen was eating some seeds from his hand as he delicately pulled some little feathers around her eyes. The hen starting to fall asleep in Onyx’s arms, Onyx didn’t move a muscle afrad to wake the hen up.

The door to his room opened, revealing the Gryffin Emperor, the hen woke up but stayed on Onyx’s lap.

‘’Onyx! Happy Birthday! How old are you now? 10 years of age is a important moment in a life fro Gryphon’s.’’ Onyx wasn’t listening to him nor did he respond to him, he only focused on trying to keep the hen calm, the deep voice of the Gryphon had scared her.

“Oh! I see that you still have that hen. That’s a good thing because we need her for your birthday party. Come follow me, and bring her with you.” Onyx was hesitant about that order, but he didn’t have the choice, the last time he didn’t follow a order from the Emperor, he didn’t get any food and water for a whole day. So he followed him and they both went in the courtyard outside on the training grounds.

“Take a sword Onyx, I will make you into a true warrior.” Onyx put the hen down and went to get one of the many swords that were on the wall. When he returned, he positioned himself in front of the Emperor.

“Good, now to make you a true warrior I will need to teach you something else. You see, a warrior can’t be good if they show mercy.” Onyx didn’t like where this conversation was going and fear gripped his heart.

“HA! I think you got it right, so to make you a warrior, I request... NO! I ORDER you, to kill that hen, and then we will eat it for your birthday dinner.”

“NO! I don’t want to kill her, she’s my only friend here, I won’t do it!” The Gryphon only laughed hard at him.

“Onyx, if you don’t kill it, you will show mercy in battle, and if you do that, you will end up being murdered” Onyx threw his sword on the ground.

“Good, because if becoming a warrior means that you have to kill your friends, well, I don’t want to become one.” The Gryphon only sighed and took Onyx’s sword.

“*Tsk* You don’t leave me much of a choice Onyx, you could have made great progress today, and we would’ve celebrated it with a feast, including your hen. But... It seems I will need to teach you a lesson.” The Gryphon swiftly caught the hen and placed the sword under her throat.

“NO!! Please don’t kill her please!” Onyx was crying and he wanted to help the hen but he only could watch his only friend get killed by the Emperor and slowly bleed to death. The emperor let the hen fall to the ground and went inside the castle. Onyx was trying to do something to save his only friend, but he realized quickly that he couldn’t do anything.


15-The escape part 3

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Chapter 15

The Escape: Part 3

Present Time

Onyx woke up with a headache, and his back didn’t help him either, his back was hurting as if somepony was cutting him with a dull, heated blade and his throat was dry a dessert. He tried to stand up but a spark of pain shot up his back and he fell down to his knees again, breathing heavily. Suddenly he felt something cold on his shoulder, he turned his head and looked up, he saw a hoof. Onyx turned his head back to see who was with him, but what he saw, was by far the most strangest creature he had ever seen. It looked like pony and a bug mixed together, the creature had sharp fangs, bug-like wings, and a black curved horn on his forehead. But the most strangest feature was probably it’s arctic blue eyes, or the hole in it’s hoof. The creature looked tired, weak, and beaten, Onyx could feel it’s hoof shaking on his shoulder.

“What are you?” The creature said in a strange, but weak voice. Onyx took his time to answer it, never before had he seen something so strange in his whole life. Even the carnivore Pegasus he had seen the other day was less strange than this.

“I’m... Well... I don’t really know either... But YOU... What are you?” The creature did not get the chance to answer him, it fell down on the floor, but Onyx caught it before could hit the floor.

“Whoa! Are you okay... Whatever you are?” The creature whispered something inaudible, Onyx leaned closer to it, to hear it better.

“Love... I’m hungry...” it said, but Onyx was puzzled by what it said.

“Love? I don’t get it. I’m not your ‘love’ and if you’re hungry, you can have the bread that the torturer gives to everypony here...” Onyx said with a puzzled face and tone. The thing shook it’s head.

“No... can’t... eat it... need... your... love... Please... help me.” Onyx was confused, why is this creature in need of his love.

“I’m sorry....Thing... But I can’t help you... I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said slowly, trying to let it understand his choice of words. The thing was shaking in his arms and Onyx felt pity for it.

“Please... Th-think about happy things...” Onyx did not understand why thinking about his good memories will help this creature, but he’ll do it anyway. he tried to think about his childhood; his first day at the school, Mother’s Day, when he play with Twilight, when he made a perfect pancake for the first time under the proud eyes of his mother... His mother... Even after 10 years, Onyx still remembers how her mane was, the look in her eyes, never he could have wished for a better adoptive mother... He could feel tears welling up in his eyes. But suddenly he felt a strange feeling, as if somepony else was with him... but in his head. Onyx opened his eyes and saw the little horn on the head of the creature glow in a green flash, and the most intriguing part was that the creature was looking stronger and healthier, as if it had regained all of it’s energy. Then suddenly it all stopped, the feeling in his head was gone and the glow of the creatures horn dissipated.

“Di-did you just read my m-mind....?” Onyx asked to the thing, that was now walking around the cell. The thing only looked at him with a smirk.

“No, I did not, I have fed on you, more specifically, I have fed on your sentiment, that was not nourishing like true love, but it was good enough to heal me.” Onyx was confused, how would a creature could eat something sentiment... That was not logical nor in the other way magical, it will never make any sense to him.

“Uh... Can I know who- I mean, what are you, now that you’re in better shape?” The thing stretched it’s bug-like wings, which surprised Onyx because he didn’t see them before.

“If you really want to know; my species is called ‘Changelings’, and for who I am, I am Fillia.”

“Changeling... I never heard of that name before... I mean, that species.” Fillia sighed.

“Well that’s not really a surprise, our race has been hunted down by all of the other races of this land, so our queen hides us from the eyes of the others.”

“Your Queen? You mean like a kingdom?... So why doesn’t your country appear on the map?” Fillia laughed at him.

“Ha, ha, ha, you’re funny. Our kingdom is under the Earth, in the bad lands, and yes we have a queen, maybe the best queen a kingdom could wish for.” This time it was Onyx who laughed at her.

“HA, HA, HA, HA! I’m sorry, but I think Celestia is the best Quee-Princess a kingdom could wish for, she’s kind and takes care of everypony in her kingdom.”

“Celestia!? You mean the white pony who had banished her own sister? Let’s all the other ponies do her jobs for her, and finally, only take care of herself and her little pathetic pony.” Onyx leaped towards her and swung at her with his fist, but she dodged the hit by flying to the ceiling of the cell.

“If I may ask, why does a creature like you, think that the white pony Princess is so ‘good’ and ‘kind’.”

“Why? Because she’s the only one who had taken care of me, even if I was a another species. She raised me and I swear on my own life that she the most kind pony in all of Equestria, and I would appreciate it, if you stop talking about my mother like that.” The Changeling was shocked by what he said.

“Y-Your mother?... Y-you mean YOU’RE the creature that the white Princess has adopted!? YOU’RE the Prince of Equestria!?”

“Well yeah... In this situation, it’s a little awkward when something or someone, calls me ‘Prince of Equestria’.” The changeling took a few good seconds to look more closely at Onyx, then she walked next to him and sat down by his side. Her and Onyx sat in bone chilling silence of their cell, up until Onyx asked her a question.

“So... Why are you here?... I mean, if it doesn’t bother you to talk about it?” The Changeling looked at the floor and waited a little while to answer him.

“I was captured, by the Gryphons, and because they didn’t know what I was, they sent me here and waited patiently for me to die... But with the energy you gave me maybe I won’t after all, and if you give more energy later, I will be able to be free of this place.”

“Free... How? What I mean is; we’re in a dungeon, in the biggest city of the Gryphon Kingdom and we’re stuck in here with no way out.” The Changeling laughed at him again, and that was starting to frustrate Onyx.

“It’s simple really. Now that I have the energy, I had sent a message to my Queen, and she is now preparing my escape. My Queen never let’s one of her subjects fall into the claws of the enemies. It won’t surprise me if she came here, her by herself.”

“... But... how? How were able to send her a message? Even if you have magic, I’ve never heard of a spell that let’s you talk with somepo- some-ling else.”

“Well it’s really simple, us Changelings have something called the ‘hive mind’, it let’s us talk with each other, *Sigh* but I was too weak to communicate with the others, but with your help, I was able to talk to them to request help. Now, the only thing we have to do, is wai-”

Suddenly the wall behind Onyx exploded and once again, with the shock of the explosion, the mighty grip of unconsciousness took hold of Onyx once again.

16-The escape last part

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Chapter 16

The Escape: Part 4 (Last Part)

Onyx rose up from the floor, his head was pounding and he could feel the cold breeze of the mountain on his skin... ‘Mountain breeze?’ It took a few seconds for Onyx to realize that he was no longer inside the dungeon, ‘Wasn’t I was inside the dungeon? with that..hum...yea changeling....’. He slowly opened his eyes, but a bright green flash forced him to shut his eyes. When he re-opened them again, the changeling he met earlier was in-front of him and a another creature, who looked like the changeling but more taller, was at her side.

“Finally, you woke up, I was starting to think to leave your body here and just leave, but now that you have regain consciousness, she will be able to talk to you. Don’t take too much time Fillia, I will wait for you in the woods over there...” The tall creature said with his abnormal but interesting voice, then she flew away, leaving Fillia and Onyx there. Onyx was not really listening to what was happening, he was more occupied looking around him; the moon was not really bright as it should, but now he could see that he was at the foot of the mountain, he looked where the city is built and the feeling of being away from that prison was so wonderful, he couldn’t describe the feeling.

The Changeling called Fillia, walked in the direction of Onyx and smiled at him.

“Our Queen, even if she didn’t say it, wants to thank you for saving me, and let me feed on you. Usually when someone else sees us, there first reaction is to attack us, but not you... You had helped a totally unknown creature without asking a question or something in return.” Onyx, who was now listening, was trying to remember what had happened in the dungeon.

“Well... That was nothing," in fact, I didn’t know that I was helping you when I had thought about my mother", but can you explain to me what we’re doing here? I only remember a loud ‘bang’ and then nothing.”

“Well the ‘loud bang’ was my Queen who had exploded the wall to set me free, unfortunately, you were behind the wall and a chunk of the wall had hit your head. For ‘Why are we here?’, well my Queen had free me, but when I told her about what you did for me, she decide to set you free too. I can say that she was intrigued by how you looked, she has never seen something like you before in her life.” Then she paused, as if she was listening for something.

“I have to go, my Queen wants me to return now. Thanks again for all that you have done for me... Prince Onyx.” Then she flew away, leaving Onyx alone. Onyx waved his hand to the Changeling, his eyes filled with tears, he was free... finally free. He was away from that cruel, so called ‘Emperor’ who had kept him in that awful castle, as if he was like a toy for him. Now HE was the one who will decide what he wanted to do because he was free! Never had he thought, that he would have to endure that much pain in training, the whip of the torturer, and the cruelty of the Emperor. The only thing he wanted to do now, is to go back see his mom. He wanted to return into Equestria, he even missed his rude cousin Blueblood. With this in mind, Onyx walked in the direction of the closest village, sure he will need to hide himself from the Gryphon guards, but the road to Equestria easily take him about 2 weeks, but if he didn’t get caught, and didn’t stop too often, he will be in Equestria... In the castle with his mother... For his 18 birthday.



“EMPEROR! EMPEROR!” A Gryphon guard was running throughout the castle in search of his Emperor. The last hour for him was quite shocking and even he doesn’t understand what had happened. One hour ago a patrol had found the dead body of the torturer, his throat cut in the dungeon, but the most shocking thing about that, was a green cocoon and the torturer was inside, floating slowly up and down. Then, if that was not enough, the cell where the ‘bastard son’ of Celestia was kept, was empty and the wall was destroyed.

The guard entered the throne room and the Emperor was with a female Gryphon at his side, tied with chain around her neck to the throne, probably the new prey for the Emperor...

“What are you doing here, can’t you see I’m busy right now!?” The Emperor yelled at the poor guard, who was only doing his job.

“I’m sorry Emperor, but I have some... bad news for you... *Gulp*... T-the Torturer was found dead in the dungeon and th-”

“Well, I’ll find a new torturer, that can’t be to hard. Now go... Before I give you the same fate of the torturer.”

“But your Emperor! I was going to tell you that... well... the ‘bastard son’ of Celestia... How should I put this?... H-he has escaped...”

“WHAT!?!” The Emperor in his surprise and rage, had smash the head of the poor slave chained to the throne, even the guard had heard the skull of the Gryphon crack open when she had hit the throne.

“I want all the guards to search for him, NOW! He can’t have gotten too far away. It’s really hard to go down our mountain without wings. Now go and call a maid to clean this mess, I don’t want my floor filled with the blood of this slut.”

“Y-yes your Emperor!” The guard left the throne room and sighed, he secretly wished that the Emperor would die soon. Since he had been put on the throne, nothing had been good for the empire.

“Hey! You there! Come here. The Emperor needs you in the throne room right now, and don’t take your time, he’s really angry.” He said to the first maid he saw, he felt pity for this maid, because he knew that tomorrow, he would have to go bury her body somewhere. The Emperor will probably make her clean his throne and then he will do the same thing he was gonna do to the dead Gryphon before he killed her, and like always, he would kill her when he would be done with her.


17-Meeting with a old and a new pony

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Meeting With A Old and A New Pony

Since the Changeling had freed him, Onyx had been walking though the woods for the last few days. When he first escaped, he quickly went to the closest town and, ‘borrowed’ some items from the village. Usually, he would’ve bought it or at least offer work in return, but the Emperor had already set up some ‘Wanted Posters’ with his face on it, with a reward of 500 bits to bring him in alive, so he didn’t really have a choice. The sounds of the forest was very relaxing, the birds singing, the little gusts wind blowing in the trees, the sound of the hoofsteps behind him, the feeling of the sun on his skin... ‘Wait, what?... Hoofsteps...’ Onyx swiftly turn himself to see who is following him, but he didn’t see anypony. “Well, that was strange... Maybe it’s just my imagination?” Onyx turned around went his way, but as soon as he did, he bumped into a grey pegasus, which was flying right in front of him.

“Well hello there... Who are you?” Onyx rose up from the ground, holding his nose and checking if it was bleeding.

“Argg! Do you surprise everypony you meet, like that? That hurt. Grrr...” The gray pegasus looked at him and smiled, then looked up at the sky.

“Sorry, my bad... My name is Ditzy by the way, and you’re?...” Onyx, now reassured by the fact, that he nose was alright, shook the hoof which was held out by ‘Ditzy’, but the strange thing he noticed about her, were her eyes. He tried not to show that he had not noticed them, because he didn’t want to insult her.

“I’m Onyx, glad to meet you... Hurr... If I may ask, what is a pegasus, like yourself, doing this close to the castle of the Gryphon Emperor?” The cross eyed pegasus looked a little bit frustrated.

“It’s Derpy, and I’m a mailmare on route to bring this letter to the Emperor himself.” She said, showing him her saddlebag with the official post emblem.

“Wait, um... Derpy, who sent this letter? Please tell me.” He answering back, wishing that the one who had sent the letter was his mother.

“Do you have difficulty hearing? My name is Ditzy... Repeat after me, D-I-T-Z-Y. And for the letter, it’s a confidential secret. I can’t tell you, sorry.” Onyx mentally face-palmed.

“Um... Okay... Ditzy, if I tell you that I’m royalty... Do you think you can let me read the letter?... Please.” The Derpy/Ditzy pegasus looked very angry.

“Listen, my name is Derpy! It’s not hard to remember and no, I won’t show you it. Not only because you can’t remember my name, but because I’m loyal to the rules of my job. Now if you don’t mind, I need to bring this letter to Onyx.” She told him, before she started to leave him.

“...DER-MISS WAIT! DON’T GO I‘M ONYX!” he yelled after her, the gray pegasus turned around and now so looked happy.

“You see, it’s not hard to learn my name. Now if you really are Onyx, here’s the letter.” She said, holding the letter in her hoof and giving it to Onyx. He thanked her and took the letter with a shaking grip. His name was on the letter and he could see the emblem of Celestia on it. It will be the first piece of news from his mother, since the last 10 years.

Listen that

Dear son,

In less than 2 weeks, you will be 18 years old. It’s an important day because, it’s the day you become an adult. I wish you could be here with me, ever since you left, nothing has been the same here. Twilight and I miss you a lot, she won’t stop talking about how she wants to show you all the progress she has made in the domain of magic. I think that the reason she studies so hard, is to impress you. Shadow Heart is now been accepted in the Mages University and he has passed the test like he had promised you in the last letter.

Cadance is now, officially, dating one of the guards, you know the one called Shining Armor? She has moved in with him in a little house that I had given them last week. Now she’s trying to convince me to name him the Captain of my Guard.

Onyx wiped a tear from his eye. Reading these words, was like a dream come true.

As for Blueblood, he’s still the same, Cadance and I, (well more like Cadance... it is her talent.) have tried several times to match him with a mare who could teach him how to take care of the others, but it’s seem that the only thing he loves, is himself. Philomena (not the plush) is near to the end of her life, I think in 3 years she will reborn.

As for myself... Well, I miss you Onyx... We haven’t seen each other for the past 10 years and it’s really hard for me to not break the promise you made me do. I know that your training is hard, and that you need to travel through out the Gryphon Empire to learn all that you need to know... Heh, heh, now I’m crying. At least Twilight is with me for now... The next part will be written by her...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hello Onyx,

Like I have promise you, I still have Captain Philomena hidden somewhere. Seems kind of odd to say that, now that we’re not young anymore, like before... Spike says ‘Hi’ to you too... I know that you’ve never meet him before, but I’m sure that the both of you will be friends when you will meet him.

Now that my B.B.B.F.F had left the family house to go live with my foalsister, I feel a little alone, so I pass the time by reading all the books in the royal library. I have learned many things but unfortunately, I could not find the spell I could use to talk to you, I told to about in the last letter... I wish we could see each other soon... And I can’t wait for your next letter, even if they’re really short... You should take more time for that, you know.

Your Friend Forever,

Twilight Sparkle.

It’s me again son, I will send you a package with a gift in it, when it’s your birthday comes. I hope you’ll like it... Please take care of yourself... I really miss you Onyx...

Love, Your Mother,


Onyx read the letter two or three more times before he folded it up, then put it in one of his pockets, he silently cried the entire time he was reading it, and the gray pegasus had stayed with him the entire time.

“..M-miss... C-could you please give a message to Celestia?...” The gray pegasus nodded and pull out a sheet of paper and a pen from her saddlebag.

“Could you tell her... that... That I’m coming home and that my... Training is finished... Please

18-The first time is alway the hardest

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Chapter 18

The First Time Alway’s The Hardest

Onyx was now finally out of the woods, the Gryphon mountain were far behind him and the only trouble he got so far was a patrol of Gryphons, but they did not see him. The Canterlot mountain was now in his sight, the Equestrian border was a 10 minute walk away. Onyx was going to start to walk the last meter that separated him from his kingdom, but he got the feeling that something was not natural. Normally, the border was guarded by 4 or 5 guards, but there was easily 30 or 40 guards.

Onyx hid himself behind a tree and started to think up a plan to cross the border.

“I can’t fight alone versus 40 Gryphon guards, even if I take them by surprise. If they see me, I can’t be sure that they will bring me back to the Emperor... I need to get away from here tonight, who knows how many Gryphon guards the border will have tomorrow...”

Onyx opened his backpack, since he escaped, he “borrowed” many items in the few villages he had come across. He had enough food for the next few days, fresh water, flint and tinder, a hunting knife, the letter from the gray pegasus, a cover, a lantern and a makeshift lockpick. Since he had found out that his fingers couldn’t easily break locks, and open a closed door, he would always carry his makeshift lockpick just in case. Suddenly an idea came to mind... but it was insane... Good thing he liked insane.

Onyx took out his knife and his makeshift lockpick and started to clean them. When he was certain that the blade and the lockpick were cleaned, Onyx went back into the woods and made a fire. Onyx cut a strip of cloth from his clothes and put it in his mouth, he made sure that the strip was covering his tongue, so in case he would yell, only a muffled voice would come out. When he was sure that everything was ready, he took his knife and looked at it, it would be very painful, but it was the only idea he had. Onyx slowly rolled the knife in the palm of his hand, then without warning, stabbed his leg. The pain was immense but with the piece of cloth in his mouth he could not express his pain. Blood was rushing out of his leg, he had to act quickly, Onyx quickly inserted the lockpick in his wound and then he put the knife in the fire, when the blade was red hot he placed it on the wound to stop the bleeding. Onyx was on the ground for many minutes trying to ignore the pain in his leg. He cursed himself, that he didn’t take enough time to think of a better plan, but now he couldn’t take back his decision.

Now it was time for the second part of his plan, so he slowly got up from the ground, his leg hurt him as if someone decided to casually pluck the sun from the stars, and shove it in his leg. The lockpick inside his leg made it even worse. Onyx walked to a bar on the outskirts of the border. Even from the outside, he could smell the alcohol and hear the music inside, then when he entered.

The bar was built with old wood, candles were everywhere to light the tavern up, many of the customers were Gryphons, but Onyx spotted 2 Pony at a table in the back of the room. ‘Perfect.’ He’ll need to get drunk for his plan to work; first to ignore the eye gouging pain and secondly, he doesn’t want to be sober while beating the living tar out of an innocent pony. Onyx went and sat at the table to the oposite of the 2 Ponyi; one of them was wearing a black cloak, the earth pony, and he could not see his face, the other one was familiar to Onyx, he was wearing some kind of yellow goggles and his feathers were gray and yellow but he couldn’t remember where and when he saw them.

A Gryphon came to his table to take his order. “What do you want to drink?”

“I’ll have your strongest pint of cider, no salt please.” Onyx answered her, wishing that she didn’t recognize the bounty on his head. Which by the way had increased to about 2000 bits. Fortunately the Gryphon did not really care about him and returned with a pint of cider.

“The Pegasi at that table will pay for me. Just go show them the bill and tell them that it’s from me.”

The Gryphon returned to her work and Onyx waited patiently for the reaction of the Pegasi, he made sure that they couldn’t see him from where they are and he waited.

’Come on... Show me something!’ When the waitress gave them the bill, the Pegasus showed no reaction. Onyx sighed, ‘Why didn’t they show any reaction? Shouldn’t they be at least a little mad? Unless...’

‘No... They can’t know who I am... Can they? Damn. Now I need to find somepony or Grphon else for this, Mayb-’ His thoughts were interupted by something slamming his head with the table. Onyx swiftly turned around and checked to see who had done this to him. The guilty one was a cream Pegasus, who was wearing a black jacket and had a scar on his right eye.

“Can you tell me why you’re making my friends over there, pay for your bill you Diamond Do-” The Pegasus was surprised when he clearly saw his face, but Onyx didn’t waste anytime, he quickly punched his face and grabbed the pint on the table then he smashed it on the Pegasus head, which he blocked it with his wing. The other two ponies that were at the table were now at the side of the cream colored pegasus, the gray and yellow one was holding a strange device in his hoof and pointed it at Onyx, then he press something on it... and nothing happened.

“Arrggg! Everytime it’s the same thing! Your inventions are always broken when we need them! You’re bucking useless Azure.” The pony named Azure did not looked offended by the Cream pegasus and took a few steps back, leaving the two other ponies alone with Onyx.

The pony with the cloak walked in front of Onyx but didn’t do a thing, Onyx was watching the movement of his opponent, like he had learnt from the Gryphons. He kept calm and took a fight position, trying to find out the next move of the cloaked pony.

The Cream Pegasus was going to help his partner, but the cloaked pony blocked him with a hoof.

“Not this time Raynor. I want to do it.” He said to the pegasus named, apparently, Raynor.

“Are you sure?... You know who he is right, we have tra-” The cloaked pony ignored his friends and walked to the Prince, then he took off his hood. He had a strange and rebellious manecut, and was colored blue with a sky pattern, his coat was just a plain white.

“Do you know who I am?” He asked Onyx.

“Nope sorry but I do-” Once again Onyx was interrupted, this time it was the white earth pony who had kicked him. Onyx was now lying on the floor, his clutching his hurting side.

“Okay bastard. You’ll pay for that.” Onyx jumped up quickly from the floor and tried to kick his opponent back, but the wound he had in his leg stopped him from doing a good hit, and the white pony easily dodged him and then he grab a bottle on the floor with his mouth and threw it at Onyx. When he tried to block it, the earth pony jumped up and punched him in the face.

Onyx fell on a table, which broke on impact. Now Onyx was angry. At first, his plan was to not really hurt the pony, but just be violent enough that the barman would call the guards and bring him in the holding cell at the outpost at the border, but that white pony knew how to fight and he will need to fight him like as if he was a true opponent.

Onyx slowly got up from the ex-table and looked at his opponent. He thought of all the advantages he had against him.

“First; I’m bipedal, so I’m more maneuverable than him in this fight. Second; I’m taller, so I can easily knee him in his throat and Three... Well okay, I don’t know what three is, but I’m sure that 2 advantages is enough.”

The earth pony waited patiently for Onyx, but then he charged him. But this time Onyx was ready. He waited for him to come closer, closer, closer... then at the last second, he dodged him. The speed of the pony prevented him to get out of the way, Onyx have make him stumble on the broken table. Onyx did not lost his chance and jump on the pony and hold his head between his arms.

But before he could hit him, Onyx feel a blade under his troath. A Gryphon guard was holding a spear upointing it at Onyx

“One more move and you are death! Understand?” a deep voice say behind him. Onyx slowly nodded his head and let’s the Pony alone. The bar was now filled with Gryphon, and all the customer was out. the only other living thing inside was the 2 pegasus, the white pony and Onyx. One of the Gryphon, the captain probably, give some order to his soldier and then he go away.

“Okay, it’s seem that you have learned a free night to the jail, well all of you ecxept this fugitif over there” One of the guard say, pointing Onyx with his Talons. “Ho no, you, you have earn more than one night in the jail, i’m sure that the gryphon emperor will be happy to know that we have finally got you.”


Onyx was now in the jail of the outpost, like he’d wanted. The only thing he that needs to do is to escape, and then he will be close enough to the border to call the pony guards on the others, the Gryphon won’t be able to chase him on the territory of his mother... At least, without giving some explanation to her. But before he could do all that, he will need to take the lockpick out of his leg, before he could get an infection.

The three ponies from the bar were in the cell in-front of him, the one called Raynor was yelling at the other Pegasus called Azure, and the white one was looking Onyx since they where in here. Unlike the 2 other ones, he was calmer and he didn’t speak at all.

Onyx got up from the floor and looked at his leg, the wound was still red, he will need to open it soon. But first, he needs to find something that will be sharp enough to open it again, and the only thing that he had on him, was probably one of his canines.

The white earth pony, finally spoke to him.

“Could you tell me what you’re planning?... Onyx!” He said with some anger in his voice. Onyx didn’t respond him and only thought of a way to pull out on of his canines without too much pain, so he couldn’t bring the guards attention here.

“HA! HA! I got it!” The yellow and gray Pegasus suddenly yelled, pointing the little device, he had, on Onyx. Then he press a little red button on it.

Onyx felt like as if somepony had shot him with a direct bolt of lightning. But before he lost consciousness, he whispered a swear to the crazy Pegasus.


Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

19-the council

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Chapter 19

The Council.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

“That voice... I’ve heard it somewhere...” Onyx slowly opened his eyes, pain was in his leg and his back, but he feel calm, and he never was since the last....well the last 10 years.

“Huh?... Wha?... Wh-where am I?...” The last thing he remembered was being shot by the Pegasus in the cell in front of him. Suddenly Onyx felt something hit him, and he thought he heard somepony crying. Still not able to see clearly, Onyx used his hand to touch whatever that was on him, he could feel fur... soft fur. He felt the creature on him was sobbing.

“Ple-please Onyx, wake up... Please...”

‘That voice... I know that voice... Can it be?...” Onyx finally got the energy to open his eyes and what he saw was the most wonderful thing he could wish for, his mother was here, crying on him... His mother that he hadn’t seen in the past 10 years.

“M-mother...?” The Princess of the Sun bolted up from her son and looked at Onyx, they were both looking at each other silently. Then Celestia suddenly hugged him, letting her tears flow from her eyes. Onyx didn’t move, he was still shocked from how he was here with his mother, but finally, he followed his heart and hugged her back. They were both crying in the each others arms. They stayed like that for about 10 minutes.

Onyx was the first one to speak.

“Bu-but how?... I mean... I was... and then... Why I am here?... This is n-not possible... this is just a dream, right?... I can’t... you can’t be-” Celestia placed her hoof over his mouth and kissed him on his head.

“Shhhht... Questions come later.” She took a brush with her magic that was on a little table on the side of the bed and she started to brush Onyx’s mane. He didn't try to stop her, the feeling of somepony taking care of him was something he never felt when he was with the Emperor. Celestia started humming a song she sang to Onyx when he was a little kid.

Celestia was taking pleasure in brushing Onyx’s mane, the feeling of knowing her son was close to her and knowing he is safe... Never again will she let him leave like she had to do 10 years ago... If only she had known more sooner of what the Emperor had done to him. She’d tried to convince the council to do something to help Onyx, but apparently, she did not have enough proof to show them for them to do something, and declaring war against the Gryphon Empire, would be like sentencing her ponies to the death.

“M-mom... Please I need to know... how did I get here?...” Celestia placed the brush back on the table and placed herself in-front of her son.

“Please Onyx, don’t hate me for what I’m gonna tell you, and let me finish... *Inhale* 8 years ago, I had discovered what happened to you in the Gryphon Empire. One of the letters that the Gryphon Emperor had sent me, had an error on it.”

“An error?... What error did it have?” Onyx asked, ignoring the request to not interrupt her.

“Well, he said that you were eating some Alfalfa... But I realized that you never liked Alfalfa. So since then, I had sent some spy's to go check on you, but unfortunately, they couldn’t see you. *Sigh* So finally, I asked The Council of The 5 Kingdoms to arrest the Emperor, but they said that the letter I had was not a enough proof to arrest him or even do an investigation. *Sigh*”

“So I have thought about declaring a war between us and the Gryphon Empire...but...but...” Tears were rolling down her face, then she buried her head in the blanket.

“Please forgive me Onyx. But I couldn’t send my ponies to war. Not against the Gryphon Empire, they will all die and-and... *Sniff* I’m a horrible mother! Please forgive me son.”

Onyx stayed silent, thinking about all that his mother had told him. He wanted to be angry at her. He wanted to yell at her about ‘why she had let him suffer in the claws of the Gryphon Emperor... but in his heart, he knew that his mother had made the right decision and the only ones he should be angry at is The Gryphon Emperor and The Council.

Onyx hugged her mother and kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t worry mother, I forgive you. You just did what any other good ruler would do.” Celestia hugged her son back, knowing that her son has forgiven her as if her sister had came back

“But you still didn’t tell me how I got here.” Celestia gave Onyx a smirk then continued her story.

“When the council had refused my request, I was angry and the only thing I wanted to do, was to kill the Emperor. One of your friends was really sad when you had left Canterlot. So I asked one of my best soldiers to train him, I had planned to send him alone, helping you and at the same, kill the Emperor... But, *Sigh* by then I had realised that this plan was bad, first training him to be strong enough to kill the Emperor alone would’ve taken too much time. Secondly, I didn’t know where you were and I didn’t have any proof that you were still in his castle or if he had took you somewhere else. My guards had trained him, *Sad sigh* but we never sent him for you.”

“Wait what?... Which one, who did you train?” Onyx asked.

“Well his name is Vallis, i thinks he was the one who had teamed up with you at school. Since you had left Canterlot, he didn’t talk at all.”

’Well, that makes sense... That explains why he was angry when I didn’t recogniz him.”

“Then 2 months ago, an old friend of mine, that I thought was dead, made a surface. He took Vallis with him and they both decided to go find out where the Emperor was hiding you. But 2 weeks ago, a post Pegasus that I had sent to give you a letter...Well to the Gryphon, because I’m sure he wouldn’t et you read what I sent you. *Sigh* Anyways, she came back with your message. So Raynor and Vallis decided to wait for you at the border.”

“Wait. You mean this letter?” Onyx asked, showing her the letter he got from the gray Pegasus named Derpy/Ditzy.

“Yes that’s the one. I’m glad you have it. I had continued to send you letter after letter so that the Emperor can think that I had not discovered what he was really doing... Like if I’m enough to fall in his dumb trap.” Celestia giggled to herself.

“*Sigh* Then last week, they came back with 2 ponies with them, the first one was maybe the most strangest pony I ever seen... and the other was you, they had brought you back.” She said with tears filling her eyes.

“Wait... If I was in here since last week... That means I was unconscious 15 days!” Onyx was shocked. What in Tartarus did he get shot by? What was that strange device that gray and yellow Pegasus holding? So many questions were filling Onyx’s head.

Onyx tried to get up from the bed, but his legs were too weak to suport him.

“Doctor Pouse had told me that your legs should be weak for the next few days... You know that you gave him a lot of trouble with that piece of steel in your leg?” She said with a small smile.

“Heh, heh... Yeah, sorry about that...” Celestia got up from the bed and walked out of the room, but before she closed the door she took a good look at Onyx.

“You know... You have changed... and not only physically... Oh! and Twilight doesn’t know what happened to you in the Gryphon Kingdom... It’s your choice to tell her or not. Now rest my son, you need to be in good shape. In 3 days you will be 18 years old and you can count on me to organize something big for you. By the way, Cadence and her colt-friend should come by to say you ‘Hi’ to you later with Twillight and Blueblood too...Take care my son... I love you.”

“Thanks mom... *Yawn*” With that Onyx returned under his blanket. With one final yawn, he fell in a deep and secure sleep, like he hadn’t done in a long, long, long time.

20-The new rival

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Chapter 20

The New Enemy

Onyx woke up again and to his great relief, he was still in the hospital. Looking at the clock on the wall, he realized that he had slept at least 7 hours straight. The moon was high in the sky and was filling the room with its soft, illuminating glow. Onyx lifted up his blanket and looked at his leg, a deep scar was in the area he had the lockpick hidden and when he touched it, he felt a small spark of pain.

“At least, I’ll have something to show to my children when I-” Then realization struck Onyx, as if stallion had decided to kick him, with the strenght they buck the apple trees with.

“*Sigh* I can’t have children of my own... Hey, at least I could always do what my mom did, adopt a little filly.” He said to himself, trying to cheer himself up. But his thoughts were interrupted by somepony knocking at his door.

“Yes enter.” The door opened, and to his surprise it was Blueblood who entered the room. He didn’t say anything to Onyx and took a seat next to his bed. He was wearing a small jacket with a rose pin on it and his mane was (like always) all clean and shiny.

“Hey cousin... We haven’t seen eachother in a long time. I’m surprised that you are the first one, exept my mother, to come visit me.” Onyx said, wishing that with the passed years, maybe his cousin had changed.

“Well, I didn’t really have a choice. Celestia asked me to come here and if I didn’t, she would’ve ordered me to go meet all of those... peasants outside the castle!” he answered back.

“But, even if I don’t really like you, you are royalty and it’s better for me to be with you than those... ruffians.” Onyx kept calm and didn’t show emotion on his face, because for him, his cousin was by far more appreciateable than the Emperor. Blueblood rose up, and headed towards the door.

“Well, now that I’ve said ‘Hi’ to you, I can return to my priority.” He left the room, leaving Onyx alone again, but before he could, he said, “I hate Alfalfa.” Somepony else asked to enter.

“Yes enter.” This time the pony who entered was Cadance, and with another pony that he’d never seen before.

“Cousin!” Cadance said, jumping on the bed and hugging him.

“Ohhh! I’m so happy to see you! You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to show you him.” She said pointing at the stallion behind her. He was wearing the golden armor of the Royal Guard and his cutie mark looking a lot like the one Twilight has, for one that’s not related to her. Since he had entered the room, he didn’t move or talk as if he was a...

“Guard!” Onyx said to the stallion, “You don’t need to act like you’re on duty. I’m not that type of Prince.” Onyx said to him, the stallion immediately relaxed.

“Greetings Prince. My name is Shining Armor, soldier in the group 3024, in the unicron section.” He told him in an army voice. Cadance face-hoofed and Onyx laughed a little.

“You don’t need to be like that Shining armor. You can act as if I’m your friend, just toss aside the guard for a minute or two.”

“Yes sorry, my prin-uh...I mean-”

“Onyx... My name is Onyx.”

“Yes, sorry Onyx” He said before he returned to Cadance’s side.

“Well Shining, here’s my cousin Onyx, and like he’d said; he has comeback from the north Kingdom and this is the first time he has been in Canterlot in 10 years. And Onyx, here’s my coltfriend Shining Armor, big brother of Twilight and the future Captain of the Guard.”

“Honey? I’m not sure Celestia ever told me th-”

“Hush Sweety. Auntie had already told me that she will promote you Captain, at Onyx’s birth-... Ohhh! Why can’t I keep a secret.” She said, before she ran out of the room.

“Well that was... strange?...”Onyx said, giving Shining Armor a puzzled look. Him and Shining talked for the past hour about each other. To Onyx, Shining seemed to be a good pony, protector of his sister, loyal to Cadance and a good guard. He is happy that Cadance had found a stallion like him.

But then, Shining left Onyx, he couldn’t stay anymore, because he’d said, ’Duty calls.’. Onyx felt a little sleepy by now. He looked up at the clock and it showed that it was already 11:30 P.M. and like the doctor had said; ’You need rest!’. He was starting to dose off, until somepony else knocked at his door.

“*Sigh* Enter.” This time, it was somepony that Onyx really wanted to see. Twillight entered his room and was holding his General Philomena in her magical grip.


“Onyx!” Twilight squealed, she jumped on Onyx and huged him as if he was going to disapear.

“Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you? Look at you, you’ve become so tall in the past 10 years and your mane... I want you to tell me everything about what you’ve done. Your letters were not really clear about that.” Onyx didn’t really listen to her and just laughed and smiled at her voice and the feeling of seening her again.

“Sooooo? What did you learn?” She asked with a questioning look. Onyx didn’t want to tell her the truth and was trying to avoid the question.

“HEY! You’ve taken care of Philomena?” He asked trying to take it, but Twilight pulled it out of the reach from Onyx.

“No answer. No plushie.”

“Ohh, come on Twilight, you can’t be serious?...”

“I’m more than serious. I want to know what you’ve learned. You weren’t in this condition when you left me here alone...” Onyx sighed, he thought long and hard about this, then suddenly he started to tickle Twilight, they were both fighting with each other, like friends would do. Onyx tried to catch the plushie and Twilight still kept it away from him, out of his reach. They played like that until finally, Onyx throw his pillow pn Twilights face, then he grabbed the precious plushie.

“Heh, heh, heh, finally! *Pant* *Pant* I got her. *Pant*” He said, trying to catch his breath.

“You’re such a kid Onyx. *Pant* All that for a plushie. *Pant*”

“Hey! *Inhale* I’m not adult yet... *Exhale* Well, in two days I will be one, but for now.” Twilight sighed and got off the bed.

“Well, I’ll let you sleep now... But don’t think I’ve forgotten my question Onyx of Canterlot. I will get my answer soon.” Then she left the room and closed the door, leaving the Prince alone.


2 Days Later

Celestia was walking with Onyx, she had used a spell on Onyx that had made him temporarily blind, right now she was helping him reach the main room of the castle. She had invited all the High Society of Canterlot, Raynor and Vallis, Twilight’s family, Cadance and Blueblood, to the party she have prepared for him.

When they both entered in the room, she took off the spell on Onyx, and all the room yelled ‘Happy Birthday!’. Then the Dj started his music and everypony in the room started to walk to Onyx, some wished him a good return, and others to get a look at the Prince. Now that he had become an adult, the mares of the High Society had more interest in him.


Some hours later

Onyx quietly slipped away from the party, the alcohol that he had drunk was going to his head and the cup that Raynor spilt down his back only added to the uncomfortable feeling down his back. His scars were still sore and the added alcohol wasn’t helping
As the human left the party, the other ponies were either too busy dancing or too drunk to notice much of their surroundings. The only pony that noticed the prince slip through the door was Twilight, her happy smile was replaced with a curious frown
“Sorry B.B.B.F.F but I have to go check on something,” Twilight apologized to her eccentric protector brother as she put down her newest cup of punch and quietly gave chase to the human.

As Twilight left the room full of music and laughter, her ears suddenly noticed how quiet the rest of the castle was. The only sound being made was the tale-tale sounds of Onyx walking along the stone hallways.

The lavender pony followed the sounds along the corridors and up some stairs into the private areas of Canterlot castle. The further she went, the more times she caught a glimpse of Onyx’s black hair turning a corner.

Finally Twilight climbed the last set of stairs and saw Onyx stepping into Celestia’s bedchambers. The guards were not present and had probably not expected anypony to enter Celestia’s quarters whilst the party was still in full swing.

The curious unicorn gently knocked on the door, silence answered her as she waited for a response. After a few moments of nothing, Twilight took the initiative and slowly opened the door and poked her head into the room.

Onyx had thrown his damp shirt away and was inspecting his back, a expression of pain shot across his face as his finger traced across a mark on his back.

It might have been the alcohol or Twilight’s natural curiosity, but the unicorn stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Her walk across the long room was slightly harder than usual. Again, probably due to the alcohol.

“What’s up?” Twilight asked as Onyx suddenly registered the unicorns presence and turned his full body to look at Twilight.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Onyx half joked and half growled. “Why are you here? Isn’t there supposed to be a party on?”

Twilight’s expression turned sympathetic yet curious. “But the party was for you… why are you here?”

“Oh I um…” Onyx rubbed the back of his neck, his long black hair swayed as he shrugged. “I just needed a breather.”

Twilight’s eyes moved from the human to the mirror that he was inspecting himself in. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw the reflection of the deep scars on Onyx’s back.

“What happened to you?” Twilight gasped as she hurried around the human in order to get a better look. “Those scars look horrible!”

Onyx swiftly turned on the spot as if he was facing an opponent, “Just leave it Twilight, I mean it!”

Twilight ignored Onyx’s protest as she continued to circle him like a predator. Onyx continued to swivel so his injures remained out of view. After a few turns, the mix of alcohol and the various colours of the room began to make Onyx feel dizzy.

“You don’t look so good,” Twilight stopped her hunt for Onyx’s scars as she saw his rolling eyes. “Maybe you should sit down.”

Onyx gladly sat down on Celestia’s large bed, the mattress providing a soft seat as Onyx rested his head in his hands, waiting for his head to stop spinning.

Twilight took the opportunity to climb onto the bed behind Onyx and looked at his scars. “Why didn’t you tell us you got these?”

Onyx grumbled as he realized his friend wasn’t going to stop asking questions. “I really don’t like talking about it”

Twilight slowly raised a hoof and placed it on Onyx’s shoulder, waiting for him to accept her touch and allow her to slide it down and across the bumps in the flesh. Onyx tried to remain calm and allow Twilight to snoop for a little while.

The slightly drunk mare accidentally pressed against a point where two scars crossed, the wound was particularly sore and it caused Onyx to flinch. His mind instantly brought up the image of the gryphon tortioner, the urge to defend himself suddenly kicked in and Onyx turned to grab Twilight, one hand on her hoof as he pushed her onto her back.

“That… hurt a bit,” Onyx frowned as he glared down at Twilight, the smell of alcohol apparent on both their breaths as they looked at each other.

“I’m sorry Onyx but I had to know what you were going through,” Twilight’s frown became disheartened as Onyx sighed and dropped his head. “That’s what friends are for!”

The final statement stuck in Onyx’s mind as he looked back at the lavender pony. Her eyes looked up into his as his grip on her hoof loosened and gently slid along her leg and onto her cheek.

Twilight’s natural curiosity was hindered slightly as the alcohol continued to cloud her mind. Her lips parted in a small gasp as Onyx’s other hand placed itself on her waist. The human hardly paused as he lowered himself and locked his lips with the mares.

Onyx closed his eyes as he thought on his feet and began to push forward with his tongue, deciding to see if Twilight’s lips had stayed open. To his surprise, Twilight’s tongue was already there to meet his as they began to rub and fight in each others mouths.

Twilight moaned softly into Onyx’s mouth, his hand on her cheek slid along her body, felling her soft fur as he placed it on her cutie mark and began holding it gently. Twilight’s hooves slowly found their way around Onyx’s neck as she refused to separate their lips.

Onyx reluctantly pulled his head up and removed his tongue from Twilight’s mouth, a strand of saliva connected them before it broke and fell on Twilight’s chin. The human looked down at the mare as he began to notice her body in different ways.

Twilight’s body seemed to have better curves from this angle, her pose looked strangely inviting and her eyes continued to stare at Onyx as she caught her breath.

“D-did we just…?” Twilight licked her lips as Onyx slowly nodded. “It felt… good.”

Onyx didn’t have time to react as Twilight leapt up and joined their mouths again, her kiss was now full of hunger rather than curiosity. Onyx rolled onto his back as he pulled Twilight on top of him, his hands now around her body and automatically stroking against her soft fur.

The unicorn’s clouded judgement was completely ignored as she went on instinct alone, her moans of pleasure turned to a short gasp as Onyx separated them both and began kissing Twilight’s neck, his tongue brushing against her fur as she panted into his ear, her warm breath against his face only encouraged him to a point where they both felt something.
A bulge.


If you want to know what happen next, just go read the clop version of the story. If you are not a cloper, well stay here.

So Onyx have got his first sexual relation with Twillight.

Twilight smiled as she fell onto her chest, her head resting beside Onyx’s face as his arms wrapped around her body. Onyx stroked his fingers through Twilight’s fur as he kissed her neck, his hands grabbing her flanks as he massaged her cutie marks.

The unicorn moaned gently against Onyx’s cheek, the smell of alcohol still apparent on her breath as Onyx began to gently nibble on her ear. Sudently the door open.

“And here is where you will come see me if somet......ONYX!!!”


Both Twillight and Onyx stay silent, waiting for what Celestia and Shining will do to them.

21-You are in trouble

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Chapter 21

Celestia, Cadance, Onyx, Shining Armor and Twillight were all sitting around a table in the throne room. Shining was glaring at Onyx, Cadance was trying not to laugh, Twilight was redder than most of the red apples in Equestria, Onyx was sitting down in a chair, trying to understand and figure out what had happened last night, and Celestia... Celestia was breaking every item she could find in the room. Each time a glass, a vase, or something crashed on the wall, Onyx would jump out of his chair, wishing that his mother wouldn’t throw HIM next.


Onyx didn’t answer, he knew that he was guilty but in the other side of his brain he was thinking that his mother was over reacting just a little.

“AND YOU... TWILIGHT, I WOULD’VE THOUGHT THAT YOUR BROTHER OR YOUR FAMILY HAD RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THAT!” Twillight was in tears, being told that by her mentor and her idol, was too hard for her.

“Princess! If I may... I don’t think is my family’s fault but more the Prince’s fault, he had taken advantage of her because she was drunk. My sister would never do a thing like that if she was sober.” Shining answered to her.

“Hey! We were both drunk if I remember, and I didn’t take advantage of her. Things just happened and we both lost control of it.”


Cadance couldn’t keep herself from laughing anymore, she erupted in a laughing fit.

“H-h-he..., you two in HER bed!? Ha, ha,ha,ha, and you got caught! HA, HA, HA, HA, That’s the best one I’ve heard this year. I haven’t laughed like that since Blueblood lost his tail in a bet.”

“Honey! This isn’t something to laugh about! This... PRINCE!... has taken advantage of my sister!”

“Oh calm down, like Onyx had said; they were both drunk, and by what I’ve heard from my room last night, they both enjoyed each other.” As if it was possible, Twilights face became even redder.

“Wait WHAT?! You heard us?!” Onyx screamed.

“Well yeah, but I didn’t know that it was you. And you Shining, you shouldn’t be upset, when we did it for the first time, it was on your sisters bed.” Onyx, burst out laughing and Shining was now red like his sister.

“You did WHAT in MY bed?!” Twilight yelled to her brother.

“Heh, heh, heh,... Um, listen sister... you were sleeping on the couch... and my room is far too close to our parents room so they could’ve heard us... and it was before I moved out with Cadance... so um...”

Twilights mane burst in fire and she looked really, angry. Even Onyx moved back a little... just in case.

“HOW DARE YOU GROUND ME, IF YOU DID THE SAME THING!!!!!!” Shining was sweating a little and looked a little stressed as Twilight screamed at him.

“I said I was sorry, and that still doesn’t change the fact that he took advantage of you. H-”

“HE DID NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME, I WANTED TO DO IT!” Shining was now speechless. He tried to find something to say but nothing came out. Twillight walked out of the room, leaving her brother behind. Cadance rose up and followed her.

“I will go talk with her, I’m sure she will listen.” she said beore she closed the door behind her.

“I think I will go too... I have new recruit to train.” Shining trotted out leaving Celestia and Onyx in the room.

“Well... I think I uhm.... will go clean my room” Onyx quickly said, rising up from his seat, but Celestia made him sit again with her magic.

“Tut tut tut, trust me you will not get away that easily, we need to talk about how a prince of equestria should act.”


Twillight was crying in the library, she tried to find a book to help her to deal with what she has done, but she found nothing and now everypony thinks bad of her.

“Twillight are you here? ”Cadance entered the library and took a seat close to Twillight and hugged her.

“*sniff* Cadance... what I did... I ruined everything...My brother will hate me, Celestia will hate me too and Onyx will probably not want to see me anymore” Cadance kissed the forehead of Twillight.

“What? are you talking about? Sure Celestia was looking angry, but I’m sure she was just more shocked than anything. And for your brother, he is just over protective, if he doesn’t forgive you I swear on Celestia that we will not share the same bed...if you know what I mean.”

“Ewww... I don’t want to think about that.” Cadance laughed and hugged her.

“So tell me, how was he? Is his stalionhood diferent from our stallions?”

“Cadance!!! Why do you want to know?” Twillight asked, blushing heavily.

“Well first he is my cousin and second, I’m the princess of love so is natural to want to know how he is in bed”

Twillight face-hoofed.


Back in the throne room.

“So you have heard me Onyx, no more drunk romance and I want you to go apologize to Shining Armor AND Twillight for what you have done.”

“Yes mom...”

“And don’t forget, tomorow I will teach you how to act as a royal, I will teach you how to speak different languages, and wich mare you should be with and the one you should not.”

“Yes mom”

“Good... now... tell me...How was it?”

“Wait, what? MOM!”

“Hey you are my son... I just wanted to know how it was for you... It’s not a big deal.”

“Mom thats not a thing we talk about just like that!”

“Well you did it in MY bed, so I think I have the right to ask some questions”

" MOM!!"

22-The return of Luna

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Chapter 22

The Return of Luna

1st of Sun Festival, 1000 years after the N.M.M. Event

2 years after Onyx’s return to Canterlot

Onyx was sound asleep in his bed, last night had taken all of his stamina. The sun was lighting up his room, and the sounds of the birds chirping and singing woke him and kept him calm. The mare at his side shuffled a little, Onyx didn’t want to wake her from her peaceful slumber, so he didn’t move an inch. He’d dated her the last 3 months; they had met each other at a bar outside the castle. Onyx hugged the mare in a soft embrace and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Time to wake up sweetie. My mother wants to see me this morning.” The mare pulled the blanket over her head.

“She has summoned you, not the Great and Powerful Trixie. I don’t want to wake up right now.” Onyx laughed a little at what she said and pulled the covers off her head.

“Maybe, but you promised me yesterday you’d come with me, because apparently she had something important to say to you. Besides, you know that you don’t have to do your ‘third person’ thing with me.”

Trixie sighed and got up from the bed. She had met this creature in a bar where she was doing one of her shows. He was sitting in the front row and was the only one who had applaused her. She didn’t know why, but she felt close to him, maybe because he was facsinated by magic.

“Fine, fine, you won. But tonight, I’m the one who is sleeping with the black blanket.” She and Onyx would fight with each other over who would get to sleep with the black blanket for the night.

“Never! You know what? I’d prefer to go see my mother alone, than give you the B.B. (The nickname of the Black Blanket)

“Fine, more sleep for me.” Then she took the blanket and covered her head with it. Onyx smirked and finaly got up, he stretched up to the celing and with satisfying pops, he walked over to the bathroom and stepped in the shower. The hot water was softly beating on his skin, relaxing his tense morning muscles and he sighed as the water flowed, washing over his scars. They were no longer bothering him, he could walk normally now and they really didn’t hurt anymore. Onyx shut the water off, quickly dried himself, and left the bathroom. Trixie was still sleeping in his bed so he skipped the “make the bed” part and silently tip toed over to his dresser, put on a clean pair of black pants and a shirt, then left to his mothers room.


Celestia was waiting, not only for her son, but her sister too. It has been 1000 years since she had banished her, and today... she would be coming back. But first... she needed to prepare for her return.

“Mom! I’m here.” Her son entered the room, he had become tall since she had found him in the garden, but just a little shorter than her... She really wished that her plan would work, because if not, it would be the last time she saw her beloved son.

“I see that your marefriend isn’t with you.” she said, trying to start the conversation.

“Yes, it seems that she wanted to stay in bed today... but what about you? Didn’t you want to ask me something?” Celestia hugged her son, she smelled his black mane and kiss him on the forehead. “In a way, you look like my sister...”

“Mom... are you alright?... You act as if I am going to return to the north.” He say semi-serious, semi-joking.

“Don’t worry Onyx... I’m just a old mare who had missed her son.”

“Old mare?... Well okay, you are older than any other mare in this castle, but you still look like you’re young.. .no offence.” Celestia giggle and took her brush with her magical grip, then started to brush Onyxs mane.

“You know what will happen today...right?”

“Yes, how I could forget. Heh, heh...” But Onyx HAD forgotten what was suppose to happen today, but he didn’t tell, because it might have upsetted her.

“Good, now I think you would want to say ‘bye’ to Twilight.”

“Twilight... Why should I say ‘bye’ to her?” Celestia stopped brushing his hair and showed him a letter she had wrote this morning for her faithful student. Onyx took it and started to read it, when he had finished reading, he put the scroll on a small table beside Celestia’s bed.

“Well, I think she should make more friends, like you said, but... Do you really have to send her to Ponyville... I mean, isn’t it a little too far from the castle?”

“Twilight is not a filly anymore, and you should be the first to know that, I’m sure she can take care of herself without much trouble... and she will still be with Spike.” The name Spike brought back some memories to Onyx, strangely enough, that dragon had NEVER liked him and unfortunatly he was always with Twilight.

“Well okay, I’ll go say ‘bye’ to her... I’m sure you know what you are doing. Oh and...The ‘Mare in The Moon’... she thinks that it’s real.”

“Who knows what’s on her mind... now go Onyx...” Onyx did what she asked and left, leaving Celestia to send her scroll, she sent the scroll to Twilight via Spike, with her magic, then she waited patiently for her time to come.


“Twilight, can I enter? It’s me Onyx.” The doors to the library opened and the little dragon was glaring at Onyx.

“Oh, it’s you... Twilight Okryx is here.” Onyx sighed, each time Spike would talk about him, he would miss-spell or say his name wrong.

“Onyx! What are you doing here?” Twilight asked with a soft smile, that smile on her face had alwayd warmed Onyx’s heart.

“What? I need a reason to come see my best friend?” They both hugged, comforting each other in their embrace, then Twilight asked Spike to bring her a scroll to write the Princess.

“Okay Spike; Dear Princess Celestia, I have the proof that I have enough friends, Your own son has called me his best friend, so I find it pointless to go to Ponyville meet other ponies. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike was about to send the letter to Celestia but Onyx caught it before he could send it with his magical fire.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, Twilight, Celestia’s right. You’re in this Library everyday, studying magic and everything you can find in a book... Don’t you think that meeting new ponies would be a good idea?...”

“But I have you... Why I would want somepony else... and I don’t want to go to Ponyville... My home is here...” Onyx played with her mane and scratched Twilight behind her ears. She closed her eyes and let Onyx continue the small ‘massage.’

“It’s only to prepare for The Summer Sun Celebration, it’s not like she’s asking you to go live there... Just do what you need to and come back here, then you will be able to tell me about all that you’ve seen and done... Deal?”

“...Deal...” Onyx hugged her and then headed towards the Library doors.

“Good... So I’ll see you later then...” Onyx left her with Spike and went to the main room for his breakfast.

“Why did you let him go.... You could’ve told him.”

“Oooh Spike!... It’s not that easy!... and besides, he’s already with somepony else...” Twilight remembered that day, that fateful day when she found out that Onyx was going out with that blue mare... She stayed in her room for the next 4 days crying in her bed. Spike was there that day, and before then, he didn’t like Onyx, but after that event he hated him.


Onyx finished eating his breakfast. The castle was quiet and he was bored, very, very, bored. Cadance was with Shining at their house outside the castle, in the city. Celestia was probably busy with her royal duties and the only other member of his family in the castle, was Blueblood never, ever will he spend a day with Blueblood, not for anything or everything in the world. With nothing to do, he went back to his room where Trixie was still sleeping.

“Trixie... I seriously think it’s time to wake up now.....” The blue mare answered him with a loud snore.

“Well it looks like that today will be a reading day...”

Onyx closed his window and his door and checked if anything was out-of-place. Satisfied, he took the book that Twilight had given him yesterday and went to his bed and read it at next to Trixie and her loud snoring.



“Hey! I can clear the sky in ten second flat.”

“Prove it!”


Onyx closed his book, he had read atleast 5 chapters and as if on cue, Trixie had finally woke up.

“Hey sleepy head... If I had known that you would’ve woken up so late, I would‘ve dated a sloth.” Trixie ignored him and threw her pillow at him.

“Well, if The Prince had not made me ride him half the night, maybe I would’ve woken up earlier.” Onyx tossed the pillow back at her.

“Well if I remember correctly, it was ‘Trixie’ who wanted to continue after the second time.” Trixie didn’t answer him, knowing that he was right, she got up from the bed and opened the door of the room and asked the guard to bring her something to eat.

“You know, you could’ve gotten something by yourself, they are guards, not sevents that need to do everything we ask.” Trixie ignored him, and waited for the guard to come back.


“Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie started Pin the Tail on the Pony! Wanna play?”

“NO! All the ponies in this town are CRAZY!”


Onyx and Trixie were both panting heavily. They were sweating and all wanted to do now, was to rest.

“You *Pant* could’ve been more gentler *Pant* you know....”

“heh... heh... *Gasp* Well next time... maybe you won’t play like that with my plushie.”

“If *Pant* somepony... would’ve *Pant* told me that... I would participate... a pillow fight with the Prince... I would’ve never had trust him.”


“Are you a Spy!? Woah!”

“Simmer down sally, she ain’t no spy, but she sure knows what’s go’in on. Don’t you Twilight.”



“Hmm... What?”

“Shouldn’t the sun be up already?” Trixie asked.

“Well maybe Celestia wants us to get more sleep... We should take advantage of it instead of asking questions.”


Celestia was flying in the direction of Canterlot with her sister. The sun was back in it’s rightful place in the sky and her student have choosen to stay in Ponyville.

“So sister, what have we missed in our absence. Our guess is thou hast continued to eat cake everyday... We are surprised that thou aren’t so fat.”

Celestia smirk at her sister, just like before, she was still teasing her.

“Well first; you will need to stop talking like that, ‘we’ haven’t talked like that in 1000 years, and secondly, you’ll never belive me... but... I have adopted a son.” Luna missed a flap of her wings.

“THOU HAST DONE WHAT!?!?!” Celestia need to pull back from her sister a bit because of her Canterlot voice, it had always been more stronger with her.

“Well if you really want to know, I will tell you tonight when we’re all around the table with all of your favorite foods.” Luna sighed and they both continued the road to the castle. When they both arrived to the castle, they hugged each other before Luna headed to the direction of her room.

“Ok.. Surely it can’t be that hard to find our room... Oh! Here it is.”

Luna opened her door and entered in her room, and the first thing she saw was that her sister had painted her room a different color, but when she wanted to rest a little on her bed, she shot a magical beam on the creature she saw on it and run outside of her room.


23-Onyx versus Luna

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Chapter 23

Onyx Versus Luna

“SISTER, WE HAVE A MONSTER IN OUR BED!!!” Celestia spat out her green tea; she totally forgot to tell her beloved sister that Onyx wasn’t a pony and had been given Luna’s former room. Celestia sprinted to her son, until she realized that she could teleport there. She closed her eyes and charged her magic; when she opened them she was in her son’s bedroom. Her sister, Luna, was shooting magic beams at Onyx, which he was blocking them with a broom. Onyx’s marefriend, Trixie, was stuck to the wall, probably by Luna’s magic.

“Lulu, stop!” Celestia yelled at the moon goddess, using her magic she freed Trixie from her magical bonds. Luna and Onyx both momentarily stopped fighting at Celestia’s command. As soon as Luna saw Onyx drop his guard, she shot him directly with a paralyzation spell. Onyx’s body froze and fell to the floor.

“Quick, sister, thou has to help us rid of this mon-”

“Lulu!” Onyx’s body began to glow with a golden aura as Celestia levitated him onto the bed. Luna watched what her sister did and saw the soft look of worry in the Sun Goddess’s eyes. Then realization struck her like a lightning bolt. That thing was Celestia’s son.

“Celly...did...did. I-is that your... son?” Celestia nodded to her sister, she was checking to see if Onyx had any wounds; to the mother’s great relief, there weren’t any. Celestia walked out of the bedroom with Luna following suit.

“Sister, thou must explain to us who and what he is.” Luna said, still using the traditional Canterlot vernacular. Celestia nodded, she looked through a window overlooking the royal gardens. She remembered the day when she found Onyx, his strange appearance and how happy he looked to have somepony to take care of him.

Celestia told her sister how she found her son, how much she worried about the population’s reaction, how happy she was raising and taking care of him, how... how distraught she was for ten years after the Gryphon Emperor took her Onyx away from her and the joy she felt when Raynor brought him back, how she felt after Onyx and her student shared her bed. Luna listened through the whole story without interupting. When she finally finished, Luna remained speechless; she didn’t know if she should tell her sister that she was crazy or to just accept her choice. When Celestia saw that Luna wasn’t responding, she decided to show her how Onyx was good.

“Listen Lulu, maybe you think I’m crazy to adopt a completly unknown species into our family, but let me present him to you. Tonight, we’ll organize a small reunion with only you, Onyx, and myself. This way, you’ll be able to see who he really is and maybe accept him.”

“If you wish, sister of ours, but we have one condition: if Onyx wants to be accepted by us, he will need to give us back our room.” Celestia giggled at her sister’s demands.

“I will talk to him about that later. Now come, we need to talk about what we’ll do to celebrate your return. And you really need to work on your speech.”


Onyx woke up in is bed, his body hurt but nothing that he couldn’t deal with.

‘Was all that just a dream?’

But when he saw the mess in his room, he knew that what he saw had actually happened. Onyx rose from his bed and began cleaning his room, humming a song from his early childhood. After he worked his way over to his desk, he realized that most his drawings fell off the wall; as he was picking them up, he found a scroll on the floor. It was locked and had his name was written on it. He took a seat and opened the scroll, immediatly recognizing Twilight’s writing.

Dear Onyx,

I’m writting this to tell you that I am no longer living in Canterlot. Princess Celestia moved me to the Ponyville library to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration. In a way, it’s like a dream come true; I have my own library! But it saddens me to know that we won’t see each other as often. I hope you’ll come see me if you’re able to in your free time. I want you to know that I won’t be alone here, I’ve made some new friends, I’m sure you’d like them. Oh! That reminds me, my new friends and I are bearers of the Elements of Harmony; I’m the Element of Magic. I’m staying with the other Element bearers in Ponyville to study the magic of friendship. I’ll be sending a letter each week to let Celestia know how things are going here... I might write a few to you too... Don’t worry, you’ll always be my best friend even though I have other friends here. Take care of yourself... you’ll always be in my heart. I... I really like you...

Your best friend,

Twillight Sparkle.


I met one of your childhood friends, I forget his name but he works at Sugarcube Corner, the Ponyville bakery.

Onyx dropped the letter on the floor, tears rolling down his face; he felt like somebody was squeezing his heart.

“Twillight... she’s... gone.” Saying this last word out loud was like being cut with a knife. Trixie entered the room from the bathroom, wearing her show outfit. Onyx didn’t pay her much attention.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie says ‘hi’ and the only thing you do is cry... could she know why?” Onyx, trying to hold his tears show her the letter on the desk. She read it and easily found what Twillight was saying to Onyx in the letter.

“How... that slut! How dare she to try to take y-” She could not finish the sentence; Onyx pushed her against the wall with one forearm pressed against her throat. The look in his eyes was that of a hunter’s and for the first time, she was truely afraid.

“Say one more word against her and I swear on my mother that I will show you what the emperor taught me. Understand!”

Trixie gulped and nodded slowly, Onyx let her go and returned to sit on the bed; he was too confused to pay the showmare more attention. Trixie rose from the floor.

“If you think Trixie will stay with you after what you’ve done... I’m leaving you Onyx!” With that she left the room with only one thought on her mind: make Twillight pay.

24-Onyx and Blueblood

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Chapter 24

Onyx and Blueblood.

Chapter 24

Onyx and Blueblood.

Onyx spent most of the day in his bedroom until it was time for supper; he was still upset. He was sad to have lost Twilight; sure she wasn’t that far from Canterlot, but for him it was as if she was sent to the other side of Equestria. He was angry with himself for losing control; he tried to find Trixie so he could apologize, but couldn’t find her. Onyx asked a few of the guards if they had seen her, but they all said that they last saw her as she left the castle.

When Onyx entered the dining room, he was already in a crappy mood to say the least.

Celestia and Luna were already at the table and were patiently waiting for him. The table was filled many different kinds of food; it had some apple stew, green salads, many jars of cider, wine, bread with butter, olives and a variety cheeses, alfalfa, hay, different kinds of the traditional vegetables; like carrots, lettuce, onions etc. On the left side of the table, Onyx could see meat; some turkey in a brown sauce, red steak and a rabbit stew. At the sight of all this food, Onyx momentary forgot his bad mood; he seated himself at the table on Celestia’s left, who was at the extremity of the table and beside her was the pony that was the ‘talk of the morning.’

Onyx, like always, took a cup of cider, and waited for his mother to give him an explanation for the mare who attacked him this morning and now was at the table with them.

“Mother, could you tell me why we have a stranger at our table?” he asked politely, not wanting to be shot again by the dark mare.

Celestia took a deep breath before she started to explain to him who her sister was.

“Onyx, I would like to present to you my sister, Luna. She’s the one who usually controls the moon... She is back from a long vacation, and, just like you, she came back home.”

Onyx wanted more information about Luna, like where she was before today, why she had attacked him this morning and why, if she is the ruler of the moon, his mother has had to do her job since he was born. But from the look in Celestia’s eyes, it looked like she wanted to say more, but he knew what to do; ‘Don’t ask and eat if you don’t want to get trouble.’ Onyx nodded at his mother’s short explanation and filled his plate with some turkey, bread, and cheese.

Luna looked at him eating meat with a suprised look.

“Thou art eating dead animal?!” She exclaimed, shocked.

“And you, you speak as if you have a cucumber up your-OUCH!” Celestia stomped Onyx’s foot under the table, preventing the insult to her sister.

“I mean... Yes, I eat meat. It’s mainly to stay healthy but this still has a good taste.” Luna tried to ignore the sight of Onyx eating his meat and took some hay with a carrot and a bowl of apple stew, all accompanied by a glass of wine. Onyx looked surprised to see Luna drinking wine, which of course she saw, and felt compelled to comment on.

“What!? Just because we are a mare, we can’t drink wine?” She asked in a harsh tone.

“No, no, forget it.” Onyx answered back, not wanting to continue the conversation. However, Luna didn’t want to stop.

“And why art thou drinking cider? Art thou still a little foal who can’t stand adult drinks?” Celestia tried to pinch her sister with her magic to let her know that she didn’t appreciate how she was acting, but Luna blocked her with a small magical shield.

“For your information, it’s not that I can’t stand beer or cider, but I can’t drink it; unfortunately, ponies add lots of salt to it, and it’s hazardous to my health. AND! This wine is by far much stronger and better tasting, than your pathetic cider.” Celestia really didn’t like where this was going, and she attempted to change the conversation.

“How are you both finding the alfalfa, it’s really fresh tonight.” Both Onyx and Luna looked at her as if she had just said that she was in love with a sheep.

“Mother, you know that I don’t like that stuff.”

“Even if we had been gone all this time, we would have thought that thou wouldst remember that we hate it too.”

All of them continued to eat in silence until Luna rose from her seat and went into the kitchen; when she came back she had with her a bottled breverage, with to Onyx, unknown contents.

“Lulu, please, this is not the time; I’m not in the mood for one of your challenges, especially not this one.” Luna ignored her sister and sat back down at her seat as she served 3 glasses of the bottled liquid.

“Hush sister of ours, we have not played this game in a long time and we want to know if thou and Onyx are strong enough for our challenge.” Onyx who was now curious, put aside his plate and waited to hear what would happen next.

“The rules are simple; we all drink glasses in one shot at the same time, and after each successful round, the glass is re-filled.” Celestia face-hoofed and groaned, she wanted a small supper with her family, not a drinking contest.

“Onyx, please decline. If we both refuse to play, she can’t do it all alone and we’ll eat our dessert in peace.” Unfortunately for her, Onyx wasn’t listening and already had a glass of “Moonshine” in front of him. Celestia got up from her seat and made the bottle of Moonshine and the three glasses disappear.

“Hey! Celly, that’s not fair!”

“Yeah mom, for once this day was going to be fun.”

“Be quiet you two! No drinking contests at this table! Now the two of you will need to start to acting like responsible adults and we will end this night with cake that I had prepared for us and we will enjoy it like a TRUE FAMILY!”

The domestics entered the room to clean the table and prepare it dessert, as with every day, Onyx helped them with their task.

“Why dost thou help them?” asked Luna, who sat there and let the maid clean.

“Why not? Just because we are royalty, doesn’t make us unable to work like everypony else.” he retorted.

The maid came back with the cake and put it on the table, but before she could exit, Celestia asked her something. The smell of chocolate and whipped cream made Onyx want to jump the face first into the cake.

“Mummy, why don’t we eat it immediately?” he asked Celestia, who answered him by pointing towards the front door. Not long after that, the door opened and Blueblood came inside.

“Auntie, I’m here, but why have you summoned me, I was busy with some friends of mine.” Onyx knew that these “friends” in question were probably some rich fancy ponies that Blueblood met somewhere and brought them to the castle to flaunt his wealth. Onyx poured himself another glass of cider now that his cousin was in the same room; he would need it in order to endure his pompous attitude.

“Nephew, if I’ve summoned you it is because I have an important announcement to make. Come, please, take a seat.”

Blueblood sat to Onyx’s left and waited.

“Good, now that you’re both here I can begin. You know that my dear sister, Luna, is back from a long travel today, right?”

Onyx and Blueblood nodded.

“Well, I would some time off alone with her so... I am giving you two the task of running the kingdom during my little vacation.”

Onyx spat a mouthful of cider back into its glass and Blueblood nearly had a heart attack from.

“*Cough* Wait, what? *Sputter* Give us the kingdom!?! B-but I’m not ready, and... and for how long?”

“Don’t worry son, I wouldn’t make this decision if I wasn’t sure you were up to the task. I will only be gone for 3 to 4 days.”

“And how are... Onyx... and I supposed to share the government, my dear auntie?” asked Blueblood.

“Well, one of you wil rule during the day and the other will oversee the night, Luna and I will prepare you for the task ahead before we go. So, who wants the sun and who wants the moon?”

Onyx wanted to take the sun after his mother, but unfortunately for him, Blueblood was faster on the draw.

“I take the sun! Only a fool would take the night shift. The ruler of the sun is by far the more respected and loved between the two rulers and the night is so useless. Nopony can appreciate the job you do if they’re sleeping.”

Luna was on the verge of crying. This morning, when Celestia told her what she wanted to do, she knew that neither of them would want to be the ruler of the night. Even since before her thousand years on the moon, nopony loved her night. Luna felt small tears falling from her eyes; she tried to stop them, but it was all for naught.

Onyx was going to argue with Blueblood, that he was the son of Celestia and therefore should rule during the day, but before he could, he saw Luna’s expression: depressed. It didn’t take long for Onyx to understand why; so he decided to sacrifice his chance in an attempt to cheer her up.

“I will take the night, and do you know why, Blueblood? Ponies sleep during the night because they trust their ruler; they know that we’ll do our best to protect them while they sleep. So yes, I will take the night shift.”

Luna jumped on Onyx and hugged him tightly. Tears were still rolling down her face, but now they were tears of happiness, of pure joy and elation.

“Thank you, thank you! I’ve misjudged you. Thank you! You don’t know how much it means to me to hear that.*sniff* I swear on my sister’s name that I shall no longer bother you, Onyx. Thank you.”

Celestia give a small nod to her son, she understood why he made his decision, and she was proud of him. But what impressed her the most, for the first time since her return, her sister had spoken normally, in the common dialect.

“Good. Now that all that is decided, it is time for the cake!”

Luna decided to let Onyx keep his room, stating that she would take another one tomorow. Tonight, she was having a good old-fashioned sleepover in her sister’s room.

“So, Lulu... what do you think?” asked Celestia her sister, who was still smilling; grinning like a cat that had eaten an entire mountain of cream.

“He really is a good pony, sister... I understand why you kept him.”

25-A Little Chat With Luna.

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Chapter 25

A Little Chat With Luna.

Onyx was in Luna’s new room; she took one closer to her sister’s bedroom. All morning she was busy with redecorating and painting the walls. Her room was painted in a deep, dark blue adorned with many constellations, her bed the same color. The room had access to a balcony like her sister’s.

“Onyx, please come help us move this desk; We want it closer to my bed than to the door, but not too far from the balcony … nope, a little more to left … hmm. Maybe more to the right...”

“Luna, I didn’t come here for this! You’re supposed to teach me what I’ll need to know for when you’re gone with Mom,” Onyx said as he stopped pushing the piece of furniture. Say Onyx, while he was moving for the fourth time the same desk since he was here.

“Umm … ok, if you’d like to start now,” Luna sighed heavily before closing the deep dark door to her room.

Onyx was anxious for the lesson to begin; he was stressed not only because he would need to rule the kingdom during the night, but he would also have to keep a close eye on his cousin. Celestia came to his room yesterday, telling him that she understood why he chose the night shift and that she was proud of his decision. His mother also warned him to be wary of how Blueblood while ruled in her absence.

Luna slipped through the door out onto the balcony, beckoning Onyx to follow. The two looked upon the city; they saw ponies closing up their shops and heading home for the evening, others walking with their families to restaurants or the theater. Luna closed her eyes, tapping into her magic. The moon slowly rose from the east; the sky darkened as her older sister lay the sun below the western horizon.

Once the sky was the very same deep, dark blue of the Night Princess’s bedchambers, stars appeared here and there; Luna knew ecxactly where each belonged in its astrological sign by heart. When she finished she turned to look at Onyx; gazing towards the sky, his eyes reflected his fascination.

“Lu-Luna that was wonderful...” Luna and Onyx smiled at each other and returned their eyes to the moon.

“Our sister told us of how you were fascinated by magic. How you and your mother’s student studied the field of magic during your free time, even though you were unable to practice it.... Could we know why?”

Onyx took a seat at her side and began his story.

“Well, as far back as I can remember, I was alway thinking that magic was something of wonderful, even just a simple levitation spell was something special to watch. So when i was … four or five I think, I tried to learn magic by reading books and scrolls. After many failed attempts and broken glass, mother explained to me how it was impossible for me to use magic. I remember crying before throwing a book at her face in anger. I had to make at least six or seven dozen pancakes before I could forgive myself for such an act; ever since then, I never tried to practice magic again,” Onyx said, laughing fondly at this early memory.

“Then Twilight came into my life … well, more into the castle, same thing. She restored my passion for magic. We decided to help each other, reading every spell book and talking about magic in the Royal Library.... Unfortunately, the Gryphon Emperor took me away shortly thereafter...”

Onyx paused during the midst of a flashback from the ten years he was captive of the Emperor. Luna did not bother him; she of all ponies knew the hardships of being separated from one’s family, leaving Onyx to take his time.

“After I returned, Twilight an I shared … something special. It was really awkward talking with her after that ... until one day when I found her in the library reading a book. I think it was called “Advanced Spells and Potions from Starswirl the Bearded,” I sat next to her and we read part of it together; it talked about how Starswirl was expirementing with a potion that could enhance a pony’s special talent. It was the first time we had talked in a while without all the awkward feelings about what happened between us. So we started meeting each day to talk about magic again; even though I can’t use it, I know that if I can learn what’s in these books, I can talk abouth it with Twilight. I remember giving her “The Book of Starswirl” on her birthday; it’s like our special book...”

Luna was trying to decide on whether she should face-hoof herself into a coma, or straight up ask her sister if she had dropped him as a baby. Although she had met Twilight only once, with the story Onyx just told her it was obvious the two should date. So why was he with that insufferable blue mare the other day?

“That’s quite a cute story, nephew, but … may we ask of the blue mare whom we saw in your room the other day?”

Onyx, not finding the question strange, answered, “Well, were dating; if I remember correctly we met up after a magic show she was performing at a bar, she was not really good at first but then i show her how to upgrade her show......unfortunatly we broke up yesterday, just before i come to meet you at the dinner.”

“Oh … um … do you have anypony else in mind?”

“Well, not really. I haven’t really thought about it, but … wait a minute. Aren’t you supposed to be teaching me how to run the night court while you and mom are away?” questioned Onyx.

“So close,” thought Luna; she began the lesson before he could catch on to what she was trying to do. Maybe Cadance will have more luck than her.


26-Aloes and Lotus

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Chapter 26

Aloe and Lotus

Onyx and Blueblood watched as Celestia and Luna left for their vacation early in the morning, leaving the two cousins to care for the kingdom. Blueblood was wearing a huge cape of red fur, a cane made of sapphire, and probably the biggest crown Onyx had ever seen. To his side, Onyx wore his usual clothes since his rule would begin later that night.

“Well cousin, you should go sleep if you don’t want to fall asleep during the night court … it would be a shame if Auntie heard that you cared for your kingdom, sleeping on a desk.”

“If you wish, cousin. Good luck with your shift ... and you know what they say about a stallion with a big crown...” Onyx said, heading towards his bedroom and gesturing mockingly with his pinkie finger at Blueblood, who only ignored him and went to the throne room.

Onyx walked to his bedchamber with every guard saluting and each maid bowing along the way, so he informing them that they didn’t need to do so in his presence. When he finally reach his room, Onyx realized that he forget to feed Philomena and clean her cage, and so he turned in the direction of his mother’s room.

When Onyx passed in front of the throne room, he heard his cousin yelling and somepony crying. He slipped into the throne room to see what was happening.

Blueblood was yelling at two young mares, probably twins; one was blue with a pink mane, the other was pink with a blue mane. From what Onyx could hear, Blueblood was yelling at them because they too rough on his back or something like that. Onyx didn’t really care; he just wanted to help the two mares.

“How dare you call yourselves masseuses, I’ve never felt something so unprofessional. l wish I could have you arrested for hurting your prince. Oh wait a minute, I can. Guards! Take these two peasants to jail immediately!” yelled Blueblood at the pair of guards behind him.

The two guards grabbed the twins, who were desperately trying to beg Blueblood for their freedom. Onyx stopped the guards before they could take the masseuses any further.

“If you two do not wish to be fired tonight, you will leave these mares where they are. Understand?” The guards nodded before backing away slowly from Onyx.

“Onyx? B-but what are you doing here? A-aren’t you supposed to be in your room?” said Blueblood in a shaky voice.

“Celestia and Luna are gone for only fifteen minutes and already you’re abusing your power. How do you think Celestia would react if she knew what just happened?”

“Y-you won’t tell her, right?”

“Maybe … maybe not. It all depends on you, dear cousin.” Onyx walked over to the two mares, whom were shaking on the ground as they awaited their judgement.

“You may rise; I will not bite,” Onyx said in a somewhat-joking voice. “Could you tell me your names please?”

The blue mare with a pink mane was the first to answer, perhaps the braver of the two.

“My name is Lotus, and this is my sister, Aloe.”
“Good, that’s a start. And could you please tell me why you’re here?” asked Onyx in a friendly tone.

“We … we were providing massages to anypony in the castle that wanted to pay for one. We’re trying to earn enough money to open our own spa in Ponyville.”

“Good. Well, if Blueblood doesn’t mind, I’m sure we could help finance that little project, right Blueblood?” Blueblood, who was silent since Onyx interjected, reached behind the throne and rapidly threw a purse to Onyx.

“Good. Well this is easily six hundred bits; do you think it will be enough?” Onyx asked as he smiled at the two mares. Aloe was in tears at the sight of all the bits and Lotus took the bag of coins with a shaking hoof.

“Th-Thank you Prince Onyx … you don’t know how much this means to us. If you ever visit our spa you can be sure to have all that you want for free. Thank you, Prince Onyx!”

“It’s the least I could do. I’m not really the type of stallion to go to a spa, but if you’d like to thank me, I have a little request for you. Come to my room in an hour; I’ll be waiting for you there.” The twins nodded before leaving the throne room.

“Now Blueblood, you will listen to me closely, if you don’t want me to send a little report to Celestia, you will act like a gentlestallion and rule this country as Celestia would. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in my room,” said Onyx, leaving Blueblood alone in the throne room.


Onyx sat on his bed, finishing his gift for Twilight Sparkle; the book was wrapped, the only thing missing was a letter. Onyx took out an ink bottle and a feather from Philomena and began to write.

Dear Twilight,

I received your letter and I’m profoundly sorry that I didn’t answer you sooner, but the castle was really busy with preparations for Celestia and Luna’s vacation. Mother gave me the night court and Blueblood the day court. I don’t even know why mother would have left him either court, I mean he is not ready for this. Just this morning, I had to stop him from arresting two masseuses...

I hope that you’re happy in Ponyville with all your new friends and books in your library. Speaking of books, I remembered that you always wanted the book have make me remember that you alway wanted the “”Dictionary of Every Magic Seal”? You’ll find it in the package with this letter.

When Mother comes back, I promise I’ll come see you in Ponyville … you could introduce me to all your new friends. Oh, and please don’t make it a royal welcome or anything like that, you know how I’ve always hated that sort of thing.

Your friend,

P.S. I kinda broke up with Trixie. If you see her could you please tell her that I’m sorry for what I did, but I can’t see her any more.

With the letter finished, Onyx packed it with the gift and waited for the twin mares to show up. Unlike an hour before, the two arrived smiling and wearing strange pink and white outfit looking like a saddle but more....stylish?

“We’re here, Prince Onyx,” said the pink-maned blue mare. Onyx couldn’t really remember which was which, and decided to play the safe card.

“Hi um … misses. I hope you don’t have too many hard feelings for my cousin over this morning; would either of you care for a glass of wine?” Onyx casually asked, pouring himself a glass of and taking a small sip.

Aloe gladly accepted the wine with a shaking hoof.

“Are you okay, miss? You seem stressed.” Lotus quickly took to the defense of her sister.

“I’m sorry my prince, but she’s a bit new at doing this … so she’s a little nervous.”

“A bit new at this? ...A bit new at what?” asked Onyx, but when Lotus climbed on the bed and bent over in front of him like a mare in heat, he choked on his wine before spitting is back in his glass.


“But my prince, who in the hay would give six hundred bits to mares he met the first time, and then asked them to come to his room if wasn’t for that type of thing?” responded Lotus.

“Well, ME. Listen, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t thinking of sharing my bed with you when I asked you to come here … I just wanted to ask if you would take something with you on your way to Ponyville.” Aloe and Lotus were both relieved that the prince hadn’t paid them for what they had thought; never would they have thought that a member of the royal family would be so kind to them.

“We really are sorry, Prince Onyx … it’s just that usually the only member of the royal family we meet is Blueblood … so we kinda’ thought that you’d be like him. Please forgive us, Prince Onyx,” the twins said simultaneously.

“Okay first, please don’t call me Prince Onyx, just Onyx is enough. Second, you are forgiven. I will have an escort take you to Ponyville, and would really appreciate it if you could bring this package with you and give it to the owner of the Ponyville library?” The two mares accepted the task before leaving Onyx’s room, followed by two pegasus guards that would take them safely to Ponyville.

“Okay, now that that’s done, I should get some sleep before my shift start.” Onyx said to himself before lying in bed.

“I wonder if I should’ve accept the two mares’ proposition … they were kinda’ hot. Oh, what am I saying; I’m not that type of stallion … er, thing.”

27- Night shift

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Chapter 27

The Night Shift


Twillight was in her library in Ponyville, preparing herself for reading the last novel of her favorite series “Equus Fowl” that had been out since the last week and was dying to get her hooves on a copy. Twilight closed the library for the evening and used her magic to lock the door and every window; Spike was asleep upstairs so she would be able to read her book in perfect calm. She flipped the first page and started to read, until suddenly there came a tapping; as of somepony gently rapping, rapping at the library’s door. She ignored it, thinking that the pony in question would see the panel with “closed” written on it, but the sound of a hoof smacking the door continued. It was getting on Twilight’s nerves, so with a loud sigh she closed her book and went to open the door.

Two mares were outside, waiting to be answered and holding a package with them.

“Don’t you think we could just leave the package in front of the door? Maybe she’s in the shower or something,” said Aloe to her twin sister.

“Sorry sis, but the Prince asked us to give this to her; who knows, maybe if we left the package here somepony might steal it. I’d feel really bad if we failed the Prince’s request after all the money he gave us; thanks to him our dream to open our own spa will be realized,” answered Lotus.

Both of them knocked against at the door. This time, Twilight opened it.

“Hi, how can I help you?” asked Twilight with a feigned smile that was more scary than anything else.

“Sorry for disturbing you miss … um, but we have a package for you and we-”

“So why didn’t you just put it in my mailbox? Are you two the new mailmares?”

“Please, let us finish. We aren’t mailmares; we were asked by Prince Onyx to bring you this and if-” Twilight interrupted them again.

“From Onyx? Quick give it to me!” The mares hoofed Twilight the package before she quickly closed the door.

“Well, I’ve meet ponies more polite than her!” exclaimed Aloe before she and her twin sister headed towards their newly bought spa.


Twilight opened the scroll tied to the package. She waited for Onyx’s reply for the past two days; now that it arrived, she was too excited to care about the gift. It read:

Dear Twilight,
I received your letter and I’m profoundly sorry that I didn’t answer you sooner, but the castle was really busy with preparations for Celestia and Luna’s vacation. Mother gave me the night court and Blueblood the day court. I don’t even know why Mother would have left him either court, I mean he is not ready for this. Just this morning, I had to stop him from arresting two masseuses...
I hope that you’re happy in Ponyville with all your new friends and books in your library. Speaking of books, I remembered that you always wanted the ”Dictionary of Every Magic Seal.” You’ll find it in the package with this letter.
When Mother comes back, I promise I’ll come see you in Ponyville … you could introduce me to all your new friends. Oh, and please don’t make it a royal welcome or anything like that, you know how I’ve always hated that sort of thing.

Your friend,
P.S. I kinda broke up with Trixie. If you see her could you please tell her that I’m sorry for what I did, but I can’t see her any more.

When she finished reading it, she placed the scroll on a desk nearby, and opened her gift. The book was a brand new limited edition. She held the book as if it were her foal.

“Thank you Onyx...”

Then she was hit with the realization from the last few words of the letter; Onyx was single AND he was going to visit her soon. She quickly jumped up from the floor and called her assistant.

“SPIKE!!! Come here, we have many things to do!”



Onyx slowly rose from his bed, sleeping during the day wasn’t something he was familiar with, so his mind was kinda confused. First, he entered his bathroom to take a shower, fighting the urge to return to underneath the covers of his bed. He turned on the water and adjusted it to just the right temperature. He looked at himself in the mirror with sleepy, blurry eyes, seeing his messy dark mane.

“Meh … maybe not a shower this time … a bath would be more comfortable.”

Onyx turned off the shower and drew his bath; he took off his clothes and sat in the rising water, which quickly climbed up to his waist. The hot water felt good and he let himself relax in it. He sat like this for a few minutes until he grabbed a bar of soap and began cleaning his body. When he reached his back, he took a pause to pick up a small mirror and look at his scars. They had stopped hurting a long time ago, but when he passed his hands over them, he could still feel each one of them; never would he forgive nor forget the things the Gryphon Emperor did to him. Many times, Onyx dreamed of him; pushing a dagger into his chest and watching him slowly bleed to death...

When Onyx was finally clean, he got out of the tub and dried himself. He then returned to his bedroom and opened the closet, where his royal uniform was waiting for him. The first thing he donned were his pants made of soft, black silk, much like his hair; next was his belt made of a black imitation leather.

The next thing was his royal shirt, made in the same black silk as his pants and in the same color, and after this a black and gold-trimmed cape that he had tailored. The cape was cool in a certain way, but Onyx felt a little too much like Prince Blueblood with it on. Finally, the last piece he needed to wear for his duty was a crown. He had been very adamant with the smith who forged it: nothing heavy and nothing too fancy, unlike the traditional crowns of kings in other nations. The crown was a silver circlet and sat more like a bracelet on his head. Onyx looked in the mirror, in his opinion the crown and cape were unnecessary, but he would uphold the tradition. So in his formal dress, he entered the throne room for the start of his court shift.


Onyx was leaning on the throne, reading a report of every request that Blueblood received this morning from the populace. Many of them were ridiculous, so much so that they made him laugh as if he were reading a comedy. His favorite was one made by Onyx’s old teacher, Sun Swirl. He requested a guard to arrest a baker who had promised him a cake, but never made it.

This night was promising to be long and boring, until a night guard entered in the throne room. The illusion spell on the night guards’ armor had alway fascinated him; it was so realistic that he would’ve sworn they were actually half-bat and half-pony had his mother never told him.

“Your Majesty, a pony wishes to have a meeting with you. Shall I let him come in?”

“A meeting in the middle of the night? Well, fine let him in … at least it will break this ponderous night...”

The guard nodded before an earth pony entered the room; he was very old and weak in appearance. The pony bowed in front of Onyx.

“Sorry to disturb you, my Prince, but I have an important request...”

“Go on,” said Onyx; the old pony stopped to take a breath before explaining his problem.

“You see, my Prince, I own a little shop in Canterlot; we sell musical instruments there. Recently, a group of hoodlum ponies have been coming into my store and breaking my instruments when I can’t afford to pay their ‘protection fee.’ ...I was wondering if you could maybe lend my shop some money...”

“I’m sorry my pony, but the crown can’t just give bits to everypony who comes and asks for it; the chest would be empty. For that I am sorry...”

“It’s alright, my Prince I will work to find a solution myself. Sorry for disturbing you.” The old stallion made his way towards the door of the throne room; Onyx stopped the senior pony that just wanted to protect his shop.

“...However,” Onyx began.

“Yes, what is it your majesty?”

Onyx set aside his cape and crown.

“You need help with your problem and I will personally help you with it; what does money matter if your subjects are not living peacefully. Please, bring me to you shop, and please, don’t call me “majesty;” let’s toss aside all these rules and royalty formalities.”


Onyx waited in a dark corner of the shop, the old pony was behind the counter, waiting for the gang of ponies who would, like every night, come break the shop owner’s stuff. It didn’t take long before they arrived; unfortunately for them, Onyx was ready.

“Hey you old shit! Do you have our money or do we need to show you again what happens when we don’t get what we want,” said one of the three stallions who entered the shop.

“I’m sorry. Please don’t do that; I’ll get you your money, I promise,” said the old shopkeep.

“Hehehe, too late,” said an adult unicorn who appeared to be the leader of the group. The two adolescent earth ponies behind laughed with him until Onyx decided to reveal himself.

“What a nice night! I didn’t know when I decided to come here for a new cello that I would find three punching bags instead,” said Onyx mockingly to the three bucks who paled when they saw who was speaking.

“TH-THE PRINCE!” stammered the two younger ponies behind their leader.

“Don’t panic guys; there’s three of us and only one of him. Let’s get ‘em!” exclaimed the unicorn; the two teens glanced hesitantly at each other at the thought of attacking the Prince of Equestria, but grudgingly followed their leader’s orders after he drew his knife.

“That’s a really bad idea...” said Onyx, ignored by the charging stallions. The first tried to kick him, but was easily dodged before Onyx grabbed the hoof from the second pony’s attempted punch and threw him onto the first. When the leader saw that he was quickly outmatched, he fled from the store only to be stopped by a group of guards surrounding the entrance.


“Good job, now take this one to jail; I will personally deal with these two,” Onyx said to the patrol’s lieutenant, who nodded before the squad escorted the criminal to Canterlot Correctional.

“Now what to do with you two...” The two bucks slowly rose from the floor and awaited the Prince’s punishment.

“Listen very closely, I want you both to go home, and in the morning go to school feeling grateful that you aren’t in prison. You’re both still young; you have your whole lives ahead of you. Don’t ruin them now by hanging out with the wrong sorts of ponies. I’m letting you off easy this time, but I swear on my mother that next time I will make your lives in jail very difficult. Do I make myself clear?”

The two teenage stallions nodded and were escorted home, each by a single guard. The old shopkeeper, who had watched everything, was on the verge of tears.

“Oh, thank you my Prince; you saved my shop and even better, maybe saved the lives of these two ponies … how can I thank you for what you’ve done for a poor old pony like me.”

“Nothing good sir, just be sure to come back to the castle if you run into any other problems. I hope you might attract new customers with the royal family’s support,” said Onyx before leaving the instrument store.


Back at the castle, Onyx filed the report of the events that occurred that night. For once in his life, he felt like he had truly done something useful, and was proud of himself; he couldn’t wait until his mother came back so he could tell her what happened.

28-The poison

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Chapter 28

The Poison


It was a sunny day; the birds were chirping and not a cloud was in the sky thanks to Rainbow Dash, who was waiting outside of Carousel Boutique. Apparently, Twilight wanted to meet up with her there to ask her about something personal. Rainbow wanted to help out her friend, but she needed to practice her famous flying acrobatics and Twilight sure was taking her time with Rarity inside the boutique.

“And please, I don’t want something too formal, but something pretty enough to catch his attention, and I absolutely need it for tomorrow if it’s not too much trouble for you,” said Twilight as she opened the door outside where Rainbow was waiting.

“Don’t worry darling, I’ll take care of it, but don’t forget that you promised me to tell me who’s that marvelous stallion you were talking about,” responded Rarity before closing her door to return to her work.

“Finally! I was waiting here forever. Why’d it take you so long; I have training to do y’know?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Rainbow, but I really want everything to be perfect for tomorrow and I kinda...”

“Yes, yes, I know. You probably told Rarity every little detail that only an egghead like you could have seen or even thought about,” sighed Dash before following Twilight towards Sugarcube Corner.

“Sooooo, what did you want to ask me, and who is this marvelous stallion?” asked Rainbow dash in an imitation of Rarity’s voice.

Twilight lightly blushed and covered her face with her hoof to hide it from her pegasus friend.

“He’s somepony I know from Canterlot … a very close friend of mine, and he’s coming here tomorrow.”

“Close friend eh … how close?” asked Rainbow

“Just … really close, y’know like … close.”

“Oh ho ho, so that close. So you two...”

“RAINBOW! That’s none of your business! Listen, all what I want is to have a sunny day like today for tomorrow … please.”

“Argh fine, but don’t think I’ll let you get away that easily; I’m sure you have something more to say about him than close,” taunted the blue pegasus before taking to the sky, leaving Twilight in front of the bakery.





The loud noise of Blueblood hitting his door woke Onyx from his sleep. Onyx quickly rose from his bed, thinking that if Blueblood was hitting his door it was probably an emergency.

“I’m here, I’m here! What’s the matter? Has the Gryphon Empire declared war? Did something happen to Mother or Luna?” Onyx asked Blueblood, who was holding the Equestria Daily newspaper in his hoof and shaking it in front of Onyx.

“Don’t try to act like you don’t know what happened! You’re trying to steal spotlight!!”

“I’ve done what now?” asked Onyx, confused.

“Look at this! You made the front page of the newspaper, it should be ME in this, not you!” Onyx took the newspaper from Blueblood and started reading.

Last night, the new prince of the night, Prince Onyx, saved a local Canterlot shop from three criminals. The three were trying to extort protection money from the shopkeeper when our Prince stepped in and risked his life to protect the old stallion. One of the three ponies were arrested; the other two accomplices, who were underage, were escorted home and hopefully convinced to return to the right path...

Onyx stopped reading; the rest of the article was an interview with the thankful shop owner.

“And … what’s the problem?” Onyx asked his cousin.

“Don’t you see, why did YOU have made the headlines and not me; it’s unfair!”

“Unfair? Well, if you’d like I could go call a journalist and tell them how you, the great Blueblood almost threw two innocent masseuses in jail for hurting your little baby back,” snapped Onyx; his cousin took the newspaper and stormed back to the throne room, muttering something under his breath.

Onyx walked back towards his bed, but before he he could reach it, once again somepony knocked at his door.

“Yes, enter...” said Onyx in a monotone voice.

A white mare entered his room, holding some food on a little platter.

“Room service! I brought you something to eat; I figured you would be hungry after reading what you did yesterday in the newspaper,” said the young mare. Onyx glanced at her; she wore the same outfit as every maid in the castle, her mane was a light brown and her eyes were blue. He could have sworn that they were green when she entered, but he didn’t really care, owing it up to him being too hungry or tired to see clearly.

“Thank you miss, but I usually get food by myself when I’m hungry.”

“Oh yes, I know, but with you being so busy last night, the staff thought that maybe we could bring you your food for once.” Onyx took the plate that the maid was holding; the eggs was smelled great and the toast looked perfect.

“The cooks made a little something for you to try; it’s a new special dessert that they created and they wanted your opinion,” said the maid holding a glass with what looked like green jello inside.

“Hmm, thank you miss, you can just put it there; I’ll eat it after a bit,” answered Onyx, starting to eat the eggs and toast. The maid grinned before she left Onyx alone with his food.

When Onyx finished eating the main plate, he held the glass containing his dessert. The strange green jello inside the glass was kinda weird-looking and Onyx wasn’t sure if he wanted to try it.

“Meh, I can’t just throw it in the garbage, the cooks probably took their time to make it and if they saw that I didn’t eat it I might upset them...” thought Onyx. He put the glass to his lips, but before he could taste the dessert, somepony else knock at his door.

“Dammit … can’t eat in peace in this castle.”

“Yes, enter,” said Onyx before he letting out a sigh and putting his glass on the desk. Cadance opened the door and entered the room.

“Hi cousin! I just wanted see how you were doing … so how’s it feel to be at the head of the kingdom?” the pink alicorn asked Onyx.

“Cadance? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Shining Armor’s family today?”

“Well, it’s not like if they don’t know me after years of foalsitting Twillight. Shining and I came back earlier because we have great news to share.”

“And what is this great news?” asked Onyx, reaching for the dessert on his desk.

“Well … if you really want to know … SHINING AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!” Onyx quickly dropped his glass of green dessert on the floor to cover his ears, protecting them from Cadance’s Royal Canterlot Voice; the green dessert was now all over the floor.

“Why in the hay did you need to yell like that, I’m right here you know! ...Wait a minute … you and Shining? Hey, congratulations cousin! So when will the ceremony be?” Onyx asked Cadance, who was cleaning the floor with her magic and putting the broken glass and dessert in the garbage.

“Well … we thought about doing it in four months, around the same time as the Grand Galloping Gala, but we finally decided to have the ceremony at the end of the summer,” said Cadance, almost in a squealing high pitched tone; evidently she was excited to share it with somepony.

“The end of the summer … but it’s the middle of autumn. Oh well, it’s your choice. Did you tell Twilight?”

“Umm … well, you see... Shining and I kinda want to keep it a secret until we’re ready to tell everypony... I really trust you so if could like … keep it to yourself.”

“Ahh don’t worry, but under one condition: you owe me a new dessert.” Both of them laughed and kept talking about the Cadance’s plans for the wedding for a few hours until Onyx ask her in a polite way to leave him alone for return to his sleep, his shift will start soon and is not by talking with her cousin that he will be in a good shape tonight.

29-Cadance to the Rescue! (edited)

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Chapter 29

Cadance to the Rescue!

Gryphon Empire

The Emperor of the Gryphon Empire was sitting on his throne, watching his two new prisoners being whipped. Since Onyx escaped from him, he had done everything in his power to find those who had helped him in his escape. After 2 years of searching he, unfortunately, still couldn’t find out who destroyed the dungeon and killed his torturer. However, he did discover those who helped Onyx escape the border checkpoint and finally, he has his claws on them.

There was three of them in the beginning; a spy, the spy’s apprentice, and an inventor. First, he slowly and painfully killed the pegasus inventor in front of the two other, to demonstrate that he would get the answer he wanted at any cost. Then during the first week, he took the prisoners and placed them in a cage in the central palace, where every gryphon in his army would throw rocks and insult them; he even encouraged the city’s population to help torture his two prisoners.

The screams of pain from the two ponies were like a soft, symphonic music to his ears, and fortunately for him, his new torturer was even better than the last one. The Emperor’s objective was to extract some secrets the spy knew about the other nations, and what the better way to make him talk than by torturing his student in front of him. By now, both of the spies had endured everything that the Emperor had thrown at them ... he would kill the earth pony if Raynor didn’t talk. Recently, he developed a new way to torture prisoners; he would use it today.

“I’ll give you one last chance, Raynor; tell me everything you know about the other members of the Council or your little student will die by my claw.”

Vallis, the earth pony tied to a chair and whipped across the chest since this morning, mustered up all of his strength to tell Raynor, “No ... don’t ... tell him... We both … know what will happen ... if we talk.”

To the Emperor’s joy, Raynor remained mute; with a smile on his face, he reached for a cage behind his throne and the torturer brought a bucket to the Emperor. The Emperor opened the cage and took out a rat, threw it in the bucket, and had it tied face down on Vallis’ chest.

“This is your last chance Raynor...”

Raynor was crying in silence because he knew what was about to happen to his friend and student. But if he talked, Canterlot … no … Equestria would be lost, and if sacrificing Vallis’ life could save the lives of thousands of ponies then … he would do it.

“Nothing? Well, ok then; torturer, bring me one of the torches from the wall. I think is time we … heated things up.”

The Emperor, who was now holding the lit torch, put it at the extremity of the bucket; Vallis felt and heard the rat inside scurrying around to find and exit to his jail. He knew that if the Emperor continued to burn the bucket, the rat would dig through his chest, creating a fatal tunnel into him.

Raynor could only watch in horror as his friend was slowly killed in this painful way; he could hear skin being torn apart by the little claws of the rat. The screams of pain from his friend would haunt Raynor until his death. The Emperor laughed at Vallis’ screaming and crying.

“Come on Raynor, don’t tell me you will sit here and watch this poor colt being killed like this. Listen if you tell me what I want, I will take your friend to the hospital and then set both of you free.”

Raynor watched as his friend was dying; his heart was torn between his duty and his friend.

“I … I’m sorry, Vallis...”

Changeling Kingdom

Chrysalis was in her throne room, waiting for one of her spies to return from a recent mission in Canterlot. Unfortunately, her kingdom’s food supplies were starting to run low, and the only viable way to save her kingdom from starvation was to conquer the capital of Equestria. With it, they’d be able to gather enough love to feed her hive for the next two centuries if her plan worked. As a bonus, she had always wanted to control Equestria. These ponies banished her hive to the Badlands over a thousand years ago, during her grandmother’s reign, and would finally take her revenge. In order to take a large city like Canterlot, she would need to take her time to make sure that this plan was going to be perfect. Her spies have already found a way inside the castle, now she just needed to find which pony would be best to kidnap and take his or her place to attack Canterlot from within. However, there was one thing that she feared, it was that prince called Onyx. Not only was he is a creature totally unknown to her, but he knew who she was; he might recognize her. Dealing with him was going to be … complicated. He saved a member of her hive, for which she would always be grateful. She wasn’t just the hive’s queen; she was their mother, and each and every changeling her child. Regardless, she would get rid of him if he stood between her and feeding her children.

Finally, her spy entered her throne room.

“My Queen, I’m here with the report. Unfortunately the target did not take the potion, but I have discovered two interesting things. First, the prince will be leaving Canterlot tomorrow to a small village called Ponyville. Second, I have discovered a potential target for you, an alicorn named Cadance; she’s getting married this summer.”

“This summer... Well, it gives us plenty time to prepare for the invasion. A pair of newlyweds … they’re always so full of love. Mmm. Prepare me a ration of the royal jelly; I will go by myself to meet the prince in this small village. I hope for his sake that he makes the right choice.”


Onyx was reading requests for pay raises by the royal guards. Apparently, the night guards wearing magic armor that makes you look like a bat and working night hours were reasons for better pay than the solar guard. On another scroll, the solar guard requested same thing; carrying a princess that weighed more than 4 earth ponies was not written in their contract.

“Hmph … Mom really should cut back on the pancakes. Maybe Luna could convince her to eat less...” Onyx thought, before he signing the two scrolls. Sipping his glass of wine, he opened the next scroll when he was interrupted by Cadance entering the throne room.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep with Shining?” asked Onyx.

“And shouldn’t you be wearing that crown and cape?” answered Cadance.

“Fine... Want some wine?” asked Onyx, pouring a glass for his cousin; she gladly accepted and took a seat next to him.

“I heard from Shining that you’re meeting Twilight tomorrow; is that true?” Cadance asked, sipping her wine.

“Well, yes, but I don’t think I’ll be able to go there. I received a letter this morning ... I mean at the start of the night; apparently Mother and Luna have decide to remain on vacation for a few more days so I’m stuck here...” Onyx said, pouring another glass of wine.

After a few moments of silence Cadance asked, “Do you love her?” The question took Onyx by surprise.

“Love who? Who in the hay are you talking about?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know; I’m talking about Twilight.”

Onyx put the scroll back on the desk and poured yet another cup of wine. He downed it slowly before he answered Cadance.

“I don’t know, Cadance... She’s more than a best friend to me; it’s like she’s a part of my family, and then you saw what happened after the night of my eighteenth birthday...”

“Well, I’m not surprised. I would’ve reacted like that too if you two had done it in my bed.” Cadance smirked.

“No, I wasn’t talking about mom. You saw how Twilight was crying that day ... I could never forgive myself for breaking her heart ... and just look at me ... I’m not even a pony.”

“I’m pretty sure she ignores the fact that you don’t look like us.”

“Right, but what if she wants to have a family; she couldn’t have a colt or filly with me. We could always adopt, but it just wouldn’t be the same...”

“Listen to me, Onyx. Twilight has always loved you, and don’t you dare say that I’m wrong; I’m the Princess of Love for Faust’s sake. I’m sure that if your life were a story, every reader would want you two to be together. And how dare you say that adopting a foal is not like having your own baby, Celestia adopted you and you know she would’ve never thought of throwing you away for a foal of her own; she wouldn’t have it any other way. Now you will return to your bed, sleep the rest of the night, and tomorrow morning you will go to Ponyville to meet Twilight. I will replace you in tonight’s night court, now go, or I’ll place a love spell between you and my brother.”

Onyx kept quiet ... thinking about what Cadance had said; he hugged her before doing as she had asked. The night would be short; a good thing because tomorrow he would tell Twilight how he felt about her.

30-More than Friendship

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Chapter 30

More than Friendship


Onyx was being flown in a carriage by two royal guard pegasi. Normally, he didn’t like the guards or maids doing things for him, but the feeling of being carried through the sky made Onyx feel like he was flying. If he could been a pony, Onyx would’ve wanted to be a unicorn so he could practice magic, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy or appreciate the sensation of freedom from everything that flight brought him. The wind in his mane and the crisp air of the countryside made him feel alive; it was far better than ruling a kingdom and the duties that came with it.

The guards arrived at the main road just outside of Ponyville; Onyx didn’t want a royal welcome. From where he was he could see Ponyville without being seen so he took the opportunity to take a look at how the things worked here. It was the first time that he visited the small village and the first thing he found interesting was how the ponies dressed much differently than ponies in Canterlot. Usually, when Onyx was outside of the castle in Canterlot, everypony wore clothes flaunting how rich they were. Onyx once thought that everypony in Canterlot was a long-lost relative of his cousin, Blueblood.

Twillight was in her room, trying on the new dress that Rarity made for her. She knew that Onyx loved Philomena, Celestia’s pet phoenix, and that his favorite color was black; she had her dress designed a full black with orange and red flames near the borders, When she was satisfied with how it looked, she laid the dress back on her bed and went down to the kitchen to prepare the meal she and Onyx would be having.

She bought some wine at the market yesterday; it wasn’t as expensive as the wine from Canterlot, but she was sure that Onyx would like it. Then she have prepared a salad, some daisy sandwiches, and for the dessert, well, she didn’t make anything. If all went well with her plan for the night, she would be the dessert. She lightly blushed at the thought of them in her bed, but she quickly tossed the dirty thoughts away. She had more important things to think about: how would her friends react in his presence, would Spike keep his promise to be friendly with Onyx, and most importantly, did he love her?

Before she could continue asking herself questions, somepony knocked at the library’s door.

“I’ve got it!” said Spike as he opened the door.

Onyx was waiting in front of the library; on his way, some of the ponies bowed to him, but he explained to them that he didn’t want any royal treatment. He met a few fillies and colts who were scared of him, but after talking to them, he gave them some bits for ice cream. Afterwards they weren’t scared by him; a lanky mare even tried to invite him into her house to taste a new dinner recipe, but he politely refused the invitation, even if she asked him more than once. It was kinda odd in a certain way because she had never met him before; why had she insisted that much...?

Fortunately for him, the library was really easy to find. After all, it’s not everyday that you see a whole library in a giant tree like that.

After knocking on the door, somepony … er dragon answered him. “Hi, welcome to the … oh, it’s just you; you can come in,” said the purple dragon.

“Yes, I’m so happy to see you again, Spike,” answered Onyx sarcastically; he knew that Spike hated him. If the drake wasn’t Twilight’s “little brother”, he would’ve found a way to send him back to dragon country and never return to Equestria.

“Twilight! Your friend is here!”

Onyx could hear the noise of somepony running down the stairs, and not long after, Twilight was in front of him, tears of joy forming in her eyes.

“ONYX!” she shouted, jumping on him and hugging him as if he were going to disappear. Spike who was behind the two, faked throwing up and returned upstairs to do whatever he wanted, free of diabetes.

“I’ve missed you so much Onyx,” said Twilight before beginning a little dance in front of Onyx.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awa—”

“Haha Twi, I’m not Cadance, and I don’t think I could do that dance you two created for anything in the world,” laughed Onyx.

“Awww, but you’re her cousin; can’t we have a special welcome or something like that?” asked Twilight.

“Well, maybe later we could both create our own special hoofshake... So how’s life in Ponyville? Do you miss Canterlot or your brother?” asked Onyx, taking a seat next to a stack of books in the corner.

“Well, for now, everything’s going fine. My new friends are all kind and friendly; I’ll have to introduce you to them—” Twillight was interrupted by a blue pegasus who flew into the house as if they had a manticore on their tail.

“Twilight! Are you okay? I thought I saw a tall, black monster outside of your house!” yelled the blue pegasus to their purple friend. Onyx stayed calm and seated, deciding to ignore the insult.

“Well, I don’t think you and I have the same definition of the word “monster”,” deadpanned the Prince to Rainbow Dash, who was trying to carry Twilight out of her house.

“I’m not talking about you; I was watching you since you got here from my cloud.”

“YOU WERE SPYING ON HIM!” interrupted Twillight, using her magic to silence Rainbow Dash.

“Well, yeah ... kinda. I wanted to see who this new coltfriend of yours was. No wonder you wanted to keep it a secret; sharing a bed with the prince of Canterlot. Who would’ve known that our little Twilight would have the guts to be a player.” Both Onyx and Twilight blushed heavily.

“You told him?” Onyx asked Twilight.

“HEY! Who’re you calling a him; I’m a mare y’know! If you weren’t the prince of Equestria I swear I would’ve just beat the hell out of you in ten seconds flat!”

Chrysalis watched what was happening inside through a window; she was hiding in a bush, taking in all the information she could get on the creature. Unfortunately that blue pegasus saw her approach the house, but for now, it looked like she forgot about her. Chysalis’s plan to get the Prince to take that potion failed. Over the last two years, the prince had changed; she would never forget that night when she met him for the first time. Her daughter, Fillia, didn’t know about it, but Chrysalis heard the entire heartwarming conversation between her and Onyx in the Gryphon King’s dungeon; it would be a shame to destroy such a powerful potential-ally, but for her plan to work, she would need to get him alone.

A deserted island in the middle of the ocean

“Sister, doesn’t thou think we should go back home. We are certain that Onyx misses you,” said Luna to her sister.

“Don’t worry about it Lulu. It’s only been four days; Onyx is a big stallion now and he can take care of himself … now stop trying to distract me. We’re here to have fun.”

“I don’t know how a suicidal activity like this could be—”

Celestia and Luna were on the verge of a giant rock on the edge of the island, and before Luna could react, Celestia grabbed Luna and jumped into the water. Both of them screamed like little fillies before they hit the surface of the ocean.

31-Meeting Rarity

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Chapter 31

Meeting with Rarity

Onyx and Rainbow Dash had a friendly spar after he called the blue pegasus a stallion, which Onyx had easily won, even with restraint. Afterwards, Twilight and Onyx decided to take a walk around Ponyville and talk about good times.

“Do you remember when Philomena died for the first time in front of you? You were crying so much that Celestia had to take pain pills just to stop the headache, before she cast a mute spell on you,” laughed Twilight; she could not have wished for a better day. Her prince was with her away from all the royal business, and they were both sharing a great time … just like in her dreams.

“Hey, I loved that bird, and I didn’t know that phoenixes could regenerate like that! And what about you? When you saw me eating meat for the first time, you looked at me like I just ate Smarty Pants,” chuckled Onyx.

“Well, sorry if seeing somepony eating meat was something new to me when I was a filly. At least now I know that it’s not because you’re a cruel creature that likes to kill animals for fun, and that you only do it because of your metabolism.”

Onyx gave Twilight a friendly push. ”Have I ever acted like a cruel creature?”

“Well, you did throw Smarty Pants from the eastern tower, if I remember correctly.”

“HEY! We both said we’d never talk about that again; I was young and I just wanted to get your attention!”

Twilight smiled at her best friend. He got flustered every time she brought it up; it was so easy to make him act like that.

Her heart started to beat faster, and her leg trembled a little … she was going to tell him how she felt now, when the moment was right.

“Onyx … I wanted to tell you something. You know, since you came back from the North, I-I’ve started looking at you in a way that’s more than just a friend … I want you to know that I’m interested in you, and hope that you can see me as a mare. I want you to know that this evening we’ve shared is ... one that I’ll never forget and … Onyx?” asked Twilight as she realized that the object of her desires was no longer at her side, but was busy, buying a jar of strawberry preserves from a stallion. When he came back, Twilight was trying fight and cover up her desire to strangle him.

“Do you see that? They still have strawberry jam at this time of the year! Tomorrow, if you want, I’ll make you my special recipe pancakes that I usually only make for Mom on special occasions.”

“Hoooo great … I can’t wait.” Twilight’s mind smoldered, “Just bucking great, I finally tell you how I feel about you in my heart, and you aren’t even there to listen to me … now I’ll need to do it all over again...”

“Hey, look at this. It looks like the clothing stores in Canterlot,” said Onyx, pointing towards the Carousel Boutique.

“Well, my friend, Rarity, owns the place. Maybe I could introduce you to her.”

Twilight entered the shop; the little bell sounded throughout the boutique, informing Rarity of potential customers.

“Greetings, and welcome to the Carousel Boutique where we— Oh, Twilight. What are you doing here, did you like the dress?” asked Rarity.

“Yes, I love it, and again, thank you. I just came by to have you to meet an … er … old stallion friend of mine.”

“Oh, and where is he, darling? I can’t wait to see the stallion that put stars in your eyes.”

“He’s outside, but before I show him to you; there’s something I really need to tell you...”

Onyx was playing with a small rock outside of the boutique; apparently Twilight’s friend was usually very busy, so she decided to check if she was free to meet him.

“Are you lost, my Prince?”

Onyx return his focus to the mare who spoke to him: an old earth pony, with a cloak and saddle bag, was there holding a card game.

“Lost? No, not at all, but thank you milady; I’m just waiting for somepony.”

“I’m not talking about that. Let me take a look at you … hmm. Yes, a soul of another realm. You have greatly suffered … and you shall suffer greatly more. Please, my Prince, let me see these strange hooves of yours; I will read what the fates have planned for you.”

Onyx, intrigued by the old mare’s offer, held out his right arm, and she held it between her hooves.

“Interesting... Let me explain it to you. You see this line here? It is the line of love … you want to find somepony to love … but two others will want your heart, though not of the same type. This line here signifies family … congratulations my Prince; you will have four foals of your own … one filly and three colts. Oh … this … this one is the line of death...” She stopped talking, grabbed Onyx tight, and pulled his arm closer to take a better look at the appendage. “... but this doesn’t make sense...”

“Excuse me, what are you talking about?”

“Nothing, my Prince. You should return to wait for your friend. Remember to profit from life.”

Before he could convince her to tell him more, Twillight called him from inside the store, “Onyx, you can come in.”

When Onyx looked back towards the old mare, she had vanished; leaving a confused Onyx behind her.

Gryphon Empire

The gryphon Emperor was cleaning his talons of blood. He had just finished with one of the maids, her splayed body lying on the throne room floor and severed head put on a spear. Now that he was satisfied and in a good mood, he decided to take a look at his prisoner. He had this prisoner in a unique room that he had made since Onyx’s escape; it was there where he would keep his most precious prisoners. The door was forged of solid steel and the lock was unlockable without the key. He even hired some of the best thieves to try and unlock it, without success; their heads had since joined his collection.

The sound of the door being opened woke Raynor, who faced the Emperor and waited.

“Good morning, my dear friend. Did you sleep well? How does it feel to know that you have betrayed your country for the life of a single pony who—I might add—may still not survive his surgery? The rat had dug pretty deep by the time you decided to talk...”

Raynor did not respond. He had revealed everything he knew to the Emperor; he would never be able to forgive himself for that … even if it was for a friend...

“Please don’t make that face my poor pegasus friend, we both have what we want. Your comrade will live, and me … I will have total control of the Council. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have better things to attend to than you.”

Raynor watched the Emperor exited his cell, and it was at that moment that he made a promise to himself; if he and Vallis were ever to escape from this jail, he would spend every day of his freedom plotting the murder of the Gryphon Emperor.

32- Onyx versus a pie

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Chapter 32

Onyx Versus a Pie

“...And then, darling, you should have seen it; her dress was yellow AND pink! How a couturière could even think about making a dress like that … it’s just awful. Would you like more tea?”

Onyx accepted the offer; his cup of tea had been empty since she started talking about all the differences between fashion in Ponyville and Canterlot.

“Damm this is so boring … it’s not that I don’t care but … what am I saying. I DON’T CARE AT ALL!”

“So, darling, of course you know the fabulous Prince Blueblood?” asked Rarity with stars in her eyes at the thought of her idol.

“Blueblood … yeah I know him, he’s my cousin … so it’s not really of a surprise that we know each other.”

“And what’s he like; is his mane is as fabulous as they say? What about his voice, I’ve read that his voice is so deep and sensual that it even attracts some stallions.”

“Oooh … I’m sorry, Rarity, but look at the time; if we don’t go now, we’ll never get to Applejack’s,” said Twilight before Onyx could answer.

“Oh … well I do hope you come see me again, Onyx; I have so many questions about him.”

Twilight and Onyx said their goodbyes to the white unicorn and made their way to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Thanks for getting getting me out of there; she’s not as bad as the higher class ponies in Canterlot, but still … I’ve alway got difficulty to talk with those types of ponies. And what the hay was all that about Blueblood’s voice being deep enough to charm stallions ... who writes this!”

“Oh, it’s nothing Onyx. Now if you don’t mind, I want you to meet Applejack; she’s totally unlike Rarity.”

“If she doesn’t talk about dresses, I’m fine with it.”

After a few minutes of walking, they started down the road to the Apple family home. Once they reached the door, Twilight knocked and Applejack came to answer them.

“Howdy Twilight, what can Ah do to help you?” asked the orange pony with a heavy southern Equestrian accent.

“I just wanted to introduce you to my dear friend; I hope I’m not disturbing anything important.”

“Not at all, sugarcube; in fact, we were jus’ about to eat a late dinner, and Ah’m sure that we have enough food fer both of you.”

Onyx and Twilight followed the orange mare into the dining room where the Apple family was seated around the table. Applebloom, too busy drawing a map of Ponyville, didn’t notice the Prince walking in, and Big Mac and Granny Smith didn’t really react and just happily prepared two more places at the table for their guests.

“Prince Onyx, would you like some—”

“Just Onyx, will be fine; I’m not the type to care about all that ‘royalty’ stuff, y’know?”

Applejack introduced each member of the family to Onyx; the kind apple farmers welcomed him as if he were one of their own, with a happy, relaxed atmosphere as Onyx took a seat between Big Mac and Twilight. When everypony was at the table, they gave thanks for their meal which consisted of apple salad, apple sauces, grilled apples, apple fritters, and apple dumplings; all washed down with apple juice and cider. Unfortunately for him, Onyx had never really cared for apples, but would be polite and eat what he was given. The atmosphere in the room was something that Onyx rarely had the chance to feel—being around the table, eating a relaxing, home-cooked meal with friends and family... In Canterlot the food was great, but they always felt like something was missing. Maybe it was because Celestia was sometimes too busy with the kingdom to eat with her family, or the food was too fancy for his tastes, or the all the stuffy aristocrats... When they were finished, Granny Smith took all the plates and set on the table a big apple pie and began serving a slice to everypony in the room.

When it came turn for Onyx to receive a slice, he politely declined, “Sorry, but I’m full; the apple salad was wonderful, and I don’t think I could eat another more bite.”

The old mare, ignoring his request, just put the slice on a plate and put it in front of Onyx saying, “Oh nonsense dearie, anypony can find some room fer this here good ol’ pie o’ mine.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m very full, and I don’t really love apple pie—”

All of the Apples froze after hearing what the prince said; they were looking at him like he just said that he sold their farm.

The lime-green Apple matriarch broke the silence. “What did you jus’ say? Ah’m not sure if Ah misheard you, but did you say you don’t my apple pie.”

“...Well it’s not that I don’t like your apple pie ... I just don’t like apple pie in general.”

“And why’s that?! Our apple pie ain’t classy enough fer your tongue, or is jus’ that you want to show your superiority by throwing our food away like some sorta garbage?” Applejack glared.

“Superiority ... wait, what? No, I just don’t want to—”

“How dare you to hurt our family like that, coming in our house and showing disrespect to mah granny an’ sisters like that,” said the large, red Clydesdale stallion.

“Why would you that to us?” pleaded the filly with heart-stopping puppy dog eyes.

“But ... but ... Twillight, please help me.”

It was at that time that Onyx turned to see Twilight laughing her flank off, then suddenly the apple farmers laughed with her.

“Wait, what?” Twilight was answered him first.

“Onyx, they aren’t really angry; Applejack and I played a prank on you.”

Onyx face-palmed, he should have known that Twilight would tell her friend that he didn’t like apples.

“Don’t you worry sugarcube, we ain’t a bunch of flankhurt crazies.”

“Are you angry mister Prince?” asked the adorable, little filly.

“Angry, me? No my little pony, I thought it was pretty funny,” said the prince, sharing a laugh with everypony.

Chrysalis was finishing her meal, watching the Prince and his purple friend as they walked down the street in the middle of Ponyville via the patio of a restaurant. The food in her mouth tasted like ash on her changeling tongue and she was scrounging off of the scraps of love from couples in the restaurant; she was starving for a proper meal, but she couldn’t take the risk of being discovered just because she was hungry. She finally found a way get the Prince all alone; all that she needed was him to fall asleep. Tonight, the Prince would be out of her way, whether he ended up being her ally or a source of food.


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A/N This chapter is a collab between me and Berry Punch, hope you will like it guy and don’t forget to read her story
Chapter 33


After their meal with the Apple family, Onyx and Twilight thanked their hosts before walking back towards the library. The autumn night was clear and not too cold, so they took their time on their return.

“Are you sure you’re not angry at them?” asked the unicorn.

“Twilight, come on, I’m not Blueblood. I can handle a joke without throwing everypony in jail,” answered Onyx; judging by the look on Twilight’s face, he might have said that in too harsh of a tone.

“Aww, I’m sorry, Twiley. It’s just that I’m tired of everypony thinking that because I’m royalty, that they need to act differently around me,” he said, hugging her. Twilight’s heart was racing like it had in the Running of the Leaves; her stomach felt like it was full of butterflies.She felt so close to him. She smelled his dark mane and wanted to kiss him, but their embrace ended before she could.

“So what’s next, don’t you have more friends to introduce me to?”

It took a moment for Twilight to answer him, her mind still foggy. “Umm ... what? Oh, yeah, you still have to meet Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, but they’re probably asleep.”

Onyx continued walking next to Twilight; he wanted to tell her why he came to Ponyville, but didn’t know quite how to say it. He was nervous, to calm himself he observed Ponyville’s nightlife. A few restaurants were still open and ponies were eating food on the outdoor patios. Some were alone, one mare in particular was uncomfortably staring at him like he was prey, and others were there as couples. There was that gray pegasus mailmare with a brown earth pony wearing a bowtie. Onyx wanted to talk the couple and ask them how to ask a mare out, but he didn’t for two reasons: first, he would just look silly, and second, he recognized the gray mare and didn’t want to go through the whole Ditzy/Derpy name problem again.

They both continued to walk towards the library, talking about the stars and what Luna and Celestia might be doing on their vacation until a mare walked by, bumping into Onyx and causing him and herself to fall.

Twilight rushed over to help Onyx up off the ground and turned to scold the mare who had caused the accident. Though, upon seeing who the mare was, Twilight’s anger subsided and she began to giggle quietly.

Confused as to why Twilight was laughing, Onyx looked over to the mare, who was now sprawled out on the ground. Acting quickly, Onyx did the only gentlemanly thing to do and helped her up; the mare still looked young, maybe in her late 20s, with a light purple coat and a curly, magenta-colored mane. As she steadied herself on her four hooves, Onyx spoke up. “Are you okay?” he asked kindly.

The mare seemed to be in a daze as she looked up to the Prince with a puzzled look. “I am ... I’m f-fine! Oooooooh, you! *hic*” She booped the Prince on the nose. “You’re the ... hehe, Prince!” she exclaimed, smiling at Onyx with what seemed to be a sultry look.

Awkwardly, Onyx smiled. “Heh, yeah, that’s me. Tell me, what is your name; let’s see if we can get you home,” he said calmly, still holding the mare upright to prevent her from toppling over again.

The mare smiled “Ye—*hic*—es, I am Berrrrrrry Puuuuunch,” she slurred and giggled before collapsing onto the ground again. Onyx picked the mare up over his shoulder and stood up.

Now carrying Berry over his shoulder, the Prince questioned her, “So, where do you live Berry Punch? Let’s get you home.” The mare in question giggled and started singing something about bottles on a wall. Onyx sighed and spoke in a more forceful tone, “Where do you live, Berry?”

Berry Punch stopped singing and tapped a hoof on her chin, still being held by Onyx. “I, uh *hic* Oh! I live over by the ... the park?” She sounded confused. “Oh! Yeah! I live in the *hic* house by the park!” she smiled and Onyx swore he heard her squee(?). “Oooh, I feel like one o’ them flying horses!” she shouted as they walked off.

Sighing, Onyx walked towards the park where the mare apparently lived nearby. After about a five minute walk later, Twilight and Onyx arrived at Berry Punch’s residence and left her to her own devices. Onyx chuckled as he and Twilight walked along the road through Ponyville.

Twilight smiled. “Don’t worry about her, Onyx; Berry Punch seems to get herself drunk like that at times. But really, she is a sweet mare,” she giggled lightly.

“Well, she’s lucky there’s not some masked psychopath that likes to bursting pony into flames, because as drunk as she was, she wouldn’t stand a chance at defending herself,” chuckled Onyx

“That’s just silly, nopony in Ponyville would do that.”

“I’m just teasing you, Twillight, don’t worry...”

Onyx and Twilight entered the library, all was quiet. Earlier that day, Twilight had asked Rarity if she could take Spike for the night. She’d gladly help Twilight get some time all alone with Onyx.

“So ... you can have the couch if you’d like ... or I could go prepare the spare mattress...” said Twilight, still feeling the butterflies in her stomach; she tried to act like it was nothing, but she felt like she was going to throw up. She quickly went to her room to get Onyx some bedsheets.

During this time, Onyx was waiting in the main room, trying to find a way to tell her that he loved her; the day he spent with her was one of the best he’d had in a long time. When he was with her, it was as if nothing in the world could ruin his good mood.

Maybe I should be direct, and just kiss her when she comes back... No, that’s a bad idea; what if she doesn’t have the same feelings for me ... on the other hoof Cadance did tell me she was sure that Twilight felt the same for me... Maybe I should ask her ... write it on a scroll and show her? Nah, that would be silly; I’ll be in front of her ... sing it? Nope I’ve always been the worst one in the family at singing ... hell, even Blueblood is better at it than I am.......... Oh, what should I do?

34-Love is in bloom (or chapteR 34)

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ChapteR 34

Love is in bloom

press here for the clop version

“Ok, keep calm, Twilight, this is only the single most important moment in your life.” The unicorn paced nervously as she took a few deep breaths to calm herself. “Whew, take it slow, Twilight, take it slow.”

Twilight walked over to the mirror and looked at her reflection, she could see her legs shaking as she thought of expressing her feelings. She closed her eyes as she regained control over her breathing, and opened them again to look at herself.

“I can’t go down there like this,” Twilight groaned as she went straight for her wardrobe, pulling
back the wooden doors and going directly for a sleek black dress that had a small flame sewn onto the front.

“What am I going to say?” Twilight bit her lip as she began slipping into the black lingerie. “Onyx, I love you… No, too direct.”

The unicorn’s horn glowed as a brush flew over from her desk, and she began to comb her mane; she paused as she tapped the brush against her chin. “Onyx, remember all the happy times we’ve spent together? I want to experience that again forever.”

Twilight hummed before shaking her head and continuing with brushing her mane. “That sounds completely wrong.”

As Twilight continued to fret and worry about how she was going to express her feelings to the prince who was experiencing a similar problem downstairs, Onyx paced around the centre table as he tapped his fingers together.

“Cadance is going to kill me if I don’t get this right,” Onyx muttered as he looked around for
inspiration. “Twilight, you are as beautiful as … as beautiful as…”

The Prince groaned as he dropped into one of the chairs, head in his hands as he groaned into his palms. “How can I do so well when I’m drunk, and then terrible when I’m sober?” Onyx asked himself as he looked at the stairs that led to Twilight’s bedroom.

“I should just be honest,” Onyx nodded. “Twilight, I love you. It couldn’t be any simpler ... but what if it’s too simple?”

As Onyx began to pace around the room again, Twilight was staring at herself in the mirror. She had placed a red feather into her mane, perfecting her image as she shook nervously.

“Alright, Twilight Sparkle, this is it.” The unicorn looked at the door that separated her from Onyx. She gulped as she walked over to it; every step seemed to last forever until she slowly turned the handle and pulled the door open slightly.

She peeked through the small crack and saw Onyx gazing out the window, his face hidden by his mane as he rubbed his chin with a finger. Twilight took one final breath before she pulled the door open and stepped out to the top of the stairs.

“Onyx?” She smiled as the human turned to look up at her. Onyx’s heartbeat was racing as he looked up at Twilight, and his eyes lingered at the black dress that clung to Twilight; it complemented her figure as well as accented her purple fur.

“Wow, Twilight,” Onyx tore his eyes away from Twilight’s body as he looked back into her purple eyes, “you look … wonderful.”

Twilight blushed heavily as she looked down at herself. “Rarity made this for me, and you know how much effort she puts into making dresses.”

Onyx rubbed the back of his neck as Twilight slowly walked down the steps. “I really want to talk to you about something.”

“Oh?” Twilight stopped as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Would you like to sit down? I have something to say as well.”

The human and pony both walked over to Twilight’s sofa and sat down at opposite ends, both
avoiding eye contact as they gave themselves a few final thoughts before they slowly turned to give each other nervous smiles.

“I just wanted to say—” they both said in unison before laughing it off. Onyx rubbed his neck and Twilight played with her mane, making sure the red feather was still there. They both sighed as they decided to just get it over with.

“I love you!” they blurted out before they both froze and looked at each other. Twilight blinked a few times before Onyx shuffled to the middle of the sofa; she didn’t hesitate as she too moved closer, and locked eyes with the Prince.

Onyx slowly lifted his hand to Twilight’s face. She rubbed it against his palm as his fingers ran through her mane, knocking out the feather that gently floated to the ground. Twilight’s hooves lightly wrapped around Onyx’s neck as she allowed herself to be pulled into the kiss.

Twilight’s lips pursed before she sank into the moment and allowed her mouth to open; her tongue was joined by Onyx’s, that snaked into her mouth and elicited a moan that she failed to hold back.

The unicorn pushed her body forward, gently pushing Onyx onto his back, taking it slow so she didn’t break the contact between their mouths. Onyx slipped one of his hands under the black dress and brushed his fingers against Twilight’s soft fur.

Onyx marvelled at the silky feeling from the dress and the soft warmth from Twilight; his heart
continued to race in anticipation as she slowly rubbed herself against his chest.


Clop here, go read it if you want to know what have happened


Twilight fell onto her back in her bed; the night before had emptied her of every last bit of energy. Onyx joined her a moment later.

“How ... many ... times?” panted the Prince, exhausted.

“I think it was ... eight for me and ... five for you,” answered the purple mare.

Both of them laughed and hugged each other. Too tired to do anything else, they lied there, enjoying the feeling of being in the arms of the one they truly loved.

35-a double edged blade

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Chapter 35

a double edged blade

Onyx was the first to wake up, his body still sore from the previous night, and the mare of his dreams still sleeping, curled against his side. He could have stayed there all day, but his body had an acrid odor, and very slowly—so as not to wake up his new marefriend—got out of bed and took a shower. He couldn’t believe all that had happened between him and Twilight ... it was like life was a dream, and he didn’t want to wake up for anything in the world.

During this time, Chrysalis was waiting outside of the library; she would’ve already had the Prince in her hooves if he hadn’t rutted with that purple mare all through the night. Fortunately for her, all the love that she fed on between Onyx and Twilight made her strong enough that plan B could be put into action, and feed her hungry children back in the hive.

So with the form of a pony called “Colgate”—if she had heard right—, she entered the library.

“Hello? Anypony there?” she asked.

Onyx, who just got out of the shower, wondered why somepony was in Twilight’s house, until he realised that it was a library. They must not have closed it last night with all that had happened. Seeing that Twilight was still asleep, he decided to take care of the customer himself; he had taken care of all of Equestria during the night, surely he could manage a small library, right? He put his clothes back on and went downstairs to greet the pony.

“Hi, how may I help you?” asked the Prince as he walked down the stairs.

“Oh, um, I’m here to borrow something,” answered faux-Colgate.

“And this something is a book, I presume?”

“Yes, um ... do you have book about the history of the Badlands?”

Onyx didn’t know where the book was, but tried to find it. He remembered how Twilight loved how the Royal Library was organized; in order by subject and alphabetical. He looked in the history section; it was under “B”.

“Here we go, ‘History and Legends of the Badlands’,” said Onyx, turning to give the book to the unicorn mare. The blue pony wasn’t there, instead a tall black creature was standing in the library.

“Remember me?” it asked the before it shot a green laser that struck Onyx; his body fell to the ground unconscious.

“Well, well, well. Seems that it was easier than I thought,” said Chrysalis before she teleported herself and the Prince away from the library.

Onyx slowly came back into consciousness, his mind foggy. He tried to remember what had happened; strangely, he couldn’t move his body.

Wait ... why can’t I move ... let’s see, I was in bed with Twilight and then ... oh right, the customer. And then ... argh! Why can’t I remember!

“Difficulty with your memory, little Prince?” asked a strange voice in front of Onyx. He opened his eyes to discover that not only was he in the woods, but tied to a tree; a dark creature was in front of him. He knew that he’d already met a creature like this before, but when...

“How rude, you don’t even remember who saved you from the Emperor ... maybe I should have left you to die there instead?”

Changelings! Yes, I remember now ... but why did I forget...

“I see it’s all coming back to you now, little prince. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. And you, my little Prince, are Onyx, Prince of Equestria.”

“Thank you, but the presentation isn’t really my top priority right now. I’d prefer to know why I’m tied to this tree.”

The Queen laughed with her soft voice. “Don’t worry, soon all of your questions will be answered. But first, tell me, are you happy being a little prince?

“Little Prince? Why do you keep calling me that?”

“Well, you’re little in power; you’re not yet the ruler of a country, but you could be the leader of an entire continent.”

“Sorry, but power never interested me,” said Onyx as he tried desperately to untie himself.

“Maybe ... but I know something that you strongly desire ... I can feel it in your heart. You want your revenge on the Gryphon Emperor, am I right?”

To Chrysalis’s joy, Onyx didn’t answer; it was true that since he came back, he had not stopped training. He kept it a secret—even Celestia didn’t know about it. In her opinion, all of these foreign affairs should be dealt with by the Council, but Onyx wanted blood—to kill the gryphon that ruined his childhood and imprisoned him away from his family ... kept him from his mother ... from Twilight ... for ten long years.

“I will say this one time, little Prince. My kingdom is in need of food, and you already know that we changelings feed on sentiment. Join me, Onyx, and with my help you will be able to have your revenge and more.”

“If I’ve learned anything in my life, changeling, it is that nothing is really free. Let’s say that I join you ... what will be the price?”

“Canterlot. That city could feed my hive for many years, saving us from starvation. And before you tell me that Equestria is your kingdom; you are not a pony, Onyx. I don’t know what you are, but you’re certainly not a pony. Don’t worry about your mother and that purple marefriend of yours ... if you wish I will order my army not to harm them.”

Chrysalis waited for Onyx’s reply; she hoped that his desire for revenge was greater than his love for Canterlot. Unfortunatly for her Onyx had been raised by a ruler who would do anything to protect the ponies in her kingdom.

“You think that because you saved me from the Emperor, I will join you, changeling? My home is Canterlot; I was raised by these ponies and it is my responsibility to protect them. So my answer is “no”. The Emperor can wait.”

“Well, in that case, you are my enemy. I’m sorry for this after all that you’ve done for Fillia, but you leave me no choice, little Prince.” After saying that, she picked up a bottle of green jelly off of the ground with her magic. Then she forced the Prince to drink it. He tried to resist, but there was nothing he could have done; his hands were tied and she was using magic. It tasted like a mix between expired milk and blood—if blood were green.

When the bottle was empty, she let it fall on the forest floor and stepped closer to Onyx.

“You see, that was what we changelings call the “royal jelly”. It’s like a poison ... perhaps the most painful and violent poison that ponies have ever seen. Inside are eggs from which larvae will hatch and then eat their cocoon, if you catch my drift.”

Sweat dripped from Onyx’s face as he tried to force himself to throw up, but being upright and without a free hand, it would be more than difficult.

“They will slowly start to eat you from the inside, and you will feel like your flesh is on fire. Then they will attack the lungs; you will have difficulty breathing and will vomit blood.”

Tears poured from his eyes. For once, all was perfect in his life, and he would die. He would lose his mother,... Twilight,... Philomena, Cadance,... even Blueblood. He would die there. Alone. In the woods leaving loved ones worried about where he was. After two or three days, they would probably find him, his dead body half eaten by buzzards or wolves. They would probably bury him in the Royal Gardens. Celestia would probably never forgive herself for leaving Onyx alone...

Chrysalis watched the Prince; she felt his every fear and sadness. She would end it then, before it was too late.

“Little Prince, you are lucky to have saved Fillia ... and even luckier to have my interest ... in one way or another, you will be mine, so this is why I am giving you a gift. You will forget all that has happened here. You will wake up in bed with your marefriend with no memory of this morning, and it shall remain that way until I need you.”

Chrysalis then leaned in close to Onyx, and opened her mouth; Onyx clearly saw her fangs and long snake’s tongue.

“You should be honored to be poisoned by the venom of the Changeling Queen you know.” She bit into the Prince’s neck, her venom was injected into his vein. The Queen stayed with her fangs in Onyx’s skin for a couple of minutes, injecting more venom at each second. Then she stopped, backing away from the Prince tied to the tree.

“Now that my venom is in your blood, the larva will not kill you ... I will leave you to find out what my venom will do to you in the future.”

The bite marks in Onyx’s neck started to disappear until they completely vanished, leaving behind only a sickly dark vein around where he was bitten.

“See you soon, my Prince. I hope you enjoy my little gift.” With these last words, she cast the memory-eraser spell on Onyx and teleported him back to the library.

Onyx was the first to wake up, his body still sore from last night, and the mare of his dreams still sleeping, curled against his side. He could have stayed there all day, but his body had an acrid odor, and very slowly—so as not to wake up his new marefriend—got out of bed and took a shower. He couldn’t believe all that had happened between him and Twilight ... it was like life was a dream, and he didn’t want to wake up for anything in the world.

He entered the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror; he saw a dark vein on his neck, but quickly ignore it, thinking that maybe it was a bruise from the night before.

When he get out of the shower, he heard somepony in the library, he wondered why somepony was in Twilight’s house, until he realised that it was a library. They must not have closed it last night with all that happened. Seeing that Twilight was still asleep, he decided to take care of the customer himself; he had taken care of all of Equestria during the night, surely he could manage a small library, right? He put his clothes back on and went downstairs to greet the pony.

“Hi, how can I help you?” asked the Prince to a blue unicorn mare as he walked down the stairs.

“Oh, nothing, my Prince. It’s just that the mailmare delivered the wrong package to the wrong address. Again. Strangely enough, it has your name on it.”

Beside the mare, a long, rectangular box was sitting on the floor.

“Thank you, miss, it was very kind of you to bring it here.”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she said before she exited the library, leaving Onyx alone with the package.

“So who could have sent me this?” wondered the Prince as he opened the box. What he saw inside made his heart miss a beat. Inside was a magnificently crafted weapon like Onyx had never seen before. It looked like a staff or spear of some sort, but instead of having a single spearhead, it had two double-sided blades at both ends. The entire weapon was forged out of a strong, lightweight steel. The metal staff was a dark green, engraved with a bug-like pony, enfolded by green fire. The “pony” on it rang a bell in his mind, but he couldn’t quite remember why. The weight of the weapon was perfect, so with a smile, he began spinning the dual-sword around until he accidentally knocked off several books in the library’s history section.

He sheepishly placed the dual-sword back in the box and quickly tried to clean up the mess before Twilight woke up and killed him for doing that.


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Chapter 36


Twilight woke up in her bed; the first thing she did was check to see if Onyx was still there, just to be sure that the night before wasn’t just a special dream. He wasn’t in bed, but she saw one of his socks on the floor. It was with a long yawn that she rose from the bed and shuffled in the direction of her shower; her coat was still damp and sticky from her activities the night before. She couldn’t go downstairs without a quick shower. Unfortunately for her, after four minutes, the shower turned cold, like Onyx had already used all the hot water; a simple spell brought it back.

Onyx heard the shower start, knowing that the time he had to repair the shelf was short. When he hit the self with the new weapon, it broke it in half. The only glue he found was for construction paper. At least none of the book were damaged ... maybe Twilight wouldn’t kill him after all.

The sound of hoofsteps on the stairs brought Onyx to a panic. He tried one last time to glue the broken shelf together and place the books on it, but the weight of the books was too great for the weak glue, which once again, they fell to the floor.

“Good morning, Onyx. I was wondering, did you take two showers this morning? I saw two wet towels in the bathroom, and there wasn’t any hot water, and the bottle of sham—MY BOOKS!” shouted Twilight, rushing to Onyx’s side and cradling her precious books in her arms.

“My little sweeties ... what happened to you?” asked Twilight, acting as if they were her foals.

“Sorry about that ... I kinda ... broke one of the shelves and they fell on the floor...,” he winced.

“Ohhh, you poor little things; don’t worry, Mommy will take care of you.” Twilight used her magic to repair the shelf and—hugging each one—placed the books in their rightful places.

“...There we go ... all better ... wait a minute. Where is the “History and Legends of the Badlands”?” asked the mare, searching for it everywhere around the room.

The Changeling Hive

Featherfang walked between the numerous changeling homes; the moonlit sky softly led the way and the pain of hunger accompanied him at every step. He hadn’t fed since the week before, giving the scraps of love that he gathered to his wife, Glimmerhoof. He knew that the end was near—far too soon for a changeling of his age. With his last amounts of strength, he wanted to return to his house as he peacefully died in the hooves of his beautiful wife. The Hive was weakening each day; everyling knew someone that had lost a friend, co worker, or member of their family. Each day, more were killed by starvation. The Queen postponed the birth of new changelings to keep the number of changelings that needed to be fed as low as possible.

Each hoof-step costed him more and more energy. Featherfang finally saw his house on the other side of the road; the sight of his house gave him courage, but even the most courageous changeling can’t survive without food. After two more steps, he fell on the ground, unable to get up.

“So ... this is how it ends. Alone ... in the dark........ I’m so sorry, honey ... I couldn’t make it,” he whispered to himself, accepting his fate. Featherfang closed his eyes and waited for the void to accept his soul and leave his lifeless body behind. He felt pleasantly warm ... like he was lying beside a fire. “This ... isn’t so bad ... I thought it would hurt more...

Little by little his strength started to return to him; the changeling, confused, opened his eyes. His Queen was standing above him, her horn glowing, feeding him with the love she gathered on her trip to Ponyville. Featherfang stood up and bowed in front of Chrysalis. She hugged him, tears streaming from her eyes.

“I’m sorry, my children, but don’t worry. My dears, soon our kingdom will return to the glory days of before. I swear, it will all be better soon...” she cried, holding the changeling between her hoof.

“Thank you, my Queen, for saving me,” said Featherfang, before trotting back home to see his wife.

Chrysalis shot a beacon into the sky, signaling that food had been found. Everyling woke from their sleep and took off with their loved ones for where the laser had been shot. When several hundred of the populace was around her, Chrysalis began feeding her subjects; starting with the weakest, finishing with the least hungry, and leaving for herself only the minimum she needed to lead her hive and keep it from starving.

With her subjects fed enough to get by, she made her way to the Hive’s castle. Her army’s general, Stoneshell, was waiting her outside her room.

“My Queen, how did the mission go?” he asked his leader.

“Plans A and B failed, but Plan C worked perfectly. Now that I have a link with him, I’ll be able to see through his eyes. As a prince, he’ll be more useful than an entire army of spies; the wedding invasion will be much easier to plan,” answered the tired Queen.

“Might I ask, my Queen, why did you have us forge him this weapon; you could have poisoned him without giving him the gift.”

“It’s all part of the plan, Stoneshell. The Prince will discover the truth behind his sword when we reach the gates of Canterlot ... and I hope he enjoys it as much as I will. Until then, that sword will perform like any normal blade.”

Stoneshell nodded and left his queen. Chrysalis entered her room, appreciating the calm in lying on her bed and ending her link with the hive mind. She let her tears begin to flow at the thought of everyling who died from the shortage in food. Every day was torture for her to see and feel her children suffering and dying in so much pain; all of this started with the death of her mother.

* * *

400 years ago

A little changeling ran down the corridor of the Hive castle; her body all wet, leaving spots of water behind her, her mane was still soapy. Everyling who saw her wondered why she was running, until they saw their Queen running after her.


The little Chrysalis ignored her mother, still running towards her room, a smile on her face. She turned a corner, bumped into someling, and fell to the ground. Looking upwards, she recognized Tarek, her bodyguard.

“What are you doing here, Miss Chrysalis?” questioned Tarek.

“Quick, Tarek, you need to hide me. Mommy wants to drown me!”

Before Tarek could understand why Chrysalis said that, the Queen turned the corner and grabbed the tiny Changeling Princess.

“NOOO, I DON’T WANNA TAKE MY BATH!” shrieked Chrysalis. Tarek, finally understanding what was happening, decided to help his Queen.

“But little Princess, if you don’t take a bath, Mister Snowy won’t want to play with you.”

Mister Snowy was Chrysalis’s favorite toy, a plushie albino changeling that she received on her fifth birthday; she played with him every day.

“Is-is that true?” asked the innocent Princess.

“Sure, do you think that Mister Snowy will want to play with a princess who smells bad.” The Princess, who trusted her bodyguard like a father, nodded.

“Mommy, I wanna take my bath before Mister Snowy decides to not be my friend no more.”

The Queen let out a sigh of relief; she thanked Tarek before taking her daughter to her bath. It was always Tarek who resolved any problems between her and Chrysalis. She was grateful for that. Chrysalis had always been difficult to raise; acting like she could do anything that she wanted without consequence. When they reached the bathroom, she put her daughter in the water and lathered her daughter’s blue-green mane.

“Mommy? Why do you have to go again?” asked filly Chrysalis; her mother sighed. Each time before she went on a hunt it was the same question.

“Chryssy, I’ve already told you. If you want to keep eating like you do, we have to gather as much food as we can for our kingdom. We couldn’t be so rich in love if I just played with you and Mister Snowy.”

“But why can’t you just ask the other kingdoms for help? Why do we have to stay here in the Badlands, away from all the other species.”

“I’ve told you already, honey.”

“But I don’t understand,” said the Princess, punching the water with her hoof and splashing her mother.

“But it’s easy to understand. A long time ago, back when Grandma was queen, the other kingdoms created something called “The Council” to help stop the wars. Each species received a letter, asking them to send their leaders to meet at the center of the continent where they created a small palace. Every civilized nation received a letter, except for us.The zebras sent their Shaman, Zacros, the gryphons sent Emperor Gryffin the Third , the ponies, Princess Celestia, the dragons, their Elder, Duinal, and the minotaurs sent Champion Minos. When your grandmother heard about this, she was angry about being forgotten. Her consul told her that perhaps the letter was lost. Hoping that he was right, she went to the central palace to meet with the other leaders...”

Anger started to fill the Queen’s heart; Chrysalis hugged her hoof, immediately calming her.

“When mother reached the gathering, all the other leaders already commissioned the building of what would become the Palace of the Five. She asked why she had not been invited like the rest... They told her that a nation that feeds on another should not even been called “civilized”; they treated her like an insect, a monster. They said that we had been alive and feeding on them for too long. Your grandmother came back to the Hive angrier than never, but to protect her children, she decided to move the Hive to the Badlands to hide us from an attack... Years have passed and the name and nature of our species has been forgotten by almost all.”

“But Mommy, that was a long time ago. Maybe now they would help us if we asked. You taught me that only Princess Celestia of Equestria could live as long as us. Maybe the other leaders are more kind.”

“So you want me to go there, and ask them to let us feed on them. We, who have done everything we can to stay hidden? You would want to destroy years of work, just like that,” scolded the angry Queen.

“No ... I’m sorry, Mommy ... I was just thinking that—”

“Well, don’t think that way. Changelings have always been hated by the other kingdoms; they will never accept us... Promise me, my dear, that when you become Queen, that you will never reveal our hive. Promise me that you will do everything you can to protect our kingdom. Promise me that for NOTHING in the world, would you destroy our years of work by asking for their help. We are changelings; we don’t need their help to survive.”

“Yes, Mom. I promise.” The Queen relaxed and finished washing her daughter before letting her return to her room to play.

The next morning, Chrysalis’s mother went on a hunt with a party of their best hunters. Chrysalis waited for a day ... then two. Days became weeks became months. Three months passed without any news from the Queen. Tarek was her guardian during all this time, until one morning which changed Chrysalis’s life forever. A changeling scout stationed in the Pony Kingdom came back to the Hive with important news. The Queen was found dead in a forest between the Gryphon and Pony Kingdoms, along with her team of hunters, killed by gryphon sword and magic. Chrysalis was in disbelief until she saw the body of her slain mother. Tarek tried to comfort her, without success. The look he saw in her eyes had never been so painful; she never again played with Mister Snowy , and only spoke to Tarek for several weeks.

One week after her mother’s funeral, Chrysalis was crowned new Queen of the Hive. The playful filly filled with joy had died; she became a Queen filled with only hate and malice towards the other species.

* * *

Chrysalis was still crying. Since her rise to power, the Hive’s food supplies had begun to slowly but surely dwindle, and now they were starving ... but soon ... soon she would bring her kingdom back to prosperity, like how it was when she was a filly. The best part, was that she would finally get her revenge on the nations responsible for the death of her mother.

Minotaur Mountain

* * *

In the Minotaur Clan, the leader is not determined by birthright like in the Gryphon Empire or Equestria. They are not chosen because they are the oldest and wisest as practiced in the dragon or zebra clans. If you were going to lead the herd, you would need to be the strongest. Each year, a tournament is organized. Each Minotaur wanting to be the leader had to fight each other in a tournament of combat leading up to the previous Champion—all non-lethal of course. The minotaurs take this tournament very seriously; they have a festival which lasts five days where the non-competitors eat, dance, and often bet on their favorite fighters.

One thing that the minotaurs value above all, is honor. To be a minotaur without honor is to not be a minotaur at all. Those caught cheating during the fight, automatically received a death sentence.

* * *

Gryffin the Gryphon was waiting outside the tent of the present Champion, Gurut, who had won the Tournament for the past three years in a row. For him, the Minotaur Clan was maybe the only other kingdom that he didn’t hate completely. During the Great Wars, they had been powerful allies against the dragons.

“Gryffin the Gryphon! Come in, my friend,” said Gurut from inside; Gryffin entered the tent, which was decorated with the numerous trophies that Gurut had won. A table sat in the middle of the tent, at which the brown Minotaur was waiting, drinking a glass of water.

Gurut wore his iron armor and his mace lay on the table. Gryffin rested his claw on the hilt of his sword ... just in case.

“Gryffin, what are you doing so far from your cold mountain to the north, my friend?” asked the Champion.

“First of all Gurut, I am not your friend; I would consider you an ally more than a friend. You know, the Council is holding a meeting in five months, right?” asked Gryffin, taking a seat across from Gurut.

“Which leader doesn’t know that; we receive a scroll each week with the number of days left until the reunion. But why come from the north to tell me that; you have something to worry about this council?”

“Maybe. I think Celestia will try to put me out of the throne and have me exiled to the Badlands during the next council, so I’m here asking for your vote in my favor and not hers.”

“Celestia, is somepony that I respect ... so why should I help you ... what are you willing to do to get my loyalty?” asked the minotaur with an arrogant smirk. The Emperor knew that getting Gurut’s vote wouldn’t be free. This is where Raynor would prove useful.

“Dear Gurut, I have nothing for you. Nothing more than a promise.”

“I’ll have nothing to do with your promises Gryffin; if you want me to take your side, you’ll need to bring something better than that to the table.”

“Are you sure, Gurut. I’ve, heard a few rumors on my way over here. Apparently, some think that you cheated during the last Tournament ... and the one before that ... and the other one before that...” The minotaur sat, frowning in his seat.

“I’ve heard this rumor, Gryffin, but they have no proof behind it.”

“Maybe. Maybe. But I know somepony who does know the truth my friend. Could you show me the ring that you’re wearing?” The Minotaur started to panic, sweat coming down from his head.

“My ring ... how is my ring important?”

“Oh, this is really easy, Gurut; I have a similar one on me.” The Emperor showed him his claw; he pressed a small button on the ring and a puff of white powder was released.

“I think you are familiar with this, no? I use the same powder on my prisoners before I watch them fight my guards. It’s really wondeful how this makes one who drinks or eats it lose all their balance.”

“......Fine ... I will vote on your side, Gryffin. But if I learn that you revealed my secret, I swear on my ancestors that I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.”

“Don’t you worry my old friend; your secret is safe with me.”

“But just the two of us will not be enough to protect you. We are only two versus three other kingdoms.”

“Don’t worry, Gurut; I have a plan for everything. You aren’t the only one with secrets; it seems old Shaman Arkoel has something to hide too.”


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Chapter 37


Onyx walked in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. That morning had been so busy; first he and Twilight couldn’t find her book on the Badlands’ history. Then after breakfast they went to meet Twilight’s friend, Fluttershy. In addition to the fact that she was—staying true to her name—adorably shy, she seemed like an overall good pony. Onyx helped her feed the little woodland creatures and they had tea together. He would have prefered a glass of wine, but Twilight wouldn’t allow it.

After tea, Onyx and Twilight went separate ways. Twilight needed to buy a few things at the market and she had Onyx meet her friend Pinkie Pie at the bakery. A tired Prince entered Sugarcube Corner, ringing the bell as he stepped inside. The cashier, a grey pegasus stallion with a dark purple mane, pulled his nose out of the book he was reading.

“Good afternoon, and welcome to Sugarcube Corner, where ...... Onyx? By Celestia’s flank, Onyx, how long has it been like, what ... 15, maybe 16 years?” said the pegasus, stepping out from behind the counter to greet Onyx like an old friend. Onyx had no idea who he was.

“Wait, you don’t recognize me, right? It’s me, Orion ... still nothing?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t recall...”

“But it’s me, remember? We were in the same class together in primary school. I was always with my twin sister, Aurora ... We played hide-and-seek, and I was alway the worst one. You remember Aurora, right? And our little gang with Axandrea and Vallis?”

The names had been very familiar. Of course he remembered Vallis; he and Raynor helped him escape from the Emperor? Slowly, the memories came back...

“Wait, Orion. Yeah, I remember now. I remember you getting lost behind a shed and taking so long to find us that your sister had to help you!” recalled Onyx. “Twilight wrote about you in one of her letters. How have you and the gang been all this years?” asked Onyx.

“I’ll gladly tell you, but not before I have you try one of the cupcakes.” Onyx sat on a barstool at the counter and Orion went back into the kitchen to grab some desserts. When he returned, he and Onyx began eating before catching up.

“ You know, when you left for the Gryphon Kingdom, we were all so sad that you went without saying goodbye; it was especially hard on Axandrea. She was so angry after you left ... we were all scared of her for a little while.” Orion took another bite of a cupcake before continuing. “About two years passed before Vallis disappeared too.”

Onyx thought, “That must have been when he was recruited as a spy.

“Shortly after, Axandrea got expelled for a fight and returned to the Griffon Kingdom. Over the years, our little gang broke apart. My sister, Aurora, become a music teacher and now lives in Hoofington. We always wondered why we didn’t hear from you; we figured that maybe you forgot about us.”

Then Orion told him what he’d done after Onyx left. A few years after graduation he moved to Ponyville, and Twilight introduced him to Pinkie Pie. He started working in Sugarcube Corner, and he and Pinkie had been secretly dating. He told Onyx an embarrassing story about how Twilight and a few of her friends thought he had the hots for Big Mac until Pinkie had mentioned they’d been seeing each other...

Twilight finished buying her few hundred quills and a cauldron of ink for the week, and was trotting towards Sugarcube Corner. She hoped that Pinkie hadn’t broken him; Onyx was certainly not used to being around ponies as energetic as Pinkie Pie ... well, no pony really was. When she entered the bakery, she saw her coltfriend talking and laughing with the cashier, Orion. They seemed to be having fun.

“Hi Onyx, looks like you’ve met Orion. What’re you guys talking about?” asked Twilight, taking a seat next to Onyx. He giving her a kiss and slid her the half of a cupcake.

“Nothing really, he wanted to know how much cake Celestia eats everyday.”

“And how much?” asked the now curious unicorn.

“Tut-tut, national secret. I can’t tell you.”

“But I’m your marefriend ... doesn’t that make me like a princess?”

Onyx hugged her. “Not yet, we have to get married first, if you’re going to be a princess...”

Sadness flashed across Twilight’s face as she realised something. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be closer to Onyx or a Princess but, if she was royalty she might have to move away from Ponyville; having to choose between her friends and Onyx was something that she would never want to do...

Leaning over, Onyx whispered into her ear, “But you’re already royalty to me, the Princess of my heart. You’re perfect, and you don’t need to be a princess or an alicorn to hold my heart between your soft, delicate hooves.”

He nibbled her ear, and Twilight blushed before giving him a passionate kiss. Him telling her that was something that she’d only ever dreamed of.

“Wait ... you two are dating?” Orion awkwardly asked.

Twilight was the first to answer. “Yes ... and we should have been for a long time.” Onyx kissed her again in agreement.

They all ate their meal, talking about everything and anything, until Onyx remembered why he was at Sugarcube Corner in the first place.

“Orion, maybe you could help me; you’re dating Pinkie Pie, could you tell me where I could find her. She’s the only one of Twilight’s friends I haven’t met yet.”

“Uhm ... she left last night just before we closed the shop. Apparently there was some big event that happened. She said a whole bunch of ponies had been waiting for the past few years and she needed to help celebrate. We probably won’t see her until after the party preparations.”


Onyx and Twilight were in the park, lying under a tree and watching the sunset as they snuggled.

“Do you think Princess Celestia will approve of us dating?” asked Twilight, resting her head on Onyx’s chest, enjoying him scratching behind her ears. “Last time she was so upset...”

“Don’t worry, Twiley, I’m sure she’ll be happy with it eventually ... on the other hoof ... I wonder if she’ll be unhappy when she finds out that I fled my responsibilities to come here,”

“Isn’t it Luna who should be angry?”

“In the end, I think both of them will be angry at me.” Twilight, wanting to do anything to help keep her coltfriend out of trouble, sat up off of Onyx’s chest and went through her saddlebag that was behind the tree where they were lying. She floated out two sheets of paper, ink, and two feathers.

“What’s that for?” asked Onyx

“Well, I think we should tell them what’s happening before they find out themselves; so, we will write them letters!” Twilight exclaimed almost a little too enthusiastically. She levitated a scroll to Onyx and kept one for herself; they both started writing. Twilight, being the faster writer, finished before Onyx and used the free-time to oggle the Prince. Watching him write a letter put butterflies in her stomach.

“Signed ... Your son. All done, but how do we send it to them ... we don’t even know where they are.”

“That’s easy, Spike can send it to Celestia.” She used her magic to teleport the scroll to Spike, who was still at Carousel Boutique with Rarity—not that he would ever complain.

“...Why didn’t you just teleport them directly to Mother?”

“Well, they are probably too far out of my range for teleportation, and when you want to teleport something, you need to have a mental image in your head of the place that you want it to appear. But I’ve read in one of Starswirl’s books that if a unicorn’s magic is strong enough and they use the right cata—” Twilight little lesson was interrupted; her lips were locked with Onyx’s.

“I love it when you talk nerdy to me...”

38- Mail

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Celestia and Luna were lying in the soft sand, bathing their fur in the sun, and relaxing to the sound of crashing waves. They focused only on the present and—for once—did not stress upon their royal duties. The only things Celestia missed were her son and student. Fortunately for her, as if obeying the will of the gods, two scrolls appeared in front of her in a green fire.

“Sister, look! We’ve received mail!”

“Only you could be happy for getting such a trivial thing.”

“But they are from Onyx and Twilight!” exclaimed the sun goddess, getting the attention of her sister, who watch her sister opened the scroll addressed from Twilight first.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned that even if your greatest dream looks like it’s out of your reach or impossible to obtain, you should never give up until you get it. The result could be more pleasant than you ever expected.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

P.S. Your son is a beast in bed.

Celestia was shocked; she read the letter again, just to make sure that she really read that right.

“...HOW DARE SHE! I THOUGHT I TAUGHT HER BETTER THAN THIS!” shouted Celestia. In her outburst, she threw the scroll on the ground and started kicking sand everywhere. Luna, intrigued, took the scroll to read it too.

“...Well, I guess thou are right; writing of such scandal is not what the royal protege should be doing.”

“This isn’t right! It’s only forty-six words! FORTY! SIX! WORDS! Why not just send me a post-it note instead! At least it wouldn’t have filled me with the hope of having something to read!” she yelled, bucking down a palm tree.

“...Wait ... thou are acting this way because of the length? What of the post scriptum!?!?”

“You’re right! Let’s talk about this. Why, in a letter so small, would she write a P.S.; she could have written it in the letter instead and added more description. Maybe then, it would look more like a proper letter!”

Luna was speechless; it was the first time she’d seen Celestia so angry over such a trivial detail, ignoring the news of her student and son’s relationship; it was unusual.

“...heh, heh ... thou should calm down and read the other letter,” said Luna before putting her sunglasses back on and lying in the sand. Following her sister’s directive, Celestia opened the second scroll.

Hi Mom,

I don’t quite know how to tell you this—well, I’ll write it anyway—so I will be straight with you. Cadance has taken my place at the night court for the past few days on account of me having important personal business in Ponyville. I don’t know what Twilight is writing on her letter, so just in case... Twilight and I are dating each other. I know that you always told me to introduce you to any mare I wanted to date before making a move, but with Twilight ... with all the time she spends with you, I’m sure you are closer to her than your nephew, Blueblood.

I hope you will accept my choice, and if not... Well, I’m sorry, but I cannot control what my heart is telling me.

But enough about me, how are you? You never told me where you and Auntie Luna were going, and it’s been more than three days. Is everything okay? Are you having fun? Just one more small question; who was your first true love? And don’t tell me you haven’t had one; you’re 2999 years old. I know you haven’t been alone all this time.

I think Twilight’s waiting for me to finish up my letter so I won’t take too much longer.

Your loving son.

This time, Celestia was quiet with sadness; though, not because of her son’s choice. She was proud of him for following his heart and, unlike last time, it was out of true love, not drunken lust. She was sad, not from realising how old she was... No, she was sad because of his question about her love life. She had been in a relationship once; everything had been wonderful between them ... until he became power-hungry... She ended up turning him to stone ... why couldn’t he have listened... The memory brought tears to the solar princess’ eyes.

“Sister ... are you okay?” asked Luna worriedly.

“Yes ... yes ... everything’s fine. Just ... an old memory,” said the sad mare, but Luna knew that look on her sister’s face all too well, and even if it had been more than one thousand years, she knew that the pain in her sister’s heart was still there.

“Don’t worry, Tia. Maybe, when he comes back, he’ll turn back to what he was like before ... like I did... How much longer until his spell breaks?”

“Since we’re no longer connected to the Elements ... two, maybe three years. I hope you’re right, Lulu. Maybe Onyx will have a father after all...”

Southern Equestrian coast

If a pony were to travel to the small coastal village of Hooflicking, they would taste the best salt produced in all of Equestria. They could visit the pier and drink more salt beer than they could ever wish for. But if they asked anypony about the woods nearby, they would be told how those trees were haunted; that nopony should wander into the woods, lest they be encounter the slim, shadowy, pony-like monster that stalked the forest.

However, things are not always what they seem. The wood were not haunted, and if you were to go in them you probably wouldn’t die. It was all an urban legend; a myth. And if a pony were so brave as to venture into the forest, they would find a slender changeling, Tarek, the legendary former-guardian of Queen Chrysalis. The guard who had buried his Queen with her daughter at his side; who watched a brave, innocent little filly die and grow into the leader that everyling knew today.

It had been nearly three hundred sixty years since he deserted the Hive; he was far older than the typical Changeling. Unlike Queens, who can easily live ten millennia before they die of natural causes, normal Changelings can only live to about one hundred twenty. Tarek’s longevity was credited to drinking an age-slowing potion made by Elixir, an enigmatic gypsy pony that lived outside the town. His health was maintained by feeding on the entire population of Hooflicking—not having to share with the Hive meant more than plenty of food.

Tarek was sitting on a small sofa reading an old tome about Equestria when it was ruled by the parents of its present leaders, Celestia and Luna. His home had only a bed with a chest at its side, a constantly lit fireplace to keep him warm, and a shelf that held several books and vials of potion. When you don’t have to eat to survive, you can save a lot of space in your house.

Still reading his book, Tarek suddenly felt something strange, as if someling else were with him; though, not as if they were at his side, but like they were inside his head, like when he was still connected to the Hivemind. It felt like Chrysalis’ signature. It was impossible; he had blocked himself from every link with the Hive so as not to be found by his queen. So, it was with the faintest amount of magic that he tried to identify who had reconnected the frequency.

It did not take long, and what he saw was more than confusing. The one who reawakened his link was not even a changeling; it was the adopted prince of the country in which he was hidden. Using a little more magic, he searched to find how he could have done such a thing until he realized, “When I separated myself from the Hivemind, I made the spell to cut me from everyling, not every creature. But then why does he have her signature... What are you planning, Chryssie...?”

Tarek rose from the sofa and walked over to the chest next to his bed. He opened it and retrieved the item he held most precious.

“If only you could forget all this desire for vengeance ... and return to the sweet filly that you were before...” he trailed off before placing Mister Snowy back in the chest.


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Chapter 39


13th of Gryflius, 987 years after the NMM Incident

Celestia was sitting at her desk, reading a royal summons from some other kingdom that she received that morning; Onyx, her son for seven years, was on the floor, playing with a stuffed animal. She took a brief break from reading all that boring stuff to take a look at him.

“Mommy, want to play?” asked Onyx, showing her his tiger stuffed animal.

“Sorry, Onyx, but Mommy has a lot of work to do,” said Celestia—even though she would’ve loved nothing more than to play with him.

“...Okay..,” Onyx moped, understanding why.

Celestia, not wanting to see her son so upset, decided to use what she called “Plan PH.” “But, I do know someone who can play with you,” said Celestia, rising from her seat and opening the birdcage near the wall. She reached in and held Philomena in her hoof. Onyx, seeing the fire bird free returned his good mood and brought out his Philomena plushie.

“Philo wanna’ play?” he said, holding the stuffed animal in his arms.

“Yes, Philo want to play,” said Celestia, leaving Philomena close to her son and returning to her work. The bird approached the kid before she flew around him and landed on his shoulder, making the young prince laugh. The bird then landed in front of him, suspiciously eyeing the plush who looked like her. Taking advantage of Philomena’s inattention, Onyx hugged her.

Celestia raised her head from the scroll when she heard her pet caw. The phoenix was trying to break free from Onyx, who was still hugging her; feathers were flying all around them.

“ONYX! You’re hurting her; release her now!” Onyx, unaware of what he was doing wrong, obeyed his mother. Her tone scared him; small tears welled in his blue eyes. The bird perched herself on a bust in the room, out of Onyx’s reach.

Seeing her son crying, Celestia joined Onyx on the floor and hugged him. “Shhhhh... Don’t cry, Onyx. I didn’t want to yell at you, but when animals cry out like that it means they are being hurt and you should listen to them. I don’t think you’d like being held by somepony and not being free to leave, right?”

“I-I’m sorry, M-Mommy … I didn’t know...” said Onyx between his tears, burying his face in the soft fur of his mother’s chest. Celestia knew that her son didn’t mean to hurt her pet, but he needed to learn that animals aren’t plushes or toys; they have feeling and he needs to respect them. She teleported the bag of phoenix food into her hooves and poured a small portion.

“Look, Sweetie, you could go ask her to forgive you by giving her this.” Onyx nodded before cupping the bird seed between his two little hands. He slowly went in the direction of where Philomena was perched and showed her the seeds. Philomena looked between him and the food; her stomach said to go to the boy, but her brain told her to be careful.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” apologized Onyx. The phoenix didn’t understand what was these words meant, but his voice was calm and reassuring, so she glided from the statue and landed at Onyx’s feet. He sat on his knees and held out his hands. Philomena bent her head and slowly walked towards the Prince; when her beak was within reach of his hand, she took one small bite of food before quickly backing away—in case the boy wanted to grab at her again. Seeing that the prince hadn’t moved, she stood closer to him and ate without fear of being captured again.

Celestia carried a tired Onyx on her back to his room; he and Philomena had been playing in the gardens all day and were both exhausted. Even princes needed a nap. To her great relief, the flaming bird was no longer scared by her son—they had even shared part of his lunch. She slid Onyx into bed with her magic, and returned some order to his room by tucking all of his plushies in at his side before kissing him on the forehead. But when she turned to leave her son alone, Philomena, who was perched on her back, watching what she was doing during all this time, decided to join Onyx in his bed. She tossed away his phoenix plushie and took its place, just beside the head of the little prince.

“Are you sure you want to stay there?” asked the white alicorn. The phoenix made a little noise with the tone of voice that said she wished to stay. It was with a smile that she closed the door to the room, wishing sweet dreams to her son and pet.

Late in the afternoon when Onyx woke up, the immortal bird was still there, covering Onyx’s shoulder with her left wing; she nuzzled him and in her language, wishing him a good afternoon. Onyx, who did not understand, did not move, for fear of scaring her. Philomena, seeing that her new friend was still a little nervous around her, plucked a primary feather from her wing and gave it to Onyx. He held it up, slowly admiring its pure, almost-glowing red. At the same time, Celestia entered the bedroom to check on her son and was surprised when she saw him holding the phoenix’s feather.

“You know, Onyx, when a phoenix gives you one of their feathers, it means that they trust you and will be a loyal friend,” said Celestia, standing by his bed.

Ever since that day, Onyx had always kept that feather with him; he and Philomena had never ceased to be friends. Onyx swore that they could even understand each other.

“Onyx...? Are you alright?” Twilight asked her coltfriend. The two were lying in her bed, tired after their romp in the park earlier that night. She had just given him a necklace adorned with a red feather that she made for him. Onyx was holding it, staring blankly; he hadn’t moved for a few moments.

“...Oh. Sorry, Twiley … it’s just this necklace brought back a few memories of me and Philo... Thank you, again, Twiley,” he said, putting the necklace around his neck and kissing his marefriend one last time before they went to sleep.

40-Return in Canterlot

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Chapter 40

Return to Canterlot

Cadance sat in the throne room, her head on her hoof, waiting patiently for something—anything—to happen. She’d never thought that being the ruler of Equestria could be so boring, and the fact that she hadn’t heard news of her cousin Onyx was not making things any easier.

The last three days had been quite unusual; on the first day of being in power, because he’d been far more annoying than usual, Cadance cast a spell to make her brother Blueblood fall madly in love with his own reflection—it didn’t take much. Afterwards she was in charge of both the solar and lunar courts. Any normal pony would have fled this responsibility, but Celestia taught Cadance to rule the day and night, with plenty of free time to spare. With Onyx in Ponyville and her brother making out with his wall-length bathroom mirror, Cadance was all alone and with far too much time to kill. Fortunately, an idea sparked across her mind and a big smile lit on her face; she knew what she could do.

Onyx stood on the platform of Ponyville Train Station, about to board a train bound for Canterlot; his new sword and a few books that he borrowed from Twilight were already loaded into the luggage car. The conductor tried to look away out of respect from Onyx and Twilight’s private goodbye. They hugged and talked about the past few days—how they had been perfect and would never be forgotten.

“Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” asked Twilight, trying to hold back her tears; Twilight knew that he wouldn’t be far, but she hoped for Onyx to one day move in with her and her books in the Ponyville Library. She wanted every night spent close together, reading books in the light of the small fireplace, and in the morning cooking breakfast side-by-side. “Yeah, having him here ... everything would be perfect,” thought Twilight.

“I’m sorry, Twiley, but I don’t think I can stay another day. I promised Cadance that she would replace me for just one day and it’s already been three. I don’t want Mother to think that I’m fleeing my responsibilities … but I promise I will come back as soon as I can … and I still need to meet your pink friend,” he said between kisses, kissing her one last time before entering the train car and waving goodbye. She answered by making a heart with her lavender magic and blowing it in Onyx’s direction; he caught it and put it to his heart before it disappeared. They remained looking at each other until they were too far away to be seen.

Twilight went back to the library. She didn’t know whether she should be sad that he was gone or happy that their relationship was the way she’d always dreamt. She decided she should be happy; she had five wonderful friends who would always be with her and the coltfriend of her dreams was in love with her. Nothing could’ve messed that up.

Meanwhile, two twin sisters were running towards the train station; they heard that Prince Onyx was going back to Canterlot that day, and they hadn’t gotten the chance to properly thank him for fulfilling their dream. Unfortunately, they’d just missed him.

“Awwww. Why didn’t anypony tell us that the Prince was in Ponyville? How will—” asked Lotus.

“—we give him our ‘Angelic Massage’ if he’s in Canterlot? Maybe we could—” whined Aloe.

“—send him an invitation to our spa, or we could wait—”

“—until the Grand Galloping Gala… Yes, what a great idea!”

“We’ll give him our gift at the Grand Galloping Gala!” said the twins, trotting back to their spa, already scheming a plan to get the Prince alone with them.

“My Prince...”


“Time to wake up, my Prince.”

“Maybe he’s broken...”

“Dinky, he can’t be broken. He’s not an object.”

“...Maybe if we give him a muffin, he will wake up?”

“...It won’t hurt to try...”

Onyx was inside of a little house at the edge of the forest, sitting in a rocking chair drinking a glass of his favorite wine and watching his children play with toys that he carved out of wood. His lifelong dream of raising a normal family had finally become reality after he married the most perfect mare in all Equestria. His political duties had ended, and the only thing he wanted to do was take care of his wife and foals.

There were his three children: Nemeroff, Fabian, and Celene. Nemeroff was the oldest of the three; his coat was darker than Luna’s night and his mane colored like his mother’s. He had always been the most rebellious of his kids. He never listened to his father and often got into fights with his classmates. Even with all the trouble his son gave him, Onyx loved him with all his heart.

After Nemeroff was Fabian, his second foal. He was two years younger than Nemeroff; his coat was sapphire, and his mane was the same shade of green as the grass outside his home. Unlike Nemeroff, he was always calm, polite, and helping his mother; most of the time he had his head in a book, learning everything he could.

Then was his youngest, a filly, Celene. Her coat was sienna brown and her mane a dark, fiery-red. She was shy and sensitive and very good with the forest’s animals. No creature had ever feared her and she always did her best to help them.

They were all playing together. Onyx crafted each a toy in the image of their personalities; for Nemeroff, a dragon; for Fabian, a wolf; and for Celene, a cat.

“Daddy?” asked Celene.


“Why don’t you want to eat the muffin?”

“The muffin? ...What are you talking about?” asked Onyx, confused.

“The muffin, Daddy … eat the muffin,” she said.

At that moment, everything went black; his family faded like falling sand, blown by the wind. The forest vanished, leaving a void. The only thing left was a giant blueberry muffin, and it was then that he realised that it was a dream.

“Is he waking up?” asked Dinky, watching her mother wave a muffin in front of the unconscious prince.

“I don’t know, Little Muffin ... maybe he doesn’t like muffins,” answered Derpy.

Onyx slowly woke up, his mind still filled with images of his would-be family and giant fruit-flavored muffin. It was not to his surprise when he saw a gray pegasus mare waving the pastry in his face.

“Huea... May I help you?” groggily asked Onyx.

“HEY! Finally, you woke up. I wanted to tell you that we are close to Canterlot,” answered Derpy, putting the muffin back in her saddlebag.

“Err … Thank you. Wait … aren’t you the mailmare who gave me the letter near the woods of the Gryphon Kingdom?” quizzed Onyx.

“Yep, I’m Ditzy Doo, and this is my daughter Dinky,” she said, pointing to the filly unicorn. “And we’re traveling with my my friend, The Doctor.” When he heard his name, The Doctor rose from his seat to meet the Prince.

“Well, thank you for waking me,” Onyx told Derpy before asking The Doctor, “So, what kind of doctor are you, Mister—what is your name?”

“Well, I’m The Doctor, but that isn’t really important. What is important is how I can get this screw—”

“I know that’s your profession … but what is your name?”

“Well ... maybe, but my name is The Doctor. Doctor Whooves more precisely,” the brown stallion said with a West Equestrian accent.

“...Riiight.” Onyx thought, “Damn, why do I always meet ponies with such strange names? First, Derpy and Ditzy, and now a ‘doctor’. His parents either didn’t have any imagination or really wanted to have a doctor in the family.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Cadence was admiring the wonderful job she’d done redecorating Onyx’s room; she remembered the sadness Celestia once felt back when the room was empty and without color.

The old, black walls were now as bright a pink as her coat, leaving her with a sensation of love and joy from throughout the room. Onyx’s bed sheets were clean and smelled of fresh roses, and the bed was no longer lined with all of her cousin’s creepy plushies; she had them taken care of and wouldn’t be seeing them again. The love goddess had also put many vases of flowers and frames of family pictures around the room.

Cadance let out a final sigh. She was done and couldn’t wait to see Onyx’s reaction when he saw his new room. Afterwards, maybe he would share with her why he’d been in Ponyville for so long. Cadance alway liked juicy love stories, but because the story involved her relative and fiance’s sister, it was that much more fun.

Onyx arrived in Canterlot, the train was now in the station setting ponies free inside of the capital. The Prince needed to reach the castle before any upper-class ponies saw him and asked him to go to one of their “social” gatherings or complemented his mother, and that was if he met the nicer ones. There were those who rejected him because he was not a pony, not many, but they were still a menace. They never tried to kill him or anything, they were always trying to start a royal scandal and turn the populace to hate him.

The sneaking game had begun, hiding between groups of ponies or entering a building and exiting through the back. Unfortunately for Onyx, with his sneak level at a mere thirty-six, hiding in a crowd of ponies was close to impossible. So as anypony could have guessed, he was quickly spotted by one of the richest ponies in Canterlot.

“Good day, my Prince! You are finally back. How was your trip to Ponyville?”

By my mother’s flank … spotted once again … what is this question? You should already know the answer,” Onyx thought before turning, prepared to meet a snob unicorn.He was pleasantly wrong. “Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, how have you been!” exclaimed Onyx. They were the only aristocrats in Canterlot that he respected; he always sat with them at the royal banquets.

“Well my friend, we were out buying a new outfit for my dear wife; the Gala will be organised soon and we both wish to be ready for it.” As he talked, Fleur de Lis struck several poses, showing Onyx her new, light-pink dress.

“N’est elle pas ravissante?” she asked the Prince in fluent Prench.

It took awhile for Onyx to remember how to speak the native language of the Prance city. “Yes … elle vous vas … a merveille, if … je puis m’exprimer ... like that,” he answered in one of the worst accents that anypony had ever heard, but it make Fleur de Lis giggle.

“You don’t have to give me the honor of hearing your fabulous Prench, my Prince. I fully understand Old Equestrian.”

“Thanks … Celestia tried to teach me when I was younger, but I was never any good; I was so bad that she surrendered and quit teaching it to me.”

“Well, perhaps we could teach you,” said Fancy Pants.

“Haha, thanks for the offer but I will have to decline. It was great seeing you guys, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to head back to the castle. Fleur, don’t forget to reserve me a dance at the gala.”

“Comme tu voudras mon ami!”

“Take care, Onyx!”

Not long after, Onyx was at the front door to the castle; the guards let him in without trouble and he was searching for Cadance. He wanted to apologise for being gone so long, and tell his cousin that without her help, he could not have dated Twilight. Being daytime, he guessed that she’d be asleep in her bedroom. When he got close to her bedroom he heard odd, muffled noises.

”Did … is she doing what I think she’s doing...”

“Oh Shining … my behind … Please!”

“Nothing to do here!”

So he ran to his room, trying to forget what he had heard, face blushing, but when he entered, he came close to having a heart attack. He wasn’t sure if it was his room or the room of a little filly who liked pink too much; when he looked at his bed, pure rage filled his heart.

“Where. Are. My. Plushies!”

It didn’t take long for Onyx to figure who could have done this. Only one pony in the castle would paint a whole room pink and fill it with flowers, and it was Cadance. He ran back to her bedroom and threw open the door. She and Shining Armor were still “busy”, but Onyx did not care at the time.

“Cadance! What have you done to my room?!”

Cadance and Shining rapidly pulled a cover over themselves.

“Onyx! ...What are you …Get out of my room!

“Not before you tell me what you did with my plushies!”

“They’re in the laundry! Now go, before I tell the populace that their prince still plays with stuffed dolls!”

Shining Armor watched the prince exit their room, his face felt hotter than the sun itself, and he wanted to die right there.

“Sooo, now that Onyx is gone … shall we continue?” asked Cadance in a sultry way.

“... I … kinda ... lost the mood... Can I go home now?”

“Not until I’m done with you, Captain.“

Having returned to his room, Onyx put all of his plushies in their proper places. He hated when the maids or anypony else touched them and would do anything he could to protect them, especially General Philomena.

41-second chance

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Chapter 41

Second Chance

Fillia was waiting outside of Queen Chrysalis’ bedroom, shaking due to stress. She had been asked to wait there until the Queen could brief her for an important mission; usually, if the Queen wanted to ask something of one of her subjects she sent them a message viathe Hive Mind, but never would she talk to them personally in her private bedroom.

To keep her mind busy and not worry about why Chrysalis wanted to see her, Fillia though about the last time she had been sent out on an assignment. She had taken the place of one of the Gryphon Emperor’s maids and found an access point into the armory. She was captured and thrown in the dungeon, and there she would have died if not for Onyx.

Since she had been rescued, Fillia could not stop thinking about him, how he had saved her without asking for anything in return, how he had been kind and not scared of her even though she was a monster. Onyx did not judge her by her physical appearance; no, he looked at her and judged her by what she was inside. Each time she thought about him, she felt her heart beat crazily, and when she was hungry, she only needed to think of him to dull the pain.

“But … why? I’ve never felt like this for another Changeling before… So why with—”

Her thought had been interrupted by the bedroom door being opened and Chrysalis inviting her to enter. Chrysalis’ bedroom was a sight that only a few Changelings would ever see in their lifetime, and she took advantage of the occasion and got a good look around. The floor was covered fully by soft, black carpet and the walls were made of polished, black granite. A chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling; each candle was burning and left a fresh scent of the forest. There were pieces of wood furniture here and there; and lastly, was the bed of Queen Chrysalis—a four poster bed made of the highest quality of Arctic Yew wood, so rare that if it was sold it could buy one anything they wanted for years. The covers were green-tinted furs of the rare wolf species, canis lupus, which were made of flesh and bone, unlike the common timber wolves. The furs stayed cool during the summer and warm during the winter. Lying upon this grandiose bed was Chrysalis, awaiting her subject.

“You like the look of it, am I right?” asked the Queen in a casual tone.

“Yes … it’s so … I mean … no words can describe … it feels very secure; like nothing could reach me—” Fillia said before she realised she was talking to her queen. “—I mean; yes, Your Highness.”

Chrysalis giggled when she heard Fillia talk, which really surprised the spy. She’d never seen her queen happy before.

“You have no need for such formalities; we are in my quarters and all alone. Now, I think you may wonder as to why I have summoned you, right?”

“Well, yes—I mean, I’m honored that you have chosen me for another personal mission, but why me, even after I failed my last mission?” asked Fillia.

Chrysalis rose up from her bed and walked to her dressing table; she grabbed a brush with her magic and stroked her turquoise mane. “Well, yes, you disappointed me when you failed, but every mother knows that her children make mistakes sometimes and that it is our duty to give them a second chance,” answered Chrysalis as she finished brushing her mane and placed her crown back upon her head.

“And now, it is time for your second chance. You remember Onyx, right … when I freed you from that feline chicken with a crown.” When Fillia heard Onyx’s name, she feared that her Queen would have him killed or harmed in any way; but thankfully, that was not a part of Chrysalis’ plan.

“Canterlot will organise the Grand Galloping Gala soon. I want you to infiltrate the reception, find him by taking the form of his marefriend and gather all the information you can find on him that we may use to take his place: what he’s like, where he spends his day, his fears, his objectives, everything. You will not be alone on this mission. You may take anyling you want with you, and their job will be to find the same about his cousin, Mi Amore Cadenza. Now you can go prepare yourself. I will recall you soon,” said the Queen.

Fillia bowed before exiting the room. She was happy that her queen gave her this mission, because not only did this prove that her Queen was not angry about her recent failure, but she would be able to meet Onyx again and thank him for saving her.

When Chrysalis was sure that Fillia was no longer near her room, she closed her eyes and searched the hive mind for the link she created between herself and Onyx. It did not take long before she felt the Prince’s signature and carefully used a small amount of magic to be sure that he would not detect her mental presence. She concentrated and when she was sure that the magic was the precise amount, she released a spell and she was able to see through the eyes of the Prince himself.

“Reveal to me all your secrets, my Onyx. Reveal to me how to take my revenge on the murderer of my mother,” whispered Chrysalis.


Onyx was in front of a small mountain of scrolls; many of them were requests to join the Royal Orchestra for the Grand Galloping Gala or invitations to upper-class “parties”. Most of the party invitations were used only for aristocrats to buy their way closer to the Royal Family. Naturally, the only one who went to any of them was his cousin, Blueblood. Every time the castle organised something important, Onyx, Blueblood and Cadance received literal tons of scrolls.

Again, we would gladly appreciate your choosing of our harmonica symphony for the gala’s—Bla bla bla … I swear, if I see one more letter ever again, I will burn every scroll in the city,” said Onyx out loud, rubbing his neck.

“Worst of all, this bug bite! The more I scratch the itchier it gets...” Before Onyx could whine a little more, the door to his bedroom opened, letting in Celestia, donning a floral shirt, a pair of sunglass and a straw hat.

“Momma’s home!” she yelled, accompanied by her sister, dressed in the same manner.


“Momma’s home!”

Chrysalis quickly closed the link between her and Onyx as soon as she heard Celestia; she could not take the risk of her detecting traces of magic being used on the princess’ son.

“Soon, Celestia … soon you will discover what it feels like to lose what you cherish the most, to lose the ones you care for, to see your kingdom dying in front of you and be helpless to save it. I will take everything from you, just like you took the closest member of my family from me,” she whispered to herself.

42-Final Chapter: season 1: Part 1

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Chapter 42

Final Chapter: Season 1: Part 1

One week prior to the Grand Galloping Gala

“Why shouldn’t I beat him? Every day, he insults me,” said Nemeroff, holding back his tears to avoid looking weak in front of his father. He and Onyx were outside in the garden of their little house, surrounding by the forest, sitting on the grass and talking about Nemeroff’s recent problems at school.

“Because, it is not by hitting him that you will fix anything. Violence has never been the best solution,” lectured Onyx, trying to convince his son that he could be in trouble for acting like he was doing.

“But doing nothing doesn't work either. He continues. At least when I hit him, he stops.”

“And afterwards, I have to get you from school because the teacher keeps you in detention.”

Nemeroff hated detention, but he wanted to show to his father that he was right, that there was no other solution than fighting to solve his problem.

“But... you’ve killed ponies before. Killing is worse than fighting, so how can you tell me that what I do is bad.”

Onyx sighed. His son was smart; sometimes too smart.

“And I regret what I had done every day. I let my anger take control of my actions and I should not have done that. And i don’t think this bully has done the same to you as the one I killed did to me. Beside, we are not here to talk about me and my problems; we are here for you.”

“Yeah... I guess you’re right, but what can I do if I can’t defend myself?”

“Well, I want you to tell your teacher, and she will do what is needed to fix it.”

Nemeroff kicked away the stick of wood he was fiddling with. He stopped to look his father but instead, looked at the grass on the ground and mumbled some inaudible phrase. Onyx knew that wouldn't stop his son away from fighting back, so he decided to go to plan B.

“But if he ever bullies you physically, you have the right to defend yourself.”

Nemeroff raised his head, little stars in his eyes.

“Really?” Nemeroff asked, his voice filled with hope.

“Yes, really, but don’t tell your mother. I don’t think she would agree with me.”

“Promise, thanks dad,” said Nemeroff, embracing his father between his hooves.
“C’mon now, I think we should head back inside. Your grandmother invited us to dinner at the castle tonight and we should get ready if we don’t want to be late... again.”

“Really? She invited us? Do you think Auntie will be there too?”

“Certainly, she’ll probably be in the library, her head in a book like always, but she will join us when it’s time to eat.”

“Yeah!” Nemeroff ran through the garden towards the house to tell his younger brother, Fabian, and sister, Celene to get ready. Onyx watched him run into the little house and was going to follow suit until he heard somepony come from behind.

“I hope he learns his lesson this time... Now honey, if I were you, I would wake up if you don’t want to miss breakfast.”

“What are you tal—” Onyx could not finish, because as soon that the female voice spoke, everything disappeared, leaving only Onyx in the middle of a void.


Onyx woke up in his bed sweating; the dream was still fresh in his head and it took all of his strength to not cry. It was not the first time he’d had those dreams and each time they were getting more real and detailed. It was as if they were alive; he could not believe that he created his children’s three distinct personalities like that. Sometimes when he was reading a book, he could not prevent himself from thinking that Fabian would like to read it. He thought Celene would ask to play with Philomena, or he would walk to his childhood school to pick up Nemeroff. The whole thing was beginning to scare him.

“I shouldn't think they're real... they are only dreams. But that voice...”

The only thing Onyx could not see in his dream was his “wife”. Every time he was about to see her, he woke up. The only thing he knew was her voice, but in each dream it changed.

“Maybe I should tell Auntie Luna about this...”

Onyx looked out his window; the sun was already in the sky and he remembered that Celestia wanted to see all the family at breakfast to share some important news.

“Oh, buck!” were the only words Onyx said before he rushed to the bathroom to clean his face, dressed himself, and ran to the castle’s dining hall.


“—And Auntie Luna, you could arrange the honeymoon!” exclaimed Cadance in her seat at the family table where the entire royal family, sans Onyx, was eating breakfast.

“Well... I don’t know if it’s still there, but I could plan a little something at the same place where my mother and father went on their honeymoon. Well, only if thou are alright with it,” Luna answered before filling her mouth with a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

“Yes! That would be perfect! How do you feel about it, honey?”

Shining Armor was much too intimidated to answer. As Captain of the Guard, he had always called Celestia “your Highness” or “Princess”, but now he had to eat with her and refer to her as his aunt-in-law.


Cadance’s voice brought Shining Armor back to reality, and he nodded his head before returning to his fruit salad, trying to forget where he was.

“And Brother, you could... Well, you could always organize the bachelor party.”

Blueblood put down a little mirror with a loud sigh.

“My dear sister, as if I would do something like that. I won’t pass the time with a ruffian guard, and I don’t go to those... ugh, bars where they play loud music and the unrefined of the city get drunk.”

Celestia face hoofed at her nephew’s retort; she really needed to find a way to teach him some humility.

“Maybe Onyx could help me with that. Where is he? I told him that I wanted a family get-together this morning.”

At the same time she thought about him, Onyx entered the main room with his hair messy and smelling of someone who just woke up.

“Sorry. Forgot about the meeting,” he said before having a seat at the table between Celestia and Blueblood.

“Cousin! You are here just in time; we were planning Shining marriage and I think you could be my assistant during the wedding!” exclaimed Cadance

“Assistant? What could I do? I mean, I'm not an expert when it comes to weddings,” Onyx answered before he took a pancake and poured maple syrup on it.

“Don’t worry, you will only have to follow me around and do everything I ask you.”

“Wouldn't that be like... being your slave?”

Cadance giggled at Onyx’s reaction.

“No, not at all. It’s more like my cousin helping me prepare for my wedding.”

“...Well, fine. I'll help you.”

Cadance let out a little squee and clapped her hooves together, happy that everything would be perfect for her wedding.

Celestia cleared her throat to get her family’s attention. “Good, now my dear Cadance, I'm sure we will have plenty of time to talk about the preparations for your wedding, but now that Onyx is here, I would like to tell you the reason of why I wanted a family reunion this morning.”

Cadance nodded at her aunt and returned to Shining’s side, giving the floor to Celestia.

“Good, now I think that all of you know that the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up this week, and we need to prepare the castle and ourselves for it. I think I'm right when I say that the only one here who knows what they will wear is Blueblood.”

Now that the attention was on him, Blueblood profited from the occasion to show off his superiority to the others.

“You are right my dear aunt, the fabulous outfit I will wear has been made by one of the greatest designers in Canterlot, Tooty Fruity, the most fabulous designer of all Equestria. I am sure that I will rule this gala with it, and I would like to apologize right now for if what I wear makes you look like a bunch of poor ruffians; no outfit will be more fabulous than mine. Not only is it the most awesome—”

Onyx, who was not in the mood to listen to his cousin, “accidentally” spilled his glass of orange juice across the table and the liquid flowed onto Blueblood’s legs.

“Oh, I'm truly sorry, my dear cousin. I was so blinded by the awesomeness of your little speech, that I did not pay attention to what I was doing.”

Celestia cleared her throat once again.

“Um, well Blueblood, I believe we can say that we are happy for you about the outfit you will wear, but this is not the only thing we have to prepare for the Gala. This gala, as you know, only happens once every three years, and this one will be the first since the return of Onyx and my sister, Lulu, and I want it to be perfect so that each of you will have a role to play in it. “

“Um... dear sister, I don’t think tis a good idea that I show up to this Grand Galloping Gala. I am still unsure of how to act with ponies outside of the family, and I don’t think the populace is ready to forgive me for what We have done...”

“What do you mean?” asked Onyx. "I don’t remember you doing anything that could have made the population angry at you.”

“Well, you know... the thing with Nightmare Moon,” answered Cadance .

“Yeah? What with Nightmare Moon? It’s a good book, but I don’t see what the problem is with folk tales and Auntie Luna.”

The whole table was silent, both because they was surprised that Onyx did not know about the past of Luna and because they didn’t know how to answer.

“Where were you at the last Summer Sun Festival?” asked Shining.

“Well, I was here at the castle... I think I err... passed the whole day with Trixie in my room.”

“Don’t worry, Son, I can tell you what happened later, if Luna is ok with it.”

Luna only nodded to her sister, still not sure if she wanted Onyx to discover the truth, for it was her fault that Onyx was kept in secret. It was nice to have someone with whom she could talk and did not judge about her dark past.

“Well now that this is done, may we return to the Gala?” Asked Celestia, seeing that nopony answered she continued with what she was saying before she got interrupted by Luna.

“Good, now I want all of us to give an effort of two hundred percent to make this night unique for our little ponies. Now, I believe you all know that the Gala, to our subjects, is a night where they can come to Canterlot, visit our castle, and meet royalty, but for us, the Gala means something far more important. The day after the Gala, we will have the reunion of the Council of Five. The tradition is that each leader brings someone with them; Luna and I have made our choice. Last time it was Cadence and I, but this time, I will bring Onyx and Luna decided to bring Shining Armor.

Shining nearly drowned on his glass of water when he heard his name, but the sun Princess did nothing about it and continued.

“So, I hope you boys will be ready to leave as soon as the Gala ends, because the road to the castle for the Council of Five is not an easy one... Now, let’s finish breakfast before all the food becomes cold.


Philomena was watching the prince of Equestria throwing up in his bathroom. When Celestia had opened her cage that morning after the breakfast, she decided to go see Onyx. It had been a long time since she felt him pet her and brush her feathers, but when she entered his room through the window; she couldn't find him. She decided to wait after him on his bed, but then she heard a noise from the bathroom, and when she went through the half opened door, she saw her prince vomiting everything he had eaten that morning.

“What are you doing here?” asked the prince, flushing the toilet. The bird only made noise that the Prince didn't understand.

“If only Celestia or Twilight could find a spell that could let me understand the bird language,” said Onyx as he picked up his toothbrush and brushed his teeth to get rid of the acidic taste of vomit from his mouth.

Philomena watched, and followed him when he returned to his room. She got on his bed, and like always, she tossed aside the phoenix plushie to take its place. Philomena was always doing that when she wanted his attention.

“You know, you will make her mad if you continue to throw her away like that.”

The fire bird made a little sound like a small laugh before she started throwing the stuffed animal again.

“Well, I don’t think I need a spell to know what you want, right?” Onyx said as he got on his bed and pet the phoenix, picking up his plushie off the floor. Unfortunately for Philomena, somepony knocked on the door and Onyx rose to answer it. Philomena made a sound, as if asking him to stay there and pet her instead, but the Prince did not understand her.

“Mother? What are you doing here?” asked Onyx, leaving his door open and inviting Celestia to enter his room.

“A mother can’t see her son without a reason now?” answered Celestia as she entered.

Onyx returned to his bed with Philomena, watching his mother look around.

“I just came to see how you were doing; I know the next few days will be hard for you.”

“Its not so bad. I mean, do I look scared or depressed?”

Celestia gave him a look that told him that she knew how he was feeling, and though he really didn't know why, he felt as if he was going to cry. When Celestia approached and embraced him, he melted into tears and hid his face in his mother’s soft fur.

Celestia let Onyx cry. She felt her fur becoming wet, but she didn't mind. She went behind Onyx on his bed. Philomena joined them, not understanding why the Prince was crying.

With her magic, the white princess conjured a brush and began brushing her son’s mane while humming a song she sang to him when he was a child. Feeling his mother’s care calmed him, and he relaxed to the little tune.

“You always stopped crying when I brushed your mane.”

“I think it was more the fact that I knew you were there with me, I think,” answered Onyx.

Philomena started to nip Onyx's fingers; she wanted some attention, and she always got what she wanted. He played with her feathers before the phoenix closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

“How long has it been since we both spent time like this with each other?” Celestia asked her son, still brushing his mane.

“Way too much time. We both have things to do on the side, and I'm no longer a little foal.”

“For me you will always be my little foal. Now tell me... what worries you?” asked Celestia.

Onyx found courage and took time telling his mother what was scaring him so much.

“It’s just the fact that I am going to see him again. I know that the Emperor will be at the council, and I know that you will be there with me, but still... I just don’t know. Since I came back, I started training in case I saw him again, but I just... I am just too weak. I can’t forget what he’s done to me and the thought of seeing him again scares me so much.”

Celestia couldn't understand how Onyx felt. She wasn’t there. She had never been tortured as he had been. But what she could understand is that her son was scared and she would do anything in her power to protect him.

“Listen to me, my dear. The Emperor will not hurt you at the council, we will tell the other leaders what he has done to you, and the council will exile him. After that, we will never hear of him again. Don’t forget that this time, you will not be alone; Luna, Shining, and I will be there with you.”

The Prince nodded to his mother. He knew that she was right and would not show the Emperor his fear.

“Good, now you should get some rest, my son. I'll leave Philomena here with you if you want.”

Celestia tucked her son into his covers, like she had when he was younger and kissed him on the forehead before she left the room.

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Onyx,” said Celestia before she closed the door and returned to her court duties.

Four days prior the Grand Galloping Gala

“And how is this one?” asked Luna, wearing a full black dress with white lace. Since that morning, the whole Royal Family, minus Blueblood, was trying to find something to wear to the Gala in a local boutique. The owner of the shop was honored beyond words to have the Royal Family in his shop and was doing as much as possible to make their time there perfect. He even offered them food and other refreshments while they tried out anything they could find. One by one, they tried on something and showed up to the others to hear their opinion, but so far, none of them had found what they wanted to wear to the Gala.

“Well yes, it is black... but don’t you find it too... insipid? Perhaps we should find something else, my dear sister; something with more color,” answered Celestia, trying desperately to find something suitable for her sister, who had the taste in fashion of a Diamond Dog.

“Hey, I found it good looking,” said Onyx.

“You’ve said that about everything we’ve tried since we got here,” deadpanned Cadance.

“Nope, I didn't like the banana costume that Mother wore.”

Celestia blushed at Onyx’s answer; she only wore it to make her family laugh. Even if she would have to ask a guard to buy it for her later when they got back to the castle.

“Okay, it’s Shining's turn now!” exclaimed Luna, not wanting to be the center of the attention.

Shining Armor sighed heavily but Cadance persuaded him with a kiss.

“You can do it, honey.”

Shining was a nice stallion, but he had difficulty acting naturally in front of Luna and Celestia. After a few minutes, Shining showed up again, this time wearing a lime-green jacket and a yellow tie.

“So? How do I look?”

Onyx burst out into laughter and Luna and Celestia both smirked when they saw the commander of their guards wearing something close to a clown outfit, but they quickly stopped when Cadance gave them the death stare.

“It’s... wonderful, honey, but uhm... could we maybe find something else in another color and a little more... y’know, gala-ish.”

“Really? Well, if you say so.”

“‘Gala-ish’... Really?”

“Oh, shut up, Onyx.”

Southern Equestrian coast

In the small village of Hooflicking, things were going great. The small population was preparing themselves for the Gala by creating barrels of salted cider and large cubes of salt for the reception. It wasn’t everyday that the little population could go into the big capital city, profit from selling as much stuff as they could, and draw some publicity from the high class ponies who would want to pass a week or two in a rustic village. Wherever one was going, they could smell the subtle scent of houblon used for the salt cider or heard ponies working on the construction of wheels for carts or barrels for beer.

But not all of them were working hard for the event, notably, a mare named Elixir, the owner of the local apothecary. For the last three generations, every mare of her family had learned the hard work of a botanist and alchemist. Her potions were very popular in the eyes of the populace; they were good for treating infections and broken bones. It was the same stuff that every hospital had, but because the village was so small, they did not have any doctors.

Elixir was also known for her beauty. With her cyan and black-streaked mane, and gray coat—among other assets—, the colts couldn't forget about her when she walked by. Between the stallions, she was called the “indomitable mare” due to the fact that she declined every stallion who had asked her out on a date. Some thought that it was because she was too busy with her strange potions and herbs, but the truth was that her heart was already taken by somepony else—or in this case, something.

So in those days when everypony was busy with preparations, Elixir chose to go into the nearby forest to collect mushrooms for soup. She brought with her her pannier, to which she added some bottles of water and a little lunch. Between them, she hid a vial filled with a strange, black liquid. When she was sure she had everything she needed, Elixir grabbed a small jacket, closed her shop door, and took to the direction of the forest.

“Well if it isn't Hooflicking’s potion maker. Where are you going this time?” asked a farmer who saw Elixir in her way to the forest.

“I’m just going to get some mushrooms; tonight will be a full moon and I need to collect a certain species.”

“Well in that case, I hope you have a good hunt, but please be careful. You never know what creatures live in those woods.”

“Like always, Mister Grodure,” answered Elixir before she turned towards the forest.

Contrary to what Mr. Grodure thought, Elixir was there to see the one who had stolen her heart, the “monster of the forest”. Tarek was the only Changeling she had ever met, but something about him had caught her interest. Maybe because he was different from all the other stallions that had ever stopped to ask her out.

Normally, she wouldn't have to see him until the next week to bring the delivery of exotic potions that continued to keep him alive, but she received a letter asking her to meet him in that night for something important.

It was the first time Tarek had sent her something like this, and she was a little worried. But when the sight of Tarek house come in her view, she tossed aside her worry and knocked on the door.

“Tarek, it’s me, Elixir. Please let me in.”

The door opened as soon as Elixir finished.

The old changeling welcomed Elixir as he let her enter in his modest house. Elixir was surprised; the inside of the house was not like usual. Tarek, was someone who was organized and was took care of himself, but the house was all mixed up. Books, scrolls, and unfamiliar items were everywhere on the floor. One could not put a hoof in front of the other without bumping into something. A map of Equestria with many red marks was on the table and the usual locked chest was fully open.

What really surprised her were the two ponies sitting at the table where the map was.

“Tarek, what these two doing here?” she asked, not understanding how somepony else could have found where the changeling was hidden.

“They, Elixir, are the ones who helped me find this place to live peacefully. Raynor, Vallis, i present you, Elixir, she the one who made all the potions you saw in the closet.”

Raynor stood up from his seat and bowed.

“It’s an honor for me to meet the mare who helped Tarek,” he said, kissing Elixir’s hoof.

Elixir froze in place, still trying to understand what was happening.

“Please Tarek, explain to me what is happening. I thought that you needed to stay hidden, and now you are with two other ponies as if there was nothing wrong about it.”

“I thought that you would react like that. You see, before I came to live in these wood, I was in the forest near Canterlot when I had been discovered by Raynor, a spy for the Princess. We both agreed to not tell Celestia, where I was and in return I would keep Raynor informed about any threats that could come from the Hives.”

“Wait, so he is an enemy spy, and you trust him!?” exclaimed Elixir.

“Yes, and he an exceptional spy, for a pony. I don’t know how he does it, but he can find out anything about anypony.”

“So this is why you asked me to come here, to introduce me to them?”

“No, I wanted you to come here because we will need your help in a project,” answered Tarek.

“And what is this project?”

Raynor replied, “We’re going to stop Chrysalis from conquering Canterlot”

1 day prior to the Grand Galloping Gala

“...and then she came to me, saying that she was a big pony now, so I let her try my coffee. She was hyper until Celestia raised the moon in the sky and it took all Cadance and I’s energy to put her to bed.”

Onyx burst out with laughter while Shining explained how Twilight reacted the first time she had caffeine when she was just a little filly.

“I’ll have to tease her with that when I see her tomorrow,” laughed Onyx imagining a hyperactive filly Twilight.

“Hey, I just remembered, where do we need to show up when it’s time to go with Princess Celestia to the council meeting?” asked Shining Armor.

“I have no idea. The only thing I know is that Mother asked me to stay with Luna to make sure that she doesn’t stay in her room the whole time during the gala.”

“Speaking of Princess Luna, where do you think she is?”

“I have no idea. She just asked me to wait here.”

After morning breakfast, Luna decided to tell Onyx what happened during the Summer Sun Festival and asked him to wait after her in her personal garden. The Lunar Garden was far different from the Celestial Garden. Unlike Celestia’s, her garden was filled with many trees, blocking the sun with their leaves, and most of the flowers were nocturnal. The garden was fresh and relaxing, but it had been forty minutes since they had finished eating. Onyx thought that Luna forgot about their meeting; if it wasn’t for Shining Armor’s company, Onyx would have returned to his room.

“So how is it possible for you, the Prince of Equestria and coltfriend of an Element of Harmony, to know nothing about the events of the Summer Sun Festival?” asked the captain of the guard.

“Well... I... kinda spent the whole day in bed with Trixie... I didn’t really pay attention to what was happening outside of my room.”

“I hope you aren’t the same way with my sister,” Shining responded in a harsh tone.

“Hehehe... No, no, you know between she and I that it is more than just physical.”

Twilight told Shining about their relationship four days after Celestia came back from her vacation. At first Shining wanted to kill Onyx, but with the help of Cadance, they convinced him that Onyx would take care of her and Shining accepted to giving Onyx a chance.

“So will you tell me what happened during the festival, since Luna didn’t seem to show up?” asked Onyx, tired of waiting.

“I still think it would be better if she was the one who told you. And speaking of the wolf, here she is,” answered Shining, gesturing to the other extremity of the royal garden. Luna was wearing her usual outfit and she looked as if she had cried. When she joined them, Shining half-bowed to her before remembering he was part of the family and rose.

“Good morning, my dear Shining Armor and Onyx, I hope I did not bother you with the wait, but i needed to take some time to tought about. What we will talk is not an easy subject for me. Shining, if you may leave, I would prefer to speak with Onyx alone.”

Shining nodded before he made his way out of the garden. When Luna was sure that nopony else was there, she motioned for Onyx to follow her. They both walked until they came to a huge pine; the night princess took a place under it and Onyx did the same. They both stayed silent. Luna did not know how to begin so she decided to not beat around the bush and finish as soon as possible.

“Onyx, first of all, I want to apologize for keeping this a secret, but you will understand why when I am done. And please, don’t interrupt me... please.”

Onyx nodded, feeling a little anxious about the secrecy.

“You see, a long long time ago, before you were born, this land was ruled by Celestia and I as it is right now. It was during our first years of ruling, after Mother and Father left this world for a better one...” Luna took a deep breath before she continued.

“With time, I realised that my sister was receiving more attention than me, that everypony was playing, dancing, and living under her rule and during mine they were all sleeping, ignoring all the effort I made for them, all the time I spent making the sky shine with my stars and moon. Jealousy grew in my heart. Celestia tried to show me that some ponies loved my night, but i did not listen to her, and finally I used my strength to get what I wanted.”

For a moment, Onyx thought that it was a bad joke; Luna was only repeating what the old folktales about Nightmare Moon said, but he could see in her eyes the pain and regret. Luna started sobbing, but she quickly retook control of her emotions.

“I used dark magic to defeat my sister as Nightmare Moon... I tried to kill her, and fortunately, I failed; Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish me to the moon for one thousand years. During all those years, I only thought about vengeance and how I would destroy her and her sun... So when I came back during the Summer Sun Festival, I attacked and kidnapped her. I used an ancient spell that could have killed my sister if she wasn’t so strong, only to make the night last forever...”

Tears were rolling down Luna’s face and Onyx hugged her, showing her that she was not alone.

“Twilight and her friends used—once again—the Elements of Harmony on me, but this time, the Elements took away all my magic, and then you know the rest. I came back to Canterlot after one thousand years of exile... I did not want you to know because all the ponies still remembered me as Nightmare Moon, but you... you know me as Luna, and I did not want to lose a friend.”

Luna had finally let her emotion out still in the arms of Prince Onyx; she let the tears come, fearful of Onyx’s reaction.

Onyx kept his arms around her, trying to calm his aunt. In his mind, she was still his moony Auntie Luna, and even if what she was telling was truth, he did not mind.

“Luna, please calm down.” Onyx did not know how to calm her down so he did the same as his mother did when he was crying. He brushed Luna’s mane with his hands and hummed the same song his mother had. The feeling of Celestia and Luna’s manes were different than what he was used to with Twilight’s mane. Its was indescribable, it was as if he put his hand in the cool, refreshing waters of the ocean, feeling the waves on his hand. It was unlike Celestia’s which felt was more like if his hand was in front of a small fire and he would have stay like that for hours if he did not heard Luna snore.

“I don’t care what you did before, you will always be my unsocial auntie,” he whispered to her before he carefully got up and left Luna sleeping on the soft grass.

43-Final Chapter:season 1: Final part

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Chapter 43

Final Chapter: Season 1: Part 2

Grand Galloping Gala

It was finally time for the Grand Galloping Gala. Ponies by the hundreds were waiting outside the castle for the guards to open the gate. The merchants began selling their wares and the ponies who had arrived were making final checks to their ensembles. The opening ceremony was about to begin, and they would enter the royal castle after guards inspected their tickets. Shining Armor made a final check of the Royal Guard; he wanted them looking perfect for the occasion - armor cleaned, helmets brushed, and spears polished. Not a spot was found, but something distracted him. He could not say why, but Shining Armor felt something big would happen that night.


“Luna, come out of there now!” yelled Onyx as he tried forcing the door to Luna’s room. This morning after Celestia gave a speech to the royal family on everything requiring perfection, she had Onyx promise to keep an eye on Luna; his mother would be busy welcoming everypony that night. When Onyx accepted he thought it would be a simple job, but it looked like Luna decided to make things difficult.

“No! Thou shalt not force us to come out. We are not yet ready to see all our ponies!”

“But Luna, if you don’t come out nopony will be able to see your new dress, and more importantly, I won’t see Twilight. So please come to the ballroom with me.”

Onyx heard his aunt something about a dress, Celestia, and a banana.

“Come on, Auntie, we did not prepare for nothing. The ponies outside have already sung “At the Gala” and we missed the fireworks.”

Usually Onyx would not have cared much about missing a royal reception, but it was his first Grand Galloping Gala, and who could have dreamed a better occasion to dance the night away with Twilight?

“I am truly sorry, Onyx, but I can’t. It's just... I’m not ready for this at all. You go and have your fun, I don’t want you remembering your first Grand Galloping Gala as being stuck in a hallway trying to help your old aunt.”

Onyx gave a heavy sigh. On one hoof he did not want to break his promise, but on the other Luna could make her own decisions.

“If you change your mind, I’ll be with Fancy Pants or Twilight. And please, Luna... come dance with the others sometime, I'm sure you’ll love it.”

As he finished, Onyx walked away from Luna’s room, putting aside the little voice in his head who said to stay there and do what Celestia asked, but he tossed his concern away. His thoughts were on the precious, little box hidden in his pocket.


In the Gryphon Kingdom the day before the council meeting, there were no galas where everyone went for dancing and fun, there were no trinket-selling merchants, and there were no firework displays. Instead there was fire, screaming, tears, and blood.The day before the council was a nightmare for the populace of Altair, since Griffin was on the throne.

Griffin and his army were marching through the capital city as a show of strenght, death and blood were left in their wake. The Emperor led in full armor, the sword of his ancestor at his side. The guards behind him waited for a signal. The Emperor stood before a house, two soldiers entered and brought forth the family who occupied it, then the other guards lit the house ablaze while the Emperor watched the unfortunate family cry. Sometimes he would ask a guard to throw a child in the fire while forcing the parents to watch, before slitting their throats.

For the Emperor, nothing was better than hearing the screams of fear coming from his citizens the day before he’d return from the Council with the adopted son of Celestia chained up behind him, his head to soon be the masterpiece of his trophy room.

“My Emperor, I must advise you that I find the idea of killing our own civilians the day before we take Celestia’s bastard, unwise. What if Celestia decides to take back her son by declaring war? We would not want our gryphons against us,” said the Emperor’s advisor, his black and yellow feathers glossed by the firelight.

“My dear advisor, normally I would have you thrown in jail for questioning my judgement, but I’m in a good mood today. To address your concerns, my friend, Celestia will never put the lives of her subjects in danger to save her son. She has always placed the protection of her ponies before everything else, and it will be her downfall. And do not forget, fearful subjects are respectful subjects,” answered the Emperor, wiping his sword of blood from the last unlucky family.

The advizier nodded and followed his leader. They were headed to Altair’s city gate where outside, the royal cable car waiting for travel down the mountain. Legend says, the cable car was built from the remains of The Possibility, the airship used by the first Gryphon Emperor to travel Equestria. But Griffin had never believed the stories; they were just a bunch of old folktales much like the ones about his sword. The legends say it was made from a scales of a dragon which the first Emperor killed by piercing its throat from the inside; just another fabled lie.

“My Emperor?”


“What if you are to lose the vote at the Council?”

The Emperor laughed.

“My dear friend, like I told you, If I can’t have Onyx, no one will,” and as he finished, he flashed a dagger concealed under his wing.

“Now stop bothering me with your questions. It is time for us to depart for Canterlot.”


“~You reach your right hoof in and shake it all about. Hm-hm-hm-hm~” Onyx was humming and tapping his finger on the table to the song Pinkie Pie sang a few minutes earlier while Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis went off to get them something to drink. He was waiting for Twilight. She said she wanted to see Celestia before coming to dance with him. He grasped the little brown box; he couldn’t wait to propose to Twilight and he hoped she would enter the ballroom soon.

“Oh, what’s in the box, Onyx?” asked Fleur de Lis as she walked towards him, holding three cups of punch in her magic.

“Oh this, it’s nothing,” answered Onyx, moving to hide the box in his pocket, but Fleur de Lis was quicker and with her magic she took the box and opened it.

“For me? Oh Onyx, this is... this is magnificent!” teased the white unicorn, stars in her eyes when she saw the ring inside.

“Wait, no, give it back.”

“I’m just joking, Onyx. Don’t worry.”

“You should do stand up comedy,” Onyx said as he was given back his engagement ring.

“So, where is Fancy Pants? Wasn’t he with you?” asked the Prince.

“Oh he went off to address the other rich families. You know, even if we are not those types of ponies, we still need to make appearances.”

“Yeah, I never really cared when Celestia taught me the subtle arts of the diplomacy and conduct with the—”

“Onyx, you little dweeb!”

Onyx froze. He had no idea who insulted him, but he heard anger in the voice. Fleur de Lis looked behind Onyx only to see an angry gryphon approaching.

“Well i guess I will leave you alone for awhile.” She said before trotting back to her husband.

Onyx turned himself for a look at the angry gryphon who was coming over to him, he could not tell why but she looked familiar with her white feathers which ended in purple, and her feathers around her eyes were completely purple.

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US YOU MORON!” She said as she took one of the ears of Onyx and brought him with her to the royal garden while the guest were watching them with astonished looks on their faces.

“Ouch ouch ouch! Will you stop doing that! I don’t even know who you are!” Said Onyx as she continued to drag him with her until they got to the center of the garden. The angry gryphon let go of the royal ear from her death grip before she looked at him with a death glare.

“Apologie NOW!”

“WHAT? what for?” Asked Onyx, holding his painful ear.

“For what you did to me!” Yelled the gryphon.

“What I did to you? YOU are the one who captured me like a beast from the reception and nearly cut my ear in half! And i don’t even know who you are.”

“Oh so not only you don’t talk to us for like sixteens years, but you don’t even recognize us. I should have know that a prince, whoever it is, will always be a jerk.”

Onyx saw a flash of sadness in her eyes while she was talking before she
Returned to her death glare. Even if he had no idea who she was, he was doing his best to remember who she was. As far as he could remember the only Gryphon he could have talked to before he was captured by The Emperor was his classmate......


Right after Onyx got punched in the face by the livid Gryphon.

“Do I look like a bucking male to you?!” Yelled the purple half lion half bird while Onyx was holding his nose on the ground.

“ Where is the guard when i need them.” Whispered Onyx before he
Returned to his feet and faced his opponent.

“AXANDREA! THAT IS MY NAME YOU DWEEB! HOW COULD YOU FORGET ME AND THE GANG!:” Yelled Axandrea while onyx returned to his feet. When he heard her name he finally remember who she was.

“How could i forget her, she was one of the only gryphons i knew before i get captured and still i could not remember who she was with all the hints she give me.” Thought the prince who felt bad about it.

“I’m sorry..”Answered the prince.

“SORRY! Sorry really, you leave all of us alone for sixteen years and you don’t even say goodbye before you go and when you return in Canterlot you don’t even try to find us or even recognize us when we are in front of you and the only thing you have to say IS SORRY?”

“Could we stop yelling please, your scare all the animals around us, now nopony will be able to approach them...Listen i am truly sorry for what i have done and i have no excuse for it i should have tried to find the only friends i had in my if i could do anything in return....”

“Fuck me.”

“.....what....” Said Onyx as his brain slowly tried to understand what she just said.

“ that's what i would have asked for if i was still 20...But i think just a dance could be enough for tonight.”

“I guess nothing bad could happen if i dance with you, is not like i will be missed in the ballroom.” Answered Onyx as he thought about Twilight.



“Has Anypony seen the Prince?” Asked a worried Lotus, quickly followed by her sister, Aloes.

“Sorry dear ponies but i have not seen my cousin, the whole night, now if you could get out of my room it would be really nice of you.” Answered Cadance from her bed. Her and Shining were doing some Special activities when the two spa ponies entered her room.

“Aww sorry for bothering...” Said Lotus, closing the door.

“I swear Cadance, If this continues like that we will both move into my house. For Onyx and his plushie i said nothing, for Luna forgetting where her bedroom was, okay. But now even the populous enters here while we are doing our stuff. I can’t take it anymore.”


Back into the Garden

“And the the school never wanted to see me again. The End.” Said Axandrea. Her and Onyx were both on a bench in the garden, talking about what Axandrea became after Onyx was brought into the gryphon kingdom. The cold wind of the night started to freeze them but Axandrea used her wing for keep the prince warm.

“So now you know the story of Axandrea, the most hot and awesome gryphon of Equestria.”

Axandrea leaned a little bit closer to Onyx, her right wing still wrapped around Onyx and her head now on his shoulder.

“And then i live by myself, found a job in a post office and all that boring stuff that you don’t want to know.”

“It should have been horrible, why did you not return to your homeland”. Asked Onyx, relaxing and appreciating the warm coming from the wing of Axandrea.

“Is that a question? Or did the punch i gave you damaged your brain? I thought you know who was in charge of our country.” Exclaimed the gryphon.

“Yea about that you could have told me about it when i asked you about the gryphon kingdom.”

“Sorry but you were only five years old i did not want to scare you.”

Both of them stayed silent after that. Onyx keep watching the sky, trying to remember the name of each constellation ,like Luna told him, and relaxing a bit.But what he did not know is that Axandrea had another plan for the night.

She started it by playing with his hair, her talons brushing his mane and then massage his neck. Onyx closed his eyes, liking the feeling a, he could have fallen asleep like that if she did not start to talk.

“You know...when we shared our first meal i was sure we would both become great friends, i could have taught you how to hunt, you would have been my assistant for prank the teachers and i would have protect you from any gryphon or pony who would treat you different because...well you are different. But then you left me here all alone and i was angry with you for this...But i think tonight is time for us to restart all over.”

“What did you mean, i th-”

Onyx could not finish, the tongue of Axandrea in his mouth keep him from talking. At first Onyx did not react, the shock of having the gryphon raping his mouth with her tongue keep his mind too busy to think but when his brain restart to work he decide to put a end at this. Axandrea leaned over Onyx, which he tried to break free from her kiss but she did not let him to do so being more large than him was probably one of her biggest advantage for this kind of situation. And she would have stayed like that and maybe go a little further if it was not from a angry purple unicorn who used her magic for take a branch on the ground and hit the gryphon head with it which knock out her.

“You! You traitor!! Why Onyx!” Yelled Twilight to the confused prince, tears flowing down from her eyes.

"I did not see you inside and i decide to go get some fresh air and what did i see! You cheating on me with this...slut! Don’t ever try to approach me again Onyx of the Sun or i swear on Celestia that i will make Shining put you in the dungeon even if you are the adopted monster of Celestia!” And before Onyx could explain himself, Twilight teleported away, leaving the prince alone with a unconscious gryphon.


And somewhere else that night, a blue mare with a silver mane smiled at the success of her revenge.

44-Final chapter:season 1: Final part Twilight

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Chapter 44

Final Chapter: Season 1: Last part

30 minutes before Twilight enters the ballroom

Twilight had been more than frustrated ever since the opening of the Gala. She and her mentor had done nothing other than greeting aristocrats; even though she understood why Celestia couldn’t converse with her, Twilight wished for a miracle to occur. If Shining Armor came by, she could use her little sister charms to persuade him into welcoming all those guests.

She took another look at the endless line of ponies and realised she would not have one moment alone with her teacher that whole night and instead would have to find Onyx.

“Welcome to you, Spinwirl, I hope you enjoy yourself,” chimed Celestia to a blue unicorn. She briefly shook his hoof before another pony walked up. Unlike the others, the pony looked terrified as if he’d seen a ghost.

“Are you okay, my little pony?” asked the concerned Celestia.

“N-N-Nightmare Moon!” shrieked the unicorn, and he ran down the stairs and out the doors, followed by a few others, all screaming about death, doom, and the end of times.

Celestia and Twilight both stayed there, mouths agape, not understanding what happened until they heard somepony crying. They turned to see Luna in tears behind them.

“I... but I... I just—” Luna choked between sobs. She hid her face and ran back toward her room, leaving Celestia, Twilight, and the shocked crowd of ponies behind her.


Luna cried in anguish as she assaulted the pillow on her bed. Each strike only made her upset, and the more upset she was, the harder she pummeled the pillow. Hot, salty tears still flowed down her face. Onyx was wrong; she should have just stayed in her room.

Someone knocked at the door.

“What!?” bawled the moon goddess as she threw her pillow against the door. “Go away! I want to be alone!”

“Sister, it’s me. Please let me in,” Celestia gently replied from the other side.

Luna did not wish to talk, but she needed to get something off her chest. Celestia entered.

“Are you alright, Lulu?” asked Celestia. Luna heard her sister’s worry.

“Yes, I’m fine. Everything is fine. Is that all you wanted? I have a lot of things to do here alone in my room.” Luna harshly answered.

“Luna, please don’t play this game with me... We both know how you really feel right now.”

“No! That’s the problem!” Luna yelled at her sister. “You think you know how I feel, but you don’t. Everypony has always loved you more than me, ever since we were fillies. Mother gave you more freedoms and bragged about your grades. You understand nothing! Just leave me be and return to your student.”

Celestia recoiled in shock and thought she felt her heart skip a beat when she heard her sister’s pained, hurtful words. Sure, their mother may have given her more attention at times, but she loved her daughters equally. Celestia never knew Luna’s jealousy started when they were fillies.

“I you must know, I sent Twilight to the ballroom with Onyx... It was so I could have all the time I wanted to be with my little sis,” Celestia softly said. “Speaking of Onyx, where is he? He promised to stay with Luna tonight... He had better have a good reason for breaking his word.”


Twilight Sparkle scanned the ballroom, looking everywhere for Onyx. She was nervous; it would be the first time they’d been seen outside of Ponyville. What would others say about them? Before that could happen, she would have to find him first.

She was searching around the gala and bumped into a white unicorn walking absent-mindedly in her direction. “Ouch! Oh so sorry, I was not paying attention. Are you alright...—Twilight!” exclaimed Fleur de Lis when she recognized her. She helped her from the floor and brushed any dust from her coat.

“Thank you Fleur,” said Twilight, back on her hooves, “do you know where Onyx is? He said he would be at a table near the stage, but I couldn’t find him anywhere,” Twilight said in one breath.

Fleur giggled at Twilight’s reaction before she answered, “I saw him conversing with a gryphon outside in the garden. She seemed angry, although I don’t know why. They have been out there for a while... I wonder what she wanted.”

Everything was clear to Twilight; the gryphon had to be a spy sent by the Gryphon Emperor to take back Onyx, but after a second thought she found the idea absurd.

“Thanks Fleur, I’ll go find him.”

“Yes, I hope you enjoy dancing with him as much as I did!” called Fleur before going back to her husband. Twilight heard the last statement but did not pay it much attention.

She wandered out to the Royal Gardens. She couldn’t wait for their dance together, feeling his arms around her and rocking back and forth to the slow music—and perhaps a bit more later that night.

Abruptly interrupting her fantasies, she saw the most horrifying scene: Onyx was there, kissing somepony else behind her back. She heard her heart shatter within her breast. Tears welled up and rolled down her cheeks as she stared. Clenching her teeth, she tore off a nearby tree branch and clocked the gryphon who fell to the ground unconscious.

“You... you jerk! You m-monster! Why Onyx!?” Twilight yelled at the mortified prince, tears flowing down from her eyes.

"I come find you outside, and what do I see, you cheating on me with some harpie!? Don’t ever talk to me again, Onyx of the Sun, or I swear to Faust that I’ll have you thrown in a dungeon, even if you are Celestia’s adopted freak!”

“T-Twillight... wait—”

Before Onyx could explain himself, Twilight hopping through teleports spells until she got home , leaving the prince alone with an unconscious gryphon and shocked onlookers.

In Ponyville Twilight collapsed in her bed, crying every tear into her soaked pillow.


Celestia slowly closed the door to Luna’s room behind her without sound. After their talk, Celestia promised she would try everything in her power to get the ponies to stop fearing her sister. It was relaxing just to be with each other and talk about family.

It was time to prepare for the Council. Leaving her sister behind, Celestia trotted off in the direction of Onyx’s room. Knowing her son and student’s relationship, Celestia hoped she would not be interrupting Twilight and Onyx. She would have a little discussion about breaking promises.

On her way she saw Shining Armor, still in his purple namesake, giving yet another goodbye kiss to his fiancee.

“Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I promise,” answered Shining as he ended their embrace. Celestia felt something close to envy for Cadance; it had been more than a millennia since she last enjoyed the company of a coltfriend—somepony with whom she could cuddle during the night, confide her feelings, or comfort her after a long day buried in work—even gods had needs from time to time.

Vanquishing the last of any lewd thoughts, she arrived at the doorstep of her son’s bedroom. Knocking three times, she awaited an answer but nothing came; she tried a second time without success. Feeling a bit worried, she opened the door. He wasn’t there

“Where is he?” groaned Celestia as she returned to the hall. She asked if anypony knew where he was. She explicitly told him to be ready to leave and waiting for her at midnight.


While his mother tried to locate him, Onyx was outside in the garden Celestia found him in when he was a baby. He’d been sobbing quietly as he replayed what Twilight said over and over in his head. Throughout his life he had been called a monster more than once but never by someone he considered part of his family, if he really ever had a family. Twilight’s deep-cutting words physically hurt and made him question if he should even live with ponies.

“Without me here, Mother would not need to go to the Council, and I wouldn't have broken Twilight’s heart. Maybe I should leave… maybe I don’t belong,” though the brooding prince.

“No… No, it isn’t my fault. Axandrea is the reason Twilight is heartbroken. It’s the Emperor’s fault Celestia is forced into the Council, not mine.” Onyx stood tall with newfound passion.

“Strong Shield always told me to be strong, and I shall. Tonight, the Council; tomorrow, Twilight!”

45- Season 2-The Council

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Caution! The following story may contain grammatical errors and could make grammar Nazi burst into flammes.

Chapter 45

A Sick Kingdom

“Shall we go now, Your Highness?” asked the golden-armored Pegasus guard in charge of the royal chariot. He, his wing-pony, and Princess Celestia were waiting for Onyx in the solar princess’s chariot in the cold of the night. The lunar chariot, carrying Luna and Shining Armor, had set off for the council summit fifteen minutes earlier.

Typically, the guards would not have minded the wait, but harsh winds brought with them a sense of fear and a storm looming on the horizon. They were anxious to depart as soon possible to avoid the risk of getting stuck in the incoming storm, even if it meant leaving Prince Onyx behind.

“We are not leaving without my son even if it takes all night,” answered Celestia in a hard tone; her son was once again not where he should have been. “I hope you have a good reason to be late, Onyx,” the princess thought as she looked over the doors to the tower in hope that he would soon open them.


Onyx was in his room, turning over every chest and scouring his room for the green dual-sword he received while at the Ponyville library with Twilight some time ago. It felt like a little voice in his head kept telling him he’d need it more than anything else. He tried to ignore the voice—why would he bring a weapon to a place where they are forbidden—but the feeling grew stronger and stronger. It was unnerving, but Onyx trusted his instincts; and so, he tore through the mess that had became his room. After ten frantic minutes of searching, he found his precious sword in the bathroom, wrapped with towel. He sprinted outside the castle tower where his mother was waiting for him.


It had been two hours—two hours of a rough flight through a storm and Celestia scolding him over breaking his promise regarding Luna—but the chariot finally arrived at the castle of the Council’s summit. Onyx was amazed at its sized and design: The council place was build to represent each civilisation and for do so it was build like a giant hexagon Each was made with brick to the color of each nation and placed to rebuild each flag. then they was the five enormous, ornate doors, and at the side of them was a huge statue representing the first leaders of the nations that made up the Council of Five (dragon, gryphon, minotaur, pony, and zebra). Strangely, for the statue representing the Equestria stood Celestia and Luna even if it was build some millenium ago.

“Those statues make me realise just how much older you and auntie Luna both are.” Celestia face-hoofed at her son’s tactlessness on the subject of a mare’s age.

The chariot landed, allowing Onyx and Celestia to step in front of the huge ornamental gate dating from the time that the nation still was in wars with each other where Luna and Shining Armor awaited them.

“Finally, we were starting to worry, was everything alright?” questioned Luna.

“Sorry, Sister, but my son seems to think he can do anything he wants without thinking of the consequence,” answered Celestia in a harsh, motherly tone. Onyx stood and only looked down at his feet, ashamed.

“So, Luna, how does everything look?” Celestia asked in a more sober tone, walking off alongside her sister so that Onyx and Shining Armor would not overhear. Although she was upset with her son, she would not let herself be distracted. That night the Emperor would pay for his crimes; he would regret the day he kidnaped her son over a decade ago.

It could just as easily be the night Celestia lost Onyx forever. It would not surprise her if the Emperor had thought up a defence plan. Celestia couldn’t bring herself to tell Onyx, but depending on how the votes played out, the Gryphon Emperor could have Onyx returned to the Gryphon kingdom or worse, publicly executed.

“Things do not look so good, Sister,” answered Luna. “While Shining and I waited for you, I took the liberty of checking on the Emperor. He seemed strangely confident while discussing with the Minotaur Champion.”

Celestia nodded—she wasn’t surprised that Emperor Griffin would forge an alliance with the minotaur. She still had the Zebra Shaman, who always supported his sister nation, in her corner. It would almost certainly be down to the the Dragon Grandmaster for the decisive tie-breaker vote; although, he would hopefully favor Celestia’s side, having known her for so many centuries and having bitterness towards his former enemies, the gryphons and minotaurs.

“So, what are we doing now, Mother?” questioned Onyx, having caught up with her and Luna.

“First of all, young man, you will go put that sword back in the chariot. You shouldn’t need it—it’s supposed to be a peace conference—and I’ve already told you that I don’t like you playing with that weapon. You don’t even know where it came from, and that oily-black and green are not the family’s colors. I see no reason why you even keep it—”

“Mother, I do not intend to play with—”

“Enough, Onyx! Leave the sword in the chariot! We will be in the mwaiting room.” Luna and Shining were both surprised by how angrily Celestia reacted. Onyx was stunned by his mother being so upset only a small thing, but he knew better, so he turned back towards the chariot.

“Sh-should I follow him?” asked Shining Armor. Celestia ignored him continue her way to the waiting room, soon followed by Luna and Shining.



In the changeling hive, while Onyx was on his way to bring back his weapon to the chariot, Chrysalis her was angrily yelling atrocity to Celestia even if she could not heard her. Since Fillia was returned from her escapade at Canterlot, Chrysalis was now in possession of two items that will help her for conquering Canterlot and take make Celestia paid. One of these item was the secret diary of Cadance which will help her to know more the past of the love princess and by the same way will make the task of taking her place much more easier. The second one was the phoenix plushie of Onyx, this plush was so love by the prince that not only it will help to nourish the more weak Changeling but it will too reinforce her link which was why she could now be connected to Onyx with hive mind without using the same amount of magic which allow her to follow the prince without being caught by Celestia. But even with that plus she still need to be careful now that the sun princess have forced her son to bring back her little gift to the chariot. All her hard work for forced Onyx to bring the sword with him have been crushed in a mere second.

“Profit of your little victory princess because in less than three month everything you love, everything you have will be mine I will make you pay for the death of- wait a second...what do that gryphon want to Onyx…” Said Chrysalis while she feel someone approaching Onyx by behind.


“Greeting Prince of Equestria, may I have a little talk with you?” Asked a old looking Gryphon while Onyx was busy putting back his sword in the chariot. The voice of the intruder surprised him and when he return himself for saw who was there, flashback of the horror The Emperor have made him go through defile in his head as he recognize the Emperor’s advisor. He remember how the advisor was alway with the emperor a cruel smile on his face, enjoying every cry and scream of pain of Onyx and his desperate attempt to fight back .

But he rapidly gain back his calm, not wanting to act like if he was scared by him as he addressed to the advisor.

“What do you want gryphon?” Asked the prince as he spat the last word with disdain and disgust.

“Oh my, are you still angry after us? Did not your mother teaches you how to forgive everypony because that how friendship work?” Mocked the old gryphon.

“I have not time to spare with someone who take joy in seeing other suffering!” Said Onyx, turning back the way he came, not wanting to spend another minute with a member of the specie he hated the more.

“Fine, run away like the coward you are! All your life you have tried to run away from us when you could have instead accept your new life or fight back like a true male, return hide yourself in the protecting arms of your mom like a young colt..or if you have the guts, you could stay here and listen to the deal I wanted to make with you…”

As he heard the few last word of the gryphon, Onyx stopped and return himself, intriguing by what the gryphon could offer him.

“A deal?”

“Yes yes a deal, or a proposition, a fair trade, a exchange. call that that way you want it does not matter. What really matter is what we could prevent, interested?”

“Go on.” Answered Onyx, the gryphon him was happy of that answer, he did not think that the prince would listen to him so easily, now if only he could bring him where he wanted…

“ You see, we are not forced to talk about what happened to you when the council will start, we could just talk about the same thing these leader are alway talking about like the food resource, the economy etc.. and we could leave the incident behind us..So if you could convince your mother to not bring that subject to the council, i will do the same with my Emperor.”

“And why would you want me to do that…?” Asked suspiciously Onyx.

“Well..I don’t know if I should say that to you but...Our Emperor is sick, he can’t control himself on the matter of life and death, killing our own subject like if they were growing on a tree and I fear a revolt, so if the subject of your vacation to our country is bring up at the council and if we won the vote, because we will won, it would not surprise me that Celestia do everything in her power to take you back from the empire, even starting a wars and unfortunately our civilian will not take too well that…So..want to make peace?” Asked the advisor as he show up his talon waiting for an answer.

Onyx did not react at first, then he only turn away, ignoring the gryphon, on his way to rejoin his mother.

“What!” Exclaimed the gryphon. “I offer you an easy way to get out of all this and you refuse it!”

“You know what gryphon, if you come here without your emperor is because you are scared, you know that we will won because our version of the fact are the true one. Justice will be bring on what happened years ago so return to your master and tell him that tonight will be the last night of freedom.” Answered Onyx before he return in the hallway of the council.

“Be careful young prince!” Yelled the gryphon from the outside. “You have no idea what waiting for you at that council.” Before he return to his EMperor, waiting the council to start.

46-Green VS Red

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Chapter 46
Green VS red

Onyx's hands were shaking. An icy chill raced up his spine. He was feeling weak, to the point where he worried he would pass out or vomit. His legs felt as though they could hardly support his own weight and if it wasn't for the fact that he wanted so badly to see Griffon fall he would have turned and ran. His mother, Celestia, said he had nothing to fear and that she would be with him the whole time. She had lied.

Immediately after he passed the door to enter the Council room he was arrested by two zebras wearing white armor. A third handed Celestia a scroll and after looking it over she simply nodded and allowed them to take him away. She did nothing to help him, so feeling betrayed was natural, but at the same time perhaps there was nothing she could do.

Onyx's thoughts were interrupted by a Zebra, wearing similar armor to the guards that arrested him, opening his cell. He remembered Celestia telling him how one nation always hosted the summit and provided guards to protect the council. It explained all the zebras. The Zebra motioned for him to follow. Not wanting to cause an unnecessary trouble, Onyx quickly obliged. They walked in silence till they reached an plain wooden door with a small sign above its frame.

Trial Room #6

"They are waiting for you inside." The nameless zebra said as he opened the door, allowing Onyx to enter the corridor which led to a large circular room. The walls, floors and even the ceiling were all made of polished granite, Onyx could see his reflection throughout the space. Ten unlit torches lined the surrounding wall, and five thrones lined the circular border of the large room.

The torches all simultaneously burst into flames, revealing all the leaders sitting in their thrones. In front of him was Auntie Luna, his mother and Shining Armor who was by their side. The worry on their faces was evident. A noise on his left caught his attention, the leader of the zebras started to clear his throat and whispered something to the zebra on his right. Onyx suddenly realized that, since all the leaders were already present, they would likely be skipping directly to his judgement. His heart began to race, this was nothing like Celestia and he planned.

“Your name?” asked a deep voice coming from behind Onyx.

“"What?" answered the young prince. He stared at the massive dragon, who's bulk took up a fifth of the room. All Onyx could think of was how he should have been nicer to Spike, because if he grew to even half the size of this dragon, there might be trouble.

“I asked your name, creature,” asked once again the Elder.

“Onyx. My name is Onyx, son of Celestia,” answered Onyx.

As he answered, the Zebra shaman rose up from his seat and cleared his throat, before his assistant gave him a scroll, which he started to read aloud.

“"My fellow sovereigns, every three years we come together on this date, just as our ancestors did, in the hopes of preserving the peace our lands have enjoyed. As the proctor of this royal summit I have the honor of declaring the start of our discussions."

The zebra glanced around the room to make sure everyone was listening.

"I now give the floor to the ruler of the Gryphon Empire, Griffon, who will tell us why we have this creature, called Onyx, in front of us.

As he finished, the gryphon rose up from his seat and took a deep breath. He had waited for this moment for three years, each night since Onyx have been escaped from his dungeon he have dreamed of this, and now, he will finally be able to take his revenge.

"My fellow rulers, or should I say, my dear friends, I have spent my life serving my country to the best of my abilities. I always put my people first and I have made many sacrifices to keep them from any harm." he stated, trying to garner sympathy.

"Not only have I done this for my kingdom, but for your kingdoms also. Asking for nothing in return" the other leaders nodded in agreement.

"Now, I bring this creature before you all to seek retribution for the misdeeds caused by it. I offer to look after and protect this thing Celestia calls her son, and I was re-payed by not only this thing murdering my guards, but also it accusing me of kidnapping it, even after Celestia accepted my offer and allowed it to leave with me.”

“LIAR!” yelled Onyx.

"Silence! You WILL respect the rules of this summit!” Exclaimed the Minotaur champion. Onyx looked over his mother, waiting for her to do something but she just stood there, watching her son and let the Emperor finish his speech of lies.

“As I was saying,” The Emperor continued, “I think it obvious that it is my right to ask this creature to answer the crime of murder, and his mother for conspiracy.” The Emperor finished, Minos started to stand and applaud him but was quickly quieted when the Zebra leader asked him to regain his seat.

“BUT!” continued the Emperor, “I respect Celestia and because of my great generosity, I have decided to forgive her. In return, I ask the council for the right to punish the one called Onyx for his crimes against the griffin race.” The Emperor finished, pointing his talon toward Onyx.


Celestia was worried, something was strange but she could not tell what. Usually the Council would start off with a welcome speech and an open floor for discussion, but this time it was much different. Not only did they take Onyx away from her, but they immediately started his judgement. Along with the fact that the Gryphon Emperor being way more confident than he should be.

“Sister, I think he is talking to you..” whispered Luna, interrupting Celestia’s line of thought.

“Princess, are you still with us?” asked the Zebra, patiently waiting for an answer.

“May you repeat the question please?” Celestia politely asked

“I asked if you were going to accept the trade that the Emperor has proposed. Giving him your adopted creature, and in return he will not accuse you of conspiracy towards his country. Our friend here is trying to stop a war.”

“No I decline the offer,” answered Celestia, “ And I would like to say something about our friend the Emperor. He is li-”
The zebra cut her off.

“Princess, with all due respect, I must ask you do not talk without my permission. It is not your turn to talk, so you will have to wait your turn.”

“But since when do we-” once again the zebra did not let her finish.

“Princess Celestia, will I have to ask you to leave the council and let your sister take your place, or you will do what I said?”

Celestia remained silent but now the validations of her suspicions were blatant, the Council had been corrupted. It was true that the leader who was in charge of the Council was sort of like the supervisor, but never before had they have taken away the right to talk to a leader with no reason, like the Zebra just did.

“This will be a long night.” Celestia thought.


Two hours passed since the council had started, and Onyx was still sitting in the middle of the room. Waiting for his judgement. During these two hours, The Emperor and Celestia did not stop arguing with each other, trying to convince the council that their side was the right one. The Emperor was accusing Onyx of many crimes and even accusing Onyx of trying to assassinate him. All the while Celestia was trying to convince the council of her son’s innocence, and how the gryphon had tortured Onyx for ten years.

The problem was, that the Zebra doing everything to put Celestia at a disadvantage. He was disregarding the evidence she was showing, and often simply refusing her the right to talk.

Minos and the Elder dragon had stayed quiet, both of them observing the prince.

“...And the scars in his back, do you think they appeared from nowhere ?”

“Celly, his scars are no use in this. He could have gotten them by falling during a climb or when he was practicing with a sword. Or maybe you are the one who did it to him; only to accuse me of something horrible like that.”

“The Emperor has, once again, proven a point Celestia. You can’t prove to us how he got these scars.”

Celestia was on the verge of crying. Nothing was going to the plan, and if it continued like this, she would lose her son, she would lose Onyx. She was doing her best to find something to defend him. It was like standing against the whole of Tartarus without any assistance .

“Now I guess we can all agree that it is time to vote. We have heard enough to make up our minds on the subject to choose who is right and who is lying to us.” Said the Zebra Shaman. “And remember, the green is for Celestia and red for Griffin..” Finished the Zebra.

The voting system in the council was really simple. A magical system of fire was created by the dragon, and each leader had two torches under their throne. One fire was green and the other one was red.

Each leader world pick their torches and place them on the socle in front of them where every other leader could see which color the others have chosen.

Onyx could only watched his mother with desperation. He was more scared than he had ever been in his life, and the future of it was going to be chosen right now. He looked around him for check the vote of every leader. First his mother, her fire was green, then the Zebra, the torch in fire was red. It was not a surprise to Onyx, and with the Griffin, it was now two red for one green.

Then it was the Elder dragon who lit his torch in a green flames. Two votes for each side.. Onyx was now looking over Minos. Time seemed to slow down when the minotaur rose from up from his seat to put the torch on the socle. He planted his torch in the stone as a flame burst from it.

The flame was red.

47- Shining the Hero

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Chapter 47

Fillia was tired. Tired of suffering from hunger, tired of hiding, tired of lying to everypony she met, and just plain tired of being tired. But no one, save for a dead changeling, would stay in bed when summoned by the Queen herself. With a loud sigh, she rose up from her bed and stretched out her stiff legs. She heard her roommate downstairs scraping breakfast together - the thought of being left hungry after another meager, unsatisfying meal made her want to curl back up in bed.

“Breakfast is ready!” exclaimed the voice downstairs. Sighing again, Fillia opened up the door to her room and descended the steps to her friend in the kitchen.

“How was your night?” asked the changeling named Mutare. She set two plates with small pink gems on the table. These gem were filled with love that have been stolen from some other pony and they were the only way to store the love.

Fillia sat down silently. She opened her mouth and let the love-charged gem’s energy enter her body. It wasn’t satisfying, but it was better than nothing, even if tasted bad in comparison to…

“Still thinking about him, huh?” Mutare asked while she consumed the love from her own gem. Since the last mission in the gryphon kingdom, Fillia have been acting more strange than the usual, like if her mind was somewhere else.

“If only you could have tasted it,” answered Fillia, “It was better than what we will ever get in our life. I cannot even compare it to something else. It was unique, but at the same time so familiar.”

“I think you are over doing it again. Love is love, it can’t taste so much different from the love we steal from the others.”

“No! It was different! Unlike the others, this time the love was for me, the real me, not for an illusion of somepony else.”

“Maybe, but dreaming about this will certainly not satisfy your hunger, so finish your meal. You don’t know how much money I put into these rations.”


“So what will you be doing today?” Fillia inquired to her roommate as they were both outside of their house, in front of the main door.

“I’m going to pay a visit to the south part of the town,” answered Mutare as she put some food rations in her saddlebags, and with them a map of the city, “and you?”

“I guess I will go relax somewhere, and profit off this break from my spy job,” answered Fillia.

They then said their goodbyes to each other before they went about their daily lives. On her way, Fillia could not keep herself to think about how her roommate was someling with a big heart, even bigger than her own. It was not the first time that Mutare was going to the weaker part of the city to help the other Changelings by offering them filled gems. She even sometimes was jealous of her passion. Outside of spying for the Queen, Fillia did not know what much to do with her life, unlike her roommate.

“Hey Fillia,” called a voice from behind her, interrupting her thought. FIllia looked behind herself to see who it was calling her. At first she did not see them, until she looked up to see another one of her friends with a huge smile on his face, flying upside down above her.

“Hi Spray,” welcomed Fillia with a giggle. Even with the starvation, Spray had always been joyful, and with that he had always made her smile. And like her roommate, he was always helping the other Changeling who was the more in need of help. Especially the younger ones. Spray could pass the whole day in the orphanage, which was becoming more and more populated with each day, trying to put a smile on the face of all the orphans.

“Whatcha doing?” asked the male Changeling, dropping to her side. “Wanna go out with me?” He rapidly asked back, preventing Fillia to answer to his first question.

“Spray, I already told you I have no feelings for you,” answered Fillia with a heavy sigh, “ I mean, you are one of my best friend, but it ends there.”

“Right, right, I know, still thinking about your mysterious creature.” answered back Spray, with a bit of disappointment, “but you know, we could still hang out somewhere if you don’t have anything else to do.”

Fillia thought about it a little, she saw no harm with being with one of her best friends and who knows, maybe his continuous good mood will make her happy.

“Ok Spray, I accept your offer, this time.”

The reaction of Spray was immediate, his smile became even bigger, like if that was even possible, and he immediately grabbed Filla’s hoof to bring her somewhere else.


Back to the council

“NO” yelled Celestia at the top of her lungs, but before she could react and try to protect her son, The Emperor made a move toward the Zebra Shaman, by which the Zebra answered by sending his guards put shackles on Celestia’s son while the Emperor was smiling evilly. Onyx tried to defend himself, but the zebras were more skilled than him, and finally, Onyx could not move anymore, now prisoner of the gryphons.

Celestia tried to go help him but Luna kept her from doing so, having Celestia attack a member of the council would make the situation even worst.

“You can’t take my son! No no no!” She yell between her sobs. Onyx meanwhile could only watch around him, knowing that his world will be destroyed, that he will never be able to see his mother or Twilight. But fortunately for him, not all the members of the council was against him.

“Can someone explain me what is happening here!” yelled the Dragon Elder, his voice shaking the room itself. “Is this how we deal with a prisoner? As if he’s some kind a beast? As far as I know, this creature has been declared coupable, but it is not a reason to treat him like if he is a danger for us!“

“Listen here you old lizard!” answered The Emperor. “Onyx is now MY prisoner, and so he is under my control and it is my right if I want him to be put in shackles for his crimes against my country.”

The dragon Elder did not appreciate his answer. For him, the council was supposed to be something where everyone has his rights and should be treated equally, and with respect. “Gryffin, As long as this creature is in the presence of the Council he is not your… property… And I don’t think that giving him the right to say goodbye to his adoptive mother will cost you anything, so why not do what a good leader would do and give Celestia the chance to hug her son one last time before you take him away from her,” answered back the Elder. The Emperor really did not wanted to agree to this, but having an angry Dragon after you was a really bad idea.

“ Fine, let the monster have a moment with his mother.”

The guards listened and free Onyx from his shackle. Celestia teleported herself to his son and hugged him tightly, her tears falling down on Onyx’s back while he was frozen in place.

“My son. No.” She keep repeating. She did not want it to end like that, it could not be end like that. All these years trying to protect him and taking care of him, all of this will be taken aways from her.

“Wait!” Exclaimed Shining Armor, cutting short to the sobs of Celestia. “You can’t take Onyx away!” Every leader look at him with a look of surprise, which make Shining lost a bit of his confidence. “I mean, Onyx does not have to go with The Emperor..“

At these words, both Celestia and Onyx raised their heads to look at him with desperation in their eyes, hoping that Shining really had found something to help Onyx, but the Gryffin will not let this happen.

“And who are you, first?” Asked the Zebra leader, slightly irritated that this pony was trying to reverse his judgement.

“Uhm. My name is Shining Armor, Captain of the royal guards from Canterlot. I have been chosen by Princess Luna to be her assistant.” Say proudly the captain.

“Hum, I see… Unfortunately young pony, you have no right of speech here, only the leaders of their country can have the right to talk in the council. Your only purpose in this place would be to replace your princess if they were absent. Which they are not.”

At these words, The Emperor fought back his smile, happy that the Zebra was still on his side. Unfortunately for him, Luna had no intention to let her sister lose her son. So she casted a teleportation spell and teleported herself back to Canterlot. At the same time, she gave Shining Armor the right to talk.

“Well… It seems, now that Luna is gone, I can share my idea with everyone.” Shining proudly announce.

“I don’t think so pony, the council already declared judgement anyways, so I don’t see why should we listen to you,” answered back the zebra with bitterness in his voice.

“Because this our job to do so!” roared the Elder dragon, tired of the lack of competence in the Zebra Shaman. “It is our duty to give the right verdict, so even if this new information came a little late, we have to listen to him.”

“FIne,” sighed the Zebra, “Anyway, I hardly think that you can show us something that will make me change my verdict.”

Celestia, who the whole time was trying to find what Shining could have found that she did not, nodded to the captain. Giving him a look full of sadness and hopes, hopes that she could still be with her son all the while.

Shining finally cleared his throat, and started his speech.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but this council is a place where every leader of each species regroup each three years in this place for deal with all the important stuff.”

“Congratulations you figured out what it is we do during these meeting. Is that all?” The Emperor answered in a harsh tones, clearly starting to hate the captain.

“ And each leader has the right to vote, like you all just did for the fate of Onyx?”

“Yes…” the Shaman said slowly.

“Well if this is true, why does Onyx, who is a different species, not have the right to vote. Being the sole member of a completely different species would make him the representative of his species and therefore give him the right to vote would it not?” questioned Shining Armor.

The Emperor would have killed Shining if it was not for the fact that he would be banished from the council and maybe from his own country.

“But that would lead to a tie, no!” exclaimed The Emperor.

“And the rules are perfectly clear.” The Elder dragon finished, happy that the strange creature had been saved, for now. “In case of tie in the votes, we have to re-vote on the issue at the next meeting, which is in three years.”

“YES!” exclaimed Celestia, hugging her son, all the while still crying. Though this time, it was tears of joy that were falling down her face.

“You’re coming back home with me, Onyx.” she whispered in his ear.

Onyx simply hugged his mother back, his mind still too much in shock to properly understand what was happening around him.

48- Onyx's Diary

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Chapter 48

Dear Diary,

Yes, I started to write a diary. Never would I have thought that I would have my own secret book: Though after what happened to me, I realised that if someday I died, I would leave nothing behind. So that is the reason why I am sitting here in my room, writing with a feather from Philomena, who was kind enough to let me borrow one.

I don’t have so much experience in this kind of stuff, so I will do my best to write clearly what I’m trying to say.

First of all, when we came back from the council, Luna and threw us a small, private party for the family. Well, most of the time me and mom where just with each other, appreciating that fact that we were both together in our house, far away from this monster that they call Emperor. I even slept in her bed, like I used to do when I was younger and had nightmares.

Well, I guess this is all for the first entry. See you tomorrow Diary.

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 24th of Crystalia


Dear Diary,

Once again Twilight refused to listen to me. I tried to pay her a visit and explain to her that what she saw was a mistake, but as soon as I knocked on her door, I got teleported back to Canterlot. I guess that is what happen when your mare friend is the student of the most powerful living being. But I will not give up.

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 27th of Crystalia

Dear Diary,

I don’t know how to react, I mean what happened was not my fault...Or was it...I just don’t know...Maybe I should explain to you what happened. This morning, I finally convinced Twilight to talk to me with the help of somepony named Pinkie Pie. We both had talked for a long time, I explained her what have really happened but in the end she decided that it would maybe be a better idea to just stay friends for awhile. Of course I accepted, Twilight was my best friend since I was 7 years old.

I think tonight will be passed in my room, I kinda don’t want to see anypony else, and especially not Cadance. She always with Shining Armor and seeing him will make me think of Twilight.


Written on the 4th of Sun Festif.

Dear Diary,

Mom finally convinced me to get out of my room and do something else than mope to myself. I guess she is right. I mean it is not by doing nothing that something will change between me and Twilight.

I don’t really have much to say today.

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 6th of Sun Festif

Dear Diary,

I can’t stand my cousin anymore, Always talking about wedding or dress, not leaving me alone and asking me tons of thing like: Do you think he will prefer Chocolate or vanilla? Should I buy more than one? etc… I know I have promised to help but I think she is overdoing it. Just because I'm a male does not mean that I know which edible pastry that Shining will prefer….I sure hope that Cadence will never put her hooves on this book or she will kill me.

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 13th of Sun Festif

Dear Diary,

Today was the weirdest day I ever had. It all started this morning after I woke up. When I have turned on the shower, and instead of hot water coming out of it, it was cold chocolate milk. CHOCOLATE MILK! How is that even possible. First I thought it was a unicorn who had messed up a spell, but why would a unicorn do magic over the water system. Then came the time for the family breakfast, like every monday, mom was not here and when I asked Luna where she was, she only answered me with something about an old friend, or was it foes… I Could not hear well because Blueblood was yelling (again) at one of the maids about how he could not clean himself this morning because his bath was filled with butter. Suddenly the cold chocolate fountain in my room was not so bad.

After breakfast, I returned to my room for continue the painting I started one month ago. I don’t know why, but every color I was trying to draw was reversed. When I was using some yellow it turned red, the blue was green and the brown was now pink. It frustrated me so much that I chose to leave the paint and go read a book in the royal library.

On my way I saw a guard patrol that was stopped in the middle of the alley because apparently somepony decided to add some itching powder inside of their armor.

The rest of my day was kinda normal though, I found a book in the library that was talking about old legend and mythology which was really interesting. After a small snack bring by the maid, I made my way to mom’s room to wish her a goodnight, but for the first time in my life she refused to let me enter in her room. I think I could heard her crying. I don’t know why, but I feel like I missed something important today.

Onyx, Son of Big Flank Celestia Big Flank Big Big BIG!!

Written on the 22th of Sun Festif.

Onyx you should not leave your Diary on your desk or somepony could read it.


Your mother.

ps: Are you not too old for have so many plushies on your bed?

Written on the 3rd of Gryflius

Dear Diary,

Twilight kissed me on the cheek today! Maybe there is still hopes for us to be in couple again.

That is all!

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 11th of Gryflius

Dear Diary,

These dreams… Always the same thing...Always the same three foals. I have talked about this to Luna since she is kinda the expert in the dream domain. Tonight she will try to enter in my dream and help me with them.

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 20th of Gryflius

Dear Diary,

For once, I am writing to you in the morning. Like I said last night, Luna did enter into my dream to check if everything was alright. As always, I was once again in a small house outside of the city, but this time it was different. Instead of being IN the dream I was WATCHING the dream like if it was a book filled with images. I saw myself sing a lullaby to the youngest one of the kids before wishing her a good night. I saw myself read a story to the one named Fabian, and finally I saw myself trying to calm down the one named Nemeroff. The whole time Luna was by my side, watching everything closely, trying to see if this dream was really just a dream. When the “mother” as I call her, entered the room, everything started to spin in a circle until I woke up back in my room. Luna told me that she did not see anything weird with it, and that if i can’t see the “mother” Is simply because I don't want to.

Thanks Luna, for the precious help…

Onyx, Son of Celestia

Written on the 21 of Gryflius.

49- It just got real

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Chapter 49

Three months had passed since the council’s adjournment, and things could not be better for the royal family. With the plot to have her son taken from her thwarted, Celestia could care for her kingdom in peace. Luna had been going out and familiarizing with her citizens. Her public relations events did wonders towards mending her infamy as Nightmare Moon. Cadance and Shining were busily preparing for their wedding and honeymoon while Onyx and Blueblood was still doing their apprentissage as ruling a kingdoms.


“Have you made your choice?”

“No. In fact, I’m waiting for somepony, but thanks for asking,” Onyx said to the old mare. The mare nodded and returned to her business, leaving the prince to his slow, agonizing death in the fitting room. Onyx sighed before returning his gaze to the several dozen wedding dresses. It was just his luck that when she showed up, Candace would have him thoroughly criticise each one before she made her decision. Onyx was deep in thought until a voice called his name.

“Hiya Cousin. Sorry for being so late, but I promise you I had a good reason,” Cadence explained, entering the shop and simultaneously breaking its calm atmosphere.

“So cousin, have you spotted one in particular that matches the wedding theme?” asked the pink alicorn.

“No, not really. They’re all white—no pink,” Onyx deadpanned with an extra pinch of irritation. Cadance either ignored it or had already stopped listening to him and was back in her non-stop enthusiasm.

“Well, we’ll just have to try them all and get one in the right color later,” piped Cadence with a smirk. She plucked the first two from the rack and cantered toward the fitting room.

“Oh boy, here we go.”


The Changelings, like the ponies, were feverishly preparing for the upcoming wedding of princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Instead of being fitted for dresses and mulling over color schemes and decor, however, they were being fitted for armor and sharpening daggers and arrows. For months, the hive hungrily anticipated the upcoming invasion. The warriors honed their shapeshifting abilities while workers prepared vats of strange, acrid-smelling healing mixtures for the inevitable wounded. Traditional values forbade revealing their hive to the world; but with the food crisis becoming more and more dire, they did not have much of a choice. It was particularly hard on their queen.

Chrysalis was in her room when there was a knock at the door. With a small sigh, she walked over to welcome her second in command while she would be masquerading as Cadance.

“Greeting your majesty.” Said the changeling while kneeling in front of Chrysalis. “Shall I come back later?”

“No come in General, you have already broken the calm of this room, no need to do it a second time.” Answered in a little harsh tone Chrysalis. The general enter hesitantly her room, it was not everyday that a common Changeling would get the opportunity to enter the room of their Queen without being killed on place.

“My Queen, I come here in your room today not as your general but as a friend but please before I tell what I have to say promise me that you will let’s me finish before taking action against me.”

Chrysalis was now intrigued and so let’s her general continue.

“Go on…”

“My Queen...I...I think we should cancel the invasion.”


“Now repeat after me; How you doin’?”

“How are you doing?” Repeated Onyx, taking a sip of glass of wine while Stainless Steel and Curved Bronze “tried” to teach him how to pick up mares. Since Cadance no longer needed him Onyx took the liberty to take a little break and relax with some guards at the nearest Inn.

“No no no not like that, how do you think you will get any mares if you can’t even present you properly?” Asked Stainless Steel.

“Ho leave him alone, we both know that his heart is already owned by that purple Mare.” Said back Curved Bronze.

“Who? Berry Punch?”

Onyx choked on his wine at the answer before retaking his breath and exploding with laughter. If it was not a hazard he would have picked these two to get a beer with him more often, they always finds ways to make him laugh whether intentional or not.

“C’mon guys, let’s talk about somepony besides me. Why not about you guys? Do you have any mares with whom you share your hearts with?”

Both looked back at their beers, so far no mares ever wanted to date them but they did not want the prince to know it, scared that he might not continue to hang out with them if he knew.

“Aww, c’mon guys who is it?”

“Well you see… We um.. We’ve never had a date before.” Answered hesitantly Curved Bronze.

“No Mares ever wanted to go out with us.” Continued Stainless Steel.

Onyx remained silent at their answer. True they were a little clumsy, but that’s hardly a reason to have never been with somepony else.

“Guys don’t be depressed like that. If Blueblood could get three dates in his life, you guys, being way nicer than him, can easily find someone to share your life with. Right?”

Both of the guards remained silent and kept looking sadly at their beers. Feeling bad for his friends Onyx choose to help them a little.

“You know I could ask Cadance to help you with this. She loves to play matchmaker and I’m sure she will find somepony to go on a date with you.” Onyx didn’t know if it was true, but it certainly helped to return his friends to their good mood, for which they hugged him in return.


Meanwhile in the castle, Cadance was in her room looking at her reflection in the mirror, she was wearing one of the three dress she bought this day with Onyx but unfortunately none of them were to her taste. While they were all pretty she wanted them to tell a story, to be unique, to be something else than just “wedding dress bought in any shop.” She tough while taking of her crown and preparing herself for bed but a knock at the door interrupted her.

“Who is it?” Asked the love princess.

“Room service.” Was the only answer she get. “But I did not asked for anything...Unless it is a surprise from Shiny” She thought happily while opening the door.

“Yes what is…Haa!” She exclaimed before being pushed in her room by force and being blinded by a green flash and lost consciousness

50-The new pet

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Chapter 50

Today was not an ordinary day for Onyx. His cousin Cadence had requested his help for the whole day to work on a surprise for her wedding guests. Apparently, it was so important to Candace that the surprise stay secret, that she did not even tell him what it was. She only asked for help with some minor details. Of course, Onyx would have prefered to stay in his room and relax the whole day, but since he had promised to help her the best he could with the wedding he did not really have a choice.

The prince quickly made his bed and put on some clean clothes. At the same time, Philomena, who had slept in his room that night, was tapping her beak on the windows, trying to get the attention of Onyx so he could open it.

“Have a good day, Philo,” the prince said while opening the window, letting the flame bird free from his room. “I guess I should go too. Don’t want Cadence wait.”

After exiting the bedroom, he made his way toward the “private” room of Cadance. Two days ago, she had requested to sleep in a different room than Shining Armor, pretexting that she did not want them to slept with each other before the wedding to make things a little more intense for when they will be finally together.

“Excuse me sir, but which way is the kitchen?” a young filly asked with a blue mane and green coat, interrupting Onyx from his thoughts.

“Excuse me?” The prince answered, confused as to what and why a young filly was doing in the private section of the castle.

“The kitchen sir. Where is it?” she asked again.

“Um… in the opposite wing, third corridor on the right. Might I ask why?”

“It’s because he is hungry, I want to give him some milk.” She answered. It was at this moment that Onyx saw the little kitten that she was holding in her forelegs. “I found him alone near the gate of the castle and I want to adopt him. I think I will name him Mister Purr.” Said the young filly, hugging lovely the kitten.

Onyx smiled warmly at the sight. The filly had found his soft spot. There was no way that Onyx would send her back outside without helping her, now.

“Well if you and mister Purr would give me the honor to follow me to the kitchen, I would gladly give a warm glass of milk to both of you.” Onyx said whilst kneeling, by which she answered with a huge smile and happily noded.


Chrysalis was sitting in her new bed that once belonged to Cadence. It was not as comfortable as her own bed, but it could have been worse, even if she hated the bright pink color. She had let herself relax a little. So far everything was going to plan. Cadence was now in the underground mines that her spy had reported to her, no one in the castle were suspecting a thing. She even convinced the staff in the castle that she wanted her own room for the time before the marriage. The truth was that she did not want to sleep in the same room as Shining Armor. She found that stallion was really undesirable with his constant, “way of honor” and “I would do everything for my sister and wife.” It was like having a constant servant around you that you could not order to go away and she found it rather irritating.

She let out a sigh of pure happiness. Soon she will usher in a new age of prosperity into her kingdom, and no longer will they have to suffer from starvation, and by the same occasion, she will take her revenge on the assassination of her mother. She had already imagined it in her head; the lifeless body of Shining Armor and Cadance dragging on the floor, her army celebrating everywhere in the city, eating as much as they want. Finally, the best part, Celestia being killed by the hand of her son. “What a better way than having the one she loved the most to put an end to her life and avenge the death of my mother.” Chrysalis thought.

Whilst she daydreamed about her future, three knocks could be heard from the door of her room.

“Well if it is not the perfect moment for him to show up.” She made sure that she was still in the illusion of Cadence before answering the door. “Hello cousin, c’mon on in I was waiting for you.”

“How did you know it was me?” Asked Onyx.

“Lucky guess.” the false Cadence answered back happily before closing the door behind the prince.

“So how can I help you today?” The young prince asked, eager to start.

“It’s really nothing hard but before we start I must go to the bathroom, so if you could wait here while I’m taking care of some personal business “ Onyx nodded while the disguised Chrysalis made her way to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She waited a couple of seconds to make sure that he would not follow her before she took a few steps and stared at the mirror. She made her illusion disappear and took a look at her reflection. Her bluish mane falling on her face and partially covering her right eye was still perfect. She passed her snakish tongue over her two pearl white fangs to make sure that they were still perfectly sharp before she finally took a deep breath and prepared herself to return to the bedroom.

Onyx, who was now sitting on Cadence’s bed, was reading the list of invitations that he had found on the nightstand. When the bathroom door opened, he did not immediately see what was coming out of it. “You know, I’m still surprised that we all forgot to send the invitation for Twilight and her friends. Fortunately for us Celestia remembered it for u..What in the world are y-!” Onyx exclaimed before being muted by a spell when he saw the Changeling Queen in her real form.

“Tut tut tut, So you really do not remember a mare as beautiful as me even if we met more than one time before?” The evil queen asked playfully, approaching the bed menacingly. Onyx tried to run for the exit to call the guards,but the Queen kept him from moving by casting a second spell on him. “What am I saying, Of course you could not remember me since I made you forget everything...Maybe you should remember the unforgettable moment we passed together.

As she said those word an acute pain pierced the head of the prince, a flash of images passed in rapid succession in his mind before the pain disappeared. Slowly but surely, Onyx started to remember everything that Chrysalis had made him forget.

“See, I knew you could remember someling like me if you gave it the effort.” Said the Changeling Queen while moving seductively toward Onyx and push him on his back on the bed. With her magic she positioned the prince on the bed in a more comfortable way before rejoining him. Onyx tried his hardest to yell for help for but no sounds were coming from his mouth. He could not even move a single finger before a look of fear and incomprehension appeared in his eyes. The Queen climbed on top of him, her front hooves pinning him down even if she did not need to do so.

“And I bet you remember the little gift I left you the last time we met don’t you?” Asked the Queen in his ear. “I think the time has come to you to use it.” Continued the Queen before sensually licking the neck of the prince. Then, without any kind of advertisment, she plunged her white fang in him, sending dose after dose of poison into the body of the prince. Onyx wanted to toss away the Queen, but he felt his strength slowly disappear with each heartbeat and he soon fell unconscious, but not before he heard the Queen one last time. “Sleep well little prince, because tomorrow you will start your new life as my pet.”

51- The final Tales of Prince Onyx.

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The final tales of Prince Onyx.

Last chapter.

“Sleep well little prince, because tomorrow you will start your new life as my pet.” Said the Changeling Queen as Onyx lost consciousness. She passed her tongue over her fangs, still tasting the steely taste of the blood before she cleaned up the neck of Onyx to dissimulate every trace of her bite on him. Satisfied with her work, she drop down from the bed to let the prince gain back his strength. She felt a little bad for him, since she knew that he was innocent in the murder of her mom and that he had even saved one of her kind many years ago but wars demand sacrifice and Onyx will be one of them.

Laying on a chair next to the bed, she put one of her hoof under her chin and took a closely look at her pray, thinking about what she was going to do, a part of her did not wanted to hurt him, her seeking of vengeance was not the problem of Onyx and she felt a bit of culpability for Onyx especially since she knew what would happen next to him but those feeling quickly disappear as she rose up from her seat. What has to be done must be done she thought and she could not let herself fall into weakness because of him.


The door of “Cadence’s* room opened slowly as Chrysalis was making sure that nopony could be able to see her before taking back the appearance of the love princess. Locking the door behind her so no one would be able to enter in her room and see the prince on her bed, she made her her way to the royal kitchen where she had an appointment with the new cook in charge for tasting the treat that they will serve at the reception. As she was slowly making her way she could not keep himself from thinking how disgusting her appearance was. Having to live in a body made of pink and yellow fur make her want to throw up each time she was passing in front of a mirror and she was feeling like if she was wearing garbage. Chrysalis did not have to admire herself to know that her beauty could not be match. She only wanted to get rid of this marriage as fact as she could so she would be able to reveal her true form and get rid of this disguise. There was a beauty to her original form unmatched by the pompous pony princesses, by the preening unicorns, the haughty pegasi or the casual Earth pony. Her black carapace almost sucked in the light of the green torches lining the halls of her castle and her mane fell about her withers like the water from their reservoir. No other changeling among her hives could hope to imitate the perfect form of her legs or the regality her face radiated and to add to this she had the shape of a perfect heart on her neck which make her again more irresistible for her subject.

But as she was lost in her self contemplation, Luna who was passing by bumped into her and by the same way make them both fall on the ground.
“Ow ow ow! Thus are sorry Cadence, We..I mean I was lost in my thought and I did not see thou on our ways.” Exclaimed Luna, getting up on her hoof and helping the other alicorn to do the same.

“It is fine really, It is my fault too since I did not see you on my way.” Answered “Cadence” while Chrysalis thought to herself that she was happy to be skilled enough in shapeshifting magic to be able to keep her disguise even when she was surprised by the sort. “So...where were you heading to?” Asked Chrysalis, trying to act as the same way Cadence would do in the same situation.

“Ho I was going to head back to my room before we depart for the dragon kingdom. Like I said you yesterday, I would have loved to stay for your marriage but duty shall come before personal pleasure.”

“yes yes of course, well I wish you a good and safe trip aunt Luna.” Said “Cadance” not wanting to stay too much time with Luna in case she would see behind her disguise.

“thank you Cadance and I wish you a wonderful marriage...but we don’t know if we should say that but you should go take a shower before you go anywhere else, We, I mean I am still able to smell what you and Shining must have been doing this morning.” Exclaimed Luna before leaving a slightly confusing Chrysalis behind her, which took immediately the way to her shower.


Later that night, while their Queen was doing the necessary preparation for the upcoming invasion, the changeling army was patiently waiting at the outside of the city, hiding in the nearby forest waiting for the pink shield to disappear. Most of the army was sleeping under the cover of the stars. But only a few changeling knew is there was a small dispatch of changeling who have been sent out to the Gryphon Kingdom to deal what could possibly become a treat. Now that small group of Changeling were at the edge of the forest beneath the mountain who was abriting the capital of the Gryphon Kingdom. Most of the Changeling were asleep, one of them named Fillia could not find the peace of mind necessary to fall asleep.

“Hey Fillia is everything alright.” Asked a comrade behind her.

“Yes don’t mind me I’m just thinking too much once again and worrying myself for nothing.”

“If you say so.” Answered the changeling. “But still try to get some rest, we will need all our force tomorrow afternoon when we will be inside and don’t worry about those patrols, I had never fall asleep while I was on the night watch.” Said Proudly the Changeling.

“I guess you're right thank you.” Replied Fillia. “Still...I have a really bad feeling about the rest of our army in Canterlot” Though the changeling for herself before thinking back as what Chrysalis told her before she had left for the castle.


“ My Queen..I..I think we should cancel the invasion.”

“And why would I do that?” asked back Chrysalis in a calm tone.

“Be-Because even if we do succeed in our attempt to take control over Canterlot, the other country will surely come to their defence when they will heard of what would have happened and I don’t think we have the military strength necessary to stop 4 other kingdoms from taking back the castle and this is without calculating the soldier we will have to dispatch to the corner of Equestria to take control over the various small village populating it.”

“This is a good point you are presenting to me Fillia but don’t you think that my chancellor and war council had already pointed out?”

“M-Maybe..I have not thought about that...So if we are still going to do this invasion, does it mean you have find a solution to the problems?”

“Unfortunately I can’t reveal this information, only a total of three living subject know this answer and this information is classed top secret but I can assure you that everything I does is for the good of my Kingdom. Now leave me, I must prepare myself.” Said back the changeling Queen, Dismissing her spy with a wave of her hoof.

“As you wish.”


“But what is this plan….?” FIllia questioned herself before falling in a dreamless sleep.


Darkness, silence, loneliness, Those were the only thing Onyx was aware of. His body was no longer responding to him and his mind was stuck in a phase of fear, panic and sadness. He was feeling like if each muscle of his body were being set on fire. “Help me.” Whimpered the prince “Please someone help me...I,,, I can’t move..It hurt too much.” His voice was swallowed by the surrounding darkness, no one answered his call for help. “Please I Can’t move Please mom Luna Twilight where are you!” Once again a heavy silence surrounded his words. Uneasiness wrapped the soul of the young prince, seizing him unexpectedly. He felt a strong impression of emptiness and loneliness. A infinite sorrow seize him, causing him severe respiratory difficulty, dizziness following by palpation and a extreme weakness. The prince cried for a long time without being able to hold his tears then, emptied of his strength, he fall into a dreamless sleep.

How many days go by before he gain back his strength and try to find a solution. No one would be able to say so. A strong fever had made him go crazy and semi-conscious, he tried to end his life without at many occasion without success. His tentative had of course make him to gone even more mad. While in his fit of insanity, Onyx had supplied the gods to come get him and put an end to this and in the absence of any answer he had insulted them for days. The supplice lasted like that for days who had felt like years for the prince. It only when his moral was at the lowest, when the overweight of the solitude was crushing his heart any hope and his soul the smallest bit of confidence, when no solution was presenting to himself. Onyx heard a whisper in his ears.

“Here we can’t die boy, here we suffer.”

“Who are you?” pronounced painfully the prince. “Help me please.”

“I am no one...And I help no one.” Answered the voice. “Everyone must deal with their own suffering. It how it work and I can’t change it.”

“But...Where are you. I can’t see anything it too dark here.”

“The light can’t come here.” Explained the voice. “Here nothing as any importance. No one can obtain what they want, here in this world there is no hope possible. We live here, my brother and I, in powerlessness and discouragement. I wish you the welcome.”

“You are many here?” Trying to see through the darkness.

“We are thousand here, maybe millions and soon you will join us.” Asked Onyx not sure if the voice was a foe or a friend.

“You will soon learn that you are now alone and forgetting by your friends. You future lies in your capacity to accept the fatality. No one will ever find you here and you will suffer for the ternity.”

“No...No no no please leave me alone.” Cried Onyx but the voice did not listen to him and soon an agonizing pain shot through the body of Onyx, when the pain stopped he heard three distinct sound who seemed like an object hitting a something made of wood.


Meanwhile in the royal bedroom, Celestia was laying on her bed, a scroll in front of her and a glass of wine in her hoof. She was reading a list of what would be needed to do before the wedding start tomorrow, taking a sip of glass, she could not keep herself from thinking how thing would be different if she was the one who was going to be married. First she would have chosen to organize the marriage somewhere more exotic than the castle and instead of a huge reception she would have wished a small party with only her closest friends and family present.

Letting out a loud sight, she ended her fantasm of being married and rising up from her bed, she took the direction of her balcony to take a bowl of fresh air.

“Still, Having a husband would be nice for when I felt lonely and Onyx could have a more masculine example to follow.” She thought before somepony knock at her door.

“Yes come in.” Answered Celestia.

“Hello mom.” Said Onyx as he enter in her room. “I just wanted to pass by and wish you a good night before I go to sleep, We must be in good shape tomorrow for Cadence wedding. “

“How sweet from you honey.” Answered back Celestia, trotting to her bed she laid there and invited her son to do. “Come over here, Mommy need a hug from her most precious thing.”

Onyx rejoined her on the bed and they both shared a hug, for several second they did not move or talk and simply enjoy the embrace of each other.

“So, tell me.” Asked Celestia, breaking the silence of the bedroom. “ How was your day today? Cadence did not make you work too much? and have you met Twilight yet? She came by train today to help out organizing the marriage and say hi to her brother and soon sister in law.”

“No no, Cadence is really sweet and did not ask too much from me today.” Answered back.

“And what about Twilight?” Questioned back Celestia, clearly wanting to know how thing were going out for her son and most faithful student.

“No i did not see her today.”

“That it? You're not even excited that she her? I thought you wanted to see her for fix what has happened a long time ago between you two. Are you feeling sick or something?” Asked Celestia, surprised by the lack of care that Onyx was giving.

“No no I’m alright mom, I over with it I can’t stay stuck in the past you know.” Answered back Onyx who was now rising up from the bed and started to leave the room.

“In any case I just wanted to wish a good night before the final preparatif of Tomorrow...Good night mom.” Said Onyx as he closed the door behind him, leaving his mother alone.

“Good...Night sweetie…” replied back Celestia, not sure if her son was telling the truth or not.


After he had said his good night to Celestia, Onyx had rejoined Cadance who was waiting for him in her room. The false Cadence had made Onyx switched the scrolls that Celestia was reading with one of her own creation. The difference between them was minime but essential for Chrysalis plan since it would make the guard patrol the wrong section of the city.

“You did good my little pet, now come we have much more to do before tomorrow….”


Twilight casted a light spell from her horn to see where the evil Cadence had sent her. She could not believe how evil could Cadance be. She knew that something was not right from the moment she met her back on the balcony with her brother.

“I should not had let my guard down. I should had try to find more proof of her being evil before I accused her in front of everypony else.” Thought Twilight.

“Hello? Is anyone there!?” Yelled the purple unicorn as she walked through what seemed to be a cave of some sort, trying to find a way out of there before laughter could be heard. Twilight tried to find where was the source of the voice without success.

“W-where am I?”

“THe cave beneath Canterlot, once home to greedy unicorn who wanted to claim the gems that could found inside.” Answered what seemed to be the reflect of Candace on every shard of the said gems. “And now your prison.

Twilight cried for help as she run aways from the walls, scared by the sight of so many Cadance.

“IT no use, no one can hear you.” Laughed the false Cadence as she seemed to enjoy the distress of Twilight. “And no one would ever think to look for you either which is why is the ideal place to keep the one who try to interfere with my plans.”

Twilight who was trying to remain calm profited of the occasion to try to squeeze of as much information as she could from her foal sister.

“Plans? What plans?”


Meanwhile, far away from Equestria and the wedding of Candaze, the gryphon Emperor was enjoying his usual meat dish after having taking pleasure to the torture of a few unlucky maid.
Griffin had learned since the council that if he wanted to had his revenge on Onyx, he will had to be patient and so since that famous meeting, he had tried to not think about him and only keep his mind focused on all the pleasure being the Emperor could give him.

“I think I could enjoy some release from one of the young girl who work at the market after this, Humping their weak and tight body while they are crying…Yes I think I find what I will do for the rest of the day.” Taught the Emperor out loud as he already started to imagine himself being taking care of by those young child. But since he was so absorbed by his disgusting fantasy he had not heard the returning patrol enter in his throne’s room and it only when one of them coughed to catch his attention that he finally paid attention to them.

“Why did none of you knocked at the door before coming in?! But nevermind that, since you are here why don’t you go get me one or two of those orphans from the market and take one more for your self pleasure too, I feel generous today.” Asked to Emperor to his guards.

The Emperor who was used to be listened right after he had given an order, had not realised that none of his guard had moved and they were all continuing to staring at him.

“...Guards I gave you an order, I said go fetch me one of those orph-” But his order was interrupted as a sharp pain shot through his back and blood started to pour into his mouth.

“Chrysalis send you her regards.” Whispered Fillia to the Emperor, taking out the dagger she used to stab the Emperor from his back.

The Emperor tried to grab the Changeling between his talons but Fillia who was far more quick than him dodge the attack and flew behind the gryphon guards.

“Guards! Catch th-that monster and h-help me.” Ordered the Emperor but the five guards who, so far had made no move to help their wounded Emperor, bursted in green flames, leaving now five Changelings and each of them was pointing a crossbow in the direction of The Emperor.

“No...No this can’t be happening, your species is supposed to be extinct! This can’t be true! I've killed your leader, you should not still be alive!” Yelled the Emperor. “Guards guards Your Emperor need your help!!”

“No one will come to save you Griffin.” Answered Fillia. “ Your “guards” let us came here without trying to stop us, I guess they are tired to be under the rules of a tyrant.”

“No, you are lying! I will kill you little piece of sh-” But the Emperor never could finish his phrase, as five bolts were now stuck in his body and killing him instantly.

“Commander, what do you think he was talking about when he said he had killed our leader?” Asked one of the Changeling who had shout on the Emperor.

“I don’t know soldier...But I think we should return to our base and wait for the return of our Queen. I don’t want any of you report his last words to her majesty, not until we get more information on it. Do I make myself clear?” Answered FIllia by which every changeling present answered by the affirmative.

“Now let’s leave this cursed place.”


“STOOOOOOP!!!!!” Yelled Twilight as she enter in the throne room, interrupting Celestia. The whole throne room whispered between each other as they were wondering why the little sister of Shining Armor was interrupting his weddings.

“Why do she have to be so possessive of her brother?” Said the false Cadence until she realise that she said it out loud, she quickly tried to return in Cadence character by faking some tears and asking why Twilight was trying to ruin her special day, which in a certain point of view was true.

“Because it not your special day! It mine!” Answered a weak and injured Cadence. Everypony present in the throne room was now confused as to why there was two Cadence.

“I don’t understand, How could they be two of them?” Asked Applejack.

“Because she a Changeling, she can take the form of anypony you love and feed on this love to get become more strong! She had made me and Twilight imprisoned so we could not reveal her plan and used to control of Shining armor to get more power and used Onyx to cover her and help her in her plan.”

At those words, Chrysalis knew that she could no longer hide herself and so chose to return to her original form, A huge blast of green fire exploded around her, revealing herself to everyone in the throne. As she expected many of the noble present got scared from her appearance but she did not mind since they will soon be all food for her subject.

“Right you are princess. And as Queen of the Changeling it is up to me to find food for my subject.” Walking down the stairs of the hotels, she rejoined Cadence in the middle of the throne rooms. “Equestria have more love than any place That I have ever encounter. My fellow changeling will be able to devour so much of it that we’ll be able to have more power than we ever dreamed of!”

“They never get the chance! Shining Armor shield will keep them away from the city!”

Chrysalis evilly laughed before crushing every hope of defence from the princess of love. “I doubt that, I have complete control over Shining Armor that I can order to him destroy the shield at any time.”

Cadence who did not want to let Queen do as she pleased, tried to charge her but quickly stopped when Chrysalis pointed Shining Armor.

“Ha ha ha, I don’t you want anything to happen to your husband because if you make any other move in my direction I will have to order my new pet to take care of him.”

At those words, Onyx who was hiding in the shadow of the room, placed himself behind Shining Armor. He was wearing the white and black leather armors he had received from of the captain of the night guard and he was holding is dual sword in his right hand, menacing to cut the throat of Shining with one of the blades.

“Soon my Changelings army will break through, first we will take Canterlot and then all of Equestria.”

“No! you won’t!” Exclaimed Celestia. “You might have thought that menacing Shining Armor would keep princess Cadance to fight you, but it will not keep me from defending my Kingdom! Shining Armor knew the danger of his jobs as a soldier and death is one of it. Not only are you meaning my subject but you had used my son to do so and for this I shall show no mercy!”

And with those words, Celestia fly up in the room before shooting a deadly stream of magic to Changeling Queen, which she swiftly answered by casting one of her spells directly to the one Celestia was casting. Neither Chrysalis or Celestia could have knew what the choc of the spells would do when they would met each other but when they do, a huge explosion broke out from the choc of the spells, sending everypony in the throne room flying all over the place.


Onyx had some difficulty to move his body and he could not see more far than his nose with all the dust around him. Onyx did not know why but after some time, while he has been trapped in his own body, he have been able to see and hear what “he” was doing, so he knew that his body have been projected out of the throne room when the explosion hitted him, but the real question he was asking himself is why now was he back in control? Did the Queen had caught killed by the explosion in which case the spell he was under had stopped or was he because of something else. The only thing he was sure of is that one of his leg was hurting a lot and that he needed to find out if his mother was alright.

When the dust finally fall off, he could see that he was no longer in the throne room, but instead he was on one of the bridge that connected the easter tower to the central tower where the throne room was.

RIsing up from the ground, Onyx took his sword who luckily had fallen just behind him and made slowly his way to the the other side of the bridge but while he was walking, a shot of green magic pass two inches in front of his face. Curious from where it could have came from, Onyx took a look under the bridge but what he saw made him want to throw up.

Ponies, Changeling and guard were fighting each other all over the city, the ground of Canterlot were filled with death body drowning in pools of bloods. The Changeling were either fighting guards who were easily outnumbered and putting down by the sharp spears and sword of the ennemie or they were eating the energy out of the civilian who were found by them.

A huge anger took birth in onyx mind, he was the prince of Equestria, the son of the current leader and soon to be the next one and that Queen of CHangeling had attacked his city and killed the civilian he should had taken care of. Holding his dual-sword more tightly, it with a renewed strength that Onyx run toward the throne room to put an end to Changelings invasion.


After explosion, everyone who had survived it had fled the throne room minus Celestia, Cadence and the Elements of Harmony. Chrysalis had made Shining dispel his shields before throwing away not that she had no use for him. Cadence had tried to help her husband but Chrysalis overpowered her easily and took care of the love princess who was now collapsed on the ground. Celestia and The Element had tried to stop CHrysalis and they fought with all their strength but Chrysalis was now too strong for them and only Twilight and Celestia was left, only because Chrysalis wanted it, she wanted to see Celestia suffer and cry for her to put an end to her life and she wanted to do the same for Twilight since she was the one who kept trying to ruin her invasion.

“It seem like I have won Princess….” Started Chrysalis, shooting a bolt of energy to Celestia who yelled in pain. “I will make you regret what you had done to my mother and I will take pleasure in doing so.” She casted a second bolt on Celestia and on Twilight this time.

“I-I don’t know wh-what you talking about.” Said weakly Celestia.

“Don’t act like you don’t know. It will only make thing worse for the student of yours.” As she shot another bolt to Twilight.

“I...swear, I truly don’t...Please...Have mercy and let’s my student go. Sh-she is too young to suffer like that..” plaided Celestia.

“Like If I care. I have won and both of you are under my total control, no one can save you and I will take my time torturing both of you.” Chrysalis was preparing another spell to shot on them but she was interrupted by a small rock which hit her back the head.

“I think you have forgotten something! And that something is me!” EXclaimed Onyx, pointing his sword toward CHrysalis, ready to put an end to this madness. “You have attacked the citizen of my city, ruined the marriage of my favorite cousin and hurted my family. and for this, me Prince Onyx, Son of Celestia and protector of Equestria ask you to leave with your army right now or to face the consequence!”

Chrysalis looked at the prince before bursting in laughter. “Do you really think that you could stop me, the changeling Queen who defeated Celestia and The element of harmony all alone and you think you have the power to defeat me?” Don’t make me laugh you are not in a book where the good guy always won at the end. This is the real life young prince….But you entertain me so It my turn to give an offer.” The Queen walked to the throne and sat on it. “You amuse me Onyx, so why not join me and be my pet, I promise you I will not be as cruel than the Emperor and if you want I could let that purple friend of your join you. Drop this weapon and come sit next to me.”

Onyx did not need to even think about it, never he would accept an offer like that from the Changeling Queen and so he took a fighting position, readying himself for the upcoming fight.

“...As you wish Onyx, but know something before you try to pierce me with that sword. If you try to kill me you are the one who will die.” Said the Queen In a calm tone.

“Onyx...Runaway my son- don’t stay here or she will kill you.” SAid Celestia, more weak than ever. “You have no chance against her and I don’t want you to sacrifice yourself for me….”

Onyx took a deep breath before he look his injured mother in her eyes. “I will not lose mom, you had took care of me your whole life. Now is my turn to take care of you.” And with those words Onyx charged the Changeling Queen, He tried to slice her while she was on the throne but she simply teleported herself behind him.

“Nope, I’m over here.”

Onyx knew that she would probably do this and so he quickly give a thrust with the second blade of the sword behind him but the Queen dodged the hit.

“Hooo Nice shot, It seem you have started to masterise my gift.”

Ignoring the comment, Onyx returned himself and keep tried to strike the queen but Chrysalis was dodging every one of his move.

“You are too slow.” “Better luck next time.” Nope, it just the air.” Chrysalis was mocking him each time he was missing her, she was playing with him and he know it very well.

“I’m getting tired from all this….I’ will ask one more time. After it will be too late. Will you become my pet Onyx?” Asked Chrysalis, clearly tired of this little cat and mouse game.

“Never.” Said Onyx. “Now it the time.” He taught. Onyx want to take advantage of the lake of care from the queen to throw his sword at her. The dual blades flew across the room before passing through Chrysalis body.

“YEs I got you.!” Exclaimed the prince, but to his surprise to Queen simply keep moving around him.

“Tu-tu-tu, It seem like you have sealed your fate yourself….Let me explain you a little something. before you die. This sword have been made by my kingdom and I personally out a spell of my own creation on it...Do you want to know what is it? Of course you do...Well that sword can’t hurt a member of my species and every “dommage” you would do to a changeling will be dealt to you instead.”

And with those words, a sharp pain shot through Onyx stomach as blood started to pour out of his clothes and mouth, the prince falled on his knee, his eyes filled with terror at the sudden realisation of what was happening. “I’” Where the last word he said before collapsing on the floor.

“I won.” Said the queen.

“Noooooooooooo! Yelled Twilight, terrorized by the fact that Onyx was dying in front of her and she could do anything. The purple Unicorn slowly rose up from the ground, charging as much magic as she could in her horn. Chrysalis let he do so. SHe knew that Twilight too weak to do anything, that the “power of friendship” Was useless since she had no element of harmony with her but when an explosion of white light came from behind her, she only had the time to see Twilight being illumined by magic, her eyes were plain white and she floating in the air and then befor Chrysalis could do anything. Twilight casted a shockwave spell that sent her and all of army fly away who know where.

When she spell stopped, Twilight Collapsed on the ground from having using a such big amount of magic.


The next morning was a sad day for the Equestrian Kingdom, a huge crowd of pony was waiting in front of the castle gates, the terrifying news had reached the four corner of Equestria and everypony who were able to do the travels had come to Canterlot to paid their respect to the defunct prince. While the majority of the populace were waiting outside, the family and the closest friends of Onyx were all gathered around a coffins in the royal garden. They had digged up a hole at the exact same place where Celestia had found Onyx when he was a baby and now they were all waiting for Luna to give her speech. Celestia was not able to take the strength necessary to talk so she let’s her sister do it in her place, Twilight and her friends where all silently crying at the side of the coffins. a little more behind was Fleur de Lis and Fancy Pants, they were not crying like the other but the look on their face said it all.

“We are gathered here today to remember the good moment we had with our defund friends, son and prince. We must remember the lesson that Onyx has all teached us and at our turn teach them to the future generation.” Started Luna, her voice shaking from the emotion. “ Even if he was physically different from us, Onyx showed us that his souls was the one of a pony just like us. He had lived his life trying to help the other less fortunates.” Luna took a break and looked at the small group in front of her before taking back her courage and keep going on. “ I will always remember the good moment I had passed with him, Onyx had his flaws but overall he was a good boy and never will I forget his kindness.”

Celestia could no longer support it and she fall on the coffin, crying loudly while whispering the name of her dead son. Luna choose to not continue her speech for respect for her sister, she simply take of a feather from one of her wings and depose it on the coffin before disappearing in a flash of magic to somewhere she would be able to let her emotion out without other pony to see her.

Everypony in the garden came to coffin one by one, deposing something special on it before returning to their home, only Celestia and Twilight were left in the garden.

“He-he loved you Twilight you know…” Said Celestia between her sobs. “He loved you more than anything. E-Even after you had breakup with him, he still hoped for you two to return to-together…”

Twilight did not respond, she already knew that Onyx was still loving her, she had wanted to ask him out on a date after the wedding but now it was too late. Never will she saw him again, she will never felt again the comfort of having him enlace her between his arms or feel the burning passion of kissing him.

Celestia and her student kept crying until the gravedigger came, it took a moment for Celestia to leave the coffins alone but when Twilight pulled her away, telling her that it was time for them to say their final goodbye before they bury Onyx, she nodded slowly and looked one last time to where her dead son was laid.

“Onyx, I don’t know if you can hear me...but if you do I want to tell you that you have been the most beautiful thing to happen in my life. I don’t know how could have I lived without you and I’m glad that I had the opportunity to raise you. No mother could which for a more perfect son...I0I’m sorry to not have been to pr-protect you….Sleep well my little prince….Mommy will never forget you…”

And with those last words, she and Twilight walked away from the garden, leaving the prince behind them…..



Chrysalis forced her heavy eyelids open to glare daggers across the table at her Ministers, one of them was reading her a report from the assault. He was an exceptionally strong and proud changeling with a large,scars crossing all over his face. He sat cross-legged to her left at the short table where the entirety of the cabinet also sat, all cross-legged and dressed in purple armor decorated with the many ribbons that showed each of their distinction. Chrysalis herself sat at the far end of table, as was custom, with the Prime Minister to her right.

“I’m awake,” she growled, pinching her sinuses. “Continue.”

“Yes, well,” he cleared his throat and proceeded to read from his documents. “The official reports have come back.” His face was grim, as if he supported the entire weight of the kingdom upon his shoulders and his hooves would give out at any moment. “Officially, a total of 138,000 changelings have not been reseen since the explosion. That is easily a little below the half of the army we had send. Out of that number, the majority have got killed by the explosion but there still a few that we have not recover their body yet….” He trailed off uncertainly when the Queen raised her hoof.

“Minister, are you going to to keep this up for a long time again? We all know that we have lost many of our companion but what I want to know is how many of them have been caught by the ponies? Unless you don’t know the answer, in which case I have no use of you.” The Minister did not know how to respond. His worried eyes glanced towards his fellow ministers for assistance, who either just shrugged or kept out of eye contact.
“Well?” Her voice grew impatient.

Eventually, all the Minister could do was shrug and stutter, “W-well…I can’t say anything on it, Your Majesty. We lack the data.”
Chrysalis took in a deep breath and sighed. “I’ve heard enough of this. Move on to the next item of business.”
Checking the schedule, the Prime Minister motioned to another minister further down the table, saying, “We have a report from the Ministry of Health.”

The changeling shuffled his papers and read from them, sounding proud for what he was going to reveal. “Your Majesty, after I had examined the result of our test on you, I have the great pleasure to announce you that everything as worked just fine and you should expect it for the end of the current years.”

“Really, well this is for once a good new.” Exclaimed the Changeling Queen.

“But what is he talking about?” Asked the minister of war. “What is that good new?”
“Hum..Maybe I should explain it to all of you now that I know it has worked…”

The whole table fell silent, eager to know what their queen was so happy about.

“As you may all already know, when it come to conceive our children, our body can adapt to any “receiver.” Whatever they are a pony, gryphon or minotaure we can conceive a children with any of those race and the children will came out as a Changeling.” Started the queen, now walking around the table.

“Now when I started to prepare our invasion, the minister of health came to me and presented to me a second plan in case the first of was a failure, which it has been the case. The plan was that I conceive a children with the a member of the Equestrian’s royal family so my children will have every right to obtain the throne and by the same case give us control over Equestria.”

“As brilliant this plan make sound, every member of the royal family are female…” Started the War minister but Chrysalis rapidly interrupted him.

“No, not all of them, you seem to forget the adoptive son of Celestia and even if his species was way more different from what we are used to see, the health minister just confirmed me that I am now pregnant from the prince of Equestria.”

Every minister in the room were surprised by this new. Never would have they taught that their Queen had prepared a plan like this..
“ and him had mated...but when and why did he accepted to had a relation with you?” Asked the war minister.

“I never said I had asked the permission first. I made him do it once I had taken control over his body.” Replied back Chrysalis. “Now we only had to wait for my future child to be in age to rules and Equestria will be ours…”


“Where am I?” Asked himself the young adult as he was lying on the ground, engrossed by the tune of the birds who were in the tree in the nearby forest. He tried to rose up from his position but a sharp pain shot through his stomach. The young adult tried to remember why is body was hurting him so much and why was he in this grassland alone.

But while the young man was lost in his thought, the sound of a motor approaching to his left caught his attention. Turning his head, he tried to check on what was the cause of that sound but his vision started to become blurry and the only thing he could saw was someone stepping out of a tractor.

“Mister! Can I ask you what are you doing in my property?” Asked aggressively the woman until she saw the red liquid pouring out of the man body. “Oh my God! You are bleeding!” Exclaimed the lady as she rushed to the injured man while taking out her cellphone and calling an ambulance.

“Mister can you hear me? Who did you this?” She asked, hoping that engaging a conversation with him will keep him awake long enough for the ambulance to arrive.

“I-I don’t know….” He answered weakly.

“And what is your name.” She asked while she tried to stop the flood of blood with her hands.

“I-I don’t remember….I-I can’t remember anything…..”

Bonus: Crossover by seapony

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Winter Song woke up crying like a young filly. Which woke Onyx from his slumber. He rapidly put back his pyjama and opened his door, since the room guest where close to his room it did not take more than a minute before he rejoin the little filly, not too sure what to do he did the same thing Celestia was doing for him when he was more young after a nightmare. First he placed himself at the edge of her bed and hold the little filly between his arms, brushing her mane with his finger. Winter hide her face on his chest still crying and whispering thing about Her fault and a certain Meek Sky and some other inaudible thing. Onyx started to whispered the same lullaby that Celestia was singing to him when he was having nightmares, hopefully it make Winter more calm and after a couple of minute she regain control of her respiration and could talk normally again.
“Are you alright now?” Asked the prince which by why Winter answered by nodding her head affirmatively.

“Do you want to talk about it`” Winter who know that he would not understand did not answer him, which Onyx understand that she was maybe still shocked by her dream.

“IF you want we can go to the kitchen, maybe a glass of water or milk will help you to change your mind?”

Winter would not say no to a opportunity to loosen her tired leg and so she followed the prince to the kitchen, on their way she realise that castle was not so much but still a bit different than usual, for example they were sign of life of Princess Twilight, no portrait of her on the wall, no guards wearing her color. Then she could saw was some portrait on the wall where she could saw Celestia representing with her adoptive son at different age, they were dated from many years ago and it only confirm her what she already know, she was no longer home and alone in this strange but familiar world.

They finally arrive at the kitchen, Onyx hang her a glass of milk which she gladly accept it and take a sip of it, appreciating the fresher of her beverage, she let’s her mind forget about her problem and only concentrating on the present moment where she was having a place to sleep and someone to took care of her.

They both finish their glass before they returned to their own room for finish the night, this time Winter did not be hunted by her nightmare and she could appreciate a good night of sleep.


Onyx woke up the next morning in his bed like usual, appreciating maybe one of the last few morning of his life in this room, he slowly rose up and put clean cloth for welcome the little guess he was having. At Least while he was with her he did not have to worry too much about the incoming marriage and he would not mind if the filly was staying at the castle for another day or two.

“Maybe she is an orphan, that would explain why she was lost yesterday.” When he was sure that his hair was not too much of a mess and his clothe to be clean enough for be seen in public, he opened his door and walked toward Winter’s room. He knocked at her door for be sure that he could enter.

“Yes?” Answered the filly on the other side.

“It is me Onyx, can i enter?”

Winter answered by opening her door, letting the prince enter in.

“I hope you sleep well. I know Nightmare can be terrifying some time at your age.”

“You have no idea” Thought Winter before she finished to make her bed which the prince helped her.

“You know, i was wondering if you would like me to help you to find your family today, this way i could explain them why you were not home yesternight?”

Bonus: crossover by Winter Song

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(1st person = Winter Song)

(3rd person = Onyx)

The entired room began to shake as the enchanted element of harmony unleashed it power on the brick walls of Discord’s tower. The players began to run in all direction in panic. One of them was knocked out as a brick hit him behind the head.

I look around in panic as the confussion took all the warriors that was bravely fighting a few minutes ago. My eyes widden in horror as a loud cracking noise was heard above me, I look up to see a part of the wall falling in my direction.

In panic I covered my eyes as if it would protect me from the wall. But the pain never came. Curiously I opened my eyes all the room around me was frozed in black and white. I looked frantically around me but then I heard quiet hoofsteps behind me. I spun around come face with the intruder only to see.

``Mom?!`` There in front of me was the butter yellow Pegasus that took care of me for ten years.

``I’m not your mom, I am simply a representation of kindness.``

``What did you do?!`` I ask in confusion.

``I’m simply protecting the daughter of my bearer, it’s my duty to keep harmony in check and losing a daughter of one of the bearer would only cause a great unbalance. You’re too precious to sacrifice right now. I will sent you to a second element of kindness.``

``What?! But there can only be one element for each representation of friendship!``

``That is not true little filly, there can only be one bearer for each ones, but there many others elements of kindness walking in this world, now close your eyes and I will make you safe.`` I panic as a strong magic wash over me. And I fell cold on the floor before a strange pink light engulfed me.

- - - - - -

(Onyx POV)

Onyx, the prince of Equestria, was at the edge of the forest, beside Canterlot. Since this morning he was there, crying all the tears of his body and reading again and again the same scroll, wishing desperatly that he had misread what was written on it.

And if would have stay there until who know when but a cold breeze pull it out of his sadness.

“...why is this so cold here....we are in the middle of the summer....” He tought until he saw a bright flash of pink in the wood and decide to go see what it was.


It did not take time for Onyx to discover what he wanted, the more he was progressing, the more the grass was frozed, like in the start of the winter and in the middle of all this frozed grass was a gray pegasus lying on the ground. He did not know if the “snow” was coming from her but all his life he have been teached to help the other and this is what he is going to do.


(Winter POV)

I let a groan as the first thing that hit me was a strong headache, that was weird I dreamed that mom was in the tower of Discord but that would ridiculous. I blink the ray of Celestia sun invaded my eyes. Seriously! Why did she have to put her sun at the wors places as if she was making it on puprose! I thought to myself frustrated.

Wait is that grass I’m sleeping on? I open my eyes and saw a blured bipedal blob in front of me. I shook my head and come face with a elegant looking human. ``Ahhhh! Don’t come near me colt!`` I scream creating a wave of water to repeal him away.

I tried to flew away but my wings where completely freezing the human rise back from my attack and my eyes widden in fear as he approach me. I did the only thing I could think in hide myself in a corner.

“Wait! Don’t fear me! Yes i am different but i will not bite you, i swear it on my mother Celestia!”

``I don’t care that you’re a human your a male! You’re all dangerous espiecially when drunk!`` I said in panic without giving him a chance to explain I gallop in the oposite direction but he was more stubborn than I through and also more quick, ok I admit I wasn’t the most fast of ponies with my small legs but still!

I stop in my track as I saw something wrong, the statue of Discord in all his glory was there in the garden. What the hay?! Discord is till playing his sick games at home how could he be back there? Without me noticing the prince approached me calmly as he saw my mouth agap at the spirit of disharmony.

“Wait! *puff* don’*puff* nopony is allowed to come close to the statue since we have banish him stone again.” Said the human as he come more closer to the pegasus.

“And please...i will not hurt you...i swear it on my mother...i just want to a pegasus could have send me water like that. As far as i know pegasus can’t pratice magic.””

I turn around I was about to run again but for a reason, something in his eyes made me stay, I wasn’t trusting him just yet, I would never trus a stallion not after that stupid stallion tried to drown me because he wanted to see the ‘sea pony’ swim.

``That was not magic, well okay it is magic but a different kind one. I’m what you call a elementalist most unicorns can only access forty percent of their magic before their body block them from using it.`` I took a proud expression as I explain the rest.

``A elementalist have complete access to their magic and are not limited by a bone stuck on their head.`` I giggle at this.. ``The only downhill is that if I’m not careful, I could die, but everything come for a price I guess.``

Onyx stay silent the whole time she explain her “magic”. He still could not believe that a no unicorn could perform some magic but he trust her.

“We should stay away of this part of the garden, i really don’t want to free back Discord after what he have done and if the guard catch us, they will do nothing to me but to you....”

And with these word, he take the way of the exit, showing to the pegasus to follow him.

I didn’t trust him but in this strange place that didn’t seem to follow the history of my reality he was the only friendly face I knew so I followed him I had many question but after I just attack him with my magic powers, I think I will wait a little while before asking him about this twisted version of my world.

- - - - - -

Onyx was walking in the direction of the castle, accompagnied by the young pegasus. they were both silent, the pegasus because she was still not certain if she could trust the human and Onyx because his mind was still filled with the conversation he got with his mother. The road to Canterlot was still far away and for pass the time, Onyx decided to toss away all his bad emotion and engaging the conversation.

“ don’t recall us to have do the presentation, i’m Onyx, prince of Equestria, adoptif son of Celestia. What is your my dear pegasus subject?”

Adoptive son of Celestia? I through traveling in other dimensions would be awesome like in all these comics books but it’s just confusing. Well he seem all proud of his title, I will show him I’m not just anypony.

``My name is Winter Song, daughter of the element of kindness and niece of the famous princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle.`` I state proudly

As soon Winter declare her name and title, Onyx looking at her like if she was crazy, maybe she have hit her head in the wood.....or she ust escape from the azile.

“Princess Twilight? and Fluttershy....are you sure..because as far as i know, My marefriend is not a princess and Fluttershy is not a mother, she hardly have the time for found a coltfriend with all the work she have with her animals?”


I look at him for a second I put a hoof on my mouth before bursting out laughing. ``Ahahahah! You the coltfriend of Twilight? Everypony know she’s a filly fooler for Author sake, Celestia made in sort that all the member of the friendship guards would be mares she wouldn’t go out with a stallion!``

I continue laughing before calming down with a calming breath. ``As for my mom well her coltfriend help her with animals nine years ago...Before he died leaving me and my sis alone.`` I finish sadly.

Onyx did not know if she was a real pro at lying or if she really think that her story was real, but for sure she was good for fake an emotion.

“ Maybe she really escap from the asylum, i remember to have read something about this...if i recall we need to act like if the patient was right......”

“Hahaha i was sure this lie will not work, and i’m really sorry about your dad....” The castle was not too far away now and it was only a matter of minute before he could ask the guard if the Asylum was researching somepony.

“....I remember you have called me a.....human i think...what it is if i may ask?”


`` You don’t know what is a human when you’re one yourself? Humans are the most dangerous non magical creature that exist master of technology and politic. Most of them are nice if you know them, but some of them make Discord seem like a schoolyard bully.``

``They evolve from apes when the world was at it’s begining, they are now one of the most common race in the union of the council.``


“She sure have a big imagination”

not so long after that, they were both in front of the entrance of Canterlot, the two guard bow when Onyx pass in-front of him, before Onyx take one of them aside and whispered him to go check if any asylum have been the victim of a escape.

“Well...we are finally in Canterot, i have send some guard to go tell your mom that you are with me right now. Would you like to enter in the castle or you have something to do in the city?” He asked, still playing his little game of trusting her.


I shrug there was nothin exciting about this place really, it was full of snobs and seriously what type of city only have a single old video game store that sell nothing else than the most popular games like the boring games of dances. ``Nah I’m okay.``

Something was strange through it was as if the technology of Equestria had go a few years back. I didn’t saw a single pony with a cell phone what up with that? Well most ponies never trusted the technology of the council maybe we just saw a few of the ones who rely more on magic than other things.

Both of them continue their way to the castle and when they finally arrive at the entrance, a Solar guard said to Onyx that the princess was searching him, but Onyx completly ignore the guard and take the direction of his chamber followed by Winter.

His room was still messed up so he tryed to do a rapid clean up before he let’s invite Winter to enter.


``Well I through a prince would be more organised than this, meh doesn’t matter at least you will alway be cooler than Blueblood, that not saying much but that a good thing.`` I said with a smirk, ``So what you wana do? you want me to tell the time I forced Luna to act like a snob unicorn of Canterlot? you should have seen her face!`` I burst out laughing at the image that was in my head.

For Onyx, thing were only being worst by the time, now not only she taught that she was the filly of Fluttershy, but now she was acting like if she was enought close to the royaltie for make prank with them, and everypony know that Luna would never being forced to do something by somepony else.

“i need to find a way for show her that al this thing is only in her head....maybe if...”

“Remember when you told me that Twiley was lesbian...right? Could you take the picture on your left and tell me that she look like a lesbian..please?” The picture he was talking about was representing him and Twilight both kissing each other at the heart and hoove day.


I look at the picture for a second, what surprise me most was not the fact she was kissing a perfect stranger, I mean if she’s bi curious it her business. But in this picture she was just a unicorn.

Well Okay it could alway been take before her ascension, I reason with myself, ``So wait does this mean you’re a girl? Because humans look all the same to me.`` I said smugly.

“Wait WHAT! No yes i have a long mane but i like this way! And Twilight have never been into mare..arggg.....what it will need to show you that all what you say are not right....”

They both were interompted by a knock on the door.

“ this you.......? Please let’s me enter....i know you are angry and all...but you need to know that i did not have the choice....”

Onyx asked Winter to be quiet, for nothing in Equestria he would want to talk with his mother, not after what she have done.

“Please, go answer to the door and tell her not here and you are just here for clean the room....pretty please.....”


Well I shouldn’t help someone that try to run from his problems but I think I atleast owe him this. I open the door ther in front of me was princess Celestia. ``Oh hello filly I don’t remember seeing you before what are you doing in my son room?``

Quick! I mus find a good lie, yes! ``Epona invited me to stay so I took the first room I saw.`` Celestia look at me strangely.

``Who is this Epona?`` What?! The princess don’t even know her own daughter, that pretty low right there.

``Eeeh, You know she’s...A maid of the caslte!`` Celestia look at me only more suspiciously.

``I make a duty to know every single pony of my staff I should know who is this Epona.`` She know her staff but not her daughter? Wow I fell sad for Epona now.

``Ok you know what? I’m tired of lying go away`` With that I green Celestia only glare harder but I made the most unexpected she trhoug I would do, I began to sing.

``Ruler of the day, so exhausted
Politicians so always crossed
Just lay there and forget me
A good sleep and then we flee``

As soon as I finish my song her eyes grew heavy and she fell snoring loudly on the floor of the castle. ``And that why they call me the sea pony`` I said proudly.

Onyx was still in his room when he heard something heavy hit the ground, and he go check what it was, but when he was his mother on the ground he tought that the pegasus had attacked her.

“MOTHER!” He said before he take her heand between his hand for check if she was still breathing.

“What have you done!”

My ears went flat at his expression. ``I-I just made h-her sleep.`` I said guiltily looking at the ground.

“Sleep? You can’t make somepony sleep just like that, now help me we need to bring her to her room before some guard see us.”


``I have an idea do you have something hot around her?`` I ask grinning at my plan.

“Hot? Like what?”

``Any object that can make hot temperature enought to make steam that could cover a entire room.``

“.....i don’t think.....i’m not really here often i’m usualy at the Library with Twiley....maybe we could ask her to do a fire spell or i don’t know


``Well... Where is Twilight right now?`` I ask becoming more nervous that a guard could walk on us at each moment.

“She probably at her Library.” Said Onyx before he ask the help of the pegasus to bring Celestia in his room before somepony see them.

“I will send her a letter that i need her help, you don’t move don’t touch anything and don’t answer at the door i should be back soon.” Onyx exclaimed before he leave Winter alone in his room.


I scratch my mane with a hoof, this guy was certainly strange, he seem to don’t know anything about the veil. Well it was nice and all but I must go back home mom will probably worried sick. With that in mind I Write a note to Onyx saying I was leaving and thank him for his hospitality. When I finish the letter I open the window and took off in direction of Ponyville.

Chapter ?

I glide down in the town I grew up in, I was surprised when everypony seem happy, where was Discord’s tower? I didn’t want to believe it but that seem to be in front of me, I was in a alternate world.

The worst id that all point that it was a world in the Gaia branch, if the coucil would know I came her I would be in trouble really quick. Well if ther can be one person that can probably help me is princess Twilight I hope she’s still living in this library.

...I will waiting you,

Onyx give a last checkup to the grammar in the scroll before he send it to Luna wich will send it to Twilight. Dating Twilight have teach him that if he ever send her a message with some error in it, he would be sure that she will ignore him and will not answer to his letter.

Now the only thing he could do was waiting, so Onyx decide to go see what was the crazy pegasus doing, but before he would go to the kitchen grab something to eat for her and him because since this morning the only thing he have got was an apple.

As he walk, he tried to think about the pegasus, how she have been there, how she have act around him, like if she was from there but at the same time not from here.

“Maybe i should ask her more about where she come from and why she was in the wood, we never know, maybe she was right, i mean i never truly understand how magic maybe...maybe i shoud try to know more about her”


Onyx was now on his way to his room where he have left Winter and Celestia, his arms filled with random fruit he have take at the kitchen, when he was in front of his door he asked Winter to open it but he get no answer.

“Ho come on Winter, i know i’ve told you to not answer to anypony but is me.........FINE no apple for you!” As he said that he tryed to open his door with his mouth and after some try he finally get it, but when he was inside two thing surprised him. First Winter was no longer here and second Celestia was hugging his favorite plushie.

“ mine plus- and ou know what keep it, i need to find back that filly before she put herself in more trouble.”

But before he exit his room, he saw a scroll on his table and took it.

‘Dear Onyx thanks for all your help when I was lost and disoriented, but now I must go back home in Ponyville with my family, I hope I will see you another time


“Her familly.....wait....who it was again....ho yea she have say that her mother was Fluttershy...but how a filly like her can walk from Canterlot to Ponyville without being armed or something, she is too young to do this by herself.....i need to go help her.”

Winter pov)

I knock at the library doow but didn’t seem to have any responce, she must be somewhwere else, but where? Maybe leaving this human wasn’t a good idea after all. I shook my head, no he couldn’t have help me in anyway he isn’t even magical.

Well...Maybe I should just go see this alternate version of mom with luck she will reconize me. I gallop exitedly in direction of the cottage, the ponies in town gave me a strange look when they didn’t reconize me.

Finally I saw her the Pegasus was gently humming as she feed her animals friends. ``Mom! You’re here, I’M so happy to see you!`` I said before pouncing on her.

``W-what? Mom?!`` Was all she could say before she was met in a embrace, she look awkwardly around trying desperatly to find if the filly had mistook her for another mare but there was only her and her critters.

A stallion shook his head in disbelief as he search in the dozens of paper of the castle archives. Onyx had ask him to search if there was a evaded patients of the asylum but being curious like he is, when he find none he tried to find the origins of the filly in question.

He had search low and high but the filly appear nowhere as if she had never existed at all. Which freak I’m out, prince Onyx must know about this right now!

The more I spend with my ‘mom’ the more I realised she wasn’t my Fluttershy at all, she never knew Peace Dreamer, her parents were a mare and a stallion I don’t even know and worst of all Meek Sky never existed.

It was too much for me and I flee it was as if a changeling had took her place only she wasn’t a villain in fact she seem as kind as my mom but it was just not her. With nothing better to do I began my search for Twilight I really hope she have a response to how I could come back home. Stupid element of kindness why did it have to throw me in a Gaia world of all places?!


Onyx was in his room, trying to found a solution for go in Ponyville AND keep his mother here before somepony see her, maybe he could transport here in her room and tell the guards that she was sick. he was still trying to find a solution when somepony knocked at his door.

“Guard Sunny Shiled for duty! I’m here about the filly.” When Onyx heard the guard, an idea came to his mind.

“You may enter.”

The guard opened the door and enter in the room, but when he saw Celestia sleeping on the bed, he tought that she have been so busy with the incoming marriage of his son that she was now taking a merited rest.

“So..what did you found about her.” Asked the prince, still thinking about his plan.

“Nothing your majestie, and by nothing i mean really nothing, no asylum escape either here or in the other country. and i-”

“Well maybe they did not realise that they was missing a patient.” Interupted the prince.

“Maybe my prince, but i found something else, nopony have been born with her name, i found no birth certificate or changing name contract at her name, is like if she never i tought....maybe she a Changeling.”

Onyx did not answer, his mind calculating the new info he was having about her, and then he decided that she was not a changeling, first of all if she was a spy, well she would be the worst spy in all the Chrysalis Hive because she was very not good for don’t attract the attention. Second Chrysalis have been very clear with the message she have sent this morning and she was having no reason to send a spy here. So why the guard did not find anything....

“Thank you for this info my guard, i will personally take care of her, if i may ask could you please watch my mom while i will be gone...she have been so busy this last day that i would not want somepony to wake her up.”

“...sure my prince but....should not you be preparing your own wedding and leaving this to the royal guard...”

“My wedding......i could not care less about my wedding.....” Said the prince before he exit his room in his way to the train station.


I found Twilight close of the town pond, I had to rub my eyes when I saw her, all my lifes Twilight had always a pair of wings seeing her without it was weird to say at least. ``Hey aun- I mean miss Twilight Sparkle!`` I said waving at her, she look up from her book and look strangely at me.

``Hello little fiilly, do I know you?`` I look around trying to find a excuse.

``My...Sis was at the same school you’ve been.`` I said with my best poker face.

``Oh? What was her name maybe I saw her somewhere!`` Oh hay, what do I say?

``Her name was...Lyra! You know excited green unicorn fascinated with everything that is in legends.`` I said with a forced smile.

``Now I remember I saw her around town I few times! Well it’s nice to see you...Ah! I didn’t quite catch your name.``

``I’m Winter Song! Say miss Twilight Lyra said you were the best at magic.`` Twilight immediatly blush at the praise.

``Well I don’t want to brag but I think I’m well read on the subject.`` She said placing a hoof proudly on her chest. Don’t want to brag my flank, I roll my eyes smilling.

``I heard you travel in time once! So I was wondering do you know anything about the multiverse!?`` I ask grinning I really hope she know how to get home.

``I’m sorry to disapoint you but scientifics have proved that the multiverse cannot exist in any shape.`` I instantly deflate at the new, I know the multiverse exist I saw the veil myself when I was younger. But if she think is not possible that mean she doesn’t know any spell to make me go back home.

Before I could continue I heard hoof- no I’m pretty sure they were footsteps, I turn my head in direction of the sound, only to see the same humans that help me earlier today. Whoa! I said I wanted to see I’m again in my letter, but I didn’t think he would take it seriously enough to come all the way here so soon.

“Twilight! Happy to see you, i bet you have meet Winter right?”

“Onyx? I tought you was supposed to come here only this weekend...Ho and yes, i did not know Lyra was having a sister did you?

“Lyra sister? did not she have say that her mother was Fluttershy.....”

“Yea....Lyra what a secret mare...hehe if you don’t mind Winter have forget something and Lyra, wich was in visit in Canterlot, asked me to bring it to if you don’t mind..”

Onyx showing to Winter to follow him until he was sure that they were enought away for be sure that Twilight will not heard them.

“Listen Winter, i don’t know why i care but i am, so you will explain me why i can’t find your birth certificate and why you don’t stop to lie about your family.”


``What?! Id din’t lie about my mom! Well okay maybe Lyra isn’t my sis but she’s still a friend of the family.`` I huff. ``And well for my birth certificate you would probably don’t even believe me if I tell you.`` It hard to believe that things like the veils and the elders gods would make me seem insane, here when it’s common knowledge where I come from.

“ well maybe you could just start by the where it is begin because we no you could not lie to everypony from where you are from, and i swear i will try to trust you...

``Well ok one question first, have you even heard of terms like, gods angels and guardians?`` I ask calmly not sure if it was a really good idea to lecture him about this. When he stare at me blankly I roll my eyes.

``Well okay that will be long, in the multiverse there are two branchs that are tied together. The first one is named Gaia, this is the type of world we are curently standing in. In this world divinities doesn’t exist or if they do they have escape the control of the council.

In these worlds the life of the ponies are short lasting merely a century at most and when you die you are gone from this world for good.`` I relax a little and took a breat before contuning my long lesson.

``Now where I come from the Kira branch is all another things, our life are mostly in our hooves, we are not limited by our ageing some ponies like Star Swirl the bearded have lived for millenia. It does cause some overpopulation problems once and a while but at the rate the guardians create new worlds we can mostly live withotu a overhelming amout of ponies.``

``It does seem like a dream come true immortality and all that but even if it is a peaceful place to live most of the time some creatures from other worlds have free acess to Equestria. The most infamous ones are the Soul Reapers.

They are without mercy killing anypony that search information about them. I heard they search for the shard of lifes to be able to created their own twisted paradise. Ten years ago one of them keep coming back in Equestria.
His name was Time Skip a time traveler that could change the course of time for his own amusement. But there was one ponies that stand up to him, his name was Peace Dreamer. He was a elementalist just like me.

He was able to defeat the time traveller in a final duel but doing so he died with him, that where I come from nopony ever know what I was doing here but that night I was hit from the crossfire of their fight and lose my memory.

I was lost and scare but Fluttershy was there, even when she lost her soon to be husband she welcome me in her family demanding nothing in return. Her and Meek Sky may not be biogically related to me but they are my only true family and I wouldn’t want any other one.``

Onyx taked his time for answer her, on a first hoof nopony could believe her and it was impossible that have told the truth....but on the other can somepony could create a big lie like that in less than 2 minutes....and is she was right it could even explain in a certain way why he was here.

“ it quite a story...So you live in a other dimension that look like this one...but at the same time everything is different...and you are all immortal....that...quite a shock....So all your..god is watching us like if we were nothing than just a copy of a another book?”


``It hard to explain...Immortal is not the term I would really use we’re more like alicorns without the power behind it we can easily die we’re just not affect by the flow of time. As for the copy, it’s not true either think of it that way.

``All the world are created with extreme basics grass plants and a few animals of each races. But in the end all that is alterned come from the choice of the ponies that live in it we’re not merely puppets control by the gods. The guardians even if some like to think they are perfect beings, are far from it, they have immense power yes, but have flaws like every living being, they are like a more powerful version of a royal family.``

“ I still don’t like the idea of somepony who can create world after world like that..nopony should have that much and your....realm should do something about it...”

``Well at first the elders were hiding from reach in Oasis the first world ever created. but three millenia ago a revolution start, mortals and younger gods wanted the power the elders had, the problem is that they turn it into a bloodshed.

In the books they say the elders have win the fight but the truth is that no side had won, the ones who wanted the power destroyed everything of Oasis, so much that the land is now called the wasteland where massive prisons where built to imprison the gods that didn’t follow the rules establish from the council that came after the war.

It can be worrying but I trust the elder with our security they have done it since the dawn of time. And creating worlds at their will can indeed seem worrying, but in a world where we don’t simply die like here it’a necessity.``

“.....the more i think about it the more my head hurt...but you still did not tell me why you are here. If i trust your story a the Kira pony can’t go in a gaia i right?”

My ears laid back in response. ``You’re right I’m not suppose to be here if the council find out I was in a Gaia world with my memories of other worlds they would probably throw me in the wasteland.`` I said sweeting nervousely.

``As for why I’m here...A few years back Celestia wanted Fluttershy to reform Discord, the only proble is that when they made him free he fell inconsious without any reponse, that his sould had escape from his body.

Now two months ago he came back and turn Equestria into a massive game with players from another world. I tried to help to retrieve one element of harmony by helping Sonata, a friend of the family to beat the chalenges of Discord.

But when I was able to take the element of kindness the room we were in began to fall down and before I knew it the element had transport me here saying something about ‘keeping the balance of harmony’`` I finished I had dificulty into believing it had all happened myself, but I guess it must be worse for Onyx.