My Special Rose

by Yellow_Quiet

First published

Trailing Ivy's life mostly consisted of waking up, eating, tending to his garden, sleeping and occasionally venturing for food. It was only when he discovered a special rose of his own that he brought variety back into his garden.

Trailing Ivy's life mostly consisted of waking up, eating, tending to his garden, sleeping and occasionally venturing for food. It was only when he discovered a special rose of his own that he brought variety back into his garden.

A rewrite of my first story. Co-written by radbunny.

Chapter 1

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The sun rose from the edge of the sky, lighting up the sleepy town of Ponyville. Many ponies were just waking up...
Except for one pony. This pony was tending to his flower garden. He finished watering his flowers, carefully looking over each one, all the while levitating small pair of scissors. He snipped any imperfections, ensuring they all looked ideal.
The pony's name was Trailing Ivy. He was a small unicorn stallion, sporting a long bright green mane that offset a darker green coat. Ivy stopped as he heard a door creak open from next door.
Ivy dropped his scissors and quietly trotted to the fence, as he did every morning. He carefully looked through a hole in the fence and saw an off-white mare, who had a red a rosy pink mane.
Today, her mane was unbrushed, and she looked like she had just woken up. She was walking to her roses with a watering can in her teeth. Ivy quietly sighed. He stared at the mare and admired her beauty. Today was already a good day.
"One of these days Roseluck... I will go out with you." He thought. "And today is that day!" He suddenly felt his heart beat faster. Had she heard that?
Ivy poked his head out and looked at Roseluck. He felt his cheeks glow hotter than Celestia's sun. "Uh...hey, Rose!" Ivy said nervously. Roseluck's ears perked up. She put the watering down on the ground and she looked at Ivy.
"Hi Tralling Ivy! Haven't seen you in a while." Roseluck smiled. "So whats up?"
Good heavens her smile is adorable....
"Um...uh... I was wondering if you want to go out for a cup a coffee." Ivy smiled nervously.
"Sure! In fact, I think ran out of coffee yesterday. I just need to get ready. Give me about ten minutes and meet me out in front." Roseluck trotted to her house. Trailing Ivy simply stood there by the fence, in utter shock on what he just did.
"How did I just do that?"
Ivy was waiting for Roseluck outside her house, pointlessly looking up at the sky. He spotted a rainbow maned pony zipping around- a fairly normal sight. Nothing else indicated that today was going to be anything but another day...
Ivy followed the pegasus with his eyes before he felt a light tap on his stomach. He jumped in surprise and turned around to see Roseluck smiling.
Another normal day? Anything but such....
"Ready to go?" She asked.
"Yeah." The two ponies started walking towards the center of town in silence.
"So Ivy, what do you do for a living?" Rose asked, at long last breaking the silence.
"Uh. I grow ivy, and I tend to pony's sick plants. Sort of a business I guess."
"Hmm. You are quite the strange one." Rose said looking Ivy up and down.
"W-what do you mean by that?" Ivy said in surprise.
"Well, you are a unicorn gardener. It's like a pegasus scientist. You just don't see too many."
"I suppose. Earth ponies are known for their strength and agriculture. And unicorns are known for their intelligence and magic. I'm kinda both. I'm skilled in gardening, but I know some magic. It's mostly plant magic though."
"Really? I never met a unicorn unicorn like you before. Or a stallion as small as you either. We are about the same height!"
"Well it kinda runs in the family." Ivy said nervously. There was that height thing again...
"Don't worry about it. To be honest, it's kinda cute." Ivy stopped in his tracks.
He felt his cheeks glowing."Is there something wrong Ivy?" Roseluck asked, concerned.
"Oh! No nothing is wrong." Ivy said nervously.
"Oh, um...Look, we are here!" Ivy said pointing a hoof at the cafe. The two ponies walked in, glancing around at interior. It was dark brown, and had matching tables and booths with ponies in a few of them. On the right side of the room there was a long counter, and a brown mare by the cash register.
"I'll go order for us. What would you like?" Rose asked.
"I would like a cup of black tea." Ivy responded. Roseluck walked to the counter while Trailing Ivy took a seat in the nearest booth.
He couldn't help but look over at Roseluck who was ordering their drinks. "Okay. I'm doing great. She must like me at least a little bit. She called me cute. That must mean something...right?" Ivy thought to himself.
Roseluck returned to Ivy with a tray in her a mouth and two drinks on the tray. She set the tray on the table, giving Ivy's drink to him with her mouth.
"You know, one thing I admire about non-unicorns is their ability to use their mouths to move stuff. If I went a day without using my horn, I would make a huge mess, and probably drop something." Roseluck giggled.
"Well, Celestia created us all equal. It would be unfair if one race was superior to all of the others." Rose poured some creamer into her coffee.
"It would. I'm surprised some psycho pony hasn't tried to kill off all of the other races." Ivy stirred in some sugar into his tea.
Awkward. Totally not the thing to say over tea and coffee....
"We should talk about a less depressing topic."
"Fine with me! Well, what do you do for a living?"
"I grow roses and other various flowers. Big surprise, huh?" Ivy smiled a bit.
"Well gardeners are not very different. Its usually the pony who is different." Ivy sipped his tea.
Not bad...a rather insightful comment, especially for him.
"Uh. Rose?" Ivy blushed.
"Yes?" Rose sipped her coffee.
"Well... It's that..." He slowly stuttered. Roseluck stared at him in confusion.
SaySOMETHING! Don't make a foal of yoursel-
"Ithinkyouarereallypretty." He blurted. Ivy's cheeks glowed a bright red. Roseluck looked at him, blushing as hard as he was.
"Umm...Thanks Ivy." She said shyly.
"Nobody ever has said that'd I'm pretty before...."
Rose fiddled her hoofs, which was a good thing, because Ivy's jaw went slack briefly.
Never? But....she was so......
The two embarrassed ponies finished their drinks quietly, giving each other an occasional glance and shy smile. They both finished their drinks at the same time (thank Celestia!)
"Ready to go Ivy?"
"Yep." They left the cafe and started to walk, an awkward silence returning.
"So do you have any friends?" Rose asked.
"Umm...Not too many....ok, not really. I kinda just live alone, quietly. I keep to myself mostly."
"Somehow I'm not surprised. So who is the closest pony you know?"
"My sister. Although I haven't seen her in a year."
"What is she like?"
"Well she's kinda the opposite of me. She is quite bubbly. But we get along quite well." They stopped at Roseluck's house, turning to face each other.
"I had a nice time."
"So did I."
“Sooo...see you again sometime?" Rose asked.
"Uh... Yeah...sure!" Ivy replied. Ivy shyly looked away for a brief moment. Now what?
Well, he had to do SOMETHING....well, oh why not.
He placed a quick kiss on Roseluck's cheek. Yep. That felt right.
Both ponies looked at each other and blushed heavily. "I should get going now..." Ivy started to walk away.
"Wait Ivy!" Ivy turned back, facing Rose again.
Roseluck walked up to Ivy and placed a kiss on his cheek. A warmth spread from his cheek, all the way down his spine.
"Uh... Does this mean that..."
"...I kinda like you? Yes." She paused and smiled. "So see you really soon?"
"Yes." Ivy smiled. He walked back to his house on slightly-wobbly legs, then going inside to sit on his couch. "Seriously. How did I do that?"

Chapter 2

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That night...
Roseluck stirred in her bed, finding it impossible to sleep. Her bed was warm and comfy, and the room was perfectly dark...but it felt like something was missing.
Not having anything else to do, she mused on what could be bothering her. Any random itches keeping her awake? Nope.
Thirsty? Hungry?
No, also no.
Strange craving for oatmeal cookies?
….a little, but no.
She hopped out of her bed as she briefly read her clock. It was midnight, yet she couldn't sleep.
What was wrong with her?
Curling up on her bed, she let her eyes drift to the covers, running the day's events over in her head. Maybe she forgot something!
Her mental rundown was going fine and dandy until she recounted her date with Ivy. The change was immediate. She felt her heart beat a bit faster, and she couldn't help but fidget this way and that. A strange, gentle warmth spread through her body.
She missed him, a lot.
This realization caused Rose to just stare straight ahead with shock. She had never had these feelings before, not this severely at least. Sure, she had eyed a few colts, maybe even had a few crushes, but this was different.
The sound of a soft knock at the door snapped Rose out of her thoughts.
A visitor? At midnight?
This had better not be any more sales-ponies....
She walked over to the door, when another knock rang out- but this one stopped suddenly. Swinging the door open, she saw none other than Ivy staring back at her with wide eyes.
“Umm. Hi Rose.”
He didn't meet her gaze, glancing to the ground and drawing patterns with his hoof in embarrassment.
Ivy was so adorable when he was shy!
“I really hope I didn't wake you up...”
She shook her head in response.
“Not really. I haven't been able to fall asleep.”
“Me too! I mean.....ummm....”
Rose wasn't sure who was blushing more- Ivy, or herself.
“Want to come in and talk?”
He nodded, and the two made their way to sit on the slightly-overstuffed maroon couch.
“I couldn't-”
Ivy shook his head briefly.
“Sorry to interrupt, you first.”
Oh could she say this?
“Ivy, I'm really confused. I haven't ever liked a colt....well, REALLY liked a colt before.”
She paused, letting out a defeated sigh.
“I missed you.”
The silence that followed wasn't awkward, surprisingly enough.
“I missed you too.”
Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as Ivy spoke, a cute blush on his cheeks.
Darnit. Her voice squeaked.
He nodded.
“I told you that I haven't had many friends...that included....well....marefriends. I'm kind of new to to this too.”
More silence, and thankfully, it was Ivy who broke it again.
“Hey rose?”
She turned to look at him, and felt a familiar feeling in her chest.
Even though his mane was slightly disheveled, and his demeanor clearly embarrassed and uneasy, she couldn't help but have a gentle smile meander onto her features.
Stop it, stupid heart....
“Maybe...we can just continue the date? And talk know....”
He smiled. Nervously, but a smile nonetheless.
They stayed up for another hour, just....talking. First it was a bit awkward, but productive. They both were so new to this relationship stuff, they decided to just take things slow, and hope for the best. After that, it was just like chatting with a friend, like any date should be. Some comment involving a certain pink mare and a twitching tail had both of them laughing....
And Rose ended up leaning on Ivy's shoulder.
All the pent up tension she had apparently had fled instantly. That warm feeling, one deeper than her fur could provide, seemed to spontaneously bloom in her chest.
They both knew that it really was getting late, but darnit...
She was so comfy.
“We probably should get some sleep....”
Rose nodded, and it took all of her willpower to pull her head from his shoulder.
They stood up, eyes meeting for a moment. Rose took a few steps forward, wrapping one of her arms around Ivy's neck in a hug.
“Thank you Ivy....”
Tears she didn't know were there slid down her cheeks. Who knew that never being asked on a date had affected her so much?
And who knew this one colt could so easily gain her trust....and something more.
She so didn't want to let go, especially when Ivy returned the hug.
“No problem Rose...I'm really glad to have met someone as amazing as yourself.”
Darnit Ivy. Why did you have to be so sappy when tears were ALREADY on my cheeks?
They finally parted, but not without a farewell, one which they both had a feeling would stick for a long time.
“See you real soon?”
“See you real soon.”

Chapter 3

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Reading a book. Really, it was quite simple. You sit down, look at the words, imagine the setting, and let your imagination do the rest.
For the tenth time, Ivy snapped the book closed, glaring at the television, which stared blankly back at him.
“If inanimate objects could laugh, I'd be telling you to shut it...”
He sighed, finally giving up the battle and let the book enjoy a bit of respite from its violent openings and closings.
Ivy massaged his temples with his hooves, not understanding why his brain refused to dwell on a specific topic, and a specific few seconds.
A hug.
A simple hug.
He wasn't one of those touchy-feely ponies, and appreciated his personal space (unlike a certain pink terror that lived in the town...)
Yet that simple gesture of affection from Rose had set into motion a tumult of feelings that he still didn't understand.
Even the thought of just spending TIME with her was enough to kick his heart into overdrive. That blasted warm feeling that seemed to emanate from somewhere around his heart started to spread. Finally, his mind admitted defeat.
He had fallen head-over-hooves for this mare, no question about it. The question, at this point, was what he was going to DO about it.
Ivy got up, and out of reflex began to pace back and forth. He wasn't the most socially adept of ponies, hence why he enjoyed the company of his plants.
Unfortunately, this meant he had NO idea what to do when there was a mare he was crazy about.
He looked over to a few vines of ivy that grew along one of the windows, wishing his knowledge of horiculture could help him. What did one do to a plant? First you dug a hole for it...
Ok. Not helpful.
Water it?
Also not helpful.
Made sure it was cared for.
Spend time with it?
Getting there....
Go visit Rose!
Quite satisfied with his train of thought, Ivy turned-
He rubbed his forehead with a hoof, glaring at the protruding corner of his house. His pacing had taken him right next to the nearest wall, and protruding support beam.
With his forehead, and what little ego he had still smarting from the blow, he made his way out the door, wondering where Rose would be at this hour.
His ear twitched as he heard a noise from next door, and he glanced over-
Settled on a simple mat was Rose, nestled among some of her more vibrant flowers, apparently reading a book.
Not now. He had to act at least somewhat coherent.
He trotted over, hoping to catch a glance of what she was reading. Rose was angled slightly away from him, and the sun was such that she didn't see him approach.
She really was beautiful....
“Hey Rose.”
With a yelp, she sprang to her feet, sending a few flowerheads flying. She turned around to look at Ivy-
and the two burst out laughing.
“You scared me half to death Ivy!”
Ivy did his best to feign innocence, but failed rather miserably.
Her wide grin settled into more of a shy smile, one that sent pleasant shivers from his spine to his hooves.
“I...umm....hope I didn't interrupt your reading.”
She shook her head, and Ivy couldn't help but noticed a slight blush on her cheeks. It wasn't warm outside, was it?
“Not really. Couldn't get into the book.”
He nodded, hoping the conversation wouldn't get as awkward as he felt it would.
“Erm, same here. They said this one Daring Do novel would did the rainbow pegasus say it? Un-put-downable. Well...I put it down. Just not the day for reading I guess...”
Rose nodded, glancing to her book.
“Hmm. I was just reading up on better ways to garden, or trying to read at least.”
There it was. That awkward silence that eagerly swooped in to fill the conversation gap.
“I was wondering if you were doing anything later today....maybe for lunch?”
Sweet vines Ivy....that was actually rather smooth!
“Nope! Is...that..umm.....
a date?”
As she spoke the last two words, the blush became more pronounced on Rose's cheeks, and she couldn't meet Ivy's gaze. If she had looked up, Rose would have seen a completely joyful expression on the stallion's features.
“Yep! Umm.....maybe see you at eleven thirty? Just meeting out front here...and then we can figure out where to go?”
Rose nodded quickly-perhaps too quickly.
“Sure! That sounds good! I'll see you in a bit!”
Things would have ended rather smoothly, but somehow Rose's back left hoof got caught in a watering can on her short walk to her front door. By the time she had shaken the offending object from her hoof and gotten inside, she was fairly certain her cheeks matched the color her name implied.
Ivy walked, but with a bit more bounce, back into his home. He bowed comically at the ivy vines near the window.
“Thank you for your advice my friends!” He then turned to walk upstairs, just to make sure he looked alright for the date.

Chapter 4

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Hair down.
Hair up.
Hair down....
Hair half-up?
Roseluck stared at the mirror, and the current strand of hair that refused to pick a position and stay put. Well, not much she could do about that. Besides, she had a few strands falling across her face when she had first met Ivy, so perhaps this wasn't a bad idea. She then affixed a single pink ribbon into her mane, finishing off her preparations.
Well, five minutes to go.
Rose sighed, shaking her head slightly. Once again, she was getting flustered about something silly. She couldn't help but smile as she recalled how shy Ivy had looked when talking with her. All the other stallions who had been interested in her had been the polar opposite of Ivy. Outgoing, very sure of themselves...
And always interested in nothing more than her flank.
Her mouth turned down into a bemused frown at the last thought. She hadn't lied to Ivy when telling him about her inexperience with relationships. She had never been asked on a date that she felt comfortable accepting. The few times someone had asked, it was very clear what they wanted.
To which, Roseluck didn't understand very much. She wasn't overly pretty, not by a long shot. Her mane hung at sometimes ragged angles, and occasionally her fur spiked up in random spots.
Rose tried to ignore the self-defeating thoughts, but failed. No, Ivy was different. He made her actually feel like somepony important. All the things she thought were strange about her, he had must have overlooked. Being into growing plants, the fact she wasn't that pretty...
So why bother asking her out? What did he see in her?
Thankfully, Rose finally managed to snap out of her depressing mental state, and trot out onto the porch to wait. It was a slightly-cloudy day, the weather ponies planning a shower tomorrow. The temperature was cool, but not too nippy. A slight breeze rustled some fallen leaves around the front gate-as did the hooves of a certain stallion.
She trotted out to greet him, sending a potted plant skittering across the cobblestone walkway (but thankfully the plant survived its wobbly voyage and remained upright.)
Right on cue, the minute their eyes met, her heartbeat doubled, and quite a few quivers resonated in her hooves. It certainly didn't help calm her nerves.
“Wow Rose! You look great!”
She blushed, looking to the ground briefly.
“Hey Ivy...”
That's when the spontaneous part of her personality took over.
She hugged him. It wasn't a one-arm over the shoulder, but a both-hooves-around-the-neck hug. Of course, in doing so, she almost knocked him over. Good going Rose...
Part of her was ecstatic, while the rest of her was terrified that he'd-
Wait, he was hugging her back?
A sense of security, not unlike the kind she felt when wrapped in the arms of her parents, flooded through her body. This was different though. Parents were suppose to love their kids. Ivy...
Nope. Don't cry. Don't cry.
After a few moments, they both went back to standing on all fours, unable to meet teach other's gaze. When Rose finally glanced over to Ivy, she saw something that made her heart melt; a simple tenderness in his eyes.
Darnit Ivy, why did you have to be so adorable?
“Where did you want to go?”
Rose surprised herself by speaking- so much for being tongue-tied.
“Umm...There's a really good sandwich place in town, if that sounds good.”
She nodded, settling into a steady walk at his side.
For a few moments they didn't talk almost at all, instead looking at the delightful scenery that bordered the small road leading to the center of town. It was then Ivy who broke the semi-silence, slowing to a easier walk as he did so.
“Hey Rose?”
His head lowered slightly, and his gaze refused to meet hers.
“I was wondering, um...why do you like me?”
Had it been appropriate, Roseluck would have facehoofed. Awkward questions was not her forte.
Well, time to see how far honesty could get her.
“Well, you're certainly cute.”
That prompted a blush from both of them, but more-so Rose.
“Honestly? You seem like a really nice stallion.”
She could't help but give him a playful nudge with her shoulder.
“Also, I guess I've got a thing for shy stallions.”
Ask him! Come on Rose, ask him why HE likes YOU!
Sadly, her mouth didn't answer her heart's request.
Ivy certainly had an extra bounce to his step as they neared the sandwich shop, Rose still battling herself.
The rest of the date was fun, to say the least. The food was amazing, and their conversation drifted to horticulture, different types of plants, pruning techniques, and everything in-between. All the while, Rose wanted to ask him that simple question, but just couldn't. It would solve so many of her doubts...
Plants remained the topic of discussion all the way through lunch, and on the walk back to their house.
Darn. That went by far too quickly.
“I had a great time Ivy, thank you...”
“Same here! Hey Rose, I'll see you soon? I really had a great time...”
Something kept Rose back. She wanted to just give him another hug-
Ponyfeathers. Why not?
Once again, the spontaneous side of her won out. She crossed the few steps to Ivy, somehow managing to meet his surprised gaze.
“Ivy, really. Thank you.”
She then wrapped her hooves around him, and kissed him.
Her first kiss...
Just like the hug, part of her was ecstatic, but more-so she was terrified. Of course, she couldn't really focus on any of that, just because the kiss itself was amazing. A warmth spread from her face to her spine, making her fur prickle with excitement.
Then she went blank. All that existed was her, and Ivy. His hooves had reached up and wrapped around her neck.
He was kissing her back.
At that moment Rose didn't care if the sky itself was falling. There was just them, and that comforting feeling that you can only feel when someone else shares their love.
Rose was more than disappointed when she had to break off the kiss, and once again meet Ivy's eyes, which were wide with shock.
Oh no.
The full weight of what she'd done slammed into her consciousness. Panic quickly set in.
What was she thinking?!
Overriding all else, the panic sent her running back to her house, just as confused as the poor stallion left by the gate, who's blissful expression quickly changed to saddened and worried.

Chapter 5

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What did I do?
To say Trailing Ivy was stupefied would be an understatement. The date had gone on without a hitch, they both had an amazing time...
Yet she had dashed off into her house, in tears.
A crushing sense of failure dulled Ivy's mind. The only mare that ever had shown interest, let alone kissed him, had just left him alone.
Maybe all those jabs from his childhood were right.
His hooves began to move on their own, taking him to a familiar place of refuge. It wasn't too long of a walk, only about fifteen minutes, but soon he bumped into the door of a familiar house.
The door opened, and a white-blue blur tacked the pony to the ground.
“Hey Ivy!”
His stupor of mind broken, Ivy couldn't help but smile and hug his sister back.
“Hey Sparking Snow. Haven't seen you for a while.”
Letting her brother back onto his feet, Snow led them both into her home. Being one of the few pegusi who actually lived on the ground, Snow had decorated her home with enchanted cloud furniture, to imitate the in-the-clouds feel. Her light blue mane swished as she sat in a poofy couch, nodding to a large armchair.
“Well, sit down! What brings you here on such short notice?”
There was a pause, and Ivy seemed suddenly very focused on the floor.
Snow's eyes widened.
“Sweet fireflies Ivy, did you get yourself a marefriend?”
His ears shot straight up at that question.
“Well, yes...wait what? How did you know?”
Letting out a bubbly laugh, Snow tossed a bit of cloud at Ivy's head, which poofed into oblivion on impact.
“Mare's intuition. But congratulations! I have to say, you were the LAST pony I expected to get a marefriend anytime soon!”
“Gee. Thanks for the vote of confidence sis.”
Seeing the jesting comment had hit home, Snow threw another cloud at her brother's head.
“Hey, I was just kidding. Seriously though, is she pretty?”
Ivy nodded, and his eyes unfocused slightly.
Yep. He had a marefriend for sure.
“The prettiest, in my opinion.”
“And her name is...?”
Snow tapped the sofa with a hoof thoughtfully.
“Hmm. I think I bought some roses from her a while back. Seemed rather nice. So, what seems to be the trouble?”
Ivy related the date to his sister, blushing despite his best efforts when mentioning their kiss.
“Ok, well, did she seem shaky at all? A bit freaked out beforehand?”
Ivy shrugged slightly, searching through his memory.
“Well, she seemed a bit nervous here and there.”
“Is she as inexperienced with relationships as you are?”
Ivy just stared at his sister for a moment.
“What? I can be blunt and serious when I want to be! And your answer is-?”
“Yes. I'm her first coltfriend, as far as I know.”
A pillow of cloud then hit him in the face.
“I think I know what's going on. She's just terrified that you won't like her anymore, simply put.”
The completely stunned expression on Ivy's face was almost comical.
“But...I really like her. A lot.”
Ivy's gaze fell to his hooves as he fiddled with a bit of cloud.
“A lot more than I realize...I think.”
The chair moved suddenly, sending him out onto the floor. Thankfully he caught his footing just in time, glaring at Snow, who had sent him flying.
“Don't tell me that! Go tell her! The sooner the better!”
Ivy was about to race out the door, but stopped, first going over to his sister and wrapping her up in a hug.
“Thanks Snow, for being my sis.”
She returned the hug, then shoving him towards the door.
“Anytime bro. Go get her! You have to tell her, no matter what.”
Any faster and Snow would have thought her brother had sprouted wings.
Making it to his and Rose's house in record time, Ivy wasted no time in rapping at her door.
No answer.
He tried again, but again, no response.
'You have to tell her, no matter what.'
Well, it was all or nothing. He took a deep breath and opened the door, Snow's words echoing in his mind. Ivy heard some faint noises from the bedroom, which then resolved into a voice as he got closer, words echoing out between sobs.
“I'm such a fool. Why did I even bother? How could he like me, especially after making such a fool of myself! Alone...I'll just live my life, and probably die alone. Why-”
“That. Is not true.”
Roseluck's head snapped up at the sound of Ivy's voice. No sooner had Rose scrambled back onto her four hooves, than she felt his arms wrap tightly around her, rocking her back and forth.
“Ivy, what are you-”
A hoof on the lips stopped any further conversation, the kiss that followed even moreso.
Rose had no idea it was possible to go from being so sad, to so amazingly happy in but a few short moments. Somehow, Ivy's kiss made every doubt, every silly thought that had been hounding her, just flee and disappear.
Breaking this kiss to get a breath of air (no matter how much he wished otherwise,) Ivy brushed a few rogue strands of Rose's mane from her eyes.
“Rose. Please, never, ever think I don't like you. Ok?”
She nodded, enjoying every second his hooves pulled her close into another hug.
“Ivy, I just couldn't think straight! I was so nervous I just thought-”
Rose's simply heart melted as she saw the overwhelming compassion in Ivy's eyes. He really did care about her...
“If you ever feel like that again, please, just tell me. I really don't want to see you like that again. I just want you to be happy, ok?”
Rose closed her eyes briefly, nuzzling Ivy's fur as she took a shaky breath.
“Ok. I promise.”
Ivy didn't know how long to keep Rose wrapped up in a hug, and didn't really care. The fact a mare actually liked him, and that he could be of such value to someone had his mind in a stupor. One single thought encompassed all the joy he felt, and the desire to make this one mare happy, no matter what.
'I love her.'