The Heart of Shadows

by TheSilentAuthor

First published

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

Prince Sombra has just inherited the crystal empire from his late Father. The young Prince is grief stricken but tries to find happiness in his dark times. Having the Grand Galloping Gala going on in Canterlot seems like the best place to go for a good time. Upon arriving he surprise to see the reason why his family never went to these sort of things. Many believe that this is the last Gala that King Dawnbreaker will be alive for. His two daughters Celestia and Luna are suspected to be have begun training in the art of raising the day and night. With the entertainment of the evening being a barbaric circus run by slaves, Sombra tries to save the performers afterwards from their life of misery. He fails to safe them all but he does manage to save one. A young changeling. Taking her away and inserting her into his daily life, she soon becomes a close friend to him. Eventually Sombra starts to feel that there is something more between them. What fallows is a tale of passion which leads to many changes in the life of the young prince. Sombra spirals down the path of blind love not caring what may happen.
"Love can sometimes blind us to reason. Which leads to insanity."

Night to Remember

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Sombra had been sitting by the food table the entire time.

“Well this is turning out to be a real fun time.” He said to himself while stuffing his mouth with a piece of cake.

A young mare came up to him, her teeth chattering with nervousness. Sombra looked at her, he knew what she was going to say.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked while nodding to the empty chair beside him.

“No, but you’re the hundredth pony to ask that question tonight, do yourself a favor and walk away now.” He said taking another bite of the cake.

The mare stormed off clearly upset about the way he had spoken with her.

The great hall was filled with ponies he despised. Growing up, he was always taught to never waste anything. Looking at the hall he was sickened by the scene. All these kings and queens were indulging in goods far beyond what they truly could consume. Sombra finally understood why his father never went to these types of things. The thought of his father made him feel sad, many here said that was the best king of the crystal empire. Other would argue that he was one the best kings in the entire land. He was at times ruthless but in the end he was a gentle soul. What have these rich snobs ever do for their kingdoms? Each one of them never had to work for their thrones they just inherited them from their parents. Sombra's father had to fight for his kingdom, when all seemed lost his father found a way to win. What have these ponies done to earn their spots in power, nothing. Coming here was a mistake he thought, he had better things to do than get angry at nothing. He got up and started to head to the door.

Suddenly a voice called out to him. “Sombra!”

He turned around. “Tia!?” he responded

A young alicorn came running up to him flinging her hoofs around him almost knocking him over.

“Sombra it’s so good to see you again.” The white alicorn said

Was this Celestia? Sombra remembered ages ago that during the great war that he was looked after in Canterlot while his father went with the rest of the allies. During his time he made friends with one of the princesses here but was this really her? The mare standing before him was beautiful beyond imagine and she gave off a sense of comfort. To say the least he was completely star struck.

“Celestia is that you?” He said pulling himself away.

“Yep its me who else did you expect?” She said with a smile.

“Nopony I am just surprised, I almost didn’t recognized you.” He said

“Well it has been ages since we last saw each other, how have you been?” Celestia asked.

Sombra was stumbling over his words. He began feeling a burst of red starting to form along side his checks.

"Good." he said 'Don't forget to ask her the same.' "And you?" he asked very shaky. 'Well do try make it sound less awkward next time'

Celestia giggled like most mare do that age when they know a colt is nervous around them. "I've been doing great Sombra. You know I thought this evening couldn't be anymore boring but then all of the sudden you show up of all places. After all the years of invites why now may I ask?"

He froze in place for he really didn't have an answer for her question. 'Cuase my father taught me that most of these ponies here are scum who never worked a day in their lives yet feel the need to throw expensive parties to satisfy their egotistical selves'. "I thought I would give it a shot. You know, got to be a first for everything" He managed to smile.

Celestia smiled back but then suddenly remembered something. "Um Sombra I know its a little personal but do you really think that attending tonights gala is such a good thing I mean your father's funeral was just two weeks ago." She stopped as the look on his face exposed everything he was feeling at that moment. The look he had was of somepony who had been through a lot and was looking for something to distract themselves for awhile. "Oh." she mumbled

"Yeah well you see the thing is I thought that I would just get away from everything for a while. Just to breathe you know?" Sombra managed to say.

Celestia wrapped around him again in a hug. “I am sorry about your father passing away, it must be hard on you.” She said

Sombra smiled. “You know you’re the first pony to tell me that tonight.” He said

“Really? I am the first?” She said stepping back.

“Yeah sadly but true, everypony here has just ignored the fact that my father had just died. All night ponies have treated me as if nothing had happened.” Sombra said.

“The nerve of them, I swear these days ponies have no moral conduct.” Celestia said.

This made Sombra smile.

“So what have you been up to lately?” Sombra asked trying to steer away from a grim topic.

“Me? Well don’t tell anypony but lately father has me and Luna being trained in all sorts of magic. You would not believe they type of magicians, I have seen the last few days” Celestia said with a giggle.

“So the rumors are true huh?” Sombra asked. 'Well so much for steering away from that topic'

Celestia lowered her head a little. “Yes his health is deteriorating faster than the doctors had hoped for.” She said

Sombra stepped towards her. “I am sorry for asking.” He said

“Don’t be, mother always said it was good talking about our problems than trying to deal with them by ourselves.” She said

Sombra grabbed one her forehoofs. “Well if there is anything you need let me know.” He said

Her eyes lit back up, she blushed as she realized that her hoof was being held with his. She slowly removed it placing it to her side.

“So where you heading off to now?” She asked innocently.

“Back home” Sombra said.

“What and miss the special surprise my father has planned?” Celestia asked.

“Look no disrespect to you or your father but this is all just to much for me. I am not familiar with these types of parties.” Sombra said

“Oh please stay.” Celestia begged

Sombra’s ears folded back he was trying to think of an excuse. “I really do have to go, it’s going to be a long journey back to my palace.” He said

“Don’t leave tonight leave tomorrow.” Said Celestia

“I have no place to stay here.” Sombra responded

“You can stay in one of the guest bedrooms. I’ll have the guards prepare you one.” Celestia said motioning a guard over.

“Look Tai, I appreciate the offer but-“ He started to explain. Her eyes got big and watery as if he had just crushed every dream she had ever had. He couldn’t say no to her. “Fine I’ll stay.” He said with a sigh.

“Yay!” she yelp hugging him again. The guard came over and asked what she needed.

“Prepare the guest bedroom number two hundred and thirty six for our dear friend over here.” She said with authority in her voice. The guard bowed and went off. "Come now Sombra shall we have a seat somewhere?" She asked.

The young prince looked around the crowded hall searching for a spot to sit. His old spot was being occupied by a bunch of elegant looking stallions with lush suits.

"Um, I am afraid that there is nowhere to sit Tia." Sombra said looking around.

"Oh, thats okay." Celestia said. "Guard!" She motioned with her hoof.

From behind him, Sombra felt a guard rush past him presenting himself before the young princess.

"Yes ma'am." he saluted.

"Find me and my guest here a place to sit would you?" Celesita asked.

"Right away you majesty." The guard said trailing off.

The guard had cleared off a small table by one of the windows overlooking the majestic Canterlot garden. As the two sat down Sombra caught glimpses of ponies out and about there. The gala was going by as he thought it would, slow and boring.

"So how are things up in the crystal empire, you got that festival coming up don't you?" Celesita asked.

"Indeed i have but never have i imagine that it would be so much work. For my whole life i have enjoyed attending it but never have i actually run it you know?" Sombra said.

Celestia smiled and trailed off for a bit. "Must be lovely up there this time of year, with the wild flowers and grassy plains."

"It is but i am afraid that one such as yourself wouldn't want to live there." Sombra smirked.

"Oh and why is that?" Celestia asked.

"We have a beautiful summer and spring but once winter comes you would freeze your nose off. Most ponies apart from us can hardly tolerate such harsh conditions." Sombra smiled.

"Still i bet it is lovely to see the crystal palace and capital covered with a blanket of snow." Celesita sighed.

Sombra smiled not knowing what to say for he didn't want to come off boring. A sound from the band sent the room into a frenzy of cheers, startling him.

"Oh good they started it." Celestia said clapping her hooves together.

"Started what?" Sombra asked.

"You know the traditional sky ballad dance." Celestia squealed.

Sombra was baffled. "The sky ballad? But that dance, nor music had been used in ages."

"I know right, my father had it requested specially for tonight for some reason." Celestia said looking at all the ponies preparing for the music to start. As the dancers took to the floor she got an idea. "Um Sombra may i ask you something?"

"Yeah go right ahead." Sombra said.

"Will you dance with me?" Celestia asked.

Sombra's eyes grew in horror for if anything he was good at dancing was not one of them. He began sweating, he didn't just want to object out right but he also didn't want to embarrass himself or her.

"Oh Celestia I am not that good at all and I would just look like a fool if I tried." Sombra said nervously.

"Come on now I bet you're a great dancer." She said.

"No for real Tia I am terrible at it." Sombra said.

"Please?" She asked.

Sombra was begging to feel defeated. "I don't even know the first steps to the sky ballad you might as well ask a pony who's blind to do it much less than me."

"It isn't that hard all it is mix between a waltz and the sib." Celesita responded knowing he was running out of excuses.

She got up from her chair grabbing Sombra by the hoof forcing him out of his as well. Sombra began panicking as she guided him to the floor. He wanted to protest but for some reason his mind didn't think of any kind of action. The two made it into the crowed of ponies ready for the dance to begin. Looking around he could see many of the other dancers eyes where on them. He began thinking of a thousand things that could go wrong at that moment. As he desperately tried to remember the steps to the dance the music began signaling the dance to begin.

"You ready?" Celestia asked with a smile.

'I would be more ready to jump off a cliff right now' Sombra thought. 'Pull yourself together Sombra its just a dance how hard can it be.'

Celestia posed him into the position and placed her left forehoof on his shoulder.

'This is imposiible' Sombra whimpered to himself.

"Remember Sombra its one, two, three, turn and repeat thats all." Celestia said sensing his nervous vibes.

She grabbed his left forehoof and held it out. Sombra placed his right hoof above her hip and gulp hoping for the music to start. As the music began he found himself shuffling through the steps slowly but at least it wasn't wrong. The music soon drowned all his worries instantly. He began feeling the rhythm channeling through him as he and Celestia danced.

'Ha i can do it, what was even afraid of?' He thought.

He twirled Celestia around and pulled her back to the orignal position.

"Um Sombra that wasn't part of the dance." She said in confusion.

"Oh i know just adding some moves of my own." He said with a grin.

He began moving faster as the music started to increasing in speed. Feeling a rush of energy he began moving and stepping in ways that weren't common for the particular dance. Celestia could do nothing except follow his lead. Sombra smiled for he didn't remember a time where he actually was having fun dancing. Pacing himself he made sure not to get carried away. Soon the music started slowing down and a signal was let out to notify that the dance had ended. Upon finishing he gazed at Celestia whose white cheeks where red from blushing. Confused by this he looked around to notice that a huge crowd had gathered around the dancing space and apparently the two of them where the reason. All the other dancers had scouted away too leaving a huge space to where Sombra and Celestia were. Had he really made a spectacle of himself? Not knowing what to do he bowed as if he was putting on a performance and thankfully Celestia played along. The crowd clapped as Celestia pulled him back to the table where they were originally sitting.

"Oh Sombra that was amazing." She said taking a seat. " I never knew you could dance like that."

"I am just as shocked as you are Tia." He said with a laugh.

Celestia giggled. "But be truthful, did you know what you were doing out there or did you just make it up as you went?"

"A bit of both actually." Sombra smiled.

The two sat there for awhile carrying on conversation until the room fell to a complete silence.The sound of trumpets sounded off meaning that the old king was about to speak. The crowd of ponies started to gather together. Celestia almost sprung out of her seat grabbing him by the hoof.

“Come this way I'll get us good seats.” She said pulling him through the crowd.

The group entered the great throne room with everypony taking their seats. Celestia lead him to a pair of chairs elevated by the steps that lead to the throne itself. The old king sat on the throne breathing hard for a pony his age, he looked terrible. Everypony in the room buzzed about the condition he was in. Trumpets sounded off letting everypony know that he was about to speak. Celestia was sitting directly beside Sombra leaning her head on his shoulder. Sombra looked around, he was shock at how many ponies were looking at him and whispering. Old king Dawnbreaker stood up with as much strength as he had.

“Friends welcome one and all to tonight’s Grand Galloping Gala!” he proclaimed.

The crowd cheered and clapped at this. He raised his hoofs to silence them.

“Tonight I have a special treat for you, you saw see things that you probably have never seen before. During my time in the swampy south I came across a colt that ran a circus show. Mind you this isn’t just some regular circus but a circus of wonders and amazement. Mares and Gentlecolts it is my privilege tonight to introduce you to SIR GRISWALD AND THE EVERCHANGING CIRCUS!” he yelled.

As he finished the doors flew opened and with it dancers with colorful flags waived high in the air entered. Musicians came in playing flutes and bagging drums as a pony dressed in the manner of a general came marching forward followed by huge tent looking things. His hat was topped with a feather to large for any atonable statement. The music stopped and the lights dimmed down to create a mood.

The oddly dressed pony who as far as Sombra could guess was the ringleader.

“Friends tonight you shall see wonders. Friends tonight you shall see things beyond your understanding. Friends tonight you shall see things that will question you very mind so all I ask you is this, ARE YOU READY?” The ringleader asked.

The crowed cheered wildly and chanted for the show to start. He gave a signal for the show to start. What fallowed was nothing more than an hour and a half of lights, smoke, and overall typical circus acts. It wasn't really nothing new that Sombra hadn't seen before but everypony else including Celestia was enjoying it. He began noticing something strange about certain performers. They had collars and not ones for show business but actually collars. A crackling sound rushed through the air catching his attention. Sombra sat there watching with horror on his face realizing what was going on. Many of the performers were in chains, being whipped playfully by the ringleaders into doing the stunts. Once they where done they were marched back into the giant tents that were on the floor.

“What kind of circus is this?” Sombra whispered to Celestia.

“I don’t know but isn’t it amazing!” she replied.

Sombra looked at her with disgust he couldn’t believe that she could think that this was fun. Seeing the crowd react the same way he wondered if he was the only one seeing it. He closed his eyes hoping for the whole thing to be over.

The ringleader stepped back in the center of the room.

“Now friends what you are about to see is real. You see in the south we have creature that can mimic ponies. Oh yes they can become somepony that you know. They can look like them, sound like them and you would never even know the difference. Tonight I bring one of those creatures. Tonight I bring the creature who can mimic anypony for its named appropriately, give it up for the CHANGELING!” He yelled while two circus colts brought forth a crate of great size. “I bring you not only a simple changeling but the queen of the changelings give it up for the one and only CHANGELINGESS!” he pronounced as he motioned for the colts to open the crate.

Sombra watched as a small young mare looking creature came forth from the box. She couldn’t have been older than Celestia. The crowd gasped for she had holes through her hooves and wings. On top of her odd apperance she had a great number of scars running along her hooves and back. She made her way to the side of the ringleader almost limping.

“Watch now as she becomes anypony who volunteers.” He said

A pony jumped up and down from the crowd. “Oh please make the freak become me.” He screamed causing the room to laugh.

The ringleader used his staff to lift the head of the poor creature to face the direction of the pony. “Now become that pony!” he ordered.

The creature didn’t move she kept looking at the ringleader not saying a word. Sombra became angry for he looked at the staff the ringleader was holding. It had a smooth spear tip at the end that matched the scars on the creature’s body.

“Looks like our queen needs a little motivation folks.” The ringleader said clapping his hoofs together.

Two circus colts came and held down the creature. The audience snickered a bit while the ringleader went around room holding his staff up showing it off to the world. Sombra grew sick as the ringleader stood over the poor creature.

“Change!” he ordered raising his staff up.

The creature looked at him with a stubbern look on her face. The ringleader forced the staff down upon her wing causing it to tear a hole in it. The creature let out a cry as the room filled with laughter. Over and over the ringleader stabbed with staff all over the creature’s body focusing on her hoof that was the cause of her limp.

“Change! I command you to change into that pony!” he screamed drawing blood. Finally the creature began to glow and suddenly it became the pony that had called out. The crowd gasped and remained silent for a few seconds but soon everypony cheered. Then all of them cried out asking the creature to do the same for them. Sombra looked away. How could ponies do this, how could they hurt a creature just for their amusement it was barbaric. Sombra got up to leave heading for the door.

“You sir are next don’t worry you’ll get your turn.” The ringleader said.

Sombra wanted to flat out hit the pony . The creature’s eyes locked with Sombra’s for a split second. Pain and despair were the only things that filled them. The creature soon produced tears and was trying to say something only to be interrupted by the ringleader.

“All right my queen transform into that young dashing colt over there.” He said

Sombra tried to stop it but as soon as he walked forward the creature took his appearance. He froze, the room full of ponies laughed and cheered at this accomplishment. Sombra looked at the creature that had now mirrored him, it had his exact image, he felt very sick. He galloped out the door as fast as he could only hearing the ringleader asking for a new volunteer.
Sombra ran into the courtyard of the grand palace. He almost vomited but was able to keep it down.

“Sombra!” Celestia’s voice called out.
She came galloping up to him. “Oh goodness you’re sick.”

“No I fine, what is wrong with your father?” he asked

“What do you mean?” she asked obviously upset at his question.

“That whole thing was disgraceful to society.” He said

“You mean the circus?” she asked

“Circus? That wasn’t a circus Tia that was sick.” He said angrily.

“Calm down I don’t see why you’re getting so upset about this.” Celestia said.

“Upset, I have every right to be upset did you see how he treated those ponies and creatures, they were slaves Celestia!” Said Sombra

“So who cares its not like he was killing them.” Said Celestia.

“He was stabbing the poor creature!” He argued.

“I will admit that it was a bit much but it’s a wild creature its not like it was a pony.” Said Celestia.

“How do you know it wasn’t, it could probably talk or fly at one time just like me or you. I have a headache.” Sombra said stepping back.

“Do you need some water?” Celestia asked.

“Yes please.” He said softly.

Celestia ran back inside. As he watched her he saw one of the circus colts coming outside to smoke a cigar of some kind.

'Why you no good piece of-' His mind stopped to think for a second. 'I can't just leave this alone i have to do something about it.'

An idea formed in his head. He walked up to the pony.

“Excuse me good sir.” Sombra said

“What!? Oh, yes?” the colt asked.

“I couldn’t help but notice that you were part of the circus that’s preforming tonight.” Sombra said.

“Yeah what about it?” the colt asked.

“Well I was wondering if you could tell me where the ringleader and the rest of your crew are staying tonight. For you see I really enjoyed the show and was wondering if I could by chance hire you all for a festival I am having in a week.” Sombra said

“Well I don’t think you’ll get any luck we got three more gigs after this.” The colt said

“Name your price. I’ll pay seven thousand gold pieces if needed, its really important.” Sombra said.

The colt’s eyes widen with the sound of the amount. “Well sir your luck just changed, come by the Dusty Mare tonight around eleven we should still be there.” The colt said.

“Great! I’ll be there.” Sombra said walking away. “I hope I can pull this off.” He said to himself.


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It took a while for Sombra to be finally alone. He sat in his room thinking about what he was about to do.

'Its the right thing to do. Those poor creatures are suffering and I am going to help them.' he thought.

The clock on the wall struck letting him know that it was ten o’clock.

“Time to go.” He said to himself.

He exited out of the room making his way down the deserted hallway. The palace was empty it was almost in a peaceful state. Only a couple of guards patrolled the great halls none paid any attention to Sombra as he walked towards the door. The guard at the door looked up as the white unicorn approached him.

“Evening Sir, what can I do you for?” the guard asked.

“Well fine sir I was wondering if I could slip out for a bit you know to take a nightly stroll around the town.” Sombra said.

“Sorry but we can’t let anypony out after the curfew.” The guard responded.

“Oh please it won’t take long.” Said Sombra.

“Sorry sir but those are the king’s orders.” The guard said.

Sombra slip out of his coat pocket a small bag, it jingled a bit as he threw it at the guard’s hooves.
“Oh my I do believe you have dropped something.” Sombra said.

The guard picked up the bag. “Well thank you sir, wouldn’t want things like this to go missing, I do recall that it was okay for ponies to go out as long as they are the respectable type.” The guard smiled as he unlocked the door. “Don’t be gone to long.”

“Thank you sir.” Sombra said.

The cold air blasted into his face sending his mane into a frenzy. Everything in the city was asleep except for the nightly watch. Sombra made his was quickly through the courtyard and through the streets. Within the hour he came to a small inn almost at the end where Canterlot’s building were before running up against it’s great walls. An old sign hung that read “The Dusty Mare” swung from being hit by the breeze. Sombra looked around the building trying to find the tents and crates. Poking his head down an alleyway he could make out all the crates that contained the performers stationed behind the old inn. He walked the down the alleyway slowly making sure nopony was there. He heard something talking but it wasn’t anything pony like. He turned his back to the crate and lean up against it putting his ear up to it. The voices that came from inside where a mixed batch of words, he could barely make any sense out of them. Slipping through the crates he came to the center where the crates were organized so that they could be shipped off in the morning.

He knocked on one of the crates. “Hello?” he whispered.

“Who’s there?” a pony’s voice answered back.

“A friend.” Said Sombra.

“I an't got any friends and don’t wish to now leave us alone.” The voice said.

“I am here to rescue you.” Sombra said.

“And how do you intend to do that, sure you can free all of us from our cages but then what?” the voice asked.

“There is a secret tunnel by the old fountain a couple of blocks from here. It's where the city meets the mountain, it use to be an old mine shaft back when Fireskies thought there was gold here. If you come with me I can lead you all to safety.” Sombra said looking at the back door of the inn hoping nothing would come out.

“So you say you can get us to this entrance?” the voice asked.

“Yes.” Sombra answered.

“Well what are you waiting for get us out of here.” The voice said.

“Okay wait one second.” Sombra said while stepping back.

He concentrated his magic to focus on the screws the held the boxes together. Slowly he unscrewed them all opening them up to revel the performers. A small crowd soon gathered around him. Sombra looked around and there at the end of the group laid the changeling. He went over to her.

“Hey don’t worry I am here to rescue you.” He said lowering his head.

She sniffled. “I cant walk, its my hoof.” She said.

Sombra looked at the bleeding hoof. The ringleader must of have been doing this for a long time. The creature looked up at him, tears starting to form in her eyes. It was a look of pure hopelessness making Sombra determined to save them all. Sombra picked her up throwing her on top of his back so that she could ride him.

“There see I will get you out.” Sombra said to her.

He went to address the crowd but before he could say a word the back door flung opened. Two colts were walking casually out talking about something before noticing the crowd standing there.

“Run, follow me though!” Sombra said taking off.

The crowd ran after him as the two colts called out for the rest of their crew and guards to come help. Sombra heard sounds of guards calling out to each other for help. Soon guards started descending upon the group tackling them one by one as they tried to run. Sombra kept galloping, not stopping for anything. Finally he came to the old spot where the mind shaft was but to his horror it was sealed up.

“But, How?” he asked himself.

There was no time to think he quickly ran away from the group and dove into some bushes away from the spot were he had left them. Sombra felt bad for failing to save the entire group but there was nothing he could do. He felt the blood from the creatures hoof starting to run down his back.

“Changeling are you alright?” He asked.

There was no response she had past out. Sombra tried to think of plan. He needed to get her inside the palace without being spotted by the guards. Then it came to him, the memory of him playing in the palace with Celestia. She showed him a secret passage located underneath the brush near the side of the Palace. It leads directly to where now the first floor of guest corridors was located. Wasting no time Sombra darted out of the bushes and kept to the shadows as he made his way through the city. It took some time but he made it where the passage way lied. The smooth wall had a jagged outing that resembled an old doorway. This must be it Sombra thought to himself as he felt along the outline looking for a way to open. He tried to remember how Celestia did; the memory was very obscure in his mind. Then within a split second it came to him, reaching for left corner on the top he quickly pressed in a piece of stone that unlocked the old stone door. It swung open making more noise than he had hope for. Walking inside he guided the door back shut. He sat there for a second for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. As soon as his vision was good enough he began making his way through the old corridors. Sombra never really knew what this old tunnel and door were ever used for all he knew was that it was there before he was born. He came to a set of stairs, which were leading up to another stony door. He unlatched the hinge and slowly opened the door almost being blinded by the torchlights in the hallway. He poked his head out looking both ways making sure that nopony was around. Slipping out and closing the door he began creeping down the hallway hugging the wall. The changeling on his back moaned, she was starting regain her consciousness.

“Hold on we’ll be safe soon.” Sombra whispered.

The creature laid her head back down against his neck letting out a sigh of relief. Sombra climb up the stairs leading to the second floor where his room was located. He crotched as a guard made his way past the top heading in the opposite direction. Taking the moment of opportunity Sombra raced out towards his room just barely getting in and shutting the door in time before the guard turned around to make a sweep. Sombra laid the creature down on the bed then raced to the bathroom to get a rag and some water to clean her wounds. The creature opened her eyes as Sombra stood over her. She started to rise up falling back down once the pain from her hoof shoot through her.

“Easy now you’re in no condition to get up or walk for that matter.” Sombra said pressing the damped rage up against her wound.

The creature let a sharp cry of pain as the rag dug around the wound.

“Shh, there, there, if I don’t clean it you’ll risk getting infected.” He said as he tried as gently as he could not to hurt her. “Do you have a name?”

The creature shook her head to tell him no.

“Everypony has to have a name don’t they?” Sombra asked with a kind smile.

“I am not a pony though.” The creature sniffled.

“Come now of course you are, in fact I believe your more of a pony then some of the ones I have seen here.” Sombra said wrensing out the rag before wetting it again.

This made the creature smile, reveling two sharp teeth almost like fangs.

“Now about that name?” Sombra said while counting to clean the other wounds on her body.

“I have never had one, the only name I have ever had is the one that…that monster used to paraded me around with.” She said.

Sombra looked at her wings, at one time they must have had been a thing of beauty but now all they showed was years of pain.

“How long has he done this too you?” Sombra asked almost angrily.

“Ever since I can remember. He took me away when I was to young, to young to remember my parents. Everyday I woke up at the sunrise and he would be there with that staff he used. Every time I did something wrong he would-.” She broke down in tears, her whole body started shaking.

Sombra set his rag down and crawled up next to her on the bed. He held her close to him.

“Shh he can’t hurt you anymore your safe now, he will never hurt you again I promise you.” He said in a low whisper.

The creature let out a few more whimpers before calming back down. She looked up at him.

“Why did you try and save us?” she asked.

“Cause I felt that what that pony was doing was wrong on many levels, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do anything.” He said.

"But my friends-“ she started.

“They will be free soon trust me but right now I got to focus on getting you to a real doctor.” He said setting her back down and rising from the bed. “The only problem is that I can’t take you to one here.”

“Why not?” She asked.

“Cause they will be looking for you, no the safest place for you would be the palace once we get there and patch you up I can take you back to your homeland. You can finally be free to live amongst your own kind.” He said turning to her with a smile.

She smiled also and was about to say something until there came a knock on the door. Sombra jumped up at the sound and quickly picked her up moving her to the bathtub placing her inside there.

“No matter what don’t make a sound.” He whispered.

She nodded.

He went to the door. “Who in their right mind would be knocking on my door at this hour of the nigh-“ He stopped as he opened the door.

It was Celestia. “Hello Sombra.” She said in serious toned voice.

"Um, hey Celestia um what are you doing up at this time of night?” he laugh hesitantly.

The alicorn looked at him with eyes red with irration. She looked like she had been weeping for quite some time.

"Is ever thing okay?" Sombra asked in a concerning voice.

"No father just had a heart attack." She began crying.

Sombra guided her to sit on the bed and he sat down beside her.

"It happened a few minuets ago and doctors are now with him. I just couldn't bare to watch him in that condition." She sniffled. "Why is this happening to him?"

Sombra felt sadden by this question for nopony could truly answer that. "Well Tia i don't know why but I am sure he will pull through this."

"But what if he doesn't what if he-" She stopped before she finished.

"Hey now there no need to think like that he will get through remember that he is a strong fighter." Sombra said trying his best to comfort her.

She looked at him and managed to smile. "You really think so?"

"I know so." Sombra reinsured.

"Thanks Sombra." She said.

The two sat there in an awkward silence with Sombra eying the bathing room hoping Celestia didn't enter there.

"You know something Sombra I don't get to make much conversations with other ponies outside the palace anymore. But may I say that it feels good talking to you." Celestia said.

"Any time Celestia, I will always be here to listen." He grinned.

She smiled and began drifting off leaning her head on his shoulder again. "Sometimes I think that all I need is some peace and quite."

"We all could use that." Sombra said.

"In fact sometimes I feel that I need to get away from this type of life style. Not that I don't appreciate it but I feel like nopony truly respects me for me." Celestia said.

"I would respect you, princess or not." Sombra said.

Celestia smiled. "Thanks Sombra." She said.

She looked up at him with admiration in her eyes. Not thinking she pecked him a kiss on the cheek. Sombra froze in place not knowing how to react to this action. Feeling that the situation was getting awkward with him not saying anything Celestia blushed from embarrassment.

"Um I think I need to get back to see if father is doing alright." She said hoping off the bed.

"Huh? oh, yeah." Sombra said escorting her to the door.

"Well good night Sombra see you in the morning." She said with haste.

Sombra locked the door leaning his head against it. He was trying to figure out what just had occurred. He walked into the bathing room drawing some water from the sink to wash the sweat off his face. He rubbed the spot on his cheek where her kiss had landed. A small smile crept across his face. Walking over to the tub he leaned down to see the changeling who was now fast asleep. She breathed calmly; he looked at her horn for it puzzled him greatly. Sombra couldn’t tell if it was naturally shaped like that or if it was molded by years of torture. He scooped her up making sure not to wake her and carried her to the bed. Once she was all tucked in he went to the window and took a look outside. The moon shined bright against the cloudless sky. Turning back he settled in the lounge chair across from the dresser. He didn’t like the feel of it or for that matter any Canterlot made furniture it always seemed so stiff. Sombra found a position in which he was comfortable in closed his eyes and soon he was asleep.

Then the thought entered his mind. "How am I going to get this creature out of Canterlot without being noticed?"

New Barring

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A ray a light hit his face forcing Sombra to awake up from his sleep. Looking around to the bed he saw the changeling also lying awake.

“Good morning.” He said

“Good morning to you to.” She said with a smile.

Sombra got up and walked over to her. He sat himself down on the edge of the bed.

“Well I don’t know about you but I want to leave as soon as possible but there is one problem.” He said.

“What?” she asked almost concerned.

“I got to figure out a way to get you to my carriage without getting spotted and that is not going to be an easy task.” He said.

“I..I could change.” She said.

Sombra looked at her. “No I don’t want you to ever do that again.” He said.

“No it’s okay, it’s what my kind does naturally it doesn’t hurt me or anything.” She said sitting up.

“Well, that would certainly help lets see what you got.” He said.

The creature closed her eyes and then a green aura flashed changing her into a young golden-colored mare with a silky black mane.

“Ta-da.” She said.

Sombra smiled. “How’s you hoof feeling?” He asked.

“Better but I don’t think I can stand on it.” She said holding it up.

“Don’t worry we’ll get that fixed soon but for now you're just going to have to lean on me till we get to the carriage. I do hate doing this to you and all but I would really like to get going before everypony in Canterlot wakes up.” He said while getting up.

Sombra helped lift the changeling off the bed propping her up with her hurt hoof wrapped around his neck. Both headed to the door slowly and soon they were in the hall heading down the stairs. It was still very early in the morning and the only other ponies that were awake were the guards and the cooks. Sombra and the changeling reached the door only to be stopped by a guard.

“Hope you had a wonderful stay, do you wish to summon your carriage or did you come without one.” The guard asked pulling a book from his pocket.

“Um, yes I did, I would like to summon my carriage to the entrance. It should be under the name Sombra.” Sombra said while trying to balance the changeling from falling to the ground.

“One second Sir and it will be right out for you.” The guard said motioning to others to fetch the carriage.
The changeling stumbled again making the guard notice her.

“Is your date alright sir?” the guard asked.

“Hmh? Oh she’s fine just a little tired from the festivities last night.” Sombra said.

“Oh, okay, well I hope you are feeling better Mrs.” The guard said.

A knock came on the door. The guard opened it up and poked his head out. He turned around opening the door wide open for the pair.

“Your carriage is suited up and ready to go, thank you very much for atteneding this year’s Gala.” The guard said with a fake smile as if he had rehearsed the line.”

“Thank you.” Sombra said as the pair walked by and headed down the stairs. Sombra opened the door and lifted the changeling into the carriage. She got settled in and just as he was about to enter the carriage himself a voice called out to him.

“Sombra wait!” Celestia’s voice called. Sombra shut the door to the carriage and quickly turned to see the running alicorn coming towards him. She reached where he was standing. “You leaving already?” Celestia said as if it was a very big deal.

Sombra thought of a quick lie to tell her. “I do wish I could stay but I remembered that I have urgent business to attend to, have to rule my kingdom you know?” He said hoping that she bought it.

“Will I see you again soon?” She asked.

“I afraid I wont be able to come to Canterlot for a while.” Sombra said but soon retracted as he saw the look that came over Celestia’s face. “Hey why don’t you and you’re sister come to visit me at my palace.” He said regretting the words.

“Really? That would be splendid!” she said with glee. “When would be a good time?” she asked.

“Lets make it for the end of this month how does that sound?” Sombra said while taking a step on the carriage.

“Sounds wonderful do have a safe trip, I wish you could have stayed longer.” She said.

“Well I do to but my kingdom needs me.” He said looking at the driver.

“Oh and Sombra thanks again for showing up last night it was good seeing you again.” Celestia said moving forward hugging him.

The hug lasted longer than he really wanted it to. "It was a pleasure seeing you again too Tia." He said.

As soon as she let go he propped open the door hoping for her to take her leave.

“Have a safe trip, I will be looking forward to seeing you again.” She said walking back to the palace doors.

Sombra watch as she entered the door letting out a sigh of relief. “Well it could be worse.” He said to himself.

As he opened the carriage and began getting inside his eyes caught something near the top of the palace. His heart froze as he saw King Dawnbreaker staring down at him from his balcony with a confused and a sick look on his face. Sombra smiled from embarrassment and quickly locked himself inside of the carriage. He knocked on the roof and soon they were both on their way.

For the first two hours none of them spoke a word. Sombra was just glad he could take a nap in something comfortable. Soon he was awoken by the sound of a voice.

“How long till we get where we are going?” The changeling asked, she had transformed back into her natural form.

“I say another good eight hours if we make good time.” He said rubbing sleep from his eyes. “You ever been to the artic north?” he asked.

“No sir, I have never been pass Canterlot until today.” She said shyly.

“Well don’t worry you’re going to love it, its nice and crisp up there. Well during the summer times that is” He said looking out the window. “Once we get to my palace-“

“You have a palace!?!” She asked.

“Um yes I am the prince of-“ he started.

“You’re…’re royalty!?!” she said curling herself up as if she was afraid.

Sombra chuckled. “Yes I am the prince and ruler of the crystal empire.”

She looked at him. “Crystal Empire?” she asked.

“You never heard of the crystal empire?” Sombra asked.

She shook her head.

“Well the crystal empire was founded by an old alicorn who helped unite all the crystal ponies."

“Crystal ponies?” she asked interrupting him. “I am sorry please go on.”

Sombra laughed. “You are a curious one aren’t you? Well as I was saying my ancestor united all the crystal ponies into one kingdom. Now crystal ponies are like the regular ponies that you have come to know but with one difference. We shine like diamonds.” He said as if telling a bedtime story to a group of small ponies.

“Can you do that?” she asked intimately.

Sombra smiled at this. He closed his eyes finding the spot within himself where he felt warmth and happiness. His white coat and black mane shined instantly like a stainglass window being hit by the sun. The changeling’s eyes grew wide and her mouth hung opened.

“And I thought I was the only one who could change my appearance.” She said flabbergasted.

Sombra turned back to his normal state. “Well to be perfectly honest it does get kind of annoying after a long period of time.” He Chuckled. "Most keep the form on all the time which to me seems unbearable."

She giggled. “If I could do that I would never change back.” She said.

He gave her a smile and she looked at him intently.

“Fine but last time.” He said turning back into his shining self.

She squealed with joy as if receiving a present.

The rest of the ride up north consisted of nothing but small talk after that. Both of them held very short conversations. Sombra felt it in his blood when they entered the artic north. He really couldn’t explain it, it just shot through his bones whenever he crossed into the tundra. The changeling also began to feel this also sending her into a state of shivering. It was summer time but he forgot that the temperature was still lower than most places in Equestria and some places still had snow covering the area. Sombra noticed her shivering and removed his coat and give to her. He did reinsure her that once they got to the capital that things would be different. After a long time the carriage came to a stop. Sombra cracked the door open letting in the cool artic air. He smiled as he saw the buildings of his home city standing all around him.

“We are here.” He said with a smile. “Now wait right here so that I can get a doctor to get you some treatment.” He said to the changeling while exiting out of the carriage.

A small group of servants greeted him as he stepped down from the step and onto the pavement.

“My lord how was your trip?” Samuel, his butler asked.

“I will talk about that later get me doctor Winhelm at once and tell him its urgent.” Sombra said.

“Yes sir right away.” Samuel said galloping away.

The sky was grey from what Sombra could tell was a storm that happen earlier. He sat by and waited for the doctor to arrive. Within the time span of thirty minuets the doctor came with two medical nurses with a stretcher.

“Doctor Winhelm at your service.” The pony said with a thick foreign accent.

“Ah doctor I am in need of your medical assistants.” Sombra said.

“Sir? Forgive me but I don’t see anywhere that needs medical attention on your body.” Winhelm said looking over the young prince.

“No, no I am not the one who is of need.” Sombra said opening the door up to the carriage, he held out his hoof as if showing a guest in. “She does though.”

The doctor walked and poked his head into the carriage. He jumped back. “Is that a changeling sir?!?” He asked.

“Yes and her hoof is in terrible condition, please can you do anything for her?” Sombra asked.

“Well a changeling isn’t that much different from a pony, body structure wise, have her delivered to my private care center near the hospital and I can see what I can do.” Winhelm said adjusting his glasses.

“She will be there within the hour now please go back to your patients I must have bothered you a great deal to show you this.” Sombra said stepping back inside the carriage.

“No sir it always an honor to be summoned by royalty” Winhelm said turning and walking away.

“Samuel please join me in here wont you?” Sombra said to his butler.

“Yes sir.” Samuel said as he climbed in the tight carriage.

Samuel jumped upon seeing the changeling, which in return caused her to be startled.

“Sam meet um……our friend here.” Sombra said.

“Hello” the changeling said.

“Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” The butler said dumfounded.

“Now Sam I need to take our friend here to Winhelm’s private care units and stay with her the entire time. I will arrive shortly once I make some arrangements got it?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” Samuel said.

“Good, now I will be back, for now I am leaving you with Samuel, he is going to take you to get your hoof fixed okay?” Sombra asked the changeling.

The changeling nodded. Sombra began to exit the carriage and soon watched as the two wheeled down toward the destination.

Sombra let out a deep heavy breath. He seemed tired all of the sudden but he needed to do some things. He entered his glorious palace, which was draped in all sorts of color banners for the festival. Sombra enjoyed walking into the great throne room, no matter how many times he did it he could help but shake a feel of excitment.

“Order, for the crystal ruler has retuned to his natural earth.” He shouted letting everypony know that he had arrived.
The phrase was one of the first things that he remembered from his youth. His father taught him that over and over again drilling him on how he pronounced it.

“My lord we are so glad that you have returned safely to our kingdom.” The head servant said with a bow.

“Good to be back now go and prepare a room, for we have a guest who is to be staying with us for awhile.” Sombra ordered.
Several servants went off carrying out the given task.

“So sir we are having a guest, do they require anything special for their stay?” she asked.

“No but I do. Listen up everypony. When I bring my guest in tomorrow I don’t want a single word about her image or what she is, being whispered about got it?” Sombra barked.

Each servant bowed his or her heads acknowledging the order.

“Whatever she asks you to do you do it. Whenever she needs something you better go and get it. This poor creature has been through a life of misery that I can never fully grasp so for the time being I want her to be treated as a queen is that understood?” Sombra asked his staff.

“Yes sir.” They all said in unison.

“Good now dismiss and prepare dinner for tonight.” Sombra said.

“So sir this guest where did you meet her?” The head cooked asked.

“That is none of your concern but if you must know I met her in Canterlot during the gala.” He said.

The room filled with chatter as the group of servants went off to prepare dinner. Sombra went to his throne and threw himself down on it. Oh how he had missed this great chair if he could he would sleep in it.

“Sir um, reports have come in from the mine up near Elder’s Grove still no sign of the heart my lord.” A shy mare said handing the prince a piece of paper.

“Well tell Charles that his ponies can stop working and take the next two days off for holiday. We will eventually find it trust me.” Sombra said while resting his head on his hoof reading the report.

“I do hope so sir.” She said walking out the door.

Sombra set the letter to the side and began staring at the ceiling until some other matter of business came to present itself. One after another he listened to the concerns that where happening around his kingdom. The sun began to go down by the time he was done.

“Fetch me my coat and bring me one coat made of the finest white material that we have.” Sombra ordered as he stood up from his chair and started to head for the stairs.

By the time he got down them he was greeted by servants who wrapped the coat around him. They took the liberty of putting the white coat in a bag Sombra liked to walk instead of taking a carriage, he never did like the idea of it. The doors flew open letting in the cool summer breeze. The capital city was filled with ponies on their way home. Each stopping and bowing as Sombra walked by casually as if he wasn’t anypony special. He enjoyed the sights and sounds of his city, with the small ones running around while the grownups tried to get things done, it brought a certain joy to his heart. His father always taught him that the love of his fellow ponies would always be the source for a good ruling king. Sombra walked through the market place, which was in its final minutes before closing up for the day. Looking around he waived and smiled at all the ponies he could before exiting that part of town and continued towards the hospital. The sun had almost disappeared as he had arrived at the place; Samuel was standing at the door.

“Samuel what are you doing out here?” Sombra asked walking up to him.

“My apologies sir it’s just that doctor Winhelm is currently working on our guest and I am not to fond of the sight of needles or blood for that matter, not since my retirement.” The butler said.

“That all right, can you tell me what room they are keeping her?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir room twenty three, I will lead you to it myself.” Samuel said opening the door.

Sombra never did like going to the doctors even when he was small or as a colt. The private hospital was only for ponies that wanted to be left alone and who could afford care to great for normally trained doctors. Samuel led him to a small room with only a bed and a couple of chairs. Sombra sat in the chair closest to the bed as Samuel stood by the door. It was a good thirty minuets before doctor Winhelm came by the room.

“Ah good I am glad you are here.” The doctor said.

“How is she doc?” Sombra asked.

“Good, that was one of the most intense repairing operations I have ever done, one mistake and I would have to cut her entire leg off.” WInhelm said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Was it really that bad?” Sombra asked.

“Yes the scar tissue around her wounds have been infected for years now, I had to cut out so much of it. I am just glad the infection didn’t get to her bones or else we would have a major problem.” Winhelm said taking the seat opposite to Sombra. "She also had several broken bones in the same area, got those braced up. Also I treated her with many shots for she had many virus in her system. Due to the lack of access of medicine she probably had no doubt. Overall she should be fine."

“What about her horn, is that natural or was that also a problem?” Sombra asked.

“Well as far as I could tell its natural.” Winhelm said.

“That is most curious isn’t it? What do you think of her?” He asked.

“Me? Well I think she is just splined, she didn’t flinch at all when I put the needle in.” The doctor said.

“When will she be awake?” Sombra asked.

“She is currently being transferred back to this room as we speak. Ah here she is now.” Winhelm said standing up as a nurse rolled in a portable bed into the room. “Samuel can you help lift her onto the bed gently please.”

The butler and doctor lifted the changeling and slowly laid her down on the hospital bed. Sombra stood and walked over to the side of the bed. The changeling moaned and opened her eyes.

“How do you feel?” Sombra asked in a low voice.

“I feel terrible but a lot better than before, thank you sir.” She said looking at the doctor.

“It was no trouble at all, now I do suggest that you cannot leave tonight. The brace that I have attached to your hoof will allow you to walk around until you are healed.” Winhelm said.

The changeling looked at her hoof that was covered in a big black shoe looking thing.

“Thank you doctor.” Sombra said handing him a sack of money.

“Always a pleasure to serve you my lord, see you tomorrow to check up on your condition.” Winhelm said to her as he headed out the door.

“Sombra... um when can I get up and walk?” The changeling asked.

“Easy now you heard what the doctor said you can’t move until morning, can you do that for me?” Sombra said.

“Okay, but make sure that you’re here too I want to explore this place I saw so much on the way here.” She said.

Sombra chuckled. “Of course, see you in the morning.” He said walking towards the door. "Oh and also i got you a little welcome gift." He said setting the bag by the door. "It's a coat."

The changeling smiled. "Thank you but....what is a coat?" she asked.

Sombra laughed “ Good night, oh Sam I need to speak with you.”

Both ponies entered the hallway. “Sam I need to tell you something.”

“Yes my lord?” Samuel asked.

“It’s about the changeling, she’s not really a guest she is more like a refugee.” Sombra started.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked.

“I sort of freed her from being a slave.” Sombra said slowly.

“You what sir?!?” Sam said looking back into the room.

“It wasn’t like a slave trader or anything it was more of a carnival freak show.” Said Sombra.

“Sir, no offence but you could have been hurt or worse. Why did you save only her?” He asked.

“I didn’t, I tried to save them all but my plan didn’t work out so well, that’s why I need you.” Said Sombra.

“Whatever you need sir I will do.” Samuel said.

“I need you to track down a group by the name of ‘Sir Griswald and the ever changing circus’ and invite them here. Tell them that you will offer fifty thousand gold coins if they come here. Now go take a party of seven to ten ponies and go to Canterot, the colt said they had three more shows to do.” Sombra said.

“Yes sir but um what if they decide not to come by invitation.” Samuel said before rushing to the door.

"Well then I think a little of your former self needs to do some convincing." Sombra smiled.

Samuel smiled. "Yes sir."

Sombra stood silent for a second, he noticed two night shift guards standing outside. He walked over and opened the door.

“Guards!” Sombra barked.

Both stood attention. “Sir.” They said.

“How would you like to double your pay tonight?” Sombra asked.

The colt’s eyes opened wide. “We would like to but how my lord?” The one on the right asked.

“Simple come inside.” Sombra said. They both came into the hospital following him to the room where the changeling was staying in. “All you have to do is stand here and not let anypony in here until doctor Winhelm and or I return in the morning. Can you boys handle that?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” Both said taking a stance by each side of the door.

“Wonderful now if you two don’t mind I am going home to sleep, good evening to the both of you. Oh and come by the palace about your pay in the morning after the doctor and I show up.” Sombra said walking down the hallway and exiting out of the door.

His bed was cold as he laid his head down. The room was lit by a roaring fire, which gave him warmth as he pulled the covers around him. Thoughts rushed through his head as he tried to fall asleep.

“Did I do the right thing?” He asked himself. He turned to face the ceiling and stared blankly into it.
“No matter what happens I am going to show her the time of her life.” He said as he dozed of to sleep.

Something Different

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Morning had come, the knocking on his chamber door awaked Sombra. He stumbled out of bed and opened the wooden door.

“Yes?” he asked rubbing his eyes.

“Sorry to awake you sir but reports have been coming in that a Canterlot squadron of tropps was attacked by our boarders by a strange creature.” A mare said handing him the report.

“Hmm…they were attacked and proceeded...... forces of the crystal empire may have been responsible. Strange creature is intelligent survivor says name of said creature calls itself.....dis-cord.....Discord?” Sombra said out loud while reading the letter.

“Yes sir there were at least two battalions.” The mare said.

“Well you can send a letter to Dawnbreaker and tell him that if he thinks that I was somehow responsible that he’s got another thing coming. The nerve of that old fool thinking that I am going out to fight with a.......whats the name of the thing again?” Sombra asked.

“Um, its Discord, I believe sir. At least thats what the survivor says” She said.

“Right, if he thinks that I am going out to fight with this ‘Discord’, who apparently nopony knows a thing about. Then I would give away my royal title before risking a war with him” Sombra said clenching his teeth.

“Is that what you want me to send sir?” The mare asked.

Sombra sighed. “No tell him I that i had no hoof in this. Tell him…I don’t make something up.” Sombra said shutting the door.

He flung himself back on the bed hoping that he could get some sleep. His mind began dozing off but then he remembered.

“The changeling.” He said to himself while rising from his bed.

The halls rushed with servants going to and fro going about their daily chores and duties. Sombra reached the corridor where he would be fashioned to leave for a trip around the town.

“Keystone, Sarock, Pebs,” He called out.

The servants appeared and began dressing him in a royal outfit made for showing off oneself.

“Pebs have my opened top carriage ready by the time I am finished here.” Sombra said looking into a mirror.

“Right away sir.” The pony said while dashing off.

“Key have the cooks prepare a massive breakfast buffet, I want ever single little breakfast item that they can think of to be ready to serve at nine o’clock.” He said.

“It will be done sir.” The servant said trotting off.

“Sar.” The mare looked up ready for her orders. “Do you think this purple cape looks to bright compared to my mane and coat?”

“No sir it matches your natural white coat quite nicely and black mane makes the whole thing stand out.” She said.

“Thank you, can you hand me that box over there.” Sombra asked.

“My lord that’s not meant for Colts, it was part of your mother’s collection.” She said.

Sombra laughed. “Oh I know but I still want to have it on me.” He said.

“Yes my lord.” She said going to the box and handing it to him.

Sombra pulled out a long silver coated necklace incrusted with jewels all around it.

“It’s magnificent isn’t it?” He asked.

“Yes sir it’s quite the piece.” The mare said.

“Right, off I go now, alert the staff that they should be gathered in the great hall around nine forty to welcome our guest.” Sombra said walking towards the doors to his palace.

The morning was still in its early stages. Sombra waited for his carriage to arrive as he watch the sun began to rise. Soon the bright red carriage came and soon he was loaded on and off on his way. Everypony in the city bowed before him as he passed by. Sombra just waived and smiled at them like he always did. He thought to himself that it must be strange for them to see him act so normally. Nothing at all like the snobs who lived in Canterlot. The private hospital came into view in a matter a time. Stopping directly at the door Sombra stepped off his carriage and entered. The two guards where still standing there almost falling asleep.

“Attention!” Sombra ordered.

Both colts jolted awaked saluting their king.

“At ease, good sirs you are relieved from duty today. Take these coins and give them to my secretary Becky. She will know what to do with them. Now dismissed.” He said.

The colts saluted one last time and headed out the door.

Sombra slowly stepped into the room to see the doctor sitting by the bed explaining the brace to the changeling.

“How are we today?” Sombra asked.

The changeling smiled. “I feel a lot better, look I can move my hoof in any direction.” She said rotating it.

“Easy now don’t be doing to much of that it has to heal.” Winhelm said lowering her hoof back down.

“Is she ready to walk?” Sombra asked.

“Well my dear do you think you’re up to it?” Winhelm asked standing up removing the chair from the side of the bed to give her space.

The changeling sat up scooting herself toward the edge of the bed setting her two hind hooves to the ground. She then slowly lowered he body placing the one good hoof down first and them placing the braced one down second. She stumbled a little at first but then she began walking around the room.

“See I told you the brace would work.” Winhelm said to her.

“Oh thank you so much sir.” She said rushing to him and embracing him in a hug.

“It wasn’t any trouble at all.” The doctor laughed. “Now remember what I said, the brace stays on for two months okay.”

“Two months?” Sombra asked.

“Yes the wound in her hoof will take time to heal unlike the others which have been there for a while. Well my dear do promise to come visit me sometime during your stay.” The doctor said exiting out of the room.” Good by my king.”

The doctor then spoke a word that wasn’t recognized by the changeling. Sombra responded with the same sound.

“I will, so can we go now?” The changeling asked.

“Yes we can but first lets get that coat on you.” Sombra said pulling the bag towards him and holding up the white coat.

“Um what does it do?” The changeling asked

“It to keep you warm, now spread you upper hoof with the brace out as if your telling somepony where to go.” Sombra said while stepping behind her.

She did as she was told. Sombra slowly slipped the sleeve hole around the hoof with the brace making sure not to hurt her. Once he had the one side on he told her to lower he hoof so that he could do the other one. Sombra stepped back to see how it looked. It had a long end that flowed like a cape covering her wings. The coat seemed to fit but it could have been a little too big for her.

“You like it?” Sombra asked.

“Its wonderful I never seen something so grand before.” She said spinning around in it.

“Well it’s all yours now.” Sombra said.

The changeling’s eyes grew wide. “You mean that this belongs to me now?” She asked.

“Yes, now before we leave there is one more thing I want to give you. Close your eyes.” Sombra said.

She did so. He quickly went around her pulling the necklace out of his pocket. He latched both pieces together and stepped back in front of her.

“Okay open them.” He said.

She opened her eyes and looked down. Her mouth hung open when she saw the necklace. “This….this is beautiful.” She said with her eyes tearing up.

“I am glad you like, now shall we get some breakfast?” He asked holding out his hoof to escort her.

“You mean like actually food right?” She asked.

“Yes actually food in its finest form.” Sombra laughed.

He led her to the door, holding it open for her. The wind rushed blowing her greenish mane into a mess, covering her face. She quickly brushed it to the side and giggled as she began her descent down the stairs. Sombra followed and helped her up into the carriage. He took the seat beside her and ordered for it to move. They began making their way back to the palace going through the center of town. Everypony in town stopped and stared as the two past by.

“They’re all looking at me.” She whispered to Sombra.

“Well many of them have never seen a pony like you.” He said.

She lowered her head down. “I don’t think I like this.” She said.

“Just wave and smile.” He said raising his hoof to wave at the ponies.

The changeling notice how each pony waved and smiled back at his gesture. She decided to do the same hoping to get the same reaction. Rasping her hoof she waved it in the air, she got no response except stares of confusion. She quickly snapped her hoof back down to her lap the she began hanging her head. With a quick burst of magic she transformed into a light blue coated mare with a yellow mane.

"Hey now whats all that about?" Sombra asked.

"I dont like them staring at me." She whispered.

"Who cares what they think just be yourself." Sombra said in an encouraging voice.

Hesitantly she went back into her natural form. She was about to ask something but something else caught her eyes.

“What is that?” She asked pointing at tents being set up.

“Oh that, well you see its tradition that every year all the crystal ponies come together and celebrate our heritage. It’s kind of like a time to celebrate who we are.” Sombra explained.

“You mean like a fair?” She asked.

“Eh sure.” Sombra said shrugging.

“What do you do at this um….” She started.

“You can call it a fair if you want.” He smiled.

“So what does everypony do at the fair?” She asked.

“Well there are all sorts of things to do. There’s dancing, jousting, and all sorts of foods from different parts of the empire.” He said looking off.

“Um when is it?” She asked looking at him.

“I don't know actually, I feel like there is a fair every week, soon ponies will be coming in from all around.” He said.

She looked off towards the colorful tents and banners being raised. She couldn’t take her eyes off of them. Then she remembered what she was going to ask him.

“Um Sombra, what was that sound the doctor made as he left the room, the one that you made back at him.” She asked.

“That? Well along time ago before the empire was formed each tribe had a separate language. The particular word you heard was ‘farewell’. It’s a sign of honor to the old ways.” He said.

“Oh so its and old language I get it.” She said. “Can you speak it fully?” she asked.

“Good heavens no, It would take years to master that. The only thing I know how to say is ‘hello’, ‘farewell’ and a few other phrases.” Sombra laughed.

She looked down at her hooves trying to think of something to ask him.

“How would you say ‘beautiful’ in that language?” She asked.

Sombra looked at the sky trying to think of the word. “I believe it’s pronounced chry-sa-lis.”

“chry-sa-lis, I like it.” She said.

“Now don’t be asking me to translate a bunch of words now.” He chuckled.

“Oh I wont, how much longer do we have till we get there?” She asked looking behind her.

“Why don’t you look forward and find out.” He said.

Her head turned and before her lied the crystal palace. The palace stood high and mighty reflecting the sun in a fantastic glow. She had never seen such a thing. Her mouth hung open as they pulled up to the courtyard.

“We’re here.” Sombra said as the carriage came to a stop.

He hopped of the carriage leaping over the door landing on the ground. The crowd of servants rushed in response hopping the prince wasn’t hurt. He waived them off in which they responded with the tradition bow. Sombra opened the door and held out his hoof to the changeling.

“Well aren’t you going to come inside or just stare at it all day?” He smiled.

She looked all around, she couldn’t believe the size of it or it’s beauty. It was almost like something in a dream. She slowly got off the carriage and was helped down to the ground. Sombra was about to lead her inside but she galloped up to the wall staring at it. The wall reflected the sun, almost blinding her. She began running her hoof up against as if making sure that it was real.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Sombra said from behind.

“I have never seen such a thing in my entire life.” She said turning to him.

“Well shall we go inside?” He asked.

The pair began walking towards the great doors, which opened with a great roar. The changeling looked around and began to notice something. Everywhere ponies stared at her most in confusion of her presence others looking down at her in a negative way. Sombra also notice this as well and quickly gave a look of his own to all of them. Once Sombra’s eyes fell upon them each changed their glances immediately, hoping that they didn’t anger him. The great halls came as a wonder to the changeling. The pictures on the walls, the smells, and even the structure itself gave her a sense of newfound hope like she was sure she was safe from the world. They came to a hall with a big circular table covered with all sorts of plates. Sombra lead her to a chair cladded with iron and pulled it out. He lowered his hoof offering her to take the chair. She looked all around as if he was asking somepony else but soon realized that it was meant for her. The changeling slowly took the seat and upon her sitting a pony wrapped a white cloth around her neck.

Sombra took the seat slightly diagonal towards her. “We are ready.” He said clapping his hooves.

The changeling turned her head to see ponies bring dozens of trays, bowls, platters, plates, cups, and all sorts of devices used to carry food. The arrangements were placed down upon the table each revealing a different kind of food. Sombra took a plate and began scooping and picking food from different plates before he had all that he wanted. He began eating and asked if he could have something to drink. The changeling just stared at the festival of food not making a move.

“Is something the matter?” Sombra asked looking at her.

“I am sorry but am I allowed to eat one.” She said gesturing towards a basket of rolls.

“My dear you can have anything you want that’s on this table.” Sombra said before biting into an omelet.

She reached out, looking at the servants as she did, and snatched a roll and began nibbling on it. Once the roll was devoured she sat for a second trying to muster up the courage to speak.

“Can..I get…something to drink?” She awkwardly asked.

Sombra clapped his hooves together and instantly a cup of milk appeared before her. Once again she looked around before taking a sip of the icy cold liquid.

“When was the last time you had something to eat?” Sombra asked looking at her.

“Um….four and a half days.” She said.

The room exploded with gasps and whispers of terror sending her into a state of panic.

“I had water if that makes it better.” She said looking around.

Sombra stared at her with horror in his eyes. “Marki, Nic.” He ordered.

The two ponies fixed a plate putting on all sorts of foods on it. The stallion set the plate before the changeling.

“Go on eat.” Sombra said.

The changeling looked down at the plate not knowing what was really on it. She picked up a small circular cake looking thing and began nibbling on it. The taste erupted in her mouth; it was sweet and warm giving her a feeling of glee as she chewed. With that she devoured the entire thing and then began to dig in on what was left. Her mind rushed as she bit into all sorts of foods, she wanted to try everything.

“Would you like some more milk Mrs.…?” A servant began asking her.

Sombra was about interrupted but she spoke up instead.

“Chrysalis.” She said. “My name is Chrysalis.”

“Would you like some more milk miss Chrysalis?” the servant asked holding a jug up.

“Yes please.” She said pushing the cup over to him so that he could pour into it.

“Chrysalis eh?” Sombra asked.

“I just like the way it sounds, thank you very much sir.” She said to the stallion.

Soon she had consumed everything on her plate pushing it forward to signify that she was done. Sombra also pushed his plate away ordering the servants to clean up the table. He rose from his chair and walked over to her.

“Well 'Chrysalis' you said you wanted to see the town are you ready to go?” He asked insantly forgetting about his servants being told to gather in the hall. "Nic, tell the staff upstairs to dismiss." He said.

She wiped he mouth with the napkin. “The town? That can wait I want to see this entire place first.” She said stretching her hooves out.

“Okay then so you want a tour of the palace well lets get started.” He said.

The pair walked through the great halls as Sombra pointed at every little thing and explaining it to her. He led her to the throne room, which was filled, with many ponies busy at work holding letters and talking with others about the kingdom. Her eyes fell upon the great crystal throne that sat at the end of the room.

“Sir, reports have been coming in all morning. It seems this 'Discord' is cutting through the Balgrin marsh and attacking Canterlot trade caravans to the south.” A brown-coated mare said running up to him with a paper. “Oh hello ma’am” She said to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis smiled back. “Hello.” She said softly.

“Right, sir this thing is dangerously close to the village of Hopkinsville. Mayor Yagmare has request troops support in chase of an attack.” She said handing him the letter.

“Excuse me Chrysalis.” Sombra said grabbing the letter and walking around the room. “Get me general Tung in here now!”
Chrysalis looked around the room; once again everypony stared at her with negative looks.

“Is there something wrong with me?” She asked herself.

She looked over to see Sombra talking to a greyish pony covered in armor about something, he was not happy at all. Not wanting to be in anypony’s way she made herself toward the throne sitting by its side. Holding her hoof up see looked at the holes that imbedded through her hoof. Was this the reason why everypony was staring at her? Her eyes caught something from another room whatever it was it was shining. Looking at Sombra who was still talking to the pony she slowly made her way to a small-secluded room. It was a cramp room with all sorts of bottles and potions that she could only think of was a makeup room. Her eyes were drawn to a huge sheet of glass that was placed against the wall. Her heart started to beat harder as her mind told her to go up to it. Hestiantly, she began making her way towards it until she was right up against is. The image before her puzzled her greatly; she couldn’t tell what she was looking at was a pony or some other creature entirely. It had a horn like a unicorn but it was all jagged and misshapen. The coat was jet black with several marks protruding from all over. Both the eyes and mane shared a shade of green with mane having more blue mixed into it.

“Hel-.” Chrysalis jumped back as the creature she was looking at mimicked her action

What was this she wondered? Her curiosity got the best of her as she approached the glassy sheet again. The creature came back into view, mimicking her actions entirely. She waived her hoof and the creature did also. No matter what she did the creature did the same thing. A thought entered her mind, a horrible dark thought. She raised her hoof to feel her horn; it was jagged and curved in many places. Heart raced as she slowly stared at the creature before her. Stepping forward the creature that she was looking had something around its neck. Chrysalis looked closely and to her shock the item matched the necklace around her neck. The sad revelation then came to her almost hitting her in the face. What see was looking at was a reflection of herself. Chrysalis never had seen a clear version of herself, she always new she was different but not like this. A tear started to from in her left eye and soon many more started to stream down her cheeks. She fell to the ground and began to weep.

“And another thing I want my forces to be ready to take on anything. I don’t want to take any chances with this….what is that noise.” Sombra said looking around.

The servants began also looking around with confusion on their faces.

“What noise.” General Tung asked.

Sombra’s ears moved as the noise came back into contact with them. “That noise.” He said walking towards the small room on the side.

Opening the door he saw Chrysalis sitting on ground holding her hooves up to her face.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Sombra said kneeling down beside her. She pointed up at the sheet of glass. ”The mirror?” He asked.

“I saw myself!” she cried.

“So? What wrong with seeing yourself?” He asked.

“I am……I am ugly.” She sniffled.

“Hey now that’s not true at all.” He said.

“Yes it is look at me.” She said looking up at him. “They all stare at me whenever I walk by, I am a freak to them and to everything else that has eyes.”

Sombra’s felt a lump of sadness beginning to form in his throat. Chrysalis eye’s were filled with tears and slowly becoming red from irritation.

“Everypony leave us!” Sombra ordered to the crowd that had gathered at the door and soon they were alone. “Chrysalis, look into the mirror.” He said.

She looked at him with terror in her eyes but soon she turned back to the great mirror.

“Now tell me what do you see?” He asked.

Chrysalis saw both her and Sombra in the reflection; one was a unicorn prince and the other a creature from a foreign land. Her heart sank deeper into her chest causing her to bite her lip to keep her from crying.

“I tell you what I see. I see a pony that has been through hell, a pony that has been mistreated all her life, a pony that no matter what fought through it all. I see a survivor, nah a warrior who has seen the darkest of life and still manage to pull through it. Now this pony has been getting stared at ever since she was small for other pony’s amusement. So to tell me that these ponies have the right to judge things like beauty or glory is down right upsurd. What have they got to show for their right to judge? Nothing they will never have the right to judge. Beauty is measured by the strength and passion that comes from the inside. If that’s the case then you are one of the most beautiful creatures to ever walk the earth.” He said pulling her up.

She looked at the mirror again and began to smile a little.

“Now tell me what do you see?” Sombra asked.

“I see me.” She smiled.

“Good that’s how it should be, we can’t worry about how other ponies see us. All that matters is how we view ourselves. So do you think you’re a freak or ugly?” He asked.

“No.” she said.

“That’s the spirit now before we continue that tour you wanted I need a quick word with my staff. Can you stay here for a second?” He asked. She nodded her head telling him that she would. “Good.” He said heading to the door. “Oh and Chrysalis do me one more favor please cover your ears until I get back please.” He said as he shut the door behind him.

The servants huddled closely to the door forming an almost wall surrounding the entranceway. Sombra stood in silence staring at them his blood started boiling.

“Let me be clear, yesterday I clearly stated that I wanted our guess to feel welcome. What have done with that welcome? Hmh? I tell you what you did with it you rubbed your noses to it. You all couldn’t help yourselves to give in to the natural urge to pass judgment upon something. Well let it be know if I ever hear a tiny remark about Chrysalis while she is here I promise you that it will be very unpleasant what befalls upon if your are the one making these judgments. I am clear?” He shouted.

“Yes sir!” everypony responded.

“Are you now? Crills what do you think about Chrysalis?” he asked the green pony.

“Well um I think she um has a nice mane.” She said nervously.

“Oh really you don’t think that the holes in her hooves are weird or disturbing?” He asked her stepping forward.

“No sir I barely noticed them.” She replied.

“Good tonight you shall treat my Chrysalis to a pedicure if that all right with you.” Sombra stated.

The green pony couldn’t control her response. “Please no.” She said but quickly put her hoof up to her mouth.

“Excuse me!” Sombra fired back.

“Sir please don’t make me touch…it's feet.” She said sheepishly.

“It? IT! That pony that you call ‘it’ is twenty times the pony that you will ever be. If I tell you to clean out her ears and mouth you better do it understood?” Sombra shouted at her. “Now get out of my sight your relieved from duty this week.” He said walking away. “Any other suggestion you ponies would like to add? No, good. Now I want the carriage to be ready in no less than an hour and for Tung to be ready to leave with seven squadrons of troops ready to deploy by lunch time is that understood?” He asked.

“Yes sir!” they all responded.

“Your all dismissed.” Sombra said returning to the door and opening it.

Chrysalis sat on the little chair with her hooves up to her eyes humming a marry tune to herself. Sombra tapped her on the shoulder. He calmed himself down and was soon able to reagin his smooth tone.

“Ready for the rest of the tour?” He asked.

Sombra lead her throughout the rest of the palace going through the kitchens and other halls. They traveled to the top and back down to the libraries filled with all the history of the empire. Finally they stopped on one floor in front of a large wooden door.

“And now this is where you will be staying.” Sombra said opening the door up.

Chrysalis stood in silence before crossing the doorframe and into the room. Everything around her was so magnificent and splendid.

“Oh my is that a bed?” She asked.

“Yes it’s all yours for as long as you stay here.” Sombra said.

“I don’t have to share it with anypony do I?” She asked almost concerned.

“No it all yours nopony but you can sleep in it.” Sombra chuckled.

Like a small filly she raced and jumped onto the bed bouncing herself up to a certain height before falling back down onto the large mattress. She laughed out loud for the first time since she and Sombra had meet.

“This wonderful I never had a bed much less a pillow to rest my head on in my entire life and yet within a few days you openly allow me to have such a privilege.” She said jumping up. Chrysalis ran and embraced Sombra in a hug. “Thank you.” She said.

Sombra smiled. “The pleasure is all mine, so how about we take a trip around town huh, what do you say?” He asked.

Chrysalis jumped back and agreed with his statement. Soon they were back down stairs and loaded into the carriage and began riding around the town.

The rest of the day was spent by marveling the sights and places in the great capital city. Everywhere they went Chrysalis asked questions about all that she laid eyes on. Sombra didn’t mind it but he was growing tired as the day dragged on. Soon night fell upon the land in which supper was served shortly to the pair. Chrysalis couldn’t believe all she had experienced that day, she wanted to see more. Even after protesting that she wasn’t tired she too began to fall asleep. Sombra had his servants escort her to her room as he made his way towards his.

Lying down in his bed Sombra could help but laugh to himself. Chrysalis was a fascinating to him. All her thoughts and questions she asked him, it was like teaching a new born how to speak. Rolling over to his side he closed his eyes and began to sleep.

A Simple Dance

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The next couple of days played out just like the first. Sombra would rise from his bed and go down stairs to have breakfast. Every morning Chrysalis would be waiting at the table for him eagerly eating her food so that she could go exploring. He taught her everything he knew about the history of the crystal ponies, who they were and where they came from. This struck Sombra with great pride, he felt a sense of accomplishment as he was introducing some pony to an almost new world. Sombra thought how everypony around him including himself really took their history for granted sometimes. His father always told him that if one were to become a proper crystal pony, one should look to the history of the empire to better present oneself. So he deiced to make Chrysalis the best crystal pony that he could make. With time Chrysalis soon became a book smart pony almost knowing all the historical facts about the empire and it’s race. Many of the regular guests of the crystal palace were stunned to here such knowledge coming from a changeling of all things. The days rolled by and soon it had been over a week and a half since the changeling had arrived and the celebration of the crystal ponies was soon at hand.

“Well sir everything is set for the evening, the only thing left to finish is the food and unfortunaly still no word from your brother.” The mare said.

“Oh thats a shame isn't it?" He said with sarcasm. "Has the dance group found a new mare lead yet though?” Sombra asked.

“No sir they haven’t but that hasn’t slowed them down. Sir Martin has taken the reigns and has reorganized it so that there really isn’t a mare lead this time.” She said.

Sombra leaned his head on his hoof as he readjusted his position on the throne. “Reorganized it eh? I don’t ever remember a time when the summer dance never had two leads.” He sighed.

“Well sir that’s what I was going to tell you.” The mare said.

“Excuse me?” Sombra said.

“It just that well we are thinking about cutting the stallion lead out as well.” She said.

Sombra was stunned "But thats imposible there has to be..."

"I am sorry sir but thats what Martin has told me. With both Sigarda and Bruna being unable to preform there is nopony who could know the dance in time for the ceremony." The mare said.

“Look I don’t care…” Sombra stop as he started to raise his voice. “Look the dance is suppose to symbolized unity throughout the empire we cant just not have any leads. Thats what the whole purpose of it. The heads of the royal family are support to be in it .” Sombra said while rubbing the back of his mane.

“Well sir i believe this year has to be one of those one time things and also.....” The mare stopped talking when she saw the look on Sombra’s face. It wasn’t a look of anger but a look of sadness as if he was just told devastating news.

"I dont want to let everypony down but tell Martin to continue with his way." Sombra sighed.

“Alright sir I shall alert Martin to keep the dance going as is. I am sorry if I intruded on anything.” She said.

“No it’s quite alright, you are dismissed.” Sombra said looking down to the ground.

The mare galloped out the room as fast as she could leaving Sombra by himself.

He sat in silence for a moment before rushing up and walked over to a giant mirror that hung at the end of the throne room. Sombra stared at his reflection; everypony told him that he was a spitting image of his mother. He wished he knew her a little more than the tiny memories he had as a young pony.

Sombra moved his hoof, kicking the ground as if he was trying to stir up dirt. “Pull yourself together Sombra so who cares if there isn't any leads this year it will be all right..” He said to himself. The words felt very bitter as they escaped his mouth. ”Even if I told them to keep me in nopony knows the first steps of the summer ballad apart from the two that are now decommissioned. Certainly it can’t be that hard but who on earth has the time to learn it in such short time.”

He thought. A great knock on the door interrupted his train of thought. “Enter.” He ordered. The door opened and Chrysalis came trotting in with a new brace wrapped around her hoof.

“Ah Chrysalis what did Winhelm have to say about your hoof.” He said returning to his throne.

“Oh it’s healing a lot quicker than he had expected. He said I can take off the brace as early in five weeks.” She said taking a seat at one of the chairs up against the wall.

“That’s great, so you excited about the festival tonight?” He asked.

“I sure am I can’t wait, while I was passing by I caught a glimpse of the completed stage. Oh how it shined in the sun it made it look so unearthly. I can’t wait to see how it shines when the moon reflects off of it.” She said.

“Well I am glad your excited for it, heavens knows that its going to be a stressful night.” Sombra said with a smile.

“So when does it start again?” She asked.

“Ha I swear you asked me that over a dozen times alone today it will start when the sun goes down. Which by judging by it now I would say a good five hours.” He said.

“Ah oh well, it’s going to be splendid.” She said.

Sombra sat for a moment until an idea began creeping in his head. The thought grew and grew until it was all he could think about. “Well it couldn’t hurt to ask.” He thought to himself.

“Chrysalis?” He asked.

“Yeah.” She responded.

“Do you anything about the summer ballad dance?” He asked.

“Why its one of key parts of the festival, it symbolizes the union between the tribes, commoners, and rulers. It also shows all the history of the empire in one grand parade.” She smiled.

“Yes well do you know how it is actually preformed like do you know the steps?” He asked.

“I don’t really know all of it just bits and pieces of it." She said looking at him. “Why?”

Sombra clenched his teeth together before he could utter the words. “Could…you…possible…walk through it with me them?” He said.

Chrysalis face went into complete shock.” What?”

Sombra let out a sigh. “It’s tradition that the leaders of the crystal ponies be the leads in the dance. Ever since I could remember the leads where my father and mother but as you know things have kind of change. Both the mare lead and her back up have suffered a strange sickness and can't preform. Deep down I know that its probably the wisest to leave it well enough alone but I don't to let down everypony. So what I am asking you is that....maybe you would like be the lead? You know what I mean?” he asked.

Chrysalis sat looking at him with a wide eyed expression on her face. It was the expression of disbelief.

Chrysalis smiled hesitantly. “I understand Sombra thats a lot to ask." She said taking a deep breath. "So shall we start.” She said rising for her chair.

Sombra looked with his eyes across the room. “You sure you ready for this?” he asked.

“Yes, now we only got five hours to get this down now come on.” She said pulling him off his throne.
She led him to the very end of the room right up against the door.

“Now are you ready for the first part?” He asked.

“Yep, you?” she asked..

“Yes, all right firstly the whole first part of the dance is nothing but the secondary groups doing their routine. Once the fire twirlers come out to symbolize the warring old tribes that’s were I will come in. After that first four acts you will come in. Now repeat ever thing I do.” He said casually Sombra moved forward and stepped back, jolting his body back and forth. “You keep the rhythm as you do this. One and two and one and two and slowly you move forward very slowly now you try.”

Chrysalis started to repeat the process. He felt happy. ”This might not be so hard after all.” He thought to himself.

Once he was done going through the entrance of the first master tribe leader the dance soon took a complicated turn. There where so many steps that it was hard keeping track of. Sombra kept trying to keep his frustration under control but he was becoming annoyed at how many times he was having to repeat a simple sequence to her. Despite these set backs Chrysalis kept herself trying it over and over again. Once she was done with one set he would make her restart from the very top and then added the next phase.

“Great that was almost perfect that time.” Sombra said while clapping his hooves together.

“Yeah? Well I guess I can do this huh?” Chrysalis said with a short breath.

“Now are you ready for the secondary lead role to come back in?” He asked.

Chrysalis looked up. “Yeah lets do this.” He said.

“Well lets walk through it now.” He said moving in front of her. “Now once the fire goes out the torches with glow blue and that's when the second lead, you will come in. you will take the stance opposite of me. Okay so the whole second tribe alliance sequence is just a standard ballroom waltz. You do know how to waltz right?” He asked.

“What a waltz?” Chrysalis responded.

Sombra laughed. “Okay its not that hard, first the pair stand on their two hind hooves and you use your right hoof and place it on my shoulder and it stays there. I will do the same with my left hoof but above you hip instead, and then the two use their other hooves and extend them out grasping each other. You ready?” He asked.

Chrysalis gulped. “Sure.”

She stood on his two hind hooves while Sombra did the same. He wrapped his hoof and rested it above her hip just like he told her.

“Good, now ready?” He said as he began leading her through the steps.

Chrysalis felt like she was doing terrible but Sombra kept her from stopping.

“You’re doing fine stop worrying about how your doing it and just do it. Free your mind and just go with the flow.” He said.

Chrysalis let go off all that was around her and soon she was starting to get all the steps right with almost no effort at all.

“See you can do this.” Sombra laughed.

Chrysalis watched her hooves. “I guess I need to stop doubting myself.” She smiled back.

“All right after the waltz is done then the presenter will come out with the crystal heart again.” Sombra said standing backwards letting go of her. “You will walk forward and grab it. Then you will hand it to me."

"Then you present it right?" She asked.

“Gotcha. Once I have I present to the kingdom everypony claps and then it all ends with the fireworks.” Sombra said.

“Right, now you think we can do it all?” She asked.

Sombra felt his chest swell with pride. “I don’t know, I am sure we can will you please be a dear and go and tell Martin that I have changed my mind and to prepare the dance as it should be.” Sombra said trotting towards the window.

“Of course I will.” Chrysalis said as she raced for the door. She opened it and closed it before turning around and reentering the room. “Um Sombra what if he still doesn't agree with this sudden change.” She said.

“Hmh? Oh um…” Sombra said gazing out the window but then the thought entered his mind that caused him to smile. He looked at Chyrsalis who was eagerly waiting his word. “Tell him that I have found a mare who is the best dance in all the crystal empire."

Chrysalis blushed. "Yes sir." She smiled.

“If he tries to protest this tell him that it is the decree of the prince. Now go now we got a lot to do in three hours.” He said.

Chrysalis rushed down the stairs almost slamming the door close behind her. Sombra returned to his throne and took in a deep breath as he sunk into the chair.

“Dancing lessons, me, ha.” He chuckled to himself.

As the sun began to set word had spread about how Sombra gave the lead to Chrysalis. Many were outraged at this, but as word spread about how Sombra himself was participating again their anger quickly washed away. The night sky was lit with roaring torches and loud music. Everypony in the empire was there, singing dancing, and generally having the time of their lives. Chrysalis was almost blown away with the whole thing. This was nothing like she never had seen before. She thought she would have been more prepared for this since she traveled to a lot of parties. Maybe the reason for her excitement was that this was the first festival that she was a part of and not the forced to preform for ponies. All throughout the night she enjoyed everything that there was to offer. She didn’t care too much for the jousting tournament but everypony else was so she watched as if she had interest in it. Then came time for the parade of history and the summer ballad. Chrysalis had been rushed to a tent so that she could prepare for the dance. All that the books she read about the outfits never fully detailed how they looked until Chrysalis saw them. The long feathers and war paint almost made her look like a real barbarian. Once she was ready she was lead to a small tent with the opening slightly patched open.

“Well hello there.” A voice whispered from behind.

She turned around and gazed before her. The colt that was standing in front of her wore a great feathery headpiece almost looking like a lion’s mane. She really couldn’t tell who it was until she looked long and hard.

“Sombra?” She asked.

“Yep couldn’t really tell could you?” He laughed.

“I really couldn’t, so you ready for this?” She asked.

“Ha those ponies wont know what hit them.” He laughed. “I swear I haven’t been looking forward to something like this since…goodness I don’t ever remember being excited for something like this.”

“Well I am glad you’re excited, I am nervous as all.” She said.

“Ah don’t worry you will do fine.” He said. The drums echoed letting the ponies know that it was almost time for the dance to start. “Its show time.” He said reaching his hoof at to her.

Chrysalis grabbed and was escorted to a small gathering of ponies all dressed in costumes. Some wearing tribal outfits with masks while other wore more modern day attire.

“All right is everypony ready to go?” Martin asked.

Most responded with agreement to his questions while the rest just nodded.

“Okay so Sombra once you enter with the third group you will be given a staff and your going to use that instead of the torch with fire.” Martin said.

“Okay.” Sombra said rolling his eyes at the safety precaution.

“Chrysalis the ‘Crystal heart’ that we made is fragile so be really careful when you pick it up.” He said pointing at her. “You ready for this?”

“Yes sir.” She said.

“Disgusting changeling.” A voice said.

Sombra whirled around to face the crowd, his eyes burning with rage. “Who said that?” He asked angrily.

A stallion made his way up to the front and got right up to Sombra’s face. “I did and you heard correctly I don’t think a changeling should have the honor of the lead. Much less a spot in the parade at all.” He said shaking his hoof at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis lowered her head a little bit, the words did hurt her feelings.

Sombra stared at the stallion and quickly raised his hoof striking him to the ground. The crowd gasped and took a couple of steps back. The stallion tried to stand up but fell to the ground, his nose gushed with blood.

“Now apologize to her.” Sombra said.

The stallion looked up at Chrysalis and spat blood towards her direction. Sombra drove his hoof into the side of fallen pony.

“Get him out of my sight.” He ordered to nearby guards. “Anypony else want to say something?” He asked.
All shook their heads.

“Good now are we all ready to preform?” He asked returning to his normal state as if nothing had just happen.

“All right everypony to your places we are starting in ten minuets.” Martin said looking at the clock on the tent wall.
The ponies rushed to various places while Sombra went over to Chrysalis.

“I am terrible sorry that he spoke about you like that. I hope it doesn’t bother to greatly.” He said in a low voice.

“No its fine.” She said.

“Well I don’t think it is that kind of stuff bothers me why do ponies have such ignorance within them?” Sombra asked.

Chrysalis sighed. “Sometimes I ask the same thing but hey forget about that we got a dance to preform.” She said perking herself back up.

“Right.” Sombra said smiling at her.

The music started and the torches were waved to signal the first part of the parade to start. Dancers rushed out to the opening to preform the first great tribe war. Sombra took his spot at the front of a group of dancer and soon it was their turn to step out and preform. Chrysalis watched as Sombra and othesr danced, he was doing everything perfect. The reaction to him sent the crowd into a frenzy of screams of joy and clapping. Chrysalis could tell that Sombra was feeding off of their energy and was starting to add a little more things to the dance. Once the sequence ended everypony clapped and cheered as the second act was about to begin. Chrysalis rushed to another opening where she would enter during the fifth act. She couldn’t believe how much Sombra was improvising, he was still doing what the traditional dance required but it was almost a new dance on it’s own. The crowd saw this too but to her surprise they where loving this a lot more. Finally the time came for her to make her entrance. The music changed and began playing a softer piece of music. A mare slowly handed her a makeshift heart made out of rock.

“Be careful and whatever you do don’t drop it.” The mare said.

Chrysalis held the heart with her hoofs and was signaled to make her move. Bursting through the opening she held the heart high in the air for all to see. She thought she was going to be greeted with boo’s but she was instead showered with cheers. Her heart beat fast as she made her way down the ramp and feeling the ground beneath her hooves. Sombra stood at the center waiting for her to make her way towards him. She spun several times making sure she didn’t drop the heart. A colt ran up to her taking the heart as she got to the center. Sombra stood on his two hooves reaching out his upper ones so that they could start. Chrysalis took a deep breath before she too took the positions. Both stood there for a second until the music started to play. Slowly they began making their way around moving in unison with each other. Sombra felt that he was going to mess up but something deep down inside of him told him to look ahead. His eyes locked forward staring into Chrysalis’s own green ones. She did the same as they made their way around preforming the waltz almost unearthly. Sombra couldn’t tell what he was feeling, was this joy or awkwardness? He and Chrysalis didn’t miss a single step. Chrysalis also to felt a sudden jolt of curiosity setting into her mind but she didn’t let it sink in to deeply. The music stopped letting Sombra know that he needed to move on to the next part. Once he let go of Chrysalis he felt a chill roll up his spine. The colt gave the heart to Sombra so that he could make the speech of the old kings. He walked forward holding the heart close to him as he made his way to the front.

“Mares and Gentlecolts of the crystal empire. The crystal heart guides us and stands as the symbol of our undying love for one another. We look today at the history of our kind and rejoice in each other’s company. Forever burning in our hearts to remember the mistakes we have made in the past to insure a better tomorrow stand now and raise your hooves to the heavens and shout for today we live in the better tomorrow!” He shouted at the top of his lungs.

The assembly of well over ten thousand ponies lifted their voices up shaking the very ground around them. Sombra handed the heart to a servant and made his way back to the mass of dancers. He nodded his head to Martin who signaled for the fireworks to begin. The night sky was soon showered with explosives with colors so grand. Chrysalis stood by Sombra as the pair watched the colorful showcase. Once the show had ended both where changed into normal evening attire. The table they were chosen to sit at was laid out with cloths made from the finest silk. Chrysalis had been used to the palace food but there was so many things see had never tried before. As the food was laid out in front of them the other elite ponies began talking.

“Oh that was the most splendid summer ballad I have ever seen.” A pudgy mare sitting across the two of them spoke. Chrysalis wasn’t sure who she was except that she was a wife of a general. “Probably the best ballad ever.”

“Well it was no surprise after all the prince here has dancing in his blood.” General Zardock said with a mouth full of bread. “And you did excellent to Mrs. Chrysalis.” He added.

“Thank you.” Chrysalis said with a smile.

“Oh my yes excellent indeed I haven’t seen such grace in ages.” His wife said. “Where on earth did you learn to dance like that?”

“I really don’t know I just kind of did it.” Chrysalis said timidly.

“Well that is talent if I have ever seen it, what did you think of it Sombra?” She asked.

Sombra stared at his plate not touching his food.

“Um Sombra Mrs. Val just asked you something.” A servant whispered to him.

“Huh? What? Oh the dance, well I think the whole thing was perfect wouldn’t you agree Chrysalis?” Sombra smiled.

“Yes very good.” She said.

The meal went on with almost no real conversation going on. Everypony just sat and carried very light phrases towards each other. Chrysalis hated the silence and she was glad to hear a pony ask something.

“So Chrysalis I hear you’ve become quite the historian, you excited about seeing the dancing star tonight?” Sombra’s head historian asked.

“To tell the truth I don’t know what to feel its just so fascinating. Have you ever seen it Mr. Tidestar.” She asked.

“Once a long time ago when I was young, let me tell you if I had my old eyes I would be watching the sky all night.” He laughed.

The others chuckled along only stopping when the great bells of the palace began to ring.

“It’s time for the closing ceremonies lets go everypony.” A voice called.

The table soon was empty besides Sombra and Chrysalis. Sombra sat with his head resting on his hoof while the other played with the roll on his plate. Chrysalis wanted to say something but it was apparent that something was bothering him.

“Um Sombra are you wall right?” She asked.

“Hmh? Its nothing lets go.” He said with a tired smile.

The pair made their way down to the courtyard where the final closing ceremony was to be held. Both of them took seats as the speech was being made by a small philly who had received the honor. Chrysalis listen with great intentions but she couldn’t help but feel something was troubling Sombra. She kept looking at his as he sat with his head hung forward.

She placed her hoof on his shoulder. “Do you need to see a doctor?” She asked.

“It nothing its just that all of the sudden I feel weak like I just did a bunch of work and my body is worn out.” He said.

“Well it could be through all what has happen tonight and you’re just worn out.” She smiled.

“Yes that could be it but I think I am going to retire for the evening.” He said rising from his chair.

He called out his servant to prepare his bed.

“But you’re not going to watch the dancing star with me?” Chrysalis asked.

Sombra smiled. “Of course I will, just come by room and give a knock when you’re ready to go up on the roof.” He said. “Good night to you all I had a wonderful time.” Sombra stumble on his way up the stares causing everypony around him to stare.“I am all right just a little tired that’s all.” He said.

He never felt so relieved to fall into his bed. After a good solid hour he felt his body regain some strength.

“What in the world was that all about?” He wondered. “I haven’t felt like since the days of military training with father.”

The young prince tossed around in his bed he was annoyed at how he was so tied and now he was full of energy. It was as if something had drained him of life and all of the sudden it was being poured back into him. Maybe sleep would help he thought and besides the dancing star doesn’t come out till midnight so he had a good three hours. All the thoughts on his mind were memories of his youthful days. Everything in his life was being played before his mind. Sombra tried to think of other things but for some reason he couldn’t take his mind off of them. From his time in school to his training to be prince he sat in his bed and thought of everything. The thing that stroke him the most was how the memories felt. It was as if he was relieving them one at a time. Soon the memory of his saving Chrysalis played through his head except this time it seemed more intense than he had recalled. All this was suddenly brought to a halt as a knock came at his door forcing him to rise from his bed.

“Sombra it’s me Chrysalis you still going to watch the star right?” He voice called out from behind the door.

“Yeah give me one second.” Sombra said dressing himself in a night coat . He quickly threw on the coat and then reached for his crown. Before he put it on he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He like the way he looked without his mane pulled back and forced up so he tossed the crown on his bed. He went over and opened the door.

“Ready when you are.” He said with a smile.

Instantly he felt that same feeling of tiredness come haunting back at the back of his mind. He pushed it as hard as he could out of his mind. Chrysalis stood there with a smile on her face.

“We’re feeling better now I see?” She asked.

“Yeah guess you were right I just needed a little rest that’s all.” He said.

“Good I am glad that you are feeling better, sorry if I disturbed you from sleep.” She said.

“No, you did nothing of the short now lets start heading to the roof, we don’t want to miss the star now do we?” He said.
Chrysalis and Sombra walked up the long and lengthy staircase leading up to the roof.

“Why do you have so many stairs in this palace? I know it’s a silly question but I was just thinking about it the other day.” She smiled.

“My father told me that the old ones use to say that to see if somepony is really loyal to their king put a bunch a stairs in’.” He chuckled.

Chrysalis just giggled at this.

The two finally came to a door that swung open to reveal the top of the palace. It was quite the site to see the entire empire in the dead of night. With the wind blowing beastly, Chrysalis was glad she had brought a coat.

“Now according to the size and angle of the pro-grogrenot thorium the star should be about….there.” He said pointing a tad bit to the east.

Chrysalis stared intently at the direction he was pointing in but nothing had accord. Chrysalis leaned against the edge of the balcony and waited for the great star to appear. For the first five minuets nothing happened, then came thirty minuets and still no star. Chrysalis now rested her head on the balcony almost falling asleep. Sombra was doing his best to stay awake also he felt this need to stay awake so that he could tell her when the star came. As the clock began to strike one o’clock something caught Sombra’s eyes. It was small at first coming in from about eastern direction a small light ball started to appear.

“Chrysalis wake up it’s here.” He said.

“What’s here?” She asked.

“The dancing star look.” He pointed.

Her head lifted up and soon the star was almost directly above them. It moved from right to left in the sky hence the name-dancing star. Chrysalis watch as the great ball of fire moved all over the place before resting over the empire.

“Any particular reason it just stops over there?” Chrysalis asked.

“Not really ponies for years have debated the issue but there really hasn’t been an answer.” He said. “Just another one of life’s greatest mysteries.”

The star stood still and began slowly rising up higher and higher into the blackened sky. It began spinning around and around almost making a halo.

“What is it doing now?” She asked.

“Not sure some say it’s the gravity that causes it to spin but even I am not sure about it." He said

" Well all I know is that its beautiful isn’t it?” She asked gazing at the star.

Sombra looked at her and smiled. “It is.”

The rain beat down against the tent making it almost impossible to sleep in it. The colt jumped out of it to find his camp almost flooded.

“Where in the bloody hell is Hawk at?” The ringleader asked.

“Not sure but if we don’t move soon the rain is going to cause are wagons to be stuck.” One of the colts said running up to him.

“Alright prepare to move we got two day till the gig in Manehattan and I don’t want anything else to go wrong this week.” He said.

“There isn’t a gig we got cancelled.” Hawk said coming from the shadows.

“What do you mean the gig is cancelled they are paying us to come.” The ringleader said.

“Not any more every since that mishap in Canterlot nopony wants to see the ‘every changing circus’ unless we have the changeling.” He said.

“That is where you are wrong gentlecolts.” A voice called out.

“Who goes there?” The ringleader called out.

“My name is Samuel and I am the personal butler to Prince Sombra ruler of the crystal empire.” Samuel said stepping out of the darkness.

“Oh really and what would the ruler of the crystal empire want with us?” The ringleader asked.

“He would like to hire your...fine troop for a show.” Sam said.

“Well tell him that the circus is closed and he can shove his crown right up his-“ the ringleader’s mouth was closed by something being wrapped around it.

The lighting revealed an aura of light magic being produced around his mouth

“Come now such language can't possibly be discussed between to colts of honor. Not that you are one I was just being polite. I am sorry but my orders are to bring you back and he said i could do it my way.” Samuel said flicking his head back sending the ringleader to the mud face first.

The rest of the circus colts jumped forward only to be tripped by another one of Sam’s spells.

“Gentle colts if you don’t mind tying these barbarians up please.” Sam said.

Seven colts came from the darkness and began to tie up and move the entire circus so that is could be ready to go.

The ringleader looked as all his carts passed him.

“Now lets take a trip.” Samuel said.


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The weeks began to roll by and nothing seemed to be going right in the land of Equestria. This new threat who went by the name 'Discord' waged chaos against the kingdom of Canterlot all while Dawnbreaker was slowing dying due to his health issues. It was only a matter of time before the old king would pass his crown to his daughters. Sombra was quite relived when he got the letter from Celestia telling him that she couldn’t make the trip to the crystal empire because of the situation. In fact Sombra was just glad to be out of it entirely for he had other things on his mind that didn’t include fighting monsters.

The others things he had his mind on was Chrysalis. Sombra never really had anypony to share views and personal matters until Chrysalis had entered his life. It was almost odd; a creature that he had saved from a life of misery was in fact making his life better. He felt happy and actually grateful that she was there to listen to him. It was not like his servants for they agreed with him no matter what just cause of who he is. He felt that he found something to distract him from the troubled world. Each day he’d wake up and Chrysalis was waiting for him at the breakfast table. Everyday they found new things to do and a million new things to discuss. They would spend hours sitting at a table just talking about the little things in life to huge deep conversations that dealt with heavy issues. The odd pair seemed to do everything together from seeing plays to just walking through the city. Many ponies upon seeing this began to spread rumors about how Sombra was becoming attached to this creature. In which case he denied every little bit of it but deep down inside it was true. He felt that she was always there whenever he needed somepony to talk to it was almost as if he actually had a connection of some sorts.

“Never let a mare get the best of you for they will bring nothing but hell. Don't let anypony in no matter how much you trust them” His father always said to him. Maybe that’s why Sombra had such a lonely life, cause he never got to actually meet others as a normal colt without being told not to do so. So maybe this was his chance to actually connect with somepony outside of being a prince. Whatever it was it made him feel good inside. Sombra hated to admit it to himself but he was slowly developing affections for Chrysalis. He couldn't describe it but it was almost as if he was being drawn to her. It wasn't the fact that she was beautiful, while other were quick to judge. He just felt that she was something that he always needed. Of course he could never let these feelings surface for it would mean the end of his public image. Also he thought that it could drastically destroy his current relationship with Chrysalis and that was something he didn’t want to lose. Besides as far as he could tell Chrysalis felt nothing of the sort about him so it was best to keep it to himself.

Sombra watched as Chrysalis was getting better with each passing day. Her hoof became strong again despite the hallowed holes shooting through it which according to the doctor they didn't matter. The same could not be said for Sombra, everyday he felt more and more tired. His body felt weaker and weaker for some strange and odd reason. It got to the point where he began visiting the local doctors and all told him they could not figure out the reason for his consistent state of unrest. This sent Sombra into a state of weariness, where he was looking for anything to keep himself energized. Nothing seemed to work so he decided to live with it for now.

“Alright there we go good as new.” Doctor Winhelm said removing the brace from Chrysalis’s hoof. “Give a try.”

Chrysalis leaped off the table and placed her newly fixed hoof down with a reassuring stomp.

“It feels fantastic. Thank you doctor.” She said wrapping her hooves around him.

“It was my pleasure my dear so when do you leave for the swampy south?” He asked.

“WHAT?” Sombra said aloud. “I mean excuse me doctor?” He asked.

“Well you did say once she had her hoof fixed you would take her back to her home land right?” He asked looking at Chrysalis.

“You did say that.” She said.

“Um I did didn’t I? Her hoof is all better now isn’t it?” He asked.

“Good as it has ever been maybe even better heck she is ready to climb a mountain if she wanted to.” The doctor laughed.

“Well I guess it depends on when you want to leave Chrysalis.” Sombra said looking at her. His throat twisted as the words came out of his mouth. Pain shot throughout his body but he was normal to this happening.

“I guess I really never gave it some thought I guess the sooner the better right?” She asked.

“Whatever you want.” Sombra said.

“Ah look at the time I have to go sorry for the quick departure but I have other patients that need care. Do come and see me before you leave Chrysalis and may I just say it has been a delight having you as my patient.” He said shaking her hoof.

“Thank you doctor and it has been also a delight having you as my doctor.” She said.

“Ha well at least somepony admits going to the doctor’s is a delightful trip, well farewell to you.” Winhelm said exiting the room.

“We should go now they will be serving lunch soon.” Chrysalis said heading to the door.

Sombra felt his mind go blank as he walked through the hallways by Chrysalis’s side. The carriage ride back to the palace was silent as well. He really never thought about her leaving he just got caught up with her being there to notice the promise he made her. The servants soon served him his lunch and the meal was meet with the same treatment as the rest of the morning had gone until Chrysalis looked up.

“Something wrong Sombra?” She asked. “You’ve been awful quite today.”

His heart began pumping furiously. “Just….tired that’s all didn’t get much sleep last night.” He said.

“That seems to be really bothering you lately hasn’t it?” She asked while she took a bite out of some eggs.

“I just don’t know why I mean I don’t stay up late or anything. I sleep long hours and let’s admit it, I don’t do much heavy work around here and none of the doctors have been any help at all.” He said setting the side of his head down on the table.

“But that one doctor said he might know what’s wrong with you.” She said in an innocent voice.

“Yeah but he wants to crack my chest open like a walnut to poke around my heart.” Sombra said sitting back up. “Just forget about it. So what is on the agenda today Shards?” He asked a mare standing by the door.

“Not much sir, oh you did receive a letter this morning from Samuel.” She said taking out an envelope.

“What? Bring it here I haven’t heard from him in over a month.” Sombra said while rising from his chair.

Shards walked over to him handing the letter.

Sombra took the letter tearing it open and began reading it in his mind. Samuel had the circus under his custody for well over six weeks and was trying to get his way back to empire. It was very hard trying to keep the whole troop of colts together and it was apparent that Samuel was becoming annoyed with them. As for the other creatures of the show they had been freed from their captors. Sombra smiled at this news it would only be a matter of days before his closet servant would be returning back.

“What does it say?” Chrysalis asked.

“Wonderful it says….”Sombra stopped his words. He forgot to tell her that he had arranged for her captors to be brought to him. Should he tell her? She was leaving and there is no good reason to tell her this and besides it wasn’t going to affect her decision. “It says Sam will be back very soon.”

“Oh good I was wondering what ever happen to him. The first day I was here was the only time I ever got to talk to him.” Chrysalis said with a smile

“Yes it will be good seeing him again. So Chrysalis what do you want to today?” Sombra asked while returning to his chair.

“Oh um I was guessing that since I will be leaving soon I would might as well see the famous crystal mines.” She said.

“Now Chrysalis the mines are no place for ponies like us. Each place has its ponies and besides it’s much to dangerous.” Sombra said.

Her eyes grew big. “I just wanted to see them.” She said.

Sombra felt defeated. “Alright we’ll go but we are not going deep inside understand?” He asked.

“Gotcha.” She grinned.

Sombra stared at his plate as Chrysalis left to go upstairs.

“Megan bring me some wine.” He ordered.

“Um sir I think it is a little to early for-“ She stopped as he turned his head around slowly. “Right away sir.” She said galloping off.

He put his face in his hooves and let out a sigh. “Everypony leave me.” He said. The room became empty and soon Megan returned with a bottle of wine.

She began to set up to fill a glass. “Leave it and please excuse yourself, tell nopony to enter.” Sombra said pulling the bottle over to him.

“Yes sir.” She said while bowing.

Sombra waited for her to be out of the room before cracking the top off the bottle with his teeth. Gulping the whole thing at once he barely felt the alcohol take effect on his body.

“Lets go to the mines then.” He said to himself.

The ride to the mines was also a very quiet one. Neither Chrysalis nor Sombra said a word to each other. Deep down Sombra wanted to say something but he quickly put it out of his mind before he found the courage to say it. After a while the sounds of hammers hitting rock began to echo in the air. The carriage came to a complete stop. A huge pony came up to them; he was covered with ash from head to hoof.

“Ah you’re royal majesty what brings you here to our fine operation.” He said removing his helmet.

“Hello Mort, today I am not here on official business but more of a…personal matter.” Sombra said stepping off the carriage.

“Personal eh, well you of all ponies would know if we needed you down here. Unfortunate sir there is still no sign of it.” Mort said whipping the ash from his forehead.

“Sign of what?” Chrysalis said stepping down.

“Oh Mort this Chrysalis, Chrysalis this is Mort he is the supervisor of the mines of the north.” Sombra said.

“Ah thee Chrysalis the changeling I heard a lot about you.” Mort said.

Chrysalis smiled and replied back.

“Ah and to answer your question miss the ‘it’ I was referring to is the crystal heart.” Said the miner.

“The crystal heart you mean the real one? You mean its actually here.” She said looking around.

“Ha so the legends say but we have had no sign of it ever since we have started digging here.” Mort said lighting a cigar and shoving it into his mouth.

“Um if you would please.” Sombra said gesturing to the cigar.

Mort eyes fell down upon his mouth. “Oh sorry sir.” He said throwing the cigar to the ground and stomping it out.

“Don’t worry about it its just I don’t care for the smell of it.” Sombra said.

“Right so what does bring you down here good sir?” Said Mort.

“Well Chrysalis here wanted to take a tour you know see some artifacts and what not.” Sombra said.

“Ah so you want to go exploring in mines do ya?” He said eyeing Chrysalis.

“Yes sir.” She smiled.

“Well let me be the first to warn ya the mines is no place for a delegate creature such as yourself. It is easy to get lost and even worse falling off a sharp cliff. Now you think you can handle yourself?” He asked.

Chrysalis puffed out her chest. “Yes sir I can.” She said.

“Good now go over to that tent right there and sally will get you suited up.” He said pointing to a tent by the side of a great rock.

Chrysalis galloped over to it and before Sombra could move forward Mort stood in front of him.

“Keep a watchful eye on her sir.” Mort said looking around.

“Whatever do you mean?” Sombra said also looking around.

“Many of colts down here are sly beast they will easily take advantage of frail creature like her down in the darkness.” He said.

“Right, I understand.” Sombra said walking forward.

Sombra hated the helmet that they gave him for it was extremely dirty and full of dried mud. He noticed Chrysalis had no complaints with her outfit even though it made her look light brown instead of her natural black. Once they got the proper uniforms on they were lead to a small cave like opening in the hill. Sombra never personally went down in the mines but he wasn’t afraid of the ever-consuming darkness. For long while the pair walked forward only being guided by Mort down a steep slope until they started to see dim lights below them. At last they came to level ground with torches blazing around them and ponies hard at work hammering away at the stone. All stopped what they were doing once they saw Sombra and bowed before him.

“All right lads the prince is just here to take a look around get back to work.” Mort ordered. “Right this way.”

He lead them to another area where ponies where digging up huge crystals and loading them into carts to be shipped off. Mort stopped one just before it passed them.

“This right here is the prize of empire dear, it’s tactium crystal strong enough to make a building out of but flexible enough to bend and mold.” Mort said tossing Chrysalis a piece.

“It’s beautiful.” She said looking into it.

Mort chipped off a piece of another crystal and took the rock from her and handed her the small piece.

“There let that always guide you when it gets dark.” Mort said with a smile.

“Huh?” Chrysalis asked while looking at the small rock.

“Tactium crystal glows when it gest surround in pure darkness.” Sombra whispered. “An old saying among the northern tribes goes ‘when the night sky falls, the earth’s shards will guide us all’” Sombra said.

“Oh that’s incredible” Chrysalis said grasping the rock between her hooves hoping for it to start glowing.

“Come along now we got much to see”. Mort said moving forward.

Sombra made sure he and Chrysalis stayed close he didn’t like some of the looks that were being given to Chrysalis by some ponies. According to his father most of the ponies who mined for a living are descendants of the northern tribes. A brutal and savage race of crystal ponies that were known for their oddness. Whatever it was Sombra didn’t like the looks of some of them. They’re eyes stared at Chrysalis all sharing a sick since of curiosity about her.

“And down there we have the main dredger that pumps up the soil and brings up all sorts of things.” Mort said while standing by a huge table with the sound of rushing water passing in it.

The heavy miner stuck his hoof in it and started to fish around pulling up a hoofful of crystal flakes. Chrysalis went forward and stuck her hoof in it with the same results. She smiled as the torchlight reflected off the shinning rocks.

“Beautiful isn’t it.” She asked holding her hoof out to Sombra.

“Indeed it is, now then Mort where is it that the crystal heart is rumored to be. I want to go there.” Said Sombra.

“Ah that cavern is down this way follow me.” Mort said walking down a set of pony made stairs.

Sombra had been accustomed to the darkness, he remembered playing in basements as a small pony. Chrysalis on the other hoof kept tripping in falling every so often. Sombra tried his best to help support her but he wasn’t always able to catch her. The trio soon came to an underground lake filled with miners hard at work digging around a huge stone. The stone seemed odd to Chrysalis for it shined with a faint blue. This was not like the other crystal stones she had seen around the mine. This one was tall almost the size of the palace itself.

“Watch your step.” Mort said holding his hoof out in front of her.

It took awhile for her eyes to adjust but soon she could see that the trio was standing at the edge of cliff dropping down into lake filled with pure darkness. The water reviled that the great rock continued down beyond her sight deep in the water.

“Water here goes down fathoms one slip and you could sink to the never ending bottom.” Mort gestured with the torch before turning back around. “The great heart stone, rumored to contain the crystal heart itself.” Mort said gazing at the small mountain.

“The crystal heart is in that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well according to legend.” Sombra said while stepping forward to get a better look at the rock. “It was said that after the first great tribe war the great Markin sealed the heart away deep in the earth so that nopony could use it for evil.”

“Evil? But I thought the crystal heart was a good source of magic.” Chrysalis said looking at Sombra.

“It is but also it serves as a raw magic source, so if one were to use it to boost a spell they could easily use it to create black magic with tremendous power.” Said Sombra.

Chrysalis stepped back a couple of steps so that she could prop herself up against the cavern wall. Sombra and Mort looked on a couple of feet ahead of her and talked about certain aspects of the great rock. Chrysalis felt the wall move slightly behind her and before she could say anything she was pulled back into darkness. Her mouth was being forced shut by something but she could tell what. Her eyes darted in panic looking for light or somepony. She notice a crack where she could see Sombra and Mort still talking but they where several feet away. A noise click and suddenly a dim light shined in her face to reveal a sickly looking pony. His mane and coat were covered with ash and his hoof was tightly wrapped around her snot.

“Well hello there.” He smiled with the light flickering from his horn. “My you are a beauty arnt cha.”

Chrysalis tried to force his hoof off of her but it was no use he was far too strong.

“So ya the pretty little thang that te prince has been messin around with huh? Well I cant honestly say’a I like his choices but he’s always beens an odds one.” The pony said in deep northern tribal accent.

He lifted Chrysalis up pinning her up against the wall. He was right up against her breathing down her neck.

“My looks likes I gets to get something onlys the princes has.” He said forcing her lips to lock with his.

Chrysalis almost vomited at the taste of his tongue inside her mouth. It wrenched with alcohol and cigar smoke. She tried to force him off but he pushed himself forward with great strength.

“Shh close your pretty eyes and let a real stallion show you how it is done.” The pony grinned.

Chrysalis gazed in horror but soon a bright light shinned and the pony was yanked away from her. Falling to the ground she was caught by a pair of strong hooves that belonged to Mort. She looked up to see the opening in the wall was wide-open leading back to the cave with the heart stone. Screams stroke the air and there before her was Sombra standing over the miner sending his hood down upon his head.

Sombra stroked over and over at the unicorn lying on the ground and soon blood began to flow from the miner’s horn. With rage Sombra used his teeth to pull the unicorn up against the wall.

“You disgraceful little heathen what do you got to say for yourself? Huh? Answer me!” Sombra yelled pressing his hoof across the miner’s neck.

“Whats can't a colts have a little fun? Besides what’s wrong with sharing?” The miner said with a laugh.

Sombra felt his blood boil and with one motion he flung the pony down while also sending his hoof into the miners gut. The miner fell flat on the ground not saying a word.

“Mort get this filth out of my sight and have sent to my place immediately.”Sombra said breathing heavily.

Mort moved forward ordering his colts to escort the passed out miner “Yes sir I am so sorry tha-“

“Enough go! Chrysalis are you hurt?” Sombra said walking over to her.

She was down to the ground obviously shaken by her experience. In the back of his mind Sombra remembered a memory from his past where he scrapped his knee. He remembered crying but then his mother held his head against her chest in a comforting him. Slowly Sombra braced Chrysalis up and placed her head against his chest. She was shaking from head to hoof wrapping her hooves around him.

“Hey its alright he’s gone now. He wont hurt you.” He said in a low whisper. “Nopony will ever hurt you again.” Sombra thought in his mind.

“I wont to go now!” Chrysalis sniffled.

“Alright lets go.” Sombra said pulling her in tightly. “Get my carriage ready.” He ordered to a pair of miners.

As they made there way up to the surface Sombra made sure to keep one hoof around Chrysalis the whole time. Once they got back up to the surface the sky had now taken a gray and cloudy look to it. Sombra placed Chrysalis in the carriage before taking his place beside her.

“Sombra please forgive me sir I didn’t know that anypony was still in the pocket sections.” Mort said with fear on his face.

“That will be all thank you I don’t want to be here any longer.” Sombra said.

“Yes sir, I am terribly sorry Chrysalis.” Mort said looking at the changeling.

Chrysalis didn’t say a word; she only sat with her head hung down.

“Go.” Sombra ordered.

The carriage went forward and made a turn to go back to the capital city. Sombra sat in silence but then something inside of him began moving. He quickly wrapped his hoof around Chrysalis pulling her close to him. In response she leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes letting out a sigh. Sombra was cautious about his next move but soon rain began to fall down causing him to act on his thoughts. Removing his cape he wrapped it around Chrysalis propping it up so that her head was sheltered from the rain. Sombra didn’t mind getting wet as long as Chrysalis wasn’t. Chrysalis squeezed in more and more as the rain began to pour from the sky. Soon it was as if the heavens had opened up its river dame. Sombra quickly readjusted himself so that he could act as a shelter for Chrysalis. The carriage began racing towards the city and soon the palace was in sight.

“Hang on we’re almost there.” Sombra shouted over the rain.

Chrysalis looked up at him and smiled before closing her eyes again. Upon entering the city Sombra could tell the sudden storm had taken everypony by surprise. Shopkeepers hurried to get their stands out of the rain while ponies rushed to various building holding up objects to give them shelter. While passing through the center of town Sombra got a quick look at the great clock. It was late in the afternoon much later than he had felt it was. Pulling up to the palace they were both quickly escorted inside away from the freezing rain.

“Lord Sombra we are glad you’re back how was the trip.” A stallion said taking the dripping cape.

“Awful I want that mine working overtime for the next two weeks understood?” Sombra said storming off to the dinning hall.

“Um sir that’s seems a little harsh don’t you think?” The stallion asked.

Sombra stopped in his tracks and turned around storming up to the servant.

“Harsh oh you haven’t seen harsh yet. Listen up! Tomorrow the northern mayor will be brining in a prisoner early in the morning. None of you are aloud to say a word to him. Don’t wake me when he gets here either just lock him away. No food or water is to be given to him until I say so clear?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” They wall responded quickly.

“Good now is dinner ready?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir its ready for you and Mrs. Chrysalis.” Said Shards.

Sombra let out a deep sigh. “Good Chrysalis you ready t-“

Before he could finish his word the changeling rushed up the stairs all the way up to the living quarters.

"My what on earth happen out there?” Shards asked.

“Something shocking that’s all. I will check up on her after dinner.” Sombra said walking into the other room.

After awhile Sombra made his way up to Chrysalis room with a tray of food in his mouth hoping not to drop it. He gently knocked on the door placing the tray on the ground.

“Chrysalis it’s me. Can I come in I brought you some food.” He said in a delicate voice.

He pressed the door open with his hoof; it wasn’t even locked much to his surprise. Sombra slowly peaked his head in the door and saw that the room was empty.

“Chrysalis?” He asked storming into the room.

The sound of the rain splattering against rock soon filled his ears. Turning to his left he saw the balcony door wide open with Chrysalis sitting in the rain. Sombra quickly got a blanket and dragged it over to her. The rain hit him as he went out.

“What are you doing out here.” He shouted over the pouring rain.

“I just wanted….to.” Chrysalis just sat there letting the water soak her.

Sombra rolled his eyes and pick Chrysalis up tossing her onto his back like he did the night he rescued her. He went over to coach in her room and sat her down on it.

“Hey.” He said after a long awkward pause.

Chrysalis jumped at the sound of his voice. “What?” She asked sounding confused.

“I brought you some food.” He said bringing the tray to her.

“Thank you.” She said snatching an apple.

Sombra sat beside her on the coach as she devoured the piece of fruit.

“Chrysalis?” He finally managed to say.

“Yes what is it?” She asked.

Sombra couldn’t say a word; he just stared into her green eyes. He felt his heart begging to pump furiously. His mouth began to move but nothing came out. Sweat began pouring out from his pores at a rapid pace.

“Chrysalis, um I just wanted to know if you were all right?” Sombra said. 'Well that sounded stupid didn’t it of course she’s not all right she’s probably upset.' His voice echoed inside his head.

“Yeah I will be all right.” She smiled at him.

“Good, good.” Sombra said. 'Well say something else, tell her about how you don’t want her to go.' His inner voice called out. “Um Chrysalis about this whole leaving business.” He said slowly.

“Yeah.” She said very faintly.

“I mean do really think its time for you to go?” Sombra said rubbing the back of his head.

“Well I do need to live among mine own kind don’t I? I mean don’t get me wrong I love it here but I don’t really belong here.” She said with a forced smile.

Sombra felt a lump begging to form in his throat. “I think that.” He paused.

“Think what?” She asked smiling at him.

His mind came to a complete stop, he had nothing to say. The color to his cheeks soon turned red from embarrassment.

“I think that it’s been wonderful having you as my guest.” He said. 'Well that sounded stupid.' His voiced echoed inside his head again.

“Oh it’s been an experience that I will never forget and one I will cherish all my life. Also just because I will be gone doesn’t mean I cant come to visit right?” She asked.

Sombra felt his body’s temperature rise he had to get out of there. “Um yeah any time.” Sombra said moving towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Chrysalis asked.

“Excuse me Chrysalis but I suddenly don’t feel well I think I need to freshen up a bit”. He said.

“Oh well good night then and thanks for the food.” She said.

“Good night?” Sombra said looking at the clock on the wall. “Oh right good night.” He smiled.

He never felt to relieved to be in his own room. Drawing water from the pump never seemed so easy before either. Soon he sat in his tub completely submerged in hot water. His body relaxed and all pain was gone. After a good thirty minuets he dried himself off and dove into his bed.

He slept calmly and not one time did he stir. Sombra laughed inside of himself he never remembered when he had such peaceful sleep. Then out of the blue he heard a faint knocking noise.

“Who’s there?” he asked while sitting up.

The room was filled with darkness.

“Hello?” he said pulling the covers up to him.

As soon as the words escaped his mouth a pair of green eyes shined in the darkness.

“Chrysalis?” Sombra asked.

The changeling stepped out so that the moonlight from the window revealed her entire body.

“What are doing here its very late at night.” Sombra said.

“I know that’s why I came.” She said sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Came? Came for what?” Sombra asked.

“I, I really wanted you to know something.” She said.

Sombra felt her eyes looking into his soul. “Couldn’t it wait until breakfast?” Sombra chuckled nervously.

Chrysalis also let out a tired chuckle. “Well what I wanted to tell is this.” She said drawing near to him.
Within a few seconds she was right up against him. She gazed into Sombra’s red eyes as she just stood still for a moment. Then with one motion she locked her lips with his.

Sombra felt his whole body tense up but then relaxed. He closed his eyes and began to drift off. Then reality brought him back in.

He jerked away from her. “Chrysalis no.” He said.

“No what, did I do something wrong?” She asked.

“Yes, I mean no, I don’t know.” He stuttered.

“I am sorry if I made things awkward for you.” She said drooping her head.

“No it’s just that I don’t think whatever you where doing is such a good idea.” He said.

“Oh, why?” She asked.

“Cause I don’t think we could ever be that you know.” He said.

“I am sorry.” She said. “It’s just that I never had somepony care for me like you have and I guess I was just reading your emotions wrong.”

“Well not entirely.” Sombra said slowly. “Why did I say that?” He said to himself.

“Hmh?” Chrysalis asked.

“I have had given it some thought to be honest. I mean me and you.” He said in a dry voice.

“And what have your thoughts told you about us?” She asked.

Sombra felt his heart beat. He just stared at her not saying a word. In his mind he kept telling himself that he shouldn’t go through what he was about to say but it was no good. He decided to let go and just accept his true feelings.

“Chrysalis, for as long as I have know ponies have treated me with false respect. Not that they hate me but I know that the only reason why they cared about anything to do with me was that I am the prince of the crystal empire. With you it’s different, with you I feel that you don’t care about any of that. I feel that I can really talk to you about almost anything and you would listen, freely. I don’t know but for some reason I think that has made me grow attached to you.” Sombra said in a rushed manner. “I feel that there’s a special connection between us.”

Chrysalis smiled and scooted closer to him. “You really think so?” She asked.

Sombra regain some of his composer. “Yes I really do.” He smiled.

“Prove it” Chrysalis smiled.

Sombra shook his head. “How?”

Chrysalis placed her hoof around his neck so that his head turned to face her own. “Kiss me.” She said in a low whisper.

Sombra almost didn’t have control over his mind but before he could think he locked lips with her and pulled back. Chrysalis smiled as he sat back. He felt the urge to do it again and much the Chrysalis surprise he kissed her again and began a steady flow. His blood began rushing and his mind began to go black, he was losing control over himself. He pulled back and looked at Chrysalis. Her eyes shined brightly in the moonlight as she sat watching him. The look in her eyes matched his, the same bewilderment causing both of them to draw closer to each other. Sombra wrapped his hoof around her and pulled her close to him as he went in for another kiss.

The hall filled with the coughing of the dying king. Guards stood by the door watching to see what would happen next in the king’s room. Celestia and Luna both stood on one side of the bed as they watched their father sat up to say something.

“Celestia….Luna…please come closer.” The old king said while coughing up a bit of blood.

“Yes father?” Luna asked placing her head on his shoulder like a philly would do in order to feel safe.

“Luna, you remind me so much of your mother when she was your age. Looks like I will be seeing her again soon.” Dawnbreaker said with a painful smile.

“Don’t say that dad the doctors will be back soon.” Celestia said sitting beside him.

“Ah don’t worry I have accepted that this is the end for me but before I go I have to tell you two a secret.” He said wheezing.

“Secret what secret?” Luna asked.

“One that has been passed down the royal family line since the begging of Equestria. The elements of harmony.” He said.

“What about them father? I mean me and Luna already know all about them.” Celestia said.

“Yes you do but there is one thing that you don’t know. This Discord fellow seems to be feeding off of chaos and confusion. It is my personal belief that he is one of the spirits of old. The spirit of disharmony to be precise.” Honder said looking at Celestia.

“Spirit of disharmony? You really think so?” Celestia asked.

“Yes now it is your duty as holders of the elements to protect all things and if he is truly the spirit of disharmony you can use the elements to defeat him.” Dawnbreaker said while coughing.

“But how do we use the elements to-“ Luna began but stopped once her father slipped back down on the bed.

“Celetsia, Luna I love you both with all my heart but I am afraid that its time for me to leave this world.” He said with heavy breathing.

“No dad don’t go.” Celestia said with tears begging to form in her eyes.

“Luna protect the night and the dreams of those who sleep. Watch over them like the stars and the moon do. Never forget that the night is to that of the day and is forever needed in the circle of life.” Dawnbreaker said in a ceremonially tone.

“Yes father always.” Luna said crying.

“Celestia, protect the day and everypony at all costs. Watch over them like a hawk would do. Never forget that protecting the day is the hardest for everything is awake and will be always on the move for it is a part of the circle of life.” He said.

“Yes father I will never forget.” Celestia said.

“It is done, I go now to paradise where I shall remain for the rest of my days. Hopefully one day we shall meet again and be all together.” Dawnbreaker said with a smile.

Both of his daughters sat on the bed laying their heads on his chest.

“I hear your mother calling to me, good bye Luna, Celestia I love you both.” He said.

“Good by father.” Luna wept.

“Good by father.” Celestia said clenching to his robe.

Dawnbreaker looked up to the celling and felt darkness slowly creep over him.

The halls filled with silence as the great king passed away.

Sombra landed on his back, the sweat from his body caused him to shiver. His mind went blank and his body began sending him mixed feelings. He felt shame and happiness, pride and fear, anger and joy all doing battle throughout his body.

“What have I done?” he said to himself.

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis said laying her head on his chest. Her breathing matched his heavy pace.

Sombra’s heart ache and his body began shooting with pain in all his joint.

“Ah!” Sombra cried.

“Is something wrong?” Chrysalis said shooting up while gazing at him.

“Get out.” Sombra panted.

“But Somb-“ She said.

“Get out now! Leave! Get out! Get out!” Sombra yelled while pushing her to the door before slamming it shut and locking it.

He fell to the floor. Looking up he rushed over to his mirror and began staring into it.

“What have I done? I…I shamefully…went and” The words couldn’t finish coming from his mouth. “Oh god I am a horrible creature, one not worthy of being anything above anypony or anything.” He said. “Look at yourself you dirty, disgusting, no good animal you’re not fit to be anything but a loam some piece of garbage”

Sombra galloped to his bathing room where the tub still had warm water in it. He quickly plunged himself in and began scrubbing himself.

“Got to be clean got to erase the memory from my body.” He scrubbed harder and harder. “Its not working. Sleep that’s it sleep is all that I need.” He said jumping out of the tub sending water everywhere. He stumbled to his bed and quickly wrapped the covers around him. Upon closing his eyes all he could see where images of Chrysalis looking at him with her eyes burning with passion.

“Stop it stop it, go to sleep.” He kept telling himself.

It didn’t work and he then began to toss and turn shoving the covers off the bed. All while his body snapped and popped causing him much pain.

“What is happening to me? My body feels like I am going through a wheat grinder.” He cried. “Must get to doctors, must find solution to the pain.”

Sombra leaped out of bed and quickly threw a coat around himself. Upon moving to the door his hooves collapsed beneath him sending the young prince to the floor. The fall was swift but Sombra leaned forward and knocked his head against the nightstand. As he lay on the floor he could feel the blood rushing from his forehead. Everything was going black and pain was coursing throughout his entire body.

“What hell is this? Somepony help me!” He yelled as loud as he could.

Sitting in now a small pool of blood he heard knocking sounds at the door. Before he could say a word his mind went dark sending him away from the world.

Chrysalis sat in her room weeping into a pillow. Her eyes burned red from the tears that she had been producing.

“How could I be so foolish? I destroyed a perfect relationship with the only pony who ever cared about me.” She sniffled. “Why did I have to go in there in the first place?

She heard a commotion outside of her room. Naturally she opened the door and poked her head out. The site before her horrified her to the bone; Sombra was being carried down the hall on a medical stretcher.

“What happen?” She said stepping out of her room.

“Oh the prince has suffered an injury to the head it doesn’t look good.” A mare servant stopped and said.

“Is he going to be alright?” Chrysalis asked with tears begging to fill her eyes.

“I do not know ma’am but don’t worry he is being taken to the doctors right now.” She said walking off.

Chrysalis returned to her bed and buried her face again in the pillow.

“What have I done?”

Face to Face

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The pain shot throughout his head as he opened his eyes. Sombra held his hoof against his head. Naturally he could tell that he was somewhere different just by the smell in the air. It was a cold and almost musty kind of scent.

“Where am I?” He asked out loud.

”You’re in the hospital sir.” A familiar voice spoke out.

Sitting up he looked in the direction of where the voice came from. In a chair sitting across from his bed sat a grey unicorn covered in dry mud.

“Sam!” Sombra said with a smile.

“Yes sir it is me.” Samuel said rising from the place he had been sitting. “So I have been gone for a little while and you end up hurting yourself. I am starting to think you can’t take care of yourself at all.” He laughed.

“Its nothing just lost my footing.” Sombra shrugged.

“That’s not all. I have been hearing of this ‘unrest’ you have been plagued with.” Samuel said pouring a glass of water from a pitcher by the bed.

“Not going to lie to you Sam but what you heard is true. I haven't been sleeping, my body is feeling weak all around buts thats not all. Lately I have been feeling this great pain in all my joints. It starts in my chest and slowly works its way throughout my entire body.” Sombra said stretching his hooves out.

“Have any of the doctors been able to help?” Sam asked handing Sombra the cup of water.

“Bah, if you would call it help then no.” Sombra said gulping down the water. “My head is killing me.”

“That’s what happens when you usually have an head injury sir.” Sam said with sarcasm in his voice.

“Did you speak to the doctor? In fact who is the doctor here?” Sombra asked looking around.

“Not sure sir some chap by the name of Edward. He said that your injury wasn’t to severe but you will have to take some medicine for the pain.” Sam said taking the cup from him.

“Ah don’t care to much for that and besides I don’t need medication, I will be fine.” Sombra said while throwing the hospital covers off of him.

“I knew you would say that so I took the liberty of crushing your medication into the water you just drank.” Samuel said with a smile.

“You really do think of everything don’t you?” Sombra said while stepping onto the floor. His body felt woozy and he stumbled a bit before standing up right.

“Sir may I ask about something else.” Sam said while making sure Sombra didn’t fall.

“Yes of course.” Sombra said.

“I also have been hearing rumors about other things that have been going on. Personal things about you.” The butler said in a dry voice.

“What kind of things?” Sombra asked.

“Forgive me sir but I have heard things about the nature of which you have taken this…Chrysalis is it? Neither way but I heard some nasty talk about how you have become envolved with her.” Said Samuel.

Sombra let out a sigh. “Sam how long have you known me?”

“I have known you before you were even born sir.” Sam said.

“And I can trust you with anything right?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir, it is my duty to protect anything you do.” The butler smiled.

“Deep down inside I have had been feeling things for Chrysalis.” Sombra said in a rather loud voice. “What do you think?”

“Well sir it is not my place to judge personal matters about you. Now if I was your father I would yell and probably tell you to stop pursuing such odd fetishes but I am not going to do that. Personally sir if this changeling makes you feel happy then who cares what any other pony thinks.” Sam said placing his hoof on Sombra’s shoulder. “Whatever you decide sir I will back it up one hundred percent.”

“Thanks Sam I needed that.” Sombra said.

“Oh, and what on earth do you tend to do with these circus colts that you had me drag have way across equestria?” Samuel said while making his way to escort Sombra to the door.

“Where are they now?” Sombra asked.

“In the prison.” Said Sam.

“Hmh, maybe later I will figure something out but for now I am hungry.” Sombra said looking at the clock on the wall.

“Lunch was being prepared before I came here.” Said Sam.

“Good I got things that I need to do.” Sombra said making his way to the door.

The light hit Sombra’s eyes as he stepped out into the mid day sun. He notice that a group of guards stared at him as he made his way to the carriage.

"Careful sir don't want you to fall and hurt yourself again." Sam sad as Sombra stumbled down the stairs.

Sombra chuckled.Then the thought quickly shot to his head.

“Oh god Chrysalis.” He said out loud.

“Hmh sir what about her?” Sam asked.

“We…I don’t know how I am going to face her.” Sombra said hanging his head.

“Oh, well um, I know she was still at the palace when I arrived at dawn but she didn’t want to come with me to see you.” The unicorn said looking above at the sky.

“Good she hasn’t left yet maybe I can try and….who I am kidding.” Sombra said biting his lip.

The ride to palace was quick and soon Sombra was escorted inside to the dining room.

“Here you are sir your favorite lunch.” Sam said presenting the small feast.

“Sam you are covered in mud go and wash yourself off.” Sombra said attacking the food.

“As you wish sir.” Samuel said disappearing into the next room.

Sombra ate in silence, he was trying to figure out a way to talk to Chrysalis.

“More water sir?” A young mare asked.

“No thank you. Um has Mrs. Chrysalis come down for anything?” Sombra asked.

“No sir, nopony has heard from her today.” The servant said bowing her head.

Sombra let out a sigh. “Can you go and request her presence for me.”

“Yes sir right away.” The mare said.

“That wont be necessary.” Chrysalis’s voice shot out.

The pair looked at the door to see the Changeling standing there.

“Good afternoon Chrysalis would you to take a seat?” The mare asking pulling a chair out from the table for her.

“Thank you.” Chrysalis said taking the spot.

Sombra sat in silence while Chrysalis ordered some food and ate in silence as well. Once the food she had request had arrived Sombra notice that he and Chrysalis where the only ones in the room. Sombra tried really hard to think of what he should say. A part of him wanted to break down and cry from the shame he felt. He knew he couldn’t do that but finally as Chrysalis was finishing up her meal he gather enough courage.

“Chrysalis?” He asked in a way a young does when they know they did something wrong.

“Sombra before you say anything I just want you to know that I am sorry for last night.” Chrysalis said in a low tone.

“What?” Sombra asked.

“Yes I read your emotions wrong and you felt confused by my advancement which lead to another advancement and I am truly sorry for it all.” Chrysalis stated.

“But..but..I.” Sombra stuttered.

“You need not say a word Sombra I am sorry.” The changeling said.

Sombra felt his throat twist as he tried to cut in. “Chrysalis it is I who should be sorry.” He said in almost a whisper.

“Well anyway I think I should get my things packed now that I am leaving and all shortly.” Chrysalis said obviously not hearing his words.

He watched in silence as she went out of the room disappearing into the palace halls.

"Blasted why couldn't I speak louder." A sudden pain shot through his body. "Ah, no I have to go talk to her and tell her the truth."

Sombra leapt from his chair hitting the ground galloping. His mind rushed as he rushed through the palace not caring who was in his way.

A delivery pony started walking towards him "Afternoon Sir, I got a letter from-"

"No time be back later." Sombra responded.

He bounded up the stairs almost falling along the way. As he went up he got strange looks from all his servants as if he was mad. Sombra bursted into the corridors charging head first down the hall towards Chrysalis's room. Bursting the door open he obviously startled her. Upon entering he fell to the ground breathing heavily from his rush.

“Sombra are you alright.” Chrysalis said kneeling down to him.

“I don’t want you to go.” He said coughing.

“What?” Chrysalis asked.

“I don’t want you to leave me.” Sombra said taking deep breaths.

Chrysalis stared wide eye at him. “But I thought that-“

"I didn’t mean to come of so brutish about it but its true you did read my emotions right.” Sombra said pulling himself to Chrysalis level. He stared into her green eyes. “Everyday I wake up and think to myself how much my life has changed since you entered it. Nopony has ever made me care for them as much as you do. Last night was really how I felt but I was scared to believe it for what it would bring.” Sombra said hanging his head. “But now I realized that I have to face the truth.” Sombra picked up Chrysalis’s hooves and held them in his. “Chrysalis I love you. I love you so much no words on earth can describe it. You’re my everything and only thing that I have ever felt love for.” Sombra said swelling with passion.

Chrysalis smiled with tears begging to form in her eyes. “Do you really mean that?” She asked.

“With my entire soul.” Sombra said.

Chrysalis shook all over falling into Sombra, embracing him in a hug. The young unicorn felt warmth spread all over his body as he held her close to him. Sombra nudge her off a little bit so that their faces where facing each other. With no hesitation Sombra locked lips with her as if he had been doing it since he was alive. The two sat there for what seemed like eternity, Sombra didn’t care. For the first time in his life he felt complete. A grunt broke the silence and the two snapped around to see Samuel standing at the door.

“Is something the matter?” Sombra asked.

“No sir just checking up on you.” The butler said with a smile. “Hello again Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis blushed. “Nice to meet you again too Samuel.”

“Oh call me Sam ma’am ‘Samuel’ is only for guests to use.” Sam said with a smile.

“Sam get the daily orders from my desk and meet me back in my throne room.” Sombra ordered obviously embarrassed.

The unicorn bowed and was soon gone.

Sombra turned his attention back to Chrysalis. “Well, what shall we do now?” He asked.

Chrysalis pecked him a kiss and rested her head under his chin. “Whatever you want to do.” She said.

Everypony was in shock to see the sight when they entered the throne room. Sitting on the throne was Sombra as always but the thing that surprised everypony was Chrysalis. The changeling was also sitting on the throne cuddled up against Sombra resting her head on his shoulder. Sombra didn’t seem to be phased by this sudden change of appearance. In fact he felt like he had been this way ever since Chrysalis had arrived there. Every time he was alone with her he would kiss her passionately until somepony came knocking on the door with urgent business.

Sombra felt a new energy begging to flow through as the next few days rolled by. There was something different about him that was the only thing he was sure of. He felt alive and energetic at all times. Maybe it was the fact that he had almost nothing to worry about that went on outside his empire. He also thought that maybe it was that he final came out and proclaimed his love to Chrysalis. Either way he was filled with joy beyond imaginative. Everyday he would be with Chrysalis but it was different that before, now he could hold her and didn't have to be ashamed for feeling for her. It was apparent that she felt the same way he did for she would want to do nothing except be with him all day.

A loud pounding came shattering the silence. Sombra sprung from his sleep looking all over the room. It was still dark. The knocking came again making the young prince leave his bed and head for the door. Sombra’s joints popped and sent pain through his body causing to cry out a little bit. He stopped for he hadn't felt the pains in awhile and he hoped they weren't returning. Upon opening the door he saw Sam standing there with a letter between his teeth.

“Good gracious Sam do you ever sleep?” Sombra said rubbing his eyes.

“Only when I want to.” Sam responded.

“What time is it?” Sombra asked looking down the empty hall.

“Six o’clock in the morning sir.” Sam said.

“Well why did you wake me.” Sombra yawned.

“A letter from Canterlot has arrived for you in a speedy fashion.” Sam said handing Sombra a letter with an official stamp.

Sombra ripped open the letter and began reading it. “Oh my” Sombra said out loud.

"What?" Sam

“King Dawnbreaker is dead. His funeral is two days from now.” Sombra said slowly. “Celestia and Luna have request that I attended.”

“Shall I prepare a carriage for your journey?” Sam asked.

“I don’t know if I should go, I mean I didn’t really know him that well.” Said Sombra.

“It would be rude if you didn’t I mean they did send you a letter and all.” The butler said.

Sombra let out a sigh. “Yeah prepare a carriage.”

“Right away sir see you in a few hours.” Sam said closing the door.

Sombra felt sick when he laid back down in his bed.

“Who was that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Just Sam, he had something to give me.” Sombra said curling up against her. “I tell you more about at breakfast.” He said closing his eyes.

Sombra really didn’t want to go to a funeral of all things especially now. He then thought about how he had to go through lost his father and mother by himself. Deep down inside he thought he too would love to have somepony to be there for him during that time. Armed with these notions he quickly agreed within himself that he should go. Breakfast was by far the best Sombra had in a while. Chrysalis sat right beside him munching on a flat pastry as she smiled to herself.

“So what did Sam want this morning?” Chrysalis asked swallowing.

Sombra’s head snapped up as he recalled the letter. “It was a message from Canterlot.” Sombra said whipping his mouth.

“You remember the king of Equestria right?”

“Not really I think his name began with an H.” Chrysalis said looking down at her plate.

“Well unfortunately he passed away a couple nights ago.” Sombra said.

“Oh no, did you know him well?” Chrysalis said looking up at him.

“Not really I mean my father knew him better. In fact I can’t remember a time where Dawnbreaker and I ever had a direct conversation.” Said Sombra.

“Oh, so why did you get a letter notify you of his passing?” Chrysalis asked in her curious voice.

“His daughter, Celestia, sent me it actually. I know her from a long time ago. She just wanted to know if I would come and pay my respects.” Sombra said.

“Are you?” Chrysalis said looking at him.

Sombra smiled. “Yeah, I think it would be for the best I mean it would be rather mean spirited if I didn’t at least show up.”
Chrysalis leaned her head on his shoulder resting her eyes as he thought to himself.

“Hey Chrysalis.” Sombra said in a low voice.

“Yes.” Chrysalis responded.

“Do you want to go with me?” Sombra asked with a smirk on his face.

“Really?” Chrysalis asked obviously shocked by the question.

“Sure I mean it is a long and boring trip.” Sombra said with a growing smile creeping along his face.

“But I mean it’s a funeral. I am not saying that I would like to go but it’s a pretty grim thing to go to.” She said.

“Well afterwards we can go do other things go other places. You must admit it is boring now that you’ve seen the crystal empire in is entirety.” Sombra said wrapping his hoof around her.

“Yeah but I don’t want to seem like I am intruding. You’re the one who got the letter and I literality have never meet these ponies in my entire life.” She said in a timid voice.

Sombra loved it when she acted timidly. He didn’t know why maybe it was because he felt that he could comfort her.

“That’s what I love about you.” Sombra said.

“What?” She asked.

“You’re so cautious and caring for those around you.” Sombra said. He felt her jolt at his words as if he had delivered a terrible message. He pulled away from her. “Is something the matter dear?” He asked.

Chrysalis sat for a second and snapped her head up. “Yeah its nothing just a head ach.”

“So do you want to go with me?” He asked again.

Chrysalis smiled. “Yes.”

“Good cause you were coming if you wanted to or not.” Sombra said sarcastically.

“Excuse me who do you think you are.” She said in a teasing manner.

“I happen to be a prince thank you very much.” He said fluffing his mane.

Chrysalis gave him a playful nudge. “So when do we have to leave?”

Sombra thought to himself trying to recall the letter context. “The day after tomorrow. Probably early in the morning for the service is in the evening.”

“Sounds good to me.” Chrysalis said as she began leaving the table.

“Where are you going?” Sombra asked.

“Um just upstairs to freshen up a bit. Meet you in the throne room?” She said.

Sombra smiled as she exited out the door. He felt something begging to creep along his inner chest. Immediately as soon as he was sure that she had left Sombra let out a cry of a pain. He clenched his chest, which had been bothering him all morning. The noise from the door quickly forced him to regain his composure he didn’t want Chrysalis to see him in agony. Much to his relief Sam came rushing to his side with a covered tray.

“Are you alright sir?” The unicorn said sitting down the tray on the table.

“Yeah just a little bit of heart burn.” Sombra said.

“Now sir the one thing that I always taught you was never lie.” Sam said with a scolding look on his face.

Sombra felt the pain rushing back. “I don’t know what’s going on. For the last few day I hadn't felt the slightest thing of pain but now all the sudden its worse than it was before.” Sombra said.

“Have been to that doctor that I recommended?” Sam asked. Sombra looked the other way. “Of course you haven’t.” Sam said. Pausing for a second Sam went over and got a coat and tossed it to Sombra. “Come on we are going right now.”

“But I..” Sombra stopped as he saw Sam’s face burn with determination. “Fine I’ll go.” He said throwing the coat on.

Sombra once again got the same feeling he did whenever doctors are mentioned. But he was willing to do anything if it meant curing him of these sudden pains. Sam lead Sombra to the edge of the capital to a small building that was in between two larger ones.

“This is it?” Sombra asked as Sam knocked on the front door.

“Yes, now I know it might not look that much but trust me doctor Vig knows what he is doing.” Sam said.

The door opened to revel an old pegasus wearing a lab coat.

“Sam old buddy it has been a while since I’ve seen you around here.” The doctor said. “What do you need this time?”

“Actually I am here for him.” Sam said stepping to the side to reveal Sombra.

“Oh your majesty.” The doctor said kneeling. “Please come inside.”

“Thank you sir.” Sombra said stepping inside.

The house was nothing like the outside it was clean and well kept. Sombra was lead to a room with a large examining table.

“Please make your self at home.” The doctor said moving towards a cabinet.

As Sombra began taking a seat by the window the doctor quickly rushed over to him. “Um if you would sir, take your spot on the table please.”

Sombra made his way to the table and placed himself on it. He felt odd just lying there he wished the doctor would say something.

Suddenly out of nowhere Doctor Vig placed his ear on Sombra’s chest. The sudden move almost sent the prince jumping into the air.

“What on earth are you doing?” Sombra asked angrily.

“Shhh quiet.” Vig said.

Sombra didn’t like how this pony just invaded his personal space but if he could help he wasn’t going to protest.

“Ah there you are.” Vig said removing his ear and darted back to the cabinet.

“Where is what?” Sombra asked.

“The source of the pain.” Vig said digging through bottles of liquid.

"How did you know that I was having pains?" Sombra asked.

Vig turned around. "Just looking at you, you're tired right?"

"Yeah but how are you able to tell what it already is without test?" Sombra asked.

"Trust me, I have been doing this for a long time." Vig smiled.

“Hold on there Momir you’re telling me that you figured out what all this is about. In just a few seconds?” Sam said.

“Yeah its not that hard to pin point it actually.” Vig said holding a glass of liquid up to the window.

“Well what it is?” Sombra asked sitting up.

“Easy, it’s your heart Mr. Sombra.” Vig said.

“My heart is causing all the pain?” Sombra asked.

“Yes and no, you see something is slowly eating away at your body. Bit by bit you feel tired everyday, drained of energy no?” The doctor asked.

“Yes I have been feeling tired lately.” Sombra said rubbing the back of his head.

“Ah good then my theory is correct. You are suffering from a non-physical disease but more of eh, magical disease. You haven’t happened to have dabbled in black magic have you?” Vig asked jokingly.

“No, never in my entire life. I am no where near a master in regular magic either.” Sombra said missing the joke.

Vig frowned at his. "Okay so if you are not the cause then somepony else is or there is magic just attacking you for no reason. Always be careful for those who are around you I always say." The doctor said going through bottles until finding one he liked. "Well this potion will help ease your pain for a while but for a long term solution you need to find a raw energy source.” Vig said handing Sam the bottle.

“What kind of energy source Momir?” Sam asked tucking the bottle in his coat.

“Ah, that is a serious question. Something that can constantly channel healing magic twenty four hours a day. Something that is very powerful, let me see if I can find something around in my archive.” Vig said heading for the door.

“A consent magic source?” Sombra said to himself. “You mean like a source that could generate magic or boost a common spell to make it stronger?” he said out load.

"Precisely a simple source can be made but it takes time and preparation. Also you have to find one that will be powerful enough or else it will all be in vain. In other words we need to find something that isn't easy broken. Maybe there are some old relics I can dig up" Vig said thinking to himself.

Sombra sat there while the doctor was looking through a big book. 'Where can there be a magic source powerful enough to substain magic for great periods of time?' ' Surely theres nothing in the entire empire that could help channel magic as powerful as the doctor was referring to. In fact there is nothing except.' Sombra stopped his train of thought.

"Would you thinking doc?" Sombra asked.

The doctor froze and turned around. “Oh sir, I was thinking about what kind of source we need. It has to be able to control your condition. But things like this can be dangerous."

“Its not like I got noting to lose is it?” Sombra said in a smile.

The doctor stood still for a moment. “That’s what I was going to talk to you about.” He said while sitting by the table. “I didn’t want to worry you but your condition is really bad.”

“How bad?” Sam asked.

“Like I don’t know how you’re still alive bad.” Vig said in a low voice. “You see Sombra this thing, whatever it is literally killing your body and heart.”

“What?!” Sombra shouted.”

“Now calm down.” Vig said.

“What do you mean 'its killing me'? Are you saying that I could die because of this?” Sombra shouted.

Vig sat there and finally letting out his breath he looked Sombra in the eyes. “Yes.”

Sombra felt his head spin and eyes begging to fill with tears. “How long do I go until I need to find a source?” he asked.

“A month not even.” Vig said. “I am sorry, I will be right back.” He said heading to the door.

Sombra sat on the table not knowing what to do.

“Sir?” Sam asked. “I am terribly sorry.”

“Sam.” Sombra said with his cheeks becoming stained with tears. “I am scared.” He said getting up then falling to the floor. His boned cracked as he hit the ground but he was too upset to notice them.

Sam kneeled down beside him and placed his hoof around him. “Its alright sir we will find a way.” He said in a whisper.

“But where are we going to find a source of raw magic that powerful?” Sombra asked.

“I don’t know but we will.” Sam said reinsuring.

Sombra quickly thought to himself. “Sam I have two orders to give to the ponies of the empire.”

“And those are?” Sam asked.

“I want all my archives looking for any relic that may be useful. Anything will be good and I don't care if its dangerous, I want it.” Sombra said in a broken voice.

“Sir Momir clearly said that-“ Sam stopped as he saw the look on Sombra’s face. It was a look that Sam had seen before, it was the same look as the day Sombra's mother passed away. “Yes sir.”

Sombra smiled while clearing his tears. “Also make Mo- Moa-Vig….”

“Doctor Momir Vig sir.” Sam said.

“Yes thank you, make Doctor Vig the palace doctor I want him around at all times understand?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” Sam responded.

“Now get me back to the palace I....I have things to do.” Sombra said heading to the door.

“Sir? Slow down you just had some pretty heavy news dropped on you.” Sam said in astonishment.

“As far as I am concerned I still have a life to live. Also this new doesn’t leave this room nopony can know about this. Not even the Chrysalis, especially her” Sombra said.

“Yes sir.” Sam said reluctantly.

“Good now lets go back.” Sombra said.

Sombra entered his throne room with a weak walk. Everypony in the room was startled by his entrance that he had made. He looked around and saw Chrysalis standing by the window talking to a mare. Sombra didn’t waste any time, he marched forward and knocked the mare out of his way.

Chrysalis was startled by his sudden approached. “Sombra what in the worl-“

Sombra embraced her and began kissing her in front of the entire room.

After a few seconds Chrysalis was able to pull away from him.

“Sombra dear?” She said blushing.

“Yes?” He asked wrapping his hooves around her.

“Are you alright?” Chrysalis asked looking at the stun faces in the room.

“Never been better.” He said with a smile. “Oh James!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

A lime greenish pony came running up to him. “Yes sir?” he asked.

“Send orders for both of my daily sweeps to be given to Sir Rockshire..” Sombra said.

“All of them?” James asked.

“Did I stutter?” Sombra asked eyeing him.

“No sir right away sir.” James said running off.

“As for the rest of you all you can leave for the day except the kitchen staff. Once dinner is done then you can leave. Tommorow I only want the Kitchen staff to return for the day understood?” Sombra said to the rest of the room.

The crowd of servants all looked at each other and slowly made there way out.

“Sombra what’s going on? Why did you send everypony home?” Chrysalis asked.

Sombra twirled her around and let out a laugh. “Do I need a reason?” He chuckled.

“I guess not.” Chrysalis said.

“Good.” He said pecking her lips. “Now what do you want to do today?” He asked.

“Nothing really I thought we could just relax for the day you know.” She said sheepishly.

“Aw, come on there’s something you want to do.” Sombra said.

“Not really I mean not today.” Chrysalis said.

“Aw fine.” Sombra said letting go of her and taking his seat on the throne.

Sombra began humming to himself an old song he remembered from his mother. Chrysalis also sat in the throne curling up against him laying her head under his chin. Sombra reached out and began running his hoof up Chrysalis’s horn.

“What on earth are you doing?” Chrysalis giggled.

“Just admiring.” Sombra said placing his hoof were her horn curved into a jagged shape.

The two sat there until dinner came around. Sombra liked how quiet the palace was without any servants in it. It was as if he and Chrysalis were the only ones there. Of course Sam came by once in a while to make sure that this was not the case.
That night Sombra slept peacefully. He thought about how much life he had to live if he didn’t find a source or the heart in time. Looking down he gazed at Chrysalis sleeping beside him. A thought popped into his head and at first he didn’t think it was a great idea but he soon thought differently.

“I want to spend my entire life with you.” He whispered in her ear.

Chrysalis did not stir from her sleep but Sombra didn’t care. He closed his eyes and began letting his mind wonder.

Next day went relatively fast for Sombra. It was almost too fast for he didn't have a chance to actually stop and enjoy anything. He didn't the reason why but to him that day ended as soon as it began.

The next morning came and soon Sombra was being fitted in a suit of armor with a black shading on it. He had almost forgotten that he was going to attend a funeral.

“Now Sam while I am gone you are in charge alright.” Somrba said standing in the courtyard.

“Sir!?” Sam asked.

“You heard me.” Sombra smiled.

“I did but this is highly unorthodox.” Sam began but quickly stopped. “Yes sir.

“Good now where is Chrysalis?” Sombra asked.

“Right here.” Her voice called out from behind.

Sombra turned to see Chrysalis in a black dress with a lime green trim. He neck was lined with the necklace he gave her. Her hair was done so that it didn’t fall or cover her face.

“You look beautiful.” Sombra said.

“Thanks.” She blushed. “You don’t look to bad yourself.”

“Well of we go?” Sombra said offering his hoof so that she could get up into the carriage. Before he closed the door Sombra turned around and gave Sam a hug. “Good by Sam.” Sombra said as he entered the carriage.

“Good by sir.” Sam said standing bewildered.

As the carriage drove off Sam stood by the door and watched as the sun began to rise. “Thank goodness now I can get some sleep.” He said to himself.

"Sir, um we have a bunch a paper work from the last two days to do." A mare said holding a huge folder.

"Or maybe not." Sam said with a sigh.

A Grim Trip

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The wind blew fiercely in the city of Canterlot as Sombra stuck his head out of the window of the carriage. The sun hung low in the coming hours of the young night. Looking off into the short distance he admired how the Canterlot place looked against the evening backdrop. The sounds of many ponies soon began filling the air. He could see that the palace entrance was filled with carriages unloading ponies from all over Equestira.

“Well, we made good time.” Sombra said to himself. He quickly pulled his head back inside and turned to face Chrysalis. “We’re here.” He smiled nudging her softly.

“Good, I was beginning to think that we would never arrive.” Chrysalis said yawning and rubbing sleep from her eyes.

“Had a good nap?” Sombra asked.

“Yep, I didn’t snore did I?” Chrysalis asked.

“Not a sound.” Sombra said. "You sure you're comfortable with all this? I mean it can be nerve wracking." Sombra said.

Chrysalis smiled revealing her short fangs which sparkled in the dimming light. "I think I will be just fine." She said.

Sombra smiled and sat back waiting for their destination. The carriage came to a complete stop and soon a voice was heard outside. Sombra looked down at his hoof seeing the reflection of himself against the armor he wore. Of all the things his father could have past down it was only his armor that he personally had left for Sombra to have. The door opened from the outside reveling the courtyard of the great palace.

“You ready?” Sombra asked Chrysalis.

“You bet.” She said striating her mane a tad bit.

Stepping out into the open Sombra couldn’t believe the amount of ponies that had come for this funeral. Everywhere he looked he could see pegasus, unicorns, and just earth ponies from all over, some where even from different countries. A guard made his way to the side of the carriage.

“Prince Sombra, thank you for attending the funeral of our late and beloved king.” He said in a prestigious voice.

“A grim honor to be here good sir but a honor no less. Shall I make my way into the hall now?” Sombra said stepping down onto the ground.

“Yes sir our seating this evening is unfortunately limited due to the unexpected amount of guest that have arrived. So apologizes ahead if it is not to your liking.” The guard said.

"Oh, I think it will be just fine. Come now Chrysalis." Sombra said.

Chrysalis stepped out catching the guard by surprise.

“And who is this?” The guard stuttered.

“Ah, this is Mrs. Chrysalis. She will be joining me this evening.” Sombra said helping her down.

“Pleasure to meet you.” She said to the guard.

The guard stood still for a second not knowing what to say.

“If it’s all right by you we will head inside now.” Sombra said as he began making his way to the door, escorting Chrysalis beside him.

The palace had a chill hanging in the air. Then again it was a funeral. As the pair walked by Sombra could tell that Chrysalis’s presence was creating a buzz. He led them to a spot by a door so that they could steer clear most of the crowd.

“It’s very lovely in here.” Chrysalis smiled.

Sombra smiled back at her but he wasn’t feeling much joy as he saw a pony walking over to him. His father always said that one could tell a rich colt by the size of his belly. If that was true, Maxwell was the riches pony in Canterlot. He was also very annoying with his chatter and irregular breathing.

“Sombra, so the prince of the north has graced us with his presence tonight.” Maxwell said extending his hoof.

“Indeed I have.” Sombra said in pretend happiness shaking his hoof.

“Ah and this must be the Mrs. Chrysalis I kept hearing about.” Maxwell said with a deep breath.

Sombra stopped in his tracks. “How in Equestria does he know about her?” he said to himself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Maxwell said extending his hoof to her.

Chrysalis politely shook his hoof “Pleasure to meet you to Mr.?”

“Maxwell, Alexander Z Maxwell the twelfth.” Maxwell said bowing his head. “Born in Manehatten raised in Canterlot.”

“Oh you’re from Manehatten I hear it's quite the city.” Chrysalis said.

“Indeed it is. It is majestic to say the least and Canterlot is to as well. For my entire life I have lived in cities, working all day to establish my name. Secretly I am growing tired of the city life and probably going to move to a much quitter place. Maybe that nice new town what’s was the name of it?” Maxwell said looking at Sombra.

“Ah, you’re talking about Rico’s new town. He calls it..... I don't recall but I don’t think the town will stay.” Sombra said with a chuckle.

Maxwell let out a cough drawing much attention to him. “Don’t let him know that.” He said also finding it humorous.

“Sombra dear I am going to get some water do you want anything?” Chrysalis asked.

“Nah you go on ahead, love.” Sombra said regretting he let out that last bit in front Maxwell.

“Pleasure meeting Mr. Maxwell.” She said as she trotted off.

Maxwell bowed politely and both watched her trot off into a sea of ponies. “So I hear you and Mrs. Chrysalis are quite the fancy pair.” Maxwell said in between massive breaths.

Sombra grew nervous at this. “Personally I don’t care for what others are saying but Sir Maxwell if we could keep my personal life out of the conversation.” Sombra said rolling his eyes.

“What I am just telling what everypony has told me.” Maxwell said with a grin.

“And what has everypony told you about me?” Sombra asked.

“Well you see sir, you know the business I am in and just the other day I had to send some delivers to the empire. So some of my colts had a drink in one of your pubs and they started talking to the caretaker. 'So whats the word around the empire' one asked and do you know what the caretaker says? Just that the prince of the empire has taking a changeling in as if it was a real pony. Then that prince has grown a taboo relationship with said creature to the point where one might grow sick just thinking about it.” The unicorn said adjusting his monticule.

Sombra felt himself becoming a little uneasy but he was able to keep his cool. “Really ponies are sick by it you say?” Sombra asked.

“Of course they are. I mean no offence but changelings are relatively new species that have not fully been explained. It is like loving a rabbit or a bear.” Maxwell said with a chuckle.

“I don’t think it’s exactly like that at all.” Sombra said.

“Oh come now Sombra she’s a wild animal. Remember that circus that came for the gala not to long ago, you where here right, anyway they had a changeling to. Except unlike you they knew it was a wild creature and they treated it as such.” Maxwell said.

Sombra resisted the urge to flat out hit the fat unicorn in the jaw for that commit.

“Still you have to admit that Chrysalis doesn’t act like an animal.” Sombra said grinding his teeth.

Maxwell took out a cigar and plopped it into his mouth. “That may be true but one can train a dog to behave. The same can be said for your Chrysalis. Face Sombra what you are doing is wrong in nature and morally. Now if your father were alive he would agree with me one hundred percent-“

Sombra sent his hoof into the jaw of Maxwell breaking the cigar in half and sending the unicorn to the ground.

“My father!?! What in world makes you think he would have a say in the matter. For you to think that my father would actually agree with you is absurd. Never in a million years would my father ever agree with scum like you.” Sombra said clenching his teeth.

The room filled with silence as guards quickly came and circled the two. Sombra looked up to see all faces of terror being beamed in his direction.

“What is the meaning of all this.”Celestia’s voice called out. Sombra froze when he heard her voice.“Sombra?” Celestia’s voice said behind him.

Sombra slowly turned around to see the young princess standing before him wearing a black gown.

He quickly tried to think of an explanation for his outburst.“Celestia I apologize for this incident me and sir Maxwell had a bit of a disagreement.” Sombra said, sweating greatly.

“It must have been something major or else you wouldn’t have knocked him out cold.” Celestia said tending to the fallen Maxwell. “Guards take him to the medical ward immediately.”

The guards carried the fat pony away as rest of the crowd resumed their normal chitchat.

Celestia turned her attention back to Sombra. “Now, its so good to se you again.” She said embracing him in a hug.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again Celestia.” Sombra responded. “I am so sorry for you’re loss.” He said with sympathy in his voice.

Celestia drew away for a moment and looked at him with watery eyes. “Thank you very much Sombra. I was almost worried that you wouldn’t have come. I mean I know you really didn’t know my father but it means a lot to me that you came.”

“Anything for you.” Sombra said.

Celestia gave him a tired smile. “Well if you excuse me I have to get back to the preparations for the ceremony.” She said walking away.

Sombra could tell that she was putting on an act of happiness to hide her grief.

Anyway, Sombra got back to socializing with the other ponies that weren’t terrified of him already and soon Chrysalis rejoined him. After a good thirty minutes a servant came for and told everypony that the ceremony was about to begin.

“All right lets go in.” Sombra said leading Chrysalis towards the door.

Upon approaching the door to the main hall Sombra saw Luna standing by the door greeting ponies as they entered. Sombra wasn’t familiar with Luna, in fact many ponies weren’t. He always remebered when he was young that ponies where always quite whenever Luna was around. She seemed nice but she was not quite as bubbly as her sister. If Celestia was the bright and cheerful as the day then Luna had to be quitter and still like the night.

“Evening Luna.” Sombra said bowing his head in respect.

“Prince Sombra, We don’t think We ever had a proper conversation with you.” Luna said bowing her head in the same manner.

Sombra shook his head, we? Then it occurred to him that she was using the royal we.“I am terribly sorry for your loss.” Sombra said in a low tone.

“Thank you for saying that.” She said. “And may we ask who is this pony that you have brought with you?”

Chrysalis stepped forward and mimicked the way Sombra did. “Hello princess Luna my name is Chrysalis.” She said politely.

“Chrysalis? My that’s a very pretty name and how do you know Sombra. No” Luna asked conversationally.

Sombra stopped right in his train of thought. He wasn’t prepared for a question like that; he quickly tried to think of a story of some kind.

"Oh, me and Sombra meet awhile ago. How long has it been three years or four?" Chrysalis said finishing Sombra's thought.

Luna seemed to buy it.

“If you don’t mind us asking but your horn is quite odd shaped, for what reason?” Luna asked.

Chrysalis looked up to the center of her forehead where her horn had grown.

“We are sorry if we have offended you.” Luna said as she read the expression on Chrysalis’s face.

“No, it's alright I get asked all the time. The fact of the matter is I really don’t. All I know is that I have always had it.” Chrysalis said peeping her cheer back up.

“If you don’t mind Luna we are going to get out seats now.” Sombra said guiding Chrysalis away from the young princess.

As they made they’re way down the aisle Sombra glanced over to the huge crowed of ponies that had already taken their seats. He had never seen so many decorated war veterans, politicians, and overall high-class members of society all in one place. Soon the pair took a few open chairs towards the middle of the huge hall. After a while a stallion cladded in black took to a self made stage to what many expected for the ceremony to begin.

“Greetings to one and all.” The colt said as the room grew quite. “Tonight we are he to remember and cherish the memory of our great king, Sir Dawnbreaker son of Starshine, who is now with the other kings of old. Now many can say what they thought they knew about our beloved king but tonight we hear from the eldest daughter of his royal majesty Celestia the first.” The colt proclaimed as Celestia made her way to the stage. From where Sombra was sitting Celestia looked like an emotional wreck. She barely made it to the stage as her legs shake terribly.

“Mares and GentleColts. I thank you for coming this evening.” She began with a sniffle. “My father as you all would know was a good colt who believed that any was possible as long as we thought it could be done. In his time of passing he told my sister and I something very important. Never doubt the power of faith.”

Sombra’s mind began wondering away form Celestia’s speech and began looking around to find something to capture his interest. He had never been good at sitting still someplace for a long time. By the time he drew his attention back to the stage Celestia had begun sheading tears and was being comforted by the stallion that came before her. Thanking the crowd she went back down and took her spot by her sister who was also begging to show sorrow.

“Now we can begin the passing of the soul.” The colt said ordering the lights to be brought down.

The torchlights began dimming as everypony began standing up.

“What’s going on why is the room dark.” Chrysalis whispered in Sombra’s ear.

“It’s the passing of the old king's soul. In a moment they will bring out a coffin with the king inside and light it on fire. The darkness is to symbolize the world and the flames off the king are representatives of the impact he had made.” Sombra explained.

Sure enough hooded ponies carried in a coffin and place it on the stage. Soon an alter of some kind was also place and the coffin was hoisted up on it.

“Are they seriously about to set it on fire.” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes.” Sombra responded.

“But wouldn’t that smell?” Chrysalis asked.

“No the body has been prepared with herbs so that doesn’t happen.” Sombra said hushing her. “Besides what comes next is what I am not looking forward too.” He said to himself.

“Now the night and day were one in the same with our king. But now they are separate and so they must pass the king on.”

The colt said. “Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are the new keepers of night and day so it is their duty to pass their father’s soul on.”

Two torches were brought to the stallion and soon he was joined by both young princesses.

“Pass him on.” The colt said handing them the torches.

Sombra watch as the both of the young rulers slowly grabbed and brought fire against the coffin sending it into a blaze. Celestia immediately began weeping using her sister as support. It was almost too much for Sombra, he never could handle the sight of ponies in pain. Once the fire began smoldering the colt gave the ceremonial ending and beckon everypony to go. Sombra lead Chrysalis towards the stage despite being forced back by the crowd of rushing ponies. Finally Sombra made it to the spot where Celestia and Luna were standing.Upon seeing Sombra Celestia came over and clung to him and began weeping. Sombra really didn’t know what to say to her so he kept silent.

Celestia finally pulled away drying her tears away. “Thank you for being here tonight Sombra.” She said.

“It was an honor.” Sombra said bowing his head in respect. “Now if it’s alright with you princess we must be going.”

“Going?” Celestia asked. “Already?”

“Um yes, you see we couldn’t find a place to stay and there is a hotel not to far from here.” Sombra said.

“We?” Celestia asked.

Sombra slowly beckoned Chrysalis to stand by his side so that he could introduce her. “Celestia I would like you to meet Chrysalis.”

“Ma’am.” Chrysalis said bowing in respect.

“Chrysalis? That’s a pretty name.” Celestia said eyeing her.

“Thank you very much.” Chrysalis said almost joyfully.

“ Always a pleasure to meet somepony new. Anyway what where you saying Sombra?” Celestia said almost snapping back into reality.

“We are going to a hotel for the night.” Sombra said reminding her.

“Ah yes that’s right. Um when are you leaving?” She asked.

“Tomorrow late morning I am afraid that I have much business to attend to and I imagine you do as well.” Sombra said nudging Chrysalis to not say a word.

Celestia let out a sigh. “Yeah you’re right it seems that business has to be taken cared of first.”

“Alas maybe one of these day we can sit down and have a decent conversation, now if you excuse us we must be going for I am externally tired, Luna.” He said gesturing while guiding Chrysalis to the door.

Once the pair where out hall, Celestia turned to her younger sister. “What on earth was that creature he had with him?”

“Sister that’s not very polite to ask.” Luna said.

“Was it a pony? It sure didn’t look like anything I have ever seen.” Celestia said.

“Well we don’t see how it is of importance.” Luna said walking off.

“Its just that I felt like I have seen her before.” Celestia said to herself.

Sombra lay awake in bed staring into the ceiling. The medicine for his pane hadn’t worn off yet so he was in a relaxed state.

“That was a beautiful ceremony.” Chrysalis said in a whisper.

Sombra stroked her mane with his forehoof gazing down at her. “Your beautiful.”

Chrysalis let out a giggle as she rested her head on his chest right over where his heart was located.

“You seem calm.” Chrysalis said.

“I am always calm.” Sombra said back.

“I mean you seem better now than you have been these last couple of days.” Chrysalis responded.

“To tell you the truth I haven’t felt this great in a while.” Sombra said.

Chrysalis quickly leaped on him cuddling up against him. “I am glad you are feeling well.” She whispered in his ear.

Sombra guided his face to hers and began showing her with kisses. He swelled with passion as the two were laying there. Before he could go any further Sombra began feeling a slight pain within his chest. He tried ignoring it but soon it began spreading throughout his body.

An Awkward Pairing

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Sombra shielded his eyes from the morning sun invading the room as he awoke. He sat at the edge of the bed taking in the view of the city from the window across the room. He gazed until he heard a stirring sound come from behind him. Chrysalis’s forehooves wrapped around his neck as she rested her head against the back of his neck.

“Good morning.” He said in a whisper.

“Good morning to you to.” She responded. “That’s a lovely view.”

“Yeah I thought so too.” He said turning around to face her. “You know whats more lovely than that?”

"What?" She asked.

"Seeing your face every morning." Sombra said kissing her.

Chrysalis let out a laugh. "Good gracious you can be so corny sometimes."

"So what if I am? Can't one be a little corny from time to time." Sombra smiled.

"If only your subjects could hear there fearsome prince talk like a school colt writing a love letter to his crush." Chrysalis laughed.

"So where do you want to-"

A knock came at the door interrupting him.

"Who on earth could that be?" Chrysalis asked.

"I dont know, wait here." Sombra said getting up from the bed.

He went over to the door and flung it open to reveal a royal guard standing there.

"Can I help you?" Sombra asked.

"Sir, Sombra is it?" The guard asked.

"Yes that is me what do you want?" Sombra asked again.

"Forgive me I hoped I haven't disturbed you from slumber." He said taking a bow.

Sombra was a little annoyed but he kept himself in check. "No its no problem at all but may I ask why you are here?"

"I have been sent by princess Celestia herself good sir." The guard said.

Sombra frowned for he really didn't want to stay in Canterlot any longer than he had to. "Oh and what does the princess want from me?"

"She has requested that you and your guest have lunch with her today in the posh garden around the hour of three." The guard said nodding,

"But I have other plans already in place." Sombra said glancing back at Chrysalis.

"Sorry thats all that I was to tell you. Also I am to deliver a response to her so what is your response to this invitation?" The guard asked.

"Give me one sec." Sombra said closing the door.

Chrysalis looked at him with great curiosity. "Well that was certainly strange."

"Indeed I thought I told her we would be leaving today." Sombra said rushing over to the window to peer outside.

"So whats the plan?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra turned around and sat on the bed. "I don't know I mean, yeah its nice of her to invite us and all but I thought we would do something different thats all."

Chrysalis scooted closer curling up against him. "You know we could just stop by and all. I mean how long would a lunch take anyway."

Sombra looked at her and smiled. "So you're saying that we should go huh?"

"I don't see why not." She said.

"All right, wait right here." He said getting up and headed for the door.

The guard was still standing there just as before not moving an inch.

"Tell Princess Celestia that we would be honored to join her for lunch." Sombra said with a smile.

The guard bowed his head and trotted down the hall away from Sombra's sight. Returning to Chrysalis he began feeling a sense of pride begging to take over him. His gaze was begging to worry Chrysalis for he was not saying a word.

"Um, hello Sombra you still there?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra snapped back into the real world. "What? Oh, yes well we should begin getting ready to go soon shouldn't we?"

"Why we got a good while before lunch time. We should go out for a walk or something." She said.

Sombra smiled. "Sure lets."

The two strolled around the cities blocks during the early morning watching as the royal city was slowly waking up. Sombra was a little worried about going with Chrysalis to lunch with Celestia. He worried if Celestia would start questioning the changelings origins and that was something Sombra didn't want to happen. Chrysalis started to slow down a bit as the pair came to a square. Sombra continued to walk forward until he noticed that she wasn't beside him. Turning around he saw that she was puzzled about this part of the city.

"Hey, everything alright?" Sombra asked.

"Yeah, its just that this place seems familiar but yet I don't remember ever being here you know?" She said.

Sombra looked around and quickly knew why this sudden confusion clouded her mind. It was the block that was supposed to have the old mine shaft that he planned to help the circus creatures escape. He forgot that she was fading in and out during that time.

"Well I am sure it will come to you later, come now we should make our way to the palace." He said.

The two soon reached the palace which stated to shine in the early day sun. Sombra was approached by the same guard who came to their room. He quickly lead them through the palace and back into where the place opened up to the gardens. Sombra never had been in the famous Canterlot gardens but he was quite impressed from what he saw. They finally came to a small clearing where a table had been fitted for eating and both princesses where already there waiting for their guest.

Celestia spotted the pair and smiled. "Was wondering when you would show up."

"Like the old saying goes. 'Always show up when you feel like'." Sombra pulling a chair out for Chrysalis.

Sombra watched as Celestia eyes begging to study Chrysalis from head to hoof. From what he could tell she seemed to not recognize her. Which if that was the case he could care what would happen next. He quickly took his seat and soon an awkward silence fell over the table. Sombra began breaking out in a sweat.

"So, Chrysalis is it?" Celestia said breaking the silence. "Tell me what part from the empire dose your family hail from?"

Chrysalis smiled. "My father was born in the southern fields of gimstone and my mother was born in the capital itself. That is where I also was born."

Sombra couldn't help but smirked as he saw the expression on Celestia's face. It was a look of disappoint of being foiled of a plan.

"We hear the fields of the empire are quite majestic in the summer months." Luna said much more causally than Celestia.

"Oh if only I could described it in words. Its like looking over a sea of glass just as the late afternoon sun starts to set. Father would always take us every opportunity he could." Chrysalis said.

Sombra didn't know if he should feel grateful that Chrysalis was able to create such a vivid story or scared that she was able to so quickly. Earthier way he wanted her to keep talking.

"Well that sounds marvelous, so what do your parents do for a living. Just thought we would ask." Luna said.

Chrysalis's expression changed a little to a sad state. "My father used to be a general in the crystal army while mother was one of the local doctors"

"Was?" Luna asked.

"Forgive for its not proper table talk but my parents are no longer around." Chrysalis said in a low tone.

"Oh, we are so sorry for asking." Luna.

"No its alright it happen awhile ago. 'Weather the trees lose their leaves or the ground dries up, life still moves on'." Chrysalis said.

Sombra didn't recognized what the quote was from but he could tell it sparked Celestia's interest.

"You're a fan of Sir Rindlim?" Celestia asked.

"Oh yes I have read all his plays and major works but never have I seen them preformed. My favorite one has to be the 'The cold winter's grasp'." Chrysalis said smoothly.

"Really thats my favorite too." Celestia said.

Sombra was begging to ease up a bit at this spark in conversation.

"Hey I tell you what, our theater company here is putting on a production soon of 'winter's grasp'. Would you care to see it tomorrow night?" Celestia asked.

"Why, that would be lovely. I mean if its okay with you Sombra?" Chrysalis said.

Sombra could tell that she really wanted to see the play. Deep down he knew that it probably wasn't the greatest idea but then again crystal empire never had a theater company. So he smiled and nodded his head.

"Sure why not." He said.

"Splendid I will have seats arranged for us, and now I believe lunch is being served." Celestia said.

Lunch went better than Sombra could hope to imagine. Celestia and Chrysalis went on and on about different works by different artist. It was very relaxing to see them engaging in this type of conversation. He also tried to included Luna into the conversation but from what he could tell she wasn't into the theatrics like Celestia was. Once lunch was over Celestia had to go off and take care of certain things leaving them to do what they pleased. Chrysalis insisted on walking through the garden and Sombra agreed. During they're walk Chrysalis soon wondered off without Sombra noticing. It wasn't until he turned fully around to see she wasn't there.

"Chrysalis" He called out.

He began to worry, for he didn't know who else could be walking in the garden. He trotted down a short ways until he came to a clearing where there was a small fountain. Seeing no trace of here he was about to leave until he caught a glimpse of somepony. As he approached he could see that it was Luna. She was causally sitting by the fountain gazing into the water.

"Um, hello." Sombra said.

She quickly jolted and turned to look at him. "Oh, sorry you startled us."

"Forgive me I didn't mean to intrude but have you by chance seen Chrysalis?"" Sombra asked.

"Sorry but we haven't seen her around, did you lose her?" She asked.

Sombra walked over to her. "Unfortunately yes, I know this may seem odd but do you always talk like that?"

"Excuse us?" Luna said.

"Like that, I mean using the 'royal we' I can understand for royal events but you seem to use it all the time." Sombra said.

"We always have been taught that once in the face of other royalty we should speak this way. Unless given permission other wise." Luna said.

"Well whenever you're around me you don't have to use it." Sombra said.

"Thank you." Luna said.

"So I hear that you are raising the night now. Thats got to be exciting." Sombra said.

Luna gave a sarcastic smile. "Yeah its neat and all but its nothing like calling up the day. With the sun blazing and just overall waking everything up just seems so grand."

Sombra tried to think of something else to say to spark a conversation but nothing was coming to his mind. Luna seemed alienated and proceeded to go back to what she was thinking about. He slowly made his way out of the clearing and back into the almost maze like garden. It was quite for most of the time there but he was soon begging to fear that he may not find Chrysalis. Deep down he knew that would be impossible for she had to be somewhere here. Finally he heard something near by. Poking his head around a corner hoping to find Chrysalis he was instead greeted by the site of two random ponies, one a mare and one a colt. From what he could tell they were a couple with both having the same silver coat and almost identical with manes. The mare gave the stallion a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and moved on digging deeper into the garden. He came around the corner and was greeted by a force that knocked him off his hooves.

"Oh, I so sorry I didn't mean to knock you over sir." A sweet young voice said.

Sombra rubbed his hoof. "Its alright I should have-" He stopped in mid sentence when he looked up. Maybe it was just his imagination but he was staring at the same mare he had just seen not to long ago. "Weren't you just over there?" he asked.

"Excuse me sir?" She asked.

Sombra looked around in confusion. "Its nothing sorry again for running into you and all." he said getting up.

"Well sorry once again to you to, good day." She said trotting of in the opposite direction.

He stood there for a second trying to understand if he was seeing right. "Come on now Sombra your mind is playing tricks on you." he said to himself.

After awhile he could admit that he was lost. He deiced it was best to start wondering in circles hoping to find Chrysalis somehow. Leaning against a bush he began dozing off a bit.

"Sombra." Chrysalis voice said.

Sombra jolted and turned to see her standing there.

"Where in Equestria have you been?" Sombra said.

"Me, where on earth did you go?" she said in response.

"I turned around and you weren't there." Sombra stuttered.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Sorry about that but I though you were behind me the whole time. Anyway its getting late we should make our way out of here don't you think?"

"Yeah lets I am growing quite tired of this place." He said.

The two eventually got out of the garden as the sun was begging its natural descent. Before leaving the area Sombra caught a glimpse of the couple he had seen in the garden. Except the scene was much different now, the colt laid against a bush appearing to be suffering form complete exhausted. The mare was kneeling down asking if he was alright. Sombra wanted to stop to see if he could be any assistance but he decided not to interfere with their business. Heading outside the palace grounds Chrysalis suggested that they find some place to eat for dinner. He didn't pay attention to the place she pointed out but once inside he didn't argue about the food. Overall it was good but to much of his surprise Chrysalis didn't eat that much. The look on her face seemed she had eaten an entire feast with just only having one small plate. Sombra didn't know what to think about it so he decided not to question it. Waking up the next day he jolted from the bed gazing around the room.

"Finally you decided to wake up." Chrysalis said leaning against the bathing room door.

Sombra rubbed sleep from his eyes. "What do you mean finally?"

"Its almost seven o'clock at night dear. I tried waking you up but you wouldn't budge." Chrysalis said.

"Really? What did you do all day." Sombra asked.

"Not much, after awhile when I couldn't wake you I decided to take a walk around the town." Chrysalis.

This both alarmed and concerned Sombra. A million and one scenarios began running through his head.

"Oh, also Celestia was in the one of the squares while I was out. She and I had a nice little lunch at this cafe in this wonderful campy part of town. Now please hurry up we got less than an hour before the play starts." Chrysalis said.

Sombra sat there not knowing what to say. Shaking off his awkwardness of sitting there he shrugged his shoulder and began getting ready to go. After a good solid half hour he and Chrysalis headed out to the theater. Upon arriving they were greeted by a guard who escorted them through the theater to a secluded part of theater. Soon they were greeted by Celestia.

"Sombra, Chrysalis I am glad you both could make it." She said.

"Evening Celestia, is it just the three of us here tonight?" Sombra asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately Luna doesn't share my love for plays. So Chrysalis you excited for tonights production?" She asked.

"Very, I think my hooves are shaking a bit." Chrysalis said with a smile.

"Well come on and take a seat the show will start very soon." Celestia said.

The play was a spectacle to behold of course Sombra couldn't follow the plot to save his life. During the duration of the play Chrysalis and Celestia kept whispering about the actors and the scenes in progress. Sombra's mind began wondering off half way through it and soon it was over. Walking out of the theater Chrysalis and Celestia went on and on about it.

"That was just wonderful Celestia thank you for inviting us." Chrysalis said.

"Anytime, say in a couple of months a troupe is coming to preform 'A midnight's love' you should definitely come." Celestia said.

"We shall see but I think for now me and Sombra are ready to go home." Chrysalis said.

Celestia frowned a little. "Aw so soon?"

"Well I got a kingdom to run and now so do you and you're sister." Sombra said.

"Well if I don't catch you both tommorow I wish you a safe journey back to the empire. And may I just say that it was an absolute pleasure meeting you Chrysalis." Celestia said.

"Likewise to you to." Chrysalis said.

"I have to go now as well I hope I see you both very soon." Celestia walking off.

Sombra watched as the princesses walked off into the direction of the place. Returning to their room Sombra laid his head against the head board of the bed.

"Something wrong Sombra?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra looked at her. "Just a head ache thats all."

She kissed on the forehead right below the horn. "There better?" She smiled.

"Better." He smiled.

A Solution?

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The rain hammered down on the roof of the carriage causing Sombra to sir from his deep sleep. Peeping out the small window he could see that they had made it to the northern fields close to the empire. It was dark outside thanks to the storm but apart from that he could tell that it was well into the evening. Chrysalis also soon awoke from her sleep also.

“My it is really coming down out there isn’t it?” She said.

“Indeed, I haven’t seen the sky so black ever in my life.” Sombra said.

“Any idea where we are?” Chrysalis asked curling herself up next to him.

Sombra turned to her. “No clue but we should be nearing the capital soon. I mean we left around nine and its has been well over eight hours.”

The carriage came to a screeching stop throwing the pair forward crashing into the opposite wall.

“What in Equestria’s name was that?” Sombra growled angrily. “I will be right back.” He said heading for the door.
Stepping outside the rain swept him away like a rag doll pounding him without mercy. “Why did we stop?!?” He shouted above the rain.

“Sir!” Sam’s voice called.

The butler came into view with a lantern so that he could pierce the wall of water.

“Sam what on earth are you doing here?” Sombra said moving forward.

“What do you mean your only twenty minuets away.” Sam said looking at him then realizing the rain must have blinded his site.

“What I mean was why are you all the way out here, couldn’t stand not having me around for three days?” Sombra said with a smile.

“Ha, well sir I am very glad your back and all I wanted was to make sure you came back in one piece thats all.” The butler said.

"You just can't admit that you missed me." Sombra said jokingly.

Sam rolled his eyes. "The only thing I will miss is all the paper work I have done over the last couple of days. Now come on and lets get a move on Dr. Vig has something he wants to try out

"Where is he now and what on earth does he want to 'try out'." Sombra asked.

“At the palace, Vig has been studying cures for your condition. It hasn't been casuing you great deals of pain since you been gone has it?” Sam said going inside the carriage.

Sombra dove right after him, he was filled with both fear and hope.

The carriage was ordered to start moving and soon they began making they’re way through the rain.

“Yes sir Vig has been hard at work.” Sam said. “He thinks whatever he has concocted will eliminate you're illness.”

"What are you going on about Sam?" Chrysalis asked cutting in.

Sombra froze and stared at the confused changeling.“I cant believe I forgot to tell her all about how dangerous my pains truly are." he thought to himself. "Chrysalis I haven't telling you everything thats been going on with me lately." He said slowly. "The pains that have been plaguing me are much more severe than I could ever imagine."

"I thought they were nothing to worry about." Chrysalis said growing anxious.

"Thats what I thought to but Sam found a doctor who said otherwise." Sombra said grasping Chrysalis's hooves. "What I am about to say sounds scary but this doctor says he will be able to stop it in time."

"What do you mean in time? In time for what?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra let out a sigh. "Vig says that I should be dead and he doesn't know how I am currently alive right now."

"What!" Chrysalis said.

"But its okay cause Vig is going to fix me." Sombra said trying to soften his previous statement.

This proved to be useless as the changeling's body gave way and was thrown into a state of uncontrollable shaking. Chrysalis was soon crying and Sombra tried wrapping his hooves around her. He didn't really know what to say to her. She started mumbling something between her tries but all he could make out was 'sorry'.

"Chrysalis please everything is going to be fine. I am never going to leave you, understand?" Sombra asked trying to calm her down. "Chrysalis please look at me." She looked up, her eyes filled with tears. "Look I was hoping to have this all sorted out before letting you know but I was going to tell you eventually. Right now I am just as scared and frightened as you are but I need you to be strong. Can you do that for me?" Sombra asked.

She stared to speak "But you could...."

"Don't think that way, I am not going anywhere. We are going to get through this together." Sombra said.

She gave him a weak smile letting him know that she was hoping for the best.

"Apologies sir I forgot that she wasn't supposes to know of the situation." Sam said in a low voice.

"Sam its alright I was going to have to tell her anyway." Sombra said. He pecked Chrysalis on the forehead near her horn. "Its going to be alright."

The carriage came to a stop, Sam opened the door and lead the pair to the palace. Sombra was greeted by the shower of rain that fell from the heavens but was quickly inside the warm corridors of the palace.

“Where is Vig?” Sombra said entering through the door.

“Oh hello and welcome back sir.” A servant said with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah glad to be back where is Vig?” He repeated.

“Doctor Vig is in the old study sir.”

Sombra quickly walked away from the servant and began climbing the stairs to the old room where his father use to hold council. He made sure not to leave Sam or Chrysalis behind despite they're lack of speed. Bursting into the room he clearly disturbed the doctor in mid thought.

"Vig I have returned!” Sombra shouted.

The doctor took out a heavy black box and set it on the table. He motioned Sombra to come over to look inside. Sombra hurried over and Vig started to open the box as Sam and Chrysalis entered the room.

"Ah, my prince you have returned finally. Good thing to cause I am pretty sure I got some solutions that might just work." Vig said with a smile.

“Might work?” Sombra responded.

“The solutions. You know the answers that will cure you of you're pain” The doctor said sarcastically.

“Yes I know what you mean but have you tested any of them yet?” The prince said while making a move forward only to be cut off by Vig.

“Well sir nothing has been officially tested on any live organism.” Vig said.

"But you said that you had solutions that may just work." Sombra said with a frown.

“Yes sir but I would highly advice that we don't try anything until morning. Also you must be very tired from your trip.” Vig said biting his hoof.

“Vig, I need you to at least try something tonight, please. I cant keep living like this, is there anything or something minor you could try? Can you at least tell me you can preform some sort of magic spell just to get me through the night." Sombra asked,

The doctor stood still for a second. "Well there is something small I could do."

"Anything will be fine." Sombra said.

Vig paced around Sombra. "It would give me some practice. My lord, tomorrow I want to try a highly controversial procedure that many of my fellow doctors would brush off as mere wizardry. This 'surgery' is nothing more than a spell that will, hopefully show me what the source is of your illness and cure it. Now I don't clam to be a wizard so I think I should try to at least to attempt the spell firstly if you are willing."

"Yes anything just go right ahead." Sombra said.

Chrysalis came up from behind and placed her hoof on his shoulder. "Dear, are you sure this is safe? I mean what if something happens to you?"

"Chrysalis, if this could help cure me by tomorrow I don't care if its unsafe. As long as it work I will take the risks that comes with it." Sombra said.

Chrysalis retreated to Sam's side as Vig took out a heavy leather bound book. He began searching through pages until he came to a spot where he obviously marked the spot.

"Okay, so this is just a small test run nothing major until tomorrow. If I mess up you may have me exiled or if any physical harm is done upon your body I will not protest execution." Vig said in a low voice.

Sombra smiled. "You have no fear of any of those things, now proceeded with our test run."

Vig walked forward so that he could stand in front of Sombra. Reaching within a pocket he pulled out an amulet with the figure of a unicorn on it. It was red, red like a ruby and from what Sombra could tell the rest was silver. The doctor began humming a strange chant and soon the room began growing dim for some unnatural reason. Sombra began growing afraid but he was determined to tuff it out. Vig's eyes began to grow red and soon an aura began forming on his forehead. It was strange, for the aura began taking the form of a horn in the middle of the pegasus's forehead. With flash of his 'horn' Sombra felt the energy of the spell begging to take its affect on him. It was a glorious feeling; so much relief he had never experienced was now flowing through him. Feeding off the energy Vig began focusing on the spell. His horn grew brighter and stronger as he said aloud the ancient spell. Soon he held back his head and finished the spell blinding Sombra with a red aura. The jolt of energy surged through Sombra's body knocking him out cold.

Fire, it was a fire he could from what he could tell. Sombra woke to find that he was sitting in his from room but it seemed different. The colors where all gone and now the once great throne room was black. This didn't bother him as much as the smell that was invading his nose. It was the smell of all kinds of things being thrown onto a great fire. Glancing at the window Sombra forced it open to reveal the entire empire engulfed in flames.

"What, what has happen. Somepony tell what is going on!" He shouted.

Soon flames climb up the palace and engulfed the throne room leaving Sombra in a pit of fire.

“Is he going to be okay?” a voice murmured.

“He will be just fine Mrs. Chrysalis. I don’t know why his body had acted so oddly to the spell.” Vig's distinct voice ran through the darkness.

“Do you think the spell even worked?” Another voice asked.

“I don’t know that was a pretty high level spell I preformed. Anyway it couldn’t do any harm to him, we just have to wait until he wakes up.” Vig said.

Sombra’s eyes slowly opened to blinding light and soon a blurry Chrysalis absorbed his vision.

“Hey you.” Sombra said with a smile.

Chrysalis clench Sombra tightly. “Thank goodness, thank goodness, don’t you ever do something like that again!”

“Don’t worry I don’t think I will need that again.” Sombra said sitting up. “What time is it?” he asked Sam.

“Nine o’clock sir.” The butler said.

“At night?” Sombra asked.

“No you passed out and stayed that way until nine o’clock in the morning the yesterday after the day you came back.” Sam said shaking his head.

“My was I really out that long?” Sombra asked tugging Chrysalis away so he could get up.

“Yes sir you were, slept like a baby. How do you feel Sombra?” Vig said cutting in.

Sombra rolled his hooves around in amazement. “Incredible, I haven’t felt this great since I was a young colt.”

“So it seems the test run worked. But to be safe please we have already prepared for the main event” Vig said.

Sombra flopped back down on the bed with no question. He then noticed that he was in a hospital room instead of his palace. Vig placed his hoof near Sombra’s heart and began making mental notes.

“Well your heart sounds fine that’s a good start but as far as I can tell I think you’re ready for the full treatment.” Vig said stepping back.

"Ready for anything doc." Sombra said with a smile.

“Um dear, you sure you're ready for this so soon.?You did just wake up from being knocked out by the spell mr. Vig is about to use again.” Chrysalis said.

Sombra let out a chuckle. "Don't worry Chrysalis I am sure Vig has adjusted to the spell by now."

Vig stumbled a little at these words. "Um sure whatever you say sir. Everything is already been prepared and all the necessary precautions have been prepared for. Everything is ready to go whenever you are ready.”

“Excellent, I want to proceed immediately.” Sombra said holding his hoof up.

The bed was propped up a bit as a pair of nurses rolled in a transportable medical table. Soon he was wheeled down the hall and soon into the a large open medical room.

“Sunshine, will you be a dear and please close the curtains.” Vig said escorting Chrysalis to an empty chair then taking his by the table. “Sam do you wish to step out, I know you are not to found of any medical operations.”

"I think I will be fine Momir thank you for asking though." The butler said.

Chrysalis stood up and cautiously made her way to Sombra's side. "You sure you want to go through with this?"

Sombra gave a encouraging smile to let her now that he was still going through with it.

“All right lets get started. Last night was just a bit of what I have to preform today so that is why I have found a way to amplify the amulet I will be using. So before we start let me just say a few things. If any part of this operation you feel is hurting you just say the word and I will stop.” Vig said.

"Gotcha." Sombra said.

"Now my prince I need you to take a deep breath and close your eyes." Said Vig.

Sombra closed his eyes awaiting for the doctor to act.

Vig started saying the spell out loud and very slowly, building up to the proper exaction. Sombra took a peaked at what was going on. Vig's strange amulet was glowing with a great red light and soon it began crackling with aura. The doctor kept repeated the phrases over and over until he fired a shot of magic at Sombra. Sombra let out a cry of pain as the magic course through his body eventually resting in his chest.

"Phase one done. Going into phase two." Vig said out loud.

Sombra was hit with another jolt of magic causing him to grind his teeth. This was one of the most painful things he had ever experienced in his life. All the pain he had been feeling was nothing compared to this. After phase two Vig kept announcing phase right after another sending a constant stream of spells. Each one caused more pain than the last almost sending Sombra into unconsciousness. Once phase fifteen was over Sombra began fading out into darkness. He looked over to see Chrysalis clenching her seat watching with anxiety on her face. With that Sombra closed his eyes and let himself go.

The sound of a heart beat soon filled his ears. Opening his eyes he saw that he was back in his throne but it was all black and grim. He quickly sniffed the air, the smell of fire wasn't in the air but he kept hearing a constant heart beat. Looking down on the ground he saw a heart. This heart was made entirely made of crystals as far as he could. It glowed with a light blue glow and it seemed to invite him to grab it. Grabbing it Sombra held it up and looked into its shiny center. At first it seemed that it was any other rock but then something caught his eye. A figure appeared inside the heart. It was a unicorn but its horn was distorted, it had an odd red tent to it seemed almost unnatural. It eyes matched Sombra's red one but instead of the rest being white it was green. It's coat was black as night and it's mane matched. Sombra stared at it until the unicorn locked eyes with him. He couldn't explain but this pony filled him with fear and despair. Its eyes began illuminating a strange purple aura.

"Sombra." It called out in a deep voice.

Sombra dropped the heart upon hearing his name. The heart began violently shaking shooting out a purplish black aura all over the room.

"Sombra we are one" The voice called out again.

"Go away, leave me alone whatever you are." Sombra yelled.

A bright light began filling his vision

"Where am I now?" he said to himself.

Sitting up he found himself resting in his bed. Then it struck him, he felt perfectly fine. No pain, aches, or sore spots all of it was gone. He sat there for a second waiting to see if the pains where to return. After a good ten minutes he leaped out of bed and bounded to the door. Throwing it open he galloped down the hall and stormed the stairs with great speed. It was early into the night so hopefully everypony wasn't asleep yet. Heading to his throne room he opened the door to find it almost empty except for a few servants cleaning it up.

"Hello sir is something the matter?" one asked.

Sombra looked around. "No but I do have a request for a few things."

"Yes sir anything." The servant said.

"Fetch me Chrysalis and Doctor Vig at once." Sombra ordered.

The servant rushed out of the room as he took his spot on the throne. He was grateful that his pains where gone but these 'dreams' he had frightened him more. He knew that it was probably his paranoia but both dreams occurred right after Vig preformed the healing spell. Could the two have a connection?

"Sombra!" Chrysalis voice called out. The changeling rushed up to him. "Sweetie shouldn't you be in bed resting?"

"I am fine Chrysalis, I feel one hundred percent better already." Sombra smiled.

"You mean it actually worked?" Chrysalis asked.

"Yes as far as I can tell but I want to hear it form Vig first." Sombra said."Chrysalis I am sorry for not telling you early but I didn't want you to think that I was going away."

"Its oaky Sombra I understand." Chrysalis said curling up next to him. "Next time tell me when you are being threatened with a life ending condition."

"I promise." Sombra said.

As soon as the words escaped his mouth the doctor appeared at the door.

"You summoned me sir?" Vig asked.

Sombra stood up and walked over to Vig. "Yes I actually wanted to ask you something?"

"Well sir you should be in bed resting I mean lord knows what that spell did to you." Vig started.

Sombra reinserted himself. "Vig the spell worked but I need to ask you some questions."

"It did? Wow I can't believe it actually.....I mean well I knew it would according to my notes. Oh, questions why yes fire away." The pegasus said.

"I had two odd dreams after being exposed to the spell. They were almost nightmarish, is there anyway that the spells could have caused me to create these?" Sombra asked.

The doctor shook his head. "I don't know sir. These spells where created by the wizard Dregstar so there is no telling what all they have hidden in them. If you are continued to be trouble by these dreams just let me know. But I think it was just your body's way of dealing with stress." The doctor said.

Sombra lowered his head. "Thank you, you are dismissed."

"Good night my prince." Vig said walking away.

"Chrysalis." Sombra said.

"Yes dear?" Chrysalis asked.

"Come, I am very tired and don't think I have the energy to get to my room on my own. I know its not proper but could you help me up?" Sombra asked.

Chrysalis kissed him on the cheek. "Sombra I am always here to help you." she said in a sweet voice.

Sombra closed his eyes, letting sleep over take him. Before drifting off the same deep voice from his nightmare entered his head.

"Sombra." it called.

A Dark Presence

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Sombra felt himself inside of a dream. Instead of something he had experienced in life or a scene entirely of his creation, he was in a empty dark place.

"Sombra." The voice called out again.

"Who's there?" Sombra called out.

A laughter crackled around him sending chills up his spine. A pair of eyes peered out from the darkness staring directly at him. Sombra froze for it was the same eyes that he had seen in his earlier nightmare belonging to that strange unicorn. Soon the figure stepped out into full view. The unicorn stood tall and pround, its eyes stayed fixed to Sombra.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Sombra shouted at it.

"Want? We don't want anything but whats best for us." The unicorn spoke.

Sombra shook his head. "Who's us though and whats best for you?"

The unicorn laughed while lifting its head back.

"Answer me!" Sombra ordered.

This caused the unicorn to violently snap its head back to glaring at him.

"I can smell your fear Sombra but don't worry I am not here to hurt you." It said.

"Then what are you here for?" Sombra asked.

"We don't want anything but whats best for us." The unicorn repeated.

Sombra became angry. "What does that mean? Tell me!"

The unicorn growled and took a crouching position.

"What are you doing?" Sombra asked.

The pony leaped at Sombra in a violent manner.

"NO!" Sombra screamed

He felt a something nudging at him. "Sombra? Sombra wake up." Chrysalis voice called.

The young prince opened his eyes and immediately sat up. "Where? Where am I? Where did he go?"

"Where did who go?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra looked around to see that he was back inside his bedroom. His breathing was heavy and he tried to calm himself.

"Sombra whats wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra looked at her. "Yeah I am fine. Just....its nothing, just a bad dream."

"Is it something you want to talk about?" she asked.

Sombra laid back down, his heading hitting the pillow. "I don't know how to."

Chrysalis curled up beside him. "Well tell me what the dream was about."

He swallowed. "I saw this unicorn."

"A unicorn? Was it somepony you use to know?" She asked.

"No, I never had met this pony before but he seemed familiar though." Sombra began. "It was as if....."

"As if what love?" Chrysalis asked.

"Its late Lis and I am really tired. I'll tell you the rest in the morning." He said.

Chrysalis sighed. "Okay." She said while resting her head near his cheek. "Don't worry I will make sure no more nightmares come to haunt you tonight." She kissing him.

Sombra smiled and started to fall asleep. For awhile he rested, feeling the warmth from Chrysalis gave him comfort. Just as he was about to drift off he felt a slight ache started in his hoof. It soon traveled up his shoulder and then began spreading in his chest.

A knock on his door interrupted his sleep and he slowly rolled out of his bed. The sun had barley begun to makes its great climb into the sky by the time he made it to the door. He flung it open to reveal Sam.

"Sam, you better have a good reason for waking me up this early." Sombra said sleepily.

"Sorry Sir but I got a disturbing message from one of our southern forts near Vole valley. A group of traveling business ponies where attacked by a strange creature. Reports from the survivors said that whatever it was that attacked them turned their carts into jello pudding. Then proceeded to make their tools come to life." The butler said with a strait face.

Sombra stared blankly at him. "Sam I don't want to be awoken again by such nonsense. Now if you would please go and tend about your duties."

"Sir one of the ponies claimed that this thing called itself 'Discord'." The butler said.

Sombra rubbed the center of his head where his horn began protruding. "Great, so you're telling me that the most sought after thing in Equestria is right in our backyard."

"Correct my liege." Sam said.

"Alert the colts, I want the capital on high alert. Go now, oh and have Mils and Shara meet me in my dressing room in five minuets with my armor ready." Sombra said.

"Right away sir." Sam said galloping down the hall.

Sombra went back inside his room and quickly snagged his crown. He went over to the mirror to look at his chest. Whatever the pain he felt the night before was gone. Smiling he went over and stood above the spot where Chrysalis rested. Kneeling his head down he kissed her on the cheek.

She instantly shot up knocking him square in the noise. "Whose there?" She asked. Seeing Somrba wheeled back made her get up and rush over to him. "Oh, Sombra I am so sorry."

"No its alright just caught me off guard you did." He said.

"Why do you have your crown on? Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

Sombra shook his head. "Just got to make an exception on one of the southern forts thats all. Didn't want to wake you but that didn't work."

"Sorry about that. Do you need anything before you go?" She asked.

"Yeah, I need you to go back to sleep so that you want fall over later today." Sombra said.

Chrysalis laughed. "Be careful out there."

Sombra gave her a kiss and was out the door. He stormed in his dressing room where the two servants had all the pieces of his armor laid out. It was fast work getting the armor on but he hated how much it weighed him down. He entered the courtyard to find his top generals waiting for him.

"Gentlecolts any reason why you are out here?" He asked.

"Yes sir, Sam put the royal guard and all local forces on alert. We just came to make sure nothing gets near the palace." General Oakpath said.

"Good, very good, now I am going to head to Vole valley now and I am going to investigate this incident. Anypony care to join me?" Sombra asked.

"Get a chariot ready and seven squads of stallions ready now!" A general barked.

Soon shortly the small armed caravan was off and racing towards the southern valley. Sombra sat in his chariot watching the natural landscape pass him by. After a solid hour he began to see the walls of the old fort that stood on the southern slope. The fort was one of the oldest parts of the empire. Built way before the years of the crystal palace. It stood as a symbol of surviving the times. The mighty gate crackled as he arrived at the entrance. With his colts in formation he stepped down and touched the ground of courtyard.

"My lord we are most gladd to see you today." A warrior said.

"Where are they?" Sombra asked.

"Ah, you mean the ponies who where attacked. Right this way."

Sombra was lead deeper into the stony building.

"Now the only ones that can talk right now are two small ones, a mare who's scared out of her mind, and a blind stallion." The guard spoke.

They came to a room where the door was locked shut. Once the door was open Sombra stepped inside.

"Leaves us." He ordered.

The door slammed shut and he turned his attention to the occupants of the room. A pair of small young ponies stared at him with great admiration in their eyes. Both had pale brown coats and each had a different shad of yellow type manes The mare, having the same coat but a black mane, stopped dead cold with her mouth hanging open. In the corner sat an old stallion, his color faded beyond years of exposure to sunlight.

"Hello." Sombra said in a comforting voice.

One of the small ponies slowly walked up to him. "Are you Mr. Sombra?" He asked.

"Yes I am, I understand that you had quite the experience. Can you tell me about it?" Sombra asked.

"Its not good for a young one to speak of such things." The stallion said.

"Father, this is the ruler of the empire." The mare snapped.

"Its alright, if it is not good for a young one to speak why not an elder." Sombra said walking up to him.

"Ah, you see I may not be able to see but my senses give me much more than sight. This creature that attacked my family and the others was of a dark nature. He enjoyed watching us falling into chaos. Almost delighting in the fact that my son in law was injured when trying to take control of the situation. We good sir are but simple ponies and haven't done anything to anypony to deserve such a brutish attack. Now from what the other told me, this creature was not a pony but something unworldly. Me being able to gain that much was able to drive the creature off." He told.

"Forgive me old friend but how did you manage that?" Sombra asked.

"Magic. I use to be a great student in the arts of wizardry. Well until one day I grew impatient and ended up blinding myself. But I was able to fend off whatever this thing was and I was able to keep us safe until a group of guards found us." The old pony spoke. "Let me tell you one thing good sir. Being familiar with magic I could tell that this thing was using powerful dark magic. Nothing I have experienced before in my life." He finished.

Sombra nodded. "Thank you for your story. I wish to have all you friends and family transported to the capital for treatment. Now I must be off."

"Wait." The old one spoke. "There is something else."

"What?" Sombra asked.

"You're in pain right now aren't you?" He asked.

"No." Sombra answered.

The old pony chuckled. "Maybe you don't feel it right now but I do. I also feel a spell trying to cover it up. Almost like a way to relieve you of this pain."

Sombra froze, how on earth could this pony know about Vig's spell.

"Trust me I can sense it. I also can sense the darkness within you pain." He said.

"Father thats enough you don't want to freak him out." The mare interrupted.

"No its okay, what do you mean you can sense the darkness?" Sombra asked.

The old colt stood off his seat. "There is something that is eating away at you. Something dark, something that you haven't been able to get rid of through normal means. It starts off small but then grows larger usually settling right in you chest." He said while poking Sombra square in the middle of his armor.

With that a slight pain rushed through Sombra's chest causing him to cry out.

"Father what did you do!" The mare said while rushing over to Sombra.

"What do you know? Tell me!" Sombra ordered. "How do you know all about the spell and my illness?"

"I can feel it sir." The old colt said. "There is a presence that is close to you, that is causing you this pain. It is infecting you with dark magic. Whatever it is its going to end you if you don't stop it."

"How can I stop it if I don't know what it even is?" Sombra asked.

"Luckily, I know what it is." The colt said.

Sombra waited for the old one to spit it out. "Well?" He said growing impatient.

"I saw this a while ago deep in the southern lands. A colt was greatly tired all the time and was completely drained of energy. Turns out he had been afflicted by a strange creature called.....oh what was its name again." The old colt rubbed his head. "That wasn't it, no it couldn't be that something else. Anyway the creature was naturally gifted with a cruel trait. For in its antonymy it found a way to feed off his emotions. All while being hidden right underneath his very nose but there is something that I am forgetting. How......"

"What? What is that you are forgetting. The creature was able to remain hidden? How? Please you have to remember." Sombra pleaded.

"Forgive but my mind is old and I can recall everything perfectly but I do know this. You are royalty yes? So you must be an alicorn correct." The old colt asked.

Sombra blushed. "Um, sure you can say that."

"Then you are more in danger than. For you see a regular host is just drained with energy but one who is born with magical potential is even more variable to it. You are not the first magical pony I have came across that has had this affliction but thankfully I know a way to find the creature." The old colt smiled.

"Really how?" Sombra said hopefully.

"There is a herb in my bag that with the proper spell can lift all the magic from your body. An addition it will lead you strait to the creature where ever it may be hiding." He said.

"Fantastic, can you perform the spell needed?" Sombra asked.

"I am afraid that my magic skills have long since faded. My powers would do me more harm than you good." The colt said. "But have no fear I have it somewhere around here." He said grabbing his bag. "Ah here it is." He said pulling a slick black leather book out. "In here you will find what is required under the section of healing and it should be the third one."

Sombra grabbed the book and instantly felt something move inside of him. "I don't know if fate brought you before me but I will be forever grateful for this. If this works." Sombra said under his breath. "You shall all be transported over to the capital immediately and I am sorry for you loses."

Sombra quickly resurfaced and was loaded up in his chariot. In no time he was back at the capital. Upon arriving he requested and audience with Vig. He took to have a small lunch in the great dinning room. He remind undisturbed until his ears caught the door opening.

"You wanted to see me Sir?" Vig asked stepping in. "Everything all right?"

"No, unfortunately not." Sombra said.

Vig grew nervous. "Sir please, I am sorry if the spell has had any repercussions on your body. I didn't mean for any of it, you understand right?"

"Vig calm down, you're not in trouble. But while we are on the topic, yes your spell didn't quite work out the way we hoped it would." Sombra said smoothly. "Today I encountered a colt, who may have been sent by the heavens for all I know. He has a gift for magic you see and he was able to tell me how to fix my problem."

"Really well what is it?" Vig asked.

"Well my problem isn't a sickness, its a creature. A parasite from what he described, feeding off the host using natural cruel magic." Sombra said.

"My, I have heard of such beasts but never have I actually any studied them. That would explain why the spell didn't work." Vig pondered.

"Know anypony who could help us understand more about this certain creature?" Sombra asked.

"Well that depends, did this colt give you a name, it would help narrow down a the list." Vig said.

Sombra shook his head. "Unfortunately no, but he did give me something else."

"What?" Vig asked.

"A way to find this creature while removing its dark magic from me." Sombra said reaching into a slit of his armor to reveal the bag of herbs. "Here and also this book has a section in it. There will be a spell that you will use on me to expose this beast wherever it may be."

"Um sir last time I tried a spell on you where out cold. Are you sure this thing is safe and for that matter how do you know this colt was telling you the truth?" Vig protest.

"Vig just do it." Sombra said tossing both things to him.

Vig hesitantly flipped through the book until he came to the spot where the pages where folded. Taking the herbs he sprinkled them in front of Sombra. At first they did nothing but soon they began to glow. While Vig read aloud the herbs slowly started climbing up Sombra's hooves and started to seep into his skin. It was a strange sensation but whatever this was Sombra could tell that it was working, really working. The odd thing was though that was it, no sound of a creature dying or anything just silence.

"Well that was odd." Vig said.

"What?" Sombra asked.

"This book it seems familiar to me, like I have seen it somewhere before but I cant remember where." Vig said.

"Well whatever it is its useless cause I don't see any creature anywhere do you?" Sombra asked with harsh tone.

Vig looked at him as if had seen a ghost. "I am sorry Sir."

Sombra's rage suddenly bursted through his chest, couldn't control himself.

"All you have done, all your 'help' has not done me any good. It took a random colt who I just met this morning to ease my pain than it took you with all your 'research'. A doctor you call yourself yet you rely on petty magic to do your work. NOW GET WHOEVER IT IS THAT KNOWS ABOUT ANY CREATURES THAT MACTH THE DESCRIPTION, NOW GO!!!!" Sombra shouted at the doctor.

Vig stood there with his ears folded back in fear. ""

"GO NOW!" Sombra screamed slamming his hoof into the table.

The doctor scrambled from the room in a great panic. As soon as he left a knocked followed.

"Sir is everything alright?" Sam said entering.

Sombra's eyes began filling with uncontrollable rage.

"No, nothing is alright you idiotic fool." Sombra growled.

Sam stopped in his tracks. "Sir?"

"All my life you have served me yet you despise me don't you?" Sombra hissed.

"Sir I never have cursed you or your name. Now tell me whats come over you." Sam asked keeping his distance. The butler stood several feet away for Sombra had a wild look in his eyes. "Sir are you're eyes alight? There is something green in the right one."

Sombra wiped his eye, seeing nothing he grew annoyed. "Don't try and change the subject."

Sam stood there in fear not knowing what to say. "Sir are you feeling alright?"

"Never been better, why?" Sombra hissed. He paused for a moment. "You know what Sam I do need to relieve myself of some stress actually."

The butler lossen up a bit. "Sure what did you have in mind?"

Sombra smiled cruelly. "I think its about time that I deal with our, guest down in the dungeon."

"You mean those dreadful circus colts sir?" Sam said with a frown.

"Yes, I feel the need to take my anger out on something." Sombra said walking out of the room. " I am going to my throne room. Be there with them within the hour and make sure nopony is in there when they arrive."

"Yes sir." The butler said hanging his head.

Chrysalis trotted down the great corridor looking for Sombra, she began worrying for she hadn't heard from him in a while. She poked her head into Sombra's council room and was sad to see nopony there.

"Chrysalis." A voice called out.

Turning around she saw Doctor Vig coming right for her.

"Oh, hello doctor Vig, is something wrong?" Chrysalis.

"Nothing, nothing at all but may I talked to you for a minute." Vig said.

"Sure." Chrysalis.

"Chrysalis do you remember anything from your early days? Like your parents, family, friends or anything like that?" Vig asked.

"Um, not really." Chrysalis said. "Vig may I ask why you are asking me this?"

Vig smiled. "Just trying to get to know you better, so do you know much about what you are?"

Chrysalis began to grow nervous. "You mean what I am? You mean like creature wise?"

"Yes." Vig.

"Mr. Vig that is highly inappropriate to ask of me and I don't know why you need to know something like that." Chrysalis said.

"Please I don't mean to come off like that I am just as you know, a colt of study and was just wondering. I hope I haven't upset you." Vig pleaded.

Chrysalis was tempted to walk away but she restrained herself. "Mr. Vig, I am what they call a changeling but that is all I know so I hope whatever it is you wanted was given to you." She said walking off.

Chrysalis was disturbed by the encounter but she quickly made her way to the throne room. Upon arriving she saw that Sam was standing by the door.

"Afternoon Sam." She said.

"Sorry ma'am but Sombra has asked that nopony disturbed him right now." He said with dread in his voice.

A cry came out from the behind the door. Chrysalis pulled at the ring forcing the door open.

"Mrs. Chrysalis don't." Sam cried out.

The scene before her shocked her to her very soul. Sombra stood above a colt while a bunch of others sitting on the floors. He looked up when Chrysalis entered. One of the colts laid on the ground, blood was gushing

"Sombra what are you doing?" She said rushing over to him.

Sombra let out a laugh. "Just getting my frustrations out."

"By hitting a defenseless pony." Chrysalis said kneeling down to the broken colt.

Sombra smiled. "Why don't you take another look at that defenseless colt."

Chrysalis cradled the head of the colt and lifted his head up. She couldn't see what Sombra meant because of the blood that gushed from the colts nose.

"Please make him stop." He whispered.

"Yes tell him that you will make me stop, tell Sir Griswald, the leader of the ever-changing circus. Give the colt who made your life a living hell that, that you will grant him mercy." Sombra said.

Chrysalis sat there in horror as she held the the colt in her hooves.

"What are you talking about I have never seen this pony in my entire life. How on earth could I make her life a living hell?" Griswald pleated.

"Its you." Chrysalis said.

"What?" The scared colt asked.

"You, you treated me like an animal. You beat me, scared me, and made me hate almost everypony that I ever had met. You are a monster." She said begging to cry.

Griswald stared at her until the suddenly realization came across his face. "Oh god its you."

Chrysalis stood up and turned to Sombra. "Why, why did you bring them here, why, why, why?" She cried.

Sombra felt something inside of him move. It was odd he felt like he was being drawn to Chrysalis.

"Chrysalis I, I feel like." He stopped.

Chrysalis stormed out of the room before he could finish. He stood there, his head becoming cloudy with thoughts.

"Chrysalis...." He said.

He began galloping after her only to fall and hit the floor. "Sam! Get in here now!"

Sombra breathed heavily, he didn't know how but he couldn't remember anything that just happen. It was as if he had just had a blackout and couldn't remember anything.

"What? What just happen?" Sombra said. holding his head.

Brother Mezzo

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The carriage jolted sending the princess into the side door almost knocking it open.

"Uh, for the last time, why is this road so bumpy." She demanded.

The prince looked out the window enjoying the view of his home land. He obviously wasn't paying much attention to his wife. Catching a glimpse of the crystal castle he felt a sudden sense of pride for it looked just as he had alway remembered. His wife noticed this and quickly looked out the window also.

"That castle you grew up in, its such a site isn't?" She asked. "It seems so small compared to the one we live in now though. Seems no changes have been made since the last time we where here."

"I know, still it is my home and I always get the same warm fuzzy feeling whenever I see it. Beside I am glad that it is unchanged, it keeps it from becoming tacky." He said. "Though I wish I could remove that stupid patio on the top. I would of thought he would have gotten rid of it too."

"Well thats what happens when you let your him rule instead of the rightful heigh." She said sarcastically.

"Hey stop that he's my brother, and he was born before i was so he is the rightful heigh." He responded.

"But he's not your full flesh and blood brother so why do you still defend him? He isn't even fully royal blood like you are, I mean you're an alicorn for goodness sakes." She pleaded. "You need to take whats rightfully yours."

"Enough, father gave the crown to Sombra because he was the first born of our family making him the ruler of the empire. Besides if it wasn't for Sombra being named the heigh I would have never went over seas. Think of that, think if I never had met you." He said.

The princess sighed. "I know but it still bothers me that you were robbed of something so grand as being the ruler of the crystal empire."

"I wasn't robbed by Sombra." He repeated.

"Oh thats not what I meant, I know full well Sombra didn't mean anything like that to happen. I was speaking of your father." She said in a tone that had a hint of disgust.

"My father was one of the greatest kings of the crystal empire, it is true that in is time he did some things that weren't honorable." He said bitting his lips.

"Hmh, I am surprise your mother didn't just throw him out after that." She said looking in the other direction.

Before he could answer a small yawn interrupted him. "We will discuss this later." He said. Turning to his side he gazed down at the young filly. "Look whose finally awake."

"Where are we?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"You're in daddies homeland, the crystal empire." He smiled.

She hoped on him trying to look out the window. "Really? Wow is that the palace you grew up in daddy?"

"Indeed it is, when I was your age I would use to run up and down the halls hours without end." He smiled. "Now I need to discuss something with you." He said.

"Yes daddy what is it?" She asked curiously.

"When we go in you're going to meet somepony very special do you know who?" He asked. She shook her head. "He is very important for you see he is the ruler of this place."

"Wow you mean like a prince, like you?" She asked.

"Yes like me. He is very kind and also very shy so don't ask him a great deal of questions. When we meet him he will tell you his name and you will responded with?" He smiled.

"Hello sir my name is princess Octet." She said with a bowing motion. "Like that daddy?"

"Yes very good but I need to tell you one more thing." He said.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you know how I know him?" He asked as if playing a game.

"No, wait I know did you use to be friends before you came over the seas?" She asked hoping she was right.

"Close but even better. You see the ruler of this place is my brother." He said in a low whisper.

"Your brother?" She asked.

"Yes and likewise he is your uncle." He said.

"Wow, I never knew I had an uncle whats his name?" She asked getting excited.

"His name is Sombra." He said.

"Thats an odd name isn't it?" She asked.

"Octet that is very rude, one does not judge the name given by their parents." His wife said.

"Yes mother." She said.

"She's right you know." She said so that he could hear her.

He gave her a look to cut it out. "Now once we arrive we are going to be escorted to meet him in his throne room hopefully." He said turning his attention back to his daughter.

"But father on other visits the hosts usually greet us in the courtyards." Octet said.

"Ah yes but there is something special about our visit. He doesn't know we are even coming." He smiled.

She let out a gasp of excitement. "You mean we're gonna surprise him?" She asked.

"Yes we are." he said with a smile.

"Now Mezzo are you sure your brother is going to be okay with all this?" His wife asked him.

"I dont see why he wouldn't be, why?" He asked.

"It nothing its just that you always said that he took after your father very closely." She said.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" Mezzo asked.

"Its nothing but you know how your father was when is came to surprises. I just didn't know if Sombra had they same attitude." She said nodding off.

"It will be fine, its going to be fun wait and see." He said giving his daughter a smile.

Sombra laid in his throne not moving a muscle. He let the now cold air cling to his body not making any objections at all.

"Get me out of this armor." Sombra ordered to his servants. The two quickly began tearing apart the pieces of armor that encased their leader. "Sam, I need some water I suddenly don't feel so good." The butler filled a cup and brought it to him. "Thank you Sam, also what did I do today?"

The butler stared wide eyed at him. "What do you mean sir?"

"What happen, how did I get here." Sombra asked.

"You mean you don't remember talking to me in the dining hall earlier?" Sam asked.

Sombra shook his head. "Nope, what did I say."

Sam stood there not knowing what to say. "You said some very nasty things about me sir."

"Sam I am, I am sorry if I said anything hurtful, you must know that I wouldn't mean anything like that in nature to you." Sombra said growing worried.

Sam smiled. "I know."

Sombra puzzeled for a bit while a servant removed his hoof guards. "What else did I do my right hoof is sort of sore?"

The butler frowned. "You gave the ordered to have the prisoners brought in here so that you could......beat on them."

"I did what? Sam you must be joking." Sombra said. "Wait....that would explain why I saw Chrysalis leaving."

"Sir may I also add that you had a wild look about you. Your eyes had an odd line of green in them. At first I though is was something that got caught but you wiped away at it and it stayed." Sam said.

"Green?" Sombra shivered. "What else did I have....."

A knock on the door interrupted him before he could finish. The door open to reveal a servant with a worried look on his face.

"Hello sir, I know the guards were put on alert so I had to inform you that an unexpected chariot has arrived in the courtyard." She said.

Sombra tried popping out of the neck piece but to no avail. "Well tell them to see who it is." He remarked."

The servant had a look of stupidly that came across its face for not doing that. The pony quickly darted out of the room.

"Sam come get this blasted neck piece off please." Sombra asked.

Sam quickly came over and stood above, looking over him. "Alright sir on the count of three. One, two three." The butler pulled with all his might at the hinges on the back of the armor.

Sombra nodded his head forward so that he could give Sam some slack. The peice began coming undone

Sam quickly started to grow red in the face from pressure "Who on earth designed this thing? Oh, thats right, I did."

Sombra used all his strength to force open the piece. This sent Sam flying to the floor face down. The piece flung off and slide to the wall.

"There feel better?" Sam asked still with his face on the ground.

"Yes." Sombra laughed as he helped the butler up.

Sam smiled but then something caught his eye. "Um sir you have a bit of a smug on your neck. Right there." He said pointing to his own neck.

Sombra rubbed the spot. "Did I get it?"

"No it still there, here." Sam said grabbing a cloth and spitting in it.

Sombra took the cloth and rubbed as hard as he could. "There now?"

Sam shook his head.

"Will somepony grab me a mirror." Sombra said.

A servant came galloping in with a small mirror. Sombra took it and looked at the spot. It had a gray shade to it, whatever it was. As he looked closer he could see that it was covering the hairs of his coat. This wasn't any smug at all, something stained his coat.

"Huh thats odd, oh well I get it fixed in the morning." Sombra said. "Now where was I?"

The servant from before reentered the room. "Lord Sombra, the occupants of the carriage claim to be your brother and his family."

"What!" Sombra said.

He exited out of the room and headed down to the courtyard. Opening the door he was greeted by a familiar voice.

"Sombra!" His brother called out.

The alicorn quickly came up and embraced him in a hug.

"Long time no see huh?" He said.

Sombra stared blankly at him. His brother stood there with a smile as big as ever. Mezzo always made him feel bad about himself. He always served as a reminder.

"Mezzo, I didn't know you where coming." Sombra said.

"Well I figured that since I missed out on the festival that I could make it up to you. You don't mind do you?" Mezzo asked.

"No, no its fine just would like to have had a heads up first thats all." Sombra said.

"Great, oh and I brought my wife along if thats okay too." He said turning around. "Oh and Sombra you got something on below your ear there."

Sombra shook his head. He rubbed the spot where his brother said it was. "No I don't."

"Yes you do right there." Mezzo said poking Sombra's fur. "It like all gray and stuff. Same as that one on your neck."

Sombra felt the spot on his neck.

Mezzo went off to the carriage and returned with a little alicorn. She had a pink coat with a bright yellow mane. Also coming forth was his wife matching the small one almost identically.

"Sombra, I hope you remembered my wife." Mezzo said.

Sombra gridded his teeth. "Oh yes the lovely Gavotte its been awhile."

She said nothing to him.

Mezzo chuckled nervously. "Oh and this is my daughter." He said scooting the small alicorn towards him.

Sombra smiled. "Hello there, and who are you."

She stood tall and pround. "Hello sir my name is princess Octet."

"My a princess you say, that very impressive." Sombra said.

She returned his smile. "Thank you sir."

"Now Sombra if you don't mind we are quite famished from our trip and we are in need of some food." Mezzo said.

"Sure I will have something prepared shortly. Also I will have some rooms arranged for you as well." Sombra said leading them into the palace.

"Mr. Sombra is it true that you are the ruler of this place?" Octet asked.

Sombra smiled. "Yes it is my job to rule over the crystal empire."

"Wow, the whole empire thats incredible. So do you live here all by yourself?" She asked.

Gavotte let out a chuckle.

Sombra smiled. "No I have plenty of company here, I have Sam, my subjects, and then there is Chrysalis."

"Who is she?" Octet asked.

"Yes I two must ask that question as well." Mezzo said.

Sombra let out a chuckle "All in good time. But for now lets eat."

The brothers sat down at the table. Sombra ordered for some food to be giving to his guest. Gavotte sat in silence the whole time while Mezzo went on and on about the happens outside Equestria. Sombra was quite enjoying this and he was gladly answering any questions Octet was throwing at him.

"So Sombra, I am very sorry for missing the festival this year for you know the oceans can be unkind to travel." Mezzo said while taking a sip of water.

"I understand, it was wonderful by the way." Sombra said.

"Why do you have a stain on your neck?" Gavotte interrupted.

"Gev please." Mezzo said trying to hush her.

"Did you say something Gavotte? Its perfectly alright if you joined our conversation for once." Sombra remarked.

Mezzo had a look of panic come across his face as the two glared at each other.

Gavotte smirked. "Yes I did say something, I was wondering why you had an ugly grey stain on your neck there."

"I really don't know why its there, I was removing my armor and it suddenly appeared." Sombra said trying to control his tongue.

"That wouldn't be the first time something suddenly appeared in this household." She remarked.

"Sam!" Sombra called. The butler appeared before him. "Would you be so kindly and escort madam Octet out of the room for a minute."

"Go with the pony Tet." Mezzo said.

"Yes father." The princess said.

Sombra watched and made sure that the two had exited the room before he let his words start forming. The door's lock crackled as it locked in place.

"Madam Gavotte is there something you would like to speak to me about." Sombra said calmly.

Her face grew red. "As a matter a fact there is-"

"Listen here now, you gave me this little speech before you know." Sombra said interrupting. "I remember each hurtful word that you said. So no I don't care for what you have to say, again. Nor will allow you to ramble on about it. I was only asking out of politeness."

Gavotte stood up from her seat. "You see here now-"

Sombra matched her actions. "See what? All I see is a conniving little brat who does nothing but insults a pony who has done her no wrong and never had anything against her, until now. I see a pony who would dare insult me on the day of my father's own funeral. A day where everything seemed broken and made worsen by your presence. So what am I suppose to see?"

Gavotte's face burned with anger. "You are not even a alicorn." She said while grinding her teeth.

"And there it is!" Sombra said throwing his hooves up and taking his seat. "Please do go on about everything else thats wrong with me."

"You are not truly royalty, you are not even fit to share the same bloodline as Mezzo. Yet you are the prince and future king here in this gorgeous kingdom. It should be Mezzo who is the ruler of this house, not you. You stole it from him." She said.

"Yes Gavotte you're right. I somehow was able to orchestrate 'robbing Mezzo' before I was even born. I was the mastermind behind it all, I purposely was born to ruin his life. So yes blame me for another ponies actions, we all know thats what your family is good at." Sombra said.

"Both of you stop it right now!" Mezzo said.

The two looked at him, obviously they had ignored his presence during their argument.

"Now Gavotte sit down and hold your tongue. Sombra hush you mouth when it comes to something you don't know fully of." Mezzo said clearly being upset by the two. "I came here not to try and stir anything up but to see my brother. Can't I just ask for you two not to be at each other's throats while we are here?"

Sombra looked down at the floor. He stood back up quickly. "Mrs. Gavotte, I am sorry for what I said. It was out of line and uncalled for."

"Apology accepted." She said looking out the window.

"Honey, is there anything you would like to say?" Mezzo asked.

She stared off for a couple of seconds. "No, nothing at all."

Mezzo let out a sigh of frustration.

Sombra was not having any of it. "Dearest brother, I will return shortly and hopefully we can talk without being uncivilized." He said while heading to the door. "Your room should be ready by now." He said before exiting out of the room.

As the door close Sombra turned around and punched it hard. He was about to say something until he noticed Sam standing by the door. Looking down he saw Octet staring at him.

"Something wrong Mr. Sombra?" She asked.

Sombra let out a sigh of relief and kneeled down to her level. "No just frustrated thats all. Also Octet you don't have to call me 'Mr.' Sombra."

"But thats how I always address ponies unless they are a mare, then it 'Mrs.'." She said shyly.

"Yes and that is a good habit to have but you see I am your uncle. So just call me that okay?" He said.

She smiled. "Yes uncle Sombra."

"Thats better now if you would excuse me I have to go and find somepony." He said.

"Okay." She said.

Sombra went up the stairs towards his cambers. He tried calming himself down from the moment he just had. It was working but once he got to his room his heart began racing up again. Pushing the door open he found the room empty.

"Hello?" He whispered. He he saw a figure laying on the bed. "Chrysalis?"

She was curled up with the blankets shielding her from the darkness. Sombra came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Chrysalis I...I dont know what to say right now." He began. "I feel like I should have told you about them being held here. I was so mad at him for what he did to you I just wanted to him to suffer as much. Except that was the end of it, today I didn't know what came over me today but I lost control over my anger." She said nothing as he went on. "Look you probably are frightened and upset with me right now but I hope you understand that I am truly sorry for putting you through something like that."

She quickly shot up glaring at him. "Why though Sombra? Why would you bring him here? You know what the colt did to me and you knew somehow it would only upset me?" She said breaking into tears.

"Chrysalis I was wasn't thinking about that I was only thinking about getting back at him. Please, I am sorry." Sombra said trying to comfort her.

He waited for her to stop crying.

"You should have just told me." She said.

"I know I should have and I was a fool for not. Can you forgive me?" He asked.

She let out a sigh. "Yes I forgive you but don't ever do anything like this again you understand me? I mean to."

"I understand and again I apologize. Now would you like to meet somepony special?" Sombra asked.

"Who?" She responded.

"Well-" Sombra stopped when he heard a knock on the door. "Enter."

Sam stood in the door way. "Excuse me sir Mr. Mezzo and the rest of your guests have retreated into their rooms for the evening and wish not to be disturbed."

"Thank you Sam that actually gave me some time." Sombra said.

"Time for what?" Chrysalis asked.

"Time for me to warn you about one of the guest." Sombra remarked.

"Oh okay?" Chrysalis said looking at something. "Um Sombra dear you have a something on your neck and something running along down your side there."

"My side?" Sombra said looking down.

He lifted his forehoof to see a grey stain patch, sitting down where his ribs where. First his neck, than behind his ear, and now this? Whats next he thought, maybe his whole body will just turn this color.

Two Brothers

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Sombra twitched as the cold gel touched his body.

"Sorry about that. It should match your body temperature soon." His groomer said.

"So how is it looking so far?" Sombra asked holding his hoof up to observe the spot that had appeared on his side.

The groomer stepped back to observe his work. "Looks good, all the places I found are now covered and you're coat is one color again."

"Thanks, by the way can you tell me the source of the spots or are they just unexplainable?" Sombra asked.

"From what I observed they appear to be just simple pigments. Nothing life treating or related to any know skin diseases. These kinds of spots could usually be results of stress or lack of sleep." He said.

"Come on, my parts on my coat didn't turn partial grey just because I am not getting enough sleep." Sombra said.

The groomer closed his eyes as if to think. "Then honestly sir I would say it would have been magic that brought them." He said sarcastically.

Sombra stared at him for a second then a thought came to him. "You may be right."

"Um sir I was only joking." He said confused.

Sombra quickly rushed out of the room. His eyes darted from place to place looking for Vig. He entered the main hall where he spotted the doctor talking to another pony standing by a huge wooden box. Sombra made his way towards him.

"Vig." Sombra called out.

The doctor jumped at the sound of his voice. "Yes...yes sir?"

"Vig I need to ask you something about." He was stopped when a loud thud sound came from the box. "What on earth was that?" Sombra asked.

The doctor began shaking. "Um, its part of my research now what was it you wanted to ask me?"

Sombra stared for a second at the box wondering if it was going to make another sound. What on earth could be in there? His mind quickly returned to the task at hand.

"Oh thats right, Vig is it possible that the spell that I asked you to preform the other day some how affect my body?" Sombra asked.

"You mean like emotionally." Vig said as if hinting towards something.

"No more of a physical effect is what I was wondering, like could it change my coat or mane to a different color?" Sombra asked.

"Well sir to be honest I don't have much knowledge on the book you gave me but I have friend who is currently studying it. He should be able to tell me all about it soon. May ask why you are concerned? Did something happen to your body?" Vig asked growing worried.

"No, just curious thats all. Well I must be off hope everything goes well with your....research." Sombra said walking away.

He was disappointed that Vig didn't have the answer for his question but as long as he was alive he didn't care. For now he was more focused on his unexpected guest. Deep down he was happy to once again to see his brother but on the other hoof he had to deal with Gavotte. Sombra tried to keep his anger about her not to cloud his mind but it was so hard. Since the first time his brother brought her over from his first trip she annoyed him. Coming into a hallway he glanced down to see his brother walking towards him.

"Brother." Mezzo called.

Sombra smiled. "Good morning to you to."

"Ah yes good morning to you too." Mezzo said. "Say Sombra do you have a minute?"

"Of course I do what you need?" Sombra asked.

"I was wondering if you would join me on a walk around the town. Its been good seeing home and all but I want to get out there you know?" Mezzo said.

Sombra smiled. "Sure why not its always good to get fresh air."

The two brother made their way out of the palace and where soon in the open air of the city.

"It feels good to be back here, no matter where I go I always will hold this place close to my heart." Mezzo said gazing around.

Sombra smiled. "Yeah it something isn't it?"

"Um hey Sombra?" Mezzo asked.

"Yes?" Sombra responded.

"Look about yesterday I didn't know that Gav was going to talk like that again. I told her multiple times not to but she keeps on ignoring me. I know that she doesn't mean what she says sometimes and I hope it didn't bother you too much." Mezzo said.

"Of course it didn't bother me." Sombra said.

"Oh really? Because it seemed to bother a great deal yesterday." Mezzo said jokingly.

"I will admit that my temper got a little carried away but I didn't say anything to harsh did I?" Sombra asked.

"Eh nothing compared to what she said to me afterwards." The alicorn said.

Sombra let out a chuckle. "Apologies for anything I said that helped fueled her anger."

Mezzo shared his chuckle "Nah its all good. Nothing a little time away from her won't solve. Thats why she off seeing somepony she claims she knows in the city. Frankly I think she just needed to let off some steam." The two passed the an open part of the city where the festival where held. "Say I heard from several ponies that the festival this year was quite the spectacle."

"That would be an understatement dear brother. It was quite marvelous" Sombra said proudly.

"Really now? An understatement? Surely your dancing wasn't that much of a marvelous sight to see." Mezzo said. "My only regret is not seeing that" He said with laugh

Sombra stood still for a minute as Mezzo walked forward.

"Oh come one I was only joking. "His brother said turning around.

Sombra face showed anger.

Mezzo began growing worried. "Sombra I was only kidding. From what I heard it was quite excellent, in fact the best ever."

Sombra just glared at his brother.

"Please say something." His brother asked.

Sombra face melted quickly back to his cheerful self. "Got you going for a second didn't I?"

Mezzo sighed a sigh of relief. "Goodness I though you actually were upset at me."

"Its all good and just to let you know it was best performance ever." Sombra said with a smile.

"I also heard that this Chrysalis was also spectacular. May I ask who she is?" Mezzo asked.

"You promise you wont laugh when I tell you?" Sombra asked.

"Why would I?" Mezzo asked confused.

"Cause to me she is the most beautiful and graceful creatures to ever grace this earth." Sombra said.

Mezzo was stunned. "Um, I meant like where does she come from and who she as in position,family, ancestry."

"Does all that really matter?" Sombra asked.

"No not really but when I asked some of the servants acted strange. Like they seemed a little hostile to the subject. Now the only thing that could do that is if she came from any family from the north. You know how father always disliked the northern tribes." Mezzo said.

Sombra said nothing but grew a smile.

Mezzo shook his head in disbelief "Oh Sombra, please don't tell me she is one of those ponies."

"Maybe." Sombra teased.

"At least tell me she isn't a member of the Arkland family." Mezzo went on.

"Who knows." Sombra said knowing what was coming next.

Mezzo flapped his wings in frustration "Sombra out off the ponies in the empire why on earth did you go after a mare that is a part of the family that wanted nothing but the failure of our father. I mean you know how he felt about them. All our lives they yelled horrible insults and accusations at us then you turn around fall in love with one of them."

"Mez calm down for a second. She isn't a daughter of the arklands nor is she from the northern side. In fact she isn't from the empire at all. I met her awhile ago in Canterlot during one of their ridiculous parties." Sombra said trying to calm his brother down.

"Don't ever lead me on like that again bro." Mezzo said letting out a deep breath. "I honestly thought you where being serious, deep down I had a feeling you were joking."

"Sorry but it was almost to easy to do." Sombra smirked.

"Anyway when do I get to meet her?" Mezzo asked.

"Probably when we get back and that is one of the things I actually wanted to talked to you about." Sombra said.

"Which is?" Mezzo said.

"You see Chrysalis has a very....interesting appearance. Now she is isn't like any pony you have seen and I bet you never seen anything like her on your travels." Sombra said.

"Come now she cant be anything that exotic now can she?" Mezzo asked.

Sombra nodded. "I am afraid I can't really described it you will just have to wait till we get back. Also one more thing, Gav."

"What about her?" Mezzo asked.

"I guarantee you that she will have plenty to say about her once she sees her." Sombra said.

"I'll try the best I can but no promises." Mezzo said. "Now shall we be getting back now?"

Sombra shrugged. "Sure."

The two of them went down the street heading back to the direction of the palace. Upon entering Sombra had Sam fetch Chrysalis and instruct her to meet in the throne room.

"Now Sombra word has also reached my ears about the troubles of Equestria these days?" Mezzo said taking a seat.

"Yes, for most of the part the trouble has stayed out of the empire until recently." Sombra said.

Mezzo rubbed his hoof. "Now this is going only on rumors but ponies are saying that its just one creature thats causing all the ruckus. It shouldn't be that hard to deal with one creature should it?"

Sombra turned his head to look out the window. "One would think so but from what I head this creature is nothing like anything from this world."

His brother was about to say something until the door began crackling open. Sombra got up quickly and went to it. Sticking his head out he was meet with Chrysalis's face.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey you need me for something?" She asked.

"Yes I wanted you to meet somepony." He said opening the door.

The changeling stood there until he escorted her to the alicorn sitting in the chair. Mezzo stared at her not knowing what to think of her. It wasn't until Sombra made a gesture to signal him to stand up.

"Chrysalis this is my brother Mezzo. Mezzo this is the one and only Chrysalis." Sombra said.

"Its a pleasure to finally meet you." Chrysalis said in a bowing motion.

Mezzo stood still not know what words to use. "Pleasure to meet you as well Mrs. Chrysalis." He finally managed to say.

"Chrysalis, Mezzo heard how wonderful our performance was during the summer festival." Sombra said trying to keep the introduction going.

"Oh it wasn't that much of a big deal." Chrysalis said trying to blow it off.

"No I heard that its was quite the spectacle to see. Never have I heard ponies so excited over a dance thats been performed for over hundreds of years." Mezzo said.

Sombra smiled and began stepping back so that the two could hold their own conversation. He could tell Mezzo was having trouble comprehending what he was talking to but it seemed to be going well.

"So I couldn't help but noticed that you are an alicorn. Your wings look so majestic " Chrysalis said.

"Thank you so much, I also noticed that you have wings yourself." Mezzo said.

"Well they are not quite as nice as the ones you have obviously." Chrysalis said.

Mezzo tried to think of something."May I ask Chrysalis on how you have come to know my brother? Not that it matters but I enjoy those types of stories."

Chrysalis went on about some event that never truly happened but as far as Sombra could tell Mezzo wasn't paying attention. He seemed to be studying Chrysalis, probably trying to determine what she was. He kept nodding and was occasionally exchanging glances with Sombra. Sombra knew that he wanted to talk to him alone about her.

"And so you have." Chrysalis finished

"Well always glad to hear how others have met. Now if you would excuse me I have to go find my dearest wife." Mezzo said scooting towards the door.

"I can't wait to meet her as well, Sombra told me all about her." Chrysalis said.

Mezzo looked at Sombra. "Am sure he did, well see you both very soon."

The alicorn went out of the room leaving the two alone.

"He seemed very nice." Chrysalis said.

Sombra let out a chuckle. " I am was surprised myself actually."

"Oh?" Chrysalis.

"Its just that I am sure he didn't expect you coming through that door. He usually is so up front about things. I am surprise he didn't start asking you a thousand questions." Sombra said.

Chrysalis was about to say something until a servant came running in.

"Message for you sir, nothing urgent just needed your approval on something." She said.

"What is it that needs my approval?" Sombra asked.

"Its well, um I have to show you, it would only take a second." She said.

Sombra turned to Chrysalis. "Be right back."

The servant lead Sombra down the hall. Turning a corner he was met with his brothers face.

"Am sorry sir but he demanded to have a word with you." The servant said.

"Go." Sombra ordred.

The servant scattered away as fast as she could.

"Now Mezzo." Sombra began.

"Sombra I don't meant to come off as being rude but what on earth is that. I have seen things that would make your hairs stand up but never have I seen such a fascinating pony before." Mezzo said with wonderment in his eyes.

"Wait so you are not disgusted by her appearance?" Sombra asked.

"By all means no, it just took me by surprise thats all. I mean is she a mix between a pony and something else? Where did she come from would be the proper thing to ask first." Mezzo said.

Sombra looked around. "You really want to know don't you?"

Mezzo nodded his head.

"Well promise me that you will keep this a secret but she isn't a pony." Sombra said.

"Then what? She talks like one, looks kind of like one, even has the exact body structure as an average size pony." Mezzo said.

Sombra breathed in. "From what I have gathered she is a creature know as a changeling. And no, before you ask nopony has any information regarding them. I was in Canterlot attending a party after fathers passing is where I first saw her."

"I was going to ask why you went to Canterlot early but may I ask why again? You know how father felt about the ponies of Canterlot." Mezzo said.

"I don't know it seemed like something to do. Anyway while I was there they had this freak show circus come through and I short of took offense to the whole thing." Sombra said.

Mezzo leaned against the wall. "How so?"

"Well I tried breaking out all the creatures that where involved and tried leading them out of the city in the cover of night. Thats how much offense I took." Sombra said nervously.

Mezzo eyes grew big. "You did what?"

"Its what happen." Sombra said.

"Wow, I mean thats pretty nobel and all but couldn't you have gotten in a lot of trouble?" Mezzo asked.

"Luckily we will never have to know that now will we?" Sombra smiled.

Mezzo thought out loud."Still I don't see how this has to do with..." He stopped. "What can see do?"

Sombra was surprised at that question. "What do you mean?"

"She was part of the circus or whatever so that means she had to have some sort of talent. So what can she do?" Mezzo asked.

"To tell the truth I don't know what all she capable of for I have only seen short examples of her powers." Sombra said in a low voice.

Mezzo grew excited. "Powers? Like what?"

"She can sort of becoming almost any pony that she sees." Sombra said. "Like take on their image. Say like you asked her to become you. She would literally become a mirror image of you."

"That's incredible, can she do it on command? Oh, I would love to see such a thing." Mezzo.

Sombra shook his head. "Sadly I would advise you not to ask her to do anything of the sort. I know it may seem hard to understand but I would ask that you respect my request."

Mezzo smiled. "I shall respect it. Now if you excuse me I have to go find Gav and octy."

"Don't be late for dinner. I am having it served a tab bit sooner than usually." Sombra said.

"Gotcha." Mezzo said heading off.

Sombra watched his brother leave the hall until he decided to go back to Chrysalis. Stopping as he was about to open the door he noticed a gray spot on his coat forming around his hoof.

"Really? Might as well get myself one color again." Sombra said in frustration.

The miner stopped before he put his hat back on.

"Hey come on now we got some more work to do." His friends said hopping up from his place of rest.

"Yeah I know but its just that I am sick and tired of staring at this stupid rock all the time. I mean you think we would have given up on this ages ago." He said.

"Well as longs as the empire has royalty there will always be a desire to find it. Now come on lets hammer away at this some more shall we." His friend said handing him his hammer. "Who knows maybe today is the day."

The miner laughed. "You say that about everyday."

The two slide down the side of the huge rock almost touching the water that engulfed the rest of the structure. With the harnesses secured they began slamming their hammers into the side of the mighty stone. The pale blue light gave them sight as they chipped away. After a good while the two stopped and rested only being suspended by the ropes that held them.

"Like I said there is no point in all this. My father dug this mine and his father before him. Either its here or this is got to be one of the greatest jokes in history." The miner said wiping the sweat away from his forehead.

His friend was trying to catch his breath. "Yeah maybe but still we're getting payed to follow a joke as you call it. Could be worse you know?"

"Yeah I know but its just annoying knowing that it couldn't be here at all. Maybe my dad was right, I should have joined the army." The miner said gazing at the rock. "Show me something!" He said slamming his hammer with all his might into the side of the rock.

"Ha, maybe they could have used that determination better on the battlefield than this mine." His friend laugh.

A crackling sound echoed throughout the cavern causing both to be silent.

"You hear that?" His friend whispered.

"Yeah and it didn't sound good." The miner said.

Another crackling sound ripped throughout the air. The two looked up to see that a huge crack had appeared near the top of the rock. It soon began ripping down the side at an alarming rate. Soon the pale rock surface looked liked a spiders web of cracks. Then within an instant pieces fell into the dark water, leveling the rock down almost to the water lever. The miner sat there in shock as almost all of the rock that was above the water was now gone.

"Wow, you must have hit that thing hard huh?" His friend said.

The miner didn't hear the words for something held his gaze. He lowered himself down and swung himself onto the now small island. Walking forward he came to the center.

"Hey buddy what gives? You know you're not suppose to step onto an unsafe structure." His friend called out.

The miner kneeled down and plucked something up from the stone.

"What you got there?" His friend asked.

The pony turned around and held up what looked like a heart made up of the rock. It shined with a light blue aura.

His friend sat there with his mouth opened. "Could it be?"

Heart of Stone

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Sombra sat with a nervous smile across his face. The only sound that echoed in the room was the ringing of his plate being tapped with his hoof. By his side sat Chrysalis who didn't share his nervous state but was enjoying her meal. Sombra glanced at the other side of the table where his brother sat. Mezzo also had the same look as he kept glancing at his wife. She stared at Chrysalis as she ate. The stare was a mix of anger and confusion almost like she couldn't comprehend what she was getting mad at. Then there was little Octet sitting on her father's other side, staring with fascination at Chrysalis. Chrysalis kept seeing this fascination and exchanged a kind smile to her. This was countered by a cold stone glance by Gavotte sending chills down the changelings's spine.

"So Mrs. Chrysalis where is it that you hail from?" Gavotte asked.

Chrysalis gulped. "My family line can be traced as far south as the marsh lands. I fortunately was born just north of here in a small village."

"But you are not a crystal pony are you?" Gavotte countered.

Sombra rolled his eyes. "Gee, how could you not tell just by seeing." He mumbled.

"No ma'am I am not my father was though." Chrysalis managed to say.

"Huh, imagine that another mixture of different kinds of ponies. No wonder Sombra took fancy to her." Gavotte under her breath.

"What was that?" Chrysalis asked.

"Oh just thinking out loud. So your father was a native. Please do tell what was his occupation." Gavotte said.

Chrysalis kept starring into the princesses eyes. They seemed to want to tear her apart without mercy. Sombra began worrying after a few seconds.

She slowly began "He."

"I like you're mane." Octet said interrupting.

Chrysalis jolted at this but quickly regain her composure. "Excuse me?"

"You're mane is pretty and green just like the ocean waters near where I live." The young princess said.

"Why thank you, I must say that I have never seen the ocean but just one time when I was little." Chrysalis said.

"Really just one time? My grandfather's palace rests on a cliff by the ocean so I can see it everyday. Its not as pretty as this palace is though I must admit." Octet said going on.

Sombra loved the reaction on Gavotte's face when her daughter said those words. He didn't know why but deep down he treated it like a small victory.

"Well I am glad you are enjoying your stay so far." Chrysalis said.

Octet sat up straiter."Oh I am. Just today me and mother went to..."

"Octet Sweetie what did I say about our private affairs. We don't discuss things that others weren't there for." Her mom said hushing her.

"Yes ma'am." Octet said.

"So Gavotte I heard your father has rebuild most of the docks that line the coast. Quite the impressive feat after that nasty storm and all." Sombra said.

He could tell that she was shocked since the words were directly at her. It seemed she was trying to process the words since they weren't insults.

"Thank you, he has been working very hard lately." She said looking down at her plate.

"Working a little too hard in my opinion." Mezzo said taking a sip from his cup.

"One can never work to hard only can they stop when the work becomes to hard" Sombra said. "So my brother tells me that this 'rain forest of the south' has flowers that reflect the colors of the rainbow. Is that true?" Sombra asked to Octet.

Octet nodded her head. "They do, mother and I take a couple of them back each time we go there. Except the blues ones though since they only bloom at night. I never seen them myself but mother has"

"I bet they are nothing like the compared to the ones they have in Canterlot. While I was they're they had seas of flowers from all over the world. It was almost madding." Sombra said to her.

"Whats Canterlot?" Octet.

"It's the capital of Equestria almost lying in the direct center of the land." Sombra said.

Sombra noticed the Gavotte had stopped eating and was just sitting there in silence. She seemed to be trying to put together something for she started to move her mouth. Whatever it was she was only keeping it for herself. Octet kept asking question, thankfully Chrysalis was quick to answer them. Soon the hour drew near for everypony to start heading home and attend to their evening affairs. Mezzo and his family went out of the palace while Sombra retreated to his throne room.

"Well what did you think of her?" Sombra asked.

"I hate how she looked at me the whole time. She seemed like she wanted to throw me out or something along those lines." Chrysalis said.

"What gave you that impression?" Sombra said sitting down.

"Its just the glare she had and when that little one was starting to tell what they did today. That tone in her voice was just harsh. I mean your brother seems so nice and gentle how on earth did those two ever fall in love?" Chrysalis said.

Sombra shrugged. "You're asking the wrong pony. I fully don't understand it myself but they seem happy together."

Chrysalis went to the window to see the young cover of night slowly take over the city.

"Seems so very quite out there tonight. I keep feeling like something big is about to happen but I don't know what." She said.

"Oh? What has given you that feeling?" Sombra asked.

She turned to him. "I don't know its just I been all wired up all of the sudden." She said.

Sombra smiled. "You probably just need to get some fresh air." He said getting up from his seat and walking up to her. "Care for a walk?"

"Where to?" She asked.

Sombra stopped to think "How about the hallowed garden by the old fountain."

"But isn't that closed during the evening times?" She asked.

Sombra smirked at her.

"Yeah I just realized what I just said. Come on." She said grabbing him and pulling him to the door.

The two wondered to the part of town where the garden laid hidden from the outside world. Sombra always loved the hallowed garden ever since he first laid eyes on it. Using his magic he unlocked the great iron door that opened to a flight of stairs. He guided Chrysalis and himself by illuminating a small light from his horn. Soon his light was met with a parade of colors from all over, even the ground was giving of a reflection. He couldn't remember the story behind this crystal garden but he knew that it was well around before he was even born. The two came to a chamber where only clear crystals grew so the light from his horn made it seem like the middle to the day.

"Breathtaking isn't?" Sombra said.

Chrysalis just smiled and said nothing. Sombra lead her along the path to another chamber where there was a great number of different colored gems. Each one sent a beam of color only to run into another beam. Sombra stopped in the center so that all the colors could wash over him. Chrysalis stood by his side and rested her head on his shoulder. He felt her breathing which gave him a sense of comfort. He kissed her on the head and leaned his head over hers and the two just sat there for a while. It was almost peaceful until Sombra began feeling something burning on his skin. It was almost like a little scratch but soon it began running up his right foreleg. He soon began to trying to itch the spots secretly but soon that became impossible.

"Is something wrong?" Chrysalis asked.

"Nothing its just that I have this terrible itch crawling along my coat." Sombra said raising his right fore hoof so that his horn could dig into his skin.

"Should we head back?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra frowned a little. "No we can stay if you want."

"No whatever it is thats bothering you is probably something from this cave. Lets go back and see if Vig has anything for it." Chrysalis said in a almost whisper.

Sombra sighed. "Lets go."

The two went back to the palace and Sombra had learn that Vig was not in at the time. He was confused why Vig wasn't in but he was sure that he would be back soon. The itch on his leg was begging to really bother him so he decided to try and wash it off. He scrubbed as hard as he could and soon he felt all irrarataion phase away. Drying off he went to his balcony to enjoy the evening atmosphere Sombra breathed in the night air. It lifted his spirits.

"Well you're all gone now." He chuckled while whipping his hoof dry.

A noise from below caught his attention. Coming towards the palace was a pony who was quite a rush. Sombra was confused at who this was coming at this time of night. The figure moved at a quick pace and was soon dissapreaed underneath his vision. Whoever it was had a great big bag dragging along the ground with them. Sombra waited to see if the pony would reemerge but only silence followed his curiosity. He looked up at the moon which was in full and casting a bright glow over the empire. Turning back to his room he walked in and retreated to his bead.

His right eye burned greatly causing him to clench his teeth. He rubbed it with his hoof but it stilled burned terribly. Sitting up he opened his eyes to meet the early morning sunlight. Except he really couldn't see out of his right eye as if somepony but a green eye patch over it. Scrapping at it he couldn't get it to see any light.

"What is this? Why can't I see anything out of it?" He said.

A stirring sound came from behind him.

Chrysalis came around. "Sombra whats wrong..." She screamed when she was directly in front of him.

"What? Whats wrong?" Sombra asked.

"You're're coat.." She stuttered.

Sombra began panicking. "Get Vig up here now!" He said rushing to his bathing room.

Chyrsalis hurried out the door as he stumbled towards the mirror that hung near his tub. Coming into reaching distance he jumped at the sight that was before him. His eye was completly green, save his natural red iris and pupil. It looked like it was infected by something but surly it couldn't take away his sight? The other thing he noticed that the area around his eye was all grey in fact the area ran down all over one half of his face. It poured down to to his neck almost consuming the entire area then it spread to his chest. There was a small sliver along his hip but it leaked onto both of his hide legs. He turned around to see that his entire back side was almost the same color.

"What happen to me? I can't just hide all of this it would take hours to do." He said cradling his head.

A slight shot of pain shot off in his horn.

"Not that to." He said returning to the mirror.

Upon examining his horn he noticed a small area that been turned to a bright red. This could have been a sign for infection but he had a suspicion that it was related to his current problems. Stepping back he retook in the image that was before him. A unicorn who's coat was mostly grey with splashed of white mostly on his left side. His left eye was as normal only to be mirrored by a hideously looking green eye that now had a small trace of purple begging to come out of the corner. Sombra grew angry and slammed his hoof into the mirror shattering it.

"He's right this was Vig." He head Chrysalis voice say.

"Now, now am sure whatever it is isn't as bad as you made it..." Sombra turned to see Vig standing the the door way. "Oh my." The doctor said stepping back.

Sombra rushed the doctor with full force. "What is all of this? What could have possibly done this to me? Anwser me! Answer me!" he demanded.

"I dont know give me a chance to examine you first." Vig said.

Sombra slumped down. "First the eye." He growled.

The doctor kneeled over him and started to examine his eye. "Dear goodness what did you do?" He asked under his breath.

"I did nothing you idiot. Why on earth would I go out of my way and purposely do something like this?" Sombra hissed.

"Sombra he's just trying to help." Chrysalis said.

Sombra turned his head away a little bit from her. Suddenly Vig pulled out a magnifying glass of some kind and quickly scanned Sombra's neck.

"Finding anything Doc?" Sombra asked.

Vig kept looking until his eyes lit up. Whatever he just saw made him smile not the kind of smile that one gives to a friend but the one in which somepony just won an argument.

"I can't really tell but your coat is now mostly this grey color and the source could be a number of things. Give me about three days and I will probably find something for you." Vig said proudly.

"And what of the eye?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra sensed a sharp and cold look shoot from Vig's eyes as he turned to the changeling.

"The eye is something I can't fully understand right now. Like I said give me some time and I will figure this all out. Until then my advice is that we get his groomers up here to making him look like his old self." Vig said.

"No." Sombra mumbled.

"What was that sir?" Vig asked.

"I said that I don't want any groomers touching me." Sombra growled.

Vig chuckled. "You don't really mean that do you?"

Sombra stood up. "I do, if there is no way of curing me of this than there is no use of hiding it. Ponies will just have to get use to it."

"Sir I would advise you differently." Vig said.

"Get out Vig and hurry with whatever voodoo you have to fix this." Sombra said in a low voice.

"Excuse me?" VIg asked.

"GET OUT NOW!" Sombra yelled at him.

The doctor made his way out in a hurry slamming the door on his way out. Sombra went to his sink and began pumping water so that he could wash his face. It was funny the water almost had no feel as he soaked his face. He paused for a minute and then turned to see Chrysalis still standing there.

"What?" He asked.

She said nothing but looked afraid as his words came out.

"What?" He asked followed with no response. "WHAT IS IT?" He said in a harsh tone.

She whimpered. "Sombra what has gotten into you."

Sombra was about to say something else but he stopped himself. Looking at Chrysalis he could tell he frightened her.

"Chrysalis I, I am not myself anymore." Sombra said in a low whisper. "I know thats not an excuse for me to treat others around me with such a mean spirit but I am frightened. Anger shouldn't be the way to express these feelings but I feel like I have no control over it."

Chrysalis loosen up a bit but still kept her distance from him. Sombra looked a back at the broken mirror before he did anything else. He took in one more glimpse of himself then he walked out passing Chrysalis along the way. He went strait for his door.

"Sombra where are you going?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra opened and closed the door behind him.

"Sombra!" Chrysalis called after him.

He walked down the hall heading for his throne. A servant was walking in the same direction ahead of him and turned around as if he heard the unicorn coming. The servant fell to the floor with a whelp as he saw Sombra. He stared with horror in his eyes as Sombra passed by. Deep down Sombra felt strange for he never had that reaction be given to him. Mentally he tried to be prepared for ponies to be shock but now that he had experienced it maybe it wouldn't be so easy as he thought. This thought continued and increase with each passing pony that he passed. Each other gasp from shock or back away quietly. Sombra grew more and more afraid at this point for he was starting to regret not trying to hide his new condition. Bitting his lip he slowly pushed open the door to the throne room. Before doing this he turned around to see a small crowd of ponies staring at him as if trying to study him. With one breath he threw opened the door so that everypony would know he was there. All his officials stared at him as he sat on the throne. Some looked like they were about to begin a protest with him sitting there until they realized that it was they're prince.

"Well?" Sombra asked.

A servant with a hoovefull of papers just stared at him.

"Any reports for the day?" Sombra asked.

There still no response from the pony.

Sombra became angry. "Can I get a status report on something please?" He shouted.

This caused all the ponies to jolt and shake. Sombra retracted himself and tried to remain calm.

"Sorry about that now has anypony have anything urgent or important for me?" Sombra asked.

The door flew open to reveial Sam coming towards the throne.

"My lord I heard something terrible has befallen you." Sam said stopping and gazing at him.

Sombra shrugged his shoulder. "Really? Cause I feel fine."

"Its just your appearance has drastically changed sir." Sam said.

"Oh yes I noticed it too Vig said he would try and find something to fix that but it the mean time it's here to stay." Sombra said.

Sam's face had a look of worry on it. "Sir are you sure you're alright?"

"Never been better." Sombra said.

"Would you like me to go and tell your brother before he gets this...this surprise?" Sam asked.

"Yes go and tell him that his brother is suffering from.......stain mishap." Sombra said.

Just then the doors flew open again causing all the ponies in the room to turn their attention. A guard came rushing in all huffing and puffing. His face dripped with swat and his legs were shaking. Three more guards stood in the door way forming a almost triangle around somepony.

"My........this miner found..........crystal.........crystal." The guard said while gasping for air. "Forgive me.....just.......up stairs."

"What is this all about? What miner and what crystal?" Sombra asked.

"The miner found the heart." The guard said stumbling to the ground.

"The what?" Sombra asked.

He motioned the other guard to come forward. The guards escorted a pony covered from head to hoof with dirt. He was clutching something wrapped in cloths. Whatever it was it was of decent size for it was bigger than any crystal Sombra had ever seen. The miner had a look of wonderment on his face as if he had just found paradise. As he drew closer the silence in the room grew more intense. Sombra felt something inside of him electrified as the miner came closer. It was a cooling feeling that seemed to ease all of his worries and pains. It was calling out from the cloth in the miner's hoof. Whatever it was he wanted it.

"What is it that you have found good miner?" Sam asking stopping the guards.

"My good sir I believe that I have found the legendary crystal heart." The miner said softly.

The room filled with gasps of curiosity. Sombra stood quickly.

"The heart you mean to tell me that you actually found it?" Sombra asked.

The miner nodded his head in excitement.

Sombra looked around as if he was about to ask a secret. "May I see it?"

The pony unwrapped the cloth which slowly revealed a light blue glow. A heart shaped stone was soon out in the open. Sombra stared at it for he couldn't explain it but he wanted to reach out and take it. With one swift motion he grabbed the heart and began studying it. It made his feel happy and alive. The sun from the window hit it causing it to glow brightly.

"It's beautiful." Sombra said. "And it's mine." He whispered.

"Sir, this is quite the historical moment shall I send for the historians to come and write this down?" Sam asked.

"Yes fetch them, my brother, Chrysalis, everypony that you can that must share this moment with us." Sombra said with a smile. "You miner what is your early income?" Sombra asked.

The miner looked embarrassed at the question. "Well sir I."

"Never mind, don't worry about for this day you, including your family shall ever work again." Sombra said. "You shall be given anything you desire apart from the kingdom it's self understand?"

The miner had a tear spring from his eye. "Thank you sir."

"No thank you now be gone and enjoy whatever it is that you may need." Sombra said motioning the guards to escort him out.

Something shocked Sombra as he held the heart is his hooves. It was something magical from what he could tell but he didn't say anything out loud. He knew that he had to show off the heart for it was one of the most legendary artifacts of his kind. Another side of him wanted to be locked in a room alone with it so that he could study it properties.

"Sir shall I send for Doctor Vig?" Sam asked before leaving.

Sombra stopped within this thoughts. "No."

"Why not?" Sam asked.

Sombra felt a sense of paranoia wash over him."Cause he knows a thing or two about magic and I guarantee that he will know something about this heart that I do not. The worm is always scheming and plotting against me. You all are, trying to take me away from all of this." Sombra said withing his mind. He began sweating and shaking.

Sam just stared at him. "Sir you're looking quite pail. Is everything all right.?"

Sombra jolted. "Yes now go." He said.

The butler left the room leaving the young prince clenching the heart. Sombra began feeling paranoid as he glanced at all the ponies in the room. Through normal eyes one could have easily tell that they were excited to finally see the heart then and there. Sombra didn't see it that way. All he saw was greedy and lustful stares. He began clutching the heart tighter and tighter.

A guard stepped forward trying to get a better look at the heart.

"Halt, what are you looking at?" Sombra spat.

"Just trying to see the magnificence of the heart sir." The guard said while jumping back.

Sombra started walking backwards until he bumped into an unseen pony. Dropping the heart Sombra watched as is hit the ground with a solid thud. The whole room let out a gasp and remanned silent. It was odd but Sombra felt normal again except for his eye still hurting but the feeling of paranoia was gone.

"Seems all good here." He chuckled as he picked back up the heart.

As soon as his hooves fell upon the heart his mind was once again consumed by the same feeling. Was it greed? He thought why this feeling was so dominate. The feeling just switched un as easy if somepony had lit a touch.

He fought for the words to come out. "Goldshire take the heart and place it in the treasury. Keep the door locked and have three guards keep watch over it. Miles I want you to go with him understand?"

The guard came and took the heart from Sombra's hooves relieving him of the feeling once more. As the guards left Mezzo came in. He stopped and stared at the heart, his fore head began sweating. Sombra noticed the look in his brother's eyes for it was the same way he must have looked while holding the stone. Could the heart have some affect on ponies this way? His brother watched the heart leave and then turned around to his direction.

"Brother was heavens what on earth happened to you?" Mezzo said galloping up to him.

"It's nothing just a slight eye infection." Sombra said.

"And your coat as well?" Mezzo asked.

Sombra nodded.

"My brother you must not be feeling well, you must get some rest." Mezzo said.

"Nonsense I feel fine now did you see it?" Sombra asked.

"You mean the thing that guard was carrying out? I did but what was it?" Mezzo asked curiously.

"Brother, it was the fabled crystal heart." Sombra smiled.

Mezzo face lit up. "The crystal heart? You mean the heart that are ancestors have been digging around trying to find for ages heart?"

"Yes, no longer does it hide from us. It is now here where it should be, in the capital." Sombra said.

Mezzo looked worried at these words as if he was holding something back. The alicorn bit his lip as if he was just told that he couldn't have something. Sombra caught this looked and began worrying himself.

"So brother shall we go celebrate this special occasion?" Sombra said.

"Sure what did you have in mind?" Mezzo asked returning to his natural state.

"How about we go to the old balcony and get something to drink?" Sombra said.

Both of them began walking towards the direction of the stairs. Mezzo and Sombra both had a feeling deep within them, they both wanted the heart for some reason. Sombra felt like he had a connection with the heart through something magical. Mezzo couldnt explain why he was being drawn to the heart but all he knew that he wanted. The two brothers both had smiles on their face but deep down they began plotting about how one of them could keep the heart to themselves.

Darkness Emerges

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Sombra smiled as he sipped from his glass. "Brother, I haven't felt this happy in a long time."

Mezzo just stared with a puzzling look at his drink not saying a word. He looked tired but not in the sense that he did a great amount of work but the the tiredness of wanting something.

"Something wrong?" Sombra asked.

"It's nothing its just so over whelming that a living part of history has returned to us." Mezzo said.

"Yes it is amazing isnt it?" Sombra smirked. "After all to have it come under the same time as my rule is just incredible. Years from now they will retell how it was during this time that it returned."

Mezzo looked at Sombra with a look of distrust. "Yes this time."

Sombra looked at the sky and began to imagine the future. "Oh, I must go and tell Chrysalis. Meet up with you later?"

"Yeah sure." Mezzo said.

Sombra trotted off leaving his brother on the balcony alone with his thoughts. The alicorn slumped over the railing with his eyes falling down to the city. His heart called out for the strange crystal but he couldn't explain why. As soon as it passed by he sensed a great power within it. The thought came to him that Sombra must have also sensed this and he became worried. Though he loved his brother he couldn't help but feel something bad was about to happen to him. Then the thought entered his mind.

"Could I?" Mezzo said. "Come now, I am starting to sound like my wife. Sombra would never do that to me nor I do it to him."

Sombra walked down the hall with his head held high.

"The heart is mine." He said with a grin. "Though Mezzo seemed to have experienced the same feeling of overwhelming power like I did when I first saw it. Could he have felt the same feeling of longing for it as well? I have to study this thing some more to see just how powerful it really is."

"Sombra." Chrysalis voice said cutting off his train of thought.

"Chrysalis dear I have the most spectacular news to ever grace this palace in years." Sombra said.

Chrysalis trotted up to him and instantly gazed over him. " That's great but firstly are you feeling any better?"

Sombra smiled. "Yes I think I have calmed myself down but thats not important."

"Well it is important to me. I just don't want you feeling ill and going around telling everypony off." Chrysalis said.

"Yes I know and I apologize to Vig already. I was out of line and rude." Sombra said.

"And?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra smiled and suddenly kissed her with a flash. "And I am sorry for snapping at you. If I ever do it again you have my permission to give me a good smack on the face."

Chrysalis shook her head from his sudden actions. "I....I am thankful for you apology."

"Now do you want to hear the news or not?" Sombra asked.

"Very much so." Chrysalis said.

Sombra straitened himself up. "The famous and incredible crystal heart was discovered recently and is now residing in our palace."

Chrysalis let out a gasp of shock. "Sombra are you being serious?"

"As serious as the sun sits in the sky." He said.

"Sombra that fantastic you must be so proud right now." Chrysalis said.

Sombra grabbed her and drew her close to him. "Well its only the second time where I felt good about something that happen unexpectedly."

"Oh and what was the first?" Chrysalis asked.

He responded by kissing her firmly on the lips. Sombra felt a chill go up his spine as he held her there for a bit.

"Why the first has to be the first time we kissed." He whispered.

"Oh please Sombra always with the romantics?" She said while blushing.

"I was being serious." Sombra said. "Ever since you came into my life everything has gotten better. Yes I might have hit some speed bumps here and there, but a lot has changed. Several months ago I was a depressed prince who though he didn't have anypony that understood him. Then I stumbled upon you. At first I was didn't know what was going to happen but as it went on I was kind of glad it turned out this way. Now that we are here and in this spot I am glad that I revealed how I felt about you." He said trying to think how he was going to top his last sentence. "So now lets try something else that's unexpected. Chrysalis I would like to ask you to...." He took a gulp. "I would like to ask you to marry me."

Chrysalis stared with a horror stricken look. "What?" She finally managed to say.

"Will you marry me?" Sombra asked again.

"I mean would they allow it. I thought only princess were allowed to marry a prince." Chrysalis said.

"I allow it and if I say it is okay then it is. Besides you are much more important than any princess in the world to me. To me you're more than that. To me you're a queen among ponies." Sombra said. "Now again will you marry me?"

Chrysalis smiled and kissed him. "Yes." She whispered once she pulled away.

Sombra clutched her closer to him. "You have no idea how happy you have just made me. Never in my life would I though I would feel this way about something. Chrysalis, we are going to be so happy together."

"I know, I know." She said.

Sombra felt so giddy inside. "Come lets go." He said pulling her along as he began rushing off.

"Sombra, where are we going?" She asked.

"I don't know, there is so much rushing through my head right now. I mean this could be possibly be one of the best days of my life." He said with a laugh. "I have to show you it."

"You mean the heart?" She asked.

"Yes the heart." He said.

The two bounded down the stairs and were both standing in one of the main halls.

"Can somepony please find my the vault keepers please and tell him to bring the new arrival?" Sombra called out.

A guard from a across the room stood forward and bowed. He ran off to go do the request. After a minute he returned with the vault keepers who looked excited and worried at the same time. Sombra noticed that the older one had the heart. It was in a box but he could feel the energy coming off from it. It was calling for him, he craved for it's touch.

"Sombra you're sweating like a pig." Chrysalis said.

"Eh, it's a bit warm in here isn't it?" He said.

Chrysalis looked at as if he had misplaced where he was. Surely the coming fall weather wasn't too warm. The vault keeper who held the box approached the prince shakily.

"You called upon us sir?" He asked.

"Yes I wish to see the heart once again." Sombra said.

The pony placed the heart on the ground and took a key hidden beneath his mane. Unlocking the box he slowly lifted the heart handing it to Sombra.

"Here you go my lord." He said.

Sombra grabbed the heart quickly and began basking in it's majestic form. The heart shined greatly with it's pale blue light toying around with the shining objects near by. Turning to Chrysalis he motioned for her to come closer.

"Come, you have to hold it." Sombra said.

"Me? Oh no I couldn't." She said.

"Come now I'll make sure you don't drop it or anything." He said.

She slowly moved in and placed her hooves on it. "Promise me that you wont let me hold it alone. I don't want to be responsible for the destruction of a beloved treasure."

"I promise." Sombra said.

He gave more of it so that she could cradle it almost. He kept his hooves under her's to give her a sense of comfort. Then without warning he quickly jerked his hooves away so that she could hold it by herself.

"Sombra! Please don't make me hold it by myself." She pleaded.

"You got it there is nothing to worry about." He said playfully.

"Sombra its just that I don't want anything to happen to it." She said.

"Maybe she's right sire." The vault keeper said cutting in.

Sombra glared at the vault keeper. "It's fine."

This caused the pony to step back. He looked at the heart as if he was watching a drama play. Sombra kept watching as Chrysalis was begging to sweat herself. Every single move she did was jumpy and spastic. Sombra thought she was going to have a heart attack.

"Okay give it back now." Sombra said laughing.

Chrysalis quickly returned it to him. "Thank you."

Sombra smiled. "Isn't beautiful? It reflects a little of all of us in a way. I mean the crystal ponies. We share it's shine and overall magnificent presence. I would go as far to say that this is the very soul of the empire." He stopped for a moment to think. "Guards get Sam down here immediately." Sombra turned to Chrysalis. "This will be placed upon the palace so that all can see it. This doesn't need to be hidden away from the world it needs to be shown. It will symbolize how we are all one and soon we shall be too."

Chrysalis blushed at these words. "Sombra please there are ponies around."

"Oh I don't care in fact. HEY EVERYPONY, YES EVERYPONY I AM GETTING MARRIED." He shouted loudly. Not to princess from a far and strange land. Nor am I wedding a mare who's family line has had mighty figures throughout history. No, I am getting married to Chrysalis here.

The room fell to a complete silence. Ponies stood there in shock some had their mouths hanging open.

"Not the response I was hopping for but still. I am getting married and I want it as soon as possible." Sombra said. Turning around he saw Sam standing there with his mouth hung opened. "Ah Sam my boy."

"Sir...I." He began.

"Now I need you to do a few things for me okay?" Sombra said. "Firstly I want some sort of a holding display built right in the palace courtyard. I want you to oversee it gets done because I know I can trust you."

"Why.......why do you need?" The butler stumbled over his words.

"It is going to hold the crystal heart my dear friend. For all the empire to come and see. All will be able to say that they saw it with their own eyes." Sombra said.

"You said that you're getting....." Sam froze in place.

"Come again friend I didn't hear you?" Sombra said.

"You said you were getting married?" Sam asked.

"Yes in fact I did say that. Isn't that wonderful?" Sombra asked.

Sam paused for a minute bitting his lower lip. "Yes sir its fantastic, congratulations."

"Thank you, now I need the finest architect in the city to report here. Can you go do that for me?" Sombra asked.

Sam still stood there with a blank expression on his face. "Yes sir." He managed to say before trotting off.

Sombra nodded as he left. "Now Chrysalis shall we go and find a planner or whatever it is they call themselves?"

Chrysalis shrugged. "I mean if you really want to but don't you think that you should have the heart secured first before doing anything?"

He looked at the heart that he was still holding. Thoughts rushed through his head as he tried to think of an idea on how the display would look. All thoughts though came to one conclusion, he had to keep it safe. He had to keep it away from anypony who may want it for themselves.

"Yeah, you're right I'll go do that right now." He said slowly.

"Good, it just gives me the jitters seeing you holding that thing so casually." She said. "I'll come and see you whenever you figure it out."

She quickly moved up a flight of stairs and out of his vision. Turning to the room full of ponies he slowly made his way towards his throne room. Striding carefully as he could, watching everyponies movements. He couldn't take any chances for any of them could strike him down and take the heart. As he opened the door to his throne room a guard tried to assist him.

"What are you doing!." Sombra demanded.

The young stallion almost jumped out of his body. "Nothing sir just properly showing you respect." He said shakily.

"Well next time give me a warning." Sombra spat.

"Yes sir." The pony said while regaining his statue like composure.

Sombra felt something his mouth ache it was as if he had an unpleasant experience with the royal dentist. Naturally he used his tongue to feel around the spot he discovered blood was flowing from his teeth. Putting the heart down, much to the guards dismay he began rubbing his jaw line.

"Something wrong sir?" The guard asked.

"No just a tooth ache I guess." Sombra said with only his left side of his mouth in motion.

The place started to really burn with pain. Sombra tried to think of a way to numb it as fast as he could.

"Have wine brought to me at once." He ordered.

"Yes sir." said the guard dashing off.

Sombra put his hoof in his mouth to poke around the place to see if it was an infection of some sort. The place was swelling but he noticed that it wasn't his gum line that was hurting but a single tooth.

"Please don't be rotting." He said to himself.

With that another part of his mouth began hurting this time it was another tooth. In fact it was the tooth right above the one that had already been giving him pain.

"Did I bite into something that I shouldn't have? Well I want be able to answer anything without a mirror." He said grabbing the heart.

Entering his throne room he rushed to the little room where the mirror hung on the wall. Gazing into it he opened his mouth as wide as he could. Much to his fears both teeth had blood circling their bases identically. He notices that the opposite from the bottom one also had a small amount of blood coming forth from it. A knock from his door drew him away for a moment. Opening it he was once again in the presence of the young guard who this time was holding a jug. Sombra snatched it and slammed the door shut before the pony could say anything. Taking a swig of the fine drink he began swishing it around inside his mouth. The pain was going away but he probably needed to go get this checked out. Before he could take another sip the door flew open catching him by surprise.

"Who in there right mind thinks they can?" He stopped when he noticed that it was Gavotte standing there. "Oh hello ma'am."

"Sombra I...what happen to you." She said taking in his odd appearance. "You look terrible."

"Gee thanks." He said under his breath. "Well Gavotte I was just enjoying my sleep and awoken to find that I had been stricken with an unknown aliment. Also to answer your question, no I don't believe it is contagious and no nopony else has been stricken by it. All I do know about it is that it's making my teeth hurt. Now what did you come down here for?"

"I was looking for Mezzo and I are you sure you're alright?" She asked again.

"Yes I am fine but I would like to know how this all came about." He said taking a sip of wine.

"Probably got it from that filthy creature of yours." She said.

Sombra swallowed and his expression became a stern one. "Excuse me?" He asked low toned.

Gavotte put her hoof up to her mouth, obviously she didn't mean to say that out loud.

"What did you just say." Sombra asked again this time throwing the jug to the ground shattering it.

She slowly back away from him.

"How dare you say that about her you, you witch." Sombra hissed. His infected eye began burning but he could finally see out of it. All of the sudden it was like somepony took their hoof away from it. The burning feeling soon became a cool one. A strange flowing feeling crept along the outer corner. "You disgusting, all mighty, pompous idiot. How dare you come in here and make a remark like that. I can handle anything you say about me for I can defend myself but to insult somepony who isn't here to defend herself is just barbaric."

"Well to be honest you're the one whose acting barbaric right now. Besides it's probably true I mean she is a vile creature." Gavotte said sarcastically.

Sombra slammed his hoof into the ground leaving an impact on the floor. "You making it worse for yourself." He said. "One more remark and I will strike you where you stand." The anger inside of him began filling his mind up to the point of breaking.

"How dare you threaten me you monster, you abomntiaion of blood lines. I am a royal alicorn descendent of many others, some who still live near you. You have no right to talk to me like that understand? So why don't you just back off. I can say whatever I want about you and that little hell spawn thing you call Chrysalis." She spat.

With that he lost all control over himself. His rage began spewing from his mind almost blinding him. Gavotte stumbled as she started to shake at the site of him.

"What is wrong with you're eye it's got purple stuff coming out of it." She said timidly.

"Silence, you come here insulting me, my heritage, and my love. Well I can guarantee that it will be the last time this ever happens." Sombra hissed.

Gavotte's face became stern. "You lay so much as a hoof on me I will have the west nations bring down a fury that will crumble down this pathetic city. I tell you that if any harm is brought upon me that I will see that you're disgraceful reign is ended. You stupid half breed........

Sombra charged at her sending his hoof across her jaw. She hit the floor with a thunderous thud. The alicorn struggled to get up failing with each attempt. Blood gushed from her mouth as she stared with horror invading her face. Sombra stood over her breathing heavily. A cruel smile crept along his face as he watched her in pain. It was almost as if he was feeding off it. His mind began whispering thoughts that would be considered dark to most ponies. All of them ended with the same solution.

"Not so strong now without your tongue are you?" Sombra mocked. "Fitly creature." He said sarcastically. "From where I am standing it is you who is lower than dirt right now."

"Sombra.......please......have mercy." Gavotte whimpered. " daughter."

Sombra let out a wicked laugh. "Yes your daughter to bad you'll never get to say goodbye."

With one motion he channeled all his hate and rage into his horn and casted it like a spell. He beamed it down upon the alicorn not stopping for anything until he can be sure that it was done.

"See! See! Not's so funny now is it? What's that nothing to say? Good!" Sombra cackled.

He kept on and on to the point of exhaustion. Stopping for a moment he whirled backwards gasping for air. Looking down on the floor he could see something that chilled him. The alicorn's body wasn't moving. He slowly made his way over to still body and he notice that Gavotte wasn't breathing. Her eye's laid open as the last reaming light escaped through them. The odd thing was that her horn was now covered in small grey projections almost like crystal formations. Sombra held his hoof up to his mouth.

"I didn't mean to..." He teeth began aching. "I just wanter her to shut up for once and I did it." He said cold heartily.

With no remorse he went back to his throne room picking up the heart along his way. Flopping down on the great seat he began to let his mind wonder about what was to come next. Staring at the body he began to notice that the room had began to look more depressed. The shiny walls seemed less joyous and more grey.

"Fine lets all be depressed together." He said charging his horn.

With a few quick spells he changed the entire room into a dark grayish color.

"There much more lively." He joked. A knock came to his door. "Enter!"

Cracking open he saw his brother standing there with a smile on his face.

"Brother I just wanted to say that........." Mezzo's eyes fell upon his wife.

He galloped over to her and began cradling the pony to see if any life remained.

"Gav! Gav!" He said with tears begging to pour from his eyes. "Please talk to me."

Sombra watched feeling no remorse for what he did.

"What...What did you do?" Mezzo screamed at Sombra.

"I did away with her isn't that obvious?" Sombra remarked.

Mezzo let out a cry of frustration. "How could you! How could you do something like this?"

Sombra smiled. "Easily."

"You monster." Mezzo spat. "You got annoyed with her so you decided to......HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!"

"Don't raise your voice at me or else you'll be next." Sombra threaten.

Mezzo face showed that he was broken from the words. "Sombra what has happen to you? You just took my wife away and now you threaten me with my own demise? What is the matter with you?"

Sombra became annoyed. "Why does it always have to be something wrong with me? I do nothing but try and I receive no respect."

"You're the prince of the crystal empire how much respect do you need? You are nothing but a short sited fool who only thinks for himself." Mezzo spat.

"Watch you're tongue." Sombra growled. His horn began crackling with energy.

"Or what? We both know that I am soupier when it comes to magic, I have mastered my skills." Mezzo said producing his own aura around his horn. "I think it's time I put you in your place."

"I knew it!" Sombra hissed.

"What?" Mezzo asked bitterly.

"I always knew you were out to get me. You were always jealous that I was the one who got to rule." Sombra said.

Mezzo began shaking with anger. "No this has nothing to do with that. I always was contempt with father naming you the heir. This here right now is for Gavotte. I also do this for others who'd would have stood in this path of insanity of yours."

"So be it." Sombra said.

The dark unicorn turned around as if to call off the fight but quickly jolted back. He channeled all his anger once again into a spell, shooting it at Mezzo. The alicorn stood still and let the spell hit him squarely. Mezzo stood there with his own face showing anger. He quickly started walking forward sending Sombra into a state of panic.

"Get away from me." Sombra shouted.

Mezzo kept coming forward. Sombra stumbled back and fell to the foot of his throne. Turning around he noticed that the crystal heart sat gleaming on the chair. Grabbing it he clung to it hoping for a way out. He tried to think of something but the site of his brother's rage caused him to freeze.

Mezzo stood a foot away from Sombra. "Never in a million years would I ever bring harm upon you but now I don't know who you really are anymore. So what's about to happens pains me greatly brother. Goodbye."

Mezzo charged his spell making Sombra sweat. Focusing on his feelings Sombra began building a counter spell. A sudden feeling began channeling through him giving him strength. Noticing that the heart began to give off warmth he made the connection. Closing his eye's he prepared to unleash everything he had. His eyes burned greatly causing him to open them and shooting his spell. Mezzo flew back from being hit and began screaming in pain. Sombra stood up to take in the scene with the crystal heart in hoof. The heart still glowed making him wonder what powers it truly held.

"Well what do you got to say for yourself? 'Brother'." Sombra said sarcastically.

"What did you do?" Mezzo asked calming down from his pain.

"I really don't know I am just as surprised as you are. I think it has to do with this little gem stone here." Sombra said. "Now what were you saying about your magic being greater?"

Mezzo swallowed knowing that he may have been outgunned. He tried to think of way to get out and buy himself some time. With quick thinking he leaped up bolting towards the doors. Jerking his head back he shot a spell at Sombra stopping the mad unicorn from lunging at him. Sombra hit the floor releasing a blood curling scream as Mezzo quickly bolted out the door.

"Something the matter?" A guard asked standing in front of him, obviously hearing the commotion.

Mezzo pushed the guard out of the way and began heading up to his room. His mind was racing with emotions, mostly fear. The alicorn galloped as fast as he could to the room and almost broke the door as he entered. Turning towards the bed he watched as his daughter slowly stir from her nap.

"Who's there?" Octet asked sleepily.

Mezzo went over and picked his daughter up. "Hey sweetie sorry to wake you but we have to go."

"What?" Octet.

"We have to leave right now." Mezzo said.

"But why?" Octet asked.

"I'll explain later Octy but for now we have to leave." Mezzo said.

"Okay, where's mommy at?" Octet asked.

Mezzo bit his lip he tried to think of something. "She's busy at the moment but she will join us as soon as we get ready to leave. Now lets go."

"But we haven't packed anything up." Octet said.

"Don't worry about it we'll have somepony pack it up and sent to us now let's go." Mezzo said placing her on his back. "Now hang on cause we are going be to going fast."

Sombra clasp the heart closer to him so that he could gather strength. The spell that Mezzo used burned into his chest causing him to feel weak. The heart though rejuvenated him in a matter of moments. He felt a deep strength coming from it and soon he somehow began transmitting it to him.

"Guard!" He shouted as loud as he could.

The guard by the door quickly came in. "Yes sir....good heavens what happen." He said spotting the body of Gavotte.

"Never you mind now where did my brother go?" Sombra spat.

The guard stood paralyzed for he kept looking at the body and back to Sombra.

"Answer me you worm!" Sombra commanded.

"He went to the direction of the living corridors sir." The guard said backing away slowly.

Sombra hissed. "That fool is going to get it way worse than his precious wife did. Now get this body out of her at once!"

Sombra bounded out the door leaving the crystal heart on the throne. His speed was unnatural as he almost plowed through ponies to get to his destination. As he came to the room he slammed into the door, shattering it. Peering inside he could find no trace of his brother.

"Mezzo! Where are you!" He shouted.

Wasting no time he went back to his throne room to find the body of the alicorn gone but also something else. The heart was gone as well.

"Where is it? I left it here? Where? Did he?" He paused. "That stupid pony." Sombra spat.

Mezzo galloped as fast as he could away from the courtyard and was soon in the city streets. His mind was filled with doubts but he knew that he needed the heart to stop his brother.

"Daddy where exactly are we going?" Octet asked. "Also what was that thing you grabbed." She said while holding the stone.

"We are going home and never you mind what that is. Get ready sweetie for we are about to take off." Mezzo said spreading his wings.

Then he heard a voice that sent a cold shiver down his spine. "MEZZO!" Sombra screamed. Turning around he could see his brother charging through the streets with rage in his eyes. He pushed ponies out of his way causing many to start to follow him to see what was going on. Mezzo quickly began to take flight knowing he could still get away. Taking off he turned his head back to see his brother running behind him down below.

"THAT IS MINE!" Sombra shouted.

Sombra's eyes bursted with a strange purple aura, almost like flames to a fire. He let out another shout and a giant crystal formation bursted through the earth a couple of yards in front of Mezzo. It towered higher than his current altitude. Sombra galloped past and under his brother. He reached the base of the formation and began madly climbing it. Mezzo stared in horror as his brother quickly reached the top and began shooting spells at him. The alicorn tried to dodge but a spell hit him in one of his wings. He began falling to the earth as he heard his daughter scream.

"Octet you have to fly!" Mezzo said.

"But dad I haven't been trained fully yet." Octet said clinging to her father.

"All you have to do is flap your wings as hard as you can. Please Octet." Mezzo said.

"But I am scared." She whimpered.

Mezzo grabbed his daughter and tossed her in the air. He used his last remaining strength to give her the ability to use her wings through magic. Her wings felt strong and naturally she began hovering in mid air. She peaked open her eyes to the amazement of her flying. Looking down though her joy quickly vanished as she saw her father lying on the ground.

Mezzo let out a moan as he tried to move. "Somepony help me." He asked.

Crystal ponies began forming around him trying to help him back up.

"Get away from him!" Sombra shouted.

The crystal ponies parted away from the alicorn leaving him alone. Sombra galloped over to him and slammed his hoof into his brothers chest.

" worm." Sombra hissed.

"Please Sombra something is wrong with you. Let me help you." Mezzo pleaded.

"I dont need help all I need is for you to get out of my life." Sombra hissed. "Now where is the heart?"

Mezzo eyes looked at something from behind Sombra. Turning around Sombra saw Octet standing there with the heart.

"Octet sweetie would you please place that on the ground." Sombra said.

"Run! Run Octet!" Mezzo shouted.

"Quite! Octet please do what I say." Sombra said losing his pactientes.

"Don't do it Octet run away right now." Mezzo gasped.

Octet stood there not knowing what to do. She began slowly backing away as if she was about to bolt.


The little alicorn dropped the heart and began galloping down the street running to the outskirts of the city. Sombra began lunging at the heart only to be pulled back.

"You are not getting that heart." Mezzo said holding his brother back.

"You...can't...hold me back....any more." Sombra forcing his brother off him.

Mezzo fell to the ground smacking his head violently against the rocky road. Sombra quickly went over and scooped up the heart and turned around to face his brother. To his dismay there was protest or reaction from the alicorn who just laid in the street. Sombra went over to see a gash on the alicorn's head. The light from his brother's eyes was fading away slowly. The unicorn stood over his brother and quickly let out a sigh. Then sounds of ponies beginning to whisper amongst each other soon fell all around and soon began running through his ears.

He turned to face the huge crowd of crystal ponies that surrounded him. His eyes began burning brightly.

A Dramatic Finding

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A small group of guards came and circled around Sombra separating him from the ponies. Anger and confusion filled their faces as they looked at the aftermath of the scene that just unfolded. Murmurs soon began circling from everywhere. Even most of the guards gazed at horror at their leader.

"Take me back to the palace." Sombra said.

Some of the guards nodded and began escorting him away. Sombra heard some of the whispers that the ponies began saying among each other. "He murdered him, yeah right there in the street." He bit down on his tongue. "He killed him like it was nothing." He was becoming angry. "How could he do that to his own brother?" Sombra began feeling his anger begging to channel to his horn again. He was walking past one pony who was whispering something to another. "Can't believe, it never have I seen such an act of brutality."

"Come again citizen?" Sombra said stopping the guards.

The pony stopped in fear of being spotted.

"What did you just say?" Sombra asked. "Oh, come now surly whatever it is you were whispering can be said out loud."

The colt just stared in horror at the unicorn prince.

"You have to the count of five to tell me what you just said or else things will become very unpleasant for you." Sombra threatened.

"I just said that never seen such an act of brutality." He said in a low voice.

Sombra got in the ponies face. "Oh really? So what does that make me? The pony who committed such an action."

The pony stumbled with his words "A......"

"A what?" Sombra shouted at him.

"A savage." The pony said almost whispering it.

Sombra stared into the eyes of the pony drawing out something from him. It was as if he was drawing out the true feeling of fear from the pony. It evoked his senses, making him feel empowered. He like every second of it. "A savage huh?" Sombra remarked. He turned around slowly but quickly whirled around and stroked the pony down to the ground. His guards quickly came and tried to create a wall between the two. "Get out of my way right now!" Sombra ordered.

"Sir I would suggest that we get you out of here immediately." One of the guard said.

"I will do no such thing." Sombra hissed.

"Sir I think the captain is right." A younger colt said.

Sombra noticed what he meant as the crowd began to have a look of anger across their faces. If ever there was a sign of hostility in a group of ponies this was it. It was a surprising feeling that rushed through just like the last feeling of fear. He could tell that it was hatred that he was feeding off this time. The anger and fear were begging to mix together creating an intoxicating feeling the invade all of his body. It brought great amounts of pleasure to him. He began to notice a pony that helped the colt who got hit was acting like he was going to make a move.

"Do it." Sombra whispered.

And his wish came true. The pony pushed a guard out of the way and charged at Sombra at full force. His anger made Sombra smile as the pony came within reaching distance. With one motion Sombra moved out of the way and let the pony fall to the ground. Immediately he pressed his hoof on the back of the fallen colt, pressing it hard digging into it's skin. The pony let out a cry of pain which drove Sombra wildly.

"We are getting out of here now!" The captain said pulling Sombra off the pony.

By this point the crowed began closing in on the small circle as if to attack Sombra. Without notice Sombra was pulled away by his guards as they soon were rushing towards the palace. Once they got there the guards had the doors locked and barricaded

"Are you out of your mind?" A young guard mumbled in the direction of Sombra.

"Come again?" Sombra spat almost shaking with anger.

The guard stood back in palace. "Nothing sir."

"Yeah thats what I thought." Sombra said.

He heard the sounds of a pony galloping from behind him. "Is everything all right sir?" Sam asked.

Sombra turned around to see his faithful butler standing their with a look of horror on his face.

"Yes everything is fine why you ask?" Sombra said casually.

"It's just that I heard that you had the body of Mrs. Gavotte removed from the throne room." Sam said.

"Yes and?" Sombra asked.

"Sir what happen?" Sam asked.

"She became an annoyance and I did away with her." Sombra said so calmly.

Sam's face just froze in place while his eyes looked behind Sombra to the door where the guards had locked up. He backed away slowly.

" killed her?" He asked.

Sombra smiled. "Indeed I did?"

" Mezzo react." Sam said taking a gulp.

"Not to kindly he tried to betray me. In the end he met his fate out in the streets." Sombra walking past him.

Sam stood silent for a moment and turned around. "How could you?"

Sombra stopped. "Excuse me?"

Sam's face became red with anger. "He was your brother! How could you just do that and act like nothing happen."

"Do you have a problem with me or something?" Sombra said turning around.

"You killed him your own brother over what may I ask? What got into you to do such things?" Where is the body now?" Sam said.

"Somewhere out there." Sombra said.

Sam went the door and demanded it to be open. "Why can't I get out."

"Cause our beloved leader has angered everypony in the empire." A guard mumbled.

"I don't have time for this." Sam said storming to find another exit.

Sombra began heading to his throne room ignoring his butler's action. He climbed into his throne with the heart firmly clutched between his hooves. He sat and just waited for something to happen only allowing complete silence to join him. He heard something that caused him to look up. It was Vig who for some reason was caring a box.

"Sorry to disturbed you sir but I have found something that may interest you greatly." The doctor said putting the box down. "Now I know you haven't been feeling well lately and I think I have found the cause."

Sombra sat up. "I feel fine now but I would love to hear your findings." Sombra said sarcastically.

Vig caught on. "Well sir the main point I am trying to make is that you're past condition may have been caused by something that you are constantly exposed to."

Sombra rolled his eyes. "Can you please just cut to the point Mr Vig."

"Certainly but I don't think you're gonna like it." Vig said.

"And why would I?" Sombra asked curiously.

Vig took a breath and was about to say but then he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Chrysalis entered the room with a smile on her face. Sombra returned her smile and beckoned her to come over to him. She trotted by Vig and stood beside Sombra's throne.

"Sorry to interrupt anything Mr. Vig." She said. "Please do go on."

Vig broke out in a sweat.

"Something the matter doc?" Sombra asked noticing his sudden change of state.

The doctor looked like he was about to pass out from heat exhaustion. "Yes...I was saying that the cause was from......"

"Vig you don't look so good you need some water?" Chrysalis asked.

Vig eyes sifted to the changeling and grew wide in panic. His legs began shaking and started to make him sway.

"I don't feel so good all of the sudden." Vig said.

Chrysalis rushed over and got a chair for the doctor allowing him to collapse into it. He breathed heavily.

"Well Vig if you need a moment to breath you can come back later and tell me." Sombra said as if he wanted the pony to leave. "I have certain things to attend to."

"Yes sir." Vig said quickly standing up and bolt towards the door grabbing the box on they way out.

"Hope you feel better." Chrysalis called after him.

He turned around and gave a sudden look of suspicion at her. Then within a second he was gone.

"Well that was odd." Chrysalis said.

"He is an odd pony in general, he said he had something to tell me but then you came in and he broke down." Sombra remarked.

"Anyway where is your brother and his family haven't seen them all day." Chrysalis.

"They left." Sombra said.

"They left so soon?" Chrysalis asked.

"I had a bit of falling out with his wife and she demanded to leave so they did." Sombra said.

"Sombra, you really made her that mad? It must have been one nasty argument." Chrysalis said.

Sombra smirked. "Yeah but she's gone now and I am happy. Anyway let's talk about something more cheerful."

"Sure." Chrysalis said perking back up.

Sombra stood up and walked over to the window. He peered outside to see his kingdom, 'his kingdom' resting in the late afternoon sun. A burning sensation began bubbling in his heart giving him great pleasure. It was ponies obscure fear. Fear over little things like remembering certain things they had to do or forgetting something. He was connecting to everyponies tiny little fears and he was liking it.

"Well I was thinking about changing somethings around here. The palace, the city, mostly the empire in general. I feel there is a new presence here and I think the empire should reflect that." Sombra said.

"Like how, I mean what do you have in mind?" Chrysalis said walking up beside him.

"I don't really know but there is going to be great changes soon." Sombra said.

He turned to face her and drew her in closer. Giving her a kiss he paused for a moment to think about something.

"Something that matter?" Chrysalis asked.

"No it's just that I feel like I am forgetting something important." Sombra said.

"Well what ever it is I am sure you'll remember it in good time." Chrysalis said. "Now what were you going to say about the empire and changes."

He looked back at her and smiled. "Just be ready for the next few days. I have a feeling that it's going to be quite the rush. Now dear I have some planning to do." Sombra said letting go of her.

"Okay dear I'll let you go off and play being king." She said playfully.

Sombra stopped for a moment. "I am a king." He told himself.

He exited out the door and left the changeling there by herself. She looked back out the window gazing at the city below. Turning back slowly she made her way to the great throne. Sitting down on it she noticed that the crystal heart was resting on the hoof rest. Picking it up slowly she stared into it. It's glow gave her a sense of comfort and pride. A sudden sound disturbed her and almost made her drop it. Looking up she could she that it was Vig.

"All right sir I am going to come clean the reason that you were under ill was because...." He stopped when he noticed that it was just her in there. "Hello Chrysalis." He said while closing the door.

"Hello Vig I hope you are feeling better now." She said.

"Please spare me the sympathies Chrysalis for I don't need any from you." He said harshly.

Chrysalis shook her head in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

"I know what you are and what you do to survive. Just to let you know that is all about to come to an end. As soon as I leave her I am going to tell Sombra and show him how you are the most wicked thing to ever walked the earth." He said.

"Mr. Vig what is the meaning of all this? What have I done exactly?" She asked.

"Being you is what you have done you deceitful creature. You been feeding off Sombra, using him to satisfy you need to live. In causing that you have set off a chain reaction within that almost lead him to great amounts of pain maybe even insanity. You been messing with a pony who has natural magical abilities and you're natural magic did a great number on him." Vig said.

"I have done nothing nor would I do anything to harm Sombra. You must be under some hallucination or seomrthing." She said begging to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh there is no mistake you have tempered with something that could have lead to disaster. Your magic messed with his magic causing him much pain. That's right all those moments when he was in pain was because of you. To make matters worse he made me try this weird spell that he found from some odd pony who's form heavens knows where. Now the spell was to reveal what the cause was but it took a strange affect on him. For you see if did reveal what was the cause, you. Thats why his skin turned to a shade of grey to mach the causes natural colors." Vig said.

"Are you saying that I am the sole reason behind all his pain and sudden change in color? I will not sit here and listen to another word of this madness." Chrysalis said walking past him.

Vig grabbed one of her hooves. "You're not going anywhere until you come clean with this whole act of yours. You have done enough damage to the royal prince and I will not allow anymore harm to befall him."

"Let go of me at once at once." Chrysalis said trying to force his grip off.

"No, you are just like the others ones stubborn and animalistic when threatened." Vig said.

"What do you mean others?" She asked.

"I have been studying you're kind ever since my eyes fell upon you. Only until recently have I been able to get my hooves on a few living ones. Such violent creatures but none share the sam level of intelligence as you do." He said.

"Oh no." She gasped.

"That's right I know all about your 'special abilites'." Vig smiled.

"Vig listen I never meant for Sombra to be hurt and I never knew that I could do something like that. At first I did it but then I started to actually care for him and tried to stop. Now please let me go." She said in a whimper.

"Thats sweet and all but you still have created something that now is a permeant factor." He said.

"I didn't know that his magical powers would somehow react negatively with mine. Please Vig I didn't know." She said almost bring up tears.

"To late for that now we are going to Sombra and you're going to tell him everything about yourself." He said pulling her along.

"Please Vig no." She said.

"Let's go!." He said yanking her

"Stop it you're hurting me." She cried.

"What is the meaning of all of this!" Sam said busting into the room. He pushed Vig off Chrysalis sending the doctor to the floor. "Has the whole palace gone made?"

"That creature is a liability to this entire city." Vig said standing up. "She needs to be locked up and left to die!"

"Mormir what in earths name are you talking about? Do you know what would happen if Sombra heard you speaking of such things?" Sam said tending to Chrysalis. "Everything okay ma'am? He didn't hurt you or anything?"

"No but he is freighting me." She said.

"Vig what has gotten into you?" Sam asked.

"She is the reason behind Sombra's newest aliment, she was the reason for all his past ones to. I can prove it with a couple of examples." Vig said.

"Whatever you speak of is lies, all of it." Chrysalis spat. "I will not tolerate anything you have to say against me nor do I tend to let you just say them at free will." She said storming out of the room.

"Well old friend you just brought a fury like no other down upon yourself." Sam said.

"It's true she a changeling Sam. A creature who finds a host, changes into somepony they care about, and feeds off of them until they're a husk of a shell. They take a form Sam, its sickening way of feeding off somepony" Vig said.

"So if any of this is true than why did she choose that form?" Sam said.

"Thats the strange part she didn't have to it with Sombra. Sombra fell for her in her natural form. In which she was freely aloud to feed off of him without having to change her form. A changeling has a certain type of magic their born with almost like a sixth sense. It allows them to use emotions, mostly love in my studies to make themselves stronger. With Sombra though he two was born with magic too so when they got mix together well we saw the results. This explains why he is becoming so angry and brutish. Her dark magic is causing his magic to become corrupt which is infecting him." Vig stated.

"Vig if all you just said was true then why couldn't you explain this to Sombra before?" Sam said.

"Cause you've seen how he acts these days when ponies anger him. Do you really think I was going to tell him while his beloved monstrosity was sitting beside him. He could probably kill me with mentioning it but then again I don't think he could kill somepony do you?"

Sam bit his lip before answering. "Vig you are right about one thing Sombra has become more violent these last few days and I am very worried about what is about to come. So tell, tell me that you are one hundred percent sure that this theory of yours is correct."

"I can prove it easily." Vig said.

"All right lets go and tell Sombra right now. Don't worry I'll be by your side the entire time." Sam said.

"Thanks old friend now lets hurry I don't want Chrysalis getting ideas into his head." Vig said leading the way.

The two made their way down the stairs and into one of the main halls. Hearing Sombra's voice they instantly found him with a group of ponies with horrid looks on their faces. Sam could tell they where architects but he could also tell they were scared out of they're minds. Sombra spotted the two of them.

"Ah Vig, Sam please come here I want you to hear of my plans." The prince said.

"Plans sir?" Sam asked.

"Ah yes I haven't told you yet. I decided to remodel this entire castle to fit as a new symbol for the future." Sombra said.

"Sir the palace has been the same for generations. To change it would almost be insulting to the kings who came before you." Sam said bitting his lip.

"Oh nonsense the past kings would be thrilled and besides let the past be in the past. We are living for the here and now." Sombra said.

"Sir we really need to talk about something." Vig said interrupting them.

"Not now Vig." Sombra said. "But anyway I have it all planned out and ready to go."

"Sir please I don't think this is the time to talk about structural changes." Vig said once again cutting in.

"In one second Vig." Sombra said. "Anyway I think the production should go by very smoothly since everypony will be chipping in."

Sam's face grew suspicious." What do you mean 'everypony will be chipping in'?"

"Oh I am going to have every crystal pony work on this new remolding." Sombra said waving his hoof in a motion.

"You mean like a jobs program cause I don't think they will be to kindly just building and not getting paid for it." Sam said jokingly.

Sombra's face become stone cold expressionless. "They will do out of the goodness out of their hearts."

"As much as I think they would love to do that I am not sure you have the best credibility right now. Sir you can't force ponies to work on something they don't want to do." Sam said.

"Of course they will if I say so!" Sombra shouted. "I am the leader and they will do whatever I tell them to do."

Sam stood there with anger coming across the face, Vig was sure that the old butler was going to strike Sombra down.

"Yeah thats it get angry, hate me for all its worth. You'll only make me stronger" Sombra whispered to himself.

Sam slowly began. "Sir I don't think you are feeling well."

"Chrysalis has to go!" Vig shouted causing both ponies to jump.

Sombra stood there with a blank expression on his face as if was told somepony had just past away. He looked at Vig and all his emotion began running through his head. Calming himself down he took a deep breath.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Sir I feel that you are in danger please come with me to my lab." Vig said walking away.

Sombra followed the doctor hesitantly but he wanted to know what he was going to show him.

True Colors

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Sombra followed the doctor to an isolated room where he had set up as temporary laboratory. The doctor went over to a giant box looking object that was concealed by a blanket.

"Now what I am about to show you may disturbed you quite a bit. So just let me explain before you jump to any conclusion." Vig said going over to it. "Ready?"

"Just get on with it." Sombra said nervously.

He was worried what was about to be revealed to him. Vig pulled the blanket off to reveal a steel cage with thick heavy bars tightly compacted together. Inside something was resting but it soon began to to move. It turned it's head back to reveal a pair of cold eyes. They were lifeless almost as if the creature was blind but it also gave off a threatening glance at the same time. It's skin was grey and looked like it was hard almost like armor. It was almost like an insect's exoskeleton had manifested itself on a small pony. The skin was also riddle with sharp rises all over the place and it's wings were thin like paper. Sombra swallowed hard for many of these characteristic matched Chyrsalis's own features.

"Vig, what is this?" Sombra said slowly.

"This sir is a true changeling." Vig said leaning against the cage.

"That's a changeling but its so small and animalistic." Sam said cutting in.

The creature leaped up slamming into the side of the cage as if trying to get out. It hissed revealing it's inner mouth which was dressed with rows of sharp teeth.

"Yes this is in fact a wild changeling strait from the deep south of Equestria. I was able to get a few from a trader who lived near there. Factor the other experiments I had to preform this is the last one that I have." Vig said.

"Other experiments? What did you do to the others?" Sombra asked.

"I had to do away with them for I need to figure out the inner workings of some to understand them completely. Vile creatures they sure did put up a fight. Anyway as much as you are surprised at this imagine my shock when I got them." Vig said laughing. "I was thinking they would be a lot like Chrysalis but boy was I wrong."

"There's no possible way that this thing can be related to Chrysalis. It's like their two different things entirely." Sombra said.

"Thats the mystery sir they are the same creature yet Chrysalis is more intelligent on a level not found in any of the ones that I had." Vig said.

"Vig why are you showing me this?" Sombra said.

"Sir in my studies I found one disturbing thing about these creatures that you may find interesting. "Vig said grabbing a clip board. "These creatures are not like other creatures who survive on food and water alone. They shift and change into a form so that they can't feed off the emotions of they're prey. Usually they transform into somepony that their victim cares deeply about or should I say somepony they love."

Sombra froze in place not knowing how to ask the next question. "So Chrysalis's looks like this?" He asked pointing to the changeling.

"Well not exactly, though they share many and I do mean many characteristics. Chrysalis is not entirely the same kind of creature as this changeling you see here. She is more evolved in a way mostly in intelligence. The way she is right now is her true form." Vig said. "Like I said they feed off emotions." Vig said digging the point it.

Sombra picked up on it. "Is there any side effects that these creatures can have on somepony."

Vig smiled as if he wanted him to ask the question. "Yes they do in fact, some included headaches, pains, and severe pains to the chest. In some studies their magic can be really dangerous among unicorns."

"Unicorns?" Sombra said growing wide eyed.

"Yes in most cases they can affect the unicorn's magic that can lead to pain beyond measure if not treated." Vig said. "Especially when the victim pours a lot of emotions into it. I would say it that it can almost lead to consent pain, heart pains, eye infection, nightmares, and overall just not feeling good. It can effect you're attitude as well like making you feel paranoia all the time also violent behavior can be found in some cases."

"Vig there must be some kind of mistake Chrysalis would never secretly try to hurt me." Sombra said.

"Oh I believe you sir and I know she didn't do all the damage you helped." Vig said.

"Excuses me? How do you even think that this is mine fault. Let alone how do I know that you are not making everything up and just doing this to spite me?" Sombra said growing angry.

"Watch and learn." Vig said pulling a rod out from behind the cage.

As the rod was produced the creature let out a hiss and back away from them. Vig slid the rod in as if to poke the changeling to annoy it.

"Come close Sombra." Vig said beckoning.

Sombra did as he was told and sat in front of the cage.

"Here you go boy got somepony new for you too feed on. Go on transform for us." Vig said. the creature did nothing. "I said take aim and feed." the doctor said stabbing the creature underneath the neck.

With that the creautres eyes turned green and horned in on Sombra. It began twitching then with one flash it turned into Chrysalis. Sombra jumped back in shock.

"" He said slowly.

"Sombra please help I don't know how I got here but am scared." It said sounding exactly like Chrysalis.

Sombra began feeling a burning sensation in his chest. It was like all the other times he felt just before the pains would come. Sweat began forming around his head.

"You see the creature takes form and begins to drain you. You feel it right now don't you?" Vig said.

"I do." Sombra said hating to say it.

"Well since Chrysalis has been the only one around to feed on you a new changeling can be more deadly. They don't usally feast on the same host. Now this is only temporary, imagine once they don't have to take a form to get their prey to give them emotions." Vig said.

"Are you saying that they are stronger once they take natural form?" Sombra asked stepping up to the cage.

"Yes once they shed their cover they can fully feast off they're victim at the most weakest state. Much how Chrysalis has been able to feed on you without having to conceal herself. Thus creating the pony that is standing here right now." Vig said.

"Now hold on theres no way that she was able to change my skin and my eyes with just feeding on me is there?" Sombra said realizing that he was losing faith in his once beloved.

"Ah that is where another form of magic comes in. Do you recall that spell that you picked up from that wondering pony you found down by the old fort?" Vig said.

"Yes." Sombra said suspiciously.

"Well after going over it I had a friend who is sort of a wise one when it comes to magic. He explained to me that the spell did work but not clearly. It showed what the cause was, just take a look at your coat. What color is it?" Vig asked.

"Grey." Sombra said.

"Now what color is Chrysalis's skin?" Vig ask hinting.

"Really dark....." Sombra stopped. "I've been played for a fool? No she wouldn't would she? She couldn't? "The evidence is starting to point that out but? But how? I thought that she and I were......." He stopped for a second. "It was all a lie wasn't it?"

"Exactly sir a ruse to get close to you, to feed off of you." Vig said.

Sombra felt his eyes burning with rage. Deep down he was trying not to seem weak in front of the two but it was hard. How could she lie to him? How could she use him like a sack of meat to feed on? All the feelings he had for her, all the moments that they shared were all just pretend for her? He grew more and more angry by the second.

"How could she do this to me?" He asked grinning his teeth.

"Now sir calm down we will handle the situation." Sam said.

"NO! I will deal with this myself." Sombra said storming out of the room.

His mind was flooded with emotions mostly sadness and hatred. "It was all a lie, everything was a lie. The moment I freed her she played me like an instrument. I was so stupid, so caught up in feeling for another that I was blinded from reason." A tear began falling from his eye. "All my suffering, all my problems where cause of her. How? How could I have let myself think that she was actually in love with me?" Sombra said.

"Everything alright sir?" A guard asked.

"Yes everything is fine." Sombra said biting his lip. "She was nothing more than a snake that waits to strike a traveler down. That coining beast."

He made it to his throne room, knowing that Chrysalis would come looking for him there. He sat on the floor and waited for the door to open. Being alone allowed his mind to be clear for a second. A tiny voice inside his mind kept echoing over and over the same thing. "Hurt." Tears began flowing from him, he no longer tried to hold them back. All of his emotions were staring to come forward and mix with the others. Shame mixed with anger, bitterness with nervousness, and depression sat on its own consuming the others. His heat pounded inside of his chest making him feel miserable every time it gave a thump. His tears burned against his skin as they rushed down his face. A small noise shot to his ears and he immedialty sprang up to see the source. Standing in front of him was Chrysalis. All his anger submitted to the sadness leaving only that to be shown. He could tell that he looked broken with the tears and the expression on his face.

"Sombra what's wrong?" She asked.

"Don't come any closer." He warned. "You have done enough already."

"What on earth are you talking about." Chrysalis asked worried.

", you used me." Sombra said blubbering. "All I ever did was care for you and then I fell in love with you. And what would you have done? Rip my heart out and feast upon like the savage animal that you are!"

"Sombra please what are you going on about?" Chrysalis asked.

"I know now what you are. Vig showed me another creature that shares your genes. I know that you feed off others to satisfy yourself. I know that all that I felt for you in return was nothing to you. Thanks to you I was in severe pain for weeks and when a solution came it only made things worse." Sombra said drying his tears. "Well what do you have to say for yourself? What do you have to say for yourself 'Chrysalis'? ANWSER ME!"

"What do you want me to say?" Chrysalis shouted. "That yes I am a monster who feeds on others? You want me to say that I purposely used you for some sort of pleasurable gain? Well to answer one of those question than yes. Yes I am a creature who feeds of emotions. But that does not mean that all I felt was......"

Sombra let out a scream. "How? How? I loved you? I was willing to give you everything I could offer. All the times that I said I 'loved you' were just me digging the dagger just a little more deep huh? Everything we experienced was nothing but a sick prank on your part." His head began swelling with pressure. A burning sensation was starting to build up in his horn. "You lied to me! You betrayed me!"

"Sombra please let me explain." Chrysalis said slowly. "At first yes I used..."

"You beast, you monster I'll make you pay for what you did, you hear me!" Sombra said lunging at her.

Chrysalis jumped out of the way and began galloping as fast as she could out of the room. She bolted down the stairs not turning around at all. Sombra mind rushed with the single thought of running her down and soon he began to give chase. He pushed ponies out of the way as he kept her within seeing distance. Every corner she turned he would gain a couple of more inches closer to catching her. He began wondering what was to become of her once he got her. Several scenarios ran in his head but all had the same conclusion. Chrysalis shifted pass a corner leaving Sombra's gaze. Turning the corner he could not find a single trace of her.

"Where are you?" Sombra shouted. "I will find you eventually, you can't hide here. Soon I will make you pay!"

He took a deep breath taking in what just had unraveled. Letting out a couple of more tears he stopped when he heard somepony coming. A group of servants came down the end of the hall, they stopped once they saw they're prince.

"Anything we can help you with sir?" One asked.

Sombra gazed over the group eyeing each one of them. "She can change her form, she can be any one of them." He said to himself. "No, not at the moment but thank you."

"All right sir." She said motioning the others to follow.

He watched as they left making sure none made a suspicious move. All of them went about they're business as usual. Sombra punched the ground as hard as he could out of frustration. He felt his hoof begging to ache, looking down at it he saw that he drew blood. All his anger and sadness began reemerging out of him. Breaking down he wept for a good solid minute allowing himself to feel every second of his misery. Each tear was a memory that he had shared with Chrysalis. Each one represented all that he felt for her. He felt miserable right down to the core.

"No, I will not be alone in this. If I am going to be alone and afraid then everypony will be as well. I will make them all feel like I feel . All will share in my misery." He said standing up. "I'll make them suffer just like I have. Each one will fill hopelessness fill their minds until it makes them insane."

He rushed as fast as he could to find anypony to take his anger out on. Coming into a hall he stared at the general happy faces of his servants.

"They all will suffer." He whispered.

His horn began crackling with energy. Every dark thought, every single ounce of his anger was being channeled to his horn. The servants soon began to notice this and some instantly started to walk away. "Let the party begin." Sombra said to himself. Within a few seconds Sombra brought many of them kneesm some laid on the ground. Their screams of agony made Sombra feel good, he felt that he needed something to get rid of his pain. He needed more of it. Rushing throughout the palace he attacked every single pony he could find leaving non untouched in his path.

"Yes, yes I will find you Chrysalis and you will suffer along with them." He said to himself laughing.

"Sir what is the meaning of this?" Sam's voice cutting through the air.

Turning to see his butler standing their Sombra prepared himself.

"Sam." He said causally

"This is madness what you are doing? What happen? Where is Chrysalis?" Sam asked.

"I don't know but I will find her eventually wait and see." Sombra said.

Sam looked around. "Well there has to be a better way then hurting every single pony here. We can set up searchers or have...."

"No this is how its going to be. If I am made to suffer then they will share in it." Sombra hissed.

"Sir this has gone to far, you're not well in the head anymore." Sam said.

Sombra frowned. "I feel fine except for a place in my chest thats now empty and cold."

"Sir I know you feel hurt by this but this isn't the way to show it. You have to reached deep down and overcome your sadness." Sam said trying to calm him down as best he could.

"I don't want to feel anything anymore and if I can drive others to this maybe we will all live in peace." Sombra said.

"Sir thats not wise at all. Please listen to me you have to calm down." Sam said.

"No I don't have to listen to you at all. I am the leader of the crystal empire. I don't have to listen to anyone." Sombra said.

"Any fool can use authority to ignore good judgement. Sir you have to focus on the good that comes from the bad." Sam said. "Even a prince must do the same."

"A prince must do the same." Sombra mumbled. "I am a KING!"

Sam shook his head in disbelief. "A king?"

"Yes I am the King of the crystal empire." Sombra said charging his horn. He blasted Sam with a spell knocking the butler out cold. "A king who can do whatever he pleases."

Sombra rushed to his throne room where he found the crystal heart still sitting on the throne. Taking it he walked over to the window.

"I am a king. A king who will be ruthless to all who oppose him. A king who will be feared by his kingdom." He said to himself. "Do you hear me Chrysalis? I will make you fear me!"

A Heart As Black As Night

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Sombra breathed in the air around him as he strutted down the road. His mind was a violent motion like rusty gears grinding together. His smile reflected the inner thoughts that began to poison his perspective of the world around him. Ponies who saw him instantly knew somehow to get out of his way.

"Soon all will suffer." He mumbled to himself.

He came to the end of the road, reaching the outskirts of the city. Turning around he gazed at the city that laid before him. A burning desire came to his mind, one that he wanted to act on immediately. Taking the crystal heart he raised it to the sky.

"Dakrness will cover this land and all will learn to fear it." He said. "LET ALL WHO CHALLENGE ME BE COVERED BY THIS DARKNESS FOR THEY SHALL BE FOREVER TORMENTED BY IT!"

With one motion he slammed the heart down to the ground. He poured all his hatred, his sadness, and every single regret he made was channeled from his heart to the stony heart. The ground around the heart became black and looked almost like a small shadowy puddle. Sombra stared at it and soon it began to expand. Almost like in an snake like motion the black shadow was begging to expand into the street. It crept along the road eventually spilling into the sidewalk. Soon it began spreading like wildfire turning everything little stone into an ugly color. Once the sidewalks fell victim to this it attack the surrounding crystal structures. The beautiful buildings soon became black and vile looking. Sombra began laughing.

"How fitting." He said to himself.

He began walking down the road ahead of the shadows that now had begun spreading down other roads. The looks and reaction from the crystal ponies drove Sombra wild. It was exactly what he hoped for. Their fear of the unknown intrusion was giving Sombra a wondrous feeling. Buildings around him started to twist and turn resulting in the previous structures fates. Looking to his right he could see it spreading far down to the other parts of the city, turning to see the left had the same results.

"Sombra!" A guard said coming up to him. "The city seems to be under attacked by something."

Sombra laughed. "No we are not being attacked we are being brought closer together."

"Sir?" The guard asked in confusion.

"Let me explain better." Sombra said.

Sombra charged his horn and shot the guard with a jolt of magic. The reaction was quite the opposite what Sombra was hoping for. Though the guard hit the ground he didn't let out a cry of pain. He laid there breathing heavily as the shadows on the street went by him. Sombra did feel the guard's fear but there was no more than that. At that moment he realized something about the guard. The crystal pony had lost his crystal shine. Instead of a bright shiny red coat the colt had a dull and joyless red tone. The shadows of the street started nipping at the edges of the pony's hooves. It was as if Sombra had sucked all the happiness and hope out of him. How could he do this? Was there something about the spell he used? It was just a common burning spell. Could his new found powers somehow create something entirely different? He had to experiment with this theory. Easily spotting a random pony he quickly went over to her.

"Prince Sombra what's going on?" She asked fearfully.

Sombra wasted no time answering her question he just fired his spell off and watched. The glimmering yellow coat turned into a pale counterpart. The pony fell to the ground but was able to hold herself up a little.

"Why....why would you?" She managed to say before toppling over.

This feeling of fear was intensified than the others he felt before. It was different like something was added to it. Sombra felt like that it must have to do with the fact that the pony must had felt comfort with his presence. Could it be the feeling of fear resulting from feeling betrayed? Whatever it was he liked it. His mind quickly pulled him back to the goal he had set up for himself. The shadows had almost consumed the entire city, encoding it in it's darkness. All that remained still glimmering in the sun was the famous palace.

"Only on thing left to fix." Sombra said jokingly.

He bent over and touched the ground spreading a dark aura matter around him. His heart was racing as he watched it climb near on the support basses holding the palace up. At first the dark matter didn't latch on as if something was resisting it. Sombra clenched his teeth and let loose a reinforcement for the current shadow. Together they attacked the bass turning it to an ugly black color. It soon began running along the bass to the intersection where all the others meet. The sun reflected off the ugly color casting a almost threatening shadow along the area. As the tower began falling more and more to the darkness the more larger area was covered in this great shadow. Once the whole castle was covered Sombra let out a sigh.

"It is finished!" He yelled with glee. "Soon I will become absolute ruler over everything that I see. Yes I have the crystal empire already on my plate but think of the expansion. Once I bring these fools to their knees so will the rest of Equestria. All will join me and them in our suffering. For now I need to bring these ponies something they can really fear, something to break them. Those other two seemed to be transformed in a way as if I took the very meaning of a crystal pony right out of them. Maybe I can use this to my advantage." He stopped once he noticed when members of his royal guard started to draw near him. Their faces showed fear of this unknown phenomena. "Reports gentlecolts?" Sombra asked.

"Sir I don't know how but the entire city has fallen under some kind of anomaly." One of the captains said.

"It's black magic I say." One guard said.

"Now we don't know that it could be something else." Another shot back.

"Sorry boys but you're both wrong on this one for it is I who is responsible." Sombra said.

"Sir?" The captain asked in confusion.

"I felt like we needed a change of scenery, you know something new to look at." Sombra said turning around to see his new city. "Well what do you boys think?"

The guards sat in silence not knowing if he was being serious of that he had gone mad. Sombra then started to grow a cruel idea in his head.

His heart began pumping slower than usual as if he was suffering for something. Ignoring it e began plotting on how he could get everypony together fast. "Guards alert the kingdom I want everypony here tomorrow by the mid days sun. I do mean everypony" Sombra barked. "Every last colt, mare, and young ones who live in our empire do you understand? I want the army here as well, all of them. Pull out of every fort, station, town, cave, and every patrol area. I want them suited up and ready for crowd control. Now I will also need squads to empty out all the dungeons. Gather all the supplies that you can that can be used to hold ponies down against their will. As for the prisoners I have no mercy for and do away with them as you colts feel proper." He said. "Don't just stand there move! You two do the first thing I said, you three start alerting the army, and you start gather guards up to clear out the dungeons. GO!"

Most of the guards went off to do their order even though they were confused about them. All left except for one.

"Is there a problem solider?" Sombra asked.

"Sir what is the purpose of these orders?" He asked.

"Purpose? The only purpose to carry out these orders you need to know is to not lose your head when questioning me. Got it?" Sombra said.

The guard displayed greater fear. "Yes sir."

"No go before I really lose my temper." Sombra said.

Sombra began walking into his newly designed palace. The inner walls somehow reflect the inner working of his heart, black and full of depression. The thumping in his chest became more and more slower yet he wasn't being effected by it. He wasn't feeling light headed or short of breath. He also noticed how empty the palace was. Most of his servant cleared out form the previous episode he had just done before heading outside. He didn't care for he did not hunger for anything nor did he need anything at the moment. All he needed was his orders to be carried out and the crystal heart that was secured to his armor. Making his way up to his bedroom he locked the door behind him. Lying down he drew the heart close to him.

"You're the only thing I need anymore." He said to it.

A young guard was clearing out the dudgeons empty cells taking all the chains and devices used to captivate a pony.

"You there what's going on?" Another guard asked.

"Orders by the prince we are to clear out all cells and take all prisoner gear outside and gather them up." He repsonded.

Chrysalis bit her tongue. "Did he say why we are to do this?"

"No sir he just gave the orders." The guard said.

Chrysalis was begging to wonder what Sombra was up to. Was this some sort of a colt hunt he had cooking up for her or was this something else. Looking up she watched dozens of guards beginning to flood the prison. They cleared out all the lowlifes and took them back up stairs and out of sight.

"You there don't stand there come help." A colt said giving her a bunch of neck harnesses and chains. "Take these to the gathering place just outside the palace."

Chrysalis was given a heavy amount and she struggled to get them up to the upper floors. All round she saw guards rushing around trying to move everything being taken out of the prison. Every prisoner was being led out of the door being closely followed by guards.

"You there hurry up with those. We need every single one we can get out there before tomorrow's sun." A gaurd yelled at her.

"Yes sir!" She responded.

A group of messengers went galloping by her almost knocking her down.

"What is going on?" She asked herself.

Sombra laid fast asleep in his bed dreaming on what tomorrow was going to bring. "There will be a reckoning like no other once I am done. Soon all will hate and feel lost just as I have. Once I have taught these ponies that only then can we all move on." A sound disrupted him causing him to leap out of bed. "Chrysalis is that you?" he asked. There was no sound or a response. He quickly began lighting up the room with his horn. There wasn't anypony there as far as he could see. A knock came to his door quickly distracting him. Opening it he was greeted by the presence of a royal guard. He was a older looking colt but he had a look of worry on his face.

"Sorry to disturbed you my lord but I have some question on the orders you gave us." He said slowly.

Sombra sensed some fear coming from the pony but he couldn't tell why. After all he just asked a question there was no reason to be scared.

"Sure what did you want to ask about them?" Sombra asked with curiosity.

"Yes sir I was just asking the purpose of these excises was. I mean you have us piling a great pile out in the courtyard and all." The guard said.

"Well solider I hope you can respect my descion on not telling you what the purpose of these orders are but let me explain on thing. Tomorrow I want all the guards and army armed and ready for action." Sombra said. "Now please don't disturbed me again." He slammed the door on the pony's face.

Chrysalis walked away. "What is he up to and what does he have planned for tomorrow? I got to find somepony to help me." She walked down the hallway and came to a deserted open hall. The only sound in the palace were the ones of the guards shouting orders at each other. "This is all to weird, something bad is about to happen I can feel it?"

"Come again solider?" Sam's voice called out.

Chrysalis turned to see the butler slumped over on a chair clenching his side. She quickly rushed over to him.

"Sir are you hurt?" She asked.

"No and you can drop the act Chrysalis I know it's you." He said.

"Wait how did you know?" She asked preparing to bolt.

"Don't worry I am not going to tell Sombra and don't worry about how I knew it was you just know that I did. Anyway what where you just going on about?" He asked.

"Sombra has given orders to his guards and army." She said bitting her lip. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah just a bit of burning thats all, you said the army?" Sam asked.

"He gave orders to have all the troops to abandon their post and mobilized here by tomorrow morning. Plus he has requested that all the ponies of the empire be here by noon too. That's not the part that worries me, he asked for the dungeons to be emptied on supplies. Chains, cuffs, and neck holders are all being piled outside. I don't like where this is going." She said.

"Well maybe he has gone mad after all he seemed very unpleasant after he found out what you were." Sam said.

"Sam please if I could have talked to him before he went all crazy on me maybe I could have explained. Yes I am a creature who feeds on others for their emotions but Sombra was different. At first I thought I was going to just use him but something happen." She said.

"And that was?" Sam asked.

Chrysalis dropped her head."Well he started to care for me and love me. All my instincts told me to change and deceive him but he loved me for me. I didn't have to hide myself for he just didn't care. In time I started to care for him as well. Deep down I grew feelings for him, never had that happen to me before. I tried to stop my natural ability but I just got caught up"

"Falling in actual love?" Sam asked.

Chrysalis nodded.

"Well I can go ahead and tell you that I knew you didn't mean any harm by it. I know you actually loved him and wouldn't purposely hurt him. The sad thing is though what has happen has happen. Now we got to figure out a way to help Sombra before he does anything else rash or violent." Sam said struggling to get up. "Beside we should move before somepony comes across a guard proclaiming their actual love for Sombra to his butler."

Chrysalis helped Sam by using herself as support. "Where did you have in mind?"

"The only place I think is safe is with Vig right now." He noticed Chrysalis's reaction. "Don't worry I wont tell him either now lets go. I am begging to feel sick."

Chrysalis walked the butler down into the palace towards Vig's lab.

Sombra awoke to the sounds of marching hooves. Peeping out of the window he could see hundreds of solders pouring in form all the streets. Along on the sidewalks the citizens of the empire also were begging to form but many where still to come.

"Look at them lining up. Soon they wish they were never born." He said.

Grabbing the heart he went down to the courtyard of the palace to see the massive pile of chains. It grew in great height almost touching the intersection of the basses of the palace. There was just one more thing he had to do.

"Captain order my generals to present themselves before me immediately." Sombra ordered.

In about the span of ten minutes all his major generals appeared before. Some gasped at his appearance but they were quickly able to conduct themselves.

"Gentlecolts I here by order a seal of stone to take place right now." Sombra said.

"Sir are you sure? I mean you do know what you are doing right?" General Knocks asked. "A seal hasn't been used in centuries."

"Yes I know and don't question me just present your parts." Sombra ordered.

The generals looked at each other hesitantly as they each one by one took out a small piece of metal hidden away in their armor. Each little pice was laid before Sombra waiting to be put together.

"Sir are we about to go to war or something. I mean there must be a reason you want to break a seal open?" General Grull asked.

"Oh there is a good reason now step back." Sombra said.

Sombra reached deep down within his memories as he tried to recall the spell his father taught him. Soon it began coming back to him as the pieces began to move towards each other. A couple clicking sound affirmed that the small amulet was in place. Using his magic Sombra lifted it up and shattered it into a million pieces. The amulet was now nothing but dust. A small energy came froth from the ground running around the generals and quickly disappearing.

"The seal is broken and your word must be to the death." Sombra said.

"Yes sir!" They all responded.

"Good now as of today the city and empire are under martial law. No pony enters or leaves or boarders without checking here first. All citizen as of now are to be quarantined and processed by use of chains if they try to leave. Also all citizens must obey every order I give and you must enforce it. They will work to build up the empire's defenses." Sombra said.

The look on his generals faces showed that they feared what he was going to do.

"Sir why all the sudden moves." One asked. "Is there an unknown threat to us?"

Sombra held his hoof up. "The seal is broken you must obey every single one of my orders without question now go."

The colts looked at each other wondering if they were doing the right thing. Slowly they left to go carry out Sombra orders. The unicorn snickered at they're hesitation. Now that he had the army under his complete control it was only a matter of time before he brought them all under the same feelings of depression. Sombra watched as the troops went out to their positions. The sun began climbing the sky as the ponies of the empire began pouring in. It would soon be time to act. Retreating to his palace he made his way to a balcony that sat just above the growing sea of ponies. The sound of the crowd was whispers of everything going on. It must have been a strange time with the city changing and the summoning of them. He looked at the sun and noticed that it was time for him to begin.

"Silence will be the new music that escapes the lips of those who hold hope close to them." He said. "Signal for them to be silent." He asked a courier holding a trumpet.

The blast hit the air like thunder silencing the entire crowd.

"Ponies of the crystal empire you be wondering why I have brought you here today. Let me start by saying that I have assembled you all here to let you know that we are begging anew. You may have already seen the city take a different change over the last couple of hours but let me assure you its all in good fate. This is only the start for now we work on building the city even greater. Together we will make the empire is stronger. You will all take part in this new uprising for all must contribute to the cause or else they will suffer the consequence."

This sent some to start walking away only to meet with a wall of guards. A guard knocked a pony to the ground who tried to resist. This sent many into a panic state.

"There is not walking away from this all must work." Sombra said.

A lot of the ponies began freaking out as seeing the guards standing there with weapons at the ready. Some began pushing there way out of the crowd to get away.

"Take whoever tries to flee into custody for anypony attempting to abandon here will be trailed as a traitor!" Sombra shouted.

By this time everypony around him had scattered leaving him alone.

"Arrest them all! I order you to arrest every non army personnel immediately. Use the chains and cuffs place below. All will bow before me weather they like it or not! I am the king!" Sombra screamed

This caused everypony to freeze even the guards.

"Yes I here by declare my rise from prince to king of the crystal empire!" He said slamming his hoof into the ground. Now soldiers obey your king and arrest all these traitors!" Sombra said.

The street below fell into chaos as the guards and soliders began tackling ponies to the ground. Soon screams filled the air as each pony was eventually cuffed and chained.

"You will all suffer by my hooves!" Sombra yelled.

His heart stopped beating leaving him to panic. To his surprise he wasn't dying.

"What? How?" He stopped as he noticed the guards where begging to take control of the situation.

"My heart was gone a while ago." He said.

Fear's Own Enemy

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5 weeks later

Celestia sat by the flowers taking in their fresh scent. The sun shined brightly around the garden making her watch the rays bounce off the leaves. She smiled to herself as she felt in peace.

"Such a wonderful day. Think I am going to go out of the town for awhile." She said to herself.

She got and trotted towards the palace greeting everypony she saw with a smile. Upon entering a guard immedialty meet her, almost running into the princess.

"Sorry princess." He said bowling.

"No that's alright I'll just be on my way." She said.

"Actually I was looking for you." He said. " There is a squad of guards from our northern boarders who have something to report to you."

"Oh then lead on then." Celestia said.

The guard lead her to her throne room where a group of guards were resting. Each one had a look of worry on their faces as they sat there. Celestia calmly went to her throne and kept a strait posture.'

"You have something to report to me gentlecotls?" She said.

"Yes your majesty we have somethings to tell you about our neighbor from the north." The supiour officer said taking a step forward.

"Oh? You mean the crystal empire? What is there to tell about them?" She asked.

"Well ma'am we have been meet with crystal solider along the boarder and upon question they said that the boarder is closed. Also they threaten us if we came any closer." He said.

"That certainly seems odd is there any reason for this that they gave you?" Celestia said motion for a guard to come to her. "Go and find my sister and bring her here please."

The guard nodded and went off.

"As of reason they gave us none. We have also have heard disturbing stories for a crystal pony that we found wondering away from the line. She looked terrible your majesty like she hadn't eaten in days. The thing that we notice at first was the marks around her neck, which were swollen beyond belief."

"Is the pony here?" Celestia asked.

"Yes ma'am she resting with the royal doctor currently." He said.

Luna entered the throne rubbing sleep from her eyes. "You called upon us sister?"

"Luna come here there is something going on up north." Celestia said. "Sir can the pony talk or is she to worn out?"

"She can talk but I don't think she'll talk for long periods." He said.

"Who?" Luna asked.

"I'll explain on the way." Celestia said getting up. Luna followed her sister down the hall. "Those guards were just telling me that the crystal empire has closed it's boarder and are enforcing it by force. Right now we are going to see a crystal pony who has came from there and apparently she's been hurt."

"Oh dear." Luna said. "You think everything is okay?"

"I don't know but I hope so." Celestia said.

The two came into the room where the royal doctor's office was. As soon as they entered the room the doctor bowed respectably.

"How can I help you today you majesties." She said.

"The crystal pony that was brought in here today how is she doing?" Celestia asked.

"She is in bad shape ma'am. She's been starved and deprived of all nutrition and her neck has been restrained by what appears to be chain marks." She said.

"Can she talk at all?" Luna asked concerned.

"For now yes but you might want to hurry. I just gave her some medicine that will probably knock her out very shortly." The doctor said stepping to the side. "She's right down there."

Luna and Celestia walked over to a small hospital bed where the pony lied down. Her eyes were wide and looked like she hadn't rested in days.

"Hello little one." Luna said kneeling beside her. "What on earth happen to you" She said stroking the pony's forehead with her hoof like a mother would do.

The pony flinched at the touch but settled back down. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes darted from both sisters. "Where am I?" She asked.

"You're in Canterlot dear now what happen to you?" Celestia asked.

"I am really in Canterlot? Oh, thank the heavens I am safe. I just hope my family made it out to." She said biting her lip.

"Out of where?" Luna asked.

"The empire." The pony said.

"Why would you want to leave the empire isn't that your home?" Celestia asked.

The pony grew fearful at hearing Celestia asking here why she wanted to leave.

"Why did you and your family want to leave?" Luna asked gently.

"Sombra." The pony said growing tense. "Sombra."

"Sombra? You mean prince Sombra?" Luna asked.

The pony nodded her head. A tear fell from here eye. "King Sombra."

"King? There has to be some mistake Sombra couldn't do anything to terrible to drive ponies like you away could he?" Celstia asked.

"He chained us all up like animals!" The pony cried. "Forced us to work with no food, no water, and no rest. All for pointless things that can never be done. It was almost as if he was just making us to miserable things just to make us miserable. Night and day, every single minute we had to lift things, carry things, hammer rocks, pile rocks, all while being whipped by the guards. Father said we had to leave and get as far away as possible so we did. Last time I saw him was when we were nearing the boarder and he went to distract the guards so that I could cross."

"Sombra did all those things?" Luna asked.

"Yes, he's gone mad. The look in his eyes is that of a madcolt. He sits upon his balcony looking down on this with a smile of satisfaction. Once and awhile he would come down and have us punished for no reason. It was like living in a nightmare all the time. Please did my father make it here to? Please tell me he did." She said with her eyes begging to form tears.

"Don't worry we will find your father but for now you have to tell us for certain that this is going on." Celestia said.

The pony began to look woozy. "I swear it is, we are all suffering under king Sombra. Please help us." She said dozing off. ""

With that the pony was out cold from the medication. Luna tucked the pony in, sucruing her in the blanket.

"Luna do you think any of this is true?" Celestia asked turning her back to her sister.

"Sister We can't tell for certain unless we see if with our own eyes." Luna said. "Maybe we should pay a visit to the empire?"

"Maybe but I don't want to go alone. If what this pony said is true than we are going to need to come in by force. Even though I hope for the best maybe we need something planned just in case." Celestia said.

"Well we can have troops escort us shouldn't that be enough?" Luna asked.

"On any other given day I would agree sister but from what we heard it sounds evil is ahoof here." Celstia said turning to face her sister. "I think we need to use our magic if it comes to that."

"Sister,don't you think thats a little drastic?" Luna asked.

"Maybe you're right its just that I am fearful for what is to come. I don't like the sound of this at all." Celstia said. "It can't be true can it?"

"We both know that there is only one way we can really know." Luna said.

"Lets take the trip shall we?" Clestia said.

It was quite, for now. The streets laid empty and deserted of all life. All around laid the ugly and dark structures that now made up most of the once great capital city. Sombra stepped over a crystal pony who had fallen do to work.

"Get up." Sombra hissed.

The pony looked up at him with a tired and hatred look in his eyes.

"Get up right now or else I will have you suffer beyond what you have already have." Sombra said.

"Go ahead I don't care what happens to me anymore I would rather die than live in this kind of world." The colt said.

Sombra slammed his hoof in the back of the pony's head, pressing the pony into the ground. "No death will to be easy of an escape for you. Take him away."

One of the guards standing on the sidewalk came and dragged the pony away. Sombra locked eyes with the pony as he was being pulled away by his chain.

"Make sure he is not allowed anything that resembles a normal life. No social contact and no food." Sombra said. "Now how goes the structures that we are working on today?"

"The building is almost complete sir but your orders said that there was to be no Infrastructure so it probably won't stand." One of the guards said.

"How many of the workers failed to be at the completion?" Sombra asked.

"Over half." The guard said.

"Take them out to the palace courtyard and have them beaten in front of the rest of the others." Sombra said.

"Yes sir." The guard said sadly.

"Was that hesitation I heard solider?" Sombra asked.

"No sir!" The colt said.

"Good thats what I thought. If any thing else goes wrong alert me immedialty." Sombra said heading off to the palace. "It is just as I imagine it would be. They're all miserable to the point of breaking. Sure maybe I am going to hard on them but I can't stop now. Stopping now would make me more of a monster than harming them. Surly by now they are used to the chains and the constant work that they probably don't notice it." He came to the palace where a heavy amount of guards stood guard around the doors. Sombra entered and went strait to his balcony over looking the capital. It became his favorite spot to be. He would have his food served there and if he could he would sleep outside. All day he would watch the ponies at 'work' and smile to himself. "Such a fine and wonderful day out. Hope the sun stays out of the way." He yawned. "Think I'll take a nap for awhile before giving out orders for the night tasks."

Celestia and Luna rode in a carriage that was heavily guarded by a swarm of guards. They were also accompanied by several squads of soliders heading directly for the boarder of the empire. The sun was begging to set as the large caravan was approaching the boarder.

"Sister I can see a makeshift fort up ahead." Luna said peering at the horizon.

"So the boarder really is guarded huh? We'll see how long that last." Celestia said.

As the two princess came up to the fort several crystal soldiers greeted them with spears armed and ready.

"Halt who wishes to enter out land?" One asked.

"I am princess Celestia of Equestria and also princess Luna of the realm as well. We are here on the account of an improper closing of the boarder between the land and the crystal empire. To close a boarder is an act of war or a way to show hositlity to us and we demand to know the reasons for it." Celestia called out. "We wait for you're comply."

"The boarder was closed by his highness King Sombra of the crystal empire. He has deemed all outside travel without permission by the royal court as an act of treason. All who enter will also be charged with treason unless they have his permission." The voice called back.

"This is nonsense we are the princesses of Equestria and we demand to see prince Sombra at once!" Luna shouted.

"Look I would love to help you majesties but my hooves are tied by this point. Even if I could get an audience with him I would doubt that he would even sit and listen to anything you say." The guard said.

"And why would that be?" Celestia asked.

There was a minute of silence before the guard answered. Suddenly the gate to the fort opened up and the guard came out to meet with them. He bowed respectfully.

"Princess Celstia, princess Luna what I am about to tell you will get me in a lot of trouble if anypony finds out that I told you." He said. "I just can't take it anymore."

"Take what anymore?" Celestia asked.

The guard broke down in tears. "I can't do it anymore I just can't. He made us do terrible things. It drove me mad so I requested to be sent out here but I can't hide it anymore. Please you have to help us."

"Calm yourself solider and tells us what is going on here?" Luna asked.

"It's awful princess, just awful we are living in a madhouse. Day and night we are forced to make others complete ridiculously hard task that result in nothing really being accomplished. I was one of the enforcers who made sure that it got done. I am not proud of the things I had to do so I asked to be part of the boarder patrol. Out here its not as bad as the capital but still I can't live myself knowing what I have seen." The guard wept. "Please help us."

Celestia got off the carriage and walked over to the guard. Like the pony that was on the hospital bed the guard had no crystal shine to him at all. Below his eyes where marks of unrest for several day.

"What is happing up here?" Celestia asked.

"It's king Sombra ma'am he's crazy, vile, cruel, violent, and making our lives terrible please you have to stop him. Many here have been reassigned in hopes of staying away from it all." The guard said.

"Solider, if what you say is true and it's starting to sound like it is. We must stop this immedialty and try to restore peace to this land." Celestia said.

"Yes ma'am but its still a long ride to the capital from here so you must be going on your way." He said.

"Will you not ride with us?" Celestia asked.

The guard looked down at the ground. "I would but Sombra missioned an ultimation to his generals and us. We have to obey his orders and stay here no matter how much we may dislike it."

"Solider as much as honor is important you have to realize that you must keep the honor of the ponies you are to protect. You may be a servant to the ruler of the empire but you have to remember that you are a guard to the empire too." Luna said walking up.

The guard looked at them and looked back at the other soldiers who now had begun stumbling out of the fort.

"Will you help us protect the empire?" Celestia asked.

Sombra was jolted awaked by a hammering knocking on his door. He went to the door and flung it open.

"What in the world can be so important that I have to be awaken....."

Sam stood there with a look of anger on his face. The butler was wearing a black robe that covered his entire body.

"You have gone mad!" Sam said.

"I don't have time to listen to your dribble now begone before I really hurt you." Sombra said.

"You may not have much time as you think you do." Sam said. "Or did you even question why I knocked on your door?"

Sombra growled. "Tell me."

"Several of your 'boarder forts' have gone dark over the night and one scouts reported a large party closing in on the capital." Sam said causlly.

"Impossible they wouldn't dare betray me." Sombra hissed.

"Oh really? You think hurting them and forcing them to destroy each other wasn't going to make them go off on you eventually?" Sam asked.

"Enough!" Sombra said walking away.

Sam followed behind the mad unicorn as he stormed through the palace.

"Where have you been anyway?" Sombra asked.

"Nowhere in particle just healing from a certain pony's spell that was blasted at me." Sam said. "Really nasty business it was but I had worse. Nothing compared what you have going on out there, I mean I thought you were becoming violent fool but not this bad. Does it somehow make you feel better? Does it somehow replace the loss of Chrysalis digging your heart out?"

Sombra whirled around. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you."

"Cause I am still loyal to you after all that." Sam said walking in front of him.

The unicorn watched as the old butler went ahead and continued on without him. Sombra was puzzled by Sam's statement but decided that in the end it was a good thing he still had somepony who was still loyal willingly. The two came to the throne room where Sombra noticed all his generals where gathered together. He could tell that something was up.

"Morning gentlecolts what seems to be reason that we are all here?" Sombra asked taking his throne.

"Sir many of our squadrons have gone dark on us this morning. Each messenger we send doesn't return and it's starting to worry us a bit. One scout reported a large party heading this way" General Gog said.

"We still have control over all troops in and around the city but something seems fishy to me." General Dull said cutting in.

Sombra pondered. "Yes this does seem odd for our troops not to responded to orders or messages. They know that they swore an oath to the seal and now that its broken they have to obey it. As for now be on your hooves colts for we may be dealing with treason here."

"SIR!" A guard said almost falling into the court room.

His face was sweaty and he had a look of almost complete relief in his face. Sombra noticed that Sam quickly stared and grew nervous with the guard's presence.

"Yes solider?" Sombra asked still eyeing Sam actions.

"There is a large group of troops closing in on the city some of them are ours but a ton are not. They said that they are from Canterlot and demand an audience with you." The guard said.

Sombra grew nervous at the sound of Canterlot. "Did they say why they were here?"

"No sir the princesses just told us to tell you that they request audience." The guard responded.

"Princesses!" Sombra said springing up from his chair. "Alert all solider to rally around the palace. Also alert all workers to return to their homes immediatly." Several troops left to carry out his will. "How? Why are they here and what could they want?"

"Good work solider now return to your post." Sam said to the guard.

"No, you and him are going to have audience with our guest right now!" Sombra yelled charging toward the doors. "I swear if they are here to try and stop me I'll make them pay."

Sam went over to the guard as soon as Sombra was away. "You fool why couldn't you stay out of sight like I told you?"

"Sorry but that captain just yelled at me to go and I did." Chrysalis said bitting her lip. "What do you think is about to happen?

"I don't know but I know that we are stuck with that madcolt until it goes down. Lets go before he notices we are lollygagging." Sam said pulling her along.

The two caught up to Sombra as he flung open one of the palace's doors. He marched down the street watching all the ponies retreating to their homes. Rumors were begging to surface about the large formation that was settled outside the city. Sombra was having none of it as soon as he head a whisper he glared at whoever spoke it. Coming to the edge of the capital Sombra stared in horror at the vast group of ponies who waited in the distance.

"Guard, go and tell them that King Sombra has come to hold audience with them." Sombra ordered.

"Yes sir!."The colt said running toward the group.

"Sam be ready for anything I don't like the look of this." Sombra said.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Surprise that this is the on thing that you don't like the look of." He said to himself while turing to see the city.

The two waited untill the guard came back.

"Step up a few feet and they will meet you in the middle, come alone and no guards." The colt said.

"Sam stay here I guess I am flying solo." Sombra said walking out.

On the outside Sombra was stern and not showing any fear but deep down he was terrified for what was coming. Off in the distance he could see both Celestia and Luna coming his way. The small army of ponies made up of mostly crystal ponies and some cantlerol soldiers looked ready to take him down all at once. As the princesses drew near he began sweating a great deal. Soon the three were within reaching distance with each other. The two gasped at Sombra's appearance as he sat there waiting for them to begging their talk.

"How can I help you?" Sombra said cooly.

Celestia face burned with anger. "What has happen to you?"

"Excuse me but is their something wrong?" Sombra asked.

"You're a monster." Luna said.

"Still nopony is telling me what everypony is upset about that they need to threatening me with an army." Sombra said.

"You have hurt to many to say such a thing like that. You have enslaved you own kingdom that you ruled and now parade around like a king drunk with power. We are here to set these ponies free and put an end to your madness." Celestia said brightly.

"Oh and how will you do that?" Sombra hissed.

"By force." Luna said.

"Good luck with that." Sombra said turning away.

"Sombra please listen to me your troops told us that you're not well. Let us help you and maybe we can find peace somewhere inside your mind." Celestia said breaking her composure. "I know that this is not the real you and something had to drive you to lash out this way. Please don't make us hurt you."

Sombra stopped feeling the sadness from her voice made him feel weird. Then a roaring feeling of anger came washing over him. "I don't need to be saved. I don't need you help. You come to my door with one hoof ready to embrace me with a hug and the other holding a sword ready to strike. Well I am no fool and I am sane enough to know that I am not crazy."

Luna began prepareing to lung only to be stopped by Celestia. "We'll give you one hour to comply. Then we are not responsible for your fate."

Sombra hissed and turned around to walk away. "That's right Tia no pony is responsible for my fate cause its mine to control."

The two princess looked at each other in horror.

"Sister what happen to him? He looks like somepony that we never seen before." Luna said.

"I don't know and whatever it is it needs to be stopped." Celestia said.

Sombra walked almost zombie like back to Sam and the other guard.

"Well?" Sam asked.

"They want me to surrender within the hour." Sombra said.

Sam smirked. "Well I know thats not going to happen so we best...."

Sombra raised his hoof to silence him. "Sam leave me and thats an order. Go and live your life somewhere else. As for you soilder go and be with your family. I no longer have the need to fight anypony."

Sombra walked past them and headded for his palace.

Sam and Chrysalis looked at each other.

"What's gotten into him you think?" Chrysalis asked.

"I don't know but I want to find out. As for you, you need to come along with me back to palace at once." Sam said.

Sombra laid his head against his hoof not saying a word. His face had the look of pony who knew he was in trouble.

His generals and guards stood around hoping to get some sense of direction

"Um sir the most of the empire has retreated to their homes like you ordered. There is no pony left besides us and the troops outside." One said.

"Some even have gone off to join the others outside the city"

"They're traitors I say."

"Please sir we need orders!"

"Should we start evacuating the remnants of this house? Or do you wish to stand and fight?"

The dark king sat in silence. Finally he looked at them all in the eye. "Do what you wish I longer care what happens to anything anymore." Sombra said letting out a deep breath. "Why do you all still stay after all I have done? Shouldn't you all be running towards Celestia embracing freedom form the tyrant that is your king?"

Samuel stepped in between the group of guards that formed around his throne.

"Sam? I thought I told you to leave." Sombra said.

"Well sir you did always have an act for telling me something that I didnt always agree with. Besides I swore an oath to protect you until the bitter end." Sam said.

"Looks like that end is going to come. Whenever the winds blows against the house of the crystal empire comes the bitter winter. There will be nothing but silence and despair. Who knew that I would be the last ruler of the empire, out off all the ponies why me? Did I destroy parts of my kingdom? Did I hurt my own kind? Yes. I guess that destiny has decided my fate for that reason and now I welcome the deliveries of my punishment. What do you think they will do with me?" Sombra asked.

"Nothing and do you know why? Cause I would rather die then see the ruler of the crystal empire be tried and convicted like a common criminal." Sam said shaking his forehoof.

Sombra smiled. "I am no criminal, but I have done things much worse."

"You lashed out in a time of pain and all you wanted was others to feel the same way. Deep down all you did was mimic what others do when they're wounded greatly. Now granted you did some things that made me question your morals and overall made me quite scared of you." Sam said stopping for a moment. You even did some things that deep down I can never shake. One thing I can't forgive you for is Mezzo. For all the things you're own flesh and blood was not above your wrath. It pained me in my heart what fate befell him and his wife. To be honest I hated you for it." He looked Sombra in the eyes. "I ensure you that not even through all off that, not for one sec did I every think of abandoning you." Sam said taking a chair by the window. "Now what are your orders?"

Sombra sighed. "I too felt great sorrow when I did it Sam but at the time it felt like I couldn't control myself. It was a nightmare that I could only watch fallout. Will the heavens forgive me? Would father or mother ever forgive me? Nopony has the answer to that question." Sombra said with a tear rolling down his face. "Orders? Why bother I mean what am I going to do? Run away? Leave the castle to be taken over by others? No, no I must stand and accepted punishment" Sombra said.

"Thats the kind of talk I didn't want to hear." Sam said rushing Sombra. "Look you're still the leader to the empire and we have enemies threating us. Now what are your orders?" Sam said removing his robe to reveal and old set of armor clinging to him. "Before you ask yes this armor his twice as old as you but it still holds its ground against anything thats modern." Sam said "Now be a king and create a plan."

Sombra got up and strolled around the room for a bit trying to think of a plan. Then something came to him. He could sneak out with his remmaing troops through the tunnels and regroup and plan a full scale attack.But what if that failed, what if the princesses use magical means to stop him? Granted his magic had increased greatly but he need time to think of something to counteract whatever they had. Plus there were two of them and only one of him.

"Sam I got something" He said breaking the silence.

"Yes sir," Sam said.

"I can regroup whats left of our army if i can get to the plains. I can get most of the army through the tunnels and out of the city" Sombra said.

"Thats a start but what if the princesses get here quicker than we predicted. Without any troops here they'll be on us within minutes."

Sombra pondered. He thought of two ideas of keeping his kingdom safe from the princesses."Then I will have a back up plan but I need some time in order to prefect it." Sombra said eying Sam.

A slow smile grew across Sam's face. "How much tim do you need?"

"As much as you can give me." Sombra nodded.

"Now lets say that I run into the princesses while 'buying time', how would you want me to deal with them?" The butler asked.

"Sam, they are no longer princesses. As far as I am concerned they are enemies to the empire. Search and destroy every enemy you see out there no matter who they are. I all ask of you is to return when I am ready to go." Sombra said puffing his chest up.

"And what of the citizens shall I help lead them away once you are ready?"Sam asked.

"We don't have time for that. They will be prisoners of war no, they will be motivation for us to conquer these invaders." Sombra said.

"Ha, I havent felt the spirit of battle in ages. So shall I go now and buy some time?" Sam asked.

"Yes go and do whatever it is you use to do before being my butler." Sombra ordered.

"Yes sir." Sam said saluting him. "If I shall not return sir may I say it has been an honor serving you."

"You will return." Sombra said.

"Yes sir." Sam said. "Now who wants to join me in charging into oblivion?" Sam asked the remaing guards in the room.
At first there wasnt a response but soon more than a dozen raised there hooves.

"Good now fallow me we have work to do." Sam said leading the group out the door.

"Prepare to evacuate general Gog." Sombra said watching Sam walk out.

"Yes sir." Gog said.

"Now all of you leave this room I need it concentrate." Sombra said pulling the heart out from his armor.Once the room was cleared he began thinking of something to insure he would be the victor.

Chrysalis walked a bit down past the steps that reached the top of the palace. She kept looking back down and kept remebering all the things that had happen.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen" She said to herself. "I wish that I had never meet him or at least stayed with him." She stopped dead in her tracks. "But in a way I am glad I did but it also pains me as well." She opened the door so that she could stand atop the palace over looking the capital "I actually loved him." she said with tears begging to stream from her eyes. "I actually did not use him for only my needs. I messed him up but that wasn't on purpose. I need to go back." She said turning around.

Her eyes caught a sight that shook her. Across to the east to where she was standing came marching down the army of Canterlot and the remnant of crystal ponies. Its forces nearing the east part of the city. She could see citizens running to the army with joy as if they had been suffering for years. Her pace soon became a galloped as she began racing back down stairs.

Celestia and Luna both walked side by side down the city's street trying to calm the crystal ponies.

"Please return to your homes you're free now." Luna shouted.

Celestia looked all around in appaulment at the condition of the capital. Crystal ponies looked starved to death while nothing had the famous shine that the empire was know for. But the thing that stork he the most odd was the palace. It was a ugly shade of black with jagged crystals sticking out of. The top had been reshapen to form from what she could tell was almost a lighthouse shape. This only stopped her train of thought for a second, she remembered the reasons that she came here in the first place. A small crystal pony came run up to her, throwoing itself down before.

"Oh thank you, thank you. Have you come to rescue us?" The small pony asked.

Celestia stood in shock, she was eyeing the whip marks all across the pony's back. Reaching down she picked up the small filly and held her like a mother would do.

"Yes I have now I need you to go home and wait with your family. Can you do that for me?" Celestia asked in a sweet whisper.

The fill looked up at her. "Yes ma'am."

"Good now go." Celestia ordered.

The small philly ran off dissapering around a corner and out of the sight of the army.

Celestia stood still for a moment not saying a word.

"Sister are you all right?" Luna asked.

Celestia snapped her head back. "Why did he do this?" She asked angrily.

"What?" Luna asked.

"Why did Sombra do this to his ponies, He knew that he would be exposed and dealt with. But what happen, something had to change him, something had to make him become this cruel creature." Celestia said grinding her teeth.

"Sister whatever happened happened. All we can do now is fix what he has destroyed." Luna said.

Celestia smiled weakly.

"Most of his army has left his side and has come to us. It won't be long now." Luna said.

All of the sudden a whistle broke the through the air. Immedialty all the crystal soldiers began shaking in their armor.

"What is the matter solider?" Luna asked.

"It's.....It's.... Sir Samuel." One said.

Down the road near the palace stood a pony sorrounded by loyalist with a smile across his face. "Welcome Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. My name Is Samuel but you can call me Sam. I am afraid we are going to have ask you to leave or else I will make you."

Chrysalis rushed through the palace reaching the throne room door. The generals all stood outside trying to hide thier sense of hopelessness.

"Did something happen?" She asked.

"The king wished to be alone." General Gog said.

"Well I have a message for him from the invaders." She said.

The generals looked at each other and shrug. "Go ahead maybe they can talk some sense into him."

Chrysalis opened the door and stepped inside.

Sombra was sitting on the floor channeling magic from his horn to the heart. The magical energy flowled from the heart and into the place.

"Sombra." Chrysalis spoke in her natural voice.

Sombra looked up , confused by her appearance and from what he heard. She slowly transformed back into her natural state.

"You." Sombra said.

Love's Last Moments

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Sam stood tall with the rest of the reaming guards. All around he could see ponies that he now considered enemies coming for them. It almost brought a tear to Sam's eyes.

"This is where I'll meet my end." He said to himself. "All right colts this is where we must hold off the enemy. There is no turning back, no retreats, and no surrenders. Understand!"

"Yes sir!" They fired back.

"All right once they reach that building over there we charge in." Sam said.

The Canterlot troops went forward leaving the crystal soldiers behind in order to breach the palace.

"They seem so afraid of that pony sister. It's incredible that he is able to jolt so much fear into them." Luna said.

"It is troublesome but I hope he comes to see that we are the ones who are here to help." Celestia said in response. "Soldiers engage enemies if needed but try to take them unharmed. We march to the palace now."

The troops started moving forward with the two sister sitting behind. Sam ready himself as the sounds of many hooves crashed down all at once upon the stone road. "Farewell Sombra I hope you find peace somewhere in that mind of yours."

"Sir the enemies are coming closer should we attack now or wait?" A guard asked.

"Wait untill I say so. They haven't reach the spot yet." Sam said.

He watched as the enemy troops came closer and closer until they were several feet away from the spot he had picked.

"Lay down your arms or we will force you to." A Canterlot guard shouted.

"The only way you're going to get this weapon from me is from my cold dead hooves." He shouted back. Sam closed his eyes and smiled. Running forward he clutched his teeth down and let go off all his fears. "Attack!" He shouted charging into the line of colts.

The rest of the remanning loyalist followed and plunge into their enemy.

"Sister they're attacking!" Luna said. "We have to stop them."

"You're right lets go." Celestia said.

The two quickly went forward to where the small battle was taking place. Many of the crystal guards had fallen quickly due to the higher number of the of Canterlot troops. Despite their small numbers though the loyalist had caused many of the Cantelot troops to fall as well. In the end though it became a numbers game. Soon only a hoofful remanded of the crystal enemy. Celestia noticed that the one called Samuel was cutting through troops like they were nothing. The look in his eyes was a madding one that shook her to the core. Each pony he brought down seemed to fuel his fighting. He had cleared a small cicle around himself, beckoning any pony to challenge him. As the rest of his followers fell it became only him. The two princesses were now coming up to try and to make him surrender.

"Come on, I'll take on all of you." Sam said swiping with his sword.

"It is over solider you have lost all your colts and stand alone." Luna said sadly observing the surronding area.

"No, I never surrender. I will defend the palace from all invaders." Sam said.

"It's over please there doesn't have to be any more harm brought to anypony here." Celestia said.

Sam stood silent for a minute letting his sweat drip off from his body and down his armor. The butler looked up at the two princess and readied himself. "Let those who ask for a surrender be the ones who beg for it later." He said out load. Sam leapt ready to strike them down only to have a swarm of colts counterattack, burying the old warrior into the ground.

Sombra stared blankly at Chrysalis as the pair stood there in silence.

"Sombra I" She began only for Sombra raise his hoof up to stop her . Chrysalis stood, shaking from the glare that came from Sombra's eyes.

His mind was thrown into a state of confusion by the emotions that began filling him. On one side his mind kept reminding him that she was nothing more than a leech, a parasite who was now scared from being cut off from its food source. No matter what she was going to say it would only to be so that she could once again feed upon him. Dark thoughts soon crept into the corners of his perspective. As he stared at Chrysalis anger began building up, consuming him to the brink. He started to think of the ways that he could forever deal with the changeling, to rid her from existence and from his. The dark energy that he felt for so many days began fueling theres feelings of hate and soon it would be a matter of time before they drove him to act. Sombra began taking action but then another part of him began fighting against the hate. It started off as a smooth cool feeling that rushed his heart that began climbing to his mind. It was as if all the memories that he had of her before the grim discover was made began counteracting all his anger. Sombra felt passion and happiness come flooding back to him. Memories of him and Chrysalis just sitting together, walking, talking, holding each other, kissing, gazing into each others eyes all started to take effect on him. Sombra felt weird, even though he knew the truth about her it was as if he didn't care. Before he could reflect on these feeling the anger came roaring back destroying all traces of happiness that were left in him.

Chrysalis moved forward. "Sombra please let me explain, I didnt want to tell you the truth about my kind because I was worried that-"

"Silence you worm, you monster. This is all your fault, everything was going fine in my life until had to show up to ruin it." Sombra spat.

Chrysalis shook with terror. "Sombra, do you remember how we even meet?" She asked wearily.

A part of Sombra tried to access the memories only to be greeted with shadows distorting them.

"No and I don't want to remember. All was fine until you came. I had my future, my family, and the love of my empire all snatched away by you. A monster, a disgusting thing that preys upon others to survive. I could never bring myself to ever pity another vile thing such as yourself." The dark unicorn hissed.

"Please Sombra listen to me." Chrysalis begged.

"No, I have had enough of you lies you vile creature." Sombra said, his horn begging to crackle with a dark aura. He thought of a spell that would properly but her out of her misery. "Now dear Chrysalis." He said sarcastically.

"Sombra please." She said with tears begging to fill her eyes.

"Begon from this world forever." He said tilting his head back to gather energy. "BEGON!" He said shooting a beam of magic at her.

He was greeted with a small force that knocked him off his balance for a second. Staring at the spot where the changeling was, there was no trace that the spell had actually worked. Looking down he found the cause of the small force, it was Chyrsalis. Whatever happened she managed to dogged the spell and was now clinging to Sombra for dear life. She wept profusely as she clung to him. Her warmth sent a chill down his spin, calming the anger that had been raging within his heart. For once he felt like his old self, before the pain, before the dark magic, he felt like he did when he first picked the changeling up to carry her to the royal palace in Canterlot.

Chrysalis kept crying. "Please say something." She asked.

Sombra could barley speak, this sudden sift in his soul left him feeling week.

"Chrysalis?" he asked in a low voice.

Chrysalis stopped and looked up at him for she hadn't heard that tone from him in quite some time. "Yes Sombra?"

"Get off of me you monster." He yelled tossing the changeling away from him. Sombra felt like he was having split personality disorder episode.

The changeling scrambled to the wall. "Sombra please remember all that we shared."

"Sorry but my mind has been rotted, drained almost . Funny all that time where I though I was the one who was going crazy and it turned out it was just somepony else causing it." He hissed.

"Sombra I am sorry." Chrysalis said tearing up.

This caused him to stop in his tracks. "What?" He said in a gentle voice.

"I am sorry, I never meant to ever have harm befallen you. At first I tried to tell you but as the further we went on the harder it became." She said. "Now everything is going wrong and I feel so lost. Please Sombra forgive me."

Sombra held his head for it ached greatly. " me."

"I know, I know I did and I should have ran away when I planned to but.....but." She babbled.

He became angry again. "BUT WHAT!"

She stopped. "It was the morning where you said that you loved me. I was planning on leaving and never coming back but you looked me in the eye and said you loved me. Deep down it pained me to stay but a part of me wanted to be by your side."

Sombra felt something move inside of him. It started in his eye and crawled down his cheek. Touching the place he notice that he had sprung a tear. "I said that I loved you?"

"Yes and I said I loved you too." Chrysalis pleaded.

"I love you." Sombra whispered. "I feel weak." He managed to say before falling to the ground.

Chrysalis tired holding his head up as he laid on the floor. "Oh Sombra I am so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I was scared that you would cast me out if you knew the truth and despite what Vig told you I am not a monster. It was never about feeding off of you or anything I didn't mean for that to happen but its what zo do naturally."

She was stopped by the raising of Sombra's hoof to her mouth. "I know." he whispered.

"What?" she asked obviously confused.

"I know that you really didn't mean for this to happen." Sombra smiled at her.

She grasped his hoof into her own. Her tears ran down her cheeks. "I am sorry." She whispered.

Sombra felt the passion that he felt before course through him. "Chrysalis?"

"Yes?" she asked lowering her face to him so that she could hear him.

She was greeted by a kiss on the cheek by him.

"I know that you didn't use you me just for food, I always knew. I should be the one to apologize to you for treating you so cruelly. I don't know what is but our interactions have changed me but for the better I think." Sombra said. "I am still worried but not as much now that you are here, please never let me make you leave again understand?"

Chrysalis nodded her head yes and proceed to fling herself on him wrapping her hooves to embrace him. Sombra felt that he could fall asleep right then and there but then reality came crashing down around him.

"The princesses." Sombra said out aloud.

Chrysalis removed herself and quickly got Sombra to his feet. "What are we going to do?" she asked.

Sombra stood still trying to think of a plan. With the army of Canterlot surrounding the palace and only a few small squads escorting the princesses escaping would be impossible. His army was trapped or had surrendered so counterattacking wasn't an option. Then it hit him like a brick.

"Of course mountains." He said aloud.

"What?" Chrysalis asked.

"The mountains, its an old gathering place just outside the reaches of the empire we can hold up there." He said.

"But then what? We will be sitting ducks, plus we got to figure out a way of here." Chrysalis said in an uneasy voice.

Sombra paced around the room trying to figure something out. Then it dawned upon him.

"Chrysalis stand back from that area." Sombra asked.

Using his magic he moved a great rug that was placed there., it revealed a huge peace of flooring that had obviously been cut out and put back it. Using his magic, Sombra lifted the flooring to reveal a large dark hole with stairs scaling all the way down. He remembered that his father created this way in case if anything happened to the castle or a threat by an enemy.

"You see we can use this way and escape through one of the underground tunnels." Sombra said.

Chrysalis looked down the hole, it seemed to go on forever. "Are you sure its safe?"

"Trust me it is." Sombra smiled.

In the back of his mind he began feeling anger and hatred making its presence strong again. It would only be a matter of time before he would lose himself to it.

"Guards!" Sombra shouted.

The throne room doors swung open and the remaining colts stood at attention awaiting they're orders.

"We are leaving this place though it is not a retreat nor are we abandoning the empire. It will only be temporary but we are going to make a break for the mountains to the north. There we will regroup and slowly drive these princesses from our land." Sombra said trying to inspire his colts.

The group shared the same tired smiles and respond with. "Yes sir."

"Good now we must make haste, I pray Sam is still alive." Sombra said.

Sombra stood still for a second, thinking about something.

Chrysalis began to worry as the rest of the guards quickly made they're way down the stairs except for a few to escort Sombra.

"Sombra we need to get going." Chrysalis said tugging him.

Sombra grabbed her staring into her eyes. "Before we do I need you to do something." Sombra said.

"Anything for you love." Chrysalis said.

"Good." Sombra smiled.

Celestia stood behind a solider fearing that this pony end was near.

"Alright enough get away from him right now!" Luna ordered

Celestia looked as the crowd moved away from the spot where the pony was last seen. Clearly there on the ground laid the warrior clucthing onto life's last few moments.

Sam's eyes stared at the sky as his breathing was starting to slow down.

Celestia walked over to the spot where Samuel lied down. He did not move a muscle. Despite his lifeless appearance she was on her guard for anything. With a moments silence she began hearing a soft laughter.

"Well done, well done finally somepony has defeated me." Sam said lifting his head to reveal bruises and cuts. across his face.

Celestia washed over with concern. "Can you stand?"

Sam let out a laugh.

"What is so funny?" Celestia asked. " Please get up."

"I can't." Sam replied.

"Why not?" Celestia asked bitting her lip.

"Because I can't feel my right forehoof, most my back, and my left eyes going out." He said.

Celestia gazed in horror at the state the pony was in. Most of his body was twisted and cut up past the point of healing. Thinking fast she began to conger up a spell so that maybe she could help him without doing any more damage.

"Don't dear princess for with one move I fear that you'll do more damage than help." Sam said with a smile.

Celestia began feeling miserable, she had never meant for something like this to happen.

"How does it feel?" Sam asked.

"What?" Celestia asked.

"How does it feel?" Sam asked again.

Celestia started becoming nervous.

"How does what feel?"Sam said.

Sam locked eyes with her sending her a message that shook her very soul. "How does it feel knowing that I am going to die?"

Celestia remained silent for a moment not wanting to seem weak in front of the warrior.

"Its okay to feel sad by this, death is never a thing one wishes upon somepony no matter who they are." Sam said looking the princess. "You did what you had to stop an enemy and now you continue on not looking back."

Celestia began shaking for she felt responsible for leading this pony and the others to their end.

"But how can I move on, its not like I can just put it out of my memory." Celestia said with a trembling voice.

Sam smiled at her. "You use this experience to fuel your inner passion so that you will never have to experience something like this again."

Silence soon crept across the city as the two just stood there not saying a word.

Finally Sam looked at Celestia, giving her a nod. "Goodbye Princess Celestia and may you find better days ahead of you."

The princess turned her head and closed her eyes to hide her pain. After a minute she turned around and gazed at the unicorn who was still. Celestia began feeling tears flowing from her eyes.

"I will fuel my passion from this. I will never have to resort to something like this ever again. Do you hear me? I will never have to deal with something like this ever again." She cried out. Stopping for a moment she looked upon his body. "My you find your way now." She said in a low voice.

Returning to her sister who was finishing up healing some of the troops, Celetisa began staring at the crystal palace where Sombra was hidden.

"You okay sister?" Luna asked.

Once Luna was done healing Celestia put her hooves on her sister's shoulders.

"Luna before we go in promise me one thing." Celestia asked.

"Anything." Luna responded.

"Promise that we will never let something like this happen again. Promise that we will never let anypony be treated like this again. Above all promise that we will never have to fight against somepony like that ever again." She said teary eyed.

Luna placed her hooves on her sister's shoulder as well. "I promise that we will never let this happen as long as we live."

Celestia looked at the palace. "Good, lets end this."

"Sombra I dont think I can do such a thing I mean what if it doesn't work? I don't think I am strong enough to pull something like that off." Chrysalis looking down.

Sombra clenched her hoof in his own. "Please just promise you will try if it happens."

Chysalis looked at him and forced herself to smile. "Okay I will but hopefully we don't have to resort to that."

"I pray that isn't the case ether now lets go we haven't got much time." Sombra said escorting her down the dark stairs.

"Wait Sombra." Chrysalis said stopping. "What about the crystal heart?"

Sombra stopped and turned around to see the crystal heart lying on the throne. It looked darker and less bright than he had remembered. Looking into it he knew that he couldn't let it fall into the hooves of his enemies. "Dont worry I will have it hidden away where nopony will be able to find it." Sombra said. " Once we leave we'll hide it here so we can retrieve it. Behind me is a hidden staircase that leads deep into the earth below where will make our escape. As soon as we get down there I'll have gaurds take the heart someplace else."

"Can you trust them?" Chrysalis asked.

"They have stayed this far haven't they?" Sombra remarked.

Sombra felt a disturbance as a cold wind came through the palace. That could only mean one thing.

"We have to go now. Guards! We are leaving now." Sombra grabbed Chryslis's hoof. "Quickly down we go." Sombra said begging to descend the stairs in an alarming pace.

The way was dark and dense, almost a suffocating feeling. Chrysalis stated close to Sombra as his troops tripped and stumbled behind. After while they finally came to the end of the great staircase. Reaching the bottom what was left of Sombra's guards stood waiting for their next orders.

"Glame, Skimp take the heart through that door and place it on top of the palace. Don't worry it's a shorter rout trust me. Laslty and I do hate asking this but can you stay in the throne room?" Sombra asked.

The two guards looked at each other as if he asked them to march to their executions. "Yes sir." the said weakly.
Sombra handed the heart slowly over to Glame who was shaking to the point of collapse. The gaurd swolloed and gave a weak salute as he went through the door disappearing. Sombra felt weaken inside now that the heart was no longer in his possession. It was as if something was removed from his body. He watched as the other guard followed.

"Good now the rest of you on me lets go." He said pulling Chrysalis along.

Her eyes caught Sombra's face which was filled with doubt. "Sombra if somehow this tunnel doesn't lead out how do you expect to get out of the city alive?" She asked concerned.

"I'll think of something but for now we keep heading north." Sombra said leading the group down a dark tunnel.

The two guards returned to the throne room clutching their weapons for dear life. At first there was only silence but then the soft sounds of hoofsteps started echoing in the hallway.

"Right once they enter we jump them catching them off guard." Glame said.

"Whats the point they're alicorns the probably can just say a few magic words and turn us to dust." Skimp said throwing his weapon down.

"Fool get ready." Glame said.

"There isn't a point in fighting I don't want to die. I have a wife and fillies to look after." Skimp said.

The great door to the throne room swung open and the two guards looked and beheld the two princesses. Celestia and Luna stood with a great number of guards behind them. Without hesitation Glame went charging at the pair with his spear aiming for them. Luna easily just stunned him with a flick of her horn causing him to be knocked out.

"Please dont hurt me I'll tell you whatever you want." Skimp said falling to the ground covering his face with his hooves.

"Where is he?" Celestia asked kneeling down beside him.

"You mean Sombra?" Skimp asked.

"Yes, where is he?" She repeated.

The terrified guard pointed at the opening behind him. "Down there. There is a secret passage way, he's trying to use the tunnels that leads to the outskirts of the town."

"Where exactly does the tunnel end?" Luna asked looking at her sister sharing the same idea.

"North side by the old clock tower, can't miss it." Skimp said.

"Thank you very much good sir. Luna get that window opened." Celestia pointed. "Alright everypony quickly get out of here and surround the city. Nopony is leaving until we catch Sombra."

"Yes ma'am." The colts said quickly leaving.

Luna couldn't get the grand window to open so she used her magic to shatter it. The two then took off into the air racing towards the north end of the capital. As they traveled a very light snow began falling from the sky.

Coming out to a small opening the small entourage arrived at the outskirts of the capital.

"Right sir we need to head north as fast as we can." Chief Warstar said to Sombra.

"Seems the weather has turned its smile upon us, this will make it hard for anypony to follow us." Sombra said looking behind.
He gazed at his palace with great sadness building up in him, never in a million years did he think he would have to abandon it. Chrysalis wrapped her hoof around his as if trying to encourage him. Sombra gave her a weak smile in return.

"You going to be okay?" She asked softly.

Sombra let out a sigh. "Yeah I mean eventually we will take it back but for now you're all I need." He said kissing her. "Right lets move out colts."

The small group set out towards the frozen wasteland that lied a good bit a ways from the capital. Sombra turned around to see the if anypony was following them off in the distance. Something in his mind told him to that he needed to get out of there. As soon as this feeling hit he noticed the army of Canterlot soilders had begun forming outside the city in a circular motion.

"Be on guard." Sombra ordered. "Formation around me."

The small group of guards encircled the pair as they stood around searching for what ever alarmed their king.

"What is Sombra, whats out there?" Chrysalis asked almost worried.

Somrba began channeling his magic through him case he needed the extra strength. Before anything was going to happened he turned around and held Chrysalis's hooves. They felt so soft, he guided one to cup the side of his face.

"Chrysalis I need you to do one more thing." Sombra said.

Chrysalis began worrying. "What?"

Sombra gazed into her eyes, he almost lost where he was for a moment. "I need you to run."

"What? No I will do no such thing." Chrysalis protested.

The feeling of fear started to consume his mind and it wouldn't be long before something was bound to happen. He felt a powerful presences getting closer with each second and now he could feel something else. What was only one presence was now two which helped confirmed his fears. Sombra looked behind to see if they have arrived but the snow now made it impossible for anypony to see a few feet ahead of them.

Sombra grabbed Chrysalis and kissed her while holding her close to him. He made the moment last as long as he could before he began feeling strong enough.

Letting Chrysalis go he held her hooves in his. "Please go now, if this all turns south I don't want you to get hurt."

Chrysalis began babbling "But Sombra i-"

"I promise that I will come and find you." Sombra said.

He let go of her hooves and waited for her to make a move. She looked up at him as if she was never gong to see him again.

"Please run." Sombra said softly.

She rushed up to him pecking him once more on the lips. "You better not get hurt." She said.

Sombra smiled. "I promise."

Chrysalis smiled and soon she began galloping in the direction of a mountain only turning around hesitantly. She locked eyes with Sombra and soon she disappeared into the snow. As soon as she vanished Sombra let out a painful cry.

"Sir are you alright?" One of the guards asked.

Sombra began letting out a quite laugh. "Never felt better." He said.

The small group looked at each other for the voice did not sound like the one that belong to Sombra. It was his but almost distorted from frustration. Gazing upon him the began noticing an purple aura begging to flow form his horn. Soon it grew into a deep black with crackles of energy fuming off. Sombra violently jerked his head up to reveal that his eyes had turned to a shade of green. All the stallions of the group soon began feeling fear creep into the corners of their minds as they watched their king twitch all over. Then within an instant the purple aura soon began fuming almost leaking out of the corners of Sombra's eyes. Instead making a downward motion like tears they raised up like a kindled flame.

"Come, come and meet you doom young princesses once I am done with you there will be nothing left for anypony to find of you." Sombra hissed. "Prepare yourselves colts for this will be place where death comes for us."

The guards looked at him with panic as the words came from his mouth. One of the younger ones threw done his spear and began galloping back to the capital.

"Traitor! Once I dispose of the princesses I will come for you and everypony that you hold dear!" Sombra screamed after him.

Snapping within his mind the feeling he felt of the two princesses was suddenly gone. It was as if they had disappeared into thin air. Looking all over he growed to himself.

"Be on your guard." He ordered.

The small patrol took positions ready for anything to strike out against them. Silence was the only thing that begun attacking them, it filled the air to the point of chocking. Just then like a flash of lighting one of the guards screamed and vanished into then air.

"What was that!?! You better have a good reason for screaming like a scared filly." Sombra turning to the direction of the scream.

Much to his surprise and to rest of the group the young stallion was no longer anywhere to be found.

"Stay close, back to back formations now!" Sombra ordered.

Despite his orders another stallion let out a scream and just like the other he was nowhere to be found.

"Report!" Sombra yelled.

"I don't know sir he just vanished." General Flats said.

Sombra began growing annoyed. He was about to give orders until three of his guards suffered the same fate. Whirling around he could see not trace of them. With those loses he was now just down to four troops including himself.

"I am done with this." He said.

Concentrating he began using his magic to clear the area around him so the snow wasn't blinding him. Creating a small pocket of air he could see a good ways around him.

"Show yourself you cowards what have you done to my colts!" He shouted.

"We did them a favor." Luna's voice sliced through the air above him.

Gazing into the sky his eyes fell upon the image of the two royal canterlot princesses. Grinding his teeth he began cursing at himself while his guards trembled in horror.

"You fools stop that! You shake at the site of a pair of princesses who haven't got any years of experience over you. Stand tall for these two are our enemies." Sombra spat.

"That is enough Sombra, you're rule has come to an end and these colts no longer have to follow your orders." Celestia said proudly.

The group of colts looked at Sombra with defeat in their eyes.

"What? No, my rule has only just begun." Sombra said."Guards remember these are the two who just destroyed your fellow comrades." Luna let out a laugh causing Sombra to become annoyed. "What may I ask is so funny?"

"We didn't destroy or hurt any of the ponies that were here we just sent them back." Luna said.

"Back where?" Sombra shouted.

"Back to the capital, you see we teleported them there." Celesita said.

"Ha I doubt that you two could ever master such a spell let alone cast it with such ease. Don't believe a word these two say for it is nothing but lies." Sombra smirked.

"Is it? Luna now!" Celesita shouted.

With a flick of her horn Luna beamed a low aura striking the rest of Sombra's guards. Much to his surprise they all disappeared before his eyes.

"No, no, no, you cant be that powerful." Sombra growled.

Thinking fast he shot an aura beam trying to strike the the two princesses but to no avail. He began feeling his own fear begging to craw up his spine. Over and over he began shooting spell after spell none to which made they're proper use on the two. Sombra began to panic. How was this possible? Wasn't his magic suppose to be superior? He started to think of what his next move should be but all he could think was that he should run. Trying one more time he fired a deadly spell directly at Celetisa pouring all his hate and might into it. Celestia almost didn't batter an eye to it as she slowly started to lower her altitude.

"Given up yet?" Luna smirked. "Face it Sombra your no match for us or our sister."

"Luna thats enough we are not her to gloat." Celestia said hushing her sister.

"Yes Luna quite I am not mach for you apparently and your sister here knows that." Sombra smiled. "Yet when you do show off she is always around to silence you isn't she? Always taking the spotlight for herself."

"Quite Sombra my sister wont fall for your craftiness." Celesita barked.

Sombra could see a spark in Luna's eyes, one that could tell that she had already had the thought that he had given her.

"Luna lets end this." Celestia said shooting her magic off in the distant direction.

Feeling the ground begging to shake Sombra felt something terrible was coming.

"Sister what spell do you wish to use upon him?"Luna asked charging her horn.

"Easy we will make him into what he has truly become. A shadow upon which has devoured all hope within his kingdom. Ready?" Celesita asked doing the same.

Sombra began charging his magic so the he could repel whatever was coming his way.

"Now!" Celestia shouted.

The two beamed two lines of magic crushing Sombra. He began feeling his body fading away as if he was begin submerged into water. He looked at his hooves as the rays of light continued to affect his body. They began crumbling away like sand does when meeting water. It was most painful as the rest of his body fell to the same state. Soon he felt nothing as if he had no body. His mind and thoughts were still there but he couldn't feel the ground beneath him.

"Now Sombra!" Celesita shouted.

Sombra looked up in horror.

"Away with you!" she shouted shooting him with her magic.

His form was lifted into the air and carried away to crevice in the icy ground. He was tossed into the crevice like a rag doll. letting out a scream he felt sere fear take over him. Once he entered the crevice closed up sealing him inside.


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Sombra slammed over and over into the icy wall despite his body lacking psychical form.
"No, no, no, no!" he screamed.

Sitting there he tried forming his body again but to no avail. What short of magic was this? It was nothing like he had ever seen preformed. Clinging to the icy roof he slowly felt his mind begin slipping into darkness. He almost went completely out until a knocking sound jolted him back up. Peering through the ice he could make out a figure standing on top of him.

His heart raced as he could see that the figure was Celestia. She was glaring at the with a look of sadness and anger on her face.

Sombra tried calling out to her but his throat produce nothing. Pushing right up against it he forced his words right out of his body.

"Happy now?" He shouted.

She jolted as she obviously heard the words and began trying to say something back. Sombra could not hear a word she said He could see a small tears begging to fall off her eyes..

"Why are you shedding tears for me. You're the one who locked me up in here" Sombra said.

Celestia stopped for a second looking up off into the distance. Whatever it was it made her smile.

"Celestia you will pay for this! I will get out of here and you'll will regret everything." He managed to screamed.

She looked at him, her tears began to dry. He gazed in horror as Luna came into view. Then he heard a slow knocking sound almost like tapping right above him. Luna had a smug look on her face as she knocked on the ice.

Celestia's gaze was now filled with fire and hatred towards him, shaking him to the very core.

"Sombra." Celestia voiced echoed in his head. "Can you hear me?"

"Can you hear us?" Luna repeated.

Sombra could barley tolerate their voices, it was so loud for it seamed that they where right in his ear. "Yes I can and do you mind turning down the volume a bit thought?"

"You don't ever ask me for something do you understand me?" She shouted. "Now that I have seen what you have done first hoof I can not think of a more proper punishment for you then staying hidden from the rest of the world. For as long as anypony has known you, you have been a kind and shy pony. Guess that you were just playing everypony for fool in the end. Even I was tricked into thinking that you were diffrent than the other power hungry monster that my father use to fight." She said flashing her mane over to one side.

"So taking my physcial body want do you any good, soon I will find a way out of this prison." Sombra smirked.

"Thats where you're wrong Sombra for you see I plan on more than just letting you sit here waiting for you to figure out a way to get out. I plan on sending you into a darkness filled with depression like the one you created for your own empire." Her horn began glowing with magical aura. "Before I send you away Sombra tell me one thing. Why? Why enslave your ponies? Why did you become this monster?"

Sombra didn't respond he was muttering words to himself.

"Answer me." Celestia said.

The dark king continued with his own words paying no attention to her.

Celestia began feeling agitated. "Answer me." She repeated.

Sombra just kept on ignoring her.

Celestia slammed her hoof against the ice. "ANSWER ME!"

A sudden chill ran up her spine as she soon began hearing Sombra's laughter echo in her head.

"Oh you would love to know wouldn't you? Poor Celestia, always wanting to know the truth behind actions but sadly I will give you none.Thats right the reason behind this whole thing will be my little secret. Just a little tip to keep your mind busy for the rest of of your pathetic life. So go ahead do you're worst destroy me, banish me, make me suffer. All I say is one thing to you my dear, if you do go through with destroying me I swear the consequences will be so terrifying that it will never leave your heart at peace." Sombra hissed.

Celestia stood there feeling fear take over her body. It was as if Sombra had brought out all her fears from within her and soon she began imagining terrors.

"Yes let the fear flow." Sombra chuckled."This is only the taste of what you shall recieve if you destroy me. But I can promise you that if you release me not only will allow these nightmares to go away but I swear to never do harm upon anypony again."

Celestia began trembling allowing the fear to attack her will.

"Come on Celestia let me out, free me." Sombra begged.

Her mind went back to the image of the crystal ponies. The look on they're faces began flashing back filling her with righteous anger. Soon her fears began melting away and she reagin her composure.

"Sombra you are here by banished for all time. For your crimes against the crystal empire, for your crimes on everything good ponies stand for. Never again will you feel the sunlight beam upon you coat. NOW BEGON!!!!"

Rasing her horn she beamed a powerful arua that passed through the ice striking Sombra with full force.

"Good by Sombra and good riddance." Luna spat.

At that moment the whole earth began shaking causing the two princesses to fall to the ground.

"What in Equestria was that?" Luna asked.

Celestia noticed a purple aura begging to fall from the sky circling the crystal empire. Within a span of a few second all the buildings, trees, rocks, and the crystal ponies vanished before her eyes. Nothing stood between her vision it was if the empire never had been there to begin with. Both Luna and Celestia looked at each other with great confusion. The wind was the only sound that was around for miles. Off in the distant the Canterlot army stood dumfounded by the sudden disappearance. Celestia began hearing Sombra's dark laughter.

"What did you do?" She cried.

"I told you that the consequences would be terrifying." Sombra laughed.

"Whats is the meaning of this Sombra where is the crystal empire?" Luna shouted at him.

"Now, now I shall explain. You see Celestia when you went on about banishing me I whip up a little spell of my own. As you can tell when I heard you were coming up my way I prepared something in case I was unable to win. Unfortunately it lookes like I had to resort to it. You see I created a spiritual link between me and the empire through a powerful black magic spell. Whatever happens to me happens to the empire. So Celestia banished me forever in darkness so my kingdom will follow."

Celestia slamed her forehooves into the ground. "This isn't funny Sombra put the empire back."

"I can't." Sombra smiled. "You see Celestia black magic isn't really that easy to get rid of but hey I tell you what I got a another surprise for you."

Celestis swallowed. "What."

"The empire will eventually come back but at a price." Sombra hissed.

"What price?" Luna asked.

"You see when you were so busy telling me about how you were going to banish me I created a counter for your spell. One that would reduce my sentence to somewhere between one to ten thousand years." Sombra grinned.

Celestia gazed in horror "What thats impossible the spell I used-"

"The spell you used is weak compare to my own but yes in thousands of years the empire will return but so will I. And if you two haven't been enslaved or destroyed by others I will personally come and end your lives." Sombra hissed. A sudden shift in his soul began pulling him into a subconscious, this must be the banishment. Celestia kept pounding on the ice yelling at Sombra to bring back the empire.

"Farewell Celestia and Farewell Luna." Sombra laughed.

On the outside he rejoced but on the inside he felt a shot of depression. His mind began fading fast, slowly being consumed by the ever growing darkness that was soon to be his prison. His mind settled on Chrysalis, a small remainder of him felt the same passion and warmth that he felt around her. Soon questions began filling his mind.

"Will the spell that I gave her work? If so will she be able to outlive my banishment? No, no of course it will for I have willed it to be so." Sombra said.

He then tried tapping into a form of communication using his magic to send a message to Chrysalis wherever she was. "My love, sorry we are not going to be able to be together for a really long time. But once I am free we will smite down our enemies." He felt himself fading out, everything around began to seem less real as if he was in a dream. The image of the princesses and Chrysalis soon became more and more distant. As he felt his mind go numb he began smiling to himself.
"I will be back" Sombra said as he disappeared into the void.

Soon the King of the crystal empire was no more.

Chrysalis kept running through the snow that had now began falling heavily. She stopped as she felt the ground begging to shake around here. Turning around she could she the once tall towers of the capital where now gone. Deep down she could tell something terrible happen.

"No." She said out loud. "He couldn't have? They couldn't have?"

Her feelings began bubbling up inside of her.

"Sombra please be alive." She said.

The snow had cleared for a little bit so that she could see the whole scene that now played out before her. Off in the distance she could see that the city was indeed gone. Also her eyes could see that the two Canterlot princesses where now rerouping with thier troops ready to head out.

"No, no you will not take him away from me! I will find him and we will be together again." She said galloping forward towards their direction. She tripped as she clumsily went on and fell to the ground. Lying their she felt sadness take over her. "Sombra, I will help you even if it kills me."

Closing her eyes she let the snow fall on her.


The events of that day forever burned into Celestia's and Luna's mind leaving the two shaken by it. Though the empire had now vanished the memory of those who were tortured still burned in the minds of them. Celestia kept the last words of Sombra in heard head. Maybe one day the empire would return and she had to be ready. Luna kept the same mindset as her sister did but after tme she began losing hope in all of it.

Then there was little Octet. Nopony knew what happen to her. Until years later when tales of an Alicorn who lived among woodland ponies were begging to circulate. The stories mostly consisted of her living a life that was quite common despite her naturally born differences. She had a family and their dissidence eventually returned to the state of royalty in the land of Equestria.

As time went on other threats emerge in the land but both sister were able to defeat them through the power of the elements. Still they waited for the return of the great crystal city.

In time Sombra's threats did prove to be true. The empire returned as did the dark hearted king. Despite this he was once again defeated by the forces of good. The crystal ponies had returned to the living world after all those years and it seemed that everything was heading in a bright new direction.

1000 years later

The snow blew round and round causing all who saw to be blinded.

Her heart began beating heavily as she watch them dig around.

"Well have you found anything." She said almost giving up hope.

Her servant stuck his head back out from the ground shaking it to say no.

She bit her lip, she didn't want to give up but what if the news she heard was true? Could he really be dead? No he couldn't be not that easily.

Soon she heard a commotion coming from behind her.

"My queen, my queen I found something for you." A skinny changeling gargled, approaching her.

Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Bring it here, don't keep me waiting."

The changeling bowed and presented a long curvy red object to her. Upon seeing it she let out a gasp. "Could it be." She grabbed to examine it. "It is his horn!"

"Forgive me ma'am but what good will that do us?" The changeling asked.

Chrysalis smiled to herself thinking back to the days before the fall of the empire. Sitting in the throne she remembered what Sombra told her what his safe plane was.

"You see my dear this magic I have learned has taught me so many things. Even if those princesses shatter me physically I will still be able to survive."

"But how my love?"

"Magic can have many abilities that others may say that are impossible but this one is really true. The spell in which I referring to allows me to be able to reform myself if my body is destroyed. All it takes is will power."

"What if that doesn't work?"

"My then I will need your help then wouldnt I?"

"Me, what good would I do if you're broken?"

"Magic my dear can be taught to anypony no matter they're level of skill. Now the spell I am about to teach you is a fail-safe spell just in case if I cant pull my self together."

"But what if we're separated?"

"We will be together eventually. Oh and take this."

"What is this Sombra? Some kind of poison?"

"No, no my dear it's magic in a bottle. Think of it as me giving you more time in case I get captured."

Chrysalis hugged the horn close to her chest. "Soon we will be together again my love. Then we shall seek out all of those who separated us. This time with you by my side will be victorious. We will shall bring a fury like nopony has ever seen before. Somewhere in there I know that can you hear me. Please still be alive."

Deep down somewhere, somehow Sombra felt her passion light through him.

"My beautiful queen" He smiled.